>C-NR CHb 712 MEDICAL *CInIL \ MX. THE PRACTICAL ANATOMIST. THE PRACTICAL ANATOMIST; OR, THE STUDENT'S GUIDE IN THE DISSECTING-ROOM, BY J. M. ALLEN, M. D., LATE PROFESSOR OF ANATOMY IX THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OP PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE j FELLOW OF THE COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS ; MEMBER OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, ETC. WITH TWO HUNDRED AND SI-XT Y- SIX ILLUSTRATIONS. PHILADELPHIA:, BLANCHAKD AND LEA 1856. Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1856, by BLANCHARD AND LEA, in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA : T. K. AND P. . COLLINS, PRINTERS. PREFACE. IN preparing a Treatise on Practical Anatomy for the use of medical students, I have not been influenced by the hope that I should be able to add anything new to the fund of knowledge which is to be found in the various works which have been written on anatomy; nor have I expected to be able to introduce much that would be new to any one who has had much experience in teaching practical anatomy. As our medical institutions are now organized, the student must expect to obtain his knowledge of anatomy from two distinct sources namely, the anatomical theatre, and the dis- secting-room. In the anatomical theatre, he is taught ana- tomy ^after whatever plan is adopted by the Professor of that department in the institution with which he happens to be connected. Here, every part requiring dissection passes through the hands of the Prosector before it is presented to him for his inspection, all the parts not at the time under consideration having been removed. In this way, the stu- dent is taught anatomy systematically ; he has each system, as the muscular, the vascular, &c., presented to him by itself. He is also provided with what is called a text-look, in which he finds everything presented in the same order as in the lecture- room. Thus, in learning anatomy in this way, he is required to do but little more than to listen to what is told him, to ob- serve the illustrations employed by the lecturer, and to read his text-book. 13452 VI PREFACE. That some parts of anatomy can be taught to better ad- vantage in the anatomical theatre than elsewhere there can be no doubt. But there are other parts that can be learned far better in the dissecting-room. Among the parts thus learned may be included almost everything, whose relations must be understood in order to render a knowledge of them available in diagnosis and in operative surgery. However desirable it may be to have every student become a thorough anatomist, it must be well known to every teacher of anatomy that much of what is taught in the lecture-room is never fully learned and retained by very many of those who graduate in our best institutions ; nor is it necessary that the practitioner of medicine or surgery should be so thoroughly conversant with the science of anatomy as he who teaches it. Yet no one, I presume, will say that the student should not learn as much of anatomy as is essential to enable him to do justice to those who may confide in his skill or his ability to treat disease. As but few of those who enroll their names in our colleges as students can ever desire or hope to become teachers of anatomy, it is important .that their time should be appropriated to the study of what will be indis- pensable for them to know in the daily routine of practice. Impressed with the conviction that the dissecting-room affords the greatest facilities for acquiring that knowledge which the student, when he becomes a practitioner of medicine, will most need, I have endeavored to supply him with what might be regarded as his text-book in the dissecting-room. To be a student in the lecture-room is quite different from being a student in the dissecting-room. In the latter, the body is placed in his hands without any previous dissection having been made, and he is required to dissect each part himself. To do this, he must avail himself of the experience of some one who is familiar not only with the parts to be dissected, but with the manipulations necessary to make the proper dissections. In offering him this assistance, I have not viewed PREFACE. Vll him as a mere passive agent, but as one capable of using his own faculties, and of exercising his own skill and judgment as occasion might require. It has been my constant aim to instil in the dissecting-room a feeling of self-reliance and self-dependence; to make the student feel that when he had exposed a part, as a muscle, for example, he could see and learn its relations to surrounding parts just as well with- out as with being told them ; that he could see with his own eyes whether a muscle lies on the outer or inner side of a particular artery, and whether it must be divided or not in cutting down upon the latter for the purpose of applying a ligature to it, or whether it may serve as a guide for finding the vessel, and, if so, rn what way. In following out this plan, I have, whenever the opportunity offered, suggested what deserved his special attention, believing that a simple suggestion would often be of more value to him than a whole page occupied in describing what a mere hint would prompt him to ascertain or learn without assistance. Whenever I have been able, in the dissecting-roorn, to make a student feel a consciousness of his own ability to become a good practical anatomist, I have almost invariably had the grati- fication of witnessing his entire success. For the truth of this remark, I can appeal to hundreds of gentlemen who are at this time engaged in the active duties of professional life in different portions of the United States. In the dissecting-room, more than in almost any other place, the student should be encouraged to cultivate a habit of self -interrogation; to ask himself the use of everything he dissects, and in what way a knowledge of it can be made available to him, either in understanding the other branches of medical science or in his future practice. To incite in his mind such a spirit of self- inquiry has been my constant en- deavor throughout the work. In the division of a subject, I have followed the plan which I have found, after a trial of many years, to be the Vlll PREFACE. most convenient and advantageous to students, whose time for studying practical anatomy is limited, and who, not un- frequently, are compelled to confine their dissections to one or two bodies during the session. The body is supposed to be divided into five parts, and apportioned to as many persons; one of whom has the head and neck, two have, each an upper extremity separately, and the thorax in common; two have, each a lower extremity, including the abdominal and pelvic viscera between them. It is expected that all will partici- pate in the examination of the parts contained in the three great splanchnic cavities, as they cannot be divided. Mere arbitrary rules for exposing the parts in any region have been, in general, avoided ; the position and the relations of each organ or part have indicated the method that has been adopted for dissecting it. Every part in a region has been noticed as it would naturally be met with when the student was desirous of studying everything contained in that region. 1 have found, that when the attention of a student was directed to the relations of a part as well as to the part itself, the recollection of the one usually aided him in the recollection of the other; that it was merely necessary for him to appropriate more time to the study of the parts of that region. In aiming to make the book as useful as possible, viewing the student as a candidate for the practice of medicine and surgery, I have not hesitated to discriminate, to some ex- tent, between different regions and organs in a practical point of view; hence, I have dwelt longer on some parts than on others, being governed in this respect partly by what I con- ceived to be the relative value and importance of the know- ledge of any part or organ to the student, and partly by the difficulty which I have observed students in the dissecting- room, especially beginners, to have in dissecting and under- standing them. Thus, I have devoted a large share of time and space to the organs contained in the three great splanch- PREFACE. IX nic cavities, to the organs of the special senses, and to such regions as the perineum, the inguinal, the femoral, the ante- rior part of the neck, and the axilla. Although the space allowed in the original plan of the book did not admit of my dwelling long on the medical and surgical anatomy of many parts and regions, I have endeavored to direct the attention of the student to whatever had a practical bearing, so that he could, by referring to works on medicine and surgery, derive full advantage from his dissections. To give merely a meagre or superficial account of the medical and surgical anatomy of a part, I am satisfied, does the student more harm than good. There has necessarily been in some places more or less repetition. As the dissector wishes merely to know the posi- tion and the relations of a part in the region that he is dis- secting, the same part, in some instances, is referred to at different times, and in different dissections. In regard to illustrations, I need only say that the Pub- lishers gave me carte-blanche to select from the whole number of drawings contained in the various works which have been published by them. When the value of these illustrations over two hundred and sixty in number is considered, I am confident that the liberality thus manifested by them will be duly appreciated by every one who may avail himself of the work. There is no Dissector, as far as my knowledge extends, which is so fully illustrated as this ; it is hardly possible to over-estimate the value of pictorial illustrations in a work on practical anatomy. I may be permitted to say that the Pub- lishers have spared no expense to make the work, as far as it depended on them, in every way acceptable to the medical student. The artistical appearance of the work speaks the praise of those who have had the execution of it in their charge. It affords me sincere pleasure to avail myself of this oppor- tunity to express my heartfelt thanks to those Gentlemen who, while my Pupils, aided me in various ways in examining dif- X PREFACE. ferent parts of the body for the purpose of extending my ob- servations in the science of anatomy. Among them, I am happy to speak especially of the labors of H. M. Keynolds,' M. D., who labored most assiduously for upwards of two years as my assistant, principally in making special dissections. To W. H. GOBKECHT, M. D., late Demonstrator of Ana- tomy in the Medical Department of Pennsylvania College, I am under very great obligations for the able and valuable assistance he has rendered me in revising .and correcting the sheets as they have passed through the press. Although the work has been prepared more especially for the student in the dissecting-room, I feel confident that the physician will find it adapted to his wants, whenever he may wish to refresh his memory on the position and relations of any part or organ. J. M. ALLEN. PHILADELPHIA, October, 1856. TABLE OF CONTENTS. GENERAL REMARKS . . ... . . . .25 PART i. DISSECTION OF THE HEAD AND NECK. CHAPTER I. OF THE HEAD. SECTION I. Of the Face . . 29 40 SECTION II. Appendages of the Eye outside of the orbit . . 40 4? SECTION III. Dissection of the Soft parts on the upper part of the Cranium 4t 52 * SECTION IV. Dissection of the Membranes of the Brain 52 56 Xll TABLE OF CONTENTS. SECTION V. Dissection of the Brain Origin of the Cerebral Nerves . Arteries of the Brain Dura mater 56 80 85 90 SECTION VI. Dissection of the Appendages of the Eye within the orbit 91 99 SECTION VII. The Eyeball . SECTION IX. Dissection of the Ear SECTION X. Dissection of the Nose . . SECTION XL Topography of the Mouth, Fauces, and Pharynx SECTION XII. Dissection of the Palate . ... SECTION XIII. 99110 SECTION VIII. The Spheno-maxillary region ..... 110 120 Dissection of the Tongue 120134 134143 143150 150152 152155 TABLE OF CONTENTS, Xlll CHAPTER II. DISSECTION OF THE NECK. SECTION I. Superficial parts of the Neck . SECTION II. Dissection of the Deep parts of the Neck SECTION III. Dissection of the Larynx .... SECTION IY. Dissection of the Pharynx 155184 184192 192203 203205 PART II. DISSECTION OF THE THORAX, BACK, AND UPPER EXTREMITY. CHAPTER I. * THE UPPER EXTREMITY. SECTION I. Dissection of the Pectoral and Axillary regions . 20t 223 SECTION II. Dissection of the Back 223238 SECTION III. Dissection of the Shoulder . . 238 245 XIV TABLE OF CONTENTS. SECTION IV. Dissection of the Arm 245 286 The Palm of the Hand 2?3 281 SECTION Y. Dissection of the Spinal Canal and its Contents . 28G 290 CHAPTER II. OF THE THORAX AND ITS CONTENTS. SECTION I. Dissection of the Thorax 291 The Pleurae 295 " Pericardium 298 " Heart 299 " Mediastinum . . . . . . 315 " Lungs 325 " Ligaments of the Thorax 334 PART III. DISSECTION OF ABDOMEN AND LOWER EXTREMITIES. CHAPTER I. OP THE ABDOMEN. SECTION I. Parietes of the Abdomen 339360 Anatomy of Inguinal Hernia .... 349 35*7 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XV SECTION II. Dissection of the Cavity of the Abdomen Relations of the Abdominal Yiscera Yessels and Nerves of the Yiscera Dissection of the Yiscera . 360420 366375 375386 386410 SECTION III. Dissection of the Pelvic Yiscera .... 420 474 Relations of the Pelvic Yiscera in the Male . 435 439 Dissection of the Yessels and Nerves iu the Pel- vic cavity 439455 Dissection of the Perineum 455 474 SECTION IY. Dissection of the Female Organs of Generation 474489 CHAPTER II. OF THE LOWER EXTREMITY. SECTION I. Dissection of the Anterior part of the Thigh Anatomy of Femoral Hernia 489510 489500 SECTION II. The Gluteal Region 511520 Dissection of the Hip-joint ..... 520 " Articulations of the Yertebraa . 525 Pelvis 535 SECTION III. Dissection of the Back of the Thigh and of the Ham 539552 XVI TABLE OF CONTENTS. SECTION IY. Dissection of the Posterior and the Inner part of the Leg 552 56T SECTION V. Dissection of the Anterior and Outer parts of the Leg, and the Dorsum of the Foot . . . 568582 SECTION VI. Dissection of the Sole of the Foot .... 582595 SECTION VII. Dissection of the Ligaments of the Knee, Leg, and Foot 595 616 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. PAGE 1 . External Carotid Artery and its Branches . . . .30 2. Veins of the Head and Neck . . . . . .31 3. Salivary Glands, in sitft . ..... 33 4. Front View of the Left Eye . .... 40 5. Tensor Tarsi Muscle ....... 42 6. Meibomian Glands ....... 43 7. Lachrymal Apparatus and Nasal Duct . . . . .46 8. Sinuses of the Dura Mater . . . . . .54 9. Vertical Section of Cranium, showing the Falx Cerehri, Tentorium, etc. 56 10. Vertical Section in the median plane, of the Cerebrum, Cerebellum, Pons, and Medulla Oblongata . . . . . .58 11. Section of Cerebrum, displaying the Lateral Ventricles . . .60 12. Section of the Cerebral Hemisphere . . . . .62 13. Section of the Cerebrum displaying the Surfaces of the Corpora Striata and Optic Thalami, the Cavity of the Third Ventricle, and the Upper Surface of the Cerebellum . . . . . .65 14. Superior Surface of the Cerebellum . . . . .70 15. Inferior Surface of the Cerebellum and a portion of the Medulla Ob- longata ......... 71 16. Arbor Vitce and the Fundamental Portion of the Cerebellum . . 72 17. Base of the Cerebrum and Cerebellum, with Cranial Nerves . . 76 18. Arteries at the Base of the Brain . . . . .86 19. Sinuses at the Base of the Brain . . . . . .89 20. The Nerves in the Orbit above the Muscles . . . .92 21. The Deep Nerves of the Orbit . . . . . .93 22. Third, Fourth, and Sixth Pairs of Nerves . . . .95 23. Muscles of the Eyeball ....... 97 24. Transverse Section of the Cavernous Sinus of the Right Side . . 99 25. Longitudinal Section of the Globe of the Eye . . . .101 26. Ciliary Nerves . . . . . . . .104 27. Anterior Segment of a Transverse Section of the Globe of the Eye . 107 28. Posterior Segment of a Transverse Section of the Globe of the Eye . 108 2* XVlll LIST OF ILLUST11ATIONS. FIG. PAGE 29. Side View of the adult Crystalline Lens . . . . .109 30. Triple Division of the Lens and the Course of its Fibres . . 109 31. Lens hardened in spirit and partially divided along the three Interior Planes ......... 110 32. The two Pterygoid Muscles . . . . . . 11'2 33. Internal Maxillary Artery . . . . . ..114 34. External View of the Articulation of the Lower Jaw . . .115 35. Internal View of the Articulation of the Lower Jaw . . . 116 36. Section of Temporo-maxillary Articulation .... 116 37. Distribution of the Trifacial, or Fifth Pair . . . .118 38. Left Ear in its natural state . . . . . .121 39. Cartilage of the External Ear with some of its Muscles . . . 122 40. Membrana Tympani . . . . . . . 123 41. Diagram of the Ear . . . . . . . 125 42. Ossicles of the Left Ear . . . . . . .126 43. External Face of the Bony Labyrinth of the Left Side . . .129 44. Labyrinth in an inverted position ..... 132 45. Tympanic Nerve . . . . . . . .133 46. Cartilages of the Nose, seen from below ..... 135 47. Bones and Cartilages of the outer Nose ..... 135 48. Front View of the Cartilages of the Nose . . . .135 49. Osseous and Cartilaginous Septum of the Nose . . . .336 50. Outer Wall of the Left Nasal Fossa . . . . .137 51. Vertical Section of the Middle Part of the Nasal Fossse . . . 139 52. First Pair or Olfactory Nerves ...... 141 53. The Tongue, in sitft ....... 145 54. The Tongue, with its Papillae . . . . . .346 55. Median Section of the Nose, Mouth, Pharynx, and Larynx . . 147 56. Muscles of the Soft Palate, seen from below and in front . . 151 57. Posterior View of the Muscles of the Soft Palate . . .151 58. Dorsum of the Tongue ....... 153 59. Muscles of the Tongue, seen from its lower surface . . . 353 60. Under Surface of the Tongue and Muscles connected with it . . 154 61. Side View of the Superficial Layer of Muscles on the Face and Neck . 157 62. Side View of the Superficial Arteries and Veins of the Face and Neck . 159 63. Facial Nerve and Branches of the Cervical Plexus . . .160 64. Deep-seated Layer of Muscles on the Face and Neck . . . 164 65. Arteries of the Neck and Shoulder ..... 169 66. The Heart, with the Great Vessels of the Neck, in sitft . . .171 67. Hypoglossal or Ninth Pair of Nerves and Deep-seated Nerves of Neck . 173 68. Vertebral Artery, Carotid and Arch of the Aorta . . .174 69. Superficial and Deep Muscles of the Anterior Aspect of the Neck . 178 70. Nerves of the Tongue, etc. ...... 180 71. Prcevertebral Group of Muscles of the Neck .... 190 72. Anterior View of the Os Hyoides ..... 193 73. Front View of the Cricoid Cartilage ... .194 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. XIX 74. Lateral View of the Thyroid Cartilage . . . . .195 75. Anterior View of the Left Arytenoid Cartilage . . . .196 76. Posterior View of the Left Arytenoid Cartilage . . . .196 77. Lateral View of the Epiglottis' . . . . . .196 78. Posterior View of the Articulations of the Cartilages of the Larynx . 198 79. Front View of the Ligaments of the Larynx . . . .198 80. Lateral View of the Ligaments of the Larynx . . ... 199 81. The Larynx from above ....... 199 82. Front View of the Crico-Thyroid Muscles . . . .200 83. Posterior View of the Arytenoid and Crico-Arytenoid Muscles . 200 84. Vertical Section of the Larynx to show some of its Muscles . . 201 85. Vertical Section of the Larynx, to show its Internal Surface . . 202 86. Posterior View of the Muscles of the external portion of the Pharynx . 204 87. Side View of the Muscles of the Pharynx . . . .205 88. Side View of the Mammary Gland . . . . .208 89. Vertical Section of the Mammary Gland . . . .209 90. Superficial Muscles of the Upper Front of the Trunk . . .211 91. Deeper-seated ^uscles on the Upper Front of the Trunk . . 214 92. Axillary and Bracl/^al Arteries and their Branches . . . 216 93. Brachial Plexus of 'Nerves and Branches to the Arm . . .217 94. Superficial Veins on the Front of the Upper Extremity . . . 219 95. Lateral View of the Deep-seated Muscles of the Trunk . . 220 96. Anterior View of the Muscles of the Shoulder . . . .222 97. First and Second and Part of the Third Layers of Muscles of the Back 226 98. Fourth and Fifth, and Part of the Sixth Layers of the Muscles of the Back . . . . . . . . .231 99. The Deltoid Muscle . . . . . . .239 100. Posterior View of the Muscles of the Shoulder with the Deltoid . 240 101. Posterior View of the Muscles of the Shoulder which strengthen the Articulation ........ 241 102. The Ligaments of the Scapula and Shoulder-Joint . . .243 103. Plan of the Cutaneous Nerves on the Front of the Arm . . 247 104. 'Plan of the Cutaneous Nerves of the Back of the Arm and Forearm . 247 105. Superficial Veins at the Bend of the Arm . . . , . 248 106. Fascia Brachialis . . . . . . .249 107. Muscles on the Front of the Arm . . . . .250 108. Plan of the Nerves of the Arm . . . . . .251 109. Anterior View of the Deep-seated Muscles of the Arm . . .255 110. Lateral View of the Deep-seated Muscles on the back of the Arm . 256 111. Superficial Layer of the Muscles of the Forearm . . . 260 112. The Arteries of the Forearm . . . . . .262 113. Nerves on the Front of the Forearm . - . . . . 265 114. Deep Layer of Muscles of the Forearm . . . . .266 115. The Pronators of the Forearm ...... 267 116. Superficial Layer of Muscles of the Posterior Aspect of the Forearm . 269 117. Deep Lnycr of Muscles on the Posterior Aspect of the Forearm . 270 XX LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. PAGE 118. Nerves on the Back of the Forearm and Hand .... 271 119. Muscles of the Hand . . . , . . .277 120. Palmar Interosseous Muscles ...... 280 121. Dorsal Interosseous Muscles ...... 280 122. Internal View of the Elbow-Joint . . . . .282 123. External View of the Elbow-Joint . . . . .282 124. Ligaments of the Anterior Aspect of the Wrist and Hand . 284 125. Diagram of the Five Synovial Membranes of the Wrist-Joint . . 285 126. Anterior View of the Spinal Marrow . . . . .288 127. Portion of the Spinal Marrow, with origins of Spinal Nerves . . 289 128. Transverse Sections of the Spinal Cord . . . . .290 129. Diagram of the Thoracic Mediastina ..... 297 130. Anterior View of the Heart and its Vessels . . . .301 131. Posterior View of the Heart " " " . . . .301 132. The Right Auricle and Ventricle of the Heart laid open . .303 133. The Left Auricle and Ventricle of the Heart laid open . . 307 134. Parts of the Left Ventricle and Aorta laid open, showing the Sigmoid Valves ......... 309 135. Auriculo-Venti'icular and Arterial Valves . . . .311 136. Posterior View of the External Muscular Layer of the Heart . . 313 137. The Large Vessels which proceed from the Root of the Heart, with their Relations . . . . . . . .319 138. The Larynx, Trachea, and Bronchi . . . . .323 139. Anatomy of the Heart and Lungs . . . . .327 140. Portion of the (Esophagus of an Adult . . . . .328 141. Course and Termination of the Thoracic Duct . . . .331 142. The Great Sympathetic Nerve . . . . . .332 143. Ligaments of the Sterno-Clavicular and Costo-Sternal Articulations . 335, 144. Anterior Ligaments of the Vertebrae and Ligaments of the Ribs . 336 145. Posterior Ligaments of the Thoracic Portion of the Vertebral Column and of the Ribs . . . . . . . .336 146. Superficial and Deep Muscles of the Anterior aspect of the Trunk . 343 147. Lateral View of the Muscles of the Trunk of the Body . . 347 148. External Parts concerned in Inguinal and Femoral Hernia . . 351 149. Deep-seated Parts concerned in Inguinal and Femoral Hernia . . 353 150. Abdominal Muscles and the Abdominal or Inguinal Canal . . 354 151. Arteries in the Groin of the Left Side . . . . .359 152. Regions of the Abdomen . . . . . .361 153. Viscera of the Chest and Abdomen, in situ .... 367 154. Viscera of the Chest and Abdomen . . . . .369 155. Viscera of the Upper Part of the Abdomen, with the Coeliac Artery . 377 156. Superior Mesenteric Artery and its Branches .... 380 157. The Portal System . . . . . . .382 158. Inferior Mesenteric Artery and its Branches .... 384 159. Abdominal Aorta with its Branches . . . . 386 160. Outline of Stomach . 387 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. XXI FIG. PAGE 161. Front View of the Stomach, with Peritoneal Coat turned off . . 389 162. Vertical and Longitudinal Section of the Stomach and Duodenum . 390 163. Cells of the Mucous Membrane of the Human Stomach . . 391 164. Muscular Coat of the Ileum . . . . . .392 165. A solitary Gland of the Small Intestine . . . . 394 166. Patch of Peyers Glands . . . . . . .395 167. Position and Curvatures of the Large Intestine .... 396 168. The Cgecum, dried and laid open . . . . .397 169. Concave Surface of the Liver, showing its Lobes . . . 399 170. Portal Canal and Portal Vein, with Hepatic Artery and Duct . . 400 171. Longitudinal Section of an Hepatic Vein . . . 401 172. The Three Coats of the Gall-Bladder . . . . .403 173. The Duodenum, Pancreas, and Spleen . . . . . . 404 174. Right Kidney and its Supra-Renal Capsule .... 407 175. A Section of the Kidney, surmounted by the Supra-Renal Capsule . 408 176. Plan of the Renal Circulation . . . . . -409 177. Urinary Organs, in sitft . ... . . . . 411 178. Lumbar and Sacral Plexuses . . . . . . 414 179. Abdominal side of the Diaphragm ..... 418 180. Bladder and Urethra of a Man, laid open .... 423 181. Longitudinal Section of the Bladder, Prostate Gland, and Penis . 426 182. The Glans Penis ........ 427 183. A Section of the Corpora Cavernosa and Corpus Spongiosum . . 428 184. Transverse Section of the Testicle ..... 432 185. Minute Structure of the Testis . . . . , .433 186. Posterior Aspect of the Male Bladder, showing its Muscular Coat . 434 187. Side View of the Viscera of the Male Pelvis, in sitft . . . 436 188. Antero-posterior Section of the Pelvis of a Male . . . 438 189. Diagram of the Iliac Arteries and their Branches . . . 440 190. Arteries of the Pelvis and Thigh . . . , .442 191. Lumbar Plexus and its Branches ..... 448 192. A diagram of the Formation and Branches of the Sacral Plexus . 450 19:;. Muscles of the Perineum of the Male ..... 458 194. Superficial and Deep Arteries of the Perineum .... 459 195. The Perineum, after the removal of the Skin and a portion of the Superficial Perineal Fascia . . . . . .461 196. Structures contained between the two Layers of the Deep Perineal Fascia ......... 463 197. A deep Dissection of the Perineum . - . . . 465 198. Side View of the Viscera of the Pelvis, showing the distribution of the Perineal and Pelvic Fasciae ...... 470 199. Transverse Vertical Section of the Pelvis, showing the distribution of the Pelvic Fascia ....... 471 200. External Organs of Generation in the Virgin . . . .476 201. Uterus, Ovaries, Fallopian Tubes, Round Ligaments, Vagina, and Vulva ..... . 479 XX11 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG- PAGE 202. Erectile Structures of the External Organs of Generation in the Female 480 203. Muscles of the Perineum in the Female ..... 481 204. Posterior View of the Uterus and its Appendages . . . 484 205. Vertical Section of the Female Pelvis and Viscera . . .486 206. Anterior and Inner Aspect of the Thigh, showing the course and branches of the Femoral Artery . . . . .490 207. Plan of the Cutaneous Nerves on the Front of the Thigh . .491 208. Saphenous Opening in the Fascia Lata, Internal Saphenous Vein, etc. 491 209. Section of the Structures which pass beneath the Femoral Arch . 496 210. Transversalis Muscle and Fascia . . . . .498 211. Muscles of the Anterior Femoral Region .... 502 212. Anterior Crural Nerve and Branches ..... 503 213. Front View of the Femoral Artery and Primitive and External Iliacs 506 214. Deep-seated Muscles on the inside of the Thigh . . .508 215. Muscles of the Gluteal and Posteripr Femoral Regions . . . 512 216. Deep-seated Muscles on the Posterior Part of the Hip- Joint . .513 217. Arteries on the Back of the Buttock, Thigh, and Ham . . 515 218. Branches of the Sacral Plexus to the Hip and Back of the Thigh . 516 219. Deep Muscles of the Gluteal Region . . . . .517 220. Ligaments of the Pelvis and Hip-Joint . . . . .521 221. Side View of the Ligaments of the Pelvis and Hip-Joint . . 523 222. Posterior View of the Bodies of three Dorsal Vertebras and their Inter- vertebral substance ....... 526 223. A Lumbar Vertebra and horizontal Section of Intervertebral Substance 527 224. Vertical Section of two Vertebras and their Intervertebral Substance . 527 225. Front View of two Lumbar Vertebrae and their Intervertebral Substance 528 226. Internal View of the Arches of three Vertebrae, showing the Ligamenta Sub-flava . "". . . . . .529 227. Anterior View of the Ligaments connecting the Atlas, the Axis, and the Occipital Bone .... .531 228. Posterior Ligaments of the Occipito-atloid, and Atlanto-axoid Articu- lations ......... 531 229. Upper Part of the Vertebral Canal, with the Occipito-axoid Ligament . 532 230. Posterior View of the Ligaments connecting the Atlas, the Axis, and the Occipital Bone . . . . . . .533 231. The Atlas, and its Transverse Ligament . . . .534 232. Posterior View of the Ligaments of the Pelvis . . 536 233. Section of the Pelvis, showing its Ligaments and Sacro-sciatic Foramina 538 234. Plan of the Cutaneous Nerves on the Posterior Aspect of the Left Leg 540 235. Internal Popliteal Nerve and some of its Branches on the Right Leg . 541 236. Superficial Muscles of the Posterior Aspect of the Leg . . . 545 237. Internal Popliteal and Posterior Tibial Nerves in the Ham and the Back of the Leg . . . . . .546 238. Arteries in the Popliteal Space of the Right Leg . . . 549 239. Arteries on the Back of the Right Leg . . . .551 240. Arteries and Deep-seated Veins on the Back of the Right Leg . . 561 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. XX111 241. Deep Layer of Muscles of the Posterior Tibial Region of the Left Leg 565 242. Plan of the Cutaneous Nerves on the forepart of the Leg, and the Dor- sum of the Foot . . . . . . .569 243. Superficial Veins of the Front of the Right Leg . . .570 244. Muscles of the Anterior Tibial Region and Dorsum of the Foot . 573 245. Anterior Tibial Artery and its Branches . . . .576 246. Superficial Arteries on the top of the Foot . . . .578 247. Deep-seated Arteries on the top of the Foot . . . .578 248. The Musculo-Cutaneous and the Anterior Tibial Nerve . . 580 249. First Layer of Muscles in the Sole of the Foot . . . .587 250. Arteries on the Back of the Leg and the Sole of the Foot . . 589 251. Deep-seated Branches of the Arteries on the Sole of the Foot . . 589 252. Termination of the Posterior Tibial Nerve in the Sole of the Foot . 590 253. Deep-seated Muscles in the Sole of the Foot . . . .592 254. Third and a Part of the Second Layer of Muscles on the Sole of the Foot ......... 592 255. Dorsal Interossei . . . . . . - 594 256. Plantar Interossei . . . . . . .594 257. Anterior View of the Ligaments of the Knee-joint . . . 598 258. Posterior View of the Ligaments of the Knee-joint . . . 598 259. Internal Ligaments of the Right Knee-Joint .... 603 260. Longitudinal Section of the Left Knee-Joint, showing the Reflections of . the Synovial Membrane ...... 604 261. Tibio-fibular, and other Ligaments . . . . .606 262. Posterior View of the Ligaments of the Ankle-Joint . . .607 263. Internal View of the Ankle-Joint . . . . .609 264. External View of the Ankle-Joint . . . . .609 265. Vertical Section of the Ankle-Joint and Foot of the Right Side . 611 266. Ligaments of the Sole of the Left Foot . . 612 THE PRACTICAL ANATOMIST GENERAL REMARKS. PEKHAPS no part of the course of study which the medical student is required to pursue is approached with a stronger feeling of reluctance than that of practical anatomy. Nor will the neglect of any part of his course cause him more regret when actively engaged in the duties of his profession. Although it must be admitted that there are some things connected with dissecting which are unpleasant, yet, when the value of the knowledge which can be acquired only in the dissecting-room is considered, these things should not be allowed to have the slightest influence on the conduct of the student. It is only in the dissecting-room that he can have the opportunity of seeing the various organs of the body before their relations to each other have been disturbed, or of catting and separating the different tissues of which they are composed, and by which they are connected together. However clearly they may be presented and accurately described in the lecture-room, it is impossible that he should obtain so correct an idea of them as when he can take them in his own hands and examine them for himself. There is, perhaps, just reason to apprehend that, for the want of having had experience in the dissecting-room, many members of our profession are deterred from making post- mortem examinations, which would be of great value to themselves, as well as to medical science. It is hardly to be expected that one who had never dissected, or who had dissected but very little, would feel himself competent to make a satisfactory examination of the internal organs of o 26 GENERAL REMARKS. a dead body. It may be safely averred that the student who has overcame his feeling of repugnance to dissecting, and acquired a fondness for it, will be much more likely, when he comes to practice, to avail himself of every opportunity which may offer to make a post-mortem examination than one who has not had the advantages which the dissecting- room affords. It is scarcely necessary to say that a thorough practical knowledge of anatomy is indispensable to the successful per- formance of surgical operations. No student should have a desire to graduate with the intention of practising medicine without feeling assured that he was qualified to perform, at least, a large portion of all the operations which might be required within the limits of his own practice. To be obliged to send a long distance for some one to operate in a case of strangulated hernia, after having exhausted all the means in his own power to reduce it, might be the indirect cause of the death of his patient, sphacelus of the bowel having taken place in consequence of delaying the operation. But it is not to be inferred that the knowledge of anatomy to be acquired in the dissecting-room is more essential to the practice of surgery than to the practice of medicine. Medical anatomy is in every respect as important as surgical anatomy. In regard to the time when a student should commence his dissections, I have no hesitation in saying that the sooner he does it after commencing the study of medicine, the better it will be for him. The time which he spends in reading on anatomy before he has had an opportunity of seeing the parts described is, in a great measure, lost. This, I believe, accords with the experience of nine out of every ten who have pursued this course. The quickest and easiest way to acquire a knowledge of a thing is to see it and handle it. A student will acquire a better knowledge of the abdominal viscera in examining them two hours in the dissecting-room than he could in reading a description of them for a week. And it is hardly necessary to say that names are learned with much greater facility when the things which they designate can be seen and inspected. This is especially true in anat- omy, in which so many things are named from their appear- ance, location, function, &c. The two great objects to be attained in the study of prac- tical anatomy are first, to learn to dissect ; and second, to GENERAL REMARKS. 27 learn the parts dissected. The first is to be accomplished only by care and practice. Dissecting is not merely cutting. The parts must be exposed in a dissection clearly and with- out mutilation. When the student first begins to dissect, it is generally on some muscle. He should proceed with this just as slowly as shall be necessary to remove all the fascia which covers it, so as to leave the fibres of the muscle clear and distinct. If he commences on the abdomen, he should spend at least two hours or more in removing the skin and fascia from the external oblique muscle. The fascia, which may be raised with the skin in his first dis- section, should be made tense by holding it with the forceps, or with the fingers, whenever it can be done, and the knife carried in the direction of the fibres of the muscles. No fascia should be left behind in the progress of the dissection to obscure the fibres, or to be removed afterwards in detached portions. If he learns to dissect the first muscle right, he will have no difficulty afterwards in dissecting muscles in a manner satisfactory to himself and to his teacher. He should always see that the subject, or part, is placed in a position that will render the fibres of the muscle which he is dissecting tense. When this cannot be effected by position, hooks may be used for the purpose. When a part has been dissected, it should never be aban- doned until it has been so thoroughly studied and learned that the student can give an accurate description of it in his own words. It is better that he should not commit to memory the language used in the text-books which he reads, except such words as have a technical meaning. When the student has become familiar with the appearance and relations of parts, his attention should be directed to the practical appli- cation of this knowledge. If he has, for instance, examined the liver in situ, and its relations to contiguous parts, he should then study what would be the effect upon these parts when it had increased to two or three times its natural size ; or, if an abscess should be formed in it, the different ways in which the pus might find an outlet. There is no place where he can so well appreciate these things as in the dissecting- room, with the subject before him. As a subject is usually divided between several gentlemen, it is exceedingly desirable that each one should prosecute the dissection of the part assigned to him so as not to prevent 28 GENERAL REMARKS. the others from proceeding when they may wish to change its position, or remove the part which they are dissecting. Nor should the dissection of a part, when once commenced, be delayed longer than is absolutely necessary, as it is liable to undergo decomposition, to become mouldy, or so dry and hard that it cannot be properly dissected. No part which is not required to be preserved for study, or for protecting other parts, should be allowed to remain attached to the subject, or to lie on the table after it has been cut off. Nothing contrib- utes more to the comfort of a student, when dissecting, than to have a clean table ; hence he should be particular to see that scraps or fluids do not collect on the table or fall on the floor around it. It is not necessary, perhaps, even to allude to the importance of personal cleanliness in the dissecting- room. Every student should be provided with a gown, or a change of garments, so as to prevent his clothes being soiled. To be able to dissect properly and satisfactorily, it is indis- pensably necessary to have good instruments. Whether they cost a little more or a little less should have no influence on the mind of the student when making a purchase, provided they are good. I have repeatedly known students to become disgusted with dissecting for no other reason than their attempting it with poor instruments. But, however good they may be, they will become dull in using them, and re- quire to be sharpened. This should be done as often as may be found necessary, as it is impossible to make a good dissection with a dull instrument. It should be recollected that the dissecting-room is a place appropriated to study as well as to dissecting, and that con- sequently it is desirable that quietness should be observed by those who are engaged in it. The importance of this must be apparent to every one who has had any experience in the dissecting-room . PART I. DISSECTION OF THE HEAD AND NECK. CHAPTER I. OF THE HEAD. SECT. I. OF THE FACE. THE FACE is bounded above by the root of the nose, eye- brows, and the zygomata ; laterally, by the ears and mastoid processes ; below, by the base of the lower jaw, and a line drawn from its angle to the apex of the mastoid process on each side. As the face is symmetrical, it will be sufficient to describe one side. The student, however, may attend more especially to the dissection of the muscles on one side, and to the vessels and nerves on the other. It is conve- nient to consider the face as divided into several regions ; as the Parotid, the Masseteric, the Buccal, the Mental, the Labial, the Nasal, the Orbital, and the Malar. The location of each of these divisions is indicated by its name. It is not neces- sary for our present purpose to define their boundaries. To dissect the face, the head must be placed in a suitable position, and changed from time to time, as may be found most convenient. The lips and cheeks should be made tense by inserting beneath them tow or cotton, and then stitching the lips together ; the nose and eyelids should also be made tense in the same manner. The integument should be raised from below upwards, and from behind forwards. For this purpose make an incision, commencing at the symphysis of the chin, along the base of the lower jaw to its angle, and thence to the apex of the mastoid process, and from this point extend it upwards in front of the ear to the zygoma, and across above the eyebrow to the root of the nose ; make another incision in the median line from the symphysis of the 3* 30 DISSECTION OF THE HEAD AND NECK. chin to the termination of the first at the root of the nose. These incisions may be commenced and extended, or other incisions may be made, as shall be required in the process of dissection. As a general rule, no more of the integument should be raised than is necessary to expose the parts to be examined at the time of the dissection. Fig. 1. A VIEW OP THE EXTERNAL CAROTID ARTERY AND ITS BRANCHES. 