THE HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH NEW HAMPSHIRE VOL. II > 2- CHAPTER XXVII. THE " OLDEN TIME" IN I/YNDEBOROUGH. BY J. A. WOODWARD. If any of the farmers of the L,yndeborough of today were required to go into the largest wood-lot in town, say in March or April, and cut down trees, build themselves log-houses to shelter their families, make clearings and raise crops sufficient for maintenance during the succeeding twenty-four months, they would undoubtedly think themselves obliged to deal with a pretty hard proposition. But that is what the first settlers of L,yndeborough undertook to do in A. D. 1735-1740. Besides, the heaviest growth of wood or timber within the limits of thp town now, is not to be compared with the immense trees that constitute the celebrated "original growth." The building of some sort of house on the lands they had bought was the first task of the pioneer, and it must of a neces- sity be a log-house. Sometimes these were built by the un- aided efforts of the settler and his family, but frequently some- one who planned to settle in the neighborhood would ' ' change work," and in that way make the labor of lifting the logs into place easier. These log-houses were often built with one end against a large boulder, this to serve as a backing for the fire- place. Jeremiah Carleton's was built that way and so was Adam Johnson's. The fire-place was usually a mammoth affair, and it needed to be to warm the loosely-constructed house. It was made of stone laid in clay, with a low, wide chimney. Bricks were not to be had at first, and they were not used to any great extent until framed houses were substituted for the rude hut. One could sit in the corner of these old fire-places and, look- ing up, see the stars at night. Even after bricks came into general use people still built their fire-places on a generous scale, and the chimneys likewise. Probably the last of those old chimneys to be torn down was the one in the Jonas Kidder house; Jesse Simonds had it taken down. It was 12 feet square at the base and continued at that size up through the second story, in the hall of which was a fire-place large enough to 464 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH burn "four-foot " wood. Into these fire-places was hauled an immense back-log, and some of the houses were so arranged as to allow a horse to haul it right into the room, then a somewhat smaller fore-stick was placed, and then smaller wood placed on top, and the result was a roaring fire, that warmed every thing near it, and left the back of the room cold and draughty. Hav- ing his house built and covered with split pine shingles, and the hearth-stone warm, the next work of the settler was to make a clearing, and get some land ready for crops. Ususually the trees were felled one by one, but sometimes the choppers would commence on one side of a lot and chop the trees nearly off, and then one or two large trees would be felled against those, and down would go the whole lot. I have heard my grandfather tell the story of one such fall on land north of the mountain. It was not a common practice, how- ever, and was only tried when there was a "chopping bee." There was great danger to the choppers. A sudden gust of wind, or some workman chopping too far into the tree, was liable to set the "fall" going, to the great danger of those engaged in the toil. But it was said that the trees were packed more closely together by this method, and a much better "burn" could be obtained. These fallen trees were allowed to remain until partially dry, and then came the burn. Such a mass of trunks of trees, limbs and dried foliage and twigs made a most tremendous fire, and at this day one wonders what was done to prevent it from spreading into the adjoining woods. Perhaps it did and the settlers did not care. Of course even after the best ' ' burn ' ' the trunks of the immense trees and the larger limbs remained unconsumed, and then came the log-piling. As soon as enough settlers had come into the town, this part of the work was generally made the occasion of a " bee." The men and boys came with their oxen and axes, and logs were chopped into convenient lengths and hauled together and piled. It was hard, sooty work, and would not appeal to a present-day farmer as very desirable toil ; but those men are said to have had great fun and excitement in the logging " bee," and they had the satisfaction of knowing that they were lending a helping hand to a neighbor. Possibly, too, the New England rum, which was always plentifully supplied on such occasions, had something to do with the merry excite- ment. These log piles were fired, and when consumed, left an immense residue of ashes to fertilize the soil. THE "OLDEN TIME" 465 The first crops raised were Indian corn and rye, and usually a small plot of flax. The seed must be all planted or sowed by hand, and the tools our forefathers had to use were of the most primitive kind, heavy and cumbrous. A plow was of no use whatever on account of the roots in the soil. The rye was scratched in with a three-pronged implement, and the iron in the hoes would have made a half-dozen of those of the present day. With these tools the corn was covered among the roots and stones, and it would be interesting to know how much they raised to the acre in that virgin soil. It was not until many years later that potatoes were raised to any great extent. This vegetable was slow in coming into general use as an article of food. Mrs. Chase Hadley told the writer that her husband raised two bushels one year and divided them with the neigh- bors, keeping only one-half bushel for his own family ; and that no one wanted them or ate them in those days. That must have been about the year 1800. Hoes, axes, scythes, etc., were all made by the nearest black- smiths. The shovels were made from a riven oak plank, blade and handle all one piece, the blade concave on one side and con- vex on the other, and sometimes shod with a piece of steel. Probably there are none of these old relics in town now, but one of these shovels was kept in Sherebiah Manning's hop- house for years, and was much worn. Sometime later a very narrow harrow with teeth top and bot- tom was used to harrow in rye on burnt ground. If the roots threw it bottom side up, the team might still go on and the har- row would do business. When the roots had decayed to some extent, and some of the larger stone had been cleaned away, plows came into use. These plows were manufactured in the town and were the joint product of the blacksmith and the carpenter. The beam was six or seven feet long, made of oak or ash, perhaps five inches in greatest diameter, tapering toward the team and handles. The "plow irons," made by a blacksmith, were the share, the point and the wing ; the mold-board was made of wood, and on this were fastened pieces of steel or sheet-iron to prevent the furrow from wearing it away. About forty years ago one of these old plows was in existence and was used in repairing the highway in District No. i. It had pieces of old saw plate fast- ened to the mold-board. The handles were very low, but it was said to do better work than the more modern plows ; and 466 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH it may be added it took more team to draw it. In the process of time the land was cleared of stone, and the miles of wall were built, wheat and oats and potatoes were raised, hop fields were planted (this last industry to be abandoned when the Western States began to raise hops) , and the fields of L,ynde- borough practically as they are to-day, were evolved. The sin- gle and double walls in town show what was taken from the soil besides crops, and the muscular energy the fathers ex- pended in wresting smooth fields from the forest. How long the log-cabin period in the history of Lynde- borough continued there are no traditions to tell. They were rough, uncomfortable habitations at the best, and generally con- tained one room and a small loft, this last reached by a ladder. A hole dug under the hut and reached by a trap-door in the floor, served as a cellar. During the severe winters common to the climate the occupants must have suffered much from the cold, in spite of all contrivances, such as hanging bed-quilts around the fire-place, and the use of the " settle," with its'high back. These low houses must have been nearly buried in the deep snow, but doubtless this was a blessing, as it made the interiors all the warmer. Green wood was burned, and this had to be dug out of the snow. None was ever housed in those days, and, in fact, a generation or two passed before woodsheds became common. When the boys got chilly they were sent to the woodpile to ply the axe until they were thoroughly warmed. It is probable that as soon as saw-mills were established and boards could be obtained, the settlers began to build framed houses. These at first were invariably of one story. The frame was made of hewn timber, much of it seven and eight inches square, almost strong enough to have supported a modern " sky-scraper." Carpenters always worked by "scribe" rule in those days in framing a building, either house or barn. Square rule did not come into use for almost a hundred years later. These new houses were loosely-constructed affairs, and it was necessary to retain the generous fire-place, to which was added the brick oven. Then, as the people grew prosperous and forehanded, they began to build the more pretentious two- storied houses. Nails were very scarce and hard to obtain, and some of the houses had the boarding fastened to the frame with wooden pins. The older part of the house on the old " town farm " has THE "OLDEN TIME" 467 the boards fastened in this way. The pins are of oak, about three inches long and perhaps three-eighths of an inch square at the head, tapering to a point. This part of the house was built by Eleazer Woodward just previous to the Revolutionary War. Nehemiah Boutwell made nails for years, and many of the houses in town were built with them. David Stratton built the seventh framed house in I^ynde- borough. Such is the tradition, but tradition is silent about the preceding six. The site of Stratton's house was about twenty rods south of where Fred Holt lives. Much has been written about ambitious youth studying by the light of the open fire or by the aid of pitch pine splints, doubtless all true ; but it is also doubtless true that those first settlers went to bed as a rule almost as soon as it was ' ' dark under the table." They had few books, no newspapers, and the out-of-door life, with its vigorous muscular labor in clear- ing the land, would be likely to promote a drowsy feeling, come night. But if they were inclined to sit up late, the light of the open fire or of a pitch pine torch was all they had at first. There were rude lamps in existence at that day, but they had no means to provide the oil to burn in them. But as they began to have herds of cattle and flocks of sheep, candles came into use, and the making of the year's supply of " tallow dips " was quite an event in the household economy. Peeled willow sticks about eighteen inches long, and a little less than a half-inch in diameter were provided, and on these were looped six strands of candle wicking of the length of the required "dip." These were placed about a couple of inches apart on the stick. Two small poles were then placed on some support, generally two chairs. These poles were long enough to hold some dozens of candles and were laid far enough apart to allow the candles to hang between. A large kettle of tallow was then melted, and when all was ready, these wicks were dipped in the hot tallow. In withdrawing them of course they stuck together more or less, and then a finger was used to separate them, and the stick was placed on the poles to cool. By the time the last stickful was dipped, the tallow on the first had hardened sufficiently to allow of its being dipped again, and so the process was continued, the candles growing in size, until they were large enough. Usually enough were made at a time to last a year. L,ater, candle-molds came into common use. These were tin 468 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH molds of the size and shape of a candle, fastened together in groups of a dozen. The wicking was drawn through them and secured by a knot at the bottom. Melted tallow was poured into them and allowed to cool. These candles, it was claimed, were not as good as " dips," being more inclined to run. Although there were " snuffers " in every household, it was a common practice to snuff the candle with the fingers, and it was quite a trick to do it without burning the fingers or putting the candle out. By holding the candle between the eyes and the book or paper, (and incidentally catching the falling grease in one's lap) one could read quite comfortably by its use. Whale oil lamps were used to some extent in the early days, but they were smoky things and only those who were considered opulent could afford them. Camphene, a highly explosive oil or liquid, was also used for illuminating purposes but was rather dangerous. In the decade between 1850 and 1860 kerosene oil became the common light, and has continued with many improvements in lamps to the present day. The writer's father bought the first of this oil in 1858, paying twenty-five cents per quart therefor. The clothing of the pioneers of Lyndeborough was all home- made, home-spun and woven in a rough loom set up in the kitchen, usually. Wool was not very plenty at first, and about the first crop raised was a patch of flax. This was pulled at the proper time and laid out to rot, as it was termed, then it was cleaned of its seed, and broken with what was called a ' ' flax breaker, ' ' a machine which required considerable muscle to operate. Next it was swingled to clean out the coarser parts, combed to get rid of the tow and then was ready to be spun on the "little wheel." Sheets, pillow-cases, towels, and women's dresses, together with 'shirts for the men, were made from it. The boys had to wear a product made from the tow, coarse and rough. Some of this linen was figured, and compares very favorably with the linen of to-day. Mrs. E. C. Curtis has some of the table linen made by her grandmother from flax raised on the old homestead in Johnson's Corner. It was spun and woven in the old house on that farm, a house in which was no plaster- ing and no paint. That such fabrics could have been made with the rude looms of the times, almost passes belief. They are as fine in texture and figure as those of the present day. THE "OLDEN TIME" 469 Some of the designs were called the "American Beauty," "Orange Quarter," etc. Mrs. Curtis also has some towels made by her great- great-grandmother, more than a hundred and fifty years ago, which show artistic design in figure. All the girls were brought up to card and spin and weave and knit. Forty-two knots of filling, or six skeins, or thirty-five knots of warp, or five skeins, was a day's work of either kind, and fifty cents per week and board was the pay when working out. Mrs. Asher Curtis, senior, used to milk two cows for an addi- tional compensation of eight cents. As the sheep increased in numbers, the carding, spinning, and weaving of woolen fabrics was added to the home indus- tries of the forefathers. The hum of the " big wheel " mingled with that of the " little " or flax wheel, and then came the era of the " striped frock," a garment made of wool, belted at the waist, and worn almost universally by the men of two or three generations. It was warm and comfortable and was almost the only outside garment many had. It was worn "to mill and to meeting " and retained its popularity until comparatively recent years. John Richardson was about the last man in the " mid- dle of the town" to give it up. The well-to-do and the poor alike wore them. Sometimes cotton filling was obtained from the lower towns, and bedspreads and other articles were made of cotton and wool, or with a flax warp made into a coarser fabric for common wear. Girls made their own wedding outfits in those days, carding and spinning and weaving the wool for blankets, and using their utmost skill in the fineness and the design of linen fabrics. Generally the quantity of table linen, towels, blankets, bed- spreads, etc., was enough to last the bride through her married life, for the goods she made wore like iron. The maidens were very proud of their skill, and were not bashful in showing the results of their handiwork. Frequently the all-wool cloth in- tended for best wear was fulled at some nearby mill and a nap made on it. Joshua Sargent operated just such a mill in town for many years. When the fabrics were dyed the fashionable color was blue, and the aroma of the old dye pot with its bag of indigo was in every kitchen at times. Of underclothing the men had none, nor indeed wanted any. Mrs. Asher Curtis, mother of Mrs. Betsey Ann Curtis, solici- 470 HISTORY OF L YNDEBOROUGH tous for her husband's comfort once made him a pair of good, warm, woolen drawers, and one cold morning persuaded him to wear them. Such an experience was new to him, but he started for the wood-lot with them on. He had loaded his wood and started for market, walking beside his oxen, and he found the drawers uncomfortably warm, so he mounted the load, and in a biting wind with the thermometer below zero, discarded the underwear and never could be persuaded to wear any again. There has been much speculation in these later days, as to how our present winters compare in severity with those of the "olden time." In connection therewith the following record kept by some member of the Goodrich family and found by John H. Goodrich among the family papers will be of great interest. It gives the number of snow-falls, total depth of snow- fall, number of rains, and time of apple-blossoming for twenty- three years, commencing with 1830. No. of Total depth No. of Years snow falls 1830 1831 1832 1833 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 49 55 54 51 53 68 58 71 60 67 58 5i 72 66 53 75 75 67 53 69 70 49 78 72 of snow 6-4 6-3 10 6-10 10-9 7 9 8-9 4-5 5-9 12-7 7-6 13-6 8-7 10 6-6 7-6 7-6 7 ii 6-10 13-6 6-1 y 2 rains 66 82 81 94 103 98 79 90 98 ii3 83 in 123 94 109 124 103 117 1 20 91 98 US 83 Time of apple blossoming May I May 22 Frost to kill apple * May 14 buds and corn May 28 May 6 May 19 May 27 June 21. A little frosty May 18 Aug. 4. A little frosty June i June 23. Quite a frost May 26 May 1 6 May 17 June 2. Frost to kill May 27 May 18 June 2. A flight of snow May 20 June 2. A frost to kill May 15 June 12. Corn killed May 15 May 9 June 13. A frost May II June 15. A fall of snow May 17 June i. A fall of snow May 10 June 4 June 5 and 12. Corn killed May 22 May 25 May 19 In the matter of footwear the earliest settlers in town wore Indian moccasins in the winter, and during warm weather men and women, old and young, went barefoot when at home. As soon as they began to slaughter cattle and tan yards were estab- THE "OLDEN TSME" 471 lished, the hides were sent to the tanners to be made into leather, some of which was sold, and some was brought home to be in readiness for the shoemaker to make up into boots and shoes for the family. The shoemaker travelled from house to house with his kit of tools, and as much footwear was made up as was thought would last the whole family a year. The women's shoes were coarse and heavy like the men's, and it was not until nearly a century after the first settlement of the town that soft and shapely shoes were made for the gentler sex. Oh ! those old long-legged, cowhide boots ! Men and boys had to wear them. One pair was supposed to last for a year, with the help of the cobbler. Stiff and hard at the best, the snow and cold of winter made it almost impossible to get them off the feet. And the old boot- jack hanging from its appointed peg how many generations wrestled with that ! Sometimes the father's or brother's assistance was invoked, and turning his back to the patient, he would take the foot between his legs, and grasping the boot with both hands, either pull it off or the other fellow out of his chair. A pot of tallow was kept to grease the boots to make them impervious to water and to soften them somewhat. This worked well when the boots were warm, but when they became cold it made them stiff as boards. After a time long-legged calf-skin boots, sometimes with red leather tops, began to be worn. These were considered very genteel, and as they were rarely worn except to church, they lasted for a long time. One of the deacons in town used to show a pair he had worn for twenty- five years, and they were in pretty fair condition. In many of the houses there was a " cobbler's bench," and some member of the family could do the repairing, so the boots were patched and tapped almost as long as the leather would hold together. Among the few blessings of the early settlers was a good appetite. They were valiant trenchermen, and numberless tradi- tions have come down to us of the culinary art of the " olden time." But the truth is, the diet of the first-comers was scanty and plain. All cooking had to be done by the open fire, and this continued until 1835 or 1840, when cook-stoves were intro- duced. Thus, for a hundred years from the time John Cram made his ' ' beginning, ' ' the cooks roasted and boiled and baked over the coals in the fire-place. And this in more senses than one. 472 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH The woods abounded in game and the streams with fish, and probably people did not go hungry; but it is a curious fact that our ancestors in this town looked with disfavor on those who spent much time in hunting and fishing, and many sayings de- rogatory to the man or boy who went strolling around with rod or gun have come down to us. They considered it a sinful waste of time. Doubtless they were compelled to make use of the fish and game, but they much preferred domestic meat. As soon as they could raise and fatten swine, and the flocks and herds incresed, they seldom made use of the creatures of the forest. Of course there were exceptions to this rule, and there are traditions of Lyndeborough men who were mighty hunters in their day. It is said that in the earlier cabins there was a wooden lug- pole extending over the fire and fastened to the side of the chim- ney. If this should happen to burn off, it was replaced by a new one. On this were hung the pots and kettles, and the housewife used a strong stick to lift them on and off, running a great risk of setting her clothing afire in doing so. But when these log cabins were discarded for the more comfortable framed houses, and more substantial brick chimneys were built, an iron crane extending over the fire, and hung at the side of the fire- place so that it could be swung out from the fire, was devised and was a great convenience. On it the kettles could be ex- amined or taken off with little risk of burns. Cranes continued to be used until cook stoves came, and the old fire-places were bricked up and the hearth-stones became cold. As soon as the settlers could raise corn and rye, brown, or rye and Indian bread, as it was called, was the only bread used. This was not "steamed," as now-a-days, but was baked in large loaves be- fore the fire or in the brick oven, and of course there was much hard crust. This crust, softened with warm water, a little mo- lasses and a little milk being added, made a common and favor- ite supper dish. For many years wheat flour was not to be had, and when it first did come in use it was so costly that it was considered a luxury which only the rich could afford. Seven pounds was thought to be an ample supply for a year in most families. It was bought in seven, fourteen and twenty-eight- pound lots. When a youth, Mr. E. C. Curtis worked for a man in the haying season who had bought a supply to last through that time, and when the hay was all cut and stored, returned to the store all that remained of the flour. Eli Curtis was the first THE "OLDEN TIME" 473 one in town to purchase a whole barrel of flour, other than the store-keepers, and the Widow Cressy was the second. Broths and stews and bean porridge were common articles of diet. Bean porridge was made in quantities to last the family a week or two, as bean porridge was " best when nine days old." Occasionally a veal calf would be killed, and part of the meat loaned to the neighbors, to be returned when they in turn should kill one. Salted meats and salted codfish were the main- stay during the year, and one definition of a fore-handed farmer in those days was one who always had " pork in the barrel and corn in the chamber." Naturally, there was always a craving for " fresh meat," and the settlers looked forward to pig-killing time with lively anticipation of juicy " spare-rib " and " chine " of fresh pork. Garden vegetables, as we know them now, they did not have, and if the truth be told they did not try to have even the few and inferior kinds then known. Fifty years ago a man who spent much time trying to have a vegetable garden was consid- ered a ' ' putterer ; ' ' and if he should have any leanings toward flowers, his sanity was called in question. Pumpkins, squash, beets, carrots and turnips, with the inevitable bed of sage, made up the utmost of their efforts in the garden line in the long ago. Cook stoves were slow in coming into use in I/yndeborough, as, indeed, they were in other towns. The women were used to cooking by the open fire and looked askance at the new in- vention. Chase Hadley bought one of the first to be brought into town, and it was set up in the kitchen by the side of the old fire-place. It was two or three years before his wife could be persuaded to use it at all, and she cooked by the open fire and baked in the brick oven more or less as long as she kept house. It was the common thing to set up stoves beside the open fire-place and run both. Previous to the coming of the cook-stove, there was a con- trivance introduced, called a "tin baker," which was thought by the housewives to be a fine thing. My grandfather owned one, but I never saw it in operation. It was made to set up before the fire, and was generally used when there was a ' ' hurry call " for a meal. Probably they have not been used since 1850. But the old brick oven ! Never were such pies and cakes and puddings since, as were turned out of that warm cavern ! Ap- petite had nothing whatever to do with the excellency of the viands. They were better, far better, than any baked in a 474 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH modern range. Baked beans, brown bread, and Indian pudding comprised the "menu" for Sunday in every family. These could be prepared the Saturday before, and consigned to the brick oven to come out piping hot when wanted. Thus the sin of cooking on the Sabbath was avoided. It was not until 1835 that friction matches were used in L,yndeborough. They had been invented in England a few years before, but were so costly in those days when money was scarce, that they were not freely used. Therefore, for the first century in the history of the town, the flint and steel and tinder box method was the only one by which to produce fire. But this was a very troublesome way. Skill was required to strike the spark, catch it in the tinder and blow it into flame. There was a flint and steel in most families, but their main reliance was in care that the fire should not go out. It was carefully covered every night. The glowing coals were raked together and covered deep with ashes, and in the morning this heap of ashes would be opened, dry wood laid thereon, and soon a good fire was burning. But sometimes in spite of all care it would go out, and then some one would go to the neighbors to borrow fire. One old lady who lived on the mountain has told the writer of going to John Ordway's, who lived where Charles J. Cunimings lives now, to get fire. Once both families happened to be destitute of the necessity on the same morning, and she had to go over to Robert Badger's, where Harry Richardson now lives, to get coals. Those of us who grumble at getting up cold mornings and starting the fire with matches and good kindling, might reflect upon going a mile or more through the snow and bringing home coals in a kettle before we could have a fire, and be content. The wood was burned green, and the practice of storing a year's supply of dry wood was unthought of. The wood was piled in the yard, and the day's supply prepared as needed, and it was prepared with an axe too ; wood-saws and saw-horses were not much used then. Digging it out of the snow in winter or sweating in wielding, the axe in summer, it was all the same. My grandfather built the first woodshed north of the mountain in the year 1820. Possibly this was the first in town. It was a good many years after the first settlement of the town that tea and coffee became common beverages. Substi- tutes were used to some extent. Some thought the young and THE "OLDEN TIME" 475 tender leaves of the raspberry bush, dried and steeped, made a fairly good tea, and bread crusts were browned and made to take the place of coffee, but it must be said that New England rum was plenty from the start . It is not the province of the historian to moralize on this sub- ject but to record facts, and one fact was that the drinking of liquor was the custom of the time, and was not thought wrong or harmful. Everyone from the minister down to his poorest parishioner kept a supply on hand and drank it himself and offered it in hospitality to his guests. It was provided at funerals, as witness at the funeral of the Rev. Sewall Good- ridge the rum and sugar " for the singers " cost $2.25. It was abundant at weddings ; and at log-pilings, huskings and rais- ings it was freely used. It was considered the height of dis- courtesy not to offer ' ' spirit ' ' to the minister when he made a pastoral visit. Rum could be bought in the early days for twenty-five cents per gallon. One man who formerly lived in town used to pass the house of a temperance woman, on his regular trips to get his jug filled. She hailed him one day and this colloquy ensued : " Going after more rum, I suppose ? " " Yes, ma'am." ' ' I wish rum cost ten dollars a gallon ! ' ' " Its wuth it ma'am, its wuth it ! " There were many taverns in town where it was sold and these were duly licensed by the town. They were considered emi- nently respectable and citizens of standing would call for a glass or mug of "flip." The weighty affairs of town policy would be discussed and settled over a steaming joram of punch at Capt. William Barren's hostelry. The stores all kept liquor for sale, and to treat their customers. At the musters and train- ings in addition to the "Spirit of '76" there was generally a barrel or two of rum. It may be said also that the liquors were pure in those days and the heads were strong, and the consequences of drunkenness were not as grave as might be supposed. This condition of affairs continued until the temperance re- form movement in the decade from 1830 to 1840. Dr. Israel Herrick was one of the leaders of that movement in I^ynde- borough. He says of himself: " I went into this movement with my whole soul, without regard to my reputation or pecu- 476 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH niary loss, and I thank God he so directed me and gave me strength to do it." With the help of others he carried forward the crusade against dram drinking until the practice was pretty generally abandoned. But years before this was brought about, the apple orchards planted by the settlers had begun to bear, and they bore cider apples. Out of a large orchard, but two or three trees, perhaps, would bear fruit fit for eating ; so the ' ' cider apples ' ' were made into cider and rum was supple- mented by this beverage. Almost every one stored many barrels of it in his cellar. One family put forty barrels of apple juice in the cellar in the fall. It was all gone in April, and the men were in the market trying to swap labor for cider. There were cider mills on the following farms : Ephraim Putnam's, where Frank Pettengill now lives ; David Putnam 2d's, near where Edwin H. Putnam lives ; Gideon Cram's, where Luther Cram lives ; Uriah Cram's, now called the Putnam place ; one on the Ellingwood place ; one at Eben Bachelder's ; one at Jacob Wellman's, where George Carson lives ; one at Timothy Richardson's, where F. A. Richardson lives ; one at Andrew Fuller's, where Moses C. Fuller lives ; one at Solomon Cram's, where Willard Rose lives; one at Ben- jamin Jones', where Mr. Wilson lives ; one at the Deacon Good- rich place, North L,yndeborough ; one at the Stephenson place ; one at the farm where H. H. Joslin lives, and doubtless some others in the " olden time." There is not an old-fashioned cider mill in town now. All have been destroyed. They would be something of a curiosity to the boy or girl of to-day. Sections of a hard wood log about two feet long and nearly the same in diameter were prepared. Holes were mortised in one of them, and tenons or projections to match the holes were set into the other. These rollers were set upright in a strong frame and made to revolve one against the other by a long sweep fastened to one of them. This sweep was quite a stick of timber, and was crooked in order that one end might come near enough to the floor so a horse could be hitched to it. A hopper led the apples against the rollers, or "nuts," as they were called. A boy was generally perched on the frame to scrape the pomace from the rollers (scraping the nuts, it was called), the horse travelled round and round in a circle, and with much creaking and noise the fruit was crushed, the juice and pomace falling into a vat below. THE "OLDEN TIME" 477 The pomace was placed in the press with big wooden scoop shovels, the layers separated with straw ; pressure was applied with wooden screws, some of them six or eight inches in diame- ter. These were turned by levers, and thus slowly, very slowly, cider was made in the " olden time." But if all traditions are true, it was not " slowly, very slowly " imbibed. Now, it is said that the cider made in those days was better than that made today, for the " pressing " was allowed to stand over night in the vat, and acquired a heavier ' ' body ' ' and bet- ter color and flavor. Cider and apples were the standard re- freshment offered to evening visitors for a good many years, and by that same token, to day-time callers as well. Some of the old ' ' cider mugs ' ' shown in antique collections held a generous measure, and the " boy " whose duty it was to draw cider made many journeys to the cellar. When not in use the old cider mill was a favorite play-ground for the children. Its cumbrous machinery, its pleasant, musty, fruity smell, its opportunities for hiding, had a fascination for boys and girls. Many a middle-aged man raised in the country has a glad memory of the old cider mill on the farm. In recent years comparatively little cider is made in L,ynde- borough. Andy Holt made it for a number of years at the old Stephenson mill, which he purchased, but none is made ther e now. Edwin H. Putnam has the only mill in town now where it is made to any extent. He has facilities for making " cider jelly," and does quite a business at that. His is a " grater" mill, and the juice and pomace are carried directly to a hydraulic press. A load of apples may be carried to this mill, and the cider made " while you wait." Sometimes the cider press was used in pressing hops. There were many hop-yards in Lyndeborough up to about 1860. Dea. William Jones had one on the hill north of his house, and on the opposite side of the road from this was the hop-yard of Samuel Jones. Thus that hill came to be known as Hop-Yard hill. Sherebiah Manning had a hop-house and press on the Benj. Jones place, and there were other farms where hops were raised. The opening of the fertile lands of the West killed the industry in this section. The question is sometimes asked now-a-days : Do people en- joy themselves in these days as well as they did in the ' ' olden times ' ' ? One old lady of whom the writer asked the question replied : " Well, I don't know. Folks had a proper good time 478 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH when I was a girl better than they do now, I guess. They did not seem to have so much to worry about." It must not be supposed that the people who built up the town of L,ynde- borough did not have their pleasures, in spite of the privations and hardships of pioneer life ; but it is a curious fact that about all of the early amusements were somehow connected with work. Something must be accomplished. Laziness was a sin, and to be called shiftless was a deep disgrace, while many grave faults were condoned or overlooked in a person if only he were "smart to work." So they had log-pilings, huskings, raisings and chopping- bees. The women, their quiltings, paring-bees and spinning- bees ; and in each and all was the element of work. Before the practice of shocking corn, now so general, came in vogue, the farmers used to " cut the stalks" just above the ear. These were cured for fodder, and the remainder of the corn plant was allowed to ripen in the field. L,ate in the fall this was cut up and carried to the barn, and an immense pile made, the length of the barn floor. Rough-and-ready seats were placed along one side, stacks of doughnuts and pies were made, invitations were sent around, and everything was ready for a " husking." Almost every one came, young and old of both sexes, bring- ing lanterns, which were hung on pitchforks placed in the hay- mows, to help illuminate. Hoarded ears of red corn were sur- reptitiously placed in the pile. Then there were busy hands and busy tongues, shouts of laughter as red-ear forfeits were paid, now and then a wrestling match, until the pile of corn dwindled away, and the carriers of baskets to the chamber found their occupation gone. Then to the house and big kitchen, where there was a bountiful supper of baked beans, brown bread, doughnuts and pies (probably not a dyspeptic there), coffee and cider, and perhaps just a little rum for the aged. And that was a I,yndeborough "husking" of the long ago. Since the custom of shocking corn or cutting and binding in shocks in the field obtained, there have been very few huskings in town. The old-fashioned barn was not quite like those of the pres- ent day, and most of those built in the early days were much smaller. The "big door " was in the side, and the barn floor ran from side to side, with the "tie up " and scaffold at one THE "OLDEN TIME" 479 end and a big " bay " in the other. One entire side of the barn was pinned together and raised, and as the timbers were large and green, it took about all the help in the neighborhood to raise it into place. No matter how busy the season, or what work was on hand, all the men and boys dropped everything to attend a " raising," and women, too, for that matter, as much help was required to feed such a crowd of hungry men. The boss carpenter was the man of the hour and the work was performed under his direc- tion. Reliable men were stationed with iron bars to guide the tenons into the mortises in the sill ; as many men as could get a hold grasped the "band," as it was called, and raised it as far as they could ; another contingent stood ready with pike poles to push it still farther up, and thus steadily it was raised until the tenons slipped into the mortises and it was pinned and secure. There was some excitement in raising the heavy mass of timbers and now and then a wavering as one side or the other was raised faster, but there are no traditions of any serious accident happening on such occasions in town. In modern barns where the barn-floor runs from end to end, the ' ' bands ' ' are smaller. In the old barns the timber was generally hewn, and the boring for mortises and pins was done by the old pod augur. They were put together, however, in such workmanlike manner that it has always been a hard matter to tear them down. These raisings were the occasion of many feats of daring by men on the frame, and for many a wrestling match. After the roof was on and everything done, refreshments, both solid and liquid, were in order and in the very early days they did not wait until all was finished before serving liquids. The first barn raised in L,yndeborough without rum was that of Dea. William Jones. It was in the beginning of the " tem- perance reform ' ' movement and the deacon resolved to be the pioneer in raising a barn without the use of liquor. The frame being in readiness, word was sent round giving notice of the day of the raising, and the neighbors turned out in full num- bers, as usual, to give their assistance, but were somewhat amazed and disconcerted when it was whispered that this was a temperance affair, and that no rum or other liquors were to be supplied. Not much was said however, and they manned the first band, and, raising it a few feet, began to shout, " Bring on 480 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH your rum ! bring on your rum ! ' ' No rum being forthcoming they lowered the timbers to their former place and sat down to rest. After a short time they again raised the band a little way, some of the men bearing down to counteract the efforts of some who were willing to lift it to its place, and again the demand was made for rum. The deacon then told them that that barn was going up without rum or not at all, and they deliberately returned to their homes. The deacon then hitched up his horse and scoured his own and the neighboring towns until he had secured a full complement of temperance help, and in a day or two the barn was raised. Rev. Mr. Claggett was the originator of that form of enter- tainment called the " sociable." This was a gathering at the different homes to spend the afternoon and evening. Notice was generally given from the pulpit and all attended. The young people pre-empted one or two rooms to themselves where games were played and the older ones had the parlor or best room where the news of the day was discussed, and where they compared notes of the crops and of the live stock. During the Cival War these sociables were merged into Soldiers' Aid socie- ties and the young men held the yarn and the girls wound it into balls, and the women knit stockings or made ' ' comfort bags " to send to the "boys in blue " at the front. For many decades the annual donation party to the minister was a social event in the life of the town. Its ostensible pur- pose was to help out the meagre salary of the pastor, though many ' ' outside the fold ' ' were wont to hint that it impover- ished him, for the visitors ate up more than they carried. But it was a popular idea and almost everyone attended, bringing as a gift almost anything from a link of sausage to a load of wood. Whatever the Rev. Mr. Claggett's real opinion of a donation party was, he never gave any sign other than of un- alloyed pleasure in meeting his people on these occasions. He had a gracious and cheerful greeting for everybody. No one escaped his notice, from the aged grandsire to the smallest tot present. The party was held at the parsonage generally in the winter season. Many came in the afternoon and remained to tea, and in the evening the house was filled to overflowing. Supper was served to all, whether they came early or late. The pastor's wife took special pains to see that the young people had a good time, and entered into the spirit of fun in the games with the THE "OLDEN TIME" 481 liveliest of them. The old-fashioned donation party is a thing of the past, the last one in this parish being given to the Rev. Mr. Sawin in 1878. But the most popular recreation among the fathers was the singing-school. There were singing-schools in I^yndeborough as early as 1820, and they did not begin to decline in favor until comparatively recent years. People loved to sing in the old days, and were willing to strive to learn how. And then the merry sleigh-rides to and from the school in winter evenings ! Some young men would load the horse-sled or pung with a bevy of young lady acquaintances, and generally manage to adroitly spill the lot into a snow bank once or twice before they reached their homes again. Many a courtship began with an invitation to go to singing-school. Almost every one went either to sing or to listen, and L,ynde- borough became celebrated in all the towns about for its num- ber of good singers. And the town furnished some good teachers, too, Ira Houston, Daniel Woodward, Jr., and Eli Clark Curtis among the number. The earliest singing-school of which the writer can get any tradition was held in the hall of the old Jonas Kidder house, where R. C. Mason now lives. They were held in the hall in the old store-house at the Centre for a number of years. (The seats running around the sides of this hall were in place when the house was burned, in 1870). It is needless to say that the pupils graduated from these schools into the church choir. The decadence of the singing-school in I/yndeborough commenced about 1860. CHAPTER XXVIII. OLD DEEDS. We give below epitomes of a number of old deeds. Some of these are based on records transferred a few years ago from Exeter to the office of the secretary of state at Concord. Others are from records at the county registrar's office in Nashua ; and still others are from the original documents, kindly lent the compiler by their present owners. OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE. No. i. (i743> Januarys.) Samuel Leman Jr. to Benjamin Gould of Chelmsford, Mass., (Bond) on Second Division Lot No. 68, drawn by Benjamin Gould on Right of Isaac Williams, heir of his uncle, Jonathan Williams. Consideration, 5^". O. T. bills. No. 2. (1743, January 15.) John Cram bought of Joseph Blaney, Esq., of Salem, Mass., Second Division Lot No. 41 for 2o. (Recorded Vol. VI. 105.) No. 3. (1744, January 30. ) Samuel Leman, Jr., sold to Melchizedeck Boffee 90 acres of Second Division Lot No. 68. No. 4. (1745, December 31.) Samuel Leman, Jr., to David Stratton, about 40 acres of Second Division Lot No. 68. Consideration 25^". No. 5. (1753, February 23, Vol. 88, p. 403.) John Cram deeded to Ephraim Putnam Sixty acres of Second Division Lot No. 41, bounded as follows : " South by line of Lot No. 30; West by line of No. 40, coming within 16 rods of its northern corner ; then runs 80 rod East ; and then runs South 16 rod, and from thence East to the N. W. corner of the barn, and from thence to the corner of the Southwest Flanker of the Fort, and thence south to a Pople Tree .... and so a straight line to the South line of said lot." (Fort.) This gives clear evidence of the existence of the Fort, com- manded for a time by John Cram, and later by Ephraim Putnam, his son-in-law, who married his daughter Sarah. No. 6. (1757, June 17, Vol. 73, p. 416.) Adam Carson of New Boston to William McNeal, Jr., his heirs &c., a part of Lot No. 48, beginning at the N. W. corner of said land " runs S. two degrees E. by land of William Carson, 120 rod, then E. 4 degrees N. 40 rod, then N. 2 degrees W. 120 rod or poles to a black birch marked, then W. 4 degrees S. to the bounds first mentioned, containing about 60 acres, for 250^". in O. T. bills." No. 7. (1759, February i, Vol. 66, p. 328.) Jonathan Cram, Jr., to John Rand, 130 acres, being Lot No. 57, Second Division, for 60^" sterl- ing ; bounded Eastwardly on Lot 127, Westwardly on Lot 58, North- wardly on Lot No. 70, Southerly on 56. No. 8. (1759, July 2 7> Vol. 62, p. 466.) Carson (Adam?) to Jacob Wellman, a lot of land bounded as follows : Beginning at the N. E. OLD DEEDS 483 corner of Home Lot No. 48, thence 40 rod S. to an upland black birch, then W. to a stake and stones standing 20 rod from the W. side of said lot ; then N. about 16^ rod, then N. 42 degrees W. to a stake and stones, then E. to the bounds first mentioned, containing u acres. No. 9. (1762, August 28, Vol. 87, p. 415.) Nehemiah Rand of Charles- town, Mass., received a Deed from Samuel Wells of Boston, of Lot No. 71, containing 130 acres, in consideration of 27^. No. 10. (1763, March 10.) Benjamin I/ynde to Joseph Blaney, Second Division Lot No. 63, bounded N. by Lot 64 ; B. by Lot 62 ; S. by Lot 50; W. by the Masonian Proprietors' Land. No. u. (1763, June 10, Vol. 87, p. 412.) John Rand, Clerk, to Nehe- miah Rand, in consideration of 35^"., " Lot No. 127, of 130 acres, bounded westwardly on Lot on which I live, No. 71." Signed by John and Sarah Rand. No. 12. (1764, January 18, Vol. 73, p. 132.) John Carson of New Boston to Stephen Whiting of Dedham, Mass., a lot containing about 7 acres. No. 13. (1764, February 23, Vol. 71, p. 305.) James Richardson of Salem, Mass., Heir of Major Joseph B. Richardson of Woburn, Mass., sold to Benjamin Lynde six sevenths of James Richardson's two Rights, the other seventh having been given to Joseph Bevins for settling, and what was sold for taxes. No. 14. (1764, December i, Vol. 74, p. 313.) Stephen Spaulding of Derry, to David Stratton of Lyndeborough, 70 acres, more or less, bounded thus : Beginning at the N. W. corner of Lot No. 68, running S. to its S. W. corner ; from thence running E. 49 rod, 4 ft., from thence N. across the lot to a rock maple tree on the N. Line of said lot ; thence running E. 12^ rod to a white maple and heap of stones &c. No. 15. (1764, April 25, Vol. 72, p. 514.) Edward Bevins, Jr., to Benja- min Lynde, in consideration of i6 L. M., home Lot No. 18, at gun hill bounded north on Lot No. 28, E. on Lot No. 19 ; S. on Lot No. 5, and W. on Lot No. 17, and contains about 68 acres, and is the Lot bought of said Lynde. No. 16. (1765, May 30, Vol. 79, p. 407.) Stephen Putnam, Carpenter, of Danvers, Mass., to Edward Spaulding of Nottingham West, for 40^"., L. M., 260 acres, being Lots No. 113 and 122. No. 17. (1765, September 25, Vol. -78, p. 261.; Mrs. Martha Birne, grand-daughter of Major Joshua Hicks, through Benjamin Lynde, Benja- min Pickman, John Bickford, Benjamin Goodhue and Joseph Blaney, Committee for Lyndeborough, sold to James Grant Lot No. 47, being one half of the commons for said lots. No. 18. (1765, Vol. 72, p. 414.) Daniel Mackey of Salem, Mass., in consideration of 13^. 6s. & 8d. deeded one fourth part of two Rights to Benjamin Lynde, which Rights were set off to Major Joshua Hicks, deceased, (the home lot No. 47, having been given to William Carson for settling. ) No. 19. (1766, May i, Vol. 99, p. 343; Vol. 91, p. 58, is a bond from Kidder to Lynde.) Benjamin Lynde, for 31 Pound L. M., deeded to 484 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH Jonas Kidder, Lot No. 105, Second Division, bounded N. by 112, belong- ing to Glover, E. on Lot No. 106, S. on Lot No. 94, Ordways's, West by No. 104, Asa Stiles's ; the same containing 130 acres. No. 20. (1766, June 13, Vol. 78, pp. 256 and 268). William Thompson of Merrimack to Benjamin Lynde, in consideration of $$. 6s. 8d. L. M. 2nd. Division Lot No. 65, bounded N. by No. 80, E. by No. 66, S. by 62, and W. by 64. This was a bond for the payment of said sum before the date specified. No. 21. (1766, June 13, Vol. 78, pp. 266 and 268.; Peter Russell of Merrimack 200 acres for 53^. 6s. 8d. L. M. No. 22. (1767, September 30, Vol. 79, p. 273.) John Rand to Moses Barron of Bedford, Home Lot No. 34, containing 60 acres for 9^". L. M. and Lot No. 126 containing 130 acres. No. 23. (1768, May 16.) James Boutwell, to Nehemiah Rand in Lyndeborough, 2nd. Division Lot No. 57, containing 130 acres. No. 24. (1768, June 3, Vol. 98, p. 398.) Remised, Released &c. from Barron (See No. 22.) to Nehemiah Rand, Home Lot No. 37, (called 34, in Vol. 79, p. 273.) The consideration the same. No. 25. (1768, August 23.) Stephen Putnam sold to Benjamin Lynde for 4. the common lands of a Right which he "had in the township of Lyndeborough which remained after the Second Division Lots were sold to Spaulding and others." (For Stephen Putnam see No. 16, above.) No. 26. (1768, November 7, Vol. 99, p. 457.) Jonathan Burton of Wil- ton, to Benjamin Lynde, his heirs, &c., Lot No. 19 in range 5, containing 50 acres. No. 27. (1768, December 21, Vol. 98, p. 142.) (Grant.) Benjamin Lynde to Osgood Carleton, Second Division Lot No. 56, containing 130 acres. No. 28. (1769, November i, Vol. 90, p. 294.) Reuben Spaulding of Nottingham West bought of John Glover for 92^ L. M. the two Second Division Lots No. 112 & 123, bounded E. by No. in & 124; S. on Lot No. 105; W. by 113 & 122; N. by 2nd Division Lot No. 5, or otherwise as by plan, containing about 260 acres. No. 29. (1770, April 28. Rockingham Records, Vol. 100, p. 318.) Benjamin Goodhue of Salem to Daniel Whittemore of Danvers, Mass., Second Division Lot No. 124, containing "about One Hundred and Thirty acres of Land as the same was allotted & Laid out to s d Goodhue, & Bounded as by the plan of said Proprietors of Lyndeborough, vizt : South on Col Pickman's Lot, No. in West on M r Blaney's or his as- signs, Lot No. 123. North on Col Pickman's 2 d division, Lot No. 4, & Easterly on s d Cap 1 Goodhue's other 2 d Division Lot No. 125. . . s d Goodhue doth covenant with s d Daniel Whittemore . . . that he is lawfully seized in fee of the premises . . . and that s d Goodhue will warrant and defend the same . . . from any persons claiming under the Proprietors of Mason's Grant." This deed bore the official signa- ture of " Benj* Lyude,y.s. Pea." and was recorded " nth Oct. 1770." The sum paid was " Two Hundred Dollars or Sixty pounds lawful money." OLD DEEDS 485 FROM OFFICE OF COUNTY REGISTRAR. No. i. (1761, February 5.) Benjamin Lynde, Benjamin Pickman, John Bickford & Benjamin Goodhue sold to Captain Jonathan Cram for his son Jacob, Home Lot No. 29, containing 60 acres ; bounded E. on Lot 28, S. on 17, W. on common land lying between Lot 29 and E. line of No. 2 township. Lynde, Pickman, Epps, Bickford & Goodhue, in capacity of Proprietors' Committee, sold it for taxes, & Jonathan Cram was highest bidder. No. 2. (1767, Apr. 8.) Ebenezer & Elizabeth Coston to James Bout- well of Amherst, 130 acres, more or less, Lot No. 57, bounded E. on Lot No. 127 ; W. on Lot No. 58 ; N. on Lot No. 70 ; S. on Lot No. 56. No. 3. (1771, March 22.) James Hutchinson to John Bradford of Am- herst, Home Lot No. 18, bounded N. on Home Lot No. 28 ; S. on Home Lot No. 5 ; E. on Home Lot No. 19 ; & W. on Home Lot No. 17. No. 4. (1772, March 9.) Melchizedeck Boffee, for 100 , Lot No. 68, in Second Division, to Thomas Boffee ; Beginning at the west side of the road leading from John Kidder's through said Lot to Deacon Benjamin Cram's, &c. (Benjamin Cram is said to have lived on the place of the late Dana B. Sargent, now the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Putnam.) No. 5. (1773, August 14.) John Johnson & Adam Johnson to James Boutwell, Home Lot No. 58, bounded N. on common land ; E. on land of Jacob Wellman ; S. on land of Wm. Carson ; W. on land of Ross. No. 6. (1774, July 30.) Andrew Fuller & Mary of Lyndeborough to Philip Besom of Marblehead, Mass., Second Division Lot No. 51, of 130 acres, bounded N. on 2nd. Div. Lot No. 62 ; E- on 2nd. Div. Lot No. 52 ; S. on 2nd. Div. Lot No. 48 ; W. on 2nd Div. Lot No. 50. No. 7. (1775.) Jesse Putnam of Lyndeborough, to Philip Besom of Marblehead, Mass., in consideration of 50^", 2nd. Div. Lot No. 49, of 130 acres. No. 8. (1777, April 14.) John Rowe deeded to Thomas Boffee for QO, a part of Lot No. 60, in 2nd Div. containing 30 acres more or less. No. 9. (1781, March 14.) Benjamin Cram to John Boffee part of Lots No. 59 & 54, beginning at N. W. corner of No. 59, &c. No. 10. (1794, October 3.) Sewall Goodridge to Wm. Blaney, land ad- joining Wilton N. Line, running W. to the S. E. corner of No. 6; thence N. on east line of No. 6, to the S. W. corner of land of Jonathan Cham- berlain Jr.; then E. on Chamberlain's land & South line, &c. No. it. (1796, September 20.) Benjamin Lewis of Milford, to John Besom of Lyndeborough, 13 acres more or less, bounded by the N. line of Aaron Putnam's lot, &c. No. 12. (1770, February 20, Vol. 7, p. 44.) Melchizedeck Boffee to John Rowe 65 acres of Lot No. 60 ; consideration 50 dollars. No. 13. (1770, August 13, Vol. 2, p. 387.) James Andrews of Boxford, Mass., & Sewall Goodridge, Clerk, of Lyndeborough, grant to Adam Johnson of Lyndeborough, Home Lot No. 62, bounded as follows, N. by common land ; W. on Solomon Cram ; S. on Widow Carleton, & E. on Capt. Goodhue ; estimated to contain 60 acres more or less, consider- ation 14^", L. M. 486 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH No. 14. (1770, August i, Vol. 5, 155.) Sold Home Lot 62, & and. Div. Lots No. 48 & 49 ; consideration 20^", L. M. See the preceding record. No. 15. (1770, August 29, Vol. 7, 125.) James Andrews of Boxford, Mass., & Sewall Goodridge of Lyndeborough to Benjamin Jones of Am- herst, in consideration of 38^", 133., 4d., L- M., Lot. No. 49, 2nd. Div. con- taining 130 acres, bounded S. on land of Robert Hooper, W. on Proprie- tor's land, N. on land of Ephraim Putnam, E. on land of David Carleton. No. 16. (1770, Vol. 5, 155.) Powers to Goodridge in consideration of 100^, Sterling, part of Lot. No. 86, 2nd. Div. containing 62^ acres. No. 17. (1771, Vol. 2, p. 423.) James Andrews of Boxford, Mass., to John Savage of Marblehead, Mass., in consideration of io6;, 133., 4d. Lot No. 98, 2nd. Div. containing 130 acres; bounded S. on Col. Pick man No. 83, W. on No. 99, N. on No. 101, Stephenson; & E- on No. 97. No. 18. (1771, Dec. 30, Vol. 10, 168.) Jonathan Chamberlain Jr., to Samuel Chamberlain, part of Lot No. 32, 2nd. Div., containing 60 acres, in consideration of 26^", 133., 8d. No. 19. (1772, January 10, Vol. 7, 43.) Josiah Abbot to Andrew Fuller, Esq., part of 2nd. Div. Lot No. 86, containing six acres, for i. No. 20. (1772, May 6, Vol. 2, 237.) Joseph Blaney of Salem, Mass., in consideration of 40 ; deeded to Thomas Pearson, first division Lot No. 3, bounded W. on No. 4, N. on No. 20 ; E. on No. 2 ; & S. on common land, or town line. No. 21. (1775, Decembers, v l- lo i l6 o-) Josiah Abbott, Blacksmith, in consideration of 90^", L- M. deeds to pieces of land in Lyndeborough, the one, beginning at the S. W. corner of land that he lives on, which is the N. W. corner of David Stratton's land, & runs 82 rod N. on Moses Stiles' E. line ; thence E. 2 degrees N. on Josiah Abbot's land 50 rod ; thence N. n degs. E. on Abbot's land, 10 rod to a stake & stones by the road ; thence Eastwardly by the S. side of the road to Kidder's W. line ; thence S. on that line 92 rod ; thence W. 87 rod, by land of David Stratton, being part of Lots 77 & 78, in the 2nd. Div., to contain 47 acres more or less. No. 22 & 23, (1783 & 1785, Vol. 14, 355 357.) John Rowe deeded to Jonathan Chamberlain Jr. 50 acres in 1783 ; and deeded to Ephraim Bixby of Westford, Mass., Apr. 6, 1785, Eighty acres, adjoining lands of Chamberlain & Philip Besom, being parts of Lot No. 48 in 2nd. Division. No. 24. (1781, May 30.) Josiah Bowers of Billerica, Mass., deeded to Jonathan Butler of Lyndeborough, in consideration of $300, Lot No. 81, in the 2nd. Division, containing 130 acres. HEADINGS OF DEEDS IN COUNTY RECORDS. COLLECTED BY DAVID C. GRANT. No. i. (1765, June 5.) Benjamin Pickman of Salem, Mass., to Jere- miah Carleton of Lyndeborough, N. H., a Warrantee Deed of 70 acres being Home Lot No. 44. which he bought of Nathaniel Putnam. No. 2. (1770, June 15.) Adam Johnson to Rachel Johnson, Home Lot No. 39. No. 3. (1770, December 17.) Josiah Woodbury of Salem, Mass., bought of Benjamin Goodhue 2nd. Div. Lot No. 125. OLD DEEDS 487 No. 4. (1771, September 6.) Robert Hooper to Daniel Epps of Dan- vers, 2nd. Div. No. 108. Warrantee Deed. No. 5. (1770, July 18, by W. H. Grant, Esq.J Eunice Carleton, Execu- trix, to Jeremiah Carleton of Newburyport, Mass., Executrix's Deed of Home Lots 43 and 44 in Lyndeborough, N. H., with house, barn &c. (See No. 13, below.) No. 6. Benjamin Epps of Lyndeborough, N. H., to Peter Clark of Lyndeborough, N. H. W. D. No. 7. (1771, November 17.) David Carleton sold to John Boffee, both of Lyndeborough, 2nd. Div. Lot No. 48, 6o. L. M. No. 8. (1768, May 9.) Sewall Goodridge to Josiah Abbot, part of 2nd. Div. Lots 77 and 78, a part of the Gage Farm. No. 9. (1769.) Ephraim Powers to Josiah Abbot, part of 2nd. Div. Lot No. 86. No. 10. (1768, April 19, Vol. 6, p. in.) Deed of Jonathan Cram, Moses Stiles and Phebe (Cram) Stiles, Benjamin Cram, Ephraim Putnam and Sarali (Cram) Putnam to Jonathan Chamberlain for and in consider- ation of supporting our brother, Joseph Cram, being part of Lot No. 41, 2nd. Div. of lots, 75 acres. No. ii. (1770, September 15.) Benjamin Lynde to James Andrews, 2nd. Div. Lot No. 98, containing 130 acres. No. 12. Melchizedeck Boffee to John Boffee; Vol. 20, 74; and John Boffee to Melchizedeck Boffee, Vol. 24, p. 231. No. 13. (1766, July 18.) Robert Hooper of Marblehead, Mass., to Jeremiah Carleton of Lyndeborough, N. H., Home Lot No. 43, in con- sideration of his full settlement and five shillings. (Compare this with No. 5.) No. 14. (1771, March 22.) James Hutchinson to John Bradford the Southeast end of Home Lot No. 18, lying partly on Gun Hill, so called, containing about 15 acres. No. 15. (1773, December 30.) Benjamin Goodhue to Nathan Cram, Second Division Lot No. 64, containing 130 acres. No. 16. (1772, January 20. W. D.) Benjamin Lynde to John Brad- ford Lot No. 5. on Gun Hill, and bounded northerly on Lot of Edward Bevins, Jr. (See No. 14, above.) No. 17. (1770, August 10.) Jeremiah Lee of Marblehead, Mass., to Melchizedeck Boffee of Lyndeborough. W. Deed, of Lot No. 49, being land which Joseph Swett requested said Boffee to clear and settle, con- taining 60 acres ; also 40 acres of Lot 29, 2nd. Div. to wit, at the westerly end of same. No. 18. (1770, Vol. 2, 381.) Adam Johnson from Sewall Goodridge, Home Lot No. 62. No. 19. (1772, April ii, Vol. 2, p. 430.) Adam Johnson from Sewall Goodridge ist. Div. Lot No. 58. No. 20. (1767, February 18, Vol. 28, p. 27.) Benjamin Lynde to John Carkin, husbandman, in consideration of a settlement made at Lynde- borough, and five shillings L. M. grants Home Lot No. 35, containing 60 488 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH acres, and is the lot on which sad Carkin has built and lived 7 or 8 years, and lyeth between Col. Pickman's lot on the E. and the ministry lot No. 34, on the west. No. 21. (17731 Vol. 3, p. 529.) William Lee of Francestown, bought of Pickman Lot No. 61, in Lyndeborough, commonly called Peal's Lot. No. 22. (1773 or '74, Vol. 7, 36.) William Lee bought of William Pickman. No. 23. (1774, Vol. 2, 538.) William Lee to Daniel Clark, Lot. No. 36- No. 24. (Vol. 2, 249.) Osgood Carleton from David Badger. No. 25. (Vol. 2, 259.) Osgood Carleton from Benjamin Cram. No. 26. (1779, Vol. 8, 24.) Mr. Lee sold to James Boutwell, part of Lot 66, 2nd. Div. No. 27. (1779, April 20.) William Lee and Sarah his wife, to Nathan Parsons. W. D. of Lot No. 66, 2nd. Division. No. 28. (1795, March 30, Vol. 35, p. 464.) John Grant bought of John Blaisdell in 1795, and on the 30. of March 1795, bought of Samuel Parker i-i4th part of all the common lands. DEEDS OF DAVID PUTNAM. No. 29. (1788, May 29, Vol. 20, p. 336.) Thomas Boffee, to Amos Whittemore and David Putnam, all gentlemen, and of Lyndeborough, in consideration of 174^. L. M., a tract of land containing about 150 acres, a part of 2nd. Div. Lots No. 68, 59 and 60. (Vol. 20, p. 337.) The same premises, on same date deeded by John Gowen, of Wilmington, Mass., to Thomas Boffee. No. 30. (1785, May 2, Vol. 20, p. 100.) Aaron Putnam to David Put- nam in consideration of 250^. parts of 2nd. Div. Lots No. 41 and 44. No. 31. (1775, March 14, Vol. 6, 116.) Deacon Ephraim Putnam to David Putnam in consideration of 6o. L. M. 2nd Div. Lot No. 50, con- taining 130 acres more or less. Sworn to before Andrew Fuller. J. P. No. 32. (1786, January 7, Vol. 20, p. 101. Nathan Hasseltine to David Putnam in consideration of $. a tract of about 3 acres, being a part of 2nd. Div. Lot No. 30. No. 33. (1787, September 5, Vol. 20, p. 102.) John Putnam of Lyndeborough to David Putnam in consideration of 12 a tract of land being a part of Lot No. 41 in the 2nd. Division. No. 34. (1789, February 9, Vol. 24, p. 99.) John Putnam to David Putnam in consideration of 100^". a part of Lots No. 41 and 44, 2nd Division. No. 35. (1789, October 30, Vol. 24, p. 96.) Stephen Goodhue of Salem, Mass., to David Putnam of Lyndeborough, in consideration of 45/. L. M. all that part of 2nd. Div. Lot No. 43, which our late father, Benjamin Goodhue, did not sell to Moses Stiles. No. 36. (1813, August 30.) David Putnam to David Putnam, Jr., in consideration of Eight Hundred Dollars, three tracts of land containing 60 acres, duly described. Attested and acknowledged, Jan. 5th, 1814, in presence of Daniel Putnam, Justice of Peace. OLD DEEDS 489 No. 37. (1818, December i, Vol. i, 124, p. 423.) David Putnam, Jr., to David Putnam, Mortgage Deed, &c. This was in consideration of property of his parents valued at one thousand Dollars deeded to him on certain conditions which he accepted and pledged himself to fulfill, involving their support during their natural life. The father died within two years, and the mother did not survive very long. No. 38. (1815, May 19, Vol. 107, p. 592.) Ephraim Putnam Jr. of Lyndeborough, to David Putnam Jr., in consideration of $75, a tract of land 48 by 50 rods of Lot No. 45, in the Second division. No. 39. (1816, November 12, Vol. 119, p. 571.) Ephraim Putnam Jr. of Lyndeborough, to David Putnam, Jr., of Lyndeborough, in consider- ation of $35, a tract of land on the east side of second division lot No. 45, adjoining on the north the land sold to him as by preceding deed 38, forty-eight rods by twenty- seven. No. 40. (1818, August 22, Vol. 121, p. 51.) Ephraim Putnam Jr. to David Putnam Jr., both of Lyndeborough, a tract of land 48 rods wide extending north about 65 rods, being the northeasterly part of second division lot No. 45, consideration $60. No. 41. (1820, March 24, Vol. 126, p. 408.) Timothy Putnam to David Putnam Jr., both of Lyndeborough, portions of second division lots No. 41 and 44, situated mainly west of the road leading from Daniel Putnam's to the meeting-house. Consideration $1000. Witnesses Abigail Putnam, Sarah Clark. (Mrs. 'Richard's Papers) No. 42. (1820, August 12, Vol. 128, p. 533.) Jonathan and Sarah (Putnam) Clark of Lyndeborough, in consideration of $100, paid by Abigail Putnam, quit-claim to her &c. all right and title to "property which our honored father, David Putnam, died possest of," (viz.) all our right to the saw and grist mills, together with about three acres of land adjoining said grist mill bounded as follows : South by the stream on which said mill stands ; west, by land of Pierce and Marshall north, by land of David Putnam ; east, by land of Jonathan Town. Mrs. E. H. Putnam's papers. No. 43. (July 25, 1838, Vol. 198, p. i.) John Carlton of Lyndeborough to Mariah Putnam of Lowell, Mass., part of second division lot No. 41, estimated about 70 acres, together with the buildings thereon, consider- ation $1500. This deed states that John F. Holt owned land once the property of Daniel Chamberlain ; that Henry Cram's land adjoined the graveyard ; that Joshua Sargent's land was north from the corner of Harvey Holt's land ; and that there were two mill privileges in the tract, one improved by Uriah Cram and Israel Putnam, and the other deeded to Henry and James Cram. The above deed was witnessed by Israel Fuller, Jr., and Lewis Cram ; it was signed by John Carlton and Miriam, wife of John Carlton. CHAPTER XXIX. HOLES AND OLD BUILDING SITES. NORTH LYNDEBOROUGH, CENTRE, JOHNSON'S CORNER, ETC., BY J. A. WOODWARD. Directly opposite the house of J. H. Goodrich at North L,yndeborough was the pottery of Peter Clark and John South- wick. A little to the north of this is the cellar-hole of the South- wick house. In the southwest corner of the same field was a blacksmith shop kept by one, Peabody. A little to the east of this site is the cellar-hole of Peabody 's house. On the road a little to the east of the Peabody cellar-hole is the site of the Union L,ecture house. Still farther east is the cellar-hole where Dea. Peter Clark's house stood. This is on the town line. Opposite the house of John H. Goodrich was once a tan-yard owned by Paul Atwood. A little to the south of this tan-yard was the blacksmith shop of Jonathan Thayer. James McCauley once occupied a house on the south end of John H. Goodrich's buildings. This house was bought by Phineas C. Kidder and is now the house owned by Frank Gardner. Back of John H. Goodrich's house was once a potash shop owned by Benjamin Goodrich. North of John H. Goodrich's, on the turnpike, was the house of Daniel Holmes. West of the Holmes house was the house of Jotham Searles. Near the house of Horace D. Gage is the cellar-hole of the house of Isaiah Parker. East of the cemetery at North L,yndeborough is the cellar- hole of the house of Ruth Senter. On land of ~L,evi P. Bailey is the cellar-hole of Benjamin Sen- ter's house. On land of D. B. Whittemore, near the old road by Harry Richardson's, is the cellar-hole of the house of Jotham Wilkins. OLD CELLAR HOLES 491 On the road from L,. P. Bailey's to the centre was a mill, on Cold Brook, owned by Capt. Ebenezer Flint. On the hill west of the schoolhouse in District No. 4 was a log-house. This hill now goes by the name of L,og-House hill. Opposite Irwin D. Wilder's barn was once the house of Thomas Boardman. On top of the hill west of Irwin D. Wilder's was the black- smith shop of Charles Whitmarsh. His house stood opposite. This was moved later to where the house of D. E. Proctor now is. South of the old Proctor place is the cellar-hole of the house of John Proctor. This is on the side of the mountain, and he is supposed to have been the first settler there. A cellar-hole near where the John Proctor house stood is where Seth Allen once lived. On the Needham place is the cellar-hole of the house of Ben- jamin Bullock. Near where D. B. Whittemore lives was the house of Jona- than Whittemore. Near the No. 8 schoolhouse was a house once occupied by the workmen of Benjamin Jones. To the west of No. 8 school- house up the hill was the Oliver Whiting farm ; the buildings now entirely removed. Still farther west was the Dea. Samuel Houston place. The building site is marked by two rows of Lombardy poplars, some of them of great age. South of this place about a quarter of a mile is the old Reu- ben Button homestead. Reuben's son Benjamin also lived there. Benjamin's widow was the last occupant, and the build- ings were torn down soon after she left. East of the Button place is the old Woodward homestead. Baniel Woodward was there as early as 1800, and at that time there was an old house on the side of the road opposite where he built the brick house. Sumner French was the last occu- pant. House burned. A few rods east of the Woodward place was where Ira Hous- ton lived. It was from here that he emigrated to the West. North of the Ira Houston place, in a pasture, is the site of the house where Capt. L,evi Spaulding of Revolutionary fame lived. Between the Hill place and B. B. Whittemore's was the house of Samuel Whittemore. 492 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH Just west of Harry Richardson's is a cellar-hole, owner un- known. Robert B. Osgood lived there in 1860. Not many rods north of Frank B. Tay's is the site of the old District No. i schoolhouse. It was on the east side of the road. South of where Charles D. Riley lives was a cellar-hole ; owner unknown. Grannie McMaster is said to have last occupied the premises. There is a cellar-hole in Everett Hutchinson's pasture ; former owner unknown. Cellar-hole on George W. Parker's place. Warren Damon occupied the premises once. House burned. Cellar-hole in the Fitch pasture. Mollie Curtis lived in the house that stood there. Cellar-hole of the house of Joseph Melendy. House burned July 4, 1879. There is a cellar-hole on land of Harvey Perham heirs. The house was once occupied by lizzie Bevins. Cellar-hole on the place known as the " Creesy " place, near H. H. Joslin's. Cellar-hole in the Cummings' pasture on Winn mountain. Occupants unknown. There is a tradition that one of them found money in a tea-kettle secreted on the premises, and appro- priating it, left for parts unknown. Cellar hole on the road to Greenfield, past the Pinnacle house. Known as the Joslin place. Oscar Joslin last occupant. Cellar-hole on land of E. C. Curtis, near the foot of the hill, on what was an old road from where he lives to the Johnson Corner road. Cellar-hole on the road south of where Wm. Richardson lived. Eli Curtis lived there. Cellar-hole on the road past Luther Cram's place, known as the Ellingwood place. Cellar-hole on the road from Foster Woodward's corner to the Annie Fish place. Charles P. Cummings last occupant. Known as the Israel Cram place. On same road, cellar-hole on land of Andy Holt. Stiles last occupant. Cellar-hole on Rose mountain, where James Grant lived. David C. Grant born there. Cellar-hole on Rose mountain, where Abram Rose settled. About twenty rods south of the David Holt place was where David Stratton built a house, said to have been the seventh OLD CELLAR HOLES 493 framed house built in town. This house was moved to near where the present buildings stand, and many years ago was torn down. Oliver Holt built a house in what is now land of E.G. Her- rick's. Known as the Holt field. It stood near the brook. Cellar-hole on road from the Ryerson place to No. 5 school- house, where Samuel Hodgeman lived and where he was killed by lightning. He was the last occupant. Cellar-hole south of the Hodgeman place. A man named Stiles once lived there. Cellar-hole about 20 rods north of Hodgeman 's place. Upton said to have lived there. Foster Woodward was the last occupant of a house that stood near where Joseph Blanchard's barn stands. Samuel Wood- ward lived near by. The railroad passed through the site. West of where Brandy Brook crosses the road to the Centre was once a dwelling. Ruins of the old stone fire-place still to be found. The builder or occupants are unknown. This is on land of Joseph Blanchard. On land of Moses Fuller, between Rose Mountain and the Pinnacle, is the site of a set of build- ings. One or two old apple trees still stand there. A man named Hardy once lived there. Further to the north on the old road or bridle-path to the Button place over Rose Mountain is the site of the Starrett place. The Rose place, the Grant place and the two places just mentioned are all that can be traced of the farms on Rose Mountain. The situation of all these farms is about as bleak as any that can be found in town. It would be interesting to know just why these settlers chose such exposed places for homes. On the Forest road northeast of Winn Mountain is the cellar- hole where John Woodward settled. Jotham Stephenson after- ward lived there, last occupant unknown. On Woodward hill, so called, Joseph Putnam lived and the old cellar-hole may still be seen. Further along this road on Woodward hill was where Samuel Woodward lived and where his children were born. The cellar- hole may still be seen. North of Samuel Woodward's place was the land of Eleazer Woodward, on which were buildings. He never lived there but used to cut the hay on the place, and send some of his boys there to feed it out in the winter to stock kept there, the boys boarding themselves. Israel Woodward used to say that the wolves used to come around nights and 494 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH howl, and sometimes they were obliged to sit up all night to protect the sheep. In the Johnson corner district, on the road to Purgatory falls, is the cellar-hole where Mark Morgan had a house. Further on is the cellar-hole where the Towns family lived, father and son. Still farther to the east is a cellar-hole where a man named Curtis lived. Said to be no relation to the Curtis families in town at present. On the road to New Boston, in what was a part of Lynde- borough since set off into Mont Vernon, is the cellar-hole where Amos Pearsons lived. Next north is the cellar-hole where John Stearns, father of Daniel, Seth and John, lived. Further on is the cellar-hole where Mr. Chamberlain lived. Next is the cellar-hole where Ephraim Kidder lived. Next is the site of the John Rand house. Next is the site of the Edgar Rand house. And last is the cellar-hole where Oliver Senter lived. On the old road towards Milford is the cellar-hole where John Carson lived. Still farther southeast is the cellar-hole where L,evi Curtis lived. In that section of the town is a cellar-hole in what is called the Buxton pasture. Occupant unknown. Between the Haggett place and the brook is the cellar-hole where David Butterfield had a house. West of the Rose place is the site of the house where James Marshall lived. There was formerly a road running west from the Rose place to the present South L,yndeborough road. The Marshall place was on this road. Further west was the site of the William Abbott house. At the foot of the hill west of the Boutwell place is a cellar- hole. Who first built there is unknown. Adoniram Wood- ward, David Cram and many other families once lived there. OLD CELLAR HOLES 495 OLD CELLARS NEAR SOUTH LYNDEBOROUGH, BY REV. D. DONOVAN. A citizen well acquainted with all parts of the town has often said that there are, it seems to him, more old cellar-holes in the town than there are inhabited dwellings. Be that as it may, we find several such ruins near South Lyndeborough, which invite a passing notice. 1. On the farm once owned by Ephraim Putnam, the first of that name in town, was an old cellar, of which the oldest citizens of three generations ago could give no satisfactory ac- count. David Putnam, Jr., who was about eighty years old when he died, knew nothing of its origin or owner. It was then on Dea. John Hartshorn's land about thirty rods south of his house. In cultivating the field the cellar has been filled up, and no trace of it is now visible, though it is well remembered. 2. The old cellar of Ephraim Putnam's house, last occupied by Capt. Israel Putnam, is on land now owned by Mrs. E. H. Putnam, at the corner of the field, nearly opposite the summer cottage of Mr. Lawrence of Cambridge, Mass. The house which stood over this cellar was torn down July 23, 1883. Its lower story was found to be lined with brick between the boards and the lathing. The brick were doubtless used in this way as a defense against the bullets of hostile savages in colonial days. The house was two stories high in front, while the rear roof was like that of a shed, leaving the back of the house but one story, and sometimes low at that. Mr. A. S. Conant, the car- penter who took down the frame, vouches for the brick lining. 3. There is at present no indication of a cellar on the spot, where, according to the Wilton History,* Nathan Hesselton, Jr., was born. The buildings of the glass factory covered the spot, as vouched for by the late David Putnam. 4. It would be a satisfaction if we could as readily name his neighbor, who lived about thirty rods to the southwest. In the pasture now owned by H. E. Emery is a cellar concerning which little more can be learned than its existence. It was east of the road which led from the saw-mill of Nathaniel Put- nam to the original center of the town. The lane which led to this place crossed the Mill Brook by a bridge whose abutments are still in a good state of preservation. One tradition is that a man named Wilkins lived there. Southeast of this cellar are *Page 401. 496 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH two circular spaces whose rims are slightly elevated above the common level.* These circles show that some one used mattock or spade in the days of their construction. The circles are about 30 feet in diameter. The lot in which these remains are found was Second Division lot No. 30, and belonged to the original proprietor, Joseph Blaney ; and a part of this lot was sold to Hesselton. (See Deeds of David Putnam, No. 32.) 5. On the old road to Wilton Center, which after crossing the Bradford bridge, west of South Lyndeborough, turned abruptly to the left, passing through land now owned by W. N. Cheever, lived a few families who cannot well be ignored. About forty rods southwest of the abrupt turn above mentioned is an old cellar which might easily escape notice, if not specially pointed out. This marks the spot where lived William Abbott, grandfather of our townsman, W. H. Abbott, and also, maternal grandfather of Mr. John C. Carkin. 6. Following this road nearly a south course, up a very steep hill, a person comes to the line fence between William Blaney and Jonathan Chamberlain, Jr., which line the road follows over into Wilton. On the east side of this road on a spot com- manding a fine view east and northeast, a century ago stood the dwelling of Capt. William Blaney. The old apple trees and the walls of his fields and garden and the ruins of the cellar all indicate a once finely cultivated farm. His title of captain is said to have come from following the sea. 7. Westward from this site, stood the home of Jonathan Chamberlain, Jr.; and the ruins of the cellar are on an elevation from which he could look across a little valley to the home of his father-in-law, Benjamin Cram, Jr., the place now occupied by Mr. Frank Winn. 8. Turning southwest from the residence of Frank Winn a road down the little valley about an eighth of a mile comes to the old cellar on the south side of the road, over which was the house of Mr. Jacob Woodward, owned recently by his son Jacob Newton Woodward. 9. West of this last mentioned cellar, is that of Jacob Das- comb, once prominent in town affairs, having served four years as town clerk, 1798 to 1802, and said to have been a Revolu- tionary soldier of the Massachusetts line. He was father-in- law of Col. Timothy Putnam. 10. On the old road, a short distance east of Mr. Rufus Cham- * A suggestion is that these may have been coal pits, where charcoal was burned. OLD CELLAR HOLES 497 berlain's is the old cellar of Mr. Amos Wilkins's house. It is near the northwest corner of land now owned by Mr. W. N. Cheever. 11. Still farther east on the same road, and also on land of the same owner, is the cellar of Thomas Lakin's house. It is on the south side of the road. 12. About as far east from the Thomas Lakin cellar as that is from Amos Wilkins's, is the cellar of Moses Stiles, one of the very early settlers. He married Phebe Cram, the sister of Elizabeth, wife of Jonathan Chamberlain, Sr. The cellar is on the land of Mr. Rufus Chamberlain, and owned perhaps by his ancestor, Jonathan, in Moses Stiles' day. The cellar is on the north side of the old road, between it and the road which passes the cemetery. Mrs. Stiles was a daughter of John Cram, the first settler. 13. As far east of the Stiles place as the latter is of the Thomas L,akin place is the cellar of Abel L,akin a brother of Thomas. It was in Abel's barn, which caught fire while he was attending an ordination in Mont Vernon, in 1809, that his two children and one of his brother's perished in the flames. The farm now is owned by Mr. W. H. Abbott. 14. In Emery Holt's pasture sixty rods or more southeast of his house is evidently a very old cellar. None of our citizens have now any knowledge of its builder. 15. There is also in what is called the Burton pasture, on the west side of the Wilton road, a very ancient cellar. The person who lived there is unknown to the present generation, though the land on which it stands is now Mr. W. A. Burton's, and has been Burton property for several generations. CHAPTER XXX. CEMETERIES. BY J. A. WOODWARD. In the absence of all records, it would be hard to deter- mine which of the burial places in town was the first. From the fact that the first settlements in Salein-Canada were made on and near Putnam Hill, one would be led to infer that the South cemetery was most likely the first to be laid out. On the knoll where the pine trees stand in this yard is the grave of Sarah, wife of Lieut. Thomas Boffee, and the headstone bearing the date of Sept. 9, 1772. In the cemetery at Johnson's Corner is the grave of Aaron Carkin, the headstone giving the date of his death as Nov. 19, 1777. In the cemetery at the "Centre " is the grave of George Gould, the date of whose death is Apr. 29, 1783. These dates would indicate that there was probably but few years difference in the time of the laying out of these three yards. Tradition says that most of the first burials in town were those of children, the exposure and privations of pioneer life making the mortality among infants large. Who was the first adult to be buried in any of the cemeteries in town is, to the writer, unknown, and there are no records and no tradi- tions to tell. John Badger was the first within the limits of Salem-Canada without doubt. It was not the custom of those early days to arrange the burial places with the ultimate view of beautifying and adorn- ing them. Neither can it be learned that any lots were sold, each family selecting such a lot as it desired. The mountains and hills, and the rugged character of the land of the town, made it inconvenient for the early settlers to have one central cemetery, and so the places of sepulture were located so as to be convenient for the various communities. In many towns of the state the cemetery adjoined the church, and the cemetery at the " Centre " was probably located as near the church as the nature of the ground would permit. The older headstones in all the yards are of slate, a material which seems to withstand the corroding effects of weather rather better than granite or marble, though some of those old CEMETERIES 499 headstones are so covered with lichens and moss, as to make it difficult to decipher the inscriptions. There are several out of the way places in the town where the dead have been buried. One is in the northwest corner of the field back of the house of Moses C. Fuller. Some of the members of the Chamberlain family are buried there. There is a tradition that there are graves on a knoll east of the old town farm, though there is nothing now to show such to be a fact. Dr. Bartlett is buried on "Crooked S. Hill." His story is told elsewhere. JOHNSON'S CORNER CEMETERY. This was land taken from the farm of Amos Wilkins, the first settler on what is best known now as the Kilburn S. Curtis place. There are no records to show whether the land was bought or donated for the purpose. The town has kept the walls in repair and cared for the grounds to some extent, but it was never deeded to the public. Here lie many of the first set- tlers of that section of the town, the Wellmans, Carkins, Man- nings, Perkinses, Clarks and others who were the pioneers in that vicinity. The cemetery on the Forest road near the Benjamin Crosby place is a private yard controlled by the Butler, Stephenson and Crosby families. It is said that a man named Thompson, who died of the small pox, was the first man buried there. SOUTH CEMETERY. The first plot of land appropriated for this burial place con- tained one half acre. Who was the first owner of the land can- not now be told ; most probably one of the Cram family, perhaps John Cram, the first settler of the town.* There are no writings to show when it was first set apart as a burial place for the dead, but it must have been very early in the history of the town. In comparatively recent years Peter Cram gave a deed of the bal- ance of the land, that is, more than a half acre, to Joel H. Tar- bell and Timothy T. Putnam and their associates, and by them it was deeded to the town. About the same time this deed to the town was given, Rufus Chamberlain gave a deed to the town of a strip of land on the south side of the yard, on condi- tion that the town build a good wall next the road. This condi- tion was accepted and the wall built. On this strip stands the * Joseph Blaney, Esq. who drew home Lot No. 3, drew also and. Div. Lot 41, and was the first owner. See Schedule, p. 53, and also old deed No. 2, p. 482. John Cram bought of Blaney, and was first settler. 500 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH monument erected to the memory of the soldier dead of the civil war. Some of the Revolutionary soldiers are buried in this yard, Lieut. Jeremiah Carleton, Abram Rose, the Boffee family, many of them, and the Putnams, Crams and Chamberlains, of the early settlers. THE WHITTEMORE CEMETERY. Daniel Whittemore came into possession of his lot of land in 1770. Lot No. 124 was deeded to him April 28 of that year, Benj. Goodhue being the grantor. Mr. Whittemore died in 1776 and was the first one buried in this little cemetery, and all of his descendants who have died in town have been buried there. There is strong evidence that some fifteen or twenty out- side that family have also been interred there, among them Capt. Nathaniel Bachelder. Daniel B. Whittemore, the great-grandson of the Daniel be- fore mentioned, says that "most of the families in this vicinity buried their dead there previous to the establishment of the cemetery at the Goodrich corner, ' ' and that ' ' this lot was dis- carded largely on account of the difficulty of digging graves, in consequence of there being so many large rocks in the soil. ' ' NORTH LYNDEBOROUGH CEMETERY. This burial place was probably established about the year 1775, and was on land of Nathan Brown. While there is no deed showing the fact, the land was undoubtedly given by him to the community for a public cemetery. Sept. 15, 1869, Mr. Nathan Brown, of Roxbury, Mass., gave a deed of ninety-five rods of land as an addition to the old yard, and citizens of the vicinity gave money and labor to put in a fence and gate in this new part. In 1895 the town laid out over fifty dollars in build- ing wall and repairing old wall. The oldest gravestone bears the date of May 8, 1793, but Mrs. Benj. Punchard, who died in 1775, was buried there. The headstone of Eliphalet Senter was made of a common boulder, and the inscription was cut out by some member of the family and is dated 1793. This must be the first instance of what is now so common a practice, that of selecting a large granite boulder as a monument. It is here that the Punchards, Bullocks, Gardners, Browns, Kppeses, Seuters, Boardmans, Whitmarshes, Proctors, Atwoods, of the older settlers of this part of the town are buried. Many CEMETERIES 501 of the Lewis family are buried here also, and there is a record of Mr. Eppes' negro, Jennie, being buried here. Whether she was a slave or not is not now known. PERHAM CORNER CEMETERY. This cemetery was probably established when this section of the town was known as Bevins' Corner, but alas ! like all the others, it has no records to aid the historian, and its age as a burial place goes beyond the memory of the oldest inhabitant. There were graves there which time had almost obliterated as early as 1820. The oldest headstone is dated about 1790. It must have been a public yard from the beginning. THE CENTRE CEMETERY. There have been more burials at this yard than at any other in the town, but there is no deed to show how the town came into possession of the land, though tradition says the land was bought of James Boutwell. Probably a larger plot of land was bought than was needed for there are records to show that the town sold part of the land back to Mr. Boutwell. Some hold to the tradition that the land was part of the " common land" over which the town and Mr. Daniel Gould had a controversy, but this is doubtful. The town has made a number of appropriations for keeping in repair the walls of this yard. The present iron gates were pre- sented by Mrs. Robert Hawthorne, formerly Miss Abby J. Boutwell. The gates and granite gateposts were put in place about 1892. The land was never laid out in lots, and the graves have in many instances been dug without regard to order. There is one central walk in the cemetery, curbed with granite, but nothing further to mark the boundaries of the lots, except in a few in- stances where the owners have improved and beautified them. It is in this yard that the Rev. Sewall Goodridge was buried, and many others of the Goodridge family ; George and Daniel Gould, and their wives ; Capt. William Barron and Olive, his wife ; Capt. Peter Clark, and many of his descendants ; Jacob Richardson, the first of the Richardson family to settle in the "middle of the town"; the Woodwards, Duttons, Holts, Hil- dreths, Dea. David Badger and Robert, his brother, the Had- leys, Fullers, Sargents, Boutwells, and many of the Jones 502 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH family. These names of the early settlers, men and women of note and influence in their day, are recorded here. The easterly part of this cemetery is thickly crowded with graves, and many are in the westerly half, more in this part being unmarked by headstones. It is to be regretted that the cemetery was not laid out with well defined walks. Sloping towards the setting sun it might have been made a beautiful burial place, with the range of mountains in view toward the west, which in life the sleepers loved so well. THE WEST OR DOI^UVER CEMETERY. This is situated just north of the No. 5 schoolhouse. The land was donated by Mr. John Dolliver, and the first burials there were those of Mr. Dolliver's first wife and Samuel Hodge- man. They were interred there the same day. This was in 1860. This cemetery is like most of the other burial places in that the town has no deed of the land, but has assumed the care of it. There is also an old burial lot near the old Dolliver place where many persons were buried. There is said to be but one headstone standing, that erected to the memory of one of the Blaney family. Many of the other headstones were of slate and are now broken in pieces. No record or tradition can be gath- ered now in relation to this yard, but it must have been one of the first places of sepulture in town. CHAPTER XXXI. OWNERS AND TRANSFERS OP REAI, ESTATE. SOUTH I.YNDEBOROUGH. BY REV. D. DONOVAN. The village now known as South L,yndeborough was, previ- ous to 1830, called Putnam Corner. The name was given in consequence of the number of Putnam families who dwelt in this part of the town. At the date mentioned above, there were but five dwellings in the place, although authorities differ a little as to this. The places named were the residence of Daniel Putnam, Esq., now the parsonage; the residence of Ephraim Putnam, 3rd, the father of Captain Eleazer Putnam ; the building which was then the residence of Mr. Ebenezer Pearson, later changed to a tavern ; the house of Mr. John Putnam and his sister, both unmarried ; and the house which stood where the cottage of Mrs. Dorcas A. Holt now stands. The second of the houses here named used to stand a few rods north of the present residence of Mr. W. P. Steele, and the old cellar of it is covered by the railroad. The house was removed across the road to the site now occupied by Tarbell's store and was used as a store by William Holt for a time, who was the first merchant in South L,yndeborough. It was afterwards moved across the street to the place where the R. R. Station now stands. It was again removed and now stands as the dwell- ing of Mr. Ward N. Cheever. Mr. Ebenezer Pearson, a shoemaker, lived then where Mr. Andy Holt now lives, but in the old house which was en- larged and changed finally to its present form and proportions. Mr. Pearson's shoe shop was near the ground on which the B. & M. freight house now stands, but a little north of it. He was the father-in-law of Mr. Ephraim Putnam whose home was where Mr. Pettingill now lives. Mr. Pearson removed to where Mr. A. T. Ford now lives, a place not included in the forementioned five houses. His son-in-law, Ephraim Putnam then took the Pearson house, enlarged it, raised its roof, remod- elled it and fitted it for a hotel about 1835. It was then called " The Forest House," probably in honor of the " Forest Road," recently built. Its first landlord was John J. Martin, who kept 504 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH it only a short time. Mr. E. B. Crocker of Amherst was his successor, and also stayed but a short time. January 15, 1839, Mr. Joel H. Tarbell married Esther, the daughter of Mr. Ephraim Putnam, and they commenced life in the hotel, and conducted the house nearly fifteen years. Soon after becoming landlord he was appointed postmaster ; and he kept both the post-office and a country store in that building. Later he bought the stock of merchandise of Mr. Oilman P. Fletcher, who had been trading here but a short time, and he afterward built a new store. He continued in trade till 1857, and retained possession of the hotel. About that time he sold his new store and stock to Mr. William W. Young of Chelsea, Mass., and for several years after that devoted himself to farm- ing on the homestead of his father-in-law. Among the later occupants of the hotel was Mr. William Tar- bell, a brother of the owner, who kept it but a short time. Its proprietor was dissatisfied with its management, and, it is said, took down the tavern sign. After Mr. William Tarbell withdrew, the Shattuck brothers, cousins of the Tarbells, tried the business for a little while, but gave it up. After that the house became for several years a tenement house, in which the families of Mr. John Emery, Mr. Charles Tarbell (half brother of owner), Mr. John Gage and Mr. John Woodward found a temporary home. Mr. Hiram Tarbell, another half brother, afterwards tried keeping it as a tavern, and gave quite an elaborate opening ban- quet. But the business proved insufficient to support the house, and its occupant retired after two months. Mrs. E. P. Wallace conducted it as a boarding house for sev- eral years after that ; and her house was well patronized and had many summer guests. Her daughter, Miss C. M. Wallace, assisted her mother in its management, was a talented lady, a graceful elocutionist, and much sought as a reader. She was also a successful teacher, and in 1878 was chosen superintending committee of schools. Mrs. Wallace's house was called by the city people, "The Pine Grove House," on account of its ' ' proximity " as a writer of those days expressed it, ' ' to three delightful pine groves." Her health failed and she left the place. The house was kept after that as a summer boarding house for a few years by Mrs. E. M. Swasey, and its last manager as such REAL ESTATE 505 was Mrs. M. J. Curtis. Mr. Tarbell was interested always in its orderliness and success, and in its last years as boarding- house, its guests overflowed all its accommodations, many find- ing lodgings in the vicinity and taking meals at its tables. The place was sold to Mr. I,. P. Hadley in 1888, and has since been used chiefly as a farmhouse. Owing to the sudden decease of L,. P. Hadley Dec. 28, 1902, the place was for sale and Mr. Andy Holt bought it in 1904, occupies it, and has added furnace heating, bath room and other modern improve- ments. It is pleasantly situated, near the railroad station, post- office, store and the Baptist church. The reporter above re- ferred to wrote, " A piazza, surrounds the house, and a huge ash tree said to be a hundred years of age gives it a splendid shade on a summer's day." The fourth house of those mentioned was the home of Mr. John Putnam and his sister Betsey, familiarly called Uncle John and Aunt Betsey ; it stood where W. S. Tarbell's house now stands. The main part of the house was taken down, and the ell was removed down the hill westward, and formed a part of the house lately vacated by Mr. Andy Cram. The house of W. S. Tarbell was built by the late Mr. Byron Stacey, son-in- law of Mr. J. H. Tarbell. After Mr. Stacey's death it was purchased by Mr. C. F. Tarbell, and became Mr. Walter Tar- bell's by inheritance. The fifth house of those mentioned was that which was oc- cupied by Solomon Cram, a blacksmith, who came here from Roxbury, Vermont, about 1829. The house stood on the spot now occupied by Mrs. Dorcas A. Holt's cottage. He built the blacksmith shop, the first in the village, which is now carried on by Ward N. Cheever. This was the only such shop in the place till about ten years ago, W. H. Abbott built his shop, and about two years ago, Herbert A. Cheever built his. In addition to these five, we may now notice the dwellings of more recent date. The house south of the railroad station on the Forest road, or main street, is Mr. William P. Steele's. It was built by his father-in-law, Captain Eleazer Putnam, about 1830, and was bequeathed to his daughter, Adeline, who is Mrs. Steele. Many transient visitors to this village find here homelike accommodations. Opposite this is the house so long the home of the late C. Henry Holt, postmaster about twenty-four years, where he kept the post office. The house was built by Dr. Jonas 506 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH Wheeler, whose daughter, Mary A., was the first Mrs. C. H. Holt. It is now the home of Mr. T. M. Beal, who married Miss Ardella, eldest daughter of Mr. C. Henry Holt. This house and grounds became her portion of her father's estate. The adjoining place on the south is the home of Mrs. Dorcas A. Holt, widow of George Washington Holt, who was for a brief period a merchant in this village. The house is open more in the summer, as a resort for her relatives and her son's family, who here seek summer rest and recuperation. South of this and opposite the blacksmith shop is the house owned and occupied several years by Mrs. W. H. Abbott. It was built by Mr. Joseph H. Ford. Here dwelt, for a time, Rev. Mr. Hussey, the Universalist minister, who preached to the believers in universal salvation, and occupied the Baptist meeting-house a portion of the time, for religious services. It was also the home of Mr. Jeremiah Hartshorn, and of his widow, Aunt Ruby, and of Harriet Russell, and of Mrs. Abigail, widow of Capt. Israel Putnam. It was for many years the property of Mr. J. H. Tarbell, who made to it the addition of the two-story part nearest the street. The next house on the street going south is Mr. W. N. Cheever's, already described as that of Ephraim Putnam, 3rd., removed from its former foundation when the house of Capt. Eleazer Putnam was built, for a time used as a store, the first in the village, and later removed to its present place. Mr. Cheever has lived here since 1861, when he came from I^unenburg, Mass. A few rods south of this, across the street, is the house of Mrs. Martha M., widow of the late Charles M. Butler. The main part of her house used to stand with side facing the street. At that time it contained a shoemaker's shop, and also a little store, which were kept by Mr. John J. Martin, a former land- lord of " The Forest House." The ell of this house had previously been a separate build- ing, and contained a basement part. In this lived Mrs. David Gage and her mother for a time ; and here, also, Mrs. Ephraim Hildreth Putnam spent her last days. Very close to this on the south is the residence of J. A. Johnson, Esq. The house was built by Mr. Francis Johnson, father of its present owner, is adapted for two families, and is occupied by both Mr. Johnson, himself, and his son-in-law, Mr. Frank J. Bishop. REAL ESTATE 507 South of this, and on the other side of the street, is a new house, built in 1903, by Herbert A. Cheever, who learned the blacksmith business from his father, worked for him several years, and is now occupying a shop independently. His shop is near his house. Nearly opposite the shop last named is the dwelling of W. H. Cheever, brother of Herbert. He bought a small building and lived in it a few years, and built later the two-story part, using the old part as the ell. He has now a pleasant, comfort- able home. Still farther south and across the street is the home of Mr. John C. Carkin, who is employed by D. Whiting & Co., and has charge of the milk-house, and of their grain and feed sup- plies. The house was built in 1857 by Mrs. David Gage, and was sold to Mr. Olney P. Butler about 1865, and purchased by Mr. Carkin from the heirs of Mr. Butler. On the same lot, a few rods south, is the old house in which John's father, Mr. David Carkin, lived several years. It is now owned by Fred Carkin, grandson of David, and second son of John. Nearly opposite the last-named house is that of Mr. Edwin Wilkerson. It was built by Mr. Olney P. Butler in company with Mr. Hiram F. Blood of Wilton. It was for several years the home of Mr. George Butler, Olney 's son, who sold it to Messrs. Byron Putnam and Walter S. Tarbell. Andrew J. Marshall occupied it a few years as tenant, after which it was purchased by its present owner. It has recently reverted to the Byron Putnam estate. The next house below, on the road towards Wilton, was built by the sons of Major William Richardson whose wife was a daughter of Squire Daniel Putnam. After their father's decease, the sons removed to Milford where the next station on the B. & M. railroad, west of Milford village, is named for them, "Richardson's." The house was afterwards rented to several families, among whom were Mr. Joseph Blanchard, Mrs. Colby, whose son, John Freeman Colby, Esq., of Boston and Mont Vernon, won distingushed honor in his profession.* * Here also lived Mr. Tidd whose daughter, a native of Lyndeborough, won great praise for her presence of mind a few years ago, as a teacher in Somerville, Mass. Discovering the great building in which she was teaching was on fire, she hastily but quietly informed the other teachers to arrange their scholars for fire drill, and got them all out, almost before they discovered any fire. None of the hundreds of pupils were injured, and her prompt action saved both the pupils and the building. The school board publicly thanked her afterwards for her heroic service. 508 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH For the longest period in its history it has been the home of the Ross family, Mrs. Sarah Ross, widow of Samuel Ross, a veteran of the Civil War, and her children. It is now owned by Mrs. Clough of L/ynu, Mass., as a summer residence. The next house south, on the opposite side of the street, is that of Mr. George Ross, one of the fore-mentioned Ross family. It was built by Mr. Nathan Fish, the father of Mrs. Joseph Blanchard. It was the first house built by Mr. A. S. Conant, after learning his trade of house carpenter. The last house in I^yndeborough, on the direct road to Wilton, is Mr. James Colson's. It was built by Mr. Quincy Young, who sold it to Mr. Orin Cram. The latter willed it to his son Nelson, who sold it to Mr. Colson. In 1905 it was pur- chased by Miss Ellen B. Churchill. Before reaching Mr. Colson's house, a road turns to the left leading by where the glass factory used to stand. On this road the first house is that of Mr. George Winn, which he bought of Mr. Samuel Ross. This was used as a boarding house when the factory was in operation, and was managed by Mrs. Cutter, the mother-in-law of Samuel Ross, son of above named veteran. A little farther along, on the right hand, is the dwelling of Mr. Benjamin Joslin, R. F. D. carrier No. i. It was built by the late Mr. J. D. Putnam, agent, and apparent proprietor of the glass factory. After his decease the house was for a time occupied by his daughters, Misses Emma D. and Grace E. Put- nam. It was finally sold to Mr. George Butler, who improved the grounds, added the granite curbing, and, after making im- portant changes in and about the house itself, sold it to Mr. Joslin, its present occupant. Next to this on the same side of the road is a small house, formerly the office of the glass factory, which Mr. Willis H. Draper bought and changed to a dwelling, in which he lived several years. He removed to Nashua, and the house is now owned by Mr. J. Alonzo Carkin and occupied by his brother, Fred Carkin. Turning from the latter house towards the village again, the house on the right is Mr. Willie C. Carkin's, who sold it to Mr. Harry Draper, and recently bought it back and now occupies it. Continuing still towards the R. R. station, the house on the left is Mr. H. E. Emery's. It was built by his uncle, Morris M. Emery, who lived in it several years, and died in March, 1886. His wife died in 1887, and the house became the prop- REAL ESTATE 509 erty of his nephew above named, as the only male heir of the Emery family. Across the street, nearly opposite, is the house of Mrs. Sharpe, widow of the late Joseph Sharpe. The house was built by Mr. William Young, who lived in it a few years, then sold it to Mr. Sharpe, and removed to Manchester. The next house on the same side of the street is Mr. Milo Burton's. He is foreman on this section of the B. & M. rail- road. The house was built by the late J. H. Tarbell, Esq., about the year 1877. It was for years the property of Mr. Edward Hall, who repaired and made important changes in its interior, and later removed to Antrim. Mr. Burton bought it of Mr. Hall. Nearly opposite Mr. Burton's, across the street, is Mr. W. A. Barden's house. It was built by Mr. I,. P. Jensen, an active, worthy citizen, a member of the Congregational church, and for several years the efficient superintendent of the Baptist Sunday School. He was a carpenter by trade. In 1892, he sold his house to Mr. Barden, and removed with his family to California. Very close to Mr. Burton's house is that which was originally built on the same plan, and by the same person, J. H. Tarbell, Esq. It was for several years owned by Mr. Mullin, a glass worker, who, after the closing of the glass works here, removed to New York State. It was let a few years to Mr. A. J. Marshall ; afterwards, it was bought and occupied by Herbert A. Cheever, and after a few years, was sold to Mr. S. S. Harts- horn, its present owner. The next house across the way, and set back from the street, is that built and occupied by the late Mr. Byron Putnam. It is now the property of his adopted daughter, K. Frances Put- nam, who is now Mrs. James A. G. Putnam. Passing under the railroad bridge still west, the house on the right hand, reached by two sets of steps ascending the terraces, is the home of Mrs. Ann M., widow of the late John M. Emery. Mr. Emery was for many years a successful teacher of both vocal and instrumental music. He built the house, lived in it many years, and died in it Sept. 6, 1891. It was first a cottage of a story and a half ; but a few years ago bay windows were added, and an increased elevation of the front gave more room within, and gave the whole a finer appearance. The next place on the opposite side of the street, is the resi- 510 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH dence of Mr. Albert S, Conant, a veteran of the Civil War, and a house carpenter, whose hands have been employed on many of the houses in our village. His dwelling has often accom- modated two families. Among its tenants were Charles H. Wilson, Mrs. George Bishop, Edward Hall, Mrs. Octavia Shedd, W. H. Cheever, Mrs. Letitia McGinley, W. H. Dolliver, Thomas Ross, J. A. Carkin, Miles Wallace, Hartwell Stephen- sou, Will Carkin, twice, Roy Burton, Frank Haley, Mrs. Addie M. Heath, W. H. Abbott, Dustin Wheeler, and John E. Dol- liver, twice. Nearly opposite Mr. Conant' s is the residence of Mrs. Fanny Putnam and her sisters, the Misses Clara and Harriet Brown. It was built by the late John Fletcher Holt, whose widow, Mary A. (Brown) Holt obtained a life lease of the place. The present occupants were her sisters, and were living with her when she died, Jan. 29, 1897. The place then became the property of Miss Flora M. Holt, grand-daughter of John Fletcher Holt, and was purchased from her by Mrs. Putnam, its present owner. We return again to the railroad station. The house was built by Mr. J. H. Tarbell as an armory for the Lafayette Artillery. It occupies a portion of the ground on which the Baptist meeting-house originally stood. Mr. Tarbell offered to give the Baptists the lot on which their meeting-house now stands for their old lot, and also agreed to assist them in mov- ing their house to its location. The offer was accepted, and the building now used as a railroad station was erected in 1863. When the Wilton railroad came through, Mr. Tarbell sold the place to the railr oad company. The building contains a tene- ment in which resides the station agent, Mr. E. A. Danforth, who has held his position about thirty years. Over the main part of the building is a hall, used by the Lafayette Artillery until Citizens' Hall was built. It was known as " armory hall." The next place north of the R. R. station is the Baptist meeting-house, described more fully in the history of the church. North of the Baptist meeting-house is a lane running east- ward, on the south side of which and directly in rear of the meeting-house is a building used as a storehouse by Mr. Everett Cram. On the north side of this lane are first several liorse- sheds. Then eastward is the residence of Mr. James Colson. The main part of the house was formerly a meat market, and REAL ESTATE 511 stood across the street in front of W. H. Cheever's house. It was then the property of Mr. Albro Wilson, who sold it to Mr. Albert Cram and moved to Milford. Mr. Cram kept the market a short time, assisted by Mr. D. B. Sargent, after which he sold it to Mr. J. H. Tarbell, who moved it to its present location. He sold it again to Mr. Miles Wallace, who kept it himself, and let it to various persons, viz.: Roy Burton, Andrew Marshall, Jason Holt, and Will C. Carkin, who finally bought it, and changed it to a dwelling. Byron Putnam accepted security on the property and the ell was added by his co-operation. Mr. Carkin lived in it but a short time and moved to Nashua, when it came into Mr. Putnam's possession. After his death his heirs sold it at auction. It was bought by Mr. Milo Burton, who sold it to John Dolliver, who recently sold it to Mr. James Colson, its present occupant. The next house, near the pine grove, is Mr. Albert Cram's, who built it about the time that the railroad came into the place. Unable to get a lot on either of the thoroughfares, Mr. Joel H. Tarbell sold him the lot on which he built his home. His niece, Miss Irene Cram, was brought up by her uncle, and married Mr. Walter Patterson, and they have their home in Mr. Cram's house. The dwelling next north of the Baptist church is the so-called " brown cottage," now the home of Mrs. Edwin Swasey. The late Joel H. Tarbell gave Mrs. Swasey, his sister, the use of this property during her life. Mr. Tarbell bought one of the buildings which the R. R. company wished to dispose of, re- moved it to this location, and remodelled it into a dwelling house, having Mr. Albert Cram as mechanic. For a time Mr. Tarbell fitted up a small dry goods store in the front part of the house, and stocked it for his grand-daughter, Miss Minnie Stacey. But the business did not seem to pay, and so was soon given up. The rooms were again changed into living apartments, and were occupied a while by Mrs. E. C. Tarbell and son, Charles H.; and also, by Mr. Dustin Wheeler and J. A. Carkin. They are now the home of Mr. Roy N. Putnam, our postmaster. Passing by the ' ' Pine Grove House ' ' already described, and going toward Greenfield, less than half a mile from our post- office are four more dwellings, which are part of South I/ynde- borotigh. The first of these is Mrs. George Willis Hadley's house, two-story, built in 1899 and 1900, near the railroad cross- 5 1 2 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH ing, west of the cut. It is of modern construction and appoint- ments, and a good windmill forces water from the wejl into all parts of the house. It is a handsome dwelling, and the first one in our vicinity to be furnace heated. Farther west, on the same side of the street, is Mr. Charles Clement's home, a pretty cottage, newly painted in 1904. Mr. Clement is a house carpenter, who built his house in 1877, and lived here until 1893, when he removed to Mass. He was em- ployed several years on the bridge building department of the N. Y., N. H. & H. R.R. But last year he returned, and is now occupying his own house. During his absence the house was let to several tenants, among whom were Mr. Dustin Wheeler, Mr. Dana Hadley and Mr. John Dolliver. Opposite Mr. Clement's is the house of Mr. George M. Cram. It was built by Mr. L,evi Tyler in its present form, and Mr. Cram has lived in it about thirty-two years. The road which branches from the Forest road to the centre of the town, between Mr. G. M. Cram's house and that of Mr. Joseph A. Blanchard, has on it three dwellings. The first of these is about three-fourths of a mile from the Forest road, and is the Kidder place,, now the home of Ethan A. Woodward. Mr. W. married Elizabeth Rebecca Kidder, the only living child of Mr. Franklin H. Kidder, and through his wife and also the good will of her parents, he, after his wife's decease on July 20, 1904, became possessor of that part of the original Kidder es- tate. The succession was John, Ephraim, Thomas, Franklin Holt, Elizabeth Rebecca (Kidder) Woodward. On what was also a part of the John Kidder place is the home of Fred Moore, son of Harriet Moore, whose mother was Martha Harriet (Kidder) Moore, wife of Cyrus Moore. The latter is credited with having built the house in which his grandson now lives. Next north of this lives Mrs. Mary, widow of the late Deacon S. S. Cummin gs. The house is now the home of one of her grand-daughters, Mrs. Hayford, who has two children. Deacon Cummings died in 1897, and Mrs. C. keeps possession of the home. The house was built by Mr. Francis Johnson, the father of J. A. Johnson, Esq. Next west of Mr. Cram's is the residence of Mr. Joseph A- Blanchard, nearly in front of a road which comes in from the southwest to the Forest road. The place is said to have had three dwellings on it. A little to the north of the present house REAL ESTATE 513 was one in which Mr. Daniel Cram used to live. He sold out to Mr. Samuel Woodward, the father of the late Foster Wood- ward. Mr. I,evi Tyler was next owner, who built the present dwelling and sold to John Lynch, who again sold to Mr. Luke A.