. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW X & WASHBURN ORXEYS AT LAW Wilcox Building l,os Augeles, Cal. CASES ON THE GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF THE LAW OF PRIVATE CORPORATIONS SELECTED AND ARRANGED WITH NOTES BY HORACE L WILGUS, M. Sc. Ml Professor of Law in the University of Michigan IN Two VOLUMES VOLUME 1 "A substantial and compendious report of a case rightly adjudged doth produce three notable effects ; first, it openeth the understanding of the reader and hearer; secondly, it breaketh through difficulties ; and thirdly, it bringeth home to the hand of the studious, variety of pleasure and profit ; I say it doth open the window of the laws, to let in that gladsome light, whereby the right reason of the rule (the beauty of the law) may be clearly discerned ; it breaketh the thick and hard shell, whereby with pleasure and ease, the sweetness of the kernel may be sensibly tasted, and adorneth with variety of fruits, both pleasant and profitable, the store- houses of those by whom they were never planted nor watered." LORD COKE, in Preface to gth Report. INDIANAPOLIS THE BOWEN-MERRILL COMPANY 1902 W / COPYRIGHT 1902 BY HORACE L. WILGUS THE HOLLENBECK PRESS INDIANAPOLIS I THIS WORK IS DEDICATED TO j. G. P. W.. WITHOUT WHOSE HELP. IN INNUMERABLE WAYS, IT COULD NOT HAVE BEEN COMPLETED G6762O PREFACE. MR. JUSTICE SWAYNE said the Common Law is " Reason dealing by the light of experience with human affairs"; and Mr. Justice Holmes says "The life of the law has not been logic ; it has been experience." This work is designed to furnish those interested in the study of Corporation Law, whether practitioner, teacher or stu- dent, such material from the original sources, and in such order, as will show how reason and experience have dealt with the subject. Effort has been made in the selection to secure the best expression of the underlying reason or theory; to place these in such order as to develop, in a natural way, the general theory of Corporation Law, set forth in the table of contents ; to insert such notes as will present a more comprehensive view of some of the topics; and to furnish, in chronological order, such a list of cases bearing upon the principles as will enable the investigator to make a reasonably complete study of the same. The editor has had no special theories to advance, but some effort has been made to bring back into light, and put in their proper places, the "personal" and "franchise" theories of corporate existence, so much obscured by the "collection of individuals" theory in the excel- lent works of Mr. Morawetz and Mr. Taylor. The Law of Corporations cuts across nearly the whole body of the Law. In addition, intricate and peculiar relations arise between a corporation and the State, the Promoters, the Members, the Officers, the Creditors, or others, as well as amongst themselves. Recently the volume of corporate litigation has been enormous, resulting in numerous discordant decisions of inordinate length. All these makf the choice of illustrative cases on the subject especially difficult. During the four years of preparation, many thousand cases have been examined and compared in order to make this selection. Some top- ics are not here worked out in such detail as in other collections ; bnf (v) vi PREFACE. many others, such as, the Corporation as a Franchise, Constitutional Limitations on the Power to Create, Functions of Promoters, Subscrip- tions, Incorporation, Organization, Corporations De Facto and By Estoppel, Name, Power to Sue and Be Sued, Taxation, Visitation, National Corporations, the National Government and State Corpora- tions, etc., etc., not found, or merely touched upon, in other works, are here given due prominence. An appendix of forms is also added. By continual cross references, many cases have been used to do dou- ble service, and thereby add to the completeness of the view. It is believed that a constant reference by the student to the out- line given in the table of contents will be of material service in help- ing him to understand and appreciate the bearing and relation of the cases to one another and to the general theory of corporation law. Acknowledgments are due to Oscdr Bader, Esq., R. G. Schulder, Esq. and Mr. H. F. Jacobs, for help in reading proof and verifying citations. The work is submitted to the judgment of those who have occasion to use it, with the hope that it may be found of service. H. L. W. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, February i, 1902. CONTENTS. VOLUME I. PAGE. PART I. THE IDEA OF A CORPORATION 1 PART II. THE BODY CORPORATE 258 TITLE I. PARENTAGE STATE AND PROMOTERS 258 SUBDIVISION I. THE STATE'S POWER TO CREATE 258 SUBDIVISION II. THE PROMOTERS THEIR FUNCTIONS 374 TITLE II. FORMATION CHARTER ASSOCIATION 397 TITLE III. BIRTH AND ORGANIZATION 560 TITLE IV. ANATOMY, INTERNAL STRUCTURE AND CONSTITU- TION 682 TITLE V. NAME 816 TITLE VI. LIFE MODE OF EXISTENCE AND ACTION 830 TITLE VII. DEATH DISSOLUTION 866 PART III. THE CORPORATION AS A SUBJECT AND SOURCE OF RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS 914 TITLE I. POWERS, RIGHTS AND DUTIES IN GENERAL 914 TITLE II. PARTICULAR POWERS .. . 937 VOLUME II. TITLE III. DOCTRINE OF ULTRA VIRES 1176 TITLE IV. GENERAL DUTIES AND LIABILITIES 1236 PART IV. SPECIAL RELATIONS ARISING FROM THE EXIST- ENCE OF A CORPORATION 1291 DIVISION I. CORPORATE RELATIONS 1291 TITLE I. THE CORPORATION AND THE STATE 1291 SUBDIVISION I. GOVERNMENTAL CONTROL, GENERAL DOC- TRINES , 1291 SUBDIVISION II. THE STATE AND ITS OWN CORPORATIONS. 1294 SUBDIVISION III. THE STATE AND NATIONAL CORPORA- TIONS 1476 (vii) viil CONTENTS. PAGE. SUBDIVISION IV. THE STATE AND FOREIGN CORPORATIONS . 1480 SUBDIVISION V. THE NATIONAL GOVERNMENT AND STATE CORPORATIONS 1527 TITLE II. THE CORPORATION AND VARIOUS CLASSES OP PERSONS 1546 SUBDIVISION I. THE CORPORATION AND ITS PROMOTERS . 1546 SUBDIVISION II. THE CORPORATION AND ITS MEMBERS ... 1559 SUBDIVISION III. THE CORPORATION AND ITS OFFICERS. . .1727 SUBDIVISION IV. THE CORPORATION AND ITS CREDITORS. 1760, 1808 SUBDIVISION V. THE CORPORATION AND OUTSIDE PARTIES. 1760 DIVISION II. INDIVIDUAL RELATIONS 1767 TITLE I. INTERNAL RELATIONS 1767 SUBDIVISION I. PROMOTERS 1767 SUBDIVISION II. SHAREHOLDERS 1770 SUBDIVISION III. OFFICERS 1790 TITLE II. EXTERNAL RELATIONS, CREDITORS 1805 SUBDIVISION I. THE STATE AND CORPORATE CREDITORS . 1805 SUBDIVISION II. THE CORPORATION AND ITS CREDITORS .. 1808 SUBDIVISION III. THE CREDITORS AND CORPORATE OFFI- CERS 1874 SUBDIVISION IV. CREDITORS AND SHAREHOLDERS 1899 I. RIGHTS OF CREDITORS 1899 A. ARISING FROM IMPERFECT INCORPORATION ... 1899 B. COMMON LAW OR EQUITABLE LIABILITY OF .SHAREHOLDERS 1900 C. STATUTORY LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS 1987 II. RIGHTS OF SHAREHOLDERS 2034 SUBDIVISION V. RIGHTS OF CREDITORS INTER SE 2035 APPENDIX OF FORJIS 2065 VOLUME I. PART I. THE IDEA OF A CORPORATION. CHAPTER 1. DESCRIPTION AND CLASSES OF CORPORATIONS 1 ARTICLE I. DEFINITION AND TESTS 1 Sec. 1. Definitions, the corporation as a person, as a collection of in- dividuals, as a franchise 1 Sec. 2. Tests (1) Merger of individuals Sec. 3. (2) The legislative intent 15 Sec. 4. (3) The powers conferred 19 Sec. 5. (4) In foreign jurisdictions, powers conferred control 28 CONTENTS. IX PAGE. Notes : 1. Definitions 31 2. The New York bank cases 31 3. The Michigan discussion 32 4. Later holdings 32 5. The fourth test 32 ARTICLE II. THE CORPORATION AS A PERSON 33 Sec. 6. For most purposes the corporation is so considered 33 (1) And particularly as having rights 33 (a) Under the common law 33 Sec. 7. (b) Under the United States constitution 36 Sec. 8. (2) And as subject to duties 44 (a) Of a public nature 44 Sec. 9. (b) And of a private nature 47 Sec. 10. This artificial personality is recognized particularly (1) In interpreting statutes, "person" is usually held to in- clude corporations 51 Note : Illustrations 51 Sec. 11. (2) As to the ownership of its property 58 Sec. 12. (3) As to contracts between it and its members . 60 Sec. 13. (4) As to contracts between the members themselves 65 Sec. 14. (5) As to suits by or against third persons 70 Note: Evidence, shareholder as judge, juror, witness, etc 71 Sec. 15. (6) As to suits between it and its members 71 Note : 1. Ancient ideas of personality 72 2. In the Roman law 73 3. In the canon law 74 4. In the early common law 74 5. In the modern law 77 ARTICLE III. THE CORPORATION AS A COLLECTION OF INDIVIDUALS 79 Sec. 16. The corporation is considered as a collection of individuals (1) In the management of corporate affairs 79 Sec. 17. (2) When agreement, reason, or policy so requires 80 Note: Specific performance of stock agreement; waiver of statutory liability 86 Sec. 18. (a) Particularly in matters relating to the constitution of the corporation or changes therein 87 Sec. 19. (b) In determining the rights of members among them- selves in equity 88 Sec. 20. (c) When corporate organization is used as a cloak to aid in the commission of frauds 97 Sec. 21. (d) When corporate sins, result from the concerted, but apparently individual, actions of the members 100 Note : The corporation as a collection of individ- uals, history and definitions 109-113 X CONTENTS. PAGE. ARTICLE IV. THE CORPORATION AS A FRANCHISE 113 Sees. 22-3. In its relation to the state it is considered as a primary fran- chise 113 (1) General nature of a franchise 113 Sees. 24-5. (2) And particularly, this primary franchise belongs to the members in their individual capacities 136 Sec. 26. (3) There may be secondary franchises, etc., owned by the corporation itself 143 Note : Power to mortgage franchise 149 Sees. 27-8. (4) The offer and acceptance of a franchise make a grantor executed contract 150 Sec. 29. (5) Franchises are property and can not be taken without cause or compensation, but may be forfeited for mis- user or non-user 152 Note : The corporation as a franchise 157-167 ARTICLE V. CORPORATIONS AS DISTINGUISHED FROM OTHER INSTITUTIONS . . . 167 Sec. 30. (1) From partnerships 167 Note : Corporations and partnerships 170 Sec. 31. (2) From joint stock companies 171 Note : Nature of joint stock companies 175 Sec. 32. (3) From fraternity or society 176 Sec. 33. (4) From stock exchange 178 Sec. 34. (5) From cost-book companies 182 Sec. 35. (6) From unincorporated associations 187 Sec. 36. (7) From state institutions 191 Note : Nature of state institutions 192 ARTICLE VI. CLASSES OP CORPORATIONS 193 Sec. 37. (a) As to number of members: 1. Sole; 2. Aggregate 193 Note : Officers ; one-man companies 200 Sees. 38-9. (b) As to purpose 201 1. Ecclesiastical, or religious 201 2. Lay, which are 201 (a) Eleemosynary 201 (b) Civil, which are 201-3 Sec. 40. (1) Quasi 214 (2) Pure or complete 214 Sees. 41-43. (c) As to relation to the state, corporations are 221 1. Purely public 221-9 2. ^wasi-public 222-9 3. Private, which are 222-9 Sec. 44. (1) As to method of acquiring membership 234 1. Stock, or 234 2. Non-stock 234 Sees. 45-47. (2) As to perfection of organization 239-53 1. De jure 239 2. De facto 244 3. By estoppel 253 CONTENTS. XI PART II. THE BODY CORPORATE, ITS PARENTAGE, CONCEPTION, BIRTH, ANATOMY, LIFE, AND DEATH. PAGE. TITLE I. PARENTAGE, THE STATE AND PROMOTERS 258 SUBDIVISION I. THE STATE, ITS POWER TO CREATE 258 CHAPTER 2. NATURE OF THE POWER AND METHOD OP EXERCISE 258 ARTICLE I. NATURE OF THE POWER . 258 Sec. 48. (a) The power to create is an incident of sovereignty 258 Sec. 49. I b) None but the sovereign can create 263 ARTICLE II METHODS OF EXERCISE, EVIDENCE OF SOVEREIGN'S CONSENT. 264 Sec. 50. (a) In general 264 Sec. 51. (b) King's or queen's charter 266 Note : King's power to create corporations 269 Sec. 52. (c) Common law 270 Note : The states and national government as corporations. 275 Sec. 53. (d) Prescription 275 Note 278 Sec. 54. (e) Legislative bodies whose powers are 278 U) Inherent 279 Sec. 55. (2) Exclusive 279 Sec. 56. (3) Plenary 283 Sees. 57-57b. And as to the form or method of exercising this power, they act by (1) Special or general law 287 (a) Policy of general corporation laws 287-295 Sec. 58. (b) Difference between method by general and by special law 296 Sec. 59. (2) Implication 298 Note 300 Sec. 59a. (3) Consolidation 301 CHAPTER 3. LIMITS ON THE POWER OF THE STATE TO CREATE CORPORATIONS 302 ARTICLE I. FROM THE NATURE OF LEGISLATIVE POWER 302 Sec. 60. (a) Delegation, there can be no general delegation of legisla- tive authority 302 Sec. 61. (b) Exceptions, or apparent exceptions, in cases of 302 1. Territorial legislatives 302 Sec. 62. 2. Regents of University of New York 304 Note : Delegation of power to create corporations 306 ARTICLE II. FROM- NATURE OF A FRANCHISE 306 Sec. 63. (a) Can not be forced on any one 306 Sec. 64. (b) May be exclusive, but not so unless expressly made so 309 ARTICLE III. CONSTITUTIONAL LIMITS 320 Sec. 65. (a) In the national constitution 320 xii CONTENTS. PAGE. (1) On congress 320 Note : National corporations 325 Sec. 66. (2) On state legislatures 326 Sec. 67. (3) On territorial legislatures 332 Sec. 68. (b) In the state constitutions 333 (1) General and special laws, what are within the provis- ion, "the legislature shall pass no special act creat- ing corporations, or conferring corporate powers". . 333 Note : What are general and special laws 337 Sees. 69-72. (2) Creating: "The legislature shall pass no special or local act creating corporations" 338-360 Sec. 73. (3) Conferring corporate powers : "The legislature shall pass no special or local act conferring corporate powers" 360 Sec. 74. (4) Title and special privilege : "The legislature shall pass no bill embracing mere than one subject, and no private or local bill shall be passed, granting any ex- clusive privilege" 363 Sec. 75. (5) Two-thirds vote: "The assent of two-thirds of the members elected to each branch of the legislature shall be requisite to every bill creating corpora- tions" 2, 19, 287, 292, 373 SUBDIVISION II. THE BODY CORPORATE, ITS PARENTAGE, THE PROMOTERS. 374 CHAPTER 4. FUNCTIONS AND CLASSES OF PROMOTERS 374 Sec. 76. Definitions ' 374 Sees. 77-8. Self-constituted, functions generally, illustrations 375 Sec. 79. Statutory : Commissioners 385 Note : Authority and functions of commissioners 390 Sec. 80. Incorporators, under general statutes 391 TITLE II. THE BODY CORPORATE : ITS FORMATION, OR ITS CONCEPTION AND INCUBATION , 397 CHAPTER 5. THE CORPORATE CHARTER 397 ARTICLE I. NATURE AND PURPOSE OF THE CHARTER 397 Sec. 81. In general 397 Sec. 82. More particularly, the charter is both a law and a contract 397 Sec. 83. The charter as a law and as a contract 398 Note : The charter as a law '. . 406 Sec. 84. The charter is a license of authority to convert persons or an as- sociation of persons into the designated corporation 406 ARTICLE II. ITS GENERAL FORM AN OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE 409 Sec. 85. The offer may be by parties, and acceptance by t*he state ; or it may be a special or general offer by the state, and an accept- ance by individuals or an association of individuals 409 Sec. 86. The offer may be withdrawn before acceptance ; acceptance is essential . . . 412 CONTENTS. PAGE. Sec. 87. Acceptance may be inferred from signing articles, holding meet- ings, organizing and acting as a corporation 414 Sec. 88. Acceptance must be within the state offering the charter 417 Sec. 89. Renewals, extensions and amendments must also be accepted to make them effective 417 ARTICLE III. THE CHARTER ITS CONTENTS , 426 Sec. 90. In general 426 Sec. 91. Under special charter from the king, illustration 426 Sec. 92. Under speqial act of the legislature, illustration 427 Sec. 93. Under general laws 429 (a) The charter consists of: (1 ) The provisions of the general corporation law, and (2) Articles of incorporation, authorized thereby, and consistent therewith 429 Note 434 Sec. 94. (b) Usual provisions in the general law 435 Sec. 95. (c) Articles of incorporation, form and contents 435 Form of application for incorporation 436 Sec. 95a. (d) Deed of settlement 440 Sec. 95b. Interpretation of charters 441 CHAPTER 6. THE ASSOCIATION, ITS NECESSITY, NATURE, FORMS AND PARTIES 442 ARTICLE I. NECESSITY, NATURE, CONSIDERATION AND GENERAL FORM OP THE ASSOCIATION 442 Sec. 96-7. Necessity, an association of persons is necessary to or results from the creation of a corporation aggregate 442 Sec. 98. General nature of such association contract 445 Sec. 99. Consideration of the agreement 448 Sec. 100. General form of such contract, may be either a statutory or common-law contract 456 Note 458 ARTICLE II. FORMS OF ASSOCIATION CONTRACTS; STATUTORY SUBSCRIP- TIONS 459 Sec. 101. An exclusively statutory contract 459 Sec. 102. The state may make those who incorporate and not those who take stock, members 464 Sec. 103. The state may require signing articles of incorporation by orig- inal shareholders 469 ARTICLE III. FORMS OF ASSOCIATION CONTRACTS; COMMON LAW SUB- SCRIPTION CONTRACTS 471 Sees. 104-5. (1) Agreements to subscribe for stock in a corporation to be formed 471 Sec. 106. (2) Agreements subscribing to stock in a corporation to be formed : Theories 474 (a) A mere withdrawable offer before accepted by the corporation 474 Sec. 107. Notice of withdrawal . . . 478 xiv CONTENTS. PAGE. See. 108. (b) Offer until acted upon in accordance with its pro- visions 482 Sec. 109. (c) Binding contract from time of making 491 Sec. 110. (d) Offer to the corporation, and a binding contract between the parties subscribing 492 Sees. 111-2. (3) Subscription to agent or trustee 497 Sec. 113. (4) Underwriting 502 Sec. 114. (5) Application, allotment and notice 504 Sec. 115. (6) Estoppel .510 Form of subscription to stock in a corporation to be formed 510 ARTICLE IV. CONDITIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS 511 Sec. 116. Conditions may be express or implied 511 Sec. 117. Express conditions may be attached to subscriptions made (1) before, or (2) after incorporation; payment of deposits 514 Note : Payment of deposits 521 Sec. 118. (1) Prior to incorporation, theories : 522 (a) Subscription valid, condition void 522 Sec. 119. (b) Subscription and condition both void 525 Sec. 120. (2) After incorporation, theories : 526 (a) Valid contract, to await time of performance 526 Sec. 121. (b) Mere offer until performance 528 Sec. 122. Subscriptions may be upon conditions precedent or subsequent. 532 Sec. 123. Conditional delivery of subscriptions. Escrows, theories of: .. 536 (a) Delivery can not be to company's agent 536 Sec. 124. (b) Delivery may be to company's agent 538 ARTICLE V. FRAUD AND MISTAKE IN SUBSCRIPTIONS 539 Sec. 125. Fraud 539 Note 544 Sec. 126. Mistake 545 Note : Mistakes of fact and of law 547 ARTICLE VI. PARTIES TO THE AGREEMENT 547 Sec. 127. Infants 547 Note 548 Sees. 128-9. Married women 549 Note .-552 Sec. 130. Aliens 552 Note 552 Sec. 131. Private corporations 553 Sec. 132. Municipal corporations 554 Note 557 Sec. 133. State or national governments 558 TITLE III. THE BODY CORPORATE : ITS BIRTH AND ORGANIZATION 560 CHAPTER 7. ORGANIZATION AND COMPLIANCE WITH CONDITIONS 560 ARTICLE I. SCHEMES OF ORGANIZATION 560 Sec. 134. (1) Under the king's charter 560 CONTENTS. XV PAGE. Sec. 135. (2) In special acts 660 (a) The act itself provides the original organization ; illus- tration 560 Sec. 136. (b) The law provides for the organization to be made by the stock subscribers ; illustration 561 Sec. 137. (3) Under general incorporation laws 561 (a) Deed of settlement 561 Sees. 138-9. (b) License plan, Illinois and Kansas laws 561-2 Sec. 140. (c) Organization completed before application is made, Massachusetts law 562 Sec. 141. (d) Organization by stock subscribers after filing articles of incorporation 563 ARTICLE II. PROOF OP ORGANIZATION 563 Sec. 142. General presumption of regularity 563 ARTICLE III. WHEN DOES CORPORATE BIRTH OCCUR: THEORIES 565 Sees. 143-4. (a) Only upon complete organization 565 Sec. 145. (b) Immediately upon filing articles, without stock subscrip- tion or organization 571 Sec. 146. (c) At time of filing articles ; but adult corporate capacity does not exist until the capital stock is provided 574 Sec. 147. (d) As soon as the first meeting is held and officers chosen . 581 Sec. 148. (e) Under special acts 585 ARTICLE IV. COMPLIANCE WITH CONDITIONS. DE JURE EXISTENCE 585 Sec. 149. (1) As to de jure existence conditions are (a) Precedent, require a substantial compliance 585 Sec. 150. (b) Subsequent 586 Sec. 151. (2) Conditions may be also 588 (c) Directory merely 588 Sec. 152. (d) Mandatory, which may be 590 (1) Implied good faith in securing corporate privi- leges 590 Se'c. 153. (2) Express 594 (a) A certain number of incorporators 594 Sec. 154. (b) Written articles of agreement 597 Sec. 155. (c) Names and residence of subscribers to stock 600 Sec. 156. (d) Place of business 603 Sec 157. (e) Purpose of incorporation 605 Note 607 Sec. 158. (f) Subscribing and acknowledging articles. .' . 607 Sec. 159. (g) Acknowledging articles 609 Sec. 160. (h) Filing articles 611 ARTICLE V. CONDITIONS OF DE FACTO EXISTENCE 614 Sees. 161-2. (1) Conditions precedent 614 Sec. 163. (2) Reasons for not allowing collateral attack upon de facto corporate organization 625 Note : De facto corporations 629 XVI CONTENTS. PAGE. ARTICLE VI. CONDITIONS OF CORPORATE EXISTENCE BY ESTOPPEL 630 Sees. 164. A. Theories : (1) The doctrine is one of equity 630 (a) Will be applied where it would be inequitable not to do so 631 Sec. 165. (b) Will be applied only when equitable to do so. .. 632 Sec. 166. (2) Estoppel arises on matter of fact only, and not of law . . 634 Sec. 167. (3) Estoppel applies only where there is at least de facto existence 637 Sec. 168. (4) Public policy forbids the creation or recognition of cor- porations by estoppel 642 Sec. 169. B. Parties estopped 644 (1) The pretended corporation itself 644 Sec. 170. (2) The associates 646 (a) Among themselves 646 Sec. 171. (b) As to the corporation or its creditors 647 1. Upon subscription liability 647 Note : Estoppel of subscribers 649 Sec. 172. 2. Upon statutory liability 650 Sec. 173. (3) The promoters and officers of the apparent corporation . 650 Sec. 174. (4) Dealers with knowledge of claim of corporate capacity . 652 (a) Who seek to evade liability to the apparent corpo- ration 652 Sec. 175. (b) Who seek to hold members liable as partners .... 656 Sec. 176. (c) Dealers without knowledge of claim of corporate capacity are not estopped 662 Sec. 177. (5) Non-dealers, who injure the corporation, are estopped (a) In cases of torts against the apparent corpora- tion 664 Sec. 178. (b) Or crimes affecting the apparent corporation 668 Note : Extent of doctrine of estoppel 671 ARTICLE VII. EFFECT OF FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH CONDITIONS, AND No ESTOPPEL UPON LIABILITY OF MEMBERS. THEORIES: Sec. 179. (1) Makes associates partners 673 Sec. 180. (2) Does not make a partnership 677 TITLE IV. THE BODY CORPORATE: ITS ANATOMY, INTERNAL STRUCTURE AND CONSTITUTION 682 CHAPTER 8. MEMBERS, PARTS, ORGANS OF ACTION, WITH THEIR FUNCTIONS AND MU- TUAL RELATIONS 682 SUBDIVISION I. MEMBERS, INTEGRAL PARTS AND ORGANS OF ACTION 682 ARTICLE I. MEMBERS 682 Sec. 181. Necessity of members 682 Sec. 182. Acquisition of membership 682 (1) Non-stock companies 682 Sec. 183. (2) Stock companies 687 A. By subscription 687 (1) Statutory contract 687 CONTENTS. XV11 y PAGE. Sec. 184. (2) Common law contract 687 1. Agreements to subscribe 687 2. Agreements subscribing 687 3. Agreement with promoter 687 4. Underwriting 687 5. Application, allotment, etc 687 Sec. 185. B. Transfer 687 Sec. 186. C. Estoppel 687 ARTICLE II. INTEGRAL PARTS 687 Sees. 187-8. In general 687 Sec. 189. Directors are not integral parts 688 ARTICLE III. ORGANS OF ACTION 690 Sees. 190-1. In general 690 Note '. 691 Sec. 192. Qualification of agents and officers 692 Note : Qualification of agents and officers 693 SUBDIVISION II. FUNCTIONS OF MEMBERS, DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS 694 ARTICLE I. MEMBERS AND DIRECTORS 694 Sec. 193. Members wield the extraordinary powers, and directors the ordinary business powers 694 Note : Functions of shareholders and directors 702 ARTICLE II. OTHER OFFICERS 703 Sec. 194. The president 703 Note : Various officers 704 SUBDIVISION III. INTERNAL RELATIONS AND CONSTITUTION 705 ARTICLE I. THE CORPORATE FRANCHISES 705 Sec. 195. Franchises of the corporation itself 705 Note 706 Sec. 195. Franchises of the members 706 ARTICLE II. CONTRACTS CONTAINED IN THE CHARTER OF A CORPORATION . . 707 Sees. 197-8. 1. In general 707 Note : The Dartmouth College decision 746 Sec. 199. 2. Contract between the state and the corporation 750 Sec. 200. 3. Contract between the state and corporate creditors, and between stockholders and creditors, in case of statutory liability 752 Sec. 201. 4. Contract between the state and the members 754 Sec. 202. 5. Contract between the corporation and the members, or among the members themselves 757 (a) As to the amount to be contributed 757 Sec. 203. (b) That subscriptions are made in good faith 758 ARTICLE III. THE CORPORATE FUNDS. CAPITAL STOCK 760 Sec. 204. In general 760 Sec. 205. Right to create a capital stock 761 Sec. 206. Power to increase the capital stock 763 Note 763 Sec. 207. Power to decrease the capital stock 764 ii WIL. CAS. XV111 CONTENTS. PAGE. Sees. 208-9. Nature, function and purpose of capital stock 766 Note : Definitions of various kinds of stock 771 Sec. 210. Capital, capital stock, surplus and franchise distinguished 778 Note : Capital stock, capital, shares, property 781 Sec. 211. Capital stock, kinds, common and preferred 785 Sec. 212. Preferred stock, power to issue 790 Note: Power to issue preferred stock generally 793 Sec. 213. Shares of stock, nature of 794 (1) Personal property 794 Note , 798 Sec. 214. (2) Statute of frauds, "goods, wares, or merchandise" 799 Note 801 Sec. 215. (3) Choses in action , 801 Sec. 216. (4) As subjects of conversion 804 Note 807 Sec. 217. (5) Negotiability of shares 807 Note 810 Sec. 218. (6) As subjects of attachment or execution 810 Sec. 219. (7) Location of shares for attachment 81 1 Sec. 220. (8) Seizure in equity 815 TITLE V. THE BODY CORPORATE : ITS NAME 816 CHAPTER 9. THE CORPORATE NAME 816 Sec. 221. Necessity of a name 816 Sec. 222. Acquisition of a name 817 Note 818 Sees. 223-4. Rights in the corporate name 819 Note : Rights in a corporate name 823 Sec. 225. Effect of misnomer 825 Note : Effect of misnomer 826 Sec. 226. Change of corporate name 827 Note : Change of name 828 TITLE VI. THE CORPORATE LIFE 830 CHAPTER 10. THE MODE OF CORPORATE EXISTENCE AND ACTION 830 ARTICLE I. MODE OF EXISTENCE 830 Sec. 227. Perpetual succession 830 Note 833 ARTICLE II. MODE OF ACTION; SHAREHOLDERS AND DIRECTORS 833 Sec. 228. Shareholders' meeting, necessity 833 Sees. 229-30. Shareholders' meeting, notice 835 Note : Notice of corporate meetings 837 Sec. 231. Shareholders' meeting, quorum 839 Note : Quorum 840 Sees. 232-4. Place of meeting 841 Note ; Place of corporate meetings 847 CONTENTS. XIX PAGE. Sees. 235-6. Directors' meeting, necessity, notice, quorum . 848 Note : Delegation of powers by directors 850 ARTICLE III. MODE OP ACTION GENERALLY 854 Sec. 237. Presumptions 854 Sec. 238. Execution of contracts 862 Note: Corporate acts, record of; deeds; acknowledg- ments ; notes, etc 862 TITLE VII. CORPORATE DEATH DISSOLUTION 866 CHAPTER 11. MODES AND EFFECT OF DISSOLUTION '. 866 ARTICLE I. METHODS OF DISSOLUTION 866 Sec. 239. In general 866 Note : Modes of dissolution 868 Sec. 240. Expiration of charter 868 Sec. 241. Happening of a condition or contingency prescribed in the charter 871 Sec. 242. Death of members 873 Sec. 243. Loss of integral part 875 Sees. 244-5. Surrender 877 Sec. 246. Non-user, insolvency and surrender 881 Note : Surrender 886 Sec. 247. Repeal . . 887 Sec. 248. Forfeiture 887 Sec. 249. Ownership of stock by one member 887 Note : One man companies ' 889 ARTICLE II. EFFECT OF DISSOLUTION 891 Sec. 250. Lands, chattels and debts at common law 891 Sec. 251. Contracts of shareholders 895 Sec. 252. Contracts of creditors 896 Sec. 253. Executory contracts 897 Sec. 254. Generally, upon rights and liabilities in equity 899 Sec. 255. Reversion of land 903 Sec. 256. Reversion of property of a mutual company 904 Sec. 257. Reversion of property, charitable corporation 906 Note : Effect of dissolution, franchises, contracts, debts, per- sonal property, real property, actions, judgments 910 PART HI. THE CORPORATION AS A SUBJECT AND SOURCE OF RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS. TITLE I. RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF THE CORPORATION IN GENERAL 914 CHAPTER 12. POWERS AND AUTHORITY IN GENERAL 914 ARTICLE I. THEORIES OF CORPORATE CAPACITY 914 Sec. 258. Corporate powers 914 XX CONTENTS. PAGE. Sec. 259. Special capacities 915 Note . t 918 Sec. 260. General capacity 919 Note 924 ARTICLE II. CLASSES OP CORPORATE POWERS 925 Sec. 261. 1. Incidental powers 925 Sec. 262. 2. Express powers 926 3. Implied powers 926 Note: Implied powers. Rules of construing corporate charters 933 TITLE II. PARTICULAR POWERS AND LIABILITIES 937 CHAPTER 13. PARTICULAR POWERS 937 ARTICLE I. PERPETUAL SUCCESSION 937 Sec. 263. Perpetual succession 937 ARTICLE II. NAME 937 Sec. 264. Name 937 ARTICLE III. POWER TO CONTRACT 937 Sec. 265. (A) As to form 937 1. In general 937 2. As to seal 938 Sec. 266. (B) As to subject-matter.. 938 (1) In general 938 Sees. 267-8. (2) Contract debts and borrow money 938 Sees. 269-71. (3) Negotiable instruments 940 Note : Power to issue negotiable instruments 946 Sees. 272-3. Accommodation paper 949 Sec 274. (4) Surety or guarantor 952 Note : Power to be surety or guarantor 956 Sec. 275. (5) Partnership 957 Note : Power to enter into partnership 959 Sees. 276-7. (6) Trade combinations 960 (a) Pools 960 Sec. 278. (b) Contracts restraining trade and competition. . 967 Note: Corporate combinations; anti-trust acts 973 Sec. 279. (c) Unincorporated trusts 977 Sees. 280-1. (d) Incorporated trusts 978 Sees. 282-4. (7) Consolidation 984 (a) Power to consolidate 984 Sec. 285. (b) Interstate consolidation 988 Sec. 286. (c) Consolidation or merger 989 Sec. 287. (d) Effect of consolidation upon creditor's rights . . 995 Note: Consolidation meaning, consent of state, con- sent of shareholders, effect on former companies their existence, rights, privileges and liabilities .. 1003 CONTENTS. xxi PAGE. ARTICLE IV. POWER TO ACQUIRE, HOLD AND ALIENATE PROPERTY .... 1007 Sec. 288. 1. Acquire and hold real property 1007 (A) By purchase 1007 (a) Presumptions 1007 Sees. 289-90. (b) Extent of power topurchase and hold 1008 Sec. 291. (c) Consequences of ultra vires purchase 1014 Note: Acquisition of property by corpora- tion, common law, statutes of mortmain, real property, who can complain 1015 Sec. 292. (d) Estates that may be acquired 1018 (1) Fee-simple 1018 Sec. 293. (2) Estates in common and joint tenancy. .1019 Sec. 294. (B) By devise . .1021 (a) History and general doctrines 1021 Sec. 295. (b) Restrictions in charters, and restrictions in statutes of wills 1026 Note : Statutes of wills 1029 Sees. 296-7. (c) Who may object when limit is exceeded 1029 Sec. 298. 2. To acquire personal property 1040 (1) In general 1040 Note 1041 Sec. 299. (2) Power to acquire its own shares 1041 (1) The English rule 1041 Note 1044 Sec. 300. (2) American rule, theories 1045 (a) May (with some exceptions) acquire its own shares unless expressly or impliedly restrained 1045 Note 1046 Sec. 301. Exceptions to rule allowing acquisition of its own shares 1047 Note 1048 Sec. 302. (b) May not, unless necessary to prevent loss to the company 1048 Sec. 303. (3) Power to acquire shares of stock in other corporations 1051 (1) The English rule 1051 Sec. 304. (2) General rule in the United States .... 1054 Sec. 305. t 3 ) Exceptions to the general rule 1060 Note : Acquiring stock in other cor- porations 10fi2 Sec. 306. 3. Power to alienate property 1 (Mir > (a) General doctrine 1065 Note l r ' 6 Sec. 307. (b) Limits 10(i6 Sees. 308-9. (c) Property charged with a public trust can not be sold without special authority 1070 Sec. 310. (d) Contrary view 1074 xxii CONTENTS. PAGE, Sec. 311. (e) Power to mortgage 1078 Note 1081 Sec. 312. (f ) Power to dispose of franchise 1081 1. Not without special authority 1081 Sec. 313. 2. Theory of sale when authority to convey fran- chise is given ] 082 ARTICLE V. POWER TO ACT IN A. PERSONAL RELATION. 1087 Sec. 314. 1. Power to take as a trustee 1087 Sec. 315. 2. Power to act as administrator or executor 1088 Sec. 316. 3. Power to act as agent or attorney in fact ' 1090 ARTICLE VI. POWER TO SUE AND BE SUED 1092 Sec. 317. Right to sue, at common law, anywhere 1092 Sec. 318. Unoker statutes, conditions imposed do not generally prevent suing 1 093 Sec. 319. But statutes may exclude from suing, except as to interstate or foreign commerce 1095 Sec. 320. But such statutes can not exclude from suing in the United States courts 1097 Sec. 321. Federal corporations can sue in the federal courts 1098 Sec. 322. Liability to be sued 1099 In the United States courts, citizenship 1099 Sec. 323. In what district 1106 Note : Residence of corporations for purpose of suits against them 1110 Sec. 324. Alien corporation 1111 Sec. 325. In the state courts where found doing business 1115 Note : Service of process, domestic corporations, foreign cor- porations 1120 Sec. 326. What is doing business so as to authorize service of process 1121 Sec. 327. Pleading 1122 Corporation plaintiff, need not allege corporate existence. .1122 Sec. 328. Contra, must allege corporate existence 1124 Sec. 329. Corporation defendant, plaintiff need not allege defendant is a corporation, if name implies it is not a natural person. 1125 Sec. 330. Contra, plaintiff should allege corporation is such 1126 Sec. 331. General issue, at law does not raise question of corporate ex- istence ; otherwise in equity , . 1128 Sec. 332. Contra, under general issue corporate existence must be proved f 1129 Sec. 333. General denial under the code 1130 Sec. 334. Proof of corporate existence special charter 1131 Sec. 335. Under general incorporation laws 1132 Sec. 336. Power to confess judgment 1134 Sec. 337. What may be taken on execution 1136 ARTICLE VII. RIGHT TO HAVE AND USE A SEAL 1136 Sees. 338-9. 1. Necessity of a seal 1136 (a) At common law . . 1136 CONTENTS. xxiii PAGE. Sec. 340. (b) Now generally unnecessary, except where required of a natural person also 1137 Note 1138 Sec 341. (c) In deeds conveying land, the corporate seal is re- quired in some states 1138 Sec. 342. (d) Signing in some way is now generally of more im- portance than sealing 1142 Note t 1144 Sec. 343. 2. Sufficiency and effect of a seal 1145 (a) Presumptions 1145 Note 1146 Sec. 344. (b) As evidence of agents' or officers' authority 1147 Note 1148 Sec. 345. (c) As evidence of a consideration 1148 Sec. 346. (d) Upon a negotiable instrument .1150 ARTICLE VIII. POWER TO MAKE BY-LAWS 1153 Sec. 347. 1. Definition and purpose, differs from regulation 1153 Sec. 348. 2. Power to make 1156 (a) Incidental to corporate existence 1156 Sec. 349. (b) This power resides in the shareholders or members unless otherwise provided 1156 Note 1157 Sec. 350. (c) Limits on power to make 1157 1. Forfeitures 1157 Sec. 351. 2. Transfers 1159 Sees. 352-3. 3. Liens 1181- Note 1164 Sec. 354. 4. Expulsion of members 1165 Note 1171 Sec. 355. 3. Validity of by-laws in general 1171 Note 1173 Sec. 356. 4. Effect of by-laws 1174 Note : Members, third parties 1175 ARTICLE IX. DISFRANCHISEMENT OF MEMBERS 1175a VOLUME II. TITLE III. THE DOCTRINE OF ULTRA VIRES 1176 CHAPTER 14. GENERAL THERORY OF ULTRA VIRES TRANSACTIONS 1176 ARTICLE I. MEANING OF THE TERM 1176 Sec. 357. Senses in which the term is used 1176 ARTICLE II. THEORIES AS TO UNDERLYING PRINCIPLES 1177 xxiv CONTENTS. PAGE. Sees. 358-60. (1) Ultra vires acts are void because of legal incapacity to make them 1177 Note 1183 Sec. 361. (2) Ultra vires acts are not necessarily illegal 1183 (3) Ultra vires acts are illegal and void 1183 Sec. 362. (4) Ultra vires acts are valid if all the shareholders con- sent, and creditors are not .injured 1197 Sec. 363. (5) Ultra vires acts are valid except as against the state 1197 ARTICLE III. VARIOUS INTERESTS AFFECTED 1200 Sec. 364. The state, the parties, the shareholders, the creditors 1200 ARTICLE IV. APPLICATIONS OF THE DOCTRINE 1203 Sees. 365-6. 1. Contracts 1203 (a,) Wholly executed by both parties 1203 Sec. 367 (b) Wholly executory 1205 (1) Corporation complainant 1205 Sec. 368. (2) Other party complainant 1207 Sec. 369. (c) Partly executed 1211 (1) Fully performed by the corporation, enforci- ble by it 1211 Sec. 370. Contra 1212 Sec. 371. (2) Fully performed by other party, notenforci- ble by him 1214 Sec. 372. Contra 1217 Sec. 373. (d) Specific performance 1224 Sec. 374. (e) Leases 1224 (1) Recovery of damages for breach 1224 Sec. 375. (2) Recovery of unpaid rentals under the con- tract 1224 Sec. 376. (3) Recovery for use of property 1225 Sec. 377. (4) Re-entry 1225 Sec. 378. (5) Recovery of possession in equity 1228 Sec. 379. (6) Recovery of property in an action for unlaw- ful detention 1231 Sec. 380. 2. Ultra vires devises and bequests ; theories 1232 (a) Valid as to everybody except the state, which alone can complain in quo warranto for violation of charter 1232 Sec. 381. (b) Void as to excess and heirs may have set aside 1232 Sec. 382. 3. Ultra vires torts 1232 ARTICLE V. WHO CAN COMPLAIN OF ULTRA VIRES ACTS 1233 Sec. 383. 1. The state 1233 Sec. 384. 2. The parties 1233 Sec. 385. 3. The shareholders 1233 Sec. 386. 4. The creditors : 1233 Sec. 387. 5. Third parties 1233 CONTENTS. XXV PAGE. TITLE IV. GENERAL DUTIES AND LIABILITIES 1236 CHAPTER 15. LIABILITIES OTHER THAN UPON CONTRACTS 1236 ARTICLE I. TORTS 1236 Sec. 388. (1) Conversion 1236 Note : Liability for torts in general 1239 Sec. 389. (2) Nuisance, obstructing a stream 1239 Sec. 390. (3) Trespass to property 1243 Sec. 391. (4) Assault and battery 1244 Note : The old doctrine 1246 Sec. 392. Joinder of corporation and servant as defendants 1249 Sec, 393. (5) False imprisonment 1250 Sec. 394. (6) Libel and slander 1253 Note : Libel ; slander .1255 Sec. 395. (7) Malicious prosecution 1256 Sec. 396. (8) Fraud, deceit and conspiracy 1262 Sec. 397. (9) Negligence ultra vires torts 1268 Sec. 398. (10) Charitable corporations 1272 Note . . : 1278 Sec. 399. (11) Exemplary damages 1279 Note 1282 ARTICLE II. CRIMES 1283 Sec. 400. (1) Non-feasance 1283 Sec. 401. (2) Misfeasance 1284 Sec. 402. (3) Libel 1286 Note 1286 ARTICLE III. CONTEMPTS 1287 Sec. 403. Liability for contempts 1287 PART IV. SPECIAL RELATIONS ARISING FROM THE EXISTENCE OF A CORPORATION. DIVISION I. CORPORATE RELATIONS 1291 TITLE I. THE CORPORATION AND THE STATE 1291 CHAPTER 16. GOVERNMENTAL CONTROL OP CORPORATIONS 1291 SUBDIVISION I. GENERAL DOCTRINES 1291 ARTICLE I. BY THE COURTS 1291 Sec. 404. 1. Generally, by actions at law, and suits in equity 1291 Sec. 405. 2. Particularly, by visitation 1291 ARTICLE II. BY LEGISLATIVE BODIES 1292 Sec. 406. Constitutional limitations 1292 1. Powers of congress 12 Sec. 407. 2. Limits on powers of congress 1293 Sec. 408. 3. Limits on powers of the states 1293 XXVI CONTENTS. PAGE. Sec. 409. 4. General provisions 1294: 5. State constitutional limitations 1294 SUBDIVISION II. THE STATE AND ITS OWN CORPORATIONS 1294 ARTICLE I. CONTROL BY THE COURTS 1294 Sec. 410. (1) Methods in general 1294 Sec. 411 . (2) Power of courts to issue the necessary writs 1295 Sec. 412. A. By courts of law (1) By quo warranto, scire facias, or information in nature of quo warranto 1298 Sec. 413. Abuse and misuse, meaning of 1300 Sec. 414. Illustrations, abuse, misuse or perversion 1300 (a) Unlawful combinations 1300 (b) Illegal insurance 1301 (c) Illegal banking 1301 (d) Fraudulent organization 1301 (e) Willful or negligent non-user 1301 Sec. 415. Ouster for usurpation. Proceedings 1302 Sec. 416. Illustrations of ouster for usurpation 1305 (a) Unlawful purpose 1305 (b) Imperfect organization 1305 (c) Exercise of corporate powers after expira- tion of charter 1305 (d) Intrusion into corporate office 1305 Sec. 417. Statute of limitations 1305 Sec. 418. Waiver 1306 Sees. 419-20. (2) Mandamus 1308 (a) Specific duty 1308 Sec. 421. (b) No specific doty 1313 Sec. 422. (c) Who may complain 1317 Note : Mandamus to corporations 1318-21 Sec. 423. (3) Indictments 1321 Sec. 424. B. In courts of equity 1321 (1) Dissolution, general rule 1321 Sec. 425. Exception 1323 Sec. 426-7. (2) Injunction 1327 Note 1331 ARTICLE II. VISITATION OP CORPORATIONS 1332 Sec. 428. 1. Private visitor 1332 Note : Visitation of corporations 1336 Sec. 429. 2. Public visitor or officer 1337 ARTICLE III. CONTROL BY LEGISLATIVE ACTION 1337 Sec. 430-3. 1. Ordinary 1337 (1) Eminent domain proceedings 1337 Note : Eminent domain 1344 Sec. 434-5. (2) Police control 1344 (a) In general 1344 Sec. 436. (b) Regulation of rates .... . . 1352 CONTENTS. xxvii PAGE. Sec. 437. (c) Requiring reports 1363 Note : Police power 1364-70 Sec. 438. (3) Taxation 1370 (a) Corporate elements subject to taxation 1370 Note ' 1373 Sec. 439. (b) Capital and capital stock 1373 Note : Methods of taxing capital stock 1373 Sec. 440. (c) Tangible property, and movable property 1374 Note: Taxation of railroads; rolling stock ; migratory property 1381 Sec. 441. (d) Intangible property 138L Note : Taxation of patents, copyrights, etc. .1387 Sec. 443. (e) Special franchises. . '. 1388 Note : Taxation of corporate franchises, pri- mary ; secondary ; property connected with use of special franchises; methods of valuation 1388 Sec. 444. (g) Gross receipts 1389 Sec. 445. (h) Excise 1390 Sec. 446. (i) License 1392 Sec. 447. (j) Privilege of engaging in interstate commerce . .1393 Sec. 448. (k) Equal protection of the laws in taxation 1396 Sec. 449. (1) Government agencies 1397 Note: Taxation of telegraph companies; interstate bridges ; national banks 1398 Sec. 450. (m) Situs of shares for taxation 1399 Note : Situs of shares, bills, notes and bonds ; corporate debts 1402 Sec. 451. (n) Taxation of shares held by aliens 1402 Sec. 452. (o) National taxation of state corporations 1404 Sec. 453. 2. Legislative control, extraordinary 1404 (1) Repeal 1404 (a) Power of parliament 1404 Sees. 454-5. ' (b) Power of congress 1404 Sec. 456. (c) Power of state legislatures, no reserve power. 1412 Sec. 457. Extent of doctrine of Dartmouth College case. . . 1413 Sec. 458. (d) Power of legislature, under reserve power to repeal 1422 Sees. 459-61. (e) Effect of repeal upon vested rights 1426 Sees. 462-3. (g) Repeal of general corporation laws 1445 Sec. 464. (2) Legislative power to amend 1447 (a) When there is no reservation of a power to alter or amend. offer of an amendment 1447 Sec. 465. Acceptance is essential 1447 Sec. 466. Material amendment requires unanimous con- sent 1448 Sec. 467. An immaterial amendment can be accepted by a majority 1454 XXviii CONTENTS. PAGE. Sec. 468. (b) Power to amend under a reserved power to to amend, extent of authority 1458 Sec. 469. General limits of legislative authority under the reserved power to amend 1458 Sec. 470. Acceptance is essential 1461 Sees. 471-2. Power of majority to accept, may 1461 Sec. 473. Power of majority to accept, may not accept a material amendment against protest of mi- nority 1466 Note : Amendment of corporate charters. 1472-6 SUBDIVISION III. THE STATE AND NATIONAL CORPORATIONS 1476 Sees. 474-5. Status of national corporation within the states 1476 SUBDIVISION IV. THE STATE AND FOREIGN CORPORATIONS 1480 ARTICLE I. RIGHTS OP FOREIGN CORPORATIONS 1480 Sec. 476. (1) Protection of its property 1480 Sees. 477-8. (2) To do business out of the state creating it. Doctrine of comity 1480 Note 1485, 1489 Sec. 479. (3) To sue in state courts 1489 (a) Generally 1489 Sec. 480. (b) To sue non-residents 1490 Sec. 481. (c) In the United States courts 1490 ARTICLE II. EIGHTS OF THE STATE AS TO FOREIGN CORPORATIONS 1491 Sec. 482. (1) To exclude, general rule 1491 Sec. 483. (2) Retaliatory laws 1494 Sec. 484. (3) Discrimination 1498 Note 1502 Sec. 485. (4) Limits on power to exclude, government agency 1502 Sec. 486. (5) Limits on power to exclude, interstate commerce 1503 Note : Interstate or foreign commerce 1504-7 Sec. 487. (6) Limits on power to exclude, what is interstate com- merce ; insurance 1507 Sec. 488. (7) Effect of failure to comply with statutory provisions per- mitting doing business in the state by foreign corpora- tions 1510 Note : Effect of failing to comply with statute, when there is a penalty ; when there is no penalty. . 1511 Sees. 489-90. (8) What is "doing business" in violation of such statutes . .1513 Note : What is doing business ; tests ; illustrations. . .1514 Sec 491. Owning and using real estate by a foreign corporation is doing business 1516 Sec. 492. (9) Statutes discriminating against non-resident corporations as creditors 1517 ARTICLE III. VISITORIAL POWER OVER FOREIGN CORPORATIONS 1517 Sec. 493. (1) Forfeiture of charter 1517 Sec. 494. (2) Ouster from the state . .1517 CONTENTS. xxix PAGE. Sec. 495. (3) In general there is no visitorial power over foreign corpo- rations, out of the jurisdiction 1519' (a) Reinstatement of a member 1519 Sec. 496. (b) To compel issue of certificate 1521 Sec. 497. (c) To compel inspection of books 1524 Sec. 498. (4) Receivers in state courts 1524 SUBDIVISION V. THE NATIONAL GOVERNMENT AND STATE CORPORATIONS . 1527 Sec. 499. 1. Under the taxing power 1527 Sec. 500. 2. Reorganization of state corporation as a national corpora- tion 1529 Sec. 501. 3. Interstate commerce, regulation according to state laws 1530 Note 1533 Sec. 502. 4. Interstate commerce commission 1534 Sec. 503. 5. Interstate commerce, anti-trust acts 1535 Sec. 504. 6. Control of mails 1541 Sec. 505. 7. Receivers in United States courts 1542 TITLE II. THE CORPORATION AND VARIOUS CLASSES OF PERSONS 1546 CHAPTER 17. THE RELATION OP THE CORPORATION TO ITS PROMOTERS, OFFICERS, SHARE- HOLDERS, CREDITORS AND OTHERS 1546 SUBDIVISION I. THE CORPORATION AND ITS PROMOTERS 1546 Sec. 506. Definitions and functions of promoters 1546 Sec. 507. Rights of corporation, duties of promoters 1546 Sec. 508. Liability of promoters to the corporation and shareholders. . . .1548 Sec. 509. Promoters' liability to shareholders 1550 Sec. 510. Liability of the corporation upon promoters' contracts 1551 Sec. 511. Liability of promoters to parties with whom they contract. . ... .1553 Sec. 512. Liability of corporation to promoter for expenses incurred in promoting corporation 1558 SUBDIVISION II. THE CORPORATION AND ITS MEMBERS OR SHAREHOLDERS. .1559 ARTICLE I. RIGHTS OF THE CORPORATION 1559 Sec. 513. 1. To corporate existence, estoppel of members to deny cor- porate existence 155$ Sec. 514. 2. To issue preferred stock, or increase or decrease the capital stock , 1559 Sec. 515. 3. To enforce contracts of subscription 1559 (a) General relation of shareholders to the corporation, to t other shareholders, and to creditors ; subscription in- duced by fraud 1559 Sec. 516. (b) Assnmpsit, misrepresentations, release, change of amount of stock, subscription of the whole amount. . 1563 Sec. 517. (c) Forfeiture for non-payment 1567 Sec. 518. (d) Calls, how made ; forfeiture 1569 Sec. 519. (e) Notice of calls 1573 Sec. 520. (f ) Calls must operate equally . . 1574 Sec. 521. (g) Calls must be uniform 1575 Sec. 522. (h) Calls must be made by legal directors 1576 XXX CONTENTS. PAGE. Sec. 523. 4. Assessments beyond full payment of amount subscribed 1579 Sec. 524. 5. Right to reserve a lien upon shares 1580 Sec. 525. 6. Right to regulate transfers 1580 Sec. 526. 7. Right to carry on the corporate enterprise through its proper representatives 1580 Sec. 527. 8. Right to accept amendments 1580 Sec. 528. 9. Right to dissolve itself 1581 ARTICLE II. RIGHTS OF SHAREHOLDERS 1581 Sec. 529. 1. Who are shareholders 1581 (a) Certificate ; subscription ; payment 1581 Sec. 530. (b) Certificate and payment in case of increase of stock 1582 Sec. 531. (c) Shares held as collateral security 1585 Sees. 532-3. (d) Corporate books as evidence of membership 1585 Sec. 534. 2. Right to vote 1591 (a) Residence, proxy, and number of votes 1591 Note : Proxy voting 1596 Sec. 535. (b) Personal interest of shareholder 1597 Sec. 536. (c) Pledgor and pledgee 1598 Sec. 537. (d) Executors 1600 Sec. 538. (e) Corporation holding its own shares 1601 Sec. 539. (f) Cumulative voting 1603 Sees. 540-1. (g) Voting trusts 1604 Note 1613 Sec. 542. 3. Right to dividends 1614 (a) Definition 1614 Sec. 543. (b) Out of what dividends may be declared ; provis- ion for payment of permanent debts 1616 Note 1621 Sec. 544. (c) Stock dividends 1622 Sees. 545-6. (d) What is a severance of the dividend fund from other corporate funds 1628 Sees. 547-8. (e) Who are entitled to dividends, option contracts 1631 Sec. 549. (f) Rights of life-tenant and remainder-man to divi- dends 1638 Sec. 550. (g) Remedy of shareholders for withholding payment of dividends .' 1643 Note 1645 Sec. 551. 4. Right to inspect books 4 . 1645 (a) In general 1645 Sec. 552. (b) In case of foreign corporations ; general rule 1651 Sec. 553. Exception 1653 Sec. 554. 5. Right to transfer shares of stock 1654 (a) Basis of the right 1654 Sec. 555. (b) General doctrine as to transfer; nature of certifi- cates and how transferred ; refusal of corporation to transfer; remedy of holder at law and in equity; liability of corporation on old and new CONTENTS. XXXI PAGE. certificates; who is owner; bona fide transferee; theft, fraud, etc 1655 Sec. 556. (c) General limit on right to transfer ; transfers for pur- pose of evading liability 1661 Sec. 557. (d) Fraud, forgery, etc 1663 Sec. 558. (e) Registration of transfers on corporate books theories 1663 (I) Not necessary ; attaching creditor of seller. .1663 Sec. 559. (2) Registration is necessary; attaching cred- itor of seller ; 1668 Note : Rules as to registration of transfers ; attachment of shares 1673 Sec. 560. (3) Fraudulent transfer by pledgee 1674 Sec. 561. (4) Fraudulent transfer by agent 1680 Sec. 562. (5) Fraudulent transfer in breach of trust 1682 Sec. 563. (6) Fraudulent transfer in breach of trust, lia- bility of the corporation 1685 Sees. 564-5. (7) Gift of shares 1688 Sec. 566. (f) Effect of transfer upon liability of transferrer and transferee ; general rule 1692 Note 1694 Sec. 567. Transfer of unpaid shares to a bona fide pur- chaser ; liability of transferee 1695 Sec. 568. (g) Refusal to transfer, remedy 1698 Sec. 569-70. Mandamus 1701 Sec. 571. 6. Right to participate in issue of new stock 1703 Sec. 572. 7. Right to be released from corporate liability 1705 (a) For fraud or mistake in inducing subscription 1705 Sec. 573. (b) In case the requisite amount of stock is not sub- scribed 1705 Sec. 574. (c) By material change in business 1705 Sec. 575. (d) By forfeiture of shares for non-payment 1705 Sec. 576. (e) By valid and completed transfer of shares 1705 Sec. 677. 8. Right to enjoin a change in corporate enterprise unless such power is reserved to the state 1705 Sec. 578. 9. Right to share in distribution of surplus assets upon dis- solution 1 706 Sec. 579. 10. Right to sue for wrongs done to the corporation 1706 (a) General doctrine, as to action at law 1706 Sec. 580. (b) Suits in equity 1709 Sees. 581-2. General rule and exceptions 1709 Sec. 583. (c) Restrain ultra vires acts 1715 Sec. 584. (d) Causes for which, and circumstances under which shareholders may sue 1716 Note 1723 Sec. 585. (e) Good-faith shareholder only 1724 SUBDIVISION III. THE CORPORATION AND ITS OFFICERS 1727 ARTICE I. RIGHTS OF THE CORPORATION 1727 XXXli CONTENTS. Sec. 586. 1. General doctrine .......................................... 1727 Sec. 587. 2. Theories of the relation of the directors to the corporation. .1727 (a) Agents of the corporation, not trustees of sharehold- ers ............................................... 1727 Sec. 588. (b) Trustees ............................................ 1729 Sec. 589. (c) Mandataries ................. ....................... 1731 Sec. 590. 3. General rules as to duties and liabilities of directors to the corporation ............................................. 1735 Sec. 591. 4. Eight of corporation to all profits made by officers by virtue of their office ............................................ 1735 Sec. 592. 5. Right of corporation to careful service by its officers, degree of care due .............................................. 1737 Note : Care required of officers ......................... 1743 Sec. 593. 6. Right of corporation to remove officers ..................... 1744 ARTICLE II. RIGHTS OF OFFICERS ...................................... 1746 Sees. 594-5. 1. To manage the ordinary business of the corporation ---- 1746 Sec. 596. 2. Right to deal with the corporation. Theories .......... 1750 (a) Dealings are not necessarily void ................. 1750 Note .......................................... 1753 Sec. 597. (b) Corporation can refuse to perform or may have contract set aside .............................. 1753 Sec. 598. 3. Right of officer to compensation ....................... 1755 (a) General doctrine ................................. 1755 Note .......................................... 1757 Sees. 599-600. (b) Strict rule ....................................... 1758 SUBDIVISION IV. THE CORPORATION AND CREDITORS .................... 1760 Sec. 601. (See the topic the Creditors and the Corporation) ............. 1805 SUBDIVISION V. THE CORPORATION AND OUTSIDE PARTIES ............... 1760 Sec. 601a. General duties and liabilities ................................ 1760 ARTICLE I. NOTICE TO THE CORPORATION ............................... 1760 Sec. 602. 1. Notice to a director ............... ......................... 1760 Sec. 603. 2. Notice to an officer, when he is acting in his own behalf ____ 1763 Note .................................................... 1765 Sec. 604. 3. Notice to a servant ........................................ 1765 DIVISION II. INDIVIDUAL RELATIONS .................................. 1767 TITLE I. INTERNAL RELATIONS ................................. ....... 1767 CHAPTER 18. RELATION OF PROMOTERS, SHAREHOLDERS, OFFICERS, ETC., AMONG THEM- SELVES, TO ONE ANOTHER, AND TO OTHER PARTIES .................. 1767 SUBDIVISION I. PROMOTERS ............................................ 1767 Sec. 605. 1 . Relation to the state ....................................... 1767 Sec. 606. 2. Relation to the corporation, the shareholders and to third parties ............................. . ................... 1767 Sec. 607. 3. Relation among themselves ..... ........................... 1767 SUBDIVISION II. SHAREHOLDERS OR MEMBERS .......................... 1770 Sec. 608. 1. Relation to the state ..................................... 1770 Sec. 609. 2. Relation to the corporation, promoters and officers ........ 1770 CONTENTS. XXXlll PAGE. Sec. 610. 3. Relation among themselves 1770 (a) Right to good faith upon the part of fellow-sub- scribers to the stock 1770 Sec. 611. (b) Right to equality, in proportion to stock owned 1770 (1) In management : Voting; notice of meetings, etc 1770 Sec. 612. (2) In distribution of profits 1770 Sec. 613. (3) In contributing to the corporate enterprise, equality and uniformity of calls 1771 Sec. 614. (4) In discharging corporate debts 1771 Note : Statutory liability 1772 Sec. 615. (5) In distribution of corporate assets upon dis- solution 1773 Sec. 616. In case of preferred shareholders 1775 Sees. 617-8. (c) Right to good faith upon the part of the major- ity : Power of the majority 1775 (1) In the management of the corporate affairs. .1775 Sees. 619-20. (2) In selling all the corporate property 1780 Sec. 621. (3) In surrendering the corporate charter 1789 Sec. 621a. (4) In accepting material amendments 1790 Sec. 622. 4. Relation of shareholders and creditors 1790 Sec. 623. 5. Relation of shareholders and third parties 1790 SUBDIVISION III. OFFICERS 1790 Sec. 624. 1. Relation to the corporation 1790 Sec. 625. 2. Relation to the shareholders 1790 (a) Rights of shareholders 1790 (1) Individual, vote, dividends, inspect books, transfer shares, etc 1790 Sec. 626. (2) Collective, secondary 1790 Sec. 627. (b) Rights of officers ' 1791 (1) To deal with shareholders ; officers are not trus- tees for shareholders 1791 Sec. 628. (2) To contribution or indemnity, where they are required to discharge corporate debts for which shareholders are also liable 1794 Sec. 629. 3. Relation of officers among themselves 1796 Sec. 630. 4. Relation to creditors 1796 Sec. 631. 5. Relation to third parties 1796 (a) False warranty of authority, ultra vires 1796 Sec. 632. (b) Torts in general 1799 Sec. 633. (c) Negligence 1800 TITLE II. EXTERNAL RELATIONS 1805 CHAPTER 19. THE CORPORATE CREDITORS 1805 SUBDIVISION I. THE STATE AND CORPORATE CREDITORS 1805 ARTICLE I. RIGHTS OF THE STATE, 1805 iii WIL. CAS. XXXIV CONTENTS. PAGE. Sec. 634. 1. To change remedies 1805 Sec. 635. 2. To dissolve the corporation 1807 Sec. 636. 3. To amend corporate charters; repeal statutory liability 1807 Sec. 637. 4. To protect, or discriminate in favor of, resident creditors.. . .1807 ARTICLE II. RIGHTS OP CREDITORS 1808 Sec. 638. To have their security and remedy against corporate assets sub- stantially preserved without impairment 1808 SUBDIVISION II. THE CORPORATION AND ITS CREDITORS 1808 ARTICLE I. RIGHTS OF THE CORPORATION 1808 Sec. 639. 1. To manage its own business 1808 Sec. 640-1. 2. To dispose of its property 1809 Sec. 642. 3. To accept amendments 1814 Sec. 643. 4. To surrender the charter 1815 Sec. 644. 5. To consolidate with other corporations 1815 Sec. 645. 6. Right to prefer creditors. Theories 1815 (a) Can 1815 Sec. 646. (b) Can not after insolvency 1819 Sec. 647. (c) Going concern, attachment 1827 Sec. 648. . ' (d) Extra-territorial effect of preferences 1828 Sec. 649. 7. Right to prefer officer creditors. Theories 1832 (a) Can not 1832 Sec. 650. Reasons 1835 Sec. 651. (b) Can 1836 ARTICLE II. RIGHTS OF CREDITORS 1841 Sec. 652. 1. In general 1841 Sec. 653. 2. At law ; execution 1842 Sec. 654. 3. In equity. Theories '. 1847 (a) Assets are a trust fund for creditors 1847 Sec. 655. (b) Assets are not a trust fund ; liability is based on fraud . 1852 Sec. 656-7. 4. Right to enjoin waste 1862 Sec. 668. 5. Right to enjoin threatened wrong 1865 Sec. 659. 6. Right to set aside fraudulent corporate conveyance Sec. 660. 7. Conditions precedent to creditor's rights to maintain suit in equity '. 1868 SUBDIVISION III. THE CREDITORS AND CORPORATE OFFICERS 1874 ARTICLE I. RIGHTS OF CREDITORS 1874 Sees. 661-2. A. Common law liability of officers 1874 1. Directors' responsibility 1874 Sec. 663. 2. Care required of officers 1884 Sec. 664. 3. Ultra vires transactions 1888 Sec. 665. B. Statutory liability 1888 1. General nature of 1888 Note 1892 Sec. 666. 2. When contractual and when penal. Enforcement in foreign state 1892 ARTICLE II. RIGHTS OF OFFICERS 1899 Sec. 667. 1 To manage corporate affairs within their powers, and in good faith, without interference bv creditors . . . . 1899 CONTENTS. XXXV PAGE. Sec. 668. 2. To contract or deal with the corporation 1899 Sec. 669. 3. To obtain a preference as creditor 1899 SUBDIVISION IV. CREDITORS AND SHAREHOLDERS 1899 I. RIGHTS OF CREDITORS 1899 Sec. 670. A. ARISING FROM IMPERFECT INCORPORATION 1899 B. COMMON LAW OR EQUITABLE LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS 1900 ARTICLE I. ARISING FROM OWNERSHIP OF SHARES 1900 Sec. 671. 1. Who are shareholders 1900 Note 1900 Sec. 672. 2. Creditors have no right, at common law or in equity, to have more than the face value of shares paid up 1900 Sec. 673. 3. Right of creditors to have the full face value of shares paid, if necessary to pay creditors, general rule 1902 Note : Unpaid subscriptions ; set off 1906 Sec. 674. 4. Theories as to the basis of this right 1907 (a) Trust-fund doctrine; set-off, statute of limitations. . .1907 Sec. 675. (b) Fraud in equity 1911 Sec. 676. (c) Fraud at law ; joint tort-feasors 1917 Sec. 677. 5. Exceptions to the general rule 1919 (a) By payment of a corporation debt by issue of stock in good faith 1919 Sec. 678. (b) To save a "going concern" 1923 Sec. 679. (c) In case of a gift of shares 1933 Sees. 680-1. 6. Payment of shares in property 1936 (a) Good-will 1936 Sec. 682. (b) Valuation of property : True value rule. Notice.. .1943 Note .....* 1947 Sec. 683. Notice of value from articles of incorporation 1947 Sec. 684. Statute, notice of value 1949 Sec. 685. (c) Actual fraud rule 1950 Note 1951 Sec. 686. 7. Fictitious issue of stock 1951 (a) Meaning of the term 1951 Note 1952 Sec. 687. (b) Liability upon fictitiously issued stock: "No cor- poration shall issue stock or bonds, except for money paid, labor done, or property actually re- ceived, and all fictitious increase of stock or in- debtedness shall be void" 1953 Sec. 688. 8. Remedy of creditors I960 (a) Conditions precedent; in general, exhaust remedies against corporation I960 Sec. 689. (b) At law and in equity Sec. 690. (c) In the United States courts 1962 Sec. 691. (d) Mandamus, or suit in equity, to have calls made . . .1964 Sec. 692. (e) Parties 1965 Note 1967 XXXVI CONTENTS. PACK. Sec. 693. (f) Assignee or receiver in a foreign state 1968 Mote 1972 Sec. 694. (g) Extra-territorial effect of a judgment. Statute of limitations 1972 Note 1976 ARTICLE H. LIABILITY ARISING FROM WITHDRAWAL OF ASSETS 1977 Sec. 695. 1. What is a withdrawal of assets. 1917 Sec. 696. 2. Withdrawing assets which creates insolvency 1979 Note 1979 Sec. 697. 3. Paying dividends after insolvency 1980 Sec. 698. 4. Dividends received in good faith which were paid oat of capital 1981 Sec. 699. 5. Remedy only in equity, not at law 1985 C. STATUTORY LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS 1987 ARTICLE I. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS 1987 Sec. 700. 1. Kinds: Contractual and penal 1987 Note 1989 Sec, 701. 2. General nature of contractual statutory liability 1990 Note; survival ; set-off 1991 Sees. 702-3. 3. To what it applies ; interpretation; debts 1992 Sec. 704. 4. General nature of penal liability . : 1996 Note 1996 ARTICLE EC. PARncirLAR KINDS OF CONTRACTUAL LIABILITY 1997 Sec. 705. 1. As to legal character (a) Secondary, limited and joint 1997 Sec. 706. (b) Secondary, unlimited and several 1997 Sec. 707. (c) Primary, unlimited, partnership 1998 Sec. 708. (d) Primary, limited, joint, enforceable only in equity. . .2000 Sec. 709. (e) Primary, limited, several, enforceable at law 2001 Sec. 710. 2. As to amount 2003 (a) Unlimited 2003 Sec. 711. (b) Double. Who liable 2003 Sec. 712. Double liability; assignee can not enforce; suit only after corporation can not pay 2005 Sec. 713. (c) Proportional 2009 Sec. 714. (d) For labor and services 2010 ARTICLE ILL ENFORCEMENT OF THE STATUTORY LIABILITY 2012 Sec. 715. 1. In general 2012 Note: Special remedies; receiver or assignee; secondary liability ; parties ; statute of limitations 2013 Sec. 716. 2. Constitutional provisions, when self-executing 2013 Sec. 717. 3. Self-executing provisions ; special remedy ; remedy in equity or at law ; repeal 2014 Sec. 718. 4. Self-executing provisions. When enforceable in other states. 2018 Sec. 719. 5. Enforcement in other states 2021 (a) When it will not be enforced 2021 Sec. 720. (b) When and ho wit wfll be enforced in other states.. ..2029 CONTENTS. XXXVJi PAGB. Sec. 721. (c) Penal liability 2033 II. RIGHTS OF SHAREHOLDERS 2034 Sec. 722. 1. To receive dividends from profits earned 2034 Sec. 723. 2. To keep dividends received in good faith, though paid out of capital when solvent 2034 Sec. 724. 3. To be released from liability 2034 (a) By fraud in securing subscription 2034 Sec. 725. (b) By forfeiture of shares for non-payment 2034 Sec. 726. (c) By acceptance, by corporation, of a material amend- ment, when not assented to by the shareholder 2034 Sec. 727. (d) By completed transfer of shares 2035 SUBDIVISION V. RIGHTS OF CORPORATE CREDITORS AMONG THEMSELVES. . .2035 ARTICLE I. PRIORITY 2035 Sec. 728. 1. In general by promptness of action 2035 Sec. 729. 2. In case of unpaid subscriptions, or withdrawal of assets. .2035 Sec. 730. 3. In case of statutory liability of shareholders or officers. . .2035 Sec. 731 . 4. By voluntary preference by corporation 2035 (a) General creditors 2035 Sec. 732. (b) Director-creditors 2036 Sees. 733-5. 5. By statutory provisions. Resident and non-resident creditors 2036 (a) Natural and artificial non-resident persons as cred- itors 2036 Sec. 736. (b) Power to subject corporate assets within the state to the payment of home creditors 2050 Sec. 737. 6. Power of the court to provide for the payment of the claims of certain creditors in preference to prior liens. . .2053 ARTICLE II. CONTRIBUTION AS TO EXPENSE OF ENFORCING REMEDIES 2062 Sec. 738. Contribution is allowed. . . .2062 APPENDIX. Form I. Subscription to capital stock prior to organization 2065 II. Subscription to stock in corporation to be formed 2065 III. Statutory subscription 2066 IV. Conditional subscriptions 2066 V. Application for incorporation 2066 VI. Certificate of incorporation 2066 VII. Charter of United States steel corporation 2069 VIII. Waiver of notice of first meeting 2074 IX. Proxy of subscribers, first meeting 2074 X. Assignment of subscription to stock 2075 XI. Waiver of notice of meeting to increase stock 2075 XII. Waiver of notice of assessment of unpaid stock 2076 XIII. By-laws 2077 XIV. General scheme for by-laws 2079 XXXV111 CONTENTS. PAGE. XV. Minutes of first meeting 2083 XVI. Directions for using forms 2086 XVII. Option contract 2089 XVIII. Underwriting contract 2095 XIX. Agreement between corporation and promoter 2097 XX. Unincorporated trust 2098 XXI. Prospectus 2098 XXII. Certificate of stock 2098 XXIII. Preferred and guaranteed stock 2100 XXIV. Voting trust 2100 XXV. Corporate notes, signatures and acknowledgments 2103 TABLE OF REPORTED CASES. {.References are to Pages.'] Adams Express Co. v. Ohio State Auditor, 165 U. S. 194 1381 Addyston Pipe & Steel Co. v. United States, 175 U. S. 211 1535 Allen v. Curtis, 26 Conn. 456 1727 Allen v. Montgomery R. Co., 11 Ala. 437 (extract) 1960 American Live Stock C. Co. v. Chicago L. S. Ex., 143 111. 210 682 American National Bank v. Dallas T. W. Mfg. Co., 39 S. W. Rep. (Tex.) 955 (extract) 1827 American Ry.-Frog Co. v. Haven, 101 Mass. 398 J601 American Union Telegraph Co. v. Union Pacific Railroad Co., 1 McCrary 188 1225 Anderson v. Middle & E. T. Cent. R. Co., 91 Tenn. 44 511 Anglo-Continental Corp. of Western Australia, Limited, 67 L. J. Ch. 179, 78 L. T. R. (N. S.) 157 1773 Armington v. Palmer, 21 R. I. 109, 42 Atl. 308 820 Armstrong v. Karshner, 47 Ohio St. 276 526 Ashton v. Burbank, 2 Dillon (U. S. Circuit) 435 87 Astor v. Arcade Railway Co., 113 N. Y. 93 363 Attorney-General v. Fidelity and Casualty Ins Co., 39 Minn. 538 (extract) 1517 Attorney-General v. The Legrand Roller Skating Rink Co., 143 111. 118.. 1321 Attorney-General, Ex rel. Minor, v. Lorman, 59 Mich. 157 605 Attorney-General v. Tudor Ice Co., 104 Mass. 239 1326 Aurora Agricultural and Horticultural Society of Aurora v. Paddock, 80 111 . 263 1065 B Bacon v. Robertson, 18 How. (59 U. S.) 480 899 Baltimore City Passenger R. Co. v. Hambleton, 77 Md. 341 1582 Baltimore and Potomac R. Co. v. Fifth Baptist Church, 137 U. S. 568 1 132 Bank of Augusta v. Earle, 13 Peters (38 U. S.) 519 1480 Bank of Jamaica v. Jefferson, 92 Tenn. 537 1128 Bank of Little Rock v. McCarthy, 55 Ark. 473 848 Bank of Poughkeepsie v. Ibbotson, 24 Wend. (N. Y.) 473 2001 Bank of the State of South Carolina v. Gibbs, 3 McCord (S. C.) *377 .... 221 Bank of United States v. Dandridge, 12 Wheat. 64 854 (xxxix) xl TABLE OF REPORTED CASES. [References are to Pages.] Bank of United States v. Planters' Bank, 9 Wheat. 904 558 Bank of TJtica v. Srnalley, 2 Cowen (N. Y.) 770 (extract) 1129 Bardstown and Louisville Railroad Company v. Metcalfe, 4 Met. (Ky.) 199, 81 Am. Dec. 541 (extracts) 1074 Barned's Banking Company, In re, L. R. 3 Ch. App. Cas. 105 1051 Barrow Steamship Company v. Kane, 170 TJ. S. 100 1111 Barry v. Merchants' Exchange Company, 1 Sandford's Chancery (N. Y.) 280 766 Bateman v. The Mid- Wales Railway Co., 35 L. J. (C. P.) 205 947 Behre v. National Cash Register Co., 100 Ga. 213 1253 Belfast and Moosehead R. Co. v. City of Belfast, 77 Me. 445 1616 Bell v. The Bank of Nashville, Peck (Tenn.) 269 279 Belton v. Hatch, 109 N. Y. 593 178 Benbow v. Cook, 115 N. C. 324 414 Bennison v. McConnell, 56 Neb. 46 1771 Bergeron v. Hobbs, 96 Wis. 641 611 Bissell v. The Michigan Southern and N. I. Railroad Companies, 22 N. Y 259 1183 Bjorngaard v. Goodhue Co. Bank, 49 Minn. 483 1596 Blake v. McClung, 172 TJ. S. 239 2036 Blake v. McClung, 176 U. S. 59 2045 Bloede Co. v. Bleode, 84 Md. 129 1159 Board of Commissioners of Hamilton County v. Mighels, 7 Ohio State, 109 214 Bolander v. Stevens, 23 Wend. (N. Y.) 103 2 Bond v. Terrell Cotton and Woolen Manufacturing Co., 82 Tex. 309 1211 Boston Glass Manufactory v. Langdon, 24 Pick. (Mass.) 49 866 Boyce v. Trustees of Towsontown Station of the M. E. Church, 46 Md. 359 642 Boyd v. Peach Bottom Railway Co., 90 Pa. St. 169 522 Bradbury v. Boston Canoe Club, 153 Mass. 77 940 Bradley v. Reppell, 133 Mo. 545 868 Broadway Bank v. McElrath, 13 N. J. Eq. 24 1663 Brokaw v. New Jersey R., etc., Co., 32 N. J. Law (3 Vroom) 328 1249 Bronson v. La Crosse and Milwaukee R. Co., 2 Wall. (69 U. S.) 283 1713 Brooklyn Steam Transit Co. v. City of Brooklyn, 78 N. Y. 524 871 Bright v. Lord, 51 Ind. 272 1635 Brinkerhoff-Farris Trust & Savings Co. v. Home Lumber Co., 118 Mo. 447.1162 Brunswick Gas Light Company v. United Gas, Fuel and Light Company, 85 Me. 532 1071 Bryant's Pond Steam Mill Co. v. Felt, 87 Maine 234 474 Buck v. Ross, 68 Conn. 29 1977 Budd v. Multnomah St. R. Co., 15 Ore. 413 1569 Buffalo and N. Y. City R. Co. v. Dudley, 14 N. Y. 336 1461 Busenback v. The Attica and Bethel Gravel Road Co., 43 Ind. 265 600 Butternuts and Oxford Turnpike Co. v. North, 1 Hill (N. Y.) 518 525 TABLE OF REPORTED CASES, xli [References are to Pages.] C California v. Pacific R. Co., 127 U. S. 1 (extract) 1478 Camden and Atlantic R. Co. v. May's Landing, etc., R. Co., 48 N. J. L. 530 (extracts) 1176 Camden v. Stuart, 144 U. S. 104 (extract) 1942 Cameron v. Kenyon-Connell Com. Co., 22 Mont. 312 1800 Canfield v. Gregory, 66 Conn. 9 647 Capps & McCreary v. Hastings Prospecting Company, 40 Neb. 470 239 Carey v. Williams, 79 Fed. Rep. 906 1586 Case v. Kelly, 133 U. S. 21 1012 Case of Suttton's Hospital, 10 Coke 23a (extracts) 264 Casey v. Galli, 94 U. S. (4 Otto) 673 1529 Cass v. Pittsburg, Virginia and Charleston Railway Co., 80 Pa. St. 31 538 Catlin v. Eagle Bank, 6 Conn. 233 1815 Central Pacific R. Co. v. Gallatin, 99 U. S. 700 1405 Central Transportation Co. v. Pullman Palace Car Co., 139 U. S. 24 1178 Chandlery. Bacon, 30 Fed. Rep. 538 1546 Chapman v, Iron Clad Rheostat Co., 62 N. J. Law 497 1045 Chase National Bank v. Faurot, 149 N. Y. 532 1150 Chater v. San Francisco Sugar Ref. Co., 19 Cal. 219 80 Chestnut Hill Co. v. Rutter, 4 Serg. & R. (Pa.) *6 1239 Chicago, R. I. & P. R. Co. v. Union Pacific R. Co., 47 Fed. Rep. 15 (extract)1177 Child v. Boston & F. I. Works, J37 Mass. 516 1992 Child v. Hudson's Bay Co., 2 P. Wms. 207 1161 Christensen v. Eno, 106 N. Y. 97 1933 Cincinnati Cooperage Company v. Bate, 96 Ky. 356 827 Cincinnati, Lafayette and Chicago R. Co. v. The Danville and Vincennes R. Co., 75111. 113 664 City and County of San Francisco v. Spring Valley Water- Works, 48 Cal. 493 345 City of Denver v. Sherret, 88 Fed. Rep. 226 1765 City of Detroit v. Detroit and Howell Plank Road Co., 43 Mich. 140 1458 Clearwater v. Meredith, 1 Wallace (68 U. S.) 25 984 Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis Railway Company v. Closser, 126 Ind. 348 960 Cochran v. Arnold, 58 Pa. St. 399 625 Cole v. LaGrange, 113 U. S. 1 554 Cole v. Millerton Iron Co., 133 N. Y. 164 1866 Coleman v. White, 14 Wis. 700 2000 Colonial Bank v. Whinney, L. R. 30 Ch. Div. 261 801 Commercial Fire Insurance Co. v. Board of Revenue, 99 Ala. 1 773 Commonwealth v. Crompton, 137 Pa. St. 138 1688 Commonwealth v. Cullen, 13 Pa. St. 133 417 Commonwealth v. Detwiler, 131 Pa. St. 614 1W1 Commonwealth v. Hemmingway, 131 Pa. St. 614 ]591 Commonwealth v. New York, etc., Railroad Co., 132 Pa. St. 591 (extract). 101 4 Commonwealth v. Smith, 10 Allen (Mass.) 448 (extracts) 1070 xlii TABLE OF REPORTED CASES. [References are to Pages.] Commonwealth v. Texas and Pacific R. Co., 98 Pa. St. 90 1476 Compton v. Railway Company, 45 Ohio St. 592 995 Contract Corporation, Ex parte, L. R. 3 Ch. App Cas. 105 1051 Cooke v. Marshall, 191 Pa. St. 315 761 Cooper Mfg. Co. v. Ferguson, 113 U. S. 727. (Extract.) 1503 Coppage v. Button, 124 Ind. 401 469 Coppin v. Greenlees & Ransom Co., 38 Ohio St. 275 1048 Corey v. Wadsworth, 118 Ala. 488 (extract) 1836 County of San Mateo v. Southern Pacific R. Co., 13 Fed. Rep. 722 36 Crafford v. Supervisors, etc., 87 Va. 110 51 Curtis v. Tracy, 169 111. 233 650 Cushman v. Thayer Mfg. Jewelry Co., 76 N. Y. 365 1698 D Dalton & M. R. Co. v. McDaniel, 56 Ga. 191 (extract) . . .- 1964 Dartmouth College v. Woodward, 4 Wheat. 518 708 Davenport v. Lines, 72 Conn. 118 1980 Davis v. Nebraska National Bank, 51 Neb. 401, 6 Am. & Eng. Corp. Cas. (N. S.) 593 1130 Deaderick v. Wilson, 8 Baxt. (67 Tenn.) 108 1791 Demarest v. Flack, 128 N. Y. 205 1486 Denny Hotel Co. v. Schram, 6 Wash. 134 553 Denver Fire Insurance Co. v. McClelland, 9 Colo. 11 1217 DeWitt v. The City of San Francisco, 2 Cal. 289 1019 Dexter Savings Bank v. Friend, 90 Fed. Rep. 703 1796 Directors of the Long Island R. Co., In re, 19 Wend. (N. Y.) 37 1157 Distilling and Cattle Feeding Company v. People, 156 111. 448 978 Dodge v. Woolsey, 18 How. (59 U. S.) 331 88 Donworth and Behan v. Coolbaugh, 5 Iowa 300 1445 Dousman v. The Wisconsin and Lake Superior Mining and Smelting Co., 40 Wis. 418 1703 Doyle v. Continental Ins. Co., 94 U. S. 535 1491 Doyle v. Mizner, 42 Mich. 332 632 Droitwich Salt Co. v. Curzon, L. R. 3 Exch. 35 764 Dronfiekl Silkstone Coal Company, In re, L. R. 17 Ch. Div. 76 1041 Duke v. Markham, 105 N. C. 131, 18 Am. St. Rep. 889 833 Dunn v. University of Oregon, 9 Ore. 357 298 Durfee v. Old Colony and Fall River R. Co., 5 Allen (Mass.) 230 1462 E Eagle Insurance Co. v. Ohio, 153 U. S. 446 1363 East Birmingham Land Co. v. Dennis, 85 Ala. 565 807 Eastern Counties Railway Co. v. Broom, 6 Exch. (Welsby, H. & G.) 314, 2 Eng. L. & Eq. 406 1244 E.lgerly v. Emerson, 23 N. H. 5,55 851 Edgeworth v. Wood, 58 N. J. L. 463. . 28 TABLE OF REPORTED CASES. xliii [References are to Pages.] Edinboro' Academy v. Robinson, 37 Pa. St. 210 445 Edwards v. Warren Linoline and Gasoline Works, 168 Mass. 564 171 Ellis v. Marshall, 2 Mass. 269, 3 Am. Dec. 49 306 Ellis v. Ward, 137 111. 509 1729 Enterprise Ditch Co. v. Moffitt, 58 Neb. 442, 76 Am. St. Rep. 122 1579 Erie & Northeast R. v. Casey, 26 Pa. St. 287 .1435 Erwin v. Oldham, 6 Yerger (14Tenn.) 185 ' 815 Estey Manufacturing Company v. Runnels, 55 Mich. 130 631 Evans v. The Philadelphia Club, 50 Pa. St. 107 1165 Exchange National Bank v. Capps, 32 Neb. 242 1122 Ex parte, see name of party. F Fairfield Savings Bank v. Chase, 72 Maine 226 1760 Falconer & Higgins v. Campbell, 2 McLean (U. S. Circuit Ct.) 195 287 Farmers' Loan & Trust Co. v. N. Y. & Northern R. Co., 150 N. Y. 410 . . .1776 Farrington v. Putnam, 90 Maine 405 1029 Farrington v. Tennessee, 95 U. S. 679 1370 Farrior v. New Eng. Mortgage Security Co., 88 Ala. 275 1515 Farwell Co. v. Wolf, 96 Wis. 10 1197 Fay v. Noble, 7 Gush. (Mass.) 188 677 Fidelity Insurance, Trust, etc., Co. v. Niven, 5 Houst. (Del.) 416 1088 Fietsam v. Hay, 122 111. 293 141 Finnegan v. Noerenberg, 52 Minn. 239 614 Fire Insurance Patrol v. Boyd, 120 Pa. St. 624 1272 First National Bank v. Peavey, 69 Fed. Rep. 455 (extract) 1962 Fisher v. Essex Bank, 5 Gray (Mass.) 373 1668 Fiske's Estate, In re, 111 N. Y. 66 1034 Fitzpatrick v. Rutter, 160 111. 282 644 Flinn v. Bagley, 7 Fed: Rep. 785 1902 Flint & F. P. R. Co. v. Woodhull, 25 Mich. 99 398 Flint v. Pierce, 99 Mass. 68 1174 Florence Land and Public Works Co., In re, v. NicoPs Case, L. R. 29 Ch. Div. 421 504 Florsheim Bros. Dry Goods Co. v. Lester, 60 Ark. 120 1513 Forrester v. Boston & M. Cons. C. S. & M. Co., 21 Mont. 544 1780 Foster v. Borax Co., 80 L. T. R. (N. S.) 461 1863 Foster v. Chase, 75 Fed. Rep. 797 547 Foster v. Essex Bank, 16 Mass. 245 895 Foster v. Moulton, 35 Minn. 458 646 Foster & Sons v. Commissioners, etc., L. R. 1 Q. B. D. 516 (1894) 60 Fowler v. Bell, 90 Tex. 150 (extract) 1828 Franklin Bridge Co. v. Wood, 14 Ga. 80 279 Franklin Company v. Lewiston Institution for Savings, 68 Maine'43 938 xliv TABLE OF REPORTED CASES. [References are to Pages.] G Garrett v. Belmont Land Co., 94 Tenn. 459 1138 Garratt Ford Co. v. Vermont Manufacturing Co., 20 R. I. 187 1093 Gent v. Manufacturers' and M. M. Ins. Co., 107 111. 652 568 Gibbs' Estate, W. Halstead's Appeal, 157 Pa. St. 59 244 Gleason v. McKay, 134 Mass. 419 167 Glenn v. Orr, 96N.C. 413 1589 Globe Accident Ins. Co. v. Reid, 19 Ind. App. 203 1142 Goodspeed v. East Haddam Bank, 22 Conn. 530 1256 Governor v. Allen & McMurdie, 8 Humph. (27 Tenn.) 176 270 Graham v. Boston, Hartford and Erie*R. Co., 118 U. S. 161 846 Graham v. Railroad Co., 102 U. S. 148 1809 Grand Lodge of Alabama v. Waddill, 36 Ala. 313 1212 Graves v. Brooks, 117 Mich. 424 1950 Great Western Tel. Co. v. Burnham, 79 Wis. 47 1574 Great Western Tel. Co. v. Purdy, 162 U. S. 329 1972 Greenberg v. Whitcornb Lumber Co., 90 Wis. 225 1799 Greene v. Dennis, 6 Conn. 292 275 Green v. Graves, 1 Douglass (Mich.) 351 (extracts) 292 Green v. Knife Falls Boom Corporation, 35 Minn. 155 339 Greenwood v. Freight Co., 105 U. S. 13 1422 Griffinglron Co., In re, 63 N. J. Law 168 1744 Griffith v. Blackwater Boom and Lumber Co., 47 W. Va. 56, 33 S. E. Rep. 125 897 Guckert v. Hacke, 159 Pa. St. 303 662 Guilford v. Western U. Tel. Co., 59 Minn. 332 1521 H Hahns & Bros.' Appeal, 15 Am. & E. C. C. 537, 18 W. L. N. 294 549 Haley v. Reid, 16 Ga. 437 810 Hamlin v. Continental Trust Co., 47 U. S. App. 422, 78 Fed. Rep. 664. ... 785 Handley v. Stutz, 139 U. S. 417 1923 Hanson v. Donkersley, 37 Mich. 184 1997 Hardin v. Trustees of Second Baptist Church, 51 Mich. 137 201 Harger v. McCullough, 2 Denio (N. Y.) 119 1998 Harris and Stickle v. McGregor, 29 Cal. 124 603 Harrod v. Hamer, 32 Wis. 162 586 Harvey v. Linville Improvement Co., 118 N. C. 693 1604 Hawes v. Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co., 101 Mass. 385 581 Hawes v. Oakland, 104 U. S. 450 1716 Hawthorne v. Calef, 2 Wall. (69 U. S.) 10 752 Hatch v. Dana, 101 U. S. 205 1965 Heaston v.'Cincinnati & Ft. Wayne R. Co., 16 Ind. 275 1573 Hebgen v. Koeffler, 97 Wis. 313 1548 Helm v. Smith-Fee Co., 79 Minn. 297 2062 Higgins v. Downward, 8 Houst. (Del.) 227 152 TABLE OF REPORTED CASES. xlv [References are to Pages.] Holman v. The State, 105 Ind. 569 590 Hollins v. Brierfield Coal and Iron Co., 150 U. S. 371 1868 Holloway v. The Memphis, El Paso and Pacific R. Co. 23 Tex. 465 1124 Hooper v. California, 155 U. S. 648 1507 Hoppin v. Buffum, 9 R. I. 513 1598 Hornev. Ivy, 1 Mod. 18 1136 Hospes v. Northwestern Mfg., etc., Co., 48 Minn. 174 1911 Howarth v. Angle, 162 N. Y. 179 2028 Howe, Brown & Co. v. Sandford F. & T. Co., 44 Fed. Rep. 231 (extract). 1835 Hudson Real Estate Company v. Tower, 161 Mass. 10 478 Hughes v. Antietam Mfg. Co., 34 Md. 316 1563 Hunt v. O'Shea, 69 N. H. 600 1628 Huntington v. Attrill, 146 U. S. 657 1892 I In re, see name of the party. Insurance Company v. Morse, 87 U. S. (20 Wall.) 445 (extract) 1097 Interstate Commerce Commission v. Cincinnati, N. O. & T. P. Co., 167 U. S. 479 (extract) 1534 In the matter of (see name of party). Irwin v. Granite State Provident Assn., 56 N. J. Eq. 244 1524 Ireland v. The Palestine, etc., Turnpike Co., 19 Ohio St. 369 757 J Jackson's Administrators v. Newark Plank-Road Co., 31 N. J. Law 277. .1643 Jackson v. Walsh, 75 Md. 304 (extract). 1447 Jacksonville, Mayport, Pablo R. & Nav. Co. v. Hooper, 160 TJ. S. 514. . . .1145 Jermain v. Lake Shore & Mich. Southern R. Co., 91 N. Y. 483 1631 Jones v. The Aspen Hardware Company, 21 Colo. 263 637 Jones v. Guaranty and Indemnity Company, 101 U.S. 622 1078 Johns v. Johns, 1 Ohio St. 350 794 Johnston Fife Hat Co. v. The National Bank of Guthrie, 4 Okla. 17 1262 K Kaiser v. Lawrence Savings Bank, 56 Iowa 104 607 Kearns v. Leaf, 1 Hem. & Mill 681 (extract) 1862 Keller v. Eureka Brick Machine Manufacturing Co., 43 Mo. App. 84 1655 Kent v. Quicksilver Mining Co., 78 N. Y. 159 790 Keokuk and Western Railroad Company v. Missouri, 152 U. S. 301 989 Killingsworth v. The Portland Trust Co., 18 Ore. 351, 17 Am. St. Rep. 737. . 1090 King v. London, Carth. 217 (extract) 705 King v. Mayor of London, Show. 280 (extract) 152 King v. Passmore, 3 T. R. 246 (extract) 150 xlvi TABLE OF REPORTED CASES. [References are to Pages.] L Lake Shore and Michigan Southern R. Co. v. Chicago and Western In- diana R. Co., 97 111. 506 (extract) 1342 Larrabee v. Baldwin, 35 Cal. 155 (extract) 2009 Lawrence v. Greenup, 97 Fed. Rep. 906 (extract) 1985 Leazure v. Hillegas, 7 Serg. & R. (Pa.) 313 1008 Le Roy v. Globe Insurance Co., 2 Edw. Ch. (N. Y. ) *657 1629 Lewis v. Tilton, 64 Iowa 220 176 Licensed Victuallers' Mutual Trading Assn., Ex parte Audain, L. R. 42 Ch. Div. 1, 26 A. & E. C. C. 217 502 Little Saw Mill Valley Turnpike Co. v. Federal Street and P. V. P. R. Co. , 194 Pa. St. 144 11 47 Long v. Georgia Pacific Railway Co., 91 Ala. 519 1203 Loring v. Salisbury Mills, 125 Mass. 138 1685 Lothrop v. Stedraan, 42 Conn. 563 (extract) 1865 Louisville Banking Company v. Eisenrnan, 94 Ky. 83 887 Louisville, New Albany & C. R. Co. v. Boney, 117 Ind. 501 '. . . 1842 Lucus v. White Line Transfer Co., 70 Iowa 541 1207 Luxton v. North River Bridge Co., 153 U. S. 525 320 M Maine v. Grand Trunk R. Co., 142 U. S. 217 (extract) 1390 Maisenbacker v. Society Concordia, 71 Conn. 369 1279 Mallory v. Hanaur Oil Works, 86 Tenn. 598 957 Manchester Fire Ins. Co. v. Herriott, 91 Fed. Rep. 711 1498 Manchester and Lawrence Railroad v. Concord Railroad, 66 N. H. 100. . . 963 Man wood v. Lovelace, 6 Vin. Abr. 282 688 Marchand v. Loan and Pledge Assn., 26 La. Ann. 389 383 Marshall v. F. & M. Savings Bank, 85 Va. 676 1879 Marshall v. Sherman, 148 N. Y. 9 2021 Martin v. Fewell, 79 Mo. 401 673 Martin v. South Salem Land Co., 94 Va. 28 539 Matter of Rappleye, 43 App. Div. (N. Y.) 84 1651 Maund v. The Monmouthshire Canal Co., 4 Mann. & Gr. (43 Engl. C. L.) *452 1243 Mayor, etc., of Norwich v. Norfolk R. Co., 82 Eng'. C. L. (4 El. & Bl.) *367 (extract) 1148 McArthur v. Times Printing Co., 48 Minn. 319 1551 McCarthy v. Lavasche, 89 111. 270 253 McCartee v. Orphan Asylum Society of New York, 9 Cowen (N. Y.) 437. .1021 McClure v. Law, 161 N. Y. 78 1735 McDonald v. AVilliams, 174 U. S. 397 198] McGinty v. Athol Reservoir Co., 155 Mass. 183 873 McGraw's Estate, In re, 111 N. Y. 66 1034 McLouth v. Hunt, 154 N. Y. 179 1638 McKim v. Odom, 3 Bland Ch. (Md.) 407 222 McNeil v. Tenth Nat'l Bank, 46 N. Y. 325" . . 1674 TABLE OF REPORTED CASES. xlvii [References are to Pages.] Medical Institution of Geneva College v. Patterson, 1 Denio (N. Y.) 61. . 263 Medway Cotton Manufactory v. Adams, 10 Mass. 360 825 Memphis, etc., R. Co. v. Railroad Commissioners, 112 U. S. 609 143 Mechanics' Bank v. Heard, 37 Ga. 401 87" Merchants' Bank of Canada v. Livingston, 74 N. Y. 223 16' Merchants' Nat'l Bank of Kansas City'v. Lovitt, 114 Mo. 519 17<>.> Merchants' & Planters' Line v. Waganer, 71 Ala. 581 880 Metcalf v. Arnold, 110 Ala. 180 97 Methodist Episcopal Church v. Sherman, 36 Wis. 404 691 Metropolitan Elevated R. Co. v. Manhattan Elevated R. Co., 11 Daly 373, 14 Abb. New Cas. 103 694 Miller v. Ewer, 27 Maine 509 841 Miller v. Insurance Co., 92 Tenn. 167 1214 Mills v. Northern R. Co., L. R. 5 Ch. App. Cas. 621 1813 Miner v. The Belle Isle Ice Co., 93 Mich. 97 1323 Miners' Ditch Co. v. Zellerbach, 37 Gal. 543 (extract) 1200 Minneapolis Threshing Machine Co. v. Davis, 40 Minn. 110 492 Missouri Lead M. & S. Co. v. Reinhard, 114 Mo. 218 844 Mobile and Girard R. Co. v. Alabama Midland R. Co., 87 Ala. 501 (ex- tract) 1340 Mobile and Ohio R. Co. v. Tennessee, 1*3 U. S. 486 1614 Mokelumne Hill Canal and Mining Co. v. Woodbury, 14 Cal. 424 296 Montgomery v. Forbes, 148 Mass. 249 594 Monument National Bank v. Globe Works, 101 Mass. 57 949 Mormon Church, etc., v. United States, 136 U. S. 1 906 Morrill v. Little Falls Manufacturing Co., 53 Minn. 371 839 Morrill v. Smith County, 89 Tex. 529 (extract) 987 Morton Gravel Road Co. v. Wysong, 51 Ind. 4 1156 Moses v. Tompkins, 84 Ala. 613 1576 Moxham v. Grant, 69 L. J. (Q. B.) 97 1794 Mumma v. The Potomac Company, 8 Peters (33 U. S.) 281 896 Munson v. Syracuse, Geneva and Corning R. Co., 103 N. Y. 58 1753 Murphy v. Arkansas & L. Land Improvement Co., 97 Fed. Rep. 723 950 Muscatine Water Co. v. Muscatine Lumber Co., 85 Iowa 112 1137 Nassau Bank v. Jones, 95 N. Y. 115 1205 National Bank v. Case, 99 U. S. 628 1661 National Commercial Bank v. McDonnell, 92 Ala. 387 549 National State Bank v. Vigo County National Bank, 141 Ind. 352 703 National Loan and Investment Co. v. Rockland Co., 94 Fed. Rep. 335 1755 National Telephone Manufacturing Co. v. DuBois, 165 Mass. 117 1490 Neil v. The Board of Trustees of The O. A. & M. College, 31 Ohio St. 15.. 191 Newby v. The Oregon Central Railway Co., Deady 609, Fed. Cas. 10144. . 819 Newcomb v. Reed, 12 Allen (Mass.) 362 588 Nickuni v. Bnrckhardt. 30 Ore. 464 391 Nims v. Mt. Hermon Bovs' School, 1GO Mass. 177 1268 xlviii TABLE OF REPORTED CASES [References are to Pages.] Nix v. Miller, Colo. , 57 Pac. Rep. 1084 1874 Norfolk and Western R. Co. v. Pennsylvania, 136 U. S. 114 1393 Norris v. Staps, Hobart 211a (extract) 1156 North Hudson B. & L. Assn. v. Childs, 82 Wis. 460 1737 North State Copper and Gold Mining Co. v. Field, 64 Md. 151 1519 Northwestern Union Packet Company v. Shaw, 37 Wis. 655 1040 Nulton v. Clayton, 54 Iowa 425 456 o O'Bear Jewelry Co. v. Volfer, 106 Ala. 205 1852 Olney v. Conanicut Land Co., 16 R. I. 597 1832 Oregon R. Co. v. Oregonian R. Co., 130 U.S.I 429 Overseers of Poor v. Sears, 22 Pick. (Mass.) 122 193 P Pacific National Bank v. Eaton, 141 U. S. 227.. .., 1581 Packard v. Old Colony Railroad Co., 168 Mass". 92 563 Parsons v. Joseph, 92 Ala. 403 1724 Payne v. Elliot, 54 Cal. 339 804 Pearsall v. Great Northern R. Co., 161 U. S. 646 1413 Pearson v. Concord Railroad Corporation, 62 N. H. 537 1060 Peninsular Railway Co. v. Duncan, 28 Mich. 130 482 Pennington v. Gitting's Executor, 2 Gill & J. 208 1690 Pennsylvania Co. v. Bauerle, 143 111. 459 (extract) 1516 Penobscot Boom Corporation v. Lamson, 16 Me. (4 Shepley) 224 283 Pensacola Telegraph Company v. Western Union Telegraph Co., 96 U. S.I 326 People v. Ballard, 134 N. Y. 269 1066 People v. Chicago Gas Trust Co., 130 111. 268 1054 People v. Chicago Live Stock Exchange, 170 111. 556 1171 People v. Coleman, 126 N. Y. 433 778 People v. Coleman, 133 N. Y. 279 15 People v. The Dashaway Association, 84 Cal. 114 1298 People v. Fire Ins. Assn. of Philadelphia, 92 N. Y. 1311 1494 People v. Granite State, etc., Assn., 161 N. Y. 492 2050 People v. Montecito Water Co., 97 Cal. 276 609 People v. Morris, 13 Wendell (N. Y.) 325 229 People v. N. Y. Central & Hudson River R. Co., 28 Hun (N. Y.) 543 1308 People v. North River Sugar Refining Co., 121 N. Y. 582 100 People v. O'Brien, 111 N. Y. 1 1426 People v. Phrenix Bank, 24 Wend. (N. Y.) 431 1306 People v. Pullman's Palace Car Company, 175 111. 125 926 People, ex rel., v. Roberts, 159 N. Y. 70 1385 People v. Utica Ins. Co., 15 Johnson (N. Y.) 358 113 Perkins v. Sanders, 56 Miss. 733 409 Philadelphia Savings Institution, In re, 1 Wharton (Pa.) 461 464 TABLE OF REPORTED CASES. xlix [References are to Pages.] Philadelphia & Southern Steamship Co. v. Pennsylvania, 122 TJ. S. 326 (extract) 1389 Philips v. Wickham, 1 Paige Ch. (N. Y.) 590 875 Pierce v. Commonwealth, 104 Pa. St. 150 1603 Pittsburg, C. & St. L. R. Co. v. Keokuk Bridge Co., 131 IT. S. 371 (extract). 11 82 Plimpton v. Bigelow, 93 N. Y. 592 811 Pond v. Framingham & Lowell R. Co., 130 Mass. 194 1808 Pratt v. Boston & Albany R. Co., 126 Mass. 443 1702 President, Directors, etc., of Bank of the United States v. Dandridge, 12 Wheat. (25 U. S.) 64 854 Price v. Pine Mountain Iron and Coal Co. (Ky.), 32 S. W. Rep. 267 1047 Proprietors of The Piscataqua Bridge v. The New Hampshire Bridge, 7 N. H. 35 309 Prospect Park & C. I. R. Co., In re, 67 N. Y. 371 (extract) 987 Pullman's Palace Car Co. v. Pennsylvania, 141 U. S. 18 1374 Q Queen v. Arnaud, 25 L. J. Rep. (16 N. S.) 50 58 Queen v. The Birmingham & Gloucester R. Co., 3 Adol. & El. N. S. 223, 43 Eng. C. L. 708 1283 Queen v. The Great North of England R. Co., 9 Adol. & El. (N. S.) *315, 58 Eng. C. L. 314 1284 Quincy Railroad Bridge Company v. Adams County, 88 111. 615 988 R Rahrer, In re, 140 U. S. 545 1530 Rapier, In re, 143 U. S. 110 1541 Railroad (Paducah and Memphis) v. Parks, 86 Tenn. 554 532 Railroad Tax Cases, 13 Fed. Rep. 722 36 Railway Co. v. Allerton, 85 U. S. (18 Wall.) 233 442 Read v. Frankfort Bank, 23 Maine (10 Shep.) 318 1805 Reeve v. Harris (Tenn. Ch. App.), 50S. W. Rep. 658 1758 Regina, see Queen. Rex, see King. Richardson v. Graham, 45 W. Va. 134 (extract) 1550 Richardson v. Swift, 7 Houst. (Del.) 137 (extract) 1653 Riche v. The Ashbury Railway Carriage and Iron Co., Ltd., L. R. 9 Ex. 224 * 919 Richmond Railway and Electric Co. v. Brown, 97 Va. 25 1317 Riddick v. Amelin, 1 Mo. 5 302 Riddle v. Proprietors, etc., 7 Mass. 169 f . 47 Rider v. Fritchey, 49 Ohio St. 285 1994 Roberts Mfg. Co. v. Schlick, 62 Minn. 332 1767 Robertson v. Bullions, 9 Barbour (N. Y.) 64 203 Rockford, Rock Island and St. Louis R. Co. v. Shunick, 65 111. 223 545 Romney v. United States, 136 U. S. 1 906 1 TABLE OF REPORTED CASES. [References are to Pogres.] Root v. Sinnock, 120 111. 350 2003 Rose v. Turnpike Co., 3 Watts (Pa.) 46 688 Rouse v. Merchants' Bank, 46 Ohio St. 493 1819 Ruse v. Bromberg, 88 Ala. 619 1575 Russell v. Wakefield Water- Works Co., L. R. 20 Eq. Gas. 474 1709 Rutter v. Chapman, 8 Mees. & W. 1 266 Ryerson v. Wayne Circuit Judge, 114 Mich. 352 1121 s San Antonio Street R. Co. v. State of Texas, 90 Tex. 520 1313 San Joaquin Land and Water Co. v. West, 94 Cal. 399 497 Sasser v. The State of Ohio, 13 Ohio 453 668 Scovill v. Thayer, 105 U. S. 143 1907 Sedalia, Warsaw and Southern R. v. Wilkerson, 83 Mo. 235 459 Sellers v. Greer, 172 111. 549 65 Sharon R. Co.'s Appeal, 122 Pa. St. 533 (extract) 1342 Shaw v. Quincy Mining Co., 145 U. S. 444 1106 Shinney v. North American Sav., Loan and Building Co., 97 Fed. Rep. 9.1542 Shipley v. The Mechanic's Bank, 10 Johns. (N. Y.) 484 1701 Shute v. Keyser, 37 Am. & Eng. Corp. Cas. 61 (Ariz.) 1134 Silver Lake Bank v. North, 4 Johns. Ch. (N. Y.) 370 1092 Singer Manufacturing Co. v. Peck, 9 S. D. 29 571 Sinking Fund Cases, 99 U. S. 700 1405 Skillman v. Lachman, 23 Cal. 198 182 Slee v. Bloom, 19 Johns. Ch. (N. Y.) 456 881 Small v. Herkimer Mfg. and Hydraulic Co., 2 N. Y. 330 1567 Smith v. Hurd, 12 Mete. (Mass.) 371 1706 Smith v. San Francisco and North Pacific R. Co., 115 Cal. 584 1606 Smith v. Tallassee Branch of Central Plank-Road Co., 30 Ala. 650 817 Smyth v. Ames, 169 U. S. 466 1352 Smyth v. Visitors of the Theological Institution in Phillips Academy in Andover, 154 Mass. 551 1332 Sniders Sons' Co. v. Troy, 91 Ala. 224 656 Snyder v. Studebaker, 19 Ind. 462 634 Society Perun v. Cleveland, 43 Ohio St. 481 '. 617 Southern Pacific R. Co. v. Orton, 32 Fed. Rep. 457 354 Southern Railway Co. v. Carnegie Steel Co., 176 U. S. 257 (extracts). . . .2053 Sprague v. Illinois River R. Co., 19 111. *174 1454 Sprague v. National Bank, 172 111. 149 (extract) 1949 Spring Valley Water- Works v. Schottler, 62 Cal. 69 120 Standard Underground Cable Co. v. Attorney-General, 46 N. J. Eq. 270. .1392 State v. Atchison, 3 Lea (Tenn.) 729, 31 Am. Rep. 663 1286 State v. Bank of New England, 70 Minn. 398 1585 State v. Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Co., 4 S. D. 261 1126 State v. City of Cincinnati, 20 Ohio St. 18 360 State v. Cunningham, 83 Wis. 90 1295 State v. Curtis, 35 Conn. 374 258 State v. Dawson, 16 Ind. 40 412 TABLE OF REPORTED CASES. H [References are to Pages.] State v. Debenture Guarantee & Loan Co., 51 La. Ann. 1874 1302 State v. The Dodge City, Montezuma and Trinidad R. Co., 53 Kan. 377. .1330 State v. The Georgia Medical Society, 38 Ga. 608 136 State v. Insurance Co., 49 Ohio St. 440 406 State v. Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce, 47 Wis. 670 (extracts) 1294 State v. Northeastern R. Co., 9 Rich (S. C. Law) 247 44 State v. Overton, 24 N. J. Law (4 Zabr.), 435 1153 State v. Pacific Brewing and Malting Co., 21 Wash. 451 1645 State v. Parsons, 40 N. J. L. 1 333 State v. Pawtuxet Turnpike Co., 8 R. I. 521 1305 State v. Payne, 129 Mo. 468 830 State v. Standard Life Association, 38 Ohio St. 281 234 State v. Sherman, 22 Ohio St. 411 1082 State v. Travelers' Insurance Co., 70 Conn. 590 1402 State Bank v. The State, 1 Blackf. (Ind.) 267 891 State Trust Co. v. Turner, 111 Iowa 664 1943 St. Clair v. Cox, 106 TJ. S. 350 1115 St. Louis F. S. & W. R. Co. v. Tiernan, 37 Kan. 606 375 St. Louis and San Francisco Railway Co. v. James, 161 IT. S. 545 1099 St. Louis, V. & T. H. R. Co. v. Terre Haute & I. R. Co., 145 U. S. 393 .... 1228 Steam Stone-Cutter Co. v. Scott, 157 Mo. 520 1917 Stein v. Howard, 65 Cal. 616 (extract) 1951 Stevens v. Eden Meeting-House Society, 12 Vt. 688 < 836 Stevens v. Rutland and Burlington R. Co., 29 Vt. 545 1448 Stewart v. Trustees of Hamilton College, 2 Denio (N. Y.) 403 448 Stockport District Water- Works Co. v. The Mayor, etc., of Manchester, 9 Jurist. (N. S.) 266 1233 Stockton Savings Bank v. Staples, 98 Cal. 189 1007 Stoddardv. Lum, 159 N. Y. 265 1968 Stone v. Mississippi, 101 U. S. 814 1348 Stout and McHenry v. Hubbell, 104 Iowa 499 1947 Stowe v. Wyse, 7 Conn. 214 835 Strasburg Railroad Company v. Echternacht, 21 Pa. St. 220 473 Stryker, In the matter of, 158 N. Y. 526 2010 Sully v. American National Bank, 178 U. S. 289 2046 Supreme Lodge of Knights of Pythias v. Hill, 76 Fed. Rep. 468 1098 Swentzell v. Penn Bank, 147 Pa. St. 140 1884 T Taber v. Interstate Building and Loan Assn., 91 Tex. 92 1095 Taggart v. The Western Maryland R. Co., 24 Md. 563 514 Tappan v. Merchants' National Bank, 86 U. S. (19 Wall.) 490 1399 Telegraph Co. v. Texas, 105 U. S. 460 1397 Telegraph Newspaper Co. v. Commonwealth, 172 Mass. 294 1287 Thomas v. Dakin, 22 Wend. (N. Y.) 9 19 Hi TABLE OF REPORTED CASES. [References are to Pages.] Thomas v. Railroad Company, 101 U. S. 71 915 Thorpe v. The Rutland and Burlington R. Co., 27 Vt. 140 1344 Thrasher v. Pike County Railroad Co., 25 111. 393 (Orig. ed.), 340 Gross's ed., 1876 471 Titcomb v. Kennebunk Mut. F. Insurance Co., 79 Maine 315 904 Tisdale v. Harris, 20 Pick. (Mass.) 9 799 Tod v. Kentucky Union Land Co., 57 Fed. Rep. 47 952 Toledo Tie & L. Co. v. Thomas, 33 W. Va. 566 1510 Tomkinson v. Southeastern R. Co., L. R. 35 Ch. Div. 675 1715 Tomlinson v. Jessup, 15 Wallace (82 U. S.) 454 754 Tonica and Petersburg Railroad Co. v. McNeely, 21 111. 71 491 Treadwell v. Salisbury Mfg. Co., 7 Gray (Mass.) 393 1787 Trenton Potteries Company v. Oliphant, 58 N. J. Eq. 507, 46 L. R. A. 255. . 981 Trustees of Dartmouth College v. Woodward, 4 Wheaton (17 U. S.) 518. . 708 Trustees of Free Schools in Andover v. Flint, 13 Mete. 539 1900 Trustees Mut. B. F., etc., Bank v. Bossieux, 4 Hughes 387 (extract) 1735 Trustees of Phillips Academy v. Attorney-General, 154 Mass. 551 2133 Trustees of Univ. of N. C. v. Foy, 1 Mur. (N. C.) 58 33 Tunis v. Hestonville M. & F. Pass. R., 149 Pa. St. 70 1600 Twin-Lick Oil Co. v. Marbury, 91 U. S. 587 1750 U Umsted v. Buskirk, 17 Ohio St. 113 1990 Union Bank v. Jacobs, 25 Tenn. (6 Humph.) 515 941 Union Pacific R. Co. v. United States, 99 U. S. 700 1405 United States v. Addyston Pipe and Steel Co. 85 Fed. Rep. 271 967 U. S. Bank v. Dandridge, 12 Wheat 64 854 United States Bank v. Stearns, 15 Wend. (N. Y.) 314 1131 Upton v. Englehart, 3 Dillon 496 1559 Utley v Union Tool Co., 11 Gray (Mass.) 139 597 V Van Cleve v. Berkey, 143 Mo. 109 1953 Van Cott v. Van Brunt, 82 N. Y. 535 1919 Veazie Bank v. Fenno, 8 Wall. (75 U. S.) 533 1527 Vidal v. Girard's Executors, 2 How. (43 U. S.) 126 (extract) 1087 Visalia & Tulare R. Co. v. Hyde, 110 Cal. 632 1692 W Wales v. Stetson, 2 Mass. 143, 3 Am. Dec. 39 150 Walker v. Devereaux, 4 Paige Ch. (N. Y.) 229 385 Wallace v. Lincoln Savings Bank, 89 Tenn. 630 1731 Wallace v. Loomis, 97 U. S. 146 338 Wallace v. Pierce- Wallace Pub. Co., 101 Iowa 313 1747 Walton v. Oliver, 49 Kan. 107. . . 565 TABLE OF REPORTED CASES. liii [References are to Pages.'] Waring v. Catawba Co., 2 Bay (S. Car.) 109 71 Warner v. Beers, 23 Wend. (N. Y.) 103 2 Washburn v. National Wall-Paper Co., 81 Fed. Rep. 17 1936 Weatherford M. W. & N. W. R. Co. v. Granger, 86 Tex. 350 1553 Webb v. The Baltimore & Eastern Shore R. Co., 77 Md. 92 528 Wechselberg v. Flour City National Bank, 24 U. S. App. 308 574 Wells, Fargo & Co. v. Northern Pacific R. Co., 23 Fed. Rep. 469 (extracts). 295 West v. Crawford, 80 Cal. 19 (extracts) 500 West Nashville Planing Mill Co. v. Nashville Savings Bank, 86 Tenn. 252. 1695 West River Bridge Co. v. Dix, 47 U. S. (6 How.) 507 1337 West Winsted Sav. Bank and Building Assn. v. Ford, 27 Conn. 282 652 Wheeler & Wilson Mfg. Co. v. Boyce, 36 Kan. 350 1250 White v. Brownell, etc., 2 Daly 329 187 White v. Howard, 38 Conn. 342 1026 White Mountains Railroad Co. v. Eastman, 34 N. H. 124 758 Whitman v. Oxford National Bank, 176 U. S. 559 2018 Wight v. Shelby Railroad Company, 16 B. Mon. (Ky.) 4 536 Wight v. Springfield & New London R. Co., 117 Mass. 226 692 Wiles v. Suydam, 64 N. Y. 173 1987 Williamson v. Smoot, 7 Martin (La.) 31 70 Williams v. Western Union Telegraph Co., 93 N. Y. 162 1622 Willis v. Mabon, 48 Minn. 140 (extract) 2013 Wilson v. Leary, 120 N. C. 90 903 Wilson v. Tesson, 12 Ind. 285 1446 Winchester v. Mabury, 122 Cal. 522 1888 Winter v. Montgomery Gas Light Co., 89 Ala. 544 1682 Wood v. Dummer, 3 Mason 308 1847 Woodworth v. Bowles, 61 Kan. 569 2014 Woolf v. The City Steamboat Company, 7 Man., Gr. & S. (62 Eng. C. L.) * 103 1 125 Y Yarborough v. The Governor & Co. of the Bank of England, 16 East 6. ..1236 Yeaton v. Bank of the Old Dominion, 21 Grattan (Va.) 593 750 z Zabriskie v. Hackensack & N. Y. R. Co., 18 N. J. Eq. (3 C. E. Green) 178 1466 Zang v. Wyant, 25 Colo. 551 2005 Zoller v. Ide, 1 Neb. 439 862 CASKS ILLUSTRATING THE GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF THE LAW OF PRIVATE CORPORATIONS PART I. THE IDEA OF A CORPORATION. CHAPTER 1. DESCRIPTION AND CLASSES. ARTICLE I. DEFINITIONS AND TESTS. Sec. 1. Definitions. 1 A PERSON": "A corporation is an artifi- cial being, invisible, intangible, and existing only in contem- plation of law." 1819. Chief Justice Marshall, in Trustees of Dartmouth College v. Woodward, 4 Wheat. (U. 8.) 518, on 636. A COLLECTION OF INDIVIDUALS': "The word 'corporation' is but a collective name for the corporators or members who compose an incorporated association; and where it is said that a corporation is itself a person, or being, or creature, this must be understood in a figurative sense only." 1886. Victor Morawetz, Law of Private Corporations, 2d ed., 1, et seq. A FRANCHISE 4 : "A corporation is a franchise created by the king." c. 1745. Comyn's Digest, Franchise (F) F. 1. & A. Corp., 1-65; Beach, 1; 1 Bl. Com., *467; Boone, ch. 1; Clark, ch. 1; Cook, ch. 1; Elliott, 1-20; Field, ch. 1; Grant, p. *l-*9; 2 Kent Com., p. *267 ; 1 Kyd Corp., Int. ; Taylor, ch. 1-5; 1 Thomp., ch. 1. * See 6-15 infra, and note, p. 72. 8 See 16-21 infra, and note, p. 109. * See 22-29 infra, and note, p. 157. (1) 2 WARNER AND RAY V. BEERS BOLANDER V. STEVENS. 2 Sec. 2. Tests. As to whether a particular institution is a corpora- tion or not the tests are : ( i ) " The merging of the individuals composing the aggre- gate body into one distinct, artificial existence." WARNER AND RAY v. BEERS. 1 BOLANDER v. STEVENS. 1840. IN THE COURT FOR THE CORRECTION OF ERRORS. 23 Wendell (N. Y.) Reports, pp. 103-190. [In the first above entitled cause, the declaration commenced in the name of "Joseph D. Beers," described as "President of the North American Trust and Banking Company, an association doing busi- ness in the city of New York, under and by virtue of an act of the legislature of the state of New York, entitled 'an act to authorize the business of banking,' passed April i8th, 1838, who prosecutes for and on behalf of the said association;" and then was set forth in the usual form a count on a promissory note by the third endorsee against Warner and Ray, as endorsers. The declaration also contained the common money counts, and the insimul computassent : , alleging the debts to have arisen, and the promises to have been made to "the said association," and concluded with the words "to the damage of the said association of five hundred dollars ; and therefore the said plaintiff, as president as aforesaid, brings suit," etc. The declaration in the second suit was like the preceding, except that it contained only the common money counts, and the count on the insimul computassent. To these declarations, demurrers were put in by the defendants respectively. In the first suit, the following cause, among others, of demurrer was assigned, viz. : V. The institutions or associations authorized and intended to be created by the act entitled "An act to authorize the business of bank- ing" are corporations or bodies politic, and the act expressly allows the creation of an indefinite and unlimited number of such corpora- tions, at the pleasure of any persons who may associate for that pur- pose. The act is, therefore, a violation of the ninth section of the seventh article of the constitution of this state, and is absolutely void. The defendant in the second cause also interposed a demurrer assign- ing special causes similar to the special causes in the first count ; the fourth special cause being in these words: "For that the act in the declaration mentioned, entitled 'An act to authorize the busi- 1 Statement of facts partly omitted. Arguments omitted. Opinions by Bradish, president of the senate, Walworth, chancellor, and Root, senator, omitted ; also, part of the opinion of Senator Verplanck. A brief analysis of each of the opinions given in this case is given in a note by the reporter on pp. 103-105. 2 TESTS: MERGER INTO ARTIFICIAL BODY. 3 ness of banking,' so far as the same proposes to authorize this suit, is a violation of the provisions of the constitution of this state re- specting the creations of incorporations, and is void; and also that the said act is void, because the same did not receive the assent of two-thirds of all the members elected to the legislature of this state, by which legislature the said act purports to have been passed." 1 The two demurrers were brought to argument before the supreme court, at the January term, 1840, and judgment given in both cases for the plaintiffs. The court referred, for the reasons of the judg- ment, to the opinions delivered by Chief Justice Nelson, Mr. Justice Bronson and Mr. Justice Cowen, in the case of Thomas v. Dakin, 22 Wendell 9 et seq. * Both causes were removed by writs of error to the court for the correction of errors, and were brought on to argument on the 1 8th February, 1840.] By SENATOR VERPLANCK. The decision of these causes seems to me to depend wholly upon that of the question, whether or no asso- ciations with constitutions, powers and incidents, similar to those authorized under the general banking law, are bodies corporate and politic; or, in other words, whether the general banking law of 1838 is void, because it was not passed with the express assent of two-thirds of all the members of the legislature. The supreme court think that they "must, on these records, presume the general banking law to have been passed by two-thirds of all the members of the legislature." Judge Cowen adds : "We must clearly do so until the fact is denied by plea. The requisite constitutional solemnities must always be presumed to have taken place until the contrary shall be clearly shown. Should the defendant withdraw his demurrer, and plead specially that the law in question did not receive the assent of two-thirds as required by the constitution, it will then be in order to pass upon the validity of such an objection." Judge Bronson concurs more briefly to the same effect. Now, it appears to me that this point was rightly presented on the demurrers in these cases, so as to authorize and demand the decision of the court. * * * From our official knowledge of the facts of the law from those facts being spread out on our journals from the actual inspection of the record by some of us, we all well know that the act was not passed by the vote of two-thirds of each house of the legislature. We must then meet directly, and settle the question whether the associations formed under the general banking laws are, or are not, "bodies politic and corporate."* [Definition Artificial personality.] What, then, is the strict defini- tion of the phrase bodies politic and corporate? Definitions differ in their character according to the nature of the thing to be defined. * * * 1 See infra, p. 373. '* Infra, p. 19. s For statement of provisions of the general banking law of 1888, see Thomas v. Dakin, infra, p. 21. 4 WARNER AND RAY V. BEERS BOLANDER V. STEVENS. 2 Strict and essential definitions can generally be given of the terms of positive jurisprudence, and particularly so in the extremely techni- cal and artificial system of the ancient English law. This is remark- ably the case, for instance, in regard to our common law terms of real estate, as fee, lease, warranty, grant, covenant, reversion, remainder, etc. ; all of which are defined precisely and essentially, not explained by mere attributes. Bodies corporate belong to that system, and thence do we immediately derive them. What, then, is a body cor- porate? What is its necessary and essential meaning? "It is called a body corporate," says Lord Coke, "because the persons composing it are made into one body." "It is only in abstracto, and rests only in contemplation of law." 10 R. 50. So again, he says, I Inst. 202, 250, "Persons capable of purchasing are of two sorts persons natural created of God, and persons created by the policy of man, as persons incorporated into a body politic." If, leaving the quaint scholastic teaching of the father of English law, we come to the clearer and di- recter sense of our own Marshall, we find the same prevailing idea. "A body corporate is an artificial being, invisible, intangible, exist- ing only in contemplation of law. Being the creature of law, it pos- sesses only the properties conferred upon it by its charter. Among the most important of these are immortality, and, if the expression may be allowed, individuality" 4 Wh. R. 636; i Peters' R. 46. Again; "It is precisely what the act of incorporation makes it; de- rives all its powers from that act, and is capable of exerting its facul- ties only in the manner which that act authorizes." "Within the limits of the properties conferred by its charter, it can," says Black- stone, "do all acts as natural persons may." "In corporations," says Prof. Woodeson, "individuals are invested by the law with a political character and personality, wholly distinct from their natural capacity." "A corporation," says Kyd on Corporations, 13, "is not a mere capacity, but a political person in which many capacities re- side." Thus, then, the essential legal definition that covers the whole ground, and expresses the very essence of the being of a body corpo- rate, is this: "// is an artificial legal person, a succession of indi- viduals, or an aggregate body considered by the law as a single continuous person, limited to one peculiar mode of action, and having the power only of the kind and degree prescribed by the law which confers them." Such is the established notion of our common law. vSuch, too, as far as I can trace it, is the doctrine of the modern civil law, as modified by the jurisprudence of the European continent. "Communities that are lawfully established (z. e. , corporations)," says Domat, one of the great teachers of the ante-revolutionary French civil law, "are in the place of persons, and their union, which renders common all their interest, makes them to be considered as one single person." Domat, Civil Law, Lib. i, tit. 15. To the same effect a somewhat older Italian civilian speaks, Oldradus De Ponte, as quoted by Sir Robert Sawyer, in his very able and learned argument in the case of the city of London, 8 St. Tr. 1175. ''Licet non habent veram personam, habent personam jictione juris." So the older 2 TESTS : MERGER INTO ARTIFICIAL BODY. 5 German jurisprudence, as founded on the Roman law, also held the idea of personality as essential to corporations. Heineccius, one of the most distinguished civilians of that school in the last century, in his instructive 'essay on the legal history of the corporate guilds or socie- ties of trade so common in Germany, speaks of this personality as an attribute of all corporations. ''Universitates et contrahere possunt et delinquere, quippe quae moraliter unam representant personam." De CollegiisOpificum, in Germania, cap. 77, 19. This doctrine of the modern civilians of France, Italy and Germany, may be traced up even to the jurists of the Code and Pandects. "Personce vice fungitur municipium et decuria." Pan. i, 22, de Jlde juss. I do not cite these civilians as direct authorities, but mainly to show how deeply and generally this pervading idea of legal personality and artificial individu- ality entered into and formed the characteristic of all corporate bodies, in those systems of law which might indirectly affect or govern our own, or tend to influence even the popular use of our legal terms. So far was this principle of corporate personality carried in our old common law that reasons were expressly assigned why a corporation could not be excommunicated or punished for crime. "Because it has no soul," said Lord Coke, which, however ludicrously it may now sound, was but saying quaintly, and in the style of that day, what in modern times would be expressed by saying that a corporation, being an artificial and not a moral person, must be incapable of guilt. The very able argument in the celebrated historical case of the charter of London, in 1682, went a good deal into these refinements, and it was held on one side that a political person had a mind and reason, ac- cording to Lord Chief Justice Hobart, and that its reason was ex- pressed by its by-laws, whilst the attorney-general (whom Bishop Burnet has egregiously wronged in calling him "a hot, dull man"), argued most acutely, as well as very learnedly, in support of the ca- pacity of a corporation to incur political, if not moral, guilt and pun- ishment. All these, it is true, are refinements of technical reasoning, in a taste and fashion of thought which have passed away; but they prove conclusively how strong and undoubted was that legal principle of personality upon which these mere inferences and nice distinctions were founded. In order to continue the existence of such an artificial person, per- petual succession is ordinarily necessary, though it was not strictly essential, for it may be confined to any given number of lives in being, holding in a sort of corporate joint tenancy, of which I think examples may be found. As a legal person, it has only the powers and properties specifically conferred upon it; and can possess and ex- ercise no others, except such as are absolutely necessary to the exer- cise of the powers expressly given. This is the enactment of our re- vised statutes, which, as our revisers rightly said in their report on that title of the law, is "declaratory of a principle of law frequently recognized by our courts, and which it was deemed useful to confirm by legislative authority." To these are added certain legal incidents 6 WARNER AND RAY V. BEERS BOLANDER V. STEVENS. 2 by the common Ia\v, also declared in our statute, and common to all corporations, as to sue and be sued, hold and convey real and per- sonal property, to appoint officers for its services, and to make by- laws for the management of its affairs. To these more ' important rights, the law adds the external evidence of a name and a common seal. This last, though apparently a matter of form, is not without effect any more than the legal consequences of seals to instruments in England and this state, so widely different from those of other legal systems, where the distinction between sealed and unsealed instruments is unknown. It is only through a common seal and name that any grant of lands or covenant touching them can be made by a corpora- tion. [Powers incidental to corporate existence.] There are several very useful and beneficial accessary powers or attributes, very often accompanying corporate privileges, especially in moneyed cor- porations, which, in the existing state of our law, as modified by statutes, are more prominent in the public eye, and perhaps some- times in the view of our courts and legislatures, than those which are essential to the being of a corporation. Such added powers, however valuable, are merely accessary. They do not in themselves alone confer a corporate character, and may be enjoyed by unincorporated individuals. Such a power is the transfer ability of shares, whereby investments may be made, withovit the owner losing the future control of his funds under changes of circumstances. Such, too, is the limited responsi- bility by which the stockholder, having once fairly paid up his share of the capital, is exempted from further personal liability. So, too, the convenience of holding real estate for the common purposes, exempt from the legal inconveniences of joint tenancy or tenancy in common. Again, there is the continuance of the joint property for the benefit and preservation of the common fund, indissoluble by the death or legal disability of any partner. Every one of these attributes or powers, though commonly falling within our notions of a moneyed corporation, is quite unessential to the legality of a corporation, may be found where there is no pretense of a body corporate, nor will they make one if all were combined, without the presence of the essential quality of legal individuality. This distinction has been observed and marked by Mr. Kyd, Kyd on Corporations, 13, with logical acuteness and precision: "A corporation is a political person, capable, like a natural person, of enjoying a variety of franchises. It is to a franchise as the substance to its attribute. It is something to which many at- tributes belong, but it is itself something distinct from those attri- butes." Thus, the transferability of shares is not essential to a corporation. For instance, it does not enter into the constitution of our chartered colleges, academies, hospitals and other corporate institutions founded by public endowment, or private beneficence. It does not enter into the charters ot incorporated scientific and literary societies for mutual ben- efit or charity, in the funds of which the members have a beneficial in- 2 TESTS : MERGER INTO ARTIFICIAL BODY. 7 terest. On the other hand, such a right of transfer may be incorporated into partnership articles, and become a fundamental condition of them. The general rule, in absence of any express stipulation, is indeed the reverse of this, and in practice it is comparatively rare amongst us. Hence it has become common to consider such transferability as a clear indication of a corporate character. "We have seen," says Collyer on Partnership, 647, "that in common cases a partner is pre- cluded from assigning his interest to a stranger, so as to make that stranger a partner. To prevent this rule' from affecting the stock- holder of a trading company, there must be provision in the deed of settlement enabling each stockholder to assign or transfer his share." He then adds the limitations rendered necessary in England by the Bubble act, which has no corresponding statute here, and the con- clusion of the English decisions is that, by the common law, shares may be made transferable absolutely. King v. Webb, 14 East 406; Pratt v. Hutchinson, 15 East 515 ; Nichols v. Crosby, 2 Barn. & Cres. 814. See also other cases collected by Wordsworth on Joint Stock Companies. Again, the joint stock companies authorized by statutes in England are avowedly and confessedly not corporations ; and, there, says Wordsworth on Joint Stock Companies, 183, "It is the object of all companies to render their shares as negotiable as pos- sible, so that in fact the restrictions imposed by the deed^of settlement upon the transfer of shares are generally very few, and seldom extend beyond requiring the transferer's name, etc., being registered in the books of the company. The language of two or three of the later acts of pai'liament is specially worthy of attention on this subject. They declare, as strongly as words can declare legislative intention, that transferability of shares, and the consequent succession, can be authorized in common law copartnerships, without giving to such companies any corporate existence, or rendering them less copartner- ships in the strict legal sense of the term. In the statute of 6 Geo. IV, ch. 42, it is enacted, "that it shall be lawful for any member of any such society or copartnership, their respective executors, adminis- trators or assigns, to sell and transfer any share or shares, or portion or portions of, or the entire stock or interest which any such member may possess in such society or copartnership, and the property or funds thereof, subjected to such regulations and restrictions as may be required by the constitution of such society or copartnership." This statute is entitled "An act for the better regulation of copartner- ships of certain bankers in Ireland." The preamble and recitals, and all the sections speak of these banking firms as mere copartnerships. This strongly marked and repeated recognition of them as such, in the very sections authorizing that transferability and its consequent succession, which have been insisted on as infallible marks of cor- porate character, leave no doubt in my mind as to the intention and understanding of the British parliament, that in authorizing associa- tions with these and other powers similar to those granted by our banking law, they were not creating bodies politic or corporate But this is not all ; parliament has not left this meaning and inten- 8 WARNER AND RAY V. BEERS BOLANDER V. STEVENS. 2 tion to be a matter of inference. In 1838, another act was passed amendatory of the one just cited, and of another in relation to bank- ers in England, which gave similar powers. That amendatory stat- ute, after reciting and referring to the titles of these prior acts, adds in the preamble, "and whereas, it is expedient that the said act should be amended, so far as relates to the powers enabling any such copart- nership, not being a body corporate, to sue any of its own members, and the powers enabling any member of any such copartnership, not being a body corporate, to s*ue the said copartnership. Be it therefore enacted, etc., that any person now being, or who hereafter may be, a member of any copartnership carrying on the business of banking under the provisions of the said recited acts may commence and prosecute any action," etc. There can then be no reasonable doubt, that in these most deliber- ately considered and very technically drawn acts of parliament, recog- nizing copartnerships as having transferable stock, and giving them the authority of suing in the name of their officers and other persons, similar to those of the associations formed under our act, no bodies corporate were intended or supposed to be created. But, on this head of transferability we need not rely upon English authority alone. We have as strong authority in our own usages and decisions. In the articles of the Merchants' Bank Association, before our re- straining act, a similar transferability of shares was provided, and these articles have the authority of Alexander Hamilton for their validity. I shall have occasion to refer to them more fully here- after. S again, in the case of the Albany Exchange, before it received its present charter, the validity of the partnership or joint stock com- pany for a public enterprise, with transferable shares, was expressly recognized. By the court Cowen, J. "The objection taken on the argument, that this association was illegal, as being in the nature of a corporation, issuing scrip and providing for a transfer of stock, is not well founded. The act of association in this way is, we think, properly characterized by the exception taken at the trial. It consti- tutes a partnership valid, as being formed for the purposes of a law- ful, honest enterprise." Townsend v. Goewey, 19 Wendell 427. The learned judge then refers to, and adopts, the authority of Collyer on Partnerships, p. 624, and the cases he cites. Again, this transferability may be found in many sorts of trusts. A well-known instance of this may be seen in the Tontine of New York, originally built for the purposes of a merchants' exchange. It is a trust of real estate, with transferable shares as personal property ; it was originally settled by the most eminent counsel of this state, and its validity has been attested by nearly fifty years' experience, during which, above two hundred shares have passed through courts, assign- ments, insolvencies, bankrupt commissions, distribution of estates, etc., without their legal transferability having ever been impeached. See printed articles of the Tontine, N. Y., 1793. 2 TESTS : MERGER INTO ARTIFICIAL BODY. 9 In both of these last examples, as in other instances of trusts and partnerships, lands were held exempt by operation of law from the legal incidents of joint tenancy or tenancy in common, and the estate contin- ued for the common purposes. This has been noted as a mark of cor- porate character ; yet most corporations are limited in the extent of its exercise, some are expressly excluded from the privilege, and very many exist legally without its actual exercise or enjoyment. The non dissolution by death or by legal disability is also noted in the opinion of the supreme court in these cases as a mark of a corpo- rate body. But that also may be found in the trusts just mentioned, and others of a similar nature, and it may be adopted as an article of ordinary partnership. It is the settled law of England that it may be stipulated that death shall not dissolve the partnership, and further, that the executors of the deceased shall become partners. Collyer on Partnership, p. 5, 648; Pease v. Chamberlain, 2 Vesey Rep. 33; Haggerman v. Spears, 7 Pick. Rep. 235 ; Wrexham v. Huddleton, i Swanst. 514. Again, a common name has been regarded as a corporate criterion. To this Lord Ellenborough gives a full answer in Rex v. Webb. "As to the fourth point, that the subscribers have presumed to act as if they were a body corporate how is this made out? It was urged that they assumed a common name, that they have a committee, etc. But are these the unequivocal evidence and characteristics of a corpo- ration? How many unincorporated assurance companies and other descriptions of persons are there that use a common name, and have their committees, general meetings and by-laws? Are these all ille- gal ? Or which of these particulars can be stated as being of itself the distinctive and peculiar criterion of a corporation?" Thence he infers that "these subscribers have not acted peculiarly as a body corporate." Rex v. Webb, 14 East's Rep. 406. But, perhaps, in the general and popular understanding, the most familiar distinction between corporate bodies and common partner- ships, or other joint undertakings, is the exemption of the associates from personal liability beyond the actual amount of their respective proportions of the capital. The regarding this very frequent and important incident of a corporation as an essential characteristic seems not to be confined to popular opinion. Judge Cowen says, in the decision of the cases now before us: "Among other peculiar privileges conferred on these associations, and not enjoyed by natural persons, I allude to that of the exemption of members from personal liability for debt. This is mentioned by Angell & Ames, in their treatise, as peculiar to a private corporation ; they notice it as a strik- ing characteristic between a corporation and a partnership." Yet our own statute of limited partnerships affords sufficient evidence that an alteration of the existing law may be made by statute, so as to exempt from personal liability beyond the stipulated share in the joint funds, for the debts of a firm, without the remotest thought of converting such firms into bodies corporate. Besides, the right of making a con- tract, whereby those who tender it stipulate not to be bound beyond 10 WARNER AND RAY V. BEERS BOLANDER V. STEVENS. 2 the amount of some specific pledged fund, must be a natural right growing out of the very nature of contracts. If a company, or asso- ciation, or an individual, offers to contract to make certain payments only to the amount of certain specific funds, and others choose to ac- cept that contract on those conditions, there can be nothing to prevent the validity of such a contract, except some positive rule of law founded on policy or an arbitrary enactment. In the absence of such a restric- tion, it is and must be good. Such a limitation, then, must be bind- ing on all who accept the conditions. The policy of our law and the usages of business have, indeed, rightly fixed the presumption the other way, so that the stipulation and the burden of proof of the limited indebtedness are thrown upon those who expect to be bene- fited by them. This right has been substantially admitted by the highest tribunals in Great Britain, in the case of Minnett v. Whin- nery, 3 Brown's Parl. Cas. 323, and it was held to be good by Lord Ellenborough, in Alderson v. Clay, i Camp. 404. The doctrine has been received as settled law by one of the best elementary writers of the day, often cited by our own supreme court. "When a creditor," says Collyer on Partnership, 214, "has notice, that by an arrangement between partners, one of them, though appearing to the world as a partner, shall not participate in the loss, and shall not be liable for it, the creditor will be bound by the arrangement." " The original articles of the Merchants' Bank, in the city of New York, as an unincorporated association, with limited liability, as well as transferable shares, which were read in argument by Mr. Kent, have the great professional authority of Alexander Hamilton, who prepared them, and of the many eminent men who joined in them, and whose professional distinction gives to their approbation the character of a sort of judicial sanction ; whilst the restraining act passed soon after proves, as was unanswerably argued, that the legislature and its legal advisers considered such a voluntary association, thus re- straining its own liability, not as a violation of common law, but merely as contradicting the financial policy of the state. A similar analysis of such of the customary accessary powers of specially chartered moneyed corporations, as from being most con- ducive to ends of profit or convenience are ordinarily considered as the essential qualities constituting corporations, will show, that all such powers or incidents are merely convenient and desirable authori- ties or modes of action, added to and engrafted upon the creation of a body politic ; not the legal attributes absolutely essential to a cor- poration, and denoting its existence as such. Amongst us, as in England, bodies politic or corporate may exist where the ultimate personal liability is still retained. The personal liability is indeed suspended in such cases, and for a time merged in that of the artificial corporate person ; but there may be an ulterior recourse to the corporators when the former fails. Many corporate banks in other states are so constituted, and with us some chartered companies for insurance, etc., some for an indefinite, others to a lim- ited extent beyond the capital. Corporate bodies may exist also 2 TESTS : MERGER INTO ARTIFICIAL BODY. 1 1 without transferability of the rights of the corporators ; for a large majority of our literary and charitable, as well as all our municipal corporations, are so. On the other hand, by our own common law as it would exist now, independently of statutory restrictions, associa- tions might be formed and trusts created, having every one of the above enumerated characteristics, which have been insisted upon as essential to a corporation, except that personality which I before stated as form- ing its strict and necessary essential legal definition. The present joint stock companies of England afford pregnant examples, snowing how many of these attributes may be embodied in voluntary associa- tions which are confessedly not corporations. In fact the line may be very faint, and depending wholly upon the purely legal and technical character conferred, whether a joint stock association or a trust, freed by law from certain positive restraints im- posed by our modern statutes, be a corporation or not. The Tontine trust, before mentioned, is managed by directors annually elected by stockholders ; its real estate is held by trustees, continuing their trust from hand to hand, during the lives of the original nominees and the survivors of them, with transferable shares, and wholly without per- sonal liability. For the reasons already stated, the eminence of the counsel (the late R. Harrison) who prepared the trust, and the fre- quency with which its legal character must have passed in review be- fore lawyers and courts, and always without objection, it may well be regarded as sanctioned judicially. It is a valid trust. Add to it a legislative charter, making the associates a body corporate and no more, what then is the effect? Simply to give a different technical character, an artificial individuality^ Chief Justice Marshall's phrase, a different mode of standing in courts. Such was the actual history of the Albany Exchange. It was a joint stock company, formally decided to be valid. 19 Wendell's Rep. 427. A year or two after (1837), it appears by our statute book to have been incorporated, but there is probably but little differ- ence, besides the greater convenience of the corporate body, between the former organization and the present. The trusts specially permitted by an act of last year, Statutes of 1839, ch. 174, for the benefit of that singular people called Shakers, were nothing more than exemptions from the recent restrictions of trusts. They were authorized to continue, enlarge and manage their property, by trusts, as they had done before the change in that title of our law effected by the revised statutes. Had the law, in addition to this, made every Shakers' United Society a body corporate, without otherwise varying the original trust, the only change would have been the conversion of a trust into an artificial legal person, with the same effect substantially as to the interests of those beneficially interested. Our act for general religious incorporations regulates the incor- poration of churches of all religious denominations (other than those provided for in the first and second sections) by trustees, who are to be a body corporate. Those who have had occasion to look into the mode in which dis- 12 WARNER AND RAY v. BEERS BOLANDER v. STEVENS. 2 senting religious trusts are held in England, as I presume they were, in the same manner, in New York when a colony, will, I think, per- ceive that our statute adds little more than a convenient corporate character to powers elsewhere, and formerly here, exercised under trusts. All these considerations lead me to the conviction that, for the pur- pose of constitutional interpretation, we must look to the strict legal meaning of the phrase body politic or corporate, and not to those cir- cumstances or adjuncts, which amount only to the descriptions of the manner in which such bodies are very frequently constituted when used for purposes of profit. If this be regarded as a very strict rule of interpretation, let it also be remembered, that it is applied where such strictness is most appropriate, in the interpretation of a provision, restraining the general sovereign power of the state expressing the public will through a majority of the people's representatives. There is yet another rule, of interpretation, which it is proper to state before proceeding to examine whether the associations organized under the banking law are or are not corporations. Corporate rights are well defined bv Chancellor Kent and others to be "franchises or peculiar privileged grants," of the nature of incor- poreal property. Such franchises, when they are granted for pecu- niary or other purposes valuable to private interests, are of the nature of monopolies, and are always granted exclusively by the sovereign power, directly or indirectly. It is a well-known fact, admitted on all sides, that it was part of the policy and intent of our amended consti- tution, to prevent, by a constitutional and fixed limitation of the leg- islative authority, the influence of corruption or interest upon the leg- islature, as well as the abuse of political favoritism, and the danger- ous union of political with pecuniary power. The clause so designed, though so general in its terms as to include even academies and vil- lage corporations, it is not doubted, referred in its policy wholly to the monopoly privileges of chartered capital, and especially to banks. Here, then, in my view, arises another branch of inquiry ; and the two distinct objects of examination are these : ( i ) Do these bank- ing associations fall within the right legal definition of the word "bodies politic or corporate," as before explained and established? (2) Do they come' within the policy and intent of the framers of the constitution or of the people who ratified it ? [Test of corporate existence.] The most peculiar, and the strictly essential characteristic of a corporate body, which makes it to be such, and not some other thing in legal contemplation, is the merging of the individuals composing the aggregate body into one dis-- tinct, artificial individual existence. Now this is not found in the associations under the act. A corporation can sue and be sued only by its corporate name. It can act only according to the letter of the law creating it. "It derives all its powers from that act," says Chief Justice Marshall, "and is capable of exercising its faculties only in the manner which that act authorizes." It has no natural powers 2 TESTS: MERGER INTO ARTIFICIAL BODY. 13 which, in its discretion, it may exercise or not. It can exercise none of those other powers, and possesses none of those other rights which the individuals composing it could possess and exercise, were it a mere society or partnership. Not so as to these associations. By this act, suits on behalf of such associations may be brought in the name of the president. Persons having claims against the company may maintain their actions against the president. But there is no reason, except that of mere convenience, why the association may not also sue and be sued under their several real names, as other partners may. This reason of convenience, it is obvious, would not apply where the company was composed of a few persons, as if, for exam- ple, one of our great banking firms were to come under the law. It was indeed argued that the technical construction, which gives to may the meaning of must or shall, applies here. But that construc- tion holds only when there is a previous duty, to which the statute adds some new power or authority, as in the case of a public officer ; or where from other reasons it is manifest that (to use Judge Story's words) "the legislature meant to impose an absolute duty, not to give a discretionary power;" otherwise, as he says, "the ordinary use of language must be presumed to be intended, unless it would defeat the provisions of the act." I Peters' Rep. 64. The ordinary popular discretionary sense of the word may is also the ordinary legal one. The other is the exception. In our revised statutes, the words may and shall are so used and distinguished. So they are in our annual legislation, as when it is said of a company that it may hold real estate, may take a certain rate of tolls, may borrow money. Moreover, here the right to sue and be sued as other partners is a common law right, and can not be taken away by mere implication. "A statute made in the affirmative, without negative words," say the highest authorities, "does not take away the common law." 2 Inst. 200. See also Dwarris on Statutes 637, and the authorities there re- ferred to. * * * Again, these associations do not act by a corporate name and seal, but by another mode familiar to our law. They can contract through their president, as a limited partnership must through its general partner. They are authorized to sue and be sued through him ; as Judge Cowen observes : "The power of the legislature to give a right of action to one man in his own name for a debt due to another, has always been exercised from our earliest legal history, and it is now too late to call it in question." I refer to the several legislative and judicial authorities which he has collected in his opinion on these cases. They can not hold real estate as a corporation does, or con- tract concerning it by their own name and common seal ; but, like partnerships, they can have an equitable and beneficial interest in land. Collyer, 70, 76. Their president takes as a trustee, and the associates are but beneficiaries. How then are these associations to be regarded in legal contempla- tion ? I assent fully to the conclusive reasoning of the counsel, who 14 WARNER AND RAY V. BEERS BOLANDER V. STEVENS. 2 chiefly pressed this part of the argument (Mr. Kent), that they are copartnerships relieved from the inhibitions of the restraining act, and thus allowed to carry on banking business under certain condi- tions. The policy of the state has prohibited its citizens from issuing paper for circulation as money, or from associating together for cer- tain banking purposes, i R. S. 7 11 - ^ reserved those privileges for corporate banks. The act to authorize the business of banking repealed that prohibition pro tanto, as to all individuals or companies who would comply with its conditions. The associations in question are partnerships complying with those conditions, and thus exempted, as any other citizens may be on the same terms, from the operation of a statutory restraint of general right, which is still binding on all who will not comply with the conditions. This is so far in close an- alogy to the law of special partnership, where exemption from the general liability imposed by the law is tendered to all who comply strictly with the provisions of the statute. The articles and certificate in this act correspond to the certificate setting forth the names of partners, amount of capital, time of termination and nature of busi- ness, required by the title of "Limited Partnerships," i R. S. 764, and with the articles which every such copartnership must have. The general partner there is authorized to transact business and contract for the rest; so, though with less authority, is the president here. The mode of suing and being sued is precisely the same in both cases. * * * On the question being put, shall these judgments be reversed? all the members of the court, with but a single exception (twenty-three being present), voted in the negative. Whereupon the judgments of the supreme court were affirmed. The court thereupon adopted the following resolutions: 1. "Resolved, That the law entitled 'An act to authorize the busi- ness of banking,' passed i8th April, 1838, is valid, and was constitu- tionally enacted, although it may not have received the assent of two- thirds of the members elected to each branch of the legislature." This resolution was adopted by a vote of 23 to i. 2. "Resolved, That the associations organized in conformity with the provisions of the act entitled 'An act to authorize the business of banking,' passed April i, 1838, are not bodies politic or corporate, within the spirit and meaning of the constitution." This resolution was adopted by a vote of 22 to 3. 3 TESTS: LEGISLATIVE INTENT. 1 5 Sec. 3. Tests. (2) The legislative intent. THE PEOPLE, Ex REL. WINCHESTER, ETC., RESPONDENT, v. COLEMAN ET AL., COMMISSIONERS OF TAXES, ETC., APPELLANTS. 1 1892. COURT OF APPEALS, NEW YORK. 133 N. Y. 279-287, 37 Am. & Eng. Corp. Cas. i, 31 N. E. 96. Appeal from order of the general term of the supreme court, in the first judicial department, made February 13, 1891, which affirmed a judgment in favor of plaintiff, entered upon a decision of the court on trial at special term, vacating an assessment. This was a proceeding by certiorari to review the action of the commissioners of taxes and assessments of the city of New York, in imposing an assessment upon the capital stock of the National Ex- press Company, a joint-stock company, of which the relator is treas- urer, for the year 1888. The facts, so far as material, are stated in the opinion. FINCH, J. The relator was taxed upon its capital on the ground that it had become a corporation within the meaning of the provision of the Revised Statutes, which enacts that "all moneyed or stock corporations deriving an income or profit from their capital or other- wise, shall be liable to taxation on their capital in the manner herein- after prescribed." (i R. S., title 4, ch. 13, part i.) The company was formed as a joint-stock company or association in 1853 by a written agreement of eight individuals with each other, the whole force and effect of which, in constituting and creating the organiza- tion, rested upon the common law rights of the individuals and their power to contract with each other. The relation they assumed was wholly the product of their mutual agreement and dependent in no respect upon the grant or authority of the state. It was entered into under no statutory license or permission, neither accepting nor de- signed to accept any franchise from the sovereign, but founded wholly upon the individual rights of the associates to join their capital and enterprise in a relation similar to that of a partnership. A few years earlier the legislature had explicitly recognized the existence and va- lidity of such organizations, founded upon contract and evolved from the common law rights of the citizens. (Laws of 1849, ch. 258.) That act provided that any joint-stock company or association, which consisted of seven or more members, might sue or be sued in the name of its president or treasurer, and with the same force and effect, so far as the joint property and rights were concerned, as if the suit should be prosecuted in the names of the associates. But the act explicitly disclaimed any purpose of converting the joint-stock asso- ciations recognized as existing into corporations by a section prohibit- ing any such construction. (5.) In 1851 the act was amended in 1 Arguments omitted. 1 6 PEOPLE V. COLEMAN. $ j its form and application, but in no respect material to the present in- quiry. There is no doubt, therefore, that when the company was formed and went into operation the law recognized a distinction and substantial difference between joint-stock companies and corporations, and never confused one with the other, and that the existing statute which taxed the capital of corporations had no reference to or opera- tion upon joint-stock companies or associations. But two things have since occurred. The legislature, while steadily preserving the distinction of names, has with equal persistence con- fused the things by obliterating substantial and characteristic marks of difference, until it is now claimed that the joint-stock associations have grown into and become corporations by force of the continued bestowal upon them of corporate attributes. It is said, and very probably correctly said, that the legislature may create a corporation, without explicitly declaring it to be such, by the bestowal of a corpo- rate franchise or corporate attributes, and the cases of banking asso- ciations are referred to as instances of actual occurrence. (Thomas v. Dakin, 22 Wend. 9;* Bank of Watertownv. Watertown, 25 Wend. 686; People v. Niagara, 4 Hill 20.) It is added that such result may happen even without the legislative intent, and because the gift of corporate powers and attributes is tantamount to a corporate crea- tion. It is then asserted that a series of statutes, beginning with the act of 1849, has ended in the gift to joint-stock associations of every essential attribute possessed by and characteristic of corporations (Laws of 1853, ch. 153; Laws of 1854, ch. 245 ; Laws of 1867, ch. 289) ; that the lines of distinction between the two, however far apart in the beginning, have steadily converged until they have melted into each other and become identical ; that every distinguishing mark and characteristic has been obliterated, and no reason remains why joint stock associations should not be in all respects treated and regarded as corporations. Some of this contention is true. The case of People, ex rel. Platt, v. Wemple (117 N. Y. 136), shows very forcibly how almost the full measure of corporate attributes has, by legislative enactment, been bestowed upon joint-stock associations, until the difference, if there be one, is obscure, elusive and difficult to see and describe. And yet the truth remains that all along the line of legislation the dis- tinctive names have been retained as indicative and representative of a difference in the organizations themselves. As recently as the acts of 1880 and 1 88 1, which formed the subject of consideration in the Wemple case, the legislature, dealing with the subject of taxation and desiring to tax business and franchises, imposed the liability upon "every corporation, joint-stock company or association whatever now or hereafter incorporated or organized under any law of this state." It is significant that the words "or organized" were inserted by amendment, and evidently for the understood reason that joint-stock 'In/ra, p. 19. 3 TESTS: LEGISLATIVE INTENT. 17 companies could not properly be said to be ' incorporated," but might be correctly described as "organized" under the laws of the state. This persistent distinction in the language of the statutes I should not be inclined to disregard or treat as of no practical conse- quence, when seeking to arrive at the true intent and proper con- struction of the statute, even if I were unable to discover any practi- cal or substantial difference between the two classes of organizations upon which it could rest, or out of which it grew, for the distinction so sedulously and persistently observed would strongly indicate the legislative intent, and so the correct construction. But I think there was an original and inherent difference between the corporate and joint-stock companies known to our law which leg- islation has somewhat obscured, but has not destroyed, and that dif- ference is the one pointed out by the learned counsel for the respon- dent, and which impresses me as logical and well supported by authority. It is that the creation of the corporation merges in the artificial body and drowns in it the individual rights and liabilities of the members, while the organization of a joint-stock company leaves the individual rights and liabilities unimpaired and in full force. The idea was expressed in Supervisors of Niagara v. People, 7 Hill 5 12, and in Gifford v. Livingston, 2 Den. 380, by the statement that the corporators lost their individuality and merged their individual char- acters into one artificial existence ; and upon these authorities a cor- poration is defined on behalf of the respondents to be "an artificial person created by the sovereign from natural persons and in which artificial person the natural persons of which it is composed become merged and non-existent." I am conscious that legal definitions in- vite and provoke criticism, because the instances are rare in which they prove to be perfectly accurate ; and yet this one offered to us may be accepted if it successfully bears some sufficient test. In put- ting it on trial we may take the nature of the individual liability of the corporators on the one hand and of the associates on the other, for the debts contracted by their respective organizations, as a suffi- cient test of the difference between them, and contrast their nature and character. It is an essential and inherent characteristic of a corporation that it alone is primarily liable for its debts, because it alone contracts them, except as that natural and necessary consequence of its creation is modified in the act of its creation by some explicit command of the statute which either imposes an express liability upon the corporators in the nature of a penalty, or affirmatively retains and preserves what would have been the common-law liability of the members from the destruction involved in the corporate creation. In other words, the individual liability of the members, as it would have existed at common law, is lost by their creation jnto a corpo- ration, and exists thereafter only by force of the statute, upon some new and modifying conditions, to some partial or changed ex- tent, and so far preventing, by the intervention of an express com- 2 WIL. CASES. 1 8 PEOPLE V. CUL-EMAN 3 mand, the total destruction of individual liabilities which otherwise would flow from the inherent effect of the corporate creation. The penalties sometimes imposed are, of course, new statutory liabilities which never at common law rested upon the individual members. The retained liability occasionally established is in the nature and a parcel of such original liability, as we had occasion to show in Rogers v. Decker, 131 N. Y. 490, but is retained by force of the express command of the statute, and in that manner saved from the de- struction which otherwise would follow the simple creation of the corporation. Ordinarily, these individual liabilities exist upon other than common-law conditions, and make the corporators rather sureties or guarantors of the corporation than original debtors, since in general their liability arises after the usual remedies against the corporation have been exhausted. But where that is not so, the invariable truth is that the creation of the corporation necessarily destroys the common-law liability of the individual members for its debts, and requires at the hands of the creating power an affirmative imposition of new personal liabilities or a specific retention of old ones from the destruction which would otherwise follow. Exactly the opposite is true of joint-stock companies. Their formation de- stroys no part or portion of their common law liability for the debts contracted. Those debts are their debts, for which they must answer. Permission to sue their president or treasurer is only a convenient mode of enforcing that liability, but in no manner creates or saves it. The statute of 1853 did interfere with it. That act required, in the first instance, a suit against the president or treasurer, and so a pre- liminary exhaustion of the joint property. But that act was modal, and determined the procedure. It suspended the common-law right, but recognized its existence. We so held in Witherhead v. Allen, 4 Abb. Ct. App. Dec. 628, and at the same time said that the asso- ciations were not corporations, but mere partnership concerns. Even that mode of procedure has been modified by the Code, 1922, 1923, so that the creditor, at his option, may sue the associates without bringing his action against the president or treasurer. These last and quite recent enactments show that the legislative intent is still to pre- serve and not destroy the original difference between the two classes of organizations ; to maintain in full force the common-law liability of associates, and not to substitute for it that of corporators, and pre- serving in continued operation that normal and distinctive difference, to evince a plain purpose not to merge the two organizations in one or destroy the boundaries which separate them. That intent, once clearly ascertained, determines the construction to be adopted, and may be the only reliable test in view of the power of the state to clothe one or- ganization with all the attributes of the other. The drift of legisla- tion has been to lessen and obscure the original and characteristic difference. On the one hand, corporations have been created with positive provisions retaining more or less the individual liability of the members, and on the other the joint-stock companies have been clothed with most of the corporate attributes, but enough of the 4 TESTS: POWERS CONFERRED. 19 original difference remains to show that our legislation not only care- fully preserves the distinction of names, but sufficient, also, of the original difference of character and quality to disclose a clear intent not to merge the two. We may thus see upon what the legislative intent to preserve them as separate and distinct is founded and what distinguishing character- istics remain. The formation of the one involves the merging and destruction of the common law liability of the members for the debts, and requires the substitution of a new or retention of the old liability by an affirmative enactment which avoids the inherent effect of the corporate creation ; in the other, the common law liability remains unchanged and unimpaired and needing no statutory intervention to preserve or restore it ; the debt of the corporation is its debt and not that of its members, the debt of the joint-stock company is the debt of the associates however enforced ; the creation of the corporation merges and drowns the liability of its corporators, the creation of the stock company leaves unharmed and unchanged the liability of the associates ; the one derives its existence from the contract of individ- uals, the other from the sovereignty of the state. The two are alike but not the same. More or less, they crowd upon and overlap each other, but without losing their identity, and so, while we can not say that the joint-stock company is a corporation, we can say, as we did say in Van Aernam v. Bleistein, 102 N. Y. 360, that a joint-stock company is a partnership with some of the powers of a corporation. Beyond that we do not think it is our duty to go* The order should be affirmed, with costs. All concur. Order affirmed. Sec. 4. Tests. (3) The powers conferred. THOMAS v. DAKIN. 1839. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK. 22 Wendell (N. Y.) 9-H2. Chief Justice NELSON : This is an action brought by the plaintiff, as president of the Bank of Central New York, an association formed under what is familiarly known as the general banking law, passed April 18, 1838, to recover several demands due the institution. The defendant has demurred to the declaration, and urges the un- constitutionality of the law by way of defense ; and it is insisted, in his behalf: (i) That the associations formed under this law are corporations; and (2) That a general law authorizing the creation of these bodies is inconsistent with the ninth section of the seventh arti- 1 Statement of facts, except what is given in opinions, is omitted ; also ar- guments, and much of the opinions of Nelson, C. J., and Cowen, J. 20 THOMAb V. DAKIN. 4 cle of the constitution. On the part of the plaintiffs, it is urged in reply: (i) That the associations are not corporations; (2) That if they be, the act authorizing them may be passed by a majority bill; and (3) If within the ninth section, still the law may be passed by two-thirds of the members elected. [Test of Corporate Existence.] Are these associations corporations ? In order to determine this question, we must first ascertain the properties essential to constitute a corporate body, and compare them with those conferred upon the associations, for if they exist in com- mon, or substantially correspond, the answer will be in the affirma- tive. A corporate body is known to the law by the powers and faculties bestowed upon it, expressly or impliedly, by the charter; the use of the term corporation in its creation is of itself unimportant, ex- cept as it will imply the possession of these. They may be expressly conferred, and then they denote this legal being as unerringly as if created in general terms. It has been well said by learned expound- ers, that a corporation aggregate is an artificial body of men, com- posed of divers individuals, the ligaments of which body are the franchises and liberties bestowed upon it, which bind and unite all into one, and in which consists the whole frame and essence of the corporation. [Powers Incidental to Corporate Existence.] The ' ' franchises and lib- erties," or, in more modern language, and as more strictly applicable to private corporations, the powers and faculties, which are usually specified as creating corporate existence, are: i. The capacity of perpetual succession ; 2. The power to sue and be sued, and to grant and receive in its corporate name ; 3. To purchase and hold real and personal estate ; 4. To have a common seal, and 5. To make by- laws. These indicia were given by judges and elementary writers at a very early day, since which time the institutions have greatly multiplied, their practical operation and use have been thoroughly tested, and their peculiar and essential properties much better under- stood. Any one comprehending the scope and purpose of them, at this day, will not fail to perceive that some of the powers above speci- fied are of trifling importance, while others are wholly unessential. For instance, the power to purchase and hold real estate is no other- wise essential than to afford a place of business; and the right to use a common seal, or to make by-laws, may be dispensed with altogether. For as to the one, it is now well settled that corporations may con- tract by resolution, or through agents, without seal ; and as to the other, the power is unnecessary in all cases where the charter suffi- ciently provides for the government of the body. The distinguishing feature, far above all others, is the capacity conferred, by which a perpetual succession of different persons shall be regarded in the law as one and the same body, and may at all times act in fulfillment of the objects of the association as a single individual. In this way, a legal existence, a body corporate, an artificial being, is constituted ; the creation of which enables any number of persons to be concerned in accomplishing a particular object, as one man. 4 TESTS: POWERS CONFERRED. 21 While the aggregate means and influence of all are wielded in effect- ing it, the operation is conducted with the simplicity and individuality of a natural person. In this consists the essence and great value of these institutions. Hence it is apparent that the only properties that can be regarded strictly as essential, are those which are indispensable to mold the different persons into this artificial being, and thereby enable it to act in the way above stated. When once constituted, this legal being created, the powers and faculties that may be con- ferred are various limited or enlarged, at the discretion of the legis- lature, and will depend upon the nature and object of the institution, which is as competent as a natural person to receive and enjoy them. We may, in short, conclude by saying, with the most approved au- thorities at this day, that the essence of a corporation consists in a ca- pacity: (i) To have a perpetual succession under a special name, and in an artificial form; (2) to take and grant property, contract obligations, sue and be sued by its corporate name as an individual; and (3) to receive and enjoy in common, grants of privileges and immunities. We will now endeavor to ascertain with exactness the powers and attributes conferred upon these associations by virtue of the statute. The first fourteen sections ( i to 14) prescribe the duties of the comp- troller in furnishing notes for circulation, taking the required securi- ties, etc. The fifteenth provides that any number of persons may associate to establish offices of discount, deposit and circulation. The sixteenth, that they shall make and file a certificate, specifying: I. The name to be used in the business. 2. The place where the busi- ness shall be carried on. 3. The amount of capital stock and num- ber of shares into which divided. 4. The names of the shareholders. 5. The duration of the association. The eighteenth confers upon the persons thus associating the most ample powers for carrying on banking operations, together with the right "to exercise such inciden- tal powers as shall be necessary to carry on such business;" also to choose a president, vice-president, cashier and such other officers and agents as may be necessary. By the twenty-first and twenty-second sections, contracts, notes, bills, etc., shall be signed by the president and cashier; and all suits, actions, etc., are to be brought in the name of, and also against, the president for the time being; and not to abate by his death, resignation or removal, but to be continued in the name of the successor. Twenty-fourth section : The association may purchase and hold real estate, etc., the conveyance to be made to the president, or such other officer as shall be designated, who may sell and convey the same free from any claim against shareholders. Nineteenth section : The shares of capital stock to be deemed per- sonal property, transferable on the books of the association ; and every person becoming a shareholder by such transfer shall succeed to all the rights and liabilities of the prior holder. Twenty-third section: No shareholder to be personally liable; and the association is not to be dissolved by the death or insanity of any shareholder. i. Upon a perusal of these provisions, it will appear that the asso- 22 THOMAS V. DAKIN. 4 ciation acquires the power to raise and hold for common use any given amount of capital stock for banking purposes, which, when subscribed, is made personal property, and the several shares transferable the same and with like effect as in case of corporate stock ; to assume a common name under which to manage all the affairs of the associa- tion ; to choose all officers and agents that may be necessary for the purpose, and remove and appoint them at pleasure. It will, hence, be seen, that although the association may be composed of a number of different persons, holding an interest in the capital stock, its oper- ations are so arranged that they do not appear in conducting its affairs ; all are so bound together, so molded into one, as to consti- tute but a single body, represented by a common name, or names (the knot of the combination), and in which all the business of the institution is conducted by common agents. In this way it purchases and holds real and personal property, contracts obligations, discounts bills, notes and other evidences of debt, receives deposits, buys gold and silver bullion, bills of exchange, etc., loans money, sues and is sued, etc. It is true some portion of the business is conducted in the assumed name, and some in the name of the president for the time being; but this in no manner changes the character of the body. A corporation may have more than one name; it may have one in which to contract, grant, etc., and another in which to sue and be sued; so it may be known by two different names, and may sue and be sued in either; and the name of the president, his official name, or any other, will answer every purpose. 2 Bacon's Abr. 5 ; 2 Salk. 451 ; 2 Salk. 237; Ld. Raym. 153, 680. The only material circum- stance is, a name, or names, of some kind, in which all the affairs of the company may be conducted. So much, and no more, is essential to give simplicity and effect to the operation. An artificial being is thus plainly created, capable of receiving all the ample powers and privileges conferred upon the associations, and of managing their di- versified concerns in an individual capacity. All business is to be conducted in a common or proper name. 2. This artificial being possesses the powers of perpetual succes- sion. Neither sale of shares or death of shareholders affect it; if one should sell his interest, or die, the purchaser or representative, by operation of law, immediately takes his place. 19. Nor can the insanity of a member work a dissolution. Id, Officers and agents for conducting the business of the association are secured. In case of vacancy, by death or otherwise, the place may at once be filled. 1 8. For the entire duration, therefore, of the association, and which may be without limit, 16, sub. 5, the whole body of shareholders, though perpetually shifting, constitute the same uniform, artificial being which is to be engaged through the instrumentality of officers and agents in conducting the business of the concern, and no member is personally liable. 23. Then, as to the powers conferred, with- out again specially recurring to them, it will be seen at once that the associations possess all that are deemed essential, according to the most approved authorities, to constitute a corporate body. They 4 TESTS : POWERS CONFERRED. 23 have a capacity: i. To have perpetual succession under a common name, and in an artificial form. 2. To take and grant property, con- tract obligations, to sue and be sued by its corporate name in the same manner as an individual. 3. To receive grants of privileges and immunities, and to enjoy them in common. All these are expressly granted, and many more, besides the general sweeping clause, "to exercise such incidental powers as shall be necessary to carry on such business" (meaning the business of banking), under which even the seal and right to make by-laws are clearly embraced, if essential in conducting the affairs of the institution. * * * By COWEN, J. Independent of authority and general reasoning, I have had very great difficulty, on a simple reading, to avoid see- ing plain, direct and express enactments in the general banking law, conferring all the requisites demanded by counsel, i. I read of a collective existence, i, e., a body of men associated under a name conferred mediately, i. e., through the certificate of association, by the sovereign power, which is the legislature. 2. As such collective ex- istence, I read that the association has a standing in court, perhaps in its own name, or at least in the name of its president. It recovers judgments for debts due to it, and execution is levied on its property, upon a recovery against it. 3-1 read of power to take and convey title to property, acquire and give rights ; all this to be done, as it must be in every corporation, by its agents, but certainly in its collec- tive name and designation; for the statute demands that the name which it assumes shall be used in all its dealings. 4. I shall have occasion to show that under a general provision of the act, there can be no doubt of its power to make by-laws. There are various con- siderations connected with this short view of the question, which may perhaps tend to the illustration, distinctness and strength of that view. [Difference Between a Partnership and a Corporation 1 ] The associa- tions formed under the act may, like our ordinary banks, elect their president, cashier and directors, confer on the latter as I have as- sumed and intend to show, the power to make and repeal by-laws, to regulate elections, and through their proper agents in the name of the association, to exercise all the other functions of our or- dinary incorporated banking institutions.' The latter are well known as aggregate moneyed corporations.' It can not be denied that a voluntary association or partnership might, temporarily, also elect the like officers and agents, confer upon them nearly the same powers, and perform about the same functions, without any charter or act of incorporation whatever. Collyer on Partnership, 621, Am. ed. 1834. There is, however, much difference between the power, duration and legal effect ; a corporation aggre- gate is in law an individual entirely distinct from its members, each of whom may hold shares or interests in the corporation, legally transferable in virtue of its charter ; whereas a voluntary association is made up of individuals not distinct from, but belonging in their own names and rights to the company. Their shares or interests are 1 See p. 170, infra. 24 THOMAS V. DAKIN. 4 common to all ; and, except so far as these may be made up of prop- erty in possession, they can not be transferred so as to create anything more than an equitable right in the assignee. Hence a voluntary company, asserting that it is possessed of stock transferable at the option of the holder, has been said to be punishable for pretending to act as a corporation. Collyer on Partnership, 624. The members of a copartnership are joint tenants in the stock and all the effects of the company, and, on the death of each, his interest in the common choses in action, at law, survives to the other mem- bers, while his interest in the common land and choses in possession passes, as an undivided share, to his heirs or personal representatives. Collyer on Partnership, 4, 5, 68. The nature of these interests and the course of succession are, in some respects, modified by the court of chancery. Collyer on Partnership, 70, 71. All the members must, as we have in part before seen, be named in suits by or against the company, the right or liability to which, on the death of one, sur- vives to all the others. Collyer on Partnership, 386, 395, 420, 427. Each is individually liable for the whole debts due from the company, Collyer on Partnership, 212, and may release and discharge all the debts due to them. Collyer on Partnership, 239. One may enter upon, use or otherwise control all the common property, real or per- sonal; indeed, he may, in general, convert it to his own use, subject to an account. Collyer on Partnership, 211. All the remedies inter se, with few exceptions, are by action of account or bill in equity. Collyer on Partnership, 143. The firm can not, in general, sue or be sued by any one of its members, for this would involve the absur- dity of a man being both plaintiff and defendant on the same record. Collyer on Partnership, 143, 644-5. Partnerships are dissoluble, not only by death or insanity, but by the bankruptcy of a member ; a general sale of his partnership effects by execution ; his attainder of felony, if it result in his civil death ; an assignment by himself of all his interest, and the marriage of a partner who is a feme sole. Indeed, the better opinion is, that, however strong the provisions against a dissolution may be in the articles of copartnership, the whole concern may be dissolved at any time, by the act of a single partner, at his own mere pleasure. Even during the continuance of the partnership, he may interrupt its proceedings, by interdicting any single measure, though agreed on by a majority of the firm. At least this is generally so at law, and the power, it is apprehended, can be but partially quali- fied by a court of chancery. Collyer on Partnership, 58, 2. 3 Kent's Comm., 534, 3d ed. It would seem clearly to follow, if it has ever been disputed, that any powers, though jointly conferred on others, as to act in the direction of affairs, or use a common seal, may be revoked at the pleasure of either partner. Most of these incidents it is impossible for the partners to avoid by any stipulations in their articles of connection ; and in proportion as any body of men is authorized by statute to hold property and sue and be sued without such incidents, they approach the character of a corpo- ration. While they continue partners they are considered as natural 4 TESTS: POWERS CONFERRED. 25 persons merely, as so many joint tenants or tenants in common, of all their property. In proportion as, by statute, they cease to be so they become an artificial person. These two are the only persons known to the law, according to the language of the great commentator, i Black. Comm. 123. "Persons," says he, "are divided by the law into either natural persons or artificial. Natural persons are such as the God of nature formed us. Artificial are such as are created and devised by human laws for the purposes of society and government, which are called corporations or bodies politic." In another part of his work, i Black. Comm. 467, he shows the advantages of corpora- tions over partnerships or voluntary companies. He says: "Corpo- rations are formed in order to preserve entire and forever those rights and immunities which, if they were granted only to those individuals of which the body is composed, would, upon their death, be utterly lost and extinct." In a mere voluntary assembly he admits the indi- viduals that compose it might act up to the purposes for which they associated so long as they could agree to do so; "but they could neither frame nor receive any laws or rules of their conduct ; none, at least, which would have any binding force, for want of coercive power to create a sufficient obligation ; and when they are dispersed by death or otherwise, how shall they transfer their advantages to others equally unconnected with themselves? "So, also, with regard to holding estates or other property, if land be granted for the common purpose to twenty individuals not incor- porated, there is no legal way of continuing the property to any other persons for the same purpose, but by endless conveyances from one to another, as often as the hands are changed. But when they are con- solidated and united into a corporation, they and their successors are then considered as one person in law; as one person, they have one will, which is collected from the sense of the majority of the individ- uals ; this one will may establish rules and orders for the regulation of the whole, which are a sort of municipal laws of this little republic ; or rules and statutes may be prescribed to it at its creation, which are then in the place of natural laws ; the privileges and immunities, the estates and possessions of the corporation, when once vested in them, will be forever vested, without any new conveyance or new succes- sions ; for all the individual members that have existed from the foundation to the present time, or that shall ever hereafter exist, are but one person in law, a person that never dies ; in like manner as the river Thames is still the same river, though the parts which com- pose it are changing every instant." In this quotation, I have taken the words of Blackstone as he applied them, by way of example, to the case of a college in one of the English universities ; and without quoting him literally throughout, have confined myself to such things as the learned author considers peculiar to every aggregate corpora- tion. These are, in short, the receiving of peculiar laws and the making of by-laws for itself; perpetual succession, both as to its privileges and property; the having one will, as collected from the power of the majority to make by-laws ; and the being but one per- 26 THOMAS V. DAKIN. 4 son in law, a person that dies not, but continues the same individual, though its parts may change. See, also, Ang. & Ames on Corp., 23. * * * [The Idea of Perpetual Succession.] The great and essential object to be attained by the creation of a corporation, is continuity (sometimes called immortality) and individuality ; "properties," says Ch. J. Marshall, "by which a perpetual succession of many persons are con- sidered as the same, and may act as the single individual. They enable a corporation to manage its own affairs, and to hold property without the perplexing intricacies, the hazardous and endless neces- sity of perpetual conveyances for the purpose of transmitting it from hand to hand." Dartmouth College v. Woodward, 4 Wheat. 636; Angel & Ames on Corp., 2. A peculiar sort of individuality^ and a peculiar mode of succession, for a particular purpose, and not allowed by the general law to natural persons, enter into every definition of a corporation that I have seen, i Kyd on Corp., 2-3. With us there can be no recent creation of such an artificial person except by stat- ute. 2 Kent's Comm., 276, 3d ed. No agreement of individuals can so far alter the nature of things ; and, as we have seen of -persons* there can be only two kinds, natural and artificial, so there can be but two modes in which property is transmitted by succession. The one takes place between natural persons, of which we have an example in descent on the death of the ancestor ; the other is between predeces- sors and successors in a corporation aggregate or sole. The one may be called a natural, and the other an artificial succession; and it is evident that the latter can not exist independent of a corporation, any- more than the former without natural persons, i Kyd on Corp. 2-3. In the associations created by the banking law great care has been taken to introduce and maintain corporate succession in every part of the system. I have already endeavored to show that the beneficial interest in all its real and personal property belongs to any associa- tion formed under that law as an individual. If I have succeeded, it follows that such association is a corporation. The principle of suc- cession is equally maintained in respect to the president for the pur- pose of receiving conveyances of real estate and selling it; and so when he acts as the organ of maintaining actions in right of the asso- ciation and defending actions brought. All these rights, powers and duties pass in perpetual succession from president to president during the existence of the company. The president and his successors thus come to enjoy, in the nature of a sole corporation, a perpetual trustee- ship in the real estate, and a perpetual power or control over it, to- gether with the suits of the company. "From their having perpetual succession, and suing and being sued in their political character, single persons of both these descriptions have (without much propriety, as Mr. Kyd thinks) been uniformly, in the books of English law, called corporations." Kyd on Corporations, 19, 20. "A sole corporation, as its name implies, consists only of one person, to whom and his successors belongs that legal perpetuity, the enjoyment of which is denied to all natural persons." Angell & Ames on Corporations, 18, 4 TESTS: POWERS CONFERRED. 2/ 19; i Black. Comm., 469. It need scarcely be remarked that the president of the banking associations in question comes fully within the general definition. In England, sole corporations are mostly employed to hold in suc- cession the rights and property of the ecclesiastical establishment ; and it is said they can not take personal property in succession, but only real. Sole corporations are not common in the United States. Angell & Ames on Corp., 19, 20. But it is not perceived why an officer, or other person authorized to hold property, real or personal, to him and his successors, be not a sole corporation within the plain meaning of the definition. The chamberlain of London, who may take a recog- nizance to him and his successors, in his political capacity, in trust for orphans, was said to be a sole corporation in trust. Byrd v. Wilford, Cro. Eliz. 464. It was there said by Gawdy and Fenner, Js., that the chamberlain was a special corporation for that purpose ; and an obli- gation may as well go in succession as land. So of the comptroller who takes an assignment of stocks, bonds and mortgages, to hold under the general banking law. Surely these would not, on his death, go to his executors. They are holden by him in trust, to pay the debts of the association ; and would pass to his successors. He is equally a corporation sole, for this special purpose, according to the English definition. The supervisor of a town may sue or be sued. 2 R. S. 387, 8, 96 and 100, 2d ed. Suppose he were authorized to hold lands and chattels to him and his successors, in trust for his town, would he not be a sole corporation, as the board of supervisors or loan officers are an aggregate corporation in respect to lands which they hold for the county? Denton v. Jackson, 2 Johns. Ch. R. 325. The grand test of a corporation is the mode in which property, suc- ceeds from one to another. When it does not go to the heirs of the holder as a natural person, it passes to the successor or successors, because it is holden in a corporate capacity. The holders are there- fore said to be a person or body politic and corporate, in opposition to their natural capacity. Thus, all property must be holden by natural persons or corporations. If the property of an association under the general banking law be not holden in the natural capacity of the different members as partners, the only alternative remaining is a holding by corporations aggregate or sole. No third description of person is known to our law. None was known to the Roman law. See i Browne's Civil and Adm. Law, 141. None to any system of laws with which we are acquainted. There are two cases in i Rolle's Abr., 515, which show still more dis- tinctly that the president of an association and the state comptroller must be considered each as sole corporations. One is where a presi- dent of a college of physicians recovers, in that character, a penalty against a party for practicing without license. Another is where the master of an hospital recovers, in that character, the arrears of the annuity due to the hospital. On the death of either the interest in the judgment recovered passes to his successor, and not to his ex- ecutor; and simply because the debt thus goes in succession, and 28 EDGE WORTH V. vVoOD. 5 Toller says they are each a special or sole corporation like the cham- berlain of London before mentioned. Toll, on Ex., ch. 4, 3, p. 136, ed. of 1803. See also i Wms. Ex. 546, ed. of 1832. Atkins v. Gardener, Cro. Jac. 159. This matter is very fully illustrated in 2 Black. Comm., 431, 2. * * * By BRONSON, J. : I concur fully in the opinions expressed by my brethren, that associations formed under the general banking law are corporations, and that the assent of two-thirds of all the members elected to each branch of the legislature was necessary to the passing of the act. But, as at present advised, I can not concur in the opinion that the legislature has the constitutional power, although two-thirds may assent, to provide by a general law for the creation of an indefinite number of corporations at the pleasure of any persons who may associate for that purpose. It was conceded on the argument, that the demurrer does not reach the objection that the act was not passed by a two-thirds vote ; and I have not, therefore, considered the question whether we can look be- yond the statute book. A plea may render it necessary for us to pass upon that question. Judgment for plaintiff. Sec. 5. Tests. (4) But in foreign jurisdictions the powers con- ferred, rather than the legislative declaration, will control. 1 EDGEWORTH v. WOOD, TREASURER OP THE UNITED STATES EXPRESS COMPANY. 1896. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW JERSEY. 58 New Jer- sey Law (29 Vroom) 463469, 3 Am. & Eng. Corp. Cas. (N. S.) 299, 33 Atl. 940. On rule to show cause. Argued at November term, 1895, before BEASLEY, chief justice, and Justices MAGIE and LUDLOW. The opinion of the court was delivered by MAGIE, J. This is an action in tort in which plaintiff seeks to recover damages for injuries suffered by him by reason of his being run over, in a public street in Jersey City, by a wagon of the United States Express Company, neg- ligently driven by a driver in the employ of that company. The jury having rendered a verdict for plaintiff, this rule to show cause why the verdict should not be set aside was allowed. Several reasons were filed in support of the rule, but only three have been urged in the argument. These only will be considered. It is first contended that neither plaintiff's declaration nor the evi- dence produced by him discloses any liability on the part of Theodore F. Wood, treasurer of the United States Express Company, to an- swer for plaintiff's injuries, if inflicted as he claimed. 1 See note (5) at end of Article I, infra, p. 32. 5 TESTS IN FOREIGN JURISDICTIONS. 29 Plaintiff claims to have made out his case, in this respect, in the following manner : He produced proof that the United States Ex- press Company was an association organized April 22, 1854, under the laws of New York, and having a principal place of business in the city of New York, and that Thomas C. Platt was its president and Theodore F. Wood its treasurer. He put in evidence chapter 238 of the laws of New York for the year 1849, and sections 1919, 1924 of the New York code of civil procedure, whereby it appeared that any association thus organized was expressly authorized to sue and to be sued in the name either of its president or its treasurer for the time being. Upon this he contends that he is entitled to an ac- tion against Wood, as treasurer, and as Wood is a resident of New Jersey, and was served with process here, that our courts, by comity, will recognize the liability to suit imposed by the laws of New York. In opposition to this, it is contended on the part of defendant that if it be conceded that our courts will, by comity, adopt and en- force remedies against such associations, in the mode prescribed by the law of the state under which they came into existence, yet if the law of this state has furnished a mode of procedure by which reme- dies against such associations may be enforced, the rule of comity ceases and the mode of procedure provided by our laws must be pur- sued. The supplement to the Practice act, approved May 23, 1890 (Pamph. L., p. 353; Gen. Stat., p. 2592, 342), is conceived by counsel to have furnished a mode of procedure under which this ac- tion could have been maintained against the United States Express Company. By that act it is enacted that any "unincorporated company, stock company or association," consisting of two or more persons united for business purposes and having a recognized name, may be sued by that name in any action affecting the common property or the joint rights and liabilities of such company or association. Provision is made for the service of process and for the issue of an execution upon judgment in the same manner as upon judgments against corporations. If the United States Express Company is an unincorporated associa- tion, within the meaning of the act, it would seem that plaintiff could have brought his action under that act. Questions concerning the nature of associations formed under the laws of New York, such as the United States Express Company, have been frequently considered in the courts of that state. The act of 1849 speaks of them as joint-stock companies or associations. By its certificate, this company calls itself a joint-stock company. In the earliest case to which my attention has been directed, the question requiring solution was as to the relation between a share- holder and such a company. After an exhaustive review of the New York statutes on the subject, Judge Barnard declared that such com- panies had all the qualities of corporations, except that of having a common seal. His conclusion was that in a controversy between a shareholder and the company, he was not to be considered as a part- ner in a partnership, but the courts must deal with his relation follow- 3O EDGEWORTH V. WOOD. 5 ing the analogy of the law of corporations. Waterbury v. Merchants' Union Express Co., 50 Barb. 157. In a later case, an action was brought by a shareholder in the same company against Fargo, its president, to recover for the loss of articles entrusted to it for transportation. The defense was that the owner of an interest in the company could not maintain such an action against it, which it was claimed was like an action by a partner against the partnership. The action was sustained by the court below. West- cott v. Fargo, President, 6 Lans. 319. Upon appeal, the opinion was delivered by Dwight, one of the commissioners of appeal. Upon a review of the statutes, he declared that the president or treasurer of one of these joint-stock companies or associations was to be regarded, for the purposes of an action against the company, substantially as a corporation sole ; that such companies possessed some powers and privileges of corporations not possessed by individuals or partnerships, and that an action upon a liability of the company might be main- tained by one of its members. Westcott v. Fargo, 61 N. Y. 542. Later the United States Express Company, the very company whose officer is here sued, objected to the imposition of a tax upon its cor- porate franchises and business computable upon its capital stock, un- der an act taxing corporations, joint-stock companies and associations incorporated or organized under any law of the state. Its contention was that it was neither so incorporated nor organized. The right to impose the tax was sustained, Judge Danforth saying: "The agree- ment which brought many persons into one artificial body was so framed as to accomplish that end, and in proposing to conduct its af- fairs by the power given to it in the mode prescribed by the legisla- ture, they must be deemed, for the purposes of the act in question, to be incorporated that is, formed or united under the law of the state, whether the artificial body be termed a corporation, a joint-stock company or association." People, ex rel. Platt, v. Wemple, 117 N. Y. 136. Questions have also arisen respecting the right to remove to the federal courts actions between the president or treasurer of such com- panies and other persons. In New York, it was held, in a suit by Fargo as president of such a company organized in New York, that the company was to be con- sidered like a corporation, a citizen of New York, and the action was removable to the United States court, if the other party was a citizen of another state. Fargo v. McVicker, 55 Barb. 437. In the United States Circuit Court for the District of Michigan, Judge Brown (now justice of the supreme court) held that such a company formed in New York was to be deemed a citizen of New York without regard to the citizenship of its members. Maltz v. American Express Co., i Flip. 611. In another case in the federal courts, the action was brought by Fargo as president of such a company against a citizen of a western state, and Judge Gresham held that such a company was a citizen of New York and could maintain an action in those courts, notwithstand- 5 NOTES TO ARTICLE I. 31 ing the fact that some of its shareholders were residents of the state in which the defendant resided. Fargo v. L., N. A. & C. Ry. Co., 6 Fed. Rep. 787. In the case last cited and in some of the other cases, the conclusion reached has not been deemed invalidated by the fact that some of the New York statutes speak of such companies and associations as unin- corporated. In Liverpool Ins. Co. v. Massachusetts, 10 Wall. 566, the supreme court of the United States held that an English joint stock associa- tion, which was endowed with certain corporate powers, must be con- sidered by our courts to be a corporation, notwithstanding the acts of parliament declared that such associations should not be held to be corporations. [Test of Corporate Existence.] Whether an aggregation of indi- viduals united in an artificial body is a corporation or not is to be determined rather by the faculties and powers conferred upon the body than by the name or description given to it. Upon this review, I have reached the conclusion that the United States Express Company is a corporate entity, empowered to sue and be sued, not, as is usual, in a corporate name, but in the name of designated officers. To such a corporation the act of 1890 does not apply, and this action was therefore properly brought against Wood as treasurer, whose status in the suit is not that of an individual but of a representative of the company. This reason can not, therefore, prevail. [Points of opinion relating to sufficiency of evidence are omitted.] The rule to show cause should be discharged. NOTES TO ARTICLE I. 1. Definitions: For the authorities favoring one or the other of the defini- tions given above, see notes to Articles II, III and IV, infra, pp. 72, 109, 157. Definitions of corporations will be found in the following cases : 1804, Head v. Providence Ins. Co., 2 Cranch (U. S.) 127, on 167; 1809, Bank of United States v. Deveaux, 5 Cranch (U. S.) 61; 1819, Trustees Dartmouth Col. v. Woodward, 4 Wheaton 518, on 636, 667; 1839, Thomas v. Dakin, 22 Wendell (N. Y.) -9, 70, 104, supra, p. 19; 1840, Warner v. Beers, 23 Wendell (N. Y.) 103, 123, 124, supra, p. 2; 1841, People, ex rel. Bank of Watertown, v. Asses- sors, etc., 1 Hill (N. Y.) 616, 620; 1844, Louisville C., etc., R. Co. v. Let- son, 2 Howard (U. S.) 497, 552; 1860, The Ohio Ins. Co. v. Nunemacher, 15 Ind. 295; 1861, Ohio and Mississippi R. Co. v. Wheeler, 66 U. S. (1 Black) 286, 295; 1672, Railroad Commissioners v. P. & O. C. R. Co., 63 Maine 269, 277; 1872, Thompson v. Waters, 25 Mich. 214, 223; 1875, Board of Commrs. Tipp. Co. v. L. M. & B. R., 50 Ind. 85, 108; 1878, State v. M. L. S. & W. R. 'Co., 45 Wis. 579, 592; 1882, Bait. & P. R. Co. v. Fifth Bap- tist Church, 108 U. S. 317, 330; 1890, United States v. Trinidad Coal & C. Co., 137 U. S. 160; 1898, Andrews Bros. v. Youngstown Coke Co., 86 Fed. R. 585. 2. The New York Bank Cases: The second resolution adopted by a vote of 22 to 3, in the case of Warner v. Beers, supra, p. 14, that the associations organized under the banking act of 1838, "are not bodies politic or corporate, within the spirit and meaning of the constitution," did not settle the law that 32 NOTES TO ARTICLE I. such associations were not corporations for any purpose, but only that they were not so "within the spirit and meaning" of the constitution. See particu- larly 1841, People v. Assessors of Watertown, 1 Hill (N. Y.) 616, 618; 1845, De Bow v. People, 1 Denio (N. Y.) 9, 14; 1845, Gifford v. Livingston, 2 Denio (N. Y.) 380, 382; 1850, Gillet v. Moody, 3 N. Y. 485. The decisions, generally, after Warner v. Beers, treated these institutions for most purposes as corpo- rations. The cases are : 1840, Parmly v. Tenth Ward Bank, 3 Edw. Ch. 395 ; 1840, Delafield v. Kinney, 24 Wend. 345; 1841, People v. Assessors of Water- town, 1 Hill 616; Bank of Watertown v. Assessors of Watertown, 25 Wend. 686; 1842, Willoughby v. Comstock, 3 Hill 389; 1842, People v. Supervisors of Niagara, 4 Hill 20; 1843, Leavitt v. Tylee, 1 Sandf. Ch. 207; 1844, Super- visors of Niagara v. People, 7 Hill 504; 1844,Boisegerard v. New York Bank- ing Co., 2 Sandf. Ch. 23; 1844, Matter of Bank of Dansville, 6 Hill 370; 1845, Gifford v. Livingston, 2 Denio 380 (Court for Correction of Errors, overrul- ing 1845, De Bow v. People, 1 Denio 9 (Supreme Court) ; 1843, Leavitt v. Yates, 4 Edw. Ch. 134; 1846, Sagory v. Dubois, 3 Sandf. Ch. 466, 485; 1848, Leavitt v. Blatchford, 5 Barb. 9; 1850, Cuyler v. Sanford, 8 Barb. 225; 1850, Gillet v. Moody, 3 N. Y. (Comst.) 479; 1851, Palmer v. Lawrence, 5 N. Y. (1 Seld.) 389; 1852, Talmage v. Pell, 7 N. Y. (3 Seld.) 328; Tracy v. Talmage, 18 Barb. 456; 1855, Gillet v. Phillips, 13 N. Y. (3 Kern.) 114; 1858, Leavitt v. Blatchford, 17 N. Y. 521; 1859, Codd v. Rathbone, 19 N. Y. 37. 3. The Michigan Discussion: Sec. 2, art. 12, of the constitution of Michi- gan, 1835, provided, "The legislature shall pass no act of incorporation, unless with the assent of at least two-thirds of each house." In 1837 (Sess. L. 1837, p. 76), an "Act to organize and regulate banking associations" was passed. The constitutionality of this act came before the United States circuit court for Michigan for adjudication in 1840, in the case of Falconer v. Campbell, 2 McLean C. C. (7th Circuit), 195; Federal Cases, 4620; 10 Myers' Fed. Dec., 18, infra p. 287 ; the question as to whether the act had received the required majority was argued, but it was held not properly raised by the demurrer. The court held the law constitutional ; that the associations were corporations, and that an indefinite number might be created, or provided for, by one gen- eral act. In 1844, in the case of Green, receiver of bank of Niles v. Graves, 1 Douglass (Mich.) 351, the same points were argued before the supreme court of Michigan, and the law was held unconstitutional, because it attempted to create corporations, and an indefinite number of them at one time ; this, it was held, could not be done, because the constitution meant to require a two- thirds vote in the creation of each and every corporation. This holding has been followed since, in regard to the banking act of 1837, but not extended to other general corporation laws. See 2 Doug. (Mich.) 160, 195; 1 Mich. 119, 120, 121, 482, 512; 2 Mich. 287; 5 Mich. 259; 13 Mich. 151 ; 16 Mich. 258, and 45 Mich. 510. Also 1849, Nesmith v. Sheldon, 48 U. S. (7 How.) 812. 4. Later holding's: Many of the same points have been discussed in. the New York courts as to the nature of their joint-stock associations, as were in the bank cases. People v. Coleman, 133 N. Y. 279, supra, p. 15, is the best case. Others are: 1867, Waterbury v. Merchants' Union Express Co., 50 Barb. (N. Y.) 157; 1869, Fargo v. McVicker, 55 Barb. 437; 1875, Westcott v. Fargo, 61 N. Y. 542; 1886, Van Aernam v. Bleistein, etc., 102 N. Y. 355 16 American and Eng. Corp. Gas. 103; 1889, People, ex rel. Platt, v. Wemple 117 N. Y. 136, 29 American and Eng. Corp. Cas. 610; 1892, McCabe v. Good- fellow, 133 N. Y. 89, 37 American and Eng. Corp. Cas. 73. 5. Note as to the fourth test above given: This is qualified in many of the states by the rule that the decisions of the courts of the state creating the insti- tution in question, as to whether it is a corporation or not, will be deemed controlling. See 1871, Taft v. Ward, 106 Mass. 518; 1880, Eailroad Co. v. Pear- son, 128 Mass. 445; 1883, Gleason v. McKay, 134 Mass. 419, infra, p. 167; 1895 Gregg v. Sandford, 12 C. C. A. 525, 65 Fed. Rep. 151, 48 Am. and ^ng. Corp Cas. 292. In Liverpool Insurance Co. v. Massachusetts, 10 Wall. (U S ) 566 the supreme court applied the rule given as the fourth test above, and held an 6 THE CORPORATION AS A PERSON. 33 English insurance company to be a corporation, notwithstanding the act of parliament under which it was created expressly provided it should not be so considered. This holding, however, was not necessary to the decision of the case. But in 1889, Chapman v. Barney, 129 U. S. 677, the sajne court held it would follow the decisions or the statutes of the states in which the institution was organized as to its nature. For further upon this point, see note to Article V, infra, p. 175; 1900, Great Southern F. Hotel Co. v. Jones, 1 / / U . O. < 'X7. ARTICLE 1 1 . THE CORPORATION AS A PERSON. Sec. 6. For most purposes a corporation is considered as a per- son having, as such, rights, duties and liabilities. "For by incorporation it acquires jus persona, and becomes per- sona politica , and is capable of all civil rights habendi et agendi." Per Attorney-General, Quo Warranto, v. London, 3-8 as given in Comyn's Digest, Corporation, under Franchises (F) F. 1. Also, 8 Howell's State Trials, p. 1039, on 1155. (i) And particularly , having rights: () Under the com- mon law. TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA v. FOY AND BISHOP. 1 1805. IN THE COURT OF CONFERENCE OF NORTH CAROLINA, i Murphy (N. C.) Reports 58-92, 3 American Dec. 672. LOCKE, J., delivered the opinion of the court. The legislature of North Carolina, in the year 1789, granted to the trustees of the uni- versity "all the property that has heretofore or shall hereafter escheat to the state." And by another act, passed in the year 1794, they also granted, "the confiscated property then unsold." By an act passed in the year 1800, they declared, "that from and after the pass- ing of this act, all acts and clauses of acts, which have heretofore granted power to the trustees of the University, to seize and possess any escheated or confiscated property, real or personal, shall be and the same is hereby repealed and made void. "And be it further enacted, That all escheated or confiscated prop- erty which the said trustees, their agents or attorneys, have not legally sold by virtue of the said laws, shall from hence revert to the state, and henceforth be considered as the property of the same, as though such laws had never been passed." 1 Statement of facts (except as given in opinion), arguments and dissent- ing opinion of HALL, J., omitted. Also parts of the opinion of the court by LOCKE, J. 3 WIL. CASES. 34 TRUSTEES V. FOY & BISHOP. 6 The trustees of the university, in pursuance of the powers vested in them by the act of 1789, have brought this suit to recover the pos- session of a tract of land escheated to the state before the passing of the repealing act in the year 1800. The defendants have pleaded this repealing act in bar, by which they allege the power of the trus- tees to support this action is entirely destroyed. It is therefore now to be considered how far the trustees have title under the act of 1789, and in the next place, how far they are divested of that title by the repealing act of 1800. [After holding the act of 1789 passed the title to the trustees, and some re- marks as to the general constitutional provisions, proceeds:] Some light will be thrown upon this subject by examining the na- ture of corporations, how property can be taken from them, and how they can be dissolved. Corporations are formed for the advancement of religion, learning, commerce or other beneficial purposes. They are either aggregate or sole, and created by grant or by law. [Rights.] When they are once erected, they acquire many rights, powers, capacities and some incapacities, i Black. 475, as (i) to have perpetual succession ; and therefore all aggregate corporations have necessarily the power of electing members in the room of those who die, to sue and be sued and to do all other acts as natural per- sons ; (2) to purchase lands and to hold them for the benefit of themselves and successors; (4) to have a common seal; (5) to make by-laws for the better government of the corporation. These corporations can not commit crimes, although their members may in their individual capacity. The duties of those bodies consist in act- ing up to the design for which they were instituted. Let us next in- quire how their corporate property can be taken from them and how they may be dissolved. A member may be disfranchised or lose his place by his own improper conduct, or he may resign. A corpora- tion may be dissolved by act of parliament, which is boundless in its operation ; by the natural death of all its members, in case of an ag- gregate corporation ; by surrender of its franchises into the hands of the king, which is a kind of suicide ; by forfeiture of its charter through negligence or abuse of its franchises, in which case the law judges the body politic to have broken the condition on which it was incorporated, and therefore the incorporation to be void ; and the reg- ular course is to bring an information in the nature of a quo ivarranto, to inquire by what authority the members now exercise their corpo- rate power, having forfeited it by such and such proceedings, i Black. 485; 3 Black. 263. None of these prerequisites have been done in the present case. We are then led to inquire into the soundness of an argument greatly relied on by the defendant's counsel, that those who create can destroy. The legislature have not pretended to dissolve the cor- poration, but to deprive them of a part of the funds that were deemed to be vested in them, and to transfer those funds to the state. In England the king's consent to the creation of any corporation is ab- solutely necessary, either given expressly by charter or by act of par- 6 THE CORPORATION AS A PERSON. 35 liament, where his assent is a necessary ingredient or implied by prescription, i Black. 472, 473. The king may grant to a subject the power of erecting a corporation ; and yet it is the king that erects, the subject is but the instrument, i Black. 474. Where there is an endowment of lands, the law distinguishes and makes two species of foundation ; the first, foundatio incipiens, or the corporation, in which sense the king is the founder of all colleges and hospitals ; the other, fundatio perficiens, or the dotation of it, in which sense the first gift of the revenues is the foundation, and who gives them is the founder, i Black. 481. The constitution directed the general as- sembly to establish this institution and endow it; then it would seem, from the principle upon which all this doctrine is predicated, that the constitution and not the legislature had erected this corporation, the legislature being only the agent or instrument whose acts are valid and binding when they do not contravene any of the provisions of the constitution. * * * But one great and important reason which influences us in deciding this question is the loth section of the bill of rights, which declares "that no freeman ought to be taken, imprisoned or disseized of his freehold, liberties, or privileges, or outlawed, or exiled, or in any manner destroyed or deprived of his life, liberty or property, but by the law of the land." It has been yielded on the part of the defend- ants that if the legislature had vested an individual with the property in question, this section of the bill of rights would restrain them from depriving him of such right ; but it is denied that this section has any operation on corporations whose members are mere naked trustees, and have no interest in the donation, and especially on a corporation erected for a public purpose. It is also insisted that the term, "Law of the Land," does not impose any restrictions on the legislature, who are capable of making the law of the land, and was only in- tended to prevent abuses in the other branches of government. That this clause was intended to secure to corporations as well as to individ- uals the rights therein enumerated, seems clear from the word "lib- erties," which peculiarly signifies those privileges and rights which corporations have by virtue of the instruments which incorporate them, and is certainly used in this clause in contradistinction to the word "liberty," which refers to the personal liberty of the citizen. We therefore infer that by this clause the legislature are as much restrained from affecting the property of corporations, as they are that of a private individual, unless the expression, "Law of the Land," should re- ceive the construction contended for on the part of the defendant. It is evident the framers of the constitution intended the provision as a re- straint upon some branch of the government, either the executive, legislative or judicial. To suppose it applicable to the executive would be absurd on account of the limited powers conferred on that officer; and from the subjects enumerated in that clause no danger could be apprehended from the executive department, that being en- trusted with the exercise of no powers by which the principles thereby intended to be secured could be affected. To apply it to the judi- 36 COUNTY OF SAN MATEO V. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. CO. 7 ciary would, if possible, be still more idle, if the legislature can make the "Law of the Land." For the judiciary are only to expound and enforce the law and have no discretionary powers enabling them to judge of the propriety or impropriety of laws. They are bound, whether agreeable to their ideas of justice or not, to carry into effect the acts of the legislature as far as they are binding or do not contra- vene the constitution. If then this clause is applicable to the legisla- ture alone, and was intended as a restraint on their acts (and to pre- sume otherwise is to render this article a dead letter), let us next in- quire, what will be the operation which this clause will or ought to have on the present question ? It seems to us to warrant a belief that members of a corporation, as well as individuals, shall not be so deprived of their liberties or property, unless by a trial by jury in a court of justice, according to the known and established rules of decision, derived from the common law, and such acts of the legisla- ture as are consistent with the constitution and although the trustees are a corporation established for public purposes, yet their property is as completely beyond the control of the legislature as the property of individuals or that of any other corporation. Indeed, it seems diffi- cult to conceive of a corporation established for merely private pur- poses. In every institution of that kind, the ground of the establish- ment is some public good or purpose intended to be promoted ; but in many, the members thereof have a private interest, coupled with the public object. In this case the trustees have no private interest be- yond the general good ; yet we conceive that circumstance will not make the property of the trustees subject to the arbitrary will of the legislature. The property vested in the trustees must remain for the uses intended for the university, until the judiciary of the country, in the usual and common form, pronounce them guilty of such acts, as will, in law, amount to a forfeiture of their rights or a dissolution of their body. The demurrer must therefore be allowed, and the plea in bar overruled. [Note. It should be remembered this case was decided before the case of Trustees of Dartmouth College v. Woodward, 4 Wheat. (U.S.) 518, infra, p. 708. ] Note. The rights of corporations is the subject of chapter 12, infra, p. 914. Sec. 7. Same. () Under the United States constitution. THE RAILROAD TAX CASES. COUNTY OF SAN MATEO v. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. CO. 1 1882. IN UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT, District of California. 13 Federal Reporter 722-782, with note 782-789. [Action to recover taxes and penalty of the Southern Pacific Rail- road Company, a corporation formed under the laws of California. 1 Case taken to supreme court of the United States ; settled and disposed of, 116 U. S. 138. See, also, Santa Clara County v. Southern. Pacific R. Co., 118 U. S. 394, on 396. Statement of facts condensed. Only so much of the opin- ions as bears directly on the rights of corporations under the 14th amendment of the United States constitution is given. 7 THE CORPORATION AS A PERSON. 37 By the California constitution all property, with certain exceptions, is to be taxed according to its value ; but in ascertaining the value of property owned by individuals the amount unpaid of any mortgage upon it is to be deducted from the assessed value, and the tax levied on the balance, as against the owner. "The franchise, roadway, road- bed, rails and rolling stock of all railroads operated in more than one county," are to be assessed at their actual value and apportioned to the various municipal subdivisions in proportion to mileage, without any deductions for any mortgages on the property. Also, the statutes provide for notice and hearing by the parties affected before the as- sessment is complete, in all cases except railroads operated in more than one county. The railroal company contended : (i) That the assessment, because no deductions for mortgages were allowed, as in other cases, had the effect of denying it the equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the I4th amendment of the United States constitution. (2) Also, that the fact that no notice was provided for, deprived it of its property without due process of law, contrary to the same amendment. The county contended: (i) That the state's authority to tax is un- limited except by the United States constitution. (2) That the United States constitution did not forbid the classification of property for tax- ation. (3) That the I4th amendment did not apply. (4) That cor- porations were not persons within the meaning of the amendment. (5) That the statute requiring a statement of property by the railroad company was sufficient notice; and (6), that the provisions relative to taxation of railroads are to be treated as conditions upon the con- tinued existence of the corporations.] FIELD, J. * * * The fourteenth amendment of the constitu- tion, in declaring that no state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws, imposes a limitation upon the exercise of all the powers of the state which can touch the indi- vidual or his property, including among them that of taxation. What ever the state may do, it can not deprive any one within its jurisdic- tion of the equal protection of the laws. And by equal protection of the laws is meant equal security under them to every one on similar terms in his life, his liberty, his property, and in the pursuit of happiness. It not only implies the right of each to resort, on the same terms with others, to the courts of the country for the security of his person and property, the prevention and redress of wrongs and the enforcement of contracts, but also his exemption from any greater burdens or charges than such as are equally imposed upon all others under like circumstances. Unequal exactions in every form, or under any pretense, are abso- lutely forbidden; and, of course, unequal taxation, for it is in that form that oppressive burdens are usually laid. It is not possible to conceive equal protection under any system of laws where arbitrary and unequal taxation is permissible ; where different persons may be taxed on their property of the same kind, similarly situated, at differ- ent rates ; where, for instance, one may be taxed at r per cent, on the value of his property, another at 2 or 5 per cent., or where one may be thus taxed according to his color, because he is white, or black, or 38 COUNTY OF SAN MATEO V. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. CO. 7 brown, or yellow, or according to any other rule than that of a fixed rate proportionate to the value of his property. * * * If we may now look at the scheme of taxation prescribed by the constitution of California for the property of railroad companies, we shall perceive a flagrant departure from the rule of equality and uni- formity so essential to equality in the distribution of the burdens of government. Whenever an individual holds property incumbered with a mortgage he is assessed at its value, after deducting from it the amount of the mortgage. If a railroad company holds property subject to a mortgage, it is assessed at its full value, without any deduction for the mortgage ; that is, as though the property were un- incumbered. The inequality and discriminating character of the pro- cedure will be apparent by an illustration given by counsel. Suppose a private person owns a farm which is valued at $100,000, and is in- cumbered with a mortgage amounting to $80,000 ; he is, in that case, assessed at $20,000; if the rate of taxation be 2 per cent., he would pay $400 taxes. If a railroad corporation owns an adjoining tract worth $100,000, which is also incumbered by a mortgage for $80,000, it would be assessed for $100,000, and be required to pay $2,000 taxes, or five times as much as the private person. There is here a discrimination too palpable and gross to be questioned, and such is the nature of the discrimination made against the Southern Pacific Railroad Company in the taxation of its property. Nothing can be clearer than that the rule of equality and uniformity is thus entirely disregarded. * * * Is the defendant, being a corporation, a person within the meaning of the fourteenth amendment, so as to be entitled, with respect to its property, to the equal protection of the laws? The learned counsel of the plaintiff and the attorney-general of the state take the negative of this question, and assert with much earnestness that the amendment applies, and was intended to apply, only to the newly-made citizens of the African race, and should be limited to their protection. * * * In the Dartmouth College case it was urged that the charter of the college was not a contract contemplated by the constitution, because no valuable consideration passed to the king as an equivalent for the grant, and that contracts merely voluntary were not within the prohi- bition. But Chief Justice Marshall, after showing that the charter was a contract upon a valuable consideration, said: "It is more than possible that the preservation of rights of this de- scription was not particularly in view of the framers of the constitu- tion when the clause under consideration was introduced into that in- strument. It is probable that interferences of more frequent recur- rence, to which the temptation was stronger and of which the mischief was more extensive, constituted the great motive for imposing this re- striction on the state legislatures. But although a particular and a rare case may not, in itself, be of sufficient magnitude to induce a rule, yet it must be governed by the rule when established, unless some plain and strong reason for excluding it can be given." And again, "the case being within the words of the rule must be within its opera- tion likewise, unless there be something in the literal construction so obviously absurd or mischievous, or repugnant to the general spirit of 7 THE CORPORATION AS A PERSON. 39 the instrument, as to justify those who expound the constitution in making it an exception." 4 Wheat. 644. Following that authority, we can not adopt the narrow view for which counsel contend, and limit the application of the prohibition of the fourteenth amendment to legislation touching members of the enfranchised race. It has a much broader operation. It does not, indeed, place any limit upon the subjects, in reference to which the states may legislate. It does not interfere with their police power. Upon every matter upon which previously to its adoption they could act, they may still act. They can legislate now, as they always could, to promote the health, good order and peace of the community; to develop their resources, increase their industries and advance their prosperity ; but it does require that in all such legislation hostile and partial discrimination against any class or person shall be avoided ; that the state shall impose no greater burdens upon anyone than upon others of the community under like circumstances, nor deprive any- one of rights which others similarly situated are allowed to enjoy. It forbids the state to lay its hand more heavily upon one than upon an- other, under like conditions. It stands in the constitution as a per- petual shield against all unequal and partial legislation by the states, and the injustice which follows from it, whether directed against the most humble or the most powerful ; against the despised laborer from China, or the envied master of millions. * * * Private corporations are, it is true, artificial persons, but, with the exception of a sole corporation, with which we are not concerned, they consist of aggregations of individuals united for some legitimate business. In this state they are formed under the general laws; and the civil code provides that they "may be formed for any purpose for which individuals may lawfully associate themselves." Any five or more persons may by voluntary association form themselves into a cor- poration. And, as a matter of fact, nearly all enterprises in this state requiring for their execution an expenditure of large capital are un- dertaken by corporations. They engage in commerce ; they build and sail ships ; they cover our navigable streams with steamers ; they construct houses ; they bring the products of earth and sea to market ; they light our streets and buildings ; they open and work mines ; they carry water into our cities ; they build railroads, and cross mountains and deserts with them ; they erect churches, colleges, lyceunas and theaters ; they set up manufactories, and keep the spindle and shuttle in motion ; they establish banks for savings ; they insure against acci- dents on land and sea ; they give policies on life ; they make money exchanges with all parts of the world ; they publish newspapers and books, and send news by lightning across the continent and under the ocean. Indeed, there is nothing which is lawful to be done to feed and clothe our people, to beautify and adorn their dwellings, to re- lieve the sick, to help the needy and to enrich and ennoble humanity, which is not to a great extent done through the instrumentalities of corporations. There are over 500 corporations in this state ; there 4O COUNTY OF SAN MATEO V. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. CO. / are 30,000 in the United States, and the aggregate value of their prop- erty is several thousand millions. ' It would be a most singular result if a constitutional provision, in- tended for the protection of every person against partial and discrimi- nating legislation by the states, should cease to exert such protection the moment the person becomes a member of a corporation. We can not accept such a conclusion. On the contrary, we think that it is well established by numerous adjudications of the supreme court of the United States and of the several states, that 'whenever a pro-vision of the constitution, or of a lau>, guarantees to persons the enjoyment of property, or affords to them means for its protection, or prohibits legislation injuriously affecting it, the benefits of the provision ex- tend to corporations, and that the courts will always look beyond the name of the artificial being to the individuals ivhom it represents. The case of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in For- eign Parts v. Town of New Haven, 8 Wheat. 464, furnishes an apt illustration of this doctrine. The sixth article of the treaty of peace with Great Britain of 1783, provided that there should be "no future confiscations made, nor any prosecutions commenced, against any per- son or persons for or by reason of the part which he or they may have taken in the present war, and that no person shall on that account suffer any future loss or damage, either in his person, liberty or prop- erty." An English corporation claimed the benefit of this article with reference to certain lands in Vermont granted to it befoi'e the revolution, which the legislature of that state had undertaken to give to the town where they were situated. It was contended that the treaty only applied to natural persons ; that it did not embrace corpo- rations, because they were not persons who could take part in the war, or could be considered British subjects ; but the position was held to be untenable. The court, speaking through Mr. Justice Washington, said that the argument proceeded upon an incorrect view of the sub- ject, and referred to the case of United States v. Deveaux, 5 Cranch 86, to show that the court, when necessary, will look beyond the name of a corporation to reach and protect those whom it represents. The constitution, in defining the judicial power of the United States, declares that it shall extend to "controversies between citizens of different states;" and in the case referred to by Mr. Justice Wash- ington, the question arose whether a corporation composed of citizens of one state could sue, in the circuit court of the United States, a citi- zen of another state, and it was held that it could. In deciding the question, the court, speaking through Chief -Justice Marshall, said: "However true the fact may be that the tribunals of the state will administer justice as impartially as those of the nation to parties of every description, it is not less true that the constitution itself either entertains apprehension on this subject, or views with such indulgence the possible fears and apprehensions of suitors, that it has established national tribunals for the decision of controversies between aliens and number of corporations here stated is much less than the number actually existing. There are over 5,000 corporations in California alone. 7 THE CORPORATION AS A PERSON. 41 citizens, or between citizens of different states. Aliens or citizens of different states are not less susceptible of these apprehensions, nor can they be supposed to be less the objects of constitutional provision because they were allowed to sue by a corporate name. That name, indeed, can not be an alien or a citizen, but the persons whom it rep- resents may be the one or the other, and the controversy is, in fact and in law, between those persons suing in their corporate character, by their corporate names, for a corporate right, and the individual against whom the suit may be instituted. Substantially and essentially the parties in such a case, where the members of the corporation are aliens or citizens of a different state from the opposite party, come within the spirit and terms of the jurisdiction conferred by the con- stitution of the national tribunals. Such has been the universal un- derstanding on the subject. Repeatedly has this court decided causes between a corporation and an individual without feeling a doubt re- specting its jurisdiction." The same point was presented in another form in the case of Mar- shall v. Baltimore & O. R. Co., 16 How. 326. There the question was whether a citizen of one state could sue in the circuit court of the United States a corporation of another state, and a similar conclusion was reached. After referring to the clause of the constitution extend- ing the judicial power of the United States to controversies between citizens of different states, the court proceeded to consider the objec- tions urged to treating a corporation as a citizen, so far as it might be necessary to protect the corporators. "A corporation," observed Mr. Justice Grier, speaking for the court, "it is said is an artificial person, a mere legal entity, invisible and intangible. This is no doubt metaphysically true in a certain sense. The inference, also, that such an artificial entity 'can not be a citizen' is a logical conclusion from the premises, which can not be denied. But a citizen who has made a contract and has a contro- versy with a corporation may also say, with equal truth, that he did not deal with a mere metaphysical abstraction, but with natural per- sons ; that his writ has not been served on an imaginary entity, but on men and citizens, and that his contract was made with them as the legal representatives of numerous unknown associates, or secret and dormant partners. "The necessities and conveniences of trade and business require that such numerous associates and stockholders should act by repre- sentation, and have the faculty of contracting, suing and being sued in a fictitious or collective name. But these important faculties, con- ferred on them by state legislation, for their own convenience, can not be wielded to deprive others of acknowledged rights. It is not reasonable that those who deal with such persons should be deprived of a valuable privilege by a syllogism, or rather sophism, which deals subtly with words and names, without regard to the things or persons they are used to represent." The fifth amendment to the constitution declares that "No person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infa- 42 COUNTY OF SAN MATEO V. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. CO. 7 mous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be put twice in jeopardy of life or limb ; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a wit- ness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty or property with- out due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation." From the nature of the prohibitions in this amendment it would seem, with the exception of the last one, as though they could apply only to natural persons. No others can be witnesses ; no others can be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb, or be compelled to be wit- nesses against themselves ; and, therefore, it might be said with much force, that the word "person" there used in connection with the pro- hibition against the deprivation of life, liberty and property without due process or law, is in like manner limited to a natural person. But such has not been the construction of the courts. A similar provision is found in nearly all of the state constitutions; and everywhere, at all times and in all courts, it has been held, either by tacit assent or ex- press adjudication, to extend, so far as their property is concerned, to corporations. And this has been because the property of a corpora- tion is in fact the property of the corporators. To deprive the cor- poration of its property, or to burden it, is in fact to deprive the corporators of their property or to lessen its value. Their interest, undivided though it be, and constituting only a right during the con- tinuance of the corporation to participate in its dividends, and on its dissolution to receive a proportionate share of its assets, has an ap- preciable value, and is property in a commercial sense, and whatever affects the property of the corporation necessarily affects the com- mercial value of their interests. If, for example, to take the illustra- tion given by counsel, a corporation created for banking purposes acquires land, notes, stocks, bonds and money, no stockholder can claim that he owns any particular item of this property, but he owns an interest in the whole of it, which the courts will protect against un- lawful seizure or appropriation by others, and on the dissolution of the company he will receive a proportionate share of its assets. Now, if a statute of the state takes the entire property, who suffers loss by the legislation? Whose property is taken? Certainly, the corpora- tion is deprived of its property; but at the same time, in every just sense of the constitutional guaranty, corporators are also deprived of their property. The prohibition against the deprivation of life and liberty in the same clause of the fifth amendment does not apply to corporations, because, as stated by counsel, the lives and liberties of the indi- vidual corporators are not the life and liberty of the corporation. Nor do all the privileges and immunities of citizenship attach to corporations. These bodies have never been considered citizens for any other purpose than the protection of the property rights of the corporators. The status of citizenship, entitling the citizen to certain 7 THE CORPORATION AS A PERSON. 43 privileges and immunities in the several states, does not belong to cor- porations. The special privileges which citizens acquire by becom- ing incorporated in one state can not, therefore, be exercised in an- other state without the latter's consent, as was held in Paul v. Vir- ginia, 8 Wall. 168, although such consent will generally be presumed in the absence of positive prohibition. . Decisions of state courts, in harmony with the views we have ex- pressed, exist in great numbers. But it is unnecessary to cite them. It is sufficient to add that in all text writers, in all codes, and in all revised statutes, it is laid down that the term "person" includes, or may include, corporations; which amounts to what we have already said, that whenever it is necessary for the protection of contract or property rights, the courts will look through the ideal entity and name of the corporation to the persons who compose it, and protect them, though the process be in its name. All the guaranties and safe- guards of the constitution for the protection of the property possessed by individuals may, therefore, be invoked for the protection of the property of corporations. And as no discriminating and partial legislation, imposing unequal burdens upon the property of indi- viduals, would be valid under the fourteenth amendment, so no leg- islation imposing suck unequal burdens upon the property of corpo- rations can be maintained. The taxation, therefore, of the property of the defendant upon an assessment of its value, without a deduction of the mortage thereon, is to that extent invalid. [The remainder of the opinion of Justice Field, holding that notice was ab- solutely essential, and that the constitutional provisions relating to taxation were not conditions as to the continued existence of the corporations, is omitted.] We are satisfied that the assessment upon which they were levied is invalid and void, and judgment must be accordingly entered on the demurrer for the defendant, and, by stipulation of parties, the judg- ment must be made final. SAWYER, C. J. , concurring. The facts of this case are fully stated by Mr. Justice Field, and need not be repeated here. The questions presented are of the gravest character, and of the utmost importance to the people of California. While I concur, generally, in the conclusions and in the line of argument adopted by my associ- ate, I shall also state as briefly as I reasonably can, considering the gravity of the questions discussed, my conclusions upon the points in- volved. i. In my judgment, the word "person" in the clause of the four- teenth amendment to the national constitution, "No state shall * deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law, nor deny to any person the equal protection of the law," includes a private corporation. It must, at least, through the corporation, in- clude the natural persons who compose the corporation, and who are the beneficial owners of all the property, the technical and legal title to which is in the corporation in trust for the corporators. The fact that the corporators are united into an ideal legal entity, called a cor- 44 THE STATE V. THE N. E. RAILROAD CO. 8 poration, does not prevent them from having a right of property in the assets of the corporation which is entitled to the protection of this clause of the constitution. Nor does the intervention of this artificial being between the real beneficial owners and the state, for the simple purpose of convenient management of the business, enable the state, by acting directly upon the legal entity, to deprive the real parties beneficially interested, of the protection of these important provisions. In the language of Mr. Pomeroy, one of the counsel, which I adopt: "Whatever be the legal nature of a corporation as an artificial, metaphysical being, separate and distinct from the individual mem- bers, and whatever distinctions the common law makes in carrying out the technical legal conception between property of the corporation and that of the individual members, still, in applying the fundamental guaranties of the constitution, and in thus protecting the rights of property, these metaphysical and technical notions must give way to the reality. The truth can not be evaded that, for the purpose of protecting rights, the property of all business and trading corporations is the property of the individual corporators. A state act depriving a business corporation of its property without due process of law does, in fact, deprive the individual corporators of their property. In this sense, and within the scope of these grand safeguards of private rights, there is no real distinction between artificial persons, or corporations, and natural persons." [Remainder of opinion of Sawyer, J., omitted.] Note. The rights of corporations is the subject of chapter 12, infra, p. 914. See also numbers 10, 18 and 21, in note to Crafford v. Board of Supervis- ors, etc., 87 Va. 110, infra, pp. 56-57, 10. Sec. 8. Same. (2) And subject to duties: (a) Of a public nature. THE STATE, Ex RBL. BLAKE ET AL., v. THE N. E. RAILROAD CO. 1 1856. IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF SOUTH CAROLINA. 9 Rich- ardson (S. C.) Law 247-254, 67 American Dec. 551. [Rule against the railroad company to show cause why mandamus should not issue commanding the removal of obstructions placed in New Market and Vardell creeks, alleged to be navigable, and pro- vide proper viaducts or use steamboats for crossing water-courses, so as not to obstruct navigation, as required by the charter of the com- pany.] Report by GLOVER, J. [who, after holding the streams were navi- gable, proceeded] : The last inquiry suggested by the answer of the respondents is, 1 Part of report of Glover, J. , and arguments, omitted. 8 THE CORPORATION AS A PERSON. 45 whether a writ of mandamus is the proper remedy. The removal and abatement of a public nuisance is generally effected by indict- ment, which affords, in most cases, an ample and a satisfactory rem- edy ; but it does not follow that a mandamus will not be issued where an indictment may be sustained. The cases referred to in the argu- ment show that the remedy by mandamus has been adopted to compel a corporation to do its duty to the public and to individuals.' In its form, the writ commands the performance of some act or duty therein specified, the execution of which is consonant to right and justice. (3 Steph. Com. 68 1.) Although railways have become important for public travel and transportation, yet they are private corporations, enjoying large privileges, and should strictly comply with the pro- visions of their charters. The public is interested in their successful operation, and their usefulness should not be impaired by any unneces- sary restraints ; but they must not be permitted to abuse the powers granted, and should be held to a strict performance of the duties en- joined. If the nuisance be abated by a removal of the track of the road or the piles which sustain it, the public would suffer in the tem- porary delay in destroying the connection. Whereas, the remedy by mandamus does not destroy the road or delay its operations, but com- mands the company to fulfill its duty to the public by pursuing the directions prescribed by their charter for crossing rivers and water- courses. The remedy by mandamus has been often used in England, in cases not unlike the present. The Eastern Counties Railway Com- pany obtained an act of Parliament for making a railway from Lon- don to Norwich and Yarmouth, and it appearing doubtful if the com- pany intended to extend their road to the points indicated, a manda- mus was issued calling upon them to complete the whole line of road pursuant to the provisions of the act. (Reg. v. Eastern Counties Railway Company, i vol. Railway and Canal Cases.) Lord Den- man, C. J., delivering the judgment of the court, says: "This inter- ference is occasioned by inferior courts or persons refusing to proceed in some course prescribed by law, and not in consequence of any mis- apprehension or error in their course, provided they have entered upon it. And accordingly, if it had appeared that the company were substantially complying with the terms of their undertaking, there would have been at once a satisfactory answer to that application." The writ, in this case, was issued at the instance of stockholders ; but it has also been granted to command a railway company to increase the height of a bridge erected by them over a public carriage road, accord- ing to the provisions of their act of Parliament. (Tapp. on Man. 243.) The remedy by mandamus will embarrass the company less in the progress, completion or use of their road than an indictment to abate and remove the obstructions complained of. The result of an indictment would be the punishment of the company by fine, and this might not afford to the public the relief which is sought, to which they are entitled, and which the railroad company are required by the provisions of their charter to afford. It is no objection to this mode 46 THE STATE V. THE N. E. RAILROAD CO. 8 of relief, that the relators have another remedy, especially when that remedy is not so convenient, complete and beneficial. (Tapp. on Man. 24.) "It is, therefore, ordered that a writ of mandamus issue." * * * The defendants appealed, and moved this court to set aside the order granting the mandamus, on the ground, inter alia. 3. That if the respondents have committed a nuisance, mandamus is not the proper remedy. * * * The opinion of the court was delivered by GLOVER, J. The appellants have abandoned all the grounds in support of their motion, except the third, which submits that if they have committed a nuisance mandamus is not the proper remedy. It is not necessary for the decision of this question to trace the writ of mandamus from its first institution to the present time, and to in- quire how far it has been enlarged as a remedial process to advance justice and right. Its earliest application seems to have been sug- gested in aid of that clause of Magna Charta, which declares that "Nulli negabimus aut differemus justiciam vel rectum " (10 Mod. 48). There never has been any disposition to abridge the use of the writ of mandamus in cases where it is applicable as a remedy either by the action of the courts or by the legislature. The general doctrine so earnestly insisted on by the appellant's counsel, that where there is a specific legal remedy the writ will not be granted, or, if granted, will be quashed, is fully sustained by rea- son, and by the authorities to which the court has been referred. But this general rule has been restricted to cases where the specific legal remedy is equally convenient, complete and beneficial. The writ of mandamus has always been regarded as an appropriate remedy to enforce the performance of duties by artificial bodies. In the case of the King v. The Bishop of Chester (i T. R. 396), Bul- ler, J. , says: "It is peculiarly the duty of this court to see that the powers created by the king's charter are properly exercised." How far an indictment is a specific remedy, was considered in the case of The King v. The Commissioners of Dean Inclosure, 2 M. & Sel. 80. The commissioners had neglected to obey an order of the sessions di- recting them to set out a road as a public road, and it was held that indictment would not be a specific remedy, that is, such as the case demands, for it was a proceeding in poenam for the past, and not a remedy for the future. It is admitted that if indictment be equally convenient, beneficial and effectual, and such as the particular case demands, the court will not grant the mandamus. King v. Severn and Wye Railway Company, 2 Barn. & Al. 646. This is not the or- dinary case of an obstruction placed in a highway which maybe abated as a nuisance by indictment ; but the obstruction of a highway by a railway, and in the free use of both, the public interest is involved. It is therefore important that in the application of a remedy, public travel and transportation should not be stopped or checked, either on the highway or railway. "It ought to be the concern of a court of justice to take care that whilst they are granting a remedy to one, they do not at 9 THE CORPORATION AS A PERSON. 47 the same time expose others to great inconveniences, and likewise that the remedy be such as may prove effectual." (10 Mod. 48.) The relators do not require that the railway shall be destroyed, but that the corporation shall exercise the powers granted in the manner pre- scribed by their charter not that they shall be punished by fine or otherwise, but that they shall do their duty to the public. This is a reasonable request, and can not be enforced by indictment without exposing the railway company to great inconvenience, and in the end it would not prove such a remedy as the case demands. Corporate bodies must be compelled in the performance of their duties to dis- charge their public obligations. This court is of opinion that a writ of mandamus is an appropriate remedy to compel the defendants in crossing "rivers or other water- courses," to pursue the mode prescribed by their charter. The other grounds having been abandoned, the court has not considered the questions which they suggest. Since the writ of mandamus was granted an act has been passed by the general assembly, and has been brought to the notice of the court, which declares, "that the existing structure of said railway at the points of intersection of said road with the creeks known as New Market and Vardell's creeks, is hereby de- clared to be lawful, and the said company is hereby authorized to cross said creeks without drawbridges or other provision for the navigation of the same." This enactment necessarily supersedes the writ. It is therefore ordered, that the motion be dismissed, and that all further proceedings on the writ be restrained. O'Neall, Wardlaw, Withers, Whitner and Munroe, JJ., con- curred. Motion dismissed. [See note, p. 55. Note. The duties and liabilities of corporations will be the subject of later chapters. See infra, chs. 13-17, pp. 914-1766. Sec. 9. Same. (#) And of a private nature. RIDDLE v. THE PROPRIETORS, ETC., ON MERRIMAC RIVER. 1 1810. IN THE SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT OF MASSACHUSETTS. 7 Mass. Reports 169, 5 American Dec. 35. [Action on the case against the proprietors of a canal who were bound by their incorporation to construct their canal deep and wide enough for rafts of a specific size to pass through when the river be- low was navigable for craft of the same size. The proprietors neg- ligently permitted the canal to become out of repair to such an extent that the plaintiff in attempting to transport a raft of the proper size, after paying the toll exacted, was unable to do so, and after his raft grounded he returned home for the purpose of waiting until there 1 Statement of facts condensed. Arguments and parts of the opinion omitted. 48 RIDDLE V. THE PROPRIETORS. 9 should be enough water to move the raft; while he was away a storm occurred, which occasioned the loss of a quantity of wood, a part of the raft, and the value of which the jury was directed to include in the damages.] PARSONS, C. J. [After a brief recital of the declaration.] The cause was tried on the general issue, and a verdict was found for the plaintiff agreeably to the judge's direction. The defendants have moved for a new trial for the misdirection of the judge in a matter of law, and they have also moved in arrest of judgment for the insufficiency of the declaration. [After holding that none of the objections to the verdict could prevail, the judge proceeded] : We now come to the motion in arrest of judgment, which has been made on two grounds. The first is, that it is not the duty of the defendants to keep the canal in repair, sufficient for the passage of rafts and boats of the de- scription mentioned in the declaration. This ground is endeavored to be maintained on the supposition that the powers granted to the cor- poration were a privilege, which might be waived or exercised at its discretion. But we think this supposition is not correct. When the act of incorporation first passed, it was optional with the proprietors whether they would or would not take the benefit of it, but after they had made their election by executing the powers granted, and claim- ing the toll, then the duties imposed by the tenth section, to make the canals, etc., attached, from which they can not be discharged, but by a seizure of the franchise into the hands of the government, or by a repeal of the act with their assent. But further to maintain this ground, the defendants have argued that, from the plaintiff's own showing, it is not the duty of the corpo- ration to keep this canal in repair. By the statutes relating to this subject, if the corporation did not open this canal in seven years, for the passage of rafts and boats, then their powers as to this canal ceased. Now the plaintiff alleges, say the defendants, that when the injury complained of happened, which was more than seven years from the passing of the statutes, the proprietors had then, and for a long time before, neglected to open and dig this canal. If we were obliged to adopt the construction of the plaintiff's alle- gation, on which the defendants insist, the objection ought to prevail. But attending to other parts of the declaration, we find it averred that this canal belonged to the proprietors, and that they, unmind- ful of their duty, neglected to open and dig the same of a suf- ficient depth, and permitted it to remain in a decayed state, and out of repair, and the passage to become and remain choked and filled up. We are now considering the declaration after a verdict, and the fair construction of this allegation is not that they never opened and dug the canal sufficiently, but that they neglected to open it by dig- ging and removing the collection of matters which choked it and ob- 9 THE CORPORATION AS A PERSON. 49 structed the passage. We are, therefore, satisfied that the motion in arrest can not prevail on the ground we have been considering. The other ground is that no action lies against a corporation for a breach of its duty by any person specially injured by the breach, and that the only remedy is by information or indictment. This point has been argued by the defendant's counsel with much ability, and has had all the attention we could give it in the short time the constitution of this court has allowed us. The argument, when compressed, is that corporations, having only a legal and not a natural body, no capiatur lies against them ; that in all actions of trespass and trespass on the case, where the general issue is not guilty, if judgment be against the defendant, a part of the judgment at common law is an entry of a capiatur \ that, therefore, no such actions lie against a corporation at common law ; and the statute, taking away the necessity of the entry of a capiatur, does not authorize an action which did not lie before. That a process to take the body of a corporation does not lie is certainly true, but the defendants must show that in all actions of trespass a capiatur against the defendant may, from the nature of the action, be entered. In 21 Edw. 4, 7, 12, 27, 67, it is holden that a corporation can not be beaten, nor beat, nor commit treason or felony, nor be imprisoned for a disseizin with force, nor be outlawed, nor a capias in debt be awarded against them. These principles result from the nature of an aggregate corporation. But the defendants have relied on an opinion of Thorp, J. , in 22 Ass. pi. 67. He there says that trespass does not lie against a corpo- ration aggregate by its corporate name, for a capias and exigent do not lie against it. That a capias and exigent do not lie against a cor- poration is evident ; but that no action of trespass lies is questionable. For it is agreed that a corporation may be fined on indictment, and the fine levied by distress ; and why may not a corporation be amerced, and the amercement collected in the same manner? This has led us to look into the ancient law on this subject and we find Thorp's opin- ion overruled as to certain trespassess. In 31 Ass. pi. 19 a corpora- tion is holden answerable in assize as a disseizor with force. In 8 H. 6, i, 14, 6, an aggregate corporation was holden answerable in trespass for distraining the plaintiff's cattle until he paid a toll, which he was not bound to pay. Several other cases are mentioned in The- loal's Dig. lib. 4, c. 13, as trespass against a corporation for disturb- ing the plaintiff in the profits of his liberties ; or for disturbing him in holding a leet. It is therefore very clear, from the examination of the old books, that some actions of trespass might, at common law, be maintained against aggregate corporations. And, as in these actions no capiatur could be entered, the omission of this entry can be no objection to actions of trespass on the case. The foundation of the defendants' argument seems to fail them. Let us now leave the ancient cases and resort to the maxims of the common law, which are founded in good sense and substantial justice. 4 WIL. CASES. 50 RIDDLE V. THE PROPRIETORS. 9 // is one of these maxims that a man specially injured by the breach of duty in another shall have his remedy by action. If the breach of duty be by an individual, there is no question; and why should a corporation, receiving its corporate powers and obliged by its corpo- rate duties ''with its own consent, be an exception, when it has, or must be supposed to have, an equivalent for its consent? We distinguish between proper aggregate corporations, and the in- habitants of any district, who are by statute invested with particular powers without their consent. These are in the books sometimes called ^#a.sz'-corporations. Of this description are counties and hun- dreds in England, and counties, towns, etc., in this state. Although guasz-corporations are liable to information or indictment for a neg- lect of a public duty imposed on them by law, yet it is settled in the case of Russel et al. v. Inhabitants of the County of Devon, 1 that no private action can be maintained against them for a breach of their corporate duty, unless such action be given by statute, and the sound reason is, that having no corporate fund, and no legal means of ob- taining one, each corporator is liable to satisfy any judgment rendered against the corporation. This burden the common law will not im- pose, but in cases where the statute is an authority, to which every man must be considered as assenting. But in regular corporations, which have, or are supposed to have, a corporate fund, this reason does not apply. Among the modern cases there is one which seems in its principles to apply directly to the case before us. It is the case of The Mayor of Lynn, in error, v. Turner. 2 Turner sued the corporation of Lynn Regis for not repairing and cleansing a certain creek, in which the tide ebbed and flowed, as from time immemorial they had been used, by which he lost the use of his navigation. The declaration contained a number of counts, in one of which the special damage alleged was that the plaintiff was obliged to carry his corn round about. At the common pleas judgment on nil dicit was rendered on all the counts. For the plaintiff in error it was argued that the creek as described was an highway, and as in one of the counts no special damage was al- leged, the action did not lie. But Lord Mansfield and the court said that a creek, in which the tide ebbed and flowed, was not necessarily a highway; that the corporation were bound by prescription, and it might be the very condition or terms of their charter. And the judg- ment was affirmed. By this decision it is settled that case will lay against a corporation for neglect of a corporate duty by which the plaintiff suffers. How far a special damage must be alleged we need not now decide. For the proprietors, in support of their motion, a reference was made to the several statutes creating our turnpike corporations, in which an action is given to any person specially injured by a neglect in repairing the road. This provision was cumulative, and intro- duced ex majori cautela by the framers of the bills ; and is no objection to our present construction of the law. 1 2 D & E. 667. 2 Cowp. 86. 10 THE CORPORATION AS A PERSON. 51 There appears to us, upon the whole, no sufficient ground to stay judgment, and, as the exceptions to the verdict can not prevail, the plaintiff must have judgment. Judgment on the verdict. Note. The duties and liabilities of corporations will be the subject of later chapters. See infra, chs. 13-17, pp. 914-1766. See. 10. Same. This artificial personality is recognized par- ticularly, (i) In statutes. The word "person'" includes private corporations, unless the legislative intention or the rea- son of the law is clearly otherwise. CRAFFORD v. SUPERVISORS OF WARWICK COUNTY. 1 1890. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF APPEALS OF VIRGINIA. 87 Vir- ginia 110-118, 10 L. R. A. 129. [In 1888 the general assembly of Virginia enacted: "That it shall be the duty of the judge of the county court upon the application of persons paying one-third of the-taxes upon real estate in said county, " to order the election officers to hold an election "for the purpose of ascertaining the sense of the qualified voters of said county" concern- ing the removal of the court-house, etc. Application was accord- ingly made by various parties (including many corporations), who paid more than one-third of the taxes on real estate in the county, whereupon the court ordered the holding of an election ; this was done, and a majority of the qualified electors voted for removal ; and in pursuance of such vote the supervisors, as provided by the statute, commenced to remove the court-house. The appellants, Crafford and others, obtained an injunction from the corporation court, re- straining the supervisors from proceeding with the removal ; this in- junction was dissolved by the circuit court, and appeal from that court was taken to the supreme court of appeals.] FAUNTLEROY, J., delivered the opinion of the court. * * * The question raised by the pleadings in this cause is, whether or not corporations are included or signified in the term "persons," as expressed in the first section of the said act of assembly of March 2, 1888, under which the sense of the qualified voters of Warwick county was ordered to be taken, and was so taken, by the election aforesaid. The appellants contend that the word "persons" in the said act does not embrace or include corporations, and that the said word "per- sons" should be construed to mean "voters paying taxes on real estate in the county of Warwick," and that the corporations, owning real estate in the said county and paying taxes on the same amounting to very nearly two-thirds of the whole taxes on real estate in the county, were not competent signers to the written petition or application to 1 Statement of facts condensed. Part of opinion omitted. 52 CRAFFORD V. SUPERVISORS. IO the judge of the county court, upon which he based the order for the election to take or test the sense of the qualified voters of the county of Warwick, as to the removal of the site of the court-house of the said county, under the provisions of the said act. The language of the first section of the act under consideration is plain, explicit, posi- tive and unambiguous, and neither calls for nor admits of construc- tion. If the legislature had intended that the words (which it did use) "upon the application of persons paying one-third of the taxes upon real estate in said county" should mean "qualified voters pay- ing taxes on real estate in the county of Warwick (which it did not use), it would presumably have said so; and few, simple and unam- biguous as the words are, contained in the said first section, the "officers conducting elections in the county of Warwick, on the fourth Thursday in May, 1888, are ordered to open a poll for the pur- pose of ascertaining the sense of the qualified voters of the said county," etc., in the same sentence in which it is said "that it shall be the duty of the judge of the county court, upon the application of persons paying one-third of the taxes upon real estate in said county, to order the election to be held," etc. It is thus unmistakably and undebatably manifest upon the face of the short and plain first sec- tion itself, that in the same sentence the legislature discriminated the phrase "persons paying one-third 'of the taxes upon real estate in said county" from the phrase "the sense of the qualified voters of said county," making the one the condition precedent to warrant the judge to order the election, and the other to define and confine the election, when held, to the "qualified voters of said county." The legislature, like every other oracle, must be held to intend to say, what it has explicitly and imperatively said ; and where, by the use of clear and unequivocal language, anything is enacted by the legislature, effect must be given to it, and it can not be construed ' away. The whole amount of the taxes upon real estate in the county of Warwick, for the fiscal years of 1887-1888, was $10,009.76, of which $6,451.80 was paid by corporations owning real estate in the said county ; and the first section of the act devised a mode by which these heavy tax-paying corporations could, to a certain extent, and in the preliminary action prescribed to the election, protect their large interests from the expense and burden of the cost of the election, and of the removal of the court-house from its present location to Newport News. The design of the statute was to protect the tax-payers and a designated class of tax-payers those who paid taxes upon real estate in the county from the imposition of additional taxation upon their real estate. The tax-payer on personality could not petition the county judge to order the election. Why, nobody knows or can conjecture; but so it was enacted. Corporations paid taxes on real estate in the county, like as individuals, and had the same interest to protect and a like burden to bear should the expense be incurred and the tax im- posed to pay it. Why are they not in equal protection of the law? They belong to the designated class, and they are equally within the reason, the justice and the intent of the law. They could not vote,. io "PERSON" INCLUDES CORPORATIONS. 53 but they were, designedly and expressly, given a voice in the question as to whether or not the election should be ordered, and thereby have an additional burden of taxation imposed upon them. An intent to do what is unjust, and to discriminate, unjustly and without reason, between different cases of a like kind, is not to be ascribed to the legislature. Arthur v. Blight, 2 Cranch 390; 24 Pickering 37O. 1 The real estate of both the individual and the corpo- ration are alike subject to the taxation which may be imposed. Can any reason be given why there should be a discrimination against cor- porations owning real estate, and paying nearly two-thirds of all the taxes on real estate in the county, under this statute, to determine the question of whether additional taxation should be made necessary? Would not this be an unjust and unreasonable discrimination between classes of tax-payers in similar cases? Wherever the governing principle is taxation, the term persons in a statute has been held to include corporations ; and, under the assessment and tax laws, corpo- rations are assessed and taxed, although the word persons is used therein, and corporation is not mentioned. In the case of Beaston v. Farmers' Bank of Delaware, 12 Peters 134-5, ti 16 supreme court of the United States said: "Corporations are to be deemed and considered as 'persons ,' when the circumstances in which they are placed are identical with those of natural persons expressly included in such statutes." In Stribbling v. The Bank of the Valley, 5 Rand., on p. 180, Judge Cabell said: "The term 'person,' used in the law, is unquestionably sufficiently comprehensive to embrace corporations ; and it must be held to embrace them unless there is something in the law showing the legislative intention to restrict its application." In United States Bank v. Merchants' Bank, i Robinson 589, Judge Allen said, "For civil purposes, corporations are, in law, deemed persons." United States v. Amedy, n Wheaton 393, and quoting, with approval, Beaston v. Farmers' Bank of Delaware, 12 Peters 134, and Stribbling v. Valley Bank, 5 Rand. 132, goes on to say the "only doubt has been whether the word (person) would embrace (corporations) within penal statutes," etc. In Baltimore & Ohio R. Co. v. Gallahue's Adm'r, 12 Gratt. 663, "When the word persons is used in a statute, corporations, as well as natural persons, are included for civil purposes." 2 Inst. 697, 703, 736. In the Code of 1873, ch. 16, 17, p. 101, it is provided that the word persons, in a statute, "may extend to and be applied to bodies politic and corporate as well as to individuals, unless it would be in- consistent with the manifest intention of the legislature," and the same provision is in the Code of 1887. The word persons does cer- tainly include corporations unless the intention of the legislature is manifest that corporations were intended to be excluded from it-s op- eration. Corporations are not, in terms, excluded from its operation. The omission of the word corporations does not exclude them, for 1 Commissioners v. Kimball. 54 CRAFFORD V. SUPERVISORS. IO this act uses a word "persons," which may include them, and which must include them, unless it was the manifest intention of the legisla- ture to exclude them from the operation of the act. Nor is there any- thing in the nature of the act to exclude corporations from its opera- tion. Miller's Ex. v. The Commonwealth, 27 Gratt. 115. See, also, Lehigh Bridge Co. v. Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co., 4 Rawle 9; Field v. New York Central R. Co., 29 Barb. 176; Wright v. Tame, 28 Barb. 80; Johnson v. Mclntosh, 31 Barb. 267; Wallace v. Mayor of New York, 2 Hilton 440 ; La Forge v. Exchange Fire Ins. Co., 22 N. Y. 334; The People v. Utica Ins. Co., 8 Am. Dec. 251 ; Pembina Manf'g Co. v. Pennsylvania, 125 U. S. Rep. 181 ; Provi- dence Bank v. Billings, 4 Peters 504. To hold, as is the contention of the appellants, that the legislature intended, by the use of the word "persons" paying one-third of the taxes, etc., to restrict it to voters paying one-third of the taxes, etc., would not only exclude corporations, but non-residents, and even res- idents who had not resided long enough to become voters women, minors, aliens none of whom could be a voter, yet many of whom, if not, indeed, all, are tax-payers upon real estate in Warwick county. If we give the other construction contended for by the appellants, that "persons" meant natural persons, and that natural persons sign- ing the application should represent one-third of the taxes paid upon real estate, it would have put it in the power of two persons paying one-forty-fifth part of the whole real estate tax in the county to have denied the wishes and defeated the will of all the other real estate owners, and the whole population of the county united in the applica- tion to the judge to order the election. It is not to be imputed to the legislature that they had any such an absurdity of intention, and it is not consistent with the object and context of the act. If corporations paying taxes upon real estate in Warwick county are not within the intent of the word "persons" in the act, then they must be excluded ; and, if excluded, the individuals paying taxes upon real estate in the county, who signed the petition or application to the judge to order the election, did pay more than one-third of the taxes paid by individuals on real estate in the county of Warwick. The amount of taxes upon real estate in the county of Warwick paid by corporations was $6,451.80, of which sum the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Company paid $3,130.47. It is objected by the appel- lants that Williams C. Wickham, who signed the application to the judge to order the election, did so as receiver, and without authority. It is not necessary to decide this question, inasmuch as those corpora- tions who did sign, other than the C. & O. R. R. Co., by W. C. Wickham, receiver, paid $2,271.33, which, added to the taxes on real estate paid by individuals who signed the application, $1,395.46, amounts to $3,666.79, which is more than one-third of the whole amount of the taxes on real estate paid in Warwick county by $333.53. We are of opinion that the election was properly ordered by the judge of the county court of Warwick, and that the election was duly io "PERSON" INCLUDES CORPORATIONS. 55 and properly conducted, and that the circuit court rightfully dissolved the injunction which had been granted in the cause, September 4, 1888, by the judge of the corporation court of the city of Manchester, and the decree appealed from is without error, and the same is af- firmed. Decree affirmed. Note. The rule given in this case seems to be the one that now has the weight of authority; but in Betts v. Menard, 1 Breese's Appeal (111.), P- 395 (1831), the rule was announced that "persons" would not include "corporations" unless it was absolutely necessary to carry out the objects of incorporation. This rule seems to have been followed in State v. Fertilizer Co., 24 Ohio St. 611 (1874), in interpreting a criminal statute relating to a nuisance. The later Ohio cases seem to have laid down a rule in accordance with the one given above in the Crafford case. See Springfield v. Walker, 42 Ohio St. 543, and Cincinnati Gas Light and Coke Co. v. Avondale, 43 Ohio St. 257. Some of the earlier cases followed a rule similar to that in Betts v. Menard, supra. See Blair v. Worley, 1 Scam. (111.) 178 (1835); School Directors v. Carlisle Bank, 8 Watts (Pa.) 291. And in Fox's Appeal, 112 Pa. St. 337, 14 Am. & Eng. Corp. Cas. 356 (1886), the rule is stated that unless something in the context indicates that "person" shall include "corporation," it will not be so held. In the leading English case, Pharmaceutical Society v. London, etc., Assn., 5 App. Cas. 857, it was allowed that in an act of Parliament, re- lating to persons, corporations were presumptively included, but that the pre- sumption was not strong, and the context of the act should determine. See, particularly, Elliott Corp., 8; Morawetz Corporations, 1091; Grant on Corp., p. 4, note 5; 8 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 626 (franchise) ; 18 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law 405 (person) ; Cook Stock and Stockholders, 700 ; note 19 Lawyer's Reports Annotated, p. 222, where the cases are classified. ILLUSTRATIONS. 1. In general, See Ricker v. Am. L., etc., Co., 140 Mass. 346; Turnbull v. Prentiss Lumber Co., 55 Mich. 387 ; Billings v. State, 107 Ind. 54; Stewart v. Waterloo Turn Verein, 71 Iowa 226, 60 Am. Rep. 786 ; Springfield v. Walker, 42 Ohio St. 543; Forrest v. Henry, 33 Minn. 434; Fagan v. Boyle Ice Mach. Co., 65 Tex. 331; Chippeway Valley, etc., R. R. Co. v. Chicago, etc., R. Co., 75 Wis. 224 ; Union Steamship Co. v. Milburne H. Co., 9 App. Cas. 365 ; Fox's App., 112 Pa. St. 337, 14 A. & E. Corp. Cas. 356. 2. Attachment laws relating to persons, apply also to private corporations. See Planters' Bank v. Andrews, 8 Port. (Ala.) 404; Libby v. Hodgdon, 9 N. H. 394; Knox v. Protection Ins. Co., 9 Conn. 430, 25 Am. Dec. 33; Bray v. Wallingford, 20 Conn. 416; Baltimore, etc., R. Co. v. Gallahue, 12 Gratt. ( Va.) 655 65 Am. Dec. 254 ; Mineral Point R. Co. v. Keep, 22 111. 9, 74 Am. D. 124; Bushel v. Com. Ins. Co., 15 Serg. & R. (Pa.) 173; South Carolina R. Co. v. McDonald, 5 Ga. 531 ; Union Bank v. United States Bank, 4 Humph. (Tenn.) 369; Martin v. Branch Bank, 14 La. 415. But compare McQueen v. Middleton Mfg. Co., 16 Johns. (N. Y.) 5; and Mayor of Baltimore v. Root, 8 Md. 95. In Dollman v. Moore, 70 Miss. 267, 19 L. R. A. 222, it was held that a board of school trustees was not a person within the meaning of attachment laws. 3. Appeals. Statutes allowing appeals by persons apply to corporations : People v. May, 27 Barb. (N. Y.) 238. 4. Banking 1 . Statutes prohibiting persons from banking apply to corpora- tions: People v. Utica Ins. Co., 15 Johns. (N. Y.) 358, 8 Am. Dec. 243. 5. Citizens. (a) Corporations are notcitizens within the meaning of section 2, article 4 of theU. S. constitution, saying, "The citizens of each state shall be entitled to all the privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states." See Paul v. Virginia, 8 Wall. (U. S.) 168; Western Union Tel. Co. v. Mayer, 28 O. S. 521 ; Norfolk & West. R. Co. v. Pennsylvania, 136 U. S. 114, 10 Sup. Ct. Rep. 958; Pembina Con. Silver Min., etc., Co. v. Pennsylvania, 125 U. S. 56 ILLUSTRATIONS. IO 181 ; Railroad v. Barnhill, 91 Tenn. 395, 30 Am. St. 889 ; Horn S. M. Co. v. New York, 143 U. S. 305; People v. Wemple, 131 N. Y. 64; note to State v. Goodwill in 25 Am. St. Rep. 873; Daggs v. Orient, etc., Co., 136 Mo. 382, 58 Am. St. 638; Commonwealth v. New York, etc., R. Co., 129 Pa. St. 463, 15 Am. St. R.724. Compare St. Louis Iron M. T. R. Co. v. Paul, 64 Ark. 83, 62 Am. St. R. 154, and note p. 167. (6) But corporations are citizens of the state creating them within the mean- ing of section 2, article 3, of the constitution, that "the judicial power shall extend to all cases between citizens of different states." See 1809, Hope Ins. Co. v. Boardman, 5 Cranch (9 U. S.) 57; 1809, Bank of U. S. v. Deveaux, 5 Cranch(9U. S.)61; 1840, Commercial, etc., Bank v. Slocomb, 14 Pet. (U. S.) 60, all of which held that the court "would look beyond the mere legal be- ing, and consider the citizenship of the individuals of whom the company is composed." In 1844, Louisville, etc., R. Co. v. Letson, 2 How. (43 U. S.) 497, 558, the court, after an elaborate review, overruled the former cases and announced the rule above given. The later cases are: 1853, Marshall v. B. & O. R. Co., 16 How. (57 U. S.) 314; 1861, Ohio & Miss. R. Co. v. Wheeler, 1 Black. (66 U. S.) 286; 1865, County of Allegheny v. Cleveland & P. R. Co., 51 Pa. St. 228, 88 Am. D. 579; 1870, Railroad Co. v. Harris, 12 Wall. 65; 1871, Chicago & M. V. R. Co. v. Whitton, 13 Wall. (80 U. S.) 270; 1876, Muller v. Dows, 94 TJ. S. 444 ; 1881, C. & W. I. R. Co. v. L., S. & M. S. R. Co., 5 Fed. R. 19; 1882, Memphis, etc., R. Co. v. Alabama, 107 U. S. 581; 1885, Pennsyl- vania Co. v. St. L., A. & T. R. Co., 118 U. S. 290; 1890, Nashua & L. R. Co. v. Boston & L. R. Co., 136 TJ. S. 356; 1890, Paul v. B. & O. R. Co., 44 Fed. Rep. 513; 1892, Shaw v. Quincy Mining Co., 145 TJ. S. 444; 1892, Southern Pac. R. Co. v. Denton, 146 TJ. S. 202; 1893, In re Hohorst, 150 TJ. S. 653; 1895, Missouri Pac. R. Co. v. Meek, 69 Fed. Rep. 753, 30 L. R. A. 250; 1896, St. Louis & San Francisco R. Co. v. James, 161 TJ. S. 545, infra, p. 1099 ; 1896, Louisville Trust Co. v. L., N. A. & C. R. Co., 75 Fed. Rep. 433. (c) As to fourteenth amendment, see infra, No. 10. 6. Contracts. Statutes relating to contracts of persons apply to corpora- tions also: Mott v. Hicks, 1 Cow. (N. Y.) 513; State v. Nashville Univ., 4 Humph. (Tenn.) 157; Commercial Bank v. Nolan, 8 Miss. (7 How.) 508; Cincinnati Gas Co. v. Avondale, 43 Ohio St. 257. 7. Death by wrongful act. Statutes making persons liable for such, in- clude corporations : Chase v. Steamboat Co., 10 R. I. 79. 8. Eminent domain statutes apply to corporations, though persons only are named: Lehigh Bridge Co. v. Lehigh Coal Co., 4 Rawle (Pa.) 9, 26 Am. Dec. 111. 9. Evidence. A corporation is a "living person" within the meaning of a statute giving a party the right to testify when the adverse party is a living person: La Farge v. Exchange F. Ins. Co., 22 N. Y. 352. 10. Fourteenth amendment. The provisions of section 1, saying "No state shall deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law ; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws," protects the rights of the corporations, when in the state, the same as persons: Pembina Mining Co. v. Pennsylvania, 125 TJ. S. 181 ; Santa Clara Co. v. South Pacific R. Co., 118 TJ. S. 394, 24 Am. & Eng. Corp. Cas. 523; Min- neapolis, etc., R. Co. v. Beckwith, 129 TJ. S. 26 ; Charlotte, etc., R. Co. v. Gill, 142 U. S. 386; County of San Mateo v. South Pacific R. Co., 13 Fed. Rep. 722, supra, p. 36; Covington, etc., R. Co. v. Sanford, 164 TJ. S. 578; Smythe v. Ames, 169 TJ. S. 522, 171 TJ. S. 361. But contrary to the holding in University v. Foy, supra, p. 34, the 14th chapter of Magna Charta, that "no freeman shall be amerced," etc., was held not to apply to corporations aggregate but only to corporations sole. 2 Inst. 169, 170, 8 Rep. 39. 11. Foreign corporations are not persons within a constitutional provision "that no person shall be deprived of the natural rights to life, liberty and the enjoyment of the gains of his own industry." Daggs v. Orient Ins Co 136 Mo. 382, 58 Am. St. 638. See, also, Blake v. McClung, 172 U. S. 239, infra, p. 2036; Hammond, etc., Co. v. Best, 91 Maine 431, 42 L. R. A. 528. 12. Incorporation. - Statutes providing that a certain numberof persons may io "PERSON" INCLUDES CORPORATIONS. 57 incorporate do not include corporations as such persons. Factors, etc., Ins. Co. v. New Harbor P. Co., 37 La. Ann. 233 ; Humphrey v. Mooney, 5 Colo. 282 ; Central R. Co. y. Pa. R. Co., 31 N. J. Eq. 475. See infra, pp. 553, 889. 13. Jurisdiction of courts. For this purpose a corporation is a person, in- habitant or citizen of the state creating it. See cases cited in this note No. 5, (&) above. See, also, Brown v. Mayor, etc., 66 N. Y. 385; Chicago, etc., R. v. Bank of North America, 82 111. 493; Eslava v. Ames, etc., 47 Ala. 384. 14. Limitation of actions. Statutes of limitation apply to corporations in the same way as to persons. People v. Trinity Church, 22 N. Y. 44; North Missouri R. Co. v. Akers, 4 Kan. 453. 15. Misdemeanors. Statutes making persons liable for, include corpora- tions. White v. State, 69 Ind. 273. 16. Penalties. Statutes providing penalties for certain acts of persons, per- haps do not include corporations unless the context very clearly shows they are meant to be so included. This is on account of the strict construction of such statutes. See Coats v.. People, 22 N. Y. 245; United States v. Kan. P. R., 4 C. L. J. 174; Androscoggin Water Power Co. v. Bethel S. M. Co., 64 Maine 441; Benson v. Monson, etc. ,9 Mete. (Mass.) 562; Ohio v. Cincinnati Fertilizer Co., 24 Ohio St. 611; Guardians of St. Leonard v. Franklin, 3 C. P. Div. 377. 17. Promissory notes. The Statute of Anne providing for the negotiability of notes made payable to the order of any person applies to notes by or to corporations or to the order of corporations. Indiana v. Woram, 6 Hill. (N. Y.) 33; Mott v. Hicks, 1 Cow. (N. Y.) 513. 18. Property, protection of. See below, Trespass, No. 23, and No. 10, above. United States v. Amedy, 11 Wheat. (U. S.) 392. 19. Practice and procedure. People v. May, 27 Barb. (N. Y.) 238. See also Appeals, No. 3, above, and Jurisdiction, No. 13, above. 20. Registry laws. Statutes providing for the registration of vessels or other things by persons include corporations. Regina v. Arnaud, 9 Q. B. 806, infra, p. 58 ; Durant v. Kennett L. R., 5 C. P. 262. 21. Real estate. Statutes relating to real estate of persons apply to that of corporations. Lehigh Bridge Co. v. Lehigh Coal Co., 4 Rawle (Pa.) 9; Blair v. Worley, 1 Scam. (111.) 178; Cortes v. Kent Water Works Co., 7 B. & C. (K. B. Eng.) 314. 22. Taxation. Statutes relating to the taxation of the property of persons, inhabitants, residents, etc., include that of corporations also. See Rex v. Gard- ner, Cowp. 79, but see 3 Q. B. 233; Royal Exchange Assurance Co. v. Vaughan, 1 Burr. 155; Reg. v. Birmingham, etc., Ry. Co., 3 Q. B. 233; Peo- ple v. Utica Ins. Co., 15 Johns. (N. Y.) 358, 382, 8 Am. Dec. 243; Mayor of Mobile v. Rowland, 26 Ala. 498; Trenton Bank v. Haverstick, 6 Halst. (N. J.) 171; City of St. Louis v. Rogers, 7 Mo. 19; Bushel v. Can. Ins. Co., 15 S. & R. (Pa.) 173; Chicago, etc., R. Co. v. Bank of N. A., 82 111. 493; People v. McLean, 80 N. Y. 254; Otis Co. v. Inhabitants of Ware, 8 Gray (Mass.) 509; Baldwin Inhabitants v. Trustees, 37 Maine 369; Louisville, etc., R. Co. v. Com., 1 Bush (Ky.) 250; Compare Fox's Appeal, 112 Pa. St. 337, 14 A. & E. C. C. 356; Cherokee Ins. Co. v. Justices, 28 Ga. 121; Hartford Ins. Co. v. Hartford, 3 Conn. 15. 23. Trespasses, protection from. Statutes protecting the property of per- sons apply to corporations also. White v. State, 69 Ind. 273 ; State v. Nashville Univ., 4 Humph. (Tenn.) 157 ; Bartee v. Houston, etc., R. Co., 36 Texas 648. 24. Usury. Statutes forbidding usury by persons apply to corporations also. Thornton v. Bank of Wash., 3 Pet. (U. S.) 36; Grand Gulf Bank v. Archer, 8 S. & M. (Miss.) 151. 25. Voting 1 . The English Public Health Act (11 and 12 Viet., sec. 20) authorized corporations aggregate to vote by proxy under their common seal at the election of local boards of health. Grant on Corp., p. *4, n. s. Of course, where corporations may be owners of the stock of other corporations, statutes relating to voting by persons would apply to the corporations as well. 58 THE QUEEN, ETC., V. ARNAUD. II Sec. 11. Same. (2) As to the ownership of its property. THE QUEEN ON THE PKOSECTJTION, ETC., v. ARNAUD ET AL.' 1846. IN THE COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH. 25 Law Journal Re- ports {New Series, Vol. /d), for the year 1847, part II, Cases at Common Law, pp. 50-55. The judgment of the court was delivered by LORD DENMAN, C. J. The object of the present mandamus is to compel the custom-house officers to register a vessel, the property of the Pacific Steam Navigation Company. The company is a corpo- ration by charter of her present Majesty, for the purpose of providing vessels, and employing them in the Pacific ocean. It is admitted by the defendants that the company, as a British corporation, might be owners of British-built vessels, and prima facie would be, as such corporation, entitled to register them, under the provisions of the 8 and 9 Viet., c. 89, applicable to the registry of vessels by corpora- tions. 2 But it is said that some of the members of the corporation are not British subjects, but foreigners ; and, consequently, that the vessel does not wholly belong to her Majesty's subjects, as required by the 5th section of the act, and is within the prohibition contained in the 1 2th section of the act, against foreigners being entitled to be owners, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, of any vessel requiring to be registered. Now, it appears to us that the British corporation is, as such, the sole owner of the ship, and a British subject within the meaning of the 5th section, as far as such a term can be applicable to a corporation, notwithstanding some foreigners may individually have shares in the company, and that such individual members of the cor- poration are not entitled, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, to be owners of th'e vessel. The individual members of the corpora- tion, no doubt, are interested in one sense in the property of the cor- poration, as they may derive individual benefit from its increase, or loss from its destruction; but in no legal sense are the individual 1 Statement of facts, except as given in the opinion and notes, and argu- ments omitted. 2 This act provided, section 5, * * * "That no vessel shall be registered except such as are wholly of the build of the United Kingdom, and which shall wholly belong or continue to belong to her Majesty's subjects ' * *" Sec. 12. * * "That no person who has taken the oath of allegiance to any foreign state, * * nor any person usually residing in any country not under the dominion of her Majesty ' shall be entitled to be the owner in whole or in part, directly or in- directly, of any ship or vessel required to be registered, etc." Sec. 13. * * * "That if it shall become necessary to register any vessel belonging to any corporate body in the United Kingdom, the following declaration shall be taken and subscribed by the secretary, etc., 'I, A. B., Secretary,' etc., 'do hereby declare/ etc., * * * 'that the' same (ship) doth wholly and truly belong to [name of company or corporation].' " I I THE CORPORATION AS A PERSON. 59 members the owners. If all the individuals of the corporation were duly qualified British subjects, they could not register the vessel in their individual names as owners ; but must register it as belonging wholly to the corporation as owner. The terms of the 23d section, with respect to the condition of the bond to be given upon obtaining the registry, as to foreigners purchasing or becoming entitled to any part or share of or interest in any ship or vessel, would appear to be applicable to a case of purchase or transfer of property in the vessel itself, as it provides that the certificate shall be delivered up, "within seven days after such purchase or transfer of property in such ship," and does not, as it seems to us, bear materially on the present ques- tion. It was contended that the effect might be to defeat the object and policy of the navigation laws in this respect, inasmuch as the in- dividual members of the British corporation might, either originally or by transfer, be all foreigners. Such does not appear to be contem- plated or provided for by the act in question. If it be casus omissus, and evil consequences arise, they may be remedied by the interfer- ence of the legislature, or, possibly (though we do not wish to be understood as giving any opinion upon this point), by repealing the letters patent, as improvidently giving powers operating to defeat the law and public policy, and, in future patents, by providing against the objection. But, as the case stands, it seems to us that the British corporation is, to all intents, the legal owner of the vessel, and entitled to the registry, and that we can not notice any disqualification of an individual member, which might disable him, if owner, from register- ing the vessel in his own name. There will, therefore, be judgment for the prosecutors, and a peremptory mandamus. Judgment for the Crown. Note. See also, Russell v. Temple, 3 Dane's Abr. (Mass.) 108; Bundy v. Iron Co., 38 Ohio St. 300; Button v. Hoffman, 61 Wis. 20, 50 Am. R. 131; Baldwin v. Canfield, 26 Minn. 43; Tomlinson v. Bricklayers' Union, 87 Ind. 308; Wheelock v. Moulton, 15 Vt. 519; Atchison, etc., R". Co. v. Cochran, 43 Kan. 225, 23 Pac. 151; Central T. Co. v. Kneeland, 138 U. S. 414; Louisville Bank Co. v. Eisenman, 94 Ky. 83, 42 Am. St. 335; Humphreys v. McKissock, 140 U.S. 304 ; Parker v. Hotel Co., 96 Tenn. 252, 34 S. W 209 ; Pott v. Schmucker, 84 Md. 535, 57 Am. St. 415 ; Gallagher v. Germania Brewing Co , 53 Minn. 214 ; Barrick v. Gifford, 47 O. S. 180, 21 Am. St. R. 798; England v. Dearborn, 141 Mass. 590; Rough v. Breitung, 117 Mich. 48, 75 N. W. Rep. 147; Warren v. Davenport Fire Ins. Co., 31 Iowa 464, holding a stockholder has an insurable interest in the corporation. 60 FOSTER & SONS V. THE COMMISSIONERS. 12 Sec. 12. Same. (3) As to contracts between it and its members. FOSTER & SONS, LIMITED, v. THE COMMISSIONERS OF INLAND REVENUE. 1 1893. IN THE COURT OF APPEALS. Law Reports (1894), i Q. B. Di v. 5 l6 ~53 2 - [Case stated by the commissioners of inland revenue under the stamp act of 1891, 54 and 55 Viet., ch. 39, 13. In 1891, eight persons named Foster, then partners, extensively engaged in mercan- tile, manufacturing, mining and banking business, agreed among themselves to form a corporation under the English Limited Compa- nies Act, to carry on their business ; they took the proper steps to form, and did form, a corporation known as John Foster & Sons, Limited. These same eight persons, acting as parties of the first eight parts, by indenture duly executed, conveyed all the partnership property to the corporation, John Foster & Sons, Limited (composed of the same eight persons) acting as the party of the ninth part. The considera- tion for the conveyance was nothing except the preferred, ordinary and debenture stock in the corporation, which was apportioned to each one of the first eight parties in proportion to his former interest in the partnership property. Under the English Stamp Act (requiring all conveyances to be duly stamped) the commissioners of Inland Revenue levied a duty of ^700 IDS. This act provided, Sec. 70. "The term 'conveyance on sale' includes every instrument * * * whereby any property upon the sale thereof is legally or equitably transfered to or vested in the purchaser or any other person on his be- half. " * * * Sec. 71. "Where the consideration * * * consists of stock * * * such conveyance is to be charged with ad valorem duty in respect of the value of such stock * * *." Sec. 78 imposed a duty on conveyances "not otherwise charged." The question in this case was, was there any real conveyance upon which a stamp duty was chargeable ? Wright, J. , of the divisional court, held there was, but Cave, J. , of the same court, held the partners had not sold their property, but there had been a mere rearrangement of ownership among the same persons, the parties, property, shares and consideration had remained the same. Wright withdrew his judg- ment and allowed the commissioners to appeal.] LINDLEY, L. J. : I confess that, with great deference to Cave, J., I can not see the difficulty in this case. The material sections of the act of 1870 must first be considered. [The lord justice then read sections 70 and 71 of the stamp act of 1870, and continued.] The importance of section 71, to my mind, is this: It shows that there may be a conveyance on sale, although the considera- tion for it is not cash or money, but may include or consist of stock or marketable securities. The definition of "stock" and "marketable 1 Statement of facts condensed. Opinions of Cave and Wright, JJ., of the 3ivisional court, and arguments omitted. 12 THE CORPORATION AS A PERSON. 6 1 securities" will be found in section 2. Then section 78 imposes a stamp duty on conveyances not otherwise charged, and the schedule shows what the stamps are that are imposed upon conveyances that are charged. First, we have "conveyance or transfer, whether on sale or other- wise," of certain stocks and dividends. The present case does not come within that head. Then we have "conveyance or transfer on sale, of any property" * * * "where the amount or value of the consideration for the sale does not exceed 5/." That fits in with sections 70 and 71. Then we cometo: "Conveyance or transfer by way of security of any property or of any security ;" and then we have "conveyance or transfer of any kind not hereinbefore described." We must accordingly consider under which of these heads the par- ticular deed in this case comes. It certainly does not come under the first, nor under "conveyance or transfer byway of security of any property," and the alternative is between "conveyance or transfer on sale" and "conveyance or transfer of any kind not hereinbefore de- scribed." Now, the document in this case is an indenture made between eight gentlemen of the first eight parts and "John Foster & Sons, Limited (hereinafter called 'the company'), of the ninth part." Pausing there for a moment, although the persons of the first eight parts may be and were members, and the only members, of John Foster & Co., Limited, John Foster & Co., Limited, is not those eight individuals; John Foster & Co., Limited, is a corporation. We have accordingly tivo parties, one party consisting of several individuals, and the other party consisting of a corporation. WhetJier they are or are not the members, or the only members of the corporation, is wholly immaterial. The corporation is a totally different person from them in any capacity you choose to assign to them, except a corporate one. [The lord justice then stated the recitals in the operative part of the con- veyances, and continued] : Then the parties of the first eight parts put their seals to the instru- ment, and the company puts it seal to it. Now, what is that instru- ment? It is certainly a conveyance of property that is obvious. In order to amount to a conveyance of property there must be a person conveying and a person taking, and you have them both here. The persons conveying are the persons named in the first eight parts, and the persons taking are the corporation named in the ninth part. Now, what is the consideration ? The consideration for the trans- fer for this property is, I agree, not money, but it is stocks and secu- rities, which for this purpose are to be regarded as equivalent to money by reason of section 71 of the act to which I have already alluded. Then what have we got? To sum it up shortly, it is a conveyance of property from one person to another for money, or what is, according to the provisions of the statute, equivalent to money. What is that except a conveyance on sale ? What else can you call it ? It is cer- tainly not a gift ; it is not an exchange ; it is not a partition ; it is not a mortgage. I do not know what it is unless it is a conveyance on< 62 FOSTER & SONS V. THE COMMISSIONERS. 12 sale. I do not know what is necessary to constitute a sale, except a transfer of property from one person to another for money, or for the purposes of the stamp act, for stock or marketable securities. But then it is argued that it is only a redistribution of property. I do not consider it a redistribution at all. It is an entire transfer of property from one set of people to another person altogether, and whether there are, as there may well be hereafter, additional persons taking shares in this company, is perfectly immaterial. Again it is argued on behalf of the appellants that this instrument is in substance nothing more than a conveyance to a trustee to carry on the business in trust for the grantor. Just try that. Suppos- ing there is a conveyance by half a dozen people, transferring their property to a trustee on trust to carry on the business for them, can you in any sense of the word, legal or business-like, or otherwise, call that trustee a buyer ? There is no buying ; there is no sale to him at all, nor is there any money, or stock, or securities, or anything else parted with by him. Then it was urged that these shares can derive no value unless the company gets this property transferred to them. That is possible enough. That is to say, in other words, that the shares in the company would be valueless unless the company had assets. Of course they would be, but that does not affect the ques- tion whether there is a sale or a conveyance or not. I think myself that Cave, J. , has attached too little importance to the fact that you have here a distinct seller and a distinct buyer, and that in point of law it is immaterial that in the present case the buyer is a corpora- tion, which consists of the eight persons who formed and who are the partners. The appeal must be allowed. KAY, L. J. I am of the same opinion. With deference to Cave, J., it seems to me impossible to hold that this transaction was any- thing else than a conveyance on sale. As pointed out on the face of the statute, the consideration may be money or money's worth. Money's worth certainly is sufficiently expressed by a number of shares and debentures of an existing corporation, which, in effect, consti- tuted the consideration for the particular transfer in this case. Now, that there was a conveyance is beyond all question. The persons who are named as vendors in the deed have divested themselves of their property in the subject of that conveyance, and all that property is vested in an entirely independent and separate body; namely, a cor- poration. Suppose that corporation had consisted of altogether dif- ferent persons, no one for a moment would doubt that this was a con- veyance on sale. Suppose there had been one person in it different, there is nothing that I have heard in the argument which induces me to suppose that even in that case it could have been doubted that this was a conveyance on sale. But the argument, as I understand it, is this: that the individual corporators who composed that corporation were, in fact, the very identical persons who were conveying this property to the corporation, and the corporation had no other property except this which it took under its conveyance ; and that, as the only value of the shares and debentures was derived from this very property 12 THE CORPORATION AS A PERSON. 63 which the individual corporators were conveying to the corporation, the conveying partners either got no consideration for that which they conveyed other than part of the property actually conveyed, or they got no consideration at all. Now, I do not follow that argument in the least. I think it is a fallacy from beginning to end. In the first place, a corporation is a different thing from the individuals who compose it; and, secondly, the shares and debentures of a corpora- tion are not the same thing as the property 'which that corporation owns. You may say, in one sense, that the property is a security for the value of those shares. The value of those shares in the market, which, observe, are immediately transferable, may depend upon the solvency of the company, the amount of property it possesses, and its chance of carrying on a profitable business. To say that the shares and debentures are part of that property seems to me to be a com- plete confusion of terms. Suppose the case, which I put d.uring the argument of a sale of real estate, and the whole of the purchase- money not to be paid at once in cash, but to be secured on mortgage on that real estate ; and, if you like, in order to make the analogy perfect, suppose the purchaser had no other property than that prop- erty, would the transaction be the less a sale for that reason ? Still the consideration given would be a certain amount of cash which would be left on the security of the estate ; but I have never yet heard that because the whole of the purchase-money upon a sale of real estate was left on mortgage of the real estate that for that reason the trans- action ceased to be, or was prevented from being, a sale. Yet, really, that is what the argument in this case comes to. I confess I am not able to agree with it. Nothing else was suggested which should pre- vent this transaction from being a sale, and it seems to me clearly to be, under the words of this statute, "a conveyance on sale" for a con- sideration which, if not money, at least is money's worth. I, there- fore, with all deference to Cave, J., think that his decision must be reversed and the appeal allowed. A. L. SMITH, L. J. The question in this case is whether the in- strument of November 27, 1891, is a conveyance or transfer on sale of any of the property mentioned under the second head "convey- ance or transfer" in the schedule to the stamp act of 1870. Now, in order to find out what is, or is not, a conveyance or trans- fer on sale of any property in that second head of the schedule, I must refer to sections 70 and 71 of the act. And, reading both these sec- tions together, it seems to me that the term "conveyance on sale" in- cludes every instrument whereby any property, upon the sale thereof, is transferred to or vested in the purchaser in consideration of any stock or marketable security. That is the definition. First of all, then, is this an instrument whereby any property is transferred to or vested in the purchaser? I beg to say yes. It is an instrument upon the face of which the actual land of the vendors, and the trade-marks which are their property, are transferred to a limited company. I do not think that this is disputed, and it does not 64 FOSTER & SONS V. THE COMMISSIONERS. 12 appear to me to be disputed so far, in the judgment of my brother Cave : but what he says is that this is not an instrument whereby any property, upon the sale thereof, is transferred. The real pith of his judgment is that the vendors and vendees are the same persons that the agreement as regards the sale was carried out by the members of the old firm before any company limited came into existence, and that inasmuch as they are the same persons now as then, there is no sale at all; and, therefore, there is no instrument whereby any property upon the sale thereof is transferred. I must here respectfully differ with my brother Cave. It seems to me that the company limited are not the same persons as the eight members of the old firm they are dif- ferent altogether. It was admitted by Mr. Finlay in argument, though he entirely took away the ground from under my brother Cave's feet when he said so, that the company limited could main- tain a suit for specific performance against the old partners. If that is so, how can they be the same persons. This really shows that they are not the same persons. It is here that I disagree with my brother Cave. The respondents also contend that there was no consideration. We must read the two sections together. Section 70 enacts that: "The term 'conveyance on sale' includes every instrument whereby any property, upon the sale thereof, is transferred to or vested in the pur- chaser." Then section 71 implies that it may be in consideration of any stock or marketable security. The land and the trade-marks are transferred by this instrument from the eight partners who were the old firm to the new company limited. The land and trade-marks are transferred by this instrument in consideration of what? In con- sideration of stock or marketable securities, which undoubtedly are not the same things as the land and trade-marks themselves, though they may be charges upon the land and trade-marks which are con- veyed. It seems to me that it is untrue to say that in this transaction there has been no consideration passing from the vendee to the vendor. Although charges upon the land and the trade-marks, the considera- tion comes within the very terms of section 71 itself "any stock or marketable security." For these reasons I prefer the judgment of my brother Wright to that of my brother Cave. Appeal allowed. Note. See also Gordon v. Preston, 1 Watts (Pa.) 386; Polleys v. Insurance Co., 14 Maine 141 ; Pope v. Brandon, 2 Stew. (Ala.) 401 ; Lexington Life, F. & M. Ins. Co. v. Page, 17 B. Mon. (Ky.) 412; Moore & Handley Hardware Co. v. Towers, 87 Ala. 206, 13 Am. St. 23; Davis v. Creamery Co., 48 Neb. 471, 67 N. W. 436; 1900, Andres v. Morgan, 62 O. S. 236, 78 Am. St. R. 712. 'TV/a 13 THE CORPORATION AS A PERSON. 65 Sec. 13. Same. (4) Or to contracts between the members them- selves. MORRIS SELLERS v. HOWARD GREER. 1 1898. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ILLINOIS. 172 Illinois 549-558. Appeal from the appellate court for the first district, heard in that court on appeal from the superior court of Cook county, the Hon. Theodore Brentano, Judge, presiding. This was a bill for specific performance, brought by Howard Greer against Morris Sellers, in the superior court of Cook county. The cause proceeded to a hearing on the pleadings and evidence, and the court entered a decree dismissing the bill. To reverse the decree, Greer appealed to the appellate court, where the decree was reversed and the cause remanded for the purpose of allowing Greer to recover such damages as he may have sustained on account of the failure of Sellers to perform the contract. To reverse the judgment of the ap- pellate court, Sellers appealed to this court. Upon looking into the record it appears that Morris Sellers and Howard Greer had been associated together in the business of manu- facturing railroad supplies for several years prior to 1891. In June, 1891, they formed a corporation under the laws of this state, and adopted the name of Morris Sellers & Co., incorporated. The capi- tal stock of the corporation was fixed at $100,000, each share being of the par value of $100, and 499 shares were subscribed for and owned by Morris Sellers and Howard Greer, respectively, each own- ing that number of shares from the formation of the corporation to the time of filing the bill. The remaining two shares were owned by John M. Sellers and Paul E. Greer, who were sons of said principal stockholders, each owning one share. No money was paid by any of the stockholders for their stock. The 500 shares belonging to Sellers and his son were paid for by turning over the plant and their interest in certain patents to the corporation ; and the 500 shares issued to the Greers were paid for by turning over their interest in certain patents controlled by them. All four of the above named parties were stock- holders and directors. Morris Sellers acted as president and treas- urer and had charge of the office and financial department of the con- cern. Howard Greer was secretary and manager or superintendent, and had charge of the factory and manufacturing department of the business. After the organization of the corporation it did a fair business, and its management and success seemed to have been satisfactory to the of the opinion relating to specific performance of the contract is omitted. 5 WIL. CASES. 66 SELLERS V. GREEK. 13 parties interested until the latter part of 1894, when trouble arose be- tween the two principal stockholders in regard to the management of the business. Greer made an offer to purchase the Sellers interest, but the offer was not accepted. Negotiations continued, however, between the parties until September 4, 1894, when Morris Sellers made a written proposition to buy out Greer. The proposition was written and executed by Morris Sellers and by him delivered to Greer. It was as follows : "Outline of proposition between Howard Greer and Morris Sellers : Greer to take all of the Greer patents and all of the special machinery attached to punching machines ; all other appliances belonging to the making of spikes, he surrendering all of his stock in M. S. & Co., and to furnish M. S. & Co. a complete set of templates for splices; M. S. & Co. to loan machine No. 4 for six mo. and pay Howard Greer $i ,800 toward a new machine for cutting spikes ; Howard Greer to fill all of the present orders so far as the material now on hand will complete. This agreement to be put in proper form at as early a date as possible, pending the return of the company's attorney to draw up the necessary releases. MORRIS SELLERS. "Tuesday, September 4, 1894." The bill alleged and the evidence tended to prove that the Greer mentioned in the proposition was appellee, and the letters "M. S. & Co." meant and referred to the corporation known as Morris Sel- lers & Co. Mr. JUSTICE CRAIG delivered the opinion of the court. The two following grounds are relied upon by counsel for appel- lant in the argument to reverse the judgment of the appellate court: "We claim, firstly, that the proposition is not a contract binding upon appellee or upon appellant ; that it lacks mutuality ; that the subject- matter was the property of a corporation, and not of either of the par- ties named in the proposition ; that appellee is in nowise bound, and so acted as not to legally bind himself in terms to said proposition ; that it was made under such circumstances that it was not, and was not intended to be, a complete or binding contract or agreement upon either appellant or appellee; hence, its specific enforcement was not only impossible, but if attempted by way of assessment of dam- ages upon appellant, as the appellate court seeks to do, would con- travene equitable principles. Secondly, that if all these points are negatived, appellee has yet barred himself of all relief in equity by his own inequitable conduct." It will be observed that appellee did not sign the contract, and hence it is contended that the contract is not mutual. It appears, however, that the contract was delivered by Morris Sellers, appellant, to appellee, on the day it was executed, and appellee accepted the contract and agreed to its terms and conditions. The acceptance of the contract by appellee assenting to its terms, holding it and acting upon it as a valid instrument, may be regarded as equivalent to its formal execution on his part, as held by this court in Johnson v. Dodge, 17 111. 433, and Vogel v. Pekoe, 157 111. 339. 13 THE CORPORATION AS A PERSON. 6/ But it is said the subject-matter of the contract was the property of a corporation, and not of either 6f the parties named therein, and as the corporation never executed or ratified the contract it can not be enforced in a court of equity. Of the 1,000 shares of capital stock of the corporation Greer and Sellers owned equally the entire amount except two shares, which were held in the names of the respective sons of the two parties. These sons never paid anything for the stock placed in their names, and were mere nominal shareholders, and the only inference to be drawn from all the evidence is, that the two shares were placed in their names in order that the concern might have a sufficient number of stockholders to make up a board of di- rectors. In the management of the affairs of the concern, whatever was done by Greer was assented to by his son, and whatever action was taken by Sellers was approved by his son. As between appellant and appellee they may be regarded as owners of the property named in the contract, and any contract which they may have made in re- gard to the property may, as between them, be enforced in a court of equity. But it is said the proposition was not intended to be a complete and binding contract. There is nothing appearing on the face of the con- tract, nor is there anything in the evidence introduced on the hearing, which will sustain that position. The contract is definite and specific in regard to what was to be done by each of the parties. By the con- tract Greer was to do three things : First, he was to surrender all of his stock in the Morris Sellers & Co. establishment; second, he was to furnish a complete set of templates for splices ; third, he was to fill all of the present orders, so far as the material then on hand would permit. From the terms of the contract there could be no uncertainty or doubt in regard to what Greer was required to do in order to com- ply with the contract. As to Sellers, he was required by the contract to deliver over to Greer all of the Greer patents, and what was meant by Greer patents was well understand by both parties. It is true that Morris Sellers and Howard Greer owned all of the stock of the corporation, except two shares, which belonged to their sons. But did this fact confer upon them, or either of them, the power to sell the corporate property? It is conceded that the patents and all the other property named in the contract in question belonged to the corporation Morris Sellers & Co. , and the question presented is whether Morris Sellers and Howard Greer, two of the stockhold- ers, without the consent or authority of the corporation Morris Sellers & Co., had the right to divide the corporate property between them- selves, or to sell it, as was attempted to be done by the contract in question. A corporation is an artificial being created by law. clothed with certain powers. It acts through its board of directors and officers. Its property is not subject to the control or disposition of its members or stockholders. They have no power to sell or encum- ber the corporate property. A reference to a few authorities will fully sustain what has been said. In Cook on Stockholders (3d ed., 709), it is said: "The 68 SELLERS V. GREEK. IJ stockholders can not enter into contracts with third persons. Con- tracts between the corporation and third persons must be entered into* by the directors and not by the stockholders. The corporation, in such matters, is represented by the former and not by the latter. Such is one of the main objects of corporate existence. To the directors is given the management and formation of corporate contracts. The stockholders can not, in meeting assembled, bind the corporation by their contracts in its behalf. Although one person owns a majority of the stock, or all of it, or all but two shares, he does not, in conse- quence thereof, acquire the right to act for the corporation, or as the corporation, independently of the directors. One person may own all the stock, and yet the existence, relations and business methods of the corporation continue. A single stockholder can not make a con- tract for and in the name of the corporation which shall have any binding force or validity, except by subsequent ratification or adoption in the regular manner." In Allemong v. Simmons, 124 Ind. 199, it was attempted to hold a corporation liable on a contract made by one Crawford, who was a director and owner of five-sixths of the stock of the corporation. In disposing of the question the court said: "It is true, Crawford was one of the directors of the company and held a majority of the stock ; but the existence of these facts confers upon him no power to make contract for the corporation. It could only be bound by the action of its board of directors. The board could have conferred upon Craw- ford this power, but there is no evidence that it had done so. Craw- ford, as one of the directors, had no more authority or power than any other director. The board consisted of five members, and three constituted a quorum. Less than three could make no binding con- tract for the corporation. * * * The contract which Simmons and Aleshire executed with Crawford was the mere personal engage- ment of Crawford with the said parties." In Humphrey v. McKissock, 140 U. S. 304, the validity of the action of all the stockholders of a corporation in transferring its prop- erty without corporate action arose, and in disposing of the case the court said: "Both the commissioner and the court in confirming his report and entering the decree mentioned, seem to have con- founded the ownership of stock in a corporation with ownership of its property. But nothing is more distinct than the two rights. The ownership of one confers no ownership of the other. The property of a corporation is not subject to the control of individual members, whether acting separately or jointly They can neither encumber or transfer that property, nor authorize others to do so. The corpora- tion the artificial being created holds the property, and alone can mortgage or transfer it; and the corporation acts only through its officers subject to the conditions prescribed by law. In Smith v. Hurd, 12 Mete. 385, the relations of stockholders to the rights and property of a banking corporation are stated with his usual clearness and precision by Chief Justice Shaw, speaking for the supreme court of Massachusetts, and the same doctrine applies to 13 THE CORPORATION AS A PERSON. 69 the relations of stockholders in all business corporations. Said the chief justice; 'The individual members of a corporation, whether they shall all join or each act severally, have no right or power to inter- meddle with the property or concerns of the bank, or call any officer, agent or servant to account or discharge them from any liability. Should all of the stockholders join in a power of attorney to any one, he could not take possession of any real or personal estate, any se- curity or chose of action, could not collect any debt, or discharge a claim, or release damage arising from any default, simply because they are not the legal owners of the property, and damage done to -Stick property is not an injury to them. Their rights and their powers* are limited and well defined.' ' In this court, in Hopkins v. Roseclare Lead Co., 72 111. 373, the right of a stockholder of a corporation to transfer certain leases be- longing to the corporation arose, and in disposing of the question the court' said (p. 379): "It is insisted that La Grave had no power to make the sale of the leases, to transfer the control of the suit or to sell the twenty acres of land, as they were all owned by the company. He was but a stockholder, and as such had no power to make the sale. He, although owning the majority of the stock, could not act for the company unless specially authorized. He could, no doubt, control the action of the company by the election of its officers, but still the company could only act through its officers or by expressly delegating power to others, whether a stockholder or other persons." See, also, England v. Dearborn, 141 Mass. 590; Newton Manf. Co. v. White, 42 Ga. 148 ; Russell v. McLellan, 14 Pick. 63. From what has been said it is apparent that Morris Sellers, al- though he owned one-half of the capital stock of the corporation, had no right to sell the corporate property, and any contract he may have made would not be obligatory on the corporation. The corporation, Morris Sellers & Co., the owner of the letters-patent and other prop- erty described in the contract, was not made a party to the bill, and no decree could have been obtained against it if it had been made a party, for the reason it never executed the contract, nor did it ratify the contract after it was made, but, on the other hand, expressly re- fused to do so on application of Greer to its board of directors. The bill prayed that Sellers might be compelled to convey the letters-pat- ent named in the contract to Greer. He had no title, and hence could not make a conveyance, and any decree that might have been ren- dered would have been nugatory. In a bill for specific performance the contract must be of such a character that the court is able to make an efficient decree and enforce it when made. 3 Pomeroy's Eq. Jur., 1405. * * * Appellee not being entitled to a decree for a specific performance, the next question presented is, did the court err in refusing to retain the bill for the purpose of allowing appellee to recover damages for the failure of Sellers to perform the contract ? * * * In Kennedy v. Hazleton, 128 U. S. 667, it was held that specific performance can not be decreed of an agreement to convey property 7 tors were really the men (except one if, indeed, he were not the assignee of one) who made the agreement, and were bound to execute it. They had the power to execute it ; for they had on the organiza- tion the power, subject to restrictions which we do not apply here, to control their own business in their own way. A man may as well make an agreement with another for certain stock in a corporation to be organized hereafter, as an agreement for stock in a presently ex- isting corporation. If A, B and C agree to form a corporation for a railroad with a capital of so much, to be represented by so many shares of stock, why may not they contract that each is to have so many shares on such and such terms? What rule of law forbids? Is there anything immoral in the contract, or opposed to public policy? Can not a man as well subscribe one time as another for stock, if all interested consent? Indeed, as under this particular agreement they organized, so far as the then members are concerned, the agreement becomes as effectual as if a part of the corporate act. As there is in this respect no restriction upon the terms on which they associate or do business, or to the time of making them, why not find those terms in an antecedent agreement as well as a present adop- tion, if the preceding agreement is connected by clear proof with the act of incorporation and its affairs? Suppose A, B and C agree to form a corporation for running stages, and put in, each, $10,000, but there are to be no certificates of stock issued and no debts incurred. This agreement precedes, of course, the incorporation ; and suppose the money is paid before the corporate act is consummated. The cor- poration is formed and proceeds to do business. Will it be contended that these men are not entitled to their respective shares of the profits, etc., from the mere fact that all this occurred before the technical ideal thing the corporation was called into existence ? The truth is, the corporation, under our system, following such an agreement, would be the mere agency of the associates created for the sake of conve- nience in carrying out the agreement, as between those who made the bargain the different characters or forms in which or by which the bargain was made, and the order in which the several parts of it were executed, makes no substantial difference in the obligation. But if it did, and this ideal thing, the corporation, be something essential, dis- tinct and exclusive, making the men inside of it and controlling it wholly different from the same men just before they went into it; yet these shares are interests and property in esse or posse. This interest, or those shares, entitle the holder to certain privileges of value, and may entitle him to profits. VVhether, therefore, the corporation is 86 CHATER V. SAN FRANCISCO SUGAR REFINING CO. I/ bound of itself, and as a separate entity, to recognize a right in a claimant to this interest, a private person holding these shares or interests would be bound to such claimant for them. But apart from all this, when the corporation became such, it or- ganized with Chater, Bond and Gordon as trustees, and these were really the sole corporators also ; and they organized with full knowl- edge of this agreement, which not only contemplated the formation of the company or corporation, but prescribed the terms and rights of the members in the corporation and corporate business. Chater was not only superintendent under this agreement, but trustee, too; and the corporate business was commenced and for a longtime prosecuted with reference to this agreement, which recited these terms and affirmed these rights. If anything could be, this was an adoption by the cor- poration of these terms. It is not necessary to inquire whether an in- nocent purchaser of the stock, buying subsequently without notice, would be affected by any such acts for no such question is before us now. If the corporation be bound by this agreement, and the court, proceeding to enforce it by ordering the issuance of stock, should af- fect injuriously any innocent holder of stock, it will be time enough to consider his rights, legal or equitable, when the facts and proper parties are before the court. If, on taking the account, it should appear that Chater is not en- titled to anything, but that the corporation is so indebted as to make it inequitable for him to receive his shares, the court below, on the final hearing, can make the proper decree, unaffected by anything in the decree under review. With these modifications, the decree is affirmed and the cause re- manded. Note. (1) Specific performance of stock agreements may be had when damages would be inadequate. See: 1746, Buxton v. Lister, 3 Atkyns, Ch. 383; 1804, Lady Arundell v. Phipps, 10 Vesey 148; The Mechanics', etc., Bank v. Seton, 1 Peters (U. S. Sup. C.) 299; 1828, Cowles v. Whitman, 10 Conn. 121; 1839, Clark v. Flint, 22 Pick. (Mass.) 231 ; 1863, Treasurer v. Com- mercial Mining Co., 23 Cal. 390; 1879, Cushman v. Thayer Mfg. I. Co., 76 N. Y. 365, 32 Am. Rep. 315; 1886, Eckstein v. Downing, 64 N. H. 248, 10 Am. St. Rep. 404; 1888, Goodwin Gas S. & M. Co.'s Appeal, 117 Pa. St. 514; 1891, Bumgardner v. Leavitt, 35 W. Va. 194, 12 Law. Rep. Ann. 776; 1894, New England Trust Co. v. Abbott, 162 Mass. 148, 27 Law. Rep. Ann. 271. (2) Waiver of statutory liability, by creditors, may be made by express agreement: 1839, Kerridge v. Hesee, 9 Carr. & Payne 200; 1863, Robinson v. Bid well, 22 Cal. 379; 1872, Basshor v. Forbes, 36 Md. 154; 1883, Brown v. Eastern Slate Co., 134 Mass. 590. (3) Generally an informal agreement among members of a corporation, without corporate action in the prescribed mode, does not bind the corporation : 1891, Independent Order of Foresters v. Zak, 136 111. 185, 29 Am. St. Rep. 318; 1896, Dennis v. Joslin Mfg. Co., 19 R. I. 666, 61 Am. St. Rep. 805. (4) Provisions in articles of association contrary to law or public policy are void: 1889, People v. Gas Trust Co., 130 111. 268, 17 Am. St. Rep. 319; yet they may be considered as surplusage, and not vitiate the organization : 1896, Shick v. Citizens' Enterprise Co., 15 Ind. App. 329, 57 Am. St. Rep. 230; un- less there is no sanction in law at all for the purposes proposed : 1894, State v. Inter-National Investment Co., 88 Wis. 512, 43 Am. St. 920. I 8 THE CORPORATION AS A COLLECTION OF INDIVIDUALS. 8/ Sec. 18. Same. Particularly, (#) In matters relating to the constitution of the corporation itself, or changes therein. ASHTON v. BURBANK ET AL. 1873. IN THE UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT, Eighth Circuit, Dis- trict of Minnesota. 