1. Left primi- tive carotid artery, seen through a section of the sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle. 2. Internal carotid artery. 3. External carotid artery. 4. Superior thyroid artery. 5. A branch to the sterno-cleido mastoideus muscle. 6. Lingual artery. 7. Origin of the facial artery. 8. Sub-mental branch. 9. Branch to the sub-tnaxillary gland. 10. Facial artery passing over the jaw. 11. Inferior coronary artery. 12. Superior coronary. 13. Branch to anastomose with the infra-orbital. 14. Branch to the ala nasi. 15. Anastomosis of facial with ophthalmic. 16. Nasal branch of oph- thalmic. 17. Its frontal branch. 18. Branch to the orbicularis palpebrarum mus- cle. 19. Origin of the occipital artery. 20. Point where it passes under the splenius muscle. 21. Posterior auricular artery. 22. Origin of the internal maxil- lary. 23. Temporal artery. 24. Transverse facial. 25. Point, of division of the temporal artery. 26. Anterior temporal artery. 27. Middle temporal artery. 28. Posterior temporal artery. 29. Internal mammary artery. 30. Inferior thyroid artery. 31. Transversalis cervicis artery. THE FACE. 31 The PAKOTID and MASSETEKIC regions should be examined first, and at the same time. Fig. 2. A VIEW OP THE VEINS OP THE HEAD AND NECK. a. Facial vein. 5. Temporal vein. e. Transverse facial vein. d. Posterior auricular vein. e. Internal maxil- lary vein. /. External jugular vein. g. Posterior external jugular, h. Anterior jugular, i. Supra-scapular and posterior scapular, k. Internal jugular. I. Occip- ital vein. m. Subclavian vein. As the integument is raised and reflected forwards, the PLATYSMA MYOIDES, Fig. 61 (i 4), will be found traversing the anterior part of these regions. Its fibres are generally pale, and are situated immediately beneath the skin, in which they terminate. Some fasciculi are directed towards the angle of the mouth; they form the risorius, or laughing muscle, of Santorini. The PAKOTID FASCIA is quite thick and dense, forms a sheath for the parotid gland, and sends numerous prolonga- tions into it. It is continuous below with the cervical, and in front with the masseteric fascia. The density of this fascia renders inflammation of the parotid gland painful, and retards the approach of pus, when formed in the gland, to the external surface. 32 DISSECTION OF THE HEAD AND NECK. The MASSETEEIC FASCIA is much thinner than the parotid. Anteriorly, it is lost in the subcutaneous cellular tissue, and below, in the cervical fascia. When pus is formed beneath this fascia, it has a tendency to pass into the neck. There are no vessels of any importance situated between the parotid gland and the skin. Some filaments of the auricularis magnus nerve may be traced upwards between the skin and the gland. The borders of the parotid, as now seen, should be loosen- ed up, and their relations carefully observed. 1. The UPPEE border is situated just below the zygoma. The temporal artery, and branches of the facial and fifth pair of nerves, Fig. 62 (3), emerge from beneath this border to ascend to the side of the cranium ; the temporal vein. Fig. 2, enters the gland at this point. 2. The ANTEEIOE border extends from the zygoma to the angle of the lower jaw ; it overlaps the masseter, more above than below. Coming from beneath this border will be found the following : The TEANSVEESE FACIAL AETEEY is situated about a fourth of an inch below the zygoma. It arises in the sub- stance of the gland, from the temporal or external carotid, and crossing the upper part of the masseter, is distributed to the orbital and buccal regions. The DUCT OF STENO, Fig. 3 (2), will be observed just below the artery. It is about the size of a crowquill, and is formed by radicals proceeding from the lobules of the gland. It is about two inches in length, and in direction corresponds very nearly to a line drawn from the meatus of the ear to the centre of the upper lip. Its buccal orifice, which is very small, is opposite to the upper middle molar tooth, and near the centre of the line indicating its direction. It perforates the bucci- nator muscle at the anterior border of the masseter. The position of this duct should be noticed particularly, on account of its liability to be injured from accidents, and in surgical operations. The GLANDULA SOCIA PAEOTIDIS consists of a few lobules situated between the zygoma and the parotid duct, with which it communicates by a small duct of its own. It is sometimes wanting. THE FACE. 33 The nerves, Fig. 63, consist of the Malar, Buccal, and Max- illary branches of the facial. A VIEW OF THE SALIVARY GLANDS IN SITU. 1. The parotid gland in situ, an\l extending from the zygoma above to the angle of the jaw below. 2. The duct of Steno. 3. The submaxillary gland. 4. Its duct. 5. Sublingual gland. The MALAK BRANCHES pass upwards and forwards to ramify principally in the orbicularis palpebrarum and corru- gator supercilii muscles, and the eyelids. The filaments which ascend above the orbit form anastomotic connections with the supra-orbital of the fifth pair. The BUCCAL BRANCHES cross the masseter muscle close to the duct of Steno. They divide into deep and superficial branches. The superficial can be traced beneath the skin to the upper lip, the nose, and the lower eyelid. They supply filaments to the orbicularis oris, the zygomatici major and minor, the levator labii superioris, and the pyramidalis nasi. The deep branches send filaments mostly to the remaining muscles, and form a plexus, as well as interlace and anasto- mose with the infra-orbital of the fifth pair. They also anastomose with the internal and external nasal branches of the ophthalmic nerve. The MAXILLARY BRANCHES pass over the lower part of the masseter, and proceed forwards to the chin. They give filaments to the masseter, the buccinator, the depressor 34 DISSECTION OF THE HEAD AND NECK. anguli oris, depressor labii inferior! s, levator labii inferioris, and the platysma myoides. They anastomose and interlace with the mental branches of the inferior dental nerve, form- ing the mental plexus. They also anastomose with the buccal branch of the inferior maxillary nerve. The muscles of the face are supplied principally by the facial, while the skin and mucous membrane derive their supply mainly from the fifth. 3. The LOWER border of the parotid projects somewhat into the neck, and rests against the posterior belly of the digas- tricus, the stylo-hyoideus, and that reflection of the cervical fascia which is attached to the stylo-maxillary ligament, and forms a septum between the parotid and submaxillary regions. Near the angle of the jaw the cervical branches of the facial nerve escape from the gland, to be distributed in the upper part of the neck, while branches of the auricularis magnus, a branch of the cervical plexus, enter it. The temporo-max- illary vein will also be found here, leaving the gland to form the external jugular. The external carotid artery enters it on a plane deeper than the digastric and stylo-hyoid muscles, to divide into the temporal and internal maxillary branches. The internal carotid artery and the internal jugular vein with the eighth and ninth pairs of nerves, are situated behind the gland. 4. The POSTERIOR border rests against the auditory pro- cess and concha of the ear above, and the mastoid process and stern o-cleido-mastoid muscle below. The posterior au- ricular artery and nerve emerge from beneath this border of the gland to get behind the ear. The gland must now be dissected so as to get a view of the vessels and nerves in its substance. The main trunk of the facial nerve may be easily found by tracing into the substance of the gland one or more of its branches which have already been described. It enters the gland shortly after leaving the foramen stylo-mastoideum, and, after passing upwards and forwards over the external carotid, divides into two principal branches, the Ternporo- maxillary and the Cervico-maxillary. The former subdivides into the temporal, malar, and buccal; the latter into the max- illary and cervical, Fig. 63. The TEMPORO-MAXILLARY division is connected by one or more branches with the temporo-auricular branch of the fifth pair. This last branch passes through the upper part of THE FACE. 35 the gland, and is deeper seated than the facial. The facial gives off the following small branches before it enters the gland : The posterior auricular, which sends filaments to the poste- rior and superior muscles of the ear, and to the posterior belly of the occipito-frontalis ; the styloid, which is distributed to the stylo-hyoid muscle ; and the digastric, which goes to the digastric muscle, and also anastomoses with the glosso-pha- ryngeal and pneumogastric nerves. The auricularis magnus penetrates the parotid, in which some of its filaments anasto- mose with the facial, while others pass through it to the cheek, and to the skin behind the ear. The external carotid artery enters the gland from below, and divides into the internal maxillary and temporal ; it also gives off branches to the gland and to the integument and masseter in front. The veins in the gland correspond to the arteries. The gland may now be entirely removed, preserving the branches of the facial nerve so that they may be traced to their destination, and its relations to the deeper seated parts observed. It will be found to fill up several irregularities, and to be in relation with the temporo-m axillary articulation, the glenoid cavity behind the glaserian fissure, the ramus of the inferior maxilla, the styloid and mastoid processes of the temporal bone, the internal pterygoid and stylo-glossus mus- cles. The internal carotid artery generally occupies a sulcus on its internal surface. The removal of this gland is ren- dered difficult from its deep-seated projections. It can be torn out from the depressions which it occupies, when it could not well be dissected out. The masseter muscle will be described in connection with the spheno-maxillary region ; and the vessels and nerves behind the parotid with the deep-seated parts of the neck. The BUCCAL, MENTAL, LABIAL, and NASAL KEGIONS may now be dissected and examined together. The principal constituents of these regions are the Muscles, Arteries, and Nerves. The Muscles are mostly subcutaneous, and belong to the nose and mouth. The principal Artery is the facial, with its branches. Besides this, small branches are furnished by the temporal, internal maxillary, and ophthalmic. The facial vein is situated on the outside of the facial artery, with which it corresponds in its direction and branches. The nerves are derived from the fifth, and facial or portio dura, 36 DISSECTION OF THE HEAD AND NECK. Fig. 68(1), of the seventh pair. Tlie branches of the facial have been noticed in the description of the Parotid and Masseteric regions. Those of the fifth pair are the terminal branches of the inferior dental, the buccal, the infra-orbital, and the nasal. The inferior dental comes through the mental fora- men, which is situated just below the second bicuspid tooth ; the buccal enters the buccal region behind the anterior bor- der of the masseter ; the infra-orbital emerges from the infra- orbital foramen in the upper part of the canine fossa ; the nasal comes from the inner can thus of the eye, and from the junction of the lower end of the nasal bone with the cartilage. To dissect these parts, the skin must be reflected forwards to the median line, and upwards as far as the root of the nose and the attached border of the lower eyelid. The PLATYSMA MYOIDES is lost in the lower part of the face. The posterior fasciculi which cover the facial artery and the lower portions of the parotid gland and masseter muscle, terminate in the subcutaneous areolar tissue and a fasciculus which turns forwards towards the angle of the mouth, called by Santorini the risorius novus. The middle fasciculi blend with the depressor anguli oris and depressor labii inferioris muscles. The anterior fibres mix with those of the opposite side. The superficial fascia may now be removed in detached portions while exposing the muscles, arteries, and nerves. The facial artery, Fig. l'(i o), is subcutaneous throughout its whole course, except where it passes beneath the zygomatici major and minor muscles, and can be easily traced. Its branches, consisting of the masseteric, mental, inferior and superior coronary and nasal, are irregular in their origin, and must be looked for as the main trunk is dissected from below upwards. The position of the facial artery where it rests upon the inferior maxilla should be noticed, as pressure applied to it at this point will arrest hemorrhage from it or any of its branches. The ORBICULARIS ORIS, Fig. 61 (i 3), is situated in the lips, the principal part of which it forms. It consists of two fas- ciculi, one for each lip. These blend at the angles of the mouth with the buccinators, and other muscles inserted at these points. To dissect this muscle, the lips must be made tense. Its external surface is mixed, more or less, with fat, THE FACE. 37 and adheres closely to the skin. The labial glands are placed between its inner surface and the mucous membrane. Its action is to close the mouth, and antagonize the muscles inserted into the lips. The DEPEESSOR ANGULI OBIS, or TRIANQULARIS, Fig. 61, arises from a ridge on the outer surface of the inferior max- illa, between the insertion of the masseter and the mental foramen. The fibres converge, pass upwards, and are inserted into the angle of the mouth. It partly overlaps the depres- sor labii inferioris and buccinator muscles, from which it is readily distinguished by the different direction of their fibres. It depresses the angle of the mouth, as its name indicates. The DEPRESSOR LABII INFERIORIS, or QUADRATUS MENTI, Fig. 64 (i o), arises from the base of the inferior maxilla, com- mencing near the symphysis of the chin, and extending outwards a short distance beneath the preceding muscle. Its fibres pass upwards and inwards, and are inserted into the orbicularis and skin of the lower lip. It is difficult to make a clean dissection of this muscle, on account of the adipose substance mixed with its fibres. The terminal branches of the inferior dental artery and nerve emerge from the mental foramen under this muscle. By detaching a small portion of the muscle from its origin below the second bicuspid, and raising it up, the foramen will be found and the nerve escaping from it. From this point its branches can be easily traced upwards to the skin and mucous mem- brane of the lip, and upwards and outwards where they interlace with the facial nerve, to form the mental plexus. This nerve is sensor, and supplies, besides the lips, the lower and inner part of the face generally. The LEVATOR LABII INFERIORIS, or LEVATOR MENTI, Fig. 64 (i i), is situated between the mucous membrane and the last muscle. It arises from the alveolar process opposite the in- cisor teeth; its fibres radiate as they pass downwards and forwards, and are inserted into the integument of the chin. The lower part of it is blended with fat. To expose it, the lip should be everted, and the mucous membrane dissected away. It elevates the lower lip by drawing up the chin. The BUCCINATOR, Fig. 64 (s), is a broad, thin muscle, located in the cheek. It has three origins ; the lower one arises from 38 DISSECTION OF THE HEAD AND NECK. the external surface of the alveolar process of the inferior maxilla in front of the coronoid process; the upper one from the alveolar process of the superior maxilla, in front of the pterygoid process ; and the middle one from the ptery go-max- illary ligament, which stretches from the pterygoid to the base of the coronoid process, and to which the superior constrictor muscle of the pharynx is also attached. From these different origins its fibres converge and pass forwards to the angle of the mouth to be inserted, the inferior ones into the upper, and the superior ones into the lower lip. This muscle is separated behind from the ramus of the inferior maxilla and masseter, by a mass of fat, also by two of the buccal glands called molar. It is perforated by the duct of Steno. It is crossed transversely by the buccal branches of the facial and fifth pair of nerves. The facial artery and vein pass over it vertically. The buccal glands separate its internal surface from the mucous membrane. It draws the angle of the mouth backwards, and makes the lips tense ; assists in expelling the contents of the mouth, and antagonizes the tongue in keeping the food in the process of mastication between the teeth. The ZYGOMATICUS MAJOR, Fig. 61 (is), arises from the malar bone, just above its lower border, passes downwards and inwards, and is inserted into the angle of the mouth. It is generally surrounded by more or less fat, and its upper part is covered by the orbicularis palpebrarum ; it crosses over the facial artery and vein. Its action is to draw the angle of the mouth upwards and backwards, as in smiling. The ZYGOMATICUS MINOE, Fig. 61 (12), is often a fasciculus from the orbicularis palpebrarum. When a distinct muscle, it arises from the malar bone, above the last muscle, and is inserted into the upper lip with the levator labii superioris, with which it acts, at the same time drawing the lip outwards. The LEVATOR LABII SUPERIORIS, Fig. 61 (a), arises from the anterior border of the floor of the orbit, above the canine fossa, where it is overlapped by the orbicularis palpebrarum. Its fibres converge as they pass downwards to be inserted into the skin of the upper lip, and the orbicularis or is. All the lower part of this muscle is subcutaneous. Its action is indicated by its name. The infra-orbital nerve and artery will be found escaping from the infra-orbital foramen, beneath the upper part of this THE FACE. 39 muscle. To expose these, cut down through the muscle in the direction of its fibres, upon the foramen, and gently raise the nerve, when its filaments will be seen to radiate upwards to the lower eyelid, inwards to the nose, downwards to the upper lip, and outwards and downwards to the cheek. They intermix and anastomose with the facial to form the infra- orbital plexus. It requires a good deal of care and patience to trace these filaments to their termination. The infra- orbital artery is one of the terminal branches of the internal maxillary. It inosculates with, the facial, transverse facial, and ophthalmic. The LEVATOR ANGULI ORIS, or CANINUS, Fig. 64 (e), arises from the canine fossa, below the infra-orbital foramen, and beneath the preceding muscle ; passes downwards, and is inserted into the angle of the mouth. It raises the angle of the mouth, and antagonizes the depressor anguli oris, with which some of its fibres are continuous. The LEVATOR LABII SUPERIORIS AL^QUE NASI, Fig. 61 (s), arises from the upper part of the nasal process of the superior maxilla. It passes downwards on the side of the nose, divides into the nasal and labial portions, and is inserted, the former into the ala of the nose, and the latter into the upper lip. Its name indicates its use. The COMPRESSOR NASI, or TRIAKGULARIS NASI, Fig. 64 (5), is partly concealed by the preceding muscle. It arises from the inner part of the canine fossa, passes forwards to spread out over the ala of the nose, and is inserted into a thin aponeurosis, common to it and its fellow on the opposite side; it is also connected with the pyramidalis. It compresses the nostril when it acts alone, but may expand it when it acts in conjunction with the pyramidalis. The DEPRESSOR LABII SUPERIORIS AL^QUE NASI, or MYRTIFORMIS, Fig. 64 (7), is exposed by everting the upper lip, and dissecting off the mucous membrane on the side of the fraBnum. It arises from the alveolar process of the superior maxilla in front of the incisor teeth, passes upwards and forwards, and is inserted into the upper lip and the fibro- cartilage of the ala and septum of the nose. Its name indi- cates its actions. The PYRAMIDALIS NASI, Fig. 64 (3), appears to be a fascicu- lus of the occipito-frontalis prolonged downwards on the nose. DISSECTION OF THE HEAD AND NECK. It is inserted into the aponeurosis of the compressor nasi. It causes the vertical ridge sometimes seen at the root of the nose. The integument of the nose is supplied with nerves from the infra-orbital and the internal and external nasal. The facial artery, after .giving off the branches already enumerated, ascends to the forehead between the eyebrows ; its terminal branch is called the angularis. 'SECT. II. APPENDAGES OF THE EYE OUTSIDE OF THE OKBIT. The dissection of the orbital region will embrace those appendages of the eye which can be exposed and studied without removing any portion of the walls of the orbit. These consist of the orbicularis palpebrarum, corrugator su- percilii, and tensor tarsi muscles ; the eyebrows, eyelashes, tarsal cartilages, Meibomian glands, conjunctiva, caruncula lachrymalis, lachrymal gland and ducts, puncta lachrymalia, lachrymal canals and sac, and nasal duct. The integument in this region should be removed by cut- ting in the direction of the fibres of the orbicularis, but in the first place the eyelids should be made tense by inserting beneath them cotton or tow, and then stitching their edges together. The EYEBKOW, Fig. 4 (i), on each side, is situated just above the attached border of the upper eyelid, and rests on the superciliary ridge of the frontal bone. It is gener- ally arched and covered with hairs, which have a direction from within out- wards. The integument is separated from the orbicu- laris and occipito-frontalis muscles by a thick, dense cellulo-adipose layer. The eyebrows can be moved upwards, downwards, or towards each other. Fig. 4. A FRONT VIEW OF THE LEFT EYE, MODE- RATELY OPENED. 1 The supercilia. 2. The cilia of each eyelid. 3. The inferior palpe- bra. 4. The internal canthus. 5. The ex- ternal canthus. 6. The caruncula lachry- malis. 7. The plica semilunaris. 8. The eyeball. 9. The pupil. The EYELASHES, Fig. 4 (2), consist of three or four rows of curved hairs, growing from the free borders of APPENDAGES OF .EYE OUTSIDE OF ORBIT. 41 % the eyelids. In the upper eyelid they are curved upwards, in the lower, downwards ; they are longer in the centre than at the extremities of the eyelids. Their bulbs are situated between the orbicularis and the tarsal cartilages. The ORBICULARIS PALPEBRARUM, Fig. 61 (7), entirely surrounds the fissure between the eyelids. It is divided into three portions, viz : the orbicular, the palpebral, and the ciliary. The orbicular is spread out around the base of the orbit, and rests, above, on the superciliary ridge and corrugator supercilii muscle; on the outside, on the tem- poral aponeurosis, and below, on the malar bone and zygo- maticus major and levator labii superioris muscles; its fibres are red and well marked. The palpebral and ciliary portions consist of a thin layer of pale fibres situated in the eyelids ; the latter lies next to their free borders, and is somewha't thicker than the former. This muscle arises from the inter- nal angular process of the frontal bone, the nasal process of the superior maxilla, and from the upper and lower border of the tendo-palpebrarum ; from this narrow attachment the fibres proceed outwards, so as to embrace the base of the orbit and the fissure between the eyelids. It closes the eye- lids, as in winking, principally by depressing the upper one ; this is done by the palpebral and ciliary fibres, which are involuntary in their action. It also presses the eyelids against the ball of the eye, and directs the tears towards the puncta lachrymalia. As its principal attachment is at the inner canthus of the eye, it draws the integument in that direction, and that above the orbit more than that below. It is separated in the eyelids from the skin by loose areolar tissue, which is very liable to serous infiltration. The TENDO-PALPEBRARUM, or LIGAMENTUM PALPEBRA- RUM, arises from the nasal process of the superior maxilla in front of the lachrymal groove, passes outwards and back- wards to the inner angle of the eyelids, where it divides into two parts, one to be attached to the upper, and the other to the lower tarsal cartilage. It is about two lines and a half in length, and crosses the lachrymal sac a little above its centre ; its broadest diameter is at first vertical and then horizontal ; from its upper and lower borders a fibrous lamina is reflected over the lachrymal sac, and is attached to the osseous margin which surrounds it. When the orbicularis 4* 42 DISSECTION OF THE HEAD AND NECK. Fig. 5. contracts, this tendon can be felt in the living subject. In opening the lachrymal sac, the incision should be made below the tendon, to avoid injuring it. The CORRUGATOR SuFERCiLii, Fig. 64 (2), is exposed by reflecting downwards the upper portion of the orbicularis. It arises from the inner part of the superciliary ridge, passes upwards and outwards, and is inserted into the orbicularis, near the junction of its middle and outer thirds. The super- cilii muscles depress and approximate the eyebrows, pro- ducing the vertical wrinkles on the forehead. The expression of frowning depends on the action of these muscles. The TENSOR TARSI, or THE MUSCLE OF HORNER, Fig. 5, arises from the upper part of the os unguis just behind the lachrymal groove ; it is about three lines in breadth and six in length, and is situated behind the tendo-palpebrarum. It divides into two slips, which are inserted, one into the upper lachrymal duct, and the other into the lower. To expose this muscle the eyelids should be detached, except at the inner can- thus, and reflected over the nose ; its fibres will then be distinctly seen by the re- moval of a portion of the conjunctiva and areolar tis- sue between the eyeball and the lachrymal bone. Its action is to govern the po- sition of the puncta lachry- malia, so as to facilitate the entrance of the tears, and to keep the eyelids applied to the eyeball ; it may also com- press the lachrymal sac if distended. 1 The MEIBOMIAN GLANDS, Fig. 6 (e), consist of a series of tubes, more or less tortuous, situated in grooves on the pos- terior surface of the tarsal cartilages. In length they cor- 1 A small muscle, situated in the outer part of the orbit, and connected to the tarsal cartilages, is described by Dr. N. R. Mosely, of Philadelphia, in the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, August 3, 1853. Dr. Mosely regards it as an antagonistic muscle of the tensor tarsi of Horner. A VIEW OP THE TENSOR. TAKSI MUS- CLE. 1, 1. Bony margins of the orbit. 2. Opening between the eyelids. 3. In- ternal face of the orbit. 4. Origin of the tensor tarsi. 5, 5. Insertion in the neigh- borhood of the puncta lachrymalis. APPENDAGES OF EYE OUTSIDE OF ORBIT. 43 respond to the breadth of the cartilages. There are between thirty and forty in the upper lid, and about twenty in the lower. Each tube has opening into it on each side several small pouches or follicles. Their external orifices may be seen on the posterior edge of the free border of each lid, and from which a waxy secretion may be pressed ; this se- cretion prevents the tears from flowing over the lids. Fig. 6. MEIBOMIAN GLANDS, SEEN FROM THE INNER OR OCULAR SURFACE OF THE EYE- LIDS, WITH THE LACHRYMAL GLAND THE LEFT SIDE. a. Palpebral conjunctiva. 1. Lachrymal gland. 2. Openings of lachrymal ducts. 3. Lachrymal puncta. 6. Meiboniian glands. The TAESAL CARTILAGES, with their fibrous attachments, form the framework of the eyelids. They consist of two fibro -cartilaginous plates, one for each lid. Each one pre- sents two surfaces and two borders. The external surface of each is convex, and separated from the ciliary fibres of the orbicularis palpebrarum by a thin layer of areolar tissue ; the internal surface is concave, and grooved for the Mei- bomian glands, and separated from the conjunctiva by areolar tissue also. The free borders are thick, and form the free edges of the eyelids ; they are nearly horizontal when the lids are closed, and slightly beveled from before backwards, so as to form, when they are in apposition^ a canal for the passage of the tears from the outer to the inner part of the eyeball. The lower one is merely a narrow band, about a line and a half in breadth. The upper one is nearly half an inch broad at its centre, but diminishes in breadth towards 44 DISSECTION OF THE HEAD AND NECK. its extremities. Each, one is attached to the margin of the orbit by a fibrous lamina, which is continuous with the pe- riosteum. This fibrous layer, sometimes called the palpebral or broad tar sal ligament, is thin at the inner part of the orbit, but quite thick and dense at the outer part. Besides the fibrous layer from the margin of the orbit, the tarsal cartilage of the upper lid has inserted into it the tendon of the levator palpebrae superioris muscle. The internal extre- mities of the tarsal cartilages are fixed by the tendo-palpe- brarum. The CARUNCULA LACHEYMALIS, Fig. 4 (e), is a small red body situated at the inner angle of the eyelids, and in the centre of the locus lachrymalis. It is composed of sebaceous follicles resembling the Meibomian glands. It secretes a whitish substance, which is often seen at the inner canthus. It is covered by a fold of the conjunctiva, which is per- forated by the external orifices of the follicles ; several hairs usually project from it. It varies in color, as in health and in sickness. The CONJUNCTIVA is divided into an ocular and a palpebral portion. The former covers the anterior third of the eye- ball, with which it is loosely connected around its circum- ference, but becomes more closely adherent as it approaches the margin of the cornea. That it extends over the cornea can be very satisfactorily demonstrated. It is, however, so modified in its structure as to become perfectly transparent, and so intimately blended with the cornea, that it cannot be easily dissected off', especially from the centre of it. The latter, or palpebral portion, lines the internal surfaces of the lids, and is continuous over their free margins with the skin. It is closely connected to the posterior surfaces of the tarsal cartilages, where it covers the Meibomian glands, and is very vascular. The palpebral sinuses are formed by the reflection of the conjunctiva from the globe of the eye to the lids. In these sinuses, or culs-de-sac, it is very loosely connected to the areolar tissue beneath. At the inner canthus the conjunc- tiva forms a fold, called the plica semilunaris. This is just outside the caruncula, and disappears when the globe is turned outwards ; it may be regarded as the rudiment of APPENDAGES OF EYE OUTSIDE OF OKBIT. 45 the membrana nictitans or the third eyelid in birds. The conjunctiva is perforated by the lachrymal dncts in the outer part of the superior palpebral sinus ; by the Meibomian glands, along the inner edge of the lids; by the sebaceous follicles in the caruncula lachrymalis ; and by the puncta lachrymalia near the inner extremities of the eyelids. The LACHRYMAL GLAND, Fig. 6(1), may now be exposed in the upper and outer part of the orbit. It should be studied from without and also from within the orbit. In structure it resembles the salivary glands. It consists of two lobes, an orbital and a palpebral. The former is about half an inch in breadth, and nearly three-fourths of an inch in length ; its orbital surface is convex, and occupies the lachrymal fossa on the inner side of the external angular process of the frontal bone; its ocular surface is concave, and in apposition with the globe of the eye. The latter or palpebral lobe is prolonged into the upper lid as far as the attached border of the tarsal cartilage ; its under surface is covered by the con- junctiva, through which it can be seen when the lid is everted. The two lobes are separated from each other merely by fascia. The tears secreted by the lachrymal gland are poured upon the conjunctiva through from six to ten ducts ; these are arranged in a line, and open on the inner surface of the upper lid. They may be detected bj the application of a colored liquid, which will be absorbed into their mouths. The PUNCTA LACHEYMALIA, Fig. 6 (s), are two orifices, one in the free border of each eyelid at the inner extremity of the tarsal cartilage. They may be distinctly seen in the centre of two small eminences called the lachrymal papillce. They look somewhat backwards towards the eyeball, in which posi- tion they are kept by the tensor tarsi muscle. A bristle can be readily introduced into them, and through them into the ducts which lead into the lachrymal sac. The LACHRYMAL CANALS, or CANALICULI LACHRYMALES, Fig. 7, e, extend from the puncta to the lachrymal sac. Their parietes are of a dense fibrous structure, which keeps them constantly open for the passage of the tears. The inferior one is the shortest ; it at first descends, then turns inwards and upwards to enter the upper and outer part of the sac. The superior one is at first directed upwards, then inwards 46 DISSECTION OF THE HEAD AND NECK. and downwards, and enters the sac near the other, behind the tendon of the orbicularis. The LACHRYMAL SAC occupies a fossa formed by the su- perior maxilla and os unguis in the inner and anterior part of the orbit. It is continuous with the upper extremity of the ductus ad nasum, from which it is separated only by a constriction or fold of the mucous membrane. It is separated from the anterior extremity of the middle meatus of the nose by the lachrymal bone. The DUCTUS AD NASUM, Fig. 7, /, leads from the lachrymal sac into the anterior extremity .of the inferior meatus of the Fig. 7. LACHRYMAL APPARATUS AND NASAL DUCT. a, b, c. Lachrymal gland and its appendage, d. Puncta lachryinalia. e. Lachrymal canals, f. Nasal duct laid open. g. Insertion of tendon of superior oblique muscle after being reflected, h. Supra-orbital foramen; the artery, vein, and nerve have been cut across, i. Inte- rior of nasal duct near its termination in nostril. nose. It is directed downwards, backwards, and outwards ; its osseous walls are composed of the superior maxilla, os unguis, and inferior turbinated bone. At is lower orifice there is a fold of mucous membrane which may serve as a valve. Its length is about three-fourths of an inch. Through the SOFT PAKTS ON THE UPPER PART OF CRANIUM. 47 lachrymal ducts, lachrymal sac, and nasal duct, the conjunc- tiva is continuous with the lining membrane- of the nasal fossa; and as the former is prolonged into the lachrymal gland through its excretory ducts, there is a direct sympathetic connection established between that gland and the mucous membrane of the nose. The appendages of the eye, which have just been described, deserve the careful attention of the student. They are fre- quently the seat of diseases which require surgical operations. A minute examination of the structure of the eyelids, and the lachrymal passages especially, is important. SECT. III. DISSECTION OF THE SOFT PARTS ON THE UPPER PART OF THE CRANIUM. This region is included within the circumference of a line commencing just above the root of the nose, and extending round the head through the eyebrows, along the zygomatic arches, and just above the ears back to the occipital protuber- ance. It is subdivided into the Frontal, Temporal, Auricular, and Occipital regions, The parts to be studied in this dissec- tion are: the integuments, the cellule-adipose layer, the tem- poral fascia, the occipito-frontal muscle, the upper part of the orbicularis palpebrarum, the temporal muscle above the zygo- matic arch, the attollens aurem, the attrahens aurem, the retra- hens aurem, the cranial branches of the occipital, temporal, auricular, supra- orbital and facial arteries, and their corres- ponding veins, the cranial branches of the occipital, facial, and trifacial nerves, and the pericranium. In removing the skin, an incision should be made from the root of the nose along the median line to the occipital pro- tuberance, and another at right angles to this, extending down to the ear. The skin should then be dissected off in two flaps. The different layers which cover the cranium should be dis- sected on one side, and the nerves and vessels on the other. The integument which is covered with hair adheres closely to the cellulo-adipose layer, and some care is requisite to separ- ate them. The CELLULO-ADIPOSE LAYER is the thickest and most dense on the upper and posterior part of the head. Numerous 48 DISSECTION OF THE HEAD AND NECK. adipose cells are interspersed through it. The compactness of this structure, with its high degree of vitality, is said to be the cause of the tendency of the scalp to take on erysipelatous inflammation after injuries. When arteries are divided in its substance, the forceps instead of the tenaculum should be used in ligating them. The OCCIPITO-FRONTAL MUSCLE, Fig. 61 (i, 2, s), with its broad aponeurosis, extends from the root of the nose and the superciliary ridge to the superior transverse ridge of the occiput. It consists of two fleshy bellies connected by a broad aponeurosis, which expands over the arch of the cranium. The OCCIPITAL PORTION arises from the superior transverse ridge of the occipital bone, and from the adjacent portion of the mastoid process of the temporal bone. The fibres pass upwards and somewhat inwards, and terminate in the tendon. The FEONTAL POETION is blended with the pyramidalis nasi, the orbicularis palpebrarum, and the integument ; some of its fibres are also attached to the internal angular process of the frontal bone. It joins the tendon nearly opposite the coronal suture. Its fibres are generally paler than those of the occipital portion. The tendon of this muscle is continu- ous across the median line with that of the opposite side ; and from its outer border, the superficial temporal fascia extends downwards over the deep temporal fascia or aponeurosis. The use of this muscle is to move the scalp, to raise the eye- brows, and, in some measure, the upper eyelids. It adheres closely to the scalp, while it glides freely on the parts beneath it. It causes the transverse wrinkles on the forehead. The ATTOLLENS AUREM, Fig. 61 (4), is situated in the tem- poral region above the ear. It arises broad from the aponeu- rosis of the occipito -frontal muscle ; its fibres converge as they descend, and are inserted into the concha of the ear. Its use is to raise the ear, and to render tense the aponeurosis from which it arises. The ATTRAHENS AUREM, Fig. 61 (3), is situated immediately in front of the preceding muscle. It arises from the aponeu- rosis of the occipito -frontal muscle and the zygoma, and is inserted into the anterior part of the helix. It draws the ear upwards and forwards. SOFT PAETS ON THE UPPER PART OF CRANIUM. 