* Lucas, Mr. Blanchard's predecessor. He, the latter, has been the longest occupant of it. He was a soldier in the 8th N. H. V., and was in the battle of Port Hudson. On the same road farther west is the home of Elmer E. Blanchard, son of Joseph A. He succeeded Frank Eaton, whose parents died on the place and were carried to Somerville, Mass., for burial. The place had been previously owned by Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, a member of the Baptist church, called " Baptist Joe," to distinguish him from brickmaker Joe, who was called " Brick Joe." The latter was the father of our townsman, Mr. Rufus Chamberlain. The Eatons bought the place of Mr. Byron Putnam, from whom Mr. Blanchard also bought it. A short distance farther on, the old road passed up the hill a little west of north, to the Jotham Hildreth 1 place, home of both father and son of that name. The old road passed by the Hil- dreth place and continued nearly the same Bourse, and came out at the Forest road near the No. 9 schoolhouse. After the late Jotham Hildreth's death Mr. Herbert Wilkerson bought the place and sold it to the late Mr. Humphrey Gould, whose family have greatly improved the house and its surroundings, make it their permanent home and also entertain summer guests. Near this house on its north side, is a road which crosses the old road and passes down the hill, crossing the Forest road near Mr. Edward Dolliver's, and descending a steep hill, turns sharply to the left, at its foot, and crosses the B. & M. R. R. A little farther on, it crosses the Rocky River. At this point in early days was Sargent's mill, a wool carding and fulling mill. Later a cabinet shop was carried on here, by John Newell and still later by Daniel Cragin, now of Wilton, who for a while had Mr. Albert Cram as a partner. He sold to Mr. Gage, and the latter to Mr. Jacob Crosby, who died suddenly while owner. After his death Mr. Alvaro Buttrick bought it and carried it on a number of years, and sold it to Warren A. Eaton. The latter carried it on till his health failed and he removed to Somerville, Mass. He had made a number of improvements in the way of repairs in both the mill and dwelling. The property was 5 1 4 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH bought by Mr. George W. Eastman, who managed it but a short time, and sold out to its present owner, B. W. Colburn. The next neighbor west of this is Mr. G. W. Eastman. By trade he is a jeweller and repairs clocks, watches, etc. He came to the farm for his health and has added to his farm wdrk the management of a green house, doing considerable business as florist. He also works at his trade as opportunities offer. His place was previously the home of the late Adoniram Russell. The straight road up the hill northwest of Mr. Eastman's leads to Mr. William Dolliver's. His predecessor was David S. Draper. Thomas J. Draper afterwards lived with his father, David S., took care of him in his last days and succeeded in ownership of the place. After the latter 's decease Mr. Dolliver bought it. West of the last named William Dolliver, lives his brother, Samuel Dolliver, in the old home of his ancestors. The house is reported to have been built by John Beasom who came here from Marblehead, Mass, in 1775 with his father, Philip. The latter was the grandfather of the late Capt. John Dolliver, who lived and died where, his son Samuel now lives. Starting again from the village of South I^ydeborough, at the western crossing of the railway, a short- piece of the highway passes southwest from the Forest road towards Temple. After crossing the track of B. & M. R. R., the first house, now occu- pied by Mrs. Dale, was the residence of the late Joel H. Tar- bell, Esq., and here both he and his wife ended their days. It was formerly both the store and the residence of Mr. William W. Young who sold his entire property to the R. R. company, and returned to Chelsea, Mass., about 1874. The R. R. com- pany sold the store to Mr. Tarbell who was its original builder. He moved it back from the railroad and changed it wholly into a dwelling, occupying it till his death, in 1891. His wife, also, Mrs. Esther Putnam Tarbell, continued to reside here till she died, in November, 1901. After this, Mr. Andrew J. Marshall, a civil war veteran, with greatly impaired health, lived in a part of the house, and died in March, 1902. Mrs. Dale became the next tenant and continues so in 1905. The next biiilding is the hair-dressing shop of Mr. John Page, put up about the time that the location of a glove factory was anticipated in our village. The next place is the home of Mr. Roy Burton, who bought REAL ESTATE 515 the place of Mr. Andy Cram. The latter lived here many years, and made considerable addition to it. Here lived Mr. Joel Tar- bell, father of Capt. Joel H., and also Mrs. Abigail Hadley. Near this, on the opposite side of the street, is the home of Mr. A. T. Ford, whose wife died here a few weeks ago. On this ground was an old house occupied in 1835 by Ebenezer Pearson, Jr., the maternal grandfather of Mrs. Joel H. Tarbell. It was later the home of Mr. Joseph H. Ford. The old house was torn down and the present one built by Mr. A. T. Ford, who is a carpenter and wheelwright, and has a small shop near his house. Other tenants were Dustin Wheeler and Mrs. Le- titia McGinley. , Close by Mr. Ford's shop is the blacksmith shop of Mr. W. H. Abbott. Still westward on the south side of the road is the house said to have been built for the miller who conducted the Bradford grist mill. The house stands a little away from the roadside, and previous to 1840 was the home of Elijah Upton, who married first, Alice Putnam, and second, Sally Bradford, daughter of the mill owner. It became afterwards the home of Salathiel Lidson Wheeler, and is now the property of his widow, who lives with her daughter Minnie, the wife of George Blanchard, in Green- field. Fred A. Carkin was living here when in June, 1904, he be- came the victim of a mysterious and almost fatal accident. He was assisting to kill and bury a horse when a bullet glanced from the animal, struck Mr. Carkin in the chest, and, as was supposed, lodged near his spinal column. Much sym- pathy was felt for him and his family of wife and six little children, and the kindly assistance possible was extended generally. He lingered long on the boundary, seemingly be- tween life and death, but has survived till now, July, 1905, and is able to perform some light kinds of labor. The house is much out of repair, and is at present vacant. After ascending the steep hill west of the river, one comes to the residence of Mr. Isaac Lowe, where reside also Mr. Jason Holt and his son-in-law, Mr. John Curtis. The buildings are pleasantly situated and comparatively new. On this place, about a century ago, lived Thomas Bradford, son of Capt. John Bradford of Amherst, and brother of Ephraim Putnam Bradford, the long time pastor of the Presbyterian church, New Boston. Thomas Bradford came here from Hancock about 1803. He 516 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH was the owner of the grist mill above mentioned. Both he and his wife died on the place. His son, James C., lived with his parents, and received the place for the service rendered them in their last days. James afterward sold the place to Andrew Tyler, and Mr. Tyler again sold it to Mr. Charles Tarbell, his brother-in-law, who lived on the place several years, and sold to Mr. Lowe, the present owner. The next place southwest is Mr. Benjamin Martin's. He came here from Hancock about three years ago, and has again sold his place and is about to leave town. The house was built by Mr. James C. Bradford. Others who made their home here for a time were John Emery, William Young, Charles Young, F. H. Hallett and Mr. Martin. Again ascending a steep hill to a kind of landing, we reach the home of Mr. Frank Winn, on the south side of the road. He purchased the place a little more than a year ago, from Mrs. Houghton of Boston, who had owned the place as a sum- mer residence for about two years. She bought the place from Mr. George Murch, who had owned it about ten years, having bought it of Mr. Edward Weston, who was the successor of his father-in-law, Mr. Artemas Woodward. Mr. Woodward built the barn, one of the large, fine barns of the town. Mr. Murch was a carpenter and made additions to the house and repaired it much. He also built the carriage house. Walter S. Murdo and wife, Hattie D. (Steele) Murdo lived here a short time, as tenant for Mrs. Houghton ; as did also Mr. Richard Cram and wife. This is known as one of the very old places of the town, begun by John Cram, Jr., son of John, the first settler, and afterwards owned by Benjamin Cram. It is said that three Benjamin Crams lived here at one time. Rising another steep, westward from Frank Winn's place, one comes to Mr. Pettingill's place. He married Clara N., daughter of the late Mr. William Ryerson, March, 1897, and has since been a resident on this place. It is the old place of Ephraim Putnam who came here from Danvers, Mass., and who, to distinguish him from two others of the same name in the town, was called " Danvers Ephraim." He owned a large tract of land in L,yndeborough. He died May u, 1821, aged 76. His son Ephraim succeeded him in the old homestead. He was known as Ephraim 2nd. He married Esther, daughter of Ebenezer Pearson, Jr. They were REAL ESTATE 517 the parents of Mrs. Joel H. Tarbell, whose maiden name was Esther Putnam. Mr. and Mrs. Joel H. Tarbell lived on this place several years after the death of Mrs. T's parents, and sold the place to William N. Ryerson, whose widow still lives in her old home with Mr. and Mrs. Pettingill. Going still westward the next place is that of Mr. Azro D. Cram. The house was built by Mr. Jonathan Putnam, brother of Ephraim Putnam, 2nd, for his son, Jonathan Putnam, Jr. Still westward and up another quite steep hill, fifty or sixty rods away, is the home of Mr. J. C. Miller. This was first the home of Jonathan Putnam above named, who lived and died there. His son, Ephraim Hildreth Putnam, commonly called " Hildreth " Putnam, lived here with his parents, and also after their death. He sold the place to Benjamin F. Tenney, and the latter sold it to Solomon Cram, the father of Azro, above named. Mr. Orin Cram, one of his sons, lived here with his father, and after his father's death sold the place to Mr. Benjamin Gould, who sold to Mr. Miller, its present owner, and went to Califor- nia. This is very near the height of land on this highway. After passing Mr. Miller's, a person will descend quite a steep way and then come to a level spot where once stood a dwelling. This was the home of a Mr. Hodgeman, who mar- ried the oldest daughter of Mr. Solomon Cram. Mr. Hodgeman was killed by lightning here, and his widow afterwards mar- ried Alban Buttrick. The next building on that road is the schoolhouse of district No. 5. The road passes on westward a short distance and in- tersects with the road which runs from L,yndeborough Centre past the Hildreth place toward Temple. South of this last intersection are two others before the main road reaches the Wilton line. The first turns southwest and passes the home of Mr. Foster, who bought the place about two years ago. He is a painter and paper-hanger as well as a farmer. He bought of Mrs. Thomas Dale. Others who had previ- ously lived there were Samuel K. Russell, George H. Blood and John Fletcher, who probably built the house. It is the last house before reaching the Temple line. An eighth of a mile farther south a lane turns to the right to the home of Marshall B. Richards. The place was occupied about a century ago by Jedediah Russell, a revolutionary sol- dier, and afterwards by his son, a soldier of 1812. It was owned 5 1 8 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH later by Herman Wright, Edward D. Smith and its present owner. On the southward road a short distance away, are the fine buildings of W. W. Burton, the last before reaching the Wilton line. Here at the southwest corner of our town is one of its fine farms. The place contains 273 acres and was owned by the present Mr. B's father, Dexter Burton, in his day prominent among the military men of this district. Commencing again at E. W. Dolliver's intersection on the way towards Greenfield, the first house is that of Mr. Sewall M. Buck, a painter and paper-hanger by trade. His house stands back from the highway, and was formerly the home of Capt. William Button, who married Sarah, daughter of John Beasom, and they brought up a large family on this place. The Button heirs sold the place to Israel Cram, and he bequeathed it to the Congregational church, whose agents, N. T. Mclntire and Peter Clark, sold it to Mr. Buck, a civil war veteran, and an upright, industrious citizen. Nearly west from Mr. Buck's is the cellar of what was known as the ' ' The Mountain House, ' ' conducted for a time by Mark B. L,angdell, who was succeeded by several others. Its reputation was none of the best ; and when it burned to the ground, there was very little lamentation over it among law- abiding citizens, it is said. Nearly opposite this, between the small cemetery and the in- tersection of " the gulf road," is the house known as the Crosby house. It is now owned by Roy Burton, son of John Hale Bur- ton, and son-in-law of Mr. S. M. Buck. It is at present the home of Mr. Holden, who married the owner's sister. It was previously the home of Abram Wright, John Flint, William Bolliver, and perhaps others, but took its name from Benjamin Crosby, a worthy and highly esteemed citizen. About half a mile away on the direct road to Greenfield is the old cellar of the house of John Stephenson, who appears to have been the son of the John Stephenson who called the first meeting under the town charter. He built the mill on Rocky River which has now disappeared, though traces of the old mill dam remain. The place is thought to have been owned previ- ously by John Woodward and Chase Hadley. Next on the Forest road towards Greenfield, and standing far back from it on the right hand is the house of Mr. George Newton. The old road was crooked and went near the house. REAL ESTATE 519 The Forest road avoided the bends and left the houses some- times inconveniently situated. It was formerly the home of Harvey M. Newton, Mark Hadley and perhaps Thomas Bof- fee. The place is the last in I^yndeborough on that road. For Thomas Boffee see pp, 174 and 175. The old road to Peterborough, after crossing the bridge near the site of the Stephenson saw- mill, passes up by the house of Jotham Sumner Stephenson, a grandson of the builder of the mill. The house was for a time the home of his aunt, Mary Stephenson. He bought the place of Josiah Swinington, who built the house and for a time lived in it. To distinguish him from his father, Jotham, he is known as Sumner Stephenson. Passing south through Mr. Stephenson 's door-yard, twenty or more rods away, is the old building for many years the dwell- ing of Job and Betsey Swinington. They were among the con- stituent members of the Baptist Church, (p. 338.) The old building is no longer used as a dwelling, but serves as a poultry house. Passing on still west on the Peterborough road from Mr. Stephenson's there is the old cellar of a small house built by Olney Butler ; and next is a house now occupied by Leon Dra- per, a son of the late James Draper of Greenfield. It was built for a harness shop by Horace Butler, and was later the home of Lucinda Searles, who died in March, 1888. The house has been unoccupied much of the time since, till Mr. Draper found a home in it. The last house in I^yndeborough on this old road is that occu- pied by Mrs. Emery, a widow, and a sister of the last-named I^eon Draper. Till a recent day this place was the property of the late Dr. James Butler of Dempster, a son of Jacob Butler and grandson of Jonathan Butler, a Revolutionary hero. (See Roll p. 176.) This house was doubtless built by Jonathan, and was in the hands of his grandson till within a very few years. The barn connected with this house has a historic interest. It was the old town house which served the Congregational Church as their third meeting-house, and was only given up after they built their present church, in 1837. It was after- wards sold to Jacob Butler, who took it down, piecemeal, and transferred it to its present site. The mechanism of it reflects no whit of discredit upon its builders. Between the bridge over Rocky River and the house of Mr. Sumner Stephenson a road turns to the right, which is a con- 520 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH tinuation of the gulf road. There is on it but a single dwelling before the Greenfield line is reached, and this has been vacant much of the time in years past. It belongs to Mr. William Fish, who bought it of Everett Swinington, its builder. Ever- ett and Josiah were sons of Job and Betsey Swinington. This accounts for nearly all the places on the west side of the town whose owners' post-office address was South I^yndeborough until Rural Free Delivery was established, March i, 1901. We return again to the village and commence at the school- house in District No. 3. The lot was given, as we have heard, for a schoolhouse. The old schoolhouse was burned, and this present house has been its successor since about the year 1859, and was then reported by the superintending committee, Rev. E. B. Claggett, as "an excellent house." But that was long ago. One of the five ancient dwellings of the village was the par- sonage. It was built by Daniel Putnam, Esq., previous to the year 1800. That year, on the occasion of a military muster, he was licensed to keep a tavern for forty-eight hours. The builder of the house was a carpenter by trade and lived in this house, as did also his son, David Johnson, commonly called Johnson Putnam. Johnson was for a time organist at the centre church. The Baptist Church held its meeting in this house when the council convened which decided upon its recognition. After Squire Daniel's death, the house had many tenants. To name them in order is hardly to be expected. We give the names obtained, viz.: William Holt, called "honest Billy," the first merchant, after selling his store lived there ; Ezra Dane, also a merchant ; George W. Hutchinson, the Christian minis- ter ; William Duncklee, Joseph H. Ford, Morris Emery and William Young, of whom it was bought for a parsonage in 1876. Since then all the pastors of the Baptist Church, S. B. Macomber, William R. Warner, H. G. Hubbard, Gaylord B. Smith and D. Donovan have lived in it. The nearest neighbor east of the parsonage is Mr. C. H. Tarbell, son of C. F. Tarbell, deceased, and grandson of the late Capt. Joel H. Tarbell. The house was built by J. Alonzo Carkin in 1893. After occupying it a short time, he moved out of town. It was then let for a time to Dustin Wheeler, and was afterwards purchased by Walter S. Tarbell, who sold it to his brother, C. H. The latter added the two-story ell part and the neat veranda at front and east side. REAL ESTATE 521 Farther up the road on its north side is the homestead of Dea- con David Putnam. The house was built by Deacon David, who died in 1870. David Putnam, his son, made alterations in it and added to it, but a few years ago arranged to have the place carried on by his eldest son, Algernon W. Putnam. The latter, in 1903, greatly enlarged the house by building the two-story central part, which, with the western wing, he oc- cupies, while his parents reside in the eastern part. Still farther east, on the brow of the long hill, south of the old road to the centre, is the neat, well-kept cottage of Mr. Lawrence of Cambridge, Mass. From the broad veranda added by Mr. Lawrence to this fine cottage, may be obtained one of the broadest, pleasantest views afforded by any point in our town. To the and southwest are the grand old mountains, and to the south are the Wilton highlands, cut by the turbulent Souhe- gan, winding its course through Milford and Amherst toward the valley of the Merrimack and the sea. Mr. L,. bought the place from Capt. Mclntire of Hyde Park, Mass., who had owned it a few years. He got it of C. Henry Holt, whose second wife was Hattie L/owe, daughter of Mr. John Lowe, and whose only daughter, Effie Holt, was sole heir to the property. Mr. Holt took care of his wife's parents in their closing days, and had charge of the estate on behalf of his daughter Effie, who received the avails of the sale in due time. Mr. Lowe had purchased of Lorenzo Holt, a carriage painter, who was a brother of C. Henry, and removed to Peterborough. He bought the house from the builders of it, John F. and Harvey Holt. Nearest neighbor east of Mr. Lawrence is Mr. E. H. Putnam, whose place is doubtless one of the oldest in town. Who built the house does not seem to be known to the family occupying it or to our oldest inhabitants. At some point on this place, John Cram, so far as present evidence indicates, the first settler in Lyndeborough, built his home in 1736, or thereabouts. Tradi- tion credits him with having command of the garrison-house, or fort, a command which seems to have been ^transferred to his son-in-law, Ephraim Putnam, after he sold him the place. Ephraim Putnam took possession in 1753, the year that the town took the name of Lyndeborough. The house in which he first lived here was destroyed by fire, but he built a new house. Neither the date of the fire nor of the erection of new house has been positively ascertained. Valuable records are said to have 522 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH been consumed in the old house. It was in the house of Ephraim Putnam that "the first meeting in L,yndeborough in the interests of a settled ministry " was held Sept. 3, 1756. The new house was, very likely, that in which his son, Ensign David, lived, who was also deacon of the church at the centre. It seems to have been Ensign David who, after attending a council called for the ordination of a pastor which refused to or- dain on account of unsound doctrinal views, said, "We have had a flustration instead of an ordination." Col. Timothy Putnam, a son of Ensign David, also seems to have lived in it for a time. Joshua Sargent also owned the place once, and lived here with his daughter Ruthy and her husband, Captain Israel Putnam, and here he ended his days. The house stood on the corner, nearly in front of what is now Mr. Lawrence's summer cottage, until July 23, 1883, when it was torn down, and found lined with brick between the boards and lathing of the lower story, perhaps both a reminder and successor of the old fort of Indian war times. A few rods in front of this house a road turned sharply to the west and passed on to the house of David Putnam, Jr., a son of Ensign David Putnam. David, Jr., built the old house on what is now the D. P. Hartshorn place. He sold out to John Hartshorn, David P.'s father, whose wife was Susanna B. Putnam, and then built the house where the present Deacon Putnam and his son Algernon live. After John Harts- horn took possession, he built the " Hillside House," and was for many years a thrifty and prosperous farmer. This is said to be the first place in Lyndeborough to entertain summer board- ers, and the house has been filled many seasons with influential and honored guests. A short distance east of the above house is the home of Mr. F. B. Richards, a brother-in-law of Mr. D. P. Hartshorn. Mr. R. built here soon after his marriage to Miss lyizzie Hartshorn, and considerate of the filial spirit of his wife, who wished to live near her excellent mother, concurred with her in locating near her old home. Mr. R. and family have been the sole occupants of this place, including Mrs. R.'s portion of her father's estate. Returning again to the intersection of the road, to the place once fixed upon as the centre of old Salem-Canada township, where was the home of John Cram, the first settler, we may delay a few moments for a glance at his family and connections. Whether by purpose or accident, the estates of his children seem REAL ESTATE 523 remarkably near his first home. It is quite probable this was the house of Kphraim Putnam which was burned. His oldest son, Capt. Jonathan, lived over the hill southeast of Mr. I^uther Cram's, on what is known as the John A. Putnam place. His daughter Phebe married Moses Stiles, who lived southeast of' his home, and almost within hailing distance. His son Joseph owned the place now known as the Emery Holt place. His daughter Huldah married Ephraim Woodward, and lived toward the north part of the town. His son John settled in Wil- ton, where Ephraim Putnam first settled, almost in sight of his father's home. It looks as though he might have exchanged places with his sister's husband, with his father as intermediary. Sarah Cram married Ephraim Putnam and came back to live in the old home. Elizabeth, twin sister of Sarah, married Jona- than Chamberlain, Sr., who received seventy-five acres of lot 41, for taking care of Joseph Cram and giving him Christian burial. The most likely conjecture about the building of the house in which Edwin H. Putnam now lives is that it was built by Jona- than Chamberlain, above named. The house seems to be on lot 41 and on the part of it deeded to him. Benjamin Cram, also a twin son, settled in I^yndeborough, probably on the place where Percy H. Putnam now lives. Thus the Crams, Stiles', Wood- wards, Putnams, Chamberlains and others whom we cannot now name, were drawn together and united with each other, and large sections of their estates were not only in plain view, but also widely contiguous. Thinking then of the central point again, the oldest house, unquestionably, on Putnam Hill at present is Mr. E. H. Putnam's. Many years ago a very aged man called at the place that he might once more see the home of his early days. It was a Mr. Herrick who had gone west and returned to visit his native place. Here lived Timothy Thurston Putnam, who was Albert Hardy's successor, and here at an earlier day lived John Carleton. A complete list does not seem at this date attainable. About northeast from Mr. E. H. Putnam's, and in plain sight from the dooryard is the home of Mr. Emery Holt and also of his eldest son, Harvey and family. The main part of the house faces the road, and is two-story in front. Extending back from the rear of the two-story part is an older part whic is one-story, and connects with the other buildings. A structure older than either of these was taken away to give place for the present one. This was built by John F. Holt who lived here 524 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH himself, and whose father lived in the older part. Joseph Cram, a son of John, the first settler, is said to have owned the place first. It seems to have been owned later by both Daniel and John Chamberlain,* who were probably grandchildren of Elizabeth (Cram) Chamberlain, Joseph's sister, who, with her husband, had the care of her brother in his last days, and aided in giving him " Christian burial." It joins the Manuel place on the southwest, and in the pasture southeast of the house is found a very ancient and almost obliterated cellar hole. Mr. Emery Holt bought the place of his kinsman, John Fletcher Holt, and has lived here many years. About a half-mile northeast of Mr. Emery Holt's the road divides, the right hand branch going toward the meeting-house and the left hand going very nearly north towards the Stephen- son homestead, now occupied by Mr. Willis J. Stephenson. This name seems to be variously pronounced and spelled, as if Stimson and Stinson. The schedule attached to the Masonian Charter, and the charter itself, each, contains the name in one of these forms. From these records it is evident that David Stinson or Stimson owned a share in the town, numbered, Home L,ot 48 ; together with Second Division I^ots 58 and 59, before it was chartered under the name of L,yndeborough, that is, before Dec. 5, 1753.1 The Rev. Frank G. Clark wrote, that " David Stephenson and wife settled on the farm still called by that name, and owned early in the history of the town the lots north and northwest. "J Mr. Stephenson's house. was built by his father, the late Jonathan Stephenson, who passed away in his 97th year ; long a prominent man in the business and counsels of the town, selectman, town clerk, overseer of the poor and town representative. He built on the site of the former house which burned down, and in which many of his valuable papers were destroyed. Retracing our way back to the road which passed the furnace and the cemetery, the next dwelling is that of Mr. Rufus Chamberlain, south from the cemetery. Mr. Chamberlain built the house in which he lives. It stands on the farm which con- tained 75 acres, deeded to his great grandfather, Jonathan Chamberlain, by the Cram heirs, on condition of his supporting his brother-in-law, Joseph Cram, and giving him " Christian * The late Mrs. S. P. Hartshorn testified that "John Chamberlain made nails at the iron furnace " before Henry and James Cram 2nd. carried it on. He was probably the maker of those referred to on page 457. t See Charter, p. 48, and Schedule, p. 53. \ S-C., p. 27. REAL ESTATE 525 burial." An older house had been removed from this site to make place for the new one. In the old house had lived Henry Cram, who owned and operated the furnace, and also his son Peter, who was a capable man and an honored citizen. The latter sold his place and later went West to live. It was after- wards sold to Mr. Chamberlain who now has passed his eighty- sixth milestone, and is honored and respected by his fellow-citi- zens. The next place is Mr. Luther Cram's. Here he has culti- vated his ancestral acres and built the fine house in which he lives. It stands on the brow of a broad hill which overlooks the South village nestling in the basin to the westward. It is reached from the west by a beautiful avenue shaded by fine maple trees of his own planting, adding a special charm to the place of his nativity. The view obtained from his summer house, a little to the south of his dwelling, is unsurpassed even among the many grand and pleasing prospects of the town. He is now one of the sturdy, aged men of our town, clear-headed and liberal minded. Though he looks somewhat old, " his age is as a lusty winter, frosty but kindly." He is one of the history committee, and has assisted much in securing the publication of the history of his native town. He has served the town in all the principal offices within its gift. The place next south of Mr. L,. Cram's is Mr. Elbert Barrow's. Mr. Barrow is a son-in-law of the late Mr. E. J. Hardy, and came here from the West about three years ago, and bought the place on which Mr. Charles Carr had lived. The latter bought of Mr. Nello Tarbell, who had lived on it about a year. It had been sold to him by Albert Cram of the fifth generation from the first settler. The house was built by James Cram, 2nd, Albert's father. Mr. Barrow, since coming here to live, has added to his estate, which is partly in Wilton, about fifty acres more of Wilton territory. The next place going east was formerly that of Uriah Cram, a Revolutionary minute-man, and grandson of the first settler. The cellar of his old house which was two story (see Revolution- ary roll, p. 182), is but partially covered by the new building erected by the late John A. Putnam, whose widow now occupies it. She was Louise Cram, daughter of Joseph, and grand- daughter of Uriah Cram. Here her sister, Harriet Russell, ended her days in November, 1900. Her grandchildren, the Misses Bertha and Susie Chenery, have here a home with her. 526 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH The barn connected with this house covers a portion of the cellar of the old house of Capt. Jonathan Cram, the eldest son of John, who came here from Massachusetts soon -after his father came. He was a prominent man in town. Five sons and two daughters were settled in Lyudeborough, Jonathan who later lived in Wilton, David, Jacob, Solomon and Uriah. The daughters, Elizabeth and Rachel, married respectively, John Carkin and Ephraim Putnam 3rd. Jonathan is said to have served in the French and Indian war before coming to Salem-Canada. The place east of his is known as the Ellinwood place. Samuel Ellinwood lived in school district number three in 1808, and Samuel Ellingwood and Ira S. Ellinwood were reported in 1819 as having produced certificates that they were " members of the Baptist Society." (See page 337.) Samuel is reported to have lived to a great age and died on this place. There re- mains only the old cellar now to show where his house once stood . Southeast of this place near the Wilton line was the place called the "Russell Place." The Russell who lived there was probably Jedediah, Jr., as given in the tax list of school district number three in 1808. There is now no dwelling on the place ; but the old cellar shows where it once stood. PLACES IN DISTRICT NO. 6. As one passes out of school district No. 3, towards district No. 6, the first habitation reached there is that of A. A. Melendy. This is another of the old places of the town. On it lived Jacob, son of Jonathan Cram. He was one of the petitioners for the provincial charter in 1763, married Isabel Hutchinson, and was prominent in trying to have the meeting house nearer the settlers in that part of the town. This re- sulted in his having the preaching at his house a fourth of the time. (See page 282.) His successor on the place was his son-in-law, Andrew Harwood, and then his grandson, Andrew Harwood, Jr., Dexter K. Holt and A. A. Meleudy. Mr. Melendy's next neighbor towards Milford is Mr. E. E. Ivowe, His predecessor was Daniel Austin and his again, Per- sons Holt. Before Mr. Holt was Samuel Hartshorn, whose father was John Hartshorn, born in I,yndeborough March 26, 1756, married Sarah Batchelder, born in the same town, June 26, 1762. This was the original Hartshorn place. REAL ESTATE 527 The next place east was the Eben Batchelder home. He is said to have come from South Reading, Mass., where he married Betsey Dix. He seems to have been the father-in-law of John Hartshorn whose farm adjoined his. Mr. Batchelder's succes- sors were Charles Harvey Holt and William P. Holt. The place of Mr. George W. Parker is the next on the road ; and many think it the most famous fruit farm in New Hamp- shire, if not in New England. He made the cultivation of fruit a specialty, and by his success in this line has given not only his own townsmen but those of other towns and of a wide section of the country a genuine surprise. He raises apples, peaches and plums, and the finer varieties of these and his harvests in bearing years are rich and remunerative. The skilful management of his place is quite a marvel, and does credit to the owner and to his town. On this place is also a mineral spring whose medicinal proper- ties in many cases produce marked results. Its medicinal property " is due to three things: its carbonate of magnesia, its great purity, and the suitable proportions of its constitu- ents." The carbonate of magnesia which seems to be the most prominent constituent is described as "antacid, laxative and antilithic." Mr. Parker's predecessors on this farm were, probably, Ed- ward Bevins, Jr., a Revolutionary hero, who is said to have been the pioneer settler on or near that place. (See Old Deeds No. 15, p. 483.) The section of the town in which this farm lies was in the early days known as Bevins' corner. In this connexion a story of feminine prowess is told which seems too good to miss. " Sally Bevens was accustomed to assist her neighbors at hay-making and harvesting. And once, on her return home, she heard her pig squealing vociferously. Satis- fied as to the cause of it, she seized a good, stout fire-brand and sped to the rescue. She overhauled the burdened foe, engaged him with her brand, and though his claws cruelly tore the flesh from her shoulder and upper arm, so that she carried the marks to her grave, she yet proved victor, routed the bear and saved her pork. ' ' Such was the pluck shown in many of our early settlements. Others who succeeded in possession of that place were David Perham, Josiah M. Parker and its present owner, who appears to have surpassed all others in rendering it productive. Mr. Harry R. Chase lives on a part of what is called the old 528 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH Blanchard place. The first of that name on it was, perhaps, Lieutenant Jotham. His successors were Asa, and Asa, Jr., the father of Mrs. G. W. Parker, Mrs. Chase and also Mrs. G. G. Hatch. Mr. Chase is living on what has been called the Asa Blanchard farm. The next place is the home of Mr. Hodgen. Before him, it was that of Charles Savage. He was preceded by Charles and H. M. Tarbell who bought of Ezra F. Melzar. The latter married Susan E., daughter of James Pearson who came to I/yndeborough in 1829 and removed to Milford in 1856, where he died, 1879. Mr. Pearson left the farm soon after the mar- riage of his daughter to Mr. Melzar, and the latter sold it and removed to Milford about nine years later. The place is known as the Pearson place. The McAllister place is the name by which Mr. Elmer B. Parker's farm is now known. Mr. Parker married L/ula E. McAllister whose father, George S., died March 22, 1904, and the young people are now carrying on the place. The place was sold to Mr. McAllister by Dexter Kendall Holt. Its present owner, like his father, George W. Parker, is a fruit grower, and rivals his father's skill in its cultivation. Next to this is what is known as the Emerson Batchelder place. It has been for many years the home of his son, John C., who made a specialty of grape culture, and raised great quantities and wonderfully fine samples of that fruit. He de- parted this life Aug. n, 1904, and his son George is continuing the work of his famed father. On the place are two sets of buildings, and it has been justly noted for its excellent grapes. The next house is the last in Lyndeborough before reaching the Milford line, and belongs to Mrs. Charles L,eroy Hutchinson. The place was previously owned by Israel Porter Holt, and was then called the " Porter Holt " place. Before that it was owned by Milo Robbins, and earlier still by Russell Robbins. Returning again to the road which goes from Mr. Harry R. Chase's to Wilton, a small dwelling near Mr. Chase's is the home of Mr. J. W. Chute. David Perham has been named as the builder. On the road from Perham corner to Wilton, the first turn to the right leads to the late Mr. Harvey Perham's place, now the home of his widow and youngest son and daughter. The .son is carrying on the place, which seems to have been part of the old Perham homestead. The succession traced back seems to REAL ESTATE 529 be John, Harvey, John, Oliver 2nd, Oliver, revolutionary hero. (See Roll, pp. 194, 195.) A short distance northwest of the Harvey Perham place is that of John A. Bullard. It was previously owned by Charles Tarbell, whose predecessor was Jonathan Mclntire. It was the home of John Perham, father of Harvey. Farther along on that road is the Joseph Perham place. Mr. Perhain is said to have been a large man, and to have worn more than a number twelve boot. He was a brother of John above named. His place was the last on that road before reaching the Wilton line. His successor was his son Rodney. After him came Sylvester Small. After Mr. Small's day the place was divided into two parts ; one of these was purchased by Mr. Baldwin, postmaster at Wilton, who has built a fine house on it, and the other part, south of the road, was bought by Mr. George M. Hartshorn, who owned it a few years and then sold it to D. Whiting & Co., of Wilton. Returning to the Wilton road by way of Harvey Perham's, the nearest place is that of his late brother, Otis, who was un- married. Mr. Albert Foster is the present owner, and occu- pying the house with him is his son-in-law, Fred H. Tarbell. The last place in L,yndeborough on this Wilton road is that built by Mr. Edward Powers, deceased. Mr. Fred H. Tarbell bought the place and lived there until after the death of Mrs. Foster, his wife's mother, when he moved his family into the home of Mrs. Foster's father. DISTRICTS NO. ONE, TWO, POUR, SEVEN AND EIGHT. BY J. A. WOODWARD. It would be impossible at this date in the history of the town to give an absolutely correct record of the transfers of the farms. We say ' ' impossible ' ' because in many cases the deeds of the early transfers were never recorded, and in other cases were not recorded until twenty or more years after the transactions took place; and tradition is not a very safe basis upon which to build a record. We submit the following record as only approximately correct. Much of the information was secured while trying to "climb the family trees " of the people of the town ; from transcripts of records at Exeter and Nashua made by John H. Goodrich, Esq., and from tradition. Except in a few instances no attempt was made to record the changes in ownership of abandoned farms. 530 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEB ORO UGH DISTRICT NO. I. The Ordway place. John Ordway first built here. Timothy Ordway, Timothy Ordway, Jr., Walter Ordway, Amos W. Barden, Hadley Bros., Derastus Emery, Frank E. Cummings. Present house built by Amos W. Barden. The Moses Chenery place. This was a part of the Ordway farm. John Ordway, Enoch Ordway, Moses Chenery, Moses Chenery heirs, Charles J. Cummings. The Hadley place. Joshua Hadley was the first settler on this land. The farm has always been kept in the Hadley family. Chase Hadley, Franklin Hadley, I,evi P. Hadley, Mrs. Minerva Hadley. The Amos Pratt place. This place was also a part of the original Ordway estate. The name of the first builder on the land is unknown. Amos Pratt, John J. Balch, David G. Dickey, Mrs. Minerva Hadley. The "Old Town Farm." Eleazer Woodward took a deed of this land from Robert Hooper, Aug. 10, 1770, and was the first settler and builder thereon. Eleazer Woodward, Jr., town of L,yndeborough for fifty years as town farm, George E. Spalding, Martin Whitney, Milford Five Cents Savings Bank, Jacob A. Woodward. The town remodeled the house but re- tained a part of the original Woodward building. The Nathan Richardson place. Robert Badger was the first settler on this land.* Nathan Richardson, Harry J. Richard- son. The Isaac P. French place. William Barren took a deed of this land from Rev. Sewall Goodridge, Sept. 28, 1768. Mr. Barren built and kept a tavern here. Isaac P. French, Oliver Bixby, Samuel Jones, Dexter Holt, George T. Woodward, Charles Keyes, Frank B. Tay. The Fiske place. This land was chosen by the Rev. Sewall Goodridge, according to the terms of his settlement. He was the first settler and built the present house. Israel H. Good- ridge, Ebenezer Fiske, Ebenezer Fisk heirs, Fred Hill (tenant), William E. Fiske, William C. Wilder. James H. Karr place. Dea. David Badger was the first settler here. He took a deed of the land from Samuel Wells, Dec. 4, 1771. The deed called for 100 acres of land "exclu- * There must have been a transfer between Badger and Richardson but of this we can get no record. REAL ESTATE 531 sive" of a pond. Sarah Badger, William J. Herrick, James H. Karr. The Manahan place. The name of the person who first built here is unknown. The land was originally a part of the Dea. David Badger farm. Samuel T. Manahan, James Grant, Daniel Woodward, Jr., Cyrus Jaquith, M. C. Clough, Percy Goddard, Charles D. Riley. The Herman A. Walker place. Dr. Israel Herrick built the house now standing on this farm. Dr. Nathan Jones, Benjamin Jones, Nathaniel Jones, Samuel Jones, Julien E. Wright, Herman A. Walker. Mr. Walker remodeled the house and built the new barn in 1898. The Dr. Benjamin Jones place. Dr. Benjamin Jones built the brick house standing on this land. It was the first and only house ever built on the place. The splendid elm trees standing in front of the house were set out as saplings the year the house was built. Dea. William Jones, George E. Spald- ing. Mr. Spalding tore down the old " hop house" and barns and built the present commodious barns. The Bixby place. Rev. Nathaniel Merrill built the house on this place for a parsonage. The land was given by Benj. L,ynde either to the church or to the town, or to Mr. Merrill. (In the absence of any record in the church, town, or society's books it is hard at this date to say to which he gave it.) Robert B. Tupper, Oliver Bixby, John C. Ordway, Samuel Dolliver, Thomas A. Williams, Edward K. Warren. Mr. Williams and Mr. Warren kept a store in the house, and it was the last abid- ing place of the post-office at the "Centre" before that office was discontinued. The Richardson place. George and Daniel Gould took a deed of lot 70 Dec. 5, 1775, and of lot 69 July, 1783. The grantor was John Gould. Daniel Gould first built on this land, or more precisely, on lot 70. He kept store and tavern there for a number of years. Jacob Richardson then bought the place. Timothy Richardson, John Richardson, Fred A. Rich- ardson. About 1857 John Richardson tore down the Gould buildings and erected the present house, ell, and later the barn. The Parsonage. Built by the Congregational Society in 1837 and occupied by the pastors of the Congregational church ever since. The Old Store house. Built by Daniel or George Gould in the decade 1780-1790. It was George who probably built the 532 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH house, as Daniel built on the Richardson place. But Daniel lived inihe house at one time. It was one of the historic houses of the town. It was a large, square, two-storied building, with a long ell in which was kept the store. Town meeting day the store was thronged by the townspeople to buy the famous gin- gerbread of those days, and to purchase other special bargains offered by the storekeeper " for that day only." It was the rendezvous of competitive hunting parties, and if the traditions are true, the hunters used to buy, beg and steal game just the same as now. It was there that the men and boys of the vicinity resorted at evening time to swap stories, hear the news, wrestle, pull stick and practice other athletic sports almost unknown to the boys of the present day. In the second story of the house was a large hall where singing schools were kept. After the death of the Goulds the place changed hands once or twice, of which changes no record can be obtained. In 1830 it was the property of Israel H. Goodridge, then Daniel Woodward, Jr., Daniel Woodward, Sr., William J. Herrick, William W. Curtis. The buildings were burned, as recorded in another chapter. The Capt. Peter Clark place. With Nehemiah Rand when he came to I/yndeborough from Charlestown, Mass"., was a young lad named Nehemiah Frost. This Frost afterward mar- ried Irene, a daughter of Rand. Mr. Frost built the house on this place and was the first settler on the land. After Frost, David Farrington, Robert B. Tupper, Esq., then David, or as better known, " Esquire "Stiles, Capt. Peter Clark, W. H. and B. J. Clark, William H. Clark. The Dr. William A. Jones house. This house was built by a stock company for Dr. W. A. Jones. The people desired to keep a physician in town and there was no convenient tenement for him to live in, so this house was built. On the removal of Dr. Jones from town later, the place was sold to B. J. Clarke. S. D. Rand, Belle I,. Boutwell. The Wheeler house. Built by Josiah Wheeler about 1810. George E. Winn, Frank Joslin, Mrs. Jennie Frank, Walter Stewart. The Nelson Kidder place. Nehemiah Boutwell built the first house on this place. Nelson Kidder came to Lyndeborough, bought the place, tore down the old house and built the present cottage. He built a blacksmith shop on the opposite side of the street. Thomas A. Williams, C. R. Boutwell, George Kimball. REAL ESTATE 533 The Capt. Henry Clark place. It is only a tradition who built the house which formerly stood on this land. This tradi- tion says that when Ebeuezer Coston sold his place to James Boutwell he reserved this small plot of land and built a house thereon. When torn down it was one of the oldest houses in this section of the town. A store was kept there for a time, and Dr. Israel Herrick had an office there when he returned to I,yndeborough at the solicitation of Rev. Nathaniel Merrill. Widow Creecy, Capt. Henry Clarke, Ovid Fowler, C. R. Bout- well. The Boutwell place. Jonathan Cram, Jr., was undoubtedly the first settler on this land. Dec. 24, 1760, he deeded it to Rev. John Rand. Rand sold it to Ebenezer Coston, and Coston deeded it to James Boutwell, Apr. 8, 1767. James Boutwell evidently bought and sold considerable land at one time and another. There is a record that he took a deed of a lot of land from Asahel Brunson, paying therefor 3,000 "Spanish milled dollars." This farm has been owned since 1767 by some mem- ber of the Boutwell family. James Boutwell, Nehemiah Bout- well, Rodney C. Boutwell, Benjamin J. Boutwell, Charles R. Boutwell, Mrs. C. R. Boutwell. The large, square house was built by Nehemiah Boutwell and was remodeled by Charles R. Boutwell. The Dutton cottage. Franklin Hadley built this house as home for his aged father and mother. For some reason they never went there to live, and the place was sold to Eliza Cham- berlain. Betsey E. Dutton, C. R. Boutwell, Rev. O. E. Hardy. The Nancy Miller cottage. Nancy Miller bought of John Richardson the old store-house of Daniel Gould, had it removed to this place and remodeled it into the present building. This was about 1850. The Abram Boutwell place. Leonard Morse had the old shoemaker's shop of " Esquire" Tupper moved to this place and remodeled. Abram Boutwell, Frank Joslin. The Raymond place. J. Hartshorn built the house on this place. Henry M. Stayner. William B. Raymond bought the place in 1844 and has lived there sixty-one years. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond have lived together man and wife sixty-nine years, a record that is rarely equalled in New England to-day. The Stearns place. The house on this place was built by William Abbott. Charles Maynard, John Stearns, Frank Stearns. 534 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH DISTRICT NO 2. The John Chenery place. The widow McMaster built the house on this place. Eliza McMaster, John Chenery. The Dr. Israel Herrick place. Dr. Israel Herrick bought this place of Jonas Wheeler. The house on the place was burned after Dr. Herrick bought it ; whether Jonas Wheeler built the old house or not is uncertain. The probabilities are that he did not, but at this date there are no traditions and no records. The old buildings were burned as recorded elsewhere, and Dr. Herrick replaced them with new. Benj. G. Herrick. The Lafayette Herrick place. David Woodward, 2d., built the brick house on this place. Between Woodward and Karr there were changes of ownership of which I have no record. James H. Karr, Lafayette Herrick, Indianna Herrick. The Dea. Mclntire place. So far as is known, Joseph Kidder or some member of the Kidder family first settled on this land. It was deeded to John Kidder by Ephraim Powers, June 15, 1772. Joseph Kidder built the house or part of it which stands on the land now. Nathaniel Tay, Elias Mclntire, Nathaniel T. Mclntire. The Israel Woodward place. Benjamin Fuller first built on this land ; then a Mr. Hackett, Israel Woodward, Hannah Woodward, Wilkes H. Hadley, Mrs. Martin. The Fuller homestead. Nov. n, 1767 Sewall Goodridge deeded to Andrew Fuller part of Lot 86, 2nd. division. Jan. 10, 1772 Josiah Abbott deeded to Andrew Fuller the remainder of Lot 86. Nov. 20, 1773 Joseph Blaney deeded to Andrew Fuller Lot 5, 2nd. division. Andrew Fuller was the first settler and builder on this land and the farm has been handed from father to son until now. Andrew Fuller, Jr., Moses C. Fuller. This is one of the farms owned by a direct descendant of the first settler. The Pinnacle House estate. David Woodward was the first settler on this land and built a brick house thereon. John and David Gage, John W. Burnham, Edward W. Duncklee. Mr. Duncklee built the large summer hotel known as the Pinnacle House. The Isaac L. Duncklee place. Thomas Holt, Floyd, Isaac L. Duncklee, Clintie Duncklee. The David Holt homestead. William Holt and David Strat- ton settled on this land together. They built a log-house and occupied it one winter. William Holt then removed to an REAL ESTATE 535 adjoining lot now owned by Benj. G. Herrick. Stratton remained and built the seventh frame house in L,yndeborough. He soon sold out to Holt, and the latter came back to this farm and it has remained in the family possession ever since. Wil- liam Holt, Oliver Holt, David Holt, Andy Holt, Fred Holt. Most of the present buildings were erected or improved during the ownership of David Holt. The Harvey Holt place. Dr. Benjamin Jones was the first settler on this land, and also the first settled physician in town. He took a deed of this land of James Andrews Aug. 29, 1770. He sold the place to his son Joseph, and built the brick house at the " Center." Harvey Holt, Henry H. Joslin. The David C. Grant place. Melchizedeck Boffee first made a home on this lot, taking a deed of the same from Jeremiah Lee, Aug 10, 1770. The next owner was John Boffee, his son. James Grant bought the farm but between Boffee and Grant there was probably a transfer of which we have no record. James Grant, David C. Grant, Arthur Grant, Frank H. Joslin. The Foster Woodward place. Foster Woodward bought this land of L,evi H. Woodward and erected the present buildings. Eliza and Josie Woodward. The " Houston " Woodward place. This land was originally part of the Stephenson estate. When Eleazer Woodward, Jr. sold his farm to the town, he bought here and built a house and barn. L,evi Houston Woodward, Dana B. Sargent, Mrs. Dana B. Sargent, Mrs. Mattie Putnam. The Williams Woodward place. Williams Woodward built the cottage on this place. Levi H. Woodward, Harriet - Myra Davis, Lizzie Hilt. The Stephenson homestead farm. John Stephenson was the first settler on this land and the ownership has descended from father to son to this day. John Stephenson was one of the early settlers and this farm was certainly improved by him as early as 1755- John Stephenson, John Stephenson, Jr., Jonathan Steph- enson, Willis J. Sephenson. John Stephenson took a deed from B. Lynde Dec. 20, 1764 of Lot 55, 2nd division and March 5, 1780 he bought of the same party Lot 56, 2nd division. Nov. 2, 1768 he bought of Benj. Cram part of Lot 59. DISTRICT NO. 4. The Watkins place. This place was probably first improved by some member of the Kidder family. Either Phineas, Phin- eas, or Phineas C., known as "Old Phineas," "Middle Phin- 536 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH eas " and "Young Phineas " ; then Oliver Watkins, David Upton. The Old Parker Tavern stand. Jonathan Parker was the builder of a log house on this land. Isaiah Parker, Charles Parker ; then a number of transient occupants ; George R. Barnes. The James W. Merrill place. William lyoring, Manley Kid- der, who built the present house. James W. Merrill. The Charles Parker place. Charles Parker, George Dunck- lee, George H. Stevens, Horace D. Gage. The Jonas Abbott place. Owned and occupied for many years by the Abbott family. Charles I,. Avery The Christie place. First house on this place built by John K. Christie. Morris Frye, Charles Goodrich, Charles R. Smith. The Dea. John C. Goodrich place. Ebenezer Hutchinson first settled on this place. John Southwick, John C. Goodrich and Eliphalet Atwood, John C. Goodrich, John H. Goodrich. The post office at North Lyndeborough was always kept at this place. The Paul Atwood place. Paul Atwood built the house on this place. John H. Goodrich ; now owned by Mrs Stella E. Woods. The Benjamin Ames place. Jonathan Thayer first built here. William H. Gould, I^uther Odell, Benjamin B. Ames, Edward E. Rogers. The John Clark place. John Clark, a brother of Major Peter, built and settled on this place in 1776. Sarah C. Good- rich, Ella M. Quiggle. The Senter place. Either Asa or Benjamin Senter first im- proved this place. The traditions indicate that it was Asa. Franklin Senter, Charles H. Senter. The Francis Epps or Osborne place. Samuel Senter deeded part of I^ot 107 to Francis "Epse," Nov. 15, 1771. Daniel Epes deeded part of I,ot 108 to the same Francis, Jan. 15, 1772. . . Francis Epps was the first builder and settler on this land. Eliphalet Atwood, William H. Osborne, Charles H. Bailey, Adams & Mudgett. The Starrett place. Asa Palmer, Richard Batten, Martin Whitney, William Starrett, Allen Brown. * The Nathan Brown place. Nathan Brown, Jonathan Clark, Allen A. Brown. The Daniel Proctor place. Daniel Proctor, John Proctor. REAL ESTATE 537 The Major Peter Clark place, Benjamin " Epes " deeded this land to Peter Clark, Dec. 23, 1773. He built the house and mill as recorded in another chapter. William Clark, Capt. Peter Clark. Present owner, Henry K. Holden. The Allen Brown place. Allen Brown, John C. Goodrich, who built the present house, Patrick Hanley, John Wellman, Daniel Henderson, Oliver Harris, Mark Morse, Mark Morse heirs, J. McL/ane. The Boardman place. Thomas Boardman first improved this land. Daniel N. Boardman, Peter Clark, Samuel Dyer, W. K. Cochran, Alfred C. Wilder, Irwin D. Wilder. The old Proctor place. John Proctor first built on the side of the mountain south of this place. He afterward bought this place of Charles Whitmarsh. Charles Whitmarsh, John Proc- tor, Sylvester Proctor, David K. Proctor. The Asa Hill place. Abel Hill, Asa Hill, Asa Hill heirs, W. C. Wilder, Merrill T. Spalding. The Needham place. Daniel Plummer, David Stiles, Jr., Martin Whitney, William Iy. Needham, Warren Needham, Mrs. Harry Morse. DISTRICT NO. 7. JOHNSON'S CORNER. John Johnson to Adam Johnson, Dec. 29, 1746, Lot 45, ist division. ^BHas Taylor to Adam Johnson, March 17, 1758, Lot 45, ist division, with a full share of common or undivided land. Adam Johnson to Rachel Johnson, April 9, 1768, Lot 59, ist division. Elias Taylor to Adam Johnson, March 17, 1758, Lot 46, ist division. John Johnson to Adam Johnson, April 8, 1772, Lot 58, ist division. James Johnson to B. Lynde, Sept. 22, 1772, Lot 56, 2nd division. James Boutwell to Adam Johnson, Jan. 14, 1775, Lot 58, ist division. Solomon Cram .to Adam Johnson, July i, i77 2 I/>t- 2 3> ist division. The above transcripts from the registrar of deeds office shows the amount of land in part owned by the Johnson family, and why that section of the town was early called Johnson's Corner. The David Carkin place. David Carkin, Asher Curtis, 538 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH Alfred Nourbourn. Mr. Nourbourn occupies this place now as a summer home. The Edwin Patch place. Joseph Chamberlain first built on this place. Edwin N. Patch, Clough, Robert T. S. Shep- ard, Robert T. S. Shepard heirs. The Rose place. Solomon Cram was first settler on this land. Timothy Putnam, Abram Rose, Brackley Rose, George Rose, George Rose heirs, Willard Rose. The Eli Clark Curtis place. This land was part of the Carleton estate. Dudley Carlton built the brick house. Ama- ziah Blanchard, E. C. Curtis. The Amaziah Blanchard place. Amaziah Blanchard first settled on this land. William W. Curtis, Asher Curtis. The old Carkin homestead or Robert Lynch place. John Carkin, Aaron Carkin, Rufus Chamberlain, Robert K. Lynch, W. W. Curtis, Edward W. Curtis. The Andrew Tyler place. Andrew Tyler built the house on this place. Sally Curtis, William Richardson. The Asa Manning place. Jacob Manning, Asa Manning, Solon Richardson, Willis Perham, Walter S. Shepard. This record is imperfect. Between Manning and Richardson were probably transfers of this land of which we have no information. This place was once used as the Mont Vernon poor farm. Some of the older residents of the town can remember when it was thus used, but we have been unable to find anyone who could tell the reason of Mont Vernon' s coming over into Lynde- borough for a place to maintain their paupers. The William H. Bowen farm. This place was originally part of the Johnson property. A man named Brown once lived there, but whether he built the old set of buildings which were on the place when Burnham Russell bought it cannot now be told. Orrin Russell built the present house. Burnham Russell, Orrin Russell, Joseph White, William H. Bowen. .Mr. Bowen has added to and remodeled the whole set of buildings. The Burnham Russell farm. John Johnson, Adam Johnson, Edmund Perkins, Burnham Russell, Aaron W. Russell. The Kilburn S. Curtis place. Amos Wilkins, William Car- son, Josiah Russell, John Ramsdell, Asher Curtis, Kilburn S. Curtis, Mrs. Frances Curtis. Kilburn S. Curtis built the pres- ent set of buildings. The old house was once struck by light- ning and badly damaged. The David D. Clark place. Jacob Wellman, John and Polly REAL ESTATE 539 Wellman, David D. Clark, Fred Lowe, George J. Carson. The house standing on this farm is said by the Rev. Mr. Clark to be one of the oldest in town. Alexander Carson place. Alexander Carson, Benj. Gould, John Wellman, William R. Duncklee, Isaac L. Duncklee, Leonard G. Brown. Ira R. Brown built the present house. The Leonard G. Brown place. Ezekiel Upton, James L. Clark, Robert R. Brown, C. H. Holt, Leonard G. Brown. Be- tween the ownership of Mr. Upton and Mr. Clark, a man named Marvell lived here, but whether as owner or tenant is not known. The Charles L. Perham place. John Hutchinson, first set- tler. Rev. Mr. Clark says that "he gave a bond to Jonathan Peal of Salem, Mass., July 10, 1736, that he would have within four years a dwelling house, 20x18, built and twelve acres cleared, broken up, and fenced in." The deed was given Sept. 27, 1760, and the conditions were fulfilled. The next owner of which we can get any account was Abel Hill, but between Hutchinson and Hill there were probably tranfers of the land. It is known that David Butterfield lived there for a time. This] farm was deeded by Abel Hill to James L. Clark, Apr. 20, 1815. Asa Clark, Oliver Perham, Charles L. Perham. The Haggett place. John Haggett, Joseph Haggett, Joseph Haggett heirs, D. Whiting & Sons, E. C. Curtis. The Micah Hartshorn place. Micah Hartshorn, Samuel N. Hartshorn. Samuel N. Hartshorn heirs, Eliphalet J. Hardy, Owen E. Hardy, Edward G. Hall. The Persons S. Holt place. Now owned and occupied as a summer home by the heirs of John Herrick. The Jeremiah Carleton place. Jeremiah Carleton, James Donnell and John Hartshorn, Joseph Chamberlain, Israel Cur- tis, Eli C. Curtis. DISTRICT NO. 8. The Jesse Simonds place. Jonas Kidder took a deed of this land from Benjamin Lynde May i, 1766. After Mr. Kidder re- moved to Hudson there were one or two transfers of the prop- erty of which we can find no record. He was the first settler on the land, and kept a tavern there. The old tavern built by 1 was torn down in the early 6o's by Jesse Simonds, who built tn present house. In 1840 Jesse Reed owned the place, then Charles Woodward, Jesse Simonds, John D. Butler, Rob Mason. 540 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH The I^evi Spalding place. The house on this place was built by one of the Spalding family, Henry Spalding, proba- bly. Ivevi Spaldiug, L,evi Spalding heirs, Frank Starrett, Warren Nichols. The Daniel Woodward place. There is a tradition that there was a log house on the land when Daniel Woodward bought it, about the year 1800. He built a brick house there in 1820. Daniel Woodward, Jr., Sumner French, Sumner French heirs, Willis J. Stephenson. House destroyed by fire. The Dutton place. Reuben Dutton, Benjamin Dutton, Bet- sey E. Dutton, John Fletcher. , The Houston place. Dea. Samuel Houston first built here, and the farm was owned by the Houston family until their re- moval to Iowa. Buildings long since torn down. The Whiting place. Dea. Oliver Whiting or his father first improved this land. After he removed to New York, there were transfers of the property of which we have no record. The buildings have been torn down, and part of the land is owned by D. B. Whittemore. The Nathan Cummings place. This was a part of the large tract of land once owned by Edward, Stephen, Capt. I,evi, and Henry Spalding. It is probable that one of these men built the old house which stood there. Nathan Cummings built the present cottage. Henry Joslin, Nathan Cummings, Mrs. Na- than Cummings. Sherebiah Manning place. Benjamin Jones built the large, two-storied house which stands on this farm and was the first settler there. Sherebiah Manning built the barn. Benj. Jones, Sherebiah Manning, I,evi P. Spalding. Millard Wilson. The " Paige '* Spalding place. A comparison of records and traditions seems to show that Capt. Nathaniel Bachelder was the first settler here. Dea. Abram Patch, Edward P. Spalding, Edward Parry, Edward Parry heirs. The Twitchell place. Of this place we can get but little in- formation. Asa Twitchell lived there for a time as did George R. Barnes. It is now owned by Mrs. M. A. Sweetserof Stone- ham, Mass, and occupied as a summer home. The Whittemore homestead. Daniel Whittemore took a a deed of the lot, numbered 124, 2nd division, April 28, 1770. It is one of the four farms in Lyndeborough which are tilled by a direct descendant of the first settler on the land. Aaron Whit- temore, Aaron Whittemore, Daniel B. Whittemore. CHAPTER XXXII. TOWN FAIRS AND CELEBRATIONS. THE TOWN FAIRS OF 1879 AND 1880. BY H. W. WHITTEMORE. In the olden time, as has been intimated in another chapter, the people of L,yndeborough were industrious to a fault. But the reason is not far to seek; it took pretty nearly all their time to earn a living. Within comparatively recent times, however, the towns- people have become accustomed to taking a day off for some sort of recreation, and that fact is easily explained, too. The stone walls that cross and re-cross the town in every direction were nearly all built long ago. Clearing the land of the stone for walls left the fields in readiness for farm machinery ; and with the advent of the mowing machine, the horse-rake, the hay-fork, the corn-planter, and the cultivator, out-of-door work that used to be done slowly, by hand, is done rapidly now by machine. A similar revolution has taken place within the housekeeper's domain, for much work formerly done in the kitchen, by hand, is now done by machine in factories of many kinds, at a distance. Having more of leisure in it, the life of the average citizen has been modified, perhaps, by the bright city cousin and the jolly summer boarder who have been coming to L,yndeborough for many years to enjoy, for a season, the wholesome hospitality of a New Hampshire country town. % Be that as it may, the stranger from ' ' down below ' ' often helps to enliven the basket picnic that, on occasion, calls together men, women and chil- dren from all parts of the town. One such picnic was held years ago on the top of Pinnacle Mountain. Several ox-teams were employed by the committee on transportation, and it is safe to say that more oxen were up there that day than can be found in the whole town now. One man rode in a wagon all the way up a feat probably never performed before or since. Other picnics have been held at "Purgatory" Falls, at Barnes' Falls and in a grove near the old Parker place on the turnpike. A brass band, with headquarters at North Lynde- 542 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH borough, assisted in drawing people to this grove, and on at least one occasion the Lafayette Artillery Co. was present. More ambitious attempts at making a holiday distinguish the years 1879 and 1880 when town fairs were held at the centre. At a public meeting held in August, 1879, a committee was chosen "to see what action the people would take to start a town fair." The committee was as follows : Fred A. Richardson, David C. Grant, David G. Dickey, I/uther Cram, Joel H. Tarbell, Franklin Senter, Wm. W. Burton, E. C. Curtis, George Rose, D. B. Whittemore, Jotham Hildreth, Charles I/. Avery. This committee met on August 25th, voted to organize for a town fair, and chose Daniel B. Whittemore, president ; George Rose, vice-president ; John H. Goodrich, secretary and treas- urer ; Eli C. Curtis, general superintendent. The committee also appointed the following persons trustees : District No. i. F. A. Richardson, Martin Whitney, David G. Dickey. " "2. Benjamin G. Herrick, David C. Grant. " "3. Charles F. Tarbell, Artemas Woodward, Luther Cram. " " 4. Erwin D. Wilder, Franklin Senter. " " 5. Wm. W. Burton, Wm. N. Ryerson. " 6. Geo. W. Parker, Charles Tarbell, John Batchelder. " "7. Geo. Rose, Chas. L. Perham. " 8. D. B. Whittemore, 1,. P. Spalding. " "9. Jotham Hildreth. " " 10. Chas. I/. Avery. At later meetings a constitution and by-laws were adopted, judges were appointed, other necessary arrangements were made and October i was fixed upon to be the day of the fair. At ii o'clock, A. M., on the day named, a procession was formed in the following order : Capt. Andy Holt, Chief Marshal George E. Spalding, Marshal Mont Vernon Brass Band I/afayette Artillery Co. Town Team, composed of thirteen yoke of oxen Citizens in carriages On the common, during the day, there were various tests of strength and endurance, and on an improvised track, near by, there was a horse-race, probably the only formal race of the kind ever seen in L,yndeborough. (Sometimes, it may be said, the ringing of the church bell has excited the horses of people making their way, single file, towards the centre of the town, so that they became, practically, unmanageable. In such TOWN FAIRS AND CELEBRATIONS 543 cases usually the best horse arrived first. But horse racing has always been held in much disfavor by most L/yndeborough people.) Some of the best live stock in town, cattle, horses and sheep, was on exhibition and in the town hall there was to be seen the best the people could do in the way of fruits and vegetables, butter, cheese, and bread, some of it made from home-grown wheat. Besides, there were exhibits of needle work, both ancient and modern, and a number of articles, interesting on account of age or associations, such, for example, as the chair, no years old, which was once the property of the Rev. Sewall Goodrich, and the samples of cloth shown by Mrs. E. Cram. This cloth was woven in 1772 by the great-grandmother of the exhibitor. After dinner the president of the day called the company to order and speeches were made by Mr. David C. Grant, Mr. C. H. Holt and Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, of Worcester, Mass. The officials of the second fair, held Sept. 22, 1880, were about the same as those of the previous year, with the exception of the judges, who were more numerous and whose names follow: Live Stock. Luther Cram, Erwin D. Wilder, Geo. E. Spalding; F. A. Richardson, Charles Tarbell, Charles L- Perham; Rufus Chamberlain, Nathan Richardson, Edwin N. Patch; Wm. H. Clark, James H. Karr, Al- bert Cram; J. A. Woodward, B. J. Clark, Robt. K. Lynch. Fruit, Vegetables and Seeds. Rev. T. P. Sawin, John E. Batchelder, David Putnam; Geo. Rose, Everett E. Lowe, Geo. H. Stevens; David G. Dickey, Benj. G. Herrick, N. W. Tarbell. Bread and Dairy Products. David C. Grant and Mrs. Grant, Mrs. Geo. Rose. Knit and Fancy Goods, Embroidery, Cut Flowers, etc. Mrs. E. C. Curtis, Mrs. D. B. Whittemore, Mrs. G. E. Spalding; Mrs. B. G. Herrick, Mrs. D. G. Dickey, Mrs. J. E. Batchelder; Mrs. C. L. Perham, Mrs. J. C. Ordway, Mrs. C. F. Tarbell; Miss Ida Patch, Mrs. Belle Boutwell, Mrs. J. A. Woodward. The list of prizes awarded in 1880 is given in full in the Mil- ford Enterprise of Sept. 27, and is, approximately, a catalogue of the products of the town. The names of a large proportion of the families of Lyndeborough appear in this list, or somewhere else in the secretary's book. The music of the day was by the Mont Vernon band. Mr. David H. Goodell of Antrim, who was Governor of New Hamp- shire a few years later, made an address. These town fairs were good examples, on a very small scale, to be sure, of the thoroughly respectable agricultural fair that 544 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH used to entertain and instruct great numbers of New England people, and provide the occasion for dignified speeches by the governor of the state and by other men of note. THE CELEBRATION OF THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SETTLEMENT OF LYNDEBOROUGH. BY J. A. WOODWARD. There was a strong desire on the part of many of the people living in L,yndeborough at the time the town had reached the age of one hundred years, to fittingly celebrate the event, and some steps were taken to do so. But for some reason the scheme fell through. It would seem now that it was unfor- tunate for the history of the town that the people did not carry out their good intentions. A historical sketch written at that time would be very interesting to compare with that which we have been able to gather now. Fifty years later at the March meeting, 1889, the question of celebrating the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary was brought up and it was unanimously voted to hold a celebration.* The following committee was chosen to make the necessary ar- rangements : Fred A. Richardson Harvey Perham Henry H. Joslin Eli C. Curtis Fred B. Richards Daniel B. Whittemore Ei-win D. Wilder Sewell M. Buck William W. Burton Charles I/. Avery A special town meeting was called on Aug. 10 for the pur- pose of perfecting arrangements and appropriating money to pay expenses, and it is a curious, and in some respects a ludicrous fact, that this meeting extended into three days before the "red tape ' ' of the law could be complied with and the money legally appropriated. This with no opposition to the measure. The sum of three hundred dollars was placed in the hands of the committee to carry on the work. David C. Grant was chosen president of the day, Andy Holt chief marshal, and Jacob A. Woodward, toastmaster. A mam- moth tent was hired in Boston and was pitched on the common, just south of the town hall. *At the time this celebration was proposed, Mr. David C. Grant and many others inter- ested in the event, were of the opinion that John Badger was the first settler within the limits of Salem-Canada, and that he made his beginning {^1739. Later researches, however, serve to prove that so far as his being the first settler such was not the fact, and that really the celebration should have been held in 1887. So far as the celebration is concerned this matter is immaterial now, and this note is inserted to explain any discrepancy which a careful reader of the foregoing chapters of this history might find. ANNIVERSAR Y CELEBRA TION 545 The day selected, Wednesday, Sept. 4, was all that could be desired in the way of weather. Cloudless skies, cool, bracing air, and warm sun, made an ideal day. Sons and daughters of Lyndeborough had come from all over the country to visit their native town, and to help by their presence in making the day one to be remembered. Many of the citizens had decorated their homes in honor of the occasion. The residence of Charles R. Boutwell was especially noticeable. On the front was the inscription, 1739 1889. The grounds as well as the house were beautiful with national colors and other devices. George E. Spalding also put out numerous flags, and displayed a por- trait of the first settled physician in town. At sunrise the bells were rung and a salute was fired. At 9 o'clock a procession was formed on the common in the following order : Platoon of Police Chief marshal, Andy Holt, and aides C. Henry Holt in command of militia, and staff Peterborough Band, 22 pieces, C. E. White, leader Lafayette Artillery Co., A. S. Conant, captain Section of Artillery, Sergeant A. T. Ford Post Harvey Holt, G. A. R., Jason Holt, commander Color Guard Sons of Veterans, Edward Ross, captain Woman's Relief Corps, and citizens in private carriages. The route of the procession was through the historic street of the "centre." In the evening the village was illuminated, and there was a fine display of fireworks, generously paid for by Boutwell Bros, of L,owell, Mass. At 10 o'clock A. M. the meeting which had assembled. under the large tent was called to order by the president of the day, Mr. D. C. Grant, who said : The hour has arrived which was assigned by the committee for the celebration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the settlemen of Lyndeborough. If we had arranged a day to our own liking, we could not have selected a more beautiful day than this. We have come i gether upon a very interesting occasion, for the purpose of connectn the future with the past by a golden link which cannot be broken. < hundred and ninety-nine years ago, whoever was traveling through village of Salem, Massachusetts, would have seen a little band colle together to go on an expedition to Canada. That little band was coi nianded by Capt. Samuel King. That expedition returned late in t season, having met with defeat and disaster. They found the excheque of Massachusetts depleted, and they were not paid for their services One hundred and fifty-four years ago 1'ast June the Commonwealth ot Massachusetts granted to Capt. Samuel King and his co-laborers for their services, a certain tract of land six miles square, lying west 546 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH ragansett No. 3 so called then, now Amherst and part of Mont Vernon. One hundred and fifty-four years ago the proprietors who were associated with Capt. Samuel King met together and had their land surveyed ; and the remains of it are what is now left of Lyndeborough, but at that time a part of Wilton, Mont Vernon and Milford. Those early settlers, those earlier proprietors, made an effort to have the land surveyed, and one hundred and fifty years ago this last season they had built a few cabins, and they spent the winter of 1739-40 in the limits of old Lyndeborough, planting the first settlement, laboring against the forces of nature to establish for themselves and for their pos- terity a home. That home has been transmitted to us, and we, their children, to-day have met to connect, as I said before, with a golden link, the bright silver chain of circumstances which has brought this town into its present position. Last March a few of the citizens of Lyndebor- ough conceived the idea that we had neglected the works of those noble and worthy men in that distant day as they came here into this forest home and established the homes which we now this day enjoy. The town unanimously voted to celebrate that event, and invitations have been extended to you, and you are here today to unite with us in con- necting that important event with the events of this day and with the future. We thank you for having responded so nobly and so generously to that call ; and the God of heaven has smiled upon us, and lest we should forget our dependence upon that God, the God of our fathers and our God, let us all unite in calling upon His name to assist us in these services, that they may redound to His glory and to the benefit of man- kind. I will call upon the Rev. Mr. Childs to lead us in prayer. Rev. Mr. Childs of L/yndborough Centre then offered prayer. The President. We have with us to-day one who was born and reared in our midst, and we could discover nothing very remarkable in him while a boy. As he grew up to manhood he served us as superintending school committee, first as school teacher, then as merchant. He has since wandered from the fold, and has gained the reputation of being as good a specimen of the live Yankee as Lyndeborough has ever been known to produce. I have the pleasure of introducing to you William W. Curtis. Mr. Curtis. Fellow-citizens of the Town of Lyndeborough : Let God be praised for having set apart so perfect a day for this commemora- tion of our illustrious fathers and mothers, who fashioned and moulded the golden principles of justice, honor and manhood and handed them down to us, that they might be everlastingly perpetuated to all future generations of the sons and daughters of this, their native home. Mr. Curtis then read a poem, the manuscript of which is not available for this history. The President. We have with us, to-day, another one of the noble sons of Lyndeborough who spent his youthful days with ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION 547 us, who has gone forth as an educator and an instructor ; after- wards, to preach the everlasting Gospel to the people. He comes to you to-day, after many years of experience and after many months of hard searching upon our musty records. He has gleaned much from them and will now lay before you a part of the results of his labors. I have the honor and the pleasure of introducing to you the Rev. F. G. Clark, of Medford, Mass. The address of Mr. Clark was listened to with close attention and was greeted with much applause. It was the first con- nected story of I/yndeborough or rather Salem-Canada-Iyynde- borough, to which the great majority of the citizens of the town had ever listened. With his permission much of it has been incorporated in this history. During the delivery of the Historical Address, a pause was made for the singing of a hymn, concerning which Mr. Clark said : The hymn now to be sung is a hymn that was written by Dr. Herrick for the last service held in the old church which stood where the present town-house now stands. The exercises were resumed at 2 p. M., and the president said : We have with us to-day another of the sons of L/ynde- borough, who grew up amongst us, who went to our schools, who played with us, and who, in his early manhood, prepared himself to teach others. He has wandered away, and he has returned to us with a message. I have the honor and the pleasure of introducing to you Professor Daniel Putnam, of Ypsilanti, Mich. (Prof. Putnam then delivered the following oration.) Ladies and Gentlemen : I am both proud and glad to address you as my fellow townsmen. It is true that in one aspect we are strangers. Your faces are new to me as mine is to you. Five and forty years seem to the young an almost endless age. They do indeed form a large part of any ordinary human life. So many years have passed since I ceased to be a resident of this my native town. Only seldom during all these years have I visited for a brief time these once familiar scenes. A gener- ation and more has passed away. I meet the children and the grand- children of my school-fellows. They may be pardoned for looking upon me as a preserved relic of antediluvian times, a returning Rip Van Winkle of the days "before the war." Yet some things are unchanged. "The common" here where you chairman and I used " to train," almost half a century ago, m the then celebrated " Lyndeboro Light Infantry," is scarcely changed in a single feature. I regret that the old " Meeting House " is gone. I can t my " mind's eye " at this moment its dingy yellow outside, it of small windows ; in the interior its square pews, its ^e gallery, its high pulpit and its wonderful " sounding board " suspended abo 54? HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH minjster's head. The old house deserved to be spared and preserved as a relic of the olden times, and on account of the associations which had, in the lapse of years, gathered about it. "The mountain" yonder is the same ; the hills which I used to climb are the same. The rocks are still here, as many and as huge as ever. I find the same narrow valleys and winding roads. From the hilltops are the same wide views arid charming prospects of nature. One may be allowed, to exclaim, in borrowed words : " Ye crags and peaks, I'm with you once again ! O sacred forms, how proud you look ! How high you lift your heads into the sky ! How huge you are, how mighty and how free ! " An anniversary such as has gathered us together to-day naturally turns the thoughts of those who have reached or passed the mid-day point of life, backward. The traveler, who climbs with toilsome steps up one of our native hills, pauses now and then and turns to measure over with his eye the path along which he has been struggling, following all its windings and numbering all its mile-stones. We have come from our homes and our wanderings to greet one another as we rest for a few moments round about the hundred and fiftieth mile-stone which marks the age of our municipal life. Looking backward from this height I see with tolerable distinctness three score of these annual way-marks. Five others are partially obscured from view by the haze which covers early childhood. Some of you can see as many ; a few can count a larger number ; most of you stop reckoning before you reach a score and a half. In addressing you under these circumstances I find myself impelled to speak briefly of some of the things which have been crowded into the space of five and sixty years, to note a few of the changes which have taken place, and to inquire whether, on the whole, real, healthful and hopeful progress has been made. Our starting point is the year 1824. The second term of the fifth President of the United States was drawing towards its close. Only forty-eight years had passed since the Declara- tion of Independence and only thirty-five since the organization of the government under the constitution. Many of the younger actors in the great Revolution, and in the events which immediately followed, were still vigorous and influential in public affairs. Two years later, on the fourth of July, just fifty years from the day when the Declaration of Independence was promulgated, the second and third presidents of the republic passed away. During the years which have intervened the territory of the country has been enlarged at least three-fold ; the states have increased from twenty-four to forty-two, and the population has grown from ten millions to more than sixty millions. The progress in inventions, in sciences and arts in machinery, in means of travel and transportation, indeed in everything which has to do with civilix.ation and with the comforts and conveniences of life, has been simply marvelous. The wildest dreams of imagination have been more than realized. In my early boyhood the stage-coach afforded the most ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION 549 rapid means of conveyance, and goods were transported into the interior of the country by huge, lumbering wagons drawn by four, six, or eight horses. The Erie canal was opened in 1825, and the first railroad in the United States was put in operation in 1826. This was the Quincy road, less than four miles in length, operated by horse-power, and used to transport the granite from the quarries to tidewater. Locomotives were first employed for railroad transportation in 1829 or 1830. These were crude in form and construction, weighing scarcely more than a ton. The first telegraph line was erected and the first message transmitted over the wires -in 1844. The first really successful Atlantic cable was laid in 1866. Time does not permit me to speak of the sewing-machine, of mowers and reapers, of the telephone and of the thousand other wonders of the last half of this nineteenth century. Our progress in the directions to which I have thus hastily referred is so obvious and so gratifying to the natural vanity of the human mind that we never tire in boasting of it. It would be worse than folly to be- little this progress even if one were so disposed. But widening territory, increasing population, accumulating wealth of material resources are not the sole, or even the most important indica- tions of real advancement either in a nation or in a limited, local com- munity. We can judge more correctly and wisely in respect to the prog- ress when we know how this territory is occupied, improved and governed ; when we know of what sort and character this swelling popu- lation is, and when we have learned in what ways these resources are used. The present must be compared with the past if we would be sure in respect to the character of the changes which have taken place, and would determine whether, on the whole, the condition of things is better than it was half a century ago. It will be impossible to make any general comparison, beyond that already indicated, that of the New England of today with the New England of the times of Andrew Jackson or of the grandfather of the present President of the United States ; or of the Lyndeborough of 1889 with the L,yndeborough of 1839, the Lyndeborough of my youth. But it may be of service to us, especially to the younger of us, to institute such a comparison in a few particulars. It may be frankly admitted that a sort of halo seems, at times, to gather about the heads of the men and women of our childhood. Dis- tance obscures roughness of character as it does roughness of the land- scape. It hides many a sharp angle and uncouth feature of the form and face as it does those of the hills and mountains. In remembrance, time mellows dispositions as it does unripe fruits. In our comparisons we shall strive to guard against the influence of this weakness of nature. It is natural to commence with the population itself. How does the general character of the population of to-day compare with that of fifty years ago ? At that time the population of the rural New England towns was, in the main, homogeneous. Within the range of my immediate personal acquaintance in boyhood I can recall but a single family of foreign birth. The families were all of essentially the same stock, d. scendants of the original settlers. In some cases nearly half families of a neighborhood bore the same surname. There were no race 550 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH separations, distinctions or prejudices. The people spoke the same lan- guage, had the same traditions, and were animated by the same prin- ciples. They were, in some cases, narrow, provincial, an unfriendly critic would probably say, bigoted. They clung with great tenacity to inherited peculiarities, and without doubt overestimated the value and importance of some religious and political dogmas. But they were Americans, and Americans only, without prefix or suffix. They were neither Irish-Americans, nor German-Americans, nor French-Americans, nor any other qualified sort of Americans, but Americans pure and simple. It is hardly necessary to say that to day the population of New England is far less homogeneous. Not only the great cities and large villages but, in some sections, the country districts are becoming filled with men and women of foreign birth. According to a recent writer, in one of our periodicals, in Massachusetts "Out of a population of 1,942,142, the foreign-born number 526,867, not including such children of alien parent- age as have been born in the United States. The foreign-born represent one-fifth of the people employed in agriculture, one-half of those em- ployed in the fisheries, two-fifths of those employed in the manufactures, and two-thirds of those employed in mining and as laborers." The mass of the foreign population of New England has come from Ireland and Canada. The great influx of immigration from Ireland began about 1847. The Canadian French began to come in large numbers about 1867. The inflow still continues in undiminished volume. " Two successive steamers of one line brought to the port of Boston in April last, 2,100 steerage passengers from Ireland, eleven-twelfths of whom intended settling in New England, and almost every train from Canada brings from one to three cars filled with French Canadians seeking new homes in Massachusetts and her sister states." The rapidity with which the French population has increased in New England is almost beyond belief. " In Manchester, out of a population of 40,000, 12,000 are of this nationality. In Nashua, out of a population of 17,500, 5,500 are French, a gain of fully one-half in five years. In Lowell they constitute one-third of the population." Many other large towns and cities show a like condition of affairs. It is not necessary to make further quotations of statistics. The facts are doubtless familiar to you, and you can sum up for yourselves the results of our comparison. Even the most hopeful will hesitate to declare the new condition of things better than the old in respect to population. I am conscious of no prejudice against men born in other lands and bred under the influence of institutions different from our own. I count among such some of my warmest personal friends and most esteemed associates. But have we not flung our doors open too wide ? Can we afford to admit and welcome without discrimination? We have barred our West- ern gates against the "heathen Chinee," but our Northern and Eastern gates are practically unguarded. Let intelligence and virtue come, but we have no room for more of ignorance, and vice and crime. Of these we have more than enough of native production. The paupers and anarchists of Europe are as much to be dreaded as the coolies of Asia. ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION 551 The ignorance and illiteracy of the North are as dangerous to the purity of the ballot-box and the permanency of our institutions as those of the South. A comparison of social and political conditions naturally follows the comparison of population. A hundred or even fifty years ago, the New England towns afforded the best known example of a pure democracy. This was true not only in respect to affairs of government, but also in respect to social conditions. There were no fixed and recognized lines dividing the people into classes or casts. There were then, as there always have been and always will be, differences in intelligence, in education, in refinement, in wealth, in in- fluence, indeed in everything in which men can differ. But such differ- ences were incidental, individual, and temporary. There were no classes of capitalists and laborers; of employers and employees. No young man regarded himself as born into a caste, and as belonging to a particular class of society. No young woman thought of herself as predestined, by the accident of birth, to be a servant or a mistress, an employer or a drudge. The boy worked on the farm or in the shop of his neighbor. But he worked with his employer as well as for him. The girl did ser- vice in the kitchen of her mother's neighbor and friend, but her social position was not thereby changed. The next year the boy became owner of a farm, and very likely employed the son of his former employer. The girl became mistress of her own house, and in turn employed the daughters of her neighbors. The employed and the employers were of the same stock and often of kindred blood, and were constantly chang- ing places and relations. Social equality was not disturbed. Even where large numbers of persons were employed the conditions were essentially the same. In my early boyhood the newly-erected cot- ton mills of Nashua and Lowell were filled with the self-respecting and respected sons and daughters of New England farmers and mechanics. The " overseers " and the "hands "were often old acquaintances and friends, frequently from the same neighborhoods and the same families. Outside the work-rooms they met and associated on terms of perfect equality. While doubtless something of this old condition of equality still sur- vives in towns like our own, and in communities which have retained their original homogeneous character, it has almost entirely disappeared in the large cities and in all the great manufacturing establishments. During the last quarter of a century there has been a constantly increas- ing tendency towards the creation of permanent classes in society and towards the formation of sharp and clearly defined lines of separation between these classes. These lines run through social life and social organizations ; in some quarters they appear in religious life and relig- ious organizations ; and they are beginning to make their way into the dangerous domain of politics, and threaten to become the basis of politi- cal organizations and political action. It will have to be admitted, I think, that our present social and poli cal conditions do not, on the whole, compare favorably with those which existed half a century ago. Some real dangers threaten us. These s serious enough to cause apprehension if not alarm. Some tendencies 552 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH must be checked, and some acknowledged evils must be corrected if our institutions are to be maintained in their purity and integrity. The right of suffrage must be so guarded that the reported result of an elec- tion shall indicate the will of the majority of the actual voters. If in a sharply contested election voters can be sold and bought like cattle, at so much a head ; if votes can be bargained for like any other marketable commodity ; if the tricks of petty ward politicians and the manipula- tions of self-constituted leaders are to determine candidates and control the policies of great parties then our boasted right of suffrage is a worth- less form, a mocker and a delusion, and our elections are a costly and solemn farce. If, in addition to all this, men are to bring over from the old countries the prejudices of race, and the political and sectarian animosities of by- gone ages, and are to nourish their barbarous hates and to fight out their senseless quarrels on our soil, in our streets, and about our ballot boxes, then indeed have our politics become degraded, and danger has become really alarming. America has need of only American citizens and American voters, and of American questions and issues in our politics and at our polls. Time does not permit further comparisons in these directions. The conclusions thus far reached are not calculated to flatter our vanity or to foster our pride. If our examinations were to be closed just here the outlook for the future would not be encouraging. We should enter upon the next half century with gloomy forebodings. I do not, however, share very largely in the excessive fears of the timid, or in the terrible prognostications of evil uttered by the pessimistic prophets of the day. Allusion has already been made to the great influx of emigrants of different nationalities ; many of them ignorant of the nature of our in- stitutions and of the duties and responsibilities of citizenship ; not a few of them imbued with socialistic and anarchic ideas, with confused notions of the distinction between regulated liberty and unbridled license, impatient of necessary restraint and destitute of sympathy with many of the social and religious customs and the political traditions of the native population. Reference has also been made to the tendency towards the formation of opposing and hostile classes ; to the disposition to create antagonism between labor and capital ; to array the employed against the employers j to engender hatred in the poor against the rich, and even to deny the right to hold private property, and to make the possession of individual accumulations a crime against humanity. The teaching of these social- istic theories and leveling doctrines derives its chief force from some unfortunate and alarming conditions of our times. It cannot be denied that there is danger, not only to our political in- stitutions, but even to the stability of our present social organization, in the rapidly growing tendency to the accumulation of colossal fortunes in the hands of a few men and a few families, if the laws are to be so framed and so administered as to render such fortunes permanent in these families. At the present day intelligent and benevolent men, as much as the ignorant and selfish, instinctively revolt against any social or political system which allows a concentration of power or of wealth ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION 553 in the hands of a small minority. There is peril when the few become very rich and the many become very poor, and more especially if there are indications that such a state of affairs is to become a permanent con- dition. It is easy to delude ourselves with the idea that, in some way, things will settle themselves; that the laws of supply and demand, the laws of business and of the " survival of the fittest " will solve all these per. plexing and dangerous problems. We shall do well to remember that natural laws are slow in their operation, and that human nature is rest- less and impatient when constantly excited by crafty and plausible appeals of artful demagogues and irritated by real or fancied wrongs. It is better economy to guard against an explosion than to expend means in gathering up and caring for broken fragments. It is wiser to prevent a conflagration than to show energy and* skill in putting out the fire after it gets under good headway ; better, if possible, to allay rising dis- content than to risk the action of a brutal mob. Freely conceding the existence of real dangers and of serious and growing evils, I sse no reason for despairing of the republic, or for ap- prehending some overwhelming disaster to our social, religious, and political institutions. I do not believe that, on the whole, the former days were better than the present, that the fathers were essentially wiser, more virtuous, and more patriotic than their children. On the contrary, in many directions, real, genuine progress has been made. While it must be readily granted that in some things we are worse than the men of fifty years ago, it may be safely claimed that in other things we have improved upon their teachings, examples and methods. While our times have less of certain types of religion, they have more of practical Christianity. They are without doubt less tenacious of theological dogmas ; less militant in the defense and propagation of iron-clad creeds ; less positive in claiming to possess and to hold all re- vealed truth ; less harsh and denunciatory in dealing with those who differ from accepted standards. But the sweet graces of divine love and charity and beneficence are more cultivated and exhibit a richer growth. The gospel of " good will to men " is more earnestly preached and more constantly and consistently practiced. In spite of the tendency to the formation of classes, in spite of the prejudice arising from the accidents of race and color, simple manhood, without reference to birth or to past or present conditions and circumstances, is held in higher esteem and treated with more respect than in former times. Call to mind the radical change of sentiment and action touching the questions of human bondage, and the education of the negro race, have no reference to the positions and teachings of political parties religious organizations, but to the general tone of public opinion and the conduct of men irrespective of party or sect. Happily to many of you slavery and the heated and bitter controver- sies growing out of it are only matters of history, like the discovery ot America and the battle of Bunker Hill. To us, whose memories ean traverse the period of fifty years, they are not so much history as nv and terrible realities. Our fathers had solemnly affirmed that have an inalienable right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of 554 . HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH By a strange inconsistency they denied to a whole race, guilty of only a darker skin and thicker lips than their own, every right which renders life desirable or existence tolerable. Men, women, children were bought and sold like horses and sheep. No ties of blood or family were re- garded as sacred. To teach a slave to read was a crime punishable by long and hard imprisonment. A public meeting of intelligent citizens and respectable members of Christian churches, held not in South Caro- lina but in Connecticut, resolved that it is "Highly inexpedient and even dangerous to the peace of the community to teach the negroes to read and write." The city of New Haven, at a meeting held with the mayor as chairman, voted by a majority of 700 to 4, "That the founding of colleges for educating colored people is an unwarrantable and danger- ous interference with the internal concerns of other States, and ought to be discouraged." " That the establishment in New Haven of such a college is incompatible with the prosperity, if not the existence, of the present institutions of learning and will be destructive of the best in- terests of the city." In some places in the Northern States mobs tore down school build- ings erected for the education of free colored children, and compelled the teachers to flee for their lives. Statesmen defended slavery on constitutional grounds in the Senate, and learned divines defended it on Bible grounds in the church. The honored president of Dartmouth College, whose name and memory I hold in highest reverence, while I was a student in that institution, affirmed, with strong emphasis, that prophecy and history, the will of God and the interests of humanity, united in declaring that bondage was the natural and proper condition of the African race. Since those days, slavery, though protected by constitutions and laws, by compromises and resolutions, has been swept away by a terrible deluge of human blood. The hot flames of Civil War have burned away the barriers which barred the progress of the colored race and closed against them the schoolhouse and the college. The logic of events and the mighty workings of an over-ruling Providence have con- verted both statesmen and divines to a new gospel of universal freedom. It is no longer considered dangerous to teach negro children to read and write. The good citizens of New Haven do not tremble lest the estab- lishment of colleges for colored young men and women will shake the solid foundations of Yale university. The various religious denomina- tions emulate each other in contributions of men and means for opening and supporting institutions of learning for the emancipated slaves and their children. The South is not much behind the North in this benefi- cent and Christian work. A recent document states that since 1862 there have been expended the following sums for the education of the colored people of the South : By the American Missionary Association, $10,000,000 Methodists, 2,250,000 Baptists, 2,000,000 Presbyterians, 1,600,000 Others, 1,009,000 Making a total of $16,850,000 ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION 555 The Southern States have expended since 1868 for common and normal schools for the colored race, 137,000,000. Will anyone venture to assert that the former days of slavery and oppression were better than these latter days of freedom and education ? There are serious problems yet unsolved touching the emancipated race. But in view of what has already been accomplished, we may face the perplexities and dangers of the future without overmuch apprehen- sion or fear. Time forbids an extension of th,ese comparisons. But it could easily be shown that real and healthful advance has been made in general edu- cation and in many departments of moral reform. Genuine progress has been made in the temperance work, and in moral and legal efforts for the suppression of the traffic in intoxicating liquors. " Evil men and seducers may have waxed worse and worse," but public sentiment in most of our communities and in the nation at large, in spite of many drawbacks, has steadily improved. And whatever provisions may be put in or left out of the constitution of a State, whatever laws may be enacted or repealed, this remains true always and everywhere : that all permanent progress, either in political or moral reform, must have its basis and support in an intelligent public sentiment. What the majority of the people demand in respect to temperance, or civil service reform, or emigration, or the public lands, they will ultimately get. Vexatious delays may be met, but the final result is sure. The waiting may be long and tiresome, but patient and persevering effort finally has its reward. Right and truth will conquer in the end. How can one who believes there is a just, righteous, all-wise and almighty Ruler of all things doubt the ultimate triumph of justice and righteousness ? This triumph will be secured, not by irresistible mani- festations of supernatural power, but by the working together of all principles, forces, and agencies, human and divine, which have for their end the production and spread of justice and righteousness in the world. Among the agencies which have been mighty in the past, and are still mighty in every good work for the elevation and redemption of humanity are the principles and characters of the fathers and mothers who planted the rural towns of New England, and whose mortal remains sleep be- neath the soil which they loved. They were not perfect men and women. We do not honor them most by claiming for them that ideal perfecti* which they never thought of claiming for themselves. They were merely human. But, taken all in all, the world has not yet seen a nobler, ai truer, and grander generation. It is possible that the towns and states which they founded may pas under the control of men of a different race and of another faith, but their principles and deeds have not perished, and will not perish, seeds of truth which they planted have sprung up and are bearing n fruits in fertile fields which their eyes never saw. The empire whicl its beginning here among these rocky hills and in the shadows of rough mountains has transferred the seat and center of its power to th broader plains and richer soil of the West. New England lives m to and Michigan, and Iowa, and other of the newer 'states. Her s 556 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH daughters do not cease to remember the mother who nourished their in- fancy, though her features are rugged and her face is wrinkled with many a deep-plowed furrow. As we re-visit the scenes of childhood we do not hesitate to repeat the words of Scott " Breathes there a man with soul so dead, Who never to himself hath said, This is my own, my native land ; Whose heart hath ne'er within him burned As home his footsteps he hath turned, From wandering on a foreign strand ? " We enter into the feeings of Bryant when he wrote " Thou who wouldst see the lovely and the wild Mingled in harmony on Nature's face, Ascend our rocky mountains. I/et thy foot Fail not with weariness, for on their tops The beauty and the majesty of earth Spread wide beneath, shall make thee to forget The steep and toilsome way. There as thou stand'st, The haunts of men below thee, and around The mountain's summits, thy expanding heart Shall feel a kindred with that loftier world To which thou art translated, and partake The enlargement of thy vision." As I close, permit me to record once more the oath of allegiance and fidelity to the State and the town of my birth. The remains of four generations of my ancestors sleep beneath this soil, and render it " hallowed ground." These rough fields, these narrow valleys, these winding highways, these rocky hills, these rugged mountains have charms for my eye and my heart which no other lands possess. I love the rich and beautiful State of my adoption, with her broad and fertile fields, with her magnificent forests, with her exhaustless mines, with her grand lakes, and her intelligent and enterprising population : but " if I forget thee, Jerusalem of my birth and boyhood, let my right hand for- get her cunning ; if I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth ; if I prefer not the Jerusalem of New Kngland above my chief joy." The President. A fine display of fireworks, consisting of rockets, Roman candles, and mines, to close with a set piece pre- pared for the day, has been provided by the Boutwell family. This will be exhibited on the common by a professional from Boston as early in the evening as it is possible to do so. All are cordially invited to attend. This concludes the speaking by those who have prepared ad- dresses for this occasion from manuscript. I now have the pleasure of introducing to you Jacob A. Woodward, who will take charge of the further proceedings in my place. Mr. Woodward. Ladies and gentlemen : Before proceeding ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION 557 to the task which has been assigned to me, you will please par- don one brief thought. While we have met here together to renew old acquaintances and to form new acquaintances, and to revive the happy memories of young manhood and young womanhood, this thought conies to me : that we should this day give some meed of honor to the gray-haired men and women who have been true to old I/yndeborough and have remained here, and who make this celebration to-day possible. While we reverence and honor the names of those who founded this town, I still submit that it is those who live here to-day and are to remain here who make the town what it is and what it is to be. And I call upon all residents of the town, to-day, upon this one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of its settlement, to pledge ourselves anew, that whatever is tried that is new and that is practical, we will adopt it in our industry ; that whatever is new and best, we will have it in our schools and upon our roads ; that we will give a liberal support to all of our institutions ; and that Lyndeborough shall have the reputation, and deserve it, of being a live, go-ahead place, abreast of the times. Communism and anarchy do not flourish in the homes under the shadows of these hills. In giving the first sentiment that is to be responded to, I would say, by way of introduction, that whenever you mention the military record of I/yndeborough, every true son of I/ynde- borough stands up a little straighter and says, ' ' You can scruti- nize that record as much as you please!" The sentiment is, "Our Military Men." From Bunker Hill to Appomattox, from '76 to '61, when duty called, the men of Lyndeborough responded where "... Bursting shell, the gateway wrenched asunder, The rattling musketry, the clashing blade. And ever and anon, in tones of thunder, The diapason of the cannonade." Our military record, second to none. About a year before the civil war opened, up here in District No. 2, a district which has the reputation of sending out lots of live, smart and mischievous men, a young man went out into the world to try his skill in its warfare. When duty called he responded, and has made for himself a name and fame, needs no introduction from me to many of you. Ladies gentlemen, I have the pleasure of introducing to you Surgeon- General Holt of Cambridge, Massachusetts. 558 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH Gen. Holt. Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, Fellow- townsmen : Before commencing the few sentences that I am to utter, I wish to say a word of explanation or apology. I had supposed up to yesterday morn- ing that it would not be possible for me to be present at this celebration, although no amount of inconvenience or expense to myself would have kept me away. I supposed that I should be employed in a Government office which I am unfortunate enough to hold, that would, perhaps, call fifteen or twenty veteran soldiers from their homes all over Massachu- setts, and I felt that I had no right to put them to that inconvenience. But, happily, we were able to arrange the matter yesterday, and so I am here. But 1^ have been able to give but very little thought to the sen- timent that your toastmaster has asked me to respond to. One hundred and fifty years ago this fall, our sturdy ancestors came into the wilderness that clothed these grand old hills, and carved out for themselves and their children, homes. And among their first thoughts was that of caring for their own protection. Although the savage Indian had been driven from all the southern part of New England, still lie was jealous of the approaching civilization, and sought every opportunity to get revenge ; and so the settlers of the extreme frontier were never with- out danger of attacks from them, and the settlers here, as tradition says, like those elsewhere, built for their protection a block house. It is not probable that they had any military organization at that early day, although it is more than probable that there was some leader to whom they looked up in times of danger. And if they did not have a man worthy of that high place, they certainly had a leader in the woman that the speaker mentioned this morning, who called the roll of her children when the Indian was crawling about her home. It is probable that they had more or less alarms, when they fled to this block house for protec- tion, but time has proved that such alarms were causeless ; and in a few years the fast advancing settlement, of the surrounding country freed them from the danger of Indians. It is more than probable that some of the restive spirits joined in some of the contests against the Indians and French that took place between 1739 and 1775, but there was no organi- zation for such a purpose. The great war for Independence, like all great wars, and particularly like all great civil wars, came unheralded, and, up to the igth of April, 1775, there was little or no thought of a contest of arms, although the colonies had been outspoken in their opposition to the wrong and injus- tice that had been heaped upon them, and revolts and riots had occurred in two or three instances. It is said that one of the officers of L,ouis XVI. carried to his master the news of a riot in the streets of Paris just before the French Revolution, when the starving people were crying for bread. The monarch listened impatiently to the recital and said, " It is nothing but a riot ; the troops can dispel them." But the officer, more observing than his master, knowing better the temper of the people, an- swered, " No, sire, it is not a riot, but a revolution." So, when the mid- night courier fled like a phantom through the streets of Cambridge and on, calling to arms, on the morning of the igth of April, 1775, it was not a riot or a revolt, but it was a revolution. The people in the colonies had borne until it had ceased to be a virtue, and they were obliged to re- 559 sort to arms to obtain right and justice. We all know that the battle of Lexington and Concord was fought by a few companies that had been aroused by the ride of Paul Revere, in the immediate vicinity of Boston, for there was no time to collect troops from anywhere else. But the spirit of revolt was not confined within narrow limits. The spirit of lib- erty that aroused the men of Concord and Lexington to do deeds that will live in song and story so long as American history lives, had perme- ated and ramified to the remotest points of the settlements in the colo- nies ; and nowhere in all the towns of the colonies was there a quicker response to that call ; nowhere was there a town that answered sooner than this grand old town of Lyndeborough, when the call came. For, uoLwith standing it was in the busiest season of the year, when work must be done if they were to reap a harvest in the coming fall, in less than eight weeks from the igth of April, from the battle of Concord and Lex- ington, nineteen of the gallant sons of Lyndeborough stood on the battle line with Stark before Bunker Hill. And all through the Revolutionary war this town furnished more than a hundred men for that contest. Some of them heard the brave and gal- lant words of Stark at Bennington. Some of them saw Burgoyne, shorn of his pomp and glory, lay down his arms in defeat before a ragged line of Americans at Saratoga. Some of them, barefooted, footsore, ragged and hungry, followed Washington through the icy waters of the Dela- ware. Some of them heard the roar of cannon at Monmouth, and some of them followed the fortunes of that gallant army through to the end, and saw the final triumph of American liberty at Yorktown. Grand old revolutionary heroes ! Some of us remember the tottering form of one as he came into the church Sunday after Sunday to occupy his usual' seat. Grand and heroic their deeds were, and we remember with gratitude and pride the work they did, to-day ; and well we may, for in all the history of the world there is no grander page than that written out by the bayonets of the Revolutionary heroes in their struggle for lib- erty ; and the town of Lyndeborough furnished more than its share of men for that service. There seems to be no record of the men that served in the war of 1812 from this town. And it is not probable that a great many of them en- tered that service, as it was a short war compared with the others, and its contests were mostly far beyond the Hudson, except one or two naval battles. The town, I believe, did send a company to do garrison duty at Portsmouth. The great civil war of 1861, like the revolution, came unexpectedly. Although political contests had been fierce and political animosities and angers were strong, yet there was no thought on the part of the North of settling the great questions brought about by African slavery by acontes of arms, until the firing upon Fort Sumter. Then all political anira ties ceased and were hushed. Then disappeared party lines. Then was union or dis-union the North against the South: loyalty again! disloyalty. Then the men of Maine, the men of New Hampshire, tl men of Massachusetts, at a moment's warning, with only a single hour notice, seized their arms, rushed to the rescue and saved the E capital. And among the very first to respond to that call were who first saw the light of day upon these hills. 560 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH And the first of all New Hampshire's sons to lay down his life on the field of battle in that great contest was a hoy who enlisted from this town, a handsome, black-eyed boy, full of life and happiness, who was born and raised on yonder farm, was killed almost at the first fire in the first battle of Bull Run. During that great contest this town furnished for actual service in the army over eighty of its citizens. I refer to those who saw actual, active service. This, of course, is exclusive of the ser- vice of the artillery company, of which I shall say a word later. And to-day, beneath the Southern skies, all along the line from the Potomac to the Mississippi, they are sleeping their final sleep. For the life of one went out amidst the whistling shot and screeching shell at Gettysburg ; another fell beneath the burning sun of Louisiana, in front of the breast- works of Port Hudson ; another passed away amidst disease and suffering and death in the hospital at New Orleans ; another at Gettysburg, and so on. They were in all the great battles of the war. I think you cannot find a single one, where, in the ranks of the Union army, there was not a Lyndeborough boy. And at the final surrender at Appomatox over a score of Ivyndeborough's sons were still in the service, many of whom had won commissions. I intended to say only a very few words here, but the response to the sentiment your toast-master presented me would be very incomplete without a word in relation to the artillery company and the militia. This town has furnished to the militia, in days past, two infantry companies that are long since extinct, and an artillery company, the glory and re- nown of this old town, so far as its military record is concerned, now over eighty of age, but not decrepit and broken ; having still the strength and vigor of its manhood. I suppose the two principal objects of keep- ing up a militia force are, first, to have a force that we can call upon at any time, in an emergency ; second, to keep alive in men the military spirit. That this old company has well fulfilled these two objects we all can testify, for it responded with alacrity and with full ranks to the call that took it to Portsmouth for garrison duty during the war. And, dur- ing all its life, there is scarcely a son of Lyndeborough that has not at some time been enrolled in its ranks. It has an honorable record, and we are glad to speak of it in terms of praise to-day. We can only hope that interest in it will be kept up, and that its drill and discipline will be continued, so that, fifty years from now, when the two hundredth anni- versary comes, it can show as grand and noble a record as it does to-day. A word more in relation to the military service of the town and I am done. We sometimes hear soldiers say that they won the war, but they did not. The men that stayed at home and raised provisions and made munitions of war and made money helped to win the war as much as the soldiers, and without their support, we that stood the brunt of battle could not have carried on the contest a single month. But, with all the men working to carry on the war successfully, I do not believe they could have done it without something else. No, veteran soldiers, we could not have waged successful war without the sympathies, the tears and the prayers of the women. We sometimes talk of the sufferings of the soldier, but what were they compared with those of the women, whose anxiety never ceased ? ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION 561 There sat on this platform this morning a grand and noble mother, who, at one time, had three sons in the army of the Potomac. What was her suffering, as she watched with fear and trembling every minute for the sound of footfalls that brought news, with an anxiety that never could pos- sibly cease until the living ones returned. The women of this town and of this country, the women of the war, were as grand and noble as the Spartan mother of old, and gave to the country their sons, with God's blessing. Yes, veteran soldiers, the greatest heroism of war is that of the women, after all, for they are the greatest sufferers. The military record of Lyndeborough surely is one of which we have a right to be proud, and we can only hope for the future that it will be as grand, that her sons will be as brave and patriotic as those have been who have gone before. The choir then sang " The Star Spangled Banner." Mr. Woodward. In all the joys and sorrows of our town the minister has filled a very large place. And I therefore propose this sentiment to the clergy : We know how well the fathers taught, What work the later schools have wrought. We reverence old time faith and men, But faith is slow. Is it too little or too much we know ? I have the pleasure of calling upon Rev. Mr. Childs, pastor of the church at the centre of the town, to respond to that senti- ment. Mr. Childs made a suitable response. Mr. Woodward. The next sentiment is " Our Medical Men." The confidential friends of the family, their cheerful presence robs sickness of half its pain. Beginning by helping us in To this world of trouble and doubt, He at last atones for that sin ' By genially helping us out. A number of years ago we had a graduate from District No. 8 who has gone out from us and has acquired very considerabl eminence in his profession. It gives me much pleasure to pr< sent to you one of the sons of Lyndeborough, Dr. H. E. Spalc ing of Hingham, Mass. Dr. Spalding. Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends of my Boyhood : Whc I came here I little expected to do other than shake hands, expect that my voice would be called for here to-day. Hence if thoughts that I have collected together among these varied scenes h, are brought before my mind by this gathering are somewha ra b tag, you must forgive me, and believe that it is something like the mod sermon. You have the text given you, and let the brother go on what he will, whether it applies or hot. 562 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH The first thought that comes to my mind is, why should they ask, in Lyndeborough, about the medical profession ? You have no doctors here, you need no doctors here. Why, then do you bring one of the medical profession before you ? These years ago you outgrew doctors. Well, I suppose when you had got this canvas tent spread above you, you thought it was a sort of menagerie, and you wanted to see a curiosity ; you wanted to see how the creatures look nowadays, so your chairman said, " Let us bring up a doctor to look at." So I am brought here for a show more than for what I am to say. Lyndeborough has had doctors. I accidentally learned to-day that old Dr. Jones, about 125 years ago, took to himself a wife ; and then did not exactly take to the woods, but did take to the fastnesses of the mountains up here in Lyndeborough, having his household goods put on an ox-cart, he and his bride going in a one- horse "shay," the second that had ever been into these town limits; and thus they drove to Lyndeborough. He put out his shingle, but what an ominous sign it was, that the driver of that ox-cart, in bringing his goods here, choked himself to death before he got here, showing that there must be some reason why doctors should not come to Lyndeborough. Dr. Jones remained here many years. He lived here, built him a home here, and to-day you will see his portrait hanging on the outer wall of the home which he built. He and his son and his grandson, I think, or his great-grandson, the late Wm. A. Jones, supplied the place of physician to this town nearly all the time during these 125 years. And well they sup- plied it. The other man who was so familiar to us in our childhood, who was so familiar and so dear to our mothers and our fathers, was Dr. Her- rick. I need say nothing to you of him. You remember his genial face. You remember his kindly way. We all respected him. We all loved him. But the historian has told you that many have gone out from Lyndeborough and worked in other fields in the medical profession. I was surprised to know that there were so many who had been at work in my profession, from this town. Foremost, though, above all, not only of the sons of this town, but I would almost say foremost among the foremost in the medical science of this country, one whose name stands among the uppermost on the Temple of Fame in the medical science, is the name of Willard Parker. Not only wherever the English language is known, but wherever scientific medicine and surgery are called upon to alleviate suffering humanity is known the name of Willard Parker. Many, to-day, are working and do- ing good works, and it may be said of them, " their works do follow them," if, by chance, they do not go before. But I have said that other thoughts come into my mind to-day, and I really dislike to talk "shop." I do not know, perhaps, as much about the medical profession as those who suffer, or are alleviated by it, do. I could, perhaps, tell you more about the lawyers than the lawyers could tell about themselves. I could, perhaps, tell you more about the clergy than they could tell you about themselves ; and some of you could tell me, perhaps, more about the'doctors than I could tell you about them myself. I said that I came here expecting to shake hands. So I did. I expected to meet the boys and girls. I have met the boys and girls, but not the boys and girls. I have clasped the hand of sturdy manhood and the ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION 563 hand of cordial womanhood. The sparsely covered crown, the silver locks are here ; and about the same bright eye I read the marks of Time's fingers. And I wonder, as I look at them, if it can be a reflection of something in myself. It can hardly be, for I feel like a boy to-day. Old memories flock around. On this very spot one of my earliest recollec- lections comes up. One of the earliest experiences in my life outside of my own home, was, I should presume, on this very spot. One Fourth of July somebody says some forty years ago it cannot be as long ago, for I am but a boy myself, and I remember it ; but, how- ever, it was long enough ago so that our fathers and our mothers deter- mined to have a Fourth of July picnic. Our fathers, instead of getting a tent, went into the woods, gathered trees and stuck them in the ground and made an artificial grove, among which they set the tables. And I remember how we passed the hours here. But what impresses itself most clearly upon my mind is the fact that I got lost that day. And this common, what an immense country it was to me ! How astonished I was, and how frightened ! There was no crier sent out for me. I am sure I filled that capacity to the fullest extent of the demands of the occasion. These scenes come up before my mind rapidly, one after another. It was my good fortune a few months ago to stand in Munich and there view one of those remarkable processions that are brought out to cele- brate the death of nobility. The sound of the trumpet, the flash of the pine torch, for it was in the night, the dirge, the bier, all said the king was dead. Yet, when the procession had about passed, there came, suddenly, a presence in the air of something : a sound, no, not a sound, a tremor filled the air. Above, below, around, from the very depths of the ground it came. It entered the very soul and shook the very citadel of life with emotion. It told better than anything else could, the sorrow of the nation. Oh, the throb of pain and sorrow in those tremulous sounds ! I shall never forget it. Something akin to that comes to me to-day as I see these old faces, as I think of the grass- grown walks, the doors that used to open in cordial hospitality, that now hang half torn from their hinges, the sashless windows, the emberless hearths ; the rooms vacant, except as the bat flies through from one to another, or the frightened squirrel escapes. In the garden that stood by, like half-awakened memories, the tulip and the daffodil, the hollyhock and the cinnamon rose still struggle into bloom. And then I recall the schoolhouse with its deeply carved desks ; I re- member that eventful examination day. Oh, how we crammed and primed for it ! How we looked anxiously and watched to see when the old clergyman, Mr. Claggett, should come across the field and through the door. Then we all stood up, in reverence to the man we all loved so well, the man who could take each one of us by the hand, and was not satisfied with giving us our first name, but gave us our middle names and our last names. He knew us all. Then, as the neighbors gathered, one after another, how we struggled to acquit ourselves well. And how we went out on to the rostrum of the schoolhouse and stood there with trembling feet and said, "You'd scarce expect one of my age," or with more zeal and animation, we declared for " Independence now, and Independence forever ! " 564 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH Those things, I say, come before me in rapid array, and I sorrow as I think of the deserted homes, as I notice the spots, like pock marks on the surface, where once stood the houses that meant homes. Yet, as the crier goes out, and, in oae and the same voice declares, "The king is dead. Long live the king," so I say that there is hope yet for old Lynde- borough. It is not all sorrow nor all mourning. There are homes here yet. There is spirit here yet among the old men and among the middle- aged men that can make I/yndeborough still bloom and blossom. Her people must, perhaps, change their methods of life, their methods of farming, and introduce possibly some other industries ; but I/yndebor- ough must live. But, above all, I know that these eternal hills are here, and that they shall stand. What makes I/yndeborough dear and beauti- ful to us all will remain, though we shall pass away. Oh, ye rocks and rills, ye hills and vales, ye mountains and ravines, though wander thy children, live ye still. Do they make their sojourn in the tropic south, where perpetual summer reigns, they refresh their hearts with memories of thee, with thy sleeping verdure wrapped in winter's snowy blanket. Though they dwell in the prairies of the West, the eye wearied with the broad expanse of the horizon's long, unbroken line, they long to behold once more thy* varied landscape and to see thy mountain tops, as, blush- ing with the first influence of morning's radiant hues, they proclaim the coming of the king of day to the vales below. Do they tread the narrow path of want, or eat of hunger's bitter bread, they recall the old home in thy midst where an all sufficient abundance ever prevailed. Do they ride the steed of affluence or dwell in palaces of wealth, they remember the comforts, the careless comforts of their country home, and say, " There indeed, was a rich mine of real, peaceful comfort that I cannot now find.'' Yes, wherever they are, in whatever situation, in whatever vocation, doc- tor, lawyer or divine, workers with the brain or hand, thy children love thee still ; living, love thee ; and dying, pray that thy murmuring brooks and thy whispering pines may sing their requiem and may speak their praise. Mr. Woodward : The next sentiment is a toast to " Good Old L,yndeborough." Success to her industry. Prosperity attend her years. Her doors are ever open to welcome home her wan- dering children. I will call upon one of her wandering children to speak to this sentiment. I used to be very intimately acquainted with him years ago. He is a graduate of old District No. 8, over the mountains, and was one of the sons of L,yndeborough repre- sented in that historic march through Baltimore on the igth of April, 1861. Indies and gentlemen, Henry M. Woodward, of Medford, Mass. Mr. H. M. Woodward. Citizens of Lyndeborough, Old Lyndeborough : Old it is, indeed, as we mark the years, as the storms beat upon yonder hills. Old indeed it is as we mark the forest which the streams have made in yonder valleys. Old indeed it is as we read upon the tomb- stones in yonder yard the ages of those that have been laid there during ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION 565 the years that are past. But every morning's sun, as it climbs up these hills, makes Lyndeborough as new as it was in the past, when our boy- hood feet trod these hills. L,yndeborough her industries : I have been astonished at the industries of I/yndeborough. We have industry piled up, industry pressed down, industry shaken together. And the industry here is so elevating already elevated, I should say. In the morning, you industriously climb up and spend an industrious day upon these hills, and when you have industriously filled the hours of the day, you industriously slide down the same hills to your homes and industriously fill up the remainder of the day with the chores about the farm and barn. This is industrious industry, piled up, heaped up. And what is the re- ward of this industry ? I got a clew of the reward of the industry from the remarks which the doctor made ; and that is this, that they do not need any doctors in Lyndeborough. It is very difficult for one unaccustomed to public speaking to know what to say next. I am reminded of an incident that occurred in my war experience, and with that I will close my remarks. I know the old sol- diers here will appreciate it. In the early part of the war, in our nine months' service, we had a motley collection in our company, and very many of them knew nothing of military duties or tactics. We had a man by the name of John Whalen. The first night after we arrived in Virginia, John Whalen was detailed as camp guard. The old soldiers will know what "grand rounds" means. And I, being officer of the guard, it was my duty to instruct the guard in the duties of the grand rounds. For the information of those who do not exactly know what it means, I will say that, in the night, the officer of the day goes around and inspects each guard about the camp, and they have a certain formula which is required of the guard during that performance. He goes about to see that every man is awake and at his post and doing his duty. I instructed John in the duties of grand rounds. I told him what he was to do. I drilled him in the formula. " Now, John," said I, "when the officer of the guard approaches, you must say "Halt!" and "Who goes there?" And of course, the officer will say "Grand rounds." You will say, "Advance, grand rounds, and give the countersign." I instructed him in all the minutiae of that, and I got John so thoroughly indoctrinated with grand rounds that he could go through with it beautifully. When the time ap- proached, the officer of the day came to me and we went the grand rounds. We found all the guards at their posts as usual. We came to John's post, and John was marching up and down his post, with his " shoulder arms," as brave as any man could be; and when he saw me coming, he came to a halt, and waited until I could have struck him with my fist, he allowed me to come so near him. Now it is against the rules of the army for a guard to let anyone come within reach of his bayonet. John allowed me to come up very near. And after awhile he says, "Halt!" Of course, I had halted before. Then I waited a few minutes for the rest of it. And John sang out after a while, " Who goes there ?" I replied, " Grand rounds." Then there was another long silence, and I waited and waited. Finally, John said, " Phwat will I say next ? " With this remark, " Phwat will I say next ? " I close the few remarks I have to make. 566 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH Mr. Woodward. Indies and Gentlemen : The next senti- ment is to the absent sons of Lyndeborough ; to the sons of L/yndeborough who have been pioneers and conservators of other civilizations ; those present we welcome to their native hills on this festal day ; to those absent we send our kindest benedic- tions. I have the pleasure of introducing to you William H. Grant, Esq., of St. Paul, Minnesota. Mr. Grant, before proceeding, read certain letters which had been received from some of the sons of L/yndeborough who were not present. After reading a letter from Rev. Wm. T. Bout- well, of Stillwater, Minn., Mr. Grant spoke as follows : Now, fellow-townsmen, I remember, in my boyhood, to have read, as some of you have read, that, under certain circumstances, the last shall sometimes be first, and the first last. The last letter which I read to you was that from Mr. Boutwell. I will speak of him as one of the absent sons of Lyndeborough first, because he builded better than he knew. When your mothers and my mother were making bed blankets and bed quilts and sending them, with their benedictions into the far Northwest forty years ago, they did not know what they were doing. Mr. Boutwell said to me last Tuesday afternoon, when I went to see him for the very purpose of seeing him before I should meet you to-day, that the people of Lyndeborough and his New England friends, in 1831, told him that if he went into that Northwestern country, if he did not freeze to death, he would be scalped by the Indians. We all remember very well how solicitous we all were for his welfare. I need not tell you that his mission, like the other missions to the Indians in the past, has very largely been a failure. He admits it himself. But man proposes and God disposes. The result of I/yndeborough 's sending that man into the Northwest was the bringing of the attention of the American people to that country. " Why," he says, " in 1832, when I landed upon the shore of Cass Lake, near the source of the Mississippi, I found as fine a field of corn as was ever raised in old Lyndeborough. I did not feel any afraid of freezing to death after that." It is to missionaries, to men like Mr. Boutwell, that America owes the building up and redeeming from barbarism of that noble country, of that great belt, not of western land, nor western states which we used to talk about, but that great central belt composed of Wisconsin, of Michigan, of Minnesota, of Iowa, of Illinois, of Missouri, and so down to the Gulf of Mexico. Within the limits of which I speak, and the new States, to be, the two Dakotas, when they are added, there will be, in that coun- try to which Mr. Boutwell went in 1831, twelve millions of free, inde- pendent, enlightened and happy people. It is owing to the services of such men as Mr. Boutwell that the Pillsburys are feeding you to-day. You have been eating flour ground at the Falls of St. Anthony, which seemed to be a Utopian country in the days when Mr. Boutwell first visited it. Another suggestion, another distinction for a son of Lyndeborough : Mr. Boutwell gave the name of Itasca to the source of the Mississippi ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION 567 River ; so that, so long as that great river shall flow to the gulf, so long as the human mind can remember or can see or can know of what there is to-day in the land, just so long will that name be preserved ; and it is to old L,yndeborough, to this hill here just below us, that we owe that name a peculiar name. He told me the story of how it came about some years ago. It was this : He accompanied the Schoolcraft expedi- tion in 1832. They came to that lake. It was the source of the river, and the question was what they should call it. They talked of Indian names. Finally Mr. Schoolcraft turned to Mr. Boutwell and said, " Mr. Boutwell, I am not a classical scholar. Can't you remember some Greek or some Latin name, something that will be expressive of the idea that this is the head of the river?" Mr. Boutwell took a piece of birch bark, as they sat there on the bank of the lake, and wrote " veritas caput," and handed it to Mr. Schoolcraft. He says, " It is too long." Mr. Boutwell jocularly replied, " Well, we had better cut in two." So he took off the v e r of the first word and the last syllable of the second word and he had the word " Itasca," and they adopted it as the name of the lake. So it is to a son of I/yndeborough that the world is indebted for the name of the lake at the head of the great Mississippi.