2 Dillon (U. S. Cir. Ct.) 435-441, Fed. Cas. No. 582. [This is an action on a promissory note, dated August 19, 1867, for $3,000, made by the defendants to the Provident Life Insurance and Investment Company. The defendants were subscribers of that com- pany, and the note in suit was given for an assessment upon their stock. The original charter of said company authorized it to transact a "life and accident insurance" business. After the defendants' sub- scription to the stock, the charter was amended, and the name of the company changed to the Eagle Insurance Company, and it was also authorized, by the amended charter, to transact the business of "fire, marine and inland insurance." The amended charter was accepted, but, in point of fact, the company took no risks during the short period it afterwards did business, except such as were authorized by its orig- inal charter. Subsequently, the company, being then in possession of the note in suit, forfeited, under authority given in its charter, the stock of the defendants therein. The note in suit, when long past due, was transferred by the company to the plaintiff. * * * The defendants neither procured nor assented to said last men- tioned act [amending the charter], nor did they know of it until after its passage, and thereupon they protesed against it, and refused to pay the note in suit on this ground. Subsequently the said Eagle Insurance Company ceased to do business, and this note, among other assets, was sold to the plaintiff in the year 1871, in payment of a debt due from the Eagle Insurance Company to him. After the said amendment of the charter of March 3, 1869, the Eagle Insurance Company did not, in fact, transact any fire, marine or inland insur- ance business, or do any other business than such as was authorized by the original charter.] DILLON, C. J. We hold the following propositions: * * * The change in the charter, by which a life and accident company was authorized to transact fire, marine and inland insurance, is an organic change of such a radical character as to discharge previous subscribers to the stock of the company from any obligation to pay their subscription, unless the change is expressly or impliedly assented to by them. Here there was no such assent, and no acquiescence in the structural change made in the charter of the company. The' com- pany could not, against such a subscriber, maintain a suit to collect his subscription, and take the money and use it as capital for the transaction of business under the charter as altered. We think, in 1 Statement of facts condensed. Part of opinion omitted. 88 DODGE V. WOOLSEY. 19 such a case, the subscriber is not bound to enjoin action under the amended charter, but may, if he elects, defend against an action to recover on his subscription to the stock. If the company accepted the amended charter, as it did, by adopt- ing the new name, it is not essential to such a defense to show that at the time of the trial the corporation had actually exercised the en- larged powers conferred upon it. The defendants are not bound, on their subscription, to pay to the company money which, if paid, may be used as capital to carry on the business authorized by the amended charter. Judgment for the defendants. NELSON, J., concurs. Note. The power of the majority to modify the constitution of a corpora- tion is discussed in ch. 16, see p. 1447, infra. See, particularly: 1820, Livings- ton v. Lynch, 4 Johns. Ch. 573; 1824, Natusch v. Irving, 2 Cooper's Ch. 358, appendix to Gow on Partnership, p. 398 ; 1862, Durfee v. Old Colony &' F. R. R. Co., 5 Allen (Mass.) 230; 1867, Zabriskie v. H. & N. Y. R. Co., 18 N. J.Eq. (3 C. E. Green), 178, 90 Am. Dec. 617; 1887, Dow v. Northern R. Co., 67 N. H. 1, 36 Atl. 510. Sec. 19. Same. () In determining the rights of members among themselves in equity. DODGE, APPELLANT, v. WOOLSEY. 1 1855. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. 18 How- ard (59 U. S) 331-380. [Appeal from the circuit court of the United States for the district of Ohio. Suit in chancery by Woolsey, a citizen of Connecticut, and holder of thirty shares in the Commercial Bank of Cleveland (an Ohio cor- poration, and branch of the State Bank of Ohio) against the tax col- lector (Dodge), the bank directors and the bank itself (all citizens of Ohio) to enjoin the collection of the tax assessed by the state of Ohio against the bank. The bank's charter of 1845 provided that semi- annually it should pay six per cent, of its net profits for the preceding six months to the state of Ohio "in lieu of all taxes to which said com- pany or the stockholders, on account of stock owned therein, would otherwise be subject." In 1851 the new state constitution was adopted, and this provided that laws should be passed taxing "the notes and bills discounted or purchased, money loaned and all other property, effects or dues whatever, without deduction, of all banks now existing or hereafter created, and of all bankers, so that all property employed in banking shall always bear a burden of taxation equal to that im- posed on the property of individuals." In 1852 the legislature of Ohio, in accordance with this constitutional provision, made it the duty 1 Statement of facts condensed. Arguments and parts of opinions omitted. 19 THE CORPORATION AS A COLLECTION OF INDIVIDUALS. 89 of the president and cashier of every bank (under a severe penalty) to make report of the various items indicated to the county auditors, who were to place the same upon the tax duplicate, to be taxed as other property. In 1852, the president and cashier of the Commercial Bank of Cleveland, did this, under protest, the tax assessed and collected by distress being over $10,000, and more than $7,500 more than it would have been under the charter plan. Like proceedings were had in 1853, when the tax assessed was nearly $12,000 more than the charter plan would have made. Woolsey alleged that "if the taxes are permitted to be assessed and collected * * * ft w jn virtually destroy and annul the contract between the state and the bank, in re- spect to the tax which the state imposed upon it by the charter * * * in lieu of all other taxes, the stock will be thereby lessened in value, dividends diminished, and the bank be compelled to suspend business; that, as a stockholder, he had requested the directors of the bank to take measures to prevent the collection of the tax." The material allegations, except the unconstitutionality of the law, and the application to the directors to prevent the collection of the tax, were admitted. Upon the latter point it was agreed that Woolsey had by his attorney addressed a letter to the bank requesting it to take proper proceeding to prevent the collection of the tax, the answer to which was: "Resolved, that we fully concur in the views named, and believe it to be in no way binding upon the bank ; but in consid- eration of the many obstacles in the way of testing the law in the courts of the state, we can not consent to take the action which we are called upon to take, but must leave the said (Woolsey) to pursue such measures as he may deem best in the premises." Upon the foregoing, the circuit court granted the injunction with costs against Dodge, who appealed, his counsel relying upon the following points: "i. The complainant does not show himself to be entitled to relief in a court of chancery, because the charter of the bank provides that its affairs shall be managed by a board of directors, and that they are not amenable to the stockholders for an error of judgment merely. And that in order to make them so, it should have been averred that they were in collusion with the tax collector in their refusal to take legal steps to test the validity of the tax."] [2 and 3, relating to the jurisdiction of the court, and the constitutionality of the tax, omitted.] Mr. Justice WAYNE (after stating the facts) delivered the opinion of the court. * * * We will consider the points in their order. The first comprehends two propositions, namely ; that courts of equity have no jurisdiction over corporations, as such, at the suit of a stockholder for violations of charters, and none for the errors of judgment of those who manage their business ordinarily. There has been a conflict of judicial authority in both. Still, it has been found necessary, for prevention of injuries for which common- law courts were inadequate, to entertain in equity such a jurisdiction 90 DODGE V. WOOLSEY. 1 9 in the progressive development of the powers and effects of private corporations upon all the business and interests of society. It is now no longer doubted, either in England or the United States, that courts of equity, in both, have a jurisdiction over cor- porations ; at the instance of one or more of their members, to apply preventive remedies by injunction, to restrain those 'who administer them from doing acts which would amount to a violation of charters, or to prevent any misapplication of their capitals or profits which might result in lessening the dividends of stockholders or the value of their shares, as either may be protected by the franchises of a corporation, if the acts intended to be done create what is in the law denominated a breach of trust. And the jurisdiction extends to inquire into, and to enjoin, as the case may require that to be done, any pro- ceedings by individuals, in whatever character they may prefess to act, if the subject of complaint is an imputed violation of a corporate fran- chise, or the denial of a right growing out of it, for which there is not an adequate remedy at law. 2 Russ. & Mylne Ch. Rep., Cunliffe v. Manchester and Bolton Canal Company, 480, n. ; Ware v. Grand Junction Water Company, 2 Russ. & Mylne 470 ; Bagshaw v. East- ern Counties Railway Company, 7 Hare Ch. Rep. 114; Angell & Ames, 4th ed., 424, and the other cases there cited. It Was ruled in the case of Cunliffe v. The Manchester and Bolton Canal Company, 2 Russ. & Mylne Ch. R. 481, that where the legal remedy against a corporation is inadequate, a court of equity will in- terfere, and there were cases in which a bill in equity will lie against a corporation by one of its members. "/^ is a breach of trust toward a shareholder in a joint-stock incorporated company, established for certain definite purposes prescribed by its charter, if the funds or credit of the company are, without his consent, diverted from such purpose, though the misapplication be sanctioned by the votes of a majority ; and, therefore, he may file a bill in equity against the com- pany in his own behalf, to restrain the company by injunction from any such diversion or misapplication." In the case of Ware v. Grand Junction Water Company, 2 Russ. & Mylne, a bill filed by a member of the company against it, Lord Brougham said: "It is said this is an attempt on the part of the company to do acts which they are not impowered to do by the acts of parliament, meaning the charter of the company; 'so far I restrain them by injunction.' Indeed, an in- vestment in the stock of a corporation must, by every one, be consid- ered a wild speculation, if it exposed the owners of the stock to all sorts of risk in support of plausible projects not set forth and author- ized by the act of incorporation, and which may possibly lead to ex- traordinary losses. The same jurisdiction was invoked and implied in the case of Bagshaw v. The Eastern Counties R. Co. ; so, also, in Coleman v. The Eastern Counties R. Co., 10 Beavan's Ch. Rep. i. It appeared in that case that the directors of the company, for the pur- pose of increasing their traffic, proposed to guarantee certain profits, and to secure the capital of an intended steam-packet company, which was to act in connection \vith the railway. It was held, such a trans- 19 THE CORPORATION AS A COLLECTION OF INDIVIDUALS. 9 I action was not within the scope of their powers, and they were re- strained by injunction. And in the second place, that in such a case one of the shareholders in the railway company was entitled to sue in behalf of himself and all the other shareholders, except the directors, who were defendants, although some of the shareholders had taken shares in the steam-packet company. It was contended in this case that the corporation might pledge, without limit, the funds of the com- pany for the encouragement of other transactions, however various and extensive, provided the object of that liability was to increase the traffic upon the railway and thereby increase the traffic to the share- holders. But the master of the rolls, Lord Langdale, said, "there was no authority for anything of that kind." But further, it is not only illegal for a corf/oration to apply its capital to objects not contemplated by its charter, but also to apply its profits. And therefore a shareholder may maintain a bill in equity against the directors and compel the company to refund any of the profits thus improperly applied. It is an improper application for a railway company to invest the profits of the company in the purchase of shares in another company. The dividend (says Lord Langdale, in Solamons v. Laing, 14 Jurist for December, 1850), which belongs to the shareholders, and is divisible among them, may be applied severally as their own property; but the company itself or the direct- ors, or any number of shareholders, at a meeting or otherwise, have no right to dispose of his shares of the general dividends, which belong to the particular shareholder, in any manner contrary to the will, or without the consent or authority of, that particular shareholder. We do not mean to say that the jurisdiction in equity over corpora- tions at the suit of a shareholder has not been contested. The cases cited in this argument show it to have been otherwise, but when the case of Hodges v. The New England Screw Company et al. was cited against it (we may say the best argued and judicially considered case which we know upon the point, both upon the original hearing and rehearing of that cause), the counsel could not have been aware of the fact that, upon the rehearing of it, the learned court, which had decided that courts of equity have no jurisdiction over corporations as such at the suit of a stockholder for violations of charter, reviewed and recalled that conclusion. The language of the court is: "We have thought it our duty to review in this general form this new and unset- tled jurisdiction, and to say, in view of the novelty and importance of the subject and the additional light which has been thrown upon it since the trial, we consider the jurisdiction of this court over corpora- tions for breaches of charter at the suit of shareholders, and how far it shall be extended, and subject to what limits, is still an open ques- tion in this court. i Rhode Island Reports 312 rehearing of the case September term, 1853." The result of the cases is well stated in Angell & Ames, paragraphs 39 T i 393- lt -fn cases where the legal remedy against a corporation is inadequate, a court of equity will interfere, is well settled, and there are cases in which a bill in equity will lie agaist a corporation 92 DODGE V. WOOLSEY. 19 by one of its members." ''Though the result of the authorities clearly is, that in a corporation, when acting within the scope of and in obedience to the provisions of its constitution, the will of the majority, duly impressed at a legally constituted meeting, must govern; yet beyond the limits of the act of incorporation, the will of the majority can not make an act valid ; and the powers of a court of equity may be put in motion at the instance of a single share- holder, if he can show that the corporation are employing their stat- utory powers for the accomplishment of purposes not within the scope of their institution. Yet it is to be observed that there is an important distinction between this class of cases and those in which there is no breach of trust, but only error and misapprehension, or simple negli- gence on the part of the directors." 1 We have then the rule and its limitation. It is contended that this - case is within the limitation ; or that the directors of the Commercial Bank of Cleveland, in their action in respect to the tax assessed upon it, under the act of April 18, 1852, and in their refusal to take proper measures for testing its validity, have committed an "error of judgment merely." It is obvious, from the rule, that the circumstances of each case must determine the jurisdiction of a court of equity to give the relief sought. That the pleadings must be relied upon to collect what they are, to ascertain in what character, and to what end a shareholder in- vokes the interposition of a court of equity, on account of the mis- management of a board of directors. Whether such acts are out of or beyond the limits of the act of incorporation, either of commission contrary thereto, or of negligence in not doing what it may be their chartered duty to do. J So it has been repeatedly decided that a private corporation may be sued at law by one of its own members. The text upon this subject is so well expressed, with authorities to support it, that we will extract the paragraph 390 from Angell and Ames entire. "A private corporation may be sued by one of its own members. This point came directly before the court, in the state of South Carolina in an action of assumpsit against the Catawba Company. The plea in abatement was, that the plaintiff himself was a member of that company, and therefore could maintain no action against it in his individual capacity. The court, after hearing argument, overruled the plea as containing principles subversive of justice ; and they moreover said, that the point had been settled by two former cases, wherein certain officers were allowed to maintain actions for their salaries due by the company. In this respect, the cases of incorporated companies are entirely dissimilar from those of ordinary co-partnerships, or unincorporated joint-stock companies. In the former, the individual members of the company are entirely distinct from the artificial body endowed with corporate powers. A member of a corporation who is a creditor has the same right as any other creditor to secure the payment of his demands, by attachment or by levy upon the property of the corporation, although he may be personally liable by statute to satisfy other judgments against the corporation. An action was maintained against a corporation on a bond securing a certain sum to the plaintiff, a member of the corporation, the member being deemed by the court a stranger. Pierce v. Partridge, 3 Met. (Mass.) 44; so of notes and bonds, accounts and rights to dividends. Hill v. Manchester and Salford Water- Works, 5 Adol. & Ellis 866; Dunston v. Imperial Glass Company, 3 B. & Adol. 125; Geer v. School District, 6 Vt. 76; Methodist Episcopal Society, 18 Vt. 405; Rogers v. Danby Universalist Society, 19 Vt. 187." 19 THE CORPORATION AS A COLLECTION OF INDIVIDUALS. 93 This brings us to the inquiry, as to what the directors have done in this case, and what they refused to do upon the application of their co-corporator, John M. Woolsey. After a full statement of his case, comprehending all of his rights and theirs also, alleging in his bill that his object was to test the validity of a tax upon the ground that it was unconstitutional, because it impaired the obligation of aeon- tract made by the state of Ohio with the Commercial Bank of Cleve- land, and the stockholders thereof; he represents in his own behalf, as a stockholder, that he had applied to the directors, requesting them to take measures, by suit or otherwise, to prevent the collection of the tax by the treasurer, and that they refused to do so, accompanying, however, their refusal with the declaration that they fully concurred with Woolsey in his views as to the illegality of the tax; that they believed it no way binding upon the bank, but that, in consideration of the many obstacles in the way of resisting the collection of the tax in the courts of the state, they could not consent to take legal meas- ures for testing it. Besides this refusal, the papers in the case dis- close the fact that the directors had previously made two protests against the constitutionality of the tax, because it was repugnant to the constitution of the United States, and to that of Ohio also, both concluding with a resolution that they would not, as then advised, pay the tax, unless compelled by law to do so, and that they were determined to rely upon the constitutional and legal rights of the bank under its charter. Now, in our view, the refusal upon the part of the directors, by their own showing, partakes more of disregard of duty than of an error of judgment. It was a non-performance of a confessed official obligation, amounting to what the law considers a breach of trust, though it may not involve intentional moral delinquency. It was a mistake, it is true, of what their duty required from them, according to their own sense of it, but, being a duty by their own confession, their refusal was an act outside of the obligation which the charter imposed upon them to protect what they conscientiously believed to be the franchises of the bank. A sense of duty and conduct contrary to it is not "an error of judgment merely," and can not be so called in any case. It amounted to an illegal application of the profits due to the stockholders of the bank, into which a court of equity will inquire to prevent its being made. Thinking, as we do, that the action of the board of directors was not "an error of judgment merely" but a breach of duty, it is our opinion that they were properly made parties to the bill, and that the juinsdiction of a court of equity reaches such a case to give such a remedy as its circumstances may require. This conclusion makes it unnecessary for us to notice further the point made by the counsel that the suit should have been brought in the name of the corporation, in support of which they cited the case of the Bank of the United States v. Osborn. The obvious difference between this case and that is, that the Bank of the United States brought a bill in the circuit court of the United States for the district of Ohio, to resist a tax assessed 94 DODGE V. WOOLSEY. 19 under an act of that state, and executed by its auditor, and here the directors of the Commercial Bank of Cleveland, by refusing to do what they had declared it to be their duty to do, have forced one of its corporators, in self-defense, to sue. If the directors had done so in a state court of Ohio, and put their case upon the unconstitution- ally of the tax act, because it impaired the obligation of a contract, and had the decision been against such claim, the judgment of the state court could have been re-examined, in that particular, in the su- preme court of the United States, under, the same authority or juris- diction by which it reversed the judgment, of the supreme court of Ohio, in the case of the Piqua Branch of the State Bank of Ohio v. Jacob Knoop, treasurer of Miami County, 16 How. 369. * * * MR. Justice CAMPBELL (with whom concurred Justices DANIEL and CATRON), dissenting. * * * The court has assumed this jurisdiction, and I am therefore called to inquire whether a court of chancery can take cognizance of the bill? The act of incorporation of the bank charges the board of di- rectors with the care of the corporate affairs, subject to an annual re- sponsibility to the stockholders. The principle of a court of chancery is, to decline any interference with the discretion of such directors, or to regulate their conduct or management in respect to the duties com- mitted to them. The business of that court is to redress grievances illegally inflicted or threatened, not to supply the prudence, knowledge or forecast re- quisite to successful corporate management. The facts of this case involve, in my opinion, merely a question of discretion in the per- formance of an official duty. In 1852, the taxes were withdrawn from the treasurer of Cuyahoga county, by an assignee of the bank, and were never passed into the state treasury. The supreme court of Ohio, subsequently to this, pronounced the taxes to be legally assessed upon these banks, and that there was no contract between the state and the banks, and there was no exemption from the tax by anything apparent in the act of 1845. Some of these judgments were pending in this court upon writs of error then undecided, no judgment having been given contrary to that of the authorities, legislative, executive and ju- dicial, as well as by the people of Ohio. It was under these condi- tions that this stockholder, who purchased stock after the controversy had arisen in Ohio, some five days before the taxes were payable, ad- dressed the directors of the Commercial Bank to take preventive measures that is, I suppose, to file a bill for an injunction instantly and, upon their suggestion of difficulties, proceeds to take charge of the corporate rights of the bank by this suit, in the circuit court of the United States. The directors were elected annually; they were, collectively, owners of one-tenth of the stock of the bank, and no evi- dence is shown that any other stockholder supposed that "preventive measures," under the circumstances, could be sustained. There is no charge of fraud, collusion, neglect of duty or of indifference by the directors, save this omission to take some undefined "preventive measures," which the plaintiff affected to suppose might be proper. 19 THE CORPORATION AS A COLLECTION OF INDIVIDUALS. 95 I understand the rule of chancery in reference to such a case to be that no suit can be maintained by an individual stockholder for a wrong done, or threatened, to such a corporation, unless it appears that the plaintiff has no means of procuring a suit to be instituted in the name of the corporation ; and that the rule is universal, applicable as well to the cases where the acts which afford the ground for com- plaint were either such as a majority might sanction, or whether it be- longed to the category of those acts by which no stockholder could be bound, except by his own consent. This principle has the highest sanc- tion in the decisions of that court. (Foss v. Harbottle, 2 Hare 461 af- firmed i Phil. 790; 2 Phil. 740; 7 Hare 130.) The principle is an ob- vious consequence from the relations between the officers and members of a chartered corporation and the corporation itself. These are explained in Smith v. Hurd, 12 Met. 371. The court says: "There is no legal privity, relation or immediate connection between the holders of shares in a bank in their individual capacity on the one side and the directors of the bank on the other. The directors are not the bailees, the fac- tors, agents or trustees of such individual stockholders. The bank is a corporation and body politic, having a separate existence as a dis- tinct person in law, in whom the whole stock and property of the bank are vested, and to whom all agents, debtors, officers and servants are responsible for all contracts, express or implied, made in reference to such capital, and for all torts and injuries diminishing or impairing it." The corporation, therefore, must vindicate its own wrongs and assert its own rights, in the modes pointed out by law. I do not say that a court of chancery will never permit an individual stockholder to come before it to assert a right of the corporation in which he is a shareholder, where there is an obstacle of such a nature that the name of the corporation can not be employed before legitimate tribunals in their regular modes of proceeding, but the burden is thrown upon the plaintiff to establish the existence of an urgent neces- sity for such a suit. The consideration of analogous cases will strengthen this conclusion ; cases where courts of chanceiy are more free to intervene, from the fiduciary relations between the parties and the extent of its general jurisdiction over them. Such are cases of danger to the interests of a creditor of an estate from the collusion of an executor with the debtor of the estate, or the insolvency of the executor ; or where an executor wrongfully fails to make a settlement with a surviving partner, and a residuary legatee seeks one entire settlement of the estate against the executor and partner; or where a decedent in his life has fraudulently conveyed assets, and his executor is estopped to impute fraud, and there are creditors ; or where the managers of a joint stock company have been guilty of fraud, illegality, waste, and their stockholders desire relief. In all these cases the court of chancery will suffer a party remotely interested to institute the suit which his trustee, or other representative, should have brought, and will grant the relief on that suit which would have been appropriate to the case of him who 96 DODGE V. WOOLSEY. 19 should have commenced it. Sir John Romilly, in a late case belong- ing to one of these categories, says : "To support such a bill as this it is not sufficient to prove that it may be an unpleasant duty to the executors and trustees to take the necessary steps for protecting the property intrusted to them. It is not sufficient to show that it will be for their interests not to take such steps. It is necessary to show that they prefer their own interests to their duty, and that they intend to neglect the performance of the obli- gation incidental to the office imposed upon them, and which they as- sumed to perform ; or, as said in Travis v. Mylne, that a substantial impediment to the prosecution by the executors of the rights of the parties interested in the estate against the surviving partner exists." Stainton v. Carron Co., 23 L. & Eq. 315; Travis v. Mylne, 9 Hare 141; Hersey v. Veazie, n Shep. i; Colquitt v. Howard, n Geo. 556. These cases afford no support to this suit. The Cleveland Bank has betrayed no purpose to abandon its corporate duty. The interests and obligations of the directors coincide to support its pretensions. There is no supineness in their past conduct, nor indifference to the existing peril. The evidence, at the most, convicts them only of a present disinclination to commence suits, which were likely to be un- productive, at the request of a single shareholder. The answer shows that the taxes for 1852 had not been recovered by the state, but had been retaken by an assignee of the bank. Nor does the correspond- ence show that the directors had decided to abandon the contest. The case here does not at all fulfill the conditions on which the interposi- tion of a shareholder is allowable. Elmslie v. McAulay, 3 Bro. C. C. 224, i Phil. 790; Law v. Law, 2 Coll. 41; Walker v. Trott, 4 Ed. Ch. Rep. 38. But the evidence does not allow me to conclude that any impedi- ment whatever existed to a suit in the name of the corporation, from any disposition of the directors to resist the claims of the state. Their protest appears at every successive stage of the action of the fiscal officers. This suit is evidently maintained with their consent; there has been no appearance either by the directors or the corporation, but they abide the case of the stockholder. The decree is for the benefit of the corporation. The question then is, can a corporation belonging to a state, and whose officers are citizens, upon some hope or assurance that the opinions of the courts of the United States are more favorable to their pretensions, by any combination, contrivance or agreement with a non-resident shareholder, devolve upon him the right to seek for the redress of corporate grievances, which are the subjects of equitable cognizance in the courts of the United States, by a suit in his own name ? In my opinion, there should be but one answer to the question. * * * Decree of circuit court affirmed. Note. The rights of members of a corporation is the subject of chapter 17, infra. See page 1706, et seq., where this topic is further discussed. A few refer- ences are here given : 1843, Foss v. Harbottle, 2 Hare (English Vice Chancel- 2O THE CORPORATION AS A COLLECTION OF INDIVIDUALS. 97 lor's Court) 461 ; 1844, Hersey v. Veazie, 24 Maine 9, 41 Am. Dec. 364; 1847, Smith v. Kurd, 12 Met. (Mass.) 371 ; 1867, Seaton v. Grant, L. R. 2 Chan. App. 459; 1881, Hawes v. Oakland, 104 U. S. 450, infra, p. 1716; 1890, Esch- weiler v. Stowell, 78 VVis. 316, 23 Am. St. Rep. 411 ; 1896, Decatur M. L. Co. v. Palm, 113 Ala. 531, 59 Am. St. 140. Pleading, see Quincy v. Steel Co., 120 U. S. 241. Sec. 20. Same. (c) When the corporate organization is used as a cloak to aid in the commission of frauds. METCALF v. ARNOLD. 1 1895. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ALABAMA, no Ala. 180-185; 55 Am. St. Rep. 24. Appeal from the chancery court of Montgomery. Heard before the Hon. Jere N. Williams. The bill in this case was filed by the appellees, who were judgment- creditors, for the benefit of themselves and all other creditors of the Metcalf Drug Company who might desire to come in and make them- selves parties. The bill avers that complainants recovered a judgment against H. B. Metcalf and F. G. Weatherly, who were doing business under the firm name of H. B. Metcalf, and that executions on each of said judg- ments were issued and returned no property found. It was further averred in the bill that after the debts which were the basis of the judg- ment in favor of each of the complainants were contracted, and while said H. B. Metcalf and F. G. Weatherly were indebted to complain- ants and other creditors, the said H. B. Metcalf and F. G. Weatherly were conducting a drug business in the city of Montgomery, Alabama, and had a large stock of goods and assets in said business, none of which were exempt to them, or either of them ; that after the creation of the indebtedness to the complainants, but prior to the rendition of the judgment in their favor, "the said H. B. Metcalf and F. G. Weatherly, with the intention to hinder, delay and defraud complain- ants and others of their creditors, attempted to form a corporation, with a capital stock of $8,000," and put into the said corporation as its only capital stock, the stock of goods, wares and merchandise and notes and accounts, which were the assets of the firm of H. B. Metcalf; that "said H. B. Metcalf and F. G. Weatherly, carrying out their hitherto formed intention of hindering, delaying and defraud- ing complainants and their other creditors, had the stock of said cor- poration, consisting of eighty shares, of the par value of $100 each, issued as follows: thirty-six shares of par value of $3,600, to A. P. Metcalf, the wife of H. B. Metcalf; eighteen shares of par value of $1,800, to H. B. Metcalf; seventeen shares of the par value of $1,700, to M. M. Weatherly, the wife of F. G. Weatherly; and nine shares of the par value $900, to F. G. Weatherly." 1 Arguments omitted. 7 WIL. CASES. 98 METCALF V. ARNOLD. 2O It was further averred that the corporation so attempted to be formed was known and called the "Metcalf Drug Company," but that the said A. P. Metcalf and M. M. Weatherly had no interest whatever in the effects put into the formation of the capital stock of said corpora- tion ; that all of said property put into the said corporation belonged to H. B. Metcalf and F. G. Weatherly, doing business in the firm name of H. B. Metcalf; and that the property so put into the corpo- ration constituted all, or substantially all, of the property belonging to said firm and to each member thereof, upon which property the com- plainants had an equitable lien for the payment of their debts. It was further averred "that on, to wit, April 18, 1894, by a collu- sion between H. B. Metcalf and F. G. Weatherly and a small creditor of theirs, a judgment was allowed to be taken against the said defend- ants, H. B. Metcalf and F. G. Weatherly, in a justice court, for an amount less than one hundred dollars, upon which judgment execution was issued and levied upon seventeen shares of stock in the name of H. B. Metcalf and eight shares in the name of F. G. Weatherly, and the said H. B. Metcalf and F. G. Weatherly, with the still further fraudulent intent of placing all their property beyond the reach of their creditors, allowed all of said shares to be sold at public outcry, and they pretended that said shares were bought in by their respective wives, but your orators allege that in truth and in fact the amount so bid at such sale for said stock was paid by the said H. B. Metcalf and F. G. Weatherly. The bill further averred "that according to the stock-books of the Metcalf Drug Company, the said H. B. Metcalf now owns one share of stock and the said F. G. Weatherly owns one share of stock, but upon said stock-books, notice is given that the one share of H. B. Metcalf is transferred as collateral security to his wife for a pretended debt, and the one share of F. G. Weatherly is transferred to his wife as collateral security for a pretended debt." The prayer of the bill was for the issuance of an injunction restrain- ing the defendants and each of them from disposing of, transferring or incumbering any of the property referred to in the bill, and for the appointment of a receiver of the goods, wares, merchandise and the notes, accounts and books of the Metcalf Drug Co., and "that on a final hearing of this cause, your honor will decree that the formation of said corporation was fraudulent and void as to your orators, and that the issue of stock and pretended interest therein of A. P. Met- calf and M. M. Weatherly is illegal and void as to your orators, and that your orators have a lien upon said property to the extent of debts due them, and that your honor will order a reference to ascertain the amount of debts due your orators and any other creditors who may come in and make themselves parties hereto ; and will order the re- ceiver to sell and dispose of said stock of goods, and to collect the notes and accounts, and pay your orators out of the proceed thereof." The respondents demurred to the bill, and assigned many grounds, the substance of which were the following: (i) The said bill seeks to forfeit the charter of the Metcalf Drug Company, and fails to show 20 THE CORPORATION AS A COLLECTION OF INDIVIDUALS. 99 that it was not duly organized according to law. (2) The bill seeks to forfeit the charter of the Metcalf Drug Company, and fails to set forth any grounds for the forfeiture of said charter. (3) The bill seeks to condemn the assets of the Metcalf Drug Company to the pay- ment of debts for which it is not liable. (4) The bill shows on its face that the debts which are sought to be collected in this suit are due from H. B. Metcalf and F. G. Weatherly, as partners, under the firm name of H. B. Metcalf, and are not due from the Metcalf Drug Com- pany, and yet the bill seeks, to condemn the property of the Metcalf Drug Company, and not the property of said debtors. (5) The bill seeks to fasten a specific lien on the goods, wares, merchandise, notes and accounts delivered in payment of the corporate stock in the Met- calf Drug Company, but fails to state that all, or any part, or what part of said assets were in the possession of the defendants, or anyone of them, at the time of the filing of the bill in this cause. On the submission of the cause on the demurrer, the chancellor overruled the said demurrer. The defendants appeal from this decree, and assign the same as error. BRICKELL, C. J. The demurrer was properly overruled. The bill is not, as is supposed by several of the causes of demurrer, a bill as- sailing collaterally the incorporation of the Metcalf Drug Company and seeking a forfeiture of its charter. It is a bill by judgment cred- itors, seeking the aid of a court of equity to remove obstacles and hindrances to the enforcement of their judgments, which the judgment debtors have fraudulently interposed. Whatever maybe the character of the obstacle or hindrance ; whatever may be the scheme or device to which the debtor resorts, it lies within the province of a court of equity to remove it. The formation of a corporation, investing it with the legal title to all^ the property and rights of property of the judg- ment-debtors, and parcelling out the stock of the corporation to the debtors and their wives, may be a new device for hindering, delaying and defrauding creditors. The novelty of the device is not of conse- quence ; the fraud of its conception and consummation vitiates it, as fraud vitiates all transactions tainted with it. The bill does pray that the formation of the corporation be deemed fraudulent and void as to the complainants. Such a decree would be proper in granting to the complainants the full measure of relief to which they are entitled if the allegations of the bill be true. But it would not work a forfeiture of the charter, or a dissolution of the corporation ; it would simply be ancillary to the divestiture of the title to the property, liable to the debts of the complainants, with which it had been invested by the judgment-debtors. Let the decree of the chancellor be affirmed. Note. See also: 1865, Booth v. Bunce, 33 N. Y. 139, 88 Am. Dec. 372; 1878, Des Moines Gas Co. v. West, 50 Iowa 16; 1882, Hibernia Insurance Co. v. St. Louis-, etc., Trans. Co., 13 Fed. Rep. 516; 1886, Slatterly v. St. Louis, etc., T. Co., 91 Mo. 217, 60 Am. Rep. 245; 1890, Montgomery Web Co. v. Dienelt, 133 Pa. St. 585; 1891, Breman, etc., Bank v. Branch, etc., Co., 104 Mo. 425, 16 S. W. 209; 1892, Vance v. McNabb, 92 Tenn. 47; 1892, Miner v. Belle Isle Ice Co., 93 Mich. 97, 53 N. W. 2-18; 1896, Austin v.Tecumseh Natl. Bank, 49 IOO PEOPLE V. NORTH RIVER SUGAR REFINING CO. 21 Neb. 412, 68 N. W. 628, 5 A. & E. Corp. Gas. N. S. 382, 35 L. R. A. 444; 1897, Ewing v. Composite, etc., Co., 169 Mass. 72; 1897. Gates v. Tippecanoe Stone Co., 57 0. S. 60, 48 N. E. Rep. 285, 7 A. & E. Corp. Cas. N. S. 431. Sec. 21. Same. (X) When corporate sins result from the con- certed, but apparently individual, actions of the corporation members. THE PEOPLE, ETC., RESPONDENT, v. THE NORTH RIVER SUGAR REFINING COMPANY, APPELLANT. 1 1890. IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF NEW YORK. 121 N. Y. 582-626, 18 Am. St. Rep. 843, 32 Am. & E. Corp. Cas. 149, 24 North Eastern Rep. 834; also in the lower court, 54 Hun 354, 7 N. Y. Supp. 406, 22 A. & E. Corp. Cases 511,5 Ry. & Corp. L. J. 56, 6 Ry. & Corp. L. J. 442. Appeal from judgment of the general term of the supreme court in the first judicial department, entered upon an order made November 7, 1889, which affirmed a judgment in favor of plaintiff entered upon a verdict directed by the trial court, and affirmed an order denying a motion for a new trial. This action was brought by the attorney-general to have the defend- ant "dissolved, its charter vacated and its corporate existence an- nulled." This complaint alleged, and it was found that defendant is a corporation organized under the general manufacturing act ; that it, together with other corporations and firms, in violation of law and in abuse of its powers, became a party to and carried^ out an agreement which among other things provided in substance as follows: Deed: The undersigned, namely, Haveineyers & Elder [and fourteen other sugar refining partnerships 'and corporations named, including the North River Sugar Refining Co.], for the purpose of forming the board, here- inafter provided for, and the other purposes hereinafter set forth, enter into the following agreement: Name, the board shall be designated the Sugar Refineries Company. Objects: (1) To promote economy of administration, reduce the cost of refining, and keep the price of sugar as low as is consistent with reasonable profit. (2) To give each refining company benefit of all appliances and processes known or used by the others, useful to improve qual- ity, and diminish cost of sugar. (3) To protect against unlawful combinations of labor. (4) To prevent the lowering of the standard of refined sugars, and (5) Generally to promote the interests of the parties hereto in all lawful and suitable ways. Board: All parties hereto not corporations, to become such before deed goes into effect ; all shares of stock of each corporation to be trans- ferred to a board, consisting of eleven persons, any member to be removable by two-thirds of the entire board for incapacity or refusal to serve, vacancies in term to be filled by vote of board, at end of terms by election of certificate holders, at an annual meeting in New York City. Board to make by-laws for themselves, act by proxy if they choose, majority to be a quorum, and majority of quorum to control, except in appropriating money, a majority of all, required ; members of board to be members of boards of directors of the 1 Statement of facts condensed. Arguments and parts of the opinion omitted. $21 THE CORPORATION AS A COLLECTION OF INDIVIDUALS. IOI several companies ; shares in such companies to be transferred to them in order to qualify them, if necessary ; members of board to be divided into three classes, first to serve seven years (each being named), second, five years (each named), and third, three years (naming them). Officers: Board tc appoint a president, vice-president and treasurer from the members of the board, and a secretary (not necessarily a member of the board), and such other officers as necessary, fixing their duties. Plans : The several parties hereto to maintain their separate organizations, and carry on and conduct their own business. Capital stock of each corporation to be transferred to the board, and certificates not exceeding $50,000,000 (500,000 shares of $100 each) to be issued by the board to each refinery in proportion to the value of its plant as fixed by appraisers to be selected, and each stockholder in each refinery to have such proportion of the certificates issued to each refinery as his stock bore to the stock of that refinery, except 15 per cent, of the shares allotted to each refinery to be left with the board to be disposed of for the purchase of other refineries or increasing the refining capacity of the parties hereto. The certificate provided that the holder was entitled to shares in the sugar refineries company, subject to the provisions of the deed, transfera- ble on the books of the board upon surrender, subject to right to increase the total stock, or change this deed, and the assignee, by accepting the certificate to be held to agree to the terms of the deed, or changes made therein. The title to the stock of the corporations to be in the members of the board as trustees, strictly as joint tenants and having all the rights and powers inci- dent to stockholders in the several corporations, subject to the provisions of this deed. Profits of each corporation to be paid to the board, and dividends distributed by the board to certificate holders. Changes in the deed to be made by a majority of certificate holders. Other refineries to be added upon terms provided by the board. Custody of the deed to be in the president of the board, with sole and independent control, and not to be shown to any cor- poration, firm or person whatsoever except by express direction of the board. The stockholders of the North River Sugar Refining Company in April, 1887, at a meeting when all the trustees were present, appointed a committee to make arrangements to consolidate the sugar refineries of New York, and directed the president and secretary to sign such contract as the committee should make for that purpose. The secretary, on behalf of the company, in September signed the foregoing deed to go into effect in October. In Novem- ber, at a stockholders' meeting, the powers of the committee and the presi- dent and secretary were revoked, but it was recited that one John Searles, Jr., had offered to purchase all of the stock for $325,000, and it was unani- mously resolved that a committee be appointed to deliver it to him, the pro- ceeds to be divided in proportion to the ownership of shares by the stock- holders. Accordingly, the members individually, transferred their shares, indorsed in blank, to Searles, who was a member and the secretary and treas- urer of the board created by the deed above set forth ; the stock was by Searles transferred to the board, and it issued certificates to the shareholders to the amount of $700,000, less 15 percent., as provided by the deed; new directors were chosen by the board, Searles became president, and shortly afterward the works of the North River Sugar Refineries Company were closed, and never run thereafter, though it was allotted its share of dividends for its certificate holders. FINCH, J. The judgment sought against the defendant is one of corporate death. The state, which created, asks us to destroy; and the penalty invoked represents the extreme rigor of the law. Its in- fliction must rest upon grave cause, and be warranted by material mis- conduct. The life of a corporation is indeed less than that of the hum- blest citizen, and yet it envelopes great accumulations of property, moves and carries in large volume the business and enterprise of the 102 PEOPLE V. NORTH RIVER SUGAR REFINING CO. 21 people, and may not be destroyed without clear and abundant reason. That would be true, even if the legislature should debate the destruc- tion of the corporate life by a repeal of the corporate charter; but is beyond dispute where the state summons the offender before its judi- cial tribunals, and submits its complaint to their judgment and review. By that process it assumes the burden of establishing the charges which it has made, and must show us warrant in the facts for the relief which it seeks. * * * Two questions, therefore, open before us, first, has the defendant corporation exceeded or abused its powers; and second, does that ex- cess or abuse threaten or harm the public welfare. The first question requires us to ascertain what the defendant cor- poration has done in violation of its duty, or omitted to do in perfor- mance of its duty. We find disclosed by the proof that it has become an integral part and constituent element of a combination which possesses over it an absolute control, which has absorbed most of its corporate functions, and dictates the extent and manner and terms of its entire business activity. Into that combination, which drew into its control sixteen other corporations engaged in the refining of sugar, the defendant has gone, in some manner and by some process, for, as an unquestionable truth, we find it there. All its stock has been trans- ferred to the central association of eleven individuals denominated a "Board;" in exchange it has taken and distributed to its own stock- holders certificates of the board carrying a proportionate interest in what it describes as its capital stock ; the new directors of the defen- dant corporation have been chosen by the board, made eligible by its gift of single shares, and liable to removal under the terms of their appointment at any moment of independent action. It has lost the power to make a dividend, and is compelled to pay over its net earn- ings to the master whose servant it has become. Under the orders of that master it has ceased to refine sugar, and, by so much, has lessened the supply upon the market. It can not stir unless the master approves, and yet is entitled to receive from the earnings of the other refineries, massed as profits in the treasury of the board, its proportionate share for division among its own stockholders holding the substituted certifi- cates. In return for this advantage it has become liable to be mort- gaged, not for its own corporate benefit alone, but to supply with funds the controlling board when reaching out for other and coveted refineries. No one can look these facts fairly in the face without being compelled to say that the defendant is in the combination and in to stay. In- deed, so much is with great frankness admitted on the part of the ap- pellant. Its counsel concedes that the stock was transferred "to the board mentioned in the agreement and on the terms and for the pur- poses mentioned in the agreement ; and that this action effectually lodged the control of the defendant company, so far as such contol can be secured by the voting power in that board." But that truth does not alone solve the problem presented. We are yet to ascertain whether the corporation became the subordinate and servant of the board by its own voluntary action, or the will and 21 THE CORPORATION AS A COLLECTION OF INDIVIDUALS. IO3 power of others than itself ; by force of a contract to which it was in reality a party, or as the simple consequence of a change of owners; by its fault or its misfortune ; by a sale or by a trust. For, if it has done nothing, if what has happened, and all that has happened, is as- certained to be that the stockholders of the defendant, one or many, sold absolutely to the eleven men who constituted the board their entire stock, and the latter, by force of their proprietorship and as owners, have merely chosen directors, in their own interest, and are only managing their property in their own way as any absolute own- ers may; if that is the truth, and the entire and exact truth, it is dif- ficult to see wherein the corporation has sinned, or what it has done beyond merely omitting for a time to carry on its business. That is the theory upon which the appellant stands, and which it submits to our examination. On the other hand it is contended that there never was a sale, but a trust constituted by mutual agreement ; that they who agreed were the whole body of stockholders in each corporation necessarily repre- senting and binding the corporation itself ; that they transferred their shares to the board upon the trusts declared in the deed ; that the cer- tificates issued by the board were the formal declaration of the trust ; that the corporate stockholders parted with the legal title of their stock to the chosen trustees with the power to vote upon it, but retained, nevertheless, its beneficial ownership through the operation of the cer- tificates ; and so the corporations entered into a partnership with each other, vesting the partnership power in a board of control. I have brought these two theories face to face, where they may con- front each other, because, when a choice is made between them, we have gone a long distance towards the end of the controversy. [After reviewing the provisions of the deed and indicating that a sale im- plies existing vendors and vendees, a negotiation between them, signing of the formal contract by both, a vesting of the entire dominion in the vendee, with the accompanying rights of ownership, in all of which points the deed was peculiarly deficient; and on the other hand that the board was expressly made trustees, with managing powers of stockholders only by the express terms of the deed, and not as an incident of real ownership ; that the right to mortgage was derived from the deed alone, and not as owner; that payment was to be made not by money but by certificates of the board created by the deed, who were not to create any liability either as a whole, or by its mem- bers, all of which indicated a trust and nothing more, the opinion proceeds:] The combination, therefore, framed by the deed was a trust; and, if created by the corporations, or in any respect the consequence or product of their action, some inevitable results would be certain to follow. But here we encounter the stronghold of the appellant's argu- ment which is, that if the corporations are in some manner in the com- bination, they are there solely as the result of a contract other than their own ; are there without corporate action on their part ; and so are sufferers and not sinners. The reasoning leading to that result is so severely technical as to have suggested a justification almost remind- ing one of an apology. We are called upon to sever the corporation, the abstract legal entity, from the living and acting corporators ; as it 104 PEOPLE V. NORTH RIVER SUGAR REFINING CO. 21 were, to separate in our thought the soul from the body, and admit- ting the sins of the latter to adjudge that the former remains pure. Let us first recall the facts in the order of their occurrence. [After stating the facts in relation to the surrender to the board, substan- tially as above set forth, p. 101, the opinion proceeds:] And yet it is argued that the corporation, the legal entity, has done nothing; that Searles was guilty, but the corporate robe that enveloped him was innocent, and so he must be left to wear it undisturbed ; that while all that was human and could act had sinned, yet the impalpa- ble entity had not acted at all and must go free. I believe that the history of what occurred, as I have already described it, furnishes a sufficient answer, assuming that stockholders and trustees acting to- gether can do a corporate act at all. There ivas corporate action in making the combination agreement which bound the defendant. The revocation of an executed authority left the contract standing. The corporation thus helped to make the trust and became an element of it. If there was anything imperfect in its action, the new stockholder and his associates waived the imperfection by acting upon the agree- ment of the corporation, and so confirming it in all particulars. But the assumption underlying the view I have expressed is itself contested, and a proposition asserted which denies the possibility of any corporate action, except by the trustees or directors acting for- mally as such; a proposition which, if sound, dominates the whole field of controversy, and, establishing that there has been no corpo- rate action at all, effectually shuts out every question of illegality or public injury. I can not admit that proposition. I think there may be actual corporate conduct which is not formal corporate action; and where that conduct is directed or produced by the whole body, both of officers and stockholders, by every living instrumentality which can possess and wield the corporate franchise , that conduct is of a corporate character, and if illegal and injurious may deserve and receive the penalty of dis- solution . There always is, and there always must be, corporate conduct with- out formal corporate action where the thing challenged is an omission to act at all. A corporation organized in the public interest, with a view to the public welfare, and in the expectation of benefit to the community, which is the motive of the state's grant, may accept the franchise and hold it in sullen silence, doing nothing, resolving noth- ing, furnishing no formal corporate action upon which the state can put its finger and say, this the corporation has done by the agency through which it is authorized to act. That is corporate conduct which the state may question and punish without searching for a for- mal corporate act. The directors of a corporation, its authorized and active agency, may seethe stockholders perverting its normal purposes by handing it over, bound and helpless, to an irresponsible and for- eign authority, and omit all action which they ought to take, offer no resistance, make no protest, but silently acquiesce as directors in the wrong which, as stockholders, they have themselves helped to com- 21 THE CORPORATION AS A COLLECTION OF INDIVIDUALS. IO5 mit. That again is corporate conduct, though there be an utter ab- sence of directors' resolutions. Is it asked what they could have done to prevent the organization of the trust, how they were negligent and unfaithful as corporate of- ficers by their omission to act ; what good a mere protest or objection would have accomplished ; what effective form their resistance could have assumed ? The answer is that they could have refused to recog- nize the illegal trust transfer of the stock ; they could have declined to register the new ownership upon their stock books; they could have said, and acted upon their words, that the original stockholders re- mained not only the beneficial, but the legal owners of the stock; and, if the board of trustees appealed to the law, the resisting directors could challenge the legality of the transfer as molded by the combina- tion agreement, and might have defeated the trust and shattered it at the outset of its career. So much they could have done as corporate officers ; so much it was their duty to have done as representatives of the corporation, and when beyond that corporate neglect they recog- nized the validity of the stock transfers in trust, put the new and un- lawful ownership upon their books, and accepted its votes in the choice of new directors, who were to throttle the independence of the corporation and chain it to the will of the trust, I think we must shut our eyes in willful blindness if we fail to see both corporate neglect and corporate action. It is true, as we are reminded, that the statute confers upon trustees and directors general authority to manage the stock, property and con- cerns of manufacturing corporations ; and equally true that, as a gen- eral rule and as between the companies and those with whom they deal, the corporate action must be manifested through and by the di- rectors ; but other statutes indicate with equal plainness that there are corporate acts which the trustees can not perform, and which affect and bind the corporation only upon the condition that they proceed from the stockholders, or from them and the trustees acting together. In increasing or diminishing the capital stock, the corporate act is wholly that of the corporators, and in consolidating two or more com- panies into one, there must be the joint action of both trustees and stockholders. The trust of the refineries, in substance and effect, ap- proached very near to these two corporate acts, so far as the resultant consequences affected the corporators acting. The trust stipulations practically doubled their corporate stock through the agency of the certificates issued, and the combination in its result is largely the equiv- alent of a substantial consolidation. If these things had been done lawfully, they would have been accomplished by the united action of trustees and corporators, and beyond any question would have been corporate acts. Having been done unlawfully, but by the same united agency aiming at similar results, they must still constitute corporate conduct, unless the bare fact of their illegality takes away their corpo- rate character. To say that would disarm the state in every case of misuse or abuse of chartered powers. The abstract idea of a corporation, the legal entity , the impalpable IO6 PEOPLE V. NORTH RIVER SUGAR REFINING CO. 21 and intangible creation of human thought is itself a fiction , and has been appropriately described as a figure of speech. It serves very well to designate in our minds the collective action and agency of many indi- viduals as permitted by the law; and the substantial inquiry always is what in a given case has been that collective action and agency. As between the corporation and those with whom it deals the manner of its exercise usually is material, but as between it and the state, the sub- stantial inquiry is only what that collective action and agency has done, zvhat it has, in fact, accomplished, what is seen to be its effective work, what has been its conduct. It ought not to be otherwise. The state gave the franchise, the charter, not to the impalpable, intangible and almost nebuloits fiction of our thought, but to the corporators, the indi- viduals, the acting and living men to be ttsed by them, to redound to their benefit, to strengthen their hands and add energy to their capital. If it is taken away, it is taken from them as individuals and corpora- tors, and the legal fiction disappears. The benefit is theirs, the pun- ishment is theirs, and both must attend and depend upon their conduct; and when they all act collectively, as an aggregate body, without the least exception, and so acting , reach results and accomplish purposes clearly corporate in their character, and affecting the vitality , the inde- pendence, the utility of the corporation itself, we can not hesitate to con- clude that there has been corporate conduct which the state may review, and not be defeated by the assumed innocence of a convenient fiction. As was said in People, ex rel., v. K. & M. T. R. Co. (23 Wend. J 93)5 "though the proceeding by information be against the corpo- rate body, it is the acts or omissions of the individual corporators that are the subject of the judgment of the court." It remains to determine whether the conduct of the defendant in participating in the creation of the trust, and becoming an element of it was illegal and tended to the public injury and we may consider the two questions together and without formal separation. It is quite clear that the effect of the defendant's action was to divest itself of the essential and vital elements of its franchise by placing them in trust ; to accept from the state the gift of corporate life only to disregard the conditions upon which it was given ; to receive its powers and privileges merely to put them in pawn ; and to give away to an irresponsible board its entire independence and self-control. When it had passed into the hands of the trust, only a shell of a cor- poration was left standing, as a seeming obedience to the law, but with its internal structure destroyed or removed. Its stockholders, retaining their beneficial interest, have separated from it in their voting power, and so parted with the control which the charter gave them and the state required them to exercise. It has a board of directors nominally and formally in office, but qualified by shares which they do not own, and owing their official life to the board which can end their power at any moment of disobedience. It can make no dividends whatever may be its net earnings, and must encumber its property at the command of its master, and for purposes wholly foreign to its own corporate interests and duties. At the command of that master it has 21 THE CORPORATION AS A'COLLECTION OF INDIVIDUALS. IO/ ceased to refine sugar, and without any doubt for the purpose of so far lessening the market supply as to prevent what is termed "over- production." In all these respects it has wasted and perverted the privileges conferred by the charter, abused its powers, and proved unfaithful to its duties. But graver still is the illegal action substituted for the conduct which the state had a right to expect and require. It has helped to create an anomalous trust which is, in substance and effect, a partnership of twenty separate corporations. The state permits in many ways an aggregation of capital, but mind- ful of the possible dangers to the people overbalancing the benefits, keeps upon it a restraining hand, and maintains over it a prudent supervision, where such aggregation depends upon its permission and grows out of its corporate grants. It is a violation of law for corpo- rations to enter into a partnership. N. Y. & S. C. Co. v. F. Bank, 7 Wend. 412; Clearwater v. Meredith, i Wall. 29; Whittenton Mills v. Upton, 10 Gray 596. The case last cited furnishes the rea- sons with precision and at length. It shows the utter inconsistency of a double allegiance by those who act for the corporation to two dif- ferent principals, and demonstrates that the vital characteristics of the corporation are of necessity drowned in the paramount authority of the partnership. That the combination of the refineries partakes of the nature of a partnership is not denied. Indeed, in one of the papers added to the appellant's brief, it is not only admitted, but asserted and defended. That paper shows quite clearly that by force of the arrangement there was a community of interest in the fund created by the corporate earnings before division, and that each member of the trust shared in the profit and loss of all. It is said, however, that a consolidation of manufacturing corporations is permitted by the law, and that the trust, or combination, or partnership, however it may be described, amounts only to a practical consolidation, which public policy does not forbid, because the statute permits it. Laws of 1867, ch. 960; Laws of 1884, ch. 367. The refineries did not avail them- selves of that statute. They chose to disregard it, and to reach its practical results without subjection to the prudential restraints with which the state accompanied its permission. If there had been a consolidation under the statute, one single cor- poration would have taken the place of the others dissolved. They would have disappeared utterly, and not, as under the trust, remained in apparent existence to threaten and menace other organizations and occupy the ground which otherwise would be left free. Under the statute the resultant combination would itself be a corporation de- riving its existence from the state, owing duties and obligations to the state, and subject to the control and supervision of the state, and not, as here, an unincorporated board, a colossal and gigantic partnership, having no corporate functions and owing no corporate allegiance. Under the statute the consolidated company taking the place of the separate corporations could have as capital stock only an amount equal to the fair aggregate value of the rights and franchises of the compa- nies absorbed ; and not as here a capital stock double that value at the 108 PEOPLE V. NORTH RIVER SUGAR REFINING CO. 21 outset and capable of an elastic and irresponsible increase. The dif- ference is very great and serves further to indicate the inherent ille- gality of the trust combination. And here, I think, we gain a definite view of the injurious tenden- cies developed by its organization and operation, and of the public interests which are menaced by its action. As corporate grants are always assumed to have been made for the public benefit, any conduct which destroys their normal functions, and maims and cripples their separate activity, and takes away their free and independent action, must so far disappoint the purpose of their creation as to affect un- favorably the public interest; and that to a much greater extent when beyond their own several aggregations of capital they compact them all into one combination which stands outside of the ward of the state, which dominates the range of an entire industry, and puts upon the market a capital stock proudly defiant of actual values, and capable of an unlimited expansion. It is not a sufficient answer to say that similar results may be lawfully accomplished ; that an individual hav- ing the necessary wealth might have bought all these refineries, manned them with his own chosen agents, and managed them as a group at his sovereign will ; for it is one thing for the state to respect the rights of ownership and protect them out of regard to the business freedom of the citizen, and quite another thing to add to that possibility a fur- ther extension of those consequences by creating artificial persons to aid in producing such aggregations. The individuals are few who hold in possession such enormous wealth, and fewer still who peril it all in a manufacturing enterprise ; but if corporations can combine, and mass their forces in a solid trust or partnership, with little added risk to the capital already embarked, without limit to the magnitude of the aggregation, a tempting and easy road is opened to enormous combinations, vastly exceeding in number and in strength and in their power over industry any possibili- ties of individual ownership ; and the state by the creation of the artificial persons constituting the elements of the combination, and failing to limit and restrain their powers, becomes itself the responsi- ble creator, the voluntary cause of an aggregation of capital which it simply endures in the individual as the product of his free agency. What it may bear is one thing, what it should cause and create is quite another. And so we have reached our conclusion, and it appears to us to have been established, that the defendant corporation has violated its charter and failed in the performance of its corporate duties, and that in respects so material and important as to justify a judgment of disso- lution. Having reached that result, it becomes needless to advance into the wider discussion over monopolies and competition and re- straint of trade and the problems of political economy. Our duty is to leave them until some proper emergency compels their considera- tion. Without either approval or disapproval of the views expressed upon that branch of the case by the courts below, we are enabled to decide that in this state there can be no partnerships of separate and 21 THE CORPORATION AS A COLLECTION OF INDIVIDUALS. IOQ independent corporations, whether directly, or indirectly through the medium of a trust ; no substantial consolidations which avoid and dis- regard the statutory permissions and restraints, but that manufactur- ing corporations must be and remain several as they were created, or one under the statute. The judgment appealed from should be affirmed with costs. All concur. Judgment affirmed. Note. (1) The right of the state to forfeit the charter of a corporation for a violation of it injuriously affecting the public, is treated in ch. 16, infra, p. 1294, et seq. (2) Also the power of a corporation to become a member of a paitnerslr : is treated in ch. 13, infra, p. 957. (3) As to the "fiction of the legal entity of the corporation" see particularly, 1892, State v. Standard Oil Co., 49 Ohio St. R. 137, 34 Am. St. R. 541, and the quotations from Morawetz and Taylor, in the note to this article, infra, p. 110. Also 1895, Ford v. Chicago Milk Shippers' Association, 155 111. 166; 1895, Belden v. Burke, 147 N. Y. 542; 1888, Wood v. Trust Co., 128 U. S. 416. (4) As to validity of trusts or combinations in restraint of trade. See 1889, Richardson v. Buhl, 77 Mich. 632, 27 Am. & E. C. C. 256; 1889, People v. Chicago Gas Trust, 130 111. 268, 17 Am. St. R. 319, 29 Am. & E. C. C. 257; 1889, Gibbs v. Consolidated Gas Co., 130 U. S. 396, 25 Am. & E. C. C. 369 ; 1890, Emery v. Ohio Candle Co., 47 Ohio St. 320, 32 Am. & E. C. C. 165 ; 1890, State v. Nebraska Distilling Co., 29 Neb. 700, 29 Am. & E. C. C. 656; 1891, Huston v. Rentlinger, 91 Ky. 333, 34 Am. St. R. 225 ; 1893, People v. Sheldon, 139 N. Y. 251, 36 Am. St. R/690; 1894, Nester v. Continental Brewing Co., 161 Pa. St. 473, 41 Am. St. R. 894; 1895, Distilling & Cattle F. Co. v. People, 156 111. 448, 47 Am. St. R. 200; 1895, People v. Milk Exchange, 145 N. Y. 267, 45 Am. St. R. 609; 1897, People v. Chicago Live Stock Exchange, 170 111. 556, 62 Am. St. R. 404; 1897, United States v. Joint Traflic Association, 76 Fed. R. 895, s. c. in 171 U. S. 505. NOTES TO ARTICLE III. The corporation as a collection of individuals, history and definitions: Mr. Kyd (Corporations, vol. 1, p. 13, 1793) says: A corporation, or body politic, or body incorporate is a collection of many individuals united in one body, under a special denomination, having perpetual succession under an artificial form, and vested by the policy of the law with the capacity of act- ing in several respects as an individual, particularly of taking and granting property, of contracting obligations, and of suing and being sued, of enjoying privileges and immunities in common, and of exercising a variety of political rights, more or less extensive, according to the design of its institution, or the powers conferred upon it, either at the time of its creation or at any sub- sequent period of its existence." In Hope Insurance Co. v. Boardman, 5 Cranch (9 U. S.) 57, 1809, and in Bank of United States v. Deveaux, 5 Cranch (9 U. S.) 61, same year, it was held, in regard to the citizenship of corporations for the purpose of jurisdic- tion, that the court "would look beyond the mere legal being which the charter created, and consider the character as to citizenship, of the individ- uals of whom the company is composed." This, of course, ignored the cor- porate personality, and continued to be the law till 1844, when the case of Louisville, etc., R. R. Co. v. Letson, 2 Howard (43 U. S.) 497, 558. announced that a corporation "is to be deemed to all intents and purposes as a person, although an artificial person," and a citizen of the state creating it. In the later case of Ohio and Mississippi R. Co. v. Wheeler, 1 Black (66 U. S.) 286, 1861, the Deveaux and Letson cases were attempted to be reconciled, by inventing another strange fiction that the members of any corporation were to be con^; HO NOTES TO ARTICLE III. clusively presumed to be citizens of the state creating the corporation, and "no averment or evidence to the contrary is admissible," though the truth is otherwise, and though the suit of a corporation "is to be considered as a suit by the individuals who compose it." This seems to be the theory yet. In Muller v. Dows, 94 U. S. 444, 1876, it is said : "A suit may be brought in the federal courts, by or against a corporation, but in such a case it is re- garded as a suit brought by or against the stockholders of the corporation," all of whom are conclusively presumed to be citizens of the state creating the corporation. (See further on this point, Shaw v. Quincy Mining Co., 145 U. S. 444, infra, p. 1066, and St. Louis & S. F. R. v. James, 161 U. S. 545, infra, p. 1099 ) Judge Story, in the Dartmouth College case, 1819 (4 Wheat. 667, infra, p. 727), while recognizing the artificial personality of the corporation, yet seemed to emphasize the collective or associate character more particularly He says : ' A corporation aggregate is a collection of individuals united into one collective body, under a special name, and possessing certain immunities privileges and capacities in its collective character, which do not belong to the natural persons composing it." Chief Justice Shaw, of Massachusetts, in Overseers of the Poor v. Sears 22 Pick. (Mass.) 122 on 128, infra, p. 193. 1839, says; "A corporation aggregate consists of many persons united together into one society, and kept up by a perpetual succession of members so as to continue forever." Lumpkin, J., in Hightower v. Thornton, 8 Ga. 492, 1850, says: "Corpora- tions are but associations of individuals." So Baldwin, J., in Chater v. San Francisco, etc., Co., 19 Cal. 219, 1861 (supra, p. 80), says: "A corporation organized under general laws is scarcely more than a partnership, or an asso- ciation of individuals." Similarly Law, J., in Gelpcke v. Blake. 19 Iowa 263, on 268, 1865, asks: "Who in law constitutes the companv, if it be not the stockholders?" Mr. Morawetz, in the preface to the second edition of his Treatise on the Law of Private Corporations, 1886, says the first edition (which appeared in ,} was prepared according to a plan differing from that followed in any previous treatise on the same subject, and specifies particularly: "The author was of the opinion that the law relating to private business corporations could not be clearly understood, unless the fact were recognized that such a corpo- ration is really an association formed by the agreement of its stockholders, and that the existence of a corporation as an entity, independently of its mem- ers, is a fiction ; and that while the fiction of a corporate entity has im- portant uses and can not be dispensed with, it is nevertheless essential to bear in mind distinctly that the rights and duties of an incorporated associa- tion are, in reality, the rights and duties of the persons who compose it, and not of an imaginary being." He retains the same view throughout the sec- ond edition. In section 227 he says: "A corporation is really an association * f P, er . sons ' an . d no Judicial dictum or legislative enactment can alter this fact." And In equity the conception of a corporate entity is used merely as a formula for working out the rights and equities of the real parties in interest, while at law this figurative conception takes the shape of a dogma, and is often applied rigorously without regard to its true purpose and meaning. In equity the relationship between the shareholders is recognized whenever this becomes necessary to the attainment of justice ; at law this relationship is not recognized at all." He particularly enumerates that the unanimous actions of the members, within corporate powers, are the actions of the corporation; notice to all members is notice to the corporation; property of associations subject to debts can be followed, when vested in a corporation organized by their members; also in the questions relating to constitutionality of lawa affecting corporations, and laws of consolidations and dissolutions of corpora- tions, the rights of creditors and the rights of members as against the corpo- ration, and in similar cases the fiction is necessarily overlooked or ignored. See sections 228, 229. 230 and 231. Mr. Taylor, Treaties on the Law of Private Corporations, in the preface to his first edition in 1884., says: "It is the opinion of the writer that the fie- THE CORPORATION AS A COLLECTION OF INDIVIDUALS. I I I tion of the 'legal person' has outlived its usefulness, and is no longer adequate for the purposes of an accurate treatment of the legal relations arising through the prosecution of a corporate enterprise. By dismissing this fiction a clearer view may be had of the actual human beings interested, whose rights may then be determined without unnecessary mystification." In the preface to his third edition, 1894, he says: "When special rules cease to accord with the general rule once back of them, if no further convenient rules can be drawn from the general rule, it drops from the body of the law. * * * Thus it is at present with the rule or fiction that a corporation is a legal per- son ; it still represents a convenient phrase, nay, a convenient point of view ; but it is dead as a principle because legal propositions are no longer deduced from it, nor is it in logical connection with the great mass of legal rules which have been called forth by controversies relating to railroad and other busi- ness corporations," citing People v. North Riv. S. R. Co. (supra, p. 100), and State v.8tandard Oil Co., 49 O. S. 137. In the text, section 36, he says : "A corpo- ration, considered as a legal institution, is the sum of the legal relations re- sulting from the operation of rules of law, in its constitution upon the various persons, who, by fulfilling the prerequisite conditions, bring themselves within the operation of these rules." In section 48 he adds: "It is now necessary to determine who are the individuals composing the corporation regarded not as a mass of legal relations, but as a body of men. Can it be said that the corporation, or body corporate, is composed of all the persons between whom these legal relations subsist? This conception would embrace all persons in any way interested in the corporate enterprise, * * * the state * * * the shareholders and directors, * * ' and creditors." But, he says, sec- tion 49, "It is more in accordance with the ordinary use of terras^ and a clearer and more serviceable conception, to regard the corporation as consist- ing of the shareholders, who may, with propriety, be said to constitute the body corporate, as it is through their acts, or the acts of their predecessors, that incorporation is caused." Section 50: "The shareholders, then, vested with the corporate powers, are the body corporate, corporation or company." Section 51 : "Such, then, are the two meanings of the term corporation ; the one, the sum of legal relations subsisting in respect to the corporate enter- prise; the other, the organic body of shareholders, whose acts cause the operation of the rules of law in the constitution. These two concep- tions include all that is really connoted by the term in whatever sense used. And, if so, what has become of the venerable 'legal person?' Is he still somewhere, as he has always been imagined? Or is he nowhere as he has always actually been? * * * Shall we say he is the combination, the mystic unification of our two conceptions? Better not; better forget him. For he is a conception, which, if it amounts to anything, is but a stumbling- block in the advance of corporation law towards the discrimination of the real rights of actual men and women. And then, after all, what has he ever been but an abstraction materialized in a name?" He says, also, note 1, 51 : "It is in respect of the doctrine of ultra vires, that the fiction of a legal per- son is most pernicious, as this fiction involves regarding a corporation as a unit, and retards the proper discrimination of the rights of different persons in regard to ultra vires acts." Compare the definition of Reese, supra, p. 79. Prof. Pomeroy, in reviewing Mr. Taylor's work, under the title, "Legal Idea of a Corporation," 19 Am. Law Rev., pp. 114-116 (1885), says: "The common law conception of the 'legal personality' of the metaphysical entity constituting the corporation entirely distinct from its individual members arose at a time when corporations were all created by special charters, gen- erally granted by the crown ; when very few were 'stock' corpora- tions, * * * and were necessarily monopolies. ' * In the United States * * * almost all private corporations * ' are formed under general laws * * * for almost any business purpose. * * The asso- ciations thus formed * * * differ very little in their essential attributes from partnerships. * * * Of late years parliament has enacted statutes similar in their scope and effect to our general laws for the formation of pri- vate corporations. The English courts have never treated the joint-stork 112 NOTES TO ARTICLE III. companies with limited liability, formed under these statutes, as being identi- cal with common law corporations, but have always carefully distinguished between them. In our opinion, the American courts must, in time, recognize and enforce the same distinction." In Pembina Mining Co. v. Pennsylvania, 125 U. S. 181, on 189 (1888), Field, J., says: "A private corporation is merely an association of individuals united for a special purpose and permitted to do business under a particular name, and have a succession of members without dissolution." He said the same in Baltimore, etc., R. Co. v. Fifth Baptist Church, 108 U. S. 317, 330 (1883). The Am. & Eng. Ency. (4 vol. 185) (1888), says: "A corporation is a body consisting of one or more persons, established by law for certain specific pur- poses, with the capacity of succession (either perpetual or for a limited period) and other special privileges not possessed by individuals, yet acting in many respects as an individual." Mr. Beach, Commentaries on the Law of Private Corporations, vol. 1, 1, 1891, after noting the conflicts in definitions given, says: "Although a cor- poration is, in a certain sense, something distinct from its members, having a life independent of theirs, the truth would seem to lie between these conflict- ing views of its nature. * * * The effort of practical jurisdiction should be to regard it as a unit or as a collection of persons according to the relation in which it acts in a given instance. As has been aptly said to this point (quoting Professor Pomeroy, 19 Am. Law Rev. 114) 'the shield will be either white or red accordingly as it is viewed from the one side or the other.' " Mr. Thompson, Commentaries on Corporations, 1895, 1, says: "The most usual conception of a corporation is that it is a collection of natural per- sons, joined together by their voluntary action or by legal compulsion, by or under the authority of an act of the legislature, to accomplish some purpose, pecuniary, ideal, or governmental, authorized by the legislature, under a scheme of organization and by methods thereby prescribed or permitted : with the faculty of having a continuous succession during the period pre- scribed by the legislature for its existence, of having an individual name by which it may make and take contracts and sue and be sued, and of acting as a unit in re'spect of all matters within the scope of the purposes for which it was created." Mr. Clark, Handbook of the Law of Private Corporations, 1897, 1, 2, 3, says : "A corporation aggregate is a collection of individuals united, by author- ity of law, into one body, under a special denomination, with the capacity of perpetual succession. Every corporation aggregate consists of, (a) A collec- tion of individuals, (b) A legal entity, which is, for many purposes, in con- templation of law, separate and distinct from the members who compose it. For the purpose of acquiring, holding, and conveying property, contracting obligations, incurring liabilities, suing and being sued, a corporation is regarded in law as a legal entity separate and distinct from the members who compose it. * * * That a corporation is thus a legal entity, separate and distinct from the members who compose it, is a mere legal fiction introduced for the convenience of the corporation in transacting business, and of those who do business with it; and when urged to an intent and purpose not within its reason and policy, it will be disregarded, and the fact that the corporation is really a collection of individuals will be recognized, even at law. Courts of equity, in numerous instances, look behind the corporate entity, and recog- nize the individual members and will do so whenever justice requires." It seems from the foregoing, and still more from the further treatment of the subject by Mr. Beach, Mr. Thompson and Mr. Clark, that "the collection of individuals" is emphasized only by being placed first in their definitions as Mr. Kyd did, and is not made especially prominent as a principle from which to deduce theories of corporate rights and liabilities, as is the case with Mr. Morawetz and Mr. Taylor. Mr. Trapnell in "The Logical Conception of a Corporation," a paper read before the West Virginia Bar Association in 1896, defines a corporation as "an association of individuals formed under the sanction of the state, for a distinct and definite purpose." He specifies particularly that the associa- 22 THE CORPORATION AS A FRANCHISE. 113 tion originates in an agreement between individuals, which becomes effective only through a special charter or general enabling act, the provisions of which are accepted by the execution of the agreement; the peculiar mode of existence is perpetual, actual or potential ; the distinct feature of its termina- tion is the state's power to dissolve for violation of the law ; the distinctive features as to membership are the effect of assignment of stock, and the confin- ing of rights and liabilities strictly to the proper purposes of the corporation ; as to the state's sanction, it must be an express legislative one, which operates both as a grant of powers forming a contract with the state, and as a law, pre- scribing certain forms and modes of action, and, as to the purpose, it must be a definite one, and no corporate power is to be exercised outside of this ex- press or necessarily implied purpose, under penalty of forfeiture, and no corporate liability will arise therefrom except by way of estoppel ; the cor- porate actions must be through the forms and by the parties or officers pre- scribed, and the funds must be applied only to the purposes indicated, with- out diversion or dissipation to the prejudice of members or creditors. The foregoing is the substance of what he submits "as a logical statement of all the elements essential to a modern business corporation, with such analysis of each as is necessary to differentiate a corporation from all other associa- tions known to law, as regards that particular," in other words "to exhibit the anatomy of a healthy corporation.''' He says further: "It seems worth while to attempt to embody a clear conception of a corporation immortality, 'corporate identity,' 'perpetual succession,' and all without any aid from the 'artificial' person whom Coke and Blackstone regarded so lovingly, and who is such a bugbear to, at least, one modern text writer." ARTICLE IV. THE CORPORATION AS A FRANCHISE. 1 Sec. 22. In its relation to the state a corporation is considered as a primary franchise held by the members in their individual capacity, enabling them in their collective or corporate capac- ity to have and exercise other or secondary franchises, rights or privileges, (i) General nature of a franchise. THE PEOPLE, ETC., Ex EEL. THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL, v. THE TJTICA INSURANCE COMPANY. 2 1818. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK. 15 Johnson (N. Y.) *358-*395- [Information in the nature of quo warranto against the Utica In- surance Company, a company authorized to do all kinds of insur- ance business, and "in general of doing and performing, in these op- erations, all the business generally performed by insurance companies, excepting therefrom that this corporation shall not engage in loaning any money upon bottomry and respondentia nor in making any in- surance upon any life or lives," for using without any warrant. 1 See note at end of this article, p 157. * Statement of facts condensed, parts of arguments, and parts of opinion omitted. 8 WIL. CASES. 114 PEOPLE V. UTICA INSURANCE COMPANY. 22 charter or grant the following liberties, privileges and franchises to wit, that of becoming proprietors of a bank or fund for the purpose of issuing notes, receiving deposits, making discounts, and transacting other business which incorporated banks may and do transact by vir- tue of their respective acts of recorporation, all of which liberties, privileges and franchises the said company have usurped and still do usurp upon the people of the state. The bank pleaded authority under their act of incorporation and the people demurred.] Attorneys \_Harrison and T. A. Emmet~\ for the insurance com- pany maintained: i. The acts charged against the defendants aic not the exercise of franchises ; and therefore an information in the nature of a writ of quo ivarranto will not lie against them. Fran- chise or not is a question of law and is not admitted by the de- murrer. A franchise is a royal privilege, or branch of the royal pre- rogative, subsisting in the hands of the subject, by grant from the crown. A writ of quo ivarranto is the king's writ of right and and issues where a franchise is usurped, or forfeited by misuser. (2 Bl. Com. 37, Finch's Law 38, 164, 166; 3 Cruises' Dig. 278, tit. 27, i.) The word "franchises" is often used, in common parlance, in a very broad sense, for all liberties, but its legal or technical signifi- cation is more confined. A franchise was, always, in England, a gem in the royal diadem. It was inherent in the crown from the first institution of monarchy. But the right of banking was never a fran- chise or branch of the royal prerogative. The bank of England was established in 1694, pursuant to an act of parliament (5 W. & M., cap. 20), which authorized their majesties, William and Mary, to grant a commission to take subscriptions from individuals, and to in- corporate them. Had the power of banking been a royal franchise, this special authority from parliament would not have been necessary. In 1697 (8 & 9 W. & M., ch. 20, 28) it was enacted that during the continuance of the bank of England, no other bank, or any other corporation, society, fellowship, company or constitution, in the na- ture of a bank, should be erected or established, etc., by act of parlia- ment. This still left individuals and ancient corporations free to bank. But in 1708 (7 Anne, ch. 7, 61), it was enacted, that during the continu- ance of the bank of England, it should not be lawful for any corpora- tion erected, or to be erected (other than said bank), or for any other persons in partnership, exceeding the number of six persons, to take up money on their bills or notes, etc. It is clear, then, that if parlia- ment had not interfered, all corporations might lawfully have carried on banking business; the act of 7 Anne, restraining them, does not declare it unlawful, but merely prohibits the exercise of the power while the bank of England continued. It is manifest, therefore, that in England, banking was not considered as a royal franchise ; and private banking is now carried on in that country by associations of partnership of not more than six persons. If we look to the acts of our legislature, we shall find that they 22 THE CORPORATION AS A FRANCHISE. 11$ speak the same doctrine. Numerous acts of incorporation have been passed since the restraining act of April u, 1804, each of which con- tains a special clause to restrain the corporation from banking. [Here the counsel enumerated more than fifty acts passed since 1804, which, he said, contained a special restraining clause.] It is remarkable, also, that in the same session in which the restrain- ing act was passed there was an act of incorporation passed containing a special prohibition against banking. What stronger evidence can be wanted of the sense of the legislature that the right of banking is not a franchise, but exists at large in every citizen, and may be freely exercised, unless expressly restrained by the legislature? The right was open to every individual, and the defendants, being created a corporation, have, as its inseperable incidents, a perpetual succession, a capacity to sue and be sued, a right to purchase and hold land, to have a common seal, and to make by-laws, etc. (Kyd on Corp., 69, 70.) They might therefore, as well as any individual, carry on banking business, unless expressly prohibited. If, then, this is not a royal franchise, no information in the nature of a writ of quo ivarranto lies ; for these informations have been substituted in the place of that ancient prerogative writ. (2 Co. Inst. 496, i Bulst. 55 5 56; Rex v. Marsden, 3 Burr. 1817, per Wilmot, J.) Not a case can be found in which a writ of quo ivarranto has been brought, or an information in the nature of one filed for exercising the right of banking. In The King v. Shepherd (4 Term Rep. 381), Lord Kenyon said, that the old writ of quo ivarranto lay only where there was a usurpa- tion on the rights and prerogatives of the crown ; and that an infor- mation in the nature of a quo ivarranto could be only granted in such cases. So, in The King v. The Corporation of Bedford Level (6 East 359), Lawrence, J., says it has been always understood that a quo ivarranto only lay for encroachments on franchises created by the crown. Again, for the exercise of any power incidental to a corporation or association, a writ of quo ivarranto does not lie. As well might it lie to ascertain by what authority individuals assembled for political pur- poses. A person entitled to a manor need not show by what title he holds a court baron, for that is incident to a manor. (Rex v. Stan- ton, Cro. Jac. 259, 260.). But it is said the restraining act has made banking a franchise, and that no person can now exercise the right, without showing a legisla- tive grant. Suppose in England, after the restraining act, more than six persons had associated as bankers, would an information, in nature of a quo ivarranto, have been filed against them? No. Their acts would have been illegal and void. How have the legislature assumed this prerogative and franchise ? How have they taken to themselves what was before the common right of every citizen ? By prohibiting all unincorporated banking associations. Is everything which is made the subject of exclusive right or grant a franchise, and to be tried by Il6 PEOPLE V. UTICA INSURANCE COMPANY. 22 a quo warranto ? Ferries, running of stages, and steamboats are made exclusive rights, yet it has never been supposed that an information in nature of quo warranto would lie in case of any invasion of these rights. Again, the restraining act is not in conjunctive; it declares that "no person unauthorized by law shall subscribe to, or become a member of, any association, institution or company, or proprietor of any bank or fund for the purpose of issuing notes, receiving deposits, mak- ing discounts, or transacting any other business which incorporated banks may or do transact, by virtue of their respective acts of incor- poration." By this act the legislature assume the rights specified. They do not resume a franchise. If the legislature can thus assume all rights common to the citizen, there is no commercial business what- ever which they may not prohibit ; and so the chamber of commerce apprehended. And on their petition the sections to the act, 2yth session, chapter 1 10, sections 8 and 9, were passed in explanation of the restraining act. It was, in effect, an act to restrain commercial partnerships or companies, but the explanatory sections do virtually repeal the restraining act. It may be said that banking is quasi a franchise or branch of preroga- tive. But when every individual has a right to bank, how can it be, in any degree or shape, a franchise? The act merely restrains asso- ciations. Every citizen, or inhabitant, may, if he pleases, be a banker. Can it be possible that the legislature may assume to itself the rights of every citizen? Such is not the law of England. If it is the law of any country, it is that of Turkey, where, alone it can be imagined that the common rights of man should be doled out for the purposes of gain. The mind revolts at the idea of a legislature bargaining out the common rights of the citizen for money. If the exercise of the right be injurious, prohibit it. What is granted should be given freely. A contrary doctrine would be attended with the most per- nicious effects. * * * Van Buren in reply. * * * The general demurrer admits, that the power exercised by the defendants is a franchise; and it follows, that this is the proper remedy. But is it not a franchise? The chancellor had no doubt on the question. He says, that "the right of banking was formerly, a common law right belonging to indi- viduals, and to be exercised at their pleasure. But the legislature thought proper, by the restraining act of 1804, which has since been re-enacted, to take away that right from all per- sons not specially authorized by law. Banking has now become a fran- chise derived from the grant of the legislature, and subsisting in those only who can produce the grant ; if exercised by other persons, it is the usurpation of a privilege for which a competent remedy can be had by the public prosecutor in the supreme court." This ought, perhaps, to be a sufficient authority on this question. But to pursue it further: A franchise is a liberty or privilege. There is a distinction between royal and common franchises between those of the sov- ereign and those of the people, as the right of trial by jury. When 22 THE CORPORATION AS A FRANCHISE. I 17 the colony became a sovereign and independent state the people suc- ceeded to all the rights and privileges of English subjects, and more, they succeeded to all the rights and privileges of the crown or sov- ereign. The legislature have, accordingly, from time to time granted various exclusive liberties and privileges, or franchises, to citizens. By the restraining act of the nth of April, 1804, the legislature did take to itself the right or liberty of banking. What was before com- mon to all ceased to be so, and became a franchise or privilege in the government, not to be exercised by citizens, unless by grant. Whether this was a franchise in England or not, it is made a franchise here, and the legislature were competent to make it so. It is true that pri- vate individuals may bank, but the defendants are an association car- rying on banking business in violation of the act of the nth of April, 1804, passed expressly to prevent any unauthorized or unincorporated association from banking. Being a privilege, then, which the defend- ants could not lawfully exercise without a grant from the legislature, it comes within the very definition which has been given of a franchise. We could not proceed by indictment, for the act gives a penalty, and not to the people, but to the informer. If this remedy does not lie, there is no remedy, civil or criminal. It is, at least, a liberty in the nature of a franchise ; and this is the only and proper remedy. * * * THOMPSON, Ch. J., delivered the opinion of the court. * * * It may safely be admitted, that formerly the right of banking was a common law right belonging to individuals and to be exercised at their pleasure. It can not, however, admit of a doubt that the legislature had author- ity to regulate, modify or restrain this right. This they have done by the restraining act of 1804 (sess. 27, ch. 117), and which has since been re-enacted and continued in full force (2 N. R. L. 234).' The construction which has been given by this court to the act is, that it extends only to associations or companies formed for banking pur- poses, and not an individual who carries on banking operations alone, and on his own credit and account (14 Johns. Rep. 205). The right of banking, therefore, by any company or association, has, since the restraining act, become a franchise, or privilege, derived from the grant of the legislature, and subsisting only in such companies or associations as can show such grant. The defendants have, accordingly, set up, as their authority or charter, for the exercise of this privilege, an act passed the 2pth of April, 1816, entitled "an act to incorporate the Utica Insurance Company." The real inquiry is whether this act contains any such grant of banking privileges. * * * Many powers and capacities are tacitly annexed to a corporation duly created ; but they are such only as are necessary to carry into effect the purposes for which it was established. The specification of certain powers operates as a restraint to such objects only, and is an implied prohibition of the exercise of other and distinct powers. A contrary doctrine would be productive of mischievous consequences, especially with us, where charter privileges have been so alarmingly multiplied. * * * I am, accordingly, of opinion that the defendants are un- 1 1 R. S. 712. Il8 PEOPLE V. UTICA INSURANCE COMPANY. 22 authorized, by law, to enter into such business, and that judgment of ouster ought to be rendered against them. SPENCER, J. Two questions have been brought forward in the ar- gument: (i) Whether an information in the nature of quo warranto will lie in this case. (2) Whether the defendants have authority, under the act incorporating the Utica Insurance Company, to carry on banking operations in the mariner set forth in their plea. The statute (i N. R. L. 108) (2 R. S. 581) gives this writ against any person who shall usurp, intrude into or unlawfully hold and execute any office or franchise within this state ; and if the right set up by the defendants is a franchise, and the act under which they claim to exercise it does not confer it, then the defendants are subject to this prosecution. A franchise is a species of incorporeal hereditament ; it is defined by Finch (164) to be a royal privilege, or a branch of the king's pre- rogative subsisting in the hands of a subject ; and he says that fran- chises being derived from the crown, they must arise from the king's grant, or, in some cases, may be held by prescription, which presup- poses a grant ; that the kinds are various, and almost infinite, and they may be vested in natural persons or in bodies politic. All the elementary writers agree in adopting Finch's definition of a franchise, that it is a royal privilege or branch of the king's preroga- tive, subsisting in the. hands of a subject. An information, in the nature of a writ of quo warranto, is a sub- stitute for that ancient writ, which has fallen into disuse ; and the information which has superseded the old writ is defined to be a criminal method of prosecution, as well to punish the usurper by a fine for the usurpation of the franchise, as to oust him, and seize it for the crown. It has, for a long time, been applied to the mere purpose of trying the civil right, seizing the franchise or ousting the wrongful possessor, the fine being nominal only. (2 Inst. 281, pi. 1253 Burr. 1817, 4 Term Rep. 381, i Bulst. 55.) If there are certain immunities and privileges in which the public have an interest, as contra-distinguished from private rights, and which can not be exercised without authority derived from the sover- eign power, it would seem to me that such immunities and privileges must be franchises ; and the act for rendering the proceedings upon writs of mandamus, and informations in the nature of quo warranto, more speedy and effectual, presupposes that there are franchises, other than offices, which may be usurped and intruded into. If in England, a privilege in the lands of a subject, which the king alone can grant, would be a franchise, with us a privilege, or immun- ity of a public nature, which can not legally be exercised without legislative grant, would be a franchise. The act commonly called the restraining law (sess. 27, ch. 114), (i R. S. 712) enacts, that no per- son, unauthorized by law, shall subscribe to, or become a member of, any association, or proprietor of any bank or fund, for the purpose of issuing notes, receiving deposits, making discounts or transacting any other business which incorporated banks do, or may transact, by virtue of their respective acts of incorporations. 22 THE CORPORATION AS A FRANCHISE. I IQ Taking it for granted, at present, for the purpose of considering whether the remedy adopted is appropriate, that the defendants have exercised the right of banking, without authority, and against the provisions of the restraining act, they have usurped a right which the legislature have enacted should only be enjoyed and exercised by authority derived from them. The right of banking, since the re- straining act, is a privilege or immunity subsisting in the hands of citizens, by grant of the legislature. The exercise of the right of banking, then, with us, is the assertion of a grant from the legisla- ture to exercise that privilege, and consequently it is the usurpation of a franchise, unless it can be shown that the privilege has been granted by the legislature. An information, in the nature of a writ of quo warranto, need not show a title in the people to have the par- ticular franchise exercised, but calls on the intruder to show by what authority he claims it, and if the title set up be incomplete, the peo- ple are entitled to judgment. (2 Kyd on Corp., 399 ; 4 Burr. 21467.) This position is illustrated by the nature and form of the informa- tion ; the title of the king is never set forth ; but after stating the fran- chise usurped, the defendant is called upon to show his warrant for exercising it. This consideration answers the argument urged by the defendant's counsel, that banking was not a royal franchise in England, and that it is not a franchise here which the people, in their political capacity, can enjoy ; for if their title to enjoy it need not be set out in the infor- mation, it is not necessary that it should exist in them at all. In the case of The King v. Nicholson and Others (r Str. 303), it appeared that by a private act of parliament for enlarging and regulating the port of Whitehaven, several persons were appointed trustees, and a power was given to them to elect others upon vacancies by death or other- wise. The defendants took upon them to act as trustees without such an election ; and upon motion for an information in the nature of a quo warranto against them, it was objected, by the counsel for the de- fendants, that the court never grants these informations but in cases where there is usurpation upon some franchise of the crown ; whereas, in that case the king alone could not grant such powers as are exer- cised by the trustees, the consequence of which was, that this author- ity was no prior franchise of the crown. To this it was answered, and resolved by the court, that the rule laid down was too general, for that informations had been constantly granted when any new jurisdic- tion or public trust was exercised without authority ; and leave to file an information was, accordingly, granted. This case is a strong au- thority in favor of this proceeding. Many cases might be cited, in which informations, in the nature of quo -warranto, have been refused, where the right exercised was one of a private nature to the injury only of some individual. In the present case, the right claimed by the defendants is in the nature of a public trust; they claim, as a corporation, the rights of issuing notes, discounting notes and receiving deposits. The notes they issue, if thi-ir claim be well founded, arc not obligatory on the individuals who 120 SPRING VALLEY WATER-WORKS V. SCHOTTLER. 23 compose the direction or are proprietors of the stock of the corpora- tion. These notes pass currently, on the ground that the corporation have authority to issue them, and that they are obligatory on all their funds ; the right claimed is one, therefore, of a public nature, and, as I conceive, deeply interesting to the community ; and if the defendants can not exercise these rights without a grant from the legislature ; if they do exercise them as though they had a grant, they are, in my judgment, usurping an authority and privilege of a public kind ; and we perceive that it is not necessary that the right assumed should be a prior franchise of the crown, or of the people of the state. Had the defendants claimed and exercised the right of banking as private individuals, I agree that an information would not lie against them ; they would have been subject only to the penalties inflicted by the act; but they claim the privilege as a corporation, and under a grant from the legislature. If they have not that grant, they have exercised and usurped a franchise, and the remedy pursued is well adapted to the case. * * * Judgment of ouster. Note. See 1896, Meadowcroft v. People, 163 111. 56, 54 Am. St. 447 ; State v. Woodmansee, 1 N. Dak. 246. But see 1892, State v. Scougal, 3 S. Dak. 55, 44 Am. St. R. 756, holding that "Banking was not a franchise at common law, and except as to the privilege of issuing notes to circulate as money, can not be made such by the legislature. See also 1885, In Matter of Jacobs, 98 N. Y. 98, 50 Am. Rep. 636 (act forbidding manufacture of cigars in certain ways and places held unconstitutional) ; 1885, People v. Marx, 99 N. Y. 377, 52 Am. Rep. 34 (prohibiting sale of oleomargarine). Also 1893, Braceville Coal Co. v. People, 147 111. 66, 37 Am. S. R. 206, as to the constitutional restrictions upon the police power of the legislature. As to corporate franchises particularly see cases in addition to those given in text: 1838, Regents v. Williams, 9 Gill & J. (Md.) 365, 31 Am. D. 72; 1886, Appeal of Pittsburgh, etc., R. R. Co., 122 Pa. St. 511, 9 Am. St. 128; infra, p. 1342; 1846, Enfield Toll Bridge Co. v. Hart ford, etc., R. R. Co., 17 Conn. 454, 44 Am. Dec. 556; 1892, Mayor, etc., v. Houston, etc., Ry. Co., 83 Tex. 548, 29 Am. St. R. 679; 1890, Macon, etc., R. R. Co. v. Gibson, 85 Ga. 1, 21 Am. St. R. 135; 1846, Miners' Bank v. United States, Morris (Iowa) 482, 43 Am. D. 115. Sec. 23. Same. n /u3 SPRING VALLEY WATER- WORKS v. SCHOTTLER ET AL. X 1882. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF CALIFORNIA. 62 Cal. 69-119.* [Appeal by plaintiff from judgment of the superior court of the city and county of San Francisco, denying a writ of review, and confirm- ing the action of the board of equalization of that city and county, in raising the assessment of the franchise of the water-works company from $5,000 to $5,000,000. The state constitution (art. 13, i) provided: "All property in the state * * * shall be taxed in pro- portion to its value, to be ascertained as provided by law. The word 'property,' as used in this article and section, is hereby declared to in- 1 Statement of facts condensed. Parts of arguments and opinion omitted. 1 Affirmed by U. S. Sup. Ct., Spring Valley W. W. v. Schottler, 110 U. S. 347. $ 23 THE CORPORATION AS A FRANCHISE. 121 elude moneys, credits, bonds, stocks, dues, franchises and all other matters and things, real, personal and mixed, capable of private own- ership." The water-works company was organized under general acts of 1850, 1853, 1858, etc., giving it the power of perpetual suc- cession for fifty years, to sue and be sued, to make and use a seal, hold, purchase and convey necessary real and personal property, ap- point necessary officers and agents, divide its stock into shares, make by-laws to regulate its management and regulate the transfer of stock ; to exercise power of eminent domain, to use streets, alleys, ways, etc., necessary for laying its pipes, to furnish water to the inhabitants at rates fixed in a prescribed way, and the further right to "all the privi- leges, immunities and franchises that might be thereafter granted to any individual or corporation relating to the introduction of fresh water into any city or town of the state for the use of the inhabitants thereof." The state constitution also provided (art. xi, 19): "In cities where there are no public works owned by the municipality * * * any individual or company duly incorporated for that purpose shall (subject to certain provisions as to damages) have the privilege of using the streets for laying down pipes, etc."] Fox & Kellogg, for appellant, argued : * * * In making up the assessment, the revenue officers seem to have taken it for granted that because franchises may be property, they are ex necessitate liable to assessment ; and to have overlooked the pro- vision of the constitution and the statute, that they can only be prop- erty and subject to taxation when "capable of private ownership." According to their theory, the elective franchise, the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the most valuable of all franchises, are liable to assessment and subject to taxation. But these and a hundred other franchises are not "capable of private ownership," and therefore not "property," and, not being property, are not subject to taxation. We submit that nothing but "property" is subject to assessment and taxation, in the form now under consideration, under the constitution or laws of this state. Only those "franchises" can be classed as "property * * * capable of private ownership," which are de- fined by the supreme court of the United States, in Bank of Augusta v. Earle, 13 Pet. 519, as being "special privileges conferred by gov- ernment on individuals, which do not belong to the citizens of the country generally, or by common right." Wherever we find a fran- chise held to be property, we find it to be of the class thus clearly defined by the highest tribunal in the land. Of these are street rail- roads, turnpike roads, bridges, ferries, wharves and the like. But the appellant in this case possesses no such franchise. There is no right or privilege which it can name, or upon which it can place its hand and say, "This is mine;" none that is or can be held by it in "private ownership." It owns no franchise; it simply enjoys the privileges conferred by law. Its privileges are these and these only: (i) The right of corporate existence. This is a privilege granted by the legislature to all the people of the state, and any five of its inhabitants may enjoy that franchise at any time, when they see 122 SPRING VALLEY WATER-WORKS V. SCHOTTLER. 23 fit to incorporate for any purpose for which men may contract or asso- ciate themselves together. (Civil Code, 286.) (2) The right to acquire property, when it is absolutely necessary, and can not other- wise be acquired for certain of its corporate uses, by condemnation. This is a right which can never be exercised without enormous cost, proportioned to the value of the thing acquired, and which is not, and can not be held in private ownership. It is a right held in common by all corporations organized for the purpose of supplying cities and towns with water as well as many others, and there is no limit to the number of corporations which may organize and actually engage in the business of supplying the same city or town. (See Statute, 1858, p. 218; Code of Civil Pro- cedure, 1237.) (3) The rig-ht to lay and maintain pipes in the streets and to collect water rates. Like the two preceding, so of this. It is not a right which is or can be held "in private ownership." By the statute of 1858, above cited, and under which the appellant is organized, it is a right guaranteed to every corporation organized for the purpose of supplying water in cities and towns, with no limi- tation upon the number that may engage in the same business in the same city or town. By the codes the same right is also guaranteed to any corporation organized for such purpose; but under them it could only be exercised when thereunto authorized by ordinance of the city. But by the same section of the code, the city authorities were pro- hibited from granting any exclusive privilege of the kind. (See Civil Code, 548, 549.) But since the passage 'of both the statute and the code, the people, in the majesty of their power, have taken away even the limitations of those laws, by which the right to exercise the privilege was limited to corporations, and now it is a right common to every person in the state whether incorporated or not. [After quoting provisions of art. xi, 19, of the constitution above given:] Thus it will be seen that under the constitution of the state it is im- possible that there should be a franchise of this kind that is "capable of private ownership." It is one which belongs to everybody, and whoever sees fit to use it need not even say to the municipal authoi"- ities, "by your leave." All they have to do is to be subject to gen- eral regulations for damages and indemnity for damages, and to supervision of the street superintendent, as to the mode and manner of using the street. It is true that article xiv of the constitution declares the right to collect water rates to be a franchise which can only be exercised by authority and in the manner prescribed by law. But that does not militate against the proposition that it is a privilege common to all, and not "capable of private ownership." It is declared to be a franchise solely for the purpose of making it subject to regulation by law, and without giving it the character of property or private ownership. These are all the franchises, if they can be called such, enjoyed by the appellant. They are all franchises which are enjoyed by every inhabitant of the state, which are not ' ' capable of private ownership," and therefore not liable to assessment under the law. 23 THE CORPORATION AS A FRANCHISE. 12$ F. G. Newland, for appellant, argued : The term "franchise" in its broad sense, means "exemption from constraint or oppression, liberty , freedom." ( Webster.} In this sense the right to vote is termed a "franchise;" so also the right of trial by jury, freedom of speech and freedom of the press are termed "franchises. ' ' The declaration of the constitution that the word "property" includes "franchises," certainly was not intended to apply to those general privi- leges and rights which society has guaranteed and secured to individuals. The "franchises" declared by the constitution to be property, must be those special privileges, exclusive in their nature, conferred by the gov- ernment on individuals, and having the incidents and attributes of properly; that is to say, they must be capable of private ownership, of assignment and of being inherited. In this sense they are included in that division of property called "incorporeal hereditaments;" they are things without body, capable of being inherited, such as the right of "ferry," or the right of "fishery," or the right to maintain a "toll" road, conferred upon the grantee, his heirs or assigns. It is evidently in this sense that the word is used in the constitution, for in it the word "property" is declared to include "moneys, credits, * * * fran- chises and all other matters and things real, personal and mixed, capable of private ownership." The last words attach to and qualify all the taxable things referred to in the above quotation. [After quoting the provisions of the constitution and general laws relating to the formation of the corporations:] Under these acts the petitioner has the following rights and privileges : i. The right to be a corporation that is to say, the right as an arti- ficial being, to act under an artificial name, and to exercise certain powers and duties of a natural person, among others, to sue and be sued, and to purchase, hold, sell and convey real and personal prop- erty. Under the act of 1853. any three or more persons could asso- ciate themselves together and form a water-company, by signing and filing the proper certificate. This was a privilege made by the laws of common right and general enjoyment. All persons could exercise it. Under the civil code, section 286, "Private corporations may be formed for any purpose for which individuals may lawfully associate themselves," and any five persons may associate themselves together and form such corporation. It appears, then, that the right to be a corporation is simply a privilege conferred by the general law upon any number of persons, not less than three in the one case or five in the other, whoever they may be, who may wish to associate themselves together, to exercise, as an associated body, under an artificial name, certain powers and perform certain duties of a natural person. In other words, a corporation is a bundle of faculties. Could the faculty of a natural person to sue- and be sued, or his faculty to acquire and possess property, be assessed as property? The right to the things sued for, which constitute cho.si-s in action, or the property acquired and possessed could be assessed both to natural and artificial beings, but not mere faculties or pow- ers. The right to be a corporation is simply the right to exist at the 124 SPRING VALLEY WATER-WORKS V. SCHOTTLER. 23 will of the creator. Can the right to exist either as a natural or arti- ficial being be valued as property? 2. Under the act of 1858 water companies are granted the privilege of exercising the power of eminent domain; but they exercise this privi- lege simply as the agents of the state, for the purpose of serving a public use, to which their powers and property are delegated. This agency may be revoked at any time. It is a naked power not a power coupled with an interest. Can the agency of the agent, whether natural or artificial, be assessed as property? * * * 3. The only other right or privilege conferred by the general law of 1858, upon water companies, is the right of laying 1 down pipes in the streets of the city, and supplying the inhabitants with water at rates fixed by law ; but this right is not only common to all water com.- panies, but is also conferred by art. xi, 19, and art. xiv, of the new constitution, on all individuals, so that this right which, if granted absolutely and exclusively to a single individual or a single corpora- tion, and his or its assigns, might be regarded as property, has been by the fundamental law of the state made a matter of common right and general enjoyment. It is true that everybody does not exercise this right or privilege, just as everybody does not exercise the right^to vote, but everybody has the right to exercise it, and it is even more unlimited and general than the right to vote, for the latter right is conferred only upon native-born inhabitants over twenty-one years of age, and upon naturalized citizens, whilst the former right can be exercised by anybody, whether adult or minor, citizen or alien. This right or privilege has none of the incidents of ownership ; no one can sell it, for every body has it, and no person can gain by the acces- sion of the right of another. We have thus classified all the rights and privileges of water com- panies under the general law, and the constitution of the state, and we find that they are all subject to alteration and entire revocation by the state ; they are privileges enjoyed, not property owned. Webster de- fines property to be : "4. The exclusive right of possessing, enjoy- ing and disposing of a thing, ownership. 6. An estate, whether in lands, goods or money." Blackstone, book i, page 138, speaks of property as an absolute right "which consists in the free use, enjoy- ment and disposal of all his acquisitions without any control or diminution save only by the laws of the land," and in another place, book 2, page 2, speaks of the right of property as "that sole and de- spotic dominion which one man claims and exercises over the exter- nal things of the world in total exclusion of the right of any other individual in the universe." Bouvier, in his Law Dictionary, in de- fining the word property, says: "It is the right to enjoy and to dis- pose of certain things in the most absolute manner, * * * so that property, considered as an exclusive right to things contains not only a right to use those things, but a right to dispose of them, either by exchanging them for other things, or by giving them away to any other person without any consideration, or even throwing them away." Can it be said that any of the rights or privileges conferred on the 23 THE CORPORATION AS A FRANCHISE. 12$ petitioner by general laws, subject to alteration, amendment or repeal, come within the definition of the term "property" ? * * * Under the new constitution it is impossible to grant a franchise, in the property sense of that term, to either natural or artificial persons, for it declares (art. i, 21 ); "No special privileges or immunities shall be granted which may not be altered, revoked or repealed by the legislature. Nor shall any class of citizens be granted privileges or immunities which upon the same terms shall not be granted to all citizens." And, again (art. 4, 25): "The legislature shall not pass local or special laws in any of the following enumerated cases, that is to say: Grant- ing to any corporation, association or individual any exclusive right, privilege or immunity in all cases where a general law may be made applicable." It is evident, therefore, that the day of "franchises" as property is over. The whole tendency of the civilized government, is to do away with special or exclusive privileges, and wherever a right is extended by the government to make it common to all. Equality of right, equality of privilege, and equality of burden, are now the crowning franchises of all persons, natural and artificial, in this state. The great difficulty in construing a word like "franchise," which has figured extensively in the evolution of government, is that the attributes of a by-gone age are likely to be given to it notwithstanding the modifications that may have taken place in its character, and scope. As already stated the power of society over the individual is abso- lute. It is called the power of government, or the police power. Every privilege which the individual, either specially or as a member of a class or in common with all other individuals enjoys, may be regarded in one sense as a grant from the government. The despot who rules with the consent or by the sufferance of society has absolute power over the vocation of life. He can grant to a cer- tain individual the right to pursue a special trade exclusively, or he can throw open such trade or occupation to all. When such a grant is made to an individual, his heirs and assigns, it may be regarded as his property, and when such a grant is -made to all individuals it is no less a franchise; it is a freedom, a liberty, but not "property." If we look back to the times of Elizabeth, James I and Charles I, we will find many examples of special grants which partook of the nature of property. Hallam, in his Constitutional History of England, vol. I, ch. v, speaking of the reign of Elizabeth, says: "The crown either possessed or assumed the prerogative of regulating almost all matters of commerce at its discretion." "Patents to deal exclusively in particular articles, generally of for- eign growth, but reaching in some instances to such important neces- saries of life as salt, leather and coal, had been lavishly granted to the courtiers, with little direct advantage to the revenue. They sold them to companies of merchants, who, of course, enhanced the price to the utmost ability of the purchaser." "In 1601 parliament made a bolder and more successful attack on the administration than this reign had witnessed. The grievance of 126 SPRING VALLEY WATER-WORKS V. SCHOTTLER. 23 monopolies had gone on continually increasing: scarce any article was exempt from these oppressive patents. When the list of them was read over in the house a member exclaimed : 'Is not bread among the number?' The house seemed amazed. 'Nay,' said he, 'if no remedy is found for these, bread will be there before the next parlia- ment.'"' It was in those times that the East India Company was organized under letters patent from the crown, and vested with the exclusive right to trade in India. Monopolies were granted by letters patent. conferring the exclusive right to deal in necessaries of life, such as coal, iron, soap, salt, leather, tobacco, beer, hops, linen, etc. (Bright's English Hist., vol. n, p. 629.) Rights of ferry, rights of wharfage, rights of fishing, rights of chase and of toll-roads, etc., were also granted. All these grants, as a rule, were made by letters patent, running to an individual, his heirs or assigns, and exclusive in their nature. They w r ere protected by the courts as property, and it was held by the courts that no grant could be made by the sovereign which would interfere with or impair the exercise of the previous grant. They were therefore termed incorporeal hereditaments, and, Kent, in speaking of such franchises, says (Kent's Com., vol. 3, page 458) : * 4 Another class of incorporeal hereditaments are franchises, being certain privileges conferred by grant from government, and vested in individuals. In England they are very numerous and are understood to be royal privileges in the hands of a subject. They contain an implied covenant on the part of the government not to invade the rights vested. * * * The government can not resume them at pleasure or do any act to impair the grant without a breach of contract. * * * An estate in such a franchise and an estate in law rest upon the same principle, being equally grants of a right or privilege for an adequate consideration. If the creation of a franchise be not declared to be exclusive, yet it is necessarily implied in the grant, as in the case of the grant of the ferry, bridge, or turnpike, or railroad, that the government will not, either directly or indirectly, interfere with it, so as to destroy or materially impair its value. Every such interference, whether it be bv the creation of a rival fran- chise or otherwise, would be in violation or in fraud of the grant." Such was the nature of franchises in England, and also in this country at the time Chancellor Kent wrote. In the celebrated case of Dartmouth College v. Woodward, 4 Wheaton 519, it was decided that the charter granted by the British Crown to Dartmouth College was a contract, and that an act of the legislature of New Hampshire altering the charter was an act impairing the obligation of a contract, and was unconstitutional and void. Justice Washington said (page 657) : "To this grant or this franchise the parties are the king, and the person for whose benefit it is created or trustees for them. The assent of both is necessary. The subjects of the grant are not only privileges and immunities, but property. * * * Certain obliga- tions are created, binding both on the grantor and grantee. On the part of the former, it amounts to an extinguishment of the king's pre- 23 THE CORPORATION AS A FRANCHISE. 12J rogative to bestow the same identical franchise on another corporate body, because it would prejudice his prior grant. It implies, there- fore, a contract not to reassert the right to grant the franchise to an- other, or to impair it." Justice Story says (p. 700) : "In respect to corporate franchises they are, properly speaking, legal estates vested in the corporation it- self as soon as it is in esse. They are not mere naked powers granted to the corporation, but powers coupled with an interest." Mr. Webster, in his memorable argument in that case said : ''Hume gives the reason : It is that such franchises were regarded in a most emphatic sense as private property. If it could be made to appear that the trustees and the president and professors held their offices and franchises during the pleasure of the legislature and that the property holden belonged to the state, then indeed the legislature have done no more than they had a right to do. But this is not so. The charter is a charter of privileges and immunities, and these are holden by the trustees expressly against the state forever." The decision of this case attracted great attention. Its effect was feared ; it placed the creature beyond the power of the creator, and as a result of it the various states adopted constitutional amendments, providing for the formation of corporations under general laws, which should be subject to alteration, amendment or repeal. The courts themselves in a measure shrank back from the doctrine of that case, and in a subsequent case, argued in the supreme court of the United States, entitled Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge et al. (n Peters 420), they modified the doctrine which had previously existed as to the exclusiveness of franchises, and declared 4i that a franchise conferred by the government was not exclusive unless so expressed in the grant." This remained the settled doctrine of the American courts since that decision. It will be observed, therefore, that the tendency of the people, act- ing through constitutional conventions and representative legislatures and of the courts, has been to modify the doctrine of the Dartmouth College case, and to make powers conferred by the government upon persons, natural or artificial, mere privileges enjoyed, not property owned. This tendency has reached its highest development in our state, where the legislature is not permitted to grant any special privi- lege to any person, natural or artificial, and where all privileges con- ferred by the sovereign power are made of common right and general enjoyment. * * * The only case which has been called to our attention in which a tax has been imposed upon the franchise of a corporation as property, separate and apart from the property in connection with which it is exercised is the case of Exchange Bank of Columbus v. Hines, 3 Ohio St. 7, in which the court declared the tax invalid, in the follow- ing language : * * * Does a corporate franchise, in sober truth and reality, possess the essential qualities of property ? It is said that the corporate franchise of a bank, conferring a peculiar legal capacity, and the high function 128 SPRING VALLEY WATER-WORKS V. SCHOTTLER. 23 of making and circulating paper money, is valuable indeed, a thing of great value. But value is not the distinguishing attribute of prop- erty. The right of suffrage is esteemed valuable ; a public office, with its emoluments, is valuable ; a license to keep a tavern, as formerly granted in this state, or a license to carry on any special business which is prohibited without a special grant of authority from the government, may be valuable, and a right to either of these things may be asserted and maintained in a court of justice, yet neither of them possesses the essential qualities which constitute property. Our right to the free use and enjoyment of things which are in common, such as air, light, water, etc., is valuable; and our right to the free use of the public highways, and to many of the privileges and ad- vantages derived from the government may be valuable, and may be maintained by legal process. Yet none of these things come within the denomination of property. Those things which constitute the sub- ject-matter of private property are such as the owner may exercise exclusive dominion over, in the use, enjoyment and disposal of them, without any control or diminution save only by the laws of the land. (i Wend. Blackstone, 138.) It is a fundamental principle that prop- erty considered as an exclusive right to things contains not only a right to use those things, but a right to dispose of them, either by exchang- ing them for other things, or by giving them away to any other person, without any valuable consideration in return, or even of throwing- them away, which is usually called relinquishing them." (Ruther- ford's Institutes 20; Puffendorff, c. 9, b. 7.) "It is said that capability of alienation, or disposal, either by sale, devise, or abandonment, is an essential incident to property." (2 Kent's Com. 317.) "^4 corporate franchise, therefore, being a mere privilege, or grant of authority by the government, is not property of any description, and consequently not subject to taxation under the above provision of the constitution." * * * The constitution not only provides that "all property shall be taxed in proportion to its value," but that such value is "to be ascertained as provided by law." The only rule laid down in the Political Code for the assessment of property is that contained in section 3637, to wit: "All taxable property must be assessed at its full cash value," which latter term is defined ( 3617, subd. 5) as follows: "The terms value and cash value mean the amount at which the property would be taken in payment of a just debt due from a solvent debtor." The rule applied was one which it was declared had the approval of the supreme court, in the case of San Jose Gas Co. v. January, viz., by ascertaining, first, the market value of the stock of the corporation ; and secondly, the assessed value of the property thereof, and deducting the latter from the former, the difference was declared to be the value of the franchise. * * * The rule applied does not operate equally and uniformly upon all franchises, for in the case of a franchise enjoyed by an individual, there would be no stock from the aggregate market value of which could be deducted the value of the tangible property in order to 23 THE CORPORATION AS A FRANCHISE. 1 29 ascertain the value of the franchise, nor is it an equal or uniform rule in any sense, for it applies only to corporations, whereas the business of private individuals and firms should be subjected to the same mode of assessment. A mercantile firm may have a stock of goods on hand worth $100,000, and yet its business, the good will, so called, with the advantages which years of skillful and honorable at- tention to business united with fortunate circumstances may have given, may be worth five times as much as the stock, and yet the assessor asses- ses only the tangible property, and lets the good-will go free. The law provides that "private corporations may be formed for any purpose for which individuals may lawfully associate themselves." (C. C., 286.) Such a mercantile firm could, if it chose, form itself into a mercantile corporation. With a stock of goods on hand never ex- ceeding $100,000 it might earn, with a skill and ability of its mem- bers through the large custom acquired, a liberal rate of interest on $500,000, and the stock would sell in the market for that sum. In* such cases, the assessor, pursuing the rule contended for here, would determine the value of the franchise to be $400,000 ; whereas, as a matter of fact, the right to be a corporation would be utterly valueless to a firm, and the difference between the market value of the stock and the value of the tangible property would simply be the good-will of the business ; this would exist whether the concern was incorpo- rated or not; and yet the difference is assessed only to corporations and not to individuals. A more glaring instance of the absurdity of the rule applied is that of a newspaper whose value is almost entirely made up of skill, ability, enterprise and good-will. Take the case of the two leading newspapers of this city, the Chronicle and Call, owned by private pro- prietors. Each is valued at about $300,000, and probably yields its proprietors a liberal interest upon that amount. Probably the only property connected with either of these papers which the assessor would assess are the printing presses and fixtures, worth, say, $30,000 ; but if either paper should be incorporated into a joint-stock company, with a capital stock of $300,000, its stock would probably sell for that amount, as the value of the stock in the market is largely de- termined by the rate of interest paid as dividends upon it. The as- sessor then, in that case, would assess the franchise, that is, the privi- lege of conducting the same business in the name of an artificial being, at the difference between the value of the printing press and fixtures, and the market value of the stock, namely: $270,000. So the mere change in the conduct of the business of such a newspaper, from the hands of a natural person to those of an artificial person, would result in an assessment upon the latter ten times greater than upon the for- mer, and yet this artificial person is a purely business corporation ; it does not have the power of eminent domain, or exercise the royal prerogative of collecting tolls ; the only franchise it possesses is the right to be a corporation. * * * THORNTON, J. * * * Blackstone says, in relation to franchises: 9 WIL. CASES. I3O SPRING VALLEY WATER- WORKS V. SCHOTTLER. 23 "Franchises and liberty are used as synonymous terms, and their defini- tion is a royal privilege, or branch of the king's prerogative, subsisting in the hands of a subject. Being, therefore, derived from the crown, they must arise from the king's grant, or in some cases may be held by prescription, which, as has been frequently said, presupposes a grant. The kinds of them are vai'ious and almost infinite," and adds "that they may be vested in either natural persons or bodies politic, in one man or in many." And again on this subject he says: "To be a county palatine is a franchise, vested in a number of persons. It is likewise a franchise for a number of persons to be incorporated, and subsist as a body politic, ivith a power to maintain perpetual succession, and do other corporate acts; each individual member of such corporation is also said to have a franchise or freedom." (2 Bl. Com. 37.) Kent defines franchises as "privileges conferred by grant from gov- ernment, and vested in individuals." (3 Kent's Com. 458.) He also says: "Corporations or bodies politic are the most usual fran- chises known in our law." (Id. 459.) In Pierce v. Emery, 32 N. H. 507, Perley, C. J., speaking for the court, remarks: "A corporation is itself a franchise belonging to the members of the corporation; and a corporation, being itself a franchise, may hold other franchises as rights and franchises of the corporation." And further : "A corporation, being itself a fran- chise, consists and is made up of its rights and franchises." In City of Bridgeport v. N. Y. & N. H. R. Co., 36 Conn. 266, Butler, J., speaking for the court, uses this language in regard to a railroad corporation: "The term 'franchise' has several significations, and there is some confusion in its use. The better opinion deduced from the authorities seems to be that it consists of the entire privileges embraced in and constituting the grant." (See title "Franchise" in Abbott's Law Diet., and cases there cited.) It is true that the privileges so granted by the government do not pertain to the citizens of the state by common right. But what is the "common right" here referred to? Is it not a right which pertains to the citizens by the common law, the investiture of which is not to be looked for in any special law, whether established by a constitution or an act of the legislature? Coke says: ''De commun droit of common right this is by the common law, because the common law is the best and most common birthright that the subject hath for the safeguard and defense not only of his goods, lands and revenues, but of his wife and children. * * * This common law of England is sometimes called right, sometimes common right, and sometimes com- munis justitia." (Coke's Inst. 142^.) The definition of -franchises as special privileges conferred by government upon individuals, and which do not belong to the citizens of the country generally of com- mon right, had its origin in Bank of Augusta v. Earle, 13 Pet. 575. A very learned and accurate writer, Mr. Emory Washburn, in his work on Real Property (2d vol. 267), adopts this definition, and cites as authority the case above referred to from 13 Peters. The same 23 THE CORPORATION AS A FRANCHISE. 131 definition is quoted by Angell & Ames, in their work on Corporations, from the case referred to. (See Ang. & Ames on Corp., 4.) In the case in 13 Peters it was contended that under the laws and constitution of Alabama the right of banking was a franchise. The court refused to so hold, on the ground that the right of banking, at common law, belonged to every citizen. (See, also, Curtis v. Leavitt, 15 N. Y. 170, opinion of Shanklin, J.) The discussion on the point in the opinion shows clearly that "common right" is used with the signification of common law." We are of opinion that the common right refers to the right of citi- zens, generally at common law. Such rights of citizens, though frequently spoken of as franchises, are not the franchises here meant; and it maybe conceded that where such rights are granted to corporations, they are not franchises. But independent of the right to exist as a corporation, and to exercise powers in its corporate ca- pacity, there are privileges granted to the water-works, which do not, by the common law, belong to citizens generally; such as the right to lay down pipes in the streets, ways and alleys of a city, and to collect rates for water furnished, which was held to be a franchise in San Francisco v. Spring Valley Water-Works, 48 Cal. 493, and in San Jose Gas Co. v. January, 57 Cal. 616. Conceding for the argu- ment that the constitution, by section 19 of article xi, grants this right to every person, it does not follow that it is not a franchise. They are vested by a grant of the sovereign power, and not by the common law ; and the generality of the grant does not deprive them of the character of franchises. The right to collect rates for use of water supplied to the city and county of San Francisco, or the inhabitants thereof, which the appel- lant has possessed at least ever since the act of 1858 went into effect, is expressly declared to be a franchise by the constitution of the state in the second section of article xiv, thereof. As has been said above, the very existence of a corporation as such is a franchise, and it exer- cises its franchise in every act which it performs as a corporation. In the Bank of Augusta v. Earle, above cited, the supreme court of the United States, speaking through Taney, C. J., in relation to the making of contracts by corporations, which, by common right, indi- viduals could make, said: "/ making such contracts, a corporation, no doubt, exercises its corporate franchise. But it must do this 'whenever it acts as a corporation, for its existence is a franchise" A corporation, whose existence is a franchise, may possess powers and privileges, which, in themselves, are not franchises (such as the right to bank, discussed in Bank of Augusta v. Earle, above cited, or the right to buy and sell property, real and personal), but it usually owns, along with such privileges, some that are franchises ; but whether the powers be entirely of the kind which are franchises or not, its existence and right to employ its corporate powers is a fran- chise. This we think abundantly established by the cases above cited. We have no doubt that it was the intention of those who frunu d and ratified the constitution to place such franchises in the category of 132 SPRING VALLEY WATER-WORKS V. SCHOTTLER. 23 property to be taxed. The word "franchises, "as used in the first section of article 13, is used generally without any qualifying words, and is intended to embrace all franchises of the character above re- ferred to, whether vested in individuals or bodies politic. A fran- chise conferred on an individual to lay down pipes in the streets of a city and to collect rates for water furnished a city or its inhabitants is to be taxed in the same way as when vested in corporations. The law in this respect is the same in regard to all persons, whether natural or artificial. It is contended that the clause, "and all other matters and things real, personal and mixed, capable of private ownership," in section i of article 13, qualifies the word "franchises" which precedes it. We do not think so. The structure of the sentence forbids any such con- struction. What is said before the employment of these words is complete of itself, and needs nothing to show what was signified. The words used show clearly that they were intended to add some- thing to what preceded them, to refer to kinds of property not pre- viously mentioned, net to qualify anything. They were doubtless in- serted out of abundant caution to show that all kinds of property, whether specifically enumerated or not, were intended to be included in the property to be taxed, though not embraced in the specific classes previously mentioned. They constitute a declaration that in enumerating the property to be taxed it was not intended to confine the enumeration to "moneys, credits, bonds, stocks, dues, franchises," but to include all other kinds of property, and that by no construction of the word property, as used in the section, were any kinds of prop- erty to be left out. But it is immaterial whether these words qualified "franchises" or not, for the reason that the franchises so referred to are capable of private ownership. To hold that a private corporation does not own its franchise right, power and privileges would be both novel and un- tenable. Admitting that under the law of the state there may be leg- islation which might impair their value, it does not follow that it is not owned as property, with all the rights which attach thereto. All these rights exist until the legislative authority has acted so as to im- pair them or take them away ; and until such legislation is enacted the rights of property remain unimpaired. There has been no legis- lation yet of the character as regards the appellant that has been called to our attention, or that we have been able to discover. This franchise of a corporation is sometimes classed as real estate of that kind styled incorporeal hereditaments. (Enfield Toll Bridge Co. v. Hartford and New Haven R. Co., 17 Conn. 40; s. c., 17 Conn. 462; Price v. Price's Heirs, 6 Dana 107; i Blackstone's Com., 20 22, 37, 38.) In the case cited from 17 Conn. 40, this was said of a bridge corporation. The shares of stock of the water- works are by statute made personal estate. (See act of 1853.) But whether real or personal estate, they are property. Such franchises, as long as they exist, are protected as property by the guarantee universal in the states of the Union, which forbids their being taken except for public 23 THE CORPORATION AS A FRANCHISE. 133 purposes and on compensation being made, (i Cooley's Con. Lim., 4th ed., 655, and cases cited in note 4.) During their existence they are as fully protected by law as any other species of property. On this subject see Wilmington R. Co. v. Reid, 13 Wall. 268; 3 Kent's Com. 458; Hamilton County v. Massachusetts, 6 Wall. 633; People v. Selfridge, 52 Cal. 331 ; T. & T. R. Co. v. Campbell, 44 Cal. 89; O. R. Co. v. O. B. & F. V. R. Co., 45 Cal. 365. (See cases just above cited from 17 Connecticut, and Norwich Gas-light Co. v. Nor- wich City Gas Co., 25 Conn. 36.) The franchise of a corporation is and can be 'well defined to be the right of the corporation to exist and exercise the powers and privi- leges vested in it by its charter. (Burr, on Tax., 83.) The fran- chise is the faculty of the corporation. As said by Redfield in his 'work on railways: ''The faculty of a corporation is its organic life; its corporate existence by which it is enabled to carry on busi- ness', that which it derives from its charter of incorporation its cor- porate franchise." (2 Redf. on Railways, 3d ed., 452.) In this state, the charter is the statute or statutes granting and defining the powers of the corporation, under which it is constituted and exists, together with the instruments required to be executed by the provis- ions of such statute or statutes. These are sometimes called the constat- ing instruments. (Field on Corp., 34, n. 3.) Such franchises are legal estates, not mere naked powers, and are powers coupled with an in- terest, which vest in the corporation by virtue of its charter or constat- ing instruments. (Society for Savings v. Coite, 6 Wall. 606; Provi- dent Institution v. Massachusetts, 6 Wall. 622 ; Hamilton Co. v. Massa- chusetts, 6 Wall. 638; Porter v. R. R. I. & St. L. R. Co., 76 111. 561.) That the state has full power to tax them, see same cases, and State R. R. Tax Cases, 92 U. S. 603. In the case from 76 Illinois, above cited, it is said: "It is clear upon authority that the franchise of a corporation is property, and as such it may be a proper object of taxation." (P. 573.) In Veazie Bank v. Fenno, 8 Wall. 547, Chase, C. J., used this language: "Franchises are property, often very valuable and productive property, and seem to be as properly objects of taxation as any other property." Daniel, J.. de- livering the opinion of the court in West River Bridge Co. v. Dix et al., 6 How. 529, said: "We are aware of nothing peculiar to a franchise which can class it higher, or render it more sacred than other property. A franchise is property, and nothing more." (See also Wilmington R. Co. v. Reid, 13 Wall. 264, and Monroe Savings Bank v. The City of Rochester, 37 N. Y. 367.) In this last case Fullerton, J., delivering the opinion of the court, said, in regard to n statute declaring the privileges and franchises granted by the legisla- ture to savings banks or institutions for savings, personal property, and liable to taxation as such: "In declaring the privileges and franchises of a bank to be personal property, the legislature has adopted no novel principle of taxation. The powers and privileges which constitute the franchise of a corporation are in a just sense property, and quite distinct and separate from the property, which, 134 SPRING VALLEY WATER-WORKS V. SCHOTTLER. 23 by the use of such franchise, the corporation may acqtiire. They are so regarded by the latv, and so regarded by common acceptation." That such franchises can be taxed according to the valuation arrived at through an assessment is recognized in the case of the Freight Tax, 15 Wall. 282, and in the case of the State Tax on Railway Gross Receipts, 15 Wall. 296. In the case of the State Railroad Tax Cases, above cited from 92 U. S. Reports, a tax on the assessed value of franchise and capital stock by the state of Illinois was sustained, approving the decision to that effect in Porter v. R. R. I. & St. L. R. R. Co., above cited from 76 Illinois. (See also Gordon v. Appeal Tax Court, 3 How. (U. S.) 133, and Judge Redfield's comment on this case in 2 Redf. on Railways, 453.) As to the extent of the power of the state to tax, see Providence Bank v. Billings, 4 Pet. 562, and Hamilton Co. v. Massachusetts, 6 Wall. 639. In the case in 4 Pet- ers, Marshall, C. J., said: "All powers * * * over which the sovereign power of a state extends are subjects of taxation. The sovereignty of a state extends to everything which exists by its author- ity, or is introduced by its permission." (4 Pet. 563.) The same doctrine was declared in Osborne v. Bank of the United States, 9 Wheat. 738. From the foregoing cases, it would seem that there can be no doubt of the power of a state to tax the franchise at its assessed value. There may be more difficulty in arriving at its value than that of a parcel of land or personal chattels, but still its value may be estimated. When it is condemned for public use, the compen- sation to be paid can be fixed. As is justly said in Porter v. R. R. I. & St. L. R. R. Co., 76 111. 578: "We have never known it to be as- serted that the value of a franchise is so indefinite and uncertain that it can not be made the measure of a recovery when it is wrongfully invaded; or that when it is taken and condemned for pubic use, it can not be ascertained what compensation shall be made to its owner. It is recognized in those respects as being capable of a definite valuation. * * * If its value may be ascertained for those purposes, it may as readily be ascertained for the purposes of taxation." As to value of franchises, and that they possess a value beyond that belonging to the tangible property of the corporation, see cases just above cited. (Commonwealth v. Hamilton Mfg. Co., 12 Allen 298, and Com- monwealth v. Gary Improvement Co., 98 Mass. 23.) In this state, the constitution having declared that franchises are property, and that all property in the state not exempt from taxation shall be assessed in proportion to its value, to be ascertained as pro- vided by law (Const., art. xiii, i), it would seem to follow that the tax must be according to the valuation made by the officer appointed for that purpose. If the state can impose a tax on the franchise of a corporation in the nature of an excise or duty, it does not exclude the taxation by a valuation made by an assessor. That such a franchise as that held by the appellant was taxable in this state, we think has been held by this court in two cases : Burke v. Badlam, 57 Cal. 594; and San Jose Gas Company v. January, 57 Cal. 614. * * * 23 THE CORPORATION AS A FRANCHISE. 135 When the matters in controversy in Burke v. Badlam originated, the legislature had acted in regard to the assessments of property, and enacted as follows: "Shares of stock in corporations possess no intrinsic value over and above the actual value of the property of the corporation which they stand for and represent, and the assessment and taxation of such shares and also of the corporate property would be double taxation. Therefore all property belonging to corporations shall be assessed and taxed, but no assessment shall be made of shares of stock; nor shall any holder thereof be taxed therefor." (Pol. Code, 3608.) (It may be remarked here that the constitutional validity of this section was affirmed in Burke v. Badlam. (See 57 Cal. 602.) * * * "The terms 'value' and 'full cash value' mean the amount at which the property would be taken in payment of a just debt due from a solvent debtor;" and "the term 'personal property' includes every- thing which is the subject of ownership not included within the mean- ing of the term real estate." [Each person (including corporations) also must furnish a state- ment of all property (including franchises) to the assessor, who is to enter the franchise and its value separate from the other property ; the assessor is to turn this statement over to the board of supervisors, who is to equalize all assessments.] * * * It appears from the record in this case that the board of supervisors, in the exercise of its power of equalization, assessed the franchise of the water-works by taking the aggregate of the market value of the shares of stock in the company on the yth of March, 1881, and de- ducting therefrom the value of the real and personal property of the company, and held the difference to be the value of the franchise. The market value of the shares was shown to the board by the testi- mony of witnesses. Such a mode of arriving at the value of the fran- chise appears to have been adopted by the assessor in San Jos6 Gas Co. v. January, 57 Cal. 614, and this mode was held to be within the powers vested in the assessor. It was also impliedly approved as a correct mode in Burke v. Badlam, above cited. (See Commonwealth v. Hamilton Mfg. Co., 12 Allen 306.) * * * There is a further point which we think it proper to notice. It is contended that good-will enters into and forms an element in the value of the shares of stock. No case has been produced to us, nor have we been able to find any holding or even intimating that this is so. We find no such element of value in the least hinted at, by any one who has written on the subject, nor has any such been called to our attention. We can not recognize any such element as giving value to shares in a trading corporation. It would be strange to predicate good- will as pertaining to or extending to an abstraction, to an "artificial being, invisible, intangible, and existing only in contemplation of law." Our conclusion is that the board of supervisors, in its capacity of a board of equalization, had jurisdiction of the person and subject-mat- ter in the matters involved in this cause, and the judgment of the court below is affirmed. 136 THE STATE V. THE GEORGIA MEDICAL SOCIETY. 24 Ross, MYRICK, MCKINSTRY, McKEE and SHARPSTEIN, JJ., con- curred. MORRISON, C. J., took no part is this decision. Note. See South Pacific R. Co. v. Orton, 32 Fed. Rep. 457, infra, p. 354. and 441-3, 680-1, infra. Sec. 24. (2) And particularly: This primary franchise belongs to the members in their individual capacity rather than to the corporation itself, and is inalienable except by consent of the state. THE STATE, Ex REL. J. WARING, PLAINTIFF IN ERROR, v. THE GEOR- GIA MEDICAL SOCIETY, DEFENDANT IN ERROR. 1 1869. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF GEORGIA. 38 Ga. 608-631 ; 95 Am. Dec. 408. [Waring filed a petition for writ of mandamus, to restore him to membership in the Georgia Medical Society, upon the ground that the action of the society "in expelling him from membership and de- priving him of his right and franchise as a corporator in said corpo- ration is unconstitutional and contrary to law." The society had authority to make such a constitution and by-laws not repugnant to the laws of the state or the United States, and these provide (among other things) that members "shall be gentlemen of respectable social posi- tion;" and "any member who shall be guilty of ungentlemanly con- duct during the session of the society, or who shall conduct himself, out of the society, in such a manner as would render him ineligible to membership, shall be expelled from the society according to the wishes of two-thirds of the members of the society present, provided that in every instance specific charges be set forth and handed to the individual at least one month before the society takes action thereon." The charges made were that Waring had become surety for Richard White, a. person of color, under indictment for larceny, who had been elected clerk of the court, in opposition to the wishes of the entire re- spectable community; and that he had also become surety for certain other persons of color, who were charged with riot, in such manner as would render him ineligible to membership ; also for charging for a dispensary prescription, which was allowed gratis by the city ; also consulting with a physician not a member of the society, contrary to one of the rules forbidding this. Dr. Waring was given proper notice and expelled by the proper vote. The society answered, claiming the court had no jurisdiction, and also setting forth the facts as to the charges, notice and expulsion, as above given. Waring moved to quash this answer as being insufficient ; the lower court overruled the motion, and Waring sued out his bill of exceptions to this court.] 1 Statement of facts condensed ; arguments omitted. 24 THE CORPORATION AS A FRANCHISE. 137 BROWN, C. J. i. It was insisted, in this case, that the Georgia Medical Society was in existence long before it was incorporated, and that its objects were in no way changed by its application for and acceptance of its present charter from the state. This may be very true, but its legal responsibilities were changed by the acceptance of the charter. While it remained a voluntary society, the courts had no jurisdiction over it, if it violated no law of the state, and its members had no property in their membership which the law could protect. But its acceptance of the charter subjected it to the supervision of the proper legal authorities having jurisdiction in such cases : 4 Wheat. 674-5, 6 Conn. 544-5. 2. When the voluntary society accepted the charter, it became a private, civil corporation, and the corporators, then in being, ac- quired a property in the franchise, and every person who has since become a corporator has acquired a like property. The property which the corporator acquires is not visible, tangible property; but it is none the less property, because it is invisible and intangible. It is not a corporeal hereditament; but it is incorporeal. Blackstone, in his Commentaries, volume 2, page 21, says: That incorporeal heredita- ments are divided into ten sorts; one of these consists of franchises. Bouvier, in his Law Dictionary, volume i, page 593, says the word franchise has several meanings, one of which he gives as follows: " It is a certain privilege conferred by grant from the government and vested in individuals. Corporations or bodies politic are the most usual franchise known to our law.'" The law books are full of the doctrine that persons may have a property in incorporeal heredita- ments, franchises, etc. Property, says Bouvier, volume 2, page 381, is divided into corporeal and incorporeal. The former comprehends such property as is perceptible to the senses, as lands, houses, goods, merchandise and the like ; the latter consists in legal rights as choses in action, easements and the like. Blackstone says, volume 2, page 37, it is likewise a franchise for a number of persons to be incorporated and subsist as a body politic, with power to maintain perpetual suc- cession, and to do other corporate acts, and each individual member of such corporation is also said to have a franchise of freedom. We think it -well settled by these and other authorities, that a corporator in a private, civil corporation, has a property in the franchise, of which he can not be deprived without due process of law. 3. It was insisted by the learned counsel for the plaintiff in error, that the ninth by-law of this corporation is unauthorized by the char- ter, and that the corporation is not justifiable in expelling a member for its violation ; that to deprive a corporator of his property in the franchise under it is to deprive him of his property without due pro- cess of law. We think the ninth by-law a proper one in view of the objects of the society, and we hold that the charter conferred upon the corporation the power to ordain and establish it, and that they have the power to expel a member when a proper case arises under it. But we hold that the society has not an uncontrollable discretion in its construction and enforcement. They can not, under pretext of 138 THE STATE V. THE GEORGIA MEDICAL SOCIETY. 24 enforcing this rule, take personal or private revenge, or make it the instrument of religious intolerance, or political proscription. When a member feels that he is aggrieved or injured by the illegal or op- pressive action of the body, it is his right to appeal to the courts for redress and protection ; and it is the right and duty of the court to in- vestigate such charges, when properly before it, and to judge of the legality of the action of the society in expelling a member or depriv- ing him of any other legal right. 4. The rule of law on this subject is thus stated by Judge Black- stone, volume i, page 381. The king being thus constituted by law, visitor of all civil corporations, the law has also appointed the place where he shall exercise this jurisdiction, which is the court of king's bench, where, and where only, all misbehaviors of this kind of corpo- rations are inquired into and redressed, and all their controversies decided. In this state the same visitorial power of correcting the mis- behaviors of these corporations, and deciding their controversies, is vested in the superior courts of the counties where they are located, which in England belongs to the king's bench. See 5 John. Ch. R. 335- It was contended, with much zeal and ability, by the able counsel for the defendant in error, that mandamus is not the proper remedy, even if we admit that the rights of Dr. Waring have been infringed, or that he has been deprived of them by the illegal action of the societv. The rule, as laid down by this court in a number of cases is that a person having a clear legal right, under the laws of this state, is en- titled to the writ of mandamus, if he has no other remedy to enforce it. 4 Ga. 26 and 116, 12 Ga. 170, 26 Ga. 665. But it is insisted that the code, section 3143, has changed this rule, and that mandamus does not now lie as a private remedy between in- dividuals to enforce private rights. We do not think this section of the code was intended to deny the writ to the corporator, who is deprived of his rights by the corporation, when he has no other adequate remedy for their enforcement. A corporation having been created, invested with certain powers, and charged with certain duties to be performed for the benefit of the public, is not a private individual in the sense of the word as used in said section of the code, and a corporator whose rights are -withheld or violated by the corporation, "who is with- out other remedy, is entitled to the writ. In the Commonwealth, ex rel., etc., v. The Mayor of Lancaster, 5 Watts 152, Gibson, C. J., says: "An action to enforce the right could not be maintained against the corporation because performance of a corporate function is not a duty to be demanded by action, and unless recourse could be had to the functionary in the first instance, the relator might have a cause for redress without a remedy." See 4 Ga. 44. Here the discharge of a corporate duty is treated as an office or function, and the corporation as a functionary. In this sense, no doubt, the legislature, in the adoption of the Code, intended to treat them. 24 THE CORPORATION AS A FRANCHISE. 139 The object of this society, as cited in their charter, was "for the purpose of lessening the fatality induced by climate and incidental causes, and improving the science of medicine." The whole com- munity have an interest in the success of this laudable undertaking ; and if the functions conferred by the charter, for the benefit of the public, are not faithfully performed, and one of the corporators, who has no other adequate redress, is injured by the conduct of the cor- poration (the functionary), the courts will grant him relief by manda- mus. 6. The record in this case shows no sufficient cause to justify the society in expelling Dr. Waring from his rights and privileges as a corporator. He was expelled for doing that which the law of this state not only authorizes but encourages. His offending consists in the fact that he became one of the sureties on the official bond of a colored citizen of his county, who had been elected clerk of the superior court of the county, by a majority of the legal votes cast at the elec- tion for that office, and in the further fact that he became surety on the bonds of certain other colored citizens who were charged with the offence of riot, for their appearance at court to answer the charge as the law directs. The very fact that the law requires the clerk of the superior court to give bond and security for the faithful discharge of his duties, is sufficient to justify any citizen of the county in becoming one of his sureties, and to protect him, in contemplation of law, from the imputation of having forfeited his position as a gentleman by so doing. Again, it is not the object of law to punish citizens of this state, whether white or black, by imprisonment, for offenses of which they have never been convicted. When they are charged with violations of the penal code, the requirement of the law is, that they appear at the proper time and place, and answer the charge ; and to secure such appearance, they are required to give bond and security, and it is only on failure to give the bond that they can be imprisoned. As inno- cent persons are often confined in prison under charges, because of their inability to give bond, the law favors bail whenever the offense is, by law, bailable. And the law favors this even in the case of the guilty, till the trial. This is not only best for the public, as it saves the tax-payers the expense of keeping them in jail, but is just to the accused, who receive the legal punishment for their crimes, if guilty, under the sentence of the court after legal conviction. How, then, does a citizen forfeit his corporate rights as a member of a civil corpo- ration, or his position as a gentleman, by doing an act that is not only encouraged by the laws of his state, but is a positive public benefit? But it is said Dr. Waring was not expelled from becoming surety on the bonds above mentioned, but for ungentlemanly conduct in the presence of the society. What ungentlemanly conduct? The ninth by-law requires that "specific charges" be set forth and handed to the accused at least one month before the society takes action thereon. What specific charges of ungentlemanly conduct in presence of the society, were ever handed to Dr. Waring? What did he say or do in 140 THE STATE V. THE GEORGIA MEDICAL SOCIETY. 24 the presence of the society, to forfeit his position as a gentleman? The record is silent. That silence is significant. That which is ma- terial and is not averred by the society in their answer is presumed not to exist. No ungentlemanly conduct in presence of the society is set forth in their response, and this court must presume none existed. Dr. Waring was convicted of the charges first mentioned in refer- ence to the suretyship, and brought formally before the society and censured. To this illegal and unauthorized proceeding he submitted. But, not satisfied with this, at the next meeting of the society he was again brought up, and his resignation demanded, and he was given till the succeeding meeting to comply with the imperious and unau- thorized demand. This he declined to do. And a preamble and resolutions were then passed, setting a future day when the society would vote on his expulsion for refusing to resign, and for discourteous behavior towards the society at two former meetings. In what the discourteous behavior consisted we are not informed by the record. In the meantime, however, the gracious privilege of avoiding ex- pulsion by resignation was still held out to Dr. Waring. When the time came for the much-cherished object by the infliction of the ex- treme penalty of expulsion, Dr. Waring was at home sick, and unable to attend, but he wrote the society, disclaiming all intentional dis- courtesy to it or its members, and protested against the irregularity and illegality of the course resolved upon, as set forth in said pre- amble and resolutions. But all to no effect. His expulsion was pre- determined, and that determination was executed. A more illegal or unjustifiable proceeding has seldom been brought before a court. After argument had, and a thorough examination of this case, it is the unanimous judgment of this court that the judgment of the court below be reversed, and the judge of the superior courts of said county is hereby instructed and ordered to grant a peremptory mandamus, commanding and compelling the said "The Georgia Medical Society" to restore the said Dr. James J. Waring to all his rights and privi- leges as a corporator in said society. Note. See, infra, p. 1171 ; Evans v. Philadelphia Club, 50 Pa. St. 107-127, and cases cited; and Belton v. Hatch, 109 N. Y. 593, 4 Am. St. 495, infra, p. 178. Also 1896, Board of Trade of Chicago v. Nelson," 162 111. 431, 44 N'. EV'743; 1892, Spilman v. Supreme Council of Home Circle, 157 Mass. 128; 1887, Pitcher v. Board of Trade, 121 111. 412; 1844, Commonwealth, ex rel., v. Pike Beneficial Soc., 8 W. & S. (Pa.) 247; 1883, Medical & Surg. Soc. of Mont. Co. v. Weatherly, 75 Ala. 248, 253; 1875, Meyer v. Johnson, 53 Ala. 237, 325; 1878, Board of Trade v. People, 91 111. 80; 1863, Sayre v. Louisville, etc., As- sociation, 1 Duval (Ky.) 143, 85 Am. Dec. 613; 1864, National M. F. Ins. Co. v. Yeomans, 8 R. I. 25, 86 Am. Dec. 610 ; 1855, Hiss v. Bartlett, 3 Gray 468, 63 Am. Dec. 768, note 773; 1857, Austin v. Searing, 16 N. Y. 112, 69 Am. Dec. 665, note 677; 1866, Society v. Commonwealth, ex rel., 52 Pa. St. 125, 91 Am. Dec. 139; 1866, Dane v. Derby, 54 Maine 95, 89 Am. Dec. 722, note 736. 25 THE CORPORATION AS A FRANCHISE. 14! Sec. 25. Same. FIETSAM v. HAY ET AL. 1 1887. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ILLINOIS. 122 111. 293-297, 3 Am. St. R. 492. Appeal from the circuit court of St. Clair county. Mr. Justice MULKEY delivered the opinion of the court: The People's Bank of Belleville, incorporated under a special act of legislature, approved and in force March 27, 1869, having become insolvent on the i7th of April, 1878, made a general assignment of all its property and effects for the benefit of creditors. The assignee presented a petition to the county court of St. Clair county, at its March term, 1887, for leave to sell "all the rights, privileges, powers and immunities which were granted by the said act incorporating said bank." The judge of the county court being interested in the result of the proceeding, the venue was changed to the circuit court of St. Clair county, where, upon due consideration of the petition, that court entered an order dismissing the same. The present appeal is from the order of dismissal. The correctness of the decision of the circuit court depends entirely upon whether the title to the franchise created and conferred by the bank charter passed as an asset of the bank, to the assignee, under the assignment. That its language is sufficiently comprehensive, and adequate to pass the franchise to the assignee, if, as matter of law, the bank could transfer it at all, we have no doubt. This is not ques- tioned. The question, therefore, is whether a corporate franchise, in the absence of statutory authority, is in law capable of being as- signed or transferred. Differently put, the question, as formulated by the parties themselves, is, "did the franchise of the said bank pass with the deed of assignment to the assignee as a salable asset of the said bank?" The word ''franchise" is often used in the sense of privileges gen- erally, but in its more appropriate and legal sense the term is con- fined to such rights and privileges as are conferred upon corporate bodies by legislative grant. It is in the latter sense, alone, the -word is now to be considered. The franchise proposed to be sold is a corporate franchise, and the artificial body or political entity to which it pertains is what is known to the law as an aggregate corporation. Such a corporation has been well defined to be "an artificial being created by law, and composed of individuals who subsist as a body politic under a special denomina- tion, with the capacity of perpetual succession, and of acting, within the scope of its charter, as a natural person." Now, a franchise is nothing more than the right or privilege of being a corporation, and of doing such things, and such things only, as are authorized by the 1 Arguments omitted. 142 FIETSAM V. HAY. 25 corporation 1 s charter. This right of a body of men to be and act as an artificial person, without, as a general rule, incurring individual responsibility, is declared by Blackstone to be "a royal privilege, or branch of the king's prerogative, subsisting in the hands of a subject." (2 Blackstone, 37.) Such right or franchise is defined by Bouvier to be "a certain privilege conferred by grant from government, and vested in individuals." (i Bouvier, 545.) Now, it is clear from these definitions, and from the very nature of a corporation, *hat a franchise or the right to be and act as an artificial body, -vests in the in- dividuals tvho compose the corporation, and not in the corporation itself. This fact, we think, is not without significance in reaching a conclu- sion upon the main question to be determined, outside of the numer- ous authorities bearing directly on the subject. It will be kept in mind that the corporate body, for purposes of ownership, and, indeed, for most purposes, has a distinct iden- tity from that of the individual corporators. The latter may be wealthy, when at the same time the former is insolvent, and vice versa. The corporation has no right to appropriate, sell or otherwise dispose of any of the property or effects of a corporator. The relation of debtor and creditor may subsist between them in the same manner as be- tween the company and other persons. The company's entire prop- erty may be swept away from it by sequestration, or other means, and yet its franchises will remain vested in the corporators, until they are either abandoned or forfeited to the state. All these propositions are familiar to the courts and the profession, and are all well sustained by authority. If, then, the franchise is vested in and belongs to the corporators, and not to the corporation itself, how could the latter transfer or as- sign it to another? On the plainest of principles this could not be done without legislative authority for that purpose, and we find noth- ing, either in the statute or the company's charter, conferring such authority. While it is conceded the legislature might confer on the artificial body the power to sell or assign the franchise to strangers, yet this would be, in effect, to authorize it to commit a species of sui- cide, for it is manifest the corporation could not exist a moment after the franchise conferred upon its members had been transferred to others. Indeed, when we consider the attributes and essential ele- ments of corporate existence, resulting from the grant of the fran- chise, and without which the artificial body could not accomplish the objects of its creation or perform the duties imposed upon it by law, the sale or assignment of the franchise without special legislative au- thority would seem to be wholly inadmissible. It is proposed here, it will be noted, to sell simply the franchise of the bank. Assuming this can be done, the question arises what would be the effect of such a sale ? It clearly could not have the effect of making the purchasers, if more than one, an aggregate corporation, with the general banking powers conferred by the bank charter. To assert such a proposition would be simply startling; and yet, if in such case the purchasers would take anything at all, they certainly could not take less than the 26 THE CORPORATION AS A FRANCHISE. 143 right to be a banking corporation, with all the powers and privileges conferred by the charter, for these rights are of the very essence of the franchise ; and consequently the one could not be thus acquired without, by the same act, securing the others a view which, as already indicated, has no sanction in reason or authority. While statements are to be found on this subject in some of the text- books, as well as in some of the decided cases, which can not be recon- ciled with the conclusion we have reached, yet we are clearly of opinion that a corporation, in the absence of statutory authority, has no right to sell or transfer its franchise or any property essential to its exercise, which it has acquired under the law of eminent domain. This proposition, in our judgment, is sustained both by reason and the decided weight of authority. Black et al. v. Delaware and Rari- tan Canal Co., 24 N. J. Eq. 455; Freeman on Executions, 179, 180; Pearce on Railroads, 496-1 ; Jones on Mortgages, 161 ; Rorer on Judicial Sales (3d ed.), 222; Archer v. Terre Haute and Indian- apolis R. Co., 102 111. 493; Bruffett v. Great Western R. Co., 25 111. 353; Chicago and Rock Island R. Co. v. Whipple, 22 111. 105; Ottawa, Oswego and Fox River Valley R. Co. v. Black, 79 111. 262. The circuit court having reached this conclusion, its order and judg- ment will be affirmed. Judgment affirmed. Note. 1867, Cleveland, etc., R. Co. v. Speer, 56 Pa. St. 325, 94 Am. Dec. 84; 1869, Miner's Ditch Co. v. Zellerbach, 37 Cal. 543, 99 Am. Dec. 300; 1887, Chicago Gas Light Co. v. People's Gas L. Co., 121 111. 530, 2 Am. St. 124; 1864, Caldwell v. Alton, 33 111. 416, 85 Am. Dec. 282; 1863, Story v. Plank Road Co., 16 N. J. Eq. 13, 84 Am. Dec. 134; 1862, People v. Railroad Co., 24 N. Y. 261, 82 Am. Dec. 295; 1859, Coe v. Railroad Co., 10 Ohio St. 372, 75 Am. Dec. 518; 1825, Ammant v. Turnpike Road, 13 S. & R. (Pa.) 210, 15 Am. Dec. 593; 1877, Hudson v. Cuero Land, etc., Co., 47 Tex. 56, 26 Am. Rep. 289; 1865, Commonwealth v. Smith, 10 Allen (Mass.) 448, 87 Am. Dec. 672, infra, p. 1070; 1862, Bardstown & L. R. Co. v. Metcalfe, 4 Met. (Ky.) 199, 81 Am. Dec. 54 1, infra, p. 1074; 1893, Brunswick G. L. & Co. v. United Gas, etc., Co., 85 Me. 532, 35 Am. St. R. 385, note, p. 390; Jones v. Guarantee Co., 101 U. S. 622, infra, p. 1078; 1872, State of Ohio, exrel., etc., v. Sherman, 22 Ohio St. 411, infra, p. 1082; 1892, Overton Bridge Co. v. Means, 33 Neb. 857, 29 Am. St. R. 514. Sec. 26. ( 3 ) The secondary franchises and privileges as well as ,,all other rights except the primary franchise, belong to the "^corporation, or artificial being, rather than to the individual members. MEMPHIS AND LITTLE ROCK RAILROAD COMPANY v. RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS. 1 1884. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. 1 12 U. S. 609-623. [This was a bill in equity filed in the chancery court of Pulaski county, Arkansas, seeking to enjoin the board of railroad commis- 1 Statement of facts condensed, arguments omitted. 144 MEMPHIS, ETC., R. CO. V. RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS. 26 sioners of the state from appraising, for the purposes of taxation, any part of the property of the plaintiff in error, on the ground that it is exempted from taxation by a contract with the state contained in its charter of incorporation. The supreme court of the state, on appeal, affirmed the decree of the chancery court dismissing the bill. That decree of the supreme court was brought here by writ of error, for review, on the allegation that it enforced a law of the state impairing the obligation of a contract in violation of the rights of the plaintiff in error under the constitution of the United States. The Memphis and Little Rock Railroad Company was incorporated in 1853, with power to borrow "money on the credit of the company, and on the mortgage of its charter and works" ( 9) ; and its capital stock was to be exempt from taxation until its road paid a dividend of 6 per cent., and its road, fixtures, etc., were to be exempt from taxes until twenty years after it was completed. (Sec. 28.) At the time of its incorporation the constitution of Arkansas permitted corpora- tions to be created by special acts, and there was no restriction as to the power to exempt such corporations from taxation. The supreme court of the state, in Oliver v. Memphis and Little Rock Railroad Com- pany, 30 Ark. 128, had held that the exemption from taxation in the charter of this road was a contract between it and the state, that was not to be impaired. The railroad company in 1860 issued its bonds, secured by mortgage covering "the charter by which said company was incorporated and under which it was organized, and all the rights and privileges and franchises thereof," and also all lands, etc., be- longing to said company. October 13, 1874, a new constitution of the state went into effect providing that corporations should be formed only under general laws, and no special act should be passed confer- ring corporate powers ; that all property should be taxed according to its true value ; that all laws exempting from taxation (except churches, etc., especially named and not including railroad companies) should be void ; that the power so to tax corporations should never be sur- rendered or suspended by any contract on the part of the state, and that the legislature shall not pass any general or special law for the benefit of any corporation then existing, except upon condition that such corporation should thereafter hold its charter subject to the pro- visions of the constitution. December 9, 1874, the legislature passed a law "whereby the pur- chasers of a railroad of any corporation of the state, and their asso- ciates, acquiring title thereto by virtue of a judicial sale, or of a sale under a power contained in a mortgage or deed of trust, were author- ized to organize themselves into a body corporate, vested with all the corporate rights, liberties, privileges, immunities and franchises of and concerning the railroad so sold, not in conflict with the constitu- tion of the state, as fully as the same were held, exercised and en- joyed by the corporation before such sale." A certificate of such organization was to be filed with the secretary of state. The road was not completed till November, 1874. In 1876, a bill to foreclose the mortgage was brought by the trustees under the same, and a de- 26 THE CORPORATION AS A FRANCHISE. 145 cree rendered, ordering a sale embracing the property, franchises and charter of said Memphis and Little Rock Railroad Company, and a sale was so made to certain trustees for the bondholders. In April, 1877, these bondholders organized themselves into a company under the name of "The Memphis and Little Rock Railroad Com- pany as reorganized," and a few days later, the trustees named in the sale, conveyed to said reorganized company "the property and franchises, including the charter of 1853," and under this it claims exemption from taxation in any way different from the provisions of the charter of 1853.] Mr. Justice MATTHEWS delivered the opinion of the court. [After reciting the facts substantially as above stated, he continued:] The case of the plaintiff in error rests entirely upon the words of the ninth section of the act of incorporation of the Memphis and Little Rock Railroad Company of January n, 1853, by which it was em- powered to borrow money "on the credit of the company and on the mortgage of its charter and works." It is argued that these words confer power upon the company to convey to its bondholders, by way of mortgage and on foreclosure, to purchasers absolutely, all the prop- erty of the company, and all its franchises, including the franchise of becoming and being a corporation, in the sense of acquiring the right to organize as such under the act as successor to, and substitute for, the original company, precisely as if the act had named them as cor- porators and endowed them with the corporate faculty. And this being assumed, it is thence inferred that the exemption contained in section 28 of the act applies to the substituted corporation as though no change of corporate existence had taken place ; and thus, it is in- sisted, the case is taken out of rule of decision established in Morgan v. Louisiana, 93 U. S. 217; Wilson v. Gains, 103 U. S. 417, and Louisville and Nashville R. Co. v. Palmes, 109 U. S. 244. Accord- ing to the principle of those decisions, the exemption from taxation must be construed to have been the personal privilege of the very cor- poration specifically referred to, and to have perished with that, unless the express and clear intention of the law requires the exemption to pass as a continuing franchise to a successor. This salutary rule of in- terpretation is founded upon an obvious public policy, which regards such exemptions as in derogation of the sovereign authority and of common right, and, therefore, not to be extended beyond the exact and express requirement of the grants, construed stridissimi juris . It is not claimed that the assignment of the charter, by way of mort- gage and subsequent judicial sale, constituted the purchasers to be the identical corporation that the mortgager had been ; for that would in- volve an assumption of its obligations and debts as well as an acqui- sition of its privileges and exemptions; but, it is insisted, that it re- sulted in another corporation in lieu of the original one, entitled to all the provisions of the charter, by relation to its date, as though it had been originally organized under it. But such a construction of the words, authorizing a mortgage of the 10 WIL. CASES. 146 MEMPHIS, ETC., R. CO. V. RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS. 26 charter and works of the company, is, in our opinion, beyond the intention of the law and altogether inadmissible. There is no express grant of corporate existence to any new body. At the time when this charter was granted, in 1853, there was no general law in existence in Arkansas authorizing the formation of corporations. All such grants were by special act. Neither was there any law authorizing the purchasers of railroads at judicial sale under mortgages of the property and franchises of the company, to organize themselves into corporate bodies, such as was first passed in 1874. There is not in the act of January n, 1853, for the incorpo- ration of the Memphis and Little Rock Railroad Company, any refer- ence to such a right as vested in the mortgage bondholders or other purchasers at a sale under a foreclosure of the mortgage, nor is there any mode or machinery prescribed in the act for such an organization. The desired conclusion rests entirely on the inference deduced from the mortgage of the charter, and is an attempt to create a corpora- tion by a judicial implication. But, as was said by this court in Cen- tral Railroad and Banking Co. v. Georgia, 92 U. S. 665, 670, "it is an unbending rule that a grant of corporate existence is never implied. In the construction of a statute every presumption is against it." The application of this rule is not avoided by the claim that the present is not the case of an original creation of a corporate body, but the transfer, by assignment of a previously existing charter and of the right to exist as a corporation under it. The difference is one of words merely. The franchise of becoming and being a corporation, in its nature, is incommunicable by the act of the parties and incapa- ble of passing by assignment. "The franchise to be a corporation," said Hoar, J., in Commonwealth v. Smith, 10 Allen 448, 455, "clearly can not be transferred by any corporate body of its own will. Such a franchise is not, in its own nature, transmissible." In Hall v. Sullivan Railroad Co., 21 Law Reporter 138 (2 Redfield's Am. Railway Cases 621 ; i Brunner's Collected Cases 613), Mr. Justice Curtis said: "The franchise, to be a corporation, is, therefore, not a subject of sale and transfer, unless the law, by some positive provis- ion, has made it so, and pointed out the modes in which such sale and transfer may be effected." No such positive provision is con- tained in the act under consideration, and no mode for effecting the organization of a series of corporations under it is pointed out, either in the act itself or in any other statute prior to that of December 9, 1874. The franchise of being a corporation need not be implied as neces- sary to secure to the mortgage bondholders, or the purchasers at a foreclosure sale, the substantial rights intended to be secured. They acquire the ownership of the railroad, and the property incident to it, and the franchise of maintaining and operating it as such ; and the corporate existence is not essential to its use and enjoyment. All the franchises necessary or important to the beneficial use of the rail- road could as well be exercised by natural persons. The essential properties of corporate existence are quite distinct from the fran- chises of the corporation. The franchise of being a corporation be- 26 THE CORPORATION AS A FRANCHISE. 147 longs to the corporators, while the powers and privileges, vested in and to be exercised by the corporate body as such, are the franchises of the corporation. The latter has no power to dispose of the fran- chise of its members, which may survive in the mere fact of corpo- rate existence, after the corporation has parted with all its property and all its franchises. If, in the present instance, we suppose that a mortgage and sale of the charter of the railroad company created a new corporation, what becomes of the old one? If it abides for the pur- pose of responding to obligations not satisfied by the sale, or of own- ing property not covered by the mortgage nor embraced in the sale, as it may well do, and as it must if such debts or property exist, then there will be two corporations coexisting under the same charter. For, "after an act of disposition which separates the franchise to maintain a railroad and make profit from its use, front the franchise of being a corporation, though a judgment of dissolution may be authorized, yet, until there be such judgment, the rights of the cor- porators and of third persons may require that the corporation be considered as still existing." Coe v. Columbus, Piqua and Indiana Railroad Co., 10 Ohio St. 372, 386, per Gholson, J. If, as required by the argument for the plaintiff in error, we regard and treat the franchise of being a corporation as an incorporeal hered- itament, and an estate capable of passing between parties by deed, or of being charged by way of mortgage and of being sold under a power or by virtue of judicial process, the logical consequences will be found to involve insuperable difficulties and contradictions. In the present case, for example, after the execution of the first mort- gage, we should have the railroad company continuing as a corpora- tion in esse, and the trustees for the bondholders, or their beneficiaries, or assigns, a corporation in posse; and, after condition broken, the company would hold the title to its own existence as a mere equity of redemption. That equity it makes the subject of a second mortgage, and, in default, the beneficiaries under the power of sale became pur- chasers of 'the franchise, and organize themselves, by virtue of it, into the Memphis and Little Rock Railway Company. The latter can hardly claim the status of a corporation at law, as the legal title to the franchise of being a corporation had never passed to it, on the supposition that it might pass by a private grant ; and, if a corpora- tion at all, it could only be regarded as the creature of equity, accord- ing to the analogy of equitable estates, a nondescript class hitherto unknown in any system of law relating to the subject. It finally was displaced by the judicial sale, under which the plaint- iff in error organized as successor to both. In the meantime, the original corporation has never been dissolved, and, for all purposes not covered by the mortgage, still maintains an existence as a corporate body, capable of contracting, and of suing and being sued. A concep- tion which leads to such incongruities must be essentially erroneous. If we concede to the argument for the plaintiff in error the position, that the language used, which authorizes the mortgage of the charter, may be taken in a literal sense, still the assignment would transfer it, 148 MEMPHIS, ETC., R. CO. V. RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS. 26 in the very state in which it might be at the date of the transfer. But at that date the only corporation which the charter provided for had already been organized. The only powers conferred upon corpora- tors to that end had already been exercised and exhausted. The bond- holders, under the mortgage, and their assignees, the purchasers at the sale, therefore took, and could take, nothing else than the charter, so far as it remained unexecuted, with such franchises and powers as were capable of future enjoyment and activity, and not such as, hav- ing already spent their force by having been fully exerted, could not be revived by a conveyance. This would include, by the necessity of the case, the franchise to organize a corporation, which can only be exerted once for all ; for the simple act of organization exhausts the authority, and, having once been effected, is legally incapable of repetition. It is a mistake, however, to suppose that the mortgage and sale of a charter by a corporation, in any proper sense which can be legally imputed to the words, necessarily conveys every power and authority conferred by it, so far, at least, as to vest a title in them, as franchises, irrevocable by reason of the obligation of a contract. In many, if not in most, acts of incorporation, however special in their nature, there are various provisions which are matters of general law and not of contract, and are, therefore, subject to modification or repeal. Such, in our opinion, would be the character of the right in the mortgage bondholders, or the purchasers at the sale under the mort- gage, to organize as a corporation, after acquiring title to the mort- gaged property, by sale under the mortgage, if, in the charter under consideration, it had been conferred in express terms, and particular provision had been made as to the mode of procedure to effect the purpose. It would be matter of law, and not of contract. At least, it would be construed as conferring only a right to organize as a cor- poration, according to such laws as might be in force at the time when the actual organization should take place, and subject to such limita- tions as they might impose. It can not, we think, be admitted that a statutory provision for becoming a corporation in futuro can become a contract, in the sense of that clause of the constitution of the United States which prohibits state legislation impairing its obligation, until it has become vested as a right by an actual organization under it, and then it takes effect as of that date, and subject to such laws as may then be in force. Such a contract, so far as it seems to assume that form, is a provision merely that, at the time, or on the happen- ing of the event specified, the parties designated may become a cor- poration according to the laws that may then be actually in force. The stipulation, whatever be its form, must be construed as subject and subordinate to the paramount policy of the state, and to the sov- ereign prerogative of deciding, in the meantime, what shall constitute the essential characteristics of corporate existence. The state does not part with the franchise until it passes to the organized corpora- tion; and, when it is thus imparted, it must be what the government is then authorized to grant and does actually confer. It Is immaterial that the form of the transaction is that of a mort- 26 THE CORPORATION AS A FRANCHISE. 149 gage, sale or other transfer inter par tes of the franchise to be a cor- poration. "The real transaction, in all such cases of transfer, sale or conveyance," as was said by the supreme court of Ohio in the case of The State v. Sherman, 22 Ohio St. 411, 428, "in legal effect, is nothing more or less, and nothing other, than a surrender or aban- donment of the old charter by the corporators, and a grant de novo of a similar charter to the so-called transferees or purchasers. To look upon it in any other light, and to regard the transaction as a literal transfer or sale of the charter, is to be deceived, we think, by a mere figure or form of speech. The vital part of the transaction, and that without which it would be a nullity, is the law under which the trans- fer is made. The statute authorizing the transfer and declaring its effect is the grant of a new charter couched in a few words, and to take effect upon condition of the surrender or abandonment of the old charter ; and the deed of transfer is to be regarded as mere evidence of the surrender or abandonment." It is, of course, the law in force at the time the transaction is con- summated and made effectual that must be looked to as determining its validity and effect. This is the principle on which this court pro- ceeded in deciding the case of Railroad Co. v. Georgia, 98 U. S. 359. The franchise to be a corporation remained in, and was exer- cised by, the old corporation, notwithstanding the mortgage of its charter, until the new corporation was formed and organized ; it was then surrendered to the state, and by a new grant then made passed to the corporators of the new corporation, and was held and exercised by them under the constitutional restrictions then existing. Our conclusions, then, are that the exemption from taxation con- tained in the 28th section of the act of January u, 1853, was intended to apply only to the Memphis and Little Rock Railroad Company as the original corporation organized under it ; that it did not pass by the mortgage of its charter and works, as included in the transfer of the franchise to be a corporation, to the mortgagees or purchasers at the judicial sale ; that the franchises embraced in that conveyance were limited to those which had been granted as appropriate to the con- struction, maintenance, operation and use of the railroad as a public highway and the right to make profit therefrom ; and that the appellant, not having become a corporate body until after the restrictions in the constitution of 1874 took effect, was thereby incapable in law of having or enjoying the privilege of holding its property exempt from taxation. The decree of the supreme court of Arkansas is accordingly affirmed. Note. Power to mortgage franchises must be expressly given, or it does not ex- ist. 1856, Pierce v. Emery, 32 N. H. 484; 1859, Coe v. C., C., etc., R. Co., 10 O. S. 372; 1858, Lauman v. Lebanon Val. R., 30 Pa. St. 42; infra, p. 1081; 1875, Daniels v. Hart, 118 Mass. 543; 1888, People v. Cook, 110 N. Y. 443; 1890, Snell v. City, 133 111. 413, 8 L. R. A. 858, 24 N. E. 532; contra, 1857, Hall v. Sullivan R., 11 Fed. Cas. 257 (No. 5,948) ; 1863, Miller v. Rutland, etc., R. Co., 36 Vt. 452; 1862, Bardstown, etc., R. Co. v. Metcalfe, 4 Met. (Ky.) 199, infra, p. 1074. The legislature may expressly authorize the mortgage of the franchise. 1864, Atkinson v. Marietta, etc., R. Co., 15 O. S. 21 ; 1866, East Boston, etc., R. Co. v. East. R. Co., 13 Allen (Mass.) 422. ISO WALES V. STETSON. 2/ Exemption from taxation, effect of transfer. 1896, Peareall v. R. Co., 161 II. S. 646; infra,p.U13; 1894, Keokuk R. Co. v. Missouri, 152 TJ. S. 301; 1888, Rail- road Company v.Commw., 87 Ky.661; 1884, Railroad Co. v. Berry, 44 Ark. 17. Sec. 27. (4) When a franchise is offered by the state and ac- cepted by those to whom it is offered, it is in the nature of a grant or executed contract. 1789, BULLER, J., in King v. Passmore, 3 T. R. 246. "And I do not know how to reason on this point better than in the manner urged by one of the relator's counsel, who considered the grant of incorporation to be a compact between the crown and a certain num- ber of subjects, the latter of whom undertake, in consideration of the privileges which are bestowed, to exert themselves for the good gov- ernment of the place. Now, if those persons have so far violated their trust by negligence or misconduct that they are no longer capable of governing the place, there is an end of the compact. The ground of the charter was the government of the place, and when that can not be carried on, I see no reason why the crown can not grant another charter to a different set of persons." Note. See also : 1694, Philips v. Bury, 1 Ld. Raym. 5, 8. c. 2 T. R. 346; 1815 Terrett v. Taylor, 9 Cranch (U. S.) 43. Sec. 28. Same. WALES, TREASURER, ETC., v. STETSON. 1 1806. IN THE SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT OF MASSACHUSETTS. 2 Mass. 143-146, 3 Am. Dec. 39. The declaration was in trespass and contained two counts. The first was for passing the turnpike gate without payment of the legal toll ; and the second was for cutting down the gate. The parties submitted the cause to the court on a statement of facts, in substance as follows: That the corporation was duly authorized by law to make the road, and, when made and approved by the court of sessions for the county of Norfolk, to erect a gate thereon, near the dwelling-house of Joseph Hunt ; that the road was so made and approved ; that by the act of incorporation, "If any person shall cut, break down, or otherwise in- jure or destroy the said turnpike gate, or shall forcibly pass, or attempt to pass, by force without first paying the legal toll at such gate, such person shall forfeit and pay a fine not exceeding $50, nor less than $5, to be recovered by the treasurer of said corporation, to their use in an action of trespass." That the gate was erected on a part of the turnpike road where was before an ancient public highway; that it was near the house of Joseph Hunt, but that it might have been placed nearer to the said house, and in a part of the turnpike road which was not before a public highway. That said Stetson did, on the twenty-ninth day of March, 1806, 1 Arguments omitted. 28 THE CORPORATION AS A FRANCHISE. 15 I forcibly pass the said gate without payment of toll, and in the even- ing of said day did cut down said gate. If, upon these facts, the court are of opinion that the corpora- tion had a right by law to erect said gate at the place where it was erected, then the defendant agrees to be defaulted; if otherwise the plaintiff is to become nonsuit. The opinion of the court was delivered by PARSONS, C. J. After considering the several points made in this cause by the counsel, we are satisfied that the question submitted must be decided according to the legal construction of the act incorporating the proprietors of this turn- pike. We are not prepared to deny a right in the general court to discontinue by statute a public highway. It is an easement common to all the citizens, who are represented in the legislature. The au- thorizing of the erection of bridges over navigable waters is, in fact, an exercise of a similar right. We are also satisfied that the rights le- gally vested in this, or in any corporation, can not be controlled or destroyed by any subscqtient statute, unless a po-wer for that purpose be reserved to the legislature in the act of incorporation. In the consideration of the provisions of any statute, they ought to receive such a reasonable construction, if the words and subject-mat- ter will admit of it, as that the existing rights of the public, or of in- dividuals, be not infringed. And we are of opinion that this act of incorporation reasonably admits such construction. The corporation had a right to make the turnpike over such parts of the old road as lay in their way. This affects no existing rights, as the easement re- mains. But before we construe the statute as giving an authority to ob- struct a former highway by erecting a gate thereon, it should appear that such construction is necessary to give a reasonable effect to the statute. In this case no such necessity appears; but from the case as stated it appears that the corporation might have exercised their right to erect a gate, and to receive the toll, as empowered by the statute, without impeding the travel on the old highway. The stat- ute authorizes the corporation to erect a gate on the turnpike road near the dwelling-house of Joseph Hunt; and it is agreed in the case that a gate might have been erected on the turnpike, and near the dwelling-house of J. Hunt, and not upon any part of the old highway. This gate being on the old highway is a public nuisance, and the de- fendant had a right to abate it. Let the plaintiff be called. Note. 1853, State Bank of Ohio v. Knoop, 16 How. (U. S.) 369; 1854, Thorpe v. Rutland & Bur. R. Co., 27 Vt. 140; 1819, Dartmouth College v. Woodward, 4 Wheat. (U. S.) 518, infra, p. 708; 1857, Nichols v. Somerset, etc., R. Co., 43 Me. 356; 1805, Trustees v. Foy, 1 Murphy (N. C.) 58, 3 Am. Dec. 672, supra, p. 34; 1855, Dodge v. Woolsey, 18 How. (U. S.) 331, supra, p. 88; 1867, Zabriskie v. Hackensack, etc., R. Co., 18 N. J. Eq. 178, 90 Am. Dec. 617, infra, p. 1466; 1850, Commonwealth v. Cullen, 13 Pa. St. 133, 53 Am. Dec. 450, infra, p. 417; 1862, Durfee v. Old Colony R. Co., 5 Allen (Mass.) 230, in- fra, p. 1462; 1872, Yeaton v. Bank of Old Dominion, 21 Grattan (Va.) 593, infra, p. 750; 1872, Tomlinson v. Jessup, 15 Wallace (U. S.) 454, infra, p. 754; 1864, Hawthorne v. Calef, 2 Wallace (U. S.) 10, infra, p. 752; 1856, White Mountain R. Co. v. Eastman, 34 N. H. 124, infra, p. 758. Compare, 1809, Cur- rie v. Mut. Ass. Soc., 4 Henning & Munf. (Va.) 315. 152 HIGGINS V. DOWNWARD, 29 Sec. 29. (5 ) These franchises are property, and can not be taken without cause, but may be forfeited for misuser or nonuser. 1691. HOLT, J., in King v. Mayor of London, Show. 280. "I am of the opinion that a corporation may be forfeited, if the trust be broken, and the end for which it is instituted be perverted." HIGGINS ET AL. v. DOWNWARD. 1 1888. IN THE COURT OF ERRORS AND APPEALS OF DELAWARE. 8 Hous. (Del.) 227-257, 40 Am. St. Rep. 141. SAULSBURY, Chancellor. "A corporation is an artificial being, in- visible, intangible and existing only in contemplation of law. Being the mere creature of law, it possesses only those properties which the charter of its creation confers upon it, either expressly or as inciden- tal to its very existence. These are such as are supposed best calcu- lated to effect the object for which it was created. Among the most important are immortality, and, if the expression may be allowed, individuality ; properties by which a perpetual succession of many persons are considered as the same, and may act as the single indi- vidual. They enable a corporation to manage its own affairs, and to hold property without the perplexing intricacies, the hazardous and endless necessity of perpetual conveyance for the purpose of trans- mitting it from hand to hand. It is chiefly for the purpose of cloth- ing bodies of men in succession with these qualities and capacities that corporations were invented and are in use." Chief Justice Mar- shall's opinion in the case of College v. Woodward, 4 Wheat. 626. A franchise is a certain privilege conferred by grant from the govern- ment, and vested in individuals. Corporations or bodies politic are the most usual franchises known to our law. Bouv. Law Diet., 545- By section 17, article 2, of the constitution of this state, it is declared that "no act of incorporation, except for the renewal of existing cor- porations, shall be hereafter enacted without the concurrence of two- thirds of each branch of the legislature, and without a reserved power of revocation by the legislature ; and no act of incorporation which may be hereafter enacted shall continue in force for a longer period than twenty years without the re-enactment of the legislature, unless it be an incorporation for public improvement." The Wilmington and Reading Railroad Company was a private corporation for public improvement, and therefore its existence was not limited to the period of twenty years under this provision of the constitution. There was no time fixed by positive provision in the charter of the Wilmington and Reading Railroad Company when the corporation should cease to exist. Had there been, the corporation, in the absence of a renewal of its charter before that period, would 1 Facts sufficiently stated in the opinion of the court. Arguments, and opin- ion of Comegys, J., concurring, omitted. 29 THE CORPORATION AS A FRANCHISE. 1 53 have become dissolved without either a representative or the possibil- ity of one, as no provision is made by our laws for a representative in such a case ; and at the instance of its dissolution the debts due to it would have become extinguished, not the right to or the remedy for the debts suspended, merely, but the debt itself annihilated. Bank v. Lockwood's Adm'r, 2 Har. (Del.) 14. A judgment, being No. 181 to the November term, 1869, was recovered by the Wilmington and Reading Railroad Company, a corporation then existing under the laws of Delaware and Pennsylvania, against the defendants. A.Ji.J'a. was issued, being No. 224 to the November term, 1870, on this judg- ment, and levy made on goods and chattels. Subsequent executions were issued on this judgment, the last being an alias vend, exp., No. 92, to September term, 1887. On May 29, 1886, the judgment was marked for the use of the Wilmington and Northern Railroad Company, by the direction of the attorney of the plaintiff, and the judgment was afterwards, on June 12, 1886, marked for the use of John C. Higgins by direction of the president of the Wilmington and Northern Railroad Company. The defendants allege that at or about the year 1877 the Wilmington and Reading Railroad Company had ceased to have any legal existence as a corporation, or any right to perform or do any act whatever, and that the said judgment which had been recovered by it became void and of no effect. The sixth reason assigned for setting aside the sheriff'-s sale is that the transfers or assignments alleged to have been made by indorse- ments on the record, and by and through which the said John C. Hig- gins claims title thereto, were illegal, unauthorized and void, and ineffectual to vest in said John C. Higgins any right or title what- ever. This reason, so far as it relates to the authority of the attorney directing the judgment to be marked to the use of the Wilmington and Northern Railroad Company is not before us, exceptions thereto having, for the sake of expediting the hearing of the questions re- served, been abandoned, so that the real and only question before us is, was the Wilmington and Reading Railroad Company dissolved by the act in relation thereto passed February 22, 1877? Or, in other words, did the legislature, by passing that act, revoke the charter of the Wilmington and Reading Railroad Company? On the 3d of March, 1868, the Wilmington and Reading Railroad Company exe- cuted a mortgage upon its road, etc., for the payment of money. A suit was afterward instituted in the United States Circuit Court for the foreclosure of this mortgage. The final decree in the case was made April 25, 1876, directing the sale by the trustees of the railroad and property. The sale was made under the decree November 4, 1876. The deed made by the trustees to the purchasers conveyed "the rail- road of the Wilmington and Reading Railroad Company, extending from a point on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad at or near Birdsboro, in the county of Berks, state of Pennsylvania, to the city of Wilmington, in the state of Delaware, with all the rights, privi- leges, immunities and franchises of the said Wilmington and Reading Railroad Company, under any and all grants of the state of Pennsyl- 154 HIGGINS V. DOWNWARD. 29 vania, but exclusive of the franchises granted by the state of Dela- ware." These franchises granted by the state of Delaware were not included in the mortgage for which foreclosure was decreed, and, of course, were not included, but excluded, by the decree of foreclosure. They were not sold by the trustees to the purchasers of said road. Of course, therefore, the purchasers of said Wilmington and Reading Railroad did not by such sale become entitled to said franchises granted by the state of Delaware. On the 22d of February, 1877, the legislature of Delaware passed an act to incorporate the purchasers of the Wilmington and Reading Railroad. This act, after reciting in its preamble that the railroad of the Wilmington and Reading Railroad Company, with its appurte- nances, was sold in pursuance of a mortgage executed by said com- pany under authority of laws of this state, and that it was necessary to the proper enjoyment of the rights acquired by said sale that the purchaser should be incorporated with authority to consolidate with any company organized or to be organized under the laws of the state of Pennsylvania, operating such portion of the road so sold as is situated within the state of Pennsylvania, incorporated the persons purchasing the said Wilmington and Reading Railroad, under a decree of the circuit court of the United States for the eastern district of Pennsylvania, a body politic and corporate, by the name of the "Wilmington and Northern Railroad Company." By this act the company were vested with all the right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand at law or in equity of, in and to such railroad, to v/it, the railroad of the Wilmington and Reading Railroad Company, with its appurtenances, and with all the rights, powers, immunities, privileges and franchises of the corporation as whose property the same was sold, and which may have been granted thereto or conferred thereupon by any act or acts of assembly whatsoever in force at time of such sale. These franchises, granted by the state of Delaware, not being included in the mortgage executed by the Wilmington and Reading Railroad Company, and consequently not sold under the decree of foreclosure thereof made by the circuit court of the United States for the eastern district of Pennsylvania, the purchasers at such sale acquired no title thereto, and no property therein. If they acquired any such title or property it could only have been under and by virtue of the act to in- corporate the purchasers of the Wilmington and Reading Railroad before referred to. This act purported to ve'st such purchasers, among other things, with the privileges and franchises of the corporation as whose property the same was sold, and which may have been granted thereto or conferred thereupon by any act or acts of assembly what- ever in force at time of such sale. The condition of a corporation whose charter has expired is not the same as that of a corporation which has failed to elect its officers, and, as the consequence of that failure, is rendered inactive. The life of the one is out of it by its own constitution, and not from a fail- ure to do what its charter enabled them to do, to give them active being ; the other was entitled by its charter to a continued active life, 29 THE CORPORATION AS A FRANCHISE. I 55 but it has failed to continue that activity by the election of its neces- sary officers. Its active powers, but not its being, are gone. The one is dead ; the other is dormant. The principles of law which apply to the rights of a corporation thus dormant or disabled are not the same as those which are applicable to the rights of a corporation which is dissolved, or civilly dead. In the former case debts due are extinguished ; not so in the latter case. No judgment of ouster or other similar judgment, or judgment of like effect, has ever been judicially declared against the Wilmington and Reading Railroad. The act to incorporate the purchasers of the Wilmington and Reading Railroad did not in express terms revoke the charter of the Wilming- ton and Reading Railroad, nor necessarily deprive the latter of its franchises granted by the acts of assembly of the state of Delaware. The Wilmington and Reading Railroad had never forfeited its char- ter as judicially ascertained by any judgment of a court of law; and even the former act did not so declare. A franchise is property, and it can not -wantonly or of -whim be taken away by a legislative act and transferred to another. The act of February 22, 1877, must receive a-reasonable interpre- tation. It must be interpreted to mean that which the legislature of the state of Delaware had a right to do, and not that which the legisla- ture had not a right to do. The rights, powers, immunities, privi- leges and franchises conferred by the legislature on the purchasers of the Wilmington and Reading Railroad must be interpreted to be such rights, powers, immunities, privileges, and franchises as those con- ferred by the legislature on the Wilmington and Reading Railroad by any act or acts of the general assembly which the Delaware legislature had the right to confer, and to vest the same in said purchasers, because the legislature had the right to make such a grant ; but the legislature had no authority to take from the Wilmington and Read- ing Railroad rights, powers, immunities, privileges and franchises, the same never having been judicially declared forfeited, nor revoked constitutionally by legislative authority. If the legislature had re- voked the charter of the Wilmington and Reading Railroad, it could have granted rights, powers, immunities, privileges and franchises of the same nature and kind as those -which the Wilmington and Reading Railroad had theretofore possessed, but not the same iden- tical rights, powers, immunities, privileges and franchises, be- cause the charter being revoked, it would follow that the rights, powers, immunities, privileges and franchises ceased and determined, and were not the subject of transference to another company by legislative grant. The words, "of the corporation as whose property the same was sold, and which may have been granted thereto or conferred thereupon by any act or acts of assembly whatsoever in force at the time of such sale," must be interpreted as having relation to what was sold, and not to that which was not sold, and could not have been legally sold under the said decree of foreclosure. According to this interpretation, the words used would have force and effect. A con- 156 HIGGINS V. DOWNWARD. 29 trary interpretation, would render the words of the act of assembly inoperative and void. It appears from the case stated that the judgment in respect to which controversy exists in this case was on May 29, 1886, marked for the use of the Wilmington and Northern Railroad Company by Victor Du Pont, attorney for plaintiff, and on June 12, 1886, for the use of John C. Higgins, by direction of H. A. Du Pont, president of the Wilmington and Northern Railroad Company. It also appears in like manner that there had been no meeting of the stockholders of the Wilmington and Reading Railroad Company after the sale thereof under the decrees of foreclosure aforesaid. If these facts be so, the Wilmington and Reading Railroad as a corporation was not dead, nor the debts due it extinguished, so far, at least, as it existed under the laws of the state of Delaware. In this respect it was only dormant; capable of being revived, but incapable of action without such revival. Its life or death rested with the legislature. The views above expressed in reference to extinct and dormant corpora- tions are in accordance to the opinion of the court in the case of Bank v. Lockwood's Adm'r. "There is," says Morawetz (Priv. Corp., 1002, 1003), "a broad and fundamental distinction between the dissolution of the corporation and the loss of its franchise or legal right to exist. Much confusion may be avoided," he says, "by bear- ing in mind this distinction." Again, he says: "If the charter of a corporation limits its existence to a definite period of time, the fran- chise or right to exist would expire at the time limited." Again: ' ' The franchise to exist and carry on business as a corporation con- tinues indefinitely unless the time of its duration is expressly limited in the grant. ' ' If the corporation should be guilty of any wrongful act, or neglect of duty, which would give the state a right to declare the franchise forfeited , the franchise would nevertheless continue tmtil the forfeiture has been claimed and enforced by the state through the proper legal proceedings. The commission of a wrongful act or neglect of duty by a corporation would evidently not per se put an end to the actual ex- istence of the corporate association. After a long -continued non-user it may be presumed that a corporation has surrendered its franchises to the state; but the mere fact that a corporation has been without officers or organization, and has performed no corporate acts during a number of years, does not put an end to its franchises , although this may be a good ground for declaring them forfeited by judicial proceedings." The charter of a corporation does not expire by reason of the omis- sion or commission of acts on the part of the company for declaring a forfeiture, but the franchises continue in full force until the penalty of forfeiture is claimed by the state granting the franchise, and this can be done only through a legal proceeding by which the cause of forfeiture is judicially ascertained, and not in a purely collateral pro- ceeding. Says Pierce (R. R. n): "The non-use or misuse of its franchises by a corporation, or its breach of the conditions on which its duration is by the law of its creation made to depend, is a cause of forfeiture. Such defaults, however, do not of themselves work a 29 THE 'CORPORATION AS A FRANCHISE. 157 forfeiture, but they take effect only when judicially determined in a direct proceeding instituted for the purpose. A non-user or mis- user is a ground of forfeiture, although not expressly declared to be such by statute." The same writer says : "A cause of forfeiture which has not been judicially declared in a direct proceeding can not be taken advantage of collaterally." The legal modes of proceeding against a corporation for usurpation non-user or misuser of a fran- chise is scire facias, or an information in the nature of a quo war- ranto, each prosecuted at the instance and on behalf of the state. What becomes of the corporate property of a corporation in the event of its dissolution? The court in the case of Bankv. Lockwood's Admr's, before referred to, say that on the dissolution of a corpora- tion as by the expiration of the period of its charter, its real estate re- verts to the grantor, its personal estate to the people, and the debts due to it are extinguished. This is doubtless so at the common law, and in a proceeding at law as a scire facias on a judgment; but the more modern doctrine upon this subject seems to be that the capital of a corporation becomes upon its dissolution a fund to be adminis- 'tered in equity for the payment of its creditors, and afterwards for distribution among its stockholders. The creditors have a lien on the assets, and may follow them into the hands of stockholders and per- sons who are indebted to the corporation. The rights of stockholders in the assets are subordinate to those of creditors. See Pierce R. R. 13, and authorities cited. In my opinion, when the constitution of this state speaks of the reserved power of revocation of a corporation by the legislature, it means an express revocation by the legislature, and not otherwise. It will be seen from what I have already said that the judgment set forth in the case stated, being No. 181 to the November term. 1869, of the superior court, whether it be a valid and subsisting judgment or not, did not pass to the Wilmington and Northern Railroad Company by virtue of the acts of assembly, mortgage foreclosure proceeding, sale and conveyance recited in the case staled, so as to give the said Wilmington and Northern Railroad Company the right to enforce said judgment by execution issued against the defendants, and that John C. Higgins, who claims to be the assignee of said company to said judgment, has not the right to enforce said judgment against the de- fendants. * * * Note. See 1886, Appeal of Pittsburgh R. Co., 122 Pa. St. 511, 9 Am. St. R. 128; infra, p. 1342; 1887, Fietsam v. Hay, 122 111. 293; 3 Am. St. R. 492, supra, p. 141; 1844, State v. Real P^state Bank, 5 Ark. 595, 41 Am. Dec. 109; infra, p. 1298; 1890, People v. North Riv. Sug. Ref. Co., 121 N. Y. 582, 18 Am. St. R. 843, supra, p. 100; 1889, State v. Minnesota Thresher Co., 40 Minn. 213, 27 Am. & E. C. Cas. 286; 1892, People v. Buffalo, etc., Co., 131 N. Y. 140; 1888, State v. Madison, etc., R., 72 Wis. 612, 40 N. W. 487; 1891, People v. Broadway R., 125 N. Y. 29; 1884, State v. Railway Co., 40 O. 8. 504 . NOTES TO ARTICLE IV. Corporation as a franchise. Pollock and Maitland, History of English Law, p. 493, say: "Between [the universities] and the boroughs, however, 158 NOTES TO ARTICLE IV. there was just this likeness : neither the borough nor the university was to any great degree an owner of lands or of goods ; on the other hand it was a holder of franchises. * * * The English temporal corporations, when they first appear as ideal persons, appear not in the character of mere private persons, but in the character we may almost say it of governmental officers and magistrates who hold property in right of their offices. Their lands, their goods are few; what they own is jurisdiction, governmental powers and fiscal immunities. This is a characteristic feature of our temporal corpora- tions in the first stage of their existence ; the artificial person comes into being in order that he may govern and do justice. * * * This is well marked in the history of Oxford. * * * This is so also with the merchant gilds. They look to a modern eye now like voluntary associations of traders, and now like organs of municipal government. * * * We may well suppose that the juristic person made its appearance at a comparatively early time in the gild hall of the brethren. Not that the gild was a trading corporation in the modern sense. In mercantile transactions with outsiders it appears rather as a societas than a universitas. It had no property engaged in trade. * * * But the main property of the gild, as of the university, consists not of lands and goods, but of franchises, jurisdictional powers and fiscal immunities." In argument, Serjeant Pemberton, in King v. London, 1 Show. 275, 6, 1692, said: "A corporation is an artificial body, consisting of particular persons, as members constituent thereof, and like unto a natural body to many pur- poses; that which doth unite them is the liberties and privileges granted for that purpose. It is but a franchise granted originally to them by king or par- liament. In all concessions of liberties and franchises, there is a tacit condi- tion annexed to them, that they use them well ; which upon doing otherwise determines them; an abuse forfeits them all. 20 Ed. 4, pi. 5, pi. 6, 2 Inst. 222. The way for the king to take an advantage of such an abuser is a qiio warranto, or information in nature of it, that is the king's writ of right; here these abusers are examined, and then judgment is either given for acquittal or for the king." "But here [after judgment of seizure] it is otherwise, and therefore I conclude that the franchise by which they claim to be a corpora- tion was out of them, and in the king, as extinct; for it is such a franchise as the king can not have by way of user, and therefore it must be gone, and determined, and if so, the corporation is dissolved ; that which ties them together is their franchise; take away that, and they are so many single persons; for the franchise not only unites them, but distinguishes them, one as mayor, and another as an alderman, and the like; then that being gone, none of them are such." 20 Ed. 4, pi. 5, pi. 6, 2 Inst. 222. In Garth. 217, this same argument is said to have stated these views as fol- lows: "A corporation is an artificial body, composed of divers constituent members, ad instar corporis humani, and the ligaments of this body politic or artificial body are the franchises and liberties thereof, which bind and unite all its members together; and the whole essence and frame of the corporation con- sist therein." Blackstone says: "It is likewise a franchise for a number of persons to be incorporated and subsist as a body politic; with power to maintain perpetual succession, and do other corporate acts ; and each individual member of such corporation is also said to have a franchise or freedom." Commentaries, Book II, p. *37, 1766. Judge Cooley, in his note to this statement, in his edi- tion of Blackstone's Commentaries, 1870, p. *40 note, says: "Among the most important of modern franchises are the franchise to be a corpora- tion. * * * And not only is the right to be a corporation a franchise, but so'is every particular right or privilege possessed by a corporation under its charter, which could only be exercised by legislative permission." Blackstone says further, citing Finch 164 (1613): "Franchises and liberty are used as synonymous terms ; and their definition is, a royal privilege or branch of the king's prerogative, subsisting in the hands of the subject * * * they may be vested in either natural persons or bodies politic; in one man, or in many; but the same identical franchise that has before been granted to one can not THE CORPORATION AS A FRANCHISE. 1 59 be bestowed on another, for that would prejudice the former grant." (But as to this, see, Piscataqua Bridge v. N. H. Bridge, 7 N. H. 35, infra, p. 309, contra.) Mr. Kyd, Law of Corporations, p. 14 ( 1793), says: "A corporation has also been called a franchise; the propriety of this appellation depends on the more or less extensive meaning in which the word 'franchise' is used ; in its most extensive sense it expresses every political right which can be enjoyed or exercised by a freeman ; in this sense the right of being tried by a jury, the right a man may have to an office, the right of voting at elections, may, with propriety, be called franchises ; and in this sense the right of acting, as a corporation, may be called a franchise, existing collectively in all the individuals of whom the corporation is composed ; in this sense, and in this sense alone, 'the franchise of being a corporation' can have any precise meaning. "In a less general and more appropriate sense, the word 'franchise' means a royal privilege in the hands of a subject, by which he either receives some profit or has the exclusive exercise of some right ; of the first kind are the goods of felons, waifa, estrays, wrecks or the like ; of the second are courts, gaols, re- turn of writs, fairs, markets and many others. They are estates and inheritances, which may be granted and conveyed from one to another, as other estates, which is not the case with a corporation ; in this sense a corporation can not be called a franchise ; the latter is a privilege, or liberty, which can have no existence without reference to some person to whom it may belong; the former is a political person, capable, like a natural person, of enjoying a variety of franchises ; it is to a franchise as the substance to its attribute; it is something to which many attributes belong, but is itself something dis- tinct from those attributes." Justice Washington, in Dartmouth College v. Woodward, 4 Wheat. (U. S.) 518, 1819, on p. 657, says: "A corporation is defined by Mr. Justice Black- ' stone, 2 Bl. Com. 37, to be a franchise. It is, says he, "a franchise for a number of persons to be incorporated and to exist as a body politic, with a power to maintain perpetual succession and to do corporate acts, and each individual of such corporation is also said to have a franchise, or freedom." This franchise like other franchises is an incorporeal hereditament issuing out of something real or personal, or concerning or annexed to, or exercisable within a thing corporate. To this grant or this franchise, the parties are the king, and the persons for whose benefit it is created, or trustees for them. The assent of both is necessary." (See Skelly v. The Jefferson Bank, 9 Ohio St. 606, on 623, where the court shows how this definition of a franchise was used in the decision of the Dartmouth College case.) In People v. Tibbets, 4 Cow. (N. Y.) 358, 380 ( 1825), it is said : "To be a corporation is a franchise (2 Bl. Com. 37), for the usurpation of which an in- formation always lies (citing People v. TJtica Ins. Co., 15 Johns. (N. Y.) 386, 389, supra, p. 113; R. v. Nicholson et al., 1 Str. 299). And the question is whether the intrusion into offices created for the government or exercise of the franchise is equally within the act as an usurpation of the franchise itself?" Held, it was, and that quowarranto would be allowed against persons who intrude themselves into the office of directors of an insurance company. (To same effect see: 1833, State v. Buchanan, Wright (Ohio) 233; State v. Harris, 3 Ark. 570; 1862, Smith v. State Bank, 18 Ind. 327; 1837, Common- wealth v. Gill, 3 Whart. (Pa.) 228; 1881, Creek v. State, 77 Ind. 180; 1887, State v. Mayor, etc., 10 Atl. (N. J.) 377. Kent, Commentaries, vol. ii, p. 267, 1827, says: "A corporation is a fran- chise possessed by one or more individuals, who subsist, as a body politic, under a special denomination, and are vested by the policy of the law, with the capacity of perpetual succession, and of acting in several respects, how- ever numerous the association may be, as a single individual." He says, also, vol. iii, p. 458, "Another class of incorporeal hereditaments are fran- chises, being certain privileges conferred by grant from government, and vested in individuals. In England they are very numerous, and are under- stood to be royal privileges in the hands of a subject. They contain an im- plied covenant on the part of the government not to invade the rights vested, and on the part of the grantees to execute the conditions and duties prescribed I6O NOTES TO ARTICLE IV. in the grant, * * and they are necessarily exclusive in their nature. Tne government can not resume them at pleasure, or do any act to impair the grant, without a breach of contract." (But as to this, see infra,p. 309, contra.) The exclusive nature of corporate franchises (in these cases to build and maintain a bridge) was the subject of much discussion in the cases of Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge, 7 Pick. (Mass.) 344, on 520 (1829>, where the nature of franchises are discussed. The supreme court of the United States in the same case, 11 Peters (TJ. S.) 420 (1837), determined that the mere grant of a franchise did not make it exclusive. In Enfleld Bridge Company v. The Connecticut River Company, 7 Conn. 28, it was held the state could not grant to another company the right to erect a bridge in the exact location previously granted to another company. In the Americant Jurist, vol. 6, p. 87 et seq. (1831), there is an article discussing these two cases, and going into the nature of franchises somewhat in detail. In Trustees of Maysville v. Boon, etc., 2 J. J. Marsh. ( Ky.) 225, on 228, it is said : "A ferry is a franchise real, and may be forfeited for non-user." See, also, Trustees of New Gloucester School Fund v. Bradbury, 11 Maine 118, on 124, 26 Am. Dec. 515, on 518 (1834), where Justice Washington's statement in Dartmouth College Case (supra) is given and relied on. In Price v. Price's Heirs, 6 Dana (Ky.) 107, it is said: "The right conferred upon each shareholder [in a railroad company] is unquestionably an incor- poreal hereditament. It is a right of perpetual duration ; and though it springs out of personalty, as well as lands and houses, this matters not. It is a franchise which has ever been classed in that class of real estate denom- inated an incorporeal hereditament." "It will descend as realty, and is sub- ject to dower as such." Citing 2 Bl. 20, 1, 2, 37-8; Co. Litt. 19, 20. Com. Digest, Franchise. In Montpelier Academy v. George, 14 La. 395, 33 Am. Dec. 585, on 590 (1840), Carleton, J., says, as to the franchise, after quoting Blackstone: "There is a grantor and grantee whose assent is necessary ; the king parts from his prerogative under an implied promise not to bestow the same fran- chise on another corporate body. It, therefore, involves a contract not to re- assert the right, grant it to another, or impair it." Citing King v. Passmore, 3T. R. 246; Fletcher v. Peck, 6 Cranch (U. S.) 87; Philips v. Bury, 1 Ld. Raym. 5, s. c. 2 T. R. 346, 1 Kyd Corp. 25. To the same effect substantially is Regents of Univ. of Md. v. Williams, 9 Gill & J. (Md.) 365, on 407, 31 Am. Dec. 95 (1838). In Enfield Toll Bridge Co. v. Hartford &N.H. R. Co., 17 Conn. 454, 44 Am. Dec. 556 (1846), the bridge company had the exclusive right to build and maintain a bridge over the Connecticut river at Enfield, and collect the tolls. After the bridge had been taken by the railroad company under the power of eminent domain, the bridge company claimed that, though this could be done, there still existed "something beyond the bridge franchise which had been invaded, a contract has been impaired." The court, by Church, J., replied: "The contract constitutes the franchise. All franchises emanating from the government are the results of contracts between the state and individuals. To say, therefore, that although such franchises may be taken for public use upon compensation, and at the same time to insist that the contract or cove- nant by which they are created is unconstitutionally impaired, is an absur- dity. That a contract may as well exist between the state and corporate bodies as between individuals, which are beyond their franchises, and beyond legis- lative control, is true; but the contract creating the corporation and defining its powers and privileges, is not of this character. This is identical with the franchise itself, and subject to the same laws." In Yarmouth v. North Yarmouth, 34 Maine 411, on 418, 56 Am. Dec. 666, on 670 (1852), it seemed funds derived from the sale of a school farm were vested in trustees who were incorporated, in trust for school purposes in North Yarmouth. Afterward the legislature divided this town into two, Yar- mouth and North Yarmouth, the former of which claimed part of the funds, under the act of the legislature which directed the funds to be so divided. THE CORPORATION AS A FRANCHISE. l6l The trustees resisted and it was held, HOWARD, J. : "This fund was never in the town, but was vested by the act, in the trustees as a corporation for the use mentioned, forever. They did not constitute a municipal, or public cor- poration, although the object of its creation might have been a public benefit. Their charter was a grant from the state, partaking of the nature of a contract, which they accepted, and in which the government had no interest. This was a franchise, which involved the right to possess and control property, and the right to perpetuate a corporate immortality. 2 Bl. Com. 37. Though springing from the grant, the franchise and the rights flowing from it were no more subject to the control or interference of the legislature than were private rights of property, unless on default of the corporation judicially determined." Cites: Co. Litt., 413; Viner's Abr. Corp. A. 2; Philips v. Bury, 2 T. R. 346; Allen v. McKean, 1 Sumn. 276; Dartmouth Col. v. Woodward, 4 Wheat. 518 infra, p. 708; People v. Morris, 13 Wend. 325 (infra, p. 229) ; Penobscot Boom, etc., v. Lamson, 16 Maine 224 (infra, p. 283).' In Toledo Bank v. Bond, 1 O. S. 623 ( 1853), Bartley, J., says : "The franchise of a private corporation is a trust of civil authority, which, under our system of government, must remain at all times subservient to the public welfare, the chief end and object of the delegation of all civil power by the people, and is, therefore, not the legitimate subject-matter of contract Or sale." See also State, ex rel., etc., v. Medical Society, 38 Ga. 608, 95 Am. Dec. 408 (1869), supra, p. 136, where the nature of the members' right in a corpora- tion is called a franchise. Compare with Board of Trade v. People, 91 111. 80, below. In Morgan v. Louisville, 93 TJ. S. 217, on 223 (1876), Justice Field says: "Much confusion of thought has arisen in this case and in similar cases from attaching a vague and undefined meaning to the term franchisee. It is often used as synonymous with rights, privileges, and immunities, though of a per- sonal and temporay character; so that, if any one of these exists, it is loosely termed a "franchise," and is supposed to pass upon a transfer of the fran- chises of the company. But the term must always be considered in connec- tion with the corporation or property to which it is alleged to appertain. The franchises of a railroad corporation are rights or privileges which are essential to the operations of the corporation, and without which its road and works would be of little value ; such as the franchise to run cars, to take tolls, to ap- propriate earth and gravel for the bed of its road, or water for its engines, and the like. They are positive rights or privileges, without the possession of which the road of the company could not be successfully worked. Im- munity from taxation is not one of them. The former may be conveyed to a purchaser of the road as a part of the property of the company ; the latter is personal, and incapable of transfer without express statutory direction." To the same effect are Wilson v. Gaines, 103 U. S. 417 ; Louisville & N. R. Co. v. Palmes, 109 U. S. 244 ; Memphis R. Co. v. Commissioners, 112 U. S. 609 (supra, p. 143). In Smith y. Mayor, etc., of New York, 68 N. Y. 552, on 555 (1877), the court, in distinguishing a franchise from property held under a franchise, said : "Under the laws of our state a mere franchise or incorporeal hereditament of any kind is not taxable, except by special statute. The plaintiff has a fran- chise to construct and maintain this pier, and take wharfage for its use. The pier itself is a structure built under his franchise. It is tangible, bulky prop- erty, and in no sense incorporeal. It is not like a mere right or privilege, which has no physical existence. A person may have a franchise to build and maintain a bridge, and take toll for its use. The bridge, as a structure, is not a franchise. He may not be taxed on his franchise, but he can be taxed upon the structure or real estate." See, also, Spring Valley Water Works v. Schottler, 62 Cal. 69, 106 (supra, p. 120). 1878, The Board of Trade of Chicago v. The People, 91 111. 80. Relator was expelled from the board of trade and brought mandamus to compel that body to restore him to membership; a peremptory mandamus was issued, and 11 WIL. CASES. 1 62 NOTES TO ARTICLE IV. the respondent brings the suit directly to the supreme court, under a statu- tory provision that "Appeals and writs of error shall lie from final orders of the circuit court to the supreme court in cases involving a franchise or a free- hold." Relator moved to dismiss as no franchise was involved. The court, by Mr. Justice Scott, says: "The inquiry, then, must be, does the member- ship of the relator come within the definition of a franchise as that term is used in the statute? Our conclusion is, it does not." After quoting Black- stone's definition, which was adopted in 73 111. 541, and several other cases cited, to the effect that "corporate franchises in the American states emanate from the government or sovereign power, owe their existence to a grant, or, as at common law, to prescription, which presupposes a grant, and are vested in individuals or a body politic," the court continues: "It must have been in this restricted sense the term "franchise" was used by the general assembly in the statute we are considering, and not in that broad sense con- tended for. No doubt the word "franchise" is sometimes used as synony- mous with privileges and immunities of a personal character; but in law its appropriate meaning is understood to be something which the citizen can not enjoy without legislative grant. Many of our religious, benevolent, literary and scientific societies and associations are incorporated under general or special laws, but it was never understood that members of such societies or as- sociations possessed or exercised any franchise. What they obtain is what is most appropriately termed "membership," which means freedom of the priv- ilege it confers, and nothing more. That is precisely the case at bar. Rela- tor had membership in this corporation and the freedom of its privileges, whatever they were, but in no just sense did he exercise any franchise granted to him or the corporation by the general assembly. It is lawful for any per- son or association of persons to transact commercial business without legisla- tive grant for that purpose. A corporation for such purposes is a mere con- venience and nothing more. A member of such corporation exercises no other right in the buying or selling of commodities than what any citizen of common right may do, except as in the present instance, by virtue of his membership he may transact such business in a room belonging to the corpo- ration, which is a mere privilege and not a franchise, in the sense that term is used in the statute. One test that might well be applied is that in case of the non-user or misuser by the party owning membership in such a corporation an information would not lie against him at the suit of the people." In Memphis & L. R. Co. v. Berry, 112 U. S. 609, on 619 (18841, supra, p. 143, Mr. Justice Matthews gives a description of corporate franchises, and shows that "the franchise of becoming and being a corporation, in its nature, is in- communicable by the act of the parties, and incapable of passing by assign- ment," citing Commonwealth v. Smith, 10 Allen 448, 455; Hall v. Sullivan R. Co., 2 Redfield's Am. Ry. Cases 621, and Coe v. Columbus, P. & I. R. Co., 10 O. S. 372, 386. In New Orleans, S. F. & L. Co. v. Delamore, 114 U. S. 501 (1885), it is said : "A franchise to use and occupy the streets of a municipality by a railroad corporation, granted by the municipality, is such a franchise as may be mort- gaged and pass to the purchaser at a sale under foreclosure of the mortgage." So. too, in State v. East Fifth St. R. Co., 140 Mo. 539, 62 Am. St. R. 742, 38 ii. R. A. 218, infra, p. 706 (1897), quo warranto was brought in the lower court to oust the street railway company of its privilege of operating its railway upon certain streets in Kansas City, because of non-user, the city having un- der authority of the state granted the privilege to said company. The de- fense was no franchise of the state, if any franchise at all, had been violated by the non-user. The court of review says: "It may be said that corporate existence is as much a franchise as the franchises of the corporation. The former is not property in the ordinary acceptation of the term, can not be transferred by ordinary conveyance or sale under execution, unless the stat- utes of the state so provide ; while corporate franchises are property, can be transferred by voluntary conveyance or by sale, under execution against the corporation." Held, suit was properly brought by the state, and ouster was declared. Compare People, ex rel. Jackson, v. Suburban R. Co., 178 III. 594 THE CORPORATION AS A FRANCHISE. 163 (1899); Tower v. Tower & S. S. R. Co., 68 Minn. 500, 64 Am. St. R. 493 (1897) ; Wright v. Milwaukee Elec. R., etc., Co., 95 Wis. 29, 60 Am. St. R. 74 (1897); Milwaukee Electric R. Co. v. Milwaukee, 95 Wis. 39, 60 Am. St. R. 81 (1897); Belleville v. Citizens' Home R. Co., 152 111. 171, 26 L. R. A. 681 (1894), and People v. Mutual Gas L. Co., 38 Mich. 154 (1878). In New Orleans Water- Works Co. v. Rivers, 115 U. S. 674 (1885), the court says: "An exclusive franchise granted by the legislature to supply water to the inhabitants of a municipality by means of pipes and mains laid through the public streets is violated by a grant to an individual in the municipality of the right to supply his premises with water by means of a pipe or pipes so laid, and is a contract protected by the United States constitution." To the same effect in regard to gas pipes for lighting, etc., are Louisville Gas Co. v. Citizens' Gas L. Co., 115 U. S. 683, and New Orleans Gas Co. v. Louisiana Light Co., 115 U. S. 650. Perhaps the best definition of franchises is that given by Bradley, J., in California v. Central Pacific R. Co., 127 U. S. 1, on 40 (1887), as follows: "What is a franchise? Under the English law, Blackstone defines it 'as a royal privilege, or branch of the king's prerogative subsisting in the hands of a subject,' 2 Bl. Com. 37. Generalized and divested of the special form which it assumes under a monarchical government based on feudal traditions, a f ranchise is a right, privilege, or power of public concern, which ought not to be exercised by private individuals at their mere will and pleasure, but should be reserved for public control and administration, either by the government directly, or by public agents, acting under such conditions and regulations as the government may impose in the public interest, and for the public recurity . Such rights and powers must exist under every form of society. They are always educed by the laws and customs of the community. Under our system, their existence and disposal are under the control of the legislative depart- ment of the government, and they can not be assumed or exercised without legislative authority. No private person can establish a public highway, or a public ferry, or railroad, or charge tolls for the use of the same, without authority from the legislature, direct or derived. These are franchises. No private person can take another's property, even for a public use, without such authority; which is the same as to say that the right of eminent domain can only be exercised by virtue of legislative grant. This is a franchise. 2Vb persons can make themselves a body corporate and politic without legislative author- ity. Corporate capacity is a franchise." Mr. E. R. A. Seligman, in his Essays on Taxation, ch. vii, p. 180, criticises this definition as being too narrow, since, in his judgment, it unduly em- phasizes the element of public control and public interest. He defines a fran- chise as "simply a right conferred by government of conducting an occupation either in a particular way or accompanied with particular privileges." We prefer the definition of the supreme court, as given by Justice Bradley, and believe it is desirable to emphasize the element of public control. A very short but clear definition is given by Justice Field in Home Ins. Co. v. New York, 134 U. S. 594 on 599 (1889), as follows: By the term corporate franchise, we understand is meant the right or privilege given by the state to two or more persons of being a corporation, that is, of doing business in a corporate capacity, and not the privilege or franchise which, when incorpo- rated, the company may exercise. The right or privilege to be a corporation, or to do business as such body, is one generally deemed of value to the corpo- rators, or it would not be sought in such numbers as at present." In Macqn, etc., R. Co. v. Gibson, 85 Ga. 1, 21 Am. St. R. 135 (1890), under the Georgia Code providing that, "In all cases of private charters hereafter granted, the state reserves the right to withdraw the franchise, unless such right was expressly negatived in the charter," the court said: "It is quite too narrow a definition of the word 'franchise' used in this statute to hold it as meaning only the right to be a corporation. The word is generic, covering all the rights granted by the legislature. 1 ' So, too, in State v. Boston, etc., R. Co., 25 Vt. 442, it is said: "All th> functions of a corporation are in one sense franchises. The right to hold 1 64 NOTES TO ARTICLE IV. property in the corporate name, to sue and be sued in that capacity, to have and use a corporate seal, and by that to contract, and some others, perhaps, are franchises, which constitute the very definition of a corporation." Simi- larly in Pierce v. Emery, 32 N. H. 507, it is said : "The different powers of a private corporation, like the right to hold and dispose of property, are its franchises." Compare State v. Minnesota T. M. Co., 40 Minn. 213 (1889). For other definitions and statements describing franchises, see State, Kan- sas v. Corrigan Con. St. R., 85 Mo. 263, 55 Am. R. 361; Homestead St. R. Co. v. Pittsburgh & H. E. St. R. Co., 166 Pa. St. 162, 27 L. R. A. 383; Detroit Citizens' St. R. v. Detroit, 22 TJ. S. App. 570, 64 Fed. R. 628, 26 L. R. A. 667; People v. O'Brien, 111 N. Y. 1, 2 L. R. A. 255; Wilmington Water Power Co. v. Evans, 166 111. 548; M. & S. Society of Montgomery County v. Weatherly, 75 Ala. 248, 253; Port of Mobile v. Louisville & N. R. Co., 84 Ala. 119; Williams v. Citizens' R. Co., 130 Ind. 71, 15 L. R. A. 64; Baltimore Trust G. Co. v. Baltimore, 64 Fed. R. 153; Wheat v. Alexandria, 88 Va. 743; Bank of Augusta v.Earle,13 Pet. (U.S.) 519, 595; Huff v. Winona, etc., R. Co., 11 Minn. 180, 192; Chesapeake, etc., Canal Co. v. B.& O. R. Co., 4 Gill & J. (Md.) 1, 191 ; Society for Sav. v. Coite, 6 Wall. (U. S.) 594, 606; Adams v. Yazoo & M. V. R. Co., 24 So. (Miss., 1898) 200. Also particularly Justice Story's and Justice Washington's opinions in Dartmouth College v. Woodward, 4 Wheat. 518, infra, pp. 723-741. i- Mr. Morawetz, Treatise on Law of Private Corps., 2d Ed., 1886, says, 8: \ "Under the common law of England and the United States, a corporation can not be formed like a partnership, merely by a contract between the in- dividuals composing it. The right of forming a corporation and of acting in a corporate capacity must be treated as a franchise, or special privilege, which may not be assumed without a grant of authority from some governing power." In 922, he says: "The word 'franchise' is generally used to des- ignate a right or privilege conferred by law. Thus, when the legislature grants a charter of incorporation, it confers upon the grantees of the charter the right or privilege of forming a corporate association, and of acting within certain limits in a corporate capacity, and this right or privilege is called the corporate franchise." In 923: "What is called the franchise of forming a corporation is really but an exemption from a general rule of common law prohibiting the formation of corporations. In former times, this exemption was granted only in exceptional cases, by a special charter in each instance. It was, therefore, looked upon as something valuable as a gift of a special privilege to the grantees of the charter and was called a franchise. At the present day, however, the prohibition of the common law has been in a great measure repealed by the general incorporation laws. What was formerly the exception has now become the general rule. All persons have now the right of forming corporate associations, upon complying with the simple formalities prescribed by statute. The right of forming a corporation and of acting in a corporate capacity, under the general incorporation laws, can be called a franchise, only in the sense in which the right of forming a limited partnership or of executing a conveyance of land by deed is a franchise." In note 3, 922, he says: "The corporate franchises are sometimes said to be- long to the corporation; but this is not accurate. They belong to the share- holders." See also 648, 649, 650, 651, 652, 653. These views of Morawetz are cited approvingly in State v. Western Irrigating Canal Co., 40 Kan. 96, 10 Am. St. R. 166 (1888), holding that the sale of the franchise of being a corporation is inoperative to invest the purchaser with corporate power. Judge Thompson, Commentaries on Corporations, section 5353 (1895), says: "In respect to the rJbwer of a corporation to alien its franchises, a dis- tinction has been taken by the courts between what may be regarded as pri- mary and what as secondary franchises. The franchise of being a corporation of having a corporate existence is a franchise of the former character; and the franchise of carrying on a particular business or holding particular prop- erty is of the latter character. * * * No one but the sovereign can create a corporation ; and hence one corporation can not create another, by selling to the latter its own privilege of having a corporate existence ; though, as al- THE CORPORATION AS A FRANCHISE. 165 ready seen, the members who compose the corporation may, after it has been organized and its shares have been issued, by transferring their shares to others, introduce a totally new membership into the corporate body and re- tire therefrom themselves. * * * The rule had a very substantial value when the franchise to be a corporation was generally granted by the king in his council * * * when such grants could not be obtained except in con- sideration of the rendition of important services to the king or to the state. But under our American constitutions, under which a body of co-adventurers may freely organize themselves into a corporation by complying with certain statutory forms and paying a moderate tax, the franchise of being a corpora- tion is scarcely more valuable than the franchise, if there could be such a thing, of being a partnership. It is a myth ; and the rule under considera- tion would.be the silliest casuistry except for its value as a rule of interpre- tation of railway and other corporate mortgages." Judge Elliott in his Law of Private Corporations (1900), devotes one chapter (5) to "Franchises and privileges," giving an excellent condensed view of the subject. It is submitted that the above statements of Judge Thompson and Mr. Morawetz in regard to the corporate franchise are very much overdrawn, if not entirely incorrect. It might be pertinent to inquire, why is it, if the right to be a corporation is of no value, that so many corporations are formed? Why is it that four-fifths of the wealth of the United States is held under corporate organization? Why is no great enterprise undertaken except under a cor- porate form of organization? The franchise of being a corporation is valuable; the fact that the state makes it easy to obtain this franchise does not take from its value, any more than the fact that every male over twenty-one can vote makes the right to vote of no value. The corporate form of organiza- tion is the most efficient form of business organization yet discovered by the business world, and is consequently considered the most valuable by busi- ness men. It furnishes the greatest possibility of concentration of means, the completest unity of management, and the least individual personal responsi- bility both financially and morally of any business machine yet invented, to say nothing of the possibility of fraud, speculation, and exploitation that lax corporation laws, both now and heretofore, have made possible if not actually invited. But, after all, are our general incorporation laws a mere repeal of the com- mon law a mere exemption from the common law prohibition of forming corporations without consent of the king or state? Or was a special charter itself a mere repeal of or exemption from such rule of the common law? The legal theory the doctrine of the legislature, or the doctrine of the courts, is not so, and never has been so, and it is hoped never will be so. The common law prohibition is not repealed, or in fact modified in any essential particular, but is the same as it was in Blackstone's time or before. A franchise at com- mon law was something more than a license it could not be revoked by the king after granting it, except for a justifiable cause judicially determined^ It was something more than a law, also ; it was an estate or interest like an estate in land ; a repeal of the law granting it did not take it away in any other way than the repeal of a law granting land, by the transcendent power of parlia- ment, took away the estate in the land that is, by a forfeiture or bill of at- tainder, or something of that kind. A franchise to be a corporation was of the same character a grant of a privilege might be many, or only one, but at least one, that is, the right to do the designated business under the corporate form of organization. But it was still more than this: it was a grant upon a condition, a kind of condition subsequent the condition being the faithful performance of the business to be conducted under the corporate form of or- ganization in other words, that there be no "non-user, misuser or abuser" of the privilege. It was very much the same as the condition always annexed to the grant of a freehold estate in land it was in the theory of the common law always held from the king upon the condition that the holder do not commit treason or felony ; if he did, the land would then be forfeited upon conviction after indictment and trial in the king's bench. So, too, the corporate franchise 1 66 NOTES TO ARTICLE IV. was held upon a like condition non-user or misuser led to forfeiture upon judg- ment in scire facias or quo warrauto proceedings in the king's bench. This theory of & franchise yet remains with us, and is in no way repealed. Under our United States constitution, and the decisions of the supreme court, the transcendent power of parliament to declare forfeitures of either land or fran- chises, is taken from our legislative bodies of the states at least (Fletcher v. Peck, 6 Cranch 87, and Dartmouth College v. Woodward, 4 Wheat. 518). But the right to forfeit franchises for misuser or non-user, in the proper judicial proceedings, yet remains. It perhaps matters but little to the state whether A., B. and C., either separately, jointly, or in a partnership, refine sugar or petroleum. If they engage in this business they may do so when and where they please, stop when they please, or agree not to make any more the latter contract, under some circumstances being simply unenforcible, but not a cause of forfeiture or punishment. But if A., B., C., D., etc., form a corpo- ration for making or refining sugar or oil, the case is different; the business is not different it is neither more nor less public, nor more nor less a fran- chise than it was before; the privilege is not in making sugar or oil, but bringing into existence and using in this business the valuable, efficient, im- personal and in many ways morally less responsible, agency or organization known as the corporation; this is the privilege, a privilege of "public concern," a franchise, always having as an inseparable incident, always granted upon the implied condition that it will not be misused or abused. For not making oil, or sugar, or even agreeing not to do so, the charter, the franchise of being a corporation for such purpose, can be taken away by the state. (See People v. North River Sugar Ref. Co., 121 N. Y. 582, 18 Am. St. R. 843, supra, 100; State v. Standard Oil Co., 49 0. S. 137.) Herein lies the essential difference between a corporation and a partnership or joint stock company. (See Gleason v. McKay, 134 Mass. 419, infra, p. 167. The franchise to conduct any business as a corporation, or through a corpo- rate organization, is now, and has always been since the time of the Romans, "a matter or privilege of public concern," given by the state only on condition that it be not abused. Kent says: "Solon permitted private companies to institute themselves at pleasure, provided they did nothing contrary to the public law. But the Romans were not so indulgent as the Greeks. They w r ere very jealous of such combinations of individuals, and they re- strained those that were not especially authorized, and every corporation was illicit that was not ordained by a decree of the senate or emperor. Collegia licita, in the Roman law were, like our incorporated companies, societies of men united for some useful business or purpose with power to act like a single individual, and if they abused their right, or assembled for any other purpose than that expressed in their charter, they were deemed illicita, and many laws from the time of the Twelve Tables down to the times of the emperors were passed against all illicit or unauthorized companies. In the age of Augustus, certain corporations had become nurseries of faction and disorder : and that emperor interposed, as Julius Caesar had done before him, and dissolved all but the ancient and legal corporations. * * * And the Em- peror Trajan, in refusing to incorporate a fire company, said, 'that societies of that sort had greatly disturbed the peace of the cities ; and whatever name he gave them, or for whatever purpose they might be instituted, they would not fail to be mischievous,'" citing Taylor's Elements of Civil Law, 567-570: Suetonius, Ad. Aug. 32, and J. Csesar 42, vol. 2, pp. 268-9. Does not this experience of the old Romans, the experience of England in the early part of the last century, with John Law's schemes and the South Sea Bubble, and the experience of our own day attest the wisdom of the common law rule that the "right to be a corporation is a franchise of public concern, held upon the implied condition that it will not be abused, under penalty of forfeiture," and that it is well to hold fast to such rule? It, of course, has been the policy of corporations and corporation counsel to minimize the franchise as much as possible, under nearly every circumstance, except where they have had to fight for their existence; and the above expressions of the lead- ing text writers of the day have helped (perhaps unwittingly) to make ob- 30 CORPORATION AND PARTNERSHIP. l6/ scare this wholesome doctrine, both in the minds of the people and of many judges as well. The legislatures, too, of several states have substantially abdi- cated the power of the state to retain control over the creatures of its bounty by authorizing the formation of joint-stock companies with nearly all the powers of corporations, without the liability to render an account at the hands of the state in quo warranto proceedings. The older writers Blackstone, Kyd, Kent, Angell & Ames and Grant all hold fast to these old and tried doctrines, and are, therefore, better guides in these matters than later writers. ARTICLE V. CORPORATIONS AS DISTINGUISHED FROM OTHER INSTI- TUTIONS. Sec. 30. (i) From partnerships. GLEASON v. McKAY. 1 1883. IN THE SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT OF MASSACHUSETTS. 134 Mass. 419-426. [In 1866 McKay was the owner of certain letters-patent for improve- ments in machinery used in the manufacture of shoes ; from the pro- ceeds of the business he had built a machine shop for the manufacture of these machines. He was the legal owner, but others were equitably interested in various amounts. He executed an instrument of trust, declaring himself to hold the business in trust for all who were, or might become, interested therein, upon condition that those so interested who accepted the declaration of trust and had a certain certificate evidencing their interest, should constitute and be an associa- tion, to be known as the McKay Machine Association, but no member shall have any right or authority to make any contract or bargain, or transact any business whatever for the association, without special authority ; it was to continue thirty years ; death of members was not to dissolve or have any effect on the association, except that those who succeeded to ownership of shares should succeed to the rights of the decedent ; that the association should be the equitable owner of the business, which was to be divided into 50,000 shares, to be dis- tributed among the members in proportion to their interests, which were to be evidenced by certificates indicating the number of shares, the same to be transferable, by assignment in writing and surrender to the trustee, who was to issue a new certificate, keeping record of the same ; the general management was to be in an executive committee of three or five, to be chosen by the whole body of shareholders ; and this committee was to divide proceeds from time to time in proportion to the respective interests ; provision was also made whereby the business might be transferred to a corporation, when a majority should so determine, and thereafter no member was to have or claim any right to the property or business, and the declaration of trust was to cease ; provision was also made for choosing a new trustee in case of death or resignation of McKay. McKay was taxed, as trustee of said 1 Statement of facts condensed, and compiled partly from Hoadley v. County Commissioners of Essex, 106 Mass. 519; arguments omitted. 1 68 GLEASON v. M'KAY. 30 association, upon its real estate, machinery, tools and all personal property. The commonwealth, in addition to the foregoing taxes, sought to collect a tax upon the aggregate value of the shares of the association. This was resisted.] MORTON, C. J. The principal question in this case is whether the statute of 1878, chapter 275, as applied to the defendant, is constitu- tional. The first section of the statute provides that "chapter 283 of the acts of the year 1865, and the acts in amendment thereof, are hereby extended to apply, so far as applicable to companies, copart- nership and other associations having a location or place of business within this commonwealth, in which the beneficial interest is held in shares which are assignable 'without consent of the other associates specifically authorizing such transfer. And the tax provided for in said chapter 283 shall be paid by such company, copartnership or as- sociation upon the aggregate value of the shares of said capital stock, in the manner provided in said chapter for taxes upon corporations." The power of taxation, using the word in its generic sense as in- cluding all rates and impositions laid or levied upon the people, is conferred upon the legislature by the constitution, and is to be held and exercised subject to the limitations imposed by the constitution. Oliver v. Washington Mills, II Allen 268. The legislature is given the power "to impose and levy proportional and reasonable assess- ments, rates and taxes upon all the inhabitants of, and persons resident, and estates lying within the said commonwealth," and also power "to impose and levy reasonable duties and excises upon any produce, goods, wares, merchandise and commodities whatsoever, brought into, produced, manufactured or being within the. same." Const, of Mass., chap, i, art. 4. It is clear that the statute in question was not intended to lay a tax upon property within the first of .these clauses. It does not purport to do this. It merely extends to certain copartnerships and associa- tions the provisions of the St. of 1865, c. 283, which chapter has been held to levy an excise upon corporate franchises, and not to lay a tax on property, and which chapter can be sustained as constitutional only upon the ground that it levies an excise. Murray v. Berkshire Ins. Co., 104 Mass. 586. Commonwealth v. Hamilton Manfg. Co., 12 Allen 298. Regarded as a tax on property, the tax we are con- sidering would be invalid because not proportional ; it would be an imposition upon certain property at a rate different from that to which other property in the commonwealth is subject. But, as we have said, it does not purport to be a tax on property. In levying an im- position under this statute, no inquiry is made as to what property liable to taxation any copartnership, or other association which comes within its terms, has. Such property remains liable to taxation under the general laws. This imposition is based " upon the aggregate value of the shares of said capital stock." Such shares, if they can be said to be property, are not the property of the copartnership or asso- ciation which is taxed, but of the individual partners or shareholders. It is very clear that this was intended as an excise upon some 3 CORPORATION AND PARTNERSHIP. 169 franchises or privileges sought to be held by the copartnerships or associations in supposed analogy to the franchises of corporations. And the question is whether this imposition can be upheld as such excise within the second clause of the constitution, cited above. In this clause, there are two limitations upon the power of the legislature in imposing excises. They must be reasonable, and they must be excises upon some produce, goods, wares, merchandise or commodi- ties, brought into, produced, manufactured or being within the com- monwealth. It will not be seriously contended that the privileges or rights which are taxed by this statute can be properly described as either pro- duce, goods, wares or merchandise. Do they fairly come within the term "commodities," in the sense in which it is used in the con- stitution? Ever since the adoption of the constitution, the legisla- ture in its practice, and this court in its adjudications, have given a very broad and extensive meaning to this term. It has been repeat- edly held that corporate franchises enjoyed by grant from the govern- ment are commodities, and subject to an excise. So with corporate franchises granted by a foreign government, which by comity are permitted to be exercised within this commonwealth. So where the legislature has thought, upon considerations of public policy, that certain occupations or callings, of a public or quasi public character, should be carried on under governmental regulation it has been usual to impose a reasonable fee for a license. Portland Bank v. Apthorp, 12 Mass. 252; Commonwealth v. People's Five Cents Saving Bank, 5 Allen 428; Commonwealth v. Hamilton Manuf. Co., ubi supra ; Commonwealth v. Gary Improvement Co., 98 Mass. 19; Connecti- cut Ins. Co. v. Commonwealth, 133 Mass. 161. This imposition is clearly not in the nature of a license fee, but is an excise upon a franchise or privilege. The right to levy excises upon franchises has never been extended further than to corporate franchises specially granted by the government, or enjoyed and ex- ercised by its permission. The defendant in this case is not a corporation. It is merely a partnership, with all the incidents and responsibilities of a partnership. The firm property is taxable at its business domicile. Hoadley v. County Commissioners, 105 Mass. 519. It enjoys no franchises con- ferred upon it by the legislature. It does not ask for or enjoy any corporate or special privileges. It has constituted its partnership under its common law rights and such legal agreements as it chooses to make. The peculiar feature that the interest of each member may be transferred without the special assent of the other members, is cre- ated by agreement of the partners under their natural rights at com- mon law. We do not see how this peculiar feature can be called a commodity, subject to a special excise, any more than the agreement of copartnership itself, or any clause or part of it, or any other agree- ment, right or mode of transacting any business, can be called a com- modity, and so liable to taxation at the will of the legislature. If this tax can be upheld, it seems to us that the necessary result 1 70 GLEASON V. M'KAY. 30 will be that the legislature has the power to select any business, occu- pation or calling carried on, or any natural right enjoyed, under the protection of our laws, and impose upon it at its will a special tax or excise. This would be extending the meaning of the word "com- modities" beyond any reasonable limits. Its effect would be to break down the limitations which the constitution intended to impose upon the power of the legislature, for the purpose of securing the end that all sums necessary for the defense and support of the government should, as far as practicable, be raised by the equal taxation of the people. We are therefore of opinion that the statute of 1878, chapter 275, so far as it applies to the defendant, is unconstitutional. Judgment for the defendant. Note. See 1830, Pratt v. Bacon, 10 Pick. (Mass.) 123; 1833, Russell v. Mc- Lellan, 14 Pick. (Mass.) 63; 1888, Pittsburg Melting Co. v. Reese, 118 Pa. St. 355 ; and see Warner v. Beers ; People v. Coleman, Thomas v. Dakin ; Edgeworth v. Wood, supra, pp. 2, 15, 19, 28. The word partner is a contracted form of partitioner, and this indicates somethingof its meaning. Partnerships were known to the Roman law under the name of Societas, which was a contract based on the law which "natural rea- son establishes between all men," i. e., the jus gentium. Most of the Roman law of the subject is found in Dig. xvii, tit. 2, Pro Socio. Title 25, Book iii of Justinian's Institutes relates to partnerships, and part of that is found in Gaius iii, 148-154. The trade or commercial partnerships were the most com- mon, though other kinds were recognized. The Roman laws of partnership, so far as trade is conducted now as then, are still applicable. In England the partnership law was introduced by the merchants as a part of the law or custom of merchants, being one of the particular customs of the realm, some- what in derogation of the common law, and consequently allowed, where the rights of others were involved, only upon strict proof of the existence and knowledge of the custom. In this way, many of the rules of the common law were made applicable to partnerships. But the peculiar doctrines of no survivorship; of the partners' act being that of all, if in reference to partner- ship matter; and of dissolution by death of a partner, were from the law mer- chant, and through it from the Roman law, and were contrary to the common law rules of joint tenancy, and tenancy in common. The same difference be- tween a partnership and a corporation, i. e., that the latter is a distinct entity having rights and owing duties as such, as now recognized, was made in the Roman law, and continued throughout the development of the common law of England. These differences perhaps can be classified as follows : Corporation. Partnership. As to creation : Only under special au- By contract alone. thority of the state. As to franchise : Has a franchise. Has no franchise. As to management : Only in the way indicated Each member has au- by law of its creation, thority to bind with- and by the agents there in the limits of the provided for. purpose. As to powers: Has none, except neces- May be enlarged, or di- sary to carry out purpose minished, at any- indicated in charter, and time, or extended to this can not be changed any other business, exceptby consent of the by consent of all oon- state. cerned. 3i CORPORATION AND JOINT STOCK COMPANY. 171 Corporation. Has no effect on corpo- rate existence. As to succession of mem- bership, death, with- drawal, or insolvency : As to property, owner- In the corporation, ship: As to conveyance : As to suits, by or against As to shares : By the corporation only. In name of corporation only. Transferable without con- sent of corporation. As to liability of mem- Limited. bers: As to termination : Only upon surrender by consent of the state, loss of integral part, or for non use or misuse of franchise on complaint of the state. Partnership. Dissolves. In the members. By the members only. In name of members only. Not transferable with- out consent of others, or if so, dissolves partnership. Unlimited. At the option of all the parties or by the death or withdrawal of any member, not by the state except for illegal acts. Sec. 31. (2) From joint-stock companies. EDWARDS v. WARREN LINOLINE AND GASOLINE WORKS. 1897. IN THE SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT OF MASSACHUSETTS. 168 Mass. Rep. 564-569, 38 Lawyer's Rep. Ann. 791. TRUSTEE PROCESS. The principal defendant was described in the writ as "a joint-stock company organized under the laws of Pennsyl- vania." The trustee, which was a Massachusetts corporation, filed an answer setting forth reasons why it should not be charged, and, on interrogatories propounded by the plaintiff, made answers, the nature of which appears in the opinion. The trustee moved that it be discharged. The superior court allowed the motion, discharged the trustee with costs, and dismissed the action ; and the plaintiff appealed to this court. The case was argued at the bar in November, 1896, and afterwards was submitted on briefs to all the justices. LATHROP, J. It is conceded by the plaintiff that, as the jurisdic- tion of the court depends upon charging the Walworth Manufacturing Company as trustee, inasmuch as there was no service upon the principal defendant, the action was properly dismissed upon discharg- ing the trustee. The question then is whether the trustee was properly discharged, and this depends upon whether the principal defendant, an association formed under the laws of the state of Pennsylvania, is a partnership or a corporation. The trustee's answers to interrogatories refer to Brightly's Purdon's Digest (i2th ed), 1086-1088, and to the cases of Eliot v. Himrod, 1 08 Pa. St. 569, and Sheble v. Strong, 128 Pa. St. 315, as containing the law relative to the statement in the answer, that the principal de- fendant was a partnership and not a corporation. From the digest it appears that such an association is styled a "part- 1/2 EDWARDS V. WARREN LINOLINE, ETC., WORKS. 31 nership association," and not a corporation. By the terms of the various acts which have been passed upon the subject, such an association may be formed by three or more persons. The capital is alone to be liable for the debts. There is no personal liability of the members, except to the extent of any unpaid subscription, if certain provisions of the act are complied with. "Interests in such partnership associa- tions" are declared to be personal estate and are transferable, under such rules and regulations as shall from time to time be prescribed; but if there are no such rules and regulations, the transferee of any interest in any such association is not entitled to any participation in the subsequent business of the association, unless elected to member- ship therein by a vote of a majority of the members in number and value of their interests. The business is to be conducted by a board of managers. The duration of the association may be fixed by the articles of association, but is not to exceed twenty years. Power to adopt and use a common seal is given in case the associa- tion has occasion to execute a deed of conveyance or bonds and mort- gages. Land sold to the association, or by it, is required to be conveyed in the name of the association. It is further provided: "Said association shall sue and be sued in their association name; and when suit is brought against any such association, service thereof shall be made upon the chairman, secretary or treasurer thereof, which service shall be as complete and effective as if made upon each and every member of such association." In Eliot v. Himrod, 108 Pa. St. 569, 580, it is said by Mr. Justice Trunkey, in delivering the opinion of the court: "The formation of a limited partnership association is materially different from the creation of a coiporation. Such association is treated in the statute as a partnership which, upon the performance of certain acts, shall possess specified rights and immunities. In con- templation that the association may consist of many members, for convenience it is clothed with many of the features and powers of a corporation, such as the right to sue and be sued, grant and receive in the association name. But no man can purchase the interest of a member and participate in the subsequent business, unless by a vote of a majority of the members in number and value of their interests. No charter is granted to the persons who record their statement." Sheble v. Strong, 128 Pa. St. 315, 318, is to the same effect. If the question presented were an open one in this commonwealth, it might well be held that such association could be considered to have so many of the characteristics of a corporation that it might be treated as one. At common law, a joint-stock company formed for business pur- poses is considered in this commonwealth merely as a partnership. Tappan v. Bailey, 4 Met. 529; Tyrrell v. Washburne, 6 Allen 466. The same rule has been applied to joint-stock associations formed' under the laws of the state of New York, which do not differ, in am essential respect, from the laws of Pennsylvania. Taft v. Ward, 106 Mass. 518, and in Mass. 518; Bodwell v. Eastman, 106 Mass. 525, 526; Gott v. Dinsmore, in Mass. 45, 51 ; Boston and Albany Rail- 31 CORPORATION AND JOINT STOCK COMPANY. 1/3 road v. Pearson, 128 Mass. 445. See, also, Frost v. Walker, 60 Maine 468 ; Dinsmore v. Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, 32 Leg. Int. 388, and n Phila. 483. In Taft v. Ward, 106 Mass. 518, 524, speaking of the New York statutes, it was said by Chief Justice Chapman: "These statutes provide, in substance, that any association, con- sisting of seven or more shareholders or associates, may sue and be sued in the name of the president or treasurer; that in such suit a judgment may be rendered against the company; and until an execu- tion is issued against the company and returned unsatisfied, no action shall be maintained against individuals. These statutes seem to apply to all copartnerships consisting of seven or more members. The members of such companies are authorized to hold their interests in shares, which are assignable like shares of stock in a corporation, and the action against the members is regarded as supplementary to the action against the company. Waterbury v. Merchants' Union Ex- press Co., 50 Barb. 157; Robbins v. Wells, i Robertson 666. "So far as these statutes relate to the procedure in courts for the recovery of debts, they are limited to the state of New York ; for each state adopts its own forms of remedy. Story Confl. Laws, sections 556558. The plaintiff could not in this commonwealth bring an action against the president or secretary, and obtain a judgment against the company by its name; nor could he bring an action against the members, or any of them, as a supplement to such an action. In order to do so, we must hold that the statutes of New York prescribing forms of action are in force here. In this common- wealth, such a company is a mere copartnership." There is nothing inconsistent with an association being a partner- ship that it has shares, or that the shares are transferable, or that the death of a member shall not work a dissolution of the partnership. Phillips v. Blatchford, 137 Mass. 510. See, also, Hoadley v. County Comms., 105 Mass. 519; Gleason v. McKay, 134 Mass. 419. The case mostly relied upon by the plaintiff is Liverpool Ins. Co. v. Massachusetts, 10 Wall. 566, which was taken to the supreme court of the United States on a writ of error from this court. See Oliver v. Liverpool and London Ins. Co., 100 Mass. 531. It was a bill in equity, filed by the treasurer of the commonwealth under the statute of 1862, c. 224, section n, to restrain the defendant from prosecuting its business until the tax assessed upon it by section 2 of the statute had been paid. This section provided that "each fire, marine, and fire and marine insurance company incorporated or as- sociated under the laws of any government or state other than one of the United States," should annually pay a certain tax. The defend- ant was an English company formed for the business of insurance, and organized under a deed of settlement. Its property was divided into transferable shares. It had power to sue and be sued by the name of its chairman, and a suit did not abate by reason of the death of such officer. The company could sue its own members, and be sued by them. Execution on any judgment recovered against the com- 174 EDWARDS V. WARREN LINOLINE, ETC., WORKS. 31 pany could be issued against any proprietor. The statute under which it was formed, and subsequent statutes declared that it should not be deemed to be incorporated. The company was composed in part of British subjects and in part of citizens of the state of New York. This court, after stating that it was not a pure corporation nor a pure partnership, but was an association intermediate between corpo- rations known to the common law and ordinary partnerships, and was so far clothed with corporate powers that it might be treated, for the purposes of taxation, as an artificial body, proceeded to say: "We think the defendants are an association of the kind to which the statute of 1862 was expressly intended to apply, as well as to bodies wholly corporate in their character, and that, being permitted by the comity of our laws to exercise their functions within this commonwealth, they can claim no exemption from regulations appropriate to their collective action on account of the citizenship or nationality of their individual members." In the supreme court of the United States the decree of this court was affirmed on the ground that the company was a foreign corpora- tion, but Mr. Justice Bradley, while agreeing in the result, differed on the question whether the company was a corporation. He was of opinion that it was one of those special partnerships called joint-stock companies, and that it could not sue or be sued in this country with- out legislative aid. This view of Mr. Justice Bradley is in accord with the view of this court, and we are not aware that the view taken by the supreme court of the United States has been followed in this commonwealth. The decisions which we have already cited show that a foreign joint-stock company is considered as an association or partnership, and not as a corporation. An examination of the statutes further shows that the legislature has clearly recognized the distinction between foreign corporations and associations ; and that where it has deemed it best that an act should apply to an association as well as to a corporation, it has said so in plain language. Thus, the statute of 1882, c. 106, relating to the taxation of foreign mining, quarrying, and oil companies, and requiring the appointment of an agent here upon whom process may be served, uses the language, "every corporation, company, or assopiation." The statute of 1887, c. 214, in section i, provides: "When con- sistent with the context, and not obviously used in a different sense, the term ' company ' or ' insurance company ' as used herein includes all corporations, associations, partnership, or individuals engaged as principals in the business of insurance." The language is the same in the statute of 1894, c. 522, section i. By the statute of 1888, c. 429, section n, "fraternal beneficiary corporations, associations, or societies," organized under the laws of another state and then doing business here, were allowed to continue business without incorporation under the act. But by the statute of 1892, c. 40, section i, this was amended by striking out the words "associations or societies." 3' CORPORATION AND JOINT STOCK COMPANY. I 7 5 The statute of 1884, c. 330, requires " Every corporation established tinder the laws of any other state or foreign country," and hereafter having a usual place of business here, before doing business, to appoint in writing the commissioner of corporations, or his successor in office, to be its true and lawful attorney, upon whom process might be served. The statute of 1888, c. 321, allows "Manufacturing corporations established under the laws of other states," which have complied with the provisions of the statute of 1884, c. 330, to purchase and hold such real estate here as may be necessary for conducting their busi- ness. By the statute of 1895, Ct 3 II: "Foreign corporations engaged in the business of selling or negotiating bonds, mortgages, notes or other choses in action," are made subject to the provisions of the statute of 1884, c. 330. The statute of 1896, c. 391, section i, contains a provision relating to the personal liability, under certain circumstances, of "the officers and members or stockholders in any corporation established under the laws of any other state or foreign country." See also St. 1895, c. 157. Many other instances of legislation might be given where the dis- tinction between a corporation proper and a mere association or organization is shown to be clearly in mind. Unless the principal defendant can be considered a corporation, it can not be sued here under the name -which the laivs of Pennsyl- vania authorize it to use. Such laivs have no extra-territorial force or effect. The trustee, therefore, -was properly discharged. In the opinion of a majority of the court, the order discharging the trustee and dismissing the action must be affirmed. Note. Joint stock companies with transferable shares perhaps could be formed at common law, or under the law merchant, without special authority. (See Harrison v. Heathorn, 6 M. & G. 79; Mexican & S. A. Co., 5 Jur. N. S. 615, 27 Beav. 480.) But it has been said that acting as a corporation, without authority, was an indictable offense at common law. (Kinder v. Taylor, 3 L. J. 68; Duvergier v. Fellows, 5 Bing. 248, 5 M. & P. 403, 4 Am. & E. Enc. 185, note 2.) But acting as a corporation also included the idea of a limited lia- bility of members, and so far as innocent third parties were affected, this could not be done without authority. By the Bubble act of 1719 (6 Geo. 1, c. 18), joint stock companies were declared to be common nuisances, members were subjected to penalties, and it was an offense for brokers to deal in their shares. This act was repealed in 1825 (6 Geo. IV, ch. 91), though perhaps not often, if ever, enforced for a long period before. In 1826, banking companies were allowed to sue in the name of a certain officer, after complying with certain rules, and in 1834, the crown was permitted to extend this privilege generally to joint-stock companies. In 1844 (7 & 8 Viet., c. 110) all companies were allowed to be incorporated, but the partnership liability was continued, but in 18-55, they were permitted to organize with a limited liability (18 & 19 Viet., and 19 & 20 Viet., c. 47). In 1862, all former acts relating to companies were consolidated into one act for the incorporation of companies, which, with some modifications, is still the law in England. In the United States, most of the states have provided for joint stock companies, with transferable shares, and in some cases with limited liability, but the rules of partnership are applied so far as possible where the statutes under which the)' are formed are silen' . 1. As to suits 1896, State v. Adams Express Co., 66 Minn. 271, 38 L. R. A. 225, (Service of summons may be made on local agent of such foreign 176 LEWIS V. TiLTON. 32 joint stock company)? 1889, Imperial Ref. Co. v. Wyman, 38 Fed. Rep. 574, 3 L. R. A. 503 (limited partnership created in Pennsylvania can not sue in the United States courts, as a "citizen" of that state, citizens of other states) ; 1881, Fargo v. L., N. A. & C. R. Co., 6 Fed. R. 787 (is a citizen of state cre- ating for purpose of suing and being sued in United States courts) ; 1876, Maltz v. American Ex. Co., 1 Flip. (U. S.) 611, Fed. Cas. 9002, 3 C. L. J. 784 (is a citizen of creating state for purpose of being sued in United States courts) ; 1875, Wescott v. Fargo, etc., Co., 61 N. Y. 542 (president of such an institu- tion is a corporation sole for purpose of suits.) 2. As to failure to comply strictly with statute 1896, Staver, etc., A. Mfg. Co. v. Blake, 111 Mich. 282, 38 L. R. A. 798 (technical non-compliance with law does not make members liable as general partners, but see next case) ; 1889, Vanhorn v. Corcoran, 127 Pa. St. 255, 4 L. R. A. 386 (failure to comply makes members liable as general partners). 3. As to taxation 1885, State v. State Board of Assessors, 47 N. J. L. 36, 27 L. R. A. 684, 13 Am. & Eng. Corp. Cas. 403, 31 Atl. 220 (Pennsylvania partnership association may be taxed in New Jersey as foreign corporation) ; 1892, People, etc., v. Coleman, 133 N. Y. 279, 16 L. R. A. 183, 37 Am. & Eng. Corp. Cas. 1, supra, p. 15 (joint-stock companies in New York, are not cor- porations for purposes of taxation) ; 1889, People, etc., v. Wemple, 117 N. Y. 136, 6 L. R. A. 303, 29 Am. & Eng. C. C. 610 (the United States Express Company, a joint stock company, may be taxed in New York as an incorpo- rated company.) 4. As to status generally 1896, Rouse, Hazard & Co. v. Detroit C. C. Co., Ill Mich. 251, 38 L. R. A. 794; 1891, Allen v. Long, 80 Texas 261, 26 Am. St. Rep. 735, 38 Am. & Eng. Corp. Cas. 68 (joint stock companies are governed by general principles of partnership) ; 1890, Oliver's Estate, 136 Pa. St. 43, 20 Am. St. Rep. 894 (partnership association is an artificial person, members do not own the property, and death of member does not dissolve). See also, 1890, Fifth Avenue Bank v. Colgate, 120 N. Y. 381, 8 L. R. A. 712; 1889, Abbott v. Hapgood, 150 Mass. 248, 5 L. R. A. 586, 22 N. E. Rep. 907 ; 1889, Tilge v. Brooks, 124 Pa. St. 178, 2 L. R. A. 796; 1888, Jennings' Appeal, 2 Monaghan 184 (Pa.), 2 L. R. A. 43. Sec. 32. (3) From fraternity or society. LEWIS v. TILTON ET AL. 1884. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF IOWA. 64 Iowa 220-223, 5 2 Am.. Rep. 436. The petition, as amended, states that the defendants and others formed a benevolent society for the prevention and suppression of in- temperance, known and designated as the Ottumwa Temperance Re- form Club, and that they were chosen to represent such society as its executive committee; that in March, 1878, the defendants entered into a written contract of lease with plaintiff, by the terms of which said Ottumwa Temperance Reform Club was to and did occupy the prem- ises described in said lease, at the yearly rental of fifteen hundred dol- lars (a copy of said lease is attached to the petition) ; that by virtue of said lease the defendants, and the society of which they were mem- bers, occupied said premises from March i, 1878, to July i, 1879, and enjoyed all the benefits resulting from such occupancy ; that these defendants verbally contracted with the Ottumwa Gas Light Company to furnish said Ottumwa Temperance Reform Club the gas required 32 CORPORATION AND FRATERNITY. 177 to light said opera house and rooms thereunder ; that by virtue of said verbal understanding the gas company did from time to time, and as required, furnish said club a large amount of gas; that said club was not incorporated at the time the above contracts were made, and is not now ; and that said account for gas has been assigned to plaintiff. Upon the grounds above stated, the plaintiff sought to make the defendants individually liable. To the petition there was a demurrer, which was sustained, and the plaintiff filed an amended petition, stating various acts and things done, and reaffirming all the allega- tions of the petition, and thereupon asked judgment against the defendants individually. To the amended petition the defendants de- murred. The demurrer was sustained, and the plaintiff excepted, and, electing to stand thereon, appealed. SEEVERS, J. i. As we understand the petition, the verbal contract entered into with the gas company is an original undertaking on the part of the defendants. At their request the gas was furnished the club, and, of course, it seems to us the defendants are bound to pay for the gas so furnished. It matters not to whom it was furnished. The gas company had the right to expect that the defendants would pay for whatever was furnished at their request. There is no allega- tion that credit was extended to the club, and the only presumption which can be indulged in is that the credit was extended to the de- fendants. As they contracted, they must pay. 2. The more serious question is whether the defendants are indi- vidually liable under the lease, which, on its face, shows that it was entered into between the plaintiff, as party of the first part, and the Ottumwa Temperance Reform Club, party of the second part, and is signed by the plaintiff, and by the defendants as follows : CR. L. Tilton, "Executive Committee of the Ottumwa j S. B. Thrall, Temperance Reform Club, | David Eaton, [Joseph Sloan." It is insisted that the lease shows that credit was extended to the club, and that the contract was made with it; that the principal was named, and therefore the defendants can not be made individually liable. This line of argument possibly would be conclusive if there was a principal. But there is none. The club is a myth. It has no legal existence, and never had. It can not sue or be sued. The defendants contracted in the name of a supposed principal; that is, they claimed there was a principal for whom they were acting, but it now appears that there was no principal known to the law. But, under the allegations of an amended petition, it should be assumed, we think, that there was, as a matter of fact, a body of men associated together for a benevolent purpose, who had assumed the name above stated, for the avowed purpose, by their united efforts, of suppressing intemperance. There is, however, some doubt in our minds whether it can be said that the plaintiff extended credit to an organization that had no legal existence. As the law does not recognize such an organ- 12 WIL. CASES. 178 BELTON V. HATCH. 33 ization, we are at a loss to know how or why it can be said as a mat- ter of law that the plaintiff contracted with and extended credit to a mere myth. In legal parlance, the organization can not be named. It has no habitation or place of abode. It is also insisted that a fund was provided for the payment of debts, and hence it must be presumed that the plaintiff contracted in reliance upon such fund, and therefore the defendants can not be made indi- vidually liable. What the fact may be we are not advised, but cer- tainly this does not appear on the face of the petition, and we have looked into the lease, and there is no provision in it from which such an inference can be drawn. It is also insisted that there is no known legal -principle or rule un- der -which the defendants can be made liable. It is said that they are not parties. This is true; that is to say, these defendants could not bind any other members of the organization as a partner in a joint enterprise, or a contract as to -which he had no knowledge, and to which he did not assent. But we think "those who engaged in the enterprise (that is, became members of the organization) are liable for the debts. They contracted, and all are included in such liability who assented to the undertaking or subsequently ratified it." It was so held in Ash v. Guie, 97 Pa. St. 493; Fredendall v. Taylor et al., 26 Wis. 286; and this rule is supported to some extent by what was said by this court in Keller v. Tracy, 1 1 Iowa 530, and Drake v. The Board of Trustees, n Iowa 54. But, it is said, these defendants did not contract. They certainly represented that they had a principal for whom they had authority to contract. They, for or on behalf of an alleged principal, contracted that such principal would do and perform certain things. As we have said, there is no principal, and it seems to us that the defendants should be held liable, and that it is immaterial whether they be so held be- cause they held themselves out as agents for a principal that had no existence, or on the ground that they must, under the contract, be re- garded as principals, for the simple reason that there is no other principal in existence. We think the demurrer should have been overruled. Reversed. Note. See cases cited under White v. Brownell, infra, p. 187. Sec. 33. (4) From stock exchange. BELTON v. HATCH. 1888. IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF NEW YORK. 109 New York 593-594. 4 Am. St. R. 495. Appeal from judgment of the general term of the supreme court in the first judicial department, entered upon an order made May 29, 1885, which affirmed a judgment in favor of defendant, entered upon an order overruling a demurrer to certain portions of the answer. 33 CORPORATION AND STOCK EXCHANGE. GRAY, J. Plaintiff, as the assignee of one Des Marets, formerly a member of the New York Stock Exchange, sues to recover the pro- ceeds received by that organization from a sale of the membership, or, as it is sometimes technically termed, the seat of said Des Marets. It is alleged by plaintiff in his complaint that Des Marets, for many years a member of the New York Stock Exchange, in October, 1883, became insolvent, and, under the laws governing that body, was sus- pended ; that subsequently its governing committee determined that the failure was caused by doing business in a reckless and unbusiness- like manner, and resolved that Des Marets was ineligible for re- admission, and in December following the failure the stock exchange, pursuant to its constitution and by-laws, disposed of his membership and seat for the sum of $25,000, which sum it retained and refused to pay over to plaintiff, who demanded It as Des Marets' assignee. The complaint also alleges 'rhat che New York Stock Exchange is an unincorporated association, organized and located in New York city ; that its members have voluntarily established certain rules, conditions and articles of association or copartnership, which are designated as their constitution and by-laws, which are signed and consented to by the members and which govern them, their officers and committees, and which control in the conduct of the transactions and concerns of the association and are binding and obligatory upo,n the members. The answer of the defendant, after admitting the allegations of the complaint which I have mentioned, sets forth much of the constitu- tion and by-laws of the exchange, and alleges the distribution of the proceeds of the sale of Des Marets' membership to have been made among his creditors in the exchange, pursuant to their provisions. The plaintiff demurred to this portion of the answer on the ground that it was insufficient in law upon its face. Although this matter was not stated as a separate defense, totidem verbis, yet as it was affirmative in its nature and constituted the defense and justification of the association in disposing of Des Marets' membership and in retain- ing the proceeds arising from such disposition, we shall not consider the demurrer as improperly interposed and will dispose of the ques- tions raised by these pleadings. Their decision involves the legal relations to each other of the mem- bers composing the association of the New York Stock Exchange, and the extent and validity of the powers reserved by its constitution and by-laws, and conferred upon its officers and committees in the man- agement of its affairs and in the control over a member. The New York Stock Exchange is a voluntary association of individuals, united, without a charter, in* an organization for the purpose of afford- ing to the members thereof certain facilities for the transaction of their business as brokers in stocks and securities, and a convenient exchange or sales-room for the conduct of such transactions. It can not be said to be strictly a copartnership, for its objects do not come within the definition of one. A copartnership results from a contract be- tween the parties by -which they agree to combine their propertv or labor, or both, in some common enterprise and for a common profit, ISO BELTON V. HATCH. 33 to be shared in the proportion stated in their agreement, 7^he objects of a voluntary association of brokers do not, ho-wever, involve any suck combination, or any communion of profits from the business trans- acted by the members. Like a business club, its principal object is the promotion of the convenience of its members by furnishing facilities which aid them in doing their business, and are, therefore, of benefit to them. It may be said, however, that the rights of the associates are not substantially different from those of partners, so far as their rights in the property of the association are concerned. The interest of each member in the property of the association is equal, but it is subject to the constitution and by-laws, which are the basis on which is founded the association. They express the contract by which each member has consented to be bound, and which measures his duties, rights and privileges as such. It seems most clear to me that this constitution and the by-laws de- rive a binding force from the fact that they are signed by all the mem- bers, and that they are conclusive upon each of them in respect of the regulations of the mode of transaction of his business, and of his right to continue to be a member. Whatever are the rights acquired by a member and created by his admission to membership, the rules by which the membership is created or dissolved, and which control the affairs of the organization and the relations of members, entered into those rights when created and remained a part of them. In this proposition there is nothing against public policy, for the reason that whatever a member acquires is subject to the self-imposed condition that his title and the rights which accrue from his membership are regulated by, and are dependent upon, the laws adopted by the asso- ciation, and expressly consented to by him when he joined. When Des Marets, plaintiff's assignor, joined the exchange, it may be per- fectly true that he acquired property ; but it was property given by the act of those who, in giving it, accompanied the gift with conditions which were incident to and a part of the property ; and it was in no sense property created by the individual's act. I consider that there is an obvious 'distinction between property of the individual's own creation, to which he attaches conditions, or in the disposal of which he exerts a direction, whereby the claims of others are affected, and property which comes to him subject to conditions which may deprive him of its use or enjoyment. And so here, if the constitution, which forms the basis of this association, appropriates to his creditors in the association, or to any of its corporate objects, the peculiar property of the member, who, by force of constitutional provisions, has lost his membership, that was an incident entering into his title to it. When membership and the rights belonging to that status 'were conferred upon him, the gift was accompanied by a condition that the rights, of 'whatever nature, should revert to the association upon the happening of certain events, and he can not be heard to complain; nor can third persons, claiming to derive under him. He should be held to his contract, which was reasonable, and when entered into prejudiced no rights of others, nor conflicted with any statutory or common-law < 33 BELTON V. HATCH. l8l right. A person acquires by his admission to membership only such rights as the constitution and by-laws of the association give him; and upon ceasing to be a member, by the competent judgment of the governing committee, he ceases to have any further concern or interest in the association, except it is given by its laws. The New York Stock Exchange, by the accumulation of a great fund from a large membership, by the wise and successful management of the members, and by the acquisition of valuable facilities for the transaction of business, has given to membership an important pecun- iary value. It is fair to presume that this prosperity and success were, in an important degree, due to the regulations adopted looking to the conduct by a member of his business, and the restraints imposed upon reckless or dishonest methods. Membership may be property ; but it is not property in every sense. If it is property, it is incumbered with conditions when purchased, without which it could not be obtained. (Hyde v. Woods, 94 U. S. 523.) By the constitution of this association, the powers of government are vested in a governing committee, whose decision, after the trial of a member for offenses under its laws, is final. Standing committees are appointed by them, and the committee on insolvencies is charged with the duty of immediately investigating every case of insolvency and of reporting whether the same was occasioned by reckless dealing or by doing business for improper parties. Should the governing committee, upon this report, determine that a member's failure was caused by doing business in a reckless and unbusinesslike manner, he may be declared ineligible for readmission by a majority vote of the entire governing committee. By section 2 of article 13 of the constitution, it is provided that "in every case where a member is deprived of his membership, or declared ineligible for readmission by the governing committee by reason of any offense against or under the laws of the exchange, his membership may be disposed of forth- with by the committee on admissions." The plaintiff, appellant, contends that in such a case as this of Des Marets' severance from membership, there was no power under the constitution to distribute the proceeds arising from the sale of his membership, and that, in the absence of some express reservation of the right to dispose of those proceeds, they are the property of the member. The vice in plaintiff's argument is in the assumption that a member has any absolute property of his own in such a case. As we have before seen, the rules of the association were an incident to the rights acquired by a person upon admission ; and one- of those rules was that for conviction of an offense against or under the laws of the exchange, a suspended member might be deprived of right to readmission to membership. When expelled he ceases to have any interest in the association. His privilege to transact his business at that place has been lost. The association may fill the vacancy caused by his expulsion, or not, as they please. They can not be compelled to do so; but if they elect to admit a new member, and can derive, from so doing, any profit, that is their unquestionable right, with the I'82 SKILLMAN V. LACHMAN. 