49 The EETRAHENS AUREM, Fig. 61 (e), is placed behind the ear. It generally consists of two or three fasciculi. It arises from the mastoid process, and is inserted into the posterior and lower part of the concha. It draws the ear backwards and enlarges the meatus. Having dissected the occipito-frontal muscle and the muscles of the ear, they should be removed. Beneath the occipito-frontal muscle, more or less loose areolar tissue will be observed, which facilitates the movements of that muscle on the pericranium. The pericranium is the external periosteum of the bones which it covers. It can be readily separated from the bone except along the sutures. The student should now carefully study the different layers which have just been examined with reference to wounds involving one or more of them, and especially in view of collections of pus between the different layers, or beneath the pericranium. The TEMPORAL APONEUROSIS occupies the whole of the temporal region. It arises from the temporal ridge above, and is attached below to the zygomatic arch. The lower part of it is divided into two layers, one of which is inserted into the outer, and the other into the inner border of the arch, thus leaving a triangular space between them, which is filled with adipose substance, and traversed by the middle temporal artery, and a small branch of the superior maxillary nerve. The temporal muscle arises partly from the under surface of this aponeurosis. It will be observed, that if pus should collect beneath the temporal aponeurosis, it would naturally seek an outlet beneath the zygomatic arch ; or, if it should collect between the two layers above the zygoma, it would necessarily be confined to that space. The TEMPORAL MUSCLE, Fig. 64 (i), lies beneath the tem- poral aponeurosis. It arises from the whole of the temporal fossa and ridge, from the inner surface of the aponeurosis and from the zygomatic arch. Its fibres converge, and passing downwards beneath the zygoma, are inserted by a strong tendon into the coronoid process of the inferior maxilla. The muscle increases in thickness as it descends. When the entire muscle acts, it raises the lower jaw; the posterior fibres can move it backwards, while the anterior fibres can draw it forwards. This muscle may also assist in producing a rotary movement of the jaw. 50 DISSECTION OF THE HEAD AND NECK. It will be seen that the temporal aponeurosis and muscle, by their strength and thickness, serve greatly to protect that portion of the parietes of the cranium which they cover, and which in this region are very thin. The vessels and nerves may now be dissected on the oppo- site side; and for this purpose, the integument should be raised in the same manner as for the dissection of the muscles and fascia3. The temporal and occipital, Fig. 1 (23, 20), are the principal arteries. Besides these, there are the terminal branches of the facial, the supra-orbital, and the posterior auricular. The nerves, Fig. 63, are derived from the fifth, the facial, and the cervical. To dissect the vessels and nerves, they should be traced from below upwards. Entering the frontal region from below will be found the terminal branch of the facial artery, and the supra-orbital, and near these the supra-orbital and frontal nerves. The SUPRA-ORBITAL ARTERY and NERVE pass through the supra-orbital foramen. The artery is distributed to the muscles and integument of this region. The nerve ascends beneath the orbicularis palpebrarum and occipito- frontal muscles, and some distance above the orbit divides into two cutaneous branches, which perforate the latter muscle, and ascend in long slender filaments to the top of the head. In its course it gives branches to the muscles beneath which it passes, and through which filaments are sent to the skin which covers the muscles. The terminal branch of the FACIAL ARTERY supplies the parts above the root of the nose. The FRONTAL NERVE is placed on the inner side of the supra-orbital, and has a similar course and distribution. Besides the supra-orbital, the OPHTHALMIC ARTERY usually sends one or more small branches to the forehead. The TEMPORAL ARTERY passes upwards over the zygoma, and close to the ear. It is accompanied by the auriculo- temporal branch of the inferior maxillary division of the fifth pair of nerves. It divides into an anterior and a poste- rior branch. Just above the zygoma it gives off the middle temporal branch, which perforates the temporal aponeurosis. SOFT PARTS ON THE UPPER PART OF CRANIUM. 51 The anterior division pursues a tortuous course upwards and forwards to the upper part of the forehead. The posterior division passes upwards and backwards to the upper and back part of the head. The lower part of this artery should never be opened for the abstraction of blood, on account of its depth and the danger of ecchymosis occurring. The anterior division is superficial, and easily found on the forehead. The NERVES in this region are a small branch of the superior maxillary, the auricula-temporal branch of the infe- rior maxillary, and branches of the facial nerve. The first one perforates the temporal aponeurosis just above the zygoma. The auriculo-temporal divides into branches, which ascend to the top of the head. It also sends filaments to the upper part of the ear, to the retrahens aurem, and to the integument above the ear. The branches of the facial nerve pass up over the zygoma, and ramify in the temporal and frontal regions, anastomosing with the branches of the fifth pair. The POSTERIOR AURICULAR ARTERY, Fig. 1 (21), ascends between the mastoid process and the ear. It sends branches to the ear, to the integument behind the ear, and to the occipito- frontal muscle and the retrahens aurem. The posterior auricu- lar branch of the facial nerve, and the deep auricular branch of the auricularis magnus, are found in this region. The former passes upwards over the anterior and outer sur- face of the mastoid process, and divides into an ascending and a horizontal branch. The ascending branch supplies the retrahens aurem, and the attollens aurem; the horizontal branch is distributed to the occipito-frontal muscle; The latter ascends at first in front of the mastoid process, and then behind the retrahens aurem. It divides into an anterior and a posterior branch, which are distributed to the skin. The OCCIPITAL ARTERY becomes superficial at the inner border of the splenius muscle. It then ascends on the back part of the head, ramifying in the scalp, and anastomosing with the posterior auricular, the temporal, and the corres- ponding one on the opposite side. The NERVES in this region are the Ocdpitalis Major and the Ocdpitalis Minor. The former perforates the trapezius muscle, and accompanies the occipital artery. The latter ascends on the inner border of the mastoid muscle, and rami- 52 DISSECTION OF THE HEAD AND NECK. fies on the back of the head, between the auricular and the great occipital nerves. The SUPEKFICIAL VEINS, Fig. 62, of the head correspond generally to the arteries. Those which pass through the foramina in the parietal bones are named the emissaries of Santorini. They open into the superior longitudinal sinus. SECT. IV. DISSECTION OF THE MEMBRANES OF THE BRAIN. Having dissected the soft parts covering the upper part of the cranium, the calvaria may be removed. If it be de- sired to preserve the cranium for a preparation, this should be done with a saw. The incision should pass through the occipital protuberance behind, about half an inch above the ear on each side, and just above the superciliary ridges in front. The variations in the thickness of the skull at differ- ent points through which this incision would pass, should be observed on one which has already been sawed. It is better to divide both tables entirely with the saw, so that but little effort will be required afterwards to raise the calvaria from the dura mater. This may be done with a chisel, first prying up one part and then another, until it has been detached around the whole circumference of the incision. If the saw be sharp, there will be but little danger of injuring the brain or its membranes, as there will then be no necessity for using any force to press it down on the bone. The position of the subject should be changed to saw through the anterior and posterior portions of the cranium. The strength of the adhesions between the upper part of the cranium and the dura mater, varies greatly in different subjects. Sometimes a good deal of force is required to effect a separation, although the bone has been entirely di- vided. The description of the meninges of the brain will be divided into two parts. The first will embrace all the parts which can be examined before the removal of the brain ; the second will include the deep parts, or those which can be seen only after the brain has been removed. The membranes of the brain consist of the Dura Mater, the Arachnoid, and the Pia Mater. OF THE MEMBRANES OF THE BRAIN. 53 The DURA MATER is a fibro-serous membrane. It adheres to the inner surface of the osseous walls of the cranium. It is of a dense fibrous structure. Its fibres run in different directions, thus imparting to it great strength. In some places it separates into two layers, as in the formation of sinuses for the transmission of venous blood. The firmness of its attachment at different points to the cranium, prevents any general displacement of it taking place. Its external surface is rough, while its internal surface is smooth, and presents the appearance of serous membranes generally. Its uses are the following : 1. It performs the office of an internal periosteum to the bones of the cranium. 2. It furnishes processes to separate and support different parts of the encephalon. 3. It sup- plies canals or sinuses for conveying venous blood. 4. It provides the nerves with fibrous sheaths as they pass through the foramina in the base of the cranium. 5. It affords a general protection to the brain, especially in early life, before the bones of the cranium are yet completely ossified. Its intimate connection with the external periosteum will be noticed at another time. The ARACHNOID TUNIC is a serous membrane, and, like other serous membranes, forms a shut sac; the reflected portion of it, however, is described as a part of the dura mater. This membrane, the visceral portion, surrounds every part of the encephalon. It adheres quite closely to the pia mater, especially immediately over the convolutions, except at particular parts on the under surface of the brain. It is connected to the reflected portion by an arrangement consisting of tubes which allows the vessels and nerves to pass to and from the brain without interrupting its continuity. The ends of each one of these tubes are continuous, the one with the reflected portion, and the other with the visceral portion. The PIA MATER is a vascular membrane. It invests every part of the exterior of the encephalon, dips in between the convolutions, and also lines the ventricles. It is intimately connected with the substance of the brain by vessels and prolongations of areolar tissue. With these general remarks on the meninges of the brain, the student will be prepared to commence the examination 5* 54 DISSECTION OF THE HEAD AND NECK. of them in situ, and as they will appear from time to time in the progress of his dissection. On the inner surface of the calvaria will be observed a groove extending along the median line ; this corresponds to the superior longitudinal sinus. On each side sure furrows which present in their arrangement an arborescent appear- ance; these are occupied by branches of the middle meningeal artery. Small depressions on either side of the median line are commonly seen ; these are for the lodgement of the exter- nal glands of Pacchioni. On the external surface of the dura mater, the situation of the superior longitudinal sinus, the ramifications of the middle meningeal artery, and the external glands of Pacchioni, will be noticed. The dura mater is usually studded with points of blood caused by the rupture of vessels in the removal of the calvaria. The SUPERIOR LONGITUDINAL SINUS, Fig. 8, J, may now be laid open, and any coagulated blood which it may contain, Fig. 8. A VIEW OP THE SINUSES OP THE DURA MATER. a. The torcular Herophili. 6. The superior longitudinal sinus, c. The inferior longitudinal sinus, d. The straight sinus, e. The venae Galeni. f. The lateral sinus of the left side. g. The posterior occipital sinus, h. The superior petrosal sinus, i. The inferior petrosal sinus, k. The internal nasal veins. washed out. It commences at the foramen caBcum, and extends to the torcular Herophili, Fig. 8, a; increasing in size from its commencement to its termination. When cut transversely, it presents a triangular figure, with the apex directed down- OF THE MEMBRANES OF THE BRAIN. 55 wards. The middle glands of Pacchioni are situated in it; often these are very small or entirely absent. The mouths of the veins of the pia mater will be seen opening into it. Fibrous bands stretch across it ; they are called the chordce Willisii. These cords, however, are not very distinct. The superior longitudinal sinus receives blood from the nose and frontal sinus, from the diploe, pericranium, and dura mater, as well as from the veins of the pia mater. An incision should now be made through the dura mater corresponding to the one made in the bone for removing the calvaria. Eaising it up on each side from the arachnoid, its serous surface will be observed, and, tracing it towards the median line, it will be found to be reflected down between the two hemispheres of the brain. This reflected or vertical portion is the/ate cerebri. Before raising the falx, it will be necessary to divide the veins of the pia mater. It will be observed that many of these enter the longitudinal sinus in a direction from behind forwards; this arrangement has a tendency to prevent these veins being too rapidly emptied, which would be liable to cause syncope. The internal glands of Pacchioni are found on the inner surface of the dura mater, near the longitudinal sinus. By separating the hemispheres a short distance, the falx, Fig. 9 (s), can be seen in situ. Its lower border is concave, and corresponds to the upper surface of the corpus callosum, which it nearly touches behind. It is attached anteriorly to the crista galli, and posteriorly to the tentorium ; its anterior extremity is quite narrow, while its posterior extremity is broad. The inferior or concave border contains the inferior longitudinal sinus, Fig. 8, c, which resembles in its form an ordinary vein. The falx may be divided just above its ante- rior attachment, and turned backwards out of the way for the present. The upper part of the cerebrum is now covered by the arachnoid and pia mater, through which the convolutions are clearly seen. The size and direction of the veins of the pia mater may be noticed. On separating the hemispheres, the arachnoid will be seen reflected from one to the other without reaching to the bottom of the fissure. The pia mater lines the fissure throughout its whole extent. The arteries of the corpus callosum are seen resting on it anteriorly, but dividing into branches as they pass backwards. 56 DISSECTION OF THE HEAD AND NECK. Fig. 9. 1. Vertical section of the head. 2. The frontal sinu?. 3. The falx cerebri. 4. Its origin from the crista galli. 5. Its attachment along the sngital suture. 6. The lower or concave edge of the falx. 7. Its continuation to the tentorium. 8. The tentorium. 9. Its attachment to the petrous portion of the temporal bone. 10. The free edge of the same part. 11. The convolutions of the right anterior lobe of the cerebrum. 12. The anterior extremity of the corpus callosum. 13. The septum lucidum. 14. Section of the anterior commissure. 15. Anterior crus of the furnix. 16. Middle of the fornix. 17. Its posterior extremity joining the corpus callosum. 18. Internal side of the thalatnus nervi optici. 19. Section of the corpus striatum. 20. Lateral parietes of the third ventricle. 21. A portion of the dura mater turned off. 22. Section of the internal carotid artery. SECT. Y. DISSECTION OF THE BRAIN. By removing a portion of the arachnoid and pi a mater above the corpus callosum, this body may be inspected before any dissection of the brain is made ; its depth from the upper surface of the brain, and the distance of its anterior and posterior borders from the extremities of the cerebrum, are worthy of notice. It is important that the student obtains a distinct idea of the situation of this body in relation to the periphery of the brain, as it will assist him greatly in learn- ing and fixing in his mind the exact location of many other parts. It is the great starting point in dissecting the central or figurative part of the brain from above downwards. Before commencing the dissection of the cerebrum, the student may observe the appearance and general arrangement of the convolutions of the two hemispheres. The depth of the sulci, between the convolutions, is best seen from sec- THE CEREBRUM. 57 tions of the brain. The convolutions on the two sides do not exactly correspond in their direction or number. This, however, does not interfere at all with the functions of the organ. The dissection of the brain is begun by making a hori- zontal transverse incision through one hemisphere on a level with the upper. surface of the corpus callosum. In doing this, the corpus callosum is kept in view, and answers for a guide. The following points are now to be noticed : Just above the corpus callosum, and projecting somewhat over it, is a long convolution, not only extending the whole length of it, but bending downwards both before and behind, to terminate on the base of the brain. If the medullary substance in this convolution be examined in that portion of the hemisphere which has been removed, it will be found to contain longitu- dinal fibres. These fibres constitute the superior longitudinal commissure, and are supposed to connect, physiologically, the anterior, middle, and posterior portions of the hemisphere. The CORPUS CALLOSUM, Fig. 10, is about three inches and a half in length. It is arched from before backwards, broader behind than before, and thinnest in the middle. Two ridges are seen on the upper surface, close to the median line, extending from its anterior to its posterior border; these ridges are not always parallel to each other. The raphe is situated in the median line. The linece transversce are slight elevations extending from the longitudinal ridges to the later- al borders ; they indicate the direction of the fibres of which the corpus callosum is composed. The termination of the corpus callosum, neither anteriorly nor posteriorly, can be seen at this stage of the dissection. It may be stated here, however, that it passes downwards and backwards, in front, to the lamina cinerea, or the anterior part of the floor of the third ventricle. Its reflected portion gradually diminishes in thickness to its termination. The term genu, or knee, has been applied to the junction of the horizontal and reflected por- tions, and rostrum to the lower part, just in front of the floor of the third ventricle. Posteriorly, it seems to be doubled upon itself, the lower or reflected part apparently terminating in the posterior extremity of the fornix, forming the upper boundary of the transverse fissure at this point. Laterally, the fibres of the corpus callosum are lost in the hemispheres. 58 DISSECTION OF THE HEAD AND NECK. The corpus callosum forms the roof of the two lateral ven- tricles, and has attached to its under surface, along the median line, the septum lucidum. The next thing to be done is to Fig. 10. A VERTICAL SECTION IN THE MEDIAN PLANE, OF THE CEREBRUM, CEREBELLUM, PONS, AND MEDULLA OBLONGATA THE PARTS BEING ALL REPRESENTED IN THEIR NATURAL POSITION. a. Anterior, and 6. Posterior extremity of corpus callosum, which is seen in section, d, c, e. Third ventricle, c. Soft commissure, d, e. Thal- anms opticus, forming side of third ventricle, f. Fornix, united behind to corpus callosum. b, g. Anterior pillars of fornix. Between g and h, anterior commissure. Behind h, lamina cinerea. h, h', h". Convolution of corpus callosum or gyrus forni- catus. i. Infundibulum. k. Corpora quadrigemina, seen in section, k to I. Valve of Vieussens. 1. Section of cerebellum, showing white and gray matter appearance named arbor vitae. in. Notch of cerebellum. . Corpus albicans of right side, o. Pons Varolii (section), p. Pituitary body. r. Choroid plexus. . Septum lu- cidum. t. Cerebral peduncle of right side, in section, u. Pineal gland, v. Cavity of fourth ventricle, d to v. Iter a tertio ad quartum ventriculum, or aqueduct of Sylvius, x, x', x". Marginal convolution of the longitudinal fissure, y. Posterior lobe of cerebrum, z. Opening leading into fourth ventricle. 1. Olfactory nerve. 2. Optic nerve divided through optic commissure. 3. Third nerve, or motor oculi. expose the parts beneath the corpus callosum, without in- juring them. As the septum lucidum is attached to this body, the central part of it must be allowed to remain while the lateral portions of it are removed. This can be done by making an incision through it on each side of the raphe, and about a line from the latter, from near the anterior to the pos- THE CEREBRUM. 59 terior border. Having cut into the ventricles, and observed the thickness of the corpus callosum, it may be reflected outwards on each side, or cut away with the scissors. The incision on each side should be extended backwards and outwards for a short distance in the direction of the lateral cornu, so as to expose more fully the ventricje and its contents. The SEPTUM LUCIDUM, Fig. 10, s, will now be seen forming a vertical septum between the two lateral ventricles. By lifting up the central portion of the corpus callosum between the handles of two scalpels, and placing a light on the opposite side, its translucent character will be seen. It has the shape of a falx, with its broad extremity situated anteriorly, and its poste- rior extremity tapering to a point between the corpus callosum and fornix. It consists of two lamellae of medullary sub- stance, separated by a small space called the fifth ventricle. The FIFTH YENTRICLE is situated in the anterior part of it; and to demonstrate it, the upper part of the septum should be cut away with the scissors. Sometimes the two Iamella3 adhere to each other, and again they are separated by a small quantity of fluid. The fifth ventricle does not usually communicate with the third ventricle. The LATERAL VENTRICLE, Fig. 11, on each side, consists of a body and three cornua, one for each lobe of the hemisphere. The anterior cornu is the space between the reflected portion of the corpus callosum and the anterior extremity of the corpus striatum. The examination of the posterior and middle cornua may be postponed until the body of the ventricle has been studied. The body presents three surfaces: the upper, or corpus callosum ; the inner, or septum lucidum ; and the lower, or floor, which is composed of several parts. Of these parts, there are five which deserve special notice. They are the corpus striatum, tsenia semicircularis, thalamus opticus, plexus choroides, and fornix. The CORPUS STRIATUM, Fig. 11, &, forms the outer and an- terior part of the floor of the ventricle. It is pear-shaped, with the large extremity situated anteriorly, and the small extrem- ity posteriorly. It is readily distinguished from the surround- ing parts by its dark-grayish color. It is called the striated body, on account of the intermixture of gray and white sub- stance in its structure, which gives to it a striated appearance 60 DISSECTION OF THE HEAD AND NECK. when it is cut into. The external portion of the brain corre- sponding to the corpus striatum is the island of Reil, in the fissure of Sylvius. THE T^ENTA SEMICIKCULAKIS, Fig. 11, s, is a narrow, whitish band, situated along the inner concave border of the corpus A Fig. 11. SECTION OP CEREBRUM, DISPLAYING THE LATERAL VENTRICLES. ON THE RIGHT SIDE, THE DESCENDING CORNU is LAID OPEN. a, b. Parts of great longitudinal fissure. c. Section of front of corpus callosum. d. Part of posterior end of the same. f. The body of the fornix. e. The left choroid plexus, g. Anterior cornu, k, posterior, and q, descending cornu of the lateral ventricle, k, k. Corpora striata. I, I. Optic thai- ami. , n. Right and left hippocfimpus minor, o. Posterior pillar of fornix, be- coming continued as the corpus fimbriatum, v. q. Cornu Ammonis, or Pes hippocampi. r. Shows alternate gray and white layers in cortical substance, s, *. Right and left tsonia semicircularis. v. Corpus fimbriatum. y. Eminentia collateralis. striatum. It extends from the anterior cornu of the fornix to the posterior part of the thalamus opticus, where it is con- nected to the corpus geniculatum externum. The THALAMUS NERVI OPTICI, Fig. 11, Z, is seen on the inner side of the toenia semicircularis, by which it is separated from the posterior part of the corpus striatum. It is white, THE CEREBRUM. 61 and only a small portion of it is seen in the floor of the lateral ventricle. The PLEXUS CHOROIDES, Fig. 11, e, is composed of vessels and are'olar tissue, being a portion of the pia mater. It is situated on the inner side of the thalamus. It is red in the recent brain. The FORNIX, Fig. 11, /, is a white body forming the inner part of the floor. Anteriorly, it is connected with the septum lucidum; and posteriorly, with the corpus callosum. Besides these five bodies, the student may notice along the concave border of the corpus striatum a narrow, shining band, called the Lamina Cornea. This is apparently a thickening of the lining membrane of the ventricle. It is not always very distinct. Beneath this is a vein of consider- able size, coming from the corpus striatum. The floors of the two lateral ventricles are perfectly symmetrical. The POSTERIOR CORNU of the lateral ventricle, Fig. 11, h, is an extension into the posterior lobe. It proceeds outwards at first, and then inwards. Its floor is formed by a spur- shaped elevation called the HIPPOCAMPUS MINOR. The upper and lateral walls consist of white medullary substance. The MIDDLE or INFERIOR CORNU, Fig. 11, q, is much larger. It curves outwards, downwards, and forwards around the posterior, outer and lower part of the thalamus. This cavity may be exposed by removing the upper and outer portion of the middle lobe down to a level with it ; or it may be fully brought into view by making a single incision, cutting from within outwards, and following the course of the corriu from its commencement to its termination, and then lifting up that portion of the middle lobe situated above it. The following parts are found in the middle cornu. The plexus choroides extends into the middle cornu, and dis- appears there, by becoming continuous with the pia mater in the transverse fissure ; this must be removed to expose the parts beneath it. The HIPPOCAMPUS MAJOR extends the whole length of the floor, and terminates in an indented expansion, called the pes hippocampi. This body follows the curved direction of the cavity ; presents a smooth white appearance, convex ex- G 62 DISSECTION OF THE HEAD AND NECK. ternally and concave internally. This body is formed by the posterior and reflected portion of the convolution which was seen on the inner side of the hemisphere, immediately above the corpus callosum ; it has a corresponding depres- sion or sulcus on the base of the brain. The T^NIA HIPPOCAMPI, or CORPUS FIMBRIATUM, is a nar- row white band occupying the concave border of the hippo- Fig. 12. A SECTION or THE CEREBRAL HEMISPHERES, SHOAVING BOTH LATERAL VENTRI- CLES, AFTER THE FORNIX HAS BEEN DIVIDED AND TURNKD BACK, TO EXPOSE THE VELTJM INTERPOSITUM. c. The anterior portion of corpus callosum, cut across, e. The lyra, or under surface of posterior part of corpus callosum. /. Anterior pillars of fornix cut across. N. B. These are represented of too great size. g. Anterior, h, posterior cornu of lateral ventricle, k, k. Corpora striata. q. Pes hippocampi. r, r. Thalami optici. a, s. Teenia semicircularis. t, t. Choroid plexuses, v. Velum interpositum. x, x. Posterior pillars of fornix. y. Eminentia collateralis. campus major; it is a continuation of the posterior pillar of the fornix; its concave border is free, while its convex mar- gin can usually be raised only slightly from the hippocampus. THE CEKEBEUM. 63 When the free border of the corpus fimbriatum is raised up and turned over on the hippocampus, the CORPUS DENTATUM is brought into view. It is a reddish gray body, serrated, and lies within the concavity of the hippocampus. The internal and upper wall of the middle cornu is formed by the thalamus opticus and corpus striatum. On the lower and posterior part of the thalamus may be observed two small bodies, the corpus geniculatum,, externum and inter- num. The latter is located a little anterior to and below the former ; it is also somewhat smaller, and of a paler ap- pearance. These bodies are connected by white bands to the tubercula quadrigemina. The optic nerve arises in part from them. Having observed the walls and contents of the lateral ventricles, the student may proceed with the dissection in the direction of the third ventricle. This ventricle is situated under the fornix, which has not as yet been disturbed. By observing the point at which the plexus choroides on each side passes beneath the fornix, the position of the foramen of Monroe will be found, as it is occupied by the junction of the two plexuses. This foramen forms the only direct communication between the lateral ventricles, and also between them and the third ventricle. Now divide the fornix over the foramen of Monroe, and carefully raise up and reflect one portion forwards and the other backwards. The union of the two plexuses will now be seen, and also a thin delicate membrane stretching across from one plexus to the other, and which lined the inferior surface of the fornix behind the foramen of Monroe ; this is called the velum interpositum, Fig. 12, v. The handle of the scalpel should now be carried backwards between the fornix and the velum interpositum, separating the latter from the former, and also from the posterior border of the corpus callosum. On the under surface of the posterior part of the corpus callosum, and between the posterior pillars of the fornix, are several oblique lines, which constitute what is called the lyra, Fig. 12, e. By dividing what remains of the posterior part of the corpus callosum and fornix, in the direction of the median line, the connection between these two bodies may be examined; also the manner in which the fornix is connected on the sides with the two hippocampi and the corpora fimbriata. These last connections form the poste- 64 DISSECTION OF THE HEAD AND NECK. rior pillars, or crura, Fig. 12, x, x, of the fornix, of which there is one on each side. It will be observed that the borders of the central part of the fornix are entirely free, resting upon the plexuses and the velum interpositum. The anterior part of the fornix divides into two crura, which pass downwards towards the base of the brain. These will be seen more distinctly when the third ventricle is fairly exposed. The velum interpositum may now be raised and reflected backwards, observing, at the same time, two veins, the vence, Galeni, Fig. 8, e, occupying the centre of it. These veins col- lect the blood from the different bodies in the ventricles and convey it into the sinus rectus. In separating the pia mater from the substance of the brain, care should always be taken to divide with the scalpel or scissors any small vessels which are not readily broken. In raising the posterior part of the velum, it should be borne in mind that it is closely connected to the pineal gland, and that this part of it, therefore, should be dissected, and not torn away. With a little care, and by using the forceps and scissors, the student will be able to preserve this small body with its connections to the thalami and posterior commissure of the third ventricle. The THIRD YENTRICLE, Fig. 13, z to s, should now be exam- ined. It is located between the thalami nervorum opticorum and below the fornix and velum interpositum ; the locus per- foratus medius, eminentise mammillares, and tuber cinereum, which are seen on the base of the brain, are placed imme- diately below it. It contains three commissures, ax^anterior, a middle, and a posterior. The middle one is not a true com- missure; it consists of gray substance, formed apparently by a mere adhesion of the two thalami. It is apt to be broken away in separating the bodies to expose the other parts in the ventricle. It is sometimes absent. In the ante- rior part of the ventricle are seen, first, the anterior crura of the fornix, having a vertical direction ; second, in front of, and between these, the anterior commissure, a small transverse cylindrical body connecting the corpora striata and the con- volutions of the middle lobes ; and third, below this, and between the crura, the opening which leads into the infundib- ulum. In the posterior part are observed, first, the peduncles of the pineal gland, which extend forwards along the inner margins of the thalami, to which they adhere, to connect with the anterior crura of the fornix and the taenia semi- THE CEREBRUM. 65 circulares ; second, the posterior commissure, a white, cylindri- cal body, which connects the two thalami; third, just beneath this, the aqueduct of Sylvius, or the opening which leads to the fourth ventricle. The floor of the third ventricle is only Fig. 13. SECTION OP THE CEREBRUM DISPLAYING THE SURFACES OP THE CORPORA STRIATA, AND OPTIC THALAMI, THE CAVITY OP THE THIRD VENTRICLE, AND THE UPPER SUR- FACE OF THE CEREBELLUM. a, e. Tubercula quadrigemina e, testis, a, nates, c. Cor- pus callosum. /. Anterior pillars of fornix. f the cere- brum. Its white central mass is connected with the cere- brum, through the processus cerebelli ad testes, and with the medulla oblongata, through the corpora restiformia and the arciform fibres which come from the corpora pyramidalia; the two hemispheres are connected by the transverse fibres of the pons Varolii. These commissural fasciculi should be carefully observed by the student, as it is through them en- tirely that the cerebellum is placed in relation with the other parts of the nervous system. The MEDULLA OBLONGATA, Fig. 17 (i 3), may next be exa- mined. This consists of an intermediate section between the spinal marrow and the cerebrum and cerebellum ; it is a sort of unfolding of the spinal marrow preparatory to the con- tinuation of its fibres upwards into the two bodies just men- tioned. Although it is convenient to speak of it as a distinct part, the student should bear in mind that it is merely a portion of one continuous structure. It gives origin, it is true, to nerves which have specific functions, but this does not, in an anatomical point of view, isolate it at all from other parts with which it is structurally connected. It commences just below the foramen occipitale, and extends 74 DISSECTION OF THE HEAD AND NECK. upwards to the pons Yarolii. Its direction corresponds to the inner surface of the cuneiform process of the occipital bone and the commencement of the spinal canal. Anteriorly and laterally, it is simply covered by pia mater and arachnoid membrane ; posteriorly, it is, as has already been seen, in relation with the cerebellum and fourth ventricle. Each lateral half presents four elevations or bodies, named corpus pyramidale, corpus olivare, corpus restiforme, and corpus pyramidale posterius. The two anterior pyramidal bodies are separated by a fissure, which is a continuation of the anterior fissure of the spinal marrow. At the bottom of this fissure are observed transverse commissural fibres; and, about an inch below the upper extremity, are seen several fasciculi, which decussate, connecting each half of the spinal marrow with the opposite hemisphere of the brain. The two posterior pyramidal bodies are also separated by a fissure, which is a continuation of the posterior fissure of the spinal marrow. A part of this fissure is the calamus scriptorius. The CORPOIIA PYRAMIDALIA, Fig. 17 (2 o), are a continuation of the anterior columns of the spinal marrow upwards. They increase in size up to the pons Varolii, where they become suddenly constricted, and immediately enter that body. They diverge slightly as they ascend. At the upper end of the fis- sure, and between their upper extremities, is a small depres- sion, called the foramen ccecum. Each body is composed of fibres coming from the anterior column of the spinal marrow of its own side, and also of fibres from that of the opposite side. These fibres continue upwards, through the pons Va- rolii and crura cerebri, to the cerebral hemispheres. The CORPORA OLiVARiA,Fig.l7 (2 2), are situated behind, and external to the anterior pyramids. They do not extend quite up to the pons ; nor are they quite as long as the pyramids. The upper extremities are more prominent than the lower. Externally, they consist of white fibrous tissue; internally, each contains a mass of gray substance called the olivary ganglion, or corpus dentatum of the olivary body. The structure and appearance of this is similar to the corpus dentatum of the cerebellum. On the inner side, its capsule is open, and the gray matter which it contains is continuous with that of the centre of the medulla oblongata; it is also continuous with the gray substance of the pons. The fibres of the olivary bodies are continued upwards into the upper and posterior BASE OF THE BRAIN. 75 part of the crura cerebri, and thence to the optic thalami and tubercula quadrigemina. The two olivary bodies are joined to each other behind the anterior pyramids, and form a part of the floor of the fourth ventricle. The CORPORA EESTIFORMIA, Fig. 17 (21), are observed be- hind the olivary bodies. They are separated from each other, below, by the posterior median fissure, and, above, by the fourth ventricle. They are a continuation of the posterior lateral columns of the spinal cord upwards to the ganglia of the cerebellum. The CORPORA PYRAMIDALIA POSTERIORA, or INNOMINATA, are seen in the floor of the fourth ventricle, one on each side of the median fissure. Their fibres extend upwards to the cerebrum. The ARCIFORM FIBRES arise from the anterior pyramids, and, curving round the olivary bodies, join the corpora restiformia. They are very irregular. Sometimes they are seen above and below the olivary bodies, and again they spread out over them. The grooves, between which the olivary body on each side is situated, are occupied by the roots of nerves. The BASE of the brain may now be examined. There are three subarachnoid spaces to be noticed, in the first place, on the base of the brain. The two lateral are formed by the arachnoid passing from the lower surfaces of the middle to the anterior lobes, without dipping into the fissures of Sylvius. The anterior is situated in front of the pons Varolii, and between the middle lobes. These spaces are filled with loose areolar tissue, and are capable of containing a consider- able quantity of serum. The arachnoid, where it is reflected to form these spaces, is quite thick and strong. The under surface of the brain, it will be observed, presents an appearance very different from the upper. Taking the encephalon, the following prominent points will be noticed: On the sides, are the anterior and middle lobes of the cerebrum, separated by the fissures of Sylvius ; behind the middle lobes, and separated from them by the trans- verse fissure, are the hemispheres of the cerebellum. Thus, the encephalon presents six prominent parts, situated later- ally on its inferior surface. In the space between these parts, and occupying the centre, are the following, commenc- ing posteriorly: The medulla oblongata, situated between 76 DISSECTION OF THE HEAD AND NECK. the hemispheres of the cerebellum ; directly in front of this, the pons Yarolii ; anterior to it, the crura cerebri, and, be- Fig. 17. A VIEW OF THE BASE OF THE CEREBRUM AND CEREBELLUM, TOGETHER WITH THEIR NERVES. 1. Anterior extremity of the fissure which separates the hemispheres of the brain. 2. Posterior extremity of the same fissure. 3. Anterior lobe of the cerebrum. 4. Its middle lobe. 5. Fissure of Sylvius. 6. Posterior lobe of the cerebrum. 7. A part of the infundibulum. 8. Tuber cinereum. 9. Corpora albi- cantia. 10. Pons Tarini. 11. Crura cerebri. 12. Pons Varolii. 13. The top of the medulla oblongata. 14. Posterior prolongation of the pons Varolii. 15. Middle of the cerebellum. 16. Anterior part of the cerebellum. 17. Its posterior part, and the fissure of its hemispheres. 18. Superior part of the medulla spinalis. 19. Mid- dle fissure of the medulla oblongata. 20. Corpus pyramidale. 21. Corpus resti- forme. 22. Corpus olivare. 23. Olfactory nerve. 24. Its bulb. 25. Its external root. 26. Its middle root. 27. Its internal root. 28. Optic nerve beyond the chiasm. 29. Optic nerve behind the chiasm. 30. Motor oculi, or third pair of nerves. 31. Fourth pair, or pathetic nerves. 32. Fifth pair, or trigeminus nerves. 33. Sixth pair, or motor externus. 34. Facial nerve. 35. Auditory nerve. 36,37, 38. Eighth pair of nerves. (The ninth pair are not seen.) tween them, the locus perforatus medius and the eminentiae mammillares ; in front of the eminentia3, the tuber cinereum, BASE OF THE BRAIN. 