II - -, -. HISTORY OF THE RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL -, AUTHOR AND EDITOR ahomaa W. Virhurll Commissioner of Public Schools RHODE ISLAND 1869-1875 1852-1865*** 1871-1911 at the piano. A greeting from Principal Alger was followed by addresses by Mr. Ranger, Mr. Whittemore, Mr. Bicknell, Mrs. Barker and the Rev. G. E. Locke, D. D. These, together with the remarks of the afternoon gathering, are printed elsewhere in this volume. During the noon hour, a dinner, served in the school gymnasium under the direction of Mrs. Lonsdale and her associates of the committee on entertainment, afforded a wel- come opportunity for the renewal of old friendships. The afternoon exercises were opened by W. W. Andrews, Assistant Commissioner of Public Schools, who spoke on E. A. NOYES, SECRETARY OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ON FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF R. I. NORMAL SCHOOL RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 71 "The Heritage of Four Decades." The principal address was delivered by Mr. Greenough. Mrs. Taylor and Miss Gardner made a few remarks and letters were read from former principal Chapin and Miss Harriette N. Miller, teacher of elocution in the first days of the school. A telegram from Jennie Tucker Baker, '87, now of Elmonte, California, breathed the spirit which animates the entire student body. It read * * * * "For instruction re- ceived, I owe much; for close friendship with faculty and student body, I owe more; but to the years of service for which both fitted me, I owe most." Out of forty years in the life of the school, classes of thirty- four different years were represented in the more than two hundred graduates present at the reunion. The class originat- ing the plan to observe the anniversary, that of January, 1872, easily led, fifty per cent, of its twenty living members being present. The exercises in commemoration of the fortieth anniversary, particularly of its closing session, will linger long in the memory, and the closing prayer by Mr. Greenough will remain in our hearts as the benediction of a father upon his children. At a meeting of the committee held on September 16th, the following resolution was unanimously adopted : Resolved, "That we endorse the proposition as outlined in Mr. BicknelPs address, to make of the Rhode Island Normal School, a Normal College, with all the conditions accompanying such change." Etta V. Leighton, Gertrude E. Arnold, Mrs. J. F. Lonsdale, E. A. Noyes and Mrs. W. F. Kenney w r ere appointed a committee "to confer with the Principal of the Normal School, its Board of Trustees, and others, with a view of taking such action as shall bring about such change." 72 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. Mr. Bicknell, who was present by invitation, suggested that a good history of the school would meet a popular demand, inasmuch as nearly all its records are practically inaccessible to the public. This suggestion received the hearty concurrence of the committee. Upon his agreeing to assume the entire responsibility of the project, financially and otherwise, he was invited to issue such a history, which shall embody the names of all its teachers and students, so far as obtainable, together with the proceedings of the observance of the fortieth anniver- sary. PRINCIPAL ALGER'S WELCOME. Mr. Alger spoke briefly, welcoming the alumni, not only to this event, but to all the public functions of the school. He said that the school authorities had realized from the first that this occasion was wholly in the charge of the committees of the alumni, and had kept their hands off. He expressed his pleasure, which he said was a rare one under such circum- stances, at being able to attend in his own school such a meeting, with the planning of which he had had nothing whatever to do. After referring to the growth of the school and to the care that must be taken of its records, he exhibited a most valuable handwritten history of the school from its beginnings, illustrated with numerous photographs, which he placed in the library in order that all might examine it at their leisure. Who had written this out so carefully, he stated, had not yet been discovered, but, whoever it was deserved our thanks. Any who might have other photographs to add to the collection were urged to bring them to the school in order that they might be preserved with the others in this book. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 73 AN HISTORICAL REVIEW. By Gilbert E. Whittemore. I began teaching school in this State, in December, 1865, and continued in that work until the year following the establish- ment of this Normal School, when I left the service on account of the inadequate salary paid teachers. During the last half of the seven years of my teaching occurred the most remarkable revival of interest in public schools that this State ever experi- enced, and which was marked by the establishment of more important institutions, and by greater educational progress in that short time than has ever marked any twenty years since then. The public were aroused to intense interest in school matters, appropriations were increased and salaries raised, over one hundred new school houses replaced old buildings that had done duty for generations, supervision was authorized in every town, the tenure of office for school committees was increased to three years, a State Board of Education was established, and as a fitting crown to the work, this State Normal School was launched upon a stable basis, insuring its growth and permanency. The question has been asked, "Who were the persons in at the birth of this Normal School? Who were the men who planned and carried out the necessary measures to its establish- ment?" I think it fair that these questions should be answered. As I look back over these forty years, I discern four men, among educators, who were in the inner circle of these workers for educational progress, and I do not think my memory plays me false, for three of us were in almost daily conference at that time, and came to know each other intimately and well, and the fourth was frequently in our councils. 74 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. The first was a Newport educator, an able teacher, a correct thinker in educational matters; a man who could create and direct public sentiment, and who rendered great service in the sister capitol, and in many towns and cities of our State Mr. F. W. Tilton, of Newport. The second was a young grammar master, successful in his work, ardent in everything he did, associate editor of the Rhode Island Schoolmaster, and a frequent writer on matters of education for the daily press, a leader with classes from his school in teachers' institutes, an organizer, an expert parlia- mentarian and debater, who was of especial service in draft- ing and aiding in their adoption by the legislatures of those laws only upon which could the newly established institutions securely stand. The third was a teacher in the Providence high school, associate editor of the Rhode Island Schoolmaster, a man who could successfully solve educational problems, a man who gained the confidence of all with whom he came in contact, an embodiment of many virtues which in an intimate acquaintance- ship of thirty years I never found wanting, a man who in after years did good service as Commissioner of Public Schools, winning the respect and esteem of every teacher in the State, Hon. Thomas B. Stockwell. The fourth was our leader, a giant physically and intellect- ually, whose mind conceived the things that ought to be done and whose persuasive eloquence advocated them; a man so full of zeal and courage that he inspired all he enlisted into the service to work to the uttermost ; a man so optimistic that failure was never thought of; a man endowed with a persistance and energy I have never seen excelled. If any man has the right to the title of Founder of the Rhode Island Normal School, it is the man of whom I am now THOMAS W. BICKNELL. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 75 speaking, the then recently appointed Commissioner of Public Schools the then unquestioned leader of the educational forces of the State Hon. Thomas W. Bicknell. Although successes followed each other with marvelous rapidity and certainty, it was not all without difficulties and obstacles that this great work was accomplished. Some Providence educators proposed sidetracking the Normal School into a normal department of the Providence High School, and it was only after this school had achieved a com- manding position in the training of teachers that the educators of Providence came to fully utilize its great advantages. THE FUTURE OF THE RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. By Thomas W. Bicknell. "Whatever you would have appear in the life of a nation, you must put into the schools," is a Prussian maxim which led to the founding of German Normal Schools, in the eighteenth century. We may add another maxim equally true. Whatever you would put into the schools, you must first put into the teachers, through the agencies, which prepare them for their work. Seventy-two years ago there was but one State Normal School in the United States. Horace Mann was its founder. It was located at Lexington, Mass., and was supported in part by private and by part by public funds. It had three teachers and began with three students. The annual cost of its maintenance was less than $5,000. To-day there are 264 public and private Normal Schools in the United States, with more than 88,000 normal students, 76 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. under the instruction of 4,000 teachers, graduating 15,430 students annually, and costing for their maintenance approxi- mately $9,500,000. The public Normal School properties in funds, buildings, grounds, apparatus, libraries, etc., exceed $36,000,00; of this vast figure, Rhode Island has $550,000, Massachusetts, $2,600,000, New York, $3,530,000, Pennsylvania, $4,396,000. In number of schools, Massachusetts has n, New England, 26, New York, 18, Pennsylvania, 17, and Wisconsin, 15; all other states and territories except Alaska, have one or more. The enormous size of our national educational budget, is $4 OI >397>747> against about $100,000,000, in 1871, when the Rhode Island Normal School was founded. We employ 506,463 teachers, 108,300 of whom are men and 398,153 women. Of this grand total, it is estimated that about one half have received some normal instruction. The estimated value of public school property is one billion dollars. The average length of the annual school term in days, is J 55 or 3 1 weeks. In the North Atlantic district, it is 180 days or 36 weeks. The average attendance of children between 5 and 18 years is 81 days, with 102, in the North Atlantic. Valuable Results. Normal schools have accomplished valuable results educationally, some of which we may mention. 1. They have established higher standards of instruction for our common schools than existed before. 2. They have increased the academic knowledge of teachers by courses of study, which have not only emphasized the RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 77 common branches of public school instruction, but have also widened the area of the teacher's curriculum of preparatory studies. 3. They have improved the methods of instruction, especially in the primary grades, and have made the teacher a real teacher and the pupil a real student and thinker. 4. The professional standing of the teacher has been vastly elevated by the normal school. Salaries have been advanced fourfold, the school year has been lengthened, school houses, text-books, apparatus, and all school material have been immensely improved. 5. By educational induction, the whole system of instruc- tion has been elevated with certain exceptions, and the whole teaching force of the country, numbering in the common schools almost half a million of persons, has been made better, intellectually, morally, and professionally. These facts and figures as to Normal Schools in the United States, establish these important positions: First: It is a recognized and permanent form of public instruction for professional teaching. Second: The State is under an assumed obligation to educate all teachers for all public schools. Third: The Normal School or college, sets the standard of all public school instruction and determines its efficiency and value. The normal idea has had a remarkable growth and a more remarkable evolution. The growth is illustrated in part by the figures already stated. Its evolution is shown in the courses of study, and the breadth of the training involved. The germinal idea of the Normal School was mainly professional. Mr. Mann's school was started on that basis, and Normal 78 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. schools continued on that line of work for many years, mark- ing time on lines of methods, with some hints of the philosophy and psychology of school keeping. It will always hold its professional standards and values. Normal work, however, for the last two decades has advanced more rapidly and more philosophically, than any other form of education. While the colleges have enlarged their curricula, they have not strengthened the bases by clearer philosophic methods or by the deeper understanding of psychological growth, and the best training of the student-body. As between a four years' course at college, and the same period at a first-class Normal School, the later is to be preferred on most grounds. The college student crams his mathematics, his rhetoric and his history, and ponies his classics as did his grandfather before him, and graduates from the university with a more practical knowledge of the work of the "college nine," and of his fraternity, than of the sciences, the philosophies, the mathematics, or the languages that swell the college prospectuses. While the higher education has looked askance at Normal training, it must now acknowledge that in the race for practical results, year for year, topic by topic, the school has won the laurels of successful competitorship, with heavy odds and handicaps against it. The Rhode Island Normal School. It is my purpose in this address to set forth some of the lines along which Normal Schools must and will move in the near future towards the ideals which their friends of public education desire to see attained. It is the forward look that I shall take in this address. Nevertheless, I should do injustice to the Rhode Island Normal School of to-day, if I RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 79 did not congratulate its business management and teaching corps upon its splendid present ; with a finely appointed home, an excellent teaching corps, and a body of students, zealous to qualify themselves for the superior work of teaching. Nor can I forget the able men and women who have administered instruction and discipline here for four decades. To name one would be an invidious distinction in a long catalogue of faithful normal teachers. Their names are gratefully held in trust by their pupils. A good pupil never forgets a good teacher. Each lives in the other. The high standard of our Normal School was set by the first Principal, Mr. James C. Greenough, and his fortunate, yea more, his wise choice of assistants in Miss Susan C. Bancroft, now Mrs. Leonard Tillinghast, and Miss Mary L. Jewett, now Mrs. Charles F. Taylor, with specialists in some departments. I doubt if any school in any State, was ever established under more competent and more popular instructors. To these should be added the name of Miss Sarah Marble, now Mrs. J. H. Shedd, who occupied a high position, and exercised a strong and healthy influence in the school for more than 30 years, beginning with the first year of Mr. Greenough's administration. To many Rhode Islanders of 1871, the State Normal School was only an experiment. There was no settled conviction that the school would outlast a decade, and become a permanent part of our State system. Its origin was traced to a young enthusiast, whose dreams had far exceeded all possible work- ing realities. The fate of a former experiment at Providence and another at Bristol, overshadowed the future of the new school, at Providence. The Commissioner was told by more than one influential legislator, that he voted for the Normal 8o RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. bill and the appropriation of $10,000, more out of regard for the views and earnest pleas of the Commissioner of Public Schools, than for his faith in the success of the enterprise. When the history of the founding of the Rhode Island Normal School shall be fairly and faithfully told, it will give due credit to many persons, not now recognized or even known, as most valuable friends and helpers. When friends were few, and general apathy held sway in all parts of the State, with organized opposition in some influential quarters. I cannot, however, wait the advent of the historian to record the names of three men, who were true and noble supporters, not only of the Commissioner of Public Schools, but of the normal idea, and gave to it their constant and undivided support. They were Hon. Seth Padelford, Governor of the State, from 1869 to 1873, Hon. George Washington Greene, the distinguished historian, then a Representative in the General Assembly from the town of East Greenwich, and chairman of the Committee on Education, in the House, and Hon. E. L. Freeman, a Senator from the City of Central Falls, an influential politician, and a practical business man. The official buttress of the inchoate school was the State Board of Education, created by an act, which passed the General Assembly, February, 1870, on recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Schools. This Board was made the trustee of the State Normal School, on the adoption of the Normal School bill, in 1871. The Normal School campaign was on from June, 1869, increasing in force from month to month, until March 15, 1871, when the Act to establish a State Normal School, in Rhode Island, became a law, with an appropriation of $10,000 for its annual support, and $1,500 for mileage travel, to RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 81 equalize so far as possible, the privileges of the school, to all candidates for teaching, in all parts of the State. The Normal School was opened on Sept. 6, 1871, at Normal Hall, High street (now Westminster street), Providence, with three teachers and 106 students, 150 young men and women taking the examination. The fortieth anniversary of this event we commemorate to-day, Sept. 6, 1911. During this period of a generation of men, the school has had seven principals : James C. Greenough, Thomas J. Morgan, George A. Littlefield, William E. Wilson, Fred Gowing, Charles S. Chapin, John L. Alger. It has enrolled over 3,000 students, of whom 2,058 have received graduating diplomas. A Normal College. This of the past. What of the future? First: The time has come to place the Normal School on its proper base, as a professional school for the most numerous and most influential profession in the United States. Its heavy handicap must be removed, and its organization must be established, as the plan of other professional institutions of the State and country. The first change, is that of its name. The name Normal School, should be changed to that of Normal College. Nomenclature the true naming of an institution is as important to its success, as is that of a person, a corporation, or a State. Twenty young ladies graduate with equal diplomas, from a High School. A majority of the number will enter a Women's College, and the minority, a Normal School, when all may be bent on teaching. The name school, is primary to that of college, and the diploma of the college is more significant and valuable, as a pecuniary, moral and 82 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. educational asset than the certificate of the Normal School. The one has a recognized value in the intellectual world far in excess of the other. Two ladies present themselves as candi- dates for assistants in a city high school, salary $1,200, one has a diploma of Pembroke or Wellesley, the other a diploma of the Rhode Island Normal School. Other things being equal, the college girl gets the position, and the Normal girl must fall back to a lower position and salary. This is the rule. Change the name of our Normal School to Normal College and you place it, nominally, on the same plane as other colleges ; and of a truth the teaching fraternity has a right to all the advantages that an underpaid profession can possibly be entitled to or that the governing powers can bestow. It follows, of course, that the titles of the normal teachers shall correspond with those of the regular college ; a matter of great importance, in that it establishes a rank above the titles of the regular common-school teachers, whom they prepare for their work. The principal of the Normal College will be President, and the teachers will be Professors, as their characters, abilities and qualifications should entitle them to be called. These titles not only give an increased dignity to the teacher and his calling, but they also place him on an equality in rank with his brother on the hill, at Brown or Pembroke. Another gain would occur to the normal teacher: an' increase in salary in proportion to the character of the work to be done, and the rank of the professorship filled. To student and professor alike would come the increased feeling of importance of the work of teaching, its greater significance and value in the attitude of the State. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 83 Normal College Curriculum. Important as are the titular matters, the vital concern on which these rest is the curriculum the course of studies which the Normal College should present to the future teachers of Rhode Island. The time has arrived when the Rhode Island Normal School should cease to do preparatory work. At the outset of the Normal School, it was supposed to be its function to methodize common school studies. The Normal School graduate was considered fairly well equipped for beginning the work of a teacher, if the course of study and practice had included a thorough review of the elementary school branches, with painstaking practice in the methods of teaching them. A little time was devoted to the completion of high school studies, child psychology, school hygienics, school organization, and management. The teacher was specially well equipped if she had been able to devote a year's work to advanced psychology, the philosophy of education, advanced pedagogy, and a study of educational problems. To-day, matters are wholly changed, so much so that the average graduate of twenty years ago, would be only qualified to enter the lower grades of the first-class schools in the country. While the requirements for admission vary widely, three general functions are now required in all first grade Normal Schools, cultural, professional, and vocational. In the early day, the emphasise was on the professional side. To-day the tendencies are cultural and vocational, and this important change happily originated from the demands of the students and the people. According to U. S. Commissioner Brown, in his report on Normal Schools for 1910, the leading Normal schools of our country may point to three important guideposts of advance- ment: (i) They require for admission the completion of a 84 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. four-year high school course or its equivalent; (2) they offer four-year degree courses, cultural and vocational, as well as professional, parallel to regular college courses; (3) they provide for specialization in manual arts, domestic economy, agriculture, and the natural sciences. The increasing demand for teachers of special subjects has made this necessary. Of the 196 State Normal Schools, 150 offer opportunities for such specialization in manual arts, domestic economy, etc., above named. Cultural Studies. The modern reaction in the highest educational circles towards cultural studies is one of the most significant signs of a saner student life. Of colleges, Harvard, under President Lowell and Amherst under President Harris, in New England, are taking the firm stand for more fixed cultural studies and a narrower circle of electives. The teaching profession must build on the sure foundations of philosophy, the classics, history, science, and mathematics if it would build surely and permanently. And it is delightfully encouraging to know that the demand for more thorough standards in the essentials of a liberal education springs from the teaching fraternity itself. Professor James, in his first chapter on the problems of philosophy, says, "Philosophy, indeed, in one sense of the term is only a compendious name for the spirit in education, which the word "college" stands for in America. Things can be taught in a dry, dogmatic way, or in a philosophic way. At a technical school a man may grow into a first-rate in- strument for doing a certain job, but he may miss all the graciousness of mind suggested by the term, liberal culture. He may remain a cad, and not a gentleman, intellectually pinned down to his one narrow subject, literal, unable to RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 85 suppose anything different from what he has seen, without imagination, atmosphere or mental perspective/' Still more he calls philosophy, or liberal culture, the parent of four different human interests, science, poetry, religion and logic. It is felt that cultural studies fit for the best work, give power, efficiency and high enjoyment in it, and as an added compensation, better pecuniary rewards. Vocational Work. The demand for teachers in specialized and vocational work is increasing, year by year. Commissioner Brown states that trained teachers in domestic economy are needed, and that there is a crying need for teachers of agriculture in the secondary schools. He urges that at least one teacher in each public high school should be qualified to give instruction in agriculture, and the natural sciences, so closely related. In the specialization of vocational work in teaching, the Normal Schools of the Middle West have a long lead over our older New England schools. As an illustration, I cite the State Normal at Greely, Colorado ; under manual arts are taught tool work, sheet metal work, Venetian iron work, wood carving, staining and finish- ing; under domestic economy are, cooking, sewing, dress- making, art needlework, house furnishings and decorations; under agriculture are, nature study, school gardening, outdoor art, elementary agriculture ; under sciences are, botany, zoology, physics, chemistry and physiography. In our State, a State of artists and artisans, the value of vocational schools and of vocational training to the teacher manifests itself in many ways. These schools will not make finished workmen of the pupils, but will, direct their mental activities; will interest them in things industrial; will teach 86 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. them to think in terms of things, in processes of work, and to interpret plans and drawings. It will hold in the school, the pupils not easily held by books, to the end that the manual training obtained, if given intelligently, will be a direct begin- ning in acquiring a trade or vocation. Pupils are conscious of powers, passions and tasks, which the schools do not recognize. They long to grasp things with their own hands, to test the strength of materials, and the magnitude of forces. A Darius Green, with his embryo flying machine in his brain may be found in every school, and the teacher with vocational as well as cultural training may be the discoverer of genius to itself, and of the fitness and qualification of the pupils for his special life work. Normal College Degrees. At the completion of a Normal College course of four years, based on a thorough High School preparation, in which the Normal student has become indoctrinated in liberal, vocational and professional studies, degrees should be con- ferred, corresponding to those for regular college quadrennial graduates. It is easy to see that a Normal College graduate with the usual title of A. B., a most fitting title for the course of study pursued, would enjoy many and great advantages over the present graduates. Maturity in years, increased physical development, higher culture, superior insight to comprehend the problems of child culture, leadership growing out of self-conscious power, organizing ability, social and intellectual rank, and larger compensation are among them. Teachers would cost more, they would be worth more. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 87 Supplementary Courses. In order that the teachers may not lose the stimulus of progress, and emulation, the Normal College will add to its curricula supplementary special courses, the value of which will be credited to the student, by an added degree of A. M. or some other title. Our highest grades of teachers and "supervisors now study abroad in France, Germany or England, and this is an expen- sive plan, as well as one that reflects on our American professional institutions, as compared with European condi- tions. Germany, with its system of public instruction based on military and monarchical principles is not the best school for the educators of a democracy, in a republic. The idealism of William of Berlin, is not comparable with that of William of Washington, and idealism is the perfection of educational growth. Training For School Supervision. The last twenty-five years and more, notably the last ten, have witnessed the growth of a new department of skilled educational work, to wit, local supervision of public schools. While State and country supervision has been widely recog- nized, it now remains to fulfill the educational system by a more detailed and closer relationship of the superintendent to the individual teacher and school. The importance of this intimate contact and oversight few can estimate at its real value. In business affairs, supervision is the governor with capital as power ; in education, supervision is the balance wheel with knowledge as the main-spring. I do not need to tell this audience of educated men and women that the supervisor should possess education, experience and organizing ability in excess of those of the teachers he is set to superintend and a 88 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. knowledge of school systems and the philosophy of education, superior to that of his ward; otherwise both the teacher and taught fail to receive the full measure of profit the school should offer. It is evident that the Superintendent should be a normally educated man along several well recognized special lines. Let me mention pedagogy, psychology, philosophy, school organization, discipline, vocational work, school hygienics, school architecture, and school finances. For this training, the Normal School of the future will offer a two years' course in addition to the regular course of four years. The superin- tendent of the future will hold the degree of A. B., as a quadrennial Normal graduate. He will have had at least five years successful teaching experience, and later or earlier, two years of superintendent training. As an equivalent of one of these two years a year of foreign travel for school inspection may be substituted. This train- ing would give us a class of men and women competent to handle our public schools, and towards this standard we are rapidly moving. New York has just established a system of district super- vision, worthy of note. The State has 48 City Superintend- ents, and 281 village and district -supervisors. Each district supervisor has a territory of about 140 square miles, contain- ing an average of 125 teachers, and receiving a minimum salary of $15,000. Massachusetts has 189 Superintendents, each having an average district area of 43 square miles, with 80 teachers. There are now about 1,500 city, county and district Superin- tendents in the United States with salaries varying from $400 to $10,000 the latter sum being paid to W. H. Maxwell, of New York and Mrs. Ella Flagg Young, of RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 89 Chicago. The average Superintendent's salary is about $2,000 in the United States. The Outcome. With the qualifications I have named possessed by the candidate, supervison would become at once the most lucrative and the most attractive post in the teaching profession. The day is not far off when our State Normal School will welcome to a scholarly course, the aspirants for the higher positions, honors and emoluments of the teaching profession, and the day is not far distant when our grammar and high school principals will be normal as well as college graduates, and when our State, city and district Superintendents shall have passed the third degree of the mystic shrine. I have endeavored to show the steps by which the present Normal School is to attain for itself and the students graduat- ing from it the high position to which they are entitled and the enhanced influence and excellence attending and resulting from their work. Until these important and somewhat radical changes are made, the Normal School is in the position of the uniformed soldier, marking time, without advancing to the battle line. When the Normal College shall have reached the place and work I have assigned to it, several valuable results will follow. Let me name a few. The President will be an associate member of the State Board of Education, and its educational advisor. The State system will be a part of the recognized work of adjustment of the Normal College. The Normal faculty will be made a State Council, acting in conjunction with State, city and district or town Superintendents as to salaries, course of study, text-books, school literature, school periods, vocational schools, etc. The fountain will then de- termine and direct the flow of the streams, issuing therefrom. 90 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. The Normal Faculty will be an integral part of a national and an international Normal University in which shall be studied and formulated the deeper and broader principles of state, national and international systems and relations. This great and wide Republic of sound pedagogic wise men, scien- tific experts in education, will then come to command the attention of the world, as the conservators of government, and of social, industrial and civic life. The teacher will then have entered his own province of intellectual and moral force in the making of man and society and in the advance of civilization, the world over. There remains a declaration of a few basis educational principles and I am done. It underlies all I have said, and all that educators in Rhode Island, the United States, England, Germany, the world over are hoping to accomplish. A Education is the unfolding and developing of full manhood, physical, industrial, intellectual, spiritual; and manhood, is the basis of citizenship. B That the child is capable of development into independent manhood and citizenship, is, of itself, conclusive evidence of the child's right to such education. C Every child, born into American citizenship, has the indi- vidual right to such an education as will fit him to fulfill most completely the duties and obligations of manhood and citizen- ship, and to secure the child in the enjoyment of this right, the entire resources of the State are an absolute and a sacred trust. MRS. RICHARD JACKSON BARKER, CHAIRMAN OF SCHOOL BOARD TIVERTON, R. I. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 91 D As it is the imperative duty and paramount interest of the State to provide an adequate education for all its citizens, it is the duty as well as the right of the State to see that the necessary education, thus provided, be fully and universally enjoyed. E As the education of the child is the chief function of the State, the education of the teacher of the child must include as well as exceed all that is embraced in child education, to the end that the teacher may become the most potent factor in upbuilding a more honorable State through a better edu- cated citizenship. The normal ideal for teaching includes a liberal culture, professional training and vocational studies and practice, enriched by all the resources of sound learning, and wisdom, the growth of knowledge, experience and obser- vation. On these principles the normal educated men and women of Rhode Island should stand committed as the sheet anchor of their Faith and Labors. THE NORMAL SCHOOL AS A FACTOR IN WOMEN'S ADVANCEMENT. Mrs. Richard Jackson Barker. The President, Mr. Brown, then introduced in compli- mentary and felicitous terms, Mrs. Richard Jackson Barker, Chairman of the Tiverton School Committee, stating that Mrs. Barker was not only an active officer now, but had held the office for sixteen consecutive years and had been in close touch with the Normal School by experience and inheritance for a longer period than her official life, as she would tell the 92 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. audience in giving a reminiscent view to her address, which would deal with what education has done to advance woman. Like Mr. Bicknell, Mrs. Barker was greeted and interrupted by applause. After addressing the chair, the Commissioner and the ex-Commissioner, she said: I might well begin my remarks by saying that this notable occasion thoroughly demonstrates what education has done to advance woman. I could most appropriately say that edu- cation for women has made college presidents and that the State of Rhode Island can rest upon her laurels along these lines. I could dwell upon the lives of Miss Sarah E. Doyle, Miss Mary E. Woolley and the new President of Wellesley and what they have done through education for the advance- ment and betterment of the conditions of woman. But I must pass to the educated woman of every-day life, who has not attained the great heights of distinction that these women have. This is an anniversary of reminiscences in a certain sense. Those of us who have arrived at an age when our memories go backward into vital decades, find this occasion full of rec- ollections of people and events that many who are present can only recall by traditions. To me has been allotted the pleasant duty of telling in a general reminiscent way something of this school and what education has done to advance woman during these past forty years. As I turn to my left and see my friend, the Honorable Thomas W. Bicknell in the full vigor of perennial youth, it seems but a short time ago that I, as a very little girl, expe- rienced the great honor of meeting the worthy gentleman, regarded as a veritable giant in the educational world of my girlhood. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 93 A School Committee of Women. Way back in the late 6o's and early 70*5 of the eighteen hundreds there was a little group of three educated women in the town of Tiverton who felt that the time had come for women to take an active interest in school affairs. These good, gentle ladies so moulded unconsciously the opinion of the intelligent men in their community that they were elected as "The Honorable School Committee of the Town of Tiv- erton." Mark you, ladies and gentlemen, this was the first great step forward for the advancement of woman upon school boards in this country and it was based entirely upon intellectual ability. One of that School Committee was my own mother, of sainted memory. Mrs. Lawton graduated from the Warren Female Seminary, that well known seat of learning that flourished under the late Asa Messer Gammell about the first quarter of the last century; another of that Board was Mrs. Barker, who became my mother-in-law, educated at the venerable and time honored Friends' School, while the third member, Miss Brown, was thoroughly equipped for the new work at Prof. Henry Fay's Private School in Newport. What That Committee Did. After a hard fought election at a Town Meeting where every voter was on hand to line up as "for or against the women," they entered upon their duties, elected by one major- ity. This was the first School Commission in the United States comprised of women. They were on trial all over the country. It was a strange innovation in the eyes of many. The press took it up and editorials appeared in many promi- nent newspapers of the day. Some were favorable, others doubtful, a few semi-sneered and one printed a cartoon that grieved and mortified those women of by-gone days ; but they 94 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. never faltered; they realized upon their shoulders was placed the burden of being pioneers. Commendation and honor and blame came to them and all along they held to their unalter- able purpose to raise the standard of the Tiverton schools, to secure better teachers and up-to-date text-books. Nor did that little band of committee women stop there. They wanted better school buildings, school houses with better ventilation and in more attractive environments. They did not talk of germs and microbes; those terms were not fashionable then. Those women plead for sanitary measures. They met many difficulties, problems in that typical, conservative New Eng- land town. Often I, as a very little girl, would overhear them talking in my mother's home and some of these times I knew instinctively, that they were well-nigh discouraged, and then one or the other would say, "we will talk it over with the School Commissioner," and the tone used seemed to imply that that Commissioner was a veritable Moses to lead them to victory, and this leads back to the beginning of my acquaintance with the Honorable Thomas W. Bicknell. He was the Commissioner who helped those three women do their duty in those trying times. He was the authority that women were eligible to serve as School Committee in Rhode Island and that they could be elected at a town meeting by the elec- tors in Tiverton. I do not know which was the most proud of the result, Commissioner Bicknell or those women and their friends, that this State had gone on record the first in the Union for this action of the electors. Unsparing of him- self, he went at almost a minute's notice at the call, rode on those dreadful roads, in all weathers, when they condemned school houses and changed boundary lines, supporting them fearlessly against angry voters who did not .want too many changes, openly rebelling against too much progress. It was RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 95 Thomas W. Bicknell who watched over and guided that first School Board of women in the United States and made it easy for women elsewhere to serve in a like capacity. Their Influence. Some twenty years after, when the great city of Chicago took up the movement, who shall say that the seed was not planted by those three women, Mrs. Lawton, Mrs. Barker and Miss Brown in the town of Tiverton, Rhode Island? Who shall dare say that the influence of that Nestor of Education, Thomas W. Bicknell, was not felt in a far away state? Forty years! It is a long way back. Since those women were elected there have been rapid strides in the advance- ment of women through education. To-day one of our large cities has a wonderful woman Superintendent of Schools. To-day women hold chairs in colleges, minister to the sick as skilled physicians. Through their legal knowledge women draw up wills and plead successfully. We have an instance of this in our own State. So far as is known Miss Mary Anne Greene is the only woman who has appeared before the full Bench. Women at the Front. In the present century woman enters into nearly all the avenues for breadwinning that formerly her brother used to control. Always during these forty years woman has grasped every opportunity to better her conditions through education. She has trained herself at normal schools and colleges to teach. She has seized every invention for her advancement. To-day we find her as an expert accountant, stenographer, tel- egrapher, in charge of telephone exchanges, managers of various kinds of business, and in every walk of life she is giving of her intellect and preparation for the advancement of other women. With all she has accomplished it has not 96 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. marred her character or weakened her in the greatest of all places for woman the home. She is a more intelligent wife, a better mother because her mind has been more thor- oughly trained.' In all great reforms she has stood bravely to the front. She has safeguarded her babies by her stern cry for better milk. When the country was aroused for pure food it was that magnificent body of women's clubs all over the broad land which was the power behind the throne of public opinion. When medical inspection in the public schools was first brought forward it was the mother's influ- ence brought to bear upon officials. Forty Years of Normal Work. What about this very school whose honorable life we are now gathered together to celebrate? Forty years ago Provi- dence did not care very much for a Normal School. This city did not realize its need. It was a woman, my own mother Mrs. Lawton, who said fearlessly, "the City of Providence may be able to do good work without such a training-ground, but the town of Tiverton realizes the necessity of such an institution and so does every country town. We, the wives and mothers, want better fitted teachers for our boys and girls." Mark you, ladies and gentlemen, it was the country towns that rallied to the support of the Rhode Island State Normal School, and this reorganized Normal School can well be termed a monument to Thomas W. Bicknell. It was he who founded the State Normal School, who secured the appropriation from the Legislature to run it, and it was his influence with the country towns that in the main secured the attendance, and so to-day we hail and congratulate him. This fortieth anniversary is full of recollection. I recall the name of Morgan who stood firm for the advancement of the Normal School (applause), the name of Littlefield and the RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 97 inspiration of the man (applause) ; and one other rises in my memory, one who loved and worked for this building, Thomas B. Stockwell (applause). We are fortunate in having with us to-day Commissioner Bicknell who started the plan and Mr. Greenough the first principal (applause), but we miss that calm presence of the noble Thomas B. Stockwell, who was with us when this stately building was thrown open to the public. No doubt there are others present who received the same warm pressure of the hand and heard these words : "It is a magnificent building and we have come into our own home," but because looking we are looking backward, I give you Mr. Stockwell's greeting to me. Three Commissioners of Education have watched over this Normal School and made this occasion possible. Our pres- ent Commissioner, the Honorable Walter E. Ranger, is the last of the great trio. We all know how ably he has succeeded our loved Mr. Stockwell. Under his care, with the scholarly principal Prof. Alger, the Rhode Island Normal School will reach even a higher standing than is now generally ac- corded it. THE HERITAGE OF FOUR DECADES. William IT. Andrews, Assistant Commissioner of Public Schools. We are together this afternoon to honor the completion of forty years of successful effort of the school at the head of the public school system. The life of the present day in all its phases in conducted through organization. Society, industry, and education are organized into systems through which the individual works to obtain the things which he desires. Perhaps one of the most formal divisions of human activity occurs in the field of education. We have the 98 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. system with its kindergarten, elementary, secondary, normal, collegiate and university groups. I believe that this formal separation leads us many times to believe that education has been wholly given over to the organized forms for carrying it out; that when these are successfully completed, education stops', and we have as a product of their activities, an educated man ; then the real work of life begins. This is not true, because it contradicts the physical facts of our make-up. Define education in any terms that are true and the fact still remains that education in itself is not an activity of which the schools are an absolutely necessary part. In other words, define it as you will, education is a continuous living process, the result of which is an individual continually progressing in the art of best living, the school during one stage of his career being one of the many means to that end. And the schools for this particular stage form the most desirable means for the educative process. In them, the pupil acquires the implements which the life process needs to be successful. Let us see what this equipment is and of what this later intellectual life consists. Of course he learns to read. But reading in itself is valueless; it is only as the individual uses it for his greater ends that it becomes a source of profit and enjoyment. He should not cease to read upon leaving school. From the training received there, "there should result a taste for interesting and improving reading which should direct and inspire all subsequent life." Of course, he learns to write, but he ought not to stop writing upon leaving school. As the complexities of life multiply, through its true use, he enters into the relations of business and friendship, keeping alive all that is good and true in our dealings one with another. By it, individual solitude to him will become unknown, for at any time he can communicate RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 99 with his fellow beings, expressing his success and failure, his joys and sorrows, to receive in return the benefits which come from mutual human companionship. Of course, he studies history, and learns to reconstruct the life of other times and other peoples. But that recon- struction will be valueless to him unless he uses it later to recognize the common essential virtues which underlie differences of race, nationality, condition and development; to regulate the present through a knowledge of the mistakes of the past. I might further enumerate the subjects in our curriculum, showing how the modern school seeks not only the intellectual, but the moral and physical development of the child as well; but it is unnecessary that I should do so. That the youth of our State may enter into the heritage of the past, that they may properly equip themselves for the duties of citizen and parent, the State has established its schools and placed at their head the greatest of all schools, the laboratory in which is trained one element of success, the teacher. The Rhode Island Normal School trains teachers, and through them it has in its control the future history of the State. No institution of society can possibly have a greater or more important function. And in its performance of this function, the people of this State have always taken the greatest pride. In the past, it has always ''turned a keen, untroubled face, home to the instant need of things," thus in the future may it always do. ioo RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. THE RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL; ITS TRIALS AND TRIUMPHS. By James C. Gre enough. To-day we gladly commemorate a great event the found- ing of the present Normal School of Rhode Island. For forty years its increasing usefulness has improved the schools, in every part of the State. It has helped not alone the public schools, it has strengthened the work of the Sabbath School, of the church and the home. It has helped every beneficent agency within the State and ministered to the well-being of communities beyond. A great event is often veiled in affairs seemingly trivial. Of such affairs connected with the earlier years of the school you expect me to speak. Before referring to my own time, I wish to acknowledge the great work that had been done in advance of my coming, by the Honorable Commissioner of Public Schools, and those associated with him in founding the State Normal School. Not only had a building been made ready, but a student- body had been enrolled far beyond the capacity of the rooms at our command, and the faculty engaged; of more than one hundred and fifty candidates enrolled on the books, at Com- missioner Bicknell's office, we found that we could accom- modate only about one hundred, and the Board of Trustees was obliged to postpone the entrance of one-third of the appli- cants till a later period. The school was actually in existence in embryo before the installation of the building and the in- troduction of the teachers. All we had to do was to enter on the work of organization, classification, and instruction. The machinery was in order, the power was at hand and we had only to turn the lever, and JAMES C. GREENOUGH, FIRST PRINCIPAL, R. I. NORMAL SCHOOL 1871-83 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 101 the business of the State Normal School began. Such an experience was as gratifying as it was unexpected and unusual. The building first occupied by the school was a church building bought by Hon. Amos C. Barstow, when the church was united with the Richmond Street Congregational Church, to form the Union Congregational Church. A New Home. The work and the development of the school demanded a different location, and more and better rooms. Mr. Barstow had carefully fitted up this building with the expectation and the hope that the school would occupy it for many years. Financially and honestly, I think, he believed it would be best for us and for the State to occupy this building for a long term of years. The Board of Education did not seem disposed to move for a new building until the school had proved that it had come to stay. After some five years in our hired house, during which brief editorials from my pen urging better accommodations for the school were kindly accepted and used in nearly every paper of the State, the Board of Education consented to the appointment of a committee consisting of Mr. Leach, Super- intendent of the public schools of Providence, and myself to meet the Committee on Education in the General Assembly and present the need of a building suitable for the Normal School. The success of the school and the good work of its graduates in different parts of the State had resulted in a rising tide of sentiment in favor of the school ; but Mr. Leach seemed neither enthusiastic nor hopeful in attempting to secure a better building. 102 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. At the time we were to meet the Committee of the Assembly, I went to his office to accompany him to the State House near- by. He declined to go, saying that it was his office hour, during which he must attend to teachers and others who might call. Alone I met the committee. The Old Story Repeated. When I said to them "we need a better building," and was about to show reason, one of the committee said, "this Normal School is an experiment. When a man sets out an orchard, he waits until he finds what the fruit will be before he fences it." I replied, "If his neighbors had orchards of the same sort of trees bearing excellent fruit, I hardly think he would wait to fence it. Most of the States have Normal Schools doing good work." Another member, a lawyer from Newport, who did not seem to have much interest in planting a school in Providence, was disposed to raise a side issue, and asked whether those who have been trained in a Normal School are not better teachers than those who have not been so trained. I replied "Other things being equal, I think they are. I should prefer employing a minister, a doctor, or a lawyer, who had received a professional training." "Then," said he, "ought not the legislature by law to require school commit- tees to employ graduates of the Normal School in prefer- ence to other teachers?" "No," said I. "But you think they are better teachers." "Other things being equal," said I. "Then," said he "why not pass a law that they shall have the preference?" "If," said I, "I were a candidate for a school and knew because of my ability tested by experience that I could do better work than a Normal graduate, who was also a candidate, I should feel that it was an injustice to employ him rather than myself. Normal graduates will be employed," I added, "if they do RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 103 better work/' In passing I may add, the graduates without any legal preference soon began to be employed in the highest positions in the common schools in Providence and the towns of the State. The committee of the Assembly, after I withdrew from the committee, after some consideration and perhaps with more hesitation, drew a resolve in favor of securing a suitable building for the school. Doubters Still Doubting. It seems that the decline and closing of the first Rhode Island Normal School opened in Providence in 1854, removed to Bristol in 1857, and discontinued in 1865, though taught by teachers of much ability, made many people disposed to doubt the expediency of again establishing such a school in Rhode Island. The marked success in the State of graduates of Massachusetts Normal Schools, while an undeniable proof of the value of such schools was often used in connection with the statement, "Rhode Island is a small State," to show that it was best for people of this State to look to Massachu- setts for its supply of trained teachers. This Normal School has done its part to prove that Rhode Island, though small in territory, like Attica in ancient Greece, is not intellectually inferior to any of her sister States. The high standing of college presidents in Massachusetts who have been reared in Rhode Island is also clearly in evidence. Henry Howard was Governor of the State. Much inter- ested in education, he visited the school, observed its work and became a whole-hearted friend. He said to me, "Had I been a member of the Assembly, when the founding of this school was considered, I should have voted against it, but the way a school is managed makes all the difference." He added that he would do all he could iO4 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. to aid me in securing a suitable building, though he felt that the Assembly of that year would not pass the resolve. He went with me in the morning of the day the resolve was to be presented to the House and urged the speaker to do what he could to secure its passage. A Fight. The member of the House having the resolve in charge said to one sitting near him as he rose to present the resolve, "Now you will see a fight," or something to that effect. He told me later that there were some fifteen men, aided by Mr. Barstow, prepared to oppose the passage of the resolve. After one hour of hot debate, during which the school at times was roughly handled, the supporters of the resolve were defeated by a decisive vote. Provision was made by the House for a committee made up of members of the House and Senate to report at the next annual session to the Assembly on the work and the needs of the Normal School. That evening I visited the ardent leader of the opposition and asked him to observe our present premises and see our needs. This he agreed to do. Repeating his promise to me at times during the year, the months passed without a visit from him. The committee appointed by the Assembly inspected every department of the work of the school, and considered our accommodations. Rev. Augustus Woodbury was chairman of this committee. He was an able, broad minded man, justly honored by the varied services he was called upon at different times to per- form for the community. Mr. Barstow had seen the com- mittee in season and they were already persuaded that it was best to accept his generous offer to allow the State to fit up in the basement, rooms for the scientific or other work of the school, and pay him a merely nominal rent for the same. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 105 This seemed to the committee the best that for a time could be done. No arguments of mine sufficed to change their unanimous decision. This was in the month of June, 1877. This season so beautiful in Providence was to me the gloomiest period in the history of the school. The vestry was too deeply set in the ground to be utilized for class rooms. The location of the building seemed to me to forbid any expenditure by the State upon it, even if it could be made adequate to our needs, which was impossible. The Knight of the Press. In the autumn I had an errand that took me to the office of the Providence Journal. There I met the editor, both of the morning Journal and the Evening Bulletin, Mr. Danielson, a man of wonderful toil and endurance. Though a man of inveterate prejudices, his views on public affairs were generally accepted as thoughtful and wise. I think at the time he had more influence in the conduct of public affairs than any other man in the State. We had failed to agree after considerable debate upon some questions respecting the proper work of the common school. I feared his displeasure, for he wielded a persuasive pen. Yet I could but admire his valor and his honesty of purpose. Cautiously at first, but after some years of acquaintance, he unreservedly in his manner and in his readiness to help the school and favor me, showed that he reciprocated my personal regard. He inquired how the school was getting on. I told him that the teachers and pupils were doing good work, but I could but feel apprehensive of evils that threatened. I then told him what the committee of the Assembly had decided to report to the Assembly respecting the obtaining of better accommodations. io6 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. He was usually a reticent man as to his plans, but in a very positive tone he now said, "If the committee make that report I shall deem it my duty to attack the committee." I saw at once that these words might have weight with the chairman of the legislative committee, who well knew the power of Mr. Danielson. I soon called upon Mr. Wood- bury and repeated some of the arguments for a building in a more suitable location and better adapted to our work, adding that Mr. Danielson had questioned me as to the attitude of the committee. ''What did he say," said Mr. Woodbury, who had listened very attentively to what I had said. I told him the statement of Mr. Danielson. After a slight pause he said, "I have been thinking more of this matter and I think it may be well for the committee to report in favor of a new building." I went home with my mind relieved of the burden borne for months. Many Plans. During the next legislative session the report was made to the Assembly and referred to the appropriate committee. A good share of the session was spent in considering the building of a new State house. Many plans were discussed, one being the building of a wing of the State house for the Normal School. There were much differences of opinion respecting site and construction so that nothing definite was accomplished. When the session at Providence was well advanced I happened again to meet the leader of the opposi- tion, who was again in the House, and again allusion was made to his visiting us. "I promised to visit you," said he. "I have not. However, I know your need. Last year I was deceived as to your condition. I have informed myself of the facts." He added, "Get your committee together and have them draw a bill and when it is before the House, I will 81 5! Q I Z RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 107 help you.'' I well remember in part his exact language ; a few words I have supplied. I did as he advised. The bill under his championship and with the aid of others who appre- ciated the work of the graduates in different parts of the State, readily passed. The rising tide of sentiment in favor of the school had reached the halls of legislation. Mayor Doyle and the Xew Normal Building. In the meantime the new high school building now known as the Classical and English High School on the west side of the city was nearing completion. Mayor Doyle one morn- ing, took me into his sleigh and while driving past the high school building on Benefit street, suggested that the State purchase it for the Xormal School. The value of the property and the cost of adding to and remodeling it had been presented to a committee of the legislature. When the bill in favor of the school reached the Senate it encountered further opposition from a Bristol member. After the Senate had adjourned, this member still holding the floor, I read on my way home from school in the Bulletin, his speech. At once I went to his office, where I found him alone. Perhaps he felt he had been unduly severe. We had not gone far in discussing the matter in hand when he said, "I will be fair with you," and he was as good as his word. By a process of argument and cross examination showing legal ability he discussed the plans and policy of the school and the reason for a suitable building, making notes as he proceeded. When the Senate again assembled, to the astonishment of all, he urged the passage of the bill, with a force equalled only by the vehemence by which he had attacked it. The opposition under his leadership surrend- ered. The high school building on Benefit street was pur- io8 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. chased and remodeled. Later in the year, 1878, the building was occupied by the school, though the dedicatory address by Rev. Augustus Woodbury, was not given until January 23, 1879, when the fitting up of the building was completed. The school entered upon a new era of prosperity. Honor to Whom Honor is Due. The aid to all the work of the school rendered by Commis- sioners Bicknell, and Stockwell, and the Board of Education, should ever be held in grateful remembrance. Honor is also due to Mr. Danielson, editor of the Providence Journal for his strong and steady support of all measures helpful to the school. Nor can I fail to refer to the aid rendered by the grammar masters of this city, three of whom I believe were graduates of the Bridgewater Normal School. The teachers in this city and throughout the State were ever ready to appreciate any good work accomplished by the school. The Greatness of the Teacher. The first Normal Schools in America were established in Massachusetts, by the influence of a few strong leaders in popular education. At the outset, the majority of teachers in that State did not favor Normal Schools. They held to their work patiently, persistently and quietly till at length in that State, and in other States, they wrought a revolution in the methods and practices of the common school. In Rhode Island teachers have been foremost in exerting their influence in favor of Normal schools. But the ability, source of the maintenance and the progress of this school is the zeal, the intelligence, and the efficiency of its graduates, showed in their untiring devotion and skill in the schools of the State. They housed the school on Benefit street. This building, beautiful for situation, so comely and fitting in its arrangements, the joy and pride of the State RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 109 is a monument to the value of their work. But this building is but an outward emblem. The value of a true teacher's work can never be measured by anything of material sort. The soldier rights for his country, the teacher makes it worth fighting for. The worth of the people is their character what they are, physically, mentally and morally, as the result of their own action, guided by teaching and training. Character is the bed-rock of the family, the church and the State. Every- where and always, the true teacher, while helping the pupils to gain the specific ends set forth in a course of study, is consciously or unconsciously forming character. The physical well-being, the development and storing of the intel- lect for which the teacher strives, gives the pupil the ability to act vigorously and wisely. So far as the teacher leads by the study of nature, by literary culture, and by heroic example to the appreciation of the true, the beautiful, and the good, so far he opens the soul heavenward, letting in that light that was never "on land or sea," and so waking its responsiveness to all that is worthy, that it need not fail of inspiration and guidance. The true teacher also leads the pupil to determine the value of persons and things, that is, to judge correctly. Speaking of the ability to judge, in its higher relations, President Hadley, of Yale, says, 'The citizen of Zion is a man of judgment. He has the sense of proportion which enables him to judge men and things according to their real worth." Again he says, "To be a Christian means to follow in the foot- steps of the man, who more than anyone else that ever lived, saw things in their real sizes and proportions." Thus in the ability to act, in responsiveness and in a well trained judgment, the basis of character is laid upon this as no RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. it is broadened and strengthened. Moral character may be developed in all its strength and beauty. All the work of a well ordered school is a means of moral culture. The accuracy required in observation in thought and in expression is a training in truthfulness. Obedience to teachers and submission to the regulations of the school is a training for the right discharge of civil and social duties. The self-control required of a pupil gives that self-mastery by which one holds to the upward course as he strives to realize his ideals, while he looks beyond the seen and temporal to the unseen, the eternal. The profession of teaching includes a larger number of noble workers than any other. It presents the widest field for the exercise of the noblest powers. It calls upon one to invest his efforts in that which is worth the doing. The teacher strengthens the family, builds the State, and helps to establish in the world, the kingdom of God. Tributes to Associates. Fellow teachers: I am glad that for nearly fifty years my name was on the roll of active teachers. With my might, and giving the best I had garnered, I wrought, glad of my privilege, only wishing that my might had been more and my resources larger. To the pupils of this school during the first twelve years of its life, I am much indebted and deeply endeared. With few exceptions they were earnest and faith- ful, ever encouraging me to faithful service. I am glad that my name is enrolled with yours. I to-day rejoice that with associate teachers Miss Bancroft (now Mrs. Tillinghast), Miss Jewett, now Mrs. Taylor), and Miss Hay ward, I was permitted to have a part in laying the foundations of this insti- tution. MRS. J. HERBERT SHEDD, (NEE MARBLE). RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. in These associate teachers are worthy of all honor, and their mantle falls upon later associate teachers. Miss Marble (now Mrs. Shedd), had graduated from the Friends School in this city and had taught several terms. In the autumn of 1871, soon after entering the school, she said to me, ''I came intending to stay a few weeks, I now intend to stay through the year." She little thought that she would not leave the school until she had completed thirty years of uninterrupted and very admirable service as a teacher. Miss Bucklin, valedictorian of the first graduating class, be gan to teach in the school at the same time as Miss Marble, 1872, and showed herself worthy of a life-long and honorable career, but a Mr. Lonsdale had other plans to which she consented. But Mrs. Lonsdale, and others who have left school to make a home, have not by their promotion lost their interest nor their influence in this and in other schools. The family was the first and has ever been the most important of human institutions. It is the foundation of our social life. Miss Deming's untiring and faithful work can never be forgotten. HOW T can I adequately speak of Miss Gardner, Miss Kenyon, Miss Short (now Mrs. Barrett), and Miss Lewis. Words are feeble to express the value of the work of all these, and of others who rendered occasional aid as teachers. The value of their work is evident in the life and excellent work of those whom they faithfully instruct. CHAPTER X. Trustees and Teachers. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL TRUSTEES, 1860-1865. Rev. Thomas Shepard, D. D., Hon. Samuel G. Arnold, William Goddard, John J. Reynolds, Rev. John Boyden, Hon. William Sprague, Gov., Hon. James G. Smith, Gov., Benjamin H. Rhoades, Rev. Frederick Dennison, Rev. Dr. Dumont, Bristol, R. 1. Providence, R. I. Warwick, R. I. Wickford, R. I. Woonsocket, R. I. Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I. Newport, R. I. Westerly, R. I. Newport, R. I. Secretaries. Joshua Bicknell Chapin, Henry Rousmaniere. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 113 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL TRUSTEES, 1871-1911. Governors. Seth Padelford, 1870 to 1873 Henry Howard, 1873 to 1875 Henry Lippitt, 1875 to l &77 Charles C. Van Zandt, 1877 to 1880 Alfred H. Littlefield, 1880 to 1883 Augustus A. Bourne, 1883 to l %&5 George Peabody Wetmore, 1885 to 1887 John W. Davis. 1887-10 1888, and 1890-91 Royal C. Taft, 1888 to 1889 Herbert W. Ladd, 1889 to 1890 & 1891-92 D. Russell Brown, 1892 to 1895 Charles Warren Lippitt, 1895 to 1897 Elisha Dyer, 1897 to 1900 William Gregory, 1900 to 1902 Charles Dean Kimball, 1902 to 1903 Lucius F. C. Garvin, 1903 to 1905 George H. Utter, 1905 to 1907 James H. Higgins, 1907 to 1909 Aram J. Pothier. 1909 to H4 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. Lieutenant-Governors, Ex-officiis. Pardon W. Stevens, 1870 to 1872 Charles R. Cutler, 1872 to 1873 Charles C. Van Zandt, 1873 to l8 75 Henry T. Sisson, 1875 to l8 77 Albert C. Howard, 1877 to 1880 Henry H. Fay, 1880 to 1883 Oscar J. Rathbun, 1883 to 1885 Lucius B. Darling, 1885 to 1887 Samuel R. Honey, 1887 to 1888 Enos Lapham, 1888 to 1889 Daniel T. Littlefield, 1889 to 1890 W. T. C. Wardwell, 1890 to 1891 Henry A. Stearns, 1891 to 1892 Melville Bull, 1892 to 1894 Edwin R. Allen, 1894 to 1897 Aram J. Pothier, 1897 to 1898 William Gregory, 1898 to 1900 Charles Dean Kimball, 1900 to 1901 George L. Shepley, 1902 to 1903 Adelard Archambault, 1903 to 1904 George H. Utter, 1904 to 1905 Frederick H. Jackson, 1905 to 1908 Ralph C. Watrous, 1908 to 1909 Arthur W. Dennis, 1909 to 1910 Zenas W. Bliss, 1910 to Commissioners of Public Schools. Thomas W. Bicknell, Thomas B. Stockwell, Walter E. Ranger. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 115 Members Elected in Grand Committee. Providence County. Rev. Daniel Leach, Frank E. McFee, Rev. Charles J. White, Percy D. Smith, Lucius B. Darling, E. Charles Francis, Aram J. Pothier, John E. Kendrick, Charles H. Fisher, M. D. Newport County. Frederick W. Tilton, George A. Littlefield, Augustus D. Small, Lucius D. Davis, Thomas H. Clarke, Frank E. Thompson. Bristol County. Rev. Amos F. Spalding, J. Howard Manchester, Rev. George L. Locke, D. D., George T. Baker, Rev. W. A. Ackley. Kent County. Prof. George Washington Greene, Ezra K. Parker, Dwight R. Adams, Samuel W. K. Allen. Washington County. Samuel H. Cross, David S. Baker, Jr., Frank Hill. n6 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL FACULTY. 1854-1865. PRINCIPALS Dana P. Colburn, i854-Dec. 15, 1859. Daniel Goodwin Provisional principalship conferred by Governor and Commissioner of Public Schools. Served from Mr. Colburn's death till Feb., 1860. Hannah W. Goodwin Principal pro tern. Feb., 1860 till Mr. Kendall took charge. Joshua Kendall Elected May 17, 1860 to 1865. ASSISTANTS Arthur Sumner, i854-July, 1855. Hannah W. Goodwin i855-Sept., 1863. Assistant till Feb., 1860. Principal pro tem. till Mr. Kendall came; First Assistant and later Assistant Principal. Six months' leave of absence, 1861-62. Emma T. Brown Sept., i855~July, 1857. Annie F. Saunders Sept., i855-July, 1857. Daniel Goodwin Sept., i857-Oct, 1859. Acting principal from December, i859-February, 1860. Ellen R. Luther November, 1859 to 1865. Ellen J. LeGro November, 1863- November, 1864. Prof. S. S. Greene Teacher of English, Grammar and Analysis, December, i854-July, 1857. Charles M. Clarke Teacher Vocal Music, December, i854-July, 1855. Robert S. Fisher Teacher Vocal Music, September, 1855- July, 1857. Harriet B. Luther Conducted singing exercise each week March 3O-July, 1858. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL FACULTY. 1871 to 1911. Principals. James C. Greenough 1871 to 1883 Thomas B. Stockwell, Acting Principal Sept. 1883 to Jan. 1884 Thomas J. Morgan Jan. 1884 to 1889 George A. Littlefield 1889 to 1892 teacher to 1894 William E. Wilson 1892 to 1898 Fred Gowing 1898 to 1901 Charles S. Chapin 1901 to 1908 John L. Alger 1908 to Teachers. Susan C. Bancroft Mary L. Jewett Almira L. Hayward Sarah Marble Anna C. Bucklin Lydia S. Rathbun Ida M. Gardner Susan C. B. Tillinghast Louise P. Remington Annie E. Kenyon Mary J. Briggs Ella M. Short Charlotte E. Deming Mary R. Ailing Frances W. Lewis Elizabeth W. Gardiner William E. Wilson Lerria Tarbell 1871 to 1877 1871 to 1878 1871 to 1872 1872 to 1905 1872 to 1874 1874 to 1875 1876 to 1880 1877 to Jan. 1879 Jan. 1879 to July 1879 1878 to 1882 1878 to 1879 1879 to '1885 1879 to 1908 1880 to 1881 1881 to 1889 1883 to 1884 1884 to 1892 see above 1885 to Jan. 1887 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. Anna M. Wickes Clara M. Colcord Alice E. Faucher Mabel C. Bragg Elizabeth Hammett Fannie E. Woods Mary Graham Emma E. Brown Bertha Bass George A. Littlefield Inez L. Whipple Alexander Bevan Hattie E. Hunt Mary C. Dickerson Mabel Brown Blanche E. Hazard Maud Slye Emma A. Hindley Agnes E. Clark Charles A. Miller Anna B. Gallup Harriet M. Beale Helen L. Bliss C. Edward Fisher Horatio B. Knox Isabel B. Holbrook Marian L. Shorey Arthur J. Jones Valeria S. Goodenow Lyman R. Allen Annie J. Fairchild Emily B. Cornish Florence E. Griswold Ernest E. Balcom Elizabeth Bickford Jan. 1887 to July 1887 1887 to 1890 1887 to 1888 1888 to 1891, 1894 to 1901 1889 to 1890 1890 to 1894 1890 to 1891 1891 to Feb. 1904 1891 to 1899 1892 to 1894 March 1892 to 1897 1894 to Feb. 1901 1896 to 1901 1897 to 1905 1898 to 1901 also Librarian. 1899 to 1904 1899 to 1907 Feb. 1900 to June 1901 Feb. 1901 to June 1904 Feb. 1901 to June 1903 1901 to May 1902 1901 to 1902 to Jan. 1907 1903 to 1904 to 1905 to March 1910 Jan. 1907 to June 1907 1907 to 1911 1907 to June 1908 1908 to 1909 1908 to Feb. 1909 Feb. 1909 to June 1911 Feb. 1909 to 1909 to June 1911 1909 to 1910 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 119 Florence M. Richards Lida B. Earhart Joseph J. Landall April 1910 to June 1911 Jan. 1910 to June 1911 1910 to Special Teachers. Benjamin W. Hood Emory P. Russell Mrs. Ellen D. Carney Mrs. E. S. Barry Clara F. Robinson Alexander H. Seaverns Cora Greenwood Laura B. McLean Alice Spalding Marie S. Stillman Charles H. Gates Carl W. Ernst Caroline E. Sanford E. C. Davis John E. Dolcet Florence P. Salisbury Edith L. Hill Music. 1879 to 1893 1893 to Drawing. 1879 to short time, no definite record. 1879 to 1880 1890 to 1895 1895 to 1898 1898 to 1901 1901 to 1904 1900 to 1901 1901 to French. 1873 to Jan. 1882 German. 1873 to l8 ? 6 1882 to 1884 Penmanship. Gymnastics. Domestic Science. Emma L. Baker Bernette Bacheler Elizabeth C. Gillespie Louise L. Green Lucy C. King 1873 to 1878 1898 to 1902 1902 to 1908 Jan. 1903 to 1898 to 1899 1899 to 1 9 I 1901 to 1907 1907 to 1910 1908 to I2O RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. Medical Examiner. Dr. Jeanie O. Arnold 1908 to Observation Schools. Clara E. Craig Supervisor 1898 to Training Teacher also from 1893 Emily J. Rothwell 1898 to Mary L. Brown 1898 to Mary A. McArdle 1898 to Jennie E. Aull 1898 to 1911 Phebe E. Wilbur Supervisor 1898 to Feb. 1902 then critic teacher in city training schools. Training teacher also 1893 to 1898 Belle E. O. Bonneville 1898 to Jan. 1901 E. Gertrude Lanphear 1898 to 1903 Mary H. Gaynor 1898 to 1911 Alice W. Case 1898 to 1910 Mabel E. A. Waite Feb. 1901 to Feb. 1902 Harriet E. Roxbury Feb. 1902 to June 1909 Phebe M. Pigeon 1903 to 1905 Lina F. Bates 1905 to Mary L. Perham 1909^0 Marion Hamilton 1910 to Kindergarten. Katharine H. Clarke 1898 to 1901 Elizabeth C. Baker 1898 to Anne T. Yernon 1898 to 1907 Minnie M. Glidden 1901 to 1902 Nora At wood 1902 to Nov. 1905 Helen W. Holmes Nov. 1905 to Feb. 1907 Mildred L. Sampson 1907 to Mary B. Sullivan, General Assistant 1909 to CHAPTER XL Students and Graduates from 1852. A PRIVATE NORMAL SCHOOL. 1852-1854. Teachers. Dana P. Colburn, Arthur Sumner, Samuel S. Greene, William Russell. The School was held in the Hall of the Universalist Church, corner of Weybosset and Eddy streets. The School Opened November, 1852. Winter and Summer Sessions. Names of students so far as ascertained, Information as to these or others will be gladly welcomed by Miss Ellen M. Haskell, 381 Angell street. Providence. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. *Sarah Dean Providence, R. I. *Celia Lewis Providence, R. I. Mary Wadsworth (Fuller) Providence, R. I. Ellen Shaw 1035 Massachusetts av., Cambridge, Mass. Mary Logee Providence, R. I. 122 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. NAME. P. O. ADDPBSS. Anna F. Fielden (Saunders) Providence, R. 1. Rebecca Sheldon Providence, R. I. *Harriet Ware Providence, R. I. *Martha Thurber Providence, R. I. *Cornelia Latham Providence, R. I. Mary Fabyan (Lewis) Providence, R. I. *Lysander Flagg Central Falls, R. I. *Isabel Doyle Providence, R. I. Mary Emily Gushing Providence, R. I. Myron M. Greene Providence, R. I. Emma Buffinton Providence, R. I. Ellen A. Bartlett (Draper) Central Falls, R. I. *Pardon E. Tillinghast (Judge) Pawtucket, R. I. Hester Scholfield (Abbott ) 98 Comstockav., Providence, R. I. Victoria Chase Providence, R. I. Adaline Capron Attleboro, Mass. Elizabeth Makepeace Providence, R. I. *Alice Hill (Hale) Providence, R. I. Charlotte A. King (Tabor) 125 Camp st., Providence, R. I. Elizabeth J. Cory Providence, R. I. Maria Brownell Providence, R. I. Mary J. Lee Providence, R. I. Ruth A. Haskell, 68 Lloyd av., Providence, R. I. Eliza B. Denison (Lewis), 14 Arnold st., Providence, R. I. Lucretia Bucklin Providence, R. I. Martha Bowen Providence, R. I. Mary J. Godding (Miles) Providence, R. I. Sophia Read Providence, R. I. *Rebecca Sessions Providence, R. I. Amanda Miles Providence, R. I. Rebecca Armington Providence, R. I. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 123 NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Mary Wilbour Providence, R. I. Jane Helen Tabor Providence, R. 1. Mary Armington Providence, R. I. Sarah Bliven (Wilbour) 86 Wood St., Providence, R. I. *Harriet Bucklin Providence, R. I. Matilda Cole Providence, R. 1. Anna Potter Providence, R. 1. Mrs. Craigin, (a widow with 3 children) . .Providence, R. I. Laura Field Providence, R. I. Mary Shelley Providence, R. I. Alonzo Titcomb Providence, R. I. Draper Smith Providence, R. I. Amy Spencer (Tucker) Providence, R. I. Seraphine Gardner Providence, R. I. *Sarah Padelford Providence, R. I. Emeline Aldrich Providence, R. I. *Robert Fielden Providence, R. I. One colored man Providence, R. 1. * Deceased ; others may be. 124 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. THE RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL OPENED AS A STATE INSTITUTION, MAY 29, 1854. Teachers. Dana P. Colburn, Principal. Arthur Sumner, Assistant. First Entering Class. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Adams, Mary P. 21 Providence, R. I. Barton, Emily L. 18 Providence, R. I. Barton, George Thomas 22 Providence, R. I. Buckley, Mary 20 Providence, R. I. Brown, H. Eliza 18 Providence, R. I. Clark, Henry 19 Pawtucket, R. I. Cleveland, Thomas E. 18 Providence, R. I. Colburn, Lydia D. 17 West Roxbury, Mass. Dustin, Frances P. 22 Providence, R. 1. Gardiner, Sarah C. 16 Providence, R. 1. Gifford, Elizabeth C. 17 Sandwich, Mass. Haswell, Charlotte R. 16 Providence, R. I. Harris, Earl C 18 Providence, R. I. Lippitt, Ann C. 17 Providence, R. I. Nichols, Helen A. 17 Providence, R. I. Peavey, Sarah G. 25 Providence, R. I. Passmore, Elizabeth 16 Providence, R. I. Palmgreen, Margaret E. 16 Providence, R. 1. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 125 NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Steere, Frances M. 17 No. Providence, R. I. Steere, Laura M. 15 No. Providence, R. I. Smith, Adeline P. P. 16 Providence, R. I. Sprague, Helen F. 18 Providence, R. I. Winship, Susan J. 19 Providence, R. I. VVestcott, Adah D. 22 Providence, R. I . Westcott, Sarah .15 Pawtucket, R. I. Wilbour, Emily C. 17 Pawtucket, R. I. Yeomans, Eliza J. 22 Providence, R. I . 126 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL CATALOGUE. From 1854 to 1865, inclusive. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Adams, David A., Jr Pottsdam, St. Lawrernce Co., N. Y. Angell, Edmund A Providence, R. Arnold, Denham Coventry, R. Arnold, John Portsmouth, R. Adams, Almira G. . . Bristol, R, Adams, Effie Bristol, R. Adams, Esther H Holliston, Mas . Adams, Harriet E Manville, R. Adams, Mary P Providence, R. Aldrich, Mary J. Smithfield, R. Aldrich, Sarah . Cumberland, R. Allen, Juliett A Providence, R. Allyn, Annie C Bristol, R. Andrews, Ann E. Providence, R. I. Andrews, Caroline F Providence, R. I. Angell, Amelia N Providence, R. I. Angell, Julia E. Providence, R. I. Angell, Nancy M Chepachet, R. I. Angell, Sarah E North Scituate, R. I. Angell, Susan F Chepachet, R. I. Anthony, Lois Portsmouth, R. I. Anthony, Mary E Providence, R. I. Arnold, Mary Providence, R. I. Arnold, Sarah S Douglas, Mass. Atwood, Sarah R Thompson, Conn. Avery, Annie E Providence, R. I. Ballou, Byron M Woonsocket, R. I. Barney, Charles E. . Bristol, R. I. Barton, George T Providence, R. I. Briggs, Stephen A Stonington, Conn. Brown, J. F Kingston, R. I. Browning, Joseph L Charlestown, R. I. Burlingam,e, William C Cumberland, R. I. Babbitt, Mary A. Bristol, R. I. Babcock, Austania M Providence, R. I. Babcock, Mary R. . Charlestown, R. I. Bailey, Mary E West Greenwich, R. I. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 127 NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Baker, Almira B Pawtucket, Mass. Baker, Electa A Providence, R. 1. Ballou, Abby L Cumberland, R. I. Ballou, Anna Woonsocket, R. I. Ballou, Laura Woonsocket, R. I. Ballou, Martha A Cumberland, R. I. Ballou, Sarah M Keene, N. H. Barnaby, Harriet A Providence, R. I. Barney, Hannah M Warren, R. I. Barrows, Amelia Pawtucket, Mass. Bartlett, Ellen A Pawtucket, Mass. Barton, Emily L Providence, R. I. Battey, Mary S . Cranston, R. I. Battey, Nancy S Burrillville, R. I. Baxter, Augusta V Bristol, R. I. Baxter, Minnie B Bristol, R. I. Belcher, Lydia H Georgiaville, R. I. Bensley, Clara E North Providence, R. I. Bensley, Elizabeth W. Providence, R. I. Bensley, Mary B Pawtucket, Mass. Benson, Cornelia South Kingstown, R. I. Bicknor, Jane R Warren, R. I. Blake, Anna Bellingham, Mass. Bliss, Eleanor Seekonk. Mass. Bliss, Martha H Seekonk, Mass. Bourn, Josephine F Attleboro, Mass. Bourn, H. Eliza Providence, R. I. Bowen, Fanny W South Attleboro, Mass. Bowen, Lucy A Providence, R. I. Brayton, Isadora Warwick, R. I. Briggs, Elizabeth Greenville, R. I. Brown, Addie Smithfield, R. I. Brown, Alice Johnston, R. I. Brown, Amy A Johnston, R. I. Brown, Ann E Tiverton, R. I. Brown, Elizabeth Smithfield, R. I. Brown, Emma T. Providence, R. I. Brown, Mary C Framingham, Mass. Brown, Josephine T Providence, R. I. Brown, Mary A Johnston, R. I. Brown, Permelia U Cranston, R. I. Brownell, Amy S Portsmouth, R. I. 128 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Brownell, Maria J. Adamsville, R. I. Brownell, Martha F Providence, R. I. Bryant, Annie K Providence, R. 1. Bucklin, Amy J Pawtucket, R. I. Buckley, Mary Providence, R. I. Buffington, Geraldine. Warren, R. I. Bullock, Ruth Bristol, R. I. Burke, Theresa Providence, R. I. Carpenter, Charles B Brookfield, Mass. Carr, J. Foster Jamestown, R. I. Chapman, Thomas B Westerly, R. I. "Clark, Henry Pawtucket, R. I . Clarke, George A Cranston, R. I . Coggeshall, George A South Portsmouth, R. I. Coggeshall, Peleg S South Portsmouth, R. J. Crandall, J. E. R South Kingstown, R. I. Crandall, William E South Kingstown, R. 1. Calder, Eleanor S. . Providence, R. I. Capron, Addie Providence, R. I. Capron, Frances A Attleboro, Mass. Capron, Sarah A Providence, R. I. Cary, Mary E. . Cooper, Me. Carpenter, Elizabeth B Providence, R. I. Carpenter, Mary N Cumberland, R. I. Chaffee, Maria A Smithfield, R. 1. Chapin, Mary E Chicopee, Mass. Chase, Annie C. . Portsmouth, R. I. Chase, Elizabeth J Providence, R. I. Chase, Harriet N Southbridge, Mass. Chase, Mary E Providence, R. I . Cheney, Maria A Olneyville, R. I. Church, Amanda Charlestown, R. I. Church, Mary E. Charlestown, R. I. Cleveland, Frances E Providence, R. I. Colburn, Lydia D West Roxbury, Mass. Colby, Harriet A . . Providence, R. I. Cole, Marietta. . . Providence, R. I. Cole, Sarah L Warwick, R. I. Comstock, Catharine West Wrentham, Mass. Comstock, Ellen West Wrentham, Mass. Comstock, Sarah. . ...... ..West Wrentham, Ma??. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 129 NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Condon, Hannah S Congdon, Martha R Cumberland, R. I. Cook, Mary F. . Cumberland, R. I. Cook, Samantha M Uxbridge, Mass. Cook, Sarah Cumberland, R. I. Cook, Hannah S . Holyoke, Mass. Cory, Elizabeth J Providence, R. I. Cornell, Ellen E Providence, R. I. Corscaden, Eliza J. . Providence, R. I. Cunliff, Mary E Sutton, Mass. Gushing, Emily. . . Providence, R. I. Cutting, Phebe A. . .... Smithfield, R. I. Dawley, Edward Bristol, R. I. Davis, Stephen G Westport, Mass. Daggett, Hope R Bristol, R. I. Damoth, Sarah E Providence, R. I. Dana, Ruth A Valley Falls, R. I. Danielson, Emily West Killingly, Conn. Darling, Maria J Blackstone, Mass. Darling, Evelyn C. Bristol, R. I. Douglass, Charlotte A Fall River, R. I. Davis, Annie E Pawtucket, R. I. Davis, Elizabeth R Providence, R. I. Davoll, Harriett B Fall River, R. I. Dean, Martha W. . Providence, R. I. Delano, Lucy M Bath, Me. DeWolf , Elizabeth P South Kingstown, R. I. Dorrell, Elizabeth. . . Providence, R. I. Dustin, Frances P Providence, R. I. Evans, Clinton O. Glocester, R. I. Earl, Mary E. . Pascoag, R. I. Edmonds, Anna E Providence, R. I. Emery, Mary A Portsmouth, R. I. Enches, Mary E Smithfield, R. I. Essex, Maria. .............. Providence, R. I. Essex, Susan Providence, R. I. Evans, Abby A Providence, R. I. Evans, Hannah R Glocester, R. I. Evans, Sophia W Providence, R. I. 130 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Fox, Samuel D Tuf tonboro, N. H. Farnham, Mary E North Providence, R. I. Farnham,, Julia Smithfield, R. I. Farnham, Mary M -Westerly, R. I. Farnham, Juliet Smithfield, R. I. Fenner, Esther South Scituate, R. I. Field, Almira Providence, R. I. Field, Eliza M. Scituate, R. I. Fielden, Caroline C Great Falls, N. H. Flagg, Jane I . Providence, R. Forrest, Eliza A. . Providence, R. Foster, Emily R Warren, R. Foster, Laura B Providence, R. Foster, Mary M. . Johnston, R. Foster, Rebecca M Johnston, R. Freeborn, Augusta H Bristol, R. Freeborn, Ella S Providence, R. I. Frost, Mary E Providence, R. I. Fuller, Mary E. . South Attleboro, Mass. Gardiner, Allen Jamestown, R. I. Gardner, Thomas W Warwick, R. I. Gardner, Nathan B Warren, R. I. Gooding, Charles H Bristol, R. I. Goodwin, Edward A Mansfield, Mass. Gardner, Angeline Tiverton, R. I. Gardiner, Esther P Providence, R. I. Gardiner, Sarah E. . Providence, R. I. Gardner, Seraphine A Providence, R. I. Gifford, Elizabeth C Sandwich, Mass. Gladding, Catharine M Providence, R. I. Godfrey, Sarah T Providence, R. I. Goodwin, Hannah W Providence, R. I. Goodwin, Harriet L Mansfield, Mass. Goodwin, Mary J Mansfield, Mass. Gould, Amelia A Providence, R. I. Gould, Catharine F Middletown, R. I. Grant, Adeline C Bellingham, Mass. Grant, Martha E Bellingham, Mass. Gray, Peace C Tiverton, R. I. Greene, Eliza Glocester, R. I. Greene, Mary E Apponaug, R. I. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 131 NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Griffin, Abbie H Charlestown, R. I. Gruber, Frances Providence, R. I. Guy, Martha A. . Cambridgeport, Mass. Hale, Samuel S Olneyville, R. I. Hambly, John B. . . Portsmouth, R. I. Harding, Arland S Cumberland, R. I. Harris, Earl C. Providence, R. I. Hazard, George J South Kingstown, R. I. Hicks, Charles R. . Tiverton, R. I. Howard, Eli H Gayhead, Green Co., N. Y. Hull, John K. . South Kingstown, R. I. Hall, Martha W. Providence, R. I. Hambly, Mary A. B Portsmouth, R. I. Hammond, Celia L. . . Providence, R. I. Handel, Irena A Hopkinton, R. I. Harris, Mary C. . Providence, R. I. Haskell, Elizabeth B Cumberland, R. I. Hathaway, Belinda O Pawtucket, R. I. Hay ward, Almira L. . Foxboro, Mass. Hazard, Harriet C Westerly, R. I. Hazard, Lydia C. . Popular Ridge, Cayuga Co., N. Y. Helme, Harriet J Providence, R. I. Hendrick, Mary E. . Warren, R. I. Hendrick, Mary J Smithfield, R. I. Heyden, Charlotte R. . Cumberland, R. I. Hill, Clarinda E Scituate, R. I. Hodges, Charlotte M. . Providence, R. I. Hopkins, Elizabeth C North Foster, R. I. Hopkins, Julia M. Providence, R. I. Hopkins, Lucy E North Foster, R. I. Hoswell, Charlotte R. . Providence, R. I. Hoswell, Jennie. . Pawtucket, R. I. Howland, Susan Providence, R I. Hoxie, Abbie E Charlestown, R. I. Hoxie, Fannie G. South Kingstown, R. I. Hoxie, Mary L Charlestown, R. I. Harriet K. Hull South Kingstown, R. L Hyndes, Catharine Providence, R. I. Irons, Mary T Providence, R. I. Irwin, Amanda T. Providence, R. I. 132 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Jackson, Fannie M Newport, R. I. Jacobs, Olive T. . Pawtucket, R. I. Jenks, Hannah M Foster, R. I. Jenks, Mary L. . Pawtucket, R. I. Jones, Caroline A Cranston, R. I. Jones, Mary W. . Newport, R. I. Knowles, Charles F. . Wakefield, R. I. Knowles, George H. South Kingstown, R. I. Knowles, Horatio N Wakefield, R. I. Keighn, Henrietta A. South Scituate, R. I. Kellogg, Lucy. Providence, R. I. Kempton, Elizabeth J North Fairhaven, Mass. Kinsley, Mary C Mendon, Mass. Knowles, Emma. South Kingstown, R. I. Leavens, Rosamond R Providence, R. I. Lee, Mary A. . Providence, R. I. LeGro, Helen J Great Falls, N. H. Lippitt, Ann C. . Providence, R. I. Liscomb, Ellen P Bristol, R. I. Littlefield, Abbie F. North Providence, R. I. Luther, Caroline C Bristol, R. I. Luther, Chlora A. North Scituate, R. I. Luther, Ellen R Bristol, R. I. Luther, Harriet B Bristol, R. I. Luther, Susan J Bristol, R. I. Lyon, Frances M West Killingly, Conn. Lyon, Sarah A Providence, R. I. Mason, Ambrose B Bristol, R. I. Maxfield, Harvey Meredith, N. H. Moore, Robert I Providence, R. I. Morse, Gilford Sharon. Mass. Magill, Matilda R New Hope, Penn. Makepeace, Caroline E Attleboro, Mass. Manchester, Abbie H Little Com,pton, R. I. Manchester, Mary E Providence, R. I. Manchester, Susan A Tiverton, R. I. Martin, Ellen C Wrentham, Mass. Martin, Hannah P Warren, R. I. Martin, Phebe M Seekonk, Mass. Martin, Sara E ..Providence, R. I. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL.' 133 NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Martin, Sarah C Seekonk, Mass. Mason, Esther A Pawtucket, R. I. Mason. Marianna Pawtucket, R. I. Mason, Sarah L Providence, R. I. Matteson, Martha M Pawtucket, Mass. Mathewson, Mary C Foster, R. I. Miller, Helen Fruit Hill, R. I. Millard, Mary E Providence, R. I. Merrill, Lorana Westminster, Mass. Merrill, Harriet E Great Falls, N. H. Morse, Mary R Bristol, R. I. Mott, Lydia R New Shoreham, R. I. Munroe, Isadora W Bristol, R. I. Xash, Martha S Seekonk, Mass. Xason, Maria E Warwick, R. I. Xeedham, Eliza W Pawtuxet, R. I. Xeedham, Leonis M Providence, R. I. Xewell, Harriet Woonsocket, R. I. Xichols, Helen A Providence, R. I. Xorris, Mary F Bristol, R. I. X T orton, Mary P Providence, R. I. Norwood, Catherine E Pawtucket, R. I. Osborne, Caroline F Providence, R. I. Peavey, Lyford G Tuftonboro', N. H. Piper, Asa G Tuftonboro', N. H. Piper, Levi T Tuftonboro', N. H. Pollock, Charles C South Kingstown, R. I. Padelford. Mary Providence, R. I. Paine. Julia A Smithfield, R. I. Paine, Lydia A Providence, R. I. Paine, Minerva J Smithfield, R. I. Paine, Susan Smithfield, R. I. Palmer, Harriet L. D Providence, R. I. Palmer, Patience A Providence, R. I. Palmer, Sarah M Providence, R. I. Palmgreen, Margaretta E Providence, R. I. Parker, Maria F Providence, R. I. Passmore. Elizabeth Providence, R. I. Passmore, Louise Providence, R. I. Patterson, Sipheantus South Scituate, R. I. Pearce, Isabel F Bristol, R. I. 134 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Peaslee, Harriet L Haverhill, Mass. Peavey, Sarah G Providence, R. I. Peck, Helen L Bristol, R. I. Peckham, Phebe A. . Smithfield, R. I. Peckhami, Rebecca C Bristol, R. I. Pearce, Ruby A Providence, R. I. Perry, Sarah E North Providence, R. I. Phillips, Alsie H Providence, R. I. Pollard, Ermina H Providence, R. I. Porter, Annie E Freetown, Mass. Porter, Harriet E Providence, R. I. Potter, Lydia Johnston, R. I. Pratt, Cornelia B Cranston, R. I. Rood, Charles N Cumberland, R. I. Randall, Harriet C Providence, R. I. Randall, Mary Providence, R. I. Randolph, Mary A Trenton, N. J. Rawcliffe, Sarah A Cranston, R. I. Read, Elnora Providence, R. I. Reid, Mary E Elmwood, R. I. Rhodes, Ann F Providence, R. I. Richardson, Mary T Providence, R. I. Robinson, Ellen L Foxboro, Mass. Scott, Henry B Cumberland, R. I. Sherman, Abiel W Fall River, Mass. Sherman, Moses B South Kingstown, R. I. Skidmore, Joseph Providence, R. I. Southwick, George E Charlton, Mass. Sweet, Gilbert A Greenville, R. I. Sweet, John B., Jr Bristol, R. I. Salisbury, Eldora F Warren, R. I. Salisbury, Susan L Warren, R. I. Salmon, Mary Providence, R. I. Saunders, Annie F Providence, R. I. Sayles, Emeline A Providence, R. I. Sayles, Laura C Providence, R. I. Schofield, Hester Providence, R. I. Scott, Harriet N Providence, R. I. Selden, Mary Providence, R. I. Shaw, Sarah Providence, R. I. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 135 NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Shepard, Maria C Bristol, R. I. Sherburne, Alice A West Wrentham, Mass. Sherburne, Marion L West Wrentham, Mass. Sherman, Harriet E Pawtucket, R. I. Sherman, Harriet S South Kingstown, R. I. Shurtliff, Annie H Warren, R. I. Shurtliff, Eliza F Warren, R. I. Slocum, Emma T Cranston, R. I. Smith, Adaline P. T Providence, R. Smith, Eliza Providence, R. Smith, Elmy A Cranston, R. Smith, Harriet North Scituate, R. Smitk, Harriet N Providence, R. Smith, Helen M Millville, Mass. Smith, Lois L Pawtucket, R. I. Snow, Ellen M Providence, R. I. Southwick, Emma Millville, Mass. Southwick, Nancy A Millville, Mass. Spaulding, Almira Providence, R. I. Spencer, Lydia L Warwick, R. I. Spencer, Sarah J Warwick, R. I. Sprague, Helen F Providence, R. L Sprague, Mary A Sutton, Mass. Sprague, Sarah J Pawtucket, R. I. Stanfield, Rachel B Pascoag, R. I. Stanley, Delia M South Attleboro, Mass. Stanton, Kate S Charlestown, R. I. Stanton, Mary E Charlestown, R. I. Steer, Frances M North Providence, R. I. Steer, Laura North Providence, R. I. Stevens, Margaret A Lawrence, Mass. Stone, Anjenette Providence, R. I. Suesman, Emma E South Providence, R. I. Teft, Daniel E South Kingstown, R. I. Tillinghast, Caleb A Foster, R. I. Tillinghast, Leonard A Coventry, R. I. Tillinghast, Pardon E West Greenwich, R. I. Tourtellotte, Stephen West Scituate, R. I. Tucker, Thomas T Charlestown, R. I. Taber, Charlotte A Providence, R. I. Taber, Fannie A Providence, R. I. 136 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Taber, Jane H Providence, R. I. Taber, Lydia R New Bedford, Mass. Taber, Sarah J Providence, R. Taft, Emma A Providence, R. Tetlow, Asenath Providence, R. Thompson, Isabel B Bristol, R. Tingley, Eunice A Providence, R. Tourtellotte, Alzada West Scituate, R. Tourtellotte, Samondess. . . Scituate, R. Tower, Sarah N Pawtucket, R. Tucker, Lydia W. Manville, R. Tweedy, Clementine Providence, R. Tyler, Harriet A Attleboro, Mass. Weld, Henry A Whiting, Hassam O Valley Falls, R. I. Walden, Elizabeth F Waldron, Hannah B Bristol, R. I. Warren, Louise B Bristol, R. I. Waterman, Lucy M Galena, 111. Watson, Elizabeth P Watson, Mary E Newport, R. I. Weeden, Adelaide C Pawtucket, R. 1. Westcott, Adah D Westcott, Mary F Westcott, Sarah E Wmpple, Mary E Whipple, Rosalthia A. Cumberland, R. I. Whitf ord, Nancy A Wilbor, Dency A Smithfield, R. I. Wilber, Mary S Tiverton, R. I. Wilbour, Emily E Wilcox, Amelia E Westerly, R. 1. Wilcox, Candace G Providence, R. I. Willard, M. Helen Warwick, R. I. Winsor, Emily T Providence, R. I. Winsor, Julia A Smithfield, R. I. Winsor, Lucretia E Greenville, R. I. Winship, Susan J Providence, R. I. Wood, L. Augusta Gardiner, Mass. Yeaw, Maria E . . Scituate, R. I. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 137 NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Yeomans, Eliza J Providence, R. I. Yerrington, Annie M Providence, R. I. Young, Mary A Smithfield, R. I. From 1860 to 1865. Albro, Christopher D South Portsmouth, R. I. Arnold, Alfred B Coventry, R. I. Arnold, George U Bristol, R. I. Adams, Annie J Bristol, R. I. Alexander, Sarah M Warwick, R. I. Allen, Jane M Fiskeville, R. I. Allen, Mary Allenton, R. I. Anthony, Sarah M Richmond, R. I. Bailey, Edward C Little Compton, R. I. Barney, James M Bristol, R. I. Bates, Benoni Coventry, R. I. Bates, Caleb G Coventry, R. I. Borden, A. J Fall River, R. I. Bradford, William H Brayman, Henry T Usquepaugh, R. I. Burden, Frederick L North Scituate, R. I. Butterworth, John Warren, R. I. Barney, Eliza K East Providence, R. I. Barney, Nancy L Bristol, R. I. Bartlett, Addie M Burrillviile, R. I. Baylies, Jennie M Southbridge, Mass. Bishop, Maria L Warren, R. I. Boss, Lizzie C. Newport, R. I. Bourn, Myra Bristol, R. I. Bradford, Annie W Bristol, R. I. -Bradford, Margaret D Bristol, R. I. Bradford, Mary E Bristol, R. I. Briggs, Ruth A Warwick, R. I. Brown, Annie E Providence, R. I. Brown, Clara M East Providence, R. I. Brownell, Sarah A Fall River, R. I. Bucklyn, Louise Providence, R. I. Bullock, Mary E North Rehoboth, Mass. Burdick, Joanna Providence, R. I. Burlingame, Ann E River Point, R. I. Burns, Ellen Pawtucket, R. I. Butterworth, Alary M . . Warren, R. I. 138 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Chase, William E Uxbridge, Mass. Chipman, William M Hope Valley, R. I. Clarke, George P Ashton, R. J. Cook, Henry E Burrillville, R. I. Cornell, Solomon C. North Dartmouth, Mass. Campbell, A. Jane North Attleboro, Mass. Campbell, Matilda North Attleboro, Mass, Card, Harriet Charlestown, R. I. Cargill, Lucy W Providence, R. I. Cargill, Mary H Providence, R. I. Carpenter, Susan A Perryville, R. I. Chace, Emily B Middletown, R. I. Chaffee, Jennie H Seekonk, Mass. Church, Matilda Bristol, R. I. Cobb, Anna E Providence, R. I. Cobb, Mary East Providence, R. I. Coggeshall, Augusta Bristol, R. I. Cogswell, Nellie E Newport, R. I. Cole, Ellen F. Bristol, R. I. Cole, Patience Warren, R. I. Cooke, Emma F Cumberland, R. I. Davis, Edwin W West Killingly, Conn. Davoll, Edwin B. Fall River, R. I. Deming, Maria V Peoria, 111. Dixon, Irene F Rocky Brook, R. I. Dodge, Almedia R New Shoreham, R. I. Dudley, Abbie G Apponaug, R. I. Easton, William Glendale, R. I. Easterbrooke, Maria L Bristol, R. I. Eddy, Annie Warren, R. I. Eddy, Mary T Warren, R. I. Esten, Isabella C South Attleboro, Mass. Fitz, Frank Central Falls, R. I. Fish, Marie A Tiverton, R. I. Follett, Mary E North Attleboro, Mass. Franklin, Alice M Bristol, R. I. Freeborn, Hattie Bristol, R. I. Fry, Mary E Richmond, R. I. Gifford, George P. Bristol, R. I. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 139 NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Greene, Ellery W Bristol, R. I. Gregory, John P Central Falls, R. I. Gardiner, Sarah P. . .Allenton, R. I. Gardner, Harriet F Warren, R. I. Gilbert, Augusta M Phenix, R. I. Goodell, Celeste M Belchertown, Mass. Greene, Rebecca I. S Bristol, R. I. Harrison, Peleg D Fall River, R. I. Heath, Sarah W South Portsmouth, R. I. Honeywell, S. Kate Bristol, R. I. Hood, Christina Providence, R. I. Horton, Maria A Rice City, R. I. Horton, Mary L Rehoboth, Mass. Horton, Sophia W North Swansey, Mass. Howland, Sarah W Tiverton, R. I. Inman, George B Burrillville, R. I. Jenckes, Ellen R Mapleville, R. I. Kenyon, Henry B Wyoming, R. I. Knowles, Alfred H Peace Dale, R. I. Knowles, Warren B Peace Dale, R. I. Kenyon, Emma C Dorrville, R. I. Kenyon. Sarah J Dorrville, R. I. Lansing, Isaac J Swansea, Mass. Leach, Henry M Providence, R. I. Lewis, Benjamin T Hopkinton, R. I. Lillibridge, Amos A Wyoming, R. I. Lillibridge, Charles Richmond, R. I. Lloyd, George West Killingly, Conn. Luther, Alfred E Bristol, R. I. Lawless, Mary B North Swansey, Mass. Lawless, Sarah O North Swansey, Mass. LeGro, Lizzie J Great Falls, N. H. Lillibridge, Sarah M. . . Wyoming, R. I. Luther, Sarah M Lonsdale, R. I. Mason, Daniel W Bristol, R. I. Merriam, William W Springfield, Mass. Merrill, Moses F North Scituate, R. I. 140 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Morse, Andrew B Richmond, R. I. Mann, Dorcas E Providence, R. I. Mann, Emma W North Providence, R. I. Mason, Hattie D. . Swansea, Mass. Money, Mary E Carolina Mills, R. I. Moore, Hannah B Exeter, R. I. Mowry, Abbie J Mapleville, R. I. Mowry, Carrie B Slatersville, R. I. JNoyes, Tacy W. . . Westerly, R. I. Norton, Rowena North Swansey, Mass. Pearce, Edward North Swansey, Mass. Paine, Emma M Woonsocket, R. I. Peabody, Carrie T Newport, R. I. Pearce, Lydia O Warwick, R. I. Peck, Abbie M Nayatt, R. I. Peck, Annie S Bristol, R. I. Perry, Lydia J North Attleboro, Mass. Phelps, Nancy P Bristol, R. T. Pierce, Georgiana Rockville, R. I. Pierce, Lydia A Somerset, Mass. Pitman, Elizabeth H Bristol, R. I. Pitman, Helen Bristol, R. I. Potter, Emma J Mapleville, R. I. Potter, M. Angelina Alton, R. I. Pratt, Mary A Mansfield, Mass. Ramsdell, Stephen M North Scituate, R. I. Rathbun, Louisa A Richmond, R. I. Rich, Mary E Bristol Neck, R. T. Richmond, Julia A Wyoming, R. I. Smith, Albert A Glocester, R. I. Short, Clara E. . Smithfield, R. I. Simmons, Mary E Dighton, Mass. Slade, Annie P Bristol, R. I. Slade, Dora P Bristol, R. T. Smith, Hannah B Nayatt, R. T. Smith, Jane Smithfield, R. I. Sprague, Abbie A. F Providence, R. I. Starkey, Josephine Bristol, R. I. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 141 XAME. " P. O. ADDRESS. Taft, Anthon C Bristol, R. I. Thompson, Joseph P. Bristol, R. I. Thompson, William E Bristol, R. I. Tilley, William J Bristol, R. I. Turner, Abiah G Warren, R. I. Tanner, Emily S Warwick Neck, R. I. Tiffany, Sarah E Barrington, R. I. Tilley, Susan E Bristol, R. I. Vallet, James E Sprague, Conn. Vincent, Charles G Hopkinton, R. I. Verry, Ellen M Blackstone, Mass. Whipple, William A Georgiaville, R. I. Wilcox, John T. Warwick Neck, R. I. Wilcox, Lewis T Warwick, R. I. Wilcox, Wilson D Old Warwick, R. I. Wright, Otis O Foster, R. I. Wardwell, Harriet Bristol, R. I. Weld, Julia A Providence, R. I. Whitaker, Marietta H Providence, R. I. Whiting, Harriett R Rehoboth, Mass. Whiting, Louise M Franklin, Mass. Whiting. Mary C Franklin, Mass. Whiting, Sarah V Franklin, Mass. Wilcox, Emily A Bristol, R. I. Wilcox, Harriette X Old Warwick, R. I. Wildes, Ella F Woonsocket, R. I. Williams, Alice P Coventry, R. I. Winsor, Ida A Johnston, R. I. Wood, Lillie H Burrillville, R. I. 142 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. GRADUATES RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL PROVIDENCE, 1871-1911. FIRST CLASS 23. JUNE, 1872. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Allen, Stella C Rumford, R. I. *Appleton, Dora Armington, Harriet A 1630 Broad St., Edgewood, R. I. Arnold, Gertrude E Georgiaville, R. I. Brown, Arthur W West Kingston, R. I. Bucklin, R. Anna . (Lonsdale) 22 Benefit St., Providence, R. I. Doran, Belle C. (Burrows) 93 Park Place, Pawtucket, R. I. Freeman, Lester A 93 Comstock Ave., Providence, R. I. Hazard, Rose E. G. (Nazel) 65 Martin St., St. Paul, Minn. McGary, Lydia J. (Brown) 13 Willow St., Providence, R. I. Marble, Sarah (Shedd) Morse Ave., Woonsocket, R. I. Murray Lizzie N. A. (Kenney) 122 Hope St., Providence, R. I. Peck, Annie S .Redpath Lyceum Bureau, Boston, Mass. Pitman, Julia F 6 Cranston St., Newport, R. I. Rea, Harriet A Barrington, R. I. Reynolds, Mercy (Bass) Windham, Conn. Robinson, Elizabeth S 304 Potter Ave., Providence, R. I. Salisbury, Adele C. (Greene) ......... .89 Park Ave., Edgewood, R. I. *Snow, Lizzie N Swineburne, Elizabeth H 115 Pelham St., Newport, R. I. Walker, Willard S 142 Killingly St., Providence, R. I. Whaley, Mary A. (Goff) 903 Broad St., Providence, R. I. *Wood, Mary (Woodruff) SECOND CLASS 12. JANUARY, 1873. Barnes, Irene C ( Jencks) Greenville, R. I. Bodfish, Esther W. (Clift) Mystic, Conn. Cooke, Emma E 68 Marshall St., Providence, R. I. Esten, Ida L. (Manchester).... 230 Brown St., Providence, R. I. Faxon, Charles E Nashua, N. H. Hewitt, Harriet E. (Waite) 388 Prairie Ave., Providence, R. I. * Deceased. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 143 NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Irons, Stephen C Chepachet, R. I. *Owen, Elizabeth Reynolds, Amanda E. (Irons) North Scituate, R. I., R. F. D. *Steere, Martha C *Tillinghast, Iva L. (Phillips) Williams, S. Lizzie 67 Academy Ave., Providence, R. I. THIRD CLASS 34. JUNE, 1873. Adams, Annie J. (Sweet) 25 Summer St., Hyde Park, Mass. Alverson, Eleanora M. (Chaffee) Barber, Elizabeth A 132 Brownell St., Providence, R. I. Beane, Elsie A. (Pierce) Alverson Ave., Providence, R. I. Bowen, Helen N. (James) 80 Carpenter St., Providence, R. I. Briggs, Lidora E Attleboro, Mass. Chase, Anna P. (Mowry) Box 224, Manville, R. I. Child, Nellie M. (Vaughn) Warren, R. I. Clark, Belle (White) Oakland, R. I. *Cole, Martha D. (Hazard) Conant, Carrie M. (Foss) 249 Highland Ave., Somerville, Mass. Drown, Louise F Box 765, Warren, R. I. Harden, Emily J. (Peckham) Newport, R. I. Hazard, Ella V. (Newell) 40 Washington St., Central Falls, R. I. Hornby, Annie M. (Hodges), Meadow and South Sts., Pawtucket, R. I. Hussey, Emma P 3 Gould's Place, Providence, R. I. Kenyon, Emma F. ( Crandall) Westerly, R. I. Livesey, Mary D. (Perry) 60 Exchange St., Pawtucket, R. I. Paine, Elizabeth C. (Quimby) Lyndon, Vt. Potter, Minnie P. (Hicks) Bristol Ferry, R. I. *Pratt, Lizzie F Sherman, Lizzie C. (Kilburn) 264 County St., New Bedford, Mass. Simmons, Hattie B 350 High St., Central Falls, R. I. Sisson, Alice M. (Howland) . Hope, R. I. Snow, Sophie P. (Knight) 297 Elmwood Ave., Providence, R. I. *Steere, Helen M *Stone, Ellen (Bates) . . *Sutton, Emma F. (Harden) *Swift, Clara L Thornton, Ella M. (Remington) West Wickford, R. I. *Tompkins, Eleanor L. (Walker) * Deceased. 144 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. White, Emma H 120 Forest St., Winchester, Mass. Wood, Carrie A 10 Constitution St., Providence, R. 1. Wood, Sarah E. (Kent) East Providence, R. I. FOURTH CLASS 23. JANUARY, 1874. *Ashworth, Sarah. *Ballou, Desire F. (Murray) *Booth, Sarah J Case, Mattie Portland, Oregon. Church, Helen A. (Jones) Seely, Kansas. Clarke, Minnie L. (Church) Warren, R. Collins, Amy F 221 Smith St., Providence, R. Dodge, Harriet J. (Alers) 28 Boston St., East Providence, R. Enches, Alice G. (Vose) 610 Park Ave., Woonsocket, R. Goff, Cornelia M 120 Williams Ave., East Providence, R. Griswold, Fannie (Case) 95 Grove Ave., East Providence, R. Hayward, S. Emma (Appleton) 186 Transit St., Providence, R. Irons, Ida R. (Phillips) Davisville, R. F. D., R. Kiernan, Mary E. (Wilson, Jr.) Washington, D. C. *Mason, Ada E *Mowry, S. Nellie (Mowry) *Murray, M. Addie Perry, H. Emma (Rounds) R. F. D. 1, Attleboro, Mass. Pitcher, Frances I. (Parker) Kenesau, Nebraska. Place, Cora E. (Taber) Auburn, Placer County, Cal. Tinkler, Rosa H. (Chase) 76 Sorrento St., Providence, R. I. White, Rebecca H. (Chace) 56 Glenham St., Providence, R. I. Winsor, Ellen F. (Smith) Oak Knoll Farm, Woonsocket, R. I. FIFTH CLASS 15. JUNE, 1874. Angell, Orra A Greenville, R. I. Clarke, M. Belle (Pease) 3 Kneeland St., Maiden, Mass. Durf ee, Lydia S 26 Portland St., Providence, R. I. Eaton, Mary E Greeley, Col. Gardner, Ida M 14 Larch St., Providence, R. I. Huling, Susan E. (Beeman) 25 Harrison Ave., Taunton, Mass. Hull, Clara L. (Leland) 683 Public St., Providence, R. I. Kenyon, Annie E. (Perce) 129 Cypress St., Providence, R. I. Deceased. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 145 NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. *Kerr, Jessie (Cross) 'Nichols, Orianna *Phillips, O. Lillis (Dean) Rathbun, Lydia S. (Tilley) 61 Oak St., Hyde Park, Mass. Taylor, Elia S. (Smith) Nayatt, R. I. Tilley, Mary S 7 Mann Ave., Newport, R. I. Thompson, Alice E. (Higbee) Newport, R. I. SIXTH CLASS 19. JANUARY, 1875. Aborn, Louise L. (Peck) 113 Waterman St., Providence, R. I. Alexander, Stella M. (Wilcox) 181 Angell St., Providence, R. I. Aylesworth, Frances W 10 Warner St., Newport, R. I. Booth, Lucy ( Burrows *Gardiner, Madeline E. (Aylesworth) Griswold, Clara (Sampson) 95 Grove Ave., East Providence, R. I. *Hagan, Emmagene A *Kenyon, Ida M Marble, Harriet J. (Mowry) 40 Highland Ave., Fitchburg, Mass. Manchester, Mary C. (Winslow) 50 Elton St., Providence, R. I. Mowry, Lucie P. (Sunderland) East Providence, R. L McNaughton, Lilly 60 Plenty St., Providence, R. I. Newell, M. Estelle 42 Summit St., Central Falls, R. L Saunders, Ella C. (Higgins) . . . .1992 Milwaukee Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Sprague, Lydia C. (Sayles) Uxbridge, Mass. *Troop, Edith A Waterman, Susan E. (Handy) Manville, R. I. Weeks, Clara S. (Shaw) Sherburne Farm, Mountainville, N. Y. Williams, Ida R. (Brown) , SEVENTH CLASS 14. JUNE, 1875. Brown, Sarah W. A Box 218, Newport, R. I. Cady, Mary K. (Witcher) 598 Public St., Providence, R. I. Dennis, Benjamin L 884 Broad St., Providence, R. L Freeman, Sarah E. (Carpenter) 55 High St., Valley Falls, R. I. Gardiner, Carrie P 35 Wesleyan Ave., Providence, R. I. Hartshorn. Annie (Tillinghast) 99 Adelaide Ave., Providence, R. I. Horton, Sarah L. (Williams) 50 Doyle Ave., Providence, R. I. Patterson, Ernestine 198 East St., Pawtucket, R. I. *Pearce, Ida L. (Crawford) * Deceased. 146 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. *Remington, Carrie C Theil, Mary L. (Perkins) 212 Power St., Providence, R. I. Tyler, Nabbia E. (Kennedy) Moosup Valley, Conn. White, Viola M Gorham, Me. Whitehead, Martha A. (Smith) 20 Vine St., East Providence, R. I. EIGHTH CLASS 10. JANUARY, 1876. Church, Carrie P 206 S St., N. E., Washington, D. C. Cook, Alice A 76 Hamlet Ave., Woonsocket, R. I. *Greene, Albert Griswold, Inez ( Chaff ee) East Providence, R. I. Horton, Victor F 40 Gilmore St., Providence, R. I. Luft, Wilhelmina A. (Housenstein) . .120 Peace St., Providence, R. I. Magnus, Anna C 39 Dartmouth Ave., Providence, R. I. Noonan, Ellen T. (McGuinness) 131 Hope St., Providence, R. I. *Rhodes, Cornelia H. V Taft, M. Ella (Brownell) 602 Tucker St., Fall River, Mass. NINTH CLASS 10. JUNE, 1876. Aldrich, Genevieve E. (Wilson) Millville, Mass. Briggs, Helen L. (Vreeland) 517 West 70th St., Englewood, 111. *Esten, Mrs. Rhoda A Fraser, Mary A. (Percival) 292 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111. Gardiner, Ida E. (Meader) 14 White St., Pawtucket, R. I. Mowry, Eliza A. (Bliven) R. F. D., Brooklyn, Conn. Macomber, Alice J Westerly, R. I. Richardson, Mary J 38 Phenix Ave., Cranston, R. I. *Stone, Carrie I. (Hall) Williams, Betsey A 2079 Broad St., Providence, R. I. TENTH CLASS 8. JANUARY, 1877. Brown, Phillip A Middletown, Newport, R. I. Greene, Mary A 121 Benevolent St., Providence, R. I. Kelley, Solon C Laurel St., Pawtucket, R. I. Maine, Susan F. (Silver) 66 North Walnut St., East Orange, N. J. Roper, Loretta J. (Farnham) 132 Bridgham St., Providence, R. I. *Schaeffer, Annie B Turner, Em-ma N. F. (Edwards) Peace Dale, R. I, Vaughn, Caroline A.. 77 Sycamore St., Providence, R. I. * Deceased. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 147 XAME. P. O. ADDRESS. ELEVENTH CLASS 11. JUNE, 1877. Brady, Ellen M. (McCabe) 68 Sayles Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. *Campbell, Annie L, (Whipple) Farrell, Catherine M. (Monahan), 223 Wickenden St., Providence, R. I. *Freeman, Phila F. ( Monroe) French, Isabel C Wakefield, R. I. *Kent, Ida C Xoyes. Abbie C 70 South Main St., Providence, R. I. Paine, Harriet B. (Wheeler) 100 Market St., Campello, Mass. *Remington, Louise P Shippee, Elmer W 24 Spring St., Pawtucket, R. I. Vedder. Susan M. (Koerner) Auburn, R. I. TWELFTH CLASS 13. JANUARY, 1878. Allen, Grace G. (Nealy) 27 Cabot St., Providence, R. I. Bates, Idella F Oaklawn, R. I. Cheever, Helen N. (Morris) 264 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Danforth, Ella S 11 Loring St., Lowell, Mass. Goddard, Estella M. (Waters) Auburn, R. I. Hall, Corbelle (Judkins) East Providence Centre, R. I. James, Emma E. (Bates) West Greenwich Centre, R. I. Miller. Mary C Xoyes, Edwin A East Greenwich, R. I. Olmstead, Elmina S 189 Wayland Ave., Providence, R. I. Phillips. Earnest W Cowesett, R. I. Roberts, Alice L. (Byrnes) 67 Kenyon St., Providence, R. I. Thompson, Elizabeth M. (Wheelock) North Attleboro, Mass. THIRTEENTH CLASS 7. JUNE, 1878. Barnes, Berta E. (Bigelow) Blackstone, Mass. Briggs, Mary J. (Hoxie, Jr.) Quonocontaug, R. I. Kent, Sophie B 834 Thirteenth St., Washington, D. C. *Porter. Esther J. A *Sheldon, Imogene E. (Rodman) Whipple, Hattie E. (Wheeler) 48 Glenham St., Providence, R. T. Wood. Leona M Hillsboro Upper Valley, N. H. Deceased. 148 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. FOURTEENTH CLASS 10. JANUARY, 1879. Blackburn, Ella 1349 Eddy St., Providence, R. I. *Collins, Marianna (Clark) Harrington, Ida S. (Johnson) 34 Behnont Ave., Providence, R. I. Horton, S. Jennie (Lawder) 37 Avon St., Waken" eld, Mass. Lawton, Martha S. (Clarke) Phenix, R. I. *Lent, Laura C. (Carpenter) Peterson, M. Louise . Smith, Mary F. (Viets) West Acton, Mass. Wells, Ida L. (James) 290 Vermont Ave., Providence, R. I. Whiting, Elmira E 23 Grove St., Pawtucket, R. I. FIFTEENTH CLASS 15. JUNE, 1879. Allen, Eva B. (Madison) East Greenwich, R. F. D. 1, R. I. Beane, Lucy N 10 Hammond St., Providence, R. I. Case, Sarah E 312 Oak St., Portland, Oregon. Coggeshall, Abby B. (Stevens) El Paso, Texas. Cowell, Hattie P. (Holt) 146 Sheldon St., Pawtuxet, R. I. Farrell, Anna T 405 Public St., Providence, R. I. Holmes, Ida J 92 Magazine St., Cambridge, Mass. Hopkins, Martha 203 West Springfield St., Boston, Mass. Hall, George P 408 Union St., Arlington, R. I. Kenyon Irene (Browning) 39 Underwood St., Pawtucket, R. I. Locke, Alice E. (Park) 611 Gilman St., Palo Alto, Cal. *McCloskey, Mary G. (Hayes) Moffitt, Flora J Lowell, Mass. Short, Ella M. (Barrett) Jackson College, Jackson, Miss. Silone, Josephine A. (Yates) 2122 Tracy Ave., Kansas City, Mo. SIXTEENTH CLASS 8. JANUARY, 1880. Bryant, Ursula B. (Kelley) Campbell, Annie E 138 Brownell St., Providence, R. I. Day, Abbie D. (Curtiss) Harrison, Me. *Eastwood, Alice J. ( Sawyer) *Getchell, Helen Hicks, Edward R. Bristol Ferry, R. I. *Pearce, Henry A Taylor, A. Florence (Andem), 42 Edgewood St., Roxbury Dist., Boston, Mass. * Deceased. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 149 XAME. P. O. ADDRESS. SEVENTEENTH CLASS 11. JUNE, 1880. Colgan, Margaret 1. (Hill) 122 Farmington Ave., Providence, R. I. Gardiner, Elizabeth W Warren, R. I. Gilbert, William H 1605 Chapel St., New Haven, Conn. Graham, Alice D 99 North Main St., Springfield, Mass. *Jones, Martha D *Kelly, Manly S *Malkin, Nellie M McEntee, Mary A. (de Chantal) Mt. de Sales, Cantonsville, Md. *Phillips, Elizabeth K Smith, C. Winthrop Reading, Mass. Wood, Angeline H. (Arnold) Touisset, Mass. EIGHTEENTH CLASS 10. JANUARY, 1881. Alexander, Nellie F. (Wilcox) 89 Messer St, Providence, R. I. Bushee, Rachel L. 5 Second St., Attleboro, Mass. Gray, Ida J. (Woodard) Mapleville, R. I. Heath, Florence N. (Church) Barrington Centre, R. I. Jollie, Lillian N. (Thacher) 21 Garden St., Pawtucket, R. I. *Linton, Jennie A. (McAuliffe) Moore, Josephine G 1639 Pearl St., Denver, Col. Peace, Henrietta (Chase) Prudence Island, R. I. Wellman. Mrs. Almira R. (Sampson) 34 Center St., Putnam, Conn. White, Kate A 3757 Forest Ave., Chicago, 111. NINETEENTH CLASS 8. JUNE, 1881. Ames, Julia P. (Fuller) 79 Charles Field St., Providence, R. I. Frye, Emma 383 Jackson St., Willimantic, Conn. Gage, Ellen 1 85 Waverly St., Providence, R. I. Gorman, Eliza F 76 Beaufort St., Providence, R. I. *Lewis. S. Josephine Read, Emma F 75 Wood St., Providence, R. I. *Scribner, W r illis S \Vright. Lola R. (Miller) 67 Keene St., Providence, R. I. TWENTIETH CLASS 14. JANUARY, 1882. Angell, Emma A. (Hawkins) 618 Smith St., Providence, R. I. Barker, Mabel A. (Mason) 46 Arch St., Providence, R. I. Chandler. Grace D 70 Montello St., Roslindale, Mass. * Deceased. 150 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Cowell, Myra E Greenville, R. I. *Cornell, Mary A. (Darrah) Cirmmings, Ada B 311 Park St., Attleboro, Mass. Farrell, Emma F 465 Public St., Providence, R. I. Hall, Hannah A. (Hopkins) Summit, R. I. Hopkins, Harriet R 77 West Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. Hunt, C. Estelle (Mathewson) 2 Putnam Place, Roxbury, Mass. Luther, Ella F. (Allen) 242 South Main St., Warren, R. I. Mason, Elizabeth W Warren, R. I. *Peckham, Alice M. (Gardiner) Wightman, J. Lewis 245 Nut Ave., Maiden, Mass. TWENTY-FIRST CLASS 9. JUNE, 1882. *Adams, Harriet E Bailey, John H., Jr Box 290, Bristol, R. I. *Barber, Stillman H. G *Boss, Lucy A Brockway, Blanche (Chapman) 95 Atwells Ave., Providence, R. I. Durfee, Martha B. (Harris). .345 Waterman Ave., E. Providence, R. I. Fowler, Frances H 364 Doyle Ave., Providence, R. I. Gould, Orlando A. (Everett) Franklin, Mass. Pond, Ellen H. A. (Smith) . .1010 y 2 Guerrero St., San Francisco, Cal. TWENTY-SECOND CLASS 11. JANUARY, 1883. *Baker, Clara L Baton, Hannah A Box 85, East Greenwich, R. I. *Carpenter, Hettie P. (Morse) Harlow, Chauncey P..S. E. Cor. 12th and Race Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Ide, Edith A. (Whittaker) . .625 Taunton Ave., East Providence, R. I. Johnson, Mary B. (Woodward) 2703 Camp St., New Orleans, La. Lawson, Mary A 54 Hudson St., Dover, N. J. Lord, Georgietta F. (Kurd). 1297 Narragansett Blvd., Edgewood, R. I. Martin, Abbie M. (Turner) 429 Madison St., Vandalia, 111. *Saunders, Frederick H . Tarbox, Effie L. (Cargill) Abbott Run, R. I. TWENTY-THIRD CLASS 8. JUNE, 1883. Armstrong, Josephine (Wilcox) . .233 Worcester Block, Portland, Ore. Clemence, Mary A 475 Greenville Ave., Johnston, R. I. * Deceased. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 151 NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Fleming, Elizabeth H. (Tracy) ... .44 Hawes St., Central Falls, R. I. Jeffers, Jennie 22 Sterry St., Pawtucket, R. I. McMaster, Geneva (Deaett) 100 Russell Ave., E. Providence, R. I. Stephens, Weltha A. (Buckingham) Seattle, Washington. Thomas, Lena A. ( Whittemore) North Attleboro, Mass. Winslow, Julia E. Waterville, Me. TWENTY-FOURTH CLASS 9. JANUARY, 1884. Carey, Mary T. S 129 Pine St., Pawtucket, R. I. Clemence, Ida M 475 Greenville Ave., Johnston, R. I. *Fyffe, Maggie S Gardner, Gertrude L. 420 Meridian St., East Boston, Mass. Howard, Walter L Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. Hoxie, Sarah R. F. D. 1, Westerly, R. I. Joslin, Eudora E. 290 Friendship St., Providence, R. I. Mason, Martha E Warren, R I. Straight, Hattie E. (Campbell) .158 Warren Ave., E. Providence, R. I. TWENTY-FIFTH CLASS 11. JUNE, 1884. Barbour, Nellie F. (Jenks) Ashton, R. I. Beard, Minnie 38 Blackstone St., Woonsocket, R. I. Brainard, Eva E. (Taft) Kennett Square, Pa. Dewsnap, Jane 598 Broadway, Providence, R. I. Farrell, Elizabeth J. A 49 Trask St., Providence, R. I. Gorman, Annie L 62 Princeton Ave., Providence, R. I. *King, Annie M Nichols, Angie E Summit, R. I. Osborne, Mary G Warren, R. I. Spencer, George Wm., Jr *Wheelock, Aurilla C TWENTY- SIXTH CLASS 6. JANUARY, 1885. Boss, Caroline North Scituate, R. I. Cunningham, Ida 67 Dorchester Ave., Providence, R. I. Frost, Ida L. (Stenhouse) South Attleboro, Mass. Higgins, Minnie B Hindley, Clarissa A. (Tomlinson) 32 Irving St., Worcester, Mass. Scholefield, C. Howard 21 Platt St., Albion, N. Y. Deceased. 152 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. TWENTY- SEVENTH CLASS 12. JUNE, 1885. Barker, Ida Alice (Barney) Barrington Centre, R. I Butler, Margaret Genevieve 33 Gooding St., Pawtucket, R. I McLoughlin, Mary Ellen 107 Washington St., Central Falls, R. I Phetteplace, Estella Jenckes. . . .316 South Main St., Woonsocket, R. I Southwick, Mary Elsie (Sprague) 80 Cottage St., Pawtucket, R. I Tabor, Walter Holman 24 Bracken St., Arlington, R. I Tanner, Corrie Usher Champion St., Fruitvale, Cal Thomas, Mary Etta 56 Webster Ave., Providence, R. Waterman, Elsie Carpenter 340 Broadway, Pawtucket, R. Westcott, Jennie Marie Riverpoint, R. Whipple, Cora Lepha (Wood) Harris ville, R. Young, Susanna (Cushing) 55 Waterman St., Providence, R. TWENTY-EIGHTH CLASS 13. JANUARY, 1886. Alexander, Emma Augusta (Downey).. 6 West Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. Angell, Ruth Persia (Gould) 3 West River St., Providence, R. I. *Barbour, Edna Louise Battye, Etta Anna (Osborne) 35 Greene St., Woonsocket, R. I. Bo wen, Amy Frances 25 Second St., East Providence, R. I. *Brown, Emma Elizabeth Cushing, Nora Barney (Nicholson), Edgemoorness, Stornoway, Scotland. D'Arcy, Elizabeth Josephine 22 Moore St., Providence, R. I. Estes, Susie Rebecca (McCulloch) 15 Greene St., Pawtucket, R. I. Haskell, Imogene Frances (Staples) . .21 Sackett St., Providence, R. I. *Tucker, Calvin Dighton Whitford, Ruth Brown (Bowen) Washington, R. I. Wright, Ada Frances (Houston) Broad St., Charleston, W. Va. TWENTY-NINTH CLASS 12. JUNE, 1886. Crane, Annie Genevieve 125 Abbott St., Providence, R. I. Darrah, Annie Louise 78 Congdon St., Providence, R. I. Estes, Clarissa Sophia (Watjen) Box 212, Warren, R. I. Fitch, Adelaide Tiffany (Willison) Tiverton, R. I. Johnston, Emily Marie 77 West Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. *Lovett, Carrie Marie Marshall, Etta Jane Miller, Edith Sybil (Johnson) 17 Charles St., Pawtucket R. I. * Deceased. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 153 NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Roe, Margreita Geraldine (Scales), 740 Washington St., Dorchester, Mass. Udell, Annie Elizabeth 49 Abbott St., Providence, R. I. Williams, Alice Amelia 212 Providence St., Woonsocket, R. I. Worcester, May Alice (Johnson) Suncook, New Hampshire. THIRTIETH CLASS 12. JANUARY, 1887. Baker, Alice Maud 151 Beacon Ave., Providence, R. I. Carpenter, Mary Lovina R. F. D. No. 2, Rehoboth, Mass. *Casey, Mary Elizabeth Cavanaugh, Catherine Elizabeth Valley Falls, R. I. Felt, May Lawrence (Ferris) Mather School, Beaufort, S. C Hanrahan, Kate Anneta. Box 172, Warren, R. I. Hayward. Mary Elizabeth (Gilbert) 68 Doane St., Cranston, R. I. Kennedy, Jane Olivia 183 Pearl St., Providence, R. I. Livsey, Annie Mary Compton, R. -I. Manning, Harriet Elliot (Knight), 1503 Mondawmin Ave., Baltimore, Md. McCusker, Margaret Jane Albany, N. Y. McXale. Mary Bristol, R I. THIRTY-FIRST CLASS 27. JULY, 1887. Armstrong, Flora Lillian North Attleboro, Mass Brown, Annie Snow Barrington, R. I. Cavanaugh, Margaret Maria Valley Falls, R. I. Church, Claudia Herbert (Hathaway), 12 Slocum St., Providence, R. I. *Cook, Anna Louise (Gardiner) Cook, Mabel Gertrude (Tabor) 24 Bracken St., Arlington, R. I. Cushman. Franklin Richmond 19 Bellevue Ave., Providence, R. I. Davison, May Ella 72 Prospect St., Willimantic, Conn. Doran, Katharine Frances 85 Power St., Providence, R. I. Dow, Minnie Frances (Chased 120 Pitman St., Providence, R. I. Haskell, Oscar Ellsworth Woonsocket, R. I. Hunt, Louise Linda Worcester, Mass. Kelly, Sarah Ellen .123 Manning St., Providence, R. I. Kenyon, Florence Ruth 180 Lockwood St., Providence, R. I. King. Emma Alice Howard, R. I. Matteson, Susan Adeline 170 Garden St., Auburn, R. I. Morris. Phebe Elizabeth 957 North Main St., Providence, R. I. * Deceased. 154 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Mugan, Mary Anne Stanislaus 41 Trask St., Providence, R. I. Nickerson, Stella Freeman (Peterson), 18 Young Orchard Ave., Providence, R. I. Olney, Mary Elizabeth 138 Smithfield Road, Providence, R. I. Randall, Annie Congdon (Childs) . .263 Potter Ave., Providence, R. I. Ryan, Elizabeth Agnes (Sullivan) ; Hartford, Conn. *Sherman, Clara Etta (Lee) Tucker, Jenny Esther ( Baker) El Monte, Cal. Waite, Mabel Eunice Alice (O'Neil).lOS Ontario St., Providence, R. I. Westcott, Agnes Shaw (Swinton) 816 Sixth Ave., Seattle, Wash. Yeaw, Laura Stanley Hope Valley, R. I. THIRTY- SECOND CLASS 11. JANUARY, 1888. Austin, Helen Maria Taunton, Mass. Battye, Eva Edna 23 Greene St., Woonsocket, R. I. Birse, Willianna 26 Bennington St., Quincy, Mass. Cobb, Nellie Augusta (Richards) ... .264 Dudley St., Providence, R. I. Crumley, Matilda Lonsdale, R. I. Hamlet, Bertha Abbie Woonsocket, R. I. Harrington, Elizabeth Theresa East Providence, R. I. Robertson, Mary Sproat (Loud).. 43 Whitfield St., Dorchester, Mass. Sullivan, Mary Elizabeth 60 Glenhami St., Providence, R. I. Tifft, Belle Josephine 7 Lee St., Somerville, Mass. Whipple, Ellen Maria ( Angell) Box 36, Ashton, R. I. THIRTY-THIRD CLASS 14. JUNE, 1888. Adams, Annie L. V Warren, R. I. Butler, Agnes Jane Morristown, Florida. Drew, Helen Maria (Moore) Strafford, Vt. Dronsfield, Edith (Hopkins) 141 Temple St., Fredonia, N. Y. Eldridge, Annie Elizabeth (Sheldon) Phenix, R. I, Fancher, Alice Emma (Peckham) . .85 Waterman St., Providence, R. I. Gordon, Susie Lavina North Attleboro, Mass. Grinnell, Annie Florence Tiverton, R. I. Jencks, Beta Mary (Fairbanks) Pacific St., Central Falls, R. I. King, George Whipple 2 Magnolia Ave., Holyoke, Mass. Smith, Alice E. (Smithson) 123 Fourth Ave., Woonsocket, R. I. Staples, George Henry 648 Potter Ave., Providence, R. I. Strater, Elizabeth Augusta 174 Oxford St., Providence, R. I Virgin, Ellen Lavina 25 Preston St., Providence, R. I * Deceased. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 155 NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. THIRTY-FOURTH CLASS 16. JANUARY, 1889. Allin, Mary Milton (Black) Warren, R. 1. Ball, Irving Oscar Hotel Hamilton, Washington, D. C Bennett, Catherine DeSayles 114 High St., Westerly, R. I. Bradford, Bertha Louise 567 South Main St., Woonsocket, R. I. Greene, Annie Lavina (Brown) Harmony, R. I. Hurley, Dora Jane (Black) 207 Broadway, Providence, R. I. Johnson, Emma Lucy (Appleby) . .132 Stanwood St., Providence, R. I. Larry, Edith White (Lee).... 40 East Manning St., Providence, R. I. Mowry, Afobie Harris 179 Doyle Ave., Providence, R. I. Mowry, Jesse B Chepachet, R. I. Xisbet, Emma 49 George St., Providence, R. I. *Phelps, Mary Matilda (Webster) *Remington, Mary Ann Saunders, Martha Estella (Ring).... 2 Magnolia Ave., Holyoke, Mass. Wheaton, Laura Antoinette (Ackley) 534 47th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Wilson, Ella Jane (Atchison) Slatersville, R. I. THIRTY-FIFTH CLASS 8. JUNE, 1889. Boyden, Lillia May (Keach) Box 103, Greenville, R. I. Bragg, Mabel Caroline. Braggville, Mass. Gifford, Agnes Lydia 402 East 50th St., New York, N. Y. Johnson, Jennie Hamilton 168 Walnut St., East Providence, R. I. Kindelan, Mary Alice 270 Branch Ave., Providence, R. I. *Kirby, Ella Margaret Mason, Ada Annie (Abele) Harberth, Pa. White, Nellie Christina (Hooker) 17 Park St, Barre, Vt, THIRTY-SIXTH CLASS 18. JANUARY 1890. Crowell, Carrie Jones 68 Laura St., Providence, R. I. Davis, Mary Emily (Woolley) 157 Eugenie St., Chicago, 111. *Dea, Isabella Wylie (Ashmore) Dwyer, Katharine Maria 22 East St., Providence, R. I. Ellis, Jennie Lois 9 Nickerson St., Pawtucket, R. I. Harry, Annie Pettaconsett, R. I, Hindley, Emma (Pennoyer) 7 College St., Halifax, N. S., Canada. *Hines, Anna Clotilda (Smith) Hines, Margaret (McGunagle Valley Falls, R. I. Kelleher, Charlotte Louise (Murray). 283 George St., Providence, R. I. * Deceased. 156 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Kendall, Flora Mabel (Niven).120 Rochambeau Av., Providence, R. I. Morgan, Ida Anna 2270 Pawtucket Ave., East Providence, R. I. Nuss, Mary Margaret Harrison Ave., Newport, R. I. *Owen, Katherine Theresa Povey, Adelina Sarah 225 Connecticut Ave., New London, Conn. Sherman, Ruth Ella Kingston, R. I. *Sleeper, Georgie Inez Whipple, Inez Luanne (Wilder). 72 Dryads Green, Northampton, Mass. THIRTY- SEVENTH CLASS 19. JUNE, 1890. Almy, Valentine Auburn, R. I. Boles, Agnes 184 Fountain St., Pawtucket, R. I, Butler, Ella Tower Marshfield, Coos Co., Oregon. Cullen, Bridget Lauretta Berkeley, R. I. Cullen, Sarah Louise 87 Gooding St., Pawtucket, R. I. Douglas, Editha Simmons (Hodges), 136 Prairie Ave., Providence, R. I. Earle, Ruth Cook 19 Clarke Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. Fisher, Lizzie Isabel 160 Bath St., Providence, R. I, Geary, Mary Josephine 162 Orms St., Providence, R. I, Healey, Sarah Jane Elizabeth 224 Prairie Ave., Providence, R. I. Hurley, M. Lila 36 East George St., Providence, R. I. Lincoln, Minerva (Haskell) 100 Greenwood St., Auburn, R. I. *Maxwell, Luthera (Tiffany) Miett, Mary Matilda 75 Lenox Ave., East Orange, N. J. Murr, Minnie Amanda (Christie), 121 S. Catherine St., La Grange, 111. Niles, Minnie Estelle 108 Evergreen St., Providence, R. I. O'Connor, Josephine (McCabe) Glendale, R. I. Smith, Bertha Burgess Barrington, R. I. Tillinghast, Mary Isabelle 288 Potter Ave., Providence, R. I, THIRTY-EIGHTH CLASS 13. JANUARY, 1891. Bellows, Annie Tower R. F. D., Manville, R. I. Bellows, Carrie Maria R. F. D., Manville, R. I. *Brown, Elizabeth (Heath) Edwards, Sarah Bay (Brown) Morse Ave. Westboro, Mass, Fletcher, Sarah 158 Pearl St., Providence, R. I. Gray, Lizzie Thomas Tiverton, R. I. Humphrey, Josie Nelson (Williams) New London, N. Y. * Deceased. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 157 NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Jenkins, Emma Frances 89 Gainsborough St, Boston, Mass. Matteson, Anna Stanton R. F. D., Saunderstown, R. I. Matteson, Hortense Allen (Booth).. 3 Lake Place, New Haven, Conn. Maxwell, Mabel Everett Warren, R. I. McAvoy, Mary Ellen 9 Walnut St., Westerly, R. I. *Tinkham, Fannie Rose (Marble) THIRTY-NINTH CLASS 11. JUNE, 1891. Barton, Emma Frances Box 102, Warren, R. I, Briggs, Nellie Emma 147 Sycamore St., Winter Hill, Mass. Carpenter, Abbie Estelle (Hill) 199 Park St., Attleboro, Mass Cole, Hattie Leavitt 72 Prospect St., Pawtucket, R. I. Esten, Cora Jeanette (Gory) Ill Fountain St., Providence, R. I. Hilton, Henrietta Colbeck (Broadbent), 321 Providence St., Woonsocket, R. * Peterson, Matilda East Providence Centre, R. Todsen, Sarah Jane 11 Ninth St., Fall River, Mas . Turner, Bertha Maria 181 Pleasant St., Providence, R. Williams, Ruth Mabel (Hill) Phenix, R. Gardiner, Cora Mabel (Manton), 186 Waterman St., Providence. R. FORTIETH CLASS 15. JANUARY, 1892. Bullock, Sarah Jane 208 East Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. Capron, Maude Estelle 147 Tremont St., Ansonia, Conn. Cawley, Anna Gertrude 198 Juniper St., East Providence, R. I. Cole, Roby Anna (Welch) 15 George St., Pawtucket, R. I. Deering, Jeanne M. Maria Riverpoint, R. I. Grant, Grace Maud 7 Star St, Pawtucket, R. I. Hunt, Amanda R. F. D. No. 2, Woonsocket, R. I. Jilson, Elizabeth Alvira (Mealey) Holtville, Cal. Murphy, Ellen Nora Irene- -43 Montgomery Ave., Providence, R. I. Reynolds, Helen Alphonsine- . - 61 Doyle Ave., Providence, R. I. Smith, Annie Peckham (Congdon) Box 132, Newport, R. I. Strater, Josephine M. Benedict (Mullen), 309 Oxford St., Providence, R. I. Tiffany, Jessie Goodwin 17 Morris St., Morristown, N. J. Wiliston, Edith Holmes 103 Whitmarsh St., Providence, R. I. Johnson, Evelyn Olive (Bullen) Hingham, Mass. Deceased. 158 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. FORTY- FIRST CLASS 16. JUNE, 1892. Baker, Annie Jane (Trull) Kerwin, Kansas. Baker, Maude Louise (Mowry)..R. F. D. No. 2, N. Smithfield, R. I. Cawley, Mary Louise 198 Juniper St., East Providence, R. I. Child, Bertha Elida 182 Clifford St., Providence, R. I. Fales, Alice Morse (Warner) Napanee, Ontario. Hammond, Ellen Underwood (Bivins), 764 De Kalb Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Johnson, Grace Elizabeth (Von Storch), 165 Laban St., Providence, R. I. Jollie, Eleanor May 13 Garden St., Pawtucket, R. I. Kent, Bertha Remington Phenix, R. I. Mather, Ida Elizabeth 236 Lockwood St., Providence, R. I. Olney, Fanny (Stone) 945 Chestnut St., Glendale, Cal. Round,, Eda May 139 Superior St., Providence, R. I. Short, Edith May Los Angeles, Cal. Smith, Bertha Northup Pocasset Ave., Providence, R. I. Thornton, Mary Dunham (Lawton) Box 1252, New Haven, Conn. Van Home, Louise Adeline (Miller). 15 Friendship PI., Newport, R. I. FORTY- SECOND CLASS 15. JANUARY, 1893. Albro, Marion Louise 73 Common St., Providence, R. I. Allin, Ida Louise (Batchelor) Warren. R. I. Bradley, Emma Frances Somerville, Mass. Brennan, Ellen Catherine 96 Middle St., Pawtucket, R. I. Chapman, Addie Clara (Clarke) Westerly, R. I. Croak, Mary Augusta Arnold's Mills, R. I. Frost Minnie Elizabeth 107 East 26th St., New York, N. Y. Glines, Grace Warner (Clift) 54 Lake St., Arlington, Mass. King, Joanna Reynolds (Clark) Kenyon, R. I. Logee, Maud May (Hornby) Clyde, R. I. McGirr, Margaret Gertrude 57 Waterman St., Valley Falls, R. I. Perry, Mabel Emily (Glendenning) 1018 E. 17th St., Oakland, Cal. Potter, Emma Agnes 173 Roosevelt St., Providence, R. I. Sherman, Mabel Wilbur (Arnold) 23 Aborn St., Providence, R. I. Todd, Lizzie Edna (Adams) Oldtown, North Attleboro, Mass. FORTY-THIRD CLASS 11. JUNE, 1893. Bishop, Lydia May (Miner) West Barrington, R. I. Cooper, Marion LaMoine 206 Howell St., Providence, R. I. * Deceased. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 159 NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. *Gooding, Bertha Lee Hines, Mary Ellen Valley Falls, R. I. Hodges, Kate Morton (Hanaford) Box 179, Mansfield, Mass. King, Jennie Emma Mansfield, Mass. Mann, Hattie Julia 162 Doyle Ave., Providence, R. I. McMullen, Isabella Alice (Splain) Waterbury, Conn. *Richards, Annie Bullard Sayles, Minnie (Smith) 184 Savin Hill Ave., Dorchester, Mass, Sundberg, Jennie Box 566, Rumf ord, R. I. FORTY-FOURTH CLASS 10. JANUARY, 1894. Carpenter, Elizabeth Brownell 87 Plainfield St, Olneyville, R. I. Flemming, Adelaide Joseph 65 Clyde St., Pawtucket, R. I, Hayward, Emma Leonard (Kimball) .1493 Broad St., Providence, R. I. O'Brien, Katherine Frances (Simonds) . .465 High St., Lonsdale, R. I. Pope, Abbie Bourne (Fort) ... .414 W. Stafford St., Germantown, Pa. Rathbun, Clara Lucetta Mabel (Davis) Washington, R. I. Steadman, Annie Louise (Wilcox) .327 Edgecomb Av., New York City. Tobin, Mary Theresa (Lynch) Melville Station, Newport, R. I. Young, Bertha Edith (Pierce) ... .184 High St., Perth Amboy, N. J. Young, Mary Louise 4 Lockwood St., Providence, R. I. FORTY-FIFTH CLASS 19. JUNE, 1894. Ames, Sarah Elizabeth Y. W. C. A., Lowell Mass. Bucklin, Annie Elizabeth Georgiaville, R. I. Collins, Alice Mabelle Ashton, R. I, Cozzens, Minne Althea (Barnes) 177 Cross St., Central Falls, R. I. *Cutler, Mrs. L. Emma Fairbrother, Jeanette Wheaton 39 Walker St., Pawtucket, R. I. Grant, Emma 83 Rolfe St., Auburn, R. I. Hiscox, Grace Louise (Barrett) Blackstone, Mass. Holbrook, Helen Frances 33 Hudson St., Providence, R. I. Holbrook, Susan Wadsworth 33 Hudson St., Providence, R. I. McLaren, Jeanette Amelia 255 Washington Ave., Providence, R. I. McXerney, Alice May 206 Park St., Attleboro, Mass. Moffitt, Elizabeth Gregg (Thurston) . . .33 Carter St., Providence, R. I. Rathbun, Eva Abbie (Smith) 25 Pleasant St., Wickford, R. I. Reed, Susanna 43 Nisbet St., Pawtucket, R. I. Slade, Caroline Winslow 49 George St., Providence, R. I. Deceased. 160 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Tillinghast, Pearl May (Remington), 216 Waterman Ave., East Providence, R. I. *Tisdale, Anna Wilson, Emily Alice 24 Hill St., Pawtucket, R. I. FORTY-SIXTH CLASS 14. JUNE, 1895. Bennett, Eva Grafton Warren, R. I. Cullen, Catherine Agnes Berkeley, R. I. Curtiss, Bessie Holt. Wakefield, R. I. Frethey, Clarie See. Brooklin, Maine. Glen, Caroline Adelaide (Winsor), 10 Richardson St., Framingham, Mass. Grant, May Isabelle 99 Pocasset Ave., Providence, R. I. Green way, Frances Maud (Stimpson), 110 Parker St., Newton Centre, Mass. Hines, Katherine Teresa Valley Falls, R. I. Keach, Gertrude Marsh (Dexter) ... .31 Abbott St., Valley Falls, R. I. Kiley, Fannie Margaret 13 Fifth St., East Providence R. I. Lee, Minnie Sophia (Fisher) . .214% Irving Ave., Port Chester, N. Y. Shepard, Ma'belle Florence (Gill) Canton Corner, Mass. Tillinghast, Susan Avery (Nichols), Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. Willard, Edgar Lincoln Newburyport, Mass. FORTY-SEVENTH CLASS 26. JUNE, 1896. Bragg, Ada Bertha (Cousins) ... .287 St. James St., Springfield, Mass. Cady, Florence 3328 Pawtucket Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. Crumley, Emma May (Johnson) 232 Cottage St., Pawtucket, R. I. Crumley, Nellie (Margerum) Riverside, R. I. Cunningham., Joanna Gertrude Berkeley, R. I. Field, Josephine Taylor Little Compton, R. 1. Fry, Esther Chapone East Greenwich, R. I. Hines, Mary Elizabeth Valley Falls, R. I. Kemp, Paulina Franklin Box 427, Warren, R. I. King, Jo Winslow (Walpole) 102 Dexter St., Providence, R. I. Knowles, Lillian Ethel Narragansett Pier, R. I. Leigh ton, Etta Veronica 226 Dexter St., Valley Falls, R. I. Leonard, Mary Emma 30 Thompson St., Fall River, Mass. Macdonald, Josephine Stevens Point, Wis. McCotter, Elizabeth Rankin 38 Chestnut Ave., Eden Park, R. I. McKenna, Mary Margaret 46 Superior St., Providence, R. I. * Deceased. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 161 NAME. ' P. O. ADDRESS. Owen, Bertha Alice (Miner) Main St., East Greenwich, R. I. Peck, Annie Heyden East Providence, R. I. Phillips, Marion Edna (Smith) .... 14 Fairview Ave., Phenix, R. I. Rathbun, Mrs. Bessie Brownell Buena Vista Ave., San Jose, Cal. Rose, Alice Mabel Kingston, R. I. Stubbs, Lillian Heig 88 Bailey St., Arlington, R. I. Waite, Gertrude Stevens (Maxwell) Warren, R. I. Ward, Mary Ellen Warren, R. I. Westcott, May Thornton, R. I. Wilcox, Nellie Case (Stockwell) 16 Hoffman Ave., Oil City, Pa. FORTY-EIGHTH CLASS 29. JUNE, 1897. Babcock, Hattie Sprague ( Babcock) Westerly, R. I. Baker, Susan Louise 196 Shurtleff St., Chelsea, Mass. Barber, Phebe Arnold (Beeman) 4 Botolph St., Atlantic, Mass. Brennan, Gertrude Theresa 29 Hope St., Woonsocket, R. I. Burke, Lucinda May West Barrington, R. I. *Connolly, Catherine Loretta Fisher, Edith Cameron (Cook) 405 Coe St., Woonsocket, R. I. Hodge, Mary Emily Los Angeles, Cal. Janes, Florence Cora (Pike) 33 Elizabeth St., Attleboro, Mass. Jarvis, Jennie Mildred 98 Water St., Leominster, Mass. Johnson, Mary Evelyn Centreville, R. I. Matteson, Alice Belle (Lewis) Woodbine, N. J. McElinn, Elizabeth Cecelia Centreville, R. I. Mills, Theresa Minnie 258 Orms St., Providence, R. I. Perry, Ada Mabel Dighton, Mass. Phillips, Mary Dean 10 East George St., Providence, R. I. Quirk, Mary Veronica Warren, R. I. Ray, Emma Louise ....214 Taunton Ave., East Providence, R. I. Rose, Mary Elizabeth (Holland) Saunderstown, R. I. Sherman, Fanny Irene Portsmouth, R. I. Smith, Mary Agnes 80 Blackstone St., Woonsocket, R. I. Thornton, Sallie Eleanor 424 Killingly St., Providence, R. I. Tully, Annie Louise 65% Bergen St., Providence, R. I. Whitford, Mary (Whitford) Milton, Wis. Wilber, Sarah Mabelle West Kingston, R. I. Winsor, Eleanor Jackson 796 Hartford Ave., Johnston, R. I. Wood, Bertha May Centreville, R. I. Wood, Edna May 881 Hope St.. Bristol, R. I. Wood, Katherine L. (Gyllensvard) . .1721 So. First St., Louisville, Ky. Deceased. 162 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. FORTY-NINTH CLASS 16. 1898. Apes, Lillias May (Lamoureux) Anthony, R. I. Brown, Ann Eliza 547 Main St., Pawtucket, R. I. Chase, Jane Elizabeth (Moran) Mansfield, Mass. Dwyer, Julia Aloysius 63 Arnold St., Providence, R. I. Galli, Marie 19 Narragansett Ave., Westerly, R. I. Kirby, Mary E. (McNamara) . . ,112 Anthony St., E. Providence, R. I. Lanpear, Emily G. (Eaton).. 50 North Norwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Leahey, Mary Louisa 106 Jenkins St., Providence, R. 1. Meegan, Mary Winifred 23 Henry St., East Providence, R. I. O'Leary, Elyne Hendricken . . 114 Mauran Ave., East Providence, R. I. Openshaw, Bertha May 17 Second St., Woonsocket, R. I. Riley, Abbie Gertrude Brighton, R. I. Ryan, Ellen Lonsdale, R. I. Ryan, Florence Sutherland 21 Salisbury St., Providence, R. I. Tillinghast, Nellie (Hunt) Shelburne Falls, Mass. Watson, Abbie Carpenter 81 Lyon Ave., East Providence, R. I. FIFTIETH CLASS 40. JUNE, 1899. Bates, Edith Ellen Hope, R. I. Brownell, Charlotte Dickenson Little Compton, R. I. *Burr, Marguerita Vernon Campbell, Mary Agnes 424 High St., Lonsdale, R. I. *Carpenter, Emma Jane Cochrane, Antonia M. (Walker) . .216 Somerset Ave., Taunton, Mass. Conley, Katherine Irene 236 North Main St., Woonsocket, R. I. Conway, Mary Katherine 53 North Main St., Woonsocket, R. I. Cowen, Henrietta Norwell 12 Auburn St., Maiden, Mass. Craig, Mary Murdock State Normal School, Montclair, N. J. Demers, Clara Loretta.! 66 Woodbine St., Central Falls, R. I. Demers, Mary Agnes. . 66 Woodbine St., Central Falls, R. I. Doyle, Sarah Ann 60 Cross St., Central Falls, R. I. Fames, Mary Elizabeth 229 Benefit St., Pawtucket, R. I. Gallagher, Eliza Agnes 125 Governor St., Providence, R. I. Garland, Ann Jane 59 Clifford St., Pawtucket, R. I. Grimshaw, Edyth May 321 Providence St., Woonsocket, R. I. Hall, Alice Maria 71 High St., North Attleboro, Mass. Hicks, Bertha Stanley Bristol Ferry, R. I. Hicks, Carrie Louise (Worcester) 62 Cole St., Pawtucket, R. I. Hokanson, Emma Alida Rumf ord, R. I. * Deceased. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 163 NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Holt, Elizabeth Davy 11 Hay ward St., Pawtucket, R. I. Jackson, Jeannette May 3 Park St., Pawtucket, R. I. *Kee, Sarah Jane Lightbown, Mary Veronica Lonsdale, R. I. Macdonald, Estella Christina 62 Carpenter St. Providence, R. I. Maher, Lillie Agnes (Owen) ... .100 Priscilla Ave., Providence, R. I. Meagher, Ellen Cecelia 205 East Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. Morpeth, Rachel May 62 Carpenter St., Pawtucket, R. I. Powers, Margaret Helen Box 247, Pawtucket, R. I. Prentiss, Mary Alice (Bourne) 71 Doyle Ave., Providence, R. I. Reed, Ethel Lincoln 411 Somerset Ave., Taunton, Mass. Sherman, Jessie (Sherman) Phillipsdale, R. I. Smith, Annie Melissa (Calef) 203 Greenville Ave., Manton, R. I. Smith, Lillian Etta (Reed) 302 Park Ave., Woonsocket, R. I. Spaulding, Alice Follet (Moore) ... .156 Cross St., Central Falls, R. I. Williams, Florence Ethlyn 522 Pontiac Ave., Auburn, R. I. Woodward, Annie Louise (Francis) 18 Shore St., Taunton, Mass. JANUARY, 1900. Corrigan, Louisa Jane Box 126, Attleboro Falls, Mass. Hamerton, Sarah Isabel Kibbee, Ruth Wood 26 Abbott St., Valley Falls, R. I. McGann, Mary Etta 278 Hope St., Bristol, R. I. Mitchell, Bernice Pearl Southold, N. Y. Taylor, Barbara Christie 107 Warner St, Newport, R. I. Viall, Maude Adalene (Kim,ball) 13 Francis Ave., Auburn, R. I. CITY A CLASS JANUARY, 1900. Almy, Helen Marion 198 Broad St., Providence, R. I. Costello, Margaret Loretto 67 Merino Ave., Providence, R. I. D'Arcy, Margaret Mary 962 Eddy St., Providence, R. I. Emmons, Annie Frances 482 Laurel Hill Ave., Arlington, R. I. Froberg, Ellen Petronella 509 Morris Ave., Providence, R. I. Gannon, Lucy Etta 649 Harris Ave., Providence, R. I. Huntsman, Helen Howard 367 Angell St., Providence, R. I. Killoran, Ellen Louise 62 Pekin St., Providence, R. I. Manchester, Emma Francis 152 Superior St., Providence, R. I. *O'Connor, Mary Josephine Prendergast, Margaret Butler 61 Doyle Ave., Providence, R. I. Saver, Inez Vernon Ludlow, Vt. Deceased. 164 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Seton, Mary Helen 1179 Elmwood Ave., Providence. R. I. Williams, Mabel Eugenia 76 Providence St., Providence, R. I. JUNE, 1900. *Brayton, Amelia Louisa Carroll, Catherine Camillius 108 Pine St., Pawtucket, R. 1. Conlon, Annie Frances 47 Brown St., Pawtucket, R. I. Corrigan, Alice Theresa 264 Pleasant St., New Bedford, Mass. Currier, Mary Lena 12 Howard Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. Day, Agnes Regina 121 Wall St., Elizabeth, X. J. Latham, Anna Mabel (Mason) 2 Cushing Ave., Nashua, N. H. Lennon, Esther Veronica 96 Pond St., Pawtucket, R. 1. Mattison, Abbie Adelia 183 Armington Ave., Edge wood, R. 1. McGuigan, Marjory Cecelia 588 Park Ave., Auburn, R. I. Monahan, Delia Loretta 91 Vine St., East Providence, R. 1. Nichols, Ellen Maud Box 127, Natick, R. 1. Peavey, Gertrude May Ogdensburg, N. Y. Phillips, Jennie Mabel.. 1283 Narragansett Boulevard, Edgewood, R. I. Sweet, Florence Sophia 535 Pontiac Ave., Auburn, R. I. Wesley, Alelia Ethel 185 Calla St., Providence, R. I. CITY A CLASS JUNE, 1900. Brown, Betsey Eunice 149 Althea St., Providence, R. I. Chace, Florence Ethel 624 Plainfield St., Providence, R. I. Clemence, Stella Risley 167 Harrison St., Providence, R. I. Darcy, Genevieve Lauretta 670 Smith St., Providence, R. I. Dill, Lauraetta Melissa 84 Hope St., Providence, R. I. Geary, Anna 'Clarissa Greene, Helen Maria 47 Pekin St., Providence, R. I. Greene, Mary Cornelia 47 Pekin St., Providence, R. I. Kimball, Ethel May 48 Berwyn Ave., Chicago, 111. Knight, Florence Pearl 224 Pearl St., Providence, R. I. MacKay, Jeanie Thornburn 157 Grand Ave., Providence, R. I. Mann, Alice Brown 49 Wilson St., Providence, R. I. Mayor, Althea 9 Orms St., Providence, R. I. Mulligan, Sarah Marie .24 Linton St., Providence, R. I. O'Connor, Margaret Ann 282 Williams St., Providence, R. I. Padien, Emma Theresa 145 Julian St., Providence, R. I. Quinn, Mary Joseph 42 Madison St., Providence, R. I. Raftery, Mary Serene 55 Candace St., Providence, R. I. *Shanley, Mary Ursula * Deceased. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 165 NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. KINDERGARTEN JUNE, 1900. Bishop, Marguerite Louise (Rauschenbauch) Patterson, N. Y. Clark, Mattie Mariette (Capron) Rochester, N. Y. Cooney, Annie Frances 105 Davis St., Providence, R. I. Garvin, Xorma 577 Broad St., Lonsdale, R. I. Kennedy, Sarah Lovett 549 Broadway, Providence, R. I. Rickard, Mary Durfee 26 Arch St., Providence, R. I. Sabre, Beatrice Whiting 79 Camp St., Providence, R. I. Smith, Helen Christina 20 Park Place, Pawtucket, R. I. Stewart, Mary Esther Lincoln, Newport, R. I. *S\van, Frances Wheaton Walker, Maude Eliza 75 Vinton St, Providence, R. I. Wicklund, Julia Christina (Edgerton) . .103 Broad St., New London, Ct. Woodward, Minnie Sumner 911 Broad St., Providence, R. I. JANUARY, 1901. Babcock, Clara Elizabeth Potter Hill, R. I. Brannon. Catherine Lucina 79 Eagle St., Providence, R. I. Breitschmid, Ida Louisa (Livingston) Baltimore, Md. Coughlin, Mary Eva Manton, R. I. Crumb, Virginia Morgan Riverside, R. I. Emmons, Annie Frances 482 Laurel Hill Ave., Arlington, R. I. Field, Alma Clara 374 Prairie Ave., Providence, R. I. Ford. Emma Nichols (Blake) 21 Deborah St., Providence, R. I. Geisel. Julia 152 Montgomery Ave., Providence, R. I. Grant, Pearl North Bellingham, Mass. Greene, Gertrude Frances East Milton, Mass. Hixson. Grace Eleanor. Sharon, Mass. Holmes, Emma Frank Attleboro Falls, Mass. Knoop, Ella Sophie (Sherman) 86 Holden St, Providence, R. I. Laney, Annie Lauretta 89 Andem St., Providence, R. I. Moore, Zilla Clarke 818 East 19th Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Perry, Anna Augusta Rolf e St, Auburn, R. I. Riley, Julia Agnes 1 Forrest St., North Attleboro, Mass. Stone, Mabelle Frances Valley Falls, R. I. Sweeney, Anna Gertrude 52 Holman St., Attleboro, Mass. Thornton, Florence Isabel 424 Killingly St., Providence, R. I. Wicklund, Irene Elizabeth 15 Grove Ave., Westerly, R. I. CITY A CLASS JANUARY, 1901. Devenish, Marie Eustelle 90 Davis St., Providence, R. I. Fallon. Margaret Grace 84 Oak St., Providence, R. I. Deceased. 166 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. *Gannon, Rose Harriette 'Gorman, Mary Josephine 132 Camden Ave., Providence, R. Hurley, Lucy Liguori 36 East George St., Providence, R. Maguire, Margaret Elizabeth (Orms)..17 Power St., Providence, R. McLeod, Elizabeth Belle 138 Jewett St., Providence, R. Murray, Katherine Mary 18 Wood St., Providence R. Olsen, Martha Isabel (Keene) 146 Indiana Ave., Providence, R. Turner, Grace Annie (Munroe) 56 Flora St., Providence, R. Winsor, Jennie Evelyn Johnston, R. JUNE, 1901. *Bennett, Ethel Foster Buffington, Ethel Liddon (Spink) Anthony, R. 1. Capron, Nellie Mason 237 Washington St., North Attleboro, Mass. Clemence, Stella Risley 167 Harrison St., Providence, R. I. *Cronin, Margaret Regina Dill, Laura Melissa 32 Arnold St., Providence, R. I. Gillies, Anita Gregory Riverpoint, R. I. Gorman, Mary Theresa (Meehan) Berkeley, R. I. Greene, Helen Marie 47 Pekin St., Providence, R. I. Greene, Mary Cornelia 47 Pekin St., Providence, R. I. Griffin, Loretta Mabel 187 Washington Ave., Providence, R. I. Hopkins, Bertha Ethel 18 Barrows St., Olneyville, R. I. McCarthy, Clara Veronica 42 East St., Providence, R. I. McDermott, Mary Ellen 943 South Main St., Fall River, Mass. McGuire, Agnes Marie Riverpoint, R. I. Moriarity, Catherine Frances 19 Oakhill Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. Myrick, Velina Frances Sharon, Mass. O'Connor, Margaret Ann Teresa... 282 Williams St., Providence, R. I. Rothemich, Caroline Josephine 203 Lowell Ave., Olneyville, R. I. Seton, Mary Helen 1179 Elmwood Ave., Providence, R. I. Warren, Ada Louise (Kendall) 481 Pontiac Ave., Auburn, R. 1. Whitford, Katherine Greene 152 Harrison St., Pawtucket, R. I. CITY A CLASS JUNE, 1901. Bennett, Clara Elizabeth (Tallman) . .1112 Broad St., Providence, R. I. Blessing, Margaret Mary 22 Vernon St., Providence, R. I. Burdick, Annie Potter 17 Halsey St., Providence, R. I. Dunn, Mary Cornelia 41 Vinton St., Providence, R. I. Gardner, Mabel Tillinghast 511 Hope St., Providence, R. I. * Deceased. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 167 NAME. " P. O. ADDRESS. Gearon, Jane Veronica 39 Harkness St., Providence, R. I. Giblin, Harriet Louise 68 Bernon St., Providence, R. I. Hodges, Mabel Carr Champ lain, N. Y. Huntington, Gladys 19 Hawthorne St., Providence, R. McElroy, Susan 256 Wickenden St., Providence, R. McGinn, Katherine Frances 195 Laban SL, Providence, R. McKenna, Mary Catherine 98 Steele St., Providence, R. Murphy, Catherine Elizabeth 525 Branch Ave., Providence, R. Murray, Cecilia Agnes 47 Linwood Ave., Providence, R. O'Malley, Elizabeth Gertrude 63 Greeley St., Providence, R. Shanley, Mary Ursula (Ellis) Burlington, V . Sweet, Vera Garfield 34 Division St., Providence, R. Whittemore, Alice Bartlett 87 Willow St., Providence, R. Williams, Mary Ann Elizabeth 611 Broadway, Providence, R. I. Wright, Alice Elizabeth (Paine) 403 Hope St., Providence, R. I. JANUARY, 1902. :: Adams, Annie Frances Barnes, Grace Ashton, R. I. Carpenter, Ida Maria 744 Broadway, East Providence, R. I. Carpenter, Ruth Mildred 10 Humes St., Pawtucket, R. I. Dowd, Lillian Gertrude Mary 127 Pearce St, Fall River, Mass. Greene, Mabel Gertrude Riverpoint, R. I. Hanley, Catherine Ellen Pascoag, R. I. Heckman, Gertrude Burden Plainville, Mass. Hurd, Lottie 9 Bridgham St., Providence, R. I. McGinn, Mary Teressa Potter Hill, R. I. Mowry, Helen Sayles 162 Academy Ave., Providence, R. I. Murray, Katherine Mary 21 Wood St., Providence, R. I. Xixon, Annie Josephine Warren, R. I. O'Brien, Katherine Elizabeth Mulberry St., Warren, R. I. Perkins, Florence May Arnold's Mills, R. I. Reilly, Margaret Mary 598 Broadway, Providence, R. I. Roberts, Martha Jane 109 Williams St., Providence, R. I. Rovelto, Cathalena Louise 27 Woodlawn Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. Scallon, Rose Anna 145 Arthur Ave., Providence, R. I. Slocum, Gertrude May 11 Newton Ave., Westerly, R. I. Whaley, Mary Daniel Wakefield, R. I. Wilson, Lillian (Edmond) 104 High St., Westerly, R I. CITY A CLASS JANUARY, 1902. Clarke, Miriam Alida North Reading, Mass. * Deceased. i68 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Dawley, Edna Jessie (Ford) 92 Tenth St., Providence, R. I. Dobson, Ethel Waring (Sayles) 146 Doyle Ave., Providence, R. I. Donovan, Jennie Agnes 202 Power St., Providence, R. I. Flagg, Carolyne Davis 166 Harrison St., Providence, R. I. Flynn, Catherine Elizabeth 483 Washington St., Providence, R. I. Holland, Mary Theresa 16 Albro St., Providence, R. I. Johnson, Philamena Margaret 217 Regent Ave., Providence, R. I. Killian, Anna Mary 58 Wayne St., Providence, R. I. Little, Ada . . Oneco, Conn. McCallion, Ellen Regina 4 Armington Ave., Providence, R. I. McCarthy, Frances Mary 188 Lippitt St., Providence, R. I. McMurrough, Mary Elizabeth 173 Pine St., Providence, R. I. Moran, Laura Anthony 52 Nichols St., Providence, R. I. *O'Brien, Mary Ellen Perrin, Maude Ethel 15 Alverson Ave., Olneyville, R. I. Turbitt, Agnes Louise 18 Alton St., Providence, R. I. Wallace, Mabel Marsh 449 Plainfield St., Providence, R. I. JUNE, 1902. Adams, Lizzie Aldrich 110 Central Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. Batcheler, Bessie Mae 80 Lexington Ave., Providence, R. I. Bennet, Clara Elizabeth *Brayton, Amelia Louisa *Brennan, Jane Kent Cahill, Catherine Irene 116 Orchard St., East Providence, R. I. Dunn, Mary Cornelia 41 Vinton St., Providence, R. I. Gleason, Daisy Harriet (Whittemore), 1814 K St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Harvey, Anna Margaret 117 Hope St., Providence, R. I. Horrigan, Josephine Olive (Battey) Pascoag, R. I. O'Reilly, Irene Katherine (Heffernan), Woodland Road, Woonsocket, R. I. Orswell, Emeline Amy 631 Public St., Providence, R. I. Rathbun, Jennie Florence Arlington, R. I. Stable, Julia Etta 254 Washington St., Providence, R. I. Straight, Mary Elizabeth 71 Goldsmith Ave., East Providence, R. I. Stratton, Mabel Mary 284 Atwells Ave., Providence, R. I. Sweeney, Katherine Isabelle 311 South Main St., Attleboro, Mass. Tucker, Emma Bascom (Kenyon) . .35 Chestnut St., So. Manchester, Ct. Wales, Bertha Elizabeth 22 Harrison Ave., Taunton, Mass. * Deceased. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 169 NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Walker, Mary Edith (Jenkins) 745 Park Ave., Auburn, R. I. Watts, Laura Evelyn 78 Hillwood Ave., Arlington, R. I. CITY A CLASS JUNE, 1902. Abrams, Marion Colver 16 Peace St., Providence, R. I. Ballou, Zerlina Luella Uxbridge, Mass. Barber, Lulu 4 Adams St., Lakewood, R. Boas, Bella 4 Oak St., Providence, R. Crane, Lillian Eliza 58 Wilson St., Providence, R. Danielson, Edith Russell 655 Public St., Providence, R. Eaton, Mary Chedell 69 Doyle Ave., Providence, R. Feeley, Bertha Louise 583 Public St., Providence, R. Gleason, Winifred Ellen 116 Congdon St, Providence, R. Hartley, Millie Jane 482 Public St., Providence, R. Kilkenny, Geraldine Marie 5 Norwich Ave., Providence, R. Lunden, Olga Johanna 83 Preston St., Providence, R. Monahan, Winifred Josephine. .. .223 Wickenden St., Providence, R. Moore, Clara (Harris) 156 Reynolds Ave., Providence, R. Moran, Mary Columba 118 Tockwotton St., Providence, R. Peirce, Emma Grace 18 Wood St., Providence, R. Perkins, Jessie Garfield 196 Washington Ave., Providence, R. Rogers, Bessie Irene 171 Reservoir Ave., Providence, R. I. KINDERGARTEN, JUNE, 1902. Burdick, Ethel 46 Doyle Ave., Providence, R. I. Edwards, Dora Moses 8 Parkside Road, Providence, R. I. Gilbert, Anna Louise 248 East 34th St., New York, N. Y. Hobson, Louise Boyce Riverside, R. I. Laughlin, Ethel Gertrude East Greenwich, R. I. Marshall, Bertha (Taylor) 47 Potter St., Pawtucket, R. 1. JANUARY, 1903. Alden, Bessie Mabel 58 Durf ee St., Providence, R. I. Beattie. Sarah 43 Illinois St., Central Falls, R. I. Beebe, Edith Adella Noank, Conn. Bennett, Clara Elizabeth (Tallman) . .1112 Broad St., Providence, R. I. Brady, Alice Gertrude 71 Updike St, Providence, R. I. Brownell, Viola Walden (Knight). 51 Congress Ave., Providence, R. I. Cashman, Jennie Elizabeth 160 Sterry St., Pawtucket, R. I. Cavanaugh, Mary Aloysius 48 Whipple St., Pawtucket, R. I. Crandall, Emma 94 Brownell St., Providence, R. I. Davoren, Mary Persis Bristol, R. I. 170 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Dodge, Jessie Evelyn 1195 N. Main St., Providence, R. I. Donahey, Mabel Elizabeth 33 Bridgham St., Providence, R. I. Dunn, Mary Cornelia 41 Vinton St., Providence, R. I. Farnsworth, Nellie Edith (Crandall), 13 Summit Av., Providence, R. I. Leonard, Violet Mabel (Bishop) Marr, Barbara Anderson Cranston, R. I. McNelly, Annie Marie 11 Walnut St., Westerly, R. I. Meehan, Ellen Emma 672 Public St., Providence, R. I. Moran, Eunice Veronica 240 Pawtucket Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. Phetteplace, Sarah Evelyn (Fisher) Northbridge, Mass. Potter, Edna Garfield 12 Linden St., Brookline, Mass. Reynolds, Angie Grace 72 Mineral Spring Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. Rockwood, Nellie Pauline Randolph, Mass. Ross, Josephine Winifred 102 Summit St., East Providence, R. I. Sealander, Hulda Riverside, R. I. Short, Katherine May .56 John St., East Providence, R. I. Sweet, Vera Garfield 34 Division St., Providence, R. I. JUNE, 1903. Agnew, Agnes Elizabeth 114 Prospect Hill St., Newport, R. I. Allenson, Amy Edith (Noble) 49 Summit St., Central Falls, R. I. * Arnold, Eva Elmira Barber, Lulu 4 Adams St., Lakewood, R. I. Bliss, Rose Danielson Port Deposit, Md. Burdick, Annie Potter 46 Doyle Ave., Providence, R. I. Cahill, Teresa Clare 116 Orchard St., East Providence, R. I. Carroll, Elizabeth Veronica Phenix, R. I. Cohen, Etta Esther (Kramer) Woonsocket, R. I. Collins, Reba Janette 8 Fitz Terrace, Chelsea, Mass. Demers, Sarah Cecilia 66 Woodbine St., Pleasant View, R. I. Donovan, Jennie Agnes 202 Power St., Providence, R. I. Donovan, Mary Ann Anthony, R. I. Gardner, Mabel Tillinghast 511 Hope St., Providence, R. I. Gearon, Jane Veronica 39 Harkness St., Providence, R. I. Hawkes, Abbie Anne 16 Pallas St., Providence, R. I. Hokanson, Edith Josephine Rumford, R. I. Johnson, Philomena Margaret 217 Regent Ave., Providence, R. I. Lewis, Susie Clarke Ashaway, R. I. McCaffrey, Jennie Evelyn Warren, R. I. McCusker, Winifred Madeline Arkwright, R. I. Deceased. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 171 NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. McDermott, Eliza Magdalen 75 Coe St., Woonsocket, R. McGinty, Mary Josephine 353 North Main St., Pawtucket, R. McMurrough, Mary Elizabeth 173 Pond St., Providence, R. Parkis, Florence Edith Slatersville, R. Piche, Elizabeth Mary Harrisville, R. Robinson, Anne Jane (Potter) 410 Main St., Norwich, Conn. Shanahan, Mary Genevieve Newport, R. I. Wheeler, Harriet Carleton Asbury Park, N. J. KINDERGARTEN, JUNE, 1903. Angell, Ellen May 42 Arch St., Providence, R. I. Carroll, Bertha Genevieve 66 Lyon St., Pawtucket, R. I. Clarke, Celia Elizabeth (Goodman), 106 Indiana Av., Providence, R. I. Congdon, Lilian Myrtella 36 Chapin Ave., Providence, R. I. Gaddes, Florence Gertrude (Anderton), 394 Lonsdale Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. Hamlin, Charlotte Bradford 7 Humboldt Ave., Providence, R. I. Seymour, Etta Josephine Warren, R. I. Simonds, Sue Carter 33 Pond St., Beverly, Mass. JANUARY, 1904. Barber, Phebe Alice Hope Valley, R. Barry, Julia Etta 73 John St., East Providence, R. Boas, Bella 4 Oak St., Providence, R. Campbell, Florence Margaret Warren, R. Carlin, Mary Augusta 33 Wood St., Providence, R. Carpenter, Ethel Louise 105 Chapin Ave., Providence, R. Clarke, Catherine Louise 81 Pine St., Pawtucket, R. Clavin, Clotilda Josephine Harrisville, R. Donnelly, Teresa Angeline 907 Branch Ave., Providence, R. Durf ee, Ethel Florence Howard, R. Fee, Rosella Pascoag, R. Flagg, Carolyne Davis 166 Harrison St., Providence, R. I Gannon, Eleanor Marie 649 Harris Ave., Providence, R. I Hayden, Alice Sarah Pascoag, R. I *Hines, Elizabeth Veronica Holland, Mary Theresa 16 Albro St., Providence, R. I Irons, Emma Annette (Hopkins) Chepachet, R. I James, Sarah Lila (Bliss) R. F. D. No. 1, Wakefield, R. I Jarvis, Lillian Opal West Groton, Mass * Deceased. 172 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Kelley, Gertrude Louise 347 Carrington St., Woonsocket, R. I. Kilkenny, Geraldine Marie 1356 Broad St., Providence, R. I. Killian, Anna Mary 66 Wayne St., Providence, R. I. Little, Ada .5 Ocean St., Providence, R. I. McCarthy, Frances Mary 188 Lippitt St., Providence, R. I. McGlynn, Margaret Loretta 33 Snell St., Fall River, Mass. McVay, Mary Lucilla 174 Summit St., Pawtucket, R. I. Miner, Adelaide Louise Natick, R. I. Morrison, Elizabeth Claire 30 Malbone Road, Newport, R. I. Nestor, Katherine Vincentia 55 Broad St., Westerly, R. I. *O'Brien, Mary Ellen Fe>kins, Jessie Garfield 233 Messer St., Providence, R. I. Shippee, Lydia Ann 257 Broadway, Providence, R. I. Stanhope, Mary Elizabeth 360 Broadway, Newport, R. I. Taber, Eleaet Elona (Beaman) . .208 Linwood Ave., Providence, R. I. Trescott, Annie May 129 Stanley St., Attleboro Falls, Mass. Tully, Marguerite 47 Park St., North Attleboro, Mass. Wallace, Mabel Marsh (Clarke) .. .449 Plainfield St., Providence, R. I. JULY, 1904. Brindle, Helena May (Leonard) . .105 Alverson Ave., Providence, R. Clifford, Mary Ellen 31 Grape St., Providence, R. *Cram, Mabel Evelyn Crofwell, Agnes Katherine 28 Joslin St., Providence, R. Durfee, Mary Elizabeth Seapowet Ave., Tiverton, R. Eddy, Emma Allen 297 Spring St., Newport, R. Galvin, Loretta Margaret North Swansea, Mass. Giblin, Rose Anna 295 Fountain St., Pawtucket, R. I. Gifford, Honora Rowena 14 Bliss Road, Newport, R. I. Gleason, Winifred Ellen 116 Congdon St., Providence, R. I. Grady, Elizabeth Irene 11 Milk St., Providence, R. I. Hedburg, Lillie Laura Elizabeth .21 Gibbs Ave., Newport, R. I. Hoxsie, Ruth Emma Charlestown, R. I. Hunt, Lillie Amelia 1651 Cranston St., Knightsville, R. I. Lunden, Olga Johanna 83 Preston St., Providence, R. I. Mitchell, Emily Annabel Harrisville, R. I. Moe, Agnes Marian Greenwood Ave., Rumford, R. I. Moore, Clara 47 Da-boll St., Providence, R. I. * Deceased. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 173 NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. KINDERGARTEN, JULY, 1904. Allen, Cordelia Lewin 46 Vernon St., Pawtucket, R. I. Mackie, Mary Harrison Ave., Newport, R. I. JANUARY, 1905. Anthony, Elizabeth Palmer Middletown, R. I. Barbour, Helen Cora (Carmack) Ontario St., Providence, R. I. Bransfield, Jennie May 62 Cross St., Westerly, R. I. Carroll, Alice Barbara 66 Lyon St., Pawtucket, R. I. Cole, Martha Kathleen 81 Potter Ave., Providence, R. I. Day, Olivia Marie Cecilia 71 Davis St., Providence, R. I. Easterbrooks, Alice May (Richardson)..? Forest St., Attleboro, Mass. Edgecomb, Anna Carolyn 14 George St., Pawtucket, R. I. Flynn, Nellie Irene 22 Rocket St., Westerly, R. I. Gile, Beatrice 19 Third St., Attleboro, Mass. Hayden, Eva Belle 148 Norwood Ave., Edgewood, R. I. Lee, Annie Easton 359 Spring St., Newport, R. I. Legate, Alice Mabel 389 Pine St, Providence, R. I. Loftus, Bessie Agnes 1377 Chalkstone Ave., Providence, R. I. McAlonan, Mary Jane Georgiana 81 Lawn St., Providence, R. I. McKenna, Theresa Veronica 132 Hudson St, Providence, R. I. O'Hara, Hannah Teresa 31 Corinth St., Providence, R. I. Osborne, Nettie Gertrude 199 Second Ave., Woonsocket, R. I. Parker, Ellen Jane 18 Elmhurst Ave., Providence, R. I. Ploettner, Viola Ulrika Pawtucket, R. I. Robblee, Stella Hannah 71 Regent St., Providence, R. I. Schutz, Helene (Hellar) . . .40th St., and Grand Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Snow, Edith Maria 291 Lamatine St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. Thurber, Beulah Evelyn ( Wheaton) Seekonk, Mass. JUNE, 1905. Aylsworth, Leila 1853 Broad St., Providence, R. I. Bacheller, Nellie Hathaway Amherst, N. H. Bingham, Margaret Ashton, R. I. Brennan, Anna Teresa Peacedale, R. I. Cosgrove, Mary Alice 178 Woodward Ave., East Providence, R. I. Cowen, Geneva Gale Somerville, N. J. Dennegan, Mary Agnes Riverpoint, R. I. Donovan, Alice Maud Mary 209 Spring St., Newport, R. I. Fulton, Annie Isabel 25 Violet St., Providence, R. I. Hennessey, Jennie Elizabeth C...112 Warren Ave., E. Providence, R. I. Holmquist, Ellen Otelia 10 Alphonso St., Providence, R. I. 174 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Leach, Bessie Eleanor Slatersville, R. Luther, Carrie Garfield North Scituate, R. Maloney, Margaret Elizabeth 71 Bernon St., Providence, R. McManus, Mary Elizabeth Coventry, R. Mowry, Ethel 162 Academy Ave., Providence, R. Mowry, Grace Annie Murray, Ellen- Mary 47 Lin wood Ave., Providence, R. 1. Murray, Mary Helena 125 Governor St., Providence R. 1. Orpin, Bertha Jane 43 Bassett St., Providence, R. I. Perry, Nellie Violet 123 Elmwood Ave., Providence, R. I. Roche, Marion deSales Whitinsville, Mass. Salois, Mary Elizabeth 299 Knight St., Providence, R. I. Smith, Eleanor Beverly 89 Kenyon St., Providence, R. I. Thornton, Louise Estelle Foxboro, Mass. Tiernan, Mary Winifred 126 East George St., Providence, R. I. Toolin, Alice Cecilia Cowesett, R. I. Walsh, Mary Taft 6 Cromwell St., Providence, R. I. Whaley, Clara Pullen Wakefield, R. I. Young, Florence Edith 231 North Main St., Woonsocket, R. I. KINDERGARTEN JUNE, 1905. Allen, May Barton 625 Angell St., Providence, R. I. Angell, Grace Caroline Touissett, Mass. Atwell, Edna Lawrence Hebronville, Mass. Bates, Emma Irene R. F. D., Oaklawn, R. I. Carpenter, Mary Amanda 774 Broadway, East Providence, R. I. Chase, Alice Stevens 128 Fifth St., East Providence, R. I. Church, Annie Louise Warren, R. I. Clough, Grace Linda Slatersville, R. I. Cullen, Elizabeth Magdalen 119 Spring St., Pawtucket, R. I. Easton, Mary Annie Louise 145 Wesleyan Ave., Providence, R. I. Fairbanks, Rachel Marion 13 Summit St., Central Falls, R. I. Goff, Flora May Hebronville, Mass. Gooding, Grace Louise 144 Central St., Central Falls, R. I. Hayes (Mrs.), Eliza Place 13 Parkis Ave., Providence, R. I. Hey worth, Marguerite Monroe 9 Wesleyan Ave., Providence, R. I. Huntsman, Edith Antoinette. .. .37 South Angell St., Providence, R. I. Makin, Jessie Viola 90 Prospect St., Pawtucket, R. I. Murphy, Sara Mae Ashaway, R. I. Reid, Jennie 16 Friendship St., Newport, R. I. Sampson, Mildred Louise 27 Friendship St., Newport, R. I. Smith, Beulah Worth 25 Lenox Ave., Providence, R. I. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 175 NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Stafford, Charlotte Leavitt 2 Humboldt Ave., Providence, R. I. Whittaker, Bernice Elizabeth 78 Earle St., Central Falls, R. I. Wiswall, Marion Constance 50 Lexington Ave., Providence, R. I. JANUARY, 1906. Aldred, Lillian Hilton 42 Salina St., Providence, R. I. Appleby, Mabel Evelyn Mansfield, Mass. Bannon, Zita May 378 Central St., Central Falls, R. I. Barry, Ursula Marie 60 East Manning St., Providence, R. I. Bell, Hattie May Hillsgrove, R. I. Black, Mary Ann Pascoag, R. I. Burlingame, Ada Maria Box 16, East Killingly, Conn. Carney, Sara Jane 15 Spring St., Westerly, R. I. Carroll, Sara Agnes 658 Chalkstone Ave., Providence, R. I. Cole, Ethel Cordelia Greenwood, R. I. Collins, Anna Elizabeth k Alton, R. I. Comstock, Mary Canfield Bedlow Ave., Newport, R. I. Corcoran, Mary Ellen (Cunningham) . .Andem St., Providence, R. I. Coutanche, Catherine Grace 91 Sheldon St., Providence, R. I. Cox. Theresa Emma 40 Sterry St., Pawtucket, R. I. Creamer. Ellen Mary (Kindelan) 99 Clyde St, Pawtucket, R. I. Crumley, Laura Jeanette Danielson, Conn. Davis, Gertrude L. (Guckelberger) . . .25 Battey St., Providence, R. I. Dean, Charlotte May Augustine 36 Hope St., Providence, R. I. Fitz-Simon, May Angela Lonsdale, R. I. Gannon, Harriet Loretta 225 Bellevue Ave., Providence, R. I. Garity, Rose Cecilia 49 Lyon St., Fall River, Mass. Gorman, Mary Anne 48 Hope St., Providence, R. I. Hawes, Irene Box 303, Riverside, R. I. Hayes, Alma Lillis Block Island, R. I. Latham, Annie Celinda 117 Clay St., Central Falls, R. I. Lennon, Elizabeth Lillian 96 Pond St., Pawtucket, R. I. Martin, Inez Lillian 62 Conant St., Pawtucket, R. I. McLaren, Bertha Frances 116 Columbia Ave., Edgewood, R. I. McMahon, Mary Monica Berkeley, R. I. Morrison, Genevieve Frances 30 Malbone Ave., Newport, R. I. Schiller, Edna Valerie 53 Tremont St., Central Falls, R. I. Shea, Mary Monica 26 Noyes Ave., Westerly, R. I. Taylor, Mabel Lydia Riverpoint, R. I. Tierney. May Josephine 146 Woodbine St., Auburn, R. I. Tyrrell. Elizabeth Grace 90 Carpenter St., Pawtucket, R. I. Vaughn. Bertha Greene Davisville, R. I. 176 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Walsh, Teresa Catherine Blackstone, Mass. Welsh, Alice Mary 23 Wood St., Warren, R. I. JUNE, 1906. Barnett, Stella May 607 Mount Hope St., North Attleboro, Mass. Conyers, Ada 904 Cranston St., Arlington, R. I. *Dennis, Emily May Fitzsimmons, Katherine Harriet 120 Metcalf St., Providence, R. 1. Flanagan, Rosanna Cecilia 1705 Chalkstone Ave., Providence, R. I. Frost, Grace Larua West Barrington, R. I. Fuller, Inez Mabel 258 Lowell Ave., Providence, R. I. Gibbs, Eva Lucile 1736 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. Greenblatt, Eva Rebecca 137 Brownell St., Providence, R. I. Hadley, May 269 Doyle Ave., Providence, R. I Hedberg, Hilla Bertha Maria 21 Gibbs Ave., Newport, R. I. Hoye, Monica Mary 59 Glenham St., Providence, R. I. Kingsley, Gertrude May * 266 Webster Ave., Providence, R. I. Law, Clara Alice 286 Villa Nova, Woonsocket, R. I. Martin, Helen Agatha 420 Fairmount St., Woonsocket, R. I. McGinty, Catherine Agnes 353 North Main St., Pawtucket, R. I. McKenna, Isabelle Madeline 98 Steele St., Providence, R. I. Nason, Edna Eldred Nasonville, R. I. Norton, Sarah Lillian 66 Hospital St., Providence, R. I. Phillips, Velna Inez Phenix, R. I. Rattigan, Nora Frances 388 Douglas Ave., Providence, R. I. Rice, Annie Eleanor 83 Burrington St., Providence, R. I. Smith, Clara Gertrude 45 Thacher St., Attleboro, Mass. Stillman, Phebe Anna Ashaway, R. I. Webb, Clara Elizabeth Howard, R. I. Whipple, Bertha May Woonsocket, R. I. Whiting, Edna May Barrington, R. I. KINDERGARTEN JUNE, 1906. Burnham, Bertha Agnes 27 Rand St., Central Falls, R. I. Collison, Mabelle Ellen 115 Pocasset Ave., Providence, R. I. Currier, Elsie Maria 12 Howard Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. Durfee, Mabel Marshall 1057 Cranston St., Arlington, R. I. Forsyth, Lulu Maud 108 Harold St., Mount Pleasant, R. I. Grimes, Emma L. (Harson) . . . .94 Carrington Ave., Providence, R. I. Hanrahan, Alice Helena 11 Ruggles St., Providence, R. 1. * Deceased. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 177 NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Horton, Elizabeth Bruce 21 Star St., Pawtucket, R. I. Hunt, Maud Grosvenor 109 Narragansett Ave., Providence, R. I. Manatt, Lucile Faith 59 Charles Field St., Providence, R. I. McElroy, Nellie Madeline 88 Brook St., Pawtucket, R. I. Pease, Bertha Adaline 72 Concord St., Nashua, N. H. Saunders, Carrie Lua Westerly, R. I. Sawyer, Winifred Warren .... Care of Mr. L. Tufts, Pinehurst, N. C. Sturdy, Marguerite (Cannon) 159 Wesleyan Ave., Providence, R. I. Swan, Florence Vincent Westerly, R. I. Tingley, Mary Bullock 48 South Union St., Pawtucket, R. I. Tweedley, Elizabeth Douglas 1257 Cranston St., Cranston, R. I. Wilmarth, Elsie Mae Attleboro Falls, Mass. JANUARY, 1907. Adams, Climena 484 Wellington Ave., Auburn, R. I. Anthony, Jennie Louise (Cooke)..17 Madison Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Babcock, Lizzie Sharpe 341 Broadway, Newport, R. Baxter, Helen Gushing 147 Waverly St., Providence, R. Blake, Margaret Whyte 47 School St., Westerly, R. Bray, Susan Elizabeth 48 Anthony Ave., Pawtucket, R. Casey, Katherine Louise 27 Claremont Ave., Providence, R. Coffey, Margaret Maybelle M 20 Seventh St., Providence, R. Cook, Vera Sherburne 202 Providence St., Woonsocket, R. Cronan, Alice Veronica 29 Rebekah St., Woonsocket, R. Cunningham, Mabel Stanton Box 382, Warren. Mass. Devlin. Gertrude Maria 28 Main St., Blackstone, Mass. Dodge, Hazel May Block Island, R. I. Dodge, Rena Belle 12 Oak St., Providence, R. I. Eddy, Ethel Elizabeth 68 Peck St., Attleboro, Mass. Flood, Winifred Agnes 107 Washington St., Central Falls, R. I. Flynn, Estella Patricia 907 Manton Ave., Providence, R. I. Galeuzzi, Katherine Jennie 224 Atwells Ave., Providence, R. I. Gerhard, Rosena Margaret 26 Prospect St., East Providence, R. I. Keegan, Barbara Gabriel 13 Harriet St., Providence, R. I. Leahy, Margaret Anne Metacom Ave., Bristol, R. I. Mahan, Mary Zita 31 Jenks St., Central Falls, R. I. Marrah, Annie 92 Division St., Woonsocket, R. I. Martin, Annie Gildard (Cole) 8 Belmont St., Pawtucket, R. I. McCardell, Rose Marie 49 Humboldt Ave., Providence, R. I. McCormick, Marguerite Irene.. 