34 exercise of which others are not concerned. They may do with their own as they like. As I construe section 2 of article 13, above cited, its effect is that of an express reservation of the right to deprive a member, found guilty of an offense under its provisions, of all rights, interest and claim whatever. The right is given to a member in good standing to propose for ad- mission in his stead some one acceptable to the committee on admis- sions, and any profit he derives from his negotiations with the candi- date is his. So if a member becomes honestly insolvent and fails to qualify under the rules for readmission, or if he dies, after the claims of the association are discharged, the proceeds may be paid to him or his legal representatives, as the case may be. But in the case of a member who, by misconduct cognizable by the laws of the association, forfeits his right to continue to remain a member, there is reserved by the constitution the right to dispose of his membership. These rules are reasonable, and do not contravene any rule of public policy, and having been consented to by the plaintiff's assignor, deprived him of any interest or rights in the association, of which he had ceased to be a member. These views lead to an affirmance of the judgment appealed from. All concur. Judgment affirmed. Note. See Board of Trade of Chicago v. Nelson, 162 111. 431, 53 Am. St. 312 ; American Live Stock Co. v. Chicago Live Stock Exchange, 143 111. 210, 32 N. E. Rep. 274; Green v. Board, etc., 174 111. 585, 51 N. E. Rep. 599 (and see Evans v. Phil. Club, infra, p. 1165, and note). Sec. 34. (5) From cost book mining companies. SKILLMAN v. LACHMAN ET 1863. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF CALIFORNIA. 23 California 198-208. Appeal from the county court, Nevada county. The facts are stated in 'the opinion of the court. CROCKER, J., delivered the opinion of the court NORTON, J., con- curring, and COPE, C. J., concurring specially. This is an action upon a promissory note for $102, with interest at 3 per cent, per month, against the defendants, as members of the "Gold Hill Company," originally brought before a justice of the peace, where a judgment was rendered against the defendants, from which they appealed to the county court, where judgment was again rendered against them for $260.46 cents, besides costs, that sum being the principal and interest of the note, and from which they appeal to this court. * * * 1 Arguments and opinion of the court on question of jurisdiction omitted. 34 CORPORATION AND COST BOOK COMPANY. 183 The principal point raised by the appellant is that the owners of the claim are tenants in common and not partners ; that Sprout was one of the owners, and that one co-tenant can not bind his co-tenants by a note given in the name of the company. This question of the re- lation which exists between persons owning several interests in a mine, and engaged in working the same, is a very important one. What" ever may be the rights and liabilities of tenants in common of a mine not being worked, it is clear that where the several owners unite and co-operate in working the mine, then a new relation exists between them, and, to a certain extent, they are governed by the rules relating to partnerships. They form what is termed a mining partnership, which is governed by many of the rules relating to ordinary partnerships, but which has also some rules peculiar to itself one of which is that one person may convey his interest in the mine and business, without dissolving the partnership. (Ferreday v. Wightwick, i Russ. & Mylne 49.) Still, there may be a partnership in the working of the mine, subject to the rules relating to an ordinary partnership in trade. (Story on Part., 82.) And this relation of partnership may be constituted either by express stipulation or by implication deduced from the acts of the parties. (Rockw. on Mines, 575.) But in the case of an ordi- nary mining partnership, something more will be required to raise the presumption of liability arising from persons holding themselves out to the world as partners than would be necessary in the case of an or- dinary partnership. Such persons, in the absence of other circum- stances, can not fairly be presumed to have intended to render them- selves liable to all consequences of a commercial partnership. (Rockw. on Mines, 575.) The same author concludes his examination of this question as follows: "If the works are carried on by persons as mere owners of land, concurring in a general system of management for their common benefit, the shares of each person will only be liable for his individual engagement, and to the payment of debts contracted by himself, or his authorized agent, without interfering with the shares of the other tenants in common." (Rockw. on Mines, 579.) There have been several decisions relative to the rights and liabilities of shareholders in mining companies to the public and among them- selves, which it may be well to examine. In the case of Vice v. Lady Anson (7 B. & C. 409), which was an action for goods sold and materials furnished for working a mine, in which the defendant held one share, evidenced only by a certificate issued by the secretary of the company, the plaintiff, at the time he furnished the goods, had no knowledge that she was a shareholder. She had paid the deposit on some shares, and had spoken and written of herself (in private letters) as a shareholder of the company. The judge held that the plaintiff did not actually give credit to the defendant, and was not misled by her, and that she never held herself out to the world as a partner, and therefore she could only be chargeable on the ground of being really interested. The fact that she thought she had an interest did not make her interested; and he held that the certificate conveyed no interest in the mine, and therefore she was not liable. The correct- 184 SKILLMAN V. LACHMAN. 34 ness of this decision, that it was necessary to prove a conveyance of an interest in the mine, has been doubted. The case of Dickinson v. Valpy (10 B. & C. 128) was an action by an indorsee of a bill of exchange, drawn and accepted by a mining company, against the defendant as a member of the company. The defendant had applied for and obtained shares in the company, on which he had paid several installments. The business of the company was transacted by a board of directors, and the bill had been drawn and accepted in pursuance of a resolution passed by them. It was held necessary for the plaintiff to show that the directors had power to bind the shareholders by drawing bills of exchange ; and for that purpose, evidence should have been given of the nature and character of the business of the company, to show that in order to carry into effect the purposes for which it was instituted the drawing and accept- ing of bills was necessary, or to show from the practice of similar companies that it was usual to draw such bills. It -was also held, that although in ordinary trading partnerships the law implied that one partuer had power to bind another by drawing and accepting bills, yet that rule did not apply to mining partnerships, without showing that it was necessary to carry on its business. In Judson v. Bourne (6 M. & W. 461), it was held that the mem- bers of a mining company have authority by law (in the absence of any proof of a more limited authority) to bind each other by dealings on credit for the purpose of working the mines, if that appears to be necessary or usual in the management of the mines. In Hawtayne v. Bourne (7 M. & W. 595), the managing agent of the mining company had borrowed money from a bank to pay debts due to laborers who had levied distress warrants upon the materials of the mine, and it was held that there was no rule of law that such an agent could, even in case of an emergency suddenly arising, raise money and pledge the credit of his principals for its repayment; that the authority of the agent was only that he should conduct and carry on the affairs of the mine in the* usual manner, and there was no proof of express authority to borrow money, or that it was necessary in the ordinary course of the undertaking. A joint-stock company was formed to work a mine, in which the defendant became a shareholder and took part in its proceedings. The prospectus, issued on the formation of the company, stated that all supplies for the mine were to be purchased at cash prices, and no debt was to be incurred, and the scrip certificates also bore an indorsement to the same effect. The plaintiff supplied goods for the necessary working of the mine on the order of a resident agent appointed by the directors to manage the mine, which was the customary course in such concerns. Held, that the defendant was liable to the plaintiff for the price of such goods, notwithstanding the statements in the prospectus and certificates, unless it were shown that the agent had, in fact, no authority from the defendant, and that the plaintiff had notice thereof. (Hawkin v. Bourne, 8 M. & W. 703.) Where a defendant is charged with a debt in an action for work and 34 CORPORATION AND COST BOOK COMPANY. 185 labor as a partner in a mining company, but is not shown to have either contracted such debt personally or represented himself to the plaintiff as a partner, the fact of his having been partner may never- theless be shown by evidence short of strict proof that he had executed a deed of copartnership, or was legally interested in the mine. The fact may be proved by his admission made before or after the debt was incurred. (Ralph v. Harvey, i Q. 6.845.) One of several co- adventurers in a mine has not, as such, any authority to pledge the credit of the general body for the money borrowed for the purposes of the concern. And the fact of his having the general management of the mine makes no difference, in the absence of circumstances from which an implied authority for that purpose can be inferred. (Ricketts v. Burnett, 4 Q. B. 686.) Such is the uncertainty of mining operations that few are willing to risk all their means in such undertakings ; and it is therefore cus- tomary for a number of persons to unite in the enterprise ; and often the interests owned by each differ greatly in amount, according as each is able to furnish means, or is willing to take the risk. As a general rule, it is impracticable for each proprietor to 'work his in- terest in the mine separate from the others, hence arises the necessity for an organization of some kind to work the mines, such as a corpo- ration, joint stock company, or mining partnership. The company in the present case is one of the latter class. As each owner has a right to sell and convey his interest at any time, and as in ordinary part- nerships such sale would dissolve the partnership, and compel a winding up and settlement of the business, which would be most dis- astrous to the mining enterprise, it has become an established princi- ple that such sale does not dissolve a mining partnership, but it con- tinues on as before. Such a radical change in the law of partner- ship necessitates other changes. One result is, that new members are thus introduced into the company without the consent, and often against the wishes, of the other members; and it would be most unjust to subject each proprietor to personal liabilities, which might sweep away all his property, created against his consent, by those who be- came members against his wishes. Hence arises the necessity of establishing new rules for such partnerships, differing from those regulating ordinary partnerships, especially those relating to the power of any one member, or a majority of the members, or of the superintendent or managing agent, to make contracts binding upon the company or its members, and also regulating the extent and na- ture of the liability of each proprietor for the company debts, as be- tween themselves and third persons. The rules regulating ordinary partnerships, will, to some extent, form a proper guide, but do not necessarily determine these questions. It is impossible to lay down a perfect code of rules upon this subject; but, like other legal rules, they must be settled as they arise in cases requiring their determina- tion. Such rules must be governed by the peculiar condition and circumstances of the country, and must be founded upon sound prin- ciples of justice, and such as will protect the rights of individual pro- 1 86 SKILLMAN V. LACHMAN. 34 prietors against the unauthorized acts of others, and at the same time properly secure the claims of creditors and insure the successful work- ing of the mine. In the present case it appears that the defendant Lachman, for a long time prior and up to June 25, 1858, held a mortgage on the in- terest in the mine of one Prior ; that on that day he took a conveyance of that interest in satisfaction of the mortgage, and conveyed the same interest to one of the defendants, Sprout, on the twenty-eighth day of June, and received a mortgage on Sprout's interest in the mine to se- cure payment of the purchase-money. This appears to be, in fact, all the interest he had ; but it was proved that both prior to and after the date of the note, which was dated June 20, he admitted to two per- sons, one of whom was a brother of the plaintiff, and who delivered most of the lumber, that he owned an interest in the mine. It does not appear that any of these statements of Lachman were the means of inducing the plaintiff to sell or deliver the lumber. These state- rnents of the defendant Lachman do not operate as an estoppel upon him, unless it appears that the plaintiff was induced thereby to sell and deliver the lumber to the company. Neither the evidence nor the findings of the court contain any facts or evidence establishing this point. But there is still a more important objection to the findings and judgment in this case. There was no evidence of any authority hav- ing been given by the company, or Lachman, to Sprout, a member of the company and the managing agent, or foreman, to execute a prom- issory note in the name of and binding the company for the indebted- ness due the plaintiff, or any general authority to that effect. In fact, several members, including Lachman, testified that they never gave him any such authority. It is clear that the law does not, in the case of mining partnerships, imply any such authority either to a member of such partnership or to its managing agent. In this respect the rule of law is different from that of ordinary commercial partnerships. It was clearly the duty of the plaintiff to prove that the person executing the note in the name of the company had power and authority to do so. He might have had power to purchase the lumber for the use of the mine, but that is very different from authorizing him to execute a note in the name of the company, bearing interest at the rate of 3 per cent, per month. In this case the county court failed to draw the proper distinction between the liability of members of a mining part- nership and ordinary trading partnerships, and in this it erred. The judgment is, therefore, reversed and the cause remanded. COPE, C. J. I think the conclusion arrived a<: i j Justice Crocker is correct, and I, therefore, concur in the judgment. Note. 1884, Bissell v. Foss, 114 TJ. S. 252 on 261; 1880, Kahn v. Smelting Co.. 102 U. S. 641 ; 1871, Jones v. Clark, 42 Cal. 180 35 CORPORATION AND UNINCORPORATED ASSOCIATION. 187 Sec. 35. (6) From unincorporated associations. WHITE v. BROWNELL, PRESIDENT, ETC., ET AL. 1868. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, City and County of New York. General Term. 2 Daly (New York Common Pleas) 329-366. Appeal to general term from an order dissolving an injunction to restrain the Open Board of Brokers from interfering with plaintiff's privileges as a member of that board. By the court, DALY, F. J. The organization known as the Open Board of Stock Brokers, which the plaintiff asks this court to restrain from depriving him of his rights and privileges as a member of it, is not a partnership, and the plaintiff is not entitled, as has been argued, to the equitable remedies which courts afford for the protection of the rights of a copartner. It is not a union ef persons joining together property, labor or skill for their common benefit, in any pursuit or business having a communion of profit and loss, and distinguishable by the feature that, if earned, there is to be a division of gains. It may be described as an association of persons engaged in the same kind of business, who have organized together for the purpose of es- tablishing certain rules, by which each agrees to be governed in the conduct and management -of his separate transactions or business; which is not a partnership. The objects of the organization are set forth in the articles of asso- ciation, which declare that greater facilities are requisite for the ex- change and negotiation of commercial securities, a business which can be successfully transacted only where there is the utmost confidence ; that, as such confidence is begotten only by public, open, fair and up- right transactions, so that each party interested can know not only where, but how such business is done, the spirit of the age demands for such transactions a great public mart, open to all ; and that, for the purpose of supplying these requirements, the persons signing their names associate themselves together, and adopt a constitution for an association to be known as the Open Board of Stock Brokers, each pledging himself to abide by the constitution, and by all by-laws, rules and resolutions which may be passed by the board. To carry out this object, the constitution provides that there shall be a room where the members of the board shall have seats and desks, conveni- ently inclosed within a railing, and that outside the railing, and in a gallery, seats shall be provided for the public ; certain officers are designated who are to call stocks at the board, and a standing com- mittee to arrange the order in which such securities are called. A record is to be kept by the secretary of all sales and purchases made 1 Statement of facts except as given in opinion omitted. Arguments omitted and only a part of the opinion given. 1 88 WHITE V. BROWNELL. 35 at the board. He is required to prepare an account of the same for the newspapers, and no fictitious sales are to be allowed. It is, in fact, the creation of a public mart for the sale of stocks or other commercial securities, each purchase or sale of which is not for the joint benefit of the body, but is, as it would be in any other place, an individual trans- action between the parties making it. It is analogous to what, in other branches of commerce, has long been familiarly known by the word "change," a fixed place, where merchants meet at certain hours for the transaction of business with each other, subject to such general rules or understanding as they think proper to be governed by. There may be property belonging to this body, derived from the payment of dues or fines, or consisting of the furniture of the room where the board meets; but the possession of it is a mere incident, and not the main purpose or object of the association. A member has no sev- erable proprietary interest in it, or a right to any proportionable part of it upon withdrawing. He has merely the enjoyment and use of it while he is a member, but the property remains with and belongs to the body while it continues to exist, like a pew, the ultimate and dom- inant property in which is in the congregation, and not in the pew- holder; and when the body ceases to exist, those who may then be members become entitled to their proportionate share of its assets. (In re The St. James Club, 13 Eng. Law and Eq. Rep. 592 ; Fassett v. The First Parish in Boylston, 19 Pick. 361.) This board of stock brokers is, in fact, analogous to the organization which came under consideration in Caldicott v. Griffith (8 Exchq. Rep. 898), called The Midland Counties Guardian Society for the Protection of Trade, which was decided not to be a partnership. So far, therefore, as the plaintiff claims the equitable interference of this court upon the assumption that this association is a co-partner- ship, or upon the ground that the rules which regulate the action of courts of equity in cases of partnership are to be applied to it, the claim can not be supported. It is not an incorporated body, and as a number of cases have been cited upon the argument in which courts of equity have interfered and restored a member of a corporation who had been expelled or ob- structed in the exercise of his franchise by the acts of the corporation, which are relied upon by the plaintiff as authorities applicable to the present case, it will be necessary to inquire into the reasons why cor- porations can not expel members except in certain extreme cases, and to show that these reasons do not apply to a voluntary unincorporated body, which comes into existence by the mutual agreement of the per- sons forming it, and is thereafter carried on under rules which the body adopts for 'its government. A member of a corporation, -whether it be municipal, eleemosynary or private, is in the enjoyment of a fran- chise, the right to -which is not derived from the body, but is created by statute, or exists by prescription, and therefore can not be taken away by the act of the corporation, except, as I have said, in certain extreme cases. As it is a right conferred by statute, or derived from immemorial custom, -which implies the existence of a grant, it can 35 CORPORATION AND UNINCORPORATED ASSOCIATION. 189 neither be taken away by the act of the corporation or "withheld by the act of the corporation, from any one eligible to the enjoyment of it. Thus, in The People v. The Medical Society of the County of Erie (32 N. Y. R. 187), an incorporated medical society was compelled by mandamus to admit a licensed physician to membership, who was excluded under a by-law which had been adopted by the corporation. In a corporation, there is a distinction between what is called amo- tion, or the right to remove an officer, which is a power inherent in every corporation, and disfranchiscment. The former may be exer- cised without interfering with the franchise, as the officer, when re- moved, still continues a member; but disfranchisement is an absolute expulsion of the member from the body, and the taking away of his franchise, which can not be done unless the power is given by the charter creating the corporation, or the member has been guilty of crime, a conviction of which would work a forfeiture of all civil rights, including the corporate franchise, or has committed acts which tend to the destruction of the corporation, such as the defacing of its charter, the obliteration or alteration of its records, or other acts tending to im- pair or destroy its title to its rights or privileges; in which case, the expulsion of the member is but the exercise of a power incident to the right of self-preservation. Evans v. The Philadelphia Club, 50 Pa. St. R. 107 j 1 Bagg's Case, n Coke R. 93; Earle's Case, Carthew's R. 173; Commonwealth v. St. Patrick's Benevolent Society, 2 Bin- ney R. 441 ; Fuller v. The Trustees of Plainfield Academy, 6 Conn. 532 ; People v. The Medical Society of Erie, 24 Barb. 570; Willcock on Municipal Corporations, 270; Grant on Corporations, pp. 263, 264, 265, 266). But in an unincorporated voluntary association, like the one now under consideration, the privilege of membership is not given by statute or derived through prescription, as in a corporation, but is created by and conferred by the organization itself. It is not a franchise a franchise being a particular privilege vested in in- dividuals, which is conferred by grant from a sovereign or gov- ernment (Finch's Law, 164; 3 Kent's Com., 458) ; -while on the con- trary, the privilege of membership in a voluntary association is de- rived exclusively from the body that bestows it, and may be conferred or withheld at its pleasure. The law can not compel such an organ- ization to admit an individual to membership,' as may be done in the case of a corporation, nor can it interfere to restore a member who has been deprived of the privilege for not complying with the condi- tions upon which the enjoyment of it was made to depend. A mem- ber of a body of this description has, as such, undoubtedly, rights which the law will protect, but they do not rest upon the same ground, and are by no means coextensive with the franchise enjoyed by a mem- ber of a corporation. They depend upon the nature of the organiza- tion, upon the object for which it was formed, and upon the rules, regulations, constitution or by-laws which are explanatory of its pur- pose, and which the body has adopted for its government. 1 Infra, p. 1165. 190 WHITE V. BROWNELL. 35 Individuals who form themselves together into a voluntary associa- tion for a common object may agree to be governed by such rules as they think proper to adopt, if there is nothing in them in conflict with the law of the land ; and those who become members of the body are presumed to know them, to have assented to them, and they are bound by them (Innes v. Wylie, i Car. & Kir. R. 262 ; Brancker v. Roberts, 7 Jur. N. S. 1185; Hopkinson v. The Marquis of Exeter, London Times, Dec. 3ist, 1867, Law R., 5 Eq. Ca. 63). Such an organization may prescribe the conditions upon which per- sons will be admitted to membership, as well as the conditions upon which the continuance of membership will depend ; and where they have no regulation upon the subject, they may expel a member by a vote of the majority, if he has been notified of the charge against him, and afforded an opportunity of being heard in his defense (Innes v. Wylie, i Car. & Kir. R. 262). Voluntary bodies of this kind will be held to the fair and honest administration of the rules which are in force when any proceeding is instituted against a member ; but where a member is expelled in conformity with the rules, and the proceed- ings are regular and in good faith, it is final, and no judicial tribu- nal can interfere. (The Commonwealth v. The Pike Beneficial So- ciety, 8 Watts & Serg. 250). The only question, therefore, that can arise in the present case is whether the plaintiff was suspended from the privileges of a member of this Open Board of Stock Brokers in accordance with the constitution and by-laws which that body has adopted for its government; for if he was, he has no ground of com- plaint. [The court held that plaintiff was expelled in accordance with the by-laws, and so affirmed the decree dissolving the injunction.] Note. 1887, Davison v. Holden, 55 Conn. 103, 10 Atl. Rep. 515; 1881, Ash v. Guie, 97 Pa. St. 493, 39 Am. Rep. 818; 1855, Pipe v. Bateman, 1 Iowa (1 Clarke) 369 ; 1893, Burt v. Oneida Community, 137 N. Y. 346, 33 N. E. Rep. 307, 19 L. R. A. 297; 1893, McDowell v. Joice, 149 111. 124; 1888, Liggett v. Ladd, 17 Ore. 89, 21 Pac. Rep. 133; 1891, Crawford v. Gross, 140 Pa. St. 297, 21 Atl. Rep. 356; 1891, Wicks v. Monihan, 130 N. Y. 232, 14 L. R. A. 243, 29 N. E. Rep. 139; 1889, Lawler v. Murphy. 58 Conn. 294, 8 L. R. A. 113, 20 Atl. Rep. 457; 1896, Cheney v. Goodwin, 88 Maine 563, 34 Atl. Rep. 420; 1895, Society of Shakers v. Watson, 68 Fed. Rep. 730, 15 C. C. A. 632, 37 U. S. App. 141 ; 1893, Grand Rapids Guard v. Bulkley, 97 Mich. 610, 57 N. W. Rep. 188; 1883, Ray v. Powers, 134 Mass. 22; 1883, Burt v. Lathrop, 52 Mich. 106; 1883, Heath v. Goslin, 80 Mo. 310, 50 Am. Rep. 505 ; 1843, Eichbaum v. Irons, 6 Watts & S. (Pa.) 67, 40 Am. Dec. 540; 1841, Todd v. Emly, 7 M. & W. 427, e. ".. 8 M. & W. 505. 36 CORPORATION AND STATE INSTITUTIONS. 19 1 Sec. 36. (7) From state institutions. NEIL v. THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE 0. A. & M. COLLEGE. 1 1876. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF OHIO. 31 Ohio State, 15-23. Motion for leave to file a petition in error to reverse the judgment of the district court of Franklin county. [Action in lower court by the college board of trustees to collect subscription made by Rudisill and others and guaranteed by N.eil, to contribute to a fund to be raised in order to secure the location of the college in Franklin county, the sums subscribed to be paid to the treasurer of the college at the times indicated. The college was lo- cated in Franklin county, as proposed, and the board sued for the sums so subscribed. Neil demurred to the petition on the ground (among others) that the board of trustees had not the legal capacity to sue.] BOYNTON, J. * * * It is claimed by the plaintiff that the board of trustees of the college has not legal capacity to sue, and, therefore, that the judgment was improperly rendered in its favor. It is not, however, denied that the fourth section of the act establishing the college (67 Ohio L. 20) expressly confers upon the board the "right of suing and being sued, of contracting and being contracted with;" but it is con- tended that such act, "in so far as it attempts to constitute the defend- ant in error the board of trustees of said college, and clothe it with the power therein mentioned," is in conflict with the first section of the thirteenth article of the constitution, which declares that the "general assembly shall pass no special act conferring corporate powers," the claim being that the board is, to all intents and purposes, created a corporation and clothed with corporate functions and privileges. We are not able to yield our assent to this construction of the statute. The act is entitled "An act to establish and maintain an agricultural and mechanical college in Ohio." It creates a board of trustees, to be ap- pointed by the governor, by and with the advice and consent of the senate, and commits to such board the government, control and gen- eral management of the affairs of the institution ; and while the statute authorizes the board to make contracts for the benefit of the college, and to maintain actions, if necessary, to enforce them, and to exercise other powers similar to those conferred on bodies corporate, it does not assume to, nor does it in fact, create or constitute such board of trustees a corporation, and hence does not clothe it with corporate functions or powers. The State, ex rel. the Attorney-Gen- eral, v. Davis, 23 Ohio St. 434. The college is a state institution, designed and well calculated to promote public educational interests, 1 Arguments of counsel and opinion of court on other points omitted. State- ment of facts condensed. IQ2 NEIL V. THE BOARD. 36 established for the people of the whole state, to be managed and con- trolled by such agencies as the legislature in its wisdom may provide. Similar powers, but perhaps less extensive, because less required, are conferred on the trustees of the various hospitals for the insane (73 Ohio L. 80), and on the board of managers of the Ohio Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans' Homes (67 Ohio L. 53), and other institutions of the state. The powers thus conferred are essentially necessary to ac- complish the objects for which these institutions were established. The power to establish them is found clearly granted in the seventh article of the constitution. Leave refused. Note. There is considerable difficulty in determining the character of these institutions, whether they are corporations or not. Several cases hold they are, and several hold they are not. Perhaps, it is not improper to call them public corporations, but they are obviously not the same as municipal cor- porations, or public quasi corporations such as counties, townships, school boards, etc. (See infra, pp. 214, 221, 222, 229.) They have, in the case of banks, at least in one state, been held to be private corporations. (See infra, p. 221.) The fullest information to be had on the character of these institu- tions is to be found in a note to State v. Regents of Univ. of Kan., 55 Kan. 389 (1895), in 29 Lawyer's Rep. Ann., p. 378. Here information is given un- der the heads Banks, Educational Institutions, Other State Institutions Lia- bilities of Such, and Directors, Trustees and Officers of Such. 1. Universities, etc. Regents of University of Maryland v. Williams, 9 Gill & J. (Md.) 365, 31 Am. Dec. 72; Oklahoma Agr. & M. Coll. v. Willis (Minn.), 40 L. R. A. 677; State v. Carr, 111 Ind. 335 (University of Indiana is not a public corporation); State v. White, 82 Ind. 278, 42 Am. Rep. 496 (Purdue University is subject to mandamus} ; State v. Regents of University, 55 Kan. 389 (subject to quo warranto) ; Weary v. State University, 42 Iowa 335 (University is not a corporation) ; University of Alabama v. Winston, 5 Stew. & P. (Ala.) 17 (University of Alabama is a public corporation) ; Lewis v. Whittle, 77 Va. 415 (Medical College of Virginia is a public corporation); Tulane Ed. Fund v. Board of Assessors, 38 La. Ann. 292 (University of Louisi- ana is a corporation) ; Regents of University of Michigan v. Det. Bd. of Ed., 4 Mich. 213 (University is a public corporation) ; to same effect, Regents of University of Michigan v. Y. M. Society, 12 Mich. 138; Sterling v. Regents of University of Michigan, 110 Mich. 369, 34 L. R. A. 150; Regents of Uni- versity of Nebraska v. McConnell, 5 Neb. 423 (University of Nebraska is a public corporation) ; University of North Carolina v. Maultsby, 43 N. C. (8 Ir. Eq.) 257 (University of North Carolina is a public corporation); State v. Knowles, 16 Fla. 577 (Florida Agricultural College is a public corporation); Dunn v. University of Oregon, 9 Ore. 357 (Directors of University of Oregon are a corporation) ; State v. Lindsley, 3 Wash. 125 (University of Washington is a state institution) ; Butler v. Regents of University of Wisconsin, 32 Wis. 124 (University is a state institution); State Institutions, 9 Colo. 626 (Agri- cultural College and School of Mines are state institutions by the constitution and can not be moved) ; Lundy v. Delmas, 104 Cal. 655, 26 L. R. A. 651 (Re- gents not individually liable for damages). 2. Banks, state. See Bank of Tennessee v. Woodson, 5 Coldw. (Tenn.) 176; Bank of Kentucky v. Wister, 27 U. S. (2 Pet.) 318; Briscoe v. Bank of Commonwealth of Kentucky, 36 U.-S. (11 Pet.) 257; Woodruff v.Trapnall, 51 U. S. (10 How.) 190; Darrington v. Branch Bank of Alabama, 54 U. S. (13 How.) 12; Curran v. Arkansas, 56 U. S. (15 How.) 304; Barings v. Dabney, 86 U. S. (19 Wall.) 1; Jones v. Bank of Tennessee, 8 B. Mon. 122, 46 Am. Dec. 540; McFarland v. State Bank, 4 Ark. 44/37 Am. Dec. 761; Linn v. State, 2 111. 87, 25 Am. Dec. 71. 3. Other institutions. Cleaveland v. Stewart, 3 Ga. 283 ; Illinois Board of 37 SOLE AND AGGREGATE CORPORATIONS. 193 Education v. Greenebaum, 39 111. 610 ; Downing v. State Board of Agriculture, 129 Ind. 443, 12 L. R. A. 664; Liggett v. Ladd, 23 Ore. 26 (Ag. Soc.) ; Selinas v. Vermont Agricultural Society, 60 Vt. 249; Hern v. Iowa State Agricul- tural Society, 91 Iowa 97, 24 L. R. A. 655. See, especially, the full notes upon the subject of state institutions generally, in 29 L. R. A. 378, and 40 L. R. A. 677. ARTICLE VI. CLASSES OF CORPORATIONS. Sec. 37. Every body politike, or corporate, is either ecclesiastical or lay; ecclesiastical, either regular, as abbots, priors, etc., or secular, as bishops, deans, archdeacons, parsons, vicars, etc. ; lay, as maior or communaltie, baylifes and burgesses, etc. * * * And againe it is either sole, or aggregate of many. * * And this body politike, or corporate, aggregate of many, is by the civilians called collegeium or universitas Coke's Littleton, 413, c. 1613. (a) As to number of members, corporations are : 1. Sole. 2. Aggregate. OVERSEERS OF THE POOR OF THE CITY OF BOSTON v. SEARS ET Ux. 1 1839. IN THE SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT OF MASSACHUSETTS. 22 Pickering (Mass.) Rep. 122135. [Writ of right by plaintiff against defendants to recover certain lands in Boston, claiming upon the seizin of their predecessors within the last forty years. Defendants demurred.] SHAW, C. J., delivered the opinion of the court. It is a well-settled rule of law, applicable to real actions, that it is not necessary, as in personal actions, to plead a statute of limitations, and, therefore, if it appear, on the face of the record, that the action is not brought within the time limited by law, the tenant may avail himself of it by general demurrer. Holmes v. Holmes, 2 Pick. 23. By statute 1786, ch. 13, 3, no person or body politic shall sue or maintain any action, for any lands, upon his or their own seizin or pos- session therein, above thirty years next before the teste of the same writ. And by statute 1807, ch. 75, i, no person shall sue or main- tain any writ of right to any lands, upon the seizin of his or their an- cestor or predecessor, beyond the term of forty years next before the teste of the same writ. 1 Arguments and part of opinion omitted. Statement of facts condensed. 13 WIL. CASES. 194 OVERSEERS, ETC., V. SEARS. 37 It is therefore manifest that if this writ is taken to be one on which the plaintiff corporation count on their own seizin ; or, if they consti- tute a corporation of such a character that they could have no prede- cessor in legal contemplation, and, of course, could not count on the seizin of predecessors, then this action can not be maintained. This distinctly presents the question for consideration. On the part of the tenants,, it is contended, that this is a common case of a corporation aggregate, consisting of many persons, with the usual incidents of an aggregate corporation, that as such they must declare upon their own seizin within thirty years. On the contrary, it is contended by the de- mandants, that although the plaintiff corporation is composed of many persons, yet that is more analogous to the case of a sole corporation, particularly in this, that they do not elect the members of their own body, that they all go out at once and new members come in at once, as the necessary consequence of an annual election by others, and, therefore, that the corporation of one year and that of another, when an election has intervened, bear to each other the legal relation of pred- ecessor and successor. It becomes, therefore, necessary to distinguish with some care be- tween these different kinds of corporations. "The first division of corporations," says Blackstone, "is into aggregate and sole. Corpo- rations aggregate consist of many persons united together into one society, and are kept up by a perpetual succession of members, so as to continue forever. Corporations sole consist of one person only, and his successors, in some particular station, -who are incorporated by law in order to give them some legal capacities, particularly that of perpetuity ." We are not aware that there is any instance of a sole corporation in this commonwealth except that of a person who may be seized of parsonage lands to hold to him and his successors, in the same office, in right of his parish. There are some instances in which certain public officers are empowered by statute to maintain actions, as successors, such as judges of probate, county and town treasurers; but it is only where expressly provided by statute. "There are," says Chancellor Kent, 2 Commentaries (3d ed.), 273, 274, "very few points of corporation law, applicable to a corporation sole." "The corporations generally in use with us are aggregate or the union of two or more individuals in one body politic, with a capacity of suc- cession and perpetuity." It becomes then necessary to consider what are the distinctions estab- lished by law, between a sole and an aggregate corporation. The first and the most important is that a corporation aggregate has a perpetual existence without change, so that an estate once vested in it continues vested without interruption. Whereas, when a bishop or parson, holding estate as a sole corporation, dies or resigns his office, the fee is in abeyance until a successor is appointed. From this flows one necessary, but obvious legal consequence, which is that a grant to an aggregate corporation carries a fee without the word "successors"; but a grant to a corporation sole, without including successors, carries a life estate only to the actual incumbent, who is the first taker. Co.. 37 SOLE AND AGGREGATE CORPORATIONS. 195 Lit., S, 9<5, 94$; 4 Cruise's Dig., 442. A life estate to an ideal being having a perpetual and uninterrupted existence must be coex- tensive with a fee or perpetuity, and words of limitation could not ex- tend it. But where property vests in a bishop, parson or other sole corporation, he holds it to his own use and benefit whilst he holds the office, and afterward the estate and the enjoyment of it go together to his successor when established. The transmission of the estate is per- petual, but the beneficial enjoyment changes at each succession. Another well settled distinction is that by the common law a sole corporation can not take personal property in succession, and that its corporate capacity is confined to real estate. 2 Kent's Com., 273. An aggregate corporation may take personal property for themselves and successors. The reason why a sole corporation can not, says Blackstone, is that such movable property is liable to be lost or em- bezzled, and would raise a multitude of disputes between the succes- sor and executor, i Comm., 477. There are a great variety of other particulars, in which the incidents and characteristics which are considered essential to an aggregate cor- poration do not extend to a sole corporation because by the reason and nature of their respective modes of operation they do not apply ; upon the principle that when the reason of a rule ceases the rule ceases. An aggregate corporation may have and use a common seal by which the will of the body is expressed and its acts executed ; they are to take and grant by their appropriate corporate name ; may take and hold real and personal property ; may make by-laws for the regulation of all matters within the scope of their authority, not contrary to the law of the land or repugnant to the provisions of the charter or act of incorporation ; they must perform all corporate acts, by deed under their common seal, by vote or by the agency of officers or agents duly authorized for the purpose ; they must appear by attorney and can not appear in person ; the will of the majority, orderly taken at a meeting duly called and held, .is the will of the body and must govern unless otherwise provided by charter or by-law; they must regularly keep a record, journal or other written account of their votes and proceed- ings, which is the proper evidence of their acts, and may elect and qualify a clerk or secretary for that purpose ; they may elect a presi- dent or head, a treasurer, managers, directors and other suitable offi- cers, with such powers as the terms import, and such as may be spe- cially conferred upon them by vote or deed to manage their affairs ; they may elect members to fill vacancies when it is not otherwise pro- vided by the charter. Indeed this last qualification must be added in regard to almost all these enumerated powers, and it may be remarked generally that when these are denominated incidents to an aggregate corporation, it is to be understood that they are the most common and usual characteristics of such a corporation, and that they exist by im- plication, in cases where it is not otherwise provided in the charter; but that its constitution and organization, the mode in which individu- als may become and cease to be members, and also its action in all respects, the manner, times, places and occasions on which meetings 196 OVERSEERS, ETC., V. SEARS. 37 may be held, the members or particular individuals who must be present and vote to constitute a valid act, the officers who may or must be chosen, the property they may hold, the powers they may exercise, the duration of their existence, may all be modified and regulated ad libitum, by the power which constitutes the corporation. Nothing- seems essential to a corporation but a capacity to have perpetual suc- cession, under a special denomination and in an artificial form, a ca- pacity to take, hold and grant property, to sue and be sued by its cor- porate name, and in common to exercise powers and enjoy franchises and immunities. 2 Kent's Com., 277. In all these respects the distinction between an aggregate and sole corporation, growing out of their different modes of constitution and forms of action, is striking and obvious. A bishop or parson acting in a corporate capacity, and holding property to him and his successor in right of his office, has no need of a corporate name ; he requires no peculiar seal ; he performs all legal acts under his own seal, in his own name and name of office ; his own will alone regulates his acts, and he has no occasion for a secretary, for he need not keep a record of his acts ; no need of a treasurer, for he has no personal property, except the rents and proceeds of the corporate estate, and these he takes to his own use when received. By-laws are unnecessary, for he regu- lates his own action, by his own will and judgment, like any other in- dividual acting in his own right. But it is not necessary to pursue the comparison into all its details ; the points suggested are sufficient to show the legal distinctions between the two classes of corporations. With these views of the characters of these two kinds of corpora- tions, it becomes necessary to examine the act under which the de- mandants were made a corporation, and under which they act, in order to ascertain their legal character and rights. This act was passed by the provincial government shortly before the revolution, in 1772. It recites that many charitably disposed persons had given sums of money and other interest and estate to the poor of Boston, and others were well inclined to make such charitable donations, but the overseers of the poor of the same town, not being incorporated, such good intentions had been frustrated, or not earned into full effect ; it then enacts that the said overseers for the time being, be made and incorporated into a body politic by the name, etc., and that they and their successors in said office have a perpetual succession by said name. The second section provides that all money and estate, real or personal, before given, or which should be afterwards given to the poor of said town, not exceeding the amount and value therein limited, should be vested in the same overseers, and their successors in their said corporate capacity ; and they were enabled to receive and manage the same for the use of said poor. The third section authorizes them to take and hold moneys, securities and personal property to the amount of sixty thousand pounds and no more. The fourth section again declares that the said overseers and their succes- sors in said office, by the said name, shall have perpetual succession and power, by their said corporate name, to purchase and hold lands. 37 SOLE AND AGGREGATE CORPORATIONS. 197 not exceeding five hundred pounds annual income, to manage, lease and sell the same, and do all other acts, as natural persons may, as they shall judge best for the use and advantage of said poor. The fifth section authorizes them to have a common seal, to make by-laws, to choose a treasurer, clerk and other subordinate officers, and at pleasure to displace them. The sixth and last section declares that all instruments executed under their common seal, and all acts done or matters passed upon by consent of a major part of said overseers for the time being, shall bind said corporation and be valid in law. Here are all the characteristics and incidents of a complete, full, aggregate corporation. It was to be composed of several persons. They were to hold personal as well as real estate, to make by-laws for their government, to have a common seal, to have perpetual suc- cession, and to act by the vote of a majority. Indeed it is not denied that they are literally an aggregate corporation, consisting of many persons, in contradistinction to a sole corporation ; but it is contended, that as they have no power of electing their own members, and thereby perpetuating their own existence, but all come in by annual election and go out at the end of the year, they constitute a body more analog- ous to a sole corporation than to an aggregate one. But this analogy is not such as wholly to change the character of such a corporation. Indeed, the analogy even in this respect is rather slight. The strong argument is, that in this corporation there is no provis- ion that the body shall perpetuate itself by an election of new mem- bers in place of those who die or resign. But this mode of perpetu- ating its existence is not essential ; all that is essential is, that some mode be provided by the charter, or act by which it is constituted, by means of which it shall be so perpetuated. Blackstone, in the defini- tion already cited, says, that "corporations aggregate consist of many persons, united together into one society, and are kept up by a per- petual succession of members, so as to continue forever." i Comm., 469. If such a succession is effectually provided for, it is all that is requisite. Here we are to consider that the legislature, in framing this act of incorporation, had in their view the general laws of the government, and the manner in which towns in general, and the town of Boston in particular, were organized. Those laws provided, that that town should annually choose twelve persons to be overseers of the poor, and the general laws provided, that if overseers were not specially chosen, the selectmen should act as overseers. Towns were of themselves corporations, having perpetual succession, consisting of all persons inhabiting within certain territorial limits, so that by the ordinary operation of the laws, a perpetual succession of overseers was secured. The better opinion is, that town officers thus annually chosen hold their offices until others are chosen and qualified in their place. But this is not essential to the argument ; it is made the duty of towns to choose officers annually, it being for their interest to do so; and when chosen, they become, by force of the statute, members of the corporation, and thus all the purposes contemplated by the in- corporation would be attained. And this mode of continuing a sue- 1 98 OVERSEERS, ETC., V. SEARS. 37 cession of members, without election by the corporation itself, applies to the great majority of corporations in this commonwealth. In all quasi corporations, as cities, towns, parishes, school districts, mem- bership is constituted by living within certain limits. In all bridge, railroad and turnpike companies, in all banks, insurance companies, manufacturing companies, and generally in corporations having a cap- ital stock, and looking to profit, membership is constituted by a trans- fer of shares, according to the by-laws, without any election on the part of the corporation itself. In some, the assent of the corporation is made necessary to such transfer and consequent membership. In some instances more nearly resembling the present, all the members of the corporation are chosen, annually or otherwise, by a body other than itself, as trustees of ministerial funds, chosen by the parish, dea- cons of Congregational churches and wardens and vestry of Episcopal churches, by the members of those churches ; and in the latter case, the corporators are elected by persons not themselves being a corpo- ration, and having a perpetual existence as voluntary associations, only by the ancient and established usages of the country. St. 1785, ch. 51. In the present case abundant provision was made for perpetuating ?the corporation. Supposing the act to be framed with reference to the established and perpetual laws then in force, it was equivalent to declaring that those persons, who were then overseers of the poor, and those who should thereafter be annually and successively chosen by the town, forever, as such overseers, should be a body corporate and have perpetual succession. And this was an ample provision made in the act, for the perpetual succession of members, declared by the act itself. It was stated in the argument for the demandants, on the authority of Lord Coke, that by the ancient law an abbot or con- vent would not take as an aggregate corporation, because, though consisting of many, it had not power to perpetuate itself by election, but the abbot comes in by appointment. But this argument is not sustained by the authority. The reason assigned by Lord Coke is that the abbot only is capable of taking ; the convent or monks are dead persons in law, and for that reason the estate vests in the abbot alone as a sole corporation. Co. Lit., 94:cise of their jurisdiction within the limits prescribed, although the power was sustained in the latter case, as having been given to the circuit court of the District of Columbia. The granting of those writs undoubtedly appertains to the judicial power of the government, but that part of the power seems not to have been conferred by con- gress upon any of the courts but that of the District of Columbia, in prescribing their jurisdiction, except as incident to and necessary for the exercise of the other special powers with which they are clothed. The circuit court of the United States for this district has not the power, therefore, to issue a quo warranto in a case like this, by virtue of any general jurisdiction. And is it to be assumed that congress, having been thus cautious of entrusting the federal courts with that power, intended nevertheless to confer it by the language quoted, and not only on the federal, but upon the state courts; to delegate to the state courts a part of their sovereignty; to submit a corporation a creature of their creation, and an instrument by which they perform one of their functions to the absolute and unrestrained supervision and control of the courts of another sovereignty, especially when by the act which created it they reserved to .their own officers unusual supervisory power and control? I think not. And if the case turned upon that question alone, I should be strongly inclined to the opinion that congress intended by the clause quoted to provide a more con- venient forum for determining the ordinary questions which must naturally arise between the corporations and others in the course of their business, and intended no more. But there is another and conclusive objection to this claim of the plaintiff. The section in question authorizes suits against the cor- poration only. This is not a suit against the corporation, but a pro- ceeding by one individual against another individual competing for the office of director of it, and it is not within the letter or spirit of the act. 49 THE STATE ONLY CAN CREATE. 263 For these reasons we advise that the information is insufficient and the demurrer should be sustained. In this opinion the other judges concurred. 1809, Commonwealth v. Union Ins. Co., 5 Mass. 230, 4 Am. Dec. 50; 1824, Commonwealth v. Murray, 11 Serg. & R. (Pa.) 73, 14 Am. Dec. 614; 1836, Peo- ple v. Rensselaer, etc., R. Co., 15Wend. 113, 30 Am. Dec. 33, note 44; 1841, State v. Harris, 3 Ark. 570, 36 Am. Dec. 460; 1841, State v. Evans, 3 Ark. 585, 36 Am. Dec. 468 ; 1864, People v. River Raisin, etc., R. Co., 12 Mich. 389, 86 Am. Dec. 64; 1867, Commonwealth v. Cluley, 56 Pa. St. 270, 94 Am. Dec. 75; 1888, Moore v. Brooklyn, etc., R., 108 N. Y. 98; 1892, Pickett v. Abney, 84 Texas 645; 1893, Republican Mountain Silver Mines v, Brown, 58 Fed. Rep. 644, 24 L. R. A. 776; 1897, Madden v. Penn. Elec. L. Co., 181 Pa. St. 617, 38 L. R. A. 638; 1898, Coquard v. National L. O. Co., 171 111. 480, 49 N. E. Rep. 563; 1899, Clark v. Mutual Res. F. L. Ass'n, 14 App. Gas. (D. C.) 154, 43 L. R. A. 390. Sec. 49. (#) None but the sovereign can create. THE MEDICAL INSTITUTION OF GENEVA COLLEGE v. PATTER- SON. 1 1845. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK, i Denio (N. Y.) 6169. [Suit by the medical institution upon a note given by defendant pay- able to the Medical Institution of Geneva College. Special verdict raising the question as to the plaintiff's corporate existence. ] By the Court: BRONSON, C. J. If "The Medical Institution of Ge- neva College" is not a corporation it has no capacity to sue, and the defendant is entitled to judgment. This is the only question made by the special verdict. The principal argument for the plaintiffs de- pends upon maintaining the following propositions: i. Each of the English Universities of Oxford and Cambridge has the power of creat- ing subordinate corporations, such as colleges for giving instruction in the liberal arts and sciences. 2. Columbia College, in the city of New York, has the same power in this respect as the English uni- versities. 3. Geneva College has the same powers as Columbia College, and, 4. Geneva College, thus having the power, has created a corporation by the name of "The Medical Institution of Geneva College." If any one link in this chain is broken, the whole argument falls to the ground. [By the charter Geneva College was given all the corporate rights and privileges of Columbia College, the governors of which were empowered by their charter from the king to appoint a president, professors and other officers, who could exercise their office, as freely and fully as any of the like officers in the English universities; the governors also had the power to make laws and ordinances for the government of the college and students, and to grant degrees the same as English universities.] 1 Statement of facts abridged. Arguments and part of opinion omitted. 264 THE CASE OF SUTTON'S HOSPITAL. 50 These are all the provisions of the charter to which we have been referred in support of the plaintiff's case; and, whatever may be the powers of the English universities, I think it entirely clear that Co- lumbia College has no power to create corporations of any kind, or for any purpose. It can not be necessary to discuss the question. It is enough to say that there is nothing in the charter which looks like a license or authority to erect corporations. The chancellor of the university of Oxford has power by charter to erect corporations. ( i Kyd on Corp. 50 ; i Black. Comm. 474. ) But Columbia College has no chancellor. Its principal officer is a president, who has no greater powers than are usually conferred on the presidents of other colleges. They can not make corporations. Although it is now settled that the king may delegate his authority to create corporations ; or, in other words, may exercise the power by another as his instrument, on the principle qui facit per alium, facit -per se, I find no authority for the position that a general power to erect corporations has ever been delegated to either of the English universities. But, however that may be, I think there is no color for saying that such a power has been conferred upon any of our colleges. * * * Judgment for defendant. Note. 1830, People v. Trustees of Geneva College, 5 Wend. (N. Y.) 211; 1894, State v. International Ins. Co., 88 Wis. 512, 43 Am. St. Rep. 920; 1697, Robinson v. Groscot, Comberbach 372; 1704, Cuddon v.Eastwick, 1 Salk. 192; 1829, McKim v. Odom, 3 Bland Ch. (Md.) 407, supra, p. 222; 1852, Pennsyl- vania R. v. Comm'rs, 21 Pa. St. 9; 1853, Franklin Bridge Co. v. Wood, 14 Ga. 80, infra, p. 279; 1859, State v. Bradford, 32 Vt. 50; 1870, Hoadley v. Essex Co., 105 Mass. 519; 1874, Stowe v. Flagg, 72 111. 397. Also cases infra, on conditions precedent to corporate existence, dejure, de facto and by estoppel. ARTICLE II. METHODS OF EXERCISE EVIDENCE OF SOVEREIGN S CON- SENT. Sec. 50. ( ) In general. THE CASE OF SUTTON'S HOSPITAL. 1613. 10 Coke, 230;, 300, 30*5, 3ia. {Extracts from the Report, ) (t * * * And it is to be known, that every corporation or incor- poration, or body politic or incorporate, which are all one, either stands upon one sole person, as the king, bishop, parson, etc., or aggregate of many, as mayor, commonalty, dean and chapter, etc., and these are in the civil law called universitas sive collegium. Now it is to be seen what things are of the essence of a corporation. I. Lawful authority of incorporation ; and that may be by four means, sc. by the common laiv, as the king himself, etc., by authority of par- liament; by the king 's charter (as in this case), and by prescription. The ad, which is of the essence of the incorporation, are persons to 50 METHODS OF CREATING. 265 be incorporated, and that in two manners, sc. persons natural, or bodies incorporate and political. 3. A name by -which they are in- corporated, as in this case governors of the lands, etc. 4. Of a place, for without a place no incorporation can be made ; here the place is the charter-house in the county of Middlesex. Vide 3 Hen. VI 'Det./2o; 17 Edw. Ill 59*$, and 45 Edw. Ill 17. 5. By words suf- Jicient in la-w, but not restrained to any certain legal and prescript form of words. And for as much as good pleading is lapis lydius, the touch-stone of the true sense and knowledge of the common law, the form of pleading of a corporation by prescription is to be observed, for in such case he ought to prescribe in everything which is of the essence of the incorporation. * * * It appears that incorporo, or any derivative thereof, is not in law requisite to create an incorporation, but other equivalent words are sufficient, as nominati and cogniti; and therewith agree 44 Assizes, p. 9. In Prior of Plimpton's Case and 4 Edw. IV *]b, in the case of Abbot of Glastenbury, and in none of these books or records was any mention made of these words, fundo, erigo, etc., or any other like words, for, as it hath been said, they are only declaratory words, and the effect of them may be done by the owner of the land without any grant. And it was well observed that in old time the. inhabitants or burgesses of a town or borough were incorporated when the king granted to them to have gildam mercatoriam. * * * Vide for this word guild or fraternity in the Book of Entries, 68 ; 37 Edw. Ill, c. 5 ; 15 Rich. II, c. 5 ; the statute of i Edw. VI of Chantries. In which three things were observed, i. How prudens antiquitas did always comprehend much matter in a narrow room. 2. That to the creation of an incoiporation the law had not restrained itself to any prescript and incompatible words. 3. That when a corporation is duly created, all other incidents are tacite v annexed. And for direct authority in this point, in 22 Edw. IV Grants, 30, it is held by Brian, chief justice, and Choke, that corpora- tion is sufficient without the words to implead and to be impleaded, etc., and therefore divers clauses subsequent in the charters are not of necessity, but only declaratory, and might well have been left out. As i. By the same to have authority, ability and capacity to purchase, but no clause is added that they may alien, etc., and it need not, for it is incident. 2. To sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded. 3. To have a seal, etc. ; that is also declaratory, for when they are in- corporated, they may make or use what seal they will. 4. To restrain them from aliening or demising but in certain form ; that is an ordi- nance testifying the king's desire, but it is but a precept, and doth not bind in law. 5. That the survivors shall be the corporation ; that is a good clause to oust doubts and questions which might arise, the number being certain. 6. If the revenues increase, that they shall be employed to increase the number of poor, etc. ; that is but explanatory, as appears in the Case of Thetford School, in the eighth part of my Reports (f. 31^). 7- To De visited by the governors, etc. ; that is also explana- tory, * * * for if no visitor had been appointed by the charter, the governors should visit ; and the books in 8 Edw. Ill 28, and 8 Assizes, 266 RUTTER V. CHAPMAN. 51 29, do not gainsay it, where it is held, that if the hospital be lay, the patron shall visit, and if spiritual the bishop shall visit, so that every hospital is visitable; it is tine, but in the case at the bar the poor of the hospital are not incorporated, and so no legal hospital. 8. To make ordinances ; that is requisite for the good order and government of the poor, etc., but not to the essence of the incorporation. 9. The exemption from the ordinary is but declaratory, for being a lay incoi'- poration he neither can nor ought to visit. 10. The license to pur- chase in mortmain is necessary for the maintenance and support of the poor, etc., for without revenues they can not live, and without a license in mortmain they can not lawfully purchase revenues, and yet that is not of the essence of the corporation, for the corporation is perfect without it, so that by what has been said, it appears what things in genere are requisite to a complete body incorporate, and which are verba operativa in this case (which are necessary to be known in every case), in the resolution whereof it appears how necessary it is that the law and experience should join with their hands together. * * * " Note. See cases following, pp. 266, 270, 275, 279. Sec. 51. Same. (6) King's or Queen's Charter. RUTTER v. CHAPMAN. 1 1841. IN THE ENGLISH EXCHEQUER CHAMBER. 8 Mees. & W. (Ex- chequer) 1117. [This was a controversy between two coroners. The plaintiff had been one of the coroners of the county palatine of Lancaster, and had been entitled to hold inquests, and receive the fees therefrom. Upon the sudden death of Bridget Garratty, within the territory form- erly within the jurisdiction of the plaintiff, he claimed the right to hold the inquest, but was prevented from doing so by the defendant who claimed to be a properly selected coroner by the council of Man- chester, which he claimed was a borough duly incorporated, by the queen's charter, with jurisdiction over the territory where the death occurred. By act of parliament it had been provided that the queen, upon petition from the inhabitant householders of any town or borough, by advice of the privy council, might extend to such inhabi- tants "within the district to be set forth in such charter, all the powers and privileges" given to municipal corporations, by the 5 and 6 William IV, c. 76, which included several powers that were beyond the prerogative of the queen to grant without parliamentary authority. A petition agreed upon at a meeting of the rate-payers of the parlia- mentary borough of Manchester, convened by advertisement, and 1 Statement of facts abridged. Only part of opinion of BOSANQUET, J., is given, all others omitted. 51 EXISTENCE BY KING'S CHARTER. 267 attended by 1,000 persons, which petition was signed by 4,000 house- holders of the borough, was presented to the queen asking for a char- ter incorporating such borough with the powers and privileges of the act of 5 and 6 William IV. Afterwards and before the petition was acted upon a counter petition was presented, signed by 6,000 house- holders, praying the queen not to grant the charter. The whole num- ber of householders was 48,000. The queen nevertheless granted the charter and the corporation was organized by election of mayor, council, etc., and Chapman as coroner for the territory where the death occurred. The plaintiff claimed the queen could not create the cor- poration, except in strict compliance with the act of parliament, and that required a majority of householders to petition to be incorpo- rated. The lower court found for defendant, holding that the queen by her prerogative could create a corporation without authority of parliament.] BOSANQUET, J. * * * The next head of objection is, that, in granting the charter, the various provisions of the municipal cor- poration act with respect to times and modes of proceeding have not been pursued. . But there is no provision in the act which requires that this should be done. All the matters contained in that act related to corporations then in existence, whose constitutions were to be altered by authority of parliament, in carrying which object into effect it was necessary that all the provisions prescribed should be strictly ad- hered to. But when a new corporation is to be erected by the authority of the crown, the constitution of such new corporation originates in the will of the sovereign ; subject, however, to the assent or dissent of the new corporations by their acceptance or non-acceptance thereof. And such a grant, made by the known prerogative of the crown, requires no petition from any particular description of persons, as a condition precedent to its validity. It has been contended, however, that the queen has exceeded the powers which she derived from her common law prerogative, as well as those conferred on her by the act of parliament, in delegating her authority to others, in matters respecting the selection of persons who are to constitute the burgesses of the corporation, particularly David Price, who is empowered to make out the burgess list, and Edward Rushton to revise it. Now I take it to have been long settled bylaw, that the queen, in erecting a corporation, may name, of her own 'authority, all the officers and all the corporators, or may empower a subject to do so in her stead. And although no one but the queen can make a corporation, yet when it is made under her authority, it is deemed in law to have been made by herself. "When the king," says Lord COKE, in the case of Sutton's Hospital, 10 Rep. 33, "reserves as well the nomination of the persons as the name of incorporation to a person who shall be the founder, then he ought to name the parties and declare by what name they shall be in- corporated, and when he has done so in writing, according to his authority, they are incorporated by the king's letters patent and not 268 RUTTER V. CHAPMAN. 51 by the common person, for he is but an instrument, and the king makes the corporation, in such case, in the same manner as if all had been comprehended in the letters patent themselves. It is true," he adds, "that none but the king can make a corporation, as it is held, 49 Ed. 3, 4, 29 Ass. 8; but qui per alium facit, perse ip sum facer e videtur." So it is said in Bro. Abr. Prerogative, 53: "Nota, the king, by his charter, may by express words grant to a corporation or commonalty to make another corporation or commonalty." Again, in Jenkins' Centuries 88, p. 270, it is said: "Only the king can make a corporation;" but, presently after, "the king may give power to name a corporation, and where it is named it is the king's corpora- tion." In Com. Dig., Franchise (F. 5), citing i Roll. Abr. 512, it is said that a subject may choose the person, invent the name, etc., for the king, also, the king by charter to the East India Company may enable them to constitute such persons as shall be incorporated. Ib. In Bacon's Abr. Corporations (B), it is said: "The king, by virtue of his prerogative, is the only person that can erect either an ecclesiasti- cal or lay corporation ; yet the king may grant power to a common person to name the corporation, and the persons of whom it is to con- sist, but when he has done so, the corporation does not take its essence from the common person, but from the king." I am not aware that the proposition laid down in these authorities has ever been disputed since the second Hen. 7. Blackstone, vol. i, p. 474, says, "The king, it is said, may grant to a subject the power of making corporations (Bro. Abr., tit. Prerog. 53; Vin. Abr. Prerog. 88, pi. 16), although the contrary was formerly held (Year Book, 2 H. 7, 13), that is, he may permit the subject to name the persons and powers of the corporation at his pleasure ; but it is really the king that erects, and the subject is but the instrument ; for though none but the king can make a corporation, yet qui facit alium facit per se. In this manner the chancellor of the University of Oxford has power by charter to erect corporations, and has actually often exerted it, in the erection of several matriculated companies, now subsisting, of tradesmen subservdent to the students." The same doctrine will be found in Kyd on Corporations, 50. No distinction is made in these authorities between ecclesiastical and lay, eleemosynary and munici- pal corporations. I refer to these authorities for the purpose of show- ing in what broad terms the authority of the crown to delegate the nomination of corporations and corporate officers has been recognized. But it is not necessary to rely upon them to their full extent in this case ; for no discretionary power of choice or appointment is given either to Mr. Price or to Mr. Rushton. The constitution of the cor- poration and the qualification of the burgesses are fixed by the char- ter ; and these persons are only required to make a list of those who have such qualifications. It is to be observed, that no method of proceeding is pointed out by the 5 and 6 Will. 4, c. 4, or i Viet., c. 78, for setting the corporation in motion: these acts simply provide, that it shall be lawful for her 51 EXISTENCE BY KING'S CHARTER. 269 majesty, under the advice of her privy council, to extend to the in- habitants of any town or borough, within the district to be set forth in such charter, the powers arid provisions in the act contained ; and I know no mode by which the crown can confer them except by char- ter. If the crown be authorized to grant the powers in question (which without the authority of the act could not have been done), must it not by necessary inference be authorized to prescribe the means by which they are to be made effective ; provided at least that the means adopted are not at variance with those which might be re- sorted to in a common-law charter of incorporation. Many of the regu- lations of the municipal corporation act are inapplicable to a new corporation. David Price is appointed to make out the burgess list instead of the overseers, who, under the municipal corporation act, are required and compelled to make out such a list, but these officers would not be compellable to make out a burgess list for a new cor- poration. For the purpose, therefore, of securing the attainment of the end contemplated by the act, the crown has nominated a person, of whose willingness to undertake the duty it may be assured ; Edward Rushton is appointed to revise the burgess list instead of a revising barrister appointed by the senior judge of assize ; no power to any judge to appoint such a barrister being given by the act, after the year which had elapsed at the grant of this charter. And to have given authority to any other person to appoint a revising barrister would be at least as objectionable as a direct appointment by the queen herself. It has been contended, indeed, that if the act of parliament be defective in prescribing the proper means of carrying its object into effect, the object can not be effected ; but the more reasonable inter- pretation of the act in such cases appears to be, that where no particu- lar means are prescribed, the crown may proceed to accomplish the object by the same means which it is authorized by the common law to employ in conferring the usual powers upon a new corporation, namely, by letters patent under the great seal. * * * Judgment affirmed. Viner's Abr. Corp. B. 1, 5; Y. B. 2 Henry VII, 13; 1613, Button's Hospital Case, 10 Coke 27, supra, p. 264; 1819, Dartmouth College v. Woodward, 4 Wheat. 518, infra, p. 708;1815, Terrett v. Taylor, 9 Cranch (U. S.) 43; 1815, Town of Pawlet v. Clark, 9 Cranch (U. S.) 292; 1817, Denton v. Jackson, 2 Johns. Ch. (N. Y.) 320; 1828, N. Hempstead v. Hempstead, 2 Wend. (N. Y.) 109; 1830, Society for Propagation of Gospel v. Town of Pawlet, 4 Pet. (U. S.) 480; 1831, McKim v. Odom, 3 Bland Ch. (Md.) 407, note, p. 416; 1889, Baeder v. Jennings, 40 Fed. R. 199. 1. The king's power formerly. It is said that both before and for some time after the Norman conquest, many nobles claimed and exercised the right of creating corporations within their own territories. So also the Pope exer- cised the privilege of creating university corporations on the continent, and claimed a like right in England, which, though exercised, was not recognized as conferring legitimate corporate existence. (Greystock College Case, Dyer, 81, pi. 64,1553.) Bracton (c. 1263) says: "Those things called privileges, al- though they pertain to the crown, may nevertheless be separated from the crown and be transferred to private persons, but only with the special grace of the king; whose grace and special grant if it have not intervened, time does not exclude the king from such a claim, for no time runs against a dona- 270 THE GOVERNOR V. ALLEN AND M'MURDIE. $2 tion of the king's or contrary to it. * * * But this kind of liberties, when they have been granted by the king, are as it were possessed, and he to whom they are granted * * * w ill be in possession * * * until he has lost it from abuse or non-user." 1 Bract. Twiss's Trans., p. 55. By the time of Edward III, the absolute necessity of the king's consent to the erection of a corporation seems to be fully established, 49 Edward III, 4; 49 Ass. 8; Viner Corp. B. ; 1 Kyd Corp. 42, 44; Bro. Corp. 15; Angell & Ames, 67. By the civil laio the sovereign's consent was necessary also, either by statute, senatus consulttim, or constitution of the emperor. Digest 47, Lib. 22, 23 ; also 3, 4, 1 ; Hunter's Roman Law, 314; 1 Brown Civil Law, 101, 102; 1 Domat, Civ. Law, Title II, 2, No. 15. 2. At the present time. In England, the king or queen alone, when a cor- poration is intended with privileges, which, by the principles of the English law, may be granted by the king, is qualified to create a corporation by his or her sole charter. Thus the city of Annapolis, in Maryland, was incorpo- rated by a charter from Queen Anne, when she held the government of the province. When, on the other hand, it is intended to establish a corporation vested with powers which the king can not himself grant, recourse must be had to an act of parliament; as if it be intended, for example, to grant the power of imprisonment, as in the case of the College of Physicians; or to confer a monopoly, as in the case of the East India Company; or when a court is erected, with a power to proceed in a manner contrary to the rules of the common law. Angell & Ames Corp., 68. There seems now to be the following methods of creating corporations in England : 1. By royal charter, uo\v usually exercised by the king, by virtue of his prerogative in foreign affairs, for creating companies for governing and trad- ing with the colonial possessions in Africa and the East Indies. Recent creations of this sort are the North Borneo Company, 1881 (State Papers, vol. Ixxiii, p. 932) ; The Royal Niger Company, 1886 fHertslet, Treaties, vol. xviS, p. 118) ; Imperial British East Africa Company, 1889 (State Papers, vol. Ixxix, p. 641) ; and the British South Africa Company, 1889 (Hertslet, Treaties, vol. xviii, p. 134). These are quite similar to, though differing in some respects from, the Virginia (1609), Massachusetts Bay (1629), and Hudson's Bay, Com- panies (1670), for colonizing and trading in North America, and the East India Company (1600), for a like purpose in India. 2. By parliament, public companies, such as railways, canals, water- works, etc., those engaged in a public undertaking that requires the exercise of the power of eminent domain. These are incorporated by special act of parliament in each case after investigation and report upon the necessity, but are regulated (unless expressly excepted) by the general provisions of the Companies Clauses Acts of 1845. 3. By registration. All private business, social, or benevolent companies having more than twenty members (or if banking, more than ten members), under the general incorporation law of 1862, called the Companies Act. See Ency. of Laws of Eng., Companies, Chartered, vol. iii, p. 148 ; Company, p. 162, and Public Company, vol. x, p. 545; also, Railways, vol. xi, p. 1. Sec. 52. Same. (c) Common law. THE GOVERNOR v. ALLEN AND McMURDIE. 1 1847. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF TENNESSEE. 8 Humphrey (27 Tennessee) 176-184. TURLEY, J., delivered the opinion of the court. On the i8th day of August, 1843, G. A. Davie, who had been elected trustee for the county of Montgomery, executed his bond, Arguments omitted. 52 EXISTENCE BY COMMON LAW. 27 I with G. P. Allen and Robert McMurdie his sureties, to the governor in and over the state of Tennessee, in the penal sum of $3,000, to be void upon condition that he received and securely kept and paid over the school-funds of said county, as the law directs. This bond was acknowledged in open court at the August term, 1843, of the county court of Montgomery. The condition of this bond being broken, a suit thereon was commenced at the July term, 1846, of the circuit court of Montgomery, in the name of Aaron V. Brown, governor, in and over the state of Tennessee, against G. P. Allen and Robert McMurdie, two of the obligors. To the declaration the defendants filed a general demurrer, which was sustained by the circuit judge, and judgment given accordingly, from which an appeal in error is prose- cuted to this court. The question presented for consideration upon this demurrer is whether a suit at law can be maintained upon this bond, in the name of the governor of the state. By the 43d section of the act of 1838, ch. 148, and the 4ist section of the act 1840, ch. 38, the trustees of the different counties of this state, before the reception of the portion of common school fund belonging to their counties under the general law for distributing it to them, are required to enter into bond, with two or more securities, for the proper performance of their duties in .relation thereto, to the superintendent of public instruction and his successors in office. The bond sued on then, in this action, is not a good statutory bond, according to all the decisions of the state courts upon such subjects and the question necessarily is whether it can be held to be a good common law bond to be sued upon in the name ot the governor of the state. Before entering into a general investigation of this subject we deem it proper to premise that the bringing this suit in the name of Aaron V. Brown, governor and successor of James C. Jones, gives no addi- tional strength to the action which it would not have had, provided the suit had been brought merely in the name of the governor of the state, and that the question must be examined as if it had been so brought, for if the bond be not a good common law bond when made payable to the office of the governor as such, the making it payable to a particular governor described eo nomine and his successors could not sustain the action, for in such case, the suit would not enure to his successors, but must be brought in his name if alive, and if not, in the name of his personal representative. The bond in this case, in point of fact, was not executed to any particular governor, eo nomine, but to the governor in and over the state of Tennessee, then can an action at law be maintained upon it? The solution of this ques- tion depends upon the fact whether a bond can upon common law principles be executed to the governor of the state. In the case of Polk v. Plummer and others, 2 Humph. 506, Judge Reese, who de- livered the opinion of the court, says, "that when a statute directs a bond for the public benefit to be made payable to the governor or other functionary having legal succession, the office is the payee, and the successor, whether described eo nomine, either in the statute or 2/2 THE GOVERNOR V. ALLEN AND M'MURDIE. 52 bond, or not, may yet maintain the action, such officer being made by form of the statute and for the public benefit, quod hoc, a corpora- tion sole." There is no reason whatever, for questioning the general truth of this proposition ; it is sustained by the judgment of the supreme court of North Carolina in the case of the Justices of Cum- berland v. John Armstrong and others, 3 Dev. 284, where it is held that the acts of assembly which direct the justices of the county courts to take bonds to themselves in their official capacity confer on them, as to such bonds, a corporate character. But it must be admitted in both these cases that, if they be only quoad corporations, and the bonds be not within the statute authoriz- ing them, they will not enure by succession. But is a governor of a state only quoad a corporation sole ? We think not. It is true it is held in the case of Polk v. Plummer and others to be quoad that particular transaction a corporation sole, but that was all that it was necessary to hold him in that case; but it is not determined that he is not a cor- poration sole for other purposes besides those in which bonds are directed by statute to be made payable to him. Blackstone, in the first volume of his Commentaries, page 469, says: ''A corporation sole consists of one person only, and his successors in some particu- lar station, -who are incorporated by law, in order to give them sole legal capacities and advantages, particularly that of perpetuity, 'which in their natural persons they could not have had." In this view the king is a sole corporation; so is a bishop, and so is every parson and vicar. Now the governor constitutes the executive department of the state ; he is vested by the constitution of the state with great and important powers to be executed for the benefit of the state, and it is absolutely necessary that there should be no interregnum in his office, to avoid many and great inconveniences ; this can not be unless we apply to him the maxim of the common law, applicable to the king, that he never dies ; this maxim of the common law (like most, if not all, of them) is based upon wise conceptions, and not upon any foolish reverence for kings or belief in their sanctity or immunity from the common lot of mankind, but upon the necessary assumption that the state, which protects and cares for all, never ceases to exist, but that it is always alive and active in the performance of its duties to the citizen. The state, being an ideality, can only be conceived of through the public functionaries who constitute the different departments by which it exists; therefore, to hold that it never dies is necessarily to hold that those who constitute its necessary departments never die. The depart- ments by which the government of Great Britain exists are the king and houses of parliament; the king is the executive of the nation, and he and the two houses of parliament are the legislature ; there is never in contemplation of law an interregnum in either of these depart- ments, for the law-making and the law-executing power being abso- lutely necessary to the existence of the state, if they cease to be, the state pro tempore ceases to exist, which would be a solecism in a gov- 52 EXISTENCE BY COMMON LAW. 273 ernment not destroyed by invasion or rebellion, and thrown back upon the primitive principles of society. The governor of this state is the executive of it; it is one of his duties, among many others, to see that the laws of the state are exe- cuted and obeyed ; this is a great and fundamental duty, without the proper observance of which society might and would necessarily be greatly distracted, and the proper security of life, liberty and property seriously endangered for the purpose of enforcing the execution of the laws, and the protection of the state from rebellion and invasion ; he is the commander of the forces of the state ; to hold that there can be an interregnum in this office 'would be to hold to the tempo- rary anarchy of the state, and in order to hold that there is no such in- terregnum we must hold that the governor, as such, never dies; to do this he must be a corporation sole, with succession in office. Such we think he is, constituted so by the organization of our state govern- ment, and not by any particular statute or statutes ; and therefore when bonds are directed to be made payable to him in his official ca- pacity, they arc payable to him in his capacity as a corporation sole quoad that particular transaction. If the governor of the state be a corporation sole, then he may be a trustee, and that, too, in things not connected with his office ; for it is well settled that corporations, both aggregate and sole, may be trus- tees for others. A bond, then, executed to a governor of a state vol- untarily, which violates no public policy or private morality, but on the contrary is made to secure a public right, maybe sued upon at law in the name of the governor, for the benefit and use of those inter- ested in it, and that, too, though there be no express statute author- izing it. There is no case to be found contradicting this position. In the case of The United States v. Thos. Tingley, 5 Pet. 1 14, it was held "that a bond voluntarily given to the United States, and not prescribed by law, is a valid instrument, upon the parties to it, in point of law, because the United States have in their political capacity a right to enter into a contract, or take a bond not previously pro- vided by law, and the United States, being a body politic, may within the sphere of the constitutional power granted to it enter into con- tracts not prohibited by law and appropriate to the just exercise of those powers." In the case of Hibbits v. Canada et al., 10 Yerg. 465, it was held by this court that when an administration bond was made payable to James Hibbits, chairman of Smith county, and his successors in office, instead of the governor, as is directed by law, "that no action at law could be maintained on the bond in the name of a successor, but that the bond was valid at common law as a voluntary bond, and that a suit at law might be maintained upon it in the name of the personal rep- resentative of Hibbits." The chairman of the county court is not a corporation sole, and, therefore, upon his death he has no successor, and a bond executed to him without authority by statute necessarily descends to his personal representative, and must be sued upon in his name. 18 WIL. CASES. 274 THE GOVERNOR V. ALLEN AND M'MURDIE. 52 The case of Polk, Governor, v. Plummer etal., in 2 Humph. 500, holds, as we have seen, in a too restricted sense, that the governor is a corporation sole when a bond has been executed to him by statutory provision. In the case of Jones, Governor, v. Wiley et al., 4 Humph. 146, a bond was taken from the clerk of Roane county court, payable to Newton Cannon and his successors in office, but taken before the wrong tribunal, it was held that the bond was not a good statutory bond, but that it was a good common law bond, and might be sued upon in the name of Cannon's personal representative, but not in the name of his successor. But Newton Cannon was not a corporation sole, and, therefore, could have no successors, and even if the bond had been made payable to him calling him governor, it is probable it would have been held to be a description personal only. In the case of The Justices of Carroll County Court v. Buchanan, 2 Murph. 40, it is held by the supreme court of North Carolina that a guardian bond made payable to the justices of Carroll county is void at common law, because it was held that the justices of the county court are not a corporation, and their individual names were not used in the bond or suit ; but it may be doubted whether, if the bond was executed in pursuance of the statute, the justices would not, under the authority of the case of The Justices of Cumberland v. Armstrong, 3 Dev., be considered a corporation quoad that transaction. In the case of the governor for use of the State Bank v. Twitty et al., i Dev. 153, it was held by the supreme court of North Carolina that a sheriff's bond in a sum different from that directed by law, made payable to John Branch, governor, and his successors was not a good statutory bond, and could not be sued upon in the name of Gabriel Holmes, governor, and his successors. This case is the same with that of Jones, Governor, v. Wiley et al., 4 Humph. 46, and was decided as that was, for the same reason, to wit, that the bond is payable to the governor as an individual eo nomine, and not to his office, and, therefore, descends to his personal representative. These are all the cases to which we have been referred as conflicting with the view we have taken of this case. We think, as we have endeav- ored to show, that they are not in conflict with it. Upon the whole, then, we are of opinion that the execution of this bond being voluntary, and for the purpose of securing a fund belong- ing to the county of Montgomery, donated to it by the state, and for which the trustee of the county was bound to enter into bond and security before he received it, the mistake of the county court in not taking this bond, payable to the superintendent of public instruction, but to the governor of the state, though it vitiates it as a statutory bond, does not avoid it at common law, but that the governor of the state being a corporation sole, a suit may be maintained upon it in his name for the benefit of the county of Montgomery. We therefore reverse the judgment of the circuit court, overrule the demurrer and remand the case for further proceeding. Note. It is frequently said that corporations do not exist by common law with us. That, perhaps, is true in regard to private corporations ; but so far $ 53 EXISTENCE BY PRESCRIPTION. 2/5 as public officers, or the state itself, or the National Government are corpora- tions they are so by common law. 1. As to officers, see supra, p. 200. 2. The United States is a corporation. 1878, Dickson v. United States, 125 Mass. 311, 28 Am. Rep. 230; United States v. Maurice, 2 Brock (U. S.) 96, 109; Cotton v. United States, 11 How. (U. S.) 229, 231; United States v. Tingey, 5 Pet. (U. S.)-115, 128. 3. The states are corporations also. 1843, State of Indiana v. Woram, 6 Hill (N. Y.) 33, 40 Am. Dec. 378; People v. Utica Insurance Company, 15 Johns. (N. Y.) 358, 8 Am. Dec. 243; People v. Assessors of Watertown, 1 Hill (N. Y.) 620. Sec. 53. Same. (d} Prescription. GREENE ET AL. v. DENNIS. 1 1826. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ERRORS OF CONNECTICUT. 6 Conn. 292305, 16 Am. Dec. 58. [This was an action of ejectment, for a tract of land in Pomfret, tried at Brooklyn, September term, 1825, before BRISTOL, J. The plaintiffs claimed title to the demanded premises, as the heirs at law of Sylvester Wickes ; and the defendant, as the lessee of the Yearly Meeting of the people called Quakers, who claimed to be de- visees of Wickes and the lessee of Rowland Greene, who claimed as a residuary devisee. To prove his title, the defendant exhibited in evidence the last will and testament of Wickes, dated the i7th of January, 1822. The clause of the will comprising the demanded premises was in these words : "I give the Yearly Meeting of the peo- ple called Quakers, of New England, my farm in Pomfret, that I bought of Clark and Nightingale, the net income of which is to be appropriated in aid of the charitable fund of the boarding school es- tablished by Friends in Providence, to them the said people called Quakers, and their successors in the same faith forever." After making numerous other devises and bequests, the testator disposed of the resi- due in the following terms: "Also, I give to my said nephew, Row- land Greene, all the rest and residue of my estate, of what kind or nature it may be, or wherever found not herein or otherwise disposed of on condition that he, the said Rowland, pay or cause to be paid, all my just debts, the foregoing legacies, funeral charges and expense of settling my estate." The testator died soon afterward, and his will was duly proved and approved. The defendant also proved who the members of the Yearly Meeting were, viz., Benjamin Freeborn and thirty-two others, whose names were specified. To prove that the Yearly Meeting was a corporation, capable of taking and holding lands by devise, the defendant adduced in evidence certain votes and pi-oceedings from the records of that body, beginning in 1683 and ex- tending to the commencement of this suit. * * * 1 Arguments omitted. Statement of facts abridged. Parts of opinion on other points omitted. 276 GREENE V. DENNIS. 53 The judge instructed the jury that the members of the Yearly Meet- ing could not take and hold the farm, as individuals, for the purposes mentioned in the will ; that the votes and acts done by the society, however long their continuance, would not authorize the presumption of a charter of incorporation, with power to purchase and hold real estate, unless they were such acts of the society as they could not per- form without being incorporated ; that if such devise to the Yearly Meeting was void for uncertainty, or because the society was not in- corporated, the farm would descend to the heirs at law of the testator, would not pass by the residuary clause in the will to Rowland Greene. The jury returned a verdict for the plaintiffs, and the defendant moved for a new trial on the ground of misdirection.] HOSMER, Ch. J. * * * 2. The next question that arises in the case is, whether the Yearly Meeting was a corporation, capable of holding land in trust. By a corporation it is understood, in contradistinction from a volun- tary association of individuals, a society created by the sovereign power. At the trial of this cause no charter of incorporation was exhibited. It, however, was contended, from a long and continued exercise of certain acts, that an incorporation ought to be presumed. That a grant of charter is presumable from the long continued ex- ercise of authority is indisputable, and has not been disputed, and all the cases cited by the defendant's counsel tend only to prove this un- questionable principle. The inquiry in this case involves no question of law, and turns entirely on a point of fact. Admitting all the acts done by the Yearly Meeting for more than a century to have been lawful, do they warrant the presumption that they were incorporated? This is the precise inquiry, and in his charge to the jury, the judge, recognizing the law of presumptions, instructed them that the acts done must have been such as an unincorporated Yearly Meeting could not have performed. When fairly construed, the following was virtually the opinion expressed : If the acts done by the Yearly Meet- ing bear on the face of them the impress of corporate acts, such as individuals can not, and a corporation alone is competent to perform, you may presume the Yearly Meeting to be a corporation. But if their acts were within the competency of individuals to perform, they furnish no ground to presume that they were other than the acts of individuals. The inference to be drawn by the jury was a fact in- quired after from facts established, and their reasoning was to be from the effect to the cause. The law made no inference on the subject, nor gave to the testimony a technical efficacy beyond the simple and natural operation. The principle had before been recognized in Hart v. Chalker, 5 Conn. Rep. 311. "A usage," said the court," sup- posed to be founded on a grant or agreement, determines the extent of the supposed grant or agreement. The right granted is supposed to be commensurate with the right enjoyed. They are different media, proving precisely the same fact; and it is because of this indentity of proof that the usage is supposed to evince the grant. In short, like ^ 53 EXISTENCE BY PRESCRIPTION. a seal with its correspondent impression, the grant and the usage are in a point of proof, precisely and identically the same." The principle declared by the judge was unquestionably correct; and the verdict of the jury necessarily implies that the Yearly Meet- ings was not a corporation. From the evidence exhibited, and spread on the motion before us, my mind is led to the same results. Every act of the Yearly Meeting is entirely reconcilable with the belief that it was done by persons, not by virtue of corporate authority, but as a voluntary association of individuals. Let it be supposed that the members of the Yearly Meetings were a delegation, to whom was confided the supervision of the spiritual con- cerns of the people called Quakers ; that by voluntary contributions of their constituents and others, they were invested with funds to this end ; and that they directed the general concerns and the application of their funds, by joint agreement, and with no more of compulsion than is implied in the voluntary and cheerful acquiescence of those whose interests they are pursuing. Superadd to this, that they kept records of their proceedings ; that they appointed a clerk and treasurer; that they held lands, as individuals, for the general advantage, that they advised the payment of money and sent to the respective quarterly meetings for their proportion ; that, in fact, they celebrated marriages, had burying places and admitted members of their Meeting or dis- carded them. Every one of these acts might be done by them as in- dividuals without corporate authority and without coercion except over their own funds. Their organization for the transaction of business and disposing of their property, with a president at their head (which I believe did not exist), with their clerk and treasurer, and minutes of their proceedings, were nothing more than is usually done by an un- incorporated library company or bible society or other voluntary as- semblies. It does not appear that land or property of any kind was held by the Yearly Meeting, unless as tenants in common, or that a tax was laid by them other than an appointment for a voluntary contribu- tion ; nor is there exhibited in their constitution, organization or pro- ceedings, one mark or indicium of a corporation. Nothing was done by them beyond the competency of individuals. So far as the testimony adduced may be relied on, the members of the Yearly Meeting have never exercised one of those incidents which necessarilly and inseparably are annexed to every corporation. They have no perpetual succession, the primary object of corporate author- ity; there has been no suing or being sued, no granting and receiving, no holding of lands or estate for their own use, or that of others, as a corporation; no common seal, by which the intention of a corporate body is manifested, and no by-laws for the better government of them- selves. They appear to have had the capacity of agreeing, of advis- ing, and of disposing of their own, as individuals; and beyond this, no capacity of theirs is discerned. The inference from such premises, that the Yearly Meeting was incorporated, would be as groundless as the supposition that an 2/8 GREENE V. DENNIS. 53 individual, by virtue of his personal acts, gives proof of his being a corporation. It is not sufficient for the defendant to show that the Yearly Meet- ing was a corporation, but he must proceed further, and prove that it is authorized, by virtue of its corporate powers, to hold property in trust for others. Such confidence is not incidental to every corpora- tion, but in general, it is foreign to the end of its institution. Hence a corporation can not be seized of land to the use of another (Bro. Abr. tit. Feoffment. D. Cruise on Uses 22) unless it has explicit authority for this purpose. Now what act was ever exercised by the Yearly Meeting from which this power may be presumed? No such act appears ; and hence the presumption of the corporate power in question can not be made. I conclude, then, that the Yearly Meeting never was a corporation ; and if it were, that it never had the capacity of becoming a trustee for others. * * * The other judges were of the same opinion. New trial not to be granted. Note. See 1774, Kingston upon Hull v. Homer, 1 Cowper 102; 1807, Dil- lingham v. Snow, 3 Mass. 276; 1809, Dillingham v. Snow, 5 Mass. 547; 1815, Stockbridge v. West Stockbridge, 12 Mass. 400; 1820, Hagerstown Turnpike Co. v. Creeger, 5 Har. & J. (Md.) 122,9 Am. Dec. 495; 1823, Craft of Mercers, etc., v. Hart, 12 Eng. C. L. 76, 1 Car & P. *113; 1829, Eiver Tone v. Ash, 21 Eng. C. L. 152, 10 Bar. & C. *349; 1841, State v. Miami Exporting Co., 11 Ohio 126; 1844, New Boston v. Dumbarton, 15 N. H. 201 ; 1844, People v. Oak- land County Bank, 1 Doug. (Mich.) 282; 1857, Bow v. Allenstown. 34 N. H. 351,69 Am. Dec. 489; 1861, Robie v. Sedgwick, 35 Barb. (N. Y.) 319; 1862, State ex rel., etc., v. Bailey, 19 Ind. 452; 1868, Calkins v. State, 18 Ohio St. 366; 1876, Douthitt v. Stinson, 63 Mo. 268; 1882, State, ex rel. Sleeth, v. Gor- den, 87 Ind. 171 ; 1885, Society Perun v. Cleveland, 43 Ohio St. 481. See cases below on estoppel to deny corporate existence, p. 630, et seq. COLLIER, C. J., in Selma and Tennessee Railroad Co. v. Tipton, 5 Alabama Reports 787 (1843), on page 804, s. c. 39 American Decisions 344, on page 353, says: "It is said that presumptions are applicable as well to corporations as indi- viduals ; that persons acting publicly as officers of the corporation are pre- sumed rightfully in office, and all necessary steps presumed, in order to make a corporate act legally operative. So a charter, from the long exercise of cor- porative rights, or acceptance of a new charter from the acts of the corporate officers, as well as many other things, may be presumed from circumstances. (Bank of the United States v. Dandridge, 12 Wheat. Rep. 70, et post; The State v. Carr, 5 New Hamp. Rep. 367; Hagerstown T. P. Comp. v. Creeger, 5 Har. & J. R. 125. See also, 1 Pick. Rep. 279; 1 Pick. 372; 17 Mass. Rep. 1 and 479.) The court say: 'Where a corporation has gone into operation, and: rights have been acquired under it, every presumption should be made in favor of the legality of its existence.' (See also, Trott v. Warren, 2 Fairf. (11 Me.) Rep. 227.) So, in All Saint's Church v. Lovett, 1 Hall's Rep. (N. Y. Superior Ct.) 191, it is held that where there had been a corporate body de facto, for a considerable time claiming to be a corporation and holding and enjoying property as such, it will be presumed that all merely formal re- quisites to the due creation of a corporation have been complied with. (See also, U. S. v. Amedy, 11 Wheat. Rep. 392.)" 54 EXISTENCE BY LEGISLATIVE ACT. 279 Sec. 54. Same. ( 473> 47 6 > 49 2 5 J 95 Livingston v. Van Ingen, 9 Johns. 525, 55 1 ' 559> 5 6 3> 573 5 8 4; Ogden v. Gibbons, 4 Johns. C. R. 150; 17 Johns. 488; Gibbons v. Ogden, 9 Wheat. 74, 143. It has not been contended that there is anything in the provision of the constitution of the United States authorizing congress to regulate commerce, or in any act of congress which militates, in any degree, with the power of granting an exclusive right of building a bridge within the territory of a state, and there seems to be no ground for any such supposition. North River Steamboat Co. v. Livingston, 3 Cowen 733, 754, 9 Wheat. 19, 203, 235; The People v. Babcock, ii Wendell 590; 2 Peters S. C. R. 245. It has been urged in the argument that if the legislature may grant exclusive rights of this character, a legislature opposed to manufac- tures, to internal improvements or to banking might grant a small cotton factory, with the exclusive right of manufacturing within the state, or a short railroad or a single bank, with exclusive privileges, and the public thus suffer great injury. It will be in time to consider whether grants of such a character are within the constitutional exercise of the legislative power and whether they may or may not be avoided, when a case is presented to us in which it is apparent that a fraud must have been practiced in obtaining the grant, or the circumstances under which it was made show that it was merely colorable, and intended to effect other pur- 'poses than those which appear upon the face of it. There is nothing in this case to lead to a supposition that this grant was not fairly obtained that the public good did not require a grant 64 LIMITS ON POWER TO CREATE. 3 I 5 of the powers and rights contained in the charter or that the consid- eration on the part of the grantees, in providing a great public high- way for the convenience of the citizens, was not fully adequate to all the rights and privileges they received. It appears that the grantees did not overreach the legislature. The enterprise was one of great public utility ; and while the community have had all the benefit which was contemplated from the grant, the grantees, it is not denied, were subjected to great loss the expenditure far exceeding the estimates. Cases may exist where, owing to a change in the population, busi- ness and intercourse of the country, the public interest may require the opening of new avenues within the limits of such exclusive grants, and in which the individual right should be made subservient to the public use ; but this maybe done without a violation of the public faith. Whatever the public requires they are able to pay for and it is not for the public interest that the grants of the government should be held good so long only as there is no desire to interfere with them good while they are onerous to the grantee, and invalid when others may wish to participate in the benefits derived from them. It is argued that the only pretended right of the plaintiffs is a prom- ise not to give liberty to others to build a bridge ; but we do not view it in that light. The charter of the plaintiffs contains a grant of a franchise an incorporeal hereditament. The grant of an exclusive right is part of that franchise granted in connection with their right to build a bridge, and in aid of that right holden with that right capable of being used by the erection of a bridge elsewhere than in its present location may be attached with the rest of the franchise, and taken on execution and under it the plaintiffs may grant a license to build a bridge within those limits to any one who has obtained a grant of authority from the legislature to erect such bridge. The plaintiffs have a property in their exclusive grant and it is not a mere stipulation on the part of the legislature that no other liberty to erect a bridge shall be granted. The plaintiffs then having an exclusive grant to the extent set forth in their bill, the next inquiry is, whether the defendants, by virtue of their charter, can lawfully proceed to erect another bridge within those limits? It is urged that if the charter of the plaintiffs is a contract, it is subject to the implied condition of yielding to the public necessity and convenience that if their grant be property, it may, like other property, be taken for public use, and that although no compensation is provided here, that does not make the grant to the defendants void, but the plaintiffs may have an action. The charter of the defendants is not unconstitutional or void. Of itself it impairs no rights. As a grant to the individuals named in it to be a corporation, it is conceded to be good. As against the pub- lic, it contains a valid grant of a right to build a bridge and to take tolls, and if the defendants can agree with the plaintiffs, we see no objection with their proceeding under their charter, and enjoying all the privileges it purports to confer. 316 PISCATAQUA BRIDGE V. NEW HAMPSHIRE BRIDGE. 64 If the charter itself was an unconstitutional act, it would be wholly void, and the defendants could not rightfully build a bridge and de- mand tolls, on purchasing of the plaintiffs a right or license to erect one within their limits, which it is admitted they might do. But can they lawfully proceed to erect such bridge without the con- sent of the plaintiffs? We are of opinion that if the charter of the defendants had made proper provision for a compensation to the plaintiffs, the legislature might have authorized the building of another bridge within their ex- clusive limits, even without their consent. In such case the grant itself would furnish plenary evidence that the public interest required the taking of private property for public use ; and we see no objection to taking a part of the plaintiffs' fran- chise. That franchise, as we have said, is property. "No part of a man's property shall be taken from him or applied to public uses, without his own consent, or that of the representative body of the people." N. H. Bill of Rights, Art. 12. This has always been understood necessarily to include, as a matter of right, and as one of the first principles of justice, the further limi- tation, that in case his property is taken without his consent, due com- pensation must be provided, i Black. Com. 139; Gardner v. Vil- lage of Newburgh, 2 Johns. C. R. 166, and authorities there cited. It is not supposed here that even the consent of the representative body of the people could give authority to take the property of indi- vidual citizens for highways, bridges^ ferries and other works of in- ternal improvement without the assent of the owner, and without any indemnity provided by law. Such a power would be essentially tyrannical and in contravention of other articles in the bill of rights. This defense is not attempted to be supported upon any such prin- ciple. But if adequate compensation is provided, in a proper manner, it is admitted that private property may be taken without the special consent of the owner in each particular case. No distinction is made in the constitution between property of one description and that of another ; and if a franchise is property we do not discover upon what ground it claims an exemption from the same liabilities to which other property is subjected. If the government had been the owner of the land along the Piscat- aqua river, and had granted to the plaintiffs a tract of land co-exten- sive with their exclusive limits, the legislature might, afterwards, have authorized the taking of a portion of the land so granted, making pro- vision for compensation to the grantee notwithstanding the exclusive nature of the grant. If instead of a corporeal hereditament, the legislature have granted an incorporeal hereditament of such a nature that it may afterwards be necessary that the property, or a part of it, betaken for public use, why is not that subjected to the public servitude, and in the same 64 LIMITS ON POWER TO CREATE. 317 manner? There seems to be no substantial difference between the two which requires the adoption of a different rule in this respect. Had the legislature granted merely the right to build and main- tain a bridge from point to point, and take tolls, and the public neces- sities afterward required that a portion or even the whole of that bridge should be taken for other public purposes, is there any ques- tion that this might have been done, if due compensation was pro- vided for the owners? We think not. 7 Pick. 459, 500. Yet, as has been before stated, the grantees would most unquestionably have had an exclusive right in their bridge and tolls. Where, then, is the difference between a grant exclusive in its effect, and one exclusive in its terms ? The latter is no more than exclusive. If the grant had been of the "exclusive" right of building a bridge from point to point, without any extended limits, the property of the bridge when built would be no more exclusive, nor the right more exclusive than it would be if the grant had been made without the use of the term "exclusive;" and if the property is subject to be taken for public use in the one case it must be so in the other. If these extended limits of exclusion are added, how does that change the nature of the case ? If the grant amounts to an extinguishment of the right of the legis- lature to bestow the same identical franchise upon another corporate body, and implies a contract not to reassert the right to grant the fran- chise to another, or to impair it (4 Wheat. 658, 682), there is the same extinguishment of the right of the grantor, and the same implied contract not to reassert that right in a grant of lands. 6 Cranch 137. The grantee of a fee-simple takes, under a contract, an absolute estate in some respects, but subject to an implied condition or limita- tion, by which the lands may afterwards be taken for pttblic use for turnpikes, railroads, canals, bridges, etc., whenever the public necessities demand it; and a "grant of franchises is not in point of principle distinguishable from a grant of any other property." 4 Wheat. 684. The grant under which the plaintiffs took this property is admitted to be a contract, and that contract is inviolable. The legislature can not annul that contract, or in any way impair its obligation. The plaintiffs have taken and received all the legislature contracted to give. It is an executed contract (4 Wheat. 690), and the plaintiffs entitled to be protected in the enjoyment of the property acquired un- der it, to as great an extent as they are protected in the enjoyment of any other species of property. It does not impair that contract to hold that the property acquired under it may be taken for public use that it is liable to be subjected to the public servitude and the public burdens. Fletcher v. Peck, 6 Cranch 145; Green v. Biddle, 8 Wheat. 89, 101 ; Providence Bank v. Billings, 4 Peters S. C. R. 563. The grant contains no covenant, in terms, that the state will never grant another bridge within those limits, nor do we think that any such covenant is to be implied, and of course no obligation to that 318 PISCATAQUA BRIDGE V. NEW HAMPSHIRE BRIDGE. 64 effect is imposed. Sturgis v. Crowninshield, 4 Wheat. 197; Jackson v. Lamphire, 3 Peters 289. The terms and object of the grant are satisfied without any such stipulation. The grantees have all the state professed to grant the exclusive right. They have a property in this, and no part of it can be taken from them except for public use, and upon adequate com- pensation being made. If a grant of a franchise is like other grants of property, why should a covenant be implied extending the right of property in a franchise of this character beyond the rights of the holders of other property, and enabling the grantees to resist all public improvements, and deny all public wants entirely, or until such compensation as they please to demand shall be made to them? When the legislature shall have granted land, with a covenant that no highway, canal or railroad shall ever be made through it, or a bridge, with a stipulation that no other bridge shall ever be erected within a certain distance, it may deserve inquiry whether such a contract is within the scope of its constitutional power? whether the right to provide for the public necessities, and to take property for public use whenever those necessities require it, making therefor an ade- quate compensation, are not inherent rights of sovereignty which no legislature can part with or control by any stipulation so as to bind the people or their successors who represent the people ? How far the case, New Jersey v. Wilson, 7 Cranch 164, may coun- tenance the supposition that the legislature may even make a contract of that character, need not be considered. It may be remarked that the question, whether the legislature had the power to make a contract which would bind the state not to tax the lands after they came into the possession of the citizens, does not seem to have been brought into dis- cussion. But it must have been involved in the decision, the inquiry being whether the act of exemption was a contract. Whether upon reconsideration the principle of that case can be sup- ported, and if it may, whether it is to be extended beyond the decis- ion itself, we do not inquire. 4 Peters' S. C. R. 561. We conclude, then, that the legislature might lawfully authorize the taking of a portion of the plaintiffs' franchise for public use, making a just compensation ; but have they done so in the present instance ? It is not pretended that the defendants' charter provides for any indemnity to the Piscataqua Bridge corporation ; and the position that the defendants may take their property because the plaintiffs will have a right of action can not be supported. Had the plaintiffs seen fit to suffer their property to be taken, and sought redress for the injury by action, it might have been sustained; but this is not the compensation intended by the law when property is taken for public use. Gardner v. The Village of Newburgh, 2 Johns. C. R. 162; Perry v. Wilson, 7 Mass. 393; Callender v. Marsh i Pick. 430; Proprietors of Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge, 6 Pick. 404. It is not by way of damages to be obtained in an action for an in- 64 LIMITS ON POWER TO CREATE. 319 jury done that the party is entitled to be indemnified for property thus lawfully taken. There is a dictum in Stevens v. The Proprietors of Middlesex Canal, 12 Mass. Rep. 408, implying that the act of taking may be lawful, and yet an action sustained for the injury, but this evidently had not been fully considered, i Pick. 430, 435. Such a proposi- tion may be said to be felo de se. The plaintiffs have a grant of certain exclusive limits. The de- fendants claim a right to erect a bridge within those limits, upon the ground that their charter give them a right to erect such bridge, and that the plaintiffs may have compensation for the injury done to them by a suit at law. But if the defendants have a right to erect a bridge, what wrong or injury is done? If the plaintiffs might have an action on the case for the injury, which was the form in Chadwick v. The Proprietors of Haverhill Bridge, cited in support of the position, that negatives the idea of a right. It presupposes an interference contrary to law. The legislature can not empower any one to do a wrong, and a right to take by wrong would be a solecism. So far as the de- fendants may act lawfully under their charter, they will not subject themselves to an action for an injury. So far as they can not lawfully act, they ought to refrain from acting. Whenever lawful authority is given to take property for public use, tne act of taking is justifiable. There is no injury to the rights of the party, and no action as for a tort can accrue. Recompense is made for what is legally taken, and the party can not complain that a wrong is done, for his property has been taken according to the laws of the land. It might have been sufficient, in this case, to have said that the charter of the defendants does not purport to give them any right to interfere with the property of the plaintiffs without their consent. It authorizes them to purchase real estate, and hold it in fee-simple. It does not authorize the taking of any property whatever, except by agreement with the owners ; and there is, of course, no evidence of any public necessity requiring that the property of others should be taken, except by their own consent. The defendants, therefore, in attempting to build their bridge with- out the consent of the plaintiffs, can not, for this reason, rely upon their charter; and we might have waived any discussion of some of the questions raised in the case ; but the interest of these parties, and per- haps of others, rendered it expedient for us to consider all the points which have been suggested. It has been said that equity will not relieve against a statute. The authority cited only goes to establish the position, that equity can not disregard the provisions of a valid law, and relieve against it. Of this there is no question. It is not pretended that we can restrain the de- fendants from doing a lawful act. But if the principle was, that, sitting as a court of equity, we would not decide in this mode against the constitutionality or validity of a statute or grant, which we find nowhere sustained, there is nothing in 32O LUXTON V. NORTH RIVER BRIDGE CO. 65 the facts in this case that would bring us in conflict with such a prin- ciple. The question is, whether we shall enjoin the defendants from doing an act under color of their charter, which it does not authorize them to do, and we are all of opinion that the right being clear, the relief sought by the bill must be granted, and an injunction issued to restrain the defendants from building a bridge at any place within the limits of the exclusive grant to the plaintiffs, without their consent. Injunction issued. Note. See 1835, Dyer v. Tuskaloosa Bridge Co., 2 Porter (Ala. ) 296, 27 Am. Dec. 655; 1837, Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge, 11 Peters (U. S.) 420; 1840, Tuckahoe Canal Co. v. Tuckahoe, 11 Leigh (Va.) 42, 36 Am. Dec. 374; 1845, Enfield Toll Bridge Co. v. H. & N. H. R. Co., 17 Conn. 40, 454, 42 Am. Dec. 716, note 728, 44 Am. Dec. 556; 1848, West River Bridge v. Dix, 6 How. (47 U. S.) 507, 531; 1859, LaFayette Plank Road Co. v. N. A. & S. R., 13 Ind. 90, 74 Am. Dec. 246; 1863, Bridge Proprietors v. Hoboken, 1 Wall. (68 U. S.) 116; 1865, The Binghampton Bridge, 3 Wall. (70 U. S.) 51 ; 1872, Eastern R. v. Boston, etc., R., Ill Mass. 125, 15 Am. Rep. 13; 1877, Hudson v. Cnero Land & Em. Co., 47 Tex. 56, 26 Am. Rep. 289; 1885, Louisville Water Works Co. v. Rivers, 115 TL S. 674; infra, p. 1416; 1885, New Orleans Gas L. Co. v. L. L. & H. P. Co., 115 U. S. 650; 1888, Appeal of Pittsburgh J. R., 122 Pa. St. 511, 9 Am. St. Rep. 128; infra, p. 1342; 1888, Rockland Water Co. v. Camden & R. W. Co., 80 Maine 544, 25 Am. & Eng. C. C. 423. ARTICLE III. CONSTITUTIONAL LIMITS. (a) In the National Constitution. Sec. 65. (l) On congress. LUXTON v. NORTH RIVER BRIDGE COMPANY. 1894. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. 153 U. S Reports 525-534; 14 Sup. Ct. Rep. 891. This was a petition by the North River Bridge Company, incorpo- rated by the act of congress of July n, 1890, ch. 669. for the appoint- ment under that act of commissioners to assess damages for the appropri- ation and condemnation, for the approaches to its bridge across the Hudson or North River, between the states of New York and New Jer- sey, of land of Sarah Luxton in the city of Hoboken and the county of Hudson, in the latter state. Upon the order of the circuit court, appoint- ing commissioners, she sued -out a writ of error, which was dismissed by this court, at the last term, because that order was not a final judg- ment. 147 U. S. 337. The commissioners afterwards made an award and report, assessing her damages at the sum of $2,000, to the acceptance of which she objected, upon the grounds that the act of congress was unconstitutional, and particularly that congress could not confer the right of eminent domain upon the company. But the court overruled the objection, and adjudged that the award be approved and confirmed, and remain on record in the office of its clerk, and that, upon payment or tender of the sum awarded, the company might 65 LIMITS ON POWER TO CREATE. 321 enter upon and take possession of the land for the purpose for which it was condemned. She thereupon sued out this writ of error. MR. JUSTICE GRAY, after stating the case, delivered the opinion of the court. The validity of the act of congress incorporating the North River Bridge Company rests upon principles of constitutional law, now established beyond dispute. The congress of the United States being empowered by the con- stitution to regulate commerce among the several states, and to pass all laws necessary or proper for carrying into execution any of the powers specifically conferred, may make use of any appropriate means for this end. As said by Chief Justice Marshall, ''the power of creating a corporation, though appertaining to sovereignty, is not, like the power of making war, or levying taxes, or of regulating com- merce, a great substantive and independent power, which can not be implied as incidental toother powers, or used as a means of executing them. It is never the end for which other powers are exercised, but a means by which other objects are accomplished." Congress, there- fore, may create corporations as appropriate means of executing the powers of government, as, for instance, a bank for the purpose of carrying on the fiscal operations of the United States, or a railroad corporation for the purpose of promoting commerce among the states. McCulloch v. Maryland, 4 Wheat. 316, 411,. 422; Osborn v. Bank of United States, 9 Wheat. 738, 861, 873; Pacific Railroad Removal Cases, 115 U. S. i, 18; California v. Pacific Railroad, 127 U. S. i, 39. Congress has likewise the power exercised early in this century by successive acts in the case of the Cumberland or National Road from the Potomac across the Alleghenies to the Ohio, to authorize the construction of a public highway connecting several states. See Indiana v. United States, 148 U. S. 148. And whenever it becomes necessary for the accomplishment of any object within the authority of congress, to exercise the right of eminent domain and take private lands, making just compensation to the owners, congress may do this with or without a concurrent act of the state in which the lands lie. Van Brocklin v. Tennessee, 117 U. S. 151, 154, and cases cited; Cherokee Nation v. Kansas Railway, 135 U. S. 641, 656. From these premises, the conclusion appears to be inevitable that, although congress may, if it sees Jit, and as it has often done, recog- nize and approve bridges erected by authority of two states across navigable -waters bet-ween them, it may, at its discretion, use its sover- eign powers, directly or through a corporation created for that ob- ject, to construct bridges for the accommodation of interstate com- merce by land, as it undoubtedly may to improve the navigation of rivers for the convenience of interstate commerce by water, i Hare's Constitutional Law, 248, 249. See acts of July 14, 1862, ch. 167, 12 Stat. 569; February 17, 1865, ch. 38, 13 Stat. 431; July 25, 1866, ch. 246, 14 Stat. 244; March 3, 1871, ch. 121, 5, 16 Stat. 572, 573; June 16, 1886, ch. 417, 24 Stat. 78. The judicial opinions cited in support of the opposite view are not, 21 WIL. CASKS. 322 LUXTON V. NORTH RIVER BRIDGE CO. 65 having regard to the facts of the cases in which they were uttered, of controlling weight. Mr. Justice McLean, indeed, in an opinion delivered by him in the circuit court, by which a bill by the United States to restrain the con- struction of a bridge across the Mississippi River was dismissed, no injury to property of the United States and no substantial obstruction to navigation being shown, and there having been no legislation by congress upon the subject, took occasion to remark that "neither under the commercial power, nor under the power to establish post roads, can congress construct a bridge over a navigable water;" that "if congress can construct a bridge over a navigable water, under the power to regulate commerce or to establish post roads, on the same principle it may make turnpike or railroads throughout the entire country;" and that "the latter power has generally been considered as exhausted in the designation of roads on which the mails are to be transported ; and the former by the regulation of commerce upon the high seas and upon our rivers and lakes." United States v. Railroad Bridge Co., 6 McLean 517, 524, 525. The same learned justice repeated and enlarged upon that idea in his dissenting opinion in Pennsylvania v. Wheeling Bridge, 18 How. 421, 442, 443, where, after the Wheeling Bridge, constructed across the Ohio river under an act of the state of Virginia, had by a decree of this court, at the suit of the state of Pennsylvania, been declared to be in its then condition an unlawful obstruction of the navigation of the river, and in conflict with the acts of congress regulating such navigation, and therefore ordered to be elevated or abated, congress passed an act declaring the bridge to be a lawful structure in its then position and elevation, establishing it as a post road for the passage of the mails of the United States, authorizing the corporation to have and maintain the bridge at that site and elevation, and requiring the captains and crews of all vessels and boats navigating the river to regulate the use thereof, and of any pipes or chimneys belonging thereto, so as not to interfere with the elevation and construction of the bridge. Act of August 31, 1852, ch. in, sees. 6, 7, loStat. 112. But the majority of this court in that case held that "the act of con- gress afforded full authority to the defendants to reconstruct the bridge." 18 How. 436. Mr. Justice Nelson, in delivering its opin- ion, said: "We do not enter upon the question whether or not con- gress possess the power under the authority of the constitution to establish post offices and post roads, to legalize this bridge, for con- ceding that no such powers can be derived from this clause, it must be admitted that it is, at least, necessarily included in the power con- ferred to regulate commerce among the several states. The regula- tion of commerce includes intercourse and navigation, and, of course, the power to determine what shall or shall not be deemed in judg- ment of law an obstruction to navigation ; and that power, as we have seen, has been exercised consistently with the continuance of the bridge." 18 How. 431. And Mr. Justice Daniel, in a concur- ring opinion, sustaining the validity of the act of congress, said: 65 LIMITS ON POWER TO CREATE. 323 "They have regulated this matter upon a scale by them conceived to be just and impartial, with reference to that commerce which pur- sues the course of the river, and to that which traverses its channel, and is broadly diffused through the country. They have at the same time, by what they have done, secured to the government and to the public at large the essential advantage of a safe and certain transit over the Ohio." 18 How. 458. A similar decision was made in the Clinton Bridge, 10 Wall. 454. See also Miller v. New York, 109 U. S. 385. In the cases cited at the bar, of The Passaic Bridges, 3 Wall. App. 782, decided by Mr. Justice Grier in the circuit court, and of Oil- man v. Philadelphia, 3 Wall. 713, and Wright v. Nagle, 101 U. S. 791, in this court, the bridge in question had been erected under authority of a state, and was wholly within the state, and no question arose or was considered as to the power of congress, in regulating in- terstate commerce, to authorize the erection of bridges between two states. But in Stockton v. Baltimore and New York Railroad, 32 Fed. Rep. 9, Mr. Justice Bradley, sitting in the circuit court, upheld the constitutionality of the act of congress of June 16, 1886, ch. 417, au- thorizing a corporation of New York and one of New Jersey to build and maintain a bridge, as therein directed, across the Staten Island Sound or Arthur Kill. 24 Stat. 78. The reasons upon which the decision in that case rested were, in substance, the same as were stated by that eminent judge in two opin- ions afterwards delivered by him in behalf of this court, in which the power of congress, by its own legislation, to confer original authority to erect bridges over navigable waters, whenever congress considered it necessary to do so to meet the demands of interstate commerce by land, is so clearly demonstrated as to render further discussion on the subject superfluous. In Willamette Bridge v. Hatch, 125 U. S. i, in which it was held that section 2 of the act of February 14, 1859, ch. 33 (n Stat. 383), for the admission of Oregon into the Union, providingthat "all the nav- igable waters of the said state shall be common highways, and forever free, as well to the inhabitants of said state as to all other citizens of the United States," did not prevent the state, in the absence of legis- lation by congress, from authorizing the erection of a bridge over such a river, Mr. Justice Bradley, speaking for the whole court, said : i4 And although, until congress acts, the states have the plenary power supposed, yet, when congress chooses to act, it is not concluded by anything that the states, or that individuals by its authority or ac- quiescence, have done, from assuming entire control of the matter, and abating any erections that may have been made, and preventing any others from being made, except in conformity with such regula- tions as it may impose. It is for this reason, namely, the ultimate (though yet unexerted) power of congress over the whole subject- matter, that the consent of congress is so frequently asked in the erec- tion of bridges over navigable streams. It might itself give original 324 LUXTON V. NORTH RIVER BRIDGE CO. 65 authority for the erection of such bridges, when called for by the de- mands of interstate commerce by land; but in many, perhaps the majority, of cases its assent only is asked, and the primary authority is sought at the hands of the state." 125 U. S. 12, 13. In California v. Pacific Railroad, 127 U. S. I, it was directly ad- judged that congress has authority, in the exercise of its powers, to regulate commerce among the several states, to authorize corporations to construct railroads across the states as well as the territories of the United States; and Mr. Justice Bradley, again speaking for the court, and referring to the acts of congress establishing corporations to build railroads across the continent, said: "It can not at the present day be doubted that congress under the power to regulate commerce among the several states, as well as to provide for postal accommoda- tions and military exigencies, had authority to pass these laws. The power to construct or to authorize individuals or corporations to construct national highways and bridges from state to state is essen- tial to the complete control and regulation of interstate commerce. Without authority in congress to establish and maintain such high- ways and bridges, it would be without authority to regulate one of the most important adjuncts of commerce. This power in former times was exerted to a very limited extent, the Cumberland or Na- tional road being the most notable instance. Its exertion was but little called for, as commerce was then mostly conducted by water, and many of our statesmen entertained doubts as to the existence of the power to establish ways of communication by land. But since, in consequence of the expansion of the country, the multiplication of its products and the invention of railroads and locomotion by steam, land transportation has so vastly increased a sounder consideration of the subject has prevailed and led to the conclusion that congress has plenary power over the whole subject. Of course, the authority of congress over the territories of the Unites States, and its power to grant franchises exercisible therein, are, and ever have been, un- doubted. But the wider power was very freely exercised, and much to the general satisfaction in the creation of the vast system of rail- roads connecting the east with the Pacific, traversing states as well as territories, and employing the agency of state as well as Federal cor- porations." 127 U. S. 39, 40. The act of congress now in question declares the construction of the North River Bridge between the states of New York and New Jersey to be "in order to facilitate interstate commerce," and it makes due provision for the condemnation of lands for the construction and maintenance of the bridge and its approaches, and for just compensa- tion to the owners, which has been accordingly awarded to the plaintiff in error. In the light of the foregoing principles and authorities, the objec- tion made to the constitutionality of this act can not be sustained. Judgment affirmed. Note. National corporations. See generally 16 Am. & Eng. Ency. 216; 24 Am. & Eng. R. Gas. 21; 21 Am. L. R. 258; Angell & Ames, 72, 73; 65 LIMITS ON POWER TO CREATE. 325 Beach, 3-6; Clark, p. 39, et seq. ; Cook, 1001 ; Elliott, 28; Field, 13; 1 Monuvetz, 9; Taylor, 467; 1 Thompson, 665-685. 1. In the District of Columbia: Chapter 15 of the Compiled Statutes of the District of Columbia relates to the formation of corporations within the Dis- trict. The following are provided for: Institutions of learning, religious so- cieties, benevolent, educational, etc., societies, manufacturing, agricultural, mining, mechanical, insurance, transportation, market, savings banks, ceme- tery associations, boards of trade, trust companies, insurance and vestries. This is under the constitutional provision giving congress exclusive legisla- tive authority within the District. Art. i, 8, cl. 17. Such corporations may act. in the states by their consent and that of con- gress. Hadley v. Freedman's Trust Co., 2 Tenn. Ch. 122; Williams v. Cres- woll, 51 Miss. 817. Congress has authorized a District insurance company to do business in the states, with their consent, 15 St. at L. 184; also authorizes National Trades' Unions with power to establish branches in the states, 1 Supp. R. S. 498 (1886). The Freedman's Saving & Trust Co. was authorized by 13 St. at L. 510; National Asylum for Disabled Volunteers, 14 St. at L. 10; Centennial Board of Finance, 17 St. at L. 203. Societies for benevolent pur- poses, R. S. 546; 1 Supp. R. S. 425. 2. In the Territories: Congress has .general legislative authority over the territories, and can, therefore, create corporations within the territories, or authorize the territorial legislatures to create corporations. It has provided for the territorial legislatures to do so by a general act. U. S. Const., art. iv, 1 3, cl. 2; Rev. Stat,, 1889, infra, p. 332. lally all ' in the Luxton case. The U. S. bank was chartered in 1791, by 1 St. at L. 3. In the States: Substantially all the authorities upon this point are cited 191, and in 1816, 3 St. at L. 266; the present national banking system was established in 1863 by 12 St. at L. 665; the Union Pacific Ry. in 1862, 12 St. at L. 489; Northern Pacific Ry., 1864, 13 St. at L. 365; Atlantic and Pacific Ry., 1866, 14 St. at L. 292; Texas and Pacific Ry. in 1871, 16 St. at L. 573, and 1872, 17 St. at L. 59. Sections 5263-5269, Revised Statutes, authorize state in- corporated telegraph companies to construct their lines on all post roads. See Pensacola Tel. Co. v. W. U. Tel. Co., 96 U. S. 1, infra, p. 326. Such a corporation is not a foreign corporation within any state. 1881, Commonwealth v. Texas, etc., R., 98 Pa. St. 90; 1882, Market National Bank v. Pacific, etc., Bank, 64 How. Pr. (N. Y.) 1 ; 1879, Eby v. Northern Pac. Ry. Co., 36 Leg. Int. 164, s. c. 6 Weekly N. C. 385. Such corporation may exercise the power of eminent domain within the states. 1875, Kohl v. United States, 91 U. S. 367; 1890, Searl v. Dist. No. 2, 133 U. S. 553; 1890, Cherokee Nation v. R. Co., 135 U. S. 641 ; 1890, Ryan v. TJ. S., 136 U. S. 69; 1892, Bellaire v. R.,Co., 146 U. S. 117. Such corporation is exempt from state taxation or control, so far as the same might impair its efficiency as an instrument of the national government. 1869, National Bank v. Commw., 9 Wall. (U. S.) 353; 1869, Thomson v. Pacific R. R., 9 Wall. (U. S.) 579; 1873, Railroad Co. y. Peniston, 18 Wall. (U. S.) 5. But state taxation of national banks is provided for by U. S. Rev. Stats., 5219. A national corporation has a right to sue and be sued in the United States courts. 1897, Texas, etc., R. v. Cody, 166 U. S. 606; infra, p. 1098. 4. To operate outside of the territory of the United States: In 1889 congress chartered the Maritime Canal Company of Nicaraugua (25 St. at L. 673). The company also has a charter from the state of Vermont. Beach Corp., 6, n. 2, p. 10. 5. Dissolution: The constitutional provision (art. i, 10, cl. 1) forbidding the states from passing any law impairing the obligation of contracts, does not apply to congress. Hence, congress may repeal a corporate charter created by itself or the territorial legislatures, prior to the territory becoming a state. 1890, Corporation of Church of Jesus Christ, etc., v. United States, 136 U. S. 1, infra, p. 906. But see 1878, United States v. Union Pacific Rail- road Co., 98 U. S. 569, and 1878, The Sinking Fund Cases, 99 U. S. 700. But in the early bank charters, the creating congress pledged the faith of the 326 PENSACOLA TEL. CO. V. WESTERN UNION TEL. CO. 66 government not to repeal the charter before the charter period elapsed. See 1 St. at L. 191 ; 3 St. at L. 266. Sec. 66. (2) On state legislatures. PENSACOLA TELEGRAPH COMPANY v. WESTERN UNION TELE- GRAPH COMPANY. 1 1877. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. 96 U. S. Reports 1-24. Appealed from the circuit court of the United States for the north- ern district of Florida. In 1859 an association of persons, known as the Pensacola Tele- graph Company, erected a line of electric telegraph upon the right of way of the Alabama and Florida Railroad from Pensacola, in Flor- ida, to Pollard, in Alabama, about six miles north of the Florida line. The company operated the whole line until 1862, when, upon the evacuation of Pensacola by the confederate forces, the wire was taken down for twenty-three miles, and Cooper's Station made the southern terminus. In 1864 the whole was abandoned, as the section of the country in which it was situated had fallen into the possession of the United States troops. On the ist of December, 1865, the stockholders met, and it appear- ing that the assets of the company were insufficient to rebuild the line, a new association was formed for that purpose, with the old name, and new stock to the amount of $5,000 subscribed. A resolution was adopted by the new company to purchase the property of the old, at a valuation put upon it in a report submitted to the meeting, and a new board of directors was elected. A meeting of the directors was held on the 2d of January, 1866, at which the president reported the completion of the line to Pensacola, and a resolution was adopted, authorizing the purchase of wire for its extension to the navy yard. The attorneys of the company were also instructed to prepare a draft for a charter, to be presented to the legis- lature for enactment. On the 24th day of July, 1866, congress passed the following act: "An act to aid in the construction of telegraph lines, and to secure to the government the use of the same for postal, military and other purposes. "Be it enacted by the senate and the house of representatives of the United States of America in congress assembled, That any telegraph company now organized, or which may hereafter be organized, under the laws of any state in this Union, shall have the right to construct, maintain and operate lines of telegraph through and over any portion of the public domain of the United States over and along any of the military or post roads of the United States which have been or may be hereafter declared such by act of congress, and o\;er, under or across the navigable streams or waters of the United States : Provided, That such lines of telegraph shall be so constructed and maintained as not 1 Arguments and dissenting opinions of Justice Field and Hunt omitted. 66 LIMITS ON POWER TO CREATE. 327 to obstruct the navigation of such streams and waters, 01 interfere with the ordinary travel on such military or post roads. And any of said companies shall have the right to take and use from such public iands the necessary stone, timber and other materials for its posts, piers, stations and other needful uses in the construction, maintenance and operation of said lines of telegraph, and may pre-empt and use such portion of the unoccupied public lands subject to pre-emption through which its said lines of telegraph may be located as may be necessary for its stations, not exceeding forty acres for each station ; but such stations shall not be within fifteen miles of each other. "Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That telegraphic communica- tions between the several departments of the government of the United States and their officers and agents shall, in their transmission over the lines of any of said companies, have priority over all other busi- ness, and shall be sent at rates to be annually fixed by the postmaster- general. "Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the rights and privileges hereby granted shall not be transferred by any company acting under this act to any other corporation, association or person : Provided, however, That the United States may at any time after the expiration of five years from the date of the passage of this act, for postal, mil- itary or other purposes, purchase all the telegraph lines, property and effects of any or all of said companies at an appraised value, to be ascertained by five competent disinterested persons, two of whom shall be selected by the postmaster-general of the United States, two by the company interested, and one by the four so previously selected. "Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That, before any telegraph com- pany shall exercise any of the powers or privileges conferred by this act, such company shall file their written acceptance with the post- master-general of the restrictions and obligation required by this act." 14 Stat. 221 ; Rev. Stat., 5263, et seq. All railroads in the United States are by law post roads. Rev. Stat., '3964; 17 Stat. 308, 201. On the nth of December, 1866, the legislature of Florida passed an act incorporating the Pensacola Telegraph Company, and grant- ing it "the sole and exclusive privilege and right of establishing and maintaining lines of electric telegraph in the counties of Escambia and Santa Rosa, either from different points within said counties, or connecting with lines coming into said counties, or either of them, from any point in this (Florida) or any other state." The capital stock was fixed at $5,000, with privilege of increasing it to such an amount as might be considered necessary. The company was author- ized to locate and construct its lines within the counties named, "along and upon any public road or highway or across any water, or upon any railroad or private property for which permission shall first have been obtained from the proprietors thereof." In this act all the stockholders of the new association which had rebuilt the line were named as corporators. No meeting of the directors was held until January 2, 1868, when the secretary was instructed to notify the 328 PENSACOLA TEL. CO. V. WESTERN UNION TEL. CO. 66 stockholders "that the charter drawn up by Messrs. Campbell & Perry, attorneys, as per order of board, January 2, 1866," had been passed. On the 5th of June, 1867, the directors of the defendant, the West- ern Union Telegraph Company, a New York corporation, passed the following resolution, which was duly filed with the postmaster- general : " Resolved, That this company does hereby accept the provisions of the act of congress, entitled 'An act to aid in the construction of telegraph lines, and to secure to the government the use of the same for postal, military and other purposes,' approved July 24, 1866, with all the powers, privileges, restrictions, and obligations conferred and required thereby ; and that the secretary be, and he is hereby author- ized and directed to file this resolution with the postmaster-general of the United States, duly attested by the signature of the acting presi- dent of the company and the seal of the corporation, in compliance with the fourth section of said act of congress." In 1872 the property of the Alabama and Florida Railroad Com- pany, including its right of way and railroad, was transferred to the Pensacola and Louisville Railroad Company; and on the i4th of Feb- ruary, 1873, the legislature of Florida passed an act, which, as amended February 18, 1874, authorized the last named company "to construct, maintain and operate a telegraph line from the Bay -of Pen- sacola along the line of the said (its) road as now located, or as it may hereafter be located, and along connecting roads in said county to the boundary lines of the state of Alabama, and the said lines may connect and be consolidated with other telegraph companies within or without the state, and said company may pledge, mortgage, lease, sell, assign and convey the property appertaining to the said telegraph lines, and the rights, privileges and franchises conferred by this act, with full power in such assignees to construct, own and operate such telegraph lines, and enjoy all the privileges, rights and franchises conferred by this act, but in such case the said railroad company shall be responsible for the proper performance of the duties and obli- gations imposed by this act." This was within the territory embraced by the exclusive grant to the Pensacola Telegraph Company. On the 24th of June, 1874, the Pensacola and Louisville Railroad Company granted to the Western Union Telegraph Company the right to erect a telegraph line upon its right of way, and also the rights and privileges conferred by the acts of February, 1873 and 1874. The Western Union Company immediately commenced the erection of the line, but before its completion, to wit, July 27, 1874, the bill in this case was filed by the Pensacola Telegraph Company to enjoin the work and the use of the line, on account of the alleged exclusive right of that company under its charter. Upon the hearing, a decree was passed dismissing the bill, and this appeal was taken. Mr. Chief Justice WAITE delivered the opinion of the court. Congress has power "to regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the several states" (Const., art. i, 8, par. 3), and "to 66 LIMITS ON POWER TO CREATE. 329 establish post-offices and post reads." (Const. , art. i, 8, par. 7.) The constitution of the United States and the laws made in pursuance thereof are the supreme law of the land. Art. vi, par. 2. A law of congress made in pursuance of the constitution suspends or overrides all state statutes with which it is in conflict. Since the case of Gibbons v. Ogden (9 Wheat, i), it has never been doubted that commercial intercourse is an element of commerce which comes within the regulating power of congress. Post-offices and post roads are established to facilitate the transmission of intel- ligence. Both commerce and the postal service are placed within the power of congress, because, being national in their operation, they should be under the protecting care of the national government. The powers thus granted are not confined to the instrumentalities of commerce, or the postal service known or in use when the consti- tution was adopted, but they keep pace with the progress of the coun- try, and adapt themselves to the new developments of time and circumstances. They extend from the horse with its rider to the stage coach, from the sailing vessel to the steamboat, from the coach and the steamboat to the railroad, and from the railroad to the telegraph, as these new agencies are successively brought into use to meet the demands of increasing population and wealth. They were intended for the government of the business to which they relate, at all times and under all circumstances. As they were intrusted to the general government for the good of the nation, it is not only the right, but the duty, of congress to see to it that intercourse among the states and the transmission of intelligence are not obstructed or unnecessarily encumbered by state legislation. The electric telegraph marks an epoch in the progress of time. In a little more than a quarter of a century it has changed the habits of business, and become one of the necessities of commerce. It is indis- pensable as a means of inter-communication, but especially is it so in commercial transactions. The statistics of the business before the re- cent reduction in rates show that more 'than eighty per cent, of all the messages sent by telegraph related to commerce. Goods are sold and money paid upon telegraphic orders. Contracts are made by tele- graphic correspondence, cargoes secured, and the movements of ships directed. The telegraphic announcement of the markets abroad reg- ulates prices at home, and a prudent merchant rarely enters upon an important transaction without using the telegraph freely to secure in- formation. It is not only important to the people, but to the government. By means of it the heads of the departments in Washington are kept in close communication with all their various agencies at home and abroad, and can know at almost any hour, by inquiry, what is trans- piring anywhere that affects the interests they have in charge. Under such circumstances, it can not for a moment be doubted that this pow- erful agency of commerce and inter-communication comes within the con troll ing power of congress, certainly as against hostile state legisla- tion. In fact, from the beginning, it seems to have been assumed 330 PENSACOLA TEL. CO. V. WESTERN UNION TEL. CO. 66 that congress might aid in developing the system, for the first tele- graph line of any considerable extent ever erected was built between Washington and Baltimore, only a little more than thirty years ago, with money appropriated by congress for that purpose (5 Stat. 618), . and large donations of land and money have since been made to aid in t^ie construction of other lines. (12 Stat. 489, 772 ; 13 Stat. 365 ; 14 Stat. 292.) It is not necessary now to inquire whether congress may assume the telegraph as part of the postal service, and exclude all oth- ers from its use. The present case is satisfied, if we find that con- gress has power, by appropriate legislation, to prevent the states from placing obstructions in the way of its usefulness. The government of the United States within the scope of its pow- ers operates upon every foot of territory under its jurisdiction. It legislates for the whole nation, and is not embarrassed by state lines. Its peculiar duty is to protect one part of the country from encroach- ments by another upon the national rights which belong to all. The state of Florida has attempted to confer upon a single corpora- tion the exclusive right of transmitting intelligence b}^ telegraph over a certain portion of its territory. This embraces the two western most counties of the state, and extends from Alabama to the Gulf. No telegraph line can cross the state from east to west, or from north to south, within these counties, except it passes over this territory. Within it is situated an important seaport at which business centers, and with which those engaged in commercial pursuits have occasion more or less to communicate. The United States have there also the necessary machinery of the national government. They have a navy- yard, forts, custom-houses, courts, post-offices, and the appropriate officers for the enforcement of the laws. The legislation of Florida, if sustained, excludes all commercial intercourse by telegraph between the citizens of the other states and those residing upon this territory, except by the employment of this corporation. The United States can not communicate with their own officers by telegraph except in the same way. The state, therefore, clearly has attempted to regulate commercial intercourse between its citizens and those of other states, and to control the transmission of all telegraphic correspondence within its own jurisdiction. It is unnecessary to decide how far this might have been done if congress had not acted upon the same subject, for it has acted. The statute of July 24, 1866, in effect, amounts to a prohibition of all state monopolies in this particular. It substantially declares, in the interest of commerce and the convenient transmission of intelligence from place to place by the government of the United States and its citi- zens, that the erection of telegraph lines shall, so far as state inter- ference is concerned, be free to all who will submit to the conditions imposed, by congress, and that corporations organized under the laws of one state for constructing and operating telegraph lines shall not be excluded by another from prosecuting their business within its juris- diction, if they accept the terms proposed by the national government for this national privilege. To this extent, certainly, the statute is a 66 LIMITS ON POWER TO CREATE. 331 legitimate regulation of commercial intercourse among the states, and is appropriate legislation to carry into execution the powers of con- gress over the postal service. It gives no foreign corporation the right to enter upon private property without the consent of the owner and erect the necessary structures for its business; but it does pro- vide that, whenever the consent of the owner is obtained, no state legislation shall prevent the occupation of post roads for telegraph purposes by such corporations as are willing to avail themselves of its privileges. It is insisted, however, that the statute extends only to such military and post roads as are upon the public domain; but this, we think, is not so. The language is, "Through and over any portion of the pub- lic domain of the United States, over and along any of the military or post roads of the United States which have been or may hereafter be declared such by act of congress, and over, under or across the navi- gable streams or waters of the United States." There is nothing to indicate an intention of limiting the effect of the words employed, and they are, therefore, to be given their natural and ordinary signifi- cation. Read in this way, the grant evidently extends to the public domain, the military and post roads, and the navigable waters of the United States. These are all within the dominion of the national gov- ernment to the extent of the national powers, and are, therefore, sub- ject to the legitimate congressional regulation. No question arises as to the authority of congress to provide for the appropriation of pri- vate property to the uses of the telegraph, for no such attempt has been made. The use of public property alone is granted. If pri- vate property is required, it must, so far as the present legislation is concerned, be obtained by private arrangement with its owner. No compulsory proceedings are authorized. State sovereignty under the constitution is not interfered with. Only national privileges are granted. The state law in question, so far as it confers exclusive rights upon the Pensacola Company, is certainly in conflict with this legislation of congress. To that extent it is, therefore, inoperative as against a corporation of another state entitled to the privileges of the act of congress. Such being the case, the charter of the Pensacola Com- pany does not exclude the Western Union Company from the occu- pancy of the right of way of the Pensacola and Louisville Railroad Company under the arrangement made for that purpose. We are aware that, in Paul v. Virginia (8 Wall. 168), this court decided that a state might exclude a corporation of another state from its jurisdiction, and that corporations are not within the clause of the constitution, which declares that "the citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens of the several states." Article 4, section 2. That was not, however, the case of a corporation engaged in interstate commerce ; and enough was said by the court to show that, if it had been, very different questions would have been presented. The language of the opinion is, "It is undoubtedly true, as stated by counsel, that the power conferred upon 332 REVISED STATUTES OF UNITED STATES, 1889. 6/ congress to regulate commerce includes as well commerce carried on by corporations as commerce carried on by individuals. * * * This state of facts forbids the supposition that it was intended in the grant of power to congress to exclude from its control the commerce of corporations. The language of the grant makes no reference to the instrumentalities by which commerce may be carried on ; it is general, and includes alike commerce by individuals, partnerships, associations and corporations. * * * The defect of the argument lies in the character of their (insurance companies) business. Issuing a policy of insurance is not a transaction of commerce. * * * Such contracts (policies of insurance) are not interstate transactions, though the parties are domiciled in different states." The questions thus suggested need not be considered now because no prohibitory legislation is relied upon, except that which, as has already been seen, is inoperative. Upon principles of comity, the corporations of one state are permitted to do business in another, un- less it conflicts with the law or unjustly interferes with the rights of the citizens of the state into which they come. Under such circumstances, no citizen of a state can enjoin a foreign corporation from pursuing its business. Until the state acts in its sovereign capacity, individual citizens can not complain. The state must determine for itself when the public good requires that its implied assent to the admission shall be withdrawn. Here, so far from withdrawing its assent, the state by its legislation of 1874, in effect, invited foreign telegraph corporations to come in. Whether that legislation, in the absence of congressional action, would have been sufficient to authorize a foreign corporation to construct and operate a line within the two counties named, we need not decide ; but we are clearly of the opinion that with such ac- tion and a right of way secured by private arrangement with the owner of the land, this defendant corporation can not be excluded by the present complainant. Decree affirmed. Sec. 67. (3) On territorial legislatures. The Revised Statutes of the United States provide: "The legis- lative assemblies of the several territories shall not grant private char- ters or special privileges, but they may, by general incorporation acts, permit persons to associate themselves together as bodies corporate for mining, manufacturing and other industrial pursuits, and for con- ducting the business of insurance, banks of discount and deposit (but not of issue), loan, trust and guarantee associations, and for the con- struction or operation of railroads, wagon roads, irrigating ditches, and the colonization and improvement of lands in connection there- with, or for colleges, seminaries, churches, libraries or any other benevolent, charitable or scientific association." 1 1 Revised Statutes of the United States, 1873-74 ( 1889), as amended July 30, 1886, ch. 818, 5 (24 St. 170). 68 LIMITS ON POWER TO CREATE. 333 Statute June 8, 1878, ch. 168 (20 St. 101) provided that the fore- going section should not be so construed as to prevent the territorial legislatures from creating municipal corporations either by a general or special act, subject to amendment or repeal at any time. Note. Territorial charter is binding on the state legislature after the state is organized. 1822, State v. N. O. N. Co., 11 Martin (La.) 309; 1831, Will- iams v. Bank of Michigan, 7 Wend. (N.Y.) 539. But see, 1851, Myers v. Man- hattan Bank, 20 Ohio 283. () In the State Constitutions. Sec. 68. (i) General and special laws, what are. "The legislature shall pass no special act creating corporations or conferring corporate powers, but they shall provide by general law for the creation and formation of corporations, but all such laws shall be subject to amendment, alteration or repeal at the will of the legis- lature." THE STATE, Ex REL. JACOB J. VAN RIPER ET AL., v. CHARLES H. PARSONS ET AL. 1 1878. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE OF NEW JERSEY. 40 N. J. L. Rep. i-n. On demurrer. By the charter of Jersey City, passed in 1871, provision was made for the appointment by the senate and general assembly, in joint meeting, of a fire board, and certain other municipal boards. On March 6, 1877 (Laws 1877, p. 54), an act was passed entitled "An act concerning commissioners to regulate municipal affairs," which provided for abolishing all laws in reference to legislative com- missioners, and terminating the offices of the legislative commission- ers then in existence, and for substituting therefor new boards, to be elected by the people. Under this latter act an election was held in Jersey City, and the defendants were elected members of the fire board in lieu of the legis- lative commissioners. There was no question made with respect to the fairness and formality of this election. The present proceeding is an information in the name of the attor- ney-general, in the nature of a quo ivarranto, charging that the de- fendants usurp the office to which they were thus elected. Argued at November term, 1877, before Beasley, chief justice, and Justice Depue, Van Syckel and Knapp. The opinion of the court was delivered by BEASLEY, chief justice. 1 Part of opinion relating to another point omitted. 334 STATE V. PARSONS. 68 The purpose of this proceeding is to test the constitutionality of the act of the legislature passed on the 6th day of March, in the year of 1877, entitled "An act concerning commissioners to regulate munici- pal affairs." The law thus brought under our cognizance is composed of two sections, the first of which declares "that such parts of all public, spe- cial and local laws as provide for the appointment of commissions or commissioners, by the senate and general assembly of the legislature, in joint meeting, to regulate municipal affairs in any city in this state, be and the same are hereby repealed," and the second section pro- vides "that in all cases where the above repealing section shall oper- ate in any city in this state, there shall be substituted, in lieu of each of the existing boards of said commissions or commissioners, to exer- cise all the powers heretofore conferred upon such commissions or commissioners, a board to consist of six persons, namely, one shall be chosen by the electors in each aldermanic district in said city, who shall be a qualified voter of said city." The rest of this latter section consists of regulations touching the mode of canvassing the votes at the election thus authorized, or designating the terms of office and the salaries of the officers thus to be chosen. Against this law thus summarized, the principal exception that has been urged is, that it is, in substance and effect, special and local, and consequently is in conflict with one of the recent amendments of the constitution of the state. The provision of the primary law thus in- voked in clause 2, section 7 of article iv, and which, so far as relates to the present subject, is in these words, viz., "The legislature shall not pass private, local or special laws in any of the following enumer- ated cases, that is to say: * * * Regulating the internal affairs of towns and counties ; appointing local officers or commissions to reg- ulate municipal affairs," and, again, subsequently, in the same clause, the words are, "the legislature shall pass no special act conferring cor- porate powers, but they shall pass general laws, under which corpo- rations may be organized and corporate powers of every nature ob- tained, subject, nevertheless, to repeal or alteration at the will of the legislature. * * * " First, then, is this statute, obviously and upon judicial view of its contents, a local or special law? In point of form it is manifest that this act does not belong to such a category. It imports generality of provision in all its parts ; its title is general, embracing all commissioners appointed by the legislature to regulate municipal affairs, so, in its body, it repeals such parts of all public, special or local laws as provide for the appointment of such commissioners, and substitutes for such officers others, to be se- lected by the people. Upon the face of this law, therefore, the re- pealer is general, and the substitution of other agencies is equally so. But it is said that, although such is the frame and aspect of this statute, still it must be regarded as local and special, as of necessity it can be applicable to but a few places of the state, inasmuch as it is well known that but few localities in the state have been subjected to 68 LIMITS ON POWER TO CREATE. 335 the rule of legislative commissions. This contention assumes the truth of the hypothesis that a law that embraces but a few localities, or a small number of objects, is not a general, but a special or local law. But I think there is a mistake in this. The term "general law" does not import universality in the subjects or operation of such law. The constitutional clause in question calls for the enactment^ in this particular field of legislation, of general acts, but such so- called general acts are, for the most part, special and local in their effect and applicability, provided we put the widest possible signifi- cation on the terms special and local. But these two latter terms do not carry with them such a compass of meaning as this, as they stand in the clause of the constitution now under consideration. If such were their scope, they would render almost every attempt at useful legislation abortive. A law settling the methods by which all rail- roads should become incorporated would be special in the sense that it would be confined in its operation to but a single kind of corpo- ration, and so a law would be local, by this same test, that should provide for the organization, under ojie system, of all the municipal governments in the state, as such a law would manifestly have a restricted effect with respect to locality. But who, conversant with the usage touching these terms, would venture the assertion that such statutes as these would not be general laws? All legislation is based of necessity on a classification of its subjects, and when such classifi- cation is fairly made, and the legislation founded upon it is appropri- ate to such classification, such legislation is as legitimate now as it would have been prior to the recent amendments to the constitution. My theory is, that if a set of objects be fairly classified, a law embrac- ing them -will be a general one, and in all respects unobjectionable; but undoubtedly if the classification be illusive, being contrived with a view of escaping the constitutional restriction, it can lend no sup- port to the legislation connected with it. As, for example, a statute declaring that all cities containing a population over a certain number shall have a given number of voting places, and all cities containing a lesser number shall have a prescribed lesser number, would be, to my mind, obviously legal, because the classes of persons thus distinguished from each other would naturally stand upon a different footing with respect to the particular subject to which such legislation related ; but if a law, based on the same classifications, should provide that the former of such classes should have a certain system of laying out streets, and the latter a different system, such a classification would be clearly illusive, inasmuch as the law thus enacted would bear no affin- ity to the qualities or attributes forming the basis of classification. In- terdicted local and special laws are all those that rest on a false or deficient classification; their vice is that they do not embrace all the class to which they are naturally related; they create preference and establish inequalities ; they apply to persons, things or places pos- sessed of certain qualities or situations, and exclude from their effect other persons, things or places which are not dissimilar in these 336 STATE V. PARSONS. 68 respects. The present law therefore is not objectionable on the former of the grounds assigned that in its operation it must necessarily be confined to certain localities. As it does not exclude from its sway or effect any place or subject belonging to the class to which it relates, it is, upon its face, a general, and not a local or special law, within the clause of the constitution now under consideration. The second objection above noted to the statute in question is that, in point of fact, it applies to but a single place, that is, to Jersey City, and therefore, being thus local and special, it is invalid for the want of a notice of an intention to apply for its passage. In laboring this point in their argument the counsel of the relators. seemed to incline to the conclusion that a special or local law could in no case be passed, the purpose of which was to regulate the in- ternal affairs of any municipality. But I can not agree to this view. According to my reading of the constitutional clause in ques- tion, its purpose was not to limit legislation, but to forbid only the doing, by special or local laws, those things that can be done by gen- eral laws. The provision relates to the methods and not to the sub- stance of legislation, and the substitution of general laws in the stead of those that are special or local, necessarily indicates the limits and extent of the prohibition, for as the mandate is to do, by general leg- islation, that which is interdicted to special or local legislation, it seems unavoidably to follow that it is only those things that can be accomplished by the former method that are forbidden to the latter method. The intent here, I think, is perfectly plain, and was to require, within this department, all things that could be effected by general statutes, to be effected in that way, but there was no intent to abro- gate the legislative power outside of this field. The opposite inter- pretation would be full of impracticabilities, not to say absurdities. By its prevalence, the peculiar imperfections inherent in the frame of any existing public corporation would at once be made unalterable and irremediable ; the boundary of every city, township and county would become insusceptible of change, and the constitution of such bodies, with respect to matters unique, and therefore not to be reached by general laws, would be beyond the hand of improvement or modi- fication. Indeed, the present case, if we assume that this statute applies to Jersey City alone, and is on that account to be regarded as special and local and consequently forbidden, would stand as a con- spicuous example of the evils that would result, for although in this same constitutional provision, the ruling of particular places by leg- islative commissions is denounced in the form of a prohibitory clause, the success of the view set up would be to establish such a mode of government, so long as our organic law should retain its present characteristics in the only place in which it is said at present to exist. The correct interpretation of the passage, as already denoted, keeps it clear of any such hurtful efficiency. But it is further, and in the last place, urged that as this statute can apply to Jersey City alone, it is, at all events, special and local within the effect of that other provision of the constitution which ex- 68 LIMITS ON POWER TO CREATE. 337 acts a notice of an intention to make application to the legislature for bills of this character. Article iv, 7, pi. 9. But unfortunately, it is in this information assumed without the necessary showing of facts, that this law has this singleness of applicability. This pleading shows that the defendants are clothed with office by force of a popular elec- tion duly held in accordance with this legislative act, and as under such circumstances the regularity and validity of such act will be strongly implied, the facts necessary to vacate it must be set forth in a direct and traversable form. This has not in this case been done. An allegation that the statute is special and local as to Jersey City is not the statement of a fact, but a naked inference as to the law. The question, therefore, that was discussed, and which was founded on the assumption that the present law was operative in but a single place, can not be considered or disposed of upon the record as it is now presented to our attention. As the pleadings at present stand, the demurrer must be sustained. Note. General and special laws. It has been said that a statute which relates to persons or things as a class, is a general law ; while one which re- lates to particular things or persons of a class, is special. 1875, Wheeler v. Philadelphia, 77 Pa. St. 338; 1884, Ewing v. Hoblitzelle, 85 Mo. 64; 1892, Smith v. McDermott, 93 Cal. 421. So, a general law need not operate upon all classes of persons or things in a state, but if it relates to or operates uniformly upon the whole of any class it is general. 1890, Abeel v. Clark, 84 Cal. 226. And "a law which applies only to an individual or to a number of individ- uals, selected out of any class to which they belong, is a special law." 1880, State v. California Min. Co., 15 Nev. 234. "Public statutes are those which concern the government, or the public in- terest, or all persons, or the whole of any class of persons." Robinson's Elementary Law, 10. Citing, 1 Bl. Com. 86; 1 Kent Lect., 20; Bac. Abr. Stat. F. L. ; Potter's Dwarris on Stat., 52; Sedgwick Stat. & Const. L., 30. See, also, 1897, Wanser v. Hoos, 60 N. J. Law 482, 64 Am. St. Rep. 600; 1895, State v. Bargus, 53 Ohio St. 94. 53 Am. St. Rep. 628; 1892, State v. Sher- iff, 48 Minn. 236, 31 Am. St. Rep. 650, n. 653; 1890, State v. Ellett, 47 Ohio St. 90, 21 Am. St. Rep. 772, n. 780, et seq.; 1889, Town Council v. Pressley, 33 S. C. 56, 26 Am. St. Rep. 659; 1889, Allen v. Pioneer Press Co., 40 Minn. 117, 12 Am. St. Rep. 707, n. 716; 1888, People v. Squire, 107 N. Y. 593, 1 Am. St. Rep. 893, n. 903. See, further, on the general topic of creation under general and special laws. 1 Abb. Digest 362, 4 Am. & Eng. Ency. 194, 1st ed. ; 7 Am. & Eng. Encyc. 639, et seq., 2d ed. ; Baldwin's Polit. Inst., ch. 6, Freedom of Incorporation"; 1 Beach, 9-12; Boone, 21-23; Clark, 19-20; Cook, 2,231-235; Elliott, 32-50; Field, 13; 2 Kent. Comm. *272, n., a, 6, c, 12th ed. ; 1 Morawetz, 26-30; Taylor, 451; 1 Thompson, 35-249. For statutory provisions, see infra, Schemes of Organization, pp. 426, 560; American Corp. Legal Man- ual, vol. 7, 1899, and previous volumes; 2 Stimson's Am. Statute Laws, ch. 1 ; Annotated Corporation Laws of all the states, by Gumming, Gilbert & Wood- ward, 1899; Appendix. 22 WIL. CASES. 33 8 WALLACE V. LOOMIS. 69 Sec. 69. (2) Creating. "The legislature shall pass no special or local act creating cor- porations."- WALLACE v. LOOMIS. 1 1877. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. 97 U. S. Reports 146163. Appeal from the circuit court of the United States for the south- ern district of Alabama. The facts are stated in the opinion of the court. Mr. Justice BRADLEY delivered the opinion of the court. This suit was instituted by a bill in equity filed May 30, 1872, by Francis B. Loomis, John C. Stanton and Daniel N. Stanton, trustees of what is known as the first mortgage of the Alabama and Chatta- nooga Railroad Company, for the purpose of procuring a foreclosure and sale of the mortgaged premises, being the railroad of said com- pany, with its appurtenances and rolling-stock, situated in Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, but principally in Alabama. A further object of the bill was to remove the cloud from the title caused by the bankruptcy of said company, the seizure of its property by the governor of Alabama, and the sale thereof by the assignees in bank- ruptcy; also to protect and preserve the property from waste and dilapidation until it could be applied to the satisfaction of the mort- gage. * * * In February, 1873, by leave of the court, Wallace was made a de- fendant, and thereupon filed an answer and cross-bill, claiming to be the holder and owner of five second mortgage bonds for $1,000 each. * * * The answer alleges that the Alabama and Chattanooga Railroad Company was not a corporate body, and the decree affirms the contrary. The cross-bill states at large the reason for the allegation of the answer. It is, that the company had its alleged corporate existence alone in virtue of a special act of the legislature of Alabama, passed the i7th of September, 1868, which act upon its face was a violation of the constitution of the state, which declares that "corporations may be formed under general laws, but shall not be created by special act, except for municipal purposes." The act referred to is set out in full as an exhibit to the cross-bill. It authorizes the Wills Valley Railroad Company (a pre-existing corporation) to purchase the rail- road and franchises of the Northeast and Southwestern Alabama Rail- road Company (another pre-existing corporation), and after doing so, to change its own name to that of the Alabama and Chattanooga Rail- road Company. We are unable to see anything in this legislation repugnant to the constitutional provision referred to. That provision can not surely be construed to prohibit the legislature from changing the name of a cor- 1 Only so much of the case is given as relates to the single point. JO LIMITS ON POWER TO CREATE. 339 poration, or from giving it power to purchase additional property, and this was all that it did in this case. No new corporate powers ol franchises were created. * * * Decree affirmed. Sec. 70. Same. GEORGE GREEN v. KNIFE FALLS BOOM CORPORATION. 1886. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF MINNESOTA. 35 Minnesota Reports 155-162. Plaintiff brought this action, in the district court for St. Louis county, to recover possession of certain logs, alleged to be wrongfully detained by the defendant. The answer admits the detention of the logs by the defendant, and justifies such detention under claim of a lien for boomage in accordance with the provisions of Sp. Laws 1872, ch. 106. On plaintiff's motion judgment on the pleadings was directed by STEARNS, J., on the ground that Sp. Laws 1872, ch. 106, is uncon- stitutional. Defendant appeals from the judgment. The cause was argued at the April term, and, by order of the court, was reargued at the October term, 1885. VANDERBURGH, J. The defendant, it appears, first organized as a boom corporation under the general law. The original articles of incorporation are not disclosed by the record, but it is manifest (and it is not disputed) that the organization must have been made under Gen. St., ch. 34, tit. 2, and that the powers and privileges thereby acquired could not include either the right to exercise the power of eminent domain, or to take tolls, or to obstruct the navigable portion of the St. Louis river, where the defendant's booms and works are located, so as to - prevent the free passage of the logs of other owners. Stevens Point Boom Co. v. Reilly, 44 Wis. 295, 305 ; s. c. 46 Wis. 237, 242. It was, by virtue of its original articles of incorporation, entitled only to the same rights in the river as other riparian owners, and to erect and maintain booms in connection with the navigation of the stream, for its own use, and the use of others who might contract for its services. It was merely a private boom corporation. Soon after such organization under the general laws, the legislature passed an act entitled "An act relating to the Knife Falls Boom Corporation" (Sp. Laws 1872, ch. 106), which purports to confer new and independent franchises and enlarge powers upon the defendant corporation, within the St. Louis river, and over the navigation and use thereof, as respects the passage of logs, including the right of eminent domain, the right to charge compensation for boomage, in the nature of tolls, prescribed by the act, upon all logs passing through their works, and to receive and take the entire charge and control of all logs and timber which might run, come or be driven within the same, and to boom, scale and deliver them as provided in such act. Osborne v. Knife Falls 34O GREEN V. KNIFE FALLS BOOM CORPORATION. 70 Boom Co., 32 Minn. 412 (21 N. W. Rep. 704). And the corpora- tion is also thereby granted a lien upon all such logs or timber for their compensation, which may be enforced by a sale. The detention of the plaintiff's logs, taken and held in invitum by defendant under a claim of lien for the boomage allowed by this act, brings up the question of its constitutionality in this case. This ques- tion was not suggested or mooted in the case of Osborne against the defendants, just cited, but the question there determined was as re- spects the power of the legislature to authorize such improvements in the use of a navigable river. The question which is raised here, and which has been elaborately argued by counsel, is the constitutional power of the legislature to so amend the charter, and to confer upon an existing corporation additional special powers and privileges of the character described, under the provisions of article 10, section 2, of the constitution , forbidding the formation of corporations by spe- cial acts. The discussion by counsel at the bar embraced the ques- tion of the proper original construction of this clause, and the inten- tion of the framers of the constitution in inserting it, and also the ques- tion of the construction thereof which has in fact prevailed and been acted on in this state, and the effect which the court ought to give to such construction in considering this case. i. The charter of a corporation represents a tivo-fold contract: (a) The executed grant by the state of a portion of its sovereignty, irrevocable in its nattire, when once accepted and acted on; (b) the mutual compact bet-ween the corporators or stockholders among them- selves. And in the absence of constitutional restraints, a corporation might be endowed with new and enlarged powers by legislative grant, and its original character, object and business might thereby be changed, with the consent of the stockholders, for any lawful purpose. If the clause under consideration was intended simply to prohibit special acts establishing corporate entities or granting original charters, then it is clear that an existing corporation may receive the grant of new and extensive privileges and franchises, and the amendment to the defendant's charter by the act in question may undoubtedly be upheld as a valid exercise of legislative power. But the respondent contends that this provision of the constitution has a wider significance, and was intended to restrain all grants of corporate privileges and fran- chises by special acts of the legislature, and this is, in the opinion of the writer, the proper construction. A corporation, created or formed by special acts, could only be so formed by means of the grant of a charter conferring essential corporate powers or franchises. "Fran- chises" are defined to be special privileges conferred by government upon individuals, and which do not belong to the citizens of the coun- try, generally, of common right. Bank of Augusta v. Earle, 13 Pet. 519. The grant of such a franchise is the essential thing in a charter, and whether given to new corporators, or those already organized, or in an original or amended charter, the grant of a corporate franchise is, as between the sovereign and the corporators, so far the grant of a charter, or the grant of a "franchise by act of incorporation." 70 LIMITS ON POWER TO CREATE. 341 Attorney-General v. Railroad Cos., 35 Wis. 425, 560. Such grants, I think, it was clearly the purpose of the framers of the constitution to prohibit by special acts. It is true, the right to be a corporation is itself a franchise, but all franchises granted to a corporation become corporate franchises, and essential portions of its charter or act of incorporation, and the chief value of the charter in order to accomplish the purposes of the corporate organization. The constitutional provision requires that corporations, except for municipal purposes, shall be formed under general laivs, and not under or by special acts. This can not, I think, mean that a portion of the franchises or privileges in a pro- posed charter might be obtained under a general law, and the re- mainder by special enactments ; or, in other 'words, that a general law might be a mere enabling act to confer corporate existence, leaving the door open to the corporation thereafter to apply to the legislature for additional franchises. Such construction must be given to the provision in question as will manifestly be in harmony with its spirit, and give effect to the intent and purpose of its framers. The object being to restrict the granting of charters to general laws, the courts can not sanction an evasion by limiting the application of the princi- ple to the case of original charters or corporate organizations. The object of this constitutional restriction was, as it is well understood, to correct an existing evil, and prevent favoritism and abuses in secur- ing grants of special charters, and to establish uniform rules for the endowment of corporations with chartered privileges. Any special legislation affecting the charters of corporations should therefore be strictly construed, so as to give full effect to the leading object of the provision, i Dill. Mun. Corp., 17; Atkinson v. Marietta, etc. R. Co., 15 Ohio St. 21, 35. Charters, then, since the adoption of the constitution, are to be ac- quired under general laws, and to them must we look to ascertain what franchises may be conferred by charter upon corporations. Every new grant of special powers must, as between the sovereign and a corporation, be regarded, as respects the exercise of such powers, in the light of a new charter, and especially since, when ac- cepted, the new or amended charter becomes a contract irrevocable, unless the power of amendment or repeal is reserved in the grant. Every new grant of a portion of its sovereignty by the state through the legislature must, in principle, be within the prohibition, and be equivalent to the grant of a charter de novo. In accordance with this view, the legislature accordingly, upon the adoption of the constitu- tion, enacted general laws for the formation of corporations for the various purposes required in the commonwealth, and carefully defined their powers and obligations, and made them of uniform application. These general provisions have been amended from time to time, as the public needs have required, and general laws have been passed applicable alike to corporations of the same kind, and proper provis- ions made for amended articles of incorporation. The general pro- visions of law applicable to any class of corporations, together with 342 GREEN V. KNIFE FALLS BOOM CORPORATION. 70 the articles of association, constitute the chatter of any particular cor- poration. The general character of this legislation is entirely in har- mony with the construction that corporations under general laws must derive their essential powers therefrom. We lay no stress upon the use of the word "formed" instead of "create" in the constitution; the distinction is immaterial in respect to the matter of the grants of corporate franchises. The supreme court of Wisconsin, upon a care- ful consideration of the question, while determining that the charters of pre-existing corporations were subject to alteration or amendment under the power expressly reserved in the constitution of that state, hold that there is no distinction, as respects the constitutional inhibi- tion, between a grant of corporate powers and privileges, and the grant of corporate charters de novo. Attorney-General v. Railroad Cos., 35 Wis. 435, 560; Kimball v. Town of Rosendale, 42 Wis. 407, 416; Stevens Point Boom Co. v. Reilly, 44 Wis. 295, 301. And the same doctrine is also affirmed in San Francisco v. Spring Valley Water- Works, 48 Cal. 493, 507; Spring Valley Water- Works v. Bryant, 52 Cal. 132, 140. 2. The defendant also makes the point that it was competent for the state to invest a corporation, as it might an individual, with the power and duty to assume an agency in behalf of the public to make the improvements and transact the business authorized by the amend- ment to the charter here in question for the purpose of facilitating the business of driving, handling and assorting logs in the common in- terest. But the nature of the agency and business thereby created and authorized does not affect the application of the rule. The pre- cise point was raised in Stevens Point Boom Co. v. Reilly, 44 Wis. 295, 301, where the plaintiff was organized under a general law, and subsequently granted powers similar to those conferred on this plaint- iff by the act in controversy, and the court, by Ryan, C. J., said: "The court was not indisposed, if it could, to construe the sections of the latter statute relied on as an employment of an existing corpo- ration to improve the navigation of the river in the public right, and provide a compensation for it ; but the argument of the learned coun- sel for the appellant appears to be conclusive against such a view. His position was that corporate franchises are always supposed to be granted on some public consideration, with corresponding benefit to the grantees ; and that to hold the sections in question a valid grant of power on the ground suggested would open the door indefinitely to special grants to corporations under general laws, so far nullifying the constitutional amendment and continuing the evils which the amendment was intended to obviate." Such powers -when conferred upon a corporation, become corporate powers or franchises, and hence, subject to the same objection as in other cases -where a fran- chise ivhich may lawfully be conferred upon an individual by spe- cial act can not be so conferred upon a corporation. Ames v. Lake Superior and Mississippi R. Co., 21 Minn. 241, 258. 3. It is unnecessary to consider whether there is any distinction between corporations formed under general laws and corporations 70 LIMITS ON POWER TO CREATE. 343 created by special charters prior to the adoption of the constitution, as respects the effect of subsequent special legislation. It has been the habit of the legislature, in both classes of cases, and especially in the latter class, to amend and alter charters, by special acts, ever since the constitution was adopted ; but I have not been able to dis- cover that there are many other instances like the case at bar, wherein such new and important grants of power have been made to pre-ex- isting corporations. The legislation in such cases is more generally, as I understand it, confined to amendments and alterations relating to matter of form, or affecting the remedy, or the method and details of the management of the corporate business, or the mutual relations, rights or interests of the corporators among themselves, in the exercise of franchises already possessed by them, which legislation might be had, with the consent of the corporators, without any new or further grant of corporate powers by the state. This court, in the several cases which have been before it for adjudication, has always recog- nized the restrictive force of the constitution as respects such grants, though it has never attempted to define the exact limits of such legis- lation, or to formulate any rule on the subject; and while some of the cases have recognized and sustained departures from the strict rule we have attempted to lay down, none of them, I think, lend any sanction to so wide a departure therefrom as would be necessary to sustain the grant of the special charter in this case. But no case seems to have gone farther in upholding a grant of new powers than the limits sug- gested in Ames v. Lake Superior and Mississippi R. Co., 21 Minn. 241, 286, where the court, while not assumingto accurately define the limits of the constitutional restriction, indicate very clearly that a law authorizing such additions or changes in the business of a corpora- tion as to constitute substantially a new enterprise, to -which Us old business would be a mere incident, -would be unconstitutional; and the legislature has not generally transcended such limits in amend- ments made to corporate charters. In exceptional cases, like the one under consideration, the corporators should be deemed to have ac- cepted and acted under the charter amendments assumed to be granted, at their peril. It would not, in my judgment, be a reasonable construction of this act to hold that the new business authorized was incidental to the original enterprise, or a mere extension or enlargement of it; nor do I think that public interests would be seriously affected by a construc- tion that should defeat legislation of this kind. I think that the diffi- culties and inconvenience likely to result could, in a great measure, be remedied through the operation of general laws, as was the case in Stevens Point Boom Co. v. Reilly, supra, and see People v. Perrin, 56 Cal. 345. In San Francisco v. Spring Valley Water- Works, 48 Cal. 493, 523, the court, in the face of similar arguments and considerations, re- versed what was held to be an erroneous construction of a similar clause in a state constitution, in an earlier case, decided eleven years 344 GREEN V. KNIFE FALLS BOOM CORPORATION. 70 before, and which upheld legislative grants of new franchises, and adopted the strict rule contended for by the respondent here. 4. The majority of the court, however, do not agree to the views above expressed in respect to the character of the special law in ques- tion, and the effect to be given to it, and are of the opinion that it ought not be held unconstitutional. They hold that the strict rule forbidding the grant of additional powers or franchises, while it may be the more logical and satisfactory , treated as an original question, has never in fact been recognized or adopted by the legislature or courts of the state; that this constitutional provision was open to con- struction, and, during a long course of legislation, the practical cort- struction placed upon it by the legislature and people has been a liberal one in respect to amendments, and that the court should be very slow to change it, at this late day, for the reason that the ex- tensive and varied legislation affecting corporate charters, so long con- tinued, has come to involve very large public and private interests. Considering the amount and character of such legislation, and in view of the decisions of this court, it would often be difficult to accurately define the boundary line between valid and void acts, leaving many cases in doubt and uncertainty until actually adjudicated. Under these circumstances the constitutional amendment of 1881 was adopted (laws 1881, c. 3), which, in direct and plain terms, forbids special legislation of the character complained of. The language of this amendment is: "The legislature is prohibited from enacting any special or private laws in the following cases: * * * (7) For granting corporate powers or privileges, except to cities." This amendment, in their opinion, indicates a change of policy, and un- questionably inaugurates or restores the strict rule of construction as to all subsequent legislation affecting the charters of existing corpo- rations. Its language and meaning are too clear to call for construc- tion, and there will be no ground upon which to build any subsequent erroneous legislation or popular construction. My brethren are also of the opinion that the act in question does not, within the rule laid down in Ames v. Lake Superior and Missis- sippi R. Co., supra, work such a change in the character of the cor- poration as to constitute it essentially a new or different corporation, though it enlarges its business, and grants the necessary incidental powers to make such enlargement practical and effective, and that for these reasons the act should not be held void. Judgment reversed. See 1899, Bank of Commerce v. Wiltsie, 153 Ind. 460, 47 L. R. A. 489. 71 LIMITS ON POWER TO CREATE. 345 Sec. 71. Same. THE CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO v. THE SPRING VAL- LEY WATER- WORKS. 1 1874. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF CALIFORNIA. 48 Cal. Rep. 493-535- [Appeal from the district court. The general iaw providing tor the incorporation of water-works companies took effect April 22, 1858. The next day the legislature enacted the "Ensign Act," per- mitting one Ensign and his associates, upon becoming incorporated under the general corporation laws, to supply water to San Francisco, use the city streets therefor, charge certain rates, have certain privi- leges, and be subject to certain burdens, not included in the general law relating to the incorporation of water companies.] By the court, CROCKETT, J. On the former appeal, and at the first hearing of the present appeal, it was assumed, by both court and counsel, that the rights and obligations of the defendant were to be ascertained by reference to the act of April 23, 1858, authorizing Ensign and his associates to lay down water-pipes in the streets of San Francisco. But on the rehearing the point is made for the first time by the defendant that the Ensign act is unconstitutional and void, and consequently can confer no rights on the plaintiff nor impose any duties on the defendant. The eighth section of the act is in these words : "This act shall not take effect unless the parties named in section r shall, within sixty days after its passage, duly organize themselves in conformity with the existing laws regulating corporations now in force in this state." It is contended that this is an attempt to confer corporate rights by a special act upon Ensign and his associates, in violation of section 31, article 4, of the constitution, which provides that "corporations may be formed under general laws, but shall not be created by special act except for municipal purposes. All general laws and special acts passed pursuant to this section may be altered from time to time or repealed" The act in question does not purport to organize Ensign and his associates as a corporation. On the contrary, it requires them to "organize themselves in conformity with the existing laws regulat> ing corporations," as a condition on which they shall become entitled to the benefits and privileges enumerated in the act. It is clear, there- fore, that the corporation, when formed, did not derive its corporate existence from the Ensign act; nor could it have done so under the constitution. But it is claimed that under this provision of the con- stitution, corporations must not only be formed under general laws, but that their rights, duties and obligations must be prescribed in the same method, and can not be created by special acts. On the other 1 Statement of facts abridged. Arguments omitted. Opinions of McKin- stry (concurring) and Rhodes, J., dissenting, omitted. 346 CITY, ETC., V. SPRING VALLEY WATER-WORKS. 71 hand, it is insisted that the constitution is wholly silent as to the powers and duties of corporations, and goes no further than to require that they shall be "formed" under general laws, and prohibits them from being "created by special act;" but left the legislature free to confer upon them, by either general laws or special acts, such powers as it shall see fit. If this theory be correct, the constitutional pro- vision has imposed upon the legislature only the duty of providing by general laws the formulas by which corporations may be formed the mere routine by which an artificial entity may be created but has in no degree limited the power of the legislature to confer upon it by special grant, at its discretion, any powers or privileges of whatso- ever nature. On this construction, it would be competent for the leg- islature to provide, by a general law, that any number of persons might become a body corporate, on filing a certificate stating their intention to that effect, and the name of the corporation ; and the legislature might then, by special grant, confer on the corporation any powers, however great, and any privileges, however diversified. It might authorize it to construct railroads, to transact the business of banking or insurance, deal in lands and establish steamship lines. There would be no limit to its power in this respect. Nor, when once granted by special act, could these privileges be recalled or modified by the legislature. The grant, and its acceptance by the corporation, would have created a contract, the obligation of which could not be impaired by any subsequent legislation. Long prior to the adoption of our constitution, experience had de- monstrated the enormous evils resulting from legislation of this char- acter. By means of hasty or corrupt legislation, great monopolies had been created, which were beyond legislative control. Capital was aggregated in the hands of large corporations with peculiar and oppressive privileges, frequently procured through venal legislation. There was no uniformity in the powers exercised by corporations pursuing the same business. So long as they derived their powers, privileges and immunities from special legislative grants, these, of course, varied according to the temper of the legislature, and the result was that each succeeding corporation had greater or less powers than its predecessors. With no limitation upon the discretion of the legislature in respect to the particular powers and privileges to be granted to each, nor as to the innumerable purposes for which corporations might be formed, nor as to the term of their duration, gross abuse necessarily resulted from such a system. Extraordinary privileges, oppressive powers, and onerous monopolies were con- ferred upon some and denied to others engaged in the same business. Their powers were frequently enlarged, and the terms of their dura- tion extended by special grant. Under this system there was* danger that large aggregations of capital would so practice upon the credu- lity or venality of legislative bodies as to secure the most oppressive monopolies, and seriously interfere with the enterprise and industry of the individual citizen. One of the latest and most startling illus- trations of this danger is to be found in an act of the legislature of 71 LIMITS ON POWER TO CREATE. 347 Louisiana, passed in the year 1869, by which a corporation was cre- ated by special grant, with the exclusive right to establish and main- tain slaughter-houses and landings for cattle for a period of twenty- five years in the city of New Orleans and several of the contiguous parishes. The constitution of Louisiana contains no limitation on the power of the legislature to confer corporate rights by special act, and the validity of this statute has been upheld by the supreme court of the state and of the United States. But this unrestricted power to endow corporations with peculiar and exclusive privileges would be less dangerous if a succeeding legis- lature could correct the abuses practiced by its predecessor, and abolish or restrict the privileges once granted. * * * It was the special purpose of the framers of our constitution to guard against these abuses by providing that "corporations may be formed under general laws, but shall not be created by special act, except for municipal purposes." Nor were they content to leave it doubtful whether the legislature would have power to modify or abro- gate these general laws or special acts to create municipal corpora- tions so as to affect the rights of existing corporations. Hence, the constitution contains the further provision that all general laws and special acts "passed pursuant to this section may be altered from time to time, or repealed." * * * Under these provisions the source from which private corporations must derive their powers and immunities is perfectly apparent. They can only "be formed under general laws," and can exercise no powers, except such as are derived from general laws. If this provis- ion means nothing more than that the legislature shall prescribe the mere formula by which a corporate entity may be called into life, and may then proceed to confer upon it by special act, at its discre- tion, extraordinary powers and privileges which it could not after- wards revoke or modify, because they were granted under special and not general laws, then, indeed, has the constitution signally failed to provide a remedy for the abuses already adverted to. On this con- struction, when a railroad corporation is once formed under a general law, the legislature, by special grant, may confer upon it extraordinary powers, greatly in excess of those exercised by other similar corpora- tions. It may authorize it to engage in banking, mining or any other business enterprise, or to charge higher rates of fare then are permitted to other competing roads. In like manner it might discriminate in favor of a particular banking corporation, or confer special, or per- haps, exclusive privileges on a particular mining, insurance or manu- facturing corporation. But, on the other, and the true construction of this constitutional provision, all private corporations must derive their powers from general laws, and not from special statutes. The general laws under which they were formed, and such others as shall afterward be enacted, must alone define their rights and powers. On this theory, all private corporations, formed for similar purposes, will stand upon the same footing, enjoy the same rights, and be subject to 348 CITY, ETC.,V. SPRING VALLEY WATER- WORKS. 71 the same burdens, which can not be increased or diminished except by general laws, applicable to all. * * * Nothing short of some imperative rule of constitutional construction would justify us in holding at this late day, that, though corporations must be "formed" under general laws, it is, nevertheless, competent for the legislature, by special grant, to confer upon a corporation once organized, any powers, however extraordinary. We think, on the contrary, that no corporate rights or powers can be conferred by special grant, but must all be derived under general laws. This brings us to the consideration of the Ensign act, so-called. The first seven sections confer upon Ensign and his associates certain privi- leges, and impose upon them certain duties in respect to furnishing the city and county of San Francisco with water for the extinguish- ment of fires and other municipal uses. Section 8, already quoted, provides that "this act shall not take effect unless the parties named in section i shall, within sixty days after its passage, duly organize themselves in conformity with the existing laws regulating corpora- tions now in force in this state." The grant, therefore, was not to take effect until Ensign and his associates had become a corporation under existing laws. It took effect as a grant, not to Ensign and his associates as private individuals, but to the corporation when formed. It was an attempt by the legislature to confer, by special grant, upon a private corporation about to be formed, certain peculiar privileges, and to subject it to certain duties not common to other corporations formed under the same general law. For the reasons already stated, this was not within the constitutional power of the legislature. Judgment and order affirmed. The foregoing opinion was delivered at the April term, 1874, and a rehearing having been applied for. the following opinion, denying the same, was delivered at the July term, 1874. In the former opinion on this appeal, we held that the act of April 23, 1858, known as the "Ensign Act," is in violation of art. iv, 31 of the constitution, which provides that "corporations may be formed under general laws, but shall not be created by special act, except for municipal purposes." A rehearing is asked, partly on the ground that this clause of the constitution has received a different construc- tion in the case of the California State Telegraph Company v. Alta Telegraph Company (22 Cal. 398), and that this decision has become a rule of property in this state, and ought not now to be disturbed, even though it was erroneous. After a careful examination of that case, I am satisfied that it can not be sustained, either on reason or authority. Mr. Justice Crocker, in delivering the opinion of the court, refers to several adjudged cases as supporting the conclusions at which he arrived, but an examination of these cases shows that they were misapprehended by the court, and do not support the de- cision. * * * [After discussing the cases of Aurora v. West, 9 Ind. 85 ; Gifford v. New Jersey R. & T. Co., 2 Stockton Ch. R. 171 ; C., P. & A. R. 7 1 LIMITS ON POWER TO CREATE. 349 v. Erie, 27 Pa. St. 380, relied upon by Justice Crocker in the former decision, and holding they did not involve the question here proceeds :] The only remaining case referred to was the Syracuse City Bankv. Davis (16 Barb. 188). The constitution of New York provides that "the legislature shall have no power to pass any act granting any spe- cial charters for banking purposes; but corporations or associations may be formed for such purposes under general laws." The Syra- cuse City Bank was organized under the general law ; but in some trifling particulars, the forms prescribed by the general law were not complied with, and the legislature passed a curative act, to the effect that the bank should be deemed a valid corporation, and to have been duly incorporated notwithstanding these informalities. The court held the curative act to be valid, on the ground that it did not create a cor- poration, but only remedied defects in the organization of one already created. That proposition has no analogy to the question involved here, which relates to the power of the legislature to confer upon an existing corporation, by special act, other powers than those derived from the general law. These are the only cases referred to by Mr. Justice Crocker, and none of them support his ruling. * * * On the other hand, authorities are not wanting in support of the opposite construction of the clause of the constitution. In Low v. The City of Marysville (5 Cal. 214) the question was whether it was competent for the legislature, by special act, to authorize the city (a municipal corporation) to subscribe for stock in a steamboat company organized to establish a line of steamers plying between that city and San Francisco. In delivering the opinion of the court, Chief Justice Murray holds that " the powers of municipal cor- porations must be confined strictly to police or governmental pur- poses," and that the power conferred upon the corporation to sub- scribe for stock in a railroad could not be granted by special act ; "for as it would have been in violation of the constitution to create an incorporation by special act, for other than municipal purposes, it follows that it would be equally unconstitutional to confer special power on a corporation already created. In other words, it would be doing by two acts that which the legislature could not do by one, and corporations for almost every purpose might be created by special act, by first incorporating the stockholders as a municipal body." This reasoning, I think, is unanswerable, and the decision is a direct ad- judication upon the question involved here. The constitution of Ohio contains these clauses: "Section i. The general assembly shall pass no special act con- ferring corporate powers. "Section 2. Corporations may be formed under general laws; but all such laws may, from time to time, be altered or repealed." In Atkinson v. The M. & C. R. Co., 15 Ohio St. Rep. 35, the court, in construing these clauses, says: "Constitutional provisions would be of little value if they could be evaded by a mere change of forms. These provisions of the constitution are too explicit to admit of the least doubt that they are intended to disable the general assem- 350 CITY, ETC., V. SPRING VALLEY WATER-WORKS. /I bly from either creating corporations or conferring upon them corpo- rate powers by special acts of legislation. It was intended to correct an existing evil, and to inaugurate the policy of placing all corpora- tions of the same kind upon a perfect equality as to all future grants of power; of making such laws applicable to all parts of the state, and thereby securing the vigilance and attention of its whole repre- sentation, and, finally, of making all judicial constructions of their powers, or the restrictions imposed upon them, equally applicable to all corporations of the same class." * * * The constitution of Iowa provides that ''the general assembly shall not pass local or special laws in the following cases: * * * for the incorporation of cities and towns," and for other specified purposes, "In all the cases above enumerated, atzd in all other cases where a general law can be made applicable, all laws shall be general and of uniform operation throughout the state." The legislature passed a special act to amend the charter of the city of Davenport, a municipal corporation, and in Ex parte Pritz (9 Iowa 30), the question before the court was, whether the legislature, by a special act, could amend the charter of a municipal corporation, and thereby place it upon a different footing from other municipal corporations, organized under the general law. In considering this point, the court says the intention of the constitution was "to prevent special or local legislation ; to require that the legislature should pass general laws upon all the subjects named, and in all other cases where such general laws could be made applicable. There can be no ques- tion but that it was designed to confine the legislature to general legis- lation, and leave the people, in their municipal capacity, to organize and carry out their government under such general laws. If this be so, then to say that the legislature may not pass a law to incorporate a city, but may, to amend an act of incorporation in existence before the adoption of the constitution, or charters formed under the general law, would make this provision of the constitution practically amount to nothing. For if they may amend, they may, to the extent of pass- ing an entire new law, except as to one section. Or they may at one session amend half the law, and the next the other half, and thus the plain and positive prohibition of the fundamental law be evaded. By such a construction the evil sought to be remedied would continue, if possible, in a more objectionable form." The same principle was substantially decided in the Town of McGregor v. Bauliss (19 Iowa 43). It will be observed that by the constitution of Iowa, the prohibition of the constitution was against special laws, "for the incorporation of cities and towns;" whilst in our constitution the provision is that corporations, except for munici- pal purposes, shall not be "created" by special act. In neither is the legislature in express terms prohibited from conferring additional powers upon, or amending the charter of an existing corporation formed under the general law. The reasoning of the supreme court of Iowa, however, is conclusive on the point that, under our con- stitution, the legislature, by special act, can not either amend the 71 : iMITS ON POWER TO CREATE. 351 charter of an existing corporation, or confer upon it powers and im- munities not granted by the general law. * * * In the case of the Dartmouth College v. Woodward (4 Wheat. 519) it had been decided by the supreme court of the United States that privileges secured by special acts of incorporation constituted con- tracts, which were protected by that clause of the constitution of the United States, which prohibits a state from passing laws impairing the obligation of contracts. That case was followed by numerous other decisions of like import, in the same court, and in almost every state of the Union, including New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Iowa, Indiana, Illinois and Virginia. In his work on Constitutional Limitations (page 279), Judge Cooley says: "It is under the protection of the decision in the Dartmouth College case that the most enormous and threatening powers in our country have been created, some of the great and wealthy corpora- tions actually having greater influence in the country at large, and upon the legislation of the country, than the states to which they owe their corporate existence. Every privilege granted or right conferred, no matter by what means or on what pratense, being made inviolable by the constitution, the government is frequently found stripped of its authority in very important particulars by unwise, careless or cor- rupt legislation ; and a clause of the federal constitution whose pur- pose was to preclude the repudiation of debts and just contracts, pro- tects and perpetuates the evil. To guard against such calamities in the future, it is customary now for the people in framing their consti- tutions to forbid the granting of corporate power, except subject to amendment and repeal, but the improvident grants of an early day are beyond their reach." In view of these calamities, the framers of our constitution were not content merely to reserve to the legislature the power of amendment and repeal, but prohibited in terms the power to create corporations, except for municipal purposes by spe- cial act, and almost every state which has recently amended its con- stitution has followed our example. In the face of these facts it is altogether incredible that in forbidding corporations, except for munici- pal purposes, to be "created" by special act, it was intended to pro- vide only that the mere forms by which corporate entity was created should be prescribed by the general laws ; but that when thus formed, it may be endowed by special act with any powers however diversi- fied, at the discretion of the legislature. * * * It is claimed, however, that the introduction of water in a city for the use of the inhabitants and of the corporate authorities, is a "mu- nicipal purpose" within the sense of the constitution, and that private corporations may be created by special act for such purposes. In Low v. Marysville, supra, it was decided that the term "municipal purposes," as employed in this section of the constitution, referred only to governmental and police powers, and that the legislature is prohibited from conferring even upon a municipal corporation by special act, any powers except for police and governmental purposes." But however this may be in respect to the corporation itself, it is 352 CITY, ETC., V. SPRING VALLEY WATER-WORKS. . 71 clear that the right to introduce water into a city can not be conferred upon a private corporation by special act, upon the plea that it was a corporation organized for "municipal purposes" in the sense of the constitution. If the legislature, by special act, can confer such pow- ers upon a private corporation for supplying a city with water, it can confer similar powers upon all corporations for similar purposes. It might by special act incorporate a gas company to furnish the inhabitants with gas, or a coal or wood company to furnish them with fuel, or a pav- ing company to pave the streets, or a slaughter-house company to furnish the people with meat, or a milling company to supply them with bread. Every county in the state is a quasi municipal corporation, and it is the duty of the corporation to see that proper roads, bridges and pub- lic buildings are provided for the use of the inhabitants. On this theory, the legislature, by special act, might organize private corpo- rations for all these purposes, and endow them with peculiar, oppres- sive, and, perhaps, exclusive powers and privileges. In this way the constitutional prohibition would be frittered away, and would prac- tically amount to nothing. * * * It is further claimed that the decision in the case of The California State Telegraph Co. v. The Alta Telegraph Co. has become a rule of property, and ought not now to be disturbed, even though it be con- ceded to be erroneous. In support of this proposition we have been referred to numerous statutes claimed to be similar to the Ensign act, under which it is said great property rights have grown up. It may be that some, but I think no serious, injury will result to property rights from overruling that decision. If it shall be found that serious inconvenience would otherwise result, the legislature may amend the general law regulating corporations, so as to obviate the difficulties that would otherwise arise, and allow these corporations to reincor- porate under the new law. But, in any event, it is better that some temporary inconvenience should be submitted to rather than that one of the most valuable provisions of the fundamental law should be practically obliterated. No greater calamity could befall this state than to open wide the door leading to careless or corrupt legislation in the form of special acts granting peculiar and onerous privileges to private corporations. * * * It has been suggested that the grant to the Spring Valley Water- Works under the Ensign act was not a grant of corporate rights, but only an easement permitting the company to lay its pipes through the streets, subject to the performance of certain duties imposed by the act. The argument is that an easement of this character is property, which it was in the power of the state to grant to an existing corpo- ration as it might grant property to any corporation, coupled with such conditions as it saw fit to impose ; and that this is not a grant of .cor- porate rights within the purview of the constitution. It is a conclu- sive answer to this proposition that the Ensign act did not grant to the Spring Valley Water- Works any easement of this character which it did not already possess under the general law, under which it was incorporated. By the fifth section of the general act (Statutes 1858, 71 LIMITS ON POWER TO CREATE. 353 p. 219^, the company had the absolute right "to use so much of the streets, ways, and alleys in any town, city or county, or any public road therein, as may be necessary for laying pipes for conducting water into any such town, city, or city and county, or through or into any part or parts thereof." The corporation already having this right, under its act of incorporation, it is clear that the Ensign act con- ferred upon it no additional privileges in this respect. When the state grants to a private corporation an easement over the streets, not common to the public at large, it acts in its sovereign capacity and grants a franchise, 'which enters into and forms an es- sential element in the corporate powers of the corporation; 'which be- comes entitled to the right, not because the state has parted with any proprietary interest in the land, but because in its sovereign capacity , having the control of public high-ways, it has granted to the corpora- tion a franchise, entitling it to an easement over the streets not com- mon to the general public. This is purely a grant of corporate power, and nothing more or less, and, as we have already seen, such rights can not be conferred by special act. But even if it be conceded that the right to the use of the streets may be granted by special act, still the Ensign act must fail, because the right to use the streets is insep- arably blended with the grant of other rights, and the imposition of certain burdens, which are in plain violation of the constitution. As, for example, the right in a certain contingency to charge higher rates for water than other corporations organized under the same general law, and the imposition of greater burdens upon the company, than are imposed by the general law. It is a well-settled rule, that where a portion of an act is constitutional and another portion is unconstitu- tional \ if the two are so inseparably blended together as to make it clear that either clause would not have been enacted without the other, the whole act must fall. It is perfectly clear that such is the condi- tion of this act, and that all its provisions must stand or fall together. We are satisfied that these views are in strict accordance with the letter and spirit of the constitution. On the opposite theory the leg- islature, by special act, may grant to a railroad corporation the right to lay down its tracks in the streets on condition that it supply the inhabitants with water or gas, or keep the streets in repair at a spec- ified price, thus opening the door to corrupt and vicious legislation, against which the constitution has so carefully guarded. Rehearing denied. See note, p. 706. 23 WIL. CASES. 354 SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. CO. V. ORTON. 72 Sec. 72. Same. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. CO. v. ORTON. 1 1879. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA. 32 Fed. Rep. 457-480. [Action to recover lands. Plaintiff claimed, under congressional grant, to aid Southern Pacific Railroad. Patent had issued. De- fendant claimed by pre-emption. The railroad company was incor- porated by the state of California in 1861. On April 4, 1870, the legislature of California passed an act as follows: "Whereas, by the provisions of a certain act of congress of the United States of America, entitled 'An act granting lands to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from San Francisco to the eastern line of the state of California,' approved July 27, 1866, certain grants were made to, and certain rights, privi- leges, powers and authority were vested in and conferred upon the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the state of California ; therefore, to enable the said company to more fully and completely comply with and perform the requirements, provisions and conditions of the said act of congress, and all other acts of congress now in force or which may hereafter be enacted, the state of California hereby consents to said act ; and the said company, its successors and assigns are hereby authorized and empowered to change the line of its railroad so as to reach the eastern boundary line of the state of California by such route as the company shall determine to be the most practicable, and to file new and amendatory articles of association ; and the right, power and privilege is hereby granted to, conferred upon and vested in them, to construct, maintain and operate, by steam or other power, the said railroad and telegraph line mentioned in said acts of congress, hereby confirming to and vesting in the said company, its successors and as- signs, all the rights, privileges and franchises, power and authority conferred upon, granted to or vested in said company by the said acts of congress, and any act of congress which may be hereafter enacted."] SAWYER, J. * * * But it is insisted that this act was passed in violation of the provisions of section 31 of article iv of the constitution of California, which reads: "Corporations may be formed under gen- eral laws, but shall not be created by special act except for municipal purposes." After a careful consideration of the question, I am, myself unable to perceive wherein that portion of the act, at least, which au- thorizes the company to change the line of its road, and to accept the grant made by and to build the road provided for in the act of con- gress is in contravention of this provision of the constitution. It is unnecessary to consider the provision of this act authorizing the cor- 1 Only that part of the case relating to construction of constitutional pro- vision given. $ 72 LIMITS ON POWER TO CREATE. 355 poration to file amended articles of association, for, if that be con- ceded to be in excess of the legislative power, it can be separated from the others, and does not vitiate the other provisions. I do not perceive that any amendment of the articles was necessary, for the corporation was already formed or created, was already in existence with all the essential faculties that go to make up a corporation for building a railroad, and the act authorizing the change of line and acceptance of the congressional grant with its conditions, only granted to an existing person permission to do a thing which had no necessary relation to the corporate grantee, and was not at all essential to the existence of the legal entity created by law, or to any other person, natural or artificial. But if an amendment to the articles was neces- sary, it was already authorized and provided for by the prior act of March i, 1870, and it was not necessary to repeat the authority in this act, and the act of March i is a general act, and, therefore, not obnoxious to" the objection urged against the said act of April 4, 1870. The settled rule of construction of state constitutions is that they are not special grants of power to legislative bodies, like the constitution of the United States, but general grants of all the usually recognized powers of legislation not actually prohibited or expressly excepted. In the language of Mr. Justice Shafter in Bourland v. Hildreth, 26 Cal. 183: "The constitution is not a grant of power or an enabling act to the legislature. It is a limitation on the general powers of a legislative character, and restrains only so far as the restriction ap- pears either by express terms or by necessary implication, and the delicate office of declaring an act of the legislature unconstitutional and void should never be exercised unless there be a clear repug- nancy between the statute and the organic law." See, also, Bour- land v. Hildreth, 26 Cal. 215, 225, et seq.; People v Sassovich, 29 Cal. 482; Railroad Co. v. City of Stockton, 41 Cal. 161. And it is equally well settled that the exception must be strictly construed. In the language of Mr. Chief Justice Wallace in the last case cited: "The construction is 'strict against those -who stand upon the excep- tion and liberal in favor of the government itself S ' Railroad Co. v. City of Stockton, 41 Cal. 162. And in Sharpless v. Mayor of Philadelphia, 21 Pa. St. 160, Mr. Chief Justice Black said upon the same subject: "The federal constitution confers powers expressly . enumerated, that of the state contains a general grant of all powers not excepted. The construction of the former instrument is strict against those who claim under it, the interpretation of the latter is strict against those who stand upon the exceptions, and liberal in favor of the government itself; the federal government can do noth- ing but what is authorized expressly, or by clear implication ; the state may do -whatever is not prohibited." The authorities establishing this canon of construction are numer- ous, and, so far as I know, uniform. Bearing this rule of construc- tion in mind, what does the constitutional prohibition relied on mean? The only prohibitory words are that corporations of the class in ques- tion "shall not be created by special act." The word "create" has 356 SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. CO. V. ORTON. /2 a clear, well-settled, and well-understood signification. It means to bring into being, to cause to exist, to produce, to make, etc. To my apprehension, it appears to be one thing to create, or bring into being, a corporation, and quite another to deal with it as an existing entity, a person, after it is created by regulating its intercourse, rela- tions and acts as to other existing persons, natural and artificial. "A corporation is a franchise possessed by one or more individuals, who subsist as a body politic, under a special denomination, and are vested, by the policy of the law, with the capacity of perpetual succession, and of acting in several respects, however numerous the association may be, as a single individual." 2 KentComm. (9th ed.) 306; Rail- road Co. v. Commissioners, iiaU. S. 609, 5 Sup. Ct, Rep. 299. The ordinary incidents to a corporation are to have perpetual succession, and the power of electing or otherwise providing members in the place of those removed by death or otherwise, to sue and to be sued, to grant and receive and to purchase and hold lands and chattels by their cor- porate name; to have a common seal ; to make by-laws for the gov- ernment of the corporation, and sometimes the power of amotion or removal of members. "The essence of a corporation consists only of a capacity to have perpetual succession under a special denomination, and an artificial form, and to take and grant property, contract obliga- tions, and sue and be sued by its corporate name, and to receive and enjoy in common grants of privileges and immunities." Railroad Co. v. Commissioners, 112 U. S. 609, 3 Sup. Ct. Rep. 325. The creative act necessarily extends only to the bringing into being of an artificial person, with the capacities stated, among which is "# capacity to receive and enjoy in common grants and privileges, and immunities;" that is to say, a capacity to receive and enjoy such grants, privileges, and immunities as may be made either at the time of the creation or any other time. The creation of the being with the capacity to receive grants is one thing; the granting of other privi- leges and immunities, which it has the capacity to receive when created, is another. When such a being is brought into existence, a corporation has been created. A legal entity, a person, has been created, with a capacity to do by its corporate name such things as the legislative power may permit, and receive such grants of such rights and privi- leges, and of such property, as the legislature itself or private persons with the legislative permission may give. But I do not understand that every right, privilege, or grant that can be conferred upon a cor- poration must be given simultaneously with the creative act of incor- poration. On the contrary, I suppose the artificial being must be cre- ated with a capacity to receive before anything can be received. The right to be a corporation is itself a separate, distinct, and independ- ent franchise, complete within itself. And a corporation having been created, enjoying this franchise, may receive a grant and enjoy other distinct and independent franchises, such as may be granted to and enjoyed by natural persons ; but because it enjoys the latter franchises, they do not, therefore, constitute a part of the distinct and independ- ent essential franchise, the right to be a corporation. They are ad- 72 LIMITS ON POWLR T< CREATE. 357 ditional franchises given to the corporation, and not parts of the cor- poration itself, not of the essence of the corporation. Natural persons, with certain physical capacities, being brought into existence through the process appointed by nature, may be pro- hibited by law from doing one thing and permitted to do another; may enjoy one franchise and be excluded from the enjoyment of an- other ; but these permissions and prohibitions constitute no part of the person, and were in no manner connected with the creative act. So, with reference to corporations, being once created, they have the physical capacity, through their officers, to do anything that a natural person may do; such as building a church, a steamship or a railroad. But, being created, they may be prohibited from doing one thing and permitted to do another, like natural persons ; but this permission or prohibition is not a creative act, but an act regulating the conduct of the corporation, and determining its rights and relations to the public, and to other existing persons, natural and artificial. Corporate pow- ers, strictly speaking, I suppose, are those peculiar and essential to a corporation not those which are or may be possessed in common with natural persons; and they are very few in number, embracing those which pertain to the essence of the corporation. The term is, undoubtedly, often and conveniently used in a broader sense, but it is not found in the constitutional provision in question. Section 33, article 4, defines the term "corporation" as used in the constitution, and says it "shall be construed to include all associations and joint- stock companies having any of the powers of corporations not possessed by individuals or partnerships." Of course, it excludes all associa- tions that do not have any powers other than those possessed by indi- viduals and partnerships. And this provision is a recognition of the idea that corporate powers are only such as are not possessed in com- mon with individuals and partnerships or natural persons. The power to create a corporation, as the terms are used in section 33, extends, therefore, to the bringing into being of a legal entity, having powers and privileges not possessed by individuals; that is to say, possessing the powers, which, as before stated, constitute the essence of a corporation, or corporate powers, strictly speaking, and has no reference to the legislative dealings with that artificial person after its creation. I suppose the constitution might have devolved the power of creating a corporation on some other body, as the supreme court, and the power to deal with it after its creation to regulate its conduct and relations to the public, and to prescribe its rights, powers, and duties other than those strictly corporate, to the legislature. Had it been so provided, there can be no doubt that such powers would have been wholly distinct and independent. I do not perceive that they are any the less so because exercised by the same body. The act of creating a corporation by conferring upon an association of in- dividuals certain strictly corporate powers, embracing only powers and privileges not possessed by individuals and partnerships, and then granting to it other privileges, enlarging or restricting its right to the enjoyment of other franchises that may be possessed in common with 358 SOUTHERN PACIFC R. CO. V. ORTON. 72 natural persons, and regulating its external relations are, to my mind, distinct and independent, and I find nothing in the constitution pro- hibiting the latter power to the legislature. There are numerous dis- tinct, independent franchises, any one or more of which may be granted indifferently either to natural persons or existing corporations, and, in my judgment, the constitution no more prohibits the granting of any one of those franchises, except such as are expressly prohibited, to corporations, by special act, than to individuals. It only prohib- its the creation of a corporation by special act ; that is to say, that the creating or granting of the particular franchise constituting a corpo- ration shall not be by special act. The prohibition applies to no other of the numerous franchises which are subjects of legislative grant. In this case there was a corporation a railroad corporation duly created under the general act, for the purpose of building a railroad in a southeastern direction through the state of California to the east- ern line of the state, to intersect with a road which, it was supposed, would soon be built to the eastern states, the route of which was still undetermined and uncertain. It had all the faculties physically neces- sary to enable it to build any railroad. Afterward congress authorized the building of a road across the continent on or near the thirty-fifth parallel of latitude to intersect the line of the state at a point different from that designated in the articles of association of said corporation, and made a grant to the corporation on condition that it should build a road from a point of intersection with said transcontinental road, near the eastern line of the state, to San Francisco, and the legisla- ture, by special act, authorized the said corporation, already in exis- tence, with authority and capacity to build a railroad, to build its road upon said line, and accept and receive said grant. In my judgment, this is in no sense an act creating a corporation, or a new corporate power, or new corporate franchise within the proper meaning of the term, but a dealing with a corporation already in existence authorized to build a road in the same general direction, with the same object in view ; that the change of line was a matter of detail only, and, if not, but on the contrary, the grant of an independent right, and an addi- tional privilege or franchise, it was still one entirely competent for the legislature to confer upon the existing corporation, as well as on any natural person, and in no way obnoxious to the provision prohib- iting the creation of a corporation for such purpose by special act. To reach any other conclusion would be to violate the canon of con- stitutional construction before stated ; to disregard the plain meaning of the terms used in the constitution, and upon imaginary grounds in- terpolate into that instrument language which the people have not seen fit to place there themselves. As said, in substance, by Mr. Justice Crocker, in Telegraph Co. v. Telegraph Co., 22 Cal. 425, to give the constitution any such construction as claimed we would have to make it read thus: "Corporations may be formed, and other fran- chises and special privileges granted, under general laws, but shall not be created, nor shall other franchises or special privileges be granted by special act, except for municipal purposes." He well re- $ /2 LIMITS ON POWER TO CREATE. 359 marks: "If such had been the meaning intended by the framers of the constitution, they could easily have expressed it in apt words. The language used by them is clear, and they well knew that it in- cluded but one of the numerous class of franchises the subject of leg- islative grant, and that a regulation of one could not by any reasonable implication be extended to others not mentioned." * * * I should have contented myself with the simple reference to this authority without any discussion of the question, but for the fact that defendant has cited the case of San Francisco v. Water-Works, 48 Cal. 493, decided by the supreme court of the state, in which it is held that corporations can exercise no powers except such as are con- ferred by the general laws under which they are formed, and that the legislature can not confer on -such corporations any powers, or grant them any privileges by special act. * * * In 1863, the same question arose in Telegraph Co. v. Telegraph Co., 22 Cal. 398, and was elaborately considered. It was then held that the legislature might confer upon existing corporations by special act a direct grant of special privileges and franchises ; and that there was no restriction upon the power imposed by the constitution, except as to the particular privileges therein specified. * * * Of the six justices of the supreme court, who have considered the question, three took one view and three the other, so they stand in number equally balanced. The able and eminent justice who delivered the opinion of the - court in the last case, for whose opinion I entertain profound respect, very ably presented the same views adopted in his opinion, in his argument as counsel in the former case, so that the court in the first case did not overlook, but, on the contrary, fully considered them. Had the justices who have passed upon the question in the two cases sat as one court, there would have been no decision of the question. Thus, the matter stands equally balanced, the only difference as authority being that the decis- ion against the constitutionality of the power is last. * * * For these reasons, under the following authorities, I feel at liberty to adopt my own and the views of the United States supreme court, which accord with the first case decided by the supreme court of Cali- fornia, and not with the second. Insurance Co. v. Debolt, 16 How. 431, 432; Gelpcke v. City of Dubuque, i Wall. 206. But this case falls within the principle decided in the two cases cited, as well as others, in another particular. The act in question was passed and acted upon by the railroad company four years before the decision in San Francisco v. Water- Works, and rights have become vested under it. During all that time it was the settled construction of the consti- tutional provision in question that such legislation was valid. The act, therefore, became a contract between the state and the company, under which the latter entered upon the construction of its road in pursuance of the terms of the several statutes mentioned. In the last case cited the court, quoting from the opinion in the next preceding case, says: "The sound and true rule is, that if the contract, when made, was valid by the laws of the state, as then ex- 360 STATE V. THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 73 pounded by all the departments of the government and administered in its courts of justice, its validity and obligation can not be impaired by any subsequent legislation, or decision of its courts altering the construction of the law. The same principle applies when there is a change of judicial decision as to the constitutional power of the legislature to enact the law. To this rule -we adhere. It is the laiv of this court. It rests upon the plainest principles of justice. To hold otherwise would be as unjust as to hold that rights acquired un- der statutes may be lost by repeal. The rule embraces this case." i Wall. 206. And so it does the case now in hand. * * * I, therefore, hold the act of April 4, 1870, authorizing the defend- ant to build its road upon the line indicated in the plat filed with the commissioner of the general land office, and to accept the congres- sional grant, was a valid act, and at the time of its passage conferred the rights and powers indicated upon the Southern Pacific Railroad Company. * * * Judgment for plaintiff. Note. Supporting this view see : 1880, Attorney-General v. North Am. L. Ins. Co., 82 N. Y. 172; 1881, Central Ag. & Mech. Assn. v. Ala. G. L. Ins. Co., 70 Ala. 120; 1884, Attorney-General v. Joy, 55 Mich. 94; 1887, Wiley v. Bluffton, 111 Ind. 152; 1891, St. Joseph and Iowa R. Co. v. Shambaugh* 106 Mo. 557; 1898, Indianapolis v. Navin, 151 Ind. 139, 47 N. E. Rep. 525. Sec. 73. (3) Conferring corporate powers. "The legislature shall pass no special or local act conferring cor- porate powers." THE STATE OF OHIO, Ex RBL. ATTORNEY-GENERAL, v. THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 1 1870. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF OHIO. 20 Ohio State Reports, 18-37. BRINKERHOFF, C. J. [This is an information in the nature of a writ of quo ivarranto, filed in this court by the attorney-general for the purpose of testing and contesting the validity of certain extensive annexations of outlying territory and incorporated villages claimed by the city to have been made to it under the authority and in accordance with the provisions of the act of the i6th of April, 1870, to prescribe the corporate limits of Cincinnati. 67 Ohio L. 141. The city, by plea, set out the statute, and relied upon it for her au- thority in annexing the territory and exercising her jurisdiction over it. The state filed a reply, to which the city demurred, and thereby raised the legal sufficiency of all the preceding pleadings, the main 1 Statement of facts abridged. Arguments and part of opinion omitted. 73 LIMITS ON POWER TO CREATE. 361 point being the constitutionality of the act. The constitution, article xiii, provides: "Sec. i. The general assembly shall pass no special act, confer- ring corporate powers." "Sec. 2. Corporations may be formed under general laws, but all such laws may, from time to time, be altered or repealed." "Sec. 6. The general assembly shall provide for the organization of cities and incorporated villages by general laws, and restrict their power of taxation, assessment, borrowing money, contracting debts and loaning their credit so as to prevent the abuse of such power."] In looking at these provisions of our constitution and indeed, in looking over all the provisions of our constitution from beginning to end it will be seen that they make no distinction as respects legisla- tive power in the creation of them, and in the conferring of powers upon them between any classes of corporations proper. They make no distinction between private corporations such as railroad, manu- facturing or mining corporations or the like and public municipal corporations, such as cities and villages. On the contrary, and as if to preclude the hypothesis of any such distinction, the sixth section of the thirteenth article assumes the imperative form of expression and declares that "the general assembly shall provide for the organization of cities and incorporated villages by general laws." In respect to corporations proper, whether private or municipal, the provisions of section i, article xiii, are all comprehensive. "The general assembly shall pass no special act conferring corporate powers." These pro- visions of the constitution are as imperative, as comprehensive and emphatic as if the people, speaking through their constitution, had said: "The bane and curse of our legislation, as it existed under the latitudinarian provisions of the constitution of 1802, is in future utterly and absolutely prohibited. Henceforth, the laws conferring corporate powers shall be general, affecting or liable to affect the interests of the constituency of every individual member of the general assembly and so by powerful motives calling his attention to the effect of pro- posed enactments upon his own immediate constituency as well as upon the people of other localities." This is the policy and. intent of the provisions of the constitution above quoted, and they are as clearly apparent as if they had been expressed in so many words. No one who has read the proceedings and debates of the convention which presented to the people of Ohio the framework of the consti- tution which the latter by their votes established and adopted, or is old enough to remember the apprehensions of evil consequences with which the conferring of corporate powers by special acts were re- garded, can fail to. see that it was one of the ends and aims of the constitutional convention and of the people who adopted the frame- work of a constitution which that convention presented for their adop- tion or rejection, to cut up by the roots at once and forever, all capac- ity of the general assembly to confer by special act any powers what- soever upon any corporate body whatsoever. At one time, indeed, an attempt was made to escape the effect of 362 STATE V. THE CITY OF CINCINNATI. 73 these constitutional restrictions on legislative power, on the theory that the phrase "conferring corporate powers" meant simply the con- ferring of corporate existence the creation of a corporation, so that if corporations were only created under general laws, the legislature might then proceed by special acts to confer upon existing corpora- tions as many and as varied powers as it pleased. Such a construc- tion would leave a door wide open for the re-introduction of all the evils of special legislation which these restrictions and mandatory pro- visions of the constitution were obviously designed to guard against and prevent. Accordingly such a construction was distinctly repudi- ated by this court in the carefully considered case of Atkinson v. The Marietta, etc., R. Co., 15 Ohio St. 21. In that case Ranney, J., delivering the opinion of the court, and referring to the first and sec- ond sections of the thirteenth article of the constitution above quoted, says: "These provisions of the constitution are too explicit to admit of the least doubt that they were intended to disable the general as- sembly from either creating corporations or conferring upon them corporate powers by special acts of legislation. It was intended to correct an existing evil, and to inaugurate the policy of placing all corporations of the same kind upon a perfect equality as to all future grants of power, of making such law applicable to all parts of the state, and thereby securing the vigilance and attention of its whole representation, and finally, of making all judicial constructions of their powers, or the restrictions imposed upon them, equally applicable to all corporations of the same class. We must give such a construc- tion to the constitution as will preserve its leading objects intact." I think the following propositions to be impregnable : 1. The general assembly can not, by a special act, create a corpo- ration. 2. It can not, by special act, confer additional powers upon corpo- rations already existing. 3. In the purview of these propositions and of the constitutional provisions on which they are based, there is no distinction between private and municipal corporations. Now for the application of these propositions to the case before us. The act of the general assembly under which the corporate au- thorities of Cincinnati proceeded to make the annexations of outside territory which they claimed to have made and consummated, is "# special act." It does not purport to be otherwise. Its language is: "Be it enacted by the general assembly of the state of Ohio, that the corporate limits of the city of Cincinnati shall be as follows: Com- mencing at the mouth of the Little Miami river, thence northeast- wardly," etc. And now but one question remains. Does this special act assume to confer upon the corporation of the city of Cincinnati additional corporate powers powers which, as a municipal corpora- tion, she did not previously possess? The answer is plain. It does assume to confer, on certain prescribed conditions, the power of mu- nicipal government, the power of police regulation, the power of judicial jurisdiction, and the powers of assessment and taxation, over 74 LIMITS ON POWER TO CREATE. 363 a number of outlying suburban incorporated villages, and of other territory hitherto subjected to no jurisdiction except such as belongs to the township, county and state organizations. A majority of the court are of opinion that the act is clearly in contravention of the restrictive provisions of the constitution, and, therefore, of no binding force and validity. And here I might properly stop ; yet, for the purpose of excluding a possible conclusion, I will, on my own individual responsibility, say one word more. It may be asked, Do we intend to include township and county organizations in the category with municipal and other corporations proper? The question is not involved in the present case, and so it is not properly before us ; but, if it were, I apprehend the answer to it would readily be found in the case of the Commis- sioners of Hamilton County v. Mighels, 7 Ohio St. 109, 1 where it is held that a county is not properly a corporation, but that "it is at most but a local organization, which, for purposes of civil administra- tion, is invested with a few functions characteristic of a corporate ex- istence." Judgment of ouster. SCOTT, WELCH and DAY, JJ., concurred. WHITE, J., did not concur. Note. See, 1878, State v. Maloy (City of Council Grove), 20 Kan. 619; 1880, School Districtv. Insurance Co., 103 U. S. 707 ; McGregorv. Baylies, 19 Iowa 43. Sec. 74 (4) Title and special privileges. "The legislature shall pass no bill embracing more than one subject, and that shall be expressed in the title ; nor shall any pri- vate or local bill be passed granting to any corporation, association or individual any special or exclusive right, privilege, immunity or franchise whatsoever. ' ' JOHN JACOB ASTOR ET AL., RESPONDENTS, v. THE ARCADE RAIL- WAY COMPANY, APPELLANT. 2 1889. IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF NEW YORK. 113 New York Reports 93-115. Appeal from an interlocutory judgment of the general term of the supreme court in the first judicial department, entered upon an order made May 18, 1888, which reversed a judgment of special term sus- taining a demurrer to the complaint herein and dismissing said com- plaint, and which overruled said demurrer. (Reported below, 48 Hun 562.) This action was brought by plaintiffs, who are the owners bf the 1 Supra, p. 214. 1 Arguments omitted. 364 ASTOR V. THE ARCADE RY. CO. 74 property fronting upon Broadway and Madison avenue, in the city of New York, to restrain the construction by defendant of a railway under the surface of said streets, which the complaint alleged de- fendant was about to attempt to do, claiming authority under the act (ch. 312, Laws of 1886), which act the complaint alleged to be un- constitutional and void. EARL, J. The sole question for our determination is whether the defendant has legal authority to construct and operate a railway under Broadway and Madison avenue in the city of New York. The de- fendant traces its corporate existence to the act, chapter 842 of the laws of 1868, entitled "An act to provide for the transmission of letters, packages and merchandise in the cities of New York and Brooklyn and across the North and East rivers by means of pneumatic tubes, to be constructed beneath the surface of the streets and public places in said cities and under the waters of said rivers." The first section of the act authorized and empowered Alfred E. Beach and other per- sons named, and their assigns, "to lay down, construct and maintain one or more pneumatic tubes in the soil beneath the surface, squares, avenues and public places, in the cities of New York and Brooklyn and under the bed of the waters of the East river between the said cities, and also under the bed of the w r aters of the North river from the city of New York to the shore of New Jersey, but at such depth as not to interfere with navigation ; and to convey letters, parcels, pack- ages, mails, merchandise and property in and through said tubes for compensation, by means of vehicles to be run and operated therein by the pneumatic system of propulsion ; and to the end that the public convenience may be promoted in the operation of said vehicles, the said persons and their assigns are also hereby authorized and required to erect upon the sidewalks of the said streets, squares, avenues and public places suitable ornamental lamp-posts, boxes, pillars or recept- acles, not exceeding thirty inches in diameter, connected with said pneumatic tubes for the deposit of letters, packages and property to be transmitted therein." And it provided that the tubes should not extend through any vault, nor under any sidewalk fronting on private property, without the consent of the owners of such private property, and compensation to them, which should be ascertained and deter- mined, in .case the parties could not agree, in the manner provided in the general railroad act of 1850. Section 2 provided that the pneu- matic tubes should be so constructed as to have a mean interior diam- ter of not exceeding fifty-four inches. Section 5 authorized the persons named in the act to hold a meet- ing and determine the terms and conditions upon which the powers, privileges and franchises conferred by the act might be transferred to a corporation to be organized as provided in the next section, and sec- tion 6 provided that in case the persons attending the meeting named in the prior section should so determine, they might organize them- . selves into a corporation in the manner specified in the general manu- facturing act of 1848, and the acts amendatory thereof, " for the purpose of constructing and maintaining the pneumatic tubes afore- 74 LIMITS ON POWER TO CREATE. 365 said and using and operating the same as hereinbefore authorized," and that the corporation so organized shall "possess all the powers and privileges conferred by said acts and be subject to all the duties and obligations imposed therein, not inconsistent with the provisions of this act." In August, 1868, in pursuance of the powers conferred by the act, the persons therein named organized themselves into a corporation by the name of "The Beach Pneumatic Transit Company," and in the certificate executed and filed by them, they declared that the object of the corporation was "to construct and operate pneumatic railroads in the cities of New York and Brooklyn and under the waters of the North and East rivers, and to exercise all the powers, privileges and franchises conferred upon said corporation by the act" of 1868, that the capital stock should be $5,000,000 and that the corporation should continue in existence for the term of fifty years. The certificate could give the corporation no greater powers than were conferred by the act of 1868, and to that act we must look for the scope and measure of its powers. The act did not confer railroad powers upon the corporation, and did not subject it to any of the railroad acts, except for the purpose of ascertaining the compensation to be paid to the owners of property interests .in the streets. It authorized the formation of a manufacturing corporation, with the incidents, powers and duties of such a corporation, so far as they were consistent with the purposes of the act. The corporation formed was, in fact, a manufacturing corporation, not, however, with the general power to engage in any manufacturing business, but for the sole purpose of constructing, maintaining, using and operating the pneumatic tubes. The forma- tion of such a corporation was a matter fairly embraced within the title of the act. It was an appropriate instrumentality to accomplish the purposes of the act, and in no sense a new and independent sub- ject. The legislature, having authorized the construction and opera- tion of the pneumatic tubes, could, in the act itself, have created the corporation, or could have authorized its organization under any of the general laws of the state adapted to the formation of any business corporation ; and the formation of such a corporation would be ger- mane to the main purpose of the act as indicated by its title. While the general manufacturing laws regulated the corporation as to its mode of existence, its manner of action and its corporate life and being generally, yet all its powers and duties related and were con- fined to the construction, maintenance, use and operation of the pneu- matic tubes; and, therefore, section 1 6 of article 3 of the constitu- tion, -which provides that "no -private or local bill "which may be passed by the legislature shall embrace more than one subject, and that shall be expressed in the title," was not, as contended on behalf of the plaintiffs, violated. What do the words pneumatic tubes mean ? They convey to our minds no other meaning than that of tubes for the transmission of parcels operated by atmospheric pressure applied within the tubes. 366 ASTOR V. THE ARCADE RY. CO. 74 The parcels may be transmitted outside the tubes upon vehicles at- tached to a piston operated within the tubes by atmospheric pressure, or they may be transmitted within the tubes by atmospheric pressure applied behind them. But they are in no sense railways. Such a tube may contain vehicles placed upon wheels, and the wheels may run upon rails or in grooves, and yet the structure could not, accord- ing to the popular sense, or in any legal sense, be what is generally known as a railway. The tubes may be so constructed that in a tech- nical or scientific sense the structure might be called a railway ; and so, too, any structure upon which vehicles may be moved upon rails, however peculiar or small, may in some limited sense be called a rail- way, and yet it may not be a railway within the meaning of the constitu- tion and the general laws of the state. When they speak of railways they always mean railways either for the general carriage of property or of passengers, or of both, and a railway which may be operated in small pneumatic tubes by atmospheric pressure for the transmission of small packages is not within such meaning 1 . Such was the character and status of the corporation organized un- der the act of 1868. That act was amended by the act, chapter 512, of the laws of 1869, entitled "An act supplementary to chapter 842, of the laws of 1868, in relation to carrying letters, packages and mer- chandise by means of pneumatic tubes in New York and Brooklyn," but there is nothing in that act pertinent to the present discussion. From 1868 to the commencement of this action in 1886, so far as this record discloses, nothing whatever was done by the corporation except to change its name several times and to procure acts of the legislature purporting to enlarge its powers and extend its corporate life. No pneumatic tubes have been constructed, and it is a fair in- ference from the admitted facts that the system for the pneumatic transmission of property was before the year 1873 found to be im- practicable. It had been tried in various parts of Europe, but had proved a failure, and for the general transmission of property or pas- sengers was in the year 1873 nowhere in use. (Chamber's Encyclo- pedia, titles, "Atmospheric Railway" and "Pneumatic Dispatch," Encyclopedia Britannica, title "Atmospheric Railway," Appleton's Cyclopedia, title "Atmospheric Railway," Johnson's Cyclopedia, title, "Pneumatic Transmission.") In 1873 the persons interested .in the corporation, as we may infer, being aware of its insufficiency for any practical purpose, concluded to procure an enlargement of its powers, and a radical change in its character and purposes, and, therefore, they obtained the passage of the act (chapter 185), entitled "an act supplemental to and amenda- tory of chapter 842 of the laws of 1868, an act entitled 'an act to provide for the transmission of letters, packages and merchandise in the cities of New York and Brooklyn, and across the North and East rivers by means of pneumatic tubes, to be constructed beneath the sur- face of the streets, squares, avenues and public places, in said cities, and under the waters of said rivers,' passed June i, 1868, and of chap- ter 512 of the laws of 1869, entitled 'an att supplementary to chapter 74 LIMITS ON POWER TO CREATE. 367 842 of the laws of 1868 in relation to carrying letters, packages and merchandise by means of pneumatic tubes in New York and Brook- lyn, and to provide for the transportation of passengers in said tubes.' ' The last phrase of this title "and to provide for the trans- portation of passengers in said tubes" did not appear in the title of the act of 1869, and yet in the act in all its stages through the legis- lature, as approved by the governor, filed .in the office of the secre- tary of state and printed in the session laws, the quotation marks are so placed as to make the phrase appear to be a part of that title. The title of the act, therefore, was well calculated to deceive any persons to whose attention it came while the act was under consideration in the legislature. But we will assume that this title is to have the same force and effect as if that of the act of 1869 had been properly quoted, and then the only addition to the titles of the prior acts is the final phrase above quoted, and the only subject expressed in the title is the transportation of property and passengers in pneumatic tubes. This title is assailed by the plaintiffs as not in compliance with sec- tion 1 6 of article 3 of the constitution above quoted. A particular examination of the provisions of the act is, therefore, necessaiy. The first section provides that it shall be lawful for the Beach Pneumatic Transit Company "to construct, maintain and operate an underground railway for the transportation of passengers and property," under Broadway and Madison avenue, "by means of tubes of enlarged in- terior diameters sufficient for the construction of a railway or railways therein, and for the running of cars and the carrying of passengers therein, and also to construct, in connection with said tubes, two or more tracks of railway with the necessary turnouts and stations for the ingress and egress and accommodation of the passengers, and for the receipt and discharge of packages and freight and said company shall have the right and privilege, subject to the approval of the board of engineer commissioners hereinafter provided for, to make connection with the Harlem and connecting railroads at any point deemed best, at or above Forty-second street, and also to make connection with the Hudson River Railroad at any point northerly of Fifty-ninth street." Section 2 provides that the passenger tubes shall, as far as practica- ble, follow the center line of the streets, and shall not occupy in the aggregate a greater space than thirty-one feet in width by eighteen feet in height, exterior measurement, and that they shall be laid and constructed under the supervision of a board of three engineer com- missioners, whose duty it is to see that the "passenger tubes and rail- ways" are constructed in a thorough and workmanlike manner; and that they shall constitute a board of commissioners, a majority of whom "shall determine whether the pneumatic system or other mo- tive power shall be adopted by said corporation for the propulsion of the cars running within said passenger tubes." Section 4 authorizes the corporation to acquire the title to such real estate or interest therein as may be necessary to enable it to construct, operate and maintain "said tubes and railways," and to construct and maintain the proper platforms, stations and buildings at such points .368 ASTOR V. THE ARCADE RY. CO. 74 along the route of its tubes as may be convenient and suitable for the ingress and egress of its passengers and for the receipt and discharge of freight and packages, and necessary for the successful operation of "said tubes and railway, and for the proper connections between said tubes and railways, platform, stations and buildings;" and in case the corporation is unable to agree with the owners of real estate for the purchase and use thereof, it is authorized to acquire the title to the same in the manner provided in the general railroad act of 1850; and in all cases the use of the streets, avenues, squares, grounds and pub- lic places, and the right of way under the same for the purpose of "said tubes and railway or railways therein," shall be considered and is declared to be a public use. Section 5 provides that "it shall be lawful for said corporation to convey passengers on said railway or railways through said tubes for hire." and regulates the rate of fare that may be charged. Section 6 provides that the corporation shall commence active oper- ations in the construction of its works within six months after the passage of the act, and shall complete the section of passenger tubes with two railway tracks from Bowling Green to Fourteenth street within three years, and shall complete the remainder of the passenger tubes, as authorized, within five years thereafter. Section 7 provides that the corporation shall not construct any sta- tion, depot or other building, or work above the surface of any land belonging to the city of New York, either in its own right or as a trustee, without the consent of the mayor and aldermen, but that nothing in the act shall be construed to authorize the mayor and alder- men to donate, lease or sell any portion of any of the ground surface of any public park in the city beyond what may be absolutely neces- sary for the exit from and entrance to the railroad. Section 9 provides that the corporation shall possess "all the pow- ers and be subjected to all the duties and liabilities imposed on rail- road corporations by the laws of this state not inconsistent with the charter of this company or the purposes of its incorporation." Here we read nothing of pneumatic tubes or of propulsion by atmos- pheric pressure, or even pneumatic railways. We read of passenger tubes, but we must not be deceived by the juggle of words. We find authorized a grand underground railway, not less than fifteen miles long, with two or more tracks, turn-outs, platforms, stations, buildings and other appurtenances, with power to connect with surface steam railroad, to be operated through passage-ways called tubes, eighteen feet in height and thirty-one feet in width, exterior measurements; in fact, tunnels which could not be operated by atmospheric pressure. What was before a manufacturing corporation was converted into a railroad corporation, or, at least, had superadded the powers, privi- leges, duties and liabilities of railroad corporations under the general laws of the state, with authority, by the consent of the engineer commissioners, to use, for the movement of its cars, horses, steam or any other motive power. The construction of such a railway by such a corporation is certainly a subject not expressed in the title of the 74 LIMITS ON POWER TO CREATE. 369 act. The only subject there indicated is the transportation of pas- sengers and property through pneumatic tubes by atmospheric pressure. A title purporting that an act provides for pneumatic transportation would not be sufficient for an act authorizing the construction and operation of a horse railway or a steam railway, as a title purporting that an act authorizes a line of omnibuses for the transportation of passengers would not be sufficient for an act authorizing the construc- tion of a railway for the same purpose. The constitutional provision referred to has been deemed by states- men and jurists, conditores legum, of so much importance that it is found in the fundamental laws of most of the states. Its purpose is to prevent fraud and deception by concealment, in the body of acts, subjects not by their titles disclosed to the general public and to legis- lators who may rely upon them for information as to pending legis- lation. When the subject is expressed, all matters fairly and reason- ably connected with it. and all measures -which will or may facilitate its accomplishment, are proper to be incorporated in the act and are germane to the title. The title must be such, at least, as fairly to suggest or give a clue to the subject dealt with in the act, and unless it comes up to this standard it falls below the constitutional require- ment. (Mayor, etc., v. Colgate, 12 N. Y. 146; People v. Hills, 35 N. Y. 449, 452; Matter of New York, etc., Bridge, 72 N. Y. 527; Matter of Application of Department of Public Parks, 86 N. Y. 439; People v. Whitlock, 92 N. Y. 191 ; Matter of Knaust, 101 N. Y. 188; Cooley's Constitutional Limitations 141.) Here the only subject sug- gested by the title is the transportation of passengers and property through pneumatic tubes, by atmospheric pressure, and everything ap- propriate and germane to that subject could be provided for in the act. But a person reading the title alone would have no clue whatever to the great railway scheme actually authorized by the act ; and so the corporators themselves evidently regarded the act, for, finding that the corporation had outgrown its name, "The Beach Pneumatic Tran- sit Company," they, by the act, chapter 503 of the laws of 1874, had it changed to "The Broadway Underground Railway Company, " and in that act what were before called "tubes" are called "tunnels;" and ten years later, by an order of the proper court, the name was again changed to the "New York Arcade Railway Company." While by the acts of 1874, chapter 454 of 1881 and chapter 312 of 1886, the charter of the corporation was amended and its powers greatly enlarged, pneumatic tubes, propulsion by atmospheric pressure and pneumatic railways are nowhere mentioned, and all that is left as a result of all the legislation is a grand scheme for underground railways operated by any motive power except such as shall emit "smoke, gas or cinders" which, if carried into effect, would, doubtless, be one of the marvels of the world. But if it is as desirable and safe as it is mar- velous, it should be placed upon a constitutional basis and make an undisguised appeal upon its merits for the public sanction. Our conclusion, therefore, is that the act of 1873 for the insufficiency 24 WIL. CASES. 37O ASTOR V. THE ARCADE RY. CO. 74 of its title is unconstitutional and void, and hence all subsequent legis- lation based upon that act must fall with it. When the act of 1886 was passed, under which the defendant proposes to lay down its tracks and to construct its underground railways, it had no power to con- struct an underground railway for the transportation of passengers and general freight through tunnels, and, therefore, that act is in conflict with section 18 of article 3 of the constitution, which forbids the legis- lature to pass a private or local bill granting to any corporation the right to lay down railroad tracks or to construct a street railroad, ex- cept upo*n conditions mentioned in that section. (Matter of N. Y. Dis- trict R. Co., 107 N. Y. 42.) We need go no further. The conclusion already reached renders it unnecessary to solve the various other questions argued with much ability and learning by the able counsel who appeared before us. The judgment should be affirmed with costs. GRAY, J. I concur with EARL, J., in his opinion that the act of 1873 was unconstitutional and void, in that it failed to comply with section 16 of article 3 of the constitution. But I am further of the opinion, assuming that the act of 1873 was valid, and that there was an acceptance of and a valid compliance with its conditions, and that there was a waiver of causes of forfeiture by the passage of the act of 1886, that the latter act was in violation of the provisions of the consti- tutional amendment, which went into effect on January i, 1875. By that amendment the legislature 'was inhibited from passing a pri- vate or local bill, granting to any corporation the right to lay doivn railroad tracks, or any exclusive privilege, immunity or franchise ivhatever. The act of 1886, under which the appellant claims to have acquired its present rights, can not, in my view of what it grants, be upheld as legislation which merely regulates the exercise of powers formerly granted to and possessed by an existing corporation. It went far beyond that. It was, in fact, a new grant of substantive rights, in addition to and differing from what might have been claimed under the act of 1873. By the act of 1873 the company would have had a right to construct a railway in tubes, which should not oc- cupy a greater space than thirty-one feet in width, by eighteen feet in height, exterior measurements. The company could not have ap- proached within two feet of the curb line, nor within eighteen feet of the building line. These restrictions must be deemed to be important limitations and wholesome provisions, designed for the protection of the rights of the abutting property-owners and to secure to the public the rightful enjoyment of the streets as such. By the act of 1886 they would possess the right to excavate for their railways a space of forty- four feet, inside measurements, in width, and without any limitation as to depth. They might construct railways without the use of tubes or tunnels, and use any motive power which would not permit of the emission of smoke, gas or cinders. I think we have here a pretty wide departure from the rights and powers to be enjoyed under the act of 1873. The pneumatic tube of a diameter of fifty-four inches, for the transportation of packages 74 LIMITS ON POWER TO CREATE. and merchandise, authorized under the original charter of 1868, and which was transmuted by the act of 1873 into a tubular passenger and freight railway, has now wholly disappeared, and in its place ap- pears a scheme for what amounts to a complete occupation of the street for railway purposes, except so far as it leaves a roof over the excavation to take the place of the street surface. This grant of right to excavate the street to an extent practically unlimited, and the per- mission to abandon tubes and to construct railways in the excavations are matters of grant too serious in their nature and consequences, un- der the circumstances of the case, to be passed over as in mere regu- lation of an existing franchise. To allow such legislation is, in my opinion, to nullify the beneficial and protective objects aimed at by the constitutional amendment of 1875. Under the guise of an amendment, there was a legislative grant to this company of franchises and privileges beyond any naturally fol- lowing upon, or flowing from, those granted under the act of 1873, not in harmony with the spirit of that grant, and of necessity, exclu- sive in their nature. It, therefore, fell within the prohibition of the constitutional amendment. When the people have, by amending the constitution, restricted the powers of their respresentatives in the legislature to pass private or local bills, which grant the right to lay down railroad tracks, or any exclusive privileges or franchises to a corporation, the courts should see to it that the constitutional limitation is not evaded, under the pretense of an amendment of the charter. They should scrutinize the legislative act complained of, not with the idea of seeking the way to a construction adverse to its constitutionality, but rather to up- hold it, if possible. But if the scrutiny reveals a real and serious violation of the constitutional provisions, they must condemn the act as invalid. It is said, however, that a scope of action is offered for the legisla- ture, with respect to corporations already in the possession of corpo- rate rights, acquired under statutes passed before the adoption of the constitutional amendment. As a general proposition this is true. Conceding to the legislature its full measure of authority to legis- late, under the general grant of power by the constitution of the state, we hold that such authority, when now exercised by a private bill in behalf of a corporation, can not, under the guise of measures for the regulation of the exercise of the corporate powers and franchises, be zipheld by the court, when, by a practical construction, the act per- mits what the amendment to the constitution prohibits, A regulation of these powers and franchises, when the act touches them so as to alter them, means their restriction rather than their enlargement. If enlargement of powers may be sometimes consistent with the con- stitutional limitations, it may not go to the extent of trenching on the territory of private and public rights, over which the constitution was plainly intended to operate in its limitations. When enlarge- ment of corporate powers becomes indistinguishable from a grant of new substantive rights, within the purview of the section in question, 3/2 ASTOR V. THE ARCADE RY. CO. 74 then the mischief is accomplished, to prevent which the constitutional amendment was designed. In the Matter of the Gilbert Elevated Railway Company (70 N. Y. 361), Church, Ch. J., in discussing the changes of structure, etc., made by the commissioners under the provisions of the rapid transit act, said the changes were restrictive in their character. "By the charter the whole street was to be covered by the structure ; by the conditions imposed only a portion of some streets could be oc- cupied." And he says in that connection: "I can not accede to the proposition that any change in the structure and in the manner of oc- cupying the streets, however restrictive upon the company, or bene- ficial to the public in the use of the streets, constitutes a fresh grant of the right to lay down railroad tracks. It is a misnomer to call such restrictions grants of any right whatever. As well might the cutting down of a fee to a life estate be termed a grant of land." Again he says: "No exclusive right or franchise was granted to the respondent corporation upon any construction of the clause. Every substantial right existed before the passage of the act, and the conditions imposed, embracing changes of structure and mamrer of occupying streets, should be regarded as restrictive of existing rights, and not grants, of rights or franchises within the constitutional sense. * * * This series of amendments designed to restrict the powers of the legislature in matters of detail, under general phrases and undefined words, is experimental in this state. They must be sustained and applied by a rational and practical construction, so as to subserve the purposes in- tended, and prevent the evils designed to be remedied ; but not, by an artificial and technical construction, to extend their application to cases never contemplated." I think the meaning of the decision is clear. If the legislative act operates upon a charter in the direction of a regulation, an adjust- ment or a restriction of powers possessed, it could not be objection- able. Within its reserved powers the legislature may, at all times, amend or alter the charter, but the constitutional amendment will not permit it by a private bill to make any new grant of rights, compre- hended within those specified by the amendment. I do not think that it can be said, in the present case, that every substantial right given by the act of 1886 existed previously. For the reasons I have briefly given, I think the act of 1886 prac- tically gave to this corporation a right to lay down railroad tracks, which it could not have exercised under the act of 1873, and, also, gave what are practically exclusive privileges. I think it contravened the constitution, in the letter and in the spirit, and is therefore void. All concur with EARL, J. ; RUGER, Ch. J., DANFORTH and PECK- HAM, JJ. , concur with GRAY, J. Judgment affirmed. 75 LIMITS ON POWER TO CREATE. 373 Sec. 75. (5) Two-thirds vote required. "The assent of two-thirds of the members elected to each branch of the legislature shall be requisite to every bill creating, continu- ing, altering or renewing any body politic or corporate." Note. See Warner v. Beers, Thomas v. Dakin, Falconer y. Campbell and Green v. Graves, supra, pp. 2, 19, 287, 292, and notes there given. SUBDIVISION II. THE BODY CORPORATE, ITS PARENTAGE THE PROMOTERS. 1 CHAPTER 4. FUNCTIONS AND CLASSES OF PROMOTERS. Sec. 76. Definitions. In the English Companies Act, 7 and 8 Viet., c. 120 (1844), the expression "promoter" or "promoter of a company" (is declared) to apply to every person acting by whatever name in the forming and es- tablishing of a company at any period prior to the company obtaining a certificate of complete registration provided for. The same act pro- vided that before proceeding to make public, either by prospectus, hand-bill or advertisement, any intention or proposal to form any com- pany, it should be the duty of the promoters to make to the registra- tion office returns as \$> the name of the proposed company, its pur- pose and the names, occupation, place of business and place of resi- dence of the promoters ; the promoters were also to file a written state- ment consenting to become such promoter, and a written contract en- tered into with some one or more persons as trustees for the company, to take one or more shares; also, afterward to file a statement as to provisional place of meeting, names of members of the committee in the formation of the company, names of the officers of the company, names of subscribers, copy of prospectus, etc. The method of formation of English companies now, under the companies act of 1862 (25 and 26 Viet., c. 89), is much the same as was provided by the act of 1844, although "promoter" is not defined or used in the act of 1862. See, also, Directors' Liability act of 1890, 53 and 54 Vic., c. 64, 3, ch. 2. 1892. In 2 Stimson's American Statute Law, art. 802, 8021, it is said "the petition for incorporation or articles may be made by a number of persons. * * * Such persons are in this work termed the promoters ; in some states they are called petitioners, in other com- missioners." "A promoter is a person who brings about the incorporation and organization of a corporation. He brings together the persons who become interested in the enterprise, aids in procuring subscriptions, and sets in motion the machinery which leads to the formation of the 1 Upon the subject of promoters generally, their relation to each other, to the corporation, to the members and to third parties, see infra, pp. 1546-1558, 1767-1769. (374) 77 FUNCTIONS OF PROMOTERS. 3/5 corporation itself." 2 Cook Stock and Stockholders, 651, 3d ed., p. 910. t; The constitution of a company is merely a means to an end, the carrying on by the company of some business, the building of a pier or a railway. * * * It is the person called a promoter who determines what this end shall be, and who sets the statutory ma- chinery of formation in motion. Promoter is a term not of law, but of business, summing up a number of business operations familiar to the commercial world by which a company is generally brought into ex- istence. * * * Preparing or settling the prospectus, forming the company, negotiating agreements between vendors and a proposed company, providing directors, making contracts for the company or otherwise actively engaging either alone or in co-operation with others in the formation of a joint stock company will make a man a promo- ter. * * * The promoter has in his hands the creation and mould- ing of the company. He has the power of defining how and when, and in what shape and under what supervision it shall start into exist- ence and begin to act as a trading corporation." 3 Ency. of the Laws of England, p. 182. t See 4 Am. and Eng. Ency., 201; Beach, 269, 270; Clark, ch. iv; Cook, 650. 705; Elliott, 51-62; Morawetz, 234, 291,545; Taylor, ch. v; 1 Thompson, 415-490, vii Ib., 8282-8291 ; 1828, Frankfort S. T. Co. v. Churchill, 6 T. B. Mon. (Ky.) 427, 17 Am. D. 159; 1846, Reynell v. Lewis, 15 Mees. & W. 517; 1877, Bagnall v. Carlton, 6 Ch. D. 371; 1877, Er- langer v. New Sombrero P. C., 5 Ch. D. 73, 3 App. C. 1218; 1878, Emma Silver Mining Co. v. Grant, 11 Ch. D. 918; 1879, Emma Silver Mining Co. v. Lewis, L. R. 4 C. P. D. 396; 1884, Perry v. Little Rock, etc., R., 44 Ark. 383; 1891, South Jopl in L. Co. v. Case, 104 Mo. 572; 1892, Bosher v. Richmond, etc., Co., 89 Va. 455, 37 Am. St. R. 879; 1894, Yale Gas S. Co. v. Wilcox, 64 Conn. 101. 25 L. R. A. 90; 1895, Whetstone v. Crane Bro., 1 Kan. App. 320, 41 Pac. 211; 1896, Fountain Spring Park Co. v. Roberts, 92 Wis. 345, 53 Am. St. R. 917; 1898, Gaines v. McAlister, 122 N. C. 340; 1898, Milwaukee Cold S. Co. v. Dexter, 99 Wis. 214; 1898, Benton v. Minneapolis T., etc., Co., 73 Minn. 4 427. See, also, Beach, 515; Boone, 112; Clark, 116; Cook, 172-5; Elliott, 355; Morawetz, 71-2, 739, 742-3; Taylor, ' 98, 516; I Thompson, 1216-32. vV Sec. 118. Same, (i) Prior to incorporation, theories: (#) Subscription valid, condition void. BOYD v. PEACH BOTTOM RAILWAY CO. 1 1879. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA. 90 Pa. St. Rep. 169-172. May 6, 1879. Before SHARSWOOD, C. J. ; MERCUR, GORDON, PAXSON, WOODWARD, TURNKEY and STERRETT, JJ. Error to the court of common pleas of Lancaster county, of May term, 1879, No. 58. Assumpsit by the Peach Bottom Railway Co. v. Samuel Boyd, on a subscription to the capital stock of said company. The com- pany was incorporated by the act of March 24. 1868, Pamph. L. 778, with all the powers and subject to all the restrictions prescribed by the act regulating railroads, enacted February 19, 1849. The proviso to the first section of the latter act is as follows: "Provided, altvays, That no subscription for such stock shall be valid unless the party or parties making the same shall, at the time of subscribing, pay to the said commissioners $5 on each and every share subscribed, for the use of the company." Commissioners were named in the act of incorporation to open books, receive subscriptions and organize the company. At the trial the plaintiff offered in evidence a subscription book, in form as follows : "We, the undersigned, agree with one and another and bind our- selves, our heirs, executors and administrators to the Peach Bottom Railroad Company to the number of shares of stock set opposite our respective names in the capital stock of said company, provided- the 1 Arguments omitted. IlS CONDITIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. 523 road be constructed upon what is known as the Northern route, con- necting with Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad at Oxford, Chester county, and passing near Hopewell, Pine Grove, White Rock, King's Bridge, Smedley's Mill, Centreville, Chestnut Level and along Fishing creek to its mouth, and provided these subscriptions be spent on the east side of the Susquehanna river. * * * Samuel Boyd, two shares." There was no evidence to show that the defendant had signed his name thereto. The signature produced was in ink. John A. Alexander, the treasurer of the company, called by the plaintiff, testified: "The name, as it first appeared there, was in leadpencil ; there was a number of names written in leadpencil, and they were becoming defaced by carrying the book in my pocket, and I afterward wrote them in ink over the pencil marks." He further said: "I went to Mr. Boyd's on the 29th of October, 1870, and told him that, to secure our letters-patent, it was necesary for the commis- sioners to certify to the governor that 10 per cent, of the subscriptions were paid in; that we, not collecting any money, and, as the work had not yet begun, were taking demand notes; Mr. Boyd gave me his demand note for 10 per cent, of his two shares of stock, and I gave him a receipt for the same. This note was delivered, by Mr. Alexander, to the commissioners, and they afterward certified to the governor a list of subscribers, including the name of Samuel Boyd for two shares. Letters-patent were issued to the company, in which he appeared for two shares. Whether Samuel Boyd wrote the leadpencil name or not was not shown. He never paid any money on this alleged subscription, nor did he ever pay said note or any part of it. The subscription produced con- tained a condition that the road should be built on a particular route. It was not built on this route, but on an entirely different one. The original route would have been of great advantage to Boyd, while the one on which the road was built was of no benefit to him. The defendants offered no evidence, but asked for a nonsuit, which the court, Patterson, J., refused and directed a verdict for plaintiff. The defendant took this writ, alleging that the court erred: First, in overruling the motion for a nonsuit, and, second, in directing the jury to find for plaintiff. MR. Justice STERRETT delivered the opinion of the court, June 16, 1879. The commissioners appointed to open books and receive subscrip- tions to the capital stock of the defendant in error were public agents, clothed with limited powers and duties of a purely ministerial charac- ter, clearly defined by law. By the act of March 24, 1868, incorpo- rating the company, it was invested with all the powers, and made subject to all the provisions and restrictions prescribed by the general act of 1849, regulating railroad companies. One of these provisions is that no subscription shall be valid unless the party making the same shall, at the time of subscribing, pay the commissioners $5 on each 524 BO YD V. PEACH BOTTOM R. CO. Il8 and every share, for the use of the company. The language is plain and emphatic, and the manifest object of the requirement was to pro- tect the public against fictitious corporations, with capital stock sub- scribed perhaps by irresponsible persons, and not a dollar thereof paid or intended to be paid in. The commissioners, acting as ministerial agents of the public, before the issuing of letters patent, had no au- thority whatever to dispense with the actual payment of the required sum. Giving a note for the amount was not payment within the meaning of the law. In Leighty v. The Turnpike Co., 14 S. & R. 434, under a similar charter, it was held that actual payment in money was required. The doctrine of that case, for reasons given at length in the opinion, is sound, and should be adhered to. A demand note, such as was given by the plaintiff in error in this case, is not money; it is only a promise to pay money at a future time, and perhaps may never be complied with. The testimony was quite sufficient to establish the fact of defend- ant's subscription, on which the suit was based. Afterwards, when the book was presented to him by Mr. Alexander, he impliedly ad- mitted the subscription, by giving his note for the 10 per cent, which should have been paid in cash, but this was before the letters-patent were obtained. The conditional feature of the subscription furnished no ground of defense. // is scarcely necessary to repeat what has been so often said that a subscription to the stock of a public corporation, made be- fore letters-patent are issued and an organization effected, must be considered absolute and , tinqualijied ', and any condition attached thereto void. Commissioners have no authority to receive conditional subscriptions. If they do, the subscription itself is valid and bind- ing, and the condition null and void. Caley v. The Railroad Co., 30 P. F. Smith 367. The only available defense presented in the court below was the non-payment of the 10 per cent, required by the act; and it was tech- nical, rather than meritorious. Aside from making the subscription, in the first instance, and afterward giving his note for the 10 per cent, when called on by the collector, the plaintiff in error appears to have been entirely passive. If he had acted as commissioner or director, or participated in stockholders' meeting, or performed any act recog- nizing his membership of the company, or tending to fasten liability on other subscribers, he should be held to the payment of his subscrip- tion, notwithstanding the failure of the commissioners to exact the payment requifed by law to make it valid and binding; but he ap- pears to have stood aloof and did nothing, by which he was estopped from insisting on the technical defense which he has seen fit to inter- pose. Legally, he is entitled to the benefit of it; and the second and third assignments of error must be sustained Judgment reversed. 119 CONDITIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. 52$ Sec. 119. Same. Prior, to incorporation : (^) Subscription and condition both void. BUTTERNUTS AND OXFORD TURNPIKE COMPANY v. NORTH. 1841. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK, i Hill's (N. Y.) Reports 518-519. Error from the Chenango common pleas. The action was upon a subscription for stock of the plaintiffs, containing an engagement to take stock "upon condition that said road shall be laid by Fayette village and Guildford Centre." The commissioners for receiving subscriptions had obtained several signatures to this, and also to an- other absolute in its terms. The court below held that the defendant's signature to the subscription in question did not bind him, and non- suited the plaintiffs. They excepted, and after judgment in the court below, sued out a writ of error. By the court, COWETST, J. Subscriptions for stock under the turnpike act (i R. S. $81, 2ded.) to which the plaintiffs were subject, Sess. L. of 1834, p. 137, * must be absolute. This act confers no power to make conditions, and to allow such a thing would be contrary to pub- lic policy. Divers men would, perhaps, have their divers routes, and endeavor improperly to influence the course of the road. If the gen- eral subscription should contain a condition of this kind, there would be no stockholders till the road should be laid out accordingly, and separate subscriptions containing various conditions might work a fraud upon those who subscribed absolutely. The court below de- cided correctly. Judgment affirmed. Note. To same effect. 1871, People v. Chambers et al., 42 Cal. 201. (Pay- ment by check insufficient, must be by cash.) 1 The act provided : Sec. 2. Each of the persons, who shall be named ' as a commissioner for receiving subscriptions, shall furnish himself with a book for that purpose, which shall be kept open for two years, unless one-sixth of the whole number of shares shall be sooner subscribed. Sec. 3. Each subscriber shall pay to the commissioners receiving his subscription, and at the time, on each share that he shall subscribe one-tenth of the sum fixed in the act of incorporation as the amount of one share. * Sec. 4. Provided that as soon as one-sixth of the whole number of shares shall have been subscribed, the commissioners shall call a meeting for election of di- rectors. Sec. 5. That commissioners .should preside, and the subscribers present, or their proxies, by plurality of votes shall elect directors. Sec. 6. The commissioners shall then deliver subscription books to directors and pay over money. 526 ARMSTRONG V. KARSHNER. 12O Sec. 120. Same. (2) After incorporation. Theories: () Valid contract, to await time of performance. ARMSTRONG v. KARSHNER. 1 1890. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF OHIO. 47 Ohio St. Rep. 276-30 [Suit by Karshner to enforce payment of a subscription which had been assigned to plaintiff for construction of the railroad mentioned in the subscription. The subscription was as follows: "We, the undersigned, agree to pay the number of shares annexed to our respective names, of fifty dollars each, to the capital stock of the Cincinnati, Hocking Valley and Huntington Railway Company, and we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors or administrators to pay the same to the authorized agent of said company ; but it is expressly provided as follows: That no part of said subscription shall be due until a railroad track shall be laid ready for the running of cars from some point of the Scioto Valley Railroad to a point at or near Adelphi, in Ross county, and when said railroad track is so laid, we, the undersigned, mutually agree that we will each, on de- mand, pay the amounts set opposite our respective names to such authorized agent of said company in full payment for such shares of capital stock. "Names. October, 1881, No. of shares. Amount. "It is distinctly agreed and understood that all the within stock sub- scriptions are binding, providing the road is built on the north of Adelphi, otherwise they are void. "Ten shares, $50 each, $500. MILTON ARMSTRONG."] WILLIAMS, J. * * * The principal question in the case arises from the second defense, the substance of which is, that the defendant's sub- scription is a conditional one, and, at the time it was made, the capi- tal stock of the company had been increased, and actual bona fide subscriptions to the amount of 20 per centum of the capital stock, so increased, had not then been obtained, nor had 10 per centum of such capital stock been expended in the construction of the road. The claim is, that the railroad company had no corporate power to receive the defendant's subscription, because it had not then obtained unconditional subscriptions to the amount of 20 per centum of its cap- ital stock, or expended 10 per centum of its authorized capital in the construction of its road. This claim is based upon section 3298 of the Revised Statutes, which provides : "The directors of a company which has expended in the construction of its road 10 per centum of its au- thorized capital and has obtained actual bona fide subscriptions to its capital stock to the amount of at least 20 per centum thereof, may receive subscriptions to its capital stock, payable in such installments, dependent upon the completion of the whole or any part of its road so that cars may .pass over the same, as its directors may deem expedi- 1 Only so much of the opinion is given as relates to the character of the subscription. 120 CONDITIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. $27 ent, and upon full payment thereof may issue certificates of stock therefor." Unless restrained by statute, corporations may receive conditional subscriptions to their stock at any time after their actual incorpora- tion. "A conditional subscription to stock, taken and accepted by a corporation after its incorporation, is legal by the common law of all the states." Cook on Stock and Stockholders, 82. And it is said by White, J., in Ashtabula and New Lisbon R. Co. v. Smith, 15 Ohio St. -336, that, "Except in New York, conditional subscriptions, in the absence of a special prohibition, so far as we have observed, have been sustained, as authorized, and not in conflict with public policy. No special prohibition is found in section 3298 against a railroad corporation receiving conditional subscriptions. The most that can be claimed from the section is that, it having specified the cases in which such conditional subscriptions may be received, there is want of authority to receive them otherwise than as therein provided. If this be admitted, does it necessarily follow that a subscription not in all respects in conformity to the statute may not be enforced? "The rule seems well established," says Boynton, J., in Hays v. Galena Gaslight and Coal Co., 29 Ohio St. 340, "that where a contract has been executed and fully performed, on the part either of the corpora- tion or of the other contracting party, neither will be permitted to insist that the contract and such performance by one party were not within the corporate power of the company." Generally, after the acceptance by the corporation of a conditional subscription -which it is authorized to take, the subscriber is bound until performance of the condition to await such performance; he can not nvithdraiv the subscription unless the performance is unrea- sonably delayed. Cook on Stock and Stockholders, 84. But a con- ditional subscription, which is not a present valid contract, may be a continuing offer to subscribe upon the specified conditions, and when those conditions are performed, if the offer be not before withdrawn, it may then become an absolute and unconditional subscription. The difference between the two classes of subscriptions is that the former becomes binding when accepted, and the latter only when the condi- tion is performed, and it may, at any time before then, be withdrawn. If not so withdrawn, it becomes an absolute subscription. In Ash- tabula and New Lisbon R. Co. v. Smith, supra, White, J. , speaking of the conditional subscription to the capital stock of the railroad com- pany involved in that case, and the effect of the performance of the conditions by the company, said : "The subscription was designed as, and was in fact, a standing or continuing proposition, upon which the plaintiff was not expected to act until the time arrived for the final location of its road. Having been delivered for this purpose, and acted on by the plaintiff, after the condition has been complied with, it became an absolute subscription." In the case of The Mansfield, Coldwater and Lake Michigan R. Co. v. Stout, 26 Ohio St. 254, it is said by Mcllvaine, J. : "There has been some contention whether the instrument sued on is to be regarded as a subscription of stock, 528 WEBB V. BALTIMORE, ETC., R. CO. 121 subject to a condition precedent, or as a mere offer to subscribe, when the conditions named might be performed. This question we deem to be immaterial in this case, as there is no pretense that the offer, if a mere offer it be, was at any time withdrawn. The important question is, have the conditions been performed?" The conditions expressed in the defendant's subscription, it is al- leged in the petition, were fully performed, and upon this no issue is raised by the answer. If it be conceded, therefore, that the instru- ment executed by the defendant was not, by reason of the provisions of the statute, a valid and binding subscription to the capital stock when subscribed and delivered to the company, it was, at least, a continuing offer to pay the amount stipulated upon the performance of the conditions therein specified ; and, while the defendant at any time before such performance might have withdrawn his offer, he did not, and the conditions having been fully complied with by the railroad company, he can not now, we think, defend against the payment of the subscription on that ground that the company was without corpo- rate authority to receive it. It is not important whether the subscrip- tion is enforced on the ground that on the performance of the condi- tions it became an unconditional subscription, or on the ground of es- toppel. The legal result is the same. Affirmed. Note. See citations supra, 116, p. 514. Sec. 121. Same. After incorporation. ($) Mere offer until performance. WEBB v. THE BALTIMORE AND EASTERN SHORE R. CO. 1893. IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF MARYLAND. 77 Md. Rep. 92-99, 39 Am. St. Rep. 396, 26 Atl. Rep. 113. Appeal from the circuit court of Dorchester county. The case is stated in the opinion of the court. The cause \vas argued before ALVEY, C. J., ROBINSON, BRYAN, FOWLER, PAGE, MCHERRY and BRISCOE, JJ. ALVEY, C. J., delivered the opinion of the court. This action was brought to recover of the defendant for certain stock subscribed in the plaintiff company. The declaration contains several of the common indebitatiis counts, but the fifth count is special, and it alleges that the defendant subscribed for and agreed to take twenty shares of the capital stock of the plaintiff company, and to pay $1.000 therefor on the completion of the railroad of the company to the town of Vienna, Md., and that, although the said railroad has long since been completed to the said town of Vienna, and that the said subscription is due and demandable, the defendant has not paid the same., or any part thereof. By the pleas, the defendant denied the legal existence of the contract alleged, or that he was in any man- ner bound thereby. 121 CONDITIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. 529 The questions presented on this appeal are simply as to the aclmis- sibility of evidence and are presented by two bills of exception taken by the defendant. At the trial it was admitted that the plaintiff was a corporation, duly organized and existing under the laws of the state, and that the plaintiff had constructed its railroad from Easton Bay, in Talbot county, to the town of Vienna, in Dorchester county, before the ist of January, 1891 ; and that, in the construction of its road the plaint- iff had expended large sums of money, and created a large indebted- ness, still outstanding at the time of this suit brought, to wit, the 1 2th day of August, 1891. It was also admitted that before this was brought, the defendant received from the secretary of the plaintiff, a letter calling on him to pay the money alleged to be due on the stock, and, further, that before the bringing of this suit neither the plaintiff, nor any one on its behalf, ever offered or tendered the certificates for the stock subscribed for by the defendant. The plaintiff then offered in evidence a subscription book, purporting to be a subscription book for the stock of the plaintiff, and proved by an agent of the company, to whom the book had been intrusted to procure subscriptions, that it was the subscription book of the plaintiff, and that the entry in that book, to which the name of the defendant was subscribed, was made and signed by the defendant. In that book there is this heading: "We, the undersigned, agree to subscribe to and pay for the number of shares of the capital stock of the Baltimore and Eastern Shore Railroad Company, set opposite our names, provided the said road shall be built on the Vienna route ; said shares of stock to be of the par value of $50, and the same to be paid for on installments of twenty per cent, as any ten miles of road are completed." This heading had appended to it about sixty signatures ; and then follows this entry : "I hereby agree to take twenty shares of the Baltimore and Eastern Shore Railroad Company stock when completed to Vienna. "$1,000.00. ALBERT WEBB." To the offer of this subscription book, with the entry therein signed by the defendant, the latter objected, and in support of his objection has assigned several grounds: First, that there was no evidence of a tender of certificates of stock to the defendant, and that this suit could not be maintained without such tender, and that the subscription was invalid because the statutory installment was not paid. Secondly, that there was no contract of a present subscription for stock, but, at most, nothing more than a mere promise to subscribe when the road was completed to Vienna. Thirdly, that if the entry signed by the defendant be treated as a present subscription to stock, the contract is within the provisions of the Statute of Frauds, 29 Car. n, ch. 3, 17, and that it is fatally defective in omitting to name the vendor of the stock, and that there is no sufficient consideration for the defendant's undertaking shown on the face of the subscription paper. There is also a general objection taken to the admissibility of the subscription 34 WIL. CASES. 530 WEBB V. BALTIMORE, ETC., R. CO. 121 book in evidence. The objection to the admissibility of the evidence was overruled. In the opinion of this court none of the grounds assigned in support of the objection taken can be sustained. 1. There is clearly no valid ground for the objection that the cer- tificates for the stock should have been tendered to the defendant as a condition precedent to the right to maintain this action for the money due on the subscription. This would seem to be well settled, i Mor. on Corp., 61, and cases there cited. Scarlett v. Academy of Music, 43 Md. 203. Nor is the objection well taken that the subscrip- tion is not binding upon the defendant because it is not shown that an installment of $5 in cash on each share of stock subscribed had been paid at the time of making the subscription, under section 163 of article 23 of the code. The omission of such payment does not invalidate the subscription. That construction of this provision of the statute has been settled by the decision of this court, in the case of Oler v. Baltimore and Randallstown Railroad Co., 41 Md. 583. And with respect to the necessity for showing that the amount of the subscrip- tion had been called for by the directors of the company, before suit brought, it was admitted that the defendant had received a letter, be- fore suit brought, purporting to be from the secretary of the plaintiff, calling upon him to pay the money due on the stock, as being then due, but that payment was refused. Whether that call or demand was made by the authority of the directors of the company, was a question of fact for the jury, upon all the evidence in the case. 2. The subscription in the form in which it was made was inchoate and conditional. It was such, however, as the company had a right to accept. Taggart v. The West Maryland Railroad Company, 24 Md. 595 ; Phil. & West Chester Railroad Co. v. Hickman, 28 Pa. St. 318. It -was simply a conditional offer by the defendant to be- come a stockholder after the condition specified had been performed by the company. The performance of the condition precedent on the part of the company tvas necessary to a valid acceptance of the offer thus made by the subscriber ; and before this acceptance, by the per- formance of the condition precedent, the defendant did not, by vir- tue of such subscription, become a member of the company . His sub- scription was a mere offer, and unless -withdrawn before the condi- tion performed by the company, it became final and absolute immedi- ately upon the performance of the condition; or, as -was said by this court in Taggart v. West Maryland Railroad Co., supra, such con- ditional subscription, upon the performance of the condition, thus became ultimately an unconditional and absohite subscription. And that being the effect and operation of the subscription made by the de- fendant, it is quite clear that no other or further act of subscription was necessary, or contemplated by the parties in order to convert the original conditional subscription into an unconditional and absolute subscription. The defendant appears to have declined the conditional terms em- braced in the heading of the preceding subscriptions, which required the amount of the subscriptions to be paid in installments of twenty 121 CONDITIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. 