77 which is placed between the optic tracts, and behind the optic chiasm ; in front of the chiasm is the fissure which separates the' anterior lobes ; on the outside of each optic tract is the commencement of the fissure of Sylvius, with the locus per- foratus lateralis and the peduncle of the corpus callosum. The relative position of these different parts on the base of the encephalon, should be carefully noted by the student. The PONS VAROLII, Fig. 17 (i 2), contains the fibres which constitute the great commissure between the hemispheres of the cerebellum, and also the fibres which are prolonged from the medulla oblongata upwards into the crura cerebri. Be- sides these two sets of fibres, more or less gray substance is found in it, in which other fibres are said to originate. It has directly above it the upper portion of the fourth ventricle, the tubercula quadrigemina, and the aqueduct of Sylvius. Its lower surface is free, and corresponds to the upper part of the basilar process of the occipital bone. Below and behind it is the medulla oblongata. In front of it are the crura cerebri. Laterally it terminates in the middle pedun- cles of the cerebellum. When the pons is cut into, the transverse fibres are found to be intersected by Jongitudinal fasciculi, which are easily traced from the corpora pyramidalia upwards to the crura cerebri. The transverse fibres which are placed above the longitudinal fasciculi have gray substance intermixed with them. This gray substance is also intermixed with the fibres, which are prolonged upwards from the corpora olivaria. Above the gray substance are the fibres which proceed from the corpora innominata to the upper part of the crura cerebri. The CRURA CEREBRI, or the PEDUNCLES OF THE CEREBRUM, Fig. 17 (i i), are two large white bodies placed in front of the pons Yarolii. They are to be regarded as a continuation of the spinal marrow upwards to the base of the cerebrum. They consist of white fibres which have ascended through the pons from the medulla oblongata and those which have originated in the pons, together with a mass of gray matter in each crus named the locus niger. The inferior fibres are a continuation of those which compose the corpora pyramidalia ; the superior fibres are a continuation of those of the corpora olivaria and innominata. The gray matter is situated between these two sets of fibres, and in the central part of each crus. The gray 7* 78 DISSECTION OF THE HEAD AND NECK. matter of the two crura is connected by the pons Tarini. It is continuous below with the gray neurine of the pons, me- dulla oblongata, and spinal marrow, and above, with that of the corpora striata and optic thalami. If the fibres of the crura be traced upwards into the cerebral hemispheres, they will be found to enter the gray matter of the corpora striata and optic thalami ; the inferior fibres, or those from the corpora pyramidalia, pass into the striated bodies, and the superior fibres, or those from the corpora olivaria and innominata, into the optic beds. This is true, however, only to a certain extent. The termination of these fibres in the optic thalami and striated bodies varies ; some seem to form a plexiform arrangement in them. The corpora striata and optic thalami are the great central ganglia of the cerebral hemispheres ; their gray matter forms really but a single mass in each hemisphere, and the masses of the two hemispheres are joined together by the commis- sura mollis of the third ventricle; in the same mariner the loci nigri, in the crura cerebri, are connected by the pons Tarini; the lateral gray masses of the pons Yarolii are joined together, and the medulla oblongata and the spinal marrow are also united in the median line by gray substance. Thus the student will see that the white fibres, as well as the gray neurine of the spinal cord, are continued through the medulla oblongata, pons Yarolii, and crura cerebri, up into the corpora striata and optic thalami; that although the fibres may change their relative position, and the gray neurine appear in different forms, yet they present an un- broken continuity. The Locus PERFORATUS MEDIUS, or PONS TARINI, Fig. 17 (i o), is of a gray color. It is placed between the base of the brain and the posterior part of the third ventricle, and is per- forated by numerous small arteries. It is very thin, and easily broken through. It was called 'pons' by Tarinus, be- cause it extended across from one crus cerebri to the other. The CORPORA MAMMILLARIA, or CORPORA ALBICANTIA, Fig. 17 (9), are two small round bodies, white externally and gray internally. The white matter is the termination of the anterior cornua of the fornix on the base of the brain; the fibres of the fornix do not, however, end in these bodies, but are reflected upwards and backwards to the upper part of the thalami. BASE OF THE BRAIN. 79 The TUBER CINEREUM, Fig. 17 (s), is a thin mass of gray matter behind the optic chiasm and in the floor of the third ventricle. From the centre of this projects downwards the infundibulum. This is of a reddish gray color, of a conical shape, terminating below in the pituitary gland, and opening above into the anterior part of the third ventricle. Its upper extremity only is hollow, at least, as a general thing, in the adult brain. The PITUITARY GLAND occupies the sella turcica. It is a small body, consisting of an anterior and a posterior lobe. The anterior lobe is kidney- shaped, and composed of a yel- lowish substance ; the posterior lobe is partly received into the anterior. This body is hollow in the foetus, and com- municates with the third ventricle through the infundib- ulum. It is covered by a layer of the dura mater. To dissect it in situ, the posterior clinoid processes should be broken away. When the optic chiasm is raised, a thin layer of gray substance is seen, called the lamina cinerea. This extends from the tuber cinereum behind to the corpus callosum in front. Laterally, it joins on each side the perforated place at the inner extremity of the fissure of Sylvius. Its upper surface looks into the anterior part of the third ventricle. The chiasm of the optic nerves is connected by gray matter to. the lamina cinerea. On the sides of the lamina cinerea, and crossing the lateral perforated places, are seen two white fibrous bands, which pass forwards to terminate in the anterior border of the corpus callosum. These are named the peduncles of the corpus callosum. The Loci PERFORATI LATERALES are situated, one at the commencement of each fissure of Sylvius. They are per- forated by numerous small arteries which are intended, mostly, for the supply of the corpora striata. The FISSURE OF SYLVIUS, Fig. 17 (5), separates the anterior and middle lobes. It serves to increase greatly the exterior surface of the brain and the number of convolutions. As it passes outwards, it divides into two branches, which sur- round several small convolutions. These constitute the island of Eeil. They correspond to the outer part of the corpus striatum. 80 DISSECTION OF THE HEAD AND NECK. The LOBES of the cerebrum, Fig. 17 (3, 4, e), are six in num- ber, three for each hemisphere. These are not seen on the upper part of the brain, and even on the base there is no natural line of separation between the posterior and middle. The middle is the most prominent ; it occupies the middle fossa in the base of the cranium. The posterior rests on the tentorium, which separates it from the cerebellum, and at the same time supports it. The anterior lobe lies on the orbital por- tion of the frontal bone. It is separated from the corres- ponding lobe on the opposite side by the great longitudinal fissure. The two posterior lobes are separated from each other by the same fissure. The extent of this fissure is worthy of notice. No one can have any correct idea of the number of convolutions or the extent of exterior surface which each hemisphere of the cerebrum presents, without a knowledge of this fissure. The GREAT TRANSVERSE FISSURE separates the posterior lobes from the cerebellum. It opens into the central exca- vation in front of the pons Yarolii, passing round on each side of that body, and under the crura cerebri. This fissure leads into the middle cornu of each lateral ventricle, and also into the third ventricle, beneath the posterior border of the corpus callosum. It is in this part of the transverse fissure that Bichat described a communication between the cavity of the lining membrane of the third ventricle and the cavity of the arachnoid, external to the brain. It is called the Canal of Bichat. This anatomist described this communication as being of a tubular form, and surrounding the venae Galeni. There can be no doubt that it does exist in some cases. ORIGIN OF THE CEREBRAL NERVES. The cerebral nerves consist of nine pairs. With the excep- tion of the spinal accessory, a part of the eighth pair, they all arise from some part of the encephalon; they escape from the cranial cavity through different foramina. There is no difference between the corresponding nerves of the two sides. Although each pair has a particular name, they are gener- ally designated by numbers as first, second, third, &c. The FIRST PAIR, or OLFACTORY NERVES, Fig. 17 (23), have ORIGIN OF THE CEREBRAL NERVES. 81 each three roots one arising from the fissure of Sylvius, an- other from the corpus striatum, and the third from the poste- rior convolutions of the anterior lobe. The last one is situated between the others, and consists of gray matter. The trunk formed by the union of these three roots runs forward about two inches on the under surface of the anterior lobe, and then swells into a bulb, which rests on the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone. The olfactory nerves are of a prismatic form, each being lodged in a groove on the under surface of the anterior lobe, to which it is bound by the arachnoid membrane passing over it, but not around it. They are composed of white and gray substance, and are softer than the other nerves. The bulbs are called the olfactory lobes, and might very prop- erly be considered the true origin of the olfactory nerves. The filaments arise from the bulbs in two series on each side, and pass through the cribriform plate of the ethmoid, the outer series to the external wall, and the inner to the internal wall of the nasal fossa. The SECOND PAIR, or OPTIC, Fig. 17 (2 s), arise from the tuber- cula quadrigemina, corpora geniculata, and optic thalami. The part between the origin of each nerve and the chiasm is called the optic tract. This is soft and flattened, and rests on the crus cerebri, to which it adheres slightly. The part anterior to the chiasm is round, and invested by neurilemma. The optic tracts converge towards the chiasm, while the optic nerves diverge as they proceed towards the orbits. The chiasm is formed by a decussation of the inner fibres of each nerve, while the outer fibres continue on without crossing. The chiasm is connected to the tuber cinereum by a few fibres. Transverse fibres have been described in this commissure. As the optic nerves pass through the optic foramina, the neu- rilemma is continuous with the periosteum lining the orbits ; also with the sclerotic coat, as each nerve enters the ball of the eye. The THIRD PAIR, or OCULO MOTOR, Fig. 17 (3 o), arise from the crura cerebri, near the pons Tarini. They can be traced into the substance of the crura, to the gray matter, or loci nigri. Each nerve consists of a round white cord, passes through the wall of the outer part of the cavernous sinus, and en- ters the orbit through the foramen sphenoidale, to be distri- buted to the superior, internal, and inferior recti muscles; 82 DISSECTION OF THE HEAD AND NECK. also to the inferior oblique and the levator of the upper eyelid. The FOURTH PAIK, or PATHETIC, Fig. 17 (a i), arise from the valve of Vieussens and processus eerebelli ad testes. They are very small, and thread-like. Each passes through the walls of the cavernous sinus, and sphenoidal foramen to go to the superior oblique muscle of the eyeball. These nerves are so small and delicate, that the student must be very careful in tracing them, or he will either break or lose sight of them. The FIFTH PAIR, TRIFACIAL, or TRIGEMINAL, Fig. 17 (3 2), have each two roots, arising apparently from the pons Yarolii. The small root consists of motor filaments, and is situated above the large or sensor. The sensor portion of this nerve can be traced to near the floor of the fourth ventricle, or to the corpus innominatum; the motor portion is connected in its origin with the fibres of the corpus pyramidale, with which it is associated in function. The two roots, after leaving the pons, unite to form a large cord or fasciculus, which passes beneath the tentorium, perforates the dura mater, and rests on the petrous bone, in its course to the middle fossa of the base of the cranium, where the sensor portion expands into the Gasserian ganglion. This ganglion is of a triangular shape, and, when fully exposed, presents a plexiform arrangement, with gray neurine intermixed. It is covered by a lamina of the dura mater, which adheres closely to it. The motor fila- ments pass over its under surface, and not through it. From its base proceed the ophthalmic and the superior and inferior maxillary branches. The first of these passes through the sphenoidal foramen; the second, through the foramen ro- tundurn ; and the third, through the foramen ovale. All the motor filaments accompany the inferior maxillary branch. The dura mater obtains filaments from the fifth pair. It will be observed that this nerve resembles the spinal nerves in having a motor and a sensor root, and the sensor portion having a ganglion on it. The SIXTH PAIR, or ABDUCENTES, Fig. 17 (33), arise from the corpora pyramidalia, just as they enter the pons. Each nerve passes through the wall of the cavernous sinus and the sphenoidal foramen to reach the external rectus of the eye- ball. While passing through the wall of the cavernous ORIGIN OF THE CEREBRAL NERVES. 83 sinus, it is joined by one or two filaments from the sympa- thetic. They are much smaller than the third pair, but larger than the fourth The SEVENTH PAIR, Fig. 17 (34), consist each of two nerves, the portio dura, or facial, and the portio mollis, or auditory nerve. The portio mollis is the largest of the two, and is situated behind the portio dura. It arises in the floor of the fourth ventricle by the lineae transverse, and from gray neurine in the corpus olivare, passes round the restiform body to join the portio dura just below the crus cerebelli. The portio dura arises from the corpus innominatum, near the calamus scriptorius, and passes through the corpus restiforme; it is joined by the auditory nerve, as before mentioned, and both pass outwards to the meatus auclitorius internus. The portio mollis goes to the labyrinth of the ear, the portio dura to the muscles of the face, &c. The EIGHTH PAIR, Fig. 17 (so), consist each of the glosso- pharyngeal, the pneumogastric, and the spinal accessory of Willis. The glosso-pharyngeal and pneumogastric arise on each side, by quite a number of filaments, in the groove be- tween the olivary and restiform bodies. The former is situated a little above the latter, and is much smaller. Their roots can be traced to gray matter respiratory ganglion in the posterior part of the medulla oblongata, and near to the floor of the fourth ventricle, upon which there are three or four small protuberances corresponding to the origin of these nerves. The spinal accessory arises from the side of the spinal marrow, between the roots of the cervical nerves, commencing as low down as the fifth or sixth cervical verte- bra. The round cord or nerve which is formed by these roots passes upwards behind the ligamentum denticulatum to the cavity of the cranium, entering it through the foramen occipitale, to join the two preceding nerves. It is very fre- quently connected by filaments to the first and second cervi- cal nerves. The eighth nerve leaves the cranial cavity through the jugular foramen, being separated from the .internal jugular vein by a ligamentous band. THE NINTH PAIR, or HYPOGLOSSAL, arise by several fila- ments in the groove between the olivary and pyramidal bodies. Each nerve corresponds in origin to the anterior roots of the 84 DISSECTION OF THE HEAD AND NECK. spinal nerves. It passes through the anterior condyloid foramen, and in its cranial course usually consists of two or more fasciculi. The study of the cerebral nerves is rendered perhaps more complicated to the student on account of each nerve being designated by a particular name. Their origin is necessarily more difficult to learn than that of the spinal nerves ; this results from the gray neurine with which they are connected being more scattered about and not so easily located. If we were able to see clearly and 'distinctly all the gray matter with which the different cerebral nerves are connected in their origin, we should probably observe the same simplicity in its arrangement as in that of the spinal marrow. The student should endeavor to acquire familiarity with these nerves by studying them according to their functions, and in connection with the parts to which they are distri- buted. If, for instance, he refers to the nervous endowment of the tongue, he will at once see the necessity ^ of this organ being supplied with at least three different kinds of nerves. It contains muscles which must be supplied with a motor nerve; and if these muscles can act independently of the will, as well as under its direction, then they must be sup- plied with both voluntary and involuntary motor filaments. Like nearly all other parts of the body, it must have a nerve of general sensibility, and, as it is the seat of taste, it must have a nerve of special sensibility. He should learn to con- template other organs and other parts of the body, in regard to their nervous endowment, in the same manner. The third, fourth, sixth, and ninth nerves may be regarded as being associated with the motor portion of the fifth nerve, as the distribution of all these motor nerves corresponds to that of the sensor portion of the fifth. As the fifth is the nerve of general sensibility to all parts of the face, superficial as well as deep seated, so would it then also be the nerve of volun- tary motion to all the muscles of the same parts. This would leave only the four nerves of special sensibility and the por- tio dura, an involuntary motor nerve, to be distributed to the head ; the pneumogastric and spinal accessory going to sup- ply other parts. The following table will exhibit to the student, at a glance, the functional divisions of the cerebral nerves : ARTEKIES OF THE BRAIN. 85 fist. Olfactory. SPEC.AL SENSATION . . . [8th. Gustatory. COMMON S f 3d. Oculo-motor. 4th. Pathetic. VOLUNTARY MOTION . . . \ 5th. Trigerainal. | 6th. Abducens [9th. Hypoglossal. ARTERIES OF THE BRAIN. The arteries of the brain are derived from the internal carotid and the vertebral. Each internal carotid gives off at the base of the brain the anterior and middle cerebral, and the posterior communicating branch. The ANTERIOR CEREBRAL ARTERY, Fig. 18 (i 3), is directed forwards and inwards to the fissure in front of the chiasm of the optic nerves. Just before it enters the fissure which separ- ates the anterior lobes of the cerebrum, it is connected to the anterior cerebral artery of the opposite side by a transverse anastomosing branch named the Anterior Communicating Ar- tery, Fig. 18 (14). This artery is usually not more than one or two lines in length. It completes the circle of Willis anteriorly. The anterior cerebral arteries then enter the fissure together, and pass upwards over the anterior extremity of the corpus callosum, and backwards on its superior sur- face to its posterior extremity. They are sometimes called the arteries of the corpus callosum, where they rest on that body. The MIDDLE CEREBRAL ARTERY, Fig. 18 (12), passes out- wards and backwards to the fissure of Sylvius, in which it gives off a great number of branches. To trace this artery in its course, the anterior lobe must be separated from the middle, so as to expose the whole of the fissure of Sylvius. The POSTERIOR COMMUNICATING ARTERY, Fig. 18(9), passes 8 86 DISSECTION OF THE HEAD AND NECK. backwards to join the posterior cerebral artery, which is a branch of the vertebral. It varies greatly in size. The VERTEBRAL ARTERIES, Fig. 18 (i), enter the cavity of the cranium through the foramen occipitale, and coalesce just Fig. 18. 1. The vertebral arteries. 2. The two anterior spinal branches. 3. One of the posterior spinal arteries. 4. The posterior tucningeal artery. 5. The inferior cere- bellar. 6. The basilar artery. 7. The superior cerebellar. 8. The posterior cere- bral. 9. The posterior communicating. 10. The internal carotid. 11. The oph- thalmic. 12. The middle cerebral. 13. The anterior cerebral. 14. The anterior communicating. behind the pons Yarolii to form the BASILAR ARTERY, Fig. 18 (e). This artery extends to the anterior border of the pons, where it divides into the posterior cerebral arteries. The cerebellar arteries are given off, the inferior from the vertebral, and the superior from the basilar. The POSTERIOR CEREBRAL ARTERY, Fig. 18 (s), on each side is directed outwards and backwards round the crus cerebri ARTERIES OF THE BRAIN". 87 to the great transverse fissure, and to the under surface of the posterior lobe of the brain. A short distance from its origin it is joined by the posterior communicating branch of the internal carotid. The SUPERIOR CEREBELLAR ARTERY, Fig. 18 (7), winds round the crus cerebri to the superior surface of the cerebel- lum. It is separated from the preceding artery by the third nerve, and accompanies for some distance the fourth nerve. It sends a small branch into the meatus auditorius internus. The INFERIOR CEREBELLAR ARTERY, Fig. 18 (5), arises from the vertebral, and passes round the medulla oblongata to the under surface of the cerebellum. It passes between the roots of the ninth nerve and in front of the glosso- pharyngeal and pneumogastric. It will be observed that a free anastomosis exists between the arteries at the base of the brain. The internal carotids are connected together by the anterior communicating artery, while they are both connected to the basilar by the two pos- terior communicating arteries. It is by means of these communicating arteries that the circle of Willis is formed. It will also be noticed that no arterial branch of any con- siderable size penetrates the substance of the brain. The following parts are to be examined in the base of the cranium after the brain has been removed. The DURA MATER. This membrane will be found to adhere very closely to the greater part of the base of the cranium. It sends out prolongations through the various apertures to be continuous with the periosteum, and to form sheaths for the nerves. It is firmly attached to the margin of the foramen occipitale, but does not adhere to the walls of the spinal canal. Its internal surface is everywhere lined by the arachnoid. The falx cerebri was examined be- fore the removal of the brain, and the tentorium was neces- sarily cut in that operation. The student can, however, replace it, and retain it in situ with a few stitches, so as to get a very good view of it and its connections. The TENTORIUM, Fig. 9 (s), forms a horizontal septum between the spaces occupied by the cerebellum and posterior lobes of the cerebrum. Its convex border corresponds to the transverse ridge on the inner surface of the occipital bone, extending 88 DISSECTION OF THE HEAD AND NECK. forwards to the base of the petrous portion of the temporal bone. Anteriorly it is attached to the petrous bone, and to the clinoid processes of the sphenoid. Its centre is some- what raised, so as to form an arch, and has attached to its upper surface in the median line the posterior extremity of the falx cerebri. Its attachments are such that it is kept in a state of tension, and is consequently well adapted to support the posterior lobes of the cerebrum and to protect the cerebellum. A large oval opening exists in it anteriorly, which establishes a communication between the compartment of the cerebrum and that of the cerebellum and the spinal canal. The FALX CEREBELLI is a process of the dura mater, which projects into the fissure between the hemispheres of the cerebellum. Its upper and broadest extremity is at- tached to the under surface of the tentorium ; its lower ex- tremity divides into two slips to embrace the foramen occipi- tale. Its posterior border is attached to the lower part of the vertical ridge of the occipital bone. The SINUSES, Fig. 8 and Fig. 19, of the dura mater are canals for the transmission of venous blood. They are veins which derive the fibrous layer of their coats from the dura mater ; in form they differ from veins in other parts of the body, but not in structure. They have no true valves. Some of the small ones vary in number, but there are usually fourteen or fifteen altogether. Some of these are single and found in the median line, and some exist in pairs. The superior longitudinal sinus has already been described; also the inferior longitudinal sinus. The STRAIGHT SINUS is situated between the laminae of the dura mater at the junction of the falx cerebri and tentorium. It is formed principally by the venae Galeni and inferior longitudinal sinus, and terminates in the torcular Herophili, sometimes by two orifices. The OCCIPITAL SINUS is in the attached border of the falx cerebelli. Sometimes there are two of them. It collects the blood from the contiguous parts, and conveys it into the torcular. The LATERAL SINUSES commence at the torcular Herophili and extend to the jugular foramina, occupying a groove on each side in the occipital, parietal, and temporal bones. The SINUSES OF THE DURA MATER. 89 right one is usually larger than the left. They are situated, in the horizontal part of their course, along the convex or attach- ed border of the tentorium. They are the largest of all the sinuses in the dura mater, as they receive the blood from all the rest, to empty it into the internal jugular veins. They increase in size as they proceed towards the jugular foramina, to receive the contents of the petrosal sinuses, the mastoid, and also the inferior cerebral and cerebellar veins. The inferior or curved portion of each is deeply imbedded in the bone, and when cut across presents an oval figure, while the horizontal portion projects between two layers of the ten- torium, and is of a triangular shape. The CAVERNOUS SINUSES are situated one on each side of the sella turcica. They are of an irregular shape, and have a reti- culated structure internally. Each receives the ophthalmic vein of the corresponding side. The third and fourth nerves, Fi S- 19 - and the ophthalmic branch of the fifth, pass through its outer wall ; the internal ca- rotid artery, and the sixth nerve, pass between its fibrous covering and the serous mem- brane which lines it. The two cavernous sinuses are connected by the circular sinus. The petrosal sinuses establish a communication be- tween them and the lateral sinuses. The CIRCULAR SINUS sur- rounds the pituitary gland, from which it receives several small veins. . The circular sinus. 6. The cavern- ous sinus, c. The ophthalmic vein. d. The superior petrosal sinus, e. The in- ferior petrosal sinus. /. The transverse sinus, g. The occipital sinus, h. The lateral sinus on the right side. t. The torcular Herophili. The TRANSVERSE SINUS lies across the cuneiform process of the occipital bone. Some- times there are two of them. The SUPERIOR PETROSAL SINUS occupies a groove on the upper part of the petrous portion of the temporal bone. The INFERIOR PETROSAL SINUS of each side is lodged in a 8* 90 DISSECTION OF THE HEAD AND NECK. groove along the suture, between the petrous and occipital bones. It will be observed that the sinuses at the base of the cra- nium communicate freely with each other, so as to form a sort of venous network. AETEKIES OF THE DURA MATER. The arteries of the dura mater are derived from several sources. , The ANTERIOR MENINGEAL are branches of the ethmoid al, and enter the cavity of the cranium through the ethmoidal foramina. The MIDDLE MENINGEAL is the largest of all the arteries of the dura mater. It passes through the foramen spinosum of the great wing of the sphenoid bone. Its terminal branches were seen when the calvaria was removed. It ramifies between the bone and the dura mater, presenting an arbores- cent appearance. The grooves or furrows in the bone, which are occupied by the branches of this artery, vary very much in depth. In trephining, the relations of the middle menin- geal artery to the osseous walls of the cranium are important to be recollected. The situation of the principal trunk is indicated externally by a line extending from near the centre of the zygoma directly upwards. The POSTERIOR MENINGEAL ARTERY is a branch of the vertebral. It arises nearly opposite the foramen magnum. Besides these, the dura mater gets a branch from the inter- nal maxillary, through the foramen ovale, which is sometimes called the meningea parva; another branch from the ascend- ing pharyngeal, through the foramen lacerum medius ; one from the internal carotid ; and a fourth from the occipital, through the foramen lacerum posterius. The nerves of the dura mater are derived principally from the .fifth pair. APPENDAGES OF THE EYE WITHIN THE ORBIT. 91 SECT. VI. DISSECTION OF THE APPENDAGES OF THE EYE WITHIN THE ORBIT. To dissect the appendages of the eye within the orbit, the orbital plate of the frontal bone must first be cut away. This can easily be done, after the calvaria has been removed, with a small sharp chisel or saw. The former is preferable, because it can be accommodated to the inequalities of the surface which is to be cut. The lesser wing of the sphenoid may also be removed with the orbital plate, care being taken not to destroy the optic foramen, nor disturb the contents of the sphenoidal fissure. Before removing the orbital ridge, the tendinous loop for the passage of the tendon of the superior oblique muscle should be examined, or the inner extremity of the ridge to which the loop is attached may be left. In removing the orbital plate, the periosteum which covers its under surface, and to which it is loosely connected, should be preserved. Before proceeding to examine the contents of the orbit, the student will do well to obtain some idea of what they consist, and in what part of the orbit each is to be found. The dissection must also be conducted slowly and cautiously, so as not to destroy any of the minuter structures involved. The upper plane of the orbit is occupied on the nasal side by the superior oblique muscle, with the pathetic nerve resting on it ; in the central portion by the frontal nerve, and immediately below it, the levator palpebra3 superioris; and in the outer part by the lachrymal nerve, and beneath it the upper margin of the external rectus, on the outer side of which lies the lachrymal gland. The FRONTAL NERVE, Fig. 20, enters the orbit above the muscles, and proceeds along its central portion, close to the periosteum, towards the supra-orbital foramen, where it di- vides into the supra- orbital and frontal branches. The former sends filaments to the upper eyelid, and then passes through the supra-orbital foramen to the forehead ; the latter gives off filaments to the eyelid, also one to the frontal sinus, and one which anastomoses with the external nasal; its terminal branches are distributed on the forehead. 92 DISSECTION OF THE HEAD AND NECK. The LEVATOR PALPEBR^I MUSCLE, Fig. 23 (4), arises from the roof of the orbit in front of the optic foramen. It widens as it extends forwards, and is inserted by a broad tendon into the upper margin of the superior tarsal cartilage. The SUPERIOR OBLIQUE MUSCLE, Fig. 23 (5), arises from the inner part of the op- tic foramen, passes along the inner and upper part of the orbit to the cartilaginous pul- ley, through which its tendon passes to be reflected down- wards, backwards, and out- wards to the ball of the eye. The reflected portion of this muscle must be left for the present. The FOURTH NERVE, or the PATHETIC, Fig. 20 ( 4 ), enters the orbit above, and on the inner side of the frontal, which it leaves in the posterior part of the orbit, passing inwards to the superior oblique muscle, which it penetrates by several filaments on the orbital side. The LACHRYMAL NERVE, Fig. 37 (10), enters the orbit a little to the outside of, and below the frontal nerve, and above the muscles, runs along the upper border of the external rectus to the lachrymal gland, to which it sends filaments ; after perforating or passing beneath the gland, it divides into palpebral branches. One of these anastomoses with a branch of the facial, one goes to the integument upon the forehead, and one or two filaments pass downwards to join the second division of the fifth pair. These parts may now be divided in the anterior portion of the orbit, and reflected back. As the levator palpebrae is turned back, a branch of the third nerve, or motor oculi, will be seen entering it on its under surface. The nerves above described should all be preserved for the purpose of tracing them through the cavernous sinus. THE NERVES IN THE ORBIT ABOVE THE MUSCLES, BROUGHT INTO VIEW BY RE- MOVING THE ROOF OP THE ORBIT AND THE PERIOSTEUM. 1. Fifth nerve. 2. Ophthalmic branch of same nerve. 3. Third nerve. 4. Fourth nerve. 5. Optic nerve. 6. Sixth nerve, a. Internal ca- rotid artery. APPENDAGES OF THE EYE WITHIN THE ORBIT. 93 Fig. 21. The SUPERIOR RECTUS MUSCLE, Fig. 23 (9), is now seen in the central part of the orbit. It arises from the upper and outer part of the optic foramen, and passes forwards to be inserted into the sclerotic coat of the eyeball, near its junction with the cornea. This is to be divided near its insertion, and turned back, observing at the same time the branch of the motor oculi nerve, which penetrates its under surface. Be- neath the superior rectus, and between the external and in- ternal recti muscles, is the most intricate part of the anatomy of the orbit. The areolar and adipose tissue found here must be gradually and cautiously removed. The NASAL NERVE, Fig. 21, with the ophthalmic artery and vein, crosses the optic nerve from without inwards. As this nerve enters the orbit between the two heads of the rectus externus, it usually sends a small twig to the lenticular ganglion, and just as it passes over the optic nerve, gives off three or four ciliary branches, which ac- company that nerve on its inner side to perforate the sclerotic coat. The nasal nerve then continues its course to the inner part of the orbit, and forwards as far as the anterior ethrnoidal foramen, where it divides into an external and inter- nal nasal branch. The m- ternal nasal passes through this foramen, and after run- i , -1 . , ,-j i*. -LiiiLTUiu uiervguiu IUHM;JU. v, A GUI- nmg a Short distance On the poral muscle, c. Cut surface of bone. d. Cribriform plate of the eth- Elevator of the eyelid and upper rectus T -i .-} luusclo. c. C&rotid 3,rt6rv. Untie moid bone, enters the nose nerve> 2 . Fifth nerve. 3. Ophthalmic through a Small foramen at nerve. 4. Third nerve. 5. Sixth nerve. the side of the crista galli, then continues in a groove on the inner surface of the nasal bone to its lower border, where it leaves the nasal cavity THE DEEP NERVES OF THE ORBIT SEEN FROM ABOVE BY REMOVING THE BONE AND DIVIDING THE ELEVATOR OF THE UPPER EYELID AND THE UPPER RECTUS MUSCLE. Internal pterygoid muscle, b. Tern- 94 DISSECTION OF THE HEAD AND NECK. to be distributed to the integument covering the ala of the nose. The external nasal, or infra-trochl&xr, goes to the anterior and inner part of the orbit, beneath the tendon of the supe- rior oblique, where it divides into filaments to supply the integument of the upper part and side of the nose, the upper eyelid, and lachrymal sac. The LENTICULAR G-ANGLION, Fig. 22 (e), is a small reddish body, situated between the optic nerve and external rectus muscle, about half an inch behind the ball of the eye. Its size and shape vary in different subjects. Behind, it receives a filament from the nasal and the lower division of the motor oculi, and is usually connected with the sympathetic by a branch from the cavernous sinus. Anteriorly it sends off eight or ten ciliary branches, which pass along the outer and under part of the optic nerve to perforate the sclerotic coat. This small ganglion may readily be found by tracing one of the ciliary nerves backwards to its origin. The OPHTHALMIC ARTERY, a branch of the internal carotid, arises near the anterior clinoid process, and enters the orbit through the optic foramen, behind and exterior to the optic nerve, and crosses it to reach the nasal nerve, which it accom- panies to the inner and anterior part of the orbit, where it divides into its terminating branches. The following are branches of this artery : The lachrymal branch arises between the superior and ex- ternal recti muscles, but soon joins the lachrymal nerve, and accompanies it to the lachrymal gland, which it supplies. It also sends branches to the upper eyelid, to the conjunctiva, and one which perforates the malar bone to anastomose with the deep temporal arteries. It sometimes anastomoses with the middle meningeal. The central artery of the retina penetrates the optic nerve about half an inch behind the eyeball, which it enters through the porus opticus, to be distributed to the retina and hyaloid membrane (Fig. 21). The supra-orbital arises beneath the superior rectus, and passes upwards and forwards on the inner side of this muscle and the levator palpebrse, joins the supra-orbital nerve, and, with it, goes to the forehead, sending a small branch to the frontal bone. APPENDAGES OF THE EYE WITHIN THE ORBIT. 95 The ciliary arteries consist of three sets ; the anterior, which are irregular in their origin, perforate the sclerotic coat about two lines behind the margin of the cornea; the long and Fig. 22. A VIEW OF THE THIRD, FOURTH, AND SIXTH PAIRS OP NERVES. 1. Ball of the eye, the rectus extern us muscle being cut and hanging down from, its origin. 2. The superior maxilla. 3. The third pair, or motor oculi, distributed to all the mus- cles of the eye except the superior oblique and external rectus. 4. The fourth pair, or pathetic, going to the superior oblique muscle, o. Ono of the branches of the fifth. 6. The sixth pair, or motor externus, distributed to the external rectus mus- cle. 7. Spheno-palatine ganglion and branches. 8. Ciliary nerves from the len- ticular ganglion, the short root of which is seen to connect it with the third pair. short posterior arise a little distance behind the ball of the eye ; the short, ten or fifteen in number, accompany the ciliary nerves; the two long ones perforate the sclerotic coat, one on either side of the optic nerve, and a little farther from it than the short. The muscular branches are divided into the superior, which go to the superior rectus, oblique, and levator palpebrae ; and the inferior, which are distributed to the other recti muscles, and inferior oblique, and from which are derived some of the anterior ciliary arteries. The ethmoidal branches pass through the anterior and poste- rior ethmoidal foramina, and give branches to the dura mater and upper part of the nasal fossae. There are two palpebral branches; the superior, which enters the upper lid near the inner angle and anastomoses with the 96 DISSECTION OF THE HEAD AND NECK. lachrymal ; the inferior, which descends behind the tendon of the orbicularis to the lower lid, and anastomoses with the infra-orbital. The nasal artery runs over the tendon of the orbicularis to the integument covering the side of the nose, and anasto- moses with the facial. The frontal goes to the muscles and integument of the forehead. The OPTIC NERVE enters the orbit through the optic fora- men, and proceeds to the ball of the eye, which it enters just inside of its axis. As it passes through the optic foramen, it receives an investment from the dura mater, which leaves it again to become continuous with the sclerotic coat. The OPHTHALMIC VEIN, Fig. 19, c, is formed by branches corresponding to the arteries in the orbit. It leaves the" orbit between the two heads of the rectus externus, passing through the sphenoidal fissure to terminate in the cavernous sinus. At the inner and anterior part of the orbit, it communicates with the frontal and facial veins. The vessels and nerves which enter the ball of the eye, and which have been examined, may now be detached and turned backwards, to facilitate the dissection of the parts in the lower portion of the orbit. The INTERNAL KECTUS MUSCLE, Fig. 23 (10), arises from the margin of the optic foramen, and passes along the inner part of the orbit, to be inserted into the sclerotica just behind the cornea. It is partially separated from the eyeball by the inferior oblique. A branch of the motor oculi nerve enters its ocular surface. The EXTERNAL RECTUS, Fig. 23 (i i), arises by two heads connected by a tendinous arch, beneath which the motor oculi and nasal branch of the fifth enter the orbit. It occu- pies the outer part of the orbit, and is inserted into the scle- rotica in the same manner as the other recti. This muscle is supplied by the sixth nerve, or abducens, which enters the orbit between the motor oculi and ophthalmic vein, and pene- trates the ocular surface of the muscle by several filaments. The INFERIOR KECTUS, Fig. 23 (i 3), arises in common with the internal rectus and lower head of the external rectus, and extends along the lower part of the orbit to the eyeball, APPENDAGES OF THE EYE WITHIN THE DEBIT. 