* There is another name that I desire to call your attention to. While he was not a son of I/yndeborough, he was a son of one of Ivyndebor- ough's sons. He was a grand-son, as I said before, of the man who led the men of Lyndeborough at Bunker Hill. I think we have the right to call him a son of L,yndeborough. I refer to the Hon. E. G. Spaulding of Buffalo. You have heard what the military did during the war of the rebellion ; and how proud we have been of our military rec- ord. But there is a peaceful record in the case of Mr. Spaulding, which, to my mind, vastly outweighs, in its importance, the achievements of the military. Without it, the military could never have succeeded. His- tory shows us that Mr. Spaulding, as chairman of the committee on finance in the congress of the United States, in the early days of the war, introduced what is known as the " Greenback Bill," for the issuing of treasury notes. And I understand that in Buffalo his neighbors fre- quently speak of him as " Greenback Spaulding." Another thing he did : He formulated, introduced and advocated the present National Bank bill, by which our national currency was established. And it was so per- fect when it came from his experienced hand that there have been but very few amendments of it since. Men live in their sons and in their daugh- ters, and I say again, it is to these old hills, it is to those struggling an- cestors of ours who subdued these mighty forests, that we are indebted for these great measures. Other sons of I/yndeborough have gone forth into every department of life; into my own profession, perhaps, less than into any other of the *The following is taken from a paper on the source of the Mississippi, by H. M. Kingery, in The Popular Science Monthly for August, 1904 : " The present name 11 said to have been the joint production of Schoolcraft and the Rev. Dr. Boutwell, who were the first white men to seek the lake as the Mississippi's source. Desiring to ha it at first sight with an appropriate title, Schoolcraft asked his companion for the Greek or Latin words meaning the true source of a river. Though somewhat rusty in t classics, the reverend explorer finally recalled the two Latin words, veritas caput truth head. These were written down, the first and last syllables crossed out, an presto ! the name Itaska." 568 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH learned professions ; but everywhere you find them. They have been bank presidents and bank directors. They have constructed railroads. They have been railroad directors and railroad presidents and managers. They have been mayors of cities. They have been the pioneers and founders of towns. Every industry, every advance of civilization has found some son of I/yndeborough lifting at the wheel. But, ladies and gentlemen, the hours are passing rapidly. I simply de- sired to see you. I desired to be present and shake again your kindly hands. It is now more than thirty years, nearly thirty-five, since I lost my citizenship in I/yndeborough. I have always looked back on the home of my birth as a place I love to contemplate. I remember you all. I remember the old men and the young, and always with the kindest of feelings and recollections. These scenes about us, as I said before, are what have made the sons of Lyndeborough what they are. Man, like any other animal, is made largely by his environment ; and it is because our ancestors had to struggle, it is because our fathers and mothers had to work with their hands and their heads, that we have given so many illustrations of distinguished ability in the various departments of human life. I expect to leave you. I may never, or I may, return. These scenes, to me, are set in strong remembrance. As Burns said, "Oh, scenes in strong remembrance set ! Scenes never, never to return ! Scenes, if in stupor I forget, Again I feel, again I burn." Good-bye. I do not want to say any more. Mr. Woodward. I did not commence my task with an apol- ogy which perhaps I should have made ; but it is very dis- agreeable to commence the exercises of any occasion with an apology. But we expected and hoped that His Excellency the Governor would be here to-day, and he gave a partial assurance that he would be here, but he did not come. It would be a very pleasant part of my task were I able to read a letter of regret from him, but I cannot do so for he sent none. The concluding sentiment of the day is to the first settlers of Ivyndeborough. Plain, hardy, intelligent. Contending with the forces of nature, enduring privation, they hewed out for themselves homes, and left for us a legacy of freedom. As the fathers live in their sons, may their sturdy courage and faith be ours. I have the honor and pleasure of introducing to you Mr. Rufus Blanchard of Chicago, 111., who will respond to this toast. He has acquired a reputation as an author and pub- lisher and is an old son of I/yndeborough . Mr. Blanchard. Fellow-Citizens, Ladies and Gentlemen : I wish'J could call more of you " fellow-citizens," practically, than is possible. When I came here, as I first came over Perham's old hill, I could not help hum- ming to myself that old hymn, ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION 569 " Green hills of Tyrol, again I see My home and country so dear to me." It would not have required any very great stretch of imagination for me to have become convinced in my own mind and to have actually be- lieved that I was to visit my old schoolfellows, and to take a friendly wrestle with them, or, maybe, a regular rough and tumble. But I am sorry to say that the truth dispelled that happy illusion very soon. In- stead of that I found a few grizzly old fellows, just like myself, some younger, some a little older. But as I grasped them by the hand I felt as if I could again take a regular rough and tumble with them. I re- member which of them could lay me on my back, and which I could lay on their backs. But I do not propose to try it now. There is a man that I wrestled with over there now. I never fought with him in the world. But I could pick out some that I have fought with, though I do not see any now. But if I could, I would feel a good deal as the famous artist, Healy, felt ; he is the artist who painted the presidents of the United States, the greatest artist in the world to-day. I met him at one time with one of his old friends from Boston and had the honor to be intro- duced to him ; and from the conversation that he bad with the gentle- man, Mr. Higginson, I was led to say, " Why, you must be old^friends ? '* " Oh, yes," he said, " we threw brick-bats at each other on the streets of Boston, when boys." So began a life-long friendship. I felt something like that when I came to greet my old friends here. If we didn't throw brick-bats, we pummelled each other well, which was just as good proof of our courage. And we didn't tell our fathers of it, nor our pedagogues, nor our "school- marms." If we had, we would have got a second dose from Dr. Birch. It is right for boys to fight, rather than submit to degredation. It was the same spirit which actuated nineteen men to enlist in the revolution- ary war from our old town. But, O Mercy ! don't let me make you a speech ! The thing has gone too far already. Everything that has been said has been good, but it is too late to make any more speeches. Therefore I will just read you a little sentiment that I felt impressed to utter, and I wrote it out because I couldn't help it. (The Speaker then read a short poem.) I thank you, my friends, for allowing me to greet you face to face. And if I have failed to respond to that beautiful, that laconic sentiment that was allotted me, you cannot doubt that it has been most ably re- sponded to already ; and you will excuse this as a light dessert, not a heavy dessert, like a piece of mince pie, but the lightest dessert you could eat after a meal of solid meats. We will call it a roast apple. Mr. Woodward. Mr. Chairman, that concludes the part which was assigned to me. President Grant. I have been requested to state that on Thursday, the i2th day of this month, the scion of Lynde- borough which drew off a part of Salem-Canada, proposes, from what we have done here to-day, to see what it can do. Boys are apt, if their parents have done something big, to see 570 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH if they cannot do something bigger. The people of Wilton propose to hold a celebration on the i2th day of the present month, and they invite all who are present at lyyndeborough to-day to come down and see them. This meeting now stands adjourned for fifty years, and as many of you as possible are requested to come then. In conclusion : The following poem, written by Dr. Israel Herrick in 1858, was not read on this occasion; but as it doubt- less would have been if it had been available, it is inserted here without apology : SCRAPS ABOUT I/YNDKBOROUGH. Our town is a regular crescent-like swell, Made up of mountain, and hill, and dell, With here and there a small level spot, Sufficient to build a snug, humble cot, A barn and a shed, with a yard for the kine, A coop for the hens, and a pen for the swine. The surface is stony, and hard, and rough, The tilling of which is toilsome and tough, Discounting to man and beast his food, If only the proper labor is made, With plow and harrow, shovel and spade, Crowbar, bush-hook, axe and hoe, Laid on smart by a freeman's blow. Our ancient domain was ample and bold, Such as yeomen delight to purchase and hold, And build up a home for themselves and the brood Very soon to come forth, for the great public good. Thirty-six square miles, with a southern decline, Well timbered and watered, with prospect sublime, Was the price paid King,* with his bold soldier clan, To hunt and shoot down his red fellow-man, And Frenchmen to boot ; 'twas a sov'reign say, And flunkeys, as now, were quite sure to obey. But this goodly grant was soon to be marred By godly neighbors, and hackled and scarred, That they might enlarge their scanty dominions And gratify will, as well as opinions. First, Wilton came in for a two-mile slice To make up a town, so snug and so nice, With Masoniau lands, which they had on hand, And then take a notable public stand. Next Temple presented a Blood-yt request, And after contention, 'twas thought to be best To let them take off a three-cornered bite, *Capt. Samuel King:- See pp. 21-25. ED. t The late General Blood, with his well-known shrewdness, got up a petition, put it through the Legislature, and procured the grant. ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION 571 And keep it, rather than quarrel and fight. Next Greenfield requested a rather large strip, To make up a town with their barren old slip. And rather than see them look meager and sullen, And get their subsistence from sorrel and mullen, We granted their prayer, as is plain to be seen, And let them have lands that looked healthy and green. Frances-town next craved a very small bit, To make her phylacteries come snug to a fit, And give her proportion, as plump and as fair As the maiden* whose name they so cheerfully bear. Mont Vernon came last [and got what she wanted.] ******* Thus we have been pinched and hackled all raw, Which leaves us in shape of a circular saw With a piece broken off ; and yet we are here, And keep on our course in hope, without fear. With this slight digression, we'll pick up our traps, And hasten along with the rest of our scraps. Our streams of water are nothing but rills, Greatly deficient for driving of mills, Except when swollen by showers or thaws, And then you may hear the clatter of saws Cutting up lumber yea, fingers and paws ; Yet not a spoonful of meal's to be had, Though hens, ducks and turkeys yea, women run mad, And cackle and scold, quack, gobble and squall, For grain can't be ground, the streams are so small. Churches we've two, and preachers the same, Where sinner and saint, the blind, halt and lame May go and get good to their souls, if they will, And learn to avoid the eternal down hill, Where old " Nickey Ben," that famous old rip, Stands ready to give them a crack with his whip. One doctor ! good luck ! now I'm free to engage Were there none, few would die except of old age. No lawyert save one e'er yet had the pride To think he safely our yeomen could ride ; And he was thrown off with his ill-gotten treasures, To earn his own broth by making peck measures. A full baker's dozen of squires have we, Who serve for the honor, instead of the fee ; But Justice ! bah ! their number's so small, 'Tis safer to say we have just none at all. Schoolhouses we've nine, tho' one at a peep Would surely be taken as sheds for the sheep, * Frances Deering, wife of Gov. John Wentworth. See Francestown History, p. 39. ED t About 45 years ago Esq. E y opened an office in this place ; had no business, and went to making wooden measures. He was good at that. For in the granaries of many of our careful farmers you ma> find sets of measures made by this wise lawyer. 572 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH Instead of a place where the tender young mind Should learn to shoot forth, " as the twig is inclin'd." Yet some are now getting the better of self, Believing that mind is quite equal to pelf; And give, by refitting, those sheds such an air, As makes the whole district with wonder to stare, And two-penny souls half determined to swear. We've a pond of small size, surrounded with bogs, Well stored with leeches, pickerel and frogs, Bull-paddocks, water-snakes, shiners and pouts, Suckers and pollywogs, turtles and trouts Enough in all conscience to get up a treat For half of the bipeds that come short of meat. We've a town hall, too, of modern cut, Where orators, poets and sporters can strut ; Where lyceums meet, great questions to settle, And brave politicians to show off their mettle ; .And singers to sing, and laugh and prattle, And boys to run, and scream, and rattle, As if the imps in the old black pit Were all seized at once with colic or fit. Half a century gone by, or nearly that space, California fever broke out in this place ; By some cantrip slight, the fact had been told, That Scattaquog's* bowels were all filled with gold. So at it they went, to digging and blowing, To carting and wheeling, shov'ling and hoeing, From winter to spring^through summer and fall, And all that they got was just nothing at all. So, many who now are raving for riches, From Mexican hills will return poor as witches, And wish they had staid on their own native soil, To gather their gold by slow, patient toil. The red man free once ranged our hills, To shoot down the deer, or fish in our rills, Little dreaming that he and his blood must give place, With his land and his hut, to a white, selfish race, And turn his sad face to the West for to roam, No more to return to his sweet, native home. Near our speck of a pond was his summer retreat, Where he -feasted on fish, if the chase gave no meat, And gathered the grape, the wild pear and cherry, That he with his friends might be joyful and merry. 'Twas here, too, he sickened and died, And here he was buried, t close down by the side * The name of the eastern spur of our mountain. About the commencement of the present century a company was organized in this town, through faith in the Divining- rod, to mine for silver. Much time and money were expended for naught. The ex- cavation, though now partly filled up, is plain to be seen. t In the fall of 1848, as workmen were removing a sand mound at the west end of " Badger " Pond, so called, the bones of an Indian were disinterred. Others may yet ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION 573 Of this little pond, and the tall waving trees Sang his requiem, mov'd by the soft western breeze. , Fain here would our muse gently cower her wing, Nor 'tempt furthermore to flutter or sing Yea, fain would avoid the sad task to fulfil ; But oh ! the vile serpent, the " worm of the still." That reptile's been here, with his poisonous breath, Beguiling its victims to premature death ; Gently and softly the heart he coils round, 'Till all the affections forever are bound. Father and mother, fond hearts have been pained To see their loved offspring so foolishly chained ; Sisters have wept for a brother's sad fate, Who fain would avoid, when, alas ! 'twas too late, The place where this reptile was kept to decoy The doom'd one from virtue, honor and joy. Alas ! oh, alas ! no tongue can e'er tell The sorrows that flow from this offspring of hell. If once he succeeds in wounding the brain, The doom'd one will seek him again and again ; Will sacrifice freely companions of youth, Probity, honor, religion and truth Father and mother, health, children and wife, Sister and brother, yea, e'en his own life. Alas ! he will peril his own precious soul, If he but for once can guaff from the bowl The poisonous liquid so sure for to kill, That comes from that reptile, the " worm of the still." Our muse is a blundering, careless old jade ; The fact is, she never yet half learn'd the trade. What should have come first is left until now We hope the fair ladies won't scowl up their brow ; We have lots of them here some young and some old ; Some handsome, some homely, some modest, some bold. They all are adopting the odd modern plan, When dress'd, to resemble a broad, open fan, Or rather a tunnel, with generous crop At the nose, and a something stuck on near the top. Some want to get married, some say they do not, But this is a fib I will wager a grot. Not want to get married ! I'd just as soon think A miser would flee from the rattle of chink ; Or our little pond, with all its live stock, Should start up the mountain, to take a short walk. Ivive single ! when widowers, bachelors and beaux Stand ready and fix'd, in their best Sunday clothes, To give them a call and make quite a stop, rest there. The first settlers of this town found around this pond many domestic and other implements of Indian construction. There is no evidence that tl this region a permanent residence, but very probably it was a favorite hunting-grot 5 74 HIS TOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH Yea, e'en to hitch up, and the question to pop? t Not want to get married ! 'tis all fudge and feign, They just kind o' say so, their object to gain, And then, oh, " by cracky ! " they'll put on the clips, And make ye stand round like a basket of chips. Yet some are more honest, are willing to own That going through life's crooked path all alone Was never designed in Nature's great plan To be the sad lot of woman or man. And so they are willing to join in and go Through Time's little journey of sorrow and woe With him they have promis'd to love from the heart, Till death the fond union asunder shall part. Then ho ! ye single old scissors, don't cry! But lift up your heads your redemption is nigh ; Another good half you can get, without fail, And then cut like something, so here ends our TALE. THE LAFAYETTE ARTILLERY COMPANY'S CENTENNIAL CELE- BRATION, SEPTEMBER 9th, 1904. BY REV. D. DONOVAN. A century of continuous existence is not a trivial matter to either a man or a military organization. A review of the great changes in our situation and in that of our familiar friends, in that of our country, and especially its relations with other coun- tries, the "battles, sieges, fortunes" we have passed through, even within the bounds of half a century, cannot fail deeply to impress us. But if the occurrences of half a century affect us deeply, how much more those of a full century. It was only appropriate then that the L,afayette Artillery and the town in which they had flourished for more than two-thirds of a cen- tury, should seek to celebrate worthily the centennial of their organization. To this end, the town at its meeting in March, 1904, voted to observe Old Home Day, and appropriated two hundred dollars to expend for this object, and. also appointed a committee of ar- rangements to carry out its vote. The L,afayette Artillery also appointed a committee to make suitable arrangements for the celebration of their one-hun- dredth anniversary. The two committees above named united in deciding to com- bine both the celebrations into one. The committee chosen for the celebration of Old Home day were : Fred A. Richardson Charles L,. Perham F. B. Richards LAP A YE TTE AR TILLER Y CELEB R A TION 575 The Lafayette Artillery's committee were : Capt. Andy Holt Lieut. Edward Ross Walter S. Tarbell Charles L. Perham Fred Moore It was understood at the outset that the Artillery Co. were, most appropriately, to have the chief place in the day's doings. Consequently, the main part of the work in making the ar- rangements devolved on their committee. This took the lead and had the principal oversight of the whole. It appointed the following subcommittees : Grounds. J. A. Blanchard, C. L. Perham, Jos. A. Johnson. Speakers and Exercises. Capt. Andy Holt, Jacob A. Woodward. Decorations. Lieut. Edward Ross, chairman. Invitations. Chas. H. Tarbell, Capt. Andy Holt, Jacob A. Woodward. Salutes. A. S. Conant and members of the gun squad. Music. Lieut. Fred Holt, Roy N. Putnam, Jason Holt. Dinner. W. S. Tarbell, A. W. Putnam, Charles H. Tarbell. Transportation. Fred Moore, John C. Carkin and Edgar A. Danforth. The committee on music secured the services of the First Regiment Band of Nashua ; that for dinner hired the Page Co. of I^owell, Mass., as caterers; and that for transportation se- cured the extra train service from Nashua and way stations for both day and evening. At the meeting, June 4, 1904, the company voted to request the general committee to prepare a programme to be presented at the next meeting. It was presented as follows : - Sunrise salute by the gunner's squad Receiving Gov. Bachelder and invited guests by salute Parade of military Band concert Dinner Speaking by the governor and others Dress parade This program was accepted by the company, subject to amend- ment if necessary. That the arrangements thus projected were handsomely car- ried through, will be learned from the press reports furnished by the Manchester Union, Sept. 10, 1904, and also from the Mil- ford Cabinet of Sept. 15, 1904.- We cite freely from both such portions as suit our purpose : " Everything connected with the great celebration at South Lyndebor- ough was successfully carried out, and barring the weather, was satisfac- tory and pleasing to everyone, both to those who had the details in charge and those who were the guests of the town and the company for the day. There may have been more people in South Lyndeborougb on some 576 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH previous occasion, but it is certain there never was a time when there were so many umbrellas in evidence as on Friday, for it commenced rain- ing early in the morning and there was hardly a cessation until nightfall. This could but be a damper on the outdoor exercises, for the bright sun was necessary to show up to advantage the decorations which were so abundant and so artistically displayed. It was really a remarkable sight to see such a universal decoration. Hardly a house but had its stream- ers and bunting flying. It was a pretty sight as it was, but with the sun's bright rays it would have been most attractive." Cabinet. " The celebration began with a salute of twenty -five guns, fired by a gun detachment of the Lafayettes, under the command of Albert S. Conant. The historic brass six-pounder, the only piece in the state service left for use at the outbreak of the civil war, at the sunrise hour boomed out the announcement of the Lafayettes centennial until the entire Pack Monadnock range echoed the message, and the whole countryside knew that New Hampshire had a military company a full 100 years old. " It was an interesting morning in this village this morning when the whole town and all the neighboring towns were turning out to enjoy the festivities of the Lafayette's anniversary. And it was a pretty picture which the village presented, even in the rain. The Artillery company was resplendent in new uniforms, a special suit combining some of the features of both the regulation artillery and marine pattern, and alto- gether pretty and appropriate for an independent organization. The pic- turesque artillery red was everywhere in evidence, but it was not long before the troopers of the Peterborough cavalry began to appear, and the yellow lining of their capes gave another touch of color to the pretty show. The village itself was a mass of red, white and blue. Artistic decorations were to be seen on every building. No pains had been spared to make the place beautiful, and the decorators found everybody anxious that no gap should be left in the color display." Union. "The special train bearing the governor and his party, the First Regi- ment Band from Nashua, the Granite Rifles from Milford and invited guests from all directions, came about 9.30 o'clock, and the old cannon spoke its welcome to our chief. At 10 o'clock the governor and his staff, Gen. Tolles and members of his staff reviewed the paraMe from a stand erected in the square. The parade was an altogether creditable one, and consisted of a platoon of police from Nashua, First Regiment Band, Nashua, Troop A Cavalry, Peterborough, Granite Rifles, Milford, Lafay- ette Artillery Co., Lyndeborough." Cabinet. " As the I/yndeborough men passed the governor they marched like vet- erans, and their line called out a spontaneous burst of applause from the militia officers, who watched it with critical eyes. An interesting feature of the parade was the historic piece drawn by gaily caparisoned horses and surrounded by a detachment of the older members of the company. " The parade over, the remainder of the time to the dinner hour was given up to sociability. Captain Davis had a good chance to put his troopers through some manoeuvres and gave a half hour's drill, much to the delight of the crowd. Meanwhile the rain had set in again and there was a general scurrying to cover. Citizen's hall was filled with a jolly crowd. Captain Andy Holt's house contained a large company of distin- LAFA YE TTE AR TILLER Y CELEB R A TION 577 guished guests, and the stores and dwellings of the village were meeting places for large numbers. For a wet day it was as jolly a time as could be imagined. Just to put the finishing touch on the rainy day picture, 'Andy' Drum took his First Infantry Band on Capt. Andy Holt's veranda, and gave a fine concert. Almost everbody was there in a few moments, and the half hour before ' mess call ' was one of the most en- joyable of the day. "At noon the old gun roared out another salute. The cavalry trump- eters sounded the familiar call to dinner and the troopers marched to the big tent as they do at camp. A quiet, cosmopolitan crowd, men high in political and military circles, militia men, civilians, all sorts of people, sat down to heavily laden tables and enjoyed a pleasant dinner hour, the members of the L/afayette Artillery company acting as waiters." Union. The post-prandial exercises consisted of speeches from the dis- tinguished guests, interspersed with music of a sweet, animat- ing and inspiriting character by the band. Mr. Jacob A. Wood- ward presided. The local pastor offered prayer, and after fitting remarks by the president, he introduced Gov. N. J. Batchelder, who spoke with characteristic ease and pleasantry of his many visits to the varied gatherings throughout the state. "But," he said, ' ' among the things that a governor cannot do is to gov- ern the weather to his liking." He had ordered fair weather for the day, but the council had not confirmed the order. He congratulated the Artillery Co. on the completeness of their arrangements for celebrating so impor- tant an event. He favored occasional retrospect by communi- ties as well as individuals ; and he favored also the tendency in these times to reverence old people, old homes, old organiza- tions ; and he believed that the military of a state holds an im- portant place in fostering its patriotism. Appropriate to these words of our governor, it may be stated that 135 men, who had at some time been members of this com- pany enlisted as soldiers in our civil war. Congressman Currier followed in complimentary terms, saying that "it was remarkable that a company should retain its organization so many years as this had. A well regulated military company in a community gave a great sense of security." He referred to the part New Hampshire took in the great battles of colonial days, to the work of the Rogers Rangers, to the New Hampshire troops at Bunker Hill and Stark's vic- tory at Bennington. Cabinet. [Lyndeborough had the honor of sharing in all these.] Ex-Congressman Baker followed with appropriate remarks. Other speakers were Hon. C. H. Burns of Wilton, C. J. Ham- blett of Nashua and J. G. Crawford of Manchester. Instead of any attempt to give a sketch of the company, the 578 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH carefully prepared history printed in pamphlet form was distrib- uted freely as a souvenir among the audience until the supply was exhausted. This is substantially the same as the historical sketch of the company given in this volume. (Pages 207-218.) While the exercises were in progress, the troopers and officers of Gen. Tolles staff enjoyed an afternoon's sport at revolver practice on the hillside behind the tent. A dress parade took place about five o'clock, and a large and attractive crowd filled the hall to enjoy the dancing in the evening. "Among the guests were : Governor N. J. Batchelder, Brigadier-Gen. Jason E. Tolles, Congressman Frank D. Currier, Adjt. Gen. A. D. Ayling, Col. E. C. Hutchinson, Lieut. Col. H. H. Jewell, Maj. A. F. Cutnmings, Maj. George M. Follett, Lieut. Col. A. G. Shattuck ; Nathan C. Jameson and wife, Antrim; O. B. Warren of Rochester, junior vice department commander of the Grand Army of New Hampshire ; M. L. Piper of Auburn, United States capital police ; Police Commissioner F. D. Run- nels of Nashua; Gen. Chas. H. Burns, Wilton; Col. J. E. Pecker of Con- cord; Col. W. B. Rotch of Milford ; Gen. D. M. White of Peterborough ; former Congressman Henry M. Baker of Bow ; Col. John G. Crawford of Manchester; Maj. D. E. Proctor of Wilton; Dr. H. S. Hutchinson of Milford, the Rev. Francis H. Buffum of Winchester ; Rev. M. F. Johnson of Nashua ; Rev. F. A. Robinson of Milford ; Rev.W. N. Donovan of New- town Centre, Mass.; District Attorney Charles J. Hamblett of Nashua ; H. K. Libbey of Manchester; Judge A. I/. Keyes of Milford." Cabinet. Everybody seemed to regard the centennial celebration of the Lafayette Artillery as a complete and praiseworthy success. CHAPTER XXXIII. BIOGRAPHICAL, SKETCHES. BY REV. D. DONOVAN. JOHN MASON. A brief account of John Mason, the founder of New Hampshire, can hardly fail to interest those who live on lands included in the grant made to Gorges and Mason, jointly, by King James the First of England, in 1622. John Mason was the son of John and Isabella Mason, and was born in Lynn Regis, or King's Lynn, in the maritime county of Norfolk, England. Very little is known of his early life. He attracted first notice as a merchant in London. Later he en- tered the naval service, and became an officer in the fleet which assisted the Dutch Republic in its struggle to free itself from Spain. In 1610, after the independence of Holland had been secured, he was made commander of the king's fleet, which was sent to control the turbulent people of the Hebrides. With a squadron consisting of two ships of war and two pinnaces, fitted out at his own expense, he undertook and effected this task. It was, perhaps, to reimburse him for the expense of this expedi- tion that in 1615 he was made governor of Newfoundland, then one of the most valuable of the English possessions in North America. He made the first English map of that island, and was commissioned by the king " to deal with the pirates then infesting the Newfoundland region."* " In 1621 he returned to England," and about that time be- came intimately connected with Sir Ferdinando Gorges and others who were interested in colonizing enterprises. They, with a few others admitted as their partners, effected the settle- ment of New Hampshire in 1623. After his return he was ap- pointed governor of the town of Portsmouth, England.! When a vacancy occurred in the Council of Plymouth, Mason "was elected a member of that body, and was chosen their secretary. He was thus placed in the front rank of those who were actively engaged in promoting discoveries and encouraging settlements in North America."! His election to the "Great Council for New England," composed of "persons of honor and even of blood," of which in November he became vice-president, Batchellor, Vol. XXVII., Pref. pp. 4, 5- tProv. Papers, vol. I, p. 4. | Hist, of Town of Mason, p. o. 580 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH " showed the high estimation put on Mason by some of the fore- most persons in England." " Early in 1635 the Council for New England became satis- fied of its inability to control affairs in New England. It had long had enemies at home as well as here. There was an unwill- ingness to recognize the powers granted by the sovereign in the nature of government, and it had no strength to enforce its de- crees. The Colony of Massachusetts Bay became large and powerful, and disregarded all authority, kingly as well as other, as far as they thought it prudent. Complaints against the council were constantly made to the Privy Council, and they were cited to answer. They determined thereupon to surrender their great charter to the king, and to divide the whole territory of New England among themselves. Pursuant to this resolve Mason received a new grant from the council, dated April 22, 1635, f the lands hitherto granted to him by the council. This grant embraced all the land between the Naumkeag and Pascataqua rivers, extending three score miles inland, with the south half of the Isles of Shoals, to be called New Hampshire." " On the surrender of the New England Patent in 1635, it was the design of the king to place over that territory a general governor, and Sir Ferdinando Gorges received the appointment. To complete the vice-regal government, Capt. John Mason was appointed Oct. i, Vice- Admiral of New England." " Mason made every preparation to come to New Hampshire, looking forward to a visit to his plantation, as well as to the charge he had undertaken. In November he was taken ill, and died early in December, 1635, an event that proved disastrous to his interests in New England, which fell, by the terms of his will, to his widow and to his grandson, then not one year old." "The death of Mason was regarded at the time" by " his friends and associates as a far-reaching calamity," * but by the Puritan element as the removal of a formidable obstacle to their designs on the Pascataqua plantations. He had taken great pains in founding his settlement. He in- troduced fine cattle from Denmark and encouraged agriculture. His hope was to enrich himself from mines of the precious metals which he believed were to be discovered, and from fish- eries which would be developed, as well as from traffic with the Indians in valuable furs. He expended large sums of money in laying the foundation of a splendid establishment which he ex- *Batch., Vol. XXVII., Pref. p. 5. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 581 pected at some future day would amply reward him for his expen- diture. What would have resulted from his outlays cannot now be calculated with any certainty. He was not permitted to reap the anticipated fortune. He died in 1635, having had about twelve years in which to improve his plantation. About a year before his death he wrote that he ' ' had never received a penny for all his outlay on his plantation in Pascataqua." Indeed, until the near approach of his death, his opportunity for the greatest usefulness to the colony had not arrived. He had but one child, a daughter, Anne, who married Joseph Tufton. Three sons and two daughters were born of this mar- riage, and to these were bequeathed his New Hampshire posses- sions. His lineal descendants down to the time of the sale of his possessions to the Portsmouth syndicate in 1746 are given as follows by Batchellor XXVII., p. 6 of preface : 1. Capt. John Mason, died Dec. 1635. 2. Anne Mason, daughter, married Joseph Tufton. 3. Robert Tufton, alias Mason, son of Anne, born 1635. Took sur- name of Mason by terms of his grandfather's will. 4. Robert Tufton Mason, 2nd., son. He and his elder brother John undertook to pass their interest in New Hampshire to Samuel Allen in 1691. 5. John Tufton Mason, son, died in Havanna 1718. 6. Col. John Tufton Mason, son, born in Boston, Mass. Apr. 29, 1713: sold title to lands in New Hampshire to the Masonian Proprietors in 1746, claiming that the transaction with Allen in 1691 conveyed only a life interest. JUDGE BENJAMIN I/VNDE. The first of this name of Lynde, of whom we have record in this country, was Simon Lynde, son of Enoch, of London, England, a wealthy merchant. Simon followed his father's occupation, and in 1650, when he was 26 years of age, came to New England, and seems to have had his home in Boston. He possessed much wealth, and later in life was by royal authority appointed one of the counsellors for New England. Benjamin Lynde is said to have been the sixth son of Simon, and was born Sept. 22, 1666. He was graduated at Harvard College, and entered upon the study of law. He was sent to London for his legal education, and was admitted to the Middle Temple Oct. 18, 1692. He returned to his native land after completing his legal studies, and was soon ranked among the foremost in his profession in New England. On the resignation of Judge Sewall in 1728, he was made chief justice of the prov- 582 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH ince, and held this office up to the time of his death, Jan. 28, 1745. A brief notice of him in the Boston Evening Post closes his life record thus : " Inflexible justice, unshattered integrity, affability and humanity were ever conspicuous with him. He was a sincere friend, most affec- tionate to his relations, and the delight of all who were honored with his friendship and acquaintance." Such was the father of Benjamin Ivynde, Jr., Esq., the promi- nent proprietor of many shares in the old township of Salem- Canada. BENJAMIN I/VTNDE, JR., the eldest son of Judge Benjamin L,ynde, was born in Salem, Massachusetts, October 15, 1700. He entered Harvard College in 1714, and was graduated in 1718, in the class with Theodore Atkinson, who afterward became chief justice of New Hampshire, and also with Richard Dana, who became a distinguished advocate. He took his master's degree in 1721, and was appointed a special judge of the Court of .Common Pleas for Suffolk County in 1734. When the commission appointed for the settle- ment of the boundary between New Hampshire and Massa- chusetts met at Hampton in 1737, he was named as one of the agents to accompany it. Two years later he was made one of the standing judges of the Court of Common Pleas for Essex Co., and in 1745, the year of his father's death, " he was raised to the Superior Bench of the Province." The latter position he held for twenty-seven years, and he was also a member of the council for twenty-eight years. " The most important trial that took place during his judicial term was that of the soldiers who fired on the mob in State street. In the absence of Chief Justice Hutchinson, Judge I,ynde presided. It was a time of great political excitement, and the occasion was one that required the utmost firmness and skill on the part of the judges to insure a just and impartial decision." These trials lasted several days, and, as has been said, "proceeded with care and patience on the part of the Bench and counsel ; and both Judges and Jury seem to have acted with all the impartiality that is exhibited in the most enlightened tribunals." "The result," said Judge Washburn, " is a proud memorial of the purity of the adminis- tration of Justice in Massachusetts." (Sketch in Journal of Benjamin I^ynde, pp. 13, 14.) " Judge I^ynde was noted for his learning, his liberality and public spirit." " On November i, 1731, Judge Lynde married BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 583 Mary, the daughter of Major John Bowles of Roxbury, a de- scendant of the Rev. John Eliot," the famous missionary among the Indians. They had three daughters. Mary, the eldest, married Hon. Andrew Oliver, Jr., one of the judges of the Common Pleas for Essex. Hannah died unmarried ; and Lydia married Sept. 30, 1767, Rev. William Walter, rector of Trinity Church, Boston, " who represented the Lynde estate in the meetings of the proprietors for many years." In the spring of 1781, Benjamin Lynde, Jr., Esq., received a kick from a horse, from the effects of which he did not recover, and he died on the 5th of October following, at the advanced age of 81. He was a diligent student of our Colonial History, and was a contributor to "Prince's Chronological History of New England." An extract from his last will and testament follows : " I give and devise to my said Grandchild, B. Lynde Oliver and his heirs, One third of my Lands and Farm, (not mortgaged Lands) I shall die possessed of in the Township of Lyndeborough in New Hampshire." " Item. I give, devise and bequeath to my said Grandson, Lynde Walter, two of my Farms at Lyndeborough, N. H., which I had in right of two MASON i AN GRAND PROPRIETORS, viz., No. i, adjoining South on Temple Town, and No. 5, adjoining East on what was originally Salem- Canada, and South on Mr. Moffat No. 2, each of said farms containing 200 acres apiece, to him and his heirs forever ; But if he should die be- fore he arrives at the age of eighteen years of marriage, then I give said Farms to any son of my daughter, Walter, called after my name ; and if none such, then to my Grandson, Benjamin Lynde Oliver and his heirs forever. Dated, May 10, 1776. Diary and Letters of Benj. Lynde, Appendix pp. 236 and 237. Mr. Lynde evidently possessed great wealth for his day, and bequeathed it in liberal portions among his children and grand- children. The names of Walter and Oliver figure largely in the records of the Lyndeborough proprietors after Mr. Lynde's decease, as his heirs and successors. The "Diary and Letters" of Benjamin Lynde contains good portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Lynde. (.The N. E. Historic Genea- logical Society, Boston.) WILLIAM WALTER, D.D. William Walter was the son of Thomas Walter and grandson of Rev. Nathaniel Walter of Roxbury, Massachusetts. His mother was Rebecca, daughter of Rev. Joseph Belcher. Thus, inheriting from both parents 584 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH something of clerical culture, it causes little surprise that he should possess literary tastes and tendencies. He was born in 1737, and was graduated from Harvard in 1756. We assume that he received theological training at the feet of some of the pastors in his vicinity. Through the courtesy of the sexton of Trinity Church, Boston, the writer was permitted to copy a brief but luminous sketch of Doctor Walter from the sermon of Rev. Phillips Brooks at the consecration of the new Trinity Church, Boston, February 9, 1877. When speaking of the " Greene Foundation for the support of an assistant minister," Dr. Brooks said : "The first assistant Minister on the Foundation was Dr. William Walter, and on the death of Mr. Hooper he became Rector of the parish. He had been bred a Congregationalist, but became a member of our Church and went to London for ordination. For ten years he served Trinity with faithfulness, and then the beginning of the Revolution came. On the ijth of March, 1776, Boston was evacuated by the British, and the Minister of Trinity went with Gen. Howe and the British troops to Halifax, N. S., where he remained until the Revolution was over. Then he returned to Boston, and became the Rector of Christ Church. He died in 1800, and his funeral sermon was preached by his successor in Trinity, Dr. Parker. That sermon gives us a good idea of the faith- ful and earnest parish minister, and though in those hot days of patriotic zeal there was no chance for one who was not of sympathy with the cause of the Colonies, to be the preacher here, the very fact that when the war was over the royalist could come back to Boston and become again the Rector of a parish in the town, bears witness to the honor in which he must have been held." Under date of September 30, 1767, Benjamin L,ynde, Jr., Esq. , wrote in his diary : "My daughter L,ydia married to Rev. Mr. William Walter, minister of Trinity Church in Boston, where she went to live the 7th of October following." Doctor Walter was a prominent figure among the lyynde- borough proprietors, especially after the death of his father-in- law, Benjamin Lynde. When present in their meetings he was usually chosen moderator. He was active in the work of com- pleting the disposal of Benjamin Lynde's estate in I^ynde- borough. His letter to the Masonian proprietors, as Rev. Frank G. Clark has appreciatively said, "is well worthy of preservation for its vigorous English and as showing the diffi- culties in those early days of securing accurate surveys of lots." He was earnest in his efforts to secure fair dealings for his BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 585 associates, and ready to make reasonable concessions to those whose claims infringed upon the Lyndeborough grant. In order to close up the business of the original proprietors of the town, the common, unoccupied and undivided lands were surveyed and a map was made of the ten different pieces of unequal value to be disposed of. A valuation was made of the several pieces by judicious and reliable men, (Dea. Ephraim Putnam and Capt. Peter Clark, p. 92) and the various share- holders were to receive a piece out of these common lands, pro- portioned to his property in the town. As the representative of Benjamin Lynde, Dr. Walter was the largest shareholder. For this reason, he requested that he might have the privilege of first choice out of the common lands. To this request his asso- ciates readily acceded, as expressed in the following terms : "Whereas the Rev. Dr. Walter has requested that he may be allowed the first choice in said commons ; and as we consider he has taken the lead in all matters that have been transacted in the meetings of the propriety since 1792, and been eminently serviceable to the propriety, Voted, that he be allowed his choice in the division of said commons, provided he make his choice known at the next meeting." This vote was attested by Sewall Goodridge, Proprietors' Clerk. In war time he remained in Nova Scotia. " He returned to Boston in 1791, became rector of Christ Church, and remained in that relation till his death.* He died in Boston, December 5, 1800. He had two sons, William and Benjamin Lynde Walter, who were merchants in Boston, and the elder of whom became the founder of the " Boston Transcript." COL. ISRAEL HUTCHINSON. Colonel Hutchinson was an early proprietor of Lyndeborough lands, which lay upon the northern tier of lots. Encroachments were made upon his right by Wallingford's survey and purchasers, so that his estate was eighty acres short of the quantity for which he had paid. He at- tempted to have the matter adjusted, and petitioned the Mason- ian Proprietors to indemnify him "by allowing other lands or monies that shall be a reasonable compensation." Col. Hutchinson 's connection with the Putnam family may account for his investment in Lyndeborough lands. He married Mehitabel, the widow of Archelaus Putnam of Danvers, Mass., and was himself a Danvers man. The Putnams of Salerr Canada, Jacob and Ephraim, were brothers of Archelaus, a * Memorial Hist, of Boston, Vol. Ill, PP- "8, 129- 586 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH possibly, through the marriage of his widow, were brought into closer relationship in business with Col. Hutchinson. An ap- preciative notice of the latter is found in the New England Magazine for October, 1902, p. 230. Col. Israel Hutchinson was the son of Elisha Hutchinson, and was born in Danvers, Mass., Nov. 27, 1727. " He was one of a scouting party in the Maine wilds in Indian warfare. He was at Ticonderoga and Lake George, and with Wolfe when he scaled the heights of Abraham.. He led a company of minute men on the morning of the iQth of April, 1775, and was promi- nent at the siege of Boston, commanding at Fort Hill on evacua- tion. For twenty-one years he was elected to Senate, House or Council. He died in 1811." The same publication, page 229, presents a picture of his monument, with the inscription : Israel Hutchinson 1727 1811 Served his Country as Sergt. Co. of Rangers 1757 At Lake George and Ticonderoga 1758 Capt. Quebec 1759 Capt. Battle of Lexington 1775 Col. Siege of Boston New York New Jersey Crossing of the Delaware Trenton His men manned boats in Retreat from Long Island Representative and Councillor 21 yrs. An Honored Citizen and Loyal Soldier Col. Hutchinson's marriage with Madam Mehitabel Putnam, brought him also into the relationship of step-father to Miss Phebe Putnam, who became a permanent resident of L,yndebor- ough, as the wife of Rev. Sewall Goodridge, pastor of L,ynde- borough for more than forty years. The relationship also has her kindly acknowledgment in the fact that she named one of her favored sons, Israel Hutchinson Goodridge. Mr. Hutchin- son was also sufficiently in touch with L/yndeborough to become at another time an investor in 'Scataquog mine, little to his pe- cuniary profit. He appears to have been in his day one of the prominent men in the Bay State. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 587 " One touch of nature makes the whole world kin." JOHN BADGER. Among the early pioneers in Salem-Can- ada came John Badger, who settled near the southern line of the town in 1739. He with his two brothers, Joseph and Eliphalet, came to New England about 1728 or 1729. Tradition has it that the father was a wealthy Englishman who had done business in Scotland, whither he had sent John, his youngest son, to collect some of his accounts. While thus engaged he had formed the acquaintance of a winsome Scottish lassie named Mary McFarland. The acquaintance ripened into an intimacy. The attractions were mutual. But, it is said, "the course of true love never did run smooth." The truth of this sentiment the lovers were destined to test. For the young man's father became aware of his son's attachment ; and with a Johnsonian dislike for the young lady's nationality, attempted to break up a union between them. He accordingly sent John with his older brothers across the seas, to seek his fortune in the new world. But " The best laid schemes o' mice and men, Gang aft a-gley." The heart of the young lady was too deeply enlisted to endure such hindrance and submit to defeat. Full of the energy, hardihood, and fire of her nationality she formed the purpose to seek her lover, to brave the dangers and inconveniences of the sea, and share his fortunes on these perilous and sparsely peopled shores. " Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it." She landed on the shores of the majestic Sagadahoc, where she and her lover were soon reunited and became husband and wife. They remained no long time in Maine, but came into this province, and found a home for a few years in what was then known as Nottingham West, now Hudson. About the year 1738, Mr. Badger doubtless visited this town. He erected his cabin and entered it in April, i 7 39- A melancholy interest attaches to the career of this devoted family by reason of 1 faithful love which they cherished for one another, and genuine heroism displayed by the Scottish maiden and pioneer matron. John and Mary Badger were the paret three children before they came into this town. His soj here was brief, for he was the first settler to answer the un* come summons of death. In February, 1740, amid the . 588 HISTORY OP LYNDEBOROUGH snows of well iiigh a trackless wilderness, he yielded his life a victim to consumption. He died in the night. The nearest neighbors were three miles away. In the words of Dr. Eph- raini Peabody : "His wife composed him on the bed for rest, left her children, of whom she had three, the oldest but eight years of age, with their breakfast, and with strict injunctions not to wake their father, as he was asleep, and putting on her snowshdes proceeded to seek assistance. That indeed was a dreary morning as she went forth through the solitary woods of winter. Death is in her home aud her children wait her return. Uphold her trembling heart, Thou Father of the fatherless and the widow's God! Neighbors returned with her. A tree was hollowed out for a coffin, and so in the solitude was he committed to the earth. . . . What, then, must have been her loneliness a solitary widow in the wilderness ! She must watch by the bedside of her children alone ; her tears shall be shed alone ; she shall no more kneel by her husband's side to pray; his voice shall no more waken her at morning, and when the night approaches she shall unconsciously look forth to the forest, watching for his return, who shall never return again."* In the sketch of the history of L,yndeborough, in the History of Hillsborough County, Mr. David C. Grant gave John Badger the credit of being the first settler of Salem-Canada. The Gene- alogy of the Chamberlain Family, compiled by Mr. Willis B. Chamberlain, page 12, accords this honor to Mr. John Cram. Rev. F. G. Clark also says that " John Cram stands at the head of the pioneers of the settlement, ' ' and the Proprietors' Records call him " one of the first settlers." Manuscripts of more recent date and of undoubted authority make it clear that Mr. John Cram was the first settler in our town. He came here in 1737, and both children and grand- children formed a part of his household. It was to this family that Mrs. Badger went for assistance at the time of her hus- band's death. The descendants of both men have held and still hold a large and honored share in the affairs and population of L,ynde- borough. CAPTAIN WILLIAM BARRON. William Barren was a citizen of Lyndeborough as early as 1768. He married Olive Johnson. One article of the warrant for town meeting, Mar. 8, 1768, was, " To see if town will except of a road laid out from Josiah Dutton's to where it strikes the other road near William Bar- *Wilton History, pp. 41, 43. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 589 ron's house." Nov. 28, 1769, he was one of a committee chosen to examine what land was allowed for the meeting-house, and to see that the land was bounded and put on record. In 1771 he was overseer of the poor and a member of the school commit- tee. In 1772 he was a selectman, and the next year tithing man. In March, 1775, he was chosen highway surveyor, and called lyieut. Barren ; and in 1776 the town allowed his account for horse-hire to go to the army at Winter Hill. He seems to have been commissioned as captain to raise a company to defend Fort Ticonderoga, and to go to Canada in 1776, and led thither sixty men. The muster roll of his company is in the Revolu- tionary Rolls of N. H., Vol. I., pp. 358-360. It is also in N. H. Town Papers, Vol. XI., p. 720. The men who went from this town were as follows : Capt. Wm. Barren Nathan Batchelder Isaac Dey (Day) Peter Russell Samuel Stevens Asahel Stiles James Barnum Hezekiah Hamblet John Savage Joseph Ellinwood John Rowe John Carkin Philip Fletcher John Bofee Reuben Batchelder Samuel Butterfield From 1777 to 1779, Wm. Barren was constable in L,yndebor- ough, and in 1778 he signed a protest against paying Lyndebor- ough men for military services which were performed for other towns, and for which those towns had already paid. In 1779 Wm. Barren was one of the committee of nineteen men, chosen to set a value on the necessaries of life in the town, and to guard against any breaches of the agreement thereon. In 1781 he was on a committee chosen to enlist the quota of the town for the army. His associates were Amos Pearson, Eleazar Woodward, together with the commissioned officers ; and in the same year he was appointed one of the committee to examine the plan of government for the state of New Hamp- shire. He was licensed as a tavern keeper year after year, for a long period ; and in one official capacity or another, as highway surveyor, constable, overseer of the poor, sealer of weights and measures, school committee, keeper of the town stock of powder^ kept in the church loft, and deacon of the church, he rende service almost every year from 1770 to 1800, and later. Rev. F. G. Clark says : "During the Revolution a hotel was kept by Capt. Barton, north of the Badger pond, where F. B. Tay lives. When Burgoyne was captured, a 590 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH large number of people gathered there to celebrate the event. A cask of tar was raised to the top of a pine tree, over which was placed an image of the British commander, and after dark the enemy was burnt in effigy.* CAPT. WILLIAM BLANEY. He is said to have been a sea captain, and was probably a relative of Major Joseph Blaney, one of the original proprietors of Salem-Cauada. On a commanding elevation, a little west of south from South Lyndeborough village, and about three-fourths of a mile distant, is the ruin of a cellar, over which once stood the residence of Capt. Wm. Blaney. South of the cellar may be seen aged apple trees, the remnants of what was early in the last century a flour- ishing orchard. Captain Blaney owned extensive pastures in this part of the town, a portion of which, now the property of W. N. Cheever, still bears the name of " the Blaney pasture." A short distance to the north of the old cellar are traces of the tan-pit where he evidently conducted a tannery. He is on rec- ord as having bought what was known as the " Stockwell yard" in Wilton, the deed of which was dated Nov. 13, 1799.* Oct. 3, 1794, Rev. Sewall Goodridge gave him a deed of a tract of land adjoining Wilton. (See p. 485 ; also p. 326.) His pew in the old meeting-house was No. 6 on the ground floor. He was a revolutionary soldier, and not only did active service himself, but also, with many others, hired substitutes. On a gravestone near the residence of Samuel Dolliver is the inscription : " In memory of Christopher S. Blaney, son of Capt. and Mrs. Ruth S. Blaney, who died July 22, 1789, aged 13 years, 5 months, and 25 days. Affliction sore long time I bore, Physicians strove in vain, Till God was pleased to give me ease And took away my pain." Capt. Blaney died in 1802, leaving wife and five minor chil- dren. After his decease the family left town, removing to Marblehead, Mass. On the Probate Docket of Essex County, 2,637, Mrs. Ruth Blaney, widow, of Marblehead, was appointed guardian of the minor children, Oct. 15, 1806. OSGOOD CARLETON. According to "Memorials of the Carletons," Osgood's brothers were Jeremiah, Timothy, David and Ebenezer ; and his sisters were Mary, who married Reuben Batchelder, and Abigail, who married first, John Johnson ; and second, Ensign David Putnam ; and third, Capt. Jonas Kidder. *Salem-Canada, p. 37. fWilton History, p. 173. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 591 The state papers, edited by Hon. A. S. Batchellor, Vol. XXVII, pages 414 to 418, give samples of his engineering work or draughtsmanship.* " Carleton's Compendium of Practical Arith- metic ; Applied to the Federal and Other Currencies," was compiled at the request of the ' ' Associated Instructors of Youth," in Boston, and published in 1810. A well preserved copy of this work, kindly lent by descend- ants of one of the Carleton family, furnished the facts above cited. The work was creditable, and esteemed as one of the worthy successors of the great arithmetic of Nicholas Pike, teacher in Newburyport, Mass., though it is less than half the size of that famous and formidable volume. Mr. Carleton was married and settled in this town. His wife was I^ydia, one of the Johnson family, of the east part of the town. His farm, according to a letter of John Carleton, was about a half mile south of the meeting-house. This tallies with an old deed, from " Benjamin L,ynde to Osgood Carleton, of Second Division L,ot No. 56, containing 130 acres." This deed was dated Dec. 21, 1768. He built a house on this lot, and seems to have lived there several years. The place is now known as the L,ucas place ; and was formerly the Manuel place. He must have left Lyndeborough a short time before the commencement of the Revolutionary War, for he enlisted in his native state, Massachusetts, May i, 1775, and was soon pro- moted. (For his promotion, see Rev. Rolls.) W. H. Grant, Esq., found a record stating that Osgood Carleton "delivered to M. Hillegas, Continental Treasurer in 1781, six boxes containing thirteen million one thousand six hundred thirty-seven Dollars, Continental money." Mr. John Carleton, a grandson of Jeremiah, affirmed that he, himself, had seen among Osgood Carleton's papers, receipts from General Washington acknowledging several million Pounds Sterling which had been paid to him. From another source comes the account of Osgood Carleton as transportation agent of the government money, as well as army paymaster, stating " that he traveled with two horses and an old cart, escorted by six men who pretended not to know him, or have anything to do with him. His clothing was old * The writer found in the Old State House, in Boston, a " map of the city from actual surveys made by Osgood Carleton." It is described as, "A copy of a r Boston, presumed to be the only one extant, published by George B. F< Copyright Secured 1878." 592 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH and everything was done to avert suspicion of his having any money, and he was never molested." Authorities differ as to the date of his death. The work en- titled, " Memorials of the Carletons," gives the date as 1814; "Drake's Dictionary of American Biography" describes him as "a teacher of mathematics and navigation ; d. I/itchfield, N. H., June, 1816. A resident of Massachusetts, he published valuable maps of that State and of the district of Maine." Other publications were "The American Navigator," in 1801 ; "The South American Pilot," 1804; "A map of the United States," 1806. The memorials of the Carletons report his hav- ing three sons : Osgood, b. 1783 ; John and David. He is said to have died at the home of his son, in L/itchfield, N. H. (See Genealogies.) CAPTAIN PETER CLARK of Lyndeborough was a descen- dant of Hugh Clark, who settled first in Watertown, Mass.; and afterwards removed to Roxbury, Mass., where he died July 20, 1693. The direct line of descent is Hugh, 1 Uriah, 2 Rev. Peter, 3 a graduate of Harvard in 1712, Peter, 4 a graduate of Harvard in 1739, Capt. Peter, 5 of I^yndeborough. The parents of the latter were both natives of Danvers, Mass. His father preferred farming to professional life ; and Deacon Hobart of Braintree, his grandfather, gave him a farm in that town, on which he settled, and October 22, 1741, married Anna Porter of Danvers. There, in Braintree, February 4, 1743, Capt. Peter was born. In the 2ist year of his age, October 20, 1763, he married Hannah Epps of Braintree, the daughter of Daniel Epps, Esq. and Hannah (Prescott) his wife. Daniel Eppes was one of the old Salem-Canada proprietors ; was for several years proprie- tors' clerk, and one of the heaviest shareholders in the town- ship. It was doubtless through the influence of his father-in- law, that in the troubled times of 1775, Peter Clark removed to the well-wooded and quiet town of Lyndeborough, N. H. Here he made for himself a home and reared a noble family, and left a worthy record, not only of heroism, but of civic virtue as well. He lived on what has been known in later years as the Holden place. Soon after coming into the town in 1775, he was commis- sioned as a captain of the gth Regiment of New Hampshire Militia. On the alarm connected with Burgoyne's invasion, he BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 593 led 60 men, proposed destination Ticonderoga, to join Stark's command. This was on July i, 1777. The fort had been evacu- ated, and his company, not being needed in camp, returned to their farms. Twenty of these with their captain belonged in this town, and their names are to be remembered. They are given on pages 162 and 163. Capt. Clark set out on a second expedition, July 21, 1777. He then went to Bennington, joined Stark's army, and with his men rendered excellent service in that noted battle. Capt. Clark was said to be one of the first men to mount the British defenses. Twenty of our townsmen, including the captain, were in that noted fight. Their names are on page 163. The time of service of these men was 68 days. Captain Clark marched a third time on the 2Qth of September, 1777, and bore a 'part in the battle of Saratoga, and assisted in the capture of General Burgoyne. On this last expedition, there were, including him, 16 of our citizens, whose names we give, page 163. Before the close of the Revolutionary War, Capt. Clark was commissioned major in the military service. His commission is one of the cherished heirlooms of the family, issued November 16, 1779, and signed by Meshech Weare, President of the Council at Exeter, then the seat of our State Government. JOHN CLARK, brother of Capt. Peter, went to Lynde- borough in 1775. April 24, 1776, he married Margery Hay- ward, who died November 26, 1808. He was an honest man and a good citizen, and died in L,yndeborough March 19, 1814. Child. SAU.Y CLARK, b. November 19, 1778. m. 1802, Benjamin, son of Rev. Sewall Goodridge of Lyndeborough. FRANCIS CLARK, son of Capt. Peter, moved toBarre, Vt., and died there. He was the father of Rev. William Clark, who assisted much in securing the genealogy from which this information is derived. JOHN CLARK, youngest son of Capt. Peter, was remarkable for his musical talent, led the choir for many years, and both he and his sons furnished music on many public occasions. HANNAH DEBORAH CLARK, sister of Rev. B. F., was educated at New Ipswich Academy, and at Maplewood Institute, 594 HISTORY OF L YNDEBOROUGH at Pittsfield, Mass. She became a successful teacher, and after residing at North Chelmsford two or three years with her brother, was married at his home, March 7, 1843, to George F. Gillmore, Esq., of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. "The Gillmore Mission School" of that city was named for her. She was noted for the energy and earnestness of her Christian character. For other notices see Genealogies. CRAM. The first settler in Salem-Canada was, undoubt- edly, Mr. John Cram, who came from Wilmington, Mass., with his wife and married sons and marriageable daughters, and with several grandchildren. As he was foremost among the settlers, so also was the Cram family one of the oldest of whom we have any record among all the inhabitants of the town. The origin of the Crams has been traced back to very remote antiquity. It. appears first among the Slavonic people who came early into northeastern Germany, where they established themselves and were noted for their warlike spirit. Here a branch of the family was raised to baronial dignity and a long succession of knights and titled nobility reflected honor on the name. Another branch of the family penetrated into France, whence it entered the Duchies of I^ower Saxony and Brunswick in the ninth century. The name, however, appeared first in the archives of those principalities in A. D. 1181, 1206, and 1225, where it was written, Von Cramm, the prefix Von in German names being a well-known mark of nobility. From north Germany, a branch of the family crossed the German ocean and established its home in England, in 1528. The founder of this branch was Hans (or John) Von Cramm, who " with six men at arms," entered the service of the Bishop of Durham, and was a successful and honored soldier. " In con- sideration of goodlie service at warr," the Dean and Canons of Durham "devised unto the sayde Hans Von Cramm their dwelling-place at Felling in the county of Dunholm, lately called the Priorie." Thus was the family enrolled among the landed gentry of England. It is noted as a peculiar coincidence that Hans, twelfth child of Burkard Von Cramm, was the founder of the family in England ; and still another Hans, or John, the twelfth child of another Burkard and Barbara Cram, became the founder of the family in America. The progenitor in England was buried at Jarrow, about a BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 595 half-mile south of the Tyne, near the shore of the German ocean. His tombstone is built into the side of the south porch of the old church at Jarrow. The place is noted as the scene of the labors of the venerable Bede, and the church is said to contain the old oak chair which he graced. A copy of the in- scription on the old tombstone of John Cram is here given : " Hie jacet John Cramm qui obiit nonadecimo die Februarii A Dni M DCLIII nonagesimo quarto ejus aie ppetur deus Amen ' ' The English Crams have the same general ensign as the German family, the crest alone being changed, to indicate that "they got it as vassals or liegemen of the Abbey," i. e. of Durham. As a matter of interest both coats of arms may be compared, that of the German branch being copied from the archives of Brunswick, the form in which the family "have borne it for centuries." Such armorial decorations were always highly valued, and indicate the honor in which the family or race were held. JOHN. This was the name of the first one of the family in America. He was born at Newcastle on the Tyne, in 1697, and was the son of Burkard, and grandson of John of Jarrow. He is said, by one authority, to have probably begun " to live in Boston as early as 1635, and in 1637 was assigned sixteen acres of land at Muddy River (Brookline.)"* "The New York Crams ' ' states that ' ' he and his wife Esther came to Boston in 1635," and Savage, another authority, is said to have given 1637 as the time of his arrival there. But Major General T. J. Cram, U. S. A., December 24, 1874, wrote, "I have examined every page of the ' Records of the Governor and Company of Massachusetts Bay,' and the name of John Cram nowhere ap- pears. If he had ever been in Boston it is certain that his name would somewhere be seen." But "John Cram's name never appears, and to my mind, it is clear that he never was in Boston, but that he came first to Exeter, where he was one of 'Wheelwright's Combination.'' The Provincial Papers of New Hampshire lend color to this opinion of Major General Cram.t For the name of John Cram is seen on several petitions and other papers connecte with Exeter. Exeter History states that "he had wife an two or more children when he came to Exeter." His s Joseph, supposed to be the oldest, was drowned June 24, 1648, * Bell's History of Exeter, p. 24. t Bouton I, pp. 135- US, * '79- 596 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH aged 15 years; and his daughter Lydia was born July 27, of the same year. He served as townsman 1648 and 1649, and soon after removed to Hampton, and there died, March 5, 1 68 1 -2. The town record commemorates him as " good old John Cram, one just in his generation." He was twice married, his first wife being named Lydia ; his second, Esther. The latter died May 17, 1677. They had four children. 1. Benjamin, who married Argentine Cromwell, a relative of old Oliver, Protector. 2. Thomas, who was a soldier in the Narragansett, or King Philip's war, which ended in 1676. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Nathaniel Weare, a member of the Governor's Council, and one of the most distinguished men connected with the early history of New Hampshire. 3. Mary, who married Abraham Tilton. (of Bow?) 4. Lydia, of whom there is no record, save her birth in 1648. John Cram and his wife were both members of the Hampton church. It is said that ' ' no Crams have been found in America whose ancestry could not be traced back to him." JOHN CRAM, grandson of the fore-named, was the first settler of both Salem-Canada and I/yndeborough. It is true that the territory included under both these names is not exactly the same. Salem-Canada included all the territory now in Lyudeborough, and much more. But the property of John Cram was in both the old grant issued by the General Court of Massachusetts, and also in that covered by the charter of the Masonian Proprietors, which was later confirmed by the Pro- vincial Charter, under Governor Benning Wentworth. Because of his priority of settlement and the influence of his many descendants, it seems proper to extend somewhat our notice of his life. John Cram, the pioneer in this town, was born in Hampton Falls, January 12, 1685. He was the son of Thomas Cram and Elizabeth, the daughter of Hon. Nathaniel Weare, later Chief Justice of the Province. Thomas Cram, the father of our townsman, had been a soldier in the Narragansett, or King Philip's War, and in 1738, was one of the selectmen of Hamp- ton Falls.* In 1749, we find his name, or possibly his son's, attached to a petition to the governor, for a grant of land for a township. Connected, thus, with prominent families, both *.State Papers, XII, pp. 131, 136, 137. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 597 through the Weares and the Crams, the early advantages and social standing of John were doubtless of the very best. This is believed to be implied by the respectful terms in which he is mentioned in the earliest Proprietors' Records of Salem-Canada, as well as by the various responsibilities devolved upon him by the primitive settlers of the town. The esteem in which he was held in his native place was, doubtless, undiminished by his marriage in 1707, to Sarah, daughter of Henry Holt, of Andover, Mass. The next year after his marriage, we find him performing military duty at Fort William and Mary, in which year, also, Jonathan, his eldest son, was born.* It is of some importance to note this fact ; for at a later day, both father and son served in the French and Indian War, after they had become citizens of Salem-Canada. Among the names on the schedule attached to the royal charter of the town of Chester, granted in 1722, is found that of John Cram.t The list of the proprietors of Chichester whose charter bears date of 1727, also contains the names of Thomas, John and Benjamin Cram. Such a recurrence of his name indicates that John Cram must have possessed some pecuniary resources ; that he was something more than an ordinary settler. His large family, well situated and well con- nected matrimonially, must have added somewhat to his influ- ence and to the esteem in which he was held by his fellow- citizens in Salem-Canada. He settled first, after his marriage, in his native town, Hampton Falls. There three of his children were born. He and his wife were dismissed from the church at Hampton Falls, April 13, 1712. He was settled in Woburn, Mass., in 1713, and there all his remaining children were born. Among these were two sets of twins, his daughters, Sarah and Elizabeth, constituting one set, and his sons, EH and Benjamin, the other. May 16, 1727, he sold his Woburn property to Benjamin Abbott, and removed to Wilmington, Mass. He united with the church in Wilmington, October 24, 1733.$ On May 11, 1737, he sold one-half of his farm to his son Jonathan, and settled in Salem-Canada, New Hampshire. In the sketch of Lyndeborough by Mr. David C. Grant is the statement : " The first settlers in what is now Lyndeborough were Cram, Putnam *Prov. Papers, XII, p. 112. t Batch. XXIV, p. 568. \ Wilmington Church Record. 598 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH and Chamberlain, descendants of whom now reside in town. But the first settler in Sal em-Canada (now Wilton) was John Badger." It would be more exact to say that the first settlers in Salem- Canada, the greater part of which is included in L,yndeborough, were Cram, Putnam and Chamberlain. But the first settler in that part of it which is included in Wilton was John Badger. The latter statement is believed to be correct, and leaves little room for any misunderstanding. That there was a fort, also, in old Salem-Canada can hardly be counted a matter of doubt, though it is very doubtful whether it was built pre- vious to 1740, the year of Badger's decease. There seems conclusive evidence that John Cram established a permanent residence here in 1737, when his youngest chil- dren were about sixteen years of age. His twin daughters, Sarah and Elizabeth, were about eighteen years of age. The former married Kphraim Putnam, who was for a time ' ' com- mander of the fort or blockhouse ; ' ' and was prominent in Revolutionary movements ; the latter married Jonathan Cham- berlain, who, with his son, Jonathan "marched from L,ynde- borough for Ticouderoga, on July i, 1777, in Capt. Peter Clark's Co. of militia." * Not only were there grown-up sons and daughters, but there were grandchildren when he came into this town, although he preceded them by three years or more as a resident. Some of the first work in clearing roads and building the meeting-house was done by Mr. John Cram and his oxen. The first proprietors, most of whom dwelt in Salem, Mass., and in adjoining towns, began in 1738 to bargain with him about building a saw mill, and he engaged with them to build it. He fulfilled his agreement apparently to the satisfaction of the pro- prietors, and received No. 39, the mill lot, containing 130 acres, situated west of the village of South L,yndeborough, for the service. Until that date, 1740, the dwellings were log cabins, and were not numerous. The saw-mills of Nathaniel Putnam and John Cram now began their operations, and prepared the boards and smaller timbers needed for the framed houses. In a very few years, however, the work of the settlers was interrupted by the French and Indian War, also known as Qneen Anne's War. In this war both John Cram and his son Jonathan bore a part. The father must at that time have been about sixty years of age. * Chamberlain Family, p. 12. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 599 According to records preserved in the family of Mr. Andrew Harwood, but now lost, " Sarah the wife of John Cram died in Sept. or October 1757, between seventy and eighty years of age ; and John Cram died in Amherst in 1759.* Thus ended an ac- tive, honored, prosperous and useful life. JAMES S. CRAM was a great-grandson of Mr. John Cram, the earliet settler of the town. He lived on what is now known as the Rose place, situated on what was then the thoroughfare between Amherst and Greenfield, and the Asheulot townships. Amherst was the seat of " The Aurean Academy," which James S. had the privilege of attending. His manuscript book, which bears date of 1795, is quite a marvel of neat penmanship for those days. It is devoted entirely to mathematics. The subjects of which he treated were often printed with his pen in ornamental letters, like Old English or German text, or some- times in neat, round English script of the writing-master. His skill in mathematics led many people to seek his aid in the solu- tion of difficult problems, which presented little difficulty to him, and were easily mastered. His manuscript book begins with involution and evolution, passes on to progressions, to plane and solid geometry, mensuration of plane surfaces and solids, sur- veying and trigonometry. His figures, geometrical drawings, and pen and ink sketches of hills, towers or steeples show the talent of an expert. He spent some time as a teacher in his native town, and com- piled a "First Spelling Book, Designed as an Introduction to Other Spelling Books." It was printed at Concord by Hoag & Atwood, 1831. He stated in the preface that his main object in compiling it was ' ' to assist young children in acquiring a thor- ough knowledge of monosyllables, which would greatly facilitate their progress in the larger Spelling Book." He also cultivated a taste for music, and taught singing schools. The works of the old composers and masters were among his treasures. A copy of the "Grand Hallelujah Chorus " in Handel's " Messiah," is well preserved, within the covers of his singing book, " The Rural Harmony," which he used in his singing schools. This book was printed by Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews in Boston, 1793- For other facts see Genealogies. *Rev. F. G. Clark, letter to D. C. Grant. 600 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH MR. AND MRS. DAVID GAGE. David Gage, a native of Merrimack, N. H., at one time taught the village school in South I/yndeborough, where he became acquainted with Miss Betsey Putnam, also a teacher, whom he afterwards married. She was the daughter of Squire Daniel Putnam, and became Mrs. Gage, Aug. 12, 1823. After their marriage they set out for their chosen work as teachers among the Cherokee and Chocktaw Indians, under appointment as missionaries of the American Board. They traveled with their own horse and car- riage, going from eighteen to thirty-four miles a day, and had a pleasant and prosperous journey across parts of seven states. After teaching a short time near Knoxville, Tenn., Mr. Gage went south into Wayne Co., Miss., and took charge of both the literary and industrial departments of the mission school, at the Choctaw Agency. In 1826, he had in his school sixteen boys, iwo girls, who boarded in the family, and three others, who boarded at their homes. His dwelling was of the primitive kind, sixteen by eighteen feet, built of logs, and the chimney of sticks. In the summer of 1828 he spent much of his vacation in travel, and at one of the meetings which they rode about sixty miles to attend, there were five or six hundred natives present and sev- enteen or eighteen missionaries. Two hundred and sixty-six natives came forward and expressed a determination to seek the salvation of their souls. The meeting continued from Thursday till Monday. Many natives had not provision for so long a stay, and prompted by hunger, were preparing to start for home on Sunday. The missionaries and professing Christians were anx- ious that they should remain. One Choctaw man arose and said that ' ' he had nothing to eat he was hungry, and sup- posed the rest were ; but what of that ? We shall not starve to death in three days. We now have the means of grace, and if we can get to Heaven, it would be good for us to stay here till our flesh dried on our bones." Mr. Gage continued his labors among the" Indians until they were removed by the government west of the Mississippi River. He died Oct. 3, 1841, and was buried near I/ivingston, Sumter County, Alabama. His devoted wife, with her four little chil- dren, returned to I/yndeborough in June, 1842. They em- barked on a sailing vessel from Mobile, Ala., and came to New York, and thence by Sound boat to New London, Conn., thence BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 601 by railroad to Worcester, Mass., and so on to Nashua, and her former home. CALEB HOUSTON.!- W. H. Grant, Esq., wrote to his brother, David C., in April, 1889, giving interesting items gleaned from Farmer & Moore's Gazeeter of New Hampshire, published in 1823, concerning Caleb Huston, or Houston, as the name is frequently written, a native of Lyndeborough, who was graduated at Williams College in 1812, and was probably the first college graduate of this town. Later Mr. Grant wrote that Caleb Houston died at Columbus, Ohio, about 1850. He was elected one of the councilmen on the organization of the Borough of Columbus, in 1816. In 1819 he with two others erected a saw-mill upon a new patent plan. ' The saw was circular, and was to cut constantly ahead, with no back strokes." The historian (of Columbus) says: " it was an experiment, and cost them a good deal without answering any valuable purpose." Mr. Grant thought, however, that Caleb Houston's " was the first circular saw ever used for saw-mill purposes." CAPT. JONAS KIDDER. Captain Jonas Kidder, the son of Joseph and Hannah (Proctor) Kidder was born in Hudson, N. H., Nov. 1 6, 1743. He was a farmer, and came to Lynde- borough in 1766, and settled on Second Division lot 105, east of Esq. Andrew Fuller's place. When the Revolutionary War broke out, Mr. Fuller and he united in hiring Mr. Samuel Butterfield to enlist in Capt. Barren's company, raised for ser- vice in Canada, but performing its chief service at Fort Ticon- deroga in 1776. His military record will be found on page 190 In 1780 it was known that the British forces were unusually active, and the object of their activity was strongly suspected, although the extent and venality of their purposes were for the time unsurmised. The capture of Major Andr6 at Tarrytown, with the documents found in his possession betrayed the full scope of their atrocious plot. The treachery and corruption of Arnold were thus revealed, and the whole deeply planned scheme to get possession of West Point, the American strong- hold on the Hudson, burst upon Washington and his associates like the terrifying shock of an earthquake. The patriots had divined the drift of their enemies' activities. They were tCaleb Houston was town clerk of I,yndeborough in 1807. He was a good penman and evidently a man of more than ordinary ability. 602 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH alert and were making extraordinary efforts to reinforce and strengthen the garrison at West Point. The men who could be spared elsewhere were hastened thither. Bounties were liberally paid to able bodied men who would enlist, and several from L,yndeborough were among the forces which were sent for- ward. These efforts were timely, and proved of great service to the patriot cause. Captain Kidder was on duty there in those stirring times. It is stated that he was entrusted with the important service of guarding the spy, Major Andre, the night before his execution. The list of Captain Kidder's company, together with their places of residence is found in the N. H. Revolutionary Rolls, Vol. 3, pp. 161, 162. The ICom." William Barren ) The case seems to have been afterwards submitted to referees, whose decision was very adverse to the town. For a commit- tee was chosen to "obtain a more equitable settlement with Francis Epes and others than took place with the referees," and this committee was directed to proceed according to former in- structions in carrying on the suit against Mr. Epes and others. This subject continued to engage the attention of the town from time to time until the year 1800, twenty- five years after the original purchase, and from that time we lose trace of it from the town records. MISCELLANEOUS 629 POX IN 1792. BY J. A. WOODWARD. At the present time one can have little idea of the horror and dread which the people had of the small pox in the early days of the settlement of the town. Vaccination was then unknown, and the physicians had not then learned to treat this disease. In some communities thirty per cent, of those attacked died, and sometimes the percentage was greater. It was discovered that persons purposely inoculated with it, especially children, and carefully nursed, had it lightly and recovered; and in some towns hospitals were established, where what were called "classes" were taken to be inoculated, and when these had recovered, another "class" would be accommodated. In the neighboring town of Weare several town meetings were held in the years 1792 and 1793 to decide what should be done about these small pox schools or hospitals, and there was much fear and excitement, all of which is recorded in the History of Weare. In. 1792 a man whose first name was Joe, but whose surname is not recorded, was taken sick with the dread dis- ease. He lived in a house in L,yndeborough near the New Bos- ton line, in the northeast part of the town. Charles J. Smith was a recent occupant of the place. This Joe's neighbors, nearly all of whom lived on the New Boston side of the line, were frenzied with fear and excitement, and a meeting was held forth- with to determine what should be done in the matter. It was advocated by the majority that, as the doctor had said that the man could not live two days, it would be the best thing for all concerned to burn patient and building, and thus avoid the danger of the spread of the contagion in burying him, and also the danger of the disease being carried by the wind ; that the man was unconscious and a few hours would make no differ- ence. In excuse it may be said again that they were beside themselves with horror and fear. While they were planning to put the scheme into execution one or two cooler men mounted swift horses and started hot foot for the selectmen of I^ynde- borough to see if something could not be done to prevent such a blot on the fair fame of the town. These selectmen were Jeremiah Carleton, Dea. Ephraim Putnam and Samuel Houston. They lost no time in getting to the scene of trouble, and by threats and pleadings soon succeded in calming the excitement and preventing the threatened outrage. A poem was written at the time describing the occurrence. 630 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH The author is unknown. Extracts from this poem are inserted, as it was a matter of interest, and is something of a literary curiosity : The Pox prevails, the people rave, Each man's a fool, each man's a knave. Poor Joe has caught it, takes his flight And seeks a cave in inidst of night, Dejected, spurned and much cast down ; From each old hag receives a frown. Spite, the food of Hell's production, Swells their breasts in sad convulsion. This raves, that swears, and some desire To burn his house and all with fire. To church they go to hold convention Each deeply fraught with ill intention ; When, Ajax-like, Longshanks arose ******* And thus addressed the grumbling crew * * * * * * * " New Boston's sons, How long shall we Be [pestered] thus? Zounds! Don't you see We've got into a Devilish box As every soul will have the pox ? Beside yon stream a lonely dome Contains a patient all alone He's sick and easy overcome (Landlord ! Some more New England rum !) By George ! My friends I'll not take rest Till I have spoilt that cursed nest ! If sloth and indolence prevail We'll fall as does the rattling hail. Let's rouse for safety to our town And burn or tear his building down. This is my mind, if yours the same Tomorrow's sun shall see it flame." Thus he belched forth his rancor And brought his burden to an anchor. * * * * * * . * * * The heads of the adjoining town, * * Sent for [in haste] at length came down, In hopes that they by candid means Could pacify those crazy brains. And, fond of peace, they now address The frantic, raving populace. First, Carleton, a judicious man And friend to order, thus began : " Reason, my friends, the helm of life, Is shattered by such gales of strife. Law, the guide to friends of State, MISCELLANEOUS 631 Is trod upon by such debate. Now if both law and reason die, Humanity will also fly. Where then, my brothers, shall we be When we are stript of all the three ? From such destructions pray refrain And reassume your sense again." Putnam, mild, then forward goes, And soothing language sweetly flows : "Why, my friends, such frantic fear? There's neither pox nor danger near. Yon little cot by Towns's mill Contains it all and ever will, Till reason offers her direction To purge and cleanse of the infection. You're not exposed in any instance If you have wit to keep your distance." Then Houston, much to mobs opposed, Step'd forth, and thus the scene he closed. "And do you think the God above Will such a discord here approve ? If such the strife, the rage of all, Religion [will] a victim fall. More lawful means you ought to try, And use some more humanity. Mortals abhor and justly mourn The soul by such destruction borne. Let each an equal friendship bear And sympathize in his despair." These words their anger soon suppressed And slew the viper in their breast. Now rage is fled, and in its place There's guilty shame in every face. Each hangs his head and sneaks away, Like Towser from his stolen prey. Thus the scene is closed with shame. Let every such turn out the same. INCOGNITO. THE SMALLPOX SCARS OF 1853. BY REV. D. DONOVAN. In 1853, the smallpox visited L/yndeborough and great con- sternation was felt lest trie disease should spread. Dr. Samuel G. Dearborn, then of Milford, was called to attend the patients. Being so far away, he requested Dr. L/orenzo D. Bartlett, his brother-in-law, recently settled in New Boston, to take charge, which he accordingly did. The cases are said to have been limited to two families, those of Mr. Oliver Bixby and Mr. Nathaniel Jones. Mrs. Jones was one of the patients 632 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH which Dr. Bartlett treated. All the patients recovered but the doctor himself contracted the disease. He was taken to the home of Mr. Jones, and there tenderly treated and carefully nursed. Mr. Robert Brown, the father of our fellow-citizen, Leonard Brown, who was immune, having had the disease, re- mained with him constantly to care for him. He, however, succumbed to the malady, dying in early manhood, and giving his life as many believe in devotion to both his patients and his chosen profession. The presence of the scourge created great alarm among the town's people, and they feared to have the body buried in the public cemetery. As seemed best in concession to this fear, Dr. Dearborn bought a little plot for its burial, and it was laid away to its solitary rest, a few rods from the road which leads over the mountain towards Francestown. Lorenzo D. Bartlett, M. D., was a native of Northfield, N. H. His parents were poor. His father died during the boyhood of the son, and the care of the children devolved on the mother. The boy was a bright, intelligent lad, a good scholar, and he was befriended by an influential citizen in getting his education. He chose the practice of medicine as his calling, and prepared himself as best he could for it. He graduated with honor at Castleton Medical College, an institution of very high standing in Vermont ; afterwards studied and practiced with Dr. S. G. Dearborn of Mont Vernon, who gave him didactic lessons in surgery. He continued with Dr. Dearborn about two years, after which he settled in New Boston, having married the sister of his instructor who esteemed him as "a noble man." His career ended at the early age of 28, after he had given promise of great usefulness in his chosen profession ; and he was highly esteemed and deeply lamented. Dr. Henry E. Spalding of Boston, a native of Lyndeborough, recently said that " Dr. Bartlett's devotion to his patients and his profession merited a martyr's plaudit and reward."* * When these cases of smallpox made their appearance in Lyndeborough, vaccine matter seemed scarce in these parts and when there was no railroad in operation through here, it required about three days to get it from Boston. People hastened to be vaccinated when there was no virus at hand. Inoculation was resorted to in some instances in L,yndeborough, and Dr. Dearborn is authority for the statement that with very slight exceptions, the results were good. The patients all recovered thoroughly, and suffered no permanent evil consequences. The above facts were stated by Dr. Dearborn to the writer at Nashua, December 20, 1902. MISCELLANEOUS 633 SPOTTED FEVER. The spotted fever, which had proved fatal in many of the New England towns, prevailed in i,yndeborough in 1812, with its accustomed virulence. It is stated that thirteen persons died as victims of it in as many days. A copy of the New Hamp- shire Patriot, of Concord, February 25, 1812, contains the fol- lowing notice : " DIED. In Lyndeborough, of the Spotted Fever, a daughter of Mr. Edward Bullard, aged 10 two children of Mr. Asa Manning a son of Mr. Haggett Mr. David Butterfield Mr. Jacob Manning two daughters of Capt. Clark a son of Mr. Jacob Wellman." Our town records state that "Mrs. Hannah Killam and Deborah Clark, both daughters of Capt. William and Sarah Clark, died February 19, 1812; " thus harmonizing with the above notice. Out of fifty-eight deaths, in the town of Acworth, in less than three months in 1812, fifty-three were caused by this plague. THE EXTENSION OF THE WII/TON R. R. TO GREENFIELD. At a legal meeting of the town of I,yudeborough on Decem- ber 23, 1871, the following resolution was offered by Joel H. Tarbell : RESOLUTION. " To aid in the construction of the Extension of the Wilton Railroad to Greenfield, N. H. Whereas, the construction of the said Railroad would be of great pub- lic benefit to this section of country, and would especially promote the interest and increase the wealth of this town, And, whereas the town is authorized by law to aid in its construction as provided in sections 16 and 17 of Chapter 34 of the General Statutes ; Therefore, Resolved by the citizens of the town of I/yndeborough in town meeting assembled, that the sum of Three Thousand Dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated in aid of the construction of the extension of the Wilton Railroad to Greenfield, N. H., which sum in money or in the bonds of the town securing the same, shall be delivered to the Treasurer of said Railroad Corporation whenever the said Rail- road is located and put under contract for the grading thereof, and the work of grading the same is commenced within the limits of this town, and notice thereof in writing, from the President of said Corporation shall have been received by the Selectmen of the town, provided said road is put in running order within two years from this date." The Resolution passed by a vote of 100 in its favor, to 37 against it. At a legal town meeting, October 9, 1873, it was voted, " To require the Peterborough Railroad Co. to bridge the road near 634 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH Buttrick's mill." On December 6, 1873, the Railroad Commis- sioners reported the damages assessed against the Peterborough Railroad in the town of L,yndeborough. The awards were : To Alvaro Buttrick $300 To Jothain Hildreth $40 To William N. Ryerson fioo To I,yndeborough Glass Co. $225 To James Burton $35 Railroad Commissioners ) D. Gilchrist for f A. S. Twitchell New Hampshire J E. P. Hodsdon Selectmen ~| Rufus Chamberlain of \ George Rose Lyndeborough J Adoniram Russell The railroad commissioners adjudged the bridging of the highway near Buttrick's mill unnecessary. The railroad, though a piece of private property, was yet a thing of public interest to both the town and those who visited it. From Wil- ton to Greenfield was called the Peterborough railroad. The contract for building it was awarded to George Washington Cram of Norwalk, Conn. His father, Daniel Cram, a native of L,yndeborough, was engaged to build the stone work. The grade of the road from Wilton to South L/yndeborough averages a rise of 80 feet to the mile. Two objects of considerable mechanical curiosity were pro- duced in its construction. One was the trestle, and another the gulf bridge. Twenty-five years ago, a person going from Wilton to South L,yndeborough by rail would feel the train slowing up as he passed around a curve just before reaching the old glass factory. On learning the cause, he would find himself gliding over rails supported by piles forming a trestle- work from twenty to thirty feet above the ground level. It was several hundred feet long and was traversed with varying de- grees of both curiosity and trepidation. But soon after leaving its stilts, the train plunged into a cut which assured the timid that they had again reached terra forma. The trestle was viewed as a triumph of engineering and lasted many years without causing special injury or accident. Early in 1887, a gravel train commenced operations on the track, and filled all the spaces between and around the piles, and an excellent road-bed of stones, earth and gravel was built up. There is no visible trace of the old trestle. When sojourn- ers of many years' absence return they miss the trestle, and find that it has shared the fate of many an old acquaintance, has been buried. MISCELLANEOUS 635 * The gulf bridge still retains its visibility. It stands nearly a mile west of the South L/yndeborough station, and spans the ravine of the Rocky River. It is about two hundred feet in length, and trains crossing it are about 70 feet above the river's channel. The trusses of this bridge are inverted, or seem to be suspended beneath the girders. They would at first view of one unskilled in mechanical engineering seem to hang as a mere weight upon the structure. But the structure, slender, strong and graceful in its proportions, has endured for more than thirty years, and as yet presents no visible tokens of decay. The more closely it is inspected, the deeper the impression it leaves of its mechanical beauty, power and durability. FIRES, ACCIDENTS AND INCIDENTS. Dec. 7, 1757. Congregational Church organized. Oct. 3, 1778. Benj. Bullock killed a bear. Mr. Bullock lived at North Lyndeborough. His land joined Capt. Peter Clark's on the east and south. June 23, 1780. Putnam's house burned. This refers to Ephraim Put- nam. The house in question stood nearly opposite the house of Mr. Lawrence on Putnam hill, South Lyndeborough. Dec. 4, 1784. George, son of Capt. Levi Spaulding, drowned. Feb. 8, 1788. Astain's mill burned. Supposed to refer to a mill at No. Lyndeborovrgh on the Piscataquog river. Nov. 21, 1793. Jonathan Barren, drowned in Badger pond while cross- ing the ice on his way to church. April 23, 1797. John Ordway's house burned. This house stood where Chas. J. Cutnmings lives. Feb. 19, 1798. Dutton's house burned. Obscure, but supposed to refer to Reuben Dutton's house, north of the mountain. Dec. ii, 1804. Oliver Whiting's barn burned. Aug. 13, 1819. Samuel Allen drowned. He lived at North Lynde- borough near the Cunningham place. 1819. Ira Houston collects the taxes for the " honor of the office," April 20, 1820. Luke Giddings killed. March 4, 1826. Uriah Smith died in town meeting. Heart disease. Dec. 13, 1827. Deborah Parker thrown from a wagon and killed at North Lyndeborough. Horse ran away. She had attended a prayer-meet- ing at the No. 4 Schoolhouse. In driving home the rein broke. April 2. 1834. Capt. Peter Farnum fell into a tan vat and was drowned. This was at the tannery that used to stand just west of where James H. Karr lives. Aug. 13, 1836. Edgar Rand's child drowned. " " " Schoolhouse at District No. 6 burned. Mar. 3, 1843.. Dr - Israel Herrick's house burned. Feb. 16, 1845. Moses Chenery's house broken into and goods stolen. Mar. 25, 1845. Old Congregational church sold to Jacob Butler for $86 636 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH f Feb. 18, 1849. Sarah Wilson's house burned. Mar. 8, 1849. James L,. Clark's house burned. This was where C. L. Perham lives. July 18, 1850. Capt. Peter Clark assaulted at Amherst. Oct. 3, 1850. Collins Wyman was accidentally shot and killed on the Pinnacle. He was drawing his gun up over a ledge with the muzzle toward him when the hammer caught and the gun was discharged. May 8, 1852. Mrs. Artenias Woodward was thrown from a wagon and killed on the hill west of where George E. Spalding lives. She was carrying the mail from South Lyndeborough to the centre. In returning the bit broke and the horse ran, throwing her out near the foot of the hill. A monument marks the spot. March 5, 1854. Dr. L/orenzo D. Bartlett died of small pox and was buried in a lonely spot on " Crooked S. " hill. July 3, 1854. Twelve cases of small pox in town and great excitement and fear. Feb. i, 1856. Phineas Kidder run over by his sled. May 22, 1857. New bell hung in the Congregational church belfry. Sept. 12, 1859. Robert B. Osgood lost an arm by the premature dis- charge of a blast. June 17, 1860. Samuel Hodgeman killed by lightning. Dec. 31, 1861. Solomon D. Avery's child burned. June 10, 1865. Lightning struck Nathan Richardson's barn and killed his horse. Barn not destroyed. Oct. 4, 1866. Daniel B. Whittemore fell from tree and broke a leg. A similar misfortune befel him Nov. 8, 1892, in falling from the high beams of his barn. Oct. 8, 1868. Eli Curtis's buildings burned. May 13, 1870. William W. Curtis's store and buildings at the centre burned. March n, 1871. Sumner French's house burned. This was the brick house north of the mountain, built by Daniel Woodward in 1820. April 22, 1872. A Mr. Sawyer was killed at Samuel N. Hartshorn's mill. He was repairing the wheel-pit, when the wheel fell upon him. Sept. 26, 1872. George M. Cram hurt by a blast at South L,yndeborough. Jan. 24, 1881. David Stiles killed by an engine on the railroad crossing Sept. 6, 1881. Yellow day. Oct. 6, 1881. Azro D. Cram's buildings burned. at South Lyndeborough. Oct. 29, 1885. Benj. B. Ames was kicked by his horse, from the effects of which he died, Dec. 8, 1885. Aug. 29, 1887. John Stearns shot and killed himself. July 31, 1890. Frank B. Tay's buildings struck by lightning and burned. Sept. 26, 1890. Jason Holt met with an accident on the railroad and lost a leg. April 7, 1892. Schoolhouse in District No. i burned. Sept. 16, 1892. Carlos Wheeler fell from his wagon and was run over and killed near South Lyndeborough. Nov. 26, 1892. Clifton S. Broad was thrown from a wagon and killed on the mountain north of R. C. Mason's. MISCELLANEOUS 637 July 8, 1893. Jotham Hildreth fell from the railroad bridge near But- trick's mills and was killed. Mar. 12, 1900. Warren Holden of Mel rose, Mass., was thrown from sleigh and killed near the house of Mrs. Nathan Cummings. Mar. 2, 1904. Eliphalet J. Hardy was killed by a tree falling upon him. He was the father of Rev. O. E. Hardy. CHAPTER XXXVI. MORTUARY RECORD. The dates of the decease of earlier citizens must be sought in the genealogical records. The printed reports of the town previous to 1861 seem to contain no specific mortuary lists. In that year, however, a full list of the deaths seems to be given. In transcribing the list, .some who died in infancy and child- hood, are for obvious reasons omitted. A few, however, who died quite young, are, for special reasons, occasionally retained. Our list then, consisting of names, dates of decease, and ages, commences with 1861, and will awaken sorrowful interest in the hearts of many who glance it over. 1861. 68 Aug. 29, Ruth Barnes 86 65 Sept. 12, Charles J. Hartshorn 18 71 Oct. i, Cyrus Blauchard 53 73 Nov. 13, Jacob Crosby 53 59 Nov. 24, Catherine L. Blauchard 61 20 Dec. 14, Reuben Stearns 17 Dec. 18, Sarah A. Richardson 47 71 Dec. 21, John Perham 71 1862. Aug. 4, Mrs. Nancy P. J. Putnam 63 Aug. 30, Joseph Chamberlain 72 Sept. 15, John Wellnan 72 Sept. 25, Mrs. Nabby Bachelder 92 May n, John Gage June 17, Moses Cheiiery June 26, Samuel Howard June 29, James Cram June 29, Jeremiah Hartshorn July 21, Harvey Holt, Jr. (In battle at Manassas, Va.) Aug. 26, Nathan P. Cummings April 25, Geo. Washington Holt 36 May 5, John Alonzo Hartshorn 21 (In battle of Williamsburg, Va.) May 20, Antoinette A. Kidder May 27, Mrs. Mary Brown June n, Ephraim Putman Feb. 25, John Millen March 9, Solomon Cram March 30, Sarah Badger May 6, Walter Chamberlain (New Orleans, La.) May 17, Jotham P. Draper (at Baton Rouge, La.) June 18, Mary Twitchell June 28, John R. Butler (New Orleans, La.) June 30, Eben J. Palmer (Baton Rouge, La.) 34 85 77 Nov. 26, Mrs. Mary H. Wheeler 59 Dec. 9, William B. Abbot 51 1863. 77 Aug. 5, Nathan S. Harris 27 61 (fell from transport at night 90 and was drowned in the Mis- 16 sissippi) Aug. 10, John H. Karr 24 25 (At Vicksburg) Aug. 15, James Boutwell 43 54 (returned soldier) 23 Aug. 15, Mrs. Daniel Morse Aug. 17, Mrs. Hannah L. Wood- 22 ward 63 Sept. ii, Polly Wellman 64 Oct. 31, Timothy Joslin 64 Nov. 23, Mrs. A. Joslin 58 MORTUARY RECORD 639 Feb. 22, Betsey Odell Carkin April 10, James Page June 12, Abigail Cram Jan. 9, Elnathan Hodgetnan (on transport ascending the Mississippi River) Jan. 12, Samuel Buttrick Feb. 3, Hannah E. Fish Feb. 8, Betsey Chamberlain March 23, Dea. William Jones Feb. 18, Dr. Israel Herrick March 22, Benj. Warren Button April 3, Dea. Daniel Wood- ward, Jr. April 3, Rev. Jacob White April 22, Elizabeth B. Mclutre April 22, Ira G. Morrison April n, Henry Clark June 3, John Carson June 25, Daniel Woodward (in FrancestownJ July 3, Mrs. Mary Adaline Put- nam July 15, Mrs. Susanna Karr July 17, John H. Stephenson Sept. 9, Harvey Chamberlain (at River De Loup, C. E.) Jan. 7, Samuel Everett Swin- ington Feb. 20, Israel Cram Feb. 21, Mrs. Amy Blanchard (at So. Danvers, Mass.) Feb. 29, Mrs. Eunice Stafford March 10, Mrs. Rosa Y. Holt March 26, Mrs. Mary B. Whiting Jan. 9, Mrs. Sarah G. Jones Jan. 22, Mr. Jacob Ellingwood Jan. 23, Mrs. Rhoda E. Parker Feb. 17, Mr. Daniel Proctor April 8, Mrs. Nancy Chenery May 2, Mrs. Naomi Russell 1864. 60 June 14, Ephraim H. Putnam 59 63 Dec. 22, Ebenezer Duncklee 83 71 Dec. 27, Jona. Hartwell Stephen- son 29 1865. 30 June 3, Loammie Eaton 84 July 24, Gorham B. Clark 18 Aug. 20, Jonathan Bailey 78 78 Nov. 3, Lizzie N. Boutwell 30 86 Nov. 14, Harvey Holt 57 84 Dec. 15, Hannah Holt 73 75 1866. 71 Sept. 19, Olivia J. Curtis Bald- 19 win 24 Oct. 28, George Putnam 90 56 Dec. 4, Sarah S. Wilson 90 59 Dec. 17, Amy Cram 88 79 Dec. 27, Capt. Eleazer Putnam 66 22 1867. 78 Sept. 10, Miss Sarah Maria 75 Stevens 34 99 Sept. n, Mrs. Rebecca Harwood 83 Sept. 14, Marcus De H. Wheeler 28 Sept. 19, Mrs. Sally Harris 68 62 Sept. 20, Benjamin Crosby 64 50 Sept. 27, Miss Abigail Richard- 34 son 65 34 Oct. 22, Sylvester Proctor 62 1868. May 5, David Hovey 83 33 May 18, Nathan Augustus Fish 29 78 July 23, Samuel Jones 65 92 Oct. 2, Mrs. Cassa J. Sanford 16 (at Stowe, Mass.) 82 Oct. 23, Calvin Abbott 44 20 Nov. ii, James B. Hall 27 82 Dec. 18, Sarah A. Mullett 74 1869. 63 Sept. 26, Mr. Asa Senter 83 Oct. 27, Mr. Benjamin Dutton 68 25 Oct. 31, Mrs. Hannah S. Hadley 97 66 Nov. 24, Mrs. Abigail H. Holt 71 Dec. 17, Mrs. Polly B. Bailey 74 82 640 HISTORY OF L YtfDEBOROUGH March 8, Mrs. Sarah B. Butler March 30, Clarence Russell April 8, Job Swinington 76 May 13, Mrs. Ann Holt 68 May 17, Mrs. Mary A. Perkins 29 May 26, Levi Tyler 69 June 10, Dea. David Putnam 79.11 Aug. 18, Miss Lucy A. Steph- ensou 23 1870. 76 Sept. 20, Oliver Harris 19 Sept. 28, Robert B. Osgood Oct. 10, James Gould Oct. 18, Mrs. Susan O. Wood- ward (at Surry, C. H., Va.) Oct. 26, Mrs. Edna A. Clark Dec. 3, Mrs. Dorothy Wheeler Dec. 15, Mrs. Miranda Rand Oct. 17, Miss Mary Shedd 1871. Jan. i, Mrs. Sarah Eaton 76 Feb. 9, Mrs. Mary Proctor Annual Town Report for 1871 has only the last names. The Town Report for 1872 contains no Obituary Record. 1872. 8i.ii Sept. 21, Albert J. Kidder 30 32 52 Feb. i, Andrew Fuller March 22, Hattie Maria Rose March 30, Hattie S. Stevens May 13, Sophronia Clark Aug. 7, William Gould Aug. 9, Hannah Putnam Aug. 18, Mark Newton Sept. 16, Mary A. Draper 96 42 70 Sept* 26, Nancy Gould Oct. n, James L. Clark Oct. 20, Rachel P. Kidder Nov. 5, Hannah Carson Dec. 16, Anthony A. Ames Dec. 25, Timothy Brown March 4, Mary E. Holt March 28, Cornelia E. Moore April 7, John Richardson April 12, Eliza N. Jones April 21, Daniel J. Moore April 21, Asher Curtis April 25, Stephen D. Holt 1873 1875, No Mortuary Report. 1876. May i, Rhoda H. Emery Aug. 7, EH Curtis Oct. 4, Mary H. Abbott Dec. 5, George B. Raymond Dec. 7, Rufus P. Chase Dec. 28, Lottie A. Stephenson Jan. 12, Lucy E. Putnam Feb. 14, Joseph H. Ford March 13, Mr. Richard Young March 31, Mrs. Emeline Holt Dec. 24, 1876, (in California), Mr. J. Barron Clark, Buried in Lyndeborough 20 45 66 74 50 89 53 1877. 37 May 16, Rev. E. B. Claggett, 79 78 32 22 75 63 21 75 32 70 82 59 82 72 80 86 92 19 26 61 Feb. 10, Mr. John Hartshorn Feb. 19, Mr. George F. Cutter April 3, Daniel Cunningham May 19, Mrs. Elizabeth Cram 66 at New Fairfield, Conn., for 24 80 years pastor of Congregational 58 Church in Lyndeborough June 10, Mr. Manley Kidder 66 54 June 14, Mr. William M. Warner 21 July 21, Mrs. Mina G. Lane 25 July 22, Mrs. Mary D. Spalding 65 August 2, Mr. Alfred A. Whitney 60 1878. 66 July 14, Mrs. Eunice A. Clay 23 39 Aug. 3, Miss Etneline Spalding 37 80 Oct. 5, Mrs. Caroline F. Wood- 87 ward 58 MORTUARY RECORD 641 May 23, Rev. W. L. S. Clark June 14, Solon B. Richardson July 6, Mrs. Lucy G. Clark Jan. n, Joseph Perham Jan. 18, Mrs. Susan Ordway Jan. 28, Mrs. Mary B. Perham Feb. 25, Oliver Perham March 3, Mrs. Susan Putnam March 8, Mrs. Mary Stratton March 10, John J. Balch March 16, Mrs. Abigail M. Balch March 20, Nelson Ryerson April 5, Huse Karr April 6, Frederick I. Bishop June 26, Abigail Hadley 64 Nov. n, Mrs. AlmandaC. Conant 28 38 Dec. 28, Brackley Rose 82 70 1879. 76 Aug. 81 Aug. 65 Aug. 60 Sept 72 Sept 68 Oct. 74 Nov. 68 Nov. 19 Dec. 81 Dec. 18 Dec. 3, Elias Mclntire 4, Mrs. Emma Ella Smith 17, George N. Bishop . 7, Maria H. Stephenson . 25, Peter Clark 23, Jonathan Clark 20, Mrs. Sarah H. Kidder 26, George Bishop 5, Mrs. Betsey P. Gage 19, Miss Myrta M. Crani 24, Mrs. Dorothy Lindsay Jan. 2, Mrs. Lydia \V. Putnam Feb. 4, Francis D. Johnson April 16, Mrs. Maria T. May- nard May i, Olney P. Butler Children: March 30, Walter H.; April 5, Mark W.; April 20, Lizzie H.; April 29, William L, died of diphtheria Jan. 24, David Stiles Feb. 16, William E. Wallace March 20, Myrtie Putnam April 28, Mrs. Mary S. Hadley May 5, Mrs. Cynthia Kidder Barrett 79 1880. May 28, Mrs. Sarah S. Young July 22, Emerson Batchelder Sept. 7, Mrs. Hattie E. Holt Sept. 26, Micah Hartshorn Dec. i, Mrs. Maria A. Sweetser Dec. 8, Mrs. Clarissa C. Curtis 1881. 70 Aug. 14, Mrs. Polly Perham 52 Oct. 9, Mrs. Mahala Wilson 16 Nov. 9, Alfred B. Spalding 80 Dec. 8, Mary Stephenson Jan. 27, Edward B. Sulham Jan. 30, Dea. John C. Goodrich March 10, Timothy Ordway April 13, Antoine Farnham April 16, Jacob Butler May 23, John Lowe 56 1882. 21 May 27, Mrs. Charlotte Baldwin 78 Aug. 2, Miss Hattie Gibson 86 Aug. n, Mrs. Sarah B. Peterson 52 Sept. 12, Mrs. Addie S. Stacey 87 Oct. 3, Mrs. Rebecca Fish 86 Oct. 20, Mrs. J. D. Putnam 1883. Jan. 12, Mrs. Hannah Fish 79 Jan. 19, William A. Bailey 41 Feb. 13, Neil J. Dickey 11.2 March 30, Ebenezer Fish 73 April 17, John F. Holt 75 May 18, Sarah Stephenson 91 June 2, Timothy T. Putnam July 21, Allie A. Holden Sept. 3, Nathan P. Cummings Oct. 14, Jotham Stephenson Nov. 24, Abbie J. Spalding 96 29 28 34 82 84 65 55 79 16 76 73 72 53 87 38 83 89 86 32 87 76 4i 40 32 86 51 65 24 55 78 40 642 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH Jan. 17, Charles F. Allen March 4, Willie B. Bell March 31, Artemas Woodward May 19, Clara A. Sheldon July 7, Mrs. John Lowe Aug. 27, Anna Fish Oct. 4, Lelia C. Ross Feb. 8, Mrs. Lucy Batchelder March 24, William N. Ryerson April 13, Mrs. Hannah F. Harts horn Jan. 18, Herman Wright Feb. 25, John H. Farnham March n, Morris M. Emery 64. March 12, Frank H. Powers May 6, Clintina Richardson July 4, Belle Curtis Aug. 16, George Chenery Jan. 2, Lois H. Emery Jan. 7, Hannah P. Batchelder Jan. 20, Edward Paige Spalding Jan. 29, Harriet R. Dascomb Feb. 5, George S. Dolliver Feb. 23, Betsey A. Ford 72 Feb. 24, Charles F. Tarbell Feb. 26, Jacob D. Putnam March n, Lucinda Searles March 22, John A. Putnam May 20, Sarah B. Fish May 30, Lafayette Herrick 1884. 25 Oct. 22, David Holt 12 Nov. i, Mrs. Lucy Cram 72 Nov. 18, Ida M. Herrick 30 Nov. 30, Mrs. Sally L. Curtis 83 Dec. u, Mrs. Gratia Bishop 79 Dec. 14, Foster Woodward 22 1885. 44 April 19, Mrs. Mary S. Cram 52 June 20, Jesse Simonds Aug. 10, Josiah M. Parker 88 Dec. 8, Benjamin B. Ames 1886. 77 Sept. 27, Nathan Fish 20 Oct. 3, Clark S. Gordon ,11 Oct. 15, Clarissa O. Burton 24 Oct. 28, Sarah S. Fish 20 Nov. 4, Elmira H. Small Holt 24 Dec. 27, George D. Eaton 43 Dec. 29, Thomas J. Draper 1887. 68 April ii, Caroline Cram 78 May 10, Emma L. Ryerson 82 June 5, Cynthia S. Jaquith 75 Aug. 29, John W. Stearns 32 Sept. 30, John Dolliver ii Dec. ii, Pamela A. Goodrich 1888. 44 July 8, Abigail H. Crosby 59 Aug. 3, Sarah Richardson 72 Sept. 15, Sarah B. Putnam 64 Oct. 24, Ann E. Fuller 42 Nov. 27, Carrie E. Ordway 63 Dec. 19, Ruth T. Gangloff 81 81 18 86 54 75 79 75 79 73 90 58 83 76 60 71 75 50 J7 75 68 77 84 82 68 82 So 26 33 Feb. 7, Nathaniel R. Fish March 18, Caroline E. Jensen (Lena) May 7, Ruby Hartshorn Feb. 23, Elvira Cheney Mar. i, David D. Clark Mar. 28, Carrie L- Spofford April 6, Wilbur F. Hackett May 10, Salathiel L. Wheeler May 12, H. W. Hodgeman May 30, Sarah P. Clark 92 Oct. 19, Alvaro Buttrick 68 16 Nov. 2, Mary E. Foster 52 Nov. 14, Willie Ryerson 22 87 Dec. 30, Charles L. Hutchinson 52 1890. 38 June ii, Addie P. Foster 45 72 June 23, John J. Gangloff 35 28 Aug. 8, Sally Rose 84 59 Nov. 25, Annette H. Jenson 16 59 Nov. 30, Charles Fletcher 90 29 Dec. 28, Alfred F. Holt 52 96 MORTUARY RECORD 643 Feb. 4, Harriet E. Merrill Feb. 14, Joel H. Tarbell Mar. 16, Oliver Watkins Apr. 29, Adoniram Russell Apr. 29, Edward Powers, June 3, Emeline G. Herrick June 28, Levi Spalding 1891. 40 July 4, Charles A. Hibbard 37 75 Aug. n, Isaac L. Duncklee 66 68 Aug. 30, David S. Draper 52 69 Sept. 6, John M. Emery 62 58 Nov. 23, Otis Perham 71 79 Dec. 9, Lucy Wheeler 44 81 Jan. 3, Mary E. Farnnam Jan. 9, Lucian B. Bowman Jan. 20, Eva E. Ross Jan. 31, Nelson Kidder April 13, Dorothy Henderson April 14, Lois A. Watkins April 20, Robert K. Lynch May 24, Martha Chamberlain June 9, Edwin N. Patch Feb. 4, Orrin N. Cram Feb. ii, Lois Burrough Marshall March 2, Elizabeth Blanchard 90 47 July 6, David Carkin 70 July 6, Emily Stephenson 27 Aug. 28, Orpah S. Russell 84 Sept. 16, Carlos Wheeler 80 teamster, crushed by his 70 loaded cart 63 Oct. 26, Mada Hutchinson 71 Nov. 8, Bertha E. Holt 67 Dec. 5, Clifton W. Broad 1893. April 26, John Gillespie June 26, Mamie A. Perham July 8, Jotham Hildreth Aug. 18, Celia Foote Sept. 5, Kilburn S. Curtis Jan. 9, Hannah Carr Jan. 21, Harriet Moore Feb. 2, Carl A. Eaton Feb. 7, Eliza A. Eaton March 20, Alfred Stearns Feb. 10, Abbie E. Pickett died in Newton, Mass. March 6, Mary A. Hall March 19, Hiram F. Curtis April i, Etta Burton April 30, Julien E. Wright June 27, Frank H. Senter Drowned in New Boston June 27, Dellie E. Holden Drowned in New Boston Jan. 29, Mary A. Holt Jan. 31, Charles Henry Holt Sept. ii, Lois C. Holt Oct. 9, Abigail C. Putnam Oct. 20, Asa Hill Oct. 21, S. Kate Putnam Dec. 15, Rebecca B. Perham Dec. 27, Abram Boutell Eliza K. Russell 59 92 .11 60. ii 27 86 38 72 1894. 76 April ii, Flora E. Reynolds 72 April 30, Sarah A. Curtis 13 June 30, Myra M. Davis 76 July 2, Samuel N. Hartshorn 31 Aug. 20, Caroline P. Spalding 1895. 36 March 8, Warren F. Needham April i, Levi P. Bailey 62 July ic, Julia A. Holden 1896. 58 July i , John A. Bradford 42 Sept. 20, Franklin Senter 70 Oct. 31 , Rebecca F. Grant 13 Nov. 21, Hattie Clark Nov. 23, Henry Weeeler 13 1897. 72 Aug. 13, Frank P. Hadley 69 Sept. 7, Samuel S. Cummings 86 75 58 18 26 18 23 80 79 77 52 69 7i 79 34 75 43 65 75 43 76 75 53 78 74 36 29 29 79 644 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH Feb. 12, Maria E. Owen April 17, Eliza A. Senter April 17, Nellie M. Herrick 69 Nov. 16, Mary E. Cram 58 79 Nov. 23, John W. Millay 22 28 Dec. 29, Abbie E. Dolliver 78 Jan. 6, Charles Young April 8, Lucy P. Kidder April 9, Alice C. Curtis April 16, David Lover Jan. 6, Richard H. Ross Jan. 23, Benjamin J. Clark March n, Dana B. Sargent April 15, Ursula J. Stearns April 17, Susan Miller April 27, Franklin H. Kidder May 26, Willis D. Sargent June 8, Nathan Richardson Jan. 24, David C. Grant Feb. 14, Wilkes H. Hadley Feb. 16, Jennie S. Cram March 13, Warren Holden March 26, Mary E. Dickey April 4, Morris Frye Feb. 9, George H. Stevens March 7, S. May Cheever May 2, Sarah Ross May 30, Mary J. Brown Aug. 27, Hannah Bailey Oct. 7, Electa Gage Jan. 29, Harvey Perham March 23, Andrew J. Marshall May 21, John Rand June ii, Amanda E. Cheever July 24, Betsey A. Lynch Jan. 3, Annie E.' Draper Jan. 31, Nettie C. Chute Feb. 2, Elizabeth B. Mclntire March i, Susanna P. Hartshorn March 12, Abbie S. Wright March 24, Byron Putnam May n, Charles M. Butler May 26, Joseph Sharp 69 May 9, Samuel T. Merrill 91 Sept. 3, Jennie Danforth 23 Oct. 9, Olive Patch 42 1899. July 26, Lydia I. Putnam 74 Aug. 15, Anna Andrews 52 Aug. 29, Wilson Thorndike 53 (at Mr. Gould's) 74 Sept. 5, Elsie M. Kidder 80 Sept. 17, Phineas Collier 18 Sept. 29, Luciuda Rand 83 Oct. 29, Betsey F. Hadley 1900. 76 April 22, Jane W. Ames 78 July 21, John Kiellen 49 Jly Io Eliza A. Parker 63 Aug. 31, Eliza Cummings 58 Nov. 13, Harriett Russell 81 Dec. 8, Julia A. Hill 1901. 64 Nov. 14, Esther P. Tarbell 37 Nov. 23, Thomas Carter 79 Nov. 24, Humphrey N. Gould 67 Dec. 9, Walter R. Stearns 84 Dec. 14, Eva E. Brooks 66 Dec. 18, Aurelia C. Parker 1902. 75 63 74 68 75 Aug. 2, Elsie M. Sargent Aug. 8, Hattie D. Murdo Oct. 23, David A. Whittier Dec. 28, Levi P. Hadley 18 45 70 47 80 74 73 83 76 90 65 74 79 81 76 83 61 73 12 2 7 72 54 29 81 64 1903. 