531 per cent, as any ten miles of the road should be completed ; and he preferred to make his subscription separate, and to make it depend upon the completion of the road to Vienna ; and when the road was so made, which is admitted to have been done before this action was brought, the subscription of the defendant for the twenty shares of stock became absolute, and the price therefor thence became payable on demand of the directors of the company. This is the clear import of the subscription of the defendant. No particular form of subscrip- tion is made essential, and the present subscription is not of a formal character, yet there is enough in the paper, when read in con- nection with what precedes it in the same book, to show what was really intended by the parties to the contract. 3. The contention that this contract of subscription is within the statute of frauds, 29 Chas. II, ch. 3, 17, is not maintainable, either upon reason or authority. A subscription for shares of stock in an ordinary corporation, is not a contract for the sale of "goods, -wares and merchandise' ' ; "words which comprehend only corporeal movable property. Shares of stock are but choses inaction, and are not within statute ; and this is the established construction of the statute by the English courts, as shown by the collection of cases by Mr. Benjamin in his admirable work on Sales, pp. 90-91 ; and the same construction has been adopted by decisions of high authority in this country, (Browne on Statutes of Frauds, 298 ; Ang. & Ames on Corp., 563 ; Clark v. Burnham, 2 Story C. C. Rep. 15) though there are some de- cisions, especially of an earlier date, entitled to great respect, to the contrary. In the absence of a binding authority, such as an express decision of this court, we are not disposed to adopt and follow the de- cisions of the American courts, holding that the statute does apply in such cases, being as they are in conflict with the English courts upon this subject. We think the English decisions furnish the better and more reasonable construction of the statute. In the case of Colvin v. Williams, 3 H. & J. 38, x the only case in this state supposed to give any support to the contention of the de- fendant, the question presented was quite different from that presented in this case. In that case there was a sale of bank stock by a broker, and the broker became the agent of both seller and buyer, and in whose name as vendor a memorandum of sale was made out and de- livered to the defendant, who filled up the blank in the memorandum with the number of shares he desired, and accepted the same as pur- chaser of the number of shares sold. Upon this memorandum the court below held the plaintiff to be entitled to recover ; and upon ap- peal, this court held the court below right in its ruling, and affirmed the judgment. There was no opinion delivered ; but it is stated at the conclusion of the case, whether by the authority of the court or by the reporters of the case without such authority, does not appear, that it was said by the court "that the sale of bank stock is within the statute of frauds; and that the broker was the common agent of both the ap- pellee and appellant." If such was the case, as we must take it to 5 Am. Dec. 417. 532 RAILROAD V. PARKS. 122 be, it is very clear that the declaration made at the conclusion of the case, "that the sale of bank stock was within the statute of frauds," was wholly unnecessary to the decision of the case, and was purely a dictum, if in fact it be assumed to have emanated from the court at all. The statute did not avail as a defense to the defendant, if it was in fact relied on as a defense, which does not appear to have been the case. There have been many cases since that decision in which such defense could have been taken, if the statute was applicable in such cases as this, but which passed without question as to the application of the statute. Upon both exceptions, therefore, we are of opinion that the court below was correct in its rulings, and that the judgment appealed from should be affirmed. Judgment affirmed. -Vote. See citations, supra, 116, p. 514. As to statute of frauds, see 1898, Rogers v. Burr. 105 Ga. 432, 70 Am. St. Rep. 50, and note, supra, p. 459. Sec. 122. Subscriptions may be upon conditions precedent or sub- sequent. RAILROAD (PADUCAH AXD MEMPHIS) v. PARKS. 1 1888. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF TEXXESSEE. 86 Tenn. Rep. 554-565, 8 S. W. Rep. 842. Appeal in error from circuit court of Dyer county, T. J. Flip- pin, J. LURTOX, J. These four suits at law against subscribers to the stock of the Paducah and Memphis Railroad Company were tried by con- sent together, and, a jury being waived, the issues of law and fact were submitted to the circuit judge, who has filed his special findings of fact and law as part of the record. There was a judgment in favor of each of the defendants, and an appeal by the plaintiffs. The contract of subscription upon which the suit was brought was as follows: "July 31. 1872. We, the subscribers, agree and bind ourselves, our heirs and legal representatives, to pay to the Paducah and Mem- phis Railroad Company the sums by us subscribed, to be stock in said railroad company, upon the following terms and conditions, to wit : One-fourth to be paid when the. road is completed to the north or south line of Dyer county, the remainder of the amount subscribed to be paid in four equal installments of four months, as the work pro- gresses through the countv : Provided. The company establish a depot on said road within fifteen hundred feet of G. B. Tinsley's corner store, supposed to be the center of Xewbern. It is further provided that certificates of stock issue to said subscribers as to other stockholders in said company, upon the pavment of their subscription." The proof shows that there was a gap in the line of a road pro- jected between Paducah, Ky., and Memphis. Tenn., each end of the 1 Part of opinion, upon other points, omitted. 122 CONDITIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. 533 road being in operation and owned by different companies. The new company was the result of the consolidation of the two old companies, and it undertook the completion of the missing link. Dyer county, of which Xewbern is a flourishing village, would be crossed by the finished road. The assignments of errors are so defective as to raise no question of fact, but the second assignment is sufficient to raise a question of law. We have, therefore, treated the facts as found by the circuit judge as the facts of the case, and will test the soundness of the result he reached by the law applicable. The facts necessary to be stated, as found by his Honor, are as follows: "That work was commenced on said unfinished part of the road early in 1872, and the Dyer county line was reached on the north in April, 1873, and on the 28th of that month it ran its train of cars into Trimble Station, in said county. On the I5th of May thereafter, the company made a call for one-fourth of the subscription, according to contract." This call, together with the second and third calls, were likewise paid by each of the defendants. "The company did work on the road in Dyer county until the last of July or first of August, 1874, at which time it ceased operations and work of all sort. The work principally done in Dyer county was between Dyersburg and Trimble Station ; the road was mostly graded, or a great deal of it, from Trimble Station to Newbern, and between Newbern and Dyers- burg, and in places bridges were constructed, and cross-ties were col- lected in one or more places to be placed on the road. The road was widened at the place where the depot now stands (in Newbern) as if for side track, but the company owned no property or land outside of the right of way upon which a depot could be located." He further held that the proof did not show any further prepara- tions for the establishment of a depot at Newbern than the widening of the grade at that point for side-track purposes. He further found that shortly after cessation of work in August, 1874, foreclosure pro- ceedings were instituted by bond creditors, and the property and fran- chises of the corporation sold at public sale, and acquired by the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Company, and this company, being an entirely new and independent organization, has since finished the projected road through Dyer county. That to induce location of depot at Newbern, citizens of that place had been compelled to make a new contract with the successor company, who had assumed none of the contracts or liabilities of the old company. He further found that the old corporation was utterly insolvent at the time it abandoned work, and that at the time of trial it had no property, franchises, and prac- tically no existence. The subscription list was accepted by the Paducah and Memphis Railroad Company, and on the i2th of September, 1873, after pay- ment of first call by subscribers, was assigned to Childs. Stephens & Co., contractors for work in Dyer county, in part payment for work done and to be done by them. The suit is by these assignees and creditors of the insolvent company. Three of the suits are for the 534 RAILROAD V. PARKS. 122 fourth call, which matured in May, 1874, and before work had ceased, and the fourth defendant is sued alone upon the fifth and last call, which did not mature, in point of time, until September, 1874, which was after all effort to complete the road had been abandoned. The question is as to whether defendants are liable for any of the unpaid calls. His honor, the circuit judge, was of opinion that the con- struction of the road to the line of the county was a condition precedent to any liability, and that this condition had been met. He was further of opinion that the stipulation requiring the establishment of a depot at Newbern was an independent provision, and not a condition prece- dent to liability upon the contract of subscription. This latter pro- vision, he held, required and meant the erection of a depot building, with reasonable facilities for freight and passengers. Upon these facts, and upon the contract as thus construed, the circuit judge held that, although the stipulation as to a depot was not a condition prece- dent, yet it was a part of the agreement of the corporation which, at some reasonable time, it was bound to carry out, and that as it was now obvious that the utter insolvency of the company, and the sale of its property and franchises, had rendered the performance of this contract impossible, that it, therefore, followed that the defendants were released from liability upon their stock, both as to calls accruing before and after the abandonment of work upon the road. In this conclusion we think he erred. If it be conceded that the proviso concerning a depot at Newbern is not a condition precedent, as his honor does, then it must follow that a breach of an independ- ent covenant will not discharge the other party of the contract, but that the party damaged by such breach must rely upon his remedy at law for damages, or his remedy in equity, by bill for a specific per- formance. Such breach will not defeat a right of action upon those parts of the contract not dependent upon it. Before such right of action for a breach of this covenant arose the stock list was assigned to creditors of the company, and hence such breach can not, as against such assignees, be set up to defeat or abate their legal right of recovery. If the construction of a depot had been made a condition precedent to the subscription, or to liability for calls upon stock, then it would de- volve upon plaintiff to show performance of such precedent condition ; but, on the other hand, if the parties have not chosen to make respon- sibility depend upon performance of this stipulation, then, clearly, de- fendants must rely upon their independent remedy against the com- pany. We agree with his honor that this proviso as to a depot was not a condition precedent, but a mere independent stipulation. The capital of stock companies consist of their stock subscriptions. This is the basis of credit, and an essential to organization. This is a trust-fund for the benefit of creditors in case of insolvency. Condi- tional subscriptions to the stock of corporations are tmusual, and often operate to defeat subscribers who become such absolutely and upon the faith that all the stock is equally bound to contribiite to the hazards of the enterprise. It misleads creditors, and is the fruit- 122 CONDITIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. 535 ful source of litigation and disaster. Tending to the ensnarement of creditors, and contrary to a sound public policy, conditional sub- scriptions to corporate shares ought not to be encouraged. Their va- lidity, however, is too firmly fixed by a long line of decisions, to be now overturned, yet the courts will not strain, where creditors are concerned, to convert independent covenants into conditions precedent. It a subscriber desires to make his liability depend upon the perfor- mance of some stipulation by the corporation, it is very easy for him to do so in express terms. In the case now under consideration, it is obvious that the subscribers did not intend to make the building of a depot at Newbern a condition upon which their liability should de- pend. They expressly provide that one-fourth of their subscriptions shall fall due when the line of the road is completed to the county line. Now, this was a condition precedent, but when it was complied with the subscription became absolute, and one-fourth payable at once, and the remainder as the work progressed through the county, in four installments, four months apart. Now, a depot at Newbern would be folly without a railroad in operation, and every installment might fall due by lapse of time and continued work within the county, before a depot would be of any practical value. The fact that the first call became payable when the road reached the county line, settles the meaning attached to this stipulation. The acts stipulated to be done are to be done at different times. Hence they are independent of each other, and the remedy of the subscriber for breach of such a stip- ulation is in damages. Goldsborough v. Orr, 8 Wheat. 217. The defendants have pressed upon us the case of Railroad v. Curtis, 80 N. Y. 219, s. c. i Eng. and Am. Railroad Cases, as sustaining the conclusion of the circuit judge. This case has been carefully examined, and we are of opinion that it in no way supports the contention of defendants. The contract in that case was one between subscribers, whereby they agreed to become subscribers to the stock of the railroad company upon certain condi- tions. They did not, as held by the court in that case, become share- holders in prcesenti, but only pledged themselves to one another to thereafter subscribe, and upon condition that the road should be actu- ally constructed by the Lake Shore Company through the town of Farmer. The court held that the actual building of the road by the Lake Shore Company was a condition precedent, and that this condi- tion had never been complied with. The case of N. & N. W. R. Co. v. Jones, 2 Cold. 574, is likewise relied upon. It decides nothing that is in conflict with our view of this case. That case was action by the company against the sub- scriber who had subscribed upon the express stipulation that his sub- scription should be void unless the road was constructed upon a cer- tain line. The directors did locate the road upon the agreed line, but afterwards abandoned this line and constructed the road upon a to- tally different line. This court properly held that, by the very terms of the subscription, it became void by this action of the company. The view we have taken as to the construction of this contract, and 536 WIGHT V. SHELBY R. CO. 123 the effect of the insolvency of the company upon the stipulation as to a depot at Newbern, is supported by a number of well-considered cases in the courts of other states. Berryman v. Trustees, Southern Railway, 14 Bush 755 ; Winkler v. Railroad, 29 Mo. 218; McMillen v. Railroad, 15 B. Monroe 218; Swartwout v. Railroad, 24 Mich. 389 ; Miller v. Railroad, 40 Pa. St. 237; Chambenain v. Railroad, 15 Ohio St. 225. This brings us to a consideration of the question as to whether a suit for the last installment of these stock subscriptions can be now maintained. The subscription provided for the maturity of the calls subsequent to the first in the following language : "The remainder of the amount subscribed to be paid in four equal installments of four months, as the work on the road progressed through the county." The work was progressing at the time the second, third and fourth calls were made, and there can be no doubt but that they were rightfully called and properly demanded. But when the last installment was called all work had been abandoned and has never been since resumed. We are of opinion that this last in- stallment has never matured. The requirement that the calls subse- quent to the first should be made in equal installments "as the work progressed through the county," is a condition precedent to the ma- turity of each installment; and the abandonment of the work before it was finished, and before, in a point of time, the last call could have been made if the work had been carried on in good faith, de- feats the action of this installment. No right to call for or sue upon . this installment exists by reason of the failure of the company to show that the road was finished, or work going on, within the county at the time it was demanded. The objection is made by defendants that these suits can not be maintained because no tender of stock certifi- cates has been made. This assignment of error is not tenable. This is not a case of the purchase of stock certificates as negotiable securities. The tender in such a case might be necessary to maintain suit for the price. But no tender is necessary to maintain suit upon an ordinary subscription for stock. Morawetz on Corporations, 61 and 148 (2d ed.). * * * Judgments as to Parks and Harris reversed. Note. See citations, 116, supra, p. 514. Sec. 123. Conditional delivery of subscriptions. Escrows, the- ories of: (#) Delivery can not be to company's agent. WIGHT v. SHELBY RAILROAD COMPANY. 1 1855. IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF KENTUCKY. 16 B. Mon. (Ky.) Reports, 4-8, 63 Am. Dec. 522. Judge SIMPSON delivered the opinion of the court. As the same questions are involved in both these cases, and as the 1 Part of opinion on other points omitted. 123 SUBSCRIPTIONS IN ESCROW. 537 -validity of the defense presented in both, has to be examined in each case, we will proceed to consider and decide such questions as arise upon the record in either case. The defense relied upon by Wight, that the subscription of stock made by him was left with one of the commissioners in the nature of an escrow, is wholly invalid. The commissioners were the persons appointed by the charter to receive and accept subscriptions of stock, a subscription received by them, even if such a writing could, under any circumstances, be made to assume the nature and attributes of an escrow, could not take that character, inasmuch as, when it was re- ceived by them, it became just as obligatory on the party making it as a promissory note would be upon the maker who left it with the payee, or his agent. The -well-settled doctrine is that to make awrit- ing an escrow merely, it must be placed in the hands of a third -per- son by the party making it, to be delivered to the other party, on the happening of a specified contingency. Here the subscribers were the parties on one side, and the commissioners on the other. A sub- scription when made and received by the commissioners could not, therefore, be a mere escrow, but became in law an absolute under- taking for the payment of the stock subscribed according to the pro- visions of the charter. So far as the defendants, or either of them, alleged that their sub- scription was conditional, and was not to be obligatory upon them, unless the road was located on a certain route, it is only necessary to remark that, the contract being in writing, parol proof is inadmis- sible to alter its terms or to show that, instead of being absolute, as it purports to be, it was in reality conditional. The subscribers might have annexed a condition to the terms of their subscriptions, if they had thought proper to do so, and it would then have been with the commissioners to determine whether such conditional subscrip- tions of stock would be received; but, not having done so, they can not, according to the well-established doctrine on the subject, allege or prove that the contract was different from that which is evidenced by the writing, unless they can establish fraud or mistake in its execu- tion. * * * The failure to pay the sum of $i on each share of stock subscribed can not certainly be relied upon by the subscribers as exonerating them from their liability for their subscriptions. // was their d-uty to pay it at the time the stock was subscribed, but they should not be allowed to take advantage of their own wrong, and release themselves from their whole obligation by a failure to perform a part of it. Even if the commissioners might have refused to receive the stock, unless the payment had been made, yet, as they did not do it, the contract was, after the stock had been received without the payment, binding upon both sides. The decision of the court in the case of the Union Turnpike v. Jenkins, I Caine's Reports 381, sustains the views expressed in this opinion, and it is only the opinion of the dissenting judge that is cited in Angell & Ames on Corporations, and referred to by the counsel for the ap- pellants. 538 CASS V. PITTSBURGH, ETC., R. CO. 124 The decisions of the Massachusetts courts, on some of the questions involved in these cases, have not been followed by this court. In our opinion none of the defenses presented by either of the ap- pellants was a sufficient answer to the plaintiff's action. Wherefore, the judgment in both cases is affirmed. Note. See note at end of next case. Sec. 124. Same. (^) Delivery may be to company's agent. CASS v. PITTSBURGH, VIRGINIA AND CHARLESTON RAIL- WAY CO. 1 1875. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA. 80 Pa. St. Rep. 31-38. MR. JUSTICE SHARSWOOD delivered the opinion of the court May 29, 1876. The subscription of the plaintiff in error to the stock of the defend- ants was upon condition "that in the judgment of the board of di- rectors of said company a sufficient amount is subscribed to the cap- ital stock of said company on or before the first day of April, 1871, to grade and bridge the road, including the right of way from South Pittsburgh to West Brownsville." The board of directors, on the first day of April, 1871, passed a resolution, "that, in the judgment of this board, the conditions named are fully complied with ; that suf- ficient stock has been subscribed to grade and bridge the road, includ- ing the right of way from South Pittsburgh to West Brownsville. " * * * The third assignment of error is to the rejection of an offer to prove, in substance, that the agent of the defendants by whom the subscrip- tion had been procured before it was reported to or accepted by the company, at the request of the plaintiff, agreed to hold back the sub- scription until he should authorize him to hand it to the company, and that afterward a third person, not a member of the board, obtained possession of the paper, under pretense of merely wishing to look at it, put it into his pocket,' and without consent of the agent or defend- ant, delivered it to the company. We think this evidence ought to have been received. It is true, as a general rule, that delivery of a bond or deed as an escrow can not be made to the obligee or grantee. That principle, however, does not apply in this case. When a de- livery of an absolute deed is made to the party, his acceptance is presumed prima facie, because it is for his benefit. Then subse- quent acceptance relates to the first delivery. So it might have been now, had the subscription been absolute, but it is different when the condition imposes a burden upon the other party. He must then ex- pressly or impliedly accept before the contract becomes completely binding on both parties. When such contract is made with an agent J 0nly the part of opinion relating to the one point given. 125 SUBSCRIPTIONS INDUCED BY FRAUD. 539 he may well agree to hold it as an escrow. Until both sides agree, if irrevocable by one it must be also by the other. Martin, the agent, had no authority to accept the conditions, and was not incapacitated from making such an agreement by his relation to the company. Reversed. Note. See, also, 1889, Minneapolis Threshing Machine Co. v. Davis, 40 Minn. 11 J, mpra, p. 492; 1897, Oilman v. Gross, 97 Wis. 224; 23 Am. & Eng. Ency., p. 790; Beach, 510; Clark, 113; Cook, 60; Elliott, 357; Mora- wetz, 69, 851 ; II Thompson, 1253. ARTICLE V. FRAUD AND MISTAKE IN SUBSCRIPTIONS. Sec. 125. Fraud. MARTIN ET AL. v. SOUTH SALEM LAND Co. ET AL.> 1896. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF APPEALS OF VIRGINIA. 94 Va. Rep. 28-59, 6 Am - & En g- Cor P- Cas - ( N - S.) 312. [Suit by various parties against the land company, among others being one by the Bank of Salem, a judgment creditor suing on behalf of itself and others, the land company and its stockholders to en- force their stockholders' liability for unpaid stock. Many of the stockholders answered that their subscriptions had been obtained fraudulently, and they had promptly repudiated them, and asked to have them rescinded. Decree of a pro rata assessment against the stockholders to pay the debts was rendered, from which an appeal was taken.] BUCHANAN, J. * * * Another ground on which the appellants claim that they are not liable for their subscription contracts is, that they were induced to become subscribers by the false and fraudulent rep- resentations of the company or its agents. One of the false and fraudulent representations which it is alleged was made to certain of the appellants was, that there was no promoter's fund except $10,000 of the paid-up stock of the company, when, in fact, two of the pro- moters of the scheme, Crabtree and Bowman, were to receive the sum of $20.000 additional, in money, and that they did receive the greater part thereof. To others it was represented that among the subscrib- ers to the stock of the company were two well-known business men, of much experience and large wealth, when, in fact, one of them had made no subscription at all, and the other had subscribed for a much less sum than was represented. And to others still both these repre- sentations were made. If it be assumed that these representations were made and relied on; that they were not true, and were sufficient to entitle the appel- lants to have their contracts rescinded, and the money paid by them refunded, as between themselves and the Land Company, did they 1 Statement of facts abridged, arguments omitted and the part of the opin- ion relating to the one point only given. 54O MARTIN V. SOUTH SALEM LAND CO. 125 show themselves entitled to such relief as against the creditors of the Land Company, whose debts were decreed to be paid in the court below? It appears that a meeting of the stockholders had been called for the i yth of May, 1892, to consider the affairs of the company. A majority of the stock not being represented on that day, a committee was appointed to prepare a statement in regard to its affairs, and the secretary was instructed to send a copy of that statement to each stock- holder, and urge him to be present at an adjourned meeting of the company, to be held on the pth of June, following. Pursuant to that resolution, the following statement was prepared and sent to the stockholders : "A CIRCULAR OF INFORMATION FOR STOCKHOLDERS OF THE SOUTH SALEM LAND COMPANY." "The following is a copy of the prospectus under which the stock to the South Salem Land Company was subscribed : "The South Salem Land Company, of Salem, Virginia, owns 306 acres of land, lying on the east side of the Salem Development Com- pany, south of the Salem Improvement Company, and southwest of the Riverside Land Company, and is known as the Colonel Jack farm. "This land cost the company $81,200 in cash, and $10,000 in paid-up stock. The capital stock of the company is $300,000, di- vided into shares of $10 each, only $250,000 of which shall be issued unless necessary for the special betterment of the land in the future, and $10,000 of which is the paid-up stock referred to above. It is proposed to sell $240,000 of the stock on the following terms: Ten per cent, payable on March 20, and ten per cent, on April 20, 1890, and ten per cent, payable on March 20, 1891. It is guaranteed that only the above-named assessments will be made. "We, the undersigned, subscribe to the amounts opposite our names upon the above-named conditions. "Under the above prospectus subscription lists were sent by the sev- eral agents for the whole amount of the $240,000 stock, but only on 19,541 shares have the three assessments been nearly all paid. On the remaining 5,088 shares on the list nothing has been paid, and the stock advertised and offered for sale was withdrawn for want of bid- ders. While every effort will be made to collect, it is found that a large per cent, of the lists is insolvent. If we had $3 per share on those shares, this amount, $15,440, would be sufficient for our neces- sities, and enable us to carry on the affairs of the company suc- cessfully. "We now absolutely need about $12,000 for present pressing dues. If this amount can not be raised now, a forced trustee's sale of the property will be the inevitable result. "The stockholders can not be further assessed by the company, un- less the stockholders themselves vote to make the assessment. "A single ten per cent, assessment would relieve the condition of things now and secure the stockholders further advantages. 125 SUBSCRIPTIONS INDUCED BY FRAUD. 541 "Be sure to come or send your proxy to the meeting. "Salem, Va., June i, 1892." The indebtedness of the land company at that time was more than $40,000. Its assets, independent of its stock subscriptions, consisted of the tract of land mentioned in the prospectus, which, it seems, had never been assessed for the purposes of taxation at more than $18,000, and which, when sold in December, 1893, only brought $10,000, and upon a resale in February, 1894, $9,000. Upon its stock subscrip- tions, on which no part of the 30 per cent, called for had been paid, there was a little over $15,000 due, but the larger part of it was due from insolvent parties. There was also a small balance due from stockholders belonging to the class who had made payments on their stock subscriptions. The land company was not only unable to meet its debts as they became due, but assets were altogether insufficient to pay its liabilities. Unless the stockholders were willing to make ad- ditional payments upon their stock, which the company admitted it had no right to call for under its guarantee to them, the land of the company, which was its principal asset, and the development and sale of which was the chief object of its creation, would be sold at a trustee's sale for the residue of the purchase price. No provisions having been made by the company or its stockholders to meet the indebtedness, the trustee gave notice that he would, on the i8th day of August, 1892, sell the land. On the loth of that month the sale was enjoined by an order entered in the case of the South Salem Land Co. v. Hansbrough, Trustee, etc. The bill in that case did not claim that the debt for which the land was adver- tised to be sold was not just, due or unpaid, but alleged that there were clouds upon its title which ought to be removed before sale, and that the notice of sale was not in conformity with the provisions of the deed of trust. At the October term following of the circuit court, two judgments were rendered against the land company, one in favor of the Bank of Salem, and the other in favor of the Pittsburg Bridge Company, for sums aggregating more than $11,000. Upon these judgments execu- tions were issued and returned "no property found." In December of the same year the Bank of Salem and the bridge company instituted suit against the land company and its stockholders for the purpose of subjecting its assets, including the unpaid subscrip- tion of its stockholders, to the payment of their debts and the debts of the other creditors of the company who would come in and con- tribute to the expenses of the suit. In that case the appellants (except in three cases, which will be hereafter considered) for the first time took steps to have their sub- scription contracts rescinded. A party who has been induced to subscribe for stock in a corpo- ration by false or fraudulent representations as to a material fact upon which he had the right to rely, and did rely, is entitled to have the contract rescinded in the same manner as if the question had arisen between two natural persons, provided the question arises between 542 MARTIN V. SOUTH SALEM LAND CO. 125 the contracting parties and the rights of third persons are not in- volved, i Morawetz on Corporations, 108; 2 Thompson on Corporations, 1361 ; i Cook on Stock and Stockholders, etc., 151-161. A contract procured by a fraud is not void, but voidable only, at the option of the party defrauded. It is binding upon him until rescinded, and, if before he exercises the option to rescind, innocent third par- ties have, in reliance of the fraudulent contract, acquired rights which would be prejudiced by its rescission, they may generally have it en- forced for their benefit, although the party by whose fraud it was pro- cured could not do so. Oakes v. Turquand, etc. (House of Lords), 2 English and Irish Appeal Cases, L. R. 325 ; Tennent v. City of Glascow (House of Lords), 4 Appeal Cases, L. R. 615 ; 2 Thomp- son on Corporations, 1363; 2 Morawetz on Corporations, 839. This principle is founded in reason and justice. If one of two in- nocent persons must suffer from the misconduct of a third, the burden must fall upon the one whose conduct enabled the third person to perpetuate the wrong complained of. If a person is induced by fraud to sell his property, and it passes into the hands of an innocent purchaser for value before his contract by which he sold has been rescinded, he must bear the loss rather than the innocent purchaser. In an ordinary partnership it is impossible for one partner to retire from or to repudiate the partnership to the prejudice of the partner- ship creditors. He may have been induced to enter into the partner- ship by the false or fraudulent representations of the other partners, and this may be a sufficient ground for relief against them, but it is no ground for getting rid of the firm's liabilities to its creditors. The shareholders in a corporation are the real parties in interest. They furnish the capital and receive the profits. As was said by Mr. Justice Miller, in Sawyer v. Hoag, 17 Wall. 610, the corporation "is but the representative of its stockholders, and exists mainly for their benefit, and is governed and controlled by them through officers whom they elect, and the interest and power of legal control of each shareholder is in exact proportion to his amount of stock." In the case of Oakes v. Turquand, etc., cited above, it was held by the House of Lords that, after the winding up of a joint stock com- pany had commenced, a stockholder could not have his contract re- scinded for fraud in its procurement. The decision was based upon the ground that innocent third parties acquired rights which would be defeated by the rescission. In that case the decision of Lord Camp- bell, in Henderson v. Royal British Bank (7 E. & B. 356), was ap- proved. Lord Campbell said in that case: "This is an application by a creditor, who, upon the faith of the party who was then a share- holder, and who held himself out to the world as a shareholder, and, being one, gave credit to the bank. He has obtained judgment against the bank. There was no assets of the bank as a company, and the application now is that execution may issue against the party individually. It would be monstrous to say that he, having become a 125 SUBSCRIPTIONS INDUCED BY FRAUD. 543 partner and a shareholder, and having held himself out to the world as such, and having so remained until the concern stopped payment, could, by repudiating the shares on the ground that he had been de- frauded, make himself no longer a shareholder, and thus get rid of his liability to the creditors of the bank, who had given credit to it upon the faith that he was a shareholder. It would be a monstrous injustice, and contrary to all principle." Tennent v. City of Glascow Bank, 4 Appeal Cases (H. L.) 615; Stone v. City and County Bank, 3 C. P. Div. 282; Wright's Case, L. R. 7 Chy. 60; Pugh & Sharman's Case, L. R. 13 Eq. 572; 2 Thompson on Corp., 1441, 1442 ; i Cook on Stock and Stockholders, 163. In this country, in the absence of statutory provisions upon the sub- ject, the rule seems to be, says Morawetz, in his work on Corpora- tions, "that a shareholder whose contract of subscription was obtained by fraud would be liable to contribute his share of the capital upon the insolvency of the company, so far as 1 this may be required, in order to satisfy those creditors whose claims attached before he elected to disaffirm the contract." Section 840. Thompson says: "It may be concluded from a number of Ameri- can cases that no rescission will be allowed after the bankruptcy or in- solvency of the corporation has supervened unless under very excep- tional circumstances, if at all; and further, that the fact that the stockholder was induced to take stock by false representations is no defense in an action by judgment-creditors of the corporation on his statutory liability." 2 Thompson on Corp., 1450. Cook says upon this subject: "In this country the effect of corpo- rate insolvency upon the right of a subscriber to rescind his contract for fraud has not been passed upon as often as in England. The de- cisions, however, clearly hold that corporate insolvency is a bar to such rescission." i Cook on Stocks & Stockholders, 163, 164. The decisions of the courts, we think, sustain the doctrine laid down in the text-books, that a person who has. to all external appear- ances, become a stockholder, can not, as to creditors who may have trusted the company upon the faith of his membership, have his con- tract of subscription rescinded upon the ground of fraud, where he did not repudiate the contract and take steps to have it rescinded before the company stopped payment and became actually insolvent; cer- tainly not, where it does not appear that he was diligent in discovering the fraud, and prompt in repudiating his contract after it was discov- ered. Upton v. Tribilcock, 91 U. S. 45 ; Webster v. Upton, 91 U. S. 65; Sanger v. Upton, 91 U. S. 56; Chubb v. Upton, 95 U. S. 665; Ogilvie v. Knox Ins. Co., 22 How. 380; Tennent v. City of Glascow Bank, 4 Appeal Cases (H. L.), 615; Turner v. Granger, etc., (Ga.), 38 Am. Rep. Soi ; Howard v. Glenn (Ga.), n S. E. 610; Saffold v. Barnes, 39 Miss. 399; Duffield v. Barnum, 59 Mich. 272. Before the appellants had repudiated their contracts the land com- pany was insolvent. It was insolvent, whether that word be used in its restricted sense to indicate the inability of an individual to pay his debts as they become due in the ordinary course of business, or in its 544 MARTIN V. SOUTH SALEM L.AND CO. 125 general or popular meaning, to denote that the entire assets of a debtor are insufficient to pay his debts. Toof v. Martin, 13 Wall. 40. Not only was this true, but its real estate had been advertised for sale for the purchase-money yet due upon it, which was more than it was worth. Judgments had been obtained against the company, as before stated, executions issued and returned "no property found," and a creditor's bill filed to subject its assets to the payment of its debts, in which it was alleged that independent of its unpaid stock subscriptions (which the company admitted it had no right to collect, except so much of the thirty per cent, called for as remained unpaid) the company was insolvent. This was more than two years and a half after their subscriptions had been made. The excuse given for this delay is that they did not discover the fraud complained of ear- lier. There is nothing in the evidence to show that any diligence was exercised by them to discover whether the alleged false representa- tions made to them were true or not. It is not sufficient in a case like this, where the rights of creditors are involved, that a stockholder should be prompt in repudiating his contract of subscription and in seeking to have it rescinded after the fraud had been discovered, but he must be diligent also in discover- ing the fraud. Where a party has the means of knowledge or dis- covery in his power, he will be deemed to know all that with ordi- nary care and diligence he might have obtained knowledge of. A delay which might be of no consequence in an ordinary case, may be amply sufficient to bar the title to relief where the property is of a speculative character, or is subject to contingencies, or where the rights and liabilities of third parties have been in the meantime varied. Parties, it is said, who are in the position of shareholders in compan- ies, if they come to the court to be relieved from their shares on the ground of fraud, must come with the utmost diligence and prompti- tude. Kerr on Fraud & Mistake, 306, etc.; Morawetz on Corp., 108, 839; Chubb v. Upton, 95 U. S. 665; Upton v. .Tribilcock. 91 U. S. 45; II Thompson on Corp., 1438, etc. * * * Affirmed. Note. As to subscriptions obtained by fraud, see, 1852, Connecticut, etc., R. Co. v. Bailey, 24 Vt. 465; 1856, Hester v. Memphis, etc., R. Co., 32 Miss. 378; 1859, Anderson v. New Castle, etc., R. Co., 12 Ind. 376, 74 Am. Dec. 218; 1867, Central R. Co. v. Kisch, L. R. 2 H. L. 99; 1867, Oakes v. Tur- quand, L. R. 2 H. L. 325 ; 1869, Smith v. Reese River Co., L. R. 4 H. L. 64 ; 1874, Upton v. Englehart, 3 Dill. (C. C. U. S.) 496; 1875, Upton v. Tribilcock, 91 U. S. 45; 1877, Getty v. Devlin, 70 N. Y. 504; .1878; Vreeland v. N. J. Stone Co., 29 N. J. Eq. 188; 1878, Jewett v. R. Co., 34 Ohio St. 601; 1883, City Bank v. Bartlett, 71 Ga. 797; 1884. Mont. S. R. Co. v. Matthews, 77 Ala. 357; 1893, Howard v. Turner, 155 Pa. St. 349; 1893, Ramsey v. Mfg. Co., 116 Mo. 313 ; 1896, Hunter v. French, etc., Co., 96 Iowa 573 ; 1896, Newton Nat'l Bank v. Newzegin, 74 Fed. Rep. 135, 33 L. R. A. 727 ; 1897, Chicago Bldg. & Mfg. Co. v. Summerour, 101 Ga. 820; 1897, Garrison v. Electrical Works, 55 N. J. Eq. 708; 1898, Barcus v. Gates, 89 Fed. Rep. 783, 32 C. C. A. 337; 1898, Franey v. Park Co., 99 Wis. 40; 1898, Reyener v. Hnbbard, 56 N. Y. Sup. 173; 1898, Re International Soc., etc., 1 Ch.'llO, 77 L. T. R. 523. Compare, 1849, Dodg- son's Case, 3 De G. & S. 85; 1865, Felgate's Case, 2 De G. J. & S. 456; 1869, Custar v. Titusville Gas & W. Co., 63 Pa. St. 381; 1880, Turner v. Ins. Co., 126 SUBSCRIPTION MADE BY MISTAKE. 545 65 Ga. 649; 1895, St. John's, etc., Co. v. Hunger, 106 Mich. 90; 1897, Trades- man's Nat'l Bank v. Looney, 99 Tenn. 278, 38 L. R. A. 837. See, also, Boone, 111 ; Beach, 109, 163; Clark, 101 ; Cook, 136-170; Elliott, 369-376; Morawetz, 94-117; Taylor, 103,523-26; II Thomp- son, 1360-1506 ; VII Thompson, 8635-40. Sec. 126. Mistake. ROCKFORD, ROCK ISLAND AND ST. LOUIS R CO. v. SHUNICK. 1 1872. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ILLINOIS. 65 111. Rep. 223-230. MR. JUSTICE MCALLISTER. This was a proceeding instituted by appellant to condemn the lands of the appellee for the uses of a rail- road. The land was situated in the township of Spring Grove, War- ren county, and this appeal is from the judgment of the circuit court of that county in favor of appellee for compensation and damages on account of land taken and damaged. To defeat appellee's right to compensation and damages, appel- lant introduced in evidence on the trial a certain instrument in writ- ing, to which appellant was only a beneficial party, if any, purport- ing to have been executed by fifty-seven persons, including the ap- pellee, and embracing two distinct subjects: (i) That of conditional subscription to the stock of appellant's corporation. (2) That of securing to appellant the right of way through said township. The part of the instrument relating to subscription has no relevancy whatever to this controversy. But it is claimed by appellant's coun- sel that the other part of the supposed agreement cut off appel- lee's entire claim for either compensation or damages, and this is urged upon the ground of estoppel in pats. The terms of this part of the agreement are in substance : That in order that the right of way might be made secure to said company, free of all charge and expense, and that the company might not be delayed in the construction of its line through said township, in con- sideration of one dollar to the undersigned paid, the receipt thereof acknowledged, they, the undersigned, jointly and severally agree to secure to the company, free of charge and expense to the same, the right of way on, over, and across the lands in said township, such right of way to include a strip of land one hundred feet in width, to be described as a strip of land fifty feet in width on each side of the center line of the established survey of said railroad, on, over, and across the lands in said township of Spring Grove. * * * The appellant's road was so located as to run through appellee's orchard and a part of his dwelling-house. Appellee, as appears, without controversy, is an unlettered man, being unable to either read or write. While at work in his field he was approached by a man 1 Only so much of the report is given as relates to the single point. 35 WIL. CASES. 546 ROCKFORD, ETC., R. CO. V. SHUNICK. 126 of the name of Holloway w.ith this paper. Holloway knew that the man was unlettered. He did not read the paper to him, and stated only that part which related to the subscription. He not only did not read or state that part of the instrument relating to the right of way, but assured appellee that he could obtain compensation for his land if taken. Holloway testifies that he signeu 1 appellee's name to the paper by his direction. From this fact appellant's counsel insist that Holloway was appellee's agent, and that being so, appellee could not avail himself of the misrepresentations of his ow r n agent to avoid the instrument. On this ground the court below made an indefinite exclusion of the evidence showing the circumstances under which the paper w r as executed, but refused to give an instruction asked by ap- pellant directing the jury to disregard it, and appellant now complains of such refusal. Holloway does not state when or where he signed appellee's name ; but only that he did it by his direction. It must have been done then and there in the presence of appellee, the latter merely using Holloway's hand, as it were, to write his own name, or at some other time and place, in the absence of appellee, Holloway acting in that behalf upon an alleged authority to make a contract for appellee. If he so acted in executing it, and the instrument itself amount to a contract with appellant, it was one virtually for the sale of an interest in land, and the authority to execute it as agent of appellee should have been in writing. If the name was signed by Holloway in ap- pellee's presence and at his request, then the only reason which could be urged why it was not within the statute of frauds requiring the au- thority of the agent to be in writing, would be that appellee merely employed the hand of Holloway to write his name, and that in such case the doctrine of agency in its legal sense would not apply. But assuming that to be the case, would anybody be heard to contend that although Holloway was not an agent in such sense as would require his authority to be in writing, yet he must be regarded as one to the extent of precluding appellee from setting up his misrepresentation for the purpose of avoiding the instrument in the hands of appellant? We think not. Such a rule would snatch the shield of law from the wronged and bestow it upon the wrong-doer; would take it from the unlettered, who need it most, and give it to those against whom it ought to be used. The appellant could not seek to take the fruits of the contract without adopting the means by which it was obtained. Besides, if the execution of the instrument was obtained in the man- ner disclosed by the evidence, it was void ab initio. It is laid down in Pigot's case, n Rep. -27, that if three distinct bonds are written upon one piece of parchment, and one of them only is read to the obligor, and he, being a man not lettered, seals and delivers this deed, it is good for that which was read, and ab initio void for the others; and it is further said, "that every deed ought to have writing, sealing and delivering, and when anything shall pass from them who had not understanding but by hearing only, it ought to be read also ; and it is true that he who is not lettered is reputed in law as he who can not see, but hear only, and all his understanding is by hearing; and so a 127 SUBSCRIPTION BY INFANTS. 547 man who is lettered and can not see, is, as to this purpose, taken in law as a man not lettered; and therefore if a man is lettered and is blind, if the deed is read to him in any other manner, he shall avoid the deed, because all his understanding in such case is by hearing." There is nothing in the evidence upon which 'to predicate negligence on the part of the appellee. The mind of the signer did not accom- pany the signature, and the agreement in the particular in question, at least, was void. Leach v. Nichols, 55 111. 273. We are of the opinion that the supposed agreement was not suffi- cient in any view to cut off appellee's right to compensation and dam- ages; that substantial justice has been done and that the judgment should be affirmed. Judgment affirmed. Note. As to mistake of fact, generally, see : 1431, 2 Rolle's Abr. 28, 1. 5, 9 H. 6, 596 ; 1506, Keilway's Reports, 70 ; 1584, Throughgood's Case, 2 Co. Rep. 96, 1 And. 129, Moore 148; 1808, Putnam v. Sullivan, 4 Mass. 45; 1819, Taylor v. King, 6 Munf. (Va.) 358; 1829, Salem M. D. Co. v. Ropes, 9 Pick. (Mass.) 187, 19 Am. D. 363; 1858, Cunningham v. Edgeneld, etc., R. Co., 2 Head (39 Tenn.) 23; 1858, Diman v. Providence, etc., R. Co., 5 R. I. 130; 1*63, Swan v. North B. A. Co., 2 Hurls. & C. 175, 32 L. J. R. (N. S.) Exch. 273; 1868, Four Mile Valley R. Co. v. Bailey, 18 Ohio St. 208; 1869, Foster v. McKisson, L. R. 4 C. P. 704, 38 L. J. R. (N. S.) 310; 1870, Leach v. Nichols, 55 111. 273; 1871, County of Schuylkill v. Copley, 67 Pa. St. 386; 1871, Rovegno v. Def- ferari, 40 Cal. 459; 1873, Payson v. Withers, 5 Biss. 269; 1877, Gibson v. Pelkie,37 Mich. 380; 1883, Shelton v. Ellis, 70 Ga. 297; 1885, Wood v. Boyn- ton, 64 Wis. 265; 1887, Sherwood v. Walker, 66 Mich. 568; 1888, Hechtv. Batcheller, 147 Mass. 335; 1893, Brintnall v. Briggs, 87 Iowa 538; 1898, Keene v. Demelman, 172 Mass. 17; 1898, Deseret Nat'l Bank v. Burton, 17 Utah 43; 1898, Gaffney Mercantile Co. v. Hopkins, 21 Mont. 13 ; 1898, Rogers v. Pattie, 96 Va. 498; 1899, Hochstein v. Berghauser, 123 Cal. 681. As to mistakes of law, see: 1822, Storrs v. Barker, 6 Johns. Ch. (N. Y.) 166, 10 Am. D. 316; 1828, Hunt v. Rousmaniere, 1 Pet. (26 U. S.) 1; 1838, Bank of U. S. v. Daniel, 12 Pet. (37 U. S.) 32; 1845, Trigg v. Read, 5 Humph. (Tenn.) 529, 42 Am. D. 447; 1858, New Albany & S. R. Co. v. Fields, 10 Ind. 187; 1860, Goodenow v. Ewer, 16 Cal. 461, 76 Am. D. 540; 1872, Bailey v. Hannibal, etc., R. Co., 17 Wall. (U. S.) 96; 1876, Selma, etc., R. Co. v. Ander- son, 51 Miss. 829; 1895, Loftus v. Fischer, 106 Cal. 616; 1898, Deseret Nat'l Bank v. Burton, 17 Utah 43, 53 Pac. 215. See, also, Beach, 105; Clark, 196; Cook, 196; Morawetz, 97; Taylor, 527; II Thompson, 1379, 1393, 1719. ARTICLE VI. PARTIES TO THE AGREEMENT, n / Sec. 127. Infants. FOSTER v. CHASE ET AL. 1896. IN THE UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT, DISTRICT OF VER- MONT. 75 Fed. Rep. 797. This was a suit in equity by Edwin L. Foster against Henry Chase and others to recover an assessment upon the stock of a national bank. 548 FOSTER V. CHASE. I2/ WHEELER, District Judge. The defendant bought stock in the names of his minor children in the First National Bank of Silver City, N. M., of which the plaintiff is receiver, and this suit is brought for an assessment upon it made by the comptroller of the currency. The plaintiff claims that the defendant made himself liable for the assess- ment because of the incapacity of his children to take the stock and make themselves liable for it. He insists that they only are the share- holders, and liable, if any one is. Assent is necessary to becoming a shareholder, subject to this liability, in a national bank. Keyser v. Hitz, 133 U. S. 138, 10 Sup. Ct. 290. Minors do not seem to have anywhere the necessary legal capacity for that. The principles upon which this disability rests are elementary and universal, i Bl. Comm. 492 ; 2 Kent Comm. 233. In buying and paying for this stock, and having it placed on the books of the bank, the defendant acted for himself; in having it placed there in the name of his children, as with their assent, he assumed to act for them. As they could not them- selves so assent as to be bound to the liabilities of a shareholder, they could not so authorize him to assent for them as to bind them. To the extent that they could not be bound he acted without legal au- thority, and bound only himself. Story Ag., 280. This liability has been sought for defendant to be likened to that of married women becoming shareholders; but that has been incurred where, and be- cause, the law of the place authorized them to become such. Keyser v. Hitz, supra; Bundy v. Cocke, 128 U. S. 185, 9 Sup. Ct. 242. No law confers that capacity upon infants, but the banking law seems to refer this liability to their estates in the hands of their guardians. Rev. Stat. U. S., 5152. Decree for plaintiff. Note. Infants as shareholders. In the case of Foster v. Wilson, 75 Fed. Rep. 797, it was held that where the father of a minor had subscribed in the minor's name, the father remained liable upon an assessment made before the minor came of age, though suit for its collection was not begun till after he had become of age and assented to holding the stock. See, 1847, Cork, etc., R. v. Cazenove, 10 Q. B. 935 ; 1849, Newry , etc., R. v. Coombe, 3 Ex. 565 ; 1850, North- western R. Co. v. McMichael, 5 Ex. 114 ; 1852, Dublin, etc., R. Co. v. Black, 8 Ex. 181 ; 1868, Robinson v. Weeks, 56 Maine 102 ; 1868, Lurnsden's Case, L. R. 4 Ch. 31; 1868, Hart's Case, L. R. 6 Eq. 512; 1869, Castello's Case, L. R. 8 Eq. Cas. 504; 1870, Mitchell's Case, L. R. 9 Eq. Cas. 363; 1870, Symon's Case, L. R. 5 Ch. App. 298; 1870, Weston's Case, L. R. 5 Ch. App. 614; 1870, Ebbett's Case, L. R. 5 Ch. App. 302; 1871, Baker's Case, L. R. 7 Ch. 115; 1872, Gooch's Case, L. R. 8 Ch. App. 266; 1876, Re Nassau Phos. Co., L. R. 2 Ch. D. 610; 1877, Indianapolis Chair Co. v. Wilcox, 59 Ind. 429; 1886, Crum- mey v. Mills, 40 Hun. (N. Y.) 370; 1886, Hamilton, etc., R. v. Townsend, 13 Ont. App. 534, 16 Am. & E. C. C. 645; 1889, Chicago, etc.. Assn. v. Hunt, 127 111. 257; 1892, Re Globe Mut. Ben. Assn., 63 Hun. (N. Y.)263; 1892, Re Laxon, etc., Co., 3 Ch. D. 555.' See, also, 10 Am. and Eng. Ency., 634, n. 2; Beach, 128, 138, 303; Clark, 98; Cook, 63, 250; Elliott, 366; Mora- wetz, 855; Taylor, 95,515 n., 586; I Thompson, 1095; II Thompson, 1238, 2307, 2493; III Thompson, 3271-4; VII Thompson, 8162, 8708; n. 18 Am. St. Rep. 615. 128 SUBSCRIPTION OF MARRIED WOMEN. 549 Sec. 128. Married women. HAHNS & BROS'. APPEAL. 1 1886. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA. 15 Am. & Eng. Corp. Cas. 537, 18 Weekly Notes of Cases 294. [Appeal by complainants from a decree of the common pleas court dismissing a bill in equity to charge defendant Arndt upon unpaid subscription to the stock of an iron company. The iron company being authorized to increa.se its capital stock, called for subscriptions upon the express condition that .none were to be binding unless $175,000 were subscribed. This sum was subscribed, but $1,350 of it were by married women. Dr. Arndt had subscribed for twenty shares, but had paid nothing and attended no meetings.] TRUNKEY, J. * * * In this case no fraud is alleged. The subscriptions of the married women were carelessly accepted as valid by those who were active, but Mr. Arndt in no instance was an active party. It does not appear that he knew that the amount of the subscriptions of the mar- ried women was necessary to make up the requisite sum prior to the beginning of this suit. Married women can hold stock and transfer it, but the statute does not empower them to contract to pay for stock. Their subscriptions create no obligations on their part. As to them the contracts are void. * * * Affirmed. Note. See note to next case, p. 552. Sec. 129. Same. NATIONAL COMMERCIAL BANK v. McDONNELL. 2 1890. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ALABAMA. 92 Ala. Rep. 387- 399, 9 So. Rep. 149. Appeals from the chancery court of Mobile. There are four appeals embraced in this one record all involve similar questions, are included in one cause of action, and are de- cided by one decree of the chancellor. The bill was filed by the appellees as creditors, and sought to sub- ject the stockholders of the Alabama Gold Life Insurance Company, an insolvent corporation that had made a general assignment, to a personal liability to the extent of the stock owned by them in said in- solvent corporation. The answers, contentions and accompanying facts, as well as the effect of the decree rendered, are sufficiently shown in the opinion. The chancellor held in his decree that the complainants were entitled to the relief prayed for, and so ordered. 'Only so much as refers to the single point is given. 2 Only the part of the opinion relating to the one point is given. 55O NATIONAL COMMERCIAL BANK V. M'DONNELL. 129 It is from this decree that the present appeal is prosecuted, and the same is here assigned as error. CLOPTON, J. * * * In the cases of A. P. Bush and L. C. Dorgan, the facts are substantially alike, and the questions raised are identical. The amendment of the bill, filed September 5, 1887, exhibited a list of the stockholders on October 6, 1886. In this list Mrs. Bush, wife of A. P. Bush, and Mrs. Dorgan, wife of L. C. Dorgan, appear as the holders of twenty shares each ; and they were made parties to the amended bill. Having filed pleas of coverture, the bill was dismissed as to them, and amended so as to aver that the wife of the appellant, Bush, did not own any of the property as her equitable separate es- tate, and did not personally subscribe for or purchase any of the shares, but that her husband subscribed for or purchased them, and caused them to be placed on the books of the company in her name. The amendment of the bill makes substantially the same allegations as to the shares in the name of Mrs. Dorgan. The answers of ap- pellants, which are sworn to, deny that they ever owned the stock held by their wives, or furnished the money to pay for them, and also that the stock was purchased with funds belonging to the wife's stat- utory separate estate. It will be observed that the bill fails to allege that the wives had no statutory separate estate. The evidence shows that a certificate for ten shares of stock was issued December i, 1868, and certificates for the other ten shares were issued February 18, 1882, to Mrs. Bush ; and a certificate for twenty shares was is- sued April 19, 1875, to Mrs. Dorgan; which stood thereafter on the books of the company in their names, respectively. Bush and Dor- gan each owned thirty-five shares, for which certificates were issued in their names, and the books showed that they were the holders of such shares. On the pleadings and evidence, the chancellor rendered a decree against each of the appellants for the aggregate amount of the stock held in his own name, and that which stood in the name of his wife. What follows will be understood as the expression of my individual views as to the personal liability of the husbands. It is conceded that, at common law, when the husband subscribes for stock in the name of his wife, he will be held liable for the sub- scription as the real owner. The rule rests on the incapacity of a married woman to subscribe for stock, and as she can not make a binding contract, whoever subscribes in her name becomes personally liable. At common law a married woman has no material rights as regards shares of stock subscribed for or purchased by her. The statutes in force at the time of the purchase of the stock in question abrogated the marital rights of the husband as to the wife's statutory separate estate. By the statute her property was vested in him, not as husband, but as her trustee, and as such he was clothed with large discretionary powers to invest her funds as he deemed most beneficial for her, and if he purchased personal property with her money, taking the title in her name, while as trustee he was entitled to the possession and income, she was the legal owner. Evans v. English, 61 Ala. 416; Daniel v. Hardwick, 88 Ala. 557. The husband may invest I2Q SUBSCRIPTION OK MARRIED WOMEN. 551 her money in the stock of incorporated companies, which thus be- comes her separate estate, as well as other personal property. The supreme court of the United States, in a recent case, held that a married woman, in the District of Columbia, may become a holder of stock in a national banking association, assuming all the liabilities of a shareholder, though the consideration may have proceeded from the husband, and that coverture does not prevent the recovery of a judgment against her for the amount of an assessment levied upon the shareholders to pay the corporate debts. Keyzer v. Hitz, 133 U. S. 138. This conclusion is based on the fact that the statute imposing liability on the stockholders makes no exception in favor of married women. Whether, under our statutes, the rules of the common law are displaced so far as to render a married woman individually liable for the debts of the corporation and authorize a personal judgment against her, are questions not before us and as to which we express no opinion. In Simmons v. Dent, 15 Mo. App. 288, it was held that, under a statute whereby a married woman may become a stockholder, a transfer of stock from the husband to the wife is valid and relieves him from liability on the stock the same as though he had transferred it to another person. That a married woman may become, by a purchase of shares, a stockholder in an incorporated company under our statute, can not well be questioned. The liability of the shareholders, additional to the common law liability for unpaid subscriptions, is statutory. Im- posing a liability which did not exist at common law, the statute will not be extended by construction so as to include persons who are not the equitable or real owners of the stock, or in whom the legal title is not vested who are not stockholders, neither equitably nor legally. Cook on Stock and Stockholders, 214. When money of the wife's statutory separate estate is invested by her husband as a trustee in the purchase of stock, he is not the owner, has no beneficial interest therein, and enters into no contractual relations, express or implied, with the corporation. It is true that, under the statutes in force at the time of the purchase of the stock, a married woman 'had no capacity to make contracts subjecting her to personal liability, or charging her stat- utory separate estate. But whether the husband, subscribing for stock in the name of his wife, would be liable for the unpaid sub- scriptions, is not the question presented for decision. It may be that he would be liable, under the rule laid down in Wilder v. Abernethy, 54 Ala. 644, that no title to property purchased on her credit passes to her, the contract of purchase not being a charge on her separate estate, and if purchased by the husband on the credit of the wife, it becomes his property. A different question arises where property is purchased with the separate money of the wife, paid for a real in- vestment of her funds by the husband as her statutory trustee. In such case the contract of purchase, the investment, bound the wife. It appearing that, in each case, the stock was purchased by the husband for the wife in his capacity of trustee under his statutory powers, paid for with the moneys of her separate estate, the certificates issued in 552 NATIONAL COMMERCIAL BANK V. M'DONNELL. 130 her name, standing on the books of the company as the owner hold- ing the legal title, and the husband's name not appearing on the books as the owner, or as holding the stock in trust, he can not be re- garded, in my opinion, as a stockholder, in the meaning of the consti- tutional and statutory provisions imposing the additional individual liability. Btrt as to this conclusion, the other members of the court differ with me, holding that, as a married woman w r as incapable un- der the statute of making a contract binding her personally, or charg- ing her statutory separate estate, the common law rule, which makes the husband, when he subscribes for stock in the name of his wife, personally liable on the subscription, applies, and subjects him to the additional liability imposed by the statute on the stockholders to the extent of their stock. As to Bush and Dorgan, affirmed. Note. Married women as shareholders. See, 1847, Porter v. Bank of Rutland, 19 Vt. 410; 1849, Angas' Case, 1 De G. & Sm. 560; 1849, Slaymaker v. Bank of Gettysburg, 10 Pa. St. 373; 1850, White's Case, 3 De G. & Sm. 157; 1853, Dalton v. Midland, etc., R., 13 C. B. 474; 1860, Luard's Case, 1 De G., F. & J. 533; 1860, In matter of Reciprocity Bank, 22 N. Y. 9; 1864, Hill v. Pine River Bank, 45 N. H. 300 ; 1866, Matthewman's Case, L. R. 3 Eq. Cas. 781 ; 1868, Butler v. Cumpston, L. R. 7 Eq. Cas. 16; 1872, Pugh & Sharman's Case, L. R. 13 Eq. 566; 1879, Brown v. Bokee, 53 Md. 155; 1880, Anderson v. Line, 14 Fed. Rep. 405; 1886, Sayles v. Bates, 15 R. I. 342; 1887, Witters v. Sowles, 32 Fed. Rep. 767; 1890, Keyser v. Hitz, 133 TJ. S. 138; 1894, Robinson v. Tur- rentine, 59 Fed. Rep. 554; 1896, Re Married Women's, etc., 18 Pa. Co. Ct. 492. See, also, 14 Am. & Eng. Ency. 680; Beach, 139; Cook, 66, 250, 319, 396, 538; Clark, 98; Elliott, 346; I Thompson, 1096-7; II 76., 2493;' III Ib., 3103, 3211, 3275; VII Ib., . 8163, 8708. Sec. 130. Aliens. See Regina v. Arnaud, 9 Adolpl. & E. 886, supra, p. 58. Notes. Aliens as shareholders. See, 1806, Ex parte Boussmaker, 13 Ves. Jr. 71; 1844, Cammeyer v. U. G. L. Churches, 2 Sandf. Ch. (N. Y.) 186; 1847, Commw. v. O'Donnell, Brightly N. P. (Pa.) Ill; 1869, Hobbs v. Manhattan Ins. Co., 56 Maine 417, 96 Am" Dec. 472; 1871, In re Journalist's Fund, etc., SPhila. (Pa.) 272; 1873, In re Charter, etc., 10 Phila. (Pa.) 19; 1879, In re Charter, etc., 1 Leg. Rec. (Pa.) 133; 1880, Humphreys v. Mooney, 5 Colo. 282; 1890, Commw. v. Hemmingway, etc., 131 Pa. St. 614, 7 L. R. A. 357; 1895, Re Italian Mnt. Ben. Assn., 15 Pa". Co. Ct, 644; 1897, Re Charter St. Ladislaus, 19 Pa. Co. Ct. 25; 1899, Blien v. Rand, 79 N. W. (Minn.) 606. State statutes frequently provide that in corpora tors, or a part of them, shall be citizens of the state granting the charter. Such provisions are undoubt- edly valid, for the state can grant or withhold its corporate franchises at its pleasure. It, however, perhaps is questionable whether a state can confine the stockholders or subscribers to the stock to residents or citizens of the state creating the corporation, without violating section 2, article iv, of the United States constitution, providing that "the citizens of each state shall be entitled to all the privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states." But see, 1890, Commw. v. Hemmingway, 131 Pa. St. 614 ; 1898, State v. Travelers' Ins. Co., 70 Conn. 590; 1899, Blien v. Rand, 77 Minn. 110, 79 N. W. 606. 131 SUBSCRIPTION BY PRIVATE CORPORATIONS. 553 Sec. 131. Private corporations. THE DENNY HOTEL CO., APPELLANT, v. JOHN SCHRAM, RESPONDENT.* 1893. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF WASHINGTON. 6 Wash. Rep. iS^S 8 ' 3 6 Am - St - Re P- !3' DUNBAR, C. J. * * * Second. Can a corporation under the laws of this state become an incorporator by subscribing for shares in another corporation? * * * As to the second proposition, a corporation can only be formed in the manner provided by law, and has only such powers as the law specially confers upon it. We do not think that a corporation was within the contemplation of the legislature when they used the ex- pression, "two or more persons," in 1498, Gen. Stat. It is true that 1709, Code Proc., provides that the term "person" may be construed to include the United States, this state, or any state or ter- ritory, or any public or private corporation, as well as an individual. But it does not follow, by any means, that the term "person" is al- ways to be construed as a private corporation, any more than it is always to be construed as the United States. Morawetz on Private Corporations, 433, says: "A corporation can not, in the absence of express statutory authority, become an in- corporator by subscribing for shares in a new corporation ; nor can it do this indirectly through persons acting as its agents or tools ;" cit- ing Central R. Co. v. Pennsylvania R. Co., 31 N. J. Eq. 475. The author, continuing, says, "The right of forming a corporation is con- ferred by the incorporation laws only upon persons acting individu- ally, and not upon associations. " This, it seems to us, for manifest and manifold reasons, is in accord- ance with public policy, and we therefore decide that under the ex- isting laws of this state one corporation can not subscribe to the capi- tal stock of another corporation. And, in any event, in this case the amount of the capital stock of the building company was so exceed- ingly small, compared with the amount of the liability which it sought to assume (its subscribed stock being $64,000 and its capital stock only $54,000), that there was no apparent ability to pay the amount subscribed ; and while it may be true that a party's contract will not be held void if it is not apparent that he is worth the entire amount of money necessary to carry it out at the time it is made, yet the disparity here is too great, and there is not only not "an apparent ability to pay," but there is an apparent inability to pay. We find no error in the proceedings in the court below, and the judgment is therefore affirmed. STILES, ANDERS and SCOTT, JJ., concur. HOYT, J., disqualified. Note. See, infra, under Powers of Corporations, p. 1051, et seq. Only that part of opinion relating to the one point given. 554 COLE V. LA GRANGE. 132 Sec. 132. Municipal corporations. COLE v. LA GRANGE. 1 1884. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. 113 U. S. Rep. 19. This was an action to recover the amount of coupons for interest from January i, 1873, to January i, 1880, attached to twenty-five bonds, all exactly alike, except in their numbers, and one of which was as follows : "UNITED STATES OP AMERICA. \ STATE OF MISSOURI, CITY OP LA GRANGE. / "No. 23. $1,000 "Know all men by these presents, that the city of La Grange doth, for a good, sufficient and valuable consideration, promise to pay to the La Grange Iron and Steel Company, or bearer, the sum of $1,000 in current funds, thirty years after the date thereof, at the Third Na- tional Bank, city of New York, together with interest thereon, at the rate of eight per cent, per annum, payable annually in current funds on the first day of each January and July ensuing the date hereof, on presentation and surrender of the annexed interest coupons at said Third National Bank. "This bond is issued under an ordinance of the city council of the said city of La Grange, passed and approved September 22, 1871, under and in pursuance of an act of the legislature of the state of Missouri, entitled 'An act to amend an act entitled an act to incorpo- rate the city of La Grange,' approved March 9, 1871, which became a law and went into force and effect from and after its said approval. "This bond to be negotiable and transferable by delivery thereof. "In testimony whereof, the city council of the city of La Grange hath hereunto caused to be affixed the corporate seal of said city, and these presents to be signed by the mayor and countersigned by the clerk of the city council of said city this I4th day of December, 1871. rs n "J. A. HAY, Mayor. "R. McCHESNEY. Clerk." The petition alleged that the city of La Grange, on the i4th of De- cember, 1871, executed the twenty-five bonds, and delivered them to the La Grange Iron and Steel Company, under and by virtue of the authority contained in section i of article vi of the city charter, as amended by an act of the legislature of Missouri, approved March 9, 1871 (which section, as thus amended, was set forth in the petition), and under and by virtue of an ordinance of the city, dated September 22, 1871, by which an election was author- ized to be held in the city on October 4, 1871, to test the sense of the people of the city upon the question of issuing bonds; Arguments omitted. 132 SUBSCRIPTION BY PUBLIC CORPORATION. 555 that in compliance with the ordinance and with the city charter, an election was held, at which the proposition was adopted by a two- thirds vote of the qualified voters ; and that on September I, 1872, the plaintiff bought the twenty-five bonds, for value, relying upon the recitals on their face, and without knowledge of any irregularity or defect in their issue; of all which the defendant had notice, by means whereof the defendant became liable and promised to pay to the plaintiff the sum specified in the coupons, according to their tenor and effect. The answer denied all the allegations of the petition ; and for further answer averred that the act of the legislature mentioned in the petition, approved March 9, 1871, attempted to give, and in terms did give, to the city authority to make gifts and donations to private manufacturing associations and corporations; that the city council, purporting to act under such authority, by an ordinance adopted September 22, 1871 (which was referred to in the answer), did submit to a vote of the citizens a proposition to give or donate to the La Grange Iron and Steel Company, a private manufacturing company, formed and established for the purpose of carrying on and operating a roliing-mill, the sum of $200,000; that, in accordance with that ordi- nance, the bonds of the city were issued to said manufacturing com- pany, which was a strictly private enterprise, formed and prosecuted for the purpose of private gain, and which had nothing whatever of a public character; and that it was incompetent for the legislature to grant authority to cities or towns to make donations and issue bonds to mere private companies or associations having no public functions to perform, and the act of the legislature and the ordinance of the city were void ; wherefore, the bonds and coupons were issued with- out any legal authofity, and were wholly void. To this answer the plaintiff filed a general demurrer, which was overruled by the court, and the plaintiff electing to stand by his de- murrer, judgment was entered for the defendant. 19 Fed. Rep. 871. The plaintiff sued out this writ of error. Mr. Justice GRAY delivered the opinion of the court. He recited the facts as above stated and continued: The general grant of legislative power in the constitution of the state does not enable the legislature, in the exercise either of the right 3f eminent domain or in the right of taxation, to take private prop- erty, without the owner's consent, for any but a public object. Nor can the legislature authorize counties, cities or towns to contract for private objects debts which must be paid by taxes. It can not, there* fore, authorize them to issue bonds to assist merchants or manufactur- ers, whether natural persons or corporations, in their private business. These limits of the legislative power are now too firmly established by judicial decisions to require extended argument upon the subject. In Loan Association v. Topeka, 20 Wall. 655, bonds of a city, issued, as appeared on their face, pursuant to an act of the legislature of Kansas, to a manufacturing corporation, to aid it in establishing shops in the city for the manufacture of iron bridges, were held by 556 COLE V. LA GRANGE. 132 this court to be void, even in the hands of a purchaser in good faith and for value. A like decision was made in Parkersburg v. Brown, 1 06 U. S. 487. The decisions in the courts of the states are to the same effect. Allen v. Jay, 60 Maine 124; Lowell v. Boston, in Mass. 454; Weismer v. Douglas, 64 N. Y. 91; In re Eureka Co., 96 N. Y. 42 ; Bissell v. Kankakee, 64 111. 249 ; English v. People, 96 111. 566; Central Branch Union Pacific Railroad v. Smith, 23 Kan. 745. We have been referred to no opposing, decision. The cases of Hackett v. Ottawa, 99 U. S. 86, and Ottawa v. National Bank, 105 U. S. 342, were decided, as the chief justice pointed out in Ottawa v. Carey, 108 U. S. no, 118, upon the ground that the bonds in suit appeared on their face to have been issued for municipal pur- poses, and were therefore valid in the hands of bona fide holders. In Livingston v. Darlington, 101 U. S. 407, the town subscription was toward the establishment of a state reform school, which was un- doubtedly a public purpose, and the question in controversy was whether it was a corporate purpose, within the meaning of the con- stitution of Illinois. In Burlington v. Beasley, 94 U. S. 310, the grist mill held to be a work of internal improvement, to aid in constructing which a town might issue bonds under the statutes of Kansas, was a public mill which ground for toll for all customers. See Osborne v. Adams County, 106 U. S. 181, and 109 U. S. i; Blair v. Cuming County, in U. S. 363. Subscriptions and bonds of towns and cities, under legislative authority, to aid in establishing railroads, have been sustained on the same ground on which the delegation to railroad cor- porations of the sovereign right of eminent domain has been justified, the accommodation of public travel. Rogers v. Burlington, 3 Wall. 654; Queensbury v. Culver, 19 Wall. 83; Loan Association v. To- peka, 20 Wall. 661, 662; Taylor v. Ypsilanti, 105 U. S. 60. Stat- utes authorizing towns and cities to pay bounties to soldiers have been upheld because the raising of soldiers is a public duty. Middleton v. Mullica, 112 U. S. 433; Taylor v. Thompson, 42 111. 9; Hilbish v. Catherman, 64 Pa. St. 154; State v. Richland, 20 Ohio St. 362; Agawam v. Hampden, 130 Mass. 528, 534. The express provisions of the constitution of Missouri tend to the same conclusion. It begins with the Declaration of Rights, the six- teenth article of which declares that "no private property ought to be taken or applied to public use without just compensation." This clearly presupposes that private property can not be taken for private use. St. Louis County Court v. Griswold, 58 Mo. 175, 193; 2 Kent Com. 339 note, 340. Otherwise, as it makes no provision for com- pensation except when the use is public, it would permit private prop- erty to be taken or appropriated for private use without any compen- sation whatever. It is true that this article regards the right of emi- nent domain, and not the power to tax; for the taking of property by taxation requires no other compensation than the tax-payer receives in being protected by the government, to the support of which he con- tributes. But, so far as respects the use, the taking of private prop- 132 SUBSCRIPTION BY PUBLIC CORPORATION. 557 erty by taxation is subject to the same limit as the taking by the right of eminent domain. Each is a taking by the state for the public use, and not to promote private ends. The only other provisions of the constitution of Missouri having any relation to the subject, are the following sections of the eleventh article : "Sec. 13. The credit of the state shall not be given or loaned in aid of any person, association or corporation, nor shall the state here- after become a stockholder in any corporation or association, except for the purpose of securing loans heretofore extended to certain rail- road corporations in the state. "Sec. 14. The general assembly shall not authorize any county, city, or town to become a stockholder in, or loan its credit to, any company, association or corporation, unless two-thirds of the quali- fied voters of such county, city or town, at a regular or special elec-' tion, to be held therein, shall assent thereto." Both these sections are restrictive and not enabling. The thirteenth section peremptorily denies to the state the power of giving or lending its credit to or becoming a stockholder in any corporation whatever. The aim of the fourteenth section is to forbid the legislature to au- thorize counties, cities or towns, without the assent of the tax-payers, to become stockholders in or to lend their credit to any corporation however public its object; State v. Curators State University, 57 Mo. 178; not to permit them to be authorized, under any circumstances, to raise or spend money for private purposes. It is averred in the answer, and admitted by the demurrer, that the La Grange Iron and Steel Company, to which the bonds were issued, was "a private manufacturing company, formed and established for the purpose of carrying on and operating a rolling-mill," and "was a strictly private enterprise, formed and prosecuted for the purpose of private gain, and which had nothing whatever of a public character."' The ordinance referred to shows that the mill was to manufacture railroad iron ; but that is no more a public use than the manufacture of iron bridges, as in the Topeka case, or the making of blocks of stone or wood for paving streets. There can be no doubt, therefore, that the act of the legislature of Missouri is unconstitutional, and that the bonds expressed to be issued in pursuance of that act are void upon their face. As for this reason the action can not be maintained, it is needless to dwell upon the point that the answer demurred to, besides the spe- cial defense of the unconstitutionality of the act, contains a general denial of the allegations in the petition. That point was mentioned and passed over in the opinion of the circuit court, and was not alluded to in argument here, the parties in effect assuming the general denial in the answer to have been withdrawn or waived, and the case submitted for decision upon the validity of the special defense. Judgment affirmed. Note. Subscriptions by municipal corporations. There is no implied authority to subscribe. 1863, Gelpcke v. Dubuque, 1 Wall. (U. S.) 175; 1873, State v. 558 COLE V. LA GRANGE. 133 Saline Co. Ct., 51 Mo. 350; 1880, Weightman v. Clark, 103 U. S. 256; 1883, City of Jonesboro v. Cairo, etc., 110 U. S. 192; 1888, Kelley v. Milan, 127 U. S. 139. The legislature may authorize the municipal corporation to subscribe. 1837, Goddin v. Crump, 8 Leigh (Va.) 120; 1852, Slack v. Maysville & L. R., 13 B. Mon. iKy.) 1 ; 1853, Sharpless v. Mayor, etc., 21 Pa. St. 147, 59 Am. D. 759; 1858, Knox Co. v. Aspinwall, 21 How. (U.S.) 539; 1871, Leaven- worth Co. v. Miller, 7 Kan. 479; 1871, Walker v. Cincinnati, etc., 21 Ohio St. 14, 8 Am. Rep. 24; 1871, Ex parte Selma, etc., 45 Ala. 696, 6 Am. Rep. 722; 1873, Harcourt v. Good, 39 Tex. 456; 1873, Pine Grove Tp. v. Talcott, 19 Wall. (86 U. S.) 666; 1874, Loan Assn. v. Topeka, 20 Wall. (87 U. S. 655; 1876, Williams v. Duanesburg, 66 N. Y. 129; 1877, Quincy, etc., R. v. Morris, 84111. 410; 1882, Lyons v. Chamberlain, 89 N. Y. 578; 1892, Boon Tp. v. Cummins, 142 U. S. 366; 1893, Barnum v. Okolona, 148 U. S. 393; 1895, Fol- sora v. Ninety Six, 159 U. S. 611. But see, contra, 1868, McClure v. Owen, 26 Iowa 243; 1870, People v. Salem, etc., 20 Mich. 452; 1871, People v. State Treas., 23 Mich. 499. Sec. 133. State or national government. BANK OF THE UNITED STATES v. PLANTER'S BANK OF GEORGIA. 1 1824. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. 9 Wheat. (U. S.) Rep. 904-913. [Suit by plaintiff upon promissory notes of defendant payable to a person named or bearer and duly transferred to plaintiff. The de- fendant bank pleads to the jurisdiction of the United States Circuit Court of Georgia (where the case was tried and certified to the supreme court on a division of opinion), alleging that the state of Georgia was a stockholder, and raising the question as to whether the state was therefore a party defendant in the case.] MARSHALL, C. J. * * * It is, we think, a sound principle that when a government becomes a partner in any trading company, it divests itself, so far as concerns the transactions of that company, of its sovereign character and takes that of a private citizen. Instead of communicating to the company its privileges and its prerogatives, it descends to a level with those with whom it associates itself, and takes the character which belongs to its associates, and to the business which is to be transacted. Thus, many states of this Union, who have an interest in banks, are not suable even in their own courts, yet they never exempt the corporation from being sued. The state of Georgia, by giving to the bank the capacity to sue and be sued, vol- untarily strips itself of its sovereign character so far as respects the transactions of the bank, and waives all the privileges of that char- acter. As a member of a corporation, a government never exer- cises its sovereignty. It acts merely as a corporator and exercises no other power in the management of the affairs of the corporation than are expressly given by the incorporating act. 1 Only so much of opinion given as relates to the character of a state as a stockholder. 133 SUBSCRIPTION BY THE STATE. 559 The government of the Union held shares in the old Bank of the United States ; but the privileges of the government were not im- parted by that circumstance to the bank. The United States was not a party to suits brought by or against the bank in the sense of the constitution. So with respect to the present bank. Suits brought by or against it are not understood to be brought by or against the United States. The government, by becoming a corporator, lays down its sovereignty so far as respects the transactions of the corporation and exercises no power or privilege which is not derived from the charter. We think, then, the Planter's Bank of Georgia is not exempted from being sued in the federal courts by the circumstance that that state is a corporator. TITLE III. THE BODY CORPORATE, ITS BIRTH AND ORGANIZATION. CHAPTER 7. ORGANIZATION AND COMPLIANCE WITH CONDITIONS. 1 ARTICLE I. SCHEMES OF ORGANIZATION. Sec. 134. ( i) Under the King' s Charter: This usually provides the original organization in the charter itself. See supra, The Charter of Dartmouth College, p. 426, and infra^p. 711. Sec. 135. (2) In special acts: (a) The act itself provides the original organization: Illustra- tion, Charter of Michigan Central R. Co. "Sec. 1. Be it enacted, etc., That William Sturgess (and twenty-five other persons named) and such other persons as shall associate with them for that purpose, are hereby made and constituted a body corporate and politic by the name and style of the Michigan Central Railroad Company, with perpetual succession, etc. (enumerating various powers conferred). "Sec. 22. The corporate stock * * * shall be $5,000,000 * * * divided into shares of $100 each. * * * Provided, The company may commence business whenever $2,000,000 of stock shall have been subscribed. "Sec. 23. The nine persons first named in the first section * * * shall be the first directors of said company ; and at their first, meeting they shall elect by ballot one of their number to be president, a majority of whom shall be competent to manage the affairs of the company ; such first meeting of the directors shall be held at a time and place to be fixed by a written agreement signed by all of said directors. * * * "Sec. 24. Said directors, or a majority of them, may open books to receive subscriptions to the capital stock, * * * at such times and places as they or a majority of them may appoint, etc. * "Sec. 25. To continue the succession of president and directors, nine di- rectors shall be chosen annually, on the second Monday in June, at such time and place as may be appointed by the directors. * * * "Sec. 27. A general meeting of the stockholders of said company shall be 'See Angell & Ames, ch. 2 and 3; Beach, 9-16, 159-162; Boone, 26- 34; Clark, 19-27, 41-45; Cook, 5, 183-6, 231-5; Elliott, 21-50; Field, 29; 1 Kyd, ch. 3; Morawetz, ch. 2 and 9; Taylor, 72-90; Thompson, ch. 1-18. (560) 136 SCHEMES OF ORGANIZATION. 561 holden annually at the time and place appointed for the election of direct- ors. * * * "Sec. 31. The directors shall have full power to conduct the affairs of said company, and to exercise any powers which said company might exercise, except where provision is made by this act for the exercise of such powers by the stockholders at their annual or special meetings, or where the powers of the directors may be restrained by the by-laws of said company. * * See 6 Laws of Mich. (1846) No. 42, p. 37, et seq. Sec. 136. (t>) The law provides for the organization to be made by the persons subscribing for the stock. See supra, the charter of the Baltimore and Ohio R. Co., p. 427. Sec. 137. (3) Under general incorporation laws: (a) By .deed of settlement; this method, when used, provided the organization in the deed itself. See forms in 2 Coke's Inst. 720, and Wordsworth, Stock Companies, Part II. Sec. 138. Same. (#) License plan: Illustration, The Illinois law. This provides that "whenever any number of persons, not less than three nor more than seven, shall propose to form a corporation * * they shall make a statement to that effect, under their hands, and duly acknowledged, * * setting forth name, * * * object, * * * capital stock," shares, location of office and duration, not exceeding ninety-nine years, which state- ment shall be filed with the secretary of state, "who shall issue to such per- sons a license as commissioners to open books for subscription to the capital stock of said corporation at such times and places as they may determine. * *" As soon as the capital stock shall be fully subscribed, "the com- missioners shall convene a meeting for subscribers for the purpose of electing directors or managers and the transaction of such other business as shall come before them." Certain notice of election is to be given, and voting may be by proxy or cumulative. "The commissioners shall make a full report of their proceedings, including therein a copy of the notice, * * * a copy of the subscription list, * * * the names of the directors or managers elected, and their respective terms of office, which report, shall be sworn to by at least a majority of the commissioners, and shall be filed in the office of the secre- tary of state. The secretary of state shall thereupon issue a certificate of the complete organization of the corporation, making a part thereof a copy of all papers filed in his office in and about the organization of the corporation, and duly authenticated under his hand and seal of the state, and the same shall be recorded in a book for that purpose, in the office of the recorder of deeds of the county where the principal office of such company is located. Upon the recording of said copy, the corporation shall be deemed fully organized, and may proceed to business." Revised Statutes of Illinois, 1895, act of April 18, 1872, in force July 1, 1872, 2, S and 4. 36 WIL. CASES. 562 SCHEMES OF ORGANIZATION. 139 Sec. 139. Same. The new Kansas lain (Laws of 1898, ch. 10, approved January 7, 1899) creates a charter board, composed of the attorney-general, the secretary of state and the state bank commissioner, to whom application (on blanks to be furnished! shall be made. "The board shall make a careful investigation of each application with reference to the character of the business in which the proposed corporation is to engage, and if the board shall determine that the business is one for which a corporation may lawfully be formed, and that ap- plicants are acting in good faith, the application shall be granted, and the sec- retary of the board (the secretary of state) shall issue a certificate setting forth the fact that the persons named in the application have been author- ized by the charter board to form a private corporation, as set forth in the application, reciting the proposed name and character thereof." 3a-3j. A charter must be prepared stating name, purpose, place of business, term of existence, number of its directors or trustees and the names and residences of those who are appointed for the first year, amount of capital stock, number of shares, names and addresses of shareholders and number of shares held by each. Ib. Charter must be subscribed and acknowledged by five persons, three to be citizens of the state, and shall then be filed with the secretary of state, and be recorded by him. See, also, Alabama Civil Code, 1139-42. Sec. 140. Same. (V) Organization completed before application made : Illustra- tion, Massachussets law. Any number of persons may associate by an agreement "which shall set forth the fact that the subscribers thereto associate * * * with the intention of forming a corporation," name, purpose, location, capital stock, and num- ber of shares. The first meeting shall be called by a notice signed by one or more of the subscribers, stating time, place and purpose, served seven days before time fixed for meeting. At such meeting "an organization shall be effected by the choice by ballot of a temporary clerk, who shall be sworn, and by the adoption of by-laws and the election (by ballot for one year) of directors, treasurer, clerk and such other officers as the by-laws may provide ; but at such first meeting no person shall be eligible as a director who has not subscribed the agreement of association. The temporary clerk shall make and attest a record of the proceedings until the clerk has been chosen and sworn, including a record of such choice and qualification." "The presi- dent, treasurer and a majority of the directors, shall forthwith make, sign and swear to a certificate setting forth a true copy of the agreement of asso- ciation with the names of the subscribers thereto, the date of the first meet- ing * * * anc i shall submit such certificate and also the records of the corporation to the commissioner of corporations, who shall examine the same, and who may require such other evidence as to the facts of the case as he may judge necessary. The commissioner, if it appears that the require- ments ' * * have been complied with, shall certify that fact and his approval of the certificate by indorsement thereon. Such certificate shall thereupon be filed by said officers in the office of the secretary of the com- monwealth, who * * * shall issue a certificate," in a form prescribed, under his signature and the seal of the commonwealth, and "such certificate shall have the force and effect of a special charter, and shall be conclusive evidence of the existence of such corporation. He shall also cause a record of such certificate to be made, and a certified copy of such record may be given in evidence with like effect as the original certificate." Public Stat. of Mass. 1882, ch. 106, 16-21. 141 PROOF OF ORGANIZATION. 563 In many of the states it is required or customary for the organization for the first year, or at least the first directorate, to he provided for in the articles of association, when they are filed with the required officer. See forms in American Corp. Legal Manual for 1899, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Michigan (Mining Companies), Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Penn- sylvania, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, Wyoming, Dominion of Canada, Prince Edward's Island. See. 141. Same. (d) Organization by subscribers to stock after the articles of incorporation are filed. See note to State v. Fidelity, etc., Ins. Co., 49 Ohio St. 440, supra, p. 406. In the following states, it seems from the approved forms in use that the organ- ization is to take place after the stock is subscribed, and is to be determined by the subscribers : Arizona, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii ( 2028, Civil Code), Louisiana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, West Virginia, Wisconsin. See forms in the American Corporation Legal Manual for 1899; Appendix, infra, Char- ter of U. S. Steel Corp. ARTICLE II. PROOF OF ORGANIZATION. Sec. 142. General presumption of regularity. PACKARD ET AL. v. OLD COLONY RAILROAD COMPANY. 1 1897. IN THE SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT OF MASSACHUSETTS. 168 Mass. Rep. 92-99. [In 1848 the ancestor of plaintiff executed a deed conveying the land, for the taking of which damages were asked, to Perkins and constitut- ing "a committee of and in behalf of Village Cemeteiy, a corpora- tion," for the use and behoof of said corporation, "except that the ground shall never be used for other purposes than as a cemetery." Respondent introduced the corporation record book showing that in 1848 eleven persons desirous of forming a cemetery corporation under the act of 184.1, had a meeting called according to the statute, at which a secretary, president and treasurer were chosen and a committee ap- pointed to draft a constitution and by-laws ; the record did not show how many were present. In 1848 the name was chosen, and sixteen meetings in all were held prior to 1854, when the corporation seemed to become dormant. In 1883 a meeting of the proprietors was called to elect officers and adopt by-laws, and several meetings followed, at 1 Statement of facts abridged. Only part of opinion relating to the one point given. 564 PACKARD V. OLD COLONY R. CO. 142 one of which it was suggested that the original corporation was illegal because the records did not show the number present at the organiza- tion meeting, and at a subsequent meeting it was suggested that the legislature be petitioned to re-establish the corporation, but nothing was done. Records showed that twenty-nine burial lots had been deeded between 1849 and 1854. The act of 1841 provided that: "Any ten or more may organize a corporation for the purpose," etc., and, "When such persons are organized, etc., they shall become a corporation." Plaintiff claimed there had been no valid corporate organization.] ALLEN, J. It will be seen that there is no provision in the statute requiring the presence of any particular number of persons at the first meeting. Eleven persons signed the application, and thus expressed their wish and intention to be members of the corporation. This was a proceeding analogous to the signing of the articles of agreement, which was deemed essential mostly relied on by the petitioners. Utley v. Union Tool Co., n Gray 139. Having done this, it was not neces- sary that all should attend the first meeting. Moreover, even if it were necessary for ten to be present, there would be a presumption that this requirement had been complied with. The presumption of regularity extends to the proceedings in the organization of corporations. In Narragansett Bank v. Atlantic Silk Co. , 3 Met. 282, 287, it was said: "The maxim of law is, that all things shall be presumed to have been rightly and correctly done, until the contrary is proved. This maxim is stated and explained, and many instances given of its application to corporations, and to acts and doings of their members, officers and agents, in Bank of United States v. Dandridge, 12 Wheat. 64, 70. As the corporation could not proceed lawfully until duly organized, and as they did proceed to act as a corporation, this pre- sumption has its effect." This doctrine is often applied, and it is to be assumed that ten persons were present at the first meeting, if that number was necessary. Wallace v. First Parish in Townsend, 109 Mass. 263; Platt v. Grover, 136 Mass. 115; Commonwealth v. Carr, 143 Mass. 84 ; Commonwealth v. Woelper, 3 S. & R. 29 ; Graves v. Lynchburg & Salem Turnpike Co., 4 Rand. 378; Lauderdale Peer- age, 10 App. Cas. 692. Petition dismissed. Note. 1827, United States Bank v. Dandridge, 25 U. S. (12 Wheat.) 64, 70, in- fra, p. 854; 1841, Wescott v. Silk Co., 3 Metcalf (Mass.) 282, 287; 1844,Sasser v. State, 13 Ohio 453 (criminal suit) ; 1858, President and Trustees, etc., v. Thompson, 20 111. 197 (charter and user) ; 1864, Holmes v. Gilliland, 41 Barb. (N. Y.) 568 (general reputation); 1872, Wallace v. First Parish, 109 Mass. 263; 1883, Platt v. Grover, 136 Mass. 115; 1886, Commonwealth v. Carr, 143 Mass. 84; 1888, Braintree Water Supply Co. v. Inhabitants of Braintree, 146 Mass. 482, on 488; 1891, Jeffries Neck Pasture Propr's v. Ipswich, 153 Mass. 42. See, also, Angell & Ames, 238-241, 284; Beach, 873-4; Boone, 34; Clark, pp. 34, 36, 51, 129; Cook, 606-7; Elliott, 49-50, Morawetz, 25, 36, 324, 775; Taylor, 128, 203-6, 251, 263; I Thompson, 495-500; III Thompson, 3927; IV Thompson, 5029; VI Thompson, 7689-7713; VII Thompson, 8214. 143 COMMENCEMENT OF CORPORATE EXISTENCE. 565 ARTICLE III. WHEN DOES CORPORATE BIRTH OCCUR? THEORIES I Sec. 143. (a) Only upon complete organization. WALTON v. OLIVER. 1 1892. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF KANSAS. 49 Kan. Rep. 107- 114, 33 Am. St. Rep. 355, 38 Am. & Eng. C. C. 342. Opinion by GREEN, C. This action was commenced in the dis- trict court of Cowley county by the defendants in error, to recover the sum of $295 debt, and $45.40 costs, from the plaintiffs in error, who were alleged to be the directors of the Arkansas City Athletic Association. The petition charged that, after making and filing a charter in the office of the secretary of state, the defendants never perfected the organization of the corporation by opening the books for the purpose of receiving subscriptions; that they did not levy and collect any money from themselves, nor adopt any by-laws or other rules for the government of the corporation ; that no meeting had ever been called for the election of directors or other officers ; that the defendants had failed to comply with any of the requirements of the law for the government of corporations after the articles of incor- poration had been filed; that on the i8th day of January, 1889, the plaintiffs recovered a judgment against such corporation for the sum of $295 and $45.40 costs; that an execution was issued upon such judgment and returned "no property found." It was further al- leged "That after the filing of the said act of incorporation, the defend- ants assumed to act as such corporation, and for that purpose leased real estate and purchased of the plaintiffs material and lumber, with which they erected a grand stand or amphitheater upon said leased ground to the amount and value of several hundred dollars, and paid to the plaintiffs thereon all but the amount represented by the afore- said judgment, and in all their dealings with the plaintiffs, dealt in the name of said judgment defendant hereinbefore referred to, and the plaintiffs aver that, knowing of the filing of the aforesaid articles of incorporation, and believing that said defendants were acting in good faith, and that they were complying with the provisions of the laws of Kansas, in such cases made and provided, in all things, and having no cause to think otherwise, on the faith and credit of these men they sold said lumber and building material to them and charged it to said corporation of which they were the proprietors and incorporators, by their direction and instruction ; that but for all of which the plaintiffs would not have furnished them with said materials and credit ; that after said execution had been -issued and returned -unsatisfied, the plaintiffs applied to these defendants for the names of the officers and stockholders of said corporation, and these defendants declined to 1 Arguments omitted. 566 WALTON V. OLIVER. 143 furnish either the names or the places of residence, and insolently in- formed the p-laintiffs that there were no officers, no books, no direc- tors, no stockholders, and no subscriptions, and that if the plaintiffs thought they had any remedy looking to the collection of said judg- ment, interest and costs they were mistaken, etc., and now refuse to give the plaintiffs any information of any kind relative thereto what- soever ; the plaintiffs only learned the foregoing facts after the rendi- tion of the aforesaid judgment." The defendants filed a demurrer to this petition, which was over- ruled by the court, and judgment was rendered for the amount prayed for in the petition. The defendants elected to stand upon the demur- rer, and bring the case here for review. It is first urged by the plaintiffs in error that the petition did not state a cause of action ; that the petition did not show that the goods furnished, for which the original judgment was rendered, were fur- nished at the request of the plaintiffs in error before the Arkansas City Athletic Association became a body corporate ; but that the petition showed upon its face that the goods were sold upon the credit of the corporation, and that part of the purchase price of the goods was paid by the corporation. It is further insisted that the Arkansas City Athletic Association was legally incorporated, and that the organiza- tion became complete upon the filing of the charter with the secretary of state. This contention is not sound. The statute only provides that the existence of the corporation shall date from the time of filing the charter, and the certificate of the secretary of state shall be evi- dence of the time of such filing. (Gen. Stat. of 1889, If 1166.) The statute is silent as to the organization. 1 The rule is 'well estab- lished that a corporation must have a full and complete organization and existence as an entity, and in accordance 'with the law to which it oives its origin, before it can assume its franchise or enter into any kind of contract or transact any business ; and -whatever be the mode prescribed by the act of incorporation, a substantial compliance nvith all the provisions of the law under which it is created is re- quired before the corporation can be said to have szich an existence as will entitle it to do business. (4 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 197, 1 The statutes under which this apparent corporation was formed pro- vided: "Sec. 1155. Private corporations may be created by the volun- tary association of five or more persons, * * ' in the manner mentioned in the following sections. Sec. 1161 . A charter prepared setting forth name, purpose, place of business, term of existence, the number of directors or trustees and the names and residences of those who are appointed for the first year, capital stock, if any, and the number of shares. Sec. 1164. Charter must be subscribed and acknowledged. Sec. 1165. Such charter shall there- upon be filed in the office of the secretary of state, who shall record the same at length in a book kept for that purpose, and retain the original on file in his office. A copy of the charter, or of the record thereof, duly certified by the secretary of state, under the great seal of the state, shall be evidence of the creation of the corporation. Sec. 1166. Period of existence. Sec. 10. The existence of the corporation shall date from the time of filing the char- ter, and the certificate of the secretary of state shall be evidence of the time of such filing. [G. S. 1868, ch. 23, 10, October 31.]" 143 COMMENCEMENT OF CORPORATE EXISTENCE. 567 and authorities there cited.) Now it is conceded in this case that nothing was done to perfect the organization after the charter was filed. A corporation can not act -without officers and agents, and it is powerless to do anything until its incorporators or promoters give it the means whereby it can act. The words ''organize" or ''organiza- tion" have a well understood meaning; and as we construe them they mean the election of officers, providing for the subscription and payment oj~ the capital stock, the adoption of by-laws, and such other steps as are necessary to endow the legal entity with the capacity to transact the legitimate business for which it was created. In this sense the corporation was not fully organized. While it had an ex- istence, the organization was never completed so that the corporation could do business. In the case of Hurt v. Salisbury, 55 Mo. 310, which was an action brought upon a note purporting to have been executed by the directors of an agricultural association, the suit was brought against the direct- ors, upon the ground that the association was not incorporated at the time the note was given, and that the directors were, therefore, indi- vidually liable. It appeared that the association was not fully incor- porated when the note was executed. The law required the charter to be filed with the recorder of the county where the corporation was located, and also in the office of the secretary of state. The char- ter was only filed with the recorder. The court held that the officers of the corporation had no power to issue the note, and that a note issued and signed by them would bind them personally, and not the corporation. The court said, in speaking of the attempted or- ganization of that corporation: "It had organized under section 2, chapter 69, General Statutes of 1865, page 367, by signing and acknowledging, and recording in the recorder's office of the proper county the articles of association. This step being taken, it was an organized corporation, not for the trans- action of business, but for the purpose of taking the next and last step to complete its authority to transact business and give date to its legal existence. IJntil the officers took this final and necessary step by de- positing and filing in the office of the secretary of state a copy of the articles of association, as they stood recorded in the county, this cor- poration had no power to issue the note sued upon. As it had no power to issue this note, the defendants are undoubtedly liable." "If a corporation be illegally formed, its members or stockholders are liable as partners for its acts and contracts, and directors, officers and agents acting and contracting in its name render themselves per- sonally liable." (Beach Priv. Corp., 16; Marshall v. Harris, 55 Iowa 182; Kaiser v. Savings Bank, 56 Iowa 104; Coleman v. Cole- man, 78 Ind. 344.) While, in this case, the charter was filed with the secretary of state, the corporation had no officers outside of the directors named for the first year. No portion of the capital stock had been subscribed and no books opened, as required by f 1173 of the General Statutes of 1889. In fact, nothing had been done to complete the preliminary 568 GENT v. MANUFACTURERS', ETC., INSURANCE co. 144 business of organizing the corporation. We do not understand that a corporation can proceed to the transaction of business without any portion of its capital stock being subscribed or paid. It may have been the English rule, but in the United States it is otherwise. (Boone Corp., 113). The corporation has no means or capacity to act until some portion of the capital stock named in the charter has been sub- scribed and paid. Some states have, by a legislative rule, made di- rectors of certain corporations jointly and severally liable for all the debts of the corporation, until the whole amount of the capital stock has been paid in. (Rev. Stat. of Wis. 1878, 1901.) It is unnecessary for us to consider the other assignments of error, as the view we take of the liability of the plaintiffs in error is not that of stockholders, and hence the rule laid down in the case of Ab- bey v. Dry Goods Company, 44 Kan. 415, has no application in this case. The question as to whether or not two of the defendants below were served with summons is not properly raised by the record. The summons is not in the record, and we can not say whether these two defendants were served or not. We advise an affirmance of the judgment. By the court: It is so ordered. All the justices concurring. Note. See note to next case, and also to State v. Fidelity Ins. Co., 49 Ohio St. 440, supra, p. 406. Sec. 144. Same. GENT v. MANUFACTURERS' AND MERCHANTS' MUTUAL INSUR- ANCE COMPANY. 1 1883. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ILLINOIS. 107 111. Rep. 652-660, 8 Am. and Eng. Corp. C. 306. i [The insurance law under which defendant was incorporated pro- vided that those desiring to incorporate should file with the auditor of public accounts a declaration signed by them declaring their inten- tion to form an insurance company, and that no mutual company should commence business until agreements had been entered into with at least 200 applicants, the premiums on which should be not lesjs than $100,000, of which $20,000 should be paid in cash, and notes of solvent parties, founded on bona fide applications for insur- ance, should have been received for the remainder, no note to be con- sidered as capital stock unless a policy for one year was issued upon the same within thirty days after organization. Under this law a number of parties, in July, 1880, met, determining to form such a 1 Statements of facts abridged. Arguments omitted. Only so much of the opinion as relates to the one point given. 144 COMMENCEMENT OF CORPORATE EXISTENCE. 569 company, published the notice required, filed the declaration with the auditor, with copy of proposed charter; this was approved and certified to the auditor by the attorney-general on July 7, and certain persons were designated to solicit insurance. Gent agreed to take $1,000 insurance, accepted a draft drawn by the secretary of the company, dated Aug. 10, for $30 payable on demand, and gave his note for $150 February 3, 1881 ; application was made to the auditor to have the notes examined ; this was done and some of the notes were found informal and rejected- by the auditor; immediately they pro- ceeded to obtain others, arkl on the 9th of February filed the list with the auditor, received his certificate, and filed it with the county clerk February n ; on the 5th of February plaintiff's property burned, and he notified the secretary February 7. Plaintiff's note was among those upon which the company secured the final certificate of approval of the auditor; on February n the company canceled the note, draft and application of plaintiff, who sues for the loss.] MR. JUSTICE WALKER. * * * That a corporation should have a full and complete organization and existence as an entity before it can enter into any kind of a contract or transact any business would seem to be self-evident. This is unconditionally true, unless the act of incorpo- ration authorizes the corporators to perform acts and enter into con- tracts to bind the company when it shall be organized. As well say a child in ventre sa mere may enter into a contract, or that its parents may bind it by contract. A corporation, until organized, has no being, franchises or faculties. Nor do those engaged in bringing it into being have any power to bind it by contract, unless so authorized by the charter. Until organized as authorized by the charter there is not a corporation, nor does it possess franchises or faculties for it or others to exercise until it acquires a complete existence. By its birth, so to speak, it for the first time acquires its faculties to transact its busi- ness and perform its functions. Then, do these sections authorize the corporations to issue policies to individuals who apply for insurance, and give their premium notes? They are authorized to take such ap- plications and notes as a fund or capital to authorize the granting of the charter, and to enable the company to transact its business when or- ganized. This is manifestly the true construction, as the statute pro- vides that if a policy of insurance running at least twelve months is not issued in thirty days after the organization of the company, the premium note shall not represent a portion of the capital stock of the company. If it was intended that the application for the policy and the giving of the premium note should constitute a contract to insure, such a provision would not have been enacted ; but by its adoption it is manifest that the general assembly intended that the application and note should be held simply to be acted upon after the organization should be completed. If such was the purpose, and of it we have no doubt, then there can be no claim that there was a contract of insur- ance, but simply that if the property was still in existence when the com- pany should be organized, the applicant would be entitled to a policy on the terms proposed. It was simply a proposition or an application 5/o GENT v. MANUFACTURERS', ETC., INSURANCE co. 144 for a policy after the organization should be had, and the company authorized to take risks and issue policies. Beyond that the company had no power to bind the future company. Nor does the statute authorize the corporators to contract for and issue policies. Had they issued a policy in form, would any one claim that a suit could be maintained on it against the company? Surely not, because no power to do so is conferred by the statute. And if a formal written policy would be invalid, how can it be said that a mere verbal agreement for insurance can be held binding? In the case of Rockford, Rock Island and St. Louis R. Co. v. Sage, 65 111. 328, it was held that a railroad incorporation was not liable for services rendered before its organization, unless the company promised to pay after it was organized. In Stowe v. Flagg, 72 111. 397, it was held that the agreement of parties intending to and engaged in form- ing a manufacturing corporation to put in property as stock, but which never was subscribed, did not bind the corporation, nor did the prop- erty become that of the corporation, although it was used by the com- pany. In the case of Western Screw and Manufacturing Co. v. Cousley, 72 111. 531, it was held where the corporators, before the organization of the company was completed, employed a superintend- ent, and he entered upon the duties of the place, and rendered serv- ices for the inchoate company, it, when organized, was not liable to pay for such services. This statute only authorizes the company to transact business upon filing the certificate of the auditor of public accounts with the proper county clerk. The transaction of business in the name of the corpo- ration before that certificate shall be thus filed is unauthorized. But in this case no policy was issued, or intended to be issued, when the application and note were executed, and the case falls within the principles announced in the cases above referred to, and they are con- clusive of the question. We perceive no error in the record, and the judgment of the appel- late court is therefore affirmed. Judgment affirmed. Note. See, 1891, McVicker v. Cone, 21 Ore. 353; 1894, Nemaha Coal & M. Co. v. Settle, 54 Kan. 424; 1894, Aspen Water Co. v. City of Aspen, 5 Colo. App. 12, 1 A. & E. C. C. (N. S.) 12; 1894, Owen v. Shepard, 19 U. S. App. 336 ; 1896, Loverin v. McLaughlin, 161 111. 417. See Elliott, 44; I Thompson, 40, 217. 145 COMMENCEMENT OF CORPORATE EXISTENCE. 571 Sec. 145. Same. () Immediately upon filing articles of incorporation, without stock subscription or organization. SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. v. PECK. 1 1896. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH DAKOTA. 9 S. Dak. 29, 4 Am. & Eng. C. C. (N. S.) 591, 67 N. W. Rep. 947-48. [Appeal from the circuit court, Minnehaha county; Joseph W. Jones, Judge. Action by the Singer Manufacturing Company against Porter P. Peck. From an order sustaining a demurrer to the complaint, plaintiff appeals. Affirmed.] CORSON, P. J. This is an appeal from an order sustaining a de- murrer to the complaint. The allegations in the complaint are in substance as follows: That the plaintiff is a corporation; that the Wohlgemouth Shirt Company is a duly organized corporation of the state of South Dakota ; that said last named corporation was organized and incorporated by five persons named, of whom the defendant was one ; that said corporation was one de facto only, and had no legal rights to transact business or obtain credit; that it did obtain a large amount of credit, and that it purchased of the plaintiff a large num- ber of sewing machines, of the value of six hundred dollars ($600) ; that said corporation had no capital, and none of its capital stock was paid for, and that said defendant Peck was the treasurer of said cor- poration; that an action was duly commenced by this plaintiff, and prose_cuted to judgment, against the said Wohlgemouth Shirt Company, execution issued thereon, and the same returned unsatisfied, "and that said corporation has no property, and is totally and wholly in- solvent. (4) And the said plaintiff further complains and alleges that said corporation never had any funds, * * * and that the holding out of said corporation as a legal corporation, and one that had complied with the law by the said corporators, was a fraud upon the persons from whom they obtained goods upon credit, and espe- cially upon this plaintiff, all of which was well known to the incorpo- rators and organizers of said company, and . especially to the above named defendant. (5) And the plaintiff further alleges that it has no way of collecting said indebtedness unless the incorporators of said company shall be made to pay such indebtedness. Plaintiff, there- fore, demands judgment against the defendant, Porter P. Peck, for the amount ' due on plaintiff's judgment against the Wohlgemouth Shirt Company, together with the costs and disbursements of this ac- tion, and such other and further relief as to the court may seem just and equitable." 1 Arguments omitted. 5/2 SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. V. PECK. 145 Only the substance of such part of the complaint as we deem ma- terial under the stipulation hereinafter referred to has been given. To the complaint a demurrer was interposed by the defendant, one of the grounds of which was that the complaint did not state facts sufficient to constitute a cause of action. The parties in the court below en- tered into a stipulation, the material part of which is as follows: "On said appeal the question on which the case shall be decided is the question as to whether the complaint states facts sufficient to consti- tute a cause of action against said defendant, on the ground that he was one of the incorporators of the Wohlgemouth Shirt Company, and that the said complaint shall be construed solely as attempting to constitute a cause of action against him ; not upon contract for liability upon an unpaid stock subscription, but upon his being one of said in- corporators, and upon his alleged liability, on the ground that the holding out of said corporation as a legal corporation was a fraud upon the plaintiff." Section 2905, Comp. Laws, 1 provides: "Upon the filing of articles of incorporation with the secretary of the territory he shall issue to the corporation, over the great seal of the territory, a certificate that the articles containing the required statement of facts have been filed in his office ; and thereupon the persons signing the articles, and their associates and successors, shall be a body politic and corporate by the name and for the purposes stated in said articles." When the certificate specified in this section is issued, the corporation would seem to be perfected, and possess all the poivers of a corpora- tion. There seems to be no provision in the statutes of this state re- guiring any part of the capital stock to be paid in or subscribed as a condition precedent upon -which the corporation is authorized to trans- act business. In most of the states their incorporation acts provide for the sub- scription and payment of a certain proportion of the capital stock as a condition to the right of the corporation to transact business. When such is the case, incorporators who proceed to incur debts in the name of the corporation before such funds are provided have been held lia- ble for such debts. In Wechselberg v. Bank, 12 C. C. A. 56, 64 Fed. 90, and Burns v. Beck (Ga.), 10 S. E. 121, incorporators were held liable. In the former case the court says, in the majority opinion: 1 Section 2902 of the Civil Code of Dakota Territory (still in force in South Dakota when above case was decided) provides that the articles of incorpo- ration shall state the name, purpose, place of business, terms, number of directors, names and residences of such of them who are to serve until the election of such officers and their qualifications, and if there be a capital stock, its amount and the number of shares. Section 2904 requires the articles to be subscribed by three or more, and acknowledged. Section 2905 is given in the case above. Section 2907 makes a certified copy of the articles prima facie evidence of the existence of the corporation. Section 2913 pro- vides that after the secretary of the territory issues the certificate of incorpo- ration, "the directors named in the articles of incorporation must proceed in the manner specified or provided by their by-laws, or if none, then in such manner as they may by order adopt, to open books of subscription to the capital stock then unsubscribed and to secure subscriptions to the full amount of the fixed capital, and to levy assessments and installments thereon, etc." 145 THE COMMENCEMENT OF CORPORATE EXISTENCE. 5/3 "By the common law there was no individual liability of the members of a corporation for corporate debts beyond the enforcement of their agreed contributions to the capital stock. * * * Therefore, if complete corporate existence was obtained and perfected by the act of filing the articles of association without compliance with any of the requirements of 1773, the associates are not subject to common law liability. On the other hand, it is well settled that an attempted or pretended incorporation, not perfected as the enabling act requires, does not confer this immunity, and all who are parties to the simulated corporation as associates or shareholders are held liable at common law for debts contracted under the corporate guise. While the courts have differed in naming this liability whether in the nature of co-part- ners or resting 'upon the ordinary principles of contract and agency,' or upon fraud they agree in holding liable in some form all who are engaged in the defective corporate enterprise." The court then pro- ceeds to discuss the various provisions of the Wisconsin statute and arrives at the conclusion that the incorporators, having proceeded to contract the debt before the fund required by the statute to perfect the corporation had been provided, were liable, as the act provided that the corporation should not exercise corporate functions, that is, "the transaction of business with any others than its members, until it should have provided a capital stock in conformity with 1773-" In the case of Burns v. Beck, supra, two of the corporators held the corporation out to the world as being duly organized, while ac- cording to the allegations of the complaint all the stock had not been subscribed and 10 per cent, paid in, as required by the statute of Georgia, as conditions precedent to the right to the transaction of business by the corporation. Neither these nor any other conditions precedent to the corporation transacting business in this state have been imposed. The credit, therefore, in the two cases cited and they seem to be all the cases bearing upon this question that the researches of counsel have been able to bring to our attention was obtained by the wrongful acts of the corporators in holding out the corporation as authorized to transact business as a corporation, when, in fact, the corporation was not so authorized. The corporators in these cases committed a fraud upon the creditors. But in the case at bar it docs not appear that the corporators did any act that they -were not fully authorized to do under the statute, or that they, by act or -word, made any representations they were not legally authorized to make. This being so, we can discover no principle of law by which the defend- ant would be liable under the allegations of the complaint. In holding out the corporation as legally incorporated, the defendant committed no fraud, as the plaintiff alleges, and correctly, that the corporation was duly organized. It is true, it is further alleged that it was only a de facto corporation, but that is a mere conclusion of law. The fact that our statute does not require of corporations the subscription to and payment of a certain per cent, of its capital stock before the cor- poration can transact business imposes upon persons dealing with cor- porations organized under the laws of this state greater caution and f 5/4 WECHSELBERG V. FLOUR CITY NATIONAL BANK. 146 vigilance, but this court can not impose upon corporations a greater liability than is imposed upon them by law, and the law not having specially prescribed that corporators shall be liable in such a case as that described by the complaint, and no actual fraud or misrepresen- tation being alleged, this court can not discover any ground upon which the defendant can be held liable. He can not be held liable at common law. He can not be held liable on the gixumd of misrepre- sentations, as he has made none, nor upon the ground of fraud, as none is alleged. We are of the opinion, therefore, that the court properly sustained the demurrer to the complaint, and the order of the circuit court appealed from is affirmed. Note. See, also, 1889, National Bank of Jefferson v. Texas Investment Co., 74 Tex. 421, 27 A. & E. C. C. 358; 1890, Vanneman v. Young, 52 N. J. Law 403, 32 A. & E. C. C. 8; 1894, State of Missouri, ex rel., etc., v. American Med. Col., 59 Mo. App. 264. Sec. 146. Same. (*:) At the time of filing the articles of association with the proper officer, but perfect or adult corporate capacity does not ex- ist until the capital stock is provided as required. WECHSELBERG v. FLOUR CITY NATIONAL BANK. 1 1894. IN THE U. S. CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS, 7th Circuit, East- ern District of Wisconsin. 24 U. S. Appeals Rep. 308-330. Before WOODS, circuit judge, and BUNN and SEAMAN, district judges. This was an action at law by the Flour City National Bank against Julius Wechselberg, the plaintiff in error, Ernest S. Moe and Clar- ence H. Williams, as defendants below, for the recovery of the amount due upon a promissory note for $3,000, dated September 18, 1889, made by the Northwestern Collection Company to the North- western Collection, Loan and Trust Association, and indorsed to said bank. The alleged liability of the defendants below is based upon their acts in the incorporation of the Northwestern Collection Com- pany as a corporation under the laws of Wisconsin, and the transac- tion at large of business thereunder, without having capital paid in as required by the statute, whereby it is asserted that they became personally obligated to pay the indebtedness so contracted. * * * SEAMAN, District Judge, after stating the case as above, delivered the opinion of the court. The plaintiff in error was held by the circuit court to be jointly lia- able with the other defendants below for the indebtedness contracted by their assumed corporation, the Northwestern Collection Company, in the absence of any capital stock. This liability was based upon 1 Statement of facts abridged. Dissenting opinion of WOODS, J., omitted. 146 THE COMMENCEMENT OF CORPORATE EXISTENCE. 575 the facts found, in his relation and conduct as a corporator, and the court did not undertake to determine at the trial whether it arose un- der the statute or at common law. Corporations are entirely the creatures of statute, and when duly formed, one of their chief characteristics, distinguishing them from part- nerships and other joint ventures, is the exemption of the individual asso- ciates from liability for the corporate obligations, except as the enabling act may impose liability. This immunity, which is an important ad- vantage of membership, can only be secured by compliance with the statutory requirements for incorporation. In the case of corporations organized for a purpose, and under a law requiring capital stock, the capital becomes a fund to which creditors must look for satisfaction of debts ; it is a substitute for individual liability, and constitutes a trust fund for the benefit of the creditors. Upton, Assignee, v. Tribil- cock, 91 U. S. 45 ; Alder v. The Milwaukee Patent Brick Manufact- uring Company, 13 Wis. 57 ; i Beach on Private Corporations (1891), 116. Capital stock is, therefore, the vital requirement of every busi- ness corporation, and its actual existence is usually placed by enabling statutes as a condition precedent to corporate existence. It is found and conceded in this case that there was no capital stock in fact, and no capital paid in or subscribed ; that the articles of in- corporation which were entered into by the plaintiff in error with the other defendants below prescribed $5,000; that these articles were duly executed by the three parties, and duly filed and recorded ; that without capital and without the actual taking of any further steps toward organization, business was opened by Moe and Williams as actors in the name of the assumed corporation ; that this was known to the plaintiff in error, but that he did not take part in their opera- tions, or receive any profit or emolument; that printed matter was used and distributed, wherein the plaintiff in error was named as its vice-president; and while "the evidence does not establish that he had actual knowledge" of this use of his name, it is found that "under the circumstances, if he did not know it, he could have ascertained the fact by merely slight attention to the matter, and was guilty of negligence in not knowing it." Furthermore, it is recited in the ar- ticles which were entered into that "the corporators should compose the first board of directors," and, although such a provision would not control an organization effected by stockholders, who are em- powered by the statute to elect directors, it may be considered as a fact tending to show intention or knowledge. The debt in question was incurred in the business so carried on, and in the line apparently contemplated by the articles of incorporation. The statute which authorizes incorporation for the purposes stated in these articles in chapter 86, in title 19 of the Revised Statutes of Wisconsin, contained, with amendments, in i Sanborn & Berryman's Annotated Statutes, 1052. Section 1771 provides that "three or more adult persons, residents of this state, may form a corporation in the manner provided in this chapter," for objects there named. Section 1772 provides that "in order to form such a corporation, the persons 5/6 WECHSELBERG V. FLOUR CITY NATIONAL BANK/ 146 desiring so to do shall make, sign and acknowledge written articles," with declarations of (i) purpose, (2) name and location, (3) capital stock, if any, and number and amount of shares thereof, (4) desig- nation of general officers and number of directors, (5) duties of officers, (6) conditions of membership, (7) "such other provisions or articles, if any, not inconsistent with law, as they may deem proper." The section further provides that the original articles, or a true, verified copy thereof, must be filed for record with the register of deeds of the county, "and no corporation shall, until such articles be so left for rec- ord, have legal existence." It also declares that "in stock corporations, persons holding stock, according to the regulations of the corporation, and they only, shall be members." A verified copy of the articles must also be filed with the secretaiy of state, or penalty is incurred. There was in this case formal compliance with the foregoing require- ments, but entire failure to. complete incorporation under the succeed- ing section. By section 1773 it is prescribed that until directors are elected the signers of the articles, shall "have direction of the affairs of the cor- poration, and make such rules as may be necessary for perfecting its organization, accepting members or regulating the subscription to the capital stock," and that in stock corporations the first meeting may be held when half of the capital stock is subscribed, and may be called by any two of the signers of the articles upon certain notice, or be held without notice when all subscribers for stock are present. It then further provides: "No such corporation shall transact business with any others than its members, until at least one-half of its capital shall have been duly subscribed, and at least 20 per centum thereof actually paid in ; and if any obligation shall be contracted in violation hereof, the corporation offending shall have no right of action thereon ; but the stockholders then existing of such corporation shall be personally liable upon the same." Section 1775 declares that "every such corporation, when so organ- ized, shall be a body corporate," and have "the powers of a corpora- tion conferred by these statutes," etc. The question of common-law liability presents itself at the threshold of this inquiry, whether considered as a primary ground or for the purpose of interpreting the statute. As a primary ground the plaintiff in error contends that it must be excluded here for two reasons, (i) because the complaint is manifestly based upon the statute and intends a charge of statutory liability, and (2) because there is a finding by the trial court of the existence of incorporation. It is sufficient answer to the first objection that it is raised here in the first instance, that the evidence was all received without exception for variance, and that the facts are clearly established by the findings. Under the rule stated in Wasatch Mining Company v. Crescent Mining Co., 148 U. S. 293, approving the rule pronounced under the New York Code of Pro- cedure, in Tyng v. The Commercial Warehouse Company of New York, 58 N. Y. 308, 313, the objection can not now stand "to shut out from consideration the case, as proved." In Wisconsin, section 146 THE COMMENCEMENT OF CORPORATE EXISTENCE. 577 2669 of the Revised Statutes provides that no "variance between the allegation in a pleading and the proof shall be deemed material, unless it shall actually mislead," and the decisions under it, in accord with the doctrine above stated, hold that "the variance may be wholly disregarded," and that "the pleadings may at any time be amended to conform with the issue really tried," or will be regarded on appeal as so amended. Stetler v. The Chicago and Northwestern Railway Company, 49 Wis. 609, 613. With reference to the force of the finding, all of the facts are clearly stated, and it remains for the court of re- view to determine their legal effect. An expression of opinion by the trial court has suggestive value, but is not conclusive, where the facts are undisputed. The case is, therefore, open for any liability which may result from the facts established, and the only question on the writ of error is, Do the facts found support the judgment? By the common law there was no individual liability of the mem- bers of a corporation for corporate debts, beyond the enforcement of their agreed contributions to the capital stock. Terry v. Little, 101 U. S. 216; United States v. Knox, 102 U. S. 422; i Beach on Pri- vate Corporations (1891), 143. Therefore, if complete corporate existence was obtained and perfected by the act of filing the articles of association, without compliance with any of the requirements of 1773, the associates are not subject to common law liability. On the other hand, it is well settled that an attempted or pretended in- corporation, not perfected as the enabling act requires, does not con- fer this immunity, and all who are' parties to the simulated corpo- ration as associates or shareholders are held liable at common law for debts contracted under the corporate guise. While the courts have differed in naming this liability, whether in the nature of co- partners, or resting "upon the ordinary principles of contract and agency," or upon fraud, they agree in holding liable, in some form, all who are engaged in the defective corporate enterprise. Fuller v. Rowe, 57 N. Y. 23; Pettis v. Atkins, 60 111. 454; Hill v. Beach, 12 N. J. Eq. 31; Coleman v. Coleman, 78 Ind. 344; Abbott v. Omaha Smelting and Refining Company, 4 Neb. 416; Kaiser v. Lawrence Savings Bank, 56 Iowa 104; Lawler v. Murphy, 58 Conn. 294, 313; Johnson v. Corser, 34 Minn. 355; Hospes v. Northwestern Manuf'g & Car Co., 48 Minn. 172. This statute does not, in terms, declare that compliance with 1773 shall be a condition precedent to corporate existence. If there were a decision by the supreme court of Wisconsin construing the statute with reference to the time or event, in the proceeding upon which the incorporation is perfected, that construction would be controlling; but the only case called to our attention in that view is Harrod v. Hamer, 32 Wis. 162. That arose under a previous act (act of April 2, 1853, Rev. Stat. of 1858, ch. 73, 17), which differs essentially from the instant statute in its method of incorporation and in the status of the incoiporators (who are thereby constituted stockholders), and therefore is not applicable here. 37 WIL. CASKS. 578 WECHSELBERG V. FLOUR CITY NATIONAL BANK. 146 The statute must be considered in its entirety to ascertain its mean- ing, and that exposition ought to be adopted, as stated by Mr. Justice Story, in Minor v. The Mechanics' Bank of Alexandria, i Pet. 46, 63, "which carries into effect the true intent and object of the legis- lature in the enactment." The purpose is clear, that corporate being shall be dated from and conferred through the act of filing the exe- cuted articles of incorporation for record, as one of the conditions precedent, but while the statute refers to it as a corporation at that stage, a limitation is added that it shall not exercise corporate func- tions, viz., "the transaction of business with any others than its mem- bers," until it shall have provided capital stock in conformity with section 1773. Such is the view recognized in Anvil Mining Com- pany v. Sherman, 74 Wis. 226, 232, where it is said that this statute "provides for the preliminary organization of the corporation, and then limits its power to enter upon its general business" by 1773. The corporation has obtained the right to exist, but can only be said to have existence in a qualified sense, for it is not possessed of the attributes or privileges of perfected incorporation ; and 1775, which declares these powers and privileges, vests them only when organized as required by the preceding sections. A quotation from the brief of one of the learned counsel for the plaintiff in error, arguing against liability as a stockholder, well defines this embryonic status, and is adopted here. It reads, including italics, as follows: "The truth is that no corporation was formed except in a very limited and qualified sense. It is true the' statute uses the 'word 'corporation.'' It is, however, a bare, legal entity, which through organization may become a corporation, having members and capable of transacting business. * * * It may be likened to the hull of a ship, with- out rudder or masts or gearings." The public are authorized to treat it as a corporation from the recording of the articles, and may look to the recorded articles for its purposes and objects. Compli- ance with 1773 is imposed upon the corporators in the first instance, and when they have provided for stockholders the duty devolves upon the latter, whose action is matter only of corporate record and not of general public record. Until that provision of capital is furnished as a fund to take the place of personal liability, the intention is ap- parent to withhold the special privilege of complete incorporation which exempts the members from such liability. The inhibition is, in effect, against any transactions except such as tend to organization, i. e., perfecting incorporation, and the purpose is to protect those who may be imposed upon by premature assumption of corporate functions, and not to save the corporation or its projectors from just liability. Anvil Mining Company v. Sherman, supra. This is not like the technical requirement placed by a Michigan statute upon the officers to file their articles of association in a certain place, simply forbidding business until compliance, without declaring any effect for non-compliance, of which it was held, in Whitney v. Wyman, 101 U. S. 392, that the provision was not made a condition precedent to incorporation, and it is not like the technical requirement found in 146 THE COMMENCEMENT OF CORPORATE EXISTENCE. 579 the former Wisconsin statute that the officers should file a certificate of incorporation before transacting business, held in Harrod v. Hamer, supra, not a condition precedent; but the demand here is of the very essence of incorporation, that there shall be capital stock and stock- holders. A corporation can not come into existence without members, and stockholders are the only members of a stock corporation. In the light of the evident purposes of this enactment and of these distinctions, and considering that the requirements imposed by section 1773 are of the essence of corporate organization, and are followed by the declaration in section 1775 of complete incorporation, "when so organized," we are of opinion that it was the legislative intent that full effect as a corporation should not obtain until compliance, and that the common-law liability is preserved up to that event. While sec- tion 1773 provides that any obligations contracted before compliance shall not give a right of action to the corporation, "but the stockhold- ers then existing" shall be personally liable, this imposition is not in derogation of the common law, but is rather declaratory of or sup- plements it. Even as a statutory liability, it may be remarked in pass- ing that this is not penal in its nature, and does not call for the strict construction which is claimed in another branch of the argument for the plaintiff in error, but it is one of contract which the members take upon themselves in forming a corporation, and is primary and abso- lute. Flash v. Conn, 109 U. S. 371 ; Coleman v. White, 14 Wis. 700; Day v. Vinson, 78 Wis. 198. For the consideration here, the statute must be taken in its entirety as an enactment granting privi- leges ; when privileges are asserted under it the interpretation of the statutory prerequisites should be reasonable, and the legislative intent should be given effect and not thwarted. So construed, the parties who entered into the assumed corporate undertaking will be held to liability for obligations which have been incurred under that assumption. Is the plaintiff in error within that rule? He executed the agreement of articles by which he engaged with the other defendants "to form a corporation," which should have a capital stock of $5,000 ; he was party to every step which was taken under the statute; without his participation (or that of some third party) even the semblance of corporate existence could not have been obtained for the venture. This act, followed by the filing of the instrument, was a solemn acceptance, by the parties jointly, of the privileges of incorporation. In the argument for the plaintiff in error it is insisted that these corporators are merely nominal par- ties, and should not be regarded as contractors in any sense; that it has become common practice to take, for the time being, any per- son who may be convenient for the pur-pose, leaving the real project- ors to come in with the subscription for stock? Such view or practice is entirely foreign to the manifest intent of the statute, as the organization is placed entirely within control of the signers, and without their action to that end strangers can not obtain ad- mission as stockholders. They occupy a contract relation. It is true that the relation is absolved or a new one formed when organ- 580 WECHSELBERG V. FLOUR CITY NATIONAL BANK. 146 ization is effected ; that the office of corporator disappears ivhen that of stockholder is taken on. It is also true that there may be an abandonment of the venture without any liability resting upon the corporators, but upon the condition imposed by the common law that no obligation shall have been incurred in the name of that relation, viz. : by "assuming to act in a corporate capacity." Fuller v. Rowe, 57 N. Y. 23, 26. Had these articles read that the signers agreed to form a partnership with $5,000 capital, instead of a corporation, there would have been no doubt of joint liability for contracts entered into by either in the co-partnership name and within its scope. The agree- ment here is to form a corporation, with capital stock of $5,000; it is made a public record, as the statute requires. So far as the public is concerned, this record is the only evidence of incorporation which comes to notice. The corporate capacity there promised was forth- with assumed, as the plaintiff in error well knew, and he can not be heard to evade liability upon the plea that they failed to put in the capital and perfect organization. McHose & Co. v. Wheeler, 45 Pa. St. 32, 40. On behalf of the plaintiff in error it is contended that he is not liable, because he did not participate in the business which was undertaken, and it is not found that he had actual knowledge of the use of his name as an officer. But it is found that "under the circum- stances, if he did not know it, he could have ascertained the fact by merely slight attention to the matter, and was guilty of negligence in not knowing it." This imputes knowledge. If he remained igno- rant of the use of his name in the face of such circumstances, where he had given its use for the inception of the enterprise, and where slight attention would have brought him knowledge, he is chargeable with notice. The culpable negligence bars the excuse of ignorance. Upon this record all of the signers of the articles of incorporation have made themselves parties to the assumption of corporate powers, and they are jointly bound for the indebtedness which was therein contracted. Their liability is of the same nature which would be im- posed "if the original plan had been to form a partnership." Cook on Stock and Stockholders (3d ed.), 235. The agreement which gave color to the assumed corporate action is the foundation. The reason for holding the liability is well stated in Fredendall v. Taylor, 26 Wis. 286, 290, as springing "from the fact that, there was no re- sponsible body or corporation behind them ;" having no principal they bound themselves individually. Lewis v. Tilton, 64 Iowa 220, is to the same effect. It is not essential that parties dealing with the assumed corporation should have acted with knowledge or upon the faith of Wechselberg's relation to it. The rule stated in Thompson v. First National Bank of Toledo, in U. S. 529, is not applicable. There it was sought to recover upon a co-partnership debt from one who was not a partner in fact, but had been held out as such, without credit being given on the faith or with knowledge of such holding out. Recovery was de- nied because there was no contract relation and no ground for estoppel. In the case at bar there is primary contract liability, and it is not 147 THE COMMENCEMENT OF CORPORATE EXISTENCE. 581 dependent upon the knowledge or understanding of those dealing with the purported corporation. Pullman v. Upton, 96 U. S. 328, citing Adderly v. .Storm, 6 Hill 624; Pierce v. Bryant, 5 Allen (Mass.) 91. In view of this determination of liability at common law we are of opinion that judgment was properly entered against the plaintiff in eiTor, and it is unnecessary to consider the question of statutory lia- bility, which is well presented in the briefs and oral arguments. The judgment will be affirmed. Note. Compare, 1864, Ashtabula and New Lisbon R. Co. v. Smith, 15 Ohio St. 328; 1897, Badger Paper Co. v. Rose, 95 Wis. 145; 1898, Schofield G. & P. Co. v. Schofield, 71 Conn. 1. Sec. 147. Same. (d~) As soon as its first meeting has been held and officers chosen, if not immediately upon signing the articles of association; but until the division into shares, the associated members hold the whole capital stock in common. HAWES ET AL. v. ANGLO-SAXON PETROLEUM COMPANY ET AL. 1869. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF MASSACHUSETTS. 101 Mass. Rep. 385-398. [Bill in equity, filed February 2, 1867, to charge individual de- fendants as members or stockholders in a manufacturing corporation, under the statute of 1862, ch. 218, which declares, in section 2, that *'the members or stockholders" in such a corporation shall be jointly and severally liable for such of its debts as may be contracted before the capital is fully paid in and certificate thereof duly recorded. On March 16, 1865, the defendants signed certain articles bearing that date, certifying that the subscribers "hereby associate themselves together as a corporation under the provisions of the Gen. Stat.,ch. 61, and the several acts in addition thereto, for the purpose of carrying on the business of mining oil, coal and other minerals; and agree," third, that "the amount of capital stock of said corporation is hereby fixed and limited at $500,000;" fourth, that "the said corporation shall be established and have its principal place of business in Bos- ton, and may prosecute its business without and beyond the limits of the commonwealth, as the corporation elect." On April i, 1865, the subscribers of these articles held their first meeting and chose officers. In the superior court in Suffolk, at October term, 1866, the plaint- iffs recovered judgment against the Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Com- pany, by the default of the corporation, after filing an affidavit of merits and an answer, for $4,231.71 damages and $24.07 costs, in an action begun March 17, 1866, on an account dated March 29, 1865, for the price of three steam-engines and boilers. On this judgment 1 Statement of facts abridged. Arguments and part of opinion omitted. 582 HAWES V. ANGLO-SAXON PETROLEUM CO. 1 47 execution was issued November 16, 1866, and returned wholly un- satisfied January 15, 1867. "The stock of said Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Company was never divided into shares, and never divided or apportioned among said subscribers. No capital was ever paid in, and no certificate of any payment of capital was ever recorded. No part of the amount due on said judgment has ever been paid, and no change has occurred among said subscribers to said articles."] GRAY, J. All that is necessary to constitute a corporation aggre- gate is the grant of a franchise by the government, assented to by the grantees. In the case of the creation of a private corporation by special charter, indeed, an acceptance is ordinarily required in order to give it effect. Angell & Ames on Corporations, 81, 82. But an act of the legislature, incorporating certain persons ivho have ap- plied for a charter, and their associates, may constitute the persons named a corporation at once without further action on their part, either in the admission of associates, the choice of officers, or the di- vision of the capital stock. Frost v. Frostburg Coal Co., 24 How. 278; Day v. Stetson, 8 Greenl. 365; Penobscot Boom Co. v. Lam- son, 16 Maine 224; New York Fire Department v. Kip, 10 Wend. 266; Narragansett Bank v. Atlantic Silk Co., 3 Met. 282; Walworth v. Brackett, 98 Mass. 98; Gen. Stat. ch. 68, 3. By the Gen. Stat., ch. 61, i, "three or more persons who shall have associated themselves together by articles of agreement in writ- ing, for the purpose of carrying on any mechanical, mining, quarrying or manufacturing business, except that of distilling or manufacturing intoxicating liquors, and shall have complied with the provisions of this chapter, shall be and remain a corporation under any name indicated in their articles of association, and which is not previously in use by any other corporation or company." The meaning and extent of the clause which requires that the associates "shall have complied with the provis- ions of this chapter" maybe better understood by referring to the statute of 1851, ch. 133, the first general law which authorized such corpo- rations to be formed by voluntary association, and the intervening acts in addition thereto, of all which the sixty-first chapter of the General Statutes is substantially a re-enactment. By section I of Statute 1851, ch. 133, persons who should "associate themselves together according to the provisions of this act" under any name by them assumed, for either of the purposes specified, and who should "comply with all the provisions of this act" were declared to be a body politic and corporate. All the provisions of that act, which such a corporation was required by its terms to comply with at any time, were, that the articles of association should state the name of the corporation, fix and limit the amount of its capital stock, and state the purpose for which and the town or city in which the corporation should be estab- lished and located ; that, before the corporation should commence business, its officers should make, publish and file a certificate of those and other facts ; and that the name of the corporation should indicate its corporate character, and not be the name of any other cor- 147 THE COMMENCEMENT OF CORPORATE EXISTENCE. 583 poration or company. Stat. 1851, ch. 133, 1-6. And it was held that even an irregularity in the articles of association, such as the adoption of a name already belonging to another company, would not enable the corporation to defeat an action against it by a creditor. Dooley v. Cheshire Glass Co., 15 Gray 494. The direction contained in the Gen. Stat., ch. 61, 3, as to the mode of calling the first meet- ing of such a corporation, was not in the original statute, but was first inserted in the statute of 1855, ch. 478, section 2, and is as consistent with holding the corporation to be already organized as with treating the first meeting as necessary to its organization. The first section of the General Statutes, ch. 61, is certainly not to be construed literally as requiring a compliance with all the provisions of the chapter as a condition precedent to the existence of a corporation; for many of them necessarily assume a corporation to have been already created, such, for instance, as making the officers of the corporation liable for its debts until they have signed and filed certain certificates. Sec- tions 812, Merrick v. Reynolds Engine & Governor Co. 1 The manifest intent of the first section, viewed in connection "with the rest of the chapter, is, that a corporation shall exist at least as soon as the Jirst meeting has been held and officers have been elected, if not immediately upon the signing of the fundamental articles of associa- tion, by which the intention of the associates to avail themselves of the privileges conferred by the legislature is manifested, the name of the corporation determined, the amount of capital stock fixed, and the place in which and the purpose for which the corporation is estab- lished are specified. Utley v. Union Tool Co. , 1 1 Gray 1 39 ; Perkins v. Union Button-Hole & Embroidery Machine Co., 12 Allen 273; New- comb v. Reed, 12 Allen 363. When -a corporation has been once created according to law, the incorporated associates who hold the corporate franchise are members of the corporation, and a subscriber for shares, although he has re- ceived no certificate of stock, or the stock has not even been divided into shares, is a member of the corporation, and a stockholder within the meaning of a statute making the stockholders of the corporation personally liable for its debts. Chester Glass Co. v. Dewey, 16 Mass. 94; Narragansett Bank v. Atlantic Silk Co., 3 Met. 288, 289; Spear v. Crawford, 14 Wend. 20. The statute of 1862, ch. 218, entitled "An act to define and regulate the enforcement of the liabilities of officers and stockholders of manu- facturing corporations," contains the following provisions, upon the construction and effect of which this case depends. By section 2, "the members or stockholders in such corporation shall be jointly and severally liable for its debts or contracts in the fol- lowing cases, and not otherwise: First, for such as may be contracted before the capital is fully paid in, and a certificate thereof duly re- corded." By section 3, no stockholder in such corporation shall be held liable for its debts or contracts, unless a judgment is recovered against the 1 101 Mass. 381. 584 HAWES V. ANGLO-SAXON PETROLEUM CO. 147 corporation, demand for payment made upon the corporation and not complied with for thirty days, and the execution returned unsatisfied. By section 4, "after the execution shall be so returned, the judg- ment creditor, or any other creditor, may file a bill in equity in behalf of himself and all other creditors of the corporation, against it, and all persons who were stockholders therein at the time of the com- mencement of the suit in which such judgment was recovered," for the recovery of the sums due from said corporation to himself and such other creditors, for which the stockholders may be personally lia- able, by reason of any act or omission on the part of the corporation or its officers. By section 5, "such sums as may be decreed to be paid by the stock- holders in such suit in equity shall be assessed upon them in proportion to the amounts of stock by them respectively held at the time when the suit in which said judgment was recovered was begun ; but no stock- holder shall be liable to pay a larger sum than the amount of stock held by him at that time at its par value." Among the purposes for which the defendants incorporated them- selves were "refining oil, coal and other minerals," and "preparing them for use." They were, therefore, strictly a manufacturing cor- poration, and equally within the statutes of 1862, ch. 218, as a similar corporation established by special charter would be. Peele v. Phill- ips, 8 Allen 86; Bond v. Morse, 9 Allen 471. The bill was held to be sufficient when this cause was before us upon the demurrer. All questions of variance between the pleadings and evidence have been waived by submitting the case to our decision upon an agreed statement of facts. Russell v. Loring, 3 Allen 121 ; Folger v. Columbian Insurance Co., 99 Mass. 267. It is admitted that no part of the capital stock of the corporation has ever been paid in, and no certificate thereof recorded ; and that the plaintiffs have recovered a judgment in an action against the corpora- tion, and had the execution issued thereon duly served upon the cor- poration, and returned unsatisfied. That action was brought on the iyth day of March, 1866, a year after the signing of the defendants' articles of association, and almost a year after the associates had held their first meeting and elected officers. Upon any construction of the statutes, the corporation had thus, long before the bringing of that action, been called into exist- ence and made a legal person, capable of holding property and of suing and being sued, and had a board of officers competent to bind the corporation by a new agreement or by ratification of an old one, made before the corporation was capable of contracting. The cor- poration, thus fully organized and represented, filed" an affidavit of merits, and afterwards submitted to a default and judgment thereon. That judgment, if not conclusive in this suit, is at least prima facie evidence that the debt sued on was a debt for which the corporation was liable.' The mere fact that the account annexed to the declara- tion bears date three days before such election of officers is not suffi- 148 CONDITIONS OF DE JURE EXISTENCE. 585 cient to rebut the evidence of liability afforded by the judgment itself. The amount of capital stock of the corporation was fixed and lim- ited in accordance with the General Statutes, ch. 61, section 6. The stock not having been divided into shares or certificates issued, the associated members of the corporation were the holders of the "whole capital stock in common, and would seem, upon the facts agreed, to be liable in equal proportions for such sums as may be decreed to be paid by them in this suit. But as the question of the amount to be assessed upon each has not been argued by them, but only the ques- tion whether they are liable at all, any additional facts and considera- tions, bearing upon the question of the amounts and proportions in which they are to be charged, may be submitted to the master, and, on the coming in of his report, to the court. Decree for the plaintiffs, case referred to a master. Note. See Katavna Land Company v. Holley, 129 Mass. 540; Schofield G. & P. Co. v. Schofield, 71 Conn. 1. Sec. 148. Same. (e) Under special acts, either immediately upon acceptance of charter, or only after organization by the subscribers to the stock, depending upon the wording of the acts. For example, it is sometimes said that where an act provides that A, B, C, etc. (who have applied for a charter), and their successors and assigns "be and the same are hereby incorporated," there is created ipso facto et eo in- stanti a corporation, and there is no condition precedent to the coming into existence of the corporation. See, 1853, Judah v. The Am. Live Stock Ins. Co., 4 Ind. 333; 1857, Stoops v. The Greenburgh & B. P. Co., 10 Ind. 47; 1859, Hammett v. L. R. & N. R. Co., 20 Ark. 204; 1880, The L. R. & N. R. Co. v. L. R., M. & T. R., 36 Ark. 663. Also, Penobscot Boom Corp. v. Lamson, supra, p. 283; Hawes v. Petroleum Co., supra, p. 581, and illustrations in 135, 136, 137, supra. ARTICLE IV. COMPLIANCE WITH CONDITIONS. DE JURE EXISTENCE. Sec. 149. (i) As to de jure existence, conditions are (a) Precedent, with which there must be a substantial, but not necessarily a literal, compliance, in order to make a corporation dk jure. MOKELUMNE HILL MINING CO. v. WOODBURY. 1 14 Cal. 424, 73 Am. Dec. 658, supra, p. 296. 1 See, also, cases below, on pp. 590-613. 586 HARROD V. HAMER. 150 Sec. 150. Same. () Subsequent, with which compliance is not necessary in or- der to create a valid corporation, though necessary legally to ex- ercise corporate functions and powers. HARROD v. HAMER ET AL. 1 1873. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF WISCONSIN. 32 Wis. Rep. 162-168. Appeal from the circuit court for Outagamie county. Section 17, ch. 73 of the Rev. Stat., entitled "of joint stock com- panies," provides that before any corporation, organized thereunder, shall commence business, the president and directors shall cause the articles of association to be published in the papers, make a certificate of the purposes for which the corporation is formed, the amount of capital stock, the amount actually paid in, the names of the share- holders, the number of shares by each respectively owned, and de- posit the same with the secretary of state, and a duplicate with the clerk of the town, city or village where the business is to be carried on. Section 25 of the same chapter provides as follows: The stock- holders of any corporation organized under the provisions of this chapter shall be jointly and severally liable for all debts that may be due or owing to all their laborers, servants and apprentices, for serv- ice performed by them for such corporation, within six months pre- ceding the demand made for any such debt," etc. Harrod brought his action against the defendants, who were stock- holders in the Appleton Manufacturing Company, incorporated under ch. 73, R. S., to hold them liable individually for any indebtedness against the company. Plaintiff was the owner of a planing mill, and the indebtedness grew out of certain planing done at plaintiff's mill for the building of the factory of the corporation. Judgment had been obtained against the company for the amount due, and execution was returned unsatisfied. Plaintiff thereupon sued the defendants for the amount of such judgment and interest. It was admitted that sec- tion 17 was not complied with by the filing of the required statement until March 25, 1870, and it appeared in evidence that the company erected a building, ran a saw-mill, and transacted other business, some months previous to this date. Finding and judgment for plaint- iff ; from which judgment the defendants Hamer and Schneider ap- pealed. DIXON, C. J. The theory upon which this action is prosecuted is, that the subscribers to the articles of agreement and association did not, by the steps and proceedings taken, become or constitute a body politic and corporate, under the name assumed by them in their arti- cles, but that they failed altogether of organizing and establishing a 'Arguments omitted. 150 CONDITIONS OF DE JURE EXISTENCE. 587 corporation under the provisions of the statute, as they attempted and intended to do. The supposition is that no corporation was created, and hence that the subscribers, who were shareholders or owners of the supposed capital stock, became a sort of unincorporated joint stock company, or quasi firm or partnership, and so liable in their in- dividual capacity, either jointly or severally, directly to the creditors of the company or association. We are of opinion that this view of the transaction is entirely erroneous, and that a corporation was or- ganized and set in motion with which creditors and others must deal as a corporation, and against which and against the stockholders in which claims and demands must be enforced, as in case of other like corporate bodies. The corporation was organized under the provisions of chapter 73 of the Revised Statutes, i Tay. Stats. 982 to 987, sections i to 29, inclusive. It is not objected or shown that any requirement of the statute was omitted or not complied with, except only that the certi- ficate prescribed by section 17 (section 19, Tay. Stats.) was not made and deposited with the secretary of state, and a duplicate with the town, village or city clerk, as therein directed. The only question, therefore, is, whether this failure of the president and directors to make and deposit the certificate and duplicate operated to defeat the organization or to annul the proceedings by which the corporation had been brought into existence. The very words of the section are a sufficient answer. "Before any corporation, formed and established by virtue of the provisions of this law, shall commence business, the president and directors thereof shall cause their articles of association to be published," etc., and "shall make a certificate," etc. It would not be easy by any words to recognize the existence of the corpora- tion without the publication and without the certificate, or before they are made, more clearly than has been done here. The corpo- rate existence is clearly acknowledged, and intended so to be, and the prohibition is only against its commencing business until the require- ments of the section are complied with. It is spoken of as a corpora- tion formed and established by virtue of the provisions of law, and having officers such as the law prescribes, namely, a president and a board of directors, capable of acting for the corporation, and upon whom, in their official capacity, certain duties are therein specifically imposed, and their performance commanded. But, if anything further be needed upon this point, it will be found in the provisions of section 23 of the same chapter. That section reads: "If the president, directors or secretary of any such corpora- tion shall intentionally neglect or refuse to comply with the provisions of, and to perform the duties required of them respectively by, the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth sections of this chapter, such of them so neglecting or refusing shall jointly and severally be liable, in an action founded on this chapter, for all debts of such corporation con- tracted during the period of any such neglect and refusal." The inten- tion that the corporation should not be affected, or its powers or exist- ence destroyed, by reason of any failure to comply with the requirements 588 NEWCOMB V. REED. 151 of section 17, is here again very plainly manifested. It is again spoken of and treated as a corporation lawfully organized and still continuing, notwithstanding such failure. It is regarded as a corporation fully capable of contracting debts, and having officers, of whom the per- formance of certain duties has been and still may be lawfully required. And to the like effect are the provisions of section 24, and, perhaps, others. The views here expressed are sustained by the case of Holmes v. Gilliland, 41 Barb. 568. It follows from these views that the plaintiff has misconceived his remedy, and that this action can not be maintained against the appel- lants as stockholders, and who hold no other relation to the corpora- tion. The remedy of the plaintiff to enforce payment of his judgment, in addition to that given by the statute against the president and directors of the corporation, will probably be found by consulting the case of Adler v. Milwaukee Patent Brick Manufacturing Co., 13 Wis. 57. The complaint alleges that the debt, for the non-payment of which the plaintiff recovered judgment against the corporation, accrued and became due to the plaintiff for work and labor performed by him for the corporation, but it is nevertheless not claimed that the cause of action falls within the provisions of section 25 of the statute, or that the plaintiff is pursuing the remedy given by that section. It does not distinctly appear that the debt was one of the kind therein provided for, or that the plaintiff was a "laborer." It is not shown that any demand was made, as prescribed by that section. The judgment against the defendants Hamer and Schneider, who bring this appeal, must be reversed, with costs, and the cause remanded, with direction that it be dismissed as to them. By the court. It is so ordered. Note. See Beach, 13; Clark, pp. 59, 87; Elliott, 38-44; Morawetz, 744-746 ; 1 Thompson, 215-249. Sec. 151. Same. (2) Conditions may be also: (c) Directory merely. NEWCOMB v. REED. 1866. IN THE SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT OF MASSACHUSETTS. 12 Allen's (Mass.) Rep. 362-364. Contract, in which the plaintiff sought to charge the officers of the Boston Mechanical Bakery Company with a debt contracted in the name of the corporation, in consequence of their neglect to file cer- tificates and statements of the condition of the corporation. At the trial in the superior court, before Ames, J. , without a jury, the judge found for the defendants upon facts which are stated in the opinion ; and the plaintiff alleged exceptions. 151 CONDITIONS OF DE JURE EXISTENCE. 589 HOAR, J. The defense to this action rests wholly upon the as- sumption that the corporation, whose officers the plaintiff seeks to charge with a statute liability for its debts, never had a legal existence. The only defect suggested in the organization of the corporation is, that the call for the first meeting was signed by only one of the per- sons named in the act of incorporation, and not by a majority of them, as required by Statutes 1855, ch. 140. The case of Utely \'. Union Tool Company, n Gray 139, is the authority on which the defendants chiefly rely. That case decided that in order to charge as stockholders of a manufacturing corporation persons who had been summoned in an action against it under Statutes 1851, ch. 315, the plaintiff must prove the legal existence of the cor- poration. The alleged corporation had no charter or act of incorporation from the legislature, but was an association which had undertaken to assume corporate powers under a general act for the formation of joint stock companies. Statutes of 1851, ch. 133. That statute au- thorized three or more persons who had entered into "articles of agreement in writing" for the transaction of certain kinds of business to organize in a manner prescribed, and thereby to become a corpo- ration ; and the court were of opinion that written articles of agree- ment were essential to constitute a corporation, and that these articles must fix the amount of the capital stock, and set forth distinctly the purpose for which and the place in which the corporation was estab- lished. The court say, "There is an obvious reason for making such organization by written articles of agreement a condition precedent to the exercise of corporate rights. It is the basis on which all the sub- sequent proceedings are to rest, and is designed to take the place of a charter or act of incorporation, by which corporate rights and privi- leges are usually granted." And they add that "it is not a case of a defective organization under a charter or act of incorporation, nor of erroneous proceedings after the necessary steps were taken to the as- sumption of corporate powers, but there is an absolute want of proof that any corporation was ever called into being which had the power of contracting debts or of rendering persons liable therefor as stock- holders." We think these reasons have no application to the case now before us. In this, there was an act of incorporation from the legislature. There is no question that the corporate powers which it conferred were assumed by the persons by whom it was intended that they should be enjoyed, so far as they chose to avail themselves of them. The organization was not strictly regular, but can hardly be consid- ered even as defective. And if the object of the statute is regarded, by -which it is required that the first meeting shall be called by a majority of the persons named in the act of incorporation, it -will be evident that it is direc- tory merely, and only designed to secure the rights conferred by the charter to those to whom it was granted^ among themselves, by pro- viding an orderly method of organization. Thus, if all the persons 59O HOLMAN V. THE STATE. 152 interested should come together -without any notice or call whatever, and proceed to accept the charter, and do the other necessary acts to constitute the corporation, ive can not doubt that their action would be valid, and that neither the public, nor any persons not belonging to the association, would have any interest to question their proceed- ings. The purpose of the statute was probably to avoid such difficulties as were disclosed in the case of Lechmere Ba'nkv. Boynton, n Cush. 369, where two parties had attempted to organize separately under the same charter, each claiming to be the corporation. There is nothing in the facts found and reported to show that all persons interested were not actually notified of the meeting for organ- ization. On the contrary, it would seem that they were. No one has questioned the regularity of the proceedings, or claimed, as in Lechmere Bank v. Boynton, a right to organize in a different manner. The evidence was ample to show that the persons named in the act of incorporation, with their associates, or at least all of them who desired to do so, have accepted the act, organized under it, issued stock, elected officers who have acted and served in that capacity, carried on business, contracted debts, and exercised all the functions of corporate existence. It is therefore too late to deny that the cor- poration ever had any legal existence, or for these officers to avoid the liabilities which the statutes of the commonwealth impose. The defendant, Brackett, who was treasurer in February, 1861, ap- pears to have been liable with the directors, under the provisions of Gen. Stat., ch. 60, sections 18, 20, 31. Exceptions sustained. Sec. 152. Same. (d er the general manufacturing law of that year. In 1849 a certificate of association for corporate purposes was made out and recorded. It set forth all that the law required. It was entirely regular on its face. A certified copy of it was filed in the office of the secretary of the commonwealth. Ostensibly, the requirements of the law were fully met. From that time until after the cotton was sold, the corporation had, if not a legal, at least a de facto existence, and it carried on business as such. In November, 1856, the plaintiff sold a quantity of cotton to it and took the promissory notes of the corporation for the price, with a full knowledge of the mode of its constitution, and of what is now alleged to have been a failure to comply with the requisitions of the manu- facturing law for the procurement of a charter. They now sue those who were stockholders of the company at the time the cotton was purchased, and claimed to recover against them individually, upon the ground that the original certificate for incorporation, though appar- ently regular, was illegal and void, because it did not set forth that the capital paid in was at the time invested in mills, machinery and other property adapted to the purposes for which the corporation was proposed to be organized. This they contend renders the charter a nullity, and justifies them in treating the sale as having been made to the defendants as partners. The case rests therefore upon the assump- tion that, because the corporation was so irregularly constituted that the commonwealth might have called in question its legal existence, the plaintiffs may attack it and disprove its lawful being. But the assumption is unwarranted. The plaintiffs are not at lib- erty to assert in this action that the corporation was not lawfully formed. Though formed under a general law, it is as against all the world, but the commonwealth, as completely and effectively a corpo- rate body as if it had been created by a special act of assembly and by letters-patent. The act of April 7, 1849, prescribes what shall be the legal proof of the existence of such a corporation. That proof is a certificate of certain things made out as required, recorded in the proper county, with a certified copy of the certificate filed in the office of the secretary of the commonwealth, indorsed by him and then re- tained by the company. The law declares that when the certificate has been thus recorded and filed, the persons who have signed and acknowledged it, and their successors, shall be a body politic and cor- porate, in fact and in law. No distinction is made between the effect of such a mode of incorporation and the effect of any other mode. If the certificate recorded and filed is false, or if the law has in any par- ticular been violated, the commonwealth has a remedy by writ of quo warranto, as it would have in any other case where corporate privi- leges have heen obtained by fraudulent means or in an illegal manner. But until the franchise claimed and used has been directly adjudged not to exist, there is a corporation de facto at least. If there is any- thing settled it is that the corporate existence of a corporation de facto can not be inquired into collaterally. Upon this subject the authorities 1 63 DE FACTO EXISTENCE BASED ON PUBLIC POLICY. 627 are too numerous to admit of citation. The plaintiffs do not deny the principle as a general rule, but they contend that it is not appli- cable to corporations of this character, to those organized by the cor- porators themselves under a general law, and for support in this position they rely upon Patterson v. Arnold, 9 Wright 410. Such is the doctrine advanced in that case. But the decision then made was that of a bare majority of the court. It does not profess to rest on a single authority. It is sustained by none, for it is in conflict with the steady course of decisions elsewhere, wherever statutes exist similar to ours of 1849. Very little attempt was made to sustain it by reason, and if it is the law it must work great confusion and lead to intoler- able mischiefs. Happily, if it was mistakenly made, we may now correct the mistake without harm to any one. There is no reason that can be given for such a distinction as is claimed between a charter obtained under the act of 1849 and one ob- tained under a special act of assembly. In each case corporate power is obtained by act of the corporators, under restrictions imposed by law. When an act authorizes letters-patent to issue after a certificate by commissioners appointed to receive subscriptions to the capital stock that a certain amount has been subscribed, and a certain proportion paid in, the certificate may be false, but nobody ever supposed that the charter obtained by the false certificate is void, or that it may be attacked collaterally. Why, then, should it not be so in case of a charter under the act of 1849? How much more is a charter secured under that act the work of the corporators than this one obtained in the other mode ? How much less is the organization under the conduct of the state ? Yet that it is less is the only reason attempted to be given in Patterson v. Arnold why the charter in the one case should be open to collateral attack, and in the other assailable only directly by the commonwealth. If we look at the consequences of permitting one who deals with a corporation formed under the general manufacturing law to deny that it ever had any legal existence, or to call in question its rights to ex- ercise corporate powers or enjoy corporate privileges, we shall find them to be no less mischievous than such as would follow the doc- trine that any corporation may be collaterally attacked by one who has given credit to it, that it is not immunity to its shareholders. In- deed, the mischiefs of such a doctrine are the same, whatever may be the mode of obtaining corporate existence. By one jury a charter may be set aside. By another it may be sustained. One creditor may sue the corporation as such, obtain a judgment and sell its land, himself becoming the purchaser. Another creditor may sue the corporators, alleging that their charter is null, furnishing no immunity to them. He may obtain a judgment and sell the same land to another pur- chaser, as the property, not of the corporation, but of the stockhold- ers. In such a case which purchaser would hold the title? Again, new stockholders may come in, totally ignorant of any fraud or mistake in making out the certificate. Are they to be charged in- dividually because there was a secret vice in obtaining corporate be- 628 COCHRAN V. ARNOLD. 163 ing? That would be monstrous. It would render the manufacturing- law a thing to be avoided, though it expresses a cherished policy of the legislature. Yet, if a charter can be shown invalid by a collateral attack at the suit of a creditor, why are not new stockholders who have come in after the birth of the corporation equally liable as part- ners, or joint contractors, with all the original stockholders? Can the charter be effective and yet not effective ? In Patterson v. Arnold it seems to have been thought a charter may be good as to some stock- holders and a nullity as to others. What confusion must this produce ? Some may be sued as partners, and others through the corporation, and under judgments obtained execution be levied upon the same property. Or all the original stockholders may go out and give place to successors. Then that which was incurably vicious, because an usurpation upon the commonwealth, has become good. It is impossi- ble, however, that a charter can be good as to some stockholders and bad as to others. Every one has an interest in the property of his associates invested in the common stock. Such is his corporate right. If that property can be withdrawn by action against his associates in- dividually, the charter ceases to be to him all that it purports to be. It is said that those who certify falselv for the purpose of obtaining a charter are guilty of fraud. Doubtless this is so. There is a fraud upon the state. If it be also a fraud upon creditors, the law furnishes a remedy. An action will lie for the fraud. But to deny the corpo- rate existence of a de facto corporation, and to hold as partners those who were guilty of fraud in obtaining the charter, is to confound an action ex contractu with one essentially for a tort. It has already been said that Patterson v. Arnold is unsustained by authority. General laws, much like our act of 1849, exist in many of the states, and whenever the question has come up it has been ruled that corporations formed under them, like all others, are to be re- garded as such until their right is questioned by the state. The ques- tion can not be raised collaterally whether they are lawfully such. In Jones v. Dana, 24 Barb. Sup. C. Rep. 402, the court said: "The statute is explicit and leaves no room for construction. It makes the copies of the charter and certificates filed in the office of the county clerk the authority of the corporation to commence business and issue policies, and makes them evidence for and against the company; that is, evidence of the authority to act as a corporation. The legislature having said what acts shall give the company corporate powers, and what shall be the evidence of those acts, as well for as against the company, courts can not, at the instance of third persons, go behind those acts, and the prescribed evidence of them, for the purpose of determining the validity of the corporation, and make the decision, perhaps, depend upon some mistake or accident from which no one has received or can receive any injury." And again: "The only remaining question is, whether the plaintiffs have shown the Utica Insurance Company, acting under a charter, or an authority appar- ently valid, and really so, unless impeached by something outside of the record evidence of the corporate existence, and depending upon 1 63 DE FACTO EXISTENCE BASED ON PUBLIC POLICY. 629 proof aliunde. If they have, and have thus furnished prima facie evidence of the incorporation, they can not go behind that evidence to show that it was got up in fraud or mistake, or irregularly brought into existence." All this was said in reference to a corporation that came into being under an act very similar to ours. To the same effect is Sedman v. Eveleth, 6 Metcalf 1 14, and Baker v. Backus, 32 111. in. I know of no case, except Patterson v. Arnold, in which a different doctrine has been advanced. It was not then competent for the plaintiffs in this action, after having contracted with the Conestoga Steam Mills as a corporation, to deny its corporate existence. To all the stockholders its charter furnished an immunity against its credit- ors. The plaintiffs, therefore, would have had no cause of action against any of the defendants had their amendment been allowed. There is another reason why there could have been no recovery. If the certificate for the incorporation was erroneous or fraudulent, the plaintiffs knew it when they sold the cotton. It was not for them afterward to say it was a wrong done to them. It is needless, how- ever, to enlarge upon this. It is enough that they were not at liberty to call in question the validity of the charter. The judgment is affirmed. Note. De facto corporations : See also, Clopton, J., in Snider's Sons' Oo. v. Troy, 91 Ala. 224, infra, p. 656, and particularly as to de facto corpora- tions, 1847, Brouwer v. Appleby, 1 Sandf. (N. Y. Superior Ct.) 158; 1859, Eaton v. Aspinwall, 19 N. Y. 119; 1862, Buffalo & A. R. Co. v. Gary, 26 N. Y. 75; 1872, Swartwout v. R. Co., 24 Mich. 390; 1881, Butchers' & D. Bank v. McDonald, 130 Mass. 264; 1885, People v. La Rue, 67 Cal. 526, 8 Pac. Rep. 84; 1886, Stout v. Zulick, 48 N. J. L. 599, 7 Atl. Rep. 362; 1889, Eaton v. Walker, 76 Mich. 579, 43 N. W. Rep. 638, 27 A. & E. C. C. 310; 1890, Snider's Sons' Co. v. Troy, 91 Ala. 224, 24 Am. St. Rep. 887, infra, p. 656; 1891, American Salt Co. v. Heidenheimer, 80 Texas 344, 26 Am. St. Rep. 743; 1891, Allen v. Long, 80 Texas 261, 26 Am. St. Rep. 735; 1893, Gibbs' Estate, 157 Pa. St. 59, supra, p. 244; 1894, Martin v. Deetz. 102 Cal. 55, 41 Am. St. Rep. 151, 36 Pac. Rep. 368; 189~4, McTighe v. Macon Const. Co.,94Ga. 306, 47 Am. St. Rep. 153; 1894, State Bank Building Co. v. Pierce, 92 Iowa 668; 1895, Coxe v. State, 144 N. Y. 396, 39 N. E. Rep. 400; 1895, American Loan and Trust Co. v. Minn. & N. W. R. Co., 157 111. 641 ; 1895, Greenbrier Indus. Ex. v. Squires, 40 W. Va. 307, 52 Am. St. Rep. 884; 1895, Jones v. Hardware Co., 21 Colo. 263, 52 Am. St. Rep. 220, 29 L. R. A. 143, infra, p. 637; 1896, Bradley v. Reppell, 133 Mo. 545, 54 Am. St. Rep. 685, infra, p. 868; 1895, American Mirror Co. v. Bulkley, 107 Mich. 447; 1896, Tuckasegee Mining Co. v. Goodhue, 118 N. C. 981; 1896, Duke v. Taylor, 37 Fla. 64,53 Am. St. Rep. 232; 1897, Martin v. South Salem Land Co.. 94 Va. 28, 26 S. E. Rep. 591 ; 1897, Continental Trust Co. v. T.,St. L. & K. R. Co. (C. C. N. D. Ohio), 82 Fed. Rep. 642 ; 1897, Johnson v. Okerstrom, 70 Minn. 303, 73 N. W. Rep. 147; 1898, Maryland Tube and Iron Works v.West End Imp. Co., 87 Md. 207, 39 L. R. A. 810; 1898, Jones v. Hale, 32 Ore. 465, 8 Am. & E. C. C. (N. S.) 150; 1899, Calkins v. Bump, 120 Mich. 335, 79 N. W. Rep. 491 ; 1899, Marsh v. Mathias, 19 Utah 350, 56 Pac. Rep. 1074; 1899, City of Wilmington v. Addicks, Del. , 43 Atl. Rep. 297; 1899, Christian & Craft Grocery Co. v. Fruitdale Lumber Co., 121 Ala. 340, 25 So. Rep. 566; 1899, Commonwealth v. Yetter, 190 Pa. St. 488. See, also, infra, pp. 1122-1130, on necessity of pleading and proving corporate existence, in suits by and against a corporation. There is great confusion among the cases as to the doctrines concerning de facto corporate existence, and estoppel to deny corporate existence; many sases call an apparent corporation ade facto corporation, when there is no suf- 630 COCHRAN V. ARNOLD. 164 ficient reason for so designating it, bat abundant reason for holding the per- son who questioned the existence of the corporation estopped from doing so. On the other hand, many cases are decided on grounds of estoppel, when, in fact, there are sufficient reasons for holding the corporation to be a de facto one, and hence, there is no necessity of invoking the doctrine of estoppel. Much of the confusion undoubtedly arises also from the variety of opinion as to the necessity of pleading and proving corporate existence in suits by or against corporations. See infra, pp. 1122-1130. For example, in Williams v. Bank, 7 Wend. (N. Y.) 539 (1831), it is said "A contract made with a corpo- ration by name is not an admission or any evidence that the corporation is en- titled to sue by that name." And again, in Welland Canal Co. v. Hathaway, 8 Wend. (N. Y.) 480, 24 Am. Dec. 51 (1832), it is said : "When a corporation sues, if they have not the powers and privileges assumed * * * it is their own fault, not his. Whether they had * * * or not must be known to themselves, not to the defendant, and no act of his could legally add to or detract from them. Why, then, should he be estopped from denying their corporate capacity, or they be excused from establishing it by legal evidence, when they are endeavoring to enforce their rights in a manner and before a tribunal which can entertain their suit only on proof or assumption that they are a corporate body, duly constituted by competent authority?" So, too, in Maryland Tube and Iron Works v. West End Improvement Co., 87 Md. 207. 39 L. R. A. 810 (1898), where the question was as to whether there was cause for estoppel before the franchise tax was paid, it was said that the doctrine of estoppel can not be invoked unless the corporation has at least a de facto existence. A similar holding was made in Jones v. Hardware Co.. 21 Colo. 263, infra, p. 637, and Duke v. Taylor, 37 Fla. 64, but it is submitted that the foregoing views are not according to the weight of authority. On the contrary: "A corporation de facto may legally do and perform every act and thing which the same entity could do or perform were it a de jure corporation. As to all the world, except the paramount authority under which it acts and from which it receives its charter, it occupies the same position as though in all respects valid, and even as against the state, except in direct proceedings to arrest its usurpation of power, its acts are binding." People v. La Rue, 67 Cal. 526 (1885). Even the state in a quo icarranto to test the right to a corporate office can not question the corporate existence. Commonwealth v. Yetter, 190 Pa. St. 488 (1899). See, also, Beach, 13, 14, 16; Clark, 41,42; Cook, 183- 186, 231-235, 637; Elliott, 69-80; Morawetz, 735-778; Taylor, 145-157; I Thompson, 495-513; VII Thompson, 8212. ARTICLE VI. CONDITIONS OF CORPORATE EXISTENCE BY ESTOPPEL. Sec. 164. (A) Theories: "An examination of the cases in which the doctrine of estoppel to deny corporate existence has been applied will show that most of them rest on some basis of conduct, or of benefit obtained, or other cause rendering it inequitable to allow such denial. The doctrine is an equitable one, and should be applied only where there are equitable grounds for applying it. It should never be applied where it would be inequitable to do so. Nor should it be applied unless it would be inequitable not to do so." Clark on Corps., 43, p. 103. ( i ) The doctrine is one of equity. 164 CORPORATIONS BY ESTOPPEL. 631 p (#) Will be applied where it would be inequitable not to apply it. ESTEY MANUFACTURING COMPANY v. RUNNELS. 1 1884. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF MICHIGAN. 55 Mich. Rep. CHAMPLIN, J. This action was commenced before a circuit court commissioner to recover the possession of certain land described in the complaint, and averring that the defendant holds the same unlaw- fully and against the rights of the Estey Manufacturing Company. December 3, 1883, was the return day, when the defendant appeared and pleaded not guilty. The cause was then tried and judgment rendered in favor of the plaintiff; and on the 8th day of December, 1883, the defendant appealed the suit to the circuit court for the county of Shiawassee. The cause was tried in the circuit, April 3, 1884, when the plaintiff again had a verdict, whereupon the defendant brings the suit to this court by writ of error. * * * Defendant also introduced and read in evidence a duly certified copy of the articles of association of the plaintiff corporation, from which it appeared that there were but three corporators, two of whom resided in Michigan and one in Vermont. The acknowledgment of Jacob W. Este}' was taken before a person styling himself a notary public, but his official character and authority to take acknowledg- ments was not authenticated in accordance with the requirements of our statutes, The defendant's counsel requested the court to charge the jury as follows: * * * ''Fourth. That the articles of association filed in said cause and read therein are void under the law." * * * The third and fourth requests refer to the same point, and may be considered together. Where a body assumes to be a corporation and acts under a particular name, a third party dealing with it under such assumed name is estopped to deny its corporate existence. Such is the general rule, founded upon equitable principles, and if any exceptions exist, it is only where "there are no facts which make it legally unjust to forbid its denial." Doyle v. Mizner, 42 Mich. 337. In this case the defendant introduced in evidence the execution upon which the sale was made. From this it appears that it was issued upon a judg- ment rendered for damages for the non-performance of certain prom- ises and undertakings made by this defendant to the Estey Manufac- turing Company, which shows that the defendant had had dealings with the plaintiff as a corporation in the name assumed by it. He was therefore estopped, not only by having dealt with it as a corpora- tion, but by the judgment in the case, to deny its corporate existence. The execution, sale and sheriff's deeds all result from the contract relation voluntarily entered into between the defendant and this cor- porate body, and it would be manifestly unjust and inequitable to 1 Arguments omitted. Only part of opinion relating to the one point given. 632 DOYLE V. MIZNER. 165 permit the defendant to question the legal corporate existence of the plaintiff in this collateral proceeding. For these reasons the requests were properly refused, and the judg- ment is affirmed. The other justices concurred. Note. See note at the end of this article, on extent of doctrine. Sec. 165. Same. (<) Will be applied only where it is equitable to do so. DOYLE v. MIZNER, GRAY AND KANE. 1 1879. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF MICHIGAN. 42 Mich. Rep. 33 2 -34 i- Error to superior court of Detroit. Trover. Plaintiff brings error. CAMPBELL, C. J. Doyle brought suit to recover for the forcible removal and disposal of certain goods claimed to be his property, and taken from his possession by defendant Kane under color of a chattel mortgage purporting to be made by Mizner and Gray, as president and secretary of the Detroit Chemical Works. * * * January 27, 1875, an agreement was signed by Doyle, Mizner and Gray to organize a joint-stock company, to be known as the Detroit Chemical Works, with a capital of $50,000, in 2,000 shares of $25 each. The paid-in capital was fixed at $14,000; the estimated assets of the Detroit Manufacturing Company, of which $10,000 as~paid-up stock was to go to Doyle, and $2,000 each to Gray and Mizner, who were therein stated to have purchased that interest. But there is noth- ing to indicate that they gave or were to give any consideration. The remaining $36,000 was to be sold for working capital, after allowing Doyle $4,000 to be sold for Doyle's benefit in payment for certain claims sold to the company, and for which he was to turn in $4,000 of his stock. The first $500 raised was to go towards paying the chattel mortgage. Without some further showing it would seem that under this arrangement Doyle furnished the entire original capital, and Gray and Mizner got their share out of him for nothing. * * * On the nth of February, 1875, a transfer in writing was signed by the three parties of all the property of the Detroit Manufacturing Company to the chemical works for the expressed consideration of $14,000, "subject to a claim of about $500, held by Kane & Hibbard (or their client), of Detroit, Mich." * * * Doyle's ground of action is based on the claim that he never trans- ferred his rights to any one, and that the paper in question was not to become operative until he received consideration by payment for his goods. His testimony, if believed, shows that the paper was never delivered in such a way as to belong to the Detroit Chemical Works or to pass any title until paid for. 1 Arguments omitted. Only part of opinion given. 1 65 CORPORATIONS BY ESTOPPEL. 633 It is claimed for the defense that Doyle, having dealt with it and acted with Gray and Mizner, is estopped from denying its corporate existence. There are certainly many cases in "which a recognition of corporate existence by dealing with the corporation, 'will estop from questioning it. But this doctrine rests on the ground that such action creates relations and encourages conduct -which there may be difficulty in undoing. In ordinary cases such recognitions have been considered as binding. But this rule is one originating in equitable principles, and can not be applied universally . There -would be no sense in applying it 'where no new rights have intervened, and -where such recognition has itself been brought about by fraudulent dealings carried on for the very purpose of entrapping a party into the action on 'which such recognition rested. If there -was no corporation in fact, and if there are no facts -which make it legally unjust to forbid its de- nial, it is difficult to understand -what room there is for an estoppel. And inasmuch as facts were asserted by plaintiff tending to show good reasons why he should not be estopped, and that testimony was open to the jury, the rulings upon the proof of corporate existence are fairly open to review. The incorporation was sought to be shown by asking Doyle on cross-examination concerning the signing of the paper purporting to be articles of incorporation, which had been filed in the Detroit city clerk's office, April 6, 1875. This paper was not acknowledged, and was not filed in the county clerk's office. A copy of the same paper was certified by the secretary of state ; but his certificate did not give a copy of any acknowledgment, but merely said the paper was ac- companied by an acknowledgment in the usual form. The original paper had an unsigned certificate of acknowledgment. Under our present constitution no charters can be granted, and all private corporations must be organized under general laws, and can only be valid when strictly conforming to all the conditions imposed upon their completion. The statute concerning manufacturing cor- porations expressly requires that the articles shall be "acknowledged before some person authorized by the laws of this state to take ac- knowledgments of deeds." Comp. L., 2839. There was, therefore, no incorporation shown, and, therefore, for the purposes of this case, none exists as a matter of fact. The only way in which, under these circumstances, any question of corporate action could arise would be by way of estoppel. And it is important to see how far relations existed which might create it, and whether any one shows a right to rely on it. By the contract of January 27, 1875, Doyle agreed to transfer his assets to the company as soon as it should become incorporated. The whole consideration of that agreement rested on the creation of stock, which was to be in part apportioned and in part sold as agreed. Noth- ing but the stock of such a nature as to be lawfully tnmslVrnMe as such could satisfy the agreement. And until provision was made which secured this no consideration existed for the transfer, and there 634 SNYDER V. STUDEBAKER. 166 was no promise to make it. This becomes material in another point of view, which will be referred to presently. To what extent, if any, the action of those parties on the assump- tion there was a corporation would estop them as against third par- ties dealing with them, can only be decided when such cases arise. As between themselves there can be no such estoppel where Mizner and Gray are not injured by any honest reliance on Doyle 's action to their prejudice. Each of them knew what was done, and was bound in law to know there was no incorporation. If a mistake of law would exonerate them from this rule, it would also exonerate Doyle, and would still bind him by no estoppel extending beyond such results as came from an honest reliance on his acts. They could claim no interest in his property for which no consideration passed, and they could claim no rights against him except to the extent of their damage by a justifiable reliance on what had been done to their prejudice by his procurement or encouragement. If it was understood the bill of sale was not to take immediate effect, then no title could pass to the concern either corporation or un- incorporated. And, as already seen, there was no state of things which formed any legal consideration for the transfer under the agree- ment of January, 1875. We think the court erred in connecting the transfer with that agreement, if there was no actual incorporation. In the absence of an actual incorporation the transfer must be regarded as a new and distinct arrangement, resting on its own consideration. It could not be valid unless delivered, and where the same persons are grantors and representatives of the grantees, there must be dis- tinct evidence that it was intended to be operative, which its signa- ture alone would not give. And if there was no corporate existence, not only does the consideration of the transfer expressed on its face utterly fail, but the further difficulty arises that there is absolute iden- tity between grantors and grantees, with nothing to distinguish it from any other grant of a party to himself. From such a document no new rights could arise as between the parties. * * * Reversed. Sec. 166. (2) Estoppel arises on matter of fact only, and not of law. SNYDER v. STUDEBAKER. 1862. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIANA. 19 Ind. Rep. 462-466. Appeal from the Wells Circuit Court. WORDEN, J. This was an action by Snyder against Studebaker to recover possession of a certain tract of land. Judgment for the defendant. The same question is presented by the pleadings and the evidence. It appears that, in March, 1853, the plaintiff, who was then the 1 66 CORPORATIONS BY ESTOPPEL. 63$ owner of the land, conveyed the same to the Fort Wayne and South- ern Railroad Company, by deed, duly executed and delivered. This conveyance was made on account of a stock subscription. Afterward, in November, 1855, the railroad company, for a valua- ble consideration, conveyed the premises to the defendant. The Fort Wayne and Southern Railroad Company was chartered by act of the legislature, passed in 1849; and it appears that the cor- porators named in the act in question met in the town of Bluffton, in said county of Wells, on the i9th day of November, 1851, and then and there accepted the act of incorporation, and organized the com- pany pursuant to the provisions of said act. If the corporation was not created before the ist of November, 1851, when the new constitution took effect, it could have no existence at all, as that instrument prohibits the creation of corporations other than banking, by special act. The State v. Dawson, 16 Ind. 40. Harriman v. Southam, 16 Ind. 190. The plaintiff claims that, inasmuch as there was no acceptance of the charter, or organization under it, until after the adoption of the constitution of 1851, there was no such corporation as The Fort Wayne and Southern Railroad Company at the time he executed the convey- ance, and, hence, that no title passed from him. But is he in a con- dition to dispute the existence of the corporation at the time he made his conveyance to it? It has been held, in numerous cases in this state, that a party ivho has contracted with a corporation, as such, is, as a general proposi- tion, estopped by his contract to dispute the existence of the corpora- tion at the time of the contract. The following cases may be cited, though there are, perhaps, others reported and some not reported as yet: Judah v. The American Live Stock Insurance Company, 4 Ind. 333 ; The Brookville and Greensburg Turnpike Company v. McCarty, 8 Ind. 392 ; Ensey v. The Cleveland and St. Louis Railroad Com- pany, 10 Ind. 178; Fort Wayne and Bluffton Turnpike Company v. Deam, 10 Ind. 563; Jones v. The Cincinnati Type Foundry Com- pany, 14 Ind. 89; Hubbard v. Chappell, 14 Ind. 601 ; The Evans- ville, etc., Railroad Company v. The City of Evansville, 15 Ind. 395; Meikel v. The German Savings Fund Society, 16 Ind. 181 ; Heaston v. The Cincinnati and Fort Wayne Railroad Company, 16 Ind. 275. The doctrine is by no means confined to the state, but prevails elsewhere. The Dutchess Cotton Manufactory v. Davis, 14 Johns. 238; All Saints' Church v. Lovett, i Hall 191 ; Palmer v. Lawrence, 3 Sand. Sup. C. R. 161 ; Eaton v. Aspinwall, 6 Duer 176; Jones y. Bank of Tennessee, 8 B. Mon. 122; Worcester Medical Institu- tion v. Harding, n Cush. 285; The Congregational Society v. Perry, 6 N. H. 164; People's Savings Bank, etc., v. Collins, 27 Conn. 142; West Winsted Savings Bank v. Ford, 27 Conn. 282; Angell and Ames on Corp., 94. The estoppel arises upon matter of fact only, and not upon nniitcr of law. Hence, if there be no law which authorized the supposed 636 SNYDER V. STUDEBAKER. 1 66 corporation, or if the statute authorizing it be unconstitutional and void, the contract does not estop the party making it to dispute the existence of the corporation. But if, on the other hand, there be a laiu -which authorized the corporation, then, -whether the corporators have complied with it, so as to become duly incorporated, is a ques- tion of fact, and the party making the contract is estopped to dispute the organization or the legal existence of the corporation. This prop- osition is substantially stated in the cases of Jones v. The Cincinnati Type Foundry Company, Meikel v. The German Savings Fund Society, and Heaston v. The Cincinnati and Fort Wayne Railroad Company, supra, Let us apply the doctrine to the case before us. The corpo- rators named in the act to establish the Fort Wayne and Southern Railroad Company had a right, at any time before the offer of the franchises was withdrawn, that is, before the constitution of 1851 was adopted, to accept the charter, and organize under it. If they did so accept the charter, and organize, the corporation was legitimately created, and the new constitution did not destroy it. Whether they did so accept the charter, and organize, was a question of fact, and the plaintiff, by his conveyance, is estopped to deny such acceptance and organization. That the corporators accepted the charter, and organized under it, within the time when it was competent to do so, was as fully admitted by the contract as was any other step necessary to an organization. The conclusion necessarily follows that the plaintiff is estopped to dispute the existence of the corporation at the time of his conveyance to it. This point was ruled the other way in the case of Harriman v. Southam, 16 Ind. 190; but, upon more mature reflection, we are satis- fied that the decision upon this point was wrong, and should be over- ruled. We may remark, also, that the doctrine of estoppel was erroneously applied in the case of The Evansville, etc., Railroad Co. v. The City of Evansville, 15 Ind. 395. There the point made was that the law under which the corporation was organized was unconstitutional and void. A party, we have seen, does not, by his contract, estop him- self to deny that there is any law, or any valid law, by which the cor- poration was authorized. Some further observation, in respect to the case before us, will not be out of place. The doctrine of estoppel, as applied to the case, does not rest upon a mere technical rule of law. It has its foundation in the clearest equity, and the principles of natural justice. The doc- trine of estoppel in pais is of comparatively recent growth, but is firmly and clearly established. "The recent decisions of the courts, both in this country and in England, appear to have given a much broader sweep to the doctrine of estoppel in pais than that which formerly existed, and to have established that, in all cases -where an act is done, or a statement made, by a party, the truth or efficacy of which it would be a fraud on his part to controvert or impair, there l6/ CORPORATIONS BY ESTOPPKL. 637 the character of an estoppel -will be given to -what wou/d otherwise be mere matter of evidence, and it -will, therefore, become binding upon a jury, even in the presence of proof of a contrary nature," 2 Smith Lead. Cas., p. 531, i Am. ed. See, also, upon this subject, Kinney v. Farnsworth, 17 Conn. 355; Middleton Bank v. Jerome, 18 Conn. 443 ; Laney v. Laney, 4 Ind. 149. In Doe ex dem. Richard- son v. Baldwin, i Zabriskie, 397, it was said that "The doctrine of estoppel rests upon the principle, that when one has done an act, or made a statement, which it would be a fraud, on his part, to contro- vert or impair, and such act or statement has so influenced any one that it has been acted upon, the party making it will be cut off from the power of retraction. It must appear, \. That he has done some act, or made some admission inconsistent with his claim; 2. That the other party has acted upon such conduct or admission; 3. That such party will be injured by allowing the conduct or admission to be withdrawn" Here the plaintiff, by his conveyance to the corpora- tion, admitted that it had an existence, and could receive the title. Upon this act and admission of the plaintiff the defendant has acted in purchasing the land of the company. If the plaintiff had not con- veyed to the corporation, the defendant would not have purchased from it. The law will not now permit the plaintiff to withdraw the admission made by him in conveying to the corporation and deprive the defend- ant of the land which he purchased on the faith of such admission. In our opinion the judgment below is right, and must be affirmed. Per Curiam. The judgment is affirmed, with costs. Note. See following cases, and those cited to Cochran v. Arnold, supra, p. 629. Sec. 167. (3) Estoppel applies only in cases where there is at least a de facto existence. JONES v. THE ASPEN HARDWARE COMPANY. 1895. I N THE SUPREME COURT OF COLORADO. 21 Colo. Rep. 263-271, 52 Am. St. Rep. 220. The Aspen Hardware Company instituted this suit in the court be- low for the purpose of recovering a stock of goods seized by the United States marshal under a writ of attachment issued out of the circuit court of the United States at the suit of Joseph A. Thatcher, plaintiff, against one A. B. Eads. The only question in the case has reference to the corporate capacity of defendant in error, it not having filed, prior to the attachment levy, its certificate of incorporation with the secretary of state, as required by the statute. Session Laws of 1887, p. 406. In the district court judgment was entered in favor of the company. The statute reads as follows: "Every corporation, joint-stock company or association incorporated 638 JONES V. THE ASPEN HARDWARE CO. 167 by or under any general or special law of this state, or by or under any general or special law of any foreign state or kingdom, or of any state or territory of the United States beyond the limits of this state, having capital stock divided into shares, shall pay to the secretary of state for the use of the state a fee of ten dollars, in case the capital stock which said corporation, joint-stock company or association, is authorized to have, does not exceed one hundred thousand dollars; but, in case the capital stock thereof is in excess of one hundred thou- sand dollars, the secretary of state shall collect the further sum of ten (10) cents on each and every thousand dollars of such excess, and a like fee of ten cents on each thousand of the amount of each subse- quent increase of stock. The said fee shall be due and payable upon the filing of the certificate of incorporation, articles of association or char- ter of said corporation, joint-stock company or association, in the office of the secretary of state; and no such corporation, joint-stock com- pany or association shall have or exercise any corporate powers or be permitted to do business in this state until the said fee shall have been paid ; and the secretary of state shall not file any certificate of incor- poration, articles of association, charter or certificate of the increase of capital stock, or certify or give any certificate to any such corpora- tion, joint-stock company or association, until said fee shall have been paid to him. But this act shall not apply to corporations not for pecuniary profit, or corporations organized for religious, educational or benevolent purposes." Section i, Acts of 1887, p. 406. CHIEF JUSTICE HAYT delivered the opinion of the court. In November, A. D. 1889, Shepard & Bowles, as co-partners, were doing a general hardware business in the city of Aspen, and, during that month made a sale of their business, stock in trade, good-will, etc., to A. B. Eads, the consideration for this transfer being certain real estate and the assumption of certain indebtedness of the firm of Shepard & Bowles. Eads being unable to comply with the terms of the agreement, a new arrangement was made between the parties, and an organization known as the Aspen Hardware Company was formed by Bowles, Eads and one Kettler. The articles of incorporation pro- vided that the affairs of the company should be managed by a board of three directors, naming Bowles, Eads and Kettler as such directors for the first year. It was the evident intention of the parties that the company should be duly and legally incorporated, and to this end they caused to be executed articles of incorporation on the; i6th day of November, 1889, in due form, and immediately filed the same with the clerk and recorder of Pitkin county. For some reasons not ex- plained by the evidence, the articles were not filed in the office of the secretary of state until after the levy of the writ of attachment here- inafter referred to, and not until the day upon which this suit in re- plevin was instituted, but whether before or after the commencement of this action dots not clearly appear from the evidence. After the articles were filed with the county clerk, the board of directors held a meeting, elected officers, caused capital stock to be issued, etc., Eads being present and participating in this meeting, at l6/ CORPORATIONS BY ESTOPPEL. 639 which Bowles was elected president, Eads vice-president, and Kettler secretaiy and treasurer. Thereupon, Eads, for a valuable considera- tion, sold and transferred the property to the new organization,' and Mr. Bowles, from that time forward, conducted the business for the Aspen Hardware Company, selling goods and purchasing new goods in the corporate name. Eads, soon after the sale, left the town of Aspen and did not return, nor personally take part in the business at that point, but continued as a director and vice-president of the com- pany, and retained a portion of his stock, although he had sold a part of it prior to the levy of the writ of attachment. The business was thus continued until July 31, 1890, when a suit was commenced by Thatcher, plaintiff, against A. B. Eads, and the property in question levied upon as the property of the defendant in that suit, and this action of replevin was immediately instituted to re- cover possession of the property, or its value. The controversy in this case is narrowed to the single question of the capacity of defendant in error to take title to the property in con- troversy as a corporation at the time of the attempted transfer by Eads, it not having at that time filed its articles of incorporation with the secretary of state, or paid the fee for such a filing, as provided by the statute of 1887, p. 406. This is the first time the effect of this statute has been before this court for consideration, although in Edwards v. D. & R. G. R. Co., 13 Colo. 59, the constitutionality of a somewhat similar act was under review. That act was attacked upon several grounds, among which was that it was void because the subject was not clearly expressed in the title, the title being "An act to provide for the formation of cor- porations," and it was held that this title was sufficient to cover legis- lation requiring a fee to be paid for filing the certificate of incorpora- tion, under, the principle that the same was germane to the general subject expressed in the title, and that legislation fixing the amount of such fee, time of payment, etc., was not obnoxious to the constitu- tional provision with reference to titles. The act of 1887, now under consideration, is entitled "An act to fix the fees to be collected by the secretary of state for incorporation and certain other privileges." The body of the act, however, relates entirely to the fee to be charged and collected for filing certificates of incorporation, articles of association, charters, or increase of capital stock of joint-stock companies, and in addition thereto provides that no such corporation, joint-stock company or association ''shall have or exercise any corporate powers or be per- mitted to do any business in this state until the said fee shall have been paid." * * * This provision is so closely allied to the gen- eral subject, which is the fixing of fees for filing certificates of incor- poration, etc., that under the uniform rule of decisions in this state it must be held to be a proper matter for legislation under the title se- lected. Golden Canal Co. v. Bright, 8 Colo. 144; People, ex reL Thomas, v. Goddard, 8 Colo. 432 ; People, exreL Thomas, v. Scott, 9 Colo. 422; Dallas v. Redman, 10 Colo. 297; Edwards v. D. & R. 'r. R., supra; In re, Pratt, 19 Colo. 138. 640 JONES V. THE ASPEN HARDWARE CO. 167 In this case the Aspen Hardware Company claims title to the prop- erty in dispute in its corporate capacity and not as a co-partnership. It is 'admitted that the fee for filing the certificate of incorporation with the secretary of state was not paid prior to the levy of the writ of attachment, and that the certificate was not filed in the office of the secretary of state until about the time of the bringing of the present action, the evidence leaving the exact time uncertain. It is to be remembered that in this case the corporation is the party plaintiff, and it may be stated, as a general rule, that when a com- pany relies on its corporate capacity it assumes the burden of estab- lishing such capacity. The language of the act is plain and unambiguous. It reads: "No such corporation * * * shall have or exercise any corporate powers *." The taking of title to property was certainly the exercise of a cor- porate power, and as such prohibited by the express terms of the statute. This is not controverted by counsel for appellee, but it is contended that Eads, having assisted in the organization of the cor- poration, and having sold to it the hardware stock, is estopped from denying the corporate existence of the company, and that the attach- ing creditor took the property subject to the same estoppel. The doctrine of estoppel can not be successfully invoked, ive think, unless the corporation has at least a de facto existence. The rule is stated as follows by Morawetz on Private Corporations, 750, it hav- ing been first announced in the case of Brouwer v. Appleby, i Sandf. 158: "A defendant who has contracted with a corporation dc facto is never permitted to allege any defect in its organization as affecting its capacity to contract or sue, but that all such objections, if valid, are only available on behalf of the sovereign power of the state." It is also well settled that to constitute a de facto corporation there must be either a charter or a law authorizing the creation of such a corporation, with an attempt in good faith to comply with its terms, and also a user or attempt to exercise corporate powers under it. Dug- gan v. The Colorado Mortgage and Investment Co.. n Colo. 113; Bates et al. v. Wilson et al., 14 Colo. 140. A de facto corporation can never be recognized in violation of a positive law. This principle, which seems to be supported by all the authorities, is thus stated in Morawetz on Private Corporations, 758: "If the formation of a corporate association is not only prohibited by this general rule of the common law, but is also in violation of some principle of morality or public policy, or a positive statutory pro- hibition, the parties forming such association will not be legally bound by their agreement of membership, and the courts will not recognize the association, either as among its members or against third parties." To recognize the defendant as a de facto corporation would, as we have seen, be in direct conflict with the express language of the act, which declares that without the payment of the fee the corporation shall have no corporate power. One object of this statute is to restrict the organization of "wild- 1 6/ CORPORATIONS BY ESTOPPEL. 64! cat" corporations, it being supposed that the increased fee required by the act would, in a measure, at least, prevent the overcapitalization of companies. The legislature being of the opinion that this purpose would be advanced by requiring the fee to be paid as a condition pre- cedent to the exercise of any corporate power, it is the duty of the courts to give effect to this intent as the same is manifest from the plain language of the act. The taking of title to the property in controversy being the exercise of a corporate power, and, as such, forbidden until the fee for filing has been paid, it follows that the title of The Aspen Hardware Com- pany as a corporation can not be upheld. Having failed to comply 'with the statute, The Aspen Hard-Mare Company at the time of the transfer was neither a de jure nor a de facto corporation, but simply a voluntary association of individuals in the nature of a co-partner- ship. There is a broad distinction between those acts made necessary by the statute as a prerequisite to the exercise of corporate powers and those acts required of individuals seeking incorporation, but not made prerequisites to the exercise of such powers. "In respect to the former, any material omission will be fatal to the existence of the corporation, and may be taken advantage of col- laterally, in any form in which the fact of incorporation can properly be called in question. In respect to the latter, the incorporation is responsible only tathe government in a direct proceeding to forfeit the charter." Abbott v. Omaha Smelting and Refining Company, 4 Neb. 416. The omission in this case is of acts of the former class, and consequently there was no corporation in esse at the time of the levy of the writ, while the evidence leaves it in doubt if this omission had been supplied prior to the- institution of the present action. But although it could not at the time exercise any corporate power\ this did not prevent The Aspen Hardware Company from taking title to the property as a co-partnership. In other -words, under the con- ceded facts, the company was not at the time a corporation, but this will not preclude it from maintaining the action as a co-partnership. The plaintiff sues as The Aspen Hard-ware Company, and the facts alleged show that such company was a co-partnership and not a cor- poration. There is nothing in the name of the association to conflict with this, as at common law partners may carry on business under any name they choose. They are bound rather by their acts than by the style which they give to themselves. Cook on Stock and Stock- holders, 233 ; Chaffee v. Ludeling, 27 La. Ann. 607. This principle has been applied in many cases where parties have set up the defense of individual non-liability by reason of having di- rected an incorporation to be had, but where none in fact was con- summated. Cook on Stock and Stockholders, 233, 234 ; Abbott v. Omaha Smelting and Refining Co., supra', Empire Mills v. Al- ston Grocery Co., 15 S. W. Rep. 505 (Texas). The law having cast this liability upon the members of the associa- 41 WIL. CASES. 642 BOYCE V. TRUSTEES TOWSONTOWN STATION, ETC. l68 tion, we think they must be given the advantages accorded a co-part- nership. So, in this case, while we feel compelled, under the statute, to deny plaintiff's right of recovery as a corporation, we think they may maintain the action as a co-partnership. The cause will accord- ingly be reversed and remanded, with directions to the district court to allow parties to amend their pleadings as they may be advised. Reversed. Note. To same effect : 1898, Maryland Tube & Iron Works v. West End Imp. Co., 87 Md. 207, 39 L. R. A. 810. See, also, cases following and those cited in note to Cochran v. Arnold, supra, p. 629. Sec. 168. (4) Public policy forbids the creation or recognition of corpo- rations by estoppel. BOYCE v. THE TRUSTEES OF TOWSONTOWN STATION OF THE M. E. CHURCH. 1 1876. IN THE COURT OF APPEALS of MARYLAND. 46 Md. Rep. 359-374- [Action of assumpsit by appellant against appellee. Plea there never was a corporate body as alleged. Plaintiff offered evidence to show corporate existence, by way of user, by reading a mortgage exe- cuted by the church to certain persons, a deed to the church for its property, an application by the church for a loan, a mortgage given by it for its property to secure bonds issued by it; byway of authority to exist, a certificate of incorporation, setting forth name, officers, location, powers, purposes, acknowledged before one justice of the peace (the statute requiring the acknowledgment to be before two justices), all of which was objected to, and excluded by the court; this exclusion of evidence is assigned as error, and appeal taken.] Arthur W. Machen, for appellee, contended: The proposition contended for by the appellant's counsel would be as inconvenient in practice as it is illogical and unsound. If, when- ever certain individuals choose to call themselves a corporation, and conduct business in the name of the supposed corporation, a corpora- tion de facto is thereby created, a high attribute of sovereignty be- comes unnecessary, all statutory restrictions and guards become nuga- tory, and any partnership may practically become a corporation. But what kind of a corporation is it, if it has no powers ? No prin- ciple is better established than that all the corporate powers must be found expressed in the charter, or necessarily incident to those powers which are expressed. How would it advance the plaintiff to hold that a corporation may be considered as existing, if it is impossible that any cause of action can be established against it for want of charter conferring power to make the contract out of which it is to arise? 1 Statement of facts abridged. Arguments for appellants omitted; only part of argument for appellee given. 1 68 CORPORATIONS BY ESTOPPEL. 643 There is no room for presumption or estoppel, for, the plaintiff having produced the alleged instrument of incorporation, the truth ap- pears, and it is manifest that the provisions of the law have not been complied with, and that no incorporation was effected. STEWART, J., delivered the opinion of the court. From a careful consideration of the case, we find no error in the rulings of the circuit court, in the four exceptions taken by the ap- pellant. The controlling question to be determined under the first plea of the appellee of nul tiel corporation is, whether any or all of the evi- dence offered on the part of the appellant in the said exception, and refused by the court, was sufficient to show that the appellant could be held to be a corporation de jure or de facto, or to estop the ap- pellee from disputing its liability as a corporation. The act of 1868, ch. 471, in its fourteenth section, provides, amongst other things, for the incorporation of religious societies, and by sec- tions 151, 162, 163 and 164 for religious corporations. These last provisions are more especially applicable to the organiza- tion of a church, religious society or congregation, of whatever denom- ination which the appellee professes to be, and it is to be presumed were intended for such purpose. Amongst other requisites to constitute a religious corporation, church, religious society or corporation under these last sections, it was necessary that the agreement for that purpose should be acknowledged by the trustees or a majority of them, before two justices of the peace of the county or city in which the church, congregation or society, or the greatest number of the members shall reside, or before a judge of the circuit court, or of the supreme bench of Baltimore, and certified by the said justices or judge according to the directions of section 163. No authority having been given to the judge by these provisions, to determine that the law had been complied with, his certificate is not sufficient evidence that the defendant is a corporation. But the appellant has undertaken to offer evidence of certain acts and proceedings of the appellee, referred to in the exceptions, to show that it held itself out as a corporation, and treated with the appellant as such, and is estopped from denying its liability as a corporation. We think it -would be extending the doctrine of estoppel to an ex- tent not justified by the principles of public policy ', to allow it to op- erate through the conduct of parties concerned, to create substantially a de facto corporation, with just such powers as the parties may by their acts give to it. This would be substituting the dealings of the parties for compli- ance with the requirements of the law, and giving to them the same effect through the aid of the courts. Thus, virtually, through the courts, recognizing the existence of the corporation, in manifest dis- regard of the written law. It has been determined by this court that a corporation can not bind itself in excess of its powers. Pennsylvania Steam Navigation Co. v. Dandridge, 8 G. & J. 319. 644 FITZPATRICK V. RUTTER. 169 Whilst denying its capacity upon any principle of estoppel to make contracts, ultra -vires, to bind itself, it would not be consistent with that theory to recognize its existence ad libitum, according to the con- duct of the parties concerned. Such a principle -would seem to affix no other limit to the existence of the corporation de facto or the extent of its po-wer than the deal- ings of the parties, through the recognition of the courts, might upon the doctrine of estoppel prescribe. It would be more reasonable to hold corporations to their contracts, though ultra "vires, of which they have received the benefit, or to prevent parties who have contracted with them, and receive the ben- efit therefrom, from defeating their liability, on the ground of want of power in the corporation, as is held in quarters of high authority (see note and references in 2d Kent 351), than to hold that corpora- tions should be deemed to have existence because they had so held themselves out. The statute law of the state, expressly requiring certain prescribed acts to be done to constitute a corporation, to permit parties indirectly, or upon the principle of estoppel, virtually to create a corporation for any purpose, or to have acts so construed, would be in manifest op- position to the statute law and clearly against its policy, and justified upon no sound principle in the administration of justice. Judgment affirmed. Sec. 169. (B) Parties estopped. (i) The pretended corporation itself. FITZPATRICK, RECEIVER, v. RUTTER. J 1896. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ILLINOIS. 160 111. 282-7. MR. JUSTICE WILKIN delivered the opinion of the court: On November 20, 1893, George Rutter filed in the circuit court of Cook county his declaration in assumpsit against the Switchmen's Mutual Aid Association of North America, of which he was a mem- ber, to collect an indemnity of $1,000, claimed to be due him, under the rules of the association, for injuries sustained in a railroad acci- dent. Summons was issued and served upon the officers of the asso- ciation, but the declaration was not filed ten days prior to the first day of the January term, 1894. By agreement of counsel, however, it was stipulated that the association would take no advantage of the failure to file the declaration in the proper time. The declaration was filed on the first day of the January term, 1894, and on March 13, follow- ing, no plea being on file, judgment by default was taken against the defendant association. Execution having been issued thereon and re- turned no property found, Rutter, on June 18, 1894, filed a creditor's 1 Arguments omitted. Only part of opinion given. 1 69 CORPORATIONS BY ESTOPPEL. 645 bill in the superior court of Cook county, based on the judgment of March 13, to discover and reach moneys in the hands of the association. The defendant was served with summons, just as it was in the suit at law. No answer being made, it was defaulted. The officers of the association answered 1 for themselves and the other members of the association, and upon their answer being replied to, the cause was re- ferred to a master, and proofs were taken upon the issue thus formed. The decree of the court was in favor of complainant. Defendants severally prayed an appeal, but afterward withdrew their prayer for appeal, and John E. Fitzpatrick, as receiver of the association, hav- ing been appointed by the circuit court on July 21, 1894, made him- self a party to the cause and perfected the appeal. The cause was taken to the appellate court for the First district, and is brought here to reverse the decision of affirmance in that court. The first ground upon which appellant relies for reversal here is that the circuit court had no jurisdiction over the person of the defend- ant association, as it was sued as a corporation, summons being issued and served upon its officers only, instead of each of the members, as should have been done, to bring a voluntary association within the jurisdiction of the court. If a court has proceeded without jurisdic- tion, its judgment is absolutely void for every purpose, and will be so declared in any court in which it may be presented, and that ques- tion is, therefore, proper to be considered here. But we think, from an examination of the record, the appellate court -and the trial court were justified in finding, from the evidence, that the association was a de facto corporation, and properly served with process. The Switch- men's Mutual Aid Association of North America had an organization, consisting of directors, a president, secretary and other officers. Its name implied a corporate body. It authenticated its acts by a com- mon seal and exercised corporate powers, and it is thus estopped from denying its corporate existence. United States Express Co. v. Bed- bury, 34 111. 459. * * * Judgment affirmed. Note. See, 1695, Knight v. Corporation of Wells, 1 Lutw. f. 508; 1729, Henriques v. Dutch West India Co., 2 Ld. Raym. 1532; 1842, Stone v. Berk- shire Congregational Society, 14 Vt. 86; 1848, Johnston v. South West R. Bank, 3 Strob. Eq. (S. C.) 263; 1851, Stoddard v. Onondaga Conference, 12 Barb. (N. Y.) 573; 1857, Abbott v. Aspinwall, 26 Barb. (N. Y.) 202; 1858, Kennedy v. Cotton, 28 Barb. (N. Y.) 59; 1860, Dooley v. Cheshire Glass Co., 15 "Gray (Mass.) 494; 1860, Calender v. Painesville, etc., R. Co., IV Ohio St. 516; 1864, The United States Express Co. v. Bedbnry, 34 111. 459, holding that the name "The United States Express Co." imported a corpora- tion ; 1871, McCullough v. Talladega Ins. Co., 46 Ala. 376 ; 1874, Grape Sugar and Vinegar Mfg. Co. v. Small, 40 Md. 395; 1879, Humphrey v. Patrons Mercantile Assn., 50 Iowa 607; 1881, Empire Mfg. Co. v. Stuart, 46 Mich. 1 This answer, as stated in the report of the case in 58 111. A pp. 532, on 533, alleged that "it was a voluntary association having several thousand members throughout the United States and Canada; that it was not incorporated under the laws of this or any other state or country ; that it did not hold itself out to the public or to its members as a corporation, and that it was not a corpo- ration dr. facto." The master found these allegations to be substantially true. See 58 III. App. 534. 646 FOSTER V. MOULTON. I/O 82; 1882, Dobson v. Simonton, 86 N. C. 492; 1886, Kelly v. Newburyport & L. H. R., 141 Mass. 496, 6 N. E. 745; 1888, Williams v. Stevens Point Lum- 482; A. ber Co., 72 Wis. 487 ; 1891, Scheufler v. Grand Lodge A. O. U. W., 45 Minn. 256- 1892, Roll v. St. Louis, etc., Smelting & M. Co., 52 Mo. App. 60; 1893, Stewart Paper Mfg. Co. v. Rau, 92 Ga. 511, 17 S. E. 748; 1893, Meneer v. De- troit Mat. Benev. & P. Assn., 95 Mich. 451 ; 1898, Bishop v. Kent & Stanley (Jo., 20 R. I. 680, 9 Am. & E. C. C. (N. S.) 718. Sec. 170. (2) The associates. (#) Among themselves. FOSTER v. MOULTON. 1886. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF MINNESOTA. 35 Minn. Rep. 458-460. Appeal by defendant, E. H. Moulton, from an order of the district court for Blue Earth county, Severance, J., presiding, overruling his separate demurrer to the complaint. BERRY, J. The complaint in this action sets out what purports to be the articles of incorporation of a mutual benefit association, which appears to have been intended to be a sort of mutual insurance com- pany, and alleges that said articles were duly executed by defendants, and duly recorded with the register of deeds and secretary of state ; that one McCarthy became a member of the association, paid his dues and received a certificate of membership ; that he sustained bodily injury, entitling him, as such member, to pecuniary benefit; that the amount due him under the terms of his membership has not been paid, and that he has duly assigned his right to such benefit to the plaintiff. The association did not comply with the statute so as to become an insurance corporation de jure. The appellant (one of the defend- ants) contends that it was duly incorporated as a benevolent society under Gen. Stat. 1878, ch. 34, title iii. This can not be so, for it is no more a benevolent society than any mutual insurance company, or other mutual company, or any partnership of which one member un- dertakes to do something for the pecuniary advantage of another member in consideration of the undertaking of the latter to do a like thing for him. The undertaking is not in any proper sense benevolent, but it is for a quid pro quo it paid for. People v. Nelson, 46 N. Y. 477. The association involved in the case at bar is, in substance, for purposes of mutual insurance. State v. Merchants' Exch. Mut. Benev. Soc. , 72 Mo. 146; State v. Benefit Assn. 6 Mo. App. 163; Commonwealth v. Wetherbee, 105 Mass. 149; May Ins., 550, a. But notwithstanding it is not a corporation de jure, we think it must at least, as between its members, be regarded as a corporation de jacto. It is manifest that the understanding between the members and the basis upon which certificates of membership were issued was that the association was a corporation in fact as it was in form. Mor- awetz Priv. Corp., 139. // never could have been intended or ex- I/I CORPORATIONS BY ESTOPPEL. 647 bectcd that the members of the association, whether original founders members like defendants or those -who should become members by joining at any time, should or would be liable as individiials, either jointly or severally, to any particular member who should, by virtue of and under the terms of his membership, become entitled to pecuniary relief or benefit. On the contrary, the intention and the real contract was that the association, as a corporation in the contemplation of the parties, i. e., the members, should be liable, and the association only. In such a state of facts, though the association is not a corporation de jure, and perhaps not for every purpose a corporation de facto, it is as between the members themselves to be treated as a corpora- tion de facto (for that is the way in which the contract of the parties treats it), and the right of a member to pecuniary benefit from the association by virtue of his membership must stand upon the basis that it is a corporation de facto. Being presumed to know the signifi- cance of his membership, its rights and liabilities (Coles v. Iowa State Mut. Ins. Co., 18 Iowa 425), he is estopped to take any other posi- tion. This is not only intrinsically just and fair, but it is in accord- ance with the principles of the authorities. Morawetz Priv. Corp., 131, 132, 134-137; Buffalo & A. R. Co. v. Gary, 26 N. Y. 75, followed in 57, 64, 67 N. Y. , and 95 U. S. ; White v. Ross, 4 Abb. Dec. 589; Aspinwall v. Sacchi, 57 N. Y. 331 ; Eaton v. Aspinwall, 19 N. Y. 119; Sands v. Hill, 46 Barb. 651; Sanger v. Upton, 91 U. S. 56; Chubb v. Upton, 95 U. S. 665. It is important to bear in mind that no fraud is alleged against de- fendant; and, further, that this is a case in which a member of the association is seeking relief by virtue of his membership. If the ac- tion were between a purported or pretended corporation, which was wholly unauthorized and invalid, and a stranger, different rules and principles might, in some circumstances, be involved. The application of the foregoing views is that, the action having been brought against defendants as individuals merely, the general demurrer of the appellant, who was one of the defendant members of the association, was erroneously overruled. The overruling order is accordingly reversed. Note. See note to next case, infra, p. 649. Sec. 171. Same. () As to the corporation or its creditors. I . Upon subscription liability. CANFIELD v. GREGORY. 1 1895. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ERRORS OF CONNECTICUT. 66 Conn. Rep. 9-23. BALDWIN, J. * * * The plaintiff sues as trustee in insolvency of a joint-stock corporation, upon an assessment which it has called in upon h Only part of the opinion is given. 648 CANFIELD V. GREGORY. 1/1 the defendant's stock, and the only answer is nultiel corporation. The second reply is that, however this may be, the defendant is estopped from making such a defense, because the debts, whose existence have made the company insolvent, are due to creditors who trusted it as a corporation, because they were led to believe that it was such by the acts of the defendant, in promoting its organization, publishing its ar- ticles of association, acting as a director and as its president, and con- tracting in its name and behalf these very liabilities. It is claimed that these averments were not sufficient, because no bad faith, willful wrong or gross carelessness is charged. No such charges were necessary. The plaintiff represents the rights of the creditors of an insolvent company, who contracted with it as being a corporation. Whatever rights they formerly had .against those who were its members he now has. They were led to believe in the ex- istence of such a corporation by the acts of the defendant, as a pro- moter, stockholder, director and president of the company, which are set out in the reply. It was natural that such acts should induce that belief. He had means of knowledge as to the manner in which the company was organized which were not possessed by the public in general. Had he in fact known that its organization was so de- fective that the corporation, in whose name he was contracting, had no existence, or was incapable of transacting business, his acts would have been no more prejudicial to the other contracting parties. It is not his intent, so much as the result of his conduct, which determines his liability. The modern estoppel in pats is of equitable origin, though of equal application in courts of law. It is much more than a rule of evidence. It establishes rights ; it determines remedies. An equitable estoppel does not so much shut out the truth as let in the truth, and the whole truth. Its office is not to support some strict rule of law, but to show what equity and good conscience require, under the particular circum- stances of the case, irrespective of what might otherwise be the legal rights of the parties. The key to its application is not infrequently to be found in the rule that in matters of trust and confidence, when one of two innocent persons must suffer, in consequence of the acts of one of them, the loss must generally be borne by him \vho thus oc- casioned it. Horn v. Cole, 51 N. H. 287, 12 Am. Rep. in ; Stevens v. Dennett, ibid. 324, 330; 2 Pomeroy's Eq. Juris., 802. This rule clearly governs the case at bar. It is true that it does not extend to acts or representations not naturally calculated to mislead, and on which others had no right to rely. Danforth v. Adams, 29 Conn. 107. But those of the defendant were addressed to the public and to the parties injured. They came from one who w r as in a posi- tion to know what he affirmed. They gained credit to an organization in which he was interested. The company was a de facto corpora- tion. Its creditors, who contracted with it as a corporation, could not hold the individuals who had associated to form it personally liable as co-partners, for with them no contract had been made. 2 Morawetz on Private Corporations, 748. The defendant was thus shielded from 1/1 CORPORATIONS BY ESTOPPEL. 649 partnership liability by his representations as to its corporate charac- ter, and on these representations those with whom he dealt as one of its officers had a right to rely. Northrop v. Bushnell, 38 Conn. 498, 511 ; West Winsted Savings Bank v. Ford, 27 Conn. 282, 289. * * * It was not in dispute between the parties to this cause that the articles of association and organization certificate were sufficient in form, and that they were duly published and filed for record. The only issue tendered by the answer was upon the allegation that there was not and never had been any such corporation as that of which the plaintiff claimed to be a trustee, but the estoppel set up in the reply had a broader reach, and was invoked to preclude the defendant from deny- ing that the corporation ever existed, and that it was capable of con- tracting debts and making calls on stock subscriptions. As the case was tried in the court below in this broader aspect, and as if turning on the right of the defendant to rely on the falsity of ma- terial statements in the organization certificate, we have treated it from the same point of view, although it may be that, in strictness, the answer was disproved by the admitted facts, which went to show that a corporation was organized, although it never became legally competent to commence business. If this be so, the plaintiff would no less have been entitled to a verdict on the issues closed. There is no error in the judgment appealed from. In this opinion the other judges concurred. Note. 1. As to subscription liability. 1819, Chester Glass Co. v. Dewey, 16 Mass. 94, 8 Am. Dec. 128; 1850, Oswego & S. P. R. Co. v. Rust, 5 How. Pr. (N. Y.) 390; 1856, Eaton v. Aspinwall, 13 How. Pr. (N. Y.) 184; 1857, Stoops v. Greensburgh P. R. Co., 10 Ind. 47; 1859, Rice v. Rock Island & A. R. Co., 21 111. 93; 1862, Buffalo & A. R. Co. v. Gary, 26 N. Y. 75; 1873, Mont- pelier & W. R. Co. v. Langdon, 46 Vt. 284; 1873, Upton v. Hansbrough, 3 Biss. 417, Fed. Cas. 16,801 ; 1874, Ossipee Hosiery & W. Mfg. Co. v. Canney, 54 N. H. 295; 1875, Parker v. North Cent. M. R. Co.. 33 Mich. 23; 1877, Baile v. Calvert Ed. Soc., 47 Md. 117; 1878, Dows v. Naper, 91 111. 44; 1880, Home Ins. Co. v. Sherwood, 72 Mo. 461 ; 1885, Thompson v. Reno Sav. Bank, 19 Nev. 103, 3 Am. St. Rep. 797, with note, p. 806; 1888, Aultman v. Waddle, 40 Kan. 195, 19 Pac. Rep. 730; 1890, National Com. Bank v. McDonnell, 92 Ala. 387 ; 1894, American Homestead Co. v. Linigan, 46 La. Ann. 1118, 15 So. Rep. 369; 1893, Building & L. Assn. v. Chamberlain, 4 So. Dak. 271,56 N. W. Rep. 897; 1895, Greenbrier Indus. Ex. v. Squires, 40 W. Va. 307, 52 Am. St. Rep. 884; 1898, In re Davis Estate v. Watkins, 56 Neb. 288, 76 N. W. Rep. 575. 2. But preliminary subscriptions to the stock of a corporation to be formed are presumed to be made with the understanding that a de jure corporation will be formed, and hence if there is no other ground of entoppol than the mere subscription, the subscriber is not estopped from denying that there is a valid corporation. 1874, Indianapolis F. & M. Co. v. Herkimer, 46 Ind. 142; 1879, Rickhoff v. Brown's R. S. S. M. Co. ,68 Ind. 388; 1S94, Capps v. Hastings Pros. Co., 40 Neb. 470, 42 Am. St. Rep. 677, 24 L. R. A. 259, 58 N. W. Rep. 956, supra, p. 239. But see Dorris v. French, 4 Huii ^N. Y.) 292 (1875). 3. What acts loill raise an estoppel. (a) Payments on calls estop: 1864, Ohio, etc., R. v. McPherson, 35 Mo. 13, 86 Am. Dec. 128; 1866, Boegs v. Olcott, 40111. 303; 1879, Rickhoff v. Ma- chine Co., 68 Ind. 388; 1880, Musgrave v. Morrison, 54 Md. 161 ; 1886, Bell's Appeal, 115 Pa. St. 88, 2 Am. St. Rpp. 532; 1891. Minnesota Gaslight EC. Co. v. Denslow, 46 Minn. 171, 48 N. W. Rep. 771 ; 1895, Greenbrier Indus. Ex. v. Squires, 40 W. Va. 307, 52 ft 8H4. 650 CURTIS V. TRACY. 1/2 i6> Voting at meetings estops: 1864, Railroad Company v. Bowser, 48 Pa. St. 29; 1890, Association v. Walker, 83 Mich. 386; 1895, Greenbrier Indus. Ex. v. Squires, 40 \V. Va. 307. (c) Attending and participating in organization meeting, or acquiescing in corporate acts, and receiving benefits estop: 1824, Rockville & W. T. R. Co. v. Van Ness, 2 Cranch (C. C. 449, Fed. Cas. 11,986; 1849, South Bay M. D. Co. v. Gray, 30 Maine 547 ; 1850, Bridge Co. v. Chapin, 6 Cush. i Mass.) 50, on 53; 1858, Haynes v. Brown, 36 N. H. 545; 1888, Schloss v. Trade Co., 87 Ala. 41 1, on 414, 13 Am. St. Rep. 51; 1894, Ogden Clay Co. v. Harvey, 9 Utah 497 35 Pac. Rep. 510; 1895, Greeiibrier Indus. Ex. v. Squires, 40 W. Va. 307. (d) Accepting office from corporation. See note below, under Curtis, Exr., v. Tracy, infra, p. 650. Sec. 172. Same. 2. Upon statutory liability. MCCARTHY v. LAVASCHE. 1878. 89 111. 270, 31 Am. Rep. 83, supra, 253. Note. To same effect, see, 1859, Eaton v. Aspinwall, 19 N. Y. 119; 1871, Slocumv. Providence Steam & Gas R. Co., 10 R. I. 112, 116; 1872, Peychaud v. Lane, 24 La. Ann. 404; 1873, Upton v. Hansbrough, 3 Biss. 417, Fed. Cas. 16,801; 1876, Casey v. Galli, 94 U. S. 673; 1883, Keyser v. Hitz, 2 Mackey (D. C.) 473; 1886, Bell's Appeal, 115 Pa. St. 88, 8 Atl. 177. As to what acts will raise an estoppel, see supra, note, 171. Sec. 173. (3) The promoters and officers of the apparent corporation. CURTIS, EXR., v. TRACY, ET AL. 1 1897. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ILLINOIS. 169 111. Rep. 233-238. Affirming same case, 62 111. App. 49. MR. JUSTICE MAGRUDER delivered the opinion of the court: This is an action brought to the July term, 1895, of the superior court of Cook county, against appellees, seeking to hold them liable as partners upon four promissory notes, executed by the Central Illi- nois Coal Company, all dated April 16, 1884, amounting altogether to $20,000. * * * The contention of the plaintiff, arising upon exceptions to the ad- mission of evidence and upon the refusal of propositions of law sub- mitted to the court, is, that, as the notes sued upon were made in the name of the corporation on April 16, 1884, and the certificate of or- ganization was not recorded until June 5, 1885, the defendants, as directors, assumed to exercise corporate powers without complying with the provisions of the incorporation act, and are, therefore, liable 1 Statement of facts much abridged. 1/3 CORPORATIONS BY ESTOPPEL.- 651 to pay the notes as partners under sections 4 and 18 of that act. (i Starr & Cur. Stat. 610, 617). We have recently considered the liability of officers and directors of a corporation, under said sections 4 and 18, to creditors who are third persons. (Loverin v. McLaughlin, 161 111. 417.) In the Loverin case a distinction was said to exist between cases where a stockholder is a party to the suit, and cases where the contest is between third persons and the officers or directors assuming to exercise corporate powers. In the case at bar, C. H. Curtis, plaintiff's testator, was a stockholder in the company at or near the time when he became the owner of the notes sued upon, and not only so, but he was elected as a director of the company and transacted business for the company as such director before the certificate of organization was recorded as required by sec- tion 4. While acting as a director of the company, he accepted 400 shares of the capital stock as security for the very debt here sought to be recovered. It is true that the notes were not made while he was director; but after he became director he recognized the debt as an obligation of the corporation by taking part in proceedings by the board of directors by which the debt was further secured. Being al- ready a stockholder and director he accepted additional certificates of stock, issued to him as security for these notes. This was done on October 22, 1884, and the certificate of organization w^as not recorded until June 5, 1885. It was as much his duty to see to it that the cer- tificate was recorded as it was the duty of the original board of direc- tors, elected by the first meeting of the subscribers. (Bushnell v. Consolidated Ice Machine Co., 138 111. 67.) By acting with the other directors in the meeting of October 22, 1884, he assumed to exer- cise corporate functions before that provision of the act, which required the certificate to be recorded, had been complied with. He is estopped by his conduct from seeking to enforce the liability provided for in section 18 against the defendants. He can not enforce against others a penalty which he has himself incurred by his own conduct. It is well settled that a stockholder can not defend against a liability which rests upon him for the benefit of corporate creditors, upon the ground that the corporation was not legally organized by reason of non-compliance with the terms of the statute providing for such an in- corporation. (Hickling v. Wilson, 104 111. 54.) He is estopped by the act of subscribing for the stock from setting up such defense. Upon principle there can be no difference between such a case and a case where a stockholder, who is also a director, seeks to enforce a claim resting for its validity upon the fact that the corporation in which he is such stockholder and director was not organized in accord- ance with the statute. Where a man has acted as a director of a cor- poration and participated in the management of its affairs, and at- tended its business meetings and voted upon questions affecting its interests, before the certificate of its organization has been recorded as required by law, he should be estopped from enforcing against others a liability based exclusively upon their failure to record the same certificate which he failed to have recorded. 652 WEST WINSTED, ETC., V. FORD. Under the facts as herein recited, we think that the judgments of the superior court of Cook county and of the appellate court were cor- rect. Those judgments are accordingly affirmed. Judgment affirmed. Note. See, 1828, All Saints Church v. Lovett, 1 Hall (N. Y.) 191 ; 1843, Selma & T. R. R. v. Tipton. 5 Ala. 787, 39 Am. Dec. 344; 1853, Danbury & N. R. Co. v. Wilson, 22 Conn. 435; 1858, Hayes v. Brown, 36 N. H. 545; 1867, Mason v. Nichols, 22 Wis. 376; 1870, Ramsey v. Peoria M. & F. Ins. Co., 55 111. 311 ; 1871, Parrott v. Byers, 40 Cal. 614; 1876, Phoenix W. Co. v. Badger, 67 N. Y. 294; 1882, Close v. Glenwood Cemetery, 107 U. S. 466; 1885, Thomp- son v. Eeno Sav. Bank, 19 Nev. 103, 3 Am. St. Rep. 797, and note; 1888, Marshall Foundry Co. v. Killian, 99 N. C. 501, 6 Am. St. Rep. 539; 1888, Weinman v. Wilkinsburg & E. L. Pass. Ry., 118 Pa. St. 192, 12 Atl. Rep. 288; 1889, Corey v. Morrill, 61 Vt. 598; 1890, Bates v. Wilson, 14 Colo. 140, 24 Pac. Rep. 99; '1894, State Bank Building Co. v. Pierce, 92 Iowa 668,61 N. W. Rep. 426. Sec. 174. (4) Dealers with knowledge of claim of corporate capacity. (#) Who seek to evade liability to the apparent corporation. WEST WINSTED SAVINGS BANK AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION v. FORD. 1 1858. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ERRORS OF CONNECTICUT. 27 Conn. Rep. *2^>2-2gi. ELLSWORTH, J. It appears in March, 1852, the respondent, with twenty-five others, took measures to form a corporation inWestWin- sted, under the act of 1850 authorizing the establishment of savings and building associations. The corporators prepared and signed the articles of association, and caused a copy to be left with the clerk of the town, in all respects complete except that the names of the. corpo- rators were not appended. They commenced and ever since have continued to prosecute their business (somewhat extensively) under their corporate name, "The West Winsted Savings Bank and Building Association." In July, 1854, the respondent applied to and received from the company a loan of $1,000, from which a bonus of 28 per cent, was deducted, leaving the amount actually received $720. For this loan of $1,000 he executed his note to the company, and agreed to secure it by good and perfect deed of land described in the peti- tioners' bill. It is found that he did execute and deliver to them a deed as agreed, except that one of the witnesses to it was a member of the company, and therefore, not a good witness, as this court has re- cently decided. In consequence of this the deed is not good, and the debt is not secured. The company have now brought their bill to ob- tain a good and perfect deed. All the facts stated in the bill are 1 Statement of facts, except as given in the opinion, and arguments omitted. 174 CORPORATIONS BY ESTOPPEL. 653 found to be true except what is said about the corporators having signed the copy of the articles left with the town clerk. Our advice is asked as to the company's right to demand and have such deed, to- gether with a decree of foreclosure; and whether the bonus is legal, and may be enforced, or should be rejected, in ascertaining the sum which is now due on the note. We think the company are entitled to the relief they ask for, including in the debt the bonus of twenty-eight per cent. It is objected to any decree in favor of the petitioners, that they are not a body corporate as they have alleged, and can not bring suit, in- asmuch as the corporators did not comply with the fifth section of the act, which says a copy of the articles shall first be left with the town clerk. On the one hand it is claimed that the statute requires that a copy shall be left and nothing more, and that the court has no power or right to superadd any other prerequisite ; on the other hand, it is claimed that the paper is not a copy without the names of the stock-, holders which are appended to the original. We have not thought it important to examine or decide this point, because we are all satis- fied for several reasons that no such objection ought to prevail in this case. In the first place, the objection to the existence of, a corporation plaintiff can not be raised upon the general issue. It is preliminary in its character, like all objections to the person or character in which a plaintiff sues, and should be pleaded in an earlier stage of the cause. The existence of a corporation and its capacity jto sue are ad- mitted by a plea to the merits. The authorities on this point are very numerous. Phoenix Bank of N. Y. v. Curtis, 14 Conn. 437; Champlin v. Tilley, 3 Day 303; Sutton v. Cole, 3 Pick. 232, 245; Penobscot Boom Corporation v. Lampson, 16 Maine 224; Bank of Manchester v. Allen, n Verm. 302; School District v. Blaisdell, 6 N. H. 197; Bank of Utica v. Smally, 2 Cow. 770. In the second place, the respondent is estopped by matter in pats. We have seldom met with a case to which this kind of equitable estoppel is more properly applicable than the present. In 1852 the respondent, with others, united and formed this association, and pro- claimed themselves a corporation under the act of 1850. They unitedly took what were supposed to be the necessary measures to perfect their organization according to law, and if it has not been ex- actly done, the omission was through their mutual mistake and mis- apprehension. They intended that it should be considered as done, and so we must now treat them, not only as possessing a corporate existence, but as having a corporate existence under the statute, and having, as to and among themselves certainly, the attributes of such a corporation. The respondent has influenced persons to become mem- bers of the company, some by subscribing and some by purchasing from those who have subscribed, and to deposit their moneys and form contracts with the company as duly incorporated and qualified to act as a corporation under the provisions of the statute. Besides, 654 WEST WINSTED, ETC., V. FORD. 1/4 the company has, during all this time, with the concurrence and co- operation of the respondent, been carrying on business as a corpora- tion, admitting new members, choosing officers and agents, borrowing and loaning money, receiving money on deposit and the like, until the rights and duties of the corporators and the corporation have become exceedingly multiplied and important, and, which ought to be con- clusive upon the respondent, he has borrowed this very money and given his note and deed for it to the company by its corporate name. It would be a reproach to the law if, after this, he can be allowed to call in question the existence of the corporation or its capacity to loan the money. Of what particular importance was the leaving a copy of the articles of association to the members of the company ? How did the omission affect or injure them ? Their relations between them- selves or with the company did.not grow out of that circumstance, and we can not allow it to have any effect on these parties, however it may be as to the right of the government to complain, if it see fit, and pros- ecute the company by a writ of quo ivarranto, The doctrine of equitable estoppel is of so common application here and elsewhere at this day, and has been so often discussed, and shown to be founded in such obvious propriety and necessity, that we need not spend time in discussing it, and it will be sufficient if we merely state the general principles pertaining to it. At the common law estoppels are founded on deeds and records of court, but estop- pies in equity are estopples in pais. The doctrine of this kind of estoppels was at first administered as a branch of equity jurisprudence, but is now incorporated into the law. The rule with regard to com- mon law estoppels is a precise and technical one, though supposed to be founded in principles of truth and justice, such as the statement of material facts in specialties or as found by verdicts or judgments upon trials in courts of record. The common law rule is obviously too narrow and inadequate for the attainment of equity in the multi- plied transactions of modern times, and hence the equitable estoppel of the present day. Estoppel in pais is founded in the obligation which every man is un- der to speak and act according to the truth of the case, and in the policy of the law to prevent the great mischiefs resulting from uncer- tainty, confusion and want of confidence in the intercourse of men, if they were permitted to deny that which they have deliberately and solemnly asserted and received as true. But the mere acts, state- ments, or admissions of a party when not performed or made under seal or of record, or in some of those acts to which peculiar authority is attached by law, were not at common law considered as estoppels, and had no other weight than that of evidence, more or less impor- tant, but which might be explained or rebutted. By the recent de- cisions of the courts in this country and in England, a much wider scope is given to the doctrine of estoppels in pais, and it is now held and established, that wherever an act is done or a -settlement made by a party which can not be contravened or contradicted without fraud, or gross misconduct, which is akin to it, on his part, an injury to oth- 1/4 CORPORATIONS BY ESTOPPEL. 655 ers whose conduct has been influenced by the act or omission, or, as was said in Middleton Bank v. Jerome, 18 Conn. 449, where a per- son by his acts or his words intentionally induces another to believe in the truth of a fact and thereby change his situation or commit his interests, the character of an estoppel will attach to what would oth- erwise be mere matter of evidence, and will become binding upon a party and decisive with a jury even in opposition to proof of a con- trary nature. Equitable estoppels, therefore, only arise when the conduct of the party estopped is fraudulent in its purpose, or unjust in its result, which forms the material distinction between the common law doctrine of estoppel and that which has grown up under the influ- ence of equity in modern times. This entire doctrine has been exam- ined and settled in this court in repeated instances as may be seen by the cases in our books. Kinney v. Farnsworth, 17 Conn. 360; Mid- dleton Bank v. Jerome, 18 Conn. 450; Noyes v. Ward, 19 Conn. 250; Whitaker v. Williams, 20 Conn. 98: Emmons v. Gibbings, 24 Conn. 538. Let this doctrine be applied to the respondent and his course of conduct, and we must see that it is not for him, with his money in his pocket, to call in question the character of the party who has loaned him the money and taken his mortgage. If further author- ity is wanted we refer to Worcester Medical Society v. Harding, 1 1 Cush. 285, which is exactly this case, and in which the court promptly overruled this objection. Stow v. Wyse, 7 Conn. 214; Narraganset Bank v. Atlantic Silk Co., 3 Met. 282; Congregational Society in Troy v. Perry, 6 N. H. 164 ; Dutchess Cotton Manufacturing Co. v. Davis, 14 Jones, 238; Eaton v. Aspinwall, 6 Duer 176; McFarlon v. Triton Ins. Co., 4 Denio 392; Schenectady & Saratoga Plank- road Co. v. Thatcher, i Kern 108; Palmer v. Lawrence, 3 Sandf. 161 ; All Saints Church v. Lovett, i Hall Sup. Ct. 191. It has been claimed that the respondent is estopped under the com- mon law rule, by the statement in his deed that there is such a corpo- ration as the plaintiff's from whom he has borrowed the money and to whom he has executed his mortgage deed. But passing this, we decide that this fact, with the others to which we have alluded are sufficient to constitute a good equitable estoppel, which is sufficient for the present case. It is stronger than the common case of land- lord and tenant where rent has been paid, which is a good estoppel. There is still another ground of objection to the claim of the re- spondents, to which allusion has previously been made, to wit, that this corporation, having enjoyed its franchises so long, can be called in question only by the government, and can be reached only by quo warranto, if the government feel that here has been an unwarrantable exercise of corporate power. There is perhaps force in this objection, but it is not necessary for us to consider it. Our conclusion is that the petitioners are entitled to a good and perfect deed from the respondent and a decree for a foreclosure for the whole note ; and this is our advice. In this opinion the other judges concurred. Decree advised for plaintiffs. 656 SNIDER'S SONS' co. v. TROY. 175 Note. See, 1829, Hamtramck v. Bank of Edwardsville, 2 Mo. 169; 1833, The Congregational Society v. Perry, 6 N. H. 164; 1839, Bank v. Allen, 11 Vt. 302; 1843, Proprietors of Quincy Canal v. Newcomb, 7 Mete. (Mass.) 276; 1853, Worcester Med. Inst. v. Harding, 11 Cash. (65 Mass.) 285; 1855, Henderson R. Co. v. Leavell, 55 Ky. (16 B. Mon.) 358; 1860, Jones v. Cincinnati Type Foundry Co., 14 Ind. 89; 1861, Wood v. Coosa & C. R. Co., 32 Ga. 273; 1862, Washington College v. Duke, 14 Iowa 14; 1868, Cochran v. Arnold, 58 Pa. St. 399, snpra, p. 625; 1878, Cahall v. Citizens' Mut. B. Assn., 61 Ala. 232; 1880, Humphreys v. Mooney, 5 Colo. 282; 1881, St. Louis Gas L. Co. v. St. Louis, 11 Mo. App. 55; 1881, Central Ag. & Mech. Assn. v. Alabama G. L. Ins. Co., 70 Ala. 120; 1883, Imboden et al. v. The Etowah & B. B. M. Co., 70 Ga. 86, on 107; 1883, Whitford v. Laidler, 94 N. Y. 145; 1886, Town of Searcy v. Yar- nell, 47 Ark. 269; 1886, Singer Mfg. Co. v. Bennett, 28 W. Va. 16; 1887, Fresno Canal & I. Co. v. Warner, 72 Cal. 379, 14 Pac. Rep. 37; 1889, McCord & N. M. Co. v. Glenn, 6 Utah 139, 21 Pac. Rep. 500; 1889, Cravens v. Eagle Cotton Mills Co., 120 Ind. 6, 21 N. E. Rep. 981 ; 1891, Bon Aqua Imp. Co. v. Stand- ard F. I. Co., 34 TV. Va. 764, 12 S. E. Rep. 771; 1892, Perine v. Grand Lodge A. O. U. W., 48 Minn. 82, 50 N. W. Rep. 1022; 1895, Johnston v. Gurnbel, 19 South. 100; 1896, Livingston Loan & B. Assn. v. Drummond, 49 Neb. 200, 68 N. W. Rep. 375; 1896, Tuckasegee Min. Co. v. Goodhue, 118 N. C. 981; 1898, Carroll v. Pacific Nat'l Bank, 19 Wash. 639, 9 Am. & E. C. C. (N. S.) 202, holding that a dealer with an apparent corporation will be estopped from de- nying the corporate existence, if it would prejudice third parties ; 1898, Jones v. Hale, 32 Ore. 465, 52 Pac. Rep. 311 ; 1898, Grande Ronde L. Co. v. Cotton, 12 Colo. App. 375, 55 Pac. Rep. 610. But compare Jones v. Aspen Hardware Co., supra, p. 637. Sec. 175. Same. () Who seek to hold members of the corporation liable as partners, or individually liable. SNIDER'S SONS' CO. v. TROY. 1 1890. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ALABAMA. 91 Alabama Rep. 224-233. This action was brought by the Louis Snider's Sons' Company, a corporation created under the laws of Ohio, against D. S. Troy, and was commenced on the i5th of February, 1890. The complaint contained a single count, which claimed $827.92 for goods con- sisting of paper and other printing materials, sold by plaintiffs in March, April, May and July, 1888, to or on the order of the Dispatch Publishing Company, then publishing a newspaper in the city of Montgomery. The complaint alleged that said publishing company was at the time a partnership, and defendant was one of the partners; that the company claimed to be a corporation under the laws of Ala- bama, but was never, in fact, incorporated; that it was insolvent when plaintiff's account matured, and has ceased to do business. The defendant filed a special plea, alleging that on the 2d day of October, 1885, he and two other persons named, filed in the office of the judge of probate of Montgomery county a declaration in writing Arguments omitted. 175 CORPORATIONS BY ESTOPPEL. 657 for the formation of a corporation under the name of the Dispatch Publishing Company, stating the substance of the declaration, "all of which will more fully appear by reference to the same, a copy of which, with the indorsements thereon, is hereto attached as an ex- hibit, and made a part of this plea ; that this defendant and his asso- ciates, immediately after the filing of said declaration as aforesaid, proceeded to organize said Dispatch Publishing Company, by elect- ing a board of dii'ectors consisting of three members, as by law pro- vided, and, on the organization of said company as aforesaid, com- menced doing business under the name and style of the Dispatch Publishing Company, by the publication of a newspaper in said city of Montgomery ; that the debt now sued for was contracted by said com- pany as such corporation, and not otherwise; that plaintiffs knew that said company was doing business as a corporation, and made said contract with it as a corporation, and not as a partnership or asso- ciation of individuals, and dealt with it as a corporation, and sold said bill of goods to it as a corporation, and not in any other capacity whatsoever." The court overruled a demurrer to this plea, and its judgment is assigned as error. CLOPTON, J. A corporation de facto exists, when from irregularity or defect in the organization or constitution, or from some omission to comply with the conditions precedent, a corporation de jure is not created, but there has been a colorable compliance with the require- ments of some law under which an association might be lawfully in- corporated for the purposes and powers assumed, and a user of the rights claimed to be conferred by the law when there is an organiza- tion with color of law and the exercise of corporate franchises. Meth. E. Un. Church v. Pickett, 48 N. J. L. 599. The enabling law, under which a corporation for the purposes and objects of the Dispatch Publishing Company, and with the powers assumed, might have been lawfully created at that time, is contained in sections 1803-1812 of the Code of 1876, and the amendatory acts, which authorize and provide for the incorporation of two or more persons desirous of forming a private corporation for the purpose of carrying on any industrial or other lawful business not otherwise, spe- cially provided for by law. Acts 1882-3, P- 4* The P^ ea avers that defendant and two other named persons filed, September 2, 1885, with the judge of probate of Montgomery county a written declara- tion, signed by themselves, setting forth substantially the matters re- quired by the statute, except the residences of the persons; that they organized by the election of three directors, and commenced and continued to do business in a corporate capacity, and were so doing business when the debt sued for was contracted. If the averments of the plea be true, the truth of which is admitted by the demurrer, the Dispatch Publishing Company was an association having capital stock divided into shares, organized by the election of officers, transacting business and exercising franchises, functions and powers, after an at- 42 WIL. CASES. 658 SNIDER'S SONS' co. v. TROY. 175 tempted incorporation as .if it were a corporation de jure a color- able compliance with the requirements of an existing and enabling law, and user of the rights claimed to be conferred thereby the essen- tial elements of a corporation de facto. Cen. Agr. & Mech. Assn. v. Alabama Gold Life Ins. Co., 70 Ala. 120. Appellant seeks by the action to hold defendant, who was a mem- ber, liable as a partner for paper and other supplies sold to the Dis- patch Publishing Company. Whether the shareholders in a corporation de facto are individually liable for the corporate debts, in the absence of fraud or a statute, is a question as to which the authorities are in direct antagonism. In Cook on Stock and Stockholders, 233, the doctrine asserted is: "A corporate creditor, seeking to enforce the payment of his debt, may ignore the existence of the corporation, and may pro- ceed against the supposed stockholders as partners by proving that the prescribed method of becoming incorporated was not complied with by the company in question." The leading cases supporting this doctrine are Bigelow v. Gregory, 73 111. 197; Abbott v. Omaha Smelt. Co., 4 Neb. 416; Garrett v. Richardson, 35 Ark. 144; Ferris v. Thaw, 72 Mo. 446; Richardson v. Mayo, 40 Ohio St. 9; Cole- man v. Coleman, 78 Ind. 344. We have omitted reference to a few cases sometimes cited, for the reason, either the question on liability as partners was not before the court, as in Blanchard v. Kaull, 44 Cal. 440, or the debt was contracted before any steps were taken, other than the mere filing of a certificate, toward organization, as in Porpoise Fish Co. v. Bergen, 13 Amer. & Eng. Cor. Cas. i, or it was contracted after the expiration of the charter by its own limita- tion, without reorganization, as in Nat. Bank v. Landon, 45 N. Y. 410. In the case last cited the shareholders entered into a special agreement which by its terms created a partnership as to third persons. In 2 Morawetz on Corporations, 748, the doctrine is stated as fol- lows: "If an association assumes to enter into a contract in a cor- porate capacity, and the party dealing with the association contracts "with it as if it were a corporation, the individual members can not be charged as parties to the contract, either severally or jointly, or as partners." The following cases maintain the doctrine that the mem- bers of a corporation de facto can not be held liable as partners for the corporate debts: Fay v. Noble, 7 Cush. 188; First Nat. Bank v. Avery, 117 Mass. 476; Stout v. Zulick, 48 N. J. L. 599; Plan. Uank v. Padgett, 69 Ga. 164; Mer. & Man. Bank v. Stone, 38 Mich. 779? Humphrey v. Mooney, 5 Cal. 282; Cen. City Sav. Bank v. Walker, 66 N. Y. 424; Gartside Coal Co. v. Maxwell, 22 Fed. Rep. 197; Whiting v. Wyman, 101 U. S. 392. The plea and demurrer do not raise the question of the liability of the supposed stockholders as partners, where there has been no intention or attempt to incorporate ; where they are acting as a body corporate, without even color of legislative authority sheer usurpation. The plea avers that the debt sued for was contracted by the Dispatch Pub- lishing Company, which is alleged to have been a de facto corpora- tion, and that plaintiff sold the goods to and contracted with the com- 175 CORPORATIONS BY ESTOPPEL. 659 pany as a corporation, knowing that it was doing business as such. The question before us, and the only question we propose to decide, is, whether, there being no fraud alleged nor statute making the stockholders individually liable, a creditor who has dealt with a de facto corporation as a corporation, who has entered into contractual relations with it in its corporate name and capacity, can disregard the existence of the corporation, and, electing to treat it as a partnership, enforce the collection of his debt from the stockholders individually ? The conflicting authorities afford aid in the solution of this question only so far as their opinions maybe in accord with settled. principles and sustained by reason. Though it is an undecided question in this state, principles have been well settled which materially bear upon the inquiry, and mark the way to a correct conclusion. ^Corporations may exist either de jure or de facto. If of the latter class, they are under the protection of the same law and governed by the same legal principles as those of the former, so long as the state acquiesces in their existence and exercise of corporate functions. A private citizen, whose rights are not invaded, who has no cause of complaint, has no right to inquire collaterally into the legality of its existence. This can only be done in a direct proceeding on the part of the state, from whom is derived the right to exist as a corporation, and whose authority is usurped. This principle was clearly and em- phatically declared in Lehman v. Warner, 61 Ala. 455, in the fol- lowing language: "The corporation must of necessity be presumed to be rightfully in possession of the franchise, and rightfully to exer- cise the power which the legislative grant confers. Individual right is not invaded, if the negative is true in fact, and there is usurpation. It is the state the sovereign whose rights are invaded and whose r.ghts are usurped. The individual could not create the corporation, could not grant, define, limit its powers, and no grant of these by the sovereign can lessen his rights. There can consequently be no cause of complaint by the citizen, and no right to inquire whether the corporate existence is rightful de jure or merely colorable." Tay- lor on Corp., 145; 4 Am. & Eng. Enc. of Law 198. The creditor can not proceed against the stockholders as partners without proving non-compliance with prescribed conditions precedent, thus inquiring collaterally, not into the fact, but the legality of its existence. It is also an established rule of general application that a party who contracts with a corporation exercising corporate powers and perform- ing corporate functions existing as a de facto corporation in its corporate name and capacity, will not be permitted, in a suit on the contract, to deny and disprove the rightfulness of its existence. 4 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law 198. In Swartwout v. Michigan Air Line R. Co., 24 Mich. 390, Cooley, J., declares the rule as follows: "Where there is thus a corporation de facto, with no want of legis- lative power to its due and legal existence, when it is proceeding in the performance of corporate functions, and the public are dealing with it on the supposition that it is what it professes to be, and the questions are only whether there has been exact regularity and strict 66o SNIDER'S SONS' co. v. TROY. 175 compliance with the provisions of the law relating to corporation, it is plainly a dictate alike of justice and public policy, that in contro- versies between the de facto corporation and those who have entered into contract relations with it, as corporators or otherwise, that such questions should not be suffered to be raised." The general rule is thus stated in Brickell, C. J. : "Whoever contracts with a corporation in the use of corporate powers and fran- chises, and within the scope of such powers, is estopped from deny- ing the existence of the corporation, or inquiring into the regularity of the corporate organization, when an enforcement of the contract, or of rights arising under it, is sought." Cahall v. Citizens' M. B. Assn., 6 1 Ala. 232 ; Central Agr. & Mech. Assn. v. Alabama Gold Life Ins. Co., 70 Ala. 120; Schloss v. Montg. Trade Co., 87 Ala. 411. It is conceded that the rule has been invoked and applied most frequently in suits against the stockholders or corporation, or persons who have contracted with it, where the stockholder, corporation or per- son is seeking to avoid a liability by denying the legality of the cor- porate organization. But why should it not be applicable in other cases? Why should a stockholder be estopped in a suit by a creditor of an insolvent corporation to require payment of his unpaid sub- scription, and the creditor allowed to ignore the existence of the cor- poration, and proceed against the stockholder as a partner? Why should not the estoppel be mutual? Taylor, in his "work on Corpora- tions, section 148, having' stated the general rule, that a corporation 'when sued on its contract, and the person -who contracted -with it, when sued on his contract, is each estopped to deny its legal incorpo- ration, adds: ''Furthermore, persons ivho have contracted with a corporation as such, and have acquired claims against it, are es- topped from denying its corporate existence for the purpose of hold- ing its shareholders liable as partners." And the same rule was applied in several of the cases cited above, in which a corporate cred- itor was seeking to hold the stockholder liable as a partner for a cor- porate debt. The abrogation of the foregoing well-established rule is the logical sequence of maintaining a suit by a creditor of a de facto corporation, charging the stockholders as partners. Another consideration. Section 8 of article xiv of the constitution declares: "In no case shall any stockholder be individually liable, otherwise than for the unpaid stock owned by him or her.". Exemp- tion from liability, other than for unpaid stock, is the declared policy of the state. It can not be imposed by legislation, or by the judgment of court. In view of the constitutional provision, it is manifest tha* the shareholders of the Dispatch Publishing Company intended, by the attempt to incorporate, to avoid individual liability for the debts contracted by the corporation. When a party deals and contracts with a corporation as corporators, exemption from individual liability enters as an element of the contract. It is true that the liability of persons associated in an enterprise or adventure is not determinable by the name they assume, but by the legal consequences of their acts. A partnership may arise as to third persons, by mere operation of 1/5 CORPORATIONS BY ESTOPPEL. 66 1 law, and contrary to the intention of the parties; but, to have this effect, the elements essential to constitute a partnership as to third per- sons must exist. A corporation de facto has an independent status, recognized by the law as distinct from that of its members. A partner- ship is not the necessary legal consequence of an abortive attempt at incorporation. As said in Fay v. Noble, supra: "Surely, it can not be, in the absence of all fraudulent intent, that such a legal result fol- lows as to fasten on parties involuntarily, for sueh a cause, the enlarged liability of co-partners, a liability neither contemplated nor assented to by them. The statement of the proposition carries with it a sufficient refutation." Maintenance of such suit involves judicial nullification of franchises and powers enjoyed and exercised by a de facto corpora- tion, as a distinct entity recognized by the law, acquiesced in by the state; defeats the corporate character of the contract ; changes the re- lation from that of stockholders to that of partners; substitutes other and new parties to the contract, and effects the imposition of an en- larged liability, which they did not assume, but intended to avoid ; so understood by the creditor when he contracted the debt with the corporation as such. The contract is valid and binding on the cor- poration, which the creditor trusted. No injustice is done him, for all his rights and remedies are preserved by the principle that the corporation and the shareholder are estopped from denying its legal existence as against him. It will not answer to say that he is not repu- diating, but enforcing the contract. He repudiates the party the corporation with which he made the contract, and seeks its enforce- ment against parties who never entered into contractual relations with him. The doctrine that a creditor who has dealt with a de facto corpora- tion in its corporate capacity can not charge the stockholders as partners with the corporate debt, there being no fraudulent intent al- leged and proved, seems to us to be sustained by the weight of au- thority, maintained by stronger reasoning, consistent with well settled principles, and in harmony with the policy of the state. Affirmed. Note. See, 1882, Planters' and Miners' Bank v. Padgett, 69 Ga. 159 ; 1886, Stout v. Zulick, 48 N. J. L. 599, 7 Atl. Rep. 362; 1889, Larned v. Beal, 65 N. H. 184, 23 Atl. Rep. 149; 1892, Thornton v. Balcom, 85 Iowa 198, 52 N. W. Rep. 190; 1896, Hogue v. Capital Nat'l Bank, 47 Neb. 929, 66 N. W. Rep. 1036; 1896, American Mirror and Glass Bev. Co. v. Bulkley, 107 Mich. 447, 65 N. W. Rep. 291. See, also, cases, infra, p. 667. But see contra, 1886, Glenn v. Bergmann, 20 Mo. App. 343; 1891, Stivers v. Carmichael, 83 Iowa 759, 49 N. W. Rep. 983; 1892, Bradley Fertilizer v. South. Pub. Co., 17 N. Y. Supp. 587; 1895, Williams v. Hewitt, 47 La. Ann. 1076, 17 So. Rep. 496; 1901, Owensboro Wagon Co. v. Bliss, Ala. , 31 So. 81; 1901, Clausen v. Head, 110 Wis. 405, 84 Am. St. Rep. 933, 85 N. W. 1028. See, also, .cases below, pp. 664, 076. 662 GUCKERT V. HACKE. 1/6 Sec. 176. (^) But dealers with a pretended corporation, without knowledge that it, at the time, claims to be such, are not estopped to deny it is a corporation. GUCKERT v. HACKE ET AL., APPELLANTS. 1 1893. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA. 159 Pa. St. Rep. 303-307. Assumpsit against incorporators for the debt of a corporation. At the trial before PORTER, J., it appeared that plaintiff entered into a contract to make some alterations and repairs in a building oc- cupied by the Hughes & Gawthrop Co. In October, 1890, a certifi- cate of incorporation in proper form was presented by the Hughes & Gawthrop Co. to the governor asking for a charter. The certificate was approved and letters-patent were "duly issued. All the details required by the act of April 29, 1874. P. L. 77, were complied with, excepting only the recording of the certificate in the recorder's office of Allegheny county. The certificate was not recorded until June, 1891. In the meantime, plaintiff, without knowledge of the incorpo- ration, made the contract with Gawthrop, upon which he sued. Sub- sequently, he accepted a note for the debt, signed with the corporate name. Defendant's points were as follows: "i. The provisions of section 3 of the act of April 29, 1874, which provides that 'original certificates with all indorsements thereon shall then be recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds in and for the county where the chief operations are to be carried on,' are merely directory, and a failure to so record does not render the charter void or render the subscribers thereto individually liable for debts con- tracted by the corporation. Answer. The failure to record as stated will not of itself render the stockholders individually liable." "2. That from the moment the letters-patent were issued by the governor of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Hughes & Gawthrop Co., the subscribers to the articles of association became a corporation for every practical purpose, and any one dealing with them as a corporation is estopped from impeaching the charter in a collateral proceeding by showing that a condition precedent to the existence of the corporation has not been complied with." Affirmed. "3. If the jury find from the evidence that letters-patent were is- sued to the defendants. by the governor of this commonwealth to act as a corporation under the name of the Hughes & Gawthrop Co., and they were actually engaged in carrying on business under such let- ters-patent or charter, and that the contract sued on was made by E. 1 Arguments omitted. 1/6 CORPORATIONS BY ESTOPPEL. 66j B. Gawthrop, general manager of the Hughes-Gawthrop Co., and that the plaintiff received the promissory note of Hughes-Gawthrop Co., as a corporation, in payment of the amount due on said con- tract, he can not now recover from Paul H. Hacke and J. B. George, two of the defendants, as individuals." Affirmed. Verdict and judgment against defendant, E. B. Gawthrop, and in favor of Paul H. Hacke et at., the other defendants. Plaintiff ap- pealed. Opinion by MR. CHIEF JUSTICE STERRETT, December, 30, 1893: It is essential to the creation of a corporation under an enabling statute that all material provisions should be substantially followed; and, exemption from personal liability being one of the chief charac- teristics distinguishing corporations from partnerships and unincorpo- rated joint stock companies, it follows that those who transact business upon the strength of an organization which is materially defective are individually liable, as partners, to those with whom they have dealt. What provisions are material must be gathered from the relation of each to the purpose and scope of the act; and when, therefore, suc- cessive steps are prescribed for the creation of corporations, these must obviously be regarded as imperative. Enabling statutes, on the principle of expressio unius est exclusio alterius, impliedly prohibit any other mode of doing the act which they authorize ; they must be strictly construed. Sutherland on Stat. Construction, section 454. Hence it has been uniformly held that requirements in respect of fil- ing charters are imperative. Childs v. Smith, 55 Barb. 45 ; Smith v. Warden, 86 Mo. 382; Abbott v. Smelting Co., 4 Neb. 416; Beach on Corporations, section 162. It is plain, even from a cursory reading of the act of April 29, 1874, P. L. 77, that recording of the certificate "in the office for the recording of deeds, and in and for the county where the chief operations are to be carried on," was intended to be made one of the conditions precedent to corporate existence. That was the last of successive steps re- quired to be taken, and the right to begin the transaction of corporate business was made to depend upon the taking of that step. "From thenceforth," the act expressly declares, the subscribers and their as- sociates and successors "shall be a corporation for the purposes and upon the terms named in the said charter." One of the purposes of the act being exemption from personal liability in the transaction of business, it is obviously material that the public should have no- tice, and notice by record was accordingly prescribed. Failure to re- cord was failure to comply with one of the express conditions of in- corporation, and consequently of exemption from liability. It may be conceded that had plaintiff dealt with defendants as a corporation he would have been estopped from claiming against them in any other capacity, e-ven though they failed to record their charter, Spahr v. Bank, 94 Pa. 429. But it is not pretended that he had any knowledge of the existence of the charter; and there was cer- tainly nothing, either in the name under which they did business or in their conduct, which should have put him upon inquiry. In 664 CINCINNATI, ETC., R. CO. V. DANVILLE, ETC., R. CO. 1/7 these circumstances he was amply justified in dealing -with them as partners. It was through their default not his that they ivere so treated; and it would be manifest injustice that he should lose his ad- mittedly honest claim. In the absence of an express agreement the acceptance of a note from the defendants as a corporation, after plaintiff had performed his part of the contract, can not operate by way of election or estop- pel. The relation of the parties was fixed by their status when the original contract was made and can not be changed by gratuitous infer- ence. The members of the alleged corporation were the defendants, and w r ere not injured by the acceptance of the note. The principle which treats the acceptance of a note as additional security to and not as satisfaction of a mechanic's lien (Jones v. Shawhan, 4 W. & S. 257) is, with even more justice, applicable here. It follows from what has been said that the instructions complained of are erroneous. Judgment reversed and a venire facias de novo awarded. Note. To same effect. 1889, Eaton v. Walker, 76 Mich. 579, 6 L. R. A. 102 ; 1896, N. Y. Nat'l Ex. Bank v. Crowell et al., 177 Pa. St. 313; 1899, Christian & C. G. Co. v. Fruitdale L. Co., 121 Ala. 340, 25 So. Rep. 566. Sec. 177. (5) Non-dealers who injure the corporation are es- topped to deny corporate existence. (#) In case of torts against the corporation. THE CINCINNATI, LAFAYETTE AND CHICAGO RAILROAD CO. v. THE DANVILLE AND VINCENNES RAILWAY CO. 1874. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ILLINOIS. 75 Illinois Reports 113-118. Appeal from the circuit court of Iroquois county, the Hon. Charles H. Wood, J., presiding. This was a bill for an injunction, filed by the appellant against the appellee to restrain the latter taking possession of the railroad and right of way of the complainant under certain fraudulent proceedings for the condemnation of the same. MR. JUSTICE MCALLISTER delivered the opinion of the court: In the year 1871, certain persons, purporting to be twenty-five in number, proceeded to organize themselves, under the general railroad law of 1849, into the appellant corporation, for the purpose of sup= plying a portion in this state of what was necessary to constitute a complete line of railway between the cities of Cincinnati, O., and Chicago, in this state. The amount of stock was fixed, was sub- scribed and paid; directors were elected, articles of association pre. 177 CORPORATIONS BY ESTOPPEL. 665 pared, subscribed, certified and filed with the secretary of state, and the usual certificate given by that officer. The portion of the line to be constructed was from a point on the line between this state and Indiana, about three miles southeast of Sheldon, in Iroquois county, thence running northeasterly through that county and a portion of Kankakee county to the village of St. Anne. Appellant did not assume to exercise the right of eminent domain, but obtained the right of way, so far as it was obtained, by purchase or contract. It located the road between the points stated, and, by about the middle of December, 1871, had it constructed, so that about the ist of May, 1872, the through line, including the portion in ques- tion, was opened for public use as a railroad, and appellant has not only been in the exercise of its franchises as a railroad corporation, but the same has been open, public and notorious. In November, 1872, this company reorganized under the general railroad act of this state, which went into force March i, 1872. It appears, also, that about the i3th of November, 1872, the ap- pellee was organized under the last mentioned act as a railroad cor- poration, to construct a road, in part at least, upon a route similar to that of appellant. On the 22d of November, 1872, appellee, having caused a survey of this line and a plat to be made, presented a petition to the county court of Iroquois county for the purpose, ostensibly, of condemning land through that county for its right of way. Numer- ous tracts and parcels are described and the names of owners or pre- tended owners given. Appellant is not named or described in the petition. Nor was any notice to appellant given or contemplated. Such proceedings were had upon this petition that a jury was sum- moned to ascertain the compensation. About this time appellant dis- covered that although "it was in the actual possession and use of the right of way before mentioned as a common carrier, and this fact must have been known to the agents and attorneys of appellee, yet the land that appellee was about to have condemned was, in fact, the very right of way of which appellant was in actual and open posses- sion for public purposes, and to this circumstance there was not the remotest allusion in appellee's petition. It appearing that there was no necessity or even plausible excuse for thus interfering with appel- lant's right of way, then, in view of the circumstances of appelhmt's open and notorious possession of it, and the studious exclusion of all these facts from appellee's petition, and the failure to make appellant a party, with notice, the inference is irresistible that this proceeding in the county court was designed for the fraudulent purpose of sur- reptitiously gaining possession of appellant's right of way. The actors in the formation of the scheme, as would seem from their positions in argument on this appeal, reasoned in this wise: "Now, there are defects in the organization of the Cincinnati, Lafayette and Chicago Railroad Company; they have made a slip in some particulars, and if we can so manage as to get a condemnation proceeding through the court without notice to that company, and thereby get into possession, 666 CINCINNATI, ETC., R. CO. V. DANVILLE, ETC., R. CO. 177 we can then assail their organization, convince the court that they can have no standing in court on account of those defects, and thus keep that possession, no matter how acquired." That is the very argu- ment they urge here to sustain the decree of the court below dismiss- ing appellant's bill to restrain them from thus obtaining possession, on the ground of fraud and want of jurisdiction in the proceedings to condemn. It is apparent from the fact of those proceedings, when considered with the surrounding circumstances, that the former, though ostensibly for the ordinary purpose of condemning land not ap- propriated to the railroad uses, for appellee's rights of way, were, in reality, but in the execution of a scheme devised for the fraudulent and inequitable purpose of getting possession of appellant's right of way without making compensation, and then to seize upon alleged defects in appellant's organization as a means of retaining it against justice and right. The morality of the act is supported by the same reasoning which would be resorted to in justification of a contemplated theft from one non compos mentis, "He is incapable of appearing in court to vindicate his rights." An elaborate printed argument has been presented by appellee's counsel to show that appellant was not rightfully organized, and that therefore it could acquire no right of way, and especially that it can have no standing in court in its claim for protection against this con- templated invasion of its possession. He says the act of 1849 was re- pealed by the constitution of 1870. There is, in our opinion, no basis for the position that the sections of the act of 1849, so far as they provide for the formation of such corporations, are abrogated by the constitution. They are not incon- sistent with any of its provisions. Then, there being such a law au- thorizing the formation of railroad corporations, and articles of associ- ation having been prepared and filed with the secretary of state, and he having given the certificate provided for, and there having been a user of the franchises purporting to be invested in the association, the latter became a de facto corporation, and under the settled law of this court neither the eligibility of the directors nor the rightfulness of the existence of the corporation could be inquired into collaterally in this suit. Tarbell v. Page, 24 111. 46; Mitchel et aL v. Deeds, 49 111. 416; Thompson v. Candor, 60 111. 244. In Mitchell v. Deeds, before cited, the court, page 422, said : "The law is well settled in this state, that, under the plea of nul tiel corpo- ration, the plaintiff need only show an organization in fact and a user of corporate franchises." So, by parity of reasoning, such organization in fact, and user, are all that is necessary to maintain a bill in equity against a mere stranger seeking to interfere with the property of such de facto corporation. Here it was indisputably shown that there was such an organization in fact, followed by user of corporate franchises. That was sufficient. So, also, it was shown that the directors were elected under color of authority and were acting as such. They were, therefore, de facto officers of the corporation. Their title to the office could not be 1/7 CORPORATIONS BY ESTOPPEL. 667 brought in question and decided collaterally in this suit. Lawson et al. v. Kolbenson et al., 61 111. 418, and authorities there cited. Appellee had authority to exercise the right of eminent domain, but, by the statute prescribing the mode of its exercise, it could not have appellant's right of way condemned for even a qualified or con- joint use without describing it in the petition as such right of way, and alleging inability to agree as to compensation. This proceeding, which might, perhaps, have been lawful and proper but for circum- stances which were studiously concealed, was for an inequitable pur- pose. It was designed and carried forward for the purpose of getting possession of the right of way, of which appellant was in quiet pos- session as owner, without making appellant a party or paying to it any compensation. No other object was intended by, and no other result could follow, the carrying the proceeding through to a finality. It was, in this view, a proper case for an injunction. In Goodenough v. Sheppard, 28 111. 81, it was held that a person in the quiet pos- session of real estate as owner may obtain an injunction to restrain others from dispossessing him by means of process growing out of litigation to which he was not a party. It does not lie with appellee to say, in justification of this inequitable proceeding, that the ap- pellant was not so far rightfully organized or authorized to con- struct the railroad in question as to be capable of holding lands for the purposes of a right of -way. This is a question solely between appellant and the persons from whom title was obtained, or between appellant and the people of the state, when proper proceedings shall arise to require its decision. It is obvious, from the record, that the court below made inquisition into the rightfulness of appellant's corporate existence, and dismissed the bill for defects in its organization. This was error. The decree will be reversed, and cause remanded for further proceedings not in- consistent with this opinion. Decree reversed. Note,. See, also, 1843, Quincy Canal v. Newcomb, 7 Mete. (Mass.) 276 ; 1846, Elizabeth City Academy v. Lmdsey, 28 N. C. (6 Ired.) 476. 45 Am. Dec. 500; 1873, Stockton & L. G. R. Co. v. Stockton & R. Co., 45 Cal. 680; 1878, Alder- man v. School Directors, etc., 91 111. 179; 1889, Golden Gate M. & M. Co. v. Joshua H. M. W., 82 Cal. 184; 1893, Crenshaw v. Ullman, 113 Mo. 633, 20 S. W. Rep. 1077. But see, 1885, Doboy & U. I. Tel. Co. v. D. E. Magathias, -25 Fed Rep. (U. S. C. C.) 697. 668 SASSER V. STATE OF OHIO. 178 Sec. 178. (b) Or crimes affecting the corporation. SASSER v. THE STATE OF OHIO. 1 1844. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF OHIO. 13 Ohio Rep. 453-489. [These are writs of error to the court of common pleas of the county of Hamilton. In the first of these cases the plaintiff was indjcted for "having in his possession, and secretly keeping, a bank-note plate, for the pur- pose of striking and printing false and counterfeited bank-notes, to wit, false and counterfeited bank notes in the likeness and similitude of true and genuine bank notes of the Bank of Tennessee, of the denomination of $20," etc. The second count was the same, with the addition that the possession was for the purpose of printing coun- terfeited bank notes. At the October term, 1844, he was found guilty on the second count, and not guilty on the first, and sentenced, upon the second count, to imprisonment in the penitentiary for five years. A bill of exceptions was taken during the trial, from which it appears that the prosecuting attorney proved, by parol, that there was such a bank as the one named in the indictment, and that its bills, of the de- nomination specified, were current in Ohio. The plaintiff objected to this proof, and insisted that the act incorporating the Bank of Ten- nessee was the only evidence that could be introduced; which objec- tion was overruled.] BIRCHARD, J. * * * Did the court err in admitting the testimony ob- jected to ? This presents a question not free from difficulty, and yet the decision below is believed to be consistent with the uniform and oft- repeated adjudications upon similar questions since the first organiza- tion of the state. The general rule is, that the best evidence must be given which the nature of the case admits of. The rule does not re- quire that the strongest possible assurance of the point in question shall be given, but that no evidence shall be received of a character which presupposes that better and higher evidence is in the possession or power of the party offering it. Were these banks suitors in court, claiming the exercise of corporate rights, the offer by them of parol proof to maintain the right, unless it were a right acquired by pre- scription, would be within the rule, for it would carry a presumption against them, that, if produced, their charters would show that the franchise in question was not conferred. Hence the rule in Lewis v. Bank of Kentucky, 12 Ohio Rep. 151: "The corporators have full knowledge of their powers and capacity, and the means of establishing them." When they exercise powers under the authority of a written charter, the non-production of that charter and the attempt to supply 1 Statement of facts abridged. Arguments omitted, and part of opinion omitted. 178 CORPORATIONS BY ESTOPPEL. 669 it by parol evidence is an indirect admission that the charter is suffi- cient, and that, if they can not make out by parol a better one than exists on paper, they must fail. An analogous point was ruled by Lord Mansfield, in Roe v. Harvey, 7 Burr. 2484. No such implica- tion necessarily arises when parol proof of the actual existence of a bank in a sister state is offered by a third party, and especially when offered by the public prosecutor against a person charged with coun- terfeiting the bills or plates of such bank, because the act of counter- feiting implies, on his part, an admission that there is such a bank, and that its genuine issues and plates are authorized and of value. It is irrational to presume that men will take the trouble to counterfeit paper which is wholly worthless. All men are presumed to act ac- cording to their interest. No one could have any interests in forging valueless notes. Rules of law are never founded upon unnatural premises. On the contrary, it is, in general, safe to abolish a rule, when the sound reason upon which it was established has ceased to exist. Admitting the proposition, that if the bank notes in question were issued by an unauthorized bank they would be nullities, and that, in that case, the plates might be secretly kept without incurring the pen- alty of the law, it does not follow that the evidence offered below was incompetent. The rules of presumptive evidence apply to corpora- tions as well as individuals, and a charter may be presumed from the long exercise of corporate rights. U. S. Bank v. Dandridge, 12 Wheat. 70. The proof offered in this case showed that paper of the description alleged to be counterfeited was current in Ohio, and reputed to be the paper of legally established institutions of Virginia and Ten- nessee. Proof that their paper had obtained general circulation and acquired universal confidence in a state like this, at a time when pub- lic attention is turned towards all corporations, both foreign and domestic, with eager and jealous scrutiny, certainly raised a violent presumption that the banks had a legitimate existence, and lawfully possessed the powers which they had exercised. Coupled with the other legal presumption, that no one will counterfeit the valueless paper of an unauthorized bank, and we think the proof, unrebutted, sufficient for the prosecution. This made out a prima facie case, and was ample to cast upon the accused the burden of proving that the laws of Virginia and Tennessee restricted banking generally, or by these institutions in particular. The People v. Davis, 21 Wend. 309, is a case in point. Davis was indicted for having in his pos- session a counterfeit note of the Morris Canal and Banking Company, and the question was whether the prosecution were bound to prove the existence of the company by the production of the charter, and it was held they were not that they might prove it in the ordinary way, and "that secondary evidence, such as the acts and operations of the company, and the like, had been invariably received at the oyer and terminer." Is there any real danger in continuing this rule of evi- dence? It may be presumed that, if it were palpably mischievous, or, even by possibility, occasionally dangerous in practice, it would 6/O SASSER V. STATE OF OHIO. 1/8 not have stood without question for forty years in Ohio, and in many of our sister states for a still longer period. But this case even does not show that injustice has been caused by its application. We know, as a matter of fact, that each of the two institutions is legally constituted, and recognized as such, by the courts of Virginia and Tennessee. No actual wrong was committed by the decision com- plained of, because the proof offered established nothing that was un- true. It is attacked, not for the individual wrong it has wrought in this case, but for the public good, lest, peradventure, it may work harm hereafter to somebody if allowed to stand as a precedent. In argument, it is admitted that parol proof has hitherto "always been held sufficient in similar cases; but, it is said, this is because counsel have not objected that it was secondary evidence, and that omis- sions of counsel should not be allowed to establish a rule of practice, in opposition to the paramount principles of law." If the argument be sound that this kind of evidence, when offered by a third party, does not raise the inference that higher evidence, in the possession of the party, is withheld, and if the act of forgery implies a confession, by the forger, that the instrument which it purports to imitate is valid, it can not well be said to be secondary evidence, because it does not fall within the reason that distinguishes the two classes of proof. Is it always within the power of the prosecutor to prove the charters of banks incorporated by our sister states ? That they may be procured by taking sufficient pains and ample time is not doubted. Certified copies of any legislative act may be had on application to the execu- tives of the states of Virginia and Tennessee. But under our consti- tution, an accused person is entitled to "a speedy public trial." He can not lawfully be detained, and committed for trial, without evi- dence. Nor is that evidence, on a question of commitment, which is no evidence on a final trial. What, then, would be the effect of a rule that would, indispensably, require the production of the act in- corporating a foreign and distant bank in like cases? It would afford immunity to crime in innumerable cases. It would be as fatal to the success of many necessary prosecutions for counterfeiting as a rule that would permit the forged signature of the officer of a bank to be disproved by him alone a rule which has long since ceased to be rec- ognized by the most enlightened tribunals of this country, and, at this day, is not law in England. Hess v. The State, 5 Ohio Rep. 7; Commonwealth v. Gary, 2 Pick. 47. Some courts still consider the testimony of experts touching the genuineness of the handwriting as secondary and inferior evidence to the testimony of the supposed writer; others avoid the general rule by assuming that the testimony of each is primary evidence, while all alike admit the evidence and avoid the application of the rule which would exclude it. So, in cases of many public officers, proof of offi- cial character is permitted by parol when third parties make the issue, and even when the officer is a party. Thus one may show him- self to be a constable by proving his own acts in that capacity, and by general reputation ; Johnson v. Stedman, 3 Ohio Rep. 94, That he 178 CORPORATIONS BY ESTOPPEL. 