97 into which it is inserted like the other recti. It receives a branch from the motor oculi, which enters its ocular surface. Fig. 23. A VIEW OF THE MUSCLES OF THE EYEBALL, TAKEN FROM THE OUTER SIDE OF THE RIGHT ORBIT. 1. A small fragment of the sphenoid bone around the entrance of the optic nerve into the orbit. 2. The optic nerve. 3. The globe of the eye. 4. The levator palpebrse muscle. 5. The superior oblique muscle. 6. Its cartilaginous pulley. 7. Its reflected tendon. 8. The inferior oblique muscle ; a piece of its bony origin is broken off. 9. The superior rectus muscle. 10. The internal rectus, almost concealed by the optic nerve. 11 . Part of the external rectus, showing its two beads. 12. The extremity of the external rectus at its insertion, the intermediate portion of the muscle having been removed. 13. The inferior rectus muscle. 14. The scle- rotic coat. The internal and external recti may now be divided within a short distance of their insertion, and turned back with the nerves supplying them, thus bringing into view the inferior oblique, with the nerve distributed to it. The INFEKIOR OBLIQUE MUSCLE, fig. 23 (e), arises from the inner and anterior part of the floor of the orbit, crosses the inferior rectus, between it and the periosteum, and continues in a direction obliquely outwards and upwards, between the external rectus and the eyeball, to be inserted into the sclerotica near the insertion of the superior oblique. The nerve to the inferior oblique is the largest branch of the motor oculi; it runs along the exterior border of the infe- rior rectus, and penetrates the muscle at right angles. This branch of the motor oculi is connected by a filament to the lenticular ganglion. Besides the nerves already mentioned, a branch from the superior maxillary division of the fifth pair enters the orbit through the posterior part of the spheno-maxillary fissure, and divides into the malar and temporal branches. This nerve is situated in the lower and outer part of the orbit. The malar portion passes through the malar bone, and supplies, 98 DISSECTION" OF THE HEAD AND NECK. in part, the orbicularis palpebrarum, anastomosing with the facial nerve. The temporal portion, after receiving a branch from the lachrymal nerve, passes through the malar bone to the temporal fossa, in which it ascends some distance, then perforates the temporal aponeurosis, and is distributed to the integument. It anastomoses with the facial in the temporal fossa. The eyeball may now be removed from the orbit, and the attachment of the ocular muscles to the sclerotic coat ex- amined. For this purpose, the ball should be distended with wax or some other material of sufficient firmness to preserve its shape. The insertion of the oblique muscles should be studied with reference to the axis of the ball, and the manner in which they would affect the eyeball when acting alone or in con- junction with the recti muscles. They would seem to be capable, of resisting the tendency of the recti to sink the eye- ball deeper into the orbit, and, at the same time, of steadying it when one or two of the recti act separately, as in turning the eye in a particular direction. They are evidently in- tended to act in conjunction with the recti, rather than by themselves. The contents of the sphenoidal fissure, the optic foramen, and cavernous sin as should now be examined. To do this the lesser wing of the sphenoid, with its attachments to the body of the bone, must be removed, if not already done. The optic foramen is occupied by the optic nerve, with the ophthalmic artery, which lies below and outside of the nerve. The sphenoidal fissure has passing through it the ophthalmic vein, the third, fourth, first branch of the fifth, and sixth nerves, and a filament from the lenticular ganglion, to the carotid plexus of the sympathetic. These are arranged as fol- lows : The fourth, the frontal, the superior division of the third and the lachrymal nerves, occupy the upper part of the fissure, and are situated, in relation to each other, as enume- rated, beginning with the fourth on the inner side. Immedi- ately below these are the nasal, and the lower division of the third, with the sixth beneath them. The ophthalmic vein or veins, occupy the lowest part of the fissure. The nasal, third, and sixth nerves as they enter the orbit, pass between the two heads of the rectus externus. THE EYEBALL. 99 The cavernous sinus, Fig. 24, contains the same nerves as the sphenoidal fissure, before any division has taken place. They are situated, except the sixth, between the serous and fibrous layers of its upper wall, the third being on the inner side, and the ophthalmic on the outer, with the fourth in the Fig. 24. i 7 A TRANSVERSE SECTION OF THE CAVERNOUS SINUS OP THE RIGHT SIDE. 1. The dura mater, splitting to inclose the vessels and nerves. 2. The internal carotid artery. 3. The sixth nerve, receiving a branch from the sympathetic. 4. The cavernous sinus. 5. The third nerve. 6. The fourth nerve. 7. The ophthalmic division of the fifth nerve. middle. Between the laminae of the lower part of the sinus is the internal carotid artery, with the sixth nerve lying at the outside of it. The sixth nerve is here connected with one or more filaments from the carotid plexus. Filaments may also be traced from this plexus to the other orbital nerves. The intercommunicating filaments which exist between these nerves in the cavernous sinus constitute the orbital plexus. SECT. VII. THE EYEBALL. The eyeball is the special organ of vision. Its internal parts are very delicate and easily destroyed; hence the dis- section of it requires careful manipulation. The student should not, however, be discouraged if he fails in his first attempt; a little perseverance will give him the dexterity requisite to expose satisfactorily its minutest parts. The eyes o? some of the lower animals may be procured for dissection. These can be obtained in a fresh condition, and, as they are larger, can be dissected with greater facility than the human eye. It will be well to have several on hand at the same time, as the beginner, especially, may expect to destroy quite a number before -he- succeeds -in a -complete dissection. Care must be take A 'tlgtai; they 'are' not; mjlifce'l in' removing them from the orbit. 100 DISSECTION OF THE HEAD AND NECK. The muscles, areolar tissue, and mucous membrane should be dissected off from the external surface. This can be done best with scissors. The eyeball is not a perfect sphere, but seems to consist of segments of two globes of different sizes; the posterior segment forms about four-fifths of the exterior surface of the ball, and the anterior about one-fifth. The antero-posterior diameter of the human eye is about eleven lines, and the transverse about ten. The external tunic constitutes the framework of the eye ; gives it form; affords attachments for muscles; allows the passage of rays of light to its interior; transmits vessels and nerves, and serves to protect its internal, delicate struc- tures. This tunic consists of two parts ; the cornea, which corresponds to the anterior segment, and the sclerotica, which corresponds to the posterior segment. The SCLEROTICA, Fig. 25 (V), is opaque, of a pearly white ap- pearance, and perforated by numerous foramina, which should be observed before commencing the dissection of the ball. Be- hind, and a little to the inner side of its axis, is the entrance of the optic nerve, which is funnel-shaped from without inwards. This nerve does not pass through a single large opening, but through small apertures, and in separate filaments. The term lamina cribrosa has been applied to the structure thus per- forated. In the centre of this is the porus options for the transmission of the arteria centralis retince, Fig. 28 (2). A short distance from, and around the entrance of the optic nerve are quite a number of small foramina, Fig. 26, for the passage of the ciliary nerves and the posterior long and short ciliary arteries; the long ciliary arteries enter, one on each side of the optic nerve. Just behind the middle of the eye are usually four or five apertures for the exit of the venous trunks formed by the vasa vorticosa. Near the anterior margin of the sclerotica are several other small foramina for the transmission of the short anterior ciliary arteries. As the optic nerve perforates the sclerotica on the internal side of the axis of the eye, it is considerably nearer to the inner than to the outer part of its anterior border. One of the eyes provided for dissection should be divided vertically through its axis, < and qverythiag .removed ."but >the cornea and sclerotica. i Middle of that a blow Over the deltoid might, by the deltoid, showing the fasci- injuring the circumflex nerve, paralyze plated character of its fibres. 3 , m , . , ,. J i 7. Its insertion. 8. Shaft of this muscle. There is also to be noticed the os humeri. a large lursa between it and the upper and outer part of the humerus. Its relations to the shoulder- joint and the parts around it are deserving of special atten- tion. It will be observed that its under surface is more tendinous than the outer, and that many of the muscular fas- ciculi terminate in a- tendinous structure some distance from the point of insertion. The deltoid muscle is to be preserved, in order to replace it after the parts which are covered by it have been dissected. It is only in this way that its relations can be properly un- derstood. The SUPRA-SEINATUS, Fig. 100 (2), occupies the supra-spi- nata fossa. It is covered by the trapezius, and by a thick, dense aponeurosis, named the supra-spinous fascia. This fascia is attached to the margins of the fossa, and sends a process for- A VIEW OP THE DELTOID MUSCLE. 1. Clavicle. 2,3, 4. Origin of the deltoid from the clavicle, acromion, and spine of the scapula. 5. Body 240 THE UPPEE EXTREMITY. k wards, to be lost in the tendon of the supra-spinatus muscle. Eemoving this fascia, the muscle will be exposed. It arises from the surface of the whole fossa, except the anterior part, and also from the under surface of the fascia, posteriorly. It passes beneath the acromion process, and ends in a tendon which is inserted into the upper part of the great tuberosity of the humerus. Its tendon is blended with the capsular ligament of the joint, over which it passes. There is a great deal of loose areolar tissue situated around this muscle, where it passes under the acromion process and the coraco-acromial ligament. It assists the deltoid in raising the arm, and, when it is raised, prevents the head of the humerus from being displaced into Fig. 100. A POSTERIOR VIEW OF THE MUSCLES OF THE SHOULDER, WITH THE DELTOID. 1. Acromion scapulae. 2. Supra-spinatus muscle. 3. Spine of the scapula. 4. Posterior portion of the origin of the deltoid. 5. Infra-spinatus muscle. 6. Teres major. 7. Teres minor. 8. Long head of the triceps extensor. 9. Its second head. 10. The shaft of the os humeri. 11. Brachialis anticus. 12. Insertion of the deltoid. 13. Its middle portion forming the round part of the shoulder. the axilla, by keeping it firmly applied to the glenoid cavity ; it also draws the capsular ligament from beneath the acromion process, when the head of the humerus is pressed against it. In raising the supra-spinatus, the supra-scapular artery and nerve are to be traced. They are continued into the infra- spinata fossa by passing under the acromion process, where they will be met with when the infra-spinatus muscle is dis- sected. The nerve usually passes through the coracoid notch, to enter the supra-spinata fossa, while the artery generally passes over the ligament which subtends this notch and con- DISSECTION OF THE SHOULDER. 241 verts it into a foramen. The ligament is named the coracoid or supra-scapular ligament. The two following muscles are situated on the dorsum of the scapula, below the spine : the infra-spinatus, and teres minor. Besides the skin and subcutaneous fascia, they are covered with the infra-spinous fascia, or aponeurosis. This fascia is attached to the margins of the infra-spinata fossa, and, at the posterior border of the deltoid, divides into two layers, one of which is continuous with the deltoid fascia over that muscle, while the other passes beneath it, and becomes continuous with the brachial fascia. The INFKA-SPINATUS MUSCLE, Fig. 101 (s, is), arises from nearly the whole of the infra-spinata fossa, and posteriorly A POSTERIOR VIEW OF THE MUSCLES OF THE SHOULDER WHICH STRENGTHEN THE ARTICULATION. 1. Acromion scapulae. 2. Supra-spinatus muscle. 3. Upper angle of the scapula. 4. Spine of the scapula. 5. Origin of the infra-spinatus muscle. 6, 7. Origin of the teres major. 8. Origin of the teres minor. 9. Insertion of the teres major. 10. Shaft of the os humeri. 11. Lower part of the capsular ligament. 12. Insertion of the teres minor. 13. Insertion of the infra-spinatus. from the infra-spinous fascia. The fibres which arise from the spine of the scapula overlap those below, and they all converge to form a short tendon, which is inserted into the great tuberosity of the humerus, just below the insertion of the supra-spinatus, with which it is connected. Its tendon is blended with the capsular ligament. It can assist the deltoid' in raising the arm, and drawing it backwards ; or it can rotate the humerus outwards; it may also withdraw the capsular ligament from the joint, or, when the arm is raised, depress the head of the humerus. 21 242 THE UPPER EXTREMITY. The TERES MINOR, Fig. 101 (s, 1 2), is quite a small muscle, and might be regarded as a part of the infra-spinatus. It arises from a depression on the dorsum of the scapula, near the inferior border, commencing about an inch from the pos- terior inferior angle, and from the infra-spinous fascia. It is inserted into the great tuberosity of the humerus, just below the insertion of the infra-spinatus. Its action is the same as that of the preceding muscle, with which it is sometimes in- separably connected. The TERES MAJOR, Fig. 101 (9), was exposed, from before, in the dissection of the axilla ; it may now be examined from behind. It arises from a rough surface on the dorsum of the scapula, near the inferior angle, and from the fascia covering it. Its direction, insertion, and relations to the latissimus dorsi, have been noticed. The long head of the TRICEPS EXTENSOR CUBITI, Fig. 100 (s), is necessarily brought into view in dissecting the teres major. It may be noticed at the present time as one of the muscles connected to the scapula, and as forming a part of the anatomy of the region now being examined. In raising the infra-spinatus and teres minor, the supra-scapular artery and nerve are to be traced from beneath the acromion process. The dorsal branch of the subscapular artery, by passing over the inferior border of the scapula and beneath the teres minor, also enters this fossa. These arteries anastomose freely with each other, and also with the transverse humeral, along the base of the scapula. Articular branches to the shoulder-joint, are derived from both the supra-scapular artery and nerve. The student should now review the parts which have been dissected about the shoulder. The muscles which have been raised should be replaced and their relations and functions carefully noted without the aid of a book. It will be observed that the deltoid, when placed in situ, covers the following parts : The outer portion of the shoulder-joint, and the upper part of the humerus, including its two tuberosities ; the bi- cipital groove, containing the long head of the biceps, and anterior to this the coracoid process, and, to some extent, the muscles attached to it; and posteriorly the infra-spiriatus, and teres, minor and major, near their insertions. He is now prepared to understand the position of the head DISSECTION OF THE SHOULDER. 243 of the humerus when luxated either backwards, downwards, or forwards, and the new relations it acquires in these dis- placements to the surrounding parts. He can readily see for himself what muscles will be relaxed, and what will be put on the stretch when the head of the humerus is made, by displacement, to occupy a new position. He can now note the effect of the contraction of the deltoid in producing dis- placement of the acromion process when broken off, or that of the trapezius in preventing displacement ; also the effect of the contraction of the muscles attached to the coracoid process when that is fractured. These practical points should be impressed on the mind while the parts involved are before him. The shoulder-joint and ligaments around it may now be examined. This can be done without interfering with any- Fig. 102. thing yet to be dissected on the arm. The clavicle and acromion pro- cess are connected by ligament- ous fibres which surround the articulation, forming a sort of fibrous capsule. As the fibres are more numerous above and below the joint, they are some- times spoken of as the SUPERIOR and INFERIOR ACROMIO-CLAVIC- ULAR LIGAMENTS, Fig. 102 (i). This joint sometimes Contains two synovial membranes which are separated by an interarticular fibro-cartilage. This fibro-carti- laginous septum, however, is sometimes imperfect, when there will be only one synovial mem- brane in the joint. The articular surfaces of this joint are very small, rendering it difficult to keep the acromial extremity of the clavicle in its proper place after it has been luxated. THE LIGAMENTS OF THE SCAPULA AND SHOULDER-JOINT. 1. The su- perior acroinio-clavicular ligament. 2. The coraco-clavicular ligament; this aspect of the ligament is named trapezoid. 3. The coraeo-acromial ligament. 4. The coracoid ligament. 5. The capsular ligament. 6. The coraco-humeral ligament. 7. The long tendon of the biceps issuing from the capsular ligament, and entering the bicipital groove. 244 THE UPPER EXTREMITY. The clavicle is connected to the coracoid process by two Kgamentous fasciculi; the posterior and internal is named the CONOID, and the anterior the TRAPEZOID LIGAMENT. They form really but a single ligament, the coraco-clavicular, Fig. 102 (2). They extend from the coracoid process to a rough protuberance on the under surface of the clavicle, and about an inch from its acromial extremity. In front they are separated by a space which is filled up with areolar tissue, but posteriorly they appear as a single ligament. Sometimes quite a perfect joint is found between the cora- coid process and the clavicle which allows the latter to move on the former. The CORACOID LIGAMENT, Fig. 102 (4), subtends the coracoid notch, converting it into a foramen. The TRIANGULAR, or CORACO-ACROMIAL LIGAMENT, Fig. 103 (3), extends from the coracoid process to the acromion. Its coracoid attachment is much broader than the acromial. It fills up, in part, the notch between these processes and pre- vents the head of the humerus from being forced upwards between them. The CORACO-HUMERAL LIGAMENT, Fig. 102 (e), extends from the coracoid process to the great*"tuberosity of the humerus. It may be considered as a part of the capsular ligament. The CAPSULAR LIGAMENT, Fig. 102 (5), of the shoulder- joint is attached above to the neck of the scapula, and below to the anatomical neck of the humerus. Its length allows the head of -the humerus to be separated a short distance from the scapula. Its strength is greatly increased by its connection with the tendons of the supra-spinatus, infra-spinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis muscles. These tendons, however, do not add to the strength of the lower part of the ligament, and hence there is a predisposition to luxation of the head of the humerus downwards. When the capsule is partly divided, the tendon of the long head of the biceps flexor cubiti, Fig. 102 (7), will be seen passing over the upper part of the articular cavity. It is inside of the ligament, but external to the synovial mem- brane, which is reflected around it and prolonged an inch or more downwards in the bicipital groove, forming a pouch, \ DISSECTION OF THE ARM. 245 which communicates with the cavity of the joint. The ex- tent of the synovial membrane is worthy of notice, as it is reflected over the head of the humerus, the internal surface of the capsular ligament, including a portion of each of the tendons connected with it, and the glenoid cavity. While it frequently communicates with the bursae beneath the tendons of the infra-spinatus and subscapularis. The GLENOID LIGAMENT surrounds the margin of the glen- oid cavity, and deepens and increases the extent of its ar- ticulating surface. In structure it is fibre-cartilaginous, the cartilage predominating where it is attached to the bone and connected with the articular cartilage. The tendon of the long head of the biceps appears to arise, by two fasciculi, from the upper part of this ligament. SECT. IY. DISSECTION OF THE AKM. Having finished the examination of the shoulder, the next stage in the dissection will embrace the arm and a part of the forearm. An incision may be made through the skin along the forepart of the arm, and in front of the elbow-joint, ex- tending it down four or five inches on the forearm. There is no necessity for making any transverse incision in the skin at present ; if it be done, however, care must be taken not to cut the cutaneous vessels and nerves. After reflecting the skin from the anterior part of the arm and bend of the arm, the following vessels and nerves are to* be traced in the superficial fascia, or subcutaneous areolar tissue. As they have been, for the most part, already exposed in the axilla, the student will have no difficulty in following them : The CEPHALIC VEIN, Fig. 94 (10), will be found passing down the outer side of the arm. Just above the bend it re- ceives a large branch, the MEDIAN CEPHALIC, Fig. 94 (is), which joins it on its ulnar side. The cephalic now becomes the radial, and may be traced as far as the skin has been raised, taking care not to destroy filaments of the external cutaneous nerve, which has now become subcutaneous. The MEDIAN CEPHALIC may also be traced to its commencement in the median vein. 21* 246 THE UPPER EXTREMITY. The BASILIC VEIN, Fig. 94 (4), will be found passing down the inner part of the arm. It is much larger than the cephalic; near the bend of the arm it receives the MEDIAN BASILIC, Fig. 96 (5), which joins it from the radial side. The basilic now becomes the ulnar vein, and is to be traced down as far as the cephalic was dissected. The median basilic is to be followed to its termination in the median vein, which may now be exposed for two or three inches, The MEDIAN VEIN, Fig. 94 (4), will be seen, bifurcating to form the median basilic and the median cephalic. The median vein., near its bifurcation, gives off a short trunk, which dips down to join the deep veins ; this is named the VENA COMMUNICANS, Fig. 94 (5). The internal cutaneous, the lesser internal cutaneous, and the intercosto-humeral nerves, should be dissected with the basilic vein. These nerves are easily followed by making them slightly tense, when their course will readily be seen under the fascia. The INTERNAL CUTANEOUS NERVE, Fig. 103 (e, 7), in the lower part of the arm, divides into an external and internal branch. The external division passes over the median basilic vein, and descends on the front of the forearm; while the internal passes over the inner part of the elbow, and winds round to the back part of the forearm. The LESSER INTERNAL CUTANEOUS, Fig. 103 (9), descends on the inner aspect of the arm to the space between the in- ternal condyle and the olecranon process, sending off fila- ments in. its course to the skin on the posterior part of the arm, aitfi for a short distance below the elbow. Near the elbow, it gives off a filament to anastomose with the internal cutaneous. The intercosto-humeral, Fig. 103 (i o), is lost in the skin on the upper and back part of the arm. On the outside of the arm are usually two cutaneous branches, Fig. 103 (3) and Fig. 104 (5) from the musculo-spiral nerve. One of these generally accompanies the cephalic vein to the bend of the arm ; the other descends more externally, and, passing over the elbow-joint, supplies filaments to the skin on the back and upper part of the forearm. The EXTERNAL or MUSCULO-CUTANEOUS, Fig. 103 (4), be- comes superficial just above the bend of the arm, and outside of the tendon of the biceps flexor muscle. A large branch DISSECTION OF THE AKM. 247 generally passes behind the median cephalic vein, which may be used as a guide for finding it. Fig. 103. Fig. 104. PLAN OF THE CUTANEOUS NERVES ON THE FKONT OF THE ARM. 1. Supra-da- vicular nerves. 2. Branches of the cir- cumflex nerve. 3. External cutaneous (upper branch) of the museulo-spiral nerve. 4. Musculo-cutaneous. 5. Branch of ulnar nerve. 6. Internal cutaneous : external branch. 7. Inner branch of that nerve. 8. Offset to the upper arm from same. 9. Lesser internal cutane- ous. 10. Intercosto-humeral nerve. PLAN OF THE CUTANEOUS NERVES OF THE BACK OF THE AllM AND FOREARM. 1. Supra-acroinial branches of the cervical plexus. 2. Cutaneous branches of the circumflex nerve. 3. Internal cutaneous of the museulo-spiral. 4. Intercosto-humeral branches. 5. Ex- ternal cutaneous (inferior) of the mus- eulo-spiral. 6. Ending of the nerve of Wrisberg. 7. Part of the internal cuta- neous for the back of the forearm. 8. Offset from the dorsal branch of the ulnar nerve. 9. Radial nerve. 10. Branch of the musculo-cutaneous for the back of the forearm. The arrangements of the veins in the bend of the arm vary so much, that it is impossible to give a description which 248 THE UPPER EXTREMITY. will apply to any considerable number of cases. The two median veins particularly, are very irregular. The cutane- Fig. 105. 1. The radial vein. 2. The cephalic vein. 3. The anterior ulnar vein. 4. The posterior ulnar vein. 5. The common ulnar vein. 6. The basilic vein. 7. The point at which the basilic vein pierces the fascia. 8. The median vein. 9. The communication between the deep veins of the forearm and the median. 10. The median cephalic vein. 11. The median basilic vein. 12. A slight convexity of the deep fascia, formed by the brachial artery. 13. The slip of fascia derived from the tendon of the biceps, which separates the median basilic vein from the brachial artery. 14. The external cutaneous nerve, piercing the fascia, and dividing into two branches, which pass behind the median cephalic vein. 15. The internal cutane- ous nerve, dividing into branches, which pass in front of the median basilic vein. 16. The nerve of Wrisberg. 17. The spiral cutaneous nerve, branch of the musculo-spiral nerve. ous nerves, on the contrary, usually have nearly the same position ; so that they may be avoided by selecting a proper place for opening a vein. The place selected is more import- ant to be considered in bleeding than any particular vein. As the internal cutaneous nerve is more superficial, usually passing in front, Fig. 105 (12), of the median basilic, than the external cutaneous, which is commonly situated behind the median cephalic, Fig. 105 (14), the outer part of the bend of the arm should be selected for opening a vein. The lymph- atics, also, are less numerous here than in the middle or inner part of this region, and are not so liable to be wounded. The relations of the veins in the bend of the arm to the median nerve and brachial artery, will be observed at another time. The YENA COMMUNICANS, Fig. 99 (is) and Fig. 105 (9), may now be examined ; so that the superficial fascia can be divided and reflected laterally from the median line in the same manner as the skin. This is a short vein, which DISSECTION OF THE AEM. 249 establishes a direct communication F5 S- 10G - between the superficial and deep- seated veins. It has no valves ; and hence, in varicose aneurism, or aneu- risrnal varix, it allows the blood to pass readily from one set of veins to the other. The SUPEKFICIAL LYMPHATICS accompany the veins, especially the basilic. A single lymphatic gland is placed in front of the inner con- dyle. The lymphatics terminate in the axillary glands. The DEEP FASCIA, or BKACHIAL APONEUEOSIS, Fig. 106, lies directly beneath the superficial fascia. It consists of fibres, running, some in a longitudinal, some in a spiral, and others in a circular direction. It increases in thickness and strength from above downwards. Above, it is connected to the pectoral, deltoid, infra-spinous, and axillary fasciae, also to the tendons of several of the mus- cles about the shoulder; some of which are capable of rendering it more or less tense when they con- tract. It is connected to the humerus by two processes, or septa, an exter- nal and an internal. The external is attached to the outer part of the humerus, extending from the outside of the deltoid ridge to the external condyle, separating the triceps extensor from the brachialis anticus muscle, and, at the same time, giving origin to many fibres of these muscles, especially at the A VIEW OP THE FASCIA BRACHIALIS IN ITS WHOLE EXTENT. 1. Portion covering the deltoid muscle. 2. Portion covering the upper part of the biceps. 3. Portion covering the coraco-brachialis. 4. Portion covering the lower part of the biceps. don of the biceps. 6. Op by the expansion from the tendon of the bicepp. 8. Fascia over the flexor sublimis. 5. Tendon of the biceps. 6. Opening for the vein. 7. Aponeurosis as strengthened by the expansion from the tendon of the bicepp. 8. Fascia over the flexor sublimis 9. Fascia over the flexor carpi radialis. 10. Commencement of the palmar fascia. 250 THE UPPER EXTREMITY. lower part of the arm. The mnsculo-spiral nerve and supe- rior profunda artery perforate this intermuscular septum. The internal septum commences at the insertion of the teres major and latissimus dorsi, and extends to the inner condyle of the humerus. It is narrower above than below. The brachialis anticus and triceps extensor Fig. 107. cubiti muscles are intimately connected with it in the lower part of the arm. It is perforated by the ulnar nerve. The brachial aponeurosis furnishes sheaths for the muscles of the arm, and is connected to the sheaths of the bra- chial vessels and nerves. Besides its attachment to prominent points about the elbow, it is continued into the apo- neurosis of the forearm. It binds down the muscles of the arm, gives attachment to muscular fibres, and serves to protect the brachial vessels and nerves. The BICEPS FLEXOR CUBITI MUSCLE, Fig. 107 (i s), may now be exposed by dividing the aponeurosis along the mid- dle of the forepart of the arm, and re- flecting it to each side. The heads of this muscle arise, as has been seen, the long one from the upper part of the glenoid cavity, and the short from the coracoid process, in common with the coraco-brachialis, from which it cannot be separated without making an arbitrary division. The heads unite just above the middle of the humerus, to form quite a large, prominent belly, which ends in a flat tendon, a short dis- A VIEW OP THE MUSCLES ON THE FRONT OP THE ABM. 1. Clavicle. 2. Coracoid process and origin of the short head of the biceps. 3. Acromion scapulae. 4. Head of the os humeri. 5. Tendon of the biceps muscle in the bicipital groove. 6. Co- raco-humeral dissected off. 7. Cut portion of the pectoralis major. 8. Long head of the biceps. 9. Insertion of the deltoid. 10. Cut portion of the tendinous insertion of the pectoralis minor. 11. Coraco-brachialis. 12. Short head of the biceps. 13. Latissimus dorsi. 14. Inner portion of the triceps. 15. Body of the biceps. 16. Outer portion of the triceps. 17. Brachialis anticus. 18. Origin of the flexor muscles. 19. Brachialis anticus nea.r its insertion. 20. Tendon of the biceps. 21. Fasciculus from the biceps tendon to the brachial aponeurosis. 22. Flexor carpi radialis. 23. Palmaris longus. 24. Supinator radii longus. DISSECTION OF THE AKM. 251 Fig. 108. tance above the elbow-joint. The short head is muscular from near its origin ; while the long one continues tendinous to near their junction. The latter is bound down in the bicipital groove by transverse fibres, which are said to be torn some- times, allowing a displacement of this tendon. The biceps is inserted into the tubercle of the radius. From its tendon proceeds an aponeurotic .expansion, Fig. 107 (21), which passes in- wards and downwards across the elbow-joint, and joins the aponeurosis of the forearm, which, by means of this con- nection, is made tense by the contraction of the biceps mus- cle. This fibrous expansion is liable to be wounded in bleeding at the 'foend of the arm, which may be followed by lameness in the limb for a few days. This muscle flexes the fore- arm on the arm, and renders its aponeurosis tense. It can also rotate the radius out- wards, and assist in abduct- ing the arm, as it is attached above the shoulder-joint. The action of the biceps on the upper part of the radius, when a fracture occurs just below the tubercle, is to ro- tate the upper fragment out- wards, and draw it upwards, A PLAN OP THE NERVES OF THE ARM. A. Axillary artery, u. Brachial artery. Nerves: 2. Supra-scapular. 3. Subscapular. 4. Internal cutaneous. 5. Musculo- cutaneous. 6. Circumflex. 7. Ulnar. 8. Superficial branch of the same to the hand. 12. Median. 13. Anterior interosseous. 15. Musculo-spiral. 16. Radial. 17. Posterior interosseous. 252 THE UPPER EXTREMITY. as in flexion of the forearm. The dissection of the deep part of the tendon of the biceps may be postponed until the vessels in this region have been examined. The CORACO-BRACHIALIS, Fig. 107 (i i), may next be dis- sected. It arises from the coracoid process, and extends obliquely downwards to the middle third of the humerus into the inner part of which it is inserted, between the brachi- alis anticus and deltoid in front, and the triceps extensor behind. In dissecting this muscle, the student must be care- ful not to cut the external cutaneous nerve, which commonly passes obliquely through it from above downwards and out- wards. The coraco-brachialis elevates and draws the arm forwards, and in front of the thorax ; it can also rotate it outwards. When the arm and forearm are fixed, both this and the biceps can act on the scapula. The arteries which supply the biceps and coraco-brachialis muscles, are branches from the axillary and brachial ; they do not require any particular description. The nerves are derived principally from the external cuta- neous. Before raising the biceps and coraco-brachialis, it will be proper to proceed with the dissection of the brachial vessels and nerves. The brachial artery, vence, comites, and median nerve, should be dissected down the arm together. The nerve will be found at first, lying in front and a little to the outside of the artery, near to the coraco-brachialis muscle, but gradually, as it de- scends, getting to the inside of it. The external cutaneous nerve sometimes comes from the median, instead of the bra- chial plexus, and, not unfrequently, a branch is given oft* from the median, which joins the external cutaneous beneath the biceps. The median nerve is sometimes found behind the brachial artery. The BRACHIAL ARTERY, Fig. 92 (i o), is a continuation of the axillary. It extends from the lower borders of the ten- dons inserted into the bicipital groove to the bend of the arm, where it divides into the radial and ulnar. It is not covered by any muscle throughout its whole course, unless it is overlapped by the belly of the biceps, when that muscle is unusually developed. It is in relation on the outside with the coraco-brachialis above, and the biceps lower down. Behind, it is in relation above with the tendons of the teres DISSECTION OF THE AEM. 253 major and latissimus dorsi, the triceps extensor, and the co- raco-brachialis ; below these it rests on the brachialis anticus. In the upper part of the arm it is placed on the inner side of the humerus, but is in front of the bone, where it rests on the brachialis anticus. At the bend of the arm it is situated beneath the aponeu- rotic expansion from the tendon of the biceps muscle, which protects it to some extent when the median basilic vein is opened in bleeding. To ascertain the exact position of it, before opening the vein the biceps should be relaxed, other- wise the tension of this aponeurosis might prevent the pulsa- tion of the artery, being felt. The median nerve here lies on the inner side of the artery. Usually there is no necessity for opening a vein over either the artery or nerve, and hence the liability of wound- ing either of them may be avoided. The anomalies which occur in the brachial artery are interesting in a surgical point of view ; but they vary so much, that a description of them must be omitted. It may be mentioned, however, that the one most commonly met with is a high division of the artery into the radial and ulnar, which may occur at any point in the arltn, even as high as the axilla. It gives off the four following branches : The superior profunda, Fig. 92 (is), arises just below the tendon of the teres major, and passes obliquely downwards and backwards to enter the fissure between the two heads of the triceps which arise from the humerus ; it accompanies the musculo-spiral nerve. Sometimes this branch arises in common with the posterior circumflex, or with the inferior profunda. The inferior profunda, Fig. 92 (i e), arises lower down, and proceeds obliquely downwards to the inner part of the elbow- joint, accompanying in the latter part of its course the ulnar nerve. The nutritious branch is given off near the middle of the humerus, which it penetrates through the nutritious foramen. The anastomotic branch, Fig. 92 (17), arises usually about two inches above the bifurcation into the radial and ulnar, and goes to the inner part of the elbow. These branches, except the nutritious, will be noticed again in connection with the vascular anastomosis around the elbow-joint. 