29 June 13, Joseph E. Foster 57 35 Aug. 18, George Rose 66 77 Oct. 12, Washington Cummings 81 86 Nov. 16, Jonathan Stephen son 96 67 Nov. 22, Sarah A. Foster 69 63 Nov. 24, Laura A. Carson 51 75 Dec. 17, Maria E. Russell 75 86 645 Jan. i, Mark E. Morse Jan. 18, Charles R. Boutwell Jan. 23, Addie C. Morse Jan. 24, Catherine Kendall Steele Feb. 20, Betsey A. Wheeler Feb. 22, George S. McAllister March 2, Eliphalet J. Hardy March 17, William T. Bowen April 28, Mary T. Wheeler [at Wilton] May 10, Phebe M. Patch 1904. 60 June 4, Edwin Swasey 89 57 June 20, Minerva Duncklee 78.4 24.3 July 20, Elizabeth Rebecca Woodward [at Concord] 45 102.8 Aug. n, John E. Bachelder 66 75 Aug. 26, George E. Swasey 47.1 82 Oct. 2, Allen B. Andrews 53.8 74 [At Francestown] 34.3 Oct. 16, Nelson S. Cram 37 68.9 [At Goffstown] Nov. 14, Sarah D. Rand 76.10 85-3 THE HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH. Genealogies. PART II. J-a. ROBERT W. BELL, married Abby L. F., daughter of William B. and Ann (Boutwell) Raymond, Sept. 17, 1870. She was born March 3, 1852; died Aug. 30, 1875. Children : 1. WILLIE E., b. July 13, 1871 ; died March 4, 1884. 2. LIZZIE A., b. March 3, 1875, m. George D. Long. (See Lyong gen.) BISHOP. FRANK J. BISHOP, born in Stoddard Jan. 14, 1856; married Ida B., daughter of Joseph A. and Mary L. (Stephenson) Johnson, May 14, 1877. She was born July 4, 1859. Children, born in Lyndeborough : 1. CARL J., b. Aug. 4, 1884. 2. RAY P., b. April 3, 1889. BIXBY. OLIVER BIXBY, sou of Thomas and Rebecca (Holmes) Bixby, born March 27, 1796 ; married first, Abigail, daughter of David and Mary C. (Jones) Farrington, Nov. 13, 1823. She was born March 21, 1803, and 660 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH died Feb. 12, 1838 ; second, Huldah Farrington, Nov. 13, 1839. She was a sister of his first wife and was born Dec. 18, 1811, and died June 2, 1884. He died at Hillsborough, Feb. 27, 1879. Thomas, the father of Oliver, was the youngest of four brothers, all of whom settled in Francestown. In the war of the Revolution he was a lieutenant in Capt. Carson's company, and was at the Battle of Bunker Hill, and afterward endured the suffering and privation of Valley Forge. He was twice married, and Oliver was the seventh child of the first mar- riage. He was born at Francestown, but came to Lyndeborough when quite a young man, and soon thereafter bought the place at the Centre known since as the Bixby place, where Edward Warren now lives. He was postmaster for some years, and also kept the village store. He was a farmer and general trader, and was much esteemed for his unfailing good humor and genial ways. He removed to Hillsborough, where he died. Children by first wife, all born at Lyndeborough : 1. MARY J., b. Aug. 23, 1824, d. Aug. 21, 1835, at Amherst. 2. DAVID F., b. Aug. i, 1826, d. in 1856 at Surinam, S. A. 3. AUGUSTA, b. Sept. 30, 1827, m. Sidney Gage of Wilton, d. Nov. 17, 1890, at Nashua. 4. THOMAS, b. Dec. 14, 1829, d. Oct. 19, 1849, at New Orleans, La. 5. OLIVER H., b. June 29, 1837, m. Sarah E. Clement of War- ren, N. H., d. Dec. 19, 1897, at Boston. Children by second wife, born in Lyndeborough : 6. L/EVI W., b. March 22, 1845, m. L/ydia A. Burtt of Hillsbor- ough, Dec. 17, 1877, d. at Hillsborough, May i, 1893. Children : Helen A. and Caroline C., b. at Hillsborough. 7. MARY C., b. June 23, 1849, res. at Hillsborough. 8. HARRY A., b. June 12, 1851, d. Feb. 26, 1852. BLANCHARD. LIEUT. JOTHAM BLANCHARD, the ancestor of one of the Blanchard families in Lyndeborough, came from Billerica, Mass., and settled in that part of the town now known as Perham Corner. He was born in 1751 and probably came here soon after the Revolutionary War. He married Abigail and doubtless two of his sons came here with him, Asa and Jotham, Jr. The family all owned farms in the above- named section of the town. Lieut. Jotham died Feb. 16, 1832 ; Abigail, his wife, died July 30, 1818. She was born in 1756. ASA BLANCHARD, son of Lieut. Jotham and Abigail Blanchard, born 1776; married Sybil Pierce of Wilmington, Mass. She was born 1775, and died at Lyndeborough Oct. 15, 1815. He died March 17, 1810. Children born at Lyndeborough : 1. ASA, -f- 2. ANN, b. April i, 1803, m. March 29, 1825, Rufus Crosby of Billerica, Mass. They removed to Milford, where she died GENEALOGIES 661. March 19, 1879. They had seven children, the eldest of whom, Mary Ann, m. William W. Howard. 3. BRADLEY, b. May 6, 1805, m. first, Almira Stearns. She d. Feb. 28, 1827, m. second, Mary M. Bowers of Concord, Mass. He d. at Milford, Oct. 15, 1893. They had seven children. 4. MARY, b. April 15, 1807, m. Jacob Woodward. (See Wood- ward gen.) 5. SYBIL P., b. 1811, d. Oct. 8, 1884, unmarried. ASA BLANCHARD, son of Asa and Sybil (Pierce) Blanchard, born April 3, 1801; married April 20, 1826, Elizabeth Goodwin, born March 4, 1802 ; died March 2, 1893. He died Sept. 6, 1845. Children born at Lyndeborough : 1. ELMIRA, b, March 3, 1827, m. March 21, 1847, Frank Howard. 2. ELIZABETH, b. Sept. 19, 1829, m. Charles G. Hatch. (See Hatch gen.) 3. ASA, b. Aug. 14, 1831, m. Mary R. Spaulding of Wilton, He d. June 8, 1874. 4. MARY ANN, b. Jan. 5, 1835, m. Nov. 26, 1857, Rufus P. Chase of Newburyport, Mass. He was b. April i, 1835, d. Dec. 7, 1876. Children: Lilly F., b. at Worcester, Mass., March 25, 1860, d. Dec. 9, 1864; Frank M., b. at Worcester, Mass., Jan. 25, 1862, d. Aug. 2, 1863; Harry R., b. at Worcester, Mass., Nov. 3, 1865 ; Homer F., b. at Worcester, Mass., Aug. 9, 1869. 5. SYBIL P., b. Oct. 6, 1838, m. George W. Parker of Lynde- borough. (See Parker gen.) 6. CAROLINE, b. Jan. 26, 1840, m. Dec. 26, 1862, George Jen- nison, of Worcester, Mass. 7. ELIZA J., b. Nov. 22, 1843, m. Feb. 26, 1878, Gilbert A. Heald of Milford. JOTHAM BLANCHARD, son of Lieut. Jotham and Abigail Blanchard, born 1774; married Amy Smith, born 1784; died Feb. 21, 1868. He died Jan. 21, 1847. Children born at Lyndeborough : 1. DANIEL, b. July 15, 1798. 2. LUCINDA, b. Sept. n, 1800, m. Daniel Holt of Milford. 3. CHARLES, b. March 13, 1803. 4. FREDERICK, b. Oct. 8, 1805. 5. CYRUS, b. Nov. 3, 1808. 6. JOTHAM, b. April 19, 1811. 7. ASA, b. June 12, 1813. 662 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH BLANCHARD. The immigrant ancestor of the Blanchard family of America was of Huguenot extraction. Amaziah Blanchard, son of Simon and Catharine Wyman Blanchard, was born at Milford, Nov. 27, 1782; married Aug. 26, 1807, Mary Damon of Amherst. She was born Sept. 10, 1785. He came to Lyndeborough in 1811, and bought the place where Asher Curtis now lives. He ran in debt for the whole of the purchase price, which was considered in those days a rather hazardous venture. He used to make molasses hogsheads, and haul them to Boston, sixty miles, with an ox team, sell them and re- turn, with the fear of robbers always present, if his journey kept him on the road after nightfall, especially, as the notorious Stephen Burroughs sometimes invaded the lonely road between Milford and Nashua. How- ever, the times improved after the War of 1812, and he paid for his farm. Children : 1. CALVIN, b. Sept. 4, 1808, + 2. EDWIN A., b. March 14, 1811. 3. ANNA D., b. June 9, 1813. 4. SOPHIA N., b. Feb. 4, 1817, -j- 5. HARRIET N., b. March 4. 1819. 6. RUFUS, b. March 7, 1821, -f- 7. FRANCES, b. Sept. 22, 1823. RUFUS BLANCHARD, son of Amaziah and Mary (Damon) Blanchard, was a man of considerable literary ability, as was also Calvin. Rufus re- moved to the west, settling in Chicago, 111., where he died in 1902 or 1903. He was the author of the following maps and books : " The His- torical Map of the United States " ; a book entitled " The Discovery and Conquests of the Northwest, with a History of Chicago " ; a romance in verse entitled, " Abraham Lincoln The Type of American Genius " ; " History of the State of Illinois " ; " Rise and Fall of Political Parties in the United States" ; " The Historical Geography of North America " ; a romance, now in manuscript not yet published, descriptive of American characteristics. CALVIN BLANCHARD, his brother, wrote the "Life of Thomas Payne," and a book entitled "The Science of Religion." He was also author of several pamphlets on " Natural Religion." He published the works of Thomas Payne, "Volney," part of Voltaire's works, Stearns' " Life of Jesus," and a large number of books on similar subjects. He was a leading member of the " Payne Society " in New York, and an in- timate friend of Horace Greeley, the two having been journeyman print- ers together. SOPHIA BLANCHARD OLSEN was the author of a poem written on the great Chicago fire of 1871, which was highly esteemed by literary critics. She also wrote several other pamphlets, and was a contributor to various magazines and newspapers. JOSEPH BLANCHARD, son of Luther and Mary (Kinson) Blanchard, born in Milford, Nov. 16, 1829 I married Oct. 28, 1852, Rhoda, daughter of GENEALOGIES 663 Nathan and Sally (Draper) Fish. She was born Jan. 15, 1835. He came to Lyndeborough in 1856 ; resides in South Lyndeborough ; has taken great interest in military matters, and was captain of the Lafayette Ar- tillery from 1894 to 1896. (See Chap. VIII.) Children : 1. FRANCENIA, b. in Wilton Aug. 13, 1853, d. July 2, 1858. 2. SARAH A., b. in Temple Jan. 21, 1856. 3. CARRIE F., b. in Lyndeborough Aug. i, 1862, m. Oct. 26, 1881, Adna A. Page of Lebanon, res. in Woburn, Mass. 4. ELMER J., b. June 14, 1876, m. Feb. 14, 1900, Ella M., dau. of ; Daniel A. and Mary M. (Hoyt) Colby of Francestown. She was b. Sept. 6, 1874. BLANEY. CAPTAIN WILLIAM BLANEY. Among the early comers to Lynde- borough was William Blaney and Ruth S., his wife. He is said to have been a sea captain, and was probably a relative of Maj. Joseph Blaney, one of the original proprietors. Children : 1. WILLIAM, b. April 18, 1773. 2. CHRISTOPHER, b. Feb. 27, 1776. 3. STEPHEN, b. 1786. 4. BETHIA, b. 1789. 5. SUSANNA, b. 1790. 6. GRACE, b. 1794. 7. NANCY, b. Nov. 8, 1797. BOARDMAN. The name was Boreman in England and originated from the knight who came into England from Normandy with William the Conqueror in 1066. He had lost a hand and had in its place a wooden substitute. His name was William and he was called William la de Bois de Main (sic) or William of the Wooden Hand. The name became in time Boreman and thence Boardman. Thomas Boardman was a descendant of William Bore- man of Banbury, England. He came to Lyndeborough in 1750. THOMAS BOARDMAN was born 1749; died Dec. 10, 1836. He mar- ried first, Ann Noyes of Newburyport, Mass.; second, Hannah Brown, who was born 1748, and died Aug. 12, 1818. Thomas Boardman came to Lyndeborough from Ipswich, Mass., aud settled on the farm now owned by Erwin D. Wilder. Children : 1. HANNAH, b. June 29, 1776, m. in 1798, Aaron Lewis. (See Lewis gen.) 2. THOMAS, + 3. DANIEL N., -f- 4. JOHN, b. 1780, d. in Francestown, Nov. 25, 1810. THOMAS BOARDMAN, son of Thomas and Hannah (Brown) Board- man ; married Lucy, daughter of William and Olive Barren, born June 23, 1781. She died Oct. 20, 1857. Children : 664 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH 1. JOHN, d. in infancy. 2. MICAH BARRON, b. Dec. 21, 1806, rein, to Frances- town. 3. FRANCIS, b. Nov. 10, 1811, m. in 1831, Sarah E., dau. of the Rev. Moses Bradford of Francestown. 4. L/UCY, b. Nov. 28, 1817, m. John Huntington. 5. SARAH, b. March 27, 1820, m. John H. Patch of Frances- town, d. at Webster, Mass., Feb. 4, 1883. DANIEL N. BOARDMAN, son of Thomas and Hannah (Brown) Board- man, born Feb. 7, 1792; married first, Abigail Fuller of Francestown, Oct. 10, 1817. She was born April 28, 1795, and died Dec. 7, 1818; mar- ried second, Jan. 24, 1822, Olive, daughter of Oliver and Hannah (Marshall) Whiting. She was born Jan . 24, 1800. She was married twice after the death of Mr. Boardman, first to Abner Pettee of Francestown ; second, Samuel Dennis of Jasper, N. Y. She died Sept. 16, 1860. Daniel N. Board- man died July 2, 1849. He was a man who had great influence in town affairs in his day, and held many offices of trust, and it is said fulfilled their duties with fidelity and honesty. He lived where Erwin D. Wilder lives now. He was representative to the General Court in 1840 and 1841, and was selectman for nine years. Children : 1. ABIGAIL,, b. March 3, 1823, m. Frank B. Dennis, July i, 1850. 2. SON, b. Jan. i, 1825, d. Jan. 2, 1825. 3. OLIVE, b. Nov. 7, 1825, d. 1826. 4. DANIEL M., b. July 28, 1827, m. May n, 1859, Mehitable Allen. 5. L/ANGLEY J., b. March 21, 1830, m. first, June 26, 1859, Martha Storrs, m. second, July 4, 1878, A. Cochran. She was b. Oct. 17, 1848. He removed to Manchester in 1849. In 1 86 1 he entered government employ in the South, re- maining there four years. He returned to Manchester and entered the Amoskeag Mills, where he remained until he died, May 10, 1903. 6. SON, b. Jan. 7, 1833, d. Jan. 7, 1833. 7. ANSTIS E., b. Oct. 8, 1834, m. June 17, 1859, S. Porter Marsh. 8 and 9. TWIN boy and girl died in infancy. 10. OLIVE A., b. May 3, 1839, m. Oct. 31, 1861, Judson Sargent. BOFFEE. MELCHIZEDECK BOFFEE was one of the first settlers of Salem- Canada. He came from Londonderry and it is said he first improved land on the hill east of David Clark's, but, Jan. 30, 1744, bought 90 acres 665 of land where the late David C. Grant lived. With him came his wife, Margaret, and two sons, at least, were born to them in town, John and Thomas. John and Thomas were soldiers in the Revolutionary Army and their story is told in another chapter. Children : 1. MARY, b. Aug. 29, 1742. 2. HANNAH, b. May 5, 1745. 3. THOMAS, -(- 4. MEHITABLB, b. April 12, 1752. 5. JOHN, + UEUT. THOMAS BOFFEE was born April 10, 1750. His wife, Sarah, died Sept. 9, 1772. The town records contain the following: "Thomas Spaulding, son of Thomas and Sarah Boffee, born Sept. i, 1772." JOHN BOFFEE, son of Melchizedeck and Margaret Boffee, born July 4, 1754 ; married Anna Howard. He died Oct. 6, 1820. Children : 1. JOHN, b. May 22, 1783, d. Oct. 21, 1802. 2. SALLY, d. April 26, 1779. 3. ANNA, d. April 29, 1787. 4. POLLY, b. Sept. 19, 1790. 5. BETSEY, b. July 28, 1792, m. Ephraim Kidder. (See Kidder gen.) BOSWORTH. CAPT. GEORGE W. BOSWORTH was born at Plympton, Mass., in 1823. He died at Atnherst, 1902 ; married, March 2, 1847, Amy, daughter of Gideon and Amy (Putnam) Cram of Lyndeborough. She was born Oct. 9, 1823. He lived at Lyndeborough for a few years, but the latter years of his life were passed in Amherst. He was a man of sterling quality and had the respect of his associates. For his military record see another chapter. Children : i. GEORGE W., b. in Milford, Sept. 13, 1848, d. March 27, 2. AMY F., b. in Lyndeborough, Nov. 23, 1850, d. July 17, 1854. 3. MARY E., b. in Lyndeborough, ^Dec. 29, 1852. 4. ABBY F., b. in Milford, Jan. 31, 1856. 5. EMMA H., b. in Milford, Dec. 14, 1861, d. Jan. 18, 1862. 6. GEORGE N., b. in Milford, Nov. 4, 1866. 7. GRACE A., b. in Milford, May 28, 1871. BOUTWELL. The name Boutwell is of Huguenot origin, and this family can trace its descent to those who left the south of France to escape persecution and made England their home. Some of the family emigrated to the Massachusetts Colony during the last half of the sixteenth century. 666 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH James Boutwell and Alice, his wife, are common ancestors of all the Boutwells of this country. He was made a freeman in 1638, and his will is on file among the old Norfolk County records of Salem, Mass. In this will he mentions his son, John. John, born 1645, married Hannah , and settled in Reading, Mass. He had a son John. This John was born Feb. 26, 1669 ; married Sarah , and lived in Reading. He had a son John, also. This John was born August i , 1695 ; married Rebecca Knight and lived in Wilmington, Mass. He had a son James, who came to Lyndeborough. James was of the fifth generation from James, the im- migrant ancestor. The Boutwell homestead farm is situated on gently rising ground at the south end of what is termed the " middle of the town." It was here that James Boutwell settled when he came to Salem-Canada or Lynde- borough, April 8, 1767. This farm has been in the possession of the Boutwell family ever since. There was probably a clearing and perhaps a log house there when he bought, but the farm has been theirs practi- cally since the settlement of the town. The farm buildings were formerly somewhat rambling and discon- nected, but when Charles R. Boutwell came into possession, he enlarged and remodeled them, and the result is one of the most commodious and attractive country residences in this section of the state. Surrounded by fertile fields and beautiful shade trees it commands one of the finest views of country scenery to be found anywhere. Pinnacle, Winn, Peter- borough, Pack Monadnock, and the range of mountains to the south, with the intervening valleys, form a fair picture, as seen from this outlook. But little is known of James Boutwell. Like that of many of the early settlers of the town, his history is shrouded in the mist of years. He was evidently well received by the settlers of Lyndeborough, for he was elected selectman the year after he came to town, and again in 1771. He came from Wilmington, Mass., to Amherst, and thence removed to Lyndeborough. Probably the three older children were born at Am" herst, but they are recorded as born at Lyndeborough, which must be a mistake, for these three were born before 1767, the date on which he came to Lyndeborough. James Boutwell was born in 1736, and married Mary Johnson, presumably of Wilmington, Mass. He died Feb. 6, 1804. His descendants have left a large impress on the history of Lyndebor- ough, and have carried New England ideas to many remote sections of the country. Children: 1. ASA, b. Feb. n, 1761, m. May 25, 1779, Bridget Pearsons of Duxbury School Farm. 2. MARY, b. Oct. 5, 1763, m. Nov. 16, 1786, Noah L/awrence of L/yndeborough. 3. ABIGAIL, b. Dec. 22, 1766, m. June 4, 1785, Jesse Wood- bury of Weare. 4. JUDITH, b. March 9, 1769, m. April 26, 1787, Moulton Bachelder. < o GENEALOGIES 667 5. JAMES, b. Sept. 29, 1772, m. March 16, 1790, Deborah Haggett. 6. NEHEMIAH, -f- 7. AUCE, b. June 25, 1776, m. Jan. 28, 1796, Joseph Bachel- der of St. Andrews Grove. NEHEMIAH BOUTWELL, son of Jaines aud Mary (Johnson) Boutwell, born Nov. 20, 1774; married Elizabeth, daughter of Dr. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Cleaves) Jones of Lyndeborough, June 28, 1796. She was born Dec. 18, 1776 ; died July 3, 1856. He died Oct. 3, 1855. He was an ener- getic, stirring, business man, and in addition to carrying on his large farm had a potash factory, which stood west of the house, which he operated for many years. He must have been something of a mechanic, withal, for he made the nails with which to build a new house. He owned and operated a tannery, and by strict integrity and attention to business acquired a competence. He was moderator of the town meet- ings for many years, representative to the general court in 1821 and again in 1828 and town treasurer for 19 years. He was drum major in the state militia. In the later years of his life he resigned the care of the farm to his son, Rodney C. His wife had the misfortune to be nearly or quite blind the last years of her life. Children : 1. NEHEMIAH, b. May 19, 1797, m. Mary Johnson of Hollis. 2. BETSEY, b. Feb. 8, 1799, m. Jesse Pearsons of Francestown, d. Aug. 4, 1873. 3. BENJAMIN J., b. Feb. 9, 1801, d. May 19, 1807. 4. WILLIAM THURSTON, -f- 5. CLARK CROMBIE, -+- 9. NEWTON, -f- 7. BENJAMIN JONES, b. Jan. 12, 1809, m. Mary Fisher, d. Aug. 14, 1836. 8. RODNEY CLEAVES, + 9. JAMES, -+- 10. MARY ANN, b. April 7, 1816, m. James H. Hall of Brook- line, N. H., d. May 8, 1852. 11. SARAH JONES, b. July 15, 1818, m. Eben Palmer, d. Jan. 30, 1841. (See Palmer gen.) REV. WILLIAM THURSTON BOUTWELL. (See p. 566.) Son of Nehemiah and Elizabeth (Jones) Boutwell ; born Feb. 4, 1803 ; married Oct. n, 1834, Hester Crooks of Fond du Lac, Wis. She died at Still- water, Minn., Oct. 15, 1853. He died Oct. n, 1890, at Stillwater, Minn. He prepared for college at Hancock and Exeter Academies. Graduated at Dartmouth in 1828, and from the Andover Theological Seminary in 1831. He was ordained at Woburn in 1831, and was sent by the American Board as a missionary to the Chippewa Indians at Mackinaw and vicinity. He remained with them until 1845, teaching and preaching, and enduring the discomforts and privations of a life among such surroundings. He 668 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH removed to Stillwater, Minn., where he was the pioneer home missionary of the state, preaching the first sermon ever preached in the state of Min- nesota. Most of his children were born in Minnesota, but one, Mary Louise, was born at Lyndeborough. Children : 1. ELIZABETH A., b. August 4, 1835, d. Jan. 17, 1900, m. Rollins Parkhurst, 1860. He died May 25, 1879. Chil- dren : Leforest, Marie Antoinette. 2. RAMSEY C., b. May 16, 1837, m. Nov. 20, 1872, Lucy A. Clark of Lyndeborough, d. April 24, 1898. 3. MARY LOUISE, b. Jan. 10, 1840. 4. WILLIAM T., b. Feb. 6, 1842. 5. RODNEY C., b. Feb. 26, 1844. 6 KATHARINE A., b. Oct. 23, 1846. 7. HESTER C., b. Jan. 2, 1848. 8. BASIL E., b. Nov. 16, 1850. 9. CORNELIUS L., b. Nov. 2. 1852. CLARK CROMBIE BOUTWELL, son of Nehemiah and Elizabeth (Jones) Boutwell, born April 22, 1805 ; married Asenath Bradford of Hancock. He early removed to Nashua and soon became prominent in the business circles of that city. He was president and director of the Wilton railroad corporation, and largely interested in the railroads of the state. He was prominent in financial circles and influential in the city of his adoption. Children : 1. HENRY THATCHER, b. Aug. 20, 1844, m. 1872, Helen G. Willis of St. Louis. He is a graduate of Harvard, 1866, M. D., 1870, and is a physician in Manchester. His chil- dren are : John Mason, b. 1874, who is a graduate of Harvard, 1897, aQ d is in the government service, U. S., Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. ; Alice Bradford, b. 1882. 2. ELLEN A FRANCES, b. March 14, 1847, m. June, 1870, Rev. Minot Gage of Cambridge, Mass. Children : Walter Bout- well, b. 1872 ; Harold Minot, b. 1874. 3. LIZZIE MARCIA, b. Oct. 5, 1851, d. at High Point, N. C., April 26, 1880. 4. IDA BRADFORD, b. Jan. 8, 1854, d. April 7, 1882. NEWTON BOUTWELL, son of Nehemiah and Elizabeth (Jones) Boutwell, born July 19, 1807; married first, Jan. 12, 1830, Mary Ann Merrill of Lyndeborough. She was born Aug. 24, 1807 ; died May 5, 1852 ; married second, Feb. 6, 1853, Deborah A. Davis of East Montpelier, Vt. She was born Dec. 23, 1813 ; died Oct. 15, 1882. Children born in N. Craftsbury, Vt., except the first two : i. ELIZABETH A., b. at Lyndeborough, May i, 1831. GENEALOGIES 669 2. WILLIAM C., b. at Lyndeborough, July 2*8, 1832. 3. HARRIET, b. Nov. 15, 1833. 4. FRANCIS N., b. July 30, 1835. 5. ROBERT T., b. Feb. 6, 1837. 6. MARY J., b. Nov. 27, 1838. 7. THOMAS N., b. Dec. 30, 1839. 8. RODNEY M., b. Dec. 17, 1841. 9. JAMES B., b. Nov. 19, 1843. 10. MARY Ella, b. July 9, 1856, in. Carl Benedict of Barre, Vt. Children : Nathan B., Emily M. REV. JAMES BOUTWELL, son of Nehemiah and Elizabeth (Jones) Boutwell, born May 14, 1814 ; married April 10, 1837, Mary P. Abbott of Audover, Mass. She died Sept. 9, 1868. He died April 21, 1865. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1836 and from Andover Theologi- cal Seminary in 1840. About the time of his marriage he removed to Dunkirk, N. Y., and later to Sanbornton, N. H., where he died. They had a family of ten children, none of them born in Lyndeborough. Children : 1. MARY I,., b. March 8, 1838, m. Nathaniel B. Plummer. 2. JAMES P., b. Feb. 6, 1840, d. Oct. 31, 1844. 3. GEORGE C., b. Feb. 8, 1842, d. 1892. 4. CHARLES H., b. Oct. 29, m. Helen M. Abbott. 5. HANNAH E., b. March n, 1846, m. C. Iy. Davis, d. April, 1892. 6. JAMES P., b. Jan. 4, 1848, m. Hannah Huntington. Child : Mary Abbott, b. March 29, 1875. 7. EMMA C., b. Dec. 22, 1849, m. Virgil K. Curd. 8. EDWARD PARSONS, b. Feb. 19, 1852, graduate of Dartmouth, 1876, d. March 4, 1878. 9. ARTHUR A., b. March 22, 1854, d. June 17, 1878. 10. WILLIS M., b. Aprils, 1857, m. Ella Watson. RODNEY CLEAVES BOUTWELL, son of Nehemiah and Elizabeth (Jones) Boutwell, born July 14, 1811 ; married Jan. 31, 1833, Nancy J., daughter of Nathan and Ann (Remick) Barnes of Bedford. She was born Oct. 23, 1811; died Apr. 19, 1892, at Medford, Mass. He died at Medford, Aug. i, 1891. When Nehemiah, his father, retired from the active duties of farm life he took the farm and cultivated it until the infirmities of age com- pelled him in turn to transfer it to one of his children. He was a man who shunned public office and his whole time and attention was given to the tilling of his land and the management of his farm work. His wife was a woman of stately presence, of great refinement and of much intellectual power. She came of a family noted for its ability and influence. Her teachings and impress remain with their children and they revere her memory. Twelve children were born to them, and in many respects they were a remarkable family. Remarkable from the fact that they all grew 670 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH to manhood and womanho'od, Sarah's death, aged twenty years, being the first break in the family ; remarkable that they were, all twelve, men and women of fine physique, rugged specimens of New England stock. Their father and mother were consistent members of the Congre- gational Church and constant church attendance was a part of their creed, so these boys and girls were marshalled into the sanctuary every Sunday, sometimes filling more than one pew. They all received a good educa- tion in the schools of the town supplemented in most cases by terms at some academy. Abby J. was a teacher in Boston for some years. Clarissa married and removed to the West. Her husband was a sheriff and jailor at one time and once when a break was attempted she held the tnob of desperate prisoners at bay with a revolver until help arrived. Of these twelve children Ann E. (Whittemore) is the only one remaining a resident of Lyndeborough. Children : 1. CLARISSA BARNES, b. Nov. 20, 1833, m. Samuel G. Colley and rem. to Beloit, Wis. He d. Oct. 21, 1890. 2. NATHAN BARNES, + 3. ANN ELIZABETH, b. May 4, 1837, m. Daniel B. Whittemore. (See Whittemore gen.) 4. ABIGAIL JANE, b. Dec. 13, 1838, m. Jan. i, 1878, Robert Hawthorne, of Newton Centre, Mass. He d. April i, 1892. . BENJAMIN JONES, -(- 6. WILLIAM THURSTON, + 7. SARAH JONES, b. Sept. 9, 1844, d. Jan. 12, 1864. 8. CHARLES RODNEY, -f- 9. HENRY WINSLOW, -+- 10. GEORGE SUMNER, -f- 11. ROLAND HILL, + 12. ROSWELL MURRAY, -f- NATHAN BARNES BOUTWELL, son of Rodney C. and Nancy J. (Barnes) Boutwell ; born July 31, 1835; married Nov. 25, 1858, Lizzie, daughter of Oliver and Susan (Foster) Hawkins of Troy, N. H. She was born June 13, 1836 ; died Nov. 3, 1865 ; second, Emily, daughter of Luke and Hannah W. (Perkins) Beard of Wilton. She was born July 20, 1846. At the close of the war he became connected with the whole- sale house of E. C. Hazard & Co. of New York. In 1876 he removed to Cambridge, Mass., and in 1880 accepted a position in the Boston custom house where he has been ever since and where he is now in charge of the Appraisers' Stores. He was a soldier during the Civil War. For his military record see chapter X. Resides at Winchester, Mass. Child by first wife : i. LESLIE BARNES, b. July 28, 1860, m. Sept. 9, 1903, Made- laine Endicott Giddings of Beverly, Mass. He is a gradu- ate of Harvard Dental School. Child : Madelaine Giddiugs, b. Sept. 15, 1905. Child by second wife : GENEALOGIES 671 i. HORACE KEITH, b. Dec. 4, 1876. He is a graduate of Harvard Medical School. BENJAMIN JONES, son of Rodney C. and Nancy J- (Barnes; Boutwell ; born Dec. 25, 1840; married April, 1882, Louisa Elizabeth, daughter of Ebenezer and Mary (Keeley) Knight of Milford- She was born June 16, 1854, and died at Atnherst, Feb. 2, 1890. He died at Medford, Mass., Jan. i, 1896. He was engaged in the grocery business in Boston for a number of years and afterwards at Worcester, Mass. In 1882 he returned to the homestead farm which he had owned for a num- ber of years. He was the postmaster at the " Centre " for a while, a member of the board of selectmen and of the board of education. He was a leader in the work ,of the Congregational Church, conducting the services for the better part of a year, while the church edifice was being remodeled. He was a soldier in the Civil war. See chapter X. Children : 1. MARY ELIZABETH, b. March 14, 1883, d. June 30, 1898. 2. ROSWELL KNIGHT, b. March 16, 1885. 3. PAUL W., b. Feb. 6, 1888. WILLIAM THURSTON BOUTWELL, son of Rodney C. and Nancy J. (Barnes) Boutwell ; born Sept. 13, 1842 ; married first, Eliza J. Com- ings of West Lebanon, N. H. She died March 24, 1883. He married second, Mary E. Haskell of Afton, Minn., April 12, 1884. She was born Mays, l %5 l > and died May 28, 1895. Mr. Boutwell lived on the home farm some years and was active in church work and in town affairs. In 1880 he removed to Minn. He was a soldier in the Civil War. See Chap. X. He died at Guffy, Col., Aug. 2, 1904. Children : 1. SARAH KIMBALL, b. in Boston, Mass., June 3, 1867. She is a graduate of Mt. Holyoke College, 1890. 2. WILLIAM R., b. in W. Lebanon, N. H., Nov. 25, 1868, d. June 14, 1871. 3. GEORGE B., b. in Medford, Mass., Nov. 8, 1870, m. first, Florence Rogers, second, Clara Corbett. Children by first wife : Roland C., b. Sept. 12, 1892, Edna, b. Sept. 18, 1893, Florence M., b. Dec. 5, 1894. 4. HOWARD P., b. in Wilton, N. H., Sept. 30, 1872, m. Grace R. Dow. Children: William D., b. Feb. 6, 1900, Helen I- - b. Oct. 5, 1902. 5. EDWARD B., b. in Lyndeborough, Dec. 14, 1878, m. Nov. 26, 1901, Martha Ashworth of Chelsea, Mass. Children by second wife : 6. JOSEPH H., b. .Oct. 4, 1885, at Cottage Grove, Minn. 7. MARY J., b. Sept. 5, 1887, at Afton, Minn. 8. PHILLIP K., b. Nov. 29, 1890, at Afton, Minn. CHARLES RODNEY BOUTWELL, son of Rodney C. and Nancy J. 672 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH (Barnes) Boutwell ; born Aug. i, 1846 ; married Oct. 23, 1867, Lucy S., daughter of Leonard M. and Abigail (Kendall) Kimball of Hillsboro. She was born June 4, 1839. He was one of the staff of inspectors in the Boston custom house for fifteen years. For some years previous he had been in the produce business in Charlestown, Mass. In 1888 he bought the homestead farm of his brother Benjamin and came back to his native town where he died Jan. 18, 1904. DR. HENRY WINSLOW BOUTWELL, son of Rodney C. and Nancy J. (Barnes) Boutwell; born Aug. 2, 1848; married first, Clara Gerrish of Franklin, N. H. ; second, Mary Stanton of Sandwich. Clara (Gerrish) Boutwell died in 1894. He is a graduate of the Harvard Medical School and is a prominent physician in Manchester, N. H., being surgeon for the Amoskeag Manufacturing Company and the Manchester Mills ; also presi- dent of the staff of the Sacred Heart Hospital. He k is a trustee of the New Hampshire State Industrial School and of the Manchester Public Library ; and was surgeon-general on the staff of Governor N. J. Bachel- der. Child : i. EDITH GERRISH, b. July 16, 1875, m. Selwyn B. Clark of Worcester, Mass,, July 2, 1901. GEORGE SUMNER BOUTWELL, son of Rodney C. and Nancy J. (Barnes) Boutwell; born Aug. 22, 1850; married, May 21, 1872, Sophia Mclver of Worcester, Mass. She was a daughter of Charles Chamberlain. He is with Boutwell Bros. Resides in Worcester, Mass. ROLAND HILL BOUTWELL, son of Rodney C. and Nancy J. (Barnes) Boutwell ; born May 2, 1853 I married Oct. 29, 1879, Minnie E., daughter of Albert H. and Ann (Ager) Butters of Medford, Mass. ; born Nov. i, 1853. She died Oct. i, 1883. Married second, Oct. 28, 1885, Sarah, daughter of George S. and Jane (Skinner) Blake of Belmont, Mass. She died Feb. 27, 1891. Married, third, Nov. 16, 1904, Jennie (Crosbie) Gil- man of Exeter. He established with his brother, Roswell M., Sept. 15, 1876, the firm of Boutwell Bros., incorporated, Lowell, Mass., dealers in iron and steel. He is president of the Portland Iron and Steel Com- pany, Portland, Me., manufacturers of iron and steel, and president of the Standard Horse Shoe Co., So. Wareham, Mass., manufacturers of horse shoes. Residence, The Westminster, Boston. Child : i. ROLAND A., b. Oct. i, 1883, d. Oct. i, 1883. ROSWELL MURRAY BOUTWELL. son of Rodney C. and Nancy J. (Barnes) Boutwell ; born May 22, 1855 ; married May 22, 1883, Jeannie C. Russell of Louisville, Ky. She was born Feb. 28, 1859. He is a member of the firm of Boutwell Bros., incorporated, Lowell, Mass., dealers in iron and steel, and is treasurer of the Portland Iron and Steel Co., Port- land, Me., manufacturers of iron and steel. He is also treasurer of the Standard Horse Shoe Co., of So. Wareham, Mass., manufacturers of horse shoes. While a resident of Lowell he was a member of the city council from 1886 to 1889 and was chairman of the board of aldermen during the year 1889. Residence, 300 Newbury Street, Boston. Children : i. ELSIE RUSSELL, b. July 24, 1884. GENEALOGIES 673 2. ROSWELL MURRAY, JR., b. Jan. 19, 1888. 3. ROLAND HILL, second, b. Oct. 10, 1889. BOUTWEUv. ABRAM E. BOUTWELL was born at Amherst ; married Nancy Brown of Amherst, Dec.3i, 1816; died June 25, 1835. His widow and children removed to Lyndeborough. Children : 1. NAOMI ANN, m. William B. Raymond. 2. JAMES, + 3. ABRAM, -|- 4. NANCY, m. Benjamin B. Miller. 5. SARAH, m. Warren Ames. 6. MARY J., first, d. in infancy. 7. MARY J., second, m. Calvin A. Abbott. (See respective gen.) JAMES BOUTWELL, son of Abram E. and t Nancy (Brown) Bout- well ; born April 16, 1820 ; married Ellen O'Donnell ; born in Ireland. James Boutwell was a soldier in the Civil War and died Aug. 15, 1863, the day after he returned from the army. (See chap. X.) Their two oldest children were born at Lyndeborough. Children : 1. MARY A., b. Dec. 5, 1852. 2. JAMES C., b. March 31, 1854. 3. ELLEN M., b. at Wilton. 4. ANGELINE, b. at Temple. 5. GEORGE, b. at Temple. ABRAM BOUTWELIy was born Feb. 28, 1822 ; married Mary Badger, a daughter of Stephen Badger. She was born Oct. 21, 1821, and died March 30, 1900. He was a soldier in the Civil War and died Dec. 27, 1893. (See chap. X.) Children all born in I/yndeborough : 1. CHARLES F., b. July 19, 1853. 2. SARAH, b. June 8, 1855, d. June 18, 1859. 3. IDA M., b. May i, 1858, m. Peter King. 4. HARVEY, b. Feb. 19, 1860. 5. STILLMAN, b. Feb. 17, 1862. BOWEN WILLIAM H. BOWEN, son of Guy and Mary (Richardson) Bowen ; born in Corinth, Vt., Nov. 6, 1847; married April 19, 1869, Estella E., daughter of George B. and Mary J. (Clark) Woodward of Francestown. She was born Nov. n, 1848. Mr. Bowen resides in "Johnson Corner" and is a prosperous and enterprising farmer. He has enlarged and re- modeled the farm buildings. The production of milk for Boston is the leading branch of his farming. Child : i. WILLIAM T., + 674 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH WILLIAM T. BOWEN was born in Francestown, Dec. n, 1869; mar- ried Aug. 30, 1892, Susan, daughter of James and Susan (Beaman) Walch- She was born Oct. 10, 1867. Mr. Bowen's failing health compelled him to seek the warmer climate of California, but receiving but little benefit from the change he returned to Lyndeborough and died the afternoon of his arrival, March 17, 1904. BRADFORD. THOMAS BRADFORD, born June 4, 1776; married first, Abigail . She died Jan. 14, 1797; second, Oct. 2, 1799, Patty Coburn. She was born Oct. 31, 1769; died Oct. 15, 1849. He died Sept. 14, 1852. Child by first wife : 1. SARAH, b. Sept. 6, 1795, m. Oct. 31, 1833, Elijah Upton. He d. Feb. 4, 1835. She m., second, L/oammi Eaton. Children by second wife : 2. ABIGAIL, b. July 7, 1800, m. Dec. 23, 1830, Reuben Bald- win. He d. Nov. 2, 1831. 3. PATTY, b. Feb. 7, 1802, m. Daniel Fish. (See Fish gen.) 4. MARY, b. Feb. 17, 1803, m. March 20, 1828, James Parker. She d. Oct. 21, 1847. 5. CHARLOTTE, b. Sept. 27, 1805, m. Dec. 23, 1830, Loarami Baldwin of Wilton. She d. May 27, 1882. 6. HANNAH, b. Nov. 7, 1807, m. Feb. 18, 1845, L,yman Parker. She d. Feb. 19, 1892. 7. REBECCA, b. Oct. 3, 1810, m. Albert Hardy of Greenfield. Hed. Oct. 16, 1853. 8. JAMES C., -f- 9. JANE, b. Nov. i, 1817, m. June 6, 1844, Horace Cud worth. She d. March 9, 1892. JAMES C. BRADFORD, son of Thomas and Patty (Coburn) Bradford, born Sept. 2, 1813 ; married June, 1837, Sarah, daughter of Jeremiah and Brown of Mont Vernon. She was born Jan. 24, 1806 ; died Sept. 15, 1888. He died May 28, 1860. .Children born in Lyndeborough : 1. ANN M., b. July 24, 1841, m. John M. Emery. (See Emery gen.) 2. JOHN A., b. May 22, 1843, d- July i, 1896. 3. SARAH C., b. Aug. 28, 1845, d. Sept. 14, 1848. 4. HARLAN P., -(- HARLAN PAGE BRADFORD, son of James C. and Sarah (Brown) Bradford, born April 20, 1848 ; married Oct. 25, 1870, Georgianna, daugh- ter of Harvey and Lois (Cram) Holt of Lyndeborough. She was born March 17, 1851 ; died Sept. 27, 1871. Child : i. GEORGE P., b. Sept. 26, 1871, m. Agnes C., dan. of Wil- liam E. and Phebe*( Cutler) Fiske. One child : Harlan F. GENEALOGIES 675 BROOKS. CAPT. WILLIAM BROOKS came to Lyndeborough soon after the Revolutipnary War. He was born at Woburn, Mass., March 3, 1737, and was twice married. First, March 29, 1759, Abigail Kemp of Hollis, N. H.; second, Sept. 20, 1787, Hepsibah Powers of Hollis. By his first marriage he had a large family, none of the children probably born at Lyndeborough. Whether they came to Lyndeborough with him is un- known. It is supposed some of them did. He died at Lyndeborough Oct. n, 1804. He enlisted in 1778 in Capt. Emerson's Co., Rhode Island Regiment, and was a second lieutenant. He again enlisted in Capt. John Mills' company in 1781. This company is supposed to be from Londonderry, N. H. In the town records is the record of the birth of Nathan, born Sept. 10, 1800, and John Boffee, born Dec. 12, 1802, children of William and Rebecca Brooks. It is not known if this William was the son of Capt. William or not. Children : 1. WILLIAM, b. May i, 1760. 2. ABIGAIL, b. July 19. 1762. 3. BETSEY, b. July 23, 1764. 4. SARAH, b. July 6, 1766. 5. ISAAC, b. Oct. 28, 1768. 6. MARAH, b. Feb. 15, 1771. 7. SAMUEL, b. March 3, 1774. 8. MARTHA, b. Aug. 23, 1776. 9. LEONARD, b. Jan. 29, 1779. 10. JOHN, b. Nov. n, 1781. 11. SUSANNA, b. Feb. 12, 1783. BROWN. In the interval between the French and Indian war and the war of Independence, many deserters from the British army and navy found refuge in New Hampshire where opportunities were good for escape from capture. Prior to the year 1770, a young English soldier, named Hodgeman, came with two fellow deserters to the vicinity of Lynde- borough Centre, and were hidden and befriended by John Stephenson and others. One of the men died while here and was buried in the woods. Hodgeman learning that scouts were on his track sought con- cealment in the neighborhood of Purgatory Falls, then known as Wain- wright's brook. Stephen Peabody, who had built a house on top of Strawberry Hill, here befriended the refugee. He made for him a hid- ing place in the ravine during the day. Hodgeman received his food from his protector's table, and at night stole up to Peabody's house for lodging. He afterward married and settled in Amherst, served in the Revolutionary Army, and abandoning the name of Hodgeman was known as William Brown. It is an interesting coincidence that nearly eighty years after this deserter found refuge at Purgatory Falls during troub- lous times, his son, Robert Brown, should become the owner of the land which includes this upper fall. Some of this land was sold to Mr. Hutchiuson but the descendants of William Brown still own the adjoin- 676 HISTORY OF L YNDEBOROUGH ing farm. This William Brown married Tabitha Boutwell, of Amherst, and twelve children were born to them, one of whom, Robert, came to Lyndeborough. ROBERT BROWN, son of William Brown and Tabitha (Boutwell) Brown, born at Amherst Dec. 14, 1800 ; married Mary Ann Erving of Amherst. She was born May 18, 1807 ; died July 9, 1866, at Jaffrey. He died Nov. 27, 1873, at Jaffrey. He came to Lyndeborough from Merri- mack in 1839 and lived on the Lucas place (now so called) for a few years, then moved to the farm where Leonard G. now lives in the spring of 1844. His son, Leonard G., says of him "he was a moving planet; when he had been married twenty years, he had moved twenty-one times." Children : 1. LEONARD G., -\- 2. SILAS L., b. at Lowell, Vt., 1828. 3. JOHN M., b. at Amherst, 1830. Went to sea and died there. 4. MARY E., b. April 23, 1832, d. October 18, 1895, in Mont Vernon. Then there were four children who died very young of which there is no record. 9. SARAH A., b. at Lyndeborough, Jan. 6, 1844, d. Sept. 6, 1849. 10. GEORGE A., b. at Lyndeborough, 1846, died Sept. 13, 1849. n. JAMES T., b. at Lyndeborough, May 5, 18 12. MELISSA A., b. at Lyndeborough, July i, 1848. Res. at Manchester. LEONARD G. BROWN, son of Robert and Mary (Erving) Brown, born May 28, 1826 ; married Sept. 18, 1855, Nancy, daughter of Nathaniel C. and Betsey (Odell) Carkin. She was born May 27, 1837. In the fall of 1854 he went to the west and taught school in Missouri and Kansas. He taught seven months in an old log school house in Harrisonville, Mo. He returned to Lyndeborough in 1855 and settled on the Brown homestead near the celebrated Purgatory picnic grounds. He and young David Carkin found evidence that Purgatory was used as a picnic ground as early as 1839. He is a farmer, gardener and fruit grower. He has been superintendent of schools and a teacher ; is much interested in temperance reform and has written for the agricultural papers. Of strict integrity of character, he has the respect of his fellow towns- people. Children : 1. MINA A., b. Aug. 9, 1856, m. 1875, Edwin O. Butler. 2. LEONARD E., b. Sept. 27, 1858. 3. EFFIE M., b. Jan. 25, 1863, m. Andrew J. Marshall. (See Marshall gen.) 4. IDA B., b. July 25, 1865, m. April 17, 1886, Miles B. Wal- lace of Mont Vernon. Child : Maud E., b. April 21, 1890. 5. IRA R., b. Jan. 6, 1874, m. Nov. 25, 1896, Minnie O., GENEALOGIES 677 daughter of Milton W. and Margaret (Mears) Wallace of Mont Vernon. She was b. July 19, 1871. One child, Ray W., b. Feb. 7, 1903. BUCK. SEWELIv M. BUCK, son of Austin and Sarah (Coburn) Buck, born April 16, 1839, at Norway, Me ; married Oct. 24, 1860, Sarah P., daughter of Ephraitn T. and Mary A. (Shaw) Putnam. She was born Jan. 16, 1841. He came to Lyndeborough from Greenfield in 1870 and settled on the Israel Cram place in the westerly part of the town. He enlisted from Nashua in Co. F, ist N. H. Vol., and served three months during the Civil War. Is a painter by trade. Children : 1. GEORGIA A., b. Feb. 14, 1864. 2. CARRIE B., b. Aug. 30, 1866, m. first, Samuel Dolliver. (See Doliver gen.), m. second, Roy E. Burton. (See Bur- ton gen.) BUZZARD. JOHN A. BULLARD, son of Naham and Keziah (Peabody) Bullard, born at Amherst, June 26, 1851, m. Nov. 23, 1875, Ida B., daughter of Josiah and Sarah (Farnum) Swinuington. She was born at Mont Ver- non, May 25, 1860. Mr. Bullard resides on the Charles Tarbell farm, Perharn Corner. Children : 1. HARRY O., b. July 17, 1877. 2. WINFIELD S., b. Sept. 5, 1880. 3. ARTHUR B., b. June 26 1885, m. Aug. 21, 1904, Alice M. Dicey. 4. INFANT CHILD, b. July 31, 1890, d. Aug. 3, 1890. BURNHAM. The Burnham family here recorded came from Ipswich, Mass., some- time before the Revolution and settled in that part of Lyndeborough which was made the town of Greenfield. The farm is now owned by John Fletcher or is known as the Fletcher place. Col. Joshua Burnham, probably a brother of Stephen (the first to come to Lyndeborough), set- tled in Milford. Stephen, Nathaniel and James came to Lyndeborough. Mrs. Luther Crara is a grand-daughter of one of them. They all had a Revolutionary war record. Children of Stephen and Lucy Burnham : 1. SARAH, b. May 18, 1777. 2. LOUISE, b. Sept. 6, 1778. Children of Nathaniel and Mary Burnham : 1. LUCY, b. Oct. 14, 1774. 2. CALEB, b. Nov. 23, 1776. 3. NATHANIEL, b. March 19, 1779. 4. EPES, b. Aug. 17, 1771. 678 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH Children of James and Ruampa Burnham : 1. RUTH, b. Sept. 2, 1775. 2. MARY, b. Feb. 14, 1777. 3. JAMES, b, April 9, 1779. 4. JOSEPH, b. Aug. 10, 1782. JOHN W. BURNHAM, born at Greenfield Dec. 18, 1822 ; married March 17, 1846, Ruth A., daughter of John and Sally (Tinker) Gage. She was born June 9, 1826 ; died Sept. 16, 1874. He lived for some years on the John Gage place, then removed to Francestown where he died Nov. ro, 1888. Children : 1. JOHN A., b. at New Boston, Sept. 21, 1847, m. April 5, 1877, Almira A. Powers of Washington. 2. MARY A., b. at Francestown, April 20, 1850, m. Nov. 16, 1868, Frank E. I/ee of Greenfield. Res. at Cambridge, Mass. 3. SARAH G., b. at L/yndeborough, Jan. 6, 1854, ra. Nov. 16, 1880, John K. Jones of East Cambridge, Mass. 4. CHARLES F. , b. at I/yndeborough Jan. 16, 1859, m. March 22, 1877, L,enora E. Dodge of Bennington. 5. EDWARD W., b. at L,yndeborough, May 4, 1860, m. Oct. 18, 1885, Mary E. Mulhall of Hancock. 6. EMMA A., b. at L,yndeborough, Aug. 31, 1863, m. July n, 1892, George O. Joslin of Bennington. Res. at Bennington. BURTON. DEXTER BURTON, born at Wilton, Oct. 16, 1802; married April 20, 1824, Clarissa O. Spofford of Temple. She was born June 12, 1803 ; died Oct. 15, 1886. He died June 3, 1855. Children : 1. DEXTER L., b. April 10, 1825, m. Nov., 1853, Emily F. Ward of Chelmsford, Mass. He rem. to Temple, d. May 3, 1896. 2. CLARISSA I., b. July 2, 1827, m. Jan. 1854, Nathan Holt of Temple. 3. JAMES E., b. Nov. 18, 1828, m. Nov. 18, 1852, Olive A. Robinson of Bennington. He d. March n, 1897. 4. HELEN M., b. Feb. 24, 1831, m. May 18, 1853, George H. Blood of Temple. He was b. Oct. 17, 1826, d. Feb. 5, 1897. She d. April 8, 1900. 5. ELIZA J., b. Dec. 6, 1834, m. May 17, 1857, George W. Boynton of Wilton. He d. Nov. i, 1900, in Oregon. 6. WILLIAM W., -J- 7. SARAH A., b. Aug. 28, 1838, d. in infancy. GENEALOGIES 679 WHJ.IAM W. BURTON, born Nov. 14, 1836; married June 20, 1861, Esther, daughter of Augustus and Almira (.Boynton) Cragin of Temple! He has been and is a man of much influence in town affairs. Has been selectman many years. Was representative to the General Court in 1874- 1875, 1895-1896. Road agent in 1892 and has held other public office. He makes the raising of milk for the Boston market a specialty and for 40 years has run a milk route to Wilton, taking the route of D. Whiting. His farm is large and well cultivated, with a fine set of farm buildings, situated in the extreme southwest part of the town. Children : 1. CLARA J., b. April 17, 1862, m. March 27, 1889, George E. May of Wilton. Res. in Wilton. 2. ELMER W., b. Oct. 21, m. Oct. 25, 1892, Cora Lane of Stoddard. Res. in Wilton. 3. ADDIE A., b. June 3, 1871, m. Dr. M. B. Richards. (See Richards gen.) JOHN HALE BURTON, son of John and Anna (Kidder) Burton, born at Wilton, Oct. 2, 1843; married March u, 1871, Clintina, daughter of David J. and Elizabeth (Salter) Carkin. She was born in Peterbor- ough Oct. 27, 1853. Children : 1. JOHN MILO, b. Oct. i, 1871, m. Nov. 27, 1895, Florence E. Jaquith. 2. CORA A., b. May 23, 1873, m. August, 1888, Charles Green. 3. ROY E., b. April 25, 1875, m. August, 1896, Carrie, daugh- ter of Sewell M. and Sarah (Putnam) Buck. She was b. Aug. 30, 1866. 4. EDDA F., b, Nov. 2, 1877, m - Nov. 20, 1897, Clarence L,owe. Children : L/ester, Hazel, Harold, Forest. 5. MYRTIE C., b. March 9, 1881, in. Perley Holden. (See Holden gen.) 6. JOSIE E., b. May 9, 1887. BUTLER. WILLIAM BUTLER, the ancestor of the Butler family of Lyndebor- ough, lived at one time in Gloucester, Mass. While there he married Sarah Perkins. They afterward removed to Ipswich, Mass. Just how many children they had we do not know, but there were three sons of whom there is some record. The dates of his birth and death are un- known. His wife died in Lyndeborough in 1821. The above mentioned three sons were : 1. JONATHAN, -j- 2. WILLIAM, who entered the Continental Army, and is sup- posed to have died of disease or to have been killed, for he never was heard from. 3. JACOB, also enlisted in the Continental Army, was taken 680 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH prisoner, sent to Halifax, N. S., where he died of small pox. JONATHAN BUTLER, son of William and Sarah (Perkins) Butler; born 1758 ; married Aug. 17, 1778, Lois, daughter of John and Tryphena (Powers) Kidder. She was born July 10, 1760; died 1846; He died Dec. 5, 1844. He was a soldier at the Battle of Bunker Hill, and in the retreat from that engagement was taken with cramps and fell out of the ranks ; after much suffering he crawled into a swamp, where he was con- cealed, and later joined his company again. He came to Lyndeborough in 1777, and settled on land in the westerly part of the town. He was a blacksmith by trade, and his daughter used to say that the sound of his hammer on the anvil was the first thing she heard in the morning and the last thing at night. He was a man of retiring manners, and much re- spected. He was a constant attendant at church and Sunday School. He sang and took part in all the services the Sunday but one before he died. Children, all born in Lyndeborough : 1. SARAH, b. Jan. n, 1779, in. first, Asa Burroughs, second, Samuel Rogers, five children. 2. HANNAH, b. Oct. 27, 1780, m. Douglass Robinson, four chil- dren. 3. JACOB, b. Dec. 30, 1782, d. June i, 1785. 4. JONATHAN, b. March i, 1785, m. Patty Russell, nine chil- dren. 5. L,ois, b. April 27, 1787, m. Ephraim Hackett, eleven chil- dren. 6. RACHEL, b. July 4, 1789, m. James Cavendish, nine chil- dren. 7. TRYPHENA, b. April 2, 1792, m. David Putnam. (See Put- nam gen.) 8. JACOB, 2nd, -}- 9. MARY, b. Sept. 4, 1796, m. James White, twelve children. 10. SUSANNA, b. Sept. 23, 1798, d. aged sixteen years. 11. IVUCY, b. Jan. 21, 1802, m. Nathaniel Burnham, one child. 12. WILLIAM, -f- JACOB BUTLER, son of Jonathan and Lois (Kidder) Butler; born June 7, 1794 ; married Jan. 22, 1818, Sarah, daughter of Blanchard of Lynde- borough. She was born May 29, 1793 ; died April, 1869. He died April 16, 1882. He was a man who stood high in the estimation of his townsmen and in church circles. His name frequently occurs in the records of his day, and he evidently was a man of influence. When the old church at the Centre was sold, he bought the historic structure, and taking it down used the material in making him a new barn. He served in the War of 1812, and after his return from the army became an energetic and thrifty farmer. Children, all born in Lyndeborough : i. JACOB NEWTON, b. Aug. 21, 1819, d. Oct. 13, 1819. GENEALOGIES 681 2. JACOB N., 2nd, -(- 3. JONATHAN, b. June 16, 1823, rem. to Nebraska. 4. WILLIAM H., b. Oct. 28, 1825. 5. CHARGES M., -f- 6. OLNEY P., + DR. WILLIAM BUTLER, son of Jonathan and Lois (Kidder) Butler; born April 21, 1805; married first, March 30, 1830, Nancy Smith. She died April n, 1850, and he married second, Oct. 22, 1850, Mrs. Ximenia P. King. By his first wife he had four children, one of whom was Dr. William Morris Butler of Brooklyn, N. Y. He took the full course at Dartmouth Medical College, taking his degree in 1830. He removed to Maine, Broom Co., N. Y. For a period of fifty -five years he diligently followed his profession, his practice covering a vast extent of territory, and in common with all doctors in the early settlements, he made his visits on horseback. At 80 years of age he was still strong and vigorous, the oldest member of the Broom County Medical Society. He was for more than forty years a member and official of the Presbyterian Church. DR. JACOB NEWTON BUTLER, son of Jacob and Sarah (Blanchard) Butler, born Feb. 6, 1821; married Harriet Moore of Lempster, N. H., June 22, 1846. She was born Feb. 10, 1827. He was educated at the New Ipswich and Hancock Academies and at a preparatory school at Union, New York. Read medicine first under the direction of Dr. John Ramsey of Greenfield and afterwards at Peterboro under Doctors Follansbee and Smith. He then studied with Dr. Joseph Parsons of Bennington, and after attending several courses of lectures, graduated at Pittsfield, Mass., in 1843, before he was twenty-three years of age. In December of that year he located at Lempster, N. H., where he resided until his death which occured Feb. 16, 1903. Child : i. GEORGE; ARTHUR, b. May 23, 1850. Is a civil engineer and res. in Chicago, 111. CHARLES M. BUTLER, son of Jacob and Sarah (Blanchard) Butler, born Aug. 7, 1827 ; married Martha M. Weston of Newton, Ohio, June 21, 1855. She was born July 18, 1839. He died May n, 1903. 1. IyU A., b. April 6, 1871, ni. Charles W. White of Wilton, June 29, 1893. 2. L/IUJE M., b. July 14, 1874, m. Charles G. Carleton of Mt. Vernon, Oct. u, 1894. OLNEY P. BUTLER, son of Jacob and Sarah (Blanchard) Butler, born April 22, 1835 ; married Hannah W. Langdell. He died May i, 1880. Olney P. Butler, together with four of his children, died of diphtheria in 1880, within the space of five weeks. 1. SARAH A., b. at L,yndeborough, Aug. 27, 1856, m. 1874, Joseph H. Stickney of Tyson, Vt. 2. GEORGE H., + 3. CARRIE L>, b. at Lyndeborough, July 7, 1861, m. Dec. 20, 682 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH 1884, Edward H. Spofford of Greenfield. She d. March 28, 1890. 4. NELLIE P-. b. at Greenfield, June 10, 1863, m. Nov. 30, 1882, Charles H. Scott of Tyson, Vt. She d. May 30, 1883. 5. WILLIAM L,., b. at L,yndeborough, March 5, 1865, d. April 29, 1880. 6. L,IZZIE H., b. at L,yndeborough, Jan. 28, 1870, d. April 20, 1880. 7. WALTER S., b. at I^yndeborough, Oct, 19, 1876, d. March 30, 1880. 8. MARK W., b. at Lyndeborough, Feb. 17, 1878, d. April 5, 1880. GEORGE H. BUTLER, son of Olney P. and Hannah (Langdell) Butler, born at Lyndeborough, March 19, 1858; married Sept. 15, 1881, Myra A. Carpenter of Surrey, Vt. Children born at Lyndeborough : 1. HERVEY L,., b. Dec. 22, 1885. 2. HAROLD A., b. Feb. 14, 1890. BUTTERFlElvD. DAVID BUTTERFIELD lived in town at one time and his children were born here. He married Miriam Durant. She was born in 1775; died in Francestown, Feb. 2, 1848. He was born 1775 and died at Lynde- borough, Feb. 18, 1812, of spotted fever. He was the grandfather of David " Newton " Butterfield of New Boston. Children born at Lynde- borough : 1. SARAH, m. Brackley Rose (See Rose gen.) 2. HANNAH. 3. JANE, m. Benjamin Ames. 4. LUCY, m. Nathaniel Bruce. 5. OLIVE, m. Hiram Dodge. CARKIN. The first record of the Carkin family in Lyndeborough is the birth of John, son of John and Elizabeth his wife, Sept. 9, 1765. Elizabeth Carkin died Nov. 10, 1829, * n the eighty-eighth year of her age. She was the daughter of Jonathan and Mary Chamberlain Cram. John Carkin died March 2, 1799, in the sixty-fourth year of his age. John and his wife, Elizabeth, appear to have been the first of the family to settle in town. John and Isaac Carkin are credited to Lyndeborough, as Revolutionary soldiers. Isaac was probably a brother of John. Among the older mem- bers of the family, there is a story current of the origin of the name Carkin, whether true or not it is quaint and interesting. It is said that two little boys were secretly placed on board a ship bound for America. They were not discovered until too late to put back. These young stowa- ways were unable to give much of an account of themselves or tell their GENEALOGIES 683 names, and were made to carry water to the sailors and in other ways to work their passage. They carried the liquid in tin cans, and soon were known as the little " carrycans " and from thence the name Carkin. Isaac and John were said to be sons or grandsons of one of the little " carrycans." There arc four children of John and Elizabeth recorded : 1. JOHN, b. Sept. 9, 1765, drowned July 9, 1777. 2. AARON, -f- 3. PRUDENCE, b. Sept. 2, 1774. 4. ELIZABETH. The marriage intention of Ephraim Putnam, third, and Elizabeth Carkin is recorded Nov. 6, 1794. AARON CARKIN, son of John and Elizabeth Carkin, born Nov. 13, 1767; married Dec. 15, 1791, Betsey Duncklee of Amherst. She died Nov. 30, 1845. He died Feb. 19, 1852. Children : 1. JOHN, b. Oct. 19, 1792, m. Betsey Smith. Rem. to Benning- ton where he was extensively engaged in the manufacture of gunpowder. He d. Oct. 25, 1883. 2. ELIZABETH, b. May 6, 1794, d. June 4, 1794. 3. BETSEY, b. Jan. 30, 1796, m. Oliver Fales. Rem. to Ded- ham, Mass., d. Dec. 30, 1820. 4. CLARISSA, b. Nov. 13, 1797, m. Asher Curtis, d. Dec. 8, 1880. (See Curtis gen.) 5. MEHITABLE, b. Aug. 14, 1799, m. John Hartshorn, d. Feb. 19, 1 88 1. (See Hartshorn gen.) 6. AARON, b. July 22, 1801. Was badly burned by an explos- ion of gun powder at Bennington and died ten days later, Oct. 13, 1828. 7. NATHANIEL C., + 8. DAVID, -f- 9. JESSE D., b. Nov. 20, 1807, m. Sarah Hutchinson of Wilton. 10. CLEMENT, b. Oct., 1808, d. Nov, 20, 1808. 11. CHARLES, b. March 12, 1811, d. April 8, 1888. NATHANIEL C. CARKIN, son of Aaron and Betsey (Duncklee) Carkin, born Oct. 28, 1803 ; married Feb. 23, 1830, Betsey T. Odell of Mont Vernon ; second, Elizabeth Brown of Amherst. Betsey (Odell) Carkin died Feb. 27, 1864. Children by first wife : 1. AARON, b. Dec. 31, 1831, d. Jan. 9, 1832. 2. SOPHRONIA, b. June 27, 1833, m. March 9, 1864, Ezra M. Farnum. 3. NANCY, b. May 27, 1837, m. Leonard G. Brown. (See Brown gen.) DAVID CARKIN, son of Aaron and Betsey (Duncklee) Carkin, born Jan. i, 1806 ;' married Dec. 27, 1827, Lydia, daughter of William and 684 H1STOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH Eunice (Cram) Abbott. She was born June 5, 1809 ; died Sept. 15, 1895. He died July 6, 1892. Children : 1. DAVID J., -f- 2. LYDIA J., b. June 27, 1831, m., first, Oct. 27, 1851, Franklin Towns of Milford ; second, Jerome Weston of Mason. 3. JOHN C., + DAVID J. CARKIN, son of David and Lydia (Abbott) Carkin, born July 17, 1827; married Elizabeth Salter of Mount Holley, Vt. He died Nov. 16, 1878, in Louisiana. He was a soldier in the Civil War. (See Chap. X.) Children: 1. CLINTINA, b. in Peterborough, Oct 27, 1853, m. John H. Burton of L,yudeborough. (See Burton gen.) 2. GEORGE, b. April 24, 1857, m. Hattie M. Stone of Royal- ston, Mass. She was b. Oct. 15, 1862, m. July 4, 1882. JOHN C. CARKIN, son of David and Lydia C. (Abbott; Carkin, born March 7, 1844 ; married Dec. 30, 1866, Ellen E., daughter of Zadoc and Ellinor (Sanboru) Jones of Milford. She was born Oct. 29, 1846. He was a soldier iu the Civil War. (See Chap. X.) Was ^moderator of the town meetings for many years. Resides at So. Lyndeborough. Chil- dren : 1. MEDIE A., b. Oct. 12, 1867, m. first, John L,. Trask of Marrons, Conn. ; second, Bradley L. Hay ward of Brockton, Mass. ; third, Fred Waterhouse of Brockton, Mass. 2. JOHN A.. -\- 3. MERRILL F., b. Nov. 25, 1869, m. Aug. 16, 1894, Jennie, daughter of William H. and Eliza A. (Dale) Doe of Read- ing, Mass. Child : Evelyn G. 4. FRED E. + 5. WILLIE C., -|- JOHN A. CARKIN, son of John C. and Ellen E. (Jones) Carkin, born Sept. 10, 1868 ; married Minnie R., daughter of John H. and Sabra Anna (Lewis) Day of Greenfield, June 23, 1889. She was born Sept. 20, 1872. Children all born in Lyndeborough : 1. HENRY A., b. Nov. 7, 1892. 2. BELLE E., b. Oct. 23, 1894. 3. CARROLL C., b. March 30, 1897. 4. EDGAR L,., b. Feb. 12, 1899. 5. SABRA E., b. April 13, 1901. 6. lyYDiA R., b. at Greenland, N. H., Aug. 31, 1903. FRED E. CARKIN, son of John C. and Ellen E. (Jones) Carkin, born Jan. 25, 1871 ; married March 31, 1894, Mary E., daughter of Edwin and Enimeline (Wilkins) Kinney'of Peterborough. Children : i. NELLIE E., b. at L/yndeborough, Feb. 27, 1895. GENEALOGIES 685 2. GEORGE, b. at Lyndeborough, April 20, 1897. 3. ISAAC B., b. at Harrisville, April 24, 1899, d. Sept. 4, 1899. 4. Annie R., b. at Harrisville, June 13, 1900. 5. EDITH M., b. at Harrisville, Oct. 15, 1901. 6. KATHLEEN E., b. at Harrisville, Feb. 20, 1903. 7. JOHN R., b. at L,yndeborough, April 27, 1904. WILLIE C. CARKIN, son of John C. and Ellen E. (Jones) Carkin, born Oct. 7, 1873 ; married Dec. 19, 1893, Anna E., daughter of Charles A. and Ann B. (Butler,) Barrett of Antrim. She was born June 4, 1871. Children : 1. ROBERT C., b. Sept. 16, 1894. 2. GERALD, b. Oct. 2, 1901. CARLETON. One of the most notable families among the early settlers of Salem- Canada was the Carleton family. Joseph Carleton, their immigrant ances- tor, came to this country from England and settled in Newburyport, Mass. He married Abigail Osgood and they had six children born to them, David, Jonathan, Moses, Jeremiah, Mary and Abigail. It is sup- posed that these children were born in Newburyport, Mass. JEREMIAH CARLETON, son of Joseph and Abigail (Osgood) Carle- ton, born in Newburyport, Mass., in 1715 ; married Eunice Taylor, who was born in 1717. They lived in Newtown, now Amesbury, Mass., where part of his children were born. His business was that of a carpenter, millwright and lumber dealer. About the year 1750, he removed to Litchfield, N. H., and six years later in the fall he came to Salem-Canada and pitched his camp on land now owned by E. C. Curtis. It was built beside a big rock situated about 30 rods from the northeast corner of said land. The remains of the stone fire dogs and cellar hole may still be seen. He began his clearing among the big hemlocks on the flat the other side of the brook and worked at it during the fall and winter, and in the spring went back to his family presumably at Litchfield. While he was in camp that winter some hunters drove a lot of deer into the big brook near by and getting fire from his camp they killed a num- ber. They stayed with him all night, and in the morning took the hides of the deer, leaving him with a plentiful supply of venison. He re- turned with his family that year and is supposed to have built him a cabin, but Indians killed his stock and burned his cabin and he was forced to leave and did not return until two years later in 1760. When he returned, if he cleared 20 acres of land and built a framed house of certain dimensions he was to have 60 acres 6f land, and if he built a saw-mill he was to have 60 acres more for that. He built his house about loo rods northeast of E. C. Curtis' s brick house, and near the brook. He hewed all the timber for his house from oak logs and those timbers are sound to-day. He built the saw-mill in 1761 and 1762. It was situated about 30 rods below the bridge on the road from Johnson's Corner to Wilton. In this mill the boards were sawed to finish his house. The mill did a good 686 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH business as long as he was able to run it. He cleared the land and had 8 acres of corn planted among the stumps the first year. The bears were numerous and took toll of the corn and live stock. The Carletons were at work among the corn one day, when they heard the hog squeal. The old man ran to the rescue but too late to save the hog, but the women folks had run with their hemlock brooms and had scared a bear away from the carcass. Jeremiah wa's indignant that he should lose the, chance to shoot the bear, but they had fresh pork for awhile. He died in 1769. His wife survived him about 25 years. She was a very religious woman and used to walk to Amherst, 6 miles, to attend church, guiding her way by marked trees. They had seven children : 1. OSGOOD, -f- 2. JEREMIAH, -(- 3. MARY, m. Reuben Bachelder and rem. to Warren, N. H., where they lived and died. 4. ABIGAIL, m. first, Adam Johnson, second, "Ensign "David Putnam. Mr. Johnson died or was killed while in the army during the Revolutionary War. 5. TIMOTHY. Was killed by the accident at the raising of the Wilton church in 1774. 6. DAVID. Killed in the army during the Revolutionary War. (See Chapter VII.) 7. EBENEZER. After the close of the Revolutionary War, in which he took part (See Chapter VII), he came home and settled in Chester, N. H., and d. in 1840. OSGOOD CARIyETON, son of Jeremiah and Eunice (Taylor) Carleton born in Newtown, or Amesbury, Mass., in 1741, and came to Lyndeborough with his father. He was a fine mechanic and a great mathematician. He cleared a piece of land about half a mile south of the old meeting house and built a house and lived in it some years. The site is grown up to wood now. He did a large business in surveying, laying out the towns around in lots, both in New Hampshire and Vermont. He published some works on navigation and made almanacs. He taught a select school of high order and once when the committee visited it they found every- thing satisfactory, but said they wished to ask him one question. They said they had been told that he never went to school a day in his life and wished to know if it was true. He said that it was so. He^urveyed and drew the plans for the forts to protect Boston harbor and did other surveying for the government. One of his pupils in Boston was Robert B. Thomas of " Farmers' Almanac " fame. Mr. Carleton taught him how make almanacs and indeed made the calculations for the first " Farmers' Almanac" himself. The story is told that everything was finished and ready for the printer but the weather predictions, and Mr. Carleton told his daughter, a lively girl of sixteen, that she might add them. In a spirit of mischief she predicted a thunder storm in January and a snowstorm in June. When the book was printed Mr. Carleton reproached his daughter for having ruined the venture, but as it hap- GENEALOGIES 687 pened, a thunder storm did come in January, and one morning in June the girl arose and found flakes of snow falling. She called her father to see. The reputation of the " Farmers' Almanac " was made for all time. He was also a cunning hunter and trapper. (See p. 118.) Osgood had two sons and one or more daughters. His wife died in Lyndeborough. After his wife's death he went to live with his son in Massachusetts. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. (See Chap. VII.) JEREMIAH CARLETON, second son of Jeremiah and Eunice (Taylor) Carleton, was born in Newtown in 1743 ; married Lois Hoyt, born in New- buryport in 1746. He lived with his father until he was sixteen, and then enlisted in the army. The year after his discharge, 1760, he went to work as an apprentice to learn the ship carpenters' trade, presumably in Newburyport, and stayed there until 1771, when he removed with his family to the farm left by his father in Lyndeborough, but in a year or two went back to Newburyport, Mass. When the Revolutionary War came on, there being no work at ship carpentering, he again returned to the farm. After the war he lived the remainder of his life on the farm. (For military record see Chap. VII.) They had eleven children: 1. SARAH, b. in Newburyport, Mass., 1768, came with her father to L/yndeborough when three years old, m. 1795, William Richardson, and removed to Barre, Vt.; two children. 2. JEREMIAH, b. 1770, in Newburyport, d. an infant. 3. JEREMIAH, 2nd, b. in L/yndeborough May 10, 1772, m. 1798, Deborah Edwards, and removed to Barre, Vt.; nine chil- dren. 3. TIMOTHY, b. June i, 1774, m. 1801, Miss Huzza, and re- moved to Barre, Vt.; seven children. 5. L/ois, b. Mar. 2, 1776, m. Caleb Taft and removed to Barre, Vt.; six children. 6. MARY, b. Aug. 3, 1779, m. 1799, John Harwood ; removed to Mont Vernon ; six children. 7. BETTY, b. Apr. 19, 1781. 8. RHODA, b. June 27, 1783, m. 1806, Henry Cram. 9. HANNAH, b. Sept. 16, 1785. 10. DUDLEY, -f- 11. MOSES, b. Sept. 7, 1792, m. 1818, Chloe Batchelder, lived at Amherst and New Ipswich, and 1832 removed to Os- wego, N. Y. DUDLEY CARLETON, son of Jeremiah and Lois (Hoyt) Carleton ; born June 23, 1788; married Dec. 24, 1817, Eliza, daughter of John and Ruth (Southwick) Proctor of Lyndeborough. She was born Mar. 8, 1796; died at Amherst, June 9, 1867. He died Nov. 19, 1873. He settled on the old homestead farm to take care of his parents. He built the brick house uow owned and occupied by E- C. Curtis. (Mr. Curtis owns prac- 688 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH tically all of the Carleton farm.) In 1833 he sold part of the farm with the brick house to Amaziah Blanchard, and the rest to James O'Donnell, and in 1834 removed to Francestown, where he lived until 1838, when he removed to Amherst, where he died. Children : 1. JOHN, b. July 16, 1819, m. May 13, 1858, Mary P., dau. of Abel and Polly (Proctor) Hill of Lyndeborough. She was b. Jan. 15, 1822. One son, John S., b. at Frances- town, May 18, 1861, d. at Amherst, Aug. 14, 1887. John Carleton d. in Amherst, July 31, 1891. 2. ELIZA, b. Jan. 27, 1824. 3. MARY Lois, b. Nov. 12, 1827, m. May 9, 1861, L/uther Cog- gin, Jr., of Amherst. Res. at Amherst. CARR. CHARLES CARR, and Rosa, his wife, resided in Lyndeborough for a number of years, removing to Wilton. They had two children born in Lyndeborough. 1. C. LORENZO, b. Oct. 25, 1882. 2. Annis R. b. March 4, 1887. CARSON. WILLIAM CARSON was the first of that name to settle in Lyndebor- ough. He was born in Scotland in 1722. He was a brother or nephew of John Carson, the first settler in Francestown.* He lived in Francestown for a time, and then removed to Johnson's Corner. He probably came here in 1774 or 1775. He married Isabelle, daughter of John and Mary Johnson, and settled on land which is now the farm owned by Mrs. Kil- burn S. Curtis. He built the house which has been remodeled into the present building. He died in 1818, aged 96. They had four children, some of them said to have been born in Francestown : 1. WILLIAM, -|- 2. ROBERT, -}- 3. MARY, -f 4. ASA, -\- WILLIAM CARSON, son of William and Isabelle (Johnson) Carson ; born 1754; married Abigail, daughter of Nathaniel and Mary Harwood of Mont Vernon. The father died a short time before the birth of the youngest child, 1797. Children : 1. JOHN, -f- 2. WILLIAM, b. 1797, m. Dorcas Russell. They had two chil- dren, Eliza A. and Lafayette. Eliza A., m. Anson French of Wilton. Lafayette d. unm. *There is a variance of the records furnished me by a descendant of the family (Mrs. W. 1). Hooper of Mont Vernon) and those published in the Francestown History. She insists that John of Francestown never married, and that John, William and Robert were his nephews. It is immaterial to this History to enter into a controversy in regard to it. HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH 689 JOHN CARSON, son of William and Abigail (Harwood) Carson ; born Sept. 10, 1792; married 1813, Hannah Austin of Methuen, Mass. They had four children, two dying in infancy and two sons living to man- hood : 1. JOHN JOHNSON, + 2. ALEXANDER, -f- JOHN JOHNSON CARSON, son of John and Hannah (Austin) Car- son, born March 3, 1816 ; married June, 1840, Sarah, daughter of James and Azubah (Curtis) Hopkins of Mont Vernon. She was born March 12, 1816 ; died Nov. 18, 1887. He died Sept. 16, 1896. Children : 1. SARAH F., b. March, 1841, d. July, 1842. 2. EMILY F., b. Jan. 16, 1843, m. David Upton, Sept. 7, 1854. Res. in New Boston. 3. ADONIRAM J., b. March 27, 1845, d. September, 1847. 4. GEORGE J., + 5. HANNAH J., b. Feb. 2, 1851, d. August, 1853. 6. HATTIE J., b. Oct. 19, 1852, m. Ira Parker of Mont Vernon June 24, 1878, d. June 26, 1881. 7. FRANK P., b. March 26, 1855, m. Eda M. Carson, Aug. 24, 1880. GEORGE J. CARSON, son of John J. and Sarah (Hopkins) Carson, born Oct. 19, 1848 in Mont Vernon ; married June 14, 1877, Laura A., daughter of David D. and Sophronia (Dickinson) Clark of Lyndebor- ough. She was born March 7, 1852 ; died Nov. 24, 1903. Children : 1. ROY C., b. in Mont Vernon, Dec. 8, 1879. 2. CORA A., b. in Mont Vernon, Sept. 20, 1881, d. March 5, 1889. 3. HATTIE M., b. at New Boston, Aug. 13, 1883. ALEXANDER CARSON, son of John and Hannah (Austin) Carson, born Dec. 17, 1822 ; married Dec. 20, 1843, Margaretta C., daughter of James and Azubah (Curtis) Hopkins of Mont Vernon. She was born Dec. 14, 1822. Children born in Lyndeborough : i & 2. HELEN and ELLEN, twins, b. Sept. 30, 1844. Ellen d. May 3, 1859, Helen d. Oct. 14, 1867. 3. MARTHA A., b. Feb. 28, 1846, m. May 9, 1878, Wallace D. Hooper, and res. in Mont Vernon. 4. JOHN W., b. Nov. 16, 1847, m. Dec. 24, 1884, Julia A. Dodge of Francestown, res. in Francestown. 5. ABBIE L,., b. June 9, 1853, d. Oct. 14, 1867. 6. ALWILDA J., b. July i, 1854, d. Oct. 17, 1867. 7. NETTIE M., b., Feb. 20, 1860, in Mont Vernon, m. March 29, 1898, Nathaniel F. Hooper, res. in Mont Vernon. 690 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH 8. THERESA D., b. May 6, 1861, in Mont Vernon, d. June 6, 1868. ROBERT CARSON, son of William and Isabelle (Johnson) Carson. We have been unable to find any record of his family. He married and raised a family here, living on the Charles L. Perham farm. He is said to have removed with his family to Barre, Vt., and to have been one of the first settlers of that place. MARY CARSON, daughter of William and Isabelle (Johnson) Car- son; married Amos Wilkins. They had five children, Amos, Mary, Isabelle, Simon and Mark. Mary and Isabelle married two brothers by the name of Stone and went to Swampscott, Mass. Simon and Mark also settled there or in Lynn, Mass. Amos Wilkins left his family for some reason and was never heard from. ASA CARSON, son of William and Isabelle (Johnson) Carson, married Mrs. Elizabeth (Harwood) Lynch. (This widow Lynch had one daugh- ter, Artemesia, who married Capt. Ebenezer Russell of Lyndeborough.) Asa Carson and Elizabeth, his wife, had seven children born to them, none of them born at Lyndeborough. The Harwood sisters, who mar- ried William and Asa Carson, were sisters of Andrew Harwood of Perham Corner, and daughters of John and Abigail (Hastings) Harwood of Mont Vernon. CARYL. JOHN CARYL, born Sept. 16, 1791 ; married Lucy Clark, May, 1818. She was born Aug. 3, 1800; died May 14, 1835. He died May 30. 1882. Children : 1. JOHN C., b. May 20, 1819. 2. WILLIAM B., b. Dec. 4, 1820. 3. NANCY, b. Jan. 29, 1823. 4. OLIVE, b. June 5, 1825. 5. CHRISTANNA, b. July 16, 1827. 6. BENJAMIN W., b. Dec. i, 1829. 7. LUCY H., b. June 27, 1832. CHAMBERLAIN. The name Chamberlain appears very early in the history of Salem- Canada. Jonathan Chamberlain was the son of Capt. Samuel and Abi- gail (Hill) Chamberlain of Chelmsford, Mass. He was born there Feb. ii, 1711. On May 12, 1737, his father deeded him for "love and natural affection" a number of lots of land in Tyngs Township which " lyeth on the east side of Merrimack river between Suncook or Lovell's town (now Pembroke) and Litchfield." On Aug. 21, 1739, he sold this land to James Anderson of Londonderry. In that same year (1739), he removed to Salem-Canada. In 1740 or 1741 he married Elizabeth, daughter of John and Sarah Cram. They were his predecessors by one or two years in the township. It is evident that he returned to Chelmsford, Mass., and lived there for awhile, for their children are recorded as born in Chelmsford. But Mr. Rufus Chamberlain believes they were born in GENEALOGIES 691 Salem-Canada, and there being no township records kept, they were recorded in Chelmsford, Mass. It is a fact that the older children of the daughters of John Cram are recorded in the towns where their husbands came "from. April 8, 1768, Jonathan Chamberlain received from the heirs of Joseph Cram of Lyndeborough, a deed of the south part of Lot No. 41, containing seventy-five acres. The consideration being, "the caring for and giving Christian burial to Joseph Cram." This farm is the one where Rufus Chamberlain now lives. Jonathan Chamberlain was a Revolutionary soldier. He, together with his son, Jonathan Jr., enlisted in Capt. Peter Clark's Company, and marched from Lyndeborough for Ticonderoga, July i, 1777. (See Chap. VII.) He was prominent in shaping the policy and management of the new town, and endured the hardships of frontier life. His wife was born 1721, and died April 30, 1806. He died Jan. 19, 1795. Children : 1. ELIZABETH, born April 30, 1742. 2. JONATHAN, + 3. SAMUEL, + 4. OLIVE, b. Aug. 16, 1750, m. Benjamin Cram. 5. SARAH, b. April 6, 1753, d. Jan. 5, 1797. 6. MOLLY, b. May 10, 1756. 7. JOHN, -f 8. ABIGAIL, b. July 8, 1763. JONATHAN CHAMBERLAIN, son of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Cram) Chamberlain, born Feb. 26, 1743-4 ; married July 13, 1768, Margaret, daughter of Benjamin Cram and Elizabeth, his wife. She was born 1748. Like his father he was a soldier in the Continental army. He died April 26, 1815. Children : 1. BENJAMIN, b. April 7, 1770, m, Joanna Herrick. Rem. to Gardiner, Me. 2. JONATHAN, b. March 17, 1772. Rem. to Hanover, N. H., and was the father of Eliza Chamberlain, who lived at the centre for many years. 3. JOHN, b. March 26, 1774, m. Abigail Brown. Rem. to Hallowell, Me. 4. ELIZABETH, b. June 3, 1776, m. Samuel Woodward. (See Woodward gen.) 5. DAVID, b. Dec. 3, 1778. 6. DANIEL, + 7. MARGARET, b. Dec. 28, 1783, m. Cole. 8. OLIVE, b. Aug. 4, 1788, m. Ephraim Woodward. (See Woodward gen.) 9. NATHANIEL, b. March 3, 1791, m. 1816, Mary Knapp. He rem. to Covington, Ky.; later to Hudson, Mich.; d. Toledo, O., March 20, 1857. 692 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH 10. ASA, b. April 10, 1793. 11. JOSEPH, b. Nov. 12, 1795, m. Burton. Rem. to Mason. DANIEL CHAMBERLAIN, son of Jonathan and Margaret (Cram) Chamberlain, b. March 6, 1781 ; married Hannah, daughter of Daniel and Patience Pearsons of Lyndeborough. She died July 29, 1873. He removed to Woburn, Mass., where he died May 5, 1874. Children re- corded as born at Lyndeborough : 1. HANNAH, b. Dec. 14, 1815. 2. CHLOE, b. June 23, 1817. 3. DIANTHA, b. Aug. 27, 1819. 4. AMANDA, b. Nov. n, 1824. 5. DANIEL, b. Oct. 30, 1826. SAMUEL CHAMBERLAIN, son of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Cram) Chamberlain, born April 4, 1745; married first, Hannah, who died Sept. 25, 1784; second, Naomi Richardson. He died in 1812 or 1813, and his widow, Naomi, died in 1850 or 1851. He was a soldier in the Continental Army. (See Chapter VII.) Children by first wife : 1. HANNAH, b. April 28, 1775, m. Burnham. Rem. to Greenfield. 2. ELIZABETH, b. May 8, 1777, d. June 13, 1780. 3. SAMUEL, + 4. AMY, b. Feb. 14, 1781. 5. BETSEY, b. April 18, 1783. 6. BENJAMIN, b. Jan. 30, 1786, m. Ordway. Rem. to New York. 7. RACHEL, b. Oct. 6, 1787, m. Thomas Dutton. 8. JOSEPH, -|- 9. PETER, b. Nov. 9, 1791. Rem. to New York. 10. NAOMI, b. Nov. 25, 1793. By second wife : 11. SILAS, b. Feb. 20, 1797. 12. SARAH, b. April 10, 1800. 13. PHINEAS A., b. April 4, 1802, d. March 10, 1803. 14. L/EVi,, b. June 29, 1804. Rem. to New Boston. 15. OLIVE, b. Oct. 5, 1807, d. young. SAMUEL CHAMBERLAIN, son of Samuel and Hannah Chamberlain, born May 4, 1779 ; married first, Olive ; second, Hepsibah . Children : 1. EDA, b. Dec. 21, 1810. 2. WILLIAM, b. Oct. 18, 1812. GENEALOGIES 693 3. PHILLIP, b. July 25, 1814. 4. HANNAH, b. March 12, 1816. By second wife : 5. HEMAN SARGENT, b. Feb. 16, 1820. JOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN, son of Samuel and Naomi (Richardson) Chamberlain, born Dec. 12, 1789; married Dec. 27, 1817, Sarah Abbott of Chelmsford, Mass. She was born March 19, 1792; died, May 31, 1857. He died Aug. 30, 1862. After serving in the War of 1812 (See Chapter IX), he went to Milford. He was a brick maker by trade, and came back to his native town about 1825. Children : 1. RUFUS, + 2. JOSEPH, b. at Milford, Feb. 22, 1821, m. Oct. 31, 1844, Mary A. Drew of Somersworth, b. April 3, 1824. After many removals he settled in Paxton, Mass., where he died Sept. 18, 1886. His wife d. at Cambridgeport, Mass., Dec. 6, 1886. Children: Horace E., Ella E., George A., Fred W. 3. SALLY, b. at Milford, March n, 1823, m. July 15, 1847, Charles Blanchard of Milford. 4. OTIS, b. at I/yndeborough, Jan. 8, 1826, m. first, May, 1849, Clara S. Holt. She d. June 10, 1852 ; second, Nov. 24, 1852, Martha K., dau. of Jonas and Mary (Hall) Wheeler. She was b. Nov. 23, 1834. He rem. from I^yndeborough and for a number of years was engaged in lumbering in Canada. He subsequently settled in Grafton, N. H. Children : Emery O., Woodbury O., Fred W. 5. OLIVE, born at I,yndeborough, Jan. 20, 1828, m. Edwin N. Patch. (See Patch gen.) 6. SUSAN, b. at Wilton, Oct. 29, 1830, d. Aug. 17, 1832. 7. HARVEY, b. at L/yndeborough, March 2, 1833, m. Sept. 21, 1862, Sarah J. L,ibbey of Warren. Rem. to Rivere de L,oupe, Canada, where he d. Sept. o, 1867. Child : Harry I,. RUFUS CHAMBERLAIN, son of Joseph and Sarah Abbott Chamber- lain, born at Milford, June 5, 1819 ; married May 20, 1843, Martha Jane Upton. She was born at Lyndeborough, Jan. 21, 1821 ; died May 24, 1892. He is of the seventh generation from Thomas Chamberlain of Woburn, Mass., who is presumed to be the immigrant ancestor of the Chamberlains of Lyndeborough. He is the only descendant in the male line now living in Lyndeborough of the many Chamberlains born here. The rest have emigrated to many parts of the country. In early life he worked in the cotton mills of Lowell, Mass., but returned to Lyndebor- ough and settled on the homestead farm which has been in the family 694 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH since 1768. He has always taken a lively interest in the business affairs of the town, and has filled many offices of trust. For nine years he was selectman and helped guide the financial matters of the town during the closing years of the Civil War, when Lyndeborough, in common with most of the towns of New Hampshire, was burdened with a heavy debt. He has been a trusted counsellor of the political party to which he belonged, and whose principles he was ever ready to defend. He was the parish sexton for more than forty years. Children : 1. EMILY, b. March 3, 1844, m. May 18, 1865, Charles F. Tar- bell. (See Tarbell gen.) 2. WALTER, b. Oct. 2, 1846. Was a soldier in the Civil War, and d. at New Orleans, L,a., May 7, 1863. (See Chapter X.) 3. ELIZA ANN, b. Oct. 16, 1848, m. Dec. 4, 1867, Charles H. Wilson of Deering. He was b. June 20, 1838. Children : Willis H., Eugene R., Alice M., Walter C. 4. SARAH FLORENCE, b. Sept. 23, 1850, d. Feb. 26, 1853. 5. FRANK, b. Oct. 9, 1852, m. Oct. 23, 1873, Sarah M. Barrett. Res. in Worcester. Children : Mabel Otis, Alton I,. 6. WILLIS BROOKS, b. June 25, 1854, m. April 30, 1879, S. Cornelia Maynard of South Lancaster, Mass. Children : Emma C., Marion It. 7. RUFUS WARREN, b. May u, 1856, m. Dec. 25, 1876, Carrie J.Wallace. Res. at Omaha, Neb. Children: Fred W., Walter, Fannie M., Martha F. JOHN CHAMBERLAIN, son of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Cram) Chamberlain, born Sept. 16, 1759; married Molly . Children re- corded as born in Lyndeborough : 1. MOLLY, b. March 27, 1783. 2. JOHN, -{- 3. SARAH, b. May 30, 1787. 4. MARTHA, b. March 28, 1789. 5. ABIGAIL, b. June 25, 1791. 6. ELIOT, b. Feb. i, 1793, d. Jan. 12, 1796. 7. ELIZABETH, b. Feb. 21, 1795. 8. JONATHAN, b. Feb. 8, 1797, d. Feb. 5, 1797. 9. L/YDIA, b. April 10, 1798. 10. CHLOE, b. Aug. 5, 1800. u. ELIOT, b. May 12, 1802, d. Oct. 10, 1802. JOHN CHAMBERLAIN, son of John and Molly Chamberlain, born April 18, 1785 ; married Lucy . Children recorded as born in Lyndeborough : GENEALOGIES 695 1. CATHARINE M., b. Dec. 10, 1812. 2. WILLIAM B., b. July 18, 1814. 3. JOHN R., b. Oct. i, 1816. 4. JOSEPH M., b. Aug. 5, 1818. CHASE. HARRY R. CHASE, son of Rufus and Mary A. (Blanchard) Chase, b. Nov. 3, 1865; married Dec. 21, 1897, Alice J., daughter of Henry F. and Mary J. (Simonds) Matthews of Wilton. She was born April 9, 1865. He has been selectman and represented the town in the Legisla- ture, is a prosperous farmer and resides in Perham Corner. Children : 1. HAZEL J., b. Nov. 17, 1898. 2. L,ILLA B., b. March 8, 1902. CHEEVER. WARD N. CHEEVER came to Lyndeborough from Lunenburg, Mass., in 1861, and settled in South Lyndeborough. He has been the "Village Blacksmith " until the present writing. He united the tilling of the soil with the blacksmith's trade and by industry and perseverance turned some of the roughest land into smiling fields and orchards. He was born July 21, 1831 ; married Amanda E. Chandler of Fairfield, Vt., Nov. 9, 1855. She was born Julys, 1833; died June u, 1902. Children, all but one born in Lyndeborough : 1. L,IZZIE J., b. in lyunenburg, Mass., June 23, 1860, m. L/ucas Young of Manchester. 2. WARD E., b. Sept, 13, 1862. 3. WILLIAM H., -|- 4. HATTIE A., b. Oct. 20, 1871, d. March 27, 1874. 5. HERBERT A., + WILLIAM H. CHEEVER, son of Ward N. and Amanda (Chandler) Cheever, born June 15, 1864 ; married first, May Clark ; second, Carrie E., daughter of William and Ellen (Karr) Duncklee of Greenfield, March 10, 1887. She was born March 9, 1869. Children born in Lynde- borough : 1. HARRY W., b. July 5, 1888. 2. ALICE M., b. Feb. 4, 1891. 3. CHARLES E., b. Nov. 14, 1893. 4. PERLEY W., b. Sept. 26, 1897. 5. HOWARD I,., b. June 4, 1903. HERBERT A. CHEEVER, son of Ward N. and Amanda (Chandler) Cheever, born Oct. 10, 1873 ; married S. May, daughter of John C. and Mercy M. (Wood) Miller of Lyndeborough, Oct. 20, 1894. She was born Nov. 19 1863, and died March 7, 1901 ; married second, Jan. i, 1903, Carrie L., daughter of George L. and Hannah (Gibson) Marsh, born Jan. i, 1877. Children by first wife born in Lyndeborough : 696 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH i. RALPH J., b. July 4, 1895. 5. SILAS W., b. Feb. 14, 1897. 3. MARY N., b. Aug. 18, 1898. . CHENERY. MOSES CHENERY was born in Watertown, Mass., Oct. 9, 1796; married Nancy A. Haley of Jamaica Plain, Mass. She was born May, 1796 ; died April 8, 1869. He came to Lyndeborough and bought the farm owned and occupied by a Mr. Webber. The house was built by Timothy Ordway, Sr., where Chas. J. Cummings now lives. Mr. Chenery lived there until his death, June 17, 1861. Children : 1. HARRIET J., m. Dr. William A. Jones. (See Jones gen.) 2. ALMIRA D., b. Oct. 13, 1838, d. in 1849. CHENERY. JOHN CHENERY, born July 7, 1826; married Mrs. Mary D. Well- man of Temple, Aug. 13, 1862. She was born Dec. 8, 1833. He died Nov. 22, 1904. Children : 1. ELSIE JANE, b. Oct. 6, 1863, d. Aug. 17, 1864. 2. ANGIE F., b. Jan. 8, 1869, m. John W. Follansbee of Mont Vernon, Sept. 6, 1887. CLAGGETT. REV. ERASTUS BALDWIN CLAGGETT, (See Church History) born in Newport, May 9, 1815; died at New Fairfield, Conn., May 16, 1877 ; married Mary A. Paine. We can get no record of the dates of the birth of their children, all born in Lyndeborough. But they were bap- tized as follows : 1. ERASTUS PRENTICE, b. Sept., 1845, bap. Jan. i, 1847. 2. SUMNER EVERETT, bap. June 29, 1848. 3. ELIZABETH PAINE, bap. July i, 1852. 4. CHARLES WENTWORTH, bap. Nov. 7, 1858. 5. HENRY MORRIS, bap. Sept. 4, 1862. CLARK. MAJ. PETER CLARK came to Lyndeborough Jan. 23, 1775, from Braintree, Mass. His brother John came the same year from the same place. They were descendants of Hugh Clark, who came to this country from England and settled in Watertown, Mass. Peter and John were of the fifth generation from Hugh Clark. Peter was born Feb. 4, 1743; married Hannah Eppes of Braintree, Mass., Oct. 20, 1763. She died Dec. 21, 1814. He died Oct. 14, 1826. He settled on lot no, second division, where Henry E. Holden now lives. Soon after coming to Lyndeborough he joined the Continental Army, and in 1775 was commissioned a captain in the gth regiment, N. H. Militia. GENEALOGIES 697 (See p. 592). After the war he returned home, and was evidently a very useful citizen. He was moderator, town clerk and selectman in 1777, and it would be interesting to know just how he performed the duties of those offices on town meeting day. He was moderator in 1777, 1783, 1788, 1792, 1793, 1796, 1798 and 1800 ; town clerk, 1777, 1778, 1788, 1789, 1793 ; selectman, 1777, 1778, 1788, 1789, 1793, 1800, and 1801 ; repre- sentative to the General Court in 1790, 1791, 1792, 1794. In politics he was a " federalist," in religion a " puritan." He had a profound regard for the Scriptures, and was very regular in his devotions. He was a strict observer of the Sabbath and regular in his attendance at church. He was chosen "deacon " of the Congregational church in 1783 and re- tained the office until his death, although he voluntarily ceased to officiate some years before. He was a man of much influence in civil and religious life, and during the early years of his official duties, was one of the very few men in the town of his adoption who were regarded quali- fied to transact the business of the town. He was very systematic in his habits. He wore the long stockings, knee and shoe buckles and the old fashioned cue as long as he lived. He built a "pottery" and manufactured the brown earthenware that was in such common use in those days. His son Peter also built a "pot- tery " near where John H. Goodrich lives, and the two did an extensive business. The clay was brought from Amherst, N. H., and the products of the potteries, crocks, jugs, bean pots, etc., were peddled out in the neighboring towns. It is said that more business was done around these "plants" in those days than anywhere else in town. The old pottery was destroyed about fifty years ago. He was one of the few who kept a diary of events in those days, and we here insert extracts from it of the stirring times of the Revolutionary War; also a letter written to his family from the battlefield of Bennington : Jan. 23, 1775 Set out for L,yndeborough with my family " 25, " Arrived at Lyndeborough Feb. 20, " ,1/ayed out the Highway through my field from the mill to Woodbury's Mar. 15, " Began to saw at my mill Apr. 6, " Hauled timber for my house " 19, " The fight began at Concord Oct. 25, " Hauled timber for barn and shop Nov. 2, " Raised my house. Killed my ox Dec. 29, " Finished boarding my house Feb. i, 1776 Began to build my chimney " 26, " MOVED in to my HOUSE July 9, " Raised my barn " 12, " Raised 17 men for Concord Aug. 10, " Set out for Bennington " n, " Arrived at do. " 14, " Marched out of Bennington " 1 6, " Battle fought at St. Croix " 25, " Hooper of New Boston died with his wound Sept. 6, " Marched to St. Croix " 10, " Marched for Stillwater 698 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH Sept. 18, 1776 Set out from Stillwater for home " 20, " Set out from Bennington " 24, " Arrived at Lyndeborough " 29, " Orders came to raise men Oct. 4, 1777 Set out to go to the army " 7, " Arrived at Bennington " 9, " Marched from Benniugton as far as St. Croir " 10, " Arrived at Batten Hill " u, " Marched for Fort Edward " 12, " Arrived at Fort Edward " 14, " Marched at night to Fort George " 15, " Returned to Fort Edward " 16, " Marched to Saratoga " 17, " Burgoin and his army gave up and marched off " 18, " We set out from Saratoga " 19, " Lodged at Mrs. Rown " 21, " Lodged in Northfield " 22, " Lodged in Dublin " 23, " Arrived at Lyndeborough Apr. 3, 1779 Fell wood by Richardson's June 15, " Ruben Bachelder raised his house July 20, " Went to Goffstown to muster men Sept. 6, " Raysed men for Portsmouth Oct. 20, " Esq. Fuller run the line between Mr. Bullock and I Jan. 24, 1780 School began at Capt. Barren's May 19, " dark day at n o'clock as Dark as night Nov. 25, " School-house burnt Dec. 4, " Worked on School house Ang. 14, 1793 Raised school house Nov. 21, " Jonathan Barren drowned May 20, 1797 Had the last newspaper July 22, " Began to take the paper Jan.' 4 i2, 1800 Meeting-house dressed in mourning for Gen 1 Washington Nov. 4, " Polly Lewis ran away with Dickerman Dec. 24, " Town singing school began here Dec. 2, 1801 Raised horse shed at meeting-house. The following is a letter written by Capt. Peter Clark to his wife from Bennington, Vt. Bennington (VT) Aug 18, 1777 These with my love to you and my dear children and Brothers and Sisters. Hoping you are well as I am at present Except something of a cold and much Fatagued with marching and last Saturday's action. We are now about twenty miles east of Stillwater. We came to this Town last Monday from Manchester, last Wednesday the whole Brigade was paraded to march to Stillwater and while under arms the General Received intelligence that there was a Large Body of the enemy coming to Destroy the Stores at Bennington. Where upon the Brigade was Dismissed until towards night, and then sent off Lt. Coll Gray of Londonderry with about two Hundred men who early the next morning Discovered the enemy at a mill about 7 miles from this place, and finding them a Large ff GENEALOGIES 699 body after firing at each other a few times Retreated and met the Brigade about halfway between this mill and Bennington where the Brigade made a stand and threw up a " Slity " brest work, the enemy came down within about a mile & ^ of us and made a stand. Their number we could not find out, but it appears by prisoners taken there was about 15 hundred. The next day was Friday and by Reason of Rainy wether noth- ing of any Consequence was done. The next day Saturday Aug. 16 at 20 minutes past three in the afternoon the Battle began in earnest we Being at this time on Every part of them and as near as I can tell I think the battle held about > an hour and was Equal to Bunker Hill Excepting there was not as many cannon, the Enemy had two Brass Field pieces, we had none, the I/ord of Hosts sent them off in such hast they Left their all and run. However we took many of them but here i must not End for we had another battle much harder than the first for we were all most tired out, and many of our people gone with the Prisoners, and those that pursued those that fled were tnett by two Regements of Hessia Regulars about Eight Hundred besides Torys who were all fresh hands who had not been in the first Battle which brought on another Battle, which con. tinued untill dark, but finally they were obliged to flee before us and leave behind them two more Brass field pieces, small arms, and other things. So God gave us a Compleat Victory over them. Many think it to be all things considered the greatest Victory won since the war by the Americans. Peter Clark. Children of Maj. Peter Clark and Hannah (Eppes) Clark, five younger born in L/yndeborough : i. PETER, + 2. W ItU AM, -f- 3. DANIEL, + 4. BENJAMIN, -}- 5. FRANCIS, b. Feb. 25, 1772, d. July 14, 1773. 6. FRANCIS, + 7. HANNAH, b. March 14, 1776, d. April 3, 1776. 8. SAMUEL, + 9. HANNAH, b. May 8, 1780, m. Jonathan Parker of Chelms- ford, Mass. 10. DEBORAH, m. Isaiah Parker of Chelmsford, Mass. (See Parker gen.) 11. JOHN, + PETER CLARK, son of Peter and Hannah (Epps) Clark, was born Sept. 27, 1764; married Elizabeth Punchard of Salem, Mass., July, 1783. He removed to Brownington, Vt., but returned to I/yndeborough, where he died Feb. 3, 1851. Children, born in I/yndeborough : i. PETER, b. Aug. 13, 1784, m. Jane Aiken, who was b. March 10, 1785. He d. Dec. 25, 1853. He lived in Fran- cestown and Nashua, ultimately removing to Boston. He 700 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH was a man of much enterprise, had large business inter- ests and was closely connected with the railroad interests of New England. Children : Peter, John L,., Benjamin, Jane M., James G. 2. BENJAMIN, b. July i, 1787, d. Jan. 5, 1806. WILLIAM CLARK, son of Peter and Hannah (Epps) Clark, was born May 18, 1766; married Dec. 20, 1787, Sarah Barren of Lyndeborough. She was born 1771 ; died March 14, 1855. He died Nov. n, 1855. He was a farmer and drover, and was selectman in 1798, 1799, 1800, 1801, and 1802. Children, all born in Lyndeborough : 1. SARAH, b. Sept. 8, 1788, m. Daniel Gould of L/yndeborough, and rem. to Illinois. 2. WILLIAM, -(- 3. HANNAH, b. Feb. 13, 1793, m. Alfred Killam of L/yndebor- ough, d. Feb. 19, 1812, of spotted fever. 4. JONATHAN, -|- 5. PETER, + 6. L,UCY, b. Aug. 3, 1800, m. John Caryl of L/yndeborough. (See Caryl gen.) 7. DEBORAH, b. May 3, 1803, d. Feb. 19, 1812, of spotted fever. 8. OLIVE, b. Aug. 5, 1805, m. Samuel Jones of L/yndeborough. (See Jones gen.) 9. BENJAMIN F., -}- 10. MICAH, B., b. Dec. 19, 1810, d. July 30, 1811. 11. HANNAH D., b. Oct. 12, 1812, d. Feb. 13, 1865, m. George F. Gilmore of Pittsburg, Pa. 12. BARRON, b. Sept. 8, 1815, d. April 18, 1826. REV. WILLIAM CLARK, son of Wm. and Sarah (Barren) Clark; born Jan. 31, 1791 ; died June 25, 1853 ; married Nancy Herrick of Green- field, N. H., May, 1814. She was born March i, 1788; died July 4, 1850. He was licensed to preach Sept., 1832 ; removed to Carlyle, N. Y., where he was for many years pastor of a Presbyterian church. Children, born in Lyndeborough : 1. HANNAH E., b. Feb. 16, 1815; m. Dr. J. H. Ells, Nov. 27, 1839- 2. MARY H., b. Dec. n, 1816, d. April, 1855. 3. NANCY D., b. Aug. 13, 1818, d. Dec., 1884. JONATHAN CLARK, born July 4, 1795 ; married Sarah Putnam of Lyudeborough, Dec. 16, 1817. She was born Aug. 19, 1793 ; died May 30, 1890. He died Oct. 23, 1879. Children, all born in Lyudeborough : 1. JONATHAN, b. March 8, 1819, d. Aug. 8, 1822. 2. JONATHAN B., b. June 7, 1822, rem. to California, d. Dec. 24, 1876. GENEALOGIES 701 3. DAVID P., -f 4. SARAH M., b. June 26, 1825, m. C. A. Blood of North Chelmsford, Mass., d. Dec. 24, 1894. 5. BENJAMIN, b. Nov. 3, 1827, d. Feb. 6, 1831. 6. ABBY A., b. Oct. 3, 1830, m. Hiram Cummings of L/owell, Mass., Feb. n, 1849, d. Nov. 16, 1889. 7. HANNAH D., b. April 3, 1834, res. in Methuen, Mass. DAVID P. CLARK, born Nov. 14, 1823; removed to North Chelms- ford, Mass.; married Jan. 31, 1848, Eliza J. Blood of North Chelmsford, Mass. She was born Oct. 26, 1825. Children: 1. ABBY F. 2. FRANK H. 3. I, AURA E. 4. EMMA A. 5. MARY G. CAPT. PETER CLARK, son of William and Sarah (Barren) Clark; born Oct. 12, 1797 ; married first, Sarah, daughter of Benjamin and Chloe (Farrington) Jones of Lyndeborough, Nov. 20, 1823. She was born Dec. 21, 1798; died Feb. 16, 1839; married second, Lucy, daughter of Benja- min and Sarah (Clark) Goodrich of Lyndeborough, Feb. 19, 1840. She was born Jan. 13, 1808 ; died July 6, 1878. He died Sept. 25, 1879. He received his education in the common schools of the town, and when a young man learned the potter's trade, at which he worked for several years. He took great interest in military affairs, and joined a cavalry company attached to the 22nd Regiment, N. H. Militia, which was composed of men from Lyndeborough and adjoining towns, and rose to the rank of captain, and by this title he was ever afterward known. He united with the Congregational church in early life, and was a con- stant attendant at church and served as warden many years. In 1842 he removed to North Chelmsford, Mass., where he lived five years, return- ing to North Lyndeborough in 1847. In 1854 he purchased the farm at the "Centre" known as the "Squire" Stiles place, where the remainder of his life was passed. He was a genial man, fond of a song or story, a kind, helpful neighbor and hospitable to all. He was the hero of an incident that was much talked of at the time : While travelling alone about two miles south of Amherst village on the afternoon of July 18, 1850, he was attacked by two highwaymen, who sprang from the woods a little in advance of his team. One seized his horse by the bit, while the other presented a pistol at his head and de- manded " his money or his life." But they were mistaken in their man. Capt. Clark had the courage and grit of his Revolutionary ancestors, and did not propose to surrender valuables without a struggle. His only weapon was a heavily loaded whip in the wagon. Seizing this he sprang upon his assailant, dealing him a blow that felled him to the ground. At the same instant the other man fired point blank at Mr. Clark's head, the pistol being held so close that his face was filled with powder ; then ensued a hand to hand struggle, the frightened horse meanwhile turning 702 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH around in the road. His assailants getting the worst of the encounter, jumped into the wagon and drove rapidly away, leaving Mr. Clark master of the situation, but minus his team. He walked to Amherst village, where his burned and blood-stained face created much excitement. His horse was driven to Boston that night. It was subsequently recovered, but that ninety-mile drive practically ruined it. The town of Amherst offered a reward of two hundred dollars for the capture of the footpads, but they were never found. Children, all born in Lyndeborough. but William H.: By first wife : 1. BENJAMIN JONES, b. Dec. 26, 1824, d. Jan. 23, 1899. Was a soldier in the Civil War. (See Chap. X.) 2. SARAH DEBORAH, b. Dec. 27, 1827, m. Thomas P. Rand of Francestown, d. Nov. 14, 1904. (See Rand gen.) By second wife : 3. WILLIAM H., b. Nov. 1 6, 1844, in North Chelmsford, Mass., m. Abby K., dau. of Thomas P. and L/ydia (Wheeler) Rand of Francestown, Dec. 15, 1875. She was born July 31, 1855. Res. on Clark homestead, and is an enterprising and prosperous farmer. 4. LUCY ARABELLA, b. March 10, 1848, m. Ramsey C. Bout- well, Nov. 20, 1872. He was a son of the Rev. Thurston Boutwell, b. in Minnesota, May 16, 1837, d. April 24, 1898. REV. BENJAMIN F. CLARK, born Feb. 23, 1808 ; married Mehitable Atwood of Lyndeborough, Nov. 23, 1837. She was born Nov. 29, 1806 ; died June 6, 1853. He died May 28, 1879, at North Chelmsford, Mass. In his youth he learned the potter's trade. In 1826 he united with the Congregational Church at Lyndeborough, He soon felt himself called to preach the gospel, but pecuniary disaster rendered his father unable to help him to an education. Hearing of special facilities in Tennessee for those who were willing to carve out their own fortunes, in April, 1827, he set out for that distant region and found his way to Boston with a bundle of clothing and twenty-five dollars in his pocket. Thence with two companions he took a packet to Baltimore. Resting here a short time, he set out on foot with one of his companions for Marysville, East Tennessee, 500 miles. Reaching his destination in June he connected himself with the literary department of the Southwestern Theological Seminary. He was not long satisfied with the instruction here, and in March, 1829, he found his way 350 miles, again on foot, to Oxford, Ohio. To defray the expense of this journey, he sold his watch and overcoat. At Oxford he completed his preparatory studies and entered Miami University, graduating with high honor in 1833. By acting as private tutor in mathematics and teaching singing, with the economy taught by necessity, he was able to support and educate himself. He was principal of Rising Sun Seminary, in Rising Sun, Indiana, from October, 1833, to October, 1834 ; studied theology at Lane Semi- nary two years and a half, commencing in the autumn of 1834. Here, GENEALOGIES 703 among other eminent teachers he enjoyed the instruction of Lyman Beecher. Licensed to preach by the Presbytery of Oxford, Ohio, in October, 1837, he returned to his home in Lyndeborough. He married first, Mehitable, daughter of Paul and Judith Atwood of Lyndeborough. Three children were the result of this union. She died June 16, 1853, and he married second, Mrs. Julia Ann Atwood of Amherst, N. H., widow of the late Dr. Moses Atwood of New Boston, N. H. She died at North Chelmsford, Mass., Feb. 4, 1889. The pastor of the church in Lyndeborough being ill, Mr. Clark sup- plied his pulpit the first seven months in 1838, also Mt. Vernon and Francestown pulpits three months of the same year. From January, 1839, until August, 1839, he was at Andover Theologi- cal Seminary. In August, 1839, he was ordained pastor of the Congregat- ional Church at North Chelmsford, Mass. At this time this church had been without a pastor seven years and was greatly reduced, but with his accustomed heartiness and energy, he entered into the work of building up the village, schools and church, and was eminently successful, retain- ing his interest in them all through life. During his ministry there were received by profession, 105 ; by letter, 77 ; total, 182. His salary all through his pastorate was $600. He never had a vacation. He preached three times each Sabbath. A good singer, he was instrumental in improving the singing of the Sabbath School and choir. He was genial and companionable, of a very social disposition, fond of a story, apt at a joke and as ready to take as to give a pleasantry. He was quite popular in his vicinity as a lyceum lecturer. One of his best lectures was entitled " Changes in New England manners and customs during the last 70 years," illustrated by old folks in costume singing songs" of Ye olden time " carding and spinning on the large and small wheels etc. This led the way for the old folks' concerts so popular for a time. Mr. Clark was on the school committee of Chelmsford for 20 years and for many years and up to the time of his death a director in the Stony Brook Railroad Corporation. He died at North Chelmsford, Mass., May 28, 1879.* Children, all by first wife : 1. JOHN H., b. Dec. 25, 1838, m. Marion, dau. of Neil Mc- Lane of New Boston. 2. FRANCELIA, Feb. i, 1844, d. April 15, 1858. 3. MARY E., b. Nov. n, 1847, d. July 17, 1849. DANIEL CLARK, son of Maj. Peter and Hannah (Epps) Clark, born March 14, 1768 ; married Mary Whitmarsh of Lyndeborough, Nov. 25, 1790. She was born Sept. 20, 1768; died April 3, 1852. He died Aug. n, 1828. Children : 1. MARY, b. Sept. 27, 1791, d. May 9, 1841. 2. DANIEL, b. March 26, 1793, m. Sally Hall. He d. 1863. * The facts, and often the exact language of this sketch are taken from the Memorial Address at the funeral of Rev. Benj. F. Clark, May 31, 1879, by Wni. P. Alcott, acting pastor. 704 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH 3. PETER, b. Aug. n, 1794, m. Betsey Whitmarsh, Dec. 2?, 1817, d. Oct. 18, 1855. She was b. May 17, 1789, d. Aug. 5, 1849. BENJAMIN CLARK, son of Maj. Peter and Hannah (Epps) Clark ; born Feb. 26, 1770"; married Susanna Bass of Braintree, Mass., Feb. 7, 1793. She was born May 16, 1768; died Nov. 3, 1824. He died Aug. n, 1844. Children, born in Lyndeborough : 1. HANNAH, b. Dec. 3, 1793. 2. SUSANNA, b. Jan. 29, 1795, d. Dec. 29, 1796. 3. FRANCIS, b. May i, 1796, m. Julia L/iscomb, June 5, 1821. 4. BENJAMIN, b. Feb. 23, 1798, m. Sophie Knight, May 21, 1823. 5. JONATHAN, b. Jan. 25, 1800, d. Jan. 4, 1889, m. Hannah Cross. 6. PETER, b. Jan. 24, 1802, m. Philena Mann, Sept. 12, 1827. 7. DR. HOWARD, b. Jan. 31, 1804, m. Gilty L/etson, July 13, 1834. 8. SUSANNA, b. Dec. 12, 1805, d. Dec. 15, 1805. 9. DANIEL, b. Nov. n, 1806, m. Elizabeth Avery, Mar. 6, 1827. 10. WILLIAM, b. Nov. 2, 1808, d. Nov. 19, 1808. 11. WILLIAM, b. March 19, 1811, m. Fanny H. Silver, Oct. 4, 1837- 12. HENRY, b. Sept. 15, 1815, m. Harriet D. Badger, March 22, 1838. FRANCIS CLARK, son of Maj. Peter and Hannah (Epps) Clark ; born April 14, 1774 ; married Mehitable Gould of Lyndeborough, Dec. 24, 1795. He died Oct. 21, 1824. Children : 1. DORCAS, b. Nov. 25, 1796. 2. MEHITABLE, b. Oct. 31, 1798. 3. DEBORAH, b. May 16, 1801, d. Oct. 29. 1812. 4. POLLY, b. April 21, 1803, m. Jonathan Dodge, Jan. i, 1824. 5. FRANCIS, b. June 16, 1805. 6. Harriet, b. Aug. 27, 1808. 7. PAULINA, b. Sept. 6, 1811, d. March 2, 1843. 8. DEBORAH, b. Sept. 21, 1813, d. July, 1834. 9. CHARLES L,., b. Dec. 2, 1816. 10. WILLIAM, b. July 6, 1819. SAMUEL CLARK, son of Maj. Peter and Hannah (Epps) Clark ; born March 19, 1777; married first, Betsey Cleaves; she died Oct. i, 1825; married second, Abigail Currier. He died April 17, 1857. Children: 1. BETSEY, b. 1795. 2. HENRY, b. 1798, d, 1802. GENEALOGIES 705 3. MARY, b. 1802, m. Trueworthy Oilman, d. Nov. 15, 1843. 4. CLARISSA, b. 1805, m. Franklin Rand, Oct. 16, 1839. 5. EMILY, b. 1807, m. Capt. Richard Hall. 6. PAULINA, b. 1809, m. Robert Webb. DBA. JOHN CLARK, son of Maj. Peter and Hannah (Epps) Clark ; born Jan. 4, 1785 ; married first, Margaret Rand of Lyndeborough, Nov. 18, 1806. She was born June 15, 1782 ; died Aug. 31, 1846. Married sec- ond, Nancy Patterson of Greenfield, N. H., Dec. 9, 1847. He died March J 9> ^55- He removed to New Ipswich, N. H., and became a prominent and influential citizen. Children : 1. MARY, b. Oct. 4, 1807, in Lyndeborough. 2. HANNAH, b. June 16, 1809, in Lyndeborough. 3. DEBORAH, b. Oct. 12, 1811, in Lyndeborough. 4. JOHN PRESCOTT, b. April n, 1814, in Lyndeborough. 5. PETER H., b. in New Ipswich, Dec. n, 1816. 6. JAMES R., b. in New Ipswich, Nov. 27, 1822. JOHN CLARK came to Lyndeborough from Braintree, Mass., in 1775. He settled on lot 126, second division, near the North Lyndeborough schoolhouse. He married Margery Hayward, April 24, 1777. She died Nov. 26, 1808. He died March 19, 1814. Child, born in Lyndeborough: i. SALLY, b. Nov. 19, 1778, m. Benjamin Goodrich, son of Rev. Sewell and Phebe (Putnam) Goodrich. (See Goodrich gen.) CLARK. MATTHEW CLARK was descended from Dea. James Clark, one of the sixteen proprietors who settled Londonderry in 1719. James Clark mar- ried Mrs. Elizabeth (Fulton) Wilson, May 22, 1722. Her interesting ex- perience is mentioned in the history of Londonderry. Their eldest son, John, born March 31, 1723, married Margaret, daughter of Matthew and Elizabeth (Lindsey) Clark. Matthew, son of John and Margaret (Clark) Clark, born 1762, married Nancy, daughter of John and Janet (McClintock) Dickey of Derryfield, N. H. in 1783. He removed to Wil- ton, N. H., in 1798, and with his son, James L., came to Lyndeborough in 1815, where he died Oct. 23, 1827. Children : 1. JAMES L., + 2. NANCY, b. March 30, 1795, m. Henry Clark. JAMES LINDSEY CLARK, son of Matthew and Nancy (McClintock) Clark, came to Lyndeborough from Wilton, N. H., in 1815, and settled on the farm where Chas. L. Perham now lives. (Home lot No. 60.) This farm was one of the first occupied in the history of the town. July 10, 1736, John Hutchinson of Litchfield gave a bond to Jonathan Peal of Salem, Mass., one of the original proprietors, that he would have within four years a dwelling house on home lot No. 60, " twenty feet by eighteen," and twelve acres cleared, broken up and brought to and fenced 706 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH in. In the deed given Sept. 27, 1760, the statement is made that these conditions were fulfilled. The farm was occupied by the James Hutchin- son family until Feb. 19, 1794. Later owners were Samuel Butterfield, David Butterfield and Abel Hill. James Lindsey Clark was born in Londonderry, N. H., May 15, 1790 ; married June 27, 1815, Rebecca, daughter of Timothy and Prudence (Chapman) Baldwin of Wilton, a descendant of John of England, who came to Billerica, Mass., in 1655. She was born April n, 1793 ; died Oct. 18, 1820. He married second, in 1823, Hannah Baldwin, sister of Re- becca, born Feb. 23, 1795 ; died March 13, 1860. Children of James I/, and Rebecca (Baldwin) Clark : i DAVID DICKEY, + 2. ELIZABETH, b. Dec., 1819; died Oct. 9, 1828. Children of James L. and Hannah (Baldwin) Clark : 1. REBECCA B., married Oliver Perham. (See Perhani gen.) 2. HANNAH JANE, b. July 2, 1825, m. William S. Treadwell of Peterborough, N. H., May i, 1849, res. in Peterbor- ough. 3. WILLIAM HENRY, b. April 28, 1827,, m. Theresa A., dau. of William H. and Sarah Morrill Heath of Deering, N. H., April 2, 1858, res. in West Medford, Mass. Children : Walter G., Evelyn T. 4. JAMES BROOKS, b. Oct. 15, 1828, d. Nov. 4, 1850. . 5. ASA BALDWIN, b. Oct. 17, 1831, m. Jan. i, 1861, Mary E., dau. of Samuel and Mary Cutter McCoy of Peterborough. Was a grocer in Wilton for several years, now a resident of Wellesley, Mass. Child : Alice B. 6. ELIZABETH, b 1835, d. Sept. 13, 1837. 7. FRANK GREY, -f- DAVID DICKEY CLARK, born Sept. 18, 1817; married April 22, 1842, Sophronia, daughter of John and Mary (Chandler) Dickinson of Weathersfield, Vt. She was born Jan. 26, 1816; died May 13, 1872. He was a resident of the town for many years ; died March i, 1890. Chil- dren : 1. WILLIAM T., b. May 7, 1843, m. Sept. 3, 1867, L/. Jennie, dau. of Isaac and Lydia (Thompson) Richards of East Monmouth, Me. Is a photographer and res. in Boston, Mass. Children : Mary A., Waldo D. 2. MARY JANE, b. March 25, 1845, d. Nov. 24, 1864. 3. GORHAM B., b. April 18, 1847, <* July 24, 1865. Was a soldier in the Civil War. (See Chap. X.) 4. EDNA A., b. April 7, 1849, d. Oct. 26, 1870, m. Jan. 4, 1869, Wallace Clark of Peterborough. Child : Harry B. V / GENEALOGIES 707 5. LAURA A., b. March 7, 1852, m. George J. Carson. (See Carson gen.) 6. JAMES L., JR., b. May 25, 1856, m. Dec. 30, 1885, Lizzie C., dau. of David and Mary (Mitchell) Wallace of Nashua, N. H. Children : Wallace B., Marion F. 7. SARAH MELISSA, b. Nov. 17, 1859, m. May i, 1888, Alonzo J. Gove of Alexandria, where they reside. Children : Grace E. G., Ethel B. REV. FRANK GREY CLARK, born Feb. 22, 1838. He prepared for college at Appleton Academy, Mont Vernon, N. H. and was graduated from Amherst College in 1862. He became the principal of Francestown Academy in August of the same year, and resigned that position in the summer of 1867. He was eminently successful as a teacher, and brought the old " Academy " into a high state of efficiency. Probably it was never more prosperous during any period of its history. He married Charlotte, daughter of Samuel and Mary Cutter McCoy of Peterborough, Aug. ii, 1864. She was assistant teacher at the Academy, faithful and competent, and their many pupils, scattered now all over the country, regard them with loving esteem. Graduating in the special course at Andover Theological Seminary in 1869, he was ordained at Francestown, Sept. 2 of that same year, and served as city missionary at Manchester, N. H., until April i, 1873. He was installed over the Congregational church, Rindge, N. H., June 3, 1873, an ^ after a pastorate of five years was dismissed Dec. 31, 1878. He was installed over the church at Gloucester, Mass., Jan. 28, 1879, an( i dismissed April 4, 1888. He resided at West Medford, Mass., 1888 and 1889, and was acting pastor over a church at Arlington, Mass., for eight months in 1889. Installed at Ply- mouth, N. H., Jan. 2, 1890. He was a delegate in the Christian Commis- sion in front of Petersburg, Va., in 1864. Was superintending school com- mittee in Francestown, 1864 and 1865, and a member of the school board iu Manchester in 1873. He has published a number of sermons, and compiled and edited pamphlets of value to the Congregational denomina- tion. He delivered the historical address at the anniversary of the set- tlement of Lyndeborough, Sept. 4, 1889, and published the same in pam- phlet form. This address was the result of much research among old records, and has been largely incorporated in this history. CLARK HENRY CLARK, born in Chester, Oct. 25, 1788; married Nov. 7, 1816, Nancy, daughter of Matthew and Nancy (Dickey) Clark of Lyndebor- ough. She was born in Derry, March 30, 1795, and died in Medford, Mass., March 10, 1873. Her father removed from Derry to Wilton in 1798, and thence to Lyndeborough in 1815. He lived on the place where Chas. L. Perham now lives, and was the father of James Lindsey Clark, whose family register may be found in another place. Henry Clark bought a farm in New Boston and lived there until 1850, when he removed to Lyndeborough, where he died Apr. u, 1867. He had charge of the town farm for one year, and then bought the place at the Centre now best known as the Fowler place. Henry Clark's father, 708 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH John Clark, was a soldier in the Revolution. Children, all born in New Boston : 1. GEORGE, b. Aug. i, 1817, m. Cynthia I,. Davis of Unadilla, N. Y., Feb. 6, 1842. He d. in Medford, Mass., Jan. i, 1880. She d. Nov. 9, 1883. 2. CHARLES F., b. April 19, 1819, m April 24, 1842, L/ydia M. Rines of Wilton. He d. in Boston, May 25, 1893. She d. March 17, 1860. 3. JAMES L/., born April 3, 1821, m. Nov. 8, 1841, Sarah A. Phelps of Andover, N. H. He d. in Yarmouth, Mass., Dec. 12, 1864. Shed. 1898. 4. HEPZIBAH H., b. Sept. 23, 1823, m. May 21, 1843, Gilman Griffin. He d. in Somerville, Mass., Sept. 18, 1856. She d. Jan. 17, 1894. 5. NANCY M., b. Jan. 22, 1826, m. Sept. 6, 1849, Orvid M. Fowler of Johnson, Vt. He d. in Medford, Mass., May 20, 1899. She res. in Medford, Mass. 6. HENRY, b. May n, 1828, m. Oct. 20, 1852, Julia M. Tayler of Chelsea, Mass. She d. Nov. 26, 1866. He m. second, Nancy J. Dennison of Hampton, 111., July 30, 1868, where they are still living. 7. WILLIAM D., b. Dec. 19, 1831, m. Mary B. Snell of L,ud- low, Vt., July i, 1855. He d. in Chicago, 111., Aug. 17, 1900. 8. ELEANOR J., b. Aug. 12, 1834, m. March 30, 1856, Stephen Crocker of Halifax, Mass., m. second, Isaac H. Locke of Alexander, N. H., June 8, 1867. He d. in Whitman, Mass., July 23, 1903. She res. at Whitman. 9. FRANKLIN AUSTIN, b. Apr. 13, 1837, m. Oct. 28, 1862, Amelia Cook of Medford, Mass. Res. in Ossipee, N. H. 10. DUDLEY H., b. Sept. 2, 1838, m. July 25, 1861, Eldora Butterfield of Wayland, Mass. He d. in Medford, Mass., Nov. 12, 1865. She d. Aug., 1873. CLEMENT. CHARLES O. CLEMENT, son of Archibald and Margaret (Sylvester) Clement ; born in Warren, Me., Nov. 3, 1851 ; married June 28, 1873, Mary A., daughter of Salathiel L. and Mary J. (Carpenter) Wheeler of Windsor. She was born June 14, 1856. He came to Lyndeborough in 1873 and built a house in South Lyndeborough. He is a carpenter by trade, and is in the employ of the New York, New Haven & Hartford R.R.; resides in Dedham, Mass. Children, all born in Lyndeborough : i. BERTIE L,., b. April 2, 1874, m. Oct. 3, 1896, Mrs. Emma J. GENEALOGIES 709 Farnum. Children: Charles W., Anna I,. Res. in Ded- ham, Mass. 2. MABEL M., b. April 9, 1877, m. Arthur K. Woodward. (See Woodward gen.) 3. PERLEY E., b. Sept. 6, 1882. l V,V' COCHRANB. WILLIAM K. COCHRANE purchased the Boardman place in North Lyndeborough in 1856 and lived there until 1860, when he removed to Goffstown, N. H. He married Lydia Swasey. She died March 17, 1879. He died April 27, 1878. Children : 1. ELLEN 1^., b. in Newbury, Vt., Nov. 22, 1832. 2. WILLIAM H. D., b. in North Chelmsford, Mass., Dec. 29, 1838, m. Irene A. Stokes of Manchester, N. H., April 12, 1870. He was a soldier in the Civil War, and was pro- moted to the rank of L,ieut. Col. COIvBURN. JAMES L. COLBURN, son of Leonard and Mary T. (Livingston) Col- burn ; born in New Boston, July 8, 1842 ; married June 7, 1865, Nancy J., daughter of William and Lois (Carson) Hopkins. He lived for a while after his marriage in Francestown, then in Revere, Mass., removing thence to Medford, Mass. He came to Lyndeborough in 1900 and bought the mill known as Buttrick's, or the Eaton mill. He was a soldier in the Civil War, and was for a long time in the rebel prison at Danville. Child, born in Francestown : i. BERTRAND W., b. July 17, 1869. COIvSON. JAMES COLSON, born in Monroe, Me., Sept. 25, 1834 ; married first, Tamson Steele of Sebec, Me. She was born June 17, 1840; died March 15, 1866 ; married second, July 3, 1869, Dorcas Libby of Lawrenceville, Canada. She was born Dec. 26, 1843. He was an employee of the Elgin Watch Co., Elgin, 111. for many years. Came to Lyndeborough in 1893. Resides on the Nelson Cram place, South Lyndeborough. CONANT. ALBERT S. CONANT, son of Samuel and Abigail E. (Reynolds) Conant; born July 22, 1840, in Antrim ; married first, Almanda J., daugh- ter of Joseph and Betsey A. (Kidder) Ford of Lyndeborough, Oct. 12, 1868. She was born Jan. 27, 1851 ; died Nov. n, 1878; married second, Oct. ii, 1879, Abbie J., daughter of John G. and Roxanna (Hutchinson) Raymond of Milford, born Aug. 29, 1848. He came to Lyndeborough from Greenfield in 1853. Resided first at the Dolliver homestead and later removed to South Lyndeborough village. Is a carpenter, and was a soldier in the Civil War. Child by first wife : 710 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH 1. CORA J., b. in Fitchburg, Mass., April 7, 1870, m. Fred T. Banks of Nashua, Nov. 28, 1889. By second wife born in Lyndeborough : 2. SAMUEL J., b. Nov. 24, 1880, d. in infancy. 3. FLORENCE J., b. Aug. 15, 1882, m. Dec. 26, 1903, Arthur L,. Burnham of Hillsboro. CHARLES W. CONANT, son of Samuel and Abigail E. (Reynolds) Conant, born in Antrim, Nov. 27, 1843 ; married Adaline Gates of Leomin- ster, Mass. Was a soldier in the Civil War. Resides in Leominster, Mass. (See Chapter X.) CRAM. JOHN CRAM, son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Weare) Cram, born at Hampton Falls, Mass., Jan. 12, 1685; married Feb. 18, 1707, Sarah, daughter of Henry and Sarah (Ballard) Holt of Andover, Mass. She was born at Andover, Aug. 17, 1678, and died at Lyndeborough, Oct. i, 1757. He died at Amherst, 1759. So far as authentic records show he was the first settler in Salem-Canada, now Lyndeborough. For a biographical sketch of John Cram see chapter XXXIII. The three older children were born at Hampton Falls. The others at Woburn, Mass. Children: 1. JONATHAN, -+- 2. HUMPHREY, b. Nov. 8, 1710, m. Hannah . 3. PHEBE, b. July 8, 1712, m. Moses Stiles. (See Stiles gen.) 4. JOSEPH, b. Sept. 23, 1713, d. Dec. 24, 1794. 5. HULDAH, b. May 5, 1715, m. Ephraim Woodward. (See Woodward gen.) 6. JOHN, b. April 10, 1717, m. Sarah . 7. SARAH, b. June 27, 1719, m. Ephraim Putnam. (See Put- nam gen.) 8. ELIZABETH, m. Jonathan Chamberlain. (See Chamberlain gen.) 9. ELI, b. March 10, 1721. 10. BENJAMIN, -\- The last children were two sets of twins. JONATHAN CRAM, son of John and Sarah (Holt) Cram; born at Hampton Falls, Feb. 21, 1708; married Dec. i, 1732, Mary, daughter of Daniel and Mary Chamberlain of Billerica, Mass. She was born Jan. 20, 1706, and died in Lyndeborough, Jan. 5, 1770. He died Jan. 23, 1790. He was the original settler on the land where Mrs. John Putnam lives, since known as the Jonathan Cram place. The five older children were born at Wilmington, Mass., the others in Lyndeborough. Children : 1 . JONATHAN, .+ 2. MARY, b. June 6, 1735, d. June 5, 1738. 3. DAVID, -f ' PROUD AND TRUE. " COAT OF ARMS OF VOX CRAM FAMILY OF GERMANY. FROM WHICH THE CRAMS IX AMERICA DESCEXDED. GENEALOGIES 711 4. JACOB, -f 5. ELIZABETH, b. Nov. 4, 1741, m. John Carkin. (See Carkin gen.) 6. RACHEL, b. April 16, 1744, m. Ephraim Putnam, d. April 29, 1833. (See Putnam gen.) 7. SOLOMON, -}- 8. URIAH, + JONATHAN CRAM, son of Jonathan and Mary (Chamberlain) Cram ; born June 8, 1733 ; married Sarah, daughter of Jacob and Susanna (Stiles) Putnam. She was born at Salem, Mass., June 28, 1736. He settled on Abbott Hill, Wilton, and endured the privations common to the pioneers of a new country. Children, all born in Wilton : Sarah, Jonathan, Phillip, Susanna, Mary, Mehitable, Zeniah. DAVID CRAM, son of Jonathan and Mary (Chamberlain) Cram, born at Wilmington, Mass., June 26, 1737 ; married Mary Badger, daughter of John Badger of England, who was very early a settler in Salem-Canada. She died in Lyndeborough, March 10, 1825. He died in Lyndeborough, June 25, 1825. He was the first settler on the hill, about a mile east of South Lyndeborough village, where he lived until his death. This farm has been in the posssession of his descendants ever since, and is now occupied by his grandson, Luther. His wife, Mary Badger, was one of the four children of John Badger, whose wife, Mary McFarland, went three miles one winter night to obtain help, an account of which may be found in the sketch of the Badger family. Children, all but eldest, born at Lyndeborough : 1. MARY, b. at Wilton, Dec. 29, 1761, m. Ambrose Lakin. 2. ELIZABETH, b. Jan. 2, 1764, m. Oct. 14, 1789, Isaac L/ewis. 3. L/OUISA, b. Sept. 14, 1765, m. Darius Jeffries. 4. DAVID, -f- 5. HANNAH, b. May 26, 1769, m. first, Samuel Rogers ; second, William Hastings. 6. GIDEON, -4- 7. DEBORAH, b. July 21, 1773, m. June 6, 1799, Ambrose Hutchinson. 8. ROBERT, -f- 9. JONATHAN, -\- 10. REBECCA, b. Feb. 27, 1782, d. Sept. 10, 1782. David, Deborah, Robert, and Jonathan removed to Roxbury, Vt., where they were among the earliest settlers there. DAVID CRAM, son of David and Mary (Badger) Cram, born May 26, 1767 ; married Oct. 25, 1792, Sarah, daughter of Ephraim and Lucy (Spaulding) Putnam. She was born at Lyndeborough, Jan. 16, 1773 ; died in Roxbury, Vt., May 5, 1813. He early removed to Roxbury, Vt., where he was one of the first settlers, and the first town treasurer, 1796. 712 HIS TOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH He also held other public office and was an influential citizen. His chil- dren were born at Roxbury, with the exception of the eldest. Some of them came to L/yndeborough : 1. EPHRAIM, b. at I/yndeborough, Sept. 15, 1793, m. Clarinda Cram, d. near Great Salt Lake in 1852. 2. PHILIP, b. March 18, 1795, m. Dec. 27, 1821, Abigail Heath. He d. April, 1883. 3. NAOMI, b. Aug. 21, 1797, m. Nov. 3, 1818, James Grant. (See Grant gen.) 4. LUCY, b. Sept. 4, 1799, m. March 28, 1820, Joseph Grant, d. at St. Paul, Minn., October, 1873. 5. SOLOMON, -|- 6. HIRAM, + 7. DAVID, b. May 8, 1805, m. first, Susanna Bridges, March 29, 1842 ; second, March 24, 1855, Betsey Burt. He d. Oct. 12, 1886, at Wilton. 8. ESTHER, b. Nov. 18, 1808, m. Aug. 19, 1830, Alvin Sawyer. She d. at Boston, June 26, 1898. 9. JOHN P., b. April 19, 1810. Enlisted in the Regular Army and was last heard from in Prairie Du Chien, Wis. Of the above children Ephraim b. Sept. 15, 1793, m. Clar- inda Cram. She d. June i, 1842. He d. on the way to California, June 12, 1852. They had ten children : Sarah, Horace, Chauncey C., Clarinda, Laura, Ephraim, Chris- topher, David, Isaac, Mary. SOLOMON CRAM, son of David and Sarah (Putnam) Cram, born at Roxbury, Vt., Nov. 5, 1802, and died at Lyndeborough, March n, 1863 ; married Jan. 17, 1826, Mary, daughter of James and Mary (Grant) Sar- gent. She was born at Hillsboro, Oct. 28, 1804 ; died April 19, 1885. He was the first man to build a shop and carry on blacksmithing in South Lyndeborough village. The two older children were born at Roxbury, the others at I/yndeborough. Children : 1. MARY J., b. Oct. 5, 1827, m. first, Samuel Hodgeman of Francestown, Oct. 28, 1846 ; second, Alban Buttrick. 2. SUSAN B., b. Jan. n, 1829, m. John W. Sharp, Dec. 19, 1845. Res. at Boston. 3. GEORGE M., + 4. ORIN N., -j- 5. AZRO D., 4~ 6. SARAH E., b. June 12, 1844, m, Nov. 28, 1867, Joseph Sharp. (See Sharp gen.) 7. EMMA F., b. Jan. 3, 1849, m. March 24, 1869, Charles B. Pinkham. Res. at Milford. GENEALOGIES 713 GEORGE M. CRAM, son of Solomon and Mary (Sargent) Cram, born June 20, 1831 ; married first, Oct. 28, 1858, Ellen E. Godding of Rindge ; second, Mrs. Louisa (Godding) Hastings. His first wife died April 9, 1865. (For George M. Cram's war record see Chapter X.) Children : 1. GEORGE E., d. in infancy. 2. CARRIE E., d. in infancy. 3. OSCAR E., + 4. CHARLIE M., d. in infancy. OSCAR E. CRAM, son of George M. and Louisa G. Hastings Cram ; born in Rindge, April 2, 1866; married Feb. 9, 1892, Lillian M., daughter of Edwin and Mary E. (Tarbell) Swasey ; resides in Taunton, Mass., and is a clerk in the grocery store of Cobb, Bates and Yerxa in that city. ORIN N. CRAM, son of Solomon and Mary (Sargent) Cram, born Jan. 25, 1836 ; married Dec. 30, 1862, Caroline M., daughter of Peter and Mary (Blunt) Shedd of Tewksbury, Mass. She was born Aug. 5, 1837 ; died April u, 1887. He died Feb. 4, 1893. Children born in Lynde- borough : 1. NELSON S., b. July 27, 1866, d. Oct. 16, 1904. 2. CHARLES, b. July 27, 1866. 3. GEORGE W., b. Aug. 20, 1867, d. Sept. 10, 1868. 4. REBECCA W., b. Dec. 6, 1869. 5. CARRIE E., b. Feb. 18, 1872, d. Oct. n, 1872. AZRO D. CRAM, son of Solomon and Mary S. (Sargent) Cram, born Aug. 6, 1838; married July 23, 1859, Sarah E. Young. He was a soldier in Civil War. (See Chapter X.) Children born in Lyndeborough : i. ANDY F., -}- i. ADDIE F., b. May 7, 1866, married first, Frank A. Haley. July 3, 1882 ; second, April 3, 1889, Albert E. Burnham. Res. at lyowell, Mass. 3. MARY S., b. Aug. 30, 1869, m. Nov. 9, 1889, Willis H. Draper. 4. ANNIE M., b. March 30, 1872, m. Harry Draper. 5. CARRIE B., b. Sept. n, 1875. ANDY F. CRAM, son of Azro D. and Sarah (Young) Cram ; born Aug. n, 1860; married first, Mrs. Jennie S. Davidson of Manchester, Oct. 15, 1882 ; married second, June 13, 1900, Annie, daughter of Edward and Annie (Brady) Murphy of Durham, Canada. She was born Aug. 16, 1868. Child by first wife : 1. ADDIE A., b. Feb. 3, 1889. By second wife : 2. LESTER A., b. Aug. 27, 1901. HIRAM CRAM, son of David and Sarah (Putnam) Cram; born at Windsor, Vt., Dec. 7, 1803; married Jan. i, 1834, Harriet Tenney, daugh- 714 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH ter of William and Mary (Butterfield) Tenney, born in Sharon, N. H., Aug, 13, 1808; died in Peterborough, March 9, 1857. He died in Shirley, Mass., Aug. 15, 1893. Children, six elder born in Sharon, four in Lynde- borough : 1. LUCY M., b. May 3, 1834, m. Oct. 18, 1852, Samuel M. Woods of Peterborough. 2. WILLIAM H., b. May 15, 1836, m. first July 4, 1862, Ellen P. Henry, m. second, Jan. 13, 1876, Mary Rutter. 3. MosES, b. June 10, 1839. 4. HENRY, b. April 10, 1841, d. Sept. 30, 1857, in Peterbor- ough. 5. JOHN P., b. May 3, 1842, d. June 14, 1863, at Port Hudson. 