6/1 is a collector of taxes; Eldred v. Sexton, 5 Ohio Rep. 215. The rea- son of the decision in these cases is applicable here. "It is more con- sistent with the ends of justice than to establish a contrary rule." It is not conclusive evidence, but is so prima facie, and, unless contra- dicted, must be conclusive. The character of a bank, indeed, whose paper is in general circulation, performing the offices of money in a business community like ours, becomes as well known as the official character of a constable or tax-gatherer who resides amongst us. The people in general are as well informed upon the subject as upon many matters of public history. There is no county in the state where men of integrity can not be found competent to state whether paper, the money in general circulation among the people, is the paper of a real or unau- thorized institution. The continuance of the rule that has obtained is, therefore, perfectly consistent with the security of individual right ; and, while it subserves public convenience, the mere fact it is at war with a technical rule, if it be so at war, furnishes no good reason for changing the practice. * * * Judgment affirmed. Nate. See, also, 1886, Stultz v. Turnpike Co., 48 N. J. L. 596; 1893, Canal Street G. R. Co. v. Paas, 95 Mich. 372. But compare, 1888, Plank-road Co. v. Hilton, 69 Mich. 115; 1899, James v. State, 77 Miss. 370, 78 Am. St. Rep. 527. As to injuries to non-dealers generally by the apparent corporation, it would seem that if they have done nothing to recognize the corporate exist- ence there could be no estoppel ; yet if the corporation shows it is a de facto one, the logic of the cases would seem to be that a non-dealer who is not estopped could not bold members individually liable, or successfully impeach the corporate existence, even if he is injured by such de facto corporation ; however, if the apparent corporation can not show that it has acquired a de facto existence by being organized under a valid law, in good faith, followed by corporate acts, a non-dealer could ignore the apparent corporate existence. NOTE TO ART VI. EXTENT OF THE DOCTRINE OF ESTOPPEL. It is usual to say that in order to obtain a de facto corporate existence there must be a valid law under which to organize, an apparent compliance with the law, a bonafide attempt to organize under the law, and a user of corporate franchises. See Elliott on Corporations, 72; Clark on Corporations, 41, 42, and Finnegan v. Noerenberg, supra, p. 614, and Society Perun v. Cleveland, supra, p. 617. If, therefore, any of these elements are wanting there can be no de facto corporation, and the only ground for holding a pre- tended corporation, where one or more of these elements is wanting, to be such must be upon grounds of estoppel, or something analogous thereto. It seems, however, that there is no perfect basis for an estoppel except against the pretended corporation itself or its members, for it or they only have mis- led others to believe it to be a corporaton. No one who contracts with such a pretended corporation as a corporation, has misled it or its members as to its real nature, for they know as much about it as he. The most that can be said is that the party so contracting is willing to accept the corporate security for the performance of the contract, and should not afterward be allowed to insist upon a different security, such as the individual or partnership liability of the members. The fact is, he has not misled the corporation, hut it has misled him yet, perhaps, not to his damage, when he willingly accepted the corporate security. Hence it would not be equitable to claim a greater secu- rity, when, upon being offered a certain security, viz., the corporate security, he accepted it. This is hardly an estoppel, but rather a mere term of tlie 6/2 NOTES TO ARTICLE VI. contract upon which the minds of the parties met, although it was false in fact and known to be so by the pretended corporation at the time. As to the validity of the law under which the corporation claims to be organ- ized there are three conceivable conditions : (1) A law in fact prohibiting such a corporation. (2) No law at all. (3) An unconstitutional law. It would seem there could be no de facto corporation in either case, and it is generally so held. Can there be a corporation by estoppel? .According to the decision'iu Boyce v. The Trustee, etc., supra, p. 642; Jones v. Aspen Hard- ware Co., supra, p. 637, and Snyder v. Studebaker, supra, p. 634, there could not be a corporation under any circumstances of estoppel, either in favor of or against the pretended corporation ; but it would seem that estoppels might arise in all of these cases, as well as others ; yet in the first two a prohibitory law, and no law at all public policy might override all grounds of estoppel and say, in such cases, no corporate existence should be recog- nized. See Wright v. Lee, 2 S. D. 596: Empire Mills v. Alston Grocery Co., 15 S. W. Rep. (Tex. App.) 200, 505; Building and Loan Assn. v. Chamber- lain, 4 S. D. 271, 56 N. W. Rep. 897 ; Oregonian R. Co. v. Oregonian R. & N. Co., 23 Fed. Rep. 233; but compare, 1870, Smith v. Sheeley, 12 Wall. (U. S.) 358, and 1883, Saunders v. Farmer, 62 N. H. 572; 1898, Carroll v. National Bank, 19 Wash. 639, 54 Pac. Rep. 32. But in the third case the unconstitutional law many cases hold there can be corporations by estoppel (many erroneously calling them de facto corpora- tions). See, 1870, Smith v. Sheeley, 12 Wall. (U. S.) 358; 1876, St. Louis v. Shields, 62 Mo. 247 ; 1878, McCarthy v. Lavasche, 89 111. 270, supra, p. 253 ; 1878, Dows v. Naper, 91 111. 44; 1880, Freeland v. "Insurance Co.", 94Ta. StI 504; 1881, McClinch v. Sturgis, 72 Maine 288; 1883, Saunders v. Farmer, 62 N. H. 572 ; 1884, Catholic Church v. Tobbein, 82 Mo. 418, on 424 ; 1887, Fresno, etc., Irrigation Company v. Warner, 72 Cal. 379, 17 A. & E. Corp. Cas. 37; 1889, Winget v. Quincy B. & H. Assn., 128 111. 67; 1892, Wright v. Lee, 2 S. D. 596, 37 Am. & E. C. C. 588; 1893, Building & L. Assn. v. Chamberlain, 4 S. D. 271, 44 Am. & E. C. C. 49; 1893, Black River Improvement Co. v. Holway, 85 Wis. 344; 1894, Georgia S. & F. R. Co. v. Mercantile T. & D. Co., 94 Ga/306; 1895, Coxe v. State, 144 N. Y. 396; 1898, Gardner v. Minn. & S. L. R. Co., 73 Minn. 517, 76 N. W. Rep. 282; 1899, Richards v. Minn. Sav. Bank, 75 Minn. 196, 77 N. W. Rep. 822; but compare, 1889, Eaton v. Walker, 76 Mich. 579, contra. As to the next two requisites of de facto existence apparent compliance with the law, and bonafide attempt to organize both being questions of fact, it would seem that estoppels should be allowed to arise as in other cases. But in both of these cases it should be remembered that the law will not allow its privileges to be used, even if literally followed, as an engine for accomplish- ing frauds (see Metcalf v. Arnold, supra, p. 97), or without any effort in good faith to comply with it (as, see Montgomery v. Forbes, supra, p. 594, and Walton v. Oliver, supra, p. 565). As to user, it seems that meeting, subscribing stock and completing organ- ization is sufficient user to make a de facto existence, if the other elements are present. See, 1893, Union Water Co. v. Kean, 52 N. J. Eq. Ill, 44 Am. & E. C. C. 13. But no organization, though corporate powers are claimed, is not such user as makes a corporation de facto See Walton v. Oliver, supra, p. 565, and Montgomery v. Forbes, supra, p. 594. In Eaton v. Walker, 76 Mich. 579, it was held that organization under an unconstitutional law, and assuming to net as a corporation, was not such riser as made a de facto existence, and, un- der the facts of that case, it was held that no estoppel arose. See Angell & Ames, 83, 172, 635-6; Beach, 13, 14, 866, 871; Boone, 104, 118, 121, 239; Clark, 43, 44; Cook, 637; Elliott, 81-88; Morawetz, 750, 774, 778 n ; Taylor, 146-151,537-9,739; I Thompson, 518-533; VII Thompson, 8213. The matter is closely allied to the subject of pleading and proof, upon which the cases are in much conflict. See, infra, 327-333. 179 PARTNERSHIP LIABILITY. 673 ARTICLE VII. EFFECT OF FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH CONDITIONS, AND NO ESTOPPEL, UPON THE LIABILITY OF MEMBERS OF THE PRETENDED CORPORATION ; THEORIES. Sec. 179. (i) Makes the associates partners (if the pretended corporation was for a business purpose) and liable as such, or with the rights of such. MARTIN ET AL., APPELLANTS, v. FEWELL. 1 1883. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF MISSOURI. 79 Missouri Rep. 401-412. HOUGH, C. J. This is an action of assumpsit by plaintiffs as partners against defendants as partners. There are three counts in the petition. The first is to recover judgment for goods alleged to have been sold by plaintiffs to defendants, March 30, 1877, amount- ing to $553.89; the second count is for goods sold August 14, 1877, amounting to $72.09, and the third is for goods sold October 9, 1877, amounting to $422.40. In addition to the usual averments as to the sale and delivery of goods, each count contains substantially the fol- lowing allegations: That at the time of said sales the defendants were partners in the retail mercantile business in Calhoun, Henry county; that one M. Woods was the general agent of defendants, and was by them authorized to conduct, manage and superintend said business, to buy and sell goods and merchandise, and to do all things in and about said business as fully as if he were himself sole owner thereof, and to do all things usual and customary to be done by mer- chants carrying on that sort of business ; that M. Woods, as such agent, and with the knowledge and approbation of these defendants, carried on said business under the name "M. Woods," and the de- fendants had no other partnership designation ; that prior to Decem- ber, 1876, plaintiffs had had dealings with said defendants, and had sold and delivered to them goods and merchandise, through Woods as defendant's agent; that plaintiffs had at no time business transactions with Woods in any other capacity than as agent for defendants. The answer contains a general denial, and also alleges that the goods in the petition mentioned were sold and delivered by plaintiffs to the "Calhoun Grange Store Company," a duly organized corpora- tion of Missouri, and not the defendants; that the certificate of incor- poration was duly filed in the recorder's office of Henry county, on the day of , 1876, and on May 18, 1877, a similar certificate was filed with the secretary of state, and on the same day the said secretary executed to said Calhoun Grange Store Company a certifi- cate of incorporation as provided by law. The replication is a gen- eral denial of the new matter pleaded in the answer. * 1 Only part of the opinion given. 43 WIL. CASES. 6/4 MARTIN V. FEWELL. 1/9 At the request of the defendants, the court gave the following in- structions: 1. If the jury believe from the evidence that prior to the sale of any goods by the plaintiffs to Woods for the grange store in question, the defendants had, for the purpose of organizing a business corpora- tion for running and conducting what is commonly known as a grange store, agreed to subscribe and pay shares of stock to such organization, and did take such stock with such understanding and for such pur- pose, and took initiative measures for the incorporation of said busi- ness, and organized as if incorporated, and elected directors for the management and control of said association, and designated said Woods to conduct and superintend said store for such directors, and did make and acknowledge the articles of association read in evidence, and at the time of the first sale of any goods by plaintiffs to said Woods, said defendants, through directors, were acting under the said articles of association as a corporation, and not otherwise, and the said Woods had no authority from them to buy goods except as the agent of said association, then, although said articles of incorpo- ration may not have been filed and recorded as by statute provided, the defendants are not liable as partners to the plaintiffs for any goods bought of them by said Woods. 2. Even though the articles of association read in evidence were not filed with the secretary of state, yet, if defendants were acting alone under such articles of association, claiming to be a corporation, such omission to file the same with the secretary of state did not, of itself, make the defendants liable as partners for any goods bought for the store after said articles were actually drawn up, signed and ac- knowledged. * * * The court, of its own motion, gave the following instruction to the jury: If you believe from the evidence that the defendants, or some of them, in the fall of 1875, or in the spring of 1876, made an agreement with each other to contribute money or capital for the purpose of car- rying on the business of buying and selling merchandise for their mutual profit, and that they did so contribute and carry on said busi- ness, either personally or by their agent, then such of defendants as did these things became and were partners in such business, and each partner was individually liable for all the partnership debts, provided that it does not further appear from the evidence that they did not intend to act and carry on business as partners, but that they intended to do business as an incorporated company and each one to be liable only for the amonnt of his stock. Upon the giving of these instructions the plaintiffs took a nonsuit, and on the refusal of the court to set the same aside, they appealed to this court. * * * The only question remaining to be determined is whether, on the facts stated in the first and second instructions given at the instance of the defendants, and in the instructions given by the court of its own motion, the defendants are liable as co-partners. Neither the case of Hurt v. Salisbury, 55 Mo. 311, nor that of Richardson v. Pitts, 71 179 PARTNERSHIP LIABILITY. 6/5 Mo. 128, relied upon by the counsel for the plaintiffs, furnishes a dis- tinct answer to this inquiry. The first case was a suit upon a note executed by certain individuals as directors assuming' to represent a corporation which had no legal existence, and this court held that the parties who signed the note were liable thereon. In the case last named certain members of an inchoate corporation, whose incorpora- tion was incomplete by reason of a failure to file the articles of associa- tion with the secretary of state, advanced money for the benefit of the joint enterprise under obligations incurred by them upon the supposi- tion that the association was duly incorporated, and they were ad- judged to be entitled to contribution from their associate members beyond the amount of stock severally subscribed for by such associ- ates. The effect of this decision is to create the relation and liability of partners as between the members of an unincorporated association, so far as the debts of the association contracted in good faith and paid by any of its members are concerned, and to establish a different rule from that laid down in Ward v. Brigham, 127 Mass. 24. The de- cision of this court is supported by the cases of Hill v. Beach, 12 N. J. Eq. 31 ; Hodgson v. Baldwin, 65 111. 532; Flagg v. Stowe, 85 111. 164. Vide, also, Ferris v. Thaw, 72 Mo. 446. In Pettis v. Atkins, 60 111. 454; Bigelow v. Gregory, 73 111. 197; Abbott v. Smelting Co., 4 Neb. 416; Frost v. Walker, 60 Maine 468; Wells v. Gates, 18 Barb. 554; National Union Bank v. Lan- don, 45 N. Y. 410, and Tappan v. Bailey, 4 Met. 529, it is held that members of an unincorporated association, notwithstanding their sub- scription and payment for a specified number of shares of the capital stock of the association, are liable as co-partners for the debts of the association. These decisions we regard as applicable to the case at bar. By reference to the testimony it will be seen that in 1875, more than a year before the articles of association were signed by the de- fendants, the store was established and shares of stock were subscribed for and Woods was appointed to make the purchases and superintend the sales. All this was done, it is true, with the understanding that the promoters of the enterprise were to become a corporation, and the purpose of the promoters undoubtedly was to limit their liability to the amounts severally subscribed by them. If by reason of an unexecuted intention to become a corporation the defendants could carry on the business of merchandising from 1875 until May, 1877, without incurring in the meantime the liability of partners, we do not see why they could not have continued so to act as a corporation for a much longer period, buying and selling through an agent, and enjoying all the privileges of a corporation without being liable to be sued as such. No mere intention on the part of the members of an unincorporated association to be a corpo- ration -will suffice to restrict their individual liability to that imposed by the statute upon corporate shareholders. Not being a corporation, their liability can not be a corporate liability, but must be that of a joint-stock company, unless the provisions of the statute in relation to limited partnerships shall have been complied with, of -which 6/6 MARTIN V. FEWELL. 1/9 there is not even the slightest intimation in this case. There is no question but that the goods -were purchased by Woods of the plaintiffs for the defendants, and went into the store of the defendants, and were sold by Woods for their benefit, and a ruling which would turn the plaintiffs out of court, and compel them to collect the whole amount of their claims from Woods, or the directors in charge, who could in turn go against the defendants for contribution under the decision of this court in Richardson v. Pitts, supra, would be not only manifestly unjust, but utterly indefensible. Under the logic of the case last cited, the defendants are liable as partners directly to the plaintiffs for the debts of the association incurred before they became incorpoi'ated. For the dents incurred after they became a corporation, their lia- bility will depend upon the fact of actual notice of their incorpora- tion to the plaintiffs at the time such debts were incurred. When partners have dealt as such with a seller, and after becoming incor- porated, continued to deal as before, having their bills made in the same way, without giving any notice of their altered condition, they will continue to be liable as partners, unless the seller have knowl- edge thereof derived from some other source. Whether the plaintiffs had such notice or knowledge is a question of fact for the jury. For the reasons given, the judgment will be reversed, and the cause remanded. All the judges concur. Note. See, 1857, Abbott v. Aspinwall, 26 Barb. (N. Y.) 202; 1858, Hill v. Beach, 12 N. J. Eq. 31 ; 1866, Medill v. Collier, 16 Ohio St. 599 ; 1874, Stowe v. Flagg, 72 111. 397; 1874, Whipple y. Parker, 29 Mich. 369; 1877, FJagg v. Stowe, 85 111. 164; 1878, Jessup v. Carnegie, 12 Jones & S. (N. Y.) 260; 1880, Ferris v. Thaw, 72 Mo. 446; 1881, Coleman v. Coleman, 78 Ind. 344; 1881, Kaiser v. Lawrence Sav. Bank, 56 Iowa 104, 41 Am. Rep. 85; 1883, Clegg v. Hamilton & W. Co. G. Co., 61 Iowa 121 ; 1884, Robinson v. Harris, 5 Ky. L. R. 928 ; 1884, Bamberger v. White, 6 Ky. L. R. 292 ; 1885, Smith v. Warden, 86 Mo. 382; 1891, Empire Mills v. Alston Grocery Co., 4 Texas App. 346, 12 L. R. A. 366; 1895, Taylor v. Branham, 35 Fla. 297", 17 So. Rep. 552; 1895. Jones v. Aspen Hardware Co., 21 Colo. 263, 52 Am. St. Rep. 220, supra, p. 637; 1896, Lehman v. Knapp, 48 La. Ann. 1148, 20 So. Rep. 674 ; 1896, New York Nat'l Ex. Bank v. Crowell, 177 Pa. St. 313, 35 Atl. Rep. 613; 1897, Liebold v. Green, 69 111. App. 527; 1898, Weir Furnace Co. v. Bodwell, 73 Mo. App. 389; 1899. Hequembourg v. Edwards, 155 Mo. 514, 50 S. W. Rep. 908; 1899, Christian & C. G. Co. v. Fruitdale L. Co., 121 Ala. 340, 25 So. Rep. 566. But see, supra, p. 625. Beach, 162; Clark, 45; Elliott, 83; Morawetz, 748; Taylor, 148, 739; I Thompson, 218, 506; III Thompson, 2940, 2968-2993. 180 PARTNERSHIP LIABILITY. 6/7 Sec. 180. (2) Does not result in a partnership liability; but if any liability, either a corporate one, or one resting only upon those who have participated in the acts, or authorized them to be done, or ratified them. FAY AND ANOTHER v. NOBLE AND OTHERS. 1851. IN THE SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT OF MASSACHUSETTS. 7 Cushing's (Mass.) Rep. 188194. This was a replevin for seventy-two tons of pig iron. The defend- ants pleaded the general issue, and specified in defense a title in them- selves under a mortgage from the West Boston Iron Company. At the trial in the court of common pleas, before Wells. C. J., the following facts were in evidence: "Prior to May, 1848, Leonard Fuller and one Kendall owned and carried on at Boston a machine shop and an establishment for making iron castings. On the 22d of March, 1848, they, with others, were incorporated as a manufactur- ing corporation, under the name of the West Boston Iron Company, for the purpose of carrying on the same business (St. 1848, ch. 70, 8 Special Laws 879) ; and in May, 1848, attempted to and supposed they did organize as such corporation ; and Fuller and Kendall then transferred the real and personal estate employed by them in said business to the corporation, receiving payment therefor in shares of stock in the corporation. The shares so received by Fuller amounted to more than three-fourths of the whole number of shares into which the capital stock purported to have been divided. From the time of this supposed organization until November, 1848, Fuller acted as the general agent of the company, and, on the 25th of September, 1848, purporting to act in that capacity, borrowed money of the plaintiffs, gave the note of the company therefor, and conveyed the pig iron in question to the plaintiffs as collateral security for its payment. The plaintiffs put into the case the records of said supposed organ- ization and of the proceedings under the same, and contended that, from an inspection of these records, it appeared the company had not been legally organized as a corporation; and so the court rules against the objection of the defendants. Two witnesses, called by the plaintiffs, testified, in answer to questions by the defendants, that the proceed- ings therein recorded were truly set forth. To this evidence the plaintiffs objected, but the judge admitted it as evidence of the actual agreement of the associates among themselves whether they were to be regarded as corporators, as partners or otherwise, as to the manner in which the business should be transacted and of the extent of the authority given to Fuller as their agent. In November, 1848, a reorganization of the company as a corpo- ration took place, and on the i4th of that month the corporation so reorganized conveyed all their property to the defendants by the mort- 678 FAY V. NOBLE. 1 80 gage relied on by the defendants, who took possession under this mort- gage of the iron in controversy. The plaintiffs requested the judge to instruct the jury, among other things, that, as there had been no legal organization of the corpora- tion at the time of the conveyance to the plaintiffs, the parties then holding shares therein and conducting the business for their common benefit were in law to be deemed partners, and could not, by any agreement among themselves limit the power of the members as such so as to affect the plaintiffs, unless knowledge of such limitation was brought home to the plaintiffs, the burden of proving which was on the defendants; that Fuller, as one of the partners and the managing partner and principal owner, had full powers to give the notes of the company to raise money and pledge their property for the payment thereof ; and that although Fuller dealt with the plaintiffs as agent, they were not estopped to show and avail themselves of the fact that he was actually a partner and principal owner. The presiding judge submitted the case to the jury, with instruc- tions upon this point, of which the following is the material part: "The proceedings, prior to November, 1848, did not prove a legal organization of the corporation, and consequently no corporate acts were done prior to November, 1848, when the new organization was effected. But, although not acting as a corporation, the individual as- sociates were acting as an association connected together for the pur- pose of carrying on business ; this association was riot necessarily a partnership, with the usual powers and liabilities of a partnership, but it was a question of fact what were the terms of this agreement of association ; and it being testified and proved that the writings offered as records of the corporation contained a true statement of the acts of the associates, these writings were admissible evidence to prove the actual agreement of the associates as between themselves ; and it was for the jury, from this and other evidence, to determine what this agreement of association was. If it was a partnership without any limitation as to the powers of the individual members, each partner had a right to bind the partnership by a contract made for partnership purposes ; and among other powers, had a right to borrow money in the name of the partnership, and pledge the partnership property as security for repayment. It was, however, competent for partners to limit the powers of individual members of the company by an agree- ment that the conduct of the business should be confided wholly to the management of agents chosen for that purpose ; and where this was done, a partner not selected as agent could not bind the company by an agreement with an individual who knew the fact that the power of transacting the business of the concern had been delegated to these agents." The jury returned a verdict for the defendants, and the plaintiffs excepted. BIGELOW, J. Upon the evidence introduced at the trial of this case in the court below, the presiding judge ruled that prior to November, 1848, there was no legal organization of the corporation called the 180 PARTNERSHIP LIABILITY. 679 West Boston Iron Company, and therefore no corporate acts were done prior to that time. The whole case was tried and submitted to the jury on this assumption. As this point was so ruled at the request of the plaintiffs, and as the verdict was in favor of the defendants, no exception was taken thereto, and we are not called upon to determine its correctness. The plaintiffs contended and asked the court to rule that inasmuch as there had been no legal organization of said corporation prior to November. 1848, the parties holding shares in said unorganized cor- poration were in law to be deemed co-partners and subject to all lia- bilities as such. The court did not give this precise instruction to the jury, but directed them in substance that said parties, by virtue of their being subscribers for and holders of stock in said company, were either general co-partners, with the usual powers and liabilities as such, or co-partners acting under certain restrictions and limitations as to the rights and duties of individual members and through an agent with limited authority, and it was left to the jury to determine upon the nature and character of this co-partnership, and also the au- thority of Fuller as agent or co-partner to act in its behalf. It seems to us, upon careful consideration of the case, that these instructions were not warranted by the facts proved, and although they do not form the precise ground of the exceptions taken by the plaintiffs, yet we think them so erroneous as to render it necessary to order the case to a new trial. We are not aware of any authority, certainly none was cited at the argument, to warrant the instruction that in consequence of an omis- sion to comply with the requisitions of law in the organization of a corporation, by which its proceedings were rendered void, persons who had subscribed for and taken stock in the company thereby be- came co-partners. The doctrine seems to us to be quite novel and somewhat startling. Surely it can not be, in the absence of all fraud- ulent intent (and none was proved or alleged in this case), that such a legal result follows as to fasten on parties involuntarily, for such a cause, the enlarged liability of co-partners ; a liability neither contem- plated nor assented to by them. The very statement of the proposi- tion carries with it a sufficient refutation. No such result can follow unless a principle of law be established, founded on no authority, and required by no public exigency. Corporations are known and recog- nized legal entities, with rights and powers clearly defined and well understood, and wholly distinct and different from those of individuals and co-partnerships. Persons who subscribe for and take stock in them are subject to certain fixed and limited liabilities, which they volunta- rily assume, and these liabilities are not to be extended and enlarged so as to affect innocent parties beyond the letter of the law. A co- partnership can not take upon itself the functions of a corporation, nor can a corporation or its members be made subject to the liabilities of a copartnership, in the absence of all statutory provisions imposing such liabilities. The personal liability of the members of a joint- stock company or co-partnership is inconsistent with the character and 680 FAY V. NOBLE. nature of a corporation, of which the law properly recognizes only the creature of the charter, and knows not the individuals. Ang. & Ames on Corp., 535, 536. On looking into Revised Statutes, ch. 38 and 44, to the provisions of which the corporation in question was made subject, we find various enactments by which officers and mem- bers are made individually liable for debts contracted by corporations in case of non-compliance with certain requisitions ; but no provision is made by which such individual liability attaches by reason of any omission to organize in the manner prescribed by law. The statute, it is true, prescribes the mode of organization, but it annexes no pen- alty or liability to the neglect or omission to comply with it. We are unable to see, therefore, any principle of law upon which the instruc- tions given to the jury on this point can rest. It follows, as a necessary consequence of what we have already said, that the records of the corporation were improperly admitted and submitted to the jury as evidence of an agreement or understanding among the shareholders in the corporation as to their own rights and liabilities as members of a co-partnership, and of the extent of author- ity given to Fuller as agent of such co-partnership. They were not made or kept for any such purpose. They were only the records and by-laws of a corporation, not the agreements of individuals, in the na- ture of articles of co-partnership ; and they could have no legitimate tendency to prove the facts for which they were offered and used at the trial. Without examining at greater length the rulings of the court set out in the bill of exceptions, we think it manifest that the whole trial pro- ceeded under a misapprehension. If the court were correct in decid- ing that there -was no organization of the corporation, and that all its proceedings were void, the case resolved itself into a few simple ele- ments. Being unorganized, and incompetent to act as a corporation, it could not create agents , or confer any aitthority on any one to act in its behalf, and therefore all those who acted or purported to act as its agents were acting without authority. There was no principal to appoint an agent. It is a familiar principle of law that a person who acts as agent withoiit atithority or without a principal is him- self regarded as a principal, and has all the rights and is subject to all the liabilities of a principal. Story on Agency, section 264. If a person, purporting to act as agent of a corporation which had no valid existence, makes contracts and does other acts as its agent, he becomes the principal, and is personally liable therefor. If he pur- chases property, as agent, without authority, the title vests in him, so far at least as regards third persons, and he has the sole right to dis- pose of it to others. Story on Agency, section 264^, note ; Hampton v. Speckenagle, 98. & R. 212. Applying this principle to the case at bar, it is very clear that Fuller was not the agent of a co-partner- ship, for none existed; he was not the agent of individuals, as such, because he was not authorized to act; he was not the agent of the West 'Boston Iron Company, because if the court were right in decid- ing that it had never organized, and that its proceedings were void, 180 PARTNERSHIP LIABILITY. 68 1 it never had the power to appoint him agent. Clearly, then, he acted -without authority from any one. If he purchased, he pur- cJuised for himself. In him only did the property vest, and as against all but the vendors he had the sole right to dispose of it to others. In this view, the question of co-partnership which was sub- mitted to the jury was wholly immaterial, and diverted their atten- tion from the real point in issue. We are therefore of opinion that there was a mistrial, and that the verdict must be set aside and a new trial had at the bar of this court. To same effect, 1879, Ward v. Brigham, 127 Mass. 24; First National Bank v. Almy, 117 Mass. 476; Trowbridge v. Scudder, 11 Gush. 83; 1892, Ruther- ford v. Hill, 22 Ore. 218, 29 Am. St. R. 596; Humphreys v. Mooney, 5 Colo. 282; Gartside Coal Co. v. Maxwell, 22 Fed. Rep. 197. See the following oases holding there is not necessarily a partnership liabil- ity ; many, however, are cases of estoppel. 1846, State v. How, 1 Mich. (1 Man.) 512; 1872, Blanchard v. Kaull, 44 Gal. 440; 1874, Fuller v. Rowe, 57 N. Y. 23; 1880 Humphreys v. Mooney, 5 Colo. 282; 1884, Garteide Coal Co. v. Maxwell, 22 Fed. Rep. (U. S. C. C.) 197 ; 1885, Johnson v. Corser, 34 Minn. 355; 1890, Snider's Sons' Co. v. Troy, 91 Ala. 224, supra, p. 656; 1890, Cory v. Lee, 93 Ala. 468, 8 So. Rep. 694; 1892, Rutherford v. Hill, 22 Ore. 218, 29 Am. St. R. 596; 1894, Railroad Gazette v. Wherry, 58 Mo. App. 423; 1894, Wilson Cotton Mills v. C. C. R. Cotton Mills, 115 N. C. 475; 1895, Clark v. Richard- son, 17 Ky . L. Rep. 514, 31 S. W. Rep. 878 ; 1895, First National Bank v. Harper, 61 Minn. 375, 63 N. W. Rep. 1097 ; 1805, American Mirror & G. B. Co. v. Bulk- ley, 107 Mich. 447, 65 N. W. Rep. 291; 1896, First Nat'l Bank v. Dovetail B. &'G. Co., 143 Ind. 534, 42 N. E. Rep. 924; 1896, Gow v. Collen & P. L. Co., 109 Mich. 45, 66 N. W. Rep. 676 ; 1896, Hogue v. Capital Nat'l Bank, 47 N. B. 929, 66 N. W. Rep. 1036; 1897, Sentell v. Hewitt, 50 La. Ann. 3, 22 So. Rep. 970; 1898, Cole v. Great B. L. & L. Co., 8 Kan. App. 860, 54 Pac. Rep. 920; 1899, Richards v. Minn. Sav. Bk., 75 Minn. 196, 77 N. W. Rep. 822. See, also, supra, p. 625; text-book references, supra, p. 672. TITLE IV. THE BODY CORPORATE, ITS ANATOMY, INTERNAL STRUCTURE AND CONSTITUTION. CHAPTER 8. MEMBERS, PARTS, ORGANS OF ACTION, WITH THEIR FUNC- TIONS AND MUTUAL RELATIONS. SUBDIVISION I. MEMBERS, INTEGRAL PARTS AND ORGANS OF ACTION. ARTICLE I. MEMBERS. Sec. 181. Necessity of members. "It is plain that a joint-stock company or trading corporation can not possibly exist without stockholders or members. It would be a contradiction in terms to speak of an association existing without as- sociates composing it." i Morawetz, 33. Note. See, also, supra, 96, 97. Sec. 182. Acquisition of membership, (i) Non-stock companies. THE AMERICAN LIVE STOCK COMMISSION COMPANY v. THE CHICAGO LIVE STOCK EXCHANGE. 1 1892. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ILLINOIS. 143 111. Rep. 210- 241, 36 Am. St. Rep. 385. [Bill by commission company against stock exchange for an in- junction.] MR. CHIEF JUSTICE BAILEY. * * * The live stock exchange is a cor- poration, not for pecuniary profit, organized March 13, 1884, under the laws of this state, the* objects for which it was organized, as declared by its articles of incorporation, being: "To establish and maintain a commercial exchange; to promote uniformity in the customs and 1 Statement of facts abridged and rearranged. Arguments omitted, and only so much of opinion given as relates to the single point. (682) 1 82 ACQUISITION OF MEMBERSHIP. 683 usages of our merchants ; to provide for the speedy adjustment of all disputes between its members; to facilitate the receiving of live stock, as well as provide for good management and the inspection thereof, thereby guarding against the sale or use of unsound or unhealthy meats ; to secure to members a corporation in furtherance of their legitimate purposes." Said corporation has no capital stock, and is itself engaged in no commercial business, but limits its corporate en- terprise to furnishing to its members facilities for carrying on, each for himself, the business of buying, selling and dealing in live stock, meats and other like commodities, and to adopting and enforcing by- laws, rules and regulations by which the business of its members shall be conducted and governed [pp. 2256]. The complainant is a joint-stock corporation, organized May 3, 1889, under the laws of this state, with a capital stock of $100,000, divided into shares of $100 each, the shareholders consisting principally, if not exclusively, of persons and firms engaged in the business of ship- ping live stock to the Union Stock Yards at Chicago for sale. The principal office of said corporation is located at the stock yards, and the objects for which said corporation was formed, as declared by its articles of incorporation, are as follows: 'To engage in the business of buying, selling and handling live stock upon commission at the Union Stock Yards, state of Illinois, and at such other points throughout the United States as may be deemed advisable, and also to encourage the stockholders of said corporation to raise, improve, feed and ship to market live stock; and in order to better effectuate said latter object, it is hereby expressly stipulated and agreed by and between the parties hereto, that the net earnings of said corporation shall be distributed among the stockholders thereof annually in the following manner, to wit: Sixty-five per cent, of said net earnings shall be distributed to said stockholders in the ratio of the number of stock shipped by each stockholder to the said corpora- tion for sale during the current year for which said dividend shall be declared, and the remaining 35 per cent, of said net earnings shall be distributed to the shareholders in said corporation in the ratio of the amount owned by each shareholder in said corporation. It is hereby further expressly agreed and stipulated that no one person shall have the right to subscribe for or own more than twenty-five shares of stock in said corporation at any time during the existence of said proposed corporation." Said corporation, on being organized, appointed Rogers as its man- ager, and he applied for admission as a member of the exchange, and was admitted a member thereof, his initiation fee being paid by the presentation of an outstanding certificate of membership which had been purchased with the money of the complainant. The evi- dence shows, and upon this point there seems to be no dispute, that when Rogers applied for membership no disclosure was made by him as to the plan upon which the complainant corporation was organ- ized, and particularly the obligation which it assumed by its articles of incorporation, to distribute annually among its shareholders sixty- 684 AMERICAN, ETC., CO. V. CHICAGO, ETC., EXCHANGE. 182 five per cent, of its net earnings, in the proportion of the number of live stock shipped by each to said corporation for sale. Rogers was_ admitted to membership upon investigation by the exchange of his own personal character and credit, and in ignorance of this peculiar feature of the scheme upon which the corporation represented by him was organized. The complainant thereupon embarked in the business of receiving consignments of live stock, both from its shareholders and others, and in selling the same on commission at the stock yards, the rates of commission charged by it in all cases being in conformity to the schedule of rates established by the exchange. Said business was managed by Rogers, who, being a member of the exchange, was en- abled to avail himself in the management of said business of all the privileges which such membership afforded. In November, 1889, the complainant having realized a considerable sum of money as the net profits of its business up to that time, dis- tributed such net profits to its shareholders as required by its articles of incorporation, and the exchange being informed of such distribu- tion, and regarding it as a virtual evasion of its rules establishing min- imum rates of commissions, instituted proceedings against the com- plainant and its manager for a violation of its rules. Rogers set up, in defense of these charges, in substance, that the complainant was not a member of the exchange nor subject to its jurisdiction ; that so far as his action as a member of the exchange was concerned he had strictly conformed to said rules by charging and collecting the rates of commissions thereby established, and having collected them, he had accounted for and paid the same over to his principal, the complain- ant, as it was his legal duty to do, and that he had no responsibility for the disposition which the complainant had subsequently seen fit to make of the same. These suggestions seem to have been acquiesced in by the exchange, as the proceedings against both the complainant and its manager appear to have been thereupon abandoned. The exchange, however, for the purpose, as may well be presumed, of protecting itself against similar evasions of its rules in the future, amended its eighth rule so as to provide, in substance, that no person should be received for membership in the exchange who, in any man- ner, acts for or represents any other live stock corporation whose char- ter, regulations, rules or by-laws provided for discrimination in rates or charges for commissions between stockholders and other patrons or customers, whether under the guise of dividends, drawbacks or any other scheme or device whatever, and that no member of the exchange should act as agent or otherwise for any live stock corporation whose charter, regulations, rules or by-laws provide for such discrimination, and subjecting a member thus offending to suspension or expulsion. At the same time rule nine was so amended as to prohibit all mem- bers of the exchange from buying any live stock or causing the same to be bought, at the stock yards from any corporation or live stock company which is or may be regularly selling live stock for non-resi- dents on commission, unless some one or more of the stockholders of 1 82 ACQUISITION OF MKMBKRSHIP. 683 such company are members of the exchange in good standing [pp. 230-2]. The case sought to be made by the complainant is presented under two aspects: First, it is claimed that, either by itself or through its general manager, the complainant is or is entitled to lie admitted a member of the exchange, and it accordingly prays for an injunction restraining the exchange from taking any steps to try the complainant for a violation of its rules, or to impose upon the complainant's privi- leges as a member any illegal or unreasonable restraints, and it also prays that the certificate of membership in Roger's hands be is- sued to the complainant. Secondly, it claims that if it is not a mem- ber and entitled to the privileges of membership, the exchange should be restrained from putting in force certain rules it has adopted for the government of its own members, and particularly its amendments to rules 8 and 9. We are unable to see upon what principle it can be justly claimed that the complainant is a member of the exchange or entitled to the privileges of membership, or that it is in a position where it can insist upon being admitted to membership as a matter of right. Whatever may have been its rights while Rogers, its manager, was a member, those rights no longer exist, as by its own admission Rogers is no longer its manager, and is no longer a member of the exchange. Nor can there be any just pretense that the complainant itself is a member or has ever applied for membei'ship. The exchange is a corporation, having rules or by-laws determining the qualifications for member- ship and prescribing the mode in which members may be admitted, and there is no pretense that the complainant has ever brought itself within the terms of said rules or by-laws, so as to be entitled to mem- bership. Rule 8 of the exchange provides as follows: "On and after May i, 1884, any person of good character and credit and of legal age, whose interests are centered at the Union Stock Yards, on presenting a written application indorsed by two members, and stating the name and business avocation of the applicant, after ten days' notice of such application shall have been posted on the bul- letin of the exchange, may be admitted to membership in the associa- tion upon approval by at least seven affirmative ballot-votes of the board of directors, and upon payment of an initiation fee of $500, or on presentation of a certificate of unimpaired or unforfeited member- ship duly transferred, and by signing an agreement to abide by the rules, regulations and by-laws of the association, and all amendments that may in due form be made thereto." Said association had an undoubted right to adopt this rule, and as it prescribes the mode and the only mode in 'which membership in the exchange can be obtained, no one can justly claim to be a member who has not been admitted in the mode thus prescribed. It may well be questioned whether, under this rule, a corporation in its corporate character can be admitted to membership in the ex- change, as said rule seems to contemplate only the admission of nat- ural persons. But even if that were otherwise, there is no pretense 686 AMERICAN, ETC., CO. V. CHICAGO, ETC., EXCHANGE. 182 that the complainant itself has ever made application for membership, or that any of the subsequent steps necessary to vest an applicant with the character and rights of membership have been taken, or that they have resulted favorably to the complainant. Nor is it pretended that since Rogers ceased to be the complainant's manager, and thereby ceased to be its representative on the exchange, any formal applica- tion for membership has been made by Titus, its general manager, or by any other person in its behalf, but the evidence, on the other hand, is clear and undisputed that no such application has been made. The fact alleged in the bill, if it be a fact, that the complainant has re- quested the exchange to issue the certificate of membership formerly held by Rogers to Titus avails the complainant nothing, as the ex- change is under no obligation to admit a member upon such request, but can, in conformity with its rules, admit to membership only upon formal application duly presented and approved in the manner in said rules prescribed. The equitable or even legal ownership of the unimpaired or unforfeited certificate of membership formerly issued to Rogers and duly transferred to it, does not constitute it a member, or entitle it to any rights as such. The only 'way in which the com- plainant can avail itself of such certificate, is by tendering it in lieu of the prescribed initiation fee in case the complainant or its repre- sentative, on proper application, shall be admitted to membership, or, in case such application should not be granted, then by selling it for a consideration to some other person who may desire to become a member. It may also be noticed, in immediate connection with the point now under consideration, that a court of chancery has no power to order the exchange to issue the certificate of membership formerly held by Rogers to the complainant or its general manager, so as to constitute it or him a member. Before an applicant can become a member his application must, among other things, be indorsed by two members, and must receive the approval of at least seven members of the board of directors, voting by ballot. Members and directors of such corpo- rations, in acting upon applications for membership, are necessarily entitled to a freedom which is not subject to judicial compulsion. No two members can be compelled to indorse an application, nor can any seven members of the board of directors be compelled to vote in its favor, but both are entitled to act upon their own judgment and ac- cording to their own choice. In other words, a court of chancery will not undertake to force upon a corporation of this character a member against the will of those whose duty it is to pass upon applications for membership. The complainant then, not being a member of said exchange, nor entitled, either directly or indirectly, to any of the rights arising from membership therein, the question is presented whether it can complain of any of the rules adopted by the exchange for the government of the conduct of its own members, or invoke the aid of a court of equity to restrain their enforcement [pp. 227230], * * * Held, it can not. Judgment affirmed. 1 83 INTEGRAL PARTS. ./ 68/ M0; 1867, Hoole v. Great Western R., L. R. 3 Ch. App. 262; 1895, Pollock v. Fanners' L. & T. Co., 157 U. S. 429. (8) Prevent the sale of the corporate property, unless the corporation is a failing one. 1861, Abbott v. Hard Rubber Co. ,33 Barb. 578; 1874, Middlesex, etc., R. v. Boston, etc., R., 115 Mass. 347; 1892, People v. Ballard, 134 N. Y. 269. (9; Provide for the admission of members. 1837, Comw. v. Gill, 3 Whart. 228. (10) Remove members or officers. 1758, Rex. v. Richardson, 1 Burr. 517; 1865, Evans v. Philadelphia Club, 50 Pa. St. 107, infra, p. 1165; 1882, Imperial Hydropathic Hotel Co., L. R. 23 Ch. Div. 1; 1898, In re Griffing Iron Co., 41 Atl. Rep. (N.J.i 931. (11) Dissolve the corporation or surrender the corporate franchises. 1813, Smith v. Smith, 3 Dessau. Eq. (S. C.)557; 1843 State v. Atch. R. Co., 5 Rob. (La.) 63; 1870, Wilson v. Proprietors of Central Bridge, 9 R. I. 590; 1897, Pringle v. Eltringham C. Co., 49 La. Ann. 301, 6 A. & E. C. C. (N. S.) 385; 1898, Forrester et al. v. B. &-M. C. C. & S. M. Co., 21 Mont. 544, 55 Pac. Rep. 229. Functions Of directors. These are usually stated to be to select the inferior officers, agents and servants of the corporation, fix their compensation and direct their actions. 1880, Batchelorv. Planters' National Bank, 78 Ky. 435; 1891, Sheridan Elec. L. Co. v. Chatham National Bank, 127 N. Y. 517, 28 N. E. Rep. 467; 1898, Granger y. Am. Brew. Co., 25 Miscl. (N. Y.) 302. Also to control in the ordinary business affairs of the corporation, such as policy of management, expediency of acting or contracting, accepting consideration for corporate property, or service, or appropriation of corporate funds to advance the corporate enterprise. And in these particulars, if they act in good faith, the stockholders can not control their acts. 1840, Burrill v. Pres. and Dir. of Nahant Bank, 2 Mete. (Mass.) 163, 35 Am. Dec. 395; 1850, Gillis v. Bailey, 21 N. H. 149; 1*50, Oommw. v. Cullen, 13 Pa. St. 133, 53 Am. Dec. 450; 1863, Miller v. Rutland, etc., R. Co., 36 Vt. 452; 1880, Hun v. Gary, 82 N. Y. 65, 37 Am. Rep. 546; 1881, Cleveland & M. R Co. v. Himrod Furnace Co., 37 Ohio St. 321 ; 1884, Louisville, E. & St. L. Ry. Co. v. McVay, 98 Ind, 391 ; 1885, Donohoe v. Mariposa L. & M. Co., 66 Cal. 317; 1891, "Ellerman v. Chicago J. R., 49 N. J. Eq. 217, 35 Am. & E. C. C. 388; 1892, Wheeler v. Pullman I. & S. Co., 143 111. 197; 1896, Blood v. La Serena, 113 Cal. 221, 4 Am. & E. C. C. (N. S.) 451 (this case holding that stockholders can not direct certain officers to do acts of ordinary business by resolution, unless the directors authorize such acts also) ; 1899, Cupit v. Park City Bank, 20 Utah 292, 58 Pac. Rep. 839. ARTICLE II. OTHER OFFICERS. Sec. 194. The president, etc. NATIONAL STATE BANK v. VIGO COUNTY NATIONAL BANK. 1 1895. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIANA. 141 Ind. Rep. 352- 357, 50 Am. St. Rep. 330. [Action to set aside two mortgages held by Vigo Bank, purporting to have been executed by Sanford Tool Company by its president, "on his own motion and without any authority or permission to him 1 Statement of facts abridged. Only pa it of opinion given. 704 NATIONAL STATE BANK V. VIGO, ETC., BANK. 194 given by said tool company, or its directors or stockholders," and without their consent or subsequent ratification. The Vigo Bank de- murred ; demurrer sustained and exceptions reserved. Sustaining the demurrer is the error assigned.] MONKS, J. * * * The statute under which the tool company was organized provides that the business of the corporation shall be man- aged by a board of directors, a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum. Section 3854, R. S. 1881 ; section 5054, R. S. 1894. Under this statute the directors have full authority to act for the cor- poration, and represent it in all the matters relating to the corporate business. Brooklyn Gravel Road Co. v. Slaughter, 33 Ind. 185 ; Board, etc., v. Lafayette, etc., R. Co., 50 Ind. 85. The president of a corporation, by virtue of his office merely, has very little authority to act for the corporation ; his powers depend upon the nature of the company's business and the authority given him by the board of directors. The board of directors may invest him with authority to act as the chief executive officer of the company ; this may be done by resolution or by acquiescence in the course of dealing and manner of transacting the business of the corporation. Taylor Corp., 202, 236, 238, and notes; Martin v. Webb, no U. S. 7; Northern, etc., R. Co. v. Bastian, 15 Md. 494; Dougherty v. Hunter, 54 Pa. St. 380; Stokes v. New Jersey Pottery Co., 46 N. J. Law 240; Louisville, etc., R. W. Co. v. McVay, 98 Ind. 391 ; 17 Am. and Eng. Encyc. of Law, pp. 135, 136, 137, and notes; Jones Chat. Mort., 51. When a contract is made in the name of a corporation by the presi- dent, in the usual course of business, which the directors have the power to authorize him to make, or to ratify after it is made, the presumption is that the contract is binding on the corporation until it is shown that the same was not authorized or ratified. Patterson v. Robinson, 116 N. Y. 193; Eureka Iron and Steel Works v. Bresna- han, 60 Mich. 332; i Morawetz Corp., 538; i Beach Corp., 203; 17 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, p. 124. One dealing with the president of a corporation, in the usual course of business, and within the powers which the president has been ac- customed to exercise without objection from the directors, has the right to assume that the president has been invested with those powers, i Morawetz Corp., 538; i Beach Corp., 203; First Nat'l Bank v. Kimberlands, 16 W. Va. 555 ; Eureka Iron and Steel Works v. Bresnahan, supra. Each paragraph of the complaint, however, alleges that said mort- gages were executed without any authority whatever, and were never ratified after they were executed, and we are of the opinion that the second, third and fourth paragraphs were sufficient to withstand the demurrer. * * * Judgment reversed. Note. See, also, as to functions and powers of president. 1872, Smith v. Smith, 62 111. 493; 1874, Titus v. Cairo, etc., R. Co., 37 N. J. L. 98; 1881, 195 INTERNAL RELATIONS (iLNKRALLY. 7O5 Mining Co v. Anglo-Cal. Bank, 104 U. S. 192; 1891, Wait v. Nashua Armor)' \ssn 66 N H. 581, 49 Am. St. Rep. 630, 14 L. R. A. 356; 1895, Merrill v. Hurley 6 S D. 592, 55 Am. St. Rep. 859; 1896, Board of Trade v. Nelson, 162 111. 431, 53 Am. St. Rep. 312; 1896, Ford v. Hill, 92 Wis. 188, 53 Am. St. Rep. 902; 1897, Swasey v. Emerson, 168 Mass. 118,60 Am. St. Rep. 368; 1897, White v. Taylor, 113 Mich. 543; 1897, Jones v. Williams, 139 Mo. 1, 61 Am. St Rep 436, 37 L. R. A. 682; 1897, Brush, etc., Co. v. Montgomery, 114 Ala. 433 21 So. Rep. 960; 1898, Pacific Bank v. Stone, 121 Cal. 202; 1899, Cham- bers v. Lancaster, 160 N. Y. 342, 54 N. E. Rep. 707; 1899, Moore Mercantile Co. v. Arnold, 108 Ga. 449, 34 S. E. Rep. 176; 1899, White v. Elgin Creamer. Co., 108 Iowa 522, 79 N. W. Rep. 283. As to functions and powers of rice-president, see: 1872, Smith v. Smith, 62 111. 493; 1890, Huse v. Ames, 104 Mo. 91; 1891, Wait v. Nashua Armory Assn., 66 N. H. 581, 49 Am. St. Rep. 630, 14 L. R. A. 356; 1892, Shaffer v. Halm, 111 N. C. 1; 1895, Missouri, etc., Co. v. Faulkner, 88 Tex. 649; 1897, Pond v. Nat'l Mtg. & D. Co., 6 Kan. App. 750. .4s to powers of secretary, see : 1889, Read v. Buffum, 79 Cal. 77; 1893, Hastings v. Brooklyn, etc., Co., 138 N. Y. 473; 1895, Wolf &Gaines v. Daven- port, etc., R. Co., 93 Iowa 218; 1899, Colorado S. Co. v. Am. Pub. Co., 97 Fed. Rep. 843. As to functions and powers of treasurer, see: 1881, Mining Co. v. Anglo-Cal. Bank, 104 U. S. 192; 1889, Craft v. South Boston R. Co., 150 Mass. 207, 5 L, R. A. 641; 1893, Merchants' National Bank v. Citizens', etc., Co., 159 Mass. 505; 1894, Appeal of Philler, 161 Pa. St. 157; 1898, Chicago, etc., Co. v. Chi- cago National Bank, 176 111. 224; 1899, Colorado S. Co. v. Am. Pub. Co., 97 Fed. Rep. 843; 1899, First National Bank v. Garretson, 107 Iowa 196. As to functions and powers of general managers, general superintendents, gen- eral agents, eashiers, road-master, division superintendent, station-master, yard- master, station agent, foreman, conductor, etc., see: 1884, The Louisville, Evans- ville & St. L. R. Co. v. McKay, 98 Ind. 391, where the cases are collected and discussed. Further as to powers of general manager, see : 1898, Helena National Bank v. Rocky, etc., Co., 20 Mont. 379, 63 Am. St. Rep. 628; 1898, Butte & B. Con. M. Co. v. Mont. Ore. P. Co., 21 Mont. 539, 10 Am. & E. C. C. (N. S.) 415, note 419; 1899, New South Brewing, etc., Co. v. Shuck, 20 Ky. L. Rep. 2005, 10 A. & E. C. C. (N. S.) 423. SUBDIVISION III. INTERNAL RELATIONS AND CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. THE CORPORATE FRANCHISES. Sec. 195. The franchises of the corporation itself . "A cor- poration aggregate is an artificial body of men, composed of divers constituent members, ad instar corporis humani, the lig- aments of which body politic or artificial body are the fran- chises and liberties thereof, whicli bind and unite all its mem- bers together; and the whole frame and essence of the corpora- tion consists therein." Argument of Sergeant Pemberton in King v. London, Carth. 217 (1692). See, also, People v. Utica Insurance Co., 15 Johns. (N. Y.) 358, supra, p. 113; Spring Valley Water- Works v. Schottler, 62 Cal. 69, supra, p. 120, on pp, 45 WIL. CASES. J706 INTERNAL RELATIONS GENERALLY. 196 121 123 129; State, exrel. Waring, v. Medical Society, 38 Ga. 608, supra, p. 136, on p. 137; Fietsam v. Hay, 122 111. 293, mpra, p. 141, on pp. 141-442; Memphis & L. R. Co. v. Railroad Commrs., 112 U. S. 609, supra, p. 143, on pp 146-147; Wales v. Stetson, 2 Mass. 143, supra, p. 150, on p. 151; Biggins v. Downward, 8 Hous. ^Del.) 227, supra, p. 152, on pp. 155-156. Note to arti- cle iv, supra, p. 157. Note. It has been said that "All the functions of a corporation are in one sense franchises. The right to hold property in the corporate name, to sue and be sued in that capacity, to have and use a corporate seal, and by that to contract, and some others perhaps, are franchises, which constitute the very definition of a corporation." Chief Justice Redfield,in State v. Boston, etc., R. Co., 25 Vt. 442 (1853). Also Perley, C. J., in Pierce v. Emery, 32 N. H. 507 (1856), says: "A corporation is itself a franchise belonging to the mem- bers of the corporation ; and a corporation, being itself a franchise, may hold other franchises, as rights and franchises of the corporation, * *- '' and being itself a franchise, consists and is made up of its rights and franchises." It is sometimes difficult to distinguish between a franchise and a mere license. Many of the courts hold that the right of way of a street railroad company or the right to lay gas or water pipes, or erect telegraph or tele- phone poles in the streets of a city granted by the 'city council is a franchise. See, 1883, Hovelman v. Kansas City R. Co., 79 Mo. 632, on 643; 1885, New Orleans, etc., R. Co. v. Delamore, 114 U. S. 501 ; 1888, State v. Madison, etc., R. Co., 72 Wis. 612; 1888, People v. O'Brien, 111 N. Y. 1, 7 Am. St. Rep. 684, 2 L. R. A. 255; 1894, Detroit Citizens' S. R. Co. v. Detroit, 64 Fed. Rep. 628, 26 L. R. A. 667 ; 1896, Stevens v. City of Muskegon, 111 Mich. 72 ; 1897, Tower v. Tower & S. S. R. Co., 68 Minn. 500, 64 Am. St. Rep. 493; 1897, Wright v. Milwaukee, etc., R. Co., 95 Wis. 29, 60 Am. St. Rep. 74; 1897, Milwaukee Elec. R. Co. v. Milwaukee, 95 Wis. 39, 60 Am. St. Rep. 81 ; 1897, State v. East Fifth St. R. Co., 140 Mo. 539, 62 Am. St. Rep. 742, 38 L. R. A. 218; 1898, Suburban etc., Co. v. Inhabitants, etc., 41 Atl. Rep. 865 (N. J. Ch ) ; 1898, Ghee v. Northern Union Gas Co., 158 N. Y. 510; 1899, People v. Suburban R. Co., 178 111. 594; 1899. East St. L. C. R. Co. v. E. St. L., 182 111. 433; 1899. Township of Hamtramck v. Rapid R., 122 Mich. 472, 81 N. W. Rep. 337. Other cases hold such grants to be licenses only. See, 1878, People v. Mu- tual, etc., Co., 38 Mich. 154; 1885, Galveston, etc., R. Co. v. Gulf City, etc., R. Co., 63 Texas 529; 1888, Atchison, etc., R. Co. v. Nave, 38 Kan. 744, 5. Am. St. Rep. 800, note 804; 1893, Lake Roland El. Co. v. Baltimore, 77 Md. 352, 20 L. R. A. 126; 1894, City of Belleville v. Citizens', etc., R. Co., 152 111. 171, 26 L. R. A. 681. Sec. 196. Franchises of the members. "It is likewise a fran- chise for a number of persons to be incorporated and subsist as a body politic ; with power to maintain perpetual succes- sion, and do other corporate acts; and each individual mem- ber of such corporation is also said to have a franchise or freedom." Blackstone's Comm., Bk. II, p. *37. See, also, State, ex rel. Waring, v. Medical Society, 38 Ga. 608, supra, p. 136 ; Fietsam v. Hay, 122 111. 293, supra, p. 141; Memphis & L. R. Co. v. R. Com- missioners, 112 U. S. 609, supra, p. 143. Note. In Board of Trade of Chicago y. The People, 91 111. 80, it was held that a member did not have a franchise in his membership sufficient to give a court of appeals jurisdiction in appeal, under a statute authorizing appeals in cases involving a franchise. The court's argument is given above in note on pp. 161, 162. See cases infra on the right of corporations to expel mem- bers, p. 1165. 197 CONTRACTS IN THE CORPORATE CHARTER 707 ARTICLE II. CONTRACTS CONTAINED IN THE CHARTER OF A COR- PORATION. Sec. 197. ( I ) III general. ' ' The charter of a corporation having a capital stock is a contract between three parties, and forms the basis of three distinct contracts. The charter is a contract between the state and the corporation; second, it is a con- tract between the corporation and the stockholders; third, it is a contract between the stockholders and the state." Cook Stock and Stockholders, 3d ed., 492. "The contracts which are ordinarily found in the charter of a pri- vate corporation fall into three classes : ( i ) Those between the state and the incorporators. * * * (2) Contracts between the corporation and the stockholders. * * * (3) Contracts between the corporation and persons dealing with the corporation, such as statements in the charter or law, that the capital stock shall be a certain amount." Elliott Corpora- tions, 98; Beach Corp., 2224. By incorporation for business purposes, the corporators acquire from the state a franchise to employ certain methods of acting (which they could not otherwise lawfully exercise), and certain designated funds or property, in attaining or furthering certain specified objects. It is the dedication of certain funds, by the mutual and express con- sent of the state and the corporators, to the attainment of certain pur- poses, in a certain way. Because the state believes the purposes de- sirable, it authorizes the peculiar method; because the corporators deem the method necessary or desirable, and the end profitable, they contribute the funds. The peculiar method is by the state authoriz- ing a changing body of persons, through a specified form of organiza- tion, and under a designated name, to act and be considered as one person in whom are vested the funds contributed, and upon whom is placed the duty of applying them to the purposes named. The state has the right to have the funds so applied ; so does the corporation ; so do the members ; so do those who are selected to act in the corpo- rate name ; so do those who become creditors in the performance of the corporate functions. In this way there arise many implied con- tracts or grants of franchises, as to the purposes to be accomplished, the method of accomplishing them, and the application of the funds thereto, protected under the national constitutional provision that "no state shall pass any law impairing the obligation of contracts." (Art. i, 10, ch. i. 70S DARTMOUTH COLLEGE V. WOODWARD. 198 Sec. 198. Same. TRUSTEES OF DARTMOUTH COLLEGE v. WOODWARD. 1 1819. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. 4 Wheaton (17 U. S.) Rep. 5i8- 7l5 . February 2, 1819. The opinion of the court was delivered by MARSHALL, Ch. J. This is an action of trover, brought by the trust- ees of Dartmouth College against William H. Woodward, in the state court of New Hampshire, for the book of records, corporate seal and other corporate property, to which the plaintiffs allege themselves to be entitled. A special verdict, after setting out the rights of the par- ties, finds for the defendant, if certain acts of the legislature of New Hampshire, passed on the 27th of June, and on the i8th of December, 1816, be valid and binding on the trustees, without their assent, and not repugnant to the constitution of the United States ; otherwise, it finds for the plaintiffs. The superior court of judicature of New Hampshire rendered a judgment upon this verdict for the defendant, which judgment has been brought before this court by writ of error. The single question now to be considered is, do the acts to which the verdict refers violate the constitution of the United States ? This court can be insensible neither to the magnitude nor delicacy of this question. The validity of a legislative act is to be examined ; and the opinion of the highest law tribunal of a state is to be revised an opinion which carries with it intrinsic evidence of the diligence, of the ability and the integrity with which it was formed. On more than one occasion this court has expressed the cautious circumspection with which it approaches the consideration of such questions; and has declared that in no doubtful case would it pronounce a legisla- tive act to be contrary to the constitution. But the American people have said, in the constitution of the United States, that "no state shall pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the ob- ligation of contracts." In the same instrument, they have also said, "that the judicial power shall extend to all cases in law and equity arising under the constitution." On the judges of this court, then, is imposed the high and solemn duty of protecting, from even legislative violation, those contracts which the constitution of our country has placed beyond legislative control ; and, however irksome the task may be, this is a duty from which we dare not shrink. 1 Facts are sufficiently stated in the opinions, and supra, p. 426. Arguments, and parts of the opinions of Story and Washington, JJ., omitted. The case was argued in the state court by Mason, Smith and Webster, for plaintiffs, and by Sullivan and Bartlett, for defendants ; in the United States Supreme Court by Webster and Hopkinson, for plaintiff in error, and by Holmes and William Wirt, attorney-general, for defendants in error. The decision of the state court is reported (without the arguments of counsel) in 1 N. H. Ill, and reprinted (with the arguments of counsel) in 65 N. H. 473. Farrar's Report (1817, 1819) contains decisions of both courts. The original charter and the acts of the state legislature are given in full in 4 Wheat. 519-551. 198 CONTRACTS IX THE CORPORATE CHARTER. The title of the plaintiffs originates in a charter dated the I3th day of December, in the year 1769, incorporating twelve persons therein mentioned by the name of "The Trustees of Dartmouth College," granting to them and their successors the usual corporate privileges and powers, and authorizing the trustees, who are to govern the col- lege, to fill up all vacancies which may be created in their own body. The defendant claims under three acts of the legislature of New Hampshire, the most material of which was passed on the 27th of June, 1816, and is entitled "an act to amend the charter and enlarge and improve the corporation of Dartmouth College." Among other alterations in the charter, this act increases the number of trustees to twenty-one, gives the appointment of the additional members to the executive of the state, and creates a board of overseers, with power to inspect and control the most important acts of the trustees. This board consists of twenty-five persons. The president of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives of New Hampshire, and the governor and lieutenant-governor of Vermont, for the time being, are to be members ex officio. The board is to be completed by the governor and council of New Hampshire, who are also empowered to fill all vacancies which may occur. The acts of the iSth and 26th of December are supplemental to that of the 27th of June, and are prin- cipally intended to carry that act into effect. The majority of the trustees of the college have refused to accept this amended charter, and have brought this suit for the corporate property, which is in pos- session of a person holding by virtue of the acts which have been stated. [The circumstances constituted a contract.] It can require no argu- ment to prove, that the circumstances of this case constitute a contract. An application is made to the crown for a charter to in- corporate a religious and literary institution. In the application* it is stated, that large contributions have been made for the object, -which will be conferred on the corporation, as soon as it shall be created. The charter is granted, and on its faith the property is conveyed. Surely, in this transaction every ingredient of a complete and legiti- mate contract is to be found. The points for consideration are: i. Is this contract protected by the constitution of the United States? 2. Is it impaired by the acts under which the defendant holds? i. [Character of contracts protected by the constitution.] On the first point it has been argued that the word "contract," in its broadest sense, would comprehend the political relations between the govern- ment and its citizens; would extend to offices held within a state, for state purposes, and to many of those laws concerning civil institutions, which must change with circumstances, and be modified by ordinary legislation; which deeply concern the public, and which, to preserve good government, the public judgment must control. That even mar- riage is a contract, and its obligations are affected by the laws respect- ing divorces. That the clause in the constitution, if construed in its greatest latitude, would prohibit these laws. Taken in its broad, un- limited sense, the clause would be an unprofitable and vexatious inter- 710 DARTMOUTH COLLEGE V. WOODWARD. 198 ference with the internal concerns of a state, would unnecessarily and unwisely embarrass its legislation and render immutable those civil institutions which are established for purposes of internal government, and which, to subserve those purposes, ought to vary with varying circumstances. That as the framers of the constitution could never have intended to insert in that instrument a provision so unnecessary, so mischievous and so repugnant to its general spirit, the term "con- tract" must be understood in a more limited sense. That it must be understood as intended to guard against a power of at least doubtful utility, the abuse of which had been extensively felt, and to restrain the legislature in future from violating the right to property. That anterior to the formation of the constitution a course of legislation had prevailed in many, if not in all, of the states which weakened the confidence of man in man, and embarrassed all transactions between individuals by dispensing with a faithful performance of engagements. To correct this mischief by restraining the power which produced it the state legislatures were forbidden "to pass any law impairing the obligation of contracts," that is, of contracts respecting property un- der which some individual could claim a right to something beneficial to himself, and that since the clause in the constitution must in con- struction receive some limitation, it may be confined, and ought to be confined, to cases of this description, to cases within the mischief it was intended to remedy. The general correctness of these observations can not be contro- verted. That the framers of the constitution did not intend to re- strain the states in the regulation of their civil institutions, adopted for internal government, and that the instrument they have given us is not to be so construed, may be admitted. The provision of the con- stitution never has been understood to embrace other contracts than those which respect property, or some object of value, and confer rights which may be asserted in a court of justice. It has never been understood to restrict the general right of the legislature to legislate on the subject of divorces. Those acts enable some tribunals, not to impair a marriage contract, but to liberate one of the parties because it has been broken by the other. When any state legislature shall pass an act annulling all marriage contracts, or allowing either party to annul it without the consent of the other, it will be time enough to inquire whether such an act be constitutional. The parties in this case differ less on general principles, less on true construction of the constitution in the abstract, than on the application of those principles to this case, and on the true construction of the charter of 1769. This is the point on which the cause essentially de- pends. If the act of incorporation be a grant of political power, if it create a civil institution to be employed in the administration of the government, or if the funds of the college be public property, or if the state of New Hampshire, as a government, be alone interested in its transactions, the subject is one in which the legislature of the state may act according to its own judgment, unrestrained by any limita- tion of its power imposed by the constitution of the United States. 198 CONTRACTS IN THE CORPORATE CHARTER Jl I But if this be a private eleemosynary institution, endowed with a capacity to take property for objects unconnected with government, whose funds are bestowed by individuals, on the faith of the charter; if the donors have stipulated for the future disposition and manage- ment of those funds in the manner prescribed by themselves, there may be more difficulty in the case, although neither the persons who have made these stipulations, nor those for whose benefit they were made, should be parties to the cause. Those who are no longer in- terested in the property may yet retain such an interest in the preser- vation of their own arrangements as to have a right to insist that those arrangements shall be held sacred. Or, if they have themselves dis- appeared, it becomes a subject of serious and anxious inquiry, whether those whom they have legally empowered to represent them forever may not assert all the rights which they possessed while in being ; whether, if they be without personal representatives, who may feel injured by a violation of the compact, the trustees be not so completely their representatives, in the eye of the law, as to stand in their place, not only as respects the government of the college, but also as respects the maintenance of the college charter. It becomes then the duty of the court most seriously to examine this charter and to ascertain its true character. [Provisions of the charter.] From the instrument itself, it appears that about the year 1754 the Rev. Eleazer Wheelock established, at his own expense and on his own estate, a charity school for the in- struction of Indians in the Christian religion. The success of this institution inspired him with the design of soliciting contributions in England for carrying on and extending his undertaking. In this pious work he employed the Rev. Nathaniel Whitaker, who, by virtue of a power of attorney from Dr. Wheelock, appointed the Earl of Dart- mouth and others trustees of the money which had been and should be contributed ; which appointment Dr. Wheelock confirmed by a deed of trust, authorizing the trustees to fix on a site for the college. They determined to establish the school on Connecticut river, in the western part of New Hampshire ; that situation being supposed favor- able for carrying on the original design among the Indians, and also for promoting learning among the English ; and the proprietors in the neighborhood having made large offers of land on condition that the college should there be placed. Dr. Wheelock then applied to the crown for an act of incorporation ; and represented the expediency of appointing those whom he had, by his last will, named as trustees in America to be members of the proposed corporation. "In consid- eration of the premises, for the education and instruction of the youth of the Indian tribes," etc., "and also of English youth, and any others," the charter was granted, and the trustees of Dartmouth Col- lege were, by that name, created a body corporate, with power, for the use of the said college, to acquire real and personal property, and to pay the president, tutors and other officers of the college such salaries as they shall allow. The charter proceeds to appoint Eleazer Wheelock, "the founder of 712 DARTMOUTH COLLEGE V. WOODWARD. 198 ! said college," president thereof, with power, by his last will, to ap- point a successor, who is to continue in office until disapproved by the trustees. In case of vacancy the trustees may appoint a president, and in case of the ceasing of a president, the senior professor or tutor, being one of the trustees, shall exercise the office until an appoint- ment shall be made. The trustees have power to appoint and dis- place professors, tutors and other officers, and to supply any vacancies which may be created in their own body by death, resignation, removal or disability; and also to make orders, ordinances and laws for the government of the college, the same not being repugnant to the laws of Great Britain, or of New Hampshire, and not excluding any person on account of his speculative sentiments in religion, or his being of a religious profession different from that of the trustees. This charter was accepted, and the property, both real and personal, which had been contributed for the benefit of the college, was con- veyed to, and vested in, the corporate body. From this brief review of the most essential parts of the charter, it is apparent that the funds of the college consisted entirely of private donations. It is, perhaps, not very important who were the donors. The probability is, that the Earl of Dartmouth and the other trustees in England were, in fact, the largest contributors. Yet the legal con- clusion, from the facts recited in the charter, would probably be that Dr. Wheelock was the founder of the college. The origin of the institution was undoubtedly the Indian chanty school, established by Dr. Wheelock, at his own expense. It was at his instance, and to enlarge this school, that contributions were solicited in England. The person soliciting these contributions was his agent; and the trustees who received the money were appointed by, and act under, his author- ity. It is not too much to say that the funds were obtained by him in trust, to be applied by him to the purposes of his enlarged school. The charter of incorporation was granted at his instance. The per- sons named by him in his last will as the trustees of his charity school compose a part of the corporation, and he is declared to be the founder of the college, and its president for life. Were the inquiry material, we should feel some hesitation in saying that Dr. Wheelock was not, in law, to be considered as the founder (i Bl. Comm.48i)of this institution, and as possessing all the rights appertaining to that character. But be this as it may, Dartmouth College is really en- dowed by private individuals, who have bestowed their funds for the propagation of the Crmstian religion among the Indians, and for the promotion of piety and learning generally. From these funds the sala- ries of the tutors are drawai, and these salaries lessen the expense of education to the students. It is then an eleemosynary (r Bl. Comm. 471), and so far as respects its funds, a private, corporation. [Character of the corporation created.] Doits objects stamp on it a different character? Are the trustees and professors public officers, invested with any portion of political power, partaking in any degree in the administration of civil government, and performing duties which flow from the sovereign authority? That education is an object of 198 CONTRACTS IN THE CORPORATE CHARTER. 713 national concern, and a proper subject of legislation, all admit. That there maybe an institution, founded by government, and placed en- tirely under its immediate control, the officers of which would be pub- lic officers, amenable exclusively to government, none will deny. But is Dartmouth College such an institution? Is education altogether in the hands of government? Does every teacher of youth become a public officer, and do donations for the purpose of education nec- essarily become public property, so far that the will of the legisla- ture, not the will of the donor, becomes the law of the donation ? These questions are of serious moment to society, and deserve to be well considered. Doctor Wheelock, as the keeper of his charity school, instructing the Indians in the art of reading and in our holy religion, sustaining them at his own expense, and on the voluntary contributions of the charitable, could scarcely be considered as a public officer, exercising any portion of those duties which belong to government; nor could the legislature have supposed that his private funds, or those given by others, were subject to legislative management, because they were ap- plied to the purposes of education. When, afterwards, his school was enlarged, and the liberal contributions made in England and in America enabled him to extend his care to the education of the youth of his own country, no change was wrought in his own character or in the nature of his duties. Had he employed assistant tutors with the funds contributed by others, or had the trustees in England established a school, with Dr. Wheelock at its head, and paid salaries to him and his assistants, they would still have been private tutors; and the fact that they were employed in the education of youth could not have converted them into public officers, concerned in the administration of public duties, or have given the legislature a right to interfere in the management of the fund. The trustees, in whose care that fund was placed by the contributors, would have been permitted to exe- cute their trust, uncontrolled by legislative authority. Whence, then, can be derived the idea that Dartmouth College has become a public institution, and its trustees public officers exercising powers conferred by the public for public objects ? Not from the source whence its funds were drawn ; for its foundation is purely private and eleemosynary not from the application of those funds ; for money may be given for education, and the persons receiving it do not, by being employed in the education of youth, become members of the civil government. Is it from the act of incorporation ? Let this sub- ject be considered. A corporation is an artificial being, invisible, intangible, and ex- isting only in contemplation of law. Being the mere creature of 'law, it possesses only those properties which the charter of its crea- tion confers upon it, either expressly or as incidental to its very exist- ence. These are such as are supposed best calculated to effect the object for which it was created. Among the most important arc im- mortality, and, if the expression may be allowed, individuality ; properties by which a perpetual succession of many persons are con- 714 DARTMOUTH COLLEGE V. WOODWARD. sidered as the same, and may act as a single individual. They enable a corporation to manage its own affairs and to hold property without the perplexing intricacies, the hazardous and endless necessity of per- petual conveyances for the purpose of transmitting it from hand to hand. It is chiejly for the purpose of clothing the bodies of men in succession with these qualities and capacities that corporations were invented and are in use. By these means a perpetual succession of individuals are capable of acting for the promotion of the par- ticular object, like one immortal being. But this being does not share in the civil government of the country, unless that be the purpose for which it was created. Its immortality no more confers on it political power or a political character than immortality would' confer such power or character on a natural person. It is no more a state instru- ment than a natural person exercising the same powers would be. If, then, a natural person employed by individuals in the education of youth or for the government of a seminary in which youth is educated would not become a public officer or be considered as a member of the civil government, how is it that this artificial being, created by law for the purpose of being employed by the same individuals for the same purposes, should become a part of the civil government of the country? Is it because its existence, its capacities, its powers, are given by law? Because the government has given it the power to take and to hold property in a particular form and for particular pur- poses, has the government a consequent right substantially to change that form or to vary the purposes to which the property is to be ap- plied ? This principle has never been asserted or recognized, and is supported by no authority. Can it derive aid from reason? The objects for which a corporation is created are universally such as the government wishes to promote. They are deemed beneficial to the country; and this benefit constitutes the consideration, and in most cases the sole consideration of the grant. In most eleemosynary institutions, the object would be difficult, perhaps unattainable, with- out the aid of a charter of incorporation. Charitable or public-spirited individuals, desirous of making permanent appropriations for chari- table or other useful purposes, find it impossible to effect their design securely and certainly without an incorporating act. They apply to the government, state their beneficent object, and offer to advance the money necessary for its accomplishment, provided the government will confer on the instrument which is to execute their designs the capacity to execute them. The proposition is considered and ap- proved. The benefit to the public is considered as an ample com- pensation for the faculty it confers, and the corporation is created. If the advantages to the public constitute a full compensation for the faculty it gives, there can be no reason for exacting a further compen- sation, by claiming a right to exercise over this artificial being a power which changes its nature, and touches the fund for the security and application of which it was created. There can be no reason for implying in a charter, given for a valuable consideration, a power 198 CONTRACTS IN THE CORPORATE CHARTER. 715 which is not only not expressed, but is in direct contradiction to its express stipulations. From the fact, then, that a charter of incorporation has been granted, nothing can be inferred which changes the character of the institution, or transfers to the government any new power over it. The character of civil institutions does not grow out of their incorpo- ration, but out of the manner in which they are formed, and the objects for which they are created. The right to change them is not founded on their being incorporated, but on their being the instruments of government, created for its purposes. The same institutions, created for the same objects^ though not incorporated, would be public insti- tutions, and, of course, be controllable by the legislature. The in- corporating act neither gives nor prevents this control. Neither, in reason, can the incorporating act change the character of a private eleemosynary institution. We are next led to the inquiry for whose benefit the property given to Dartmouth College was secured? The counsel for the defendant have insisted that the beneficial interest is in the people of New Hampshire. The charter, after reciting the preliminary measures which had been taken, and the application for an act of incorpora- tion, proceeds thus: "Know ye, therefore, that we, considering the premises, and being willing to encourage the laudable and charitable design of spreading Christian knowledge among the savages of our American wilderness, and also that the best means of education be established in our province of New Hampshire, for the benefit of said province, do of our special grace," etc. Do these expressions bestow on New Hampshire any exclusive right to the property of the college, any exclusive interest in the labors of the professors? Or do they merely'indicate a willingness that New Hampshire should enjoy those advantages which result to all from the establishment of a semi- nary of learning in the neighborhood? On this point, we think it im- possible to entertain a serious doubt. The words themselves, unex- plained by the context, indicate that the "benefit intended for the' province" is that which is derived from "establishing the best means of education therein," that is, from establishing in the province Dartmouth College, as constituted by the charter. But if these words, considered alone, could admit of doubt, that doubt is com- pletely removed by an inspection of the entire instrument. The particular interests of New Hampshire never entered into the minds of the donors, never constituted a motive for their donation. The propagation of the Christian religion among the savages, and the dissemination of useful knowledge among the youth of the country, were the avowed and the sole objects of their contributions. In these New Hampshire would participate, but nothing particular or exclu- sive was intended for her. Even the site of the college was selected, not for the sake of New Hampshire, but becacse it was "most sub- servient to the great ends in view," and because liberal donations of land were offered by the proprietors, on condition that the institution should be there established. The real advantages from the location 716 DARTMOUTH COLLEGE V. WOODWARD. 198 of the college are, perhaps, not less considerable to those on the west than to those on the east side of Connecticut river. The clause which constitutes the incorporation, and expresses the object for which it was made, declares those objects to be the instruction of the . Indians, "and also of English youth, and any others." So that the objects of the contributors, and the incorporating act, were the same ; the promotion of Christianity, and of education generally, not the in- terests of New Hampshire particularly. From this review of the charter it appears that Dartmouth College is an eleemosynary institution, incorporated for the purpose of per- petuating the application of the bounty of the donors to the specified objects of that bounty ; that its trustees or governors were originally named by the founder and invested with the power of perpetuating themselves ; that they are not public officers ; nor is it a civil institu- tion, participating in the administration of government, but a charity school, or a seminary of education, incorporated for the preservation of its property and the perpetual application of that property to the objects of its creation. , [Rig-ht of trustees to complain.] Yet a question remains to be consid- ered, of more real difficulty, on which more doubt has been entertained than on all that have been discussed. The founders of the college, at least those whose contributions were in money, have parted with the property bestowed upon it, and their representatives have no in- terest in that property. The donors of land are equally without interest so long as the corporation shall exist. Could they be found, they are unaffected by any alteration in its constitution, and probably regardless of its form, or even of its exist- ence. The students are fluctuating, and no individual among our youth has a vested interest in the institution which can b'e asserted in a court of justice. Neither the founders of the college, nor the youth for whose benefit it was founded, complain of the alteration made in its charter, or think themselves injured by it. The trustees alone complain, and the trustees have no beneficial interest to be protected. Can this be such a contract as the constitution intended to withdraw from the power of state legislation ? Contracts, the parties to which have a vested beneficial interest, and those only, it has been said, are the objects about which the constitution is solicitous, and to which its protection is extended. The court has bestowed on this argument the most deliberate con- sideration, and the result will be stated. Dr. Wheelock, acting for himself and for those who, at his solicitation, had made contributions to his school, applied for this charter, as the instrument which should enable him and them to perpetuate their beneficent intention. It was granted. An artificial, immortal being was created by the crown, capable of receiving and disti'ibuting forever, according to the will of the donors, the donations which should be made to it. On this being the contributions which had been collected were immediately bestowed. These gifts were made, not indeed to make a profit for the donors or their posterity, but for something, in their opinion, of inestimable 198 CONTRACTS IN THE CORPORATE CHARTER. value ; for something which they deemed a full equivalent for the money with which it was purchased. The consideration for which they stipulated is the perpetual application of the fund to its object, in the mode prescribed by themselves. Their descendants may take no in- terest in the preservation of this consideration. But in this respect their descendants are not their representatives ; they are represented by the corporation. The corporation is the assignee of their rights, stands in their place, and distributes their bounty as they would them- selves have distributed it had they been immortal. So, with respect to the students who are to derive learning from this source, the cor- poration is a trustee for them also. Their potential rights, which, taken distributively, are imperceptible, amount collectively to a most important interest. These are, in the aggregate, to be exercised, as- serted and protected by the corporation. They were as completely out of the donors, at the instant of their being vested in the corpora- tion, and as incapable of being asserted by the students, as at present. According to the theory of the British constitution, their parliament is omnipotent. To annul corporate rights might give a shock to pub- lic opinion which that government has chosen to avoid, but its power is not questioned. Had parliament, immediately after the emanation of this charter and the execution of those conveyances which followed it, annulled the instrument, so that the living donors would have wit- nessed the disappointment of their hopes, the perfidy of the trans- action would have been universally acknowledged. Yet then, as now, the donors would have no interest in the property; then, as now, those who might be students would have had no rights to be violated ; then, as now, it might be said that the trustees, in whom the rights of all were combined, possessed no private, individual, beneficial in- terests in the property confided to their protection. Yet the contract would, at that time, have been deemed sacred by all. What has since occurred to strip it of its inviolability? Circumstances have not changed it. In reason, in justice and in law, it is now what it was in 1769. This is plainly a contract to 'which the donors, the trustees and the crown (to whose rights and obligations New Hampshire succeeds) were the original parties. It is a contract made on a valuable con- sideration. It is a contract for the security and disposition of prop- erty . It is a contract on the faith of which real and personal estate has been conveyed to the corporation. It is, then, a contract within the letter of the constitution, and within its spirit also, unless the fact that the property is invested by the donors in trustees for the pro- motion of religion and education, for the benefit of persons who are perpetually changing, though the objects remain the same, shall cre- ate a particular exception, taking this case out of the prohibition contained in the constitution. [Method of interpreting 1 the constitutional provision.] It is more than possible that the preservation of rights of this description was not particularly in the view of the framers of the constitution when the clause under consideration was introduced into that instrument. It is 718 DARTMOUTH COLLEGE V'. WOODWARD. 198 probable that interferences of more frequent occurrence, to which the temptation was stronger, and of which the mischief was more exten- sive, constituted the great motive for imposing this restriction on the state legislatures. But although a particular and a rare case may not, in itself, be of sufficient magnitude to induce a rule, yet it must be governed by the rule, when established, unless some plain and strong reason for excluding it can be given. It is not enough to say that this particular case was not in the mind of the convention when the article was framed, nor of the American people when it was adopted. It is necessary to go further and to say that had this particular case been suggested the language would have been so varied as to exclude it, or it would have been made a special exception. The case being within the words of the rule must be within its operation likewise, unless there be something in the literal construction so obviously absurd, or mischievous, or repugnant to the general spirit of the instrument, as to justify those who expound the constitution in making it an ex- ception. On what safe and intelligible ground can this exception stand? There is no expression in the constitution, no sentiment delivered by its contemporaneous expounders, which would justify us in making it. In the absence of all authority of this kind, is there, in the nature and reason of the case itself, that which would sustain a construction of the constitution not warranted by its words ? Are contracts of this descrip- tion of a character to excite so little interest that we must exclude them from the provisions of the constitution as being unworthy of the attention of those who framed the instrument? Or does public policy so imperiously demand their remaining exposed to legislative altera- tion as to compel us, or rather permit us, to say that these words, which were introduced to give stability to contracts, and which, in their plain import comprehend this contract, must yet be so construed as to exclude it? Almost all eleemosynary corporations, those which are created for the promotion of religion, of charity, or of education, are of the same character. The law of this case is the law of all. In every literary or charitable institution, unless the objects of the bounty be themselves incorporated, the whole legal interest is in trustees, and can be as- serted only by them. The donors, or claimants of the bounty, if -they can appear in court at all, can appear only to complain of the trustees. In all other situations they are identified with, and personated by, the trustees; and their rights are to be defended and maintained by them. Religion, charity and education are, in the law of England, legatees or donees, capable of receiving bequests or donations in this form. They appear in court and claim or defend by the corporation. Are they of so little estimation in the United States that contracts for their benefit must be excluded from the protection of words, which in their natural import include them? Or do such contracts so necessarily require new modeling by the authority of the legislature that the ordi- nary rules of construction must be disregarded in order to leave them exposed to legislative alteration? 198 CONTRACTS IN THE CORPORATE CHARTER. All feel that these objects are not deemed unimportant in the United States. The interest which this case has excited proves that they are not. The framers of the constitution did not deem them un- worthy of its care and protection. They have, though in a different mode, manifested their respect for science by reserving to the govern- ment of the Union the power "to promote the progress of science and useful arts by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries." They have, so far, withdrawn science and the useful arts from the action of the state governments. Why, then, should they be supposed so regardless of contracts made for the advancement of literature, as to intend to exclude them from provisions made for the security of ordi- nary contracts between man and man ? No reason for making this supposition is perceived. If the insignificance of the object does not require that we should exclude contracts respecting it from the protection of the constitution ; neither, as we conceive, is the policy of leaving them subject to legis- lative alteration so apparent as to require a forced construction of that instrument in order to effect it. These eleemosynary institu- tions do not fill the place which would otherwise be occupied by government, but that which would otherwise remain vacant. They are complete acquisitions to literature. They are donations to educa- tion ; donations which any government must be disposed rather to encourage than to discountenance. It requires no very critical exami- nation of the human mind to enable us to determine that one great inducement to these gifts is the conviction felt by the giver that the disposition he makes of them is immutable. It is probable that no man ever was, and that'no man ever will be, the founder of a college, believing at the time that an act of incorporation constitutes no security for the institution ; believing that it is immediately to be deemed a public institution, whose funds are to be governed and ap- plied, not by the will of the donor, but by the will of the legislature. All such gifts are made in the pleasing, perhaps delusive, hope, that the charity will flow forever in the channel which the givers have marked out for it. If every man finds in his own bosom strong evi- dence of the universality of this sentiment, there can be but little rea- son to imagine that the framers of our constitution were strangers to it, and that, feeling the necessity and policy cf giving permanence and security to contracts, of withdrawing them from the influence of legislative bodies, whose fluctuating policy and repeated interfer- ences produced the most perplexing and injurious embarrassments, they still deemed it necessary to leave these contracts subject to those interferences. The motives for such an exception must be very powerful to justify the construction which makes it. [Reasons suggested for making an exception of such corporations.] The motives suggested at the bar grow out of the original appointment of the trustees, which is supposed to have been in a spirit hostile to the genius of our government, and the presumption, that if allowed to continue themselves, they now are, and must remain forever, what 72O DARTMOUTH COLLEGE V. WOODWARD. ' 1 98 they originally were. Hence is inferred the necessity of applying to this corporation, and to other similar corporations, the correcting and improving hand of the legislature. It has been urged repeatedly, and certainly with a degree of earnestness which attracted attention, that the trustees, deriving their power from a regal source, must, necessarily, partake of the spirit of their origin ; and that their first principles, unimproved by that resplendent light which has been shed around them, must continue to govern the college and to guide the students. Before we inquire into the influence which this argument ought to have on the constitutional question, it may not be amiss to examine the fact on which it rests. The first trustees were undoubtedly named in the charter by the crown ; but at whose suggestion were they named? By whom were they selected? The charter informs us. Dr. Wheelock had represented "that for many weighty reasons it would be expedient that the gentlemen whom he had already nomi- nated, in his last will, to be trustees in America should be of the cor- poration now proposed." When, afterwards, the trustees are named in the charter, can it be doubted that the persons mentioned by Dr. Wheelock in his will were appointed? Some were probably added by the crown, with the approbation of Dr. Wheelock. Among these is the doctor himself. If any others were appointed at the instance of the crown, they are the governor, three members of the council and the speaker of the house of representatives of the colony of New Hampshire. The stations filled by these persons ought to rescue them from any other imputation than too great a dependence on the crown. If, in the revolution that followed, they acted under the influence of this sentiment, they must have ceased to be trustees; if they took part with their countrymen, the imputation, which suspicion might ex- cite, would no longer attach to them. The original trustees, then, or most of them, were named by Dr. Wheelock, and those who were added to his nomination, most probably with his approbation, were among the most eminent and respectable individuals in New Hamp- shire. The only evidence which we possess of the character of Dr. Whee- lock is furnished by this charter. The judicious means employed for the accomplishment of his object, and the success which attended his endeavors, would lead to the opinion that he united a sound under- standing to that humanity and benevolence which suggested his un- dertaking. It surely can not be assumed that his trustees were selected without judgment. With as little probability can it be assumed, that while the light of science and of liberal principles pervades the whole community, these originally benighted trustees remain in utter dark- ness, incapable of participating in the general improvement ; that while the human race is rapidly advancing, they are stationary. Rea- soning a priori, we should believe, that learned and intelligent men, selected by its patrons for 'the government of a literary institution, would select learned and intelligent men for their successors ; men as well fitted for the government of a college as those who might be CONTRACTS IN THE CORPORATE CHARTER. /2I chosen by other means. Should this reasoning ever prove erroneous, in a particular case, public opinion, as has been stated at the bar, would correct the institution. The mere possibility of the contrary would not justify a construction of the constitution which should ex- clude these contracts from the protection of a provision whose terms comprehend them. The opinion of the court, after mature deliberation, is that this is a contract, the obligation of which can not be impaired without violating the constitution of the United States. This opinion appears to us to be equally supported by reason and by the former decisions of this court. 2. [Impairment of the obligation of this contract.] We next proceed to the inquiry whether its obligation has been impaired by those acts of the legislature of New Hampshire to which the special verdict re- fers ? From the review of this charter which has been taken it appears that the whole power of governing the college, of appointing and re- moving tutors, of fixing their salaries, of directing the course of study to be pursued by the students and of filling up vacancies created in their own body, was vested in the trustees. On the part of the crown it was expressly stipulated that this corporation thus constituted should continue forever, and that the number of trustees should forever con- sist of twelve, and no more. By this contract the crown was bound, and could have made no violent alteration in its essential terms with- out impairing its obligation. [Effect of the American revolution.] By the revolution the duties, as well as the powers, of government devolved on the people of New Hamp- shire. It is admitted that among the latter was comprehended the transcendent power of parliament, as well as that of the executive de- partment. It is too clear to require the support of argument that all contracts and rights respecting property remained unchanged by the revolution. The obligations then which were created by the charter to Dartmouth College were the same in the new that they had been in the old government. The power of the government was also the same. A repeal of this charter, at any time prior to the adoption of the present constitution of the United States, would have been an ex- traordinary and unprecedented act of power, but one which could have been contested only by the restrictions upon the legislature to be found in the constitution of the state. But the constitution of the United States has imposed this additional limitation, that the legislature of a state shall pass no act "impairing the obligation of contracts." It has been already stated that the act to "amend the charter, and enlarge and improve the corporation of Dartmouth College," in- creases the number of trustees to twenty-one, gives the appointment of the additional members to the executive of the state, and creates a board of overseers, to consist of twenty-five persons, of whom twenty- one are also appointed by the executive of New Hampshire, who have power to inspect and control the most important acts of the trustees. 46 WIL. CASKS. 722 DARTMOUTH COLLEGE V. WOODWARD. 198 [Effect ol an act to amend the charter.] On the effect of this law, two opinions can not be entertained. Betw e en acting directly, and acting through the agency of trustees and over s eers, no essential difference is perceived. The whole power of governing the college is transferred from trustees, appointed according to the will of the founder ex- pressed in the charter, to the executive of New Hampshire. The management and application of the funds of this eleemosynary insti- tution, which are placed by the donors in the hands of trustees named in the charter, and empowered to perpetuate themselves, are placed by this act under the control of the government of the state. The will of the state is substituted for the will of the donors in every essential operation of the college. This is not an immaterial change. The founders of the college contracted not merely for the peipetual appli- cation of the funds which they gave to the objects for which those funds were given ; they contracted also to secure that application by the con- stitution of the corporation. They contracted for a system which should, so far as human foresight can provide, retain forever the gov- ernment of the literary institution they had formed in the hands of persons approved by themselves. This system is totally changed. The charter of 1769 exists no longer. It is reorganized, and reorgan- ized in such a manner as to convert a literary institution, molded according to the will of its founders, and placed under the control of private literary men, into a machine entirely subservient to the will of government. This may be for the advantage of this college in partic- ular, and may be for the advantage of literature in general ; but it is not according to the will of the donors, and is subversive of that con- tract on the faith of which their property was given. In the -view -which has been taken of this interesting case \ the court has confined itself to the rights possessed by the trustees as the assign- ees and representatives of the donors and founders for the benefit of religion and literature. Yet, it is not clear that the trustees ought to be considered as destitute of such beneficial interest in themselves as the law may respect. In addition to their being the legal owners of the property, and to their having a freehold right in the powers confided to them, the charter itself countenances the idea that trustees may also be tutors with salaries. The first president was one of the original trustees ; and the charter provides that in case of vacancy in that office, "the senior professor or tutor, being one of the trustees, shall exercise the office of president until the trustees shall make choice of and appoint a president." According to the tenor of the charter, then, the trustees might, without impropriety, appoint a pres- ident and other professors from their own body. This is a power not entirely unconnected with an interest. Even if the proposition of the counsel for the defendant were sustained ; if it were admitted that those contracts only are protected by the constitution, a beneficial in- terest in which is vested in the party who appears in court to assert that interest, yet it is by no means clear that the trustees of Dart- mouth College have no beneficial interest in themselves. But the court has deemed it unnecessary to investigate this particular point, 198 CONTRACTS IN THE CORPORATE CHARTER. 723 being of opinion, on general principles, that in these private eleemosy- nary institutions, the body corporate, as possessing the whole legal and equitable interest, and completely representing the donors, for the purpose of executing the trust, has rights which are protected by the constitution. It results from this opinion, that the acts of the legislature of New Hampshire, which are stated in the special verdict found in this cause, are repugnant to the constitution of the United States ; and that the judgment on this special verdict ought to have been for the plaintiffs. The judgment of the state court must, therefore, be reversed. WASHINGTON, Justice. * * * i. [What is a contract?] It may be -defined to be a transaction between two or more persons, in which each party comes under an obligation to the other, and each reciprocally ac- quires a right to whatever is promised by the other. Powell on Cont. 6. Under this definition, says Mr. Powell, it is obvious that every feoff- ment, gift, grant, agreement, promise, etc., may be included, because in all there is a mutual consent of the minds of the parties concerned in them upon an agreement between them respecting some property or right that is the object of the stipulation. He adds, that the ingre- dients requisite to form a contract are, parties, consent and an obliga- tion to be created or dissolved ; these must all concur, because the regular effect of all contracts is, on one side, to acquire, and on the other to part with, some property or rights; or to abridge, or to re- strain natural liberty, by binding the parties to do, or restraining them from doing something which before they might have done or omitted. If a doubt could exist that a grant is a contract, the point was decided in the case of Fletcher v. Peck, 6 Cranch 87, in which it was laid down that a contract is either executory or executed ; by the former, a party binds himself to do, or not to do, a particular thing; the latter is one in which the object of the contract is performed, and this differs in noth- ing from a grant ; but whether executed or executory, they both con- tain obligations binding on the parties, and both are equally within the provisions of the constitution of the United States, which forbids the state governments to pass laws impairing the obligation of con- tracts. If, then, a grant be a contract, within the meaning of the constitu- tion of the United States, the next inquiry is, whether the creation of a corporation by charter be such a grant as includes an obligation of the nature of a contract, which no state legislature can pass laws to impair? A corporation is defined by Mr. Justice Blackstone (2 BL Comm. 37*) to be a franchise, h is, says he, "a franchise for a number of persons, to be incorporated and exist as a body politic, 'with a power to maintain perpetual succession,, and to do corporate acts, and each individual of such corporation is also said to have a fran- chise or freedom." This franchise, like other franchises, is an in- corporeal hereditament, issuing out of something real or personal, or concerning or annexed, to, and exercisable -within a thing corporate. To this grant, or this franchise, the parties are the king and the persons for "whose benefit it is created, or trustees for them. The 724 DARTMOUTH COLLEGE V. WOODWARD. 198 assent of both is necessary. The subjects of the grant are not only privileges and immunities, but property, or, -which is the something, a capacity to acquire and to hold property in perpetuity. Certain obligations are created, binding both on the grantor and the grantees. On the part of the former, it amounts to an extinguishment of the king 's prerogative to bestow the same identical franchise on another corporate body, because it 'would prejudice his prior grant. (2 Bl. Comm. 37.) It implies, therefore, a contract not to reassert the right to grant the franchise to another, or to impair it. There is also an implied contract that the founder of a private charity, or his heirs, or other persons appointed by him for that purpose, shall have the right to visit and to govern the corporation of which he is the acknowledged founder and patron, and also, that in case of its dissolution the re- versionary right of the founder to the property, with which he had endowed it, should be preserved inviolate. The rights acquired by the other contracting party are those of having perpetual succession, of suing and being sued, of purchasing lands for the benefit of themselves and their successors, and of having a common seal and of making by-laws. The obligation imposed tipon them, and which forms the consideration of the grant, is that of acting up to the end or design for which they were created by their founder. Mr. Justice Buller, in the case of the King v. Pasmore, 3 T. R. 246, says that the grant of incorporation is a compact between the crown and a number of persons, the latter of whom undertake, in consideration of the privileges bestowed, to exert themselves for the good government of the place. If they fail to perform their part of it there is an end of the compact. The charter of a corporation, says Mr. Justice Blackstone (2 Bl. Comm. 484), maybe forfeited through negligence or abuse of its franchises, in which case the law judges that the body politic has broken the condition upon which it was in- corporated, and thereupon the corporation is void. It appears to me, upon the whole, that these principles and authorities prove, incontro- vertibly, that a charter" of incorporation is a contract. 2. [Impairment of this contract.] Tha next question is, do the acts of the legislature of New Hampshire of the 27th of June and i8th and 26th of December, 1816, impair this contract within the true in- tent and meaning of the constitution of the United States ? Previous to the examination of this question, it will be proper clearly to mark the distinction between the different kinds of lay aggregate corpora- tions, in order to prevent any implied decision by this court of any other case than the one immediately before it. We are informed by the case of Philips v. Bury, i Ld. Raym. 5 ; s. c. 2 T. R. 346, which contains all the doctrine of corporations con- nected with this point, that there are two kinds of corporations aggre- gate, viz., such as are for public government and such as are for pri- vate charity. The first are those for the government of a town, city or the like ; and being for public advantage, are to be governed according to the law of the land. The validity and justice of their private laws and constitutions are examinable in the king's conrts. Of 198 CONTRACTS IN THE CORPORATE CHARTER. 725 these there are no particular founders, and consequently no particular visitor; there are no patrons of these corporations. But private and particular corporations for charity, founded and endowed by private persons, are subject to the private government of those who erect them, and are to be visited by them or their heirs, or such other per- sons as they may appoint. The only rules for the government of these private corporations are the laws and constitutions assigned by the founder. This right of government and visitation arises from the property which the founder had in the lands assigned to support the chanty; and as he is the author of the charity, the law invests him with the necessary power of inspecting and regulating it. The author- ities are full to prove that a college is a private charity, as well as an hospital, and that there is, in reality, no difference between them except in degree, but they are within the same reason, and both eleemosynary. These corporations, civil and eleemosynary, which differ from each other so especially in their nature and constitution, may very well dif- fer in matters which concern their rights and privileges, and their existence and subjection to public control. The one is the mere creat- ure of public institution, created exclusively for the public advantage without other endowments than such as the king or government may bestow upon it, and having no other founder or visitor than the king or government, thefundator incipiens. The validity and justice of its laws and constitution are examinable by the courts having juris- diction over them ; and they are subject to the general law of the land. It would seem reasonable that such a corporation may be controlled, and its constitution altered and amended by the govern- ment, in such manner as the public interest may require. Such legis- lative interferences can not be said to impair the contract by which the corporation was formed, because there is, in reality, but one party to it, the trustees or governors of the corporation being merely the trustees for the public, the cestui que trust of the foundation. These trustees or governors have no interest, no privileges or immuni- ties, which are violated by such interference, and can have no more right to complain of them than an ordinary trustee, who is called upon in a court of equity to execute the trust. They accepted the charter for the public benefit alone, and there would seem to be no reason why the government, under proper limitations, should not alter or modify such a grant at pleasure. But the case of a private corporation is entirely different. That is the creature of a private benefaction for a charity or private purpose. It is endowed and founded by private persons, and subject to their control, laws and visitation, and not to the general control of the government; and all these powers, rights and privileges flow from the property of the founder in the funds assigned for the support of the charity. Al- though the king, by the grant of the charter, is, in some sense, the founder of all eleemosynary corporations, because, without his grant they can not exist, yet the patron or endower is the perficient founder, to whom belongs, as of right, all the powers and privileges which 726 DARTMOUTH COLLEGE V. WOODWARD. 198 have been described. With such a corporation, it is not competent for the legislature to interfere. It is a franchise, or incorporeal here- ditament, founded upon private property, devoted by its patron to a private charity, of a peculiar kind, the offspring of his own will and pleasure, to be managed and visited by persons of his own appoint- ment, according to such laws and regulations as he, or the persons so selected, may ordain. It has been shown that the charter is a contract on the part of the government, that the property with which the charity is endowed shall be forever vested in a certain number of persons and their successors, to subserve the particular purposes designated by the founder and to be managed in a particular way. If a law increases or diminishes the number of the trustees, they are not the persons which the grantor agreed should be managers of the fund. If it appropriate the fund intended for the support of a particular charity to that of some other charity, or to an entirely different charity, the grant is in effect set aside, and a new contract substituted in its place, thus disappoint- ing completely the intentions of the founder by changing the objects of his bounty. And can it be seriously contended that a law which changes so materially the terms of a contract does not impair it? In short, does not every alteration of a contract, however unimportant, even though it be manifestly for the interest of the party objecting to it, impair its obligations? If the assent of all the parties to be bound by a contract be of its essence, how is it possible that a new contract, substituted for or engrafted on another without such assent, should not violate the old charter? * * * Upon the whole, I am of opinion that the above acts of New Hamp- shire, not having received the assent of the corporate body of Dart- mouth College, are not binding on them, and, consequently, that the judgment of the state court ought to be reversed. JOHNSON, Justice, concurred, for the reasons stated by the chief justice. LIVINGSTON, Justice, concurred, for the reasons stated by the chief justice, and Justices WASHINGTON and STORY. STORY, Justice. This is a cause of great importance, and as the very learned discussions as well here as in the state court show, of no inconsiderable difficulty. There are two questions to which the appellate jurisdiction of this court properly applies, i. Whether the original charter of Dartmouth College is a contract within the prohib- itory clause of the constitution of the United States, which declares that no state shall pass any "law impairing the obligation of con- tracts?" 2. If so, whether the legislative acts of New Hampshire of the ayth of June, and of the i8th and 27th of December, 1816, or any of them, impair the obligations of that charter? [Nature of an aggregate corporation at common law.] It will be neces- sary, however, before we proceed to discuss these questions, to insti- tute an inquiry into the nature, rights and duties of aggregate corpo- rations at common law ; that we may apply the principles drawn from 198 CONTRACTS IN THE CORPORATE CHARTER. this source to the exposition of this charter, which was granted emphatically with reference to that law. An aggregate corporation, at common law, is a collection of indi- viduals, united into one collective body, under a special name, and possessing certain immunities, privileges and capacities, in its col- lective character, which do not belong to the natural persons compos- ing it. Among other things, it possesses the capacity of perpetual succession, and of acting by the collected vote or will of its compo- nent members, and of suing and being sued in all things touching its corporate rights and duties. It is, in short, an artificial person, existing in contemplation of law and endowed with certain powers and franchises which, though they must be exercised through the medium of its natural members, are yet considered as subsisting in the corporation itself, as distinctly 'as if it were a real personage. Hence, such a corporation may sue and be sued by its own members, and may contract with them in the same manner as with any stran- gers, i Bl. Comm. 469, 475 ; i Kyd on Corp. 13, 69, 189 ; i Wooddes. 471, etc. A great variety of these corporations exist in every coun- try governed by the common law, in some of which the corporate existence is perpetuated by new elections, made from time to time ; and in others, by a continual accession of new members, without any corporate act. Some of these corporations are, from the particular purposes to which they are devoted, denominated spiritual and some lay ; and the latter are again divided into civil and eleemosynary corporations. It is unnecessary, in this place, to enter into any ex- amination of civil corporations. Eleemosynary corporations are such as are constituted for the perpetual distribution of the free- alms and bounty of the founder, in such manner as he has directed; and in this class are ranked hospitals for the relief of poor and im- potent persons, and colleges for the promotion of learning and piety, and the support of persons engaged in literary pursuits, i Bl. Comm. 469, 470, 471, 482; i Kyd on Corp. 25; i Wooddes. 474; Attorney- General v. Whorwood, i Ves. 534; St. John's College v. Todington, i W. Bl. 84; s. c. i Burr. 200; Philips v. Bury, i Ld. Raym. 5; s. c. 2 T. R. 346; Porter's Case, i Co. 22b, 23. Another division of corporations is into public and private. Pub- lic corporations are generally esteemed such as exist for public polit- ical purposes only, such as towns, cities, parishes and counties, and in many respects they are so, although they involve some private in- terests ; but, strictly speaking, public corporations are such only as are founded by the government for public purposes, where the whole in- terests belong also to the government. If, therefore, the foundation be private, though under the charter of the government , the corpora- tion is private, however extensive the uses may be to which it is devoted, either by the bounty of the founder , or the nature and objects of the institution. For instance, a bank created by the government for its own uses, whose stock is exclusively owned by the government is, in the strictest sense, a public corporation. So, an hospital cre- ated and endowed by the government for general charity. But a 728 DARTMOUTH COLLEGE V. WOODWARD. 198 bank, whose stock is owned by private persons, is a private corpora- tion, although it is erected by the government, and its objects and operations partake of a public nature. The same doctrine may be affirmed of insurance, canal, bridge and turnpike companies. In all these cases the uses may, in a certain sense, be called public, but the corporations are private, as much so, indeed, as if the franchises were vested in a single person. This reasoning applies in its full force to eleemosynary corpora- tions. An hospital, founded by a private benefactor, is, in point of law, a private corporation, although dedicated by its charter to gen- eral charity. So a college founded and endowed in the same man- ner, although being for the promotion of learning and piety, it may extend its charity to scholars from every class in the community, and thus acquire the character of a public institution. This is the un- equivocal doctrine of the authorities, and can not be shaken but by un- dermining the most solid foundations of the common law. Philips v. Bury, i Ld. Raym. 5, 9; s. c. 2 T. R. 346. It was indeed supposed at the argument that if the uses of an elee- mosynary corporation be for general charity, this alone would consti- tute it a public corporation. But the law is certainly not so. To be sure, in a certain sense, every charity which is extensive in its reach, may be called a public charity, in contradistinction to a charity embracing but a few definite objects. In this sense the language was unquestionably used by Lord Hardwicke in the case cited at the argu- ment; Attorney-General v. Pearce, 2 Atk. 87, i Bac. Abr. tit. Char- itable Uses, E, 589; and in this sense a private corporation may well enough be denominated a public charity. So it would be if the endow- ment, instead of being vested in a corporation, were assigned to a private trustee ; yet in such a case no one would imagine that the trust ceased to be private, or the funds became public property. That the mere act of incorporation will not change the charity from a private to a public one is most distinctly asserted in the authorities. Lord Hard- wicke, in the case already alluded to, says "the charter of the crown can not make a charity more or less public, but only more permanent than it would otherwise be, but it is the extensiveness which w r ill constitute it a public one. A devise to the poor of the parish is a public charity. Where testators leave it to the discretion of a trustee to choose out the objects, though each particular object may be said to be private, yet in the extensiveness of the benefit accruing from them, they may prop- erly be called public charities. A sum to be disposed of by A. B. and his executors at their discretion among poor-house keepers is of this kind." The charity, then, may in this sense be public, although it may be administered by private trustees, and for the same reason it may thus be public, though administered by a private corporation. The fact, then, that the charity is public, affords no proof that the corporation is also public ; and consequently the argument, so far as it is built on this foundation, falls to the ground. If indeed the argu- ment were correct, it would follow that almost every hospital and col- 198 CONTRACTS IN THE CORPORATE CHARTER. 72Q lege would be a public corporation ; a doctrine utterly irreconcilable with the whole current of decisions since the time of Lord Coke. When, then, the argument assumes that because the charity is pub- lic the corporation is public, it manifestly confounds the popular with the strictly legal sense of the terms. And if it stopped here it would not be very material to correct the error. But it is on this foundation that a superstructure is erected which is to compel a sur- render of the cause. When the corporation is said at the bar to be public, it is not merely meant that the whole community may be the proper objects of the bounty, but that the government have the sole right, as trustees of the public interests, to regulate, control and direct the corporation, and its funds and its franchises, at its own good will and pleasure. Now, such an authority does not exist in the govern- ment, except where the corporation is in the strictest sense public; that is, where its whole interests and franchises are the exclusive prop- erty and domain of the government itself. If it had been otherwise, courts of law would have been spared many laborious adjudications in respect to eleemosynary corporations and the visitorial powers over them from the time of Lord Holt down to the present day. Rex v. Bury, 1 Ld. Raym. 5; s. c. Comb. 265; Holt 715; i Show. 360; 4 Mod. 1 06 ; Skin. 447, and Lord Holt's opinion from his own manuscript, in 2 T. R. 346. Nay, more, private trustees for charitable purposes would have been liable to have the property confided to their care taken away from them without any assent or default on their part, and the administration submitted, not to the control of law and equity, but to the arbitrary discretion of the government. Yet, whoever thought before that the munificent gifts of private donors for general charity became instantaneously the property of the government, and that the trustees appointed by the donors, whether corporate or unincor- porated, might be compelled to yield up their rights to whomsover the government might appoint to administer them ? If we were to establish such a principle it would extinguish all future eleemosynary endowments, and we should find as little of public policy as w,e now find of law to sustain it. [Foundation and visitation of corporations.] An eleemosynary corpo- ration, then, upon a private foundation, being a private corporation, it is next to be considered what is deemed a foundation and who is the founder. This can not be stated w r ith more brevity and exactness than in the language of the elegant commentator upon the laws of Eng- land: "The founder of all corporations (says Sir William Black- stone), in the strictest and original sense, is the king alone, for he only can incorporate a society; and in civil corporations, such as mayor, commonalty, etc., where there are no possessions or endow- ments given to the body, there is no other founder but the king; but in eleemosynary foundations, such as colleges and hospitals, where there is an endowment of lands, the law distinguishes and makes two species of foundation, the one fundatio incipicns. or the incorpora- tion, in which sense the king is the general founder of all colleges and hospitals ; the other fundatio perficiens, or the dotation of it. 730 DARTMOUTH COLLEGE V. WOODWARD. 198 in which sense the first gift of the revenues is the foundation, and he who gives them is, in the law, the founder; and it is in this last sense we generally call a man the founder of a college or hospital." i Bl. Comm. 480, 10 Co. 33. To all eleemosynary corporations a visitatorial power attaches as a necessary incident ; for these corporations being composed of individ- uals subject to human infirmities are liable, as well as private persons, to deviate from the end of their institution. The law, therefore, has provided that there shall somewhere exist a power to visit, inquire into, and correct all irregularities and abuses in such corporations, and to compel the original purposes of the charity to be faithfully fulfilled, i Bl. Comm. 480. The nature and extent of this visitatorial power has been expounded with admirable fullness and accuracy by Lord Holt in one of his most celebrated judgments. Philips v. Bury, i Ld. Raym. 5 ; s. c. 2 T. R. 346. And of common right by the donation the founder and his heirs are the legal visitors, unless the founder has appointed and assigned another person to be visitor. For the founder may, if he please, at the time of the endowment, part with his visita- torial power; and the person to whom it is assigned will, in that case, possess it in exclusion of the founder's heirs, i Bl. Com. 482. This visitatorial power is, therefore, an hereditament founded in property, and valuable in intendment of law, and stands upon the maxim that he who gives his property has a right to regulate it in future. It includes also the legal right of patronage, for, as Lord Holt justly observes, "patronage and visitation are necessary consequents one upon another." No technical terms are necessary to assign or vest the visitatorial power; it is sufficient if, from the nature of the duties to be performed by particular persons under the charter, it can be inferred that the founder meant to part with it in their favor, and he may divide it among various persons, or subject it to any modifica- tions or control by the fundamental statutes of the corporation. But where the appointment is given in 'general terms, the whole power vests in the appointee. Eden v. Foster, 2 P. Wms. 325 ; Attorney- General v. Middleton, 2 Ves. 327; St. Johns College v. Todington, i W. Bl. 84; s. c. 2 Burr. 200; Attorney-General v. Clare College, 3 Atk. 662 ; s. c. i Ves. 78. In the construction of charters, too, it is a general rule that if the objects of the charity are incorporated, as, for instance, the master and fellows of a college, or the master and poor of a hospital, the visitatorial power, in the absence of any special appointment, silently vests in the founder and his heirs. But where trustees or governors are incorporated to manage the charity, the vis- itatorial power is deemed to belong to them in their corporate charac- ter. Philips v. Bury, i Ld. Raym. 5; s. c. 2 T. R. 346; Green v. Rutherford, i Ves. 472; Attorney-General v. Middleton, 2 Ves. 327; Case of Sutton Hospital, 10 Co. 23, 31. When a private eleemosynary corporation is thus created by the charter of the crown, it is subject to no other control on the part of the crown than what is expressly or implicitly reserved by the charter itself. Unless a power be reserved for this purpose, the crown can 198 CONTRACTS IN THE CORPORATE CHARTER. 731 not, in virtue of its prerogative, without the consent of the corpora- tion, alter or amend the charter, or divest the corporation of any of its franchises, or add to them, or add to or diminish the number of the trustees, or remove any of the members, or change or control the administration of the charity, or compel the corporation to receive a new charter. This is the uniform language of the authorities, and forms one of the most stubborn and well-settled doctrines of the com- mon 5aw. But an eleemosynary, like every other corporation, is subject to the general law of the land. It may forfeit its corporate franchises by misuser or non-user of them. It is subject to the controlling authority of its legal visitor, who, unless restrained by the terms of the charter, may amend and repeal its statutes, remove its officers, correct abuses and generally superintend the management of the trusts. Where, indeed, the visitatorial power is vested in the trustees of the charity, in virtue of their incorporation, there can be no amotion of them from their corporate capacity. But they are not, therefore, placed beyond the reach of the law. As managers of the revenues of the corporation they are subject to the general superintending power of the court of chancery, not as itself possessing a visitatorial power, or a right-to control the charity, but as possessing a general jurisdic- tion in all cases of an abuse of trust to redress grievances and sup- press frauds. 2 Fonbl. Eq., B. 2, pt. 2, ch. i, i, note a; Coop. Eq. PI. 292; 2 Kyd on Corp. 195; Green v. Rutherford, i Ves. 462; Attorney-General v. Foundling Hospital, 4 Bro. C. C. 165; s. c. 2 Ves. Jr. 42; Eden v. Foster, 2 P. Wms. 325 ; i Wooddes. 476; At- torney-General v. Price, 3 Atk. 108 ; Attorney-General v. Lock, 3 Atk. 164; Attorney-General v. Dixie, 13 Ves. 519; Ex parte Kirby Ravensworth Hospital, 15 Ves. 304, 314; Attorney-General v. Earl of Clarendon, 17 Ves. 491, 499; Berkhamstead Free School, 2 Ves. & B. 134; Attorney-General v. Corporation of Carmarthen. Cooper 30; Mayor, etc., of Colchester v. Lowten, i Ves. & B. 226; Rex v. Watson, 2 T. R. 199 ; Attorney-General v. Utica Ins. Co., 2 Johns. Ch. 371 ; Attorney-General v. Middleton, 2 Ves. 327. And where a cor- poration is a mere trustee of a charity, a court of equity will go yet further, and though it can not appoint or remove a corporator, it will yet, in a case of gross fraud or abuse of tmst, take away the trust from the corporation and vest it in other hands. Mayor, etc., of Coventry v. Attorney-General, 7 Bro. P. C. 235; Attorney-General v. Earl of Clarendon, 17 Ves. 491, 499. Thus much it has been thought proper to premise respecting the nature, rights and duties of eleemosynary corporations growing out of the common law. We may now proceed to an examination of the original charter of Dartmouth College. (Stating facts as to recitals of charter and its terms as above.) [Terms of the charter.] Such are the most material clauses of the charter. It is observable, in the first place, that no endowment what- ever is given by the crown, and no power is reserved to the crown or government in any manner to alter, amend or control the charter. It 732 DARTMOUTH COLLEGE V. WOODWARD. 198 is also apparent, from the very terms of the charter, that Dr. Whee- lock is recognized as the founder of the college, and that the charter is granted upon his application, and that the trustees were in fact nominated by him. In the next place, it is apparent that the objects of the institution are purely charitable, for the distribution of the pri- vate contributions of private benefactors. The charity was in the sense already explained a public charity, that, is for the general promotion of learning and piety, but in this respect it was just as much public before as after the incorporation. The only effect of the charter was to give permanency to the design, by enlarging the sphere of its ac- tion and granting a perpetuity of corporate powers and franchises, the better to secure the administration of the benevolent donations. As founder, too, Dr. Wheelock and his heirs would have been com- pletely clothed with the visitatorial power, but the whole govern- ment and control, as well of the officers as of the revenues of the college being with his consent assigned to the trustees in their corpo- rate character, the visitatorial power, which is included in this author- ity, rightfully devolved on the trustees. As managers of the property and revenues of the corporation, they were amenable to the jurisdic- tion of the judicial tribunals of the state, but as visitors, their discre- tion was limited only by the charter, and liable to no supervision or control, at least, unless it was fraudulently misapplied. From this summary examination it follows that Dartmouth College was, under its original charter, a private eleemosynary corporation, endowed with the usual privileges and franchises of such corporations, and among others, with a legal perpetuity, and was exclusively under the government and control of twelve trustees, who were to be elected and appointed, from time to time, by the existing board, as vacancies or removals should occur. [Is this charter a contract?] We are now led to the consideration of the first question in the cause, whether this charter is a contract within the clause of the constitution prohibiting the states from passing any law impairing the obligation of contracts. In the case of Fletcher v. Peck, 6 Cranch 87, 136, this court laid down its exposition of the word "contract" in this clause in the following manner: "A con- tract is a compact between two or more persons, and is either execu- tory or executed. An executory contract is one in which a party binds himself to do, or not to do, a particular thing. A contract ex- ecuted is one in which the object of the contract is performed ; and this, says Blackstone, differs in nothing from a grant. A contract executed, as well as one that is executory, contains obligations bind- ing on the parties. A grant, in its own nature, amounts to an ex- tinguishment of the right of the grantor, and implies a contract not to reassert that right. A party is always estopped by his own grant." This language is perfectly unambiguous, and was used in reference to a grant of land by the governor of a state, under a legislative act. It determines, in the most unequivocal manner, that the grant of a state is a contract, within the clause of the constitution now in ques- 198 CONTRACTS IN THE CORPORATE CHARTER. 733 tion, and that it implies a contract not to reassume the rights granted ; a fortiori, the doctrine applies to a charter or grant from the king. But it is objected that .the charter of Dartmouth College is not a contract contemplated by the constitution, because no valuable con- sideration passed to the king as an equivalent for the grant, it pur- porting to be granted ex mero motu, and further that no contracts, merely voluntary, are within the prohibitory clause. It must be ad- mitted that mere executory contracts can not be enforced at law, unless there be a valuable consideration to sustain them, and the con- stitution certainly did not mean to create any new obligations or give any new efficacy to nude pacts. But it must, on the other hand, be also admitted that the constitution did intend to preserve all the ob- ligatory force of contracts which they have by the general principles of law. Now when a contract has once passed bona Jide into grant, neither the king nor any private person who may be the grantor can recall the grant of the property, although the conveyance may have been purely voluntary. A gift completely executed is irrevocable. The property conveyed by it becomes, as against the donor, the abso- lute property of the donee ; and no subsequent change of intention of the donor can change the rights of the donee. 2 Bl. Com. 441, Jenk. Cent. 104. And a gift by the crown of incorporeal hereditaments, such as corporate franchises, when executed comes completely within the principle, and is, in the strictest sense of the terms, a grant. 2 Bl. Com. 317, 346; Shep. Touch., ch. 12, p. 227. Was it ever imagined that land, voluntarily granted to any person by a state, was liable to be resumed at its own good pleasure? Such a pretension would, under any circumstance, be truly alarming, but in a country like ours, where thousands of land-titles had their origin in gratuitous grants of the states, it would go far to shake the foundations of the best settled estates. And a grant of franchise is not, in point of principle, dis- tinguishable from a grant of any other property. If, therefore, this charter were a pure donation, when the grant was complete, and ac- cepted by the grantees, it involved a contract that the grantees should hold and the grantor should not reassume the grant as much as if it had been founded on the most valuable consideration. But it is not admitted that this charter was not granted for what the law deems a valuable consideration. For this purpose, it matters not how trifling the consideration may be, a pepper-corn is as good as a thousand dollars. Nor is it necessary that the consideration should be a benefit to the grantor. It is sufficient if it import damage or loss, or forbearance of the benefit, or any act done or to be done, on the part of the grantee. It is unnecessary to state cases; they are familiar to the mind of every lawyer. Pillans v. Van Mierop, per Yates, J., 3 Burr. 1663; Forth v. Stanton, i Saund. 211; Williams' note 2, and the cases there cited. With these principles in view, let us now examine the terms of this charter. It purports, indeed, on its face, to be granted "of the special grace, certain knowledge and mere motion" of the king, but these words were introduced for a very different purpose from that now 734 DARTMOUTH COLLEGE V. WOODWARD. 198 contended for. It is a general rule of the common law (the reverse of that applied in ordinary cases) that a grant of the king, at the suit of the grantee, is to be construed most beneficially for the king and most strictly against the grantee. Wherefore, it is usual to insert in the king's grants a clause that they are made, not at the suit of the grantee, but of the special grace, certain knowledge and mere motion of the king, and then they receive a more liberal construction. This is the true object of the clause in question, as we are informed by the most accurate authorities. 2 Bl. Comm. 347; Finch's Law 100; 10 Rep. 112; i Shep. Abr. 136; Bull. N. P. 136. But the charter also, on its face, purports to be granted in consideration of the premises in the introductory recitals. (Stating recitals as to founding by Dr. Wheelock, at his own ex- pense, contributions made by others, etc., and the location of the college.) [Implied contracts with the founder, trustees and benefactors.] Can it be truly said that these recitals contain no legal consideration of benefit to the crown, or of forbearance of benefit on the other side ? Is there not an implied contract by Dr. Wheelock, if a charter is granted, that the schools shall be removed from his estate to New Hampshire, and that he will relinquish all his control over the funds collected, and to be collected in England under his auspices and subject to his authority? That he will yield up the management of his charity school to the trustees of the college ? That he will re- linquish all the offers made by other American governments, and de- vote his patronage to this institution ? It will scarcely be denied that he gave up the right any longer to maintain the charity school already established on his own estate ; and that the funds collected for its use and subject to his management were yielded up by him as an endow- ment of the college. The very language of the charter supposes him to be the legal owner of the funds of the charity school, and in virtue of this endowment, declares him the founder of the college. It mat- ters not whether the funds were great or small ; Dr. Wheelock had procured them by his own influence, and they were under his control to be applied to the support of his charity school ; and when he re- linquished his control he relinquished a right founded in property ac- quired by his labors. Besides, Dr. Wheelock impliedly agreed to devote his future services to the college, when erected, by becoming president thereof, at a period when sacrifices must necessarily be made to accomplish the great design in view. If, indeed, a pepper- corn be, in the eye of the law, of sufficient value to found a contract, as upon a valuable consideration, are these implied agreements, and these relinquishments of right and benefit, to be deemed wholly worth- less? It has never been doubted that an agreement not to exercise a trade in a particular place was a sufficient consideration to sustain a contract for the payment of money ; a fortiori, the relinquishment of property which a person holds, or controls the use of as a trust, is a sufficient consideration ; for it is parting with a legaj right. Even a right of patronage {jus patronatus) is of great value in intendment 198 CONTRACTS IN THE CORPORATE CHARTER. 735 of law. Nobody doubts that an advovvson is a valuable hereditament ; and yet, in fact, it is but a mere trust, or right of nomination to a benefice, which can not be legally sold to the intended incumbent. 2 Bl. Comm. 22, Christian's note. In respect to Dr. Wheelock, then, if a consideration be necessary to support the charter as a contract, it is to be found in the implied stipulations on his part in the charter itself. He relinquished valuable rights and undertook a laborious office in consideration of the grant of the incorporation. This is not all. A charter may be granted upon an executory as well as an executed or present consideration. When it is granted to persons who have not made application for it until their acceptance thereof, the grant is yet in Jieri. Upon the acceptance there is an implied contract on the part of the grantees, in consideration of the charter, that they -will perform the duties and exercise the authorities conferred by it. This was the doctrine asserted by the late learned Mr. Justice Duller, in a modern case. Rex v. Pasmore, 3 T. R. 199, 239, 246. He there said, "I do not know how to reason on this point better than in the manner urged by one of the relator's counsel, who considered the grant of incorporation to be a compact between the crown and a certain number of the subjects, the latter of whom under- take, in consideration of the privileges which are bestowed, to exert themselves for the good government of the place" (i. e., the place incorporated). It will not be pretended that if a charter be granted for a bank, and the stockholders pay in their own funds, the charter is to be deemed a grant without consideration, and therefore revocable at the pleasure of the grantor. Yet here the funds are to be managed, and the services performed exclusively for the use and benefit of the stockholders themselves. And where the grantees are mere trustees to perform services without reward, exclusively for the benefit of others for public charity, can it be reasonably argued that these serv- ices are less valuable to the government than if performed for the pri- vate emolument of the trustees themselves? In respect, then, to the trustees also there was a valuable consideration for the charter, the consideration of services agreed to be rendered by them in execution of a charity, from which they could receive no private remuneration. There is yet another view of this part of the case which deserves the most weighty consideration. The corporation was expressly created for the purpose of distributing in perpetutity the charitable donations of private benefactors. By the terms of the charter the trustees and their successors in their corporate capacity were to re- ceive, hold and exclusively manage all the funds so contributed. The crown then, upon the face of the charter, pledged its faith that the donations of private benefactors should be perpetually devoted to their orginal purposes without any interference on its own part, and should be forever administered by the trustees of the corporation, unless its corporate franchises should be taken away by due process of law. From the very nature of the case, therefore, there -was an im- plied contract on the part of the crown ivith every benefactor that if he rvould give his money it should be deemed a charity protected by 736 DARTMOUTH COLLEGE V. WOODWARD. 198 the charter, and be administered by the corporation according to the general law of the land. As soon, then, as a donation ivas made to the corporation, there "was an implied contract springing up and founded on a valuable consideration that the crown -would not revoke or alter the charter or change its administration without the consent of the corporation. There was also an implied contract between the corporation itself and every benefactor upon like consideration, that it would administer his bounty according to the terms and for the objects stipulated in the charter. In every view of the case, if a consideration were necessary (which I utterly deny) to make the charter a valid contract, a valuable con- sideration did exist as to the founder, the trustees and the benefactors. And upon the soundest legal principles the charter may be properly deemed, according to the various aspects in which it is viewed, as a several contract with each of these parties in virtue of the foundation or the endowment of the college, or the acceptance of the charter or the donations to the charity. [Implied contract with the corporation itself.] And here we might pause ; but there is yet remaining another view of the subject, which can not consistently be passed over without notice. It seems to be as- sumed by the argument of the defendant ' s counsel that there is no contract whatsoever, in virtue of the charter, between the crown and the corporation itself. But it deserves consideration, whether this as- sumption can be sustained upon a solid foundation. If this had been a new charter, granted to an existing corporation, or a grant of lands to an existing corporation, there could not have been a doubt that the grant would have been an executed contract with the corporation, as much so as if it had been to any private person. But it is supposed that as the corporation was not then in existence, but was created and its franchises bestowed, uno flatu, the charter can not be construed a contract, because there was no person in rerum natures with whom it might be made. Is this, however, a just and legal view of the subject? If the cor- poration had no existence, so as to become a contracting party, neither had it for the purpose of receiving a grant of the franchises. The truth is that there may be a priority of operation of things in the same grant, and the law distinguishes and gives such priority wherever it is necessary to effectuate the objects of the grant. Case of Sutton Hos- pital, 10 Co. 23; Buckland v. Fowcher, cited 10 Co. 278, and recognized in Attorney-General v. Bowyer, 3 Ves. Jr. 7*4? 7 2 ^~7 5 s. p. Highmore on Mort. 200, etc. From the nature of things the artificial person called a corporation must be created before it can be capable of taking anything. When, therefore, a charter is granted, and it brings the corporation into existence, without any act of the natural persons who compose it, and gives such corporation any privi- leges, franchises or property, the law deems the corporation to be Jirst brought into existence, and then clothes it with the granted liberties and property. When, on the other hand, the corporation is to be brought into existence by some future acts of the corporators, the 198 CONTRACTS IN THE CORPORATE CHARTER. 737 franchises remain in abeyance until such acts are done, and when the corporation is brought into life the franchises instantaneously attach to it. There may be, in intendment of law, a priority of time, even in an instant, for this purpose. Highmore on Mort. 200, etc. And if the corporation have an existence before the grant of its other franchises attaches, what more difficulty is there in deeming the grant of these franchises a contract with it than if granted by another instru- ment at a subsequent period ? It behooves those also who hold that a grant to a corporation not then in existence is incapable of being deemed a contract on that account, to consider whether they do not at the same time establish that the grant itself is a nullity for precisely the same reason. Yet such a doctrine would strike us all as pregnant with absurdity, since it would prove that an act of incorporation could never confer any authorities or rights of property on the corporation it created. It may be admitted that two parties are necessary to form a perfect contract, but it is denied that it is necessary that the assent of both parties must be at the same time. If the legislature were voluntarily to grant land in fee to the first child of A. to be hereafter born, as soon as such child should be born the estate would vest in it. Would it be contended that such a grant, when it took effect, was revocable, and not an exe- cuted contract upon the acceptance of the estate? The same question might be asked in a case of a gratuitous grant by the king or the legis- lature to A. for life, and afterward to the heirs of B., who is then living. Take the case of a bank, incorporated for a limited period upon the express condition that it shall pay out of its corporate funds a certain sum as the consideration for the charter, and after the cor- poration is organized a payment is duly made of the sum out of the corporate funds ; will it be contended that there is not a subsisting contract between the government and the corporation by the matters thus arising ex post facto that the charter shall not be revoked during the stipulated period? Suppose an act declaring that all persons, who should thereafter pay into the public treasury a stipulated sum, should be tenants in common of certain lands belonging to the state in certain proportions; if a person, afterward born, pays the stipu- lated sum into the treasury, is it less a contract with him than it would be with a person in esse at the time the act passed? We must admit that there may be future springing contracts in respect to per- sons not now in esse, or we shall involve ourselves in inextricable dif- ficulties. And if there may be in respect to natural persons, why not also in respect to artificial persons created by the law for the very pur- pose of being clothed with corporate powers ? / am unable to distin- guish between the case of a grant of land or of franchises to an exist- ing corporation and a like grant to a corporation brought into life for the very purpose of receiving the grant. As soon as it is in esse, and the franchises and property become vested and executed in it, the grant is just as much an executed contract as if its prior existence had been established for a century. 47 WIL. CASES. 738 DARTMOUTH COLLEGE V. WOODWARD. 198 [Are these contracts protected by the constitution?] Supposing, how- ever, that in either of the views which have been suggested, the charter of Dartmouth College is to be deemed a contract, we are yet met with several objections of another nature. It is, in the first place, con- tended that it is not a contract within the prohibitory clause of the constitution, because that clause was never intended to apply to mere contracts of civil institutions, such as the contract of marriage, or to grants of power to state officers, or to contracts relative to their offices, or to grants of trust to be exercised for purposes merely public, when the grantees take no beneficial interest. [Offices.] It is admitted that the state legislatures have power to enlarge, repeal and limit the authorities of public officers in their offi- cial capacities, in all cases where the constitutions of the states respect- ively do not prohibit them; and this, among others, for the very rea- son that there is no express or implied contract that they shall always, during their continuance in office, exercise such authorities; they are to exercise them only during the good pleasure of the legislature. But when the legislature makes a contract with a public officer, as in the case of a stipulated salary for his services during/a limited period, this, during the limited period, is just as much a contract, within the purview of the constitutional prohibition, as a like contract would be between two private citizens. Will it be contended that the legisla- ture of a state can diminish the salary of a judge holding his office during good behavior? Such an authority has never yet been asserted to our knowledge. It may. also be admitted that corporations for mere public government, such as towns, cities and counties, may in many respects be subject to legislative control. But it will hardly be con- tended that even in respect to such coiporations, the legislative power is so transcendent that it may at its will take away the private property of the corporation, or change the uses of its private funds acquired under the public faith. Can the legislature confiscate to its own use the private funds which a municipal corporation holds under its char- ter, without any default or consent of the corporators? If a munici- pal corporation be capable of holding devises and legacies to charita- ble uses (as many municipal corporations are), does the legislature, under our forms of limited government, possess the authority to seize upon those funds and appropriate them to other uses, at its own arbitrary pleasure, against the will of the donors and donees ? From the very nature of our governments the public faith is pledged the other way, and that pledge constitutes a valid compact, and that com- pact is subject only to judicial inquiry, construction and abrogation. This court have already had occasion in other causes to express their opinion on this subject; and there is not the slightest inclination to retract it. Terrett v. Taylor, 9 Cranch 43; Town of Pawlet v. Clark, 9 Cranch 292. [Marriage contracts.] As to the case of the contract of marriage, which the argument supposes not to be within the reach of the pro- hibitory clause because it is matter of civil institution, I profess not to feel the weight of the reason assigned for the exception. In a legal 198 CONTRACTS IN THE CORPORATE CHARTER. 739 sense, all contracts recognized as valid in any country may be prop- erly said to be matters of civil institution, since they obtain their obli- gation and construction jure loci contractus. Titles to land, consti- tuting part of the public domain, acquired by grants under the pro- visions of existing laws by private persons, are certainly contracts of civil institution. Yet no one ever supposed that when acquired bona fide they were not beyond the reach of legislative revocation. And so, certainly, is the established doctrine of this court. A general law regulating divorces from the contract of marriage, like a law regulating remedies in other cases of breaches of contracts, is not nec- essarily a law impairing the obligation of such a contract. It may be the only effectual mode of enforcing the obligations of the contract on both sides. A law punishing a breach of a contract by imposing a for- feiture of the rights acquired under it, or dissolving it because the mutual obligations were no longer observed, is, in no correct sense, a law impairing the obligations of the contract. Could a law compelling a specific performance by giving a new remedy be justly deemed an excess of legislative power? Thus far the contract of marriage has been considered with reference to general laws regulating divorces upon breaches of that contract. But if the argument means to assert that the legislative power to dissolve such a contract without such a breach on either side, against the wishes of the parties, and without any judicial inquiry to ascertain a breach, I certainly am not prepared to admit such a power, or that its exercise would not entrench upon the prohibition of the constitution. If, under the faith of existing laws, a contract of marriage be duly solemnized, or a marriage settle- ment be made (and marriage is always in law a valuable considera- tion for a contract), it is not easy to perceive why a dissolution of its obligations, without any default or assent of the parties, may not as well fall within the prohibition as any other contract for a valuable consideration. A man has just as good a right to his wife as to the property acquired under a marriage contract. He has a legal right to her society and her fortune; and to divest such right without his default and against his will, would be as flagrant a violation of the principles of justice as the confiscation of his own estate. I leave this case, however, to be settled when it shall arise. I have gone into it because it was urged with great earnestness upon us, and required a reply. It is sufficient now to say, that as at present advised, the argument derived from this source does not press my mind with any new and insurmountable difficulty. [Trustees.] In respect also to grants and contracts, it would be far too narrow a construction of the constitution to limit the prohibitory clause to such only where the parties take for their own private ben- efit. A grant to a private trustee, for the benefit of a particular res- tut que trust, or for any special, private or public charity, can not be the less a contract because the trustee takes nothing for his own ben- efit. A grant of the next presentation to a church is still a contract, although it limit the grantee to a mere right of nomination or patron- age. 2 Bl. Comm. 21. The fallacy of the argument consists in as- 74O DARTMOUTH COLLEGE V. WOODWARD. 198 suming the very ground in controversy. It is not admitted that a contract with a trustee is, in its own nature, revocable, whether it be for special or general purposes, for public charity or particular benefi- cence. A private donation, vested in a trustee, for objects of a gen- eral nature, does not thereby become a public trust, which the gov- ernment may, at its pleasure, take from the trustee, and administer in its own way. The truth is, that the government has no power to re- voke a grant, even of its own funds, when given to a private person or a corporation for special uses. It can not recall its own endow- ments, granted to any hospital or college, or city or town, for the use of such corporations. The only authority remaining to the govern- ment is judicial, to ascertain the validity of the grant, to enforce its proper uses, to suppress frauds, and, if the uses are charitable, to se- cure their regular administration, through the means of equitable tri- bunals, in cases where there would otherwise be a failure of justice. [Property contracts.] Another objection growingoutof and connected with that which we have been considering, is, that no grants are within the constitutional prohibition, except such as respect property in the strict sense of the term ; that is to say, beneficial interests in lands, tenements and hereditaments, etc., which may be sold by the grantees for their own benefit; and that grant of franchises, immunities and authorities not valuable to the parties as property are excluded from its purview. No authority has been cited to sustain this distinction, and no reason is perceived to justify its adoption. There are many rights, franchises and authorities which are valuable in contemplation of law, where no beneficial interest can accrue to the possessor. A grant to the next presentation to a church, limited to a grantee alone, has been already mentioned. A power of appointment, reserved in a marriage settlement, either to a party or a stranger, to appoint uses in favor of third persons, without compensation, is another instance. A grant of lands to a trustee to raise portions or pay debts, is, in law, a valuable grant, and conveys a legal estate. Even a power given by will to executors to sell an estate for payment of debts is, by the bet- ter opinions and authority, coupled with a trust, and capable of sur- vivorship. Co. Litt., 113^, Harg. & Butler's note 2; Su'gden on Powers 140; Jackson v. Jansen, 6 Johns, 73; Franklin v. Osgood, 2 John. Cas. i ; s. c. 14 Johns. 527; Zebach v. Smith, 3 Binn. 69; Lessee of Moody v. Vandyke, 4 Binn. 7, 31 ; Attorney-General v. Gleg, i Atk. 356; i Bac. Abr. 586 (Gwyllim's ed.). Many digni- ties and offices existing at common law are merely honorary and without profit, and sometimes are onerous. Yet a grant of them has never been supposed the less a contract on that account. In respect to franchises, whether corporate or not, which include a pernancy of profits, such as a right of fishery, or to hold a ferry, a market or a fair, or to erect a turnpike, bank or bridge, there is no pretense to say that grants of them are not within the constitution. Yet they may, in point of fact, be of no exchangeable value to the owners. They may be worthless in the market. The truth, however, is, that all incorporeal hereditaments, whether they be immunities, dignities, 198 CONTRACTS IN THE CORPORATE CHARTER. 741 offices or franchises, or other rights, are deemed valuable in law. The owners have a legal estate and property in them, and legal rem- edies to support and recover them, in case of any injury, obstruction or disseizin of them. Whenever they are the subjects of a con- tract or grant, they are just as much within the reach of the constitu- tion as any other grant. Nor is there any solid reason why a contract for the exercise of a mere authority should not be just as much guarded as a contract for the use and dominion of property. Mere naked powers, which are to be exercised for the exclusive benefit of the grantor, are revocable by him for that very reason. But it is other- wise where a power is to be exercised in aid of a right vested in the grantee. We all know that a power of attorney, forming a part of a security upon the assignment of a chose in action, is not revoca- ble by the grantor. For it then sounds in contract, and is coupled with an interest. Walsh v. Whitcomb, 2 Esp. 565 ; Bergen v. Ben- nett, i Games' Cas. i, 15; Raymond v. Squire, n Johns. 47. So, if an estate be conveyed in trust for the grantor, the estate is irrevoca- ble in the grantee, although he can take no beneficial interest for him- self . Many of the best settled estates stand upon conveyances of this nature; and there can be no doubt that such grants are contracts within the prohibition in question. [Franchises.] In respect to corporate franchises, they are, properly speaking, legal estates vested in the corporation itself as soon as it is in esse. They are not mere naked powers granted to the corporation, but powers coupled -with an interest. The property of the corpora- tion rests upon the possession of its franchises, and whatever may be thought as to the corporators, it can not be denied that the corpora- tion itself has a legal interest in them. It may sue and be sued for them. Nay, more, this very right is one of its ordinary franchises. "// is likewise a franchise," says Mr. Justice Blackstone, ''for a number of persons to be incorporated and subsist as a body politic, with power to maintain perpetual succession and do other corporate acts ; and each individual member of such corporation is also said to have a franchise or freedom." 2 Bl. Comm. 37; i Kyd on Corp. 14, 16. In order to get rid of the legal difficulty of these franchises being considered as valuable hereditaments or property, the counsel for the defendant are driven to contend that the corporators or trustees are mere agents of the corporation, in whom no beneficial interest subsists ; and so nothing but a naked power is touched by removing them from the trust; and then to hold the corporation itself a mere ideal being, capable indeed of holding property or franchises, but having no interest in them which can be the subject of contract. Neither of these positions is admissible. The former has been already sufficiently considered, and the latter may be disposed of in a few words. The corporators are not mere agents, but have vested rights in their character as corporators. The right to be a freeman of a corporation is a valuable temporal right. It is a right of voting and acting in the corporate concerns, which the law recognizes and enforces, and for a violation of which it provides a remedy. It is founded on the same basis as the right of 742 DARTMOUTH COLLEGE V. WOODWARD. 198 voting in public elections; it is as sacred a right, and whatever might have been the prevalence of former doubts since the time of Lord Holt, such a right has always been deemed a valuable franchise or privilege. Ashby v. White, 2 Ld. Raym. 938; i Kyd on Corp. 16. This reasoning, which has been thus far urged, applies with full force to the case of Dartmouth College. The franchises granted by the charter were vested in the trustees, in their corporate character. The lands and other property subsequently acquired were held by them in the same manner. They were the private demesnes of the corporation, held by it, not, as the argument supposes, for the use and benefit of the people of New Hampshire, but, as the charter itself declares, "for the use of the Dartmouth College." There were not, and in the na- ture of things could not be, any other cestiiique use, entitled to claim those funds. They were, indeed, to be devoted to the promotion of piety and learning, not at large, but in that college and the establish- ments connected with it; and the mode in which the charity was to be applied, and the objects of it, were left solely to the trustees, who were the legal governors and administrators of it. No particular person in New Hampshire possessed a vested right in the bounty ; nor could he force himself upon the trustees as a proper object. The legisla- ture itself could not deprive the trustees of the corporate funds, nor annul their discretion in the application of them, nor distribute them among its own favorites. Could the legislature of New Hampshire have seized the land given by the state of Vermont to the corporation, and appropriated it to uses distinct from those intended by the charity r against the will of the trustees? This question can not be answered in the affirmative, until it is established that the legislature may law- fully take the property of A. and give it to B. ; and if it could not take away or restrain the corporate funds, upon what pretense can it take away or restrain the corporate franchises? Without the fran- chises, the funds could not be used for corporate purposes; but with- out the funds, the possession of the franchises might still be of inesti- mable value to the college, and to the cause of religion and learning. [Rights of the trustees.] Thus far the rights of the corporation itself in respect to its property and franchises have been more immediately considered ; but there are other rights and privileges belonging to the trustees collectively and severally which are deserving of notice. They are intrusted with the exclusive power to manage the funds, to choose the officers and to regulate the corporate concerns according to their own discretion. The jus patronatus is vested in them. The visita- torial power in its most enlarged extent also belongs to them. When this power devolves upon the founder of a charity it is an heredita- ment, descendible in perpetuity to his heirs, and in default of heirs it escheats to the government. Rex v. St. Catherine's Hall, 4 T. R. 233. It is a valuable right, founded in property, as much so as the right of patronage in any other case. It is a right which partakes of a judicial nature. May not the founder as justly contract for the pos- session of this right in return for his endowment, as for any other equivalent? and if, instead of holding it as an hereditament, he as- 198 CONTRACTS IN THE CORPORATE CHARTER. 743 signs it in perpetuity to the trustees of the corporation, is it less a val- uable hereditament in their hands? The right is not merely a collect- ive right in all the trustees; each of them also has a franchise in it. Lord Holt says, *'it is agreeable to reason and the rules of law, that a franchise should be vested in the corporation aggregate, and yet the benefit redound to the particular members, and be enjoyed by them in their private capacities. Where the privilege of election is used by particular persons, it is a particular right vested in each particular man." Ashby v. White, 2 Ld. Raym. 938, 952; Attorney-General v. Dixie> 13 Ves. 519. Each of the trustees had aright to vote in all elections. If obstructed in the exercise of it, the law furnished him with an adequate recompense in damages. If ousted unlawfully from his office, the law would, by a mandamus, compel a restoration. It is attempted, however, to establish that the trustees have no in- terest in the corporate franchises, because it is said that they may be witnesses in a suit brought against the corporation. The case cited at the bar certainly goes the length of asserting that in a suit brought against a charitable corporation for a, recompense for services per- formed for the corporation, the governors, constituting the corporation (but whether intrusted with its funds or not by the act of incorpora- tion does not appear), are competent witnesses against the plaintiff. Weller v. Governor of the Foundling Hospital, i Peake's Cas. 153. But assuming this case to have been rightly decided (as to which, upon the authorities, there may be room to doubt), the corporators being technically parties to the record (Attorney-General v. City of London, 3 Bro. C. C. 171 ; s. c. i Ves. J. 243; Burton v. Hinde, "5 T. R. 174; Nason v. Thatcher, 7 Mass. 398; Phillips on Evid. 42, 52, 57 and notes; i Kyd on Corp. 304, etc. ; Highmore on Mortm. 514), it does not establish that in a suit for the corporate property vested in the trustees in their corporate capacity, the trustees are competent witnesses. At all events, it does not establish that in a suit for the corporate franchises to be exercised by the trustees or to enforce their visitatorial power the trustees would be competent wit- nesses. On a mandamus to restore a trustee to his corporate or vis- itatorial power, it will not be contended that the trustee is himself a competent witness to establish his own rights, or the corporate rights. Yet, why not, if the law deems that a trustee has no interest in the franchise ? The test of interest assumed in the argument proves noth- ing in' this case. It is not enough to establish that the trustees are sometimes competent witnesses ; it is necessary to show that they are always so in respect to the corporate franchises and their own. It will not be pretended that in a suit for damages for obstruction in the ex- ercise of his official powers a trustee is a disinterested witness. Such an obstruction is not a damnum absque injuria. Each trustee has a vested right and legal interest in his office, and it can not be divested but by due course of law. The illustration, therefore, lends no new force to the argument, for it does not establish that when their own rights are in controversy the trustees have no legal interest in their offices. 744 DARTMOUTH COLLEGE V. WOODWARD. 198 The principal objections having been thus answered satisfactorily, at least, to my own mind, it remains only to declare, that my opinion, after the most mature deliberation, is that the charter of Dartmouth College, granted in 1769, is a contract within the purview of the con- stitutional prohibition. [Effect of the revolution.] I might now proceed to the discussion of the second question ; but it is necessary previously to dispose of a doc- trine which has been very seriously urged at the bar, viz., that the charter of Dartmouth College was dissolved at the revolution, and is, therefore, a mere nullity. A case before Lord Thurlow has been cited in support of this doctrine. Attorney-General v. City of Lon- don, 3 Bro. C. C. 171 ; s. c. i Ves. Jr. 243. The principal question in that case was, whether the corporation of William and Mary Col- lege in Virginia (which had received its charter from King William and Queen Mary), should still be permitted to administer the charity under Mr. Boyle's will, no interest having passed to the college, under the will, but it acting as an agent or trustee, under a decree in chancery, or whether a new scheme for the administration of the charity should be laid before the court. Lord Thurlow directed a new scheme, because the college, belonging to an independent gov- ernment, was no longer within the reach of the court. And he very unnecessarily added, that he could not now consider the college as a corporation, or as another report (i Ves. Jr. 243) states that he could not take notice of it, as a corporation, it not having proved its existence as a corporation at all. If, by this, Lord Thurlow meant to declare, that all charters acquired in America from the crown were destroyed by the revolution, his doctrine is not law; and if it had been true, it would equally apply to all other grants from the crown, which would be monstrous. It is a principle of the common law, which has been recognized as well in this, as in other courts, that the divis- ion of an empire works no forfeiture of previously vested rights of property. And this maxim is equally consonant with the common sense of mankind, and the maxims of eternal justice. Terrett v. Tay- lor, 9 Cranch 43, 50; Kelly v. Harrison, 2 Johns. Cas. 29; Jackson v. Lunn, 3 Johns. Cas. 109 ; Calvin's Case, 7 Co. 27. This objec- tion, therefore, may be safely dismissed without further comment. [Impairment of the charter.] The remaining inquiry is, whether the acts of the legislature of New Hampshire now in question, or any of them, impair the obligations of the charter of Dartmouth College. The attempt certainly is to force upon the corporation a new charter against the will of the corporators. Nothing seems better settled at the common law than the doctrine that the crown can not force upon a private corporation a new charter, or compel the old members to give up their own franchises, or to admit new members into the cor- poration. Rex v. Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge, 3 Burr. 1656; Rex v. Pasmore, 3 T. R. 240; i Kyd on Corp. 65; Rex v. Larwood, Comb. 316. Neither can the crown compel a man to become a mem- ber of such corporation against his will. Rex v. Dr. Askew, 4 Burr. 2200. As little has it been supposed that under our limited govern- 198 CONTRACTS IN THE CORPORATE CHARTER. 745 ments the legislature possessed such transcendent authority. On one occasion, a very able court held that the state legislature had no authority to compel a person to become a member of a mere private corporation, created for the promotion of a private enterprise, because every man had a right to refuse a grant. Ellis v. Marshall, 2 Mass. 269. On another occasion, the same learned court declared that they were all satisfied that the rights legally vested in a corporation, can not be controlled or destroyed by any subsequent statute, unless a power for that purpose be reserved to the legislature in the act of incorporation. Wales v. Stetson, 2 Mass. 143, 146. These principles are so consonant with justice, sound policy and legal reasoning that it is difficult to resist the impression of their perfect correctness. The application of them, however, does not, from our limited authority, properly belong to the appellate jurisdiction of this court in this case. (Stating facts as to acts of 1816.) It is apparent that in substance a new corporation is created, includ- ing the old corporators with new powers, and subject to a new control ; or that the old corporation is newly organized and enlarged, and placed under an authority hitherto unknown to it. The board of trust- ees are increased from twelve to twenty-one. The college becomes a university. The property vested in the old trustees is transferred to the new board of trustees, in their corporate capacities. The quorum is no longer seven but nine. The old trustees have no longer the sole right to perpetuate their succession by electing other trustees, but the nine new trustees are, in the first instance, to be appointed by the governor and council, and the new board are then to elect other trust- see from time to time as vacancies occur. The new board, too, have the power to suspend or remove any member, so that a minority of the old board, co-operating with the new trustees, possess the un- limited power to remove the majority of the old board. The powers, too, of the corporation are varied. It has authority to organize new colleges in the "university and to establish an institute and elect fel- lows and members thereof." A board of overseers is created (a board utterly unknown to the old charter), and is invested with a general supervision and negative upon all the most important acts and pro- ceedings of the trustees. And to give complete effect to this new authority, instead of the right to appoint, the trustees are in future only to nominate, and the overseers are to approve, the president and professors of the university. If these are not essential changes, impairing the rights and authori- ties of the trustees, and vitally affecting the interests and organization of Dartmouth College under its old charter, it is difficult to conceive what acts, short of an unconditional repeal of the charter, could have that effect. If a grant of land or franchises be made to A., in trust for special purposes, can the grant be revoked and a new grant thereof be made to A., B. and C., in trust for the same purposes, \vithout vio- lating the obligation of the first grant? If property be vested by grant in A and B., for the use of a college, or an hospital, of private foundation, is not the obligation of that grant impaired when the 746 DARTMOUTH COLLEGE V. WOODWARD. 198 estate is taken from their exclusive management and vested in them in common with ten other persons? If a power of appointment be given to A. and B., is it no violation of their right to annul the appointment, unless it be assented to by five other persons, and then confirmed by a distinct body? If a bank or insurance company, by the terms of its charter, be under the management of directors, elected by the stock- holders, would not the rights acquired by the charter be impaired, if the legislature should take the right of election from the stockholders and appoint directors unconnected with the corporation ? These ques- tions carry their own answers along with them. The common sense of mankind will teach us that all these cases would be direct infringe- ments of the legal obligations of the grants to which they refer, and yet they are, with no essential distinction, the same as the case now at the bar. In my judgment it is perfectly clear that any act of a legislature which takes away any powers or franchises vested by its charter in a private corporation, or its corporate officers, or which restrains or controls the legitimate exercise of them, or transfers them to other persons, without its assent, is a violation of the obligations of that charter. If the legislature mean to claim such, an authority, it must be reserved in the grant. The charter of Dartmouth College con- tains no such reservation ; and I am, therefore, bound to declare, that the acts of the legislature of New Hampshire, now in question, do impair the obligations of that charter and are, consequently, uncon- stitutional and void. In pronouncing this judgment, it has not for one moment escaped me, how delicate, difficult and ungracious is the task devolved upon us. The predicament in which this court stands in relation to the na- tion at large is full of perplexities and embarrassments. It is called to decide on causes between citizens of different states, between a state and its citizens, and between different states. It stands, there- fore in the midst of jealousies and rivalries of conflicting parties, with the most momentous interests confided to its care. Under such cir- cumstances, it never can have a motive to do more than its duty ; and I trust, it will always be found to possess firmness enough to do that. Under these impressions, I have pondered on the case before us with the most anxious deliberations. I entertain great respect for the leg- islature, whose acts are in question. I entertain no less respect for the enlightened tribunal whose decision we are called upon to review. In the examination, I have endeavored to keep my steps super antiquas vias of the law, under the guidance of authority and principle. It is not for judges to listen to the voice of persuasive eloquence or popular appeal. We have nothing to do but to pronounce the law as we find it ; and having done this, our justification must be left to the im- partial judgment of our country. DUVALL, Justice, dissented. Judgment for $20,000 (as agreed) for plaintiff in error. Note. Mr. Justice Miller, in his Lectures on Constitutional Law, p. 391, says: "It may well be doubted whether any decision ever delivered by any 198 CONTRACTS IN THE CORPORATE CHARTER. 747 court has had such a pervading operation and influence in controlling legisla- tion as this. The legislation, however, has bern that of the states of the Union. The decision is founded upon that clause of the constitution which declares 'That no state shall make any law impairing the obligation of con- tracts.' " The case has been frequently and severely criticised, but notwithstanding this, as Chief Justice Waite (himself an enemy of the decision) says in Stone v. Mississippi, 101 U. S. 814: "The doctrines of Dartmouth College v. Wood- ward, announced by this court more than sixty [now eighty] years ago, have become so imbedded in the jurisprudence of the United States as to make them to all intents and purposes a part of the constitution itself. In this con- nection, however, it must be kept in mind that it is not the charter that is protected, but only any contract which the charter may contain. If there is no contract there is nothing in the grant on which the constitution can act; consequently, the first inquiry in all this class of cases is whether a contract has in fact been entered into, and if so, what its obligations are." So, too, in 1894, Judge Gray, of the New York Court of Appeals in Matter of the City of Brooklyn, 143 N. Y. 596, on 609, says of the case: "The principle enunciated has been steadily adhered to, despite criticisms, and is not ques- tioned here." And Mr. Justice Miller, in Pearsall v. Great Northern Railway, 161 U. S. 646, on 660, says: "The doctrine of this case has been subjected to more or less criticism by the courts and the profession, but has been reaffirmed and applied so often as to have become firmly established as a canon of American jurisprudence." See infra, p. 1413. The first case I have found in which the power of the state to modify a cor- porate charter was discussed, is Currie's Administrators v. Mutual Assurance Society, 4 Henning & M. (Va.) 315, decided by the supreme court of appeals of Virginia in 1809 ten years before the decision of the Dartmouth College Case by the United States Supreme Court. This case is not cited or com- mented upon by the attorneys upon either side, or referred to in the decis- ions of the judges either in the state or the supreme courts. This seems strange when William Wirt, the attorney -general, himself a Virginian, was counsel for the defendant. Upon one side it was argued: "A charter is not a law, but a compact be- tween the sovereign authority of the state and a citizen. In England, though the parliament enacts every law, yet it grants no charters. These are granted by the king, who can not at his mere pleasure-revoke them, but they remain unalterable as fate, unless the corporation do some act, or are guilty of some omission which, according to established rules and principles of law, pro- duces a forfeiture. And then it is not competent for the king (one of the con- tracting parties) to determine the question, but belongs exclusively to the tribunals selected to decide all other controversies respecting charters." On the other side it was said: "A charter is not a compact between the state and the grantee of the charter. On the part of the state there is no contract, express or implied. The state is not bound either to give to, or to receive, to do, or to abstain from doing anything. On the part of the society there is no obliga- tion to the state. On what ground, then, can it be said that there is a con- tract, when neither of the parties enter into any sort of obligation. The idea is absurd." Another view was: "That the constitution of the United States prohibits the legislature from passing such an act without the consent of the body corporate, I am not disposed to controvert, although it may well be questioned whether it was intended to apply to such a case. The provision in the constitution that 'no state shall pass a law impairing the obligation of con- tracts,' can not be understood in the most extensive sense of the words so as to embrace, for instance, laws for suppressing usurious or gaming contracts, but must have a reasonable construction." The court by Roane, J., said : "With respect to acts of incorporation, they ought never to be passed but in consideration of services to be rendered to the public. * * * It may be often convenient for a set of associated indi- viduals to have the privileges of a corporation bestowed upon them; but if their object is merely private or selfish, if it is detrimental to, or not promo- 748 DARTMOUTH COLLEGE V. WOODWARD. 198 tive of the public good, they have no adequate claim upon the legislature for the privilege. But as it is possible that the legislature may be imposed upon in the first instance, and as the public good and the interests of the associated body may, in the progress of time, by the gradual and natural working of events, be thrown entirely asunder, the question presents itself whether, under such and similar circumstances, the hands of a succeeding legislature are tied up from revoking the privileges. My answer is, that they are not. In the first case, no consideration of public service ever existed and in the last, none continues to justify the privilege. It is the character of a legisla- tive act to be repenlable by a succeeding legislature ; nor can a preceding leg- islature limit the power of its successor on the mere ground of volition only. That effect can only arise from a state of things involving public utility, which includes the observance of justice and good faith toward all men." Cases and articles giving important facts relating to or taking views op- posed to the decisions of the supreme court are: 1817, Trustees of Dart- mouth College v. Woodward, 1 N. H. Ill, 65 N. H. 473 ; 1853, Toledo Bank v. Bond, I Ohio St. 630; 1863, Chenango, etc., Co. v. Birighamton, 27 N. Y. 87, on 119; 1873, President James A. Garfield, "The Future of the Republic," 5 Leg. Gaz. 409, 2 vol. of his works, p. 46, 61, et seq.; 1874, Dubuque v. Illinois Central R. Co., 39 Iowa 56, on 95; 1878, Ashuelpt R. Co. v. Elliot, 58 N. H. 451; 1881, East St. Louis v. Gas Co., 98 111. 415, on 443, by Walker, J. ; 1882, People v. Stephens, 62 Cal. 209, on 236; 1886, The Dartmouth College Case and Private Corporations by Win. P. Wells, 9 Am. Bar. Assn. Rep. 229, et seq.; 1886, Dow v. Northern R. Co., 67 N. H. 1, 36 Atl. Rep. 525, 6 Harv. L. R. 161, 213, 8 Harv. L. R. 295, 396, 27 Am. L. R. 71 ; 1892, Judge Seymour D. Thompson, "Abuses of Corporate Privileges," in 26 Am. L. R. 169, et seq.; 1893, E. A. Otis, in 27 Am. L. R. 525; 1894, G. P. Wanty, 4 Mich. L. J. 251; 1894, W. S.G. Noyes, 28 Am. L. R. 356, n. 440; 1895, Alfred Russell, Status and Tendencies of, 30 Am. L. R. 321. The inside history of the political and religious controversy, and its influ- ence upon the decision, are set forth fully in Shirley's Dartmouth College Causes ; also a short and interesting sketch of the same is found in 27 Am. L. R., p. 525 ; the best reasoned legal attack upon it (in the writer's opinion) is the opinion of Chief Justice Bartley, in Toledo Bank v. Bond, 1 Ohio St. 629; the next best is that of Chief Justice Doe, in Dow v. Northern R., 67 N. H 1, 36 Atl. 525, 6 and 8 Harv. L. R. The most savage attack is that of Judge Thomp- son, in 26 Am. L. R. 169, and to which view, he says in his work on corpora- tions, he still adheres, 4 vol., 5380, n. 4. The best statement of both its ben- eficial and evil effects is that of Wm. P. Wells, in 9 Am. Bar Assn. Rep., p. 229. Perhaps the two views so ably expressed as follows, will continue to enlist the strongest minds of the country in upholding or destroying its doc- trine and effects. Said Chancellor Kent in 1826: "The decision did more than any other single act proceeding from the authority of the United States to throw an impregnable barrier around all rights and franchises derived from the grant of government, and to give solidity and inviolability to the literary, charitable, religious and commercial institutions of our country," 1 Kent Comm. 419. On the other hand, Judge Cooley, in 1871, said: "It is under the protection of the decision in the Dartmouth College Case that the most enormous and threat- ening powers in our country have been created, some of the great and wealthy corporations having greater influence in the country at large, and upon the legislation of the country than the states to which they owe their corporate existence," Const. Lira .' p. 279-80 n. (2d ed.). A full statement of the various applications of the doctrines of the college case and their limitations is given by Mr. Justice Brown in Pearsall v. Great N. R. Co , 161 U. S. 646, on 659, et seq., infra, p. 1413. 1. The charter contract. The charter of a private corporation, which con- tains a contract, can not be so modified by subsequent legislative act, unless the power to repeal or amend is reserved, as to impair the obligation of the charter contract: 1839, Crease v. Babcock, 23 Pick. (Mass.) 334, 34 Am. Dec. 61 ; 1850. Commonwealth v. Cullen, 13 Pa. St. 133, supra, p. 417; 1865, Mayor Of New York v. Second Ave. R., 32 N. Y. 261 ; 1872, Flint & F. P. R. Co", v. 198 CONTRACTS IN THE CORPORATE CHARTER. 749 Woodhull, 25 Mich. 99, supra, p. 398; 1876, Hays v. Commonwealth, 82 Pa. St. 518; 1877, University v. North Carolina, etc., 76 N. C. 103, 22 Am. Rep. 671 ; 1888, People v. O'Brien, 111 N. Y. 1, 7 Am. St. Rep. 684; 1889, Grammar School v. Bailey, 62 Vt. 467; 1892, Platte Co. v. Dowell, 17 Colo. 376; 1892, Mayor, etc., v. Houston St. R., 83 Tex. 548, 29 Am. St. 679; 1893, Millburn v. South Orange, 55 N. J. L. 254; 1894, Mathews v. St. Louis S. F. R. Co., 121 Mo. 298; 1894, Reagan v. Farmers' L. & T. Co., 154 U. S. 362; 1894, Indian- apolis v. Consumers' Gas Co., 140 Ind. 107, 49 Am. St. Rep. 183; 1896, Cov- ington & L. Turnp. R. Co. v. Sandford, 164 U. S. 578; 1897, Railroad Co. v. Harris, 99 Tenn. 684; 1898, State, ex rel.,v. St. Louis, etc., 145 Mo. 551; 1898, Walla Walla City v. Walla Walla Water Co., 172 U. S. 1. See, also, i nfra, cases immediately following this note. 2. Consideration necessary. There must be some consideration moving to the state in order to support the contract; but the implied agreement upon the part of the corporation to perform the duties imposed upon it is a suffi- cient consideration to support all contracts contained in the charter at the time of its creation ; a new consideration is essential to support subse- quent contracts with the state. 1871, Salt Company v. East Saginaw, 80 U. S. (13 Wall.) 373; 1874, Tucker v. Fergeson, 89 U. S. (22 Wall.) 527; 1897, Grand Lodge v. New Orleans, 166 U. S. 143. 3. Unexecuted powers. But powers not acted upon, or unexecuted, are in the nature of an offer only on the part of the state, and can be with- drawn at any time before they are acted upon. 1896, Pearsall v. Great North- ern Railway, 161 U. S. 646, infra, p. 1413; 189.6, Bank of Commerce v. Tennes- see, 163 U. S. 416; 1898, Galveston, H., etc., R. v. Texas, 170 U. S. 226. 4. Laws giving" new or different remedies. Laws reasonably affecting the remedy only, do not impair the contract obligation. 1829, Vanzant v. Waddel, 2 Yerg. (Tenn.) 259 ; 1851, Carey v. Giles, 9 Ga. 253 ; 1881, Penniman's Case, 103 IT. S. 714. 5., Charitable and educational institutions. The constitutional protection extends to public charitable and educational institutions : 1838, Regents of Univ. of Md. v. Williams, 9 G. & J. (Md.) 365, 31 Am. Dec. 72; 1847, Brown v. Hummel, 6 Pa. St. 86, 47 Am. Dec. 431 ; 1852, Vincennes Univ. v. State, 14 How. (55 U. S.) 268; 1887, Board of Education v. Bakewell, 122 111. 339; 1888, Liggett v. Ladd, 17 Ore. 89 ; 1889, Grammar School v. Bailey, 62 Vt. 467 ; 1894, Graded School District v. Trustees, 95 Ky. 436; 1895, Ohio v. Neff, 52 O. S. 375. 6. Municipal charters. But charters of public, or municipal, corporations may be changed or modified : 1835, People v. Morris, 13 Wend. 325, supra, p. 113; 1836, Armstrong v. Board, 4 Blackf. (Ind.) 208; 1850, East Hartford v. Bridge Co., 10 How. (51 U. S.) 511; 1856, Montpelier v. East Montpelier, 29 Vt. 12, 67 Am. Dec. 748; 1860, Aspinwall v. Commissioners of Davies Co., 22 How. (63 U.S.) 364; 1879, Newton v. Commissioners, 100 U.S. 548; 1886, Portland R. Co. v. City, 14 Ore. 188, 58 Am. Rep. 299; 1891, New Orleans v. N. O. W. W.; 142 U. S. 79. 7. Charter exemptions from taxation. Exemptions from taxation, if sus- tained by a sufficient consideration, are contracts protected by the constitu- tional provision ; but the later cases strictly require a sufficient consideration. 1853, Piqua Branch Bank v. Knoop, 16 How. (57 U. S.) 369; 1869, Home of Friendless and Washington Univ. v. Rouse, 8 Wall. (75 U. S.) 430, 439; 1871, Salt Company v. East Saginaw, 13 Wall. (80 U. S.) 373; 1877, Farrington v. Tennessee, 95 U. S. 679; 1881, Asylum v. New Orleans, 105 U. S. 362; 1883, Worth v. Railroad Co., 89 N. C. 291, 45 Am. Rep. 679; 1892, Louisville Water Co. v. Clark, 143 U. S. 1; 1892, Hamilton Gas L. Co. v. Hamilton, 146 U. S. 258; 1897, Grand Lodge F. & A. Masons v. New Orleans, 166 U. S. 143; 1899, Citizens' Savings Bank v. Owensboro, 173 U. S. 636, on 644 ; 1899, City of Louisville v. Bank of Louisville, 174 U. S. 439. 8. Power to regulate rates. Unless there is a definite express grant of the power to regulate its own charges to a gtto<-public corporation, the state may prescribe such rates as will permit a reasonable profit to the corporation 1876, Munn v. Illinois, 94 U. S. 113; 1876, Chicago, B. & Q. R. v. Iowa, 94 U. 75O YEATON V. BANK OF THE OLD DOMINION. 199 S. 155; 1876, Peik v. C. & N. W. R., 94 U. S. 164; 1884, Laurel Fork R. Co. v. West Virginia, 25 W. Va. 324; 1886, Railroad Commission Cases, 116 U. S. 307; 1889, Chicago, M. & St. P. R. v. Minn., 134 U. S. 418; 1892, Budd v. New York, 143 U. S. 517 ; 1894, Reagan v. Fanners' L. & T. Co., 154 U. S. 362; 1894, Brass v. North Dakota, 153 U. S. 391 ; 1896, Covington & L. Turnp. R. Co. v. Sandford. 164 U. S. 578; 1898, Smyth v. Ames, 169 U. S. 466; s. c., 171 U. S. 361; 1898, Nebraska Tl. Co. v. State, 55 Neb. 627; 1899, Lake Shore & M. S. R. Co. v. Smith, 173 U. S. 684, reversing Smith v. L. S. R. Co., 114 Mich. 460; 1899, City of Danville v. Danville Water Co., 180 111. 235; 1899, San Diego L. & T. Co. v. National City, 174 U. S. 739; 1899, Toledo v. N. W. O. Natl. Gas Co., 6 Ohio N. P. 531; "1899, Gould v. Edison El. 111. Co., 29 Miscl, (N. Y.) 559; 1899, Bailey v. Fayette Gas-F. Co., 193 Pa. 175, 44 Atl. Rep. 251. 9. Bridge franchises. See Piscataqua Bridge v. New Hampshire Bridge, 7 N. H. 35, on 68, supra, p. 309, and note, p. 320. 10. As to police power, eminent domain and taxation and power to repeal, see infra, pp. 1344, 1337, 1370. Sec. 199. 2. Contract between the state and the corporation. YEATON v. BANK OF THE OLD DOMINION. 1 1872. IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF VIRGINIA. 21 Grattan's (Va.) Re P- 593- 6 3- [Action of assumpsit by the bank against Yeaton to recover the sum of $561.07, and interest; the defense was a tender of the amount in notes issued by the branch bank at Pearisburg. The mother bank was located at Alexandria, and the legislature reserved the "right to repeal, alter or modify the charter at its pleasure;" the branch bank was subject to the charter of the mother bank, and its notes were to "be received in payments of debts due the bank, whether contracted at the parent bank or at the branch bank." During the war, while Alexandria was in possession of the United States authorities, and Pearisburg not, the Virginia legislature authorized the branch bank to issue notes of smaller denomination than the original charter allowed ; these notes became greatly depreciated, and were the ones tendered in payment of the debt. Neither the directors nor stockholders ever accepted any amendment of the charter. Judgment below was for the bank, and this is the error assigned.] CHRISTIAN, J. * * * The power of the legislature "to repeal, alter or modify the charter of any bank at its pleasure," must be held to be limited to this extent. It may certainly repeal the charter of any bank, but it can not compel a bank to accept an amendment or modification of its charter. Nor is any such amendment or modifica- tion of its charter binding upon the bank 'without its acceptance, Banks are private corporations, created by a charter or act of incor- poration from the government, which is in the nature of a contract, and, therefore, in order to complete the creation of such corporations, something more than the mere grant of a charter is required ; that is, in order to give to the charter the full force and effect of an executed contract, it must be accepted. It is clear that the government can not enforce the acceptance of a charter upon a private corporation with- 1 Statement abridged. Only part of opinion given. 199 CONTRACT BETWEEN STATE AND CORPORATION. 751 out its consent. * * * These well-settled principles are everywhere recognized as applicable to the original charters of incorporation, and upon principle and authority they apply with equal force to any amend- ment or modification of the charter as well as to the original charter. Though the legislature may have the reserved power to amend or modify a charter of incorporation, it can no more force the corpora- tion to accept such amendment or modification than it could have forced upon them the acceptance of the original charter without their consent. Under the reservation they can repeal or destroy the char- ter, "without any consent on the part of the corporators, but as long as they remain in existence as a corporate body, they necessarily have the power to reject an amendment or modification of their charter. The power reserved by the legislature gives the right certainly to repeal or destroy, but so far as the right to modify or alter is concerned, 't is nothing more than the ordinary case of a stipulation that one of the parties to a contract may vary its terms with the consent of the other contracting party. These principles grow out of the nature of char- ters or acts of incorporation, which are regarded in the nature of contracts. The amendment or modification must be made by the par- ties to the contract, the legislature on the one hand and the corpora- tion on the other, the former expressing its intention by means of a legislative act and the latter assenting thereto by a vote of the majority of the stockholders, according to the provisions of its charter, or by other acts showing its acceptance. The reservation of the right to alter, amend or repeal the act by which the corporation is created may be prudent and salutary, but it seems to be a necessary implication that if the legislature should undertake to make what in their opinion is a legitimate alteration or amendment, the corporation has the power to reject or accept it what- ever may be the consequences. One consequence undoubtedly is, that the corporation can not conduct its operations in defiance of the power that created it; and if it does not accept the modification or amendment proposed, must discontinue its operations as a corpo- rate body. But such amendment or modification can not be forced upon the corporation without its consent. Sage, etc., v. Dillard, etc., 15 B. Mon. R. 340; Allen v. McKean, i Sumner's R. 277; Durfee v. Old Colony and Fall River R. Co., 5 Allen's R. 230. Every amendment or modification of a charter of incorporation is nothing more than a new contract, which is not binding upon the corporate body until accepted by them. Applying these doctrines, which seem to be well settled, to the case before us, it is manifest that the Bank of Old Dominion can not be held bound by the acts of 1862 as amend- ments of its charter. * * * It is no answer to this view that the branch bank at Pearisburg was within the territorial jurisdiction of the Richmond government, and subject to its authority. This bank was not an independent corpora- tion. It had no charter; it was but a branch of its mother bank at Alexandria, subject to its charter. It was but the agent, the mother bank being its principal. It could do no act to bind its principal with- 752 HAWTHORNE V. CALEF. 2OO out the consent and authority of that principal. Nor could the legis- lature authorize the branch bank which owed its existence to the charter of the mother bank to issue small notes, or to do any other act as a bank without the consent of the mother bank. The only author- ity which the legislature could exercise was that which it reserved under the power "to repeal, modify or alter" the charter of the mother bank. I have already shown that this was not done by the acts of 1862, which could not operate upon the Bank of the Old Do- minion as a change or modification of its charter. * * * Affirmed. Note. See Commonwealth v. Cullen, supra, p. 417 ; Plank-Road v. Woodhull, supra, p. 398; Railway Co. v. Allerton, supra, p. 442; Ashton v. Burbank, su- pra, p. 87; and note to Dartmouth College v. Woodward, supra, p. 746. Sec. 200. 3. Contract between the state and corporate creditors, and between stockholders and corporate creditors, in the case of statutory liability. HAWTHORNE v. CALEF. 1 1864. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. 2 Wall. (69 U. S.) 10-23. The constitution of the United States ordains that "no state shall pass any law impairing the obligation of contracts." With this pro- vision in force, the state of Maine, on the ist of April, 1836, incor- porated a railroad company, the charter providing that "the shares of individual stockholders should be liable for the debts of the corpora- tion." "And in case of deficiency of attachable corporate property or estate," the provision went on to say, "the individual property , rights and credits of any stockholder shall be liable to the amount of his stock, for all debts of the corporation contracted prior to the transfer thereof, for the term of six months after judgment recovered against said corporation, and the same may be taken in execution on said judg- ment in the same manner as if said judgment and execution were against him individually, or said creditor, after said judgment, may have his action on the case against said individual stockholder; but in no case shall the property, rights and credits of said stockholder be taken in execution, or attached as aforesaid, beyond the amount of his said stock." Another section provides that if sufficient corporate property to satisfy the execution could not be found, the officer having the execution should certify the deficiency on the execution, and give notice thereof to the stockholder whose property he was about to take, and if such stockholder should show to the creditor or officer sufficient attachable corporate property to satisfy the debt, "his individual prop- 1 Arguments and parts of opinion omitted. 200 CONTRACTS BETWEEN STATE AND CREDITORS. 753 erty, rights and credits shall thereupon be exempt from attachment and execution." The plaintiff, Hawthorne, who had supplied the corporation, then embarrassed and insolvent, with materials to build its road, having obtained judgment as a creditor against it, and being unable to get from it satisfaction (the company having, in fact, no property), sued the defendant, Calef, who was a stockholder, both at the time when the debt was contracted and when judgment for it was rendered, and no transfer of whose stock had been made. A few months after the debt was contracted, the legislature of Maine passed a statute repeal- ing the "individual liability" clause of the charter. On a question before the supreme court of Maine the highest court of law in that state whether such repeal was or was not repugnant to the clause above cited of the constitution, that court held that it was not; that the original provision not making the stockholder per- sonally liable in any way did not constitute a "contract" between the creditor and him, within the meaning of the constitution, and that while, but for the repealing act, the plaintiff would have been entitled to recover of the stockholder individually to the extent of his stock, this repealing act had taken away and destroyed such right. Judgment being given accordingly by the said court in favor of the state statutes, the correctness of such judgment was now on error be- fore this court. NELSON, J. The question upon the provisions of the charter of the railroad company in connection with the sale of the property by the plaintiff to the corporation out of which this debt accrued is whether a contract, express or implied, existed between him and the stockholder? It is asserted in behalf of the latter that a contract existed only between the creditors and the corporation ; and that the obligation of the stockholder rests entirely upon a statutory liability, destitute of any of the elements of a contract. Without stopping to discuss the question upon the clause of the statute, we 'think that the case falls within the principle of Woodruff v. Trapnal, 10 How. 190; and Curran v. State of Arkansas, 15 How. 304, heretofore decided in this court. In the first of these cases the charter of the bank provided that the bills and notes of the institution should be received in all payment of debts due to the state. The bank was chartered 2d November, 1836. On the loth January, 1845, this provision was repealed, and the question was whether or not, after this repeal, the bills and notes of the bank outstanding at the time were receivable for debts due to the state. The court held, after a very full examination, that the clause in the charter constituted a contract with the holders of the bills and notes on the part of the stale, and that the repealing act was void as impairing the obligation of the contract. In the second case the charter of the bank contained a pledge or assurance that certain funds deposited therein should be devoted to 48 WIL. CASES. 754 TOMLINSON V. JESSUP. 2OI the payment of its debts. It was held by the court that this consti- tuted a contract with the creditors, and that the acts of the legislature withdrawing these funds were void, as impairing the obligation of the contract. Now, it is quite clear that the personal liability clause in the char- ter in the present case pledges the liability or guarantee of the stock- holders to the extent of their stock to the creditors of the company, and to which pledge or guarantee the stockholders, by subscribing for stock and becoming members of it, have assented. They thereby virtually agree to become security to the creditors for the payment of the debts of the company, which have been contracted upon the faith of this liability. * * * By the clause in the charter subjecting the property of the stock- holder he becomes liable to the creditor, in case of the inability or insolvency of the company for its debts, to the extent of his stock. The creditor had this security when the debt was contracted with the company over and above its responsibility. This remedy the repeal- ing act has not merely modified to the prejitdice of the creditor, but has altogether abolished, and thereby impaired the obligation of his con- tract with the company. * * * Reversed. Note. See generally: 1845, Freeland v. McCullough, 1 Denio (N. Y.) 414, 43 Am. D. 685, note, 694; 1847, Corning v. McCullough, 1 N. Y. 47, 49 Am. D. 287, note, 308; 1857, Conant v. Van Shaick, 24 Barb. (N. Y.) 87; 1862, Story v. Furman, 25 N. Y. 214; 1870, In re Telegraph C. Co., L. R. 10 Eq. Cas. 384; 1871, Norris v. Wrenschall, 34 Md. 492; 1871, Lowry v. Inman, 46 N. Y. 119; 1873, Provident Sav. Inst. v. Jackson, etc., 52 Mo.*552; 1878. Sinking Fund Cases, 99 U. S. 700; 1881, Aultman's Appeal, 98 Pa. Stat. 505; 1883, Jerman v. Benton, 79 Mo. 148; 1884,Ninnick v. Iron Works, 25 W. Va. 184; 1887, Fourth National Bank v. Francklyn, 120 U. S. 747 ; 1888, Leavitt v. Lovering, 64 N. H. 607, 1 L. R. A. 58; 1888, McDonnell v. Alabama, etc., 85 Ala, 401 ; 1892, Ken- nedy v. Bank, 97 Cal. 93; 1896, McGowan v. McDonald, 111 Cal. 57, 52 Am. Stat. Rep. 149. But see, contra, 1858, Coffin v. Rich, 45 Maine 507, 71 Am. D. 559; 1867, Woodhouse v. Commw. Ins. Co., 54 Pa. Stat. 307. Sec. 201. 4. Contract between the state and the corporators or members. TOMLINSON v. JESSUP. 1 1872. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. 15 Wallace (82 U. S.) 454-459. [Bill in equity by Jessup, a stockholder of the Northeastern Rail- road Company against Tomlinson and other officers of South Carolina to enjoin them from levying a tax on the property of the road. Lower court granted the injunction, and appeal taken.] FIELD, J. The constitution of South Carolina, adopted in 1868, declares that the property of corporations then existing or thereafter 1 Statement except as given in opinion omitted. 201 CONTRACT BETWEEN STATE AND MEMBERS. 755 created, shall be subject to taxation, except in certain cases, not ma- terial to the present inquiry. The subsequent legislation of the state carried out this requirement and provided for the taxation of the prop- erty of railroad companies; and the question presented is, whether the act of December, 1855, to amend the charter of the Northeastern Rail- road Company, exempted the property of that company from such taxation. The company was incorporated in 1851, and at that time a general law of the state was in existence, passed in 1841, which c-n- acted that the charter of every corporation subsequently granted, and any renewal, amendment or modification thereof, should be subject to amendment, alteration or repeal by legislative authority, unless the act granting the charter or the renewal, amendment or modification in express terms excepted it from the operation of that law. The pro- visions of that law, therefore, constituted the condition upon which every charter of a corporation subsequently granted was held, and upon which every amendment or modification was made. They were as operative and as much a part of the charter and amendment as if in- corporated into them. The act amending the charter of the Northeastern Railroad Com- pany, passed in December, 1855, provided that the stock of the com- pany, and the real estate it then owned, or might thereafter acquire, connected with or subservient to the works authorized by its charter, should be exempted from taxation during the continuance of the char- ter. This act contained no clause excepting the amendment from the provisions of the general law of 1841. It was, therefore, itself sub- ject to repeal by force of that law. It is true that the charter of the company -when accepted by the corporators constituted a contract between them and the state, and that the amendment, -when accepted, formed a part of the contract from that date and -was of the same obligatory character. And it may be equally true, as stated by counsel, that the exemption from taxation added greatly to the value of the stock of the company, and induced the plaintiff to purchase the shares held by him. But these considerations can not be allowed any weight in determining the validity of the subsequent taxation. The power reserved to the state by the law of 1841 authorized any change in the contract as it origin- ally existed, or as subsequently modified, or its entire revocation. The original corporators, or subsequent stockholders, took their interests with knowledge of the existence of this power, and of the possibility of its exercise at any time in the discretion of the legislature. The object of the reservation, and of similar reservations in other charters, is to prevent a grant of corporate rights and privileges in a form which will preclude legislative interference with their exercise if the public interest should at any time require such interference. It is a pro- vision intended to preserve to the state control over its contract with the corporators, which without that provision would be irrepealable and protected from any measures affecting its obligation. There is no subject over which it is of greater moment for the state to preserve its power than that of taxation. It has nevertheless been 756 TOMLINSON V. JESSUP. 2OI held by tnis court, not, however, without occasional earnest dissent from a minority, that the power of taxation over particular parcels of property, or over property of particular persons or corporations, may be surrendered by one legislative body, so as to bind its successors and the state. It was so adjudged at an early day in New Jersey v. Wilson, 7 Cranch 164; the adjudication was affirmed in Jefferson Bank v. Skelly, i Black 436 ; and has been repeated in several cases within the past few years, and notably so in the cases of The Home of the Friendless v. Rouse, 8 Wallace 430; and Wilmington Rail- road v. Reed, 13 Wallace 264. In these cases, and in others of a similar character, the exemption is upheld as being made upon con- siderations moving to the state which give to the transaction the char- acter of a contract. It is thus that it is brought within the protection of the federal constitution. In the case of a corporation , the exemption, if originally made in the act of incorporation, is supported upon the consideration of the duties and liabilities which the corporators assume by accepting the charter. When made, as in the present case, by an amendment of the charter, it is supported upon the consideration of the greater efficiency with which the corporation will thus be enabled to dis- charge the duties originally assumed by the corporators to the public, or of the greater facility with which it will support its liabilities and carry out the purposes of its creation. Immunity from taxation, constituting in these cases a part of the contract with the government, is, by the reservation of power such as is contained in the law of 1841, subject to be revoked equally with any other provision of the charter when- ever the legislature may deem it expedient for the public interests that the revocation shall be made. The reservation affects the entire re- lation between the state and the corporation, and places under legis- lative control all rights, privileges and immunities derived by its charter directly from the state. Rights acquired by third parties, and which have become vested under the charter, in the legitimate exercise of its powers, stand upon a different footing ; but of such rights it is un- necessary to speak here. The state only asserts in the present case the power under the reservation to modify its own contract with the corpo- rators; it does not contend for a power to revoke the contracts of the corporation with other parties, or to impair any vested rights thereby acquired. Reversed. Note. See cases cited under Dartmouth College v. Woodward, supra, p. 746, and Yeaton v. Bank, supra, p. 750. 1851, Stevens v. Rutland, etc., R., 29 Vt. 545 ; 1852, Bank of Pennsylvania v. Commonwealth, 19 Pa. St. 144 ; 1856, Erie R. Co. v. Casey, 26 Pa. St. 287 ; 1867. Zabriskie v. Hackensack R., 18 N. J. Eq. 178; 1871, Wilmington R. Co. v. Reid, 80 U. S. (13 Wall.) 264; 1873, Del- aware R. Tax, 85 U. S. (18 Wall.) 206; 1875, Lothrop v. Stedman, 42 Conn. 583. 2O2 CONTRACT BETWEEN CORPORATION AND MEMBERS. / $? Sec. 202. 5- Contract between the corporation and members, or among the members themselves. (a) As to amount to be contributed. IRELAND v. THE PALESTINE, ETC., "TURNPIKE COMPANY. 1 1869. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF OHIO. 19 Ohio St. Rep. 369-375. [Error to common pleas reserved in the district court. The Turn- pike Company was organized in 1852, under a law imposing no indi- vidual liability upon stockholders beyond their subscription. Ireland was a subscriber to the stock and had fully paid up his subscription. A later act (May 3, 1852) authorized those companies who should accept its provisions to issue bonds to complete their roads or pay their debts, making the stockholders individually Hable to the amount of their stock on such bonds. The directors accepted this act, and issued and sold the bonds. A later act provided that a majority of shareholders at a meeting duly called could make an assessment pro rata for the payment of such liability. At a meeting duly called (Ireland not being present or represented) an assessment was ordered. Upon Ireland's refusal to pay, the company brought suit and obtained judgment in the lower court. Petition in error was brought to reverse this]. WELCH, J. In our judgment the act of May 3, 1852, in so far as it authorizes assessments against stockholders who have paid the full amount of their subscriptions, and who by the charter of the company, or the laws under which it was organized, were not individually liable for its debts, is unconstitutional. It impairs the validity of the contract between the company and the stockholder. In a contract between the company and a stockholder, or in an action by the former or its creditors against the latter, the stockholder is to be regarded as an individual person, separate and distinct from the corporation. Pie becomes a stockholder by virtue of a contract with the company, and he has a right to stand upon the terms of that contract, interpreted and lim- ited by the laws under which U was made. By his contract with this company Ireland agreed to pay a specified sum, and no more. This sum he has fully paid, and to require him to contribute an additional amount would be to violate the contract between the parties. Let it be understood that the amount for which a stockholder becomes liable to the company by his subscription is not limited by his contract, but by the discretion of the directors, or the stockholders at large, and no prudent man will subscribe for stock in a corporation. If such lie the law, it is of little importance to the subscriber whether the amount of stock taken be large or small, because it can be indefinitely in- creased at the pleasure of the company, whenever the legislature sees proper to give the power to do so. If a subscriber contracts to pay a 1 Statement abridged. Arguments and part of opinion omitted. 758 WHITE MOUNTAINS R. CO. V. EASTMAN. 2O3 sum which he deems within his means of payment, he may be called upon to contribute an amount utterly beyond those means, and which may render him bankrupt. No subscriber would be safe under such a law, or have any rule by which to determine the amount of stock he could afford to take. In vain would he look to the charter of the company, or to the provisions of the constitution and subsisting laws of the state, to learn the nature and extent of the liability he was about to incur, if that liability can, at the pleasure of the legislature, be indefinitely increased or modified by retroactive laws. * * * Reversed. Note. See, 1806, Wales v. Stetson, 2 Mass. 143, supra, p. 150 ; 1820, Livings- ton v. Lynch, 4 Johns. Ch. (N. Y.) 573; 1824, Natusch v. Irving, 2 Cooper Ch. 358; 1843, Hartford & N. H. R. Co. v. Crosswell, 5 Hill (N. Y.) 383; 1851, Stevens v. Rutland, etc., R., 29 Vt. 545; 1854, New Orleans, etc., R. Co. v. Harris, 27 Miss. 517; 1860, Simpson v. Westminster, etc., Co., 8 H. L. Cas. 712; 1861, Abbott v. Hard Rubber Co., 33 Barb. 578; 1863, Clearwater v. Meredith, 68 U. S. (1 Wall.) 25; 1867, Zabriskie v. Hackensack, etc., R., 18 N. J. Eq. 178, 90 Am. Dec. 617; 1869, Central R. Co. v. Collins, 40 Ga. 582, On 624; 1873, Railway Co. v. Allerton, 85 U. S. (18 Wall.) 223, supra, p. 442; 1879, Kent v. Quicksilver Mining Co., 78 N. Y. 159, infra, p. 790; 1880, Hoey v. Henderson, 32 La. Ann. 1069; 1885, Academy of Music v. Flanders, 75 Ga. 14; 1892, People v. Ballard, 134 N. Y. 269; 1898, Forre&ter v. Boston & M. C. C. & S. Co., 22 Mont. 430, 55 Pac. Rep. 229; 1899, Pronick v. Spirits Distrib. Co., 58 N. J. Eq. 97, 42 Atl. Rep. 586 ; 1901, Bedford v. Eastern B. & L. Assn., 181 U. S. 227. Sec. 203. Same. (#) That subscriptions are made in good faith. WHITE MOUNTAINS RAILROAD CO. v. EASTMAN. 1 1856. IN THE SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 34 N. H. Rep. 124-147. [Appeal from report of commissioner of insolvency upon Eastman's estate, allowing the railroad company $2,642.12 upon a subscription made by decedent for thirty shares to the company's stock. The original subscription was made in writing in the company's subscrip- tion book, apparently upon the same terms as other subscriptions, but at the time it was made the proper agents of the corporation agreed in writing to release the decedent, at his or his administrator's elec- tion, from all liability upon twenty-five shares. This was the defense made.] SAWYER, J. * * * The two contemporaneous writings upon the same subject, between the same parties, are to be considered to- gether as one contract, unless upon other grounds the writing given by the corporation is to be held void. Thus considered in connec- tion, effect would be given to all the stipulations on both sides, con- 1 Statement abridged. Only small part of opinion given. 2O3 CONTRACT BETWEEN CORPORATION AND MEMBERS. 759 tained in both writings, as constituting together one agreement. If no person were to be affected by the contract but the parties them- selves, it would be competent for them to agree that the intestate should take and pay for thirty shares, subject, however, to the condi- tion that if within one year he should elect to reduce the number so subscribed for to five, or any other number not less than five, he might be at liberty so to do, and that the corporation, upon his paying for the thirty or other reduced number of shares, would give him proper cer- tificates therefor, constituting him the owner of them. * * * If they, for the purpose of misleading and deceiving third persons having an interest in the subject of their contract, held out the subscription of the intestate, as shown upon their subscription book, as the contract be- tween them and him, and concealed from those third persons the fact, ' material for them to know, that there was a secret stipulation making the contract an entirely different thing, the principles of common honesty would require that they should be compelled to stand to the agreement as they held it out to be. * * * That the proceeding is a fraud upon third persons is clear from the relation in which subscribers for stock in a corporation of this kind stand toward each other. In the sub- scription of each person every other subscriber has a direct interest. Their respective subscriptions are contributions or advancements for a common object. The action of each in his subscription may be supposed to be influenced by that of the others, and every subscription to be based upon the ground that the others are what upon their face they purport to be. * * * The fact that one man has bound himself to place a certain amount of his money upon the risk involved in the enterprise is an induce- ment to others to venture in like manner. Seeing who are his associ- ates, and the extent of the liability which they have assumed, he reg- ulates his own upon that consideration ; and though inform and legal effect the contract of each is with the corporation, yet among the subscrib- ers themselves it is to be regarded as an agreement with every other sub- scriber to bear that proportion of the common burthen to which he pro- fesses to bind himself by the contract which he holds out to them as his contract with the corporation . * * * To hold that the secret stipulation is valid as between these parties would be to give full effect to the iraud by relieving the estate of the intestate from a part of that burthen which he held out to the other subscribers he had assumed, and throwing upon them the necessity of providing for it. To hold that by fraud the whole contract as between the parties is void would but increase the in- justice as to the other subscribers, for it would throw upon them the whole of that proportion of the common burthen which the intestate held out to them he had assumed ; while, on the other hand, by holding that the contract which the parties held out to them as the tme one, was in fact the contract made by them all secret stipulations rendering it other than that being void as fraudulent toward third persons the contemplated fraud is defeated and perfect justice done to the other 760 WHITE MOUNTAINS R. CO. V. EASTMAN. 204 subscribers, and at the same time in so holding no wrong is done to the parties of which either has reason to complain. * * * Affirmed. N$te. See, 1827, Center & K. Turnpike Co. v. McConaby, 16 S. & R. (Pa.) 140;" 1858, Graff v. Pittsburg & S. R. Co., 31 Pa. St. 489; 1859, LaGrange & M. Plank R. Co. v. Mays, 29 Mo. 64; 1869, Custar v. Titusville Gas & W. Co., 63 Pa. St. 381; 1875, Melvin v. Lamar Ins. Co., 80 111. 446, 22 Am. Rep. 199; 1876, Phoenix Warehouse Co. v. Badger, 67 N. Y. 294; 1878, Miller v. Han- over, Jc. & S. R. Co., 87 Pa. St. 95, 30 Am. Rep. 349; 1886, Galena & S. W. R. Co. v. Ennor, 116 111. 55; 1888, Topeka Manufacturing Co. v. Hale, 39 Kan. 23; 1889, Morrow v. Iron & Steel Co., 87 Tenn. 262, 3 L. R. A. 37. Compare, 1872, Burke v. Smith, 16 Wall. 390; 1888, Morgan v. Struthers, 131 U. S. 246; 1888, Meyer v. Blair, 109 N. Y. 600, 4 Am. St. Rep." 500; 1889, Winston v. Dorsett Pipe & P. Co., 129 111. 64, 4 L. R. A. 507. But under some circumstances conditional deliveries in escrow are valid. See, 1874, Bucher v. Dillsburg& M. R. Co., 76 Pa. St. 306; 1894, Great West- ern Tel. Co. v. Loewenthal, 154 111. 261 . Also, Minneapolis Threshing Mac. Co. v. Davis, 40 Minn. 110, 12 Am. St. Rep. 701, 3 L. R. A. 796, supra, p. 492; Wight v. Shelby R. Co., 16 B. Mon. 4, supra, p. 536, and Cass v. P., V. & C. R. Co., 80 Pa. St. 31, supra, p. 538. ARTICLE III. THE CORPORATE FUNDS CAPITAL STOCK. Sec. 204. In general. "The legal relations resulting from incor- poration subsist in respect of the object of incorporation spe- cified in the charter or articles of association and the means of attaining this object, i. e., the corporate funds and property. Roughly speaking, the general result of these relations is that the corporate funds become a so-called trust fund, set apart for the attainment of the object of incorporation." "The general outline is this: The state has the power or right to enforce the application of these funds to the objects of incorporation, at least, so far as the public is interested in their attainment; the shareholders have the right to apply these funds to these objects ; and the creditors of the corpora- tion have the right to prevent the diversion of these funds from the objects of incorporation to the injury of creditors. The result of the respective rights of 'these different classes of persons is that corporate property becomes a fund set apart for the attainment of certain purposes from which it can not be diverted without the consent of all whose legally protected interests would be injured by such diversion." Taylor Pri- vate Corporations, 32-34. 205 THE CAPITAL STOCK ?6l Sec. 205. Right to create a capital stock. COOKE v. MARSHALL. 1 1899. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA. 191 Pa. St. Re P- 3 I 5~3 2 3- [Quo tuarranto to determine right to office of secretary of the Char- tiers Cemetery Company. This company was created by act of 1862, with the usual corporate powers nothing being said as to power to have a capital stock. The corporators organized, passed a resolution establishing the cemetery on the ground designated, "and for this purpose" fixed the capital stock at "$8,ooo, divided into 160 shares of the par value of $50 each." This was subscribed, and the corpora- tion proceeded to business. Afterward increases were made, first to $50,000, and later to $150,000. In 1893, at an informal meeting of some of the shareholders, the board was increased from five to seven members, and Cooke was elected secretary; to these acts Marshall protested, and later he, in connection with other members, organized a new board, wholly ignoring all idea of corporate stock, elected "as- sociates" and officers, and Marshall has ever since claimed to be sec- retary, and obtained possession of the seal and books of the company. The stock board, however, continued to control the management of the cemetery. Cooke brought the suit and obtained judgment below. Marshall appealed.] GREEN, J. * * * The question then is, was the original creation and issue of stock lawful, and if so, were the subsequent increases law- ful ? The issue was made for the purpose of performing the original duty to establish a cemetery. It was necessary to acquire land in order to create the cemetery, and the corporators adopted the method of ob- taining the land by issuing stock in payment for it. It is not denied that the corporation might have borrowed money for this purpose, and made a mortgage on the property to secure the payment of it, although no such power was expressly conferred by the charter. On the question whether capital stock might be issued for the same pur- pose where the charter has not specially authorized a capital stock, not a single authority is cited for or against in the paper-books of either party. There is no doubt that this particular corporation did possess full corporate powers, and there is also no doubt that it was not only authorized but expressly enjoined to create a cemetery of not less than thirty acres in extent, and after that to lay it out into lots and plots, and roads and walks, and to do various other things neces- sary to its proper development as a cemetery. No method of raising money to acquire the land and do these various things was provided in the charter. The ordinary method in which such things are done is by the creation and issue of capital stock, and it may be argued with apparent reason that it is a necessary implication from the grant of 1 Arguments and part of opinion omitted. Statement abridged. 762 COOKE V. MARSHALL. corporate existence and powers that a right to issue stock is conferred. * * * In this case, however, the charter confers no power to issue any stock, and for such a company as this no such power is needed. It is remarkable that it is so difficult to find either text-book discussion of this subject or adjudicated cases. Whether a corporation without capital provided for in its charter may create and issue capital stock is certainly a fundamental and radical matter in corporation law. In i Cook on Stock, etc., 279, it is said, "The capital stock of all incorporated companies is generally fixed by the charters which give them an exist- ence." Section 281, "In the absence of express authority from the state a corporation has no power whatsoever to increase or reduce the amount of its stock, and any attempt on the part of the corporation, either by the corporate officers or by the stockholders, to do so is wholly illegal and void. * * * Where the attempted increase or reduction of the stock is not authorized by the charter, not even the unanimous assent and agreement of all the parties concerned will le- galize it." * * * (Citing Droitwich P. S. Co. v. Curzon, L. R. 3 Ex. 35 ; x Scovill v. Thayer, 105 U. S. 143; Sutherland v. Olcott, 95 N. Y. 93 ; i Mora- wetz, 434, to the same effect.) It follows, hence, that the increase of stock being void, all the elec- tions held thereunder since that time are void and confer no authority upon the persons elected. This ruling would dispose of the present contention, but it is per- haps desirable that the original creation of the $8,000 of capital stock should be considered. It is extremely difficult to understand under the foregoing decisions how any issue of capital stock by this com- pany can be regarded as valid. The company was chartered to es- tablish a cemetery. While a cemetery company is not necessarily a religious or charitable corporation, yet in many instances it is of that character, and perhaps as a rule this is so; yet they may be established as merely private enterprises and carried on for profit. But, in either case, if the charter confers no right or power to create capital stock, it is difficult to understand how any right to create and issue such stock has any existence. If capital stock may neither be increased nor diminished without an express power to that effect, how can any stock be created or issued when there is no capital stock fixed by the charter, and no power is given to create it ? In i Cook on Corpora- tions, 8, the following definition of capital stock is given: "Capital stock is the sum fixed by the corporate charter as the amount paid in, or to be paid in, by the stockholders for the prosecution of the business of the corporation, and for the benefit of corporate cred- itors." * * * (Citing Barry v. Merchants' Exchange, i Sandf. Ch. 280 ; 2 Amer- ican Pig Iron S. Co. v. State Bd., etc., 56 N. J. L. 389; Salem Mill Dam Co. v. Ropes, 6 Pick. 23.) Now, if the doctrine of these cases (and there are many more of them) be true, and the act of increasing or decreasing the capital 1 Infra, p. 764. z Infra, p. 766. 2O6 THE CAPITAL STOCK. 763 stock of a corporation without specific charter power to do so is a void act because it is ultra vires, how can it be true that a corpora- tion may issue any capital stock without having specific legislative authority to do so? We can not see. If it is ultra vires to increase, it is ultra vires to issue any stock where no power to do so is con- ferred by the charter. The power to create corporate capital stock is a legislative function, and, in any given case, in order that such stock may have a legal existence, the function must be exercised. Reversed. Sec. 206. Power to increase the capital stock. See RAILWAY CO. v. ALLERTON, 85 U. S. (18 Wall.) 233, supra, p. 442. Note. See, also: 1827, Salem Mill D. Corp. v. Ropes, 23 Mass. (6 Pick.) 23; 1854, People v. Parker Vein Coal Co., 10 How. Pr. (N. Y.) 543; 1856, Mechanics' Bank v. New York, etc., R., 13 N. Y. 599; 1856, Ferris v. Ludlow, 7 Ind. 517; 1865, New York & N. H. R. Co. v. Schuyler, 34 N. Y. 30; 1878, Moses v. Ocoee Bank, 1 Lea (Tenn.) 398; 1881, Scovill v. Thayer, 105 U. S.. 143; 1882, Grangers', etc., Ins. Co. v. Kamper, 73 Ala. 325; 1884, Sutherland v. Oluott, 95 N. Y. 93; 1889, Cartwright v. Dickinson, 88 Tenn. 476; 1891, Jones v. Railroad Co., 67 N. H. 119, 234; 1895, Einstein v. Rochester Gas, etc., Co., 146 N. Y. 46; 1897, Peck v. Elliott, 47 U. Si App. 605, 79 Fed. Rep. 10, 24 C. C. A. 425, 38 L. R. A. 616, and note. But it seems that if the charter or articles of association provides that the stock may be fixed bv the members, it may be changed from time to time by the members. See, 1897, Peck v. Elliott, 47 U. S. App. 605, 38 L. R. A. 616. Overissued shares are void, even in the hands of bona fide, holders: 1854, People v. Parker Vein Coal Co., 10 How. Pr. (N. Y.) 543; 1865, N. Y. & N. H. R. v. Schnyler, 34 N. Y.30; 1867, Bruff v. Mali, 36 N. Y. 200; 1868, Sewell's Case, L. R. 3 Ch. App. 131, 138; 1882, People's Bank v. Kurtz, 99 Pa. St. 344; 1893, Hayden v. Charter Oak D. P., 63 Conn. 142. But the corporation is liable to an innocent holder for the tort of the officer, if he was clothed with the general power to issue stock for the corporation: 1842, Daly v. Thompson, 10 M. & W. 309; 1857, Mandlebaum v. North Am. Min. Co., 4 Mich. 465; 1865, New York & N. H. R. v. Schuyler, 34 N. Y. 30, 49, 60; 1867, Bruff v. Mali, 36 N. Y. 200; 1868, Re Bahia, etc., R. Co., L. R. 3 Q. B. 584, 595; 1873, Tome v. Parkersburg Br. R., 39 Md. 36; 1882, Peoples' Bank v. Kurtz, 99 Pa. St. 344; 1889, Allen v. South Boston R., 150 Mass. 200; 1892, Ryder v. Bushwick R., 134 N. Y. 83; 1893, Hayden v. Charter Oak Driv. Park, 68 Conn. 142; 1893, Fifth Avenue Bank v. Forty-Second St., etc., R. Co., 137 N. Y. 231 ; 1897, Cincinnati, etc., R. v. Citizens' Nat'l Bank, 56 Ohio St. 351, 47 N. E. Rep. 249, 43 L. R. A. 777. Unless the stock is taken from such officer, as a part of a transaction in which he is personally interested at the time: 1884, Moores v. Citizens' Na- tional Bank, HI U. S. 156; 1890, Farrington v. South Boston R., 150 Mass. 406; 1890, Wilson v. Metropolitan El. R., 120 N. Y. 145; 1891, Hill v. .Tewett Pub. Co., 154 Mass. 172; 1893, Manhattan L. Ins. Co. v. Forty-Second, etc., R., 139 N. Y. 146. 764 DROITWICH SALT CO. V. CURZON. 2O/ Sec. 207. Power to decrease the capital stock. DROITWICH SALT CO. v. CURZON. 1 1867. IN THE ENGLISH COURT OF EXCHEQUER. L. R. 3 Exch. 35-43- KELLY, C. B. * * * The plaintiffs are a company which were in existence long before the passing of the companies act, 1862. At the time of the passing of that act, or rather a short time afterward, when they called on the registrar to register them under the act, their nom- inal capital was 250,0007. But this capital was then farther stated to be "in 10,000 shares of 257. each, all taken, 257. having been paid on the first 5 ,000 shares, 1 5/. on the next i ,000 shares, and 57. on the remaining 4,000 shares;" and it was also stated that the last 5,000 shares were issued at 257. each "for the sums above mentioned." This amounts in substance to a declaration that the actual amount of capital had been reduced from 250,0007. to i6o,ooo/., thus: there had been anew issue of 1,000 shares on the original capital of 1 25.0007. at i$L a share, and two subsequent issues of 4,000 shares at 5/. each. The aggregate amount subscribed was, therefore, i6o,ooo/., and this was the real capital of the company, although their nominal capital amounted to 250,0007. It is said that the words in the requisition for registration, "the last 5,000 shares were issued at 257. each, for the sums above mentioned," amount to a statement that these shares were to be considered as fully paid up. Probably this is so, and at all events the registrar entered the company on the register, whether by inadvertence or otherwise, under the act of 1862, in the manner above described. Subsequently he was called upon to register a further change in the amount of capital. Resolutions were passed reducing the capital to ioo,ooo7. in 10,000 fully paid-up shares of io7. each. These resolutions were sent to the registrar and were recorded by him. In fact, he ought to have refused to record them. He did, however, perhaps per incuriam, enter the reduction of capital. Then he was called upon to register an increase of this reduced capital from ioo,ooo7. to 125,0007. Notice was duly given to him of the proposed increase, but he refused to record the notice or the amount of the increase. Had he done so, then taking all the entries together as rep- resenting the constitution and condition of the company, the entry of 125,0007. would have amounted, in fact, to an entry, not of an increase, but of a reduction of the nominal capital of 250,0007., as originally registered, to 125,0007. The question, therefore, really is, whether the company were entitled to reduce their nominal capital and to call upon the registrar to enter on the register a minute of that reduction ? Now, in the case of a company formed under the act of 1862, and 1 Facts sufficiently stated in the opinion, part of which is omitted. Also arguments, and concurring opinions of Bramwell, Channel! and Piggot, Barons, are omitted. 207 THE CAPITAL STOCK. 765 also in the case of a company already formed, which afterwards is registered under the act, it is imperative on the registrar to enter on the register the amount of nominal capital. With regard to compa- nies limited by shares formed under the act, section 8 enacts that the memorandum of association shall, among other things, contain "the amount of capital with which the company proposes to be registered, divided, into shares of a certain fixed amount," and before registration the registrar (who has to give a certificate which is to be conclusive evidence that all the requisites of the act in respect of registration have been complied with) must satisfy himself that the matter to be registered the memorandum of association contains all the elements prescribed by the different clauses of section 8, and no alteration in any one of these elements can be made unless expressly authorized (section 12). The law is the same where an existing company ap- plies for registration. Section 183 provides that, previous to registra- tion, a statement of "the nominal capital of the company, and the number of shares into which it is divided," is to be delivered to the registrar, and his certificate of incorporation is to be conclusive evi- dence (section 192) that all the requisitions in the act contained in respect of registration have been complied with. It is quite clear, therefore, that the nominal amount of capital, and the number of shares into which it is divided, must be stated to the registrar, by whom that amount must then be entered on the register. We next have to consider whether an existing company, when once registered, have any power under the act of 1862 to give effect to a provision contained in their original deed of settlement to reduce their capital. Now, there is an express power given to increase capital (section 12), but nowhere can there be found an express provision pointing to a power to reduce, after once the nominal amount of cap- ital has been registered. Is it then, the effect of the sixth clause of section 196, to enable a company existing before the act, and register- ing under it, to exercise the power of reducing their capital; or rather, is it the effect of that article to legalize the continuance of a power already possessed under the original deed of settlement or articles of association ? The language of the sixth clause is as follows (his lord- ship read the clause), and as far as that language goes it is not con- tended that there is anything in it to render lawful a reduction of capital. But there follows a proviso in these terms: "Nothing herein contained shall derogate from any power of altering its constitution or regulations which may be vested in any company registering under this act in pursuance of this part thereof by virtue of any act of par- liament, deed of settlement, etc., constituting or regulating the com- pany." Now, in construing this proviso, I take it that before the word "power" we ought to introduce the word "lawful," and that the proviso means that nothing in the act is to derogate from any "lawful power" before possessed by any company. Is this power of reduction, then, a lawful power, a power which could be exercised consistently with justice, and with the objects of the act? If it applies, we must remember, to a company where the whole 766 BARRY v. MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE co. 208 amount of the shares has been paid up, there is no reason why it should not apply to a company where a portion only of the nominal amount registered has been paid up, and the shareholders are liable to contribute for the remainder. Now, it is impossible to contend that a company registered with a nominal capital of 250, ooo/.. made up of 25/. shares, of which say only i^l. or 2O/. is paid, should have power to enforce the registrar to register resolutions reducing their capital to the amount actually paid up. If such a proceeding were permitted, the shareholders' liability /would be limited, not, as was intended, by the amount of their shares, but by the amount of the already paid-up portion of their shares. Justice, the language of the act and the inten- tion of the legislature alike forbid an interpretation which would lead to such a result. I, therefore, think that the nominal capital of this com- pany having been registered at 250, ooo/., it was not competent to the plaintiffs to reduce that capital. The registrar should not have regis- tered the resolutions making that reduction, and when he was called on to make a further entry which would have affirmed the previous improper reduction of capital, he was justified in declining to make it. The defendant, therefore, is entitled to our judgment. Note. See, also: 1856, Ferris v. Ludlow, 7 Ind. 517; 1896, Niagara Shoe Co. v. Tobey, 71 111. App. 250; 1897, In re Colmer, 1 Ch. 524; 1897, Shoe- maker v. Washburn L, Co., 97 Wis. 585; 1897, Peck v. Elliott, 47 U. S. App. 605, 38 L. R. A. 616; 1898, In re National Dwellings' Soc., 78 L. T. (N. S.) 144. Sec. 208. Nature, function and purpose of capital stock. BARRY v. MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE COMPANY. 1 1844. IN THE COURT OF CHANCERY OF NEW YORK, i Sandford's Chancery (N. Y.) Rep. 280-318. [The Merchants' Exchange was incorporated in 1823, with a capi- tal stock not to exceed $1,000,000; it was authorized to purchase, hold and convey so much real estate and to erect such buildings as the body corporate might deem necessary or proper for the purpose, and receive the rents- and profits thereof, and divide the same amongst the stockholders at such times as the company might deem expedient; power to make by-laws was given, and the act was to be favorably construed for all beneficial purposes ; $230,000 of stock was subscribed and paid and the exchange built at a cost, including the lot, of about $250,000. The building was destroyed in 1835 by fire ; and it was determined to build a new and much larger one ; subscriptions were called for the rest of the stock; this was soon taken, and the amount received therefrom invested in more land ; then it was deter- mined to borrow money in all $700,000 by the issue of bonds to that extent, secured by mortgage upon the property ; this was done and the property conveyed by deed of trust to K., to hold for the bond- 1 Statement greatly abridged ; arguments and much of opinion omitted. 208 THE CAPITAL STOCK. 767 holders. The company made default in payment of its debts and its property was taken possession by K. Barry had performed work in the construction of the new building to the amount of about $io,ooo of which $7,400 had been paid in cash, $1,000 in bonds, and $1,600 remained unpaid ; for this he sued and obtained judgment, which could not be paid. He brought his bill, alleging that the company had no right to issue bonds, and asking that the trustees' title be set aside, the bonds canceled, and a receiver be appointed, etc.] SANDFORD, V. C. * * * It was argued that the amount fixed as the capital stock of the corporation was an absolute restriction upon the amount and value of the property, both real and personal, which they may hold permanently. Some modifications of this position at once forced themselves upon the attention of the counsel. If the capital were the limit of the prop- erty of the corporation they could make no dividends or profits, for those are beyond the capital. Again, in the ever-varying and fluctu- ating values of all descriptions of property, a corporation that was within its capital last year, may, without a single new purchase or expenditure, be worth this year twenty per cent, beyond its capital by the increased value of the same property. Hence the learned counsel were driven to rest their point upon a designedly permanent increase of property beyond the capital of the company. Still the rule encountered difficulties. The object of corporators in all moneyed and business corporations is to make greater profits than they can command by the separate use of the same amount of capital. They put in their money, the capital stock, for the very purpose of having it increase in vahie, and more rapidly than in private adventures. And we have seen that unless positively enjoined by their charters, there is nothing to require them to divide the increase annually, or in any given time. It was argued that in this particular case the design was one not referring to profits for ultimate division, but it was a permanent and solid investment of profits which never could be divided, and which became an essential and integral portion of the real capital of the company. That the exchange was an unit, indivisible, and composed of the capital stock and nearly as much more ; the latter being added in anticipation of earnings or profits, and the whole incapable of par- .tition or division. On this subject of the capital stock of a corporation, the elementary treatises are comparatively barren. It is the aggregate amount of the funds of the corporators, which are combined together under a charter for the attainment of some common object of public convenience or private utility. This amount is usually Jixed in the act of incorporation, although -we have seen in the statutes of 1823. one exception to this practice. It istfnis limited, in reference to the convenience of the intended corporators, and for the information and security of the public at large. To the corpo- rators, it prescribes the amount and subdivisions of their respective contributions to the common fund; the voice ivhich each shall have in 768 BARRY v. MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE co. 208 its control and management ; and the apportionment of the profits of the enterprise. To the community, it announces the extent of the means contributed and forming the basis of the dealings of the cor- porate body, and enables every man to judge of its ability to meet its engagements and perform -what it undertakes. And when, as in most instances, the statute requires the stock to be paid in before the corporation can transact business, security to those contracting with it is thereby superadded to the information of its resources. These ob- jects, for the public benefit, are sometimes defeated by fraud .and de- ception, but they are such as the legislature have in view in limiting the amount of capital stock, and requiring a specified sum or propor- tion to be paid in. One further consideration dictates the amount thus fixed. This is the probable and reasonable extent of the means requisite to the ac- complishment of the end proposed, qualified in many cases by the unwillingness of the legislature to create these artificial beings with an undue amount of capital. As no certain rule can be devised by which to estimate the means necessary to effect all the purposes of a contemplated incorporation, the amount of the capital in each case must be fixed in reference to the considerations which I have just enumerated, without any inten- tion or expectation in ordinary cases .of limiting to that sum the aggre- gate property which the corporation, when- its capital is paid in and its operations commenced, shall from time to time possess or own. This is peculiarly true of the numerous incorporations which have sprung into being under the magic influence of the enterprise and ingenuity of our citizens, and in which, from their boldness or novelty, it was impracticable for human foresight to calculate the requisite means. It is true that in one instance the authors of a most excellent treatise on corporations have spoken of capital stock, and the amount of prop- erty which they shall hold, as if they were synonymous terms; but they have said on a previous page, that every corporation aggregate has incidentally at common law a right to take, hold and transmit in succession, property real and personal to an unlimited extent or amount, i Angell & Ames on Corp. 87, ch. 5, i ; i Kyd on Corp. 76, 78; i Black. Comm. 475; 2 Kent's Comm. 277, 2d ed., and a host of authorities are to the same effect. Angell & Ames also add that "the statutes of mortmain make no mention of personal property, and hence in England the power of corporations aggregate to take such property remains in general unlimited, unless restrained by the charters or acts of parliament establishing them." Treatise on Corp., 90, 92. And see i Kyd on Coi-p. 104. The capital stock of a corporation is, like that of a co-partnership or joint stock company, the amount -which the partners or associates put in as their stake in the concern. To this they add upon the credit of the company, from the means and resources of others, to such extent as their mvn przidence or the confidence of such other persons ivill permit. Siich additions create a debt; they do not form capital. And if successful in their career, the surplus over and above their 208 THE CAPITAL STOCK. 769 capital and debts becomes profits, and is either divided among the partners and associates, or used still farther to extend their opera- tions. The proposition that a corporation is limited, even in its permanent ownership of property, to the amount fixed as its capital, is entirely new, and has not the sanction of authority or reason. The custom of retaining the profits, which I have before mentioned, has been long continued, and has worked in many of our corporations, and espe- cially in banking institutions, an increase of their solid property and estate, as permanent as any that has been inferred in this case. Not that such increase has in those instances been so invested and mingled with the fruits of the original capital as to become indivisible there- from ; but the increase has in many of the instances been as fixed and permanent as the capital itself, and with no purpose or probability of its being returned to the stockholders until the concern should be wound up voluntarily, or by the expiration of the charters. Some further illustration of this question will occur in connection with the discussion of the power of borrowing after the payment of the capital. Second. The second theory of the counsel for the complainant was, that the power of borrowing money was limited to the extent of the capital of the company ; and when that capital was fully paid, the power ceased, except for mere temporary objects, and for short periods. They therefore had no right to contract a permanent debt like these mortgages. That if they did not expect to pay the mortgages, it is still worse, because by the means used they created, or attempted to create, a public stock or funded debt. It was urged that on the latter hypothesis they were exceeding the charter, because the direct consequence is, that they build at the ex- pense of two millions, and out of the rents pay an interest to the bond- holders, and a dividend to the stockholders ; and the one to continue as long as the other, being to all intents a capital of two millions. This argument is specious, for if the building be worth the two mill- ions, which it is assumed to have cost, and the company owes one million, their clear property is but one million after all. Then as to the funded debt or stock created and secured by these mortgages. The fifth section of the act of incorporation was referred to as prohibiting this mode of effecting a loan. That section declares that the act shall not be construed to authorize the dealing or trading in, or the purchase or sale of any stock or funded debt created, or to be created, under any law of the United States, or of any particular state. If the resemblance between these bonds and such stock or funded debt were complete in all things, this section would have no applica- tion to the borrowing of money upon their issue. But, in truth, the resemblance is very faint. The bonds were printed or engraved, and had coupons attached for convenience in the collection of interest. There the likeness ceased. These bonds were sealed obligations of 49 Wn,. CASES. 770 BARRY v. MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE co. 208 the company, bonds, in the technical sense of the word, and secured not by the public faith, or the mere corporate liability, but by mort- gages on real estate. But it was contended that the unrestricted power of borrowing, which the company claims for effecting the purposes of its charter, virtually confers upon the corporation unlimited power. That the purposes of the charter would, in this instance at least, be no restraint, because they could embrace accommodations for every description of commercial business, and the extent of their credit would be equally ineffectual, for there would be no limit to that, except in the prudence of the lender, and finally, that no such extravagant authority was granted to this corporation, expressly or by implication, and it is con- trary to the spirit and policy of our laws and institutions. This whole argument is, in my judgment, unsound. The danger of inordinate accumulation of property and consequent overshadow- ing power is wholly fallacious. The whole extent of the corporate cred:*; is, in truth, measured and controlled by its capital. Every ad- dition to its means beyond its paid-up capital (leaving profits out of view) must be by gift or contract, and if by contract, a debt ensues. If a corporation with a million of capital succeeds in running into debt two millions it has no more solid property, and is intrinsically worth no more than before, unless the property obtained on credit is worth more than it cost, and then the increase of property is only such ex- cess of value. And if worth less than cost, then the company has by the operation sunk a part of its capital. All experience shows that the financial management of corporations is, in general, less judicious and safe than that of individuals. Hence losses are likely to ensue from expansions upon credit ; and the far- ther such credit is pushed by any corporation, the greater the danger that such losses will impair and finally consume its capital. The lenders of money are usually sagacious enough to protect their inter- ests when dealing with corporations as well as with individuals ; and few would lend money to a company which already owed debts greatly exceeding its whole capital stock, however flattering in ap- pearance the investment might be. The laws of trade have placed an impassable barrier to the power of corporate borrowing, in the ten- dency of such institutions to make an improvident use of exuberant means, and in the caution and prudence of capitalists. It is utterly impossible for a corporation with a known limited capital to accumu- late by means of its credit the gigantic property and power which the imagination of the counsel portrayed. * * * In this case, then, I am satisfied that the Merchants' Exchange Company were authorized by law to borrow money for the comple- tion of their building, to the extent adopted by them, and to secure its repayment by their corporate obligations, and by mortgages on their real estate. I do not find that any limitation contained in their charter has been thereby exceeded, nor that any condition annexed to the grant of their 208 CAPITAL STOCK. 771 franchise has been broken, nor that they have failed to perform the duties enjoined upon them by the law of their creation. * * * Bill dismissed. Note. Stock is generally used synonymously with "shares of stock" with us, and indicates a definite proportional interest that the owner has in the manage- ment, dividends and final distribution of the surplus assets of the corporation upon dissolution. In England it seems that stock is a fund which can be divided and held in irregular amounts, like the government stocks, which can be bought in 99> sums, as well as any other sums, while a share, or de- benture, is of a fixed amount, as 100, incapable of subdivision. Rapalje & L. Law Dictionary, 1224. Common stock, or shares, are such as entitle all the owners thereof to equal (in proportion to number of shares owned) participation in the management of the corporation, and, in the absence of any preference shares, to alike equal portion of the profits and assets. The common shares quite frequently have a preference in the management of the corporation, though not in the profits. Preferred stock, or shares, are such as entitle the owners thereof to some preference in the distribution of the profits or assets of the corporation over the owners of the common shares. There may be various classes of preferred, such as first and second, etc., preferred, with different kinds of preferences as the basis. But within each class the owners have equal rights in proportion to their holdings. The preference may be either as to profits, or assets when dissolved, or both. In the absence of special provisions, preferred share- holders have the right to participate in the management, and are subject to liabilities to the same extent as common shareholders. Guaranteed Stock, in the United States, is generally given the same meaning as preferred the words being used interchangeably and both meaning that the "preferred" or "guaranteed" shareholders shall not only receive divi- dends in preference to the common shareholders, each year there are profits to divide, but also that they will be entitled to arrears of dividends for the years there are no profits earned, whenever subsequent profits are sufficient to pay such dividends. 1860, Bates v. Androscoggin, etc., R., 49 Maine 491 ; 1866, Taft v. Hartford, etc., R., 8 R. I. 310; 1875, Lockhart v. Van Alstyne, 31 Mich. 76; 1881, Boardman v. Lake S. & M. S. R., 84 N. Y. 157; 1882, El- kins v. Camden, etc., R., 36 N. J. Eq. 233. And the rule seems to be the same in England. 1857, Henry v. Great Northern R., 1 De G. & J. 606; 1875, Webb v. Earle L. R., 20 Eq. Gas. 556. Of course it can be made non-cumulative if so expressed. 1871, Bailey v. Hannibal, etc., R., 1 Dillon 174. And a few cases hold it is non-cumulative, unless expressed to be cumulative. 1885, Bel- fast, etc., R. v. Belfast, 77 Maine 445; 1887, Hazeltine v. Belfast, etc., R. Co., 79 Maine 411. The term, however, is also applied so as to entitle the guaran- teed shareholder to payment of arrears of dividends out of the property of the company, before dividing it up among common shareholders upon disso- lution. It is also sometimes applied to indicate the liability for dividends without regard to there being any earnings from which to pay such stock then seems to be nothing but an interest-bearing loan. Interest-bearing 1 stock. Some attempts have been made to issue stock upon condition that all sums paid in upon it shall bear interest until the im- provement is completed and profits earned out of which to pay dividends ; such stock is designated interest-bearing stock. Since there are no earnings out of which to pay dividends, it seems that the interest can come only out of the capital, if it is to be paid before profits are earned, and would there- fore, in effect, be a reduction of the capital to that extent, of which creditors might complain ; when the interest is to be paid as it accrues, and before there are earnings, such stock provisions are generally held to be void. 1854, Troy & B. R. Co. v. Tibbitts, 18 Barb. (N. Y.) 297, on 307; 1861, Mil- ler v. Pitts. & C. R. Co., 40 Pa. St. 237, 80 Am. D. 570; 1867, Painesville not even a comma between the words "stocks" and "choses in action," nor a shade of difference in the powers conferred as to each. The power to invest in and to sell is very appropriate language when applied to commercial dealings. It is very inapt, if the intention was to confer authority to subscribe for stock in the formation of another corporation. * * * The tax is, by statute, levied on the capital stock of corporations. In the corporation's petition to be relieved of a part of the tax thus levied, it describes it as a tax on the capital stock. It avers "That said capital stock is invested, * * * $51 ,000 thereof in the capital stock of the Bank of Montgomery." The corporation owned its capital stock, and, presumptively at least, did not own the shares of its capital stock. Hence the propriety and reasonableness of the aver- ment that it was so invested, and not shares in its capital stock, pre- termitting, for the sake of argument, its want of corporate power to invest its capital stock. The exact and specific case made in the peti- tion is that the capital stock of one corporation the thing itself is invested in the capital stock of another corporation. And, it may be added, this averment was necessary to give the petition a semblance of merit. Capital stock the insurance company's capital stock was the subject of the tax, and in order to maintain the discount or deduc- tion claimed, it was necessary to aver and show that that specific sub- ject of taxation the capital stock or some portion of it, had been "invested in property which is otherwise taxed as property." We are thus confronted with the question, can one and the same sum of money, at one and the same time, serve the purpose of capital stock for two corporations ? We have shown by the highest legal authority that the capital stock of a corporation is a trust fund for the security and benefit of the cred- itors of the corporation, and that the managing board fills the relation of trustee for its preservation and administration. Corporations act- ing within the scope of corporate powers , fix no liability on their officers or on any one else. They charge only the corporation. Hence the purpose and policy of requiring a capital stock as security and indemnity of persons who become its creditors. The law-making power confers on them privileges a franchise, a right to make con- tracts in its artificial name without fastening a liability on any nat- ural person and it exacts from them as a condition on which it 209 CAPITAL STOCK. 777 grants this franchise, this privilege and power, that they place a capital stock in safe pledge for the security of their creditors. And this capital stock is a permanent investment, -with no power in the shareholder to withdraw it until the corporation is wound up and all its debts paid, and no power in the managing board to permit it to be withdrawn at the expense of creditors. It is a trust fund in the corporation's treasury, to be used only in its interest, and whatever of profit or emolument it may yield belongs of right to the corpora- tion, its creditors and shareholders. It must be kept within the cor- poration and under its control to meet the ptirpose for which it was required to be raised and paid in. It is not materially unlike any other pledge that is placed as a guaranty of faithful performance of debt or duty. It is a fixed pledge until the debt is paid, or the duty performed. Such being the nature, the status of capital stock in a corporation, can one and the same fund supply this want and fill this condition for two corporations? The law required $100,000 of capital stock as a condition on which it granted the corporate franchise for that amount of capital to the Commercial Fire Insurance Company, and the same amount from the Bank of Montgomery as the condition on which it conferred a similar franchise on it. Will a single sum of $100,000 meet and satisfy this double demand? The law does not grant acts of incorporation in the undoubting faith and trust that they will be profitably and successfully administered. If there was neither distrust nor doubt, no guaranty, no pledge, no capital stock paid in should be required. The law, basing its action on experience, requires this guaranty, this security, because human enterprises often miscarry. Let us suppose that in the case before us disaster should overtake both corporations, and it should become necessary to exhaust the capital stock of each in the payment of its liabilities. Is it not manifest that the $100,000 the law required as a pledge and guaranty from each company would not be forthcoming? Fifty-one thousand dollars of the sum could not meet the double demand of that sum from the re- spective creditors of the two companies. One dollar can not pay two. Let us take a further step. If corporation No. i can, of its $100,- ooo of capital stock, supply fifty-one of the $100,000 the law requires of corporation No. 2, and yet retain its $100,000 of stock, no sound argument can be formulated why it could not furnish the bank with the whole $100,000 of capital with the same result. And if corpora- tion No. i can, from its own capital', furnish the capital stock of cor- poration No. 2, why can not corporation No 2 render the same service to corporation No. 3 ? And why can not this process be carried on indefinitely? Would not such proceedings be an utter subversion of the purpose and policy which require that corporations, as a condition of the franchise they ask to be clothed with, shall furnish this security for those with whom they propose to have dealings? These ques- tions can receive but one answer, and that answer is, that corporations 778 PEOPLE V. COLEMAN. 2IO have no authority to subscribe their own capital stock in the capital stock of another corporation in process of organization. * * * Affirmed. Walker and McClellan, JJ., dissent. . 210. Capital, capital stock, surplus and franchise distin- guished. PEOPLE, Ex REL. U. T. CO., v. COLEMAN. 1 1891. IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF NEW YORK. 126 N. Y. Re P- 433-45- [Appeal from judgment of supreme court, dismissing a writ of certiorarito review assessment of trust company's capital. The com- pany claimed that all its capital stock and surplus were invested in United States securities and exempt. The commissioners held that the capital stock, the actual value of which they were to assess, was the shares, and they ascertained such value by multiplying the nominal capital by the market price of the shares, and deducted therefrom ten per cent, of the nominal capital, the assessed value of the real estate and the investments in the United States securities.] FINCH, J. The relator has been assessed upon an "actual value" of its capital stock derived entirely from the market value of its shares. These are selling at the large premium of something over five hundred dollars for each share of one hundred dollars, and the assessors have concededly taken that valuation, or the principal part thereof, as the "actual value" of the company's stock liable to taxation, instead of its own proved and established value. The relator challenges the as- sessment, and through all the proceeding has persistently raised and pressed the inquiry, not so much as to the mode or manner of ascertain- ing value, but rather as to what is the precise thing to be valued, whether the capital stock of the company or the capital stock held in shares by the corporators. If these are the same, or in any just sense equiva- lents, either might be valued without substantial error, but if they are not such we must determine which is to be valued before we can solve the problem of how to value it. Now it is certain that the two things are neither identical nor equiv- alents. The capital stock of a company is one thing, that of the share- holders is another and a different thing. That of the company is simply its capital, existing in monev or property, or both ; 'while that of the shareholders is representative, not merely of that existing and tang- ible capital, but also of surplus, of dividend earning poiver, of fran- chise and the good tv ill of an established and prosperous business. The capital stock of the company is owned and held by the company in its corporate character ; the capital stock of the shareholders they own and hold in different proportions as individuals. The one 1 Statement abridged ; arguments and part of opinion omitted. 210 CAPITAL STOCK. 779 belongs to the corporation, the other to the corporators. The fran- chise of the company, which may be deemed its business opportunity and capacity, is the property of the corporation, but constitutes no part or element of its capital stock, while the same franchise does enter into and , form part, and a -very essential part , of the share- holder's capital stock. While the nominal or par value of the capi- tal stock and of the share stock are the same, the actual value is often widely different. The capital stock of the company may be -wholly in cash or in property, or both, -which may be counted and valued. It may have in addition a surplus, consisting of some accumulated and reserved ftind, or of undivided profits, or both, but that surplus is no part of the company's capital stock, and, therefore, is not itself capital stock. The capital can not be divided and distributed; the surplus may be. But that surplus does enter into and form part of the share stock, for that represents and absorbs into its own value surplus as -well as capital, and the franchise in addition. So that the property of every company may consist of three separate and dis- tinct things, which are its capital stock, its surplus, its franchise; but these three things, several in the ownership of the company, are united in the ownership of the shareholders. The share stock covers, embraces, represents all three in their totality, for it is a business photograph of all the corporate possessions and possibilities. A com- pany also may have no surplus, but, on the contrary, a deficiency which works an impairment of its capital stock. Its actual value is then less than its nominal or par value, while yet the share stock, strengthened by hope of the future and the support of earnings, may be worth its par, or even more. And thus the two things the com- pany 's capital stock and the shareholder 's capital stock are essen- tially and in every material respect different. They differ in their character, in their elements, in their ownership and in their values. How important and vital the difference is became evident in the effort by the state authorities to tax the property of the national banks. The effort failed, and yet the share stock in the ownership of individ- uals was held to be taxable as against them. The corporation and its property were shielded, but the shareholders and their property were taxed. Now some degree of confusion and trouble have come in because these two different things are denominated alike capital stock, making the expression sometimes ambiguous. It is the important and decisive phrase in the law of 1857, under which the assessment here resisted was made, and requires of us to determine at the outset in which sense it was used. The section reads thus: "The capital stock of every company liable to taxation, except such part of it as shall have been excepted in the assessment roll, or shall have been exempted by law, together with its surplus profits or reserved funds exceeding 10 per cent, of its capital, after deducting the assessed value of its real estate and all shares of stock in other corporations actually owned by such company which are taxable upon their capital stock under the laws of this state, shall be assessed at its actual value and taxed 780 PEOPLE V. COLEMAN. 2IO in the same manner as the other real and personal estate of the county." There are reasons in abundance for the conclusion that by the phrase "capital stock" the statute means not the share stock, but the capital owned by die corporation ; the fund required to be paid in and kept intact as the basis of the business enterprise and the chief factor in its safety. One ample reason is derived from the fact that the tax is assessed against the corporation and upon its property and not against the shareholders, and so upon their property. In theory every tax is charged against some person, natural or artificial, resident or non-resident, known or unknown. It is assessed, not upon property irrespective of ownership, but against persons in respect to their prop- erty (23 N. Y. 215), and effects not merely a lien, but also a personal liability. On the assessment rolls in this case appeared the name of the relator as the person assessed, and the amount of the tax became a charge against it. Of course, it could only be assessed and taxed in respect to its own property, that which in its corporate character it owned and possessed, and so it follows inevitably that the statute con- cerns the company's capital stock, that is, its real and actual capital, and not in any respect the share stock which it does not own and whose possessors have not been assessed. Another reason is founded on those terms of the statute which in- clude and exclude respectively specific kinds or classes of property in the corporate ownership. Thus the assessment is to be laid not merely upon the capital stock of the corporation, but also upon its surplus. No such explicit direction was necessary, except upon the assumption that by the words 4 'capital stock" was meant simply ' 'capital," which would not include surplus, and so required that it be subjected by name to the valuation. If the share stock was meant its value would include surplus and make its specification not only needless but confusing. But while the statute includes surplus by specific mention, it excludes franchise by omitting it. The omission of franchise is emphasized 'by the careful inclusion of surplus. It is fully and definitely settled that the tax imposed by the statute is not upon franchise. (People v. Comrs. of Taxes, 2 Black. 620.) But if that be so, it is not upon the share stock, for that represents the value of the corporate franchise as a part of the total of the corporate property. And so, both by what it specifically includes and silently excludes, the statute itself informs us that by "capital stock" it means and intends the company's actual capital paid in and possessed, and not at all or in any sense the share stock. * * * (Reviewing statutes and distinguishing the following cases : Os- wego Starch Factory v. Dilloway, 21 N. Y. 449; People, ex rel., \. Comrs. of Taxes, '23 N. Y. 192 ; People, ex rel., v. Dolan, 36 N. Y. 59; People, ex rel., v. Ferguson, 38 N. Y. 89; People, ex rel., v. Bd. of Assrs., 39 N. Y. 81 ; People, ex rel., v. Comrs. of Taxes, 95 N. Y. 554 ; People, exrel., v. Asten, 100 N. Y. 597 ; People, ex rel., 2IO CAPITAL STOCK. 781 v. Comrs. of Taxes, 104 N. Y. 240; People, ex rel., v. Coleman, 107 N. Y. 541.) Judgment reversed. Note. See, 1851, State v. Morristown Fire Assn., 23 N. J. L. 195. Capital stock, capital, shares, and property. Great confusion exists in the use of these terms ; sometimes capital stock is used to mean the amount of stock a corporation is authorized to issue ; sometimes the amount subscribed and issued ; sometimes the amount actually paid in, with which the company proceeds to do business; sometimes the value (actual or nominal) of the sum total of the shares in the hands of the shareholders ; sometimes the value of the property of the corporation, real and personal, including surplus and franchise. Statutes frequently provide that the articles of incorporation shall state the amount of capital stock, and after 50 per cent, is subscribed, and 10 per cent, thereof is paid in, the corporation may organize and commence business leaving it in the discretion of the corporation to call for further subscriptions or further payment upon subscriptions made. For example, if, under such a law, the articles of incorporation provide "the capital stock shall be $100,000," the corporation may commence business with $50,000 subscribed, upon which only $5,000 were actually paid in; there would, however, exist the capacity to call for the payment of $45,000 more, and also to issue $50,000 more by a new subscription, and to call for its payment. If the whole amount authorized was always subscribed and paid in there would be little difficulty ; the sums being the same, each could very properly be designated capital stock; yet there is opportunity here for confusion with the corporate property, for if the whole $100,000 were paid in and invested in property which increased in value to $150,000, it might be and sometimes is said that the capital stock is $150,000, instead of $100,000; approved usage, however, says there is still only $100,000 capital stock, but a surplus of $50,000, which, if it can be separated from the rest, can be paid to the shareholders as dividends; on the other hand, if there should be a loss of $50,000, it would seem wrong to say the capital stock is $100,000, yet approved usage still says the capital stock is $100,000, though there is a deficit of $50,000, and the cor- porate property is only $50,000, the corporation (at least for the protection of creditors) being required to make up such deficit before distributing subse- quent earnings as dividends. More difficulty arises when the Avhole amount authorized is not subscribed, and only a part of the latter is paid in ; of course, in such event it could be made clear in each case what was meant by using the terms : Authorized capi- tal stock, $100,000 ; subscribed capital stock, $50,000 ; paid-up capital stock, $5,000; and if such terms were always used in statutes, contracts, rules, etc., much confusion could be avoided. Unfortunately, however, capita) stock and capital are the only terms used, as "The capital stock shall not be increased or decreased, except by consent of the state;" or, "The capital stock is a trust fund for the security of creditors;" or, "Dividends shall not be paid out of the capital of the company;" or, "The corporation shall be taxed only upon its capital stock;" or, "The capital stock shall be exempt from taxation ;" or, "The shares of stock shall be taxed, or be exempt from taxation." In the first case, increasing or decreasing the capital stock the authorized capital stock the amount named in the charter or articles of association is meant, not the property of the corporation, not the amount subscribed or paid in ; but no greater subscription than the authorized amount can rightly be taken, and no payment, in the absence of a special statutory lia- bility, can be required beyond the amount subscribed. The property, however, may be increased to any extent, or diminished to any extent, that does not interfere with the performance of its corporate functions or the payment of creditors. See Barry v. Merchants' Exchange, supra, p. 766. In the second case the capital stock as a trust fund which is meant, the authorized, the subscribed, or the paid in amounts, or the property only of 782 PEOPLE V. COLEMAN. 2IO the corporation? If all that is authorized is subscribed, paid in and invested in property, and there is no statutory liability, the creditor can not look further than to the actual property of the corporation, though it is much less than the capital stock named, if the loss is due to misfortune, and not fraud or improper appropriation of corporate funds by officers or members ; on the other hand, if this property is more than the capital stock named, and is undivided in the hands of the corporation, the creditor can have it applied, if necessary, to the payment of his debt; yet until a lien has been acquired or insolvency converted it into a trust fund, the surplus over the amount of stock named can be distributed as dividends. But if the whole amount authorized is never subscribed, and the law allows business to be done with a smaller subscription, then as to a creditor, what is the capital stock? It is universally conceded that the amount subscribed, and not the amount author- ized, is the capital stock, for there is no way by which a corporation can be required to secure additional subscriptions, or to compel any one to subscribe in order to pay creditors ; in other words, unissued shares are not part of the capital stock, so far as creditors are concerned. Sturges v. Stetson, 1 Biss. (U. S.) 246, on 248, 10 Myer's Fed. D., 142 ; Christensen v. Eno, 106 N. Y. 97. On the other hand, the creditor has the right to have all the subscriptions paid up, if necessary, for his protection, and no part of the property returned to the shareholders that reduces it to a value less than the face value of the amount subscribed, if necessary, to pay his claims. Scovill v. Thayer, 105 U. S. 143; Wood v. Dummer, 3 Mason 308. So here, too, the amount sub- scribed, and not the amount paid in is the capital stock that is the primary basis of the company's credit ; but this, too, is subject to the qualification made above the creditor has the protection of the surplus earned until divided, and can claim no more than the actual property, if all subscribed has been once paid in good faith, and not lost through negligence, fraud or misappro- priation. As to the next "dividends shall not be paid out of the capital" capital is used to mean the amount of property of the company equal in value to the face value of the stock subscribed ; all above that is surplus, and may be dis- tributed in dividends ; and in this sense capital is equivalent to capital stock subscribed as above explained. Williams v. Western Union Tel. Co., 93 N. Y. 162. The word capital is, however, more generally used to designate the actual property of the company derived from what has been paid in on the shares with undivided accumulations, whether the total is less or greater than the amount subscribed, and whether there have been losses or gains ; in short, to designate. the actual sum with which business is being done at any partic- ular time. As to taxation, there are many conflicting views : Taxation is supposed to be upon values without duplication. If placed upon capital stock, and the au- thorized capital stock was assessed at its face value, in case all was not sub- scribed, it would amount to an assessment upon a mere privilege, and would be in the nature of a franchise tax ; if placed upon the face value of the amount subscribed, regardless of the sum paid in, it would be upon a mere possibility or power to call for further payments (except so far as paid up), and would also be in the nature of a franchise tax ; if, upon the market value, this would be determined by the net amount of corporate property, the earn- ing capacity and business opportunity exhibited by the corporation, and would, therefore, be equivalent to the total value of all the shares in the hands of the shareholders, and the tax so laid would be upon the same elements of value charged against the corporation ; if, in addition to this, the corporate property, its lands, chattels and credits, was taxed against the corporation there would be double taxation to that extent; and if the shares in the hands of shareholders were also taxed at their market value there would be triple taxation, in the sense that the same actual elements of value or part of them would be taxed three times twice to the corporation, and once to the share- holders. Again, if capital stock is held to mean only the corporate property lands, chattels and credits and these alone are taxed, it is evident that in many 2IO CAPITAL STOCK. 783 cases property rights of great value arising from the existence of the corpora- tion are not taxed. When A. subscribes for a share of $100 face value, and pays in that sum, the corporation is the owner of the $100 as tangible prop- erty and A. is the owner of the intangible share, entitling him to have this $100 (if all creditors are otherwise satisfied) with all its net earnings during the corporate existence returned to him at the dissolution of the corporation, or from time to time before, in the case of the surplus earnings ; though it is not considered a loan, it is in some respects similar, but without an obligation to re- pay before dissolution, or to pay interest in the meantime ; these rights of the shareholder are considered A.'s property, and, in general, if he receives more in the way of dividends than he would receive as interest from a safe loan of $100, these intangible rights would be considered worth more as property represented by a certificate of shares instead of a promissory note than $100, or if the income was less than from a safe loan the share would be considered less valuable ; the $100 that the corporation has is only $100 as its property, but because of its earning capacity, A.'s intangible rights arising from it, his property in it is worth more than $100; a valuation, therefore, of the cor- porate property alone as property does not reach all the elements of value in connection with the $100 ; its earning capacity does not add to the corporate property, but does add to A.'s property. But inasmuch as the $100 A. has put in the corporation is put there mainly as an investment for gain, its value to him is determined almost wholly by its earning capacity, and very little by the fact that it is $100 property in the hands of the corporation ; the reason for this is that the $100 can not be ob- tained by A. as his property until the corporation is dissolved, which may never occur, or only at an uncertain time in the future. However much, property the corporation may actually have, the market value of its shares depends mostly upon the earning capacity of the property, and not upon the actual value of the property. As Mr. Justice Bigelow says in Commw. v. Hamilton Mfg. Co., 12 Allen (Mass.) 298, on 302: "The price for which all the shares would sell may greatly exceed the aggregate of the cor- porate property, or it may fall very far short of it. Undoubtedly the amount of property * * * is one of the considerations that enters into the market value of its shares ; but such market value also embraces other elements; * * * it includes the profits and gains which have attended its operations, the prospects of its future success, the nature and extent of its corporate rights and privileges, and the skill and ability with which its busi- ness is managed, the estimate put on the potentiality of a corporation." So, too, the corporate property may be large, because it has all, or most of it, been purchased by the proceeds of bonds sold, and upon which the income is suffi- cient to pay large interest, but with nothing left for dividends in which event the stock would be of but little value ; yet possibly this would in some degree represent the net value of the property after the bonds were paid. But the corporation may in fact also have property to the value of a million dollars, and its shares be worth in the market but little, because the corporate prop- erty is unproductive and the owner of the shares can in no way have the valuable property apportioned to him, but is bound to let it remain unpro- ductive until dissolution of the corporation. From such considerations as these it seems clear that the property of the corporation and the capital stock of the corporation are different materially in value very frequently, the value of the capital stock being equivalent to the sum total of the value of the shares, and this being the business estimate of the earning capacity of the property as it is then employed and not the value of the same property as it could and (if not owned by that corporation) would, probably, be em- ployed. Because of these differences in value, and in ownership in the case of shares, it is generally held that a tax on the property of the corporation, and a tax on the shares of the stockholders are not double taxation though both seem to be placed upon the same sources of value. Although it is certain that confusion will continue to exist in the use of these terms, yet it is desirable that it be avoided as much as possible ; and as an aid to that end it is suggested that terms be used as follows so far as possi- 784 PEOPLE V. COLEMAN. 2IO ble: Authorized capital stock, to mean the total face value of all the shares the corporation has the right to issue ; capital stock, to mean the sum total sub- scribed, equivalent in face value to the sum total of the face value of the shares issued; capital, the sum paid in as the fund with which it transacts business orthe total value of all the property of the corporation arising from the in- vestment of this fund; shares, the intangible property of the individual shareholders, in face value equivalent to the capital stock of the corporation, and in actual value, the business estimate of the earning power of the capi- tal of the corporation. It is believed that these views are sanctioned gener- ally by text writers, and also by the best considered cases, where the uncer- tainty of statutes have not made it necessary to hold otherwise. Ang. & A., 556, et seq.; Beach, 465, et seq.; Boone, 105, 112; Clark, p. 256, et seq.; Cook 11, 12, 199; Elliott, 299, 300; Lowell Transfer of Stock, ch. 1; Morawetz, 137, 781 ; Taylor, i24, 541, 545; I Thompson, 1059-1085; II Thompson, 2810 ; III Thompson, 2956, 4288, et seq. Below is given a collection of cases where these matters are considered: Capital stock does not include unissued but authorized shares: 1858, Codding- ton v. Gilbert, 17 N. Y. 489; 18C8, Fisk v. Chicago, etc., R., 36 How. Pr. (N. Y.) 20, on 22; 1877, Greenpoint Sugar Co. v. Whitin, 69 N. Y. 328, on 338; 1879, Pratt v. Munson, 17 Hun. (N. Y.) 475; 1887, Christensen v. Eno, 106 N. Y. 97. 2. Capital stock means the amount subscribed, and not the sum paid in : 1834, Bank of Utica v. City of Utica, 4 Paige Ch. (N. Y.) 399, on 402; 1842, People- v. Supervisors of Niagara, 4 Hill (N. Y.) 20; 1844, Ward v. Griswoldville Mfg. Co., 16 Conn. 593; 1850, Hightower v. Thornton, 8 Ga. 486, 52 Am. D. 412; 1851, State v. Morristown Fire Assn., 23 N. J. L. 195, on 196; 1862, Bank of Commerce v. N. Y. City, 67 U. S. (2 Black) 620, on 628; 1882, Wetherbee v. Baker, 35 N. J. Eq. 501; 1891, Security Co. v. Town of Hartford, 61 Conn. 89, on 100, 101. 3. Capital stock means the necessary property of the company purchased by the fund derived from the payments on the shares subscribed: 1868, State v. Hood, 15- Rich. Law (S. C.) 177; 1875, State Railroad Tax Cases, 92 U. S. 575, on 602; 1880, Ohio and Mississippi R. Co. v. Weber, 96 111. 443; 1881, Bank v. Ten- nessee, 104 U. S. 493; 1883, Williams v. W. U. Tel. Co., 93 N. Y. 162; 1891, Security Co. v. Hartford, 61 Conn. 89, on 100-1; 1892, Wilkes Barre, etc., Bank v. Wilkes Barre, 148 Pa. St. 601 ; 1897, Union Bank v. City of Rich- mond, 94 Va. 316; 1898, Commonwealth v. N. Y., P. & O. R. Co., 188 Pa. St. 169, and cases on pp. 195, 198, 199 and 203. But does not include unnecessary property : 1842, Inhabitants of Worcester v. Western R. Corp., 4 Mete. (Mass.) 564; 1847, Railroad v. Berks Co., 6 Pa. St. 70; 1855, Vermont Central R. Co. v. Burlington, 28 Vt. 193. Neither does it include surplus: 1883, Williams v. W. U. Tel. Co., 93 N. Y. 162; 1891, People v. Coleman, 126 N. Y. 433, supra, p. 778. But see, 1898, Commw. v. N. Y., P. & O. R. Co., 188 Pa. St. 169. 4. Capital stock does not mean the corporate property they are distinct things : 1819, McCulloch v. Maryland, 4 Wheat. (U. S.) 316; 1851, State v. Morris- town Fire Assn., 23 N. J. L. 195, on 196; 1862, Bank of Commerce v. N. Y. City, 67 U. S. (2 Black) 620, on 628; 1866, Commonwealth v. Hamilton Mfg. Co., 12 Allen (Mass.) 298, on 302^1; 1877, Memphis & C. R. Co. v. Games, 3 Tenn. Ch. 604; 1878, Railroad Companies v. Gaines, 97 U. S. 697; 1886, Tennessee v. Whitworth, 117 U. S. 129, on 139; 1892, Railway Company v. Furnace Co., 49 O. S. 102; 1895, Wells v. Green Bay, etc., Co., 90 Wis. 442. 5. Capital stock and shares of stock in hands of shareholders are the same: 1845, Gordon v. Appeal Tax Court, 44 U. S. (3 How.) 133, on 147; 1852, The State v. Branin, 23 N. J. L. 484; 1861, People v. Commissioners of Taxes, 23 N. Y. 192, on 220; 1869, National Bank v. Commonwealth, 76 U. S. (9 Wall.) 353, on 359 ; 1875, Nichols v. New Haven & N. Co., 42 Conn. 103, on 120; 1886; Tennessee v. Whitworth, 117 U. S. 129. 6. Capital stock and shares in the hands of the shareholders are not the same: 1836, Union Bank v. The State, 9 Yerg. (Tenn.) 489; 1864, Lycoming Co. v. Gamble, 47 Pa. St. 106; 1865, Van Allen v. Assessors, 3 Wall (70 U. S.) 573:, 211 CAPITAL STOCK. 785 on 583; 1869, National Bank v. Commonwealth, 76 IT. S. (9 Wall.) 353, on 359; 1873, The Delaware Railroad Tax, 85 U. S. (18 Wall.) 206, on 229; 1877, Farrington v. Tennessee, 95 U. S. 679, on 686; 1884, State Bank v. City of Richmond, 79 Va. 113; 1896, Shelby Co. v. Union & P. Bank, 161 U. S. 149, 011 154; 1895, Bank of Commerce v. Tennessee, 161 U. S. 134, on 146; 1897, Union Bank v. City of Richmond, 94 Va. 316; 1898, Bank v. Memphis, 101 Tenn. 154. 7. Capital means the property of the company: 1861, People v. Commission- ers, etc., 23 N. Y. 192, on 219; 1862, Bank of Commerce v. N. Y. City, 67 V. S. (2 Black) 620, on 629; 1865, Van Allen v. Assessors, 70 U. S. (3 Wall.) 573, on 583; 1869. National Bank v. Commonwealth, 76 U. S. (9 Wall.) 353, on 359; 1874, Bailey v. Clark, 88 U. S. (21 Wall.) 284; 1878, Burrall v. Bush- wick R., 75 N. Y. 211 ; 1880, Bradley v. Bander, 36 Ohio St. 28, on 35; 1883, Williams v. Western U. Tel. Co., 93 N. Y. 162; 1886, Tennessee v. Whitworth, 117 U. S. 129, on 139; 1895, Wells v. Green Bay, etc., Co., 90 Wis. 442. 8. Capital is the same as capital stock of the corporation: 1883, Williams v. Western Union Tel. Co., 93 N. Y. 162; 1891, People v. Coleman, 126 N. Y. 433, supra, p. 778: 1892, Railway Co. v. Furnace Co., 49 Ohio St. 102; 1894, American, etc., Co. v. State Board, 56 N. J. L. 389; 1895, Tradesman Pub. Co. v. Car Wheel Co., 95 Tenn. 634. 9. Capital is not the same as shares of stock in the hands of the shareholders: 1865, Van Allen v. The Assessors, 70 U. S. (3 Wall.) 573, on 583; 1866, Com- monwealth v. Hamilton Mfg. Co., 12 Allen (Mass.) 298, on 302-4; 1866, Peo- ple v. Commissioners, 71 U. S. (4 Wall.) 244, on 255; 1866, Bradley v. The People, 71 U. S. (4 Wall.) 459; 1869, National Bank v. Commonwealth, 76 U. S. (9 Wall.) 353, on 359; 1880, Bradley v. Bauder, 36 Ohio St. 28; 1886, Tennessee v. Whitworth, 117 U. S. 129 ; 1897, New Orleans v. Citizens' Bank, 167 U. S. 371, on 402. 10. Property of the corporation is not the same as shares of stock: 1866, Com- monwealth v. Hamilton Mfg. Co., 12 Allen (Mass.) 298, on 302-4; 1898, State v. Travelers' Ins. Co., 70 Conn. 590, on 603; 1899, Owensboro National Bank v. Owensboro, 173 U. S. 664. Sec. 211. Capital stock Kinds, common and preferred. HAMLIN v. CONTINENTAL TRUST COMPANY. 1 1897. IN THE UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS, Sixth Circuit (Ohio), 47 U. S. Appeals Rep. 422-438, 78 Fed. Rep. 664, 36 L. R. A. 826, 7 A. & E. C. C. N. S. 631. [Certain unsecured creditors of the insolvent Toledo, St. L. & K. C. R. Co., in May, 1893, filed a bill on behalf of all the creditors to wind up the affairs of the railroad and distribute its assets ; a receiver was appointed under this bill ; the bondholders were not made parties to this suit, but in December, 1893, the Continental Trust Company, trustees for the holders of some $9,000,000 mortgage bonds, filed in the same court a bill to foreclose the mortgage, whereupon the same receiver was appointed as before, and the two cases ordered to be consolidated. Before any decree adjudicating claims or decreeing foreclosure, Hamlin etal., appellants herein, asked to become parties defendant with leave to file an answer and cross-bill ; this was granted, 'Statement of facts abridged. Only part of opinion given. 50 WIL. CASES. 786 HAMLIN V. CONTINENTAL TRUST CO.* 211 subject to the right of complainants, after further examination, to move to strike from the files, or strike out anything attacking the validity of the consideration for the mortgage bonds. Such motion was afterward made accordingly, and the court gave an opinion "denying the claim of the appellants (Hamlin et al.) to be creditors of the railroad company, or that as preferred stockholders they had any lien valid as against creditors, or any right or interest in or to the property of said company antagonistic to the corporation or to the class of common stockholders," and thereupon an order was entered "denying the appellants the right to intervene or file an answer or other pleading." This ruling, and the decree following it, are appealed from. Other facts are stated in the opinion.] LURTON, Circuit Judge. * * * The case made by the petition, answer and cross-bill was substantially this : The appellants and those acting in concert with them are owners and holders of certificates of preferred non-voting stock issued by the Toledo, St. Louis and Kansas City Railroad Company. The total issue of these certificates was $5,805,00x3, and of this total the appellants and those represented by them hold about $2,000,000. They claim that these certificates are money obligations of the railroad company, secured by a lien next after the existing first mortgage bonds of said company. They aver that, though no mortgage was executed and registered to secure said certificates, they constitute a valid equitable mortgage, binding upon the corporation and upon all creditors who become such with notice of this equitable lien. These certificates are in form alike, and were issued simultaneously with the execution of the first mortgage sought to be foreclosed herein, and were registered by the trustee under said first mortgage. We here set out one of these certificates and one of the coupons attached : "Toledo, St. Louis and Kansas City Railroad Company. "No. Preferred capital stock. 10 shares. "This is to certify that James M. Quigley, or bearer, is entitled to ten shares of one hundred dollars each, of the preferred non-voting capital stock of the Toledo, St. Louis and Kansas City Railroad Company. "This stock constitutes a lien upon the property and net earnings of the company next after the company's existing first mortgage. It does not entitle the holder to vote thereon. After the first day of January, 1888, it is entitled to, and carries interest at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually, represented by interest coupons attached to this certificate. Such interest is only payable out of the net earnings of the company after the payment of interest upon its existing first mortgage bonds, and the cost of maintenance and operation. A statement showing the business of the company for the half of its fiscal year next preceding shall be exhibited at the office of the company in New York to the holder of this certificate, at the ma- turity of each interest coupon, and the net earnings applicable to such interest shall be reckoned for such period. Such interest is not to ac- 211 CAPITAL STOCK. 787 cumulate as a charge, and the coupons representing unearned interest must be surrendered and canceled on the payment in whole or in part of a subsequently maturing coupon. At any time after the first day of January, 1891, and before the first day of January, 1898, this cer- tificate may be converted into the common capital stock of the com- pany. If not converted, then to become a preferred four per cent, non-cumulative stock. The company will create no mortgage of its main line other than its first mortgage, nor of any part thereof, except expressly subject to the prior lien of this certificate, without the con- sent of the holders of at least two-thirds of this stock present at a meeting, of which reasonable personal notice must be given to each registered stockholder, and by publication for at least three successive weeks in two leading daily newspapers published in the cities of New York and Boston. One-third of the entire issue of this stock present in person or by proxy shall constitute a quorum. Nor will the com- pany increase the issue of these certificates of stock without consent obtained as above. This certificate of stock shall be transferrable by delivery or by transfer on the book of the company in the city of New York, after a registration of ownership, certified hereon by the trans- fer agent of the company. "Countersigned. "American Loan and Trust Company, , "By , President. "Secretary. , "New York, June 19, 1886. Secretary. "Shares $100 each. "The Toledo, St. Louis and Kansas City Railroad Company will pay to bearer on the first day of January, 1898, upon the surrender of this warrant, at its office or agency, in the city of New York, any amount that may be due hereon under the conditions set forth in the certificate of stock to which this is attached, not exceeding the sum of twenty dollars. Coupon No. 20. No. . "ISAAC WHITE, Secretary." * * * In the absence of charter regulation or prohibition by the law of the state under which a corporation is organized, a corporation at its organization may classify its stock, and provide for a preference of one class over another in respect of both capital and dividends, i Cook on Stock and Stockholders (3d ed.), 267, 268, 278; War- ren v. King, 108 U. S. 389; Lockhart v. Van Alstyne, 31 Mich. 76; Kent v. The Quicksilver Mining Company, 78 N. Y. 159; McGregor v. The Home Insurance Company of Newark, New Jersey, 33 N. J. Eq. 181; Miller v. Ratterman, 47 Ohio St. 141, 163. In providing for the lien of this stock upon the "property" of the company next after the company's existing first mortgage, "property and net earnings" are coupled together. This is significant. The lien given on "net earnings" is the same kind of lien as that given on the "property" of the company. In such case it is a preference over 788 HAMLIN V. CONTINENTAL TRUST CO. $211 the usual rights and interests of another but subordinate class of stock- holders. Neither do we think that the provision that this stock shall "become a preferred four per cent, non-cumulative stock," in the event the holder fails to avail himself of the privilege of converting it into common stock within the time allowed, is indicative that it was not preferred stock before the rejection of the option to become com- mon stock. Before that it was a non-voting, non-cumulative pre- ferred stock with the option to become common stock. After that time this option is lost, and with it the privilege of sharing equally with the other class of stock in the control of the corporation and in the distribution of dividends without the limitation prescribed as to the amount of such dividends. That seems to be the only result of rejecting the option. There is a wide difference between the relation of a creditor and a stockholder to the corporate property. One can not well be a creditor as respects creditors proper, and a stockholder by virtue of a certifi- cate evidencing his contribution to the capital of the corporation. Stock is capital, and a stock certificate but evidences that the holder has ventured his means as a part of the capital. It is a fixed charac- teristic of capital stock that no part of it can be withdrawn for the purpose of repaying the principal of the capital stock until the debts of the corporation are paid. These principles are elementary. Warren v. King, 108 U. S. 389; i Cook on Stock and Stockholders (3 ed.), 271. The chance of gain throws on the stockholder, as respects creditors, the entire risk of the loss of his contribution to capital. "He can not be both creditor and debtor by virtue of his ownership of stock." Warren v. King, supra. If the purpose in providing for these peculiar shares was to arrange matters so that under any circum- stances a part of the principal of the stock might be withdrawn before the full discharge of all corporate debts, the device would be contrary to the nature of capital stock, opposed to public policy, and void as to creditors affected thereby, i Cook on Stock and Stockholders (3d ed.), 270, 271 ; Chaffee v. Rutland Railroad Company, 55 Vermont 1 10 ; McCutcheon v. Merz Capsule Company, 37 U. S. App. 586, 598 ; Morrow v. Iron & Steel Co., 3 Pickle (Tenn.) 262. If that was the purpose of this arrangement, most doubtful language was employed. There is a sense in which eveiy shareholder is a creditor of the cor- poration to the extent of his contribution to the capital stock. In that sense every corporation includes its capital stock among its liabilities. But that creditor relation is one which exists only between the corpo- ration and its shareholders. It is a liability which is postponed to every other liability, and no part of the capital stock can be lawfully returned to the stockholders until all debts are paid or provided for. The violation of this well-und.erstood principle is a breach of trust, and a creditor affected thereby may pursue the stockholders and recover as for an unlawful diversion of assets. The appellants say that it was originally contemplated that the new corporation should pay them for their interests in the foreclosed rail- $211 CAPITAL STOCK. 789 road, and for that purpose should issue to them its second mortgage bonds. If that plan had been carried out there would be no doubt as to their attitude. They would have become creditors. Under it their relation would have been one of no doubt, and notice by registration would have put all who dealt with the corporation on guard. That plan was abandoned. They agreed to take and did take the relation of stockholders toward the new company. They surrendered the privilege of voting. That was perhaps a valid agreement between stockholders, though of doubtful public policy. They thereby gave some additional value to the common stock. The latter was the ex- clusive voting stock, and that was worth something as railway man- agement now goes. The surrender of the right to vote does not make them creditors. They bargained for preferred shares of stock, pre- ferred as to dividends and preferred as to capital. For this advan- tageous position they surrendered the first intention by which they were to have become secured creditors. If they intended to become creditors and not stockholders, they adopted a most singular method of defining their relation. We will not presume that their purpose was to adopt a device by which they might withdraw their contribu- tion to the capital stock and leave creditors unpaid. If they intended that, they have not made it plain, and if it was plain, the device would be invalid as to creditors. Although the appellants were not creditors proper, yet they show a case on the face of their certificates entitling them to a preference over common stockholders in relation to both dividends and capital. Ordinarily preferred stock is entitled to no preference over other stock in relation to capital. But where there is an expressed agree- ment giving such a preference, not prohibited by local law or the charter, we see no reason why it is not a valid contract as between the corporation and such preferred stockholders, and binding upon the common stockholders. I Cook on Stock and Stockholders (3d ed.), 278; Warren v. King, 108 U. S. 389; Chaff ee v. Rutland Railroad Company, 55 Ver. no; In re Bangor and Portmadoc Slate and Slab Company, L. R. 20 Eq. 59; Lockhart v. Van Alstyne, 31 Mich. 76; Kent v. The Quicksilver Mining Company, 78 N. Y. 159. Such a preference would not be inconsistent with their relation as stockholders, and would not affect creditors. This relation to the corporation and to its common stockholders, in view of the non-voting provision in this arrangement, makes it eminently proper that these preferred stockholders should be represented by a reasonable number standing for the class with the right to stand for and defend in respect to their own rights. Bronson v. La Crosse and Milwaukee Railroad Company, 2 Wall. 283, 302. * * * The effect of dismissing the appellants from the case after admitting them as parties was to deny them the preference over common stock- holders, and was such a decree as was final, and, therefore, appeal- able. Ex $arte Jordan, 94 U. S. 248. For this error the decree will be reversed. Note. I. As to nature of preferred stock, see, 1844, Davis v. Proprietors, 79O KENT V. QUICKSILVER MINING CO. 212 etc., 8 Mete. (Mass.) 321; 1860, Bates v. Androscoggin & K. R. Co., 49 Maine 491 ; 1863, Rutland & B. R. Co. v. Thrall, 35 Vt. 536; 1866, Taft, Trustee, v. Railroad Co., 8 R. I. 310; 1875, Totten v. Tison, 54 Ga. 139; 1875, West Ches- ter & P. R. Co. v. Jackson, 77 Pa. St. 321; 1881, Boardman v. L. S. & M. S. R. Co., 84 N. Y. 157 ; 1882, Chaffee v. Rutland R. Co., 55 Vt. 110; 1883, Nick- als v. R. Co., 15 Fed. Rep. 575 ; 1884, Gordon v. R. F. & P. R. Co., 78 Va. 501 ; 1885, Belfast & M. L. R. Co. v. Belfast, 77 Maine 445; 1887, Hazeltine v. B. & M. R., 79 Maine 411, 1 Am. St. Rep. 330; 1890, Miller v. Ratterman, 47 Ohio St. 141 ; 1890, Campbell v. American Z. Co., 122 N. Y. 455; 1892, Jones v. Con- cord & M. R. Co., 67 N. H. 234, 68 Am. St. Rep. 650; 1894, Field v. Lamson & Goodnow Mfg. Co., 162 Mass. 388, 27 L. R. A. 136; 1898, People v. St. Louis, A. & T. R, Co., 176 111. 512, 12 A. & E. C. C. (N. S.) 227 ; 1898, Cook v. Association, 104 Ga. 814, 30 S. E. Rep. 911; 1899, Pronick v. Spirits Distribut- ing, 58 N. J. Eq. 97, 42 Atl. Rep. 586; 1899, Savannah Real Estate, L. & B. Co. v. Silverberg, 108 Ga. 281, 33 S. E. Rep. 908; 1899, Heller v. National Ma- rine Bank, 89 Md. 603, 45 L. R. A. 438, 73 Am. St. Rep. 212, note 227. Sec. 212. Preferred stock Power to issue. KENT v. QUICKSILVER MINING COMPANY. 