22 254 THE UPPER EXTREMITY. The VENJE COMITES consist of two veins, one on each side of the artery; they communicate frequently with each other across it. Sometimes there is found a collateral vein open- ing into the venae comites, both in the upper and lower part of the arm. These veins are to be cut away in dissecting the artery. The ULNAR NERVE, Fig. 93 (3), passes down, at first, close to the inner side of the artery, but gradually diverges from it as it proceeds towards the notch, between the inner con- dyle and the olecranon process, through which it goes to the forearm. It gives off no branches in the arm. It is ac- companied in the lower part of its course, as before men- tioned, by the inferior profunda artery. The MuscuLO-SpiRAL NERVE, Fig. 108 (is), camuot be traced at this stage of the dissection further than the fissure which it enters with the superior profunda artery in the tri- ceps extensor muscle. Before it enters the fissure it usually gives off two or three small branches, which go to the muscles and the skin on the inner part of the arm. The belly of the biceps muscle may now be divided near the junction of its two heads, and turned upwards and down- wards, to expose the external cutaneous nerve and the bra- chialis anticus muscle. The nerve, Fig. 108 (s), will be found passing obliquely downwards and outwards between the bi- ceps, and the brachialis anticus to become subcutaneous at the outer part of the bend of the arm. It supplies branches in its course to the coraco-brachialis, the biceps, and the bra- chialis anticus. Its cutaneous branches may now be traced for a short distance down on the forearm. The BRACHIALIS ANTICUS, or INTERNUS, Fig. 109 (i e), arises from the whole of the anterior surface of the humerus, from the deltoid ridge to near the elbow-joint. It extends on both sides beyond the biceps, but more on the inner than on the outer side. It extends a little upwards in its origin on each side of the insertion of the deltoid. Its fibres converge to form a short tendon, which is inserted into the anterior and lower part of the coronoid process of the ulna. The tendon of the biceps lies partly upon it and to its outside. This muscle assists the biceps in flexing the forearm on the arm ; it also withdraws the synovial membrane from the angle of DISSECTION OF THE ABM. 255 the joint. In case of fracture of the coronoid process, it may draw the fragment upwards. When the tendons of -this muscle and the biceps are dis- sected, and reflected downwards, the anterior part of the elbow-joint is exposed, being cov- ered only by a few ligamentous Fig. 109. fibres. On the outside of the brachialis anticus, and applied closely to it, is the supinator longu's muscle. When these mus- cles are separated, the musculo- spiral nerve and the superior pro- funda artery will be found deeply embedded between them. The arm may now be turned over for the purpose of dissecting the back of it. The skin and su- perficial fascia^ may be removed by dissecting from either the in- ner or outer side. After examin- ing the brachial aponeurosis, it is to be removed by dissecting in the direction of the fibres of the triceps extensor muscle, having made that muscle tense by flex- ing the forearm on the arm and fixing the scapula. The TRICEPS EXTENSOR, Fig. 110 (10, 14, 19), arises by three heads, one from the scapula, and two from the humerus. The first, or longest head, arises from the in- ferior costa of the scapula, occu- AN ANTERIOR VIEW OF THE DEEP-SEATED MUSCLES OF THE ARM. 1. Clavicle. 2. Coracoid process of the scapula. 3. Acromion scapulae. 4. Head of the os humeri. 5. Tendon of the long head of the biceps. 6. Upper portion of the co- raco-brachialis. 7. Origin of the short head of the biceps. 8. Body of the coraco- brachialis. 9. Insertion of the pectoralis major. 10. Latissimus dorsi. 11. In- sertion of the deltoid. 12. Origin of the brachialis internus. 13. Insertion of the coraco-brachialis. 14. Middle portion of the triceps. 15. Its lower anterior por- tion. 16. Body of the brachialis anticus. 17. Internal condyle. 18, 19. Inser- tion of the brachialis anticus. 20. Supinator radii longus. 21. Opening made in the capsular ligament. 22. Cut tendon of the biceps at its insertion. 23. Su- pinator radii brevis. 24. Aponeurosis. 24 256 THE UPPEE EXTREMITY. Fig. 110. pying about an inch, commencing at the lower part of the glenoid cavity, where it is slightly connected to the capsular ligament. The second head arises from the pos- terior part of the humerus, commencing just below the great tuberosity, and extending down to the external condyle, from which it also arises in connection with the anconeus ; some of its fibres arise from the external intermuscular septum. The third and short- est head arises from the inner and back part of the humerus, commencing just below and behind the insertion of the teres major, and extending down to the internal condyle ; some of its fibres come from the internal intermuscular septum. This head is some- times called the brachialis ex- ternus. These three heads unite above the middle of the arm, and form a large muscu- lar belly, which ends in a broad flat tendon, which is in- serted into the olecranon pro- cess, and connected with the aponeurosis of the forearm. This muscle, it will be seen, occupies in its origin nearly the whole of the posterior sur- face of the humerus. It ex- 20 27 A LATERAL VIEW OF THE DEEP-SEATED MUSCLES ON THE BACK OP THE ARM. 1. Section of the clavicle. 2. Fossa supra-spinata of the scapula. 3. Base of the scapula. 4. Coraco-acroraial ligament. 5. Coracoid process. 6. Origin of the coraco-brachialis. 7. Section of the subscapularis muscle. 8. Head of the os humeri. 9. Section of the body of the scapula. 10. Origin of the longhead of the triceps. 11. Insertion of the latissimus dorsi. 12. Edge of the biceps flexor cubiti. 13. Coraco-brachialis. 14, 15. Origin of the second head of the triceps. 16. Lower portion of the coraco-brachialis. 17. Body of the biceps. 18. Body of the triceps. 19. Origin of the third head of the triceps. 20, 21. Its middle portion, known as the brachialis externus. 22. Brachialis anticus. 23. Its insertion. 24. Posterior ligament of the elbow. 25, 26. Origin of the flexors of the forearm. 27. Prolongation of the tendon of the biceps to the fascia brachialis. 28. Olecranon. DISSECTION OF THE FOREARM. 257 tends the forearm on the arm, and draws the synovial mem- brane from the joint when the forearm is extended. By its long head it can act on the scapula. When the olecranon process is broken off, it may draw it upwards. The musculo-spiral nerve and superior profunda artery may now be traced in the spiral groove through the triceps muscle. To do this the muscle must be divided along the course of the artery and nerve, when the branches given off by them to the muscle, while passing through it, may be ob- served. The artery, on reaching the outer and lower part of the arm, divides into several branches, which are distributed about the elbow-joint, some of them anastomosing with the anastornotic and Recurrent branches of the radial and poste- rior interosseous arteries. The nerve, when it leaves the triceps, gets between the brachialis anticus and supinator longus muscles, between which it goes to the bend of the arm, where it divides into the radial and posterior interosseous. These divisions will be traced in the dissection of the forearm. The internal and external cutaneous branches of this nerve have been noticed. Besides supplying muscular branches to the triceps extensor, it sends filaments to the brachialis anticus, supinator longus, and extensor carpi radialis longior. In dissecting the forearm, it will be sufficient to remove, in the first place, the skin in front down to the wrist. To do this, the incision which was made to dissect the arm may be continued down the middle of the forearm to the wrist, where a transverse incision is to be made. The vessels and nerves contained in the superficial fascia of the forearm, both in front and on the back, are the same as have been seen in the previous dissection. If they have been preserved, the stu- dent will have no difficulty in tracing them. The veins vary so much in their arrangement on the fore- arm that it is hardly necessary to give any particular descrip- tion of them. If they have been injected, they are distinctly- seen and easily followed. In the living person, especially if not fat, they are made prominent under the skin by com- pressing the veins of the arm. They anastomose freely with each other, forming a complete network. They are divided into the radial, median, and ulnar. If the student should wish to trace them and the cutaneous nerves, he must dissect 22* 258 THE UPPER EXTREMITY. the skin from the whole of the forearm and the back of the hand at the same time. If this be done, the parts must be kept covered with the integument or with wet cloths during the intervals between the times allotted to dissecting. The INTERNAL CUTANEOUS NERVE, Fig. 103 (e, 7), will be found to continue down the forearm to the wrist; the anterior branch, which was seen in connection with the median basilic vein, on the front part, and the posterior branch on the back part of the arm. These branches are situated on the ulnar side. The anterior frequently anastomoses near the wrist with a branch from the ulnar. The EXTERNAL CUTANEOUS NERVE, Fig. 104 (4), is situated on the radial side. Near the lower third of the forearm it divides into two branches; one continues down to the integu- ment, covering the ball of the thumb, and usually sends a filament through the deep fascia to ramify on the radial ar- tery ; it anastomoses with the radial nerve ; the other branch is reflected round to the back of the forearm, where^ it also anastomoses with the radial. The lower external cutaneous branch of the musculo-spiral nerve will be found passing down on the back of the forearm to near the wrist. Branches of the radial and ulnar nerves are distributed on the back of the hand and fingers ; but these will be traced more readily from the main trunks. Beneath the superficial fascia is a thick, dense aponeurosis, Fig. 106, which invests the muscles of the forearm generally, and furnishes fibrous sheaths for them separately. In struc- ture, it is similar to the brachial aponeurosis. It is thicker behind than in front, and in the upper than in the lower part of the arm. It gives origin to muscular fibres both from its under surface and from the processes which it sends in be- tween the muscles, especially near the elbow. Its connections with the brachial aponeurosis and with the fibrous expansions from the tendons of the biceps and triceps, have been seen. It is firmly attached to the olecranon process and to the inner part of the ulna down to the styloid process. Below, it is connected to the anterior and posterior annular liga- ments. Between its attachments to the upper part of the ulna there is a subcutaneous surface on that bone. Just below the bend of the arm it stretches across a sulcus that is DISSECTION OF THE FOREARM. 259 formed by the anterior and posterior muscles of the forearm. There is a deficiency in it in front of the elbow-joint which allows the superficial fascia to join the deep areolar tissue, and also the vena communicans to reach the deep-seated veins, Fig. 106 ( 6 ). When this aponeurosis is removed from the front of the forearm as far as it can be done without interfering with the muscles which partly arise from it, a sulcus will be observed extending from the bend of the arm to the wrist, and separa- ting the muscles on the back from those on the front of the forearm. The upper part of this sulcus or depression is quite broad and deep. *ln it are found the median nerva and the bifurcation of the brachial artery, and the venae comites. The radial artery and its corresponding veins, occupy this sul- cus nearly its whole length ; the middle third contains also the radial nerve. On the inner side of the lower two-thirds of the forearm is another sulcus, which contains the ulnar artery, its venae comites, and the ulnar nerve. There are eight muscles on the anterior part of the forearm. Two of these are inserted into the radius ; they are the pro- nators. Two of them pass over the wrist-joint to be inserted into two of the metacarpal bones ; these are carpal flexors. Three of them go to the thumb and fingers; these are digital flexors; the one going to the thumb is called the flexor longus pollicis. The eighth one, the palmaris longus, is connected to the annular ligament and palmar aponeurosis. The student should familiarize himself with these muscles by making the several movements with his own hand as they respectively depend upon them. Three simple movements, such as flexing the fingers and thumb, then the hand on the forearm, and lastly, turning the hand on the palm, call into action seven of these muscles. A familiarity with their actions will assist him greatly in recollecting their names and their relative position. In dissecting them, it is better to commence on the radial side. The two most prominent ones on this side are the pronator radii teres and flexor carpi radialis. They form the inner boundary of the sulcus in which lies the radial artery. The PRONATOR EADII TERES, Fig. Ill (4), arises from the internal condyle and aponeurosis of the forearm, and also by 260 THE UPPEK EXTREMITY. a small head, from tlie coronoid process of tlie ulna. The median nerve passes between these two origins. Its fibres pass obliquely downwards and outwards, to be inserted into the outer part of the middle third of the radius. The upper part of this muscle is superficial and prominent, while the lower part is deep-seated, having the radial artery and nerve in front of it. It rotates the radius inwards, and pronates the hand; it may also assist in flexing Fig. ill. tlie f orearm> The FLEXOR CARPI EADIALIS, Fig. Ill (5), arises from the internal condyle and fascia, including the intermuscular sep- tum, in common with the preceding mus- cle. It forms a thick belly which becomes tendinous near the middle of the forearm, and continues so to its insertion into tlie base of the metacarpal bone of the index finger. The dissection of this muscle beneath and below the annular ligament with the lower part o the others which go to the hand, must be postponed until the palm of the hand is dissected. It flexes the hand on the forearm, and may assist in pronation and abduction of the same. The PALMARIS LONGUS, Fig. Ill (e), is the next muscle to be dissected. Its origin is similar to that of the flexor carpi radialis. It forms a short belly, which ends in a long, slim tendon ; this extends down the forearm to the annular ligament and palmar aponeurosis, into which it is inserted. It is sometimes SUPERFICIAL LAYER OF THE MUSCLES OF THE FOREARM. 1. The lower part of the biceps, with its tendon. 2. A part of the brachialis anticus, seen beneath the biceps. 3. A part of the triceps. 4. The pronator radii teres. 5. The flexor carpi radialis. 6. The palmaris longus. 7. One of tho fasciculi of the flexor sub- liinis digitorum : the rest of the muscle is seen beneath the tendons of the palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis. 8. The flexor carpi ulnaris. 9. The palmar fascia. 10. The palmaris brevis muscle. 11. The abductor pollicis muscle. 12. One portion of the flexor brevis pollicis; the leading line crosses a part of the abductor pollicis. 13. The supinator longus muscle. 14. The extensor ossis m eta- carpi, and extensor priini internodii pollicis, curving around the lower border of the forearm. DISSECTION OF THE FOREARM. 261 absent. It flexes the hand, and makes tense the palmar apo- neurosis. It is separated from the muscle beneath it by a thick fascia. The^FLEXOR CARPI ULNARIS, Fig. Ill (s),is placed on the ulnar side of the palrnaris longus. It arises from the internal condyle, and from the ulna nearly its whole length, and from the fascia of the forearm. The ulnar nerve passes between its origins from the condyle and the olecranon pro- cess. Its origin from the lower part of the ulna is apo- neurotic. It is inserted into the pisiform bone, and through it into the metacarpal bone of the little finger ; it is, also, connected by somexfibres with the muscles of the little finger. Its tendon is much shorter than that of the flexor carpi radialis. It flexes the hand, and assists in adduction. The ulnar artery and nerve are situated along the outer border of its inferior two-thirds. The flexor carpi radialis and palmaris longus may now be divided about three or four inches below their origin, and turned upwards, detaching the fibres from the intermuscular septa. The following muscle will then be exposed. The FLEXOR SUBLIMIS or PERFORATUS DIGITORUM COM- MUNIS, Fig. Ill (7), arises from the internal condyle, internal lateral ligament, and from both bones of the forearm; from the coronoid process of the ulna, and from the radius below its tubercle ; it also obtains some fibres from intermuscular septa. It forms a large muscular belly, which terminates in four tendons a little below the middle of the forearm ; these tendons pass under the annular ligament, the two on the radial side being situated somewhat anterior to the others, and through the palm of the hand, to be inserted into the second row of phalangeal bones. It flexes the fingers, and assists in flexing the hand and forearm. * Before proceeding further with the dissection of the mus- cles, the arteries and nerves of this.region should be examined. Some of them have already been seen,* but not dissected and studied. There are three arteries in the forearm which extend from the bend of the arm to the wrist. They are the radial, the ulnar, an, which are DISSECTION OF THE URETHRA. 425 arranged so as to form lobules. These are compressed closely together, so that the gland has quite a dense, solid feel. It is traversed by muscular fibres, which come from the bladder. Its ducts, varying from ten to fifteen in number, open into the urethra on each side of the caput gallinaginis. Small calculi sometimes lodge in the mouths of these ducts. THE URETHRA. The URETHRA is from seven to nine or ten inches in length, extending from the bladder to the end of the penis. It is composed of a mucous membrane, supported by a layer of areolar tissue, in which is observed longitudinal bands, sup- posed by some to be muscular, and by others fibrous. It is divided into three parts, each of which requires special notice, not only on account of its peculiar appearance, but on account of its relations to contiguous parts. The three divi- sions are named the prostatic, the membranous, and the spongy. In specifying the relative length of these divisions, the ure- thra wi}l be supposed to be nine inches long. The PROSTATIC PORTION, Fig. 180 (14), is an inch and a quarter in length. It is shaped like a wine-cask, being larger in the middle than at the extremities. At the bottom of it in -the median line is a prominence named the caput gallina- ginis, or verumontanum, Fig. 180 (s). On the summit of this and near the middle, is the sinus pocularis, or utricle, which extends a short distance downwards and backwards in the direction of the common ejaculatory ducts which not unfre- quently open into it. On each side of the verumontanum is a depression, named the prostatic sinus, Fig. 180 (i i). The ducts of the prostate gland open into these sinuses, except those of the middle lobe, which open j ust behind and above the verumontanum. This portion of the urethra is sur- rounded by the prostate gland, and by the muscular coat of the bladder, which is prolonged downwards immediately around the urethra as well as into the substance of the gland. The MEMBRANOUS PORTION, Fig. 180(i 5), and Fig. 181 (i o), is about three-fourths of an inch in length. It extends from the prostatic to the spongy portion. It passes through the tri- angular ligament, which fixes it firmly in its position. It is 36* 426 OF THE PELVIS. covered by an erectile elastic tissue, by tlie muscles of Wil- son and Guthrie, and by a layer of the deep perineal fascia. The caliber of its anterior extremity is smaller than that of any other part of the urethra, except the external orifice. Fig. 181. A LONGITUDINAL SECTION OF THE BLADDER, PROSTATE GLAND, AND PENIS, SHOW- ING THE URETHRA. 1. The urachus. 2. The recto- vesical fold of peritoneum. 3. The opening of the right ureter. 4. A slight ridge, formed by the muscle of the ureter. 5. The commencement of the urethra : the elevation of mucous membrane immediately below the number is the uvula vesicae. 6. The prostatic portion of the urethra. 7. The prostate gland. 8. The isthmus, or third lobe of the prostate ; immediately beneath which the ejaculatory duct is seen passing. 9. The right vesicula seminalis. 10. The membranous portion of the urethra. 11. Cowper's gland of the right side, with its duct. 12. The bulbous portion of the urethra. 13. The fossa navicularis. 14. The corpus cavernosum. 15. The right crus penis. 16. Near the upper part of the corpus cavernosum, the section has fallen a little to the left of the middle line; a portion of the septum pectiniforme is consequently seen. 17. The glans penis. 18. The lower segment of the glans. 19. The meatus urinarius. 20. The corpus spongiosum. 21. The bulb of the corpus spongiosum. The SPONGY POKTION is about seven inches in length, Fig. 181. It presents two enlargements: the bulbous, and the fossa navicularis. The former, Fig. 181 (12), is situated in the lower part and near its commencement, and the latter, Fig. 181 (i 3), which is a lateral dilatation, near the meatus. Just in front of the bulbous portion are seen, on the lower surface, the orifices of the ducts of Cowper's glands, Fig. 181 (i i). Crypts, or lacunce, are found distributed over the whole surface. Some of these are the external orifices of canals which run backwards from half an inch to an inch beneath the mucous membrane. A very large one is sometimes met with on the upper surface, and about three- DISSECTION OF THE PENIS. 427 quarters of an inch from the meatus ; it is named the lacuna magna. A small, pointed catheter, or bougie, may enter one of these lacunae, especially if it should happen to be unusually large. The meatus urinarius, Fig. 181 (i 9), is the external orifice of the urethra. It is a vertical slit in the lower and anterior part of the glans. The spongy portion of the urethra is surrounded by the corpus spongiosum, and the upper part of it also by the acceleratores muscles. The CORPUS SPONGIOSUM, Fig. 181 (20), consists of a de- licate erectile tissue, which surrounds the spongy portion of the urethra. It is expanded posteriorly to form the bulb, and anteriorly, to form the glans penis. It is thicker below, and on the sides of the urethra, than above it. It is covered by a thin fibrous lamina, from the inner surface of which numerous processes or trabeculas project into its substance, and form there a fine network. The bulb is quite promi- nent, and projects backwards to the extent of three or four lines beneath the membranous part of the urethra. It is covered by a fibrous lamina reflected from the triangular ligament or deep perineal fascia. The GLANS PENIS, Fig. 182, forms the head of that organ. It is of a somewhat conical shape. Its structure is the same as that of the corpus spongiosum. Its base is oblique from above downwards and forwards, and is excavated behind for the reception of the anterior extremities of the corpora cavernosa, over which the margin of its base projects and forms the corona glandis. It is much longer above than be- low, where there is a slight groove for the attachment of the frcenum prceputii. The CORPORA CAVERNOSA, Fig. 181 (14), form the body of the penis. They consist of a spongy erectile tissue, in- closed in a dense white fibrous membrane. They are firmly attached, posteriorly, to the rami of the ischia, and the descend- ing rami of the pubes. From these points of attachment they are directed upwards and forwards, increasing in size, to a point opposite the symphysis pubis, where they are joined to each other; Fig. 182. A VIEW OF THE GLANS PENIS INJECTED. 1. Portions of the corpora cavernosa. 2. The pre- puce turned back. 3. Its fraenum. 4, 4. Glan- dulae odorifera3 Tysoni. 5. Point of the glans pe- nis. 6. Prominences of the glans on each side of the fraenum. 7. The fur- row which separates the sides of the glans. 8. Corona glandis. 428 OF THE PELVIS. A SECTION OP THE CORPORA. CAVERNOSA PENIS 1, 1, AND COR- PUS SPONGIOSUM URETHRA 4. Fig. 183. these portions of them are named the crura, Fig. 181 (is). They terminate anteriorly in a rounded extremity, without any line of se- paration between them. They present a groove on the under sur- face in the median line for the lodgment of the urethra, and one above, which is occupied by the dorsal vessels and nerves of the penis. Internally they are sepa- rated by the septum pectiniforme, Fig. 183 (s). This is a perfect septum posteriorly, bat consists, anteriorly, of fasciculi, which are forme. 5. Canal of the urethra, connected above and below to the por^ct rno^a ThSch ^as^from P ar i etes Common to the tWO bodies, the median septum to the external resembling, as the name implies, fibrous membrane. fa Q teet ^ Q f a com b. These fasti- culi are loosely connected together anteriorly by areolar tissue. From the incompleteness of this septum, and the intimate connection existing between the two bodies, they might be regarded as constituting but one. From the inner surface of the walls of the corpora cavernosa processes are sent internally, which intersect and unite with each other so as to form a complete network, Fig. 183 (e). The trabecular arrangement is much coarser in these bodies than it is in the corpus spongiosum. The trabeculce contain more or less of yellow fibrous tissue. There is very little if any vascular connection between the corpora cavernosa and the glans penis. The GLANDS OF COWPER, Fig. 181 (n), are two small bodies located just behind the bulb of the urethra. These ducts open into the urethra anterior to the sinus of the bulb ; they are about an inch in length. The SKIN which covers the penis is very thin, extensible, and free from, hair bulbs. It is connected to the parts be- neath it by loose areolar tissue, which allows it to move on the parts which it covers with great facility. This areolar tissue contains no fat, but is very liable to be distended by serous effusions. It contains, on the dorsum, posteriorly, the DISSECTION OF THE PENIS. 429 fibres which, descend from the linea alba to form the super- ficial suspensory ligament of the penis. Some yellow elastic fibres are usually found in this ligament. The PKEPUCE, Fig. 182 (2), is formed by a duplicature of the skin, which projects over and sometimes beyond the glans penis. The reflected portion of it assumes the charac- ter of a mucous membrane, and is continued from the cervix over the glans to the orifice of the urethra, where it be- comes continuous with the lining membrane of that canal. When the prepuce covers the glans so as to confine it, it forms what is called phymosis. When it becomes constricted behind the corona, it forms paraphymosis. In the cervix, or depression behind the corona, there are some sebaceous glands, named the glandulce, odoriferce, Tysoni, Fig. 182 ( 4 , 4 ). The frcenum prceputii, Fig. 182 (3), consists of a triangular fold of the mucous membrane, which is attached to the groove in the glans just below and behind the meatus urinarius. The arteries of the penis are derived principally from the internal pudic. The corpus spongiosum is supplied by the bulbous branches, which penetrate the bulb. The branches which are distributed to the corpora cavernosa enter the crura; they are called the arteries of the corpora cavernosa. The glans, the prepuce, and the skin, are sup- plied by the dorsal branches, which reach the dorsum of the penis by passing between the crura and perforating the sus- pensory ligament. The arteries which enter the spongy and cavernous bodies divide into a great number of branches ; some of which are appropriated to the nourishment of the tissues, and others terminate by communicating freely with the venous plexus in the intertrabecular spaces. The veins of the penis are large ; they are divided into the dorsal or superficial, and the veins of the corpora cavernosa. The dorsal pass backwards beneath the symphysis pubis, and between the crura, to terminate in the prostatic and vesical plexuses, while those of the corpora cavernosa end in the internal pudic veins. The veins which proceed from the spongy structure commence by dilatations, which form plex- uses in the intertrabecular spaces. The nerves of the penis are derived mainly from the in- ternal pudic. 430 OF THE PELVIS. DISSECTION OF THE TESTICLES. The genital organs consist of the testicles, which secrete the semen, and the apparatus necessary for its transmission from the body ; a part of their excretory apparatus, as the urethra, is common to both the genital and the urinary organs. The urethra, with the penis, has already been examined. Before examining the testicles, the coverings which they have independently of their proper tunics should be dis- sected. Being situated in the abdomen, in the early part of foetal life, they obtain these investments in their descent into the scrotum. If the student has become familiar with the coverings of the bowel in oblique inguinal hernia, he will have little or no difficulty in understanding the different layers which cover the testicle. They are the following, proceeding from without inwards : The integument forms a pouch common to both testicles ; it is named the scrotum. It is very thin, of a dark color, more or less wrinkled, and covered with hairs. A ridge is seen in the median line, called the rapM ; this is continued backwards in the perineum, and forwards on the under sur- face of the penis. The dartos is placed immediately beneath the skin, with which it is closely connected. It is continuous with the su- perficial fascia of the groin and the perineum. It forms two pouches, one for each testicle ; the septum is attached above to the under surface of the penis. The dartos is composed principally of areolar tissue and non-striated muscular fibres. It supports the testicles, and when it contracts, necessarily corrugates the skin which is adherent to it. The intercolumnar or spermatic fascia is derived from the margins of the external abdominal ring. The upper part of this contains some fibres prolonged downwards from the in- tercolumnar fibres. The cremaster muscle consists in the scrotum of loops of scattered fasciculi connected together by condensed areolar tissue. The term cremasteric fascia has been applied to these fasciculi and the connecting areolar tissue. The fascia transversalis is prolonged around the spermatic cord into the scrotum, and forms one of the coverings to the testicle. DISSECTION OF THE TESTICLES. 431 The TUNICA YAGINALIS, Fig. 184(i ), was, before the descent of the testicle, a portion of the peritoneum. The testicle, while in the abdomen, is covered by the peritoneum in the same manner as the spleen or the liver, and when it descends into the scrotum carries along with it, not only the portion which adheres to its proper tunic, the tunica albuginea, but also a portion of the peritoneum which is attached to the walls of the abdomen. Hence the tunica vaginalis presents two portions, one of which is still adherent to the tunica albuginea, while the other is reflected over the inner surface of the pouch formed by the prolongation of the fascia trans- versalis. The latter is denominated the tunica vaginalis re- flexa, and the former, the tunica vaginalis testis. They are analogous to the parietal and visceral portions of the pleura, or of the peritoneum, and, like these membranes, form a shut sac. In studying the descent of the testicle, the student should bear in mind that it was just as much covered by the perito- neum, in the cavity of the abdomen, as it is by the tunica vaginalis, in the scrotum, and that the latter is to it in the scrotum, what the former wa& in the abdomen. The tunica vaginalis should be studied with reference to the occurrence of hydrocele, &c. The TESTICLE is brought into view when the tunica vagi- nalis is laid open. It is of an oval form, flattened somewhat on the sides. It is about an inch and a half in length, and about three-fourths of an inch in thickness, and an inch in breadth. Its position in the scrotum is oblique, from above downwards, and from before backwards. The EPIDIDYMIS is seen attached to its posterior border. This presents an upper large extremity, named the globus major, and a lower small one called the globus minor; the middle portion is named the body. The epididymis is partly covered by the tunica vaginalis. Having examined the ex- terior of the testicle, the tunica albuginea should be divided, and the glandular substance carefully removed, for the pur- pose of studying the structure of this tunic. The TUNICA ALBUGINEA, Fig. 184 (2), is the proper cap- sule of the testicle. It is a thick, dense, white fibrous mem- brane. It preserves the form of this organ, and protects its delicate glandular structure. Behind, it forms a projection 432 OF THE PELVIS. Fig. 184. internally, which is named the corpus Highmorianum, or me- diastinum testis, Fig. 184 (a). From this fibrous bands pass off in different directions to be attached at various points to the inner surface of the tunic. These add very much to the strength of the fibrous structure of the testicle, and support the vessels as they penetrate the substance of the gland. The corpus Highmorianum is traversed by the bloodvessels and nerves which enter the interior of the testicle, and, also, by convoluted seminal tubes. It will be observed that from the dense and unyielding character of the tunica albuginea rapid effusion into the interior of the testicle would almost necessarily be attended with a great deal of pain. The TUNICA YASCULOSA, or PIA MATER of the testicle, Fig. 184 (4), lines the internal surface of the tunica albuginea, and is reflected around the fibrous bands attached to its inner sur- face. It transmits the vessels to every part of the interior of the organ. The GLANDULAR PORTION of the testicle consists of a great number of seminal tubes. These may be drawn out with the forceps to the extent of a foot or more ; when this is done they appear at first like exceedingly fine, deli- cate threads, just unravelled from a network. They adhere very slightly to each other, and may be easily separated when allowed to float in water. They are arranged in lobes of a conical shape, and of different sizes ; the bases of which look forwards, and the apices backwards. There are from three to four hundred of these lobes or bundles of convo- luted tubes. Some of them commence by a blind extremity, and others are joined together so as to form loops. The TUBULI SEMINIFERI, Fig. 185 (3, 3), unite to form about twenty tubes, which are nearly straight ; these enter A TRANSVERSE SECTION OF THE TESTICLE. 1. The cavity of the tunica vagi- nalis. 2. The tunica albu- ginea. 3. Corpus Highmo- rianum or mediastinum testis. The cut ends of the vessels below the figure be- long to the rete testis ; those above, to the bloodvessels of the testicle. 4. Tunica vasculosa of the testis. 5. One of the lobules of the tubuli seminiferi terminat- ing in a vas rectum. 6. A section of the epididymis. DISSECTION OF THE TESTICLES. 433 Fig. 185. the corpus Highmorianum. They are termed the tubuli recti, or vasa recta. These open into the rete testis, which consists of a network of tubes, in the anterior part of the corpus Highmo- rianum. From the rete testis from ten to twenty tubes pass through the tunica albuginea. They are called the vasa efferentia. These are at first straight, but become convoluted, and form mass- es of a conical shape, which are named the coni vasculosi. These cones form the globus major or head of the epididymis, and by uniting together form a single tube, called the canal of the epididymis. This tube, after forming the body and the globus minor or tail of the epididy- mis, terminates in the vas deferens. The VAS DEFEKENS, Fig. 185 (10), and Fig. 186 (e, e), commences at the lower end of the globus minor, and is directed upwards on the inner side of the epididymis. It enters the spermatic cord at the upper part of the testicle, and ascends in the posterior part of it to the internal abdominal ring, where it leaves the cord, and turning short round the epigastric artery, passes down- wards and inwards over the external iliac vessels, and enters the pelvis. In the pelvis it crosses over the ureter, gets between the rectum and the blad- der, and passes downwards and for- wards, on the inner side of the vesicula seminalis, to the upper border of the prostate gland, where it unites with the ductus vesiculce, semi- nalis, to form the ductus ejaculatorius communis. The vas deferens is composed of an inner mucous, and an outer fibrous layer. The latter is very thick and firm, so that the tube can be distinctly felt in the spermatic cord of the living subject. The vas deferens is about two feet in length. Its size does not vary much from its commencement 37 A VIEW OP THE MINUTE STRUCTURE OF THE TESTIS. 1, 1. Tunica albuginea. 2,2. Corpus Highmorianum. 3. 3. Tubuli seminiferi con- voluted into lobes. 4, 4. Vasa recta. 5. Bete testis. 6. Vasa efferentia. 7. Coni vasculosi constituting the globus major of the epididy- mis. 8. Body of the epidi- dymis. 9. Its globus minor. 10. Vas deferens. 11. Vas aberrans, or blind duct. 434 OF THE PELVIS. Fig. 186. until it reaches the bladder, where it enlarges, and becomes sacculated. The VAS ABERRANS, Fig. 185 (i i), is a small tube which is sometimes found arising from the globus minor, or the commencement of the vas deferens, and extending a short distance upwards in the spermatic cord. \t terminates in a blind extremity. Its use is not known. The YESICUL^; SEMINALES, Fig. 186 (7, 7), are two saccu- lated bodies, situated on the base of the bladder, above the prostate gland, and in front of the rectum. They are each about two inches in length, and half an inch in breadth. They approach each other from above downwards, so as to leave a triangular space between them, in which the vasa deferentia are situ- ated. When fully dissected out, each one is found to be from four to five inches in length. They are lined by mucous membrane, outside of which is a proper fibrous layer. They also receive a layer from the prostatic fascia, which attaches them to the bladder. Each one termi- nates in a short tube, the ductus vesiculce seminalis. THE POSTERIOR ASPECT OP THE MALE BLADDER; THE SE- ROUS COVERING IS REMOVED IN ORDER TO SHOW THE MUSCULAR COAT. 1. The body of the blad- der. 2. Its fundus. 3. Its in- ferior fundus or base. 4. The urachus. 5, 5. The ureters. 6, 6. The vasa deferentia. 7, 7. The vesiculao seminales. The DUCTUS EJACULATORIUS COM- MUNIS, Fig. 181 (s), is about an inch in length. It passes forwards, up- wards, and somewhat inwards, be- tween the middle and lateral lobes of the prostate gland to open on the caput gallinaginis, in the floor of the prostatic portion of the urethra. At first the two ejaculatory ducts are a little distance apart, but lie close to each other in the latter part of their course. Their walls in the prostate gland are very thin, and some care is requisite to dissect them out entire. The SPERMATIC CORD is composed of the vas deferens and the spermatic vessels and nerves. It extends from -the back RELATIONS OF PELVIC VISCERA IN THE MALE. 435 part of the testicle to the internal abdominal ring. The left cord is somewhat the longest. The spermatic artery is a branch from the aorta. It enters the testicle through the corpus Highmorianum, and divides into numerous small branches, which ramify in the substance of the gland. The spermatic veins commence in the testicle, and leave it in company with the artery. Just above the testicle they form a plexus named the plexus pampiniformis. They contain no valves. Those on the right side terminate by a single trunk in the ascending cava, and those on the left side in the renal vein. The nerves of the testicle are derived from the plexus which accompa- nies the spermatic artery. EELATIONS OF THE PELVIC VISCERA IN THE MALE. The pelvic viscera of the male consist of the rectum, the bladder, the vesiculce seminales, and the prostate gland. The rectum occupies the posterior part, and the other organs the anterior part. In studying the relations of the RECTUM, it may be divided into two parts, the upper and lower; the first being in direct relation with the peritoneum, and the last having no serous covering. The upper part, Fig. 187 (i 6), extends downwards to the recto-vesical fascia, or to within about three-quarters of an inch of the prostate gland. The whole of this part is co- vered in front, and partly on the sides, by the peritoneum, and is in relation with the bladder, and usually with the small intestines ; the superior portion is also covered behind by peritoneum, except a small space between the laminae of the mesorectum. Below it is in apposition with the sacrum, the pyriform muscles, the branches of the internal iliac arte- ries, the sacral nerves, and the ureters, especially the one on the left side. The lower part, Fig. 187 (i s), is in relation behind and on the sides with the sacrum and coccyx, and the coccygeus and levatores ani muscles. It has in front of it, commencing above, first, the vesiculae seminales and the triangular space between them on the base of the bladder; second, the pros- tate gland; third, the membranous portion of the urethra 436 OF THE PELVIS. and the bulb. Some portions of the rectum are separated from the surrounding parts by a considerable quantity of adipose and areolar tissue. As the BLADDER, Fig. 187 (s, 4, s), varies in size according as it is empty or distended, its relations to contiguous parts are necessarily modified. When empty, it is in relation an- Fig. 187. A SIDE VIEW OF THE VISCERA OF THE MALE PELVIS, IN SITTJ. THE RIGHT SIDE OP THE PELVIS HAS BEEN REMOVED BY A VERTICAL SECTION MADE THROUGH THE OS PUBIS NEAR THE SYMPHYSIS ; AND ANOTHER THROUGH THE MIDDLE OF THE SA- CRUM. 1. The divided surface of the os pubis. 2. The divided surface of the sacrum. 3. The body of the bladder. 