6. DAVID A., b. Aug. 10, 1844, d. Aug. 29, 1862, at Bull Run, Va. 7. HIRAM T., -f 8. AUGUSTUS B., b. March 4, 1849, m. Oct. 31, 1871, Anna L. Hastings, res. Shirley, Mass. 9. EDWARD M., b. Aug. 13, 1851, m. Nov. 28, 1878, Ida May Wilson, res. at Peterborough. 10. EMMA B., b. Dec. 10, 1855, d. Oct. 30, 1858. HIRAM T. CRAM, son of David and Harriet (Tenney) Cram ; born at 1/yndeborough, March 5, 1847, m - Nov. 14, 1871, Sophronia R. Robinson of Jaffrey. She was the daughter of Hiram and Eliza A. (Smith) Robin- son of Rindge. She was born March 17, 1851. Children, all but Bernice born at Peterborough : 1. ARTHUR H., b. July 23, 1874. 2. EVERETT I,., b. March n, 1877. 3. LENA B., b. April 23, 1878. 4. BERNICE C., b. at Lyndeborough, May 22, 1881. 5. FLORENCE M., b. Nov. 23, 1886. GIDEON CRAM, son of David and Mary (Badger) Cram ; born Feb. 25, 1771 ; married Amy, daughter of Ensign David and Abigail (Carleton) (Johnson) Putnam. She was born March 6, 1779; died Dec. 17, 1866. He died June 17, 1837. Children, all born at Lyndeborough : 1. DANIEL, -|- 2. MARY, b. Nov. 25, 1803, m. July 30, 1850, Herman Pettin- gill, d. at Amherst, Jan. 18, 1886. 3. ABIGAIL, b. May 15, 1806, d. April 22, 1835, at Lowell, Mass. 4. LEWIS, + 5. LOIS, b. March 2, 1813, m. Harvey Holt ot Lyndeborough. (See Holt gen.) 6. LUTHER, -f- GENEALOGIES 715 7. RHODA EMILY, b. Nov. 18, 1820, m. first, Eben Palmer, m. second, Langdon Adams. She d. April u, 1896, at Buf- falo, N. Y. 8. AMY, b. Oct. 9, 1823, m. March 2, 1847, George W. Bos- worth. (See Bosworth gen.) DANIEL CRAM, son of Gideon and Amy (Putnam) Cram ; born April 6, 1799 ; married first, Sarah, daughter of Joel and Polly (Colburn) Holt, Dec. 18, 1822* She was born May 18, 1797; died Oct. 19, 1837. Married second, Oct. 13, 1853, Susan M., daughter of John Whittemore of Chester. She was born July 12, 1826; died June 8, 1855. Married third, Sarah, daughter of Abel Blood of Merrimac. She was born June 9, 1806 ; died Feb. 3, 1878. He was a very public spirited and useful man in the com- munity. First clerk of the Baptist church of which he was a member and deacon and a liberal supporter of preaching. He removed to Am- herst and died there Aug. 5, 1880. Children, all but youngest born in Lyndeborough : 1. lyAURA, b. July 6, 1824, m. Nov. 26, 1840, William Burtt of Brookline. She d. in Milford, Oct. 25, 1891. 2. JULIA A., b. Aug. 22, 1825, m. June 4, 1845, Samuel H. Hill, res in Milford. 3. DANIEL H., b. April 9, 1827, d. Aug. 3, 1831. 4. DAVID, b. March 20, 1830, m. June 18, 1856, Nancy A. Scales of Townsend, Mass., res. in Townsend. Two chil- dren, Charles D. and Emma M. 5. LOUISA, b. Feb. 16, 1832, m. Frank Davis. She d. in Palmer, Mass., Jan. 13, 1878. 6. EMILY, b. Dec. 24, 1836, m. May 14, 1863, Joseph G. Hoi- brook. She d. in Bedford, Sept. n, 1893. 7. DANIEL W., b. at Milford, July 25, 1854. LEWIS CRAM, son of Gideon and Amy (Putnam Cram ; born Dec. 8, 1808 ; married Jan. 18, 1831, Anna, daughter of Ephraim and Hannah (Badger) Woodward of Lyndeborough. She was born Feb. 23, 1801 ; died in Addison, N. Y., July 21, 1874. He died at Addison, Jan. 13, 1887. He removed about 1836 to Jasper, N. Y. Children, two eldest born in Lynde- borough, the others in Jasper, N. Y.: 1. LOUISA A. W., b. Dec. 29, 1833, d. July 13, 1841. 2. GIDEON I,., b. Nov. 6, 1835, d. Nov. 22, 1835. 3. MARY A., b. Sept. 10, 1836, m. Mar. 30, 1854, Isaac June of Addison, N. Y. She died there Sept. 17, 1881. 4. AMY M., b. April 29, 1840, d. April 19, 1850. 4. PUTNAM A., b. Feb. 22, 1843, d. Nov. 26, 1843. LUTHER CRAM, son of Gideon and Amy (Putnam) Cram; born Dec. 8. 1818 ; married April 4, 1844, Lucy, daughter of Ephraim and Lois (Butler) Hackett, born in Lempster, Feb. 14, 1819. He inherited the 716 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH homestead farm, and with the exception of seven years spent in New York state, has always lived there. In 1853 he went to Salamanca, N. Y., returning to Lyndeborough in 1861. While there he held some public office. In Lyndeborough he has been honored by about all the offices in the gift of the town. He was selectman for many years, and represented the town in the legislature two terms. He has always encouraged by his active work, by his presence at meetings, and in other ways, the educa- tional and temperance interests of the town. He has also been promi- nent in the local military organizations, and in early life was their drill master, and was captain of the Light Infantry Co. At this writing, 1903, his memory of the persons and events of his early days is good and has been of material benefit to this history. Children, born at Lyndebor- ough : 1. ABBIE F., b. July 10, 1845. 2. EVERETT A., b. Jan. 10, 1848. (For military record see Chap. X.) 3. FRANK W., + 4. MYRTIE M., b. June 25, 1863, d. Dec. 19, 1879. FRANK WILLIS CRAM, son of Luther Cram of Lyndeborough, and Lucy Almira Hackett of Lempster, N. H. He was born in Lyndebor- ough, Oct. 26, 1854; married first, at Fort Gratiot, Mich., in February, 1884, to Annie May, who died Jan. 18, 1885, in Buffalo, N. Y. He married second, at Grand Haven, Mich., Aug. 23, 1887, Fannie Hart Warren, born at Chicago, 111., July 26, 1861, daughter of Luther Barstow Warren and Harriet Louise Woodward of New York, who reside in St. Louis, Mo. Mr. Cram is a travelling salesman, and resides in St. Louis. Children : 1. FRANK WILLIS, JR., b. Buffalo, N. Y., Jan. 8, 1885. 2. LOUISE ALMIRA, b. at St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 7, 1887. 3. HATTIE MYRTIE, b. at St, Louis, Mo., Nov. 28, 1892. 4. LUTHER EVERETT, b. at St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 24, 1894, d. Jan. 26, 1897. 5. AMY DEAN, b. at St. Louis, December, 1897. ROBERT CRAM, son of David and Mary (Badger) Cram ; born June 27, 1776; married Jan. 19, 1801, Hannah Webster, daughter of Nathaniel and Mary Webster. She was born in Hyde Park, Vt., April 5, 1775, and died there Feb. 24, 1863. He died at Roxbury Vt., Sept. 23, 1854. He went with his brother Jonathan to Plattsburg in Capt. Orcutt's Co. He was a prominent citizen of Roxbury, and held many offices. Children, born at Roxbury Vt. : Martin, John, James, Hannah, Daniel, Anna, Elhanan W., Truman, Betsey E. JONATHAN CRAM, son of David and Mary (Badger) Cram; born March 9, 1779; married March 15, 1804, Lydia Smith of Williamstown, Vt. She was born Nov. 4, 1784, and died there Sept. 7, 1840. He died at Williamstown, March 21, 1869. According to the History of Roxbury, Vt., Jonathan Cram was a sergeant in Capt. Orcutt's Co., which marched GENEALOGIES 717 to Plattsburg, Sept. 10, 1814, and returned Sept. 16, having been too late for the battle. Children, all born in Williamstown : Allen, Patty A., Jonathan, Lucinda, Chester, Joel, L,angdon, Erastus, Truman, James R., Lydia L/., Mary, Abigail, Reuben. JACOB CRAM, son of Jonathan and Mary (Chamberlain) Cram; born at Wilmington, Mass., Oct. 5, 1739; married Isabella Hutchinson. She was born Dec., 1739, and died in Lyndeborough, Feb. 3, 1812. She was from Danvers, Mass. He settled on what is now known as Perham Corner, upon laud that was easier to clear and more free from stone than the average wild land, and so it is said that he was able to enjoy the comforts of life a little earlier than his pioneer neighbors. Children, all born in Lyndeborough : 1. JOHN, + 2. JACOB -|- 3. OLIVE, b, Oct. 6, 1769, m. Nov. 25, 1788, John Cram. She d. March 16, 1851, at Hallowell, Me. 4. ZEBULON, -(- 5. RACHEL, b. July 5, 1777, m. March 30, 1799, William Fuller. 6. SARAH, b. Aug. 25, 1781, m. Dec., 1813, Jesse Fales of L/itchfield, Me. She d. there Aug. 27, 1869. 7. REBECCA, b. March 9, 1784, m. Dec. 5, 1804, Andrew Har- wood of L/yndeborough. She d. Sept. n, 1867. JOHN CRAM, son of Jacob and Isabella (Hutchinson) Cram, born Nov. 4, 1763 ; married May 3, 1786, Huldah, daughter of Eleazer and Hannah (Putnam) Woodward of Lyndeborough. She was born June 23, 1765 ; died Jan. 14, 1853. He died Aug. 30, 1833. Children born in Lyndeborough : 1. ISRAEL, b. July, 1790, m. July 9, 1818, Abigail Kendall. She d. June n, 1864. He d. Feb. 20, 1868. Israel Cram left by will four hundred dollars to the town of Lyndebor- ough, the interest of which is to be used annually as a literary fund. 2. SARAH, m. William A. Pearsons, Jan. 6, 1833. Rem. to Woburn, Mass. 3. MEHITABLE, b. Nov. 2, 1801 ; m. Oct. 23, 1823, Edgar Rand of L/yndeborough. She d. May 5, 1832. (See Rand gen.) JACOB CRAM, son of Jacob and Isabella (Hutchinson) Cram, born Nov. 23, 1765 ; married Sept. 24, 1787, Martha Doak, born at Lyndebor- ough, May n, 1771, and died at Litchfield, Me., Feb. 16, 1835. He died at Litchfield, Jan. 16, 1815. He removed to Litchfield, Me., probably in 1793. The first three children were born at Lyndeborough, the others at Litchfield : 718 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH 1. WILLIAM, b. Feb. 16, 1788, m, first, Dec. 27, 1821, Zoa Moody; second, May 18, 1825, Lucinda White. 2. BETSEY, b. Nov. 26, 1789, m. May 7, 1813, Stephen Pills- bury. She d. at Hallowell, Me., March 2, 1856. 3. JOHN, b. Nov. 16, 1791, m. Sept. 16, 1820, Louisa Benjamin. He d. at Boston, Aug. 20, 1823. 4. SAMUEL, b. Feb. 20, 1794, d. May 27, 1805. 5. STEPHEN, b. Sept. 10, 1796, d. Oct. 24, 1885, at Topsham, Maine. 6. SARAH E., b. Jan. 4, 1799, m. first, Joseph Norris; second, Archibald Horn. 7. NANCY, b. Dec. 26, 1801, m. Charles French. 8. FANNY, b. Nov. 23, 1804, m. James G. Judkins. 9. SAMUEL, b. Feb. 12, 1806, d. 1817. 10. ALVIN, b. Aug. 12, 1808, d. 1810. ZEBULON CRAM, son of Jacob and Isabella (Hutchinson) Cram, born March 29, 1772; married June 21, 1799, Anice Hutchinsoii of Lyude- borough. She was born June 19, 1775, and died in I/itchfield, Me., Dec. 22, 1844. He died there Feb. n, 1852. Children born at Lyndeborough and Litchfield : 1. REBECCA, b. June 21, 1800, d. June 25, 1852. 2. JOHN H., b. Dec. 22, 1802, m. April 15, 1835, M. Eliza Davis. SOLOMON CRAM, son of Jonathan and Mary (Chamberlain) Cram ; born at Lyndeborough, 1744 ; married Mary , born at Lynde- borough, April 21, 1819. He died May i, 1825. Children, born at Lynde- borough : 1. MARY, b. 1772, d. Oct. 3, 1777. 2. SARAH, b. 1774, d. Sept. 23, 1777. 3. JAMES, b. Aug., 1777, d. Oct. 3, 1860. 4. MARY, b. 1779, d. Sept. 24, 1781. URIAH CRAM, son of Jonathan and Mary (Chamberlain) Cram, born 1750; married Eunice Ellingwood. She was born 1745; died Dec. i, 1831. He died Oct. 2, 1831. Children born at Lyndeborough : 1. HENRY, -j- 2. JOSEPH, born April 22, 1784, m. Dec. 24, 1818, Elizabeth Brown of Billerica. He died July 21, 1858. 3. EUNICE S., b. August, 1786, m. William Abbott. (See Abbott gen.) 4. JAMES, + 5. L,YDIA, b. June 27, 1790, d. Aug. 3, 1794. HENRY CRAM, son of Uriah and Eunice (Ellingwood) Cram, born 1780; married Rhoda, daughter of Jeremiah and Lois (Hoyt) Carleton. GENEALOGIES 719 She was born June 29, 1783 ; died Oct. 8, 1855. He died Nov. 30, 1848. Children born at Lyndeborough : 1. PETER b. July 14, 1807, d. at Ulman's Ridge, Mo., Aug. 5, 1869, m. Rebecca, K. Potter of Francestown. Peter Cram was a farmer and was once county commissioner and select- man several years. He removed to the West about 1858. Four of their children were born at Mont Vernon and three at Decatur, 111. Their names were : Rhoda C., Moses D., Illia M., Henry I,., Mark P., Virgil H., Eunice. 2. MOSES H., b. May 20, 1813, d. Aug. 27, 1848. JAMES CRAM, son of Uriah and Eunice (Ellingwood) Grain, born March 13, 1788 ; married Lucy Brown of Billerica. She was born Feb. i, 1804 ; died Nov. i, 1884. She was the daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Noyes) Brown. He died June 29, 1861. With no advantages for school- ing but the winter terms of the district school of his day, and no higher text book than Pike's Arithmetic he became a good land surveyor and was much employed in running lines in the town. It is said he did very satisfactory work. With his brother Henry and nephew, Peter Cram, he started and operated an iron foundry for the manufacture of pots, kettles, andirons, boxes for wheels-hubs, etc. Children born at Lynde- borough : 1. NANCY E., b. Feb. 21, 1832, d. April 17, 1832. 2. ALBERT, -|- 3. CHARLES H., b. Nov. 3, 1836, m. April 13, 1863, Sarah Van Buskirk. Rem. to Watseka, 111. ALBERT CRAM, son of James and Lucy (Brown) Cram, born Nov. 8, 1834; married May 31, 1869, Mary E., daughter of Samuel and Mary (Emerson) Brown of Wilmington, Mass. She died Nov. 14, 1897. Children : i. ADDIE M., b. Jan. 29, 1871, d. July 20, 1874. BENJAMIN CRAM, son of John and Sarah (Holt) Cram; born at Woburn, Mass., March 10, 1721 ; died in 1823. His wife was Elizabeth Children, all born in Lyndeborough : 1. MARGARET, m. Jonathan Chamberlain. (See Chamberlain gen.) 2. NATHAN, + 3. BENJAMIN, -(- 4. HUUDAH, d. at Greenfield. 5. JONAH. 6. DAVID, b. 1768, d. May, 1838. NATHAN CRAM, son of Benjamin Cram of Woburu, Mass., and Elizabeth, his wife, born in Lyndeborough, April 5, 1752; married Rachel Button, born at Lyndeborough, Sept. 9, 1757; died at Hancock, Aug. 15, 1835. He died at Hancock, Jan. 21, 1851. Children : 720 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH 1. NATHAN, b. 1771. Died young. 2. RACHEL, b. June 15, 1773, m. Nov. 30, 1797, William Stuart of Peterboro. She d. at Peterboro, Oct. 13, 1833. 3. NATHAN, b. Sept. 9, 1776, m. Elizabeth White, d. at Bel- fast, Me., Oct. 8, 1815. 4. JOSIAH BUTTON, + 5. HULDAH, born June 30, 1782, m. Nov. 27, 1804, Gilbert McCoy of Belfast, Me. He d. Nov. 18, 1857. 6. SALLY P., b. Sept. 12, 1783, m. May 19, 1804, Joseph Tyr- rell of Hancock. She d. at Dublin, Dec. 18, 1863. 7. BETSEY, b. March 5, 1786, d. Sept. 7, 1805. 8. POLLY, b. May 9, 1788, m. March, 18, 1806, Jonathan Barnard of Hancock, d. Sept. n, 1801. 9. JOSEPH, b. at Greenfield, March 26, 1789, m. July 4, 1817, Sally White of Peterboro. He d. at Peterboro, Nov. 28, 1873- 10. BENJAMIN, b. March 26, 1789, (twin with Joseph), m. first, Jane Alexander, second, Ruth Nutt, d. at Wilton, 111. n. ANNA H., b. June 25, 1791, m. May 29, 1810, Samuel Tyrrell of Hancock, d. at Plum Island, 111. 12. ABIGAIL J., b. July 3, 1793, m. Dec. i, 1836, Francis Thompson. 13. EZRA DUTTON, b. June 10, 1795, m. I/ucy Cilly. He d. at Brooks, Me. Nov. n, 1868. 14. PHEBE, b. April 21, 1797, m. first, Meshack Tenny, m. sec- ond, Gales, m. third, Black, m. fourth, Blair. 15. EPHRAIM, b. at Antrim, March 25, 1800, d. Sept. 5, 1800. 16. SAMUEL, b. at Antrim, Sept. 9, 1802, m. 1831, Sarah A. Wheeler. He d. at Bennington. JOSIAH DUTTON CRAM, son of Nathan and Rachel (Button) Cram ; born March 28, 1799 ; married Deidamia Button, daughter of Benjamin and Sarah (Stiles) Button. She was born April 29, 1784; died at Han- cock, July, 1858. Children, none born at Lyndeborough : Deidamia, Benjamin, Josiah, Sally, Nathan, Reuben, Joseph, Sally, Rachel, Relief, Reuben D., Abigail. BENJAMIN CRAM, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth Cram of Woburn, Mass., born at Lyndeborough, in 1754 ; died July 31, 1836. He married Olive, daughter of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Cram) Chamberlain, born Aug. 16, 1750. Children : 1. DANIEL, who died when about 17 years of age. 2. BENJAMIN, -}- BENJAMIN CRAM, son of Benjamin and Olive (Chamberlain) Cram, GENEALOGIES 721 born March 8, 1774; married July 16, 1799, Sarah, daughter of Eleazer and Hannah (Putnam) Woodward. She was born Feb. 6, 1779. He married second, Polly Vose of Stoughton, Mass., born June 14, 1780; died at New Ipswich, Jan. 8, 1836. He died at New Ipswich, April 12, 1835. The first two children of Benjamin Cram were by his first wife, daugh- ter of his nearest neighbor in I/yndeborough. When a young man he used to drive a double ox-team from Lyndeborough to Boston to sell the produce of the farm, and winters he lived in Boston, for the better opportunities to earn money. His first wife died in Boston, where he also met his second wife, Polly Vose, daughter of Jeremiah and Hannah (Holmes) Vose. Children born at Lyndeborough : 1. ABIJAH, b, December, 1800, killed by falling at a mill rais- ing in Troupsbury, N. Y., Dec. 13, 1826. 2. SARAH, b. June 12, 1804, m. Oct. 16, 1828, Thomas Whit- ing, b. at kyndeborough, April 30, 1802, d. at Jasper, N. Y. ( Oct. 30, 1878. Children, all born at Jasper, N. Y.: - i. Sarah, b. Aug. 7, 1829, m. William Schenck, Dec. 25, 1849, res. at Jasper; 2. Austis, b. March 28, 1832, res. at Jasper, d. March 12, 1855 ; 3. Oliver, b. Dec. 28, 1834, m - Martha A. Prentice, Dec. 19, 1858, res. at Jasper, N. Y.; 4. Benjamin, b. July 25, 1838, d. Feb. n, 1850, res. Jasper; 5. Harvey, b. May 24, 1841, d. Jan. 26, 1852, res. at Jasper; 6. Cynthia, b. Nov. 8, 1844. 3. HANNAH V., b. Feb. n, 1807, m. Oct. 19, 1831, Alonzo Draper. She d. Jan. 29, 1892. 4. MARY, b. Sept. n, 1810, d. June 17, 1833. 5. L,UKE, b. July 25, 1812, d. March 18, 1879, at Fitchburg, Mass., m. Nov. 29, 1840, Sarah A, Preston. 6. DANIEL,, + 7. HIRAM, b. Nov. 3, 1818, d. March 2, 1854, at Yuba Co., Cal. 8. BENJAMIN H., b. March 19, 1820, m. Elizabeth Bradbury Leighton, Oct. 17, 1842. 9. JEREMIAH, b. April n, 1822, d. Sept. 21, 1844. DANIEL CRAM, son of Benjamin and Polly (Vose) Cram; born in Lyndeborough, Jan. 8, 1815 ; died in Boston, Mass., Jan. 10, 1898 ; occupa- tion, contractor. He married Feb. 22, 1841, Mary Ann MacNulty, born in Northumberland, Eng., June 2, 1817; died in Boston, Mass., Nov. i, 1898. He was educated in the village school. At an early age he was compelled to work, and at fifteen did a man's work in a brick yard. At the age of twenty he was a foreman in charge of railroad construction. When the Boston & Albany R.R. was in course of construction over the Berkshire hills, he had charge of some of the work. He was one of the pioneer contractors of Massachusetts, having built reservoirs, dams, sea- walls, wharves and railroad work in and around Boston. He also went 722 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH up into New York state in the '50*3 and built a railroad. In 1850 he had the " gold fever," and crossed the isthmus of Panama to California, where he erected the first crushing machine put up in that country, for the Fremont Mining Co. He also had very valuable claims, but had to sell them for a small price and come away, being sick with the fever so prev- alent in those days in California. During the Rebellion he was one of a firm which had a large govern- ment contract to supply certain regiments with beef. In 1876 he went to Canada, having a large contract on the celebrated Welland Canal at St. Catharine, Ont., remaining three years. He then came over to New York state, had contracts on the four-tracking of the N. Y. Central, and also on the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R. He was of an inventive turn, having invented and patented a cap for a derrick at eighty years of age. He retired from active work about his seventy-fifth year. He had always been a Baptist in faith, and at the age of seventy-seven he was baptized and taken into the church. He was a man of wonder- ful strength and fine physique, standing six feet high, weighing 250 Ibs. He lifted 1,125 Iks. dead weight, without harness, three railroad rails, in the presence of a number of people in East Boston.* Children, all born in Boston : 1. GEORGE WASHINGTON, -f- 2. MARY JANE, b. June 25, 1843. 3. ELIZABETH ANN, b. Aug. 14, 1845. 4. DANIEL HENRY, b. Aug. 12, 1847, m. Alice B. Barry of Boston, Mass. 5. SARAH MELISSA, b. July 24, 1849, m. Menas Faustinode de Mena of Porto Rico. 6. JOSEPHINE LILLY, June n, 1852, m. Eugene Francis Smith of Newark, N. J. 7. ADELINE NELDA, b. Sept. 13, 1854, m. Alva Leonard Spring, d. New York City. 8. IDA MAY, b. Jnly 25, 1856, d. Boston, May 16, 1858. 9. BENJAMIN MANLY, b. Aug. 19, 1858, m. Olive Orinda Hunt of Bath, N. Y., Feb. 7, 1883. GEORGE WASHINGTON CRAM, son of Daniel and Mary Ann (MacNulty) Cram, was born at East Boston, Mass., Jan. 25, 1842 ; married Lydia Ann Bartlett of Newburyport, Mass., Jan. 25, 1865, who was born July n, 1841, daughter of Horace William Bartlett of Salem, Mass., and Ann Maria Currier of Newburyport, Mass. He was by occupation a rail- road contractor. Mr. Cram, though but a grandson of I/yndeborough, with commendable loyalty to his kindred, wished to have a name and place with his worthy ancestry in our history. When he had been re- quested by a relative to give some account of what he had done in his line of work, he gave a summary of his achievements which is so re- markable as to have few parallels anywhere. He is a railroad contractor and builder and wrote, " I built the Bethel and Hawleyville Branch * Substance of above sketch given by his son George Washington Cram. GENEALOGIES 723 Road, the Peterboro R. R. from Wilton to Greenfield, N. H. ; the Swampscott & Marblehead Branch road, the North Brookfield Branch road, the additional tracks from New Rochelle Junction to Mamaroneck, for the N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. Co., that portion of the Meriden, Water- bury & Cromwell R. R. through Waterbury, difficult work it was too ; and the contract for the rock excavations through the Newtons in 1896- 1897, for the Boston & Albany R. R. Co., and portions of the old Boston & Hartford R. R. east of Willimantic and west of Waterbury, Conn, the Delaware, I/ackawanna & Western R. R. through Steuben Co., and sub- contract for sections 17 and 18, earth work and timber, do. the Welland Canal through Thorold, Canada. I have built Waterworks, Sewers in various cities and towns here in the New England States." "I superintended and built the dam for the Borough of Norwalk, Ct., in Lewisboro, N. Y. I do not suppose every grandson of I/yndeborough has built as many miles of railroad as I have here in the New England States. I have done more large contracts than my father and brother together have done." " The Sewer contracts, large ones, were for the city of Salem, towns of North Brookfield and Southbridge, Mass. The same for the Borough of Norwalk, Conn., in the town of New Rochelle, N. Y., New Bedford Water Works, City of Salem extensions to the Willows ; So. Norwalk, Ct., Norwalk and Waterbury, Ct., and Welland Canal." Children : . 1. ALBERT STEVENS, b. at Newburyport, Oct. 31, 1865, d. at Norwalk, Conn., Oct. 26, 1890. He studied law during the years 1884 and 1885, at the law school of Yale Uni- versity, New Haven, Conn. He had to give up studying, owing to ill health. 2. GEORGE EVERSLEIGH, b. at Norwalk, Conn., Oct. 14, 1875. He graduated from the Norwalk ' ' Over River ' ' school in 1892, and prepared with private tutors for the Sheffield Scientific School. He graduated from the Sheffield Scien- tific School June 28, 1898, with the degree of Ph.B. He was a member of the Freshman boat crew of 1898, which beat the Harvard and Columbia Freshmen boat crews at New lyondon. He pulled the bow oar. He entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University in the City of New York, October, 1897. He is a member of the Protestant Episcopal Church, of which the entire family of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Cram are members. 3. ALICE BARTLETT, b. at Norwalk, Conn., Oct. 15, 1877. 4. CLARENCE CURRIER, b. at Norwalk, Conn., Feb. 28, 1880. JOHN CRAM, son of John and Susanna (Fuller) Cram, born in Wilton, Oct. 15, 1768; married Nov. 25, 1784, Olive, daughter of Jacob and Isabella (Hutchinson) Cram of Lyndeborough. She was born Oct. 6, 1769; died at Hallowell, Me., March 16, 1851. He died at Hallowell, 724 HIS TOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH Me., June 4, 1818. Two of their children born at Lyndeborough and the last two at Gardiner, Me. : 1. DANIEL, b. July 23, 1790, m. Polly French of Jay, Me., March 20, 1813. He d. at Hallowell, Me., May 8, 1827. 2. OLIVE, b. June 14, 1792, m. Nov. 3, 1814, Jeremiah Mc- Causlin, d. Oct. 18, 1851, at West Gardiner, Me. 3. BENJAMIN, b. Jan. 3, 1802, m. Sept. 30, 1824, Phebe Good- win of Hallowell, Me. He d. at New Orleans, June 4, 1829. 4. JACOB, b. Aug. 2, 1804, d. young. CUMMINGS. DBA. SAMUEL S. CUMMINGS came to Lyndeborough from Bed- ford, N. H., in 1850. He came on a bed, having been accidently shot at a muster, and his shoulder shattered. He lived at the Center in the house with Nathaniel Jones for a short time and then removed to a farm about a mile north of the South Village where he lived the remain- der of his days. He was made a deacon of the Baptist Church in 1881. He was born in Bedford, N. H., July 26, 1818 ; married Mary E. Dow of Wolfboro, N. H., Sept. 7, 1845. She was born Jan. 5, 1828. He died Sept. 7, 1897. Children : 1. CHARLES P., + 2. MARY T. ELLA, b. in Bedford, N. H., July 29, 1848, m. James F. Haley of Salem, Mass., Nov. 28, 1867, d. Nov. 5, 1881. 3. L/YDIA J., b. in Lyndeborough, April 18, 1850, d. Aug. 28, 1854. 4. ALFARETTA, b. in Lyndeborough, April 24, 1853, d. June 5, 1854. 5. WILLIE H., b. in L/yndeborough, Sept. 25, 1855, m. Minnie F. Roach of Boston, Mass., June 27, 1887. She was born March 27, 1861. Res. in Manchester, N. H. 6. SANFORD S., b. in Lyndeborough, Jan. 24, 1858, m. Jennie S. Jacobs of L/ynn, Mass., April 4, 1884. She was b. Jan. 14, 1864. Res. in Lynn, Mass. 7. HARRY E., b. Nov. 24, 1860, m. Sadie E. Blake of Lynn, Mass., May 31, 1888. She was b. Feb. 5, 1868. Res. in Beverly, Mass. 8. EMMA A., b. April 7, 1853, d. Oct. i, 1854. (Adopted) CHARLES P. CUMMINGS, son of Samuel S. and Mary (Dow) Cum- mings, born in Bedford, N. H., April 16, 1847; married Nellie E. Wood- worth of Fayette, Me., Nov. 30, 1871. She was born July 16, 1849. He is a carpenter and resides in Manchester, N. H. CUMMINGS. LANGDON B. CUMMINGS. Langdon, Nathan, and Charles J. Cum- GENEALOGIES 725 mings were brothers. Langdon B., born March 13, 1826 ; married Sept. 5, 1861, Sarah A. French, daughter of Sumner French of I/yndeborough. She was born Dec. 9, 1844. He removed to Milford, N. H., and died April 29, 1887. Children : 1. MARY H., b. March n, 1863, in I/yndeborough. 2. NELLIE M., b. Jan. 19, 1868, m. Fred N. Burnham of Mil- ford, N. H., Jan. 21, 1890. 3. CHARGES P., b. Oct. 16, 1871. 4. MARSHALL F., b. Oct. 16, 1871. 5. ABBIE B., b. Jan. 25, 1874. NATHAN P. CUMMINGS, born in Rindge, N. H., June 29, 1828 ; married July 3, 1851, Mary A. Whitcomb of Rindge, N. H. She was born June 21, 1833. He died Sept. 3, 1883. Children : 1. NETTIE M., m. Robert C. Mason. (See Mason gen.) 2. ELIZA J., b. Feb. 8, 1855, m - Myron E. Smith of Ashby, Mass., Feb. 22, 1882. 3. EMMA E., b. Feb. 25, 1857, m. Alton Battles of Westminster, Mass., Dec. 25, 1882. 4. GEORGE P., b. March 15, 1859, m. Myra L. Brackett of Peterboro, N. H., Jan. 16, 1889. 5. LULA E., b. Oct. 4, 1861, m. July 5, 1880, Frank O. Baxter of Boston, b. May 13, 1863. 6. HENRY A., b. Jan. 24, 1864. 7. ERNEST J., b. July 7, 1867, m. May Lynch of Lynn, Mass. 8. BURTT L., b. Aug. 15, 1871. 9. SADIE G., b. May 9, 1876. ERNEST J., BURTT L>, SADIE G. were b. in Lyndeborough. CHARLES J. CUMMINGS came to I/yndeborough from Rindge in 1861 ; born Dec. 9, 1830 ; married Nov. 27, 1852, Sarah Eliza, daughter of Nathan and Sarah (Newell) Moore of Sharon. She was born April 25, 1834. Resides on the Chenery place. Children : 1. WILLIAM H., b. at Rindge. 2. VIOLA E., b. at Sharon, April 7, 1856, d. May 25, 1856. 3. MYRA L., b. at L/eola, Wis., May 14, 1858, m. Oct. n, 1886, Charles A. Hibbard of Stoneham, Mass. He d. at Lynde- borough, July 4, 1891. 4. CHARLES W., b. at Lyndeborough, July 20, 1862, d. Oct. i, 1862. 5. FRANK E., + FRANK E. CUMMINGS, son of Charles J. and Sarah E. (Moore) Cuminings, born July 24, 1863; married Oct. i, 1885, Minnie F., daughter 726 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH of Brackley and Abigail (Rutherford) Rose of Wilton. She was born May 14, 1865. Child : i. IRWIN E., b. Aug. 19, 1886. CURTIS. The name Curtis is of English origin and was first adopted by a family residing in Bucks County, England. The descendants of this family spread into Essex and Lincolnshire Counties during the reign of Edward I, and also to Cambridgeshire and Hunts. From this line was one Israel Curtis, born in London, England, who sailed for America in 1725, bringing with him a son also named Israel. They settled in Middleton, Mass., where the younger Israel married Abigail - in 1744. They had eight children, some of the descen- dants of whom still reside in Middleton, Mass. EH, son of Israel and Abigail, born Jan. 18, 1754, married Susanna Wilkins and removed to Reading, Mass. They had four children and this family moved to Lyndborough May 8, 1796, and settled on what has since been known as Beech Hill, then a part of Lyndeborough, since annexed to Mt. Vernon. ELI CURTIS, son of Israel and Abigail Curtis, born Jan. 18, 1754; died Aug. 18, 1835 ; married Susanna Wilkins. Children born in Reading, Mass. : -f 2. ASHER, -j- 3. EDITH, 4. SUSAN, m. John Hartshorn. (See Hartshorn gen.) ELI CURTIS, son of Eli and Susanna (Wilkins) Curtis, born Jan. 10, 1784 ; married Sarah Loring of New Boston, N. H. She was a daughter of William Loring and granddaughter of John Loring, who sailed from England under command of Gen. Wolf and fought at the capture of Quebec. She died Nov. 30, - . He died Aug. 7, 1876. Although Mr. Curtis owned a farm his chief occupation was lumbering, sawing the logs in his own mill which was situated east of where E. C. Curtis lives on the brook running from Badger Pond. He also teamed to Boston, carry- ing goods both ways and making the entire trip with oxen. He was firm in his religious and political beliefs. A strong Republican, he always considered it his duty to be at town meeting and cast his vote. A stanch Orthodox and member of the Congregational Church, with keen black eyes, snow-white hair, his presence at church was noticeable long after deafness prevented his hearing a word the preacher said. Children, all born in Lyndeborough : 1. JOHN L,., b. July 19, 1817, d. April 16, 1834. 2. SARAH A., b. Nov. 15, 1818, d. April 30, 1894. 3. ELI C., + 4. ISRAEL W., + 5. WILLIAM, b. April 17, 1826, d. May 31, 1836. 6. BETSEY A., b. May 5, 1827, m. Robert K. L/ynch. (See L/ynch gen.) GENEALOGIES 727 7. WILLIAM W., + 8. ISAIAH B., -f- 9. ASHER, + 10. HANNAH D., b. June 27, 1835, m I*evi A. Tyler. (See Tyler gen.) 11. HIRAM F., b. Oct. 7, 1837, d. Mar. 19, 1896. 12. OLIVA J., b. May 23, 1842, m. John Baldwin of Wilton, N. H., d. Sept. 19, 1866. ELI CLARK CURTIS, son of Eli and Sarah (Coring) [Curtis ; born May 3, 1821 ; married Betsey A., daughter of Asher and Clarissa (Carkin) Curtis, Nov. 14, 1844. She was born May 21, 1827. In his boyhood days he worked in his father's mill and in the timber districts, excepting the few weeks that was then considered necessary for school purposes. But, nevertheless, he improved the spare moments in reading and study, and being an earnest student, succeeded in gaining a good education. He possessed great musical ability, and devoted much time and money to gaining a thorough knowledge of the art. Probably no one in the state has a better technical knowledge of the science of music than he. For many years he taught singing classes in adjoining towns, driving there and returning home the same night after a hard day's work in the woods. He was a member of the Philharmonic Institute of Boston, and a leader of church choirs for many years. He was largely engaged in lumbering operations, owning and running a saw mill on his farm. For the last twenty years farming and raising milk for the Boston market has been his business. He is a Republican in politics and a strong supporter of the Congregational church, of which he is a member and a deacon. He was a member of the Lafayette Artillery Co., serving as captain at one time. He was a soldier in the Civil War. (See Chap. X.) He was a charter member of Pinnacle Grange, and also a charter member of Hillsborough County Pomona Grange. He has served on the board of selectmen, and represented his town in the legis- lature in 1872 and 1873. His wife, Betsey Ann Curtis, is a woman of marked individuality, and leaves an impress upon all with whom she be- comes associated. With a good musical education and a magnificent voice she was indeed a noted singer in her day. In the social life of Lyndeborough, in the grange that was dear to her heart, she has been a helper of ability and influence. Their daughters, Clara and S. Kate, were educated as teachers. Children : 1. ISAIAH B., b. Oct. 10, 1849. 2. CLARA A., b. Aug. 6, 1863, m. first, Everett A. Cram of L,yndeborough ; second, Samuel J., son of James and Nancy (Morse) Sheldon of Wilton, N. H., d. May 19, 1884. 3. S. KATE, b. March 4, 1858. m. Albert K. Swinnington. (See Swinnington gen.) ISRAEL W. CURTIS, son of Kli and Sarah fLoring) Curtis, born Dec. 21, 1823 ; married Sarah, daughter of Joseph and Charlotte (Merrill) HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH Haggett, Nov. 28, 1850. She was born Aug. 16, 1833. He removed to Wilton, N. H., and died Oct. 8, 1889. Children : 1. ELI J., b. Dec. 29, 1851, m. first, Elsie Daniels; second, Jan. 4, 1886, Ella, dau. of Nathan and Sarah (Bruce) Richardson. She was b. March 12, 1854, d. June 27, 1891. He d. Aug. 31, 1891. 2. CLINTINA S., b. Dec. 28, 1854, m. Dr. A. A. Whitney of Adrian, Mich. 3. HATTIE L,., b. Dec. 16, 1859, d. March 28, 1866. 4. NETTIE C., b. March n, 1862, d. Sept. 13, 1878. 5. WALTER J., b. March 3, 1867. WILLIAM W. CURTIS, son of Eli and Sarah (Loring) Curtis, born June 28, 1829; married Oct. 23, 1851, Hannah D., daughter of Charles and Abigail (Jones) Parker. She was born Dec. i, 1834. He received his education in the schools of Lyndeborough, at Mont Vernon academy and had private instruction by Rev. E. B. Claggett. He taught school for a number of years, and was superintendent of schools for seven years. He then turned his attention to farming and lumbering. Always on the alert for business, he bought many wood lots and had the wood cut and shipped from Wilton. He also kept a general store at the "centre " for a number of years. He packed and sealed the first fruit ever sold on the market in glass cans. They were sold by J. W. Tufts of Boston, pharmacist. He was the first to ship a lading of apples from this country to England to be sold by auction. The undertaking was a success and he followed the business of buying apples for twelve years, shipping about four hundred thousand barrels. For sending a most excellent package to Queen Victoria he was made a purveyor to her majesty. The apples were selected and packed by Oliver Perham of Lyndeborough. The queen accepted the fruit and acknowledged its receipt by a letter written by her private secretary and sealed by her own hand. He made a study of music, and was a member of the Congregational Church choir for many years. He was active and energetic in all that he undertook to do. He was connected with many business enterprises. He died at Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 24, 1904. Children : 1. ABBIE F., b. June 10, 1856, m. I^uke Beard of Wilton, d. Dec. 23, 1899. Children : Elmer, Gertrude, Florence. 2. CHARLES P., b. Oct. 4, 1858, d. Jan. 23, 1882. 3. WILLIS C., b. June 26, 1860, m. Feb. 9, 1891, Carrie Trow- bridge. 4. GEORGE B., b. Sept. 29, 1862, d. Oct. 16, 1862. ISAIAH B. CURTIS, son of Eli and Sarah (Loring) Curtis, born July 23, 1831; married June 6, 1855, MaryJ., daughter of David and Bethiah (Wilson) Holt of Lyndeborough. She was born Jan. 20, 1833. Chil- dren : i. ASHER B., b. April 8, 1856, d. July 19, 1862. GENEALOGIES 729 2. LIZZIE; B., b. Jan, n, 1859, d. Sept. 19, 1862. 3. IDA B., b. Sept. 22, 1860, d. July 4, 1886. 4. LAVADE, b. June 20, 1863, d. Jan. 19, 1884. 5. DEI,BERT W., b. Oct. 6, 1864, d. Oct. 24, 1867. 6. LIZZIE G., b. April 3, 1870, m. Walter S. Tarbell. (See Tarbell gen.) 7. AGNES C., b. April 5, 1875. ASHER CURTIS, son of Eli and Sarah (Coring) Curtis, born Aug. 9, 1833; married Clara, daughter of Albert and Reliance (Reed) Farns- worth of Wilton, N. H., April 28, 1864. She was born Feb. 24, 1849. He resides on the Amaziah Blan chard place. Was a soldier in the Civil War. (See Chapter X.) Children : - 1. KTTA J., b. Aug. 25, 1865, m. George P. Chandler of Wil- ton, N. H., Sept. 15, 1885. Children: Eva, Carl L., , Lora A., Grace B. 2. EDWARD I,., b. Dec. 8, 1867, m. Ella, dau. of John and Martha (Blodgett) Hall of South Dudswell, Canada. She was b. March 28, 1867. They were m. Sept. 13, 1893. She d. March 4, 1905. 3. AUCE C., b. Nov. 19, 1874, d. April 9, i! ASHER CURTIS, son of Eli and Susanna (Wilkins) Curtis; born July 14, 1786; married Clarissa A., daughter of Aaron and Betsey (Duncklee) Carkin of Lyndeborough, Dec. 22, 1818. She was born Nov. 13,1797; died Dec. 8, 1880. He lived on one of the best farms in Johnson's Corner. He was an extensive farmer and his wife an expert in the converting of wool into yarn and cloth, and flax into a great variety of table linen. This old-fashioned way of carding, spinning and weaving, by which our ancestors were clothed, and the skill and labor of the mothers of those days in making their families comfortable is worthy of mention, for it is almost a " lost art." Mr. Curtis used to burn quantities of charcoal and carry it to market. He was an old-fashioned Whig and Republican in politics and a Congre- gationalist in religious belief, and a noted singer in his day. He died April 21, 1876. Children : 1. KII.BURN S., -f- 2. BETSEY ANN, b. May 21, 1827, m. Eli Clark Curtis. S. CURTIS, son of Asher and Clarissa (Carkin) Curtis, born July 6, 1821 ; died Sept. 5, 1893 ; married first, Z,ucy, daughter of Daniel and L,ucy (Burnham) Woodward, November, 1850. She was born - ; d. May 19, 1853; second, Frances A., daughter of David and Ann (Cochran) Holt, Oct. 9, 1861. She was born Feb. 16, 1840. He was a very active, energetic man, widely known. At one time he was largely interested in the buying of wood lots and the cutting and sale of wood. I/ike all the Curtis family he was a great lover of music and a member of the church choir for years. He had the misfortune to become almost 730 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH wholly blind the last year or two of his life. Children, all by second wife : 1. ALLISON W., b. Nov. 3., 1862, d. Aug. 29, 1863. 2. ANNIE M., b. Dee. 19, 1864. 3. ELTON G., b. Oct. 26, 1867. 4. JOHN M., b. Sept. 3, 1869, m. Rosie E., dau. of Jason and Rosie (Young) Holt, Sept. u, 1894. Child : Frances A., b. April 5, 1904. 5. ALFRED Iy., b. July 23, 1875. Educated at Harvard College. DANFORTH. EDGAR A. DANFORTH, son of Capt. George and Sarah (Melzer) Danforth, born May 12, 1846; married first, Oct. i, 1867, Susie A., daugh- ter of John and Sophia (Ober) Marvell of Milford. She was born 1847 ; died Aug. 28, 1869 ; second, Jennie, daughter of Stephen and Caroline (Austin) Clay of Lowell, Mass, Aug. 13, 1870. She was born Jan. 10, 1853; died Sept. 3, 1898; third, March 9, 1904, Lizzie M., daughter of Samuel and Eliza (Kenson) Eaton, and widow of Frank I/ovejoy. She was born Nov. 14, 1853, at Amherst. In 1868 he owned and operated the stage line from Francestown to Milford. He disposed of this May i, 1874, and in 1875 came to Lynde- borough and entered the employ of the Boston & Lowell R. R. Company as station agent, which position he has held ever since. He is the present efficient town clerk and has held that office 18 years. He was tax collector 14 years. To all the various duties of his positions he brings fidelity and courtesy. DASCOMB. JACOB DASCOMB, son of James and Elizabeth (Farrington) Das- cornb, born Aug. 15, 1760; married Aug. n, 1785, Rachel, daughter of John and Mary (Ellingwood) Dale. She was born July 24, 1762 ; died July i, 1827. He died July 4, 1827. He was a soldier in the Revolution- ary army. In 1809 he removed to Wilton. While in Lyndeborough, he was for several years town clerk and selectman. Children born at Lyndeborough : 1. RACHEL, b. Nov. 15, 1745, m. Timothy Putnam. (See Putnam gen.) 2. SARAH, b. Aug. 12, 1787, m. October, 1809. Archelaus Ful- ler. (See Fuller gen. ) 3. JACOB, b. May 5, 1789, d. Dec. 17, 1789. 4. CALVIN, b. Oct. 29, 1790, m. Rachel Putnam, July 23, 1820. She d. Oct. 10, 1856. He d. Oct. 13, 1859. 5. BETSEY, b. Aug. 14, 1792, m. 1816, John Thurston. 6. LUTHER, b. March 15, 1795, d. Feb. 28, 1797. 7. MARY, b. June 3, 1797, m. Dec. 3, 1835, Samuel W. Dutton of Northfield, Mass. GENEALOGIES 731 8. JACOB, 2ND., b. Aug. 13, 1799. Rem. to Andover, Mass., Nov. 30, 1875. Twice married. 9. lyUTHER, b. Dec. 20, 1801. 10. JAMES, b. June i, 1805. DICKEY. DAVID G. DICKEY, son of Adam and Keziah (Clement) Dickey, born Oct. 24, 1836 ; married first, Oct. 16, 1864, Mary E., daughter of John J. and Abby (Mudgett) Balch. She was born July 17, 1842 ; died March 26, 1900 ; second, Aug. 28, 1900, Mrs. Nellie E. Kenniston of Andover, Mass. She was born March i, 1867. He came to Lyndebor- ough from Deering in 1864. Was superintendent of the town farm for a number of years ; was selectman and held other town offices ; was a soldier in the Civil War. Child, by first wife : i. NEIL J., b. Dec. 14, 1871, d. Feb. 13, 1883. DINSMORE. ABRAHAM DINSMORE and Love, his wife, were evidently among the earliest settlers in the territory of Lyndeborough that was used to form a part of Temple. Abraham, Abraham, Jr., and Zebadiah Dins- more were Revolutionary soldiers and when the alarm came from Ticon- deroga marched in company with 34 others to the front. Abraham and Zebadiah were of those who marched to Cambridge from Temple on the alarm of the igth of April, 1775, as related in the History of Temple. The older children of Abraham, Jr., are recorded as born at Temple, but he must have removed to Lyndeborough for children are also recorded as born there. Record of the children of Abraham and Love Dins- more : i. ABRAHAM I,., b. at Temple, Oct. 12, 1777. 5. SAMUEL, b. at Temple, June 24, 1779. 3. L,OVE, b. at Temple, May 26, 1781. 4. SARAH, b. at Temple, March 22, 1783. 5. EPHRAIM, b. at L/yndeborough, March 21, 1785. 6. GEORGE, b. at L/yndeborough, Dec. 21, 1787. DOLIJVER. CAPT. JOHN B. DOLLIVER was born in Marblehead, Mass, April 22, 1810. His father was in the U. S. Naval Service during the War of 1812. His grandfather came to Lyndeborough about 1775 and purchased a lot of wild land of Jesse Putnam, the deed bearing date November, 1775. When a lad of four years, John came to live with his grand- parents, and after their death he inherited the homestead property. He was a large and powerfully built man, broad-shouldered and strong, of great endurance, and of great industry withal. He was genial and fond of company, enjoying a laugh or a joke, even if it was at his own ex- pense. He took great interest in military matters and in military exer- cises and was captain of the Lafayette Artillery at one time. He married 732 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH first, Lucetta P. Draper of Greenfield, June 3, 1836. She was born April 27, 1816 ; died April 9, 1852 ; married second, Mrs. Abbie E. Conant of Greenfield, N. H., Feb. 3, 1853. She was born July 21, 1819 ; died Dec. 2 9> *%97' He died Sept. 30, 1887. Children, all born in Lynde- borough : By first wife : 1. lyUCETTA J., b. March 5, 1837. 2. SARAH R., b. Oct. 9, 1839, m. Henry Holt of Greenfield 3. BENTON J., b. Jan. 15, 1841. 4. L/YDIA K., b. Nov. 13, 1843. 5. PERSIS B., b. Nov. 30, 1845, m. Frank Brook of Green- field, d. Nov. 28, 1889. 6. GEORGIANNA M., born March 9, 1847, d. July 6, 1870. 7. WILLIAM H., + By second wife : 8. FRANK P., born June 24, 1853. Res. in San Francisco. 9. GEORGE S., born Nov. 20, 1854, d. Feb. 5, 1887. 10. EDWARD W., -f- 11. ABBIE A. G., b. July 13, 1858, m. Fred S. Pickett, Nov. 14, 1882, d. Feb. n, 1895. 12. SAMUEL A., -|- 13. CARRIE E., b. Nov. 13, 1862, m. Warren C. Ordway of Francestown, d. Nov. 26, 1888. 14. L/ouis E., b. Feb. 24, 1864. Res. in San Francisco. WILLIAM H. DOLLIVER, son of John B. and Lucetta (Draper) Dolliver, born Dec. 26, 1849; married Emma J., daughter of Joseph and Mary J. (Putnam) Blanchard of Greenfield. She was born July 8, 1852. Children born in I/yndeborough : i. FLOSSIE L/., b. Jan. 16, 1879. 2- GRACE M., b. Oct. 17, 1883. Two of their children, both boys, d. young. EDWARD W. DOLLIVER, son of John B. and Abbie (Conant) Dol- liver, born Oct. i, 1856; married Sarah (Wilson) Temple of Frances- town, March 18, 1877. She was born March 16, 1856. He is a black- smith and farmer and has a residence and shop on the Forest road near the intersection of the road to the centre. Children : 1. JOHN E., b. Feb. 22, 1878, at Francestown, m. Edith I. Smith, Nov. 2, 1898. She was b. March 16, 1879. Child : Dorothy, b. Nov. 19, 1904. 2. BESSIE C., b. Jan. 31, 1884, at L/yndeborough. 3. LILLIAN W., b. Oct. 19, 1888, at L/yndeborough. SAMUEL A. DOLLIVER, son of John B. and Abbie (Conant) Dol- liver, born Feb. 28, 1860; married Jan. i, 1884, Carrie M., daughter of Sewell M. and Sarah F. (Putnam) Buck. She was born Aug. 30, 1866. GENEALOGIES 733 DONOVAN. The Donovan family is a very ancient one, whether Irish or English history is to be credited. Its age antedates the Danish invasion of England. We shall not attempt to trace the current to its source, how- ever, but shall give instead, a brief account of Rev. Mr. Donovan and of his family. He was born, April 8, 1837, in the parish of Myross, County of Cork, Ireland, and came to America with his parents in 1847. He lived several years in Nova Scotia, then came to Fitchburg, Mass., where he went to school a short time. He went into Vermont in 1857, and began preparation for college; graduated at the University of Vermont in 1864, and at The Newton Theological Institution in 1867 ; was ordained at Belchertown, Mass., in 1867, pastor there till 1869. He also had one pastorate in Rhode Island, two in New York State, and also two in New Hampshire, at Cornish, and at Lyndeborough since 1886. He was married in Baldwinsville, Mass., Nov. 28, 1867, to Miss E. M., daughter of the late Joseph Nichols, M. D., of Springfield, New Hamp- shire. She was born April 20, 1838. Child : i. WINFRED NICHOLS DONOVAN, b. Jan. 24, 1869, in Belcher- town, Mass. He was graduated at Colby College in 1892, and after teaching a short time entered The Newton Theo- logical Institution, graduating in 1898. He is now assis- tant professor of Biblical Interpretation at The Newton Theological Institution, and resides at Newton Centre. Mr. Donovan married, Dec. 23, 1895, Miss Nellie Stuart, born Oct. 27, 1870, daughter of Francis W. Bakeman, D.D., and Ellen (Stuart) Bakeman. Children: Francis Bakeman and Elizabeth Nichols. DUNCKIvEE. The Duncklee family of Lyndeborough is of Scotch descent. The first to come to Lyndeborough, of which any record can be found, was Hezekiah, who came from Danvers, Mass., and settled in that part of Lyndeborough which was afterwards made the town of Greenfield. He was of the fourth generation from Elnathan, who came to America from England and settled in Dedham, Mass., in 1651. It is not known just when he came to Lyndeborough, but he was a soldier in Capt. Peter Clark's company in 1777. (See Chapter X.) His wife was Mehitable White, a sister of Mrs. Aaron Lewis, also of Moses White of Lynde- borough. They were children of Benjamin and Mary White of Dedham, Mass. Hezekiah Duncklee had at least three sons of record. He died in Greenfield, March 10, 1827. Children : 1. EBENEZER, -|- 2. HEZEKIAH, -\- 3. L/EONARD, -f- EBENEZER DUNCKLEE, son of Hezekiah and Mehitable (White) Duncklee ; born Sept. 3, 1781 ; married Lucy Morgan of New Boston. 734 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH She was born 1794; died Aug. 19, 1856. He died Dec. 22, 1864. Reset- tled on a farm near the Nathan Richardson place. Children : 1. ISAAC Iy., -+ 2. LUCY, b. July 25, 1827, d. July 29, 1858. 3. WILLIAM R., -j- ISAAC L. DUNCKLEE, son of Ebenezer and Lucy (Morgan) Dunck- lee; born Sept. 21, 1824; married first, June 17, 1852, Elizabeth H., daughter of Williams and Hannah (Lewis) Woodward, born Feb. 13, 1830; died Feb. 7, 1855. Married second, Jan. 8, 1857, Minerva H. Cud- worth of Greenfield. She was born Feb. 21, 1826; died June 20, 1904. Child by first wife : 1. CHARLES M. b. April 4, 1854, d. Oct. 21, 1858. Children by second wife : 2. L-IZZIE A, b. Dec. 7, 1857, d. Sept. 14, 1858. 3. CLINTIE M., b. July3, 1862. 4. MINNIE A., b. May 6, 1865, d. June 18, 1867. WILLIAM R. DUNCKLEE, son of Ebenezer and Lucy (Morgan) Duncklee ; born Oct. 22, 1831; married May 4, 1862, Ursula J. Richards of Goffstown, born June 29, 1845 > died April 15, 1899, at Lyndeborough. He died June 2, 1898. Was a soldier in the Civil War. (See Chap. X.) Children : 1. WILLIE A., b. Jan. n, 1863, rem. to New York. 2. MINNIE J., b. Feb. 16, 1866, m. William E. Richardson. (See Richardson gen.) 3. ANDY U., b. May 14, 1868, rem. to California. HEZEKIAH DUNCKLEE, son of Hezekiah and Mehitable (White) Duucklee, born Feb. 17, 1784; married Feb. 25, 1812, Anna Bachelder of Greenfield. She was born April 2, 1782; died Aug. 10, 1857. He died Nov. 16, 1863. Children : 1. JULIA ANN, m. Sherebiah Manning. (See Manning gen.) 2. JOHN J., b. May 12, 1817, m. Sarah J. Page, Oct. 19, 1843, rem. to Pennsylvania, d. May 13, 1891. 3. LAJCY M., b. Feb. 27, 1819, d. Feb. 2, 1888, m. Stephen Carleton of Nashua. 4. JOSEPH FLAVEL, b. May 21, 1822, m. Julia M. Patch, Nov. 22, 1857, rem. to Francestown, d. April 3, 1894. 5. HENRY H., b. Sept. 23, 1825, m. Nov. 22, 1849, Cornelia E. Whittemore. He d. May 20, 1888. LEONARD DUNCKLEE, son of Hezekiah and Mehitabel (White) Duncklee ; born Jan. 10, 1794 ; married March 28, 1839, Elizabeth B., daughter of Aaron Lewis, born May 2, 1816; died Dec. 19, 1896. He died April 19, 1863. Child, born in Lyndeborough : i. DANIEL WEBSTER, b. March 10, 1841, rem. to Francestown. GENEALOGIES 735 DUNCKLEE. EDWARD P. DUNCKLEE, son of John M. and Cynthia (Center) Duncklee; born in Greenfield, Jan. 21, 1832; married Dec. 17, 1857, Amanda O., daughter of John M. Follansbee. She was born at Andover, Mass., March 13, 1837 ; died at Boston Aug. 18, 1895. He came to Lynde- borough in 1876 from Stoneham, Mass., where he had been extensively engaged in the manufacture of shoes. He bought the Gage place on the mountain, and remodeled and enlarged the buildings, bought land and established the now well known Pinnacle House, a resort for summer boarders. Children, born at Stoneham, Mass.: 1. EMMA A., b. June 26, 1859, m. Oct. 25, 1876, Charles A. Moody of lyowell, Mass. Of their children, one, Zetta A., was born in L/yndeborough. 2. EDWARD A., b. July 27, 1871. DUREN. ROBERT DUREN married Hannah, daughter of Daniel Putnam, and lived where the Baptist parsonage is. One child, recorded as born at Lyndeborough : i. OSGOOD JOHNSON, b. May 13, 1829. BUTTON. The immigrant ancestor of the Dutton families of Lyndeborough was John Dutton, who came to America in 1630 and settled in Reading, Mass. His son Thomas, with his wife Susanna, lived in Woburn and Reading, Mass., where their children, nine in number, were born. Thomas died Jan. 22, 1667, and his wife died Aug. 27, 1684. They had a son, Thomas, who married Rebecca Draper. By this marriage he had five children. Their son Thomas married Harriet Burge, and thirteen'children were the result of this marriage, all born in Billerica, Mass. Josiah, their fourth son, was born Feb. 21, 1716, and he married Sarah Parker, April 6, 1743. They had eleven children, and were the parents of Benjamin, Jacob, Ezra and William Dutton, who came to Lyndeborough in the early days of its settlement. Jacob and Ezra settled in that part of the town which was an- nexed to Francestown in 1792. William settled on the land now owned by Sewell M. Buck, and Benjamin on the Dutton homestead farm north of the mountain. Reuben inherited the farm from his father, Benjamin, and raised a large family there, and then Benjamin, son of Reuben, occu- pied the farm. It is abandoned now, nothing but a cellar hole and lilac bushes to mark the site. Jacob Dutton married Rhoda Dix. She died in Francestown Feb. 6, 1807. They had nine children. Five of them are recorded as born in Lyndeborough : Jacob, born Dec. 20, 1781 ; Joel, born April 24, 1784; Sara, born Feb. 10, 1786; Olive, born Feb. 5, 1788; An- drew, born May 21, 1789. Their father died in Francestown Nov. 8, 1803. The four brothers who helped settle the town were all born in Notting- ham West, now Hudson, and came to Lyndeborough some time previous to 1780. They served in the Revolutionary army, and their service is de- scribed in another chapter. Benjamin was here as early as 1769, for his 736 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH name is on a petition to have Amherst made the Shire town, dated April 5, 1769. The other three brothers probably came a little later. There is a record of Asa Button and Phene, his wife. Child : Phene, born Feb. 24, 1776. BENJAMIN BUTTON, son of Josiah and Sarah (Parker) Button; born April 27, 1746; married Sarah Stiles. He died Sept. 3, 1803. Chil- dren : 1. BENJAMIN, b. July 17, 1770. 2. SARAH, b. May 15, 1772. .3. REUBEN S. + 4. JACOB, b. Sept. 26, 1776, d. Dec. 2, 1779. 5. SARAH, b. March 19, 1779. 6. AMY, b. July 24, 1781, d. July 6, 1782. 7. DEIDAMIA, b. April 29, 1784. 8. IvOis, b. Sept. 10, 1786, d. Dec. i, 1803. 9. MOSES, b. Mar. 24, 1789. REUBEN S. BUTTON, son of Benjamin and Sarah Button, born Aug. 26, 1774. He married first, Nancy Clark ; second, I/ydia Hyde. He lived on the Button farm north of the mountain. Children by first wife : 1. L,EAFE, b. July 22, 1798. 2. BENJAMIN, -|- 3. REUBEN, b. May 18, 1804, m. Arethusa Evans of Peterboro. He d. at Milford, March 8, 1889. 4. MYNARD and MIANDA (Twins), b. Dec. 2, 1806. Mynard m. Susan Stevens of Andover, Mass. She was b. at An- dover, March 23, 1814, d. at Ayer, Mass., Dec. 29, 1891. Of their two children Eliza J. was b. at Lyndeborough, Aug. 18, 1834, d. at Nashua, July 10, 1849. Philena A. wasb. at Fraucestown, July 12, 1847, m. Charles W. Ather- ton of Greenfield. 5. Lois, b. Aug. 17, 1809. 6. ROXANNA, b. April n, 1813, m. John Balch of Francestown. Children by second wife : 7. SAMUEL, b. June 13, 1824. Rem. to the west. 8. WILLIAM, b. May 27, 1825. Rem. to the west. BENJAMIN BUTTON, son of Reuben and Nancy (Clark) Button, born June 24, 1801 ; married Jan. 27, 1835, Betsey E., daughter of Nehe- tniah and (Putnam) Rand. She was born Aug. 21, 1814. He died Oct. 27, 1869. He lived on the farm his father owned in the northwest part of the town, nothing but the cellar hole to mark the site. Children : i. ANN E., b. Jan. 5, 1838, m. June 3, 1857, John Gage. GENEALOGIES 737 2. MARY J., b. July 7, 1839, m. Edward Kidder of Wilton. 3. BENJAMIN W., b. April 13, 1847, d. March 22, 1866. EZRA BUTTON, son of Josiah and Sarah (Parker) Button, born Aug. ,3) J 755 '. married Phebe ; died Feb. 4, 1794. Children : 1. RICHARD, b. Aug. n, 1779. 2. THOMAS, b, Dec. 14, 1783. 3. PHEBE, b. Aug. 22, 1786. 4. MARY, b. Sept. 19, 1788. 5. ELIZABETH, b. May 19, 1791. CAPT. WILLIAM BUTTON. Among the early settlers of Lynde- borough was William Button, who was born May 23, 1760, at Notting- ham West. He came from Westford, Mass., probably. He married Susanna Reed of that town. He lived where Sewell M. Buck now lives. He died Oct. 9, 1807, aged 48 years. His wife died in 1841, aged 83 years. Their children are all recorded as born in Lyndeborough. He was a captain in the Continental Army. (See Chapter VII.) Children : 1. REBECCA, b. April 20, 1782, m. John Beasom. (See Bea- som gen.) 2. JOHN, b. Jan. 19, 1784, d. Jan. 21, 1784. 3. WILLIAM, -f 4. HILDRETH, b. Sept. i, 1787, m. Sally Putnam of L/ynde- borough. 5. SALLY, b. Oct. 20, 1789, m. Stearns. 6. PERLEY, b. July 21, 1792, m. Fanny Wilkins. 7. SUSANNA, b. Oct. 18, 1795, m. Russell Upton. 8. WARREN, b. Jan. i, 1798. 9. IvUCiNDA, d. unm. 10. REED, b. April 10, 1803, m. first, Oct. 26, 1828, Betsey Burnap, m. second, Betsey Wheeler. WILLIAM Button, son of William and Susannah (Reed) Button, born April 20, 1785 ; married Sarah Beasom. He died April 26, 1828. Sarah (Beasom) Button died in Michigan, Jan. 24, 1857. He early re- moved to Michigan, and was in the banking business there. His descen- dants live at Adrian, Mich. Children : 1. WILLIAM, b. March 8, 1813, d. Oct. 30, 1884. 2. JANE P., b. March 7, 1816, m. a Robbins and rem. to Vine- land, N. J. 3. JOHN A., b. April, 1817, d. Oct. 27, 1861. 4. RODNEY T., b. Sept. 30, 1819, d. June 2, 1855. 5. HILDRETH, b. June 10, 1821, d. Nov. 5, 1846. 6. SARAH A., b. July 24, 1824, d. April, 1852. 7. ANTHONY T., b. April 22, 1826, d. March 22, 1870. 8. LUCINDA, b. Feb. 26, 1828, d. Sept. 23, 1851. 738 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH EASTMAN. GEORGE W. EASTMAN, son of Enoch S. and Sarah E. (Blanchard) Eastman, born at South Tamworth, N. H., Jan. 26, 1858 ; married Annie E., daughter of George W. and Martha L,. Hildrup Musso. She was born at Lynn, Mass. They were married June 29, 1877. He came to Lyndeborough from Lynn, Mass., in 1893, and settled on the Adoniram Russell place. He is a watchmaker and jeweler by trade, and has the distinction of having the only greenhouse in Lyndeborough. Children : 1. MABEL L,., b. at L/ynn, April 15, 1878. 2. HERBERT W., b. at Lynn, Aug. 15, 1882. 3. CLARENCE A., b. at Foxboro, Mass., Aug. 18, 1884. 4. HAROLD, b. at Franklin, Mass., Aug. 3, 1886. 5. EDITH G., b. at Franklin, April 22, 1888. 6. EDGAR L., b. at Lynn, May 10, 1890. 7. ROLAND W., b. at Lynn, March n, 1892. 8. ARTHUR G., b. at Lyndeborough, Nov. 3, 1895. EATON. WARREN A. EATON, born at East Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 8, 1843; married July 9, 1865, C. Annie Nichols of Nova Scotia. She was born July 19, 1841. He came to Lyndeborough from Cambridge in May, 1886, and bought the water power known as Buttrick's Mills. Here he oper- ated a saw and grist mill and carried on a small farm until October, 1900, when he removed to Somerville, Mass. He early won the esteem of the people of Lyndeborough, and was a member of the board of selectmen. Children: i. CARL A., b. Dec. 29, 1880, d. in Lyndeborough, Feb. 2, 1894. Charles R. Carter, a nephew of Mr. Eaton, lived in his family, born Aug. 10, 1878. FRANK H. EATON, son of George D. and Eliza (Southwick) Eaton ; born Feb. i, 1855; married April 10, 1886, Georgia Landers of Yarmouth, N. S. She was born March 13, 1856. He is a brother of Warren A., and came to Lyndeborough from Somerville, Mass., in 1884. He bought a farm on the Forest road above Joseph Blanchard's place, and lived there until 1899, when he returned to Somerville. He was one of the board of selectmen, and took an active part in the social affairs of South Lynde- borough. Children, all born in Lyndeborough : 1. BERTHA A., b. Oct. 24, 1888. 2. CHESTER E., b. March 28, 1890. 3. LEWIS J., b. Jan. 4, 1892. 4. LOTTIE M., b. April 2, 1895. 5. LENA A., b. Jan. 3, il GENEALOGIES 739 ELLJNGWOOD. SAMUEL ELLINGWOOD came to Lyndeborough from Amherst in 1810 and lived on a place now owned by E. C. Curtis in the south part of the town. There is a record in the town book of births of Ebenezer, son of Joseph and Sarah Ellingwood, born Dec. 31, 1774. Joseph may have been the father of Samuel, also. Jacob, one of the sons died at the town farm. One of the daughters married Uriah Cram. (See Cram gen.) We have no further record of this family. EMERY. ENVILLE J. EMERY was the pastor of the Baptist church at South Lyndeborough for a number of years. He came to Lyndeborough about 1855 from Nashua, N. H. Child : i. MADALON, m. Albert Wheeler, res. at East Jaffrey. JOHN M. EMERY, son of Jacob and Betsey (March) Emery ; born July n, 1829 ; died Sept. 6, 1891 ; married Ann M., daughter of James and Sarah (Brown) Bradford, April 26, 1857. She was born July 21, 1841. John was a brother of Enville, and came to Lyndeborough from Nashua about the same time. He was a fine singer and taught singing school in the winter season, and his services were in request as a musician. He re- sided in South Lyndeborough. Children, born in Lyndeborough : 1. HARLAN E., + 2. CLINTIE A., b. Sept. 13, 1871. Is a teacher and res. at Winthrop, Mass. HARLAN E. EMERY, son of John M. and Ann M. (Bradford) Emery; born Jan. 14, 1868 ; married June 20, 1900, May B., daughter of Hubert M. and Eliza A. (Stephenson) Potter of Lowell, Mass. She was born July n, 1871. Child, born in Lyndeborough : i. GLADYS E., b. June 27, 1901. MORRIS M. EMERY, son of Jacob and Betsey (March) Emery; born March 23, 1821 ; married Lois Heath of Henniker. She was born Sept. 13, 1818; died Jan. 2, 1887. He died March n, 1886. He was a seaman, and during the spring and summer months pursued his calling on the water, but generally spent his winters in Lyndeborough. Child, born in Lyndeborough : i. ALICE, b. Feb. ii. EPES.* Daniel Epes in the county of Kent, England, left a widow, who mar- ried Gov. Symonds and came to Ipswich, Mass., bringing with her a son by her former husband named Daniel, who married Elizabeth, daughter of Gov. Symonds, by whom he had a number of children. One of them, Daniel, married Martha Boardman of Cambridge, April 17, 1672. Francis, Joseph and Benjamin Epes were children of Daniel and Hannah (Pres- cott) Epes, and were among the early settlers of Lyndeborough. They were of the fourth generation from Daniel, the immigrant ancestor. * This name is now spelled Epps. 740 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH FRANCIS EPES. The name of Francis Epes appears as one of the early settlers of Lyndeborough. He was the second son of Daniel and Hannah (Prescott) Epes, and settled north of the mountain. He was born Oct. 19, 1740, and married Mary Frost, a daughter of Gen. Frost of Kittery, Me. Their first child is recorded as born July 24, 1768. He was evidently much respected in the town, and entrusted with much of the town business in those early days. He died in Francestown in 1802. He removed to that place in 1790 and settled on the old Fairbanks place south of Driscoll Hill.* His wife died in Lyndeborough. Children, born in Lyndeborough : 1. MARY, b. July 24, 1768, m. Joseph Kidder of Lyndeborough. 2. HANNAH, b. Jan n, 1770, d. in Francestown in 1797. 3. SARAH, b. April 6, 1772, m. Samuel Stevens of Francestown, d. Aug. 8, 1796. 4. ELIZABETH, b. May 26, 1773, m. Israel Balch of Frances- town, d. Dec. 14, 1846. 5. ABIGAIL, b. June 23, 1775, m. Samuel Stevens of Frances- town, d. May 17, 1825. JOSEPH EPES, a younger brother of Francis, also settled in Lynde- borough. He was born March 24, 1763, and married Elizabeth Rand of Lyndeborough. They lived at one time on the place now owned by Mr. Bailey, north of the mountain. He removed to Orleans, N. Y., where he died Nov. 22, 1831. She died at the same place June 24, 1849. Children, born in Lyndeborough : 1. JOSEPH, b. Aug. 17, 1787. 2. ELIZABETH, b. April 3, 1791. 3. HANNAH, b. April 15, 1796. 4. LEWIS, b. July 17, 1798. 5. NEHEMIAH, b. April 9, 1801. 6. DANIEL, b. Oct. 27, 1793. There is also a record of Polly and Dolly, twin daughters of Benjamin Epes and Anna his wife, b. Nov. 24, 1787. Henry, son of the same, b. Aug. 10, 1789. FARRINGTON. DAVID FARRINGTON came to Lyndeborough some time previous to 1800, probably in 1790, though the exact date is not known. He married Mary C., daughter of Dr. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Cleaves) Jones. She was born Jan. 20, 1781. Children, born in Lyndeborough : 1. MARY, b. Nov. 12, 1800, m. Caleb Leonard and rem. to Stockbridge, Vt. 2. ABIGAIL, b. March 21, 1803, m. Oliver Bixby. (See Bixby gen.) * Francestowu History. GENEALOGIES 741 3. ELIZA, b. Feb. 24, 1807, m. Nov. 6, 1828, Nehetniah Epps of Francestown. 4. HULDAH, b. Dec. 1 8, 1811, m. Nov. 13, 1839, Oliver Bixby. (See Bixby gen.) 5. SARAH, m. Royal Tupper. FISH. NATHAN FISH, born in Mason, Nov. 9, 1771 ; married 1795, Hannah E. Russell of Wilmington, Mass. She was born July 9, 1778. In early life he was indentured to Samuel Stiles of I/yndeborough and Susanna his wife to dwell with them and serve them until he should reach the age of twenty-one years. In return he was to be taught the "art and mys- tery of husbandry." Among the old papers which he left is his commis- sion as 4th sergeant in the 3rd company of the 26th Regt., S. M., signed by Lieut. Col. Benj. Pierce of Hillsborough, the father of Gen. Franklin Pierce, president of the United States. He was sworn in by Capt. Peter Clark, Justice of the Peace. Children : 1. NATHAN, JR., -f- 2. NATHANIEL R., -+- 3. DANIEL, b. May i, 1800, m. Jan. 24, 1822, Patty, dau. of Thomas and Patty .(Coburn) Bradford of Lyndeborough. She was b. Feb. 7, 1802. He d. April 16, 1886 in Temple. 4. HANNAH, b. Sept. 17, 1803, d. Jan. 12, 1883. 5. ANNA, b. Feb. n, 1805, d. Aug. 27, 1884. 6. MARY ANN, b. March 27, 1808, m. Dec. 29, 1826, Dr. Co- burn of Wilton. 7. SARAH S., b. Oct. 12, 1810, d. Oct. 28, 1886. 8. RUSSELL, b. May n, 1812, d. June 4, 1812. 9. JOHN R., b. Oct. 13, 1814, d. May 4, 1846. He was driving a team down the hill near Buttrick's mill when one of the oxen became unyoked, and in endeavoring to keep the yoke off the ground he was run over and killed. 10. NEHEMIAH, -f- 11. MARTHA, b. Sept. 6, 1818, d. April 15, 1844. 12. CAROLINE M., b. May 8, 1820, m. L/evi H. Woodward. (See Woodward gen.) NATHAN FISH, JR. Son of Nathan and Harriet E. (Russell) Fish; born in Wilton, Dec. 2, 1795; married April 4, 1834, Sally, daughter of Thomas and Lucy (Parker) Draper, born Aug. 30, 1810 ; died Feb. 23, 1856. He died Sept. 27, 1886. Children : 1. RHODA, m. Joseph Blanchard. (See Blanchard gen.) 2. NATHAN A., m. Mary Young. 3. JOSEPH D. 742 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH 4. GEORGE L. H., d. in the army. Of these children one, Rhoda, was born at Lyndeborough, the other three at Temple. NATHANIEL R. FISH, son of Nathan and Hannah E. (Russell) Fish; born in Temple, Nov. n, 1796; married Sept. 19, 1820, Rebecca Palmer of Methuen, Mass. She died Oct. 3, 1882. He resided in Peter- borough for many years, but died in Lyndeborough Feb. 7, 1889. Chil- dren : 1. REBECCA, b. April 2, 1822, m. David C. Grant of Lyndebor- ough. (See Grant gen.) 2. ASCENETH, b. July 10, 1823, d. Oct. 14, 1839. 3. ELSEY, b. March 24, 1826, m. Franklin H. Kidder of Lynde- borough. (See Kidder gen.) 4. EDWIN N., b. Jan. n, 1828. 5. JAMES G., b. Jan. 2, 1830. 6. GEORGE O., b. Aug. 18, 1832, d. May 26, 1873. 7. SARAH E., b. July 13, 1836, m. Benjamin G. Herrick. (See Herrick gen.) 8. WILLIAM R., b. Jan. 18, 1839, m. Sarah Raymond of Green- field, res. in Keene. Children : Arthur, Willie. NEHEMIAH FISH, son of Nathan and Hannah E. (Russell) Fish; born Feb. 20, 1817 ; married Nov. n, 1845, Lydia Spofford. She was born in Clarendon, Vt., June 18, 1822. He died in Greenfield Feb. 6, 1894. Children : 1. HARRIET, died young. 2. JOHN I,., born in I/yndeborough Jan. 3, 1854 ; married Sept. 5, 1883, Ida M. Newton, b. in Claremont, Oct. 22, 1854. 3. Ai^ivEN, b. in 1856, d. in infancy. 4. LYDIA M., b. March 10, 1862, m. John Flint, d. April 19, 1894. FISKE. EBENEZER FISKE was the son of Benjamin and Lydia (Hobbs) Fiske. He came to L,yndeborough from Danvers, Mass., in 1835. The farm that he bought and settled on was the land that the Rev. Sewall Goodrich chose as part of his settlement and known thereafter as the Goodrich place. It lies north of Badger Pond, and is now owned by William C. Wilder. Mr. Fiske was much respected for his strict integ- rity of character. While taking great interest in the affairs of the town, and always fulfilling the duties of citizenship, he never aspired to public office, and gave his whole time to his business of farming. He was a de- voted member of and a constant attendant at the Congregational church. Failing health compelled him to relinquish the active work of the farm, GENEALOGIES 743 and in 1882 he removed to Milford, where he died after a short illness. He was born Aug. 18, 1809 ; married first, June 8, 1835, Elizabeth, daugh- ter of Simon and Frances (Putnam) Mudge. She was born Aug. 22, 1813; died July 6, 1860. He married second, Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson, widow of Griffin Wilson of Nelson. She was born March 17, 1814. He died March 30, 1883. She died in Milford, Dec. 30, 1893. Children by first wife, all born in I/yndeborough : 1. FRANCES, b. March 30, 1836, m. Levi P. Spalding. (See Spalding gen.) 2. lyYDiA J., b. Dec. 3, 1837, d. in 1840. 3. HERBERT A., + 4. JAMES O., + 5. BENJAMIN M., + 6. JENNIE C., b. April 9, 1846, m. Jan. 31, 1871, William D. Deadman of Wakefield, Mass. Children: William F., b. Aug. 28, 1873 ; Roy S., b. Feb. 25, 1879, d. Oct. 24, 1885 ; Alice M., b. May 19, 1882. 7. JULIA A., b. May 8, 1848, m. March 3, 1880, Edwin Stark of Wakefield, Mass. Children: Theodore F., b. Nov. 14, 1881, Edwin J., b. April 20, 1883, Helen F., b. Feb. 24, 1889. 8. WIU.IAM E., + 9. ALMIRA E., b. Aug. 23, 1852, res. in Wakefield, Mass. HERBERT A. FISKE, son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Mudge) Fiske, born Oct. 18, 1839; married Sept. 28, 1876, Sarah E., daughter of Otis and Mary (Gushing) Cutler. She was born Dec. 8, 1848. He died Feb. 14, 1905. He was for many years the manager of an extensive soda water manufactory in Boston. Child : i. MARY E., b. Aug. 2, 1877. JAMES O. FISKE, son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Mudge) Fiske, born Nov. 21, 1841 ; married June, 1869, Sarah O., daughter of Samuel and Sarah (Goodrich) Jones. She was born Feb. 18, 1846; died Dec. 26, 1894. He died Sept. 8, 1899. Child : i. HARRY B., b. Dec. 17, 1873. BENJAMIN M. FISKE, son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Mudge) Fiske, born March 5, 1844 ; married Dec. 21, 1866, Sarah A. Fletcher of Brighton, Mass. She was born Nov. 8, 1842; died Jan. 8, 1900; married second, Feb. 12, 1902, Sarah Elizabeth Willis. He removed to Brighton in 1864 and entered the employ of Charles Dana in the meat and pro- vision business. In 1866 he bought out the business, and was very suc- cessful from the start. He is one of the assessors of Brighton, a direc- tor in the Market National Bank, a director in the Brighton Savings Bank and a prominent and influential citizen. 744 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH WILLIAM E. FISKE, son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Mudge) Fiske, born Aug. 22, 1850 ; married April 5, 1876, Phebe C., daughter of Otis and Mary (Gushing) Cutler. She was born Aug. 19, 1852. He was col- lector for the Howe Sewing Machine Co. five years and in the provision business in Brighton and Boston nine years. He returned to the home- stead farm in April, 1887, and was farmer and produce dealer until 1902, when he removed to Wilton. He was a strong supporter of the Congre- gational Church, serving as clerk and treasurer of the society for a num- ber of years. Child : i. AGNES GUSHING, b. Sept. 27, 1878, m. George P. Bradford. (See Bradford gen.) FRENCH. ISAAC P. FRENCH, son of David and Lydia (Parker) French, born Oct. 8, 1790 ; married March 26, 1815, Clarissa, daughter of Capt. Nathan and Ann (Remick) Barnes. She was born 1795. He was a grandson of Gen. William French and came from good Revolutionary stock. He was born at Bedford and came from that place to Lyndeborough and settled on the Barren place, now owned by Frank B. Fay. His wife was a sister of John Richardson's wife and also sister of Mrs. Rodney C. Boutwell. His name appears often in the records of the town as hold- ing public office, and he was evidently a man of much ability. He re- moved to Massachusetts about 1850. They had three sons : 1. DAVID, b. Feb. i, 1817. 2. GEORGE W., b. July 25, 1819. 3. CHARLES P. FRENCH. SUMNER FRENCH was born in Fitchburg, Mass., Jan. i, 1806. Came to Lyndeborough in 1852. In 1853 he bought the "Woodward" home- stead farm in the north part of the town. March n, 1871, the old brick house was burned to the ground, and there has been no house there since. Mr. French married Mary L. Rice of Uxbridge, Mass., March 10, 1832. She was born Sept. 4, 1808; died Jan. 8, 1851; married second, Lucy Averill of Mt. Vernon, N. H., Oct. 16, 1851. She was born Sept. 21, 1811. He removed to Francestown in 1872, where he died Oct. 14, 1881. Children by first wife : 1. MARSHALL S., b. in Methuen, Mass., Sept. 12, 1835. Res. in Melrose, Mass. 2. SARAH A., b. in Manchester, N. H., Dec. 9, 1844, m. L/angdon B. Cummings of Rindge, N. H. (See Cummings gen.) FULLER. ANDREW FULLER came to Lyndeborough from Middleton, Mass., in 1765. He was a descendant of the fourth generation from Thomas Fuller, who came to the colonies from England in 1638. He was born in Middleton, Mass., April 21, 1743. He fitted for college and at an early GENEALOGIES 745 age entered Dartmouth, from which he was graduated in 1764. On com- ing to Lyndeborough he commenced to teach school and followed that vocation until 70 years of age. He was evidently a man of varied ac- complishments, for as a surveyor he ran many of the first lines through the virgin forest of the then sparsely settled town. In the controversies of the times he was much consulted for his knowledge of the law. He was a devout member of the Congregational Church and while not an ordained minister, he often supplied the pulpit and preached acceptably to the people. He was of slight physique and never weighed more than ninety pounds. He wore knee buckles until the last, and long after they were out of fashion. He was town clerk and held other office and was a soldier in the Revolutionary Army. (See Chapter VII.) He married first, Mary Putnam, who was born March 13, 1748 ; died Nov. 18, 1777; second, Hannah Smith, who was born Aug. i, 1749; died Sept. 5, 1824. He died in 1831. Children by first wife, all born in Lynde- borough : 1. MARY, b. Oct. 17, 1768, m. Piam Herrick. Rem. to Wil- ton, N. H. 2. PAMEUA, b. March 12, 1770, m. Aaron Kidder. She d. Dec. 23, 1816. 3. MEHITABLE, b. Sept. 18, 1771, m. Collins Whittemore. Rem. to Hancock, N. H. 4. BENJAMIN, b. Feb. 24, 1774, m. first, Blanchard ; sec- ond, Blanchard (Sisters). Rem. to New York. 5. BETSEY, b. Feb. 6, 1776, m. David Kidder. Children by second wife, all born in Lyndeborough : 6. SARAH, b. Jan. i, 1780, m. Samuel Davis. 7. ARCHILAS, b. April 25, 1781, m. Sarah Dascomb. Rem. to Syracuse, N. Y. 8. OLIVE, b. March 31, 1783, m. Rufus Badger. 9. HANNAH, b. March 21, 1785, m. Osgood Hutchinson. 10. ANDREW, + 11. FANNY, b. Aug. 17, 1793, m. Moses Fisher, Jr. Rem. to Francestown. 12. ANNA, b. June 19, 1795, m. Jacob Manning. ANDREW FULLER, son of Andrew and Hannah (Smith) Fuller, born March 16, 1790; married April 29, 1821, Hannah M. Chenery of Watertown, Mass. He died Feb. i, 1872. Children : 1. JOHN C., b. Oct. 6, 1822, d. Oct. 23, 1822. 2. HANNAH M., b. July 30, 1824, m. George C. Hutchinson of Milford, d. Feb. 15, 1856. 3. ELIZA, b. Dec. 7, 1825, m. Charles Parker. Rem. to Man- chester. 4. MARY J., b. Nov. i, 1827, m. Jonas Merriam of Billerica, Mass. Rem. to Charlestown, Mass. 746 H1STOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH 5. GEORGE R. W., b. Nov. 6, 1831, d. Nov. 16, 1843. 6. WILLIAM H., b. Jan. 19, 1834, m. Addie Sterling of Dor- chester, Me. Rem. to Billerica, Mass. 7. MOSES C., -}- 8. JOHN A., + 9. SARAH E., b. March 8, 1843, d. Dec. 4, 1855. MOSES C. FULLER, son of Andrew and Hannah (Chenery) Fuller, born Dec. 19, 1835; married first, Dec. 19, 1860, Ann E. King of Milford. She died Oct. 24, 1888 ; second, Oct. 27, 1894, Mrs. Cora A. Morin of Stoneham, Mass. She was born May 6, 1855. He lives on the home- stead farm, which has belonged to the Fuller family since 1765. He has held town office and was in the U. S. service during the Civil War. ( See Chapter X.) Children : 1. ELLA J., b. Dec. i, 1862, m. Chas. B. Smith of Wilton. Shed. Feb. 18, 1895. Two children : Harry, Irene. 2. ANDY A., b. Jan. 8, 1868, d. June 24, 1871. 3. CORA M., b. Dec. 31, 1876, m. David C. Butterfield of New Boston, April 9, 1894. Two children: Andy, Christine. JOHN A. FULLER, son of Andrew and Hannah (Chenery) Fuller, born March 15, 1839; married May 21, 1865, Ella Wright of New Boston. He died Dec. 16, 1897. Child : i. FRED A. FORD. JOSEPH H. FORD came to Lyndeborough in 1830 from Jasper, N. Y., born April 30, 1810; married Feb. 7, 1833, Betsey A., daughter of Thomas and Betsey (Holt) Kidder. She was born March 6, 1814; died Feb. 23, 1887. He died Feb. 14, 1877. Children, all but Alfred -T., born in Lyndeborough : 1. MARY A., b. Sept. 3, 1833, m. March 13, 1853, Hezekiah D. Davis of Shirley, Mass. Res. in Mason. Children : Franklin, b. L,yndeborough, George, -Fred S., b. Oct. 7, 1869, d. Dec. 24, 1871. 2. ALVIN J., b. Sept. 2, 1835, m. Mary Marsh of Greenfield. He d. May 12, 1896, in New Ipswich. 3. JOSEPH F., b. July 13, 1837, d- Dec. 5, 1837. 4. SUSANNA, b. July 17, 1840, m. John Gage of L/yndeborough. (See Gage gen.) 5. ALFRED T., -|- 6. ALMANDA J., born Jan. 27, 1851, m. Albert Conant. (See Conant gen.) ALFRED T. FORD, son of Joseph H. and Betsey A. (Kidder) Ford, born Dec. 10, 1846, in Wilton ; married Abby, daughter of Peter and GENEALOGIES 747 Mary (Blunt) Shedd of Milford, Oct. 29, 1887. She was born Nov. 18, 1844. Child : i. ROBERT A., (Adopted), b. July 21, 1892. FOSTER. ALBERT FOSTER, b. at Ashby, Mass., July 30, 1826; married Nov. 25, 1858, Sarah A. Davis of Sharon. She was born June 29, 1834 ; died Nov. 22, 1903. He came to Lyndeborough from Brookline in the fall of 1889 and settled on the Otis Perham place, " Perham Corner." Chil- dren : 1. MADA E., b. at Brookline, Sept. 17, 1866, m. Aug. 5, 1891, Morton F. Hutchinson, d. Oct. 26, 1892. 2. EMMA C., b. at Brookline, July 29, 1872, m. Fred H. Tar- bell. (See Tarbell gen.) GAGE. JOHN GAGE came to Lyndeborough from New Boston in 1825, and settled on the David Woodward place, where the Pinnacle summer house now stands. He married April 24, 1817, Sally Tinker. She died Aug. 8, 1859. He died May n, 1861. Children : 1. SARAH, b. at New Boston, June 28, 1818, d. May 15, 1849. 2. HARRIET, b. at New Boston, Feb. 3, 1820, m. John Newell. (See Newell gen.) 3. lyUCY A., b. at New Boston, March 31, 1822, d. March 7. 1845. 4. DAVID, b. at New Boston, Feb. 17, 1824, d. Feb. 16, 1889. 5. RUTH A., b. at L,yndeborough, June 9, 1826, m. John W. Burnham. (See Burnham gen.) 6. MARY B., b. at I^yndeborough, July 27, 1829, d. July 30. 1847. 7. ELIZA J., b. at I,yndeborough, Feb. 24, 1832, m. John Newell. (See Newell gen.) 8. JOSEPH, -f- 9. JOHN, + JOSEPH GAGE, son of John and Sally (Tinker) Gage, born June 20, 1834; married first, April 25, 1855, Harriet A. Wyman of Manchester. She died and he married second, Julia A. Buxton of Weare. Children born at Lyndeborough : 1. PERLEY R., b. June 29, 1856, m. I^aura E. Ritzelman of Fort Wayne, Ind. He was a railroad conductor and d. Aug. 7, 1889. 2. GEORGE E. Res. at Garrett, Ind. JOHN GAGE, son of John and Sally (Tinker) Gage, born Sept. 27, 748 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH 1836; married first, Ann E., daughter of Benjamin and Betsey E. (Rand) Button, June 3, 1856. She was born June 5, 1838 ; died Aug. 9, 1862 ; second, Louisa A. Follansbee of Weare. Divorced 1884 ; third, Phila M. Gustin of Manchester, June 3, 1885. She was born Jan. i, 1840. Chil- dren : 1. ELLA C., b. at L,yndeborough, April 5, 1848, m. M. D. McKay. 2. VILEDO, b. at Greenfield, Dec. 13, 1864. 3. I,INDLE;Y V., b. at Henniker, May 27, 1869. 4. WALDO C., b. at Henniker, April 12, 1877. GAGE. DAVID GAGE, born in Merrimack, Sept. 8, 1795 ; married Aug. 12, 1823, Betsey, daughter of Daniel Putnam of Lyndeborough. She was born Jan. 24, 1800. He died Oct. 3, 1841. He went as a missionary to the Cherokee and Choctaw Indians in Wayne Co., Missouri. He remained there with them, teaching and preaching until they were removed by the government to the west of the Mississippi River. (See Page 600.) JOHN GAGE, son of David and Betsey (Putnam) Gage, born June 15, 1836, in Wayne Co., Mo. ; .married Feb. 24, 1859, Susan, daughter of Joseph and Arvilla (Kidder) Ford. She was born July 17, 1840 ; died March 8, 1901. He lived in Lyndeborough when a young man, and was a member of the Lafayette Artillery, with the rank of captain and went with the company to Portsmouth. He is a mason by trade and resides in Wilton. Child : i. WALTER F., b. Jan, 5, 1866. GAGE. HORACE D. GAGE, son of Stephen and Hannah (Gould) Gage, born at Amherst, Dec. 7, 1851 ; married Oct. 12, 1881, Nancy, daughter of Farnum and Almy (Leavitt) Clark. She was born at Ainherst, April 16, 1859. He came to Lyndeborough in 1880, and bought the Charles Parker farm, North Lyndeborough, where he now resides. Child : i. ALICE; L,., b. July n, 1886, d. July 27, 1889. GOODRICH.* William Goodrich of Bury St. Edmonds, County of Suffolk, England, was the immigrant ancestor of the Goodrich family of Lyndeborough. He came to America in 1636 and settled in Watertown, Mass. He was admit- ted " freeman " in 1642. His homestead of five acres was in or near what is now Mount Auburn cemetery. The inventory of his estate is dated April 3, 1647. His widow, Margaret, married John Hull of New- *In the old records of I,yndeborough, both town and church, this name is spelled Goodridge. In the preceding chapters of this history the old fashioned way of spelling the name was retained so far as it related to the Rev. Sewall. It was probably about the time of Dea. Benjamin that the spelling was changed to Goodrich. For convenience the modern spelling of the name is used in this genealogy. GENEALOGIES 749 bury, Mass., where she removed with her children. She died Feb. 3, 1683. Jeremiah, son of William and Margaret, born March 6, 1638 ; married Nov. 15, 1660, Mary E. Adams. Philip, son of Jeremiah and Mary E. (Adams) Goodrich, born Nov. 23, 1669; married April 16, 1700, Mehitable Woodman. She was born Sept. 20, 1677 ; died Feb. 24, 1755. He died Jan. 16, 1729. He was one of the first settlers of Lunenburg, Mass., and built the third house in the place in 1724. He was a deacon of the church and was the first person buried in Lunenburg. Benjamin, son of Philip and Mehitable (Woodman) Goodrich, born Feb. 3, 1701 ; married April 8, 1730, Sarah Phelps of Lancaster, Mass. She was born in 1700; died June 19, 1776. He died April 19, 1773. REV. SEWALL, GOODRICH, son of Benjamin and Sarah (Phelps) Goodrich ; born in Lunenburg, Mass., July 7, 1747 ; m. Feb. 7, 1769, Phebe Putnam of Danvers, Mass. She was born Nov. 26, 1752 ; died June 23, 1832. He died March 14, 1809. He was graduated from Harvard College in 1764. Dec. 24, 1767, the inhabitants of Lyndeborough voted to give him a call to settle in town in the work of the ministry. The proprietors of the township had previously voted the sum of .33, 6s, 8d., annually for a term of five years to encourage a minister to settle there, and in addition made a grant of two hundred acres of land to such person his heirs and assigns forever. At the meeting, Dec. 24, 1767, it was voted to Mr. Sewall Goodrich for his encouragement to settle in town in the work of the ministry the sum of fifty pounds, sterling money of Great Britain, twenty-five pounds to be paid within one year from his settlement, the other twenty-five pounds within two years from his settlement. It would seem that they recon- sidered this offer and made him another as follows : " Voted to Mr. Sewall Goodrich forty Pounds sterling money of great Britain yearly for his support in the work of the Gospel ministry in this town until there shall be Seventy families in the town and after that forty five Pounds yearly until there shall be one hundred families in town, afterward fifty Pounds annually said money to be paid in the money as aforesaid or Province currency as equivalent." " They voted Jonathan Cram Ephraim Putnam and Benjamin Cram a committee to present their call." Mr. Goodrich accepted this call on condition that he should be allowed to choose the two hundred acres which the "proprietors " had granted, and should have the sum of about one hundred and twenty-eight dollars as as an addition to his settlement. The proprietors complied with his proposal and he selected the place north of Badger Pond now owned by William C. Wilder. He was or- dained Sept. 7, 1768, and commenced the work of his ministry. He was married the following year, and the bringing of his wife to town was evi- dently an interesting event for his people. They came in a two-wheeled chaise, a vehicle that had hardly been seen in town at that early period. The roads were very rough and Mr. Jacob Wellman was decidedly of the opinion that they would not be able to come through with the carriage, 750 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH or at least that the lady would not have the courage to ride in it. It is said that he saddled and pillioned his horse, hoping, no doubt, that he would have the honor of bringing the bride himself. But it was finally decided that the minister and his wife should both keep their seats while six strong men followed behind to keep the chaise right side up. Mr. Goodrich was then twenty-five years of age and his bride seventeen. In these days of one sermon a Sunday of a half or three-quarter hour length, it is interesting to reflect upon what this young man had to do. He must prepare two sermons for each Sunday and deliver them in a church where there was no fire in winter, and each sermon was from one and one-half to two hours long. It required courage and devotion to duty to do it, and it must be said that it aslo took courage, devotion and strong constitutions to sit through those long sermons in a cold house in winter. The minister had a little advantage he could warm up to his theme. In addition to these duties he was a prominent and successful business man, long one of the proprietors of the town, and probably wrote and witnessed more deeds than any other man in town since his day. It was his custom to commence the Sabbath at sundown on Saturday night. All labor and business must be stopped as far as possible. Mrs. Good- rich was a busy, thrifty housewife, and had a task appointed for each of her household. There were no drones in that hive during the long sum- mer days. The busy wheels were kept flying by each girl who was old enough to turn them, spinning the wool and flax for the family use. But at sundown Saturday the command was given and all work ceased. He continued to be the pastor of the church until his connection was dis- solved by death, a pastorate of forty-one years. His death occurred town meeting day, and Dea. Peter Clark announced the news of his death. The meeting voted unanimously to assist the bereaved family at the funeral, to invite all the ministers of the vicinity to attend, and to pro- vide for their entertainment and to pay all funeral charges. The com- mittee was Nathan Wheeler, Capt. Peter Clark, Dr. Benjamin Jones, Jacob Richardson, Dea. Aaron Lewis, Peter Clark, 2nd, and Samuel Houston. Among those charges was a bill for ten gallons of genuine West India rum. That was the custom of that day. Children : 1. HERITABLE, b. Sept. 25, 1770, m. Oct. 30, 1788, Edward Spaulding, d. July 30, 1838. (See Spalding gen.) 2. SARAH, b. Jan. 18, 1772, m. first, Dec. 22. 1791, James Ord- way. He was b. Sept. 27, 1769, d. Sept. 13, 1804. She d. July 9, 1852. (See Ordway gen.) M. second, Robert Christie of New Boston. 3. BENJAMIN, -f- 4. Lois, b. March 23, 1775, m. Dea. Samuel Burnap of Fitch- burg, Mass. He was b. May 28, 1801, d. Jan. 18, 1842. She d. May 2, 1847- Children: Sewall G., Israel H., Samuel, Charles C. P. 5. LUCY, b. Jan. 13, 1777. 6. SEWALL, b. Dec. 30, 1778, d. Dec. 7, 1799. GENEALOGIES 751 7. PHEBE, b. Dec. 13, 1780, m. June 15, 1807, John Mack of Wilton. He was b. Aug. 7, 1780, d. July 16, 1854. She d. Sept. 1 6, 1815. Children : Andrew M., Sewall G., John, Sewall G., 2nd, Benjamin. 8. ISRAEL H., -\- 9. NATHANIEL, b. Dec. 28, 1784, d. March 23, 1798. 10. K. PUTNAM, b. Feb. 8, 1787. n. PRISCILLA, b. Aug. 24, 1789, m. June 4, 1815, Dea. Wm. Jones. (See Jones gen.) 12. ELIZABETH, b. Nov. 26, 1791, m, Jan. 18, 1820, Asa Lewis. (See Lewis gen.) DEA. BENJAMIN GOODRICH, son of Rev. Sewall and Phebe (Put- nam) Goodrich, born July 9, 1773 ; married Nov. 4, 1802, Sarah, daughter of Maj. Peter and Hannah (Epes) Clark. She was born Nov. 19, 1778; died Feb. 16, 1873. He died April 10, 1842. He served as selectman, and was deacon of the Congregational church for over thirty years. Chil- dren : 1. JOHN C., + 2. SARAH, b. Nov. 24, 1805, m. Samuel Jones. (See Jones gen.) 3. LUCY, b. Jan. 13, 1808, m. Capt. Peter Clark. (See Clark gen.) 4. MARGERY M., b. April 23, 1810, m. David Stiles. (See Stiles gen.) 5. Lois, b. Feb. 18, 1812, d. July 27, 1840. 6. BENJAMIN, -}- 7. SEWALL P., b. July 22, 1816, m. first, Hannah B. McCrillis of Amesbury, Mass. She was b. March i, 1818, d. May 9, 1852. Children : Ella M., Mary H.; m. second, Nov. 15, 1855, Isabelle L. Adams of Milford, Mass. She was b. July 30, 1830. Child : Jennie L. He d. Jan. 20, 1888. 8. PHEBE M., b. Dec. 24, 1818, m. Oct. 27, 1864, Dea. Abram Patch of Wenham, Mass. He was. b. April 3, 1798, d. Aug. 8, 1880, at Danvers, Mass. DEA. JOHN C. GOODRICH, son of Benjamin and Sarah (Clark) Goodrich, born Aug. 15, 1803; married Dec. 4. 1833, Pamela, daughter of Paul and Judith (Stickney) Atwood. She was born Sept. 26, 1803 ; died Dec. n, 1887. He died Jan. 30, 1882. He represented the town in the General Court in 1864-1865, and was deacon in the Congregational church thirty-six years. Children : 1. JOHN H., -f- 2. MARY P., b. May i, 1839, m. Geo. H. Stevens. (See Stevens gen.) 752 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH 3. SARAH M., b. Aug. 7, 1843, m. Jan. 10, 1867, David E. Proctor. (See Proctor gen.) JOHN H. GOODRICH, son of John C. and Pamela (Atwood) Good- rich, born March 28, 1835; married Jan. 15, 1874, Addie R., daughter of Joseph and Susan (Hobart) Rowe of Boston. She was born Nov. 6, 1836. He was the postmaster at North Lyndeborough and, together with his wife, held the office 44 years, until its discontinuance June 29, 1901. He represented the town in the general court in 1879-1880, justice of the peace 35 years, selectman one year, census enumerator in 1890, master of the grange in 1896. Soldier in the Civil War. (See Chapter X.) Was a member of the school board for a number of years, and is a useful and much respected citizen. Children : 1. JOHN R., b. Oct. 31, 1874. 2. MILLIE A., b. Sept. 9, 1876, m. Oct. 15, 1895, Louis A. Trow of Mt. Vernon. He was born Nov. 19, 1873. Chil- dren : Harold A., b. Jan. 10, 1897 ; Stuart A., b. Feb. 2, 1898; Amy I., b. June 26, 1899; Jesse E., b. Dec. 27, 1901. 3. JosiE A., b. Sept. 17, 1878, d. Sept. 18, 1878. BENJAMIN GOODRICH, son of Benjamin and Sarah (Clark) Good- rich, born March 27, 1814; married June 20, 1843, Irene Wardwell, daughter of Rev. Stephen Wardwell of Penobscot, Me. She was born June 24, 1823; died July 7, 1870. He died Nov. 27, 1857. Children : 1. SARAH C., b. at Eddengton, Me., Sept. 17, 1844, m. Jan. 19, 1878, Retyre M. Couch of Warner. He was b. April 5, 1839. Res. at Southern Pines, N. C. Children: Ever- ett, Albert, Saran and L,ewellyn. 2. Stephen WARDWELL,, -(- 3. FRANCES I., b. March 17, 1850, m. May 9, 1879, Samuel W. Pond of Minneapolis, Minn. He was b. April i, 1850. Children; Francis E., Irving J., Samuel B. 4. JOHN A., b. Dec. i, 1853. 5. L/ORENZO B., b. Nov. 10, 1854, m - J an - 3 1880, Mathilda Fessenfeld of Anahien, Cal. She was b. Nov. 2, 1863. Res. in Minneapolis, Minn. Children : Sarah F., Arthur W., Norman P. 6. BENJAMIN ASBURY, b. Oct. 5, 1857, m. Nov. 30, 1882, Julia A. Wiggin of Bucksport, Me. She was b. Aug. 6, 1858. Is a minister and res. in Santa Barbara, California. Child : Elaine, b. Sept. 14, 1884. (See Page 621.) DR. STEPHEN WARDWELL, GOODRICH, son of Benjamin and Irene (Wardwell ; Goodrich, born March 20, 1847 ; married May 15, 1873, Georgianna Henderson of New York. She was born May ir, 1850. GENEALOGIES 753 Children: Fred W., Amy I., Edith. Stephen W. Goodrich enlisted at Lawrence, Mass., March 24, 1862, in Co. F., ist Mass. Heavy Artillery stationed at Arlington Heights. They were ordered to the front May, 1864, and assigned 2d. Brigade 3d. Division ad. Army Corps. He was in the battles of Spottsylvania, North Anna River, Cold Harbor and Petersburg. Was taken prisoner at Petersburg and confined in the Pemberton at Richmond, also at Andersonville and other southern prisons. Was paroled at Savannah, Dec. 10, 1864. He returned to duty, however, and was at the surrender of Lee at Appomatox, and mustered out of the ser- vice Aug. 16, 1865. He studied medicine with Dr. J. Heber Smith of Boston, graduated from the Homeopathic Medical College, March, 1871- Since then practiced medicine in New York City. ISRAEL H. GOODRICH, son of Rev. Sewall and Phebe (Putnam) Goodrich, born Jan. 20, 1783 ; married first, April 6, 1809, Abigail, daughter of Aaron and Sarah (White) Lewis. She was born Jan. 24, 1787 ; died June 30, 1821 ; second, June 10, 1823, Hannah French, born Feb. 28, 1786; died Feb. 9, 1859. He died May 15, 1853. Children : 1. A son b. Aug. 14, 1810, d. Aug. 22, 1810. 2. A daughter, b. Sept. 10, 1811, d. Sept. 10, 1811. 3. SEWALL, b. Oct. 20, 1813, d. Jan. 18, 1869. 4. ABIGAIL, b. April 10, 1816, d. May 4, 1840. 5. NATHANIEL, b. July 30, 1818, d. Aug. 28, 1820. 6. SARAH, b. June 24, 1821, m. June 14, 1842, Jacob Hildreth. She d. July 5, 1844. (See Hildreth gen.) By second wife : 7. ANSON, b. March 18, 1824, d. April 12, 1824. 8. ISRAEL H., JR., b. Dec. 28, 1827, d. Oct. 6, 1846. 9. JAMES, b. Aug. 6, 1830, m. first, April 5, 1853, . She was b. Dec. 29, 1829, d. June 2, 1866; second, April 28, 1868, Mary A. Ross of No. Brookfield, Mass. She was b. July 16, 1835. Child : Charles B. GOULD. GEORGE GOULD, son of Thomas and Abigail (Needham) Gould, born at Salem, Mass., in 1706 ; married April 20, 1732, Mary Giles, proba- bly of Salem. She was born in 1710, and died March 2, 1797, at Lynde- borough. He died in Lyndeborough, April 29, 1783. They had eight children, all born at Salem, Mass., of these John and Daniel came to Lyndeborough with their father. George was a descendant of Zaccheus Gould, who came to this country from England some time previous to 1638. George Gould is recorded as having bought, Jan. 25, 1739, part of home lot 46 and lots 74 and 27, second division, making him one of the earliest settlers in Salem-Canada. In 1768 they were living on lot 70, opposite where the town house now stands, and it is probable that he and his sons, John and Daniel, owned pretty much all of the land that is now the farms of Fred A. Richardson and William H. Clark. 754 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH JOHN GOULD, son of George and Mary (Giles) Gould, born Oct. 6, 1744; married Oct. 31, 1769, Susanna (Marsh, Kidder) Chase of Sutton, Mass. They had one son recorded as born in Lyndeborough : i. JOHN, b. Dec. 31, 1770. MAJ. DANIEL GOULD, son of George and Mary (Giles) Gould, born at Salem, Mass., Nov. 26, 1749 ; married first, Dorcas Phelps. She was born 1749; died, April 6, 1797 ; married second, Mary, daughter of Jacob Hook of Kingston, N. H. He died March 5, 1804. He owned the farm now known as the Richardson place at the center. He kept a tavern there for many years, and all the children were born there. We have no further record of this family except the dates of births of their children : 1. SUSANNA, b. April 17, 1766. 2. MEHITABLE, b. Feb. 25, 1778. 3. EDY, b. Dec. 29, 1779. 4. JARED, b. March. 16, 1782. 5. DANIEL, b. March 19, 1784. 6. GEORGE, b. Jan. 22, 1788, d. Nov. 17, 1804. 7. JACOB S., b. Aug. 21, 1793. GOULD. HUMPHRY N. GOULD, son of John and Ruth (Nichols) Gould, born at Weare, June 13, 1827; married Sept. 20, 1857, Ellen R,, daughter of William B. and Sarah A. (Thompson) Gove, born at Lynn, Mass., Oct. 10, 1837. He died at Lyndeborough, Nov. 24, 1901. He came to Lyndeborough from Weare and settled on the Jotham Hildreth place in 1898. Child : i. CARRIE M., b. at Weare, May 18, 1867, m. Nov. 30, 1887, Daniel A. Johnson, b. at Weare, February, 1860. Is a travelling salesman. GRANT. JAMES GRANT, son of John and Margaret (Beasom) Grant; born Sept. 22, 1790; married Nov. 3, 1818, Naomi, daughter of David and Sarah (Putnam) Cram. He died Nov. 24, 1860. She was born Aug. 21, 1797 ; died April 6, 1860. Children : 1. JAMES HARVEY, b. Feb. 29, 1820, m. first, April 17, 1842, Olive C. Hill of Berwick, Me. She d. at Marquande, Mo., Dec. 24, 1877; m. second, Dec. 24, 1878, Elizabeth Myers. He d. at Jackson, Mo., March 9, 1897. Children : Albert Harvey, b. at L,yndeborough May 23, 1848; Annie Frances, b. at Andover, Mass., Jan. 30, 1859. 2. DAVID CRAM, -f- 3. SARAH M., b. May 23, 1825, d. Aug. 3, 1829. 4. WILLIAM H., -f- GENEALOGIES 755 DAVID C. GRANT, son of James and Naomi (Cram) Grant; born June 17, 1823 ; married Sept. 30, 1845, Rebecca, daughter of Nathaniel R. and Rebecca (Palmer) Fish of Peterborough. She was born April 2, 1822 ; died Oct. 31, 1896. He died Jan. 24, 1900. Probably no one else had such an abiding interest in the town his- tory, or such a fund of information in regard to the people and events of the town as he. He was chairman of the history committee at the time of his death. Most of his life was spent in his native town, as farmer, lumberman and carpenter. From 1860 until 1866, he was largely engaged in the pressing and shipping of hay and in lumbering. From 1866 until 1869 he lived in Boston. In October, 1869, he removed to Minnesota, and remained there three years in the lumber business. He returned to Lyndeborough in the spring of 1873, and lived here until his death. He served his town in the board of selectmen, board of education, building committees and in other offices. He was a ready debater and talker, and was much called for to preside at public meetings and to speak at town celebrations. From the days of the old Lyndeborough lyceum he was prominent in everything that related to the educational advancement of the town. Children: 1. ELSIE M., b. Aug. 24, 1847, m. Dana B. Sargent. (See Sargent gen.) 2. DAVID WALTER, b. Dec. 24, 1849, m. Oct. 29, 1872, Alice E. Cassidy of Boston. Children: Fred T., Mabel A., Nellie E. Fred T., m. Nov. 3, 1898, Olive H. Dyer of Marlboro, Mass. 3. JAMES ARTHUR, -(- JAMES ARTHUR GRANT, son of David C. and Rebecca (Fish) Grant; born Dec. 20, 1859; m. Feb. 19, 1881, Nellie F., daughter of John and Harriet (Glinds) Blanchard. She was born at Wilton, June i, 1862. He lived for a time on the homestead farm, and removed to Milford in April, 1901. Children, born at Lyndeborough : 1. CHARLES K., b. June 28, 1882. 2. GEORGE L/., b. May 2, 1884. 3. PERLEY A., b. July 19, 1891. 4. HAROLD W., b. Aug 12, 1895. WILLIAM HENRY GRANT, son of James and Naomi (Cram) Grant; born Dec. 23, 1829; married Jan. 4, 1855, Martha, daughter of David and Mary (Bickford) McCaine of Francestown. She was born Dec. 15, 1832. He died Aug. 8, 1901, at Sandstone, Minn. His early education was de- rived from the district schools, and as he says, " from such books as he could borrow." At the age of fifteen he engaged himself as an appren- tice to the harness making trade, but after serving for nearly two years he determined to become a lawyer. He attended school at Nashua, at the academy at Hancock, at the Yates academy at Orleans, N. Y., and re- ceived private instruction from the Rev. Mr. Claggett, at Lyndeborough, then taught school two winters. In 1852 he entered the law office of Stephen P. Crosby, Esq., at Fraucestowu, and remained a few months. 756 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH After recovering from an attack of typhoid fever he entered the office of Samuel M. Wilcox of Francestown, where he remained until 1853. He then removed to Manchester, and entered the law office of Benjamin F. Ayer, and was admitted to the bar of Hillsborough Co. in 1854. He was a deputy sheriff in 1853, and was the representative to the General Court from Lyndeborough in 1853 and 1854. He opened a law office in Wilton in 1854 and remained there until 1859, when he removed to St. Paul, Minn., where he resided until his death. In 1868 he retired from the practice of law and devoted his time to private business. In the West he did not seek political preferment, but was the candi- date pf his party for office with, as he says, " no hope of election." He has received high honors in the Masonic fraternity, and was for two years the registrar of the Minnesota Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. He was also a life member of the Minnesota Historical Society. Child : i. WILLIAM H., b. Dec. 2, 1857. HACKKTT. CHARLES HACKETT lived in that part of Lyndeborough, now Greenfield, where the John Fletcher place is situated. He was a civil engineer and removed to Maine. One child, at least, was born in Lynde- borough, Ephraim, born July 6, 1791. Charles Hackett married Susanna Burnham of Lyndeborough in November, 1789. She was probably a daughter of Stephen Burnham, who settled in that part of the town. EPHRAIM HACKETT, son of Charles and Susanna (Burnham) Hackett; born July 6, 1791; married Nov. 21, 1811, Lois, daughter of Jonathan and Lois (Kidder) Butler. She was born April 29, 1787. He removed from Greenfield to Lempster, and lived there for a number of years, coming from there to Lyndeborough about 1828. He died in Lyndeborough. The three older children were born in Greenfield, five in Lempster and the two younger in Lyndeborough. Children : 1. SUSAN, b. Oct. 25, 1812, d. Dec. 17, 1829. 2. HANNAH BUTLER, b. Feb. 17, 1814, m. June 7, 1841, Jacob Wright of Woburn, Mass. 3. L/ois MARIA, b. Nov. 21, 1815, m. Sept. 2, 1841, William Jewett. 4. L/UCY ALMIRA, b. Feb. 13, 1819, m. April 4, 1844, L/uther Cram. (See Cram gen.) 5. TRYPHENA PUTMAN, b. Oct. 18, 1820, m. Oct. 24, 1844, Abijah Thompson of Woburn, Mass. 6. EPHRAIM, b. April 12, 1822, m. 1852, Harriet G. Pillsbury. He was a member of the 22nd Mass. Regt. in the Civil War, and died in Thomasville, Ga., Feb. 25, 1887. 7. RACHEL ROXANNA, b. Jan. 25, 1824, m. May 23, 1844, Daniel R. Marshall. GENEALOGIES 757 8. SARAH SOPHRONIA, b. May 18, 1825, m. Sept. 9, 1848, Ed- ward C. Thompson of Woburn, Mass. 9. WILBUR FISKE, b. May 3, 1830. 10. CHARLES WESLEY, -f- CHARLES WESLEY HACKETT, son of Ephraim and Lois (Butler) Hackett, born July 23, 1831 ; married Dec. 12, 1853, Myra J. Holt of Fitchburg, Mass. He died in St. Paul, Minn., March 21, 1903. He was a captain in the loth Regt. Minn. Vol. In the summer of 1862 about forty-five men from the farming district adjacent to the town of Lake City, Minn., where he was then living, came to Mr. Hackett and offered to enlist if he would serve as their captain which he consented to do. On the very day of the Sioux Indian outbreak, Aug. 18, 1862, he was taking these men to St. Paul to be sworn into service. As a consequence of this massacre Capt. Hackett's company was put into immediate ser- vice on the frontier. In 1863, in command of his company, he marched with the loth Regiment against the Sioux Indians, with the column under Gen. Sibley to the Missouri river and was in the various actions of that arduous expedition. He was a member of the Loyal Legion and was among the older settlers of the state of Minnesota. His character is summed up best perhaps in the resolutions passed by the St. Paul Chamber of Commerce, of which he was a member. " During his entire life he was a citizen without reproach, and his character and repu- tation for uprightness and integrity in all his dealings was as firm and unyielding as is the granite in the mountains of his native state. He was a gallant soldier, who did not hesitate to show his patriotism by his works. He discharged every duty devolving upon him in peace and in war, as citizen, soldier, merchant and neighbor without hesitation and without stain or dishonor." HADL,EY. JOSHUA HADLEY settled on the farm owned by the late Levi P. Hadley, on the mountain. It is probable that he bought it as wild land and made the first clearing there. The land has been in the possession of the Hadley family ever since. Joshua Hadley died March 8, 1802. Mary, his wife, died May n, 1802. Little can be learned about him, but in the town records of births the following appears : 1. JUDAH (probably Judith), dau. of Joshua and Mary Had- ley, b. Dec. 4, 1762. 2. JOSHUA, son of do. b. Aug. 22, 1764.+ 3. ELIZABETH, dau. of do. b. March 22, 1766. 4. CHASE, son of do. b. June 29, 1769.-!- 5. HUMPHREY, son of do. b. Feb. 10, 1771. JOSHUA HADLEY, son of Joshua and Mary Hadley, born Aug. 22, 1764; married Betsey (Williams) Giddings, b. 1768; died March 8, 1854. He died Dec. 19, 1847. Children, all born in Lyndeborough : 1. NANCY, b. July 23, 1788. 2. WILLIAM, b. April 19, 1790, d. May 5, 1790. 758 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH 3. FANNY, b. Oct. 30, 1791, d. March 15, 1792. 4. MARK, -f- 5. IRA, b. Sept. 21, 1795, d. Jan. n, 1849. 6. CHARGES, b. Feb. 12, 1798, d. Sept. 22, 1825. 7. ALLEN, b. April 2, 1800, d. Sept. 16, 1802. 8. ALFRED, b. Sept. 19, 1802. Rem. to Jasper, N. Y. 9. JENNISON, b. Oct. 15, 1805, d. Oct. 21, 1805. 10. BENJAMIN F., b. July 23, 1807. 11. ETHAN A., b. Nov. 13, 1809. MARK HADLEY, son of Joshua and Betsey (Giddings) Hadley, born April 19, 1793 ; married first, Elizabeth Herrick of Greenfield. She died Oct. 9, 1832. He died March 26, 1858; second, Abigail, daughter of Eben and Esther (Holt) Pearsons Nov. 10, 1844. She was born in Wil- ton, Aug. 16, 1800; died June 26, 1879. Children: 1. WlLKES H., + 2. ELIZABETH A., m. Eli Jeffs of Wilton. 3. NANCY E-, m. Moses C. Burnham of Milford. WILKES H. HADLEY, born May 4, 1821 ; died Feb. 14, 1900 ; mar- ried Betsey F. Richardson of Wilton, April 15, 1847. She'was born Sept. 13, 1823 ; died Oct. 29, 1899. Children : 1. ELIZABETH B., b. May 29, 1848, m. Henry E. Martin of Greenfield, Sept. n, 1869. Child: Minnie E., b. Jan. 23, 1871. 2. RUTH A., b. Sept. 17, 1850, m. Joseph F. Avery of Temple, Dec. 25, 1871, d. March 17, 1883. 3. JOHN F., -f 4. MAY B., b. Aug 17, 1865. JOHN F. HADLEY, b. June 26, 1854; married Emogen Heald of Temple, N. H., May 18, 1876. Resides in Peterboro, N. H. Child : i. FRANK H., b. May 2, 1877. CHASE HADLEY, b. June 29, 1769 ; married Hannah Smith of Pep- perell, Mass., March 24, 1796. She was born March 22, 1772, and died Oct. 31, 1869. He died June 26, 1851. Children, all born in Lynde- borough : 1. DANIEL, b. Jan. 7, 1797, d. March 29, 1798. 2. FRANKLIN, + 3. HANNAH, b. Feb. n, 1801, d. July 26, 1820. 4. SIDNEY, b. March 21, 1803. Rem. to New York. 5. ISRAEL G., b. Jan. 27, 1805. Rem. to New York. 6. WILLIAM, b. April 3, 1807. Rem. to the west. 7. MARY C., b. Feb. 21, 1809. Rem. to New York. 8. ALBA, b. Nov. 27, 1811. Rem. to New York. GENEALOGIES 759 9. RICHARD C., b. April 3, 1816, d. March 31, 1817. FRANKLIN HADI/EY, born Dec. 15, 1798 ; married Mary Spaulding of Lyndeborough, Sept. 25, 1828. She was born Dec. 15, 1798, and died April 28, 1881. He died July 15, 1871. Children, all born in Lynde- borough : 1. JOANN, b. June 20, 1831, m. Stephen D. Holt of Frances- town, Nov. 29, 1849. 2. LEVI P., + LEVI P. HADLEY, son of Franklin and Mary (Spaulding) Hadley, was born April 10, 1837. He has held various town offices and in 1901 was town treasurer. He owned the homestead farm on the mountain) but for a time resided at South Lyndeborough village, having bought the old Tarbell tavern stand. He married Minerva L. Stevens of Frances- town. She was born Feb. 14, 1845. He died Dec. 28, 1902. Children, all born in Lyndeborough : 1. PRANK P., b. March. 20, 1868, d. Aug. 13, 1897. 2. DANA P., b. July 5, 1869, m. Sarah E. Edwards of Temple, June 7, 1898. 3. GEORGE W., Sept. 18, 1873, m. Minnie E. Stacy of L,ynde- borough, April 26, 1899. 4. LEVI W., b. Dec. 28, 1874. 5. ETHEL M., b. March n, 1879. 6. WINFIELD S., b. Oct. 17, 1883. RAGGETT. JOHN HAGGETT, born 1766. He was a blacksmith by trade and a farmer as well. He married Annis Searle and lived on the farm in John- son's Corner since known as the Haggett place, now owned by E. C. Curtis. She died March 15, 1855, aged eighty-seven years ; he died Jan. 26, 1835, aged sixty-nine. Children : 1. JOHN, b. Jan 26, 1790, d. Nov. 7, 1820, m. Dec. 4, 1817, Charlotte Merrill of Portland, Me. 2. AMOS, b. Aug. 18, 1791. 3. RACHEL, b. May 28, 1793, m. Simeon McGilvrey of Merri- mac June n, 1814. 4. WILLIAM, b. March 7, 1796. 5. JOSEPH, + 6. SALLY, b. June 17, 1803. 7. ELIZA, b. Sept. 25, 1805. 8. ANNIS, b. Mar. 18, 1808. JOSEPH HAGGETT, son of John and Anuis (Searle) Haggett; born in Lyndeborough Dec. 19, 1800; married Oct. 4, 1824, Mrs. Charlotte (Merrill) Haggett, born Jan. 22, 1800 ; died April 19, 1884. She was of 760 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH Portland, Me. He died Feb. 14, 1884. He lived most of his life in Lynde- borough, but the infirmities of age caused him to abandon the farm and seek a village life in Wilton, where he died. He was quiet and retiring in disposition and much respected by his fellow townsmen. Children : 1. JOHN M., b. Sept. 30, 1827, m. Nov. n, 1851, Samantha A. Colby. She d. April 26, 1884. 2. MARY ANN, b. July n, 1829, m. Nov. u, 1851, Dr. D. C. Hadley. He d. Feb. 1859. 3. HARRIET, b. March 27, 1831, m. Oct. 3, 1856, George D. Ivivermore. He d. Oct., 1859 ; she d. Dec. 21, 1859. 4. SARAH, b. Aug. 16, 1833, m. Nov. 28, 1850, Israel W. Cur- tis. (See Curtis gen.) 5. JENNIE C., b. July 26, 1835, m. May, 1867, John Upton. He d. July, 1892; she d.' Dec., 1895. 6. JULIETT, b. Nov. 30, 1840, m. July, 1867, George H. Jones. HARDY. ELIPHALET J. HARDY, son of Isaac and Polly (Jennings) Hardy ; born in North Anson, Me., June 3, 1829; married April 3, 1860, Sabrina, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (Gould) Jennings of Farmington, Me. She was born March 17, 1832. He d. March 2, 1904. He came to Lynde- borough from Colorado in 1896, and bought the farm where Samuel N. Hartshorn lived. Children : 1. HANNABAL, b. Dec. 26, 1860. 2. OWEN K., + 3. ELIZABETH B., b. July 13, 1866, m. Dec. 25, 1892, Elbert Barrow of London, Col. He was born Jan. 19, 1857. Chil- dren: Owen E., b. Sept. 18, 1893; Elberta, b. Sept. 9, 1897. 4. ALBERT J., b. March 16, 1869, m. Feb., 5, 1894, Carrie M. Clarkston. Child: Homer C., b. June 8, 1901. REV. OWEN E. HARDY, son of Eliphalet and Sabrina (Jennings) Hardy ; born July 13, 1862 ; married June 28, 1894, Eva B., daughter of Walter and Azubah (Davis) Bates of Alexandria, S. D. She was born Sept. 24, 1868. (For biographical sketch see p. 305.) Child : i. AMY, b. at L,yndeborough, March 21, 1895. HARRIS. OLIVER HARRIS was born in Abington, Mass., Aug. 23, 1791 ; died Sept. 20, 1870 ; married Sally Savage of Francestown Feb. 3, 1835. She was born March 2, 1779 '> died Sept. 19, 1867. Lived on the Brown place, North Lyndeborough. Children : i. NATHAN S., + GENEALOGIES 761 2. SARAH E., b. in Francestown, Aug. 3, 1840, m. Mark E. Morse. (See Morse gen.) NATHAN S. HARRIS was born in Francestown June 17, 1836; mar- ried Martha A. Trafton of Portsmouth, N. H., Aug. 9, 1856. She was born Jan. 8, 1836; died Oct. 24, 1857. He was a soldier in the Civil War and was drowned in the Mississippi River, Aug. 6, 1863. (See Chap. X.) Child : -f i. GEORGE T., b. in Rye, N. H., March n, 1857. HARTSHORN. JOHN HARTSHORN was one of the early settlers of Lyndeborough. He came from Reading, Mass., some time previous to 1785 ; the exact date is not known. He settled on the farm now owned by Everett E. I/owe in "Per ham Corner"; he married Sarah Bach elder, probably of Reading, Mass., April n, 1782. She was born June 22, 1763; died Jan. 1843. He was born March 7, 1756, and died March 26, 1805. But little can be learned of the early life of Mr. Hartshorn. He and his wife probably suffered the privations of those early times, and like most of the sturdy pioneers was strong and energetic. It is related of his wife that during some absence of her husband the cow wandered away into the almost unbroken forest and she started off to find it. Hunting until after dark she became lost herself and, managing to climb a large boulder to be out of the way of the wolves, she prepared to spend the night there, when to her great joy she saw the light from the open fire in her home, the door having been left open. Children : 1. JOHN, b. Feb. 14, 1784, in Reading, Mass., m. first, Susanna, dau. of Eli and Susanna (Wilkins) Curtis. She was b. in Reading, Mass.; m. second, Mehitable Carkin of I/ynde- borough. He appears to have removed from I,yndebor- ongh soon after his marriage, for the older children were b. in Hancock, Vt., whence he removed to Mont Vernon. Children: Curtis, Susan, Mary O., Serepta J., John H. Serepta J. was b. in I^yndeborough and m. Rodney K. Hutchinson of Milford. 2. JONATHAN, m. Alice Odell of Mt. Vernon, rem. to Nashua. Children : Daniel, Eben, Jonathan, Abigail. 3. SAMUEL, -f- 4. SALLY, d. March 8, 1850. 5. MICAH, -+- 6. SEWELL, rem. to the West. 7. DAVID, rem. to the West. 8. PUTNAM, rem. to Wilton. 9. ANN, m. William Holt. 10. POLLY, b. 1795, m. Samuel Butterfield. 762 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH DEA. SAMUEL HARTSHORN, son of John and Sarah (Bachelder) Hartshorn, born in Lyndeborough, Dec. 17, 1785; married Sally, daugh- ter of Nathaniel and Phebe (Dodge) Raymond of Haverhill, Mass., Nov. 17, 1808. She was born Jan. 26, 1791 ; died Nov. 24, 1868. He died in Mason, N. H., Sept. 16, 1861. He inherited the homestead farm and lived there until about 1843, when he removed to Mason, N. H., where he died. Children : 1. SAMUEL, b. Feb. 25, 1810, m. April 7, 1835, Lucinda, daughter of Ephraim and Mary (Blanchard) Woodward of L,yndeborough. I/ike his father he was a deacon in the church, and always identified with its interests. Soon after his marriage he had a store in Wilton for a short time. He afterward bought a farm in Mason, whither his father had gone, and removed there but died about a week after- ward. He died Nov. 18, 1846. She d. September, 1888. Children: Samuel G., res. in Milford, Persis. 2. JOHN, -+ 3. GEORGE, b. April 16, 1814, m. Mary A., dau. of Israel and Ruth (Sargent) Putnam, Aug. 23, 1838. She was born Oct. i, 1818, d. Jan. 22, 1882, in Milford. He removed to Mason soon after his marriage and thence to Milford, where he died January, 1880. Children : George R. and Dodge G., twins; William N., Mary A. 4. MARY G., b. Jan. 6, 1816, d. in infancy. 5. SARAH, b. April 25, 1818, m. William A. Chase of Groton, Mass., Oct. 8, 1846. Children: Mary, George, Fanny, John, Maria, Walter. 6. HANNAH, b. June 26, 1822, m. first, George L,. Adams of Northwood, N. H., Sept. 7, 1848; second, Eben Tilton. She d. April 5, 1892. 7. MARTHA J., (adopted), b. Aug. 26, 1833, m. Wm. R. Put- nam of Woburn, Mass., Dec. 7, 1851. (See Putnam gen.) DBA. JOHN HARTSHORN, son of Dea. Samuel and Phebe (Ray- mond) Hartshorn, born Dec. 31, 1811; died Feb. 10, 1878 ; married Susan- na B., daughter of Dea. David and Tryphena (Butler) Putnam, April 13, 1837. She was born May 14, 1816, and died March i, 1903. Dea. John Hartshorn was a man of many sterling qualities. He was of a gener- tion most of whom have passed away, but those of his associates still living in town speak of him with respect. One of his daughters told the writer that when he died it was a common remark that " he had not an enemy in the world." Belonging to the minority political party in the section of the town where he lived he was always " true to his colors," and seldom failed to be present at town meeting and faithfully discharge his duties as a citizen. His interest in town affairs never failed. He was said to have been exceptionally genial and kind in his home life. He GENEALOGIES 763 was a deacon in the Baptist church. Children, all born in Lynde- borough : 1. JOHN ALONZO, b. July 14, 1840. Killed in the battle of Williamsburg, May 5, 1862. (See Chapter X.) 2. CHARLES JASON, b. July 12, 1843, d. Sept. n, 1861. 3. DAVID P., -f- 4. SARAH T., b. Sept. 26, 1853, m. George W. Moulton of Old Orchard, Me., Oct. 2, 1869. He was born May, 1853. 5. ELIZABETH M., b. July 27, 1863, m. Fred B. Richards. (See Richards gen.) DAVID P. HARTSHORN, son of John and Susanna (Putnam) Harts- horn, born June 30, 1851 ; married Mary Boutelle of Antrim, N. H., June 8, 1878. She was born Oct. 4, 1854. Res. on the homestead farm at So. Lyndeborough. Children : 1. JOHN W., b. Dec. 7, 1878, m. Feb. 4, 1904, Josephine E. Duncan of Antrim. 2. CLARENCE, b. June 19, 1880. 3. HAROLD F., b. Oct. 20, 1884. 4. SUSIE E., b. April 4, 1888. 5. lyOuisE, b. Feb. n, 1891. MICAH HARTSHORN, son of John and Sarah (Bachelder) Hartshorn, born July 16, 1793 ; died Sept. 26, 1880 ; married Hannah Fletcher. She died April 13, 1885. He lived where his son, S. Newell lived. Children, all born in I/yndeborough : 1. ALMON, b. Nov. 24, 1819, d. Feb. 13, 1842. 2. ALONZO, b. Jan. 22, 1821, d. April 27, 1838. 3. FLORA A., b. March 16, 1825, m. Jacob Putnam of Wilton, Dec. 31, 1850. He d. Feb. 6, 1895. She d. Oct. 24, 1875. Children : Flora J., b. Feb. 4, 1854, m. Herbert Wilkin- son of Herefordshire, England. Hannah A., b. May 24, 1857, m. Henry A. Proctor of Stoddard, N. H. 4. ADONIRAM J., -f- 5. SAMUEL N., -f- ADONIRAM J. HARTSHORN, son of Micah and Hannah (Fletcher) Hartshorn, born Nov. 10, 1827 ; married first, Eliza Farnsworth of Shir- ley, Mass., Sept. 21, 1854; second, Julia (Cragin) Draper of Wilton. Children : 1. CHARLES J., b. in L,yndeborough, March 13, 1856. 2. FRANK E., b. in Mont Vernon, Nov. 17, 1862. 3. HARRY A., b. in West Groton, Mass., Aug. 16, 1866, m. Ella R. Parkhurst. Children: Infant dau. b. May 13, 1888, Frank E-, b. July 23, 1890. 764 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH 4. FLORA J., b. in West Groton, Mass., Sept. 2, 1869. 5. MAY B., b. in Shirley, Mass., Jan. 12, 1872. SAMUEL NEWELL HARTSHORN, son of Micah and Hannah (Fletcher) Hartshorn, born June 20, 1829; married Jane E., daughter of Samuel and Elvira (Grey) French of Wilton, Sept. 29, 1861. She was born Dec. 2, 1834. He died July 2, 1894. He was a mechanic and farmer and operated the sawmill on his place. He was a man of many virtues and highly esteemed by all who knew him. Children, all born in Lyndeborough : 1. WILLIS N., b. March 31, 1864, m. first, M. A. Greene of Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1891. She was b. Jan. 20, 1867, d. March 22, 1895, m. second, C. B. Purdy of Brook- lyn, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1897. She was b. April 24, 1867. He is a mechanical draftsman and res. in Brooklyn, N. Y. 2. LEON E., b. Dec. 9, 1866, m. Hattie J. Kingsley of Duds- well, Province Quebec, March 23, 1892. She was b. May 16, 1867. He d. June 4, 1898. 3. MARION M., b. Sept. 21, 1872. Is a teacher of music and res. in Wilton. SUMNER S. HARTSHORN, son of George and Mary A. (Putnam) Hartshorn ; born in Mason, Sept. 13, 1848 ; married first, March 27, 1872, Anstress A., daughter of Joel H. and Eliza A. Gutterson of Milford. She was born June 2, 1851 ; died March 26, 1877. Married second, May 18, 1878, Mary C., daughter of William N. and Mary L. (Smith) Patterson, born in Wentworth Nov. 23, 1856 ; died in Milford, Dec. 28, 1892. Mar- ried third, June 22, 1901, Mrs. Nellie R. Critchett of Boscawen. Resides in South Lyndeborough, and is a member of the board of education. Children, born in Milford, by second wife : 1. SUMNER L/., b. May 19, 1887. 2. BERTHA A., b. April 17, 1889. SEWELL G. HARTSHORN, born Oct. 19, 1799 ; died Sept. 18, 1874 . married March 25, 1827, Harriet Safford. She was born March 2, i8n ; died Aug. 19, 1891. Children: 1. SARAH A., b. Aug. 14, 1829, d. April 29, 1894. 2. GEORGE P., b. June 25, 1831, m. July 3, 1853, Sarah Jack- son of Bangor, Me. She was b. Oct. 8, 1837. Res. at Newark, O. 3. DAVID, b. July 7, 1836, m. Aug. 19, 1862, Harriet Seiver. He d. July 14, 1889. 4. MARY, b. March 24, 1846, m. Sept. 10, 1875, John J. Watts. HARWOOD. ANDREW HARWOOD came to Lyndeborough from Mt. Vernon about 1802 and settled on the farm in " Perham Corner" since known as the GENEALOGIES 765 "Harwood" place, now owned by A. A. Melendy. He married in 1804, Rebecca, daughter of Jacob and Isabella (Hutchinson) Cram. She was born March 9, 1784; died Sept n, 1867. He died in 1860. Children, all born in Lyndeborough : 1. ABIGAIL, b. June 20, 1805, m. John F. Holt of Lyndebor- ough. (See Holt gen.) 2. ALICE, b. Jan. 10, 1810, m. Kendall Holt of Lyndeborough. (See Holt gen.) 3. ANDREW, b. Feb. 8, 1814, m. Jane Lewis, Goshen, N. H. HATCH. CHARLES G. HATCH, son of Lyman and Polly (Fay) Hatch; born in Hopkinton, Mass., Dec. 4, 1826; married Elizabeth, daughter of Asa and Elizabeth (Goodwin) Blanchard of Lyndeborough, Oct. 24, 1849. She was born Sept. 19, 1829. He removed to Mil ford in 1864, where he died. Children : 1. MARY B., b. in Lyndeborough, Aug. 31, 1850, m. first, Oct. 10, 1867, John F. Amsden of Milford ; m. second, Nov. 10, 1891, Henry A. Sheriden of Milford. 2. CHARLES A., b. in Milford, July 7, 1852, m. June 18, 1858, Annie G. Barrows of Newark, O. Is a physician and res. in Newark, Ohio. 3. GEORGE W., b. in Lyndeborough, Sept. 3, 1855, m. Feb. 25, 1880, Marcella Smith of Milford. Is a physician and res. in Wilton. 4. FRED S., b. in Lyndeborough March 5, 1859, m. May 22, 1883, Isabelle B. Hutchinson of Amherst. Is an attorney and res. in Larned, Kan. 5. FRANK S., b. in Lyndeborough, Dec. 27, 1860, m. April 2, 1888, Josephine Dustin of Townsend, Mass. 6. ARTHUR C., b. in Milford, Sept. 27, 1863. 7. LILLA BELLE, b. in Milford, Jan. 22, 1866, d. Nov. 22, 1889. 8. BESSIE G., b. in Milford, Feb. 15, 1869. 9. ERNEST G., b. in Milford, Jan. 27, 1872. HERRICK. DR. ISRAEL HERRICK. The name Herrick is of Norse origin and derived from the Danish Ehric or Eric. This family came to England about the time of Alfred, and figured conspicuously in the troublous times which ruled in those days in England. After seventeen different changes in spelling this name finally became Herrick. Henry Herrick, the Anglo-American ancestor of the Herricks of Lynde- borough, came to this country from Leicester, England, June 24, 1769, and settled at Cape Ann Side, now called Beverly. One of his descend- ants of the sixth generation, Edward Herrick, of Andover, Mass., settled 766 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH in Wilton soon after the Revolutionary War. This Edward was born at Methuen, Mass., Oct. 9, 1754, and was by trade a cabinet maker. He built a cabinet shop and grist mill at Barnes' Falls and carried on busi- ness there until his death. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and after his death his widow secured a pension. He married in Wilton Mary Holt, Nov. 18, 1779. She was born at Andover, Mass., Nov. 24, 1755. He died Feb. 25, 1810, aged fifty-five years. She died Oct. 24, 1844, aged eighty-nine years. They had nine children, of whom Israel, the subject of this sketch, was the seventh. He was born July 9, 1794. ' His opportunity for education up to the time he was fifteen years of age was the "district school as it was," as he has said, and then owing to the long sickness and death of his father he was deprived of this privi- lege, small as it was, until he entered upon his nineteenth year. At that time he was given an invitation by an uncle who lived at Tarn worth to come and live with him, and in December, 1812, he started for his new home. He says of this change: "From uncle's family I received a hearty welcome, and they made known to me another welcome announce- ment, viz., that their district school would commence on the morrow, with the Rev. Father Hidden as teacher, and would keep three months, and that I was to go all the time, and my work would be to take care of the stable and saw the fire wood. But this I met with dread, for I was a great ignorant boy. Ah ! how I dreaded to enter that school. . . . But this teacher proved to be one of the best friends I ever had. I improved the term faithfully, so much so that Father Hidden interceded with my uncle to give me a public education, and to my joy it was announced to me that in September I should go, under the care of Father Hidden, to fit me for such an enterprise. I continued for almost two years, and had got almost prepared to enter college when he was suddenly taken down with neuralgia sciatica." This uncle expected young Israel to become a preacher of the Gospel, which he would by no means consent to do, as he says, " without becom- ing a consummate hypocrite," and the result of this sickness and differ- ence with his uncle was his returning to his home in Wilton. In 1815 he entered into a partnership with a relative in the West India goods trade in Salem, Mass., but the venture did not prove a success. In 1817 he commenced the study of medicine with Dr. John Wallace, continuing with him a little over two years, and finished his three full years with Dr. Asa Crosby of Gilmanton in September, 1820. From there he went to Hanover and attended his second course of lectures, receiving his de- gree of M.D. in December, 1820. In 1821 he came to Lyndeborough and opened an office in the middle of the town so called. It was evidently in what was the old "store house." Dr. Daniel Ward well was a practicing physician here then, and Dr. Herrick says, " Of course tny business was small." In October that same year he bought the real estate and* practice of Dr. Wardwell and soon had a good and increasing practice. Nov. 28, 1822, he married Eliza H. Burns, daughter of Samuel Burns of Milford, and located in a tenement owned by Col. Richardson in a house that was afterward re- moved to Wilton. The next summer he built the house where Herman A. Walker now lives, but did not move into it until the spring of 1824. GENEALOGIES 767 In 1828 he sold this place, together with his practice, to Dr. Nathan Jones, a native of Lyndeborough, but then practicing in Temple, and removed to Milford, March 20, 1828. He remained there two years, and then removed to Mason Village, where two years was the length of his stay. From there he went to Deering and remained until 1834. Through the influence and solicitation of the Rev. Nathaniel Merrill he was in- duced to return to Lyndeborough in November, 1834, and opened an office in the house where Henry Clark afterward lived. This house was torn down in 1904. He says in his sketch of his life, "I might here close this meagre autobiography of my changeable life but there are a number of points or circumstances, independent of my migratory course, which I wish to notice, but in the meantime humbly acknowledge the hand of God in guiding me thus far. When darkness and doubt closed me in on every side and I saw no way for escape His kind and loving hand would, in a way I thought not of, lead me out where there was relief, light, joy and hope. Blessed be His name forever." The above quotation reveals the man he was. He purchased the place were his son, Benjamin G., now lives and passed the remainder of his days there. March 3, 1843, bis buildings were destroyed by fire, but were soon rebuilt. He was educated in the " old school" of practice of medicine, but adopted the Homeopathic or new school at a time when it required considerable courage to do so. He was the fourth physician in this state to adopt this method. It was receiving at that time great ridicule and opposition from the adherents of the old way. Dr. Herrick was eminently successful as a physician and had a large practice. His skilled services were in demand, not only in his own town, but in the neighboring towns as well. He was ever ready to attend a call day or night, and he knew to the full the hardships of a country doctor. Generous to a fault he seldom pressed a debtor for a bill. As a citizen he took great interest in the material affairs of the town and his ability and common sense made his opinions respected. He was three times elected to serve his town in the Legislature and also held the office of selectman and town clerk. He early became interested in the Anti-Slavery agitation, and cast the first abolition ballot ever offered in town. It was taken from the ballot box and passed around as a curiosity. For some reason it was not returned and was never counted. He was prominent in the crusade against rum and was a temperance speaker of some note, and a poet of no mean ability. He was one of those rare men whose presence in the sick room brings restfulness, courage and confidence to the patient. Of a stout habit with bushy eyebrows, sharp grey eyes but kindly withal, he was a man, once seen, to be remembered. Failing health compelled him to relinquish much of his practice during the last years of his life, but whenever possible he responded when his services were needed. Dr. Israel Herrick, son of Edward and Mary (Holt) Herrick, born July 9, 1794; died Feb. 18, 1866; married first, Eliza H., daughter of Samuel and Abigail (Jones) Burns of Milford, N. H., Nov. 28, 1822. She was born Nov. 24, 1802, and died April 20, 1848 ; married second, 768 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH Emmeline, daughter of Joseph and Chloe (Abbott) Grey of Wilton, N. H., Dec. 12, 1849. She was born Oct. u, 1811 ; died June 3, 1891. Chil- dren, all born in Lyndeborough : 1. ELIZA D., b. Sept. 20, 1823, d. Aug. 20, 1825. 