1 1879. IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF NEW YORK. 78 New York Reports 159191. FOLGER, J. These are suits in equity to perpetually restrain the Quicksilver Mining Company from taking certain action, on the one hand proposed by it with the expressed assent of some only, of the stockholders in it, and on the other hand demanded of it by certain other of the stockholders in it which demand, it and still other stock- holders resist. Whatever the frame of the pleadings in the several actions, and whatever the formal prayer for judgment, the purpose of the litiga- tion in each is to reach a final and binding judgment, whether certain ''preferred stock," heretofore created by that company, is so far valid as to be recognized in the future business of the company as giving to the holders thereof the peculiar right expressed in the certificate thereof. (The judgment below held the issue of preferred stock to be valid.) What is meant by ''"preferred stock" is well enough known in law and business without definition or circumlocution here. * * * (The corporation had the usual corporate powers, including "the power to issue certificates of stock, representing the value of its prop- erty, in such form and subject to such regulations as it might from time to time by its by-laws prescribe.") A by-law was duly made, which declared the w r hole value of its property and the whole amount of its capital stock, and divided the whole of it into shares equal in amount, and directed the issuing of certificates of stock therefor. It is not to be said that this by-law au- thorized anything but shares equal in value and in right; or that the 1 Statement much abridged, and only part of opinion given. 212 PREFERRED STOCK. 791 taker of one did not own as large an interest in the coiporation, its capital, affairs and profits to come, as any other holder of a share. Certificates of stock were issued under this by-law that gave no ex- pression of anything different from that. When that by-law was adopted, it was as much the law of the corporation as if its provisions had been a part of the charter. (Presbyterian Church v. City of New York, 5 Cow. 53^0 So it is said in Grant on Corporations, p. 80, in a qualified way. Thereby, and by the certificate, as between it and every stockholder, the capital stock of the company was fixed in amount, in the number of shares into which it was divisible, and in the peculiar and relative value of each share. The by-law entered into the compact between the corporation and every taker of a share ; it was in the nature of a contract between them. The holding and owning of a share gave a right which could not be divested without the assent of the holder and owner ; or unless the power so to do had been reserved in some way. (Mech. Bank v. N. Y. and N. H. R. Co., 13 N. Y. 599627.) Shares of stock are in the nature of choses in action, and give the holder a fixed right in the division of the profits or earnings of a company so long as it exists, and of its effects when it is dissolved. That right is as inviolable as is any right in property, and can no more be taken away or lessened, against the will of the owner, than can any other right, unless power is reserved in the first instance, when it enters into the constitution of the right ; or is properly derived afterwards from a superior law giver. The certificate of stock is the muniment of the shareholder's title, and evidence of his right. It expresses the contract between the corpora- tion and his co-stockholders and himself; and that contract can not, he being unwilling, be taken away from him or changed as to him without his prior dereliction, or under the conditions above stated. Now it is manifest that any action of a corporation which takes hold of the shares of its capital stock already sold and in the hands of law- ful owners, and divides them into two classes one of which is thereby given prior right to a receipt of a fixed sum from the earnings before the other may have any receipt therefrom, and is given an equal share afterwards with the other in what earnings may remain destroys the equality of the shares, takes away a right which originally existed in it, and materially varies the effect of the certificate of stock. It is said that when a corporation can lawfully buy property, or get money on loan, any known assurance may be exacted and given which does not fall within the prohibition, express or implied, of some stat- ute (Curtis v. Leavitt, 15 N. Y. 66-67) ; and that is sought to be applied here. But the prohibition to such action as this is found, not indeed in a statute commonly so called, but in the constitutional pro- vision which forbids the impairment of vested rights, save for public purposes and on due compensation. The right which a stockholder gets on the purchase of his share and the issue to him of the certifi- cate therefor is such a vested right. It is contended that the power so to do is an incidental and implied power, necessary to the use of the other powers of the corporation, 792 KENT V. QUICKSILVER MINING CO. 212 and is a legitimate means of raising money and securing the agreed consideration therefor. We have already conceded that it is legitimate to borrow money, and to secure the repayment of it, with a compen- sation for the use of it. But that is when it is done in such way as to put the burthen upon every share of stock alike, and to enable every share of stock to be relieved therefrom alike ; in such way as to pre- serve the equality of right and privilege and value of the shares, and maintain intact the contract thereto with the .stockholder. Citations are made to us for the converse of this, but they do not come up sometimes in their facts, sometimes in their declarations to the necessity of the proposition. Either it is where the capital is not limited, and it is new shares that may be issued with a preference, and where there is express power to borrow on bond and mortgage (2 Redf. on Railways, ch. 33, 4, 237; Harrison v. Mex. R. W., 12 Eng. Rep. 793); or the amount of the capital has not been reached and such stock is issued therefrom (Hazelhurst v. Savannah R., 43 Ga. 53; Tottan v. Tison, 54 Ga. 139); or there was legislative au- thority (Davis v. Proprietors, SMetcf. 321 ; Rutland R. Co. v. Thrall, 35 Vt. 545) ; or a restriction to authorized capital and there was unanimous consent of the stockholders (Prouty v. M. S. & N. I. R., i Hun 663 ; 43 Ga. 53, supra) ; or there was power to redeem, which wao a transaction in the nature of a debt (Westchester, etc., R. Co. v. Jackson, 77 Pa. St. 321) ; or the opinion was obiter (Bates v. An- droscoggin R. Co., 49 Maine 491) ; or it was the case of a subscrip- tion for stock with a condition for interest until the corporation was in operation (Richardson v. Vt. & Mass. R. Co., 44 Vt. 613) ; or it was an action on a subscription more favorable to defendant than to other subscribers, and it was held that defendant could not set up the lack of equality (Evansville R. Co. v. Evansville, 15 Ind. 395); or a solemn determination of this question was not necessary for the dis- posal of the case (Williston v. M. S. & N. I. R. Co., 13 Allen 400) ; or the issue was authorized by the articles of association (/ re A'D. St. Nav. & Col. Co., 20 L. R. Eq. 339) ; or there was full knowl- edge on the part of all concerned (Lockhart v. Van Alstyne, 31 Mich. Si) ; or the power in the corporate body was conceded, and it was denied that it existed in the directors (McLaughlin v. D. & M. R., 8 Mich. 100). We will not say, for we are not called upon here to say, that never can a corporation rightfully, against the dissent of a portion of its stockholders, make some of the stock preferred; what we assert is that this case does not present a state of facts in which a power so to do exists. There is a power in this charter to alter, amend, add to or repeal, at pleasure, by-laws before made. It is argued from this that it was in the power of the corporate body, in due form and manner, to alter the by-law which had fixed the amount of the capital stock and the number and relative value of the shares thereof. The power to make by-laws is to make such as are not inconsistent with the constitution and the law; and the power to alter has the same limit, so that no 212 PREFERRED STOCK. 793 alteration could be made which would infringe a right already given and secured by the contract of the corporation. Nor was the power to alter, to the extent of affecting the contracted relative value of a share, reserved when the share was sold to the stockholder, so as to enter into and form a part of the contract. An alteration is a pro tanto repeal ; but no private corporation can repeal a by-law so as to impair rights which have been given and become vested by virtue of the by- law afterwards repealed. * * * We are therefore of the opinion that there was no power in the corporate body, nor in a majority of the stockholders, to provide by by-law for the creation of a preferred stock, so as to bind a minority of the stockholders not assenting thereto. * * * But there remains a serious question, whether, though there was at the outstart a minority of the stockholders who gave no assent to the corporate act, there has not been such tacit acquiescence and delay in action by that minority as to amount to indefensible laches and estoppel upon those who constituted it and their assigns. In our judgment there has, and we find here a safe place on which to rest our decisions of these cases.* * * Affirmed on the ground of estoppel by laches. Note. Power to issue preferred stock generally: 1857, Everhart v. West Ches- ter, etc., R. Co., 28 Pa. St. 339; 1865, Hutton v. Scarborough Cliff Hotel Co., 4 De G. J. & S. 672, 2 Dr. & S. 514, 521; 1884, Gordon v. Richmond, etc., R. Co., 78 Va. 501 ; 1885, Belfast, etc., R. Co. v. Belfast, 77 Maine 445 ; 1890, Camp- bell v. American Z. Co., 122 N. Y. 455, 11 L. R. A. 596; 1890, Bamjam v. Bard, 134 U. S. 291 ; 1891, Re Dicido Pier Co., L. R. 2 Ch. Div. 354 ; 1891, Eich- baurn v. City of Chicago Grain Elevators, L. R. 3 Ch. Div. 459 ; 1895, Higgins v. Lansingh, 154111.301; 1897, Andrews v. Gas Meter Co., 76 L. T. R., 132, overruling Hutton v. Scarborough C. H. Co., supra', 1898, Ernst v. Elmira M. I. Co., 54 N. Y. S. 116, 24 Miscl. (N. Y.) 583. Majority of members can not, without express legislative authority, and with- out consent of all the subscribers, after organization or subscription upon an equal basis, convert a part of the shares into preferred. 1865, Hutton v. Scarborough Cliff Hotel Co., 4 De G. J. & S. 672, 2 Drew & S. 514, 521 ; 1881, Boardman v. L. S. & M. S. R., 84 N. Y. 157; 1890, Campbell v. American Zylonite Co., 122 N. Y. 455; 1898, Ernst v. Elmira M. I. Co., 54 N. Y. Sup. 116, 24 Miscl. 583. But it has also been held that express legislative authority will make such issue valid, even against dissenting shareholders. 1857, Everhart v. "Westchester, etc., R. Co., 28 Pa. St. 339; 1863, Rutland, etc., R. Co. v. Thrall, 35 Vt. 536; 1867, Curry v. Scott, 54 Pa. St. 270; 1875, Westchester, etc., R. Co. v. Jackson, 77 Pa. St. 321 ; 1875, Totten v. Tison, 54 Ga. 139 ; 1897, Andrews v. Gas Meter Co., 76 L. T. Rep. 132, overruling Hutton v. Scarborough Cliff Hotel Co., 4 De G. J. & S. 672, and 2 Drew & S. 514, 521. But upon the other hand, it seems that neither statutory nor charter au- thority is necessary, if the preferred stock is issued (under a power to in- crease or complete an authorized issue) by the unanimous consent of the exist- ing shareholders. Havemayer v. Bordeaux Co., 8 National Corp. Rep. 127; 1895, Higgins v. Lansingh, 154 111. 301; 2 Beach Corp., 808; 1 Morawetz, 464. 794 JOHNS V. JOHNS. 213 Sec. 213. Shares of stock Nature of. ( I ) Personal property. JOHNS v. JOHNS. 1 1853. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF OHIO, i Ohio St. 350362. This is a petition in which the plaintiff, the widow of Benjamin Johns, deceased, claims dower in forty-six shares of the capital stock of "The Mansfield and Sandusky City Railroad Company" and in ten shares of the capital stock of "The Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad Company," of which shares her deceased husband, the said Benjamin Johns, was the owner at the time of his death. The defendant, Sherman, as executor as aforesaid, answers, ad- mitting the facts alleged in the petition, but insisting that said shares are personal and not real estate. THURMAN, J. * * * Turning, then, to the charter of the com- pany, we find in it no provision declaring whether its stock is realty or personalty. We are thus brought to the general question, whether railroad shares in Ohio are, in the absence of express legislative enact- ment, to be considered as real or personal estate. This question must be determined by a reference to the principles of the common law and the general statutes of the state that have a bearing upon it. And its solution is not without difficulty, for as to the common law the adjudicated cases are directly conflicting, and when we resort to our statutes the chief aid we derive is from analogies and inference. In Drybutter v. Bartholomew, decided in 1723, 2 P. Wms. 127, the master of the rolls said that: "a fine may be, and usually is, levied of New River shares by the description of so much land covered with water," but the case does not inform us what these shares were, nor how they were created; and whether they were real or personal estate was not discussed. They appear to have had their origin in the statutes of 3 James -i, ch. 18, and 4 James i, ch. 12, to enable the mayor, commonalty and citizens of London to supply the city with water; but these acts simply authorize the construction of the works and the acquisition of the necessary right of way. They create no stock, nor is any mention made in them of shares or shareholders. Yet it would seem from the case cited, as well as the case of Town- shend v. Ash, decided in 1745, 3 Atkyns 336, that shares were created, and hence these cases have been frequently cited as showing that stock in a water-works company is real estate. By a statute of 10 Anne, the mayor, aldermen and common council of the city of Bath, their successors or assigns, or such persons as they should appoint, were authorized to improve the navigation of the river Avon, and to charge tolls on persons and property transported thereon. By an agreement executed between the corporate authorities 1 Only part of opinion is given. 213 NATURE OF SHARES OF STOCK. 795 of the one part, and the Duke of Beaufort and several other persons on the other part, the duke and his associates undertook to do the work in consideration of being allowed to take the tolls. By the nth article of the agreement it was provided that "no survivorship shall at any time take place between the said parties and undertakers; but if any or either of them shall happen to .die, the share or part of such so dying, shall descend and go to the heirs and assigns of the party or parties so dying." In Buckeridge v. Ingram, decided in 1795, 2 Ves. Jr. 651, the question was directly made whether these shares were personal or real estate, and it was decided that they were real estate and subject to dower. The master of the rolls held that the right to take tolls was an incorporeal hereditament arising out of realty, and was therefore a "tenement." And he remarked: "I have no difficulty in saying, that wherever a perpetual inheritance is granted, which arises out of lands, or is in any way connected with, or, as it is emphatically expressed by Lord Coke, exerciseable within it, it is that sort of property the law denom- inates real." The principle of these cases was followed, and possibly extended, by the supreme court of Connecticut in 1818, in the case of Welles v. Cowles, 2 Conn. 567, in which it was held that shares of an incorpo- rated turnpike company are real estate. The right to the tolls, said the court, "is a right issuing out of real property, annexed to and ex- erciseable within it ; and comes within the description of an incorpo- real hereditament of a real nature, on the same principle as a share in the New River, in canal navigations and tolls of fairs and markets;" citing Drybutter v. Bartholomew, 2 Peere Williams 127, Habergham v. Vincent, 2 Ves. Jr. 232, and The King v. The Inhabitants of Chip- ping Norton, 5 East 239. And in answer to the argument that the individual stockholders had only a claim on the company, and not upon the realty, and that this must be of a personal nature, the court said: "But the stockholders, as members of the'company, are owners of the turnpike road ; and it is in virtue of this interest that they have their claims for the divi- dends, or their respective shares of the toll. It is not a mere claim on the corporation." This decision was recognized as law in 1822, in a suit between the same parties, 4 Conn. 182, though the question was not expressly made. In 1835 the supreme court of Pennsylvania held that "a toll bridge erected by two individuals across a river between their lands by legis- lative authority is real estate." The court said that the right was "not only a right arising out of the soil, but so far as the abutments of the bridge are concerned, it is the soil itself." Hurst v. Meason, 4 Watts 346. It is to be observed, however, that it does not appear that the builders were incorporated. In Price v. Price's Heirs, 6 Dana 107, the court of appeals of Ken- tucky, in 1838, held that the stock in the Lexington and Ohio Rail- 796 JOHNS V. JOHNS. 213 road Company is real estate. Without citing any adjudicated case, the court came to a conclusion which is thus expressed: "The right conferred on each shareholder is unquestionably an incorporeal hei'editament. It is a right of perpetual duration, and though, it springs out of the use of personalty, as well as lands and houses, this matters not. It is a franchise which has ever been classed in that class of real estate denominated an incorporeal hereditament." On the other hand, the supreme court of Massachusetts, in 1798, in Russell et al. v. Temple and Others, 3 Dane's Abr. 108, held that shares in incorporated bridge and canal companies are personalty. The case was between the widow and heirs of Thomas Russell, the former contending that the shares were personal property, and that, consequently, she was entitled to a distributive portion of them, and the latter insisting that they were realty, and that, therefore, she had but a dower estate. The question was very fully discussed, and was decided (says Professor Greenleaf in his edition of Cruise) "upon great consideration." "For the heirs it was urged that these shares were real estate, be- cause, it was said, the estates were real in the corporations, and that if the estates in the corporation were real, the estates of the individual members in them followed their nature and were real, and that the frequent declarations of the legislature declaring such shares personal estate, at least show a doubt that when one has a right to receive rent he has only a right to receive a sum of money, yet it does not follow that his estate is not real estate out of which his rent issues." For the widow it was argued that the shares were personalty, because the estate (in the bridges, canals, towing-paths, wharves and lands) "can only exist in the corporation, which alone can acquire it, alone be seized or possessed of it, alone pass it away, manage or repair it, and so must hold it entire, and that the corporation is a moral person to all purposes of property. Its tenure is to their successors, or to their successors and assigns. The estates can never vest in or be divided among the individual members to hold as tenants in common, etc., in their private capacities. Only the corporation can possess the estate, and that only by possessing the charter, and only the corpora- tion can be taxed for it on common-law principles, and on these can it alone be taken in execution for the debts of the corporation." "That the share is personal estate, though the corporation hold real estate, for the individual member has no estate, but only a right to such dividends as the corporation from time to time assigns to him. He is unknown in the grants made to it, and he can not grant any part of the estate ; nor can he be taxed for it but by statute law ; nor can any private member of a corporation be distrained for a public con- cern of it; his only remedy for his dividend is case in assumpsit, or an action on the case for a wrongful refusal or neglect to pay or allow him his part of the profits." The judgment of the court was, as I have stated, that the shares were personal estate. "The principal reason of the decision," says Dane, "appears to be because the court considered that the individual 213 NATURE OF SHARES OF STOCK. 797 member, or shareholder, had only a right of action for a sum of money, his part of the net profits or dividends. And so the law has been held to be since this decision was made." In his edition of Cruise, Greenleaf says: "Shares in the property of a corporation are real or personal property, according to the nature, object and manner of the investment. Where the corporate powers are to be exercised solely in land, as where original authority is given by the charter to remove obstructions in a river and render it naviga- ble, to open new channels, etc., to make a canal, erect water-works, and the like, as was the case of the New River water, the navigation of the river Avon and some others, and the property or interest in the land, though it be an incorporeal hereditament, is vested inalienably in the corporators themselves, the shares are deemed real estate. Such, in some of the United States, has been considered the nature of shares in toll bridge, canal and turnpike corporations by the com- mon law; though latterly it has been thought that railway shares were more properly to be regarded as personal estate. But where the property originally entrusted is money, to be made profitable to the contributors by applying it to certain purposes, in the course of which it maybe invested in lands or in personal property, and changed at pleasure, the capital fund is vested in the corporation, and the shares in the stock are deemed personal property, and as such are in all respects treated. In modern practice, however, shares in corpo- rate stock, of whatever nature, are usually declared by statute to be personal estate." i Greenleaf's Cr. Dig. 39, 40. In support of this statement, Mr. Greenleaf cites the cases we have already noticed, and some others that require consideration. One of the most important of these is Blighv. Brent, 2 Y. & C. Exch. Rep. 268, 294. It involved the question whether the shares in the Chelsea Water- Works Company were realty or personalty. The act of incor- poration left the question open, as it contained no declaration upon the subject. The court reviewed the cases bearing upon it, and came to the conclusion that the shares were personalty. This decision was afterwards, in 1838, spoken of with approbation in Bradley v. Holds- worth, 3 M. & W. 422. In the latter case the question was whether shares in the "London and Birmingham Railway" might be sold by a verbal contract. On the part of the defendant it was contended that they constituted an interest in land within the meaning of the statute of frauds, and that, therefore, a contract for their sale was void unless reduced to writing. The court held the contract valid. True, the act of incorporation declared that the shares should, to all intents and purposes, be deemed personal estate and transmissible as such, and should not be of the same nature of real property; but it is evident from what was said, that, independent of this provision, the same decision would have been made. Parke. B.,said: "No doubt the company are seized of real property, as well as possessed of a great deal of personal property; but the interest of each individual shareholder is a stiare of the net produce of both -when brought into one fund." And 798 JOHNS v. JOHNS. 213 again: "I have no doubt whatever that the shares of the proprietors, as individuals, are personalty ; they consist of nothing more than a right to have a share of the net produce of all the property of the company." Alderson, B., said: "All the cases were under review in Bligh v. Brent, where the- question was as to the shares in the Chelsea Water- Works Company. That was a stronger case than the present because there was no clause of this kind in the act of parliament, and yet the shares were held personal property." ; 'I conceive that all the share- holders would take even without such a clause." Bolland, B., concurred. So, in Duncuft v. Albrecht, 12 Simons & Stewart 189, it was held that a pai'ol agreement for the sale of railway shares is valid, for they are neither an interest in lands, nor goods, wares or merchandise, within the statute of frauds. A careful examination of the adjudications upon the subject has brought us to the conclusion that, according to the weight of authority, the shares in question are personal property. In the early English cases the distinction, now well understood, between the property of a corporation and the rights of its members, does not seem to have been taken, and it appears to have been assumed that each shareholder had an estate in the corporate property, and that, consequently, if that property was real, his share was also realty. But the cases we have cited abundantly show that the distinction above mentioned is now fully recognized in England, and that the property of a corporation may be mainly, if not wholly, real, and yet the shares of its members be personalty. * * * In whatever way we view the case, whether upon adjudication, reason, or our statute laws, we arrive at the conclusion that the shares in question are personal property. The bill must therefore be dis- missed. Bill dismissed. Note. Many early cases held shares in corporations owning real property to be real property. Some of these were followed in this country, as shown by the above case: 1723, Drybutter v. Bartholomew, 2 P. Wms. 127; 1745, Townsend v. Ash, 3 Atk. 336; 1786, King v. Dock Co., 1 T. R. 219; 1818, Welles v. Cowles, 2 Conn. 567 (this case led to a statute declaring shares to be personal property) ; 1831, Coombs v. Jordan, 3 Bl. Ch. (Md.) 284, 22 Am. Dec. 236; 1838, Price v. Price, 36 Ky. (6 Dana) 107; 1870, Copeland v. Cope- land, 70 Ky. (7 Bush) 349 (after which holding the legislature changed the rule there by statute, declaring shares to be personal property). The great" weight of authority, even from early times, holds shares to be personal property: 1781. Weekley v. Weekley, 2 Younge & Col. Exch., p. 281, note; 1798, Russell v. Temple, 3 Dane's Abr. 108; 1812, Cooper v. Swamp Canal Co., 6 N. C. (2 Murph.) 195; 1830, Blake v. Jones. Bailey's Eq. (S. C.) 141, 21 Am. Dec. 530; 1836, Bligh v. Brent, 2 Younge &'Col. Exc. 268; 1837, Arnold v. Ruggles, 1 R. I. 165; 1843, North v. Forest, 15 Conn. 400; 1849, Slaymaker v. Bank of Gettysburg, 10 Pa. St. 373; 1854, Watson v. Spratley, 10 Ex. 222, 24 L. J. Ex. 53 ; 1855, Edwards v. Hall, 25 L. J. Ch. 82, 35 E. L. & Eq. 433; 1856, Walker v. Bartlett, 18 C. B. 845, 25 L. J. C. P. 263; 1865, McKeen v. Northampton Co., 49 Pa. St. 519, 88 Am. Dec. 515; 1869, South- western R. Co. v. Thomason, 40 Ga. 408; 1881, Manns v. Brookville National 214 NATURE OF SHARES OF STOCK. * 799 Bank, 73 Ind. 243 ; 1884, Feckheimer v. National Exchange Bank, 79 Va. 80; 1886, Colonial Bank v. Whinney, 66 L. J. Ch. 43, 11 App. Cas. 426 ; 1890, Mattingly v. Roach, 84 Cal. 207, 23 Pac. Rep. 1117; 1897, Jellenik v. Huron C. M. Go., 82 Fed. Rep. 778; 1899, Herring v. Ruskin Co-op. Assn., Tenn. Ch. App. , 52 S. W. Rep. 327. Sec. 214. Same. Statute of frauds. (2) "Goods, wares or merchandise." TISDALE v. HARRIS. 1 1838. IN THE SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT OF MASSACHUSETTS. 20 Pick. (Mass.) 9-14. [Assumpsit by Tisdale against Harris on 1 an oral contract by which defendant agreed to sell plaintiff two hundred shares, with all the earnings thereon, in the capital stock of a manufacturing company. The object was to recover $300, being the amount of dividends declared on the shares after the agreement to sell.] SHAW, C. J. * * * But by far the most important question in the case arises on the objection that the case is within the statute of frauds. This statute, which is copied precisely from the English statute, is as follows: "No contract for the sale of goods, wares or merchandise for the price of ten pounds ($33-33) or more, shall be allowed to be good, except the purchaser shall accept part of the goods so sold, and actually receive the same or* give something in earnest to bind the bargain, or in part payment, or that some note or memorandum in writing of the said bargain be made and signed by the parties to be charged by such contract or their agent thereunto lawfully authorized." This being a contract for the sale of shares in an incorporated com- pany in a neighboring state for the price of more than ten pounds, and no part having been delivered and no purchase-money or eai'nest paid, the question is, whether it can be allowed to be good without a note or memorandum in writing signed by the party to be charged with it. This depends upon the question whether such shares are goods, wares or merchandise within the true meaning of the statute. It is somewhat remarkable that this question, arising on the St. 29 Car. 2, in the same terms, which ours has copied, has not been defi- nitely settled in England. In the case of Pickering v. Appleby, Com. Rep. 354, the case was directly and fully argued before the twelve judges, who were equally divided upon it. But in several other cases afterward determined in chancery, the better opinion seemed to be that shares in incorporated companies were within the statute, as goods or merchandise. Mussell v. Cooke, Prec. in Ch. 533 ; Crull v. Dodson, Sel. Cas. in Ch. 41. 1 Statement abridged ; arguments and part of opinion omitted. 8OO TISDALE V. HARRIS. 214 We are inclined to the opinion that the weight of authorities in modern times is, that contracts for the sale of stocks and shares in incorporated companies for more than ten pounds are not valid unless there has been a note or memorandum in writing, or earnest or part payment. 4 Wheaton 89, note; 3 Starkie on Evid.,4th Amer. edit., 608. Supposing this a new question now for the first time calling for a construction of the statute, the court ai'e of opinion that, as well by its terms as its general policy, stocks are fairly within its operation. The words "goods" and "merchandise" are both of very large significa- tion. Sona, as used in the civil law, is almost as extensive as per- sonal property itself, and in many respects it has nearly as large a signification in the common law. The word "merchandise" also, including in general, objects of traffic and commerce, is broad enough to include stocks or shares in incorporated companies. * *. * The main argument relied upon by those who contend that shares are not within the statute is this: That statute provides that such con- tract shall not be good, etc., among other things, except the purchaser shall accept part of the goods. From this it is argued that by neces- sary implication the statute applies only to goods, of which part may be delivered. This seems, however, to be rather a narrow and forced construction. The provision is general that no contract for the sale of goods, etc., shall be allowed to be good. The exception is when part are delivered ; but if part can not be delivered, then the exception can not exist to take the case out of the general prohibition. The pro- vision extended to a great variety of objects, and the exception may well be construed to apply only to such of those objects to which it is applicable, without affecting others, to which from their nature it can not apply. There is nothing in the nature of stocks, or shares in companies, which in reason or sound policy should exempt contracts in respect to them from those reasonable restrictions, designed by the statute to prevent frauds in the sale of other commodities. On the contrary, these companies have become so numerous, so large an amount of the property of the community is noiv invested in them, and as the or- dinary indicia of property, arising from delivery and possession, can not take place, there seems to be peculiar reason for extending the provisions of this statute to them. As they may properly be in- cluded under the terms goods, as they are -within the reason and pol- icy of the act, the court are of opinion that a contract for the sale of shares, in the absence of the other requisites, must be proved by some note or memorandum in -writing ; and as there was no such memorandum in writing, in the present case, the plaintiff is not en- titled to maintain this action. As to the argument that here was a part performance, by a payment of the money on one side, and the delivery of the certificate on the other, these acts took place after this action was brought, and can not therefore be relied upon to show a cause of action when the action was commenced Verdict set aside and plaintiff nonsuit. 215 NATURE OF SHARES OF STOCK. 8oi Note. It is generally held in this country that sales of stock are within the seventeenth section of the statute of frauds. See, as to the application of this and other sections, the following cases : 1810, Colvin v. Williams, 3 Har. & J. (Md.) 38; 1843, North v. Forest, 15 Conn. 400; 1847, Thompson v. Alger, 53 Mass. (12 Mete.) 428; 1862, Hagar v. King, 38 Barb. (N. Y.) 200; 1872, Pray v. Mitchell, 60 Maine 430 ; 1873, Mayer v. Child, 47 Cal. 142 ; 1878, Mason v. Decker, 72 N. Y. 595; 1880, Boardman v. Cutter, 128 Mass. 388; 1884, Porter v. Worsmer, etc., 94 N. Y. 431 ; 1884, Fitzpatrick v. Woodruff, 96 N. Y. 561 ; 1888, Hinchman v. Lincoln, 124 U. S. 38; 1889. Seddon v. Rosenbaum, 85 Va. 928; 1891, Ryers v. Tuska, 14 N. Y. Sup. 926; 1892, Spear v. Bach, 82 Wis. 192; 1893, Dinkier v. Baer, 92 Ga. 432; 1895, McLure v. Sherman, 70 Fed. Rep. 190; 1895, Flowers v. Steiner, 108 Ala. 440. But in England the rule is different: See, 1839, Humble v. Mitchell, 11 Ad. & El. 205; 1841, Duncuft v. Albrecht, 12 Sim. Ch. 189; 1844, Hargreaves v. Parsons, 13 Mees. & W. 561. But the statute of frauds does not apply to agreements to subscribe : See, note, supra, p. 459, and, 1871, Green v. Brookins, 23 Mich. 48; 1886, Colfax Hotel Co. v. Lyon, 69 Iowa 683 ; 1898, Rogers v. Burr, 105 Ga. 432. The fourth section of the statute of frauds relating to conveyances of inter- ests in lands does not apply to sales of corporate shares, even if the corpora- tion owns and deals in land : 1839,- Humble v. Mitchell, 11 Ad. & E. 205 ; 1836, Bligh v. Brent, 2 Y. & C. Exc. 268. Sec. 215. Same. (3) Choses in action. COLONIAL BANK v. WHINNEY. 1 1885. IN ENGLISH COURT OF APPEAL. L. R. 30 Ch. Div. 261-290. [Suit by the bank to enforce an equitable mortgage of shares in a railway company against Whinney, who was a trustee in bankruptcy of the person in whose name the shares stood at the commencement of the bankruptcy. The English bankrupt law provided that "all goods in the possession, order or disposition of the bankrupt" should pass to the trustee in bankruptcy, "provided that things in action, other than debts due the bankrupt, shall not be deemed goods within the meaning" of this law. Under this provision the majority of the court held that the shares were not choses in action within the mean- ing of the proviso; but Fry, L. J., pronounced the following dissent- ing opinion, which was affirmed in the house of lords, n App. Cas. 426.] FRY, L. J. One of the questions argued before us on the present appeal has been, whether the shares in question in this case are or are not choses in action, within the meaning of those words as used in the 3d subsection of the 44th section of the Bankruptcy Act 1883. 1 Statement abridged. Only the dissenting opinion of Fry, L. J., is given (a part of it being omitted). The majority opinion was overruled upon this point, and Fry's opinion unanimously affirmed by the house of lords, in 1886. The Colonial Bank v. Whinney, L. R. 11 App. Cas. 426. 51 WIL. CASES. 802 COLONIAL BANK V. WHINNEY. 21$ The shares in question are shares in a company constituted by act of parliament, which incorporates the Companies Clauses Consoli- dation Act, and that act declares that shares are personal property, transmissible as such, and furthermore provides for the transfer of the shares by deed in a specified manner. The first question is whether, according to the ordinary legal mean- ing of the words "things in action," which I take to be technical words, they include such shares as those in controversy. This leads to the consideration of some very elementary points in English law. According to my view of that law, all personal things are either in possession or in action. The law knows no tertium quid between the two. "No chattel," says Lord Coke, in Fulwood's Case, 4 Rep. 65^, "either in action or possession, shall go in succession," as if the two alternatives were the only possible ones. "Property in chattels personal," says Blackstone, "maybe either in possession which is where a man hath not only the right to enjoy, but hath the actual en- joyment of the thing or else it is in action, where a man hath only a bare right without any occupation or enjoyment." Bl. Comm., book 2, ch. 25, p. 389, and so Lord Hardwicke, in the great case of Ryall v. Rolle, i Atk. 165, 182, speaks of personal property, whether in possession or action only, as equivalent to all kinds of personal property. The expression ''choses in suspense" is found in Brooke's Abridgement, in conjunction with choses in action; but, so far as I can understand, the two expressions are synonymous. It has been suggested that the expression ' 'choses in action" was orig- inally only applicable to debts, and that by a lax usage it has acquired a secondary and wider significance. I am not able to adopt this view. The article ''Choses in Action and Choses in Suspense" in Brooke's Abridgement, fol. 140, seems to show that as early as 5 Edw. 4 the expression was held to include the king's right to the marriage of his ward ; m 9 Hen. 6 the property in deeds in the hands of a third per- son was considered as a chose in action, and in 33 Hen. 8 the clas- sification of choses in action into real, personal and mixed, was recognized. Indeed, the whole article appears to me inconsistent with the notion that according to early usage the expression was con- fined to debts. On the contrary, that early usage appears to me to have been as wide as the modern usage, as explained by Mr. Joshua Williams in the passage which has been cited by Lord Justice Cotton. What, then, is the character of a share in a company? Is it in its nature a chose in possession or a chose in action? Such a share is, in my opinion, the right to receive certain benefits from a corporation, and to do certain acts as a member of that corporation ; and if those benefits be withheld or those acts be obstructed, the only remedy of the owner of the share is by action. Of the share itself, in my view, there can be no occupation or enjoyment, though of the fruits arising from it there may be occupation, enjoyment and manual possession. Such a share appears to me to be closely akin to a debt, which is one of the most familiar of choses in action ; no action is required to ob- tain the right to the money in the case of the debt, or the right to the 21$ NATURE OF SHARES OF STOCK. 803 dividends or other accruing benefits in the case of the share; but an action is the only means of obtaining the money itself or the other benefits in specie, the right to which is called in one case a debt and in the other case a share. In the case alike of the debt and of the share, the owner of it has, to use the language of Blackstone, "a bare right without any occupation or enjoyment." A debt no doubt dif- fers from a share in one respect, that it confers generally a more lim- ited right than a share, and that when once paid it is at an end ; but this distinction appears to me immaterial for the purpose now in hand. It is true that unassignability by act inter vivos has been a charac- ter of many choses in action in the earlier stages of our law ; but the question whether a personal thing is or is not assignable, is not, in my opinion, a criterion of whether it is in possession or in action. The king has always been able to assign choses in action that are certain. Bills of exchange have been assignable by our law ever since the law merchant on that point was recognized by our courts hundreds of years ago ; many choses in action have long been assignable by statute, such as promissory notes and bail and replevin bonds, and by the Judicature Act of 1873 all debts and other legal choses in action were made as- signable in the manner therein indicated. With great deference to those who think otherwise, I consider that the power of transfer con- ferred on the holder of these shares by statute does not affect the question. Furthermore, on the question whether a particular property is a chose in action or not, I think it immaterial to inquire whether the right in question was formerly enforceable at law or in equity ; a right of suit is equally a chose in action, whether the forum be legal or equitable. Turning now to authority, I find that in the case of Humble v. Mitchell (1839), ii Ad. & El. 205, the question arose whether shares in a joint stock company were goods, wares or merchandise within the meaning of the seventeenth section of the statute of frauds ; and in determining that they were not, Lord Denman observed that shares in a joint stock company like this are mere closes in action ; and in this judgment Justices Patteson, Williams and Coleridge concurred. Again, in Ex parte Agra Bank (1868), Law Rep. 3,Ch. 555, a ques- tion arose as to certain shares in the San Pedro Mining Company being in the order and disposition of the bankrupt Worcester. Though the precise constitution of the company is not stated, it appears that the company was an English one, by which certificates of shares were issued, and in which the shares passed by transfer; the case was ar- gued and decided on the footing of these shares being choses in action and they are so described in the judgment of Lord Hatherly, then Lord Justice Page Wood. On the other hand, in the case of Ex parteljnion Bank of Manchester ( 1871), Ibid. ,12 Eq. 354, Vice- Chancellor Bacon held that shares in a -company under 7 and 8 Viet., ch. no, were not choses in action within the meaning of the Bank- ruptcy Act, 1869, partly upon the ground that if it had been intended 804 PAYNE V. ELLIOT. 2l6 to exclude trom the operation of the law of reputed ownership every- thing incapable of manual delivery, a clearer term would have been used, and partly on the ground that the owner's title depended on the register. And again, in Societe Generale de Paris v. Tramways Union Company, 14 Q. B. D. 424, 451, Lord Justice Lindley approved of the decision of the vice-chancellor, and dwelt upon the fact that a transferee of shares has a legal and not merely an equitable right to- become a shareholder. In this conflict of authorities upon the precise point, it is not use- less to consider the authorities bearing on personal things of a kind closely analogous to shares in a company. The right of a fund-holder in the public funds, where there is, of course, a legal power to assign r has long ago (1790, 1817) been held to be a chose in action. Dundas v. Dutens, i Ves. 196; Rex v. Capper, 5 Price 217. In Ex parte Ibbetson (1878), 8 Ch. D. 519, the court of appeal held a policy of assurance to be beyond all argument a thing in action within the meaning of the clause in question ; and in In re Bainbridge, 8 Ch. D. 218, Chief Judge Bacon held that the share of a partner in the partnership property was a chose in action. If it be rightly decided, as I think it was, that a share in a partnership is a chose in action, it is very difficult to conclude that a share in a joint-stock company is not a chose in action. In the case of a partnership, the real and per- sonal property of the partnership is, or may be, vested in all the partners, and each therefore may have a legal interest in choses in Possession. In the case of a corporation, the whole property of the concern is vested in the corporation, and the individual corporators have no direct interest in the chattels in possession which may belong to the concern. In a partnership of seven persons, each would have a chose in action; if that partnership incorporated itself under the Companies Act, 1862, would each of the seven have a chosein posses- sion? * * * Appeal dismissed. Note. See, 1830, Blake v. Jones, 1 Bailey Eq. (S. C.) 141, 21 Am. Dec. 530; 1837, Arnold v. Buggies, 1 R. I. 166 ; 1849, Slaymaker v. Bank of Gettysburg, 10 Pa. St. 373. Sec. 216. Same. (4) As subjects of conversion. PAYNE v. ELLIOT ET. AL. 1880. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF CALIFORNIA. 54 Cal. Rep. 339-344* 35 Am - Re P- 8o - Appeal from judgment for plaintiff in the court below. McKEE, J. This is an action of trover. The plaintiff seeks to charge defendants with $2, 796*. 3 2 and costs for an alleged conversion 1 Arguments and part of opinion omitted. 2l6 NATURE OF SHARES OF STOCK. 805 of one hundred shares of the stock of the "Northern Belle Mill and Mining Company," and also to have them adjudged guilty of fraud. The complaint was demurred to on several grounds, and the demurrer overruled. Defendants afterward answered, and, upon a trial, had in the absence of defendants and their attorneys, the court gave judg- ment for the plaintiff for the amount sued for, in gold coin, and also adjudged that the defendants were guilty of fraud. The appeal comes to this court upon the judgment roll, and the appellants claim that the lower court erred in overruling defendants' demurrer to the complaint upon the grounds that there is no allegation that the plaintiff owned or that the defendants converted any certificates of shares of stock, and that the allegation of fraud is insufficient to sustain the judgment that the defendants were guilty of fraud in the supposed conversion. The principal question is, whether shares of stock, eo nomine, are property for which an action, in the nature of an action of trover,- can be maintained. At common law trover was the proper remedy for a conversion of personal property ; but it lay only for tangible property, capable of being identified and taken into actual possession. The conversion of the property was the gist of the action ; and the action did not lie, unless the defendant had become actually possessed of the property by some means, whether of finding or otherwise. Shares of stock, and such things, did not belong to that class of property known as chattels ; they -were considered incorporeal, intangible things "which existed in idea, and -were incapable of being subjected to actual pos- session. Nor "were they stipposed to denote possession, for they had no other evidence of an existence than the certificate which ivas issued to the person who claimed the right to -what the certificate represented. That right consists of the privilege of voting in the concerns of the corporation, and of participating in the profits of the business of the corporation. It subsisted only in law or contract. It was a right to a thing not in possession, but in action. The certificates themselves were not considered property , but were considered evidence of prop- erty. Wherever common-law ideas of personal property prevail, courts hold that trover is not the proper remedy for the conversion of things which were considered at common law as mere personal rights, not reducible into possession, but recoverable by law. So the supreme court of Pennsylvania has held that trover will not lie to recover dam- ages for shares of bank stock; and, says Justice Sharswood, "the principle applies to all other corporation stocks." A share of stock, says the court, "is an incorporeal, intangible thing. It is a right to a certain proportion of the capital stock of a corporation never realized except upon the dissolution and winding up of the corporation with the right to receive in the meantime such profits as may be made and declared in the shape of dividends. Trover can no more be main- tained for a share in the capital stock of a corporation than it can for the interest of a partner in a commercial firm." (Neiller v. Kelly, 69 Pa. 407.) Upon the idea that shares of stock can not be taken away or wrong- 806 PAYNE V. ELLIOT. 2l6 fully detained from the owner, or that they can not be lost by the owner or found by a stranger, there is no doubt of the soundness of that decision. But the fiction on which the action of trover was founded, namely, that a defendant had found the property of another, which was lost, has become in the progress of law an unmeaning thing, which has been by most courts discarded, so that the action no longer exists as it did at common law, but has been developed into a remedy for the conversion of every species of personal property. It lies for bank notes sealed in a letter (Moody v. Keeney, 7 Ala. 218) ; for negotiable instruments (Comparet v. Burr, 5 Blackf. 419) ; for a judgment (Hudspeth v. Wilson, 2 Dev. N. C. 372); for a promis- sory note which has been paid (Pierce v. Gibson, 9 Vt. 216) ; for copies of a creditor's account (Fulton v. Cunningham, 16 Vt. 697) ; for a writ of execution issued on a judgment (Keeler v. Fassett, 21 Vt. 539)? and for certificates of shares of stock (Anderson v. Nicholas, 28 N. Y. 600 ; Atkins v. Gamble, 42 Cal. 98 ; Von Schmidt v. Bourne, 50 Cal. 616). At the same time that the action has been thus expanded the words "things in action" have undergone such a development from their original meaning that they now represent things to the imagination in the light of tangible objects, and as such they are the subject of con- tract, sale, gift, mortgage, bailment and pledge; and, under the pro- visions of our codes, they are personal property, subject to taxation, attachment, execution, levy and sale. (Sections 542, 688, Code Civ. Proc.) It is, therefore, the "shares of stock" which constitute the property which belongs to the shareholder. Otherwise, the property would be in the certificate; but the certificate is only evidence of the property ; and it is not the only evidence, for a transfer on the books of the cor- poration, -without the issuance of a certificate, vests title in the share- holder ; the certificate is, therefore, but additional evidence of title, and if trover is maintainable for the certificate, there is no valid reason why it is not also maintainable for the thing itself -which the certificate represents. For, as the supreme court of Connecticut says, "If a certificate of stock is unlawfully retained when demanded, what is presumed to have been converted ? The certificate has no intrinsic value disconnected from the stock it represents. No one would say that the paper alone had been converted that the conversion of the paper constitutes the entire wrong. The real act done in such cases is precisely the same as that done here no more, no less; and to say that trover will lie in one case and not in the other, is to make a dis- tinction where in reality there is no difference. * * * The stock in both cases was converted; and we think that in these days, when the tendency of courts is to do away with technicalities not based upon reason, a technical distinction of this character should no longer be sustained." (Ayres v. French, 41 Conn. 151.) In Boylan v. Hagnel, 8 Nev. 352, and in Kuhn v. McAllister, i Utah 275, actions of this character for "shares of stock" were sustained. It follows that the court below did not err in overruling the demurrer to the com- 217 NATURE OF SHARES OF STOCK. 807 plaint, or in rendering judgment for the plaintiff for the value of the stock and interest thereon from the time of the conversion until the time of the trial. * * * Judgment modified and affirmed. Note. As to conversion of stock see, 1821, Kingman v. Pierce, 17 Mass. 247 (conversion of a note) ; 1830, Plymouth Bank v. Bank of Norfolk, 10 Pick. (Mass.) 454; 1859, Freeman v. Harwood, 49 Maine 195; 1864, Anderson v. Nicholas, 28 N. Y. 600; 1869, Morton v. Preston, 18 Mich. 60; 1873, Bank of America v. McNeil, 73 Ky. (10 Bush) 54; 1874, Ayers v. French, 41 Conn. 142; 1875, 1877, Kuhn v. McAllister, 1 Utah 273, 96 U. S. 87; 1881, People v. Williams, 60 Cal. 1 (shares may be embezzled); 1884, Union, etc., Bank v. Farrington, 13 Lea (Tenn.) 333; 1884, Daggett v. Davis, 53 Mich. 35, 51 Am. Rep. 91 ; 1885, Budd v. Multnomah, etc., R. Co., 12 Ore. 271,53 Am. Rep. 355; 1893, Gresham v. Island City, etc., Bank, 2 Texas Civ. App. 52; 1896, With- ers v. Bank, 67 Mo. App. 115, on 120; 1896, Ralston v. Bank of California, 112 Cal. 208; 1899, Hine v. Com. Bank of Bay City, 119 Mich. 448,78 N. W. Rep. 471. See, also, notes 52 Am. Dec. 73 ; 79 Am Dec. 506; 24 Am. St. Rep. 818. But Pennsylvania seems to hold that nothing but the certificate is suscepti- ble of conversion. 1828, Sewall v. Lancaster Bank, 17 S. & R. (Pa.) 285; 1871, Neiler v. Kelley, 69 Pa. St. 403; 1888, Telford and F. Turnpike Co. v. Gerhab, 13 Atl. Rep. 90. Sec. 217. Same. (5) Negotiability of shares. EAST BIRMINGHAM LAND CO. v. 1888. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ALABAMA. 85 Ala. 565-569, 7 Am. St. Rep. 73, 26 Am. & E. C. C. 135. [Appeal from decree in favor of Dennis, who sued one J. P. Mudd and the land company, to compel the transfer of ten shares of stock in the land company, of which Dennis claimed to be owner, and to compel Mudd to deliver the certificate of which he had possession under claim of ownership. The certificate had been issued to one Dearborn, and was indorsed by him in blank. Dennis bought the cer- tificate from one who purchased it from Dearborn ; afterward it was lost or stolen, without the fault of Dennis. Mudd had purchased the certificate for full value from stock brokers in Birmingham.] SOMERVILLE, J. * * * The only question is, whether Mudd, who paid full value for this stock, without notice of the complainant's claim to it, acquired a title superior to that of complainant. The established rule is, that no person can ordinarily be deprived of his ownership of property save by his own consent, or his neg- ligence. The only exception to this rule is the case of a bona Jide purchaser for value of negotiable paper. We have no reference, of course, to the taking of property for public uses by judicial condemna- tion, which may be done without the owner's consent. It can not be contended with any degree of plausibility that under 1 Arguments and part of opinion omitted. Statement abridged. 8o8 EAST BIRMINGHAM LAND CO. V. DENNIS. 217 the facts of this case the complainant was guilty of negligence or the want of ordinary care in the custody of the certificate. He kept it in a box in the vault of a banking house, whence it was abstracted by some unknown person, apparently without any fault on his part. Nor does any question arise involving the rights of a subsequent bona fide purchaser of stock, from one shown to be owner on the cor- porate books, who has already made a prior unregistered transfer of it to another purchaser. All such transfers made by the true owner, and not registered on the books of the corporation within fifteen days, are declared by statute to be "void as to bona fide creditors or pur- chasers without notice.'' Code, 1886, 1671 ; Fisher v. Jones, 82 Ala. 117. If the defendant Mudd had claimed by a subsequent pur- chase from Dearborn, the owner of the stock on the corporate books, this question would arise. But he does not so claim, his title being derived through the complainant Dennis himself, by two or more in- termediate transferees, the first of whom was a fraudulent holder with- out title. Whether Mudd's title to the stock, therefore, is superior to that of Dennis, depends on whether a certificate of stock, indorsed in blank by the owner, is to be treated as negotiable paper. The rule is well settled that a bona fide purchaser of a negotiable bill, bond or note, although he buys from a thief, acquires a good title, if he pays value for it without notice of the infirmity of his vendor's title. The authorities are clear in support of the view that a certificate of corporate shares of stock, in the ordinary form, is not negotiable paper, and that a purchaser of such certificate, although indorsed in blank by the owner, where no question arises under the registration laws, obtains no better title to the stock than his vendor had, in the absence of all negligence on the part of the owner, or his authority, to make the sale. This question arose, and was decided by the New York Court of Appeals, in Mechanics' Bank v. New York & New Haven R. Co., 13 N. Y. (1856) 599. It was there held that such a certificate does not partake of the character of a negotiable instrument, and that a bona fide assignee, with full power to transfer the stock, takes the certificate subject to the equities which existed against his assignor. Such certificates, said Comstock, J. , "contain no words of negotiability. They declare simply that the person named is entitled to certain shares of stock. They do not, like nego- tiable instruments, run to the bearer, or order of the party to whom they are given." They were said to be in some respects like a bill of lading or warehouse receipt, being "the representative of property existing under certain conditions, and the documentary evidence of title thereto." The most that can be said is, that all such instru- ments possess a sort of quasi-negotiability , dependent on the custom of merchants and the convenience of trade. They are not, in the matter of transferability , protected strictly as negotiable paper. In Shaw v. Spencer, 100 Mass. 382; s. c., 97 Am. Dec., i Am. Rep. 115 (1868), it was also decided that a certificate of corporate stock, transferred in blank on its back, was clearly not a negotiable instrument. "No commercial usage," it was said, "could give to 217 NATURE OF SHARES OF STOCK. 809 such an instrument the attribute of negotiability. However many in- termediate hands it may pass through, whoever would obtain a new certificate in his own name must fill out the blanks, * * * so as to derive title to himself directly from the last recorded stockholder, who is the only recognized and legal owner of the shares." The case of Sewall v. Boston Water Power Co., 4 Allen 282; s. c. 81 Am. Dec. 701, decided by the same court a few years before, is referred to as a precedent in support of this conclusion. The precise point in the present case was also decided in Barstow v. Savage Mining Co., 64 Cal. 388; s. c., 49 Am. Rep. 705, where it was expressly held that a bona fide purchaser of stock standing on the company's books in the name of the former owner, regularly in- dorsed by him, and stolen from the present owner without his fault, gets no title. The decision was based on the fact that such certifi- cates are not negotiable instruments, but simply muniments of title, and evidences of the holder's right to a given share in the property and franchise of the corporation. It was observed, in regard to the matter of negligence, as follows: "But if the purchaser from one who has not the title, and has no authority to sell, relies for his pro- tection on the negligence of the true owner, he mus 4 " show that such negligence was the proximate cause of the deceit." The same principle was applied to bills of lading, in Gurney v. Behrend, 3 Ellis & Bl. 622, decided by the English Queen's Bench, where an instrument of that kind, indorsed in blank by the consignor, and sent by him to his correspondent, had been misappropriated. The correspondent, without authority, fraudulently transferred the bill for value ; and it was held by Lord Campbell, that for the want of the element of negotiability in the paper, the title to the goods was unaffected by the transaction. The doctrine of Barstow v. Savage Mining Co., supra, is well sup- ported by authority, and, in our judgment, announces a correct prin- ciple of law, and we fully approve it. Woolley v. Sargeant, 14 Amer. Dec., note on page 427, and cases there cited; Cook on Stock and Stockholders, 7, 10, 192, 368, 437; 2 Daniel's Neg. Inst. (3d. ed.), 1708^". It harmonizes entirely with the declaration of our statute, that shares of stock in private corporations "are personal property, transferable on the books of the corporation" in accordance with the rules and regulations of the corporation. Code 1886, 1669 ; Campbell v. Woodstock Iron Co., 83 Ala. 451. There is a class of cases, not to be confounded with the one in hand, where the holder of such a certificate of stock indorsed in blank is clothed with power, as agent or trustee, to deal with such stock to a limited extent, and transfers it by exceeding his powers, or in breach of his trust. In such cases it has often been held that the true owner, having conferred on the holder, by contract, all the external indicia of title, and an apparently unlimited power of disposition over the stock, "is estopped to assert his title as against a third person, who, acting in good faith, acquires it for value from the apparent owner."- 2 Dan. Neg. Inst. (3d ed.), 1708^; McNeil v. Tenth Nat. Bank, 46 8 10 HALEY V. REID. 2l8 N. Y. 325 ; Mount Holly Turnpike Co. v. Ferree, 17 N. J. Eq. 117 ; Prall v. Tilt, 28 N. J. Eq. 479 ; Merchants' Bank v. Livingston, 74 N. Y. 223. These cases rest on the principle that it is more just and reasonable, where one of two innocent parties must suffer loss, that he should be the loser who has put trust and confidence in the de- ceiver than a stranger who has been negligent in trusting no one. Allen v. Maury & Co., 66 Ala. 10. It being an established principle of law that certificates of stock are not to be regarded as negotiable paper, it is not permissible to prove a custom or usage among stock brokers to the contrary. No usage is good which conflicts with an established principle of law any more than one which contravenes or nullifies the express stipula- tions of a contract. Dickinson v. Gay, 83 Am. Dec. 656, and note, 664; E. T., Va. & Ga. R. Co. v. Johnston, 75 Ala. 576; Lehman v. Marshall, 47 Ala. 362. The decree of the court below is in accordance with these views r and must be affirmed. Note. While shares of stock are almost universally held to be non-nego- tiable, yet they approach very nearly to having such qualities when they pass by indorsement and delivery of the certificate. 1850, Harris v. Bank of Mo- bile, 5 La. Ann. 538; 1856, Mechanic's Bank v. N. Y. & N. H. R., 13 N. Y. 599; 1857, Mandelbaum v. N. A. Min. Co., 4 Mich. 465; 1861, Bridgeport Bank v. N. Y. & N. H. R., 30 Conn. 231 ; 1868, Shaw v. Spencer, 100 Mass. 382, 97 Am. Dec. 107, 1 Am. Rep. 115; 1870, Mechanic's Bank v. Merchants' Bank, 45 Mo. 513, 100 Am. Dec. 388; 1870, State v. Bank of State, 45 Mo. 528; 1871, McNeil v. Tenth Nat'l Bank, 46 N. Y. 325, 7 Am. Rep. 341; 1871, First Na- tional Bank v. Lanier, 11 Wall. (78 U.'S.) 369; 1873, Hall v. Rose H. & E. R. Co., 70111.673; 1874, Bercich v. Marye, 9 Nev. 312; 1875, Sherwood v. Meadow Val. M. Co., 50 Cal. 412 ; 1877, Weyer v. Second Nat'l Bank, 57 Ind. 198 ; 1883, Barstow v. Savage Min. Co., 64 Cal. 388, 49 Am. Rep. 705; 1886, Young v. South Tredegar Iron Co., 85 Tenn. 189, 4 Am. St. R. 752; 1887, Supply D. Co. v. Elliott, 10 Colo. 327, 3 Am. St. Rep. 586; 1890, Hammond v. Hastings, 134 U. S. 401 ; 1892, Clark v. Am. Coal Co., 86 Iowa 436, 17 L. R. A. 557, 53 N. W. Rep. 291; 1893, Brinkerhoff-Farris, etc., Co. v. Home L. Co., 118 Mo. 447; 1896, Craig v. Hesperia L. & W. Co., 113 Cal. 7, 54 Am. St. Rep. 316; 1896, Knox v. Eden Musee Am. Co., 148 N. Y. 441, 51 Am. St. Rep. 700; 1899, Masury v. Ark. Nat'l Bank, 93 Fed. Rep. 603, 35 C. C. A. 476. Sec. 218. Same. (6) As subjects of attachment or execution. HALEY v. REID. 1 1854. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF GEORGIA. 16 Ga. Rep. 437-439- [Reid sued out an attachment against Haley, which the sheriff levied on the stock of Haley in a plank-road company by making an entry to that effect upon the attachment. The court overruled a mo- 1 Only part of opinion given. 219 NATURE OF SHARES OF STOCK. 8ll tion by the defendant to dismiss the attachment, and exceptions were taken.] BENNING, J. * * * To "levy" means to seize to take cor- poreally. It follows that what can not be seized what can not be taken corporeally can not be levied on. And as the law is not to be presumed to require impossibilities when it requires an executing officer to levy on both personal and real estate, it is not to be pre- sumed to intend to require him to levy on such personal or real estate as it is impossible to levy on ; that is to say, as it is impossible to seize to take corporeally. What precise idea the sheriff meant to express by the word "levied" when he returned that he had "levied" the attachment upon one hundred shares in the corporation I am at some loss to conceive. * * * Reversed. Note. At common law shares are not attachable. 1812, Denton v. Livings- ton, 9 Johns. (N. Y.) 96; 1819, Williamson v. Smoot, 7 Martin (La. O. S.) 31, 12 Am. Dec. 494; 1823, Nashville Bank v. Ragsdale, Peck (Tenn.) 296; 1858, Evans v. Monot, 4 Jones Eq. (N. C.) 227; 1866, Foster v. Potter, 37 Mo. 525; 1873, Merchants' M. I. Co. v. Brower, 38 Texas 230; 1885, Barnard v. Ins. Co., 4 Mackey (D. C.) 63; 1887, Rhea v. Powell, 24 111. App. 77; 1889, Duncan- son v. Nat'l Bank, 7 Mackey (D. C.) 348. But statutes generally provide for the taking of shares by execution or attach- ment. 1821, Howe v. Starkweather, 17 Mass. 240; 1830, Hussey v. Manufac. & M. Bank, 10 Pick. (Mass.) 415; 1838, Castle v. Carr, 16 N. J. Law 394; 1882, Shenandoah Valley R. Co. v. Griffith, 76 Va. 913 ; 1889, Union Bank v. Byram, 131 111. 92; 1894, Thompson v. Wells, 57 111. App. 436; 1895, Ditty v. Bank, 112 Ala. 391. Under some statutes only the legal interest is attachable. 1881, Van Nor- man v. Jackson, Cir. J., 45 Mich. 204; 1888, Weller v. Pace Tobacco Co., 2 N. Y. Supp. 292; 1893, Gypsum Plaster & S. Co. v. Kent, C. J., 97 Mich. 631. But under other statutes the equitable interest is also. 1854, Bank of St. Mary's v. St. John, 25 Ala. 566; 1866, Middletown Sav. Bank v. Jarvis, 33 Conn. 372; 1894, Tufts v. Volkening, 122 Mo. 631. "Stock" can not be the subject of replevin, because of its incorporeal nature. 1899, Ashton v. Heydenfeldt, 124 Cal. 14, 56 Pac. Rep. 624. Sec. 219. Same. (7) Location of shares for attachment. PLIMPTON v. BIGELOW. 1 1883. IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF NEW YORK. 93 New York 592-602. [Appeal from order of general term of supreme court reversing an order of the special term vacating a levy by attachment upon stock.] ANDREWS, J. This action is brought by the plaintiffs, residents of Massachusetts, against the defendant, a resident of Pennsylvania, upon Arguments and parts of opinion omitted. 8 12 PLIMPTON V. BIGELOW. 219 several promissory notes of the defendant, made and delivered in Massachusetts and payable generally. The plaintiffs procured an order for the service of the summons upon the defendant by publica- tion, and also a warrant of attachment against his property. The sheriff of the city and county of New York, to whom the warrant was directed, undertook to execute it by levying upon 439 shares of the stock of the Hat Sweat Manufacturing Company, a Pennsylvania cor- poration, incorporated under the laws of that state, owned by the de- fendant, and for which he held and then had, in the state of Pennsyl- vania, stock certificates issued and delivered to him at the office of the company in Philadelphia, in February, 1882, at which place the stock and transfer books of the company then were and still are kept. The sheriff, for the purpose of making the levy, left w r ith the secretary of the company in the city of New York a certified copy of the war- rant of attachment, together with the notice prescribed by section 649 of the Code of Civil Procedure. The formal proceedings were taken to complete the levy, and the shares were subjected to the attachment, provided they were liable to attachment under section 647 of the code. That section declares that "the rights or shares which the defendant has in the stock of an association or corporation, together with the interest and profits thereon, may be levied upon, and the sheriff's cer- tificate of the sale thereof entitles the purchaser to the same rights and privileges with respect thereto, which the defendant had when they were attached." The question here is whether this section applies to shares of stock of a foreign corporation. It is to be observed that the section is one of the provisions of a system of proceedings by attachment, and is to be construed in view of the fundamental principle upon which all at- tachment proceedings rest, that the res must be actually or construct- ively within the jurisdiction of the court issuing the attachment in order to any valid or effectual seizure under the process. In the case of tangible property, capable of actual manucaption, it must have an actual situs within the jurisdiction. But credits, choses in action and other intangible interests are made by statute susceptible of seizure by attachment. The same principle, however, applies in this case as in the other, the res, that is the intangible right or interest, to be subject to the attachment, must be within the jurisdiction. But it is manifest from the nature of this species of property that it must be a constructive or statutory presence only, founded upon some char- acteristic fact which determines its locality. Where the defendant who owns a credit is within the jurisdiction there is no difficulty through proceedings in personam in reaching and applying it in dis- charge of his debt to the plaintiff. But where he is out of the juris- diction, and the debt or duty owing to him, or the right he possesses exists against some person within the jurisdiction, attachment laws fasten upon that circumstance, and by notice to the debtor or person owing the duty or representing the right, impound the debt, duty or right to answer the obligation which the attachment proceeding is in- stituted to enforce. In the case supposed, the debt, duty or righ-t for 219 NATURE OF SHARES OF STOCK. 813 the purpose of attachment proceedings is deemed to have its situs or locality in the jurisdiction. * * * We now come more directly to the inquiry upon which the case now under review depends, viz. : Whether the shares of a non-resi- dent defendant in the stock of a foreign corporation can be deemed to be within this state, by reason of the fact that the president or other officers of the corporation are here engaged in carrying on the corpo- rate business. We do not overlook the fact that we are construing a section of the code, the language of which is sufficiently general to include foreign corporations, but they are not expressly named, and for the purpose of determining whether foreign corporations were in- tended to be included, it is a relevant inquiry whether upon general principles the right which a stockholder in a corporation has, by reason of his ownership of shares, is a debt or duty of the corporation, exist- ing in a foreign jurisdiction wherever the officers of the corporation may be found engaged in the prosecution of the corporate business. If the corporation, by having its officers, and by transacting business in a state other than its domicile of origin, is deemed to be itself pres- ent as an entity in such foreign state, to the same extent and in the same sense as it is present in the state which created it, it may be con- ceded that its shares might be properly attached in such foreign juris- diction. But we regard the principle to be too firmly settled by repeated adjudications of the federal and state courts, to admit of further con- troversy, that a corporation has its domicile and residence alone within the bounds of the sovereignty which created it, and that it is incapable of passing personally beyond that jurisdiction. (Bank of Augusta v. Earle, 13 Pet. 519; Lafayette Ins. Co. v. French, 18 How. (U. S.) 404; Merrickv. Van Santvoord, 34 N. Y. 208; Stevens v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 41 N. Y. 150.) But it is equally true that a foreign corporation is permitted to sue in the courts of this state and that suits in personam may be brought against it by service of process on its officers or agents within the jurisdiction. (Code, 432, 1780; Gibbs v. Queen Ins. Co. 1 ) But suits by -or against foreign cor- porations are not maintained on the theory that the corporation liti- gant is here in person, or that the corporate entity attends its officers in their migrations from one state to another, or that it is itself pres- ent wherever its property may be, or its business may be transacted. The jurisdiction, as I understand, rests upon the ground that as a corporation must act by agents, it may, through its agents, subject it- self to the jurisdiction of a foreign tribunal. * * * The right which a shareholder in a corporation has by reason of his ownership of shares is a right to participate according to the amount of his stock in the surplus profits of the corporation on a division, and ultimately on its dissolution in the assets remaining after payment of its debts. (Burrall v. Bushwick Railroad Co., 75 N. Y. 211.) It is this right and interest which is made liable to attachment under the section referred to. The right of the share- holder is derived from the corporation under its charter, or the laws 1 63 N. Y. 114. 8 14 PLIMPTON V. BIGELOW. 2IQ of the state which created it. It is enforceable by judicial proceed- ing in the local courts, and in case of a dissolution, of the corporation the local courts -alone can be resorted to to wind up its affairs and distribute its assets. It seems impossible to regard the stock of a corporation as being present for the purpose of judicial proceedings except at one of two places, viz., the place of residence of the owner, or the place of the residence of the corporation. * * * The foreign corporation is not here because its agents are here, nor because it has property here ; nor is the stock here because the cor- poration has property, or is conducting its business in this state. The individual members of a corporation are not the owners of the property of the corporation, or of any part of it. The abstract entity the corporation is the owner and only owner of the prop- erty. We do not doubt that shares for the purpose of attach- ment proceedings may be deemed to be in the possession of the cor- poration which issued them, but only at the place where the corpora- tion by intendment of law always remains, to wit, in the state or country of its creation. In all other places it is an alien. It may send its agents abroad or transact business abroad as any other in- habitant may do, without passing personally into the foreign jurisdic- tion or changing its legal residence. But such agents are not the corporation, and do not represent the corporation in respect to rights as between the corporation and its shareholders incident to the owner- ship of shares. It is not necessary to this case to define the limits of legislative power in subjecting intangible property to attachment by notice served upon such person or corporation as may be designated by the legisla- ture. Manifestly the res can not be within the jurisdiction, as a mere consequence of a legislative declaration, when the actual locality is undeniably elsewhere. But in respect to intangible interests, as we have said, there can be no actual seizure of the thing, and it can be bound only by notice to some one who represents the thing. In case of a debt, notice to the debtor residing within the jurisdiction is the ordinary proceeding to attach the debt, and if the debtor is a corpora- tion, and the corporation is a domestic one, there is no difficulty. But in some of the states foreign corporations having an agent, or a place of business within the state, may be charged under what is called the trustee process, or as garnishee. (Barrv. King, 96 Pa. St. 485; Nat'l Bank v. Huntington, 129 Mass. 444.) In these proceedings the trustee or garnishee is joined with the principal defendant as a party to the action, and the debt owing by the trustee or garnishee is ascertained and the liability of the trustee and garnishee is ad- judged in the action. There may be no difficulty upon principle in compelling a corporation which has an agent and officer in another state and is transacting business there to respond in garnishment pro- ceedings for the debt, although the creditor the principal defendant is a non-resident, and if bound to respond, it is certainly just that the judgment which compels the corporation to pay the debt to the plaintiff should protect it in making such payment against a subse- 22O NATURE OF SHARES OF STOCK. quent claim by its creditor. We do not enter into this question here, but whatever view may be taken as to the right to attach a debt owing by a foreign corporation to a non-resident, by service of notice on an agent of the corporation within the jurisdiction, we think, in respect to corporate stock, which is not a debt of the corporation in any proper sense, it would be contrary to principle to hold that it can be reached by such a notice. We are, therefore, of the opinion that the funda- mental condition of attachment proceedings, that the res must be within the jurisdiction of the court in order to an effectual seizure, is not answered in respect to shares in a foreign corporation by the pres- ence here of its officers, or by the fact that the corporation has prop- erty and is transacting business here, and that section 647 must be construed as applying to domestic corporations only. (See Moore v. Gennett, 2 Tenn. Ch. 375; Christmas v. Biddle, 13 Pa. St. 223; Childs v. Digby, 24 Pa. St. 26; Drake on Attachment, 244, 471, 478.) * * * Order of general term reversed and that of special term affirmed. Note. See, also, 1875, Moore v. Gennett, 2 Tenn. Ch. 375; 1886, Winslow v. Fletcher, 53 Conn. 390, 55 Am. Rep. 122; 1895, Reid Ice Co. v. Stephens, 62 111. App. 334; 1895, Ireland v. Globe M. & R. Co., 19 R. I. 180, 61 Am. St. Rep. 756, 29 L. R. A. 429 ; 1898, New Jersey Sheep & W. Co. v. Traders' Dep. Bank, 20 Ky. L. Rep. 565, 46 S. W. Rep. 677 ; 1898, Pinney v. Nevills, 86 Fed. Rep. 97. Sec. 220. (8) Seizure in equity. ERWIN v. OLDHAM. 1834. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF TENNESSEE. 6 Yerger (14 Tenn.) 185-189. GREEN, J. This is a bill filed by the complainant to subject stock in the Nashville Bridge Company to the payment of his debt due from defendant. It is not pretended that there is any fraud or trust in this case to furnish a ground of equity jurisdiction, and the simple question is whether this court has power to cause stocks, credits and rights of action held by a debtor, without fraud, to be sold or converted into money, or transferred to the creditor in payment of his debt. We think it has not, and without entering into any reasoning on the sub- ject or review of authorities, we refer, as conclusively settling the point, to the case of Donavan v. Finn, i Hop. 59. Our act of assembly of 1833, ch. ri, makes ample provision upon this subject, but this bill, being filed long before the passage of that act, can not be governed by it. Decree affirmed. Note. Compare, 1854, Bank of St. Mary'a v. St. John, 25 Ala. 566; 1866, Middletown Sav. Bank v. Jarvis, 33 Conn. 372. TITLE V. THE BODY CORPORATE ITS NAME. CHAPTER 9. THE CORPORATE NAME. 1 Sec. 221. Necessity of a name. "There ought to be a name by which it ought to be incorporated." 10 Coke's Rep., p. 29, c. 1600. "The name of the corporation is as a name of baptism." 21 Ed. IV, p. 56 (1482); 10 Coke's Rep., p. 28. "It is a clear and plain rule in our law, that the name of a corpora- tion is as a name of baptism to a natural man, and if there is any difference, I conceive that the law requires more strict certainty in the name of a corporation than in the name of any particular person ; for a name is more necessary to a corporation than to another; for when an infant is born, he is presently a perfect creature before any name is given him, and the giving the name is not a matter of neces- sity, but of policy for distinction, etc., but in the case of a corpora- tion the name is the substance and essence of it, and it is not a body before a name be imposed upon it." Argument of Egerton, Solk:i- tor-General, 30 and 31 Eliz., Ley's Rep. 163 pi. 228 (1589); 6 Viner's Abr., p. *26i. "The names of corporations are given of necessity, for the name is as the very being of the constitution, and though it is the will of the king that erects them, yet the name is the knot of their combination, without which they could not perform their corporate acts, and it is no body to plead and be impleaded, to take and give till it hath got a name, but natural persons can take before they come into being, and when they are in being, before they have got a name." Gilb. Hist. C. B. 181, 182, cap. 17; 6 Viner *262, c. 1620. 1 See Ang. & Ames, 99-103; Beach, 373-5, 864; Boone, 29-32, 47, 75, 286: Clark, pp. 71-4; Cook, 699, et seq.; Elliott, 47-8; Morawetz, 353- 7, 770, 771, 810-12; Taylor, 12, 14, 137, 158-9; I Thompson, 284-300; VII Thompson, 8183-8202. (816) 222 THE CORPORATE NAME. 8l/ Sec. 222. Acquisition of a name. SMITH v. TALLASSEE BRANCH OF CENTRAL PLANK-ROAD CO. 1 1857. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ALABAMA. 30 Ala. Rep. 650-668. [Action by the "Tallassee Branch of the Central Plank-Road Com- pany" against Smith upon a subscription to the stock of the Central Plank-Road Company. Plaintiff showed the organization of the lat- ter company under its charter; also the proceedings for the establish- ment of the Tallassee branch, including the meeting of the stockhold- ers for the organization thereof, the adoption of by-laws and a corpo- rate name "The Tallassee Branch of the Central Plank-Road Company" the election of directors, etc. Smith asked the court to charge that the charter did not give the plaintiff any corporate name, nor any authority to select one. This was refused, and defendant, Smith, excepted. The court below found for the road company and Smith appeals.] WALKER, J. * * * If the plaintiff have any corporate exist- ence, it is derived from the fourth section of the act of 3Oth of Janu- ary, 1850, providing for the incorporation of the Central Plank- Road Company Pamphlet Acts 18491850, p. 268. This act authorizes the incorporation of a company for the construction of a plank-road from Wetumpka to Gunter's Landing or some other point on the Ten- nessee river. So much of the fourth section as it is necessary to copy in this opinion, is in the following words: "Any individual or asso- ciation may establish branch plank-roads running into and connecting with said central plank-road, which branches may be governed by the respective stockholders thereof; and said stockholders for building branches to said central plank-road may become, and hereby are in- corporated under the provisions of this act." It is contended that the bestowment of a name by the charter of a corporation is indispensable to its creation, and that the plaintiff has no corporate existence, because no name is provided in the statute. Names are necessary to the existence of corporations. It is "the very being of the constitution;" "the knot of their combination, without which they could not do their corporate acts, for it is no body to plead and be impleaded, to take and give, until it hath gotten a name." 2 Bacon's Abr. Corporation (C). But the authorities clearly show, that although the name is usually given by the charter, it is not indispensable that it should be so given. It is said, in Wilcock on Corporations 34., that every corporation has at least one name by which it may be identi- fied; this may be either derived from usage, or conferred upon it by the statute or charter of creation. In an anonymous case in ist Salkeld 191, we find the following: "My Lord Coke says that a cor- 1 Statement much abridged. Arguments omitted ; and only that part of the opinion relating to the one point given. 52 WIL. CASKS. 8l8 SMITH V. CENTRAL PLANK-ROAD CO. 222 poration must have a name ; but th'at must be understood to be either expressed in the patent or implied in the nature of the thing, as if the king should incorporate the inhabitants of Dale with power to choose a mayor annually, yet it is a good corporation by the name of mayor and commonalty. So the city of Norwich is incorporated to be a mayor and sheriffs by the charter of Henry IV, and are called mayor, sheriffs and commonalty." Where individuals are authorized to associate themselves together, and, organizing as a corporation under a general law, give themselves a name, the existence of the corporation has been maintained. Fal- coner v. Campbell, 2 McLean 195-198; see, also, Minot v. Curtis, 7 Mass. 447. The charter provides for the establishment of branches to the Cen- tral plank-road, and so designates them in the I3th as well as the 4th section above copied. The charter also clearly contemplates the es- tablishment of more branches than one, and thus arises the propriety of distinguishing the different branches by a variation in the names. A most appropriate mode of accomplishing the object is by reference to some noted point toward which the branch leads. Tallassee or its vicinity is one of the points had hi view in the organization of this company. It is shown by the record of the proceedings of the cor- poration, copied into the bill of exceptions, that it has used from the commencement the name of the Tallassee Branch of the Central Plank-Road Company. This is the name which would naturally be given to it by implication from the charter, and the route of the road. Without determining the effect of implication or usage, in a case where one existed without the other, we decide that the plaintiff has, by implication and usage, the name of the Tallassee Branch of the Central Plank-Road Company, and that the complaint, as amended, is in the proper name. * * * Affirmed. Note. A corporate name may be acquired by user. 1877, Gifford v. Rock- ett, 121 Mass. 431 ; 1877, Alexander v. Berney, 28 N. J. Eq. 90. See, infra, p. 823, but under the statutes should be distinctive and not vague or uncer- tain. 1882, State v. McGrath, 75 Mo. 424; 1893, In re Nether Prov. Assn., 12 Pa. Co. Ct. 666; 1894, In re Nether Prov. Assn., 2 Pa. Dist. Rep. 702. Stat- utes frequently provide that a corporation shall not select a name already in use by another corporation, or so similar thereto as to lead to uncertainty or confusion. New York, Gen'l Corp. L. 1890, ch. 563, 6; Michigan, Howell's Stat., 4161a, C. L., 7037. See, New Jersey Statute, 1896, ch. 185, 8. Such provision is declarator}' of the common law. Newby v. R. Co., infra, p. 819. Many other statutory provisions exist, e. g. : "When the name assumed is that of a person or firm, there must be joined thereto some word designating the business to be carried on, followed by the word "company or corporation" Alabama, 1286 of Code under penalty of partnership liability of mem- bers for failure to comply with this provision. Missouri has a similar provis- ion, R. S. 1889, 2496. Ohio provides that the name shall begin with "The" and end with "company," unless the organization is not for profit. R. S., 3236. Wisconsin provides that the "name shall not contain the names of in- dividuals in the manner in which they are ordinarily used in partnership or business names." Statutes 1889, 1772. In Kentucky, every corporation doing business in the state is required to have its name painted in large let- 223 THE CORPORATE NAME. 8 19 ters in a conspicuous place at its principal place of business, followed by in- corporated, painted in like manner. So the name, with incorporated, shall be printed upon all advertising matter. Am. Corp. Legal Man., 1899, p. 159; Stat. 1894, 576. Sec. 223. Rights in the corporate name. NEWBY v. THE OREGON CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. ET AL. 1 1869. IN THE U. S. CIRCUIT COURT. Deady's Rep. 609-620, Fed. Cas. 10144. [Suit to enjoin the defendants from using and issuing bonds in the name of the Oregon Central Railway Company. Prior to 1867 there had existed a railroad company, duly incorporated and organized un- der the Oregon law, by the name of the Oregon Central Railway Company. This had proceeded to business, and had issued certain bonds of $1,000 each, two of which Newby owned. In 1867, owing to difficulties among the members, certain of the corporators of the old company seceded therefrom, and under the general corporation laws of Oregon proceeded to organize a new corporation with the same name, and to issue and put upon the market bonds of a charac- ter similar to those issued by the old company and under the same name. The defendants demurred on the ground that the legal right to the name The Oregon Central Railway Company had not been established at law, and the facts alleged were not sufficient to consti- tute a cause of suit.] DEADY, J. * * * By the law of Oregon any three or more persons may incorporate themselves for the purpose of engaging in any lawful enterprise or occupation. The primary step in the forma- tion of this legal entity is the execution and filing of articles of incor- poration, which .articles, among other things, must specify "The name assumed by the corporation and by which it shall be known." (Or. Code, 658-9.) By the execution and filing of these articles the corporate name as- sumed thereby and specified therein becomes exclusively appropri- ated. If afterwards any persons attempt to incorporate for any pur- pose by the same name, this would be an encroachment upon the rights of the first corporation and therefore illegal. To prevent the continuance of such a wrong upon the rights of another, equity will interfere at the suit of the injured party by injunction. The case is analogous to if not stronger than that of a piracy upon an established trade-mark. (Bell v. Locke, 8 Paige 75; Taylor v. Carpenter, n Paige 292; Partridge v. Menck, 2 Barb. Ch. 102; Wil. Eq., 402-3.) The corporate name of a corporation is a trade-mark from the neces- sity of the thing, and upon every consideration of private justice and 1 Statement abridged. Only part of opinion given. 820 ARMINGTON V. PALMER ET AL. 224 public policy deserves the same consideration and protection from a court of equity. Under the law the corpoi'ate name is a necessary element of the corporation's existence; without it a corporation can not exist. Any act which produces confusion or uncertainty concerning this name is well calculated to injuriously affect the identity and business of a cor- poration. And as a matter of fact, in some degree at least, the nat- ural and necessary consequence of the wrongful appropriation of a corporate name is to injure the business and rights of the corporation by destroying or confusing its identity. The motives of the persons attempting the wrongful appropriation are not material. They neither aggravate or extenuate the injury caused by such appropria- tion. The act is an illegal one, and must, if necessary, be presumed to have been done with an intent to cause the results which naturally flow from it. Nor will a court of equity refuse to enjoin the wrong- ful appropriation of a corporate name until the right of the first cor- poration to the name has been established by the verdict of a jury in an action at law. Such right does not rest in parol but is shown by the record, if at all, and is determined by the court in any form of proceeding. Neither in such case has the paity injured an adequate and complete remedy at law. As in the case of patents for inven- tions and copyrights, the remedy at law can only give redress for the past injury, and that often inadequately. But to protect the injured corporation from the mischief arising from continued violation of its rights and perpetual litigation concerning them, resort must be had to the equitable remedy by injunction. (Story's Eq. , 930.) Nor do I deem it material in this case to the jurisdiction in equity, that the defendant should be insolvent unable to respond to the com- plaint in damages. The jurisdiction in this class of cases trade- marks, patents and copyrights depends upon the fact that the matter is intrinsically of equitable cognizance that the legal rights of the party can only be protected in equity, and not upon the uncertain and irrelevant test of the insolvency of the defendant. * * * Demurrer sustained on another ground suggested in argument, i. e. y that the old company should be a party to the suit. Note. See note at end of next case. Sec. 224. Same. ARMINGTON v. PALMER ET AL. 1 1898. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF RHODE ISLAND. 21 R. I. 109, 79 Am. St. Rep. 786, 42 Atl. Rep. 308, 43 L. R. A. 95, 9 Am. & Eng. C. C. N. S. 802. [Bills by Armington and Sims, individually and as stockholders in the Armington and Sims Engine Company, to enjoin Palmer and others from using the name "Armington and Sims Company, successors 1 Statement abridged. Arguments and part of opinion omitted. 224 THE CORPORATE NAME. 821 to Armington and Sims Engine Company." The engine company was incorporated in 1883, and had acquired the assets, including patents and good-will, of a former partnership and corporation by the name of Armington and Sims Company. It had, however, in 1896, become em- barrassed, and by agreement of all interested, its property was sold at auction to pay its debts, Palmer and others being purchasers. They immediately organized a corporation under the general corporation law, with the name Armington and Sims Company, and afterward a meet- ing of the engine company was called to ratify the use of the name chosen. At this meeting, against the written protest of Sims, Armington not being present, a resolution granting the right to use the name was passed. The defendants demurred on the ground that an injunction against the use of a corporate name authorized by the state could not be maintained by a private party, but only by the state ; also, that no facts set out entitled complainants to relief.] STINESS, J. * * * Upon the first ground of demurrer, the question is whether a private party can maintain a bill against a corporation for the wrongful assumption of its name. The respondents rely upon Rice v. Bank, 126 Mass. 300; Boston Rubber Shoe Co. v. Boston Rubber Co., 149 Mass. 436, 21 N. E. Rep. 875 ; American Order of Scottish Clans v. Merrill, 151 Mass. 558, 24 N. E. Rep. 918, and Paulino v. Association, 18 R. I. 165, 26 Atl. Rep. 36. The first of these cases was an information quo ivarranto, to exclude the respond- ents from exercising the franchise of being a corporation. The court held that such a bill must be filed by the state, and not by private par- ties. With this doctrine we need not disagree. The second case was a petition for leave to file an information quo -warranto, and to re- strain the respondent from doing business under the name of the Bos- ton Rubber Company, claiming that this was distinct from the fran- chise to be a corporation. The statutes of Massachusetts of 1870 pro- vided that the name assumed in the agreement of association should not be changed but by act of the legislature, and also that the agree- ment was to be submitted to a commissioner of corporations for his approval. The court held that, as it was within his discretion to re- fuse to approve it, the court could not exercise that discretion, and the certificate was conclusive. The court said that the statute was not intended to prevent the fraudulent use of trade-names, but to pre- vent the identity of corporate names. The statute, like our own, re- quired that the name should not be one in use by any existing corpo- ration of the state. The statutes of Massachusetts (Pub. St., ch. 186, 17) provide for an application to the court in cases of private in- jury ; but as the petitioner had acquiesced in the use of the name for ten years without injury, the court held that it did not make out a case for injunction under the statute. The third case is to the same effect, that the approval by the insurance commissioner of the name adopted by a beneficial association is conclusive in a private suit of the right of the association to such corporate name. Both of these latter cases so clearly rest upon the conclusiveness of the judgment of the com- missioner that they are hardly in point in respect to our statute, which 822 ARMINGTON V. PALMER ET AL. 224 has no such provision. Judge Holmes, in American Order of Scottish Clans v. Merrill, foresaw a case like this one in saying: "When there are no statute provisions as to the choice of names, and parties organize a corporation under general laws, it may be that they choose a name at their peril, and that, if they take one so like that of an ex- isting corporation as to be misleading and thereby to injure its busi- ness, they may be enjoined, if there is no language in the statute to the contrary." The possibility here suggested is fully sustained by many cases, among which are the following, some of which were cited by Judge Holmes : Putnam v. Sweet, i Chand. 286; Newby v. Railway Co., Deady 609; Holmes, Booth & Haydens v. Holmes, Booth and Atwood Mfg. Co., 37 Conn. 278; Farmers' Loan and Trust Co. v. Farmers' Loan and Trust Co. of Kansas (Sup.), i N. Y. Supp. 44; Higgins Co. v. Higgins' Soap Co., 144 N. Y-462, 39 N. E. Rep. 490; Celluloid Mfg. Co. v. Cellonite Mfg. Co.. 32 Fed. Rep. 94; R. W. Rogers Co. v. William Rogers' Mfg. Co., 17 C. C. A. 576, and note; Plant Seed Co. v. Michel Plant and Seed Co., 23 Mo. App. 579, affirmed 37 Mo. App. 313. The principles upon which these cases rest are, that although a corporation may be legally created, it can no more use its corporate name in violation of the rights of others than an individual can use his name, legally acquired, so as to mislead the public and to injure another. The principle adopted is similar to that of a trade-name or trade-mark, and is applied accordingly. Consequently a court of equity has jurisdiction in such a case without the intervention of the state. The case of Paulino v. Association is quite different from the case now before us. In that case the complainants, a voluntary as- sociation, had appointed a committee to procure a charter, which was procured, and under which the corporators had organized. The bill sought to annul the charter because of alleged misconduct on the part of the corporators. The court held that this could not be done. Clearly, the remedy of the complainants was of a different sort. After referring to some of the cases cited above, the court used the same language herein quoted from the opinion of Judge Holmes in Amer- ican Order of Scottish Clans v. Merrill, thus intimating the very right which is claimed in this case. But the respondents argue, as was argued in the Massachusetts cases, that to restrain the use of the name is practically to annul the corporation, because it can not act without a name. We do not think that this result follows. According to the allegations of the bill, the name assumed by the respondents is so like that of the older corporation as to be misleading and injurious. We see no reason why the corporation, if it is restrained from using its present name, may not, under Gen. Laws R. I., ch. 176, 7, choose another name. * * * Stated generally, the defense is that, having the right to make the engine, the respondents have the right to use the name, which, for this reason, can not injure the complainants; that no fraud was in- tended in the choice of the name, and the authority given by the vote above referred to for the use of the name by the respondents. The 224 THE CORPORATE NAME. 823 use of a trade-name is in some respects different from that of a trade- mark. The latter usually relates chiefly to the thing sold, while, in addition to this, the former involves the source from which it comes, the individuality of the maker, both for protection in trade and for avoiding confusion in business affairs, as well as for securing to him the advantage of any good reputation which he may have gained. The law of trade-mark is designed chiefly for the protection of the public from imposition ; that of trade-name for the protection of the party entitled to it. A case, therefore, in regard to trade-name is of somewhat broader scope than one relating to a trade-mark. It would be of little use to go over the numerous cases upon these objects, as they all agree in principle, however variant may have been its appli- cation. For this case it is enough to say that although one may make and sell an unprotected article, he can not simulate the name or prod- uct of another so as to trench upon the latter's rights or to mislead the public. * * * Applying this principle to this case, it is demonstrative. The name adopted by the respondent is so close a resemblance to that of the Armington & Sims Engine Company that there can be little doubt that it would be misleading and confusing in business matters, and the respondent advertises itself as the successor of said company. That company is still in existence. So far as appears, it still has assets, because its accounts, bills and notes receivable were excepted from the sale of its property. As such corporation, it has the right to its name, free from simulative interference. * * * But the respondents claim that the Armington & Sims Engine Company is not in business, and so no injury can follow. As we have said, the company is still in existence, and may be put on a footing for active business by a further contribution of capital, a thing which is often done, It has the right to its name, and, if its right be violated, it is not necessary to show actual damage, nor will the ab- sence of fraudulent intent be a defense. Davis v. Kendall, 2 R. I. 566. This disposes of the defense on the ground of innocent intent. The third branch of the defense, the claim of authority, can not prevail. The respondents did not acquire the right to use the name by purchase. They bought only the plant, machinery, stock and such visible property. The purchase of these does not carry the franchise or name of the corporation. The vote of the corporation is of no effect. * * It was done after the sale of the property and the organization of a new com- pany, and without consideration. It was therefore a purely voluntary act. * * * Demurrer overruled. Note. 1. The right to a corporate name is a franchise of the corporation, if lawfully acquired: 1889, Boston Rubber Shoe Co. v. Boston Rubber Co., H! Mass. 436, 27 Am. & E. C. C. 380; 1890, American Order Scottish Clans v. Merrill, 151 Mass. 558, 8 L. R. A. 320; 1892, Illinois Watch Case Co. v. Pear- son, 140 111. 423, 41 Am. & E. C. C. 11 ; 1893, Paulino et at. v. Portuguese B. Assn., 18 R. I. 165, 41 Am. & E. C. C. 8; but see, 1891, Iln/Hton Moilcr Co. v. Hazeltoa Tripod Co., 137 111. 231, 28 N. E. Rep. 248, holding thnt rights in 824 ARMINGTON V. PALMER ET AL. 224 a corporate name are not a franchise within the meaning of statutes relating to jurisdiction of courts ; 1893, Hygeia Water Ice Co. v. N. Y. Hygeia Water Ice Co., 140 N. Y. 94 ; 1899, Aiello v. Montecalo, 21 R. I. 496, 44 Atl. Rep. 931 . 2. A corporation, unincorporated association, or an individual who Kas ac- quired a prior right to a name used as a trade-name or trade-mark may enjoin its subsequent appropriation and use by another corporation, association or person when it does substantial damage to the plaintiff or misleads the pub- lic: 1869, Newby v. Oregon Cent. R. Co., Deady 609, Fed. Cas. 10144, supra, p. 819; 1870, Holmes, Booth & Haydens v. Holmes B. & A., 37 Conn. 278, 9 Am. Rep. 324; 1877, Singer Machine Co. v. Wilson, 3 App. Cas. 376; 1878, Merchants' Banking Co., etc., v. Mer. J. S. Co., 9 Ch. Div. 560, 47 L. J. Ch. 828; 1881, Hendricks v. Montagu, 44 L. T. 879, 50 L. J. Ch. 456, 17 Ch. Dec. 630; 1884, Goodyear Rubber Co. v. Goodyear Rubber Mfg. Co., 21 Fed. Rep. 276, reversed 128 U. S. 598; 1885, Drummond Tobacco Co. v. Rundle, 114 111. 412, 10 Am. & E. C. C. 9; 1887, Celluloid Mfg. Co. v. Cellonite Mfg. Co., 32 Fed. Rep. 94; 1890, Rendle v. J. Edgcumbe R. Co., 63 L. T. 94; 1890, Gato v. El. Modello Cigar Mfg. Co., 25 Fla7886, 6 L. R. A. 823; 1890, Madame Tus- saud & Sons v. Louis Tussaud, L. R. 44 Ch. Div. 678, 32 Am. & E. C. C. 11; 1892, Hazelton Boiler Co. v. Hazelton T. Co., 142 111. 494, 37 Am. & E. C. C. 7; 1892, Vonderbank v. Schmidt, 44 La. Ann. 264, 15 L. R. A. 462; 1892, Fish Bros. Wagon Co. v. Fish, 82 Wis. 546, 16 L. R. A. 453; 1892, Le Page Co. v. Russia Cement Co., 51 Fed. Rep. 941, 17 L. R. A. 354; 1895, Higgins v. Hig- gins Soap Co., 144 N. Y. 462, 27 L. R. A. 42; 1895, Grand Lodge A. O. U. W. v. Graham, 96 Iowa 592, 31 L. R. A. 133; 1895, Rogers Co. v. Rogers Mfg. Co., 17 C. C. Ap. 579, 70 Fed. Rep. 1017; 1895, Elgin Butter Co. v. Elgin Creamery Co., 155 111. 127 ; 1896, Snyder Mfg. Co. v. Snyder, 54 Ohio St. 86, 31 L. R. A. 657; 1896, Investor Pub. Co. v. Dobinson, 72 Fed. Rep. 603; 1897, Supreme Lodge K. of P. v. Imp. Or. K. of P., 113 Mich. 133, 38 L. R. A. 658; 1898, Bingham School v. Gray, 122 N. C. 699, 41 L. R. A. 243; 1898, Bristol Bank & T. Co. v. Jonesboro B. & T. Co., 101 Tenn. 545; 1898, Reed v. Wil- mington S. Co., 1 Marvel (Del.) 193, 40 Atl. Rep. 955 ; 1898, Walter A. Baker & Co. v. Baker, 87 Fed. Rep. 209; 1899, St. Patrick's Alliance, etc., v. Byrne, 59 N. J. Eq. 26, 44 Atl. Rep. 716; 1899, Red Polled Cattle Club v. Red Polled Cattle Club, 108 Iowa 105, 78 N. W. Rep. 803; 1899, Lamb Knit Goods Co. v. Lamb G., etc., Co., 120 Mich. 159, 44 L. R. A. 841, 78 N. W. Rep. 1072. But compare, 1890, Amer. Order, etc., v. Merrill, 151 Mass. 558, 8 L. R. A. 320; 1891, Internatl. T. Co. v. Int. L. & T. Co., 153 Mass. 271, 10 L. R. A. 758. 3. A sale of the property and good-will of the business carries with it the right to use the trade-name, though the name be the name of an individual or corporation: 1892, Le Page Co. v. Russia Cement Co., 51 Fed. Rep. 941, 17 L. R. A. 354 ; 1892, Vonderbank v. Schmitt, 44 La. Ann. 264, 15 L. R. A. 462 ; 1892, Fish Bros. v. Fish, 82 Wis. 546, 16 L. R. A. 453; 1894, Pillsbury v. Pills- bury-Washburn F. M. Co., 12 C. C. App. 432, 64 Fed. Rep. 841 ; 1895, Higgins v. Higgins Soap Co., 144 N. Y. 462, 27 L. R. A. 42; 1896, Snyder Mfg. Co. v. Snyder, 54 Ohio St. 86, 31 L. R. A. 657; 1898, Bingham School v. Gray, 122 N. C. 699, 41 L. R. A. 243; 1898, Walter A. Baker v. Baker, 87 Fed. Rep. 209. 4. It has, however, been held that a foreign corporation can not prevent the use of a corporate name afterward selected by a domestic corporation : 1892, Hazelton Boiler Co. v. Hazelton, T. B. Co., 142111.494; 1897, People v. Assurance Co., Ill Mich. 405. But see contra, 1897, Re Bradley Fertilizer Co., 19 Pa. Co. Ct. 271 ; 1899, Red Polled Cattle Club v. Red Polled Cattle Club, 108 Iowa 105, 78 N. W. Rep. 803. 5. But no exclusive trade-name rights can be acquired in geographical names, though selected by a corporation as its name: 1889, Nebraska L. & T. Co. v. Nine, 27 Neb. 507, 27 Am. & Eng. C. C. 374; 1893, Columbia Mill Co. v. Alcorn, 150 U. S. 460; 1899, Illinois Watch Case Co. v. Elgin N. W. Co., 94 Fed. Rep. 667. Butcompare 1899, Waltham Watch Co. v. U. S. Watch Co., 173 Mass. 85, 53 N. E. Rep. 141. 6. The secretary of state or the proper registering officer has discretionary power to refuse to register a company that chooses a name closely resembling one already in use by another corporation ; and this discretion is not to be 225 EFFECT OF MISNOMER. 825 controlled by the courts : 1887, State v. McGrath, 92 Mo. 355, 17 Am. & Eng. C. C. 191; 1889, In re U. S. Mer. Rep. Co., 115 N. Y. 176; 1892, Re Waverly Ladies, 30 W. N. C. 257; 1892, Illinois Watch C. Co. v. Pearson, 140 111. 423, 41 Am. & Eng. C. C. 11 ; 1896, Altoona Gas Co. v. Gas Co., 17 Pa. Co. Ct. 662. But if the corporation applying has a clear prior right to the name chosen, the secretary of state may be compelled to register it. 1882, State v. McGrath, 75 Mo. 424; "1900, People v. Payn, 161 N. Y. 229, 55 N. E. Rep. 849. Sec. 225. Effect of misnomer. THE MEDWAY COTTON MANUFACTORY v. ADAMS. 1 1813. IN THE SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT OF MASSACHUSETTS. 10 Mass. Rep. *^6o*^6^.. SEWALL, J. In this action of assumpsit the defendants are charged upon a note made by them with an averment that it was made to the plaintiffs, by the name of Richardson, Metcalf & Co. To this declaration there is a demurrer, and the ground taken by the defend- ants is, that the promise expressed in the note declared on is not recoverable by the plaintiffs. * * * [It was argued that the variance was not obviated by the averment that the promise was in fact made to the plaintiffs in their corporate capacity, and that the demurrer was no confession of a substantially deficient averment.] But the declaration is not liable to the objections which have been urged against it, if the case there stated is provable in any course of evidence competent for the plaintiffs to produce in a trial upon the general issue. For then the variance of name is not fatal to their demand ; and if it is competent for the plaintiffs to prove the allega- tions of their writ, then these are confessed by the demurrer. A variance or mistake of the name in cases of existing persons is not fatal to their contracts when there is a sufficient description of the parties w'hereby they may be known. A variance of the name sub- scribed from the name of the defendant does not prejudice, if it be found that the defendant executed the deed, although the name should be totally different. 2 A grantee or person entitled by a conveyance takes solely by the deed, and is therefore to be named or described with more exactness than is required in naming the party entitled by an obligation or con- tract constituting a chose in action. But even in grants and convey- ances it is sufficient if the name be expressed in re and sensu, al- though not in vcrbis. And in all cases a misnomer may be aided by a verdict or an averment. 3 These principles are noticed and relied on in the case of the Mayor and Burgesses of Lynn Regis, 4 the case of misnomer of corporations reported by Lord Coke, and which was cited in the argument for the defendants. In that case the defendant, who was sued upon a bond 1 Statement abridged, and only part of opinion given, arguments omitted. 2 Salk. 4fi2; Com. Dig. Fait. B. 1 E. 3; Grant. A. 2; Co. Lit. 3; 2Rol. 42. 3 Dyer, 279. 4 10 Co. Rep. 120. 826 MEDWAY COTTON MANUFACTORY V. ADAMS. 22$ given to the corporation, pleaded non est factum, and relied upon a variance in the bond from the true and right name of the corporation. But the plaintiffs had judgment, notwithstanding the misnomer. In a more modern case 1 the misnomer of a corporation was con- sidered with a view to the argument which has been urged in the case at bar, that a corporation is a creature of the law, having no essence but what is derived from its name. In an action for tolls which ac- crued to the plaintiffs in their corporate capacity, and as a duty to the corporation, the corporate name of the plaintiffs was mistaken; and the declaration was in a name variant from the name given them in their charter. But the decision was, that the misnomer was not to be taken advantage of at the trial as a ground of nonsuit; and was only pleadable in abatement, as in the case of an existing person. It may be objected that the variances in the cases cited of misnomer of corporations are not so considerable or material as the variance is in the case at bar, where the name of the promisees, as it is expressed in the note, is totally different from the name of the plaintiffs in their corporate capacity. The inquiry, however, is in this case, as it was in the cases of misnomer which have been cited, of the description of the promisees, or parties in the note or contract declared on. Does the name in the note sufficiently indicate the plaintiffs? Were they known by it as the promisees? Now this depends, in part at least, upon any inquiry of facts which may or may not be proved, and which may be provable by evidence extraneous to the note, or, for aught that appears, the note itself may maintain the plaintiff's aver- ment, that it was made to them by the name therein expressed. In an action of assumpsit there is no profert of the writing declared on, and this is not like a demurrer for variance as in a case of oyer of a deed. In such a case, a different construction might be required if there were no averments to identify the plaintiffs in the action with the description given of them in their deed. Upon this demurrer we have only to determine whether the decla- ration is in itself absurd and repugnant and incapable of proof. We think it is not, upon the authorities respecting misnomers of corpora- tions, or upon the reason of the thing. The declaration is adjudged good, and the plaintiffs are to have judgment to recover their demand. 2 Note. Effect of misnomer. 1. In case of contracts, grants and devises misnomer does not invalidate if the identity of the corporation can be established. 1809, Inhabitants of Mid- dletown v. McCormick, 3 N. J. L. (2 Penn. *500) 92; 1816, New York African Soc. v. Varick, 13 Johns. 38; 1820, Berks & D. T. R. v. Myers, 6 Serg. & R. 12, 9 Am. Dec. 402; 1840, Milford & C. Turnp. v. Brush, 10 Ohio 111, 36 Am. Dec. 78; 1854, Kentucky Sera. v. Wallace, 15 B. Mon. (Ky.) 35; 1862, Mount Palatine Acad. v. Kleinschintz, 28 111. 133; 1867, Commissioners v. Louisville Orphans' Home, 3 Bush (Ky.) 365; 1871, Athearn v.Ind. Dist. of Millersburg, 33 Iowa 105; 1873, St. Luke's, etc., v. Association, 52 N. Y. 191 ; 1873, Walrath v. Campbell, 28 Mich. Ill ; 1875, Lefevre v. Lefevre, 59 N. Y. 434 ; 1884, Clement v. City of Lathrop, 18 Fed. Rep. 885; 1889, Chilton v. Brooks, 71 Md. 445; 1895, Woodrough & Hanchett v. Witte, 89 Wis. 537; 1899, Precious Blood Soc. v. Elsythe, 102 Term. 40, 50 P. W. Rep. 759. 1 1 Bos. & Pul., 40; 1 Chitty, 252; 3 Ans., 935. * See 2 Bos. & Pul., 339, Elliot et al. v. Davis. 225 CHANGE OF NAMK. 827 But in England it is, by statute, more serious leading to individual liabil- ity of the corporate officer making the contract. 1858, Penrose v. Martyr, El. Bl. & El. 96 E. C. L 499; 1889, Atkin v. Wardle, 61 L. T. 23. 2. In process. (a) Issuing summons against a corporation by the wrong name is not a valid beginning of the suit against the corporation. 1835, Bank of Virginia v. Craig, 6 Leigli (Va.)399; 1878, Pennsylvania Co. v. Sloan 1 111. App. 364; 1892, South. Pac. Co. v. Block, 84 Texas 21. (b) But if process is issued against the corporation in the wrong name, the mistake can be corrected by amendment. 1809, Bullard v. Nantucket Bank, 5 Mass. 99; 1832, Burnhain v. Strafford Co. Sav. Bank, 5 N. H. 573; 1857, Lane v. Seaboard & R. Co., 56 N. C. 25; 1860, Edinboro Acad. v. Robinson, 37 Pa. St. 210, 78 Am. Dec. 421; 1860, Keech v. B. & W. R. Co., 17 Md. 32; 1876, Roberts v. Nat'l Ice Co., 6 Daly (N. Y.) 426; 1885, Thompson v. Allen, 86 Mo. 85. (c) So, if a corporation has process issued for it in a wrong name, it is ground for plea in abatement. 1842, Beene v. Cahawba & M. R. Co., 3 Ala. 660. See infra, under pleadings. 3. In pleadings. (a) In actions against a corporation, transposition of words or other like, or slight, variations are not material: 1809, Bullard v. Nantucket Bank, 5 Mass. 99; 1814, Sherman v. Conn. B. Co., 11 Mass. 338; 1831, Burnham v. Stafford Sav. Bank, 5 N. H. 446; 1864, Board of Ed. v. Greenebaum, 39 111. 610. But see supra, under process (a). (6) And the corporation defendant may, by appearance, waive what would otherwise be material variations: 1842, Stone v. Cong Soc., 14 Vt. 86; 1875, Wilton Town Co. v. Humphrey, 15 Kan. 372; 1880, Mobile & M. R. Co. v. Yeates, 67 Ala. 164; 1886, Young v. South T. I. Co., 85 Tenn. 189; 1887, Bate Refrig. Co. v. Gillett, 31 Fed. Rep. 809. (c) In actions by the corporation, care is required that no part of the name be omitted: 1867, Bartlett v. Brickett, 96 Mass. (14 Allen) 62; 1873, Drum- heller v. First IT. C., etc., 45 Ind. 275. (d) But slight variations, not misleading as to the identity of the corpora- tion plaintiff, are not material: 1832, Burnham v. Sav. Bank, 5 N. H. 573; 1838, Mechanics & T. Bank v. Prescott, 12 La. 444; 1869, Thatcher v. W. R. N. B., 19 Mich. 196; 1880, State v. Bell Tel. Co., 36 Ohio St. 296, 38 Am. Rep. 583. (e) Defendant can take advantage of mistake in name of corporation plaint- iff only by plea in abatement: 1841, Gray v. Monongahela Nav. Co., 2 Watts 6 S. Co. (Pa.) 156, 37 Am. D. 500; 1845, Trustees of M. E. Church v. Tryon, 1 Denio (N. Y.) 451; 1851, Hanover Sav. F. Soc. v. Suter, 1 Md. 502; 1869, Northumb. Co. Bank v. Eyer, 60 Pa. St. 436. (/) As to effect of judgment rendered in wrong name, see, 1855, Lafayette Ins. Co. v. French, 18 How. (59 U. S.) 404; 1878, Lehman D. & Co. v. Warner, 61 Ala. 455; 1879, Wilson v. Baker, 52 Iowa 423; 1880, Brown v. T. H. & I., etc., Co., 72 Mo. 567. Sec. 226. Change of corporate name. CINCINNATI COOPERAGE COMPANY v. BATE. 1 1894. IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF KENTUCKY. 96 Ky. Rep. 356-361, 49 Am. St. Rep. 300. [The cooperage company sued Bate upon a draft accepted by the Gebhart & Bate Brewing Company. The facts showed that originally 1 Statement greatly abridged, and only part of opinion given. (Cook Corp., 243, thinks this decision is erroneous.) 828 CINCINNATI COOPERAGE COMPANY V. BATE. 226 the New Albany Brewing Company was organized under the In- diana laws. Afterwards Gebhart, Bate and another acquired all the stock of this company, became its directors, and without complying with the Indiana statute, changed the name to the Gebhart & Bate Brewing Company, and continued to do business in that name. The plaintiff contended that the parties thereby became liable individually or as partners and the superior court so held. On appeal to the Lou- isville law and equity court it was ruled otherwise, and this is the error assigned.] HAZELRIGG, J. * * * The name of a corporation is "the very being of its constitution, the knot of its combination, without which it could not perform its corporate functions." (Smith's Mercantile Law, 3d edition, 141.) "When a corporation is created a name must be given to it, and by that name alone must it sue and be sued and do all legal acts." (i Blackstone's Comm. 474-) "The law knows a corporation only by its corporate name." (Walker's American Law, pth edition, 232.) "A corporation has no right or power of itself to change or alter the name originally selected by it without recourse to such formal proceedings as are prescribed by law." (Beach on Private Corpora- tions, section 275.) The effect of such change of name is an abandon- ment not only of the corporate name, but of the corporation itself. The identity of the creature authorized by the statute to do business is destroyed. It is in no sense like the case where an individual changes his name. The very being of its constitution is destroyed by an abandonment of its name and an attempted substitution of a new name without authority of law. In the case of Fuller v. Rowe, 57 N. Y. 26, it was said: "Parties assuming to act in a corporate capacity without a legal organization as a corporate body are liable as partners to those with whom they contract." In Robinson v. Harris, 5 Ky. Law Rep. 928, it was held that the corporate exist- ence of associations provided for in chapter 56, General Statutes, de- pends upon and begins only after the terms of the law are substan- tially complied with, and until the notice required by section 5 has been published, the association has no right to begin business as a corporation, and because such notice had not been published, the members were held liable as individuals. We concur in the conclu- sions reached by the superior court in this case, that "The Gebhart & Bate Brewing Company had no right to do business as a corpora- tion until the members had complied with the law. Until they did so, no corporation existed. The stockholders were merely doing business as partners, and as such are individually liable for the debts." Judgment reversed and cause remanded for proceedings conforma- ble to this opinion. Note. Change of name. (a) Corporation can change its name only by consent of the state: 1847, Reginav. Registrar, 10 Q. B. (Ad. & E.l, 59 E. C. L. 839; 1884, Goodyear Rubber Co. v. Goodyear, 21 Fed. Rep. 276; 1890, Sykes v. People, 132 111. 32. 226 CHANGE OF NAME. 829 (b) And the name can be changed only by consent of the shareholders: 1873, Morris v. St. Paul, etc., R. Co., 19 Minn. 528; 1879, Anthony v. Inter- national Bank, 93 111. 225; 1883, Wells v. Oregon R. & Nav. Co.. 15" Fed. Rep. 561; 1899, In re Societe Francaise, etc., 123 Cal. 525. (c) Such a change made by the legislature is an amendment, under consti- tutional provisions forbidding special acts: 1876. Chicago D. & M.v. Keisel, 43 Iowa 39; 1899, In re La Societe Francaise, 123 Cal. 525-. But see, 1843, Doe v. Norton, 11 Mees. & W. 928; 1882, Hazelett v. Butler Univ., 84 Ind. 230. (d) Such change, if legal, does not affect the rights, duties or liabilities of the corporation: 1843, The President, etc., of Ft. Wayne v. Jackson, 7 Blackf. (Ind.) 36; 1852, Trinity Church v. Hall, 22 Conn. 125; 1857, Hyatt v. McMahon, 25 Barb. (N. Y.) 457; 1858, Rosenthal v. Madison, etc., R. Co., 10 Ind. 358; 1869, Olney v. Harvey, 50 111. 453; 1875, Dean v. La Motte Lead Co., 59 Mo. 523; 1878, Heckel v. Sanford, 40 N. J. L. 180; 1879, Macon & A. R. Co. v. Goldsmith, 62 Ga. 463; 1895, McCloskey y. Doherty, 97 Ky. 300. (e) Statutes usually provide a method for changing the corporate name : e. g., the laws of Michigan provide that any corporation "organized under the laws of this state may amend its articles of association by a vote of not less than two-thirds in interest of all its stockholders, but before it shall com- mence any business under its amended articles the said corporation shall cause such amendment or amendments, subscribed by at least two-thirds in interest of all its stockholders, and certified by its president, to be filed or recorded, as the case may be, in the same manner as is provided for in the original articles of incorporation, and when so recorded, such amendment or amendments shall become a part of the articles of incorporation of such com- pany." Comp. L., 8583. When a corporation having the right to change its name has done all the statute requires, the secretary of state may be compelled by mandamus to reg- ister the change: 1897, State v. Pritchett, S. I. & Lesueur, 141 Mo. 29; 1900, People v. Payn, 161 N. Y. 229. TITLE VI. THE CORPORATE LIFE. CHAPTER 10. THE MODE OF CORPORATE EXISTENCE AND ACTION. ARTICLE I. MODE OF EXISTENCE. Sec. 227. Perpetual succession. THE STATE, Ex EEL. WALKER, ATTY.-GEN'L, v. PAYNE. 1 1895. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF MISSOURI. 129 Mo. Rep. 468-482. [Quo ivarranto by the attorney-general against Payne and his asso- ciates, charging them with usurping the franchise of being a corpora- tion, after the term of corporate existence was alleged to have ex- pired. The defense was that the term had not expired.] MACFARLANE, J. * * * The only question presented by the pleadings which we deem it necessary to discuss is whether, under the act incorporating the Kansas City Gaslight and Coke Company, its corporate rights and powers ceased at the expiration of thirty years after the act became a law. The question is one of vast importance both to the corporation and the citizens of Kansas City. The corpo- ration has expended and now has invested a large amount of money in plants, mains and other property, which will necessarily be much depreciated in value should the property go into the hands of the stockholder or trustees for the settlement of the corporate business. The citizens, and city itself, have also great interest in securing ade- quate light at reasonable rates. These considerations, however, can not affect the legal principles involved. At the time the act in question was passed the general law of the state concerning corporations declared: "Every corporation, as such, has power to have succession by its corporate name for the period 1 Statement, arguments and part of opinion omitted. Sufficient facts are stated in the opinion for an understanding of the case. (830) 226 PERPETUAL SUCCESSION. 83 1 limited in its charter, and when no period is limited, for twenty years." The first section of the act incorporating the said gaslight and coke company granted to it "perpetual succession." The second section grants to the corporation the "exclusive right and power of manufac- turing gas and coke from any substance whatever for and within the city of Kansas, Jackson county," for the term of thirty years. It is insisted by respondents that the grant of "perpetual succes- sion," without other limiting words, gave to the corporation the right to perpetual existence, and that the limitation of thirty years, con- tained in section 2, was not intended to limit the duration of corporate existence, but of the exclusive rights specified. * * * The word perpetual, as used in the act, expressly qualifies the suc- cession and not the duration of the corporate existence. In the con- nection used, does it imply that the legislature intended to grant the corporation unlimited existence? The word itself does not necessarily so imply. It has more than one meaning, as "everlasting," "con- tinued," "uninterrupted." All lexicographers give these or equiva- lent words as proper definitions of the word "perpetual." The word "succession," in its common legal use, denotes the devolution of title to property under the laws of descent and distribu- tion. It is defined as "the coming in of another to take the property of one who dies without disposing of it by will." Title to corporate property and franchises is held continuously and uninterruptedly by and in the name of the corporation, and not in the names of the vari- ous stockholders. There is no devolution of title in case of the death of a membter or stockholder. The succession is not interrupted, but continues in the corporation. The succession is continuous during the life of the corporation, whether it be for years or for an unlimited time. Blackstone says that the very end of a corporation is ' 'to have per- petual succession," "for there can not be a succession forever with- out an incorporation." i Cooley's Blk. Com., 475. Chancellor Kent says: "A corporation is a franchise possessed by one or more individuals, who subsist as a body politic under a special denomina- tion, * * * with the capacity of perpetual succession and of acting in several respects, however numerous the association may be as a single individual." 2 Kent's Com., 268. The duration of a corporation, though unlimited by its charter, and though it is given the capacity to have perpetual succession, can not be regarded as everlasting within the general and common meaning of that word. It may be dissolved and cease to exist for want of members, by voluntary surrender of franchises, forfeiture by misuser, etc. Ang. & Ames Corp. [n ed.], 8. It will be found, by reference to all the authorities, that a grant of capacity to take in "perpetual succession" refers rather to the con- tinued legal identity and succession than to continuous or perpetual succession, i Blk. Com., supra; 2 Kent's Com., supra; i Dill. Munc. Corp., 18; Dartmouth College Case, 4 Wheat. 636; Field Corp., i and 71. 832 STATE V. PAYNE. 22/ "The immortality of a corporation means only its capacity to take in perpetual succession as long as the corporation exists. So far is it from being literally true ' that a corporation is immortal, many corpo- rations of recent creation are limited in their duration to a certain number of years." Ang. & Ames Corp., 8. Aggregate corporations are "immortal, because, in the judgment of law, they never die, yet in point of fact, like natural persons, they are subject to death and dissolution in various ways. * * * Its immortality, therefore, means only its capacity to take and to act in perpectual succession so long as the corporation exists." Potter Corp., 2. "When it is said that corporations have perpetual succession, it is meant that they have continuity only during any limited period of time which may be fixed by the law of their creation. * * * In the proper and more restricted sense the immortality of a corporation means only its capacity to take in perpetual succession so long as it exists. Spelling Priv. Corp., 4. Chancellor Kent says: "It is sometimes said that a corporation is an immortal as well asraii invisible and intangible being. But the immortality of a corporation means only its capacity to take in per- petual succession so long as the corporation exists." 2 Kent, supra. Thus, it appears that the words "perpetual succession" as used in charters generally mean nothing more than that the corporation should have continuous and uninterrupted succession so long as it should con- tinue to exist as a corporation, and are not intended to define its du- ration. If no limit is fixed to its existence then it would have an in- definite or unlimited duration. Morawetz on Corp., 411. The general law in force at the time this special act was passed de- clared that every corporation should have the capacity of succession by its corporate name for the period limited in its charter, and when no period was limited, for twenty years. R. S. 1855, i, p. 369. It is claimed by respondents that this provision of the general law is inconsistent with this special act of incorporation and was ex- pressly repealed by the ninth section. But if, as we have seen to be the case, the words "perpetual succession" were intended to imply nothing more than a continuous succession during the existence of the corporation, then there is no inconsistency. The general law must be read into and made a part of the special act. The general. law must be taken as declaring the intent of the legislature in respect to the dura- tion of the corporation. As is said: "Statutes granting such special privileges are, in one sense, to be read together and construed in con- formity with general statutes laying down universal rules applicable to the class of corporations to which the one claiming under the spe- cial act belongs." Endlich Interpretation of Statutes, 56. Reading the general law and the first section of the special act to- gether the duration of the corporate existence of the gaslight company is clearly fixed at twenty years. It does not seem that a doubt of the 228 MODE OF ACTION. 833 legislative intent can be raised, but if one should exist it must be re- solved against the corporation. * * * Judgment of ouster. Note. The foregoing case is contrary to 1881, State ex rel. etc., v. Stormont, 24 Kan. 686, which is distinguished, and also to 1880, Fairchild v. Masonic Hall Assn., 71 Mo. 526, which it overrules. It also seems to conflict with 1889, State v. Ladies of the Sacred Heart, 99 Mo. 533, which is not mentioned in the case. The later case of 1897, State, etc., v. Lesueur, 141 Mo. 29, where the language used was "the trusteeship shall be perpetual," with a provision for each trustee to appoint his successor, holds that "a continuous or per- petual term" of existence is clearly implied. The case of 1878, Scanlan v. Crawshaw, 5 Mo. App. 337, is in accord with the principal case. In case the duration is not expressly limited in some way the corporation is supposed to have the right of an endless existence, if it is not guilty of mis- user or non-user, so that the state can complain of a forfeiture: 1841, Van- derbilt v. Eagle I. W., 25 Wend. (N. Y.) 665; 1850, Farmers' L. & T. Co. v. Clowes, 3 N. Y. 470; 1879, East Tenn. Mfg. Co. v. Gaskell, 70 Tenn. (2 Lea) 742; 1889, State v. Ladies of the Sacred Heart, 99 Mo. 533; 1892, Cronin v. Potters' Co-op. Co., 29 W. L. B. (Ohio) 52; 1897, State v. Lesueur, 141 Mo. 29. Charter, statutory or constitutional provisions usually fix the period of ex- istence. Many of these fix the limit in such a way that the articles of associa- tion can not provide for a longer duration: 1876, Atlantic & G. R. Co. v. Allen, 15 Fla. 637; 1884, People v. Cheeseman, 7 Colo. 376; 1890, MarysvMle Iny. Co. v. Munson, 44 Kan. 491. Some statutes, however, fix a limit only in case the articles of association do not name a limit. See the Missouri cases cited above, and 1887, Stead- man v. Merchants' & P. Bank, 69 Tex. 50. ARTICLE II. MODE OF ACTION; SHAREHOLDERS AND DIRECTORS. Sec. 228. Shareholders' meeting. 1 DUKE v. MARKHAM. 1 1890. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NORTH CAROLINA. 105 N. C. Rep. 131-138, 18 Am. St. Rep. 889. [Action by Duke to recover from Markham certain property he had taken possession of as the property of a corporation by virtue of executions in his hands. Plaintiff claimed under a mortgage by the corporation which the trial judge instructed the jury was valid. The error assigned was this instruction and allowing the mortgage to be put in evidence. The secretary of the corporation testified as to the execution of the mortgage as follows: "Before this mortgage was executed he went around and saw the stockholders separately in 1 See Ang. & Ames, 487-514; Beach, 272-298; Boone, 62-6; Clark, pp. 462-493; Cook, 589, et seq.; Elliott, 4(53-493; Morawet/, 474-533, 641-7 ; Taylor, 184, 573-6; I Thompson, 686-697 ; II Thompson, 1900- 1910; III Thompson, 3905-37; V Thompson, 6176-6486; VII Thomp- son, 8451-90. * Statement abridged, only part of opinion given. 53 WIL. CASES. 834 DUKE V. MARKHAM. 228 regard to executing it ; he did not see all the stockholders or directors, he saw a majority of them ; they had no meeting, but each one he saw authorized him to execute the mortgage ; the plaintiff requested the president and two stockholders to sign the mortgage ; this was done; Mr. Duke signed the note for $3,000, and witness got the money from the Raleigh National Bank ; the money was used in the business of the corporation ; he said nothing more to the stockholders or directors ; the directors were stockholders ; the note has never been paid ; it sometimes happened that we could not get a meeting of the board of directors ; they did not attend the meetings regularly ; the mortgage was delivered to W. Duke immediately."] CLARK, J. * * * We think his honor erred in admitting the mortgage in evidence upon such probate, and likewise in instructing the jury, upon the proof offered by plaintiff, that it was valid as to creditors whom defendant represented by virtue of the executions in his hands. In Pierce v. New Orleans Building Co., 9 La. 397, it is held that the act of a majority of the stockholders, expressed elsewhere than at a meet- ing of stockholders, as where the assent of each one is given separately and at different times, is not binding on the corporation. The same is true of a meeting of which notice is not given. Stow v. Wyse, 18 Am. Dec. 99 1 and notes; Cook Stockholders, 594 ; i Potter on Cor- porations, 336 and notes. In Leggett v. N. J. M. & B. Co., i Saxton Ch. 541, it is held that a corporation is only bound by an agent's acts when within the scope of his authority, and that a president and cashier, as such, can not execute a mortgage of corporate property without special authority from the board of directors or the stockholders, and that the proceeds of a mortgage have been applied to the use of the corporation in pay- ing its debts, or otherwise, is not sufficient to render the mortgage binding if its execution was not properly authorized. "The members of a corporation can not, separately and individ- ually, give their consent in such manner as to bind it as a collective body, for in such case it is not the body that acts, and this is no less the doctrine of the common than of the Roman civil law. Being la~dufttlly assembled" says Ayliffe, ''they represent but one person, and may consequently make contracts, and by their collective assent, oblige themselves thereunto. And though all the members of a cor- poration covenanted on behalf of it under their private seals," this, it was held, would only bind them personally, and not the corporation. Angell & Ames Corp., 232, which is supported by the numerous cases there cited. Again, in the same work, section 504: "The separate action, individually, without consultation, although a major- ity in number should agree upon a certain act, would not be the act of the constituted body of men clothed with corporate powers." In- deed, the authorities upon this subject are numerous, uncontradicted and supported by reason. * * * Error. 1 Infra p. 835. 229 MODE OF ACTION. 835 Note. To same effect see, 1820, Livingston v. Lynch, 4 Johns. Ch.(N.Y.) 573, 697 ; 1836, Pierce v. N. O. Building Co., etc., 9 La. 397, 29 Am. Dec. 448; 1841, Shortz v. Unangst, 3 Watts & S. (Pa.) 45; 1847, Smith v. Kurd, 12 M !.-. (Mass.) 371, on 385; 1850, Commonwealth v. Cullen, 13 Pa. St. 133, supra, p. 417; 1851, Langolf v. Seiberlitch, 2 Pars. Eq. Cas. 64; 1854, Ex parle John- son, 31 E. L. & Eq. 430; 1861, Torrey v. Baker, 83 Mass. 120; 1874, Hopkins v. Roseclare Lead Co., 72 111. 373; 1876, Finley Shoe, etc., Co. v. Kurtz, 34 Mich. 89; 1877, Clarke v. Omaha & S. R. Co., 5 Neb. 314; 1886, England v. Dearborn, 141 Mass. 590; 1890, Humphreys v. McKissock, 140 U. S. 304, 312; 1890, Allemongv. Simmons, 124 Ind. 199; 1898, Sellers v. Greer, 172 111. 549, supra, p. 65; 1898, Troy Min. Co. v. White, 10 S. Dak. 475; 1898, Singer v. Salt Lake, etc., Co., 17 Utah 143; 1898, Morrison v. Wilder Gas. Co., 91 Main* 492; 1899, Nicholslone City Co. v. Smalley, 21 Tex. Civ. App. 210, 51 S. W. Rep. 527 ; 1899, De La Vergne Co. v. Ger. Sav. Inst., 175 U. S. 40, on 53. But compare 1870, Granger v. Grubb, 7 Phil. 350; 1886, Graham v. B., etc., R., 118 U. S. 161; 1892, Coe v. East., etc., R., 52 Fed. Rep. 531: 1895, In re George N. & Co., L. R. 1 Ch. 674. Sec. 229. Shareholders' meetings Notice. STOWE ET AL. v. WYSE. 1 1828. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ERRORS OF CONNECTICUT. 7 Conn. Rep. 214-220, 18 Am. Dec. 99. This was an action of trespass quare clausum fregit, tried on the general issue at Middletown, February term, 1828, before Dag- gett, J. It was admitted that the defendant entered on the premises in May, 1825, the time specified in the declaration, and continued in the pos- session and occupation thereof until the commencement of this suit, claiming right as the tenant of the Middletown Bank, and the only question was whether the plaintiffs had title to the land or whether it was in the Middletown Bank. The title of the bank was derived from a mortgage deed of the Middletown Manufacturing Company, dated the 29th of March, 1817, to the bank. The title of the plaintiffs was de- rived from a mortgage deed, executed by Arthur W. Magill, some years afterwards. Magill's title was acquired by the regular levy of an execution in his favor against the Middletown Manufacturing Com- pany subsequent to the execution of the deed to the bank. The Mid- dletown Manufacturing Company were the undisputed owners of the land prior to and until their deed of the 29th of March, 1817, above mentioned. That deed was given to the Middletown Bank by Arthur W. Magill as agent for the Middletown Manufacturing Company. It begins thus: "I, Arthur W. Magill, of the town of Middletown, agent for the Middletown Manufacturing Company of said to\vn, being empowered, by a vote of said company, in pursuance of said power," etc. [It contained the usual covenants of seizin and warranty by Magill on behalf of the company. The resolution directing the con- veyance was passed at a meeting at which the holders of only 29 out of 1,000 shares were represented, and of which the others had no notice. Verdict for plaintiff. Motion for new trial.] 1 Statement abridged, and only part of opinion given. 836 STEVENS V. EDEN MEETING-HOUSE SOCIETY. 2.30 DAGGETT, J. The plaintiffs, who claim under A. W. Magill's deed to them, allege that no title passed by the deed to the Middle- town Bank ; for that Magill had no authority to bind the Middletown Manufacturing Company and transfer the title. The deed is attempted to be supported, or rather Magill's power is to make it, on two grounds. The first is the vote of the Middletown Manufacturing Company, passed on the 2pth day of March, 1817, the day of the execution of the deed, by which he was authorized to make a mortgage to the bank of the premises. On the other hand, it is insisted that the meeting was illegal, and the acts done void. It is very clear that a meeting of the stockholders, constituted as this was, could do no acts binding on the company. Though a meeting, regularly warned, would be com- petent to do any act within their chartered powers by a bare major- ity, yet if not thus warned their act must be void. If no particular mode of notifying the stockholders be provided, either in the charter or in any by-law, yet personal notice might be given; and this, in such case, would be indispensable. The counsel for the defendant do not press this point, and I think it quite untenable. * * * Another position, however, is taken by counsel for defendant which is fatal to the plaintiff's title. * * * Now Magill has declared under his hand and seal that he was em- powered by a vote of the company to execute this deed. Can he ever say that he was not thus empowered ? If, on the next day after the deed to the bank was executed, he had procured a valid deed from the company, and had brought ejectment against the bank, could he have sustained it against the declarations in his deed ? I think he must have been estopped. If so, then all persons claiming under and through him are estopped, i Stark. Ev., 305; Hoyt v. Dimon, 5 Day 483; i Phill. Ev., 10. These principles are in entire accordance with the case of Fairtitle d. Mytton et al. v. Gilbert et al., 2 Term Rep. 169, 171 ; Palmer v. Elkins, 2 Stra. 817; Com. Dig., tit. Estoppel, A, I, 2, 3 and B. There must, therefore, be a new trial. Note. See note at end of next case. Sec. 230. Same. STEVENS v. EDEN MEETING-HOUSE SOCIETY. 1839. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF VERMONT. 12 Vt. Rep. 6889. This was an action of assumpsit on an award. Plea, non-assumpsit. On the trial the plaintiff produced the defendants' book of records, which showed a society regularly organized under the statute consti- tuting them a corporation. The by-laws provided that, among other officers, a clerk or secretary should be chosen, and one had been regularly elected. The by-laws provided that all meetings were to 230 MODE OF ACTION. 837 be warned by the clerk, by posting up a written notice thereof. This appears to have been done and the records regularly kept up to December, 1836. The plaintiff then offered to prove, by parol testi- mony, that said society continued its meetings, that the persons who joined him in the submission were, at that time, and at the publish- ing of the award, the prudential committee of said society, and that after the award was made and published, said society voted to approve and confirm the same. This was objected to by the defend- ants and was rejected by the court, to which the plaintiff excepted. Verdict and judgment having passed for the defendants, the cause passed to the supreme court. The opinion of the court was delivered by COLLAMER, J. A corporation, and every member thereof, is bound by a vote of the majority present at a meeting warned agree- ably to the laws of the corporation, and not otherwise. If no provis- ion is made for such warning every member must have personal notice. Here the clerk was authorized to warn a meeting by posting up a written notice. No other mode of calling a meeting could be shown, and most clearly this could not be proved by parol until the loss of the notification was first proved, but this was not attempted. Here was an attempt to add to the records by parol, whole warnings, meetings and votes. This is clearly inadmissible, and the fact that no record of meetings after 1836 appeared on the books does not authorize this. The want of such record only shows that no such meeting was held. If it be asked, what is to be done by third per- sons, if a corporation will not record its appointments and votes, the answer is, refuse to recognize or act on any such assumed authority or unrecorded votes, or hold them personally liable who misrepresent their authority. Judgment affirmed. Note. Notice of corporate meeting's. 1. Notice of corporate meetings is necessary to their validity and the va- lidity of the business done at, a meeting as against a stockholder who had no notice, was not present, and who objects promptly: 1844, Wiggin v. First Freewill B. Ch., 8 Mete. (49 Mass.) 301 ; 1850, Commw. v. Cullen, 13 Pa. St. 133, 53 Am. Dec. 450, supra, p. 417; 1852, Stebbins v. Merritt, 10 dish. (Mass.) 27; 1871, Westcott v. Minnesota M. Co., 23 Mich. 145; 1876, Shelby R. Co. v. L. C. & L. R. Co., 12 Bush (75 Ky.) 62; 1892, Coe v. East & W. R. Co., 52 Fed. Rep. 531; 1893. Morrill v. Little Falls Mfg. Co., 53 Minn. 371, 21 L. R. A. 174, infra, p. 839; 1898, Wall v. London & N. A. Corp., 79 L. T. (N. S.) 249, 67 L. J. Ch. 596; 1899, Heller v. National M. Bank, 89 Md. 602, 45 L. R. A. 438. 2. In the absence of charter, by-law or statutory provision, personal notice is required: 1830, Savings Bank v. Davis, 8 Co'nn. 191; 1834, Bethany v. Sperry, 10 Conn. 200; 1841, Evans v. Osgood, 18 Maine 213; 1844, Wiggin v. Freewill B. C., 8 Mete. (Mass.) 301; 1860, People v. Batchelor, 22 N. Y. 128; I860, People's Ins. Co. v. Westcott, 14 Gray (Mass.) 440; 1870, Harding v. Vandewater, 40 Cal. 77. 3. But statutory, charter or by-law provisions should be followed: 1871, Westcott v. Minn". M. Co., 23 Mich. 145; 1876, Stockholders, etc., v. Louisville, etc., R. Co., 12 Bush (Ky.) 62; 1877, Tattle v. Mich. Air Line, 35 Mich. 247; 1884, Reilly v. Oglebay," 25 W. Va. 36; 1897, Matthews v. Columbia Nat'l Bank, 79 Fed. Rep. 558. 838 STEVENS V. EDEN MEETING-HOUSE SOCIETY. 230 4. However, it is frequently held that statutory, charter and by-law pro- visions relating to quorum, notice and business to be done are wholly for the benefit of the shareholders only, and if they do not complain of the irregu- larity others can not: 1881, Beecher v. Marquette & P. R. M. Co., 45 Mich. 103; 1882, Thomas v. Citizens', etc., R. Co., 104 111. 462; 1889, Manhattan Hardware Co. v. Phalen, 128 Pa. St. 110; 1890, Wood v. Corry Water-Works Co., 44 Fed. Rep. 146; 1892, Nelson v. Hubbard, 96 Ala. 238, 17 L. R. A. 375; 1896, Atlantic Trust Co. v. The Vigilancia, 73 Fed. Rep. 452 ; 1898, In re A. A. Griffing Iron Co., 63 N. J. L. 168, 41 Atl. Rep. 931. But compare. 1885, State v. McGrath, 86 Mo. 239. 5. If the time of holding meetings is fixed definitely by statute, charter, by- law or custom, no further notice is necessary, unless extraordinary or special business is to be done: 1839, Warner v. Mower, 11 Vt. 385, 393; 1858, Atlantic M. F. Ins. Co. v. Sanders, 36 N. H. 252, 269; 1878, State v. Bonnell, 35 O. S. 10, 15; 1893, Morrill v. Little Falls Mfg. Co., 53 Minn. 371, infra, p. 839; 1899. Heller v. National Marine Bank, 89 Md. 603, 45 L. R. A. 438. 6. Notice should be definite and specific: (a) As to time day and hour: 1858, Atlantic M. F. Ins. Co. v. Sanders, 36 N. H. 252; 1860, People v. Batch- elor, 22 N. Y. 128; 1875, San Buenaventura, etc., Co. v. Vassault, 50 Cal. 534; 1876, Shelby R. Co. v. L., C. & L. R. Co., 12 Bush (Ky.) 62. (b) As to place: 1848, Miller v. English, 21 N. J. L. 317 ; 1856, Jones v. Mil- ton & R. T. R. Co., 7 Ind. 547; 1875, San Buenaventura, etc., Co. v. Vassault, 50 Cal. 534. (c) As to business to be done, unless the meeting is a stated one at which it is understood any corporate business may be done: 1841, Evans v. Osgopd, 18 Maine (6 Shep.) 213; 1853, Sampson v. Bowdoinham, etc., Co., 36 Maine 78; 1860, People Mut. Ins. Co. v. Westcott, 14 Gray (Mass.) 440; 1866. Be Bridport Old Brewery Co., L. R. 2 Ch. Div. 191 ; 1877,' Tuttle v. Michigan Air Line, 35 Mich. 247; 1881, Beecher v. Marquette & P. R. M. Co., 45 Mich. 103; 1885, American Tube Works v. Boston Mach. Co., 139 Mass. 5; 1890, Stutz v. Handley, 41 Fed. Rep. 531 ; 1892, Evans v. Boston Heating Co., 157 Mass. 37. 7. But if the meeting is one prescribed by the charter, by-law or statute, at which it is usual to transact the general corporate business, the notice need not specify the business to be done: 1839, Warner v. Mower, 11 Vt. 385; 1853, Samson v. Bowdoinham, etc., Co., 36 Maine 78; 1858, Atlantic De Laine Co. v. Mason, 5 R. I. 463; 1891, Chicago, etc., R. v. Union Pac. R., 47 Fed. Rep. 15; 1892, Jones v. Concord & M. R., 67 N. H. 234, 38 Atl. Rep. 120; 1893, Mor- rill v. Little Falls Mfg. Co., 53 Minn. 371, 21 L. R. A. 174, infra, p. 839. 8. But if unusual or extraordinary business is to be done at a general meet- ing, statutes frequently require the notice to specify that such business is to be done: 1892, Jones v. Concord & M. R. Co., 67 N. H. 234; 1898, Mutual Fire Ins. Co. v. Farquhar, 86 Md. 668. 9. If the meeting is called to do specific business designated in the notice, no other business can be transacted at such meeting against the protest of members, or bind those absent: 1839, Warner v. Mower, 11 Vt. 385; 1841, Evans v. Osgood, 18 Maine (6 Shep.) 213; 1860, Peoples' Mut. Ins. Co. v. Westcott, 14 Gray (Mass.) 440; 1898, Wall v. London & N. A. Corp., 79 L. T. (N. S.) 249, 67 L. J. Ch. 596. But see, 1892, Evans v. Heating Co., 157 Mass. 37. 10. However, if all the members are present and consent, other or different business may be transacted. 1809, Rex v. Theodorick, 8 East 543; 1852, Steb- bins v. Merritt, 10 Gush. (Mass.) 27; 1891, Handley v. Stutz, 139 U. S. 417; 1892, Nelson v. Hubbard, 96 Ala. 238; 1892, Campbell v. Argenta, etc., Co., 51 Fed. Rep. 1; 1895, Bridgeport Electric Co. v. Meader, 72 Fed. Rep. 115; 1898, In re A. A. Griffing Iron Co., 63 N. J. L. 168, 41 Atl. Rep. 931. 11. No further notice is necessary of an adjourned meeting, or the business to be done thereat, than the record of the resolution adjourning a duly called meeting to a definite time and place. 1897, Western Imp. Co. v. Des Moines M. N. Bank, 103 Iowa 455, 72 N. W. Rep. 657; 1897, State v. Cronan, 23 Nev. 437, 49 Pac. Rep. 41. But if the time to which the meeting is adjourned is not 231 MODE OF ACTION. 839 definitely fixed further notice must be given. 1888, Thompson v. Williams, 76 Cal. 153. 12. Notice must be given by the officer having authority, puch as the board of directors or the general manager, but not the president or secretary with- out special authority. 1834, Betheny v. Sperry, 10 Conn. 200; 1841, Evans v. Osgood, 18 Maine 213; 1852, Stebbins v. Merritt, 10 Cush. (Mass.) 27; 1872, Johnston v. Jones, 23 N. J. Eq. 216; 187-\ State v. Pettineli, 10 Nev. 141 ; 1882, Toronto, etc., Co. v. Blake, 2 Out. 175; 1888, Cassell v. Lexington, etc., Co., 10 Ky. L. Rep. 486, 9 S. W. Rep. 502, 701 ; 1896, Dusenbury v. Looker, 110 Mich. 58. 67 N. W. Rep. 986. 13. Notice, to be valid, must be served a reasonable time before the meeting called by it. 1837, lie. Long Island R., 1! U'eml. 37; 1878, Covert v. Rogers 38 Mich. 363; 1888, Cassell v. Lexington, etc., Co., 10 Ky. L. Rep. 486, ey may be resumed. The second section of the act provides that as soon as the certificate shall be filed, the persons who shall have signed and acknowledged the same, and their succes- sors, shall, for the term of twenty years next after, be a body politic and corporate, in fact and in name, etc. The legislature never meant, nor does the act authorize the conclusion, that the corporation should remain and continue during all that period nolens volens. It was implied that during that time they should do nothing to forfeit their rights, nor surrender them back, or do any act tantamount thereto. The act prolongs the corporation for twenty years, subject to all the incidents attending corporations; and I have endeavored to show that one of the incidents is an extinction of the corporation if it does what is equivalent to a surrender. I doubt, extremely, whether the capacity to resume the functions of the corporation does, in fact, exist, but it is not necessary to decide that point. I consider it merely as a matter of speculation, thrown out, without any practi- cal reference to the cause, as a stumbling block to the attainment of justice between the parties. For all the substantial purposes of jus- tice, and in effect, the corporation is dissolved. * * * In point of good sense this corporation was dissolved within the meaning and intent of the act as regards creditors, when it ceased to own any property, real or personal, and when it ceased for such a space of time from doing any one act manifesting an intention to re- sume their corporate functions. The end, being and design of the corporation were completely determined, and even if it had the capac- ity to reorganize and reinvigorate itself, the case has happened, when, as relates to its creditors, it is dissolved. If I am right thus far, then by ,the seventh section of the statute, the persons composing the company at the time of its dissolution are individually responsible to the extent of their respective shares for the debts then due and owing by the company. With, respect to the period of the dissolution, it appears to me that we may safely say it happened on the ist of February, 1818, when all the property of the company was sold, for since that time no cor- porate act has been done. * * * (Held also that Slee assenting to discharge of members upon pay- ment of 50 per cent, of stock was bound by it, but that he was not Reversed. 886 SLEE V. BLOOM AND OTHERS. 246 bound by the resolution releasing shareholders upon payment of 30 per cent.) As to insolvency, see, also, 1857, Coburn v. Manufacturing Co., 10 Gray (Mass.) 243; 1887, Dewey v. St. Albans, etc., Co., 60 Vt. 1, 6 Am. St. R. 84; 1888 Jones v. Bank of Leadville, 10 Colo. 464, 20 Am. & Eng. C.C. 554; 1889, Rouse v. Merchants' Bank, 46 Obio St. 493, 15 Am. St. Rep. 644; 1893, Sabin v. Columbia Fuel Co.. 25 Ore. 15. 42 Am. St. 756; 1893 Larrabee v. Franklin Bank, 114 Mo. 592, 35 Am. St. Rep. 774. Note. Surrender. 1. A corporation may voluntarily surrender its franchises. 1822, Slee v. Bloom, 19 Johns. (N. Y.) 456, 10 Am. Dec. 273, supra; 1832, Chesapeake & O. Canal Co. v. Bal. & O. R., 4 Gill & J. (Md.) 1; 1834, Boston Glass Mfy. v. Langdon, 24 Pick. (Mass.) 49, 35 Am. Dec. 292, supra, p. 866; 1839, Penobscot Boom Corp. v. Lamson, 16 Maine (4 Shep.) 224, 33 Am. Dec. 656; 1839, Mclntire Poor School v. Zanesville, etc., Co., 9 Ohio 203, 34 Am. Dec. 436; 1858, Lauman v. Leb. V. R,, 30 Pa. St. 42, 72 Am. Dec. 685; 1859, Attorney-General v. Clergy Soc., 10 Rich. Eq. (S. C.) 604; 1869, People v. Cal- ifornia College, 38 Cal. 166; 1870, Houston v. Jefferson College, 63 Pa. St. 428; 1871, Moore v. Whitcomb, 48 Mo. 543; 1892, Cronin v. Potters' Co-op. Co., 29 Wkly. L. B. (Ohio) 52. 2. Acceptance by the state (through the legislature) is necessary in order to complete dissolution. In 2 Kyd Corporations, 447, it is said the king may accept a surrender of charters granted by himself, but not one granted by parliament. 1828, Enfield Toll B. Co. v. Conn. R. Co., 7 Conn. 28, 45; 1834, Boston Glass Mfy. v. Langdon, 24 Pick. (Mass.) 49, 35 Am. Dec. 292, supra, p. 866; 1834, Revere v. Boston Copper Co., 15 Pick. (Mass.) 351 ; 1836, Harris v. Muskingum Mfg. Co., 4 Blackf. (Ind.) 267, 29 Am. Dec. 372; 1845. Greeley v. Smith, 3 Story 657; 1847, Town v. River Raisin Bank, 2 Doug. (Mich.) 530; 1851, Norris v. Mayor, etc., 1 Swan (31 Tenn.) 164; 1861, McMahan v. Morri- son, 16 Ind. 172, 79 Am. Dec. 418; 1861, Curien v. Santini, 16 La. Ann. 27; 1870, Wilson v. Central Br. Co., 9 R. I. 590; 1870, LaGrange, etc., R. Co., 7 Colw. (Tenn.) 420, 437 ; 1895, Combes v. Keyes, 89 Wis. 297, 46 Am. St. Rep. 839; 1896, The Attorney-General v. Superior, etc., R. Co., 93 Wis. 604. See, contra, Merchants' and Planters' Line v. Waganer, 71 Ala. 581, supra, p. 880, and eases therein stated. A statutory method of voluntary dissolution under a general law giving the state's consent when certain formalities are complied with, is quite usually provided by the states. 3. As to the right of the majority to surrender the charter and dissolve the corporation, there seems to be considerable conflict. The question is closely allied to the right of a majority to dispose of the assets of the corporation, and the following cases, or many of them, are upon this point. a. In the case of a solvent, going, private business corporation the major- ity can not, against the wishes of the minority, dispose of the assets and dis- solve the corporation: 1813, Smith v. Smith, 3 Des. Eq. (S. C. ) 557; 1844, Ward v. Soc. of Attys., 1 Coll. 370; 1857, 'Mobile & O. R. v. State, 29 Ala. 573, 586; 1861, Curien v. Santini, 16 La. Ann. 27; 1861, Abbott v. Am. Hard Rubber Co., 33 Barb. (N. Y.) 578; 1867, Zabriskie v. Hackensack, etc., R , 18 N. J.Eq. 178, 90 Am. Dec. 617; 1868, Clinch v. Financial Corp., L. R. 5 Eq. Gas. 450; 1872, Bird v. Bird's, etc., Co., L. R. 9 Ch. App. 358; 1873, Black v. Del. & R. Canal Co., 9 C. E. Green (24 N. J. Eq.) 455; 1876, Buford v. Keokuk N. L. Co., 3 Mo. App. 159; 1882, Bergman v. St. Paul, etc., M. B. Assn., 29 Minn. 275; 1883, Balliet v. Brown, 103 Pa. St. 546; 1887, Barton v. The Enterprise Loan, etc., Co., 114 Ind. 226; 1889, In re Sovereign Life Assurance Co., 42 Ch. D. 540, 61 L. T. R. 455; 1890, Rothwell v. Robinson, 44 Minn. 538; 1892, Chicago, etc., Cab. Co. v. Yerkes, 141 111. 320, 33 Am. St. Rep. 315: 1892, People v. Ballard, 134 N. Y. 269; 1895, By-ne v. Schuyler Elec. Mfg. Co., 65 Conn. 336; 1896, McCutcheon v. Merz Capsule Co., 37 U. S. App. 586; 1897,Pringle v. Eltringham Constr. Co., 49 La. Ann. 301, 6 A.& E. C. C. (N. S.) 385; 1898, Forrester v. Boston M. M. Co., 21 Mont. 544. 55 Pac. Rep. 229. 247 METHODS OF DISSOLUTION. 887 b. But the majority may dispose of the assets of a corporation, surrender its charter and dissolve the corporation, even against the wishes of a minor- ity, when the corporation is in failing circumstances, unable to go on and ac- complish its ends, in the absence of unfairness, oppression or fraud: 1847, Sargeant v. Webster, 13 Mete. (Mass.) 497, 46 Am. Dec. 743; 1850, Hodges v. New Eng. Screw Co., 1 R. I. 312, 53 Am. Dec. H24; 1856. Treadwell v. Salis- bury Mfg. Co. ,7 Gray 'Mass.) 393, 66 Am. Dec. 490; 1862, Bank of Switzer- land v. Bank, 5 L. T. (N. S.) 549 ; 1870, Wilson v. Proprietors, etc., 9 R. 1. 590 ; 1881, Hancock v. Holbrook, 9 Fed. Rep. 353; 1883, Sheldon Hat Co. v. Eick- meyer, etc., Co., 56 How. Pr. (N. Y.) 70; 1886, Ervin v. Oregon R. & Nav. Co., 27 Fed. Rep. 625; 1886, Hutchinson v. Green, 91 Mo. 371 ; 1888, Berry v. Broach, 65 Miss. 450; 1888, Botts v. Simpsonville Tp. Co., 88 Ky. 54; 1889, Mason v. Pewabic Min. Co., 133 U. S. 50; 1889, Sawyer v. Dubuque, etc., Co., 77 Iowa 242; 1890, Hayden v. Official Hotel, etc., Co., 42 Fed. Rep. 875; 1891, Trisconi v. Winship, 43 La. Ann. 45; 1892, Skinner v. Smith, 134 N. Y. 240; 1893, Price v. Holcomb, 89 Iowa 123; 1893, Sewell v. East Cape May, etc., Co., 50 N. J. Eq. 717; 1896, Elyton Land Co. v. Dowdell, 113 Ala. 177; 1897, Peabody v. Westerly W. W., 20 R. I. 176, 37 Atl. Rep. 807; 1899, Phillips v. Prov. Steam, etc., Co., 21 R. I. 302, 45 L. R. A. 560. Sec. 247. Repeal. See, infra, The State and Corporation, 453-73. Also see Pro- prietors of Piscataqua Bridge v. New Hampshire, 7 N. H. 35, supra, p. 309; Flint & F., P. R. Co. v. Woodhull, 25 Mich. 99, supra, p. 398; Commonwealth v. Cullen, 13 Pa. St. 133, supra, p. 417; Dartmouth College v. Woodward, 4 Wheat. 518, supra, p. 708; Hawthorne v. Calef, 2 Wall. 10, supra, p. 752; Tomlinson v. Jes- sup, 15 Wall. 454, supra, p. 754; Ireland v. Palestine Turn. Co., 19 Ohio St. 369, supra, p. 757 ; Mormon Church (Romney) v. United States, 136 U. S. i, infra, p. 906. Sec. 248. Forfeiture. See, infra, The State and Corporation, 410-18. Also see King v. Mayor of London, i Show. 280, supra, p. 152; People v. N. R. Sug. R. Co., supra, p. 100; Higgins v. Downward, 8 Houst. (Del.) 227, supra, p. 152; State v. Standard Life Assn., 38 Ohio St. 281, supra, p. 234; State v. Curtis, 35 Conn. 374, supra, p. 259; State Bank v. The State, i Blackf. (Ind.) 267, infra, p. 891. Sec. 249. Ownership of stock by one member. LOUISVILLE BANKING COMPANY v. EISENMAN. 1 1894. IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF KENTUCKY. 94 Ky. Rep. 83-96, 42 Am. St. Rep. 335, 19 L. R. A. 684, with note. [Suit by the bank to hold J. C. Eisenman personally liable upon an acceptance for the accommodation of Mattingly & Sons of drafts to the amount of $20,000, drawn by them upon the corporation of Eisenman Bros. & Co., and accepted by it, after J. C. Eisenman had become the sole owner of the stock of the corporation. The failure 'Statement much abridged. Arguments and part of opinion omitted. 888 LOUISVILLE BANKING COMPANY V. EISENMAN. 249 of Mattingly & Sons to meet the drafts rendered Eisenman Bros. & Co. insolvent. The bank knew the circumstances under which the drafts were accepted. The statute provided "any number of persons may associate themselves together, and become incorporated," etc. The bank contended that the sole ownership of stock dissolved the corporation, and rendered the sole owner individually liable. The lower court held otherwise.] PRYOR, J. * * * The purpose of the statute was_to enable two or more persons possessed of capital or skill to associate themselves in business, and to limit their liability as against the improvident acts of each other, or the act of the corporation, in the event of pecuniary loss in the legitimate and proper conduct of its business. It invites the in- vestment of the capital stock of one to be placed in the same business with the skill of another, or a combination of capital that encourages trade, the burden of which mere individual enterprise would be unwill- ing to assume, and it could not have been the legislative intent that any one man could form a corporation of which he is the creature and sole stockholder, so as to limit his liability for the debts contracted, and from which he has derived the benefit, to the extent only of what he might designate his corporate estate. He owns the entire property belonging to the corporation it is his. He can sell or dispose of it as he pleases ; borrow money, acquire property, in the name of the corporation, for the sole purpose of exempting him from any respon- sibility, other than that belonging to the corporation ; and however reckless or improvident he may be, he has all to gain and nothing to lose. He could make a gift of the entire corporate estate, dispense with all corporate forms, and to say, when exercising such unlimited control, he is not personally responsible for every debt he contracts, would be to pervert the plain purpose of the statute. There is no such being in this state as a sole corporation, and cer- tainly none such allowed to be created by the statute. This corporation, however, was properly organized, had its several stockholders and board of directors and was prospering in its busi- ness until these drafts were drawn for the benefit of Mattingly & Sons. * * * That both the appellant and appellee were acting on the belief that the corporation was alone liable is beyond dispute, and the corpora- tion, as it was called, the appellee being the sole owner of the stock, submitted to the judgment against it for the drafts in an action by the bank, and the appellee is making no resistance to its payment out of the property of the corporation, but insists that no personal liability exists. The appellant has obtained all he contracted for. There was no fraud practiced upon it by the appellee, and certainly no intention to bind himself personally, nor any of the proceeds of these drafts applied to his benefit in any manner or to the benefit of what he supposed was an existing corporation. If the stock had been held as it was originally the pecuniary condition of the corporation would have been the same, as no act had been done by the appellee by which the interest of creditors or those dealing with the corporation would have 249 METHODS OF DISSOLUTION. 889 been prejudiced. Nor are we prepared to adjudge, after a corpora- tion has been created by the statute, with the stock distributed among several stockholders, that the purchase by one stockholder of all the stock destroys the corporate existence and places all the property of the corporation upon the same footing with the other estate of the in- dividual stockholder. The legal title to the estate of the corporation is still vested in it, and while the stockholder's interest could be sub- jected to the payment even of his individual debt, when he contracts in behalf of the corporation, and with no fraudulent intent, it seems to us the party with whom he contracts gets all he bargains for when he subjects the corporate property to the payment of his debt. (Cit- ing and commenting upon Swift v. Smith, 65 Md. 428.) * * * In the case before us there was no surrender of the franchise, but the business conducted in good faith and under the belief that the cor- porate estate was alone liable. The corporation still lived and had such vitality as enabled the holder of the stock to transfer it and pro- ceed with the corporate powers as if he had never become the sole owner; and the argument that such a construction as to the meaning of the statute would enable two or more to organize a corporation with a view of vesting the entire stock in one of the corporators is not available, for the reason that the corporate property in the hands of one stockholder, when made liable by him for his corporate or individual debts, remains so, although he may transfer the stock to others, as they must take it subject to the incumbrances the sole stock- holder has placed upon it prior to his sale of the stock. (Citing and commenting upon Button v. Hoffman, 61 Wis. 20; Wilde v. Jenk- ins, 4 Paige 481 ; Winona, etc., R. Co. v. St. Paul, etc., R. Co., 23 Minn. 359; Cook on Stock, 631 ; Morawetz, p. 635.) * * * While we recognize the general rule on the subject sustained by the authorities referred to, it must be held that the purchase by one of all the shares in a corporation created under the statute is a disso- lution of the corporation to the extent that it suspends the exercise of the rights under the franchise until the owner transfers the stock in good faith, so as to maintain an organization under the statute. There is a difference between the attempt to create one person a corporation under this statute, and the purchase in good faith of all the stock after the corporation has been created. In the first instance there is no cor- poration, and in the last there is a franchise, the operations of which are suspended until the stock may be transferred to others ; and while in the hands of one person the corporate and individual property are ordinarily alike liable for the payment of any debt contracted by the owner, and subsequent purchasers of stock take it subject to the liens or equities of the creditors of the sole owner created prior to the trans- fer of the stock to them. * * * Affirmed. Note. One-man companies. 1. It seems that where a statute provides that "any number of persons" may form a corporation, the courts will hold that more than one person is meant. Louisville Banking Co. v. Eisenman, 94 Ky. 83, 42 Am. St. Rep. 335, supra, p. 887; Montgomery v. Forbes, 148 Mass. 249, supra, p. 694. Yet the 890 LOUISVILLE BANKING COMPANY V. EISENMAN. 249 English case of Salomon v. Salomon, 1897, App. Gas. 22, 66 L. J. Ch. 35, holds that the court can not go back of the record, when regular, to inquire into the motive of those forming the corporation. The Iowa Code of 1897, title ix, ch. 1, 1608, provides that, "Except as otherwise provided by law, a single person may incorporate under the provisions of this chapter, thereby entitl- ing himself to all the privileges and immunities herein, but if he adopts the name of an individual or individuals as that of the corporation, he must add thereto the word 'incorporated' (Code 1873, 1088; Code 1888, 1638)." So far as I am aware this is the only state that permits this. Since the fore- going chapter provides for stock corporations as well as others, it is submit- ted that if a stock corporation is created by one man it would not be a corpo- ration sole. See note, supra, p. 200; but if not a stock corporation, whether or not a corporation sole- quaere? 2. By the great weight of authority, if a stock corporation is once validly created, the fact that one person, or fewer persons than may lawfully incor- porate, acquire in good faith all the stock, the corporation still exists, and has the title and control of all its property, and the individual acts of the sole or other owners of stock do not bind the corporation. 1811, Smith v. Smith, 3 Desaus. (S. C.) *557, *582; 1819, Williamson v. Smoot, 7 Martin (La.) 31. supra, p. 70; 1833, Russell v. McLellan, 14 Pick. (Mass.) 63; 1833, Spencer v. Champion, 9 Conn. 536; 1834, Wade v. Jenkins, 4 Paige Ch. (N. Y.) 481 ; 1839, Penobscot Boom Corp. v. Lamson, 16 Maine 224, supra, p. 283 ; 1843, Wheelock v. Moulton, 15 Vt. 519 (deed by all the shareholders is not the deed of the corporation); 1846, Queen v. Arnaud, 25 L. J. (16 IS'. S.) Q. B. 50, supra, p. 58; 1850, Evarts v. Killingworth Mfg. Co., 20 Conn. 447, 458; 1856, Bohannon v. Binns, 31 Miss. 355; 1858, Lillard v. Porter, 2 Head (Tenn.) 176; 1860, Frost v. Frostburg Constr. Co., 24 How. (U. S.) 278, 283; 1871, Newton Mfg. Co. v. White, 42 Ga. 148; 1877, Winona & St. P. R. Co. v. St. Paul & S. R. Co., 23 Minn. 359; 1879, Balwin v. Canfield, 26 Minn. 43; 1880, Keith v. Clarke, 4 Lea (Tenn.) 718; 1884, Button v. Hoffman, 61 Wis. 20, 50 Am. Rep. 131 ; 1884, Mathis v. Morgan, 72 Ga. 517, 525; 1886, England v. Dearborn, 141 Mass. 590; 1890, Fitzhugh v. Mo. Pac. R. Co., 45 Fed. Rep. 812; 1890, Humphreys v. McKissock, 140 U. S. 304, 312; 1893, Gallagher v. Germania Brewing Co., 53 Minn. 214; 1893, Foster & Son v. Comm'rs of In- land Rev., L. R. (1894) 1 Q. B. 516, supra, p. 60; 1895, Matter of Belton, 47 La. Ann. 1615; 1896, Parker v. Bethel Hotel Co., 96 Tenn. 252; 1897, Harrington v. Connor, 51 Neb. 214; 1897, Salomon v. Salomon, App. Gas. 22, 66 L. J. Ch.35; 1898, Louisville, etc., Co. v. Kaufman, 20 Ky. L. Rep. 1069, 48 S. W. Rep. 434; 1898, First Nat'l Bank v. Winchester, 119 Ala. 168, 72 Am. St. Rep. 904; 1899, Chase v. Mich. Tel. Co., 121 Mich. 631, 11 Am. & E. C. C. (N. S.) 715; 1899, In re Hirth, 1 Q. B. 612, 68 L. J. Q. B. 287; 1898, Durlacher v. Frazer, 8 Wyo. 58, 80 Am. St. Rep. 918, 55 Pac. 306. But it has been held in Maryland, that the ownership of stock by one person virtually sus- pends the corporate existence during such sole ownership. 1831, Bellona Cos. Case, 3 Bland. Ch. (Md.) 442, 446; 1886, Swift v. Smith, 65 Md. 428, 57 Am. Rep. 336; 1898, First Nat'l Bank v. Winchester, 119 Ala. 168, 72 Am. St. Rep. 904. 3. But in equity, or incase of fraud, or evasion of corporate duties, the acts of all the shareholders as individuals will be treated as the acts of the corporation, if necessary to work out justice. 1882, Bundv v. Ophir Iron Co., 38 Ohio St. 300; 1890. People v. North Riv. S. Ref. Co., 121 N. Y. 582, 18 Am. St. Rep. 843, supra, p. 100;1892, State v. Standard Oil Co., 49 Ohio St. 137; 1898, First Nat'l Bank v. Winchester, 119 Ala. 168, 72 Am. St. Rep. 904. See also, supra, the corporation as a collection of persons, sees. 16-21, and note, p. 109, et seq. 250 EFFECT OF DISSOLUTION. 89! ARTICLE II. EFFECT OK DISSOLUTION. Sec. 250. Lands, chattels and debts at common law. STATE BANK v. THE STATE. 1 1823. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIANA, i Blackf. (Ind.) Rep. 267-285, 12 Am. Dec. 234. [^o -warranto against the bank for numerous violations of its char- ter. The defendant pleaded not guilty to all the charges. On the trial in the lower court the jury found them guilty of nine of the charges. A motion in arrest of judgment was made and overruled, and judg- ment given that the privileges, liberties and franchises be seized into the custody of the state, together with all the goods, chattels, rights, credit's and effects of every kind. Various errors were assigned, two of which were: i, that the charges did not justify a forfeiture, and 2, the judgment of seizure of the fi'anchises and property violated the constitution of the state, providing that no man's property should be taken for a public use without the consent of his representatives, etc.] HOLMAN, J. * * * That a corporation mav forfeit its charter for misusing or abusing its franchises is a doctrine that can not now be disputed. See i Bl. Comm., 485; 2 Kyd Cor., 474, and the cases there cited. For there is an implied condition annexed to each par- ticular grant, which, if violated, forfeits the whole franchise. 2 Bac., 31. Inasmuch as it is the duty of corporations to act up to the end or design for which they were created (i Bl. Comm., 480) so when they pursue such measures as wholly frustrate this design the reason of their existence ceases, and it is but just that their existence should also be terminated. Whether every slight deviation from the inten- tion of the charter should occasion a forfeiture is not the question, but when the grand, leading conditions and restrictions in the charter have been violated there can be no question but the franchises are thereby forfeited. Several of the charges found by the jury against this cor- poration are of this nature, and show that they have evidently abused their most important privileges to the manifest injury of others and of the community in general. (Considering the charges in detail.) * * ' But if it be contended that such a private property exists in the in- dividual shareholders as will be destroyed if the franchises of the corporation be seized, and, inasmuch as the private property is guar- anteed by the constitution, that the constitution must also of necessity guaranty the continued existence of those franchises or otherwise this property will be annihilated, we shall find that this doctrine is not warranted by the constitution. The privilege of holding stock in this bank is inseparably connected with its existence as a corporation, and inasmuch as we have seen that the existence of the corporation de- pends on the implied condition that it will not violate its charter, so this privilege of holding stock in this bank must depend for its contin- uance on the same implied condition. The president and directors of the corporation become the agents of the stockholder, and if they vio- 1 Statement much abridged, and much of opinion omitted. 892 STATE BANK V. THE STATE. 250 late the conditions on which he enjoys this privilege, his privilege is immediately subjected to forfeiture by this act of his agents. Nor will the regard which the constitution has for private property secure such property from annihilation by a dissolution of the corporation. So that we see nothing in the constitution to prevent the seizure of those franchises, let the effect upon private property be what it may. And there can be no doubt but that this judgment, so far as it author- izes a seizure of the franchises into the hands and custody of the state, is warranted by law. When it appears that the liberty has been once granted, and is forfeited by misuser or non-user, the judgment shall be that it be seized into the king's hands. Year Book 15 Ed. 4, cited in 2 Kyd Corp., 407. And such appears to be the law at present. * * * There are but two grounds on which it can be contended that the corporate effects fall into the hands of the state: i. As a forfeiture for abusing the franchises ; or 2. For the want of an owner by the dissolution of the corporation. When we examine the first of these grounds we find nothing in the books to support an idea that the abuse of corporate franchises occasions forfeiture of lands or goods, rights or credits, or, in fact, occasions any other forfeiture but the franchises themselves. The consequence of a breach of the implied condition on which their liberties were granted was not that they should forfeit their property or possessions if they abused their franchises, but only that they should forfeit their franchises. That which comes out of the hands of the king is the proper subject of forfeiture ; the king, by the seizure, resuming what originally flowed from his bounty. Au- thorities leading to this conclusion are numerous. See the cases cited in 2 Bac., 32, and in The King v. Amery, 2 T. R. 515. Forthe for- feiture is the same for non-user when no property has been held or rights exercised, as for misuser or abuser after the possession of much property and the exercise of extensive rights and credits ; and the judgment is the same in both cases. Consequently, the judgment could not direct a seizure of the corporate possessions as a forfeiture for the violation of the charter. Nor is the 'second ground that the property falls to the state for the want of an owner, on the dissolution of the corporation more tenable as a foundation on which to sustain this judgment. For the ownership of the corporation does not cease until its dissolution. And whether it is dissolved by the judgment of seizure or not, until the state has execution on that judgment, is not here very material. For if the corporation is dissolved by the judgment, the judgment must be regularly entered, and have its full effect before the dissolution takes place, and it is not till then that the property can be said to be without an owner. The loss of the prop- erty to the corporation is a consequence of the judgment, and it is a contradiction of the first principles of reason a complete reversal of effect and cause to make such loss of property a part of the judg- ment. That which can not exist until after the judgment, can never be the subject-matter on which the judgment is given. But the better opinion seems to me, that the corporation is not dissolved by the judg- ment of oeizure, but that it exists until the franchises are seized by 2$0 EFFECT OF DISSOLUTION. 893 execution on that judgment. See Kyd Corp., 409, 410, and the au- thorities there cited. Consequently, the last shadow of a support for this judgment on this ground must vanish. We have thus far examined the judgment which directs a seizure of the goods and chattels, rights and credits, lands and tenements of the corporation, on the assumed position that they will necessarily fall to the state on the dissolution of the corporation. We shall now inquire into the correctness of this position. In order to elucidate the subject we shall examine it in detail, and in the first place inquire what be- comes of the lands and tenements ; secondly, what becomes of the goods and chattels, and thirdly, what becomes of the rights and credits of the corporation? and we shall find that each of these three items is governed by different principles. First. As to the lands and tenements: "When a corporation is dis- solved," says Sir Wm. Blackstone, "the lands and tenements revert to the person or his heirs who granted them to the corporation ; for the law doth annex a condition to every such grant, that if the cor- poration be dissolved the grantor shall have the lands again. The grant is only during the life of the corporation, which may endure forever, but when that life is determined by the dissolution of the body politic, the grantor takes it back by reversion, as in the case of every other grant for life." i Bl. Comm., 484. This is the doctrine ad- vanced by Lord Coke, Co. Litt. 13^. See, also, 2 Kyd Cor., 516; 2 Bac.,32; 2 Cruise, 493; Colchester v. Seaber, 3 Burr. 1866. We see but little in the books that contradicts or questions those authorities, and the cases that look a different way maintain that the lands would escheat. 2 Bac. 32. If either of those principles be coirect we feel warranted in determining that the corporate lands and tenements can not be seized into the hands of the state, and certainly not in the manner contemplated by this judgment. Secondly. As to the goods and chattels: On this subject the books are almost silent. ""In the argument of Colchester v. Seaber, it is said by Sir Fletcher Norton, on the authority of i Ro. Ab. 816, that the goods and chattels go to the crown. An English writer, who has col- lected together most of the cases on corporations, concludes his re- marks on the effect of a dissolution in these words: "What becomes of the personal estate is, perhaps, not decided ; but probably it vests in the crown." 2 Kyd on Corp., 516. We do not feel under the necessity of resolving any doubts which may rest on this subject ; for if the law were conclusive, that the goods and chattels in this case would vest in the state on the dissolution of the corporation, yet we have already seen that this would not be as a forfeiture, but because they are without an owner, and that the claim of the state could not exist until after judgment ; consequently, it is impossible to include them in the terms of the judgment. Thirdly. As to the rights and credits of the corporation: These, as applying to the debts, etc., due to the corporation, are supposed to be of considerable amount, and have formed a principal feature in every view of this case. But the importance of the case, arising from the 894 STATE BANK V. THE STATE. 250 amount in controversy, can not affect the principles by which it is governed ; and when those principles are fixed they must be declared, let the consequence to individuals or the community be what it mav. That the debts are necessarily lost to the corporation naturally fol- lows from the principles we have examined. For when dissolved they have no existence, and can have no claim to, nor control over, anything whatever. They not only die, but leave no representative behind them. This, in every respect, is the case with aggregate cor- porations. Sole corporations depend, in this respect, upon principles somewhat different; but with them we have now no concern. But although the debts fall out of the lifeless hands of the corporation at the same time with their real and personal estate, yet when thus out of their hands, they are very different in their natures from the real and personal estate. Lands and goods have a necessary existence, although they may be without an owner in being or in expectancy. They continue in being and may be made the subject of possession by occupancy. But this is not the case with respect to debts. They have no necessary exist- ence, and are so conclusively personal that they can not exist without an obligor and obligee in being or in expectancy. And on the death of the obligor or obligee, without the possibility of a representative, the obligation ceases. Such appears to be the case on the dissolu- tion of a corporation aggregate. Blackstone says: "The debts of a corporation, either to or from it, are totally extinguished by its dissolution, so that the members thereof can not recover or be charged with them, in their natural capacities, i Bl. Comm., 484; 2 Kyd Corp., 516, uses the same language. 2 Bac., 32, advances nearly the same doctrine, on the authority of Lev., 237; Owen, 73, and 2 And., 107. And this doctrine is either directly or indirectly supported in a variety of cases. See the before-mentioned case of Colchester v. Seaber ; also Rex v. Pasmore, 3 T. R. 199 ; The Mayor, etc., of Scarborough v. Butler, 2 Lev. 237; 4 Com. Dig., 273. If this doctrine be connect, and we find it uncontradicted, the seizure of the rights and credits of the corporation is impossible in the nature of things, because their existence ceases as the claim of the state com- mences. But even if they could be seized into the hands of the state they would be unavailing. The debts due to the corporation could not, on any common law principle, be collected by the state or its agent, there being no privity of contract, either in fact or law, between the state and debtor to the corporation. * * * Thus, in no view of the case, can that part of the judgment which directs a seizure, into the hands of the state, of the goods and chat- tels, rights, credits and effects, lands, tenements and hereditaments of the corporation, be supported. Affirmed as to seizure of franchises but reversed as to seizure of property. Note. See following cases and note, infra, p. 910. 251 EFFECT OF DISSOLUTION. 895 Sec. 251. Contracts of shareholders. FOSTER v. ESSEX BANK. 1 1820. IN THE SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT OF MASSACHUSETTS. 16 Mass. Rep. 245-274. [Assumpsit against the bank for $50,000, begun April term 1819. At the trial term it was suggested the bank's charter had expired. By the act creating it, it was to exist for twenty years from July i, 1799. By an act of June 19, 1819, all such corporations were "continued bodies corporate and politic, for the term of three years from and after the day on which their powers would expire," for the purpose of prosecuting and defending suits, now or hereafter instituted, and to settle their concerns, and divide their capital stock, but not for con- tinuing business. It was contended that this statute impaired the obligation of the shareholders' contracts.] PARKER, C. J. * * * In the first place, we see no pretense for say- ing that it impairs the force of contracts. Certainly it has not that effect on contracts made by or with the bank; but the very object of the statute is to enforce such contracts. It is said, however, that the contract with the government was that at the end of twenty years the corporation should be dissolved, and each member take his share out of the common fund. But it should be considered that, by the original charter, each member's share was liable for all the debts of the bank, and that he would have no moral right to withdraw it until all the debts of the bank were paid ; so that there was an equitable lien upon his share ; and the legislature, we think, had a right, if it was not their duty, to provide the means of enforcing this moral obligation. The law complained of is a general law operating upon all bodies corporate, and it is convenient for them and the public that their power of suing and being sued should be continued beyond the period within which they are empowered to make contracts, m order that their concerns may be properly adjusted. Nor do we think it an objection that this additional term should be granted by an act made subsequent to the time when their charter was granted. A debtor to the bank could not object to a suit on the ground that the original term of the charter had expired, for the very bringing of the suit would be an acceptance of the prolongation of the charter, and it would be absurd for him to say that his debt was discharged, or that there were no means of recovering it because he contracted with the corporation on a supposition that it would continue in being only a certain number of years. We think it equally incompetent for such corporation to deny, its existence against a statute of the govern- ment, the object of which is to give a right of action on contracts upon which they were legally and morally bound under their charter. It is said that the members of such a corporation associated upon 1 Statement abridged. Much of the opinion, and the elaborate arguments of Saltonstall, Pickering and Webster, omitted. 896 MUMMA V. THE POTOMAC COMPANY. 2 52 the faith that after the time limited in their charter they might sepa- rate and take their shares of the stock. But it is to be answered that their stock is, in an equitable view, pledged for the payment of all debts due from the corporation, and that it would be fraudulent to withdraw the funds, knowing that there were debts to be paid, leav- ing no means of coercing the payment of those debts. What should be said of a banking company which just before its expiration should divide all the stock, making no provision for the payment of its debts? Yet this might be done if the legislature have no authority to estab- lish by law a mode by which it should be compelled to fulfill its obli- gations. For it is certainly doubtful whether any means exist, under our laws, of pursuing the funds into the hands of individual corpora- tors and subjecting them to the claims of creditors. We see no vio- lation of the rights of the corporators, no impairing of the obligation of contracts, for it can never be the right of any person to withhold a just debt from his creditor. * * * (The suggestion filed can not impede the progress of the suit.) Note. See following cases, and note, infra, p. 910. t 252. Contracts of creditors. MUMMA v. THE POTOMAC COMPANY. 1 1834. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. 8 Pe- ters (33 U. S.) Rep. *28i-;. [Mumma, in 1818, obtained a judgment in the circuit court of the District of Columbia against the Potomac Company for $5,000. No at- tempt was made to enforce it till April 18, 1828, when a scire facias was issued to revive the judgment ; this revivor case was continued till 1830, when the facts were agreed to be that after the rendition of the judgment in question and in accordance with a provision of the laws of -Virginia, Maryland and the United States incorporating the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, so authorizing, the Potomac Company had surrendered all its property, rights and privileges by deed of August 15, 1828, to and the same had been accepted by the Chesa- peake and Ohio Canal Company, whereby the charter of the Potomac Company was vacated and annulled, and its powers vested in the canal company. It was contended, secondly, that the deed of surrender and the acts of the legislature were void as impairing the obligation of contracts. The lower court gave judgment for the defendant.] STORY, J. * * * Unless, then, the second point can be main- tained, there is an end of the cause, for there is no pretense to say that a scire facias can be maintained, and a judgment had thereon, against a dead corporation any more than against a dead man. We are of opinion that the dissolution of the corporation, under the acts of Virginia and Maryland (even supposing the act of confirmation of congress out of the way), can not, in any just sense, be considered, 1 Statement abridged, only part of opinion given. 253 EFFECT OF DISSOLUTION. 897 within the clause of the constitution of the United States on this sub- ject, an impairing of the obligation of the contracts of the company by those states, any more than the death of a private person can be said to impair the obligation of his contracts. The obligation of those con- tracts survives, and the creditors may enforce their claims against any property belonging to the corporation which has not passed into the hands of bona fide purchasers, but is still held in trust for the com- pany, or for the stockholders thereof, at the time of its dissolution, in any mode permitted by the local laws. Besides, the twelfth section of the act incorporating the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company makes it the duty of the president and directors of that company, so long as there shall be and remain any creditor of the Potomac Com- pany who shall not have vested his demand against the same in the stock of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company (which the act ena- bles him to do), to pay to such creditor or creditors, annually, such div- idend or proportion of the net amount of the revenues of the Potomac Company, on an average of the last five years preceding the organi- zation of the said Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, as the de- mand of the said creditor or creditors at that time may bear to the whole debt of $175,800 (the supposed aggregate amount of the debts of the Potomac Company). So that here is provided an equitable mode of distributing the assets of the company among its creditors, by an apportionment of its revenues in the only mode in which it could be practically done upon its dissolution ; -a mode analogous to the dis- tribution of the assets of a deceased insolvent debtor. Independent of this view of the matter, it would be extremely difficult to maintain the doctrine contended for by the plaintiff in error, upon general principles. A corporation, by the very terms and nature of its political existence, is subject to dissolution, by a sur- render of its corporate franchises, and by a forfeiture of them for will- ful misuser and non-user. Every creditor must be presumed to under- stand the nature and incidents of such a body politic, and to contract with reference to them. And it would be a doctrine new in the law, that the existence of a private contract of the corporation should force upon it a perpetuity of existence, contrary to public policy, and the nature and objects of its charter. * * * Affirmed. See following cases, and note, infra, p. -910. Sec. 253. Executory contracts. GRIFFITH ET AL. v. BLACKWATER BOOM AND LUMBER CO^ 1899. I N THE SUPREME COURT OF WEST VIRGINIA. . 46 W. Va. 56, 33 S. E. Rep. 125-128. [In a suit by creditors against the lumber company to settle up its affairs there were three contested claims in favor of one Thompson, 1 Statement abridged ; only part of the opinion given. 57 WIL. CASES. 898 GRIFFITH V. BLACK WATER BOOM AND LUMBER CO. 253 for over $i 15,000. One of these, for over $98,000, was adjudged not to be a preferred claim, but if of any validity at all, to be such as to share only pro rata with other claims. This claim arose out of a con- tract called the stocking contract, whereby Thompson was to cut, saw and deliver all its timber at the mill at a certain price. Before any part of this contract was carried out the company's affairs were placed in the hands of a receiver by consent of all parties interested. Thompson claimed damages for the breach of this contract, and over $98,000 was found to be the proper amount, if he was entitled to any- thing. He claimed also that under a statute making claims for work and labor preferred claims, the damages for a breach of contract for work and labor would have the same preference. The lower court decreed that this was not a preferred claim, but allowed it to be a valid claim. Other creditors appealed.] DENT, P. * * * The last report of the receiver shows that, if the three contested claims of Albert Thompson are allowed, the assets of the company will greatly fall short of the liabilities; but, if such claims are disallowed, there will be in the neighborhood of $30,000 to be distributed among the stockholders. So these amounts are of very grave importance to the stockholders, Albert Thompson, and the other creditors, the most important of which is his right to recover the alleged profits of his abrogated contract by way of damages, ascer- tained by the final decree to amount to $98,661.56, as of the 24th day of November, 1896. These damages are claimed by reason of an alleged breach of its contract by the company. This, however, is a legal impossibility, for the reason that, at the time the alleged breach occurred, the company had ceased to exist save only in name, and its bones were already bleaching on the plains of corporate exist- ence amid millions of their kind. By force of law, it had been com- pelled to surrender its franchises into the hands of a receiver on ac- count of its inability to further carry on its business, without great threatened loss to its creditors and stockholders, and it was afterwards finally dissolved by the disposal of all its property, to all which Albert Thompson was present and gave his assent, with certain reservations in his own interest. Where an insolvent corporation is forced into liquidation and dissolution all its executory contracts perish with it, for this is an implied condition of their execution. , In 7 Am. & Eng. Ency. Law (2 ed.), 116, the law is stated to be: "When performance of a contract is dependent upon the continued existence of a given perron or thing, and such continued existence was assumed as the basis of the agreement, the death of the person or the destruction of the thing puts an end to the obligation." The con- tinued existence of the corporation was assumed as the basis of the contract with Albert Thompson, and its involuntary dissolution put an end to performance on its part, and the contract ceased to be bind- ing, as there was no one left to perform it according to its terms. People v. Globe Mat. Life Ins. Co., 91 N. Y. 174; i Am. & Eng. Corp. Cas. 586, note 594. Such, however, is not the law where a solvent corporation is voluntarily dissolved. By its own act it can not 254 EFFECT OF DISSOLUTION. 899 relieve itself from its contracts, but its assets will be held liable for breaches thereof. It must be taken as an implied condition of all such contracts that such corporation will not voluntarily try to escape or evade fulfillment, and if it does, equity will not recognize its dissolu- tion nor permit the distribution of its assets until its contracts are sat- isfied. Glass Co. v. Stoehr, 54 Ohio St. 157, 43 N. E. Rep. 279; Schleider v. Dielman. 44 La. Ann. 462, 10 South. 934. The appellee, Thompson, claims that the dissolution of the corporation was volun- tary, for the reason that the officers assented thereto. They assented because its business had assumed such a condition that it could not be continued without great loss to its creditors and stockholders. And to this the appellee, Thompson, also assented. Hence its dissolution was not voluntary, but was brought about by the force of circum- stances, and the final determination of its affairs shows that it was not solvent. * * * A receiver is not bound to carry out executory contracts of the cor- poration, but he may disregard them. Beach Rec., 328. The power to adopt or reject the defendant's contract, to accept those which are of advantage to the trust estate, and reject the burdensome ones, is restricted to the receiver. The rule is not reciprocal, hence it is called "anomalous." Section cited: "The court, however, may order the receiver to complete unfin- ised contracts, if by so doing the interests of all parties will be better conserved, and in such case whatever is done by the receiver in the performance of such contracts becomes an obligation upon the receiv- ership and its property, to be protected by the court." Smith Rec., pp. 102, 103, 35. The receiver in this case did adopt, under the instruction of the court, and partly carry out the stocking contract; but finally the court, reaching the conclusion, with the assent of all parties, except Albert Thompson, determined to, and did, abandon the stocking contract and direct a sale of the properly. This the court had the legal and equitable power to do. It thereby determined that the carrying out of the contract would be injurious to those in interest. After this action on the part of the court, the corporation, the receiver or Albert Thompson would be in contempt even in seek- ing to carry out the same. * * * Decree below reversed. Note. See following cases and note, infra, p. 910. Sec. 254. Generally upon rights and liabilities in equity, BACON ET AL. v. ROBERTSON. 1 1855. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. 18 How. (59 U. S.) Rep. 480-489. [Appeal from United States circuit court for the southern district of Mississippi. In 1843 the legislature of Mississippi directed that ac- 1 Statement abridged, and much of opinion omitted. 900 BACON ET AL. V. ROBERTSON. 2 54 tions in quo ivarranto be instituted against all banking corporations in the state that had so violated their charters as to incur their forfeit- ure, and provided that trustees should be appointed by the court de- claring a forfeiture, whose duty it should be to collect the assets, and after paying the debts distribute the surplus, if any, ratably among the stockholders. The charter of the Commercial Bank of Natchez, after due proceedings, was declared forfeited, and Robertson ap- pointed trustee to pay debts and make distribution. After all debts were paid he refused to distribute the $4,000,000 surplus. Bacon and the other shareholders brought their bill in equity to obtain their shares. Upon demurrer the circuit court dismissed the bill and plaint- iffs appealed.] CAMPBELL, J. * * * To comprehend the import of this legis- lation we must consider the mischiefs it was ^designed to prevent or remove, and the mode adopted to accomplish the end, for the legisla- tion is of a character wholly remedial. The common law of Great Britain was deficient in supplying the instrumentalities for a speedy and just settlement of the affairs of an insolvent corporation whose charter had been forfeited by a judicial sentence. The opinion usu- ally expressed as to the effect of such a sentence was unsatisfactory and questioned. There had been instances in Great Britain of the dissolution of public or ecclesiastical corporations by the exertion of the public authority, or as a conseqnence of the death of their mem- bers, and parliament and the courts had affirmed in these instances that the endowments they had received from the prince or pious found- ers would revert in such a. case. Stat. de Terris Templariorum, 17 Edw. II; Dean and Canons of Windsor, Godb. 211; Johnson v. Norway, Winch. 37; Owen, 73; 6 Vin. Abr., 280. What was to be- come of their personal estate and of their debts and credits had not been settled in any adjudged case, and as was said by Pollexfen in the argument of the quo ivarranto against the city of London was pei'- haps ''-non definitur injure." * * * It may be admitted that the courts of law could not give any relief to the shareholders of a corporation disfranchised by a judicial sen- tence in respect to a corporate right. Their modes of proceeding do not provide for the case, as they have not for many others, i Plow, 276, 277; Richards v. Richards, 2 B. & Adol. 447; Will. Ex., 1129. But this concession does not involve an acknowledgment that the rights of the corporations are extinguished. Courts of chancery have been forced into a closer contact with these associations, and have formed a more rational conception of their constitution and a more accurate estimate of their importance to the industrial relations of society. Those courts have evinced a spirit of accommodation of their modes of proceeding so as to adapt them to the changing exi- gencies of society. (Citing and quoting as illustrating this doctrine, Lord Cottenham in Wallworth v. Holt, 4 M. & C. 635, Sir James Wigram, V. C., in Foss v. Harbottle, 2 Hare 491 ; Bank of U. S. v. Deveaux, 5 Cr. 61 ; Lennox v. Roberts, 2 Wheat. 373; Mumma v. Potomac Co., 8 Pet. 281 ; Curran v. Arkansas, 15 How. 304.) * * 254 EFFECT OF DISSOLUTION. 90 1 The tendency of the discussions and judgments of the court of chan- cery in Great Britain, and of the courts of this country, is to concede the existence of a distinct and positive right of property in the indi- viduals composing the corporation in its capital and business, which is subject in the main to the management and control of the corpora- tion itself, but that cases may arise where the corporators may assert not only their own rights but the rights of the corporate body. And no reason can be given why the dissolution of a corporation, whether by judicial sentence or otherwise, whose capital was contributed by shareholders for a lawful and perhaps laudable enterprise, with the consent of the legislature, should suspend the operation of these prin- ciples, or hinder the effective interference of the court of chancery for the preservation of individual rights of property in such a case. The withdrawal of the charter that is, the right to use the corporate name for the purposes of suits before the ordinary tribunals is such a sub- stantial impediment to the prosecution of the rights of the parties interested, whether creditors or debtors, as would authorize equitable interposition in their behalf within the doctrine of chancery prece- dents. Staintonv. The Carron Company, 23 L. and E. 315; Travis v. Milne, 9 Hare 141 ; Travis v. Milne, 2 Hare 491. For the sen- tence of forfeiture does not attain the rights of property of the corpo- rators or corporation, for then the state would appropriate it. If those rights are put an end to, it would seem to be rather from a careless disregard, or hardened and reckless indifference to consequences on the part of the public authority, than from any preconceived plan or purpose. For, according to the doctrine of the text-writers on this subject, the consequences are visited without any discrimination ; the losses are imposed upon those who are not blameworthy, and the ben- efits are accumulated upon those who are without desert. The effects of a dissolution of a corporation are usually described to be, the reversion of the lands to those who had granted them ; the extinguishment of the debts, either to or from the corporate body, so that they are not a charge nor a benefit to the members. The in- stances which support the dictum in reference to the lands consist of the statutes and judgments which followed the suppression of the mil- itary and religious orders of knights, and whose lands returned to those who had granted them, and did not fall to the king as an escheat; or of cases of dissolution of monasteries and other ecclesias- tical foundations, upon the death of all their members, or of donations to public bodies, such as a mayor and commonalty. But such cases afford no analogy to that before us. The acquisitions of real prop- erty by a trading corporation are commonly made upon a bargain and sale, for a full consideration, and without conditions in the deed ; and no conditions are implied in law in reference to such conveyances. The vendor has no interest in the appropriation of the property to any specific object, nor any reversion, where the succession fails. If the statement of the consequences of a dissolution upon the debts and credits of the corporation is literally taken, there can be no objection to it. The members can not recover nor be charged with them, in 902 BACON ET AL. V. ROBERTSON. 254 their natural capacities, in a court of law. But this does not solve the difficulty. The question is, has the bona fide and just creditor of a corpora- tion, dissolved under a judicial sentence for a breach in its charter, any claim upon the corporate property for the satisfaction of his debt, apart from the reservation in the act of the legislature which directed the prosecution? Can the lands be resumed in disregard of their rights by vendors, who have received a full payment of their price, and executed an absolute conveyance? Can the careless, improvi- dent or faithless debtor plead the extinction of his debt or of the cred- itor's claim, and thus receive protection in his delinquency? The creditor is blameless he has not participated in the corporate mis- management, nor procured the judicial sentence; he has trusted upon visible property acquired by the corporation in virtue of its legisla- tive sanction. How can the vendors of the lands or the delinquent debtors resist the might of his equity? But, if the claims of the cred- itor are irresistible those of the stockholder are not inferior, at least against the parties who claim to hold the corporate property. The money, evidences of debts, lands and personalty acquired by the corporation were purchased with the capital they lawfully contributed to a legitimate enterprise conducted under the legislative authority. The enterprise has failed under circumstances, it may well be, which entitled the state to withdraw its special support and encouragement, but the state does not affirm that any cause for the confiscation of the property, or for the infliction of a heavier penalty, has arisen. It is a case, therefore, in which courts of chancery, upon their well-settled principles, would aid the parties to realize the property belonging to the corporation, and compel its application to the satisfaction of the demands which legitimately rest upon it. In our view of the equitv of this bill we have the support and sanc- tion of th'e legislature of Mississippi. Their legislation excludes all the consequences which have been imputed as necessary to a sentence of dissolution on a civil corporation. From the plentitude of their powers for the amelioration of the condition of the body politic, and the supply of defects in their system of remedial laws, they have afforded a plan for the liquidation and settlement of the business of these corporations in which the equities of the creditors and share- holders respectively are recognized as attaching to all the corporate property of whatever description. And the inquiry arises, who is authorized to obstruct the enforcement of these equities in so far as the stockholders of the Commercial Bank of Natchez are concerned? The -creditors have been satisfied. The defendant in the present suit is the trustee appointed under these legislative enactments. His de- murrer confesses that he has received money, stocks, evidences of debt, lands, and personal property, which he refuses to distribute. He claims that the stockholders have no rights since the dissolution of the corporation, and if any, they must be looked for in the circuit court of Adams county, Mississippi. But the trustee can not deny the title of the stockholders to a distribution. To collect and distrib- I 255 EFFECT OF DISSOLUTION. 903 ute the property of the corporation among the creditors and stock- holders is his commission for this end he was placed in the posses- sion of the property, and was armed with all the powers he has exer- cised. His title is in subordination to theirs, and his duties are to maintain their rights and to consult their advantage. Pearson v. Lindley, 2 Ju. 758; 3 Pet., 43; 4 Bligh i; Willis Trus., 125, 172, 173. He is estopped from making the defense of a want of title in the stockhold- ers. * * * Reversed. Note. See following cases, and note, infra, p. 910. Sec. 255. Reversion of land. WILSON v. LEARY. 1 1897. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NORTH CAROLINA. 120 N. C. Rep. 90-94, 58 Am. St. Rep. 778. [Action to recover land. In 1849, plaintiff's ancestor conveyed the land in fee to an Odd Fellows Lodge, which was incorporated the following year and duly chartered by the grand lodge. This lodge took and held possession till 1872, when it ceased to exist, and was never revived. Under the direction of the Grand Lodge the land was sold in 1873 to the defendants. Suit was brought in 1892, by the heirs of the original grantor, claiming a reverter upon the extinc- tion of the subordinate lodge; and the lower court so found.] CI.ARK, J. * * * The plaintiff's counsel insist, however, that at the time of the conveyance the Revised Statutes (ch. 26, sec. 17) pro- vided that a corporation, unless otherwise specially stated in its charter, had existence for only thirty years, and as there was no special pro- vision in this charter, the grantor only parted with the property for thirty years and held a resulting trust. But the conveyance was in fee, and a corporation limited in duration can take a fee-simple convey- ance just as a natural being, whose existence is also limited. Either may convey away the property, and upon the death of either, without having disposed of it, the property will go to pay creditors, to heirs, to stockholders, or as an escheat, according to the circumstances, but in neither case is there any reverter to the grantors. On the death of a corporation the property is usually administered by a receiver, and on the death of a natural person, by the personal representative, or passes to the heirs. It is true it was held in an opinion by Gaston, J. (Fox v. Horah, 36 N. C. 358), that by the common law, upon the dissolution of a cor- poration by the expiration of its charter or otherwise, its real property reverted to the grantor, its personal property escheated to the state, and its choses in action became extinct, and hence that on the expira- tion of the charter of a bank a court of equity would enjoin the collec- tion of notes made payable to the bank or its cashier, the debtor be-, 1 Statement abridged, and part of opinion omitted. 904 T1TCOMB V. KENNEBUNK MUT. F. INSURANCE CO. 256 ing absolved by the dissolution. Judge Thompson (5 Thomp. Corp., 6720) refers to this decision "in accordance with the barbarous rule of the common law" as "probably the last case of its kind," and notes that it has since been in effect overruled in Von Glahn v. De Rossett, 8 1 N. C. 467, and it is now expressly overruled by us. Chancellor Kent (2 Comm., 307, note) says "this rule of the common law has, in fact, become obsolete and odious," and elsewhere he stoutly denied that it had ever been the rule of the common law, ex- cept as to a restricted class of corporations (5 Thompson, supra, 6730). The subject is thoroughly discussed by Gray on Perpetui- ties, 4451, and he demonstrates that my Lord Coke's doctrine rested on the dictum of a fifteenth century judge (Mr. Justice Choke, in the Prior of Spalding's Case, 7 Edward IV, 1467), and is contrary to the only case deciding the point, Johnson v. Norway, Winch. 37 (1622), though Coke's statement has often been referred to as law. But whatever the extent of this rule at the common law, if it was the rule at all, it was not founded upon justice and reason, nor could it be approved by experience, and has been repudiated by modern courts. The modern doctrine is, as held by us, that "upon a dissolution the title to real property does not revert to the original grantors or their heirs, and the personal property does not escheat to the state." Thompson, supra, 6746; Owen v. Smith, 31 Barb. 641 ; Towar v. Hale, 46 Barb. 361. The crude conceptions of corporations naturally entertained in a feudal and semi-barbarous age, when they were few in number and insignificant in value and functions, by even so able a man as Sir Edward Coke, and the fanci- ful reason given by him (Coke Lit., 136) for the reverter of their real estate, to wit, that a conveyance to them must necessarily be a quali- fied or base fee, have long since become outworn and discredited. That which is termed "the common law" is simply the "right reason of the thing" in matters as to which there is no statutory enactment. When it is misconceived and wrongly declared, the common rule is equally subject to be overruled, whether it is an ancient or a recent decision. Upon the facts agreed judgment should be entered below against the plaintiffs, dismissing their action. Reversed. See following cases and note, infra, p. 910. Sec. 256. Reversion of property of mutual company. TITCOMB v. KENNEBUNK MUT. F. INSURANCE CO. 1887. IN THE SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT OF MAINE. 79 Maine Re P- 3i WALTON, J. The Kennebunk Mutual Fire Insurance Company was incorporated in 1856. It has issued no policies since 1877. In 1884, its last policy having expired, the company voted to close 256 EFFECT OF DISSOLUTION. 905 up its affairs and to do no more business. A decree has been ob- tained at nisi prius dissolving the corporation, from which no appeal has been taken or claimed ; and the only question before the law court is to determine what shall be done with the assets of the com- pany. Our statutes contain ample provisions for the disposition of the assets of stock companies. R. S., , c. 46, 25, 26, 27 and 54. But this is a mutual company and has no stockholders, and the provisions cited do not apply. According to the old settled law of the land, says Chancellor Kent, upon the civil death of a corporation, when there is no special statute to the contrary, all its real estate re- verts to the grantors and their heirs, and all its personal estate vests in the people. 2 Kent. (loth ed.), 385, 386. To the same effect is Angell and Ames on Corp., c. 22, 6 (2d ed.). ' But it is said that in this class of cases the corporators named in the act of incorporation should be regarded as stockholders. They are not stockholders, and to hold that they are would be a fiction, and fictions are not favored, and are never resorted to except to work out some strong and inherent equity, and there is no such equity in favor of the corporators of a mutual insurance company. They contribute nothing towards its assets, and we think it would be against public policy to allow them to have a pecuniary interest in them. Such an in- terest would inevitably tend to create a temptation to fix the rates of insurance higher than would be necessary to meet losses, and then, when a surplus had been thus obtained, to divide it among themselves and thus reap a profit from business in which they had invested no capital and had taken no risks, and this at the expense of the policy- holders. We think there is a much stronger equity in favor of the former policy-holders, whose money has contributed to produce the assets. But we do not think they can be regarded as stockholders after their policies have expired and their premium notes have been canceled or given up to them. They have then received in full the benefits for which they contracted and are no longer members of the company, and to distribute among them a small amount of assets, and to determine what each former policy-holder's share ought in equity to be, would be attended with difficulties and an amount of labor which the end would not justify. When a man dies leaving no wife or kindred his property descends to the state. And when a corpo- ration which, like a mutual insurance company, has no stockholders, ceases to exist, we are not prepared to say that the rule of the com- mon law, which gives its surplus assets to the state, is not a wise one. * * * (Ordered that balance after paying debts, costs, etc., be paid to the state treasurer for the use of the state.) Note. See, 1899, Cummings v. Hollis (Ga.), 33 S. E: 919; 1883, Mason v. Fire Co., 70 Ga. 604. Also next case, and note, infra, p. 910. 906 MORMON CHURCH V. UNITED STATES. 257 Sec. 257. Reversion of property, charitable corporation. MORMON CHURCH v. UNITED STATES. 1 ROMNEY v. UNITED STATES. 1890. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. 136 U. S. Rep. 1-67. BRADLEY, J. The principal questions raised are, first, as to the power of congress to repeal the charter of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints ; and, secondly, as to the power of congress and the courts to seize the property of said corporation and to hold the same for the purposes mentioned in the decree. The power of congress over the territories of the United States is general and plenary, arising from and incidental to the right to acquire the territory itself, and from the power given by the constitution to make all needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property belonging to the United States. It would be absurd to hold that the United States has power to acquire territory, and no power to govern it when acquired. The power to acquire territory, other than the territory northwest of the Ohio river (which belonged to the United States at the adoption of the constitution), is derived from the treaty-making power and the power to declare and carry on war. The incidents of these powers are those of national sovereignty, and belong to all independent governments. The power to make acqui- sitions of territory by conquest, by treaty and by cession is an incident of national sovereignty. The territory of Louisiana, when acquired from France, and the territories west of the Rocky mountains, when acquired from Mexico, became the absolute property and domain of the United States, subject to such conditions as the government, in its diplomatic negotiations, had seen fit to accept relating to the rights of the people then inhabiting those territories. Having rightfully ac- quired said territories, the United States government was the only one which could impose laws upon them, and its sovereignty over them was complete. No state of the Union had any such right of sover- eignty over them ; no other country or government had any such right. These propositions are so elementary, and so necessarily follow from the condition of things arising upon the acquisition of new territory, that they need no argument to support them. They are self-evident. * * * This brings us directly to the question of the power of congress to revoke the charter of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. That corporation, when the territory of Utah was organized, was a corporation de facto, existing under an ordinance of the so-called State of Deseret, approved February 8, 1851. This ordinance had no va- lidity except in the voluntary acquiescence of the people of Utah then 1 Facts sufficiently stated in opinion ; arguments and much of opinion omitted. 257 EFFECT OF DISSOLUTION. residing there. Deseret, or Utah, had ceased to belong to the Mexi-' can government by the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, and in 1851 it belonged to the United States, and no government without authority from the United States, express or implied, had any legal right to ex- ist there. The assembly of Deseret had no power to make any valid law. Congress had already passed the law for organizing the terri- tory of Utah into a government, and no other government was lawful within the bounds of that territory. But after the organization of the territorial government of Utah under the act of congress, the legisla- tive assembly of the territory passed the following resolution: ''Re- solved by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah, That the laws heretofore passed by the provisional government of the state of Deseret, and which do not conflict with the organic act of said terri- tory, be and the same are hereby declared to be legal and in full force and virtue, and shall so remain until superseded by the action of the legislative assembly of the territory of Utah." This resolution was approved October 4, 1851. The confirmation was repeated on the i9th of January, 1855, by the act of the legislative assembly, entitled "An act in relation to the compilation and revision of the laws and resolutions in force in Utah Territory, their publication and distribu- tion." From the time of these confirmatory acts, therefore, the said corporation had a legal existence under its charter. But it is too plain for argument that this charter or enactment was subject to revocation and repeal by congress whenever it should see fit to exercise its power for that purpose. Like any other act of the territorial legislature, it was subject to this condition. Not only so, but the power of congress could be exercised in modifying or limiting the powers and privileges granted by such charter, for if it could repeal, it could modify ; the greater includes the less. Hence there can be no question that the act of July i, 1862, already recited, was a valid exercise of congressional power. Whatever may be the effect or true construction of this act, we have no doubt of its validity. As far as it went it was effective. If it did not absolutely repeal the charter of the corporation, it cer- tainly took away all right or power which may have been claimed un- der it to establish, protect or foster the practice of polygamy, under whatever disguise it might be carried on; and it also limited the amount of property which might be acquired by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, not interfering, however, with vested rights in real estate existing at that time. If the act of July i, 1862, had but a partial effect, congress had still the power to make the abrogation of its charter absolute and com- plete. This was done by the act of 1887. By the seventeenth sec- tion of that act it is expressly declared that "the acts of the legisla- tive assembly of the territory of Utah, incorporating, continuing or providing for the corporation known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and the ordinance of the so-called general assem- bly of the State of Deseret, incorporating the said church, so far as the same may now have legal force and validity, are hereby disapproved and annulled, and the said corporation, so far as it may now have, or 908 MORMON CHURCH V. UNITED STATES. 257 pretend to have, any legal existence, is hereby dissolved." This ab- solute annulment of the laws which gave the said corporation a legal existence has dissipated all doubt on the subject, and the said corpo- ration has ceased to have any existence as a civil body, whether for the purpose of holding property or of doing any other corporate act. It was not necessary to resort to the condition imposed by the act of 1862, limiting the amount of real estate which any corporation or as- sociation for religious or charitable purposes was authorized to acquire or hold, although it is apparent from the findings of the court that this condition was violated by the corporation before the passage of the act of 1887. Congress, for good and sufficient reasons of its own, in- dependent of that limitation and of any violation of it, had a full and perfect right to repeal its charter and abrogate its corporate existence, which, of course, depended upon its charter. The next question is whether congress or the court had the power to cause the property of the said corporation to be seized and taken possession of as was done in this case. When a business corporation instituted for the purposes of gain or private interest is dissolved, the modern doctrine is that its property, after payment of its debts, equitably belongs to its stockholders. But this doctrine has never been extended to public or charitable corpo- rations. As to these the ancient and established rule prevails, namely: that when a corporation is dissolved its personal property, like that of a man dying without heirs, ceases to be the subject of private own- ership, and becomes subject to the disposal of the sovereign authority, whilst its real estate reverts or escheats to the grantor or donor, unless some other course of devolution has been directed by positive law, though still subject, as we shall hereafter see, to the charitable use. To this rule the corporation in question was undoubtedly subject. But the grantor of all or the principal part of the real estate of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was really the United States, from whom the property was derived by the church or its trustees through the operation of the town-site act. Besides, as we have seen, the act of 1862 expressly declared that all real estate acquired or held by any of the corporations or associations therein mentioned (of which the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was one), con- trary to the provisions of that act, should be forfeited, and escheat to the United States, with a saving of existing vested rights. The act prohibited the acquiring or holding of real estate of greater value than $50,000 in a territory, and no legal title had vested in any of the lands in Salt Lake City at that time, as the town-site act was not passed until March 2, 1867. There can be no doubt, therefore, that the real estate of the corporation in question could not, on its dissolution, re- vert or pass to any other person or persons than the United States. If it be urged that the real estate did not stand in the name of the corporation but in the name of a trustee or trustees, and therefore was not subject to the rules relating to corporate property, the substance of the difficulty still remains. It can not be contended that the prohi- bition of the act of 1862 could have been so easily evaded as by put- 257 EFFECT OF DISSOLUTION. 909 ting the property of the corporation into the hands of trustees. The equitable or trust estate was vested in the corporation. The trustee held it for no other purpose, and the corporation being dissolved, that purpose was at an end. The trust estate devolved to the United States in the same manner as the legal estate would have done had it been in the hands of the corporation. The trustee became trustee for the United States instead of trustee of the corporation. We do not now speak of the religious and charitable uses for which the corpora- tion, through its trustee, held and managed the property. That as- pect of the subject is one which places the power of the government and of the court over the property on a distinct ground. Where a charitable corporation is dissolved and no private donor or founder appears to be entitled to its real estate (its personal prop- erty not being subject to such reclamation), the government or sover- eign authority, as the chief and common guardian of the state, either through its judicial tribunals or otherwise, necessarily has the disposi- tion of the funds of such corporation, to be exercised, however, with due regard to the objects and purposes of the charitable uses to which the property was originally devoted so far as they are lawful and not repugnant to public policy. * * * The property in question has been dedicated to public and charita- ble uses. It matters not whether it is the product of private contri- butions, made during the course of half a century, or of taxes imposed upon the people, or of gains arising from fortunate operations in busi- ness, or appreciation in values, the charitable uses for which it is held are stamped upon it by charter, by ordinance, by regulation and by usage, in such an indelible manner that there can be no mistake as to their character, purpose or object. * * * The manner in which the due administration and application of charitable estates is secured, depends upon the judicial institutions and machinery of the particular government to which they are subject. In England, the court of chancery is the ordinary tribunal to which this class of cases is delegated, and there are comparatively few which it is not competent to administer. Where there is a failure of trustees, it can appoint new ones ; and where a modification of uses is neces- sary in order to avoid a violation of the laws, it has power to make the change. There are some cases, however, which are beyond its jurisdiction ; as where, by statute, a gift to certain uses is declared void and the property goes to the king ; and in some other cases of failure of the charity. In such cases the king as parens patrice, under his sign manual, disposes of the fund to such uses, analogous to those intended, as seems to him expedient and wise. These general principles are laid down in all the principal treatises on the subject, and are the result of numerous cases and authorities. See Duke on Char. Uses, ch. 10, 4, 5, 6; Boyle on Char., bk. 2, ch. 3, 4; 2 Story's Eq. Jur., 1167, et seq. ; Attorney-General v. Guise, 2 Vernon 266; Moggridge v. Thackwell, 7 Ves. 36, 77; De Them- mines v. De Bonneval, 5 Russ. 289; Town of Pawlet v. Clark, 9 Cranch 292, 335, 336; Beatty v. Kurtz, 2 Pet. 566; Vidal v. Girard's 9IO MORMON CHURCH V. UNITED STATES. 257 Executors, 2 How. 127; Jackson v. Phillips, 14 Allen 539; Ould v. Washington Hospital, 95 U. S. 303 ; Jones v. Habersham, 107 U. S. 174. * * * It is obvious that any property of the corporation which may be ad- judged to be forfeited and escheated will be subject to a more abso- lute control and disposition by the government than that which is not so forfeited. The non-forfeited property will be subject to such dis- position only as may be required by the law of charitable uses ; whilst the forfeited and escheated property, being subject to a more absolute control of the government, will admit of a greater latitude of discre- tion in regard to its disposition. As we have seen, however, con- gress has signified its will in this regard, having declared that the pro- ceeds shall be applied to the use and benefit of common schools in the territory. Whether that will be a proper destination for the non- forfeited property will be a matter for future consideration in view of all the circumstances of the case. * * * Decree affirmed generally, Fuller, C. J., Field and Lamar, J.J., dissenting. Note. Effect of dissolution. 1. Franchises can be no longer exercised: 1844, White v. Campbell, 5 Humph. (Tenn.)38; 1844, Bank of Mississippi v. Wrenn, 11 Miss. (3 Sm. & M. ) 791 ; 1877, Turnpike Co. v. Illinois, 96 U. S. 63 ; 1879, State v. Lawrence Bridge Co., 22 Kan. 438; 1881, Greenwood v. Freight Co., 105 U. S. 13, infra, p. 1422; 1882, Campbell v. Talbot, 132 Mass. 174; 1889, People v. O'Brien, 111 N. Y. 1, infra, p. 1426; 1890, Marysville Invest. Co. v. Munson, 44 Kan. 491. And see supra, pp. 868-871. 2. Executory contracts: a. Involuntary dissolution, at common law, extinguished executory con- tracts, and all claims for damages for non-performance: 1797, Bracken v. William & M. College, 1 Call I Va.) 161; 1876,Silliman v. Fredericksburg, etc., R. Co., 27 Gratt. (Va.) 119; 1883, People v. Globe Mut. L. Ins. Co., 91 N. Y. 174; 1892, Schleider v. Dielman, 44 La. Ann. 462; 1897, Rosenbaum v. U. S. Cred. Sys. Co., 60 N. J. L. 294; 1899, Griffith v. Blackwater B. & L. Co., 40 W. Va. 56. S3 S. E. Rep. 1 25, supra, p. 897. 6. Voluntary dissolution does not extinguish executory contracts: 1834, Revere v. Boston Copper Co., 15 Pick. (Mass.) 351; 1865, Muscatine T. V. v. Funck, 18 Iowa 469, on 472; 1870, Pahquioque Bank v. Bethel Bank, 36 Conn. 325, 4 Am. Rep. 80; 1877, Shields v. Ohio, 95 U. S. 319, on 324; 1892, Schleider v. Dielman, 44 La. Ann. 462; 1896, Tiffin Glass Co. v. Stoehr, 54 Ohio St. 157. c. In equity the obligation of such contracts survives, and may be enforced against corporate assets: 1819, Vose v. Grant, 15 Mass. 505, on 522; 1819, Spear v. Grant, 16 Mass. 9, on 15; 1824, Wood v. Dummer, 3 Mason 30* ; 1834, Mnmtna v. Potomac Co., 8 Pet. (U. S.) 281, supra, p. 896; 1852, Coulter v. Robertson, 16 Ind. 46, 79 Am. Dec. 405; 1853, Cnrran v. Arkan- sas, 15 How. (U. S.)304, on 311-2; 1855, Bacon v. Robertson, 18 How. (U. S.) 480-6, supra, p. 899; 1861, State v. Bailey, 99 Mass. 267, 96 Am. Dec. 747; 1867, Powell v. North Mo. R. Co., 42 Mo. 63, on 68; 1873, Oakland R. Co. v. Oakland, etc., R. Co., 45 Gal. 365, 13 Am. Rep. 181; 1876, Broughton v. Pen- eacola, 93 U. S. 266, on 268; 1877, Shields v. Ohio, 95 U. S. 319, on p. 324; 1877, Wallamet Falls Canal, etc., Co. v. Kittridge, 5 Saw. 44, on 50; 1877, Shamokin Valley, etc., R. Co. v. Malone, 85 Pa. St. 25, on 36; 1882, Taylor v. Holmes, 14 Fed. Rep. 498; 1887, Stamm v. N. W. Mut. Ben. Assn., 65 Mich. 317, on 330; 1899, Boyd v. Hankinson, 92 Fed. Rep. 49. See infra, 36, and dicta in cases next paragraph. d. Under statutes rights arising from executory contracts are preserved : 257 EFFECT OF DISSOLUTION. 911 1843, Readv. Frankfort Bank, 23 Maine 318; 1866, Towar v. Hale, 46 Barb. (N. Y.) 361 ; 1877, Shields v. Ohio, 95 U. S. 319; 1879, Von Glahn v. De Ros- set. 81 N. C. 467, 473; 1880, People v. Trust Co., 82 N. Y. 283; 1882, Life Assoo. v. Fassett, 102 111. 315 ; 1882, Taylor v. Holmes, 14 Fed. Rep. 498 ; 1886, Beck v. Henderson, 76 Ga. 360; 1889, Mott v. Danville Seminary, 129 111. 403; 1891, Nelson v. Hubbard, 96 Ala. 238, 244; 1892, Schleider v. Dielman, 44 La. Ann. 462; 1894, Mason v. Pewabic Min. Co., 66 Fed. Rep. 391, on 394; 1896, Tiffin Glass Co. v. Stoehr, 54 Ohio St. 157. 3. Debts due to or from the corporation: a. At common law debts were extinguished: 1835, Commercial Bank v. Lockwood, 2 Har. (Del.) 8; 1841, Fox v. Horah, 1 Ired. Eq. (N. C.) 358, 36 Am. Dec. 48; 1844, White v. Campbell, 5 Humph. (Tenn.) 38; 1847, Commercial Bank v. Chambers, 8 Sin. & M. ( Miss. ) 9 ; 1849, Town of Port Gibson v. Moore, 13 Sin. & M. ( Miss.) 157; 1850, Hightower v. Thornton, 8 Ga. 486,52 Am. Dec. 412; 1854, Moultrie v. Smiley, 16 Ga. 289; 1863, Malloy v. Mallett, 59 N. C. (6 Jones Eq ) 345; 1867, Conwell v. Pattison, 28 Ind. 509; 1872, Exchange Bank v. Teddy, 67 N. C. 169; 1878, Bank of Mississippi v. Duncan, 56 Miss. 166; 1888, Higgins v. Downward, 8 Houst. (Del.) 227, 40 Am. St. 141, supra, p. 152. b. But debts and claims are preserved in equity : 1861, State, ex rel. Brown, v. Bailey, 16 Ind. 46, 79 Am. Dec. 405; 1868, Folger v. Columbia Ins. Co., 99 Mass. 267, 96 Am. Dec. 747 ; 1877, McCoy v. Farmer, 65 Mo. 244 ; 1883, Howe v. Robinson, 20 Fla. 352; 1888, People v. O'Brien, 111 N. Y. 1, 7 Am. St. Rep. 684, infra, p. 1426; 1888, Higgins v. Downward, 8 Houst. (Del.) 227, 40 Am. St. Rep. 141, supra, p. 152; 1890, Havermeyer v. Superior Court, 84 Cal. 327, 18 Am. St. Rep. 192; 1895, Conover v. Hull, 10 Wash. 673, 45 Am. St. Rep. 810. See, supra, 2c. c. And very generally now by statute, rights, credits or liabilities arising ex contractu or ex delicto are preserved, and trustees provided for the settle- ment of such claims: 1847, Commercial Bank v. Chambers, 8 Sm. & M. (Miss.) 9; 1856, Robinson v. Lane, 19 Ga. 337; 1860, Hargroves v. Chambers, 30 Ga. 580; 1861, Bank of Salem v. Caldwell, 16 Ind. 469; 1867, Hunt v. Co- lumbia Ins. Co., 55 Maine 290, 92 Am. Dec. 592; 1885, Society Perun v. Cleve- land, 43 Ohio St. 481, supra, p. 617; 1888, Miller v. Newburg Coal Co., 31 W. Va. 836, 13 Am. St. Rep. 903; 1891, Hepworth v. Union Ferry Co., 62 Hun (N. Y.) 257; 1891, Grafton v. Union Ferry Co., 19 N. Y. Supp. 966, contra; 1894, People v. Troy St. & I. Co., 82 Hun 303, 1 N. Y. Ann. Cas. 138; 1894, Marsteller v. Mills, 143 N. Y. 398, 38 N. E. Rep. 370; 1898, State v. Fogerty, 105 Iowa 32 ; 1899, American Surety Co. v. Great W. S. Co., 58 N. J. Eq. 526, 4:; Atl. Rep. 579; 1899, Boyd v. Hankinson, 92 Fed. Rep. 49. See, supra, 2d. Compare, 1885, Gray v. National S. S. Co., 115 U. S. 116 (tort). 4. Personal property, at common law, upon dissolution, vested in the crown or state: Coke's Littleton, 136; Rex v. Pasmore, 3 Term R. 199; 1823, State Bank v. State, 1 Blackf. (Ind.) 267, supra, p. 891J1841, Foxv. Horah, 1 Ired. Eq. (N. C.) 358, 36 Am. Dec. 48; 1844, White v. Campbell, 5 Humph. (Tenn.) 38; 1856, Erie R. Co. v. Casey, 26 Pa. St. 287. See infra, 5c. 5. Real property : a. At common law real estate reverted to the grantor. 1823, State Bank v. State, 1 Blackf. (Ind.) 267, supra, p. 891 ; 1844, White v. Campbell, 5 Humph. (Tenn.) 38; 1848, Bingham v. Wiederwax, 1 N. Y. 509; 1852, Nicoll v. N. Y. & E. R. Co., 12 Barb. 460; 1856, Erie, etc., R. v. Casey, 26 Pa. St. 287 (goes to the state); 1862, Plitt v. Cox, 43 Pa. St. 486 (same) ; 1869, People v. Col- lege of California, 38 Cal. 166; 1875, Mercer Academy v. Rusk, 8 W. Va. 373; 1877, Turnpike Co. v. Illinois, 96 IT. S. 63; 1885, New York, etc., R. v. Parma- lee, 1 Ohio C. C. 239 ; 1891, Danville Seminary v. Mott, 136 111. 289. See also, supra, 3c. b. But a corporation whose duration is limited may take or grant an estate in fee: 1848, People v. Manran, 5 Denio 389; 1862, Nicoll v. N. Y. & E. R. Co., 12 Barb. 460; 1854, Nicoll v. N. Y. & E. R. Co., 12 N. Y. 121 ; 1856, Rives v. Dudley, 3 Jones Eq. (56 N. C.) 126, 67 Am. Dec. 231 ; 1864, Erie R. Co. v. State, 3l"N. J. L. 531, 86 Am. Dec. 226; 1889, Bailey v. 1'lattc, etc., Co., 12 912 MORMON CHURCH V. UNITED STATES. 257 Colo. 230; 1889, Davis v. Memphis, etc., R., 87 Ala. 633; 1890. Miner v N Y., etc., R., 123 N. Y. 242; 1894, Detroit Citizens' St. R. v. Detroit, 64 Fed, Rep. 628; 1896, Union, etc., R. Co. v. Chicago, etc., R., 163 U. S. 564; 1897 Sionx, etc., Co. v. Trust Co., 82 Fed. Rep. 124; 1897, Wilson v. Learv, 120 N C. 90, 58 Am. St. Rep. 778, supra, p. 903. c. But in equity or by statute, real or personal estate, or the proceeds from its sale, are considered a fund for the payment of debts, and distribution among shareholders, and there is no reversion either to the grantor or to the state in the case of private business corporations, but in eleemosynary and non-business corporations the common law doctrines are applied frequently 1860, Owen v. Smith, 31 Barb. (N. Y.) 641 ; 1866, Towar v. Hale, 46 Barb (N Y.) 361 ; 1872, Heath v. Barmore, 50 N. Y. 302; J887, Titcomb v. Kennebunk Mut. F. Ins. Co., 79 Maine 315, supra, p. 904; 1888, People v. O'Brien 111 N Y. 1, 7 Am. St. Rep. 684; 1889, Bailey v. Platte L. D. Canal & M. C., 12 Colo 230; 1889, Davis v. Memphis, etc., R., 87 Ala. 633; 1890, Havermeyer v. Su- perior Court, 84 Cal. 327, 18 Am. St. Rep. 192; 1890, Mormon Church v. United States, 136 U. S. 1, supra, p. 906 ; 1891, Danville Seminary v. Mott, 13(5 111. 28!) : 1893, Sulphur S. &. M. P. R. v. St. Louis, 2 Texas Civ. App. 650; 1897, Wilson v. Leary, 120 N. C. 90, 58 Am. St. Rep. 778, supra, p. 903. 6. Actions by a corporation: a. Suits by a corporation at common law abate upon its dissolution: 1810, Bank of U. S. v. McLaughlin, 2 Cranch C. C. 20, Fed. Gas. 928; 1843, May v. State Bank, 2 Rob. (Va.) 56, 40 Am. Dec. 726; 1844, Bank of Miss. v. Wrenn, 3Sm.&M. (Miss.) 791; 1844, Miami Exporting Co. v. Gano, 13 Ohio 269; 1846, Bank of Gallipolis v. Trimble, 6 B. Mon. (Ky.) 599; 1851, Ingraham v. Terry, 11 Humph. (Tenn.) 572; 1852, Torry v. Robertson, 24 Miss. 192; 1891, Van Pelt v. Home Bldg. Assn., 87 Ga. 370. b. But see the following cases holding dissolution of a plaintiff corporation after suit is begun is not ground for nonsuit: 1828, Agnew v. Bank, 2 Har. & G. (Md.) 478; 1842, City of Louisville v. Bank.of U. S., 3 B. Mon. (Ky.) 138; 1849, Grand Gulf Bank v. Wood, 12 8m. & M. (Miss.) 482; 1850, Kim- ball v. Grafton Bank, 20 N. H. 347; 1877, Kansas City Hotel Co. v. Sauer, 65 Mo. 279; 1882, Butchers' & D. Bank v. Pulitzer, 11 Mo. App. 594. c. Statutes may prevent abatement of suits by dissolution of plaintiff cor- poration: 1826, President, etc., of N. J., etc., Bank v. Thorp, 6 Cow. (N. Y.) 46 ; 1847, Bank of U. S. v. Leathers, 8 B. Mon. (Ky.) 126 ; 1857, State v. Bank, 18 Ark. 554; 1897, Richmond Union Pass. Co. v. R. Co., 95 Va. 386: 1898, Singer & Talcott Stone Co. v. Hutchinson, 176 111. 48. 7. Suits against a corporation : a. No valid judgment at common law could be rendered against a dissolved corporation: 1836, Rider v. Nelson, etc., Fac., 7 Leigh (Va.) 154, 30 Am. Dec. 495; 1845, Musson v. Richardson, 11 Rob. (La.) 37; 1845, Greeley v. Smith, 3 Story 657, Fed. Cas. 5748; 1849, Merrill v. Bank, 31 Maine 57, 50 Am. Dec. 649; 1874, McCullough v. Norwood, 58 N. Y. 562; 1874, First National Bank v. Colby, 88 U. S. 609; 1878, Sturgis v. Vanderbilt, 73 N. Y. 384; 1880, Ferry v. Merchants', etc., Bank, 66 Ga. 177; 1891, Pendleton v. Russell, 144 U. S. 640; 1895, In re N. Y. Oxygen Co., 33 N. Y. Supp. 726, 24 Civ. Proc. Rep. 398; 1895, Combes v. Keyes, 89 Wis. 297, 46 Am. St. Rep. 839; 1897, In re Direc- tors, etc., Brewing Co., 24 App. Div. (N. Y.) 223. See, infra, c and d and 8. b. Attachment or garnishment proceedings are terminated by dissolution of defendant corporation: 1844, Farmers', etc., Bank v. Little, 8 W. & S. (Pa.) 207, 13 Am. Dec. 293; 1874, Frailey v. Central Fire Ins. Co., 9 Phil. 219; 1895, Walters v. Western, etc., R. Co., 69 Fed. Rep. 679. But see, 1840, Lin- dell v. Benton, 6 Mo. 361 ; 1882, Hays v. Lycoming Fire Ins. Co., 99 Pa. St. 621, contra; 1901, Fitts v. Natl. Life Assn., Ala. , 30 So. 374. c. Statutes may provide that dissolution shall not abate suits pending, nor prevent the bringing of suits against the defunct corporation: 1859, Blake v. Portsmouth, etc., R. Co., 39 N. H. 435; 1870, Ramsay v. Peoria, etc., Ins. Co., 55 111. 311; 1887, Greenbrier Lumber Co. v. Ward, 30 W. Va. 43; 1890. Lake Superior Iron Co. v. Brown, B. & Co., 44 Fed. Rep. 539; 1894, People V. Troy Steel & Iron Co., 82 Hun (N. Y.) 304; 1895, State v. Port Royal, etc., 257 EFFECT OF DISSOLUTION. 913 R., 45 S. C. 413, 23 S. E. Rep. 363; 1898, Steinhaur v. Colmar, 11 Colo. App. 494, 55 Pac. Rep. 291 ; 1901, Shayne v. Evening Post Pub. Co., 168 N. Y. 70, 55 L. R. A. 777. An action for libel against a corporation which abates by the expiration of the corporate charter may be revived against the trustees of the dissolved corporation in office at the time of dissolution: 1901, Shayne v. Evening Post Pub. Co., 168 N. Y. 70, 55 L. R. A. 777. d. And it seems that a decree dissolving a corporation may provide that pending suits against the corporation shall not be affected : 1882, Life Asso- ciation v. Funck, 102 111. 315; 1891, Hepworth v. Union Ferry Co., 62 Hun (N. Y.) 257; 1895, People v. Troy Steel, etc., Co., 82 Hun (N. Y.) 303, 1 N. Y. Ann. Cas. 138. 8. Judgments : At common law, a judgment in favor of a corporation was ex- tinguished by the dissolution of the corporation : 1842, May v. State, 2 Rob. (Va. ) 56, 40 Am. Dec. 726; but if such judgment was assigned before dissolu- tion the assignee could enforce it after dissolution : 1855, De Vendell v. Ham- ilton, 27 Ala. 156; 1861, Leach v. Thomas, 27 111. 457. A judgment against a corporation, obtained while an appeal from a judg- ment of dissolution is pending, may be enforced before the judgment of disso- lution is affirmed: 1894, Giles v. Stanton, 86 Tex. 620, 26 S.W.Rep. 615, 1111. 58 WIL. CASES. PART III. THE CORPORATION AS A SUBJECT AND SOURCE OF RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS. TITLE I. RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF THE CORPORATION IN GENERAL. CHAPTER 12. POWERS AND AUTHORITY IN GENERAL. ARTICLE I. THEORIES OF CORPORATE CAPACITY. Sec. 258. Corporate powers. "The capacities of corporations are limited: (i) by natural possibility, i. e., by the fact that they are artificial and not natural persons; (2) by legal possibility, i. e., by the restrictions which the power creating a corporation may impose on the legal existence and action of its creature. "First, of the limits set to the powers and liabilities of cor- porations by the mere fact that they are not natural persons. The requirement of a common seal is sometimes said to spring from the artificial nature of a corporation. The fact that it is not known in Scotland is, however, enough to show that it is a mere positive rule of English law. The correct and compre- hensive proposition is that a corporation can do no act except by an agent (for even if all the members concur they are but agents). * * * "We come now to consider the far more difficult and com- plicated questions of special restrictions. On this there have been many decisions, much discussion, and some real conflict of judicial opinions. There are two opposite views by which the consideration of the matter may be gov- erned, and they may be expressed thus: 259 THEORIES OF CORPORATE CAPACITY. 91 5 "I. A corporation is an artificial creature of the law, and has no existence except for the purposes for which it was cre- ated. No act exceeding the limits of those purposes can be the act of the corporation, and no one can be authorized to bind the corporation to such an act. In each particular case, therefore, the question is : Was the corporation empowered to . bind itself to this transaction? "2. A corporation once duly constituted has all such pow- ers and capacities of a natural person as in the nature of things can be exercised by an artificial person. Transactions entered into with apparent authority in the name of the corporation are presumably valid and binding, and are invalid only if it can be shown that the legislature has expressly or by neces- sary implication deprived the corporation of the power it nat- urally would have had of entering into them. The question is, therefore: Was the corporation forbidden to bind itself to this transaction? * * * * "These views we may call ( i) the doctrine of special ca- pacities, and (2) the doctrine of general capacity." Pollock on Contracts, pp. 86-91. Sec. 259. Special capacities. THOMAS v. RAILROAD COMPANY. 1 1879. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF UNITED STATES. 101 U. S. 71-87. [Error to the circuit court of the United States for the eastern dis- trict of Pennsylvania. This was an action of covenant, by Thomas et al. against the West Jersey Railroad Company, and they, to maintain the issue on their part, offered to prove that: In October, 1863, the Millville and Glassboro Railroad Company, incorporated by the legislature of New Jersey in 1859, entered into an agreement with them leasing its road, buildings and rolling-stock to them for twenty years from August, 1863, for the consideration of one-half of the gross sum collected from the operation of the road by the plaintiffs during that period ; and providing that the company .might at any time terminate the contract and retake possession of the railroad, and in such case, if the plaintiffs so desired, arbitrators should decide upon the value of the contract and the loss incurred by the termination thereof; and the decision was to be final, conclusive, and binding upon the parties. In October, 1867, articles of agreement were entered into between 1 Statement abridged. THOMAS V. RAILROAD COMPANY. 259 the Millville and Glassboro Railroad Company and the West Jersey Railroad Company, the defendant, whereby it was agreed that the former should be merged into and consolidated with the latter. In November, 1867, a written notice was served by the Millville and Glassboro Railroad Company upon the plaintiffs, putting an end to the contract and to all the rights thereby granted, and notifying them that the company would retake possession of the railroad on the first day of April, 1868. In March, 1868, the legislature of New Jersey enacted that, upon the fulfillment of certain preliminaries, the Millville and Glassboro Railroad Company should be consolidated with the West Jersey Rail- road Company, "subject to all the debts, liabilities and obligations of both of said companies." These conditions were fulfilled, and the railroad was duly delivered by the plaintiffs to the West Jersey Rail- road Company on the first of April, 1868. Notices to arbitrate according to the terms of the agreement were served by the plaintiffs upon the Millville and Glassboro Railroad Company, and immediately thereafter upon the West Jersey Railroad Company. An agreement of submission was entered into whereby arbitrators were appointed, with power to settle the controversy be- tween the parties. An award was made by which the value of the unexpired term of the lease, and the loss sustained by reason of the termination thereof, to and by the plaintiffs, was adjudged to be the sum of $159,437.07; and the West Jersey Railroad Company was ordered to pay that sum to the plaintiffs. This award was subse- quently set aside in a suit in equity brought in New Jersey. The plaintiffs further offered to prove their compliance in all re- spects with the terms of the lease, its value, and the loss and damage they had sustained by reason of its termination as aforesaid. The court excluded the offered testimony on the ground that the lease by the Millville and Glassboro Railroad Company to the plaintiffs was ultra vires, and directed the jury to return a verdict for the defend- ant. The plaintiffs duly excepted, and sued out this writ.] MILLER, J. * * * The ground on which the court held the contract to be void, and on which the ruling is supported in argument here, is that the contract amounted to a lease, by which the railroad, rolling-stock, and franchises of the corporation were transferred to plaintiffs, and that such a contract was ultra vires of the company. It is denied by the plaintiffs that the contract can be fairly called a lease. But we know of no element of a lease which is wanting in this in- strument. "A lease for years is a contract between lessor and lessee, for possession of lands, etc., on the one side, and a recompense by rent or other consideration on the other." 4 Bac. Abr. 632. * * * The authority to make this lease is placed by counsel primarily in the following language of the thirteenth section of the company's charter : "That it shall be lawful for the said company, at any time during the continuance of its charter, to make contracts and engagements 259 THEORIES OF CORPORATE CAPACITY. 917 with any other corporation, or with individuals, for the transporting or conveying any kinds of goods, produce, merchandise, freight, or passengers, and to enforce the fulfillment of such contracts." This is no more than saying: "You may do the business of carry- ing goods and passengers, and may make contracts for doing that business. Such contracts you may make with any other corporation or with individuals." No doubt a contract by which the goods re- ceived from railroad or other carrying companies should be carried over the road of this company, or by which goods or passengers from this road should be carried by other railroads, whether connecting im- mediately with them or not, are within this power, and are probably the main object of the clause. But it is impossible, under any sound rule of construction, to find in the language used a permission to sell, lease, or transfer to others the entire road and the rights and fran- chises of the corporation. To do so is to deprive the company of the power of making those contracts which this clause confers, and of performing the duties which it implies. * * * It is next insisted, in the language of counsel, that though this may be so, "a corporate body may (as at common law) do any act which is not either expressly or impliedly prohibited by its charter ; although where the act is unauthorized by the charter a shareholder may enjoin its execution, and the state may, by proper process, forfeit the charter." We do not concur in this proposition. We take the general doc- trine to be in this country, though there may be exceptional cases and some authorities to the contrary, that the powers of corporations organized under legislative statutes are such and such only as those statutes confer. Conceding the rule applicable to all statutes, that 'what is fairly implied is as much granted as -what is expressed, it remains that the charter of a corporation is the measure of its pow- ers, and that the enumeration of these powers implies the exclusion of all others. * * * [Citing and discussing East Anglian R. Co. v. Eastern Counties R. Co., ii C. B. 775; Eastern Counties R. Co. v. Hawkes, 5 H. L. Cas. 331 ; McGregor v. Deal & Dover R. Co., 22 Law J. Q. B. 69, 18 Q. B. 618.] There is another principle of equal importance and equally conclu- sive against the validity of this contract, which, if not coming exactly within the doctrine of ultra vires as we have just discussed it, shows very clearly that the railroad company was without the power to make such a contract. That principle is that where a corporation, like a railroad company, has granted to it by charter a franchise intended in large measure to be exercised for the public good, the due performance of those func- tions being the consideration of the public grant, any contract which disables the corporation from performing those functions, which un- dertakes, without the consent of the state, to transfer to others the rights and powers conferred by the charter, and to relieve the grant- ees of the burden which it imposes, is a violation of the contract with the state, and is void as against public policy. * * * [Citing New 91 8 THOMAS V. RAILROAD COMPANY. 259 York &M. L. R. Co. v. Winans, 17 How. 30; Beman v. Rufford r I Sim. (N. S. ) 550; Winch v. Birkenhead, L. & C. J. R. Co., isEng. L. & Eq. 506 ; Black v. Delaware & R. Canal Co., 22 N. J. Eq. 130.] It remains to consider the suggestion that the contract, having been executed, the doctrine of ultra vires is inapplicable to the case. There can be no question that, in many instances where an invalid contract, which the party to it might have avoided or refused to perform, has been fully performed on both sides, whereby money has been paid or property changed hands, the courts have refused to sustain an ac- tion for the recovery of the property or the money so transferred. In regard to corporations the rule has been well laid down by Corn- stock, C. J., in Parish v. Wheeler, 22 N. Y. 494, that the executed dealings of corporations must be allowed to stand for and against both parties when the plainest rules of good faith require it. But what is sought in the case before us is the enforcement of the unexecuted part of this agreement. So far as it has been executed, namely, the four or five years of action under it, the accounts have been adjusted and each party has received what he was entitled to by its terms. There remains unperformed the covenant to arbitrate with regard to the value of the contract. It is the damages provided for in that clause of the contract that are sued for in this action. Dam- ages for a material part of the contract never performed ; damages for the value of a contract which was void. It is not a case of a contract fully executed. The very nature of the suit is to recover damages for its non-performance. As to this it is not an executed contract. Not only so, but it is a contract forbidden by public policy and be- yond the power of the defendants to make. Having entered into the agreement it was the duty of the company to rescind or abandon it at the earliest moment. This duty was independent of the clause in the contract which gave them the right to do it. Though they delayed its performance for several years, it was nevertheless a rightful act when it was done. Can this performance of a legal duty, a duty both to stockholders of the company and to the public, give to the plaint- iffs a right of action? Can they found such a right on an agreement void for want of corporate authority and forbidden by the policy of the law? To hold that they can, is, in our opinion, to hold that any act performed in executing a void contract makes all its parts valid, and that the more that is done under a contract forbidden by law, the stronger is the claim to its enforcement by the courts. We can not see that the present case comes within the principle that requires that contracts, which, though invalid for want of corpo- rate power, have been fully executed, shall remain as the foundation of rights acquired by the transaction. We have given this case our best consideration on account of the importance of the principles involved in its decision, and after a full examination of the authorities we can see no error in the action of the circuit court. Judgment affirmed. Note. Special capacities. Only the following among numerous author- ities are given: 1804, Head v. Providence Ins. Co., 2 Cranch (6 U. S.) 127; 26O THEORIES OF CORPORATE CAPACITY. 919 1807, Beatty v. Marine Ins. Co., 2 Johns. (N. Y.) 109,3 Am. Dec. 401; 1818, People v. Utica Ins. Co., 15 Johns. 358, 8 Am. Dec. 243; 1819, Dart- mouth College v. Woodward, 5 Wheat. (U. S.) 518, 636, supra, p. 708; 1827, Fuller v. Plainfield, 6 Conn. 532; 1828, State v. Stebbins, 1 Stew. (Ala.) 299; 1830, Providence Bank v. Billings, 4 Pet. (29 U. S.) 514; 1831, Betts v. Men- ard, 1 111. (Breeee) 395; 1839, Bank of Augusta v. Earle, 13 Pet. (38 U.S.) 519, 587; 1839, Penobscot Boom Co. v. Lamson, 16 Maine 224, 33 Am. Dec. 656; 1839, Thomas v. Dakin, 22 Wend. 9, supra, p. 19; 1841, State v. Wash- ington S. L. Co., 11 Ohio 96; 1846, Coleman v. Eastern Counties B. Co., 10 Beav. 1; 1846, Janesyille Bridge Co. v. Stoughton, 1 Pin. (Wis.) 667; 1850, Perrine v. Ches. & D. C. Co., 9 How. (50 U. S.) 172; 1851, East Anglian R. Co. v. -Eastern Counties R., 11 C. B. (73 E. C. L.) 775; 1852, Bank of Penn- sylvania v. Commonwealth, 19 Pa. St. 144; 1853, Hood v. N. Y. & N. H. R. Co., 22 Conn. 502; 1856, Commw. v. Erie & N. E. R. Co., 27 Pa. St. 339, 67 Am. Dec. 471 ; 1858, Pearce v. Madison & Ind. R. Co., 21 How. (62 U. S.)441 ; 1858, A bby v. Billups, 35 Miss. 618,72 Am. Dec. 143; 1859, Talmadge v. North Am. C. & T. Co., 3 Head (40 Tenn.) 337; 1860, Bissell v. Mich. South- ern, etc., R. Co., 22 N. Y. 258; 1860, Memphis & St. F. P. R. Co. v. Rives, 21 Ark. 302; 1860, McCracken v. City of San Fran., 16 Cal. 591 ; 1865, Hannibal & St. J. R. Co., v. Marion Co., 36 Mo. 294; 1868, Rochester Ins. Co. v. Mar- tin, 13 Minn. 59 (Gil. 54) ; 1869, Monument Nat'l Bank v. Globe Works, 101 Mass. 57; 1873, Fowler v. Scully, 72 Pa. St. 456, 13 Am. Rep. 699; 1875, Ash- bury R. Co. v. Riche, L. R. 7 H. L. Rep. 653; 1877, Franklin Co. v. Lewiston Inst. For Sav., 68 Maine 43 ; 1880, Houston & T. C. R. v. Shirley, 54 Texas 125 ; 1881, Davis v. Old Colony R. Co., 131 Mass. 258; 1885, Ewing v. Toledo Sav. Bank, 43 Ohio St. 31 ; 1888, Chewackla Lime Works v. Dismukes, 87 Ala. 344 ; 1888, State v. Atchison & N. R. Co., 24 Neb. 143, 8 Am. St. Rep. 164; 1890, Central Trans. Co. v. Pullman P. C. Co., 139 U. S. 24, 48; 1894, Commw. v. N. El. R. Co., 161 Pa. St. 409; 1897, Farwell Co. v. Josephson, 96 Wis. 10, 37 L. R. A. 138, 65 Am. St. Rep. 22 ; 1897, Pullman's Car Co. v. Cent. Trans. Co., 171 U. S. 138; 1897, Franklin Nat'l Bank v. Whitehead, 149 Ind. 560, 63 Am. St. Rep. 302; 1898, Nicollet Nat'l Bank v. Frisk-Turner Co., 71 Minn. 413, 70 Am. St. Rep. 334; 1899, De La Vergne Refrigerating Machine Co. v. German Sav. Inst., 175 U. S. 40; 1899, National Loan, etc., Assn. v. Home Sav. Bank, 181 111. 35, 72 Am. St. Rep. 245. Sec. 260. General capacity. RICHE v. THE ASHBURY RAILWAY CARRIAGE & IRON CO., LTD.* 1874. -!N THE COURT OF EXCHEQUER. L. R. 9 Ex. 224-297. [The defendants were incorporated as a limited company under the companies' act, 1862, the objects of the company, as stated in the memorandum of association, being "To make, sell, or lend on hire, railway carriages and wagons, and all kinds of railway plant, fittings, machinery and rolling stock; to carry on the business of mechanical engineers and general contractors; to purchase, lease, work and sell 1 Statement of facts abridged, arguments, part of opinion of Blackburn, J., and dissenting opinion of Archibald, J., omitted. Brett and Grove, JJ., concurred with Blackburn, and Keating and Quain, JJ., concurred with Archibald, J. The court being evenly divided, the judgment below was affirmed. Upon appeal to the house of lords, 1875, Ashbury, etc., R. Co. v. Riche, L. R. 7 H. L. Rep. 653, the decision above was overruled, and the doc- trine of special capacities established as to parliamentary corporations. See note, infra, p. 924. 920 RICHE V. THE ASHBURY RAILWAY, ETC., CO. 260 mines, minerals, land and buildings ; to purchase and sell as mer- chants timber, coal, metal and other materials, and to buy and sell any such materials on commission as agents." And by article 4 of their articles of association, "An extension of the company's business beyond or for other than the objects or purposes expressed or implied in the memorandum of association, shall take place only in pursuance of a special resolution." The defendants' directors in January, 1865, entered into contracts on behalf of the company, by which the company became purchasers of a concession granted by the Belgian government for the construc- tion of a railway in Belgium, and contracted with the plaintiff that, through the medium of a societe anonyme which the company were to form in Belgium, he should be employed to construct the line, and that they would pay certain sums of money into the treasury of the societe anonyme for the purpose of payments being made to him thereout for the construction of the railway. These contracts were afterward modified in certain particulars by agreements entered into, October, 1865, by the directors on behalf of the company. In October, 1865, the plaintiff entered on the construction of the line ; the societe anonyme was formed, and for some time payments were made by the company into the treasury of the societe in pursu- ance of their contract with the plaintiff. In May, 1866, defendants repudiated the contracts, on the ground that they were ultra vires. Afterwards these contracts were ratified at an annual meeting of the shareholders. Plaintiffs claimed the con- tracts were not ultra -vires, but if they were they could be ratified by the shareholders.] BLACKBURN, J. * * * It is of great importance, when we come to construe a statute creating a corporation, to consider what would be the incidents at common law conferred on a corporation created by charter. The leading authority on this subject is the case of Sutton's Hos- pital, 10 Co. i. There were many points raised in that case. Those which I think material to the present point arose on a part of the charter set out in the special verdict (p. io3), by which the king in- corporated the first governors of the charterhouse, and expressly pro- vided, i. That they should have power to purchase, etc., as well goods, chattels, etc., as lands. 2. To sue and be sued. 3. To have a common seal, "whereby the same corporation shall or may seal any manner of instrument touching the said corporation and the manor, lands, etc., thereto belonging, or in any wise touching or concerning the same. Nevertheless, it is our true intent and meaning that the said governors, for the time being, and their successors, nor any of them, shall do, or suffer to be done, at any time hereafter, any act or thing whereby or by means whereof any of the manors, etc., of the said in- corporation, or any estate, etc., shall be conveyed, etc., to any other whatsoever contrary to the true meaning hereof, other than by such leases as are hereafter mentioned, and that in such manner and form as is hereafter expressed, and not otherwise." The king, therefore, 26O THEORIES OF CORPORATE CAPACITY. 921 by this charter not only did not in express terms give a power of alien- ation, but by express negative words forbade any alienation except by lease. But the resolution of the court, as reported by Coke (at p. 3O<5), was that "when a corporation is duly created all other incidents are tacite annexed ; * * * and, therefore, divers clauses subsequent in the charter are not of necessity, but only declaratory, and might well have been left out. As, i. By the same to have authority, ability, and capacity to purchase ; but no clause is added that they may alien, etc., and it need not, for it is incident. 2. To sue and be sued, im- plead and be impleaded. 3. To have a seal, etc., that is also declar- atory, for when they are incorporated they may make or use what seal they will. 4. To restrain them from aliening or demising but in a certain form ; that is an ordinance testifying the king's desire, but it is but a precept and doth not bind in law." This seems to me an express authority that at common law it is an incident to a corporation to use its common seal for the purpose of binding itself to anything to which a natural person could bind him- self, -and to deal with its property as a natural person might deal with his own. And further, that an attempt to forbid this on the part of the king, even by express negative words, does not bind at law. Nor am I aware of any authority in conflict v/ith this case. If there are conditions contained in the charter that the corporation shall not do particular things, and these things are nevertheless done, it gives ground for a procceeding by scire facias in the name of the crown to repeal the letters-patent creating the corporation. See Reg. v. Eastern Archipelago Company, 2 E. & B. 857, 22 L. J. Q. B. 196. But if the crown take no such steps it does not, as I conceive, lie in the mouth, either of the corporation or of the person who has con- tracted with it, to say that the contract into which they have entered was void as beyond the capacity of the corporation. I am aware of no decision by which a corporation at common law has been permitted to do so. I take it that the true rule of law is, that a corporation at common law has, as an incident given by law, the same power to contract and subject to the same restrictions that a nat- ural person has. And this is important when we come to construe the statutes creating a corporation. For if it were true that a corporation at common law has a capacity to contract to the extent given it by the instrument creating it, and no further, the question would be, does the statute creating the corporation, by express provision or by neces- sary implication, show an intention in the legislature to confer upon this corporation capacity to make the contract? But if a body corpo- rate has, as incident to it, a general capacity to contract, the question is, does the statute creating the corporation, by express provision or necessary implication, show an intention in tbe legislature to prohibit, and so avoid the making of a contract of this particular kind ? I think this is the real question, and for that I refer to the judgment of Parke, B., in South Yorkshire R. Co. v. Great Northern R. Co., 9 Ex. 55, 84, 22 L. J. Ex. 305, 313, and the various other cases cited 922 RICHE V. THE ASHBURY RAILWAY, ETC., CO. 260 by my late brother Willes and by myself in Taylor v. Chichester and Midhurst R. Co., L. R. 2 Ex., at pp, 375, 389. And when we are construing a statute creating and regulating a corporation, it is right to bear in mind that, as Lord Coke says, "It is a maxim in the common law that a statute made in the affirmative, without any negative expressed or implied, doth not take away the common law." 2 Inst. 200. Affirmative words may no doubt be used so as to imply a negative (see Plowden Com., 113), but I take it the general principle is that thus laid down by Cresswell, J., in the Eastern Archipelago Company v. Reg., 2 E. & B., at p. 888, 23 L. J. Q. B. 82, "that to make the words giving an express liberty or right have the effect of controlling or limiting that which would oth- erwise exist, they must be very plain." I now come to consider the construction of the act of 1862, under which the present company is formed. The sections of the act of 1862 bearing on the present case seem to me to be only sections 6, 8, 9, 10 and 12. By the sixth section of the act of 1862, any seven persons may, by subscribing their names to a memorandum of association, and other- wise complying with the requisitions of this act in respect of registra- tion, form an incorporated company with or without limited liability. The eighth, ninth and tenth sections provide that the memorandum of association shall contain the objects for which the proposed com- pany is to be established. The twelfth section provides that the company may make certain specified alterations in the memorandum of association, not including a change in the objects for which the company is to be established, and then, in express negative words provides that, "save as aforesaid^ no alteration shall be made in the conditions contained in the memo- randum of association." The objects of the proposed company must, therefore, always re- main the same, and that has, I think, two important effects: First, I think that if the company as a body proposes to do anything beyond these objects, any one dissentient shareholder (who has not preclnded himself from doing so) may prevent it from doing so. Secondly. No person can be entitled to fix the company with a contract made by the board for any purpose beyond those objects, oh the ground that the board had an ostensible or apparent authority to make contracts of that kind, but must, in order to fix the company, at least prove an actual authority given to the board to make the par- ticular contract he seeks to enforce. Now, if I thought that it was at common law an incident to a corpo- ration that its capacity should b,e limited to the extent conferred on it by the instrument creating it, I should agree that the capacity of a company incorporated under the act of 1862 was limited to the ob- jects in the memorandum of association. But if I am right in the opinion which I have already expressed, that the general power of contracting is an incident to a corporation which it requires an indi- cation of intention in the legislature to take away, I see no such indi- 260 THEORIES OF CORPORATE CAPACITY. 923 cation here. There are not even affirmative words, those used in 25 of 7 and 8 Viet., ch. no, to which I shall now refer, having been (I presume advisedly) not repeated. The 7 and 8 Viet., ch. no, 25, enacts that from the date of the certificate the shareholders shall be incorporated "by the name of the company as set forth in the deed of settlement, and for the purpose of carrying on the trade or business for which the company was formed, but only according to the provisions of this act, and of such deed as aforesaid." And then express powers are given to the company to enter into contracts for any "necessary purpose of the company." I think if the question was whether the legislature had conferred on a corporation created under this act capacity to enter into contracts beyond the provisions of the deed, there could be only one answer. The legislature did not confer such capacity. But if the question be, as I apprehend it is. whether the legislature have indicated an intention to take away the power of contracting, which at common law would be incident to a body corporate, and not merely to limit the authority of the managing body and the majority of the shareholders to bind the minority, but also to prohibit and make illegal contracts made by the body corporate in such a manner that they would be binding on the body if incorporated at common law, I think the answer should be the other way. There certainly is ground for suspecting that the person who framed the act, 7 and 8 Viet., ch. 1 10, thought that the corporation would have no other powers than those thus expressly given to it, and perhaps meant to restrict its pow- ers accordingly, but when we remember the canon of construction that affirmative words do not take away the common law right, I think he has not used words sufficient to effect such a purpose. It would be different if negative words had been used, and it had been said that the company should not do any other acts than those neces- sary for the purpose for which it is formed. The two acts, 7 and 8 Viet., ch. no, and the act of 1862, are so much in pari materia, that if it had been settled by judicial construc- tion that a company under 7 and 8 Viet., ch. no, was forbidden to make any contract for objects beyond those specified in the deed, I should endeavor to put the same construction on the act of 1862, un- less the change in the language showed an intention in the legislature to alter the law. There are many dicta in courts of equity worthy of great respect, which indicate an opinion not only that such acts are beyond the au- thority of the board, or even of a majority of the shareholders, but also that they are beyond the capacity of the company, though unani- mous. These are worthy of great attention, but I can find no case in which it has been decided that a contract so made or ratified by the whole company that it would have bound the company in its corporate ca- pacity (but for the provisions of the statute) has, either at law or in equity, been held void on account of the provisions of that act. And I think that the three cases already referred to of Spackman v. Evans, 924 RICHE V. THE ASHBURY RAILWAY, ETC., CO. 260 L. R. 3 H. L. Cas. 171; Evans v. Smallcombe, L. R. 3 H. L. Cas. 249, and Houldsworth v. Evans, L. R. 3 H. L. Cas. 263, all decided in the house of lords, are at least authorities for the contrary doctrine. * * * I think, for the reasons I have above given, that in this case the unanimous shareholders have, in fact, assented to the ratification under the seal of the company of this contract, and that such a ratification, at all events, makes the contract binding on the company in its cor- porate capacity. I think, therefore, that the judgment of the court below should be affirmed. Note. General capacity. While the rule of special capacities is verbally almost universally adhered to, there is a tendency, especially in the decisions of the state courts, when no public interest or policy is specially involved, and creditors' rights are not affected, practically to allow a general capacity to do everything in every way an individual could do, within the field covered by the business in which the corporation was organized to engage. As was stated in 1851, by Willard, P. J., in Conro v. Port Henry Iron Co., 12 Barb. (N. Y.) 27, 53, "modern decisions tend to assimilate the actions, rights, du- ties and liabilities of corporations to those of individuals and commercial partnerships;" or as stated in 1857, in Shrewsbury & B. R. Co. v. N. W. R. Co., 6 H. L. Cases 113, "Prima facie all corporate bodies are bound by con- tracts under their common seal, but this prima facie power to contract can not be insisted on as to matters where, from the nature of the corporate body or the object of its incorporation, it is expressly or impliedly, 'by reasonable in- ference,' prohibited from contracting. A contract as to such matters is ultra vires." So, too, in 1859, Lord Wensleydale, in Scottish N. E. R. Co. v. Stew- art, 3 Macq. H. L. Cas. 382, said : "There can be no doubt that a corporation is fully capable of binding itself by any contract, except when the statutes by which it is created or regulated expressly or by necessary implication pro- hibit such contract between the parties. Prima facie all its contracts are valid, and it lies on those who impeach any contract to make out that it is bad." And in 1887, Lord Selborne said in A.-G. v. Great Eastern R. Co., 5 App. Cas. 478, "The doctrine of ultra vires is one which ought to be reasonably and not unreasonably applied, and whatever may fairly be re- garded as incidental to or consequential upon those things which the legisla- ture has authorized, ought not (unless expressly prohibited) to be held by ju- dicial construction to be ultra vires." Cook Corporations, 4th ed., 1898, 3, states the modern tendency more broadly than other writers, and perhaps too broadly. He says : "The theory of a corporation is that it has no powers except those expressly given or neces- sarily implied. But this theory is no longer strictly applied to private corpo- rations. A private corporation may exercise many extraordinary powers, provided all of its stockholders assent and none of its creditors are injured. There is no one to complain except the state, and the business being entirely private, the state does not interfere. * * * The old theory of a corporation was that it could not legally do anything in excess of its express or implied powers. But the modern view is that a private corporation may, if all its stockholders assent and if creditors are paid. Public policy does not require business corporations to confine themselves strictly within the limits of the words of their charter." He cites particularly, 1879, Kent v. Quicksilver Mining Co., 78 N. Y. 159, 186; 1896, Bath Gaslight Co. v. Claffy, 151 N. Y. 24. 29-31, 33, 34, 37; 1897, Augusta, etc., R. Co. v. City Council, 100 Ga. 701, 28 S. E. Rep. 126; 1897, Farwell Co. v. Wolf, 96 Wis. 10, 70 N. W. Rep. 289. ' This lattercase holds that "none but a person directly interested in the corpo- ration or the state can question such [corporate] authority;" and the follow- ing cases seem to support this doctrine: 1860, Natoma, etc., Co. v. Clarkin, 26l CLASSES OF CORPORATE POWERS. 925 14 Gal. 544; 1876, Grant v. Henry Clay, etc., Co., 80 Pa. St. 208; 1878, Na- tional Bank v. Whitney, 103 U. S. 99; 1883, Hovelman v. Kansas City, etc., Co., 79 Mo. 632; 1884, Alexander v. Tolleston Club, 110 111. 65; 1886, Baker v. North West, etc., Loan Co., 36 Minn. 185; 1889, Fritts v. Palmer, 132 U. S. 282; 1893, Prescott Nat'l Bank v. Butler, 157 Mass. 548; 1898, Rogers v. R. Co., 33 C. C. A. 517, 91 Fed. Rep. 29'.; 1898. South & N. A. R. Co. v. High- land Ave., etc., 119 Ala. 105, 24 So. Rep. 114; 1898, Chapman v. Iron Clad R. Co., 62 N. J. L. 497, 41 Atl. Rep. 690; 1898, Bishop v. Kent & Stanley Co., 20 R. I. 680, 41 Atl. Rep. 255; 1898, Miller v. American Tobacco Co., 55 N. J. Eq. 352, 42 Atl. Rep. 1117 ; 1899, Union Trust Co. v. M. L. H. Co., 189 Pa. St. 263, 42 Atl. Rep. 129; 1899, Murphy v. Arkansas & L. L. & I. Co. (C. C. Ark.), 97 Fed. Rep. 723; 1899, Colorado Springs Co. v. Am. Pub. Co. (C. C. A. Colo.), 97 Fed. Rep. 843; 1899, International B. & L. Assn. v. Wall, 153 Ind. 554, 55 .>. E. Rep. 431 ; 1900, Burke Land & L. S. Co. v. Wells F., etc., Co., Idaho , 60 Pac. Rep. 87; 1900, City of Spokane v. Amsterdamsch T. K., 22 Wash. 172, 60 Pac. Rep. 141. Late cases hold also that the state will not object except when some special public interest is injuriously affected: 1836, State v. Essex Bank, 8 Vt. 489; 1860, Bissell v. Mich. So. R. Co., 22 N. Y. 258, 289; 1879, State v. Oberlin B. & L. Assn., 35- Ohio State 258; 1889, State v. Minnesota Thresher Co., 40 Minn. 213; 1890, People v. North River S. R. Co., 121 N. Y. 582,supra, p. 100; 1890, Martin v. Niagara Falls Co., 122 N. Y. 165; 1892, Oliver v. Gilmore (C. C. Mass.), 52 Fed. Rep. 562; 1892, Edgar Collegiate Institute v. People, 142 111. 363; 1896, State v. Janesville Water Co., 92 Wis. 496, 501; 1897, Illinois Health Univ. v. People, 166 111. 171; 1898, State v. National School of Oste- opathy, 76 Mo. App. 439. These two doctrines that the state alone can complain, and that it will complain only when the public are injuriously affected with the extension of the doctrine of implied powers indicated below, leave but little of the old doc- trine of special capacities, and approximate to the doctrine of general capacity an unwise extension in the writer's opinion. ARTICLE II. CLASSES OF CORPORATE POWERS. Sec. 261. I. Incidental powers those tacitly annexed without any express words to every corporation duly created. These are: (i)To have perpetual succession during the period for which the corporation is created. (2) To have a corporate name and to contract, to grant and re- ceive, and to sue and be sued thereby. (3) To purchase and hold real and personal property for the pur- poses authorized by the charter. (4) To have and use a common seal. (5) To make by-laws. (6) To remove members or officers, under some circumstances, called the power of disfranchisement (in case of removal of mem- bers) and amotion (in case of removal of officers). 2 Kent Comm., 277, 278; i Blackstone's Comm., ch. 18. Supra, Warner v. Beers, p. 2; Thomas v. Dakin, p. 19; Sutton's Hospital Case, p. 264; and the cases following, under the next title. 926 THE PEOPLE V. THE PULLMAN'S PALACE CAR CO. 262 Sec. 262. 2. Express powers, such as are specifically enumer- ated in the charter or general law, and constitutionally granted therein, together with such as are lawfully inserted in the ar- ticles of incorporation. 3- Implied powers, such as are reasonably necessary or proper for the execution of the powers expressly granted, and not expressly or impliedly excluded. THE PEOPLE v. THE PULLMAN'S PALACE CAR COMPANY. 1 1898. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ILLINOIS. 175 111. Rep. 125-182. [Quo ivarranto against the car company specifying twenty-five usurpations of power by the defendant, justifying as alleged a for- feiture of the corporate franchises. Pleas were put in by the defend- ant alleging other facts by way of answer to the complaint. Demur- rers to the various pleas admitted the allegations of fact.] BOGGS, J. * * * A corporation in our state has its existence by virtue of the enactment, general or special, of the law-making power. The appellee corporation was created by a special act of the general assembly. The only difference between a corporation organ- ized under a general law and one created by a special statute is, "that in the former we look to the certificate of the promoters, while in the latter we look to the special statute to ascertain the scope of the powers of the corporation." The rule for construing the instruments must necessarily be the same, viz., the powers specifically enumer- ated, and such other powers as are incidental or necessary to carry those powers into effect, but none others may be exercised by the cor- poration. Rockhold v. Canton Masonic Benevolent Society, 129 111. 440. The enactment creating the appellee corporation is the full meas- ure of its power. In order to enable it to carry into execution the powers thus conferred it may exercise other powers, known to the law as incidental or implied powers. Implied powers exist only to enable a corporation to carry out the express powers granted that is, to accomplish the purpose of its existence and can in no case avail to enlarge the express powers, and thereby warrant it to devote its efforts and capital to other purposes than such as its charter ex- pressly authorizes, or to engage in collateral enterprises not directly but only remotely connected with its specific corporate purposes. A power which the law will regard as existing by implication must be one in a sense necessary that is, needful, suitable and proper to ac- complish the object of the grant and one that is directly and immedi- ately appropriate to the execution of the specific powers, and not one that has but a slight, indirect or remote relation to the specific pur- 1 Facts sufficiently stated in the opinion. Arguments and much of the pre- vailing and dissenting opinions omitted. 262 CLASSES OF CORPORATE POWERS. 927 poses of the corporation. Illinois Conference Female College v. Cooper, 25 111. 133; Caldwellv. City of Alton, 33 111. 416; Chicago, Pekin and Southwestern R. Co. v. Town of Marseilles, 84 111. 643 ; Chicago Gas Light Co. v. People's Gas Light Co., 121 111. 530; Mott v. Danville Seminary, 129 111. 403; People v. Chicago Gas Trust Co., 130 111. 268; North Side R. Co. v. Worthington (Tex.), 30 S. W. Rep. 1055; Field Corporations, 53, 54; IV Thompson Law of Corp., 5638; 2 Beach Private Corp., 385; Green's Brice's Ultra Vires, 88, 89. Keeping these definitions as to implied powers in view, we may proceed to determine whether the acts set forth in the pleas are within or beyond the measure of power possessed by the appellee company. It appears from the averments of those pleas which are intended to answer the allegations of the information set forth hereinbefore as Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5> 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, n, 12, 13 and 24, that the defendant company about the year 1880 acquired and now holds a certain tract of land containing about eighty-three acres, on a portion of which, in the year 1880 at least not later than 1882 it caused to be constructed a large number of dwellings and tenement houses, some of the height of two stories and others three stories in height ; that the total num- ber of such buildings is twenty-two hundred, and that it has laid out and now maintains the usual and necessary streets and alleys to afford the tenants to whom it rents said dwellings and tenement houses the proper and usual means of ingress and egress to and from their homes and places of business; that it now rents said dwellings and tenements to its employes ; that upon the same plat of ground upon which said dwellings and tenements stand and where said streets and alleys are located, it caused to be erected a number of school-houses, 'a church edifice, a hotel, a large building called "The Arcade," in which are a number of rooms, some of which were constructed to be rented for dry goods, grocery and other retail stores, and other of the rooms were built for school, lecture and theatre rooms and for the use of religious congregations for church purposes, and that it now rents the rooms in said "Arcade" for the various purposes for which they were intended when built ; that it has also constructed on the same plat of ground a large building called "Market Hall," the lower floor whereof it caused to be fitted up for meat and vegetable markets, and it has rented and now rents them to retail dealers in such articles of food, and the tipper floor is a large hall where concerts, dances and other entertainments may be given, and is rented by it for such pur- poses; that it maintains a system of water-works and sewers and a gas plant, and for a consideration supplies those who inhabit its houses with water, light and heat. * * * Manifestly the acts of the corporation which have resulted in the creation of this town or city and its acts in connection with the streets, alleys, dwellings, tenements, school, church and business houses, water system, sewerage, heat, etc., which the plea admits it was per- forming at the time of the filing of the information, can not be re- garded as the exercise of powers expressly given. Can they be justi- 928 THE PEOPLE V. THE PULMAN'S PALACE CAR CO. 262 fied as the proper exercise of powers incidental to the express powers possessed by the corporation, or by the provision in the sixth clause of the charter that it may be lawful for the corporation to acquire and hold such real estate as may be deemed necessary for the successful prosecution of its business ? The declaration of the sixth clause is not that the company may acquire and hold such real estate as it or its directory may deem necessary, but such as may be deemed necessary to the successful prosecution of its business. The true meaning of this clause is not that the company or its governing body is vested with unlimited and unbridled power to acquire and hold such real estate as it may deem necessary, but with power to purchase and hold only such real estate as, under the rules of law, may be deemed nec- essary for the successful prosecution of its business. "The rule of construction, when any doubt arises out of any language employed in such a charter, is, that every power that is not clearly granted is with- held, and that any ambiguity in the terms of the grant must operate against the corporation and in favor of the public." (American Trust Co. v. Minnesota and Northwestern Railroad Co., 157 111. 641.; Illinois Health University v. People, 166 111. 171.) "Irrespective of the operation of statutory restrictions, it is a settled principle of Amer- ican jurisprudence that a corporation can not take and hold land ex- cept in so far as reasonably necessary to carry out the objects of its creation. These bodies, which never die, are not allowed, against the objection of the state, to take and hold land for purposes wholly foreign to the purposes for which the state endowed them with corpo- rate existence and the power of perpetual succession." 5 Thomp- son's Law of Corp., 5772. This court has declared that it is against the public policy of this state to allow corporations to own real estate beyond what is necessary for the transaction of their corporate business, or such as is acquired in the collection of debts. (Carroll v. City of East St. Louis, 67 111. 568; United States Trust Co. v. Lee, 73 111. 142.) And in further- ance of this declared public policy statutes have been enacted by the general assembly, requiring all corporations which have acquired lands in the collection of debts to sell and dispose of all that is not necessary to the purposes of the corporation, and providing remedies designed to coerce compliance with such requirements. Revised Statutes, section 517, chapter 32, entitled "Corporations." * * * With a view of showing that the situation at the time justified the course pursued by the company, and was sufficient to invest it with the legal right to pursue such course, the appellee company filed pleas averring, in substance, as follows: That after it had been for several years in the exercise of the powers conferred by its charter, its busi- ness increased to such an extent that it became necessary for it to build large and extensive shops in which to manufacture cars ; that a large amount of land was necessaiy on which to locate such shops ; that it was decided to locate and build said shops in the county of Cook, in or near the city of Chicago, where its general offices and headquarters were, and where its principal officers resided ; that it found that it 262 CLASSES OF CORPORATE POWERS. 929 couid not acquire a sufficient amount of land upon which to erect said shops within the city of Chicago on account of the high price of land in said city; that after diligent and careful inquiry as to the price of land and the means of access thereto, it decided to build its shops where they are now situated. * * * [It is claimed that] : "Accordingly, in the exercise of its best judgment, appellee selected and purchased about 350 acres of land situated upon the shores of Lake Calumet, fourteen miles distant from its offices and ten miles beyond the then limits of the city of Chicago. The land at that time was practically an unoccupied waste. It was surrounded for a very considerable distance in all directions save to- ward the lake, by farming and unoccupied lands. There were no con- venient places where employes of the company could find homes or dwelling places. The construction of the manufactory therefore in- volved, not the expediency simply, but the necessity, of providing places suitable for the occupancy of those who were to do its work. The manufactory and the homes for the workmen were mutually and equally necessary to the success of the enterprise. 'The power to manufacture cars' was barren without the other charter power 'to pur- chase, acquire and hold such real estate as may be deemed necessary.' It was only by the combination of the two by their exercise together, in the manner which has been described that the object of the charter, 'the successful prosecution of their business,' could be accomplished. Accordingly, the exercise of these powers was undertaken cotempora- neously. The construction of the works and the construction of the dwelling places of those who were to operate them was undertaken at the same time and as a part of a single, harmonious scheme. Two years of time and the labor of 4,000 men transported daily to and fro between Chicago and the point of location, were devoted to the work. At the expiration of that time the result appeared in the completed structures of a manufactory giving employment to 5,000 persons, and in its immediate vicinity dwelling houses sufficient in number for the comfortable occupancy of a large part of these persons with their fam- ilies and those dependent upon them, with the necessary school-houses for the education of their children, churches for their religious in- struction, stores and shops where the necessaries of life could be pro- cured, halls suitable for lectures and social entertainments all so ar- ranged with such accessories of streets, parks and other provisions, as to minister not simply to the necessities, but also to the comfort and well-being of those who might be employed." The averment of the plea the corporation was obliged to construct such houses and tenements is but the statement of a conclusion, and we find the facts pleaded do not justify such a deduction. No reason existed, nor do we find in the pleas even a suggestion that there was reason or ground, for the apprehension that individual enterprise and private capital would not at once, after the purpose and intention of the corporation became known, provide all necessary dwellings and tenements for the accommodation of the workmen, or that the wants 59 WIL. CASKS. 930 THE PEOPLE V. THE PULLMAN'S PALACE CAR CO. 262 of the community composed of such workmen would not at once be met by the location in its midst of schools, churches, dry goods and grocery stores, meat markets, etc., or that the necessary streets, alleys, and public ways would not be provided without any intervention whatever on the part of the corporation. The public laws of the state would have supplied the requisite school-houses and teachers, and the inclinations of the individual members of the community could have been safely relied upon to provide church houses and rooms for imparting religious instruction. It is idle to argue it be- came in any sense necessary or directly appropriate to the accomplish- ment of the lawful and chartered purposes or objects of the corpora- tion it should engage its efforts or capital in the construction of dwell- ings, tenement houses, store houses, streets, alleys, theaters, hotel, churches, school-houses, water-works, a system of sewers, etc. Work- men, if they have families, must have homes, or if unmarried must be accommodated with boarding and places of lodging. Homes, groceries, vegetables, bread, meat, clothing, furniture, light, heat, water, school books, medicine, the services of physicians, dentists and other professional men, and many other things, become necessary to the health, comfort, or convenience of such workmen and their families ; but the right and power to supply such wants had, in this instance, so far as the pleas show, no direct relation or connection with the successful prosecution of the specific object of the appellee corporation. The relation was but remote, indirect and mediate, not direct and immediate. Implied power can not be invoked to authorize a corporation to engage in collateral enterprises but remotely connected with the specific purposes it was created to accomplish. A power which a corporation may exercise by implication must be bounded by the purposes of the corporate existence and the terms and intention of the charter, and acts which tend only remotely and by indirection to promote its interests and chartered objects can not be justified by implication of law, but are ultra vires. Cases cited holding corporations operating mines or mills engaged in sawing lumber had implied power to construct dwellings and boarding-houses for their employes can have little or no influence upon the question here presented. In those cases the fact the works or mills of the corporation were necessarily located at mines or near large forests, and other circumstances peculiar to the respective cases, were deemed sufficient to justify the corporations in arranging for the lodging or boarding of their workmen or in building homes to shelter them and their families. The circumstances in each of such cases as can be accepted as having been well considered, were such it became, in a legal sense, necessary to the accomplishment of the chartered purposes of, the corporation that it should exercise such power as was accorded it by implication of law. Exceptional circumstances or ex- traordinary conditions may make it necessary to the proper prosecu- tion of the business of a corporation that it shall be accorded implied power to perform acts beyond its express power, and which, except for the prevailing conditions, would be wholly unwarranted. But in 262 CLASSES OF CORPORATE POWERS. 931 the case in hand the appellee corporation voluntarily assumed to de- vote its corporate capital and power to that which, to say the least, but remotely and indirectly tended to aid the accomplishment of the purposes it had the right to pursue under conditions and circumstances which were heither rare nor unusual. The argument of counsel for appellee that the construction of the manufacturing plant involved, not the expediency simply, but the ne- cessity of providing places suitable for the occupancy of those who were to do its work, "and that in view of this the company deter- mined to undertake, and did undertake, to construct its works and dwelling places for its workmen at the same time and as a part of a single harmonious plan," is fallacious. It ignores the palpable fact that no duty of providing houses for its workmen was pressed upon the company by surrounding conditions or circumstances as a neces- sity, but was adopted as a matter of choice, based, it may have been, upon motives which were in part benevolent or charitable in their nature. Had it purchased only that quantity of ground needful for its proper corporate uses, and restricted its efforts and expenditures to the construction of such buildings as would have answered its corpo- rate wants, there appears to us no reason to believe that the question of homes for its workmen, market places or stores where such work- men could purchase supplies, or school rooms where their children could receive instruction, or the making of streets and alleys, would ever have demanded the thought or attention of its governing body. It is beyond reason to conclude that had the way been left open pri- vate capital and individual enterprise would have overlooked this de- sirable field of operations, or that merchants, tradesmen, butchers and other classes of business men would not have appeared and entered into business rivalry for the custom of the workmen and their fami- lies, and that the prosecution of the business of the corporation would have suffered because its workmen could not find homes or places where the articles necessary to supply their wants and add to their comfort could be purchased, and yet it is upon this ground it is sought to justify the acts of the corporation which are now under considera- tion. The prohibition of the law against the unauthorized exercise of power by corporations is based upon grounds of public policy, and the wisdom of the rule may here find exemplification. Conceding the rectitude of the purpose which it is alleged operated to induce the acts of the corporation which resulted in the creation of the town or city of Pullman, we are constrained to declare the corporation had not lawful power to perform such acts, and that the existence of a town or city where the streets, alleys, school-houses, business houses, sewerage system, hotels, churches, theaters, water-works, market places, dwellings and tenements are the exclusive property of a cor- poration is opposed to good public policy, and incompatible with the theory and spirit of our institutions. It is clearly the theory of our law that streets, alleys and public ways, and public school buildings, should be committed to the control of the proper public authorities, 932 THE PEOPLE V. THE PULLMAN'S PALACE CAR CO. 262 and that real estate should be kept as fully as possible in the channels of trade and commerce, and good public policy demands that the number of persons who should engage in the business of selling such articles as are necessary to the support, maintenance and comfort of the people of any community should not be restricted by the will of any person, natural or artificial, but should be left to be determined by the healthy, wholesome and natural operations of the rules of trade and business, free from all that which tends to stifle competition and foster monopolies. We think the averments of the plea in response to the allegations of the information under consideration were insufficient to present a legal defense. * * * [The court held further that the construction and operation of a sewerage system and sewerage farm, with truck gardening thereon, though necessary to the health of the dwellers in Pullman, was not justified by its relation to the usurped power of owning the town of Pullman; that under the express power to "sell supplies" to persons traveling on its cars, it was authorized to sell beer, wine and whisky as beverages ; that the ownership of fifty-five acres of vacant land, vipon which to dump cinders was lawful ; that the ownership of twen- ty-three acres solely to meet the necessity for additional dwelling houses was unlawful ; that the ownership of twenty-five acres, for the purpose of providing for the proper storage of its cars when needed in the future, was lawful ; that it was lawful to construct very large steam boilers with a view of anticipating its probable future wants, and, in the meantime, until needed, to furnish an adjoining manufac- turing company with steam ; that it is unlawful to hold shares of stock in the Pullman Iron and Steel Company though all its product, being necessary in the construction of cars, is used by the defendant, so that in effect the Steel Company is a mere department of the de- fendant; that the existence of the alleged usurpations for eighteen years, with the knowledge of the state, and the collection of taxes during that time upon the property was not a waiver, nor sufficient to work an estoppel, upon the part of the state.] Reversed and remanded. CRAIG, WILKIN AND CARTWRIGHT, JJ., dissenting, approved the following statement as to implied powers : "It is axiomatic that corporations have not only the powers ex- pressly granted but those which are necessarily implied ; that while they derive all their powers from the legislature which creates them, it is also true that what is fairly implied is as certainly granted as what is expressed ; that unless restrained by their charters they have the power to deal precisely, in carrying out the corporate purposes, as individuals seeking to accomplish the same ends ; that they may 'resort to any means that would be necessary and proper for an indi- vidual in executing the same, unless they be prohibited by the terms of their charters or some public law from so doing;' that while, in re- gard to their express powers, the grants are construed most liberally 262 CLASSES OF CORPORATE POWERS. 933 in favor of the state and most strictly against the corporation, yet in regard to incidental powers neither strict nor liberal, but only reason- able, rules of construction are applied ; that corporations may so far develop and extend their operations as to engage in matters not pri- marily contemplated by their founders, provided these matters be fairly within their scope, and provided, also, that in so developing and extending their undertakings they employ direct, and not indirect, means ; that different rules of construction are to be applied to char- ters of corporations organized under special acts and those organized under a general law, the greater strictness of interpretation being em- ployed in dealing with the latter; that 'necessary,' when used in de- fining the powers of corporations, does not mean what is simply in- dispensable, but also what is useful, convenient and proper to carry into effect the franchises granted, i Spelling on Corp., 68, 73, 75, and cases cited; Green's Brice's Ultra Vires, pp. 66, 71, 73, 75, 87, 91, and cases cited; Curtis v. Leavitt, 15 N. Y. 9; Union Bank v. Jacobs, 6 Humph. 525; Railroad Co. v. Berks County, 6 Pa. St. 70; P. & S. R. Co. v. Lewis, 33 Pa. St. 33; New England Fire and Marine Ins. Co. v. Robinson, 25 Ind. 541 ; Brown v. Winnisim- met Co., ii Allen 326; Old Colony R. Co. v. Evans, 6 Gray 25; McCulloch v. Maryland, 4 Wheat. 316; State v. Hancock, 35 N. J. L. 537; Crawford v. Longstreet, 43 N. J. L. 328 ; Ellerman v. Rail- way Co., 49 N. J. Eq. 217; 2 Cook Stockholders (3d ed.), 68 1." See, also, Madison, etc., Co. v. Watertown, etc., Co., 5 Wis. 173, and Clark v. Farrington, n Wis. 321. In the case of Curtis v. Leavitt, 15 N. Y. 9, it was held that cor- porations, along with their specific powers, take all the reasonable means of execution, all that are convenient and adapted to the end in view; that the corporation has a liberty of choice amongst those means, and that if in the exercise of such liberty an intelligent good faith is used, then the power to select the means adopted can not be called in question. In State v. Hancock, 35 N. J. L. 537, it was said by Chief Justice Beasley: "Power necessary to a corporation does not mean simply power which is indispensable. Such phraseology has never been in- terpreted in so narrow a sense. There are a few powers which are, in the strict sense, absolutely necessary to those artificial persons, and to concede to them powers only of such a character, while it might not entirely paralyze, would very greatly embarrass their operations. Such in similar cases has never been the legal acceptance of this term. A power which is obviously appropriate and convenient to carry into effect the franchise granted has always been deemed a necessary one." And further said: "The term comprises a grant of the right to use all the means suitable and proper to accomplish the end which the legis- lature had in view at the time of the enactment of the charter." Note. (1) Implied powers. 1825, The Banks v. Poitiaux, 3 Rand. (Va.) 136, 15 Am. Dec. 706; 1831, Attorney-General v. Stevens, 1 Saxton Ch. (N- J.) 369, 22 Am. Dec. 526; 1840, Commercial Bank v. Newport Mfg. Co., 1 B. Mon. (Ky.) 13, 35 Am. Dec. 171 ; 1848, Mclntire v. Preston, 5 Gfl. (111.) 48, 934 THE PEOPLE V. THE PULLMAN'S PALACE CAR CO. 262 48 Am. Dec. 321; 1852, State v. Comm'rs, 3 Zabr. CN. J.) 510, 57 Am. Dec 409; 1853, Southern Life Ins. & T. Co. v. Lanier, 5 Fla. 110, 58 Am. Dec. 448; 1853, Smith v. Nashua, etc., R. Co., 27 N. H. 86, 94, 59 Am. Dec. 364; 1859, Philadelphia, etc., R. v. Lewis, 33 Pa. St. 33, 75 Am. Dec. 574; 1859, Hope Mut. Life Ins. Co. v. Weed, 28 Conn. 51, 63; 1860, Miles v. Gleason, 11 Wis. 470, 78 Am. Dec. 721 ; 1860, Downie v. White & Hoover, 12 Wis. 174, 176, 78 Am. Dec. 730, 731; 1862, Bardstown, etc., R. Co. v. Metcalf, 4 Metcf. (Ky.) 199, 81 Am. Dec. 541; 1863, Olcott v. Tioga R. Co., 27 N. Y. 546, 84 Am. Dec. 298; 1865, Brown v. Winnissimmet, 11 Allen (Mass.) 326,334; 1867, Cleve- land, etc., R. Co. v. Speer, 56 Pa. St. 325, 94 Am. Dec. 84; 1867, Pixley v. Western Pac. R. Co., 33 Cal. 183, 91 Am. Dec. 623; 1871, State v. Hancock, 35 N. J. L. 537, 545; 1877, Low v. Central Pac. R., 52 Cal. 53, 28 Am. Rep. 629; 1878, Deringer v. Deringer, 5 Houst. (Del.) 416, 1 Am. St. Rep. 150; 1880, Attorney-General v. Great East. R. Co., L. R. 5 App. 473; 1883, Liebke v. Knapp, 79 Mo. 22, 49 Am. Rep. 212; 1884, London Finan. Assn. v. Kelk, L. R., 26 Ch. Div. 107; 1885, Graber v. Washington, etc., R. Co., 92 N. C. 1; 1885, Sutro Tunnel Co. v. Segregated B. M. Co., 19 Nev. 121; 1887, Elevator Co. v. Memphis, etc., R. Co., 85 Tenn. 703, 4 Am. St. Rep. 798; 1889, People v. Chicago, etc., T. Co., 130 111. 268, 17 Am. St. Rep. 319; 1890, Killingsworth v. Portland Trust Co., 18 Ore. 351, 17 Am. St. Rep. 737; 1891, Ellerman v. Chicago Jc. R. Co., 49 N. J. Eq. 217; 1892, Richelieu Hotel Co. v. Internat'l Mill En. Co., 140 111. 248, 33 Am. St. Rep. 234; 1894, Fort Worth City v Smith Bridge Co., 151 TJ. S. 294, 44 Am. & E. C. C. 604; 1894, Wheeler Os- good, etc., Co. v. Everett L. Co., 14 Wash. 630; 1895, B. S. Green Co. v. Blodgett, 159 111. 169,50 Am. St. Rep. 146; 1895, Northside R. Co. v. Worth- ington, 88 Texas 562, 53 Am. St. Rep. 778, n. 789; 1895, Jacksonville, etc., R. Co. v. Hooper, 160 U. S. 514; 1896, Bath Gas Light Co. v. daffy, 151 N. Y. 24; 1897, Winterfield v. Cream Brewing Co., 96 Wis. 239; 1897", MaJone v. Lancaster L. Co., 182 Pa. St. 309; 1898, Nicollet Nat'L Bank v. Frisk-Turner Co., 71 Minn. 413, 70 Am. St. 334; 1899, Central Ohio Natural Gas Co. v. Cap- ital City Dairy Co., 60 Ohio St. 96 ; 1899, Parkman Sugar Co. v. Bank, etc., Co., 60 Kan. 474, 57 Pac. Rep. 126; 1899, State v. Newman, 51 La. Ann. 833, 72 Am. St. Rep. 476; 1899, Trenton Potteries Co. v. Oliphant, 58 N. J. Eq. 507, 46 L. R. A. 255. (2) Rules of construing- corporate charters. 1. The cardinal rule here, as in all cases, is to ascertain the legislative in- tent, and give it full effect. 1836, Middle Bridge Proprietors v. Brooks, 13 Maine 391, 29 Am. Dec. 510; 1846, Enfield T. B. Co. v. H. & N. R. Co., 17 Conn. 454, 44 Am. Dec. 556; 1848, Mayor, etc., v. B. & O. R. Co., 6 Gill (Md.) 288, 48 Am. Dec. 531 ; 1854, Boston & L. R. Co. v. Salem & L. R. Co., 2 Gray (68 Mass.) 1; 1855, Straus, etc., v. Eagle Ins. Co., 5 Ohio State 59. 61 ; 1858, State v. Passaic T. P. Co., 27 N. J. Law 217; 1859, Pennock v. Coe, 23 How. (64 U. S.) 117; 1859, State v. Noyes, 47 Maine 189; 1860, Hartford Bridge Co. v. Union Ferry Co., 29 Conn. 210; 1862, Moran v. Miami Co. Comm'rs, 2 Black (67 U. S.) 722; 1869, Home of Friendless v. Rouse, 8 Wall. (75 TJ. S.) 430; 1887, Lawrence v. Morgan, etc., Co., 39 La. Ann. 427, 4 Am. St. Rep. 265; 1888, West Branch, etc., Co. v. Lumber, etc., Co., 121 Pa. St. 143,6 Am. St. Rep. 766. 2. With the exceptions noted below, the language granting corporate pow- ers should neither be construed strictly nor liberally, but according to its fair and natural import, with reference to the purposes and objects of the corpo- ration ; the whole law should be considered, and the words given their ordi- nary meaning, unless custom or usage has clearly given them a different one. 1846, Enfield T. B. Co. v. H. & N. R. Co., 17 Conn. 454, 44 Am. Dec. 531; 1853, Belleville, etc., R. Co. v. Gregory, 15 111. 20, 58 Am. Dec. 589; 1855, Straus v. Eagle Ins. Co., 5 Ohio State 59; 1859, Dexter Lime-Rock Co. v. Dexter, 6 R. I. 353; 1860, Downing v. Mt. Washington R. Co., 40 N. H. 230; 1865, The Binghamton Bridge, 3 Wall. (70 U. S.) 51; 1865, Brown v. Winnisimmet Co., 11 Allen (Mass.) 326, 334; 1876, State v. Fla. Cent. R. Co., 15 Fla. 690, 699; 1878, Whitaker v. Canal Co., 87 Pa. St. 34, 37; 1880, Atty.- Gen'l v. Great East. R. Co., L. R., 5 App. 473; 1880, Fairchild v. Masonic 262 CLASSES OF CORPORATE POWERS. 935 Hall Assn., 71 Mo. 526; 1884, National Bank v. Continental L. Ins. Co., 41 Ohio St. 1, 13; 1891, Ellerman v. Chicago Jet. R. Co., 49 N. J. Eq. 217; 1892, Riker v. Leo, 133 N. Y. 519, 524; 1895, Jacksonville, etc., R. Co. v. Hooper, 160 U. S. 514, 523 ; 1896, Wheeler v. Everett Land Co., 14 Wash. 630, 633; 1900, Inter-Ocean Pub. Co. v. Associated Press, 184 111. 438, 75 Am. St. Rep. 184. 3. The enumeration of certain powers and privileges, by implication ex- cludes all other unnecessary powers: 1818, People v Utica Ins. Co., 15 Johns. (N. Y.) 358, 383; 1825, N. Y. F. Ins. Co. v. Ely, 5 Conn. 560, 572, 13 Am. Dec. 100; 1831, Life, etc., Ins. Co. v. Mech. F. I. Co., 7 Wend. (N. Y.) 31 ; 1850, Perrine v. Ches. & O. Canal Co., 9 How. (50 U. S.) 172, 183; 1852, Talmage v. Pell, 7 N. Y. 328, 345; 1875, Ashbury R., etc., Co. v. Riche, 7 H. L. Rep. 653; 1888, State v. Atchison, etc., R. Co., 24 Neb. 143, 8 Am. St. Rep. 164; 1889, Case v. Kelly, 133 U. S. 21, 26. 4. While the rule of statutory construction that general words following special words shall extend to and include only things of a nature similar to .those specially mentioned, is applied in some cases to the construction of cor- porate charters: 1875, Ashbury R., etc., Co. v. Riche, L. R. 7 H. L. Rep. 653; 1876, Navigation Co. v. County of Galveston, 45 Tex. 272, 290; 1894, State v. International Inv. Co., 88 Wis. 512, 43 Am. St. Rep. 920; yet it does not seem to be followed in other cases. 1881, Wells F. & Co. v. N. P. R. Co., 23 Fed. Rep. 469, 474; 1889, Brown v. Corbin, 40 Minn. 508; 1889, National Bank v. Texas Inv. Co., 74 Tex. 421, 434; 1894, State v. Corkin, 123 Mo. 56. 5. When the question is one between the state and the corporation, or when the public interest is involved, "All rights which are asserted against the state must be clearly defined, and not raised by inference or presumption ; and if the charter is silent about a power it does not exist. If on a fair reading of the instrument reasonable doubts arise as to the proper interpretation to be given to it, those doubts are to be solved in favor of the state; and where it is susceptible of two meanings, the one restricting and the other extending the powers of the corporation, that construction is to be adopted which works the least harm to the state." Davis, J., in The Binghamton Bridge, 3 Wall. (70 U. S.) 51 (1865). This rule is applied in (a) Cases where the state restricts its own action, as in exemptions from taxation: 1830, Providence Bank v. Billings, 4 Pet. (29 U. S.) 514; 1861, Jefferson Bank v. Skelly 1 Black (66 U. S.) 436; 1878, Railroad Co. v. Gaines, 97 U. S. 697; 1881, Bank v. Tennessee, 104 TJ. S. 493; 1885, Chesapeake, etc., R. Co. v. Miller, 114 U. S. 176; 1892, Wilmington, etc., R. Co. v. Alsbrook, 146 U. S.279; 1896, Bank of Commerce v. Tennessee, 161 U. S. 134; 1899, Citizens' Sav. Bank v. Owensboro, 173 U. S. 636, 10 Am. & E. C. C. N. S. 540. See note, supra, p. 749. (6) Cases in which an exclusive privilege or monopoly is claimed: 1837, Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge, 11 Pet. (36 U. S.) 420; 1883, Georgia, etc., R. Co. v. Smith, 70 Ga. 694; 1885, Birmingham, etc., R. Co. v. Birming- ham St. R. Co., 79 Ala. 465, 58 Am. Rep. 615; 1888, Rockland Water Co. v. Camden, etc., Co., 80 Maine 544; 1889, Syracuse Water Co. v. Syracuse, 116 N. Y. 167; 1890, State v. Hamilton, 47 Ohio St. 52; 1890, Indianapolis Cable, etc., Co. v. Citizens, etc., R., 127 Ind. 369; 1891, Stein v. Bienville Water Imp. Co., 141 U. S. 67; 1895, Pearsall v. Great Northern R. Co., 161 U. S. 646, 664 ; 1900, Adirondack R. Co. v. New York, 176 U. S. 336. (c) Cases in derogation of common right, as in the appropriation of private property under eminent domain proceedings, or erecting nuisances, etc. : 1848, Moorehead v. Little Miami R. Co., 17 Ohio 340; 1856, Edward v. Law- renceburgh, etc., R. Co., 7 Ind. 711 ; 1860, Downing v. Mt. Washington R. Co., 40 N. H. 230; 1871, N. Y., etc., R. Co. v. Kip, 46 N. Y. 546,7 Am. Rep. 385; 1878, Fertilizing Co. v. Hyde Park, 97 TJ. S. 659; 1883, Alabama, etc., R. Co. v. Gilbert, 71 Ga. 591; 1887, Snell v. Buresh, 123 111. 151. (d) Cases in derogation of common law : 1872, Moyerv. Penn. Slate Co., 71 Pa. St. 293. (e) Cases directly interfering with the use of franchises already granted, as one railroad encroaching upon the right of way of another, or of a turn- pike or canal : 1878, Boston, etc., R. Co. v. Lowell, 124 Mass. 368 ; 1880, Penn. 936 THE PEOPLE V. THE PULLMAN'S PALACE CAR CO. 262 sylvania R. Co.'s Appeal, 93 Pa. St. 150; 1888, Barre R. Co. v. Montpelier, 61 Vt. 1, 4 L. R. A. 785; 1888, Appeal of Sharon R., 122 Pa. St. 533, 9 Am. St. Rep. 133; 1891, Cincinnati, etc., R. Co. y. Belle Centre, 48 Ohio St. 273. 6. General and special laws under which corporations are formed: There seems to be some conflict of expression as to rules of construing charters un- der general laws as compared with the rules when the corporation is created by a special act. Granger, C. J., in National Bank of Wash. v. Ins. Co., 41 Ohio St. 1, on p. 11 (1884), says: "A radical change has occurred in the rela- tion of corporations to the state and the people. * * * Special charters granted to persons named * * * gave special powers and rights, that as a rule were beyond legislative control ; only in the rare cases where the power to amend, alter or repeal was expressly reserved could the legislature modify, limit, or take away power once granted. In those days a corporation was a monopoly. It was necessary to strictly construe the grants made in order to protect the interests of the state and of people generally. But now the legis- lature has far more power over corporations than over individuals. It may alter or repeal all acts granting corporate power. * * * There is no longer reason to hesitate to apply to the language of acts of incorporation the same rules of interpretation as applied to like words in any contract or stat- ute." On the other hand, in regard to corporations formed under general laws, Justice Miller, in Oregon R. Co. v. Oregonian R. Co., 130 U. S. 1, on p. 26 (1888), says: "If the articles of association * * * instead of being the mere adoption by the corporators themselves, of the declaration of their own purposes and powers, had been an act of the legislature * * * conferring such powers on the corporations, they would be subject to the rule above stated (strict construction in favor of the state and against the grantee) and to a rigid construction in regard to the powers granted. How much more, then, should this rule be applied, and with how much more reason should a court, called upon to determine the powers granted by these articles of asso- ciation, construe them rigidly, with the stronger leaning in doubtful cases in favor of the public and against the private corporation." To the same effect is, 1896, Ross-Meehan Brake Shoe F. Co. v. Southern M. I. Co., 72 Fed. Rep. 957. TITLE n. PARTICULAR POWERS AND LIABILITIES. CHAPTER 13. PARTICULAR POWERS. ARTICLE I. PERPETUAL SUCCESSION. Sec. 263. See State v. Payne, 129 Mo. 468, supra, p. 830; also, Warner v. Beers, supra, p. 2, and Thomas v. Dakin, supra , p. 19. ARTICLE II. NAME. Sec. 264. See, supra, chapter 9. Smith v. Tallassee Branch, etc., 30 Ala. 650, supra, p. 817; Newby v. Oregon Central R., Deady 609, supra, p. 819; Armington v. Palmer, 42 Atl. Rep. (R. I.) 308, supra, p. 820. Note, supra, p. 823. ARTICLE III. POWER TO CONTRACT. Sec. 265. (A) As to form. I. In general: "In determining whether a contract may be enforced against a corporation, three things are to be con- sidered : First, did the corporation have the power to enter into such a contract? Second, was the contract entered into by a duly authorized agent of the corporation? Third, was the contract drawn, signed, and sealed in a form which binds the corporation? "A corporation may be bound by a contract which is exe- cuted in any of the following ways : by a written instrument sealed with the corporate seal, and either with or without the (937) 938 FRANKLIN CO. V. LEWISTON INST'N FOR SAVINGS. 266 corporate name signed thereto; by an unsealed written in- strument signed with the corporate name ; by a written record of a resolution of its directors ; by an unwritten resolution of its directors ; by the oral agreements of its authorized agents ; or by ratifying, acquiescing in, or accepting the benefits of contracts made in its name by unauthorized agents." Cook Corporations, 4th ed., part of 704 and 721. See also, supra, 190, 191, 193, 194, 228-238. 2. As to seal. See, infra, Art. VII., p. 1136. Sec. 266. (B) As to subject-matter. (i) In general. See, supra, 258262. Sec. 267. (2) Contract debts and borrow money. See Barry v. Merchants' Exchange Co., I Sandf. Ch. (N. Y.) 280, supra, p. 766. Note. See, also, 1889, Wright v. Hughes, 119 Ind. 324, 12 Am. St. Rep. 412 ; 1890, Woolverton v. Taylor, 132 111. 197, 22 Am. St. Rep. 521 ; 1890, Davis v. Jackson, 152 Mass. 58. See note at end of next case. Sec. 268. Same. FRANKLIN COMPANY v. LEWISTON INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS. 1 1877. IN THE SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT OF MAINE. 68 Maine Rep. 43-49. [In 1875 the Savings Company subscribed for $50,000 of the cap- ital stock of a manufacturing company, having no money with which to pay for the same. The Franklin Company agreed to pay the sum, take the notes of the Savings Company for the amount, and hold the stock as security. Notes for this amount were duly given, and the stock was issued directly to the Franklin Company as collateral, but not to the Savings Company, or with its knowledge. The Savings Company failed in 1876, and commissioners were appointed to pass upon the claims presented ; the notes and a claim for $50,000 for money paid out at the request of the Savings Company were pre- sented by the Franklin Company and rejected by the commissioners; the validity of the claims is the question involved.] WALTON, J. * * * The first question is whether it is compe- 1 Statement abridged and part of opinion omitted. 268 POWER TO BORROW MONEY. 