333 Taunton Ave., E. Providence, R. I. McGovern, Theresa Mary Blackstone, Mass. McGrane, Mary Josephine 90 South St., Providence, R. I. 178 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. McGreevy, Edith Margaret 16 Hendrick St., Providence, R. I. McNally, Jennie Loretta 39 Fallan Ave., Providence, R. I. Meikle, Jeanie Burns 12 Narragansett Ave., Westerly, R. I. Midgley, Emma Clare 259 Benefit St., Providence, R. I. Pennington, Harriet Helme 295 West Ave., Pawtucket, R. 1. Phelan, Julia Agnes 16 Chapel St., Newport, R. I. Rogers, Evelyn May (Coates) 44 Dover St., Providence, R. I. Rounds, Ethel Flora 32 North Ave., Attleboro Falls, Mass. Shields, Mary Christine 192 Warren Ave., East Providence, R. I. Slade, Nancy Mason Swansea, Mass. Sullivan, Agnes 8 Bridge St., Newport, R. I. Tally, Elizabeth Gertrude 28 Vernon St., Providence, R. I. Tobin, Annie Marie Bristol, R. I. Tobin, Elizabeth Ann Riverside, R. I. Tripp, Esther Waterman 85 Maplewood Ave., Cranston, R. I. Tutin, Kathleen 142 Blackstone St., Woonsocket, R. I. White, Charlotte Emma 188 North Main St., Woonsocket, R. I. JUNE, 1907. Atkinson, Emma Bradford Rehoboth, Mass. Bliven, Claire 94 Main St., Westerly, R. I. Brady, Anna Evangeline 393 Weeden St., Pawtucket, R. I. Buchart, Syvilla Regina 275 Globe St., Providence, R. I. Burns, Bessie Genevieve- 12 Norwich Ave., Providence, R. I. Chappell, Grace Miriam R. F. D., Rehoboth, Mass. Clifford, Johanna Leona 31 Grape St., Providence, R. I. Cole, Elizabeth Frances 91 Dover St., Providence, R. I. Crowe, Annie Louise 75 Dora St., Providence, R. I. Deane, Cassie Inez 160 Adams St., Woonsocket, R. I. Greene, Ruth 12 Osborne St., Providence, R. I. Hill, Pauline Beatrice 411 Friendship St., Providence, R. I. Jenckes, Helen Stanley 67 Laura St., Providence, R. I. Johnson, Mary Christina 196 Linwood Ave., Providence, R. I. *McGilvrey, Cynthia Helen Miller, Pearl F. (Crawford) . .3200 Pawtucket Ave., East Prov., R. I. O'Reilly, Teresa Marie 971 Branch Ave., Providence, R. I. Rice, Ella Paula Maria 82 Centre St., Pawtucket, R. I. Sweeney, Katherine Loretta 8 Wellington St., Providence, R. I. KINDERGARTEN JUNE, 1907. Bannon, Margaret Alice 32 Bagley St., Central Falls, R. I. Brooks, Ruth 23 Mary Ave., East Providence, R. I. * Deceased. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 179 NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Broome, Grace Esther 295 Pawtucket Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. Brown, Grace Emily (Abbott) Andover, Mass. Fales, Bertha Dunham (Cook) Bristol, R. I. Fales, Florence Louise 483 High St., Central Falls, R. I. Hall, Helen 14 Angle St., Pawtucket, R. I. Lawton, Nellie Estelle 179 High St., Pawtucket. R. I. Mather, Sarah Brownson 236 Lockwood St., Providence, R. I. Matteson, Marion Eudora 140 Lafayette St., Pawtucket, R. I. Mattison, Ethel Champlin. .... 183 Armington St., Edgewood, R. I. McKenna, Agnese Regina 39 Bainbridge Ave., Providence, R. I. Merewether, Abby Louise (White) 11 Arch St., Providence, R. I. Miller, Jessie Denham 88 Spring St., Pawtucket, R. I. O'Connor, Clara Louise 27 Lawn Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. Patterson, Bessie 169 East Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. Smith, Georgianna 109 Massachusetts Ave.. Providence, R. I. Stoddard, Jennie Winsor 7 Division St., Newport, R. I. Wallace, Alice Lonez 475 Public St., Providence, R. I. Wilmarth, Elsie Mae Attleboro Falls, Mass. JUNE, 1908. A very, Nellie Mary Groton, Conn. Bransfield, Annie Regina 4 George St., Westerly, R. I. Briggs, Geneva Maude Barton's Corner, East Greenwich, R. I. Butler, Alice Frances Berkeley, Cumberland, R. I. Colvin, Jessie Jones 24 Whipple Ave., Arlington, R. I. Creighton, Mary Martha Blackstone, Mass. Davis, Mary Antoinette Maplewood, N. J. Eaton, Helen 50 Forest St., Providence, R. I. Edwards, Fannie Ella Ashaway, Hopkinton, R. I. Finn, Catherine Gertrude 34 Parker St., Central Falls, R. I. Healey, Mary Loretta 37 Cobb St., East Providence, R. I. Heck, Mary Lucia 14 Carpenter St.. Providence, R. I. Hillman, Linda Matilda 89 Holman St., Attleboro, Mass. Hunt, Carrie Lavinia 603 Angell St., Providence, R. I. James, Marcia Helen Wood Lafayette, R. I. Murray, Anna Veracondia King St., Pontiac, R. I. Xissen, Clara Christine Dorothea 6 Lincoln St.. Newport, R. I. Page, Mattie Maybel 162 Webster Ave., Providence, R. I. Palmer, Mary Eleanor 1536 Cranston St., Cranston, R. I. Rogers, Estella Ray Davisville, North Kingstown, R. I. Sherman, Lillian Maria Harrisville, R. I. Sullivan, Teresa Eligius 488 Thames St.. Newport. R. I. i8o RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Taber, Jessie Maud 383 Hope St., Providence, R. I. Vars, Effie Hannah Niantic, R. I. Wood, Florence Shoers Leonard's Corner, East Providence, R. I. JUNE, 1908. Anthony, Sarah Talbot .Ruggles Ave., Newport, R. I. Bosworth, Ethel J. (Hooper).. 487 Chalkstone Ave., Providence, R. I. Cristy, Esther Gilbert 102 Wayland Ave., Providence, R. I. Dean, Katherine Gertrude 36 Hope St., Providence, R. I. Greene, Marguerite Lillibridge 36 Providence St., Providence, R. I. Kent, Marjorie 125 Adelaide Ave., Providence, R. I. Lewis, Caroline La Vaughn 148 Holden St., Providence, R. I. Munnegle, Bessie Josephine 19 Livingstone St., Providence, R. J. Pettis, Helen Bissell 55 Waterman St., Providence, R. I. Watts, Annie May Cynthia 78 Hillwood Ave., Arlington, R. I. JANUARY, 1908. Adams, Elizabeth Frances 5 Whetmore St., Central Falls, R. I. Aslin, Florence Mabel 23 Nebraska St., Providence, R. I. Ballou, Lulu Beatrice 35 Rand St., Central Falls, R. I. Barry, Ella Gertrude 57 Pine St., Woonsocket, R. I. Blair, Eleanor Grover 65 Peace St., Providence, R. I. Bowen, Marion Henry 38 Humboldt Ave., Providence, R. I. Brady, Rosetta Clare 135 High St., Woonsocket, R. I. Bransfield, Katherine Agnes 4 George St., Westerly, R. I. Brown, Gladys Midclletown, R. I. Buckley, Mary Camilla 22 Palmer St., Providence, R. I. Burton, Belle 135 East George St., Providence, R. I. Carry, Mabel Florence 298 Broadway, Newport, R. I. Corbett, Mary Jane Mansfield, Mass. Curren, Agnes Theresa 107 Calhoun Ave., Providence, R. I. Dorchester, Hope Sutherland 31 Stanwood St., Providence, R. I. Driscoll, Annie Ellyn 303 High St., Valley Falls, R. I. Dwyer, Mary Letitia Dresser St., Newport, R. I. Finn, Mary Anna , 11 Whittenton St., Taunton, Mass. Flavin, Lillian Agnes 41 High St., Mansfield, Mass. Gleason, Margaret Clementine 122 Bridgham St., Providence, R. I. Goodwin, Susan Elizabeth 86 Doyle Ave., Providence, R. I. Gormley, Katherine Louise. .. .1745 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. Hall. Mildred Waldo 42 Glenham St., Providence, R. I. Hill, Esther Frances East Providence Centre, R. I. Hughes, Anna Louise Miriam 77 Franklin St., Bristol, R. I. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 181 NAME. K O. ADDRESS. Hurley, Adelaide Proctor 45 Elmdale Ave., Providence, R. I. Jackowitz, Annie Catherine 269 Martin St., East Providence, R. I. Johnson, Jessie Gertrude Montclair, N. J. Kenyon, Maybell Constance Hopkinton, R. I. Kerr, Josephine Rose 568 Wood St., Bristol, R. Larkin, Charlotte Stillman. Ashaway, R. Lindsay, Ethel Louise 62 Camp St., Providence, R. MacLellan, Ella Grace Y. W. C. A, Providence, R. McCabe, Margaret Isabelle Blackstone, Mas . McElroy, Alice Rosalie 256 Wickenden St., Providence, R. McKenzie, Margaret Jane North Smithfield, R. McTernan, Mary Frances 61 Providence St., Providence, R. Mee, Delia Veronica 28 Cherry St., Woonsocket, R. Nolan, Frances Gertrude 294 Douglas Ave., Providence, R. I. O'Donnell, Annie Regina 159 High St., Woonsocket, R. I. Parker, Florence Adele 59 Doane St., Cranston, R. I. Payne, Ethel Whipple Chamberlain 306 High St., Valley Falls, R. I. Peckham, Edith May 120 Commonwealth Ave., Attleboro, Mass. Pickering, Sara Leona Blackstone, Mass. Reilly, Mary Louise 231 Federal St., Providence, R. I. Rigney, Mary Viola Allenton, North Kingstown, R. I. Robbins, Eva Frances 95 Clarence St., Auburn, R. I. Roche, Mary Louise Pierce St., Westerly, R. I. Rose, Annie Rebecca.. 120 Commonwealth Ave., Attleboro Falls, Mass. Schwab, Augusta Ernestine 165 Calhoun Ave., Providence, R. I. Stedman, Bertha May 122 Pleasant St., Providence, R. I. Stewart, Marion Frances Ashton, Cumberland, R. I. Tracy, Katherine Matilda 476 Branch Ave., Providence, R. I. Vanier, Ella Louise 32 Union St., Attleboro, Mass. Waters, Susan Rebecca 54 Waller St., Providence, R. I. West, Helen Josephine 95 Roanoke St., Providence, R. I. Williams, Ida Arlein 675 North Broadway, East Providence, R. I. JUNE, 1909. Barnes, Florence Mendon Road, Ashton, R. I. Beebe, Clara Haskell 125 High St., Perth Amboy, N. J. Bliss, Mildred Emily R. F. D. No. 1, Attleboro, Mass. Bray, Mercy 48 Anthony Ave., Pawtucket, R. Brodie, Wilhelmina Rutherford 13 West St., Westerly, R. Bryans, Maud Ervella West Barrington. R. Childs, Cora 11 Sefton Drive, Edgewood, R. Clark, Eugene Ralph Lonsdale, R. 182 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Currie, Clara Jane 10 Holden St., Attleboro, Mass. Dailey, Helen Clotilde 485 Park Ave., Woonsocket, R. I. Dyer, Mary Theresa 78 Freeborn Ave., East Providence, R. I. Eldred, Jennie May 3 Chase St., Westerly, R. I. Giblin, Teresa Dorothy .... Narragansett Terrace, Crescent Park, R. I. Greene, Emily Bennett 7 School St., Westerly, R. 1. Hall, Florence Blanche 48 High St., North Attleboro, Mass. Jackowitz, Elizabeth Agnes 269 Martin St., East Providence, R. Jackson, Almira Gertrude Centreville, Warwick, R. Jenks, Avis Browning 22 Eighth St., Providence, R. Kennedy, Grace Agnes 26 Cypress St., Providence, R. McCoart, Mary Veronica 8 Linden Ave., Rumford, R. McCormick, Genevieve Maria 51 Cushman St., Pawtucket, R. Mclnerney, Anna Louise 15 Francis Ave., Auburn, R. McNeal, Kathleen Genevieve 225 East Ave., Pawtucket, R. Page, Lillian Adeline 52 Wood St., Providence, R. Palmer, Cecile Cassius East Greenwich, R. I. Phillips, May Adalyn 279 George St., Providence, R. I. Searle, Edna Louise Oaklawn, R. I. Steere, Adah Evelyn Harmony, R. I. Stone, Ida Isabel 73 Mitchell St., Providence, R. I. Tracy, Helen Frances 476 Branch Ave., Providence, R. I. Tully, Sara Gertrude 47 Park St., Providence, R. I. Watrous, Mildred Lavergne Hope Valley, Hopkinton, R. I. Webber, Elizabeth Mary Monroe Centre, Maine West, Sara Veronica 258 California Ave., Providence, R. I. Whaley, Grace Catherine 16 Woodbine St., Providence, R. I. KINDERGARTEN JUNE, 1909. Angell, Lucia Edna 42 Arch St., Providence, R. I. Beebe, Lila Adeline 87 Dartmouth Ave., Providence, R. I. Bowen, Mary Agnes 984 Main St., Worcester, Mass. Browne, Marion Blanchard 48 Lyon St., Pawtucket, R. I. Conley, Deborah Rose Block Island, R. I. Corrigan, Eleanor Genevieve Pawtucket, R. I. Fallen, Elizabeth Leonie 34 Potter St., Pawtucket, R. T. King, Helen Swinburne 11 Clinton Ave., Newport, R. I. McVay, Alice Geraldine 174 Summit St., Pawtucket, R. I. O'Connor, Olive Rossiter 81 Evergreen St., Providence, R. I. Ruoff, Dorothea Barbara 27 Amy St., Providence, R. I. Sawyer, Annie Eastwood Shawomet Beach, R. I. Speers, Margaret Jane 22 Summer St., Newport, R. I. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 183 NAME. ' P. O. ADDRESS. Tuckef, Ethel Aldrich Kingston, R. I. Walsh, Mary Agnes 21 Mill St., Newport, R. I. JANUARY, 1909. Agnew, Kathryn Frances 21 Gibbs Ave., Newport, R. I. Bailey, Helen Gertrude Swansea, Mass. Barry, Charlotte Agnes 60 East Manning St., Providence, R. Bixby, Gladys Mabelle 46 Stanwood St., Providence, R. Bode, Gertrude Elizabeth 33 Ridge St., Providence, R. Brodie, Mary Jane Campbell Westerly, R. Brooks, May Irene Ashton, Cumberland, R. Burges, Marion Lilleth Norwood, Warwick, R. Carroll, Fannie Catherine 131 Tockwotton St., Providence, R. Cook, Cora May Adams 34 Dean St, Woonsocket, R. Crawshaw, Maye Louise 37 Porter St., Taunton, Mass. Cronin, Ethel Carter 25 Newcornb Place, Taunton, Mass. Devanney, Teresa Joanna 79 Brook St., Pawtucket, R. I. Dillon, Agnes Margaret 38 Walling St., Providence, R. I. Donovan, Katherine Pauline 20 Bacheller's Court, Newport, R. I. Fitton, Gertrude Margaret 477 Broadway, Pawtucket, R. I. Gallup, Alice May East Street, Mansfield, Mass. Gilmore, Erastine Bright 14 Perrin St., Attleboro, Mass. Harrington, Alice Mary 14 Calvert St., Newport, R. I. Holt, Gertrude Marguerite 100 Almy St., Providence, R. I. Jenckes, Eliza May Centredale, R. I. Jones, Melissa Anne 291 Spring St., Newport, R. I. Kelly, Winifred Elizabeth .... 10 Prospect St., North Attleboro, Mass. Kennedy, Mary Cecilia 549 Broadway, Providence, R. I. King, Marguerite Williams Mystic, Conn. Knight, Minnie Edna 68 Lloyd Ave., Providence, R. I. Lillibridge, Marjorie Vinal 46 Doyle Ave. Providence, R. I. Lincoln, Clara Louise 30 Church St., North Attleboro, Mass. Lonergan, Genevieve Rose Joyce St., Warren, R. I. Lundin, Esther 164 Massachusetts Ave., Providence, R. I. MacLellan, Rowena 87 John St., Newport, R. I. Manchester, Myra Louise Tiverton, R. I. McCartin, Ellen Theresa 441 Fountain St., Providence, R. I. McKivergan, Anna Kathryn 123 Atlantic Ave., Providence, R. I. Moreau, Blanche Albina 4 Fletcher St., Central Falls, R. I. Murray, Katharine Regina 165 Pine St., Pawtucket, R. I. Nelson, Nellie May 13 Halsey St., Providence, R. I. Nickerson, Irene Mabel 71 Princeton Ave., Providence, R. I. 184 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. NAME. p. Q. ADDRESS. O'Neill, Katharine Gertrude 201 Oakland Ave., Providence, R. I. O'Reilly, Helen Regina 971 Branch Ave., Providence, R. I. Phillips, Jennie Winchester Allenton, North Kingstown, R. I. Prentiss, Inez 34 Moulton St., North Weymouth, Mass. Purdy, Lelia Jane 148 Cottage St., Pawtucket, R. I. Rawson, Ethel Almira 134 Bridgham St., Providence, R. I. Regan, Alice Veronica 12 Russell St., Taunton, Mass. Ryan, Grace Marguerite 441 Broad St., Lonsdale, R. I. Schwarz, Bessie Rogers 24 Tilley Ave., Newport, R. I. Sherwood, Carrie Grace 19 Hay ward St., Attleboro, Mass. Sullivan, Kathryn Ursula 488 Thames St., Newport, R. I. Sullivan, Margaret Pickett 17 Burnside Ave., Newport, R. I, Sullivan, Mary Burke 25 Carey St., Newport, R. I. Teasdale, Gladys Minnie Ellis Road, Attleboro, Mass. Tillson, Leila Amelia 5 Perrin St., Attleboro, Mass. Tinkham, Marian Lois Warren, R. I. Warren, Gertrude Louise Blackstone, Mass. Wetherell, Hannah Sylvina 4 Wesley St., Newport, R. I. Wheeler, Laura Kempton 125 Ingell St., Taunton, Mass. Whiteknact, Emma Grace 114 Tremont St., Central Falls, R. I. SENIOR A CLASS JANUARY 28, 1910. Alger, Anna Mary 23 Brinly St., Newport, R. I. Baker, Edith Maywood 101 Aldrich St., Providence, R. I. Barney, Susan Hammond 20 Dartmouth Ave., Providence, R. I. Barry, Genevieve Thomas 60 East Manning St., Providence, R. I. Brennan, Mary Martha 75 Abbott St., Providence, R. I. Burdick, Edith Emily Pawcatuck, Stonington, Conn. Carr, Louise Cory .Jamestown, R. I. Carroll, Elizabeth Gertrude 658 Chalkstone Ave., Providence, R. Clarke, Martina Elizabeth 104 Camp St., Providence, R. Crawford, Lillian Bell 46 Clarendon St., Auburn, R. Cronin, Catherine Margaret 11 Handy St., Providence, R. Crossley, Marion Augusta 1412 Broad St., Providence, R. Disley, Florence Gertrude 911 Smith St., Providence, R. Donahue, Elizabeth Ryder 67 Rochambeau Ave., Providence, R. Dunn, Sarah Veronica 127 Vinton St., Providence, R. I. Ekstrom, Agnes Hilda Norwood, R. I. Ells, Mary Victoria 12 John St., Valley Falls, R. I. Fisher, Goldina Mabel 263 Benefit St., Providence, R. I. Five, Elsie Mary 582 South Main St., Woonsocket, R. I. Foley, Katharine Louise 262 Point St., Providence, R. I. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 185 NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Gardner, Mary Nettie 120 Transit St., Providence, R. I. Griswold, Clara Elizabeth 72 Carpenter St., East Providence, R. I. Hager, Grace Evelyn 700 Park Ave., Auburn, R. I. Harrington, Mary Angela 415 Wickenden St., Providence, R. I. Hart, Jennie Frances 85 Vine St., East Providence, R. I. Healey, Matilda Gertrude 38 Market St, Warren, R. I. Hofeditz, Mary Louise 51 Oxford St., Providence, R. I. Howard, Marie Regina 165 Holden St., Providence, R. I. Kelly, Katherine Helen 291 Pine St., Pawtucket, R. I. Kimball, Harriet Hawley Simmonsville, Johnston, R. I. King, Katherine Theresa 80 Dover St., Providence, R. I. Lovell, Millicent Frances .489 East Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. Mailloux, Georgiana Emma 832 Elm St., Woonsocket, R. I. Martin, Agnes Bruce 64 Crescent St., Providence, R. I. Maver, Marie Stella 164 Pond St., Providence, R. I. McEvoy, Alice Helena 181 Woodward Road, Providence, R. I. McGrath, Annie Irene 101 North Main St., Woonsocket, R. I. McHugh, Gertrude Elizabeth 6 Bingham St., Providence, R. I. McMahon, Mary Perpetua 190 North Bend St., Pawtucket, R. I. McVay, Helen Barbara 174 Summit St., Pawtucket, R. I. Meegan, Marion Christina 21 Barstow St., Providence, R. I. Miller, Gertrude Charlotte 80 Seymour St., Providence, R. I. Natke, Ethel May 159 Lonsdale Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. Norris, Charlotte Elizabeth 18 Moss St, Westerly, R. I. O'Brien, Marian Frances 15 Marrin St., Pawtucket, R. I. Peckham, Annie Laurie Winnibel. . .91 Green End Ave., Newport, R. I. Robertson, Margaret Isabel 7 Pacific St., Central Falls, R. I. Rowen, Mar}' Margaret 609 Broadway, Providence, R. I. Ryan, Frances Augusta 441 Broad St., Lonsdale, R. I. Salisbury, Beatrice Elthea 94 Andem St., Providence, R. I. Sanford,.Ella Wilson 7 Congdon Ave., Newport, R. I. Shea, Mary Elizabeth 82 Blackball St, New London, Conn. Stucker, Alice Estelle 25 Hoyle St.. Providence, R. I. Sullivan, Gertrude 8 Bridge St, Newport, R. I. Sullivan, Madeleine Teresa 54 Vernon St., Providence, R. I. Sweers, May Rose Lawrence 521 Broad St., Lonsdale, R. I. Wilcox, Florence Eveline Noank, Conn. Woodman, Hazel Whittier 75 Updike St., Providence. R. I. Young, Bessie Watson. 23 Pomona Ave., Providence, R. I. Young, Mildred 189 Central St, Central Falls, R. I. SENIOR A CLASS JUNE 24, 1910. Abrams, Esther Julia 215 Meeting St, Providence, R. I. Beebe, Natalie 124 High St, Perth Amboy, N. J. Blessing, Irene Mercy 56 Prairie Ave., Providence, R. I. Brown, Catherine Laurentia 34 Zone St., Providence, R. I. 1 86 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. *Brown, Cora West Kingston, R. I. Burns, Janet Park 1133 Cranston St., Arlington, R. I. Chaimplin, Eva May Teresa Exeter Hill, R. I. Cheetham, Florence Mercedes 231 Division St., Pawtucket, R. I. Connon, Isabella Mary 154 Laban St., Providence, R. I. Curry, Mary Josephine 34 Rosedale St., Providence, R. I. Donovan, Mary Eleanor 68 Larch St., Providence, R. I. Dykes, Margaret Black 887 Branch Ave., Providence, R. I. Fallon, Catherine Virginia 34 Potter St., Pawtucket, R. I. Fitzpatrick, Alice Melissa Arkwright, R. I. Gillette, Mary Adelaide 1367 Westminster St., Providence, R. I Gillette, Sarah Elizabeth 1367 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. Hodnett, Catherine Theresa 18 Winsor St., Providence, R. I. Huntley, Carrie Belle 217 Main St., Claremont, N. H. Jackson, Lelia Catherine Deon 43 Hall Ave., Newport, R. I. Kelcher, Mary Elizabeth 167 West Broad St., Westerly, R. I. Kiernan, Marie Celestine 213 Carpenter St., Providence, R. I Lane, Edith May Warwick, R. I. Long, Mary Elizabeth 13 Summer St., Woonsocket, R. I. Lyons, Kathryn Agnes 678 Atwells Ave., Providence, R. I. McGair, Mary 22 Harriet St., Providence, R. I. McKenna, Lucy Cecilia 132 Hudson St., Providence, R. I. Mason, Edith Ray Wickford, North Kingstown, R. I. Moore, Edna Josephine 31 Langdon St., Providence, R. I. Mulvey, Anna Eleanor 28 Marlborough Ave., Providence, R. I. Osborne, Ruth Holden 35 Greene St., Woonsocket, R. I. Pike, Florence Orlanda 124 Camp St., Providence, R. I. Reardon, Catherine Agnes 269 West Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. *Round, Clarissa Beatrice Anthony, R. I. Saunders, Ethel Justine Lafayette, R. I. Shannon, May Alicia Wakefield, R. I. Shapleigh, Rachel Ayers 42 Washington St., East Milton, Mass. Steere, Emily Annie 127 Bridgham St., Providence, R. I. Stewart, Marion Kilton 122 Rochambeau Ave., Providence, R. I Toolin, Martina Madeline Cowesett, Warwick, R. I. Williams, Ruth Isabelle 72 Marshall St., Providence, R. I. Wood, Eleanor Townsend 48 Candace St., Providence, R. I. KINDERGARTEN SENIOR CLASS JUNE 24, 1910. Elaine, Jessie May 445 Wellington Ave., Auburn, R. I. Brereton, Alice Eleanor 433 Hope St., Providence, R. I. Douglas, Agnes May Edwina 599 Smith St., Providence, R. I. Gleason, Nellie Mabel 10 Bliss Road, Newport, R. I. Hazard, Gwendoline Gladys ...... 349 Elmwood Ave., Providence, R. I. Johnson, Pearl Minette 298 California Ave., Providence, R. I. Lovett, Pearl Margaret Tennessee Crompton, R. I. Palmer, Nellie Winchester Wakefield, R. I. Plummer, Ethel Collins 11 Thurston Ave., Newport, R. I. Waite, Annie Louise 177 Linwood Ave., Providence, R. I. Mowry, Edna 269 Carrington Ave., Woonsocket, R. I. O'Connor, Mary Frances Tiverton, R. I. * Withdrawn from school during the past year. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 187 NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. SENIOR A CLASS JANUARY, 1911. Atkinson, Mabel Laura Rehoboth, Mass. Ballard, Elizabeth Irene 25 Ridge St., Providence, R. I. Banigan, Nellie May 11 Eleventh St., Providence, R. I. Barbour, Grace Irene 90 Ford St., Providence, R. I. Barnes, Lydia May Mendon Road, Ashton, R. I. Bartlett, Gladys Isora Nasonville, R. I. Bourne, Bernice Beatrice 10 Lloyd Ave., Phillipsdale, R. I. Bourne, Lottie Emma 10 Lloyd Ave., Phillipsdale, R. I. Bowen, Elsie Elizabeth R. F. D. No. 4, Attleboro, Mass. Boylan, Mary Frances 110 Donelson St., Providence, R. I. Brennan, Magdalene Cecelia Peace Dale, R. I. Buchanan, Agnes 50 Webster St., Newport, R. I. Campbell, Grace Edna 617 Broadway, Pawtucket, R. I. Carroll, Helen Elizabeth 679 Cranston St., Providence, R. I. Carroll, May Louise 772 Hope St., Providence, R. I. Connell, Bertha Marguerite 889 Cranston St., Arlington, R. I. Coutanche, Agnes Cecelia 335 Williams St, Providence, R. I. Coyne, Jane Agatha 1632 Chalkstone Ave., Providence, R. I. Cummiskey, Margaret Gertrude Alexis Crompton, R. I. Cummiskey, Monica Ellen Aurelia Crompton, R. I. Dennis, Anna Lockwood. .2938 Pawtucket Ave., East Providence, R. I. Donovan, Agnes Helen 16 Rocket St., Westerly, R. I. Doran, Frances Andrea 32 Jenkins St., Providence, R. I. Dring, Jane Brennan 24 Old Beach Road, Newport, R. I. Farley, Agnes Christina M 178 Laurel Hill Ave., Providence, R. I. Farrell, Mary Frances Arkwright, Coventry, R. I. Gallagher, Sarah Ignatia 874 Branch Ave., Providence, R. I. Galvin, Katherine Louise East Greenwich, R. I. Garrity_, Elizabeth Catherine 82 Main St., Blackstone, Mass. Gaskin, Mary Lucina 202 High St., Valley Falls, R. I. Graham, Helen Ruth 440 West Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. Hammarlund, Edith Christina. .182 Sutton Ave., East Providence, R. I. Harris, Maud Gwendolyn. .345 Waterman Ave., East Providence, R. I. Hawkins, Mildred Louise 52 Hancock St., Pawtucket, R. I. Hoffman, Ruth Eleanor Connor Lyndonville, Vermont. Holton, Annie 44 Winthrop Ave., Providence, R. I. Kelley, Margaret Frances 212 Bay State, Taunton, Mass. Leddy, Mary Imelda ' 38 Franklin St., Newport, R. I. McCarthy, Christine Agnes 13 Adams St., Taunton, Mass. Mitchell, Jennette Harrison 24 Lawn Ave., Pawtuxet, R. I. Monahan, Catherine Edwina 223 Wickenden St., Providence, R. I. Moody, Bessie Arabelle 20 Hancock St., Pawtucket, R. I. Mulligan, Helen Marguerite 71 Beaufort St., Providence, R. I. O'Connor, Alice Barbara. . .290 Mineral Spring Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. O'Neil, Alice Florence 348 Public St., Providence, R. I. O'Neil, Bertha Kathryn 164 Potter Ave., Providence, R. I. Peckham, Barbara Carlotta 9 Tilley Ave., Newport, R. I. Perry, Irma Linda 336 Benefit St., Providence, R. I. Poland, Agnes Frances 27 Langdon St., Providence, R. I. Quinn, Frances Margaret 64 Oak St. Providence, R. I. Rounds, Gertrude Emma R. F. D. No. 1.. Attleboro, Mass. 1 88 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. NAME. P. O. ADDRESS. Sawtelle, Ruth Rosamond Blackstone, Mass. Sherwood, Vera Hazel 19 Hay ward St., Attleboro, Mass. Shippee, Marion Elwood East Greenwich, R. I. Smith, Bertha Ellis 15 Smith St., Valley Falls, R. I. Smith, Helen Gertrude 89 Kenyon St., Providence, R. I. Smith, Lucy Katherine 48 Anthony St., East Providence, R. I. Taylor, Hulda May Phenix, R. I. Thornton, Grace Eliza 11 Squanto St., Providence, R. I. Totten, Martha Jane 51 Lonsdale Ave., Pawtucket, R. I. Urquhart, Christine McDonald Ledge Road, Newport, R. I. Williams, Gladys Brown 100 Morris Ave., Providence, R. I. SENIOR A CLASS JUNE 25, 1911. Budlong, Florence Edith Norwood, R. I. Carmody, Helen Julia Rose 343 Broadway, Providence, R. I. Carr, Margaret Mary 149 Jewett St. Providence, R. I. Chapman, Irene Lucy 191 Carpenter St., Providence, R. I. Cotter, Helen Josephine 721 Potter Ave., Providence, R. I. Cunningham, Delia Irene 11 Avon St., Providence, R. I. Curran, Gertrude Louise 10 Burnside St., Providence, R. I. Daley, Catherine Agnes Uxbridge, Mass. Deahy, Elizabeth Cecelia 58 Barton St., Pawtucket, R. I. Devlin, Rose Genevieve 482 Douglas Ave., Providence, R. I. Donelly, Mary Irene 184 North Bend St., Pawtucket, R. I. Eddy, Mabel Hannah 15 Forest St., Taunton Mass. Ennis, Zella Corrinne 3 Chestnut St., Westerly, R. I. Fitzpatrick, Anna Frances 155 Arthur Ave., Providence, R. I. Gaynor, Margaret Frances 21 Second St., Attleboro, Mass. Gray, Pauline Margaret 229 Gano St., Providence, R. I. Greenwood, Bessie 499 Broad St., Lonsdale, R. I. Hayes, Margaret Mary 73 Armstrong Ave., Providence, R. I. Jordan, Emma Mae Danielson, Conn. Lee, Ida Noble 1 Whittemore Place, Providence, R. I. Lillibridge, Florence Minnette Burnside Ave., Attleboro, Mass. Lynch, Madge Frances 260 Point St., Providence, R. I. McCrystal, Sadie Gertrude Natick, R. I. McGovern, Anna Loretta Cecelia 27 Pierce St., Providence, R. I. McManus, Mary Catherine 144 Prairie Ave., Providence, R. I. Mee, Ann Evangelist 28 Cherry St., Woonsocket, R. I. Moulton, Sarah Penelope 518 Public St., Providence, R. I. Neary, Gertrude Irene 104 Union Ave., Providence, R. I. Nowell, Beatrix Eleanor 7 Washburn St., Providence, R. I. O'Brien, Annie Louise Mulberry St., Warren, R. I. O'Brien, Nora Cecelia 59 Dartmouth Ave., Providence, R. I. O'Sullivan, Katherine Elizabeth 23 Park St., Taunton, Mass. Read, Margaret Isabel 66 Dunedin St., Arlington, R. I. Reynolds, Grace Garland 85 Ford St., Providence, R. I. Rockwell, Marguerite Ross 7 Pemberton St., Providence, R. I. Sullivan, Elizabeth Regina....52 Taunton Ave., East Providence, R. I. Thornton, Alice Waterman 44 Bridgham St., Providence, R. T. Tucker, Marguerite Grace 45 Baker St., Providence, R. I. Wickett, Harriet Smith Cynthia Howard, R. I. KINDERGARTEN SENIOR CLASS JANUARY 27, 1911. Fiske, Georgia Frances 166 George St., Providence, R. T. Selleck, Marjorie Louise 68 Mendon Road, Cumberland Hill, R. I. REV. DANIEL GOODWIN, ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL. CHAPTER XII. Memories of the Normal School at Bristol, R. I. BY MRS. S. S. DRURY (HANNAH W. GOODWIN). In the year 1854, I entered the Rhode Island State Normal School, which at that time held its sessions in the lecture room of the Second Universalist Church on Broad street in Providence. Mr. Dana P. Colburn, educated in Normal School of Framingham, Massachusetts, was principal and Mr. Arthur Sumner, of Cambridge, Masaschusetts, his assist- ant, who, however, left after a few months and I, having had some previous experience in a country district school, became pupil teacher. The next year I was made a regular assistant, as were two other previous pupils, Miss Emma Brown and Miss Annie Saunders, afterwards Mrs. Robert Fielding of the Fielding & Chase Girls' Private School of Providence. In those days Brown University was a strong supporter of the Normal School. President Sears often gave addresses. Prof. James Angell was a constant lecturer, and Prof. S. S. Greene for several terms taught regularly in English grammar. But in 1857, everything was altered by the removal of the school to Bristol. The legislature made this change, probably, through the strong wish of some of its country members that all of the small towns of the State might come under the influence of the "academic atmosphere,'' which the Normal School was supposed to spread. Bristol was the place chosen. 190 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. largely, I think, because it was the home of Dr. Thomas Shepard, pastor of the First Congregational Church, and leader in every sort of educational movement in the State, as well as in his own town. Indeed Dr. Shepard had taken such a lively interest in the school and had admired so heartily Mr. Colburn's methods of teaching, that while the school was still in Providence, he had sent one of his daughters to be under Mr. Colburn's instruction, although she had no intention of herself becoming a teacher. On leaving Providence the school lost Miss Brown and Miss Saunders from its teaching force, but their place was taken by my brother, Daniel Goodwin, who very soon afterward became an Episcopal clergyman, but who had at that time only just graduated from Brown Univer- sity. When we came to Bristol in September, 1857, the Congregationalists had recently moved into a new stone church and the town had acquired their old, white steepled building for a town hall, which they now divided into two stories, in order to give us the upper half for a school room. I remember though, that the place was not quite ready for us when we were ready to begin, so the town offered us the Court House, in which we started to teach, only to be driven out by the County Court itself wanting to sit there, it being the first Monday in September. At last we took shelter in the abandoned Metho- dist Church, at that time standing on the corner of the common, and I remember my chagrin at finding myself standing in a tall, old pulpit teaching geography, while in a pew beneath me and listening to my instruction, sat the august Dr. Shepard. In a letter to the Providence Evening Press written by one of the teachers, two years later, October, 1857, I find the following report : "The Autumn term of the State Normal School has now reached the middle of the session with larger numbers than at RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 191 any previous time since its removal to Bristol. That is not a little remarkable, considering the past history of the school. The number of young gentlemen attending the present session is over twenty, quite equal to that of the young ladies. Thus a large class of our State teachers is being reached, which was hardly touched while the Normal School was in Providence. This infusion of masculine spirit has been marked by the organization of a baseball club, and a Literary Society in connection with the school." For those days of difficult travel, when only three trains a day ran between Bristol and Providence, we had pupils from a wide range of country. There were Miss Griffith and Mr. Knowles and the Stantons, two sisters and two brothers, from Charlestown in the South County, the Ballou's from Woonsocket and three Goodwins from Mansfield, Massachu- setts, one of whom, Edward, left school when he was only eighteen years old to go to war and to give his life for his country. From Fall River there were also several young men, among them I remember particularly Mr. Peleg Harrison, who has lately sent me a copy of his most interesting work, "The Stars and Stripes and other American Flags." From Portsmouth on ''The Island" came George Coggeshall, who has since become a clergyman, and Miss Mary Emery, afterwards Mrs. Twing, well known for her missionary journeys around the world. From Bristol, we had, naturally, many pupils, of whom Miss Ellen R. Luther, a brilliant mathe- matician, was soon chosen as third assistant. As far as my memory serves me, my brother, Mr. Goodwin, had the charge of the Literature and Elocution and several courses of lectures on general topics; for instance: one week he talked about the various styles of Greek architecture and made the scholars find practical illustrations of them in the streets of Bristol. 192 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. For my part, it seems to me that I was given whatever the others did not want, a little mathematics, some history, and geography; now and then a class in Zoology, in the interests of which I had an aquarium, and in botany, that sometimes continued its meetings in the woods and pastures outside the town. I remember that on one of these expeditions Mr. Horatio Knowles discovered that most rare plant, a white closed gentian. The head of the school, Mr. Colburn, had written a series of three common school arithmetics, much in vogue in that day. Mathematics was his subject, and especially he was interested in discovering methods for making children understand easily and naturally the ordinary bugbears of vulgar fractions. In this direction he was indeed a master. He had an unusual talent, too, for rousing enthusiasm and for making even the dullest pupil feel that to be a schoolmaster was to be one of the kings of the world. Even though it is more than fifty years ago I have never forgotten the inspiration of his Tuesday afternoon lectures on the theory and practice of teaching. Neither have I forgotten the late winter's afternoon, it was the 1 5th of December, 1859, when I heard the news that Mr. Colburn had been thrown from his horse and instantly killed. As he had been the life of the school in his lifetime, so the school suffered its greatest loss in his death. Mr. Colburn's place was filled for a few months by my brother, Mr. Goodwin, who had previously left the school to study theology and when he was obliged to go back to the Seminary in New York, I was principal of the school for a very short time, until in the spring of 1860, Mr. Joshua Kendall arrived and held the position until the school was discontinued in 1865. But before this time in 1863, I had myself left the school to be married to Dr. Samuel L. Drury of Bristol, where MRS. S. S. DRURY. NEE GOODWIN) RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 193 I have lived ever since. My place was taken by Miss Ellen LeGro from New Hampshire. One event which happened before I left, I remember with great distinctness it was the tenth anniversary of the founding of the school, held in September, 1862, in the Congregational Church, in Bristol. Although it was in the midst of war time, and many young men were leaving school to join the army, they came back from camp that day to say goodbye, as well as other alumni from the peaceful professions, and my brother by that time rector of a church in Bangor, Maine, came too, and delivered a stirring address on "The War as a Teacher." Probably the war was one of the reasons why after this time the school gradually dwindled. Bristol had always been too difficult of approach for any large number of pupils to find it convenient and, I have said before, in 1865, the school was temporarily given up, but a school which had had the advantage of such patronage as Dr. Shepard's and such teach- ing as Mr. Colburn's cannot soon be forgotten. CHAPTER XIII. The Rhode Island Normal School Alumni Association. Fifteen years after the first class graduated from the Rhode Island Normal School the Alumni Association was formed; it was the outcome of a meeting of graduates in the hall of the Young Men's Christian Association in Providence, on Oct. 28, 1887, when addresses were made by Dr. Morgan, then Principal of the school, former Principal Greenough, and others. Organization was effected in the choice of Arthur W. Brown, 72, as President, Sarah Marble, 72, as Vice-President, and Susanna Young, '85 (now Mrs. Gushing), as Secretary- Treasurer. Edwin A. Noyes, and John H. Bailey were appointed a committee to draw up a constitution to be presented at the next meeting. The following year this committee reported and in accord- ance therewith a constitution was adopted. Among those of the Old Normal School present and taking part in the discus- sion of its adoption was the late Judge Pardon S. Tillinghast, of the Supreme Court of the State. Almost from the date of its organization, the association naturally took steps to promote the welfare of the school. Two committees were created, one on Visitation and the other on Natural History. The committee on Visitation was to keep MRS. CHARLES HOWARD REMINGTON. PRESIDENT ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. '94. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 195 in touch with the school and to report upon its work and its needs, while the other was to solicit contributions to its cabinets for Natural History. Of the committees first named for these purposes, J. Lewis Wightman, '82, and Valentine Almy, '90, *were chairmen respectively. These committees proved valuable to both the school and the Association. Specimens and collections of value for the work in Natural History were received from graduates and others Mrs. Alice Locke Park, and Mrs. George E. Perkins, making notable contributions. In 1895, in response to a suggestion of the committee on Visitation, the following was adopted: "Resolved, That we, graduates of the Rhode Island State Normal School, in grati- tude to our Alma Mater for all she has done for us, present to her a sum of money, the use of which shall hereafter be determined." A committee was appointed to receive contributions to the fund which was placed in the hands of M. Lila Hurley, as treasurer. At the first meeting in the new building, in October, 1898, a committee was appointed to suggest to what purpose the fund then, amounting to about $300, should be applied. In accordance with their recommendations, it was voted to buy suitable pictures to decorate the walls of the school library. .Mabel C. Bragg, '89; E. A. Noyes, '78; M. Lila Hurley, '90; and Mrs. James A. Nealy, '78, were authorized to make the purchase. The Class of January, '78, bore the expense of filling one of the spaces. A surplus of about $60 was devoted to the purchase of casts for niches in the lower hall. 196 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. Increasing interest in the Association marked the years as they passed, and the first meeting in the new building in Oct., 1898, was a notable one. The new building seemed a palace, compared to the remodeled high school building which had been the home of the Association since 1879. The exercises were of a most interesting character, and the list of speakers and guests included educators from all parts of the State. Previous to the opening of the annual session, a reception was held in the library. Miss Joslin, as President was assisted by Miss Marble, Honorary President, Governor and Mrs. Dyer, and Commissioner Stockwell. Besides those already named, other guests included Dr. Emerson E. White, of Columbus, Ohio, Professor Will S. Munroe, of Wakefield, Mass, and Dr. Ossian Lang, of New York. The exercises were held in the study hall, Miss Joslin presiding. Commissioner Stockwell welcomed the alumni to the new building, and addresses were made by Governor Dyer, Principal Gowing, former Principal Littlefield, and Superin- tendent Tarbell of the Providence schools. The remainder of the evening was given to an inspection of the building under the direction of Chairman Kendrick and others of the Board of Directors. In 1899 the Normal Club was organized within the Alumni Association, for literary study at the Normal School. An account of its doings appears elsewhere in this volume. Rhode Island State Normal School Alumni Association's next meeting of note was held in the new building, on Novem- ber 9, 1901, with an attendance of about 200 of the Alumni, including three former principals, James C. Greenough, the first principal; Hon. George A. Littlefield, and Frederick RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 197 Cowing, as well as the present principal, Mr. Charles S. Chapin. At the conclusion of the business session, Miss Bragg introduced Principal Charles S. Chapin, who made a brief, but interesting address upon the "Relation of the Alumni to the School," after which the Alumni and their guests were bidden to the gymnasium where dinner awaited them. The records state that this part of the program was unusually good, and duly appreciated. The President, Miss Bragg introduced Miss Sarah Marble as Toastmistress. She was received with great applause and fulfilled her duties with much grace and brilliancy. This reunion was one of the largest in the history of the Association. In the Fall of 1908 the officers and members of the Execu- tive Committee of the Alumni Association met and planned a meeting to be held November 6, 1908, to introduce to the Alumni the new principal of the school, Mr. John L. Alger and Mrs. Alger, who was Miss Edith Goodyear, one of the teachers of the Normal Training School at its inception. Nearly three hundred members of the association greeted the following distinguished persons, Governor James H. Higgins, Dr. and Airs. Ranger, Principal and Mrs. Alger, former principals Greenough and Cowing, Mrs. Shedd and Miss Deming, who was the honored guest of the evening. In the absence of the President, Mrs. Helen Cheever, the Vice-President, Mrs. Roby Cole Welch, '92, presided at the dinner. Mr. Valentine Almy introduced the speakers, who were the guests of the evening. At the conclusion of Miss Deming's remarks, Mrs. Susannah Young Cushing presented to Miss Deming a purse of gold as a token of appreciation and love from the Association, the majority of whom had felt her strong individuality. 198 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. The last meeting of the Association was held November 6, 1909, at the State Normal School, the President, Mrs. Roby Cole Welch being absent, the Vice-President, Mrs. Pearl M. T. Remington, '94, presided. On this occasion the following speakers were introduced by Mrs. Mary Tobin Lynch in an able manner: Mr. Walter E. Ranger, Mr. John L. Alger, Principal of the School, Mrs. Sarah Marble Shedd, Miss Deming, who brought us greetings from Professor Wilson, now Principal of Washington State Normal School. An address was also made by Miss Clara Craig, Supervisor of the Training Department, and Miss Gard- ner, of Warren, R. I. From the first meeting of this Association to this day the spirit of gratitude and loyalty to our Alma Mater for what she has done, and is still doing for her children, is in a measure widening and growing each year. Many would attest they owe to her what has helped to make their lives of service, by coming into close touch with the broad minded men and women that have made our Normal School a credit to our State and an influence which is felt across the continent. The following are the present officers: President, Mrs. Charles Howard Remington, '94, Vice-President, Mrs. Jeannette Hasten Gory, '91, Secretary, Miss Ruth C. Earle, '90, Treasurer, Miss Mary L. Currier, '90. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Mrs. Charles E. Gilbert, '87, Miss Mabel Frances Stone, '01, Miss Anna Potter Burdick, '03, Miss Mildred Louise Sampson, '04, Miss Beatrice Gill, '05. Honorary Presidents, Mrs. J. Herbert Shedd and Miss Charlotte Deming. JOHN L, ALGER, PRINCIPAL. CHAPTER XIV. Courses of Study and Training of the Rhode Island Normal School, 1911. The school offers five courses of study, as follows : 1. A general course of two and one-half years, which pre- pares for teaching in the primary and grammar grades of the public schools. 2. A kindergarten-primary course of the same length. 3. A general course of three years, including the work of either of the above courses, with extra electives. 4. A special course of one year for teachers of experience. 5. A course for college graduates. This may be taken in one year or in one and one-half years, according to the student's previous preparation and his need for experience in the train- ing schools. It is expected that students who enter the Normal School will show a reasonable degree of proficiency in the elementary subjects. Students entering the Normal School in September may now elect a three-year course, including such reviews as may be needed, with a larger number of electives than can be taken in the regular course of two and one-half years. This will give a richer and a somewhat easier course for those who need the extra time, or are able to take it. Students who have not had the required high school drawing, or high school courses of reviews of the elementary subjects, should, as a rule, take this three-year course. The work of the school is thoroughly professional from the first. Many electives are offered, including advanced courses 200 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. and training in kindergarten subjects and in the various forms of the manual arts. Students begin their observation in the kindergarten during their first term, having a weekly conference with the Kinder- garten Supervisor for a discussion of what they &ee and of underlying principles. This is followed by weekly observa- tion in the grades, and conferences with the Supervisor of Training, or general lectures by the faculty. At the beginning of the second year there is more definite work, with observation of special lessons in all grades and the preparation of lesson plans in the different school subjects. For the fourth half-year the students are divided into groups and assigned to particular grades for one period daily of obser- vation and teaching. At intervals the groups are changed and the students assigned to different grades. Carefully prepared plans for the lessons that are to be taught must be submitted in advance for criticism. The students in a group teach in turn for a definite number of weeks, the other members of the group assisting in the preparation of plans and sharing in the criticism. Constant use of the teaching experience and of the lesson plans is made in the various classes. The fifth half-year is spent entirely in the training schools. As far as possible each student-teacher is given charge of a room under regular city or country conditions. Two such rooms are under the direction of a critic teacher, whose entire time is given to this work. In the kindergarten-primary course the observation after the first half-year is largely in the kindergarten and primary grades. The forenoons of the fourth half-year are spent as assistants in the Normal School and in the city kindergartens. For the fifth half-year the students in this course are in training in the primary grades. This system of training embodies to a remarkable extent the recommendations of the ''Report of the Committee of Fifteen on the Training of Teachers." After the first preliminary teaching in the Observation School, student-teachers are RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 201 trained, not by making them assistants or substitutes, or by giving them small groups of children, but by placing them in charge of regular schools under such conditions as they will meet after graduation. Here during five months of specific training they are thrown on their own resources to a large extent. They learn to master the work of one grade and to teach with due regard for the development of the children ; and they gain that close contact with child life, so essential to a good teacher, which can be gained only by one who is in charge of her own children. Observation and Training Schools. The observation school comprises a kindergarten and the eight grades of the city schools, with about forty pupils to a room. The rooms are furnished with the best appliances. The children in this school come from a regular city district. Others from outside the district are admitted on the payment of tuition at the rate of $32 a year for the kindergarten and primary grades, or $40 a year for the grammar grades. The training schools, in which the Seniors teach for the last twenty weeks of each course, are located in different parts of the State. Student Government. Those who would govern others must first learn to govern themselves. The student body of the Rhode Island Normal School is a self-governing democracy. Every student is a member of a society, whose life and activities is regulated by laws enacted by the student body, after full and free discussion, and enforced, as far as enforcement is necessary, by officers of their own choosing. Officially this self-governing body is "The Students' League of the Rhode Island Normal School." The machinery of the League is of the simplest sort : a presi- dent, vice-president and secretary, with representatives chosen from the various classes constituting the executive committee of the League. 202 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. This committee exercises a general supervision of school affairs ; to it are referred not only many questions of general policy, but all matters of order and discipline, and its recom- mendations, when ratified by the League, become the laws of the school, subject only to final appeal to the principal. Organized in the fall of 1910, the League has already developed large possibilities of usefulness, and cultivates among the girls, habits of thoughtful responsibility, deliberation, and self control, which will find expression in happy and well- ordered school rooms. THE TRAINING DEPARTMENT. In the report, year ending June 30, 1893, made by the Principal William E. Wilson, A. M., he says : "The model and training school which you are about to open for the use of the Normal School is unique in some of its features and will be an experiment as regards these peculiarities. There will be a good deal of interest directed toward it and its success will be a matter of great importance. Mrs. Sarah F. Bliss, Principal of the Training School, comes from the State Normal College, at Albany, N. Y., hav- ing previously had charge of the Training School at Saratoga Springs, and having been a teacher in Purdue University in Indiana, Miss Edith Goodyear comes from the Training School in New Haven, Conn., Miss Bosworth from Somerville, Mass., Miss Clara Craig, Miss Phebe E. Wilbur, and Miss Alice W. Case have been eminently successful teachers in the public schools of Providence." Extracts: Report of the Trustees of the State Normal School, 1894. 'The chief feature of the year's history has been the opening of the new model and training school. This school is situated on Benefit street, at the corner of Halsey street in the building CLARA E. CRAIG. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 203 formerly used by the City as a grammar school and latterly as a primary school. The building has been partly remodeled and added to, so that now it contains twelve rooms, fitted up in excellent style with all modern conveniences. "This school is the result of a series of efforts and move- ments on the part of both the Trustees of the Normal School and the city authorities, extending over a number of years, but which for one cause and another were never able to come to a successful issue. "The first result of the establishment of this school has been very apparent in the increased zeal, enthusiasm, and genuine professional activity which it has awakened in the Normal School itself. It has seemed to bring the actual work of teaching so much nearer the pupils, it has made the object of their studies so much more real, that it has quite trans- formed the school. Its very existence has acted as an inspira- tion to even the youngest pupils in the school, and were we to derive no more specific benefits from it, it were a question whether it would not pay for our share of its cost in this way." "The training department has been in operation now two years and we can begin to estimate its value in the work of the Normal School. This department has cost the Normal School a good deal besides the expense of carrying it on, but it has been of inestimable service. The study of education and teaching, with concrete illustrations much of the time before the student and in her own experience, is a very much more invigorating and -broadening exercise than when pursued abstractly and theoretically. "The establishment of the school was an experiment, of course, and one which has been made under trying conditions, but it has certainly been a successful one. The principal and 2O4 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. teachers of the training school department have all earned and gained the gratitude of the students who have taken their turn in that interesting part of the course." Extract from Report of the Board of Examiners of the Rhode Island Normal School, 1896. "The training school is rendered very attractive to a visitor by the fine moral atmosphere which pervades it. The discipline is most humane and most inspiring. The whole influence of the critic teachers seems well adapted to draw forth all that is best in the minds and hearts of the children. The value of the school to children is evidently not diminished by its being made tributary to the Normal School." The chief honor of establishing the training school belongs to Principal W. E. Wilson, whose clear, educational ideals and strong qualities as a teacher made him an authority in all matters relating to the school. It is true that he was assisted by Superintendent Horace S. Tarbell, Superintendent of the Schools of Providence, by Mr. Frank E. Thompson and Commissioner Stockwell of the Board of Trustees, but the initiation must be cheerfully granted to Mr. Wilson, and its success shared by him with a very able corps of training teachers from the first. Providence has nine training schools, Pawtucket two, Cranston two, Harrington one, Central Falls one, East Provi- dence one, Warwick one, and Woonsocket one. JOSHUA KENDALL, PRINCIPAL R. I. NORMAL SCHOOL 1860-65 CHAPTER XV. Principals and Assistants. JOSHUA KENDALL. Joshua Kendall was born in Waltham (now Belmont), Mass., Jan. 4, 1828; entered the Bridgewater, Mass., Normal School, March, 1845; was assistant in that school, 1847-48; graduated from Harvard College, 1853; was chosen as head- master of Mr. Stephen M. Weld's private school for boys, remaining four years; married Phebe Mitchell, sister of the astronomer, of Nantucket, Mass., Sept., 1854; in 1857, took charge of the .Huidekoper Academy for young ladies in Meadville, Pa. ; took charge, as principal of the Rhode Island Xormal School, at Bristol, R. I., 1860, which he resigned in 1864, to take charge of a school at Cambridge, Mass., to fit boys for college. A son, William M., was born in 1856, who is now of the firm of McKim, Meade and White, architects, New York. Mrs. Kendall died in 1907. Present address: 47 Chester street, West Somerville, Mass. DANIEL AND HARRIET W. GOODWIN. Two of the strongest personalities of the first Normal School were Daniel Goodwin and his sister Harriet W. Good- win. Both added to large natural talents superior training and culture, crowned with the warmth and gentility of highly sympathetic and benevolent natures. Such persons always merit and achieve success in teaching, and Mr. and Miss 206 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. Goodwin won the highest regard and love of all the students who came under their instruction. As I remember the school at Bristol, the Goodwins were "the bright, particular stars" of the faculty. Both taught, governed and inspired in a way that told mightily on conduct and character. It was not so much what they taught as the life and soul that backed and inspired the teaching. And this potent influence flowed as a natural stream from a living fountain. Public education lost two very potential forces when Mr. Goodwin decided to enter the Christian ministry, and when Miss Goodwin became the wife of S. S. Drury, M. D. of Bristol, R. I. Mr. Goodwin is now Rev. Daniel Goodwin D. D., Episcopal rector at East Greenwich, R. I. and 'Mrs. Drury resides in Bristol, the mother of a fine family. JAMES C. GREENOUGH. SUSAN C. BANCROFT. MARY L. JEWETT. These names are inseparably associated with each other and with the foundation, teaching and guidance of the Rhode Island Normal School James C. Greenough, Susan C. Ban- croft and Mary L. Jewett. All were born and educated in the Connecticut Valley of Massachusetts; all were education- ally the product of the Westfield Normal School. They im- bibed and taught its inductive philosophy and its Socratic methods. It was a great good fortune for the aspiring youth of Rhode Island to come under the strong influence of this distinguished trio of teachers, whose ideals became the work- ing models of so many teachers of our own and neighboring states. It is not too much to say that through the Saturday Normal classes as well as the regular classes every teacher and school in Rhode Island was instructed and uplifted by these leaders of professional teaching. It is not too much to RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 207 say that the women teachers of Rhode Island were and are as deeply indebted to the personal services of Misses Bancroft and Jewett as to those of Mr. Greenough. Together they set the pace, the standards of the profession, and the teachers of Rhode Island have been loyal followers. Proudly may the teachers say, "I was a pupil of James C. Greenough, Susan C. Bancroft and Mary L. Jewett in the early days of the Rhode Island Normal School." James C. Greenough, son of Thomas and Mary J. Green- ough, was born in Wendell, Mass., August 15, 1829; grad- uated from Williams College in 1860, with degree of A. B. ; 1873, A. M. ; Brown University, A. M., 1876; LL.D. Berea College, Ken., 1899; married Jeannie A. Bates, Westfield Mass., 1860; First Assistant State Normal School, Westfield, 1856-1871; Principal State Normal School, R. I., 1871-1883; Principal Mass. Agricultural College, 1883-1886; Principal State Normal School, Westfield, 1887-97; A1 P ha Delta Phi > Williams; Phi Beta Kappa, Brown; Author, Evolution of the Elementary Schools of Great Britain, 1903 , History of West- field, Mass; Contributor to various periodicals; Address, Westfield, Mass. MRS. J. HERBERT SHEDD. Miss Sarah Marble, a graduate of the Friends School, Providence, R. L, and a successful young teacher, entered the Rhode Island State Normal School in the fall of 1871, as a student and was graduated in June, 1872; before her gradu- ation she was invited to become a teacher in the school the following year and she continued as such until June, 1905, when she became the wife of J. Herbert Shedd of Providence. In 1873 sne attended the first summer school at Harvard College and studied chemistry, a subject she was teaching, 2o8 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. under Prof. Charles E. Munroe. A few years later Miss Marble attended the summer school at Bowdoin College, taking mineralogy, which she was teaching, under Prof. Henry Car- michael, and chemistry under the late lamented and distin- guished Prof. F. C. Robinson. She availed herself of a winter course in mineralogy, given at the Institute of Technology by Prof. R. H. Richards. When called upon to teach rhetoric, she again went to Harvard for methods under Prof. Hurlbut. Miss Marble always had some classes in English Literature and to increase her usefulness in this line as well as to give her pleasure, she was given leave of absence to lengthen her summer vacation and in 1885 visited literary shrines in Europe. Until about 1900 every person on the occasion of his gradu- ation read an essay: Miss Marble trained every graduate for the public reading of the essay; she esteemed excellent oral reading an important factor in the development of character; she added to her natural gifts in ths line of work by counsel and lessons with the late Prof. Lewis B. Munroe, and others. Miss Marble has said that what she attempted to do, was to build character in her students which would help them to usefulness and happiness, and the opportunity came in helping them to prepare for the teaching profession. When Miss Marble declined a re-election the Trustees of the Rhode Island Normal School passed resolutions of which the following is an extract "A member of the first graduating class and since that time an indefatigable and 'beloved teacher, she has held a high place in the esteem of all the friends of the school. In her the pupils have ever found a well equipped instructor, a wise counsellor, a true and sympathetic friend. To them she has taught more than text-book, viz., the beauty and wisdom of a true life. THOMAS J. MORGAN. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 209 She has exemplified with her associates that professional spirit which marks a sense of the teacher's calling. She has been an element of strength and honor in all the administrations of the school." THOMAS J. MORGAN. Gen. Morgan followed James C. Greenough as Principal of the State Normal School, a very difficult task. Mr. Greenough and his associates had set a high standard for himself and all his successors and had established an educa- tional and moral momentum which could not be easily or materially checked. Gen. Morgan had been both a teacher and a soldier. In the civil war he was brevetted Brigadier General for conspicuous valor and efficiency. After the war he had risen to the rank of Principalship in a State Normal School in New York, when he was invited to Rhode Island in 1883. The Normal School was in fine condition in its Benefit street home. Gen. Morgan's mind was alert, quick, aggressive. His moral character was strong, vigorous, magnetic; leadership was a native gift ; action a controlling purpose. He inspired to being through doing. Greenough inspired to doing through being. Both were strong men on different lines and both impressed the Normal School with strong, individual conceits, and the pupils of each rise up to honor them. Morgan was a vigorous thinker and a forcible speaker. In the role of a leader and an orator he will be long remembered in Rhode Island by the prohibitionists and politicians of 1885-87. On the election of Benjamin Harrison to the Presidency of the United States, in 1888, Gen. Morgan was invited to become Commissioner of Indian Affairs under the new administration, for which he was well qualified, and in that 210 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. service he closed his life. It may be said that the prosperity of the Normal School was enhanced along many lines through Gen. Morgan's administration, and his associates and students gratefully remember his personality and influence. GEORGE A'BNER LITTLEFIELD. George Abner Littlefield, principal of the State Normal School from 1889 to 1892, was born in Chelsea, Massachusetts, on February nth, 1851. He was the son of James and Francis (Blair) Littlefield, his father being a native of Ken- nebunk, Maine, and his mother of Campton, New Hampshire. At the age of fourteen years he was thrown upon his own resources, as many New England boys in small farming com- munities have been, and began to work his way through school. He was graduated from Kimball Union Academy at Meriden, N. H., and then entered Harvard University, from which he graduated in the class of 1878. Throughout the period of his education he was teaching in the towns of Wey- mouth, Danvers and Maiden successively, in the latter town being the first superintendent of schools. From Maiden he went to Lawrence as superintendent, and while there was elected, in 1880, one of the supervisors of the Boston schools. In 1882 he was called to Newport, Rhode' Island, as superin- tendent of schools, and served seven years in that office, until 1889, when he came to Providence as Principal of the State Normal School. On July i, 1892, he resigned as principal, to enter the profession of law, having been admitted to the Rhode Island bar in 1889. For several years he practised law in the office of Thurston, Ripley & Co., but in 1895 opened his own office. During the time that he was connected actively with edu- cational matters, Mr. Littlefield occupied various offices, in- GEORGE A. LITTLER ELD, PRINCIPAL. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 211 eluding the presidencies of the Rhode Island Institute of Instruction, the New England Association of School Super- intendents, the New England Normal Council and the Ameri- can Institute of Instruction. Mr. Littlefield served on two occasions as Representative to the General Assembly from Providence, the first term from 1895 to l %97 an( * the second in 1900-1901. He was a Repub- lican in politics, and as a campaign orator took an active part in politics for a number of years. As an orator he is best remembered for his addresses on Abraham Lincoln and Dan- iel Webster, which he delivered many times throughout New England. For eleven years Mr. Littlefield was Secretary of the Rhode Island Business Men's Association. At the time of his death he was eminent Commander of St. John's Commandery of Knights Templar, of Providence, and throughout his life took a deep interest in Masonry. He was married on November 24, 1879 to Emma Warren Bancroft of Maiden. Of the six children born to them five are now living Mrs. Kinsley Blodgett, wife of Rev. Kinsley Blodgett of Worcester, Massachusetts, James Bancroft Little- field, attorney-at-law in Providence, who was associated with his father in practice, Henry Willis Littlefield, now in busi- ness in Buffalo, New York, Ivory Littlefield, now a student in the graduating class of the Harvard Law School, and Barbara Littlefield, a student in the Junior Class in Pembroke College, Brown University. Mr. Littlefield died suddenly in Providence on August 28, 1906, as a result of blood-poisoning, following an ulcerated tooth. 212 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. WILLIAM E. WILSON. Mr. Wilson is a born educator, with few superiors in the United States. He entered the Rhode Island Normal School as a teacher and left as Principal after a splendid career of more than eleven years. His growth to normal stature was natural and rapid, and was due to gifts, temperament, and ideals of a peculiar, genetic type. The inductive philosophy was his mental process as it was with Greenough. Every step in the education of a child from its birth through the school curriculum was marked and measured with logical exactness, along clean lines of procedure. Guess-work never entered his mental laboratory. Like the skilled mariner, he followed the chart of educational progress, guided by the compass of a reasonable philosophy, and illumined by the lamp of Heaven's lighting. Mr. Wilson's pupils became philosophers by induction, ly the true teaching impulses and inspiration. The machinery of his mental processes were so clear and transparent that it be- came an easy matter to adjust their own mental processes by his, so far as personal individuality is transferable. His stu- dents became investigators along the lines of natural methods and can never lose the guidance of a great teacher and friend, for Mr. Wilson was more than an intellectual guide, he was a true and sympathetic friend. Every teacher and student knew that he was always near to be a generous, hearty, sincere, manly helper for seven days in every week and fifty-two weeks in every year. He taught by example the value of the person- al, magnetic, inspirational side of the teacher, independent of learning and training. The students of Greenough came back to their Alma Mater to find a man who exalted character to the seat of honor, and service as the goal of all attainment, as did their honored leader. WILLIAM E. WILSON. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 213 The great work of Mr. Wilson's principalship was the es- tablishment of the Training School, now in successful opera- tion in several towns and cities. Mr. Wilson is generous to allow Superintendent Tarbell of Providence an im- portant place in the inception of the work, but the credit of the methods and their great success belong to Mr. Wilson. To-day Normal Educators come from all parts of the land to study and adopt the training methods set in operation by Mr. Wilson. It must be said, too, that whatever the architectural beauty of the present Normal building may be, its interior plans were Mr. Wilson's creation, for which he has never had the credit that is due him. There was no detail of the plans as finally adopted, but had the careful study of the practical mind of Mr. Wilson. If it is a model Normal School building, the credit belongs to William E. Wilson, whose knowledge of school needs, and whose supervisory thought incorporated the es- sential elements of a finished structure in the building, which will be a monument to his industrious devotion to the making of men and women, by well planned appliances of education. From what has been said it must necessarily follow that a grave mistake, to use no harsher word, was committed and an irreparable loss sustained, when Mr. Wilson was inot permitted to retain his principalship of the Rhode Island Nor- mal School and enjoy the fruits of his creative work. Rhode Island's loss was Washington's gain, for on the Pacific Slope, Mr. Wilson is now doing his best work, in a Normal School of his later creation, where unfettered by political craft, he can work out his high ideals of teacher- ship and citizenship. 214 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. FRED GOWING. Mr. Fred Cowing was born in Medford, Mass. ; prepared for college at the High School in his native town and was graduated at Tufts College with a high standing. Both these courses were accompanied by strenuous work to secure income. Immediately on graduation he began teaching, and taught for several years in college preparatory schools, both public and private. Several years were then spent as Commissioner of Educa- tion for the State of New Hampshire. The subject of his thesis for the degree of Ph. D. from Tufts College was, "The Public School System of New Hampshire." His labors in New Hampshire in improving standards of teaching and in securing educational facilities for the rural as for the city schools were marked by the successful appreciation which his ability and devotions assured. Mr. Cowing was the first principal to occupy the new Normal School building on Capitol Hill, where he entered heartily into already formulated plans for advancing and strengthening the work of the school in its courses of study, and for the practical training of its students in training schools inaugurated by Principal Wilson. His administration was marked by able work, cheerfulness, and by appreciation of the abilities and efforts of his associate teachers. His able counsels to his pupils and graduates have sent into this State teachers trained to a strict sense of duty. Mr. Gowing's administration with our school, after three years was closed, that he might accept an offer with the D. C. Heath Co., with which company he has since been associated. FRED COWING. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 215 CHARLES S. CHAPIN. Charles S. Chapin is a son of a prominent New England clergyman, the Rev. Daniel E. Chapin, and was born in Westfield, Mass. He graduated at the Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn., in the first honor rank, having received nine prizes during his course, on competition, in scholarship, and public speaking. He was granted the degree of Doctor of Science by Brown University in 1908. Soon after graduation from college he studied law and be- came a member of the Massachusetts Bar. He practiced law in the office of Congressman John Thayer for two years. On account of eye trouble he discontinued the practice of law and accepted a position as assistant superintendent of schools in Middletown, Conn. At the same time he became assistant in the English department of Wesleyan University. He taught successfully in Worcester, Mass., Classical High School and the Hartford, Conn. High School ; he was principal of the Fitcriburg, Ma'ss. High School, from 1891-1896. Under his administration the school grew from 285 to 730 pupils. In 1896 he was made principal of the Westfield, Mass. State Normal School, at a great crisis in its history, the principal and five assistant teachers having resigned and the membership having fallen to sixty-three pupils. During his principalship of five years the membership grew to be 150, a training school building was erected at a cost of $50,000 and an appropriation of $95,000 was secured from the Legislature for the erection of a new dormitory to replace the old one. In 1901 he became principal of the Rhode Island Normal School, which was also undergoing a good deal of public criticism. "When Dr. Chapin became principal of the Rhode Island State Normal School in 1901, the number of students was 230. When he left it in 1908, it had grown to 325. He may 2i6 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. justly be called the father of the present system of practice teaching. In 1901 the school had only five small rooms outside the Normal School building in which its students might prac- tice. Dr. Chapin secured from the City of Providence eighteen rooms and extended the system into Central Falls, Cranston, Bristol, Harrington and Warwick, so that, at the close of his principalship there were thirty-six rooms in these cities and towns devoted exclusively to the use of the Rhode Island Normal School for practice." In December, 1907, he was elected principal of the new State Normal School to be erected at Mbntclair. This school is located on a plot of twenty-five acres, on a site commanding a view of northern New Jersey and of parts of lower New York City. The school has been a success from the first. Beginning with a membership of 187 on September 15, 1908, it enrolled in the school year, 1910, 443 students. It has reached the limit of its capacity, and enlargement of the building is now under serious consideration. It is probable that a dormitory will be built in the near future, and that the school is destined to become one of the leading Normal Schools of the country. Charles S. Chapin has declined the superintendency of six important cities, a college presidency, and the principalship of several State Normal Schools. He is a member of the National Educational Association, the New York School- masters Club, and several other educational organizations. JOHN LINCOLN ALGER, A. M. John Lincoln Alger is the son of Rev. N. W. Alger, for- merly a well known clergyman of Vermont, and a descendant of the Alger family that settled in Bridgewater, Massachu- setts, in the early colonial period. He prepared for college at CHARLES S. CHAPIN, PRINCIPAL R. I. NORMAL SCHOOL I^OI-OS RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 217 Vermont Academy, and graduated from Brown University in 1890. Reference to the college records shows that he took high rank in scholarship, that he was awarded the prize for excellence in mathematics and physics throughout the course, and that he was elected to the Phi Beta Kappa at the end of his junior year. In April of his senior year he was excused from further attendance at college in order that he might accept a position as substitute teacher in the high school at Rutland, Vermont. After graduating from college Mr. Alger taught for two years in the English High School of Providence, and was for three years following, instructor in mathematics at Brown University. In 1895 he became Superintendent of Schools at Bennington, Vermont, and soon after was appointed to the added position of examiner of teachers for the seventeen towns of Bennington County. After five years in this capacity he was called to the principalship of the State Normal School at Johnson, Vermont. In this position he served for four years, and upon withdrawing to take the principalship of his old preparatory school, Vermont Academy, he was appointed by the Governor a member of the State Board of Normal School Commissioners, where he had an important part in the directive control of the normal schools of Vermont. In 1908 Mr. Alger was chosen to succeed Dr. Chapin as principal of the Rhode Island Normal School. FREDERICK W. TILTOX. Born in Cambridge, Mass., 1839; educated in Cambridge schools, and graduated from Harvard, 1862; studied at Got- tingen University, Germany, 1862-63 ; taught in Worcester, Mass., 1863-66; superintendent of schools, Newport, R. L, 1867-71 ; succeeded Dr. Samuel H. Taylor as principal of 2i8 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., 1871-72; was member of Board of Education and trustee of the Normal School at its founding; headmaster Rogers High School, Newport, R. 1., 1873-90; lived in Europe four years, 1890-94, when two sons graduated from German universities; is vice-president Cam- bridge Savings Bank, director of Harvard Trust Company, and trustee of estates. Address, F. W. Tilton, Harvard Trust Company, Cam- bridge, Mass. Miss CHARLOTTE E. DEMING. Miss Charlotte E. Deming was called to the Rhode Island State Normal School in 1879. She had been graduated from the Westfield, Mass., Normal School under the principalship of John W. Dickinson, who was recognized as the leading Pestalozzian of this country. Her further preparation con- sisted of teaching for several years in the schools for observa- tion connected with the school of which she is a graduate and of two years' teaching in the Wollaston School in Quincy under Colonel Parker's superintendence. During Miss Deming's connection with our school, she attended courses of lectures at Harvard and Oxford Universities and enjoyed a summer's work under Alexander Winchell of Michigan University, besides home and foreign travel at different periods. For the first fourteen years her work at our school covered a wide range of subjects from primary methods to geometry, but after the department work was adopted under Principal Wilson, Miss Deming taught geography, physiography, and geology, making a good working collection of illustrative material and securing a valuable department library. She severed her teaching ties with the Normal School in MISS CHARLOTTE E. DEMING. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 219 1908. Every pupil of the school who sat under her instruction felt the grand impetus of it and went out to the world, having been touched by an influence for good which cannot be meas- ured in words, for her "Works do follow her." CLARA E. CRAIG. Miss Clara E. Craig, Supervisor of the Training Department of the State Normal School has been identified with the life of the Institution, practically throughout her career as a teacher. A native of Rhode Island and a product of its schools, she was called to the position of critic teacher when the present admir- able and effective system of training was inaugurated. Miss Craig's early days as a member of the faculty brought her in close association with those former principals and teach- ers whose story of service is indelibly written upon the record of the school. She is the only member of the present faculty who is able to recall experiencees in the Benefit Street School. The younger teachers of Rhode Island have all, at one time or another lived under the urgency of Miss Craig's ideals. Moreover, her "girls" in training have remained her friends in life. She is active in the extension work of the Normal School and responds to many demands for institute work not only in Rhode Island but also in the other New England States. She teaches a sane and sympathetic pedagogy. Miss Craig organized the Rhode Island Association of Women Teachers and is now its vice-president. CHAPTER XVI. Memories of the Founding. BY RE\ 7 . GEORGE L. LOCKE. I fear I have but little to say that is to the purpose of this occasion. In the first place I am not, in the conventional sense of the term, an Educator, but a plain country parson. With a very few exceptions, so far as I know, the members of this audience are, moreover, strangers to me, as am I also a stranger to them. And this noble structure in which we are assembled, while it has been from the time of its erection familiar to my eye as one of the most imposing and beautiful architectural features of the capitol city of Rhode Island, yet I have to own that never until this morning have I crossed its threshold. Why then, it may reasonably enough be asked, am I, a stranger, as it were, in a strange land, here to occupy valuable time? The answer to that question will bring me at once to the core of the little that I have to say on this oc- casion. Stranger as I am to-day in this splendid building and to the important activities which it enshrines and to those who direct them, to those also who are to-day and in past years have been trained therein to a noble work on behalf of the State, nevertheless I modestly claim the right to count myself one of those who in days long past, occupied themselves in organizing and promoting the educational movement which was destined to issue and culminate in the R. I. Normal School as it is known and honored to-day. REV. GEORGE L. LOCKE. D. D. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 221 Forty- four years ago, from my native city of Boston I had come as a young man to take charge of the Church in Bristol, over which I have still the oversight. In Bristol I found current the tradition of a State Normal School which some years before had come to a peaceful end in that quiet town. At the time of my coming the very modest and limited premises of the defunct institution was occupied by the local High School. Few in the audience, I dare say, have enjoyed for so long a time as I have done the privilege of the acquaint- ance of that conspicuous representative of the educational interests of Rhode Island and of New England, whom to-day you delight to honor here. I count it my additional privilege that my acquaintance with Mr. Bicknell began in those early days when, as a young man, he was still in the rank and file of your profession, a practical teacher, the Master of the Bris- tol High School. As a member myself of the local school board, and more particularly interested in the school under his charge, I should have had larger opportunity of cultivat- ing his acquaintance had he not retired from his position shortly after my arrival in the town. I have but an old man's memory and it is not tenacious of the details of my activities in that remote part of forty years ago. But it must have been not much later than the time just referred to that I recall myself to memory as a member of the then recently established State Board of Edu- cation and in that capacity again brought into association with Mr. Bicknell, by that time become Commissioner of Public Schools, e.v-officio Secretary of the Board, and much concerned to bring to practical issue the long-growing interest in the State in the establishment of a new Normal School, to 222 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. be located in Providence and organized on broader lines than the old one had been. Acting on the authority committed to it by the General Assembly to move in this direction, the Board appointed a Committee of three, including the Commissioner, to investi- gate the work of prominent Normal Schools and to secure the most competent available man to take charge of the pro- posed institution. As one of this Committee I recall the long tour of inquiry which we made. I recall a visit to a famous school of that day in Oswego, N. Y., in which certain new methods of child training were being tried with much reported success. I recall another visit to a celebrated institution in Terre Haute, Indiana, from which we sought unsuccessfully to steal away the head, a gentleman who subsequently occu- pied a more conspicuous position in the world of Education, for which position indeed I think he was already engaged at the time of our visit. With the Principal of one of the Normal Schools of New York, in the northern part of the State, which we did not visit, we had however some unsuc- cessful correspondence in an attempt to secure his services. Another interesting visit was to the State School at Albany, famous at that time under the charge of the late Prof. Alden, whose classes, I remember, were receiving evidently efficient scholastic training, much on the plan of an ordinary college curriculum, Dr. Alden being quite frank in his statement to us to the effect that technical education in Pedagogy as a preparation for teaching was in his judgment quite subordinate to higher intellectual training. We had traveled far, had made various interesting obser- vations, had learned something about Normal Schools, but when we re-entered Massachusetts on our homeward journey RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 223 the main object of our tour was still unachieved. How com- pletely, however, that purpose was presently accomplished as the final outcome of our brief visit to Westfield it would be superfluous for me to undertake to set forth to those who have any knowledge of this Rhode Island institution from its beginnings under Prof. Greenough and during the years of its growth under his wise and efficient administration. There will be many in this audience, his pupils during those years or his associates on the teaching staff, to whom his memorable pres- ence on this platform this morning, and his few vigorous words of response to your greeting, will have set in motion currents of joyful recollection and thrills of pleasure. Of the history of this School during its earliest and experi- mental days in the disused meeting-house which we had secured for its first abiding place my recollections are indis- tinct, for the reason, I fear, that I made it too little the object of my attention. Much more definitely I recall my experiences as a more frequent visitor of the School in the commodious brick building on Benefit street, which the assured success of our educational enterprise had induced the authorities of the State to place at our disposal. I cherish the recollection of those experiences of mine, especially of the association into which I was brought with the honored Principal, both in the school and in his home, and with his associate teachers, whom by this time I had come to know more familiarly and to hold in high regard. I had occasion not long ago to apply to the Attorney Gen- eral of Rhode Island on behalf of one who had foolishly got himself within the clutches of the law. I knew this import- ant officer of the State only by name or so I supposed and his name had not happened to suggest to me anything in particular. To my surprise, this formidable official greeted 224 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. me as an old friend, and I found, to my delight, that it was he whom long ago I had known as a young lad in the Provi- dence home of his father, Prof. Greenough. But I fear I am illustrating another of the weaknesses of ad- vanced years. I am growing garrulous. As I cannot now easily get off the personal note, which I fear I have been sounding too loudly, I will hasten to relieve the patience of my hearers. At a somewhat later date than that of the beginnings of the new Normal School, the General Assembly committed to the Board of Education an additional responsibility, that of find- ing suitable premises, adapting them to their changed uses, organizing and administering a new institution, the "State Home and School," Mr. Stockwell being at that time the Com- missioner of Public Schools, Secretary of the Board, and its chiefly active working member. In the discharge of this large responsibility in its various aspects I had my humble part. After this new institution was finally organized and well under way, personal considerations led to the resignation of my position on the Board of Education and somewhat later I accepted an unsought appointment to a less onerous position on one of the other Boards of State Administration. The former act of course terminated my connection with the Nor- mal School, a severing of relations so agreeable in the rec- ollection of them that I have many times been disposed to re- gret the step as having been perhaps too hasty taken. My resignation was in the far-back days of the old home on Benefit street. At that time, so far as I can recall, there was as yet no definite plan for a new building, no anticipation, I am sure, of so grand a structure as this in which we are as- sembled to-day. That after it has stood so many years as one RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 225 of the most familiar and, by virture of its elevated position, one of the two most commanding, architectural features of this beautiful city, I should have been, until an hour ago, a stranger to its interior, is little to my credit. And yet may I venture to hope that I have succeeded in establishing the claim which I made at the outset, of having been concerned, however re- motely, measuring by the chain of cause and effect, in its erection. If I have thus succeeded I shall, further, have justified those who had the arrangement of the program for this occasion, a justification perhaps not easy to accomplish otherwise in having honored me with an invitation to present to this audience some recollections of "Forty Years Ago." WILLIAM E. WILSON, Teacher of Physical and Biological Sciences, 1884 to 1892; Principal, 1892 to 1898. Mr. Wilson is a native of Western Pennsylvania. His elementary education was obtained in a rural home in a Scotch-Irish and German community and in a district school of the days before the civil war. Just at the close of the war he began to prepare for college and for teaching, first at Edin- boro State Normal School in Erie County, and later at James- town Seminary and at Marshall College State Normal School in West Virginia. After, six years of teaching and prepar- atory study he entered the sophomore class of Monmouth Col- lege at Monmouth, at Illinois, and was graduated in 1873. He immediately became teacher of the natural sciences in the Nebraska State Normal School at Peru, serving two years, one term as acting principal. The following year he spent in study and travel in Europe. Returning he taught a year in Morgan Park Military Academy in Chicago, and then re- turned to Nebraska and became principal of the public schools successively at Tekamah, North Platte and Brownville. In 1 88 1 he married Miss Flora May Ramsdell of Ceredo, West Virginia, a descendent of John and Priscilla Alden, and be- came professor of natural sciences in Coe College at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and assisted in the organization of that institu- tion. In 1884, General Thomas J. Morgan, who had been princi- pal of the Nebraska State Normal School when Mr. Wilson was a teacher there, became principal of the Rhode Island Normal School and invited Mr. Wilson to accept a position in the school. He accepted the invitation and served as teacher of physical and biological sciences under General RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 227 Morgan for five years and under Principal George A. Little- field three years. In 1892 he succeeded Mr. Littlefield as principal. He became principal when the time was ripe for rapid de- velopment of the school. The demand had become strong the country over for normal trained teachers and more sub- stantial courses were becoming established in normal schools. The city of Providence had already begun to require grad- uates of High schools to attend the State Normal School one half a year before admitting them to the city training schools. This required attendance was now increased to a year. The regular course leading to a diploma was extended to two years for graduates of high schools. New courses were es- tablished and additional teachers employed. Thus strong departments of biological science and of psychology and child study were established and other departments reorgan- ized to better advantage. The two measures of fundamental importance undertaken at this time were the establishment of the training department and the securing of a suitable modern building for the school. The necessity of both of these improvements to the efficiency and the development of the institution had been ably urged from time to time for years without immediate result. The time for action having now arrived they were undertaken by the trustees and pushed forward to their accomplishment. The establishment of an efficient training school under the circumstances surrounding the Rhode Island Normal School at this time was a very difficult task but in its successful accomplishment the way was opened for the larger result already realized in the system of normal training schools in operation in connection with the Rhode Island Normal School. This system has been widely recognized as being based upon 228 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. sound principles and as possessing features of special value which have been adopted with certain adaptations in other states. The essential features of the plan were based upon these views : 1. Systematic study by observation of regular public schools in the hands of expert teachers should precede practice teach- ing. 2. Schools for observation should not be used for practice by student teachers but under the sole continuous charge of teachers selected as specially competent to do this work. 3. Practice teaching should be provided for in regular pub- lic graded schools under special supervision. It should be real teaching not for practice but to educate children. 4. This practice teaching should be in progressive steps, the first of which should be the teaching of a class without the care of other children and the last should be in charge of a room continuously for a reasonable period of time both un- der expert and not too continuous supervision. The original training school of the Rhode Island Normal School was established at the corner of Benefit and Halsey streets in 1893. The plan upon which it was organized was proposed by Dr. Horace S. Tarbell, then Superintendent of schools of Providence. It was studied over and worked out by Commissioner Stockwell and Principal Wilson in confer- ence with Mr. Tarbell, adopted by the Board of Trustees, approved by the school committee of Providence, and became effective in the autumn of 1893. Mrs. Sara F. Bliss was secured from the faculty of the Albany Normal College for principal ; Miss Clara E. Craig of Providence and Miss Edith Goodyear of New Haven, Conn., were chosen for training supervisors, and Miss Phebe Wilbur WALTER E. RANGER. COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1906. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 229 and Miss Alice W. Case of Providence and Miss Mary Bos- worth of Somerville, Massachusetts, were chosen to be obser- vation teachers. Later Miss Mary Eastburn of the Trenton, New Jersey, State Normal School and Miss Alice E. Rey- nolds of Norwich, Conn., came to the corps as training teach- ers, and Miss Ada B. Bragg, Miss Grace E. Mowry and Miss Marion A. Puffer as observation teachers. These capable and earnest teachers found difficulties and troubles to overcome during the first year or two of the school's existence but to their lasting praise the training school was successful in their hands and became indispensable to the normal school. The following teachers were associated with Principal Wil- son during the years 1892 to 1898: Sarah Marble and Char- lotte E. Deming, whom every graduate and every friend of the normal school must honor; Emma E. Brown, Inez L. Whipple and Mabel C. Bragg, graduates of the school and exceptional teachers, each in a different field, loyal and true; B. W. Hood, Alexander Bevan, Emory P. Russell and Alex- ander Seaverns, worthy men and able teachers ; Clara F. Rob- inson, Bertha Bass, Fannie E. Woods, gifted, faithful and admired; Hattie Hunt, Mary Dickerson, strong and skillful, they set high standards. In 1898 Mr. Wilson became principal of the Washington State Normal School at Ellensburg and found in that vast new- region a wide and congenial field for which his experiences in Rhode Island were a valuable preparation. He is already among the older of the educational leaders of that vigorous commonwealth. REARWORD. It is done. On Sept. 16, 1911, I was invited by the Executive Committee on the Fortieth Anniversary of the Rhode Island Normal School (new) to write and edit a volume on its history. I accepted the work and to-day, (Oct. 21), I am writing the last word, and hope, by the virtue of excellent book printers and binders, to have the finished product, in the form of a beautiful and valuable historic work, in the hands of its readers, on or before Nov. I. I do not hesitate to say that the book will be a revelation to the present generation of educators of Rhode Island and of the country. "Lest we forget" is the imperative of every hour and duty. The teacher has few honors that surpass grateful remembrance. Whatever appears in this volume of personal compliment has been written without my knowledge or suggestion, and solicited in all cases by others for independent purposes. I should be most ungrateful not to acknowledge with supreme gratitude, the high consideration paid my work in the founding of the new Normal School of 1871. I entered the Commis- sioner's office, Jan. I, 1869, when Rhode Island had no Normal School, had tried one for eleven years, and did not want another. When I resigned the office in 1875, to occupy a posi- tion of greater responsibility in Boston, I left a State Normal School so well established that "The Gates of Hell Could not prevail against it." To-day, that Normal School is in a position to become the first Normal College in New England. Within this volume may be found the names of most who have been prominent in its history. All officers, teachers, students, in their lot and place, have done a noble service for the State and for humanity. No true workman envies that of his associate builder. Each will glory in the finished product, when the Cap-stone shall be set with universal rejoicings. RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 231 I am gratefully indebted fqr the cordial aid 'of many good people in the issuance of this book. Mr. Arthur W. Brown, Mrs. John F. Lonsdale (Bucklin), Mrs. Dr. William F. Kenney (Murray), Miss Gertrude Arnold, Miss Cornelia M. Goff, Mr. E. A. Noyes and Miss Etta V. Leighton and Mrs. Elisha Greene (Salisbury), of the Executive Committee of the Fortieth Anniversary were its first friends and patrons. Miss Ellen M. Haskell wrote the interesting story of the Private Normal School, 1852-54. Mrs. Charles H. Remington (Tillinghast), wrote the appreciative words as to Miss Craig, and with Mr. E. A. Noyes prepared the article on the Alumni Association. She also prepared the article on the Training School. Mrs. Roby Cole Welch, wrote of the valuable services of Miss Deming, Mrs. J. Herbert Shedd (Marble), and of Principal Gowing. Thanks to Miss Coggeshall's thorough search and persistent labor, we now have a complete catalog of all persons who as students have been connected with the Rhode Island Normal School from 1854 to and including 1911. To Miss Ellen M. Haskell, Miss Rebecca Sheldon, and Miss Ruth A. Haskell, are we obliged for a partial list of the members of the private Normal School. The Loose Leaf Publishing Company of Providence is entitled to great praise for courteous conduct, prompt work, fine typography and binding, and generous business treatment. Men die. Institutions live. I have the glad assurance that the spiritual edifice of character and conduct for which the Rhode Island Normal School stands, shall hold in sacred and immortal honor the names of all who have worthily wrought, to the full measure of their service. THOMAS W. BICKNELL. October 21, 1911, Providence, R. I. INDEX. Academic Work 16 Address, Thomas W. Bicknell 50 to 53, 75 to 91 Daniel Leach 48 to 50 Seth Padelford 46, 47 James C. Greenough 100 to 111 Mrs. Richard J. Barker 91 to 97 G. E. Whittemore 73 to 75 G. L. Locke 221 to 225 William W. Andrew 97 to 99 Alger, John L., Welcome 72, 97, 117, 216, 217 Alumni Association 194-198 Andrew, William W., Address 97 to 99 Arnold, Gertrude E 67, 68, 71 Associates of Greenough, Tributes to 110 Bancroft, Susan C 37, 38, 79, 117, 206 Baker, Jennie F 71 Barker, Mrs. Richard Jackson, Address 91 to 97 Barnard, Henry 10, 11 Barstow, Amos C 50 Bicknell, Thomas W 17, 18, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 36, 50 to 53, 57 to 61, 68, 75 to 91, 94, 96, 100 Board of Education 18, 19, 115 Bristol, Normal School at 15, 16, 189 to 193 Brown, Arthur W 67, 68, 70, 91, 194, 227 Brown, Mrs. Geo. T 67 Carter, James G 9, 10 Campaign for a Normal School 19 Chapin, Charles S 117, 215, 216 Coggeshall, Miss Luly M 227 Colburn, Dana P 12, 13, 15, 121, 190, 192 College, Normal 75 to 91 Commission on New Normal Building 64 Committee on Fortieth Anniversary 68, 227 Concord, Vt, First Normal School 8 Course of Study at Normal School 39, 40, 199-204 Craig, Clara E 120, 219 Cross, Samuel H 19, 28, 115 Cultural Studies. . 84 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 233 Danielson, George W .*.... 105, 108 Dean, Hon. Sidney 29, 30 Declaration of Educational Principles 90 Dedication Normal Buildings. 45, 63, 65, 66 Degrees in Normal College 86 Deming, Charlotte E 117, 218 Doyle, Thomas A 48, 107 Eaton, Gen. John 27 Educational Declaration 90 Faculty of Normal College 89 Faculty of Normal School, 1854 to 1865 116 Faculty of Normal School, 1871 to 1911 117-120 Fight on Normal School 104 Finding a Principal 36, 37 First American Writers on Normal Schools 7 First Class in R. I. Normal School 124, 125 First Normal School in United States 8 First Prospectus of R. I. Normal School, 1871 38-44 First State Normal School in United States 14 Founding of First Rhode Island Normal School 12, 13, 17-32 Founding of Normal School, Memories of 220-225 Fortieth Anniversary Exercises. 67 to 111 Forty Years of Normal Work 96 Freeman, Edward L 21, 80 Freeman, Lester A 67, 68 Gardner, Ida M 71, 117 Goff, Mrs. Ira N 67 Goodwin, Daniel 16, 116, 205 Goodwin, Hannah W. (Drury). 16, 116, 189-193, 205 Cowing, Fred 117, 214 Greene, George W 19, 30, 31, 57, 80, 115 Greene, Samuel S 12, 13, 38, 116 Greenough, James C. 37, 38, 53, 54, 63, 79, 100 to 111, 117, 206, 207 Growth of Normal School 64, 142-188 Hall, Rev. Samuel R 8, 9, 10 Haskell, Ellen M 12, 13, 14, 121, 227 Haskell, Ruth A 122, 227 Heritage of Four Decades, W. W. Andrew 97 to 99 Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. . 59 Homes of the State Normal School 13, 15, 42, 62 to 65, 101 Horton, N. B. & Son 65 Hymn of Dedication 55 Jewett, Mary L. (Taylor) 37, 38, 117, 206 Journal, Providence 67, 105 Kendall, Joshua. 16, 116, 192, 205 234 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. Kendrick, John E 65, 115 Kenney, Mrs. W. F. 68, 71 Kingsbury, John! 15 Kingsley, J. L 7 Lawton, Mrs., Tiverton 95, 96 Leach, Rev. Daniel 38, 48, 49, 50, 115 Lectures to Schoolmasters, Hall 8 Leighton, Etta V, 68, 71 Letters and Opinions George W. Greene 57 Charles H. Fisher. . 58 W. A. Mowry 59 T. W. Higginson 59 Thomas B. Stockwell 60 Littlefield, George A 116, 210, 211 Locke, George L., Rev 38, 115, 220-225 Lonsdale, Mrs. J. F. 68, 70, 71, 111, 117 Luther, Ellen R 16, 116, 191 Mann, Horace 10, 25 Marble, Sarah Ill, 117, 194, 198, 207 Martin Hall, Architects 65 Mass Meeting at Rocky Point 25 Memories of the Founding of the Normal School, by Rev. George L. Locke 220 to 225 Mileage Act 33 Miller, Harriette M 38, 71 Morgan, Thomas J. . 116, 209 Mowry, William A., Letter of 59 New Era in Rhode Island Education 17 Normal College 75 to 91 Normal Leaders 10 Normal School Act 32 Normal School Campaign 19 Normal School Bill in House of Representatives 30, 31 Normal School Bill in Senate 28, 29 Normal School Buildings 13, 15, 35, 42, 62 to 65, 101 Normal School, First in United States 7 Normal School Work, 1911 199 to 204 Normal Students, 1852 to 1911 121 to 188 Noyes, E. A 67, 68, 71, 194, 227 Observation Schools 201 Obstacles to Normal School 20 to 23, 102 to 107 Olmstead, Prof. D. . 7 Padelford, Seth 17, 28, 30, 45 to 47, 80, 113 Peckham, Nathaniel 30 Potter, Elisha R 11, 12, 14 RHODE ISLAND NORMAL SCHOOL. 235 Powell, Samuel 22, 29 Principal, Finding a 36, 37 Principles of Education 90, 91 Private Normal School .' 12 to 14, 121 to 123 Proceedings of Fortieth Anniversary. 70 to 111 Providence Press 24, 45, 105, 106 Ranger, Walter E. 69, 70, 97, 114 Rearword 230, 231 Remington, Mrs. C. H 68, 194, 227 Rhode Island Institute of Instruction 24 Rhode Island Schoolmaster 34 Russell, William. . 8, 12, 14 School Officers' Convention 24 School Supervision 87 Shedd, Mrs. J. H. (nee Marble) 79, 111, 117, 194, 198, 207 Sheldon, Rebecca 122, 227 Stockwell, Thomas B 60, 63, 65, 97, 108, 114, 117, 204, 228 Students' Private Normal School 121 to 123 Students' State Normal School, 1854 to 1865 124 to 141 Students' State Normal School, 1871-1911. . . 142 to 188 Student Government 201 Sumner, Arthur 12, 13, 15, 121, 124 Supervision School. . 87 to 89 Supplementary Courses 87 Saunders, Annie F. (Fielden). 116, 122 Tarbell, Horace S 228 Teachers' Institutes 18 Teachers' Greatness. 108 Three Homes of the Normal School 62 to 66 Tickenor, Elisha 7 Tilton, F. W 19, 36, 115, 217 Training School, Organization of 227 Training School 202 to 204 Trustees of State Normal School 112 to 115 Van Zandt, C. C. 24, 28, 63, 113 Verry, Nathan T 22 Vocational Work 85 Vice-Presidents' Fortieth Anniversary 68 Welch, Roby Cole 68, 194, 197, 227 Whittemore, Gilbert E 73 to 75 Wilson, William E 117, 204, 212, 213, 226 to 229 Winning the People 23, 25, 26 Woman's Advancement, Normal Schools a Factor in 91 to 97 Women as School Committee 93 Women as Leaders 95 Woodbury, Rev. Augustus 20, 26, 63, 104, 106 ILLUSTRATIONS FACES PAGE Alger, John L 199 Bancroft, Susan C. (Tillinghast) 54 Barker, Mrs. Richard Jackson 91 Barnard, Henry 11 Bicknell, Thomas W 28 and 75 Brown, Arthur W 67 Chapin, Charles S 216 Colburn, Dana P 15 Craig, Clara E 202 Deming, Charlotte E 218 Goodwin, Daniel. . 189 Goodwin, Hannah W. (Drury) 192 Gowing, Fred 214 Greene, Samuel S 38 Greenough, James C. 100 Kendall, Joshua 205 Littlefield, George A. 210 Locke, George L 220 Marble, Sarah (Shedd) Ill Morgan, Thomas J 209 Noyes, E. A 71 Padelford, Seth. . . 45 Ranger, Walter E 230 Remington, Mrs. C. H. 194 Stockwell, Thomas B 60 Wilson, William E. 212 First Normal School Building, Concord, Vt. ... 7 Normal School Building, Bristol, R. I. 16 Normal School Building, 1871-1878 50 Normal School Building, Benefit St 107 Normal School Building, Capitol Hill Frontispiece