2. LAFAYETTE, -f- 3. WILLIAM J., + 4. EDWARD H., b. Oct. n, 1828, d. July 25, 1873. 5. BENJAMIN G., -f- LAFAYETTE HERRICK, son of Israel and Eliza (Burns) Herrick, born Jan. 29, 1825 ; married first, Sarah E., daughter of Francis D. and Mehitable (Haynes) Johnson of Lyndeborough, Feb. 3, 1848. She was born Nov. 15, 1827; married second, Indianna E., daughter of Samuel and Mahali (Elliott) Wilson of Pepperell, Mass., Sept. 9, 1854. She was born April 19, 1838. He died May 30, 1888. Children, all by second wife : 1. HENRY A., b. March 4, 1855, m. Mrs. Lizzie Wilson of Greenfield, Jan. 27, 1897. He d. June 17, 1901. 2. CARRIE D., b. Nov. 8, 1858, d. Dec. i, 1872. 3. ANNA E., b. Aug. 7, 1860, d. Dec. 16, 1868. 4. IDA M., b. Jan. 4, 1866, d. Nov. 18, \\ WILLIAM J. HERRICK, son of Israel and Eliza (Burns) Herrick. born Jan. 15, 1827; married first, Chloe, daughter of Samuel and Olive (Clark) Jones of Lyndeborough, April 30, 1849. She was born Feb. 27, 1831 ; died Nov. 21, 1876; married second, Mrs. Mary Jane McGaskey of Plymouth, Mo., Oct. 31, 1878. He died Jan. 5, 1893. He kept the store at the "centre " for some years. He had a partner at first and the firm was known as O'Donnell & Herrick, but he was afterwards sole proprie- tor. At that time, 1860 to 1865, considerable trading was done at the old store at the " centre " and Mr. Herrick did a thriving business. He was the postmaster and during the years of the Civil War but one daily paper was taken by any patron of that office, and the neighbors used to gather at the store when Dr. Jones brought the mail to get the news from the front. The railroad then only came as far as Wilton and all merchandise was brought from there by team. Soon after the close of the war, he was taken with the "western fever" and removed to Elk Grove, 111., where he remained until 1870 when he bought 80 acres of wild prairie land of the Hannibal and St. Joe railroad and made a new home in Missouri. He was a pioneer in the section where he settled) and became influential and prosperous. His decendants reside there now. Children by first wife, all born in Lyndeborough but two youngest : 1. CHARLES I., b. Jan. n, 1850, m. Oct. 29, 1874, Frances E. Lyon. Children : Mina Belle, Chloe F. Res. in Ply- mouth, Mo., where he is a prosperous farmer and has held public office. 2. EMMA E., b. Aug. i, 1854, m. Oct. 25, 1870, Horace Wright- / GENEALOGIES 769 man. Children : Florence E., Grace, Frederick, Samuel, Laura. Res. in Plymouth, Mo. 3. FRANK H., b. Oct. 30, 1855, d. June 18, 1858. 4. FRANK H., 2ND., b. Sept. i, 1859, d. March 21, 1861. 5. SAMUEL J., b. May 2, 1862, m. Aug. 7, 1883, Emma E. Welker. Children: Myrta L., L/eah B. He is a phy- sician and res. in Everest, Kan. 6. ALICE CLARK, b. in Missouri, Oct. 5, 1869. 7. WILLIAM A., b. in Missouri, May 5, 1874, d. Oct. 6, 1878. BENJAMIN G. HERRICK, son of Israel and Eliza (Burns) Herrick ; born May i, 1836. He was educated in the common schools of Lynde- borough, and became a prominent figure in its social and political life. A lover of music, he was a long time member of the Congregational church choir, and was always ready to assist the "committee on music " at entertainments and celebrations held in town. He is a valued leader in the councils of the political party to which he belongs and unswerving in his allegiance to its principles. He early joined in the grange move- ment and was the master of the local branch of the order for several years, serving with faith and perseverance. He was nominated and elected county commissioner in the fall of 1888, having the honor of being the first Lyndeborough man to have a place on the county ticket. He was re-elected three times, serving in all, eight years. During two years of his term of office, and while chairman of the board, the county commissioners had the care and responsibility of the expenditure of nearly $400,000, taking into account expenses for the support of the county poor and the erecting of the new county buildings at Grasmere. It was during his term of office that the location of the county farm at Wilton was aban- doned and the commodious and convenient plant at Goffstown estab- lished. He was called upon to help decide many important road cases, and discharged his duties to the satisfaction and approval of his constitu- ents. He had entire charge of the county poor in the towns of the county. He was elected representative in 1900, and very naturally was made chairman of the committee on county affairs. He was a soldier in the Civil War. (See Chap. X.) He married Sarah E., daughter of Nathaniel R. and Rebecca (Palmer) Fish of Peterborough, N. H., Jan. 8, 1861. She was born July 13, 1836. Child, born in Lyndeborough : i-. WILLIE, F. -f- WILLIE F. HERRICK, son of Benjamin and Sarah .E. (Fish) Her- rick; born Jan. 15, 1866; married Nellie, daughter of Antoine and Mary (Ross) Farnham of Lyndeborough, Jan. 28, 1891. She died May 5, 1897. He married second, Feb. 5, 1902, Lucy A., daughter of Francis J. and Catharine (O'Brien) Barrett of New Bedford, Mass., born Nov. i, 1875. Children by first wife : 1. HARRY B., b. Oct. 16, 1891. 2. ROY F., b. July 18, 1895. 3. BESSIE E., b. April 5, 1897. 770 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH Child by second wife : 4. FRANCES BARRETT, b. June i, 1905. EDWARD HERRICK, a brother of Dr. Israel Herrick, once lived in Lyndeborough, on the farm where E. H. Putnam lives. He was the son of Edward and Mary (Holt) Herrick ; born Oct. 29, 1785 ; married first, Nancy Barrett of Wilton, Dec. 27, 1810. She died Nov. 27, 1824. He married second, Nov. 22, 1825, Mary Andrews. The records do not show whether their children were born in Lyndeborough or not. Children : 1. EDWARD BARRETT, b. April n, 1812. 2. MARY J., b. Sept. 17, 1814, m. Joel Hesselton. 3. ELIZA A., b. June 2, 1816, m. Oscar Ingalls. 4. CHARLES P., b. April 27, 1818. 5. NANCY D., b. July 4, 1820, m. Silas B. Winn. 6. ALONZO, b. Dec. 9, 1827. 7. JOHN A. b. Nov. 3, 8. HARRIET J., b. Dec. 26, 1831. 9. ANDREW J., b. June 5, 1834. 10. CLYMINIA F., b. April 5, 1838. 11. JOHN A., b. Nov. 30, 1839. HESSEI/TINE. NATHAN HESSELTINE, JR.,was the son of Nathan Hesseltine, who settled in Wilton. The church records of Wilton show that the four older children were baptized in the church there, but the town records of Lyndeborough show that all the children of Nathan Hesseltine were born in Lyndeborough. He lived in a house that stood where the glass factory was built, and there is where his children were born. Nathan was a sol- dier in the Revolutionary War, according to the Wilton History. The name is spelled in different ways, and in Wilton it is usually written Hesselton. He married Phebe and we have no further record ex- cept the births of his children : 1. PHEBE, b. April 30, 1776. 2. JOHN, b. Jan. 24, 1779, m. April 17, 1808, Sally, dau. of John Baldwin. 3. NATHAN, b. March 24, 1781, rem. to Weston, Vt., d. Jan. 4, 1814. 4. SAMUEL, b. May 14, 1783. 5. LOTS, b. Sept. 16, 1785. SKY. b. July 9, 1788. -KAH, b. Au.i*. 14, 1790, d. Feb. 14, 1795. . D . 1). Aug. 2, 1793. HILDRETH. JuTHAM UlIvDRETH. Our record of the Hildreth family is imper- GENEALOGIES 771 feet. From what few records we are able to obtain, it would seem that Jotham Hildreth came from Amherst in 1800 and settled on land in the southwestern part of the town. He married Abigail, daughter of Joshua and Abigail (Ladd) Sargent of Lyndeborough. She was born Feb. 22, 1781 ; died Aug. 24, 1850. He died Dec. 8, 1850. He was evidently a man of considerable business ability and energy. He built and owned one or more sawmills in town. The farm where he settled has since been known as the Hildreth place, now owned by the heirs of Mr. Gould. Chil- dren : 1. ABIGAIL, b. Jan. 15, 1806, m. first, Israel Putnam. (See Putnam gen.); m. second, Jacob Crosby. She d. July 8, 1888. 2. JOTHAM, b. June 25, 1807, d. July 8, 1893. He was a man possessed of considerable means for a farmer of his day, and while of a quiet, retiring nature, he was still a well known citizen, and had in a large degree the respect of the com- munity. He was a devout member of the Congregational church and a constant attendant at church services until infirmity prevented. He gave the church a sum of money the income of which was to be used in its support, and he left a bequest to be administered by trustees, the income of which was to be devoted to helping the worthy poor. He met his death by accident, falling from the railroad track at or near the so-called gulf bridge. 3. JACOB, b. Dec. 31, 1809, m. June 14, 1842, Sarah, dau. of Israel and Abigail (L/ewis) Goodrich of L/yndeborough. She was b. June 24, 1821 ; d. July 5, 1844. He d. May 17, 1849. 4. MARY A., b. June 12, 1817, d. Sept. 3, 1836. 5. JULIA A., b. March 26, 1821, d. Sept. 10, 1875. ABEL HILL, son of Alpheus Hill of Billerica, Mass., born Aug. 22, 1787; married Jan. 22, 1814, Polly, daughter of John and Ruth (South- wick) Proctor. She was born in Danvers, Mass., April 2, 1791; died Nov. 7, 1857. He died in Henniker, March 12, 1828. He was the first of this family to come to Lyndeborough. He settled on a farm situated on the old road from the Nathan Richardson place to North Lyndeborough. Daniel B. Whittemore owns the pasture where the old cellar hole is. Asa was born there. After Abel Hill's death in Henniker his wife and children came back to Lyndeborough, and lived in a house on the side of the mountain south of M. T. Spalding's place. Nothing but a cellar hole there now. Children : 1. ASA, -4- 2. SYLVESTER, b. Aug. 16, 1819; d. Feb. 21, 1821. 772 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH 3. MARY P., b. Jan. 15, 1822, m. John Carleton of Lyndebor- ough. (See Carleton gen.) 4. SYLVESTER, 2ND., b. Sept. 23, 1823, d. Sept. 16, 1853. 5. MARTHA, b. Jan. 4, 1826, d. Feb. 7, 1860. Of these children, Asa was b. in I/yndeborough, the others in Henniker. ASA HILL, son of Abel and Polly (Proctor) Hill, born in Lyndebor- ough, May 3, 1816 ; married April 24, 1847, Julia Augusta Burgess of Maine. She was born June 10, 1824 ; died Dec. 8, 1900. He died Oct. 20, 1891. He was a deacon in the Congregational Church for many years. He always took great interest in the events of the town but never held public office of any importance. He was a long time member of the Lafayette Artillery Company. Children : 1. FRED M., b. May 5, 1853, m. Feb. 8, 1877, Ella L., dau. of William A. and Mary (Hardy) Colburn. She was b. in Hollis, Nov. 12, 1852. They have three children : Frank A., b. June 13, 1878; Charles A., b. Sept. 10, 1879; Mary E., b. July 7, 1881, d. Feb. 28, 1891. 2. IRA B., b. May 3, 1861, m. January, 1884, Emma F., dau. of William A. and Mary (Hardy) Colburn. She was b. in Hollis, June 16, 1863. Children : Gladys A., b. July 21, 1896. HOLDEN. AARON HOLDEN, born in Mason ; married Sept. 5, 1843, Julia A. Morse of Francestown. She was born Sept. 5, 1820. He died Oct. 4, 1886. Children : 1. GEORGE H. 2. AARON A. 3. HENRY E., + 4. FLORENCE D., b. Oct. 16, 1854, m. Charles H. Pond. Children : Edward, Delia F. 5. AARON A., b. Jan. 28, 1858. HENRY E. HOLDEN, son of Aaron and Julia (Morse) Holden, born Oct. 18, 1850; married Lizzie J. Peabody. She was born April 14, 1857. Children : 1. PERLEY E., + 2. ADA B., b. July 20, 1876. 3. FLORENCE D., b. April 10, 1879. 4. BELLA F., b. Feb. 4, 1883. PERLEY E. HOLDEN, son of Henry E. and Lizzie J. (Peabody) Holden, born April 3, 1875; married June 25, 1897, Myrtie C., daughter of John H. and Clintina (Carkin) Burton. Children : GENEALOGIES 773 1. VIOLA, b. May 25, 1899. 2. MARGIE C., b. Oct. 12, 1902. HOI/T. The name Holt is of ancient origin and is applied to a number of towns and parishes in England. According to some writers on English genealogy there would appear to have been two prominent families of this name, known as the Aston family of Norwickshire and the Grizzle- hurst family of Lancaster. Sir John Holt, Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench, was a descendant of the last-named family, and was a very famous man in his day. He was noted for his extensive knowledge of the common law of England and his uprightness upon the bench. Nicholas Holt, the immigrant ancestor of the Holts of New England, was a lineal descendant of Sir John. The time and place of the birth of Nicholas is unknown. The first definite information we have of him is as a passenger on the Ship James of London, William Cooper, master, which sailed from the port of Southampton, Eng., April, 1635, and of his arrival on these shores the third of June following. He was un- doubtedly accompanied by his wife and at least one child. He settled in Newbury, Mass., and lived there nine years. In 1644 he removed with his family to Andover, Mass., and was the seventh settler of that town. He was three times married. The Christian name of his first wife was Elizabeth ; his second wife was Hannah Rolfe, and his third, Mrs. Martha Preston. He died in Andover, Mass., Jan. 30, 1685. William Holt, the first of this family to come to Lyndeborough, was of the fourth generation from Nicholas of Andover as follows : Nicholas, Henry, Oliver, William. The exact date of his coming to Lyndeborough is not known but it was some time previous to 1760, for the town records contain the follow- ing date of birth : " William, son of William Holt and Bulah, his wife, born March 23, 1760." It is a tradition that William Holt came to Salem-Canada with David Stratton and as Stratton took a deed of some land in 1745, that is probably the year. After spending one winter with Stratton hunting and trapping he bought the lot numbered 76 or what was afterwards the Dr. Herrick farm, taking a deed, Aug. 9, 1753. Later he bought Stratton' s farm, and removed there. This farm is the one now owned by his descendant, Andy Holt. He had three sons born in Lyndeborough, William, Oliver and Benjamin, and daughters also, but of them we find no record excepting that of Mary and Judith. William settled in Greenfield and was the ancestor of the Holts of that town. Oliver remained on the ancestral acres, and of Benjamin there is no further record. Transcript from Town Records : "William, son of William Holt, Jr., and Betty, his wife, b. Jan. 23, 1791 ; d. Feb. 6, 1791, Levi Spaulding, son of do. b. Nov. 28, 1784. Bulah, dau. of do. b. Jan. 13, 1787. Oliver, son of do. b. May 16, 1789. Betty, dau. of do. b. Jan. 23, 1791. Twin with William." OLIVER HOLT, son of William and Bulah Holt, married Jane Karr, a daughter of James Karr, who settled in Lyndeborough in the early 774 H1STOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH days. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary Army, and died Feb. 27, 1854, aged 93. She died September, 1844. 'Of the children of Oliver and Jane (Karr) Holt only David and Thomas remained residents of Lyndebor- ough. Oliver removed to Goshen, N. H.; Parker removed to Leroy, O.; Calvin to Newport, N. H., and later in 1851, during the gold excitement, crossed the plains with a team, taking three months to make the jour- ney. He died in Kentucky. Thomas K. married and had children born in Lyndeborough, but of them we have no record. Children, all born in Lyndeborough : 1. JACOB, b. Aug. 27, 1790, d. Sept. 27, 1790. 2. THOMAS K., b. Jan. 10, 1792, m. Sally Messer. He d. Nov. 12, 1836. 3. JANE, b. April 28, 1794, m. Arronet Gunnison of Goshen. 4. OLIVER, + 5. JOANNA, b. Dec. 16, 1798, m. May 6, 1818, John Lewis. She died Dec. 6, 1888. 6. PARKER, b. Nov. 6, 1801, d. Aug. 21, 1802. 7. DAVID, -f- 8. CALVIN, OLIVER HOLT, son of Oliver and Jane (Karr) Holt; born Oct. 30, 1796; married Harriet Willey, daughter of Reuben Willey of Goshen. She was born Aug. i, 1799; died Dec. 22, 1877. He died Dec. 15, 1876. Children : 1. SARAH, b. April 20, 1821, m. John Graves of Dempster, d. Nov. 8, 1850. 2. HARRIET, b. Sept. n, 1825, d. March 15, 1900. 3. L/UTHERA M., b. Jan. 16, 1828, m. Charles E. Cook of Al- stead, d. June 4, 1860. 4. OUVER, b. Aug. 30, 1830, m. first, Nov. 25, 1852, Mary Miles of Stow, Mass. She d. May 20, 1870, and he m. second, June 31, 1871, I^ouisa Bigelow of N. Y. She d. Feb. n, 1899. 5. WILSON D., b. June 26, 1833, d. Dec. 22, 1877. This family lived in Goshen or Alstead. DAVID HOLT, son of Oliver and Jane (Karr) Holt ; born June 9, 1804 ; married first, Jan. 20, 1829, Bethiah Wilson of Greenfield. She was born in 1807 and died Jan. 5, 1837, aged 30 years; married second, Ann Coch- ran of Antrim, June 18, 1837. She was born March 2, 1802 ; died April 13, 1870; married third, Mrs. Julia Clark. David Holt was a notable man in the life of the town in his day. He had a keen wit and a dry humor which made his sayings much quoted. He was a member of the Congregational church and a pretty constant at- tendant thereof. He was public spirited, and of the duties which fall to the citizens of country towns always bore his full share. He died Oct. 22, 1884. Children by first wife : ALFRED F. HOLT. GENEALOGIES 77S 1. BENJAMIN W., b. Mar. 16, 1830, d. Mar. 18, 1832. 2. MARY J., b. Jan. 20, 1833, m. Isaiah Barzillai Curtis. (See Curtis gen.) 3. Miriam M., b. March 2, 1834, m - Clark Jones. (See Jones gen.) By second wife : 4. ALFRED F., -J- 5. FRANCES A., b. Feb. 16, 1840, m. Kilburn S. Curtis. (See Curtis gen.) 6. ANDY, -\- 7. E^LEN B., b. Dec. 10, 1844, m - April 18, 1882, Fred E. Hardy of Francestown, res. in California. Child : Ethel J., b. July i, 1883, d. Nov. 20, 1883. GEN. ALFRED F. HOLT, son of David and Ann (Cochran) Holt; born Dec. 16, 1838; married in 1868, Lizzie B. Gardner of Cambridge, Mass. Until the age of nineteen years his life was the common lot of farmers' boys of that time. He worked on the farm summers, attended the district school winters, and had the advantage of a few terms at the Academy at Mont Vernon. At about the age of nineteen he commenced the study of medicine under the supervision of Dr. William A. Jones, spending a year with him. The next two years he studied with Dr. Woodbury of East Boston, and attending courses of medical lectures at Harvard University in the winters of 1858, 1859, an< i 1860. In the spring of 1860, he attended a course of medical lectures at the University of Vermont, where he received his degree of M.D. in June of that year. In August, 1860, he removed to Cambridge, Mass., and commenced the practice of medicine. But the breaking out of the Civil War changed the life of this young man as it changed the lives of so many others. Imbued with a spirit of patriotism and a love for the Union, he enlisted April 16, 1861, in the first company raised in the northern states to defend the Union and the flag. This company was attached to the Third Regt. Mass. Vol. Militia, and on the evening of April 17, 1861, sailed for Fortress Munroe. During the voyage he was made hospital steward of the regiment, which position he held during his three months of service. His regiment assisted at the burning of the navy yard near Norfolk, Va., April 22, 1861, and was afterward stationed at Fortress Munroe and Hampton, Va. When the term of enlistment expired, Dr. Holt at once sought a position in the medical corps of the army. He was successful and was made assistant surgeon of the Thirtieth Massa- chusetts, a regiment organized for duty under Gen. Butler in the ex. treme south. Jan. 2, 1862, this regiment embarked on the Steamer Constitution, and a few days after sailed for Ship Island, that death spot for so many northern boys. During the bombardment of Forts Jackson and St. Phillip this regiment was on shipboard a few miles be. low on the river, and after the surrender of the forts was first to enter New Orleans. He saw service in front of Vicksburg, Miss., and later at Baton Rouge and Carrolton. At the Battle of Baton Rouge he was 776 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH especially mentioned in general orders for bravery and humanity in giv- ing aid to the wounded as they fell. In December, 1862, he was pro- moted to surgeon of the First Texas Cavalry, a regiment made up largely of men who were obliged to leave their homes on account of their Union sentiments. It can readily be seen that to win promotion in a regiment of men embittered by loss of home, and imbued with a strong desire to avenge themselves on their foes required courage and ability of high degree. Dr. Holt held up the banner of New England grit evidently, for in December, 1863, he left the medical department and was made senior major of the regiment, and a few months after was promoted to lieuten- ant colonel, which position he held until the final muster out, October, 1865, at San. Antonio, Texas, commanding his regiment almost contin- uously from the time he was made field officer. During this time he took part in nearly all the campaigns, battles and skirmishes that oc- curred in the Department of the Gulf. In 1866 he returned to Cam- bridge and again commenced the practice of his profession. He became a member of the American Medical Association, of the Massachusetts Medical Society, of the Cambridge Medical Improvement Society and of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He stood high in his profession, was noted as a microscopist and was an author- ity in the study of morbid anatomy. In June, 1879, Dr. Holt was appointed one of the medical examiners for Massachusetts, and in January, 1884, was made surgeon-general of the State with the rank of brigadier-general, which position he held until his death. He was a member of the Grand Army and also of the Loyal Legion. He died at Martin, Florida, where he had gone for his health, Dec. 28, 1890. The resolutions passed by the various societies to which he belonged, and the letters of condolence by the governor and fellow members of the staff show the esteem in which he was held. He won fame and honor in the state of his adoption, but to his greater credit he never lost his love for his native town and the old homestead farm where he spent his boyhood days. In the last years of his life, as much time as could be spared from his duties at Cambridge was spent on the old farm in Lyndeborough. Gov. Brackett of Massachusetts says of him, " His straight-forward manliness, his unswerving integrity, his kindness of heart endeared him to me and now that he has gone from among us they have left a fragrant memory." The Massachusetts Medico Legal Society, of which he was president, in resolutions on his death say, that " for his services to humanity and to the medical profession for his researches, his study and his skill in his chosen field of pathology, for his zeal and ability as a surgeon and physician. . . . We deplore his loss." ANDY HOLT, son of David and Ann (Cochran) Holt; born Feb. i, 1842 ; married May 4, 1864, Abby J., daughter of Harvey and Lois (Cram) Holt. She was born Feb. 20, 1846. He has been largely identified with the business and social interests of the town. Elected a member of the board of selectmen first in 1870, he has held that office fourteen times since. He represented the town in the legislature of 1903, and has at one time or another been chosen to fill about all the offices in the gift of the ANDY HOLT. GENEALOGIES 777 town. He was a charter member of and the first master of Pinnacle Grange and captain of the Lafayette Artillery Co. for several years. He has always taken great interest in military affairs, and is an active mem- ber of the above named organization. In social affairs, in committees in educational interests, he has always been a prominent figure. He is the conceded leader of his political party in town, and of late years has de- voted much time to state politics and to Grand Army affairs. He was a soldier in the Civil War, and is a man to whom the Grand Army organiza- tion appeals strongly. He lives at South Lyndeborough. (For his mili- tary record see Chap. X.) Children, all born in Lyndeborough : 1. FI.ORA M., b. Aug. 21, 1867, m. June 2, 1887, Edwin W. H. Farnum of Francestown. 2. PARKER, b. April 3, 1870, d. Aug. 9, 1876. 3. FRED A., b. Nov. 30, 1881, m. Feb. u, 1903, Annie M., dau. of Charles H. and Susie (Watkins) Senter of Lynde- borough. 4. HARRY W., b. April n, 1883. HOLT. HARVEY HOLT, born May 5, 1808; married Lois, daughter of Gideon and Amy (Putnam) Cram. She was born March 20, 1813 ; died Sept. n, 1893. He died Nov. 14, 1865. Children: 1. LOIS, b. March 16, 1836, m. William N. Ryerson of Lynde- borough. (See Ryerson gen.) 2. AMY, b. April 21, 1838, m. Edward H. Spauldingof Nashua, N. H., Aug. i, 1860. d. Dec. 2, 1860. 3. HARVEY, b. Sept. 20, 1840. Killed at the Battle of Bull Run. (See Chap. X.) 4. JASON, 4- 5. ABBY JANE, b. Feb. 21, 1846, m. Andy Holt. (See Holt gen.) 6. EMERY, -(- 7. GEORGIANNA, b. March 17, 1851, m. Harlan P. Bradford of Lyndeborough. (See Bradford gen.) 8. EUGENE, b. Sept. 30, 1855, m. Lizzie, dau. of J. King of New Boston, N. H., May n, 1875. Res. in Hudson, N. H. JASON HOLT, son of Harvey and Lois (Cram) Holt, born April 3, 1843 ; married Rosie, daughter of Richard and Sarah (Stevens) Young. She was born July 20, 1848 ; died March 10, 1868. He has served on the board of selectmen a number of years. Was a soldier in the Civil War. (See Chap. X.) Child: i. RosiE E., b. March 9, 1868, m. John M. Curtis, son of Kilburn S. and Frances (Holt) Curtis of Lyndeborough, Sept. n, 1894. 7 78 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH EMERY HOLT, son of Harvey and Lois (Cram) Holt, born May 27, 1848 ; married Ella T., daughter of Adoniram and Maria (Lakin) Rus- sell of Lyndeborough, April 5, 1870. She was born May 7, 1852. Chil- dren, all born in Lyndeborough : 1. ADRIA A., b. Jan. 8, 1873, m. William C. Wilder. (See Wilder gen.) 2. BERTHA E., b. April 20, 1874, d. Nov. 8, 1892. 3. HARVEY E., b. July 3, 1876, m. Margaret Polk of L,ynde- borough, Jan. i, 1902. Child: Herbert H., b. Nov. 22, 1902. 4. ELMA Iy., b. July 18, 1877. 5. IDA I,., b. May 26, 1881, m. Albert C. Mason. (See Mason . gen.) 6. FOREST A., b. July 13, 1882. 7. CHARLOTTE M., b. July 6, 1883, d. Feb. 2, 1884. 8. ANNIE T., b. Aug. 12, 1885. 9. RUTH C., b. May 21, 1887. 10. JASON R., b. May 19, 1891. HOI/T. CHARLES HENRY HOLT, son of Abiel and Olivia (Proctor) Holt; born Jan. 14, 1828, at Milford ; married first, July 2, 1852, Mary A., daughter of Jonas and Mary (Hall) Wheeler of Lyndeborough. She was born March 4, 1833 ; died Sept. 13, 1854. He married second, May 22, 1857, Harriet E., daughter of John and Jemima (Hopkins) Lowe of Dedham, Mass. She was born Aug. 20, 1827 ; died Sept. 6, 1880. He came to Lyndeborough when a young man and worked for his brother Lorenzo at carriage painting. He went to California during the gold ex- citement, in 1848, going "round the Horn" in a whaling ship, and re- turning "in 1850 by way of the Isthmus of Panama. While there he helped build the first framed houses in San Francisco. He was a car- penter by trade, and owned a saw mill at South Lyndeborough. He was a selectman four years, and at the time of his death had been postmaster at South Lyndeborough twenty-five years. He was always interested in military matters and was a member of the Lafayette Artillery Co., thirty- seven years, serving as lieutenant eleven years, and captain thirteen years. He was major in the N. H. Militia four years. (See Chap. VIII.) He died Jan. 31, 1897 at South Lyndeborough. Child by first wife : 1. JENNETTE A., b. Dec. 19, 1853, m. Sept. 28, 1879, Tarrant M. Beale of Boston, Mass. Child by second wife : 2. EFFIE A., b. Nov. 23, 1868, m. Oct. 2, 1890, Starr B. Cen- ter of Wilton. Children: Carroll H., Lesley N. HOI/T. JOHN FLETCHER HOLT, son of Benjamin Holt; born Nov. 12, GENEALOGIES 779 1807 ; married Nov. 27, 1834, Abigail, daughter of Andrew and Rebecca (Cram) Harwood of Lyndeborough. She was b. June 20, 1805 ; died Nov. 24, 1869. He died April 17, 1883. He was one of the board of selectmen for several years and held other town office. He owned and lived on the farm where Emery Holt now lives. Children, all born in Lyndebor- ough : 1. BENJAMIN F., -f- 2. REBECCA, b. Dec. 25, 1839, d. Jan. 4, 1840. 3. JOHN F., b. April 17, 1842, d. May 10, 1842. BENJAMIN F. HOLT, son of John F. and Rebecca (Harwood) Holt; born Nov. 7, 1837; married Sept. 18, 1862, M. Gertrude, daughter of Luke A. and Mary (Holt) Lucas. She was born Feb. 5, 1842. He died May 12, 1889. Child : i. FLORA MAY. HOLT. ISRAEL PORTER HOLT, born Jan; 27, 1821 ; married Phebe E. She was born Nov. 18, 1814 ; died April 22, 1880. He died Oct. 29, 1883. Israel Porter Holt, Persons S. Holt, Charles H. Holt and David Kendall Holt were brothers. Children : 1. MARTHA J., b. April 16, 1849, m. June 6, 1878, Francis A. Osborn of Cambridgeport, Mass. 2. ISRAEL H., b. June 15, 1850, m. March 31, 1874, Eva L/. Freeman of Wilton. 3. EMER F., b. Oct. 23, 1851, d. Nov. 25, 1851. 4. GEORGIANNA F., b. Jan. 13, 1853, m. Sept. 25, 1873, Charles P. Wheeler of Amherst. 5. ELLA M., b. Oct. 21, 1854. PERSONS S. HOLT. No record was returned of the dates of the births and deaths of Mr. and Mrs. Persons S. Holt, except the date of Mrs. Holt's death, Sept. 18, 1869. Children : 1. MARY A., b. Aug. 15, 1844, m. Owen Varley of Wilton, d. Sept. 7, 1869. 2. CATHERINE B., b. Aug. 13, 1847, m. Lawrence Dillon of L/awrence, Mass. 3. HATTIE S., b. Feb. 19, 1851, d. July 31, 1868. 4. SARAH F., b. Oct. n, 1852, m. Henry J. Pickett of Water- bury, d. May 13, 1888. 5. SUMNER A., b. May 19, 1861, m. Nov. 9, 1882, Ella J. Chapman of Waterbury. CHARLES H. HOLT, born in Watertown, Mass.; married first, Oct. ii, 1836, Anna, daughter of Oliver and Anna (Pierce) Perham. She was born May 20, 1812 ; died Jan. 3, 1873. He married second, Hannah J., daughter of Brackley and Sarah (Butterfield) Rose. She was born May 780 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH 31, 1827. He died Jan. 27, 1888. He was a farmer and nursery man, and owned a large farm in Perham Corner, now occupied by his son William P. He was selectman for many years and was influential in town affairs. Child by first wife : I. WILLIAM P., ~h WILLIAM P. HOLT, son of Charles H. and Anna (Perham) Holt; born Oct. 7, 1840; married Sept. 19, 1881, Mary E. Woodbury of New Boston. She was born April 14, 1844. Children : 1. AUSTIN, b. May 3, 1886. 2. OLIVER, b. Aug. 14, 1887. HOLT. ELI HOLT and Personela, his wife, lived for a time on the Lucas place. It is presumed they came to Lyndeborough from Temple, as the two older children are recorded as born there. Children, all but two born at Lyndeborough : 1. MARY, b. at Temple May 20, 1814. 2. HARRIET A., b. at Temple Oct. 20, 1815. 3. ADALINE M., b. April 12, 1817. 4. PAMELIA, b. Feb. 18, 1819. 5. SARAH J., b. Feb. 14, 1821. 6. HANNAH, b. June 3, 1822. 7. CLARISSA, b. Feb. 19, 1824, d. March 8, 1824. 8. GEORGE, b. Sept. 12, 1825. 9. PHEBE L,., b. Oct. 20, 1827. 10. HARRIET O., b. Aug. 16, 1829. 11. JOANNA, b. Aug. 23, 1831. 12. ANSTIS, b. Dec. 9, 1833. HOLT. STEPHEN DEXTER HOLT, son of Stephen C. and Mary (Cragin) Holt; born at Andover, Mass., July 22, 1822; married Nov. 29, 1849, Joanna, daughter of Franklin and Mary (Spaulding) Hadley. She was born June 20, 1831. He died April 25, 1876. He lived at one time on the Harwood place, and earlier on the French place, north of Badger Pond. He came to Lyndeborough from Francestown in 1859. He was a soldier in the Civil War. (See Chap. X.) His widow resides in Mont Vernon. Children : 1. CHARLES D., b. in Francestown, Jan. 25, 1851, d. in Mont Vernon, Oct. 4, 1881. 2. FRANCES A., b. March 17, 1854. 3. and 4. AUGUSTUS and AUGUSTINE (twins), b. Aug. 14, 1856. Both d. Nov. 28, 1856. GENEALOGIES 781 5. GEORGE F., b. in L/yndeborough, Aug. 6, 1859, res. in Mont Vernon. HOUSTON. The Houstons were a prominent and influential family in the early history of the town. But few records can be obtained and the family is extinct in Lyndeborough. Samuel Houston was evidently the first of the name to come to Lyndeborough. He settled in the northwest part of the town. The site is now marked by an ancient growth of Lombardy poplars. He was born Feb. 29, 1745, and died May 23, 1824. The family were earnest supporters of the Congregational Church, and both Samuel and his son John were deacons. He was selectman one or more terms. About the year 1840, the whole family removed to Denmark, Iowa, where their descendants now reside. In the town records is the record of the birth of Samuel, son of Dea. Samuel and Rachel Houston. It would seem that he was married twice and perhaps three times, for after the death of Rachel Houston the rest of the children are recorded as sons and daughters of Samuel Houston and Mary, his wife. Rachel Houston died Nov. 19, 1775. There is a record of the marriage of Samuel Houston and Hannah Woodward of Francestown, April i, 1817. She was probably a daughter of Ephraim Woodward of Lyndeborough. Children of Dea. Samuel Houston and Rachel, his wife : 1. SAMUEL, b. May 28, 1771. 2. JOSEPH, b. Oct. ii, 1775. Children of Dea. Samuel Houston and Mary, his wife : 3. CALEB, + 4. RACHEL, b. Oct. 22, 1779, m. Eleazer Woodward. (See Woodward gen.) 5. SARAH, b. Sept. n, 1781, d. July 10, 1785. 6. L/EVI, b. July 9, 1783, d. June 29, 1785. 7. IRA, + 8. JOHN, + CALEB HOUSTON, son of Samuel and Mary Houston, born Jan. 24, 1778 ; married Nancy . She died Aug. 7, 1807. Children recorded as born in Lyndeborough : 1. NANCY H., b. Nov. 3, 1804. 2. RODNEY, b. Dec. 29, 1805. 3. GEORGE L., b. Aug. 3, 1807. IRA HOUSTON, son of Dea. Samuel and Mary Houston, born June 9, 1785; married Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (Rand) Epps. She was born April 3, 1791 ; died May 9, 1873. He died Feb. 6, 1872. Children recorded as born in Lyndeborough : 1. ELIZABETH, b. Sept. 21, 1811, m. Jason Wilson. She d. Aug. n, 1 88 1. 2. MARY, b. July 21, 1813, d. May 30, 1816. 782 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH 3. SAMUEL, b. Nov. n, 1815, m. June, 1848, Catharine Hornby. 4. MARY, b. March 5, 1818, m. Nov. 3, 1842, Francis Blake. 5. HANNAH, b. March 28, 1820, m. Sept. 9, 1840, Wm. Davis. She d. Oct. 9, 1840. 6. RACHEL, b. July 27, 1822. m. June, 1847, James Hornby. 7. JOSEPH, b. Nov. 26, 1824, d. Sept. u, 1826. 8. IRA, b. May n, 1826, m. October, 1856, Olivia P. Porter. He d. May 17, 1889. 9. ANN, b. June 15, 1828, m. November, 1849, Gustavus B. Bracket. Shed. March 17, 1886. 10. RWOENA, b. Nov. ii, 1831, m. May, 1858, Ebenezer T. L,everett. 11. OLIVE, (Twin), b. April 6, 1834, d. Oct. 6, 1834. 12. SARAH, (Twin), b. April 6, 1834, d. Sept. 17, 1834. DBA. JOHN HOUSTON, son of Samuel and Mary Houston, b. June 5, 1787; married Zervia Field of Amherst. She was born Nov. i, 1784. He died Feb. 26, 1856. Children : 1. ALBERT F., b. Jan, 15, 1812, d. Sept. 25, 1835. 2. LAURA, b. Aug. 12, 1813, m. William Davis. She d. Oct. 13, 1887. 3. ABIGAIL, b. April 2, 1815, d. Jan. 31, 1879, m. George Shedd. 4. SARAH, b. July 13, 1821, m. E. Warren Henderson. 5. ZERVIA, m. Peter B. Bell, d. May 31, 1874. 5. JOHN JR., b. Dec. 15, 1823, m. Maria Sturgis. 7, JOSEPH, b. Sept. 13, 1826, m. Sarah L. Bell. 8. MARY J., b. May 28, 1829, m. Joseph E. Ingalls. She d. Jan. 7, 1881. HOWARD. SILAS HOWARD came to Lyndeborough soon after the close of the Revolutionary War and settled in the southeast part of the town. He was a soldier in the Continental Army and drew a pension in his later years. He came to Lyndeborough from Westford, Mass.~ Nothing but a cellar hole marks the spot where he lived.- He married Rebecca Reed, probably of Westford, Mass. He died in 1840, aged -80 years. They had nine children, of whom the records are very imperfect. .Children : . 1. SILAS JR., 2. SAMUEL. + 3. JACOB, b. March 3, 1795, m. Oct. 10, 1824, Rachel, dau. of Isaac and Olive (Hopkins) Blanchard of Milford. Res. in Milford and d. there, May 5, 1873. 4. JOSEPH, GENEALOGIES 783 5. JOHN, 6. BENJAMIN, 7. MARTHA, m. Samuel Hutchinson. 8. ABIGAIL, m. Blanchard. 9. RACHEL, m. Allen Dodge of Mt. Vernon. SAMUEL HOWARD. Samuel, John and Benjamin, sons of Silas and Rebecca (Reed) Howard, were soldiers in the War of 1812, and Samuel was the only one of the three that lived to return. He served three years and four months and was honorably discharged with the rank of lieutenant. He was born in Lyndeborough in 1789, and died in Milford, June 26, 1861 ; married first, June IT, 1821, Hannah, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Harkness) Burns. She was born in Milford in 1781 ; died in Lyndeborough, Oct. 7, 1821 ; second, Oct. 28, 1824, Sally A., daughter of Ezekiel and Sally (Clark) Ames, born March 15, 1802 ; died Dec. 28, 1868. Children, all born in Lyndeborough : 1. WILLIAM WELLS, + 2. ALBERT L., + 3. SARAH A., b. July 19, 1830, m. first, Lemuel Davis ; second, Charles O. Davis. She d. March 22, 1866. 4. MARIA T., b. July 24, 1832. Res. in Milford. 5. SYBIL F., b. Nov. n, 1834, m. Levi H., son of David K. and Alice (Harwood) Holt, June 6, 1860. Res. in Milford. 6. SAMUEL A., b. Sept. 27, 1836, d. Dec. n, 1899, m. Oct. 20, 1862, Mary F., dau. of Silas and Clara (Lyon) Dale of Roxbury, Mass. WILLIAM WELLS HOWARD, son of Samuel A. and Sally A. (Ames) Howard, born Oct. 18, 1826 ; married Nov. 28, 1850, Mary Ann, daughter of Rufus and Ann (Blanchard) Crosby, born in Milford, June 24, 1825- Mr. Howard filled many positions of trust while a citizen of Lyndebor- ough, and was highly respected by all who knew him. He was selectman five years and was closely identified with the best interests of the town. His farm was " set off" into Milford in the sixties and that town has honored him with the highest offices it could give. Children, all born in Lyndeborough but eldest : 1. MARIETTA A., b. in Roxbury, Mass., .Feb. .3, 1851, d. in Lyndeborough, Jan. 24, 1852. 2. ALONZO W., b. June 28, 1853, m. Nov. i, 1893, Sadie J., dau. of James C. and Mary A. (Hodsdon) Moore. Chil- dren : Clarence W., Helen M. 3. WILLIAM R., b. Jan. 16, 1857, m. Feb. 3, 1881, Lizzie R., dau. of James W. and Rebecca S. (Crosby) Anderson ol Milford. Child : Wells A. ALBERT L. HOWARD, son of Samuel and Sally A. (Ames) Howard ; born in Lyndeborough, Oct. 23, 1828 ; married first, Feb. i, 1852, Sarah 784 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH A., daughter of James W. and Esther C. (Cash) Norcross of Newton, Mass. She was born July 5, 1830; died May i, 1896. He married second, Oct. 22, 1897, Sarah M., daughter of Josiah M. and Maria (Cash) Parker of Amherst. Children, born in Lyndeborough : 1. EMMA F., b. May 4, 1854, d. Nov. 27, 1864. 2. ALBERT C., b. Oct. 2, 1856, m. Oct. 7, 1885, Stella M., dau. of Jason L. and Frances E. (Brown) Coffin of Athol, Mass. Child : Lillian R. 3. ANNA E., b. Oct. 13, 1863, m. Oct. 13, 1885, Nathan F. Brown of Milford. 4. LAURA F., b. Dec. 12, 1866, m. April 10, 1890, William L. Carr of Hillsborough. HUTCHINSON. EBENEZER HUTCHINSON, son of Nathaniel and Katherine Hutch- inson; born in Saugus, Mass., Aug. 28, 1764; married Thamazan Griffin Dec. 2, 1784. She was born on Cape Ann, Mass., Oct. 3, 1760; died in 1856. He built a log house on the farm now owned by John H. Good- rich, and lived there until 1833, when he removed to Hancock, N. H., thence to St. Johnsbury, Vt., where he died Feb. 5, 1854. To them were born eleven children, all but one in the log house at North Lyndebor- ough : 1. SARAH, b. June, 1785. 2. EBENEZER, b. Dec. 25, 1787, m. Betsey Carter, d. Oct. 9, 1855- 3. LUCY, b. Oct., 1789, d. March, 1843. 4. BENJAMIN, b. March, 1792. 5. REV. WILLIAM, b. April 4, 1794, d. April, 1842. 6. DANIEL, b. Oct., 1796. 7. BRYANT, b. March, 1799. 8. SUSANNA, b. Sept., 1800. 9. JOSEPH, b. July, 1803, m. Esther Ide, d. Sept., 1847. 10. HARRIET O., m. Nehemiah Rand. (See Rand gen.) 11. ARNOLD B., b. April 17, 1808, m. Martha Holt, June, 10, 1835, d. July 30, 1888. HUTCHINSON. CHARLES LE ROY HUTCHINSON ; born in Milford, Feb. 18, 1837 ; died Dec. 30, 1889 ; married Aug. 19, 1865, Mary R. Davis of Milford. She was born Jan. 23, 1841. He was a soldier in the Civil War. (See Chap. X.) Resided in Perham Corner. Children : 1. JosiE R., b. in Wilton, Nov. 19, 1866. 2. OSCAR L.; born in Milford, July 4, 1868, m. first, March 5, 1890, Anabelle S., dau. of Granville S. and Harriet (Whit- GENEALOGIES 785 temore) Hill. She was b. Feb. 22, 1866, d. March 8, 1891 ; m. second, Dec. 31, 1898, Nellie M., dau. of Gorham G. and Melinda (Thomas) Jones. She was b. June 9, 1869, res. in North Graf ton, Mass. 3. MORTON F., b. in Milford, March 27, 1870. 4. GEORGE T., b. in Milford, April 23, 1872. 5. HARRY E. b. in Lyndeborough May 18, 1874, m. Nov. 26, 1901, Elsie B., dau. of Eli J. and Elsie (Daniels) Curtis, b. Dec. 18, 1878. 6. SAMUEL T., b. in Lyndeborough, Oct. 10, 1876. 7. ROMA B., b. in Lyndeborough, Oct. 3, 1886. JAQUITH. CYRUS JAQUITH, son of Ebenezer and Ruth (Wright) Jaquith ; born Aug. 15, 1815 ; married first, Arissa, daughter of John and I/ydia (Dodge) Sleeper of Francestown, Nov. 6, 1839 ; married second, Mrs. Cynthia S. Woodward of Lyndeborough. He removed to Lowell, Mass., where he died March 9, 1896. Children, all by first wife, and born in Milford : 1. JOHN M., b. Oct. 18, 1840. 2. HARRIET O., b. Sept. 6, 1842, m. July 6, 1874, Charles W. Norris of Lowell, Mass., res. in Lowell. 3. CYRUS E., b, June 5, 1845. JENSON. LORENZ P. JENSON, b. Sept. 12, 1846, in Germany, married Annette A. Worman of Sweden, Aug. 13, 1871. She was born June u, 1851. He lived in South Lyndeborough a few years and removed to California. He was a carpenter and boat builder. Children : 1. CAROLINE E., b. in Boston May 19, 1872, d. March 18, 1889. 2. ANNETTE H., b. in Boston, Dec. 24, 1873, d. Nov. 25, 1890. 3. CLARA C., b. in Boston Dec. 13, 1875. ' 4. ANNA M., b. in Lyndeborough Nov. n, 1877. 5. ALEXANDER, b. in Lyndeborough Jan. 6, 1881, d. Feb. 16, 1881. 6. ALFRED, b. in Lyndeborough, June 20, 1882. 7. CHESTER L., born in Lyndeborough Sept. 19, 1885. JOHNSON. JOHN JOHNSON. But little can be learned of the Johnson family, from which Johnson's Corner takes its name. The family has been ex- tinct in town for many years, and the writer has been unable to locate any of the descendants. John Johnson and his wife Mary came to 786 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH Lyndeborough from Lynnfield, Mass., and settled on land now the prop- erty of Aaron Russell. With him" came his sons Adam and James. James settled on the lot west of his father's land, where W. H. Bowen lives, and Adam on the land where Willis Perham formerly lived. Chil- dren born in Lyndeborough : 1. OSGOOD, b. May 23, 1772, m. Betsey . Child, born in Lyndeborough: Betsey, b. Feb. 22, 1797. 2. DAVID, b. Aug. 16, 1774. 3. HANNAH, b. Feb. 18, 1777. ADAM JOHNSON, the eldest son, married Abigail, daughter of Jere- miah and Eunice (Taylor) Carleton. They had seven children, viz., Lydia, John, Adam, Betty, Hannah, Mary and Lucy. These were all bap- tized Aug. 6, 1769. He was a soldier in the Continental Army, and died or was killed while in the service. He was probably born at Reading, Mass. His widow married Ensign David Putnam. JAMES JOHNSON and Hannah, his wife, had three children : 1. JAMES, b. in Falmouth, Mass. 2. JASPER, b. in Lyndeborough. 3. JOHN, b. Aug. 24, 1758, in Lyndeborough. John, James and Adam Johnson were grantees of the town. For the Revolutionary War record of the Johnson family see Chap. VII. JOHNSON. FRANCIS D. JOHNSON came to Lyndeborough from Allenstown, N. H., in 1826. He was born May 9, 1793; died Feb. 4, 1879; married Mehitable, daughter of Elisha and Betsey (Bartlett) Haynes of Epsom.. She was born Jan. 22, 1800, and died Aug. 31, 1859. Children, six born in Lyndeborough : i. JOSEPH A., -|- i. ISAAC A., b. May 9, 1822. Rem. to Massachusetts. 3. WATERMAN B., b. March 29, 1825, d. Oct. 15, 1856. 4. SARAH E., b. Nov. 15, 1827, m. William H. Haynes of New London and removed to Wisconsin. 5. FRANCIS D., b. May 3, 1830. 6. JOHN D., b. March 4, 1833. Rem. to Dakota. 7. CHARLES H., b. March 6, 1836. Rem. to Michigan. 8. CHRISTIANNA, b. Dec. 25, 1838, d. Aug. 26, 1860. 9. FREEMAN G., b. Aug. 3, 1842. Rem. to Michigan. JOSEPH A. JOHNSON, son of Francis D. and Mehitable (Haynes) Johnson, born Dec. 2, 1819 ; married Mary L., daughter of Jotham and Lucinda (Sargent) Stephenson, Nov. 16, 1848. She was born March 12, 1830. He has been elected to many offices of trust in the town, and has always taken great interest in its material welfare. He has been justice of the peace for thirty years, and has that integrity of character which GENEALOGIES 787 wins the confidence of the community in which he lives. In his younger days he took great interest in military matters and is the only surviving commander of the -jih Co. of the 22d Regiment of infantry, popularly known as the "Slam-bang" Co. He resides in South Lyudeborough village. Children, all born in Lyndeborough : 1. EMMA E., b. Oct. 14, 1850, m. Jacob Smith. (See Smith gen.) 2. IDA B., b. July 4, 1859, m. Frank J. Bishop. (See Bishop gen.) 3. INA E., b. March 24, 1854, m. Charles E. Dollaway of Mincer, Ind., November, 1875. JONES. The Jones family of Lyndeborough is of Welsh origin, descendants of Nathaniel and Rachel (Bradford) Jones, who came with a Welsh colony and settled, probably in Gloucester, Mass. But they are on record in Ipswich, Mass., in 1704. That year Nathaniel married Rachel Bradford. They had six children of record. William, the second son, settled in Ipswich, where he acquired considerable wealth. He was a " felt maker " and made the three-cornered felt hats then in fashion. He was converted under the preaching of the celebrated Whitefield, and often entertained that great divine at his home in Ipswich. He was very devout and was often called Whitefield's "New Light." He always dressed with scrupu- lous care, in velvet coat and knee breeches, silver shoe and knee buckles, and always carried a gold-headed cane. By endorsing the paper of a friend, who proved to be a rogue, he lost most of his wealth, and was limited in means in his old age. He was born Oct. 31, 1707; married Joanna Lord, Oct. 13, 1728. He died November, 1782. They had 15 children. DR. BENJAMIN JONES was the fourteenth child of William and Joanna (Lord) Jones, and was the first of that name to come to Lynde- borough. He was born in Ipswich, Mass., Oct. 18, 1751; married Eliza- beth Cleaves of Ipswich, Mass. She was born Oct. 20, 1752 ; died June 6, 1819. He died Jan. 12, 1819. He was a physician and a very skilful surgeon, and was the first M. D. to come to Lyndeborough. He came Dec. 18, 1772, and settled where H. H. Joslin now lives, but some time after built the brick house where George Spalding now lives and re- moved there. He had a large practice and took great interest in the wel- fare of the town and of the church. He was a man of great influence in the community, and in connection with his extensive medical practice, he carried on his large farm, hiring much of the labor. He was town treasurer, 1792-95, and again in 1805. He died very suddenly of heart disease. Children, all born in Lyndeborough: 1. BENJAMIN, -j- 2. ELIZABETH, b. Dec. 18, 1776, m. Nehemiah Boutwell. 3. JOANNA, b. Jan. 27, 1779, m. James Crombie. Rem. to Francestown. 788 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH 4. MARY C., b. Jan. 20, 1781, m. Cleaves. 5. HULDAH, b. March 26, 1783, m. Royal Tupper. 6. JOSEPH, -|- 7. NATHANIEL, b. June 22, 1787, d. Oct. 17, 1811. 8. WILLIAM, + 9. SARAH, b. March 5, 1792, d. March 31, 1795. 10. NATHAN, b. April 25, 1794. Was a physician and prac- ticed his profession in L,yndeborough from 1828 until 1834, when he removed to Wenham, Mass. He died March n, 1860. He lived where Herman A. Walker now lives. He sold this place and his practice to Dr. Israel Herrick. BENJAMIN JONES, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Cleaves) Jones, born May 18, 1774; married Dec. 13, 1797, Chloe Farrington of Lynde- borough. She was born May 25, 1772 ; died Sept. 4, 1830. He died Feb. 20, 1846. Children : 1. SARAH, b. Dec. 21, 1798, m. Peter Clark. (See Clark gen.) 2. ELIZABETH, b. Sept. 7, 1800, m. Joseph Woodward, d. June i, 1836. 3. SAMUEL, + 4. ABIGAIL, b. August, 1804, m. Charles Parker. (See Parker gen.) 5. JOANNA, b. Nov. 27, 1806, m. Thorpe Fisher and removed to Salem, Mass., d. Oct. 4, 1855. 6. BENJAMIN, b. Nov. 26. 1808. Rem. to Iowa, d. in 1880. 7. NATHANIEL, + SAMUEL JONES, son of Benjamin and Chloe (Farrington) Jones, born July 21, 1802 ; married first, April 10, 1828, Olive, daughter of Wil- liam and Sarah (Barren) Clark. She was born Aug. 5, 1805 '> died Dec. 17, 1841 ; second, April 8, 1848, Sarah, daughter of Benjamin and Sally (Clark) Goodrich. She was born Nov. 24, 1805; died Jan. 9, 1869. He died July 23, 1868. He was a very influential citizen of the town and at one time or another was honored by about all the offices the town could bestow. He was very popular with all, but especially with the young. "Uncle Sam" was the friend and comrade of every boy and girl with whom he became acquainted. Always genial, always merry and kind arid sympathetic with all, to meet with him was a pleasure. He and his son, Clark B., were digging in the sandbank near Badger Pond when they unearthed several skeletons of Indians buried there. Clark Jones, says his brother, William A., presented the most complete one to Francestown Academy, where he was a pupil at the time. Mr. Jones died very suddenly one evening while milking the cows. Children by first wife : i. WILLIAM A., + GENEALOGIES 789 2. CHI.OE A., b. Feb. 27, 1831, m. William J. Herrick. (See Herrick gen.) 3. CLARK B., + 4. GEORGE T., -f- By second wife : 5. SARAH O., b. Feb. 18, 1846, m. James O. Fiske. (See Fiske gen.) DR. WILLIAM A. JONES, son of Samuel and Olive (Clark) Jones ; born Jan. 19, 1829; married Feb. 28, 1855, Harriet J., daughter of Moses and Nancy A. (Haley) Chenery. She was born Oct. 12, 1834; died March 10, 1897. He died Dec. 18, 1880. He was educated at Frances- town Academy and in the schools of Lyndeborough. He graduated from the Western College of Homeopathy at Cleveland, O., in 1854. He com- menced the practice of medicine in Wilton, and was a resident of that town for a few years after his marriage. Then he came to Lyndebor- ough. He had the qualifications for a good physician, and was success- ful from the start. When Dr. Herrick retired he had most of the prac- tice in this and adjoining towns, and he was the last resident physician of Lyndeborough. He took a lively interest in the business affairs of the town and in its social welfare, and was one of the promoters of the Franklin Library. His wife was a woman of much refinement, and was very helpful in the social affairs of the town. Dr. Jones was superintendent of schools for some years, representative to the General Court in 1871, town clerk seven years and justice of the peace twenty years ; was vice-president of the N. H. Medical Society and a member from its beginning. He was the enrolling officer of Lynde- borough during the War of the Rebellion. When he removed to Wilton, in 1871, he leased the Whiting house for three years. He retired from practice in 1880. Children : 1. MINA O., b. Oct. 5, 1856, in Wilton, m. Oct. 5, 1881, Charles N. Grey of Wilton. He d. Sept. 10, 1889 ; m. second, March 18, 1896, Amos A. Wyman of Hillsborough, res. at Hillsborough Bridge. Child: Lena. 2. MYRTA M., b. June 7, 1859, m. April 26, 1899, Hadley F. Higgins of Manchester, res. in Dorchester, Mass. 3. L,UUE C., b. July 31, 1861, m. Oct. 31, 1885, Charles A. Burns of Wilton. She d. Aug. 26, 1896. CLARK B. JONES, son of Samuel and Olive (Clark) Jones; born Feb. 28, 1834 ; married May 20, 1857, Miriam M. Holt, daughter of David and Bethiah (Wilson) Holt of Lyndeborough. She was born March 2, 1835. Resides at Maplewood, Mass. Children : 1. FRANK W., b. Feb. 28, 1858, m. Nov. 21, 1888, Lucy M. Simmons of Brewer, Me. 2. HARRY E., b. Dec. 25, 1859. 3. FRED C., b. Aug. 12, 1867. 790 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH GEORGE T. JONES, son of Samuel and Olive (Clark) Jones, born Nov. 30, 1840 ; married Feb. 4, 1868, Josephine H. Farwell of Milford ; was a soldier in the Civil War. (See Chap. X. ) Children : 1. A daughter, b. May i, 1869, d. May i, 1869. 2. KATIE S., b. May 31, 1878. NATHANIEL, JONES, son of Benjamin and Chloe (Farrington) Jones; born Nov. 15, 1811 ; married May 28, 1841, Ann P. Perkins of Alfred, Me. She was born Jan. 28, 1815; died in Marlborough, Mass., Jan. 21, 1865. He died in Natick, Mass., Dec. 28, 1878. He lived for a number of years where Herman A. Walker now lives. He removed to Marlboro, Mass., and lived there a short time when he removed to Natick, Mass., where he died. Children : 1. SARAH A., b. in Boston, July 2, 1843, m. Feb. 7, 1865, Joseph Richard of Sudbury, Mass. 2. MARY E., b. in Boston, Oct. 12, 1847, m - Dec. 22 > ^69, John D. Wade of Natick, Mass. 3. EDWARD B., b. in I^yndeborough July 12, 1850, m. in 1872, Nellie Childs at Woonsocket, R. I. 4. FANNIE B., b. in L,yndeborough Oct. 14, 1853, m. Dec. 20, 1875, Charles A. Goodnow of Natick, Mass. 5. JAMES C., b. in Lyndeborough March 21, 1856, d. in La Salle, 111., Sept. 7, 1881, from injuries received in trying to prevent a team from running away. JOSEPH JONES, son of Dr. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Cleaves) Jones ; born March 29, 1785 ; married Sept. n, 1811, Ann Richardson. She was born Aug. 19, 1788; died May 19, 1827; married second, Sept. 18, 1827, Mrs. Clarissa W. Page. She d. Feb. 16, 1844. Children by first wife : 1. JOHN, b. Sept. 8, 1812, d. June 22, 1889. 2. ELIZA, b. May 14, 1815, d. March 26, 1819. 3. JOSEPH, b. Sept. 2, 1818, d. July 1884. 4. WILLIAM, b. Aug. 24, 1821, d. July 5, 1824. 5. BENJAMIN CLEAVES, -|- 6. SARAH A., b. May 4, 1827, d. June 18, 1827. Children by second wife : 7. CLARISSA A., b. Nov. 9, 1828. 8. ISAIAH W., b. Nov. 24, 1830, d. 1882. BENJAMIN CLEAVES JONES, son of Joseph and Ann (Richardson) Jones ; born March 30, 1824 ; married June 14, 1860, Augusta L. Cleaves of Mont Vernon. He removed to Chicago, 111., in 1855, and died April 23, 1885. Children : Frank C., Alfred L/., Clarissa A. DEA. WILLIAM JONES, son of Dr. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Cleaves) Jones; born July 14, 1789; married first, June 4, 1815, Priscilla, daughter of Rev. Sewall Goodrich. She died Jan. 2, 1837; married second, Nov. GENEALOGIES 791 20, 1838, Eliza N. Anderson of Londonderry. She was born Feb. 9, 1802 ; died April 12, 1876. He died March 23, 1865. Dea. Jones was one of the notable men of Lyndeborough. He was tall and of a stalwart frame, and but few men could accomplish as much farm work in a day as he. He was educated at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., for teaching, which vocation he followed for a number of years, but the active years of his life were passed in his native town on the homestead farm, where Geo. E. Spalding now lives. For nearly fifty years he was a deacon of the Congregational church and a liberal con- tributor to its support. He was a man of great energy in his business of farming. He used to raise hops extensively, and there was a hop press and a storage room on his premises, something not seen in Lyndebor- ough now, and only remembered by the older generation. He rather avoided holding public office but his influence was felt in all the affairs of town and church. Dea. Jones opened a store in New Ipswich which he kept for a few j-ears, but on the death of his father he returned to Lyndeborough. His second wife was the daughter of Hugh and Elizabeth (Nesmith) Ander son of Londonderry. Children by second wife : 1. EUZA P., b. Aug. 30, 1839, m. Solon B. Richardson. (See Richardson gen.) 2. MARY A., b. March 22, 1841, m. William R. Blaney of Swampscott, Mass., res. in Swampscott. Children: George, Joanna. 3. ABBY J., b. Dec. 23, 1842, m. George E. Spalding. (See Spalding gen.) 4. JOANNA C., b. Sept. 26, 1845, m. James K. Philips of Swampscott, Mass., Jan. 25, 1869, res. in Swampscott. Children : Edward James, Mary Anderson. JOSUN. TIMOTHY JOSLIN. In 1854, Timothy Joslin and his son, Henry H., bought a farm on the road leading from the Pinnacle House to Green- field, known as the Marsh place. Nothing but a cellar hole marks the spot. Timothy was a son of William Joslin of Leominster, Mass. He was born there in 1796. He married Mary Ann Lese, born in Byfield, Mass., in 1805. She died Nov. 22, 1863. She was the daughter of Samuel and Eliza Saunderson Lese of New Ipswich. Timothy afterward re- moved to the place where Mrs. Ann Cummings lives now, and died there Oct. 30, 1863. Children : 1. SAMUEL L/M d. in infancy. 2. MARY ANN, d. of accidental burning, aged 8 years. 3. SAMUEL O., b. May 20, 1831, m. Bethiah U. Swinnington of Greenfield. He d. Nov. 9, 1874. She d. in Greenfield, Dec. 2, 1890. 4. HENRY H., + 792 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH 5. OTIS, b. August, 1835, m. Sarah J. lyibby of Saco, Me., is a lumberman and resides in Saganaw, Mich. Children : Bertha A., Otis W., Clarence and Fred. 6. ISABELLA C., b. February, 18,38, m. William Lewis of Wabash Co., Ind. 7. HARRIETT J., b. November, 1839, m. Wyman W. Ryan of Jaffrey, N. H. 8. WILLIAM P., b. November, 1843, m. Georgianna More- house of Osseo, Minn. 9. L,EVI N., b. Oct. 14, 1847, d. April, 1862. Fatally burned by gunpowder. HENRY H. JOSUN, son of Timothy and Mary A. (Lese) Joslin, born May 7, 1833; married Jan. 3, 1856, Deborah J. Smith of Francestown. She was born Oct. 3, 1843. He bought the Harvey Holt place and has lived there ever since. Both he and his wife have been persons of un- tiring industry. In recent years, owing to impaired health, they have spent some of the winters in the south. Mr. Joslin has always taken a proper interest in the affairs of the town and has faithfully discharged his duties as a citizen. He is a prosperous and well-to-do farmer. Children, all but the eldest born in L,yndeborough : 1. FRANK H., -f- 2. ALLEN B., b. Aug. 14, 1860, m. Sept. 23, 1885, Rose Stevens of Port Huron, Mich. Res. in Port Huron, Mich. Five children. 3. HARRY A., b. July 19, 1862, m. Sept. 19, 1889, Marion G. Burnham of Abilene, Kansas. Res. at Milford. Chil- dren : Bessie J., b. at Milford; Henry J., b. at Hartford; Ruth, b. at L,yndeborough ; Emily S., b. at Milford. 4. OTIS W., b. June 22, 1864. Res. at Amherst. 5. WINFRED, b. Aug. 2, 1867. Res. in Alaska. 6. JENNIE M., b. July 24, 1869. Graduated from McCullom Institute and from a special course at Harvard Annex. 7. BENJAMIN H., -f- 8. PERRY E., b. Jan. 10, 1873. Graduated from Dartmouth Medical School in 1898. Res. at Milford. 9. GRACE B., b. Dec. 4, 1875. 10. SAMUEL I*., b. March 21, 1878. Graduated from Harvard Medical School in 1900. n. BESSIE E., b. Nov. 24, 1881, d. Sept. 23, 1882. 12. FLORENCE A., b. March 18, 1883, m. William Nichols. (See Nichols gen.) FRANK H. JOSIvIN, son of Henry and Deborah J. (Smith) Joslin, born Aug. 3, 1858 ; married Jan. 8, 1885, Etta M., daughter of Jonathan GENEALOGIES 793 and Emily (Woodward) Stephenson. She was born Sept. 12, 1859, Children : 1. ELMER F., b. July 30, 1886. 2. EMMA F., b. Oct. 10, 1887. 3. EVERETT H., b. April 23, 1889. H., b. Dec. 24, 1890. BENJAMIN H. JOSWN, son of Henry H. and Deborah J. (Smith) Joslin, born Sept. 14, 1871 ; married Oct. 18, 1894, Mary A., daughter of John and Ann (Cassidy) Cain of Greenfield. She was born Dec. 21, 1869. Children : 1. ALBERT B., b. Sept. 24, 1897. 2. PERRY E., b. April 30, 1901. KARR. JAMES KARR, b. at Goffstown, Jan. i, 1767 ; married Nov. 13, 1794, Sarah, daughter of Carr and and Joanna Huse of New Chester, now Hill. She died Feb. 21, 1844. At the time of his marriage he removed to New Chester, where he taught school, and held many offices of trust. In 1821 he removed to Lyndeborough and settled on the Creecy place, south of Edward Duncklee's. He afterward lived at several places in the town. It is said of him that "he was a quiet, unassuming man, but possessed of considerable ability, and amply qualified to fill a high posi- tion in the community, that he was ever ready to weep with those that weep and rejoice with those that rejoice, that he was a consistent Chris- tian, and that both he and his wife were members of the Congregational Church at Andover, N. H., at the time of their deaths." He died Oct. 3. 1845. Children : 1. THOMAS, b. Nov. 19, 1795, d. Oct. 25, 1851. 2. HUSE, + 3. JOHN, b. Nov. 21, 1800, d. Jan. 25, 1877, m. Hannah Parker. 4. JOANNA, b. April 6, 1803, d. Aug. 5, 1874, m. Ebenezer Pearson. 5. JAMES, b. Nov. 5, 1805, d. May 23, 1887, m. Harriet P. Cunningham. 6. JOSEPH, b. March 13, 1808, d. July 22, 1869. 7. MARTHA, b. July 21, 1810, d. Feb. 15, 1857. 8. SARAH, b. Dec. 23, 1813, d. Aug. 2, 1891, m. James M. Floyd. 9. SAMUEL, b. May 2, 1816, d. June 3, 1884. 10. ELIZABETH, b. Jan. 5, 1819, d. Oct. n, 1883. 11. MARY, b. March 8, 1822. Res. at Wilson's Crossing, N. H. HUSE KARR, son of James and Sarah (Huse) Karr, born March 28, 1798; married Dec. 27, 1821, Sally Ordway of I/yndeborough. She died May 18, 1826 ; second, June 24, 1832, Susanna Pickle. He died April 5, 1879. Children by first wife : 794 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH 1. SARAH, b. Oct. 25, 1822. d. March 17, 1824. 2. SARAH MARIA, b. Aug. 21, 1824, d. Oct. 31, 1824. 3. JAMES H., + By second wife : 4. MARY J., b. Sept. 13, 1836, m. Edward Lambert of Nashua. 5. JOHN H., b. Sept. 6, 1838, d. Aug. 10, 1863. Was a soldier in the Civil War. (See Chap. X.) 6. FRANCES A., b. Jan. 9, 1841, d. Feb. 6, 1852. 7. HARRIET S., b. April 13, 1844, m. L,evi Brooks of Green- field. 8. EI^EN C., b. Sept. 13, 1847, m. William Duncklee of Greenfield. 9. THOMAS E., b. July 31, 1849, m. Lizzie Ford. 10. JOANNA, b. Aug. 12, 1853, m. Morris Edmands. 11. EMMA E., b. March 21, 1857, m. William Felton. JAMES H. KARR, son of Huse and Sally (Ordway) Karr ; born Feb. 26, 1826; married May 6, 1857, Clarinda F., daughter of James and Sally (Parker) Bruce of Mont Vernon. She was born Jan. 10, 1831 ; died Feb. 28, 1901. Child : i. FRED B., b. Feb. 21, 1868. KIDDER. The Kidder family had much to do with the early settlement of Lynde- borough, but the records are very meagre. John Kidder was probably the first of the name to come, and he probably came when the grant was called Salem-Canada. He was of the fourth generation from James Kidder, the immigrant ancestor of the Kidders of America. He was the son of Joseph and Hannah (Proctor) Kidder, and was born, in Sutton, Mass., June 3, 1727. Just when he came to Lyndeborough is unknown. Tracing back the ownership of farms in Lyndeborough, we find many of them were owned by Kidders in the early days of the town. On which one John 'settled is not known. He married Triphena, daughter of Ephraim Powers. She was born April 20, 1731. He died Jan. 14, 1810. Children : 1. TRIPHENA, b. May 4, 1755. 2. JOHN, b. March 4, 1757, m. Molly Chamberlain, probably a daughter of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Cram) Chamberlain. He removed to Maine. 3. lyOis, b. July 10, 1760, m. Jonathan Butler. 4. EPHRAIM, -j- 5. JOSEPH, + 6. RACHEL, b. March 8, 1769, m. Nathaniel Tay. EPHRAIM KIDDER, son of John and Triphena (Powers) Kidder; born Oct. 12, 1761 ; married Martha Karr of New Boston. He died in GENEALOGIES 795 Lyndeborough in January, 1841. He lived on the farm where the late Franklin H. Kidder lived. Children : 1. THOMAS, + 2. MARTHA, b. April 2, 1788. 3. EPHRAIM, -f- 4. LUCY P., b. Aug. 25, 1793. 5. JAMES, b. Aug. 21, 1798, m. Betsey Kidder, daughter of Joseph and Polly (Kpps) Kidder, rem. to Westfield, O. THOMAS KIDDER, son of Ephraim and Martha (Karr) Kidder ; born Nov. 24, 1786; married Aug. n, 1811, Elizabeth Holt. She was born June 5, 1788 ; died Nov. 9, 1856. He died Sept. 5, 1854. Children : 1. THOMAS J., b. May 31, 1812, d. Dec. 18, 1812. 2. BETSEY A., b. March 6, 1814, m. Joseph H. Ford. (See Ford gen.) 3. FRANKUN H., + 4. MARTHA H., b. Aug. u, 1821, m. Cyrus Moors of Sharon. 5. CYNTHIA J., b. June 21, 1824, m. Dea. Oliver Barrett of Wilton. She d. May 5, 1881. 6. ALMANDER A., b. Oct. 26, 1827, d. May 20, 1861. 7. LUCY A., b. Dec. 13, 1832, m. Isaac Lowe. (See Lowe gen.) FRANKLIN H. KIDDER, son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Holt) Kidder; born Oct. 18, 1818; married Feb. 22, 1853, Elsey M. Fish of Peterborough. She was born March 24, 1826 ; died Sept. 5, 1899. He died April 27, 1899. He was a quiet, unassuming man, and much respected in the community. He lived on the farm his father and grandfather owned before him. Children : 1. CHARLES F., b. May 21, 1857, d. May 29, 1857. 2. ELIZABETH R., b. June 15, 1859, m. Nov. 14, 1882, Ethan A. Woodward. EPHRAIM KIDDER, son of Ephraim and Martha (Karr) Kidder; born Jan. 3, 1791 ; married Betsey, daughter of John and Anna Bofee. She was born July 28, 1792 ; died in Wilton, May 14, 1878. He lived in Lyndeborough until after the youngest child was born, then removed to Wilton, where he died Aug 3, 1858. 1. JOHN BOFEE, + 2. THOMAS K., b. June 9, 1817, rem. to Milford. 3. ELIZA, m. Burnham Russell. (See Russell gen.) 4. ANNA, b. Sept. 16, 1822, d. May 15, 1868, m. John Burton of Wilton. 5. MARTHA, b. Aug. 14, 1828, d. July 2, 1832. JOHN BOFEE KIDDER, son of Ephraim and Betsey (Bofee) Kidder ; 796 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH born Aug. 16, 1811; married April, 1834, Mary Russell. She died Oct. 22, 1879. He died at Milford, May 2, 1892. Children : 1. MARY O., b. Oct. 15, 1835, m. May 2, 1854, Artemas Put- nam of Wilton. 2. JOHN P., b. July i, 1838, was soldier in Civil War. (See Chap. X.) 3. DIANA, b. Nov. 7, 1841, m. Oct. 10, 1865, Horace W. Rice of Leominster, Mass. JOSEPH KIDDER, son of John and Triphena (Powers) Kidder; born Nov. 30, 1763; married Polly Epps. A short time after his marriage he removed to Westfield, O. Children : 1. FRANCES E. 2. JOSEPH. 3. BENJAMIN. 4. JOHN. 5. EPPS. 6. SARAH, m. David Woodward. 7. HANNAH, m. Daniel L,ove. 8. BETSEY, m. James Kidder. CAPT. JONAS KIDDER, son of Joseph and Hannah (Proctor) Kidder ; born in Hudson, N. H., Nov. 16, 1743. Removed to L/yndeborough probably when a young man, for he was living here when the Revolutionary War broke out, in which he served as captain. (See P. 190.) He removed to Hudson and died there. The inscription on his headstone reads as follows : " In memory of Capt. Jonas Kidder who died Nov. i, 1837, aged 94. Formerly of L,inesborough." Capt. Jonas Kidder was the first settler on the farm now owned by Robert C. Mason, on the mountain. The house, which was a tavern stand built by him, was torn down by Jesse Simonds to make way for the present house. The old house had a hall up stairs in which were held singing schools and various gatherings. This hall contained probably the largest fireplace in town. He married Huldah, daughter of Dea. Ephraim and Sarah Cram) Putnam, Nov. 26, 1768. She died Jan. 13, 1778. He married second, Widow Alice Barren May 20, 1779. She was a daughter of Amos Taylor. Children by first wife : 1. AARON, b. May 8, 1769, m. Pamelia, dau. of Andrew and Mary (Putnam) Fuller of t/yndeborough. She was b. March 12, 1770. 2. JONAS, b. Jan. 8, 1771, d. Aug. 17, 1817. 3. HANNAH, b. March 21, 1773, m. L,evi Cross. 4. DAVID, b. Jan. 16, 1775, m. Betsey, dau. of Andrew and Mary (Putnam) Fuller. She was b. Feb. 6, 1776. 5. EPHRAIM, b. Nov. 19, 1777, d. April 6, 1778. GENEALOGIES 797 6. NATHAN, b. June 14, , supposed to have died very young. Children by second wife : 7. JOSEPH, b. April 7, 1780, m. Sarah Souther. 8. PUTNAM, b. June 23, 1782, d. May 22, 1783. 9. WILLIAM, -f- 10. BENJAMIN, b. July 4, 1786, d. Jan. 16, 1808. WILLIAM KIDDER. son of Capt. Jonas and Alice (Barren) Kidder, was born in Lyndeborough May 7, 1784; died in Irasburgh, Vt., Jan. 2, 1863. William Kidder lived in Lyndeborough until the year 1820, when he removed to Irasburgh, Vt. He married Anna, daughter of Charles and Anna (Faxon) Whitmarsh of Lyndeborough. She was born at Braintree, Mass., May 7, 1784; died Dec. 28, 1868. Children born in Lyndeborough : 1. SARAH, died in infancy. 2. CHARLES W., b. Dec. 8, 1809, d. May 28, 1886. 3. WILLIAM W., b. Nov. 17, 1811, d. Aug. 22, 1886. 4. ALICE, b. Nov. 18, 1813, m. James Hancock. 5. BENJAMIN A., b. Feb. 12, 1816, m. Elvira Langdon. 6. MARY A., b. March n, 1818, d. Nov. 21, 1869. 7. JOSIAH C., b. Jan. 12, 1820, in. Eliza Michell. Children, b. in Irasburgh. 8. BETSEY, b, Aug. 12, 1823. 9. FAXON, b. Sept. 13, 1826. 10. JOSEPH, b. Sept. 12, 1828. KIDDER. PHINEAS KIDDER came to Lyndeborough from Chelmsford, Mass., in 1786, or 1787 and settled on what is now known as the Watkins place. He married Hannah Crosby of Westfield, Mass. He died Jan. 20, 1846. She died June 13, 1850. Children, born at North Lyndeborough . 1. SAMUEL, -+- 2. PHINEAS, + 3. ANN, b. Aug. 27, 1791, m. Jan. 19, 1828, Eliphalet Atwood. (See Atwood gen.) 4. HANNAH, b. July 30, 1793, m. Luke Giddings of New Boston. SAMUEL KIDDER, son of Phineas and Hannah (Crosby) Kidder, boru March 13, 1787; married Oct. 12, 1812, Hannah Brown of Lynde- borough. She died in Francestown Feb. 28, 1864. He died March 6, 1866. Removed to Francestown. PHINEAS KIDDER,* son of Phineas and Hannah (Crosby) Kidder, * The Francestown History records Phineas Kidder as coming to Lyndeborough about 1797. If this is correct, his children, Samuel, Phiueas, Jr., Ann and Hannah were born in Chelmsford, Mass. The record furnished us gives their birthplace at Lyndebor- 798 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH born Dec. 5, 1789; married Oct. 12, 1812, Patty, daughter of Abraham aud De/iah (Fish) Rose of Lyndeborough. She was born July i, 1794; died April 30, 1882. He died Jan. 20, 1864. Children : 1. CATHERINE, b. March 9, 1813, m. Warner Clark, d. Jan. 20, 1848. 2. ANN, b. Aug. 9, 1815, d. Oct. 7, 1815. 3. PHINEAS C., b. Jan. 12, 1817, m. Emily Hardy of Green- field, Oct. 13, 1842. He d. March 29, 1892. She d. March 31, 1899. Children: Emily, b., Nov. 14, 1843, m. Charles A. Rogers of Boston, Mass., res. in Windham, Me.; Merrill H., b. April 17, 1847, m. April 25, 1875, Ida Patch of Francestown ; Abbie J., b. Dec. 16, 1852, m. Aug. 31, 1873, David A. Starrett of Hillsboro. KIDDER. MANLEY KIDDER, born July 24, 1810; married first, Rachel P. Abbott; married second, Rachel P. Buswell. She died Oct. 29, 1872. He married third, Sarah H. Proctor, who died Nov. 20, 1879. KIDDER. NELSON KIDDER came to Lyndeborough f rom Jaffrey in 1837. He was a blacksmith by trade, and it is said that he could hammer iron as " smooth " as any craftsman of his day. He lived in the Manahan house at the centre and had a shop nearby, where he worked up to within a few years of his death. He was born May 14, 1809; died Jan. 31, 1892; mar- ried Lucy P. Barnes of Dublin, N. H., Nov. 29, 1838. She was born Oct. i, 1807 ; died April 8, 1898. Children: 1. ALBERT J., b. July 18, 1840, d. Sept. 21, 1872. Was in the U. S. service at Portsmouth, N. H. (See Chap. X.) 2. LUCY E., b. Aug. 10, 1842, d. Ma7 19, 1864. LAKIN. THOMAS LAKIN came from Groton, Mass., and settled on land east of South Lyndeborough village. This land is now owned by Ward N. Cheever. Thomas married Lucy, daughter of John and Rebecca Burton of Wilton. She was born Feb. 18, 1778. Their children born at Lynde- borough were : 1. WILLIAM G., + 2. LUCY. 3. AMBROSE. 4. BETSEY, in. Amos Herrick. 5. MARY A., m. Billings. 6. CYRENA, m Rogers. GENEALOGIES 799 WILLIAM G. LAKIN, son of Thomas and Lucy (Burton) Lakin, married Harriet Carleton. Their children born at Lyndeborough were : 1. WILLIAM A., b. Nov. 23, 1844. 2. HARRIET F., b. April 5, 1846. NATHAN LANGDBLL, born in New Boston, N. H., Nov. 22, 1822 ; married first, Ann F. Smith of New Boston, Dec. 14, 1854. She was born May 26, 1830; died Aug. 15, 1856; married second, Hannah A. Lateren of Deering, N. H., May 14, 1857. She was born May 5, 1831. Children by first wife : 1. ANN F., b. in New Boston, Feb. 3, 1859. 2. HILLIARD L/., b. in New Boston, March 22, 1861, d. April 4, 1882. 3. JULIA L,., b. in L/yndeborough, May 17, 1866. Graduated from Francestown Academy in 1886. She is a teacher. LEWIS. William Lewis came to Roxbury, Mass., in 1630. He returned to England, where he married Amy Wells. He was a brother of Edmond Lewis, who came over in the ship Elizabeth in 1634 and settled in Watertown and removed to Lynn, Mass. He was from Lynn Regis, England. William came to this country again and settled in Roxbury, where he and his wife were attendants of the Rev. John Elliott's church in 1640. He was admitted freeman in 1642. He was a friend and asso- ciate of Gov. Bellingham. In May, 1653, he sold his house lot and re- moved to Lancaster, Mass. Here he carried on the business of weaving. Here he remained and endured the trials and hardships of a frontier life until 1671, when he secured land in the limits of Boston to build upon, but was prostrated by sickness and died Dec. 3, 1671. He left a widow and sons, John, Christopher and Isaac ; daughters, Lydia, Mary and Hannah. After his death the household was broken up by an attack of the Indians under John Monico, a one-eyed chief of the Nipmucks, who killed several of the family and burned their goods. Jonathan Lewis, of the fourth generation from William, was born Dec. 6, 1708, in Dorchester, Mass., and married first, April 19, 1733, Hannah, daughter of John and Hannah (Fisher) Hunting of Dedham, by whom he had six children. He married second, Mrs. Abigail (Clappj Everett of Walpole, by whom he had six children. In 1771, early in the spring, Moses and Aaron Lewis, sons of Jonathan, went to New Boston and bought a farm of John Dickey. This farm was alongside of the farm reserved by the grantors for Col. Blanchard, and adjoining the Haunted Pond, now occupied by Geo. Shattuck. That year they made a clearing and built a log house. Sept. 24, 1772, Aaron Lewis married Sarah White at Stoughtonham, now Sharon, Mass. Mrs. Hezekiah Duncklee was Mehitable White, a sister of Mrs. Aaron Lewis, also of Moses White of Lyndeborough, and also of Benjamin White of Frances- town. They were children of Benjamin and Mary White of Dedham, 800 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH Mass. Dec. 12, 1772, he sold his half interest in this farm to Moses Lewis for ,"63. On May 24, 1774, Moses Lewis sold his farm to Enoch Holmes of Walpole, Mass. On June i, 1774, Joseph Stiles of Lyndebor- ough for 45 paid by Moses Lewis sells his part of the lot the proprie- tors of Lyndeborough laid out to Rev. Sewall Goodrich, in the north- west part of the town. Dec. 28, 1791, Greenfield was incorporated and this farm became a part of that town, and was occupied for over 100 years by three generations of this family. On May 6, 1780, Aaron Lewis bought lands in Lyndeborough, in the northwest part of the town, one lot of which is still known as the old Lewis place. DEA. AARON LEWIS was selectman in 1793 and 1794, and town clerk in 1809 and 1810, a deacon in the church, a man of great piety and a citizen honored for his integrity and uprightness of character. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War (See Chap. VII), and was some- times called Col. Lewis. In the records of the church is this record : "Voted that as there is not found any record of the vote of the church, whereas they made choice of Brothers Samuel Houston and Aaron Lewis as deacons, that the present clerk record the same." Aaron was deacon from the election there recorded until 1830, when he removed to the home of his son, Amasa, in New Boston. He was the son of Jona- than and Abigail (Clapp Everett) Lewis, born July 3, 1750 ; died in New Boston, May 20, 1833; married Sept. 24, 1772, at Sharon, Mass., Sarah White, daughter of Benjamin and Mary White. She was born Feb. 8, 1750, and died May 16, 1804. Children born at Lyndeborough : 1. AARON, -f- 2. SARAH, b. April 24, 1777, m. Ichabod Holmes and rem. to Francestown. 3. AMASA, b. May 14, 1780, d. April n, 1849, in Medford, Mass., m. April 16, 1807, Polly Dane of New Boston. Rem. to New Boston. 4. NANCY, b. April 28, 1783, d. Aug. i, 1853, m. first, May 22, 1806, John Elliott, by whom she had two children, John and Nancy. 5. ABIGAIL, b. Jan. 4, 1787, m. April 6, 1809, Israel H. Good- rich, a son of Rev. Sewall and Phebe (Putnam) Goodrich. She d. June 30, 1821. (See Goodrich gen.) 6. PARHELIA, b. July 7, 1789, d. Dec. 24, 1851, m. May 5, 1819, Samuel Cressey of L/yndeborough. 7. ASA, + AARON LEWIS, son of Aaron and Sarah (White) Lewis, born March T 9) T 775! died June 21, 1855; married in 1798, Hannah, daughter of Thomas and Hannah Boardman of Lyndeborough. She was born June 29, 1776; died Nov. 20, 1865. Removed to Francestown and settled on a farm near the Lyndeborough line. Children born in Francestown : i. HANNAH, b. Aug. 19, 1800, d. Aug. 17, 1863, m. Williams Woodward. (See Woodward gen.) GENEALOGIES 801 2. NANCY, b. Aug. 21, 1802, m. Thomas Gorton, of Eastford, Conn., d. May 19, 1866. 3. ISAAC, b. July 31, 1805, m. Emily Deans of Eastford, Conn. 4. ELIZABETH B., b. May 2, 1816, m. Leonard Duncklee of Greenfield. ASA LEWIS, son of Aaron and Sarah (White) Lewis, born Dec. 7, 1792; died in 1831, in Baltimore, Md.; married Jan. 18, 1820, Elizabeth, daughter of Rev. Sewall and Phebe (Putnam) Goodrich of Lyndebor- ough. She was born Nov. 26, 1791, and died Jan. 14, 1866. Children born in Lyndeborough : 1. NATHANIEL, b. Dec. 27, 1820, m. Sept. n, 1865, Louisa Worthley of Nashua. He d. Jan. 5, 1890. 2. ELIZABETH, b. Sept. n, 1826, m. Sept. 17, 1850, Francis F. Kimball of Nashua. 3. CHARLES H., b. Oct. 27, 1829, d. April 30, 1832. MOSES LEWIS, son of Jonathan and Hannah (Hunting) Lewis, born Sept. 27, 1743 ; died March 3, 1829 ; married Rebecca, daughter of William and Rebecca (Parker) Butterfield of Francestown, born April 6, 1744 ; died April 29, 1830. Moses was a very pious man and always had family worship up to his last illness. Children born in Lyndebor- ough : 1. SAMUEL, b. Dec. 25, 1776, m. Betsey Martin of Frances- town. She was b. June 28, 1779, d. May 29, 1841, in Greenfield. He d. March n, 1860. Rem. to Greenfield. 2. REBECCA, b. April 28, 1779, d. Feb. 16, 1867, m. 1806, Robert Martin of Francestown. 3. L/YDIA, b. Feb. 17, 1783, d. Jan. 5, 1869, at Rindge, m. Ezekiel Cudworth of Greenfield. LONG. GEORGE D. LONG born Feb. 2, 1856; married Nov. 30, 1893, Lizzie, daughter of Robert and Abby (Raymond) Bell. She was born March 3, 1875. He came from Stoneham, Mass. Is a blacksmith and worked in a shop at the " centre " for a while. Later built a shop near William B. Raymond's house. Children : 1. GEORGE R., b. Sept. n, 1894. 2. NELLIE E., b. March 30, 1896. 3. WILLIAM H., b. Nov. 10, 1897. 4. EDWARD A., b. Aug. 27, 1900. LOWE. JOHN LOWE, born at Boston, April 25, 1796; married May 22, 1825, Jemima II. Hopkins of Wellfleet, Mass. She was born Jan. 15, 1801 ; died 802 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH July 7, 1884. He lived on Putnam Hill, east of South Lyndeborough village, on the place now occupied as the summer residence of George C. Lawrence. Children : 1. MARY E., b. at Dedham, Mass., April 12, 1826, d. April 29, 1848. 2. HARRIET E., b. Aug. 20, 1827, at Dedham, Mass., m. Charles Henry Holt, d. Aug. 8, 1880. (See Holt gen.) LOWE. ISAAC LOWE, son of Simon and Charlotte (Parker) Lowe; born in Greenfield Aug. 15, 1828; married Almira L-, daughter of Thomas and Betsey (Holt) Kidder, July 8, 1858. She was born Dec. 13, 1832. He came to Lyndeborough in 1852. LOWE. Mrs. Anna M., widow of Frederic N. Lowe, came to Lyndeborough and settled in Perham Corner. She was born in Lempster Oct. 14, 1831. Most of her children have resided in Lyndeborough. Children : 1. GEORGE C., b. in Greenfield Aug. 30, 1854, d. Oct., 1855. 2. EVERETT E., + 3. FRED N., -f 4. ELLSWORTH A., b. in Greenfield, April 13, 1860; is a ma- chinist and res. in Oregon City, Ore. 5. GEORGE F., b. in Greenfield, March ~io, 1862, m. Ida S. Kidder of Francestown, April 5, 1887. EVERETT E. LOWE, son of Frederick N. and Anna (Messenger) Lowe ; born at Windsor May 10, 1856; married March 26, 1895, Emily M. daughter of Augustus B. and Van Lora (Nott) Kimball of Hillsborough. She was born Sept. i, 1872. Lives on the Austin place in Perham Corner. Was selectman in 1882, 1883 and 1884. Is a farmer and largely engaged in other lines of business. In late years he has been one of the heaviest buyers of apples in this section. Is agent for some of the leading makes of farm machinery, and is an energetic business man. Children, born in Lyndeborough : 1. GRACE M., b. Feb. 13, 1896. 2. L/EON E., b. May 17, 1898. 3. MARION G., b. Aug. 28, 1900. FRED N. LOWE, son of Frederick N. and Anna (Messenger) Lowe ; born at Washington, Feb. 3, 1858 ; married Lucie A., daughter of Henry H. and Nancy M. Nichols. She was born July 17, 1870, at Bradford. Children : 1. FRIEDA A., b. at L/yndeborough March 8, 1893. 2. CLARA J., b. at Goshen May 29, 1895. 3. ELVA E. b. at Goshen Aug. 2, 1898. GENEALOGIES 803 LUCAS. LUKE A. LUCAS was born in Thetford, Vt., Jan. 24, 1809 ; married Mary C. Holt, daughter of Eli and Pamelia Holt of Lyndeborough, Nov. I4 1837. She was born May 20, 1814; died March 21, 1871. He died Aug. 4, 1887. He bought the farm since generally known as the Lucas place. Children : 1. M. GERTRUDE, b. in Winooski/, Vt.; m. Benjamin F. Holt. (See Holt gen.) 2. FLORENCE M., b. in Cavendish, Vt., July 16, 1847, d. March 5, 1849. 3. EMMA L,., b. in L/yndeborough July i, 1851, m. George P. Bennett of New Boston, N. H., Dec. 24, 1868. Child: George W. 4. CORNELIA A., b. in Winooski, Vt., June 13, 1855, m. Charles H. Swain of Nashua, N. H., Nov. 8, 1876. Chil- dren : Harrison T. and Helen D. I.YNCH. ROBERT K. LYNCH, born in New Boston, June 6, 1829 ; married Dec. 25, 1851, Betsey A., daughter of Eli and Sarah (Loring) Curtis. She was born May 5, 1827; died July 24, 1902. He died April 20, 1892. Chil- dren : 1. L/ILLIAN V., b. Aug. 30, 1863, m. Aaron W. Russell. (See Russell gen.) 2. HERBERT S. C., b. Sept. 5, 1870. JOHN H. LYNCH, born at New Boston, June 29, 1830; married Jan. i, 1857, Adaline R., adopted daughter of Levi H. Woodward of Lynde- borough. She was born Oct. 31, 1839, at Wilmington, Mass.; died May u, 1892. He married second, June 29, 1893, Henrietta K. Hardy of Wil- ton. She was born Sept. 26, 1843. He died Nov. 29, 1900. Children by first wife, born at Lyndeborough : 1. JOHN C., b. May 5, 1858, res. at Plymouth, Mass. 2. FRANK H., b. Oct. 4, 1862, d. Oct. 8, 1894. MANAHAN. SAMUEL THOMPSON MANNING was born in Deering, N. H., March 13, 1805 ; married Almira Gove of Deering May 23, 1830. She was born June 20, 1808. They came to Lyndeborough in 1831. He kept a general store at the Centre from 1831 to 1835. He held several town offices and was on the building committee when the present church and town hall were erected. He also represented the town in the legislature. He removed to Lowell in 1846, where he was prominent and influential in business circles and municipal affairs. He died Jan. 3, 1892, aged eighty- seven years. Children, born in Lyndeborough : 804 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH 1. MARY J., b. July 17, 1832, m. Bradford Marvel of lyowell, Mass. 2. CLARA A., b. Oct. 27, 1834, m. first, David Hyde of Ix>well, m. second, Charles E. Abbott of Maiden, Mass. 3. SARAH F., b. Oct. 23, 1837, m. Atwell F. Wright of Lowell, Mass. MANNING. JACOB MANNING was of the fifth generation from William Manning, who came from England in 1630, and settled in Cambridge, Mass., as ap- pears by the records. William Manning, a grandson of William of Cam- bridge, removed to Billerica, Mass., in 1700. His children were Williami Jacob, Elizabeth, Mary, Sarah, Rachel, Martha, Hannah. Jacob, second son of William of Billerica, married Martha Beard, and his children were Isaac, Thomas, David, Jacob, Daniel, Mary, Martha and Esther. Jacob Manning, Jr., married Sarah Butterfield, and with his son Asa came to Lyndeborough and jointly purchased a farm of John Orne in Johnson's Corner for and in consideration of twenty-seven hundred dol- lars. They took possession of the property March 31, 1806. Jacob started for Lexington and Concord April 19, 1775, but on account of the distance arrived too late for the fight, but he was one of the number of immortal patriots at Bunker Hill, so the Mannings are of good Revolu- tionary stock. He was killed by being thrown from a load of hay July 16, 1808. His wife died Jan. 21, 1831. Children : 1. ASA, + 2. JACOB. 3. MARTHA. 4. ESTHER. ASA MANNING, born Sept. 23, 1780, in Billerica, Mass.; married Olive Spaulding of Billerica, Mass., July 7, 1803. She died Nov. 24, 1844. He died June 2, 1853. Soon after the death of his father Asa erected the buildings on the farm where Willis Perham formerly lived in Johnson's Corner. He was a selectman a number of years, and represented the town in the legislature in 1842, 1843 an d 1844. He sold the farm in John- son's Corner in 1837, and bought the Jones place in North Lyndeborough. Children : 1. OLIVE, b. June 3, 1805, in Billerica, Mass., d. Feb. 12, 1812, of spotted fever. 2. SARAH, b. July u, 1807, in Lyndeborough, d. Feb. 12, 1812, of spotted fever. 3 and 4. ASA and SHEREBIAH (twins), b. July 10, 1809. Shere- biah d. Dec. 15, 1810. Asa rem. to the West and d. there. 5. OLIVE, b. March 25, 1812, m. Seth Fuller, March 10, 1836. They rem. to Greenville, 111., where she d. Jan. 7, 1842. Children : Olive, Theresa, Henry I,. GENEALOGIES 805 6. SHEREBIAH, -f- 7. JOSEPH, -f 8. LYDIA W., b. Jan. 10, 1821, m. Sept. 20, 1848, Ephraim W. Woodward. (See Woodward gen.) 9. SARAH J., b. Nov. 4, 1822, m. John H. Whitney of Ludlow, Vt., June 5, 1846. Child : Belle S. SHEREBIAH MANNING, born Jan. 3, 1817; married June 3, 1841, Julia A. Duncklee, daughter of Hezekiah and Anna (Bachelder) Dunck- lee. She was born Oct. 21, 1812 ; died April 22, 1888. Mr. Manning took an active part in the affairs of the town and an earnest interest in its wel- fare. He was a devoted and consistent member of the Congregational church. In the lyceums and social life of the community he took great interest and did his share in supporting them. He represented his town in the legislature in 1851, and was one of the selectmen-in 1850. He re- moved to Mont Vernon and thence to New Boston, where he died, Oct. 30, 1895. Children born in Lyndebo rough : 1. HENRY A., b. Oct. 31, 1845. 2. JUUE ANNA, b. Aug. 20, 1857. JOSEPH MANNING, born July 19, 1819; married Louisa Ormsbee. He was a carriage manufacturer, and early moved to Michigan. He was mayor of Owosso, Mich., at one time. He died Nov. 6, 1886. Children : Joseph W., Helen L., Lydia C. MANWELL. JOEL MANWELL and Phebe, his wife, were probably the original settlers on the land now known as the Lucas place. The town records place them very early in the history of Lyndeborough. Children born in Lyndeborough : 1. ISAAC, b. Nov. 25, 1767. 2. SARAH, b. March 30, 1770. 3. HANNAH, b. Nov. 9, 1771. 4. PHEBE, b. July 13, 1773. 5. JUDAH, b. Sept. 21, 1777. 6. MOSES, b. May 3, 1780. MARSHALL. JAMES MARSHALL, son of Joseph and Mary (Archer) Burton Marshall, married May 13, 1833, Abigail, daughter of William and Eunice (Cram) Abbott. She was born Jan. 26, 1814. He died May 13, 1840. Children : 1. JOHN, b. Feb. 16, 1834. Lost at sea. 2. ALMIRA E., b. Jan. 20, 1836, d. July, 1837. 3. ANDREW J., + 4. MARY E., b. Aug. 20, 1840, d. Sept. 9, 1849. 806 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH ANDREW J. MARSHALL, son of James and Abigail (Abbott) Marshall, born May 5, 1838; married first, July 4, 1866, Rose Bliven, daughter of John Bliven of Oxford, N. Y. She was born Jan. i, 1851 ; married second, Effie M., daughter of Leonard G. and Nancy (Carkin) Brown of Lyndeborough , Feb. i, 1881. She was born Jan. 25, 1863. He was a soldier in the Civil War. (See Chapter X.) He died March 23, 1902. Children by first wife : 1. CHARLES E., b. in McDonough, N. Y., Feb. 27, 1868, d. March 10, 1873. 2. ADDIE, b. in McDonough, N. Y., March 28, 1870, d. March 14, 1880. 3. ALICE P., b. in Lyndeborough, Aug. 7, 1874, m. Sept. 7, 1897, Seymour C. Hard of East Arlington, Vt. Res. there. Children : Mederic and Gordon. MASON. ROBERT C. MASON, son of Lewis and Margaret (Colburn) Mason, born June 14, 1850, at Hinchin Brook, Province of Quebec ; married Sept. 21, 1873, Mary J., daughter of Nathan and Mary A. (Whitcomb) Cummings of South Gardner, Mass. She was born Feb. 4, 1853. He came to Lyndeborough in 1886 and bought the Jesse Simonds place on the mountain. He had previously been employed in the mills at Manchester as wool inspector. He was supervisor of check lists for one or two terms. Children : i. & 2. Curtis P. and ROBERT I,., (twins), b. Nov. n, 1874. Robert I,, d. March 18, 1875. Curtis P. m. May 17, 1899, Imogene, dau. of Rodney and Josephine (Edwards) Ed- monds of Wakefield, Mass. She was b. Aug. 29, 1876. Children: Lewis R., b. June 24, 1900, d. Jan. 2, 1901; Chester C,, b. March 27, 1905. 3. & 4. JENNIE V. and ALBERT C. (twins), b. Aug. 23, 1876. Jennie V. m. Nov. 24, 1898, Charles F. Tirrell of Quincy, Mass. Child : Philip M., b. Feb. 18, 1900. Albert C. m. Jan. 9, 1901, Ida I/., dau. of Emery and Ella (Russell) Holt. She was born May 26, 1881. 5. ROBERT C., b. July 10, 1890. McAUJSTER. GEORGE S. MCALLISTER came from Nashua, N. H., May i, 1873; moved on the David K. Holt place in Perham Corner ; born in Antrim, N. H., Feb. 5, 1822; married first, Martha A. Ferson of Francestown, June 9, 1850. She was born April 14, 1835 ; died Dec. 18, 1867. He mar- ried second, Ellen Pollard of Nashua, N. H., born Dec. 7, 1832. He died March 22, 1904. Child by first wife : i. GEORGE F., b. in Bristol, N. H., Jan. 9, 1858. GENEALOGIES 807 Child by second wife : 2. I,ULU E., b. Sept. 6, 1874, m. Elmer B. Parker. (See Parker gen.) McINTlRE. The Mclntires of Lyndeborough are of Scotch-Irish origin, descend- ants of Phillip Mclntire, who was born in Scotland in 1633, and came to North Reading, Mass., in 1650, probably with the Scotch prisoners of war banished by Cromwell. He was married Sept. 6, 1666, and had a son David, who married Martha Graves in 1712. Their son, David, Jr., mar- ried Margaret Buxton of Middleton, Mass., and was the father of Elias Sr., who married for his first wife Bethiah Hayward of Andover, Mass., and for his second wife a Miss Underwood, by whom he had eight chil- dren. Elias, Jr., only son of Elias Sr., and Bethiah (Hayward) Mclntire, being very young when his mother died, was brought up in the family of Nathaniel Tay, an uncle by marriage. He was born Nov. 24, 1782 ; mar- ried Elizabeth Buxton of North Reading, Mass., April 3, 1806. She was born June 8, 1786, and died April 22, 1866. Her father, Stephen Buxton, of North Reading, Mass., marched to Concord and Lexington in John Bachellor's company, and he soon afterward enlisted in the same com- pany as private, and served three years and fourteen days in the Revolu- tionary army. After marriage Mr. Mclntire removed to Fitchburg, Mass., thence to Nelson, N. H., thence to Amherst, N. H., coming to Lyndeborough Jan. i, 1820, where he bought the Kidder place, so called. This place is on what was then the main road from Nashua to Greenfield, Hancock and the upper towns. He opened a tavern, and as prohibitory laws were then unknown, he did a thriving business. The old sign which hung from a stout post in front of the house is still in existence, and bears the inscrip- tion, " Elias Mclntire E. Pluribus Unum, 1820." It was a favorite stopping place for teamsters going and coming, but when the so-called Forest road was completed and the stage route changed, its patronage ceased, and Mr. Mclntire soon gave up the business and devoted his time wholly to farm- ing. He was a man much respected in the community, of strong relig- ions convictions, and a devout member of the Congregational church, as was his wife. He died Aug. 3, 1879, at the advanced age of ninety-six years. Children : 1. CAROLINE E., b. at Reading, Mass., April n, 1810, m. Zephaniah Kittredge of Mont Vernon, N. H., March 19, 1840, d. Aug. 4, 1878. 2. ELIAS H., b. Aug. 24, 1814, at Amherst, m. Clarinda Mulle- kin of Manchester, N. H., Aug. 24, 1842, d. July 16, 1875. 3. PHEBE J., born at Nelson, N. H., March 12, 1818, m. Ama- ziah Wood of Manchester, N. H., March 9, 1844, d. Aug. 18, 1845. 4. RACHEL T., born at Nelson, N. H., Sept. 15, 1819, m. Mark Todd of New Boston, N. H., Feb. 17, 1846, d. Jan. n, 1895. 808 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH 9 5. NATHANIEL T., + 6. HARVEY G., b. at Lyndeborough, July 2, 1824, m. Margaret McCrillis of Goshen, N. H., April 6, 1848, rem. to Goshen, thence to Concord, N. H., where he d. May 2, 1892. He was a noted physician. DBA. NATHANIEL T. McINTIRE, born Nov. 26, 1822, m. Elizabeth Bruce of Mont Vernon, N. H., April 12, 1848. She was born April 24, 1825 ; died Feb. 2, 1903. He has held for long terms of years many posi- tions of honor and trust in town. A man of strict honesty and integrity, he has always enjoyed the entire confidence of the community. As clerk and treasurer of the Congregational church he long managed its finances. He was town treasurer fifteen years and president of the local insurance company during most of its existence. He has also held other town office ; resides on the homestead farm. Children, all born in Lyndebor- ough : 1. MARY C., b. Feb. 28, 1851, m. Jay M. Gleason, June, 1874, res. at Mt. Vernon, N. H. Children : Ernest, Marian. 2. Lois E., b. Oct. n, 1854. 3. HERBERT B., b. July 3, 1857, graduate of Dartmouth Col- lege, 1 88 1, and of the medical school of the University of New York, m. Ida B. Woodward of Marlborough, N. H., June 27, 1883. Is a physician and res. at Cambridge, Mass. Child : Ruth. MEL/ENDY. JOSEPH MELENDY, born March, 1772 ; died Aug. 12, 1863. Lived in Lyndeborough at one time and the cellar hole where his house stood is south of George W. Parker's, Perham Corner. He was twice married. He removed to Wilton. Joseph, a son by his first wife, lived for a few years in Lyndeborough, but most of his life was spent in Wilton. He was born Oct. 10, 1799; married Jan. 13, 1823, Susan P. Mantes of Mil- ford. He died Jan. 16, 1847. Abigail, a daughter of Joseph Melendy, married April, 1828, Joseph, son of Oliver and Anna (Pierce) Perham. ALBERT B. MELENDY, son of Joseph and Susan (Mantes) Me- lendy, born Aug. 16, 1830; married May 24, 1855, Rowena J. Buxton. Children : 1. AUGUSTUS A., -}- 2. FLORA A., b. Dec. 12, 1857, d. July 5, 1877. 3. IDA S., b. Sept. 9, 1860. 4. FRED H., b. April 18, 1863. 5. HARRY A., b. Jan. 24, 1868. AUGUSTUS A. MELENDY, son of Albert B. and Rowena (Buxton) Melendy, born April 14, 1856; married June 19, 1884, Ada M., daughter of Charles and Lydie M. (Winslow) Lothrop. Her mother was a daugh- GENEALOGIES 809 ter of a soldier of the War of 1812, and a grand-daughter of a Revolu- tionary soldier. Ada M. was born May 6, 1856. He is a successful farmer and resides on the Andrew Harwood place, Perham Corner Child : i. RUBY ROWENA, b. Nov, 10, 1892. MERRII,!,. REV. NATHANIEL MERRILL, son of Thomas and Sarah (Friend) Merrill, born Dec. 4, 1782, at Rowley, now Georgetown, Mass. He married Betsey Carpenter of Norwich, Vt., Jan. 22, 1812. He died at Georgetown, Mass., July 4, 1839. (For biographical sketch see P. 294.) Children : 1. ALMON C., b. Nov. 19, 1812. 2. REV. JAMES H., b. Oct. 16, 1814. 3. HARRIET, b. April 6, 1817. 4. SARAH, b. March 22, 1819. 5. NATHANIEL, b. April 6, 1821. MERRIU,. JAMES W. MERRILL came to Lyndeborough from Antrim, in 1880, and bought the Manley Kidder place, North Lyndeborough. He was born at Searsport, Me. ; married Hattie E. Tucker of Boston, Mass. She died Feb. 4, 1891. He is a carpenter by trade. Children : 1. JAMES W., JR., b. at Somerville, Mass., July 22, 1870, d. Jan. 20, 1894. 2. WII^ARD N., -f- 3. FRED, b. Oct. 4, 1874, at Somerville, Mass. 4. GEORGE W., b. Feb. 22, 1876, at Somerville, Mass., m I^illian Gokey, Feb. 25, 1900. Children : Walter J., b. July 5, 1900; Kenneth, b. Feb. 17, 1902. 5. SAMUEL T., b. Sept. 7, 1880, at Antrim, d. May 9. 1898. 6. HATTIE E., b. at L/yndeborough, Jan. 22, 1891. WILLARD N. MERRILL, son of James M. and Hattie E. (Tucker) Merrill, born Sept. 22, 1872, at Somerville, Mass.; married March 28, 1893, Carrie M. Holt of Antrim, b. Oct. 21, 1874. Children : 1. GRACE K., b. June 24, 1893. 2. PERCY J., b. July 29, 1895. 3. EDITH M., b. Nov. 25, 1898. 4. ARTHUR F., b. May 17, 1901. MILDER. BENJAMIN B. MILLER came to Lyndeborough from Sutton, N. H.; born July 20, 1826; married Nancy Boutwell of Amherst June 26, 1856. She was born March n, 1824, and is living at the date of this writing. 810 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH Although of advanced years, her memory of events in Lyndeborough in the old days is very clear, and she is one of the few left who remember the former generation of Lyndeborough people. He died July 26, 1858. Child : - i. GEORGIA A., b. Feb. 6, 1857. MILLER. JOHN CLARK MILLER, son of Eliphalet and Mary (Clark) Miller; born at Frankfort, Me., Dec. 21, 1831. He came to Lyndeborough March 31, 1893, and bought a farm west of South Lyndeborough. He married first, Mercy M. Wood of Anson, Me., in 1857. They had one daughter, Sarah May Miller, born Nov. 19, 1863. (See Cheever gen.) He married second, Susan Mclntyre of Damariscotta, Me., Oct. 21, 1866; married third, Mrs. Annie M. Florentine of Taunton, Mass., June 5, 1901. Mrs. Florentine had one daughter by her first marriage, Eugenie Beatrice, born Aug. 7, 1887. MOORE. Cyrus Moore born in Sharon, N. H., June 20, 1805 ; married Harriet M. Kidder, daughter of Ephraim and Martha (Karr) Kidder, Oct. 22, 1839. She was born Aug. n, 1821 ; died Jan. 21, 1894. He died Dec. 28, 1856. Child : - i. HARRIET A., b. in Sharon, N. H., Nov. 12, 1845. FRED, b. Nov. n, 1866. MORSE. MARK E. MORSE, son of Daniel and Hannah (Huntington) Morse; born in Francestown Oct. 22, 1843 ; married Jan. 30, 1871, Sarah E., daughter of Oliver and Sally (Savage) Harris. She was born at Frances- town Aug. 3, 1840. He died Jan. i, 1904. Children : 1. HARRY H., -j- 2. ADDIE, b. Sept. 29, 1879, d. Jan. 23, 1904. HARRY H. MORSE, son of Mark E. and Sarah (Harris) Morse ; born July 7, 1872 ; married Nov. 5, 1895, Alice R., daughter of William L. and Temperance (Cutts) Needham. She was born July 24, 1856. Child : i. CLARENCE E., b. Oct. 23, 1897. MURCH. GEORGE MURCH, son of James and Mary (Jameson) Murch ; born at Castine, Me., Nov. 7, 1843; married Feb. 17, 1886, Isabelle, daughter of Joseph and Jane (Webb) Parmenter of China, Me. She was born Feb. 14, 1846. He came to Lyndeborough from Lowell, Mass., and resided at the Artemas Woodward place for a number of years. He was a soldier in the Civil War. NEEDHAM. WILLIAM L. NEEDHAM, born in Hollis, N. H., June 29, 1823; died GENEALOGIES 811 Sept. 13, 1873 ; married June 13, 1848, Temperance Cutts of Goshen, N.H. She was born Oct. 4, 1816. Children : 1. WARREN F., b. July 9, 1851, d. March 8, 1895. 2. HANNAH M., b. April i, 1854, d. July 3, 1862. 3. ALICE R., b. July 24, 1856, m. Harry H. Morse. (See Morse gen.) 4. ADDIE Iy., b. Feb. 6, 1859, d. March 26, 1874. NEWELL. JOHN NEWELL settled in Lyndeborough and was a miller where the Colburn, or Buttrick, mill is. But little information is available about him. It is said of him that he ran a circular saw for over fifty years and never received an injury sufficient to draw blood. He was the first in- ventor of the spiral wire spring bed, and has invented or aided in per- fecting many useful articles. He married first, Dec. 14, 1847, Eliza J., daughter of John and Sally (Tinker) Gage. She was born Feb. 24, 1832 ; died Aug. 18, 1856. He married second, Jan. 25, 1854, Harriet Gage, a sis- ter of his first wife. She was born Feb. 3, 1820; died July 3, 1874. Chil- dren by first wife : 1. ELIZA J., b. Nov. 24, 1850, m. Aug. 22, 1866, Charles H. L,ee, res. at Hancock. 2. CHARLES M., d. Aug. 2, 1853. Children by second wife : 3. HARRIET. 4. IDA B. NICHOLS. WILLIAM E. NICHOLS, son of John W. and Lavisa (Allard) Nichols ; born Jan. 23, 1873; married March 14, 1900, Florence A., daughter of Henry H. and Deborah J. (Smith) Joslin. She was born March 18, 1883. Children : 1. FLORENCE E., b. March 21, 1901. 2, JOHN W., b. Oct. n, 1902. ORDWAY. JOHN ORDWAY, born Sept. 27, 1736; died at Lyndeborough, April 13, 1827; married Mary . She was born Aug. 15, 1736; died at Lyndeborough, Sept. u, 1817. He was the first of the Ordway family to come to Lyndeborough. He settled on the mountain on land which is now the farms known as the Moses Chenery place, where Charles J. Cum- mings now lives, and the Pratt place, now owned by David G. Dickey. Afterward the family bought the land now generally known as the Ord- way place. It is probable that John Ordway was twice married, and that there were children by the second marriage. Huse Karr married Sally Ord- way, and she was probably a descendant of a child by the second mar- 812 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH riage. We have tried in vain to find some more complete record of this first of the Ordway family of Lyndeborough. He was undoubtedly one of the very earliest settlers on the Mountain side. Children : 1. TIMOTHY, -}- 2. JAMES, -f 3. FANNIE, b. Sept. 3, 1771, d. 1858. 4. AMOS, b. Feb. 20, 1773. 5. ENOCH. 6. MOSES. 7. TRUSTIM. 8. JOHN, b. March 7, 1778. Enoch Ordway, 2nd, married June 29, 1824, Hannah Whit- ing, both of kyndeborough. TIMOTHY ORDWAY, son of John and Mary Ordway, born Nov. 22, 1767 ; married Phebe ; born Nov. 13, 1765. He died March 20, 1853. She died Jan. 10, 1851. Children: 1. ENOCH, b. Aug. 5, 1794, d. May 15, 1833. 2. TIMOTHY, -(- 3. PHEBE, b. June 27, 1802. 4. JONATHAN I., b. Jan. 6, 1810, d. Feb. 5, 1829. TIMOTHY ORDWAY, son of Timothy and Phebe , born Oct. 25, 1796; married March 23, 1824, Susan, daughter of William and Jane (Quigley) McAlvin of Francestown. She was born May 28, 1798 ; died Jan. 17, 1879. He died March 10, 1882. Children : 1. MARY ELIZABETH, b. June 28, 1824, d. March 22, 1897. 2. PHEBE JANE, b. May 28, 1826, m. Charles Woodward. (See Woodward gen.) 3. MOSES G. W., b. Aug. 26, 1829, d. Feb. 27, 1852. 4. MARTHA ANNA, b. April 4, 1831. 5. JOHN C., -f- 6. WIGWAM, b. Oct. 8, 1837, m. Olive Mansfield. 7. JAMES, b. Feb. 22, 1840. Walter Ordway, b. July 29, 1850. Mary Jane Ordway, b. Oct. 26, 1865, m. G. H. Hodkin. Res. at Temple. Josie Ordway, b. June 28, 1867. JOHN C. ORDWAY, son of Timothy and Susan (McAlvin) Ordway, born Nov. 18, 1834; married Oct. 18, 1860, Phebe A., daughter of William and Ann B. (Pierce) Metcalf of Medford, Mass. She was born July 25, 1840. After his marriage he lived for a time on the homestead farm, and later bought the Bixby or Farrington place at the centre. In 1886 he re- moved to Milford. Children : GENEALOGIES 813 1. WILLIS E., b. April 19, 1865, m. Jan. 25, 1897, Mrs. Nellie Gibbard of Winchendon, Mass. Works for the Charles Blake Piano Co. Res. at Roxbury, Mass. 2. NELLIE B., b. Dec. 12, 1867, m. April 29, 1886, Ernest B. Peabody of Milford. Two children : Hazel A. and Helen N. 3. L/ENA G., b. Jan. 20, 1883. JAMBS ORDWAY, son of John and Mary Ordway; born Sept. 27, 1769; married Dec. 22, 1791, Sarah, daughter of Rev. Sewall and Phebe (Putnam) Goodrich. She was born Jan. 18, 1772; died July 9, 1852. He died Sept. 13, 1804. Children : 1. SEWALL G., b. Dec. 28, 1796. 2. JOHN, b. Jan. 22, 1800. OSGOOD. ROBERT B. OSGOOD, born April 13, 1792; married Aug. 24, 1814, Susannah Senter of Lyndeborough. She was born June 29, 1792 ; died March n, 1883. He died Sept. 28, 1870. Mr. Osgood lived for many years on a small farm a few rods west of the Nathan Richardson place. He was a soldier in the War of 1812. He was a one-armed man, and much given to fishing the trout brooks of the town. He was an expert in that sport and was successful where others failed. Children : 1. DAVID W., b. June 12, 1818, d. Feb. 6, 1891. 2. ELIZABETH A., b. Sept. 4, 1822, d. Nov. 21, 1844. 3. MARY A., b. April 16, 1826, m. Edwin Willoby of Milford, d. Aug. 16, 1882. 4. SUSAN M., b. May 2, 1828, m. Gardner Bowen. 5. ANSON A., b. Sept. 20, 1831. Was a soldier in the Civil War. Res. in Hudson, N. H: PALMER. CAPT. ASA PALMER came from Pelham, N. H., in 1812, and settled on a farm at North Lyndeborough. He was born Aug. 2, 1773 ; died Aug. 24, 1851 ; married Mary Fletcher of Pelham, May 12, 1802. She was born Sept. 20, 1780; died July 25, 1857. Children : 1. DAVID F., b. in Pelham, Feb. 27, 1803, d. June 30, 1868. He was pastor of Royal Oak Presbyterian Church in Marion, Va., for twenty-four years. 2. ASA, b. in Pelham, Oct. 22, 1804, m. Mary A. Dow. 3. EBEN, + 4. THERON, -f- 5. WILLIAM H., b. in Pelham, m. Eliza Newhall. 6. JOSEPH B., b. in L/yndeborough, June 12, 1813, d. Oct. i, 1860. 7. MOSES, b. in L/yndeborough, Nov. 28, 1815, d. in infancy. 814 H1STOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH 8. CHARLES, b. in Lyndeborough, April 7, 1817, m. Caroline Newhall. 9. MARY E., b. in Lyndeborough, April 15, 1820, m. John McLaughlin. Res. in Claremont. 10. MOSES, b. in Lyndeborough, March 21, 1826, d. in infancy. EBEN PALMER, son of Asa and Mary (Fletcher) Palmer, born in Pelham, N. H., Feb. 7, 1807 ; married Sarah J., daughter of Nehemiah and Elizabeth (Jones) Boutwell of Lyndeborough, Jan. 31, 1839. She was born July 15, 1818; died Jan. 30, 1841. He died March 16, 1849. Child : - i. EBEN J., b. in Lyndeborough. Was a soldier in the Civil War and d. at Baton Rogue, La., June 30, 1863. (See Chap. X.) THERON PALMER, son of Asa and Mary (Fletcher) Palmer, born in Pelham, Feb. 25, 1809; died March 12, 1879; married Nov. 21, 1837, Hannah, daughter of Isaiah and Deborah (Clark) Parker. She was born in Lyndeborough, July 4, 1813; died Feb. 20, 1841. They removed to Salem, Mass. Child: i. THERON, b. in Lyndeborough, d. April i, 1841. PARKER. JONATHAN PARKER settled at North Lyndeborough on what is known as the "tavern stand," where George Barnes now lives. He married Hannah Clark, daughter of Maj. Peter Clark of Revolutionary fame. Little can be learned about him. There were several children born to them but there is record of only one, Willard, who was born in Lyndeborough, Sept. 2, 1800. He became a very noted surgeon, was graduated at Harvard College *in 1826, commenced the study of medr cine under John C. Warren in Harvard University, and received the degree of M.D. in 1830. He was appointed professor of anatomy in the Vermont Medical College. In 1836 he was appointed professor of sur- gery in the Cincinnati Medical College, and afterward spent some time in the hospitals of London and Paris. In 1839, he became professor of surgery in the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City, which place he resigned after a service of 30 years. In 1865, he was elected president of the New York State Inebriate Asylum at Binghamton, succeeding the celebrated Dr. Valentine Mott. In 1870 he received the degree of LL. D. from Princeton College. He died April 25, 1884. ISAIAH PARKER, born in Chelmsford, Mass., March 31, 1778. Came to Lyndeborough in 1807 ; married Deborah Clark, daughter of Maj. Peter Clark, Dec. 2, 1801. She was born May 30, 1782 ; died Nov. 2, 1857. He died June 22, 1859. Children : 1. DEBORAH, b. in Chelmsford, Mass., April u, 1803. Thrown from a wagon and killed Dec. 13, 1827. 2. CHARLES, + GENEALOGIES 815 3. ELMIRA, b. in L/yndeborough, July 17, 1808, d. Feb. 4, 1809. 4. HANNAH, b. in L/yndeborough, July 4, 1813, m. Theron Palmer of Lyndeborough, Nov. 21, 1837. Rem. to Salem, Mass., d. Feb. 20, 1841. 5. ANNA, b. in Lyndeborough, March 15, 1816, d. April 4, 1816. CHARLES PARKER, son of Isaiah and Deborah (Clark) Parker, was born May 24, 1805 ; married first, Abigail W. Jones, daughter of Benja- min and Chloe (Farrington) Jones, Oct. 18, 1827. She was born Aug. 15, 1804 ; died Sept. 8, 1846. Married second, Eliza A. Fuller, daughter of Andrew and Hannah (Chenery) Fuller, Feb. 10, 1848. She was born Dec. 7, 1825 ; died July 19, 1900, at Manchester, N. H. He lived on the turnpike road where H. D. Gage now lives. He was representative to the General Court in 1855. Children, all born in Lyndeborough : 1. CHARLES H., b. Oct. 15, 1829, d. Sept. i, 1853. 2. ISAIAH C., b. March 25, 1832. Was in U. S. Navy during the Civil War. Res. in the west. 3. HANNAH D., b. Dec. i, 1834, m. William W. Curtis of Lyndeborough. (See Curtis gen.) 4. ANN M., b. Feb. 21, 1843, d. Nov. 12, 1843. Children by second wife : 5. MINA M., b. Dec. 16, 1850, d. March 22, 1853. 6. GEORGE H., b. Aug. 10, 1854. Res. in Manchester, N. H. PARKER. JOSIAH M. PARKER came to Lyndeborough from Amherst, N. H., in 1856, and settled on the farm Lot 19 in "Perhatn Corner." He was born in Hollis, Sept. 20, 1804 ; died Aug. 10, i885 ; married Maria Cash of Amherst. She was born Oct. 9, 1809. Children, all born in Am- herst : 1. SARAH M., b. October, 1834. 2. EDMUND J., -|- 3. ABBIE R., b. April 25, 1839, m. Harvey Perham. (See Perham gen.) 4. JOHN T., + 5. ADDIE M., b. August, 1841. 6. GEORGE W., + 7. AMELIA L., b. April, 1844, d. Dec. 6, 1859. EDMUND J. PARKER, son of Josiah and Maria (Cash) Parker, born Jan. 16, 1834 ; married first, Lizzie Howe of Nashua, Jan. 20, 1869. She was born Dec. 23, 1846 ; died July 26, 1872 ; married second, Lydia Coffin of Nashua, N. H., May 6, 1873. She was born Aug. 26, 1845. He was a soldier in the Civil War. (See Chap. X.) Children: Myrtie A., Gary E. 816 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH JOHN T. PARKER, son of Josiah and Maria (Cash) Parker, born June 29, 1837 ; married first, Rhoda Brown of Auburn, N. H., Nov. 28, 1867. She was born Dec. 6, 1840; died Jan. 3, 1869; married second, Sarah Smith of Milford, N. H., June 2, 1869. She was born June 26, 1849. Children born in Lyndeborough : 1. GRACE E., b. June 14, 1874. 2. CORA I/., b. Nov. 13, 1876. GEORGE W. PARKER, son of Josiah M. and Maria (Cash) Parker, b. Dec. 25, 1843 ; married Sybil P., daughter of Asa and Elizabeth (Good- win) Blanchard of I/yndeborough, Dec. 7, 1867. She was born Oct. 6, 1838. What is known as " Perham Corner" is the largest fruit-growing section of the town. Nearly every farmer there is more or less engaged in it, and Mr. Parker has as extensive orchards as any if not the most extensive. His trees are carefully cultivated and fertilized and when the winters are favorable has immense crops of peaches, plums, etc. There is a spring on his farm, the waters of which are said to be medicinal t a considerable extent. He was a soldier in the Civil War. (See Chap. X.) Children : - 1. WALTER G., + 2. ELMER B., -j- 3. FRED B., b. Feb. 20, 1875. WALTER G. PARKER, son of George W. and Sybil (Blanchard) Parker, born April 21, 1867; married Alice M., daughter of George M. and Maria (Colburn) Bradley, June 4, 1895. Child : i. EDITH lyOuisE, b. Aug. 16, 1901. ELMER B. PARKER, son of George W. and Sybil (Blanchard) Parker, born Jan. 19, 1872; married April 19, 1893, Lulu E., daughter of George S. and Ellen Pollard McAllister of Lyndeborough. She was born Sept. 6, 1874. Children born in Lyndeborough : 1. CLARA I,OUISE, b. Jan. 20, 1896, d, July 14, 1896. 2. HAROLD POLLARD, b. July 22, 1897. 3. ROLAND ELMER, b. Sept. 4, 1900. 4. GEORGE A., b. April 9, 1904. PARRY. EDWARD PARRY, born Dec. 20, 1827 ; married Nov. 26, 1855, Sarah E., daughter of Aran and Betsey (Loring) Youlen. She was born April ir, 1837, in Boston. He came to Lyndeborough from Boston in 1887 and settled on the E. P. Spalding place. He died Jan. 27, 1905. Children : 1. HENRIETTA G., b. Dec. n, 1859, d. July 30, 1867. 2. EDITH F., b. Jan. 16, 1861. 3. JAMES E., b. Aug. 20, 1863. 4. L,ois M., b. March 13, 1869, d. May 4, 1875. GENEALOGIES 817 PATCH. DBA. ABRAM PATCH, b. April 3, 1798 ; married first, Dec. 2, 1819, Sally Dodge of Wenham, Mass. She was born March 15, 1800 ; died Oct. 27, 1863; married second, Oct. 27, 1864, Phebe, daughter of Dea. Benja- min and Sarah (Clark) Goodrich. She was born Dec. 24, 1818, and died May 10, 1904. He died Aug. 8, 1880, at Danvers, Mass. He lived on the Edward Page Spalding place north of the mountain. He came to Lyndeborough from Beverly, Mass., about 1824. He was probably the third owner of the above-mentioned farm, E. P. Spalding being the fourth. Mr. Patch was a quiet, retiring man, of a deeply religious nature, and was esteemed and respected in the community. Of his chil- dren, all by his first wife, the four younger were born in Lyndeborough. Children : 1. ANNA D., b. in Wenham, Mass., March 17, 1820, m. Dec. 22, 1842, William Peabody of Wenham, Mass. She d. Dec. 5, 1861. 2. ABRAM, b. Jan. 2, 1822, at Beverly, Mass., m. June 7, 1843, Harriet N. Kimball of Hamilton, Mass. He d. Sept. 4, 1900. 3. JOSEPH, b. April 16, 1823, at Beverly, Mass., d. June 17, 1851. 4. SARAH, b. May 30, 1825, d. Oct. n, 1841. 5. MARY C., b. June 25, 1827, m. Aug. 5, 1858, Thomas Hoyt of Beverly, Mass. She d. Nov. 28, 1877. 6. ELIZABETH M., b. Nov. 7, 1828, m. March 14, 1848, Enoch F. Knowlton of Hamilton, Mass. 7. MARTHA, b. June 27, 1831, m. March 20, 1849, George W. Parsons of Gloucester, Mass., d. Sept. 14, 1885. PATCH. EDWIN N. PATCH, born in Hollis, N. H., July 15, 1824; married Olive, daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Abbott) Chamberlain of Lynde- borough, Sept. 23, 1847. She was born Jan. 20, 1828; died Oct. 9, 1898. He died June 9, 1892. Mr. Patch was a quiet, unassuming man, highly respected by all who knew him. He came to Lyndeborough from Hollis, N. H., in 1845, an< i bought the farm where Joseph Chamberlain first built. He was a very industrious man and much improved the property. Children : 1. MILDRED, b. Sept. 9, 1848, d. Sept. 18, 1848. 2. EDWIN O., + 3. IDA B., b. May 28, 1857. 4. AMELIA O., b. April 29, 1860. EDWIN ORLANDO PATCH, son of Edwin and Olive (Chamberlain) Patch, born Aug. n, 1851 ; married first, Lizzie P., daughter of Rev. 818 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH Erastus B. Claggett ; married second, Augusta S. Trundy of Addison, Me, Nov. 8, 1887. She was born Dec. 12, 1858. PATTERSON. Walter C. Patterson, son of William and Mary I/. (Smith) Patterson of Wilton ; married Nov. 24, 1886, Sylvia Irene Cram, daughter of Charles H. and Sarah (Van Buskirk) Cram. She was born at Lacon, 111., June 28, 1864. Children born at Lyndeborough : 1. ETHEL E., b. March 18, 1888. 2. LEON A., b. Jan. 17, 1893. PEARSONS. AMOS PEARSONS of Reading, Mass., married in 1758, Elizabeth Nichols of Reading. She was born 1732. Children : 1. ABIGAIL, m. Timothy Pearsons. 2. HIRAM, m. in Vermont. 3. AMOS ; m. Balch. 4. ELIZABETH, m. Micah Barren of Lyndeborough. 5. EBEN, + 6. DIDYMUS, m. Sarah Elliott in Amherst. 7. DANIEL, + EBEN PEARSONS, son of Amos and Elizabeth (Nichols) Pearsons ; born in Reading, Mass., June 19, 1768 ; married Sept. 8, 1791, Esther Holt of Wilton. She was born July 25, 1766 ; died July 15, 1839. He died May 22, 1852. Children : 1. ESTHER, b. in Wilton, Nov. n, 1792, m. Ephraim Putnam. (See Putnam gen.) 2. EBENEZER, -+- 3. ABIGAIL, b. in Wilton Aug. 16, 1800, m. Mark Hadley. (See Hadley gen.) 4. WILLARD, b. in Lyndeborough, May 21, 1806, m. Aug. 8, 1833, Ann P. Child of Medford, Mass., rem. to Woburn, Mass., d. March 31, 1841. Child: Julia A., Abbie F., Mary M. EBENEZER PEARSONS, son of Eben and Esther (Holt) Pear- sons ; born in Lyndeborough Jan. 21, 1797 ; married Joanna, daughter of James and Sarah (Hnse) Karr. She was born April 6, 1803 ; died Aug. 5, 1874. Children, born in Lyndeborough : 1. EBENEZER BROOKS, + 2. JOANNA A., b. Oct. 15, 1829, m. Levi H. Carter, rem. to Lawrence, Mass. 3. SARAH A., b. March 29, 1832, m. Richard Kent of Law- rence, Mass. GENEALOGIES 819 4. JAMES P., b. July 21, 1834, m. Amelia Drake of Washing- ton, D. C. EBENEZER BROOKS PEARSONS, son of Ebenezer and Joanna (Karr) Pearsons ; born Jan. 23, 1827 ; married March 17, 1850, Cyrene Towns of Newfield, Me. She was born 1827 ; died in Hancock, Feb. 26, 1854. Children : 1. C^ARA M., b. in I^awrence, Mass,, Dec. 23, 1850. 2. ELIZA B., b. in I/yndeborough Aug. 20, 1852. DANIEL PEARSONS, son of Amos and Elizabeth (Nichols) Pearsons ; born in Reading, Mass., 1764; married Patience Kimball, born 1763. There is some question whether Daniel Pearsons was ever a resident of Lyndeborough. The writer can find no record to show that he was, but some of his descendants think he was and that some of his chil- dren were born here. Jesse, one of the sons, married Betsey, daughter of Nehemiah and Elizabeth (Jones) Boutwell of Lyndeborough. Han- nah, a daughter, married Daniel Chamberlain, son of Jonathan and Eliz- abeth (Cram) Chamberlain of Lyndeborough. Children: 1. BETSY, m. George Reed of Woburn, Mass. 2. AMOS, rem. to New York. 3. HARRIET. 4. SAI,I,Y. 5. JESSE, m. Betsey Boutwell. 6. HANNAH, m. Daniel Chamberlain, d. July 29, 1873. 7. JOHN, b. 1792, rem. to Bradford, Vt. PERHAM. OLIVER PERHAM was a Revolutionary soldier. (See Chap. VII.) Soon after the close of the war he came to Lyndeborough from Chelms- ford, Mass., and settled in the southeast part of the town since known as "Perham Corner." He was born in 1761 and died Dec. 5, 1846. He married first, Mary Pierce ; married second, Anna Pierce. Anna and Mary were sisters, and relatives of Gov. Pierce of New Hampshire. The dates of their birth and death are not in the records given us, nor do we know just when Oliver Perham came to Lyndeborough. Children, all by Anna (Pierce) Perham : 1. OLIVER 2ND., -f- 2. JOHN, -(- 3. SAMUEL, b. Sept. 20, 1793. 4. ASA, b. Aug. 12, 1795, m. Anna A. Gray of Wilton. 5. JOSEPH, b. Sept. 17, 1802, m. Abigail Melendy of Wilton. 6. DAVID, -\- 7. WILLIAM, b. Oct. 30, 1808. 8. ANNA, b. May 20, 1812, m. Charles :H/ Holt of Lyndebor- ough. (SeejHolt gen.) 820 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH 9. & 10. POLLY and JESSIE, (twins), d. in infancy. OLIVER PERHAM, son of Oliver and Anna (Pierce) Perham ; born July 9, 1788; married November, 1810, Patty, daughter of Joel and Polly (Coburn) Holt of Wilton. They had five daughters and two sons born in Wilton : Polly, Dolly, Anna, Oliver, Sarah J., Joel H. and Rachel. OLIVER PERHAM, son of Oliver and Patty (Holt) Perham, born in Wilton, Nov. 17, 1819; died in Lowell, Mass., Feb. 24, 1879; married Jan. 5, 1847, Rebecca, daughter of James L. and Hannah (Baldwin) Clark. She was born Feb. 26, 1824 ; died Dec. 15, 1893. He resided part of his life in Lyndeborough on lot 60, where his son, Charles I/., lives. Children : 1. GEORGE O., b. May 12, 1848, d. Aug. 19, 1849. 2. BROOKS C., b. Oct. 24, 1851, d. Feb. 9, 1853. 3. CHARLES L,., -f 4. GEORGIANNA B., b. July 23, 1856, d. Sept. 30, 1871. 5. WILLIS C., + CHARLES LINDSEY PERHAM, son of Oliver and Rebecca (Clark) Perham, born Jan. 3, 1854 ; married Feb. 16, 1878, Emma, daughter of Joseph H. and Harriet N. (Hopkins) Tarbell of Mt. Vernon. She was born Aug. 29, 1855. He is an energetic and prosperous farmer, and lives on the "Lindsey" Clark homestead, lot 60. Has been selectman a number of terms and road agent for several years. Child : i. BERTHA GERTRUDE, b. Oct. 20, 1884, m. L/. Nute Wood- ward. (See Woodward gen.) WILLIS CLARK PERHAM, son of Oliver and Rebecca (Clark) Per- ham, born July 18, 1859 ; married April 9, 1883, Annie S., daughter of Solon and Eliza (Jones) Richardson of Lyndeborough. She died Nov. 16, 1896. They spent the early part of their married life in Lyndebor- ough, but on account of Mrs. Perham's ill health removed to California, where she died. He resides in North Pomona, Cal. JOHN PERHAM, son of Oliver and Anna (Pierce) Perham, born June 16, 1790; married Polly Pearsons of Milford, N. H. She was born June 3, 1792. Children : 1. JOHN, 2ND., b. Dec. 26, 1817, in Cambridgeport, Mass.. m. Caroline P. Braman of Boston, Nov. 13, 1841. She was b. Nov. 17, 1816, d. Nov. 18, 1888. He d. Aug. 31, 1878. 2. OTIS, b. Dec. 27, 1819, d. Nov. 23, 1901. 3. EBEN, b. July 29, 1823, in Lowell, Mass., d. Oct. 23, 1849. 4. HARVEY, -f- HARVEY PERHAM, son of John and Polly (Pearsons) Perham, born Sept. i, 1826; married Feb. 10, 1862, Abbie R., daughter of Josiah M. GENEALOGIES 82 1 and Maria (Cash) Parker. She was born April 25, 1839, in Amherst, N. H. He died Jan. 29, 1902. Children : 1. MINNIE A., b. July 22, 1865, d. June 26, 1893. 2. WlI^ARD H., -j- 3. NETTIE A., b. Aug. i, 1872. 4. JOHN I,., b. Nov. 9, 1876. WILLARD H. PERHAM, son of Harvey and Abbie R. (Parker) Per- ham, born Sept. 20, 1867 ; married V. Kate, daughter of James M. and Melissa (I/ang) Jackson of Amherst, Oct. 14, 1899. DAVID PERHAM, son of Oliver and Anna (Pierce) Perham, born April 28, 1805; married Lucy W. Symonds of Milford, Jan. 15, 1835. She was born Oct. 16, 1814. He died April 20, 1873. Removed to Mil- ford, April 30, 1860. Children born in I/yndeborough : i. L,UCY J., b. May 9, 1836. i. HANNAH S., b. Feb. 27, 1838, d. June 30, 1850. 3. DAVID M., b. March 10, 1844. 4. MARY A., b. June 3, 1846, d. Jan. 18, 1859. 5. J. PIERCE, b. July 30, 1848, d. Nov. 8, 1879. PERSONS. MOSES PERSONS was the oldest son of Moses Persons of Wilming- ton, Mass., who was a private in the company of Capt. Cadwalder Ford. Enlisted as a minute man March 9, 1775. He served twenty-one days and then re-enlisted and served to the credit of the town of Wilmington until the close of the Revolutionary War. He was a volunteer and went to Portsmouth in the War of 1812. Moses Persons, the son, was born Aug. 22, 1782, in Wilmington, Mass.; married in 1804, Susanna Wyman, eldest daughter of Jesse Wyman of Woburn, Mass. She was born Oct. 9, 1785 in Woburn, Mass. He came to Lyndeborough from Reading, Mass., and settled on the farm since known as the Annie Fish place. This family has a most excellent record for service in both the Revolu- tionary War and the War of the Rebellion. Three sons of Jessie W. Per- sons served in the Civil War, Captain Alonzo, Corporal Oscar and Herbert as drumtner boy. Susan B. Persons married Samuel Richardson, then of Woburn, and four of their sons served long and honorably in the Civil War; Samuel, the second son, a young man of sterling character, died from sufferings in Andersonville prison. William A. Persons gave his life for his country, and rests in a lonely grave in Louisiana, Joseph Per- sons served in the Civil War, also his son Edwin, who died in camp. H. Celenda Persons married Josiah Watson and lost her only son Geranda J., who served in the Cavalry and died from exposure and hardships. This family removed to Woburn, Mass., and at this writing, Alvah A. is the only one living. Children, all but eldest born in Lyndeborough : 1. MOSES J., b. in Reading, Mass., April n, 1805. 2. JESSE W., b. Nov. 15, 1806. HISTORY OF L YNDEBOROUGH 3. SUSAN B., b. June 7, 1808. 4. WILLIAM A., b. Feb. 18, 1810. 5. RANDOLPH, b. Dec. 22, 1811. 6. SUBMIT R., b. June 21, 1815. 7. HEPSEY C., b. June 28, 1817. 8. JOSEPH, b. June 21, 1819. 9. JAMES, b. July 31, 1821. 10. L/ois HOLT, b. Sept. 8, 1824. 11. ALVAH A., b. Oct. 16, 1826. PBTTBNGILI/. FRANK A. PETTENGILL, son of Watson and Kathleen (Hemphill) Pettengill ; born Nov. 3, 1873, in Acworth ; married March 31, 1897, Clara, daughter of William N. and Lois (Holt) Ryerson. She was born Nov. 5, 1878. Children, born in Lyndeborough : 1. EDITH E., b. July 12, 1897. 2. LOTTIE E., b. June 16, 1899. 3. CHESTER, b. June 18, 1904. PIAJMMER. DANIEL PLUMMER came from Goffstown in 1835 and settled on the farm in North Lyndeborough, now owned by the Needham family. He remained there until 1854, when he returned to Goffstown. The child- dren born at Lyndeborough were : 1. ABBY S. 2. PERSiS D. 3. JULIA A. 4. MARY E. POWERS. EDWARD POWERS, born in County Cork, Ireland, in 1836 ; married Honora Shea of County Carey, Ireland, Jan. 12, 1861. She was born Dec. 23, 1839. Lived in Perham Corner; died April 29, 1891. Chil- dren : 1. FRANK H., b. in Milford, N. H., Jan. 7, 1862, d. March 12, 1886. 2. MARY E., b. in Lyndeborough, May 19, 1866. 3. JULIA H. b. in L/yndeborough, Sept. 7, 1867. 4. AGNES H., b. in Lyndeborough, April 3, 1869, d. Dec. 20, 1873- 5. ANNIE M., b. in Lyndeborough, Feb. 8, 1871. 6. WILLIE E., b. in Lyndeborough, Oct. 30, 1873. 7. JOHN M., b. in Lyndeborough, April 16, 1875, d. April 19, 1875- GENEALOGIES 823 8. NiaUE A., b. Nov. 20, 1876. PRATT. AMOS PRATT, born at North Reading, Mass., July 8, 1811 ; married first, Almira Mudge of Danvers, Mass. She was born Jan. 14, 1817 ; died Feb. 6, 1852 ; married second, Hannah Mudge. She was born Nov. 10, 1809; died March 31, 1868. He was a man much respected in the com- munity for his sterling honesty and upright dealing. He was moder- ator of the town meetings seven years, selectman two years, and over- seer of the poor ten years. He removed to Danvers, Mass., in 1856. Children born in Lyndeborough, by first wife : 1. FlDEUA T., b. July 12, 1840. 2. EMILY J., b. Sept. i, 1842. 3. GEORGE, b. May 14, 1845, m. March 26, 1873, I^ucy J. Spiller of Ipswich, Mass. PROCTOR. Among the English records in 1375 the Manor of Tottenham was held by George Beauchamp Proctor by bequest from his father, Sir William Beauchamp Proctor. The coat of arms was granted in 1436 and the shield is described as " Argent with two chevrons sable." The chevron is used to designate those families who came to England with William the Conqueror. The martlets without feet to show that the family had no landed estate and what they had must be won by the sword. It is claimed that John, Richard, George and Robert settled in Massachusetts between 1635 and 1643 an( i tnat they were descendants of Sir William above named, and were brothers. John, the first of this branch of the family, settled in Ipswich, coming in the ship " Susan and Ellen " in 1635, at forty years of age, with his wife Martha and two children, John three years old, and Mary, one year. This son John was afterward known as " witchcraft John," being one of the victims of the witchcraft delusion and suffered the death penalty by hanging, Aug. 19, 1692. He was married twice, his last wife being a Thorndyke. He had fifteen children, and lived at what is now known as Proctor's Crossing on the Boston & Maine R. R., in Danvers, Mass. His daughter was first ac- cused, her mother came to her defence, then she was charged with the crime, then the husband and father with the characteristic brusqueness of the race came to the defence, with the result that he was the only one of the family punished by death. His wife was condemned to die but for statutory reasons was not executed with her husband. When the time came that the law could be enforced, the delusion had passed, but by English law she was considered as dead, and consequently was not entitled to any benefit of her husband's estate until pardoned by the king four years later. JOHN PROCTOR of the sixth generation from England was born in Danvers, Mass., Oct. 7, 1763, and was the first of the family to settle in Lyndeborough on the north side of the tnountaih. His father, Benja- 824 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH min, having given to two other sons the bulk of his property, John moved to Lyndeborough in the spring of 1792. John Carleton of Am- herst, a grandson, said, "to the roughest part of Lyndeborough" and adds in parenthesis, " no wonder we are a rough set." He married Ruth Southwick, a Quakeress, a descendant of Lawrence Southwick, and Cassandra whom Whittier has made the subject of a poem, and who was whipped and imprisoned and finally banished in 1659, dying in 1660 from starvation, privation and exposure. Crime, Quakerism. Their first home was well up on the mountain-side, on land now owned by D. E. Proctor. The second home which he built in 1805 and occu- pied in September of that year, and where he died 30 years later is now the home of Merrill T. Spalding. He is described as a large man, very forceful. He died at the age of 72, May i, 1836. His wife died Dec. 20, 1831. Children: 1. JOHN, b. in Danvers, Mass., March 18, 1788, m. Betsey Putnam of Danvers, Mass. He d. 1823. Three children, John, Elizabeth and Martha A. 2. MARY, b. in Danvers, April 2 1791, m. Abel Hill, Jan. 22, 1814. (See Hill gen.) 3. SUSAN, b. Aug. 20, 1793, d. in childhood. 4. ELIZABETH, b. March 8, 1796, m. Dudley Carleton. (See Carleton gen.) 5. JOSEPH S., b. Sept. 12, 1799, m. L/ois Perry, by whom he had six children. He d. Sept. 28, 1885, in Peabody, Mass. 6. DANIEL, -f- 7. SYLVESTER, + 8. HANNAH, b. Feb. 7, 1808, m. Emerson Bachelder, Novem- ber, 1837, d. January, 1886. DANIEL PROCTOR, son of John and Ruth (Southwick) Proctor, born March 6, 1802 ; married Feb. 18, 1827, Mary Perry of Dublin. She died in Weare, Feb. 9, 1871. He died in Temple, Feb. 17, 1869. She was born April 30, 1794. Children : 1. JOHN, -|- 2. MARY, b. Aug. 7, 1830, m. Sept. 27, 1853, Hiram Favor of Weare. Res. at Nashua. Children : Sidney, Nellie, Proctor. 