939 tent for the trustees of a savings bank, at a time when there are no funds in the bank for investment, to agree to take shares in a manu- facturing corporation, and thereby create a debt binding upon the bank. We think not. It is familiar law that a corporation possesses such powers, and such only as the law of its creation confers upon it. The rule is stated with great uniformity. [After quoting to this effect from several cases proceeds :] It would seem, therefore, upon principle as well as authority, that it is not within the authority of the trustees of a savings bank to invest its funds in the' stock of manufacturing corporations, unless expressly authorized so to do by its charter or the public laws of the state. But we do not rest our decision upon this ground. We rest it upon the broader ground that it is not competent for the trustees of a savings bank to purchase on credit property of any kind not needed for immediate ^use, or the investment of existing funds. No such power is expressly conferred upon them, nor do we think it can be sustained as an incidental power. It is suggested that it may be convenient in this way to provide in advance for the investment of funds that may afterward come into the possession of the bank. We think the creation of debts by corpora- tions or individuals, for no other purpose than to provide a ready way to dispose of future acquisitions, a proceeding of very questionable convenience ; that in the great majority of cases it would be likely to prove, as it did in this case, very inconvenient. But it is a sufficient answer to say that the law imposes no duty upon the trustees of sav- ings banks to provide for the investment of future funds or future de- posits. Their whole duty is performed when they have provided safe investments for the funds already committed to their care, To hold that they may create debts binding upon existing depositors, for the benefit of future depositors, whose money after all may never be com- mitted to their care, would be a doctrine as startling as it would be unprecedented. [The court further held that the Franklin Company, having know- ingly participated in the illegal transaction, could not claim the priv- ileges of a bona fide holder of the notes, and the Savings Company having received no benefit from the transaction was not estopped to set up the defense of ultra vires."] Claim not allowed. Note. A corporation can not borrow money for the purpose of purchasing its own shares: 1894, Adams & W. Co. v. Deyette, 5 So. Dak. 418, 49 Am. St. Rep. 887; 1896, Adams & W. Co. v. Deyette, 8 So. Dak. 119, 59 Am. St. Rep. 751. The statutes frequently fix a limit as to the amount that a corporation is allowed to borrow ; in such a case the courts hold strictly that it has no power to exceed those limits, and an attempt to do so can be restrained: 1884, Wenlock v. River Dee Comm'rs, 10 App. Cas. 354; 1889, Commonwealth's Appeal, 24 W. N. C. (Pa.) 530; 1889, Commw. v. Lehigh Ave. R. Co., 129 Pa. St. 405; 1893, First Nat'l Bank v. K. M. Co., 95 Ky. 97. One who loans a cor- poration money in excess of the authorized limit can not collect the excess, though he may collect up to the limit. 1874, Osippee, etc., Mfg. Co. v. Can- ney, 54 N. H. 295; 1878, DeCamp v. Dobbins, 29 N. J. Eq. 36; 1879, Humphrey 940 BRADBURY V. BOSTON CANOE CLUB. 269 v. Patron's M. Assoc., 50 Iowa 607; 1881, Auerbachv. Le Seuer M. Co., 28 Minn. 291,41 Am. Rep. 285; 1886, Garrettv. Burlington, etc., Co., 70 Iowa 697, 59 Am. Rep. 461; 1891, Fidelity, etc., Co. v. West. Pa. R., 138 Pa. St. 494 ; 1893, First Nat'l Bank v. K. M. Co., 95 Ky. 97 ; 1893, Merchants' Nat'l Bank v. C. G. L. Co., 159 Mass. 505 ; 1895, Kraniger v. People's B'ld'g Soc., 60 Minn. 94 ; 1896, Oswald v. Minn. T. Co., 65 Minn. 249; 1897, Sioux City, etc., Co. v. Trust Co., 82 Fed. Rep. 124. And it seems that one who, in good faith, loans money to a corporation after the corporation has already borrowed up to the limit, can recover if he had no knowledge that the limit had been reached. 1845, Stoney v. Am., etc., Co., 11 Paige Ch. (N. Y.) 635; 1874, Osippee, etc., Co. v. Canney, 54 N. H. 295; 1881, Auerbach v. Le Seuer M. Co., 28 Minn. 291, 41 Am. Rep. 461; 1886, Garrett v. Burlington, etc., Co., 70 Iowa 697, 59 Am. Rep. 461; 1890, Allis v. Jones, 45 Fed. Rep. 148. Sec. 269. (3) Negotiable instruments. BRADBURY v. BOSTON CANOE CLUB. 1891. IN THE SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT OF MASSACHUSETTS. 153 Mass. Rep. 77-8. HOLMES, J. This is an action upon a promissory note for $150 and interest, given by the defendant to the plaintiff for money lent to it by the plaintiff to be used in building a club-house. There is a sec- ond count for money lent. At a meeting duly called the corporation passed a vote authorizing its treasurer to borrow money in terms suffi- ciently broad to cover the loan in question. The suggestion that no sufficient notice of the business to be transacted was given, does not seem to us fairly open on the agreed facts. Moreover, it would be impossible to argue that the defendant had not recognized and ratified the act of its treasurer in borrowing from the plaintiff. The money was received by the corporation, and was used by it for the purpose mentioned. The only question for us is, whether the corporation acted illegally in borrowing money for the purpose of erecting a club- house upon land of which it held a lease. The defendant is a corporation formed under the Public Statutes, ch. 115, 2, for encouraging athletic exercises. By section 7 it "may hold real and personal estate, and may hire, purchase, or erect suita- ble buildings for its accommodations, to an amount not exceeding $500,000," etc. We are of opinion that under these words the de- fendant had power to take a lease of land and to erect a suitable club- house upon it. Having this power it was entitled to raise money for the purpose. No argument is needed to show that the power at the end of section 7 to receive and hold in trust funds received by gift or be- quest does not confine the corporations to that mode of raising it. Borrowing money is a usual and proper means of accomplishing what the statute expressly permits. See Fay v. Noble, 12 Gush, i, 18; Morville v. American Tract Society, 123 Mass. 129, 136; Davis v. Old Colony Railroad, 131 Mass. 258, 271, 275. As this is a suffi- 270 POWER AS TO NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS. 94! cient reason for giving the plaintiff judgment, it is unnecessary to consider whether there are not others. Judgment for the plaintiff. Note. See note at the end of next case. Sec. 270. Same. UNION BANK v. JACOBS. 1 1845. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF TENNESSEE. 25 Tenn. (6 Humph.) 515, Cooper's Ed., 389. [On the 28th day of September, 1841, Jacobs, as president of the Hiwassee Railroad Company, executed a note, binding that company to pay to said Jacobs the sum of $5,641, negotiable and payable at the branch of the Union Bank at Knoxville, four months after date. The note was indorsed by Jacobs to Trautwine, and by Trautwine to the Union Bank, and delivered to the president and directors of the bank, arid discounted by the bank for the benefit of the Hiwassee company. At maturity, the note was protested, and suit brought by the bank against Jacobs, as indorser, in the circuit court of Knox county. It was tried by Judge Lucky and a jury at the February term, 1845. He charged the jury that the Hiwassee company had no power to borrow money, and that the note given in execution of a void contract was null and void also. The jury returned a verdict for the defendant, and plaintiff ap- pealed. The railroad company was created with all the rights "necessary to the well ordering and conducting the affairs of said company; and capable in law of purchasing, accepting, selling and conveying estates, real, personal and mixed, to the end, and for the purpose of facilitating the intercourse and transportation" designated; and was "invested with all the powers and rights necessary for the building, constructing, and keeping in repair of a railroad;" and the directors "may cause to be made, or contract with others for making of said road or any part thereof."] TURLEY, J. * * * It is contended against the plaintiff's right to recover that there is no power given, either expressly or by neces- sary implication, by the charter to the Hiwassee Railroad Company, to borrow money or to execute promissory notes; and that, therefore, the note executed and indorsed to the bank is void, both as against the maker and indorsers, and that no action can be maintained against them thereon. 1 Statement abridged. Arguments and part of opinion omitted. 942 UNION BANK V. JACOBS. 2/O The construction of the powers of corporations has been a fruitful source of litigation, both in the courts of Great Britain and the United States. In the earlier cases they were construed with great strictness, and a stringent rule as to the mode of exercising them enforced. Mr. Story, in the case of Bank of Columbia v. Patterson, 7 Cranch 305, says: "Anciently it seems to have been held that corporations could not do anything without deed. 13 Hen. VIII, 12; 4 Hen. VII, 6; 7 Hen. VII, 7, 9. Afterwards, the rule seems to have been relaxed, and they were for convenience sake permitted to act in ordinary matters without deed, as to retain a servant, cook, or butler (Plow, 91 ; 2 Saund. 395) ; and gradually this relaxation widened to embrace other objects (Bro. Corp., 51 ; 3 Salk. 191 ; 3 Lev. 107). At length, it seems to have been established, that though they could not contract directly except under their corporate seal, yet they might, by mere vote or other corporate act, not under their corporate seal, appoint an agent whose acts and contracts within the scope of his authority would be binding on the corporation. 3 P. Wins. 419. And courts of equity, in this respect, seeming to follow the law, have decreed a specific performance of an agreement made by a major part of a cor- poration, and entered in the corporation books, although not under the corporate seal, i Fonbl. Eq. 305. This technical doctrine has in more modern times been entirely broken down." The same judge, in continuation in the same case, observes: "The doctrine that a cor- poration could not contract except under its seal, or, in other words, could not make a promise, if it had ever been fully settled, must have been productive of great mischief. Indeed, as soon as the doctrine was established, that its regularly appointed agents could contract in their name without seal, it was impossible to support it ; for, other- wise, the party who trusted such contract would be without remedy against the corporation. Accordingly, it would seem to be a sound rule of law, that whenever a corporation is acting within the scope of the legitimate purposes of its institution, all parol contracts, made by its authorized agents, are express promises of the corporation ; and all duties imposed upon them by law, and all benefits conferred at their request, raise implied promises, for the enforcement of which an action may well lie. 3 Brown Ch. 262; Doug., 524; 3 Mass. 364; 5 Mass. 89, 491 ; 6 Mass. 50." Whatever of strictness may have existed in the earlier cases, in restricting their power of contracting to the express grant of authority, has been also greatly relaxed, and the doctrine upon the subject been made more conformable to reason and necessity, the powers granted to corporations being now construed like all other grants of power, not according to the letter, but the spirit and meaning. In Ang. & A. Corp., p. 192, 12, it is said: "A corporation having been created for a specific purpose, can not only make no contracts forbidden by its charter, which is, as it were, the law of its nature, but in general can make no contract which is not necessary, either directly or incidentally, to enable it to answer that purpose. In deciding, therefore, whether a corporation can make a particular contract, we are to consider, in the first place, 27O POWER AS TO NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS. 943 whether its charter, or some statute binding upon it, forbids or per- mits it to make such a contract; and, if the charter and valid statutory law are silent upon the subject, in the second place, whether the power to make such a contract may not be implied on the part of the corporation, as directly or incidentally necessary to enable it to fulfill the purpose of its existence, or whether the contract is entirely foreign to that purpose. In general, an express authority is not indispensa- ble to confer upon a corporation the right to become drawer, indorser, or acceptor of a bill of exchange, or to become a party to any other negotiable paper. It is sufficient if it be implied as the usual and proper means to accomplish the purposes of the charter. Chit. Bills (5th ed.), 17-21; Baily Bills (5th ed.), p. 69, ch. 2, 7; Story Bills Exch., p. 94, 79. In the case of Mum v. Commission Co., 15 Johns. 52, Spencer, J., who delivered the opinion of the court, says: "It has been strongly urged that, under the act of incorporating this company, they could neither draw nor accept bills of exchange. Their power is undoubtedly limited ; they are required to employ their stock solely in advancing money, when required, on goods and articles manufactured in the United States, and the sale of such goods and articles on commission. The acceptance of a bill is an engage- ment to pay money ; and the company may agree to pay or advance money at a future day, and they may engage to do this by the accept- ance of a bill. When a charter or act of incorporation and valid stat- utory law are silent as to what contracts a corporation may make, as a general rule it has power to make all such contracts as are necessary and usual in the course of business, as means to enable it to attain the object for which it was created, and none other. The creation of a corporation for a specific purpose implies a power to use the neces- sary and usual means to effectuate that purpose." Ang. & A. Corp., p. 200, 3. Mr. Story, in his treatise on Bills of Exchange (page 95), speak- ing of the power of corporations to draw, indorse and accept bills of exchange, says: "It is sufficient if it be implied as a usual and appro- priate means to accomplish the objects and purposes of the charter. But when the drawing, indorsing, or accepting such bills is obviously foreign to the purposes of the charter, or repugnant thereto, then the act becomes a nullity, and not binding on the corporation." In the case of People v. Utica Ins. Co., 15 Johns., Thompson, C. J., who delivered the opinion of the court, says, at page 383, "An incorporated company has no rights but such as are specially granted, and those that are necessary to carry into effect the powers so granted. ' ' In the case of Mott v. Hicks, a quantity of wood was purchased for the president and directors of the Woodstock Glass Company by Whitehead Hicks, the president thereof, for which he executed the promissory note of the company at six months. It appears, from a reference in argument to the charter of the company, that there was no clause authorizing it to issue bills or notes, or making such, if issued, binding and obligatory upon the company ; yet it was held by 944 UNION BANK V. JACOBS. 270 the court that an action would lie against the corporation upon the note, it having been executed by its legally authorized agent, acting within the scope of the legitimate purposes of such corporation, i Cow. 513. In the case of Hay ward v. Pilgrim Soc., 21 Pick. 270, it was held that the trustees of a society incorporated for the purpose of building a monument, in virtue of their authority to manage the finances and property of the society, were held competent to bind the society by a promissory note through the agency of their treasurer. These authorities fully establish the proposition, that, in the con- struction of charters of corporations, the power to contract and the mode of contracting is not limited to the express grant, but may be extended by implication to all necessary and proper means for the ac- complishment of the purposes of the charter. Now, what are neces- sary and proper means? Mr. Story, as we have seen, says if the means are usual and appropriate, the implication of power arises. Story Bills, 95. Chief Justice Marshall, in the case of McCulloch v. State of Mary- land, 4 Wheat. 413, says: "But the argument on which most reli- ance is placed, is drawn from the peculiar language of this clause of the constitution. Congress is not empowered by it to make all laws which may have relation to the powers conferred on the government, but such only as may be necessary and proper for carrying them into execution. The word 'necessary' is considered as controlling the whole sentence, and as limiting the right to pass laws for the execu- tion of the granted powers to such as are indispensable, and without which the power would be nugatory. That it excludes the choice of means, and leaves congress in each case that only which is most direct and simple. Is it true that this is the sense in which the word 'necessary' is always used? Does it always import an absolute phys- ical necessity, so strong that one thing to which another may be termed necessary can not exist without that other? We think it does not. If reference be had to its use in the common affairs of the world, or in approved authors, we find that it frequently imports no more than that one thing is convenient or useful or essential to another. To employ the means necessary to an end, is generally understood as em- ploying any means calculated to produce the end, and not as being confined to those single means, without which the end would be en- tirely unattainable. Such is the character of the human mind that no word conveys to it in all situations one single definite idea, and noth- ing is more common than to use words in a figurative sense. Almost all compositions contain words which, taken in their rigorous sense, would convey a meaning different from that which is obviously in- tended. It is essential to just construction that many words which import something excessive should be understood in a more mitigated sense in that sense which common usage justifies. The word 'nec- essary' is of this description. It has no fixed character peculiar to itself. It admits of all degrees of comparison, and is often connected with other words, which increase or diminish the impression the mind 2/0 POWER AS TO NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS. 94$ receives of the urgency it imports. A thing may be necessary, very necessary, absolutely or indispensably necessary. To no mind would the same idea be conveyed by these several phrases." In conclusion upon this subject, he says, page 421, same case: "We admit, as all must admit, that the powers of the government are limited, and that its limits are not to be transcended. But we think the sound con- struction of the constitution must allow to the national legislature that discretion with respect to the means by which the powers it confers are to be carried into execution which will enable that body to per- form the high duties assigned to it in the manner most beneficial to the people. Let the end be legitimate, let it be within the scope 'of the constitution, and all means which are appropriate, which are plainly adapted to that end, which are not prohibited, but consist with the letter and spirit of the constitution, are constitutional." Now if this be true doctrine in relation to the constitution of the United States, surely it will not be contended that a more stringent rule will be applied in the construction of the powers of a corpora- tion than is applied in the construction of the powers of congress un- der the constitution of the United States. To apply these principles, as established by the authorities cited, to the case under consideration. The Hiwassee Railroad Company is chartered to construct a railroad, a thing of itself necessarily involving a heavy expenditure of money ; but in addition thereto it is empowered to sue and be sued, to acquire and hold; sell, lease and convey es- tates, real, personal and mixed, which necessarily involves the power of making contracts for the same. How shall these contracts be made, both for the construction of the road and the purchase of the property ? It is argued that the capital stock of the company is the only means provided for the payment, and that no other can be resorted to for that purpose ; or, in other words, that it must pay cash for every con- tract, for that no power is given by which it may contract upon time ; for if it may create a debt of necessary consequence, it may create written evidences of that debt, and these may be either promissory notes or bills of exchange. It is true that the capital stock of the company is the source from whence an ultimate payment of the debts of the company must be made ; but to hold that a sufficient amount of this stock must always be on hand to pay immediately for every con- tract made would be destructive of the operations of the company. By the provisions of the charter not more than one-fourth of the stock shall be called for in any one year, and this upon thirty days' notice ; and if, within thirty days after such notice, the amount called for be not paid, the company is authorized to take steps against the delin- quent stockholders to enforce payment. Now it is obvious that it never was intended that all the stock should be paid in before the company commenced operations. The early completion of the road was a desirable object for commercial purposes, and it can be pre- tended that the expenditures of the company were to be limited and restricted to the amount of capital actually paid in by the stockhold- 60 WIL. CASES. 946 UNION BANK V. JACOBS. 2 70 ers, and that under no circumstances was the company to exceed them? If, upon failure of the means on hand, the stockholders should neglect to pay upon a proper call, are the works to be suspended un- til such time as payments could be enforced? Are the persons who may have done work for it, and for which they have not been paid, to wait the slow process of the law before they can receive satisfac- tion ? And shall the company not be permitted to use its credit in such emergency? It is so argued for the defendant. This construc- tion of the charter would be ruinous in its consequences. The com- pany might be compelled to suspend all operations at a time when great loss would result from deterioration to unfinished work, and be greatly injured also in its credit. The restriction contended for is too refined and technical. It might have suited the days of the Year Books, when it was held that a cor- poration could contract for nothing except under its corporate seal ; but it is strange that it should be urged at this day of enlightened ju- risprudence, when the substance of things is looked to rather than forms. A corporation is, in the estimation of law, a body created for special purposes, and there is no good reason why it should not, in the execution of these purposes, resort to any means that would be necessary and proper for an individual in executing the same, unless it be prohibited by the terms of its charter or some public law from so doing. There is no principle which prevents a corporation from contracting debts within the scope of its action; and, as has been observed, if it may contract a debt, it necessarily may make provision for its pay- ment by drawing or indorsing or accepting notes or bills. It is not pretended that this power extends to the drawing, indorsing or accept- ing of bills or notes generally, and disconnected from the purposes for which the corporation was created. * * * Judgment reversed. Note. Power to issue negotiable instruments. 1. Corporations have such power whenever it is a necessary or convenient method of conducting their proper business: 1797, Phelps v. Livingston, 2 Root (Conn.) 495; 1838, Hayward v. Pilgrim Soc., 38 Mass. (21 Pick.) 270; 1848, Stevens v. Hill, 29 Maine 133; 1849, Butts v. Cuthbertson, 6 Ga. 166; 1860, Brown v. Donnell, 49 Maine 421, 77 Am. Dec. 266; 1871, Downer v. Read, 17 Minn. 493; 1873, In re Great West. Tel. Co , 5 Biss. 363, Fed. Cas. 5740; 1875, Watts' Appeal, 78 Pa. St. 370; 1877, Franklin Co. v. Lewiston Inst. for Sav., 68 Maine 43, supra, p. 938; 1882, Wright v. Pipe Line Company, 101 Pa. St. 204; 1889, National Bank v. German Mut., etc., Co., 116 N.Y. 281; 1892, Am. Ex. Nat'l Bank v. Oregon, etc., Co., 55 Fed. Rep. 265; 1896, Farm- ers' Mut. Ins. Co. v. Meese, 49 Neb. 861 ; 1896, Kneeland v. Braintree, 167 Mass. 161 ; 1899, National Loan & Inv. Co. v. Rockland Co., 94 Fed. Rep. 335; 1899, G. V. B. Min. Co. v. First Nat'l Bank, 95 Fed. Rep. 23; 1899, McGarry v. Tanner, etc., 21 Utah 16, 59 Pac. Rep. 93. But corporations, unless expressly authorized, have no power to deal in notes or bonds: 1863, Goodrich v. Reynolds, 31 111. 490, 83 Am. Dec. 240; 1899, Indiana Bond Co. v. Ogle, 22 Ind. App. 593, 72 Am. St. Rep. 326. 2. As between the original parties to the negotiable instrument, the officer who acts for the corporation must have express or implied authority to bind the corporation, but generally no formal proceedings upon the part of the cor- 2/1 POWER AS TO NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS. 94/ poration are necessary : 1897, Blake v. Domestic Mfg. Co., N. J. Eq. , 38 All. Rep. 241; 1898, Washington Times Co. v. Wilder, 12 App. D. C. 62; 1898, Dexter Savings Bank v. Friend, 90 Fed. Rep. 703; 1899, Monroe Mer- cantile Co. v. Arnold, 108 Ga. 449, 34 8. E. Rep. 176 ; 1899, Porter v. Winona & D. G. Co., 78 Minn. 210, 80 N. W. Rep. 966; 1899, G. V. B. Min. Co. v. First Nat'l Bank, 95 Fed. Rep. 23; 1900, Crawford v. Albany Ice Co., 36 Ore. 535, 60 Pac. Rep. 14. But if the corporation has power to issue promissory notes for any purpose a bona fide holder for value, with no knowledge of lack of authority of the agent, or of other irregularity, or that it was in fact issued by the corpora- tion for an ultra vires purpose, will be protected: 1825, Ridgway v. Bank, 12 Serg. & R. (Pa.) 256; 1848, Mclntire v. Preston, 10 111. (5 Gil.) 48; 1869, Mon- ument Nat'l Bank v. Globe Works, 101 Mass. 57 ; 1886, National Bank v. Young, 41 N. J. Eq. 531 ; 1889, National Park Bank v. G. A. M. W. & S. Co., 116 N. Y. 281 ; 1895, Jacob's Pharmacy Co. v. So. B. & T. Co., 97 Ga. 573; 1895, Marshall Nat'l Bank v. O'Neal, 11 Texas Civ. App. 640. As in other cases, there is much uncertainty as to the extent of the power ol the president to bind the corporation by notes issued without express authority. The two following cases illustrate this : 1899, G. V. B. Mining Co. v. First Nat'l Bank, 95 Fed. Rep. 23 (holding that president has implied authority) ; 1900, Crawford v. Albany Ice Co., 36 Ore. 535, 60 Pac. Rep. 14 (holding that ex- press authority must be shown) . Sec. 271. Same. BATEMAN v. THE MID WALES RAILWAY COMPANY. 1 1866. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. 35 L. J. Rep. (C. P.) 205-210, i Com. Pleas 499. The plaintiffs in these actions, as indorsees, sued the defendants, as acceptors of certain bills of exchange ; and the defendants pleaded that they did not accept. The defendants were a railway company, constituted under the 22 & 23 Viet., ch. Ixiii. This special act was in the usual form, both as to the powers given to and the restrictions placed on the company, and as to the incorporation of general acts ; and there was no differ- ence between the cases, except that in the last case evidence was given of the defendants having actually commenced business. The bills were directed to the Mid Wales Railway Company, and were accepted in the following form : "Accepted by order of the board of directors, and payable at the Agra & Masterman's Bank, John Wade, Secretary," with the seal of the company affixed under these words. And there was no question but that there was a resolu- tion of the board of directors to the above effect. At the trial a verdict was entered for the plaintiffs, with leave to the defendants to move to enter a verdict for themselves on the grounds, first, that the defendants had no power by law to accept the bills, and, secondly, that the acceptances were not binding on them, and that even if bills could be accepted by them the bills were not ac- cepted in such a form as to be binding on them. 1 Arguments, and opinions of Erie, C. J., Byles & Keating, JJ., omitted. 948 BATEMAN V. THE MID WALES RAILWAY COMPANY. 2/1 Rules nisi were obtained, pursuant to such leave. MONTAGUE SMITH, J. The plaintiffs as indorsees sue the defend- ants as acceptors, so that the action is not between the immediate parties to the bills. I think a railway company is not competent to accept bills of exchange. A railway company is incorporated to make and maintain a railway; its powers and resources are limited by the incorporating statutes; but if they may accept bills of ex- change, they either may do so to any extent, or there would have to be an inquiry whether the purposes for which the bills were accepted were within their powers in each particular case. I think the legis- lature did not intend to give them the power. It is admitted that there is no authority in favor of it ; and there is a great abundance of authority to show that in the analogous cases of mining, water-works, gas, and other companies, the companies can not draw bills of ex- change, though they are more trading companies than a railway com- pany. The first object in the constitution of a railway company is to make a railway, though, it is true, they may, and practically al- ways do become carriers. Corporations for the purposes of trade have the power of issuing bills of exchange as incidental to such trading ; but this doctrine only applies where the primary object is trade, buying and selling. In addition to the authorities referred to, there is the distinct authority of various eminent text-writers that such a company as this can not. accept a bill of exchange. Amongst oth- ers, Mr. J. W. Smith, in his treatise on Mercantile Law, says: "However, it has been considered that a trading corporation may differ from others as to its powers of contracting and its remedies on con- tracts relating to the purposes for which it was formed. Thus, such a corporation may in some cases bind itself by promissory notes and bills of exchange ; and it was even held that the Bank of England might without deed appoint an agent for such purposes. But a cor- poration will not have these extraordinary powers unless the nature of the business in- which it is engaged raises a necessary implication of their existence." Now clearly, here there is no express power, nor is there any necessary implication. For these reasons, I am of opin- ion that the defendants were not competent to accept a bill of ex- change ; and on the other point I also agree with the rest of the court. Note. The above case gives the general doctrine in England, but the power to give notes or accept bills of exchange exists "where upon a fair construc- tion of the memorandum and articles of association it appears that it was in- tended to be conferred." 1866, Peruvian R. v. Thames & M. M. I. Co., 36 L. J. Ch. 864, L. R. 2 Ch. 617. Or where "it is necessary to carry on the business under ordinary circumstances and in the usual way." 1887, In re Cunning- ham & Co., 36 Ch. Div. 538, 57 L. J. Ch. 169; 1889, Atkin v. Wardle, 61 L. T. 23. This power seems to be implied in purely trading companies. 1869, In re Land Credit Co., L. R. 4 Ch. App. 460; but not in railway (Bateman & Mid Wales, etc., supra), gas (1837, Bramah v. Roberts, 3 Bing. N. C. 963, 32 E. C. L. 404), water-works (1819, Broughton v. Manchester, etc., Co., 3 B. & Aid. 1, 5 E. C. L. 11), or mining companies (1829, Dickinson v. Valpy, 10 B. & C. 128, 21 E. C. L. 63). 2/2 POWER AS TO NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS. 949 Sec. 272. Same. Accommodation paper. MONUMENT NATIONAL BANK v. GLOBE WORKS. 1 1869. IN THE SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT OF MASSACHUSETTS. 101 Mass. Rep. 57-59. HOAR, J. The single question presented for our decision in this cause, all others which arise upon the report having been waived, is, whether the note of a manufacturing corporation, in the hands of a holder in good faith for value, who took it before maturity, and with- out any knowledge that the makers had not received the full consider- ation, can not be enforced against them, because it was in fact made as an accommodation note. The argument for the defendants takes the ground that to issue an accommodation note is not within the powers conferred upon the corporation ; and that, as any persons taking it had notice that it was the note of the corporation, they had notice that it was of no validity unless issued for a purpose within the scope of the corporate powers, and were, therefore, bound to ascertain not only that it was executed by the officer of the corporation who had the general authority to sign the notes which they might lawfully make, but that the purpose for which it was issued was such as the charter authorized them to enter- tain and execute. The court are all of opinion that this position is not tenable, and that the defense can not be maintained. It has long been settled in this commonwealth that a manufactur- ing corporation has the power to make a negotiable promissory note. Narragansett Bank v. Atlantic Silk Co., 3 Met. 282. And it was held in Bird v. Daggett, 97 Mass. 494, as a just corrollary to that proposition, that such note in the hands of a holder in good faith for value is binding upon the maker, although made as an accommodation note. The question was not discussed, nor the reasons for the decis- ion fully stated in Bird v. Daggett; but it was assumed that the doc- trine announced was clear and undoubted law. The doctrine of ultra vires has been carried much farther in Eng- land than the courts in this country have been disposed to extend it; but, with just limitations, the principle can not be questioned, that the limitations to the authority, powers, and liability of a corporation are to be found in the act creating it. And it no doubt follows, as claimed by the learned counsel for the defendants, that when powers are conferred and defined by statute, every one dealing with the cor- poration is presumed to know the extent of those powers. But when the transaction is not the exercise of a power not confer- red on a corporation, but the abuse of a general power in a particular instance, the abuse not being known to the other contracting party, the doctrine of ultra vires does not apply. As was said by Selden, J., 1 Part of opinion omitted. 950 MURPHY V. ARKANSAS & L. LAND IMPROVEMENT CO. 273 in Bissell v. Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Railroad Com- pany, 22 N. Y. 289, 290: "There are no doubt cases in which a corporation would be estopped from setting up this defense, although its contract might have been really unauthorized. It would not be available in a suit brought by a bona fide indorsee of a negotiable promissory note, provided the corporation was authorized to give notes for any purpose ; and the reason is, that the corporation, by giving the note, has virtually represented that it was given for some legiti- mate purpose, and the indorsee could not be presumed to know the contrary. The note, however, if given by a corporation, absolutely prohibited by its charter from giving notes at all, would be voidable not only in the hands of the original payee, but in those of any subse- quent holder; because all persons dealing with a corporation are bound to take notice of the extent of its chartered powers. The same principle is applicable to contracts not negotiable. When the want of power is apparent upon comparing the act done with the terms of the charter, the party dealing with the corporation is presumed to have knowledge of the defect, and the defense of ultra vires is avail- able against him. But such a defense would not be permitted to pre- vail against a party who can not be presumed to have had any knowl- edge of the want of authority to make the contract. Hence, if the question of power depends not merely upon the law under which the corporation acts, but upon the existence of certain extrinsic facts, resting peculiarly within the knowledge of the corporate officers, then the corporation would be estopped from denying that which, by as- suming to make the contract, it had virtually affirmed." This doctrine seems to us sound and reasonable ; and in conformity with it, it was held, in Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank v. Empire Stone Dressing Company, 5 Bosw. 275, that an accommodation ac- ceptance by an officer of a manufacturing corporation, on behalf of the company, was not binding, unless the consideration had been ad- vanced upon the faith of the acceptance ; but that if the consideration was paid in good faith after the acceptance, and upon the credit of it r it could be enforced. * * * Judgment for plaintiffs. Note. Accord: 1858, Smead v. R. Co., 11 Ind. 104; 1865, Hall v. Auburn Tp. Co., 27 Cal. 255, 87 Am. Dec. 75; 1886, National Bank v. Young, 41 N. J. Eq. 531 ; 1889, National Park Bank v. G. A. M. W. & S. Co., 116 N. Y. 281 ; 1895, Jacob's Pharmacy Co. v. So. Bank & T. Co., 97 Ga. 573 ; 1898, Steiner v. Steiner L. & L. Co., 120 Ala. 128, 26 So. Rep. 494. But see next case. Sec. 273. Same. MURPHY ET AL. v. ARKANSAS & L. LAND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. 1 1899. IN THE UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT, N. D. ARKANSAS. 97 Fed. Rep. 723-730. [Bill to foreclose a trust deed. P. F. B. owned one-third of a 1 Statement abridged, and only part of opinion given. 273 POWER AS TO NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS. 95 1 $30,000 judgment in favor of the A. & L. R. Co. against J. D. B. In order to discharge this third, J. D. B. paid P. F. B. $6,000, and delivered to him a note for $4,000, secured by a deed of trust, exe- cuted by the Land Company, and made payable to J. D. B. or his assignee, for the purpose of enabling him to pay his claim. The note and deed were executed with the full consent of all the directors and shareholders of the Land Company, composed of J. D. B., who owned all the stock except shares necessary to qualify a son of J. D. B. and his attorney to be directors ; also at a time when the corpora- tion had ample property to pay all its debts including this claim. P. F. B. assigned the note and deed of trust in the ordinary course of business to Murphy, who brings the suit.] ROGERS, District Judge. * * * It is urged that the land com- pany had no authority to execute accommodation paper, and hence the execution of the note was ultra vires. I incline to think that the charter of the land company is broad enough to authorize it to ex- ecute accommodation paper, but it makes no difference as to that. The land company is a private corporation. It owed no debts. The paper was issued by the consent of all the stockholders, and it has been accepted, and the consideration parted with by P. F. B. for it. Can it now be permitted to take shelter under the plea of ultra vires? I think not. In i Cook Corp., 3, the author says : "A private corporation may become an accommodation indorser, distribute its assets, issue its notes, stock, or bonds below par, or, for no consideration whatever, give away its assets, or may mortgage its property for the personal benefit of a part or all of its stockholders or officers ; provided, always, that all the stockholders assent, and pro- vided that corporate creditors are not injured, and provided that no statute forbids such acts. The doctrine of ultra -vires is no longer held to forbid such acts by a private corporation under such circum- stances. * * * The theory of a corporation is that it has no pow- ers except those expressly given or necessarily implied. But this theory is no longer strictly applied to private corporations. A private corporation may exercise many extraordinary powers, provided all of its stockholders assent, and none of its creditors are injured. There is no one to complain except the state, and, the business being entirely private, the state does not interfere. Thus, fifty years ago the courts would have summarily declared it illegal for a business corporation to become an accommodation indorser of commercial paper, but to- day there is no rule of public policy which prohibits a private corpo- ration having a capital stock from becoming the accommodation in- dorser of commercial paper, providing such indorsement is made with the knowledge and assent of all the directors and stockholders, and provided corporate creditors are paid." In the subsequent discussion of the author it is shown that whatever is done by a private corporation with the assent of all of its stockhold- ers, and where no creditor is injured, although it may be ultra vires^ is lawful, and will be enforced by the courts. The principle does not 952 TOD ET AL. V. KENTUCKY UNION LAND CO. 274 apply to railroad corporations or yuast-public corporations. * * * Decree for plaintiff. Note. Accord: 1890, Martin v. Niagara Falls Paper Co., 122 N. Y. 165; 1895, Bensiek v. Thomas, 66 Fed. Rep. 104; 1897, Solomon Solar S. Co. v. Barber, 58 Kan. 419, 49 Pac. Rep. 524; 1898, Central Trust Co. v. C. H. V. & T. R. Co., 87 Fed. Rep. 815. Sec. 274. (4) Surety or guarantor. TOD ET AL. v. KENTUCKY UNION LAND COMPANY ET AL. 1893. IN THE UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT, DISTRICT OP KENTUCKY. 57 Fed. Rep. 47-66. [Bill in equity against the land company and others for the appoint- ment of a receiver, and declaring an assignment under the Kentucky laws, on account of the debtor land company having made preferences which, as alleged, operated as an assignment. Decree for complain- ants, with a reference to a commissioner, to report as to priority of claims. The land company had guaranteed the first mortgage bonds to the extent of $2,625,000, $800,000 second mortgage bonds, and a 5 per cent, dividend upon $500,000 of the capital stock, of the Ken- tucky Union Railway Company; the validity of these guaranties, be- ing assailed by other creditors, was submitted by the commissioner to the court.] LURTON, C. J. * * * Did the Kentucky Union Land Com- pany have the power to bind itself by its contract guarantying the principal and interest of the first mortgage bonds issued by the Ken- tucky Union Railway Company? The question, as presented on this record, is a question pure and simple as to how far the authority to execute these contracts is sus- tained by the corporate powers which the law has vested in this com- pany. No question arises as to the rights of bona fide holders of these bonds for value and without notice of the facts that the bonds had not been indorsed upon their sale and transfer by the guarantying corporation. The general doctrine may be taken to be well settled in the courts of the United States that the powers of the corporation are such, and such only, as are conferred by the law under which it is in- corporated. The charter is the measure of the power of every corpo- ration, and by this test must every corporate act be tried. This rule, however, concedes the usual propositions applicable to every legisla- tive act that what is fairly implied is as much granted as if expressly enumerated. * * * The power to execute accommodation paper or to guaranty for ac- commodation the obligations of another corporation is not expressly conferred by the charter of the land company. Ordinarily, such 1 Statement abridged, and only part of opinion given. $ 274 POWER TO BE SURETY. 953 power is not implied from the powers conferred upon corporations, and such contracts are generally in excess of the powers of corpora- tions, and therefore void as ultra -vires, in the true sense of the term. This proposition rests upon two or more very evident reasons : (1) The corporate funds belong to its shareholders and, by the very terms of the law creating it, can not be devoted to any other pur- pose than those indicated by its charter and constitution. Such obli- gations would violate the fundamental terms of the agreement be- tween the corporators themselves. (2) To do so would be to exercise a power not conferred by the state, either expressly or impliedly. The state's grant of the corpo- rate franchises is for the purpose prescribed, and the execution of such obligations would be beyond the power conferred, and therefore a diversion of the corporate purposes, as well as of the corporate funds. (3) Such obligations rest upon no consideration, and would not, therefore, be valid. They would amount to a donation of the corpo- rate funds, and therefore an unlawful diversion. Mor. Priv. Corp., 423; Davis v. Railroad Co., 131 Mass. 258; Madison Plank-Road Co. v. Watertown Plank-Road Co., 7 Wis. 59; McClellan v. File Works, 56 Mich. 579, 23 N. W. Rep. 321 ; National Park Bank v. German- American Mutual Warehouse & Security Co., 116 N. Y. 292, 22 N. E. Rep. 567; ^Etna Nat'l Bank v. Charter Oak Life Ins. Co., 50 Conn. 167. But there is no inherent want of power in a business corporation, having the power to execute negotiable paper, to obligate itself as a surety or guarantor. If such a corporation receives commercial paper or bonds in due course of business we see no reason why, upon transfer- ring such paper, it may not be lawful to obligate itself as indorser or guarantor. Such a contract would be a new and independent con- tract, and would rest upon a sufficient consideration, if entered into as a legitimate means of increasing the value of the security to be dis- posed of in ordinary course of business. In Railroad v. Howard the question arose as to the liability of a railroad company upon its guar- anty of certain bonds issued by various counties and cities, and re- ceived by the railroad company in payment of subscription to its stock. Upon full consideration it was held that, inasmuch as the company had received the bonds in payment of stock, it had a right to obligate itself by its own bonds for the purpose of building its road ; it might lawfully, and in furtherance of its authorized purpose, guaranty such bonds as a means of augmenting their value on the market, thus pro- ducing funds to build its road. 7 Wall. 411, 412. The power of a corporation to bind itself by a guaranty, when it does so for its own benefit and as a means of selling at an augmented value, is generally conceded by the authorities. "In such cases," says Mr. Randolph in his work upon Commercial Paper (vol. i, sec. 334), "the guaranty is an original contract of the corporation for its own benefit ; the con- sideration moving to itself, and not to the person whose debt is guar- antied." * * 954 TOD ET AL - v - KENTUCKY UNION LAND CO. ET AL. 274 In the light of these principles let us look at the facts connected with the contract under consideration. The Kentucky Union Land Company was incorporated under a special charter granted by the legislature of Kentucky in 1880. Its original corporate title was, "The Central Kentucky Lumber, Min- ing, Manufacturing and Transportation Company." This name was by amendment of charter in 1890, and after these bonds had been guarantied, changed to "The Kentucky Union Land Company." The original title indicated very thoroughly the large power confer- red by the charter, and the composite character of the business con- templated thereunder. * * * The Kentucky Union Railway Company was organized under a special charter granted by Kentucky in 1854. Under its charter the stock might be subscribed for by "any individual or corporation." * * * * Without undertaking to state the details as to how and under what circumstances, and upon what consideration, it is sufficient for the purpose of this case to say that, at the date of the contract of guaranty in question, shares of stock in the railway company to the amount of $1,800,000 were held and owned by the land company. This con- stituted the whole of the shares issued by that company except, per- haps, nine, which were held by the directors of the railway company in order that they might be qualified to act. The land company at the same time had acquired the title to between 300,000 and 500,000 acres of mountain lands on the line of the projected continuation of this railway. In order to the development of these lands, and to the utilization of the timber and mines thereon, it became most essential that this railway should be completed. Did the land company have power to aid in the extension and completion of this railway ? * * * [The charter provided inter alia, that the land company might "acquire by purchase or condemnation the necessary rights of way for exporting the products of the mines and timber," and might "effect a temporary or permanent consolidation with any railroad or transpor- tation company," and "the consolidated companies may have and ex- ercise the powers of both companies."] Now, the case, as it was presented to the land company, was this : "We have purchased, as authorized by our charter, a vast body of timbered and mineral lands. We are authorized, expressly, to utilize these lands by developing their timber and mineral interest. The in- tention of the legislature was that this buried natural wealth shall be utilized by the erection of sawmills, iron works, rolling mills, furniture factories, iron furnaces, and by the opening and operating of iron and coal mines. It contemplated that transportation of the products of these mines, mills and factories would be a matter of great concern. The right to condemn rights of way is conferred." That railroad transportation would be essential to get to market these products, and for the necessary development of the towns which must spring up around enterprises so numerous, was also in contem- 2/4 POWER TO BE SURETY. 955 plation of the state when the charter was granted, is evident from sev- eral considerations: (1) The coal, iron and timber, and the manufactured products of the contemplated mills and factories could not be profitably utilized without cheap transportation. (2) That the company should engage in transportation is indicated by the original title of the corporation. It was to be a transportation company as well as a mining and manufacturing company. (3) The power to consolidate with any railroad company, char- tered or to be chartered, is expressly conferred. (4) In case of such consolidation the companies were to exercise the powers of both, and act in the name of either, or in an agreed name. The power did not stop here. There might be a "temporary consolidation" with a railroad company. * * * There is nothing in this charter to indicate that only a technical consolidation was authorized. On the contrary, the power to make a "temporary consolidation," looking to all the four corners of this char- ter, clearly implies the power to make such an alliance or bring about such a union and co-operation of interests between the land company and the railway company as shall be to the mutual interest of each, and place both under the same control and management. This could be done by the plan suggested by Mr. Morawetz in section 942, whereby the shares of one company should be held by the other, or by the same persons. This meaning seems reasonable and proper, looking to the objects and purposes of this corporation, and any steps which brought about unity of interest and co-operation in purpose as being legitimate and authorized. Under the power we are of opinion that the Kentucky Union Land Company had the power to acquire the shares in the railway company, and the right to exercise control over the railway company through the ownership and control of those shares. * * * Having authority to acquire this stock the land company became the sole stockholder in the railway company. Each had express au- thority to borrow money and issue bonds to carry out the purposes of the organization. The completion of this railway was an object within the scope of its charter powers. It could do so by its own name, or by aiding the railway company to negotiate its securities by guarantying their payment. The guaranty was not for the accom- modation of the railway company. The guarantor being the sole shareholder of the railway company, it was a contract for its own ben- efit, and therefore rested upon a sufficient security. In addition, the land company was a creditor of the railway company, and was to, and did receive the proceeds arising from sale of one-half million of these bonds. The remainder of the money thus raised was to be ap- plied to the building of the railway line. The consideration was suf- ficient to fully support the contract. * * * One railway company, under authority of law, leased the line of another for a term of years. The consideration of the lease was an an- nual rental, and that the lessee company should guaranty the principal 956 TOD ET AL. V. KENTUCKY UNION LAND CO. ET AL. 2/4 and interest of bonds to be issued by the lessor company. The con- tract of guaranty was challenged as ultra vires. The lessee company had no express authority to make such contract of guaranty, but did have power to make all such contracts as were usual and proper in the building and operation of the railway, and it likewise had power to lease the line of the lessor company. It was held that the consid- eration was sufficient and the guaranty valid. The court was of opin- ion that it was as competent for the company to promise to pay con- ditionally as to promise to pay absolutely ; that the validity of the agreement depended upon the sufficiency of the consideration. The right to take the lease being express, it was a good consideration for the conditional promise involved by a contract guaranty. Low v. Railroad Co. , 52 Cal. 53. See, also, Smead v. Railroad Co., n Ind. 104, and Zabriskie v. Railroad Co., 23 How. 381, where a general authority to aid a connecting railroad company was held sufficient to authorize the guarantying of the bonds of such road. Also, Mor. Priv. Corp., 423. * * * Guaranties held valid. Note. Power to be surety or guarantor. 1. The general rule is that a corporation has no implied power to become surety or guarantor in a matter not clearly authorized: 1846, Coleman v. R. Co., 10 Beav. 1; 1858, Smead v. R. Co., 11 Ind. 104; 1865, Hall v. Auburn T. P. Co., 27 Cal. 255, 87 Am. Dec. 75; 1895, Northside R. Co. v. Worthington, 8<* Texas 562, 53 Am. St. Rep. 778; 1899, Gilbert v. Seatco Mfg. Co., 98 Fed Rep. 208 ; 1899, M. V. Monarch Co. v. Farmers' & D. Bauk, 20 Ky. L. Rep. 1351, 49 S. W. Rep. 317. But it seems that a guaranty may be binding if all the share- holders agree, and no bonafide creditor's lights are affected, though the pur- pose may be ultra vires. 1898, First National Bank, etc., v. Winchester, 119 Ala. 168, 72 Am. St. Rep. 904, and Murphy v. Ark. & L. L. Imp. Co., supra, p. 950, and note. 2. There are, however, some well-defined exceptions to the general rule : e. g., A corporation holding the securities of another party has the right to dis- pose of them, and guarantee their payment in the ordinary course of business : 1868, Railroad v. Howard, 7 Wall (74 U. S.) 392; 1876, Arnot v. Erie R. Co., 67 N. Y. 315; 1891, Ellerman v. Chicago J. R. Co., 49 N. J. Eq. 217; 1898, Na- tional Bank of Com. v. Allen, 90 Fed. Rep. 545. A railroad company may guarantee the payment of the bonds and interest of a company whose road it is authorized to lease: 1877, Low v. Railroad Co., 52 Cal. 53, 28 Am. Rep. 629; or the bonds of cities that are lawfully issued to aid in its construction, 1868, Railroad v. Howard, 7 Wall. (74 TJ. S.) 392; or a note given by a party for its right of way, 1900, Lake St. El. R. Co. v. Car- michael, 184 111. 348, 56 N. E. Rep. 372; but a railroad company can not guar- antee the profits of a connecting steamship company, 1846, Colman v. Rail- road Co., 10 Beav. 1. A land company with power to do whatever is necessary to the develop- ment of the land may guarantee the bonds of a railroad company necessary to the success of the land company: 1870, Vandall v. Dock Co., 40 Cal. 83; 1893, Mercantile Trust Co. v. Kizer, 91 Ga. 636; 1894, Marbury v. Kentucky Union Land Co., 62 Fed. Rep. 335. But see, 1895, Northside R". Co. v. Worth- ington, 88 Texas 562, 53 Am. St. Rep. 778. Such company may also build, or help another corporation build, a saw-mill, 1875, Watts's Appeal, 78 Pa. St. 370; or a bridge, 1894, Fort Worth City Co. v. Smith Bridge Co., 151 U. S. 294, 14 Sup. Ct. Rep. 539. So a lumber company may be a guarantor for a railroad necessary for its success: 1893, Mercantile Co. v. Kizer, 91 Ga. 636; or for a builder who gets his material from such company, 1896, Wheeler, Osgood, etc., Co. v. Ever- 275 POWER TO FORM PARTNERSHIP. 957 ett, etc., Co., 14 Wash. 630; 1900, Wittmer Lumber Co. v. Rice. 23 Ind. App. 586, 55 N. E. Rep. 868. Sec. 275. (5) Partnership. MALLORY v. HANAUR OIL WORKS. 1 1888. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF TENNESSEE. 86 Tenn. Rep. 598-609, 20 Am. & E. C. C. 478. Appeal in error from circuit court of Shelby county. LURTON, J. This is an action of unlawful detainer, brought by the Hanaur Oil Works, a corporation created under the General In- corporation Act of 1875, and engaged in the manufacture of cotton- seed oil at Memphis, Tenn. The facts which raise the question to be determined are these : In July, 1884, a contract was entered into by and between four corpora- tions engaged in manufacturing cotton-seed oil at Memphis for the formation of what is designated in the agreement as a "combination," "syndicate," and "partnership." The contracting mills agreed to se- lect a committee, composed of representatives from each corporation, and to turn over to this committee the properties and machinery of each mill, to be managed and operated by this committee, through officers, agents and employes selected by them, for the common ben- efit, the profits and losses of such operations to be shared in propor- tions agreed upon. This arrangement was to last one year, but, with consent of all, might be renewed for two additional years, and, as ap- pears, was at the end of first year renewed for two other years, termi- nating August i, 1887. * * * The argument here has largely turned upon the correctness of the charge of the circuit judge, who distinctly instructed the jury that the contract between the Hanaur Company and the other four corporations was a contract for a partnership between corporations, and that under the charter of the Hanaur Oil Works it had no power to make such a contract, and that it was, therefore, void, and that it had a right to recover possession of its property, it being withheld solely under and by virtue of an agreement ultra vires. "A partnership," says Judge Story, "is usually defined to be a voluntary contract between two or more competent persons to place their money, effects, labor and skill, or some or all of them, in lawful commerce or business, with the understanding that there shall be a communion of the profits thereof between them." Pothier says that "a partnership is a contract whereby two or more persons put, or contract to put, something in common to make a law- ful profit in common, and reciprocally engage with each other to ren- der an account thereof." Story Part., 2. A careful examination of this agreement discloses every material element to a contract of partnership. The absolute ownership of the 1 Only part of opinion given. 958 MALLORY V. HANAUR OIL WORKS. 2/5 corporate property, the mills, machinery, etc., is not conveyed to the partnership, nor is this necessary. The beneficial use of all such property is surrendered to the common purpose. The provisions for the complete possession, control and use of the properties of the sev- eral corporations by the partnership or syndicate is perfect. Nothing is left to the several corporations but the right to receive a share of the profits and participate in the management and control of the con- solidated interests as one of the new association. The contract is, both technically and in its essential character, a partnership in so far as it is possible for corporations to form such an association. It is, however, argued by the learned counsel for appellants that if it be a partnership, that it does not, therefore, follow that it is ultra vires ; that such a contract, not being prohibited by law or the char- ter of the defendant in error, or against public policy, is not void, even if in excess of power expressly conferred ; that the business pro- posed by the contract, being within the purposes of the charter, is, therefore, within the implied powers of the corporation, and not ultra vires. In other words, "that the question is not whether the corpo- ration had, by virtue of the act of incorporation, authority to make the contract, but whether they are by those statutes forbidden to do it." In this doctrine we do not concur. There is, however, respect- able authority for the position. A corporation, being an artificial cre- ation, is the very thing it is made by the statute which brings it into being, and nothing more. The extent of its powers are those enu- merated in its charter, or implied by fair and natural construction of powers expressly conferred. The charter is the measure of its powers, and the enumeration thereof implies the exclusion of all others. We are not to look to the charter to see whether the thing done be prohibited, but whether there is authority to do it. These principles we understand to have the support of the great weight of authority in this country, and to have the sanction of the supreme court of the United States. Thomas v. Railroad Co., 101 U.S. 71. This view of the law has been the one entertained by this court, and clearly and distinctly enforced in an opinion by the present chief justice in the case of Elevator Company v. Memphis and Charleston R. Co., i Pick. 703. The power to enter into a partnership is not expressly or impliedly conferred by our act of 1875, under which the Hanaur Oil Works is incorporated. Neither is such authority within the implied powers of corporations. A partnership and a corporation are incongruous. Such a contract is wholly inconsistent w r ith the scope and tenor of the powers expressly conferred and the duties expressly enjoined upon a corporation, whether it be a strictly business and pri- vate corporation or one owing duties to the public, such as a com- mon carrier. In a partnership each member binds the firm when act- ing within the scope of the business. A corporation must act through its directors or authorized agents, and no individual member can, as such member, bind the corporation. 275 POWER TO FORM PARTNERSHIP. 959 Now, if a corporation be a member of a partnership it may be bound by any other member of the association, and in so doing he would act, not as an officer or agent of the corporation, and by virtue of authority received from it, but as a principal in an association in which all are equal, and each capable of binding the society by his acts. The whole policy of the law creating and regulating corpora- tions looks to the exclusive management of the affairs of each corpo- ration by the officers provided for or authorized by its charter. This management must be separate and exclusive, and any arrangement by which the control of the affairs of the corporation should be taken from its stockholders and the authorized officers and agents of the cor- poration would be hostile to the policy of our general incorporation acts. The decided weight of authority is that a corporation has not the power to enter a partnership, either with other corporations or with individuals. Says Mr. Mprawetz: "It seems clear that corpo- rations are not impliedly authorized to enter into partnership with other corporations or individuals. The existence of a partnership not only would interfere with the management of the corporation by its regularly appointed officers, but would impair the authority of the shareholders themselves, and involve the company in new responsi- bilities through agents over whom it had no control." i Morawetz Corp., 421 ; Whittenton Mills v. Upton, 10 Gray 528 (s. c. 71 Am. Dec. 681); Angell & Ames Corp., 272. It is unnecessary to consider this contract as constituting a mere traffic arrangement ; for the conclusion already announced that it was an ef- fort to form a partnership, determines that in its scope and effect it sought to accomplish much more than would be understood by the phrase "traffic arrangement." * * * Affirmed. Note. Power to enter into partnership. 1. The general rule is that a corporation has no such power.unless expressly authorized: 1831, Sharon Canal Co. v. Fulton Bank, 7 Wend. (N. Y.) 412* 1858, Whittenton Mills v. Upton, 10 Gray (Mass.) 582, 71 Am. Dec. 681 ; 1862, Marine Bank v. Ogden, 29 111. 248; 1885, Gunn v. Central R. Co., 74 Ga. 509; 1890, People v. North River Sug. R. Co., 121 N. Y. 582, 18 Am. St. Rep. 843, supra, p. 100; 1895, Aurora Bank v. Oliver, 62 Mo. App. 390; 1897, Sabine Tram Co. v. Bancroft, 16 Texas Civ. App. 170, 40 S. W. Rep. 837 ; 1899, Mer- chants' Nat'l Bank v. Standard W. Co., 6 Ohio N. P. 264. 2. Exceptions. Some exceptions have been recognized by the courts. Of course, if expressly authorized there can be no question: 1878, Butler v. Am. Toy Co., 46 Conn. 136. In, 1851, Catskill Bank v. Gray, 14 Barb. (N. Y.) 471, it was held that an iron manufacturing company had implied power to be- come a partner with an individual. In, 1876, Allen v. Woonsocket Co., 11 R. I. 288, it was held that a corporation with undefined powers and a single shareholder could become a member of a partnership strictly at will. And in 1895, Bates v. Coronado Beach Co., 109 Cal. 160, it was held that a corpo- ration could be a partner, if the management was left entirely to the corpora- tion. 3. Although the corporation exceeds its powers by becoming a partner, it will be liable to the extent of benefits received upon joint contracts: 1851, Catskill Bank v. Gray, 14 Barb. (N. Y.) 471; 1862, Marine Bank v. Ogden, 29 111. 248 ; 1880, Clarkson v. Erie & N. S. D., 6 111. App. 284 ; 1887, Swift, etc., v. Pacific Mail Steamship Co., 106 N. Y. 206; 1895, Northside R. Co. v. Worth- 960 THE C., C. C. & I. RY. CO. V. CLOSSER ET AL. 2/6 ington, 88 Texas 562, 53 Am. St. Rep. 778. And also may recover for its share of benefits conferred: 1831, N. Y. & S. Canal Co. v. Fulton Bank, 7 Wend. 412; 1899, Wilson v. Carter Oil Co., 46 W. Va. 469, 33 S. E. Rep. 249. See, infra, corporations as joint tenants and tenants in common, 292, 293. Sec. 276. (6) Trade combinations. (a) Pools. THE CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI AND INDIANAPOLIS RAILWAY COMPANY v. CLOSSER Ex AL. 1 1890. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIANA. 126 Ind. Rep. 348 369, 22 Am. St. Rep. 593. ELLIOTT, J. The appellees were partners, under the name of Closser & Co., and as such prosecute this action against the 'appellant. They base their right of action upon contracts made with the appel- lant wherein it undertook to transport grain from Indianapolis to the seaboard, and they charge that the appellant agreed to receive, at the time of the shipment, a designated sum as compensation for the trans- portation of the grain, and to refund to them a certain part of the sum received. They demand that the appellant be compelled to respond in damages for a breach of the agreement to refund part of the money paid to it as freight on the grain carried under the contracts. * * * The second paragraph of the complaint alleges that the defendant is, and long has been, a common carrier of goods, and that its custom of long standing is to make contracts for carrying grain from Indiana- polis to the eastern cities ; that the plaintiffs have long been engaged in the business of buying, selling and shipping grain ; that on the first day of November, 1884, the plaintiffs, under the firm name of Clos- ser & Co., entered into a contract with the defendant whereby it undertook to transport grain from a station on its road, known as Union City, to the city of New York ; that at the time this contract was made "there was no open and established rate of freight charges for carrying such grain, except a certain rate agreed upon between the defendant and other railway companies owning competing lines ; the rate so fixed by the competing companies was established by an agreement made by them for the purpose of preventing competition," and was enforced and maintained, in so far as it was enforced and maintained, by an agency of such companies established for that pur- pose, and called a "pool" ; that the "pool" was managed by a per- son selected by the companies for that purpose, and called a "pool commissioner"; that at the time mentioned all the railway companies that "were so located or situated as to be competitors for such freight were parties to said arrangement and "pool" ; that the rate established by the combination of common carriers was 21 ^4 cents per hundred- weight; that the defendant, "notwithstanding such combination and pool, offered and gave to Closser & Co. an inducement for shipping 1 Statement abridged ; only part of opinion given. 2/6 POWER AS TO TRADE COMHINATIONS. 961 freight over its lines at a rate lower than that fixed by the combina- tion and 'pool' , but, in order to do this and be able to report to the pool commissioner that such pool rate had been charged," the defend- ant "requested Closser & Co., when shipping freight over its lines, to pay the pool rate, and agreed at the same time with Closser & Co. to pay a certain portion of the pool rate so charged, as a rebate, in order that the shippers might, in the end, be only required to pay the rate fixed by the defendant" ; that "in this manner and for this purpose the defendant did, on the same day, agree with Closser &Co., in respect to the shipment of grain, that Closser &,Co. should pay the pool rate of 21 y? cents per hundred-weight, and that the defendant would thereupon repay to them 4^ cents on every hundred-weight of grain so shipped as a rebate, so that they should, in the end, pay as freight upon such shipment but 17 cents per hundred-weight, which was then, in fact, the rate of defendant for such freight between said points as then agreed upon, which rebate the defendant agreed to pay promptly after such shipment." It is also alleged that grain was shipped by Closser & Co., under the contract, and that they paid the pool" rate. * * * Decision below for plaintiff. The central question is as to the validity of the contracts between the rival railroad companies. * * * We preface our discussion of the central question by saying that we are not, at this point, dealing with the case where a combination is formed for the purpose of preventing ruinous competition, and in which there is no design to stifle fair competition. We are not re- quired to decide, nor do we decide, that combinations fair to the pub- lic, untainted by any sinister design, and formed solely to prevent the destruction of business by unregulated competition, may not be valid. There are, we know, cases sanctioning the doctrine that combinations may be formed where the purpose is lawful, and the means employed not forbidden by positive law or high considerations of public policy. Central Trust, etc., Co. v. Ohio Central R. Co., 23 Am. & Eng. R. Cases 666; Boston Chamber of Commerce v. Lake Shore, etc., R. Co., 32 Am. & Eng. R. Cases 618; Hare v. London, etc., R. Co., 2 J. & H. 80; Leslie v. Lorillard, no N. Y. 519; Manchester, etc., R. Co. v. Concord R., 8 R. & Corp. Law Journal 443. The doctrine of these cases we neither affirm nor deny; we do, however, declare that they are not relevant to the matter here in dispute. It is, however, both appropriate and necessary to adjudge that a combina- tion between common carriers to prevent competition is, at least, prima facie illegal. The doubt is as to whether any ultimate purpose can save it from the condemnation of the law ; there can be no doubt that, unexplained, such a combination for such a purpose is condemned by public policy. If such a combination can, in any event, be ad- mitted to be legal, it can only be so where it is affirmatively shown that its object was to prevent ruinous competition, and that it does not establish unreasonable rates, unjust discriminations or oppressive reg- ulations. If such a contract can stand it must be upon an affirmative showing, and one so full, complete and clear, as to remove the pre- 61 WIL. CASES. 962 THE C., C. C. & I. RY. CO. V. CLOSSER ET AL. 2/6 sumption (to which its existence, in itself, gives rise) that it was formed to do mischief to the public by repressing fair competition. The burden is on the carrier to remove the presumption, and until it is removed the agreement providing for the combination gives way be- fore this presumption, and the agreement must be held to be within the condemnation directed against all contracts which violate public policy. Coming to the question which awaits our judgment, and to which we have cleared our path, we affirm that a contract between corpora- tions charged with a public duty, such as is that of common carriers, providing for the formation of a combination having no other purpose than that of stifling competition, and providing means to accomplish that object, is illegal. The purpose to break down competition poi- sons the whole contract, and there is here no antidote which will res- cue it from legal death. The element which destroys the contract is the purpose to stifle competition, for a combination of rival carriers, moved and controlled by that purpose alone, is destructive of public interest, and, to the last degree, antagonistic to sound public policy. The principle on which this rule rests is a very old one, and its place in the law is very firm. The overshadowing element in this case, and in kindred cases, is the purpose which influences the parties in uniting themselves in a combination, and concerting means to make its pur- pose effective, for the law abhors a combination which has for its principal object the suppression of competition in matters of com- merce in which the public have an interest. * * * Relevant and striking illustrations of the scope and force of the general principle are supplied by what are known as "The Sugar Trust Cases," decided by the courts of New York cases rich in argument and authority. People v. North River Sugar Refining Co., 22 Abbott N. Cases 164; see, also, Law Literature of Trust Combi- nations, etc., 23 Abbott N. Cases 317; People v. North River Sugar Refining Co., 121 N. Y. 582. 1 The authorities collected in those cases demonstrate the proposition that a trust, or combination, having for its purpose the suppression of free competition, can not live where the common law prevails. There are, however, cases which, on their facts, bear a closer resemblance to the present than the sugar trust cases; but, after all, it may be said with propriety the important thing to be secured is a sound and salutary general principle, and not merely cases with closely resembling facts. There is no difficulty in securing the principle we seek, for cases almost without number as- sert and enforce it in an almost endless variety of forms and phases. One of the cases near akin to the one before us is that of Hooker v. Vandewater, 4 Denio 349. In that case competing canal companies combined, and agreed to fix an established rate of freight, and to di- vide profits. The agreement was adjudged illegal, the court saying, among other things, that "It is a general proposition that an agree- ment to do an unlawful act can not be supported at law that no right of action can spring out of an illegal contract ; and this rule applies 1 Supra, p. 100. 2/7 POWER AS TO TRADE COMBINATIONS. 963 not only when the contract is expressly illegal, but whenever it is op- posed to public policy." Still closer is the resemblance between this case and that of Texas, etc., R. Co. v. Southern Pacific R. Co., 41 La. Ann. 970. The court there held a "pooling contract" substantially the same as the one described in the appellees' com- plaint to be void, and in support of its ruling referred to the cases of Gibbs v. Consolidated Gas Co., 130 U. S. 396; Woodstock Iron Co. v. Richmond, etc., Extension Co., 129 U. S. 643; Morris Run Coal Co. v. Barclay Coal Co., 68 Pa. St. 173; Arnot v. Pittson, etc., Coal Co., 68 N. Y. 558; Craft v. McConoughy, 79 111. 346; Morrill v. Boston, etc., R., 55 N. H. 531; Jackson v. McLean, 36 Fed. Rep. 213 ; Santa Clara Valley, etc., Co. v. Hayes, 18 Pac. Rep. 391 ; Fireman's Charitable Association v. Berghaus, 13 La. Ann. 209; Indiana Bagging Association v. Kock, 14 La. Ann. 168; Glasscock v. Wells, 23 La. Ann. 517, and Cummings v. Saux, 30 La. Ann. 207. The authorities found on every hand not only fully support our conclusion that a contract between competing carriers, forming a combination for the purpose of stifling competition, is j>rima facie illegal, but many of them carry the principle to a much greater length ; it is enough for us, however, that the law, as it has long existed, sus- tains the conclusion we here affirm, since it is neither necessary nor proper for us to go beyond the case before us for judgment. * * * Judgment affirmed. Note. The following cases hold pooling contracts void : 1848, Stanton v. Allen, 5Denio (N. Y.) 434; 1871, Morris Run, etc., Co. v. Barclay Coal Co., 68 Pa. St. 173; 1875, Morrill v. Railroad Co., 55 N. H. 531 ; 1877, Wilson v. Harlem & N. Y. Nav. Co., 52 How. Pr. (N. Y.) 348; 1881, Burke, etc., v. Con- cord, etc., R., 61 N. H. 161 ; 1883, Denver & N. O. R. Co. v. A., T. & S. F. R. Co., 15 Fed. Rep. 650, 110 U. S. 667; 1883, State v. Concord, etc., R., 13 Am. & Eng. R. Cas. (N. H.) 94; 1888, Gibbs v. Gas Co., 130 U. S. 396; 1889, Anderson v. Jett, 11 Ky. L. Rep. 570, 12 S. W. Rep. 670; 1889, Texas & Pac. R. v. Southern Pac., etc., R., 41 La. Ann. 970; 1894, C. M. & St. Paul R. v. Wabash, St. L. & P. R., 61 Fed. Rep. 993; 1896, United States v. Trans-Mis- souri Frt. Assn., 166 U.S. 290; 1898, United States v. Joint Traffic Assn., 171 TT. S. 505, 19 Sup. Ct. 25, reverses 76 Fed. Rep. 895 (C. C.),and 89 Fed. Rep. 1020 (C. C. A.) ; 1899, State v. Fireman's Fund Ins. Co., 152 Mo. 1, 52 S. W. Rep. 595. See note at end of the next case. Sec. 277. Same. MANCHESTER AND LAWRENCE RAILROAD v. CONCORD RAILROAD. 1 1889. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 66 New Hampshire Rep. 100134. [Bill in equity for a discovery and an accounting. Defendants filed special pleas, to which the plaintiffs demurred. Defendants de- murred to the parts of the bill not covered by the pleas.] 1 Only part of opinion given. 964 MANCHESTER & LAWRENCE R. R. V. CONCORD R. R. BLODGETT, J. * * * The second plea avers, and the demur- rer admits, that at the time of the making of the contracts between the parties and of the dealings thereunder, their respective roads "were rival and competing railroads, by the competition of which the prices of transportation thereon were, and but for said supposed contracts, dealings, transactions, operations and business, would have continued to be, materially reduced, and said alleged contracts, dealings, transac- tions and business were made and had for the purpose of destroy- ing and preventing such competition, and did destroy and prevent it.'* It will be noticed that there is no averment in the plea that the pur- pose of the contracts was to raise the pi-ices of transportation above a reasonable standard, or that they did have this effect, or that the pub- lic were prejudiced by their operation in any manner; .and the naked question presented then is, whether all contracts between rival rail- way corporations which prevent competition are necessarily contrary to public policy, and therefore mala prohibita and illegal in them- selves. To state this question is to answer it in the negative, because it is obvious that the answer depends upon circumstances. While, with- out doubt, contracts which have a direct tendency to prevent a healthy competition are detrimental to the public and consequently against public policy, it is equally free from doubt that when such contracts prevent an unhealthy competition and yet furnish the public with adequate facilities at fixed and reasonable rates, they are beneficial and in accord with sound principles of public policy. For the lessons of experience, as well as the deductions of reason, amply demonstrate that the public interest is not subserved by competition which reduces the rate of transportation below the standard of fair compensation ; and the theory which formerly obtained, that the public is benefited by unrestricted competition between railroads has been so emphatic- ally disproved by the results which have generally followed its adop- tion in practice, that the hope of any permanent relief from ex- cessive rates through the competition of a parallel or rival road may r as a rule, be justly characterized as illusory and fallacious. Upon authority, also, arrangements and contracts between compet- ing railroads, by which unrestrained competition is prevented, do not contravene public policy. Hare v. Railway Co., 2 Johns. & H. 80, is directly in point. In that case a bill in chancery had been brought by a stockholder in the defendant company to annul an agreement between two railway companies to divide the profits of the traffic in fixed proportions; and it was admitted there, as it is here, that the .purpose of the agreement was to prevent competition. In dismissing the bill, Vice-Chancellor Wood said, page 103, "With regard to the argument against the validity of the agreement, I may clear the ground of one objection by saying that I see nothing in the alleged injury to the public arising from the prevention of competition. * * * It is a mistaken notion that the public is benefited by pitting two rail- way companies against each other till one is ruined, the result being at last to raise the fares to the highest possible standard." So, also, 2/7 POWER AS TO TRADE COMBINATIONS. 965 in i Red. Railroads, 146, 2, it is said, "There is no principle of public policy which renders void a traffic arrangement between two lines of railway for the purpose of avoiding competition." And Mr. Mora- wetz says, in his admirable treatise on corporations, "Public policy clearly does not demand that railroad companies operating competing lines shall engage in strife, causing their financial ruin ; and, so far as agreements among companies are designed to effect this result, their purpose is not injurious to the public or illegal. Moreover, such agreements are positively beneficial to the public so far as they pre- vent the fluctuation of rates and unjust discriminations among ship- pers, which invariably attend the unrestricted competition of rival companies. It is therefore impossible to support the proposition that all agreements among railroad companies which restrict competition are condemned by law. Some such agreements may be contrary to public policy and unlawful ; but if an agreement of this character is a reasonable business arrangement to protect the shareholders and cred- itors of the companies from loss, and does not cause unreasonably high charges or violate any duty which the companies owe to the public, it should be sustained and enforced by the courts." Mor. Corp. (2d ed.), 1131. In the same section, in speaking of contracts in restraint of trade (to which many of the authorities and much of the argument for the defendants relate) he says: "Even if there were such a rule as has been claimed applicable to competition in trade, the principle and policy of the rule would not be applicable to traffic arrangements designed merely to prevent ruinous competition and 'wars' among railroad companies. The main objection which has been urged against combinations restraining competition in trade, namely, that such combinations tend to produce monopolies and cause extortion, has no application to combinations among railroad companies, for railroad companies are prohibited by law to charge more than reasonable rates. It should be observed, also, that compe- tition among railroad companies has not the same safeguards as com- petition in trade. Persons will ordinarily do business only when they think they see a fair chance of profit ; and if press of competi- tion renders a particular trade unprofitable, those engaged in that trade will suspend or reduce their operations, and apply their capital and labor to other uses until a reasonable margin of profit has been reached. But the capital invested in the construction of a railroad can not be withdrawn when competition renders the operation of the road unprofitable. A railroad is of no use except for railroad pur- poses, and if, (he operation of the road were stopped, the capital invested in its construction would be wholly lost. Hence it is for the interest of a railroad company to operate its road, though the earnings are barely sufficient to pay the operating expenses. The ownership of the road may pass from the shareholders to the bondholders and be of no benefit to the latter; but the struggle for traffic will continue so long as the means of paying operating expenses can be raised. Unre- stricted competition will thus render the competitive traffic wholly un- remunerative, and will cause the ultimate bankruptcy of the company 966 MANCHESTER AND LAWRENCE R. R. V. CONCORD R. R. 277 unless the portion of their traffic which is not the subject of competi- tion can be made to bear the entire burden of the interest and fixed charges." The application of these principles to the plea under consideration is patent and decisive. The geographical location and relative re- sources of the two roads were such as to render it obvious that the plaintiffs could not reasonably hope successfully to compete with their more powerful rival. The alternatives presented, it may be safely assumed, were combination or ruinous competition. They accepted the former; and as the combination did not, so far as appears by the pleadings, raise the rate of transportation above the standard of fair compensation, or violate any duty that is owing to the public from roads which are non-competing, there is nothing averred in the plea which bars the right of the plaintiffs to an accounting with the defend- ants. Numerous cases have been cited in behalf of the defendants in sup- port of their proposition that the combination between the parties must be regarded as void at common law because against public pol- icy. It is quite impossible, without extending this opinion beyond all reasonable limits, to go through and comment upon these cases in detail, as has been done in the last brief for the plaintiffs ; but it is sufficient to say, in general terms, as is there said, that they are cases of contracts in restraint of mercantile business; or cases of contracts which attempt to derogate from the right of eminent domain inherent in the state ; or cases where contracts between railroad companies were held contrary to public policy because one of the parties at- tempted to bind itself not to perform duties incident to the legal char- acter of common carriers or public servants ; or cases where contracts between railroad companies were held contrary to public policy be- cause one of the parties agreed not to build, or to cease to operate, a road which they were chartered to build or operate ; or cases where contracts between railroad companies have been held illegal merely on the ground that they were ultra vires ; in short, they do not estab- lish a rule which fairly includes a case like the one at bar. The de- murrer to the second plea is sustained. * * * Plaintiffs' demurrers sustained^ and defendants' 1 overruled. Note. The following cases hold pools to be valid, or at least not void under all circumstances: 1861, Hare v. London & N. W. R. Co., 2 J. & H. 80; 1865. Hartford, etc., R. v. N. Y., etc., R., 3 Rob. (N. Y.) 411 ; 1868, Sussex R. Co, v. Morris and Essex R., 19 N. J. Eq. 13; 1882, Elkins v. Camden & A. R., 36 N. J. Eq. 234, 244; 1885, Central T. Co. v. Ohio Cent. R. Co., 23 Fed Rep. 306; 1886, Dolph v. Troy Laundry M. Co., 28 Fed. Rep. 553; 1888, Ives v. Smith, 3 N. Y. Supp. 645; 1892, Mogul Steamship v. McGregor, App. Cas. 25; 1892, U. S. v. Trans-Mo. Frt. Assn., 53 Fed. Rep. 440; 1893, U. S. v. Trans- Mo.. Frt. Assn., 58 Fed. Rep. 58, 19 U. S. App. 36, 7 C. C. A. 15 (these being overruled by the supreme court, 166 U. S. 290) ; 1899, Post v. Southern R. Co.* 103 Tonn. 184, 16 Am. & E. R. Cas. (N. S.) 201. 2/8 POWER AS TO TRADE COMBINATIONS. 967 Sec. 278. Same, (b) Contracts restraining trade and compe- tition. UNITED STATES v. ADDYSTON PIPE AND STEEL COMPANY ET AL. 1898. IN THE U. S. CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS, E. D. TENNESSEE. 85 Fed. Rep. 271. [Appeal from the circuit court. Suit in equity by the attorney-gen- eral of the United States against six corporations engaged in manufac- turing cast iron pipe, charging them with a combination and conspir- acy in restraint of inter-state commerce, contrary to the anti-trust law passed by congress July 2, i89O. 2 The defendants were the Addyston Co., of Cincinnati, Ohio, Long & Co., of Louisville, Ky., How- ard-Harrison & Co., of Bessemer, Ala., Anniston Co., of Anniston, Ala., South Pittsburgh Co., of South Pittsburgh, Tenn., and the Chattanooga Co., of Chattanooga, Tenn. The petition prayed for a seizure and confiscation of the pipe, a dissolution of the conspiracy and a perpetual injunction against the same. Defendants admitted the existence of an association for the purpose of avoiding ruinous competition, but denied that it was in restraint of trade, created a mo- nopoly or violated the anti-trust law. The circuit court dismissed the petition. The evidence showed that the association had divided up the United States into "pay" and "free" territory; the capacity of the mills in the pay territory was 392,500 tons, 220,000 tons being represented by the association, the other mills in the pay territory be- ing located in Colorado, Texas, Oregon and St. Louis, with an aggre- gate capacity of 57,500 tons, and at Columbus, Cleveland and New Comerstown, Ohio, and Detroit, Mich., with an aggregate capacity of 113,000 tons; the capacity of mills in the "free" territory was 348,000 tons, and they were located in eastern Virginia (14,000 tons), four in eastern Pennsylvania (87,000 tons), three in New Jersey (2 10,000 tons), and two in New York (35,000 tons) ; from these "free" mills to the "pay" territory the freight rates varied from $2 to $6 per ton. Within the "pay" territory of thirty-four states certain cities were reserved to be supplied exclusively by a certain company, as, e. g., the Addyston Company was to have the exclusive right to handle the business of Cincinnati, Ohio, Covington and Newport, Ky. The plan contem- plated was as follows : "All competition or pipe lettings shall take place among the various pipe shops prior to said letting. To accom- plish this purpose it is proposed that the six competitive shops have a representative board located at some central city, to whom all inquir- ies for pipe shall be referred, and said board shall fix the price at which said pipe shall be sold, and bids taken from the respective shops for the privilege of handling the order, and the party securing 1 Statement abridged and much of opinion omitted. This opinion should be read in full, and carefully studied. It was affirmed, though the decree was slightly modified by the United States Supreme Court. See 175 U. S. 211. *See note, infra p. 977. 968 U. S. V. ADDYSTON PIPE AND STEEL CO. ET AL. 2/8 the order shall have the protection of all the other shops." This board proceeded as follows: "It was moved to sell the 519 pieces of 2O-inch pipe for Omaha, Neb., for $23.40 delivered. Carried. It was moved that Anniston participate in the bonus, and the job be sold over the table. Carried. Pursuant to the motion, the 519 pieces 20- inch pipe for Omaha was sold to Bessemer at a premium of $8.20." In a case of a letting at St. Louis, this city being reserved to the Bes- semer (Ala.) Company, the price was fixed by the association at $24 per ton on 2,5oo tons, and the bonus at $6.50. Before the letting, the vice-president of the Bessemer Company wrote to the other mem- bers of the association saying, "I prefer that if any of you find it nec- essary to put in a bid without going to St. Louis, please bid not less than $27 for the pipe. * * * I would also like to know as to which of you would find it convenient to have a representative at the letting. It will be necessary to have two outside bidders." At the letting the Addyston Company bid $24.37 anc ^ ^ e Louisville Com- pany $24.57. The con tract being let to the Bessemer Company at $24 ; the evidence showed that the Chattanooga Company could have furnished the same at from $17 to $18 per ton at a profit. The bonus or premium bid was to be paid to the other companies in pro- portion to the capacities of the various mills. There was much other evidence of a similar and confirmatory character.] TAFT, C. J. * * * Two questions are presented in this case for our decision : I. Was the association of the defendants a con- tract, combination, or conspiracy in restraint of trade, as the terms are to be understood in the act? 2. Was the trade thus restrained be- tween the states ? The contention on behalf of defendants is that the association would have been valid at common law, and that the federal anti-trust law was not intended to reach any agreements that were not void and unenforcible at common law. It might be a sufficient answer to this contention to point to the decision of the supreme court of the United States in the United States v. Trans-Missouri Freight Assn., 166 U. S. 290, 17 Sup. Ct. 540, in which it was held that contracts in re- straint of interstate transportation were within the statute, whether the restraints would be regarded as reasonable at common law or not. It is suggested, however, that that case related to a quasi-public em- ployment, necessarily under public control and affecting public inter- ests, and that a less stringent rule of construction applies to contracts restricting parties in sales of merchandise, which is purely a private business, having in it no element of a public or quasi-public charac- ter. Whether or not there is substance in such a distinction a ques- tion we do not decide it is certain that, if the contract of association which bound the defendants was void and unenforcible at the com- mon law because in restraint of trade, it is within the inhibition of the statute if the trade it restrained was interstate. Contracts that were in unreasonable restraint of trade at common law were not unlawful in the sense of being criminal, or giving rise to a civil action for dam- ages in favor of one prejudicially affected thereby, but were simply 2/8 POWER AS TO TRADE COMBINATIONS. 969 void, and were not enforced by the courts. Mogul Steamship Co. v. McGregor, Gow & Co. (1892), App. Cas. 25; Hornby v. Close, L. R. 2 Q. B. 153; Lord Campbell, C. J., in Hilton v. Eckersley, 6 El. & Bl. 47, 66: Hannen, J., in Farrer v. Close, L. R. 4 Q. B. 602, 612. The effect of the act of 1890 is to render such contracts unlawful in an affirmative or positive sense, and punishable as a mis- demeanor, and to create a right of civil action for damages in favor of those injured thereby, and a civil remedy by injunction in favor of both private persons and the public against the execution of such con- tracts and the maintenance of such trade restraints. The argument for defendants is that their contract of association was not, and could not be, a monopoly, because their aggregate ton- nage capacity did not exceed 30 per cent, of the total tonnage capac- ity of the country ; that the restraints upon the members of the asso- ciation, if restraints they could be called, did not embrace all the states, and were not unlimited in space; that such partial restraints were justified and upheld at common law if reasonable, and only pro- portioned to the necessary protection of the parties ; that in this case the partial restraints were reasonable, because without them each member would be subjected to ruinous competition by the other, and did not exceed in degree of stringency or scope what was necessary to protect the parties in securing prices for their product that were fair and rea- sonable to themselves and the public ; that competition was not stifled by the association, because the prices fixed by it had to be fixed with reference to the very active competition of pipe companies which were not members of the association, and which had more than double the defendant's capacity; that in this way the association only modi- fied and restrained the*evils of ruinous competition, while the public had all the benefit from competition which public policy demanded. From early times it was the policy of Englishmen to encourage trade in England, and to discourage those voluntary restraints which tradesmen were often induced to impose on themselves by contracts. Courts recognized this public policy by refusing to enforce stipulations of this character. The objections to such restraints were mainly two. One was that by such contracts a man disabled himself from earning a livelihood, with the risk of becoming a public charge, and deprived the community of the benefit of his labor. The other was that such restraints tended to give to the covenantee, the beneficiary of such re- straints, a monopoly of the trade, from which he had thus excluded one competitor, and by the same means might exclude others. * * * The inhibition against restraints of trade at common law seems at first to have had no exception. See language of Justice Hull, Year Book, 2 Hen. V., folio 5, pi. 26. After a time it became apparent to the people and the courts that it was in the interest of trade that certain covenants in restraint of trade should be enforced. It was of importance, as an incentive to industry and honest dealing in trade, that, after a man had built up a business with an extensive good-will, he should be able to sell his business and good-will to the best of ad- vantage, and he could not do so unless he could bind himself by an 972 U. S. V. AUDYSTON PIPE AND STEEL CO. ET AL. 2/8 of the contract suggests the measure of protection needed, and fur- nishes a sufficiently uniform standard by which the validity of such restraints may be judicially determined. In such a case, if the restraint exceeds the necessity presented by the main purpose of the contract, it is void for two reasons : First, because it oppresses the covenantor without any corresponding benefit to the covenantee ; and, second, because it tends to a monopoly. But where the sole object of both parties in making the contract as expressed therein is merely to restrain competition, and enhance or maintain prices, it would seem that there was nothing to justify or excuse the restraint, that it would necessarily have a tendency to monopoly and therefore would be void. In such a case there is no measure of what is necessary to the protection of either party except the vague and varying opinion of judges as to how much, on principles of political economy, men ought to be allowed to restrain competition. There is in such con- tracts no main lawful purpose to subserve which partial restraint is permitted, and by which its reasonableness is measured, but the sole object is to restrain trade in order to avoid the competition which it has always been the policy of the common law to foster. [Reviewing many cases.] ********* Upon this review of the law and the authorities, we can have no doubt that the association of the defendants, however reasonable the prices they fixed, however great the competition they had to encoun- ter, and however great the necessity for curbing themselves by joint agreement from committing: financial suicide by ill-advised competi- tion, was void at common law, because in restraint of trade, and tending to a monopoly. But the facts of the case do not require us to go so far as this, for they show that the attempted justification of this association on the grounds stated is without foundation. Another aspect of this contract of association brings it within the term used in the statute, "a conspiracy in restraint of trade." A conspiracy is a combination ol two or more persons to accomplish an unlawful end by lawful means or a lawful end by unlawful means. In the answer of the defendants, it is averred that the chief way in which cast-iron pipe is sold is by contracts let after competitive bidding in- vited by the intending purchaser. It would have much interfered with the smooth working of defendants' association had its existence and purposes become known to the public. A part of the plan was a deliberate attempt to create in the minds of the members of the public inviting bids the belief that competition existed between the defendants. Several of the defendants were required to bid at every letting, and to make their bids at such price's that the one already se- lected to obtain the contract should have the lowest bid. It is well settled that an agreement between intending bidders at a public auction or a public letting not to bid against each other, and thus to prevent competition, is a fraud upon the intending vendor or contractor, and the ensuing sale or contract will be set aside. Bi'eslin v. Brown, 24 Ohio St. 565; Atcheson v. Mallon, 43 N. Y. 147; Loyd v. Malone, 23 111. 41 ; Wooten v. Hinkle, 20 Mo. 290; Phip- 2/8 POWER AS TO TRADE COMBINATIONS. 9/3 pen v. Stickney, 3 Mete. (Mass.) 384; Kearney v. Taylor, 15 How. 494, 519; Wilbur v. How, 8 Johns. 444; Hannah v. Fife, 27 Mich. 172; Gibbs v. Smith, 115 Mass. 592; Swan v. Chorpenning, 20 Cal. 182; Gardiner v. Morse, 25 Maine 140; Ingram v. Ingram, 49 N. C. 188; Brisbane v. Adams, 3 N. Y. 129; Woodruff v. Berry, 40 Ark. 251; Wald Pol. Cont., 310, note by Mr. Wald, and cases cited. The case of Jones v. North, L. R. 19 Eq. 426, to the contrary, can not be supported. The largest purchasers of pipe are municipal cor- porations, and they are by law required to solicit bids for the sale of pipe in order that the public may get the benefit of competition. One of the means adopted by the defendants in their plan of combination was this illegal and fraudulent effort to evade such laws, and to de- ceive intending purchasers. No matter what the excuse for the com- bination by defendants in restraint of trade, the illegality of the means stamps it as a conspiracy, and so brings it within that term of the fed- eral statute. The second question is whether the trade restrained by the combi- nation of the defendants was interstate trade. * * * In Robbins v. Taxing Dist., 120 U. S. 489, 7 Sup. Ct. 592, a law of Tennessee, which imposed a tax on all "drummers" who solicited orders on samples, was held unconstitutional in so far as it applied to the drummer of an Ohio firm, who was soliciting orders for goods to be sent from Ohio to the purchasers in Tennessee, on the ground that it was a tax on interstate commerce. In delivering the opinion of the court in that case, Mr. Justice Bradley said (page 497, 120 U. S., and page 596, 7 Sup. Ct.) that a tax on the sale of goods, or the offer to sell them before they are brought into the state, was clearly a tax on interstate commerce. He further said : "The negotiation of sales of goods which are in another state, for the purpose of introducing them into the state in which the negotia- tion is made, is interstate commerce." If then, the soliciting of orders for, and the sale of, goods in one state, to be delivered from another state, is interstate commerce in its strictest and highest sense such that the states are excluded by the federal constitution from a right to regulate or tax the same, it seems clear that contracts in restraint of such solicitations, negotiations, and sales are contracts in restraint of interstate commerce. The anti-trust law is an effort by congress to regulate interstate commerce. Such commerce as the states are excluded from burdening or regulating in any way by tax or otherwise, because of the power of congress to reg- ulate interstate commerce, must, of necessity, be the commerce which congress may regulate, and which, by the terms of the anti-trust law, it has regulated. We can see no escape from the conclusion, there- fore, that the contract of the defendants was in restraint of interstate commerce. * * * Reversed. Corporate Combinations. Note: See decision in supreme court of U. S., 175 IT. S. 21 1, infrn, p. LW). 1. In general. In the discussion of this topic two principles should be kept 972 U. S. V. ADDYSTON PIPE AND STEEL CO. ET AL. 2/8 of the contract suggests the measure of protection needed, and fur- nishes a sufficiently uniform standard by which the validity of such restraints may be judicially determined. In such a case, if the restraint exceeds the necessity presented by the main purpose of the contract, it is void for two reasons : First, because it oppresses the covenantor without any corresponding benefit to the covenantee ; and, second, because it tends to a monopoly. But where the sole object of both parties in making the contract as expressed therein is merely to restrain competition, and enhance or maintain prices, it would seem that there was nothing to justify or excuse the restraint, that it would necessarily have a tendency to monopoly and therefore would be void. In such a case there is no measure of what is necessary to the protection of either party except the vague and varying opinion of judges as to how much, on principles of political economy, men ought to be allowed to restrain competition. There is in such con- tracts no main lawful purpose to subserve which partial restraint is permitted, and by which its reasonableness is measured, but the sole object is to restrain trade in order to avoid the competition which it has always been the policy of the common law to foster. [Reviewing many cases.] ********* Upon this review of the law and the authorities, we can have no doubt that the association of the defendants, however reasonable the prices they fixed, however great the competition they had to encoun- ter, and however great the necessity for curbing themselves by joint agreement from committing financial suicide by ill-advised competi- tion, was void at common law, because in restraint of trade, and tending to a monopoly. But the facts of the case do not require us to go so far as this, for they show that the attempted justification of this association on the grounds stated is without foundation. Another aspect of this contract of association brings it within the term used in the statute, "a conspiracy in restraint of trade." A conspiracy is a combination ofr two or more persons to accomplish an unlawful end by lawful means or a lawful end by unlawful means. In the answer of the defendants, it is averred that the chief way in which cast-iron pipe is sold is by contracts let after competitive bidding in- vited by the intending purchaser. It would have much interfered with the smooth working of defendants' association had its existence and purposes become known to the public. A part of the plan was a deliberate attempt to create in the minds of the members of the public inviting bids the belief that competition existed between the defendants. Several of the defendants were required to bid at every letting, and to make their bids at such prices that the one already se- lected to obtain the contract should have the lowest bid. It is well settled that an agreement between intending bidders at a public auction or a public letting not to bid against each other, and thus to prevent competition, is a fraud upon the intending vendor or contractor, and the ensuing sale or contract will be set aside. Breslin v. Brown, 24 Ohio St. 565; Atcheson v. Mallon, 43 N. Y. 147; Loyd v. Malone, 23 111. 41 ; Wooten v. Hinkle, 20 Mo. 290; Phip- 2/8 POWER AS TO TRADE COMBINATIONS. 9/3 pen v. Stickney, 3 Mete. (Mass.) 384; Kearney v. Taylor, 15 How. 494, 519; Wilbur v. How, 8 Johns. 444; Hannah v. Fife, 27 Mich. 172; Gibbs v. Smith, 115 Mass. 592; Swan v. Chorpenning, 20 Cal. 182; Gardiner v. Morse, 25 Maine 140; Ingram v. Ingram, 49 N. C. 188; Brisbane v. Adams, 3 N. Y. 129; Woodruff v. Berry, 40 Ark. 251; Wald Pol. Cont., 310, note by Mr. Wald, and cases cited. The case of Jones v. North, L. R. 19 Eq. 426, to the contrary, can not be supported. The largest purchasers of pipe are municipal cor- porations, and they are by law required to solicit bids for the sale of pipe in order that the public may get the benefit of competition. One of the means adopted by the defendants in their plan of combination was this illegal and fraudulent effort to evade such laws, and to de- ceive intending purchasers. No matter what the excuse for the com- bination by defendants in restraint of trade, the illegality of the means stamps it as a conspiracy, and so brings it within that term of the fed- eral statute. The second question is whether the trade restrained by the combi- nation of the defendants was interstate trade. * * * In Robbins v. Taxing Dist., 120 U. S. 489, 7 Sup. Ct. 592, a law of Tennessee, which imposed a tax on all "drummers" who solicited orders on samples, was held unconstitutional in so far as it applied to the drummer of an Ohio firm, who was soliciting orders for goods to be sent from Ohio to the purchasers in Tennessee, on the ground that it was a tax on interstate commerce. In delivering the opinion of the court in that case, Mr. Justice Bradley said (page 497, 120 U. S., and page 596, 7 Sup. Ct.) that a tax on the sale of goods, or the offer to sell them before they are brought into the state, was clearly a tax on interstate commerce. He further said: "The negotiation of sales of goods which are in another state, for the purpose of introducing them into the state in which the negotia- tion is made, is interstate commerce." * * * If then, the soliciting of orders for, and the sale of, goods in one state, to be delivered from another state, is interstate commerce in its strictest and highest sense such that the states are excluded by the federal constitution from a right to regulate or tax the same, it seems clear that contracts in restraint of such solicitations, negotiations, and sales are contracts in restraint of interstate commerce. The anti-trust law is an effort by congress to regulate interstate commerce. Such commerce as the states are excluded from burdening or regulating in any way by tax or otherwise, because of the power of congress to reg- ulate interstate commerce, must, of necessity, be the commerce which congress may regulate, and which, by the terms of the anti-trust law, it has regulated. We can see no escape from the conclusion, there- fore, that the contract of the defendants was in restraint of interstate commerce. Reversed. * # * Corporate Combinations. Note: See decision in supreme court of U. S., 175 II. S. 211, infra, |>. 1. In general. In the discussion of this topic two principles should be kc[>fc 974 U. S. V. AUDYSTON PIPE AND STEEL CO. ET AL. 2/S constantly in mind, one based upon the nature of a corporation is, that the grant of corporate power is a franchise granted by the state for a definite pur- pose, to be exercised in a way prescribed, and subject to forfeiture by the state if it is not carried out in accordance with the grant; the second is based upon public policy, viz., that combination agreements of individuals, part- nerships, or corporations, with the purpose and effect (with certain excep- tions) of restraining trade, destroying competition, and resulting in monopoly, are unenforcible, and under some circumstances wrongful, tortious or crim- inal. 2. The first principle, that a corporation must not abdicate its purpose or prescribed method of management, is well expressed in Whittenton Mills v. Upton, 10 Gray (Mass.) 582 (1858), by Thomas, J., where the question involved was whether a corporation could be a member of a partnership. He paid: "An act of the corporation, done either by direct vote or by agents authorized for the purpose, is the manifestation of the collected will of the society. No member of the corporation, as such, can bind the society. In a partnership each member binds the society as a principal. If, then, this corporation may enter into partnership with an individual, there would be two principals, the legal person and the natural person, each having, within the scope of the society's business, full authority to manage its concerns, including even the disposition of its property. * * * The partner may manage and conduct the business of the corporation, and bind it by his acts. In doing so he does not act as an officer or agent of the corporation by authority received from.it, but as a principal in a society in which all are equals, and each capable of binding the society by the act of its individual will." This agreement was held void. Such agreements, if valid, would have the effect, as Judge Finch says, in People v. North River Sugar Ref. Co., 121 N. Y. 582 (1890), supra, p. 100, to permit a corporation " to accept from the state the gift of corporate life only to disregard the conditions upon which it was given; to receive its powers and privileges merely to put them in pawn; and to give away to an irresponsible board (or person) its entire independence and self-control.'" 1 So, too, it would have the effect of conferring upon the partner the capacity of wield- ing or enjoying corporate power without the states' grant being made to him. The same doctrines are stated in Mallory v. Hanaur Oil Works, 86 Tenn. 598, supra, p. 957. The above were all cases of purely private business corporations, not those owing any special duty to the public. The rule applies, of course, with more reason and more strictness to quasi-public corporations, or those owing partic- ular duties to the public. As stated by Justice Miller in Thomas v. West Jer- sey R. Co., 101 U. S. 71 (1879), supra, p~915 ; " Where acorporation, like a rail- road company, has granted to it by charter a franchise intended, in large measure, to be exercised for the public good, the due performance of those functions being the consideration of the public grant, any contract which dis- ables the corporation from performing those functions, which undertakes, without the consent of the state, to transfer to others the rights and powers conferred by the charter, and to relieve the grantees of the burden which it imposes, is a violation of the contract with the state, and is void as against public policy." While Justice Miller says such contract is void as against public policy, he evidently means that it is void because it is in conflict with a definite rule of law, viz., that corporations are accountable to the state for non-user or rnis-u^er of the franchises granted, and not that only quasi-public corporations are so accountable. (Pee infra, this note, class d.) From these principles, therefore, it follows that all contracts of a corpora- tion, either private or quasi-pnbMc, to enter into combinations, whether of part- nership, pool, restraint of trade, trust, lease, consolidation, sale or otherwise, the necessary effect of which is to destroy its autonomy in the performance of its duty to the state, are, or ought to bo, held to be void and unenforcible, and this so, regardless of any other quality of the contract. And it is generally held so, although there are holdings to the contrary (erroneously we think), in the case of leases and sales by purely private corporations. See cases cited in notes to 275, 276, 277, 279-282, and below, class d in this note. 2?8 POWER AS TO TRADE COMBINATIONS. 975 While a contract by a corporation violating this principle alone is not crim- inal or wrongful, it is ultra vires in the true sense, and the state undoubt- edly has a technical right to complain. The state, however, does not, and will not, complain of such a transaction unless the contract made, or things done under it, injuriously affect or threaten public interests; then the state may interfere by quo wctrranto to prevent or enjoin its consummation, either by ousting the corporation of the power usurped or annulling the charter. As Judge Finch says, People v. Sugar Ref. Co., 121 N. Y. 582, 608: "The state, as prosecutor, must show on the part of the corporation accused some sin j'.jMinst the law of its being which has produced, or tends to produce, injury to the public. The transgression must not be merely formal or incidental, but material and serious; and such as to harm or menace the public wel- fare." See, 1890, People v. North River S. R. Co., 121 N. Y. 582; 1892, State v. Standard Oil Co., 49 Ohio St. 137; 1899, State v. Portland Natural Gas & Oil Co., 153 Ind. 483, 53 N. E. Rep. 1089. 3. The second principle that contracts in restraint of trade (with certain ex- ceptions) are void and unenforcible has alone no peculiar application to cor- porations, but applies to individuals and partnerships also ; but this principle together with the first one above gives the state a power over corporations in regard to such contracts that it does not have over individuals, viz., that the state can actively and of its own accord take the life of the offending corpo- ration for engaging in S'ich a contract, though no punishment, aside from refusing to enforce the contract, could be meted out to an offending individual or partnership. What contracts restraining trade are void is a difficult matter, in the pres- ent state of the law, to determine. It seems to me that Judge Taft, in the Addyston Pipe case, supra, p. 967, has struck the true basis of classification by dividing contracts in restraint of trade and competition into three classes: . Those in which the restraining contract is wholly incidental and ancil- lary to another main or principal contract that is lawful ; and, 6. Those in which the restraining contract is the main or principal contract, to which others are only incidental, ancillary, or preliminary to this pur- pose; and, c. Those in which the restraining contract is the only contract made. As to class a, it was formerly held, perhaps, that all restraints upon trade were invalid: 1415, Y. B., 2 Hen. V. 5, 26; 1613, Darcy v. Allein, 11 Co. 84; 1711, Mitchel v. Reynolds, 1 P. Wms. 181; 1837, Alger v. Thacher, 19 Pick. (Mass.) 51; but the rule has been settled that such restraints as are rea- sonably necessary for the protection of the rights acquired by the main contract are valid: 1621, Broad v. Jollyfe, Cro. Jac. 596; 1711, Mitchel v. Reynolds, 1 P. Wms. 181; 1793, Davis v. Mason, 5 T. R. 118; 1803, Bunn v. Guy, 4 East 190; 1806, Gale v. Reed, 8 East 80; 1811, Pierce v. Fuller, 8 Mass. 223; 1813, Perkins v. Lyman, 9 Mass. 522; 1818, Hayward v. Young, 2 Chitty407; 1822, Bryson v. Whitehead, 1 Simons & S. 74; 1827, Nobles v. Bates, 7 Cowen 307;" 1831, Homer v. Graves, 7 Bing. 735; 1837, Alger v. Thacher, 19 Pick. (Mass.) 51; 1839, Chappel v. Brockway, 21 Wend. 157; 1851, Dunlop v. Gregory, 10 N. Y. 241, 61 Am. Dec. 746: 1856, Cal. Steam Nav. Co. v. Wright, 6 Cal. 259, 65 Am. Dec. 511 ; 1869, Jenkins v. Templs, 39 Ga. 655, 99 Am. Dec. 482; 1869, Morse T. D. Co. v. Morse, 103 Mass. 73, 4 Am. Rep. 513; 1872, Hoytv. Holly, 39 Conn. 326,12 Am. Rep/390; 1887, Diamond Match Co. v. Roeber, 106 N. Y. 473, 60 Am. Rep. 464; 1890, Newell v. Meyen- dorff, 9 Mont. 254. 18 Am. St. Rep. 738; 1891, Chapin v. Brown, 83 Iowa 156, 32 Am. St. Rep. 297; 1894, Nordenfeldt v. Maxim N. Co., App. Cas. 535; 1895, MoCurry v. Gibson, 108 Ala. 451, 54 Am. St. Rep. 177; 1896, Kramer v. Old, 119 N. C. 1, 56 Am. St. Rep. 650; 1898, Lufkin R. Co. v. Fringeli, 57 Ohio St. 596, 63 Am. St. Rep. 736; 1898, Stride v. Martin, 77 L. T. (N. S.) 600; 1900, Jackson v. Byrnes, 103 Tenn. 698, 54 S. W. Rep 984. What is reasonable or unreasonable depends upon the circumstances of each case, and different courts take different views of similar circumstances, but total restraints in both space and time are generally held void ; with improved machinery and communication, what are now reasonable for protection (Dia- 976 U. S. V. ADDYSTON PIPE AND STEEL CO. ET AL. 278 mond Match Co. v. Roeber, 106 N. Y. 473; Nordenfeldt v. Maxim N. Co., App. Cas. (1894) 535) would formerly have been held to be unreasonable (Mitchel v. Reynolds, 1 P. Wms. 181). The subdivisions of class a are given in the report of the Addyston case, supra, p. 970. Under class b, when the main contract is to restrain trade, and this does so unreasonably as to affect public interests, such main and ancillary contracts are not enforcible. The following late cases illustrate this : 1877, Arnot v. Coal Co., 68 N. Y. 558; 1888, Santa Clara Lumber Co. v. Hayes, 76 Cal. 387, 18 Pac. Rep. 391 ; 1889, Richardson v. Buhl, 77 Mich. 632, 43 N. W. Rep. 1102; 1890, People v. Refining Co., 121 N. Y. 582, supra, p. 100; 1890, State v. Neb. Dis. Co., 29 Neb. 700, 46 N. W. Rep. 155; 1890, Pittsburgh Carbon Co. v. Mc- Millin, 119 N. Y. 46, 23 N. E. Rep. 530; 1891, Am. Biscuit Mfg. Co. v. Klotz, 44 Fed. Rep. 721 ; 1891, Pacific Factor Co. v. Adler, 90 Cal. 110; 1892, State v. Standard Oil Co., 49 Ohio St. 137; 1895, People v. Milk Exchange, 145 N. Y. 267 ; 1895, Distilling and Cattle Feeding Co. v. People, 156 111. 448, infra, p. 978 ; 1897, National Harrow Co. v. Hench, 83 Fed. Rep. 36; 1898, United States v. Coal Dealers' Assn., 85 Fed. Rep. 252; 1899, Harding v. Am. Glucose Co., 182 111. 551, 55 N. E. Rep. 577. Under class c, there being no lawful purpose to forward, no rule to measure the necessity of restriction, but a purpose to avoid competition which the law favors, such contracts should be held void. The following are cases of this kind: 1837, Alger v. Thacher, 19 Pick. 51; 1855, Hilton v. Eckersley, 6 El. & Bl. (88 E. C. L.) 47; 1859, India Bagging Assn. v. Kock, 14 La. Ann. 168; 1871, Morris Pain Coal Co. v. Barclay Coal Co., 68 Pa. St. 173; 1875, Craft v. McConoughy, 79 111. 346 ; 1880, Salt Co. v. Guthrie, 35 Ohio St. 666 ; 1889, Leon- ard v. Poole, 114 N. Y. 371 ; 1889, Anderson v. Jett, 89 Ky. 375; 1890, Emery v. Candle Co. ,47 Ohio St. 320; 1890, Urmston v. Whitelegg Bros., 63 L. T. (N. S.)455; 1891, Chapin v. Brown, 83 Iowa 156; 1892, Vulcan Powder Co. v. Hercules Powder Co., 96 Cal. 510; 1892, Oil Co. v. Adoue, 83 Tex. 650; 1892, More v. Bennett, 140 111. 69; 1892, Mogul Steamship Co. v. McGregor, App. Cas. 25; 1893, People v. Sheldon, 139 N. Y. 251 ; 1893, Judd v. Harrington, 139 N. Y. 105 ; 1894, Nester v. Brewing Co., 161 Pa. St. 473 ; 1895, Ford v. Milk Association, 155 111. 166; 1895, Bishop v. Preservers' Co., 157 111. 284 ; 1897, Mil- waukee M. & B. Assoc. v. Niezerowski, 95 Wis. 129; 1898, United States v. Trans-Missouri Ft. Assoc., 166 U. S. 290; 1898, United States v. Joint Traffic Association, 171 U. S. 505; 1899, State v. Fireman's F. Ins. Co., 152 Mo. 1, 52 S. W. Rep. 595; 1899, Bailey v. Association of Plumbers, 103 Tenn. 99, 52 S. W. Rep. 853; 1899, Harding v. Am. Glucose Co., 182 111. 551, 55 N. E. Rep. 577; 1900, Gatzow v. Buening, 106 Wis. 1, 81 N. W. Rep. 1003. With these cases, however, should be compared the following: Wickens v. Evans, 3 Y. & J. 318; Collins v. Locke, 4 App. Cas. 674; Ontario Salt Co. v. Merchants' S. Co., 18 Grant (U. C.) 540; and Leslie v. Lorrillard, 110 N. Y. 519. Perhaps there should be added to the above classes another that we may call class d public service companies or occupations in which any restraints that prevent the performance of their whole duty to the public are held to be invalid: 1847, Hooker v. Vandewater, 4 Denio 349; 1848, Stanton v. Allen, 5 Denio 434; 1869, Railroad Co. v. Collins, 40 Ga. 582; 1871, Hazel- hurst v. R. Co., 43 Ga. 13; 1883, West Va. Transp. Co. v. Ohio Riv., etc., Co., 22 W. Va. 600; 1888, Gibbs v. Gas Co., 130 U. S. 396; 1889, People v. Chi- cago Gas T. Co., 130 111. 268, infra, p. 1054; 1892, Stockton v. Central R. Co., 50 N. J. Eq. 52; 1899, State v. Portland Nat. Gas Co., 153 Ind. 483, 53 N. E. Rep. 1089 ; and see cases cited under section 276. Whether contracts in undue restraint of trade are anything more than un- enforcible, that is, illegal as being tortious or wrongful, so as to be the basis of a suit for damages, or a criminal prosecution, in the absence of any statute regulating the matter, is in controversy ; but the weight of authority certainly is that if there is no fraud, coercion, intimidation, or something of the kind practiced upon some one, there is no civil or criminal liability. The following cases hold there is a civil or criminal liability: King v. 279 POWER AS TO TRADE COMBINATIONS. 977 Journeyman Tailors, 8 Mod. 10; 1835, People v. Fisher, 14 Wend. 9, 28 Am. Dec. 501; 1867, Master Stevedore's Assn. v. Wateh, 2 Daly 1 ; 1871, Morris Run Coal Co. v. Barclay, etc., Co., 68 Pa. St. 173; 1888, Crump v. Commw., 84 Va. 927, 10 Am. St. Rep. 895; 1893, People v. Sheldon, 139 N. Y. 251, 30 Am. St. Rep. 690; 1898, United States v. Trans-Mo. Ft. Assn., 166 U. S. 290; 1898, Doremus v. Hennesy, 176 111. 608, 68 Am. St. Rep. 203; 1900, Ertz v. Produce Ex. Co., 82 Minn. 173,81 N. W. Rep. 346. The following hoM otherwise: 1842, Commonwealth v. Hunt, 4 Mete. (Mass.) Ill, 38 Am. Dec. 346; 1892, Mogul Steamship Co. v. McGregor, App. Cas. 25; 1895, Macauley v. Tierney, 19 R. I. 255, 61 Am. St. R. 770; 1897, Beechley v. Mulville, 102 Iowa 602, 63 Am. St. Rep. 479; 1897, Allen v. Flood, 77 L. T. R. 717; 1899, ^Etna Ins. Co. v. Commw., 21 Ky. L. Rep. 503, 45 L. R. A. 355, 51 S. W. Rep. 624. 4. Anti-Trust Acts : Alost of the states have enacted anti-trust acts, mak- ing a civil and criminal liability for creating or attempting to create a monop- oly. Some of these, especially the late Michigan, act 255, 1899, Missouri, R. S. 1899, 8978-85, and Texas, ch. 146, 1899, acts, are peculiarly stringent. The United States act of 1890 (26 Stat. 209) created seven different crimes relating to interstate, foreign, or territorial trade or commerce, punishable by a penalty not exceeding $5,000, or one year's imprisonment, or both, by pro- viding that every person (including corporations or associations) who shall make (1) a contract in restraint of such trade, or (2) engage in a combination in form of a trust or otherwise, or (3) engage in a conspiracy in restraint of such trade, or (4) monopolize, or (5) attempt to monopolize, or (6) combine, or (7) conspire, to monopolize such trade, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable as stated ; and an injured party may recover damages, and the combination can be enjoined at the suit of United States attorneys. This applies not to the making or manufacture of goods (United States v. E. C. Knight Co., 156 U. S. 1), but allows an injunction against a combina- tion of railway employes to obstruct railroad commerce. In re Debs, 158 U. S. 564. It also prevents the formation of pools and traffic combinations among railroads, the direct tendency of which is to limit competition, whether reasonable or unreasonable (United States v. Trans-Mo. Freight Assn., 1896, 166 U. S. 290; United States v. Joint Traffic Association, 1898, 171 U. S. 505; also such combinations as directly affect the sale of products that are to cross state lines, 1899, United States v. Addyston Pipe & S. Co., 175 U. S. 211, infra, p. 1535; 1899, Lowry v.Tile M. & G. Assn., 98 Fed. Rep. 817; 1902, Bement v. National Harrow Co., U. S. , Adv. June 16, 1902, p. 747. -4s to constitutionality of the anti-trust acts: That they are constitutional, see, 1900, State v. Schlitz Brewing Co., 104 Tenn. 715, 78 Am. St. Rep. 941; 1901, In re Davis, 168 N. Y. 89, 61 N. E. 118. That they are unconstitutional, see, 1901, Niagara Fire Ins. Co. v. Cornell (C. C. Neb.), 110 Fed. 816; 1902, Connolly v. Union Sewer Pipe Co., U. S. , 22 Sup. Ct. Rep. 431 ; 1902, Brown v. Jacobs Pharmacy Co., Ga. , 41 S. E. 553; 1902, State v. Shippers Compress Co., Tex. Civ. App. , 67 S. W. 1049; 1902, State v. Waters-Pierce Oil Co., Tex. Civ. App. , 67 S. W. 1057. 5. Bibliography: See "The Bibliography of Commercial Trusts, Law Liter- ature of Trust Combinations, Monopolies,"etc.," by Wm. H. Winters, 7 Ry. & Corp. L. J. 236 (1890) ; 2 Beach on Private Corporations, 856, note 1 ; note, 23 Abb. N. C. 317. See also, especially, Cook Corporations, 503a-603d; Elliott Corporations, 172-179. Sec. 279. (c) Unincorporated trusts. See People v. N. R. Sugar Ref. Co., 121 N. Y. 582, 18 Am. St. R. 843, supra, p. 100. Note. See note to preceding case, and also note, supra, pp. 109, 963, 966. 62 WIL. CASES. 978 DISTILLING AND CATTLE FEEDING CO. V. PEOPLE. 280 Sec. 280. (d) Incorporated trusts. DISTILLING AND CATTLE FEEDING COMPANY v. PEOPLE. 1 1895. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ILLINOIS. 156 111. Rep. 448- 492, 47 Am. St. R. 200. \_Quo tvarranto against the distilling company. Defendant filed a number of pleas, to all of which demurrers were sustained, and the defendant electing to abide by its pleas judgment of ouster was rendered against it, from which this appeal is taken. The people al- leged that in 1887, five corporations of Illinois, one of Missouri, one of Ohio, with a partnership and an individual of that state, all en- gaged in distilling, executed an agreement "to form a trust to be known as the Distillers' and Cattle Feeders' Trust, for the purpose of securing intelligent co-operation in the business of distilling spirits, etc.," by creating nine trustees (named for the first year, to be elected annually, by the certificate holders), who were required to prepare trust certificates of $100 each, to be issued to shareholders in the various corporations in lieu of all their shares of stock which (except enough to qualify a minority of the directors in each company) was to be assigned absolutely to the trustees (but without power of sale), thereby enabling them to exercise supervision over the various cor- porations entering into the trust, with power to elect themselves di- rectors of such companies if found desirable ; also with power to purchase stock in other distilling companies and issue trust certificates therefor; to receive and distribute all dividends declared, in propor- tion to trust certificates held ; that each corporation conveyed its real estate to some person to be held in trust for its shareholders, which trustee leased the property back to the corporation for twenty-five years, the period for which the trust was to exist ; that within a year after this agreement was entered into, eighty-one distilleries (in- cluding twenty-two in Illinois), had been drawn into the trust, and the trustees held, owned and controlled the capital stock, business and franchises of all of such corporations; that in 1890 it was determined to change the organization from a trust to a corporation, and the trustees were directed to incorporate the Distill- ing and Cattle Feeding Company in Illinois, with $35,000,000 capital stock, the shares to be of $100 each, and to be exchanged share for share for trust certificates, and the latter canceled; that the trustees were also directed to transfer all their rights as trustees to the new corpora- tion, and also cause the various separate companies (of each of which the trustees formed a majority of the directors) to convey all their property of every kind to the new corporation : that all of this was done by organizing the company under the Illinois law, "to carry on a general business of distilling, redistilling and rectifying high wines, alcohol, spirits, gins and whiskies of every kind and description, and deal in the same in the state of Illinois and elsewhere, and owning 'Statement of facts much abridged; only part of opinion given. 2 80 POWER AS TO TRADE COMBINATIONS. 979 the property necessary for that purpose ;" also to deal in cattle, to malt and deal in malt, and "do any other business incident to the main purpose of this corporation," the principal office to be located at Peoria ; that the nine trustees subscribed for all the stock, elected themselves directors and then caused the stock to be exchanged and conveyances to be made as directed and thereby continued to retain control of said corporations; that other distilleries had been acquired, many of them dismantled and discontinued so that in 1892 it owned and controlled over 95 per cent, of the distilling business of the United States, and by a system of rebates of 7 cents per gallon, payable at the end of six months to every purchaser who had in the meantime purchased of no other seller, and otherwise, had destroyed all compe- tition in its products; and that all the foregoing had been done for the purpose, with the intent, and with the effect of raising prices, prevent- ing competition and creating a monopoly in the production and sale of its products. The pleas admitted substantially all the allegations relating to the formation of the trust and the corporation, the dismantling of distiller^ ies and the allowance of rebates, except such as charged a scheme for the purpose or with the effect of preventing competition and creating a monopoly, all of which were denied in detail, as was also denied all allegations of the continued existence and control of the former cor- porations by the defendant. On the other hand the pleas alleged that the defendant used its franchises and powers by virtue of its charter alone, and that after its incorporation it purchased the various plants for a valuable consideration for the purpose of utilizing them in its authorized business ; that each corporation had by the unanimous direction of its shareholders sold all of its property of every kind to the defendant, and had directed that all of its stock be canceled by its directors, and the charter be surrendered to the state, all of which was alleged to have been done ; that at the time when the purchases were made the producing capacity of all plants was at least four times the demand, and forty-eight of the plants had long been idle, and por- tions of their machinery useless, but that such as could be was used in fitting up such distilleries as were necessary ; and that the sole pur- pose of the defendant was to meet the demand of the public and secure only fair remuneration, and not to enhance prices, nor create a mo- nopoly, nor prevent other parties from engaging in the business, and that in fact it never had produced more than 65 per cent, of the de- mand, and there were then eighteen distilleries capable of producing two-thirds of the entire demand, with which the defendant was then in active competition.] MR. JUSTICE BAILEY [after holding the "trust" preceding the corpo- ration had been illegal upon the authority of State v. Neb. Dist. Co., 29 Neb. 70x5; State v. Standard Oil Co., 49 Ohio St. 137; People v. N. R. S. R. Co., 54 Hun 354, 121 N. Y. 578, supra, p. 100; Rich- ardson v. Buhl, 77 Mich. 632; People v. Chicago Gas Trust Co., 130 111. 268, infra, p. 1054] proceeds: * * * But the defendant contends that, while this may all be so, the change 980 DISTILLING AND CATTLE FEEDING CO. V. PEOPLE. 280 in organization from an unincorporated association to a corporation, and the change in the mode of holding the distillery properties of the va- rious corporations formerly belonging to the trust, by surrendering the stock of the corporations, by means of which the control of those properties was formerly maintained, and having the properties them- selves transferred and conveyed directly to the defendant corporation, have purged the combination of its illegality. It must be admitted that these changes, so far as they have any effect upon the rights or interests of the former stockholders in those corporations or of the public, are formal rather than substantial. The same interests are controlled in substantially the same way and by the same agencies as before. The nine trustees of the trust who, as the holders of all the cap- ital stock of the corporations and as a majority of the directors of each, controlled such corporate property, became the subscribers for all the stock of the new corporation, and its board of directors. The conveyance and transfer of the properties of the constituent companies to the new corporation was merely a transfer by the trustees to them- selves, though in a slightly different capacity, and the former stock- holders in the constituent companies simply exchanged their trust certificates, share for share, for stock in the new corporation. That corporation thus succeeds to the trust, and its operations are to be car- ried on in the same way, for the same purposes and by the same agen- cies as before. The trust, then, being repugnant to public policy and illegal, it is impossible to see why the same is not true of the corpo- ration which succeeds to it and takes its place. The control exercised over the distillery business of the country over production and prices and the virtual monopoly formerly held by the trust, are in no de- gree changed or relaxed, but the methods and purposes of the trust are perpetuated and carried out with the same persistence and vigor as before the organization of the corporation. There is no magic in a corporate organization which can purge the trust scheme of its illegal- ity, and it remains as essentially opposed to the principles of sound public policy as when the trust was in existence. It was illegal be- fore and is illegal still, and for the same reasons. But it is urged that the defendant, by its charter, is authorized to purchase and own distillery property and that there is no limit placed upon the amount of property which it may thus acquire. By its cer- tificate of organization it is authorized to engage in a general distill- ery business in Illinois and elsewhere, and to own the property neces- sary for that purpose. It should be remembered that grants of power in corporate charters are to be construed strictly, and that what is not clearly given is, by implication, denied. The defendant is author- ized to own such property as is necessary for carrying on its distillery business, and no more. Its power to acquire and hold property is limited to that purpose, and it has no power, by its charter, to enter upon a scheme of getting into its hands and under its control all, or substantially all. the distillery plants and the distillery business of the country, for the purpose of controlling production and prices, of crushing out competition, and of establishing a virtual monopoly in that 28 1 POWER AS TO TRADE COMBINATIONS. 981 business. Such purposes are foreign to the powers granted by the charter. Acquisitions of property to such extent and for such pur- pose do not come within the authority to own the property necessary for the purpose of carrying on a general distillery business. In ac- quiring distillery properties in the manner and for the purposes shown by the information, the defendant has not only misused and abused the powers granted by its charter, but has usurped and exercised pow- ers not conferred by, but which are wholly foreign to, that instalment. It has thus rendered itself liable to prosecution by the state by quo ivarranto, and we are of the opinion that, upon the facts shown by the information, the judgment of ouster is clearly warranted. It will accordingly be affirmed. Judgment affirmed. Note, See next case, and note to People v. N. R. Sugar Ref. Co., supra, p. 109 ; also, note to section 278, supra. Sec. 281. Same. TRENTON POTTERIES COMPANY v. OLIPHANT ET AL. 1 1899. IN THE NEW JERSEY COURT OF ERRORS AND APPEALS. 58 N. J. Eq. 507, 78 Am. St. R. 612, 43 Atl. Rep. 723-730, 46 L. R. A. 255. [Bill by the Potteries Company, a New Jersey corporation, against the defendants, the owners of the Delaware Potteries, to enjoin them from engaging directly or indirectly in the business of manufacturing pottery within any state of the United States (except Arizona and Nevada) for fifty years. In 1890, there were nine pottery factories engaged in manufacturing of sanitary pottery in the United States, seven in Trenton, N. J., one in Baltimore, Md., and one at Tiffin, O. The eight eastern potteries had formed the American Sanitaiy Pot- teries Association, for the purpose of securing uniform prices of their wares, to be fixed by the vote of a majority (each having one vote), and by which all were bound to sell. About this time a New York promoter "undertook" to organize them into a corporation to control the manufacture of sanitary pottery. He sought and obtained options from five of the Trenton potteries, including the defendant, whereby each of them agreed to sell all of its property and processes of every kind to the promoter or his assignee, and covenanted that it would not, for the period of fifty years, either directly or indirectly, engage in the pottery business, within any state of the United States (except Arizona and Nevada). These five options were those of the potteries manufacturing about seventy-five per cent, of the product, and by their vote they were able to control the fixing of prices by the associa- tion. After these options were obtained, they were assigned by the promoter to the Trenton Potteries Company, organized in New Jer- sey with a capital of $1,750,000 common, and $1,250,000, preferred 1 Statement greatly abridged, and only that part of the opinion as to the validity of the corporate existence and ownership is given. 982 TRENTON POTTERIES CO. V. OLIPHANT ET AL. 28 1 stock, "to manufacture, sell, and trade in pottery and earthenware, and other like products, and in all materials commonly or conven- iently used, manufactured, bought and sold in connection therewith, or necessary, or convenient in and about the transaction of the said business." This company was formed after the options were secured, and in pursuance thereof the property of these potteries was conveyed to it, together with the covenants not to engage in business, and pay- ment therefor was made partly in cash and partly in stock in the new company. After coming into possession of the five potteries, this new company continued to operate them as separate concerns, and kept its right to five votes in the American Sanitary Potteries Asso- ciation, thereby controlling it for several years, although at the time this suit was brought, the association had broken up. The defendants herein the partnership owning the Delaware pot- teries afterward organized a corporation to be located in New Jersey, and to engage in the manufacture and sale of sanitary pottery, in ac- tive competition with the complainants. The defense made was that the contract "not to engage in business was in unlawful restraint of trade, that the complainant company was formed for the purpose of obtaining a monopoly of the manufacture and sale of sanitary ware, a necessity of life, and that the contracts not to engage in business were in aid of this unlawful purpose, and therefore void." Vice- Chancellor Grey so held, and dismissed the bill (39 Atl. Rep. 923). From this decision an appeal was taken.] MAGIE, C. J., * * * [after holding that, though a contract in general restraint of trade was void, the words "within any state of the United States except Arizona and Nevada," were a short way of enumerating the states, and the contract was valid in those states where reasonably necessary to protect the purchaser, though it might be void elsewhere ; that the Sanitary Potteries Association, with its power of fixing prices was unlawful as against public policy] pro- ceeds: * * * It is further urged that the simultaneous contracts procured by ap- pellant create or tend to create a monopoly, because they stipulate for the removal of many competitors in the business of manufacturing sanitary pottery ware. The owners of five of the eight potteries in Trenton manufacturing that kind of ware (and there were but few, if more than one, elsewhere) thereby agreed not to engage in that busi- ness for a long period of time, and over a great extent of country. The engagement of respondents in that respect has been found not to be an improper restraint of trade, nor inimical to public policy on that ground, but a contract partially enforceable upon respondents, if not otherwise objectionable. The engagements of the other vendors who sold their properties and business to appellant are similar in terms to that entered into by respondents, and furnish a reasonable protection to appellant of the business and good will purchased by it of each of them. Each sale and each incidental contract against competition are, for reason before given, unobjectionable. Are they rendered objectionable by the fact that, being simultaneously made, 28 1 POWER AS TO TRADE COMBINATIONS. 983 they excluded from engaging in the business of manufacturing sani- tary pottery ware so large a proportion of those previously engaged in that manufacture ? It is to be observed that the contracts of re- spondents and the other vendors, to appellant, restricted them from engaging in the business of manufacturing, not sanitary pottery wart- alone, but all pottery ware. The proofs show that a large number of persons are engaged in manufacturing pottery ware in various parts of the country, and that the contracts in question would exclude from competition a very small proportion of them. But as the proofs also show that the main purpose of appellant was to engage in the manufacture of sanitary pottery ware, I have stated the proposition in a more restricted form. Whether sanitary pottery ware has become a necessity of life, is open to question. It is certain that many per- sons manage to exist without using it. But if its use is of importance to health and comfort, and a considerable and increasing number of persons desire to acquire, and use it, the public may have such an interest in its manufacture and sale that public policy will justify judi- cial interference and refusal to enforce illegal combinations to en- hance its price. The elimination of competition may produce that result. The contracts in question were not intended to withdraw, and do not appear to have withdrawn, from work a single workman in that industry. They restrain a comparatively small number of capitalists, who had previously employed their capital in such manu- facture, from continuing so to do. The entire capital of the country except theirs is free to be employed in the manufacture. There seems no ground for the claim that we should refuse to en- force respondents' contracts by injunction, when the proofs furnish no reason for the belief that the public will suffer if they are held to their bargains. The contemporaneous contracts were all made as in- cidental to the sale and purchase of competing concerns engaged in the manufacture of sanitary pottery ^vare. They were, as we have seen, reasonably appropriate to the protection of the purchaser in each case. While contracts to restrain or limit competition in the produc- tion of that ware may be repugnant to the public interest, such a re- straint or limit may result from contracts which the courts are bound to enforce. A person engaged in any manufacture or trade, having the right to acquire and possess property, and to do with it what he chooses, may lawfully buy the business of any of his competitors. His first purchase would at once diminish competition. If he con- tinued to purchase, each succeeding transaction would remove another competitor. If his capital was large enough to enable him to buy the business of all competitors, the last purchase would completely ex- clude competition, at least for a time. But in the absence of legisla- tive restrictions, if such could be imposed, upon the acquisition of such property, and its use when so acquired, courts could impose no limitation. They would be obliged to enforce such contracts, not- withstanding the effect was to diminish, or even to exclude, competition. But appellant is a corporation, and not an individual. Corpora- tions, however, may lawfully do any acts within the corporate powers 984 CLEAR WATER V. MEREDITH ET AL. 282 conferred on them by legislative grant. Under our liberal corpora- tion laws, corporate authority may be acquired by aggregation of in- dividuals, organized as prescribed, to engage in and carry on almost every conceivable manufacture or trade. Such corporations are em- powered to purchase, hold, and use property appropriate to their busi- ness. They may also purchase and hold the stock of other corpora- tions. Under such powers it is obvious that a corporation may purchase the plant and business of competing individuals and con- cerns. The legislature might have withheld svich powers, or imposed limitations upon their use. In the absence of prohibition or'limita- tions on their powers in this respect, it is impossible for the courts to pronounce acts done under legislative grant to be inimical to public policy. The grant of the legislature authorizing and permitting such acts must fix for the courts the character and limit of public policy in that regard. It follows that a corporation empowered to carry on a particular business may lawfully purchase the plant and business of competitors, although such purchases may diminish or for a time, at least, destroy competition. Contracts for such purchases can not be refused enforcement. Since contracts by individuals, and by corpora- tions having legislative authority, for the purchase of competing plants and business, may be made, and are enforcible, although, as a result thereof, competition is diminished or temporarily destroyed, it further follows that contracts reasonably required to make such purchases effective by protecting the purchaser in the use and enjoyment of the thing purchased can not be declared by the courts to be repugnant to public policy. The interference with competition resulting from such purchases under legislative permission being found not to invalidate contracts for such purchases, the like interference by contracts reason- ably required for the protection of the purchaser can not be held to invalidate them. Decree modified. LippincotJ and Hendrickson,JJ., dissent. Note. See, preceding case, and cases cited in note to People v. N. R. Sugar Ref. Co., supra, p. 109. Sec. 282. (/) Consolidation. (a) Power to consolidate. CLEARWATER v. MEREDITH ET Ai. 1 1863. IN THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT, i Wallace's (68 U. S.) Rep. 25-43. [Clearwater, in 1853, sold a tract of land to Meredith and others for $10,000, taking in pay therefor 200 shares in the S. L. R. Co., which Meredith and his associates guaranteed would be worth $50 per share (z. e., the par value), in Cincinnati, O., on Oct. i, 1855. In 1854, the S. L. R. Co., by authority of law, and with the consent 1 Statement of facts abridged. Arguments and part of opinion omitted. 282 POWER AS TO CONSOLIDATION. 985 of its stockholders and directors, was consolidated with another rail- road company. Oct. i, 1855, having arrived and passed, and Clear- water considering his stock was not worth $50 per share, sued on the guaranty. The defendants pleaded that the consolidation of the companies necessarily destroyed and rendered worthless the stock, that plaintiff consented to this and so could not now complain. Judg- ment below for defendants.] MR. JUSTICE DAVIS. * * * If Clearwater was a -consenting party to a proceeding which, of itself, put it out of the power of the defendants to perform their contract, he can not recover, for "prom- isors will be discharged from all liability when the non-performance of their obligation is caused by the act or the fault of the other con- tracting party." The Cincinnati, Cambridge and Chicago Short Line Railway Com- pany, whose stock was guaranteed, was, as stated in the pleadings, organized under a general act of the state of Indiana, providing for the incorporation of railroad companies. This act was passed May ii, 1852, and contained no provision permitting railroad corporations to consolidate their stock. It can readily be seen that the interests of the public, as well as the perfection of the railway system, called for the exercise of a power by which different lines of road could be united. Accordingly on the 23d of February, 1853, the general as- sembly of Indiana passed an act allowing any railway company that had been organized to intersect and unite their road with any other road constructed or in progress of construction, and to merge and con- solidate their stock, and on the 4th of March, 1853, the privileges of the act were extended to railroad companies that should afterwards be organized. The power of the legislature to confer such authority can not be questioned, and without the authority railroad corporations organ- ized separately cotild not merge and consolidate their interests. But in conferring the authority, the legislature never intended to compel a dissenting stockholder to transfer his interest because a majority of the stockholders consented to the consolidation. Even if the legis- lature had manifested an obvious purpose to do so, the act wotild have been illegal, for it would have impaired the obligation of a contract. There was no reservation of power in the act under which the Cincinnati, Cambridge and Chicago Short Line Railway was or- ganized, which gave authority to make material changes in the pur- poses for which the corporation was created, and without such a res- ervation in no event could a dissenting stockholder be bound. When any person takes stock in a railroad corporation, he has entered into a contract with the company that his interests shall be subject to the direction and control of the proper authorities of the corporation to accomplish the object for which the company was organized. He does not agree that the improvement to which he subscribed should be changed in its purposes and character, at the will and pleasure of a majority of the stockholders, so that new responsi- bilities, and it may be new hazards, are added to the original under- 986 CLEARWATER V. MEREDITH ET AL. 282 ^ taking. He may be very willing to embark in one enterprise, and unwilling to engage in another; to assist in building a short line rail- way, and averse to risking his money in one having a longer line of transit. But it is not every unimportant change which would work a disso- lution of the contract. It must be such a change that a new and dif- ferent business is superadded to the original undertaking. The act of the legislature of Indiana allowing railroad corporations to merge and consolidate their stock, was an enabling act was permissive, not mandatory. It simply gave the consent of the legislature to whatever could lawfully be done and which without that consent could not be done at all. By virtue of this act the consolidations in the plea stated were made. Clearwater, before the consolidation, was a stockholder in one corporation created for a given purpose. After it he was a stockholder in another and different corporation, with other privileges, powers, franchises and stockholders. The effect of the consolidation "-was a dissolution of the three corpora- tions, and at the same instant the creation of a netv corporation -with property, liabilities and stockholders, derived from those passing out of existence." McMahon v. Morrison. 1 And the act of consolida- tion was not void because the state assented to it, but a non-consent- ing stockholder was discharged. Clearwater could have prevented this consolidation had he chosen to do so; instead of that he gave his assent to it, and merged his own stock in the new adventure. If a majority of the stockholders of the corporation of which he was a member had undertaken to transfer his interest against his wish, they would have been enjoined. There was no power to force him to join the new corporation, and to receive stock in it on the surrender of his stock in the old company. By his own act he has destroyed the stock to which the guaranty attached, and made it impossible for the defendants to perform their agreement. After the act of consolida- tion the stock could not have any separate, distinct market value. There was, in fact, no longer any stock of the Cincinnati, Cambridge and Chicago Short Line Railway. Meredith and his co-defendants undertook that the stock should be at par in Cincinnati, if it maintained the same separate and independ- ent existence that it had when they gave their guaranty. Their un- dertaking did not extend to another stock, created afterwards, with which they had no concern and which might be better or worse than the one guaranteed. It is not material whether the new stock was worth more or less than the old. It is sufficient that it is another stock, and represented other interests. * * * Affirmed. 1 16 Ind. 172. 283 POWER AS TO CONSOLIDATION. 987 Sec. 283. Same. IN THE MATTER OF THE PROSPECT PARK & C. I. RAILROAD CO.' 1876. IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF NEW YORK. 67 N. Y. Rep. 37 I ~379- [Appeal from order of lower court appointing commissioners to ap- praise land taken by the railroad company under the railroad act. Objection was made to the application upon the ground, inter alia, that the company had been formed by the consolidation of two companies, one of which had the power "to consolidate with any other company and form a new company," but the company consoli- dated with had no charter authority to so consolidate.] FOLGER, J. * * * The act of 1874 (Laws of 1874, chap. 448, pp. 591-592, 3) gave power to one of the corporations, which now together form the corporation which is the petitioner in this case, to consolidate with any other like corporation. The point of the appel- lants, that no power to consolidate is given to the other of those cor- porations, is without effect. Power is given to one corporation by statute to form a consolidation with any other. It can not form a con- solidation unless it finds another with which to unite and which is capable of union with it; hence, whatever other company it selects for a union, and finds willing to join it, that other company, though not named in the statute, gets power from the statute to unite with that company which the statute names. Affirmed. Note. See next case. Sec. 284. Same. GAINES, C. J., IN MORRILL v. SMITH COUNTY. 1896. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF TEXAS. 89 Texas 529, on 552. It has been held that the power given to one railroad company to consolidate with any other like company, without naming any, author- izes any other company to consolidate with it. (Matter of P. P. & C. I. R. Co., 67 N. Y. 371.) But a contrary rule is recognized in this state. Railway v. Rushing, 69 Texas 306. See, also, Railway v. Morris, 67 Texas 692. It does not follow that because the char- ter of a railway company empowers it in general language "to con- solidate with any other railroad company," these words should be construed as conferring the power upon any other company to consol- idate with it. They reasonably admit of the construction that the company named is empowered only to unite with any other company which has a like power, and it would seem that, under the general rule previously announced, the construction least favorable to the corpora- 1 Statement abridged, and only the part of the opinion relating to the single point given. 988 QU1NCY RAILROAD BRIDGE CO. V. ADAMS COUNTY. 285 tion should control ; at all events, when we attempt to adopt the con- struction insisted upon on behalf of Smith county, in respect to the grant in the charter of the Houston'Tap and Biazoria Railroad Com- pany, we encounter a grave constitutional difficulty. The contention is that the special charter of the company not only confers power upon the company to consolidate with any other railroad company, but also upon any other such company to consolidate with it. The title of the act is clearly sufficient to embrace the grant of any powers to the com- pany incorporated which were appropriate to its purpose. But is there anything in the title that indicated that it was one of the objects of the act to confer power upon all the railroads of the state to consol- idate with that company? That involved a distinct grant and enlarge- ment of power to every other railroad company in the state, and it seems to us that, if such was the intent of the legislature, it comes within the scope of the very evil which was intended to be suppressed by that section of the constitution which required that the object of every 'act be expressed in its title. Giddings v. San Antonio, 47 Texas 548; Peck v. San Antonio, 51 Texas 490. Note. See preceding case. Sec. 285. (b) Interstate consolidation. QUINCY RAILROAD BRIDGE COMPANY v. ADAMS COUNTY. 1 1878. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ILLINOIS. 88 111. Rep. 615-622. [Action by the county to collect a tax upon the capital stock of the bridge company. The first section of the tax law provided for a tax upon "the capital stock of the companies and associations incorpo- rated under the laws of this state." In 1865, the Railroad Bridge Company was incorporated in Illinois, and about this time the Quincy Bridge Company was incorporated in Missouri, the purpose of both companies being to build a bridge across the Mississippi river at Quincy; in order to do this successfully it became necessary to consolidate, and this was done by agreement duly filed in the office of the secretary of state in each state, and the consolidation was legalized by the respective legislatures, under the name of the Quincy Railroad Bridge Company. The corporation claimed it was not "a company incorporated under the laws of Illinois." A demurrer to this claim was sustained, and judgment rendered for the county. The company appealed.] BREESE, J. * * * But it is said by appellants, this corpora- tion, although it derived some of its powers and in part its corporate existence from this state, derived an equal part from the sovereign 1 Statement abridged, and only part of opinion given. 286 POWER AS TO CONSOLIDATION. 989 state of Missouri, and therefore they are not a corporation created under the laws of either state. To this it is answered, and we think satisfactorily, that the legislatures of this state and of Missouri can not act jointly, nor can any legislation of the last named state have the least effect in creating a corporation in this state. Hence, the corporate existence of appellants, considered as a corporation of this state, must spring from the legislation of this state, which, by its own vigor, performs the act. The states of Illinois and Missouri have no power to unite in passing any legislative act. It is impossible, in the very nature of their organizations, that they can do so. They can not so fuse themselves into a single sovereignty, and as such create a body politic which shall be a corporation of the two states, without being a corporation of each state or of either state. As argued by appellee, the only possible status of a company acting under charters from two states is, that it is an association incorporated in and by each of the states, and when acting as a corporation in either of the states it acts under the authority of the charter of the state in which it is then act- ing, and that only, the legislation of the other state having no opera- tion beyond its territorial limits. We do not, and can not, understand that appellants derive any of its corporate powers from the legislature of the state of Missouri, but wholly and entirely derived from the general assembly of this state. Consequently they are embraced in the first section of the revenue act, above cited. * * * Affirmed. Note: Compare, 1892, People v. N. Y. C. & S. L. R. Co., 129 N. Y. 474 ; 1898, State y. Lesueur, 145 Mo. 322; 1892, Ashley v. Ryan, 49 Ohio St. 504; and cases in note at end of section 288, 4a and 5a. Sec. 286. (c) Consolidation or merger. KEOKUK AND WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY v. MISSOURI. 1 1894. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. 152 United States Rep. 301-317. [Action in Missouri state court for collection of taxes. Defendant, a consolidated company, relied on a charter exemption from taxation, appearing in the charter of one of the original Missouri companies out of which the consolidated company had been formed. Before the consolidation, the new Missouri constitution had expressly provided that such property should not be exempt. The tax was levied after the consolidation, and the state court gave judgment for the tax. This was affirmed by the supreme court of the state, and the defendant sued out this writ of error.] MR. JUSTICE BROWN. * * * The question in this case is whether the defendant, the Keokuk and Western Railroad Company, was entitled to the exemption of its property from taxation contained 1 Statement abridged and part of opinion omitted. 990 KEOKUK AND WESTERN R. CO. V. MISSOURI. 286 in the original charter to the Alexandria and Bloomfield Railroad Company, of which road it is the successor in interest. (i) It will be observed that the constitutional provision upon which the state relies for the enforcement of this tax for the year 1886 was adopted in 1865, before the consolidation of the Alexandria and Bloomfieid Company, under its changed name of the Alexandria and Nebraska City Railroad Company, with the Iowa Southern Company, which took place in 1870, and before the completion of the road in 1872. That the exemption from taxation contained in the original charter to the Alexandria and Bloomfield Company would have con- tinued the full twenty years from the completion of the road in 1872, had such consolidation not taken place, is, for the purpose of this case, conceded. Indeed, it was so held by the supreme court of the state, in State v. Macon County, 41 Mo. 453. The court, construing sections 3 and 14 of article 1 1 of the constitution, held the provisions of section 14 to be a limitation upon the future power of the general assembly, and not intended to retroact so as to have any controlling application to laws in existence when the constitution was adopted. See also, State v. Cape Girardeau Railway, 48 Mo. 468 ; State v. Coffee, 59 Mo. 59; Atlantic, etc., Railroad v. St. Louis, 66 Mo. 228. The question then arises whether the Alexandria and Bloomfield Railroad Company, whose charter contained the exemption, is still in existence, or was dissolved by the consolidation, and a new corpora- tion was thereby called into being, which held its property subject to the constitutional provisions of 1865, denying the power of the gen- eral assembly to exempt property from taxation. In the numerous cases which have arisen in this court as to the effect of a consolida- tion upon the existence and status of the constituent corporations, it has been held that the question of the dissolution of such corpora- tions depended upon the language of the statute under which the con- solidation took place the presumption in each case being that each of the two lines of road will be held respectively to the privileges and burdens originally attaching thereto. Tomlinson v. Branch, 15 Wall. 460. If, upon the one hand, the identity of the prior corporations is preserved, an exemption from taxation which one of them possessed, falls to that portion of the new corporation to which, under its former name, it had been attached. If, upon the other hand, the con- solidation worked a dissolution of the prior corporations, their former privileges and franchises also ceased to exist. Thus, in the earliest of these cases, Philadelphia, etc., R. Co. v. Maryland, 10 How. 376, it was held that the Baltimore and Port Deposit Railroad Company, whose charter contained no exemption from taxation, did not acquire such exemption by consolidation with the Delaware and Maryland Railroad Company, whose charter exempted the road from taxation, "except upon that portion of the permanent and fixed works which might be in the state of Maryland." A general rule was laid down in this case to which this court has steadilv adhered, that the taxing power of the state should never be presumed to be relinquished, un- less the intention to do so be declared in clear and unambiguous terms 286 POWER AS TO CONSOLIDATION. 991 This case was subsequently reaffirmed in the Delaware Railroad Tax, 18 Wall. 206. In Tomlinson v. Branch, 15 Wall. 460, it was held that when a railroad company to which, by its charter, an exemption from taxa- tion was granted, for a limited period, was by act of the legisla- ture "merged" in another company, which thereby became invested with all its rights, property and privileges, the exemption applied to the property with its limitation of time, and, although the company in which it was merged had been granted a perpetual exemption from taxation in its charter, this perpetual exemption would not be extended to property so acquired, without express words, or necessaiy intend- ment to that effect. In Central Railroad v. Georgia, 92 U. S. 665, the act of the legislature authorized the Central Railroad and the Macon Railroad "to unite and consolidate" their "stocks" and all their "rights, privileges, immunities, property and franchises" under the name and charter of the Central Railroad in such manner that each owner of shares of stock of the Macon road should be entitled to receive an equal number of shares of the consolidated companies. It was held this consolidation was not a surrender of the existing charters of the two companies, and did not work the extinction of the Central Company nor the creation of a new company, and also that the con- solidated company continued to possess all the rights and immunities which were conferred upon each company by its original charter. The Central Company having been exempted from taxation beyond a lim- ited amount by its original charter, it was held not to be within the power of the legislature to impose an increased tax after the consoli- dation was effected ; but as the Macon Company had no provision in its charter limiting its liability to taxation, the power of the legislature remained unimpaired to tax its franchises, property and income after its consolidation with the Central. It was said in the opinion of the court that "if in the statute there be no words of grant of corporate powers, it is difficult to see how a new corporation is created. It" it is, it must be by implication; and it is an unbending rule that a grant of corporate existence is never implied." It was held that the act did not work the dissolution of the existing corporations, and. at the same time the ci'eation of a new company, the court giving among other reasons that there was no provision for the surrender of the cer- tificates of stock of the shareholders of the Central, and none for the issue of other certificates to them. It will be observed in this case that the road whose charter contained the exemption from taxation was preserved intact by the consolidation ; and it was held that its exemption continued, while the other road was undoubtedly intended to go out of existence ; and as the Macon road held its property and franchise subject to taxation, the Central, succeeding to the franchises and property, held them alike subject. Other cases to the same effect, and holding that the act of consolidation did not operate as a dissolu- tion of the constituent companies are, Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad v. Virginia, 94 U. S. 718; Green County v. Conness, 109 U. S. 104; and Tennessee v. Whitworth, 117 U. S. 139. 992 KEOKUK AND WESTERN R. CO. V. MISSOURI. 286 Upon the other hand, we have held that the consolidation acts of Ohio and Maine worked a dissolution of the constituent companies and the incorporation of a new company, and that such company was subject to intermediate acts declaring the charters of corporations sub- ject to be altered, amended, or repealed by the legislature. Shields v. Ohio, 95 U. S. 319; Railroad Company v. Maine, 96 U. S. 499. A leading case is that of a Railroad Company v. Georgia, 98 U. S. 359 T 362, wherein two railroad companies, each of which enjoyed by its charter a limited exemption from taxation, were consolidated by an act of the legislature passed April 18, 1863, which authorized a con- solidation of their stocks, conferred upon the consolidated companies full corporate powers, and continued to it the franchises, privileges, and immunities which the companies had held bv their original char- ters. It was held that by the consolidation the original companies were dissolved and a new corporation created, which became subject to the provisions of a statutory code, adopted January i, 1863, per- mitting the charters of private corporations to be changed, modified, or destroyed at the will of the legislature. It was further held that a subsequent legislative act taxing the property of such new corpora- tion as other property in the state was taxed was not a law impairing the obligation of a contract. It was said that the consolidation pro- vided for was not a merger of one company into another, and the case of Railroad Company v. Georgia, 92 U. S. 665, was distinguished from it in this particular. "Nor was it," says Mr. Justice Strong, "a mere alliance or con- federation of the two. If it had been, each would have preserved its separate existence as well as its corporate name. But the act author- ized the consolidation of the stocks of the two companies, thus mak- ing one capital in place of two. It contemplated, therefore, that the separate capital of each company should go out of existence as the capital of that company." In St. Louis, Iron Mountain, etc., Rail- way v. Berry, 113 U. S. 465, a like effect was given to the consolida- tion of two roads by an agreement which provided that all the property- of each company should be taken and deemed to be transferred to the consolidated company "as such new corporation without further act or deed." It was held that this created a new corporation, with an existence dating from the time the consolidation took effect, and that it was subject to constitutional provisions with reference to taxation in force at that time. See, also, McMahan v. Morrison. 16 Ind. 172. Looking at the act in question in this case, we find that, by section i, any Missouri railroad company whose tracks should connect with the road of an adjoining state was authorized to make and enter into an agreement with such connecting company for the consolidation of the stock of the respective companies whose tracks should be so con- nected, making one company of the two, whose stock should be so consolidated upon such terms, conditions, and stipulations as might be mutually agreed between them; that, by section 2, "such consolida- tion shall not be made, unless the terms and provisions thereof shall be approved by a majority of the stock, or the holders of a majority 286 POWER AS TO CONSOLIDATION. 993 of the capital stock in each of said companies whose stock shall be consolidated;" that, by section 3, the board of directors were author- ized to adopt by resolution a new corporate name for the consolidated company, and call in the certificates of stock then outstanding in each company, and exchange them for stock in the new company; and pro- viding that a copy of the consolidation agreement, and the name adopted for the new company, "shall be filed with the secretary of state, and shall be conclusive evidence of such consolidation, and of the corporate name of the consolidated company." It is difficult to see how the legislature could provide more clearly for the extinguish- ment of the prior companies, and the formation of a new one, than by providing that the two companies shall become one ; that new cer- tificates of stock shall be issued in exchange for the stock of the con- stituent companies ; and that the consolidation agreement shall be recorded with the secretary of state as the charter of a new company. In our opinion this was the effect of the act in question. It is impossible to conceive of a corporation existing without stock, or certificates representing the interests of the corporators in the or- ganization. Now if the act provides that these certificates shall be surrendered, and certificates in another company issued in their place, what becomes of the prior companies ? Who are their stockholders, who their officers? If the stock in the new company is sold, what interest in the prior companies passes by the sale ? There can be but one answer to these questions. The property and franchises of the prior companies are gone as much as if they had formally surrendered their charters. The new company may doubtless receive by trans- mission from its constituent companies their property, rights, privi- leges and franchises, including any immunity from taxation, but it re- ceives them as an heir receives the estate of his ancestor, or as a grantee receives the estate of his grantor, by inheritance, succession, or purchase. The result is not a mere union or partnership of two companies, nor the merger of the franchises of one in another, but the extinguishment of one and the creation of another in its place. Speaking of a similar act of Ohio, which declared that the consoli- dated companies "shall be deemed and taken to be one corporation, possessing within the state all the rights, privileges and franchises, and subject to all the restrictions, liabilities and duties of such corpo- rations of this state so consolidated," Mr. Justice Swayne observed in Shields v. Ohio, 95 U. S. 319, 322,323: "It (the consolidation) could not occur without their consent. The consolidated company had then no existence. It could have none while the original corpo- rations subsisted. All the old and the new could not co-exist. It was a condition precedent to the existence of the new corporation that the old ones should first surrender their vitality and submit to dissolu- . tion. This being done, eo instanti the new corporation came into existence." It follows from this that when the new corporation came into exist- ence, it came precisely as if it had been organized under a charter granted at the date of the consolidation, and subject to the constitu- 66 WIL. CAS. KEOKUK AND WESTERN R. CO. V. MISSOURI. 286 tional provisions then existing, which required (art. n, 16) that no property, real or personal, should be exempted from taxation, except such as was used exclusively for public purposes; in other words, that the exemption from taxation contained in section 9 of the orig- inal charter of the Alexandria and Bloomfield Railway Company did not pass to the Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska Company. As was said of an Arkansas corporation, in St. Louis, Iron Mountain, etc., Railway v. Berry, 113 U. S. 465, 475, "it came into existence as a corporation of the state of Arkansas, in pursuance of its constitution and laws, and subject in all respects to their restrictions and limita- tions. Among these was that one which declared that 'the property of corporations now existing, or hereafter created, shall be forever subject to taxation the same as property of individuals.' This ren- dered it impossible in law for the consolidated corporation to receive by transfer from the Cairo and Fulton Railroad Company, or other- wise, the exemption sought to be enforced in this suit." See also, Memphis and Little Rock Railroad v. Commissioners, 112 U. S. 609; Shields v. Ohio, 95 U. S. 319; Louisville and Nashville Railroad v. Palmes, 109 U. S. 244. Nor was the exemption saved by section 3 of article n, providing that "all statute laws of this state now in force, not inconsistent with this constitution, shall continue in force until they shall expire by their own limitation, or be amended or repealed by the general as- sembly." This referred to statutes in force at the time the constitu- tion was adopted, the operation of which continued, notwithstanding the constitution. In this case, however, the exemption contained in section 9 of the charter of the Alexandria and Bloomfield Railway Company ceased to exist, not by the operation of the constitution, but by the dissolution of the corporation to which it was attached. It is further insisted, however, that under section 4 of the act of March 2, 1869, there was a further provision that the consolidated company should be "subject to all the liabilities, and bound by all the obligations of the company within this state," and "be entitled to the same franchises and privileges under the laws of this state as if the consolidation had not taken place." Whether, under the name "franchises and privileges," an immunity from taxation would pass to the new company may admit of some doubt, in view of the decis- ions of this court, which, upon this point, are not easy to be recon- ciled. In the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway v. Miller, 114 U. S. 176, it was held that an immunity from taxation enjoyed by the Cov- ington and Ohio Railway Company did not pass to a purchaser of such road under foreclosure of a mortgage, although the act provided that "said purchaser shall forthwith be a corporation," and "shall succeed to all such franchises, rights and privileges * * * as \vould have been had * * * by the first company but for such sale and conveyance." It was held, following in this particular, Morgan v. Louisiana, 93 U. S. 217, that the words "franchises, rights and privileges" did not necessarily embrace a grant of an ex- 287 POWER AS TO CONSOLIDATION. 995 emption or immunity. See also Picard v. Tennessee, etc., Railroad, 130 U. S. 637. Upon the other hand, it was held in Tennessee v. Whitworth, 117 U. S. 139, that the right to have shares in its capital stock exempted from taxation within the state is conferred upon a railroad corpora- tion by state statutes granting to it "all the rights, powers and privi- leges" conferred upon another corporation named, if the latter cor- poration possesses by law such right of exemption, citing in support of this principle a number of prior cases. See also Wilmington and Weldon Railroad v. Alsbrook, 146 U. S. 279, 297. But the decisive answer to this objection is that the legislature had no power, in 1869, to extend to a new corporation created by the consolidation an exemption contained in an act passed in 1857, before the constitution was adopted, and hence that, under the terms of this act, we can not hold that immunity from taxation passed as a fran- chise or privilege to the consolidated corporation. The construction claimed by the defendant would be directly in the teeth of the consti- tutional provision that no property shall be exempted from taxation. While, as heretofore observed, an exemption from taxation contained in a charter previously granted could not be taken away by this con- stitutional provision without the impairment of the obligation of a contract, it doubtless applies to all corporations thereafter formed either by original charter or by the consolidation of prior corporations under the act of 1869. * * * Affirmed. Harlan and Brewer, JJ. , dissent. Note. See note at end of section 288, infra, Nos. 1, 4 and 5. Sec. 287. (^) Effect of consolidation upon creditor's rights. COMPTON v. RAILWAY COMPANY. 1 1888. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF OHIO. 45 Ohio State Reports 592-625. [In 1862 the Toledo and Wabash Railway Company, formed by the consolidation of a road in this state with one in the state of Indiana, issued $600,000 of what were termed convertible equipment bonds, payable in 1883, and bearing interest at the rate of seven per cent., payable annually. It operated its road until 1865, when it was con- solidated with certain roads in the state of Illinois, the new company being called the Toledo, Wabash and Western Railway Company. It was stipulated in the agreement forming the basis of the consolida- tion that these equipment bonds should be "protected" by the new company at their maturity. In 1873 the last-named company, con- tinuing to own and operate its road, issued certain bonds amounting to $5,000,000, and secured the same by a mortgage upon all its 1 Statement of facts abridged, arguments and part of opinion omitted. 996 COMPTON V. RAILWAY COMPANY. 287 property. Under proceedings begun in 1875 for the foreclosure of this mortgage in the courts of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, the road was sold in 1877 to one Ellis and two others associated with him, it being specially provided in the decree rendered in the court of this state, the common pleas of Lucas county, that the sale should be made "without prejudice to any claim which may be made by the holders" of the above-named equipment bonds. The owner of the road at the commencement of this suit, The Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific Railway Company, derives its title from Ellis and his associ- ates. The case, after judgment for plaintiff in the common pleas court, was appealed by the defendants to the district court, where it was reserved for decision to the supreme court upon an agreed statement of facts.] MINSHALL, J. The principal grounds upon which the plaintiff as- serts his right to relief are (i) the provisions of the statute under which the proceedings in consolidation were had; (2) the stipulation in the agreement forming the basis of the consolidation; and (3) the mortgage executed by the new company in 1867, known as the con- solidated mortgage. (i) The bonds owned by the plaintiff, amounting at their face value to $150,000, were issued by the Toledo and Wabash Railway Company in 1862, were unsecured by mortgage on the property of the company, and the entire series, of which they were part, were denominated convertible equipment bonds, and amounted to $600,000, payable in 1883, bearing interest at the rate of 7 per cent., payable semi-annually, with the usual coupons attached. The company had been formed by the consolidation of the road of a company in Ohio with one of a company in Indiana, under the laws of these states, and its road extended from Toledo in the former, to State Line city in the latter, state. It operated its road until in 1865, when it was consolidated with certain other roads in the state of Illinois, the new company thus formed taking the name of the Toledo, Wabash and Western Railway Company. The consolidation was had under the laws of the several states in which the constituent roads were located, the statute in this state ap- plicable to .the transaction being the act of April 10, 1856 (i S. & C. 327). The act required that an agreement forming the basis of the consolidation should be presented to the stockholders of the re- spective companies at separate meetings called for that purpose upon due notice ; and then provided that upon its adoption by a vote of two- thirds of the stockholders, the filing of the agreement with the requi- site certificate of its adoption, by the secretary of each company, in the office of the secretary of state, and the election of directors by the stockholders of the new company, the consolidation should be deemed complete, and that all the rights, privileges and franchises and all the property of every description "of each of the corporations, parties to the same * * * shall be deemed to be transferred and vested in such new corporation without further act or deed," with this express 287 POWER AS TO CONSOLIDATE. \ 997 proviso, "that all rights of creditors, and all liens upon the property of either of said corporations, shall be preserved unimpaired, and the respective corporations may be deemed to be in existence to preserve the same; and all debts, liabilities and duties of either of said com- panies shall thenceforth attach to said new corporation and be en- forced against it to the same extent as if said debts, liabilities and duties, had been contracted by it." Whilst the Indiana statute is not so definite in its provisions as to the rights of creditors of the constitu- ent companies as our own, yet an effect has been given it by the con- struction of its courts that is substantially the same. McMahan v. Morrison, 16 Ind. 172; Indianapolis, C. & L. R. Co. v. Jones, 29 Ind. 465. What, then, is the sum of the rights of creditors that, as against proceedings had under it, are to be preserved unimpaired? It is true that, ordinarily, a creditor has no right that will interfere with that of his debtor to sell and dispose of his property for a valuable consider- ation, unless he has taken the precaution to acquire some lien upon it, by mortgage or otherwise, as a security in his own behalf. As a rule the right of an unsecured creditor is confined to the personal ob- ligation and the undisposed of property of his debtor; still it is not strictly accurate to say that such creditor has no claim upon the prop- erty of his debtor, for in one sens.e all the property owned by a debtor, unless exempt by statute from sale on execution, is subject to the claims of his creditors, and he can not dispose of it, unless for a valuable consideration, so as to defeat this right. It is upon this principle that relief is constantly afforded creditors in equity against conveyances in fraud of their rights. Hence the right of a creditor, though unsecured, to maintain an action for a personal judgment, is not the sum of his rights. These may arise from a variety of cir- cumstances, conferring not merely a right to a personal judgment for money, but to have it satisfied from certain specific property formerly owned by the debtor, irrespective of its acquisition by others. The decease of the debtor, assignments made by him, his bankruptcy, loss of the power to own and acquire property, as, for example, the dis- solution of a corporation, or the civil death of the debtor, are some of the most frequent instances in which this right of the creditor has been recognized. But the question presented here is not general, but special: It is, what are the rights of unsecured creditors of an incorporated railway company whose entire road and property have been transferred to a new company, formed by its consolidation with other roads, under the laws of this state? The general doctrine that all the property of a corporation is a trust fund for its creditors, and that upon its dissolu- tion they have the right to require that it be applied in payment of their claims, is not controverted by the defendants. There seems to be no conflict in the authorities as to this, and that the rigiit gives rise to an equitable lien upon the property in favor of the creditor that is superior to the claims of every one but purchasers for value without notice. Story Eq. Juris., 1252 ; 2 Kent Com., 307, and note b; Mor. 998 COMPTON V. RAILWAY COMPANY. 287 Priv. Cor., 780, 1035; Mont, and West Point R. Co. v. Branch, 59 Ala. 153. Nor can there be much question but that by consolidation the prior companies are extinguished for all purposes except to preserve the rights of their creditors, for which purpose they "may," in the lan- guage of the law, "be deemed to be in existence." The observa- tion of Mr. Justice Swayne, in construing this statute in Shields v. Ohio, 95 U. S. 319, that "it was a condition precedent to the exist- ence of the new corporation that the old ones should first surrender their vitality and submit to dissolution" is quite accurate. It is, however, claimed by the defendants that no new rights are conferred by the statute upon creditors; that if they were unsecured before, they remain such after, the consolidation; and that the new company may deal with the property may sell or mortgage it as could have been done, and with like effect, by the former company had it continued the owner thereof. This argument is placed upon two grounds, (i) the assumption that the transaction is analogous to a sale, and (2) that such is the effect of the statute upon all con- tracts made subsequent to its passage. We will consider them seria- tim, i. The first is, as we think, certainly erroneous. Whilst the transaction has some of the features, it is wanting in the essential ele- ments of a sale. A sale implies a vendor and a vendee, and by it the former sells and transfers a thing that he owns to the latter for a price paid or to be paid to himself. The vendor parts with nothing but his property, and for it receives a quid pro quo. Such is not the case where companies are consolidated under this statute. It is true that the owner of each constituent road parts with its property. But it does much more ; it not only parts with its property, but ceases to be a juristical entity, capable of owning or acquiring property. It does not, and could not, receive any consideration for the transfer, because it is extinguished and dissolved by the act of its stockholders in assent- ing to the proposed agreement. It is futile to urge that the consider- ation is received by the stockholders. They are not the corporation, nor do they represent it in its relation to its creditors. "An essential incident of corporations is that their rights are not vested in the ag- gregate of individuals, but in the ideal whole, regarded as distinct from the members of which it is composed." Per Mr. Poste in his edition of Gaius, 154. And see Bank of Augusta v. Earle, 13 Pet. 519, 587. There has been no relaxation of this principle in its appli- cation to the relation of an incorporated company to its ci'eclitors. It is the owner in law and equity of all its corporate property, and it, and not the stockholders, is the debtor in all corporate obligations. Mor. Priv. Corp., 2 ed., 227. Moreover, in a consolidation of companies, the stockholders receive no part of the property or assets of their respective companies ; these pass to the ownership of the new company. All that the stockholders of either of the old companies receive is stock in the new company in exchange for what they held in the former company. We must look elsewhere for the analogies 28/ POWER AS TO CONSOLIDATION. 999 to the transactions whereby, through consolidation, a new company acquires the property of certain old ones. We are not without such analogies. They are to be found in the numerous instances in ancient and modern law, where, to use the terminology of the Roman civil law, a universitas juris is transferred. The term expresses the legal conception of a university or bundle of rights and liabilities, belonging to one person and constituting, as it were, his legal personality ; and where these are transferred by one and the same act to another, the latter is said to acquire per univcrsitatem, that is, he becomes clothed with the rights and legal duties of the individual to whose personality he succeeds. Among some of the leading instances of such acquisi- tion are (i) a succession to an inheritance by an heir somewhat obscured in the common law by its division between the heir and the personal representative of the deceased (Maine Anc. Law, 180) ; (2) where, by adrogation, one not under power became the son of another, and the adrogator by the diminution of the status of the adrogatus, or adopted son, acquired his property and, by praetorian law, became liable for his debts to the extent of the property so ac- quired; (3) co-emption, where the husband acquired, by the mar- riage, the property of the wife, and by a remedy furnished by the praetor, was made liable for her debts in the same manner as in the case of adrogation. And in the common law may be suggested, not merely the case of an inheritance transmitted by the death of the an- cestor, but also the estate of one regarded as civiliter mortus, which was transmitted and administered upon as that of a person in fact de- ceased. And the succession of an assignee in bankruptcy to the en- tire property of a bankrupt is, as observed by Sir Henry Sumner Maine, a modified form of a universal succession. And, he says: "Were it common among us for persons to take assignments of all a man's property on condition of paying all his debts, such examples would exactly resemble the universal successions known to the oldest Roman law." Maine Anc. Law. 180. In all these cases the point most to be observed, is the extreme care of the law to secure the rights of creditors. The case of an inheri- tance is familiar and needs little or no comment the creditors of the deceased are regarded as having a lien upon the property of the de- ceased, and this is secured to them through the methods of administra- tion, and so in the case of those regarded as being civilly dead, for example in the case of a monk, the individual, in anticipation of be- coming a "monk professed," could make a will and appoint his own executor, but if he did not, administration was awarded by the ordi- nary as upon the estate of one in fact deceased, i Bl. Com., 132. For some reason, not well understood, neither the adrogator nor the husband in a marriage by co-emption was, by the ancient civil law, liable to creditors for the debts of the person thus reduced to his power. But a remedy was provided at an early period through an action given by the praetor, in which, by a fiction, the former status of the debtor was deemed to continue, and this, like all fictions intro- duced to favor the remedy, could not be disputed, and preserved the IOOO COMPTON V. RAILWAY COMPANY. 287 rights of the creditor as against the property of his debtor. Poste's Gaius Inst., bk. 3, 84; Poste's Gaius Inst., bk. 4, 38, and com- ments by Poste, p. 521 ; Just. Inst., bk. 3, tit. 10, 1-3 ; and Hunter Rom. Law (2d ed.), 741. And it is worthy of note in this connection that our statute regulating proceedings in consolidation, provides that, to preserve the rights of creditors, "the respective cor- porations may be deemed to be in existence." It thus appears to be a principle of universal law that the death, real or supposed, of an individual, possessed of property and owing debts, gives to his cred- itors a right to have his property applied to the satisfaction of their claims. It is a misapprehension of the doctrine to say that its appli- cation to the consolidation of railway companies would make every consolidation an assignment for the benefit of creditors. The new company does not take the property as assignee, but in its own right, subject only to the payment of the debts of the constituent compa- nies. This liability is created by statute and the lien results as a con- sequence. It is not a jus in re, nor a jus ad rem, but a charge in the nature of an equitable lien upon the property available against all purchasers with notice. 3 Pom. Eq. Jur., 1233, and note 3. The reason underlying the principle upon which the law proceeds in all this class of cases is, that the debtor does not merely part with his property and rights, but also loses his capacity to own and acquire property ; and all that is left the creditor upon which he trusted his debtor property constituting the principal ground of credit in all cases is the property that his debtor owned, and to that he has the right to look for the satisfaction of his claim, the person whom he trusted having ceased to be. It is no answer to this to say that the new company is required to assume the payment of the debts of the old companies. I am aware that the convenience of trade and com- merce has so changed the ancient doctrines of the common law that a debtor may be required in a variety of instances to accept as a creditor one with whom he did not in fact contract ; but I know of no in- stance in which it can be said that a creditor can be compelled to ac- cept a new debtor in the place of the one to whom he extended credit. It is impossible to perceive how this could be done without impairing the obligation of the contract. The company with which he dealt may have possessed ample means to discharge all its debts; the new one may, by reason of the debts of the other companies, be hopelessly insolvent, and to compel him to accept it as a general creditor, might be but another mode of robbing him of his credits. 2. The claim is, however, that such is the effect of the statute under which the consolidation was had, and having been in force at the time the equipment bonds were issued, entered into the contract and became a part of it. It is difficult to perceive how this claim can be maintained in the face of the language of the statute heretofore quoted, "that all rights of creditors * * * of either of said cor- porations shall be preserved unimpaired." There is no question but that every statute enters into and forms part of any contract to which it is applicable as a part of the law of the land, but it is not perceived 287 POWER AS TO CONSOLIDATION. IOOI how, in the application of this rule, a contract may be impaired or in any way affected by proceedings had under a statute which by its terms excludes any such effect. The proposition involves a contradic- tion in terms. The only question that can be raised in such a case is, whether a particular effect claimed for a proceeding had under the statute will or will not impair the contract of a creditor, and an answer to the question in the affirmative must be fatal to the claim. No reason is perceived why a different intention should be imputed to the legislature in the enactment of this law. The object of the legislature in authorizing the consolidation of railway companies was, as we apprehend, not to enable the new company to obtain credit by impairing the securitv of existing creditors of either of the former roads, but to enable existing companies to unite and form a continu- ous line of railway under one corporate management between widely separated points of trade and commerce ; and as this may be attained without impairing the rights of creditors of the constituent roads, a court might well hesitate to so construe the statute if its provisions were silent on the subject. It would seem to be quite as consistent with a wise public policy to preserve the foundations of commercial credit as to promote the formation of great lines of interstate com- merce ; both may be necessary to the interests of commerce, but the one not more than the other. This view is much strengthened by the further provision as to the rights of creditors, that "the respective corporations shall be deemed to be in existence to preserve the same." How, for this purpose, shall they be deemed to be in existence as legal en'tities with or without prop- erty? Manifestly in the former sense, for the existence of a corporate entity without property wherewith to answer claims against it would be of no avail to a creditor; a judgment against it would be without fruit. The clause was inserted in the interest of creditors, and the only interpretation that can be of any avail to them can not be rejected without doing violence to well settled rules of construction. The statute introduces a fiction much as the praetor did in favor of the creditors of an adrogatus, and we see no reason why it was not in- tended to answer substantially the same purpose. In a suit by a creditor, the company, though in fact dissolved, is to be deemed in existence, and a judgment in his favor, whether against it or the new company, is to be satisfied from the property owned by the old company at the time of consolidation as if such proceedings had never been had ; the fact of consolidation is pushed aside, and no one will be permitted to question the fiction until his rights have been satisfied. Of this no one as a creditor of the new company can in justice com- plain. The lien is a result of the proceedings under which the new company acquired its title to the property, and of it creditors of the new company have, in law, the same notice they have of prior mort- gages upon the same property. The former decisions of this court do not affect the question as to the rights of creditors. They are simply to the effect that the statute becomes a part of all subscriptions to the capital stock of a company 1002 COMPTON V. RAILWAY COMPANY. 287 made subsequent to its passage, so that the same may be recovered in a suit by the consolidated company brought for that purpose. Mans- field, Coldw. & L. M. R. Co. v. Brown, 26 Ohio St. 223. The rights of a stockholder are preserved by giving him an election to be- come one in the new company, or of declining, and being paid the highest market value of his stock at any time within the six months next preceding the making of the agreement, but unless he does so previous to the consolidation, he is treated as a stockholder in the new company; and this fact accentuates the construction claimed for cred- itors ; as no voice is given them in the transaction, it is but reasonable that their rights should be in no way affected by it. II. The plaintiff does not, however, base his claim to relief solely upon the provisions of the statute, but likewise upon the effect of the stipulation in the agreement forming the basis upon which the consol- idation was had, that the class of bonds owned by him should be pro- tected, both as to interest and principal, as the same should mature, by the new company. The principle upon which this claim is based is, that where property is transferred upon the condition that the grantee shall pay some third person a debt or sum of money, the lat- ter acquires an equitable lien on the property to the extent of the debt or sum of money to be paid him. This principle is well recognized and has been applied in a great variety of cases. A masterly treat- ment of the doctrine by Ranney, J., will be found in Clyde v. Simp- son, 4 Ohio St. 445. See, also, Story Eq. Juris., 1244-6; Pom. Eq. Juris., 166 and 1234; Montgomery and West Point R. Co. v. Branch, 59 Ala. 139; Hamilton v. Gilbert, 2 Hiesk. 680; Van- meter v. Vanmeter, 3 Grat. 148. It is true that most of the instances in which this lien has been rec- ognized is where property had been devised charged with the pay- ment of debts or legacies to others, and for the plain reason that the most frequent occasions for its application will arise in such instances, and not because the principle is in its nature inapplicable to other transfers of property; for, as is said by Ranney, J., in Clyde v. Simp- son, supra, a "doctrine resting upon the broad foundations of justice and conscience" can not be made "to depend upon the manner in which the title is derived." No such limitation has been placed upon the doctrine by the courts or text-writers. Story Eq. Juris., 1746. In Vanmeter v. Vanmeter, supra, it appears that a grantor had made a conveyance of all his real estate in consideration of $i and the agreement of the grantees to pay his debts and a certain leg- acy ; this was held by the court to constitute a lien upon the property in favor of the creditors. Many similar instances will be found among the cases cited; and, independent of the provisions of the statute, we are unable to see why the principle, when applied to the facts of this case, does not create a similar lien in favor of the holders of these equipment bonds. It would seem to follow as a corollary from what has been said as to the lien based upon the provisions of the statute. Whatever may be urged against the claim that the agreement to pro- tect these bonds imposed the duty of securing them by mortgage or 287 POWER AS TO CONSOLIDATION. IOO$ otherwise, the least that can be claimed for such agreement is, that it imposed the duty of paying them, interest and principal, at maturity. And, as all the property of the company issuing them was transferred upon the basis of this agreement, the transfer was, at least, upon the stipulation to pay his claim as a part of the consideration thereof. If, for the purpose of withdrawing from the cares of business, or any other reason, a private person were to make a conveyance of all his property to another upon the agreement of the latter to pay his debts, it will not be questioned but that such transfer would create an equi- table lien upon the property in favor of creditors, that would avail against all persons with notice. This case is every way analogous to such a transfer, and no reason exists why it should not be governed by the same principle so far as the rights of creditors are con- cerned. The only difference between the real and the supposed case strengthens the reason of its application to the real one. In the sup- posed case the person making the transfer may still own and acquire property, but in the real one, as heretofore shown, the debtor termi- nates its personality, and can no longer own or acquire anything; all that is left the creditor is the property that it owned; and, unless we disregard all the analogies of the law, this property must be charged with its debts in the hands of one that succeeded to its place in con- sideration of the agreement to pay them, and the lien so created must be superior to the title of all purchasers with notice. * * * Judgment for plaintiff , finding the amount due and order of sale. Note. This case was affirmed by the United States Supreme Court. 1897, Compton v. Jessup, 167 U. S. 1. Note. Consolidation, 1. Meaning of: A late case defines consolidation ^o be "a merger, a union, or amalgamation, by which the stock of the two is made one, their property and franchises combined into one, their powers become the powers of one, their names merged into one, and the identity of the two practically, if not actually, runs into one," Hunt, J., in State v. Montana R., 21 Mont. 221, 4& L. R. A 271 (1898). The fullest discussion of themeaningof consolidation is in, 1879, Meyer v. Johnson & Stewart, 64 Ala. 603, on 650-669; see also, 1808, Adams v. Yazoo & M. V. R. Co. (Miss.), 24 So. Rep. 200, not officially reported ; 1899, Rafferty v. Buffalo City Gas Co., 37 App. Div. (N. Y.) 618. In England the term used is amalgamation, and it there has as uncertain and undefined a meaning as consolidation here. See Meyer v. Johnston, 64 Ala. 603, 651, et seq., and 1898, Wall v. London & N. W. Assetts Corp., 79 L. T. R. 249. Illustrations: Power to connect or unite does not permit consolidation: 1895, Louisville & N. R. Co. v. Kentucky, 161 U. S. 677; exchange of stock by one corporation for that of another does not effect consolidation : 1899, Rafferty v. Buffalo City Gas Co., 37 App. Div. (N. Y. ) 618 ; a short lease is not a consoli- dation: State v. Montana R., 21 Mont, 221, 45 L. R. A. 271 ; but a long lease is practically a consolidation: 1888, State v. Atchison, etc., R., 24 Neb. 143; power to consolidate does not include a power to sell or lease: 1875, Tippe- canoe County v. Lafayette, etc., Co., 50 Ind. sg ; 1882, State v. Vanderbilt, 37 Ohio St. 590; 1882, Archer v. Terre Haute R. Co., 102 111. 493; 1H86, Mills v. Central R., 41 N. J. Eq. 1 ; 1889, East L. & R. R. Co. v. Texas, 75 Tex. 434; 1892, St. L., etc., R. Co. v Terre Haute, etc., R. Co., 145 V. S. 393. But see, contra, 1875, Williamson v. N. J. So. R., 26 N J. Eq. 398; 1882, Branch v. Jesup, 106 U. S. 468; 1895, Chicago, S. F., etc. t Co. v. Ashling, 160 111. 373. 2. Consent of the state is essential ; but ratification by the legislature after IOO4 COMPTON V. RAILWAY COMPANY. 287 an attempt at consolidation will be sufficient: 1856, Fisher v. Evaneville, etc., R. Co., 7 Ind. 407; 1858, Lauman v. Lebanon Valley R. Co., 30 Pa. St. 42, 72 Am. Dec. 685; 1858, Pearce v. Madison, etc., P. R. Co., 21 How. (62 U. S.) 441; 1859, Bishop v. Brainerd, 28 Conn. 289 (ratification); 1861, State Missouri Pac. R. Co. v. Owens, 1 W. & W. Civ. Cas. (Tex. Ct. App.), 385; 1885; Crawfordsville & D. T. Co. v. State, 102 Ind. 435; 1891, Home Friendly Soc. v. Tyler, 9 Pa. Co. Ct. R. 617; 1892, Cameron v. N. Y. & Mt. V. W. W.. 133 N. Y. 336, 31 N. E. Rep. 104; 1893, People v. Rice, 138 N. Y. 151, 33 N. Rep. 153; 1898, Topeka Paper Co. v. Oklahoma P. Co., 7 Okla. 220, 54 Pac. Rep. 455; 1900, Wood v. Seattle, Wash. ,52 L. R. A. 369, note. The state's permission to consolidate is a license and not the grant of a franchise: 1895, Pearsall v. Great N. R. Co., 161 U. S. 646; 1898, Adams v. Yazoo & M. V. R. Co., 24 So. Rep. 200. 3. Consent of shareholders: (a) In the absence of a reserved power to amend or repeal, or a charter or statutory provision allowing consolidation when the corporation is organized, the unanimous consent of shareholders is essential : 1853, Kean v. Johnson, 9 N. J. Eq. 401; 1856, Chapman v. Mad River, etc., R. Co.. 6 Ohio St. 119; 1858, Lauman v. Lebanon Valley R., 30 Pa. St. 42, 72 Am.' Dec. 685; 1863, Clearwater v. Meredith, 1 Wall. (68 U. S.) 25, supra, p. 984; 1866, Mowrey v. Ind. & C. R. Co., 4 Biss. 78, Fed. Cas. 9891 ; 1867,'Zabriskie v. Hackensack, etc., R., 18 N. J. Eq. 178; 1573, Black v. Del. & R. Canal Co., 24 N. J. Eq. 455 ; 1882, N. O. G. L. Co. v. Louisiana L. Co., 11 Fed. Rep. 277 ; 1886, Mills v. Central R. Co., 41 N. J. Eq. 1 ; 1888, Botts v. Simpsonville & B. Co., 88 Ky. 54, 2 L. R. A. 594 ; 1890, Deposit Bank of Owensboro v. Barrett, 11 Ky. L. Rep. 910, 13 S. W. Rep. 337; 1891, Home Friendly Soc. v. Tyler, 9 Pa. Co. Ct. 617. Long acquiescence is sufficient evidence of consent: 1894, Phinizy v. Au- gusta, K. R. Co., 62 Fed. Rep. 678. (6) Under a reserved ^>ower to alter or amend a charter, a majority may be authorized to consent to a consolidation against the wishes of the minority : 1856, Railroad Co. v. Dudley, 14 N. Y. 336; 1856, Sparrow v. Evansville, etc., R., 7 Ind. 3(59; 1857, McCray v. Junction R. Co., 9 Ind. 358; 1859, Bishop v. Brainerd, 28 Conn. 289; 1862, Durfee v. Old Colony R. Co., 5 Allen (Mass.) 230; 1865, Gardner v. Hamilton Ins. Co., 33 N. Y. 421; 1873, Nugent v. Supervisors, 19 Wall (U. S.) 241; 1875, Mansfield, etc., R. Co. v. Brown, 26 Ohio St. 223; 1877, State v. Maine Cent. R. Co., 66 Me. 488; 1878, Wilson v. Salamanca, 99 U. S. 499; 1885, Middletown v. Boston, etc., R., 53 Conn. 351 ; 1894, Hale v. Cheshire R. Co., 161 Mass. 443, 37 N. E. Rep. 307; 1895, Market St. R. Co. v. Hellman, 109 Cal. 571, 42 Pac. Rep. 225. But there are decisions holding that unanimous consent is required under the reserved power to amend : 1867, Zabriskie v. Hackensack R., 18 N. J. Eq. 178; 1893, Earle v. Seattle, etc., R., 56 Fed. Rep. 909. 4. Effect of consolidation upon former companies: The intent of the consolidation statute and agreement controls, but the va- rious views are, as to: (a) Their existence: Theories: (1) Old companies are dissolved and go out of existence, there being a new company only after consolidation : 1861, State v. Bailey, 16 Ind. 46, 79 Am. Dec. 405; 1863, Clearwater v. Meredith, 1 Wall. 25,swpm,p.984;1868, Indianapolis C. & L. Co. v. Jones, 29 Ind. 465, 95 D. 654; 1868, Tagart v. N. C. R., 29 Md. 557; 1875, Shields v. State, 26 Ohio St. 86; 1877, Shields v. Ohio, 95 U. S. 319; 1878, Railroad Co. v. Georgia, 98 U. S. 359; 1882, N. O. Gas Lieht & H. Co. v. L. L. & H. Co., 11 Fed. Rep. 277; 1888, St. Louis,.!. M. & S. R. v. Berry, 41 Ark. 509; 1888, Kansas, O. & T. R. Co. v. Smith, 40 Kan. 192; 189"4, Keokuk & W. R. Co. v. State, 152 U. S. 301. supra, p. V6tf; lyo. Council G. O. C., etc., R. Co. v. Lawrence, 3 Kan. Ap|,. 287 POWER AS TO CONSOLIDATK \. IOO5 274; 1897, Rio Grande W. R. Co. v. Telluride, etc., Co., 16 Utah 125, 51 Pac. itep. 146; 1899, Wagner v. Atchison, T. & S. F. R. Co., 9 Kan. App. 661, 58 Pac. Rep. 1018; 1901, Ya/.oo & Miss. V. Ry. Co. v. Adams, 180 U. S. 1. (2) The old companies are not dissolved, the consolidated company b'eing a (7?2; 1878, Edwards v. People, 88 111. 340; 1879, Empire Tp. v. Darlington, 101 U. S. 87; 1883, Scott v. Hausheer, 94 Ind. 1 ; 1885, Marion Co. v. Center Tp., 105 Ind. 422; 1888, Livingston Co. v. First Nat'l Bank, 128 U. S. 102, with cases cited there; but see contra, 1872, New Jersey M. R. Co. v. Strait, 35 N. J. L. 322; 1875, Harshman v. Bates Co., 92 U. S. 569; 1877, County of Bates v. Winter, 97 U. 8. 83; 1878, Wagner v. Meety, 69 Mo. 150. Indemnity bonds: 1892, Pennsylvania, etc., R. v. Harkins, 149 Pa. St. 121. ( 3 ) Property rights : Lands vest, by virtue of the act of consolidation, in the new company with- out further conveyance: 1861, N. Y. Cent. R. Co. v. Saratoga, etc., Co.. 39 Barb. (N. Y.) 289; 1888, Georgia Pac. R. Co. v. Wilks, 86 Ala. 478; 1888, Tar- pey v. Deseret Salt Co. , 5 Utah 494; 1891, Cashman v, Brownlee, 128 Ind. 266; 1896, Day v. N. Y. S. & W. R. Co., 58 N. J. L. 677 ; 1900, Greene v. Wood- land, etc., R. "Co., 62 Ohio St. 67, 56 N. E. Rep. 642. Choses in action do also: 1863, Cumberland College v. Ish, 22 Cal. 641 ; 1865, State University of Vermont v. Baxter, 42 Vt. 99; 1868, Miller v. Lan- caster, 45 Tenn. (5 Cold.) 514. (4) Liabilities: Contracts New company must perform those of old: 1868, Racine & M. R. Co. v. Farmers' L. & T. Co., 49 111. 331 , 95 Am. Dec. 595 ; 1874, Western Union R. Co. v. Smith, 75 111. 496; 1881, Sapping v. Little Rock, etc., Co., 37 Ark. 23; 1889, Union Pac. R. v. McAlpine, 129 TJ. R. 305; 1890, Day v. Worcester, etc., R. Co., 151 Mass. 302; 1890, Jones v. Fitchburg R. Co., 123 N. Y. 502; 1890, Joy v. St. Louis, 138 U. 8. 1 ; 1892, Chicago & Ind. Coal Co. v. Hall, 135 Ind. 91/23 L. R. A. 231 ; 1896, Cumberland Valley R. Co. v. Gettysburg, etc., Co., 177 Pa. St. 519. But see: 1868, Tagart v. Northern Cent. R. Co., 29 Md. 557; 1873, Prouty v. L. S. etc., R. Co., 52 N. Y. 363; 1874, City and County of San Francisco v. Water-Works, 48 Cal. 493; 1899, Chase v. Mich. Tel. Co., 121 Mich. 631, 80 N. W. Rep. 717; 1900, Capital Traction Co. v. Offutt, 17 A pp. D. C. 292, 53 L. R. A. 390. 288 POWER TO ACQUIRE REAL PROPERTY. lOO/ Debts New company are liable for, to the extent of property received, and where expressly assumed, are liable beyond the property received : 1863, Eaton, etc., R. Co. v. Hunt, 20 Ind. 457; 1868, Indianapolis. C. & St. L R. Co. v. Jones, 29 Ind. 4t>5, 95 Am. Dec. 654; 1869, Wright v. Milwaukee, etc., R. Co., 25 Wis. 46; 1874, Bailey v. N. Y. C. R Co.. 89 U. 8. (22 Wall.) 604; 1875, Meyer v. Johnson, 53 Ala. 237 ; 1881, Boardman v. L. 8. & M. 8. R., 84 N. Y. 157"; 1885, I'.rown v. Susquehanna Boom Co., 109 Pa. St. 57, 58 Am. Rep. 709; 1889, Louisville, N. A., etc., R. v. Snider, 117 Ind. 501, 3 L. R. A. 434; 1894, Berrv v. Kansas, etc., R. Co., 52 Kan. 774, 39 Am. St. R. 381 ; 1895, Lang- home v. Richmond R. Co., 91 Va. 369; 1897, In re Utica, etc., Co., 154 N. Y. 268; 1x97, Tompkins v. Augusta So. R. Co., 102 Ga. 436; 1899, U. S. Capsule Co. v. Isaacs. 23 Ind. App. 533, 55 X. E. Rep. 832; 1899, Copp v. Colorado C. & 1. Co., 60 N. Y. Supp. 293, 29 Miscl. R. 109. Turts: New company is liable for the torts of the former constituent com- panies: 1860, Bissell v. Michigan So. R , 2> N. Y. 258; 1873, Warren v. Mobile, etc., R., 49 Ala. 582; 1874, Chicago, etc., R. v. Moffatt, 75 HI. 524; 1883, St. Louis, etc., R. Co. v. Marker, 41 Ark. 542; 1892, Louisville, etc., R. Co. v. Summers, 131 Ind. 241; 1893, Berry v. Kansas C. F. & S. R., 52 Kan. 759, 39 Am. St. R. 371 ; 1895. Southern, etc., R. Co. v. Bonrkright, 70 Fed. Rep. 442, 30 L. R. A. 823; 1895, Langhorne v. Richmond R. Co., 91 Va. 369. But see contra, 189*, Von Cotzhansen v. Johns Mfg. Co., 100 Wis. 473, 76 N. W. Rep. 622; 1899, Chase v. Mich. Tel. Co., 121 Mich. 631, SON. W. Rep. 717. ARTICLE IV. ACQUIRE, HOLD AND ALIENATE PROPERTY. Sec. 288. ( I ) Acquire and hold real property. (A) By purchase: ( a ) Presumptions. STOCKTON SAVINGS BANK v. STAPLES. 1 1893. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF CALIFORNIA. 98 Cal. Rep. 189-193- [Action by the bank to quiet title to land. Judgment was in favor of the plaintiff, and defendants appealed therefrom. The bank traced title through conveyances from one C. , and alleged that C. had ousted the defendant, and he and his subsequent grantees had maintained an open and notorious possession for the statutory period. The immediate grantor of the bank was Mrs. Hudson.] VAXCLIEF, C. * * * Appellants contend that the court erred in overruling their objections to the introduction in evidence of the deed from Mrs. Hudson to plaintiff. The ground of the objection was that the plaintiff "was not shown to have the power to purchase, hold, or receive said land, nor that said land was conveyed to it for any of the purposes of the corporation." There was no evidence to show for what purpose the corporation had been organized, or what business it was conducting. The court found according to the alle- gation of the complaint, not denied in the answer, that at all the times 1 Statement abridged, only part of opinion given. IOO8 LEAZURE V. HILLEGAS. 289 stated the plaintiff "was a corporation duly organized and incorporated under and by virtue of the laws of the state of California, and having its office and principal place of business in the city of Stockton, county of San Joaquin, state of California." Under these circumstances I think it must be presumed (as against the defendants, at least) that the corporation had power to purchase and hold the land. (Natoma Water & M. Co. v. Clarkin, 14 Cal. 544; Evans v. Bailey, 66 Cal. 112; Hagar v. Board of Supervisors, 47 Cal. 222; People v. La Rue, 67 Cal. 526; Spelling on Private Corporation, 203, 206.) It does not appear under what statute or for what purpose the plaintiff was incorporated, nor what business it was engaged in, nor for what purpose the property was purchased or used. In answer to a similar objection in People v. La Rue, 67 Cal. 526, it was said: "If there was anything in its charter or the business in which it was engaged, or in the law under which it was organized, in any manner abridging its right to hold land, it does not appear of record, hence we deem the objection untenable." * * * Affirmed. Note: In the absence of any showing of any kind to the contrary there is a presumption that purchases of land by a corporation are for a valid purpose, and the contrary must be shown by the one alleging it. 1827, Ex parte Peru Iron Co., 7 Conn. (N. Y.) 540; 1859, Chautauqua Co. Bank v. Risley, 19 N. Y. 369, 75 Am. Dec. 347; 1863, Regents of Univ. v. Detroit Y. M. Soc., 12 Mich. 138; 1871, Myers v. Croft, 13 Wall. (80 II. S.) 291; 1874, Hagar v. Yolo Co., 47 Cal. 222; 1874, Yates v. Van De Bogert, 56 N. Y. 526; 1885, People v. La Rue, 67 Cal. 526; 1893, Connecticut, etc., Ins. Co. v. Smith, 117 Mo. 261, 38 Am. St. Rep. 656. Sec. 289. Same. () Extent of power to purchase and hold. LEAZURE v. HILLEGAS. 1821. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA. 7 Serg. & R. (P a -) 3 I 3-3 2 3- Error to the common pleas of Bedford county. Frederick Hillegas, the plaintiff below (the defendant in error) T claimed the land in dispute, under a warrant and survey to Thomas Holt, who conveyed to George Armstrong, who conveyed to William Henry, who conveyed to the Bank of North America, who conveyed to the plaintiff. On the trial of the cause, four bills of exceptions to evidence were taken by the defendant below. * * * The third exception was to the admission of a deed from the Bank of North America to James Ross, to which there were two objections: 1st. That there was no evidence of the seal of the corporation. 2d. That the corporation was incapable of receiving a conveyance of land otherwise than by mortgage, and therefore had no estate which could be conveyed. 289 POWER TO ACQUIRE REAL PROPERTY. IOO9 [After holding the seal of the corporation had not been proved and for that reason the deed should not have been admitted, proceeds:] TILGHMAN, C. J. * * * But the great points in this cause are, the capacity of the bank to take the land conveyed by William Henry's deed, and afterwards to convey the same to James Ross. There is no doubt that a corporation must be governed by the charter from which it derives its existence. It can do no act nor take any estate contrary to its charter. If, therefore, it can be shown, that the Bank of North America is forbidden by its charter, either to take or to convey , the land contained in William Henry's deed, the plaintiff's action can not be supported. By the third section of the act of incorporation (i7th of March, 1787, 2 Sm. L. 399), the bank is made capable "to have, hold, purchase, receive, possess, enjoy and retain lands, rents, tene- ments, goods, chattels and effects of whatsoever kind, nature or qual- ity, to the amount of two millions of dollars and no more, and also to sell, grant, etc., the same lands, etc. Provided, nevertheless, that such lands and tenements, which the said corporation are hereby en- abled to purchase and hold, shall only extend to such lot and lots o ground, and convenient buildings, and improvements thereon erected or to be erected, which they may find necessary and proper for carry- ing on the business of the said bank, and shall actually occupy for that purpose, and to such lands and tenements 'which are or may be bona fide mortgaged to them as securities for their debts.'" It is re- markable that with regard to the holding of lands, the charter of this bank is more restricted than that of any other bank in the state, for all the others are enabled to hold, not only the lands which have been bona fide mortgaged to them by way of security for debts, but also those "which may be conveyed to them in satisfaction of debts pre- viously contracted in the course of their business, or purchased at sales upon judgments which shall have been obtained for such debts." This difference of restriction must have arisen from the extreme jeal- ousy of monied corporations which pervaded the mind of the legisla- ture when the Bank of North America was incorporated. It never could have been intended to place that bank on a worse footing than others, for it was the only one which risked its capital on a field alto- gether untried in America, and which had the merit of rendering es- sential service to the United States during the war of the revolution. It would be improper, therefore, to carry the restriction, by construc- tion, farther than the words of the law plainly import. The restric- tion is, that the bank shall not purchase and hold. Purchasing and holding are very different things, and the consequences of each are very different. If the words had been that the bank should neither purchase nor hold, then it could have done neither one nor the other. But, although purchasing and holding might have been thought dangerous, because of the power which it would have given the bank to bring too much land into mortmain, yet to purchase, subject to the statutes of mortmain, which authorized the commonwealth to appro- priate the land to its own use, could be attended with no danger. 64 WIL. CASES. IOIO LEAZURE V. HILLEGAS. 289 This construction would satisfy the jealous policy of the legislature, preserve the community from the danger of too great a mass of real property held in mortmain, and at the same time put in the power of the commonwealth to act towards the bank as justice might seem to require. This is a consideration of no small importance ; for when the directors of the bank accepted from William Henry a conveyance of his land at a fair price in payment of a debt bonajide due, it would be hard to presume that they knew they were acting in violation of their charter. But granting that the restriction in the charter did not extend to the simple act of purchasing, it may be asked, whence did the corporation derive the right to purchase, and what would be the situation of land purchased without a capacity of holding? The an- swer is, that a corporation has, from its nature, a right to purchase lands, though the charter contains no license to that purpose. And in this respect the statutes of mortmain have not altered the law, ex- cept in case of superstitious uses. But since those statutes, it is nec- essary, in order to enable a corporation to retain lands which it has purchased, to have a license for that purpose; otherwise, in England, the next lord of the fee may enter within a year after the alienation, and if he do not, then the next immediate lord, from time to time, has half a year to enter, and for default of all the mesne lords, the king takes the land so aliened, forever. That this is the law ap- pears from the following authorities: 2 Black. Comm., 268, 269; Co. Lit., 2; 6 Vin. Ab., 265(0. pi. 2.) ; 6 Vin. Ab., 266, pi. 8; Jenk. Cent., 270; 3 Com. Dig., 399 (F. 10) ; 3 Com. Dig., 401 (F. 15); i Rol. Ab., 513; i, 35; 10 Co. 30. But in Pennsylvania, where there are no mesne lords, the right would accrue immediately to the commonwealth. It has been objected, however, that according to the report of the judges of this court, made on the i4th of December, 1808, in pursuance of an act of assembly requiring them to make a report of the English statutes which are in force in the common- wealth, etc., it appears that all conveyances of land to a corporation, without license, are absolutely void. I will consider this objection. The judges reported the following statutes of mortmain, "7 Ed. I. (Stat. 2); 13 Ed. I, ch. 32; 15 Rich. II, ch. 5, and 23 Hen. VIII, ch. 10; which are in part inapplicable to this country, and in part ap- plicable and in force. They are so far in force, that all conveyances by deed or will, of lands, tenements or hereditaments, made to a body corporate, are void unless sanctioned by charter or act of assembly. So, also, are all such conveyances void, made either to an individual or to any number of persons associated, but not incorporated, if the said conveyances are for uses or purposes of a superstitious nature, and not calculated to promote objects of charity or utility." I have quoted the words of the report, and it is evident that the judges could have no intent, nor had they power to make any addi- tion to the statutes, or in any manner to alter them. Now by reference to the statutes it will appear that in all of them except the 23 Hen. VIII, ch. 10, the conveyance is not absolutely void, but the estate passes to the corporation, subject, as before mentioned, to the right 289 POWER TO ACQUIRE REAL PROPERTY. IOII of the several mesne lords, and in their default, of the king, to enter and hold in fee. But by the statute of 23 Hen. VIII, ch. 10 (which has been determined to extend to superstitious uses only: see 2 Black Com., 273; i Co. Rep., 24), uses and trusts made and contrived in favor of religious persons, or any bodies corporate, for more than twenty years, shall be utterly void. Now the meaning of the report of the judges is, that, according to the statute cited by them, convey- ances to superstitious uses are absolutely void, and conveyances to corporations, to uses not superstitious, are so far void that those cor- porations shall have no capacity to hold the estates for their own ben- efit, but subject to the right of the commonwealth, who may appro- priate them to its own use at pleasure ; in other words, that such con- veyances have no validity for the purpose of enabling the corporation to hold in mortmain. But to support the plaintiff's title, it must be shown that the corporation had power, not only to take by purchase, but to aliene. In this respect I consider a corporation in the situation of an alien who has power to take but not to hold. That an alien may take by purchase (though not by descent), has been settled from the earliest times. It is so laid down in Co. Lit. 2, and I believe has never been questioned. Neither has it been questioned that the land is subject to forfeiture, and may be seized for the king after office found. But it has been questioned what is the right of the alien before office found for the king. Without reference to English cases, which leave the matter in doubt, we have the highest authority in our ow,n coun- try for saying that until some act done by the commonwealth accord- ing to its own laws, to vest the estate in itself, it remains in the alien, who may convey it to a purchaser, but he can convey no estate which is not defeasible by the commonwealth. This principle was asserted by Judge Story, who delivered the opinion of the supreme court of the United States in the case of Fairfax's Devisee v. Hunter's Lessee, 7 Cranch 603 ; and this was the opinion of the supreme court of Mas- sachusetts, in the case of Sheaffe v. O'Neil, i Mass. Rep. 256, cited by Judge Story. It is reasonable in theory, and can have no ill effect in practice, that he who has a defeasible estate may convey a defeasible estate. Provided the right of the commonwealth to defeat the estate granted by the alien remains entire, it is immaterial who holds the land until that right be prosecuted. Supposing, then, that the cases of the alien and the corporation be similar (and I see not how they can be dis- tinguished), it follows that the deed from the Bank of North Amer- ica to James Ross conveyed a fee-simple, defeasible by the common- wealth. * * * [Reversed on the ground that the deed was admitted without proof of the corporate seal.] Note. See note, 291.- 1012 CASE V. KELLY ET AL ; 290 Sec. 290. Same. CASE v. KELLY ET AL. ? 1890. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. 133 U. S. Rep. 21. [The Green Bay and Minnesota Railroad Company being in the hands of a receiver, namely, Timothy Case, in the circuit court of the United States, in a suit by the Farmers' Loan and Trust Company to foreclose a mortgage on said railroad, said receiver was directed by the court to take possession of all the property, real and personal, of said company, with authority to bring suits, in the name of the railroad company. Under this order, Mr. Case, as receiver, brought the present suit, stating that he sues in behalf of said railroad com- pany, and as receiver, the defendants Kelly, Ketchum, and Hiles, who were officers of the railroad company during its period of con- struction, and who as alleged had procured numerous donations of land from citizens who were interested in the construction of the road, along its line, intended to be for the use and benefit of the railroad company, and to assist it in such construction. The fundamental alle- gation of the bill is that these defendants, representing to the persons who made the donations that they were officers of the road, and solic- iting these grants for the benefit of the road, took the conveyances to themselves individually; that they did this in a fraudulent manner, by making the grantors in the conveyances believe that they, as officers of the company, could receive the conveyances for the benefit of the road, and that either the grantors did not really know to whom the conveyances were made, or were induced to believe that when made the grantees held the lands as a trust for the benefit of the road. These defendants not recognizing this trust, and the conveyances on their faces being merely conveyances to the individuals, Ketchum, Kelly, and Hiles, who now refuse to convey to the company, or to admit its right to the lands, this suit is brought to have a declaration of the trust made by the court, and a decree ordering conveyances by the defendants of the land to the corporation. It is further alleged that the mortgage in process of foreclosure in the court under which Case is acting as receiver covered all the lands of the corporation, and would cover these lands, if the title of the corporation in them was established. The defendants, Kelly, Ketchum, and Hiles, filed answers, in which they denied all fraud or deception, denied that they held the lands in trust for the railroad company, and denied the right of plaintiff to any relief. Replications were filed to the answers. The case was put at issue. The circuit court held that only such lands as were necessary and proper for the immediate use of the road could be recovered in this suit.] MILLER, J. * * * The principal question suggested by this appeal is whether the complainant, as representing the railroad com- 1 Statement abridged, only part of opinion given. 2QO POWER TO ACQUIRE REAL PROPERTY. IO13 pany, can maintain a suit for these lands; that is to say, whether the company was endowed by the legislature of Wisconsin with a capac- ity to receive an indefinite quantity of lands, with no limitation upon their use, or upon their sale, or whether they were limited to the lands necessary to such uses as were appropriate to the operations of a rail- road. It is not pretended that there is any general statute of the state of Wisconsin which authorizes either this company or any other cor- poration to purchase and hold lands indefinitely, as an individual could do, without regard to the uses to be made of such real estate. The charter of the company, approved April 12, 1866 (chapter 540), authorizes it to acquire real estate, namely, the fee-simple in lands, tenements, and easements, for their legitimate use for railroad pur- poses. It is thus authorized to take lands 100 feet in width for right of way, and also such as is needed for depot buildings, stopping- stages, station-houses, freight-houses, warehouses, engine-houses, ma- chine-shops, factories, and for purposes connected with the use and management of the railroad. This enumeration of the purposes for which the corporation could acquire title to real estate must neces- sarily be held exclusive of all other purposes, and, as the court said at the time of making its interlocutory decree, "it was not authorized by its charter to take lands for speculative or farming purposes." It must be held, therefore, that there was no authority, under the laws of Wisconsin, for this corporation to receive an indefinite quantity of lands, whether by purchase or gift, to be converted into money or held for any other purpose than those^ mentioned in its act of incorpo- ration. To this view of the subject, counsel urges several objections. The first of these which we will notice is that the charter of the corporation is a private act, of which the court can not take judicial notice, and that, as it was not pleaded nor offered in evidence, nor otherwise brought to the attention of the court, it could not be the foundation of its judgment. To this there are two sufficient answers. The first of which is that, if the statute creating this corporation gave it no power to receive and hold lands in the manner we have mentioned, then it had no such power by virtue of any law of the state of Wisconsin; for a corporation, in order to be entitled to buy and sell, to receive and hold, the title to real estate, must have some statutory authority of the state in which such lands lie to enable it to do so, and the ab- sence of such provision in the law of its incorporation does not create any general statute which authorizes any such right. Another answer is that in the charter of the railroad company itself (Laws Wis. 1866, ch. 540, 14) it is expressby enacted that "this act is hereby declared to be a public act, and shall take effect, and be in force, from and after its passage and publication." To this it is replied by counsel for appellant that the statute of Wisconsin can not make that a public law which, in its essential nature, is a private law. However this may be, we do not doubt the authority of the legislature of a state to enact that after the passage and publication of one of its statutes the courts of the state shall be bound to take judicial notice IOI4 COMMONWEALTH V. N. Y., ETC., R. CO. ET AL. 29 I of it, without its being pleaded or proven before them. This rule, thus prescribed for the government of the courts of the states, must be binding in proceedings in federal courts in the same state. * * * It is next objected to the principle adopted by the court that the limitation upon the power of the corporation to receive land is one which concerns the state alone, and the title to such lands in a corpo- ration can only be defeated by a proceeding, in the nature of a qrio warranto, on behalf of the state. The case of Bank v. Matthews, 98 U. S. 621, is strenuously relied on to support this view. We need not stop here to inquire whether this company can hold title to lands, which it is impliedly forbidden to do by its charter, because the case before us is not one in which the title to the lands in question has ever been vested in the railroad company, or attempted to be so vested. The railroad company is plaintiff in this action, and is seeking to ob- tain the title to such lands. It has no authority by the statute to receive such title, and to own such lands; and the question here is. not whether the courts would deprive it of such lands, if they had been conveyed to it, but whether they will aid it to violate the law, and obtain a title which it has no power to hold. We think the questions are very dif- ferent ones, and that, while a court might hesitate to declare the title to lands received already, and in the possession and ownership of the company, void, on the principle that they had no authority to take such lands, it is very clear that it will not make itself the active agent, in behalf of the company, in violating the law, and enabling the com- pany to do that which the law forbids. * * * We are urged to consider that if this decree is affirmed, dismissing the bill of the railroad company, the defendants will be left in the possession of property fraudulently acquired, of considerable value, for which they gave no consideration. The answer to this is that such question can not be raised by the plaintiff in this case, because, having no right to take the property, it is not injured by a decree of the court which fails to grant such right. The other questions must be between the defendants in this case and those from whom they took deeds of conveyance, or such other parties, public or private, as may show that they have an interest in the controversy. The decree of the circuit court is affirmed. Note. See note, 291. Sec. 291. (c) Consequences of ultra vires purchase. COMMONWEALTH v. NEW YORK, ETC., RAILROAD CO. ET AL. 1 1890. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA. 132 Pa. St. Rep. 59161 1. PAXSON, C. J. This was an information in the nature of a quo warranto, filed by the attorney-general, the object of which was to 1 Statement abridged ; only that part of the opinion relating to the single point is given. 291 POWER TO ACQUIRE REAL PROPERTY. 101$ escheat to the commonwealth certain lands in Elk county, alleged to be held by or for the defendant railroad company. * * * It was alleged, in the first place, by the commonwealth that the railroad company had violated section 5, article xvii of the constitu- tion of this state. The said section is as follows: "No incorporated company doing the business of a common carrier shall directly or indirectly prosecute or engage in mining or manu- facturing articles for transportation over its works; nor shall such company, directly or indirectly, engage in any other business than that of common carriers, or hold or acquire lands, freehold or leasehold, directly or indirectly, except such as shall be necessary for carrying on its business; but any mining or manufacturing company may carry the products of its mines and manufactories on its railroad or canal, not exceeding fifty miles in length." It will be noticed that this clause in the constitution affixes no pen- alty for its violation. It is conceded that, for a violation of the or- ganic law, a Pennsylvania corporation, or a foreign corporation having or exercising corporate franchises within this commonwealth, would forfeit such franchises. This, however, would not involve an escheat or confiscation of its property. * * * [Holding also that under a statute prohibiting "the acquisition or holding by a corporation of any real estate, either directly or through a trustee or other device whatsoever," under penalty of escheat to the state, lands held by a mining company authorized to hold, were not subject to escheat because an unlicensed railroad company had pur- chased and owned the stock of the mining company.] Note. Acquisition of property by corporation : 1. Common law: "To enable it to answer the purposes of its creation every corporation aggregate has incidentally, at common law, a right to take, hold and transmit in succession, property, real and personal, to an unlimited extent or amount." Angell and Ames Corporations, 145; or "at common law corporations had the same capacity to take and hold lands as a private person prior to Magna Charta (1215). 1 Kyd Corp., 79, citing 19 Hen. VI, 44; see note 2, Elliott Corporations, 160. See also Littleton's Reports, 49, 112, 114; Coke's Littleton, 2a, 44a, 3006; 10 Coke's Reports, 306; Comyns' Digest, Franchise F., 11, 15, 16 and 17; First Parish in Sutton v. Cole, 3 Pick. (Mass.), 232, 239; 2 Kent's Comm., *281; 1 Kyd Corp., 76, 78,108, 115; Lathrop v. Commercial Bank, 8 Dana (Ky.) 114, 33 Am. Dec. 481. 2. Statutes of mortmain: "But a corporation, sole or aggregate, ecclesiastical or lay, can not purchase or take lands and tenements, without license to take in mortmain." Comyns' Digest, Franchises F., 17. These were 9 Hen. Ill, c. 36 (Magna Charta); 7 Ed. I, c. 13; ISEd.l.c. 32; 15 Rich. II, c. 5; 23 Hen. VIII, c. 10, and 9 Geo. II, c. 36. "By these, alienation to corporations with- out license in mortmain from the crown, and a license also from the lord, if any, from whom the land was held, was made a cause of forfeiture. * * Alienation in mortmain was not void, but voidable," and was good if the right of the crown or lord to re-enter was not exercised. The present law of England is contained in 51 and 52 Viet., c. 42, and 54 ami 55 Viet., c. 73, :md provides that "land shall not he assured to, or for the benefit of, or acquired by, or on behalf of, any corporation in mortmain otherwise than under the au- thority of a license from the crown, or of a statute for the time being in force ; and if any land is so assured the land shall be forfeited to the crown, who may enter and hold the land." 9 Eng. Encyc. of Law, pp. 1-2. But t!n>st> provisions do not apply to joint stock companies incorporated under the com- IOl6 COMMONWEALTH V. NEW YORK, ETC., R. CO. 2QI parries acts of 1862-1890, nor to the trades-union acts of 1861. 1 Chitty's Stat. Charities, p. 61, note (a). These statutes are not generally in force in the United States : 1839, Lath- rop v. Com. Bank, 8 Dana (Ky.) 114, 33 Am. Dec. 481; 1846, Rivanna Nav. Co. v. Dawson's, 3 Gratt. (Va.) 19,46 Am. Dec. 183; 1868, Page v. Heineberg, 40 Vt. 81, 94 Am. Dec. 378; 1886, Mallett v. Simpson, 94 N. C. 37, 55 Am. Rep. 594; 1896, Fayette Land Co. v. L. & N. R. Co., 93 Va. 274. But they are partially so in Pennsylvania, 1821, Leazure v. Hillegas, 7 S. & R. (Pa.) 313, 320. But many states have statutes forbidding religious and charitable corpora- tions from holding more than a certain amount of land. See 1 Stimson's Stat- ute Law, 403, 1446, 2618. 3. But in the absence of statutory provisions, it is now generally held that corporations have the right to purchase and hold such property , and such only, both in kind and amount, as is necessary or convenient to carry out their legitimate corporate purposes. Heal property: 1825, First Parish in Button v. Cole, 20 Mass. (3 Pick.) 232; 1842, Bank of 'Mich. v. Niles, Walk. (Mich.) 99; 1844, Bank of Mich. v. Niles, 1 Doug. (Mich.) 401; 1847, Chautauqua Co. Bank v. Risley, 4 Denio (N. Y.) 480; 1846, Rivanna Nav. Co. v. Dawson's, 3 Gratt. (Va.) 19, 46 Am. Dec. 183; 1852, State (C. & A. R., etc., Co.) v. Commrs., 23 N. J. L. 510, 57 Am. Dec. 409; 1855, New Jersey R. & T. Co. v. Newark, 25 N. J. L. 315; 1868, Occum. Co. v. A. & W., etc., Co., 34 Conn. 529; 1870, Pac. R. v. Seeley, 45 Mo. 212, 100 Am. Dec. 369; 1872, Thompson v. Waters, 25 Mich. 214, 12 Am. Rep. 243; 1873, Carroll v. City of E. St. Louis, 67 111. 568; 1885, Wilks v. Georgia P. R. Co., 79 Ala. 180; 1890, Case v. Kelly, 133 U. S. 21, supra, p. 1012; 1898, People v. Pullman Car Co., 175 111. 125, supra, p. 926; 1899, First M. E. Church v. Dixon, 178 111. 260. In most of the states there are statutory provisions to the effect that corpo- rations may own such real estate as shall be necessary, proper, convenient, or required. Others make no qualification, while still others say to any amount (Miss.), or as an individual (Iowa, Ky.). See 2 Stimson's Stat. Law, 8204. In Hayward v. Davidson, 41 Ind. 212 (1872), it is said : "With reference to their power to take and hold real estate, corporations may be classified as follows: "First. Those whose charters or laws of creation forbid that they should acquire and hold real estate. Such corporations can not take and hold real estate ; and a deed or devise to such corporation can pass no title. (But see infra, 4 (e}.) "Second. Those whose charters, or laws of creation, are silent as to whether they may or may not acquire and hold real estate. In such a case, if the ob- jects for which the corporation is formed can not be accomplished without acquiring and holding real estate, the power so to do will be implied. "Third. Those whose charters, or laws of creation, authorize them, in some cases, and for some purpose, to take and hold the title to real estate. "Fourth. Those whose charters, or laws of creation, confer upon them a gen- eral power to acquire and hold real estate. Corporations thus empowered may take and hold real estate, as freely, and fully, and perfectly as natural persons may take and hold. As to this point see, 1895, Market St. R. v. Hell- man, 109 Gal. 571." Personal property , see note 298, infra. 4. Who can complain of an ultra vires holding? fa) General rule, only the state can complain after the conveyance is executed: 1820, Silver Lake Bank v. North, 4 Johns. Ch. (N. Y.) 370; 1825, Banks v. Poitiaux, 3 Rand. (Va.) 136 ( purchaser from corporation) ; 1840, Runyan v. Coster, 14 Pet. (39 U. S.) 122 (ejectment by party tracing title through corporation) ; 1848, Bar- row v. Turnpike Co., 9 Humph. (28 Tenn.) 304 (vendor to corporation) ; 1853, Riley v. Rochester, 9 N. Y. 64 (trespass upon land held by corporation) ; 1860, Natoma, etc., Co.v. darken, 14 Oaf. 544 (suit for possession by corporation); 1860, Blunt v. Walker, 11 Wis. 334 (vendee of corp. gets good title) ; 1873, 29! POWER TO ACQUIRE REAL PROPERTY. IOI7 Wash v. Barton, 24 Ohio St. 28 (vendee of corp. gets good title) ; 1874, Hough v. Cook Co. L., etc., Co., 73 111. 23, 24 Am. Rep. 230 (grantor to corporation can not complain); 1878, National Bank v. Matthews, 98 U. S. 621; 1880, Bank v. AVhitney, 103 U. S. 99; 1881, Davis v. Old Colony R., 131 Mass. 258, 273; 1882, Jones v. Habersham, 107 U. S. 174; 1884, Alexander v. Tolleston Club, 110 111. 65; 1886, Mallett v. Simpson, 94 N. C. 37; 1889, Fritts v. Pal- mer, 132 U. S. 282 (vendee of corp. gets good title) ; 1889, Ragan v. McElroy, 98 Mo. 349 (grantor to corp. or his heirs can not complain); 1890, Long v. Georgia P. R. Co., 91 Ala. 519 (grantor to corporation can not complain); 1891, Holmes & G. Mfg. Co. v. H. & W. M. Co., 127 N. Y. 252; 1891, Gilbert v. Hole, 2 So. Dak. 164; 1892, Shelby v. Chicago, etc., R. Co., 143 111. 385 (grantor to corporation cannot complain); 1892, Willoughby v. Chicago J., etc., Co., 50 N. J. Eq. 656; 1893, Connecticut, etc., Ins. Co. v. Smith, 117 Mo. 261, 38 Am. St. Rep. 656; 1894, Hanson v. Little Sisters, etc., 79 Md. 434, 32 L. R. A. 293; 1897, Farwell Co. v. Wolf, 96 Wis. 10, 65 Am. St. Rep. 22, 37 L. R. A. 138; 1897, Henderson v. Virden Coal Co., 78 111. App. 437; 1897, In re Stickneys' Will, 85 Md. 79, 60 Am. St. Rep. 308, 35 L. R. A. 693; 1897, Wa- ter, etc., Co. v. Tenney, 24 Colo. 344; 1897, Cooney v. Booth, 169 111. 370; 1898, South & N. A. R. Co. v. Highland Ave., etc., Co.", 119 Ala. 105; 1898, State v. Elizabeth, 61 N. J. L. 411, 693; 39 Atl. Rep. 683, 906; 1898, Rogers v. Nash- ville, etc., R. Co., 91 Fed. Rep. 299 (stockholder can not complain after con- veyance executed) ; 1899, Ray v. Foster, Texas Civ. App. , 53 S. W. Rep. 54; 19_00, Chicago & A. R. Co. v. Keegan. 185 111. 70, 56 N. E. Rep. 1088. (6) But if the contract or conveyance is not completed, an interested party may object, in any suit by the corporation to perfect its title : 1870, Pacific R. Co.'v. Seeley, 45 Mo. 212", 100 Am. Dec. 369; 1874, United States Trust Co. v. Lee, 73 111. 142; 1875, Coleman v. San Rafael T. C., 49 Cal. 517; 1883, Thweatt v. Bank, 81 Ky. 1; 1890, Case v. Kelly, 133 U. S. 21, supra, p. 1012; 1890, Mitchell v. Cline, 84 Cal. 409; 1890, Houston Elec. Co. v. Simon, 20 Ore. 60, 10 L. R. A. 251; 1898, South & N. R. Co. v. Highland Ave., etc., 119 Ala. 105. The courts are in conflict as to whether a corporation can maintain eject- ment for lands which it is ultra vires for it to hold. That it may, see 1860, Natoma, etc., Co. v. Clarkin, 14 Cal. 544; 1874, Shewalter v. Pirner, 55 Mo. 218; 1886, Bone v. Del. & H. Canal Co., 18 W. N. C. (Pa.) 125, 5 Atl. Rep. 751; 1887, East N. L., etc., Church v. Froislie, 37 Minn. 447. That it can not, see: 1827, Quaker Soc. v. Dickenson, 1 Dev. L. (N. C.) 189; 1873, Carroll v. E. S. & L., 67 111. 668; 1879, Leasurev. Un. M. Co., 91 Pa. St. 491 ; 1882, St. Peters' Cath. C. v. German, 104 111. 440. But the purchaser from the corporation can not raise the question in a suit by the corporation vender for the specific performance by the purchaser: 1825, Banks v. Poitiaux, 3 Rand. (Va.) 136, 15 Am. D. 706; 1856, Old Colony R. Co. v. Evans, 6 Gray (Mass.) 25, 66 Am. Dec. 394. (c) A non-consenting shareholder who acts promptly may enjoin the con- summation of the unexecuted ultra vires transaction: i826, Gray v. Chaplin, 2 Russ. (3 En'g. Ch.) 126; 1850, Bagshaw v. Eastern, etc., Ry., 19 L. J. Ch. 410; 1860, Simpson v. Westminster, etc., Co., 8 H. L. Cas. 712; 1869, Cen- tral R. Co. v. Collins, 40 Ga. 582; 1871, Stewart v. Erie, etc., Co., 17 Minn. 372; 1877, Watson v. Harlem, etc., Co., 52 How. Pr. 348; 1882, Elkins v. Camden and A. R. Co., 36 N. J. Eq. 5; 1890, Carson v. Iowa City G. L. C., 80 Iowa 638; 1891, Shaw v. Campbell Tp. Co., 12 Ky. L. Rep. 7iS), 15 S. \V. Rep. 245; 1895, Byrne v. Schuyler, 65 Conn. 336, 28 L. R. A. 304; 1895, Pol- lock v. Farmers' L. & T. Co., 157 U. S. 429. Although it is sometimes said that if the ttUra vires transaction is com- pletely executed, the non-consenting shareholder can not complain (and especially if he fails to act promptly): 1879, Terry v. Eagle Lock Co., 47 Conn. 141, 161; 1892, Willoughby v. Chicago J., etc., Co., 50 N. J. Eq. 565; 1896, Jefferson Co. Sav. Bank v. Francis, 115 Ala. 317; 1898, Rogers v. Nash- ville, etc., R. Co., 91 Fed. Rep. 299 on 317; 1900, City of Spokane v. Amster- damsch (Wash.), 60 Pac. Rep. 141. Yet the better statement is that equity IOl8 COMMONWEALTH V. NEW YORK, ETC., R. CO. 2Q2 will relieve an injured stockholder who acts promptly, from the effects of an executed ultra vires transaction, even to the extent of setting it aside, if in the meantime no superior equity has intervened, nor the rights of innocent third parties attached: 18G2, March v. Eastern R. Co., 43 N. H. 515; 1874, Hough v. Cook Co. L. Co., 73 111. 23, 24 Am. R. 230; 1887, Chicago v. Cameron, 120 111. 447, 458; 1890, Ashton v. Dashaway Assn., 84 Cal. 6J ; 1899, Harding v. Glucose Co., 182 111. 551, 55 N. E. Rep/577. (d) Unless there is a statute making the conveyance void, and providing for an escheat to the state, or unless the mortmain statutes are in force, the state's complaint is limited to a forfeiture of the charter of the corporation, and not a forfeiture of the property obtained by the ultra vires transaction: 1825, The Banks v. Poitiaux, 3 Rand. (Va.) 136, 142, 15 Am. Dec. 706, 707; 1873, Walsh v. Barton, 24 Ohio St. 28, 42; 1875, Edwards v. Fairbanks, etc., 27 La. Ann. 449, 450; 1878, National Bank v. Matthews, 98 U. S. 621, on 629; 1880, Bank v. Whitney, 103 U. S. 99; 1888, In re McGraw, 111 N. Y. 66, 96; 1890, Comw. v. N. Y., etc., R., 132 Pa. St. 591, supra ; 1894, Lancaster v. A. I. Co., 140 N. Y. 576, 586; 1896, Fayette Land Co. v. Louisville, etc., Co., 93 Va. 274, 291, 24 S. E. Rep. 1016. It is often said, however (obiter dictum, we think), that the conveyance is "valid until assailed by the state in a direct proceeding for that purpose" (1886, Mallet v. Simpson, 94 N. C. 37; 1899, Burden v. Burden, 159 N. Y. 287, 304), or until office found (1821, Leazure v. Hillegas, 7 S. & R. 313; Runyan v. Coster, 14 Pet. (U. S.) 122, 131; 1887, Russell v. Texas, etc., R.Co.,68Tex. 646; 1890, Long v. Georgia Pac. R., 91 Ala. 519, 522), or the corporation may hold subject to the state's right of escheat (1887, Hickory F. O. Co. v. Buffalo, etc., Co., 32 Fed. Rep. 22). (e) A prohibited purchase is sometimes said to be void, and no title passes: 1844, Bank v. Niles, 1 Doug. (Mich.) 401 ; 1873, Carroll v. E., St. L., etc., Co., 67 111. 568; 1882, St. Peter's Roman Cath. Cong. v. Germain, 104 111.440; 1898, State v. Hudson Land Co. ,18 Wash. 664,52 Pac. 574; yet there seems to be no good reason why the rule above, that only the state could complain as for a forfeiture of the charter, should not apply: 1875, Edwards v. Fairbanks, 27 La. Ann. 449, 450; 1890, Carlowv. Aultman, 28 Neb. 672,44 N. W. Rep. 873; 1891, Fisk v. Patten, 7 Utah 399; 1892, St. Louis R. v. Terre H. R., 145 U. S. 393. See particularly upon this topic, article in 8 Harv. L. R. 15 (1894-5) by A. M. Alger, upon consequences of illegal or ultra vires acquisition of real estate by a corporation. Minnesota (2 G. S. 769, 770, 4ld\ Pennsylvania (after five years, G. L. 1894, 42-53, Escheats), Wisconsin (Stat. 1889, ch. 96, 2200), Illinois (after five years, R. S. 1895, ch. 32, 5, 5), Texas (R. S. 1895, art. 749d,e), North Car- olina (after thirty years, Code 1883, 690) and perhaps others, provide for for- feitures or escheats to the state, but Texas and Illinois provide for the sale of land so escheated, and payment of the proceeds to the shareholders. Michi- gan Const., Art. XV, 12, provides "No corporation shall hold any real estate, for a longer period than ten years, except such as shall be actually occupied by such corporation in the exercise of its franchise." Sec. 292. Same. (d) Estates that may be acquired. (i) Fee simple. See Wilson v. Leary, 120 N. C. 90, supra, P- 903. Note. See note, supra, p. 911. 1 . The common law rule was that land reverted to the grantor upon disso- lution of the corporation: 1848, Bingham v. Weiderwax, 1 N. Y. 509; 1875, Mercer Acad. v. Rusk, 8 W. Va. 373. See,' supra, p. 891. 293 POWER TO ACQUIRE REAL PROPERTY. 2 But at common law the corporation took a fee for purposes of aliena- tion, though only an estate for the life of the corporation for purposes of en- joyment: 1848, People v. Mauran, 5 Denio 389; 1852, Nicoll v. New York, etc., It. Co., 12 Barb. 460; and this was true, though the corporation had only a limited duration; 1854, Nicoll v. N. Y., etc., R. Co., 12 N. Y. 121. 3. Finally it has been settled that a business corporation, though of limited duration, takes a fee for enjoyment, or rather for disposition as a part of the assets at dissolution, without reverter: 1872, Heath v. Bannore, 50 N. Y. 302; 1888, People v. O'Brien, 111 N. Y. 1, 7 Am. St. Rep. 684, and note, infra, p. 1426; but the common law rule yet obtains as to mutual issurance and charitable or non-stock corporations. See, supra, 256, 257, and note. 4. A grant of a freehold without words of inheritance, perpetuity or suc- cession will pass a fee: 1836, Union Canal Co. v. Young, 1 Whart. iPa.) 410, 30 Am. Dec. 212; 1839, Trustees of Caledonia, etc., v. Burt, 11 Vt. 632; 1861, Cong. Soc. v. Stark, 34 Vt. 243; 1864, Erie R. Co. v. State, 31 N. J. L. 531, 86 Am. Dec. 226; 1867, Wilcox v. Wheeler, 47 N. H. 488; 1868, Page v. Heine- berg, 40 Vt. 81, 94 Am. Dec. 378; 1885, Asherille Div. v. Aston, 92 N. C.578. Sec. 293. Same. / (2) Estates in common and joint tenancy. DE WITT ET AL. v. THE CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO. 1 1852. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF CALIFORNIA. 2 California Re- ports 289-304. [Appeal from district court denying a motion to dissolve an in- junction restraining defendants from completing a contemplated pur- chase of certain land by the city of San Francisco and the county of San Francisco, for the use of both corporations.] WELLS, Justice. * * * The next objection advanced, and which is said to be fatal to the power claimed by the appellants, is, that the cor- poration of the county of San Francisco and the corporation of the city of San Francisco can not hold lands as joint tenants, or tenants in common. It is not pretended that these said corporations can hold as joint tenants. Joint tenancy is a technical feudal estate, founded, like the laws of primogeniture, on the principle of the aggregation of landed estates in the hands of a few, and opposed to their division among many persons. For the creation of a joint tenancy, four uni- ties are required, namely, unity of interest, unity of title, unity of time, unity of possession. I Cruise's Digest (by Greenleaf), 355, ii ; 2 Crabb's Real Prop., 2303. But the distinguishing incident is a right of survivorship, i Cruise, 359, 27; 2 Crabb's Real Prop., 2306. Two corporations can not hold as joint tenants, because two of the essential unities are wanting, namely, of the same capacity and title. i Cruise, 362, 39. Nor can they hold as joint tenants for another reason : Being each perpetual there can be no survivorship between them ; and this, as we have just seen, is the distinguishing incident of 1 Only that part of opinion of Wells, J., relating to estates in common and. joint tenancy is given. IO2O DE WITT ET AL V. THE CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO. 294 this estate. Nor can a corporation hold lands as joint tenant with a natural person, for there is no reciprocity of survivorship between them. Angell and Ames Corporations, 150; i Kyd Corp., 72. But a tenancy in common requires for its existence but one unity, 'namely, that of possession, i Cruise, 390, 252 Crabb's Real Prop., 627, 2316. If, therefore, a grant should be made to two persons, which in its terms should imply a joint tenancy, but such an estate could not vest, for the reason that some of the requisite unities were wanting, the result would be the creation of a tenancy in common. The rule of law is, that a grant shall not fail if there is a capacity to take under it, and if the higher estate can not vest, the next estate which is possible shall vest. This is an equitable rule which is made to apply to all grants and devises. The appellants in this case pro- pose to purchase the undivided one-half of the property known as the Jenny Lind and Parker House, and the land upon which the same stands, to be used as tenants in common with the city of San Fran- cisco. But it is said that two incorporations can not hold lands as tenants in common ; and the case of the New York and Sharon Canal Company v. The Fulton Bank, y Wendell 412, is cited in the opinion delivered by the district judge, and is the only authority produced to sustain this proposition. From an examination of the case, we think that it maintains the opposite doctrine. The eminent counsel on the part of the plaintiff, arguendo, asserted that two or more corporations may unite in the purchase of property real or personal ; they may take a deed of real estate for the estab- lishment of their houses of business. Insurance companies may own pilot boats in common, and canal companies may be tenants in common of locks, canal boats and other property subserving their mutual interest; i Kyd, 108; 2 Kent's Com., 315; and the counsel for the defendant said, "It is not denied that distinct corporations may own property in common," while Savage, the chief justice, in delivering the opinion of the court, said, "These two companies had certain moneys in the hands of their officer; they were both interested in those moneys, and probably in equal degree. Not being partners, they were tenants in common ; in that character they made the deposit of the money, and in that character I can see no objection to their sustaining an action for it; thus the court decides that they may be tenants in common in a chattel, but does not decide that they may be so in lands, that ques- tion not being before the court," and yet this case is cited to maintain the doctrine that two corporations can not hold real estate as tenants in common. The books and cases do not afford any instance in which this right of holding lands as tenants in common, either with each other or. with natural persons, is denied to corporations. Not one of the reasons which work a want of capacity to hold as joint tenants would prevent their holding as tenants in common, for this estate requires but one unity, that of possession. So far from corporations not being able to hold lands in common, the original condition at common law of the largest class of corpora- 294 POWER TO ACQUIRE REAL PROPERTY. IO2I tions known to the law, was that of holding all their lands in common with each other; and they were never separated until the original position produced inconveniences, i Kyd Corporations, 108. * * * Order denying motion reversed. Note. See to same effect, as to joint tenancy : 1851, Telfair v. Howe, 3 Rich. Eq. (S. C.) 235, 55 Am. D. 637. Also to same effect, as to tenancy in common : 1883, Estell v. University of the South, 80 Tenn. (12 Lea) 476; 1885, Hackett v. Multnomah R. Co., 12 Ore. 124, 53 Am. Rep. 327; 1894, Calvert v. Idaho Stage Co., 25 Ore. 412; 1895, Bates v. Coronado Beach Co., 109 Cal.'l60. Sec. 294. (B) By devise. (a) History and general doctrines. McCARTEE v. ORPHAN ASYLUM SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. 1 1827. IN THE COURT FOR THE CORRECTION OF ^RRORS OF NEW YORK. 9 Cowen (N. Y.) Rep. 437-525, 18 Am. Dec. 516. [J. , being seized of real estate, devised that if, at his death, he should have a child living, the rents and profits should be received by his executors, and applied for the support, etc., of the child, the surplus to be invested in stock to accumulate and be paid over to the child at twenty-one, or marriage. He gave all the residue of his real and personal estate, after payment of all legacies and other bequests, to a corporate company (the Orphan Asylum Society in the city of New York), the bequest to take effect immediately after debts and lega- cies paid, if he should leave no child; or, if he should leave a child, then, upon the child's death, inter-marriage or attaining twenty-one. The will then gave to his executors all his real estate, subject to the trusts aforesaid, and declared his will to be that when such child should attain twenty-one, or marry, his real estate should be sold by his executors, and one-half of the proceeds paid to the child, if it should attain twenty-one, or marry. The testator died, seized, and a posthumous child was born to him, which died before twenty-one, and unmarried. The chancellor, JONES, upheld the devise to the orphan asylum, and appeal was taken.] STEBBINS, SENATOR, dissenting. * * * The questions presented by the case, as I view it, are first, whether the testator (Phillip Jacobs) devised the real estate in question to the corporation directly, or to his executors, subject to the trusts mentioned in the will ; second, whether the devise to trustees for the use of the respondents, is a valid devise, under which they can take as cestuis qifeuse', and third, whether the use is executed by the statute of uses, and if so, the effect. [After holding contrary to the majority opinion that the devise was 1 Statement abridged ; Chancellor Jones' and Senators Woodworth's and Crary's opinions omitted, and only part of Senator Stebbins's opinion given. 1022 M'CARTEE v. ORPHAN ASYLUM SOCIETY. 294 not to the corporation directly, but to the executors in trust a ques- tion of construction, proceeds:] The next and more important question is, whether the corporation can take the use under this will, notwithstanding the provisions of our statute of wills. This statute enacts that any person having any estate of inheritance in any lands, tenements or hereditaments, may give or devise the same, or any rent or profit out of the same, to any person or persons (except bodies politic and corporate") by his last will and testament, or by any other act by him lawfully executed ; and it is contended that if a devise to a corporation directly would be void, a devise of the use is also void. Although in England, under the Saxons, lands were devisable by will at common law, yet at the conquest, and upon the introduc- tion of the feudal system, the common law underwent a complete change in this respect; and an estate in fee-simple in lands was no longer devisable. It became inconsistent with the nature of that sys- tem, that a tenant should have an unlimited power to devise his lands; for the reason that he might devise to persons incapable of perform- ing feudal services. The power of alienation by devise (except of a chattel interest) is in England, then, to be traced to the statutes of wills of the 32 Hen. VIII, ch. i, and 34 Hen. VIII, ch. 5. Our statute of wills is a transcript of these, with the additional enumeration of rents and profits. It is contended that the terms rents and profits, mentioned in the statute, are intended to describe a use, and that, as the lands can not, so the use also can not, be devised to a corporation under this statute. I apprehend, however, there is a material difference between rents and profits, and that which has long been known under the denomina- tion of a use. Rents and profits are incorporeal hereditaments ; but a use is not. A use is said to be neither jus in re nor ad rem, neither right, title nor interest in law, but a species of property unknown to the com- mon law, and owing its existence to the equitable jurisdiction of chancery, resting upon confidence in the person and privity of estate, a thing collateral to the land, and only annexed to a particular estate in it, not to the mere possession ; so that when the estate to which the use is annexed is destroyed, the use itself is destroyed, as by dis- seisin, or the entry of tenant by the curtesy or in dower. It was rather a hold upon the conscience of the feoffee to uses, than a lien upon, or interest in, the land; and the principle upon which it was founded was that the feoffee was bound in conscience to follow the direction of the fepffor. (See Cruis. Dig., tit. n, ch. 2.) A thing so subtle, and cognizable only in courts of equity, which act upon the conscience, differs essentially from an incorporeal hereditament, which is of legal cognizance. Indeed, incorporeal hereditaments, such as rents, advowsons, etc., were the subject of conveyance to uses. If, then, a use is not comprehended in the terms of the statute the 294 POWER TO ACQUIRE REAL PROPERTY. IO23 argument rests upon the ground that if a devise of land to the cor- poration would have been invalid, the devise of the use is equally so. It might perhaps be conceded that if corporations were prohibited by statute from taking the fee by devise (which, by the by, is not the case), the law would not allow them to take the use. But the his- tory of the English law furnishes at least a plausible argument against such a proposition. Corporations were prohibited by several statutes of mortmain from holding lands; yet it was deemed necessary to enact the statute of 15 Rich. II, ch. 5, declaring uses subject to the statutes of mortmain. (Chudleigh's Case, I Rep. 120.) But the statute of wills is an enabling statute, and not prohibitory. Before this statute individuals had no capacity to devise lands; but this enabled them to do so, except to corporations. In conferring the capacity to devise the legislature withheld the capacity to devise to a corporation, and for what reason ? Before the statute of wills, corporations were prohibited by the mortmain acts from taking or holding lands, or uses arising from them. The exception, therefore, in the statute of wills, could not have been introduced for the purpose of prohibiting corporations from taking by devise, for they were already prohibited from taking in any mode ; but was to guard against enabling them to take by devise. Without the exception in the statute of wills in England they would have been enabled to take by devise, when the mortmain acts would have pro- hibited their taking in any other way. The history of the statute, I think, fortifies this view of it. In the first statute of wills (32 Hen. VIII, ch. i) corporations were not excepted, and were, therefore, enabled to take by devise in common with other persons, contrary to the policy of the statutes of mortmain ; but two years afterwards the parliament, finding the mortmain acts so far re- pealed by the statute of wills, passed a new statute (34 Hen. VIII, ch, 5), not prohibiting corporations in terms from taking under the stat- ute of wills, but entitled, "an act for the explanation of the statute of wills," in which they re-enact the provisions of the first statute of wills, and introduce the exception as to corporations ; not, therefore, expressly prohibiting corporations from taking, but qualifying the ca- pacity to devise. The intention seems to have been to rely upon the mortmain laws, to keep property from corporations and to qualify the statute of wills so as not to interfere with those prohibitory acts. The distinction is a wide one between an incapacity to devise and a prohibition against taking; for, although there may be an incapac- ity to devise directly to a corporation, yet such incapacity will not pre- vent the corporation from taking by grant from the devisee in trust, if there is no prohibition against their taking. So, too, there may be an in- capacity to devise lands to a corporation, and yet the corporation may take a use. But in either case, if prohibited from taking, the law would not probably allow that to be indirectly done which was directly prohibited. If, then, there is no other reason arising from the statute of wills IO24 M'CARTEE v. ORPHAN ASYLUM SOCIETY. 294 why corporations may not take land by devise, except the want of capacity in the devisor to convey, there would seem to be no objec- tion in this case against the corporation's taking as cestui que use ; for a devisor has capacity to devise a use ; and this corporation is not pro- hibited from taking and holding either land itself or a use. All the English mortmain acts, including the I5th Rich. 2, are repealed by our statutes. And if corporations can not take by devise, merely for want of capacity to take in that particular way, the cases of a conveyance from a wife to her husband through the intervention of a trustee, and of a tenant in tail to a purchaser by means of a common recovery, seem to be conclusive to show that an indirect mode of conveyance is no fraud upon the law when resorted to only to remedy a want of capacity to convey directly. If it is shown that the exception in the statute of wills is to be re- garded not as a prohibition against the taking of lands by a corpora- tion, but as a qualification of the capacity to devise, created by that statute, the opinion pronounced in the court of chanceiy in this cause contains another view of the subject which appears to my mind per- fectly conclusive. It is, that before the statute of wills, when persons were not capacitated to take lands by devise, they might nevertheless take the use in that way ; and, therefore, that since the statute of wills, although corporations can not take lands by devise, yet they may take the use, there being no prohibition. Corporations, since the statute of wills, stand in the same situation as to taking lands by devise as all natural persons stood in before that statute. If, therefore, a use was devisable before the statute, a corporation may take a use by devise since the statute, especially if it be such as is not executed by the statute of uses. It is said by Cruise that uses were devisable, though lands were not ; and persons, by that means, acquired a disposition of property for the benefit of their families, which they had not otherwise. They were the invention of ecclesiastics to evade the statutes of mortmain. And after the i5th Rich. 2, ch. 5, which subjected them to the statutes of mortmain, the practice of conveying to uses was continued as the most effectual mode of evading the hardships of the feudal tenures, and of securing estates from forfeiture for treason. They became general, and were applied to purposes inconsistent with the policy of the government. * * * Finally, by the statute of uses, 27 Hen. 8, ch. 10, after reciting all these mischiefs, the legislature declared that possession shall be an- nexed to the use. The object of the crown was to reassert its rights of wardship and other feudal profits out of the lands of the nobility ; and the intention of parliament was to abolish uses bv changing them into legal estates, and subjecting them to the rules of common law tenures. * * * Before the statute of uses we have seen they were devisable to natural persons, although there was then no statute of wills nor any common law capacity to devise. The operation of the statute upon 294 POWER TO ACQUIRE REAL PROPERTY. IO25 uses is said to have been by turning the use into land, to render it not devisable in the same manner as the land itself. (2 Black. Com., 375-) * * * But all the reasoning arising from the statute of uses is answered, if the use in this case is such as could not be executed by that statute ; for clearly, in such case, it could have no operation to destroy the capacity to devise. The question then arises, whether the use in this case is within the statute ; and the examination of it necessarily casts us back upon the will, to seek for the intention of the testator. He devises the estate to trustees, in trust for the Orphan Asylum Society, to be applied to the charitable purposes for which the association was established. His object was not to benefit the society; but through it, to apply the estate to the charitable purposes for which the society was organized. The society itself is a trustee; and has a trust to perform, which a court of equity would undoubtedly enforce. It is a devise to trustees for the use of the society, as trustees for certain charitable pur- poses. * * * If it is granted, then, that the corporation itself had a trust to exe- cute under this will, it is a case not within the statute of uses ; for that statute can only execute the first use, which, in this case, would vest the estate in the corporation, unincumbered by any trust for charitable purposes, .and contrary to the plain intention of the testator. A trust is a use not executed by the statute ; and the author of the Touchstone remarks (p. 507, n. i) that "one of the modes of creating a trust is said to be where lands are limited to the use of A. in trust to permit B. to receive the rents and profits ; for the statute can only execute the first use." The conclusions which follow my view of the case are, that the devise of the real estate in question was not to the corporation directly, but to the executors for the use of the corporation upon the con- tingency which has happened, to be appropriated to certain charitable purposes : That under the statute of wills there is a mere incapacity in cor- porations to take lands by devise, and not a prohibition against their taking: That a use was devisable at common law before the statute of wills ; and therefore that this corporation may take a use by devise, not being prohibited by statute from taking either a use or the land itself : That the use in this case is not such as could be executed by the statute of uses ; or if it is, that the operation of the statute would not invalidate the devise, but vest the estate in the corporation. If these propositions are established, it follows that the respondents are entitled to the estate in question, and that the decree of the court of chancery is, at least, substantially correct. * * * Reversed. Note. See following cases. 66 WIL. CASES. 1026 WHITE V. HOWARD. 2Q5 Sec. 295. Same. (6) Restrictions in charters and restrictions in statutes of wills. WHITE v. HOWARD. 1 1871. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ERRORS OF CONNECTICUT. 38 Conn. Rep. 342368. [Bill in equity by the executors of William Bostwick, praying for advice in the construction of the will. Bostwick devised certain prop- erty to trustees in fee-simple for the benefit of his daughter during life, and in case of her decease without issue or husband surviving her, the trust fund was to be divided equally among six benevolent societies, one of which was the American Tract Society, incorporated in New York, with power to hold, purchase and convey real and per- sonal property, provided its net income therefrom should not exceed $10,000 annually. The New York statute of wills provided that "no devise to a corporation shall be valid unless such corporation be expressly authorized by its charter, or by statute, to take by devise." It was contended by the heirs at law that this prevented the society from taking a devise of land in Connecticut, and that the residuary clause failed to this extent. Case was reserved by the superior court for advice on facts found by a committee.] FOSTER, J. * * * It is asserted that the American Tract Society can take neither real nor personal property under this will. That it can not take real, because its charter of incorporation, granted by the state of New York, does not confer the power of tak- ing by devise ; that it can not take personal, because the charter pro- vides that the net income of said society arising from real and personal estate shall not exceed the sum of $10,000 annually. This limit, it is claimed, has been reached and exceeded, and so the capacity of the society to take property is exhausted. This society was incorporated 'by a special act of the legislature of the state of New York, passed May 26, 1841. The third section of its charter provides that the cor- poration shall possess the general powers, and be subject to the pro- visions contained in title third of chapter eighteen of the first part of the revised statutes, so far as the same are applicable, and have not been repealed. The title and chapter referred to enumerate the pow- ers of corporations, and the clause which bears directly upon this sub- ject reads thus: "To hold, purchase and convey such real and per- sonal estate as the purposes of the corporation shall require, not ex- ceeding the amount limited in its charter." This charter was amended by the legislature of New York on the 3ist of March, 1866; but as this was after the death both of the testator and of his daughter, that amendment need not be particularly considered, as it can not materi- ally affect the question involved. Now it is manifest that this corpo- ration has express power by its charter to hold, purchase and convey 1 Statement abridged. Arguments and part of opinion omitted. 295 POWER TO ACQUIRE REAL PROPERTY. IO2/ real and personal estate, for specified purposes and to a limited amount. There is no express power to take by devise, nor is the power so to take expressly prohibited. We suppose there could be no doubt that this corporation could take by devise in New York, if the statute of wills of that state em- powered corporations generally to take in that manner. The English statute of wills, passed in the time of Henry VIII, authorized every person having a sole estate in fee-simple of any manors, etc., "to give, dispose, will or devise, to any person or persons, except to bod- ies politic and corporate, by his last will and testament in writing, or otherwise by any acts lawfully executed in his lifetime, all his manors, etc., at his own will and pleasure, any law, statute, custom, or other thing theretofore had, made, or used to the contrary notwithstanding." Thus corporations, by express exception in these statutes, were not enabled to take lands directly by devise in England, and the statute of wills of the state of New York makes the same exception. By that statute it is enacted, that all persons, except idiots, persons of unsound mind, married women, and infants, may devise their real estate by a last will and testament duly executed, etc. "Such devise may be made to every person capable by law of holding real estate ; but no devise to a corporation shall be valid, unless such corporation be expressly authorized by its charter, or by statute, to take by devise." 3 N. Y. Rev. Stat., 138 (5th ed.). This corporation, therefore, prior to the recent amendment of its charter, could not take by de- vise in New York, and such is the decision of their supreme court and court of appeals in this very case. And so it is earnestly contended that it can not take by devise in Connecticut. We yield readily to the doctrine laid down in this connection in regard to corporations; indeed it is too thoroughly established to be doubted or questioned. That doctrine perhaps is nowhere better stated than in the case of Head v. Providence Ins. Co., 2 Cranch 127, by the then illustrious head of the supreme court of the United States, the late Chief Justice Marshall. "It [a corporation] may correctly be said to be precisely what the incorporating act has made it ; to derive all its powers from that act, and to be capable of exerting its faculties only in the manner which that act authorizes." Now this corporation stands at the bar of this court claiming the right to take lands within our territory by devise. It is clothed with such powers as have been conferred by its charter. Those, a portion of them, as we have seen, are to hold, purchase, and convey real estate. It is not expressly authorized to take by devise, nor is it prohibited from so taking. Can it then take by devise? Not in New York, as we have seen. Therefore not in Connecticut, say the counsel for the heirs at law, for being a New York corporation, and by the law of that state devoid of power to take by devise, no argument is needed to show its inability to take by devise in Connecticut. This conclusion is too hastily drawn. If the inability to take by devise arose out of a prohibitory clause in the charter, the conclusion would be legal and logical. But the inability does not so arise. IO28 WHITE V. HOWARD. 295 There is no prohibition in the charter ; the inability is created by the New York statute of wills, expressly excepting corporations from taking by devise. Now this corporation brings with it from New York its charter, but it does not bring with it the New York statute of wills and can not bring it to be recognized as law within this jurisdiction. There is an obvious distinction between an incapacity to take created by the statute of a state, which is local, and a pro- hibitory clause in the charter, which everywhere cleaves to the cor- poration. The reasoning is fallacious, not recognizing this distinc- tion. There being no prohibition in the charter, and the power to hold and convey real estate being expressly given, we must look to our own statutes and laws, and not to those of New York, to deter- mine whether or not this corporation can take by devise in Connec- ticut. The state of New York has partially adopted the policy of Eng- land in regard to devises to corporations, though the English statutes, usually called the statutes of mortmain, have not been re-enacted in that state. Those statutes began with Magna Charta, in 9 Henry III, and embrace a succession of acts down to and including 9 George II. They were intended to check the ecclesiastics of the Roman church from absorbing in perpetuity, in dead clutch, all the lands of the kingdom, and so withdrawing them from public and feudal charges. Shelford Mortmain, 2. By the statute of 43 Eliz., ch. 4, known as the statute of charitable uses, lands may be de- vised to a corporation for a charitable use, and the court of chancery will support and enforce such devises. Whether a court of equity has power to execute and enforce such trusts, as charities, independent of any statute, is a question which has been much discussed, and very high authorities can be quoted both in favor and against the exercise of such a power. We think the latter and better opinion to be in favor of an original and neces- sary jurisdiction in courts of equity as to devises in trust for charita- ble purposes, when the general object is sufficiently certain and not contrary to any positive rule of law. It is unnecessary, however, to decide this question, for in this state we have no statutes of mortmain ; no exception in our statute of wills prohibiting corporations from tak- ing by devise ; aliens, resident in this state or in any of the United States, may purchase, hold, inherit, or transmit real estate in as full and ample a manner as native born citizens ; their wives are entitled to dower; their children and other lineal descendants may inherit; and we have besides a statute, passed in our colonial days in 1702, in effect re-enacting the statute of 43 Elizabeth, and containing indeed more liberal and comprehensive provisions to sustain devises of this description than are contained in the 43 Elizabeth. That act pro- vides that "all lands, tenements, or other estates that have been or shall be given or granted by the general assembly, or any town or particular person, for the maintenance of the ministry of the gospel, or of schools of learning, or for the relief of the poor, or for any other public and charitable use, shall forever remain to the uses to which ^ 296 POWER TO ACQUIRE REAL PROPERTY. IO2Q they have been or shall be given or granted, according to the true intent and meaning of the grantor, and to no other use whatever." We therefore entertain no doubt that the American Tract Society can take by devise in this state. As to the other objection, that hav- ing an income greater in amount than is allowed by its charter it has exhausted its power to take, it suffices to say that no such fact is found by the very competent committee whose report is on the record. * * * Superior court advised accordingly. Note. A. statute of wills operates only within the state enacting it, and upon land lying therein, and hence does not prevent devises to corporations having power to take, of land lying in foreign states: 1855, Thompson v. Swoope, 24 Pa. St. 474; 1864, American Bible Society v. Marshall, 15 Ohio St. 537; 1871, Chamberlain v. Chamberlain, 43 N. Y. 424; 1871, White v. Howard, 38 Conn. 342, supra; 1876, United States v. Fox, 94 U. S. 315; 1880, Crum v. Bliss, 47 Conn. 592. A charter provision, or a provision in the general corporation law (but not one in the general law of persons or property), limiting the corporation's right to take and hold property, cleaves to it every where, both at home and abroad, and makes a taking of such property in violation thereof ultra vires: 1859, Boyce v. St. Louis, 29 Barb. 650; 1871, White v. Howard, 38 Conn. 342, supra; 1874, Starkweather v Am. Bib. Soc., 72 111. 50. But a statute of wills may be so worded as to be considered a part of the general corporation law of the state, and therefore amount to a charter limitation: 1874, Starkweather v. Am. Bib. Soc., 72 111. 50, 22 Am. Rep. 133; 1874, U. S. Trust Co. v. Lee, 73 111. 142, 24 Am. Rep. 236. A state statute or policy clearly meant to exclude corporations from hold- ing real estate within the state would prevent a foreign corporation from so holding. 1893, In re Prime's Estate, 136 N. Y. 347, 362; 1897, Amherst Col- lege v. Rich, 151 N. Y. 282. So, too, a corporation with power to take land can not take land left to it by a foreign testator when the devise is not in accordance with the law where the land lies. 1871, White v. Howard, 46 N. Y. 144. The capacity to bequeath personal property generally depends upon the law of the domicile of the owner, rather than the law of the situs of the property, and with that modification, the rules above as to the corporation's right to take and hold a bequest would apply. Jarman Wills (6th ed.), p. 1, & seq. 1871, Chamberlain v. Chamberlain, 43 N. Y. 424; 1880, Crum v. Bliss, 47 Conn. 592; 1892, Cross v. U. S. Trust Co., 131 N. Y. 330, 27 Am. St. Rep. 597; 1893, Dammert v. Osborn, 140 N. Y. 30. Sec. 296. Same. (c) Who may object when limit is exceeded. FARRINGTON ET AL. v. PUTNAM ET AL. 1 1897. IN THE SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT OF MAINE. 90 Maine Rep. 405-447' 37 Atl. Rep. 652. [Bill in equity brought by the heirs at law of Ira P. Farrington against his executors and the Maine Eye and Ear Infirmary to enjoin the executors from paying over and the infirmary from receiving gifts 1 Statement abridged. Only part of opinion given. IO3O FARRINGTON ET AL. V. PUTNAM ET AL. 296 of real and personal property as residuary legatee. The bill alleged that the law under which the infirmary was incorporated provided : "Such corporations may take and hold, by purchase, gift, devise or bequest, personal or real estate, in all not exceeding $100,000, owned at any one time;" also that the infirmary had at the death of the tes- tator property to the .full amount of $100,000; that any additional amount would be in excess of the limit, violate the statutes, be invalid and void, and revert to the heirs. General demurrers were filed and sustained by the court below, and final decree rendered in favor of respondents ; exceptions were taken and appeal made to the supreme court.] PETERS, C. J. * * * The question on the first branch of the case, therefore, is whether these devises and bequests are absolutely void as the complainants contend, or whether they are merely voida- ble according to the view of the question taken by the respondents. After very much examination of the authorities pro and con, and careful consideration of the principles which affect the respective po- sitions of the parties, we feel forced to the conclusion that the position advocated by the complainants ought not to be sustained. We feel very much impressed with the theory, stated in many of the cases, that a charter is a contract between the state and the corporation ; and that for any misuse or abuse of its privileges or powers the corpora- tion is amenable to the state only, no individual having anything to do with the question. As applicable to the present case, the principle is that, if the infirmary, by accepting these bequests and devises, in- creases its property ever so much in excess of the amount in value which the statute allows it to possess, it would be a transgression of the law which the state can prosecute or not as it pleases, and the heirs of the testator have no interest therein. As long as the state does not interfere for the violation, it waives it and permits the in- firmary to retain the property. The general statute under which this infirmary was organized is not expressly prohibitory, but rather regulative and directory. No pen- alties are attached and none intended more than a possible forfeiture of the excessive property received, or of the charter, or of one or both. This interpretation of the statute can not by any possibility be harm- ful to the community, as the state can make it as stringent as it pleases at any time. But thus far the state has had no motive either to amend the statute or to enforce forfeitures for violation of its provisions. * * It will be noticed that most of the authorities, on which the com- plainants rely, concede that the rule which we would apply to devises is at all events applicable to gifts by deed, the argument being that in such a case as this a deed would be valid and a devise void. It seems inconsistent that such potential consequences should attach to the mere form of transmitting the property. We do not appreciate the justice of saying that a deed of property delivered by a donor on the day of his death to a corporation would be good, and a devise of the same property made on the same day would be bad. But the ar- gument by the complainants is that, in the one case, the transaction is 296 POWER TO ACQUIRE REAL PROPERTY. 103 1 executed and, in the other case, that it can not be considered as exe- cuted without a resort to the forms and assistance of the courts. We think the whole thing involves a distinction without a difference, a formal but not substantial distinction. Each mode of transfer needs the protection and aid of the law to render it operative. In the first place, the will must be probated, it is said. But on that question no inquiry can be instituted to see if there be any impropriety in any par- ticular devise or bequest. The residuary bequest in this will is fair and proper on its face, and that is all that is required. The act of probating the will is the probating of all its parts. A devise of real estate vests such estate at once in the devisee, the title of such devisee being liable to be defeated if the estate be necessaiy for the payment of debts or the expenses of administration. * * * , The foregoing reasoning only serves to illustrate the unsubstantial foundation upon which it is endeavored to raise a technical excuse for pronouncing a deed voidable and a devise absolutely void. The true and conclusive answer, however, to this indefensible posi- tion of the complainants is, that it is utter assumption on their part in declaring a devise like this to be void when it is voidable merely, and can be rendered void in no way other than by the act of the govern- ment itself. No wrongful act by a corporation renders its charter void or creates any forfeiture without proceeding by which such for- feiture shall be established. A cause for forfeiture is not itself for- feiture. The same section which prescribes- the amount of property which this corporation may hold, also declares that it may use and dispose of the same for the purposes for which it was organized. Suppose the corporation wrongfully uses or disposes of its property, could any party but the state intervene to punish the corporation for such transgression ? Now what is there illegal, let us ask, in this court or in the probate court below acting in the furtherance of bequests that are simply void- able and consequently valid until they have been declared to be other- wise upon the intervention of the state ? If the state has the exclusive privilege, as it has, of rendering the voidable bequest void, what is there wrongful in our regarding it as sound and sufficient while the question of its validity is not acted upon by the state, or the error is waived or permitted by the state? What right has the judicial branch of the government to dictate what the state should do against its will or its policy, and decide a question for the state which the state can better decide for itself? What right has the court to deprive the state of all opportunity to determine whether it will thus severely punish this corporation for the mistake of the testator or will waive or over- look it? Certainly the state should not be prevented from making such election. If courts at the instigation of heirs can refuse to act upon voidable bequests as valid until avoided by the state, then, as a matter of course, the state can practically never have any opportunity to exercise its discretion in such a case any more than as if such right never existed, and the court would be assuming the prerogative of really acting in opposition to the state. The court could not exercise 1032 FARRINGTON ET AL. V. PUTNAM ET AL. 296 any broad discretion in the solution of the question, while the state could. It certainly is an excellent policy to refer such questions to the discretionary power of the state, which can determine them, ac- cording to the circumstance, upon the great principles of justice and generosity, and in conformity with the wishes and welfare of the whole community. * * * There is but little authority, either English or American, favoring the conclusion that bequests or devises not strictly authorized by law are to be considered void instead of voidable. This will be seen in the examination of cases in this country to be made in the progress of this discussion. But it may also be worth the while to notice what application has been made of the principle by the English courts in view of the statutes of mortmain as existing in that country. In Grant on Corporation's, a reputable English work on the subject, at page 101, the author states the doctrine as follows: "It is clear, however, that if a corporation have exhausted their license to hold in mortmain, the fact does not make a devise or con- veyance to them void. The only result is, that they may take, though, unless they can obtain an extension by the crown of their license, they can not hold the lands, unless the mesne lords and the crown choose to sleep upon their respective titles. " * * * The cases in this country, most of them which favor the principle that an estate in the condition this is goes to the heirs of a testator rather than to the devisee, seem to inculcate the idea that the heirs may waive their right so as to allow the estate to pass to the devisee. And we have not the slightest doubt that, but for the interference of the heirs in the present case by this bill in equity, no obstacle would have stood in the way of a complete administration of the testator's estate accord- ing to his clearly expressed intention. No court would have had the least hesitation in following the ordinary course of procedure, or would have entertained the thought suo moto, of instituting inquiry to see whether the bequests in question were valid or not. But why should a bequest, invalid when not consented to by the heirs, become unobjectionable when such consent is obtained ? If illegal as coming from the testator, why not just as illegal when coming from the testa- tor and his heirs ? Such considerations as these go to show how illogical and untenable a position it is to denominate the devises and bequests in the present will absolutely void. * * * [After citing and reviewing numerous authorities upon both sides, and particularly Trustees of Davidson College v. Chamber's Execu- tors, 3 Jones Eq. (N. C.) 253; Heirs v. Louisville Orphan's Home, 3 Bush (Ky.) 365; Chamberlain v. Chamberlain, 43 N. Y. 424; Matter of McGraw, in N. Y. 66; Wood v. Hammond, 16 R. I. 98; and De Camp v. Dobbins, 31 N. J. Eq. 671, specially relied upon by counsel for plaintiff, proceeds:] Upon closing his discussion of the direct cases cited on his opening brief, the learned counsel for the complainants says: "But if the decisions of New York are claimed to rest upon the provisions of special New York statutes, what has the counsel to say as to all the 296 POWER TO ACQUIRE REAL PROPERTY. IO33 other cases cited by the plaintiffs from North Carolina, from Ken- tucky, from New Jersey and from Rhode Island?" We have sub- stantially, according to our view, answered the question ourselves by saying that the force of the opinion of the two judges in the North Carolina case is much lessened by the able minority opinion of the chief justice in the case, and by the fact that the majority opinion yields the question as to devises of real estate ; that the Kentucky case is a better authority for the respondents than for the complain- ants; that it is not sure that the complainants have any support in the New Jersey case outside of that contributed by the chief justice in his opinion ; and that the Rhode Island case evidently follows the decis- ions in New York. How little authority then have the complainants to rely on outside of the McGraw case in New York? We have no reason to doubt the correctness of the result of the decision in that case as based upon exceptional statutes in that state not existing else- where. * * * From the foregoing propositions it is clearly deducible that bequests like the present are voidable only, and may be avoided by the state alone, and are in no sense to be regarded as void; that a policy arose as to what better be done in the circumstances of each particular case, and that that policy belongs to the state and not to the court and is an executive and not a judicial right, for the court would decide the question in the case for all cases and all time, while the state may decide the question differently at different times according to its dis- cretion and the public good. This right the state has never surren- dered and the court can not take it from the state. But it would surely deprive the state of its privilege if the court fails to act upon these bequests as valid bequests until, in proper and independent pro- ceedings, such bequests are declared to be void. This conclusion renders it unnecessary and inexpedient to discuss the further contention of the respondents that the bequests are valid in equity if not at law, upon the maxim that no legal trust of a char- itable nature shall fail for want of a competent trustee, and that if this corporation can not act some other party may be appointed by the court that can. Exceptions overruled. Appeal dismissed, and decree below affirmed. Note. Accord: 1844,Vidal v. Girard's Executors, 2 How. (43 U. S.) 127 ; 1846, Wade v. Am., etc., Soc., 7 Sm. & M. (Miss.) 663, 45 Am. Dec. 324; 1847, Bo- gardus v. Trinity Church, 4 Sandf. Ch. (N. Y.) 633, 758; 1860, Chambers v. St. Louis, 29 Mo. 543; 1870, Smith v. Sheeley, 12 AVall. 358, 361 ; 1871, Rainey v. Laing, 58 Barb. (N. Y.) 453; 1872, Hayward v. Davidson, 41 Ind. 212; 1878, De Camp v. Dobbins, 29 N. J. Eq. 36; 1879, Jones v. Habershatn, 3 Woods 443, 476; 1880, National Bank v. Whitney, 103 U. S. 99; 1882, Jones v. Hab- ersham, 107 U. S. 174; 1884, Alexander v. Tolleston Club, 110 111. 65; 1889, Fritts v. Palmer, 132 U. S. 282; 1889, Heiskell v. Chickasaw Lodge, 87 Tenn. 668; 1890, Hamsher v. Hameher, 132 111. 273; 1894, Hanson v. Little Sisters, etc., 79 Md. 434; 1897, In re Stickney's Will, 85 Md. 79, 60 Am. St. R. 308. See next case and note, contra. 1034 IN RE M'GRAW'S ESTATE IN RE FISKE'S ESTATE. 297 Sec. 297. Same. IN RE McGRAWS ESTATE. 1 IN RE FISKE'S ESTATE. 1888. IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF NEW YORK. in N. Y. 66-137, J 9 N - E - Re P- 2 33- [Appeal from judgment of the general term of the supreme court. The will of Mrs. Fiske directed that her estate "be converted into money," and after numerous bequests contained the following resid- uary clause: "I give, devise, and bequeath all the rest, residue and remainder of my property (if any there shall be) to Cornell Univer- sity, aforesaid, to be added to the 'McGraw Library Fund' aforesaid, and subject to the trusts, purposes, uses and conditions hereinbefore prescribed for said fund." The amount of Jennie McGraw Fiske's estate at the time of her death, as found by the surrogate, was $2,275,- 933.46; legacies to other than Cornell University, $1,121,570; be- quests to said university, $1,154,363.46. The university already had property valued at more than $3,000,000. the amount limited by the charter. The judgment below was against Cornell University.] PECKHAM, J. The question to be decided in this case is whether Cornell University, or some other parties, being the residuary lega- tees, or else the heirs at law or next of kin of John McGraw, de- ceased, or of Jennie McGraw Fiske, deceased, or her husband, shall have the property, or any portion of it, bequeathed to the university by the will of Mrs. Fiske. * * * , Our revised statutes provided that every corporation, as such, has power, among other things ( r, subd. 4), to hold, purchase and con- vey such real and personal estate as the purposes of the corporation shall require, not exceeding the amount limited in its charter. * * * Under this power to hold, purchase and convey, * * * the corporation could take the property by devise. * * * The same revised statutes, in providing for the transmission of real property by will, stated that "every estate and interest in real property descendible to heirs" might be devised. "Such devise maybe made to every per- son capable by law of holding real estate ; but no devise to a corpora- tion shall be valid unless such corporation be expressly authorized by its charterer by statute to take by devise." * * * [The revised statutes provided that the trustees of every such college shall have power] * * * to take and hold, by gift, grant or de- vise, any real or personal property, the yearly income or revenue of which shall not exceed the value of $25,000. * * * Section 5 of the charter of the Cornell University reads as follows: "Sec. 5. The corporation hereby created may hold real and personal property not exceeding three millions of dollars in the aggregate." * * * Looking for a moment outside of and beyond the statute laws of 1 Statement abridged. Arguments and much of opinion omitted. 297 POWER TO ACQUIRE REAL PROPERTY. 1035 the state, and in order to strengthen his position regarding the true construction to be given that law as to the material distinction, in the case at least of a corporation, between the power to take and the power to hold property, the counsel for the appellant has made a most able and learned argument. Its outlines are, in substance, as follows: A corporation, at common law, could take and hold property by de- vise. At an early stage in the history of the law of England, relating to the power of corporations to hold real property, and while the feu- dal system still prevailed, it was enacted that no man should alien his feud to a corporation under penalty of a forfeiture thereof to his next superior, of whom he held the land, and, in default of such superior insisting upon the forfeiture, then his superior might do so, and thus on until the king, as the general superior and lord of all, was reached. But, in case the forfeiture was not insisted upon, the corporation, which had taken a defeasible title to the land, could hold it as against all the world. He, therefore, insists that this distinction between taking and hold- ing strengthens his claim that the use of the word "hold" in the char- ter was intentional and for the specific purpose of permitting the cor- poration to "take" an unlimited amount of property and to hold only the amount specified. No sound reason for giving such unlimited power to take, while limiting the power to hold, can, as it seems to me, be stated ; and, if such were the intent, I think it would have been plainly stated in the charter, instead of trusting to such a con- jectural application to be given to another statute. The counsel cites about all the writers upon the subject of corpora- tions, and they have all adverted to this distinction as existing in re- lation to the English corporations subject to the mortmain statutes, and they state that licenses to hold in mortmain were granted to such bodies, but without such licenses they took the title to the real prop- erty aliened, subject only to the right of the superior lord to enter and take the land under the power of forfeiture. The only penalty, therefore, which a corporation risked when it took lands without a license in mortmain was that of a forfeiture of the land to the next superior of the grantor, and so on up to the king ; and the counsel claims that in this state, in the case of a corporation with unlimited power to take, but not to hold more than a certain amount, the pen- alty for holding more is that the state, representing the whole people, and standing in this respect in lieu of the king (there being no mesne lords), can forfeit the charter of the corporation, and thus prevent the further holding. And, assuming this to be the fact, he uses it as strengthening his argument as to the existence of this clear and mate- rial distinction between taking and holding property. The further claim is then made that, as title to the property has vested in the corporation, which, in holding it, has become subject to the forfeiture of its charter, the heirs or next of kin of the testator have no more right to raise the question than any other third parties who have no interest therein. It is said that it is a matter for the state alone to take cognizance of. and until it does the corporation holds the 1036 IN RE M'GRAW'S ESTATE IN RE FISKE'S ESTATE. 297 property, however much it may transcend the limitation prescribed in its charter. The counsel states accurately the law of mortmain in England, and its consequences of possible forfeiture of the estate granted, and, un- til forfeiture, the vesting of the title in the corporation indefeasible, except by the re-entry of the person entitled to take it by reason of the forfeiture. But the circumstances under which lands are held by citizens of New York, where their tenure is so wholly different from that which prevailed in England when the early mortmain acts were enacted, render any argument in regard to those acts and their effect totally inapplicable to the case of a corporation of this state. Tak- ing the law as it exists in our statutes, including the special provision upon the subject in the charter of the university, it seems to me that the provision therein limiting the holding of property is, as I have said, a restriction also upon the power to take in excess of the speci- fied amount. As, at common law, a corporation could take real property in the same way as an individual, the consequence was that, in England, large landed possessions were held by religious corpora- tions, and, by reason of alienations of real estate to them, the services due by the vassal to the lord were partially, if not totally, paralyzed, and the chief lords lost their escheats.^This was a constantly grow- ing and alarming evil. To remedy the difficulty, the first mortmain act was placed in Magna Charta, which declared all such alienations to corporations entirely void, and that the lands should revert to the lord of the fee. It was held, however, that the reversion must be ac- complished by an entry, and then and from that time there was a for- feiture, the corporation having taken the title and held the property until such forfeiture by re-entry. Shelf. Mortm. 8, 34; i KydCorp., 81; Grant Corp., 106. * * * The nature of the tenure of real property at the time of the pas- sage of the early mortmain acts in England bears no resemblance to the tenure by which a citizen of this state holds lands. Here there is no vassal and superior, but the title is absolute in the owner, and subject only to the liability to escheat. Const. N. Y., art. i, 13. The escheat takes place when the title to lands fails through defect of heirs. Const. N. Y. , art. i, n. A devise to a corporation which is forbidden to take (or forbidden to hold, if the word, under the circumstances of the case, is construed to include a taking also) does not, therefore, give a title subject to the right of some superior to claim a forfeiture of the land ; but, if it be in violation of a statute, I think the devise is void, and the land descends to the heir or residuary devisee. We have not, in this state, re-enacted the statutes of mortmain, or generally assumed them to be in force, and the only legal check to the acquisition of lands by corporations consists in those special re- strictions contained in the acts by which they are incorporated, and which usually confine the capacity to purchase real estate to specified and necessary objects. 2 Kent Comm., 282. Of course, the re- 297 POWER TO ACQUIRE REAL PROPERTY. IO3/ strictions contained in any general law, if applicable, must also be re- ferred to. There is, by reference to our laws, no such necessary and univer- sal distinction between taking and holding property by corporations as is seen in the laws of England relating to alienations in mortmain. Whether the legislature, when using language providing for a limita- tion upon holding property, meant to permit an unlimited taking, is a question of legislative intent ; and I think the general inference would be, in the absence of some plain and controlling circumstance to the contrary, that the legislative body meant to limit a taking as well as a holding beyond the specified amount. * * * The counsel for the appellant does not claim that this property was itself forfeited to the state, if the state should choose to enforce the forfeiture. His claim is, as I understand it, that if the university ex- ceeded its limitation by holding more property than it was allowed by law to hold, a cause of forfeiture of the charter was thereby created, and that in enforcing such forfeiture after the payment of the debts of the corporation the rest of the property would (as he insists) prob- ably go to the state, because there would be no living claimant to it who would have any right to acquire it. A forfeiture the state may claim and may enforce at pleasure, when the occasion arises, but it is a forfeiture of the charter, and not a forfeiture of the property held by the corporation. It is further claimed that this distinction between the right to take and the power to hold property is one which has been admitted and enforced in the courts of England, of this state, and of the other states of the Union for a long nvimber of years, and that there is no reason why effect to such a distinction should not be given in this case ; the result being, as is stated, that the corporation has an unlimited right to take property, and also an unlimited right to hold it as against any one but the state in its capacity of sovereign. There is undoubtedly a distinction between the right to take and the power to hold property under some circumstances, the only question being whether the legislature had such distinction in mind, and meant to provide for it in the case in hand. It is said that an alien has the right to take property by purchase, but he can not hold it as against the state. That is so. He takes, however, a defeasible title, good as to all but the sovereign power, which must take it upon office found or by escheat. Wright v. Saddler, 20 N. Y. 320. In such case it is not exactly an accurate description of the alien's title to simply say that he can take but can not hold. That is a con- tradiction in terms. If he take, he must hold, if for but a fractional part of a second of time. The expression is but a short one for the statement that he can not hold, as against the claim of the state, where properly made and enforced. The same expression is used in the case of a corporation under the mortmain laws, that it can take but not hold ; the meaning being that it can not hold as against the claim for forfeiture when made by the next superior lord of the grantor of the lands. That the words lose all their meaning when wrenched from the circumstances under which they were used, and applied to 1038 IN RE M'GRAWS ESTATE IN RE FISKE'S ESTATE. 297 corporations existing by virtue of the laws of this state, seems to me a plain proposition. The counsel has, however, with great industry and research, cited a number of cases from our own courts and those in other states, where this distinction, he claims, has been admitted, and in cases, too, where the principles involved were similar to the case at bar (one or two being, he says, precisely like it), and where it has been held that in such cases, although the corporation was violating the law of its being, yet no one but the state could take advantage thereof. I think that, with the exception of one case, they were all entirely different from this one, and the decisions were based upon a totally dif- ferent, and probably a perfectly unassailable, ground. [Citing and discussing Leazure v. Hillegas, 7 Serg. & R. 313; Baird v. Bank, ii Serg. & R. 411 ; Runyan v. Coster, 14 Pet. 122 ; Jones v. Haber- sham, 107 U. S. 174; Smith v. Shelley, 12 Wall. 358-361 ; Bogardus v. Trinity Church, 4 Sand. Ch. 633; De Camp v. Dobbins, 29 N. J. Eq. 36; Davis v. Railroad Co., 131 Mass. 258-273; Hayward v. Davidson, 41 Ind. 212; Vidal v. Girard's Ex'rs, 2 How. 127; Bank v. Whitney, 103 U. S. 99; Fortier v. Bank, 112 U. S. 439.] * * * Although we never adopted or enacted the English statutes of mort- main, yet in this, as in other states, we have a decided mortmain pol- icy. It is found in our statute in relation to wills, prohibiting a devise to a corporation unless specially permitted by its charter or by some statute to take property by devise. "It is a statute of mortmain, resting on a mortmain policy as dis- tinctly as any act of the British parliament. * * * The necessity is recognized of forbidding the acquisition by will, unless the legisla- ture, in granting the charter, and in full view of the reasons for so doing, think proper to confer the power in express terms." The counsel claims, however, that a devise to a corporation vests the title in it, so far as the question of capacity is concerned, whenever it would in the case of a sale for a valuable consideration. Hence he says that the cases of sales above cited are decisive of this, if they be admitted as well decided. In the case of an executed sale, however, the question of ultra vires, as set forth in the modern cases, comes in play, and the question of a want of title in the corporation in such case would not be permitted to be raised by the grantor, or his heirs, because it would be against justice and would accomplish a legal wrong. Whitney Arms Co. v. Barlow, 63 N. Y. 62. The question of an executed gift without consideration by a donor, by an absolute delivery to a corporation without power to take, is also instanced, and the question is asked whether the title vests in such a case in the corporation so that the donor or his heirs could not recover it back, and if it do, the counsel asks where is the difference in the two cases? It is time enough to decide such a case when it arises. But it seems to me there is a decided difference. In the one case the gift is made inter vivos by the absolute owner, and it is made effect- ual as to him by a delivery. In such case it would seem that he stands in no position to ask the aid of the court to get him out of a 297 POWER TO ACQUIRE REAL PROPERTY. 1 039 situation into which he voluntarily entered with his eyes open, and the court might well say to him that he stood in no position to attack the right of his donee to property which he freely and absolutely gave it. As to his heirs, it could be said that their ancestor had made a dis- position of property which was absolutely his own in his lifetime, and in such a way that he could not question its validity, and that as he could not, they succeeding only to his rights, were alike disabled. In the case of a devise, however, the case is essentially different. The will does not take effect until the testator's death, and then, if his property is not legally devised or bequeathed, no title vests for a single moment in the devisee or legatee, but it vests instantly in the heir or next of kin ; and the corporation claiming under the will asks the aid of the law to give the property to it, and in so doing it must show the authority it has to take. And if there were only a prohibi- tion in words against holding the property, would the law not be do- ing a vain thing in handing it over to a corporation which by the very fact of holding would render itself liable to have its charter forfeited on that account? Would not the prohibition against holding be prop- erly and necessarily construed as a prohibition against taking also? Is not this an argument against the right of the corporation to take, if by holding it is thus rendered liable to such a penalty? And is it not an argument in favor of the construction of the language in the charter that the limitation upon the power to hold property is, under all the circumstances, a limitation upon the power to take any more than it can legally and properly hold ? * * * Upon a review of the whole question as to the proper construction of the legislation, general and special, affecting this university, I am of the opinion that it had no power to take or hold any more real and personal property than $3,000,000, in the aggregate. Second. Coming to the conclusion I have, on the first branch of the case, it becomes necessary to examine the second and only re- maining question, viz. : Does this property, if taken and held by the university, exceed the amount which bylaw it can hold? 1 * * * This brings the property of the university, above set forth, up to more than its permitted aggregate at the time of the decease of Mrs. Fiske, and no debts to be deducted therefrom. Under such circumstances, the university could not take the various legacies bequeathed to it by her will. * * * Affirmed. 'Part of the opinion relating to this question is omjtted. Note.. Accord: 1857, Trustees v. Chamber's Ex., 3 Jones Eq. (N. C.) 253; 1867, Cromie v. Louisville, etc., Soc., 3 Bush (Ky.) 365; 1871, Chamberlain v. Chamberlain, 43 N. Y. 424; 1879, De Camp v. Dobbins, 31 N. J. Eq. 671, 690; 1889, Wood v. Hammond, 16 R. I. 98; 1890, Cornell Univ. v. Fiske, 136 U. S. 152; 1894, Coggeshall v. Home for Children, etc., 18 R. I. 696. See preceding case and note, contra. IO4O THE NORTHWESTERN UNION PACKET CO. V. SHAW. 298 Sec. 298. (2) To acquire personal property ( I ) In general. THE NORTHWESTERN UNION PACKET COMPANY v. SHAW. 1 1875. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF WISCONSIN. 37 Wis. Rep. 655-662. [Appeal by plaintiff from judgment in a suit to recover $i,ooopaid upon a contract and damages for its breach. The packet company was organized in 1870, and from that time had been engaged in the business of a common carrier upon the Mississippi, and also in buying, selling and dealing in wheat, grain and produce generally; it con- tracted to purchase 4,000 bushels of wheat from Shaw and paid him $1,000 on account, the wheat to be delivered at a certain time and place, but Shaw failed to deliver as agreed. The corporate charter provided for owning and controlling vessels of various kinds for trans- portation on the Mississippi river, etc., to own warehouses, depots, etc., necessary for freighting, storing and forwarding property and persons, with power to sell any of its property of every description, and to do any and all acts and things necessary to an economical and successful prosecution of said business, to borrow money for all its purposes, to contract with any person in reference to the storing, forwarding or freighting of any kind of property, or "to any and all business inci- dental to, or arising from, the transportation of persons and property."] LYON, J. * * * The question to be detei'mined is, whether the plaintiff can lawfully buy and sell the produce of the country in the same manner and to the same extent that a natural person may. We think this question must be answered in the negative. There is no necessary connection between the business of 'a common carrier and that of buying and selling the commodities which the carrier transports. Neither is the latter business necessarily or usually de- pendent upon the former. The two are as essentially distinct as the business of the earner and that of the producer. It will scarcely be claimed that the plaintiff is authorized, under its articles of incorpora- tion, to purchase large tracts of land on which to raise grain and other produce to be stored in its warehouses and shipped over its lines. If it may not do this, it is not perceived on what principle it may purchase the commodities instead of raising them. We think the principle is the same in both cases. Moreover, in view of the fact that the transportation of the products of the country is mainly controlled by powerful corporations representing immense aggrega- tions of capital, there are reasons, if not of public policy, certainly reasons which should have much weight with the legislature, for con- fining common carriers to their legitimate business as carriers. At least no forced construction of their charters should be sanctioned to enable them to become producers or purchasers of such products. 1 Statement abridged, part of the opinion omitted. 298 POWER TO ACQUIRE PERSONAL PROPERTY. 104! By confining them to the proper business of common carriers, the temptation to make unjust discriminations in the transportation of their own property to the manifest injury and oppression of persons having like property for transportation, can only be avoided. Hence, while it is conceded that the legislature may confer upon a corpora- tion common carrier the right of a natural person to buy and sell the commodities which it transports, it must be held that until so con- ferred the right does not exist. We conclude that the contract set forth in the pleadings as to the plaintiff, is ultra vires, and that no claim for damages resulting from a breach thereof can be successfully asserted by either party. This disposes of the counter-claim of the defendant, and of all claims of the plaintiff except the claim to recover the $1,000 paid on account of the attempted 'purchase of the wheat. * * * [After holding that the $1,000 might be recovered in an action for money had and received, and that the complaint stated facts justify- ing this:] Reversed and remanded. Note. Personal property: Such personal property, but such only both as to kind and amount, as is reasonably necessary for the corporate purposes, may be lawfully acquired: 1858, Pearce v. R. Co., 21 How. (62 U. S.) 441; 1860, Downing v. Road Co., 40 N. H. 230; 1875, Northwestern Packet Co. v. Shaw, 37Wis. 655; 1876, Farmers', etc., Bank v. Baldwin, 23 Minn. 198, 23 Am. Rep. 683; 1877, Morgan v. Donovan, 58 Ala. 241; 1877, Franklin Co. v. Lew- iston Sav. Inst., 68 Maine 43, 28 Am. Rep. 9; 1884, Central R. Co. v. Smith, 76 Ala. 572, 52 Am. Rep. 353; 1885, Day v. Buggy Co., 57 Mich. 146, 58 Am. Rep. 352; 1888, Chewackla Lime- Works v. Dismukes, 87 Ala. 344; 1890, Jemi- eon v. Citizens' Sav. Bank, 122 N. Y. 135, 19 Am. St.* Rep. 482; 1895, Boss- hardt & W. Co. v. Crescent Oil Co., 171 Pa. St. 109; 1897, Farwell v. Wolf, 96 Wis. 10, 65 Am. St. Rep. 22, 37 L. R. A. 138; 1897, Mahoney v. Butte Hard- ware Co., 19 Mont. 377; 1897, Malone v. Lancaster Gas L., etc., Co., 182 Pa. St. 309; 1899, Central Ohio Nat'l Gas, etc., Co. v. Cap. City Dairy Co., 60 Ohio St. 96, 53 N. E. Rep. 711; 1899, State v. Debenture G. & L. Co., 51 La. Ann. 1874, 26 So. Rep. <500; 1899, Herring v. Ruskin Co-op Assn., Tenn. Ch. App. , 52 S. W. Rep. 327. There, however, is no limit upon the amount of personal property that a corporation may acquire or hold arising from the profits of carrying on prop- erly its legitimate business. Sec. 299. (2) Power to acquire its own shares. ( i ) The English rule. IN RE DRONFIELD SILKSTONE COAL COMPANY. 1 1880. IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, CHANCERY DIVISION. L. R. 17 Chancery Division 76-97. JESSEL, M. R. The memorandum of association of a limited col- liery company gave the company power to do all things which it should consider conducive to the attainment of its objects, but did not in terms 1 Only the opinion of the master of the rolls is given. The statement of facts is that given in the syllabus to the case. 63 WIL. CAS. 104.2 IN RE DRONFIELD SILKSTONE COAL COMPANY. 299 give any power to purchase its own shares. The tenth clause of the articles empowered the directors to purchase for the company any shares in the company, and directed that the shares so purchased should be dealt with as if they had never been issued, and that any profit aris- ing on the reissuing or subsequent sale of such shares should be deemed profits of the year in which they were reissued or sold. In 1872, disputes having arisen as to the conduct of the business, the di- rectors agreed with W., the largest shareholder, who was also one of the directors, to purchase for the company his shares, and also his in- terest as landlord of the mines worked by the company. This ar- rangement was confirmed by an extraordinary general meeting of the company, and was carried into effect by an assignment of his interest in the mines to the company for a specific sum, and by a transfer to the company of his shares for another specific sum. The company was entered in the share register as holder of these shares, and in all the subsequent returns to the registrar of joint stock companies the company was entered as such holder. The company for some time was prosperous, but afterwards fell into difficulties, and in 1879 an order was made for winding it up. * * * I now come to the point as to the surrender of shares a point upon which I feel much more difficulty. It is not for me to say what the limits of surrender are which are allowable by the act. As I read this same judgment of Lord Justice James, 1 certain surrenders are allowable. I can imagine one where the shares would be liable to forfeiture, and it is the shortest way to surrender them ; then the same result would follow. But I am by no means prepared to say that there is a right under the term "surrender" to buy up the shares, and to have them surrendered to the company as on an ordinary purchase for money. That, I think, is clearly beyond the limit; but it is not nec- essary for me to say what is exactly within the limit, because each case as it arises must be decided on its own merits. I can well imag- ine that certain cases are clearly within the limit, and ought not to be treated as a diminution of capital, and that other cases are clearly beyond the limit such as the cases I have put of an ordinary pur- chase or ordinary traffic in shares, although the term "surrender" may be employed instead of the transaction taking the form it does here, of an actual transfer to the company. Having dealt with the case so far, let us see what the twelfth sec- tion of the companies act, 1862, must, as I think, mean. The sug- gestion made on the part of Mr. Ward is this, that all the act of parliament means is that the company must not alter the terms of the memorandum as to the nominal amount of the capital. It would be a very singular result if that were so, because it would come to this the company may destroy the whole of its real capital without altering its nominal amount. I will put the case in this way: The company has a million of capital in ^10 shares, and has ^100,000 paid upon the shares, leaving ^900,000 remaining to be paid ; there is a power 1 Hope v. International Finan. Soc., 4 Ch. D. 327, 336. 299 POWER TO ACQUIRE PERSONAL PROPERTY. 1043 to accept a surrender of shares ; the company resolve at a general meeting to retain one share for each of the seven directors, and to ac- cept a surrender of all the other shares. I am putting an extreme case to try the question. According to the argument of Mr. Ward, that is perfectly valid ; so that the result is that the primary capital of the company is reduced from ,900, ooo, remaining to be called up, to ^70, if there are seven directors. That is an extreme case, no doubt, but it shows to what an absurdity you would reduce the provisions of the act of parliament if that were allowed. It can not be said that the conditions of the memorandum mean that the company may in effect destroy the nominal capital ; that it can not so mean is, I think, clear from the words of the section. The company may increase its capital by the issue of new shares to such an amount as it thinks ex- pedient, or it may consolidate and divide its capital to a larger amount than the existing shares, or it may convert the paid-up shares into stock. If the section were only to apply to nominal capital, what is the meaning of the power for the company "to convert its paid-up shares into stock" ? What the section means is that the company shall not convert the unpaid-up shares into stock. That implies, as it has always been held to imply, that the company can not turn the un- paid-up shares into stock, so as to exclude the right of making further calls. Therefore, the section must apply to the issued capital, and not merely to the nominal capital ; and it has always been so treated, as far as I know. There is the additional observation to be made that the subsequent acts of parliament, namely, the acts of 1867 and 1877, would have singularly little meaning if it were not so, for they contain most elab- orate provisions as regards the mode of increasing the capital, and re- ducing the capital, and as regards the trading capital and the issued capital. The provisions of the section, I admit, are difficult to con- strue if you read them word by word, but I do not think they are so difficult to construe if you look at the meaning of the whole of the acts as to the formation of these companies. If they are to be taken to apply only to the amount of the nominal capital, I must say that the acts of 1867 and 1877 are the most extraordinary legislative productions I ever saw. But if you read the section the other way, and say that it means that the conditions in the memorandum relate to the issued capital, then the subsequent acts are perfectly intelligible. Let us now look at the ninth section of the act of 1867: "Any company limited by shares may, by special resolution, so far modify" what? "the con- ditions contained in its memorandum of association, if authorized so "to do by its regulations as originally framed or as altered by special resolution, as to reduce its capital." What capital? Does that mean nominal capital? It is plain that it means the trading capital. There- fore when you look at the ninth section it is clear that the legislature considered the twelfth section of the original act somehow or other prohibitive, and that a new act was required to authorize a company to reduce its capital. Then there are provisions which the legislature IO44 IN RE DRONFIELD SILKSTONE COAL COMPANY. 299 considered necessary for the protection of creditors in case of a reduc- tion of capital. But it is said a surrender is no more a diminution of capital than is a forfeiture, and the creditors are not injured by a surrender. That, however, is not so. If the company could, either by taking a surren- der or by a purchase of shares, actually diminish the capital, not in the shape of dealing with a solitary individual shareholder who can not pay, but to a greater extent, what would be the result? I am not now speaking of future creditors, who must be held to take with notice of- what was on the register. What would be the result? Every creditor who could not enforce his demand would lose it. Suppose, for instance, the vendor, having sold the mine to the company, were to take a mortgage of it not to be called in for five years if the interest were duly paid, and the directors then found that they were carrying on business at a loss and could take a surrender of all the shares ex- cept seven, then the mortgagee-creditor would be actually without remedy, because he could not apply to have the company wound up until the mortgage debt was due. That would not be until the end of five years, by which time all the shareholders would have been off as past shareholders for probably four years. So that it is not correct to say that in case of surrender the creditors are protected, because they may all lose all remedy whatsoever, unless indeed their money becomes payable within a twelve month after the transaction takes place. It seems to me that w r hen you look at what I may call the purview of the act, it can, not be possible that the company can buy up its own shares in this way so as to destroy the shares in every sense and for every purpose and intent, except that they may, if- they can, reissue or transfer the shares to new shareholders during the intervening period that the capital is diminished, if not absolutely extinguished. That be- ing my view of the whole of the act, and I may say of the result of the decisions, which really have any bearing on the subject-matter I have to consider, I think the present transaction was a diminution of the capital of the company which is prohibited by the companies act, 1862, and the transaction is, therefore, void on that ground also. The transfer being void, and, if I may say so, void at law, although that expression has no longer the meaning that it formerly had, the result is that Mr. Ward remains a contributory ; and that is the only point I have now to decide. * * * [This decision of the master of rolls was appealed from and over- ruled, on the appeal. But the views of Jessel, M. R., of the general doctrine of the company's capacity to purchase its own shares, given here, were taken and applied in the later case of Trevor v. Whit- worth, in the house of lords, L. R. 12 Appeal Cases, 409, holding that a limited "company has no power under the companies acts to purchase its own shares." See particularly the opinion of Lord Mac- naghten, in Trevor v. Whitworth, L. R. 12 App. Cas. 432-438.] Note: (1) An English company has no right to purchase its shares unless >ecially authorized: 1870, In re London, Hamburg, etc., Bank, L. R. 5 ti. App. Cas. 444, 39 L. J. Ch. 598 ; 1870, In re United Service Co., L. R. 5 300 POWER TO ACQUIRE PERSONAL PROPERTY. 1045 Ch. App. Cas. 707, 39 L. J. Ch. 730, 23 L. T. 331 ; 1876, Hope v. International F. Soc., 35 L. T. 623; 1887, Trevor v. Whitworth, 12 App. Cas. 409, 57 L. J. Ch. 28, 57 L. T. 457 ; 1888, In re Walker & Hacking, 57 L. T. 763. (2) But may if specially authorized. 1874, In re County Palatine, L. & D. Co., App. Cas. L. R., 9 Ch. 54, 43 L. J. Ch. 578, 29 L. T. 707 ; 1886, In re Bal- gooley Distillery Co., 17 L. R. Ir. 239; 1889, In re General Finance Co., 23 L. R. Ir. 173; 1892, In re Sovereign, L. A. Co., 3 Ch. 279, 62 L. J. Ch. 36, 67 L. T. 336. (3) As to what is such a purchase, see 1871, Phosphate Lime Co. v. Green, L. R., 7 C. P. 43, 25 L. T. 636; 1874, In re County Palatine, L. & D. Co., L. R., 9 Ch. 54, 43 L. J. Ch. 578, 29 L. T. 707; 1893, In re Denver Hotel Co., 1 Ch. 495, 62 L. J. Ch. 450, 68 L. T. 8. Sec. 300. (2) American rule: Theories. (a) May (with certain exceptions) acquire its own shares, un- less expressly or impliedly restrained. CHAPMAN v. IRON CLAD RHEOSTAT COMPANY. 1898. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW JERSEY, 62 N. J. Law 497, 41 Atl. Rep. 690, 9 A. & E. C. C. (N. S.) 769. DIXON, J. The declaration alleges that it was agreed between the plaintiff and the defendant, the latter being a corporation organized under the laws of this state, that the defendant should employ the plaintiff at a regular weekly salary; that the plaintiff should purchase and hold during his employment eighty shares of stock in the defend- ant company; and that if the defendant should discharge the plaintiff from its employ, it would purchase said stock from the plaintiff at par. The declaration further alleges that in pursuance of said agreement, the plaintiff entered into the employ of the defendant at a weekly sal- ary; that he purchased said stock, and held it during his employment, and that the defendant discharged him from the employment against his will ; that thereupon the plaintiff demanded of the defendant that it should purchase the said stock from him at par, and the defendant refused to do so. To this the defendant demurs, insisting that the de- fendant's contract for the purchase of stock was, on its face, ultra vires and, therefore, not emorcible against it. In England the general rule seems to be that corporations can not purchase their own stock without express authority from the statute, though perhaps even there this rule would not be applied if it appeared that the object of the purchase was not merely to traffic in the stock or to diminish the amount of the capital, but to accomplish some legit- imate corporate purpose. Hope v. Society, 4 Ch. Div. 327. But in the United States the weight of authority seems to be in favor of the view that corporations have an implied power to purchase shares in their own capital stock, provided, of course, no illegitimate design ap- pears. Many of the cases are cited in the notes of 23 Am. & Eng. 1046 IN RE DRONFIELD SILKSTONE COAL COMPANY. 300 Enc. Law, 676. This question, as it turns on common-law principles, seems not to have been judicially decided in New Jersey, nor need it now be; for the provisions of our corporation act (P. L. 1896, p. 277), by which (section 20) the shares of stock in every corporation are declared to be personal property, and (section i) every corpora- tion is vested with power to purchase such personal estate as the pur- poses of the corporation shall require, except (section 3) certain desig- nated sorts of personal property, which do not embrace shares of its own capital stock, coupled with those provisions which recognize the power of corporations to own capital stock (sections 29, 38), plainly imply a legislative grant of the necessary power in all cases where the purposes of the corporation require it. In the present case the fact that the corporation exerted the power in order to secure the services of the plaintiff is prima facie sufficient indication that the purpose of the corporation required it. There is also another principle standing in the defendant's way. The plaintiff has fully performed the contract on his part, and can not be restored to his former status, nor be honestly dealt with otherwise than by holding the defendant to performance of its share of the bar- gain. Under these circumstances the plea of ultra vires is inadmissi- ble. Camden & A. R. Co. v. May's Landing & E. H. C. R. Co., 48 N. J. Law 530, 7 Atl. 523. The plaintiff is entitled to judgment on the demurrer. Note. Accord: 1828, Hartridge v. Rockwell, 1 R. M. Charlt. (Ga.) 260; 1831, Verplanck v. Mercantile Ins. Co., 1 Edw. Ch. (N. Y.) 84; 1846, Bank v. Champlain Trans. Co., 18 Vt. 131, 139; 1858, City Bank v. Bruce, 17 N. Y. 507; 1873, Dupeev. Boston Water Power Co., 114 Mass. 37; 1 877, Chicago P. & S. W. R. Co. v. Marseilles, 84 111. 643; 1877, Chetlain v. Repub. L. I. Co., 86 111.220; 1878, Iowa Lumber Co. v. Foster, 49 Iowa 25, 31 Am. Rep. 140; 1881, Fraser v. Ritchie, 8 111. App. 554; 1882, Clapp v. Peterson, 104 111. 26; 1888, Morgan v. Lewis, 46 Ohio St. 1, 8; 1889, First National Bank v. Salem, etc., Co., 39 Fed. Rep. 89; 1889, State v. Minnesota, etc., Co., 40 Minn. 213; 1890,. Rollins v. Shaver W. Co., 80 Iowa 380, 20 Am. St. Rep. 427 ; 1890, Eggman v. Blanke, 40 Mo. App. 318; 1890, Thompson v. Moxey, 47 N. J. Eq. 538; 1890, Republic L. Ins. Co. v. Swigert, 135 111. 150; 1892, Yeaton v. Eagle, etc., Co., 4 Wash. St. 183; 1894, N. E. Trust Co. v. Abbott, 162 Mass. 148, 27 L. R. A. 271 ; 1895, Lowe v. Pioneer Threshing Co., 70 Fed. Rep. 646; 1895, Browne v. St. Paul, etc., 62 Minn. 90; 1895, Dock v. Cordage Co., 167 Pa. St. 370; 1896, Vent v. Coffee Co., 64 Minn. 307; 1897, Vercoutere v. Golden S. L. Co.. 116 Cal. 410; 1897, Shoemaker v. Washburn, etc., Co., 97 Wis. 585; 1899, West v. Averill Grocery Co., 109 Iowa 488, 80 N. W. Rep. 555. See following cases and notes. Shares of its own stock, held by the corporation, or in trust for it, can not be voted-: 1821, United States v. Columbia, etc., Ins. Co., 2 Cr. C. C. 266, Fed. Cas. 14, 840; 1826, Ex Parte Holmes, 5 Cow. (N. Y.) 426; 1869, Am. Railway Frog Co. v. Haven, 101 Mass. 398, 3 Am. Rep. 377 ; 1869, Brewster v. Hartley, 37 Cal. 15, 99 Am. Dec. 237; 1876, State v. Smith, 48 Vt. 266; 1881, Vail v. Hamilton, 85 N. Y. 453 ; 1888, Allen v. De Lagerberger, 20 W. L. B. (Ohio) 368. 3OI POWER TO ACQUIRE PERSONAL PROPERTY. 1 047 Sec. 301. Same. Exceptions to rule allowing acquisition of its own shares. PRICE v. PINE MOUNTAIN IRON AND COAL COMPANY. 1895. IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF KENTUCKY. 32 S. W. Rep. 267-268. [Price sued the company on a. note given by it for $8,500 in pay- ment of 179 shares at $50 each, of the stock of the company. The company had concluded to sell out its property ; propositions were submitted by Churchill, and by Calhoun respectively, the former be- ing much the more advantageous to shareholders, but the latter claimed to have an option on the property. Perhaps this was not well for- warded, but it was, nevertheless, thought best to have him withdraw his claim, and in order to do so, the company agreed to sell him within ten days 2,500 shares of its stock at $25 ; the company sought to pur- chase shares in the market, but failed to get enough ; a meeting was held at which plaintiff was present, and at which it was proposed that the directors and such shareholders as would should sell to the com- pany enough to have the deal go through. This was objected to by the president as being illegal, and the opinion was given by a lawyer present that the giving of notes for the purchase of its shares by the company itself would be illegal, and would not be upheld, unless the deal was successful. The company had no money to invest in its shares, yet it was rea- sonably certain that if the sale was made to Churchill as proposed, it would be beneficial to all concerned, even if the company had to pur- chase 2,500 shares in order to complete the sale. The scheme of sale to Churchill was not consummated. The lower court found for the defendant, and plaintiff appeals.] HAZELRIGG, J. * * * It is insisted by the appellant and we are not unmindful of the strength of his contention that as he was not a director or officer of the company, as the note was executed in good faith by the corporation in an effort to benefit all its stockhold- ers, and is unconditional in its terms, and as he was an outsider, and wholly without notice of the existence of any contingency upon which the validity of the note depended, not being present at any meeting or discussion of this matter, as he testifies, therefore the company, not being prohibited by its charter from buying its own stock, is bound by its purchase from him, whatever maybe said by its dealings with its directors. We are not satisfied, however, even regarding the appellant as ignorant of the terms on which the notes were exe- cuted, and the officers as attempting in the best of faith to forward the interests of all stockholders alike, that the company may not elect not to be bound by the contract. Corporations ought not to be allowed to speculate in their own stocks; and, while they may not always do an illegal thing in buying in their mvn stock, such a transaction 1 Statement abridged ; part of opinion omitted. 1048 PRICE V. PINE MOUNTAIN IRON AND COAL CO. 302 must be not only in entire good faith, but the exchange must be of equal value, and the transaction free from all fraud, actual or con- structive, and when the corporation is neither insolvent nor in pro- cess of dissolution ; and, further, the rights of creditors are not to be injuriously affected. Such is the principle laid down in Clapp v. Peterson, 104 111. 30, a case cited by this court with approval in Jef- ferson v. Burford, 17 S. W. Rep. 855. We may add to these quali- fications that the contract of exchange ought not to be to the advan- tage of a few favored stockholders, to.the injury of the great body of them. In this case how much soever the apparent intention was to benefit all, the result of the contracts, if enforced, is disastrous to the last degree to the main body of the stockholders. Under this state of case, the contracts are, at least, voidable at the option of the com- pany if repudiated within a reasonable time. See I Beach Priv. Corp., 242. Affirmed, Note. Corporation can not purchase its own stock to the injury of cred- itors' security: 1879, State v. Oberlin, etc., Assn., 35 Ohio St. 258, 263; 1880, Peterson v. 111. L. & L. Co., 6 111. App. 257; 1887, St. Louis C. Mfg. Co. v. Hilbert, 24 Mo. App. 338; 1887, Farnsworth v. Robbins, 36 Minn. 369; 1890, Commercial Natl. Bank v. Burch, 40 111. App. 505; 1892, Blalock v. Kerners- ville Mfg. Co., 110 N. C. 99; 1892, In re Columbian Bank, 147 Pa. St. 422; 1892, Commercial Bank v. Burch, 141 111. 519. Or to the injury of shareholders: 1895, Price v. Pine, etc., Co., 32 S. W. Rep. 267, supra; 1897, Augsburg, etc., Co. v. Pepper, 95 Va. 92. But a purchase of stock in itself by a corporation is not necessarily a reduc- tion of its capital : 1858, City Bank v. Bruce, 17 N. Y. 507; 1891, Jefferson v. Burford, 17 S. W. Rep. (Ky.) 855; 1897, Western, etc., Co. v. Des Moines, etc., Bank, 103 Iowa 455 ; 1899, Howe G. & M. Co. v. Jones, 21 Tex. Civ. App. 198, 51 S. W. Rep. 24. But see 1892, In re Sovereign L. A. Co., 3 Ch. 279, 62 L. J. Ch. 36, 67 L. T. 336, contra. See case preceding, and case following, with notes. Sec. 302. Same. (b) May not, unless necessary to prevent loss to the company. COPPIN v. GREENLEES & RANSOM COMPANY. 1 1882. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF OHIO. 38 Ohio St. Rep. 275- 281, 43 Am. Rep. 425. [Suit by Coppin for specific performance or for damages for non- performance of a contract between him and the company whereby it agreed to convev to him two lots at $1,800, and do manufacturing work to the extent of $1,500 in consideration of the transfer by Cop- pin of 33 shares of $100 each of the company's stock to the com- pany. It was alleged that the plaintiff had for a time been employed 'Statement abridged; arguments omitted. 3 2 POWER TO ACQUIRE PERSONAL PROPERTY. by the company, and while so employed had acquired the stock; that it had been a custom of the company to buy back the stock of those of its servants when they ceased to work for the company, and that the foregoing 1 contract was made in accordance with that custom. The trial court found for plaintiff, but this was reversed by the dis- trict court, on the ground that the facts did not show a sufficient cause of action. To reverse this the case was taken to the supreme court.] MclLVAiNE, J. Whether the defendant corporation was bound by its executory agreement with the plaintiff to purchase shares of its own stock, under the circumstances detailed in the petition, was, undoubt- edly, the question upon which the case turned in the district court. The power of a trading corporation to traffic in its own stock, where no authority to do so is conferred upon it by the terms of its charter, has been a subject of much discussion in the courts ; and the conclu- sions reached by different courts have been conflicting. Of course, cases wherein the power is found to exist by express or implied grant in the charter, furnish no aid in the solution of the question before us; unless the claim of the plaintiff can be sustained, that such power was conferred on the defendant by section 63 of the corporation act of 1852 (Swan & C. St. 301), as amended, which confers on manufacturing corporations the powers enumerated in section 3 of the act, and among others, the power ",to acquire and convey at pleasure, all such real and personal estate as may be necessary or convenient to carry into effect the objects of the corporation." We think, however, that this claim can not be maintained. The sole object of the defendant organ- ization was "for manufacturing purposes;" and it can not be said, in any just sense, that the power to acquire or convey its own stock was either necessary or convenient "for manufacturing purposes." The doctrine that corporations, when not prohibited by their char- ters, may buy and sell their own stocks, is supported by a line of authorities; and prominent among them may be mentioned the cases of Dupee v. Boston Water Power Co., 114 Mass. 37, and Chicago, P. & S. W. R. Co. v. Town of Marseilles, 84 111. 145. But never- theless, we think the decided -weight of authority, both in England and in the United States, is against the existence of 'the power unless conferred by express grant or clear implication. The foundation principle upon which these latter cases rest is that a corporation pos- sesses no powers except such as are conferred upon it by its charter, either by express grant or necessary implication ; and this principle has been frequently declared by the supreme court of this state ; and by no court more emphatically than by this court. It is true, how- ever, that in most jurisdictions, where the right of a corporation to traffic in its own stock has been denied, an exception to the rule has been admitted to exist, whereby a corporation has been allowed to take its own stock in satisfaction of a debt due to it. This exception is supposed to rest on a necessity which arises in order to avoid loss ; and was recognized in this state as early as Taylor v. Miami Export- ing Co., 6 Ohio 176, and has been incidentally referred to as an ex- 1050 COPPIN V. GREENLEES AND RANSOM COMPANY. 302 isting right since the adoption of our present constitution. State v. Building Ass'n, 35 Ohio St. 258. But, however that may be, the right of a corporation to traffic in its own stock, at pleasure, appears to us to be inconsistent with the principle of the provisions of the present constitution (article 13, 3), which reads as follows: "Dues from corporations shall be secured by such individual liability of stockholders, and other means, as may be prescribed by law; but, in all cases, each stockholder shall be lia- ble, over and above the stock by him or her owned, and any amount unpaid thereon, to a further sum, at least equal in amount to such stock." Now 7 , it is just as plain, that a business or trading corpora- tion can not exist without stock and stockholders, as it is that the cred- itors of such corporations are entitled to the security named in the constitution. State v. Sherman, 22 Ohio St. 411. The corporation itself can not be a stockholder of its own stock within the meaning of this provision of the constitution. Nobody will deny this proposition. And if a corporation can buy one share of its stock at pleasure, why may it not buy every share ? If the right of a corporation to purchase its own stock at pleasure exists and is unlimited, where is the provis- ion intended for the benefit of creditors? This is not the security to which the constitution invites the creditors of corporations. I am aware, that the amount of stock required to be issued is not fixed by the constitution or by statute, and also that provision is made by stat- ute for the reduction of the capital stock of corporations;- but of these matters, creditors are bound to take notice. They have a right, how- ever, to assume that stock once issued, and not called back in the manner provided by law, remains outstanding in the hands of stock- holders liable to respond to creditors to the extent of the individual lia- bility prescribed. In this view it matters not whether the stock pur- chased by the corporation that issued it becomes extinct, or is held subject to be reissued. It is enough to know that the corporation, as purchaser of its own stock, does not afford to creditors the security intended. And surely, if the law forbids the organization of a corpo- ration without stock, because the required security is not furnished, it can not be that, having brought the corporation into existence, it in- vests it with power to assume, at pleasure, the identical character or relation to the public that was an insurmountable objection to the giving .of corporate existence in the first place. Plaintiff in error lays much stress on the averments in the petition, that it had been the custom of the corporation that its officers and others, actively engaged in its service, should be holders of shares of its stock, and upon ceasing to be connected with the company such persons had been accustomed to sell, and the company to buy, such stock; and that the plaintiff had purchased the stock for the price of which suit was brought while in the employment of defendant. We can not see why these averments should take the case out of the general rule. If it were averred that the plaintiff had purchased this stock from the defendant, or from others, under an agreement with the company 303 POWER TO ACQUIRE PERSONAL PROPERTY. IO5I that it would buy the same from him when he quit its employment, or if the contract of purchase by the defendant had been executed, very different questions would arise. It is not even averred that the plaintiff relied upon such custom, either in making the purchase or the sale of the stock; so that, in fact, he is unaffected by the alleged custom. But if such custom had been relied on by the plaintiff when he purchased the stock, it would not have made the executory contract of the defendant to buy the stock binding, which, without such custom, would be void. The usage of a corporation does not become the law of its existence, or the meas- ure of its powers. The general law of the state, of which all persons are presumed to have knowledge, is the source and limit of all its powers and duties ; and these can not be varied either by usage or con- tract. The doctrine of estoppel has no application in the case. Nor is there any such equity in the case as would have arisen between the parties in case the contract had been executed. Judgment affirmed. Note. Accord: 1833, Taylor v. Miami Ex. Co., 6 Ohio 176, 218; 1854, Bar- ton v. Port Jackson, etc., Co., 17 Barb. 397; 1875, Currier v. Lebanon State Co., 56 N. H. 262; 1875, First Natl. Bank v. Exchange, etc., Bank, 92 U. S. 122; 1877, German Sav. Bank v. Wulfekuhler, 19 Kan. 60; 1878, Hubbard v. Riley, 3 W. L. B. (Ohio) 434; 1879, Abeles v. Cochran, 22 Kan. 405; 1882, Coppin v. Greenlees, etc., Co., 38 Ohio St. 275, 43 Am. R. 425, supra; 1884, Crandall v. Lincoln, 52 Conn. 73 ; 1887, St. Louis C. M. Co. v. Hilbert, 24 Mo. App. 338; 1888, Shaw v. Ohio Edison, etc., Co., 19 W. L. B. (Ohio) 292; 1895, Adams, etc., W. Co. v. Deyette, 8 S. D. 119; 1896, Barto v. Nix, 15 Wash. 563, 46 Pac. Rep. 1033; 1897, Hamor v. Taylor-Rice, etc., Co., 84 Fed. Rep. 392; 1897, St. Louis Rawhide Co. v. Hill, 72 Mo. App. 142; 1898, Mer- chants' Natl. Bank v. Overman, 17 Ohio C. C. 253; 1899, Herring v. Ruskin Co-op. Assn., Tenn. Ch. App. , 52 S. W. Rep. 327. See preceding cases and notes. Sec. 303. ( 3 ) Power to acquire shares of stock in other corpo- rations. I. The English rule. IN RE BARNED'S BANKING COMPANY. 1 Ex PARTE THE CONTRACT CORPORATION. 1867. IN ENGLISH CHANCERY APPEALS. L. R. 3 Ch. App. Cas. 105-118. [Appeal by the official liquidator of The Contract Corporation from the decision of the master of the rolls, who had placed its name on the list of contributories to the banking company, as a contributory upon 368 shares owned by it.] LORD CAIRNS, L. J. The first objection taken to the order under 1 Statement abridged ; only part of opinion given ; arguments omitted. 1052 IN RE BARNED'S BANKING COMPANY. 303 appeal was that it was ultra "vires The Contract Corporation to take shares in any other trading coiporation, and to apply its funds in payment for those shares. Generally speaking, this would be so. It is at first sight beyond the province of one trading corporation to be- come a shareholder in another, and to apply its funds for that pur- pose. But here one of the objects of The Contract Corporation, as defined by its memorandum of association, was "to purchase or ac- cept any obligations, bonds, debentures, notes and shares in any for- eign or English company, and to negotiate the sale of any such secu- rities." It appears to me. that in applying for and accepting shares in Earned 's Banking Company, The Contract Corporation, Limited, was strictly and to the letter complying with and acting within these terms. If it were necessary to make this power still clearer, the forty-seventh clause of the articles of association provides that the directors may invest any of the money of the corporation on such se- curities (other than the corporation's own shares) as they, the direc- tors, may think desirable, plainly implying that, although they might not invest their money upon the purchase or allotment of their own shares, they might -invest them upon the allotment or purchase of shares ejusdem generis in other companies. The second argument was, that even assuming that, according to the constitution of the contract corporation, it was not ultra vires to invest their money in shares of another trading company ; yet that under the act of 1862 one trading corporation could not become a member of another trading corporation. Now, if that argument is to prevail, it must be upon the words of the act of parliament of 1862, because there is no apparent or prima facie objection to a corporation so joining with another corporation in trade. A trading corporation, as we all well know, may enter into trade or partnership along with an individual. There is no reason at common law. so far as I know, why one corporate body should not become a member of another corporate body. Other acts of parliament relating to com- panies appear to assume that corporations may become members of and shareholders in companies. For example, the general act, the companies clauses consolidation act of 1845, provides, in the inter- pretation clause, that "shareholder" in that act shall include a cor- poration; and the chartered companies act, i Viet., c. 73, expressly points out that the crown may grant a charter to a trading corpora- tion, the shareholders in which may themselves be corporate bodies, and whose liability under that charter may be limited. Now, looking to the words of the act of 1862, it is said, no doubt justly, that they appear throughout to point to person, and to the executors and ad- ministrators of persons, as if the shareholders were all to be persons in their natural capacity. But even in this act there are traces that the term "shareholder" and the word "persons" must have been in- tended to be used in a larger sense, for in the fiftieth and fifty-first clauses provision is made for the determination of questions of con- siderable importance by general meetings, and by votes to be given at those meetings, either in person or by proxy, in cases where, by 303 POXYKR TO ACQUIRE PERSONAL PROPERTY. IO53 the regulations of the company, proxies are allowed, and on turning to the forms in the schedule, which may be adopted bv any company for its regulation, we find, in the forty-ninth clause of table A. a pro- vision that the instrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing un- der the hand of the appointer; "or if such appointer is a corpora- tion, under their common seal." Form B contains a similar clause (clause 22), as do also the forms in the schedule to the act of 1865. It would, therefore, appear to have been in the contemplation of the legislature that the appointer of a proxy might be a corporation; and inasmuch as the appointer was to be a shareholder, that a share- holder might be a corporate body. The case, however, does not rest there. The act of 1862 is an act amending and consolidating the whole of the prior laws with regard to the joint stock companies. Among other acts of parliament re- pealed by the act of 1862 are 7 and 8 Viet., ch. no (the joint stock companies act of 1844), and n and 12 Vict.,ch. 45 (the winding-up act of 1848). The interpretation clause in each of those acts pro- vided that the word "person" throughout the act should include bodies politic or corporate, whether sole or aggregate. In the present act of 1862 there is no interpretation clause, but section 180 and the follow- ing sections provide that companies formed under the repealed act of the 7 and 8 Viet., ch. no, and under the chartered companies act, i Viet., ch. 73, niay be registered under this act of 1862, and that before registration they must send in a list showing the names, addresses and occupations of all persons who on a certain day were members of the company, and when so registered they are to become subject in eveiy respect to the act of 1862. But the company which was thus to regis- ter itself, and thus to send in a list of its shareholders to the registrar under the act of 1862, might be a company entitled to have and hav- ing among its shareholders corporate bodies, whether sole or aggre- gate, and they would become members of the company registered under that act of 1862. It would, therefore, be necessary, in reading the act of 1862, with regard to a company of that kind, to read the word "person" as including bodies politic. So also, on turning to section 199, and the following sections, we find provisions for the winding up of joint stock companies formed un- der 7 and 8 Viet., c. no, and provisions which, as regards the process of winding up, are identical with provisions applicable to companies formed for the first time under the act of 1862. There again the whole of those provisions, though apparently pointing to persons and individuals, must, of necessity be read as applying to corporate bodies which should be shareholders under the former act of parliament. Now, I think the conclusion irresistible, that if in all these sections to which I have referred, beginning with section 180, and ending with section 200, the general words used must be read as comprising bodies corporate which are shareholders, there is no reason why, throughout the whole of the act, from the beginning to the end, the same words should not be read in the same way, and be held to in- clude bodies corporate. It is satisfactory to find that the conclusion IO54 PEABODY V. THE CHICAGO GAS TRUST COMPANY. 304 at which I have arrived tallies with the conclusion which has been ar- rived at in several cases, because instances were mentioned, and do not appear to have been disputed, in which limited companies have been registered as shareholders in other companies, and have been fixed as contributories in the course of the winding up of those other companies. It is true the objection does not seem in any of those cases to have been taken, or the point to have been argued, and if the matter rested upon practice alone, probably there would not have been enough in the practice by itself to have led to the conclusion at which I have arrived. But it appears to me, upon the proper construction of the act, that the practice is entirely warranted by the act of parlia- ment. The second argument, therefore, of the official liquidator seems to me to fall to the ground. Order of master of rolls affirmed. Note. Accord: 1863, Great Western Ry. Co. v. Met. Ry., 32 L. J. Ch. 382 ; 1869, Royal Bank of Indiana, 4 Ch. App. 252. But see 1851, East Anglican Ry. Co. v. Eastern Counties Ry., 7 Eng. L. & Eq. 505; 1878, Ex Parte Liquidators B. N. L. I. Assn , L. R. 8 Ch. 679, contra. Sec. 304. Same. 2. General rule in the United States. THE PEOPLE, Ex REL. PEABODY, v. THE CHICAGO GAS TRUST COMPANY. 1 1889. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ILLINOIS. 130 111. Rep. 268- 303, 17 Am. St. Rep. 319, 8 L. R. A. 497. \_Quo nvarranto as to the authority of the Gas Trust Company to exercise certain powers. The company pleaded that its charter per- mitted the exercise of the powers in question. The error assigned was the overruling of demurrers to the plea's.] MAGRUDER, J. The Chicago Gas Trust Company, appellee herein, was organized under the general incorporation law of this state. The statement filed by the original incorporators with the secretary of state sets forth that the Trust Company was formed for two objects, or for one object of a twofold character. The object, named in the first clause of the second specification of the "state- ment" is, in brief, the erection and operation of works in Chicago and other places in Illinois, for the manufacture, sale and distribution of gas and electricity. The object named in the second clause of the second specification of the "statement," is, in brief, "to purchase and hold or sell the capital stock" of any gas or electric company or companies in Chi- cago or elsewhere in Illinois. In this proceeding no attack is made upon the validity of the organ- ization of the Gas Trust Company as a corporation. 1 Statement, except as in opinion, arguments and part of opinion omitted. 304 POWER TO ACQUIRE PERSONAL PROPERTY. 10$ 5 The controversy presented by the record relates solely to the au- thority of the appellee to carry out the object designated in the second clause above mentioned. It is claimed, on the part of the people, that the charter or articles of association of the Gas Trust Company did not and could not confer upon it the power "to purchase and hold * * * 'the capital stock" of other gas companies. It is averred in the information, and admitted in eight of the eleven pleas, that ap- pellee has purchased and now holds a majority of the shares of the capital stock of four gas companies. There are two views which may be taken of the power to purchase and hold the capital stock of other gas companies as designated in said second clause. Must it be regarded as an original, independent power intended to exist exclusively of and in addition to the power named in the first clause, or may it be considered as merely ancillary to the other power of maintaining and operating works for the manu- facture and sale of gas? If the latter view be correct, the main object for which the Gas Trust Company was formed would be that it might itself maintain and operate works for the manufacture and sale of gas, while the purchase of shares of stock in other companies would be merely a subordinate object, incidental only to the main purpose of the corporate formation. An illustration of this idea may be found in the general law of this state in regard to the life insurance com- panies, which makes it lawful for a life insurance company organized in the state to "invest its funds or accumulations in the stocks of the United States * * * or in such other stocks and securities as may be approved by the auditor." The main object of forming such a company is to engage in the business of life insurance, but the power to invest surplus funds in certain stocks is given as an incident to such business. Can the power to purchase and hold the stock of other gas com- panies be lawfully exercised by the appellee as incidental to the main purpose of maintaining and operating works for the manufacture and sale of gas? Corporations can only exercise such powers as may be conferred by the legislative body creating them, either in express terms, or by necessary implication; and the implied powers are presumed to exist to .enable such bodies to carry out the express powers granted, and to accomplish the purposes of their creation. (C. P. & S. W. R. Co. v. Marseilles, 84 111. 643 ; Chicago Gas Light Co. v. People's Gas Light Co., 121 111. 530.) An incidental power is one that is directly and immediately appropriate to the execution of the specific power granted, and not one that has a slight or remote relation to it. (Hood v. N. Y. & N. H. R., 22 Conn, i; Franklin Co. v. Lewiston Sav- ings Institution, 68 Maine 43.) Where a charter in express terms confers upon a corporation the power to maintain and operate works for the manufacture and sale of gas, it is not a necessary implication therefrom that the power to pur- chase stock in other gas companies should also exist. There is no necessary connection between manufacturing gas and buying stocks. IO56 PEABODY V. THE CHICAGO GAS TRUST CO. 304 If the purpose for which a gas company has -been created is to make and sell gas and operate gas works, the purchase of stock in other gas companies is not necessary to accomplish such purpose. "The right of a corporation to invest in shares of another company can not be implied because both companies are engaged in a similar kind of busi- ness." (i Morawetz on Priv. Corp., 431.) It is true that a gas company might take the stock of another cor- poration in payment of a debt, or perhaps as security for a. debt, but the actual purchase of such stock is not directly and immediately ap- propriate to the execution of a specifically granted power to operate gas works and manufacture gas. Some corporations, like insurance companies, may find it necessary to keep funds on hand for the pay- ment of losses by death or fire, or to meet other necessary demands, but it is questionable whether even these can invest their surplus funds in the stocks of other corporations without special legislative author- ity. But there is nothing in the nature of a gas company which renders it proper for such a company to accumulate funds for outside investment; its surplus profits belong to the stockholders, and, when distributed among them, can be used by them as they see fit. If, then, the power to purchase outside stocks can not be implied from the power to operate gas works and make and sell gas, a com- pany to whom the latter power has been expressly granted can not exercise the former without legislative authority to do so. This is the law as settled by the great weight of authority. Boone on the Law of Corporations says: "Without a power spe- cifically granted, or necessarily implied, a corporation can not become a stockholder in another corporation, and especially where the object is to obtain the control or affect the management of the latter." In Green's Brice's Ultra Vires (page 91, note 3) it is said: "In the United States a corporation can not become a stockholder in another corporation unless by powder specifically granted by its charter, or necessarily implied in it." So also Morawetz on Private Corpora- tions (sees. 431433) says: "A corporation has no implied right to purchase shares in another company for the purpose of controlling its management. * * * A corporation can not, in the absence of express statutory authority, become an incorporator by subscribing for shares in a new corporation, nor can it do this indirectly through persons acting as its agents or tools." The authorities referred to by these text writers sustain the conclusions announced by them. It has been held in many cases, that, "in the United States, corporations can not purchase, or hold, or deal in the stocks of other corporations, un- less expressly authorized to do so by law," and that "one corporation can not become the owner of any portion of the capital stock of another corporation, unless authority to become such is clearly con- ferred by statute." (Franklin Co. v. Lewiston Sav. Ins., supra; Franklin Bank v. Commercial Bank, 36 Ohio St. 350 ; Milbank v. N. Y., L. E. & W. R. Co., 64 How. (N. Y.) 20; Sumner v. Marcy, 3 W. & M. 105 ; Mut. Savings Bank v. Meriden Agency, 24 Conn. 159; Central R. Co. v. Collins, 40 Ga. 582; Hazelhurst v. 304 POWER TO ACQUIRE PERSONAL PROPERTY. IO5/ Savannah R. Co., 43 Ga. 13; Berry v. Yates, 24 Barb. 199.) The special charters of the Chicago Gas Light and Coke Campany and of the People's Gas Light and Coke Company, which are set out in full in the information and not called in question in any of the pleas, confer by express grant the power to erect gas works and man- ufacture and sell gas, etc., but do not confer the power to buy shares of stock in other companies ; upon the latter subject they are silent. It will not be denied, that, under the authorities already cited, these two companies can not buy and hold stock in other gas companies. The same would undoubtedly be admitted to be true of the Chicago Gas Trust Company, if it held under a special charter of like tenor and effect granted before the adoption of the constitution of 1870. Does it make any difference that the appellee was organized under the gen- eral incorporation act? The general incorporation act of this state does not, in express terms, confer upon the corporations organized under it the power to purchase and hold shares of stock in other corporations. It is silent upon that subject. The only powers granted by it are the ordinary corporate powers, such as the rights to be bodies corporate and politic, to sue and be sued, to have a common seal, etc. The charter of a corporation formed under such a general law does not consist of the articles of association alone, but of such articles taken in connection with the law under which the organization takes place, (i Morawetz on Priv. Corp., 318.) The provisions of the law enter into and form a part of the charter. It certainly can not be true, that a corpo- ration, formed under the general incorporation act for a purpose other than that of dealing in stocks, can exercise the power of purchasing and holding stock in other corporations, where such power can not be necessarily implied from the nature of the power specifically granted, and is not necessary to carry the latter into effect. The power to purchase and hold stock in other companies must be the subject of legislative grant, if not in all cases, at least in cases where it can not be implied from the powers expressly granted. The general incorporation law contains no grant of such power by the legislature. Can a corporation organized under that law be clothed with such a power by merely naming it in the statement filed with the secretary of state? We think not. The action of the secretary of state in issuing the license and the certificate of organization is necessarily, to a large extent, merely ministerial. (Oregon Ry. Co. v. Oregonian Ry. Co., 130 U. S. i 1 ; 4 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, Tit. Corporations, page 192, note i.) Whether the articles of asso- ciation, consisting of the statement, the license, the report of the commissioners, the certificate of organization, etc., do or do not confer such rights and powers as are authorized by the law, is a matter for judicial determination. Counsel for appellee say: "We do not claim, of course, that the action of the secretary of state is conclusive and not subject to review by this court." When a corporation is formed under the general incorporation act 1 Supra, p. 429. 67 WIL. CAS. 1058 PEOPLE V. THE CHICAGO GAS TRUST CO. " 304 for the purpose of carrying on a lawful business, the law, and not the statement, or the license, or the certificate, must determine what powers can be exercised as incidents to such business. Even if shares of stock be regarded as personal property, as claimed by counsel for appellee, section five of the general law provides, that corporations formed under it "may own * * * so much * * * per- sonal estate as shall be necessary for the transaction of their business, and may sell and dispose of the same when not required for the uses of the corporation, * * * and may have and exercise all the powers necessary and requisite to cany into effect the objects for which they may be formed." This language negatives the idea that a cor- poration formed under the general law can exercise the power of buy- ing and holding the stock of other companies. A company engaged on its own account in manufacturing and selling gas does not need the stock of other gas companies in order to transact its business. Hence, it is forbidden to own such stock, the same being "personal estate." * * * The second of the two objects is stated as follows: ''And to pur- chase and hold or sell the capital stock, or purchase, or lease, or operate the property, plant, good will, rights and franchises of any gas works, or gas company or companies, or any electric company or electric companies in * * * Chicago * * * or elsewhere in * * * Illinois, as said corporation may, by vote of the ma- jority of the stockholders, elect," etc. Manufacturing and selling gas is one kind of business ; dealing in stocks is another and different kind of business. If it appeared that the appellee was engaged in both under its present charter, a serious question might arise as to the power to organize one corporation for two distinct purposes under the general incorporation act of this state. This record, however, only shows that the appellee is exercising the power designated by the declaration of the second object of its formation. What is the power which it is so exercising? * * * The fact that the appellee almost immediately after its organiza- tion bought up a majority of the shares of stock of each of these companies, shows that it was not making a mere investment of sur- plus funds, but that it designed and intended to bring the four com- panies under its control, and, by crushing out competition, to monop- olize the gas business in Chicago. The general incorporation act provides, "that corporations may be formed in the manner provided by this act for any laivful purpose except banking, insurance, real estate brokerage, the operation of railroads and the business of loaning money." The purpose for which a corporation is formed under the act must be a laiuful pur- pose. . So far as appellee was organized with the object of purchas- ing and holding all the shares of the capital stock of any gas com- pany in Chicago or Illinois, it was not organized for a lawful purpose, and all acts done by it towards the accomplishment of such object are illegal and void. * * * The common law will not permit individuals to oblige themselves 304 POWER TO ACQUIRE PERSONAL PROPERTY. IOS9 by a contract either to do or not to do anything when the thing to be done or omitted is in any degree clearly injurious to the public. (Chappel v. Brockway, 21 Wend. 157; Transportation Co. v. Pipe Line Co., 22 W. Va. 600.) In Stanton v. Allen, 5 Denio 434, an agreement, whose tendency was to prevent competition, was held to be void by the principles of the common law, because it was against public policy and injurious to the interests of the state. "Contracts creating monopolies are null and void as being con- trary to public policy." (2 Addison on Cont., 743.) All grants creating monopolies are made void by the common law. (7 Bacon's Abridgment, page 22.) In The Case of the Monopolies (Coke's Re- ports, Vol. 6, part XI, page 84), it was decided as long ago as the forty-fourth year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, that a "grant to the plaintiff of the sole making of cards within the realm was utterly void, and that for two reasons : i. That it is a monopoly and against the common law. 2. That it is against divers acts of parliament," etc. (Bell v. Leggett, 7 N. Y. 176; Trist v. Child, 21 Wall. 441.) If contracts and grants, whose tendency is to create monopolies, are void at common law, then where a corporation is organized under a general statute a provision in the declaration of its corporate pur- poses, the necessary effect of which is the creation of a monopoly, will also be void. * * * That the exercise of the power attempted to be conferred upon the appellee company must result in the creation of a monopoly results from the very nature of the power itself. If the privilege of purchasing and holding all the shares of stock in all the gas companies of Chi- cago can be lawfully conferred upon appellee under the general incorporation act, it can be lawfully conferred upon any other corpo- ration formed for the purpose of buying and holding all the shares of stock of said gas companies. The design of that act was that any number of corporations might be organized to engage in the same business if it should be deemed desirable. But the business now un- der consideration could hardly be exercised by two or three corpora- tions. Suppose that after appellee had purchased and become the holder of the majority of shares of stock of the four companies in Chicago, another corporation had been organized with the same ob- ject in view, that is to say, for the purpose of purchasing and holding a majority of the shares of stock of the gas companies in Chicago. There being only four of such companies, what would there be for the corporation last formed to do? It could not carry out the object of its creation, because the stock it was formed to buy was already owned by an existing corporation. Hence to grant to the appellee the privilege of purchasing and holding the capital stock of any gas com- pany in Chicago is to grant to it a privilege which is exclusive in its character. It is making use of the general incorporation law to secure a special "privilege, immunity or franchise;" it is obtaining a special charter, under the cover and through the machinery of that law, for a purpose forbidden by the constitution. To create one corporation IO6O PEARSON V. CONCORD RAILROAD CORPORATION. 305 that it may destroy the energies of all other corporations of a given kind, and suck their life blood out of them, is not a "lawful purpose." * * * The privileges awarded to the four gas companies under their re- spective charters were given them in return for, and in consideration of, services to be rendered by them to the public. When they en- tered the streets of Chicago, they assumed the performance of the public duty of furnishing light to the inhabitants. That they should be permitted, or required, or forced, to abandon the performance of such public duty is against the policy of the law. The public duty is imposed upon each company separately, and not upon the four when combined together. Each for itself, when it accepted its arti- cles of association, assumed an obligation to perform the objects of its incorporation. But the appellee, through the control which it does or may exercise over the four companies by reason of its own- ership of a majority of their stock, renders it impossible for them to discharge their public duties except at the dictation of an outside force, and in the manner prescribed by a corporation operating inde- pendently of them. They are thus virtually forced to abandon the performance of their duty to the public. The freedom and effective- ness of their action in carrying out the purposes of their creation are seriously interfered with, if not actually destroyed. A power, whose exercise leads to such a result can not be lawfully entrusted to any cor- porate body. * * * The court below erred in oyerruling the demurrers. Reversed. Note. See note at end of next case. Sec. 305. Same. 3. Exceptions to general rule. PEARSON v. CONCORD RAILROAD CORPORATION, ET. AL. 1 1883. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. 62 New Hampshire Reports 537-551, 13 Am. St. Rep. 590. [Bill in equity by certain stockholders to set aside certain contracts of the directors of one railroad company whereby they purchased for it a controlling interest in the stock of a connecting road for the pur- pose of controlling the latter in the interests of the former.] SMITH, J. * * * The case finds that the Northern railroad is the owner of 1,290 shares of Concord railroad stock, purchased in 1873, upon which it has since voted at the meetings of the Concord railroad. A corporation can not become a stockholder in another corporation, unless such power is given it by its charter or is neces- sarily implied in it (Franklin Co. v. Bank, 68 Maine 43 ; Bank v. Agency Co., 24 Conn. 159; Green Bri. Ult. V. 91, and cases cited; Mor. Corp., section 229 and cases cited) ; especially if the purchase 1 Only so much of the opinion as relates to the single point is here given. 305 POWER TO ACQUIRE PERSONAL PROPERTY. !O6l be for the purpose of controlling or affecting the management of the other corporation. Sumner v. Marcy, -3 W. & M. 105 ; Central R. R. Co. v. Collins, 40 Ga. 582; Hazlehurst v. Savannah, etc., R. R. Co., 43 Ga. 13; G. N. Ry. Co. v. Eastern, etc., Ry. Co., 21 L. J. Ch. 837; Booth v. Robinson, 55 Md. 419, 439. Dealing in stocks is not expressly prohibited in the act of congress providing for the organization of national banks (U. S. Rev. St., section 5136, par. 7), but such prohibition is implied from the failure to grant the power. Bank v. Bank, 92 U. S. 122, 128. Corporations are creatures of the legislature, having no other powers than such as are given to them by their charters, or such as are incidental or necessary to carry into ef- fect the puiposes for which they were established. Downing v. Mt. W. Road Co., 40 N. H. 230, 232; Trustees v. Peaslee, 15 N. H. 317, 330; Beaty v. Knowler's Lessee, 4 Pet. 152; Perrine v. Com- pany, 9 How. 172; Bank v. Earle, 13 Pet. 519; Trustees Dart- mouth College v. Woodward, 4 Wheat. 518, 636. Certain classes of corporations, such as religious and charitable corporations, and corporations for literary purposes, may rightfully in- vest their moneys in the stock of other corporations. The power, if not expressly mentioned in their charters, is necessarily implied, for the preservation of the funds with which such institutions are en- dowed, and to render their funds productive. So an insurance com- pany or savings bank may rightfully invest its capital or deposits in the stocks of railroad companies, banks, manufacturing companies, and similar corporations. The power is necessary to enable them to engage in the business for which they are organized, and hence is im- plied, if not expressly granted, in their charters. Such investments are in the line of their business. On the other hand, a manufacturing or railroad corporation is incorporated to do the business of manu- facturing or transporting passengers and merchandise. Investing their funds in that of other corporations is not in the line of their busi- ness. Under extraordinary circumstances it may become necessary for a national bank, or a manufacturing corporation, or a railroad cor- poration, to acquire stock in another corporation, as in satisfaction of a valid debt, or by way of security, but with a view to its subsequent sale or conversion into money so as to make good or redeem an an- ticipated loss. Bank v. Bank, 92 U. S. 128; Fleckner v. Bank, 8 Wheat. 338. In Hodges v. N. E. Screw Co., i R. I. 312, the court said there was no doubt the defendant company might have taken the stock in the iron company in payment for its rolling-mill, if it had been taken with a view to sell again, and not permanently to hold it. The Northern Railroad by its charter w-as vested with all the pow- ers necessary to carry into effect the purposes and objects of its incor- poration, subject to the laws in relation to corporations and railroads contained in the Revised Statutes. The objects of its incorporation are declared to be the accommodation of the public travel and the trans- portation of goods and merchandise. Laws 1844, ch. 190. It was not contemplated that more funds would be raised by the issue of stock than was necessary to construct and equip its road. The pro- 1062 PEARSON V. CONCORD RAILROAD CORPORATION. 305 vision that when the net receipts shall amount to a sum making, with the prior net receipts of -the corporation, more than an avei'age of 10 per cent, per annum from the commencement of its operations, the excess shall be paid into the treasury of the state, is evidence that the legislature never contemplated the accumulation of a fund from its earnings, or from loans, or from the issue of stock, to be invested in the stock of another railroad corporation. It can no more make a permanent investment of funds in the stock of another road than it can engage in a general banking, manufacturing or steamboat busi- ness. It is neither incidental to the purposes of its incorporation, nor necessary in the exercise of the powers conferred by its charter. If it can purchase any portion of the capital stock of the Concord com- pany it may buy up the whole, and thus engage in a business for which its charter gives it no authority. And what would hinder a banking corporation from becoming a manufacturing company, or a manufacturing company from becoming a railroad common carrier? But the facts in this case go further. The stock was bought at $105 or $106 per share (par value, $50), a price largely in excess of its market value, and for the purpose of obtaining control of the Con- cord and securing more favorable contracts to itself. In Sumner v. Marcy, 3 W. & M. 105, the corporation was chartered to deal in lumber, with a capital of $1=50,000, of which only $75,000 could be invested in personal property, and took stock in a bank to the value of $168,000, for the purpose of getting control of the bank a clear violation of its charter, but no more so than in this case. The pur- chase by a corporation of stock in another corporation will be en- joined at the instance of stockholders, when it involves a misapplica- tion of corporate funds, or is a mere speculation, or is induced by a vicious purpose. Pierce R. R., 505. If the investment by one rail- road corporation of more than $135,000 in stock of another at prices exceeding its market value, for the purpose of controlling such corpo- ration for its own benefit, is not a misapplication of corporate funds, it would be difficult to find a case where such investment would be. [Contracts set aside and a trustee appointed to manage the affairs of the Concord company.] Note. Acquiring 1 stock in other corporations. 1. General rule: In the absence of particular charter or statutory provisions,, or circumstances (indicated below), one business corporation has no general implied authority to acquire or hold stock in another such corporation (or- ganized either for a similar or for a different purpose), as an investment for speculation, or for purpose of controlling or managing such corporation. This rule is applied in cases of: (a) Banks: 1852, Talmage v. Pell, 7 N. Y. 328; 1877, Franklin Co. v. Lewis- ton Sav. Inst., 68 Maine 43 (in manufacturing) ; 1884, Franklin Bank v. Com- mercial Bank, 36 Ohio St. 350 (in banks) ; 1884, Nassau Bank v. Jones, 95 N. Y. 115, infra, p. 1205 (in railroad) ; 1893, Bank of Commerce v. Hart, 37 Neb. 197 (in insurance) ; 1897, California Bank v. Kennedy, 167 U. S. 362 (in banks) ; 1899, First National Bank v. Hawkins, 174 U. S. 364 (in banks). But compare, 1897, Latimer v. Citizens' S. B., 102 Iowa 162. See infra (i). (b) Furniture companies: 1893, Denny Hotel Co. v. Schram, 6 Wash. 134, supra, p. 553 (in hotel) ; 1895, Knowles v. Sandercock, 107 Cal. 629 (same); 1898, Newland Hotel Co. v. Furniture Co., 73 Mo. App. 135 (same). 3O5 POWER TO ACQUIRE PERSONAL PROPERTY. 1063 (c) Insurance companies: 1855, Mechanics' and W. M. Sav. B., etc., v. Meriden Agency, 24 Conn. 159 (in bank) ; 1857, Berry v. Yates, 24 Barb. (N. Y.) 199 (in insurance) ; 1878, Ex parte Liquidators L. R., 8 Ch. D. 679 (same) ; 1884, Pierson v. McCurdy, 33 Hun (N. Y.) 520 (same); 1891, Commw. Fire Ins. Co. v. Board of Rev., 99 Ala. 1, supra, p. 773 (in bank). See infra (i). (d) Land company: 1893, Pauly v. Coronado Beach Co., 56 Fed. Rep. 428 (in manufacturing) ; (e) Lumber company: 1893, Lanier Lumber Co. v. Rees, 103 Ala. 622 (in lumber company) ; (f) Manufacturing company: 1847, Sumner v. Marcy, 3 Woodb. & M. 105, Fed. Gas. 13609 (in bank) ; 1888, Lake Erie, etc., R. Co. v. Iron Co., 46 Ohio St. 44 (in railway); In other manufacturing: 1892, Easun v. Buckeye B. Co., 51 Fed. Rep. 156; 1892, Buckeye Marble Co. .v. Harvey, 92 Tenn. 115; 1895, Merz Capsule Co. v. U. S. Capsule Co., 67 Fed. Rep. 414; 1897, People v. Chicago Gas Co., 130 111. 268; 1898, Martin v. Stove Co., 78 111. App. 105; 1898, People v. Pull- man's P. C. Co., 175 111. 125; 1899, De La Vergne R. M. Co. v. German Sav. Inst., 175 U. S. 40. But compare, 1897, White v. Marquardt, 105 Iowa 145. See infra (i). (g) Raihoay companies: In other railway companies: 1851, East Anglican R. Co. v. Eastern Counties R., 7 Eng. L. & Eq. 505; 1863, Maunsell v. Midland R., 1 Hem. & M. 130; 1869, Central R. Co. v. Collins, 40 Ga. 582; 1871, Hazelhurst v. Savannah, etc., R. Co., 43 Ga. 13; 1875, Central R. Co. v. Pennsylvania R. Co., 31 N. J. Eq. 475; 1882, Milbank v. N. Y., L. E. & W., 64 How. Pr. 20; 1882, Elkins v. Camden & A. R. 36 N. J. Eq. 5; 1883, Pearson v. Concord Ry. Co., 62 N. H. 537; 1888, Mackintosh v. Flint, etc., R., 34 Fed. Rep. 582; 1888, Langdon v. Branch, 37 Fed. Rep. 449; 1892; Hamilton v. Savannah, etc., R., 49 Fed. Rep. 412; 1896, Farmers L. & T. Co. v. Railroad Co., 150 N. Y. 410; 1898, Military Interstate Assoc. v. Rail- way Co., 105 Ga. 420 (in an advertising company). See infra (i) and, (h) The general rule is applied with vigor where the object is to obtain con- trol in order to prevent competition : 1869, Central R. Co. v. Collins, 40 Ga. 582; 1879, Central R. v. Penn. R., 31 N. J. Eq. 475; 1882, Elkins v. C. & A. R., 36 N. J. Eq. 5; 1889, People v. Chicago G. T. Co., 130111. 268, 17 Am. St. R. 319, 8 L. R. A. 497, supra, p. 1054; 1892, Clarke v.R. Co., 50 Fed. Rep. 338; 1895, Louisville, etc., R. v. Ky., 161 U. S. 677 ; 1898, Martin v. Stove Co., 78 111. App. 105 ; 1899, De La Vergne R. M. Co. v. German Sav. Inst, 175 U. S. 40. (i) But the following cases hold contra the general rule above given: 1849, Elysville Mfg. Co. v. Okisko Co., l'Md. Ch. 392; 1850, Hodges v. Screw Com- pany, 1 R. I. 312, 53 Am. Dec. 624; 1853, Elysville Mfg. Co. v. Okisko Co., 5 Md. 152; 1879, Terry v. Eagle Lock Co., 47 Conn. 141 ; 1880, Booth v. Robin- son, 55 Md. 419; 1883, Pearson v. Railroad Co., 62 N. H. 537 (as to some cor- porations) ; 1894, Smith v. Newark, etc., R., 8 Ohio C. C. 583; 1895, Calumet Paper Co. v. S. I. Co., 96 Iowa 147; 1897, White v. Marquardt, 105 Iowa 145, 74 N. W. Rep. 930. See, also, English rule, supra, p. 1051, and exceptions noted below. 2. Exceptions to the general rule. (a) Express or implied authority ; special authority. 1869, Miners' Ditch Co. v. Zellerbach, 37 Gal. 543; 1884, Evans v. Bailey, 66 Cal. 112; 1899, Tren- ton Potteries Co. v. Oliphant, 58 N. J. Eq. 507, 43 Atl. Rep. 723. Authority to consolidate implies power to purchase' stock : 1863, Mayor of Baltimore v. B. & O. R., 21 Md. 50; 1879, Ryan v. Leaven worth, 21 Kan. 365; 1885, Terhune v. Potts, 47 N. J. L. 218; 1885, Hill v. Nisbet, 100 Ind. 341 ; 1892, Dewey v. Toledo R., 91 Mich. 351; 1893, Tod v. Ky. Union Land Co., 57 Fed. Rep. 47, supra, p. 952; 1894, Marbury v. Land Co., 62 Fed. Rep. 335; 1896, Louisville T. Co. v. Louisville, etc., R"., 75 Fed. Rep. 433; 1898, Rogers v. Nashville, etc., Co., 91 Fed. Rep. 299; 1900, Trust Co. v. State, 109 Ga. 736, 35 S. E. Rep. 323. In 1895, Calumet Paper Co. v. South Invest. Co., 96 Iowa 147, power to ac- quire stock in other companies is implied from a grant "to contract, acquire and transfer property as a private person"; so too, in 1897, White v. Mar- IO64 PEARSON V. CONCORD RAILROAD CORPORATION. 305 quardt, 105 Iowa 145, 74 N. W. Rep. 930, it was held that a corporation might exchange its goods for stock in other corporations. In many states the subject is regulated by statutory or other provision e. g., Georgia forbids her legislature authorizing one corporation purchasing the shares of another corporation. Const. 1877, art. iv, 2, par. 4. See, 1900, Trust Co. v. State, 109 Ga. 736, 35 S. E. Rep. 323. On the other hand, several states authorize corporations to purchase and deal in such stocks, as Minn. G. S. 1891, 2680; New Jersey, Acts 1896, 51; New York, G. L. C. 36, art. iii, 40. (b) When necessary to prevent loss, or secure the payment of a debt, stock may be taken in other corporations: 1847, Sumner v. Marcy, 3 Woodb. & M. 105, Fed. Gas. 13609; 1852, Talmage v. Pell, 7 N. Y. 328; 1860, Howe v. Bos- ton Carpet Co., 82 Mass. (16 Gray) 493 ; 1875, First National Bank v. National Ex. Bk., 92 U. S. 122 ; 1888, Railway Co. v. Iron Co., 46 Ohio St. 44 ; 1889, Na- tional Bank v. Case. 99 U. S. 628; 1891, Holmes & Griggs Mfg. Co. v. H. & W. M. Co., 127 N. Y. 252; 1893, Bank of Commerce v. Hart, 37 Neb. 197; 1895, Byrne v. Schuyler Elec. Mfg. Co., 65 Conn. 336; 1895, Calumet Paper Co. v. Invest. Co., 96 Iowa 147; 1897, California Bank v. Kennedy, 167 U. S. 362. (c) But it seems a failing corporation may dispose of its property in ex- change for the stock of another corporation, for the purpose of winding up its affairs, but not for holding permanently, and if creditors are protected: 1856, Treadwell v. Salisbury M. Co., 7 Gray (Mass.) 393; 1876, Buford v. Keokuk N. P. Co., 3 Mo. App. 159; 1895, Holmes & G. Mfg. Co. v. H. & W. M. Co., 127 N. Y. 252; 1895, Byrne v. Elec. Co., 65 Conn. 336; 1896, Pinkus v. Minn. L. M. Co., 65 Minn. 40. But not if solvent, against the protest of shareholders : 1892, People v. Bal- lard, 134 N. Y. 269, infra, p. 1066; 1895, Byrne v. Elec. Co., 65 Conn. 336; 1896, Elyton Land Co. v. Dowdell, 113 Ala. 177, 59 Am. St. Rep. 105. (d) A parent company may acquire the stock of a branch company: 1889, People v. Bell Tel. Co., 117 N. Y. 241. 3. Where stock of a corporation is held without authority by another cor- poration, the latter may collect dividends upon, or sell it, but can not vote upon it: 1872, State v. McDaniel, 22 Ohio St. 354, 368; 1882, Milbank v. N. Y., etc., R., 64 How. Pr. 20, 30; 1889, Memphis, etc., R. Co. v. Woods, 88 Ala. 630; 1899, Bigbee & W. R. Co. v. Moore, 121 Ala. 379, 25 So. Rep. 602; 1899, State v. Newman, 51 La. Ann. 833. But if the holding is authorized, the stock so held may be voted: 1890, State v. Rohlffs, N. J. , 19 Atl. Rep. 1099 ; 1894, Oelbermann v. N. Y., etc., R., 77 Hun (N. Y.) 332. As to liability of a corporation upon an ultra vires holding of stock in an- other corporation, see, 1894, Kennedy v. Cal. Sav. Bk., 101 Cal. 495; 1896, Citizens', etc., Bk. v. Hawkins, 71 Fed. Rep. 369; 1897, California Bk. v. Kennedy, 167 U. S. 362. The ultra vires exclusive holding, however, does not merge the companies, and the one owning the stock of the other does not make the former liable for the debts of the latter: 1895, Einstein v. Rochester Gas, etc., Co., 146 N. Y. 46 ; 1898, National Bank of Commerce v. Allen, 90 Fed. Rep. 545 ; 1898, Louisville Gas Co. v. Kaufman, 20 Ky. L. Rep. 1069, 48 S. W. Rep. 434. 4. Who may object. (a) A shareholder can, if the contract is executory, or if he acts promptly: 1849, Salomons v. Laing, 12 Beav. 339; 1853, Kean v. Johnson, 9 N. J. Eq. 401 ; 1885, Holt v. Winfleld Bank, 25 Fed. Rep. 812; 1895, Byrne v. Elec. Co., 65 Conn. 336; 1899, Harding v. Am. Glucose Co., 182 111. 551, 74 Am. St. Rep. 190. See note, supra, 291 ; infra, 583-385. But not if completely executed or if guilty of laches : 1882, Wright v. Pipe Line, 101 Pa. St. 204; 1885, Holt v. Winfleld Bank, 25 Fed. Rep. 812; 1892, Willoughby v. Chicago Jet., 50 N. J. Eq. 656. See note, supra, 291. (b) The state can complain : 1889, People v. Chicago Gas Trust, 130 111. 268; 1892, People v. Ballard, 134 N. Y. 269; 1892, State v. Standard Oil Co., 49 Ohio St. 137. See note, supra, 291, infra, 583-585. 306 POWER TO ALIENATE PROPERTY. 1065 Sec. 306. 3. Power to alienate property, (a) General doctrine. THE AUKORA AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OF AURORA v. PADDOCK ET AL. 1875. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ILLINOIS. 80 111. 263-274. CRAIG, J. This was a bill in equity, brought by appellees, to fore- close a mortgage executed by the Aurora Agricultural and Horti- cultural Society of Aurora, on the 28th day of December, 1870, to secure the payment of $6,000 loaned by John R. Coulter to the society. The court, on a hearing of the cause, rendered a decree directing a sale of the mortgaged premises in satisfaction of the mort- gage debt. The society has prosecuted this appeal, and, in order to obtain a reversal of the decree, it is insisted by the counsel for appellant: First. That the society had no power whatever to mortgage. Second. That the mortgage in question was wholly unauthorized. The appellant was organized on the 6th day of March, 1869, under an act approved February 15, 1855, which authorized the incorpora- tion of agricultural societies. (Gross' Statutes, 1869, page 119.) By the third section of the act the society was made a body corporate, with power to sue and be sued, to acquire and hold real estate not exceeding five hundred acres, to construct the necessary improvements and buildings for its purpose, to have and employ capital, machinery, live stock, etc., not exceeding in value $10,000. While it is true no section of the act confers direct authority upon the society to sell or mortgage its property, except upon a dissolution of the corporation, yet the act does not prohibit or restrict the society from selling or giving a mortgage upon its real estate. The power to mortgage, when not expressly given or denied, must be regarded as an incident to the power to acquire and hold real estate and make contracts. We understand it to be the common law rule that corporations have an incidental right to alien or dispose of their lands and personal prop- erty unless specially restrained by the act under which they are organ- ized or by statute. It is said in Angell & Ames on Corporations, p. 153: "Independ- ent of positive law, all corporations have the absolute jus disponendi, neither limited as to objects nor circumscribed as to quantity." The same doctrine fs clearly laid down by Kent, vol. 2, page 280. We are, therefore, of opinion, as the society was not prohibited from mortgaging its lands, it possessed the power to do so as an in- cident to the power to purchase and hold real estate and make con- tracts. In regard to the second point relied on by appellant that the direc- tors of the society had no power to authorize its president and secre- tary to mortgage the premises, such power, if it existed at all, being 1066 PEOPLE V. BALLARD. 307 in the stockholders a complete answer to this position is that the action of the directors was ratified by the stockholders. Decree affirmed. Note. Corporations have the power to alienate property, generally without special authority, and to any extent, if creditors, or dissenting shareholders, are not injuriously affected: 1838, Ref. Prot. Dutch Church v. Mott, 7 Paige Ch. (N.Y)77, 32 Am. Dec. 613; 1840, Bun-ill v. Nahant Bank, 2 Mete. (Mass.) 163, 35 Am. Dec. 395; 1856, Old Colony R. Co. v. Evans, 6 Gray (Mass.) 25, 66 Am. Dec. 394; 1856, Treadwell v. Salisbury Mfg. Co., 7 Gray (Mass.) 393, 66 Am. Dec. 490, infra, p. 1787 ; 1869, Miners Ditch Co. v. Zellerbach, 37 Cal. 543, 99 Am Dec. 300; 1888, State v. Western, etc., Co. ,40 Kan. 96, 10 Am. St. R. 166; 1891, Finch v. Ullman, 105 Mo. 255, 24 Am. St. R. 383; 1891, Holmes Mfg. Co. v. Holmes Metal, etc., Co., 127 N. Y. 252, 24 Am. St. R. 448; 1892, Union Pacific R. Co. v. C.,R. I. &P. R.,51 Fed. Rep. 309; 1894, Benbow v. Cook, 115 N. C. 324, 44 Am. St. R. 454; 1897, Bartholomew v. Derby Rubber Co., 69 Conn. 521, 61 Am. St. R. 57; 1898, Central Trust Co. v. W. N. C. R. Co., 89 Fed. Rep. 24 ; 1898, Risdon Iron & L. W. v. Citizens' Traction Co., 122 Cal. 94, 54 Pac. Rep. 529 (rolling stock) ; 1899, Stockton v. Am. Tobacco Co., 55 N. J. Eq. 352 ; 1899, Michigan Tel. Co. v. City of St. Joseph, 121 Mich. 502, 80 N. W. Rep. 383 ; 1900, City of Spokane v. Amsterdamsch, etc., Wash. , 60 Pac. Rep. 141 ; 1900, Hamilton v. Menominee Falls Quarry Co., Wis. , 81 N. W. Rep. 876; 1900, Advance Benev. Order v. Penn. Safe D. & T. Co., Pa. , 46 Atl. Rep. 102. But see, infra, 619, as to power of majority to sell without consent of minority of shareholders. Also infra, 639, as creditors' rights to complain. Sec. 307. (b) Limits. PEOPLE v. BALLARD ET AL. 1 1892. IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF NEW YORK. 134 N. Y. Rep. 269-305. VANN, J. In 1880 the Spring Valley Hydraulic Gold Company was organized as a corporation under the general manufacturing act of this state, and shortly thereafter it invested substantially all its cap- ital in certain mines in the state of California, and until the year 1886 operated the same as its sole business. The object for which it was formed, as stated in the certificate of incorporation, was to carry on the business of mining various precious ores, and to smelt, refine and sell the product. In July, 1886, the defendant trustees transferred all its property, both real and personal, including said mines, to a corporation organ- ized at the time under the laws of the state of California, for the purpose of carrying on the business theretofore conducted by the de- fendant company and of taking title to its assets. This was done with the approval of stockholders holding a majority of the stock, in good faith, to save the property from sacrifice, but without the consent of the holders of a large number of shares and against the protest of some of the stockholders. The sole consideration for such transfer 1 Part of opinion of Vann, J., and all of dissenting opinion of Landon, J. (with whom Brown, J., concurred), omitted. 307 POWER TO ALIENATE. IO6/ was an agreement by the California company to pay the debts of the New York company and to issue to it certain shares of its capital stock. A majority of the directors of the former company were, and still are, residents of California, and the only object of the transaction was, without a dissolution, to reorganize the defendant company un- der the laws of another state in order to obtain some real or supposed advantage afforded thereby. The attorney-general commenced this action to remove the trustees and to compel them to account for the property thus transferred, but the special term dismissed the complaint because no one was joined as a relator and the general term affirmed the judgment, one of its learned justices dissenting. This appeal presents two questions of grave importance: 1. Whether an action for the judicial supervision of a business cor- poration, its officers and members can be maintained by the attorney- general in the name of the people without a relator? (People v. Lowe, 47 Hun 577; People v. Bruff, 9 Abb. [N. C.] 153.) 2. Whether a corporation created by the laws of this state can be reorganized under the laws of another state without the process of law- ful dissolution. * * * (After holding that the New York statutes allowed the proceeding by the attorney-general alone, proceeds:) A corporation is purely artificial, having no natural or inherent power, but only such as its charter confers. The charter of the cor- poration in question was the statute under which it was organized. Upon filing the certificate of incorporation it came into existence with power to do only that which is expressly or impliedly authorized by the statute. It had no power to act, except through its trustees, who were authorized to manage its "stock, property and concerns," and a majority of whom were required to be citizens of this state. (Laws of 1848, ch. 40, as amended by Laws of 1869, ch. 269.) While they were authorized to conduct its affairs, they were not authorized to terminate its existence, although, under special circumstances, the courts could dissolve it upon their application. (Code of Civ. Pro., 2419.) A corporation can not cease to exist of its own will. Its life continues until either the charter period has expired or the court has decreed a dissolution. The law made it, and the law only can put an end to it. As it can not take its own life directly, it can not do so indirectly, for that would be a fraud upon the law and against public policy. By the transaction complained of the defendant com- pany was stripped of all its property, and thus prevented from going on in business and deprived of all means of carrying into effect the object of its existence. While a corporation may sell its property to pay debts, or to carry on its business, it can not sell its property in order to deprive itself of existence. It can not sell all its property to a foreign corporation organized through its procurement, with a ma- jority of non-resident trustees, for the express purpose of stepping into its shoes, taking all its assets and carrying on its business. That would be the practical destruction of the corporation by its own act, which the law will not tolerate. Whether the process by which it 1068 PEOPLE V. BALLARD. 307 was sought to convert the New York corporation into a California corporation is called reorganization, consolidation or amalgamation, it was the exercise of a power not delegated, and was void. It was corporate burial in New York for resurrection in California. While the stockholders who consented may be estopped by their acts, those who did not consent can take advantage of this violation of their rights, and in the state of New York can demand that those who did the wrong shall make restitution. The case of Abbott v. American Hard Rubber Company (33 Barb. 578), is the leading authority upon the subject in this state, and it is also recognized as the leading authority in most of the states. In that case a majority of the trustees of a business corporation, without the consent of some of the stockholders, transferred all its personal property, which was especially adapted to its business, to two persons, who forthwith caused another corporation to be formed, and trans- ferred such property to it. It was held that, as such transfer practically terminated the corporation by taking from it the power to fulfill the object of its organization, it was -a violation of that object, was not within the power of the trustees, and was hence void as ulta vires. The case was elaborately considered both at general and special term, and we regard it as a sound and valuable authority. A somewhat similar question was under consideration in Frothing- ham v. Barney (6 Hun 366), where the court said: "This, as a business arrangement, was wise, discreet and sagacious. As such it should be sustained if it legally is possible. The interests of one or two small stockholders should not enable them to work the destruction of the interests of co-owners, or compel the purchase of their stock at ficti- tious or unreal prices, if it can be avoided. * * * Upon the dis- solution of the association, it became the duty of the trustees to con- vert the assets into money and distribute the proceeds among the stockholders. To a certain extent this has been done. A portion of such assets has not been distributed, and another portion, including the good will of the old association, has been exchanged by the trus- tees for the corporate stock of a new Wells, Fargo & Co. This, as I understand, the trustees had no right to do. They had no right to exchange the assets of the old association for the corporate stock of any corporation without the consent of all the stockholders. (Mann v. Butler, 2 Barb. Ch. 362.) Equally were they without authority in making this partial exchange without such consent. Stockholders of the old association could not thus, against their will, be forced into relations with the new company. (Blatchford v. Ross, 54 Barb. 42; H. & N. H. R. Co. v. Croswell, 5 Hill 383, 386.)" In Taylor v. Earle (8 Hun i), a New York corporation, by the vote of a large majority of its stockholders, sold all its property, ex- cept cash on hand, mills and franchises, to a Vermont corporation and took in payment shares of stock in the latter company. The court said: "The whole scheme of the transfer and its execution was illegal. There is no power given by the acts under which the Bur- lington cotton mills (the New York corporation) was incorporated 30/ POWER TO ALIENATE. 1069 to transfer all its property and thus terminate its existence, and take in payment stock in a company carrying on the same business with a different name, charter and stockholders, and being a foreign corpo- ration. Th'e corporation, by the New York law, could increase or diminsh its stock, or extend its business to other objects, but that falls far short, I think, of the sweeping power exercised on this occasion. The sale was not real. It was a mere form to turn a New York cor- poration into a Vermont one, and thus escape the scrutiny into the affairs of the company permitted by the New York law to the stock- holders." All the authorities in this state are uniform in holding that the trus- tees of a corporation can not so dispose of its property as to virtually end its existence and prevent it from carrying on the business for which it was incorporated. (Blatchford v. Ross, 54 Barb. 42 ; Cope- land v. Citizens' Gas Light Co., 61 Barb. 60; Smith v. New York Consolidated Stage Co., 18 Abb. Pr. 419; Metropolitan El. Ry. Co. v. Manhattan El. Ry. Co., 14 Abb. [N. C.] 303; Hartford, etc., R. R. Co. v. Croswell, 5 Hill 383.) Other courts of the highest standing have laid down the same rule. (Railway Co. v. Allerton, 85 U. S. 233; Stevens v. Rutland, etc., R. R. Co., 29 Vt. 545; New Orleans, etc., R. R. Co. v. Harris, 27 Miss. 517; see, also, Morawetz on Corporations, 413; Spelling on Corporations, 1012; Cook on Stock and Corporation Law, 667; Beach on Corporations, 358, 430). The fact that the trustees acted in good faith did not empower them to do an illegal act ; and the fact that there may be some diffi- culty in the final adjustment of rights, because some of the stock- holders consented, while others did not, constitutes no defense to the action: We see no greater difficulty, however, than would exist if the action were brought by a trustee who had not consented to the act complained of, and no reason why "the liability of the trustees to ac- count" should not be "limited to those stockholders who have not assented to the transfer." We think that the transfer was unauthorized and void as to the non-assenting stockholders, and as to the state, and that the people can maintain the action in the name of sovereignty. The judgment should, therefore, be reversed and a new trial granted, with costs to abide event. Note. Compare, 1889, People v. Chicago Gas Trust Co., 130 111. 268, 17 Am. St. R. 319, 8 L. R. A. 497, supra, p. 1054; 1895, Coleman v. Howe, 154 111. 458, 45 Am. St. R. 133; 1896, Buck v. Ross, 68 Conn. 29, 57 Am. St. R. 61, infra, p. 1977 ; 1898, Sprague v. National Bank, 172 111. 149, 64 Am. St. R. 17 ; 1899, Hani- ing v. Am. Glucose Co., 182 111. 551, 74 Am. St. R. 190; 1899, De La Vergne Refrigerating Match Co. v. German Sav. Inst., 175 U. S. 40, 20 Sup. Ct. Rep. 20. IO/O COMMONWEALTH V. SMITH. 308 Sec. 308. (c) Same. Property charged with public trust can not be sold without special authority. HOAR, J., IN COMMONWEALTH v. SMITH. 1865. IN THE SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT OF MASSACHUSETTS. 10 Allen (Mass.) 448, on 455-6, 87 Am. Dec. 672, on 674-5. [Bill in equity by the state as the owner of prior mortgage on the property of the Troy and Greenfield Railroad Company, to impeach the validity of a mortgage executed by that company to Smith as trustee, covering the franchise and property of the railroad company then owned, or afterward acquired, to secure bonds to the amount of $900,000 to be issued to the contractor as part compensation for the construction of the road.] There seems to be no reason why a railroad corporation should not be considered as having power to make a bond for any purpose for which it may lawfully contract a debt, without any special authority to that effect, unless restrained by some restriction, express or im- plied, in its charter, or in some other legislative act. A bond is merely an obligation under seal. A corporation having the capacity to sue and be sued, the right to make contracts, under which it may incur debts, and the right to make and use a common seal, a contract under seal is not only within the scope of its powers, but was orig- inally the usual and peculiarly appropriate form of corporate agree- ment. The general power to dispose of and alienate its property is also incidental to every corporation not restricted in this respect by express legislation, or by "the purposes for which it is created, and the nature of the duties and liabilities imposed by its charter." Tread- well v. Salisbury Manufacturing Co., 7 Gray 404. But in the case of a railroad company, created for the express and sole purpose of constructing, owning and managing a railroad ; au- thorized to take land for this public purpose under the right of emi- nent domain ; whose powers are to be exercised by officers expressly designated by statute ; having public duties, the discharge of which is the leading object of its creation; required to make returns to the legislature; there are certainly great, and, in our opinion, insuperable objections to the doctrine that its franchise can be alienated, and its powers and privileges conferred by its own act upon another person or body, without authority other than that derived from the fact of its own incorporation. The franchise to be a corporation clearly can not be transferred by any corporate body, of its own will. Such a franchise is not, in its own nature, transmissible. The power to mortgage can only be coextensive with the power to alienate abso- lutely, because every mortgage may become an absolute conveyance by foreclosure. And although the franchise to exist as a corporation 39 POWER TO ALIENATE. IO7I is distinguishable from the franchises to be enjoyed and used by the corporation after its creation, yet the transfer of the latter differs es- sentially from the mere alienation of ordinary corporate property. The right of a railroad company to continue in being depends upon the performance of its public duties. Having once established its road, if that and its franchise of managing, using and taking tolls or fares upon the same are alienated, its whole power to perform its most important functions is at an end. A manufacturing company may sell its mill and buy another; but a railroad company can not make a new railroad at its pleasure. See note at end of next case. Sec. 309. Rame. BRUNSWICK GAS LIGHT COMPANY v. UNITED GAS, FUEL AND LIGHT COMPANY. 1 1893. IN THE SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT OF MAINE. 85 Maine Rep. 532-541, 35 Am - St - Re P- 3 8 5- [Action to recover damages for breach of the covenants in a lease. The defense was that the plaintiff, being a corporation that owed a duty to the public, had no legal right to lease such property as dis- abled it from performing this duty.] WALTON, J. The question is whether a gas company, which pos- sesses and exercises the right to lay its pipes in the public streets, can sell, lease or assign its corporate rights and privileges to another gas company without the consent of the legislature. We think the question must be answered in the negative. Cor- porations possessing and exercising the right of eminent domain, owe duties to the public from the performance of which they are not al- lowed to escape by a sale or lease of their franchises, without first obtaining the consent of the legislature. The franchise of a corpora- tion having the right to receive tolls may be levied on to satisfy an execution against the corporation, and in this way it may be deprived of its corporate powers and privileges. And they may be lost by the foreclosure of a legally executed mortgage. And they may also be lost by laches in reclaiming them when they have been illegally sold, leased or assigned. But subject to these well-defined exceptions, it is now settled by an overwhelming weight of authority that public or quasi-public corporations, which possess and exercise the right of eminent domain, or its equivalent, owe duties to the public, as well as to their stockholders ; and that they can not sell or lease their cor- porate powers and privileges, and thereby disable themselves from performing their public duties, without legislative authority. It is the duty of gas companies, water companies, electric light companies, 1 Statement abridged. Part of opinion omitted. 10/2 BRUNSWICK G. L. CO. V. UNITED G., F. AND L. CO. 309 telegraph and telephone companies, street railway companies, and all similar corporations, which have obtained the right to use the public streets for the erection or extension of their works, to serve the public faithfully and impartially, and at reasonable rates. And this is a duty the performance of which may be enforced by the courts. And one reason why these corporations are not allowed to sell or lease their corporate powers and franchises, without legislative authority, is that if they were able to do so, they might thereby disable themselves from the performance of their public duties, and thus escape from the power of the courts and of the legislature to enforce their perform- ance. But a still more serious objection to the traffic in corporate fran- chises is the ease with which such a power could be used to create monopolies. By its exercise, a single corporation could easily be- come possessed of the corporate powers and privileges of all its rivals, and thereby annihilate competition and obtain a complete control of the markets. Such combinations are usually hurtful, and sound pub- lic policy requires that they be kept under legislative supervision and restraint. To the argument that similar combinations may be made by indi- viduals, it has been aptly replied that men are mortal, and their com- binations short-lived, but corporations are immortal, and their com- binations and acquisitions may go on forever; that they may add field to field, wealth to wealth, and power to power, till they become too strong for the government itself ; that all experience shows that such accumulations of wealth and power are dangerous to the public wel- fare ; and that while society can endure the accumulations and com- binations of mortals, which must end at the grave, it can not endure similar accumulations and combinations of power by corporations, which may continue forever. * * * (Citinaf and commenting upon as supporting this view Stockton v. Central Railroad, 50 N. J. Eq. 52; Feitsam v. Hay, 122 111. 293;* People v. Chicago Gas Trust, 130 111. 268 ; 3 People v. Sugar Re- fining Co., 121 N. Y. 582*. ) The law does not assume that all combinations of corporate pow- ers and franchises are necessarily hurtful. It recognizes the fact that they are sometimes beneficial, and provides a way by which they may be lawfully made. But as such combinations are liable to be made for improper purposes and with conditions annexed to them which are inadmissible, sound public policy requires that they be made un- der legislative supervision and restraint. In the present case the Brunswick Gas Light Company undertook to lease all its property, and all its corporate rights and privileges, to the United Gas, Fuel and Light Company for twenty-five years. The latter company took possession of the works and held them for sev- enteen and a half months, making improvements upon them and pay- IILCCII tuiu A nnii iiioiiius, uiaKiug iiiipruvcincii * Supra, p. 141. 3 Supra, p. 1054. * Supra, p. 100. 309 POWER TO ALIENATE. IO/3 ing a portion of the agreed rent. It then abandoned the works, and possession was resumed by the lessors. This is a suit by the lessors against the lessees for a breach of the covenants contained in the lease. It was contended in defense that the lease was illegal and void, and that no recovery could be had upon it. The presiding justice ruled, as a matter of law, that the plaintiff company and the defendant company had power to execute the lease, and that a recovery could be had for a breach of the cove- nants contained in it. We think the ruling was erroneous. No legis- lative authority for making the lease was shown, and, without such authority, we think the lease must be regarded as ultra vires and void. The authorities bearing upon the question are not in entire har- mony; but the weight of authority seems to us to be overwhelm- ingly in favor of this conclusion. See 2 Beach on Corporations, sections 831 to 856, inclusive, and the six pages of authorities, pro and con, cited under the section last cited. The cases are too numer- ous for citation here, and the few cases to which we have referred will furnish a key to all of them. But it is claimed that, inasmuch as the defendant company took and held possession of the plaintiff company's works by virtue of the lease, ultra vires is no defense to an action to recover the agreed rent. We do not doubt that the plaintiff company is entitled to re- cover a reasonable rent for the time the defendant company actually occupied the works ; but do not think the amount can be measured by the ultra vires agreement. We think that in such cases the recov- ery must be had upon an implied agreement to pay a reasonable rent ; and that while the ultra vires agreement may be used as evidence, in the nature of an admission, of what is a reasonable rent, it can not be allowed to govern or control the amount. It seems to us that it would be absurd to hold that the ulta vires lease is void and at the same time hold that it governs the rights of the parties with respect to the amount of rent to be recovered. A void instrument governs nothing. We think the correct rule is the one stated by Mr. Justice Gray, in a recent case in the United States Supreme Court. He said that a contract made by a corporation which is unlawful and void, be- cause beyond the scope of its corporate powers, does not by being carried into execution become lawful and valid ; and that the proper remedy of the aggrieved party is to disaffirm the contract and sue to recover as on a quantum meruit the value of what the defendant has actually received the benefit of. Pittsburgh, etc,, v. Keokuk, etc., 131 U. S. 371. We think this is the correct rule. 2 Beach on Corp., 423, and cases there cited. Exceptions sustained. Note. See, also, 1826, Ammant v. New Alex. Tp. R., 13 Serg. & R. (Pa.) 210, 15 Am. Dec. 593; 1845, Susquehanna Canal Co. v. Bonham, 9 Watts & S. 27, 42 Am. Dec. 315; 1859, Coe v. C. P. & I. R., 10 Ohio St. 372, 75 Am. Dec. 518; 1880, Gooch v. McGee, 83 N. C. 59, 35 Am. Rep. 558; 1887, Chicago Gas L. Co. v. People G. L. Co., 121 111. 530, 19 Am. St. R. 663; 1892, Overton Bridge Co. v. Means, 33 Neb. 857, 29 Am. St. R. 514 ; 1892, Union Pacific R. 68 WIL. CAS. IO74 B - AND L - R - CO - V - METCALFE. 3IO Co. v. C., R. I. & P. R., 51 Fed. Rep. 309; 1893, Gardner v. Mobile, etc., R. Co., 102 Ala. 635, 48 Am. St. R. 84; 1895, Reynolds v. Reynolds Lumber Co., 169 Pa. St. 626, 47 Am. St. R. 935; 1895, Bank v. Tanning Co., 170 Pa. St. 1; 1896, Johnson Co. v. Miller, 174 Pa. St. 605, 52 Am. St. R. 833; 1897, Smith v. R. Co., 182 Pa. St. 139 ; 1898, Risdon Iron & Locomotive Works v. Citi- zens' Traction Co., 122 Cal. 94, 54 Pac. Rep. 529 ; 1899, Harding v. Am. Glucose Co., 182 111. 551, 74 Am. St. R. 189. Sec. 310. Same, (d) Contra. BTJLLITT, J., IN BARDSTOWN AND LOUISVILLE RAILROAD COM- PANY v. METCALFE. 1862. IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF KENTUCKY. 4 Metcalfe (Ky.) Rep. 199, on pp. 206-210, 81 Am. Dec. 541, on 546550. [The charter of the railroad company authorized its directors to borrow money not exceeding $50.000; the board of directors author- ized the president to borrow $30,000 from Metcalfe, and execute a mortgage upon the road and its property. This was done, default in payment made, foreclosure suit brought, and judgment that the road be leased for eight years to the highest bidder, the rent to go to pay the debt, and if no one would lease, that the road be sold to the highest bidder. Appeal was taken from this judgment.] 4. It is contended that the appellant had no power to mortgage its road or franchises. This question, and the next one that we shall consider, were raised by a general demurrer to the petition. Gener- ally, a private corporation has an implied power to do whatever may be necessary to execute its express powers, and to accomplish the purposes for which it was formed. The appellant was expressly au- thorized to borrow this money, but was not expressly authorized to make a mortgage. Had it not an implied power to do so? It can not be doubted that a manufacturing corporation having power, ex- press or implied, to borrow money, might, unless expressly prohibited, mortgage its property to secure the debt. But it is contended that a railroad corporation stands upon a different footing, because its road is built for public use as well as for the profit of its stockholders ; that it is under a duty to the public to keep its road in repair, and carry on its business for the transportation of freight and passengers ; and that it can not relieve itself from those duties by conveying its road away. These views seem to be sustained by several English decisions. At any rate, it seems to be settled in England that a railway company can not, without express authority from parliament, assign or mort- gage or lease its road, upon the ground that it is against public policy. An examination of several of those cases does not enable us to state the precise views of public policy out of which that doctrine sprung. It probably arose in part of a general statute which is not in force here. Judge Redfield, however, says: "The ground upon which the decisions in England and America, which hold the franchises of 310 POWER TO ALIENATE. IO/5 corporations not to be assignable, except by consent of the legislature, rest is mainly the same as that upon which it has been held in this country, that such franchises are beyond the legislative control ; namely, that the charter constitutes a contract between the sovereignty and the corporation, on the one part, for the grant of certain privileges and im- munities, and upon the other, for the performance of certain duties and functions which are deemed an equivalent or consideration. * * * The state confers upon railways some of its most essential powers of sovereignty, that of eminent domain, and of a virtual monopoly, in the transportation of freight and passengers, and in return therefor stipulates for the performance of those duties by the corporation. The corporation have no more right in equity and justice to transfer their obligations to other companies, or to natural persons, than the state has to withdraw them altogether." Redfield on Railways, 422, note 14. The doctrine, according to Judge Redfield, rests upon the ground that the corporation is under an obligation to the state to build and operate its road. Such was formerly the rule in England, even as to a railway corporation that had not made any express undertaking to that effect, and to which no exclusive privileges had been granted. Redfield on Railways, section 192. But concerning that class of cases, the doctrine seems to have been overruled in England, and has never prevailed in America. Redfield on Railways, section 192, and notes. The appellant did not expressly undertake to build the road authorized by its charter; nor did its charter expressly declare that it should do so ; nor was any exclusive right to do so conferred upon it. In our opinion, the appellant was not bound to commence the road, nor to complete it after commencing, nor to put it in operation after completion, nor to continue it in operation. It might have forfeited its charter by non-user, but was not bound to use it. So long as it shall avail itself of the privileges conferred by its charter, it will be liable to the burdens thereby imposed. But, in our opinion, neither the public nor any individual not connected with it can compel it to exercise its corporate franchises, or make it pay damages for failing to do so. The doctrine under consideration has, therefore, no founda- tion in this case, if the ground on which it rests is earnestly stated by Judge Redfield. Nor do we perceive any other solid ground on which to place it. We do not suppose that the appellant could mortgage its corporate existence, or any prerogative franchise conferred upon it. But the right to build and use a railroad is not a prerogative franchise. It has, indeed, been said that "both currency and internal communica- tion between different portions of the state are exclusively the pre- rogatives of sovereignty"; Redfield on Railways, 23; and that "the right to build and use a railroad, and take tolls or fares, is a franchise of the prerogative character, which no person can legally exercise without some special grant of the legislature"; Redfield on Rail- ways, 23, note i. Possibly these passages were not designed to mean more than this : A road can not be made over the lands of un- 10/6 B. AND L. R.'CO. V. METCALFE. 310 willing proprietors except under authority from the state ; and the state, in order to encourage internal improvements, may grant to a corporation or individual the exclusive right to build a road between two points. In the absence of any positive law upon the subject, our opinion is that an individual has as much right to build a railroad over his own land, or the land of others with their consent, as he has to build a stage or a wagon ; and as much right to use the former as the latter in carrying freight and passengers for pay. The denial of the right of a railroad corporation to transfer its road has sometimes been based upon considerations of general con- venience and public interest, and upon the ground that the corpora- tion, having been chosen by the legislature as the fit depositary of the right to construct and operate the road, should not be permitted to transfer it to irresponsible parties. To this argument several objec- tions present themselves. The appellant's directors, in authorizing this mortgage to Metcalfe, declared themselves "satisfied that to furnish and complete the road they will require the sum of thirty thousand dollars in addition to the means at their command." As- suming, as we must do, that the loan was necessary to complete the road, and assuming it to be probable, as we may do, that the loan could not have been effected without a mortgage, considerations of general convenience seem to be on the side of the power to make the mortgage rather than against it. The public had an interest in seeing the road constructed and op- erated according to the terms of the charter. But whether it shall be thus operated by A or B, by an individual or corporation, does not seem to be a matter of any interest whatever to the public. Under the charter of the appellant, its road, while held by it, is under the control of its stockholders. A single person, by purchasing all the stock, can control the road as completely as if he owned it individu- ally. A purchaser, under its mortgage, would take the road subject to the terms of the charter designed to protect the public, and would be bound thereby as fully as the corporation is. We perceive no reason to suppose that a purchaser of all the prop- erty of appellant would be less responsible in a pecuniary point of view than the appellant. Nor do we perceive any other reason to suppose that the individual responsibility of the purchaser would not be quite as beneficial to the public as the corporate responsibility of the appellant. General convenience requires that the appellant shall in some manner be compelled to pay the money it borrowed. But it is contended that this should be done by merely subjecting the accruing profits. To do that effectually it might be necessary to appoint a re- ceiver to take charge of the road, because under the management of the directors it is possible that no profits might accrue, while under a different management the road might be profitable. Yet every argu- ment against allowing the appellant to mortgage its road applies with equal force against the appointment of a receiver to control it, with perhaps the additional argument that a receiver would not be person- ally liable, like a purchaser, as a common carrier. 310 POWER TO ALIENATE. IO77 That a mortgage by a railway company to secure money borrowed for the construction of its road is not opposed to the public policy of this state is indicated by the general course of legislation upon the subject. We believe that all the railroads in the state, except that of the appellant, were constructed under charters authorizing such mort- gages ; and mortgages made by the Covington and Lexington Com- pany and by the Lexington and Big Sandy Company, without express authority either to make a mortgage or to borrow money, were after- ward ratified by the legislature. And we are not aware of an instance in which the legislature, when applied to, has refused to confer such power or to ratify the exercise of it. The facts that the appellant voluntarily mortgaged its property to secure the money which it was expressly authorized to borrow, and that the bondholders invested their money upon the faith of the mort- gage, furnish, in our opinion, a sufficient distinction to relieve this case from the operation of the distinction in the case of Winchester and Lexington Turnpike Co. v. Vimont, 5 B. Monroe i, in which it was held that a turnpike road could not be sold for a general debt of the corporation. If the decision in that case could be regarded as denying that property or fi'anchises, in the use of which the public have an interest, can be assigned, we might perhaps hesitate to follow it, in view of several other decisions of this court. In Jouitt v. Lewis, 4 Litt. 1 60, the vendee of a turnpike road was held liable upon his covenant to keep it in repair without any question being made as to the validity of the sale. In Trustees of Maysville v. Boon, 2 J. J. Marsh. 227, a feiry franchise was held to be alienable. And in Mc- Cauley v. Givens, i Dana 261, a lease of a ferry under an order of court was held to be valid. Our decision rests upon the ground that the appellant, having been authorized to borrow this money, had im- plied power to execute a mortgage to secure its payment. The Amer- ican decisions cited in Pierce on Railroad Law, chapter 20, and Redfield on Railways, section 235, note 19, present such a conflict of opinion that we have felt free to consider the question as an open one, and have not deemed it advisable to attempt to sustain our opinion by re- ferring to cases which are perhaps counterbalanced by opposing au- thorities. * * * Reversed on another ground. Compare, 1869, Miners' Ditch Co. v. Zellerbach, 37 Cal. 543, 99 Am. Dec. 300; 1888, State v. Western, etc., Co., 40 Kan. 96, 10 Am. St. Rep. 166; 1899, Michigan Telephone Co. v. St. Joseph, 121 Mich. 502, 80 Am. St. Rep. 520, 80 N. W. 383. 10/8 JONES V. GUARANTY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY. 311 Sec. 311. (e) Power to mortgage. JONES v. GUARANTY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY. 1 1879. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. 101 U. S. Rep. 622-633. [Appeal from United States Circuit Court, E. D. New York. The New York Kerosene Oil Co., and the New York Guaranty and In- demnity Company were both New York corporations. In 1867, Coz- zens, president of the oil company, applied to the guaranty company for a loan for $100,000; this was agreed to, and $50,000 advanced; and to secure the same, by agreement with Cozzens, a bond and mort- gage were directed to be executed, after the written consent of the holders of more than two-thirds of the stock of the oil company had been obtained. The mortgage was duly executed to secure a loan of $100,000, and was stated to be given to cover any advances then made, or thereafter to be made by the guaranty company, to Cozzens to the amount of $100,000, on condition that whenever any sum was so advanced the amount and date should be indorsed and signed by Cozzens on the bond and whenever he made any payment such sum should also be indorsed on the bond. No dishonesty was alleged or shown in the transactions, and the company had express authority to secure its debts "contracted by it in the business for which it was in- corporated, by mortgaging any or all of its real estate." The unse- cured creditors, after the corporation became insolvent, attacked the validity of the mortgage. The circuit court sustained it, and this de- cision is brought here for review.] MR. JUSTICE S WAYNE. * * * The central and controlling questions to be determined are : Whether the oil company had the power to give a mortgage for future advances; and, Whether the mortgage here in question is, in the view of a court of equity, for the debt of the oil company or for the debt of Abraham M. Cozzens. The oral arguments of the eminent counsel who appeared before us were addressed principally to these subjects. Numerous other points are made by the counsel for the appellant in his brief, and have been fully discussed in the printed arguments upon both sides. They are minor in their character, and we think involve no proposition that ad- mits of doubt as to its proper solution. We are satisfied with the disposition made of them by the circuit court, and shall pass them by without further remark. At the common law, every corporation had, as incident to its ex- istence, the power to acquire, hold and convey real estate, except so far as it was restrained by its charter or by act of parliament. This comprehensive capacity included also personal effects of every kind. 1 Statement abridged. Part of opinion omitted. POWER TO ALIENATE. 1 079 The jus disponendi was without limit or qualification. It extended to mortgages given to secure the payment of debts, i Kyd Corp., 69, 76, 78, 108; Angell & Ames, 145; 2 Kent Com., 282; Rey- nolds v. Commissioners of Stark County, 5 Ohio 204; White- water Valley Canal Co. v. Valette, 21 How. 414. A mortgage for future advances was recognized as valid by the common law. Gardner v. Graham, 7 Vin. Abr. 22, pi. 3. See also, Brinkerhoff v. Marvin, 5 Johns. (N. Y.) Ch. 320; Lawrence v. Tucker, 23 How. 14. It is believed that they are held valid throughout the United States, except where forbidden by the local law. The statute under which the oil company came into existence made it "capable in law of purchasing, holding and conveying any real and personal estate, whenever necessary to enable" it to carry on its busi- ness: but it was forbidden to "mortgage the same, or give any lien thereon." This disability was removed by the later act of 1864, which expressly conferred the power before withheld. This change was remedial, and the clause which gave it is, therefore, to be construed liberally with reference to the ends in view. The learned counsel for the appellant insisted that a mortgage could be competently given by the oil company only to secure a debt in- curred in its business and already subsisting. This, we think, is too narrow a construction of the language of the law. A thing may be within a statute but not within its letter, or within the letter and yet not within the statute. The intent of the lawmaker is the law. The People v. Utica Insurance Co., 15 Johns. (N. Y.) 358; United States v. Babbit, i Black 55. The view of the court in Thompson v. New York and Hudson River Railroad Co., 3 Sandf. (N. Y.) Ch. 625, was sounder and better law. There the charter authorized the corporation to build a bridge. It found one already built that answered every purpose, and bought it. The purchase was held to be intra vires and valid. Here the object of the authorization is to enable the company to procure the means to carry on its business. Why should it be required to go into debt, and then borrow, if it could, instead of borrowing in ad- vance and shaping its affairs accordingly? No sensible reason to the contrary can be given. If it may borrow and give a mortgage for a debt antecedently or contemporaneously created, why may it not thus provide for future advances as it may need them? This may be more economical and more beneficial than any other arrangement involving the security authorized to be given. In both these latter cases the ultimate result with respect to the security would be just the same as if the mortgage were given for a pre-existing debt in literal compli- ance with the statute. No one could be wronged or injured, while the corporation, whom it was the purpose of the law to aid, might be materially benefited. Is not such a departure within the meaning, if hot the letter, of the statute ? There would be no more danger of the abuse of the power conferred than if it were exercised in the man- ner insisted upon. The safeguard provided in the required assent of I08O JONES V. GUARANTY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY. 311 stockholders would apply with the same efficacy in all the cases. The object of the loan, the application of the money, and the restraints imposed by the charter in those particulars, would be the same whether the transaction took one form or the other. According to our construction the company could give no mortgage but one grow- ing out of their business, and intended to aid them in carrying it on. In legal effect the difference between the two constructions is one merely of mode and manner, and not of substance. Such securities are not contrary to the law or public policy of the state. Many cases are found in her reported adjudications where both judgments and mortgages for future advances have been sus- tained. Our view is not without support from the language of the statute, that "every mortgage so made shall be as valid to all intents and pur- poses as if executed by an individual owning such real estate." If this mortgage had been given by individuals, the question we are ex- amining doubtless would not have been brought before us for consid- eration. When a deed is fatally defective for the want of a sufficient consider- ation to support it, such a consideration subsequently arising may cure the defect and give the instrument validity. Sumner v. Hicks, 2 Black 532. It is not necessary to go through the form of executing a second deed to take the place of the first one. This principle applies to the mortgage after all the advances had been made, conceding that it had before been invalid for the reason insisted upon. The statute of 1864 neither expressly forbids nor declares void mort- gages for future advances. If the one here in question be ultra vires, no one can take advan- tage of the defect of power involved but the state. As to all other parties it must be held valid, and may be enforced accordingly. Sil- ver Lake Bank v. North, 4 Johns. (N. Y. ) Ch. 370; National Bank v. Mathews, 98 U. S. 621. In the latter case this subject was fully examined. A corporation can act only by its agents If there were any such technical defect as is claimed touching the execution of this mort- gage, it has been cured by acquiescence and ratification by the mort- gagor. No one else can raise the question. All other parties are concluded. Gordon v. Preston, i Watts (Pa.) 385. Where money had been obtained by a corporation upon its securi- ties, which were irregular and ultra vires, but the money was applied for the benefit of the company, with the knowledge and acquiescence of the shareholders, the company and the shareholders were estopped from denying the liability of the company to repay it. And the same result follows where such securities are issued with the knowledge of the shareholders, so far as the money thus raised is applied for the benefit of the company. In re Cork & Youghal Railway Co., Law Rep. 4 Ch. 748. A court of equity abhors forfeitures, and will not lend its aid to $ 312 POWER TO ALIENATE. !O8l enforce them. Marshall v. Vicksburg, 15 Wall. 146. Nor will it give its aid in the assertion of a mere legal right contrary to the clear equity and justice of the case. Lewis v. Lyons, 13 111. 117. The second point to be considered is whether the mortgage was for the debt of Cozzens or for the debt of the oil company. * * * We are satisfied beyond a doubt that it was the debt of the oil company and not his debt that was intended to be secured and was secured by the mortgage. * * * Decree affirmed. Note. As to power to mortgage property : 1830, Jackson v. Brown, 5 Wend. 590 ; 1832, Leggett v. N. J. M. & B. Co., 1 Saxt. Ch. (N. J.) 541, 23 Am. Dec. 728 ; 1833, Gordon v. Preston, 1 Watts (Pa.) 385, 26 Am. Dec. 75; 1852, Susque- hanna, etc., Go. v. Gen'l Ins. Co., 3 Md. 305, 56 Am. Dec. 740; 1867, Hendee v. Pinkerton, 14 Allen (Mass.) 381; 1887, Warfield v. Marshall Co., 72 Iowa 666, 20 Am. St. Rep. 263; 1892, Evans v. Boston Heating Co., 157 Mass. 37; 1894, Benbow v. Cook, 115 N. C. 324, 44 Am. St. Rep. 454; 1896, Ashley Wire Co. v. Illinois Steel Co., 164 111. 149, 56 Am. St. Rep. 187; 1898, First Nat'l Bank v. Winchester, 119 Ala. 168, 72 Am. St. Rep. 904; 1899, New Britain Nat'l Bank v. Cleveland Co., 158 N. Y. 722, 53 N. E. Rep. 1128; 1899, G. V. B. Mining Co. v. First Nat'l Bank, 95 Fed. Rep. (C. C. A.) 23; 1899, Rutherford, etc., Elec. Co. v. Franklin Trust Co., 58 N. J. Eq. 584, 43 Atl. Rep. 1098; 1900, Citizens' State Bank v. McGraft Lumber Co., 122 Mich. 573, 81 N. W. Rep. 567. Sec. 312. (f) Franchise. i. Not without special authority. 1302. "Royal franchises never pass by assignment, without special words in the Kings' grant" Quo warranto against John Arundel, and asked him by what warrant he held a market once a week and a fair twice a year in his manor of C. Answer held by descent from our father who was enfeoffed by Walter de Ralegh of the manor of C. with appurtenances, to whom King John granted the franchises: Held as above. Y. B. 30 Ed. I, 220, Cornish Iter. See Fietsam v. Hay, 122 111. 2935*3 Am. St. Rep : 492, supra, p. 141, 25, and note; Memphis & L. R. R. Co. v. R. Commrs., 112 U. S. 609, supra, p. 143, 26. Note. See note, supra, p. 157 ; also, 1895, Bank v. Fanning, 170 Pa. St 1 1897, State v. Anderson, 97 Wis. 114 ; 1898, Central Trust Co. v. W. N. C R Co., 89 Fed. Rep. 24; 1899, Michigan Telephone Co. v. St. Joseph, 121 Mich' 602, 80 N. W. 383, 80 Am. St. Rep. 520, contra. 1082 STATE V. JOHN SHERMAN. Sec. 313. 2. Theory of a sale, when authority to convey fran- chise is given. THE STATE OF OHIO, Ex REL. ATTORNEY-GENERAL, v. JOHN SHERMAN ET AL. 1 1872. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF OHIO. 22 Ohio St. Rep. 4H-435- [Quo warranto against defendants, as claiming to be the P., F. W. & C. Railway Co. in Ohio, without authority. The O. & P. Co. T by proper authority from Pennsylvania and Ohio, had built a railroad from Pittsburg to Crestline, Ohio; the O. & I., by authority of Ohio and Indiana, from Crestline, Ohio, to Ft. Wayne, Ind. ; and the F. W. & C., by authority of Indiana and Illinois, from Ft. Wayne to Chicago. These three roads, by proper authority from each of the states, were duly consolidated into the P., F. W. & C. Railroad Co., and a certificate of its organization, according to the laws of Ohio filed with secretary of state of Ohio, as required. This company issued its bonds as authorized, but made default in payment of interest thereon, whereupon proceedings to foreclose the mortgages securing the bonds were had in the proper courts, and a sale made in 1861 to Lanier et al., as trustees for the creditors, "of said railroad and the property and franchises connected therewith." Lanier and his asso- ciates became duly incorporated under the laws of Pennsylvania, In- diana and Illinois, as the P., F. W. & C. Railway Co., and Lanier et al. conveyed by deed all the property and franchises pertaining to the P., F. W. & C. Railroad Co. Afterward, in 1863, this P., F. W. & C. Railroad Co. conveyed by deed properly executed its "fran- chise to be. a corporation," in conformity with the law of Ohio, to the P., F. W. & C. Railway Co., and, under this conveyance, the latter company claimed to have become a legal and valid corporation in Ohio.] WELCH, C. J. * * * The Questions to be decided, therefore, are: i. Is the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway Company a corporation of Ohio? 2. If not such corporation, has it the right and power, as a foreign corporation, to own, operate and maintain its road in Ohio, and for that purpose to use and enjoy the privileges and franchises specified in the information? We will consider these two questions in their order. i . Are the defendants an Ohio corporation ? Their claim is, that the consolidated. company, the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad Company, was an Ohio corporation, and that its charter, "its franchise to be," or right of existence, has passed to, or become vested in the defendants, by virtue of the deed made under the act of April 4, 1863. Unless this act, and the deed 1 Statement of facts abridged. Arguments omitted. Only part of opinion given. 313 POWER TO ALIENATE. 1083 made under it, are sufficient and effectual so to transfer or vest the charter of the consolidated company, it is quite unnecessary to in- quire whether that company was, or is, a legal corporation of Ohio, and we are saved the necessity of considering the various questions made and argued by counsel, touching the legality of the consolida- tion, and of the proceedings preliminary and antecedent thereto. Assuming, then, for the present, what I believe to be the fact, that the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad Company was an Ohio corporation, did its charter pass to or vest in the defendants, by virtue of the deed and act of 1863, and thus constitute the defend- ants, or rather thus constitute the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway Company, an Ohio corporation ? That a corporation can, when authorized by law so to do, transfer, sell, or convey its charter or franchise to be a corporation, and thus vest it in others, seems to be quite well settled by judicial decisions. And we have no objections to make to this proposition of law, except it may be to the form of stating it. The real transaction in all such cases of transfer, sale, or conveyance, in legal effect, is nothing more or less, and nothing other, than a surrender or abandonment of the old charter by the corporators, and a grant de novo of a similar char- ter to the so-called transferees or purchasers. To look upon it in any other light, and to regard the transaction as a literal transfer or sale of the charter, is to be deceived, we think, by a mere figure or form of speech. The vital part of the transaction, and that without which it would be a nullity, is the law under which the transfer is made. The statute authorizing the transfer and declaring its effect, is the grant of a new charter, couched in few words, and to take ef- fect upon condition of the surrender or abandonment of the old char- ter ; and the deed of transfer is to be regarded as mere evidence of the surrender or abandonment. According to our understanding of the cases cited by counsel for the defendants^in support of the doc- trine of the transferability of such charters, this is the view enter- tained wherever the courts have spoken directly of the legal effect of such conveyances. And such seems to be the view taken by coun- sel themselves. For they say, among other things:. "If the corpora- tors ('of the old company') saw fit, nobody would question their right to dissolve the old corporation and surrender their franchise to the state, and no question could be made of the right of the state, by a general law, to provide for conferring it upon the purchasers of their property." And the counsel add: ''That is what, in effect, is done by this act," the act of 1863. We agree to this proposition of coun- sel, with a single proviso. We think, with them, that "that is what, in effect, is done," provided anything is constitutionally and effectu- ally done. In other words, the legislature of Ohio, by the act of 1863, have granted to the defendants a charter of incorporation similar to that held by the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad Company, provided the legislature, at the date of the act, had constitutional power to grant such a charter, and provided the requirements of the 1084 STATE V. JOHN SHERMAN. 313 act have been complied with by the parties. It matters not if we re- gard the charter granted as identical with the one surrendered a something which really passes from the old or defunct corporation into the hands of the legislature, and thence to the new organization. There must be at the time constitutional power in the legislature, not only to receive but also to reissue the charter. It must pass through legislative hands before it can take life in a new organization. It comes into their hands the work and offspring of the old constitution, but it goes out again, if at all, as the work and offspring of the new one, and subject to all its requirements and limitations. By the present constitution of Ohio, the power of the legislature to grant charters of incorporation is subjected to important limitations, which did not exist under the constitution of 1802. One of these is, that the grant must be made by a general law ; another is that the charter must be subject to alteration and revocation by the legislature ; and a third is, that the grant must be made in some such form as will subject the stockholders to individual liability, to at least a certain extent, for the debts of the corporation. The claim upon the part of the state is that the act of April 4, 1863, is in violation of these several provisions of the constitution ; or, if the act will admit of a construction consistent with these provisions, then the claim is that the provisions and requirements of the act, taken in their proper and constitutional sense, have not been conformed to by the parties. We have no hesitation in holding that the act of 1863 is not liable to the objection that it is a "special act." It is a "general law," in our judgment, within the meaning of article i, section 2, of the con- stitution. In so holding we merely repeat, in substance, what has been heretofore decided by this court in Cricket v. The State, 18 Ohio St. 9; Welker v. Potter, 18 Ohio St. 87. The objection, that if the defendants did thus acquire a charter un- der the act of 1863, that charter would not be subject to alteration or repeal, has, in effect, been answered in what is said above. If the charter thus acquired is to be regarded in law as identical with the charter of the reorganized company, and not as a new charter issuing directly from the legislature ; and if, in like manner, the charter of the reorganized company is to be regarded not as a legislative grant made to it, but as a grant directly from the original companies so con- solidated, then it may be time that the charter would be unalterable and irrevocable, and the act of 1863 be unconstitutional on that ground. But, as we have already said, such is not the law of the case, and the charter, if so vested, would remain, as other charters granted under the present constitution, liable to amendment and re- peal by the legislature. But the trouble in defendants' case arises when we attempt to rec- oncile their claim that they are an Ohio corporation under the act of 1863, with the third-named limitation in the constitution the limita- tion in regard to individual liability. Under the present constitution the legislature are powerless to grant a charter to any such corpora- tion, unless the grant is made in a form that will secure the individual 313 POWER TO ALIENATE. 1 085 liability of its stockholders for the debts of the corporation, at least to the amount of their stock over and above their subscription. This liability may be secured by an express provision in the act of incor- poration. Where it is to exceed the amount of the stock, it must be secured in that form. In the absence of any such provision in the act of incorporation, I presume this provision of the constitution would enter into and form part of the act of incorporation, and to that ex- tent execute itself. In either case, however, the act of incorporation, the grant of the charter, must be in some such form as will secure this liability. It must require of the individuals availing themselves of its provisions some acts as such, under and in pursuance of it, as will subject them individually to its provisions, or to this provision of the constitution in regard to liability. If it fails to do this, it is simply unconstitutional and void. The act of 1863, under which the defendants claim title, contains no provision imposing liability upon individuals who may become stockholders under it. Whether the act, properly interpreted, does or does not require of the persons becoming incorporated under its pro- visions, acts or proceedings which will secure their individual liability as stockholders, is totally immaterial to the present case. Because, if it is to be interpreted as requiring such acts namely, an organization of individuals under the act, such as is required by the act of April 1 1, 1861 ; a deed to be made to, and accepted by them, or a taking of stock by them in the company thus organized then the defendants have put a wrong interpretation upon the act, and have failed to com- ply with its provisions. On the other hand, if they have rightly in- terpreted the act, then the act itself is unconstitutional and void, for the want of adequate provisions to secure the individual liability of stock- holders becoming incorporated under its provisions. I presume it is not claimed on behalf of defendants that they have done any act, by way of organization, the taking of stock, or the acceptance of the deed made under the act of 1863, which subjects them, as individuals, to any liability whatever beyond that incurred by becoming members of the foreign company. They never organized under the- Ohio act ; their organization was complete before it was passed. They took no stock under the Ohio act ; their stock had already been taken under the Pennsylvania act. Nor was the deed made to, or accepted by them ; it was made to, and accepted by the corporation, of which they were members. As such corporation it had no power, by any act whatever, to pledge the individual liability of its stockholders. The powers of a corporation are limited to the common property and com- mon interests of the organization. Over these, and within the scope and purpose of its organization, a majority of its members, acting through and by its officers and agents, can exercise dominion and con- trol, and bind its individual members. Beyond this common fund and outside this scope, the corporation, as such, is powerless to bind its individual members. In some cases it has been found very diffi- cult to determine the exact line between what may be done by a ma- jority of the corporators, thus acting by and through common agents, 1086 STATE V. JOHN SHERMAN. 313 and what can only be effected by the individual consent of each and all ; but no difficulty of the kind can occur in solving questions of in- dividual liability. There the line is distinctly drawn and marked. The contract by which he becomes such member fixes the boundary between the interests of the stockholder and those which are embarked in the common enterprise, and thus subjected to the common control. And this contract, be it express or implied, must be interpreted in the light of the law as it existed at the time, and under which the organ- ization is had. The private interests and rights of the stockholder, not by this contract, or some subsequent individual act of his, placed in the common fund, or subjected to the corporate control, are as completely outside the reach and power of the corporation as are the property and rights of strangers. The element of individual liability must be ingrafted upon the stock by the law under which the organization is had, or the stock is taken, and by virtue of that organization or taking, or else by some subsequent individual assent of the stockholder; otherwise he stands liable for no more than the amount which, by his contract with the company, he has agreed to contribute to the common fund. In this view of the case, it plainly follows, that the defendants have not become members of an Ohio corporation, created under the pres- ent constitution of the state, for the reason that they have never sub- jected themselves to the individual liability which it imposes on stock- holders, and which it makes an indispensable element in the creation of all such corporations. Either the defendants have misinterpreted the act of 1863, and wholly failed to conform to its provisions, or, if they have rightly interpreted it, as authorizing the bestowment of a charter upon a foreign corporation, without securing any individual liability of its stockholders, then the act itself is unconstitutional and void. In either alternative the defendants are no legal corporation of Ohio. It is unnecessary, therefore, to inquire whether their charter as a corporation of Pennsylvania, gives them authority, as such cor- poration, to accept an additional charter from another state ; or whether, if they have such authority, it is competent for another state, not having a constitution like ours, thus to grant them a second charter that is, to make the grant directly to the corporation, eo nomine, and not to the individuals composing it. If we concede both the authority to accept a second and foreign charter, and the genera-1 power of another state in this manner to make the grant, it is enough for the present case to say, that the power in question has been de- nied to the legislature of Ohio by her present constitution. [On the second question the court held that the company, as a for- eign corporation, had a right under the Ohio laws to maintain and operate its road in Ohio.] Judgment of ouster as to being an Ohio corporation. Note. See, 1845, Babcock v. Western R. Corp., 9 Mete. (Mass.) 553, 43 Am. Dec. 411; 1857. Phillips v. Winslow, etc., Co., 18 B. Mon. (Ky.) 431, 68 Am. Dec. 729; 1864, Shamokin Valley R. Co. v. Lawrence, 47 Pa. St. 465, 86 Am. Dec. 552; 1874, Metz v. Buffalo, etc., R. Co., 58 N. Y. 61, 17 Am. R. 201; 3!4 POWER TO ACT IN A PERSONAL RELATION. IO8/ 1876, Morgan v. Louisiana, 93 U. S. 217; 1884, Memphis, etc., R. Co. v. R. Commrs., 112 U. 8. 609, supra, p. 143; 1885, Chesapeake, etc., R. Co. v. Miller. 114 U. S. 176; 1887, Lawrence V. Morgans' L. & T. R., etc., Co., 39 La. Ann. 427, 4 Am. St. R. 265; 1889, Gulf, etc., R. Co. v. Newell, 73 Texas 334, 15 Am. St. 788. ARTICLE V. POWER TO ACT IN A PERSONAL RELATION. Sec. 314. I. Power to take as trustee. MR. JUSTICE STORY IN VIDAL ET AL. v. GIRARD'S EXECUTORS. 1 1844. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. 2 How- ard (43 U. S.) 126-201, on pp. 187, 188. [Stephen Girard, in his will, bequeathed to the city of Philadelphia certain real and personal estate for the erection and support of a college, upon the trusts, and for the uses designated in the will. The city, by its charter, was capable in law to have, purchase, take, re- ceive, possess and enjoy lands, tenements and hereditaments, liberties, franchises and jurisdictions, goods, chattels and effects to them and their successors forever, or for any other or less estate, without any limitation as to value, amount or purpose. The heirs objected to the will, and claimed, among other things, that the corporation could not take as trustee.] Part of Mr. Binney' s argument, p. 148. The old doctrine was that a corporation could not be seized to a use. Sugden on Uses, 10. But it has been since settled that a corporation may be a trustee. If it receives a deed, the legal estate will pass, provided the statutes of mortmain do not prohibit it. If the trust is void, equity will decree a reconveyance; but this can not be necessary, unless the legal estate had passed. And if a corporation is incapable of executing the trust, equity will appoint some person who is not. i Saunders on Uses, 346, 349; Willes on Trustees, 31; Levin on Trusts, 10, n; 2 Thomas's Co. Litt., 706, note; i Cruise Dig., 403, tit. 12, Trust., ch. i, 89. Also, that a corporation may be a trustee. 2 Vern., 411 ; 2 Bro. P. C., 370; 7 Bro. P. C., 235. Where a corporation abused a trust and was dismissed; see 3 Bro. Ch. Cas., 171, 371; 4 Ves., 453; 2 Bro. Ch. Cas., 46; i Bro. Ch. Cas.,467; 14 Bro. Ch. Cas., 253; 12 Mass. 547; 17 Serg. & R. (Pa.) 89; 3 Rawle (Pa.) 170. The cases in 12 Mass. 547 and 17 Serg. & R. (Pa.) 89 may not appear at first to sustain the doctrine, but the cases are right. That of 3 Rawle (Pa.) 170 is very much like the present, and establishes the doctrine, that if the trust is for the welfare of the corporation, it may take it. 1 Only that part of the opinion relating to a corporation's power to take as trustee is given. 1088 FEDELITY INS. & T. CO. V. NIVEN. 315 STORY, JUSTICE. Now, although it was in early times held that a corporation could not take and hold real or personal estate in trust upon the ground that there was a defect of one of the requisites to create a good trustee, viz., the want of confidence in the person; yet that doctrine has been long since exploded as unsound, and too artificial ; and it is now held, that where the corporation has a legal capacity to take real or personal estate, there it may take and hold it upon trust, in the same manner and to the same extent as a private person may do. It is true that if the trust be repugnant to, or incon- sistent with the proper purposes for which the corporation was created, that may furnish a ground why it may not be compellable to execute it. But that will furnish no ground to declare the trust itself void, if otherwise unexceptionable ; but it will simply require a new trustee to be substituted by the proper court, possessing equity jurisdiction to enforce and perfect the objects of the trust. Note. See, 1826, Greene v. Dennis, 6 Conn. 293, 16 Am. Dec. 58 (requires special charter authority to be trustee) ; 1842, Commissioners v. Walker, 6 Howard (Miss.) 143, 38 Am. Dec. 433; 1858, Bell County v. Alexander, 22 Texas 351, 73 Am. Dec. 268; 1889, Minnesota Loan & Trust Co. v. Beebe, 40 Minn. 7 ; 1897, White v. Eice, 112 Mich. 403. Sec. 315. 2. Power to act as administrator or executor. FIDELITY INSURANCE, TRUST, ETC., CO. v. D. G. NIVEN. 1 1878. IN THE COURT OF ERRORS AND APPEALS OF DELAWARE. 5 Houston's (Delaware) Reports, 416-432, i Am. St. 150. The ruling of the court below in the case and now assigned for error in this court was that by the laws of this state no corporation aggregate, whether incorporated by the legislature of this state or of any other state, can be appointed an administrator in this state or can sue as an administrator in the courts of this state. WALES, J. * * * Secondly, it is objected that by the common law the plaintiff is not capable of being an administrator. Blackstone, among the disabilities of a corporation, includes its inability to be an executor or administrator, "for it can not take an oath for the due execu- tion of the office." i Bl. Com., 477. In Bacon's Ab., Tit. Executors and Administrators, 2, the same doctrine is laid down on the same ground, but under a semble, and with these additional reasons : First, because corporations can not be feoffees in trust for the use of others ; and, second, because they are a body framed for a special purpose. When the reason of a rule ceases, so does the rule itself. The plaint- iff is not required to take an oath. It has been incorporated or "framed for the special purpose" of acting in the character and 1 Arguments omitted. Only part of opinion relating to capacity of corpora- tion is given. 315 POWER TO ACT IN A PERSONAL RELATION. 1089 capacity in which it has come into court; and it is now well and long established that a corporation may be a trustee in the same manner as an individual, not only of real estate, but of personal property, to the same extent as private persons. Hill on Trustees, 48 (and cases cited in the note). Says Toller: "It now seems settled that corporations can be executors, and that on their being so named they may appoint persons styled syndics to receive administration with the will an- nexed, who are sworn like all other administrators. Such corpora- tions as can take the oath of an executor are clearly competent," as, for instance, a corporation sole. Toller on Exes., 30. There is, then, no inherent disability or disqualification belonging to a corporation as such which excludes it from acting as an administrator, and it may accept the office if not prohibited by its charter, or forbidden by statute, whenever from the objects of its incorporation and the nature of its business it may become necessary and proper, and it is able to comply with the conditions prescribed by law as to giving bond, etc. Practically, the position of the plaintiff is meritorious and unob- jectionable. With the express power contained in its charter to re- ceive the appointment of administrator, and with its capital stock pledged as the security required for the faithful performance of its duties, it brings an action in its representative capacity for the recovl ery of a debt due to its intestate, and is met at the outset by technica- rules, which, whatever may have been the reason of their origin and adoption, have either become obsolete or have been so modified and relaxed as to be no longer of general application. The execution of the bond would, at the best, amount to little more than a form, and be without substantial benefit or necessity ; but still the defendant is entitled to it, if it is insisted upon, and the plaintiff has a full and lawful power to execute it as it would have to make or indorse a promissory note, or accept a bill of exchange, or to execute any other description of bond which may be fairly and legitimately considered as necessary and proper in the usual course of its business. It has not been made to appear in what manner the interests of this state or of its citizens would be impaired, or in what way its policy would be invaded or subverted, by sustaining the plaintiff's action. Admitting that a corporation may be unable to act as an original administrator under the provisions of the general statute, it does not follow that it may not be recognized as a foreign administrator on the production of letters duly authenticated and giving bond. The word "persons" may extend to and include bodies corporate and politic as well as in- dividuals. Amend. Code, ch. 5. If the plaintiff can give the bond, it does all that the law requires. The rights of our citizens will not be endangered, their property rendered less secure, or the dignity of the state be diminished. If the policy of the state is to be inferred from the history of its legislation, the act of the general assembly of Delaware of April 9, 1873, incorporating a company for the special purpose, among others, of acting as administrator would be conclusive of that question. 14 Del. Laws, 714. * * * Reversed. 69 WIL. CAS. KILLINGSWORTH V. PORTLAND TRUST CO. 316 See, to same effect, 1885, Camden S. D. & T. Co. v. Ingham, 40 N. J. Eq. 3; 1889, Minnesota Loan & Trust Co. v. Beebe et al., 40 Minn. 7, holding that a law authorizing corporations to be guardians, was valid and they could so act; 1890, Coleman's Admr. v. Parrott, 17 Ky. L. Rep. 814, 37 A. & E C C 1. See note, 32 A. & E. C. C., p. 2. Sec. 316. 3. Power to act as agent, or attorney in fact. W. M. KILLINGSWORTH, APPELLANT, v. THE PORTLAND TRUST CO., OF OREGON, RESPONDENT. 1 1890. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF OREGON. 18 Oregon Reports 351-356, 17 Am. St. Rep. 737, 32 A. & E. C. C. 33. LORD, J. This is an action to recover damages for failure of the defendant to execute and deliver to the plaintiff a conveyance of cer- tain premises, pursuant to an agreement to that effect. The defendant denies this, and alleges as the attorney in fact of one Deborah H. In- gersoll, in compliance with said agreement, that it did execute and tender to the plaintiff a conveyance of said premises, etc., and now brings it into court and deposits it for the plaintiff, and that plaintiff refuses to accept the same. To this the plaintiff demurred on the ground that the same does not state facts sufficient to constitute a cause of defense to the cause of action alleged. The point raised by the demurrer is: Can the defendant, a corporation, execute a deed of conveyance of .real property as the attorney in fact of another ? * * * It is provided by our statute that a corporation may engage in any lawful enterprise, business pursuit or occupation (Code, section 3217), so that, unless corporations are affected with some disability, when the articles of incorporation are sufficient for the purpose, there is no lawful occupation or business in which it may not engage in this state exactly as individuals. By its articles of incorporation the defendant corporation is expressly authorized and empowered "to act as the general or special agent, or attorney in fact, for any public or private corporation or person in the management and control of real estate or other property, its purchase, sale or conveyance, etc." No question is made but what the defendant, by its articles of incorporation, has conferred upon it the power to do the act for which there is claimed to be an alleged failure ; but the contention is that a corporation, from the nature of the organization as an artificial body, necessitated to act through agents, is incapable of executing a deed as an attorney in fact. This argument is based on the assumption that there are some things, from the inherent nature of the case, that a corporation is in- capable of doing, and seeks its illustrations in the common law, as that a corporation can not be an administrator or executor, because its duties are of a personal nature and can not be delegated, or to take an oath, when so required by law, before proceeding to execute some 1 Only so much of the opinion as relates to the single point is given. 316 POWER TO ACT IN A PERSONAL RELATION. duty or trust. But this argument overlooks the fact that a corporation may be empowered to do by statute what it was incapable of doing under its common law powers, and when thus created, its powers, capacities and modes of exercising them depend upon the statute. Having the power conferred upon it to act as an attorney in fact, is it not endowed with all the faculties or capacities essential to exe- cute it and carry out the business projects of its creation? Why may not a corporation act as an agent for an individual or another corpo- ration ? As the owner of real property, it can, by its authorized agents, execute a conveyance, or it may authorize another, by power of attorney in writing, to convey such property for it. Why, then, may it not act as the agent or attorney in fact of another for a like purpose, when it is so authorized, and to thus act is one of the chief powers conferred to effect the object of its creation and to carry on the business in which it is engaged? "Within the scope of its corporate powers," says Mr. Mechem, "unless there are express provisions in its charter, or constating in- struments to the contrary, a corporation may act as agent, either for an .individual, a partnership or another corporation. Many of the great corporations of the country are organized for this express pur- pose under statute or charters conferring and defining their powers and the methods of executing them ; but even in other cases, the au- thority so to act might be implied as auxiliary to their main purpose." Mechem on Agency, 64. It is clear, then, that a corporation may act as the agent of another, and if so, it must be endued with the faculties or instrumentalities to perform the office it is authorized to undertake, and carry out the purposes of its creation. When a corporation engages in a legitimate business and is author- ized by its incorporation to do the things necessary to carry on such business, it is an express grant of power to enable it to effect that ob- ject. If it is to be excluded from doing such things because, from the nature of its organization, it can not act personally, but only through agents, there would be little left in the domain of business it could do. As was said by the court in Hopkins v. Gallaton Turn- pike Co., 4 Humph. 412, "the common law rule with regard to natural persons, that an agent, to bind his principal by deed, can not in the nature of things be applied to corporations aggregate, these be- ing of mere legal existence, and their board, as such, literally speak- ing, are incapable of a personal act. They direct or assent by vote, but their most immediate mode of action must be by agent." Being a creation of the law an artificial person it can only act by agents who are its limbs or instrumentalities to effect the purpose for which it was organized and to act for it, their act being the act of the cor- poration, exactly as the act of an individual is his act. As such, upon the principle of the objection raised, it could not make an ac- knowledgment in person, but it may by its officers, and in such cases, its officer affixing the seal is the party executing the deed within the meaning of the statute requiring deeds to be acknowledged by the grantor. Kelly v. Calhoun, 95 U. S. 711; Frostberg M. B. Ass. 1092 SILVER LAKE BANK V. NORTH. v. Brace et al., 51 Md. 508; Am. & Eng. Enc., "Acknowledg- ments," "Corporations." In fact, within the same principle of reasoning, it may be said that a corporation can not make a deed of its own property ; but we know it can, and that the act of its officers in so doing is the act of the cor- poration. When a corporation is made the agent of another to sell and convey property, it acts through the same instrumentalities as when acting for itself, and the relation between it* and its instrumentali- ties is as one being, or artificial person, in the performance of its engagement, and involves no delegation of powers. So that when a corporation is invested with a power of attorney to sell and convey real property, the person conferring the power knows that the corpo- ration can not act personally in the matter, but that in performing the engagement it will act through its agents, who for that purpose are its faculties, and whose acts in the discharge of that duty are the acts of the. corporation, and as such must be considered to be included in the artificial person as instrumentalities authorized by him to do the act conferred upon it by his power of attorney. In this view, the argu- ment that the corporation can not do such act under the power of At- torney without a 'delegation of authority to its agents, and that the grantor of the power has given no such power of substitution, can not be sustained. There was no error, and the judgment must be affirmed. Note. See, 1875, McWilliams v. Detroit Co., 31 Mich. 275; 1890, Jemison v. Bank, 122 N. Y. 135; 1891, Van Dresser v. Ore. R. Co., 48 Fed. Rep. 202; 1896, Anderson v. Bank, 5 N. D. 451; 1897, Snow-Church Co. v. Hall, 19 Miscl. (N. Y.) 655. Compare, 1885, Westinghouse, etc., Co. v. "Wilkinson, 79 Ala. 312. ARTICLE VI. POWER TO SUE AND BE SUED. Sec. 317, Right to sue, at common law, anywhere. THE SILVER LAKE BANK (IN PENNSYLVANIA) v. G. NORTH. 1 1820. IN THE COURT OF CHANCERY OF NEW YORK. 4 Johns. Ch. (N. Y.) Rep. 370-374. [Bill to foreclose a mortgage, given upon land in New York, to secure a claim of the bank against the defendant for money loaned.] THE CHANCELLOR (Kent). There are several objections raised by the answer, and by the counsel, at the hearing, to the right of the plaintiffs to a foreclosure or sale of the mortgaged premises. i. It is objected, that a foreign corporation can not be recognized as such and entitled to sue in our courts. It appears by the pleadings and proofs that the plaintiffs are a bank- ing corporation, created by an act of the legislature of Pennsylvania, and that they took the mortgage in question to secure a loan of money 1 Arguments and opinion on other points omitted. $ 3 l8 POWER TO SUE AND BE SUED. IO93 made at their banking house in that state. There is perfect justice and equity in their demand, and I can not see that the objection is even plausible. It is well settled that foreign corporations may sue here in their corporate name, and may prove, as a matter of fact, if the same were denied, that they were lawfully incorporated. The Bank of the United States has sued in our courts, (i Johns. Cas. 132.) In Henriques v. Dutch West India Company (2 Ld. Raym. 1532, i Str. 612), a suit was brought by a Dutch corporation and sustained, both in the K. B. and in the House of Lords, though it was objected in that case that a foreign corporation could not maintain a suit. This court ought to be as freely open to such suitors as a court of law, and it would be most unreasonable and unjust to deny them that privilege. They might well exclaim: Quod genus hoc hominum? * * * * * * hospitio prohibemur arena. See, 1896, National Tel. Mfg. Co. v. Dubois, 165 Mass. 117, 52 Am. St. Rep.. 503, infra, p. 1490; 1899, Alliance Trust Co. v. Wilson, 9 Kan. App. 891, 50 Pac. Rep. 177; 1899, Ware Cattle Co. v. Anderson, 107 Iowa 231, 77 N. W. Rep. 1026; 1900, Texas & P. R. Co. v. Davis, 93 Texas 378, 55 S. W. Rep. 562; 1900, Schmidt |>. 2002, 50 S. \V. Rep. 836; 1899, Moynihan v. Drobaz, 124 Cal. 212, 71 Am. St. Rep. 46; 1901, Brady v. National Supply Co., 64 O. S. 267, 83 Am. St. Rep. 753. 60 N. E. 218. See following case, contra. 1 124 HOLLOWAY V. THE MEMPHIS PACIFIC R. R. CO. 328 Sec. 328. Same. Contra, must allege corporate existence. R. W. HOLLOWAY v. THE MEMPHIS, EL PASO AND PACIFIC R. R. CO. 1 1859. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF TEXAS. 23 Texas Rep. 465-468, 76 Am. Dec,. 68. [Suit by the corporation (without alleging its corporate existence) against Holloway upon a written contract of subscription to the stock of the railroad company. The defendant demurred, the court over- ruled the demurrer, and this is the error assigned.] WHEELER, C. J. It is the settled rule of the English law, and it is the rule in New York, Virginia and some of the other states, that where a body politic institutes legal proceedings, either on a contract or to recover property, it must, at the trial, under the general issue, prove the fact of incorporation. (Angell & Ames on Corp., 632, 4th edit., and cases cited.) In the case of The Bank v. Simonton, 2 Texas Rep. 531, this court held that the plaintiffs must aver and prove that they were a body corporate, duly constituted by competent authority, to enable them to maintain this action. That was the case of a foreign corporation. But the principle of the decision applies equally to a domestic corporation, created by private act, of which the court can not judicially take notice. In some of the states a different rule obtains, and it is held that, if in a suit by a corporation the defendant plead the general issue, it is an admission of the corporate existence of the plaintiffs, on the prin- ciple, it seems, th#t by pleading to the merits, the defendant admits the capacity of the plaintiffs to sue. (Angell & Ames on Corp.. 633.) Those courts, however, make an exception in the case of foreign corporations. (Angell & Ames on Corp., 633.) But the reason for a distinction in this respect is not very clearly discoverable. A foreign corporation is required to prove its corporate legal exist- ence, because the court can not judicially know the legal being of such a corporation. The court can not take notice, ex afficio, of the foreign law, by which it is created a body corporate. The same rea- son applies to a domestic corporation, created by a private act. The court can not judicially take notice of a private statute, and there would seem to be the same reason for requiring the proof to be made in the one case as in the other. The English rule seems most in consonance with principle. The merely naming themselves a company shows the fact of an associa- tion acting under a particular name, but not that they have the legal capacity to act, and prosecute suits by that name; nor can the court know that they have such capacity, unless they are constituted a body corporate by public law, or are recognized as such by a law, of which the court can judicially take notice. It would seem, therefore, on 1 Statement abridged ; arguments omitted. 329 POWER TO SUE AND BE SUED. 112$ principle, that a private domestic corporation, equally with a foreign corporation, must aver and prove the fact of incorporation. The question raised by the demurrer is, whether it was necessary for the plaintiffs to aver that they are a corporation. In The Bank v. Simonton, it was held to be a necessary averment to enable the plaintiffs to maintain the action. We are of opinion that the present is not dis- tinguishable from that case in principle, and that the petition want- ing the averment is insufficient. It is insisted that the defendant, by contracting with the plaintiffs in their corporate name, has admitted that they are duly constituted a body corporate under that name. This question was also consid- ered in the case of The Bank v. Simonton, in reference to the authori- ties now cited by the plaintiffs' counsel, and the contrary was decided. The mere fact that in a contract with the company the defendant has designated it by a name which is appropriate to a corporate body, does not admit its corporate legal existence, unless it be distinctly stated in the contract that the company is an incorporated company. (7 Wend. 540; 8 Wend. 480; 15 Wend. 316.) It admits only the existence of an association acting under that name. If it be an inconvenience and hardship to require a private corpora- tion to prove its corporate existence in actions brought by it, it can easily be obviated by an act of the legislature declaring the act of incorporation a public law, or dispensing with the necessity of plead- ing the act in suits by the corporation. We are of opinion that the court erred in overruling the exceptions to the petition, and that the judgment be reversed and the cause re- manded for further proceedings. Reversed and remanded. Note. See, 1897, Citizens' Bank v. Corkinge, 9 S. D. 614, 62 Am. St. Rep. 891; 1899, Pryse v. Three Forks, etc., Bank, 20 Ky. L. Rep. 1057, 48 S. W. Rep. 415. See preceding case, contra. Sec. 329. Pleading, plaintiff need not allege that defendant is a corporation, if name implies it is not a natural person. WOOLF v. THE CITY STEAMBOAT COMPANY. 1849. IN THE ENGLISH COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. 7 Man., Gr. & S. (62 Eng. C. L.) *io3, *io4. Assumpsit. The declaration commenced thus: "The plaintiff complains of The City Steamboat Company, who have been sum- moned to answer the plaintiff," etc. Special demurrer assigning for causes, that the names of the de- fendants were not stated, that it did not appear whether they were sued as a corporation or a company completely registered, or by virtue of what act of Parliament they were entitled to be sued by the name of a company. I 126 STATE V. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL R. CO. 330 Hugh Hill, in support of the demurrer. The question in this case is, whether the plaintiff may, in his declaration, describe the defend- ants as a company, without showing whether or not they are a corpo- ration or a registered company. In the doubtful state of the allegation the defendants could not safely plead nul tie! corporation. (Cress- well, J. Is not this the usual form of declaring against a corpora- tion? It may be that the defendants are a chartered company ; how does it appear that they are not?) In Thompson v. The Universal Salvage Company, i Exch. 694 which was an action against a regis- tered company upon a promissory note the declaration stated that the company had been duly registered under the statute 7 & 8 Viet., c. no. (Maule, J. If the defendants in fact are a corporation, the declaration is correct; if they are not, they may traverse it.) In The Queen v. West, I Q. B. 826, a coroner's inquisition stating that cer- tain goods and chattels were the goods and chattels of the proprietors of the Hull and Selby Railway, was held bad, because it did not show that there was any corporation so intituled. (Cresswell, J. That case would have been more to the purpose if the defendants here had been described as "the proprietors of the City Steamboats.") Since the statutes creating these registered corporations, it is essential that they should in all proceedings be described according to the truth. (Cresswell, J. How can the mode of describing them in pleading be affected by the statutes?) It is important that the true character in which a party sues or is sued should appear upon the record. Hawkins, contra, was not called upon. MAULE, J. The mode of pleading is governed either by positive rules or by a known course of precedents. There is no positive rule that I am aware of which requires such a mode of description as the defendant's counsel insists upon in this case, nor is the description which is given at all out of the usual form ; it impliedly amounts to an allegation that the defendants are a corporate body. I think the plaintiff is entitled to judgment. The rest of the court concurring. Judgment for the plaintiff. Note. See to same effect, notes 29 Am. Dec. 375; 76 Am. Dec. 68; 35 Am. St. Eep. 291 ; 1893, Lake Erie & W. R. Co. v. Griffin, 8 Ind. App. 47, 52 Am. St. Rep. 463; 1897, Holden v. Great W. El. Co., 69 Minn. 527, 65 Am. St. Rep. 585; 1899, Moynihan v. Drobaz, 124 Cal. 212, 71 Am. St. Rep. 46. See following case, contra. Sec. 380. Same. Plaintiff suing a corporation should allege it is such. STATE v. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY CO. 1 1893. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SOUTH DAKOTA. 4 S. D. Rep. 261-264, 46 Am. St. Rep. 783. CORSON, J. This was an action by the state to enjoin the defend- ant from continuing an alleged nuisance. The defendant demurred 1 Statement, except as in the opinion of the court, and part of the opinion omitted. 330 POWER TO SUE AND BE SUED. II2/ to the complaint on the ground that it did not state facts sufficient to constitute a cause of action, and the same was sustained by the court. From the order sustaining the demurrer the plaintiff appeals. The defendant specifies as the particular ground of objection, in the brief filed in this court, that there is no allegation in the complaint that the defendant is a corporation. The only indication of the character in which the defendant is sued is in the title. The learned counsel for the respondent contend that the defendant is sued by a name indicat- ing that it is not a natural person, but a company of some kind, and that no facts are stated to show that it is an artificial being, capable of being sued. It is true that by section 2908, Comp. Laws, it is provided that "in all civil actions brought by or against a corporation it shall not be necessary to prove on the trial of the cause the existence of such cor- poration, unless the defendant shall, in the answer, expressly aver that the plaintiff or defendant is not a corporation." But an allegation that the defendant is a corporation is, we think, still necessary, and the language of the section presupposes that the defendant is sued as a corporation. In what manner can, a court be advised that the de- fendant is sued as a corporation, unless it is so alleged in the com- plaint? In the recent case of People v. Cent. Pac. R. Co., 83 Cal. 393' 2 3 Pac. Rep. 303 (decided in 1890), the supreme court of that state, in passing upon this question, says: "The defendant is sued by a name indicating that it is not a natural person, but a company of some kind ; but there is no averment of the fact of incorporation, or of any fact to show that it, is an artificial being, capable of being sued. Nor, if incorporated, is there any averment to show where, or under what law, so that the court may determine where the jurisdiction of its person lies. An averment of defendant's corporate existence is necessary in every count of a complaint against a corporation. Loup v. Railroad Co., 63 Cal. 97." Mechanics' Banking Association v. Spring Valley Shot and Lead Co., 13 How. Pr. 227. Judge Bliss, in his work on Code Pleading (section 258), says: "But a corporation is an artificial personality, not presumed to exist even, and the phrase may stand for such personality, or for a joint stock company, or for a partnership, or for a private person, or for nothing at all. The allega- tion, then, that the plaintiff is a corporation, even if permitted to be made in general terms, would seem to be essential to show its right to bring the suit." And in section 260 he says: "In regard to actions against corporations, the same general rule should prevail." We are of the opinion that the rule laid down by Judge Bliss and the supreme court of California is the safer and better rule, though there are courts holding a contrary rule. In the case of Express Co. v. Harris, 120 Ind. 73, 16 Am St. Rep. 315, 21 N. E. Rep. 340, decided by the su- preme court of Indiana in 1889, that court says: ' The name of the defendant (Adams Express Company) imports that it is a corporation, and it was, therefore, not necessary to specifically aver that it was a corporation." But, with great respect for that court, we can not agree with its conclusions. As was said in the California case, the I 128 BANK OF JAMAICA V. JEFFERSON. 331 name indicates "that it is not a natural person, but a company of some kind," but whether a corporation or an unincorporated associ- ation does not appear. We are not aware of any principle of law that will authorize a court to presume that it is a corporation any more than it would presume that it was an unincorporated association. A similar view as to the necessity of alleging in the complaint that the defendant is a corporation was taken by the supreme court of North Carolina in Stanley v. Raih'oad Co., 89 N. C. 331. * * * Affirmed. . Note. See, 1892, Miller v. Pine M. Co., 2 Idaho 1206, 35 Am. St. Rep. 289 n. 291, 41 Am. & Eng. Corp. Cas., p. 1, and note p. 3. See preceding case, contra. Sec. 331. Pleading general issue at law does not raise question of corporate existence; the rule is otherwise in equity. BANK OF JAMAICA v. JEFFERSON. 1 1893. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF TENNESSEE. 92 Tenn. Rep. 537-542, 36 Am. St. Rep. 100. [Suit in equity by the bank, alleging itself to be a corporation un- der the laws of New York, to recover upon a note.] WILKES, J. * * * Again it is assigned as error that complain- ant sues as a foreign corporation, and it is insisted that no recovery can be had unless that allegation is sustained by proof, and that no proof was offered on this point in the court below. On the other hand, it is insisted that this allegation of the bill is not denied in the answer, that the character in which plaintiff sues is not put in issue by the answer, and that, under a general denial, or the general issue, proof of the character in which the suit is brought is not necessary to be made. This latter contention is unquestionably correct in actions at law, in which actions, if the plaintiff alleges that it is a corporation, even though it be a foreign corporation, that fact need not be proven unless it is put in issue by a specific denial, and the general issue would not be sufficient, and pleading to the merits would be an admission of the character in which the plaintiff sues. 2 Beach on Private Corpora- tions, 867-869; 4 Am. & Eng. Enc. of Law, 285-6, and notes; Union Cement Co. v. Noble, 15 Fed. Rep. 502 ; Harrison v. Mar- tinsville Railroad Co., 16 Ind. 505, 79 Am. Dec. 447; Orono v. Wedgewood, 44 Me. 49, 69 Am. Dec. 81 ; West Winstead Asso. v. Ford, 27 Conn. 282, 71 Am. Dec. 66; Marble Co. v. Black, 89 Tenn. 118, 120, 121. We do not think the cases of Jones v. State, 5 Sneed 346, 348; Owen v. State, 5 Sneed 493, 495, and Augusta Mfg. Co. v. Vertrees, 4 Lea 75, 78, are in conflict with this ruling. The cases of Jones v. 1 Statement abridged, and part of opinion and other points omitted. $ 332 POWER TO SUE AND BE SUED. I 129 The State and Owen v. The State are criminal prosecutions, in which greater strictness of proof is required, and the case of Augusta Mfg. Co. v. Vertrees, was an action of ejectment, in which by statute (M. & V. Comp., 3963) it is provided that under the general plea of not guilty the defendant may avail himself of all legal defenses. The rule is different in chancery cases. At law every fact alleged in the declaration, and not denied in the plea, is taken as true. Code, 2910; M. & V., 3620. But in chancery every allegation of fact not admitted, whether denied or not, must be proved, the failure to admit or deny being equivalent to a denial. Hill v . Walker, 6 Cold. 429, 98 Am. Dec. 465; Hardeman v. Burge, 10 Yer. 202 ; Smith v. St. Louis Ins. Co., 2 Tenn. Ch. 602; Gibson's Suits in Chancery, section 457. The fact that complainant is a foreign corporation is alleged in the bill, and it is a fact material to the right to recover. It is not ad- mitted in the answer, and there is a general denial of all matters not admitted. It should, therefore, have been proven, and, for the fail- ure to prove this, we are constrained to reverse the decree of the court below, and remand the cause for proof of the corporation and for further proceedings under the statute. Code, 3170. Note. See note, 41 Am. & Eng. Corp. Caa., p. 3; 1861, Harrison v. Rail- road Co., 16 Ind. 505, 79 Am. Dec. 447, note 449; 1899, Wood v. Friendship Lodge, 20 Ky. L. Rep. 2002, 50 S. W. Rep. 836 ; 1899, Ludington v. Luding- ton, 119 Mich. 480, 78 N. W. Rep. 558; 1899, Moynihan v. Drobaz, 124 Cal. 212, 71 Am. St. Rep. 46. Sec. 332. Same. Contra, under general issue corporate exist- ence must be proved. SUTHERLAND, J., IN BANK OF UTICA v. SMALLEY. 1824. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK. 2 Cowen (N. Y.) Rep. 770, on 778, 14 Am. Dec. 526. [Suit by the bank in its corporate name to recover of defendants as indorsers upon a note payable at the bank.] It is contended that the judge erred in deciding that the plaintiffs were not bound to prove themselves a corporation upon the general issue pleaded. This objection is well taken. When a corporation sues they need not sef forth, by averment, in the declaration, how they were incor- porated, but upon the general issue pleaded they must prove that they are a corporation. (Kyd on Corp., 292; Norris v. Staps, Hob. 211, Jackson, ex dcm. Trustees of Union Academy, v. Plumbe, 8 Johns. 378 ; Dutchess Cotton Manufacturing Company v. Davis, 14 Johns. 238 on 245, opinion of Thompson, Ch. J. ; Bank of Auburn v. Weed, 19 Johns. 300.) Note. 1832, Welland Canal Co. v. Hathaway, 8 Wend. 480, 24 Am. Dec. 51, note 58; 1836, Harris v. Muskingum Mfg. Co., 4 Blackf. 267, 29 Am. Dec. 372 and note. 1130 DAVIS V. NEBRASKA NAT'L BANK. 333 Sec. 383. Pleading general denial under the code. S. K. DAVIS ET AL. v. NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK OF OMAHA. 1897. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEBRASKA. 51 N. E. Rep. 401-402, 6 Am. & Eng. Corp. Cas. (N. S.) 593. IRVINE, C. The Nebraska National Bank of Omaha sued the plaintiffs in error on a promissory note alleged by the petition to have been made by the defendants below to the order of the Nebraska Na- tional Bank of Beatrice, and by the latter bank indorsed and trans- ferred to the plaintiff. The plaintiff recovered judgment for the amount of the note. The petition alleged that the plaintiff was a corporation organized under the laws of the United States. The answer specifically denied plaintiff's corporate existence. No evi- dence was introduced on the subject. The instructions of the court entirely ignored the issue, and the court refused a peremptory instruc- tion to find for the defendants, as well as a special instruction sub- mitting to the jury for determination the corporate existence of the plaintiff. It will be observed that there existed no privity of contract between the defendants and the plaintiff bank whereby the defendants were es- topped to deny the corporate capacity of the plaintiff, nor are any other grounds of estoppel pleaded. The defense interposed was, therefore, a valid defense in this action. It has been several times held that a general denial does not present the issue, but that it must be raised by a specific denial in the nature of a plea in abatement. Insurance Co. v. Robinson, 8 Neb. 452; Dietrichs v. Railroad Co., 13 Neb. 43, 13 N. W. Rep. 3; Herron v. Cole Bros., 25 Neb. 692, 41 N. W. Rep. 765; Swift & Co. v. Crawford, 34 Neb. 450, 51 N. W. Rep. 1034. But a special denial of the character indicated is sufficient to present the defense (Sunapee v. Eastman, 32 N. H. 470; Greenwood v. Rail- road Co., 10 Gray 375)* an d such a plea casts the burden of proof of corporate existence upon the plaintiff (see cases cited in 5 Enc. PL & Prac. 82). At the common law there existed some controversy as to whether nul tiel corporation should be pleaded in abatement or whether it might be pleaded in bar. The Nebraska cases cited in- timate that this court has considered it to be in the nature of a plea in abatement. But this is immaterial, because under our code defenses of both characters may be presented in one answer. Hurlburt v. Palmer, 39 Neb. 158, 57 N. W. Rep. 1019; Association v. Peter- son, 41 Neb. 897, 60 N. W. Rep. 373; Herbert v. Wortendyke (Neb.), 68 N. W. Rep. 350. It is probable, as suggested in the bank's brief, that this and other defenses were purely technical and devoid of merit. The plea was, however, one of which the defend- ants might legally avail themselves. The bank was notified by the special plea that it would be called upon to establish its corporate ex- istence. It entirely failed to do so, and the judgment must for that reason be reversed. Reversed and remanded. 334 POWER TO SUE AND BE SUED. I 13 1 Sec. 334. Proof of corporate existence special charter. UNITED STATES BANK v. STEARNS. 1 1836. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK. 15 Wend. (N. Y.) [Assumpsit by the bank to recover overpaid money.] The cashier of the Buffalo Branch Bank testified that the plaintiffs had a banking house in Philadelphia, where they had carried on bank- ing business for many years, under their charter. The defendant in- sisted that the plaintiffs were bound to prove themselves a corporation by the production of their charter. The judge decided that the char- ter need not be produced, because the act of incorporation of the Bank of the United States was a public act, which, for certain pur- poses, constituted the bank the financial agent of the general govern- ment, and gave the United States an interest in the stock, and because the presentation of the checks and the receipt of the money was an implied admission of the existence of the corporation. The jury found for the plaintiffs. The defendant asks for a new trial. SAVAGE, C. J. * * * The least proof which has been held sufficient is the production of an exemplification of the act incorpo- rating the plaintiffs, and evidence of user, under their charter, i Wendell 555. In one case it was held that the act of incorporation might be read from the statute book, printed by the printer to the state. 9 Covven 2056. The evidence of user in this case was enough, but there was no evidence at all of the act of incorporation. No exemplification was produced, nor even the act read or produced in the statute book. One or the other is indispensable when the suit is brought by corporations created by our own statutes But when a suit is brought by a foreign corporation, as the plaintiffs must be con- sidered in this court, I apprehend an exemplification should be pro- duced, if required. The courts of the state of New York have no judicial knowledge of acts of congress creating corporations. When they are necessary, as evidence, they must be proved as the acts of our sister states must be proved. In my opinion the proof of the ex-- istence of the corporation was insufficient. The transaction of busi- ness by the defendant with the plaintiffs was probably an admission that they had capacity to transact business as a company, but not that they were an incorporated company. Many commercial companies not incorporated do business by officers and agents, and are capable of suing, but not otherwise than in their individual capacities. * * * New trial granted. N"te. See next case, and Packard v. Old Colony R. Co., 168 Mass. 92; supra, 142; also, President, Directors, etc., of Bank of U. S. v. Dandridge, 12 Wheat (U. S.), 64; supra, 237. 1 Statement abridged ; only part of opinion given. I 132 BALTIMORE, ETC., R. R. CO. V. BAPTIST CHURCH. 335 Sec. 385. Proof of corporate existence under general incorporation laws. BALTIMORE AND POTOMAC R. R. CO. v. FIFTH BAPTIST CHURCH. 1 1891. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. 137 U. S. Rep. 568-576. [Action on the case by the church against the railroad company for damages for maintaining a continuous nuisance by noise and smoke to plaintiff's enjoyment of its property. Judgment below for the church. ] MR. JUSTICE GRAY. * * * The declaration was headed "The Fifth Baptist Church of Washington, D. C., by its Trustees, v. The Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Company," and alleged that the plaintiff was a body corporate in the District of Columbia, under and by virtue of the general corporation act of May 5, 1870, ch. 80, 2; 16 Stat. 99, 100 ; Rev. Stat. D. C., 533-544. The defendant pleaded in bar: i. "That the said plaintiff was not at the time of commencement of this suit, and never was, a body cor- porate or politic, as set forth and alleged in and by said declaration." 2. Not guilty. The plaintiff joined issue on these pleas. The plaintiff, upon the issue presented by the first plea, and to prove its user of corporate rights, offered the following evidence, which was admitted against the defendant's objection and exception: i. The original of the following certificate of incorporation, signed and sealed by the six persons named therein: "We, C. C. Meador, George M. Kendall, John N. Henderson, Samuel M. Yeatman, James C. Deatley and Samuel S. Taylor, of Washington City, in the District of Columbia, do hereby certify that we have been duly elected 'Trustees of the Fifth Baptist Church of Washington City, D. C.' (commonly called 'the Island Baptist Church'), and that this certificate is made, signed and sealed for the purpose of obtaining corporate rights and privileges for the said 'Fifth Baptist Church,' a religious society worshipping at present in their church edifice on D street, south, between Four-and-a-half and Sixth streets, in said City of Washington, under the provisions of an act of congress approved May 5, 1870, entitled 'An act to provide for the creation of corporations in the District of Columbia by general law.' "In testimony whereof, we hereunto set our hands and affix our seals this twenty-fourth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thou- sand eight hundred and seventy-one." Annexed to this paper were a notary public's certificate of its acknowledgment on the same day by these six persons, an affidavit of one of them, dated May i, 1885, that the statements in the certificate of incorporation were true, a memorandum of the recorder that the paper was recorded September 5, 1871, and another memorandum that it was recorded May i, 1885. 1 Statement abridged. Only the part of the opinion relating to proof of cor- porate existence is given. 335 POWER TO SUE AND BE SUED. 1133 2. A recorder's copy of the certificate of incorporation, acknowl- edgment and affidavit, as recorded May i, 1885. 3. That in the year 1871 it became necessary for the plaintiff, in order to complete its church edifice, to borrow money upon a mort- gage of its land, and that to promote this object, and upon the recom- mendation of its finance committee, a special meeting was called, and was held on July 2, 1871, at which the church (which had been known as the Island Baptist Church) resolved to become incorporated under the name stated in the above certificate of incorporation, and elected as its trustees the six persons named therein, and fixed their term of office at three years, and thereupon that certificate was prepared and signed by the trustees and recorded. 4. Three deeds, respectively dated September 26, 1871, Septem- ber 18, 1872, and November 10, 1874, from the six persons named in the above certificate of incorporation, describing themselves as "trustees of the Fifth Baptist Church of Washington City, D. C.," reciting its incorporation under the general corporation act, and its resolution authorizing them to execute the deeds, and conveying the church building and land, in trust and by way of mortgage, to secure the payment of various sums of money. 5. Two deeds of release of the same building and land, dated No- vember 9, 1874, from the grantees to the grantors in the first two of the trust deeds aforesaid. 6. The record of the judgment in the former action between these parties. The plaintiff also introduced, without objection, evidence tending to show "that its present church edifice was begun about the year 1866, and was completed at a cost of about $22,000, exclusive of the ground ; that the property is worth about $30,000, and has been occu- pied and used by the plaintiff's society or congregation since the year 1867 as its place of religious worship, and that during the period cov- ered by this suit its actual church membership, consisting, as in all Baptist churches, of persons who have been baptized after a pro- fession of faith, numbered about four hundred persons, exclusive of the persons attending services there as members of the congrega- tion who were not members of the church." It may be that, as held by the court below in 4 Mackey 43, at a former stage of one of these cases, the original certificate of incor- poration, not stating the date of election or the term of office of the trustees, nor supported by affidavit, as required by statute, was not sufficient of itself to prove the plaintiff's existence as a corporation, either de jure or de facto; and that the adding of an affidavit to the certificate, and recording it anew, since the commencement of these actions, could not avail the plaintiff. But the certificate of incorporation, as originally drawn up, taken in connection with the other evidence now introduced, and especially the record of the former action in which this plaintiff as a corporation recovered judgment against this defendant without any objection being taken to the plaintiff's capacity to sue, is clearly competent and suf- I 134 SHUTE V. KEYSER. 336 ficient, as between these parties, to prove that the plaintiff had in good faith attempted to legally organize as a corporation, and had long acted as such, and was at least a corporation de facto, which is all that is necessaiy to enable it to maintain an action against any one, other than the state, who has contracted with the corporation, or who has done it a wrong. Bank of United States v. Dandridge, 12 Wheat. 64, 72; Conard v. Atlantic Ins. Co., i Pet. 386, 450; Chubb v. Upton. 95 U. S. 665; Williamsburg Ins. Co. v. Frothingham, 122 Mass. 391 ; Searsburgh Turnpike Co. v. Cutler, 6 Vt. 315; Cincinnati, etc., Railroad v. Danville & Vincennes Railroad, 75 111. 113; Stockton & Linden Co. v. Stockton & Copperopolis Railroad, 45 Cal. 680. It is objected that the evidence admitted, if sufficient to prove that the plaintiff was a corporation, did not prove that it was the corpora- tion which brought this action, because the evidence was that the cor- porate name was "The Fifth Baptist Church of Washington, D. C.," whereas the action, as stated in the declaration, was brought by u The Fifth Baptist Church of Washington, D C., by its Trustees." It may well be doubted whether the words "by its trustees," as here used, are part of the name of the plaintiff. They may have been inserted, like "by attorney" or "by next friend," to indicate by whose agency, and not in whose behalf, the action is brought. By the gen- eral corporation act, both the title in real estate, and the right to sue, are vested in the trustees "by the name and style assumed as afore- said," that is to say, in the name and behalf of the corporation. Act of May 5, 1870, ch. 80, 2; 16 Star.., 99, 100; Rev. Stat. D. C., 53.4, 539, 54- But if these words in the declaration can be taken as part of the plaintiff's name, the most that is shown is a mistake in that name. While nul tiel corporation, or that the plaintiff is not and never was a corporation, is a good plea in bar, because it goes to show that the plaintiff can never maintain any action whatever; yet misnomer, or mere mistake in the name of a corporation plaintiff, which does not affect its capacity to sue in the right name is pleadable in abatement only, and is waived by pleading to the merits. Bro. Ab. Misnomer, 73; Society for Propagating the Gospel v. Pawlet, 4 Pet. 480, 501 ; Christian Society v. Macomber, 3 Met. 235, 237; Gould PL, ch. 5, 79. * * * Affirmed. Note. See note preceding case. Sec. 336. Power to confess judgment. SHUTE v. KEYSER. 1892. IN THE ARIZONA SUPREME COURT. 37 Am. & Eng. Corp. Cas. 6163. KIBBEY, J. * * * Appellants very earnestly contend that a corpora- tion has no power to confess a valid judgment; that, therefore, the pre- tended judgment against the Old Dominion Copper Mining Company 336 POWER TO SUE AND BE SUED. I 135 is void, and plaintiff's title thereunder, and, consequently, his cause of action in this case must fail. Counsel do not cite us a case wherein the power of the corporation to confess a judgment is denied. We do not know, and are not informed by the record what were the powers of the Old Dominion Copper Mining Company. It was a corporation organized under the laws of the state of New York, whether by special charter or under general incorporation laws does not appear. That it is a private corporation fairly appears, for it is hardly conceivable that a public corporation, organized under the laws of New York, should be engaged in business, in Arizona. It is admitted by the de- murrer that it was engaged in transacting business in Arizona, neces- sarily, then, entering into contracts. A domestic private corporation has the power to sue, is liable to be sued, and may appear in court and defend when it is sued; may, we suppose, of course, suffer default and judgment hereby ; and we see no reason, in absence of proof to the contrary, to presume that the same attributes do not attach to a foreign private corporation. ' There are attributes so universally incident to private corporations in modern times that it would be totally at variance with the probabilities to pre- sume otherwise. Indeed, it is said by the text writers that it is neces- sarily implied that a corporation, from the mere fact of its incorpora- tion, may sue and be sued. Field Corp., 360 ; Mor. Priv. Corp., 356. Incident to the right to sue, and the liability to be sued, we think is unquestionably the right to confess judgment. In no case to which our attention has been called has the power of a corporation to con- fess judgment been doubted or called in question. In 12 How. Pr. , a case cited by appellant, a doubt of such power was not sug- gested. Black, in his recent work on Judgments, discusses the power of agents of a corporation to confess a judgment, but does not even intimate that to confess a judgment is ultra vires of a corporation. Indeed, while he does not in terms assert that power to exist, yet the inference is necessary from his statement that the corporation is bound by a confession of a judgment by its officer upon whom summons might have been served in a contested action, i Black Judgm., 59 ; and see Freem. Judgm., 545. Morawetz lays down the broad rule that the managing agents of a corporation have authority to confess judgment whenever they deem it to be to the interest of the corpora- tion. Mor. Priv. Corp., 430. In Miller v. Bank of British Colum- bia, 2 Ore. 291, wherein a judgment by confession against a corpora- tion was under discussion, the question was whether the president had virtute officii the power to confess for his principal ; that the confes- sion was ultra -vires the corporation was not even suggested. In McMurray v. St. Louis Oil Manufacturing Co., 33 Mo. 377, the ques- tions were as to the power, virtute officii, of the president of a corporation to confess judgment, the sufficiency of the statutory state- ment required to accompany such confession, and the power of the corporation to create a lien by such a judgment, the statute prohibit- ing it from mortgaging their property or giving any lien thereon. In Joliet, etc., Co. v. Ingalls, 23 111. App. 45, a judgment against a cor- 1136 HORNE V. IVY. 337 poration by confession was under consideration. The question whether the corporation had the power to confess a judgment was not sug- gested. The matter considered was the authority of the particular officer who did confess the judgment to do so. And so in Stokes v. New Jersey Pottery Co., 46 N. J. Law 237, 6 Am. & Eng. Corp. Cas. 240; Thew v. Porcelain Manufacturing Co., 5 S. C. 415 ; White v. Crow, 17 Fed. Rep. 98. And in all these cases there was a direct attack upon the judgment, and not a collateral one, as in this case. We do not entertain a doubt of the general right of a private corpo- ration to confess a judgment. * * * Affirmed. Note. See Stokes v. New Jersey Pottery Co., 46 N. J. Law 237, 6 A. & E. Corp. Cas. 240, note 246; 1898 Solomon v. C. M. Schneider & Co., 56 Neb. 680, 77 N. W. Rep. 65; 1898, Chicago Tp. & T. Co. v. Chicago Nat'l Bank, 176 111. 224. Sec. 337. What may be taken on execution. See The Louisville, N. A. & C. Ry. Co. v. Boney, 117 Ind. 501, infra, p. 1842. ARTICLE VII. RIGHT TO HAVE AND USE A SEAL. Sec. 338. i. Necessity of a seal, (a) At common law. HORNE v. IVY. 1 IN THE KING'S BENCH. 20 Car. 2 (1668), i Mod. 18. Trespass for taking away a ship. The defendant justifies as serv- ant under the patent whereby The Canary Company is incorporated, and whereby it is granted, "That none but such and such should trade thither, on pain of forfeiting their ships and goods," etc., and says, that the defendant did trade thither, etc. The plaintiff demurs. Pollexfen, for the plaintiff, contended that the defendant ought to have shown the deed whereby he was authorized by the company to seize the goods; though he agreed, that for ordinary employments and services a corporation may appoint a servant without deed, as a cook, a butler, etc. A corporation can not license a stranger to fell trees without deed. Nor can they make a disseisor without deed, nor deliver a letter of attorney without deed. TWISDEN, Justice. For the first point, I think, they can not seize without deed, no more than they can enter for a condition broken without deed. See note, 50 Am. St. R., p. 150. 1 Part of argument and opinion of Kelynge, C. J., omitted. 339 RIGHT TO HAVE AND USE A SEAL. I 137 Sec. 339. Same. See President, etc., of Bank of the United States v. Dandridge, 12 Wheat. (25 U. S.) 64, supra, p. 854. See notes to following cases. Sec. 340. Same. (b) Now generally unnecessary, except where required of a natural person also. MUSCATINE WATER COMPANY, APPELLEE, v. MUSCATINE LUMBER COMPANY. 1 1892. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF IOWA. 85 Iowa Rep. 112-119, 39 Am. St. Rep. 284. [Action to recover damages for loss of a mill by fire alleged to be due to the failure of the water company to extend its water system to place where water could be had, in accordance with a contract entered into between the lumber and the water company, whereby the latter agreed to so extend its water system. Judgment for plaintiff, and de- fendant appeals.] ROBINSON, C. J. * * * The appellant contends that the con- tract in suit is invalid for the reason that no seal of either corporation is attached to it. Section 2112 of the code contains the following: 4 'The use of private seals in written contracts, except the seals of corporations, is abolished." It is argued from this that the use of private seals by corporations is governed by the rules of the common law, and that such seals must be affixed to all contracts not covering the scope of the ordinary, every-day functions of the corporations. That is not the law of this state. On the contrary, it was said in Merrick v. Plank Road Co., n Iowa 76, that "the doctrine is now well settled that corporations of all kinds may be bound by contracts not under their seal. They may make a binding contract in writing without using the seal, and so they may be held liable on verbal con- tracts ; and as they may make, so they may ratify and adopt as their own, without the use of the seal, that which has been done by an- other or an officer out of the usual line of his duties." In i Mora- wetz on Private Corporations, section 338, this language is used: "It is now a rule well settled throughout the United States that a corpo- ration may make a contract without the use of a seal in all cases in which this may be done by an individual." A corporation organized under the laws of this state may have a common seal, but it is not required to have one ; and it is a matter of common knowledge that corporations in large numbers organize and do business in the state, making contracts and conveying property, without using or having a seal. There is nothing in this case to show any requirement on the 1 Only the part of opinion relating to seal is given. 72 WIL. CAS. 1138 GARRETT V. BELMONT LAND COMPANY". 341 part of either party to the agreement in question that its contracts should be under seal, nor that either had a seal. There is no pre- sumption, in the absence of evidence to that effect, that the agreement was invalid for want of a seal ; and no presumption of that kind is raised by anything contained in the record. * * * Affirmed. Note. Seal is unnecessary, where not necessary in case of a natural person : 1813, Bank of Col. v. Patterson's Admr., 7 Cr. 299; 1823, Mott v. Hicks, 1 Cow. (N. Y. ) 513,13 Am. Dec. 550; 1825, The Banks v. Poitianx,3 Rand (Va.) 136, 15 Am. Dec. 706; 1825, Fitzhugh v. Bank of Shepherdsville, 3 T. B. Mon. (Ky.) 126, 16 Am. Dec. 90; 1829, Barker v. Mechanics, etc.. Co., 3 Wend. (N. Y.) 94, 20 Am. Dec. 664; 1831, Garrison v. Combs, 7 J. J. Marshall (Ky.) 84, 22 Am. Dec. 120; 1837, Everett v. United States, 6 Porter (Ala.) 166, 30 Am. Dec. 584; 1839, Lathrop v. Commercial Bank, 8 Dana (Ky.) 114, 33 Am. Dec. 481; 1840, Commercial Bank v. Newport Co., 1 B. Mon. (Ky.) 13, 35 Am. Dec. 171 ; 1848, Ross v. City of Madison, 1 Ind. 281, 48 Am. Dec. 361 ; 1857, Goodwin v. Union Screw Co., 34 N. H. 378; 1862, Topping v. Bickford, 4 Al- len 120; 1867, Pixley v. R. Co., 33 Cal. 183; 1867, Sherman v. Fitch, 98 Mass. 59; 1868, Racine, etc., R. Co. v. Farmers' L., etc., Co., 49 111. 331, 95 Am. Dec. 595; 1890, Duke v. Markharn, 105 N. C. 131, 18 Am. St. R 889; 1892, Roberts v. Demi ng Wood Working Co., Ill N. C. 432: 1895, Sarmiento v. Davis Boat, etc., Co., 105 Mich. 300, 55 Am. St. R. 446; 1895, B. S. Green Co. v. Blodgett, 159 111. 169, 50 Am. St. R. 146; 1896, Ford v. Hill, 92 Wis.188, 53 Am. St.'R. 902; 1899, Speirs v. Drop-Forge Co., 174 Mass. 175, 54 N. E. Rep. 497 ; 1899. State, ex rel. Grimm, v. Manhattan Rubber Co., 149 Mo. 181 ; 1900, Pullis v. Pullis Bros. Iron Co., 157 Mo. 565, 57 S. W. Rep. 1095. If seal is not present officer's authority must be shown: 1900, Fontana v. Pacific Can. Co., 129 Cal. 51, 61 Pac. Rep. 580. See note next case. Also, notes 50 Am. St. R. 150, and 64 Am. St. R. 260; 1900, Garland Mfg. Co. v. Northumb. Paper Co., 31 Ont. 40. Sec. 341. Same. (c) In deeds conveying land, the corporate seal is re- quired in some states. GARRETT v. BELMONT LAND COMPANY. 1 1895. I N THE SUPREME COURT OF TENNESSEE. 94 Tenn. Rep. [Action of ejectment by Garrett against the land company. Both parties trace title to a common source, but the complainant's title was through a deed in which the ''Second National Bank conveys, remises, and releases" and concludes "In testimony whereof, the Second Na- tional Bank hath hereunto set its hand, by its president, James Mc- Laughlin, this i3th day," etc. "(Signed) James McLaughlin, pres- ident Second National Bank." No seal, or any impression of one, though the bank had one, was 1 Statement abridged ; only that part of the opinion relating to the necessity of the seal to make a valid conveyance is given. 34 1 RIGHT TO HAVE AND USE A SEAL. 1 139 affixed to the instrument. It was shown that it was not the custom of the bank to seal deeds, or other instruments, except stock certificates. The defendant contends that this deed was insufficient to pass title to complainants. The court below held the deed sufficient, and this is one of the errors assigned.] WILKES, J. * * * (After stating the facts, and holding with Combe's Case, 9 Co. 75, after an excellent review of the cases, that "When any one has authority as attorney to do any act, he ought to do it in his name who gives the authority ; for he appoints the attorney to be in his place and to represent his person; and, therefore, the attorney can not do it in his own name, nor as his proper act, but in the name and as the act of him who gives the authority," and hence this was not the deed of the bank, proceeds as to the want of seal as follows:) Prior to the adoption of the code of 1858, the seal of the grantor was necessary to the validity of any deed made by an individual or a corporation. The use of seals by individuals arose out of necessity, as, in former days, many persons of extensive estates were too illiter- ate to make their manual signatures. Its adoption and use by cor- porations, however, arose out of their nature and constitution, being invisible, intangible bodies, composed of an aggregation of individ- uals, who must speak, at least in weighty matters, through a common seal. It was accordingly held that the affixing of the seal, and that alone, united the several assents of the individuals who composed the corporation, and gave expression to the act as the assent of the whole, and that a corporation could enter into no contract of importance ex- cept under seal. The tendency of modern legislation and the trend of more recent decisions is toward the abolition of the strict rules for- merly prevailing as to sealed instruments, and in many states statutes have been passed doing away, in whole or in part, with the distinction between sealed and unsealed instruments, and in most of the states the use of the seal is now regulated by statute. There is a difference kept up, however, in many of the states between the use of seals by corporations and by individuals. While it is laid down broadly that corporations may enter into contracts to the same extent as individuals without using a seal, this clearly has reference to other contracts than the conveyance of lands, and none of the cases to which we have been cited hold that the use of a seal is not required in conveyances of land. See Taylor on Corporations, section 248; Morawetz on Corporations (2d ed.), section 338; Waterman on Corporations, sections 89, 90; Mus. W. Co. v. Mus. L. Co., 37 Am. & Eng. Corp. Cases 119; Gottfield v. Miller, 104 U. S. 527; Merrick v. Burling- ton Plank-Road Co., n Iowa 74-76; Gary Holliday Lumber Co. v. Cain et al., 13 So. Rep. 239. These conveyances did not involve conveyances of real estate, and none of the citations are authority for the proposition that a corpora- tion can execute a deed without usiner a seal. But we think the con- trary is held, more or less directly, in the following, as well as other authorities: Spelling on Private Corporations, section 195; Beach on I 140 GARRETT V. BELMONT LAND COMPANY. 341 Private Corporations, 376, and section 742 as to mortgages ; Jones on Mortgages, section 128; i Waterman on Corporations, section 95, p. 303 ; Boone on Corporations, section 54 ; 3 Washburn on Real Estate, p. 288, section 7; Leggett v. N. J. M. & B. Co., 23 Am. Dec. 746, note; 4 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, p. 240; 2 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, p. 910; Osborne v. Temis, 23 N. J. Law 633, 658; Duke v. Markam, 18 Am. St. Rep. 889, note; Miner's Ditch Co. v. Zellerbach, 37 Cal. 543 ; Hutchins v. Byrnes, 9 Gray 367; Flint v. Clinton Co., 12 N. H. 430; Tenney v. East War- ren Lumber Co., 43 N. H. 343; Hatch v. Barr, i Ohio 390; Savings Bank v. Davis, 8 Conn. 191 ; Isham v. Bennington Iron Co., 19 Vt. 230; Zollerv. Ide, i Neb. 439; Brinley v. Mann, 2 Cush. 337; Koch- ler v. Iron Co., 2 Black 715, 721. By the code of Tennessee of 1858, it is provided (M. & V., 2478) that "the use of private seals in written contracts, except the seals of corporations is abolished, and the addition of a private seal to an in- strument of writing hereafter made shall not affect its character in any respect whatever." Did the act change the rule as to conveyances by corporations in Tennessee so as to dispense with the necessity of a seal ? There is certainly nothing in the act to so indicate, but the fact that seals of corporations are excepted by its provisions is an indication that the seal was to be used by corporations after the act was passed, as had been done before its passage, at least in some cases. Statutes similar to this have been passed in Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Kentucky, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, North Carolina, Ohio, Indiana, Texas, Pennsylvania and West Vir- ginia. Nevertheless, in most of these States corporations are still re- quired to use their seals in making conveyances, as in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, Ne- braska, Kansas and Texas. See 3 Wash, on Real Prop., p. 288. And not only must the deed be sealed, but the seal must be affixed by some one authorized to affix it. 3 Wash, on Real Prop., p. 289. The conveyance of real estate is one of the most solemn and im- portant acts a corporation is called upon to perform, and if the seal is required for any purpose, it is difficult to conceive of any other act for which its use is more necessary. If it was intended to abolish the use of seals by corporations altogether, why was the saving or except- ing clause inserted in the act? And if the seal is to be required in any case, in what case is it more important than in a conveyance of real estate, either absolutely or under mortgage? Prior to the code, the use of an individual or private seal worked various effects, as for example; If not under seal, it was necessary to aver and prove a consideration in all contracts, oral or written, except in cases of bills and notes. Roper v. Stone. Cooke 499; Shelton v. Bruce, 9 Yer. 26; Read v. Wheeler, 2 Yer. 50; Brown v. Parks, 8 Hum. 297. The consideration of a sealed instrument could not be inquired into in an action of law. Nivens v. Merrick, i Tenn. 314; Coleman v. Sanderlin, 5 Hum. 563. And the statute of limitations 34 1 RIGHT TO HAYK AND USE A SEAL. I 141 was different in cases of sealed and unsealed instruments. Anderson v. Settle, 5 Sneed 203 ; Thompson v. Thompson, 2 Head 407, and other cases. A release was required to be under seal. Evans v. Pigg, 3 Cold. 397, 398; Simpson v. Moore, 6 Bax. 373. A sealed contract merged one not under seal. Nunnelly v. Dunn, i Yer. 31 ; Bishop on Contracts, section 31. A person could not bind another by seal unless authorized by seal. Nunnelly v. Dougherty, i Yer. 27; Turbeville v. Ryan, i Hum. 113. Creditors under scaled instru- ments had certain preferences at common law in estates of deceased persons., Anson on Contracts, p. 48. The application of this section of the code, No. 2478, finds ample scope in altering these rules derived from the common law in regard to contracts and conveyances by individuals, without extending it to the deeds and other solemn instruments to be executed by corpora- tions, and, in view of the saving clause excepting corporation seals, we can not infer that the legislature intended to abolish the use and necessity for corporate seals altogether. We are of opinion that this act, 2478 M. & V. Code, does not change the rule of the common law requiring corporations to use their seals in all conveyances of real estate, and a conveyance not under seal, made by a corporation, does not vest a legal title in the grantee, except, it may be, cases of corporations created under the act of 1875, and which have no common seal, in which case that act provides that, in such corporations, having no common seal, the signing of the name of the corporation, by any duly authorized agent, shall be legal and binding. See act 1875, ch. 142, section 5; M. & V., 1704. The corporation now in question was not created under the act of 1875, but under the acts of congress providing for national banks, and we are not called upon to say whether, under this act of 1875, a corporation may convey without seal in any case. That question is in no way involved in this case. We are of opinion that the deed in question in this case was not properly signed nor sealed, and hence did not vest the legal title to the lots in controversy in complainants, but only operated to create in them an equitable interest and title. Poineroy's Eq. Juris., section 418; Devlin on Deeds, section 246; Beardsley v. Knight, 33 Am. Dec. 193; Frost v. Wolf, 19 Am. State Rep. 761, 764; Allis v. Jones, 45 Fed. Rep. 148; Brinkley v. Bethel, 9 Heis. 786. * * * Reversed. Note. See Accord: 1839, Kinzie v. Chicago, 2 Scammon (111.) 187, 33 Am. Dec. 443; 1855, Baltimore, etc., R. Co. v. Gallahue, 12 Gratt. (Va.) 655, 65 Am. Dec. 254; 1867, Gashwiler v. Willis, 33 Cal. 11, 91 Am. Dec. 607; 1885, City of Tiffin v. Shawhan, 43 Ohio St. 178, 184; 1890. Shropshire v. Behrons & Castles ft al., 11 Texas 275; 1891, Danville Seminary v. Mott et al., l.Hn 111. 289; 1893, Brown v. Supply Co., 23 Ore. 541; 1897, Allen v. Brown, 6 Kan. App. 704, 50 Pac. Rep. 505. But see, contra, 1808, Sandford v. Tremlett, 42 Mo. 384 ; 1900, Pullis v. Pullia Bros. Iron Co., 157 Mo 56-'), 57 S. W. Rep. 1095. An equitable title will pans if the corporate seal is not present: 1899, Precious Blood Society v. Elsythe, 102 Tenn. 40, 50 S. W. Rep. 759. I 142 GLOBE ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO. V. REID. 342 Sec. 342. Same. (d) Signing in some way is now generally of more im- portance than sealing. GLOBE ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY v. REID. 1 1898. IN THE APPELLATE COURT OF INDIANA. 19 Ind. App. Rep. 203-222. Action by the widow of John Reid to recover on a policy of insur- ance on his life. There was a judgment by default; defendant claimed there was error by the court, upon application, in not setting aside service of summons, and also that the complaint was insufficient on its face, for the reason that it showed the policy was not signed by the insurance company.] BLACK, J. * * * The objection urged against the complaint is, that the policy, as shown by the copy thereof made an exhibit, is not signed by the insurance company or by any person. The policy so set forth commences as follows: "Globe Accident Insurance Company, Indianapolis, Indiana. * * * insures John A. Reid," etc. And the exhibit concludes as follows: "In witness the Globe Accident Insurance Company affixes its cor- porate seal and signature of its president and secretary, 23 January, 1894." [L. S.] Thus the policy appears to have been sealed, the lettering or de- vice of the seal not being indicated except as above, but the policy, as shown by the complaint, was not signed. The exhibit must be regarded as controlling the averments of the pleading. Something has been said in argument to the effect that parol contracts of insur- ance may be made when not prohibited by the charter of the insurance company, and that no special form of words is necessary ; but the complaint before us is so plainly founded upon the written instrument, not embodied in the pleading, but filed with it as an exhibit, that no pretense to the contrary could have any plausible support. It is only as the foundation of the action that the court can take notice of the exhibit. Unless the policy has been executed in some valid manner, it can not be regarded as a written contract. By its language, in pre- scribing the form in which it is to be executed, it provides not only for the affixing of the corporate seal, but also for the signature of the president and secretary of the corporation. It can not be said to have been completely executed according to its own provisions. At com- mon law, as is well known, a corporation spoke only by its common seal. Its contracts were valid only when its seal was affixed by a duly authorized agent, and a sealing was a sufficient execution of its deed without signing. Where a statute expressly provides that a corpora- 1 Only that part of opinion relating to signing the policy is given. 34 2 RIGHT TO HAVE AND USE -A SEAL. I 143 tion may have and use a common seal, it is but declaratory of an in- cidental power which a duly organized corporation possessed formerly at common law and still possesses. But the old common law require- ment of the use of a seal by a corporation has been discarded, and where a corporation is merely authorized by statute to have and use a common seal, it need not use it in the execution of its ordinary con- tracts. Unless its charter or some statute requires it, a corporation need not use a seal except where a natural person would be required to use one ; and no particular efficacy attaches now to a seal affixed to a contract merely because it is the seal of a corporation. Where it is used it must be affixed by an authorized officer or agent, but it has no greater effect or higher virtue upon the contract of the corpo- ration than has the seal of a natural person affixed to his contract. Our statute, section 454, Burns' R. S. 1894(450, Horner's R. S. 1897), provides that "there .shall be no difference in evidence between sealed and unsealed writings; and every writing not sealed shall have the same force and effect that it would have if sealed." The next section provides: "The execution of an instrument is the subscribing and delivering it, with or without affixing a seal." In this state it is not required by any statute that a policy of insur- ance issued by a domestic corporation shall be sealed. The provis- ions of sections 454, 455? Burns' R. S. 1894, above quoted, are ap- plicable to such a written instrument. In Peoria, etc., Ins. Co. v. Walser, 22 Ind. 73, the action was founded on a policy of insurance which was exhibited with the com- plaint. The policy commenced thus: "The Peoria Marine and Fire Insurance Company do insure," etc. ; and it concluded thus: "In witness whereof, the president of said insurance company has hereunto subscribed his name and caused the same to be attested by their secre- tary, at," etc. "But the same shall not be valid until countersigned by A. Andrews, agent at," etc. It was countersigned by said agent, but it was not signed by the president or attested by the secretary. The complaint was held insufficient on demurrer, because the policy was but partially executed, and was therefore invalid. In McMillen v. Terrell, 23 Ind. 163, it was said: "Ordinarily, written obligations are executed by signing the names of the parties to be bound thereby at the bottom or close of the instruments. But this mode of execu- tion is not essential to the validity of the instrument. The law does not prescribe the particular place where the obligor's name must be placed ; it may be at the beginning or in the body, at the close' or perhaps on the margin of the instrument ; but wherever placed, it must be done with the intention of thereby executing it as the obliga- tion of the party so signing it. If the signature is placed at the close, at the ordinary place of signature, the inference is that it was so placed as the final execution of the instrument. This inference, however, does not necessarily arise when the name is found at the commence- ment or in the body. In such case there should be some evidence, either in the form of the instrument or the circumstances attending I 144 GLOBE ACC.IDENT INSURANCE CO. V. REID. 342 the signature, showing that it was the intention of the party thereby to execute it." In the Wild Cat Branch v. Ball, 45 Ind. 213, the action was upon a bond exhibited with the complaint, not sealed, containing the name of the principal in the body, and signed by the sureties, but not signed by the principal. It was held that the complaint was insufficient as against the principal on demurrer. The court held that under our statute a seal was not necessary to the execution or validity of the bond ; and referring to the section of the statute quoted above as sec- tion 555 [455], Burns' R. S. 1894, said that this section answered the question as to what was necessary to the valid execution of the instru- ment, that it is the subscribing and delivering it. The court was of the opinion that in construing the statute (which does not prescribe a signing, but requires a subscribing) it should be regarded as intending a writing under, at the bottom or at the end of the instrument, and that though the name of the principal hi the beginning of the bond were written there by himself, this could not be regarded as a sub- scribing, and that he could not be held liable upon any supposition that he adopted the name at the beginning; that whatever may have been the rule previously, he was not, according to the statute, bound by the bond, because he did not subscribe it. Without regard to this strict construction of the statute, we could not consider the name of the appellant in the beginning of the policy as the signature of the insurer. Aside from the fact that a corpora- tion can not sign its own name, which can only be signed by an au- thorized agent, and aside from all other considerations pertinent to the subject, the policy at its conclusion indicates that its contemplated execution was to include signing by the president and secretary at the end of the instrument, and therefore the name at the beginning was not intended as the subscribing of the policy. The statute prescribing what constitutes execution of an instrument can not be ignored. The seal, if not required by some other statute, is wholly immaterial. It does not constitute a subscribing, and with- out subscribing as well as delivery, the instrument is not fully executed. Prather v. Ross, 17 Ind. 495; Nicholson v. Combs, 90 Ind. 515; Crumrine v. Estate of Crumrine, 14 Ind. App. 641. * * * Reversed. Note. See, 1808, Jackson v. Walsh, 3 Johns. (N. Y.) 226; 1825, Decker v. Freeman, 3 Maine 338; 1836, Lovett v. Steam Saw Mill Ass'n, 6 Paige (N. Y.) 54 ; 1847, Isham v. Bennington Iron Co., 19 Vt. 230; 1857, Hutching v. Byrnes, 9 Gray (Mass.) 367; 1862, Haven v. Adams, 4 Allen (Mass.) 80; 1873, N. W. Distilling Co. v. Brant, 69 111. 658, 18 Am. Rep. 631. But if seal is not present officer's authority must be shown : 1900, Fontana v. Pacific Can. Co., 129 Cal. 51, 61 Pac. Rep. 580; and at common law sealing alone was sufficient without. signing; 1858, Johnston v. Crawley, 25 Ga. 316, 71 Am. Dec. 173; and Cook, Corp., 722, savs the Equitable Life Insurance Co. now discharges mortgages by attaching its seal to the discharge without other signature. As to the proper method of signing, see supra, p. 862, and IV Thonij>. Corp., 5090. 343 RIGHT TO HAVE AND USE A SEAL. 1 145 Sec. 343. 2. Sufficiency and effect of a seal, (a) Presumptions. JACKSONVILLE, MAYPORT, PABLO RY. & NAV. CO. v. HOOPER. 1 1896. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. 160 U. S. Rep. 514-530. [Action by Hooper to enforce covenants under a lease of a hotel to the railway company by plaintiffs. The declaration was in cove- nant, and an exhibit was attached purporting to be the lease sued upon, to which the signature of the company was as follows: "Jacksonville, Mayport, Pablo Railway and Navigation "Company. [Seal] "By Alex. Wallace, President." The defendant denied it had executed the lease, or that Wallace had authority to execute it. Decision below for the plaintiff, overrul- ing defendant's demurrer. Error brought.] MR. JUSTICE SHIRAS. * * * The defendant demurred on sev- eral grounds, one of which was as follows: "That attached to the said declaration is a paper purporting to be the contract which is the basis of this suit, which paper is alleged to be a lease between the defendant company and the plaintiffs, and which paper is referred to in each and every count of said declaration, and asked and prayed and made a part of said declaration ; that each and every count of same declares in covenant, and yet the same con- tains on the face thereof and the face of the paper made part thereof that the said cause of action will not lie because the said paper is not under seal ; that there is no seal of the defendant company to said paper." The theory of this demurrer appears to be that there should have been an averment on the face of the instrument that the seal attached, on behalf of the company, was its common or corporate seal. How- ever, there was an averment that the parties had set their hands and seals to the paper, and the attesting clause alleged that the railroad company had signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of two witnesses, who signed their names thereto. On demurrer this was plainly sufficient. But it is urged in the third and fourth assignments that it was error to permit to be put in evidence the certified copy of the lease, as like- wise the duplicate lease, because they were not shown to be under the seal of the company, but appeared to be under the private seal of Al- exander Wallace, the president of the company. But, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, the scroll or rectangle containing the word "seal" will be deemed to be the proper -and common seal of the company. A seal is not necessarily of any particular form or figure. 1 Only that part of opinion relating to seal is given. 1146 JACKSONVILLE, MAYPORT, ETC., CO. V. HOOPER. 343 In Pillow v. Roberts, 13 How. 472, 474, this court said, through Mr. Justice Grier, when discussing an objection that an instrument read was improperly admitted in evidence because the seal of the cir- cuit court authenticating -the acknowledgment was an impression stamped on paper and not "on wax. wafer, or any other adhesive or tenacious substance," said: "It is the seal which authenticates, and not the substance on which it is impressed ; and where the court can recognize its identity, they should not be called upon to analyze the material which exhibits it. In Arkansas the presence of wax is not necessary to give validity to a seal ; and the fact that the public officer in Wisconsin had not thought proper to use it, was sufficient to raise the presumption that such was the law or custom in Wisconsin, till the contrary was proved. It is time that such objections to the valid- ity of seals should cease. The court did not err in overruling the objections to the deed offered by the plaintiff." Price v. Indseth, 106 U. S. 546, is to the same effect. Whether an instrument is under seal or not is a question for the court upon inspection ; whether a mark or character shall be held to be a seal depends upon the intention of the executant, as shown by the paper. Hacker's Appeal, 121 Pa. St. 192; Pillow v. Roberts, ub. supra. The defendant did not produce the original in order that it might be compared in the particular objected to with the copy and duplicate offered. The defendant's attorney, Mr. Buckman, was called, and testified that he was one of the attesting witnesses to the instrument offered, and that he, as a notary public, took the acknowledgment thereto of Alexander Wallace, that he executed the same for and in behalf of the company, and that the said lease was the act and deed of the defendant company for the uses and purposes therein expressed. Whether, therefore, the instrument put in evidence was merely a copy, in which event it would not be expected that a wax or stamped seal of the company would appear upon it, but merely a scroll, repre- senting the original seal, or whether the so-called copy was really the original paper, as certified by one of defendant's witnesses, would not, in our opinion, be material. The presumption would be, if the paper were a copy, that the original was duly sealed, or, if it were the original, that the scroll was adopted and used by the company as its seal, for the purpose of executing the contract in question. * * * Affirmed. Note. As to the sufficiency of the seal, it seems that any device adopted by the corporation for the purpose will be sufficient: 1826, Perry v. Price, 1 Mo. 664, 14 Am. Dec. 316; 1839, Kinzie v. Chicago, 2 Scam. (111.) 187, 33 Am. Dec. 443; 1848, Brinley v. Mann, 2 Cash. (Mass.) 337,48 Am. Dec. 669; 1858, Johnson v. Crawley, 25 Ga. 316, 71 Am. Dec. 173; 1868, Royal Bank v. Grand June., etc., Co., 100 Mass. 444,97 Am. Dec. 115; 1889, Penn. Nat. Gas Co. v. Cook, 123 Pa. St. 170; 1895, Sarmiento v. Davis Boat Co., 105 Mich. 300, 55 Am. St. Rep. 446; 1897, Thayer v. Nehalem Mill Co., 31 Ore. 437, 51 Pac. Rep. 202; 1899, Ellison v. Branstrator, 153 Ind. 146, 54 N. E. Rep. 433. If the seal alone is present, it must be proved to be the corporate seal it does not prove itself: 1800, Den v. Vreeland, 2 Halst. (N. J.) 352, 11 Am. 344 RIGHT TO HAVE AND USE A SEAL. 1147 Dee. 5->l ; 1820, Berks Turnpike Road v. Myers, 6 S. & R. 12, 9 Am. Dec. 402; 1826, Perry v. Price, 1 Mo. 664, 14 Am. Dec. 316. But if the contract is shown to have been executed by the proper officers with authority, any seal present will be presumed to be the corporate seal : 18o2, Susquehanna, etc., Co. v. General Co., 3 Md. 305, 56 Am. Dec. 740; 185o, Phillips v. Coffee. 17 111. 154, 63 Am. Dec. 357; 1867, Museer v. John- son, 42 Mo. 74, 97 Am. Dec. 316 ; 1894, Benbow v. Cook, 115 N. C. 324, 44 Am. St. Rep. 454. See next case and note. Sec. 344. (b) As evidence of agents' or officers' authority. LITTLE SA7T MILL VALLEY TURNPIKE OR PLANK ROAD COM- PANY v. FEDERAL STREET AND PLEASANT VALLEY PASSEN- GER RAILWAY CO. 1 1899. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA. 194 Pa. St. Rep. 144, 75 Am. St. R. 690. [Action by road company upon a contract made with it by the president of the railway company, whereby the latter guaranteed to pay annually to the road company any deficiency in its tolls, due to the change of the motive power of the railway company using the road, from horse power to electricity.] BROWN, J. * * * It is insisted, however, that the railroad company was not bound by the contract, because it was made by the president without authority from the corporation or its board of di- rectors. It is signed by the president. The corporate name attached was apparently in the handwriting of the secretary, and the common seal was affixed. Neither officer was called to deny authority to act, and the presumption was that it had been given. The maxim, Omnia praesumuntztr rite esse acta, applies to acts done on behalf of cor- porations, and it can never be presumed that a corporate agent is act- ing wrongfully; or that an act which might have been a proper act to d > on behalf of the corporation was done under circumstances render- ing it improper: Taylor on Private Corporations, section 204. "Where a party deals with a corporation in good faith the transac- tion is not ultra vires and he is unaware of any defect of authority or other irregularity on the part of those acting for the corporation, and there is nothing to excite suspicion of such defect or irregularity, the corporation is bound by the contract, althDugh such defect or irregularity in fact exists. If the contract can be valid under any cir- cumstances, an innocent party in such a case has a right to presume their existence, and the corporation is estopped to deny them." Mer- chants' Bank v. State Bank, 10 Wall. 644. "When the common seal of a corporation appears to be affixed to an instrument, and the signatures of the proper officers are proved, the courts are to presume that the officers did not exceed their authority, and the seal itself is prima facie evidence that it was affixed by proper authority." Angell and Ames on Corporations, section 224. The second point submitted 1 Statement abridged. Only the part relating to the effect of the corporate seal is given. 1148 MAYOR V. THE NORFOLK RAILWAY COMPANY. 345 by defendant was properly refused. The second and third assign- ments of error are overruled and the judgment affirmed. Note. The presence of the corporate seal is prima facie evidence of the agent's authority to act for the corporation, and to affix the seal, and also that the corporation has taken the necessary steps to authorize the contract to be entered into: 1820, Berk's Turnpike Road v. Myers, 6 Serg. & R. 12, 9 Am. Dec. 402; 1832, Leggett v. New Jersey, etc., Co., 1 Saxton Ch. (N. J.) 541, 23 Am. Dec. 728; 1833, Gordon v. Preston, 1 Watts (Pa.) 385, 26 Am. Dec. 75; 1839, Kinzie v. Chicago, etc., 2 Scam. (111.) 187, 33 Am. Dec. 443; 1840, Bun-ill v. Nahant Bank, 2 Met. 163, 35 Am. Dec. 395; 1859, St. Louis Pub. Schools v. Risley, 28 Mo. 415, 75 Am. Dec. 131 ; 1863, Koehler v. Black River Falls, etc., Co., 2 Black 715; 1867, Musser v. Johnson, 42 Mo. 74, 97 Am. Dec. 316; 1867, Sheehan v. Davis. 17 Ohio St. 571; 1869, Miner's Ditch Co. v. Zellerhach, 37 Cal. 543, 99 Am. Dec. 300; 1874, Central Nat'l Bank v. Charlotte, etc., R., 5 S. C. 156, 22 Am. Rep. 12; 1890, Sherman, etc., Co. v. Swigart, 43 Kan. 292, 19 Am. St. Rep. 137; 1891, Mullanphy Sav. Bank v. Schott, 135 111. 600, 25 Am. St. Rep. 401 ; 1894, Benbow v. Cook, 115 N. C. 324, 44 Am. St. Rep. 454; 1895, B. S. Green Co. v. Blodgett, 159 111. 169, 50 Am. St. Rep. 146, note 150; 1899, Ellison v. Branstrator, 153 Ind. 146; 1900, In re West Jersey Tract. Co., 59 N. J. Eq. 63, 45 Atl. Rep. 282; Contra, 1898, Mor- rison v. Wilder Gas Co., 91 Maine 492, 64 Am. St. Rep. 257 but see note here, p. 260. The corporation can be shown to have no authority to make the contract : 1832, Leggett v. New Jersey, etc., Co., 1 Saxton Ch. (N. J.) 541, 23 Am. Dec. 728; 1866, Conine v. Junction R. Co., 3 Houst. 288, 89 Am. Dec. 230. So, too, the agent's authority may be questioned : 1845, Gibson v. Gold- thwaite, 7 Ala. 281, 42 Am. Dec. 592; 1876, Luse v. Isthmus, etc., Co., 6 Ore. 25 Am. Rep. 506. Sec. 345. (c) As evidence of a consideration. LORD CAMPBELL, C. J., IN THE MAYOR, ETC., OF NORWICH v. THE NORFOLK RAILWAY COMPANY. 1855. IN THE QUEEN'S BENCH. 82 Eng. C. L. (4 El. & Bl.) Rep. * 3 6;, on *443~6. [Action against the railway company on a covenant under their seal to pay^i,ooo in case certain works were not completed, whether a certain act of parliament should be obtained or not, as agreed under seal. It was averred that the works were not completed, though plaintiff had performed all conditions precedent.] Although the agreement be under seal, we may examine to see whether there was any, and what consideration for the contract to pay money, when we are to determine whether the contract was or was not ultra vires. The mere circumstance of a covenant by directors in the name of the company being ultra vires, as between them and the shareholders, does not necessarily disentitle the covenantee to sue upon it. For example, if the directors of a railway company were to enter into a contract under the seal of the company for the purchase of a large quantity of iron rails and to pay for them at a fixed price, as the vendor had reasonable ground for supposing that the rails were wanted for the purpose of the railroad, it would be no defense to an 345 RIGHT TO HAVE AND USE A SEAL. I 149 action for the price, or for not accepting them, that the rails were illegally purchased on speculation, to be resold by the directors for their own profit. But suppose that the directors of a railway com- pany should purchase a thousand gross of green spectacles, as a specu- lation, and should put the seal of the company to a deed covenanting to pay for these goods, here would be a clear excess of authority on the part of the directors ; this excess of authority would necessarily be known to the covenantee ; and, he being in part dclicto, I conceive that the maxim would apply potior est conditio possidentis. This would be an illegal contract to misapply the funds of the company; and the illegality might be set up as a defense. So, if, without any consideration whatever, the directors of a railway company were to put the company's seal to a deed covenanting to pay a mere stranger ;i,ooo, this would be ultra vires, to the knowledge of the covenan- tee, and he could not maintain an action to recover the ^i,cxx> from the funds of the company in fraud of the shareholders. When the excess of authority, with the knowledge of both parties, is shown by plea, this joint violation of the law, I apprehend, is a bar to the action. It has been contended, I am aware, that the deeds of such com- panies are to be treated like the deeds of individuals or of common partnerships. But there seems to be an essential distinction between them. The individual may do what he likes with his own, and he may bind himself by a deed disposing of his property, however capriciously, and without any consideration, so that no fraud has been practiced upon him. In such a case, want of consideration is imma- terial; no one is injured, and there is no illegality to be pleaded. "To look upon a railway company," says Lord Langdale, in Coleman v. Eastern Counties Railway Company, 10 Beav. I, 14, "in the light of a common partnership, and as subject to no greater vigilance than common partnerships are, would, I think, be greatly to mistake the functions which they perform, and the powers which they exercise. of interference, not only with the public, but with the private rights of all individuals in this realm. We are to look to these powers as given to them, in consideration of a benefit which, notwithstanding all other sacrifices, it is to be presumed and hoped, on the whole, will be ob- tained by the public;" "and I am clearly of opinion, that the powers which are given by an act of parliament like that now in question, extend no farther than is expressly stated in the act, or is necessarily and properly required for carrying into effect the undertaking and works which the act has expressly sanctioned." The same learned iudge, in answer to an argument that the directors may apply the funds of the company as they please, so that their object is to increase the traffic upon the railway, and thereby to increase the profits of the shareholders, exclaims, "surely that has nowhere been stated; there is no authority for saying anything of that kind." "Unless acts so done can be proved to be in conformity with the powers given by the statutes under which those acts are done, they furnish no authority whatever." 1 1 50 CHASE NATIONAL BANK V. B. C. FAUROT. 346 The equity reports abound with cases in which injunctions have been granted against the application of the funds of such companies to purposes not authorized by the acts of parliament creating them, although professedly for the benefit of the shareholders: and I appre- hend that a contract, against the performance of which an injunction would be granted in equity, must be considered illegal and void at law, on proof that, to the knowledge of both parties, it is beyond the power of the directors, and leads to a misapplication of the funds of the company. On this principle proceeded the solemn decision of the court of common pleas in The East Anglian Railways Company v. The Eastern Counties Railway Company, n Com. B. 775 (E. C. L. R., vol. 73), where a railway company having, by a deed under their seal, covenanted with another railway company to take a lease of their railway, and to pay the expenses incurred by them in solicit- ing certain bills in parliament, which were then pending, whether these bills should pass into law or not, and the bills not having been obtained, the covenantees sought to recover the amount of these costs. It was decided that the covenantors had a limited authority, and were a corporation only for making and maintaining the railway sanctioned by their act, and that the funds of the company could only be applied to these purposes; so that, as the contract sued upon was not justified by the act of parliament, it was consequently void, and could not be made the foundation of an action. Note. See contra, 1868, Royal Bank of Liverpool v. Grand June., etc., Co., 100 Mass. 444,97 Am. Dec. 1J5; and compare, 1879, Best v.Thiel, 79 N. Y. 15; 1895, Taft v. Church, 162 Mass. 527. Sec. 346. (d) Upon a negotiable instrument. CHASE NATIONAL BANK, RESPONDENT, v. B. C. FAUROT, APPELLANT. l 1896. IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF NEW YORK. 149 N. Y. Rep. 532-539, 35 L. R. A. 605. BARTLETT, J. The plaintiff seeks to recover of defendant as in- dorser of a promissory note for $16,787.02, signed "New York Con- struction Company, by T. P. Graf, secretary." Impressed upon the face of the note were the words "New York Construction Company, seal." The note did not recite a seal and no effort was made at the trial to prove the seal, or that it was affixed by authority of the "New York Construction Company," save reading the note in evidence. The note was executed and payable in the state of Ohio and the contract of indorsement was made in the state of New York. The facts upon this appeal are undisputed, and the plaintiff's counsel insists that the seal on the note in suit was not proved within the rule laid down by this court in Weeks v. Esler 1 Part of opinion on another point omitted. 346 RIGHT TO HAVE AND USE A SEAL. ll$l ( 143 N. Y. 374) ; that a note is negotiable, and having been pur- chased in good faith and before maturity, as found by the jury, the recovery below must be sustained. The defendant's counsel, while admitting that the rule in Weeks v. Esler is opposed to certain of his contentions on this appeal, urges with much earnestness and ability that this court should reconsider the doctrines of that case; he also argues that even assuming the note to be negotiable in form, it never had a legal inception, and defend- ant is not liable as indorser. We held in Weeks v. Esler that the presumption attaching ordi- narily to seals of corporations when affixed to deeds, or other instru- ments did not exist as to the promissory notes of a corporation, and that in the absence of any recital that the seal of the corporation was af- fixed and of any evidence to show the fact of sealing, or that the corporate seal was impressed, or that it was the corporate seal, the notes could not be regarded as sealed instruments. We think this rule a reasonable one in view of the vast business transactions of corporations, and see no occasion to reconsider it. In the case at bar we shall assume for the purposes of this appeal that the note in suit was a sealed instrument, and will place our de- cision on broader grounds than those laid down in Weeks v. Esler. In view of the law as settled by this court and the courts of other jurisdictions as to what instruments are negotiable, we hold that the commercial paper of a corporation negotiable in form does not lose the quality of negotiability by having attached thereto the corporate seal. The following are a few of the cases showing the evolution of the modern doctrine that a seal does not deprive corporate obligations of negotiability : Bank of Rome v. Village of Rome (19 N. Y. 20). The village had issued bonds under its corporate seal in aid of a railroad com- pany, and the latter sold certain of them to a bona Jide holder, and the question was whether the purchaser was subject to a defense avail- able against the railroad company. Comstock, J., said: "The bonds were payable to bearer, and although under the corporate seal of the village, they were negotiable instruments in such a sense as would exempt them, in the hands of a bona fide holder, from a defense which might be available against the railroad company." (Citing State of Illinois v. Delafield, 8 Paige 527; State of Illinois v. Delafield on appeal, 2 Hill 159, 177; Mechanics' Bank v. N. Y. & N. H. R. R. Co., 13 N. Y. 625, 627; Morris Canal & B. Co. v. Fisher, 3 Am. L. Reg. 423.) Brainerd v. New York & Harlem Railroad Company (25 N. Y. 496). It was held that the bond of a railroad corporation, payable to an individual or his assigns, is in the nature of commercial paper, negotiable by delivery under an assignment in blank, and not a specialty subject to equities between the corporation and the person named in the bond as the primary payee. Denio, Ch. J., said: "The questions of law which the appeal I 1 52 CHASE NATIONAL BANK V. B. C. FAUROT. 346 presents are, whether these instruments are commercial paper, so as to be negotiable, and whether they were legally negotiated by deliv- ery under the blank assignment. These might have been very grave questions in this state a few years ago. But they have been settled against the defendant in this state by a series of decisions which it is impossible at this day to depart from. * * * The point of objection, when it is sought to bring such securities within the law of commercial paper, is that, being under seal, they are deeds, and commercial instruments are simple contracts. But when such obligations are issued to secure the payment of money upon time, and contain on their face an expression showing that they are expected to pass from one person to another, and thus to perform the office of bills and notes or of money, as the words 'bearer,' or 'assigns,' or 'holder/ or the like, the courts of this country, with a single exception, and those of this state, without any exception, have concurred in attaching to them the attributes of commercial paper." (See cases cited in this opinion.) This case also laid down the rule that no distinction could be made between private corporations and those which are created for govern- mental or municipal purposes. Dinsmore v. Duncan (57 N. Y. 573). It was held that the nego- tiability of a United States treasuiy note is not strained or affected 1>\ the fact that it is under the treasury seal. Dwight, C., said: "There are several objections urged to the negotiability of this instrument. One is, that it is under the seal of the United States treasury. There are, no doubt, decisions that an instrument under seal is not negotiable. These cases refer to private obligations between individuals. (Clark v. Farmers' Woolen Manu- facturing Co., 15 Wend. 256; Steele v. Oswego Cotton Manufactur- ing Company, 15 Wend. 265.) They are not to be extended to the case of public securities like those issued by the government, and in- tended to seek for a market throughout the civilized world. The seal was not placed there to restrain their negotiability, but rather to stamp them as genuine, wherever they might be in circulation." Evertson v. National Bank of Newport (66 N. Y. 14) holds in- terest coupons of railroad bonds payable to bearer at a specified time and place are negotiable promises for the payment of money. (See cases there cited.) Marine, etc., Mfg. Co. v. Bradley (105 U. S. 175) was the case of an instrument issued by a South Carolina corporation under seal agree- ing to pay a certain sum of money, and by an indorsement under seal the company agreed, in consideration of forbearance, to pay a higher rate of interest on the money to bearer. Mr. Justice Matthews, passing upon the validity of the indorsement, said: "It is a negotiable note within the meaning of the law mer- chant, according to the law of the place of the contract, notwithstand- ing it is an instrument under seal" (p. 180). In Mercer County v. Racket (i Wall. 83), the United States supreme court held county bonds under seal to be negotiable instru- 347 POWER TO MAKE BY-LAWS. 1 1 53 ments. Mr. Justice Grier said, in speaking of the bonds issued un- der seal: "But there is nothing immoral or contrary to good policy in making them negotiable if the necessities of commerce require that they should be so. A mere technical dogma of the courts or the common law can not prohibit the commercial world from inventing or issuing any species of security not known in the last century." The following authorities further illustrate the point under discus- sion: Mason v. Frick (105 Pa. St. 162 and cases cited); Barrett v. Schuyler Co. (44 Mo. 197) ; Morris Canal, etc., Co. v. Fisher (9 N. J. Eq. 699) ; Haven v. Grand June. R. R. & D. Co. ( 109 Mass. 88) ; Murray v. Lardner (2 Wall, no); National Exchange Bank v. Hartford, P. & F. R. R. Co. (8 R. I. 375); Daniel on Neg. Inst., 150x5 and 1501 and cases cited; Morawetz on Corp., 341; Tiedman on Com. Pap., 117. In Blewitt v. Boorum (142 N. Y. 357) Judge Peckham, in a learned and interesting opinion, reviews the history of seals upon in- struments and points out their immateriality on contracts which do not require them in order to be valid. The note in suit being negotiable under the law of this state, and the contract of indorsement having been made here, it is unnecessary to consider many of the points ai'gued by appellant under the as- sumption that the defendant had indorsed a non-negotiable instru- ment. * * * Affirmed. Note. See cases cited in note to 238, supra, p. 864 ; and 1895, Am. Nat'l Bank v. Am. Wood Paper Co., 19 R. I. 149. ARTICLE VIII. POWER TO MAKE BY-LAWS. Sec. 347. I. Definition and purpose, differs from regulation. STATE v. ISAAC S. OVERTON. 1 1854. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE OF NEW JERSEY. 24 N. J. Law (4 Zabriskie) Rep. 435-443, 61 Am. Dec. 671. Overton, a conductor on the Morris & Essex R. R., forcibly ejected a passenger from one of the trains, and was convicted of an assaul) and battery therefor. A motion for new trial on account of misdirec- tion of the court was overruled. This was assigned as error. The passenger had purchased a ticket from N. to M. At a way station between these stations he left the train, having first obtained a con- ductor's check printed "Conductor's check to M." About an hour afterward he took the train of Overton, to complete his journey to M. 1 Statement abridged. Only that part of opinion relating to one point is given. 73 WIL. CAS. I 1 54 STATE V. ISAAC S. OVERTON. 347 Overtoil refused to recognize the conductor's check, demanded the fare, and upon refusal to pay, put the passenger off without unneces- sary violence. Some years before the company had adopted a rule, and given public notice of it that conductor's checks were not trans- ferable from one train to another. This action of the company was submitted to the jury as if it were a by-law or regulation of the com- pany affecting the rights of passengers, upon the reasonableness and validity of which the jury were to decide. This was assigned as error. GREEN, C. J. * * * In this the court erred. Here was no evidence of any by-law, or of any regulation made by the company affecting the rights of passengers upon the reasonableness, or validity of which either court or jury were called upon to decide. The right of the passenger rested upon his contract. The notice given by the com- pany was in strict conformity with his rights under the contract. Upon the evidence in the cause, if no proof had been offered of the notice given by the company, that conductors' checks were not transferable, the defendant would have been entitled to a verdict. Proof of that notice certainly placed him in no worse position. The company have an unquestionable right, under their chai'ter, independent of any by- law or regulation, to charge different rates by different trains, or a higher price for traveling over the road as a way-passenger, by dif- ferent journeys, than for a through passenger. This was in reality all that was involved in the evidence of the action by the company, as proved upon the trial. The case does not fall within the opera- tion of the principle, by which it was held to be controlled. Assuming at the bar, as was done upon the trial, that the guilt or innocence of the defendant depended upon the validity of a regulation made by the company, affecting the rights of passengers, the question was elaborately argued whether the validity of such regulation can in any case be submitted as a question of fact to be decided by a jury, and the broad principle was assumed that the validity of every regu- lation made by a railroad company, regulating the concerns and af- fecting the rights of the road, is a question of law, to be decided by the court, and never can be submitted to a jury ; that the company is bound to make regulations for the comfort and convenience of pas- sengers ; that the power is regulated by their charter ; that what is lawful is reasonable, and that, therefore, every regulation is reason- able which is not unlawful. The validity of the by-law of a corporation is purely a question of law. Whether the by-law be in conflict with the law or with the char- ter of the company, or be in a legal sense unreasonable, and therefore unlawful, is a question for the court and not for the jury. Common- wealth v. Worcester, 3 Pickering 462 ; Paxon v. Sweet, i Green 196; Ang. and Ames on Corps., 357. But the by-laws of a private corpo- ration bind the members only by virtue of their assent, and do not affect third persons. All regulations of a company affecting its busi- ness, which do not operate upon third persons, nor in any way affect their rights, are properly denominated by-laws of the company, and 347 POWER TO MAKE BY-LAWS. I I 55 may come within the operation of the principle. Within this limit it is the peculiar and exclusive office of the court to decide upon the validity of the regulation. But there is another class of regulations, made by corporations, as well as by individuals, who are common carriers of passengers, which operate upon, and affect the rights of others which are not, properly speaking, by-laws of the corporation, and which do not fall within the operation of the principle. Of this character are all regulations touching the comfort and convenience of travelers, or prescribing rules for their conduct to secure the just rights of the company. It is not perceivable of this class of regulations, that they are never un- reasonable unless they are unlawful. On the contrary, they are un- lawful because they are unreasonable, or an unnecessaiy infringement of the rights and liberty of the passengers. The reasonableness and validity of a regulation, that passengers by railroad or steamboat should exhibit their tickets when reasonably requested ; that they should not smoke or indulge in other filthy, or offensive practices; that male passengers should not enter a car or a saloon, especially ap- propriated to females, might be conceded, and the right of the com- pany to enforce them, even by excluding, in case of necessity, the of- fending passenger from the train. But it would scarcely be contended that a regulation requiring passengers continually, or as often as the caprice or malice of a conductor might require it, to exhibit their tickets ; forbidding them to speak, or change their seats from one part of a car or saloon to another, when the right of no other passenger was affected, was a regulation lawful in itself or which might safely be enforced. This latter class of regulations are no more in violation of the charter of the company, or of any particular statute, than the former. But they would be held unlawful, because they are unreasonable, and an unnecessary infringement of the rights and liberty of travelers. The distinction between such regulations as are necessary, and conducive to the comfort and convenience of trav- elers, or to protect the rights of the company, must from its very nature be a question of fact rather than of law. The reasonableness and unreasonableness of the regulation is properly for the considera- tion, not of the court, but of the jury. * * * But there was in reality no such question involved in the present case. The right to transfer conductors' checks, resulted upon a con- tract which the company had a clear and unquestionable legal right to enforce. The question was improperly submitted to the jury, and the verdict is against law, and contrary to the evidence. * * * New trial granted. Note. See note 85 Am. Dec. 617, et seq ; 1886, L. S. & M. S. R. Co. v. Rosen- zoweig, 113 Pa. St. 519; 1892, Am. Liv. St. Co. v. Chicago L. S. Ex., 143 HI. 210, 36 Am. St. Rep. 385; 1899, Northport, etc., Ass'n v. Perkins, 93 Maine 235, 74 Am. St. Rep. 342. I 1 56 NORRIS V. STAPS. 348 See. 348. 2. Power to make, (a) Incidental. HOBART, J., IN NORRIS v. STAPS. c. 1625, Hobart's Rep. 211 a. "I am of the opinion that though power to make laws is given by special clause in all incorporations, yet it is needless ; for I hold it to be included, by law, in the very act of incorporating, as is also the power to sue, to purchase, and the like. For as reason is given to the natural body for the governing of it, so the body corporate must have laws, as a politic reason to govern it; but those laws must ever be subject to the general law of the realm, as subordinate to it. And therefore, though there be no proviso for that purpose the law sup- plies it." Note. See 1613, Button's Hospital, 10 Co. 23a., supra, 264, on 266; 1815, St. Luke's Church v. Mathews, 4 Dessaus. (S. C.) 578, 6 Am. Dec. 619; 1819, Commw. v. Woelper, 3 Serg. & R. (Pa.) 29, 8 Am. Dec. 628; 1832, Leggett v. N. J. M. & B. Co., 1 Saxton Ch. (N. J.) 541, 23 Am. Dec. 728; 1834, Taylor v. Griswold, 2 Green Law (N. J.) 222, 27 Am. Dec. 33; 1895, Engelhardt v. Fifth Ward, etc., Ass'n, 148 N. Y. 281, 35 L. R. A. 289; 1899, Bailey v. Association of Master Plumbers, 103 Tenn. 99, 46 L. R. A. 561. Note, 85 Am. Dec. 618. Sec. 349. Same. (b) This power resides in the shareholders or members, unless otherwise provided. THE MORTON GRAVEL ROAD CO. v. WYSONG. 1 1875. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIANA. 51 Ind. Rep. 4. [Action to recover a penalty for violating a by-law regulating tolls. Judgment below for plaintiff. The by-law was adopted by the direct- ors, and not by the corporation at large. The statute provided : "Such company may * * * make, enact, and publish any and all ordi- nances and by-laws," etc.] DOWNEY, J. This is in conformity to the statute on the subject, en- entitled "An act establishing general provisions respecting corpora- tions," i G. & H. 267, section 2 of which provides that "corporations shall, where no other provision is specially made, be capable, in their corporate name, * * * to make necessary by-laws," etc. The power to make by-laws resides in the members of the corpora- tion at large, where there is no law or valid usage to the contrary. 1 Statement abridged. Only that part of opinion relating to the one point is given. 350 RIGHT TO MAKE BY-LAWS. I I 57 In Angell & Ames on Corp., section 327, it is said: "Unless by the charter, or some general statute to which the charter is made sub- ject, or by immemorial usage, this power is delegated to particular officers or members of the corporation, like every other incidental power, it resides in the members of the corporation at large, to be exercised by them in the same manner in which the charter may direct them to exercise other powers or transact their general business, and if the charter contain no such direction, to be exercised according to the rules of the common law," etc. We must, therefore, treat the by-law in question as invalid, and as having nothing to do with {he question to be decided. * * * Judgment reversed. Note. See, also, 1827, Union Bank v. Ridgley, 1 Har. & G. (Md.) 324; 1868, Stevens v. Davison, 18 Gratt. (Va.) 819, 98 Am. Dec. 692; 1873, People v. Crossley, 69 111. 195; 1880, Carroll v. Mullanphy Sav. Bank, 8 Mo. App. 249; 1887, State Savings Assn. v. N. J. P. Co., 25 Mo. App. 642; 1893, Brinker- hoff-Farris, etc., Co. v. Lumber Co., 118 Mo. 447, infra, p. 1162; 1899, North Milwaukee T. S. Co. v. Bishop, 103 Wis. 492, 45 L. R. A. 174; note 85 Am. Dec. 618. But the shareholders may delegate authority to make by-laws to the direct- ors, or the statute or charter may authorize them to do so: 1845, Cahill v. K. M. I. Co., 2 Douglass (Miss.) 124, 43 Am. Deo. 457; 1875, Spurlock v. Pacific R., 61 Mo. 326. Sec. 350. (c) Limits on power to make. I . Forfeitures. IN THE MATTER OF THE ELECTION OP DIRECTORS OF THE LONG ISLAND R. R. CO. 1 . 1837. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK. 19 Wendell's (N. Y.) Rep. 37-45. 3 2 Am - D - 4 2 9- [Motion to set aside an election, for refusing to permit Edwin Lord vote 1 200 shares of stock, for the reason "that the stock had already been declared forfeited for default in payment of the calls." If these shares had been voted the result of the election might have been changed. The forfeiture was declared under a by-law enacted for that purpose.] NELSON. C. J. * * * The corporation possess the power to make by-laws not inconsistent -with any existing law , for the management of its property, the regulation of its affairs, and for the transfer of stock. (2 R. S. 602, i, sub. 6. This is the broadest general power con- ferred upon it; but it is not new, and would have existed as inci- dental. When taken as incidental it must be exercised in conformity to the general law of the land, that being the rule to regulate the pro- ceedings of artificial bodies, as well as the conduct of natural per- sons, independently of express provisions of the charters of those a Only so much of opinion as relates to the one point is given. 1158 DIRECTORS OF THE LONG ISLAND R. R. CO. 350 companies to the contrary. This general law has ascertained the rights of person and of property of the citizen, and established modes of proceeding in case of a violation of them ; and corporate bodies must conform to them, in seeking redress, the same as individuals. The former can no more take the remedy into their own hands than can the latter. So strict has this salutary principle of subjection been held in England, that even a by-law in pursuance of an express power in a charter granted by the king, is void, if contrary to the common law or act of parliament, (i KydonCorp., 109; Willcock on Corp., 95; Angel & Ames, 186; 8 Co. 125, a, 127, b; 2 Inst. 47; i T. R. 118.) Thus a by-law imposing a forfeiture of goods is void, though the letters patent authorized it ; and a power granted to a corporation of dyers to search, and if they found cloth dyed with logwood, to seize it as forfeited, was adjudged void as contrary to magna charta. On the same principle, by-laws in restraint of trade are adjudged void, (n Co. 53; i Burr. 12; 4 Burr. 1951; 7 Dowl. & Ryl. 601 ; i Bacon's Abr. 547; Angel & Ames, 184; Willcock, 142.) So a by-law that may be lawful can not be enforced by an extraordinary penalty, such as imprisonment or forfeiture of goods, or by distress and sale of goods, for, by the general law of the kingdom, no man is to be imprisoned, or dispossessed of his goods and chattels nisi per legale judicium parium suorum, vel per legem terrce: and if such penalties were allowed, corporations would be enabled to set up pri- vate particular laws in contradiction to the laws of the land, which is against the nature and essence of a by-law. (Clark's Case, 5 Co. 64; 3 Salk. 76; Willcock, 98; i Bacon's Abr. 551.) Even an act of parliament does not by implication invest the corporation with any extraordinary authority; and if it is intended to be given, it must be by express words to that effect. In Kirk v. Nowill (i T. R. 118), which was an action of trespass for seizing and taking a quantity of forks, the defendant justified under an act of parliament incorporating the inhabitants of the Liberty of H. into a company of cutlers, and under a by-law of the company. The act authorized the adoption of such by-laws as appertained to good regulation and workmanship in the manufacturing of cutlery wares, with power to impose reasonable pains, penalties and punishment, by fine or amercement, in case of violation, and which was to be levied to the use of the corporation for the benefit of the poor. The company ordained that the search- ers (officers recognized in the act) should search for unworkmanlike wares, and seize, carry away and destroy the same. The property was seized under and by virtue of this by-law. Lord Mansfield observed that a corporation in the definition of it, is a creature of the crown, created by letters patent ; that such a cor- poration, with the power of making by-laws, can not make any such law to incur a forfeiture ; that those corporations which are created by act of parliament have no other additional powers incident to them than those have which are created by charters, unless they be expressly given, and that no such extraordinary power of making by-laws to in- cur a forfeiture, appearing upon the plea to have been conferred, it 35! RIGHT TO MAKE BY-LAWS. 1 1 59 was impossible for the court to say that the by-law in that case could be supported by the act. Buller, J., remarked, that taking it gen- erally as a by-law creating a forfeiture, the act of parliament not hav- ing given the corporation the power to make such a by-law, it was bad on that ground. In all the cases where his power to declare a forfeiture of stock as expressly given by the charter has been inci- dentally noticed by the courts, it has been regarded as a new and cumulative remedy to the one existing at common law. (i Caines* Cas. in Error, 8^; i Caines, 389, Radcliff, J. ; 9 Johns. R. 218; 6 Mass. R. 40; 2 Bibb, 576.) This has also been the understanding of the legislature, for, on examination, it will be found that the power has been usually conferred by an express provision in the charters, from the earliest period down to the present time. Upon the whole, I am entirely satisfied the directors possessed no authority under the charter to declare a forfeiture of the stock; that their acts in this re- spect were wholly void, and left the rights of the stockholders in full force, and that the sales which were made, and attempted transfers of the supposed forfeited shares, passed no title to or interest in them to the purchasers. * * * Election set aside. Note. 1887, Budd v. Multnomah St. R. Co., 15 Ore. 413, 3 Am. St. Rep. 169, infra, p. 1669; 1892, Gemmel v. Davis, 75 Md. 546, 32 Ain. St. Rep. 412; 1894, Morris v. Mettalline L. Co., 164 Pa. St. 326, 44 Am. St. Rep. 614; 1897, Elizabeth City Cotton Mills v. Dunstan, 121 N. C. 12, 61 Am. St. Rep. 654, holding that "a corporation may be empowered to provide by its by-laws for forfeiture of shares for non-payment, and if reasonable, it will be enforced." See notes, 68 Am. Dec. 88; 43 Am. St. Rep. 156; 61 Am. St. Rep. 656. On the general subject of forfeiture, and sale of stock for non-payment, see, 1821, Franklin Glass Co. v. Alexander, 2 N. H. 380, 9 Am. Dec. 92, note 97; 1843, Selma & Tenn. R. Co. v. Tipton, 5 Ala. 787, 39 Am. Dec. 344; 1850, Hightower v. Thornton, 8 Ga. 486, 52 Am. Dec. 412; 1855, New Hampshire R. v. Johnson, 30 N. H. 390, 64 Am. Dec. 300, n. 308; 1860, Leevey's Island R. Co. v. Bolton, 48 Maine 451, 77 Am. Dec. 236; 1869, Germantown, etc., R. Co. v. Fitler, 60 Pa. St. Rep. 124, 100 Am. Dec. 546, and note; 1893, Carpen- ter v. Am. Bldg. Ass'n, 54 Minn. 403, 40 Am. St. Rep. 345, note 348. Sec. 351. Same. 2. Transfers. THE VICTOR G. BLOEDE CO v. VICTOR G. BLOEDE. 1 1896. IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF MARYLAND. 84 Md. Rep. 129-142, 57 Am. St. R. 373. Appeal by the company from a decree ordering it to transfer nine shares of stock to appellee, plaintiff below, standing in name of Y. A by-law of the defendant corporation provided that if any stock- holder should desire to dispose of his stock, he shall, before a trans- 1 Statement of facts taken from syllabus. Only that part of opinion given relating to validity of by-law. II6O VICTOR G. BLOEDE CO. V. VICTOR G. BLOEDE. 35 1 fer, notify the president of his intention to sell and of the price he can obtain, which notice shall be communicated to the other stockholders, who shall have the option to purchase the stock at the price named, in pro rata amounts, and the corporation shall have the right to take any such stock not taken by the shareholders. A large number of shares were originally issued to plaintiff for value. He afterwards caused some of the shares to be transferred to other parties, including a certificate for nine shares made out in the name of Y. Plaintiff al- leged that the certificate was so made out in order to give Y. an op- portunity to purchase them if he wished, while defendant alleged that it was done in pursuance of an agreement between plaintiff and the other chief owner of the stock that neither of them should own a ma- jority of the shares. This allegation of the defendant w r as held not to be established by proof. Y. refused to accept or pay for the shares made out in his name, and assigned the certificate to the plaintiff, who demanded a transfer of the same back to himself. The defendant re- fused to make the transfer. McSnERRY, C. J. * * * But the by-law itself can, when invoked by the company, interpose no obstacle to the transfer of these shares for the reas'on that it is invalid. It is an unreasonable and a palpable re- straint upon the alienation of property. As a general rule stockhold- ers indisputably have the right to sell their shares at pleasure. Tris- coni v. Winship, 43 La. Ann. 45. That the power to regulate transfers of stock does not include authority to control its transfera- bility by prescribing to whom the owner may sell and to whom not, or upon what terms ; and that the mere power to regulate transfers does not authorize a refusal to allow a transfer of shares to even an insolvent is decided in Chouteau Spring Co. v. Harris, 20 Mo. 383. And so a by-law pi'ohibiting the alienation of shares of stock or im- posing any restrictions on its exercise is declared to be in restraint of trade and against public policy and void in Moore v. Bank of Com- merce, 52 Mo. 377; Re Klaus, 67 Wis. 401; Brinkerhoff Farris Trust & Sav. Co. v. Home Lumber Co., 118 Mo. 447; Feckheimer v. Nat. Ex. Bk. of Norfolk, 79 Va. 80. And in Am. Nat. Bk. v. Oriental Mills, 17 R. I. 551, in considering a similar by-law it was held, without passing on its validity, that no one but the stockholders could take advantage of the non-compliance with the by-law, and that they had the power to waive it. And in Ireland v. Globe Milling and Reducing Co., 19 R. I. 100, 29 L. R. A. 429, it was decided that a by-law giving the corporation the first right to purchase stock which is for sale by any of its members, is not valid under a statute specifying several subjects upon which by-laws may be enacted, but making no reference to the question of stock-transfers. See, also, Farmers' Bk. v. Wasson, 48 Iowa 339 ; Sargent v. Franklin Ins. Co., 8 Pick. 90. The cases in 36 Md. 491, and 48 Md. 473, and others cited are distinguishable, for there the invalidity relied on by the stockholders was invoked to defeat the claim of a creditor. 352 RIGHT TO MAKE BY-LAWS. Il6l As we shall affirm the decree appealed from, we have not thought it worth while to consider the motion made to dismiss the appeal. Decree affirmed -with costs above and belou'. Note. See, 1829, Sargent v. Franklin Ins. Co., 8 Pick. 90, 19 Am. Dec. 306; 1878, Farmers', etc., Bank v. Wasson, 48 Iowa 336, SO Am. Rep. 398; 1893, Bank of Atchison v. Durfee, 118 Mo. 431, 40 Am. St. Rep. 396; 1893, Trust and Savings Co. v. Home Lumber Co., 118 Mo. 447 ; 1894, New England Trust o. v. Abbott, 162 Mass. 148, 27 L. R. A. 271 , and note ; 1895, Ireland v. Globe Milling, etc., Co., 19 R. I. 180, 61 Am. St. Rep. 756, 29 L. R. A. 429; 1897, McNulta v. Corn Belt Bank, 164 111. 427, 56 Am. St. Rep. 203; 1898, Ireland v. Globe Milling Co., 20 R. I. 192, 38 L. R. A. 299, 8 A. & E. C. C. N. S. 136, n. p. 141. See note to Brinkerhoff-Farris Trust, etc., Co. v. Lumber Co., 118 Mo. 447, infra, p. 1162, and note, 57 Am. St. Rep. 379, 384. Sec. 352. Same. 3. Liens. CHILD VERSUS HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY. 1 1723. IN THE HIGH COURT OF CHANCERY. 2 Peere Williams Re- ports 207209. Sir Stephen Evans was one of the proprietors of the stock of the Hudson 's Bay Company, which company are made a corporation by charter, and are thereby empowered to make by-laws for the better government of the company, and for the management and direction of their trade to Hudson's Bay. Accordingly they made a by-law, that if any of their members should be indebted to the company, his stock in the. company should be in the first place liable to the debts which such member should owe the company, and that the company might seize and detain the said stock for the debts due to them. [Evans became bankrupt, and his assignees brought a bill against the company asking for an accounting of the profits and dividends on Evans's stock ; the company insisted that Evans was indebted to them, and that his stock ought to be liable to pay the debt. It was argued for the plaintiffs that the stock or its proceeds should not be made specially liable to pay any one debt, but should be applied to all, and that no by-law could be made in this way to the prejudice of any third person. The debt of Evans was not direct to the company, but to J. S. in trust for the company, upon an insurance project of that com- pany.] MACCLESFIELD, L. C. This is a good by-law, for the legal interest of all the stock is in the company, who are trustees for the several members, and may order that the dividends to be made shall be under particular restrictions, or terms; and by the same reason that this by- law is objected to, the common by-laws of companies, to deduct the 1 Statement of facts abridged. Il62 BRINKERHOFF-FARRIS CO. V. HOME, ETC., CO. 353 calls out of the stocks of the members refusing to pay their calls, may be said to be void. As to the other part of the by-law, empowering the company to de- tain and seize the stock of such member, that is also good ; but then there ought to be some acts done by the company, to order or declare, that the stock of such member is seized for the debt due to the said company ; but this being a by-law, to the prejudice of other creditors, it shall be taken strictly, and not to extend to such debt as the mem- ber does not owe in law, but only in equity, and in the present case this is in law a debt due to J. S. A corporation has an implied power to make by-laws ; but where the charter gives the company a power to make by-laws, they can only make them in such cases as they are enabled to do by the charter, for such power given by the charter implies a negative, that they shall not make by-laws in any other cases. Thus, where the company, in the principal case, have a power given them by the charter to make by-laws for the management of their trade to Hudson 's ay, this power implies a negative, that they can not make any other by-laws ; a fortiori they can not make by-laws in relation to projects and insurances, which by act of parliament are declared to be illegal. Note. See note next case. Sec. 353. Same. BRINKERHOFF-FARRIS TRUST AND SAVINGS CO. v. HOME LUMBER COMPANY, APPELLANT. 1 1893. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF MISSOURI. 118 Missouri Rep. .447-463. [In 1888 the Trust Company loaned Cleland $13,000, and accepted as collateral security two certificates of stock of par value of $5,000 each in the lumber company, transferable only on the books of the com- pany upon surrender of the certificates. Cleland having made default, the trust company sold the stock, and through its president became purchaser, and afterward presented the certificates for transfer on the books of the lumber company; this was refused because Cleland was indebted to the lumber company and it, by virtue of its by-laws, claimed a lien on the stock. The trust company claimed it had no notice of such by-law, and it was therefore void as to it. The by-law pro- vided "any transfer of stock shall be subject to the lien of the com- pany thereon for any indebtedness due the company from the holder."] GANTT, P. J. * * * The court found the issue in favor of the plaintiff and assessed the damages at the par value of the stock and interest from date of demand. Motions for a new trial and in arrest were duly made and overruled and exceptions were duly taken to the admission and exclusion of evidence and giving and refusing instruc- tions, and the case is brought to this court by appeal. 1 Statement abridged. Arguments omitted. Only part of opinion given. 353 RIGHT TO MAKE BY-LAWS. 1163 i . The defendant is a business corporation organized and existing under the provisions of article 8, chapter 21, of Revised Statutes of 1879, and the general provision of article i, of said chapter 21, so far as applicable. By section 709, Revised Statutes 1879, the directors of a corpora- tion like this are only empowered to make "by-laws to direct the manner of taking the votes of stockholders on the question of increas- ing or diminishing the number of directors or trustees, or of changing the corporate name." The power to make all other needful or neces- sary by-laws is conferred upon the corporation itself, and can only be exercised by the stockholders. Rex v. Westwood, 7 Bing. i ; Bank v. Bank, 17 Mass. 33; Carroll v. Bank, 8 Mo. App. 249; State Savings Association v. Printing Co., 25 Mo. App. 642; Albers v. Merchants' Exchange, 39 Mo. App. 583. It was very clearly pointed out by Judge Hayden in Carroll v. Bank, supra, that in the cases of Mechanics' Bank v. Merchants' Bank, 45 Mo. 513, and Ins. Co. v. Goodfellow, 9 Mo. 149, and Spurlock v. Railroad, 61 Mo. 326, the directors in each case received their au- thority to make the by-laws in question in those cases directly from the legislature. It is very clear that the attempt of the directors of the defendant company to adopt the by-laws, restricting the rights of its stockhold- ers to convey their stock to any one until the said directors had re- fused to purchase it or while indebted to the corporation, was without warrant or authority of law, and as such is not binding, either on the stockholders or those purchasing from them. The company itself had no right to pass such a by-law. Moore v. Bank, 52 Mo. 377. But it is claimed by appellant that the so-called by-law and the resolution, although not valid as a by-law, is nevertheless binding as a valid agreement on all who were parties to it, and that, as Mr. Cle- land was then the president of defendant and a director, he was bound by it, and that plaintiff, as a purchaser from Cleland, took only an equity, and was chargeable with notice of this lien, asserted by de- fendant, and that all [as] the certificates of stock are not negotiable papers, plaintiff can not occupy the position of an innocent purchaser for value and without notice. * * * The spirit of all modern legislation is opposed to secret liens. At common law a corporation has no lien on the stock of its stockholders for any indebtedness to it. Accordingly, when such a lien is asserted, it should clearly appear to be authorized by public law, or by a duly adopted by-law, or valid agreement, of which the purchasers of the stock have notice. None of these conditions existed as to the stock in suit when it was transferred as security for plaintiff's loan, and consequently plaintiff took it without being bound by so-called by-law and resolution. By section 739, Revised Statutes 1879, this stock was expressly de- clared to be personal estate and transferable in the manner pre- scribed by the by-laws, and no shares should be transfcred until all previous calls thereon should be fully paid. The only restriction on Il64 BRINKERHOFF-FARRIS CO. V. HOME, ETC., CO. 353 the transfer by this section is upon the stock which was not fully paid up ; a restriction not applicable here, because this stock was fully paid up in the beginning. The purpose of permitting the company to require a transfer on the books was clearly to advise the company of the change of ownership in order that only the owners of the stock should participate in the corporate election, and to enable the corpo- ration to pay dividends without risk, or make assessments upon the holders of its stock, but certainly it was not intended that under this power to regulate transfers, the company should create or reserve a secret lien upon the stock. Without reference to its ^^a^z'-negotiable character, the pledge or sale of this stock was simply a pledge or sale of personal property, and the pledgee or vendee, without notice of the lien, took it discharged therefrom. He did. not purchase a mere equity in paper, but he purchased personal property. If that property was bound by a lien of which he had lawful notice, he took subject to it, and if he had no such notice he took it discharged therefrom. The mere recital that "it was only transferable on the books of the company" was not notice, either of a restriction on sale, or of a lien thereon. * * * [Upon the question of value, the court held the measure of damages for conversion is its actual value, which, if it has no market value, is presumptively its face value, but may be established by proof of its dividend-earning capacity (though an expert's opinion on this point is not competent), or by value of corporate assets, or by individual sales not under compulsion.] Affirmed. Note. By the weight of authority valid liens upon shares can not be created by by-law alone, so as to prevent the transfer of the shares, divested of the lien, to persons having no notice of such lien : 1825, Fitzhugh v. Bank, 3 T. B. Mon. (Ky.) 126, 16 Am. Dec. 90, note; 1829, Sargent v. Franklin Ins. Co., 8 Pick. 90/19 Am. Dec. 306; 1878, Farmers', etc., Bank v. Wasson, 48 Iowa 336, 30 Am. R. 398; 1880, Bank of Holly Springs v. Pinson, 58 Miss. 421, 38 Am. R. 330; 1892, Gemmel v. Davis, 75 Md. 546, 32 Am. St. R. 412, note; 1893, Bank of Atchison Co. v. Durfee, 118 Mo. 431, 40 Am. St. R. 396; 1896, Bloede Co. v. Bloede, 84 Md. 129. 57 Am. St. R. 373, note 379, supra, p. 1159; 1897, Boyd v. Redd, 120 N. C. 335, 58 Am. St. R. 792; 1898, Dorr v. Life, 71 Minn. 38, 70 Am. St. R. 309. See also notes 11 Am. Dec. 581, 85 Am. Dec. 619, 57 Am. St. R. 379. Contra, 1822, Morgan v. Bank, 8 Serg. & R. 73, 11 Am. Dec. 575; 1870, Mechanics' Bank v. Merchants' Bank, 45 Mo. 513, 100 Am. Dec. 388. See also cases given in notes 11 Am. Dec. 581, and 85 Am. Dec. 619. Such valid lien, however, may be created by express statutory or charter provision or authority. 1859, Reese v. Bank, 14 Md. 271, 74 Am. Dec. 536; 1896, Bloede Co. v. Bloede, 84 Md. 129, 57 Am. St. R. 373, note 379; 1898. Dorr v. Life, 71 Minn. 38, 70 Am. St. R. 309. Or by contract contained in the certificate of stock: 1899, Stafford v. Pro- duce Exchange Banking Co., 61 O. S. 160, 76 Am. St. Rep. 371. 354 RIGHT TO MAKE BY-LAWS. 1 165 Sec. 354. Same. 4. Expulsion of members. EVANS v. THE PHILADELPHIA CLUB. 1 1865. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA. 50 Pa. St. Rep. 107-127. Certificate from the court at A T isi Prius. Evans petitioned for mandamus to be restored to membership in the club, claiming to have been expelled for an insufficient cause. The decision of the court at Nisi Prius was delivered by WOODWARD, C. J., as follows: "This case touches the power of a private corporation to disfran- chise one of its members, and it will be necessary and proper to ex- amine, somewhat minutely, the authorities of the law bearing upon the point. "The leading case upon this branch of law is that of James Bagg, decided in the reign of James I (A. D. 1616), and reported in Coke's Reports, part xi, p. 93. Bagg was one of twelve chief burgesses of the borough of Plymouth, in England, and having been guilty of the most scandalous and disorderly speeches to the mayor and his fel- low burgesses, was expelled, but the King's Bench restored him by mandamus. Among other things it was resolved, 'That no freeman of any corporation can be disfranchised by the corporation, unless they have authority to do it, either by the express words of the charter or by prescription ; but if they have not authority, neither by charter nor prescription, then he ought to be convicted by course of law before he can be removed.' And in support of this, Lord Coke quotes that famous clause of Magna Charta, beginning 'Nullus liber homo* etc. "Though much was said about disfranchisement in Bagg's case, it was really a case of amotion, and not of disfranchisement. Bagg was removed from the office of burgess, and not expelled from the borough by the action of the corporation. Mr. Willcock, in his ex- cellent treatise on Corporations, page 270, defines amotion as applica- ble only to officers, and says it causers a cessation of the particular of- fices from which they are amoved, but in no manner affects their right to the freedom of the municipality ; whilst disfranchisement is applicable only to the freedom, and cuts off the corporator from all rights and privileges of the corporation. It appears, he says, that there is not an incidental right in corporations to disfranchise their members, but it must be claimed by prescription or express grant of the charter. For this he refers himself to Bagg's case, which, he says, has never been expressly overruled ; the cases in which it has been questioned having been cases of amotion. He then goes on to make some general observations on the subject, all of which are so excel- lent, and some of which are so pertinent to the case in hand, that I am tempted to transcribe them. He says: 'At the time when James 1 Statement of facts abridged. Arguments and part of opinion omitted. Il66 EVANS V. THE PHILADELPHIA CLUB. 354 Bagg's case was before the court, their attention had been rarely at- tracted to the consideration of corporate causes, and the distinction between the right to the offices and the right to the freedom of a municipality had been little considered. The particular case was of amotion from office ; the arguments were in general more applicable to disfranchisement. But there is a material difference in principle. The enjoyment of office is not for the private benefit of the corpora- tor, but an honorable distinction which he holds for the welfare of the corporation, and therefore, though it be an office of a freehold nature, it is entirely conditional. * * * But the franchise of a freeman is wholly for his own benefit, and a private right; a right in the municipality similar to that of a natural subject in the state, of which he ought not to be deprived for any minor offense against his corporate fealty, any more than that for which, as a subject, he ought to be deprived of his franchise as a liegeman. For this reason, all minor corporate offenses, such as improper behavior to his fellcnv- corporators, where not punishable by the general law of the land, as well as violations of his corporate duties, ought to be punished by penalties imposed by the ordinances of the municipality, and not by disfranchisement. But such offenses against the general law as occa- sion a forfeiture of all civil rights, import in themselves a forfeiture of the corporate franchise ; and offenses against the corporation which tend to its destruction, such as defacing the charters, altering the cor- porate records so as to destroy the evidence of their title to privileges, or that of the title of his fellow-corporators to their franchises, are of course causes of disfranchisement.' "These observations relate to municipal corporations; but why are they not equally applicable to private corporations? The interest or 'freedom' which a member has in a private corporation is as truly a 'franchise' as that which any of the burgesses mentioned in Bagg's case had in the borough of Plymouth, and may often be a much more valuable franchise. Where it has been obtained by the payment of a pecuniary consideration, and property is held in connection with it, it is a vested estate, and certainly ought not to be sacrificed on account of minor offenses, which would not be permitted to forfeit individual interests in a municipal corporation. And if a power to disfranchise in a municipal corporation does not exist unless expressly granted, it is very safe to conclude that it is not inherent in a private corporation, and must have an express grant to support it. "The extent to which Bagg's case has been overruled is clearly in- dicated in Lord Bruce's Case, 2 Strange 819, which was a case of amotion, not disfranchisement, and where it was said 'the modern opinion has been that a power of amotion is incident to the corpora- tion, though Bagg's case seems contrary.' Richardson's Case, i Burr. 517, was amotion from a municipal office that of portman of the borough of Ipswich. Lord Mansfield went very fully into the law of corporations, and whilst the amotion was not sustained, he sanctioned, very distinctly, the 'modern opinion' referred to in Lord Bruce's case, 354 RIGHT TO MAKE BY-LAWS. 1167 and stated three sorts of offenses for which an officer or a corporator may be discharged: " 'i. Such as have no immediate relation to his office; but are in themselves of so infamous a nature as to render the offender unfit to execute any public franchise. " '2. Such as are only against his oath and the duty of his office as a corporator, and amount to breaches of the tacit condition annexed to his franchise or office. " '3. Such as are of a mixed nature, as being an offense not only against the duty of his office, but also a matter indictable at common law.' "Of these distinctions, limited originally to municipal corporations, I shall have something to say hereafter, when I come to speak of them in connection with private corporations. "In Earle's Case, Carthew 173, it was held that a member of a corporation can not be disfranchised except for that which works to the destruction of the body corporate, or of the liberties and privileges thereof, and not for any personal offense of one member to another. "Tidderly's Case, i Siderfin 14, was a question of restoring a mu- nicipal officer who had voluntarily resigned, and Chief Justice Hale held that every corporation had power to receive a resignation, and might, for good cause, amove. "These cases are sufficient to reflect the opinion of the English courts on Bagg's case. A more full reference to the authorities will be found in the notes to Willcock's chapter on disfranchisement, in his work on Corporations. The result seems to be that the resolu- tion I quoted from Bagg's case has been so far modified that the power of amotion is inherent in the nature of corporations and not dependent upon prescription or charter, but the authorities do not establish the point that corporations have inherent power to disfran- chise a private member. But Bagg's case is an authority against the power of disfranchisement no farther than the reasonings therein are entitled to respect, for the point of the case had not reference either to private corporations or the power of disfranchisement. Whilst, therefore, the very point of the case may be regarded as overruled, the reasonings, as expounded by Mr. Willcock, are such as to com- mend them to universal acceptance. Where corporations are founded upon private capital, the modern English cases are very unanimous in holding that no stockholder can be disfranchised, and thereby de- prived of his interest in the property of the corporation, without an express authority for the purpose in the charter. "In Pennsylvania, The Commonwealth, ex rcL John Binns, v. The St. Patrick Benevolent Society, 2 Binn. 441, is the leading case. The society, under a power conferred by its charter, made a by-law that vilifying a member by another member should be punished as a crime against the society, by removal from office, fine, or expulsion. Binns having been convicted of grossly vilifying a fellow-member, was expelled therefor under this by-law. The supreme court restored him upon mandamus, mainly on the ground that the by-law was not Il68 EVANS V. THE PHILADELPHIA CLUB. 354 necessary for the good government and support of the affairs of the corporation that it subjected the rights of membership to the uncer- tain will of a majority that 'the offense of vilifying a member, on a private quarrel, is totally unconnected with the affairs of the society, and therefore its punishment can not be necessary for the good gov- ernment of the corporation.' Chief Justice Tilghmah, delivering the opinion of the court, quoted Lord Mansfield's three sorts of offenses as laid down in Richardson's case, and said Binn's offense did not come within either of them, and he concluded by declaring that 'without an express power in the charter, no man can be disfranchised unless he has been guilty of some offense which either affects the in- terest or good government of the corporation, or is indictable by the law of the land.' "In Fuller v. The Trustees of the Plainfield Academy, 6 Conn. 532, Judge Dagget alluded to the doctrine that a power of amotion is incidental to corporations, but seemed to doubt whether it was ap- plicable to any but municipal corporations, and quoted Judge Story as saying in the Dartmouth College case that there could be no amo- tion of the trustees of that institution, and he restored the trustee of the Plainfield Academy, who had been expelled for disrespectful and contemptuous language towards his associates, and for neglect of duty as a trustee. 'The court,' he said, 'can not justify expulsion from office on such charges. What the trustee might have done to one of their number who had committed a crime which would banish him from society, it is not necessary to decide.' Another principle was asserted in this case, that the place of a trustee in an eleemosynary corporation, though no emoluments are attached to it, is a franchise of such a nature that a person improperly dispossessed of it is enti- tled to redress by mandamus. See also Dartmouth College v. Wood- ward, 4 Wheat. 676. "In the case of Gray v. The Medical Society of Erie, 24 Barb. 570, a physician was asking to be restored to a society from which he had been expelled for violating a by-law that prescribed a tariff of fees for medical services. The supreme court of New York went very fully into the authorities upon corporate powers, and held that the power given to medical societies by statute to make by-laws and regulations relative to the admission and expulsion of members, was not an arbitrary or unlimited power, and that a by-law must be reason- able, and adapted to the purposes of the corporation. "In the case of The Commonwealth v. Philanthropic Society, 5 Binn. 486, we have in our own courts what is very rare in the author- ities, an instance of expulsion that was sustained. A member made a demand upon the society for relief agreeably to the rules of the in- stitution, and presented a physician's bill which he had altered from $4 to $40, and which he claimed to have paid. Upon the ground that this was a scandalous crime, amounting almost, if not quite, to technical forgery, and that it was directly injurious to the society, his expulsion was supported. "In The Commonwealth v. The Franklin Beneficial Association, 354 RIGHT TO MAKE BY-LAWS. I J09 10 Barr 357, a member was restored who had been expelled for enlist- ing in a violation of a by-law of the society. "In The Commonwealth v. The German Society, 3 Harris 251, a society for 'mutual support and assistance,' the cause of disfranchise- ment was that the member had assisted, as president of the society, in defrauding it out of fifty cents, and had defamed and injured the society in public taverns. It was held not to be a sufficient cause, and he was restored. "When the charter of the Butchers' Beneficial Association was presented to our supreme court, it was rejected on the ground, among others, that it allowed the association to expel members who should be 'guilty of actions which may injure the association.' This, said the chief justice, we can not approve ; for it gives the association an entirely indefinite power over its members. For any action which may injure them they may expel, and therefore they may expel a member for becoming insolvent. It is totally incompatible with the whole spirit of our institutions, to clothe anybody with such indefinite power over its members; for it is equivalent to socialism, and is a re- jection of all individual rights within the association. It is common in such charters to found the right of expulsion on the fact that the member has been found guilty of some crime on a trial in court, and this is quite proper, n Harris 151. "In the case of The Beneficial Association of Brotherly Unity, 2 Wright 299, a charter was rejected because it gave a majority the power to expel any member 'guilty of an offense against the law* the court holding that a constitution that puts all power over rights in the hands of a majority is no constitution at all. "Gathering now, into one group, the principles of decision that lie scattered through the authorities, they may be stated thus : "i. That the power of amotion for adequate cause, is an inherent incident of all corporations, whether municipal or private, except, perhaps, such as are literary or eleemosynary, but the exercise of this power does not affect the private rights of the corporator in the fran- chise. "2. That the power of disfranchisement which does destroy the member's franchise, must, in general, be conferred by statute, and is never sustained as an incidental power, without statute grant, except in two cases first, on conviction of the member in a court of justice of an infamous offense; and second, where he has committed some act against the society which tends to its destruction or injury. "3. That the power to make by-laws is incidental to corporations, and generally expressly conferred by statute ; but by-laws which vest in a majority the power of expulsion for minor offenses, are, in so far, void, and courts of justice will not sustain expulsion made under them. "4. In joint stock companies, 'or, indeed, in any corporation own- ing property' (Angell & Ames on Corporations, 410), no power 74 WIL. CAS. I17O EVANS V. THE PHILADELPHIA CLUB. 354 of expulsion can be exercised unless expressly conferred by the char- ter. * * * "The 6}th, 66th and 67th by-laws enact that 'if the conduct of a member be disorderly, or injurious to the interest of the club, or con- trary to its by-laws, he shall be requested to resign, and if the request be disregarded, the board shall refer the matter to the next stated meeting of the club, and at such meeting the circumstances of the case shall be considered, and the member may be expelled.' "The relator became a member of the club in 1848, and it is not alleged that he has failed to pay any of his dues, or perform any of his duties to the club, but the return alleges that on 'the evening of the 24th of February, 1863, the defendant was guilty of breaking the 65th by-law by having an altercation within the walls of the club- house with Samuel B. Thomas, and by striking him a blow.' For this he was expelled. * * * "It is not alleged that the relator is a quarrelsome person or habitu- ally disorderly. On the contrary, it was admitted in argument that he is a respectable gentleman, and it is shown that when the offense occurred he was sitting in the bar-room of the club-house in quiet and friendly conversation with another person, when Thomas entered and uttered defamatory words which the rejator understood to be applied to himself. It was therefore an assault upon Thomas, provoked by himself. It was not an interruption of any deliberations or proceed- ings of the club in a state of organization it occurred not in a reading- room, or an eating-room, nor at a card or billiard table, but in what is called the office or bar-room of the house. "I look upon the occurrence as disorderly and injurious to the in- terest of the club, within the meaning of the 6jth by-law, but as one of those 'minor offenses,' of which Mr. Willcock speaks, and for which a majority have no power, even under the by-laws, to disfran- chise a member. And upon the doctrine of the cases I have referred to, I hold the by-law void so far as it inflicts this extreme penalty for such an offense. I would be very sorry to say that anything short of a statute could confer on a majority of the members of any corpora- tion power to expel a fellow-member for merely disorderly con- duct. * * * "But what is conclusive of this case is, that the corporation pos- sesses property, real and personal, and is at liberty to accumulate 'more, until an annual revenue of $3.000 comes to be enjoyed; and the relator has purchased and paid for the right to participate in that franchise. It is not a joint stock company at present, for under its by-laws no pecuniary profits are divisible among the members, but it may become so, and whether it does or not, the relator has a vested interest in its estate, and can not be deprived of it by the proceedings that were had against him. On this point the authorities are clear, and without conflict. Nothing but an express power in the charter can authorize a money corporation to throw overboard one of its members. I have shown that the act of incorporation contained no such power. On the contrarv, it excluded it, for the proviso reads 'that nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to authorize 355 RIGHT TO MAKE BY-LA \VS. ll"Jl said Philadelphia Association and Reading-Koom to do any other act or acts in their corporate capacity than are herein expressed.' "For these reasons a peremptory mandamus must be awarded." Affirmed by an equal division of the court in bane. Note. As to right to provide by by-laws for expulsion of members, see, 1810, Commonwealth v. St. Patrick's Soc., 2 Binuey (Pa.) 441 ,4 Am. Dec. 453; 1821, Delary v. Xeuse River Nav. Co., 1 Hawks (X. C.) 274, !) Am. Dec. 636; 1836, / re Phil. Sav. lust., 1 Whart. i Pa.) 461, 30 Am. Dec. 22(5; 18ft 5. IJlm-k, etc., Soc. v. Vandyke, 2 Whart. 312,30 Am. Dec. 263; 1857, Austin v.Searinjr, 16N. Y. 112,69 Am IW. 6(i5, ( ^671 ; 1866, Society, etc., v. Commonwealth, ~>2 Pa. St. 125, 91 Am. Dec. 139; 1869, State v. Georgia Med. Soc., 38 Ga. 608, 95 Am. Dec. 408, supra, p. 136, note 140; 1871, Dickenson v. Chamber of Com., 29 Wis. 45, 9 Am. Rep. 544; 1872, Greerg v. Massachusetts M. Soc., 1 1 1 MU-H. 185, 15 Am. Rep. 24, note 27; 1888, Otto v. Journeyman, etc., Union, 75 Cal. 308. 7 Am. St. Rep. 156, note 160; 1890, Connelly v." Masonic, etc., Ben. Ass'n, 58 Conn. 552, 18 Am. St. Rep. 296; 1890, Commouwealt.i v. Union League, 135 Pa. St. 301, 20 Am. St. Rep. 870; 1891, Huston v. Reutlinger, 91 Ky. 333, 34 Am. St. Rep. 225; 1892, Am. Live Stock Co. v. Chicago L. S. Ex., 143 111. 210, 36 Am. St. Rep. 385, supra, p. 682; 1895, Ryan v. Cudahy, 157111. 108, 48 Am. St. Rep. 305; 1896, Jackson v. South "Omaha L. S. Ex. ,'49 Neb. 687; IS'.n;, Board of Trade of Chicago v. Nelson, 162 111. 431, 53 Am. St. Rep. 312; 1897, Robinson v. Templar Lodge, 117 Cal. 370, 59 Am. St. Rep. 193, nofe201; 1899, Weiss v. Musical, etc., Union, 189 Pa, St. 446, 69 Am. St. Rep. 820. Mandamus is the proper remedy to reinstate: 1821, Delacy v. Neuse Riv. Nav. Co., 1 Hawks (N. C.) 274, 9 Am. Dec. 636; 1836, Black, etc., Soc. v. Van- dyke, 2 Whart. (Pa.) 312, 30 Am. Dec. 263; 1869, State v. Georgia Med. Soc., 38 Ga. 608, 95 Am. Dec. 408, supra, 136; 1888, Otto v. Journeyman Tailors', etc., Union, 75 Cal. 308, 7 Am. St. Rep. 156; 1897, Robinson v. Templar Lodge, 117 Cal. 370, 59 Am. St. Rep. 193, note 201 ; 1899, Weiss v. Musical, etc., Union, 189 Pa. St. 446, 69 Am. St. Rep. 820. The courts, however, will not generally interfere, unless there are property rights involved, or for the purpose, and to the extent only, of ascertaining that the proceedings were according to the rules and regulations, carried on in good faith, and not in violation of the law of the land : 1857, Austin v. Searing, 16 N. Y. 112, 69 Am. Dec. 665, note 671 ; 1877, Illinois, etc., Soc. v. Baldwin, 86 111. 479; 1888, Otto v. Journeyman Tailors' Union, 75 Cal. 308, 7 Am. St. Rep. 156, note 160; 1890, Lewis v. Wilson, 121 N. Y. 284; 1890, Con- nelly v. Masonic M. B. Ass'n, 58 Conn. 552, 18 Am. St. Rep. 296, note 201 ; 1895, Ryan v. Cudahy, 157 111. 108, 48 Am. St. Rep. 305; 1896, People v. N. Y., etc., Exch., 149 N. Y. 401. Sec. 355. 3. Validity of by-laws in general. THE PEOPLE v. THE CHICAGO LIVE STOCK EXCHANGE. 1 1897. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ILLINOIS. 170 111. 556-571, 62 Am. St. Rep. 404. [Petition for leave to file information in nature of quo warranto against the Live Stock Exchange, for assuming to enact and attempt- ing to enforce without authority, a by-law prohibiting members from employing trade . solicitors not members of the association, limiting 1 Statement of facts abridged. Arguments and part of opinion omitted. I 1/2 THE PEOPLE V. THE LIVE STOCK EXCHANGE. 355 the number of solicitors which may be employed by members in cer- tain states, and providing that such solicitors must be paid a fixed salary, and not allowed to work on commission. It was claimed the by-law was in restraint of trade, and interfered with the legal rights of the members. The lower court held it valid, and denied the ap- plication. Appeal was taken from this judgment.] PHILLIPS, C. J. * * * The common law refused to recognize restric- tions upon trade and business among the citizens of a common country. Under this rule of the common law the right of the laborer to dispose of his skill and industry, and to contract in reference to the same with whom he pleased and at such contract rates as might be agreed on, was recognized and not allowed to be trammeled with restrictions which interfered with individual action and liberty. Combinations and associations of men have no right to place restrictions upon the right of an individual to contract and engage in business, employing such means and agencies as are not prohibited by law. The natural flow of trade and commerce must be unrestricted, and men engaged therein may accelerate its current by all means not unlawful. To this end men engaged in trade and commerce may advertise, employ men to solicit business and offer rewards and inducements to secure trade without violating the law of the land, and in so doing are exercising a right which is in the interest of the public, because competition can not be hostile to public interests. Efforts to prevent competition and to restrict individual efforts and freedom of action in trade and com- merce are restrictions hostile to the public welfare, not consonant with the spirit of our institutions and in violation of law. * * * In Rex v. Wardens of the Coopers' Co., 7 T. R. 543, it was held that a by-law limiting the number of apprentices which any member of the company might take was void. In the case of Tailors of Ipswich, ii Coke 53, a corporation known as the Tailors of Ipswich enacted a by-law to prohibit any tailor from exercising his trade until he had presented himself before the corporation and proved that he had served seven years as an apprentice. This by-law was held void, as being in restraint of trade. See, also, Gunmakers' Society v. Fell, Willes 384. Sustaining the same propositions are Stanton v. Allen, 5 Denio 434 ; People v. Fisher, 14 Wend. 9 ; Morris Run Coal Co. v. Barclay Coal Co., 68 Pa. St. 173; People, ex rel.,\. Medical Society of Erie, 24 Barb. 570. A case similar to that now under consideration was before the court of appeals of Kentucky in Huston v. Reutlinger, 15 S. W. Rep. 857. There the Louisville Board of Underwriters passed a by-law which, among other things, prohibited local companies from employ- ing more than one solicitor, and regulated the manner in which the salary of such solicitor was to be paid. For a violation of this by- law the offending member of the board would forfeit all rights as a member of the association. A local "company which had employed more than one solicitor sought to enjoin the enforcement of the for- feiture on the ground that the association had no authority to control the members in the employment of solicitors, etc. A decree was en- $ 355 RIGHT TO MAKE BY-LAWS. 1 173 tered in accordance with the prayer of the bill, which, on appeal, was affirmed, the court saying: "The majority of the members, under the guise of producing harmony in this business association, have taken from their individual members the right to determine how many men they shall employ in their private business, and then only such as the association may think fit for the position. Nor can they employ a solicitor for a less period than six months, or offer a solicitor employ- ment within twelve months after the solicitor has severed his connec- tion with any member; are compelled to discharge those in their em- ploy if they have more than one; and, if these by-laws are enforced, have placed their business under the control of the majority vote of the association a power the exercise of which was not given by the fundamental law of the order, and doubtless not contemplated when the association was formed. * * * The common law rule, recog- nized and adopted when business relations were not so multiplied and extensive as now and when less necessity existed for enforcing it, con- demned all such restrictions upon trade and business intercourse with men as is found to exist in this case. The right of one to control his own property as he pleases, and to employ those necessary to aid him in his business upon such terms as may be agreed upon, when not in violation of the law of the land, is the rule of the common law, and the right of the laborer to dispose of his skill and industry to whom he pleases and for the price agreed on is embraced within the same rule. In all classes of business the employer and employee should be allowed to contract with each other unrestrained by others who may demand that the one shall give more or the other receive less, and, as a general rule, when restrictions are placed upon their rights by com- binations or associations of men, they will be regarded as in violation of law, and void." When a corporation is created there goes with it the power to enact by-laws for its government and guidance as well as for the guidance and government of its members. This power is necessary to enable a corporation to accomplish the purpose of its creation. But by-laws must be reasonable and for a corporate purpose, and always within charter limits. They must always be strictly subordinate to the con- stitution and the general law of the land. They must not infringe the policy of the state nor be hostile to public welfare. The by-law in this case is a restriction on freedom of trade and business. It trammels competition and prohibits an individual from contracting and engaging in business, and from using such agencies and means he may desire not hostile to general law. It is not required for cor- porate purposes, nor is it included within the purposes declared in the certificate of incorporation. It is, therefore, unlawful, as this cor- poration had no right to exercise this power of enacting it under its franchise. * * * Petition should have been granted. Reversed and remanded. Note. Validity of by-lawn in general: They must be reasonable, not violate charter, statute or common law rules, operate uniformly and not be in re- I 1/4 ' SAMUEL FLINT V. JAMES PIERCE. 356 straint of trade: 1837, Matter of L. I. R., 19 Wend. 37, 32 Am. Dec. 429; 1848, Palmetto Lodge v. Hubbell, 2 Strob. (S. C. ) 457, 49 Am. Dec. 604; 1854, State v. Overtoil, 4 Zabr. (N. J.) 435, 61 Am. Dec. 671; 1863, Sayre v. Louisville Benev. Assn., 1 Duvall (Ky.) 143, 85 Am. Dec. 613, note 617 1887, Buddy. Multnomah St. R. Co., 15 Ore. 413, 3 Am. St. Rep. 169, infra, p. 1569; 1892 Am. Live Stock Co. v. Chicago L. S. Ex., 143 111. 210, 36 Am. St. Rep. 385; 1895, Durkee v. People, 155 111. 354, 46 Am. St. Rep. 340; 1897, McNulta v. Corn Belt Bank, 164 111. 427, 56 Am. St. Rep. 203; 1897, People v. Chicago, etc., Exchange, 170 111.556,62 Am. St. Rep. 404, supra, p. 1171 ; 1897, Wells v. Black, 117 Cal. 157,59 Am. St. Rep. 162; 1897, King v. Internat'l Bldg. Union, 170 111. 135, 7 Am. & E. C. C. (N. S.) 526; 1899, Northport, etc., Assn. v. Perkins, 93 Maine 235. 74 Am. St. Rep. 342; 1899, Herring v. Ruskin Co-op. Assn., --Tenn. Ch. App.: ,52 S. W. Rep. 327; 1899, Bailey v. Assn. of Master Plumbers, 103 Tenn. 99, 46 L. R. A. 561. But if they are authorized by the charter, the courts can not set them aside as unreasonable: 1899, Burden v. Burden, 159 N. Y. 287. By-laws can not modify vested rights arising under contracts, change terms as to dividends, increase or decrease liability of shareholders, or enlarge cor- porate powers: 1^68, Flint v. Pierce, 99 Mass. 68, 96 Am. Dec. 691, infra, p. 1174; 1887, Hazeltine v. Belfast R. Co., 79 Maine 411, 1 Am. St. Rep. 330; 1897, Wells v. Black, 117 Cal. 157,59 Am. St. Rep. 162; 1899, Steiner v. Steiner L. & L. Co., 120 Ala. 128, 26 So. Rep. 494; 1899, State v. Citizens' Bank, 51 La. Ann. 426, 25 So. Rep. 318. Sec. 356. 4. Effect of by-laws. SAMUEL FLINT v. JAMES PIERCE. 1 1868. IN THE SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT OF MASSACHUSETTS. 99 Mass. Rep. 68-71, 96 Am. Dec. 691. [Suit by Flint against Pierce for balance of a loan due on a note given in 1862 by a corporation of which Pierce was a member, and had signed a by-law providing that "The members of this association pledge themselves, in their individual as well as collective capacity, to be responsible for all moneys loaned to this association."] WELLS, J. The note upon which this action is based is the con- tract of the corporation. The defendant is not a party to that con- tract ; and the plaintiff does not seek, by this suit, to charge him upon any statute liability as a stockholder. Responsibility for the amount of the note is sought to be established through a by-law of the corpo- ration, to which the defendant had attached his signature. This by-, law, with others, was adopted in 1831. To become a member of the association it was requisite to subscribe the by-laws. It does not ap- pear that the defendant's signature was attached for any other purpose than to constitute him a member of the corporation. It does not ap- pear, and is not alleged, that the plaintiff lent his money upon the faith or credit of the individual pledge contained in the by-law; nor that the by-law was in any manner made known to him, or to the public, as the basis of such credit. 1 Statement abridged. Arguments and part of opinion omitted. 356 UGHT TO MAKE BY-LAWS. I 1/5 The office of a by-law is to regulate the conduct and define the duties of the members towards the corporation and between them- selves. So far as its provisions are in the nature of contract, the parties thereto are the members of the association, as between them- selves; or the corporation upon the one side and its individual mem- bers upon the other. The right of any third party, stranger to the association, to establish a legal claim through such a by-law, must depend upon the general principles applicable to express contracts, as laid down in Mellen v. Whipple, i Gray 317, and the subsequent decisions in Field v. Crawford, 6 Gray 116, and Dow v. Clark, 7 Gray 198. No action can be maintained by such third party unless he can bring his case within some of the recognized exceptions to that general rule. A pledge like the one in question, if made for the purpose of enabling the corporation to obtain a loan upon the faith of it, and used for that purpose, may perhaps give a right of action against the subscribers in favor of a party who has been induced to advance money upon its credit. This seems to be implied strongly by the decision in the case of Trustees of Free Schools in Andover v. Flint, 13 Met. 543', inasmuch as the plaintiff in that case appears to have failed to recover upon a similar claim merely for the reason that the defendant had not signed the by-law. But no such facts are shown to exist in the present case. The plaintiff not only is no partv to the contract contained in the by-law, but'he fails to show any priv- ity between himself and the defendant in relation to the subject-matter, or to the consideration, of his demand. Judgment must be rendered accordingly for the defendant. Note. Effect of by-laws. (a^i As to members, they are generally held to be charged with notice of the provisions of the by-laws, and be bound by them, if valid: 1854, Came v. Brigham, 39 Maine 35; 1859, Anacosta Tribe v. Murbach, 13 Md. 91, 71 Am. Dec. 625; 1884, Wetherly v. Med. & Sur. Soc., 76 Ala. <%7 ; 1887, Mutual Life Ins. Co. v. McSherry, 68 Md. 41; 1888, Supreme Lodge K. of P. v. Knit?lit, 117 Ind. 489, 3 L. R. A. 409; 1888, Miller v. Hillehoro Mut. F. Assn., 44 N. J. Eq. 224; 1889, Pfister v. Gerwig, 122 Ind. 567; 1S93, Matthews v. Assoc. Press, 136 N. Y. 333; 1894, Mandel v. Swan, L. & C. Co., 51 111. App. 204. But see, 1891, Pearsall v. W. U. Tel. Co., 124 N. Y. 256, 21 Am. St. II>p. <)<>-> ; IS'.H, Rudd v. Robinson, 126 N. Y. 113,22 Am. St. Rep. 816; 1894, People's Home Sav. Bk. v. Sup. Ct., 104 Cal. 649, 43 Am. St. Rep. 147, note. 1">2. (t>) An to third parties, those having no notice of hy-la\vs arc not. affected l>y their provision*: 185fi, Worcester v. Essex Mernnnie H. Co., 7 (tray (Mass.) 457; 1809, Sam^-i v. Ilolladay, Fed. Cas. 122KS; ]S9i>, Am. l.iv. 'St. ('<>. v. Chicago L.S. Ex., 143111. 210,36 Am. St. Hep. 38--); ISIKJ, M"tro,,o!e H.e Millinir Co., -1 K. 1.9,41 Atl. Rep. 258; 1899, Northport, etc., Assn. v. Perkins, Hi; .Maine 235, Rep. 74 Am. St. Rep. 342. But see, contra, 1857, Cummings v. Webster, 43 Maine 192; 1885, Haden v. Farmers' & M. F. Assn., 80 Va. 683. II/5& DISFRANCHISEMENT OF MEMBERS. ARTICLE IX. DISFRANCHISEMENT OF MEMBERS. See State v. Georgia Med. Soc., 38 Ga. 608, 95 Am. Dec. 408, supra, p. 136, note 140; White v. Brownell, 2 Daly 329, supra, p. 187 ; Belton v. Hatch, 109 N. Y. 593, 4 Am. St. Rep. 495, supra, p. 178; American Live Stock Co. v. Chicago L. S. Ex., 143 111. 210, 36 Am. St. Rep. 241, supra, p. 682; Evans v. The Philadelphia Club, 50 Pa. St. 107, supra, p. 1165, and note, p. 1171. LAW LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ANGEJUES UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000 703 076 0W