4. Its fundus; from the apex is seen passing upwards, the urachus. 5. The base of the bladder. 6. The ureter. 7. The neck of the bladder. 8, 8. The pelvic fascia; the fibres immediately above 7 are given off from the pelvic fascia, and represent the anterior ligaments of the bladder. 9. The prostate gland. 10. The membranous portion of the urethra, be- tween the two layers of the deep perineal fascia. 11. The deep perineal fascia formed of two layers. 12. One of Cowper's glands between the two layers of deep perineal fascia, and beneath the membranous portion of the urethra. 13. The bulb of the corpus spongiosum. 14. The body of the corpus spongiosum. 15. The right crus penis. 16. The upper part of the rectum. 17. The recto-vesical fold of peritoneum. 18. The lower portion of the rectum. 19. The right vesicula setni- nalis. 20. The vas deferens. 21. The rectum covered by the descending layer of the pelvic fascia. 22. A part of the levator ani muscle investing the lower part of the rectum. 23. The external sphincter ani. 24. The interval between the deep and superficial perineal fascia ; they are seen to be continuous beneath the number. 25. Peritoneum covering the upper and back part of the bladder. teriorly with the symphysis pubis, the pubic bones, and obtu- rator muscles; and when distended, with the anterior walls of the abdomen. In the latter case, the peritoneum is raised EELATIONS OF PELVIC VISCEEA IN THE MALE. 437 up so as to leave a non-peritoneal surface above the symphy- sis, when the bladder can be cut into for the purpose of re- moving calculi or evacuating its contents without injuring the peritoneum. It can also be perforated through the sym- physis. Posteriorly, it is in contact, above, with the rectum and with the small intestines, and, when filled, with the sig- moid flexure of the colon ; below, with the vesiculae semi- nales, the vasa deferentia, and the rectum. Sometimes, and especially when empty, the recto- vesical cul-de-sac extends down to the prostate gland and interposes between the vesi- cal triangle and the rectum. It is through this triangular space that the bladder is sometimes perforated from the rectum. When this operation is performed it should be done close to the prostate gland to avoid the peritoneum, and in the median line, so as not to injure the vesiculse seminales and the vasa deferentia. Laterally, the bladder is in relation on each side above, with the remains of the hypogastric artery and the vas deferens; and below, with the levator ani muscle and the pelvic fascia. Its neck, Fig. 187 (7), is in apposition with the prostate gland. The bladder is retained in situ by ligaments, by fascia, and by the peritoneum. The ligaments of the bladder are designated the true and the false. The false consists simply of two folds of peritoneum, one on each side of the cul-de-sac between the bladder and the rectum; they are sometimes called the posterior ligaments of the bladder. The anterior true ligaments arise from the lower part of the pubic bones, and are inserted into the neck of the bladder. The lateral true ligaments are derived from the pelvic fascia, and will be described in connection with it. The PROSTATE GLAND, Fig. 188 (2), is in relation, above, with the anterior ligaments of the bladder ; on the sides with the levatores ani, and below, with the rectum. It is from two to two and a half inches above the anus. Its base corre- sponds to the neck of the bladder and its apex to the mem- branous portion of the urethra. The relations of the membranous portion of the urethra and the bulb will be described in this place preparatory to the examination of the perineal fasciae. The MEMBRANOUS PORTION of the urethra, Fig. 187 (i o), is situated below the arch of the pubes and extends from the 37* 438 OF THE PELVIS. prostate gland to the bulb. It is in front of the rectum, from which it is separated by a triangular space, the base of which looks downwards and forwards towards the bulb and the pe- Fig. 188. ANTERO-POSTERIOR SECTION OF THE PELVIS OF A MALE, EXHIBITING THE VISCERA IN THEIR NATURAL SITUATION, AND THE CURVATURES OF THE URETHRA. 1. The bladder. 2. The prostate. 3, 3. The urethra, laid open through its whole extent. 4. The seminal vesicle, laid open. 5. The spongy body, seen both above and below the urethra. 6. The bulb of the spongy body. 7. The cavernous body of the penis. 8. The right side of the scrotum. 9. The rectum. 10. The peritoneal lining of the abdominal muscles. 11. The peritoneal investment of the bladder. 12. Tho point where the peritoneum is reflected from the bladder upon the rectum. 13. The section of the pubic syinphysis. 14. A line marking the situation of the tri- angular ligament. rineal centre ; the apex is directed upwards and backwards to the point where the prostate gland rests against the rec- tum. .It is about an inch below the symphysis, from which it is separated by an elastic and spongy structure, the mus- cles of Gruthrie and Wilson, and the deep perineal fascia. The BULB of the corpus spongiosum, Fig. 187 (i s), corre- sponds to the upper part of the pubic arch, and is anterior to the triangular ligament. It is about three-fourths of an inch in front of the rectum. It is covered below by the in- DISSECTION OF THE VESSELS AND NERVES. 439 tegument, the common superficial fascia, the superficial pe- rineal fascia, and the ejaculatores urinse muscles. DISSECTION OF THE VESSELS AND NERVES IN THE PELVIC CAVITY. The principal vessels and nerves in the pelvic cavity can be examined without removing any portion of the bones that form its parietes ; j;o make a thorough dissection of them, however, the os innominatum on one side should be disar- ticulated and removed; or any portion of it may be cut away, including any part of the sacrum that may be found necessary in the progress of the dissection. The saw, or a mallet and chisel may be used for this purpose. To trace the vessels which supply the bladder and rectum, these organs should be moderately distended, the former with air, and the latter with cotton or tow. If the arteries be well injected but little difficulty will be encountered after the peritoneum has been removed, in exposing all the principal branches, as far as the organs which they supply or the openings through which they leave the pelvic cavity. The Middle Sacral Artery seems to be a continuation of the aorta greatly diminished in size. It extends in the median line from the bifurcation of the aorta to the coccyx, passing over the body of the last lumbar vertebra and the sacrum. In its course it gives off small branches, some of which anas- tomose with the lateral sacral arteries, and others enter the meso-rectum. The INTERNAL ILIAC or HYPO GASTRIC ARTERY, Fig. 189 (e), Fig. 190 (e), furnishes most of the branches found in the pelvis. It arises from the bifurcation of the common iliac artery opposite the sacro-iliac symphysis, and descending into the pelvis terminates near the upper border of the great sacro-sciatic foramen. It varies in length from an inch to an inch and a half. Near its origin it is separated from the peritoneum by the ureter. The lumbo-sacral nerve lies be- hind it ; the internal iliac vein is situated behind and a little to the outer side of it. In the foetus the internal iliac is continued to the umbilicus, where it becomes the umbilical artery. Commencing at the origin of the vesical artery a 440 OF THE PELVIS. ligamentous cord will be observed extending on the side of the bladder to the anterior parietes of the abdomen, and thence to the umbilicus ; this is the remains of the hypo- gastric artery of the foetus. The folds of peritoneum formed by these fibrous cords, there being one on each side, were noticed in the examination of that membrane. The vasa deferentia pass over these cords. The branches of the internal iliac artery vary so much in their origin that no fixed rule, perhaps, need be observed in describing them. They will be noticed in the order in which it will be found most convenient to examine them in the dis- section. The internal iliac very frequently divides into two principal trunks, from which the branches proceed. They are designated the anterior and posterior divisions, Fig. 189 (T, e). When this division exists, the latter usually gives off Fig. 189. A DIAGRAM OP THE ILIAC ARTERIES AND THEIR BRANCHES. 1. The aorta. 2. The left common iliac artery. 3. The external iliac. 4. The epigastric artery. 5. The internal circumflex ilii. 6. The internal iliac artery. 7. Its anterior division. 8. Its posterior division. 9. The umbilical artery giving off (10) the superior vesical artery. After the origin of this branch the umbilical artery becomes converted into a fibrous cord the umbilical ligament. 11. The internal pudic artery passing behind the spine of the ischium (12) and small sacro-sciatic ligament. 13. The middle hemorrhoidal artery. 14. The sciatic artery, also passing behind the small sacro-sciatic ligament to escape from the pelvis. 15. Its inferior vesical branch. 16. The ilio-lumbar, the first branch of the posterior division (8) ascend- ing to anastomose with the internal circumflex ilii artery (5), and form an arch along the crest of the ilium. 17. The obturator artery. 18. The lateral sacral. 19. The gluteal artery escaping from the pelvis through the upper part of the great sacro-sciatic foramen. 20. The sacra media. 21. The right common iliac artery cut short. 22. The femoral artery. DISSECTION OF THE VESSELS AND NEKVES. the gluteal, the ilio-lumbar, and the lateral sacral, while the former supplies the remaining branches or arteries. The ilio-lumbar artery. Fig. 189 (ie), arises from the back part of the internal iliac, near its origin, passes outwards be- hind the external iliac artery and vein and the psoas mag- nus, to divide into a lumbar and an iliac branch. The former passes upwards, and sends off branches to the psoas and quadratus lumborum muscles, to the spinal canal, and to anastomose with the last lumbar artery. The latter passes downwards and outwards as far as the crest of the ilium, where it anastomoses with the internal circumflex ilii ; some- times it is found ramifying in the iliacus internus muscle, or beneath it on the surface of the bone. By means of this artery an anastomotic connection is established between the internal and external iliac arteries. The obturator artery, Fig. 189 (i 7), not unfrequently has its origin from some other than the internal iliac artery, as the external iliac, the epigastric, or the femoral. The course it takes to reach the inner part of the thigh will vary with its origin. When it arises from the internal iliac it passes hori- zontally forwards just below and on the inner side of the brim of the pelvis to the sub-pubic groove in the upper border of the obturator foramen. The obturator nerve lies above it, but follows the same course. When it arises from either of the other arteries mentioned above, it passes inwards over the brim of the pelvis, to enter the sub-pubic groove. When it has its origin from the femoral artery, however, it first passes upwards through the femoral ring, and then inwards. Its relations to the femoral ring are noticed in connection with the anatomy of femoral hernia. It usually gives off several small branches in the pelvis, in its course to the thigh ; the most important of which is a branch that anas- tomoses with the epigastric; sometimes this is quite large, and deserves special notice from its relation to femoral hernia. Having passed throiigh the obturator foramen, the obturator artery divides into two principal branches, an internal and external. These are distributed to the muscles on the inner and back part of the thigh. The external division sends a small branch through the notch at the lower part of the acetabulum to supply the hip-joint; by means of the ligamentum teres the head of the femur is partly supplied from this branch. 442 OF THE PELVIS. Fig. 190. The vesical arteries, Fig. 190 (11), consist of two principal branches, a superior and an in- ferior. The former is usually a continuation of that part of the hypogastric artery in the foetus, which, instead of being con- verted into a ligamentous cord, remains pervious after birth. It ramifies on the back, sides, and fundus of the bladder; sometimes a branch extends upwards from the summit to- wards the umbilicus. The latter, or vesico-prostatic, commonly arises directly from the internal iliac, and is distributed to the neck and lower part of the bladder, to the prostate gland, to the corresponding seminal vesicle, and the upper part of the urethra. A small branch is sent to the vas deferens, named the deferential artery; also another one to the ureter. The inferior artery of the blad- der varies very much in its origin. Besides these branches the bladder is generally suppli- ed with several small branches derived from other sources. THE ARTERIES OF THE PELVIS AND THIGH, AS SEEN FROM THE INNER SIDE, BY A VERTICAL SECTION. 1. Inferior extremity of the abdominal aorta, just where it divides into the iliac arteries. 2. Right primitive iliac. 3. Right external iliac. 4. Origin of epigastric artery. 5. Internal eircumflex ilii. 6. Hypogastric or internal iliac artery. 7. Ilio-lumbar. 8. Gluteal. 9. Obturator. 10. Lateral sacral. 11. Vesical arteries cut off. 12. Middle hemorrhoidal. 13. Internal pudic. 14. Ischi- atic. 15. Commencement of the femoral artery at the crural arch. 16. Point where it passes through the adductor magnus. 17, 20, 21. Arteria profunda. 18. Internal circumflex. 19, 19, 19. First, second, and third perforating arteries. 22. A branch to the vastus internus. 23. Femoral artery passing through the canal formed by the tendon of the adductor magnus. 24. The anastomotica. 25. A branch to the sartorius muscle. 26. Popliteal artery. 27. The same artery be- hind the knee-joint under the soleus muscle. 28. A supernumerary articular artery. 29. Superior internal articular artery. 30. Inferior internal articular artery. 31. Anastomosis of the three last with anastomotica. DISSECTION OF THE VESSELS AND NERVES. 443 The middle hemorrhoidal artery, Fig. 190 (12), arises from the internal iliac, sometimes from the inferior vesical or the internal pudic, passes to the side of the rectum, where it anastomoses with the superior and inferior hemorrhoidal arteries. It is very irregular in its origin, and sometimes is absent. The uterine artery arises from the internal iliac, and, pass- ing between the layers of the broad ligament, reaches the uterus just above the os tincse. It then ascends on the bor- der to the fundus, giving off branches in its course, which ramify on the anterior and posterior surfaces of the uterus ; some of these penetrate its substance, others anastomose in the median line with the corresponding branches on the opposite side. It sends small branches to the bladder and ureters. During the period of pregnancy, the uterine arteries attain to a great size, and become exceedingly tortuous. The ovarian arteries anastomose freely with the uterine. They arise from the aorta, and pursue a course downwards similar to that of the spermatic arteries in the male until they reach the brim of the pelvis, when they are directed inwards to get between the layers of the broad ligaments. Each one penetrates the ovary at its attached border. In their course to the ovaries they are very much convoluted. They send branches to the Fallopian tubes and to the round ligaments; the latter branches accompany the Fallopian tubes to their destination. The vaginal artery arises in common with the inferior vesical, or from the hypogastric, just before or after that artery. It passes downwards on the side of the vagina to near its external orifice, when it gets behind it, between the vagina and rectum, to anastomose with branches from the opposite side. It sends branches in its course to the bladder and the urethra, also to the rectum. The lateral sacral arteries, Fig. 190 (i o), usually consist of two, a superior and inferior, on each side. They arise close to each other just above the gluteal. The superior passes downwards and inwards to the first sacral foramen, which it enters to reach the sacral canal, where it divides into two branches ; one of these escapes from the canal through the corresponding posterior sacral foramen, and is distributed to the muscles and integument of the back, while the other ramifies in the canal. The inferior descends in front of the 444 OF THE PELVIS. pyriformis muscle and sacral nerves and on the inner side of the anterior sacral foramina to the side of the coccyx. It gives off small branches which enter the sacral foramina, and have each one of them the same distribution as the superior lateral sacral artery. Besides the branches which enter the sacral canal, these arteries give off branches that anastomose with the middle sacral artery and ramify on the anterior surface of the sacrum ; and also others which go to the pyriformis muscle and the sacral nerves. The gluteal artery, Fig. 190 (s), from its size, might be regarded as a continuation of the internal iliac. It escapes from the pelvis at the upper part of the great sacro-sciatic foramen between the gluteus medius and pyriformis muscles. In its course downwards and backwards it passes between the-lumbo-sacral and the first sacral nerve. In the pelvis it gives off a nutritious branch to the ilium and one or more muscular branches. Having escaped from the pelvis it divides into a superficial and a deep branch, which will be noticed in the dissection of the gluteal region. The sciatic or ischiatic artery, Fig. 190 (14), varies in its origin. Not unfrequently it arises in common with the in- ternal pudic, from which it does not separate until just before it leaves the pelvis. It passes downwards in front of the pyriformis muscle and sacral plexus of nerves to the lower part of the great sacro-sciatic foramen, where it is placed between the pyriformis and superior gemellus muscles, having the great sciatic nerve on the inner side of it and the internal pudic artery behind it. It gives off in its course in the pelvis the coccygeal branch, which perforates the great sacro- sciatic ligament and ramifies on the dorsum of the coccyx. As it leaves the pelvis, it sends off a branch named the comes nervi ischiadici to accompany the great sciatic nerve. Its course and distribution outside the pelvis will be examined in the dissection of the gluteal region and upper and back part of the thigh. The internal pudic artery, Fig. 190 (t 3), has the same direc- tion and relations in the pelvis as the sciatic artery, which it accompanies to the spine of the ischium, around which it winds to enter the perineum. Its course and branches in the perineum will be observed in the dissection of that region. It is in some respects the most important branch given off from the internal iliac, to be studied. This is DISSECTION OF THE VESSELS AND NERVES. 445 owing to its liability to injury in cutting for stone and in other operations in the perineum. Before it leaves the pelvis it supplies branches to the levator ani muscle, the rectum, the bladder, the vesiculee seminales, and to the pros- tate gland. Its distribution in the female differs from that in the male. "While within the pelvis in the female, besides sending branches to the bladder and rectum, it sends branches to the vagina; in the perineum the branches that correspond to those which go to the penis in the male are distributed to the clitoris. The INTERNAL ILIAC VEIN is placed on the inner side of the internal iliac artery with which it corresponds. It re- ceives the blood from the veins that accompany the branches of the internal iliac artery, and also from the vesico-prostatic plexus, including that portion of the blood contained in the hemorrhoidal plexus which does not find its way to the infe- rior mesenteric vein and thence to the portal vein. It has no valves. It is exceedingly important that every student should thoroughly understand the plexuses of veins con- nected with the rectum and genito-urinary apparatus. It will be seen that a part of the blood from these plexuses reaches the heart through the internal and common iliac veins and the vena cava, while another portion passes through the mesenteric and portal veins to the liver, and thence through the hepatic veins and vena cava to the heart. Each artery has its venae comites, which unite to open into their main trunk by a common orifice. The ilio-lumbar vein opens into the common iliac. It is united to the veins which escape from the spinal canal through the lower lumbar intervertebral foramina ; also to a vein which lies in front of the last lumbar vertebra, and to the lateral sacral veins by an anastomosing branch. The middle sacral and the lateral sacral veins correspond to the arteries of the same names. The former arises in front of the coccyx, and passes upwards to terminate in the left common iliac vein. Not unfrequently a communicating branch is found connecting this vein with the hemorrhoidal plexus, and also with the vesical plexus. The latter consist of two or more veins, which open into the common iliac vein. The veins which accompany the gluteal, the sciatic, the 88 446 OF THE PELVIS. obturator, and the internal pudic artery, require no particular description. The hemorrhoidal veins and plexus are situated in the pa- rietes of the lower part of the rectum. They consist of the superior, middle, and inferior hemorrhoidal veins, which empty, the superior into the inferior mesenteric, and the mid- dle and inferior into the internal iliac vein, or a branch of it. A venous network is found just beneath the mucous mem- brane/ and close to the anus. Hemorrhoids are very fre- quently caused by the dilatation of the veins that form this network or plexus, as was noticed in the dissection of the rectum. The vesico-prostatic plexus, Fig. 199 (9), is situated in the upper pouch or pocket formed by the deep perineal and pel- vic fasciae, by which the veins that form a portion of the plexus are prevented from becoming very much distended. It covers the prostate gland and the neck of the bladder. In cutting for stone, this plexus is necessarily more or less wounded, which may give rise to a good deal of hemorrhage, the amount depending on the condition of the veins at the time of the operation. Behind, it communicates with the hemorrhoidal plexus; in front and below with the veins which surround the membranous portion of the urethra ; it also receives the contents of the dorsal veins of the penis. These veins, after passing through the sub-pubic ligament and deep perineal fascia, unite to form a single trunk, which divides these into a right and left vein, in order to join the prostatic plexus on both sides of the prostate gland. The veins from the dorsum of the penis are kept constantly open where they perforate the dense fibrous structure of which the sub-pubic ligament and deep perineal fascia are composed. They also communicate freely with the deep veins, or those which accompany the branches of the internal pudic artery. The spermatic veins were noticed in the dissection of the testicle. They communicate with the dorsal veins of the penis, and with the pudic veins. There is occasionally a communication existing between the spermatic vein and the portal system. The ovarian veins are formed by branches derived from the uterus, the ovaries, and the Fallopian tubes. They accom- pany the ovarian arteries, and have the same termination as the spermatic veios. DISSECTION OF THE VESSELS AND NEKVES. 447 The vaginal plexus of veins surrounds the vagina. Near the vulva the plexus is composed of a great number of veins, many of which have their origin in the erectile tissue that is found around the external orifice of the vagina. The veins of the vaginal plexus communicate behind, with the hemor- rhoidal plexus, and before, with the vesical plexus. The uterine veins correspond on the exterior surface of the uterus to the uterine arteries. They arise from venous canals, or sinuses, which traverse the substance of the uterus, without, however, being tortuous like the arteries. The veins, as well as the arteries of this organ, increase greatly in size during the period of pregnancy. The nerves which supply the pelvic viscera are derived from the lumbo-sacral, the anterior sacral, and the sympa- thetic system. Besides the visceral nerves, there are several small branches derived from the sacral nerves or plexus, and appropriated to the muscles within the pelvis and perineum. There is also found in the pelvis a branch from the lumbar plexus called the obturator nerve, which from its position should be exa- mined first. The obturator nerve, Fig. 191 (e), arises from that portion of the lumbar plexus which is formed by the third and fourth lumbar nerves. To reach the pelvis, it first passes through the psoas magnus muscle, and then runs for some distance on its inner side; it then crosses over the brim of the pelvis, and gets below the external iliac vein and above the obtura- tor artery, which it accompanies to the sub-pubic groove, when it enters the upper and inner part of the thigh. After perforating the psoas muscle, it passes beneath the bifurca- tion of the common iliac vessels. In the pelvis, near the obturator foramen, it usually gives off one or two articular branches to the hip-joint. As it enters the thigh it divides into the superficial or anterior division, and the deep or posterior division. These are distributed principally to the muscles on the inner part of the thigh, and will be noticed in the dis- section of that region. When the obturator accessory nerve, Fig. 191 (n), is present, and of its usual size, it supplies the hip-joint with articular filaments instead of the obturator nerve itself. The accessory nerve has the same origin as the obturator nerve; of which it is sometimes a part for a short distance, when it becomes a 448 OF THE PELVIS. separate nerve. It perforates the psoas muscle, and descends on its inner side to the pubes, which it passes over on the inner side of the ilio-pectineal eminence to get beneath the pecti- neus muscle, where it gives off its articular filaments to the hip-joint and divides into several other branches; one of which descends as low as the upper and back part of the leg, sending in its course a filament to the knee-joint. The superior gluteal nerve, Fig. 192 (2), may be examined next. It arises from the lumbo-sacral before it joins the first sacral nerve to become a Fig. 191. part of the sacral plexus. It escapes from the pelvis in company with the glu- teal artery through the up- per part of the great sacro- sciatic foramen, above and in front of the pyriformis muscle, and divides into two branches which cor- respond in their distri- bution with the gluteal artery. It supplies the gluteus medius, minimus, and tensor vaginas femoris muscles. The lumbo-sacral nerve, Fig. 192 (i), is formed by the union of the descend- ing portion of the fourth lumbar, and the fifth lum- bar. It enters the pelvis, and assists in forming the sacral plexus. There are six anterior sacral nerves, including what is sometimes called THE LUMBAR PLEXUS AND ITS BRANCHES (SLIGHTLY ALTERED FROM SCHMIDT). a. Last rib. b. Quadratus lumborum muscle, c. Oblique and transverse muscles, cut near the crest of the ilium, d. Os pubis. e. Adductor brevis muscle. /. Pec- tineus. g. Adductor longus. 1. Superior musculo-cutaneous branch. 2. Middle musculo-cutaneous branch. 3. Inferior musculo-cutaneous branch. 4. Anterior crural nerve. 5. Accessory obturator. 6. Obturator nerve. 7. Genito-crural nerve dividing into two at its origin from the plexus. 8, 8. Gangliated cord of the sympathetic nerve. DISSECTION OF THE VESSELS AND NERVES. 449 I the coccygeal nerve. They escape from the sacral or lower part of the spinal canal, through the anterior sacral foramina. The first and second nerves are quite large, and of nearly the same size. The first being joined by the lumbo-sacral, passes obliquely downwards over the pyriformis muscle to the sacral plexus. The second nerve proceeds more obliquely outwards than the first to join the plexus. The third nerve, as it goes to join the sacral plexus, has a still more oblique direction, being nearly horizontal. It is only about one-fourth the size of the first and second nerves. To the latter nerve it is connected by a filament, which will be seen passing over the pyriformis muscle. The fourth nerve is very much smaller than the third. A part of it only goes to join the sacral plexus. The rest of it sends branches to join the hypogastric plexus of the sym- pathetic nerve, one to join the fifth nerve, and others to supply the levator ani, the coccygeus and sphincter ani muscles. The fifth nerve usually passes through the foramen formed by the sacrum and coccyx. It is much smaller than the fourth, to which it is joined by a communicating branch; it sends a branch to the sixth nerve. The sixth sacral or the coccygeal nerve is generally very small; it emerges at the lower end of the spinal canal; from which point it should be traced. It will be observed that of the sacral nerves only the first three, and a part of the fourth, contribute to form the sacral plexus. Each one of them is joined to a ganglion of the sympathetic nerve by a communicating branch; they are also connected to each other by a similar branch. The SACRAL PLEXUS, Fig. 192 (4), is formed, as has been seen, by the union of four whole nerves and portions of two others. The whole nerves are the last lumbar and the first three sacral ; the parts are derived from the fourth lumbar and the fourth sacral nerve. The shape of the plexus is tri- angular; its base looks towards the foramina through which the nerves that form it escape from the spinal canal, while its apex corresponds to the beginning of the great sciatic nerve, which is close to the lower part of the great sciatic foramen through which this nerve makes its exit from the pelvis. 38* 450 OF THE PELVIS. Fig. 192. The sacral plexus is more simple in its structure than any other belonging to the spinal system of nerves. The plexus lies on the anterior surface of the pyriformis muscle ; in front, it cor- responds to the lower part of the rectum, from which it is separated by a fascia and branches of the internal iliac vessels. In ex- posing the sacral nerves and plexus, much care is requisite to preserve the nerves which arise from them, and which should now be traced to their destination if they end in the pelvis, and to their exit from the pelvis if they go to supply parts outside of it. To do this no specific directions can be given, as they vary so frequently in their origin and general arrangement; this is more particularly the case with the nerves which supply the viscera. These may arise partly from the second and third nerves, or partly from the plexus, or al- most wholly from the fourth and fifth nerves. They may go in part directly to the viscera which they supply, as the rec- tum, the bladder, and the prostate gland, in the male ; and, in the female, to the blad- der, the uterus, the vagina, and the rectum ; or they may, some of them at least, join filaments of the sympathetic nerve, as the hypogastric plexus, and, in company with them, reach the same organs. As they are so intimately connected with the hypogastric plexus and the filaments derived from it, the two sets of nerves should be examined A DIAGRAM SHOWING THE FORMATION AND BRANCHES OP THE SACRAL PLEXUS. 1. The lumbo-sacral nerve, descending to join the sacral plexus, and giving off a large branch. 2. The superior gluteal nerve. 3. The anterior branches of the four upper sacral nerves. 4. The sacral plexus. 5. The internal pudic nerve. 6. The lesser sciatic nerve. 7. The great sciatic nerve. 8. The peroneal nerve. 9. The popliteal nerve. 10. Its sural branches. 11. The posterior tibial nerve dividing inferiorly into the two plantar nerves, 12. 13. The anterior tibial nerve. 14. The musculo-cutaneous nerve, its muscular portion. 15. Its cutaneous portion. 16. The external saphenous nerve, formed by the union of the communicans poplitei, and communicana peronei. DISSECTION OF THE VESSELS AND NEEVES. 451 together; they will be referred to again in the dissection of the sympathetic nerve in the pelvis. Although a knowledge of these nerves possesses but little value as applied to surgical operations, its value cannot be estimated when viewed in connection with injuries and dis- eases in which the pelvic organs, either in the male or female, are directly or indirectly involved. The following are the muscular nerves derived from the sacral plexus or nerves and distributed principally to the muscles in the pelvis and perineum. The nerve to the pyriformis, generally, comes from the pos- terior aspect of the plexus, but sometimes it proceeds from one of the sacral nerves before it enters the plexus ; some- times there are two of these small nerves, or one which di- vides it into two branches before penetrating the muscle. The nerves to the levator ani are usually two branches of the fourth sacral nerve. Besides these, this muscle commonly receives two or three filaments from the vesical and hemor- rhoidal nerves. The first of these nerves, or those from the fourth sacral nerve, penetrate the pelvic surface of the mus- cle, the largest one near its centre and the other near its anterior border. The nerve to the obturator internus proceeds from the upper and anterior portion of the sacral plexus, passes around the spine of the ischium and through the small sacro-sciatic fora- men, when it divides into two or three branches which spread out and penetrate the inner surface of the muscle. The inferior hemorrhoidal nerve arises from the posterior part of the sacral plexus near the internal pudic, or from the internal pudic itself, which it accompanies through the small sacro-sciatic foramen to near the upper border of the sphincter ani muscle, where it divides into several small branches. Some of these penetrate the muscle at different points, while others proceed to the integument around the anus ; others still pass forwards and anastomose with the superficial perineal nerve and the perineal branch of the lesser sciatic nerve. The inferior hemorrhoidal nerve corre- sponds in its distribution with the artery of the same name. The sphincter ani is also supplied in part by filaments which proceed to it directly from the fourth and fifth sacral nerves ; and also from the internal pudic. And again, the inferior 452 OF THE PELVIS. hemorrhoidal nerve is occasionally wholly cutaneous, sending no filaments to the sphincter muscle. The coccygeus muscle is supplied with filaments derived from the fourth and fifth sacral nerves, and the coccygeal nerve. One or two of these nerves, after perforating the coccygeus muscle, become cutaneous, and supply the integu- ment behind the anus and on the back of the coccyx. Two small nerves usually arise from the sacral plexus which are distributed to the gemelli and quadratic femoris muscles, and also to the hip-joint. The one that supplies the superior gemellus arises from the plexus near the origin of the internal pudic. The one that goes to the inferior ge- mellus and quadratus femoris arises from the plexus at or near the commencement of the great sciatic nerve, passes downwards behind the superior gemellus and obturator in- ter nus muscles, between them and the capsule of the hip- joint, to reach the deep surface of the muscles to which it is distributed. Besides supplying these muscles, this nerve sends filaments to the hip-joint. The internal pudic or superior long pudendal nerve arises from the lower part of the sacral plexus, and soon joins the internal pudic artery which it accompanies through the small sacro-sciatic foramen to the perineum, where it divides into two terminal branches, named the perinea! nerve and the dor- sal nerve of the penis. They will be noticed as they are met with in the dissection of the parts to which they are distri- buted. It may be well, however, to give a brief description of the course and distribution of the branches of the internal pudic nerve in this place. The perineal nerve accompanies the internal pudic artery as far as a point nearly opposite to the junction of the tube- rosity and ramus of the ischium. At this place it perforates the obturator fascia, which up to this point in the perineum separated it from the ischio-rectal fossa, and divides into its two terminal branches. One of these, named the superficial perineal nerve, Fig. 195 (2), corresponds to the superficial pe- rineal artery. It is placed in the groove between the erec- tor penis and accelerator urinae muscles, and is distributed to the scrotum, some of its filaments being continued forwards to the integument covering the under surface of the penis. The other branch passes above the transversus perinei mus- cle and sends filaments to the accelerator urinse, to the bulb DISSECTION OF THE VESSELS AND NERVES. 453 of the corpus spongiosum, and to the muscles of Wilson and Guthrie. The perineal nerve, just before it enters the perineum, gives off a branch which has been called the posterior superficial perineal nerve. It perforates the great sacro-sciatic ligament, enters the ischio-rectal fossa, and passes forwards to be distri- buted to the scrotum in the male, and to the vulva in the female. It anastomoses with the inferior hemorrhoidal and the perineal branch of the small sciatic nerve; and some- times sends branches to the sphincter ani and coccygeus muscles. The dorsal nerve of the "penis, instead of perforating the obturator fascia, continues forwards, gets between the layers of the deep perineal fascia, perforates the anterior one, and reaches the dorsum of the penis in company with the artery of the same name. It proceeds forwards to the glans penis, to which it is distributed. It gives off a cutaneous branch which divides into numerous filaments to supply the -skin including the prepuce; it also sends off branches which penetrate the substance of the corpus cavernosum. The cor- responding nerve of the one last described, in the female, is distributed to the clitoris. The small or lesser sciatic nerve, Fig. 192 (e), arises from the lower part of the sacral plexus by one, and sometimes by several nervous cords. It leaves the pelvis at the lower part of the great sacro-sciatic foramen, and beneath the pyriformis muscle. At first it is placed on the inner side of the great sciatic nerve, but soon gets behind it. It divides into mus- cular and cutaneous branches. The former supply the glu- teus rnaximus; the latter are divided into the external and internal ; they are distributed to the skin on the outer, back and inner parts of the thigh, one or two branches descending as low as the upper part of the leg. Another branch, named the perineal cutaneous, or the inferior long pudendal nerve, Fig. 218 (4), passes downwards and inwards below the tuber ischii to reach the anterior part of the perineum, where it divides into two branches, which pass forwards, one on each side of the testis, to be distributed to the anterior part of the scrotum, and to the skin on the under part of the penis. It anastomoses with the superficial perineal nerve. The great sciatic nerve, Fig. 192 (7), is the terminal branch of the sacral plexus. It escapes from the pelvis through the 454 OF THE PELVIS. lower part of the great sacro-sciatic foramen ; sometimes a portion of it pierces the pyriformis muscle. It will be exa- mined in the dissection of the back part of the pelvis and thigh. The sympathetic nerve, Fig. 142, presents in the pelvis several ganglia and plexuses. The ganglia are placed to the inner side of the anterior sacral foramina. They consist usually of five on each side. The upper one receives one, and sometimes two communicating branches from the last lumbar ganglion. The lower one on each side is connected by a filament to a single ganglion, called the ganglion impar; this is situated in front of the coccyx. The ganglia of each side are connected by communicating filaments to the sacral nerves, there being two for each ganglion and its correspond- ing nerve; they are quite short. There are two hypogastric plexuses in the pelvis, between which there is no direct communication. They are formed by a division of the lumbo-aortic plexus into two, a right and left. They are placed upon the sides of the principal organs in the pelvis, both in the male and female. They receive filaments from several sources in the pelvis, as the sacral ganglia, the inferior mesenteric plexus, and the ante- rior sacral nerves. Small ganglia are found where the sacral nerves unite with those of the plexus. Each hypogastric plexus gives off several plexuses ; they are the following : The vesical plexus is situated on the side and lower part of the bladder. It sends off two sets of nerves ; the ascending, which supply the ureters and the upper part of the bladder both in front and behind; and the horizontal, which go to the lower part of the bladder, including the neck. Some of these continue over the prostate gland, forming the prostatic plexus. From these plexuses small filaments penetrate the structure of the bladder and prostate gland. From the side of the bladder and the ureter, nerves go to the vas deferens and to the vesicula seminalis, forming a plexus for each one of these organs. From the prostatic plexus nerves proceed to the urethra and to the spongy structure of the penis. They reach the dorsum of the penis by passing through the sub-pubic ligament. The rectum is supplied by the superior and middle hemor- rhoidal plexuses. The former comes from the inferior mesen- teric, the latter from the hypogastric plexus. These plexuses are intimately blended with each other. DISSECTION OF THE PERINEUM. 