3. LYDIA, b. June 12, 1833, m. Sept. 27, 1857, David Grant. Rem. to Goffstown. Child : Harry. 4. SUSAN, b. Sept. 9, 1838, m. Jan. 4, 1898, Franklin Jaquith of Billerica, Mass. Of these children, only Susan was born at Lyndeborough. JOHN PROCTOR, son of Daniel and Mary (Perry) Proctor, born Jan. 4, 1828; married Oct. 16, 1856, Martha, daughter of Levi and Nancy GENEALOGIES 825 (Wilkins) Fish of Middleton, Mass. She was born June 3, 1838. He lived at Danvers, Mass., many years, and enlisted from there in the 8th Mass. Regt., serving 10 months during the Civil War. He returned to the homestead farm at Lyndeborough in 1884, and has lived there since. He is a fine mechanic and carpenter. Children : 1. CAROLYN, b. at Danvers, Mass., April 12, 1857, m. Atkins H. Bates of Salem, Mass. Res. at Salem. Children : William Proctor, b. July 14, 1881 ; Charles Howard, b. Nov. 28, 1885. 2. JOHN P., b. at Salem, Dec. 26, 1872. 3. JAMES A., b. at Salem, Feb. 2, 1882. SYLVESTER PROCTOR, son of John and Ruth (Southwick) Proctor, born Sept. 5, 1805; married Sarah Hovey of Peterborough. She was born April 12, 1814; died Nov. 20, 1879. He died Oct. 22, 1867. He bought the Whitmarsh farm, containing i7 acres, of Micajah Pope of Boston, Feb. 20, 1829, the Allen lot from the D. N. Boardman heirs, June 5, 1850, which with the 40 acres he received from his father's estate, constituted the farm on which he lived, now owned by his son, D. E- Proctor. He was superintendent of the poor farm in 1845 and 1847 an d again in 1857. He served in the same capacity in Milford in 1848-1854, the only years he was not a resident of I/yndeborough. He was a man who had the respect and esteem of the community. Children : 1. DAVID EDWIN, -f- 2. ABBY SARAH, b. June 16, 1848, d. Sept. 14, 1854. 3. ALMEDA A., b. Aug. 5, 1851, d. Sept. 9, 1854. 4. JOSIE ABBY, b. June 5, 1856, m. John Merrill of Wilton, May 7, 1883. DAVID EDWIN PROCTOR, son of Sylvester and Sarah (Hovey) Proctor ; born March 5, 1843 ; married Jan. 10, 1867, Sarah M. daughter of Dea. John C. Goodrich of Ivyndeborough. He was educated in the common schools of Lyndeborough and at Appleton Academy of Mont Ver. non. On Aug. 14, 1862, at the age of nineteen years, he enlisted as a pri- vate in Co. B., I3th N. H. Infantry. (For his military career see Chap. X.) He joined the Grand Army of the Republic June 28, 1868, and has held many positions of trust in the order, being department commander in 1900. He joined the Masonic Order in 1883, and the I. O. O. F. in 1900. He served as town clerk in 1867-1868, and as selectman in 1869-1870. He was also census enumerator in 1870. In 1871, he removed to Wilton and entered the employ of D. Gregg & Co. In 1872, he was made a partner in the firm, and in 1880 become sole proprietor. He has been an honored and influential citizen in his adopted town, serving as town treasurer three years, member of the school board six years, representative to the legislature in 1881-1882, and state senator, 1899-1900. In religion he is a liberal Congregationalist, with the faith that "God careth for the least of these." Ever since his removal to Wilton he has kept in touch with the people 826 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH of his native town, and has manifested a warm interest in her material prosperity. He has given liberally of his means to support the social en- terprises of the town, and has always been a familiar figure at its gather- ings and celebrations. Children : 1. FRANK EDWIN, b. in I^yndeborough Jan. 9, 1868, m. May 18, 1892, Ada R. Keyes of Wilton. Children : Robert W., Alice M., Lester G. 2. MARY EMMA, b. Aug. 7, 1872, m. Sept. 3, 1895, Fred B. Howe of Bolton, Mass. Children: Marion I,., Edna L., Marjore P. 3. ARTHUR GOODRICH, b. July 13, 1877, d. April 7, 1878. 4. GEORGE SYLVESTER, b. Sept. 18, 1878, m. Sept. 2, 1903, Winifred J. French of Bedford. Child : Elizabeth F. 5. -FRED WILLIS, b. July 12, 1883. PUTNAM.* The immigrant ancestor of probably three quarters of the Putnams of America was John Putnam, born in England about 1580. He married in England Priscilla . His ancestry can be traced back through the Putnams and Puttenhams of County Bucks in England for many genera- tions. John Putnam's grandfather could claim relationship to the great John Hampden and other illustrious families in England. John came to these shores in 1634, and settled in Salem, Mass. The earliest record of him is in 1641, when he was granted land by the town in what is now Dan- vers, to be a little more exact, that portion of Danvers known as Beaver Brook. Oak Knoll, the poet Whittier's home, was part of this grant, and the old well is still to be seen situated near the road and some few rods to the southeast of its present mansion. John Putnam and his sons soon had large possessions of real estate in that vicinity, and much of the land is even now in the possession of his descendants. The children of John Putnam were all born and baptized at Aston Abbotts in Bucks county, England. They were : Elizabeth, baptized Dec. 20, 1612 ; Thomas, bap- tized March 7, 1614 (it was a granddaughter of this Thomas, Ann by name, who made herself notorious in 1692, as one of the bewitched girls during witchcraft times); John, baptized July 24, 1617; Nathaniel, bap- tized Oct. ii, 1619; Sara, baptized March 7, 1622; Phebe, baptized July 28, 1624 ; John, baptized May 27, 1627, known as Capt. John. Probably the most energetic and more truly of the stern Puritanical stock than either of his brothers. Jacob, Ephraim and Nathaniel Putnam, who came to Salem-Canada were the children of Dea. Nathaniel Putnam, who lived at Danvers, Mass. It is said he also lived at North Reading for a time. If so, it was there his sons probably became acquainted with the Cram family, who were residents in that part of Reading set off to Wilmington. DEA. NATHANIEL PUTNAM was of the fourth generation from John, the immigrant ancestor, viz., John, Nathaniel, Benjamin, Nathaniel. Children: - *For a biographical sketch of the Putnam* of Lyndeborough, see chapter XXXIII. GENEALOGIES 827 1. NATHANIEL, bap. Oct. i, 1710, d. young. 2. JACOB, b. March 9, 1711. 3. NATHANIEL, b. April 4, 1714, d. young. 4. SARAH, b. June i, 1716. 5. DBA. ARCHELAS, b. May 29, 1718. 6. DEA. BPHRAIM, -j- 7. HANNAH, b, March 4, 1721. 8. NATHANIEL, b. May 28, 1724. 9. MEHITABLE, b. Feb. 26, 1726. DEA. EPHRAIM PUTNAM, son of Nathaniel and Hannah (Roberts) Putnam, born in Danvers, Mass., Feb. 10, 1719 ; married Sarah, daughter of John and Sarah (Holt) Cram of L,yndeborough. She was born June 27, 1719 ; died Oct. 15, 1777. He died Nov. 13, 1777. Children, all born in L,yndeborough but Ephraim. 1. HANNAH, b. Feb. 26, 1742, first white child, b. in L,yndebor- ough, m. Eleazer Woodward. (See Woodward gen.) - 2. EPHRAIM, -f- 3. SARAH, b. June 8/1746, m. John Bradford. 4. HULDAH, b. May 15, 1748, m. Nov. 26, 1768, Capt. Jonas Kidder. (See Kidder gen.) 5. JESSE, b. Sept. 21, 1750, d. in infancy. 6. DAVID, -f- 7. KETURAH, b. June 29, 1756, m. John Smith. 8. AARON, + 9. REBECCA, b. March 17, 1761, m. Capt. Ward Woodward of Brooklyn, Conn. (See Woodward gen.) 10. JOHN, m. Olive Barren, Nov. 30, 1784. Child : Olive, b. May 22, 1785. DEA. EPHRAIM PUTNAM, son of Ephraim and Sarah (Cram) Put- nam ; born in Danvers, Mass., June 15, 1744 ; married I/ucy Spaulding. He died March 2, 1799. No further record of L,ucy Spaulding has been ob- tained. Children, all born in I/yndeborough : 1. EPHRAIM, -(- 2. DANIEL, + 3. SARAH, b. Jan. 16, 1773, m. David Cram. (See Cram gen.) 4. ELIZABETH, b. Feb. 4, 1775. 5. ESTHER, b. April 9, 1777. 6. JOHN, b. July 15, 1781. EPHRAIM PUTNAM, son of Ephraim and L,ucy (Spaulding) Putnam ; born Oct. 20, 1768 ; married Elizabeth, daughter of John and Elizabeth Carkin of Lyndeborough. Children : i. EPHRAIM, b. Dec. 21, 1798, d. Nov. 13, 1800. 828 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH 2. ELEAZER, + 3. SOLOMON, b. March 4, 1803, d. Nov. 24, 1814. 4. PRUDENCE, b. April 22, 1809, d. May 10, 1810. 5. HIRAM, b. April 28, 1811, d. Nov. 27, 1814. ELEAZER PUTNAM, son of Ephraim and Elizabeth (Carkin) Put- nam, born Jan. 8, 1801 ; married JApril 8, 1828, Mary A. daughter of Joseph and Mary (Archer-Burton) Marshall. She was born May 22, 1805 ; lied July 3, 1867. He died Dec. 27, 1866. Children, born in Lyndebor- ough : 1. ALBERT M., b. April 25, 1829, m. Jane C. Steele. 2. AD ALINE E., b. March 4, 1833, m. William P. Steele. (See Steele gen.) 3. ERASTUS D., b. March 17, 1836, d. March 27, 1836. 4. ELBRIDGE G., b. June 9, 1840, d. Jan. 13, 1847. DANIEL PUTNAM, son of Ephraim and Lucy <.Spaulding) Putnam ; born Sept. 2, 1770; married Hannah, daughter of Adam and Abigail (Carleton) Johnson. Children : 1. ISRAEL, -f- 2. I/VDIA, b. Aug. 9, 1796, m. William Richardson of I/ynde- borough. (See Richardson gen.) 3. BETSEY, b. Jan. 24, 1800, m. David Gage. (See Gage gen.) 4. HANNAH, b. Dec. 29, 1803, m. Robert Duren, d. Feb. 25, 1830. 5. DAVID JOHNSON, b. Oct. 9, 1808, d. March 9, 1847. CAPT. ISRAEL PUTNAM, son of Daniel and Hannah (Johnson) Putnam, born Oct. 30, 1794; married first, Ruth, daughter of Joshua and Abigail (Ladd) Sargent of Lyndeborough. She was born Sept. 6, 1795 ; died July 21, 1845 ; married second, May 6, 1846, Mrs. Abigail (Abbott) Marshall, widow of James Marshall, and daughter of William and Eunice (Cram) Abbott. She was born Jan. 25, 1814; died Oct. 9, 1892. He died Feb, 2, 1869. Children : 1. MARY ANGELINE, b. Oct. i, 1818, m. Aug. 22, 1838, George Hartshorn of L,yudeborough. (See Hartshorn gen.) 2. WILLIAM R., b. Oct. 17, 1821, m. Dec. 7, 1851, Martha J., adopted dau. of Samuel and Sarah (Raymond) Hartshorn of L/yndeborough. She was b. Aug. 26, 1833. He d. Dec. 2, 1901, in Woburn, Mass. 3. DANIEL, b. Jan. 8, 1824, m. Sarah, dau. of EH B. Smith of New Hampton. She was b. March 24, 1828. He pre- pared for college at New Hampton, graduated from Dart- mouth in 1851. Is a teacher at the State Normal School at GENEALOGIES 829 Ypsilanti, Mich. Their children: Alice, Mary, Arthur, Ruth and William. 4. ISRAEL, b. Jan. 14, 1826, m. Luthera Andrews of Clare- mont. 5. HANNAH, b. Aug. 4, 1830, m. Dec. 2, 1852, A. Kneeland Lewis of Wilton. Their children are Orlina, Sargent B., and Annie S. 6. SUMNER, Aug. 4, 1833, m. Abby, dau. of Willard Pearsons of Woburn, Mass. By second wife : 7. ABBY, b. June 22, 1847, d. Oct. 21, 1858. 8. LETITIA, b. Jan. 13, 1850, m. Dec. 25, 1871, David Mc- Ginley of Houlton, Me. He was b. June 14, 1849. Their child : Abbie Winnifred, b. Nov. 14, 1872, m. March 29, 1892, Samuel Webster of Wilton. DAVID PUTNAM, known as "Ensign David" and son of Ephraim and Sarah (Cram) Putnam, b. May 6, 1753 ; married Mrs. Abigail (Carle- ton) Johnson, widow of John Johnson, who was killed or died in the Revolutionary War. Children, all born in Lyndeborough : 1. AMY, b. March 6, 1779, m. Gideon Cram. (See Cram gen.) 2. TIMOTHY, -j- 3. ABIGAIL, b. June i, 1785. 4. DAVID, + 5. SARAH, b. Aug. 19, 1793, m. Jonathan Clark. (See Clark gen.) COL. TIMOTHY PUTNAM, son of "Ensign" David and Abigail (Carleton Johnson) Putnam, born May 20, 1782; married first, Rachel, daughter of Jacob and Rachel (Dale) Dascomb of Wilton, in 1807. She was born Nov. 15, 1785 ; died April 14, 1838 ; married second, Patty Cheever of Lowell, Mass. He died June n, 1847. Children, all born in Lyndeborough : 1. LEONARD, b. Dec. 13, 1807. Rem. to the South. 2. OSGOOD CARLETON, b. Sept 30, 1810, d. Oct. n, 1813. 3. MARIA, b. May 27, 1812, d. October, 1847. 4. SARAH, b. Nov. 23, 1815. 5. TIMOTHY THURSTON, -(- 6. RACHEL, b. February, 1820, d. April, 1846. 7. DAVID, + 8. ELIZABETH, b. December, 1823, m. November, 1849, Hiram Wallace of Antrim. She d. Jan. 26, 1883. 9. SOLOMON, b. June 18, 1826, d. August, 1829. 10. JACOB D., -f 830 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH TIMOTHY T. PUTNAM, son of Timothy and Rachel (Dascomb) Put- nam, born Jan. 30, 1818 ; married Nov. 21, 1843, Lydia Wood of Hudson. She was born Nov. n, 1822; died Jan. 2, 1880. He died June 2, 1883. Children : 1. ALBERT, b. in Lowell, Mass., June 9, 1846, d. Jan. 29, 1847. 2. EDWIN H., -f- 3. FRED W., b. March 19, 1861. Rem. to California. EDWIN H. PUTNAM, son of Timothy T. and Lydia (Wood) Putnam, born March 26, 1848 ; married Oct. 29, 1868, Eliza A., daughter of Silas and Rebecca (Pratt) Keyes. She was born Sept. 22, 1847. Children : 1. ROY N., b. July 9, 1870, m. Dec. 19, 1894, Addie W., dau. of Harlan P. and Maria (Stevens) Downs of Francestown. She was b. Nov. 23, 1873. Child: Pauline, b. March 13, 1904. 2. lyYDiA W., b. July 10, 1873. 3. CHARLES E., b. Dec. 12, 1875. 4. PERCY W., b. Dec. u, 1878, m. Aug. 27, 1902, Martha R., dau. of Dana B. and Elsie (Grant) Sargent. 5. JAMES A. G., b. Nov. 7, 1881, m. Dec. 7, 1904, K. Frances, dau. of Byron and Sarah (Carley) Putnam. 6. MARY R., b. July 4, 1885. DAVID PUTNAM, son of Timothy and Rachel (Dascomb) Putnam, born Feb. 23, 1822 ; married Sally Brown, July I, 1847. She was born May 29, 1821. He removed to Pennacook and died Nov. 4, 1879. Chil- dren : Philip W., Mary E-, Eman F., David H. JACOB D. PUTNAM, son of Timothy and Rachel (Dascomb) Putnam, born June 16, 1828; married June i, 1853, Eliza (Rust) Clough. She died in Lyndeborough, Oct. 20, 1882. He died Feb. 26, 1888. His childhood days were spent in Lyndeborough, and as a youth he attended the Pem- broke Academy, boarding himself while pursuing his studies there. After graduating he found employment in a drygoods store at Laconia, and it was here he met his wife. Shortly after their marriage he removed to Lowell, Mass., where he engaged in the grocery business. He after- ward came to Lyndeborough and engaged in the manufacture of glass. While in Lowell three children were born to them : 1. EMMA DASCOMB, b. June 2, 1854. 2. FREDERICK, b. Aug. 6, 1857. 3. GRACE E., b. Sept. 28, 1871. DEA. DAVID PUTNAM, son of Ensign David and Abigail (Carleton- Johnson) Putnam ; born June 19, 1790; married first, Tryphena, daugh- ter of Jonathan and Lois (Kidder) Butler of Lyndeborough. She was born April 27, 1787 ; died Jan. 31, 1831 ; married second, Sarah Fletcher, who died June 21, 1845; married third, Mrs. Abigail Foster; married fourth, Mrs. Nancy P. Jewett of Wilton, who died Aug. 4, 1862; married GENEALOGIES 831 fifth, Mrs. Sarah (Brown) Bradford, widow of James C. Bradford of Lynde- borough. She died Sept. 15, 1888. He died June 10, 1870. Children by first wife, born in Lyndeborough : 1. SUSANNA B., b. May 14, 1816, m. John Hartshorn of L/ynde- borough. (See Hartshorn gen.) 2. JASON, b. Nov. 18, 1817, d. May 18, 1841. 3. TRYPHENA, b. April 25, 1822, m. Dec. 17, 1847, Benjamin F. Tenney of Antrim. He was b. Feb. 25, 1821, d. Jan. i, 1867. She d. July 31, 1900. Children: Frank, Amy. Child by second wife, born in Lyndeborough : 4. DAVID, -\- DBA. DAVID PUTNAM, son of Dea. David and Sarah (Fletcher) Put- nam ; born April 15, 1838; married Mariett D., daughter of Sumner and Polly (Dodge) Wait of Londonderry Vt., March 7, 1861. She was born Nov. 5, 1841. Children : 1. ALGERNON W., + 2. ERWIN D., -f- ALGERNON W. PUTNAM, born Feb. 26, 1866 ; graduate of Brown University, class of 1895 ; married Sept. 9, 1903, Lucy, daughter of John and Sarah (Harris) Daniels of Middlebury Vt. Child : i. PAUL S., b. June 19, 1904. ERWIN D. PUTNAM, born Oct. 19, 1879; married Jan. i, 1902, Alice I/., daughter of James L. and Mary E. (Blanchard) Hill of Peterborough. Children : 1. WENDELL DAVID, b, Sept. 23, 1902. 2. JESTER JAMKS, b. May 15, 1905. AARON PUTNAM, son of Ephraim and Sarah (Cram) Putnam ; mar- ried Sarah . Children : 1. WARD, b. Dec. 4, 1781. 2. NANCY, b. June 28, 1783. PUTNAM. *EPHRAIM PUTNAM, known as " Danvers Ephraim," was born in Danvers, Mass., Sept. 14, 1744; died in Lyndeborough May n, 1821; married 1768, Rachel, daughter of Jonathan and Mary (Chamberlain) Cram of Lyndeborough. She was born April 16, 1746 ; died April 29, 1833. Children born in Lyndeborough : i. JONATHAN, -f- *There is a divided opinion and confusion of testimony as to which of the many Ephraim Putnams was known as " Danvers " Ephraim. From a careful sifting of evi- dence we believe it is the one designated above. If any of the descendants of the Ephraim Putnams of Lyndeborough are of a contrary opinion, the evidence may be pro- duced. 832 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH 2. MEHITABLE, b. Dec. 6/1772, m. Feb. 20, 1801, Robert Richie. He d. Nov. 17, 1832. Child : Mary, b. Sept. 7, 1805. 3. ARCHILAS, b. March 6, 1775, d. March 4, 1839. 4. EPHRAIM, b. Jan. 7, 1778, d. Feb. 20, 1785. 5. ABIJAH, b. Nov. 30, 1780, d. Feb. 16. 1785. 6. EPHRAIM, -(- 7. NATHANIEL, b. Aug. 22, 1788, d. March 19, 1843. 8. AMOS, b. July 25, 1791, d. 1795. JONATHAN PUTNAM, son of Ephraim and Rachel (Cram) Putnam, born Sept. 14, 1769 ; married Nov. 25, 1792, Mary, daughter of Hil- dreth. Children, born in Lyndeborough : 1. RACHEL, b. Nov. 23, 1792, d. Nov. 17, 1795. 2. JONATHAN, Jr., b. April 15, 1795. 3. NATHAN, -j- 4. EPHRAIM HILDRETH, -f~ NATHAN PUTNAM, son of Jonathan and Mary (Hildreth) Putnam ; born Dec. 12, 1798; married Nancy Trull Nov. 29, 1821. She died April 6, 1834. Children : 1. NANCY, b. Feb. 28, 1823, d. April 30, 1825. 2. MARY A., b. April 17, 1826. 3. NATHAN H., b. June 13, 1828. 4. ALMIRA J., b. June 20, 1830. 5. PARKER T., b. April 6, 1834. EPHRAIM H. PUTNAM, son of Jonathan and Mary (Hildreth) Put- nam ; born July 5, 1805 ; married Susanna Ford. She died March 3, 1879. He died June 14, 1864. Children, born in Lyndeborough: 1. ANDREW J., b. Feb. 27, 1832. 2. RACHEL S., b. Jan. 27, 1835. 3. MARY E., m. Francis A, Allen of Peterborough. She d. Sept. 22, 1886. 4 and 5. THOMAS and BYRON, twins, b. Jan. 8, 1840. Thomas res. in Virginia. BYRON, + 6. L/EVI H., + 7. DELIA A. BYRON PUTNAM, son of Ephraim H. and Susanna (Ford) Putnam ; born Jan. 8, 1840 ; married first, July 24, 1859, Sarah C., daughter of Asa and Sarah (Pillsbury) Carley of Peterborough. She was born May 20, 1841; died Oct. 21, 1893; married second, Mrs. Emily C. Cragin, widow of Harry Cragin of Fayette, Me., and daughter of Oliver B. and Fanny (Woodworth) Marston, of Fayette, Me., Feb. 20, 1895. She was born GENEALOGIES 833 July 20, 1843. He was town treasurer one year and overseer of poor a number of years. Was a soldier in the Civil War and a prisoner at Sauls- bury, N. C., two hundred and eleven days. (See Chap. X.) He died March 24, 1903. Children by first wife, born in Lyndeborough : 1. MYRTIE M., b. June i, 1865, d. March 20, 1881. 2. K. FRANCES (adopted), b. in Troy, N. Y., Dec. 27, 1880. LEVI H. PUTNAM, son of Bphraim H. and Susanna (Ford) Putnam ; born Nov. 19, 1841 ; married first, April 3, 1868, Lucy A., daughter of Richard and Mary A. (Grey) Emery, born in Manchester July 12, 1850 ; died in Lyndeborough Jan. 12, 1877 ; married second, March 15, 1878, Lydia L., widow of Azel H. Church, and daughter of Silas and Phebe F. (Hovey) Swinnington, born in Lyndeborough May 12, 1852 ; died in Mil- ford July 26, 1899. Resides in Milford. Children, all but youngest born in Lyndeborough : 1. NELLIE J., b. May 22, 1870. 2. ROSE A., b. Jan. 13, 1873. 3. ANNA B., Dec. 31, 1874. 4. IvEROY C., b. Feb. n, 1880. 5. ALBERT B., b. Aug. 3, 1891. EPHRAIM PUTNAM, son of Ephraim and Rachel (Cram) Putnam, born April 30, 1785 ; married Feb. 8, 1814, Esther, daughter of Ebenezer and Esther (Holt) Pearson. She was born in Wilton, Nov. n, 1792 ; died March 2, 1856. He died June u, 1862. Children born in Lynde- borough : 1. EPHRAIM, b. Nov. 17, 1815, d. Aug. 4, 1834. 2. ESTHER, b. June 8, 1818, m. Joel H. Tarbell. (See Tar- bell gen.) 3. WILLARD P., b. Sept. 4, 1820, d. June 5, 1856. 4. MARY A., b. April 17, 1823, m. Nov. 22, 1850, John Fletcher of Greenfield. She d. May 23, 1853. Child: Vilana A., b. Dec. 5, 1852, m. James F. Clark. Res. in Medford, Mass. 5. EBENEZER, b. June 26, 1826, d. Oct. 9, 1826. RAND. NEHEMIAH RAND, son of Jonathan and Millicent (Estabrook) Rand; born in Charlestown, Mass., in 1734. He was evidently a resident of Charlestown until 1775, for he had two houses and a hatter's shop go up in smoke when the British burned the town, leaving him homeless. It is said he had some property in Lyndeborough, where his brother John had previously been preaching, some land partially cleared, and the Francestown History says, "some sheep under the care" of the before mentioned John. But as the Rev. John Rand was dismissed in 1762, and soon thereafter left the town, there is some doubt as to the sheep. At any rate Nehemiah came to Lyndeborough soon after his property was 834 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH burned in Charlestown and built a house on land near what is now the middle of the town, ever since known as the " Rand place."* The house was situated at the end of the lane east of W. H. Clark's house. It is said that he built there supposing the road through the centre of the town would follow the brook from what is now known as Hardy's mill, up around Badger Pond. But those early settlers ignored the fact that the " bail of the kettle is no longer when lying down than when standing up," and built the road over the hill, leaving the Rand land quite a dis- tance off the main road. He was a man of influence and ability, and soon made his mark in the town. He was moderator in 1787 and 1789, and represented the town in the General Court in 1787, 1788, 1789 and 1793. He married first, Nov. 24, 1757, Mary, daughter of Samuel and Sarah (Carter) Rand ; married sec- ond, Mrs. Mary Prentice Frost of Cambridge, Mass., daughter of the Rev. Thomas Prentice of Charlestown, Mass. She was born in 1738 ; died Oct. 20, 1787 ; married third, Margaret Prentice, sister of his second^wife, Oct. 21, 1791. He died at Lyndeborough July 15, 1794. By his first marriage he had two daughters. Children by second wife : 1. IRENE, m. Nehemiah Frost, rem. to Temple, where she died. 2. NEHEMIAH, -f- 3. MARGARET, m. Dea. John Clark. (See Clark gen.) NEHEMIAH RAND, son of Nehemiah and Mary (Prentice-Frost) Rand ; born Jan. 14, 1777 ; married Sarah, daughter of Richard and Lydia (Stylman) Batten of Lyndeborough May i, 1811. She was born April 8, 1780 ; died May 4, 1870. He removed to Francestown in 1803, where he died July 13, 1850. Children, Nehemiah born in Lyndeborough, the others in Francestown : 1. NEHEMIAH, b. Feb. 18, 1802, d. March i, 1869, m. Harriet O., dau. of Ebenezer and Thamazan (Griffin) Hutchinson of L,yndeborough April 28, 1830. She was born Sept. 17, 1806, d. Oct. 4, 1 88 1. He was a physician and res. at Han- cock and at Nelson. He d. in the latter place. 2. RICHARD BATTEN, b. April n, 1804, d. Feb. n, 1881, m. first, Mary J. Baldwin Jan. 10, 1830 ; m. second, Ellen Bryant, April 10, 1837. He was a clothier, and d. at Wayne, Me. 3. JOHN, + 4 and 5. Twins, unnamed, b. April 24, 1811, d. April 24 and 25, 1811. *While Mr. Rand was building his new house, he started into the woods east of the building to look over and explore his extensive estate. He soon got lost, and com- menced to shout, in hopes to attract the attention of some one. His carpenters heard him and started to find him. By shouting back and forth they finally came up with him, and started to pilot him home. But he insisted they were taking him the wrong way, and vigorously protested, but they got him back to his own door yard, when, looking around somewhat bewildered, he exclaimed, " What fool is building a house here?" GENEALOGIES 835 6. THOMAS PRENTICE, -f- JOHN RAND, son of Nehemiah and Sarah (Batten) Rand, born in Francestown, April 22, 1807; married Fanny D., daughter of Eliphalet and Demarius (Duncklee) Simonds, Oct. 30, 1832. She was born in Milford, May 21, 1809 ; died June i, 1870. He removed to Milford in 1852, and died there, March 10, 1884. Children born in Lyndeborough : 1. JOHN MILTON, b. Dec. i, 1834; m. July, 1857, Orline A., dau. of Wesley and Rachel (Caldwell) Wilson of Benning- ton. He is a physician and resides in Newark, N. J. 2. STILLMAN N., b. July 2, 1837, m. Jan. 26, 1882, Belle M., dau. of William and Jane (Phillips) Cameron of Philadel- phia. Is a photographer and resides in New Haven, Conn. DBA. THOMAS PRENTICE RAND, born in Francestown Sept. 21, 1814 ; married first, Lydia, daughter of Josiah and Dolly (Shattuck) Wheeler of L,yndeborough. She was born June 8, 1818 ; died Feb. 14, 1864 ; married second, Sarah Deborah, daughter of Peter and Sarah (Jones) Clark of Ivyndeborough June 7, 1866. She died Nov. 14, 1904. Dea. Rand was never a resident of Lyndeborough, but as both of his wives were natives of the town, and as some of his children are now resi- dents his family record should appear here. He was a prominent citizen of Francestown, a man of strong religious convictions, and maintained the faith of his Puritan ancestors. He was deacon of the Congregational church for twenty-seven years, and had held public office in his town. He died June i, 1880. Children by first wife : 1. SARAH C., b. Nov. 30, 1843. 2. FRANCES D., b. Nov. 10, 1846, d. March 14, 1873. 3. LYDIA H., b. Dec. 31, 1.850. 4. NEHEMIAH W., b. Sept. 14, 1853. Was a successful physi- cian and d. at Monson, Mass. 5. ABBY K., b. July 31, 1855, m. W. H. Clark. (See Clark gen.) 6. JOHN P., b. Nov. 8, 1857, m. Harriet Anderson of Monson, Mass. Is a physician and res. at Worcester, Mass. * REV. JOHN RAND was born in Charlestown, Mass., Jan. 24, 1727. He was the son of Jonathan and Millicent (Estabrook) Rand. He was graduated from Harvard in 1748 and afterward married Sarah, daughter of Capt. John Goffe of Derryfield, now Manchester. He came to Salem-Canada in 1755 or 1756 and was the settled minister for a little more than four years. Just when he removed from the town or where he went first is not material to this record, but he lived afterward in Goffstown and Bedford and represented the latter town in the convention that formed the constitution of New Hampshire. He died Oct. 12, 1805. Children : i. & 2. JOHN and JONATHAN (twins), b. June 24, 1762. *From Rev. F. G. Clark's Historical Address. 836 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH 3. Mn,ivE, b. Feb. 5, 1764. 4. ROBERT, b. May 13, 1767. 5. SARAH, b. Jan. 20, 1774. 6. NEHEMIAH (twin), b. May 22, 1776, + 7. THOMAS (twin), b. May 22, 1776. NEHEMIAH RAND, son of Rev. John and Sarah (Goffe) Rand, born May 22, 1776; married Putnam. Children: 1. EDGAR, + 2. NEHEMIAH, m. Betsey George of New Boston. Rem. to Newport, N. H. 3. MEHITABI,E, m. Perkins Patterson. 4. MARY, m. Iceman. Rem. to Illinois. 5. 6 & 7. SARAH, THOMAS and JEFFERSON, d. in infancy. 8. BETSEY, m. Benjamin Button. (See Button gen.) 9. L,YDiA, m. Woodbridge. Rem. to the west. EDGAR RAND, son of Nehemiah and (Putnam) Rand, born July 26, 1799; married first, Oct. 23, 1823, Mehitable Cram, daughter of John and Huldah (Woodward) Cram of Lyndeborough. She was born Nov. 2, 1801 ; died May 5, [1832 ; married second, Mianda, daughter of Reuben and Nancy (Clark) Dutton, March 14, 1833. She was born Dec. 2, 1806 ; died Dec. 15, 1870. He died Jan. 16, 1866. He bought land and built him a house in the northeast part of the town and lived there until his death. Children by first wife : 1. M. MARIA, b. Aug. i, 1824, m. May i, 1849, Moses N. Emerson. 2. SARAH A., b. Bee. 17, 1825, d. Aug. 12, 1836. 3. & 4. JOHN, (twins, one d. in infancy), -(- 5. EDGAR J., b. Aug. 23, 1829, d. May 5, 1833. 6. & 7. NEHEMIAH, (twins, one d. in infancy), b. April 25, 1832, d. May 20, 1842. By second wife : 8. NANCY E., b. Jan. 6, 1834, m. Martin Whitney. (See Whitney gen.) 9. MIANDA, b. Jan. 29, 1836, d. Feb. 19, 1846. JOHN RAND, son of Edgar and Mehitable (Cram) Rand, born July 31, 1827; married Dec. 4, 1856, Mrs. Lucinda Stone, widow of Sabron Stone and daughter of Enoch Colby of New Boston. She was born April 18, 1816 ; died Sept. 29, 1899. He died May 21, 1902. RAYMONB. WILUAM B. RAYMOND came to I/yndeborough from Amherst in 1840. He was a shoemaker by trade, and cobbled the boots and shoes for a generation of Lyndeborough people. He was born Aug. 20, 1818 ; mar- GENEALOGIES 837 ried Ann Boutwell of Amherst March 8, 1837.* She was born Aug. 13, 1818. Children, all born in Lyndeborough : 1. GEORGE B., -f- 2. JOHN P., + 3. ELIZABETH A., b. March 29, 1849, d. Oct. 6, 1856. 4. ABBY I,. F., b. March 3, 1852, d. Aug. 30, 1875, m. Robert W. Bell of Wilton, Sept. 17, 1870. GEORGE B. RAYMOND, born July 25, 1845 ; died Dec. 5, 1876; mar- ried Addie Gould of Lyndeborough July 4, 1865. Was a soldier in the Civil War. (See Chap. X.) Children : - 1. ROSE, b. Nov. 12, 1869. 2. GRACE, b. Aug., 1871. JOHN P. RAYMOND, born Nov. 28, 1846; died Dec. 19, 1873 ; married Mary Shea of Wilton Jan. 12, 1861. Was a soldier in the Civil War. (See Chap. X.) Children : 1. ANNIE MAY, b. May i, 1861. 2. BERTHA, b. Nov. 3, 1862. 3. JOHN W., b. Sept. 2, 1871. REYNOLDS. FRANK E. REYNOLDS, son of John Q. and Mary (Brown) Reynolds, born May 15, 1857, i n Ashburnham, Mass.; married first, May 9, 1882, Flora E. Hilt. She was born in Presque Isle, Me.; died April n, 1894 ; married second, May 8, 1895, Lizzie C. Blood, born March 15, 1868. Lives on what is known as the Annie Fish place. Children : 1. EVA M., b. in I,yndeborough, June 10, 1883. 2. ADDIE E-, b. in Benton, N. H., Sept. 15, 1884. 3. WALTER E., b. in Benton, N. H., March 17, 1886. 4. GRACE, b. in East Warren, N. H., April 6, 1888. 5. ETHEL, b. in L/yndeborough, Oct. 13, 1889. 6. GUY, b. in I/yndeborough, Feb. 21, 1891. 7. GEORGE B., b. in L-yndeborough, July 17, RICHARDS. FRED B. RICHARDS, adopted son of Pascal and Helen (Pascal) Richards, born June 27, 1852; married first, July i, 1879, Emogen F., daughter of Joshua and Sarah (Gilchrist) Lakin of Hancock. She was born January, 1851 ; died Feb. 15, 1881 ; married second, Oct. 31, 1882, Elizabeth M., daughter of John and Susanna (Putnam) Hartshorn of Lyndeborough. She was born July 27, 1863. He came to Lyndebor- ough from Hancock in 1876 and entered the employ of Mr. Tarbell in the *Mr. Raymond has lived in town sixty-five years, and during that time has attended every town meeting and voted. He and his wife have lived together as man and wife sixty-eight years. A very remarkable record, as very few come so near the diamond anniversary. 838 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH manufacture and sale of extracts, etc., and afterward became the proprie- tor of the business. He has been a school teacher and has always been interested in and identified with the educational matters of the town, and has served several terms on the board of education. He represented the town in the Legislature of 1899, and is a member of and a liberal supporter of the Baptist church at South Lyndeborough. He is a whole- sale travelling merchant, visiting many towns in the southern part of the state. Children : 1. RALPH, b. March 18, 1884. 2. MYRTIE B., b. May 21, 1886. 3. lyORiN F., b. May 9, 1893. 4. SARAH C., b. Jan. 24, 1901. RICHARDS. DR. MARSHALL B. RICHARDS, son of John C. and Sarah F. (Flanders) Richards, b. at Boston, April 27, 1839 ; married Sept. 16, 1894, Addie A., daughter of William W. and Esther J. (Cragin) Burton of Lyndeborough. She was born June 3, 1871. They reside on the Russell place in the southwest part of the town. Children : 1. WALLACE B., b. Nov. 21, 1895. 2. ESTHER G., b. July 21, 1897. 3. ORMAN M., b. Dec. 31, 1898. 4. JOHN C., b. Dec. 27, 1899. 5. RUTH G., b. Jan. n, 1901. 6. ADDIE A., b. April 7, 1902. 7. AGNES B., b. Sept. 4, 1903. 8. DOROTHY A., b. Nov. 29, 1904. RICHARDSON. The Richardson family in America are descended from Ezekiel, Samuel and Thomas Richardson, brothers who came to this country from Eng- land in the early days of the Massachusetts Colony. Ezekiel came first with Winthrop in 1630 and was soon after joined by his two brothers. Ezekiel was made a freeman in 1631 and settled in Charlestown. His descendants and those of his brothers, Samuel and Thomas, soon became active in the settlement of the new towns of Woburn and what are now Maiden and Billerica. George K. Wood in the History of Francestown says that Samuel paid the highest tax in Woburn in 1645. He says the name can be traced back to the Norman Conquest. Thomas was the youngest of the brothers and from him the Richardsons of Lyndebor- ough are descended as follows : Thomas, Thomas, Nathaniel, Hezekiah, Jacob, and Jacob was the first of the name to come to Lyndeborough. Hezekiah was born in Billerica, May 8, 1715, and married Sept. 30, 1740, Elizabeth Walker of Billerica. They settled in Townsend, Mass., where he died June 17, 1795. LIEUT. JACOB RICHARDSON, second son of Hezekiah and Eliza- beth (Walker) Richardson, born at Townsend, Mass., Dec. 13, 1742; GENEALOGIES 839 married May 19, 1766, Sarah Brown of Billerica, Mass. She was born July 28, 1742; died March i, 1825. He died in Lyndeborough, Sept. 5, 1817. He came to Lyndeborough from Billerica in 1805 and bought the farm at the centre owned by Daniel Gould, since known as the Richard- son farm. His descendants have owned the land ever since. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and was a lieutenant in a company that went from Billerica in 1777 and assisted in the defeat and capture of Burgoyne. He was a blacksmith, as were three of his sons. His shop used to stand nearly opposite the Congregational parsonage. One of his sons, Timothy, came to Lyndeborough with him. Another, Jacob, Jr., came to Greenfield and settled. Lieut. Jacob Richardson and Sarah (Brown) Richardson had eleven children, all born at Billerica, Mass. 1. SARAH, b. Jan. 15, 1767, d. at Billerica. 2. JACOB, b. Aug. 10, 1769. 3. ELIZABETH, b. Oct. n, 1771, d. Feb. 29, 1776. 4. & 5. JOSIAH and TIMOTHY (twins), -f- Josiah b. Oct. i, 1773, m. Mary Wyman. 6. JOHN, b. June 15, 1776, m. I^ydia Johnson. 7. WILLIAM, b. Aug. 20, 1778, m. Phebe Bachelder. 8. ELIZABETH, b. NOV. 22, 1780. 9. ELIJAH, b. July 5, 1783, d. young. 10. JULIA, b. Aug. 25, 1785, d. June 22, 1802. 11. ANNA, b. Aug. 19, 1788, m. Joseph Jones. TIMOTHY RICHARDSON, son of Jacob and Sarah (Brown) Richard- son, was born in Billerica, Oct. i, 1773; married Judith N. Reynolds, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Pickett) Reynolds of Greenfield. She was born Nov. 10, 1780. She died Sept. 3, 1833. He died Dec. 2, 1855. Children : 1. HARRIET, b. Oct. 5, 1806, d. Aug. 19, 1807. 2. HOOPER, b. Jan. 31, 1808, d. Aug. 6, 1839. 3. JOHN, + 4. IRA, b. March 22, 1811, m. 1839, Harriet, dau. of Patrick and Mary (Kilpatrick) Cassidy of Pennsylvania. He d. August, 1871, in Washington, D. C. 5. TIMOTHY, b. Oct. 14, 1813. 6. NATHAN, + JOHN RICHARDSON, son of Timothy and Judith (Reynolds) Rich- ardson, was born in Lyndeborough, July 26, 1809; married Sarah Ann, daughter of Nathan and Ann (Remick) Barnes of Bedford, N. H. She died Dec. 18, 1860. He died April 7, 1876. He was a very successful farmer, and a man of marked influence in the town. He was very methodical in his habits and could never tolerate work half done. His farm implements were of the best of the kind in use at the time. His farm was well cultivated and he gradually replaced the old buildings 840 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH with a commodious barn and modern dwelling house and ell. He loved to sing and was the leader of the Congregational church choir for years. He always performed his duties as a citizen at the town meatings and was one of the foremost in promoting the welfare of any movement that promised to be for the good of the community. For a long series of years he was the moderator of the town meetings and presided with justice and impartiality. He was one of the board of selectmen and was a member of the school committee in 1851. He represented the town in the state legislature. When a young man he resided for a short time in Lowell, Mass. With that exception he spent his whole life in Lynde- borough. His wife was a sister of Isaac O. Barnes of Boston, the noted wit and lawyer, and was a woman of refinement. Another sister married Rodney C. Boutwell of Lyndeborough. Children, all born in Lynde- borough : 1. HARRIET, b. March 25, 1835, m. George D. Blaney of Swampscott, Mass., d. in L/yndeborough, May 5, 1871. 2. HENRY, b. Aug. 31, 1836, m. July 9, 1859, L/avina, dau. of James D. and Hannah (Davis) Harding of Swampscott, Mass. He bought a large farm in Francestown, known as the Eaton place, in 1860, and with his brother George, who was a partner in the enterprise, removed to Frances- town. Henry soon became influential in the town of his adoption and his conservatism and good judgment kept him almost continually in town office until near his death. He represented his town in the state legislature. Chil- dren : Fred, b. April 9, 1860, was drowned in Pleasant Pond, Aug. 15, 1880; Elmer F., Edith M., James H., Emma F., Ira A. 3. GEORGE H., b. June n, 1838, m. Hannah M., dau. of James D. and Hannah Davis Harding of Swampscott, Mass., April 9, 1863. She was b. Oct. 23, 1842. He re- moved to Francestown in 1860. Children : Louise, Mary A., George, Frank E. 4. SOLON B., -j- 5. FRED A., -+- 6. MARY F., b. June 5, 1851, d. July 19, 1875. 7. JOHN C., b. Dec. 27, 1852. SOLON B. RICHARDSON, son of John and Sarah (Barnes) Richard- son, born April 16, 1840 ; married Eliza P., daughter of Dea. William and Eliza (Anderson) Jones of Lyndeborough. She was born Aug. 30, 1839. He died June 14, 1879. Children, born in Lyndeborough : 1. WILLIAM, -+- 2. ANNIE, m. Willis C. Perham, d. in California Nov. 16, 1896. (See Perham gen.) NATHAN RICHARDSON. GENEALOGIES 841 3. CLINTINA, d. May 6, 1886. WILLIAM E. RICHARDSON, son of Solon B. and Eliza (Jones) Richardson; born Sept. 23, 1859; married Dec. 14, 1882, Minnie J. daughter of William R. and Ursula (Richards) Duncklee. She was born' at New Boston, Feb. 16, 1866. Children, born at Lyndeborough : 1. CORA M., b. Jan. 28, 1884, d. Nov. 26, 1892. 2. NELLIE B., b. July 15, 1885, m. Oct. 16, 1902, Fred Carson of Mont Vernon. He is the son of Frank and Edith (Car- son) Carson. 3. OLIVE U., b. July 20, 1887. 4. MAUD G., b. Feb. 25, 1889. 5. ELLA M., b. Aug. 12, 1890. 6. PEARL V., b. June 28, 1892. 7. CHESTER E., b. May n, 1894. 8. OSCAR A., b. Aug. 10, 1896. 9. RUTH M., b. Jan. 22, 1899. 10. Son, b. Nov. 27, 1900, d. Nov. 27, 1900. FRED A. RICHARDSON, son of John and Sarah A. (Barnes) Rich- ardson; born Aug. 22, 1843; married Jan. 7, 1868, Hannah J., daughter of Loammi and Charlotte (Bradford) Baldwin of Wilton. She was born Sept. 1 6, 1841. He was educated in the common schools of Lyndebor- ough and at Francestown Academy. He was born on the old homestead, and with some brief exceptions has always lived there. In 1877 he bought the farm. He has made the production of milk for the Boston market the chief branch of his farming, and has been very successful in that line. He keeps his land in a high state of cultivation, and seems to have inherited his father's inclination to have his farm work thoroughly well done. He has held many offices of trust in the milk producers' as- sociation and town affairs. He has been selectman a number of terms, and represented the town in the legislature of 1891. He was in the mili- tary service during the Civil War. (See Chap. X.) 1. GEORGE A., b. Dec. 30, 1868, d. April 2, 1875. 2. FRED PERLEY, -+ FRED PERLEY RICHARDSON born Dec. 31, 1882; married May 25, 1904, Bertha E., daughter of Ellery and Mary (Griggs) Nourse. Child : i. BLANCHE MAY, b. Aug. 5, 1905. NATHAN RICHARDSON, son of Timothy and Judith (Reynolds) Richardson ; born Sept. 28, 1815 ; married May 6, 1846, Sarah, daughter of James and Sally (Parker) Bruce of Mont Vernon. She was born April 14, 1820; died Aug. 3, 1888. He died June 8, 1899. He was a man who avoided all public office and devoted his time to the management of his business affairs, to the improvement of his farm. He was a man of great industry and was a very successful farmer. Children : i. EDWARD B., b. Dec. 3, 1847, m. Sept. 28, 1875, Ida F., dau. 842 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH of Calvin and Nancy (Taylor) I^ord of Francestown. He d. March 12, 1889. 2. SARAH E., b. Oct. 27, 1850, m. May 21, 1874, Stephen H. Dunbar of Wilton. He was b. Feb. 20, 1836, d. June 7, x899. Children: Effie E., Charles H. 3. ELLA F., b. March 12, 1854, m. Jan. 4, 1886, EH J. Curtis of Wilton. She d. June 27, 1891. Children: Edward R., Sarah M. 4. HARRY J., b. April 25, 1862, m. Aug. 6, 1897, Mrs. Ida M. Minot, dau. of Solon B. and Annie (Sargent) Graves of Boston, b. May 24, 1860. She has one son by former m., Chester S. Minot, b. April 3, 1891. RICHARDSON. WILLIAM RICHARDSON, son of William and Mary (Pearson) Rich- ardson ; born at Lyndeborough July i, 1791 ; married May 21, 1814, Lydia, daughter of Daniel and Hannah (Johnson) Putnam, b. Aug. 9, 1796; died in Milfordjan. 9, 1865. In 1848 he removed to Milford. He died May 20, 1858. Children, born at Lyndeborough : 1. MARY, b. July 28, 1815, m. Nov. 3, 1839, Thomas Dunning of Nashua. She d. Feb. 25, 1841. 2. ELIZA, b. Nov. 14, 1816, m. Dec. 25, 1839, Benjamin F. Hutchinson of Milford. 3. WILLIAM P., b. Sept. n, 1818, m. April 15, 1845, Julia A. Godkin of Haverhill, Mass. He d. at Milford Jan. 9, 1893. 4. CAROLINE, b. July 3, 1820, d. April, 1824. 5. HANNAH, b. May 6, 1822, m. June 16, 1842, Nathaniel Mar- shall of Nashua. 6. JOHN, b. July 7, 1824, m. May i, 1854, Jane Dwinnell. He d. at Mechanics Falls, Oct. 7, 1893. 7. DAVID GAGE, b. March 30, 1826, m. Nov. 28, 1854, Susan Bancroft of Reading, Mass. 8. JONATHAN P., + 9. L/YDIA A., b. Feb. 25, 1830, m. May 4, 1868, Eugene Hutchinson of Milford. d. in New Mexico Jan. 12, 1885. 10. CHARLES A, b. Feb. 15, 1839, m. April 16, 1865, AbbieT., dau. of Eugene, Jr., and Phebe B. (Raymond) Hutchinson. She was born Nov. 7, 1844. He is a farmer and resides near Richardson Crossing, Milford. He is a frequent visi- tor to his native town, and the musical ability and talent of his wife have contributed much to the success of our social gatherings and celebrations. They have five children, b. GENEALOGIES 843 at Milford : George H., Ada M., Hattie E., Harry P., Arthur C. JONATHAN P. RICHARDSON, son of William and Lydia (Putnam) Richardson; born April 3, 1828; married Rhoda M., daughter of Levi and Rhoda (Pettingill) Tyler Dec. 14, 1852. She was born Nov. 29, 1829. He was a soldier in the Civil War, and died in Danville Prison Nov. 17, 1864. (See Chap. X.) Children, born in Lyndeborough : 1. ANNABEL, b. May 3, 1854, d. Oct. 14, 1854. 2. EDWIN, b. Nov. 13, 1858, d. Aug. 26, 1859. RIIvEY. CHARLES D. RILEY was born Nov. 15, 1868 ; married Abbie J. Man- zer of Stoneham, Mass., May 10, 1890. Came to Lyndeborough from Stoneham, Mass. Children : 1. FLORENCE A., b. June 23, 1891. 2. GRACE I,., b. Sept. 5, 1893. 3. ETHEL A., b. Feb. 23, 1895. 4. CHARLES D. G., b. Oct. 15, 1898. 5. OLIVE M., b. Oct. 22, 1900. ROGERS. EDWARD E. ROGERS, son of Harrison E. and Francelia (Shattuck) Rogers, born Jan. 4, 1870, at Queechee, Vt.; married Dec. 25, 1890, Zephia, daughter of George and Stella (Geer) Ruggles, born May 20, 1873. He came to Lyndeborough from Bradford, N. H., in 1900, and bought the Benjamin B. Ames place, North Lyndeborough. Is employed as over- seer of the napping room, Amoskeag Mills, Manchester. ROSE. ABRAHAM ROSE, was born in Scituate, Mass., whence at an early age he removed to Sandwich, Mass. He was born in 1759, and came to Lyndeborough in 1787. Although a young man when he came, his life had been an eventful one. At the commencement of the Revolutionary War, when only seventeen years of age, he enlisted for three months, and at the close of his term of service re-enlisted for the war, serving seven and one-half years with the Continental Army. He endured the suffer- ings of the winter at Valley Forge and witnessed the final triumph at the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown. After the close of the war he shipped before the mast and was a sailor for three years. Tiring of the hardships and perils which were the lot of the seamen of those days, and desirous of a more quiet life, he settled on a farm, on what has since been named for him, "Rose mountain." It is said there were buildings on the land he bought, but who the former owners were is uncertain. He was tall and straight, and even at the advanced age of ninety-two years maintained an erect military carriage, the result of long years of army drill. He was positive in his opinions, blunt and direct in speech, and when he had anything to say it was expressed in no uncertain terms. 844 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH Rev. Mr. Claggett says of him in an obituary notice published in the " Farmer's Cabinet." "The character of this remarkable man exhibited traits worthy of remark. His patriotism was firm and abiding. The ' Spirit of '76 ' was never eradicated. With the honor of his country he felt himself identified, and in her welfare he felt a deep interest. Like other people of great age, he remembered best the history of his early life, especially the hardships, the perils and the battles of the Revolution, and was never tired of recounting them to others with the readiness and enthusiasm of an eye witness. He was obliging as a neighbor, and more correct in his habits than would have been expected of one who had passed so much of his early life in the camp and forecastle. For several years he enjoyed the benefit of a pension, and during his days of help- lessness and infirmity received the filial attention of his only son, with whom he lived." He married Deziah Fish of Sandwich, Mass. She was born July, 1758, and died Nov. 18, 1854. They were married before coming to L,yndebor- ough. He died Dec. 16, 1851. Seven children were born to them while residing on the mountain farm. Before his death he removed to the farm formerly owned by Solomon Cram, then owned by his son Brackley, now owned by his great-grandson, Willard Rose. (For his military rec- ord see Chap. VII.) Children : 1. ANNA H., b. Dec. 29, 1788, d. Nov. 2, 1807. 2. GIDEON, b. Nov. 29, 1790, d. April 16, 1814. 3. CATHERINE, b. March 30, 1792, d. Jan. 4, 1879, m. - Forsaith. 4. PATTY, b. July 21, 1794, m. Phineas Kidder of L,yndebor- ough. (See Kidder gen.) 5. BRACKLEY, -(- 6. ABRAHAM, JR., b. June n, 1800. 7. DEZIAH, b. Nov. 25, 1802. BRACKLEY ROSE, son of Abraham and Deziah (Fish) Rose; born May 2, 1796; died Dec. 29, 1878; married first, Dec. 12, 1821, Sarah But- terfield of Lyndeborough ; married second, Sally Chamberlain of West- ford, Mass., Feb. 15, 1835. Children by first wife : 1. BRACKLEY, JR., -f- 2. SARAH A., b. May 25, 1824, d. May 13, 1850. 3. HANNAH J., b. May 31, 1827, m. first, June 15, 1869, Rufus Hardy of Greenfield, N. H. He was born June 12, 1820, d. Dec. 21, 1869.; m. second, Charles H. Holt of L,ydebor- ough. (See Holt gen.) 4. DEZIAH, b. May 28, 1832, d. Sept. u, 1845. By second wife : 5. GEORGE, + BRACKLEY ROSE, son of Brackley and Sarah (Butterfield) Rose, born May 15, 1822 ; married first, Nov. 7, 1850, Abigail B. Rutherford. GENEALOGIES 845 She was born Oct. 22, 1827; died April 17, 1879; married second, L,ydia Wilson. Children, all by first wife : 1. GEORGE B.. b. March, 1853. 2. SARAH J., b. Sept. 3, 1856, in. Merrill T. Spalding. (See Spalding gen.) 3. EDWARD L,., b. June, 1858, m. Abby Andrews of New Bos- ton. 4. ABBIE A., b. July 7, 1859, d. July 30, 1879. 5. MINNIE) F., b. May 14, 1865, m. Frank E. Cummings of Lyndeborough. (See Cummings gen.) GEORGE ROSE, son of Brackley and Sally (Chamberlain) Rose, born Aug. 28, 1836 ; married first, Hattie M., daughter of Obed and Phebe (Holt") Goldthwaite of Greenfield, Oct. 30, 1859; born 1841; died March 22, 1872; married second, Sarah A., daughter of Benjamin and Betsey (Hunt) Reed of Westford, Mass, Oct. 13, 1874. She was born Feb. 16, 1839. He has served the town on the board of selectmen many terms, and also on the board of education. Thoroughly conservative in all things, of sound judgment, he was a man whose services were always of value. He died Aug. 18, 1903. Children, all by first wife : 1. JENNIE), b. June 18, 1861. 2. NELLIE; F., b. June 18, 1863; d. Sept. 4, 1865. 3. L,ORA, b. Jan. 31, 1866, m. Clarence H. L,each of Rockland, Me., Oct. 21, 1896. Res. in Winthrop, Mass. 4. ALWYN, b. June 4, 1869, m. Catherine lyonegan of New York. Child: Marrienna, b. Nov. i, 1896. 5. WILLARD, + ROSE, son of George and Hattie M. (Goldthwaite) Rose, born July 8, 1871 ; married Maggie M., daughter of James and Ellen (Banks) Chute, Nov. 20, 1894. Children : 1. VIOLA M., b. March 26, 1896. 2. EILEEN, b. May 9, 1900. ROSS. SAMUEL ROSS, the father of the Ross family in Lyndeborough, was born at Glasco, Scotland, June 20, 1820. He was a glass blower by occu- pation. He came to America and on the breaking out of the Civil War enlisted as a private in Co. B, nth Regt., Conn. Vol. He was wounded at the Battle of Gettysburg, and from its effects he died at Westford, Conn, July u, 1870. He married at Ellensville, N. Y., in 1839, Sarah McMullen. She was born at Sterbridge, England, Aug. 8, 1822. Soon after the death of her husband she removed with her family to Lynde- borough, coming from Ellensville, N. Y., in 1873. She died in Lynde- borough, May 2, 1901. Children: i. GEORGE, b. at Ellensville, N. Y., 1840, d. there in 1844. 846 H1STOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH 2. JOHN, b. at Ellensville, 1842. Was a private in Co. A, loth Regt., Conn. Vol., and was killed at Kingston, N. C., Dec. 14, 1862. 3. MARY EI^EN, b. at Ellensville, N. Y., in 1844, m. An- toine A. Farnham of Westford, Conn. He d. at Lynde- borough, April 13, 1882. Children: John H., b. at Stod- dard, April 19, 1863, d. at Lyndeborough, Feb. 25, 1886. Nellie M., b. at Lyndeborough, April 22, m. Willie F. Herrick. (See Herrick gen.) 4. SARAH A., b. at Ellensville, 1846, m. Albert S. Works of Westford, Conn., d. at Merrow Station, Conn. 5. GEORGE A., -(- 6. RICHARD H., b. at Stoddard, June, 1850, in. Augusta M. Shedd. He d. Jan. 6, 1900. Their children b. at Lynde- borough : Sarah A., b. July 4, 1885; Ernest E., b. Nov. 4, 1894. 7. MARGARET J., b. at Stoddard, Nov. 30, 1852, m. H. L. Lillibridge of Westford, Conn. Child : Wallace L. 8. RUTH T., b. at Stoddard, March 15, 1854, m. John J. Gang- loff of Brooklyn, N. Y. He d. at Lyndeborough, June 23, 1890. She d. at Lyndeborough, Dec. 19, 1888. Chil- dren: Edna A., b. May 30, 1880, at Lyndeborough: Wil- liam J., b. at Woodbury, N. J., Dec. i, 1885. 9. SAMUEL, b. at Wellington, Conn., March 30, 1856, m. 1880, Lelia Cutter. She d. Oct. 4, 1884. Child : Harry B., b. February, 1881. 10. THOMAS, b. at Wellington, Conn., May, 1858, m. Eva Cutter of Lyndeborough. She d. at Scranton, Penn., Jan- uary, 1892. Child: Florence B., b. at Lyndeborotigh, June, 1884. 11. EDWARD, b. at Wellington, Conn., July 4, 1861. GEORGE A. ROSS, son of Samuel and Sarah (McMullen) Ross, born March 30, 1849; married Dec. 8, 1871, Araminta, daughter of Webb and Mary (Sanford) Wallace; married second, Sept. i, 1886, Mrs. M. Estella Davis, widow of Frank O. Davis, and daughter of James M. and Mary (Colley) Harriman. Child by first wife : i. LILLIAN B., b. Sept. 9, 1872, m. Oct. 24, 1894, Charles M. Woolsey of Livingston Manor, N. Y. RUSSELL. JEDEDIAH RUSSELL was born at Reading, Mass., in 1751. He en- listed and served during the whole of the Revolutionary War, enlisting at 18 years of age and discharged at 25. Three years later, in 1779, he GENEALOGIES 847 married Rhoda Pratt, of what place is to the writer unknown. Neither is the exact time he came to Lyndeborough known. Probably some of the older children were born in Massachusetts. He settled in the ex- treme southwest part of the town, on land which is now the farm where Dr. Richards lives. He built a log house south of where the present house stands, and a few years later built the frame house. His wife died May 29, 1818, aged 55 years. He died Feb. 17, 1848, aged 95 years, 6 months. They were both members of the Congregational Church. Children : 1. JEDEDIAH, b. Aug. 29, 1780. Rem. to Michigan. 2. RHODA, b. Feb. 9, 1782, m. Ephraim Holt and rem. to Sullivan, N. H., d. May 29, 1818. 3. HEPSIBAH, b. Oct. 28, 1783, m. first, Heman L. Sargent, a son of Joshua and Abigail (L,add) Sargent ; married second, Chamberlain and rem. to Ohio. 4. EPHRAIM, b. July 6, 1785. Rem. to New York. 5. JAMES, b. Aug. 8, 1787. Rem. to New York. 6. CHLOE, b. Aug. 2, 1789, d. Feb. 5, 1808. 7. WILLIAM, b. Feb. 21, 1792, d. Nov. 16, 1814. 8. EBENEZER, + 9. SALLY P., b. June 20, 1796, m. Asa, son of Jonathan and Margaret (Cram) Chamberlain of L/yndeborough, and rem. to Hanover, N. H. 10. SAMUEL, b. March 31, 1798, d. Oct. 12, 1800. 11. SAMUEL, 2ND., b. April 4, 1801. Rem. to New York. 12. ELIAB, b. March 9, 1804. Rem. to New York. CAPT. EBENEZER RUSSELL, son of Jedediah and Rhoda (Pratt) Russell, born Feb. 17, 1794; married first, July 7, 1818, Artimesia Lynch. She died June 22, 1860 ; married second, Mrs. Elizabeth Needham, Aug. 27, 1863. He died at South Merrimack, April 25, 1883. At the age of 20 years he enlisted for service in the War of 1812, and was stationed at Portsmouth. At the close of the war he returned to Lyndeborough. Soon after his second marriage he removed to Merrimack. Children by first wife : 1. NANCY, b. June 4, 1819, m. first, March 12, 1844, William Upton. He d. April 17, 1849. She m. second, Asa W. Farmer. He d. May 16, 1886. She res. at Nashua. 2. ADONIRAM, -|- 3. SARAH A., b. July 19, 1826, m. Sept. 2, 1848, Albert Cheney. Rem. to Madison, Wis.; d. April, 1898. 4. AMANDA M., b. Feb. 10, 1829, m. first, June 16, 1863, John H. Giddings. He d. Aug. 6, 1868. She m. second, Henry S. L,owe of Greenfield. Res. at Nashua. 848 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH ADONIRAM RUSSELL, son of Ebenezer and Artimesia (Lynch) Russell, born April 28, 1822 ; married March 8, 1849, Maria E. Lakin of Hancock. She was a daughter of Jacob and Betsey (Stanley) Lakin, born July 23, 1828. He died April 29, 1893. She died Dec. 17, 1903. He was a member of the board of selectmen for many years. Of a social, kindly nature he was liked by those with whom he associated. He lived where Mr. Eastman now lives and built the house there, a short distance west of Buttrick's mill. Children : 1. CLARENCE R., b. June 22, 1850, d. March 30, 1870. 2. ELLA T., b. May 7, 1852, m. Emery Holt. (See Holt gen.) 3. IDA Iy., b. Oct. 13, 1854, d. Oct. 19, 1868. 4. AUGUSTA A., b. June 4, 1857, m. William F. Field, Nov. 2 5 1879. He was b. Feb. 16, 1852. 5. GEORGE J., b. Sept. 17, 1863, d. March 4, 1894, m. Alice Gilson. 6. ANNIE M., b. April 22, 1868, d. April 15, 1870. RUSSEIX. JOSEPH RUSSELL settled on the farm in Johnson's Corner now owned by his grandson, Aaron W. He was born March 14, 1783 ; married Naomi Wilkins. She was born March 16, 1783 ; died June 2, 1869. He died March 14, 1827. Children : 1. BURNHAM, -\- 2. JAMES, b. Nov. 9, 1806, m. Mary A. Southerland. 3. MARY, b. Dec. 9, 1807, m. John Kidder of Wilton. 4. ORRIN, b. Ocf 19, 1810. 5. AARON W., b. Feb. n, 1815, m. Elsie Presbie. 6. CLARA S., b. Nov. 22, 1822, d. Sept. 6, 1824. BURNHAM RUSSELL, son of Joseph and Naomi (Wilkins) Russell ; born Oct. 21, 1805 ; married Jan. 29, 1833, Eliza, daughter of Ephraim and Betsey (Boffee) Kidder. She was born March 14, 1814; died Dec. 27, 1894. He died June 22, 1874. Children: 1. ORPAH, b. Dec. 24, 1833, d. Aug. 28, 1892. 2. ORRIN P, -(- 3. AARON W., -{- ORRIN P. RUSSELL, son of Burnham and Eliza (Kidder) Russell; born June 17, 1837; married Sept. 19, 1861, Marcia H. Hesselton of Nashua. He removed to Wilton and died there Dec. 12, 1891. Child : i. EMOGENE V., b. Oct. 9, 1866, d. June 13, 1870. AARON W. RUSSELL, son of Burnham and Eliza Kidder Russell ; born May 5, 1853 ; married Oct. 8, 1883, Lillian V., daughter of Robert K. and Betsey A. (Curtis) Lynch. She was born Aug. 30, 1863. Child : i. FRED W., b. July 9, 1888. GENEALOGIES 849 RYERSON. WILLIAM N. RYERSON, son of Joseph Ryerson of West Sumner, Me.; born June 10, 1832 ; married Lois, daughter of Harvey and Lois (Cram) Holt, April 24, 1856. She was born March 16, 1836. He died March 24, 1885. Children : 1. NELSON H., b. Nov. 26, 1859, d. March 20, 1879. 2. WILLIAM, b. Dec. 22, 1866, d. Nov. 14, 1889. 3. EMMA L/., b. Aug. 16, 1869, d. May 10, 1887. 4. CLARA, b. Nov. 5, 1878, m. Frank A. Pettengill of Acworth, N. H. (See Pettengill gen.) SARGENT. JOSHUA SARGENT was born in Methuen, Mass., Nov. 25, 1757. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary army, and after the close of the war he removed to Dunstable, Mass. Thence he came to Lyndeborough, where he built and operated a "fulling " mill. The mill stood at or near where the mill now owned by James L. Colburn stands, perhaps better known as Buttrick's mill. He married Abigail Ladd of Haverhill, Mass. She was born June 28, 1760; died Dec. 28, 1843. He died Jan. 23, 1844. Children : 1. ABIGAIL, b. Feb, 22, 1781, m. Jotham Hildreth, d. Aug. 24, 1850. 2. HEMAN L,ADD, b. Sept. 24, 1782, m. Hepsibah Russell, d. March 17, 1806. 3. MIRIAM, b. May 28, 1784, d. Aug. 26, 1800. 4. POLLY, b. Sept. 27, 1786, m. James Russell, d. in 1824. 5. JOHN, b. Feb. 16, 1789, m. first, Mary McMaster, m. second, Mrs. Sprague, d. Jan. 13, 1878. 6. JOSHUA, b. May 5, 1791, m. Patty Burnham, d. March 24, 1882. 7. BOD WELL, b. Sept. 7, 1793, m. L/ucy A. Briggs, d. July 28, 1866. 8. RUTH, b. Sept. 6, 1795, m. Israel Putnam, d. July 21, 1845. (See Putnam gen.) 9. L,UCINDA, b. Sept. 7, 1798, d. Aug. 30, 1800. 10. MIRIAM, b. March 13, 1801, m. John Carleton, d. in 1880. 11. NATHANIEL, b. Aug. 2, 1803, m. Mary Ford. 12. SUMNER, b. July 7, 1805, m. Mary A. I^each, d. in 1893. SARGENT. DANA B. SARGENT, son of Cyrus and Samantha (Chase) Sargent ; born at Hillsborough, Feb. 3, 1847; married July 25, 1870, Elsie M., daughter of David C. and Rebecca (Fish) Grant. She was born Aug. 24, 1847; died Aug. 2, 1902. He died March n, 1899. He came to Lynde- 850 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH borough in 1880 and settled on the Levi H. Woodward place, where he lived until his death. Children : 1. MARTHA R., b. Aug. 29, 1870, m. Aug. 27, 1902, Percy W. Putnam, son of Edwin H. and Eliza (Keyes) Putnam. 2. HARRY D., b. May 7, 1876, d. Aug. n, 1877. 3. WILLIS D., b. Nov. 5, 1880, d. May 26, 1899. SENTER. Benjamin Senter was the pioneer of the Senter family to settle in L,yndeborough. He built a house situated about twenty rods south of the road from John H. Goodrich's to the schoolhouse in Dist. No. 4. It was here that most of his children were born, but he afterward lived in a house that stood between the Bailey place and the old Starrett house, North Lyndeborough. He had a numerous family, but of these we can get no record except that of Asa. There are no descendants of any of the brothers of Asa now living in town. Benjamin Senter was buried in the North Lyndeborough cemetery. ASA SENTER, son of Benjamin Senter; born Oct. 6, 1780; married Mary Christie of New Boston. She was born June 5, 1786; died Feb. 9, 1859. He died Sept. 26, 1869. Children : 1. MARY, b. April 22, 1805, m. George Worcester, rem. to Har- vard, Mass., and d. there. 2. RODNEY, b. Oct. 23, 1808, rem. to Bedford, Mass. 3. HANNAH, b. July 9, 1811. 4. HIRAM, b. Aug. 6, 1814, d. July 4, 1854. 5. ACHSAH. b. Dec. 7, 1816, d. in infancy. 6. FRANKLIN, -f- 7. ACHSAH, 2ND, b. Nov. 26, 1820. 8. ANN E-, b. April 3, 1825. FRANKLIN SENTER, son of Asa and Mary (Christie) Senter, born April 21, 1818; married first, April 8, 1845, Pamilla, daughter of Varion and Mary (Thompson) Balch. She was born Jan. 20, 1822; died April 9. 1854 ; married second, Eliza, daughter of David and Betsey (Gregg) Hovey, July 2, 1854. She was born Aug. 24, 1817 ; died April 15, 1897. He died Sept. 20, 1896. He was a quiet man, a neat farmer, and one who had the esteem of his neighbors and fellow-townsmen. He represented the town in the legislature in 1877-1878. Children by first wife : 1. MARY A., b. Feb. 27, 1847, m - June 5, 1870, Almon T. Hovey of Peterboro. She d. Feb. 18, 1882. 2. JULIA E., b. Oct. 16, 1848, m. Oct. 24, 1869, John A. Hovey of Peterboro. He d. Oct. 6, 1881. Their chil- dren are George W., Grace M. 3. WILLIAM F., b. Jan. 31, 1851, m. Aug. 12, 1874, Emma F. Clark of Lowell, Mass. He rem. to Lowell in 1870. Is GENEALOGIES 851 superintendent of repairs at the Lawrence Corporation. Has been alderman and is a successful and influential citi- zen. Their children are Percy W., Pamilla A., Arthur H. 4. GEORGE R., b. Dec. 25, 1852, m. Jan. 18, 1879, Mary C. Parker of Peterboro. She d. July i, 1896. He rem. to Santa Barbara, Cal., in 1886 and res. there now. By second wife : 5. CHARLES H., -|- CHARL,ES H. SENTER, son of Franklin and Eliza (Hovey) Senter, born Sept. 30, 1856 ; married Feb. 19, 1879, Susie, daughter of Sewall and Agnes (Green) Watkins. She was born Sept. 22, 1855. He resides on the homestead farm, North Lyndeborough. From 1881 until 1901 he was a member of the board of selectmen twelve years, and has filled other positions of trust in the town. He has been prominent in the grange circles of the county, and is a very useful citizen. Children : 1. ANNIE M., b. Jan. 31, 1882, m. Feb. n, 1903, Fred A. Holt. (See Holt gen.) 2. FRANK H., b. May 31, 1883. Was drowned in the river at Paper Mill Village, New Boston, June 27, 1896. 3 and 4. INFANT CHILDREN, unnamed, b. Sept. n, 1886, d. Sept. ii, 1886. SHARP. JOSEPH SHARP, son of John and Harriet (Wilcox) Sharp, born in Boston, June 14, 1834; married Nov. 26, 1866, Sarah, daughter of Solo- mon and Mary (Sargent) Cram. She was born June 12, 1844. He came to Lyndeborough in 1872 from Boston and settled in the south village, where he died May 26, 1903. Child : i. RACHEL A., b. March 31, 1881. SHEPARD. ROBERT T. S. SHEPARD, son of Robert and Eunice (Scott) Shep- ard, born at Amherst, March 2, 1832; married first, May n, 1853, Irene B. Powers of Pittsfield, Me. She was born April n, 1834; died April 9, 1865 ; married second, Nov. 24, 1869, Charlotte S. Kaime of Lowell, Mass. She was born June 9, 1836, at Barnstead, N. H. She was the daughter of John and Pamelia E. (Rand) Kaime. He came to Lynde- borough from Goffstown and bought the Edwin N, Patch place, where he has since resided. He died in 1905. Children by first wife : 1. WALTER S., -+ 2. JAMES F., b. July 30, 1859. 3. AUGUSTA M., b. Jan. 21, 1860, d. June 26, 1863. 4. AUGUSTA M., b. Jan. 30, 1864. By second wife : 5. ALFRED K., b. Sept. 28, 1870. 852 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH 6. GERTRUDE M., b. Oct. 27, 1872, m. May 14, 1896, Ralph L,. Combs of Deny. She d. Aug. 17, 1898. WALTER S. SHEPARD, son of Robert T. S. and Irene B. (Powers) Shepard, born Jan. 9, 1855 ; married Elizabeth M., daughter of Harry A. and Mary (Harmond) Baker. She was born Sept. i, 1868, at Salt Lake City, Utah. He came to Lyndeborough from Camas Creek, Fre- mont County, Idaho, in 1902, and bought the farm in Johnson's Corner, known as the Willis C. Perham place. He was born at Lowell, Mass., and went west in 1876 and entered into the ranching 'and cattle raising business, returning east in 1902. Children, all born in Idaho : 1. WALTER T., b. at Clear Creek, Aug. 4, 1885. 2. CHARLOTTE M., b. at Dry Creek, Jan. 19, 1888. 3. FREDERICK J., b. at Sand Creek, May 29, 1890. 4. ETHEL M., b. at Sand Creek, Aug. 24, 1892. 5. ROBERT Q., b. at Sand Creek, Oct. 30, 1895. 6. NELLIE I., b. at Camas Creek, March n, 1902, d. June 14, 1903. SIMONDS. JESSE SIMONDS came to Lyndeborough from Burlington, Mass. He was born in Barnard, Vt., December, 1809. His mother died when he was young, and he was brought up by an uncle in Burlington, Mass. He was never married and spent most of his time in the autumn and winter months in hunting and trapping No man in the state knew more of the homes and habits of the fur-bearing animals than he. He lived close to nature and the ways of birds, more especially game birds were an open book to him. Possessing an iron constitution he performed feats of endurance that were the wonder of the town. He lived where Robert C. Mason now lives and built the house occupied by him. He died June 20, 1885. He was the son of Daniel and Joanna (Balch) Simonds. SMITH. JOHN SMITH married Keturah, daughter of Dea. Ephraim and Sarah (Cram) Putnam of Lyndeborough. Children : 1. BENJAMIN, b. July 3, 1777. 2. JOHN, b. June 20, 1779. 3. SARAH, b. Aug. 9, 1781. 4. HULDAH, b. Oct. 12, 1784. 5. KATURAH, b. Feb. 3, 1787. 6. EPHRAIM, b. April 18, 1789. 7. PAMELA, b. May 21, 1791. 8. and 9. JACOB and RACHEL (twins), b. May 5, 1794. SMITH. JACOB SMITH married Emma E., daughter of Joseph A. and Mary GENEALOGIES 853 L. (Stephenson) Johnson. She was born Oct. 14, 1850; died Aug. 4, 1879. Children : 1. ADA G., b. July 4, 1870, in Westford, Conn. 2. EDITH I., b. in L,yndeborough, March 16, 1879, m. Nov. 2, 1898, John Dolliver. (See Dolliver gen.) SOUTHWICK. JOHN SOUTHWICK was born in Danvers, Mass., Sept. 18, 1788; died in Danvers, Mass., April 19, 1847 ; married May 14, 1815, Elizabeth Rus- sell of Ipswich, Mass. She was born Dec. 3, 1792 ; died Oct. 14, 1877. They came to North Lyndeborough soon after their marriage, in the spring of 1815. He bought a potter's shop and a house nearly opposite the house of John H. Goodrich and carried on the potter's business for several years. The shop and house are both gone now. For eight years he drove a six-horse team from Francestown to Boston and carried all the merchandise sold at the stores. He loaded with country produce for the down trip and with groceries, etc., back. In 1841 he removed to Danvers and died there. Children, all but one born in Lyndeborough : 1. JOHN RUSSELL, b. July 19, 1816, m. Sophia L,., daughter of Asa and Alice (Nutting) Kemp of Francestown Sept. 2, 1842. She was born Aug. 26, 1821. He removed to L,owell, Mass., soon after his marriage and for forty years was an overseer of the " dressing" room of the Tremont and Suffolk Corporation. He was elected councilman in 1865, and alderman in 1866 and 1867. He was a member of the Mass, legislature in 1876. In 1879 he bought a farm in Groton, Mass., and d. there Jan. 12, 1888. 2. WILLIAM, b. July 14, 1818, d. Dec. 3, 1818. 3. WILLIAM, b. Nov. i, 1819, d. Jan. 26, 1875, m. Marinda E. Parker of Salem, Mass., Jan. 26, 1844. She was b. May 18, 1825, d. Nov. 12, 1881. 4. ELIZABETH S., b. Dec. 6, 1821, res. at Peabody, Mass. 5. STEPHEN A., b. March 31, 1824, m. L,ydia E. Daniels of Salem, Mass., June 15, 1859. She was b. June 10, 1828, res. at Peabody, Mass. 6. DAVID H., b. June 25, 1827, m. Harriet L,ord of Salem, Mass., Sept. 24, 1868. She was b. Jan. 9, 1838, res. at Peabody, Mass. 7. EDWIN, b. July 30, 1829, rem. to Colo, in 1849, d. Jan. 13, 1895. 8 and 9. Twins, b. May 7, 1832, d. in infancy. 10. BENJAMIN F., b. July 5, 1835, m. Oct. 20, 1868, Mary A. Osborne of Peabody, Mass. She was b. July 17, 1839. He was a soldier in the Civil War, with the rank of lieutenant. 854 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH He was a member of the General Court of Mass, in 1888 and councillor in 1895. u. A son, b. in Francestown, March 20, 1838. SPAULDING.* Edward, Stephen and Capt. Levi were the first of the Spauldings to come to Lyndeborough. Henry came a little later. Edward and Stephen were brothers, sons of Ebenezer and Anna Spaulding of Nottingham West, now Hudson, and they were probably born there. Edward was the father of Capt. Levi of Revolutionary fame. Stephen married Martha Foster, and Edward married Elizabeth. He bought lots 113 and 122 north of the mountain. The former lot is just east of where Robert C. Mason lives, and the old cellar hole may still be seen. Aaron Woodward lived there later. Stephen bought seventy acres of lot 112 May 30, 1765, east of his brothers', the same year that his brother bought. It is said that Reuben, another brother of Edward, came from Hudson and settled on part of Edward's lot. It will be seen that they all settled on the north side of the mountain, and that the farm of the late Levi Spalding was the west part of their large holding of land. June 15, 1771, Rachel, a daughter of Stephen and Martha, his wife, was baptized, and it is probable that they all came to Lyndeborough about the year 1768, perhaps a year or two earlier. July, 1772, they are recorded as members of the church. Ed- ward and Elizabeth had five children, none of them born in Lyndebor ough. Capt. Levi was their only son. Stephen and Martha had ten- children, none of them born in Lyndeborough, but it would appear that none of these children settled in the town. Edward, Stephen and Reu- ben were of the fourth generation from Edward, the immigrant ancestor. Nathaniel, the son of Stephen and Martha Spaulding, was baptized Sept. 8, 1768. CAPT. LEVI SPAULDING was of the fifth generation from Edward, who came to this country in the earliest years of the Massachusetts Colony, probably between 1630 and 1633. The first records of Edward make it appear that he settled in Braintree, Mass. Capt. Levi was born in Nottingham West, now Hudson, N. H., Oct. 23, I 737- J ust when he came to Lyndeborough is not known. He was se- lectman in 1768 and again in 1774. He was moderator in 1781, 1782, 1784, 1786 and 1791. He was chosen representative to the General Court in 1784, and was the second to fill that office in town. (For his military history see Chap. VII.) He married first, Anna Burns; married second, Lois Goodrich, Dec. 30, 1778. She was born Dec. 17, 1744. In 1800 he removed to Plainfield, Otsego Co., N. Y., where he died March i, 1825. Children by first wife : 1. BETSEY, b. Nov. 18, 1759, m. Holt. 2. OuvE, b. April 8, 1762, m. L/ovell Lewis, rem. to N. Y. 3. EDWARD, -f- *Some members of this family spell the name Spalding. GENEALOGIES 855 4. GEORGE, b. Sept. 14, 1766, was drowned when a young man. 5. MARTHA, b. April 6, 1768, m. Joseph Knights of New Ip- swich, N. H., rem. to Ohio. 6. ESTHER, b. July 7, 1770, 7. LEVI, + 8. JOHN, b. Sept. i, 1774. Children by second wife : 9. BENJAMIN G., b. Sept. 9, 1779. 10. SEWALL, b. March i, 1782. n. Lois G., b. Feb. 16, 1784, m. Stephen Abbott, rem. to Nashville, N. Y. EDWARD SPAULDING, son of Capt. Levi, was born Nov. 19, 1764 ; married Mehitable Goodrich, daughter of the Rev. Sewall Goodrich of Lyndeborough, Oct. 30, 1788. She was born Sept. 25, 1770; died July 30, 1838. He early removed to Plainfield, N. Y., thence to Alexander, N. Y., where he and his wife died. Children, four older born in Lyndebor- ough : 1. ANNA B., b. Sept. 15, 1789, m. first, George Grey, m. sec- ond, Loren Hodges. 2. PHEBE P., b. Sept. i, 1791, m. Sheffield Burdick. 3. MEHITABLE. b. Nov. 16, 1793, m. Samuel Crosby. 4. NATHANIEL, b. Aug. 28, 1795. 5. GEORGE, b. Nov. i, 1797, in Plainfield, N. Y. 6. ELBRIDGE G., b. 1802. 7. LUCY, b. May 20, 1804. 8. WARREN, b. Nov. 10, 1806. 9. ELBRIDGE GERRY, -j- ELBRIDGE GERRY SPAULDING, born Feb. 24, 1809. Was a very wealthy and influential man in the financial circles of New York state and the nation. He was state treasurer of New York, member of con- gress six years and the author of the "legal tender" act passed by congress during the Civil War. LEVI SPAULDING, son of Capt. Levi, was born Jan. 25, 1772; killed by falling from a high load of boxes, the sleigh running over him and breaking his neck. He married Clara Goddard and had several children. HENRY SPAULDING was born in Merrimack, N. H., Nov. 3, 1760. He was of the sixth generation from Edward Spaulding of Braintree, Mass. He came to Lyndeborough and settled on the farm where Mrs. Ann Cummings now lives. He married Joanna Russell of Dunbarton, N. H., Feb. n, 1787. She was born June 21, 1766; died Nov. i, 1853, aged 87. He died May 31, 1857, aged 96 years, 6 months and 28 days. Mr. Spaulding was highly esteemed by all who knew him for his many 856 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH virtues. He was a genial, kindly man, fond of a story or a jest. It is said that he never had a sick day until his final illness, and that he rode four miles to vote for Fremont and freedom, when in his g6th year. He voted for Washington and at each successive presidential election after- ward. He used to say he never had but two serious complaints " lame- ness and laziness." The former he thought might have been cured, had it been taken in season, but the latter defied all prescriptions. Chil- dren : 1. ACHSAH, b. Feb. i, 1788, m. I/evi Holt, 1811, d. June 2, 1841. 2. HENRY, -(- 3. SAMUEL, b. Dec. 8, 1792, d. Dec. 6, 1798. 4. HANNAH, b. Dec. 21, 1794, m. first, Stephen Chapman of Windsor, N. H.; m. second, Elijah Gould of Antrim, N. H. 5. ELIZABETH, b. April 9, 1796, m. James L. Morrison of Washington, N. H. He d. Dec. 25, 1840. She d. April i, 1851. 6. I/UCINDA, b. Aug. 23, 1798, d. Sept. n, 1853. 7. MARY, b. Sept. 20, 1800, m. Franklin Hadley of L/yndebor- ough. (See Hadley gen.) 8. LEONARD, -}- 9. EDWARD PAGE, + 10. SAMUEL, + 11. LEVI, -}- HENRY SPAULDING, son of Henry and Joanna (Russell) Spauld- ing, born Nov. 17, 1790; married Lucy Duncklee of Greenfield, N. H., March 23, 1819. She was born Aug. 16, 1797. He removed to Greenfield and died Jan. 21, 1868. Child : Sarah. LEONARD SPAULDING, son of Henry and Joanna (Russell) Spaulding, born Oct. 2, 1802 ; married first, Ede Farrington of Green- field, N. H., Sept. 15, 1831. She was born Aug. 4, 1800 ; died Jan. 26, 1856; married second, Elizabeth A. Fairbanks of Francestown, N. H., Dec. 8, 1856. She was born Nov. 23, 1813. He died January, 1890. Children : Leonard, Ebenezer F., Henry B., Isaac N., Augusta C., Sarah M. EDWARD PAGE SPALDING, son of Henry and Joanna (Russell) Spaulding, born July 19, 1805; married Mary Dodge of Fraucestown, N. H., April n, 1833. She was born June 23, 1812 ; died July 22, 1877. He died Jan. 20, 1887. He was a farmer and drover and for many years did a large business in the buying and selling of cattle. He settled on the farm where Mrs. Edward Parry now lives. Children, all born in Lynde- borough : 1. MARY E., b. Jan. 15, 1834, d. Feb. 19, 1834. 2. I,EVI PAGE, + EDWARD PAIGE SPALDING. GENEALOGIES 857 3. GEORGE E., -f- 4. MERRILL T., -f- 5. HENY E., + 6. ALFRED B., b. Aug. 16, 1849. He entered Dartmouth College in 1868. After leaving college he made teaching his vocation. He d. Nov. 9, 1881. 7. SAMUEL A., b. June 14, 1856. LEVI P. SPALDING. son of Edward P. and Mary (Dodge) Spald- ing, born Dec. 25, 1835 ; married July i, 1863, Frances M., daughter of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Mudge) Fiske. She was born March , 18*6. Children : 1. FRED W., b. April 25, 1864, m. Oct. 17, 1901, Harriet M. Douglas of Brighton, Mass. 2. MARY LIZZIE, b. July 23, 1865, m. April 18, 1889, Clifton Broad of Reading, Mass. Mr. Broad was thrown from a wagon on the road north of where R. C. Mason lives, and so badly injured that he died a few days later, Dec. 5, 1892. 3. HENRY E., b. March 8, 1868, m. Florence Dolliver. m. second, Mrs. Fannie Smith. Child : Harriet. 4. HERBERT F., b. Feb. 25, 1870, d. Jan. 31, 1904. 5. SADIE M., b. Dec. 7, 1874, m. Sept. 14, 1899, Perley P. Ray of Brighton, Mass. 6. JENNIE A., b. April n, 1879. GEORGE E. SPALDING, son of Edward P. and Mary (Dodge) Spalding, born April 8, 1838 ; married June 12, 1866, Abbie J., daughter of Dea. William and Eliza (Anderson) Jones. She was born Dec. 23, 1842; died Nov. 24, 1883; married second, Nov. 30, 1887, Mrs. Eliza P. Richardson, widow of Solon Richardson and daughter of Dea. William and Eliza (Anderson) Jones. She was born Aug. 30, 1839 ; died Feb. 19, 1905. Mr. Spalding purchased the Jones homestead farm at the centre and has lived there for many years. He is extensively engaged in the breeding and sale of cattle, the Ayrshire breed being his favorite stock. Children by first wife : 1. WILLIAM P., b. March 17, 1867; d. July 16, 1879. 2. JOHN A., b. Nov. 30, 1872. MERRILL T. SPALDING, son of Edward P. and Mary (Dodge) Spalding, born April 15, 1840; married first, Mrs. Martha Snow; second, Sarah J., daughter of Brackley and Abigail (Rutherford) Rose of Wil- ton, Nov. 20, 1895. She was born Sept. 3, 1856. Was a soldier in Civil War. (See Chap. X.) DR. HENRY E. SPALDING, son of Edward Page and Mary (Dodge) 858 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH Spalding; born Sept. 24, 1843; married June i, 1870, Annie Osgood, daughter of James and Lydia (Hersey) Frye. His boyhood was spent on the farm and was uneventful as^were the lives of average farmer's boys at that time. Since he was not especially robust his parents encouraged his inclination to study. At the early age of two and one-half years he found his way into the nearby district school and from that time he was a regular attendant during the short summer and winter terms which made up the school year. Some years the win- ter term was supplemented by a few additional weeks of instruction at home, his father employing a teacher for him and his older brothers. At the age of fourteen he left home for a student's life at Appleton Academy (later McCollom Institute), Mt. Vernon. Here and a short time ta Francestown Academy he pursued a course of study preparatory to enter- ing college. During the winter months he taught school as a means of earning money toward paying his expenses the remainder of the year. The breaking out of the Civil War found him just completing his col- lege preparatory course of study, and with it came the question of duty that so deeply stirred the hearts of millions. Responding to his coun- try's call, not mentioning all other possible sacrifices and losses, meant for him the giving up of the long coveted collegiate course of study, for which he had been working. The decision was soon made to offer all for the defence of the flag. Making his personal decision he found but a short step toward enter- ing the army service. No one under twenty years of age could be ac- cepted without the written consent of his father or guardian. This his father refused to give, not from lack of patriotism, for, according to his ability, he contributed liberally in aid of the cause, but from belief that lack of physical vigor unfitted the boy for the hardships of army life. Subsequent events and the fact that his regimental nickname was " little fellow " would indicate that this opinion was not groundless. The matter was earnestly discussed at home, but the coveted consent was not ob- tained. A war meeting was held at the town hall. Several spoke, urging the young men to enlist, among them his father, closing his remarks with the offer of an extra bounty for each of the first four who would enlist. To the surprise of all Henry sprang to his feet and offered himself as the first of the four. The effect on the audience can readily be imagined. As the cheering subsided enlistments followed each other in rapid succes- sion. Together with about twenty of his classmates and friends he en- tered camp with the i3th Regt. N. H. Volunteers. His father used every argument that words or money could offer to induce him to return to his home and books, but finally yielded and gave unwilling consent, when convinced that otherwise the boy would follow the regiment as a hanger- on, without pay or rations. The papers were signed and he was mustered into the United States service only the day before the regiment was to leave camp at Concord and start for the seat of war. Soon after reaching Virginia he contracted typhoid fever. He recovered, however, sufficiently to march with the regiment to Frederick sburg and take part in that fear- ful battle. As spring came on he again became ill, this time with malaria. From this there seemed little prospect of his recovering, and GENEALOGIES 859 his parents were notified that he would be discharged if they would come for him, he being too ill to make the journey alone. They sent their family physician for him, and this ended his career as a soldier. His early ambition had been to fit himself for a teacher. What he saw of the inefficiency of medical treatment in the army hospitals led him to abandon that and study medicine, for he wished to learn from personal investigation if there was not something of real value in the science of healing. Accordingly, as soon as his health had been sufficiently re- stored, he commenced the study of medicine under the tutorship of J. H. Woodbury, M. D., of Boston. He attended lectures at Harvard Medical School, and afterwards at the New York Homeopathic Medical College, from which latter he graduated in 1866. He immediately located in Hingham, Mass., where he soon built up a large practice, and where he still has a summer residence. In 1888, after several months of observation and study in the hospitals of Europe he opened an office in Boston, where he is now located at 535 Beacon St. He has been a prolific writer for medical journals and for national, state and local medical societies. He is rectal surgeon for the Boston Homeopathic Dispensary, physician to the Burrage Hospital, physician and obstetrician to the Massachusetts Homeopathic Hospital. He has been lecturer at the Boston University School of Medicine and at the Training School for Nurses. The profession has honored him with the presidency of the Boston Homeopathic Medical Society, of the Massachu- setts Surgical and Gynecological Society and of the Massachusetts Homeopathic Medical Society, and also with various positions of honor and responsibility in several national medical and surgical societies. At the age of fourteen he became a member of the Congregational Church at I/yndeborough, and has maintained an active membership in that denomination since. His wife is a native of Haverhill, Mass. Chil- dren : 1. HARRY OSGOOD, b. May 4, 1871. He was educated in the public schools and at Derby Academy, Hingham ; gradu- ated from Williams College in 1894 and from the Boston University School of Medicine in 1897. He afterward lo- cated at Jamaica Plain, in the meantime making a special study of nervous diseases. He is now on the staff of the Connecticut Hospital for the Insane at Norwich. 2. LOUISE MARIB, b. May 23, 1877. 3. BKRNICE, b. Jan. 27, 1885. SAMUEL SPAULDING, son of Henry and Joanna (Russell) Spauld- ing, born April 6, 1808 ; married Ellen Shaw of Wells, England, March 14, 1836. She was born May 13, 1819. He removed to Green Bay, Mich., and afterward to Waterville, Wis. Children: Annie M., Mary E., Christopher H., Ernmeline, Joanna, Charlotte B., Lucinda, Olive J., Samuel E., Violet M. LEVI SPAL,DING, son of Henry and Joanna (Russell) Spaulding, was born Oct. 3, 1809 ; married Caroline Prince of Amherst, N. H., Dec. 860 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH 3, 1839. She was born June 17, 1819, and died Aug. 20, 1894. He died June 28, 1891. He settled on the Spaulding homestead, and was a quaint and kindly man. A prominent trait of both his and of his brother Edward Page's character was a generous hospitality. If anyone was near them at meal times he was always pressed to stay and eat. Children born in Lyndeborough : 1. EMMELINE, b. Aug. 31, 1840, d. Aug. 3, 1878. 2. CHARLES, b. May 10, 1846, m. Emma W. Follansbee of Andover, Mass., July 24, 1876. She was b. July 24, 1855. Res. in Ashburnham, Mass. Children : Roy F., Helen L,. BYRON STACY, son of David and Louisa (Curtis) Stacy, born in Windsor, N. H., Nov. 18, 1837; married June 29, 1869, Sarah A., daughter of Joel H. and Esther (Putnam) Tarbell of Lyndeborough. She was born Feb. 24, 1850; died Sept. u, 1882. He died June 3, 1875. He came to Lyndeborough about 1866 and was a mechanic employed at the glass factory. Child born in Lyndeborough : i. MINNIE E., b. Oct. 12, 1872, m. April 26, 1899, George W. Hadley, son of L/evi P. and Minerva (Stevens) Hadley of I,yndeborough. STANDEE Y. GEORGE A. STANDLEY, son of Robert and Mary E. Standley, born March 3, 1871 ; married June 22, 1893, Myra, daughter of William D. and Ellen (Hammond) Cloutman. She was born Sept. 24, 1871, in Marblehead, Mass. He was born in Danvers, Mass., and came to Lynde- borough in 1902 from Lynn, Mass., and bought the place known as the Hildreth cottage. Child : i. GEORGE R., b. Dec. 28, 1900, in Lynn. STAYNER. HENRY M. STAYNER come to Lyndeborough from Amherst about 1840. He lived where William B. Raymond now lives and died there May 16, 1843. His wife, Abigail D., died Jan. n, 1842. Of his children, Augusta married David Day of Gloucester, Mass.; Ellen married Capt. John Trevitt of Mont Vernon ; Josephine married Dea. Boylston of Amherst. STEELE. WILLIAM P. STEELE came to Lyndeborough from Lawrence, Mass., December, 1857; born Nov. 22, 1826; married Adaline E., daughter of Eleazer and Mary A. (Marshall) Putnam. She was born March 4, 1833. He was born in Sebec, Me. He was a soldier in the Civil War. (See Chap. X.) Was in the employ of the Boston & Maine R. R. for many years. Children, all but eldest born in Lyndeborough : i. NELLIE A., b. in Lawrence, Mass., March 24, 1853, m. Joseph E. Foster. He d. June 13, 1903. GENEALOGIES 861 2. FRANK A., b. July 10, 1856. 3. GEORGE W., b. Nov. 10, 1858. 4. MARY A., b. Aug. 24, 1860, d. June 6, 1863. 5. ARTHUR I,., b. May n, 1866, d. June i, 1867. 6. EVA B., d. Sept. 24, 1872. 7. MAUD, b. Aug. 7, 1869, m. Feb. 18, 1892, Charles E. Phil- lips of Swampscott, Mass. 8. HATTIE D., b. Aug. 7, 1873, m. Jan. 18, 1900, Walter H. Murdo of Peterboro. She d. Aug. 8, 1902. STEPHENSON. JOHN STEPHENSON was the first of the name to come to Salem- Canada. He is said to have come from Jersey, England. He first settled north of the mountain in 1740, but evidently remained there but a short time, for hearing that there was grass over the other side and as grass was a prime necessity to those first settlers, he promptly moved over the other side of the mountain. The grass referred to grew in those meadows east of where W. J. Stephenson lives. Those meadows were undoubt- edly caused by beavers damming the streams. The resulting flowage killed the trees, and when the dams were destroyed and the land drained wild grasses grew in abundance. He bought two lots of land which in- cluded most of those meadows, and that land has remained in the posses- sion of the Stephenson family ever since. When the charter of the town of Lyndeborough was granted, April 23, 1764, he was appointed a committee to obtain the said charter March 5, 1764, and he was author- ized to call the first meeting of the new town. At this meeting he was chosen town clerk, thus being the first person to hold the office in Lyndeborough. He was continued in office several years. Most of the family papers were destroyed when Jonathan Stephenson's house was burned, and therefore the record is necessarily imperfect. Among the treasured possessions of his descendants is his commission to be a captain in Tenth Co. of the Sixth Regt. of Militia. This commission is dated Oct. 4, 1764, and signed by B. Wentworth, governor, and by I. Atkinson, Jr., Sec'y. Also a copy of the province laws of His Majesty's Province of New Hampshire, printed in 1771, and presented to John Stephenson by his friend, Benjamin Lynde, Oct. 28, 1773. He married Abigail Shepherd of Amherst. They had six children : 1. JOHN, -(- 2. ABIGAIL, b. Oct. 3, 1769. 3. I/YDIA, b. Dec. 2, 1772, m. first, John Richardson; m. sec- ond, Davis. 4. SARAH, b. Feb. n, 1778, m. Supply Wilson of New Ip- swich. She d. Dec. 4, 1866. 5. WILLIAM, b. April 29, 1780, d. May 4, 1830. 6. I/UCY, b. Nov- 25, 1782, d. Feb. i, 1814. 862 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH *JOHN STEPHENSON, JR., son of John and Abigail (Shepherd) Stephenson, born Dec. 8, 1767; married Mary Hildreth of Amherst. She died Nov. 17, 1845. He died May, 1847. Children : 1. SARAH, b. 1792, d. May 18, 1883. 2. MARY, b. 1794, d. Dec. 8, 1881. 3. JACOB, + 4- JOHN, 5. JOTHAM, -f 6. JONATHAN, + JACOB STEPHENSON, son of John and Mary (Hildreth) Stephenson, born Oct. 2, 1803 ; married Dec. 17. 1835, Lucy Harthan of Greenfield. She died March 22, 1887. He died Feb. 17, 1867. Children : 1. EZRA B., b. in L/yndeborough, Sept. 26, 1836, d. Oct. 4, 1894, at Springfield, Mass. 2. ABBY M., b. Dec. i, 1837, in Lyndeborough, d. Dec. 2, 3. ALBE, b. June 29, 1839, in Greenfield, d. at Hillsboro Bridge. 4. LUCIA M., b. April 12, 1842, d. Nov. 8, 1844. JOTHAM STEPHENSON, son of John and Mary (Hildreth) Stephen. son, born Feb. 28, 1805 ; married July 20, 1826, Lucinda, daughter of Heman L. and Hepsibah Sargent. She was born Oct. 29. 1806 ; died Nov. 7, 1871. He died Oct. 14, 1883. Children : 1. JOTHAM S., + 2. MARY L,., b. March 12, 1830, m. Joseph A. Johnson. (See Johnson gen.) 3. JOHN H., b. Aug. 29, 1833, d. June 17, 1867. Was soldier in the Civil War. (See Chap. X.) 4. JONATHAN H., b. Sept. 21, 1835, d. Dec. 27, 1864. Was soldier in the Civil War. (See Chap. X.) 5. ELIZA A., b. March 6, 1838, m. April 20, 1865, Herbert M. Potter. 6. WILLIAM R., b. Aug. 10, 1841, m. Dec. 31, 1872, Lottie Felt. 7. LUCY A., b. June 9, 1846, d. Aug. 17, 1870. 8. SOLON A., b. Oct. 24, 1848, d. Nov. 12, 1849. JOTHAM SUMNER STEPHENSON, son of Jotham and Lucinda (Sargent) Stephenson, born June 29, 1827; married Sarah A. Powers, Jan. 24, 1862. He died September 8, 1905. Children: *The Stephensons were largely interested in the mill business in I,yndeborough, Jonothan owning a saw mill near his place and formerly one above the place where the present mill stands. They owned a saw mill west of the Forest road, near where Jotham S. Stephenson lived. GENEALOGIES 863 1. L,ILLIAN. 2. HARTWELL M. 3. CHARLES. JONATHAN STEPHENSON, son of John and Mary (Hildreth) Stephenson ; born March 19, 1807 ; married Sept. 30, 1843, Emily, daugh- ter of Eleazer and Rachel (Houston) Woodward. She was born April 4, 1817 ; died July 6, 1892. He died Nov. 16, 1903. He was a man who com- manded the respect, confidence and esteem of his neighbors and fellow- townsmen. His strict integrity and sterling sense made his advice to be sought, and placed him in many positions of trust in town affairs. For a long series of years he had charge of the town's poor, and many of the buildings at the town farm were built or improved under his supervision. He was many times one of the board of selectmen, and, in fact, he held at one time or another about all the offices the town could give him. His house was totally destroyed by fire, but was soon replaced by a new one. He died Nov. 10, 1903. Children : 1. MARIA H., b. Sept. 26, 1845, d. Sept. 7, 1879. 2. EDWARD J., b. Jan. 15, 1850, res. in Rollinsville, Colo., where he has long time been a mining prospector. 3. WILUS j., + 4 and 5. ETTA M. and EMMA M. (twins), b. Sept. 12, 1859. Etta M. m. Frank H. Joslin. (See Joslin gen.) Emma M. m. Perley W. Hadley and. res. in Temple. WILLIS J. STEPHENSON, son of Jonathan and Emily (Woodward) Stephenson; born Sept. 20, 1852; married Nov. 27, 1884, Frances C., daughter of Benjamin and Caroline (Andrews) Goodhue of Hancock. She was born Nov. n, 1854. He lived in Colorado for a number of years in young manhood days, but returned to take charge of the Stephen- son homestead, which has always been owned by his ancestors since it was cleared of the virgin forest. Child : i. ERNEST J., b. May 8, 1893. STEVENS. GEORGE H. STEVENS, born at Francestown Aug. 13, 1834 ; married first, Dec. 25, 1862, Hattie S. Burnham of New Boston. She was born June 12, 1839 ; died March 30, 1872 ; married second, Sept. 24, 1872, Mary P., daughter of Dea. John C. and Pamela (Atwood) Goodrich. She was born May i, 1839. He died Feb. 9, 1901. Children by first wife : 1. ASAHEL D., b. at Lowell, Nov. 27, 1864. 2. ALBERT B., b. at L/yndeborough Dec. 18, 1871. Child by second wife : 3. CHARLES E., b. at Lyndeborough April 3, 1874, d. March 14, 1878. STILES. MOSES STILES, son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Gary) Stiles ; born in 864 H1STOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH Boxford, Mass., Feb. n, 1704; married Oct. 17, 1737, Phebe, daughter of John and Sarah (Holt) Cram. She was born at Hampton Falls, July 8, 1712. He lived on the Lakin place. Children : 1. MOSES, + 2. JOHN, + 3. SAMUEL, m. Sarah Button. 4. REUBEN, b. in Salem-Canada, June 13, 1749, was killed by the falling of the frame of the meeting house at Wilton, Sept. 7, 1773. 5. ASAHEL, -f 6. AARON. MOSES STILES, JR., son of Moses and Phebe (Cram) Stiles ; mar- ried Sarah . Children : 1. SARAH, b. March 24, 1762. 2. MOSES, b. June 6, 1765, m. Mary Holt. 3. AARON, b. Sept. 18, 1767, m. Abial Sadler. 4. MARY, b. June 14, 1770, d. Sept. 8, 1777. 5. PHEBE, b. June 22, 1774, d. Sept. 5, 1777. 6. SAMUEL, b. Sept. 15, 1776, d. Sept. 9, 1777. 7. SAMUEL, b. April 19, 1779, m. Betsey Cram. JOHN STILES, son of Moses and Phebe (Cram) Stiles; married Susanna Chamberlain. Children : 1. JOHN, b. Oct. 22, 1778, d. April 16, 1786. 2. SUSANNA, b. Oct. 4, 1780, d. May 12, 1786. 3 and 4. MESECH W., BETTY (twins), b. Jan. 20, 1783, d. Feb. 10, 1783. 5. JOHN, b. May 17, 1786. ASAHEL STILES, son of Moses and Phebe (Cram) Stiles ; married Sarah Button. Children : 1. DANIEL, b. Oct. 21, 1768. 2. ESTHER, b. Aug. 25, 1770, d. March 27, 1785. 3. SARAH, b. March 17, 1773. 4. HANNAH, b. Feb. 27, 1775. 5. RHODA, b. Sept. 8, 1778. 6. REUBEN, b. Dec. 30, 1780. 7. ASAHEL, b. Oct. 20, 1783. 8. ESTHER, b. July 7, 1786. STILES. DAVID STILES, son of Asa and Huldah (Bixby) Stiles; born at Mid- dleton, Mass., Dec. 22, 1779; died June 25, 1870; married Betsey E., daughter of Andrew and Elizabeth (Clark) Mack of Londonderry, N. H. GENEALOGIES 865 " Squire " Stiles was a prominent figure in the life of Lyndeborough in his day. He was the third postmaster appointed in the town, serving from April, 1835, to May, 1837. He was selectman, 1839-1841, and held other town offices. He was for many years a justice of the peace, and was much engaged in settling estates. He was a surveyor, also, and the running of lines and surveying land occupied much of his time. He was a man of much ability, quaint and original in his expressions, and his opinions were much respected. He lived where William H. Clark now lives. He was a resident at different times of Temple, Wilton, Milford and Lyndeborough. Children, born in Temple : 1. ELIZA J., b. Aug. 10, 1809, d. Oct. 14, 1868. 2. DAVID, -}- 3. FRANCES, b. Sept. 12, 1814. DAVID STILES, son of David and Betsey (Mack) Stiles, born Feb. 4, 1811 ; married May 13, 1841, Maria M., daughter of Benjamin and Sarah (Clark) Goodrich. She was born April 23, 1810 ; died Dec. 31, 1885. He was the fourth postmaster at I/yndeborough. He was killed by being run over by a train at the railroad crossing above South Lyndeborough, Jan. 24, 1881. It was a cold winter morning and he was probably so wrapped up as to be unable to hear the engine. Children : 1. BENJAMIN G., b. in L/yndeborough, Jan. 9, 1845, d. Jan. 28, 1845. 2. MARIA, b. in L/yndeborough,' Jan. 2, 1847, d. Jan. 2, 1847. 3. DAVID A., -f- 4. MARIA E., b. May n, 1861, at Mt. Vernon, d. April 5, 1868. 5. L/UCY S., b. in Mt. Vernon, March 28, 1854. DAVID A. STILES, son of David and Maria (Goodrich) Stiles, born June 24, 1849; married Eugelia J. Brooks of Greenfield, Nov. 27, 1873. He taught school in Lyndeborough for a number of terms. Children : 1. L/ILLIAN, b. May 15, 1877. 2. EDITH M., b. Jan 23, 1879. 3. ANNABELI,, b. Jan. 13, 1883. 4. L/UCY, b. Nov. 21, 1886. STRATTON. DAVID STRATTON took a deed of part of the lot where Melchize- deck Boffee was located in 1745. This lot is now the farm of Andy Holt. The first information we have of him is that he came to Lyndeborough in company with William Holt, and built a log house about 40 rods south of where Andy Holt lives, and the two spent the first winter of their stay in hunting and trapping bears. Later William Holt bought the proprietors' rights in two lots now owned by Benjamin G. Herrick, while Stratton bought and improved the lot where he was. The farm was alternately owned by the Holt and Stratton families several times. We have made diligent search but are not sure where Stratton came 866 HIS TOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH from to Lyndeborough, but it is probable he came from Andover, Mass. Rev. Frank G. Clark says James Stratton settled on Cornelius Tarbell's right, and that David might be a son of James but it is more likely they were brothers. There is nothing in the town records to show that James had any children born in Lyndeborough, but there is the following rec- ord of the children of David Stratton and Eunice, his wife . 1. EUNICE, b. June 13, 1774. 2. DAVID, b. Aug. 25, 1776. 3. JOHN, b. Jan. n, 1779. 4. RACHEL, b. April 24, 1781, 5. RICHARD, b. April n, 1783. SWASEY. EDWIN SWASEY, son of Benjamin and Lydia (Ladd) Swasey, born May 20, 1815, at Meredith, N. H.; married April 5, 1842, Mary E., daughter of Joel and Betsey ( Shattuck) Tarbell. She was born Feb. 2, 1820. He came to Lyndeborough from Milford, Mass., in 1880, and with his wife assumed the management of the boarding house at South Lyndeborough village, owned by his brother-in-law, Joel H. Tarbell. He died June 4, 1904. Children, all but Mary E. born at Manchester : 1. MARY E., b. at Lowell, Aug. 2, 1844, d. Aug. 24, 1853. 2. EMMA E., b. Aprils, 1848, d. Oct. 18, 1849. 3. EDWIN B., b. April 21, 1851, d. Aug, 21, 1853. 3. ELLA M., b. April 20, 1853, d. July 12, 1855. 5. GEORGE E., b. July 21, 1857, m. Mary Burns of Milford, Mass., d. Aug. 26, 1904. 6. LAURA S., b. Feb. 14, 1860, d. August, 1860. 7. LILLIAN M., b. June 17, 1866, m. Feb. 9, 1892, Oscar E. Cram. (See Cram gen.) SWINNINGTON. ALBERT E. SWINNINGTON, son of Josiah and Sarah (Farnum) Swinnington, born May 30, 1855 ; married S. Kate, daughter of Eli C. and Betsey Ann Curtis, June 29, 1881. He came to Lyndeborough from Mont Vernon, N. H. Child : i. E. CLARABEL, b. May 2, 1897. TARBELL. JOEL TARBELL was the son of Thomas and Sarah (Barrett) Tarbell, born July 9, 1793 ; married first, Betsey Shattuck, daughter of Jonathan Shattuck of Pepperell, Mass. She died Oct. 29, 1829, in Bolton, Mass.; married second, Mary Mansfield of Rindge, Oct. 10, 1831. She was born Nov. 8, 1807; died Dec. 6, 1873. He died Sept. 18, 1851. Children by first wife, born in Mason: I. JOEL H., + GENEALOGIES 867 2. MARY E., b. Feb. 2, 1820, m. Edwin Swasey of I^aconia. (See Swasey gen.) 3. WILLIAM, b. July 4, 1824, m. Mary A. Noyes of Amherst He kept the hotel at South L,yndeborough for a short time. By second wife : 4. L,Evi, b. Aug. 8, 1832, d. Dec. 9, 1832. 5. CHARGES, -+- 6. SoivON, b. in Mason, now Greenville, Oct. 4, 1835 ; m. first, Jan. i, 1863, Abigail Burton of Wilton. She was b. July 29, 1833, d. March 28, 1887; m. second, Myra Gregg of Peterboro, Jan. i, 1894. She was b. Jan. 8, 1836. He d. in Peterboro. 7. ALONZO, m. Sarah C. Piper. Res. in Manchester. 8. HIRAM, -f- 9. JOSEPH, -f- 10. ESTHER J., b. Oct. 2, 1846, d. Oct. 18, 1849. 11. Willis, b. Jan. 5, 1849, d. Oct. 14, 1849. CAPT. JOEL H. TARBEIvI/ was descended from Thomas Tarbell, one of the original proprietors of Groton in 1661. The name is not a common one in this country. Joel H. was of the fourth generation from Thomas of Groton. His father, Joel, lived for a time in Lynde- borough. Joel Harrison Tarbell was emphatically a self-made man. He had but'meagre opportunity for schooling but made the most of those chances. After the age of twelve years he was apparently thrown on his own resources, and had to fight the battle of life without much help. In 1828 he was at Bolton, Mass., caring for a stable and assisting in a drug store and the postoffice. While here he lived with Dr. Amos Parker and had five weeks of schooling at a Quaker school taught by Elder Frye in Berlin, Mass., walking to and from school morning and evening, this being the- only education ever received except from the common district school. While he was here his mother died, Oct. 29, 1829, leaving him without a parental home. He returned to New Hamp- shire at the age of fourteen and went to work for Ebenezer Stiles of Temple, attending short terms of the district school in winter. He re- mained in this family until about twenty years of age, becoming ac- quainted with farm life in all its details. One year after the death of Mr. Stiles he went to Pepperell, Mass., and worked one season and then came back to Lyudeborough, where he resided until his death. At the time of his marriage he settled in what is now called the village of South Lyndeborough, and entered into the business of hotel keeping* and also farming in a small way. He soon found his business growing. Always cheerful and urbane, he made an model landlord, and his place was popular with the traveling public and with the summer boarders that began to come to the place. After about fifteen years at this busi- ness he changed to that of the general country store, which he and his descendants have kept until the present writing. Ever courteous and 868 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH obliging, he built up a large trade for such a place. Always helping to make the village more attractive, he interested himself in all the material things that tended to its upbuilding. He was a kind and helpful friend to the unfortunate and the poor and needy. He was honored by the town in being elected to many public offices, the duties of which he dis- charged with fidelity. He was captain of the Lafayette Artillery Co. at the time they volunteered to go into the U. S. service, and his military record may be found elsewhere. Capt. Joel H. Tarbell, son of Joel and Betsey (Shattuck)Tarbell was born in Mason Feb. 6, 1816; married Jan. 15, 1839, Esther, daughter of Ephraim and Esther (Pearson) Putnam. She was born June 8, 1818; died Nov. 14, 1901. He died Feb. 14, 1891. Children, all born in Lynde- borough : 1. SANFORD P., b. July 5, 1839, d. Jan. 7, 1842. 2. CHARLES F., + 3. SARAH A., b. Feb. 24, 1850, m. Byron Stacy of Windsor, N. H. (See Stacy gen.) CHARLES F. TARBELL, son of Joel H. and Esther (Putnam) Tar- bell; born Nov. 19, 1843; married May 18, 1865, Emily, daughter of Rufus and Martha J. (Upton) Chamberlain of Lyndeborough. She was born March 3, 1844. He died Feb. 24, 1888. He was a merchant at South Lyndeborough, associated with his father in keeping the store, and in general trade. He was elected town clerk in the spring of 1871, and with the exception of 1880 held the office continuously until 1885, when he was succeeded by Edgar A. Danforth. He held other public office, and was a courteous and efficient officer. He was quiet and anassuming in manner, and had the respect and esteem of his associates and towns- people. Like his father he was interested in military matters, and was a soldier in the Civil War. (See Chap. X.) Children, born in Lyndebor- ough : 1. WALTER S., + 2. CHARLES H., -}- WALTER S. TARBELL, son of Charles F. and Emily (Chamberlain) Tarbell; born Jan. 2. 1867; married Oct. 30, 1890, Lizzie G., daughter of Isaiah B. and Mary J. (Holt) Curtis. She was born April 3, 1871. He succeeded his father and grandfather in the business at South Lyndebor- ough. He is justice of the peace and prominent in several organizations and in social circles. Child, born in Lyndeborough : i. GERTRUDE E., b. Sept. 30, 1898. CHARLES H. TARBELL, son of Charles F. and Emily (Chamberlain) Tarbell ; born June 28, 1874 ; married Oct. 20, 1897, Annie A., daughter of Harlan P. and Maria (Stevens) Downs of Francestown. She was born Nov. n, 1871. He is town treasurer, and was for a while associated with his brother, Walter S., in the store at South Lyndeborough. Child, born in Lyndeborough : i. CAROLYN E., b. Nov. 26, 1898. GENE A L OGIES 869 CHARLES TARBELL, son of Joel and Mary (Mansfield) Tarbell ; born in Greenville, Sept. n, 1833 ; married Nov. 19, 1854, Emma F., daughter of Capt. Levi and Rhoda (Pettengill) Tyler of Wilton. She was born June 17, 1834. He died April 2, 1896. He was selectman in 1871, and represented the town in the General Court in 1880-81. He re- sided in Perham Corner, where Oliver Perham first built, Children : 1. NELO W., + 2. FRED H., + NELO W. TARBELL, son of Charles and Emma F. (Tyler) Tarbell ; born in Lyndeborough, Oct. 25, 1855 ; married first, April 9, 1879, Anna L. Kimball of Wilton. She was born March 30, 1855 ; died Aug. 13, 1882 ; married second, Jennie M. Whitney of Nashua ; born April 21, 1861. Re- sides in Nashua. Children by first wife, born in Lyndeborough : 1. SAMUEL K., b. Jan. 2, 1880. 2. JOSEPHINE F., b. July 15, 1881. FRED H. TARBELL, son of Charles and Emma (Tyler) Tarbell ; born at Wilton July 21, 1870; married Nov. 8, 1892, Emma C., daughter of Albert and Sarah (Davis) Foster of Lyndeborough. She was born at Brookline July 29, 1872. Children, all born at Lyndeborough : 1. PAUL HARRISON, b. Nov. 20, 1895, d. Feb. i, 1896. 2. MYRTLE M., b. Jan. 13, 1899, d. July 12, 1899. 3. AMY GLADYS, b. May 28, 1900. 4. DORIS K., b. May 9, 1903. HIRAM TARBELL. son of Joel and Mary (Mansfield) Tarbell ; born at Mason, N. H., March 7, 1840; married Feb. 22, 1865, Martha N, Murch of Portland, Me. She was born Aug. 25, 1837 ; died May 5, 1903. He re- sides at Manchester. Children : 1. ALICE F., b. Jan. 2, 1867, at L/yndeborough. 2. FANNIE I., b. March 3, 1873, at I,yndeborough. 3. ARTHUR C., b. May 26, 1875, at Manchester, N. H. 4. GRACE K., b. Dec. 16, 1876, at Manchester, N. H. JOSEPH TARBELL, son of Joel and Mary (Mansfield) Tarbell ; born Feb. 22, 1844 ; married June 6, 1867, Amaret, daughter of Joshua S. and Sarah (Gilchrist) Lakin of Hancock. She was born June 26, 1847. Re- sides in Hancock. Children, born in Lyndeborough : 1. SANFORD M., b. May 23, 1879. 2. EDITH E., b. Sept. 19, 1880, m. April 27, 1904, Henry E. Fiske of Dublin. TAY. NATHANIEL TAY was born at Reading, Mass. He came to Lynde- borough from Nelson, N. H., but had previously lived at Fitchburg. In 1820, in company with Elias Mclntire, he bought the farm where Dea. Nathaniel T. Mclntire lives, each owning an equal share. He married 870 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH Rachel, daughter of John and Triphena (Powers) Kidder. She was born March 8, 1769 ; died at Lyndeborough, Sept. 6, 1828. He died at Lynde- borough March 23, 1836. His marriage with Rachel Kidder was his sec- ond marriage ; we have no record of his first. TAY. FRANK B. TAY, son of Jesse and Charlotte (Duley) Tay ; born in Bedford, N. H., Jan. 21, 1837; married first, Oct. 16, 1864, Elizabeth White of Middleton, Mass. She died March 9, 1865 ; married second, Sept. 26, 1872, Sarah J. Wright of Maiden, Mass.; married third, Oct. 4, 1888, Mrs. Mary E. Goldsmith, daughter of Burnham and Mary (Sawyer) White of Andover, Mass. She was born Oct. 2, 1845. He came to Lynde- borough from Stoneham, Mass., in 1878, and bought the French place north of Badger Pond. He was a soldier in the Civil War. BRADLEY B. TAY, son of Jesse and Charlotte (Duley) Tay, built a house on the top of the mountain, south of R. C. Mason's, and resides there summers. TWITCHEL. ASA TWITCHEL came to Lyndeborough from Peterborough and settled on the place now known as the Twitchel place, North Lynde- borough. It is now used as a summer home by Mrs. M. A. Sweetser of Stoneham, Mass. We have endeavored to ascertain who the first settler was on this land. It was probably one of the Lewis family but nothing definite is known. People by the name of Crosby lived on the place at one time, and later Hezekiah Duncklee lived there. Mr. and Mrs. Twitchell removed to Peterborough about 1860. Mr. Twitchell had a sister, Mary, who lived with him. We have no record of the family. Mr. Twitchell used to display a large collection of geological specimens on his front yard fence, part of which was bought by the writer, and some of which are still in his possession. TYLER. CAPT. LEVI TYLER, born Oct. 22, 1800; married Sept. 27, 1825, Rhoda, daughter of William and Sarah (Ballard) Pettengill of Wilton. She was born Sept. 5, 1803. He died May 26, 1870. He came to Lynde- borough in 1840 and built a mill northwest of South Lyndeborough village, afterward owned by C. Henry Holt and later by Hadley Bros. He was a millwright and carpenter. He acquired his rank as captian in the 22nd Cavalry Regt., N. H. Militia. Children, none but Erastus born in Lyndeborough : 1. SARAH B., b. Dec. 19, 1826, m. Oct. 25, 1849, Abel S. Boynton. Res. in Wisconsin. 2. L,EVI A., -f- 3. RHODA M., b. Nov. 29, 1829, m. Jonathan P. Richardson of L/yndeborough. (See Richardson gen.) 4. EMMA F., b. June 17, 1834, m. Charles Tarbell of L/ynde- borough. (See Tarbell gen.) GENEALOGIES 871 5 ERASTUS F., b. in L/yndeborough, Sept. 26, 1844, d. Feb. 24, 1845. LEVI ANDREW TYLER, son of Levi and Rhoda (Pettengill) Tyler, born April 17, 1828; married Hannah, daughter of Eli and Sarah (Lor- ing) Curtis, Dec. 24, 1853. She was born June 26, 1835 ; died Aug. 20, 1884; married second, April 6, 1886, Mrs. Frances A. Bales of Wilton. Children : 1. ISABELLE V., b. Jan. 27, 1855, m. Jerome B. Shedd of Peterboro. 2. ANNA V., b. May 29, 1860, d. Feb. 5, 1897. 3. OLIVA B., b. July 15, 1868, m. B. A. French of Wilton. UPTON. ELIJAH UPTON was a descendant of Richard and Rachel (Rich) Upton of Wilmington, Mass. Their son Paul, born at Wilmington, Aug. 12, 1751, was the father of Elijah. Elijah was born at Wilmington, Nov. 6, 1785 ; married first, April 18, 1813, Alice, daughter of Aaron and Phebe (Farnum) Putnam. She was born at Lyndeborough, Dec. 7, 1792, and died at Lyndeborough, Oct. 25, 1832 ; married second, Sarah, daugh- ter of Thomas and Patty (Coburn) Bradford. Elijah the son of Paul and Jerusha (Richardson) Upton, died at Lyndeborough, Feb. 4, 1835. He lived a short distance west of South Lyndeborough village, in a house built for the use of the one that tended the grist mill there. Elijah was the miller for some years. Children born at Lyndeborough : 1. ALICE, b. Jan. 24, 1814, d. Nov. 18, 1847. 2. ELIJAH, b. May 29, 1816, d. Nov. 29, 1832. 3. JOSEPH, b. March 18, 1818, m. Eliza A. Frost, d. at Nashua, March 24, 1885. 4. MARTHA J., b. Jan. 14, 1821, m. Rufus Chamberlain. (See Chamberlain gen.) 5. NANCY A., b. May 21, 1823, d. Oct. i, 1832. 6. MARY J., b. Sept. 27, 1826, d. Aug. 3, 1830. 7. ALBERT, b. Dec. 21, 1828, d. July 25, 1829. 8. BENJAMIN F., b. Sept. 27, 1830, m. Addie Stewart of Green- field, Dec. 25, 1857. RUSSELL UPTON, son of Paul and Jerusha (Richardson) Upton, married first, Feb. 3, 1814, * Susan Dutton of Lyndeborough, and second, Lydia, daughter of Joseph and Chloe (Abbott) Gray of Wilton. She was born March 5, 1795. They were married Feb. 5, 1822. She was a sister of Dr. Israel Herrick's second wife. He lived where Adoniram Russell built near Buttrick's mills. By his first wife he had three children : Mary Ann, Susan and William, and by the second marriage, four children : George, Russell, Lydia, Albert. * She was the daughter of William and Susanna (Reed) Dutton, born Oct. 18, 1795 ; died Feb. 25, 1821. Russell Upton died Sept. 27, 1841. 872 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH WARRKN. EDWARD K. WARREN, son of Laban and Helen (Kibby) Warren, born Jan. 28, 1863 ; married July 9, 1892, Minnie A., daughter of Myron D. and Susan S. (Bowen) Magoon of Greenfield. She was born Jan. 25, 1873. Mr. Warren came to Lyndeborough from Greenfield in 1896, and bought the farm of Willis C. Perham, thence he removed to the village at the center. Children : 1. CORA M. b. Aug. 23, 1893. 2. EDWARD G., b. Aug. 23, 1895. 3. HEI^N S., b. June i, 1904. WATKINS. OLIVER WATKINS, son of Jacob S. and Maria (Wheelwright) Wat- kins, born October, 1823 ; married Mrs. Ix>is Barrett, daughter of William Meserve, and widow of Moody Barrett. She was born April 14, 1822 ; died April 14, 1892. He died March 16, 1891. He came to Lyndeborough from Boston about 1860, and lived on what is now known as the Watkins place, North Lyndeborough, where he kept a summer boarding house for many years. Child : i. - , b. July 25, 1864, m. Sept. 18, 1882, Frank Gardner of Perkinsville, Vt. WEINMAN. Thomas Wellman came from Wales in the early days of the Massa- chusetts Colony and settled in Lynnfield. Jacob, his descendant of the fourth generation, was the first of the family to come to Salein-Canada. Rev. Frank G. Clark says in his Historical Address, that "he bought a proprietor's right April 16, 1742, and occupied home lot No. 57, where David D. Clark afterward lived. The first house was in the field north of the present buildings. The house now occupied by Mr. Carson is probably one of the oldest in town." From the foregoing it will be seen that Mr. Wellman was one of the band of hardy pioneers, the first settlers of Salem-Canada. He was the son of Abraham and Elizabeth (Taylor) Wellman, born April 24, 1720, at L,ynnfield, Mass. He married Jane Johnson, probably of Dunstable, Mass., and it would seem from the records at hand that he came to Salem-Canada from Dunstable. Owing to the depredations of the Indians he evidently soon returned, for Jacob, Jr., his eldest son, was born there. That he returned to Salem-Canada as soon as it was safe to do so, is evident from the fact that his second child, James, was born in Salem-Canada. He was a captain in the army. (See Chap. VII). It is said of him, "that he faithfully discharged all the duties pertaining to the many offices which were conferred upon him at Lyndeborough." He died Sept. 22, 1797, aged 78 years. Children of Capt. Jacob and Jane (Johnson) Wellman : 1. JACOB, JR., -f- 2. JAMES, b. in 1747, d. in the army during the Revolution. GENEALOGIES 873 3. ABRAHAM, b. in 1748, m. Rebecca Pearsons. He served in the Continental Army, and lived some years after the close of the war. He received a pension. Rem. to Maine about 1785- 4. JOHN, + 5. ANN, b. in 1750, m. John Howes. 6. ELIZABETH, b. in 1751, m. Joseph Robeson. JACOB WELLMAN, JR., son of Capt. Jacob and Jane (Johnson) Well- man ; born May 13, 1746, in Dunstable, Mass.; married first, Hannah, daughter of Dea. Melchisedek Boffee of Lyndeborough. She was born May 5, 1745 ; died Jan. 28, 1793 ; married second, Elizabeth Moore. She was born Aug. 9, 1757; died in Sept., 1848. He died April 20, 1834. He was a soldier in the Continental Army, and in the winter of 1775 marched to Charlestown and encamped at Winter Hill, and was wounded in the Bat- tle of Bunker Hill. The next day he was carried to the hospital at Cam- bridge and when sufficiently recovered returned to Lyndeborough. It is related of him that in company with Thomas Johnson he was in the woods one day in search of timber when they saw a bear approaching. One of them had an axe in his hand and the other a handspike, and they held their ground, standing perfectly still. The bear came on until pretty near them, then stopped and began growling and making other hostile demonstrations, but suddenly hitched back a few steps and fled from their sight. Wellman said Johnson was paler than he was when facing the British at the Battle of Bunker Hill. At another time, in com- pany with another man, hunting bears, they had driven one into its den, in which there were some cubs. Wellman agreed to crawl into the cave, having first fastened a rope to his ankles and instructed his com- panion to pull him out if he jerked the rope. With his musket in his hand he cautiously crawled into the cave until he could see the bear's eyes glisten, then took aim and fired and lost no time in backing out. They then built a fire to smoke out the cubs. But after awhile they found the old bear dead, and the cubs, two in number, suffocated. To crawl into a den where there was a bear guarding her cubs would seem to require nerve of the highest kind. Children by first wife : 1. HANNAH, b. Sept. 13, 1767, m. David Jennings of L,ynde- borough. They had two or three sons and a daughter. 2. JACOB, 4- 3. DAVID, b. Nov. 28, 1772, m. Sarah Faxon. Was county sheriff and d. in Washington, N. H. 4. SAMUEL, b. Nov. 20, 1773, d. March, 1835. Was a soldier in the army five years, and went with the troops to the banks of the Mississippi River in 1792, when our territories were threatened by French and Spanish. He was a man of strict integrity of character. 5. THOMAS, b. Feb. 4, 1777, m. L/ydia Knowlton, rem. to Maine. They had thirteen children. 874 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH 6. MARY, b. Jan. 2, 1779, m. 1802, Jonathan Bosworth of Hart- ford, Me. She d. Dec. 1825. 7. BETSEY, b. Feb. 17, 1781, m. Jan. 30, 1803, Stephen Bos- worth of Buckfield, Me. She d. July, 1816. 8. JAMES, b. Feb. 25, 1783, m. Jan. 26, 1806, Sarah Francis. She was b. Oct. 15, 1786. He rein, to Farmington, Me., in 1805. 9. EBENEZER BRYANT, b. June 7, 1785, m. 1810, Carrie Parker, rein, to Maine. 10. JOHN, -f- Children by second wife : 11. WILLIAM M., b. Dec. 20, 1795, d. Feb. 19, 1812. 12. DANIEL, b. Jan. 13, 1798, d. March 29, 1798. JACOB WEIvL/MAN, son of Jacob, Jr., and Hannah (Boffee) Wellman ; born Feb. 17, 1771 ; married Sarah Orne. She died April 4, 1866. He died Oct., 1817. Children : 1. THOMAS, b. 1794, in. Irene Miner. 2. SARAH, m. Francis Cram. 3. HANNAH, m. Alden Casey. 4. JACOB, m. Sophie Miner. JOHN WELIvMAN, son of Jacob Jr., and Hannah (Boffee) Wellman ; born July 18, 1790; married Betsey Moore. She was born Dec. 25, 1795. He was a member of the Calvin ist Baptist Church for fifty years, and was generally known as "John the Baptist." He died in 1855. Children : 1. WILLIAM, b. Nov. 25, 1819, d. 1852, committed suicide. 2. JESSE P., b. July 4, 1821, was supposed to have been killed in a railroad accident at Norwalk, Conn. 3. NANCY E., b. Feb. 24, 1823, m. Daniel Sargent of Milford. 4. JOHN, b. March 15, 1825. 5. HANNAH J., b. June n, 1827, d. Jan. 21, 1838. 6. ISRAEL W., b. March i, 1829, rem. to Stoddard. 7. KEZIAH, b. May 5, 1831, m. Hiram Story, rem. to Antrim, 1889. 8. JAMES M., b. Sept. 30, 1835. Was a soldier in the Civil War. (See Chap. X.) 9. MARY J., b. Jan. 17, 1839. JOHN WEI/LMAN, son of Capt. Jacob and Jane (Johnson) Wellman ; born 1758; married Ann Thissell. He died June 30, 1826; she died March 23, 1851, aged eighty years. He was a soldier in the Continental Army. Children : i. POLLY, b. Jan. 2, 1779, d. Sept. n, 1863. GENEALOGIES 875 2. JOHN, 2ND, d. Dec. 21, 1875. He lived on the same farm and in the same house in which he and his father were born. He was more commonly known as "Spud" Well- man. WILDER. ERWIN D. WILDER, son of Cyrus and Nancy (Erwin) Wilder, born at New Boston, Oct. 14, 1828; married Jan. n, 1854, Sarah E., daughter of Peter and Elizabeth (Messer) Kendall of Dunstable, Mass. She was born Oct. 10, 1832. He came to I/yndeborough from Nashua in 1865, and in 1867 settled on the Daniel Boardman place, North Lyndeborough, purchasing it of his brother, Alfred. He is a carpenter and builder, and also a farmer. He was selectman in 1876, and is a man well liked in the community. Children, the three older born at Nashua : 1. ALFRED E., b. Feb. 25, 1855, m. March 12, 1879, Charlotte A., dau. of John and Mary (Crombie) Andrews of New Boston. She was b. Nov. 5, 1848. He d. Dec. 19, 1903. Child : Mary E., b. June 23, 1883. 2. CHARGES F., b. Jan. n, 1857, m. June 9, 1879, Mary F. Whittier of Newton, N. H. She was b. March 4, 1861. Children: Howard E., b. April 3, 1885; Mabel E., b. Nov. 27, 1888 ; Wallace W. Res. at Amesbury, Mass. 3. ARTHUR W., b. Oct. 2, 1860, m. June 2, 1888, Clara E. Peaslee of Roxbury, Mass. She was b. June 2, 1866. Children : Erwin S., b. March 21, 1889 ; Esther W. Res. at Newton, ^N. H. 4. WILLIAM C., b. at Lyndeborough, Sept. 13, 1868, m. Sept. 21, 1892, Adria A., dau. of Emery and Ella (Russell) Holt, b. Jan. 8, 1873. Children : Bertha E., b. Oct. 26, 1900: Gladys Elizabeth, b. at New Boston, Nov. 21, 1901 ; Carl Emery, b. Aug. 27, 1903 ; Ruth Gertrude, b. at I/yndeborough, June 5, 1905. ALFRED WILDER, a brother of Erwin D., born in 1826; came to Lyndeborough from Nashua and lived for a few years on the Boardman place. He married Naomi McConnihee of Mont Vernon. He removed to Greenville and later to Milford, where he died December, 1898. Of his four children one, George, was born in Lyndeborough, Oct. 25, 1865. WILKERSON. EDWIN C. WILKERSON, son of Herbert and Flora (Putnam) Wilkerson, born Aug. 20, 1873, i fl Wilton ; married Rebecca, daughter of Hugh and Margaret (Archie) Morrison of Yorkshire, England, Nov. 20, 1895. She was born Aug. 13, 1871. Children born in Lyndeborough : i. HILDA M., b. July 7, 1897. 876 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH 2. GERTRUDE, b. Feb. 2, 1899. 3. BERTRAM C., b. March 24, 1903. WIUJAMS. THOMAS A. WILLIAMS, son of James and Mary (Brooks) Williams, born at Manchester, England, Nov. 5, 1857; married Nov. 10, 1881, Hattie E., daughter of Phineas Collier of Boston, Mass. She was born Nov. 20, 1861. He lived at the Bixby place and was postmaster at the centre from 1889 until the office was discontinued in 1901. He was tax collector in 1900-1901. Resides in Boston. Child : i. HERBERT C.,b. Jan. 27, 1887. JAMES H. WILLIAMS, son of James and Mary (Brooks) Williams, born at Manchester, England; married first, Lizzie J. Leach of Waltham, Mass ; married second, Hattie E. Hapgood of Standish, Me. Children : 1. ANNIE E., b. Jan. 7, 1876, at Peru, Me. 2. THOMAS A., b. July 3, 1881, at Hartford, Me. WILSON. ALBRO M. WILSON, son of Griffin and Elizabeth (Stevens) Wilson, born in Nelson, April i, 1846; married July 18, 1874, Rosa M., daughter of Edward and Betsey (Way) Sulham. She was born March 19, 1857. Was in the provision business at South Lyndeborough for a while. Removed to Milford in 1886, where he died April 14, 1902. Children, all born in Lyndeborough but the youngest : 1. ALBERT G., b. Dec. 19, 1875. Res. in Milford. 2. ELMER M., b. April 9, 1877, m. March 3, 1900, Georgia F. H., dau. of Stephen and Maria (Martin) Blanchard. Res. in Milford. 3. GEORGE S., b. July 19, 1883. 4. HAROLD L/., b. in Milford, Sept. 19, 1895. WIIySON. MILLARD WILSON, son of David and Lois (Messer) Wilson, born Nov. 27, 1851 ; married Sept. 5, 1880, Ida L., daughter of David and Lenora (Kendall) Morse of Alexandria, N. H. She was born Oct. 23, 1859. He came to Lyndeborough from Greenfield in 1898, and settled on the Manning place, north of the mountain. Children : 1. WILLIAM P., b. April 6, 1881. 2. DAVID E., b. June 14, 1883. WINN. GEORGE E. WINN, son of Erwin and Jane (Pollard) Winn, born April 18, 1844, in Bennington ; married first, Feb. 22, 1867, C. S. Smith, daughter of Louis and Cynthia Smith. She was born June, 1849 ; married second, Nov. 14, 1892, Camelia W., daughter of Freeman and Ruth GENEALOGIES 877 (Jackman) Elkins and widow of David S. Draper. She was born Sept. 15, 1845. He was a soldier during the Civil War. (See Chap. X.) Chil- dren by first wife, all born in Wilton : j. GEORGE A., b. Feb. 4, 1868. 2. MARY E., b. March, 1870. 3. IDA J., b. Aug. 13, 1872. 4. FRANK A., b. Nov. 23, 1879, m. Jan. i, 1903, Clara B., dau. of Daniel A. and May (Hoyt) Colby of Francestown. WHEELER. Nathan Wheeler was one of the early settlers of Temple. He married Lydia Adams of Concord, Mass., and it was from that town they came to Temple. They had three children. Nathan and Josiah came to Lynde- borough. The other child was Lydia, born Aug. 19, 1783. Nathan re- turned to Temple about 1820. NATHAN WHEELER, son of Nathan and Lydia (Adams) Wheeler; born at Temple, Oct. 20, 1781 ; married Rachel . Children, born in Lyndeborough : 1. NATHAN C., b. May 9, 1805. 2. EPHRAIM A., b. March 31, 1809. 3. JONATHAN, d. April 16, 1809. 4. LUTHER, b. Feb. 21, 1812. 5. THOMAS, b. March 23, 1814. JOSIAH WHEELER, son of Nathan and Lydia (Adams) Wheeler; born in Temple, N. H., May n, 1786; died Oct. 4, 1874; married first, Dolly Shattuck of Temple, N. H., Dec. 31, 1811. She was born Sept. i, 1788; died Aug. 14, 1845; married second, Mrs. Dorothy (Whiting) Killan of Thetford, Vt., April 29, 1846. She was born March 14, 1795 ; died Dec. 4, 1870. He built the house at the Centre known as the Wheeler house in 1813, and lived there until his death. He was a car- penter by trade and his work as a craftsman was done before the days of planing machines and other labor saving devices. He was thoroughly honest and upright in all his dealings, a sincere and earnest Christian and a constant attendant at church service. He had a quaint and dry humor, and was quiet and retiring in disposition. The boys all liked "Uncle Si," and he was never too busy to attend to their wants. The Franklin Library was for many years in his house under the care of his wife, and many of the books were of her selection. He was town treas- urer of Lyndeborough for thirty-one consecutive years. Children by first wife, born in Lyndeborough: 1. DOLLY, b. Dec. 14, 1814, m. Henry I. Kimball of Springfield, Vt., March 3, 1840. He was b. April n, 1813, d. Oct. 25, 1862. Children : L,ydia Annah, Alice Wheeler, Janie. 2. L,YDIA, b. June 8, 1818, m. Thomas P. Rand of Francestown. (See Rand gen.) HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH 3. JOSIAH KIMBALL, b. July 15, 1822, m. first, Abby A. Marsh of Hudson, Nov. 22, 1849. She was b. April 23, 1827,0!. June 12, 1865; m. second, Abbie A. Wilson of New Ip- swich, Dec. 28, 1865. She was b. July 28, 1836. Mr. Wheeler removed to Hudson, where he has since lived. He represented that town in the legislature in 1871. Was town clerk and treasurer in 1869, 1870, 1871, and 1872, select- man five years, and was moderator for many years, which record shows in what esteem the citizens of that town hold him. He is a farmer and a successful business man. They have one adopted daughter. WHEELER. JONAS WHEELER was born July 31, 1801 ; married May 6, 1822, Mary Hall of Brookline. She was born June 2, 1803 ; died Nov. 26, 1862. Chil- dren : 1. WILLIAM GLOVER, b. July 28, 1829. 2. SALATHIEL L/IDSON, -|- 3. MARY A., b. March 5, 1833, m. C. Henry Holt. (See Holt gen.) 4. MARTHA KARR, b. Nov. 23, 1834, m. Otis Chamberlain. (See Chamberlain gen.) 5. DUSTIN H., b. April 13, 1837, m. first, Mrs. Lucinda Hall, m. second, Mrs. Dundy. 6. MARCUS DE H., b. Dec. 13, 1839. 7. SAMANTHA A., b. Sept. 29, 1841, m. Hiram Bailey, of Peterborough, res. in Burlington, Vt. SALATHIEL L. WHEELER, son of Jonas and Mary (Hall) Wheeler ; born Feb. 6, 1831 ; married Jan. 2, 1855, Mary J. Carpenter of Vermont. He died May 10, 1890. Children : 1. MARY A., m. Charles O. Clement. (See Clement gen.) 2. CHARLES L,., b. Nov. 5, 1866, m. Catharine Watts of Eng- land. Children : Florence, Ethel. Res. in Wilton. 3. MINNIE, b. June 2, 1874, d. Sept. 21, 1874. 4. MINNIE M., b. Oct. 23, 1875 m. George Blanchard < Greenfield, res. in Greenfield. WHITING. JOSEPH WHITING was born in 1727. He married when he was about thirty years of age, Abigail Chamberlain of Dunstable, Mass. She was a daughter of Thomas Chamberlain, who married a sister of Col. Joseph Blanchard of Dunstable. Joseph Whiting came to Lyndeborongh in the spring of 1793 and settled on what has since been known as the Whiting GENEALOGIES 879 place, in the north part of the town. The buildings have been torn down, but the site is a little way to the west of the No. 8 schoolhouse. He died in Merrimac, Feb., 1807. He had seven sons and three daughters. One of these sons, Oliver, remained in Lyndeborough. OLIVER WHITING, son of Joseph and Abigail (Chamberlain) Whit. ing; born Jan. 29, 1769; married 1793 Hannah Marshall of Billerica, Mass. She died Oct.. 1843. He died July 15, 1815. The Whiting family were prominent in town and social affairs, and at the time they were living in Lyndeborough the section of the town northwest of the mountain was the most prosperous and its citizens the most influential of any. Now it is grown over with bushes, and nothing but cellar holes mark the place where once were well cultivated farms and substantial dwellings, where were raised large families of children. Not much is known of the older families of this section. They are ex- tinct in this town. Children : 1. HANNAH, b. Oct. 6, 1793, m. Jan. 29, 1824, Enoch Ordway of Lyndeborough. They removed to Jasper. N. Y., the next spring. He was very active in church work and started the first Sunday School in Jasper. It was held in his house for some time. He was drowned while going down the Canister River with a raft of logs May 14, 1851. She d. March 14, 1851. 2. ALICE, b. May 29, 1796, m. Nov. 24, 1825, Samuel Dennis of Jasper, N. Y., formerly of Hancock, N. H. She d. Sept. 15, 1856. 3. OLIVER, + 4. OLIVE, b. Jan. 24, 1800, m. Jan. 24, 1822, Daniel Boardman of Lyndeborough. After the death of Mr. Boardman, she m. Samuel Dennis of Jasper, N. Y. She d. Sept. 16, 1860. 5. THOMAS, b. April 30, 1802, m. Oct. 16, 1828, Sarah Cram of Lyndeborough. She d. June 19, 1889. He d. Oct. 31, 1878. He traveled the entire distance from Lyndeborough to Jasper, N. Y., on foot three times. He went to Jasper and bought a farm, cleared some land, built a house, re- turned to Lyndeborough, married, and returned again to Jasper. He became very influential in church and town affairs, and was ruling elder in the Presbyterian church for many years. 6. JONATHAN, b. May 8, 1807, m. 1832, Lavisa Wilkins of Francestown. He d. Dec. 21, 1868. He was much inter- ested in temperance reform and became a very successful farmer. He removed to Jasper soon after his marriage. 7. ANSTIS, b. Aug. 30, 1809, d. 1831. 880 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH 8. CHARLES, b. July 25, 1813, m. Oct. 26, 1843, Sarah M. Wyman. He d. May 5, 1855. He graduated from Dart- mouth College in 1839 and became a Congregationalist minister. DBA. OLIVER WHITING, son of Oliver and Hannah (Marshall) Whiting, born April 3, 1798 ; married Huldah, daughter of Ithemer and Huldah (Sharp) Woodward, April 19, 1827. She was born Aug. 2, 1795; died Jan. 26, 1885. He died Oct. 10, 1886. He remained on the old Whiting homestead until 1845, when he removed to Manchester. He went to Jasper, N. Y., in 1854. He was thoroughly identified with the life of the church and town. Was deacon of the Congregational Church and selectman a number of years. Children, all born in Lynde- borough : 1. HULDAH J., b. May 3, 1829, m. May, 1861, J. Perkins Towns. Res. in Methuen, Mass. 2. OLIVER LYNDON, b. Nov. 23, 1830. Went to California when 19 years old. He has not been heard from for many years. Supposed to be dead. 3. CHARLES MILTON, b. July 18, 1833, m. twice. Served four years in the army during the Civil War, d. July or August, 1901. 4. JOSEPH, b. Jan. 30, 1835, m. I^ucy E. Jackson of Norwalk, O. He graduated from L,ima College, N. Y., in 1866, and from the Auburn Theological school in 1873. He has been a missionary in China for 30 years. In 1900, during the Boxer outbreak, he had to leave his home and go to the Methodist Mission, and when that became unsafe he went to the British Legation and was there all through the Seige of ^ekin. He came to the United States and re- mained a year, then returned to Pekin, where he now is. 5. ANSTIS M., b. May 16, 1838, m. July 26, 1861, J. Susanna Sargent of Jasper, N. Y., d. Dec. 6, 1872. 6. WILLIAM H., b. Jan. 3, 1842, m. Carrie Andrews of Rochester, N. Y. Is a lawyer in Rochester. WHITMARSH. CHARLES WHITMARSH was born in Braintree, Mass., June 12, 1763 ; married Anna Faxon, Nov. 27, 1782. She died July 9, 1846. He died May 14, 1821. He was a blacksmith and had a shop on top of the hill west of E. D. Wilders's and a house opposite. He afterward moved to where the house owned by D. E. Proctor stands. But little can be learned about him. Children : 1. ANNA, b. May 7, 1785. 2. SALLY, b. Nov. 12, 1787. GENEALOGIES 881 3. BETSEY, b. May 17, 1789. 4. CHARLES, + 5. THOMAS, b. June 8, 1794, d. Nov. 13, 1796. 6. POLLY, b. July 23, 1796, d. Feb. 26, 1820. 7. MARGERY, b. July 24, 1798. 8. NABBY, b. Oct. 10, 1800. 9. HANNAH, b. July 22, 1803, d. Nov. 4, 1818. 10. WILLIAM F., b. Dec. 6, 1805. CHARLES WHITMARSH, son of Charles and Anna (Faxon) Whit- marsh, born Feb. 23, 1792 ; married Hannah Epps, Dec. i, 1814. She was born April 15, 1796; died May 30, 1867. He died Sept. 5, 1838. Children : Mary Ann, Mary Ann, Charles E., Francis P., Joseph J., Harriet, Lewis, George L., William F. Most of the descendants of this branch of the Whitmarsh family reside in Denmark, Iowa, and in South Dakota. WHITNEY. MARTIN WHITNEY, born in Sherburn, Vt., July 18, 1838 ; married Nancy E., daughter of Edgar and Miranda (Dutton) Rand, March 10, 1859. She was born Jan. 6, 1834. He lived on the old town farm, which he bought soon after it was sold by the town, and he kept the store at the centre for a few years, during which time he was postmaster. He removed from town about 1880 and resides at Hillsboro. Children, all but Charles M., born in Lyndeborough : 1. EDGAR R., b. Jan. 19, 1861, m. Dec. 5, 1885, Emma P. Harvey. Children : Frank A., Helen E., John E., Harry L,. Res. in Antrim. 2. CHARLES M., b. in Mont Vernon, May 2, 1863, d. Aug. n, 1865. 3. ARTHUR M., b. Jan. 28, 1866, m. July 12, 1890, Mabel M. Cram. Child : Vona. Res. in Deering. 4. MIRANDA L. A., b. Oct. 20, 1873, m. Feb. 5, 1891, John M. Davis. Res. in Hillsboro, N. H. WHITTEMORE. The origin of the name Whittemore is found by tracing the genealogy of Thomas, the first American ancestor, back twelve generations to one John, upon whom Henry III. of England, about A. D. 1230, bestowed a title for heroism in battle and at the same time gave him a large tract of land called Whyte-mere, the meaning of which is white meadow or white plain. From that time John was known as John Lord de (of) Whytemere. After four generations the de was dropped and Whytemere with variations in spelling became the surname of John's descendants. Thomas Whittemore, the common American ancestor of the Whitte- more family, came to this country from Hitchin, County of Hertford, 882 HIS TOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH England, sometime between the years 1639 and 1645. He settled in that part of Charlestown, Mass., which is now embraced within the limits of the city of Everett, Mass. Daniel Whittemore, the first of the family to come to Lyndeborough, was of the fourth generation from Thomas, as follows : Thomas, John, Daniel, Daniel. It is claimed that he made the first permanent clearing north of the mountain ; but John Stephenson certainly started to make a "beginning" there previous to the date of Daniel's coming, but as related in another place he removed to the south of the mountain. The log house that Daniel Whittemore built was situated in the field about 50 rods northwest of the present buildings. It is probable that he did not occupy it long, for he soon built a frame house about 25 rods southeast of the present buildings. It was in this latter that Jona- than lived and died. It was torn down and some of the material was used in building the present shed. Samuel, another son of Daniel, built a house on the hill directly east of the farm buildings now in use. Here he lived for several years. Aaron, grandfather of Daniel B., built on the present location. DANIEI/ WHITTEMORE, born Jan. 16, 1717; married Sept. 10, 1739, Eleanor Osborne. He died at Lyndeborough, March 7, 1776. He was the earliest settler in that part of the town which lies north of the mountain. He took a deed of a lot of land there, April 28, 1770, and made his beginning that same year. He came from Danvers, Mass. A part of that lot of land is still occupied by his descendant, Daniel B. Whittemore. While building his log .house he used to go over the moun- tain to spend the night at the house of Dea. David Badger, then the nearest neighbor to him. His way to and from the house was only a foot path and his guide boards were blazed trees. His children were probably all born at Danvers, Mass.; the four older never lived in I/yndeborough. Children : 1. DANIEL, b. Jan. 19, 1742, d. young. 2. JOSEPH, b. Dec. 19, 1743. 3. CLARK, b. Aug. n, 1746, d. in infancy. 4. JOHN, b. Nov. 14, 1748. 5. SAMUEL, b. Nov. 8, 1750, m. Dec. 5, 1774, Jenny Searles. He rem. to Concord between 1790 and 1795. He d. May, 1821. 6. ELEANOR, b. March 12, 1751, m. John Hutchinson. She d. May 19, 1782. 7. JONATHAN, -j- 8. AARON, -)- 9. MARY, b. March 12, 1757, m. Jan. 9, 1799, Simon I^ow. 10. CLARK, b. Oct. 17, 1758. 11. DANIEL, b. Sept. 28, 1761. 12. HANNAH, b. Aug. 6, 1764, m. 1785, Amos Stoning. JONATHAN WHITTEMORE, son of Daniel and Eleanor (Osborne) GENEALOGIES 883 Whittemore, born Feb. 12, 1753 ; married Sept. 25, 1777, Elizabeth Down- ing. She died April i, 1834. He died March 16, 1789. Children: 1. SUSANNA, b. Aug. 3, 1778, m. 1798, Jonathan Kimball. She d. July 4, 1814. 2. CLARK, -(- 3. * JAMES, b. July 4, 1787, m. I^ydia Carter. Their children were James, b. April 26, 1815 ; Hannah, Charles A., Mary A. CLARK WHITTEMORE, son of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Downing) Whittemore, born Aug. 21, 1782 ; married Sept. 10, 1810, Hannah, daughter of Amos and Hannah (Whittemore) Stoning. He died in Lyndeborough, March 25, 1826. Children : 1. HANNAH, b. Aug. 8, 1811, m. May 19, 1841, Clark Kimball. Rem. to Pennsylvania. 2. ELIZA D., b. Feb. 27, 1813, m. Oct. 22, 1831, Alanson Burnham. 3. CLARK, b. April 24, 1815, d. July, j8i7. 4. AMOS S., b. Aug. 6, 1818, m. first, July n, 1847, Caroline Griffin of Francestown. Shed. June 7, 1853; m. second, Oct. 21, 1855, Eliza J. Moore of Francestown. He d. Feb. 8, 1886. 5. JONATHAN, b. Feb. 16, 1824, m. Annie A. Conchlin, Sept. X 3> J 853. He rem. to Pennsylvania. AARON WHITTEMORE, son of Daniel and Eleanor (Osborne) Whittemore, born Feb. 5, 1755 ; married Ruth Downing in 1786. She died June, 1834. He died Jan. i, 1825. He was a soldier in the Revo- lutionary War and was in Capt. Peter Clark's company, Stark's Brigade, at the Battle of Bennington. Children : 1. THOMAS, b. April, 1788, d. April, 1797. 2. AARON, -j- 3. CALEB, b. Jan. 22, 1792, m. March 22, 1821, Sarah Dodge. He d. August, 1879. Child: Jonathan, b. September, 1822. 4. RUTH, b. June 8, 1796, m. Feb. 29, 1820, David Smith. He d. Oct. 8, 1872. She d. Aug. 14, 1889. Children: John A. V., b. July 19, 1823; Aaron W., b. Sept. 24, 1829; David, b. Nov. 29, 1832; Mary A. B., b. Aug. 8, 1836, d. September, 1891. 5. and 6. SARAH and WILLIAM (twins), b. Jan. 13, 1800. Sarah, m. William Marble. William m. Jan. 21, 1829, Nancy Wilkins. He d. May 25, 1873. She d. Sept. 2, *This family removed to Suncook, N. H. 884 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH 1887. Children: Anstis B., b. Jan. 22, 1832 ; William W., b. June 5, 1837; Aaron F., b. March i, 1841 ; Sarah N., b. Oct. 29, 1845. AARON WHITTEMORE, son of Aaron and Ruth (Downing) Whitte- more, born Oct. 2, 1790; married April 29, 1817, Betsey, daughter of James and Betsey (Hosey) Weston of Francestown. She was born Sept. 2, 1795 ! died March 30, 1858. He died Aug. 14, 1834. Children : 1. DANIEL BOARDMAN, -f- 2. AARON, b, Feb. 22, 1821, d. Oct. 4, 1841. 3. JAMES, b. Jan. 4, 1823, d. Jan. i, 1836. 4. WIUJAM L/EWIS, + 5. HARRIET NEWELL, b. March 12, 1826, d. June 17, 1858. 6. JOHN WESTON, b. Feb. 23, 1828. He had a decided taste for scientific studies and the ingenuity for making appara- tus for their illustration. He gave the first of a number of scientific lectures in 1851, illustrating the facts with electri- cal and other machines of his own construction. These machines are still in existence. He d. Jan. 8, 1858. 7. ELIZA ANN, b. Jan. 24, 1830, d. Jan. 23, 1873. DANIEL B. WHITTEMORE, son of Aaron and Betsey (Weston) Whittemore, born Sept. 6, 1819; married Oct. 31, 1858, Ann E., daughter of Rodney C. and Nancy J. (Barnes) Boutwell. She was born May 4, 1837. He lived several years in Boston and in Danvers, Mass., and returned in 1844 to the Whittemore homestead farm at North Lyndebor- ough. He is one of the few who own farms their ancestors cleared of the virgin forest. He served on the board of selectmen in 1879 and 1880 and represented the town in the Legislature in 1883. He has endeavored to apply the principles of science to his calling as a farmer and is well versed in the chemistry of fertilizers and stock foods. Of undoubted integrity of character, with a clean record, he has the confidence and good wishes of all who know him. Children : 1. HARRY .WESTON, -|- 2. DANA BARNES, b. March 9, 1862. HARRY W. WHITTEMORE, son of Daniel B. and Ann E. (Bout- well) Whittemore, born Dec. 19, 1859; married July n, 1900, Mary B., daughter of Edward B. and Esther (Wyatt) Eastman of Amherst. Mass. She was born Oct. 2, 1872, and graduated at Smith College in 1894. He entered Tufts College in 1882 and graduated in 1886. He took a post graduate course and received the degree of A.M. in 1889. He made teaching his vocation for a number of years. In 1898, he engaged in the printing business in Maiden, Mass., removing in 1901 to Tufts College, where he established The Tufts College Press. Child : i. RODNEY EASTMAN, b. Sept. 20, 1904. WILLIAM LEWIS WHITTEMORE, son of Aaron and Betsey (Wes- GENEALOGIES 885 ton) Whittemore ; born at Francestown, Aug. 21, 1824. He received his early education in the common schools of Lyndeborough, and was a pupil at Francestown Academy for several years. He then, having deter- mined to make teaching his life work, entered Prof. William Russell's Normal Institute, where he remained about three years. He then took a special course at Amherst College and still later he entered the scien- tific department of Harvard University, completing the two-year course in 1854. He began to teach school in 1844 in the little red schoolhouse where he had been a schoolboy for a dozen years and where his father had been a pupil forty years earlier. For the first five years he taught in L,yndeborough, Greenfield and New Boston, and the next five in Wilton and Mont Vernon, coming to Milford in 1855, where he remained the principal of the high school for twelve years. He then opened a private school of his own. He spent two or three years in travel in Burope and in the United States, always with a view of studying the best educational methods employed. In 1876 he commenced teaching in Boston, where he remained twenty years. He is man of scientific attainments and of note in the educational interests of his day. He resides at Milford. WOODS. CHARLES E. WOODS, son of George C. and Keziah D. (Metcalf) Woods ; born Sept. 7, 1856 ; married first, Sept. 8, 1875, Emma A. Marston of Manchester. She died Aug. 6, 1893 ; married second, March 17, 1897, Mrs. Stella C. Avery, daughter of Thomas i,. and Mary F. (Fuller) Geer, and widow of Frank T. Avery. She was born June 21, 1853. Mr. Woods came to Lyndeborough in 1901, and bought the place just south of where John H. Goodrich lives. A son by a former marriage of Mrs. Woods, George R. Avery, born Feb. 15, 1888, lives with them. WOODWARD. There are two accounts of the origin of the name Woodward. One writer says the name is a compound one, derived from the words "wood" and "ward " or woodwarden, signifying a keeper of the forest. Another writer on English genealogy traces the name to the Norman Du Boiguarde and thence to the Norse Vidavarde. One Vidavarde equipped ten ships for the service of Rollo, first duke of Normandy, and for eminent service was granted an estate in Normandy. They came to England with Wil- liam the Conqueror. Nathan Woodward was standard bearer for a troop of horse in His Majesty's service and was the founder of the Standish Hall branch of the family. The name of this family in the Anglo-Nor- man is Du Boiguarde Anglicized it is Woodward. Richard Woodward in the year 1415 at the battle of Agincourt so dis- tinguished himself for valor and skill as to call forth the King's heartfelt thanks before the army at Windsor. The greyhound in the coat of arms signifies alertness, vigilance and fidelity and the ermin purity in the ad- ministration of justice. Some of the family became imbued with the Puritan belief, and they were subsequently required to make oath that they keep their teachings within their own families, and rather than submit to such tyranny and being heavily fined for contumacy they resolved to emigrate to America. 886 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH The Woodwards of L,yndeborough are descendants of Richard Wood- ward who embarked in the ship Elizabeth, William Andrews, master, at Ipswich, April 10, 1634. He was accompanied by his wife Rose, aged fifty, and two sons, George, aged thirteen, and John, aged eleven. He first settled in Newton, but soon became one of the earliest proprietors of Watertown, Mass., owning 300 acres of laud, now a part of Boston. He died Feb. 16, 1664 ; his wife died Oct. 6, 1662. He was made a freeman Sept. 2, 1635. He married second, April 18, 1663, Mrs. Ann Gates, widow of Stephen Gates of Cambridge. She died Feb. 5, 1682. EPHRAIM WOODWARD of Brooklyn, Conn., was of the fourth gen- eration from Richard, being a descendant of his son John. Ephraim was the fourth child of; John and Hannah (Hyde) Woodward, who came to Canterbury, Conn., from Watertown, Mass. He was born Jan. 8, 1710. He married first, Jan. 14, 1736, Hannah Williams of Brooklyn, Conn. She died and he married second, Huldah, daughter of John Cram of I/ynde- borough July 22, 1742. By his first wife he had two children, Hannah, born 1737, and Eleazer, born January 8, 1738, both born in Brooklyn, Conn., but settled in I/yndeborough. By his second marriage he had six children. Of these Ithemer, John, David and Hannah settled in Lynde- borough. His second wife died Aug. 21, 1810. Children by second wife : 1. ABIGAIL, b. March 24, 1743. 2. ITHEMER, -f- 3. WARD, + 4. JOHN, + 5. DAVID, b. 1755. 6. HANNAH, b. Jan. 24, 1757. ITHEMER WOODWARD, son of Ephraim and Huldah (Cram) Wood- ward, born Jan. 21, 1749; married Huldah Sharp. She died in Frances- towu July 12, 1823. He died in Francestown Jan. 9, 1839. He settled in the extreme northwest part of the town, which was afterward annexed to Francestown. In the History of Francestown is the record of a petition of certain residents of I,yndeborough to be annexed to Francestown. The petition is dated Jan. 7, 1791, and Ithemer Woodward's name is at the head. This petition was granted in 1792, and that section of the town became a part of Francestown. He was a Revolutionary soldier, and his name is on the rolls of both Lyndeborough and Francestown. His wife was b. Oct. 13, 1749. Children : i. ELIPHALET, b. Nov. 16, 1774, m. March 4, 1802, Polly But- terfield of Francestown, rem. to Hanover, N. H. 2. DANIEL, + 3. DELIA, b. July 9, 1780, m. Nov. 17, 1808, Ephraim David- son of L,andgrove Vt. The town record of births contains the following : Abigail, dau. of Ephraim Davidson and Delia his wife, b. April 3, 1815, d. Aug. 9, 1815; Almira, dau. of ditto, b. April 30, 1817, d. July 13, 1817 ; Sarah GENEALOGIES 887 S., dau. of ditto, b. Dec. 28, 1818 ; Peter, son of ditto, b. Nov. 23, 1823. 4. ELIJAH, -f 5. lyUCY, b. Sept. 9, 1784, m. April 7, 1808, Ephraim P. Wood- ward of Brooklyn, Conn. 6. BENJAMIN, b. May 12, 1789, m. Betsey Bixby of Frances- town. He d. July 21, 1859. She d. July 19, 1862. 7. AARON, b. Dec. 19, 1793, d. Dec. 20, 1866. 8. HULDAH, b. Aug. 2, 1795, m; Oliver Whiting of L/yndebor- ough. (See Whiting gen.) DANIEL WOODWARD, son of Ithemer and Huldah (Sharp) Wood- ward; born Jan. 30, 1777; married first, Lucy Burnham of Essex, Mass., Dec. 29, 1803. She died Aug. 19, 1830. He married second, May I, 1848, Hannah, daughter of John and Judith (Foster) Woodward. She was born Jan. 20, 1781 ; died Nov. 16, 1853. He married third, Hannah M., daugh- ter of Israel and Hannah (Hardy) Woodward. He died in Francestown June 25, 1867. He bought a farm in the northwest part of the town. There is said to have been a log house standing when he bought it. In 1827 he built a brick house which was later burned while occupied by Sumner French. All of his children were born there. In 1846 he moved to the "old store house" at the Centre and lived there many years. He later went to live with his son Abner B. in Francestown, where he died. He was a quiet, unassuming man, of great integrity of character, and a long time member of the Congregational church. Children : 1. ADONIRAM, + 2. MARY, b. Sept. 7, 1806, d. Aug. 29, 1848. 3. DANIEL, + 4. JACOB ANDREWS, + 5. CAROLINE, b. Oct. 24, 1814, d. April 15, 1847. 6. CHARLES, -f- 7. lyUCY, m. Kilburn S. Curtis. (See Curtis gen.) 8. ABNER B., -|- ADONIRAM WOODWARD, son of Daniel and Lucy (Burnham) Woodward, born Sept. 14, 1804 ; married March, 1834, Achsah Hoar of Littleton, Mass. She was born June 2, 1801 ; died March 28, 1866. He died July 29, 1849. Children born in Lyndeborough : 1. ALBERT, b, March 6, 1835, d. June 17, 1854. 2. KLLEN, b. June 26, 1841, m. John M. Robbins, Aug. 29, 1876, and res. at L/eominster, Mass. DEA. DANIEL WOODWARD, son of Daniel and Lucy (Burnham) Woodward, born May 23, 1809; married Sept. 6, 1832, Cynthia S., daugh- ter of Daniel and Joanna (Balch) Simonds of Burlington, Mass. She was born in Barnard, Vt., Oct. 20, 1811, and died in Lyndeborough, June 5, 1887. He died in Lyndeborough, April 3, 1866. He was born at the H1STOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH Woodward homestead on the north side of the mountain. When a young man he removed to Lowell, Mass., and went to work in the cotton mills, where he soon became an overseer. He was married in Lowell, his wife being a descendant on the mother's side of Israel Balch of Francestown. In 1836 he removed to Newburyport, Mass., and bought a cotton mill which he operated for a few years, but failing health com- pelled him to sell out his business, and he came back to Lyndeborough and bought out the store at the "centre," and was in business there for a while, then swapped the old store house for his father's farm and moved to the old homestead. In 1851 he again removed to Lowell and entered the employ of the Tremont and Suffolk Corporation as overseer of the carding and spinning room. He was prominent in the political and business affairs of the city and was an alderman in 1854. Wherever he lived he always affiliated himself with the church and Sabbath school, and was made a deacon of the John St. Congregational Church. He was a fine teacher of singing, and taught many schools in Lowell, New- buryport, and towns adjoining Lyndeborough. He was a good mechanic, and cotton manufacturing was his favorite business, but his health was such that he could not stand the dust and confinement of the cotton mill for long at a time. In 1859, failing health again compelled him to seek the out-door life of the farm, and he removed to Francestown, and bought the Kingsbury place, near his brother Abner's farm. Here he remained until the spring of 1862, when he came back to his native town, and bought the James Grant place north of Badger Pond, where he lived until his death. He was superintendent of schools and select- man and filled other places of trust in town. He was a man of unswerv- ing integrity of character and had the confidence and esteem of every community where he lived. Children : 1. CHARLES HENRY, b. in Lowell, Mass., Dec. 16, 1833, d. April 25, 1835. 2. HENRY MARTIN, b. in Newburyport, Mass., July 15, 1836, m. first, Sept. 9, 1857, Belinda A. Robbins of Lowell, Mass. She was a dau. of Luther and Belinda (Sumner) Robbins. She was b. Sept. 9, 1838, d. June 5, 1892 ; m. second, Oct. 3, 1895, Lora, dan. of Samuel and Phebe (Noyes) Marden of New Boston. She was b. Aug. n, 1843. He was a soldier in the 6th Mass. Regt. with the rank of ser- geant and participated in the celebrated march through Baltimore, April 19, 1861. Res. in Rindge, N. H. Chil- dren : Cora B., Mary E., Emma B., Milo R., Luetta. 3. WILLIAM BIXBY, b. in Newburyport, Mass., April 8, 1838, d. in Lowell, March 4, 1859. 4. JACOB ANDREWS, + 5. EDWARD PAYSON, b. in Lyndeborough, Aug. 8, 1851, m. first, Dora Shaw of Norton, Mass.; m. second, Carrie Tyler of Hyde Park, Mass.; third, Hattie, dau. of Joseph GENEALOGIES 889 Popple of Rindge, N. H., b. Nov. 12, 1872. Res. in Rindge, N. H. Children by first wife: Mabel L,., Ina, Grace ; by third wife : Gladys H. JACOB ANDREWS WOODWARD, son of Daniel and Cynthia (Simonds) Woodward, born in Lyndeborough, Sept. 28, 1845 '> married Sept. 26, 1872, Lena E., daughter of John W. and Elizabeth (McCol- lister) Sheldon of Derby, Vt. She was born Aug. 18, 1848. Children : 1. ARTHUR EASTMAN, -f- 2. L/INCOLN NUTE, -f- ARTHUR EASTMAN WOODWARD, son of Jacob A. and Lena (Shel- don) Woodward, born in Lowell, Mass., Aug. 18, 1874; married Sept- 26, 1899, Mabel M., daughter of Charles O. and Mary A. (Wheeler) Clement of Lyndeborough. She was born April 9, 1877. Resides at Boston, Mass. Children : 1. BEATRICE, b. Jan. i, 1901. 2. CLEMENT A., b. Sept. 9, 1904. LINCOLN NUTE WOODWARD, son of Jacob A. and Lena (Sheldon) Woodward, born May 16, 1878, in Lowell, Mass ; married June 29, 1904, Bertha G., daughter of Charles L. and Emma (Tarbell) Perham. JACOB ANDREWS WOODWARD, son of Daniel and Lucy (Burn- ham) Woodward, born in Lyndeborough, April 10, 1811 ; married Julia Bowen of Holderness. She was born April 2, 1809 ; died Nov. 27, 1878. He died in Francestown July 20, 1846. He removed to Francestown and built the house where Moses Jellison now lives. Children : i. GEORGIANNA A., b. Dec.. 16, 1842, m. March 28, 1865, at L/owell, Mass., Edward J. Cobleigh of Northfield, Vt., b. March 22, 1837. Child: Lillian Gertrude, b. Dec. 19, 1867. CHARLES WOODWARD, son of Daniel and Lncy (Burnham) Woodward, born March 28, 1817 ; married first, Phebe Jane, daughter of Timothy and Susanna (McAlvin) Ordway. She was born May 28, 1826 ; died April 30, 1852; married second, Mary Henderson of Newton, Iowa. She died March 29, 1865. He died at Grinnell, Iowa, Aug. u, 1874. He removed to Iowa after the death of his first wife and was one of the pioneers of that state, and was one of those who crossed the plains to Pike's Peak during the gold excitement. Children born at Newton Iowa : Charles, Ella. ABNER B. WOODWARD, son of Daniel and Lucy (Burnham) Wood- ward, born in Lyndeborough, April 30, 1822; married March 30, 1859, Caroline M., daughter of Lyman and Elizabeth (Holbrook) Perkins of Lyine. She was born March 10, 1836. He died in Stoneham, Mass., June 14, 1899. When a young man he removed to Francestown and entered the employ of Col. Daniel Fuller and after the death of the widow of Daniel in 1858, received by bequest a large part of the Fuller 890 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH estate. He was largely interested in the material prosperity of Frances- town, and was selectman, president of the savings bank and filled other positions of trust. In 1883, he removed to Stoneham, Mass., where he died. Children born in Francestown : Will A., Mary P., Carrie P., Abner I,., Fred F., Albert S., Herbert F. ELIJAH WOODWARD, son of Ithemer and Huldah (Sharp) Wood- ward, born Feb. 21, 1782^; married Nov. 17, 1808, Rhoda Austin of Francestown. She died Feb. 18, 1863. He died Jan. 25, 1852. This family removed to I/andgrove, Vt. Children: 1. AMBROSE, b. March 10, 1811, m. Hannah I,. Bixby, Sept. 6, 1835. 2. RHODA, b. Sept. 9, 1812, m. Amos H. Jenkins, May 5, 1836. She d. Feb. 7, 1899. 3. LEWIS E., b. Dec. 14, 1815, m. Mary D. Mack, Nov. 28, 1839, d. March 12, 1876. 4. LAURA M., b. Jan. 10, 1819, m. Jotham Swallow, April 15, 1841, d. Nov. 29, 1859. 5. MARANDA, b. July 6, 1822, m. Reuben Lampson, May 24, 1845, d. May 31, 1863. 6. HUIDAH, b. July 16, 1824, m. Amasa Richardson, Nov. 21, 1842. 7. CHARGES W., b. July 13, 1827, m. first, Lucy Pease, Jan. i, 1850; m. second, Laura V. Holman, Oct. 31, 1864. Res. in West Acton, Mass. EI/EAZER WOODWARD, son of Ephraim and Hannah (Williams) Woodward; born in Brooklyn, Conn., Jan. 8, 1738; married in 1764 Hannah, daughter of Ephraim and Sarah (Cram) Putnam. She was born March 9, 1743; died Oct. 5, 1811. She was the first white child born in Salem-Canada, and became a professional midwife. She was often car- ried in a large basket to her destination when the snow was too deep for a horse to travel, two men furnishing the motive power. He was one of the first settlers of Salem-Canada, and made a farm where Jacob A. Wood- ward now lives. This place he sold to the town for a poor farm. He died Dec. 19, 1815. Children : 1. HUI.DAH, b. June 23, 1765, m. John Cram. (See Cram gen.) 2. HANNAH, b. Feb. i, 1767, d. July 15, 1788. 3. EPHRAIM, -j- 4. ELEAZER, -+- 5. ISRAEL, + 6. WARD, -f- 7. SARAH, b. Feb. 6, 1779, m. Benjamin Cram. (See Cram gen.) 8. ELIZABETH, b. Aug. 31, 1781, m. Aaron Woodward. 9. DAVID, -f- GENEALOGIES 891 EPHRAIM WOODWARD, son of Eleazer and Hannah (Putnam) Woodward; born March 18, 1769; married first, Nov. 17, 1791, Hannah, daughter of Dea. David and Rachel Badger. She was born Dec. 19, 1770; died Feb. 22, 1830. He married second, Mrs. Jane, widow of Oliver Bar- rett of Wilton. He married third, Widow Hyde. He died Feb. 8, 1850. Children : 1. EPHRAIM, -f- 2. HANNAH, m. David, son of Capt. Ward Woodward, rem. to Brooklyn, Conn. 3. BENJAMIN, d. in Canada. 4. JACOB, -f- 5. ANNA, m. Lewis Cram. (See Cram gen.) 6. PUTNAM, m. Susan Grey, rem. to Wilton. 7. LOUISA, d. June 21, 1830. 8. LUCINDA, m. Samuel Hartshorn. (See Hartshorn gen.) EPHRAIM WOODWARD, son of Ephraim and Hannah (Badger) Woodward ; born Nov. 25, 1792 ; married Sept. 25, 1817, Olive, daughter of Jonathan Chamberlain of Lyndeborough. She was born Aug. 4, 1788; died March 25, 1865. He died Sept. 23, 1879. Children : 1. OuvE, b. Dec. 17, 1818. 2. EPHRAIM, b. July 13, 1820. 3. RACHEL A., b. Oct. 4, 1821. JACOB WOODWARD, son of Ephraim and Hannah (Badger) Wood- ward ; born May 9, 1806 ; married April 26, 1827, Mary, daughter of Asa and Sybil (Pierce) Blanchard of I/yndeborough. She was born April 15, 1807 ; died June 6, 1886. He died Aug. 17, 1867. Children : 1. JACOB NEWTON, -\- 2. EPHRAIM W., b. Aug. 21, 1829, m. Dec. 29, 1852, Ann E. Webster of Hampstead, Mass., rem. to Concord, where he d. Sept., 1889. 3. MARY E., b. June 30, 1831, m. Jan. i, 1860, Joshua Shirley of Conway, d. Jan., 1892. 4. BRADLEY B., b. Feb. 28, 1834, m. first, April 5, 1858, Frances E. Lang of Conway, m, second, Lizzie C. Page of Conway, Jan. 2, 1866. He is a prosperous and influential citizen of Conway ; representative to the General Court in 1889, and has held many positions of trust in the town ; has a fine farm nearly opposite the town of Fryeburg, Me. Children : Hattie, Howard, Mary. 5. DAVID RUFUS, b. in Conway, Nov. 28, 1843, res. in South Framingham, Mass. JACOB NEWTON WOODWARD, son of Jacob and Mary (Blanchard) 892 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH Woodward ; born March 4, 1828 ; married Oct. 8, 1857, Almira L. Ordway of West Fairlee, Vt. She was born Feb. u, 1833. Children : 1. EDWARD N., b. July i, 1862, d. Dec. 2, 1862. 2. GEORGE N., b. May 21, 1869, res. in Concord. 3. KTTA MAY, b. May 14, 1872, res. in Concord. ELEAZER WOODWARD, son of Eleazer and Hannah (Putnam) Woodward; born Oct. 5, 1771; married Nov. 15, 1797, Rachel, daughter of Samuel and Mary Houston of Lyndeborough. She was born Oct. 22, 1779; died April 2, 1843. He d. Jan. 4, 1855. Children: 1. SAMUEL,, b. July 5, 1800, d. July 20, 1821. 2. PUTNAM, b. June n, 1802, rem. to New York. 3. WILLIAMS, -f- 4. IRA H., b. June 13, 1811. Prepared for the ministry and rem. to one of the southern states, where he d. Jan. 1830. 5. L,EVI HOUSTON, -f- 6. EMILY, m. Jonathan Stephenson. (See Stephenson gen.) WILLIAMS WOODWARD, son of Eleazer and Rachel (Houston) Woodward; born Aug. 13, 1804; married April 21, 1829, Hannah, daugh- ter of Aaron and Hannah (Boardman) Lewis of Francestown. She was born Aug. 19, 1800; died Aug. 17, 1863. He died Dec. 24, 1859. Chil dren : 1. HANNAH ELIZABETH, m. Isaac L,. Duncklee. (See Dunck- lee gen.) 2. ABIGAIL P., b. Jan. 29. 1839, d. Oct. 23, 1855. LEVI HOUSTON WOODWARD, son of Eleazer and Rachel (Houston) Woodward; born Jan. 5, 1815; married first, March 30, 1843, Caroline, daughter of Nathan and Hannah E. (Russell) Fish of Lyndeborough. She was born May 8, 1820 ; died Oct. 5, 1878. He married second, Han- nah J. Wellman of Dublin. He removed to Eastjaffrey, where he died Jan. 10, 1888. Children by first wife : 1. ADALINA R., b. Oct. 31, 1839, m. John H. Lynch. 2. RACHEL A., b. Sept. i, 1850. Child by second wife : 3. ANNIE MAY. ISRAEL WOODWARD, son of Eleazer and Hannah (Putnam) Wood- ward ; born May 17, 1773 ; married Hannah Hardy of Lyndeborough, Nov. 18, 1804. She was born Nov. 24, 1781; died July 6, 1845. He died March 29, 1858. Children: 1. HANNAH W., b. July n, m. Daniel Woodward. (See Daniel Woodward gen.), d. Jan. 12, 1894, 2. ABIGAIL H., b. Jan. 27, 1814, d. Oct. 31, 1854. 3. JESSIE H., b. July 16, 1817, m. Dolly J. Pierce of Nashua, d. Jan., 1894. GENEALOGIES 893 WARD WOODWARD, son of Eleazer and Hannah (Putnam) Wood- ward, born Aug. 31, 1776; married Nov. 16, 1797, Elizabeth Day. He died Oct. 24, 1850. He removed to New York, where his descendants now reside. They had twelve children, some of whom were born in I/yndeborough : 1. ELEAZER, b. Aug. 22, 1798, m. May 4, 1820, Hannah Mears. 2. WARD, b. March 8, 1800, m. 'Nov. 25, 1822, Hannah Cresy. He d. Jan. 16, 1861. 3. ISAAC D., b. Feb. 28, 1802, m. June 18, 1827, Althea Sum- ner, d. April 3, 1877. 4. ABRAHAM, b. Aug. 22, 1804, m. Jan. 18, 1823, Margaret Moore. 5. ELIZABETH, b. July 25, 1806, m. September, 1829, Thomas Earle. 6. WILLIAM C., b. Aug. 22, 1808, m. January, 1837, Harriet Pierce ; m. second, Nancy Hardy. He d. May 4, 1877. 7. SUSANNA S., b. Dec. 25, 1810, d. Sept. 21, 1813. 8. SYLVANUS N., b. April 17, 1813, d. Oct. 5, 1834. 9. L,YDIA A., b. October, 1815, m. June 6, 1833, John Pierce, Jr. 10. ALPHEUS G., b. April 19, 1818, m. March 10, 1843, Hannah A. L,oring. He d. March 30, 1877. n. GEORGE N., b. Aug. 13, 1820, m. March 10, 1847, Emily Goodyear. He d. Jan. 22, 1856. 12. SAVIA S., b. Nov. 5, 1825, d. May 13, 1842. DAVID WOODWARD, son of Eleazer and Hannah (Putnam) Wood- ward, born Jan. 18, 1787; married first, Mary, daughter of Joseph and Polly (Epps) Kidder; married second, Elizabeth Danforth of Hillsboro, March 20, 1819. She was born Dec. 15, 1794 ; died in Jasper, N. Y., May 28, 1870. He died March 15, 1852. David Woodward removed to Jasper, N. Y., soon after his second marriage. Of the children by his second wife, George D. was born in Lyndeborough. He built the brick house, which Edward Duncklee has remodeled into the Pinnacle House. Chil- dren by first wife : 1. JOSEPH, b. Feb. 20, 1811, m. Betsey Jones. (See Jones gen.) He d. in Oregon in 1889. 2. MARY, b. Feb. i, 1813, m. Leonard Marshall of Boston, Sept. 8, 1835. He d. July i, 1880. She d. Jan. 30, 1881. 3. SARAH S., b. Nov. 25, 1814, m. Sept. 27, 1838, S. F. Den- nis. She d. Feb. 21, 1880. 4. DAVID F., b. Oct. 20, 1816, m. in 1839, Phebe Webster of Bath, N. Y. He d. April 21, 1888. She d. Feb. 8, 1865. 894 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH 5. CALVIN, b. 1818, m. in 1842, Jane Porter of Homer, N. Y. He d. in August, 1844. Children by second wife : 6. GEORGE D., b. Oct. 5, 1823, m. Oct. 30, 1850, Mary E. Prentice of Jasper, N. Y. She was b. July 24, 1832. 7. WILLIAM T., b. Oct. 19, 1827, m. Jan. 13, 1857, Sarah C. Everest. She was b.Nov. n, 1834. He d. June 25, 1864. 8. ELIZA J., b. July 19, 1832, m. April 23, 1847, David C. Hollenbeck. He was b. at Greene, Chenango Co., N. Y., Sept. 26, 1826, d. Feb. 5, 1865, at City Point, Va. *CAPT. WARD WOODWARD, son of Ephraim and Huldah (Cram) Woodward, born in Canterbury, Conn., April 16, 1751 ; married Oct. 19, 1780, Rebecca, daughter of Dea. Ephraim and Sarah (Cram) Putnam of Lyndeborough. She was born March 17, 1761 ; died Oct. 18, 1848. He died April 12, 1810. He was a soldier in the Continental Army with the rank of captain. Children : 1. AARON, + 2. SEWELL, b. Feb. 8, 1783. 3. EPHRAIM P., -\- 4. WARD, b. Sept. 12, 1785, m. Sarah York of Brooklyn, Conn. 5. DEIDAMIA, b. Oct. 8, 1787. 6. ELEAZER, b. July n, 1790, m. Henrietta Ingraham. 7. ABIGAIL, b. Jan. n, 1792, m. Joseph Austin of Brooklyn, Conn. 8. DAVID, b. Nov. 12, 1793, m. first, Hannah P. Woodward of L/yndeborough ; m. second, Nancy lyittlehale of Brooklyn, Conn. 9. SALLY, b. April i, 1796, d. Sept. 8, 1797. 10. ARTEMAS, b. Feb. 19, 1800, d. November, 1810. 11. AUGUSTUS, b. June 25, 1804. AARON WOODWARD, son of Capt. Ward and Rebecca (Putnam) Woodward, r was born at Canterbury, Conn., Sept. 20, 1781 ; married Elizabeth Woodward of Lyndeborough, Oct. 15, 1807. She was the daughter of Eleazer and Hannah ^Putnamj Woodward, born Aug. 31, 1781; died Jan. 27, 1879. He settled on a farm east of where R. C. Mason no% lives. There is nothing but a cellar hole to mark the site. The children were born there. He died July 16, 1845. Children : 1. REBECCA, b. Feb. 19, 1809, m. Josiah Colburn of Hollis, N. H., Dec. 29, 1856. She d. Feb. 20, 1889. 2. ARTEMAS, -j~ 3. CORDELIA, b. May 2, 1815, d. Aug. 31, 1821. 4. HULDAH, b. June i, 1817, d. Aug. 10, 1881. * Bond's History of Watertown gives the date of his birth as April 5, 1751. GENEALOGIES 895 5. HENRIETTA, b. April 19, 1820, m. Col. William Cross of Litchfield, N. H., April 9, 1839, d. Aug. 13, 1854. 6. AARON BURLEIGH, b. March 18, 1822, m. first, Hannah Cross of lyitchfield, N. H., May 4, 1847 ; m. second, Susan Howard of Amherst, N. H., Dec. 14, 1853. 7. SEWELL, b. Dec. 3, 1823, d..Feb. 2, 1847. 8. ELIZABETH A., b. Dec. 14, 1826, m. Benj. K. Jones; m. sec- ond, Walter Blake. 9. CALISTA D., b. Aug. 29, 1829, d. Feb. 7, 1856. ARTEMAS WOODWARD, son of Aaron and Elizabeth (Woodward) Woodward, born Nov. 17, 1811 ; married first, Christianna Gibson of Windsor. She was born Jan. 18, 1819, and was instantly killed by being thrown from a wagon on the road from the centre to South Lyndebor- ough, May 8, 1852. A granite monument marks the spot ; married sec- ond, Nancy E. Savage of Greenfield, Oct. 28, 1852. She was born Aug. 2, 1828. He died March 31, 1884.- He was a genial, kindly man whom every one liked and respected. Children by first wife : 1. ALFRED C., b. Aug. 14, 1842, m. Hattie F. Lakin of, Greenville. She was murdered and the murderer was never apprehended. 2. ALBERT C., b. Dec. 21, 1847, d. Sept. 19, 1858. By second wife : 3. ETHAN A., + 4. WILLIAM A., b. Dec. 24, 1859, m. March 16, 1882, Ella J. Needham of Irisburg, Vt. 5. CHRISTIANNA E., b. Feb. 23, 1863, m. March 7, 1882, Ed- ward E. Weston. Res. in Amherst. 6. HARVEY E., b. Dec. 9, 1868, m. Sept. i, 1889, Emma F. Giddings of Wilton. ETHAN A. WOODWARD, son of Artemas and Nancy E. (Savage) Woodward, born May 12, 1858; married Nov. 14, 1882, Lizzie R., daughter of Franklin H. and Elsey (Fish) Kidder. She was born June 15, 1859; died July 20, 1904. He resides on the Kidder homestead. EPHRAIM PUTMAN WOODWARD, son of Capt. Ward and Rebecca (Putnam) Woodward ; born June 2, 1784; married Lucy, daughter of Ithemer and Huldah (Sharp) Woodward, April 7, 1808. She was born Sept. 9, 1784. He was born in Brooklyn, Conn., and after his marriage evidently returned there with his bride, for the three older children were born in Connecticut. He came back to Lyndeborough in 1814, but soon thereafter moved to New York to make a new home, his family remain- ing here until he should provide it, but he lived but a short time after his arrival there, and died about 1822. His wife died in 1836 or 1837. Children : 896 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBOROUGH i & 2. JARED and L,UCITTY (twins), b. at Pomfret, Conn., d. in infancy. 3. ASHER, b. at Brooklyn, Conn., Dec. 6, 1811, d. young. 4. BENJAMIN F., b. in Francestown, April n, 1813,01. Sarah, Bradford. 5. ANSON W., b. in Lyndeborough, Aug. i, 1815, m. Ann Richardson. Rem. to Boston, where he died. They had one child, a son, who died many years ago, and of whom I have no record. 6. JAMES G., b. in L,yndeborough, Sept. 13, 1817; m. Phebe, dau. of Capt. Nathan and Abigail (Abbott) Culver of L/owell, Mass., May 16, 1848. She was b. May 16, 1823. He rem. to Henry Co., 111., in 1854, and in 1868, sold his Illinois farm and rem. to Kellogg, Jasper Co., Iowa, where he d. Nov. 25, 1899. He was a jovial man, always liked by all with whom he came in contact. He bought a wild prairie farm, but before his death had it nicely improved. Children : Abby Frances, James Edwin, Lucy Annett, Martha Elmira, Mary Bmma, Frederick Newton, Charles, Warren. Frederic Newton Woodward rem. to Kansas, where he is an influential citizen, at one time a member of the Kansas Legislature. 7. KPHRAIM WARD, b. Aug. 12, 1820, m. I/ydia, dau. of Asa and Olive (Spaulding) Manning of I/yndeborough. They rem. to Michigan, where he became a prosperous farmer, and at the time of his death, in October, 1880, was county supervisor. His widow survived him many years, and was always a liberal contributor to the Congregational Church at Lyndeborough. They had at least one child, who died young. JOHN WOODWARD, son of Ephraim and Huldah (Cram) Woodward, born Jan. 19, 1753, in Canterbury, Conn. He came to Lyndeborough and married Judith Foster of Temple, but evidently returned with his wife to Connecticut, for Samuel, his eldest child, was an infant when they again came to I/yndeborough. They came on horseback all the way, and Samuel was brough in his mother's arms. He settled on land and built a house north of No. 9 schoolhouse. He also owned a large lot of land west of the John Dolliver place. His wife was born Nov. 13, 1753. Children: 1. SAMUEL, + 2. DANIEL, b. March 26, 1781, m. Hannah Putnam and rem. to Ohio. 3. JOHN, + HERITABLE TRASK WOODWARD. BORJ? AUGUST 27, 18Ci3. Halt-tone from Photograph taken Aupust -.'7, 1903. GENEALOGIES 897 4. lyUCY, b. March 26, 1784, m. June 29, 1818, Daniel Mason of Otsego Co., N. Y. 5. ABIGAIL, b. March 17, 1786, m. Barker. Rem. to Ohio. 6. EPHRAIM, b. Jan. 9, 1788, m. Sept. 25, 1817, Olive Cham- berlain. Rem. to New York. 7. HANNAH, b. Jan. 20, 1781, m. Daniel, son of Ithemer and Huldah (Sharp) Woodward. 8. JUDITH, b. March 18, 1793, m. first, Charles Hadley, April 26, 1821 ; m. second, Samuel Ferson, March i, 1838. SAMUEL WOODWARD, son of John and Judith (Foster) Wood- ward, born Nov. 9, 1778; married Elizabeth, daughter of Jonathan and Margaret Chamberlain, born June 3, 1776. Children : 1. DANIEL, b. July 24, 1803, m. Abigail Barker and rem. to the west, d. Feb. 22, 1888. 2. SAMUEL, -+- 3. ISAIAH, d. Jan. 4, 1836. 4. FOSTER, -f- DEA. SAMUEL WOODWARD, son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Cham- berlain) Woodward ; married Eunice Clark of Lyndeborough, and re- moved to Amherst. In March, 1854, they removed to Illinois and settled in Brenton, Ford Co. They had eight children born to them, only one, Mary A., born in Lyndeborough, the others were born in Amherst. He was active in church and was made a deacon, and was useful in the de- velopment of the new country where he made his home. He died at Lymau, Ford Co., Illinois, June 24, 1882. His wife, Eunice (Clark) Woodward, died at the same place, Aug. 30, 1885, aged 82 years and 19 days. FOSTER WOODWARD, son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Chamberlain) Woodward, born Oct. 18, 1809 ; married May 30, 1828, Mrs. Mehitable (Trask) Hildreth, widow of Charles Hildreth. She was born Aug. 27, 1803. At this writing (1905) she is living in her io3rd year, a'nd retains a very good memory of the early days of Lyndeborough. He died Dec. 14, 1884. Children : 1. GEORGE T., + 2. ELIZA A., b. May 30, 1841. 3. MARTHA E., b. May 25, 1843, d. Oct. 11, 1846. 4. ISAIAH F., -f 5. JOSEPHINE M., b. April 20, 1848. GEORGE TRASK WOODWARD, son of Foster and Mehitable (Hil- dreth) Woodward ; born Oct. 4, 1839 ; married Nov. 13, 1866, Susan Odell. She died Oct. 18, 1870 ; married second, Dec. 25, 1873, Abby F. Morrison of Lowell, Mass. She died in 1896. He died at the Soldiers' Home, Chelsea, Mass., July 2, 1904. 898 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH Besides the district schools of his native town he attended several terms at the Appleton Academy, Mont Vernon, then under the charge of Prof. Bancroft. On the breaking out of the War of the Rebellion he en- listed in the company of which George A. Bruce was first lieutenant and Charles M. Kittredge second lieutenant, and was mustered in as a private on Sept. 18, 1862. This was in the isth Regt., N. H. Vol. He was sub- sequently promoted to corporal and then to sergeant. Later he went be- fore Casey's examining board at Washington and was commissioned cap- tain in the 3oth U. S. Colored Troops by President Lincoln. This regiment was commanded by Col. Delevan Bates, who was formerly an officer in the i2istNew York. Capt. Woodward was without question one of the best company com- manders. He was wounded in the battle of the Crater in the arm but not so seriously but that he extracted the bullet himself and threw it away, much to his regret afterwards. At Fort Fisher he had charge of Gen. Paine 's courier line, and so well did he do his work that the general named him for promotion. In accordance therewith he was brevetted major. He was discharged at Roanoke Island, N. C., Dec. 10, 1865. Susan Odell, who became his wife, he first met at Roanoke Island, where she was a teacher in a colored school. Her northern home was in Saco, Me. At the close of the war he bought the farm in Lyndeborough where Frank B. Tay now lives, and here his two daughters were born. After three years he sold this farm to try his fortune in Virginia, and bought a farm on the James River of 225 acres, about twenty miles below City Point. His land was fertile and produced good crops, but the bitter- ness of defeat which rankled in the hearts of his neighbors made it un- pleasant for a man of his positive convictions, and one morning he found a rope with hangman's knot dangling from one of his trees with a placard attached saying that unless he was out of those parts within a specified time he would be hung. His wife had died leaving him alone in a hostile community with his two little daughters, and he sold his land at a sacri- fice and came back to New England. He settled in Lowell, Mass., where in 1873 he married Abbie F. Morri- son. He became a carpenter by trade, and was contractor for building many of Lowell's business blocks. He was superintendent of public buildings for three years, and was much respected in his adopted home. . He was prominent in Grand Army circles, and was commander of Ladd and Whitney Post, Lowell, Mass., in 1891. He joined the Congregational Church, Lyndeborough, in 1857. Children : 1. MABEL T., b. in L/yndeborough, Sept. 3, 1867. 2. GEORGIA E., b. July 2, 1869 in Biddeford, Me. Is a gradu- ate of the L/owell Normal School and makes teaching her vocation. ISAIAH F. WOODWARD, son of Foster and Mehitable (Hildreth) Woodward ; born July 21, 1846 ; married May 31, 1870, Addie E. Pearsons of Amherst ; removed to Wilton ; died Feb. 5, 1887. Children : 1. IDA B. 2. ELIZABETH. S^J-G-CJ-Z-^JP <-J, &V / c'*TC>t (f GENEALOGIES 899 3. ALICE M. JOHN WOODWARD, son of John and Judith (Foster) Woodward; born Jan. 10, 1782 ; married Anna Thompson of Lyndeborough. She died July 18, 1829. He died Aug. 21, 1858. Children : 1. JOHN THOMPSON, b. Feb. 29, 1808. 2. ESTHER, b. Sept. 19, 1809. 3. ANNA, b. June 2, 1811. 4. ELIJAH, b. March 21, 1813. 5. EPHRAIM, b. Dec. 26, 1814. 6. MARY, b. May 2, 1819, d. May 29, 1848. 7. JUDITH, b. July 28, 1821. WRIGHT. JULJEN E. WRIGHT was born Oct. 7, 1825 ; married Aug. 15, 1861, Abby S. Bridge of Dexter, Me. She was born Dec. 16, 1835 ; died March 12, 1903. He died April 30, 1896. He lived on the farm formerly owned by Samuel Jones. Children : 1. HATTIE E., b. Feb. 27, 1863; married Jan. 4, 1881, Charles H. Goss of Dunstable, Mass. 2. SARAH A., b. April 15, 1865 ; married June 4, 1889, Herman A. Walker of Kittery, Me. YOUNG. RICHARD YOUNG was born May 15, 1796 at Derryfield, now Man- chester ; married Sarah Stevens. She was born at Manchester, April i, 1807; died May 28, 1880. He died March 13, 1877. He came to Lynde- borough from Manchester in 1858, and settled in the southwest part of the town. There were born to them seventeen children, nine boys and eight girls. Of these children, born at Manchester, the following came to Lyndeborough : CHARLES, b. , d. Jan. 6, 1898. SARAH S., b. Oct. 24, 1841, m. Azro D. Cram. (See Cram gen.) HARRIET E., b. Nov. 4, 1843. MARY A., b. Sept. 22, 1845. ESTES J., b. May 13, 1847. ROSINA, b. July 20, 1848, m. Jason Holt. (See Holt gen.) RICHARD A., b. May 24, 1853. The following are transcripts from the town records of fami- lies of whom we have been unable to find any further trace : ABBOTT. DANIEL, son of Josiah and Hannah Abbott, b. July 31, 1769. 900 BALDWIN. RHODA, dau. of Jeremiah Baldwin and Rebecca his wife, b. Sept. 25, 1790. RiSPEE, dau. of do., b. March 13, 1793. BEVINS. SUSANNA, dau. of Edward and Eunice Bevins, b. Mar. 16, 1765. CAMPBELL. JOHN IVORY, son of John Campbell and Martha his wife, b. Oct. 9, 1789. JAMES, son of do., b. Nov. 21, 1791. CLOUGH. BENJAMIN, son of John and Tabithy Clough, b. May 29, 1750. JOHN, son of Benjamin and Thankful Clough, b. March 6, 1773. TABITHA W., dau. of do., b. July 16, 1775. DAMON. LORENZO, son of Warren and Nancy Damon, b. May 25, 1813. NANCY, dau. of do., b. April 7, 1816. WARREN, son of do., b. Jan. 14, 1819. DAY. SUSANNA, dau. of Isaac Day and Susanna his wife, b. Sept. 10, 1774, d. Aug. 7, 1776. SUSANNA, 2ND., dau. of do. b. March 9, 1777. ELIZABETH, dau. of do., b. July 8, 1779, m. Ward Woodward* NANCY, dau. of do., b. Oct. 16, 1781. LYDIA, dau. of do., b. Jan. 16, 1784. ISAAC, son of do., b. May 14, 1786, d. June 25, 1786. MARY, dau. of Robert and Mary Day, b. Aug. 30, 1769. HANNAH, dau. of do., b. April 30, 1771. JAMES, son of do., b. Jan. 30, 1773. JOSEPH, son of do., b. June 19, 1777. BKTTY, dau. of do., b. May 8, 1780. ROBERT, son of do., b. March 30, 1782. ISAAC, son of do., b. Aug. 6, 1787. FARNUM. BENJAMIN, son of Benjamin and Mehitable Farnum, b. Aug. 26, 1800. GENEALOGIES 901 ASA, son of do., b. in Society Land, July 31, 1802.- MOLLY and JAMBS (twins), children of James and Molly Far- nmn, b. April 25, 1800. FARRINGTON. DORCAS GOULD, dan. of Thomas and Susanna Farrington, b. April 29, 1798. WILLIAM, son of do. b. Jan. n, 1800. FLETCHER. WILLIAM ALFRED, son of Michael Fletcher and Sally his wife, b. Feb. 27, 1809. HILDRETH. JACOB, son of Ephraim Hildreth and Elizabeth his wife, b. Feb. 3, I79I- CARLOS, son of do. b. Feb. 10, 1793. HEALD. OLIVE CLARK, b. in Carlisle, May 25, 1819. JOHN ESTABROOK, b. April 29, 1821. REBECCA, wife of John Heald, d. Aug. 20, 1822. HUTCHINSON. WARREN, son of Thomas Hutchinson and Phebe his wife, b. Oct. 30, 1787. NATHANIEL, son of do., b. Jan. 24, 1790. GRIMES. HANNAH, dau. of David W. and Lydia Grimes, b. June 4, 1825. DAVID ELBRTDGE, son of do., b. March 21, 1827. KILLAM. ALFRED CLARK, son of Alfred and Hannah Killam, b. Jan. i, 1812 HANNAH, consort of Alfred Killam, died suddenly Feb. 19, 1812. LOVEJOY. ELIZABETH, dau. of Jacob and Polly Lovejoy, b. Nov. 15, 1813. MARIA, dau. of do., b. Jan. 9, 1815. JACOB, son of do., b. Dec. 31, 1817. WILLIAM, son of do., b. April 4, 1820. OLIVER C., son of do., b. July 15, 1822. 902 HISTORY OF LYNDEBOROUGH PAINE. ELIZA, dau. of Moses Paine and Betsey his wife, b. Feb. n, 1823. I^UCY F., b. July 28, 1824. PEARSON. NATHAN, son of Nathan and Anna Pearson, b. Feb. 7, 1775. ANNA, dau. of do., b. June 29, 1770. TABBA, dau. of do., b. Dee. 31, 1772. MOLLY, dau. of do., b. Nov. 23, 1779. PERSONS. NANCY, dau. of Samuel Persons and Abigail, his wife, b. May 24, 1794. SALLY, dau. of do., b. July 25, 1801. POLLY, dau. of do., b. June 9, 1804. SAMUEL, son of do., b. May 28, 1808. PHELPS. LYDIA, dau. of Nathaniel and Dorcas Phelps, b. Jan. 29, 1772. ABIGAIL, dau. of do., b. Jan. 14, 1774. NATHANIEL, son of do., b. Dec. 12, 1775. AARON, son of do., b. July u, 1777. BETHIAH, dau. of do., b. April 5, 1779. DORCAS, dau. of do., b. March 22, 1781. ASA, son of do., b. July 28, 1783. SIMEON, son of do., b. June 22, 1785. SUSANNA, dau. of do., b. April 18, 1788. RICHARDS. JOSEPH, son of Joseph and Martha Richards, b. April 7, 1775. MARTHA, dau. of do., b. June 24, 1777. RICHARDSON. THOMAS, son of John Richardson and Bethiah his wife, b. Jan. 26, 1790. JOHN BARTLETT, son of do., b. Oct. 14, 1791. JOSEPH HERRICK, son of do., b. Aug. 13, 1793. HENRY, son of do., b. Sept. 6, 1795. GEORGE, son of do., b. Jan. 6, 1798. RICHARDSON. ABEL, son of Zedekiah Richardson and Sarah his wife, b. Feb. 16, 1802. GENEALOGIES 903 STEPHEN BURNHAM, son of do., b. April 16, 1804. ROWE. JOHN, son of John and Mary Rowe, b. Aug. 30, 1766. JOSEPH, son of do., b. March 9, 1769. THOMAS, son of do., b. March 20, 1771. MARY, dau. of do., b. March 22, 1773. MARGARET S., dau. of do., b. Jan. i, 1775. RUSSELL. MARY JANE, dau. of James Russell and Hannah his wife, b. Dec. 5, 1816. RUTH PEABODY, dau. of do., b. Dec. 19, 1818, d. Feb. 14, 1820. GEORGE GOULD, son of Daniel Russell and Rachel his wife, b. Feb. 21, 1785. HULDAH, dau. of do., b. Sept. n, 1786. JOHN GILMORE, son of do., b. June 21, 1788. DANIEL, son of do., b. March 25, 1790. ELIJAH, son of do., b. April 22, 1793. SALLY, dau. of do, b. May 16, 1795. SARGENT. JOHN, son of John Sargent and Mary his wife, b. April 17, 1814. MARY, dau. of do., b. Oct. i, 1817. MARY, wife of John Sargent, d. Oct. 25, 1820. TAYLOR. ADALINE REBECCA TOWN, dau. of James Taylor and his wife, b. Dec. 5, 1805. EPHRAIM, son of Ephraim Taylor and Rachel his wife, b. Feb. 10, 1805. WARDWELL. WILLIAM HENRY, son of Dr. Daniel Wardwell and Sarah his wife, b. Oct. 24, 1818. WILSON. GEORGE, son of George and Martha Wilson, b. Jan. 26, 1758. ABIGAIL, dau. of do., b. Nov. 10, 1759. JOSEPH, son of do., b. April 4, 1762. JOHN, son of do., b. Dec. 31, 1764. 904 HISTOR Y OF L YNDEBORO UGH ELIZABETH, dau. of do., b. May 27, 1767. AARON, son of do., b. May 28, 1769. HANNAH, dau. of do., b. July 17, 1771. ABIAL, son of Abiel Wilson and Abigail his wife, b. April 7, 1790. PHIU.IP PUTNAM, son of do., b. Oct. 9, 1791. Appendix. THE SONS OP VETERANS. Camp A. F. Holt, No. 16, Sons of Veterans, was organized May 1 8, 1888, by Capt. Bert E. Fisher and Charles H. Hall of Dover, N. H., with fourteen charter members, whose names follow : Edward Ross Andy J. Gould Hartwell M. Stephen son W. S. Tarbell W. P. Herrick Charles H. Stephen son J. A. Carkin George W. Steele Edward I,. Curtis Harvey Boutwell Andy F. Cram Leon E. Hartshorn Nelson S. Cram Richard W. Cram The camp was named for Alfred F. Holt, a native of Lynde- borough and at that time surgeon general of the State of Massa- chusetts. On Feb. 12, 1889, at a special meeting of the camp, in the presence of several of the division officers and a large number of the citizens, Col. Holt presented the camp with a very fine silk flag, appropriately inscribed with the name, num- ber and division of the camp. By reason of the limited population from which to draw mem- bers, this has always been one of the smaller camps of the New Hampshire division. But it has been prosperous, and has al- ways stood well with the officers of the division, receiving a good mark at its inspection each year. It has' been an interest- ing feature in the memorial day services, and also on the occa- sion of burying the soldier dead. The camp holds a separate religious service on memorial day morning at the grave of Col. Holt, and it also shares in the general services of the day at Citizens' Hall and also at the cemetery. The names of those who have served as commanders are ap- pended, with the years in which they served : 1888-1889 Edward Ross 1898 W. S. Tarbell 1890 W. S. Tarbell 1899 J. A. Carkin 1891 W. F. Herrick 1900 Charles R. Carter 1892 F. E. Carkin 1901-1902 Fred A. Holt 1893 Edward Ross 1903 Harry W. Holt 1894 Milo J. Burton 1904 W. H. Cheever 1895 W. C. Carkin 1905 Harry W. Holt 1896 R. N. Putnam 1906 Fred B. Richards 1897 C. H. Tarbell Since its organization the camp has mustered about seventy members. 906 APPENDIX THE WOMAN'S RELIEF CORPS. The Woman's Relief Corps No. 55, auxiliary to the Harvey Holt Post No. 15, Grand Army of the Republic, was organized April 1 8, 1889, with thirteen charter members. Although an organization of this kind had previously received casual mention, it was through the influence of Mrs. Martha M. Butler that it received existence. In the sixteen years of its life it has gained a good reputation among its sister organiza- tions, has furnished some department officials and has been a helpful factor in the town. It has not only worked "for the good of the order," but has always been alert in cases which needed assistance. The corps has raised and expended for the post, for charity and for improvements in the hall, including a piano, $425. The corps now (Dec. 12, 1905) numbers thirty members. Miss Abbie F. Cram was the first president, and was several times re-elected. The following is the full roll of the presiding officers : Miss Abbie F. Cram Mrs. Lizzie G. Tarbell Mrs. Jennie A. Holt Mrs. Elsie M. Sargeiit Mrs. Camelia Winn Mrs. Ella R. Holt Miss Minnie E. Stacy (Mrs. Hadley) Mrs. Addie W. Putnam Mrs. Emma S. Barden Mrs. Martha M. Butler Mrs. Abbie A. Ford Mrs. Mary Jane Curtis Mrs. Carrie M. G. Johnson THE UNION VETERANS' UNION. An organization of the Union Veterans' Union and also of an auxiliary called the Woman's Veteran Relief Union were main- tained here for several years with considerable interest. But their membership became reduced by both deaths and removals from town, and they no longer maintain a visible organization. OSGOOD CARLETON.* Osgood Carleton, for a quarter of a century before 1810, was the leading teacher of mathematics and navigation in Boston. He had pupils from many portions of New England. His was the school of the day for in- struction in navigation and in the art of map construction. As a teacher and cartographer he easily held a foremost rank Osgood Carle- ton enlisted May 2, 1758, in the company of Capt. Aaron Fay, Col. Eben- ezer Nichols, and served seven months for the "Reduction of Canada." Residence given as Litchfield. (Mass. Archives, xcvi : p. 419.) April 6, 1759, aged eighteen years, and especially named as the son of Jeremiah Carleton, residing in Woburn, he was attached to the regiment of Col. Eleazer Tyng, under command of Gen. Jeffry Amherst for invasion of * From an article by Rev. An son Titus, of Somerville, Mass., in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Jan., 1901. APPENDIX 907 Canada. The Regimental Return was dated at Dunstable [Mass. Arch., xcvi : 378]. January ist, 1760, he enlists as a private in the company of Captain Joseph Newhall, Colonel Jacob Bayley, then stationed at Louis- berg. He was discharged December 20, 1760. [Mass. Archives, xvciii : 482]. These separate enlistments, however, only show that he was^in the pay of the province: This service brought him into the home and ser- vice of Major-General John Henry Bastide, director and engineer of the king's ordnance at Louisburg and Annapolis. It was while rendering service in the army of Nova Scotia that his talent for mathematics and his skill at original work were recognized, and he was made a part of the working force among the navigators and artillerists of the King's army and navy. It is said that for five years young Carleton was under his tutelage in the provinces and on the high seas. General Bastide as'chief engineer of ordinance found in Carleton a young man of large ability and capable of hard work in engineering, pilotage and navigation. Carleton's residence, with General Bastide, introduced him to affairs at I/ouisberg, Annapolis, Liverpool and various colonies of the kingdom in North America There is a brief account of the career of Carletou in the History of the Society of Cincinnati of Massachusetts, and slight mentions in other publications where the subject of the cartography of Boston is up- permost ; but still there has been a scarcity of information as to where he obtained his wide knowledge of engineering and navigation, and his great skill in surveying. His residence in the home and as the clerk of Gen- eral Bastide, the eminent royal engineer, explains it. Index of Names, Places and Subjects. BY REV. D. DONOVAN. The indexes are quite full. Some things are, however, omitted. Of these are, the Revolutionary Roll ; Tabulated lists of Town Officers, 257-275 ; Captains of the Lafayette Artil- lery ; Tax I/ist of 1786; List of teachers from printed Town Reports ; the Mortuary lists and the genealogies. Abbott, Chas. E., Mrs., 310 John 4th, 72 Jonas, 536 Josiah, 354, 486, 487, William, 494, 496, 533 William H., 496, 497 505, 510, 515 William H., Mrs., 506 Adams, Zabdiel, Rev., 144, 286 & Mudgett, 536 Aiken, Rev. Silas, 297 Allen, Samuel, 19, 635 Seth, 491 Ames, Benj. B., 536, 636 Howard B., 236 Anderson, James, 238 Andrews, James, 485- 487, 535 John, 26 Andros, Sir Edmond, 10, 13 Archer, John, 26, 30 Arnold, James G., 238 Asten, Daniel, 526, 635 Atherton, Joshua, 81, 158 Atkinson, Theodore Jr. 40, 69, 74, 134, 136 Averill, Edward, 450 Avery, Charles L., 536 Bachellor, Joseph, 161 Reuben, 161 Bacon, Charles R., 237 Badger, David, 49, 133, 137, 138, 141, 154, 156-158, 161, 252, 265, 289, 290, 310, 354, 434, 438, 530, 531 John, 55,498, 587,588 NAMES Robert, 133, 154, 161, 265, 354, 53 Sarah, 530 E. B,, Esq., 345, 350 Bailey, Charles H., 536 Jonathan, 449 Levi P., 490, 491 Balch, Isaac & Israel, 251 Israel, 88 John J., 530 Joshua, 77 Mary, 77 Baldwin, Mr., 148 Joshua, 332 Bales, Miss Elsie M., (Mrs. S. F. Adams) 369 Barden, Amos Whit- ney, 509 Barker, Phineas, 139 Theodore, 252 Barnard, Rev. Jeremi- ah, 291. Barnes, George, 422 George R., 536, 540 Nathan, 342 Barr, Col. Samuel, 145, 283 Barrett (Place), Oliver, 435, 458 Barren, Jonathan, 635 Moses, 484 Samuel, 155, 157, 172, 175- Capt. William, 154, 158, 159, 161, 167, 265, 272, 273, 289, 31, 354, 395-397, 434, 475, 530, 588- 590, 628 Barrow, Elbert, 525 Bartell, John, 26, 30 Robert, 26 Bartlett, John, 30 Lorenzo D., 499, 631, 632, 636 Nathaniel 42-44 Robert, 30 Batch elder, Daniel, 83 Eben, 527 Emerson, 528 George, 528 John C., 528 Joseph, 154 4 Nathaniel, 154, 157, 161, 433,500, 540 Reuben, 154 Sarah, 526 Batchellor.Albert S. 68 Bates, Col.Delevan, 287 Batten, John and Rich- ard, 251, 536 Richard 77 Richard, Jr., 237 Beadle, Thomas, 26, 30 Beal, John, 26 Tarrant M., 413, 506 Beasom, John, 485, 518 John Jr., 227, 231,267, 436, 5*4 Philip, 485, 486, 514 Sarah, 518 Beede, Rev. Thomas, 291 Belknap, Jeremy, 3, 8 Berry, Col. 43, 46 Betton, (James) 81,9111 Bevens, Edward, Jr., 134, 137, 138, 140, 141, 149, 483, 527 Edward, 354 Joseph, 483 Lizzie, 492 Sally, 527 Bickford, Mr., 36, 48, 59 Edward, 154 John, 483, 485 9io INDEX Birne, Mrs. Martha, 483 Bishop, Frank J., 506 Mrs. George, 510 Bixby, Ephraim, 486 Oliver, 224, 225, 267, 292, 299, 312, 408, 409, 444, 445, 530, 531, 631 Blaisdell, John, 488 Blanch, Richard, 26 Blanchard, Amaziah, 538 Asa, 332, 447 Asa, Jr., 528 Daniel, 332 Elmer E., 437 5*3 Col. Joseph, 19, 20, 40, 43,44, 5 1 , 52,56, 70, 71, 73. 77, 235, 45-48, 68 Joseph, Jr., 47 Joseph A., 435, 436, 493. 507 Mrs. Joseph A., 508, 512 Lieut. Jotham, 266, 272, 322, 447, 528 William M., 237 Blaney, Maj. Joseph, 25, 27-29, 44, 45, 48, 97, 98, 482, 483, 486, 496, 534 Capt. William, 272, 458, 485, 496, 590 Blood, Austin, 238 Gen. Francis, 252 George H., 517 Hiram F., 507 Boardman, 434 Daniel, 446, 537 Thomas, 491, 537 Boffee, John, 162, 485, 487, 535 Melchizedeck, 35,36, 41, 133, 137, 141, 145, 281, 482, 485, 487, 535 Lieut. Thomas, 149, 151, 485, 488, 498, 519 Bolles, Matthew, 350 Bolster, Rev.W.H., 306 Boone, John W., 239 Borland's Farm Francis, 72, 73 Bosworth, George W., 238 Boutelle, 460 Bouton, Nathaniel, 156 Boutwell, Abby J., 501 Abram, 237, 533 Asa, 155 Belle L., 532 Benjamin, 225, 237 Charles R., 140, 458, 459, 532, 533. 545 James, 143, 152, 153, 237, 265, 271-273, 324, 354, 484, 485, 488, 500, 533, 537 Nathan B., 237 Nehemiah, 267, 299, 323, 328, 333, 458, 459, 467, 532 Newton, 224, 225 Rodney C., 444 William, 230 Rev. William Thurs- ton, 237, 302 James, Rodney C., Nehemiah, Benjamin J., Charles R., and Mrs. Charles R., 533 Brothers, 545 Bowditch, Capt. Joseph 26, 30, 36, 48 William, 26 Bowen, John, 26 William H. (farm) 538 Bowers, Captain, 30, 48 Josiah, 486 Bowles, John, 52 Boyku, Adolphus, 239 Boylston, Josephine, Mrs., 309 Boynton, Richard, 139 Brackett, Cyrus, 239 Bradford, Rev. Eph. Putnam, 291, 297, 299, 300, 515 James C., 516 Capt. John, 148, 235, 485, 487, 515 Rebecca, 45 I 45 2 Sally, 515 Thomas, 332, 351,410, 515 Braman, Rev. I., 291 Britton, Edward, 26 Broad, Clifton S., 636 Brooks, Isaac, 368 Brown, Allen A., 536, 537 Brown, Rev. Caleb, 338 Clara & Harriet, 510 Ira R., 539 Leonard G., 539, 632 Nathan, 500, 536 Robert R., 539, 632 Browne, Allen, 226 Rev. Donald, 305 William, 69 Bruce, John, 368 Sarah, 363 Bruno, Louis, 237 Bryant, Rev. Albert, 502 Buck, Sewall M., 437, 5i8 Bullard, John A., 529 Edward, 633 Bullock.Benjamin, 491, 635 Burnam, James, 161 Bnrnham, Israel P., 337 Israel, 447 John W., 534 Burns, Charles H., Esq. 369 Burroughs, Rev. David 343 Burton, etc., 54 Andrew, 435 Dexter, 226, 518 James, 634 John, 270 John H., 518 Jonathan, 484 Milo, 509, 511 Roy, 119, 510, 511, 514, 5i8 William A., 497 William W., 518 Butler, Charles M., 225, 412 Mrs. Charles M., 506 George, 458, 508 Horace, 519 Jacob, 231, 267, 284, 300, 324, 361, 363, 436.450,519 Dr. Jacob Newton, 519 John D., 539 John R., 237 Jonathan, 206, 274, 451, 486, 519 Jonathan H., 225 Butterfield, David, 494, 539, 633 Samuel, 68, 161 Butterfield & Fisher, 81, 82, 91 Buttrick, Alban, 517 Alvaro, 457, 5 13 Buxton, The pasture, 494 Campbell, Charles, 235 Henry, 235 Car kin Homestead, 538 Aaron, 498, 538 Charles, 448 David, (Place), 507 53.7 David, Jr., 225, 235 Fred A., 507, 508, 515 INDEX 911 John, 67, 133, 139' 162, 460, 487, 496, 526, 5 3 8 John A., 462, 508, 510, 5H, 520 John C., 237, 238, 507 WillC., 462,508,510, Sii Carleton, David, 149, 486, 487 Dudley, 299, 538 Eunice (Taylor), wid. 485, 487 Lieut. Jeremiah, 272, 289, 354. 463. 5 Jeremiah, 137, 139, 157, 158, 162, 486, 487, 539. 629 John, 225, 445, 523, 489 Miriam, 489 Osgood, 69, 70, 72, 73, 77, 90, 118, 145, 146, 484, 488, 590- 592, "906 Timothy, 149 Carr, Charles, 525 Carson (Place), 118 Adam, 482 Alexander, 539 Frank, 434 John, 332, 354, 355, 483, 494 William, 134, 137, 139. 273, 483, 538 William, Jr., 152, 161 Case, John, 252 Castine (Baron), 10, n Chamberlain, Asa, 230, 231 Benjamin, 225 Daniel, 230, 489, 524 Eliza, 533 John, 524 Jonathan, 149, 161, 487, 497 , 523, 524 Jonathan, Jr., 485, 486, 496 Joseph, 230, 231, 332 Joseph, Jr., 448, 454, 460, " Brick Joe" Joseph, 513, 519, "Baptist Joe " Mr. (Rufus?), 494 Nathaniel, 230 Rufus, 419, 448, 460, 496, 497. 499- 513. 524, 525, 538, 634 Samuel, 460, 486 Silas, 226 Walter, 238 Chandler, David, 71 David Jr., 28 Col. Samuel, 21, 22, 28 Chase, Harry R., 527, 528 Mrs , 528 Cheever, Herbert A., 505 507, 509 Ward N., 410, 496, 497, 503, 505 5o6, 5H Willis H., 507, 510 Mrs. W. H. (Carrie), 420 Chenery, Bertha, 525 John, 534 Moses, 530, 635 Susie, 525 Childs, Rev. A. C., 304 Rev. Simeon, 368 Christie (Place), John K., 536 Churchill, Prof. J. W., 305, 306 Miss Ellen B., 429, 508 Chute, J. W., 528 Claggett, Rev. Erastus B., 298, 301, 302, 310, 363, 369, 383, 391-394, 417, 480, 520 Clark, A. F., 274 Asa, 539, Rev. B. F., 299, 458 Benjamin Jones, 238, 532 Daniel, 488 David D., 428, 538, 539 Deborah (Rand), 633 Francis, 593 Rev. Frank G., 14, 32, 141, 276, 280, 281, 283, 286, 288, 291, 292, 298, 301, 304, 308, 309, 3ign, 408, 428, 429, 457, 524. 539 Gorham B., 239 Hannah Deborah (Mrs. Gilmore) 593, 594 Capt. Henry, 274, 533 James I/., 332,539. 6 3 6 John, 52, 226, 354, (Place) 536, 593 Jonathan, 408, 489, 536 Capt. Peter, 47, 154, T 55> T 57> T 58, 160, 208, 245, 246, 247, 249, 251, 272, 274, 289, 445, 455, 458, 487, 490, S3 2 , 536, 537, 592, 593, 636 Clarks, 434 Dea. Peter, 310, 330, 490, 5i8, 537 Robert, 443 Clark, Sarah (Barren), 633 Sarah (Putnam), 489, 593 Capt. William, 273, 282, 302, 323, 328, 329, 408, 442, 537 William H., 453, 458, 532 Clay, Samuel, 26 Cleaves, William, 255, 454 Clement, Charles, 512 Cleveland, Rev. D. M., 343 Clough, Joseph, 27, 30, 36,48 Mrs. dough (Lynn), 352, 5<>8 Mr. M. C., 531 Cloutman, Thomas, 26 Cobbitt, Mrs. Hannah, 48 Cochran, Jonathan, 226 Col. W. H. D., 369 W. K., 446, 537 Codner, Benjamin, 26, 29 Christopher, 26 Colburn, 451, 457 B. W., 514 Colby, Mrs., 507 John F., 507 Collier, Peter, 26 Colson, Dorcas, 420 James, 508, 510, 511 Conant, Albert S., 236, 495, 5o8, 510 Coomes, Michael, 26 Corey, Thomas S., 363 Cornwallis, Gen., 160 Coston, Ebenezer and Elizabeth, 140, 485, 533 Cragin, Daniel, 457,5 I 3 Cram, Abby F., 906 Albert, 460, 511, 513, 525 Andy, 505, 515 Azro D., 235, 436, 517 Benjamin, 38,137-141, 143, Dea., 156, 231, 265, 272, 279, 281, 310, 354, 436, 485, 487, 488, 523, 535 Benjamin, Jr., 496, 912 INDEX Benjamin, Daniel, Olive (Chamber- lain), 459 Daniel, 225, 231, 289, 332. 338, 513 David, 133, 137, 273, 494. 526 David, 226 Elizabeth, 526 Everett, 239, 510 George M., 512 Gideon, 267, 351 Hannah, 231 Henry, 332, 351, 457, 489, 525 Hiram, 231 Huldah, 523 Irene, 511 Israel, 492, 518 Jacob, 133, I37-I39. 157. 265, 273, 278, 282, 354, 485, 526 James, 525 James S., 599 James, Jr., or 2nd, 332, 351, 457. 489, 525 John, 31-36, 38, 230, 277. 452, 453. 47i, 482, 497, 499, 599 John, Jr., 38, 516, 522, 523 Capt. Jonathan, 38, 67, i33 137, 138, 142, 143, 161, 278, 279, 281, 436, 485, 487, 523, 524. 526 Jonathan, Jr., 60, 281, 482, 526, 533 Joseph, 38, 55, 226, 332, 35 J > 487, 523- 525 Lewis, 410 Cram & Daniels, 410, 489 Louise (Mrs. John A. Putnam), 525 Luther, 118,345, 388, 419, 448, 492, 522 Nathan, 162, 487 Nelson, 518 Orrin, 350, 508, 517 Peter, 254, 439, 499, 525 Phebe, 487, 497, 523 Polly, 156 Rachel, 526 Richard, 516 Sarah, 487, 523 Solomon, 88, 99, 161, 328, 332, 337, 485, 505. 517, 525, 537, 538 Uriah, 149, 273, 328, 489, 525, 526 Cressy, Andrew, 77,251 Widow, 473, 49 2 , 533 Crocker, E. B., 504 Cromwell, Oliver, 5 Crosby, Benjamin, 462, 5i8 Rev. Jaazaniah, 291 Jacob, 457, 513 Joseph, 95, 96 Cummings, Rev. Chas., 338, 339 Charles P., 492 C. J., 454, 474, 530, 635 Mary E. 512 Nathan (Place), 540, 637 Mrs. Nathan, 540 Dea. S. S., 103, 344, 5" Timothy & wife, 29, 3.6, 48 Currier, Rev. Joshua, 340 Curtis, Asher, 234, 312, 537. 538 Mrs. Asher, 469 Asher 2nd, 312, 450 Betsey Ann, 312, 468, 469 Edward W., 538, Eli, 454, 472, 636 Eli, Jr., 226 Eli Clark, Dea., 310, 312, 434, 454, 472, 481, 492, 538, 539 Frances, 538 Hiram, 234, 312 Israel, 312, 539 John, 515 Kilburn S., 312, 499, 538 Levi, 337, 494 Mary Jane, 505 Molly, 492 Sally, 538 William W., 312, 409, 532, 538, 636 Cutter, Mrs., 508 Dale or Deal, John, Sr. 35. 36, 38, 49. 54, 278 Mrs. Thomas, 514, 517 Damon, Warren, 492 Dana, Samuel, Esq. 325 Dane, Ezra, 353 Danforth, Edgar A. ( 161, 166, 169, 259, 419, 5io Mrs. E. A., 388 Simon O., 363 Daniel , Stephen, 26 Stephen, Jr., 26, 30 Daniels & Cram (in business), 410 Dascomb, 88, 329, 436, 496, A Revolution- ary Soldier James, Jr., 83 Luther, 211 Polly, 368 Davis, David A., 363 Hezekiah, 411 Rev., J. G., 303 Myra, 535 William, 235 Day, Isaac, 154, 161 Dearborn, Dr. S. G., 631, 632 Deland, George, 30, 49, 52 Densmore, Francis, 49 Denten, Ebenezer, 162 Derby, Charles, 26 Roger, 26, 28, 29 William, 26 Dickey, David G., 274, 434, 442, 53 William, 68 Dike, Benjamin, 151 Dix, Betsey, 527 Dixey, Samuel, 26 William, 26, 30 Dodd, John, 26 Dodge, Rev. Austin, 306 Josiah, 98, 252 Dolliver, Edward, 513 Capt. John and wife, 502, 514, 536 John B., 235 John E., 5 IO -5 12 Richard N., 225 Samuel, 514, 531 William H., 510, 514, 5i8 Donnell, James, 539 Donohue, Col. Michael T., 236 Donovan, Rev. Dennis, 304, 35, 343, 388, 520 Prof. Winfred Nichols, 344 Dowd, John, 29 Draper, David S., 514 Hannah, 231 Harry, 508 James C. P., 519 Jotham P., 235 Leon, 519 Thomas J., 514 INDEX William, 251 Willis H., 508 Duncklee, Mr., 408 Clintie, 534, 539 Edward W., 434 Francis, 231 George, 536 Hezekiah, 162 Isaac L., 534, 539 William, 520, 539 William R., 234 Dustan, Rev. George, 302 Dutton,* Benj., 284,491, 540 Mrs. Benjamin, 58, 60, 435, 533 Betsey E., 540 Rev. Chas. H., 305 Jacob, 251 Josiah, 283 Mynard, 274 Reuben, 353, 433, 491, 54, 635 Samuel, 230 Capt. William, 251, 3 2 5, 327, 328, 518 Dyer, Samuel, 537 Eastman, G. W., 446, 457,46o, 514 Eaton, Charles F., 460 Frank, 513 Warren, 457, 513 Rev. W. H., D.D., 410 Ellinwood, 161 Ira S., 337 Joseph, 354, 492, 526 Samuel, 337 Elliott, Rev. Joseph, 338 Elson, , 30 Emerson, Rev. Daniel, 145, 279, 280, 286 Rev. Joseph, 145, 279, 280, 286 Emery, Clintie A., 365 Rev. Enville J., 341, 342 Harlan E., 365, 508 John, 504, 509, 516 Mrs. John (AnnM.), 59 Morris M., 508, 520 Mrs., 519 English, Joseph, 26, 30 Philip, 26, 30 *There was a also a Reed Dutton, whose old cellar is east of Mr. Sewell M. Buck's place. P. 537 Epes or Epps, Capt. Benjamin, 88, 272, 322, 325, 487, 537 Col. Daniel, 26, 27. 28, 30, 487, 536 Daniel, Jr., 26, 28, 29, 45, 48, 59 Francis, 251, 289, 536, 627, 628 George D., 448 Joseph, 93, 94 Joseph, 2nd, 329 Samuel, 28 Everett, Rev. Samuel, 338 Farrar, Rev. Stephen, 145 Mrs. Martha M., 420 Fearing, Hawkes, 235 Fellows, Col. Enoch Q. 236 Felton, John, 29, 36 Finning, Daniel, 235 Flardy, Edward, 30, 49 Fletcher, Oliver, 48 Philip, 154, 161 Robert, 62, 63, 68-70, 73, 76, 77, 81, 82, 86, 90, 94 Simeon, 161 Thomas, 30, 48 Flynn, Jacob, 93, 94, 95 Follansbee, George R., 236 Forten, Thomas, 26 Foster, Daniel, 29 David, 26 Jonathan, 26 Fowle, Charles P., 226 John, 28, 30 Capt. John, Jr., 30, 33,48 Fox, John, 239 Franklin, John A., 238 French, Benjamin, 79, 80 Fuller, Andrew, Esq., 94, 98, 153, 154, 158, 161 Andrew, Jr., 534 Benjamin, 534 Moses, 534 Archelaus, 459 James, 230 Furgason, Archeball,26 Gage, David (Mission- ary), 369 David and wife, 600 Mrs. David, 506, 507 Rev. David, 342 John, 504 John and David, 445, 457, 513, 534 Horace D., 536 Gallden, John, 235 Gannett, Rev. J. H.,342 Ganson, John. 37 Gardner, Ebenezer, 149, 322 Frank, 490 John, 26, 28, 29, 30 Gay, Joel, 312 Giddings, Luke, 635 Gilchrist, D., 634 Gilman, Gov. John T., 254 Gilmore, Gen. Quincy A., 235 Glover, John, 142, 484 Goddard, Percy, 531 Goffe, Col. John, 63, 145 Goldthwaite, Obed M., 353 Phebe, 353 Goodhue, Benjamin, 26, 30, 45, 48, 59, 80, 88, 96 Stephen, 78-80, 96 Goodman, . 442 Goodridge, Dea. Benj., 300, 360, 446, 459, 49 Charles, 536 Israel Hutchinson, 273, 299, 332, 360, 442, 443, 53, 532 John C., 310, 445, 446, 536, 537 John H., 386, 445,458, 459, 490, 529, 536 Sarah C., 536 Rev. Sewall, 80, 8r, 83, 84, 85, 87-90, 93- 95, 97-100, ^S'^S, 155, 157, 285, 286, 290, 298, 306, 307, 310, 329, 330, 485- 487, 501, 530, 534 Mrs. Sewall and fam- ttji 33 Gordon, William, 325 Gorges and Mason, i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 -8, "i I2 Gould, Mr., 283 Major Daniel, 83, 84, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 95-100, 154, 157, 161, 209, 312, 322, 325, 327, 3 2 8, 408, 454, 459, 5oi, 531- 533 914 INDEX George, 35, 36, 48, 89, 133. 137. 141, 142, 145, 324, 408, 498, 501, 53 1 , 532 Jacob S., 460 John, 289, 531 Richard, 89, 149, 161 William H., 536 Benjamin, 482, 517, 539 Humphrey, 513 Gowen, John, 488 Grant (Place) . 493 Arthur, 535 David C., 68, 149, 161, 223, 231, 284, 417, 445, 49. 5 2 5 544 James, 273, 274, 485, 492,531.535 John, 488 Miss, 363 William H., Esq., 161, 205, 223, 224, 230, 259 Graves. Moses, 48 Gray, Matthew, 353 Greeley, Rev.E.H., 304 Green, 71 George E., 236 Gregg, Capt. William, 231 Griffin, Robert, 240 Grimes, David W., 224, 225 Crush or Grnshe'.Thos. 154 Gyles, John, Jr., 26, 28, 30 Hackett, Mr., 534 Hadley Hill, 108 Bros.' Mill, 114, 115, 45i Mrs. Abigail, 515 Chase, 443, 518 Mrs. Chase, 465 Dana, 512 Franklin, 225, 340, 434, 533 George Willis or (Mrs. Minnie S.), 4H, 5ii Joshua, 133, 154, 161 Levi P., 505 Josh, Chase, Frank- lin, Levi P. and wife, 530 Mark, 519 Wilkes H., 534 Haggett (Place), 494, 539 J-, 102 John & Joseph, heirs, 539 Hails, Israel, 160 Hale, Col. John, 145, 283 Martin, 234 Haley, Frank, 510 Hall, Samuel R., 368 Edward, 509, 510 Edward G., 539 Hallett, Joseph, 26, 30 F. H., 516 Hamblet, Hezekiah,i6i Hammond, 272 Hancock, Mr., 71 Hanley, Patrick, 537 Hardy, Rev. Owen E., 305, 533, 539, 637 Rev. Eliphalet J., 305, 454, 525, 539, 637 Rev. Mrs. Sabrina Jennings, 305 Albert, 332, 410, 411, 523 Mr., 493 Harlow, Rev. Lincoln, 302 Harper, William, 456, 457 Harriman, Col. Walter, 236 Harris, Benjamin, 236 Nathan S., 238 Oliver, 537 Hartman, John, 240 Hartshorn, David P., 460, 522 George M., 529 Jeremiah, 506 John, 526, 539 John, 2nd, (105, 225?), 332, 344, 349, 445, 520, 527. 533 John A., 234 Miss Lizzie, 522 Miss Marion, 420 Micah, 116, 434, 435, 454, 539 Ruby, 506 Samuel, 224, 225,332, 337, 344, 361, 447, 526 Samuel Newell, 388, 539, 636 Heirs of S. N., 539 Sumner S., 509 Mrs. Susanna P., 226 Timothy, 95, 96 Harwood, Andrew, 119, 447, 526 Andrew, Jr., 526 John, 96 Otis, 239 Hasseltine, Nathan, 488 Nathan, Jr., 495, 496 Hatch, Mrs. C. G., 528 Dr. G. W., 622 Hawes, David, 409 Hawthorne, Robert,309 Mrs. Robert, 501 Hayford, Mrs. Minnie, 5" Heald, Rev. J. H., 304 Heath, Mrs. Addie, 510 Hemingway, Mr., 280 Hendley, Thomas, 27 Henderson, Daniel, 537 Herrick, Benjamin G., 302, 312, 434, 440, 492, 534, 535 Edward, 226, 227, 523 Indiana, 295, 534 Dr. Israel, 252, 298, 299, 310, 333, 360, 475, 53 r i 533, 534, 547, 570-574, 635 John, 539 Joseph, 153, 154, 157, 246, 268, 272 Lafayette, 512, 534 William J., 224, 225, 409, 53*, 53 2 Herrick & Donnell, 539 Hicks, Maj. Joshua, 44, 45, 48, 52, 483 Hildreth, Jotham, 273, 300, 312, 360, 388, 437, 452, 513, 634, 637 Jacob, 408 Hildreth & Dunck- lee, 408 Hill, Abel, 539 Asa (Place), 537, 224, 225 Abel & Asa, heirs, 537 Dea. Asa, 310 Rev. Ebenezer, 291 Fred, 530 Jonathan, 36 Miss Martha, 363 Sylvester, 363 Hilliard, David, 26, 30 Edward, 26, 30 Joseph, 26, 30, Hillman, Rev. A. T., 306 Hilt, Miss Lizzie, 535 Hilton, Edward, 4 Hine, William, 26 Hobson, Capt. John, 21, 22 INDEX 915 Hodgeman, Samuel, 493' 502, 517, 636 Elnathan, 236 Hodgen, Arthur W.,528 Hodsdon, E. P., 634 Holden (Place), 458, 5i8 Henry E., 537 Warren, 637 Holland, John, 146, 147 Stephen, Esq., 271 Holley, William, 206, 436 Hollingsworth, Joshua 26 Holmes, Daniel, 490 Holt, Abigail, 353 Andy, 238, 440, 452, '477, 492, 503, 535, 554 Betsey, 447 Charles Henry, 412, 413, 440, 451, 505 Mrs. Charles Henry, 506, 521 Charles Harvey, 527, 539 David, 273, 492, 534, 535 David K., 332 Dexter K., 526, 528, 530 Dorcas A., 352, 503, 505. 5o6 Effie, 521 Eli, 226, 337 Emery, 497, 523, 524 Flora M., 510 Fred, 467, 535 George W., 411, 506 Harvey, 234, 521, 523, 524 Harvey, 523, 489, 535 Israel Porter, 528 Jason, 236, 440, 511, 636, 515 John Fletcher, 102, 353, 489, 5io, 521, 523, 524 Joshua, 72, 73 Lorenzo, 521 Mary A., 510 Nathan, 279 Oliver, 493, 535 Persons S., 274, 539 Simeon, 83 William, 48, 133, 226 William, 410,503,520, 534, 535 William Persons, 526, 527, 539 Hooper, Robert, 48, 2 70, 486, 487, 530 Hosmer, Stephen, Jr., 23, 24 Houghton, Mrs. Phebe G., 516 Houston (Corner), 76, 77 Caleb, 308, 601 Ira, 267,433,481,491, 635 John, 311 Samuel, 154, Lieut., 161, 209, 225, 491 540, 629 Capt. Samuel, 272, Dea. 310, 330, 433, 491, 540, 629 Howard, Samuel, 230, 255, 434 Silas, 255, 434 Joseph, 447, 454 Howe, Asa, 96 Hubbard, Rev. H. G., 302 342, 520 Hunt, Joel, 26 Kurd, History.of Hills- borough County, 368 Hussey, Rev. C. S.,352, 506 Hutchinson, Mrs. Ann, 5, 16 Mrs. Charles L., 528 Ebenezer, 93, 94, 536 Everett, 492 George, 139 Rev. G. W.,34i, 349, 352, 353, 520 Isabel, 526 Col. Israel, 76, 82, Sketch of, 585, 586 James, 139, 151, 485, 487 John, 134, 137, 138, 140, Sergt.,141,143, 539 Nehemiah, 149 Samuel, 151 Ingalls, Ephraim, 26, 3, 36, 48 Isaac, Henry, 224 Ives, Rev. H. S., 305 James I., King of Eng- land, 12 James II. , King of Eng- land, 10, 13 Jackson, Bartholomew, 26, 30, Capt. 49 George, 26 Jaffrey, George, 40, 69, 7i, 72, 74, 75, 87, 89 Jaquith, Cyrus, 531 Jeunison, Rev. Mr., 299 Jensen, Lorenzo P., 349- 509 Jewett, Rev. Mr., 297 Johnson, Adam, 67, 94, 98, 134, 463, 485- 487, 537> 538 Elizabeth, 353 Francis, 606, 512 James, 139, 140, 537 John, 134, 142, 279, 281, 485, 537, 538 Joseph A., Esq., 10511. 223, 224, 225, 419, 45i, 458, 506, 512 Rachel, 486, 537 Jones, Dr. Benjamin, 246, 272-274, 300, 322, 324, 328, 330, 332, 486, 491, 531, 535, 540, 622, 627 Benjamin, Jr., 225 George T., 238 Joseph, 273, 299, 360, 534 Nathan, 299, 443, 444, Nathaniel, 531, 631 Rev. Newton, 297,302 Samuel, 274, 477, 530, 53 1 Dr. William A., 225, 299, 3io, 439, 440, 477, 532 Dea. William, 443, 444, 479, 53i Joslin, Benjamin, 492, 508 Frank, 532, 533, 535, Henry H., 116, 492, 535, 540 Levi, 409 Oscar, 492 Karr (Place), 437 Miss Elizabeth, 363 James H., 530, 531, 534 John H., 238 Mary, 353 Samuel, 224, 225 Kelley, Hugh, 30 Keyes, Joseph, 146, 147 Charles, 530 Kidder (Place), 512 Elizabeth R., 512 Ephraim, 512, 494 Franklin, 512 John, 133, 137, 154, 161, 354, 485, 512, 534; John, Jr., 252 INDEX Capt. Jonas, 158, 246, 268, 273, 306, 303, 463,484,539, Sketch of, 601-603 Rev. Joseph, 145, 286 Joseph, 295, 534 Manley, 536 Nelson, 532 "Young " Phineas C. 224, 225 "Middle" Phineas, 535, 636 "Old" Phineas, 535, (A Revolutionary pensioner), 206 Killam, Benjamin, 247, 323 Mrs. Hannah (Clark) 633 Joseph, 252 Samuel, 252 Kimball, George, 532 Isaac, 225 Rev. Ivory, 300, 301, 310 Reuben, 251 Kings of England Charles I., 53 Charles II., 53 James II., 10 George III., 38 William III., 31 King Philip, 22, 24 King, Capt. Daniel, 26 John, 25 Capt. Samuel and others, 15, 21-25, 28, 29, 31, 58 Capt. William, 26, 30 Kittridge, Rev., of Lyme, N. H., 417 Knapp, Isaac, 26, 30 James, 26, 30 Knight, Ephraim, 369, 389 Knollys, Hansard, 5, 6 Lakin, Abel, 497 Amaret, 462 Joshua S., 462 Thomas, 497 Lambert, Jonathan, 30 Joseph, 27, 30 Samuel, 27 Lane, Rev. Asa, 342 Langdell, William, 234 239 Mark D., 518 Larkharn, Rev., Epis- copal minister, 6 Lawrence, 413, 495, 521, 522, 635 Leacher, Joseph, 239 Lee, Jeremiah, 487, 535 Sergt. William, 151, 1 66 Capt. Wm. & Sarah, 488 Capt. William, 603- 604 L/egroe, John, 26 Lehman, Leman or Lemmon, Abraham 38 Dr., 270 Samuel, 35, 38 Samuel, Jr., 482 Lendall, James' Heirs, 48 Leverett, Thomas H., 225 Lewis, Aaron, 154, 161 (Sergt.) Capt. Aaron, 251, 310, 322, 328, 330, 434 Benjamin, 485 Cyrus, 368 David, 289 Isaac, 455 Joseph, 455 Livermore, Rev. Jona- than, 145, 286 Matthew, 40 Col. Thomas, 238 Loring, William, 536 Lovejoy, William, 443 Lovewell, Major, 37 Lowe, Everett E., 526 Fred, 539 Hattie, 521 Mrs. Isaac, 350 Isaac, 515, 516 John, 521 Lucas, Luke A., 513 or Manual Place, 435 Ledge, 105 Lund, Phineas, 96 Lynch (Place), 422, 538 Franklin, 455 John, 513 Robert K., 538 Lynde, Benjamin Jr., Esq., 26 Treasurer of the Salem-Canada Pro- prietors, 28, 30, 44, 45, 48, 49, 52, 57, 59, 64, 65, 67-72, 74, 75, 77, 78, 81, 86, 140, 270, 277, 278, 281, 289, 292, 297, 483, 484, 485, 487, 531, 535,537,539. Sketch of Life, 581,582,583 Mack, Miss P. J., 363 Mackey, Daniel, 483 Macomber, Rev. S. B., 342, 520 McAllister, George S., 528 Lula, 528 McCauley, James, 490 McGee, Rev. Jonathan, 302 McGinley, Letitia, 419, 420, 510, 515 McGown, Rev. A. J., 305, 36 McGuire, Hugh, 236 Mclntire, Elias, 299, 300, 534 Jonathan, 529 Levi, 273 Deacon N.T.( Church Clerk), 295,310,434, 5i8, 534, Capt., 413, 521 Mclntire, Timothy, 93, 94 McLane, J., 537 McMaster, Eliza, 534 Grannie, 295, 492 Samuel, 157 McNeal, William, Jr., 482 Manahan (Place), 409, 4io, S3* Clara A., 310 Samuel T., 531 Manning, Asa, 273, 299, 439, 53 8 , 633 Fred S., 235 Jacob, 323, 538, 633 Sherebiah, 465, 477, 540 Manson, Rev. Albert, 302 Manuel (Place), 524, 452, 457 Marble, Oliver, 456 March, Clement, 40, 71 74 Marsh, Edward K. 235, 236 Marshall, Andrew J., 236, 507, 509, 5", 514 James, 494 Marstou, Col. Gil man, 234 Martin, Benjamin J., 225, 516 John, 26 John J., 408,412, 503, 506 Peter, 26, 29, 49 Mrs. Lizzie, 534 INDEX 917 Marvell, Mr., 539 Mary, Queen of Great Britain, 13 Mason Gorges, 4 John, i, 3,4, 7, 10, 12, 16, 18 Robert, 18, 19 John and Robert, 19 Col. John Tufton, 19, 40, 42, 48, 68, 72 John, Sketch of and his posterity, 579- 58i Joseph, 238 Robert C., 539, 636 Mather, Rev. Cotton, 5 Maynard, Charles, 533 Means, Robert, 270 Medes, John, 230 Melendy, Augustus A., 282, 526 Joseph, 492 Melzar, Ezra F., 528 Merrett, Nicholas, 27 Merriam, Rev. George, 35 Rev. Asaph, 342 Merrill, Rev. Nathaniel 144, 280, 286, 291, 292, 294, 307, 531, 533. 38> 3 10 > 33. 337. 350. 36o. 36i, 417. 443 Mr. M., Elocutionist 386 James W., 536 Mesandowit, Indian Chief, ii Meserve, Nathaniel, 40, ?i Green, etc., 74, 75 Miller, John C., 436, 517 Mrs. Nancy, 533 Mitchell, Rev. Joseph B., 342 Monroe, Jesse, 235 Moore, Samuel, 40 Col. Daniel, 208 Charles, 238 Rev. Humphrey, 297 Fred, Harriet, Cyrus, 512 Morgan, John, 236 Mark, 494 Morris, William, 237 Morse, Leonard, 533 Mark, 537 Mrs. Harry, 537 Mullen, Mr., 509 Murch, George, 516 Murdo, Walter & wife, 5*6 Murra} T , Major S. F., 398 Needham (Place), 491 William L., 537 Warren, 537 Nevins, Miss Ann Jane, 363 Newell, John, 451, 457, 513 Newton, HarveyM.,234 Ida M., 419 Nichols, Warren, 530 Nickolls, Daniel, 48, 95 Norbourne, Alfred, 435, 438 Norman, Benjamin, 26 William. 30 Nutting, John, Jr., 52 O'Connor, Edward, 236 Odell, Luther, 446, 536 Odiorne, Jotham, 40, 71 Oliver, Andrew, Esq., 69, 80 & wife, Mary (Lynde) 95 Benjamin Lyude, 78, 79. 95, 96 Orcutt, Rufus, 238 Ordway, Enoch, 530 James, 98, 329 John, 134, 161, 265, 325, 327, 408, 474, 530, 635 John C., 238, 302, 531 Moses, 133, 159 Walter, 530 William H., 234, 236, 238, 239 Orne, Simon, 26, 30 John, 325 Osborne (Place), 536 W. H., 536 Osgood, Samuel, 26, 30 Robert B., 492, 636 Packer, Thomas, 40 Page, John, 514 Paine, Miss, 302 Palfrey, 3 Palmer, Asa, 536 Eben J., 238 Parish, Rev. Elijah, 291 Parker, " Old Tavern " 536 Carleton, 230 Charles, 536 Deborah, 635 Elmer B., 528 George W., 392, 527 Mrs .George W., 528 Isaiah, 422, 490, "536 Josiah M., 527 Robert, 230 Samuel, 488 William, 40 Parry, Edward & Heirs 540 (Place), 433, 434 Parsons, Jonathan, 157 Nathan, 161 Thomas, 161 Passaconaway, Indian Chief, 8 Patch, Edwin N., 102, 538 Dea. Abram, 540 Patterson, Walter, 511 Payson, Rev. John, 144, 286 Peabody, Rev. Eph- raini, 147 Joseph, 96, 97 Stephen, 142, 252 Widow, 93 William, 36 Peacock, Rev. John, 342, 344 Peal, Jonathan, Esq., 26, 30, 48, 96, 488, 539 George, 26 Pearson, Abigail, 353 Amos, 159, 494 Daniel, 95 Dimon, 454 Ebenezer, 339, 353, 503 Ebenezer, Jr., 227, 5.15,516 Elizabeth, 95, 96 James, 332, 528 Jesse, 312 Jonathan, Jr., 328 Moses, 231, 337, 437 Samuel, 337 Miss Submit R., 339 Susan, 338 Susan E., 528 Thomas, 486 William, 338 Peirce, Lieut. Col. Ben- jamin, 209 Daniel, 40, 71, 73-75 John, 80, 81, 85-87, 89 Joshua, 40 Perham, Charles L., 539, 636 David, 332, 527, 528 Harvey, 492, 528, 529 John, 529 Joseph, 529 Oliver, 96, 206, 300, 323, Ensign, 328, 539 INDEX Oliver, Jr., 447 Otis, 529 Rodney, 529 S., 447 William, 332 Willis, 538 Perkins, Edinond, 206, 267, 332, 333. 538 Person, Nathan, 289, 354, 488, 627 Peters, Rev. Hugh, 7 Petors, Richard, 26, 30 Pettingill, Frank A. 436 5>3i 5i6 Phelps, Ensign Nath- aniel, 147, 154, J57, 162, 273 Philip, Indian King, 8, 9 Phipps, Sir William, 13 Pickman, Col. Benja- min, Esq., 44, 45, 48, 52, 483, 485, 486, 488 L/ove, 52 William, 79, 80, 488 Pickwortb, John, 26 ; Pike, Col. James, 237 Place, Rev. L. D., 304, 35 Plummer, Daniel, 537 Pollard, Rev. Joseph, 342, 345 Potes, William, 26 Powers, Ephraim, 134, 138, 279-281, 486, 487, 534 George, 239 Edward, 529 Pratt, Mrs. of Salem, 25, 27, 28, 61 Amos, 434, 442, 530 George, 236 Rev. Dura D., 340 Preston, Seth, 236 Price, John, 239 Proctor, John, 26, 30 Benjamin, 26 Daniel, 224, 225, (Place), 536 David E., 237,239,491 vSylvester, 274 John, 491, 536, 537, (Old Place) Punchard, Benjamin, 154 Samuel, Jr., 159 Putnam, Aaron, 436, 488 Abigail, 368, 489 Adeline, 505, 506 Algernon W., 388,521 522 Alice, 515 Benjamin, 230 Betsey, 503, 505 Byron, 350, 461, 507, 509, 511, 513 Daniel, Esq., 226,323, 332, 334, 338, 367, 380, 442, 488, 503, 507, 520, 610 Prof. Daniel, 350,353, 390, 612 614 David, 162, 267, 273, 274> 337-340, 344, 349, 361, 363, En- sign, 368, 439, 440, 451, 453- 488, 489, 522 Deacon David, Jr., 226, 227, 230, 344, 419, 488, 489, 495, 521, 522 David, 3rd, 521, 522 Edward, 605 Edwin H., 32, 410, 452, 453, 459, 477, 495, 52i, 523 Mrs. Eliza, 120 Ephraim, 36, 38, 41, 47, 105, 133, 137, 141, 144, 150, 152, 157, 158, 161, 272, 278, 607-609 Ephraim, Jr., 245,246, 248, 265, 268, 310, 322, 354, 495 521, 522, 609 Ephraim, 3rd, 162, 230, 53, 506, 526, 609 "Danvers" Ephraim 486, 516 Ephraim, 2nd, 339, 436, 503, 504, 5*6, 517 Esther, 517 Ephraim Hildreth, 332 Mrs. Ephraim Hil- dreth, 506, 517 Capt. Eleazer, 410, 503, 505 Miss Emma D., 420 Mrs. Fanny, 510 Miss Grace E., 508 Col. Haldimand S., 235 Capt. Israel, 224, 227, 230, 340, 439, 45 2 > 489,495, 522, 611 Mrs. Israel, 506 Jacob, 35, 36, 83 Jacob D., 461 James A. G., 509 Jason, 344, 622 Jesse, 485 John, 488, 503, 505 John A., 523, 525 Jonathan, 332, 517 Jonathan, Jr., 332,367, 517 David Johnson, best known as Johnson, 312, 520 Joseph, 226, 493 Leonard, 231 Marian, 489 Mariette D., 349 Mattie S., 535 Nathaniel, 31, 32, 49, 486 Phebe (Goodrich), 428 Percy H., 485, 523 Hon. Perley, 605 Col. Philip, 80-84, 8 7, 90, 92, 95 Roy N., 410, 412,413, 5H Sarah (Clark), 489 Stephen, 34-36, 45, 48, 58, 483, 484 Susanna (Hartshorn) 226, 349, 522 Col. Timothy, 230, 489, 496, 522, 538 Timothy (Thurston), 460, 499, 523 Putnams, Dales, etc., 54 William R., 350, 388, 611 Gen. Israel, 614 Quiglig, Mr., 71 Quiggle, Ella M., 536 Ramsdell, John, 225, 538 Rand, Edgar, 494, 635 Rev. John, 60, 139, 279, 306, 453- 614- 615 John, 93 Nehemiah, 80, 81 , 82- 85, 87, 90, 91, 155- 158, 246, 271, 27.2. 325, 453. 454, 483, 484, 532, 615-616, 628 Rev. Lyinan F., 302 Sarah D., 532 Randall, Abraham, 291 Randell, George, 225 Randolph, Edward, 18 Raymond, Paul, 49 George B., 238 INDEX 919 Rev. George T., 342 John P., 239 William B., 435, 533 Read, Nathan, 96 Jesse, 226, 273, 539 Record, Rev. Isaiah, 342 Reon, Joseph, 236 Reynolds, Frank, 437 John, 154, 157, 161, 246, 272, 627 Richards, Mrs. F. B. (or Lizzie), 226, 420, 453 Fred B., 462, 522 Rev. Mr., 297 Marshall B., 517 Richardson (Place), 531 Stephen, 34 Benjamin, 140 Rev. Cyrus, 304, 305, Fred A., 440, 454, 459 Harry, 118,473,474, 49. 53 Jacob, 330 James, 483 John, 310, 312, 469.533 Lieut. Joseph, 29, 32- 36, 48, 77, 78, 252 Joseph's son, 35 Joseph B., 483 Nathan, 530, 636 Sarah S.(Mrs.Dodge) 306 Solon, 538 Timothy, 299, 324, 444, 459 William, 225,227,231, 300, 301, 352, 492, 57 William, Jr., 337 William, 538 Riley, Charles D., 492, 531 Rindge, John, 40 Robbins, Milo, 528 Russell, 528 Robinson, , 30 Abel, 26 William, 26 Roby, Luther, 460 Rockwood, Rev. Arden M., 306 Rogers, Dr., 73 Edward E., 536 Ropes, Jonathan, 627 Rose (Place), 493 Abraham, 493, 494, 5 S3 8 Brackley, 225 George, 634 Willard, 434, 538 Ross, Edward, 236 George, 508 Ruth, 419 Samuel, 508 Mrs. Sarah, 508 Thomas, 510 Roswell, Sir Henry, 3 Rowe, John, 161, 485, 486 Ruffle, George, 419 Ruland, Rev.G.W., 304 Russell, Dr. Daniel (lived on the T. Boffee place), 89, 94, 97, 251, 327 Aaron W., 538 Adoniram, 634 Burnham, 254, 538 Ebenezer, 224, 225, 230, 231 Harriet, 506, 525 Jedidiah, 206, 517 Jedidiah, Jr., 526 John, 230 Josiah, 538 Orrin, 538 Sergeant Peter, 161, 484 Samuel K., 517 Rev. T. Clarkson,342 William, 230 Ryerson (Place), 436 William N., 274, 634 William, 516, 517 Clara N., 516, 517 St. Castine (Baron), 10, ii Sanborn, George H.,46o Sargent, Dana B., 485, 5ii, 535 Mrs. Dana B. (or Elsie), 116, 535 Joshua, 206, 230, 451, 456, 469, 489, 513, 522 John, 231 Rev. F. D., 303 Rev. Joseph, 340 Ruthy, 522 Saunders, Joseph, 224 Savage, Charles, 528 Ensign John, 93-95, 154, 158, 161, 434, 486, 627, 628 Rev. William T., 300 Sawin, Rev. Theophi- lus Parsons, 302, 303, 365, 3 66 Sawyer, Mr., 636 Searl, Thomas, 26, 30 Searles, Jotham, 490 Lucinda, 519 Seiiter (Place), 536 Benjamin, 490 Charles H., 536 Franklin, 536 Oliver, 490 Ruth, 490 Samuel, 536 Severance, Joseph, 149 Sharpe, Mrs. Joseph 509 ShattuckBros., 504 Shaw, Christopher C., 401 Shedd, Mrs. Octavia, 5io Shepard, John, 235, 454 John,Jr.,Esq., 67, 69- 73. 75.76,81,82,84, 85, 87, 89, 90, 92, 137 Robert T. S. & heirs, 538 Walter S., 538 Simonds, Jesse, 463, 539 Simpson, John, his town, 23, 24, 25 Skead, John, 49 Small, Sylvester, 529 Smith, Dr. Albert, 15 Andrew, 226 Arthur P., 235 Rev. Bezaleel, 302 Charles J., 255 Charles R., 536 David, 226 Edward D., 518 George, 274 Rev. George, 302 Rev. G. B., 343, 520 Henry, 239 John, 26 John, 273 Lewis W., 236 Luther, 160 Miss Mary E-, 363 Dea., 340 Peter, 411 Uriah, 635 Solly & March, 40 Samuel Solly, 40 Clement March, 74 Somerville, Mr., 140 Southwick, John, 226, 458, 49. 536 Spalding or Spauldiug, Abijah, 226 Edward, 159, 483 Elbridge Gerry, 618- 619 E. P., 449, 540 George, 635 920 INDEX George E., 282, 297, 434, 459. 530, 53 f 545, 636 Henry, 230, 540 Dr. Henry E., 237, 561, 632 Capt. Levi, 47, 143, 151, 154, 156, 158, 159, 245-247, 251, 252, 354, 355, 49i Place, 540, 628, 635, 616-618 Levi P., 540 Merrill T., 239, 537 " Paige," 540 Reuben, 154, 484 Stephen, 483, 540 Levi heirs, 540 Rev. Samuel Jones, 619 Stacy, Miss Minnie E., 413, 511 Byron, 505 Starrett (Place), 493, 536 William, 540 Frank, 540 Stayner, Henry M., 533 Stearns, Hon. Ezra S., 68, 224 Daniel, 435 Frank, 533 John, 435, 533, 636 Seth, 494 Steele, William P., 238, 4io> 503, 505 Mrs. Wm. P. (Ade- line), 505 Hattie D., 420 Stephens, Capt. John, 28,30 Col. Aaron P., 237 George W., 363 George H., 536 Miss Martha G., 363 Samuel, 161 Stephenson, or Stinson David, 38, 48, 524 John, 38, 67, 114, 133, !35, 137, !38, 140, 141, 144, 145, 147, i53> Agt., 161, 207, 266, 282, 289, 310, 459, 486, 518, 535 John H., 235 Jonathan, 224, 225, 453, 459 Jonathan H., 239 Jotham, 449,451,452, 493 Jotham S., 519 Mary, 519 Sarah, 339 S. Hartwell, 510 Widow, 95, 96 Willis J., 113, 114, 410, 459, 524 John, John, Jr., Jona- than, Willis J., 535, 540 Steward, Rev. Antipas, 138, 139, 142, 143, 282, 284 Stewart, Walter, 532 Stiles, 54 Asahel, 137, 161 David, Esq., 361, 363, 439' S3 2 , 636 David, Jr., 537 Ebenezer, 252 Joshua, 88 Moses, Jr., 133, 134, 279, 280, 487, 488 497, 523 Reuben (killed at Wilton raising), 149 Warren, 436 Stone, William, 29 Strattou, David, 467, 482, 483, 486, 492, 534 Sullivan, Gen. John, 272, 182 Summers, William, 226 Swan, Robert, 30, 48, 84, 88, 94 Swasey, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M., 413,504, 5n Samuel, 26, 30 Stephen, 26 Sweat, Joseph, 25, 29, 48 Sweetser, Mrs. M. A., .540 Swinington, Betsey, 519 520 Everett, 520 Job, 519, 520 Josiah, 519, 520 Tapley, Benjamin, 30 John, 26 Robert, 26 William, 26 Tappan, Col. MasoiiW. 234 Tarbell, Lieut. Cor- nelius, 26, 28, 30, 32, 33, 35 Capt. Joel H., 345, 346, 35, 4n-4r3, 460, 462, 499, 504- 5o6, 509, 510, 511, 5H, 515, 520, 633 Mrs. Joel H., (Esther P.), 514, 517 Joel, 353, 515 Charles F., 412, 505, 520 Mrs. Charles F. (E. C.),346,386,420,5ii Charles, 504, 516, 528, 529 Charles H., 275, 511, 520 Joseph A., 412, 462 Hiram M., 234, 236, 54, 528, 529 Walter S., 346, 388, 410, 412, 413, 505, 57, 520 Mrs. Walter S. (Liz- zie G.) 388, 4 X 3,420 \William, 504 Tarbell, Nello, 525 F. H., 529 Tay, Frank B., 437,442, 492, 53, 6 3 6 Nathaniel, 534 Taylor, Elias, 537 Teague, William, 239 Tenney, Rev. Leonard, 302 Benjamin F., 517 Thayer, Jonathan (Rev- olutionary soldier) 49.. 536 Thomlinson, John, 40 Thompson, Andrew, Col. John L,, 238 John, 239, 450 William, 354, 484 Thorndike, Mr., 419 Thorpe, Rev. John, 304 Tidd, Mr. and Miss, 507 and note Tighe, Mr., 436 Torrey, Rev. D. T.,303 Towne, Hon. William B., 41 John, 226 Samuel, 252, 253, 494 Tyler, 231 Trask, Edward, 26, 30 William, 26 Trevitt, Mrs. Ellen, 309 Tripp, Mr., 461 Trott, Thomas, 27, 30 Tuf ton, Joseph, John & Robert, 18 Tupper, Royal B., 225, 297 Robert B., 53 1 -533 Tyler, 312 Twadle, James, 49 Twitchell (Place), 434, 448 INDEX 921 Aa, 540 A. S., 634 Tyler, Levi, 114, 439, 440, 451, 512, 513 Andrew, 516, 538 Underbill, John, 5, 6, 7 Verry, Jonathan, 26, 30 John, 26 Waldron, Major, 9-11 Walk, John, 26 Walker, Herman, 437, 442, 53 1 Wallace, Miss Char- lotte M., 365, 504 Mrs. E. P., 504 Mrs. Fannie A., 419 Miles E., 454, 5 IO > 5H Robert Burns, 411 Wallingford, Thomas, 40, 63,68-71,73, 81, 82, 91 Walter, Rev. William, D.D., 76, 80, 82-84, 87, 89-94, 96, 583- 585 Harriot T., 96 Benjamin Lynde, 585 William, 585 Waltron, Mr., 32 Ward well, Dr. Daniel, 622 Warner, Rev. William, R., 342, 344, 419, 420 Warren, E. r K., 292, 409 53.1 Washington, Gen. George, 264 Watkins, Oliver, 535, 536 Watrous, Rev. E., Hay- den, 342 Webb, William, 26 Welles, Samuel, Esq., 25-27. 3. 48, 80, 95, 96, 483. 53 Wellman, Jacob, Jr.,88, 97-100, 117, 134,137. 139, 142, 145, 146, 157, 158, 207, 278, 279, 289, Capt. 310, 482,538 James M., 234 John, Jr., 337,537 John, 538, 539 Polly, 538 Wentworth, Gov. Ben- ning, 2, 37, 42, 133, 136 Mark Hunking, 40 John, 40, 73, 75 West, Furginson, 30 Weston, Edward, 516 Wetherbee, Josaph, 238 Wheeler, Carlos, 636 Dustin, 510-512, 515, 520 Dr. Jonas, 412, 534 Josiah, 340, 386, 409, 439. 532 Mrs. Josiah, 386 Luther M., 446 Mary A., 412, 413, 506 Nathan, 275,323,330, 360, 408, 532 Salathiel Lidson, 515 Wheelwright, John, 4, ii, 14, 15 Whipple, Col.Thomas, 2 35 White, Rev. Jacob, 297, 299, 361 Joseph, 538 Nicholas, 42-44 Thomas, 26 Whiting, David & Sons 529. 539 Oliver, 227, 300, 310, 332, 361, 363, 433, 491, 540, 635 Stephen, 483 Whitmarsh, Charles, 224, 49 1 , 537 Whitney, Martin, 274, 402-404, 409, 530, 536, 537 Whiton, Rev. John M., 4, 274, 297, 300 Whittemore (Place), 540 Aaron, 540 Aaron, 540 Maj. Amos, 97-100, 152, 157, 158, 161, 246, 265, 272, 354, 488, 628 Daniel, 484, 500 Daniel B., 312, 490, 491, 500, 540,542,636 Rev. E. J., 342, 365 Harry W., I2on, 541, 625 James, 226 Jonathan, 491 Samuel, 491 William L., 120 n, 224, 225, 363, 364, 433, 624 Wibird, Richard, 40, 73 Wiggin, Capt., 6 Wilcox, Rev. Bela, 338 Wilder, Alfred C.,537 Charles, 344, 350 Erwin D, 491, 537 William C., 310, 530, 537 Wilkerson, Edwin, 507 Herbert, 513 Wilkins, Amos, 497, 499, 538 Rev. Daniel, 39, 40, 141, 142, 144 Elisha, 271, 272 Joseph, 67, 133, 139 Jotham, 490 William & Mary (King and Queen) 13 Williams, Roger, 5 Isaac, 26, 30 Jonathan, 26 Hilliard, 27 Thomas A., 409, 531, 532 Williamson, 3, 8 Wilson, Ensign Abiel, 272 Albro, 511 Charles H., 510 Joseph, 154 Mi Hard, 540 Sarah, 636 Winn, Frank, 436, 496, 5i6 Rev. Fred E., 305 George E., 236, 508, 532 Wolf, Herman, 240 Woodbridge, 74 Woodbury, Josiah, 157, 486, 627 Woods, Rev. John, 302 Mrs. Stella E., 536 Woodward (Place), 436 Aaron, 293, 360 Adoniram, 494 Anson, 408 Artemas, 516 Mrs. Artemas, 636 Charles, 539 Woodward, Daniel, Sr. 113, 293, 300, 323, 409, 481, 491, 532, 540, 636 Daniel, Jr., 312, 408, 448,481,531,532,540 David, 293 David, 2nd, 534 Eleazer, 97, 154, 159, 165, 266, 273, 292, 295, 355, 467, 493, 530 Eleazer, Jr., 293, 442, 530, 535 Elizabeth, 535 Ephraim, 523 922 INDEX Ephraim Putnam, 226, 231 Ethan A., 512 Foster, 116, 437, 492 493. 513. 535 Major George T., 237 239. 530 Hannah, 293, 534 Hannah P., 293 Henry M., 564 Israel, 273, 293, 360, 493. 534 Ithamar, 162,165,168, 251, 273 Jacob, 496 Jacob N., 496 Jacob A., 106,207,276, 388, 455, 458, 529, 530. 544. 577, 650 Rev. James W., 291 James G., 408 John, 118, 165, 292, 518 Josie, 535 Levi H., 224, 225, 535 Woodwell, Rev. W.H., 302 Worcester, Francis, 272 Wrightjulien E.F.,53i Wyeth, Rev. John, 282 Wyman, Collins, 636 York, Duke of, 30, 31 Young, Charles, 516 Quincy, 508 William, 509, 516, 520 William W., 411,412, 435, 504, 514 PLACES Acworth, 633 Amherst, 39, 40, 46, 70, 89, 92, 94, 133, 135, 145, 1 55, *58, 3o, 302- 306, 309, 325, 342, 368, 423 Post Office, 434 North West Parish, or Mont Vernon, 254, 270, 280, 286, 291, 297, 515, 521 Andover, Mass., 72, 298, 302-306 East, 353 Ashuelot Towns, 32, 429 Bangor, Me., Seminary, 301 Barnes' Falls, 32, 541 Bay Colony, 34 Bay State, 39 Bedford, 283 Beech Hill, 454 Bennington, Vt., 302, 304, 305 Boston, Mass., 4, 5, 13, 14, 151 Bowdoin College, Me., 305 Boylston, Mass., 306 Braintree, Mass., 14 Breda, Treaty of, 10 Bridgewater, Mass., 298 Brown University, Prov. R. I., 398 Brookline, 303, 305 Burlington, 306 Cambridge, Mass., 350, 413 Canada, 12-24 Castleton, Vt., 632 Charlestown, Mass., 2, 5 Chelmsford, Mass., 61 Chelsea, Mass., 511, 514 Cocheco, 9 Concord, 304, 306, 633 Connecticut, 13, 14, 17, 32 Cobs, 165, 166, 169, 170 Crown Point, 207 Danvers, Mass., 39, 71, 78 Dover, 4, 5, 9, n Dutch Colony, 2, 5, 16 Dunstable, 19, 41, 55, 79, 84, 87 Duxbury School Farm, 23-25, 48, 135. 153, 156, 252, 255, 256 Driscoll Hill, 433 Deering, 301 East Bridgewater, Mass., 306 England, 13 Exeter, 4, n, 15, 21, 150, 151, 529 Fishkill, N. Y., 169 Florida, 2, 4, 5 Francestown, 70, 94, 102 France, 13, 39 Franklin, N. H., 15 Greenfield, 84, 243, 250,297, 304, 350, 436 Greenville, 305, 369 Haverhill, Mass., 42 Hampton, 15, 16 Hillsborough, 41, 338, 339 Hancock, 462, 515, 516 Hollis, 270, 279, 280, 283, 286 Holland, 13 Hudson, 146 Hyde Park, Mass., 413 Ipswich Hamlet, 73 Jamestown, Va., 2, 5 Jaffrey, 302 Johnson's Corner, 116, 117, 118, 281, 537 Keene, 280, 339 Kennebec River, 3, 9 Kittery, Me., 9 Laconia, 8, 12 Many of the places named on this and the following pages are given as the resi- dences of those who rendered some service in or for the benefit of the town. INDEX 923 Lake Champlaiu, 13 Lemington. Me., 301 Lexington & Concord, Mass, 151, 265 Litchfield, 41 Londonderry, 145, 283 Lowell, Mass., 17, 545 Lunenburg, Mass., 286, 506 Lyme, 417 Lynn, Mass., 588 Maine, Province of, 4, 12, 28 Manchester, 103 Marblehead, 27, 28, 61 Marlboro ugh, 339 Mason (Township No. i), 46, 291 Massachusetts Colony, 1-3, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 61, 74 State, 270 Melrose, Mass., 350 Michigan, 350 Mile Slip, 153, 156 Milford, 103, 255, 256, 297, 323, 338, 365, 461, 507, 521, 526, 528 Monson, 46 Montreal, 14 Mont Vernon, 103, 252, 254, 302, 304, 35, 39 454, 494, 497, 507, 53$ Nantasket, 14 Nashua, 280, 286, 304-306, 340, 410, 529 New Boston, 15, 41, 47, 49, 50, 70, 76-78, 98, 99, 102, 135, 254, 291, 297, 3, 338, 434, 494, 5i5> 631 Newbury, Mass., 15 Newburyport, Mass., 17, 306 New England, 2-4, 6, 10, 103 New F airfield, Conn., 302 New Hampshire, 2-4 New Ipswich, 46, 66, 89, 286, 411 New Jersey, 15 New Netherlands, 2 Newport, 302 New York, 10, 13-15 North Lyndeborough, 104, 425, 427, 434, 437, 458, 47 6 , 541 North Town, 280 Norwalk, Ct., 634 Norwich, Vt., 291 Nova Scotia, 2, 10, 15 Number Two, or Wilton, 54-57, 62 Old Colony, 2 Orleans, Mass., 298 Ossipee Lake, 22 " Parsonses Corner," 156, 252 Pawtucket Falls, 16, 17 Pemaquid, Me., 10, 13 Pepperell, 279, 280, 286 Peterborough, 41, 84, 302, 339, 350, 436, 519, 634, R-R. Peterborough Slip, 46, 48, 135 Philadelphia, 151 Piscataqua Colony, 2-4, 7, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 21 Plymouth, 2, 7 Port Royal, 2, 13 Portsmouth, 2, 4, 5, n, 21, 29, 72, 74, 75, 80, 86, 89, 274 Province of Maine, 3, n Purgatory, 98, 103, 115, 116, 454 Putnam Corner & Hill, 458, 277, 428, 498, 523, 635 Quebec, 13, 14 Raby (Brookline), 46 Reading, South, 527 Rhode Island, 5, 15 Richmond, 16 Rindge, 16, 66 Rowley, Mass., 291 Saratoga, 163 Salem, Mass., 2, 5, 25, 27, 28, 41, 61, 70, 74, 78, 140 Salem-Canada, 15, 106, 107 Salisbury, 16 Society Land, 77, 84 Souhegan Valley, 521 Souhegan West (Hudson), 48, 49, 279, 280 South Lyndeborough, 32, 102-104, 302, 304, 305, 458-462, 503, 365, 636 Stow, Mass., 291 Stoneham, Mass., 540 Strawberry Bank (Portsmouth), 6 St. John's, 162 St. Christopher, 10 St. Lawrence Shoals, 14 St. Lawrence Valley, 103 Swanzey, 339 Temple, 102, 103 Ticonderoga, 162, 1 68 Trenton, N. J., 168 Weare, a Canada Township, 16 Wayland, Mass., 306 Wells, Maine, 301 West Point, 165, 166 Weston, Mass., 264 West Somervilie, Mass., 302 West Medford, Mass., 304 White Plains, 162 Wilton, or Number 2, 46, 305 Wilton, Maine, 305 Winter Hill, 167, 168 Winchendon, Mass., 306 Woburn, Mass., 28, 29 Yypsilanti, Michigan, 350 924 INDBX SUBJECTS Academies, 366 Account, for labor on Meeting- house, 35, 36 Acres, Ten, controversy, 325 Act, favoring toleration, 294 Addition, Lyndeborough, 68, 70 New Boston, 68, 70, 76 Advertisement, 25 Admiral's flag shot away, 14 Agent of Masonian Proprietors, 59 Agents to treat with Purchasers of Wallingford's Right, 80 Thanked for vigilance, etc., 83 Agreement with soldiers, 159, 229 Aid for Soldier's families, 232 Alarm, 153 Those who went on, 162, 163, 167 Those who returned, 167 Alliance, 39 American vessels, 228 Apple-blossoming time, 470 Application for share of the minis- try fund, 331 sq Army Beef, 160 Disbanded, 160 Articles relating to worship to be voted on by the town, 157 Artillery, 209 Heavy, 239 I/afayette, 207, 209, 240 Ashuelot Towns, 429 Association, Religious, 310, 311 Authors, 623-625 Average of military service, com- mittee, and report on the same, 158, 167, 169 Baked beans, 474 Baker, tin, 473 Barns, 478, 479 Beef, army, 160 Bennington soldiers, 163 Birthright, coveted, 153 Boarding the teachers, 444, 446, 447 Books and newspapers, 467 Boots, 471 Boundary line controversy, 15-17 Bounty to enlisted men, 154 Bounty for service, 158 Brass Band, North Lyndeborough, 54i, 542 Brick-manufacture, 459, 460 Brick ovens, 466, 473 Bridges, 438, 496 Bridge, Gulf, 635 British ships ordered out of United States waters. 228 British injuries to American sea- men, 229 Brook, Badger, 453 Bear, 113 Beasom, 113, 114 Brandy, 115 Cold, 116 Duncklee, 113, 115 French or Button, 113 Buildings, public, 439 Bunker Hill, our wounded at battle of, 152 Buttrick's Mill, 634, 637 "Cabinet, Farmers," 299, 348, 351, 422, 456, 460 Canada, Revolutionary quota for, 153 Expedition of 1690, i, 12-15, 22- 24 First English captives carried to, 12 French Governor of, 12 Candles, 467 Cartloads of silver, 14 Cavalry of the 22nd Regt., 225-227 Celebrations of isoth Anniversary, Celebration of Centennial of L. A. Co., 574-578 Cemetery, Centre, 498, 501 Crosby Place, or Butler family, 499 Dolliver, old, 502 Dol liver, new, 502, Fuller, 502 Johnson Corner, 498, 499 North Lyndeborough, 500 Perham Corner, 501 South, 498 Whittemore, 500 Charters, The Masonian, 48-52 Provincial, Copy of, 134-136 Expense of, 138 Cherokee and Choctaw Indians, 369 Chesapeake, American ship, 228 Church, Congregational, influence of, 277 Evidence of its piety, prayer and fasting, 279 Invites ministers from abroad to assist, 279 Organized, 280, 635 Seventh in county, 635 Refused aid from Proprietors toward building meeting-house 281 Votes to seek incorporation of town, 281 Lists of members of, 287, 288, 292 293 Records of, no criterion of its character, 288 INDEX 925 Heads of families given a voice in its business enterprises, 289 A new draft of its covenant, 289 This draft accepted, 290 Church and state separate, 294 Warming arrangements, 295 Carrying footstoves to, 296 Support, 296 Pastor also acted as clerk, 298 Membership of, 306, 308 Records wanting for 23 years, 306 Choir, 311-313 Charges presented against pas- tor, 290 Answered by pastor satisfactorily and dismissed by church, 290 Chorister's assistant, 289 Other religious bodies seek share of ministerial fund, 331 Congregational church's original right to, unquestioned, 331 Attendance at, a mark of char- acter, 320, 321, 336 Loyalty to, 323 Distinction between church and town, 334 Baptist, History of, 337-350 Beginnings of Baptist meetings 337, 338 Organized, 338 Names of constituent members, 338, 339 Meetings in school houses, 338 Rev. Charles Cummings, first pastor, 339 Other pastors, 340 Christian, constituted, 352, 353 Rev. G. W. Hutchinson, pastor, 353 Location of Congregational meet- ing-house created difficulty,282 Difficulty compromised and fin- ally settled by commissioners, 283 Location of Baptist meeting- house decided by the largest contributions, 339 Society, The Baptist, 1819, 337 The First Baptist Society in Lyndeborough, 1831, 348 The First Congregational Or- thodox, 299, 332 The First Universalist, 351 Circulating Library, 386, 387 Citizens' Hall, 440 Civil War, Roll, 234-240 Men, 242 Expenses, 242 Debt and its reduction advised, 242 Club, Debating, 392-394 Club Reform, 418, 419 College graduates, 625 Colony, First, north of Florida, 4 Colonies, New Hampshire's rela- tion to 4 Combinations in N. H., 7 Commissioners on Boundary Line, 15, 16, 18 Committee to close up the Proprie- tors' affairs, 79 To report to the committee on claims, 158, 166 To enlist quota for the army, 159 Of General Court, advice com- promise, 245 Of General Court report favor- ably, 247 Make another report, 250 To buy a "Poor Farm," 273 Commons, or common lands, 65 Congress of the States, Connecti- cut, Massachusetts, New York, 13 Continental, 151 Constables and collectors of taxes, 265 Constitution adopted, 79 Continental soldiers, and those Continental currency withdrawn from circulation, 160 Copper, ten trucks of from Eng- land, 14 who hired them, 164, 165 Cobs soldiers, and those who hired them, 165, 166, 169, 170 Corner, Bevins', now Perham, 282, 527 Houston's, 76-78 Johnson's, 281, 282, 428, 448, 454, 492, 494 Beech Tree, 422 Four Towns, Lyndeborough, Franceston, New Boston and Mont Vernon, 318 New Boston, 76, 78 Lyndeborough's North West, 81, 94, 244-247 Old Lyndeborough, 76, 77 Parson's, 243 Perham's, 434, 501, 528 Putnam's 458, 503 Corps, Relief, auxiliary of G.A.R., 440 Reserve, 239 Marine, 239 County History, Hillsborough Co., 368, 369 Damage, strongly spelled, 54 Great by intruders, 83 Dartmouth College, 302 Deacons of Congregational Church, 310 Deacons of Baptist Church, 344 Deeds, Old, 482-489 926 INDEX Defenceless towns, 41 Derry men's encroachments, 69, 70 Diet of early settlers, 471-473 Disturbances, 28, 29, 61 In Boston, 151 Delinquent taxes, 62 Disagreement about location of the meeting-house, 58 Dissenters from Congregational Church free to support their own, 331 Dissenters seek share of minis- terial funds, 331 Distribution of ministerial funds, 333 Districts, public school, and resi- dents of, 357-363 Real estate aud residents in Dist. No. i, 442, 530 No. 2, 534 No. 3, 442, 445, 5 2 o No. 4, 445, 535 No. 5, 446, 517 No. 6, 447 No. 7, 448, 537 No. 8, 448, 449 No 9, 449 No. 10, 450 Divisions, Lots consisted of First and Second, 29 Donation visits, 480, 481 Donors of Communion Service and Organ, 303, 304 Drawers, woolen, 470 Drinks, 474, 475 Education, Board of, 366 Encroachments on Lyndeborough by the purchasers of Walling- ford's lot, 63, 64 English Colonists, the Penacooks embittered against them, 10 Revolution of 1689, 13 Colony of Jamestown, Va., 5 Forces, 14 English Goverement disavowed the flagrant attack on the Chesa- peake, but never made prom- ised reparation, 228 Enterprise, The Milford, news- paper, 365, 461 Episcopal Minister in Dover, 15 Expedition of 1690, to Canada, 12- 14, 22-24 Fever, Spotted, or Cold Plague, 308, 633 Fight, Sham, 9, n, 12 Financial grievance, 146 First English captives in Canada, 12 Fish kill soldiers, 169 Flora of Lyndeborough, 120-131 French founded first colony north of Florida (Port Royal), 2, 5 French or Dutton Brook, 113 French forces, 14 French and Indian War, u, 14 French possessions, 10 Game, 472 Garden vegetables, 473 Gazeteers, Farmer and Moore's, 451 Fogg's, 386 Merrill's, 451 Geology, Prof. C. H. Hitchcock's, 102 Gilmore Ledge, 105 Girls, Employments of, 469 Glacial Drift, 103 Glass Company, 453, 460-462, 634 Golden wedding, 441 Gores, Groton, 46, 55 Lyndeborough, 71, 72 Between Lyndeborough and Derry men, 71 Grand Army of Republic, 398, 440 G. A. R. charter members of, 399 Commanders of, 400 Grange, Pinnacle, No. 18, Histori cal Sketch of, 402-407 Grantees of Lyndeborough, 27 Grantors of Lyndeborough to de- fend through the law, one ac- tion to King and Council, if need be, 51 Grape culture, 528 Great Britain, declaration of war against, by U. S., 229 Greenfield, common lands of, 87, 92, 96, 99 First mention of, 84, 102, 103 Incorporation of, 243, 250, 297, 304, 350, 436 Corrects her boundary, 250 Gets farms of Moses Lewis and John Stiles, 250 Loses to Francestown her two eastern ranges of lots, 251, 518, 519, 520 Grievance against church and pas- tor, 334 Guardian over spendthrift, 420 Gulf Bridge on R. R., 635 Gulf, Department of, 235 Gun of the Lafayette Artillery Co., Hall, Armory, 440, 510 Citizens', 440, 441, 510 Tarbell's, 440, 510 Town, 439 Mercantile, over the old Centre store, 532 Union Lecture, at North Lynde- borough, 318-320 INDEX 927 Harvard University, 120 Hibernian Burlesque, in verse, 16 Highways necessary were to be laid out, 50 Hills, Hadley, view from, 108 Putnam, 277, 428, 498 Log House, 491 Crooked S., 499 Hiring men for Revolutionary Army, 161 History of Hillsborough County, 368 Historical Sketch of Congrega- tional Church by Rev. J. White 306 Hopyard, 477 House for public worship of God, 50,61 Forest, later Pine Grove, 411 Pinnacle, 434, 492, 534, 541 Hillside, 522 Hymn, Original, sung at dedica- tion of new church at the centre in 1837, 298 Improvement Society, 392 Impressed American seaman, 229 Indian tribes in New Hampshire, 8-12 Massacres of whites, none in New Hampshire for fifty years after its settlement, 24, 27 War, 39, 51 Massacre of whites, supposed to be instigated by the French, n Indians of New Hampshire, Mo- hawks hired against, 10 And French on friendly terms, 13 Cherokee and Choctaw, 369 Industries, earliest in town, 455 Infantry, Light, 209 Captain of, 226 Inoculation, 632 n Installations of pastor, Ivory Kim- ball, 300 Theophilus P. Sawin, 302 A. C. Child, 304 Owen E. Hardy, 305 Arden M. Rock wood, 305, 306, Intemperance, Action against, 417- 421 Insurance Company, 397, 398 Irish, Encroachments on Lyndebor- ough, 71 Jurisdiction over New Hampshire, not conferred on Massachusetts but usurped by her, 17, 18 Judge of Probate, petition to, with- drawn, 89, 92 King Philip's War, 22, 24 William's War, 31 Labor, price of, on highways, 146 Ladies' Societies, Circle, 309, 310 Circle, Baptist, 349 Lafayette Artillery Company, 207- 218 Incorporated, 212 Rosters and Flags, 212, 218 Members, 1833-38, 213 Captains of, 214-218 Lamps and torches, 467 Lands for the ministry sold, 328, 329 Lawsuit concerning the "Ten Acres," 327 Settled, 328 Ledges, Lucas, Gilmore, Putnam and Hartshorn, 105 Leopard, British ship, 228 Letters and books were few, 422 Were left at Amherst P. O. and advertised in the " Farmers' Cabinet," 423 Of Benjamin Lynde and others, 68 From John Pierce Esq. , 80 From John Pierce, placed on Records of Lyndeborough Pro- prietors, 86 Of Rev. Sewall Good ridge, 85, 285 Of Dr. William Walter, 76, 89, 92 Of Lyndeborough Proprietors, 59. 278 Library, Circulating, 386 Franklin, 383-386 Public, 387 Social, 382 License for sale of liquor not granted, 419 Licentiate for the ministry by Bap- tist Church, 343, 344 Light Infantry of 22nd Regiment, 209 Sketch of, 218-223 Alarm List, "Slam Bangs," 223- 225 Lights, fire and candles, 467, 468 Line, Boundary between Mass, and N. H., 9 Linen, 468 Liquor, 475 Log cabins, 466 Lord's day, trespassing on, 295 Losses of settlers adjusted, 62, 85 Losses by Masonian Proprietors, 68 Lots, plan of, in Salem-Canada, 64 Second Division, retained their dimensions and numbers, 65 Lugpoles and cranes, 472 Lyceums considered helpful, 381, 390-392 The first, 389 928 INDEX Lyndeborough, Mountain described 102, 108 North Line, farther north than Peterborough's, by 200 rods, 73 A farming township, 109 Under Masonian Charter, 48-52, 57, 103, 104 Versus No. 2, or Wilton, 54, 56 Gore, 70, 71, 84 Proprietors generous, not liti- gous, 76 Under Provincial Charter, 132 Revolutionary Captains in, 148, 170 In the Civil War, 232, 242 South Village, 102 North Village, 104, 458, 635 Lenticular hills in, 103, 104 Ponds and streams, 105 Glass Works, 104 Name, whence derived, 243 Addition, what and why, 243 Hacked and peeled, 243 Opposes temporarily the forma- tion of Greenfield, 244-250 Loses more than 1,000 acres to Mont Vernon, 254-255 Loses to Temple more than 900 acres, 251, 252 Concedes the Howard farm to Milford, 255 North Lecture House, built, 318- 320 Teachers, from printed reports, 369-380 In the " Olden Time," 463 Lynx, Canadian, 118 Mails, routes, stages, carriers, etc., 422-427 Maine, Province of, 4, 12, 28 Massachusetts, Province of, 270 Claims inadmissable, 7, 13, 15, 16, 21 Government and soldiers, 10, 14, 22 Treasury bankrupt, 14 Feigned patriotism, 16 Boundary Line of, 15, 17 Alliance, 13 Usurped jurisdiction over New Hampshire, 17 Refused to aid in running the Boundary Line, 15-17 Was severed from N. H., 18 Grants in N. H., 21, 22 Records, Extracts from, 21-25, 2 7 Wisely assisted N. H. with guard against the Indians, 42 Mason's title to New Hampshire valid, 19 Right offered for sale to New Hampshire Government, 19 Claims repugnant to and defeated by N. H. citizens, 17 Right sold to a Portsmouth syn- dicate of twelve men, 19, 40 Masonian Proprietors, or Grand Proprietors were thus consti- tuted, 19, 40, 42, 44, 47, 52, 57, 61, 66, 72, 75, 76, Matches, Friction introduced, 474 Meadows in Lyndeborough, Little Meadow, 430, 431 Manuel, or Lucas, 457 Senter's, 116 Stephenson's, 116 Whittemore, 112 Meeting-house, the first location.34 The second location, 57, 58 The first house and grounds, 34, 277 To be underpinned, raised, etc., 35 Accounts of work on, 35, 36 Contract for building, 37 Postponement of building, and causes for the same, 38, 39 Required by piety, expediency, and necessity, as by agreement, 33 The first was not finished, 278 A new place for, sought, 278, 281 , 282 The second location unsatisfac- tory, 283 The location finally decided by a mutual Commission, 283 Set where the Town Hall now stands, 283 Dimensions of and sale of pews, 283 Description of, 283, 284 Repairs of, 322-324 Care of, 324 The old house sold, 284, 324 Last worship in, 298 First service in present, 298, 300, 324 Struck by lightning, 300 Present house remodelled, 308 Grounds caused controversy, 324- 327 Baptist, 339, 340 Baptist repairs, 345, 346 Baptist ownership disputed, 346- 348 Meeting of Proprietors in Lynde- borough, 80 Men of '76, and those who hired them, 161 Who served for other towns, 169, Metes and bounds of school dis- tricts, 361 Merchants and stores at Centre, 408 409 INDBX 929 And Stores at South Lyndeboro' , 409-414 First, at South Lyndeboro', 409 Militia, 151, 207, 208 100,000 called for, 229 "Milford Enterprise," 386 Mills and Industries, 451-462 Mine, " Scataquog " Silver, 395-397 Mineral Spring, 527 Mineralogy, 105 Minister prayed for, 279 Orthodox, encouraged to settle, 59. 6l And Ministry, 22, 49, 51 Ministry land sold, 329 Respected, 290 Supported by tax, 293 Taxation for support of, opposed 294 Fund held as exclusive, 331 Fund finally distributed, 333 Minute-man, his pay while drilling, 152 Ministers who were natives, 620, 621 Ministry students who died before completing their studies, 621, 622 Money of five kinds, 14, 150, 160 Voted for soldiers of Civil War, 232 Voted for Revolutionary soldiers, 153. 154, i59> 160 Great scarcity of, 423 Mont Vernon Band, 543 Monument, Soldiers', 240, 241 Mortuary Record, as in Town Re- ports, 638-645 Mountains, division of, Boffee's (now Winn), 138, 492, 493 Rose, 492 Pinnacle, 493 "Scataquog," 116, 395 Mutual Fire Insurance Company, 397-398 Improvement Society, 292 Music receipts, for playing at mus- ters, 227 Musical Instruments, 227 Instruments in " choir," 312 "Mutilation" of old Salem-Canada, 55, 56 Nails, cut at furnace, 457, 466 Wooden pins used instead of, 466 " Necessities of life," Committee to set value on, 157 N. E. Magazine, 264 New Hampshire, Relation to other colonies, 2-4 Its territory, etc., 1-4, 7, 9, 10-12, 15-17 A Royal Province, 10, 18 Gains twenty-eight townships by the King's decision of the State Line, 17, 38 Citizens opposed Mason's claims, 17-19 Patriot, newspaper, 633 New London Literary and Scien- tific Institution, 369, 389 New York, men who served in, 168, 169 Office, Post, 411 Ordinations, 280, 286, 291, 297, 305- 307, 33 Organ, Mason & Hamlin, 303 Organizations, local, 395-407 Orthodox Congregational Society, 299 Ossippee Indians, 22, Otter, trapped, 119 Overseers of the Poor, 270 Pack Monadnock, 102 Pastor was also church clerk, 298 Pastors, three called, but none chosen, 330 Penacooks, 8, 9 Pequackettes, 8, 22 Pequods, 14 Petition to Governor Wentworth for guard, 37 For relief, repeatedly made by soldiers of the Expedition of 1690 or their heirs, 43 Of Samuel Dustin, 42 Of Nicholas White and Nathaniel Bartlett, 42, 44 For aid in support of preaching, 58, 137 Response to, 59, 140 For aid in settling a pastor, 59, 140 For ten acres as meeting-house grounds, 88, 326 For Provincial Charter, 133 That half a mile in width from east side of Lyndeborough be joined to Amherst Northwest Parish, 158 From Parsons Corner people to be set off to form a new town, 156 Pensioners, Revolutionary, 205, 206 Pews vendued, 322, 323 Physical features of Lyndeborough, 102 Physician, first in town, 535 Physicians, other, 622 Picnics and recreations, 541 Pine Grove House, 504, 511 Pinnacle Mountain, 102, 541 Pinnacle House, 492, 534 Piscataquog River, 116 930 INDEX Piscataqua, 2-4, 7 Plan of the town lots, 64 Pleasures and enjoyments, 477 Plotting and scheming, 18 Plows, 465 Plymouth Company and Council, i, 3, 6, 7, 10 Pond, Badger, 103, no Beaver, 60 Burton, 102, in Poor who belonged elsewhere warned to leave town, 270, 271 In 1775, amount expended for, 272 Overseers of, 270 Care for, 273 Farm bought and sold, 273, 274 Farm, Superintendents of, 273, 274. Population, source and stock, 626 Portsmouth, serving at, for two months, 165 Post routes, rates of postage, stamps etc., 422-424 . Masters at the Centre, 424-426 Masters at North and South Lyndeborough, 427 Potholes, 103 Potash works, 459 Potatoes, 465 Pottery, earthenware, 467 Pound built, 149 Powder, balls and flints purchased, 150 Preaching sustained in town, 139 In private dwellings, 58 Allowance of Proprietors for, 58 Preaching held at Jacob Cram' 3,282, 297 Price of labor on highways, 146 Procession at isoth anniversary,545 At Centennial of Lafayette Artil- lery Co., 575-577 Town Agricultural Fair, 542 Professional men, 620, 621 Proprietors, Masonian or Grand, or the Lord Proprietors of Mason's Claims, 19, 42, 66, 82, 83 Proprietors were rarely settlers, 67 Meetings, where held and how called, 61 Protest against paying bounty to soldiers who served for other towns, 154 Fires, sufferers by, aided, 274 Protest against both meeting-house and place for, 282 Relating to meeting-house grounds, 326, 327 Province Land, 23, 24 Providing for preaching, 278 For by tax, or voluntary subscrip- tion, not always easy, 297 "Psalm," Persons chosen to "set the," 289, 311 Purchasers of Wallingford's lot, 80- 82, 91, n Pulpit Committee, 141 Public buildings, 439 Questions, 2 Quota of town for Revolutionary War, 153, 154, 159 For War of 1812, 230 For Civil War, 232-234, 242 Railroad cut described as to soil, 102, 104 B. & M., 411, 513, 514 Peterborough Extension, 633, 634 Raisings and rum, 277, 479 Raising, the first without rum, 480 Rand lot, 281, 482-484, 494, 533 Redress of grievance, petition for, 272 Reform Club, 418, 419 Referees as to meeting-house grounds, 325 Regiments of early militia, 207, 208 Ninth, 208 Twenty-Sixth, 209' Twenty-Second, 210-227 In the Civil War, 234-240 Regulars, call for, 25,000, 229 Relation of N.H. to other colonies, 4 Religious character of the Puritans, 276 Remodelled meeting-house de- scribed, 309 Remonstrances, 244, 247-249, 253, 254 Repairs on Cong, church, 322-324 On Bapt. church, 345, 346 Resurvey by Benjamin Lynde, Jr., 64 By others, 90 Agitation in Mass., 4 Association like the C. E., 310 Association, its constitution, members, etc., 311 Revivals in the Cong, church, 307 In the Bapt. church, 344 Review of action on the "ministry fund," 333, 334 Revolution, its precursors and success, 150, 1 60 Review of Town expenditures for Civil War, 242 Rights in township, charges on, 29 River, Connecticut, 41 Merrimac, 41 Peinigewasset 15 Penobscot, 10 Rocky, 32, 513, 518, 519, 635 St. Croix, 10 INDEX 931 Roads, earliest, 31-33 And bridges, 428-438 Rocky Hill or Ledge, 60 Roll of Revolutionary soldiers, 170- 205 Of soldiers in Civil War, 234-240 Rose Frigate, 10 Roswell's grant, 3 Rum, crusade against, 475, 476 Russell's Station, 103, 113 Saco River, 8 Sagadahoc River, 7 Salem-Canada, 15, 27, 31, 43, 44, 106, 498, 522, 526 Proprietors, 61 Plan of lots in, 64 Described and bounded, 106, 107 Settlers disturbed, 49 Streams, 112 Saw mill lot voted, 29 Saw mills, 31, 32 Salt and molasses affair, 627, 628 "Scarecrow case " tried by church, 295 Scalps, A bounty on, 12 Scataquog Hill, 94 Schools, 312, 313, 481 School lot, Committee to sell, 152, 354, 355 Districts formed, 153, 154 Schools, Committee to inspect, 360, 361 Superintending Committee of, 360, 361 First extended report of, 363 Committee's Reports, 1852-1880, 3 6 4, 365 School Districts, at first seven, 355 Limited, 356-360 "Metes and bounds " of, 361 High maintained, 363, 364 Law changed, 366 Teachers in early days, 367-369 Master to teach in four places and in eight, 355 Mistress, 354 Houses, 441-450 Seminary, Andover, referred to, 303, 305, 306 Sermon Historical, 298 Shoemaking, 471 Silver, Mining for, on "Scataquog" 395-397 Silex Company, 460 Singers's seats assigned, 158 Singing in choir, uneasiness about, 289, 290 Small-pox in 1792, 629 Poem, 63o, 631 Scare in 1853, 631, 632 Snow falls of 23 years, 470 Social Library, 308, 381 Sociables, 480 Society, First Baptist and success- ors, 337, 338, 348, 349 Congregational Orthodox, 332, 333 Universalist, 350, 352 Soldiers' bonnties, 166 Of the Revolution, Roll of, 170- 205 Of 1812, agreement of and list of, 229-231 Of Civil War and Monument, 234- 241 Sons of Temperance, 419 Of Veterans, 440 South Sea, 15 Souhegan River, 23, 116, 521 Source of our original settlers, 626 Stage routes and mails, 426, 427 Stony Brook or Rocky River, 102, 103, 114 Stores and merchants at the Centre, 408 And merchants at So. Lyndebor- ough, 410-414 Strategy, 27 Strife, 19 Striped frock, 469 Students for the ministry who died before completing their studies 621, 622 Subscribers to Temperance Fund, 418 Subscription Book, an old relic, 275, 347 Summer Boarders, 522 Survey, general, 4 Survey, Fletcher's, fell short, 63 Tanneries, 458 Taxes, delinquents in paying, 62 Collection of, 265-267 Refused for support of Mr. Mer- rill, 294, 337 Tax List of 1786 (not indexed), 267 Time of uncertainty to settlers, 79 Tinder-box, 474 Tools for farming, 465 Topography, 106 Town, proposition to divide it at Boffee's mountain, 138 Cow sold, 272, 273 Treasurers, 275 Town opposes request, 247-249 Hall, Cost of, estimated, 439 Fairs and celebrations, 541-544 Town meeting, The first, 136 How notified or warned, 138, 141 Change in form of warning, 265, 266 Considers the request of the peo- ple of its Northwest corner, 246, 247 932 INDEX Towns called " Canada Towns," why? 16 Granted by Mass, had their char- ter annulled, 19 Townships added to N. H., 17 Tradesmen, 623 Training Band drills while their fellow-citizens fight at Bunker Hill, 208, 152 Treachery to the Indians, 9 Trestle on railroad, 634 Trespassers, Committee to prose- cute, 84 Turkeys, wild, 119 Turns of military service appraised 154 Turnpike, Second N. H., 422 Union, Articles of, approved, 154 United States Colored Troops, 239 Union Veterans' Union, Appendix Usurpation, 16 Veteran Reserve Corps, 239 Veterans, Sons of, Appendix Volunteers, 50,000 called for, 229 Vote neither reconsidered nor an- nulled, 154 Votes regarding bounties and aid to the families of soldiers, 232- 234 Regarding substitutes and quota in the Civil War, 233 Wages of militia men, 229, 230 War, Indian and French, 8 Revolutionary, and Roll of sol- diers, 155, 170-205 Of 1812 and its causes, 228, 229 Of 1812, 1/yndeborough soldiers in, 230, 231 Mexican, 231 Of Rebellion, quota and expendi- tures for, 232-242 Warning town meeting, changes in style of, 265, 266 Out of town people of other towns likely to become a bur- den, 141 Warrant lost by court causes the town very heavy and unjust expense, 272 Watts Psalms and Hymns per- mitted for use in church, 158 W. C. T. U. organized, 420 Weare, one of the Canada town- ships, 16 White pines reserved for His Maj- esty's navy, 51 White Plains, Soldiers at, 162 Wilton versus Lyndeborough, 46, 54-56, 81, 82, 102, 103, 135, 153 Lands adjoining north line of, sold, 82, 83, 94 Mentioned, 270, 271, 286, 291, 338, 340, 369, 423, 435, 436 History, 458, 495 West Village, 462 Highlands, 521, 525, 528 Meeting-house frame, fall of, 147- 149 Wounded and killed at fall of frame, 149 Winter Hill men with Capt. Spauld- ing, 167 March to Canada and return to Trenton fight, 168 Worship, last in old meeting-house 291 Wool and woolen underwear, 468, 469, 470 Wolves, 118 Wood, " 1 2 cords of hard dry wood" as a part of minister's salary, was thought too hard a condi- tion and defeated his call, 291 Woodshed, first in town, 474 Wooden pegs used instead of nails, 466 Woodchuck, 264 W. R. C., 440 For organization of, seeAppendix Wounded mortally at Bunker Hill, 152 Young Men's Christian Association 342 Errata. Page 19, last paragraph. For Chapter V. read Chapter III. Page 76, twenty-third line. For Wellingford read Wallingford. Page 140, near the bottom of page. For Caston's read Coston's. Page 310, twelfth line. Insert Merrill after Rev. Nathaniel. Page 385, after David Holt insert John W. Whittemore, 5 shares. Page 429, third line. After Stiles's insert and. Page 725, last line. For Oct. i, 1885, read Oct. 5, 1885. Page 726, third line. For Irwin E., read Erwin E. Page 751, fourteenth line. For Maj. Peter and Hannah (Epes) Clark, read John and Margery (Hay ward) Clark. See page 705. Page 772, tenth line. For 1891 read 1893. Page 786. To the children of Joseph A. and Mary L. (Steph- enson) Johnson add Isa V., b. Nov. 9, 1857, m. Ephraim Provo of Salem, Mass. Page 830. To the record of Charles E. Putnam add, m. Sept. 2, 1903, Minda A. Buswell of Bedford, N. H. Children, born at Wilton: Donald E., b. May 26, 1904 ; James A., b. July 13, 1905. 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