455 An ovarian plexus accompanies each of the ovarian arteries from the abdomen ; the ovaries receive filaments also from the uterine nerves. The uterine nerves are derived from the hypogastric plexus. They accompany the arteries as they ascend on the lateral borders of the uterus, to supply its fundus anteriorly and posteriorly. From the neck of the uterus nerves proceed to the vagina to form the vaginal plexus. DISSECTION OF THE PERINEUM. The outlines of the perineal space are indicated by the boundaries of the lower strait of the pelvic cavity. These consist, in front, of the sub-pubic ligament, the descending rami of the pubic bones and the rami of the ischia; late- rally, of the tuberosities of the ischia; and behind, of the sacro-sciatic ligaments and the coccyx. The student should make himself perfectly familiar with the exact position of each one of these parts before he attempts the examination of this region; or he should have a ligamentous pelvis before him when he makes his first dissection of the perineum. He should also have a distinct idea of the position and relations of the following parts: The lower part of the rectum, the bladder, the prostate gland, the membranous portion of the urethra, and the deep perineal fascia or triangular ligament through which it passes, the bulbous portion of the corpus spongiosum, the crura of the corpora cavernosa, and the principal muscles in this region. If he cannot acquire this knowledge by reading a description of these parts with the aid of plates, he should make a special dissection of them. No student should expect to obtain a satisfactory knowledge of the anatomy of the perineum by making a single dissec- tion of it. When he has become familiar with the parts enumerated above, he will find that the study of the fascias involved in the dissection will be greatly facilitated. He will observe that every reflection or attachment of the fascias has a distinct relation to some one or more of these parts ; that they are designed to furnish a floor to the cavity of the pelvis, and to fix and keep the parts in their absolute and relative position. It will also be noticed in the progress of the dissection that they form the boundaries of several spaces 456 OF THE PELVIS. which are exceedingly interesting when viewed in reference to the formation of sinuses and abscesses, to effusions of urine, and to the dangers attending operations for the removal of calculi from the bladder, or for any other pur- pose. The great importance of a knowledge of the anatomy of the perineum should be impressed on the mind of every student independently of the idea of his ever being called upon to operate for calculi in the bladder. Yery few in the profession ever have an opportunity 'to cut for stone, while every physician is liable to meet with cases of sinuses, abscesses, and fistulous openings in this region, which he should be able to treat properly. To dissect the perineum, the subject must be placed on the back near the end of the table, with a small block under the pelvis. The thighs must be flexed and separated from each other; to keep them in this position, the feet may be fastened by a roller or a cord to the wrists ; or a cord may be attached to one of the thighs near the knee, car- ried under the table and fastened in the same manner to the opposite thigh. If a cord of sufficient length be used, with blocks to support the thighs, the student will have no difficulty in placing and keeping the subject in a favorable position for making his dissection. The rectum should be thoroughly washed out and moderately and evenly distended with tow, cotton, or a piece of a roller gradually introduced into it. The scrotum should be drawn upwards and fastened by hooks. The first thing to be done in the dissection is to remove the skin. To do this make an incision from the coccyx to the anus, and thence to the raphe of the scrotum ; and an- other from the nates on each side to the anus. In this way the integument may be raised in four flaps. The skin is so thin at the margin of the anus that some care is requisite to raise it and leave tha superficial fascia. The common superficial fascia usually contains a large quantity of adipose substance, especially in the ischio-rectal fosses, spaces situated, one on each side of the anus and lower part of the rectum. This fascia is continuous with the super- ficial fascia of the parts contiguous to the perineum, and must not be confounded with the superficial perineal fascia. To remove it the same incisions may be made as were made to raise the skin. Before doing this, however, the vessels DISSECTION OF THE PERINEUM. 457 and nerves which ramify in it should be observed; also the boundaries of the ischio-rectal fossae. The arteries which supply the perineum are derived prin- cipally from the internal pudic, a branch of the internal iliac artery. The course of this artery is deep seated, and will be noticed at an advanced stage of the dissection. The prin- cipal branches involved in the removal of the common superficial fascia are the inferior hemorrhoidal, Fig. 194 (i o). These vary in number from one to three on each side. They pierce a layer of the obturator fascia which covers the internal pudic artery, and pass transversely, or nearly so, across the ischio-rectal fossa to the anus. They supply the lower part of the rectum, including the levator and sphincter ani muscles, and the integument around the anus. They are surrounded by the adipose substance which fills the ischio-rectal fossa. The student cannot be too particular in obtaining an accurate knowledge of the position of these vessels. The subcutaneous branches in the anterior part of the perineum are not of sufficient importance to require any special notice here. They consist of small branches of the superficial perineal artery, which is also a branch of the in- ternal pudic, arising from it just after the hemorrhoidal are given off. The veins correspond to the arteries and require no par- ticular notice. The nerves of the perineum are mainly supplied by the internal pudic, which enters this region in company with the internal pudic artery; and its distribution is nearly the same as that of the artery. It sends hemorrhoidal branches to the lower part of the rectum, and to the levator and sphincter ani muscles. One of its principal divisions is called the superficial perineal nerve, Fig. 195 (2), which passes forwards in company with the superficial perineal artery. In the anterior part of the perineum this nerve becomes subcutaneous and is distributed to the skin in that region and to the scrotum. A small branch, derived from the small sciatic nerve, is also distributed to the integument of the perineum and scrotum; principally, however, to the latter. Before examining the boundaries and relations of the ischio-rectal fossae, the sphincter ani and coccygeus muscles may be studied. 39 458 OF THE PELVIS. The SPHINCTER ANI, Fig. 193 (a), is attached, behind, by tendinous fibres to the coccyx; anteriorly, to the subcuta- Fig. 193. A VIEW OF THE MUSCLES OF THE PERINEUM OF THE MALE. 1, 1. Kami of the ischia. 2, 2. Tuberosities of the ischia. 3. Posterior face of the coccyx. 4. Por- tion of the great sacro-sciatic ligament. 5. Accelerator urinae. 6. Erector penis. 7. Transversus perinei. 8. Sphincter ani. 9. Levator ani. 10. Musculus coccy- geus. 11. Section of the glutens maximus. 12. Adductor longus. 13. Adductor brevis. 14. Adductor magnus. 15. Gluteus maxitnus. 16. The urethra. 17,17. Corpora cavernosa turned up. 18. Spermatic cord turned up. 19. Free extremity of the penis with its integuments. neous areolar tissue, and to a fibrous structure just in front of the anus, called the per meal centre, to which the trans- versi perinei and the acceleratores urinse muscles are also attached. It surrounds the lower orifice of the rectum ; is narrow and somewhat pointed before and behind this opening, but an inch or more broad on each side of it. It presents an upper and a lower border. The lower one is separated from the skin by a very thin layer of areolar tissue, while the upper one is blended with the fibres of the levator ani. The outer surface is in apposition with the adi- pose tissue contained in the ischio-rectal fossa. It closes the anus and at the same time slightly elevates it ; it also assists the transversi perinei in fixing the perineal centre. DISSECTION OF THE PERINEUM. 459 The COCCYG-EUS, Fig. 193 (i o), is situated between the pyri- formis and the posterior border of the levator ani. It arises from the spine of the ischium and from the small sacro- sciatic ligament, and is inserted into the side of the coccyx Fig. 194. THE ARTERIES OF THE PERINEUM; ON THE RIGHT SIDE THE SUPERFICIAL ARTE- RIES ARE SEEN, AND ON THE LEFT THE DEEP. 1. The penis, consisting of the corpus spongiosum and corpora cavcrnosa. The cms penis on the left side is cut through. 2. The accelerators urinee muscles, inclosing the bulbous portion of the corpus spongiosum. 3. The erector penis, spread out upon the crus penis of the right side. 4. The anus, surrounded by the sphincter ani muscle. 5. The rami of the ischium and pubes. 6. The tuberosity of the ischium. 7. The small sacro-sciatic ligament attached by its small extremity to the spine of the ischium. 8. The coccyx. 9. The internal pudic artery, crossing the spine of the ischium, and entering the perineum. 10. Inferior hemorrhoidal branches. 11. The superficial perineal artery, giving off a small branch, transverse perineal, upon the transversus perinei muscle. 12. The same artery on the left side cut off. 13. The artery of thte bulb. 14. The two terminal branches of the internal pudic artery; one is seen entering the divided ex- tremity of the crus penis, the artery of the corpus cavernosum; the other, the dor- salis penis, ascends upon the dorsum of the organ. and the lower part of the sacrum. It is of a triangular form; and its attachments are aponeurotic. Its inner and upper surface corresponds to the rectum. Its action is to keep the coccyx in its proper place, and to assist in forming the floor of the pelvis. The ISCHIO-EECTAL FOSSA is wedge-shaped, and is from an inch and a half to two inches deep. The thin edge looks up- wards and corresponds to the splitting of the pelvic fascia into the levator or anal fascia on the inner side, and the obturator fascia on the outer side. The base or thick edge looks 460 OF THE PELVIS. downwards, and corresponds to the integument. The inner boundary is formed below by the sphincter ani and above by the levator fascia, which covers the levator ani muscle; while the outer boundary is formed below by the gluteus maximus, and above by the obturator fascia, which covers the obturator internus muscle. The anterior boundary is formed by a reflection of the superficial perineal fascia up- wards to join the deep perineal fascia; as the superficial perineal fascia is reflected upwards it is joined to the ante- rior border of both the obturator and the levator fascia. Thus it will be seen that the ischio-rectal fossa is bounded on three sides by fascia, especially the upper part of it. The posterior boundary corresponds to the gluteus maximus and coccygeus muscles, and to the sacro-sciatic ligaments and foramina. When the contents of the ischio-rectal fossa have been removed and its boundaries carefully observed, the student should endeavor to obtain a distinct idea of its relations to the cavity of the abdomen. He should do this before he has attempted to master the anatomy of that portion of the perineum which belongs to the genito-urinary apparatus. As the ischio-rectal fossa is now fairly exposed, a part of the levator fascia should be carefully removed from the levator muscle. Having done this, a portion of the muscle should also be dissected away when another fascia, the pelvic, will be observed. Kemove a portion of this and the sub-peritoneal areolar tissue together with the peritoneum itself will be seen. Thus a clear idea of what separates the abdominal cavity from the ischio-rectal fossa will be obtained. It will be seen that, besides the peritoneum and the sub-peritoneal areolar tissue, the bowels are separated from the ischio-rectal fossa simply by the levator ani muscle and the fasciae that cover its pelvic and perineal surfaces. It will now also be observed that the pelvic fascia, Fig. 199 (s), as it descends from the brim of the pelvis, divides into three layers. These are the obturator (i s), the levator or anai(i 5), and the recto-vesical (8,11). The first descends on the obturator internus muscle, and is attached below to the ramus and tuberosity of the ischium, and to the great sacro-sciatic ligament; the second passes downwards on the perineal sur- face of the levator muscle to the upper border of the sphinc- ter ani, where it is frequently so thin that it hardly deserves DISSECTION OF THE PERINEUM:. 461 to be regarded as a distinct fascia ; the third one, after cover- ing the pelvic surface of the levator, is reflected to the side of the rectum, to the bladder, and the prostate gland. The last-named fascia will be more particularly noticed at another stage of the dissection. That part of the perineum just dissected belongs essentially to the lower portion of the intestinal canal ; while the part that remains to be dissected belongs more particularly to the genito-urinary apparatus. It must be admitted that the latter is more complex and difficult to be examined than the former ; and it should be remarked here that, although different fasciae are spoken of, and have distinct names, they are all con- tinuous with each other, and might be regarded as consti- tuting a single fascia or aponeurosis. By the different reflections and attachments of the fascias, there are formed four principal cavities or pockets. Two of Fig. 195. THE PERINEUM, AFTER THE SKIN AND A PORTION OP THE SUPERFICIAL PERINEA*- FASCIA HAVE BEEN REMOVED. , a. Superficial perineal fascia. 6. Accelerators urinoe. e, c. Erectores penis, d, d. Tvansversi perinei. e. Upper point of sphinc- ter ani. /,/. The edges of the glutei maximi. 1, 1. Superficial perineal arteries. 2, 2. Superficial perineal nerves. 39* 462 OF THE PELVIS. these have already been observed; they contain the levatores ani muscles. The other two, which are situated, one above and the other below the deep perineal fascia, are now to be examined. The latter or lower one contains, besides some fat and areolar tissue, the superficial perineal vessels and nerves, the erectores penis, acceleratores urinae, and trans- versi perinei muscles, and the bulb of the corpus spongio- sum ; the former or superior one contains the membranous portion of the urethra, including the muscles of Wilson and Guthrie, the prostate gland, the neck of the bladder, and the vesiculae seminales. The lower one is formed by the deep perineal fascia sending off a layer just behind the bulb of the urethra, which passes backwards to the rectum and ischio-rectal fossae, and then downwards, forming on each side the anterior boundary of the ischio-rectal fossa by uniting with the levator and obturator fasciae ; it is then reflected forwards beneath the transversi perinei muscles and before the ante- rior portion of the sphincter ani muscle, to be lost in the scrotum and in the superficial fascia on each side of it. The part which is reflected forwards is the superficial perineal fascia ; it is attached, laterally, to the tuberosities and rami of the ischia, and to the rami of the pubes. To dissect this space, Fig. 196, two incisions should be made, commencing at a point about two inches and a half in front of the anus and extending them backwards, one to the tuberosity of each ischium or near to the anterior boundary of the ischio- rectal fossa. The fascia included between these two incisions is to be raised and reflected backwards as far as the anus and the ischio-rectal fossae, but not detached until its connection with the deep perineal fascia has been examined ; this cannot be done until the contents of the space inclosed by it and the deep fascia have been dissected. The remaining portions of the fascia are to be reflected laterally, and their attachments to the rami of the ischia and pubes observed. The super- ficial and transverse perineal vessels and nerves should now bs examined. The superficial perineal artery, Fig. 194 (i i ), enters this space just below the transversus perinei muscle, and passes for- wards along the inner border of the erector penis muscle. It is distributed to the perineum and scrotum. The transverse per meal artery. Fig. 194 (i i), arises sometimes DISSECTION OF THE PEKINEUM. 463 from the internal pudic, and sometimes from the preceding artery. It accompanies the transversus perinei muscle to the Fig. 196. THE STRUCTURES CONTAINED BETWEEN THE TWO LAYERS OP THE DEEP PERINEA^ FASCIA. 1. The symphysis pubis. 2, 2. The rarai of the pubes and ischia. 3, 3. The tuberosities of the ischia. 4. A triangular portion of the superficial fascia turned down, and shown to be continuous with the deep fascia (6, 6, 6). 5, 5. Two portions of the superficial perineal fascia reflected laterally, showing its connec- tion to the raini of the pubes and ischia. 6, 6, 6. The posterior layer of the deep perineal fascia, the anterior layer having been removed. 7. The membranous por- tion of the urethra cut across. 8. The superior fasciculus of the compressor urethrae muscle of one side. 9. The inferior layer of the compressor urethrae. The two fasciculi (8) and (9) constitute Guthrie's muscle of one side. 10. The pubic por- tions of the comprepsores urethrae, or Wilson's muscles. 11. Cowper's glands, partly embraced by the inferior layer of the compressor urethrse muscle. 12. The internal pudic artery passing anteriorly to the origin of the compressor urethrae. 13. The artery of the bulb. 14. The artery of the corpus cavernosum. 15. The arteria dorsalis penis. perineal centre, supplying the integument and muscles in front of the anus. The direction of this artery should be particularly observed. The nerves have the same course and distribution as the arteries, which they for the most part accompany. After removing the vessels and nerves just examined, and also the adipose substance and areolar tissue, of which a con- siderable quantity is usually found in this space, the follow- ing muscles will be exposed and should be carefully studied. A thin aponeurotic fascia, which must not be confounded with the superficial perineal fascia, will be found investing 464 OF THE PELVIS. and forming for each of them a sheath; it is connected pos- teriorly with the deep perineal fascia. The ERECTOR PENIS, Fig. 193 (e), occupies the outer por- tion of the space.* It arises, tendinous and fleshy, from the tuberosity and ramus of the ischium and the ramus of the pubes, passes upwards and forwards, and is inserted into the corresponding crus of the penis. It draws the crus down- wards and backwards, and probably facilitates the erection of the penis. The ACCELERATOR URIN^E, Fig. 193 (5), is situated to the inner side of the preceding muscle. It arises from the peri- neal centre, and from the raphe which extends forwards in the median line from the centre. Its posterior fibres pass upwards and forwards, embracing the bulb, and are inserted into the deep perineal fascia; the middle are inserted into a thin tendon above the urethra which is common to the ac- celeratores muscles; and the anterior fibres terminate in a ten- dinous expansion on the side and dorsum of the penis. Its action is to compress the urethra. The TRANSVERSUS PERINEI, Fig. 193 (7), is a small muscle which arises from the inner side of the tuberosity of the ischium, near the commencement of the origin of the erector penis, and is inserted into the perineal centre. It is frequently absent. Its action is to assist in keeping the centre of the perineum fixed ; and it may, from the direction of its fibres, tend to draw it slightly upwards and backwards. A fasci- culus of fibres is sometimes met with here which has been denominated the transversus perinei alter. When present, this small muscle is usually situated deeper than the trans- versus perinei, being covered in by a thin layer of the deep perineal fascia. It arises from the rami of the ischium and pubes, and is inserted into the side of the bulb. It is not unusual to find irregular fasciculi of fibres in this space ; sometimes apparently belonging to the transversus perinei, and again to the accelerator urinae, or levator ani. These muscles may now be raised, but not detached so that they cannot be replaced and viewed with reference to cutting down upon the membranous portion of the urethra. The bulb of the corpus spongiosum should be carefully separated from the perineal centre without destroying the deep perineal fascia at this point. A triangular space will DISSECTION OF THE PEKINEUM. 465 be observed on each side of the bulb, at the bottom of which the triangular ligament or deep perineal fascia will be dis- tinctly seen ; by seizing hold of that portion of the super- ficial perineal fascia which was reflected backwards, and making it tense, its connection with the deep fascia will be made clear. The tendency of urine when it has escaped from the urethra into this space, to pass forwards into the scrotum instead of passing backwards into the ischio-rectal fossaB, will now appear evident. The artery of the bulb, Fig. 194 (i 3), should now be sought. It arises from the internal pudic between the two layers of the Fig. 197. A DEEPER DISSECTION THAN THAT REPRESENTED IN FIG. 195, THE PERINEAL MUSCLES BEING REMOVED AND ALSO THE FAT IN THE ISCHIO-RECTAL FOSS.E. a, a. Superficial perineal fascia. 6. Accelerators urinae. c, c. Crura penis, d. The bulb. e. Deep perineal fascia. /,/. Levatores ani, and inferior hemorrhoidal arte- ries and nerves, g. Sphincter ani. h, h. Tuberosities of ischia. k, k. Glutei inax- irai. *. Cowper's gland of the left side, and the artery of the bulb just in front of it. 1. Internal pudic artery. 2, 2. Superficial perineal arteries and nerves. deep fascia at a point nearly opposite to the bulb. It is rea- dily found by cautiously dividing the layer that covers it at the inner side of the corresponding crus penis and reflecting 466 OF THE PELVIS. it to the bulb. The internal pudic itself may be exposed at the same time in this part of its course ; it is partly con- cealed by the crus, and the ramus of the ischiuni. The artery of the bulb is distributed to the corpus spongiosum, being directed, after entering it from behind forwards. It will now be seen that this artery, together with the transverse perineal and the inferior hemorrhoidal, has a transverse direction. The transverse perineal is necessarily divided in the lateral operation for stone in the bladder, while the artery of the bulb is avoided by not cutting too far forwards, and the hemorrhoidal by not extending the incision too far backwards in the ischio-rectal fossa. The superficial perineal artery may or may not be cut in this operation. The position of the internal pudic may be noticed at this time with reference to the same operation. It will be observed that it lies on the outside of both the ischio-rectal fossa and the triangular space between the bulb and the crus penis, so that, occupying its normal position, it should never be cut in entering the bladder through the perineum. The arteries of this region are subject to variations as they are in every other part of the body. Instead of one there may be two arteries of the bulb ; or this artery may be a branch of some other than the internal pudic. There may be several hemorrhoidal branches, when the one situated anteriorly would almost necessarily be cut in the lateral operation for stone. The GLANDS OF COWPER, Fig. 197 (*), should now be ex- amined. There are two of them. They are situated, each one just behind and a little below the bulb, being inclined a little to the side of it. Each is about the size of a pea, although they vary much in this respect. They have no proper capsules, but are placed between the two layers of the deep perineal fascia. They will be found by extending the dissection that was made for exposing the artery of the bulb a little deeper and further backwards. They are usually covered below by some fibres belonging to the muscles of Guthrie. Their excretory ducts open into the urethra, as was mentioned in the description of that organ. The student should not be discouraged if he does not find them in his first dissection of these parts. A third gland, situated below the arch of the pubes, and close to Cowper's glands, has been DISSECTION OF THE PEKINEUM. 467 described, and called the gland of Litre, and named by Litre the anti-prostatic gland. Before proceeding to dissect the upper cavity or pocket, it will be well to examine the deep perineal fascia, immediately below the arch of the pubes, and also the levator ani muscle. The first may be done by dividing the corpus spongiosum and the urethra about an inch anterior to the bulb, and dissecting them up as far back as the point where the urethra perforates the fascia. A catheter or bougie should be intro- duced into the urethra where it has been divided, and carried into the bladder. When this is done, the deep perineal fascia will be seen attached above to the symphysis pubis, laterally to the rami of the pubes ; and below, it will be seen perfo- rated by the membranous portion of the urethra. From its shape and structure it has been called the triangular liga- ment. It consists of two layers, separated by the sub-pubic ligament. Only one of these can now be seen. By means of this dense fibrous membrane the urethra, which perforates it about three-fourths of an inch below the symphysis pubis, is at this point firmly fixed in its position. This fact should be carefully observed with reference to the introduction of instruments through the urethra into the bladder. Before examining the levator ani muscle, the continuity of the deep perineal fascia with the superficial perineal, the ob- turator, and the levator fasciae should be attentively studied ; also its connection with the perineal centre. Thus far in the dissection no part of these fasciae has been cut away or de- stroyed so as to prevent a review of them being made, which is essential to a thorough understanding of them. To examine the levator ani muscle, the lower part of the rectum should be slightly drawn down and pushed to one side, while some portions of the fasciae just alluded to, including the whole of the levator, must be removed. The LEVATOR ANI, Fig. 193 (9), is a thin, broad muscle, placed on the side of the lower part of the rectum. Its origin, commencing at the symphysis pubis, extends back- wards across the obturator foramen to the spine of the ischium. Anteriorly, it arises from the symphysis pubis and from the body of the pubes; posteriorly, from the body and spine of the ischium ; the part of the muscle which corre- sponds to the foramen, arises from the pelvic fascia, where it 468 OF THE PELVIS. splits to form the levator and recto-vesical fasciae; a white line may be seen from the inside of the pelvis corresponding to this line of separation. As the fibres descend, the entire muscle is inclined obliquely inwards, towards the median line of the perineum. The insertion of its fibres extends from the coccyx behind, to the perineal centre in front. Those in the middle part are inserted into the external sphincter and lower part of the rectum; the posterior fibres into the coccyx and a raphe' extending from the coccyx to the anus ; and the anterior fibres into the perineal centre and the rec- tum behind the bulb of the urethra. From the origin and insertion of this muscle, it will be seen that its pelvic surface corresponds to the prostate gland, the neck and lower fundus of the bladder, the vesiculse seminales, and the lower part of the rectum ; and that, when both of the muscles act together, they tend to elevate, and at the same time compress, these organs; and, hence, they co-operate with the abdominal muscles in the evacuation of the fseces, the urine, and the contents of the seminal vesicles. The upper cavity or pocket is formed by a reflection of the two layers of the deep perineal fascia upwards to join the pelvic fascia on the prostate gland and vesiculae seminales. The muscles of Wilson and Guthrie, or the compressores urethra, are placed between these two layers so as to inclose the membranous portion of the urethra. These two layers of fascia will be better understood when the muscles just mentioned have been described. The COMPKESSOKES, or LEVATOKES UKETHK^E, Fig. 196 (s, 9, i o), are composed of two sets of fibres. Those which compose the muscle of Guthrie arise on each side by a short tendon from the ramus of the ischium near where it joins the ramus of the pubes, and, passing transversely inwards, divide into two layers, each of which is inserted into a raphe', the one above and the other below the membranous portion of the urethra, extending from the bulb to the prostate gland. Those described by Wilson form on each side a small fas- ciculus, which arises by a narrow tendon from the back part of the symphysis pubis about midway between the anterior ligaments of the bladder and the pubic arch, and, passing downwards, is inserted into the muscle of Guthrie. Both of these muscles are fan-shaped, being broader at their insertion DISSECTION OF THE PERINEUM. 469 than at their origin. Their fibres are so intermixed with spongy tissue, adipose substance, and bloodvessels, that it is often difficult to obtain a clear and satisfactory view of them ; and the difficulty is not unfrequently augmented by the blood that escapes from the vessels which are divided; they are also very feebly developed in some subjects; so that if the student does not succeed, in his first attempt to expose these muscles, in getting so distinct a view of them as he might expect from the description given of them in books, he should not be discouraged. In the whole body there is, perhaps, no other region in the dissection of which so much depends for success upon the character of the subject, as the perineum. If the subject be very fat, or the veins distended with blood, or the muscles pale and feebly developed, it is almost impossible for any one to make a satisfactory dissection or demonstra- tion of the parts found in this region. As the membranous portion of the urethra is placed between the two layers of the muscle of Guthrie, it will be compressed when that muscle contracts ; it may also be drawn downwards, which, however, is counteracted by the action of the muscle of Wilson, which tends to draw it upwards. The action of the latter seems to be in part to steady the former. The glands of Cowper are compressed by the lower fibres of the muscles of Guthrie. A thin layer of fascia will be found separating the posterior fibres of the muscle of Guthrie from the anterior fibres of the levator ani. This intermediate fascia is best observed by carefully removing the anterior fasciculi of the levator before the muscle of Guthrie has been disturbed. Like all other intermuscular septa or sheaths of muscles, it varies very much in thickness in different subjects. Besides the compressores urethras muscles there will be found surrounding the membranous portion of the urethra an erectile, elastic fibrous tissue, also several veins or a plexus of veins. The dorsal veins of the penis, after perforating the sub-pubic ligament and deep perineal fascia, pass through this region close to the arch of the pubes, Fig. 198 (14), to reach the vesico-prostatic plexus of veins. Before proceeding further with the dissection upwards, the upper surface of the pelvic fascia must be exposed by the removal of the peritoneum and the subperitoneal areolar tissue ; which can be done by partly tearing and partly dis- secting them oft'. That portion of the pelvic fascia which 40 470 OF THE PELVIS. corresponds to the ischio-rectal fossa was noticed in the examination of that fossa. It was then seen how the levator and obturator fascias joined the pelvic ; it now remains to be Fig. 198. A SIDE VIEW OP THE VISCERA OP THE PELVIS, SHOWING THE DISTRIBUTION OP THE PERINEAL AND PELVIC FASCIAE. 1. The symphysis pubis. 2. The bladder. 3, 3. The recto-vesical fold of peritoneum, passing from the anterior surface of the rectum to the posterior part of the bladder; from the upper part of the fundus of the bladder it is reflected upon the abdominal parietes. 4. The ureter. 5. The vas deferens crossing the direction of the ureter. 6. The vesicula seminalis of the right side. 7, 7. The prostate gland. 8, 8. The section of a ring of elastic tissue encircling the prostatic portion of the urethra at its commencement. 9. The pros- tatic portion of the urethra. 10. The membranous portion, inclosed by the com- pressor urethrse muscle. 11. The commencement of the corpus spongiosum penis, the bulb. 12. The anterior ligaments of the bladder. 13. The edge of the pelvic fascia at the point where it is reflected upon the rectum. 14. An interval between the pelvic fascia and deep perineal fascia, occupied by a plexus of veins. 15. The deep perineal fascia; its two layers. 16. Cowper's gland of the right side. 17. The superficial perineal fascia, ascending in front of the root of the penis to become continuous with the dartos of the scrotum (18). 19. The layer of the deep fascia which is prolonged to the rectum. 20. The lower part of the levator ani; its fibres are concealed by the anal fascia. 21. The inferior segment of the funnel-shaped process given oif from the posterior layer of the deep perinenl fascia, which is continuous with the recto-vesical fascia of Tyrrell. The attachment of this fascia to the recto-vesical fold of peritoneum is seen at 22. noticed, in the first place, how the two layers of the deep perineal fascia, which are placed, as has been seen, the one above and the other below the muscles of Guthrie, in- cluding also the membranous portion of the urethra, join the pelvic fascia. This junction takes place around the neck of the bladder, and usually on the sides of the prostate gland just below the neck. If we examine the layer placed above the muscles, we shall find that it joins the pelvic fascia DISSECTION OF THE PERINEUM. 471 through the medium of the anterior ligaments of the bladder, which may be regarded as portions of the pelvic fascia. The layer which is placed below the same muscles, after covering their under surface, is reflected to the sides of the prostate gland and the neck of the bladder, where it joins the pelvic fascia just behind the anterior ligaments of the bladder; so that we find three fascise or layers of fascia, uniting on the sides of the prostate and the fore part of the neck of the bladder, forming a conjoined fascia of the pelvic and deep perineal fascice. The lower layer of the deep pe- rineal fascia is not only reflected over the sides of the pros- tate, but passes upwards over its lower surface, and also over the vesiculae seminales so as to inclose them. Fig. 199. A TRANSVERSE VERTICAL SECTION OP THE PELVIS, SHOWING THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE PELVIC FASCIA. 1. The bladder. 2. The vesicula seminalis of one side, divided across. 3. The rectum. 4. The iliac fascia, covering in the iliacus and psoas muscles (5), and forming a sheath for the external iliac vessels (6). 7. The anterior crural nerve, excluded from the sheath. 8. The pelvic fascia. 9. Its as- cending layer, forming the lateral ligament of the bladder of one side, and a sheath to the vesical plexus of veins. 10. The recto-vesical fascia of Tyrrell, formed by the middle layer. 11. The inferior layer surrounding the rectum and meeting at the middle line with the fascia of the opposite side. 12. The levator ani muscle. 13. The obturator internus muscle, covered in by the obturator fascia, which also forms a sheath for the internal pudic vessels and nerve (14). 15. The layer of fascia which invests the under surface of the levator ani muscle, the anal fascia. The junction of the deep perineal and pelvic fascias around the prostate gland and neck of the bladder is very important when viewed with reference to cutting into the bladder through the perineum. It is by means of this con- 472 OF THE PELVIS. nection that the cavity of the abdomen is protected against effusions of urine in cutting for stone. The pelvic fascia, where it is reflected from the parietes of the pelvis to join the deep perineal on the sides of the prostate gland and neck of the bladder, forms, together with this fascia, a complete septum between the abdominal cavity and the space in which the incision is made in cutting for stone. The pelvic fascia may join the deep perineal so low down as to leave hardly space sufficient for making the necessary incision without wounding the fascia where it is covered by peritoneum. We have seen one instance in which it appeared to us that it would be almost impossible to avoid wounding the perito- neum in making an incision sufficiently large to remove an ordinary sized calculus. The higher up the junction be- tween the pelvic and deep perineal fasciae takes place, the less danger there will be of injury being done to the perito- neum. What are sometimes called the lateral ligaments of the bladder are those portions of the pelvic fascia which are reflected from the walls of the pelvis to the sides of the neck of the bladder. They are placed just behind the anterior ligaments. All the fasciae, or the different layers of fasciae belonging to the genito-urinary apparatus, and several connected with the lower part of the alimentary canal having now been examined, it will be observed that these fasciae are not only continuous with each other, but they can be traced from the pelvic fascia commencing above just as well as from the triangular ligament or deep perineal fascia commencing below ; and this should be done by the student. Commencing with the pelvic fascia and tracing it down- wards from its origin at the brim of the pelvis, the student, after having dissected the perineum and studied the pelvic viscera, will have little or no difficulty in understanding its connections with other fasciae, and its relations to the pelvic organs. Anteriorly he will observe the manner in which it is reflected to the neck of the bladder, and to the sides of the prostate gland, forming the anterior and lateral ligaments of the bladder, and also a sheath for the anterior portion of the vesical plexus of veins; also the manner in which it is con- tinuous downwards and forwards with the layers of the deep perineal fascia, as they are placed, one above and the other below the muscles of Wilson and Guthrie. When the at- tachments of the deep perineal fascia to the arch of the DISSECTION OF THE PERINEUM. 473 pubes and the rami of the ischia, and of the pelvic fascia to the brim of the pelvis, and then the manner in which these fasciae are joined to each other and are connected with the neck of the bladder, the prostate gland, and the membranous portion of the urethra, are observed, it would seem to be impossible for any displacement of these organs to occur. In tracing the middle portion of the pelvic fascia, it will be observed that it is reflected between the rectum and bladder to join the fascia of the opposite side, thus forming what is called the recto-vesical fascia, Fig. 199 (10), and behind this, to the sides of the rectum, in the same way as it was anteriorly to the neck of the bladder. The recto-vesical fascia has been called the fascia of Tyrrell. It is reflected upwards on the bladder in front, and on the rectum behind, becoming more and more attenuated until it disappears on the parietes of these organs. As it is reflected on the bladder it splits to form a sheath for the posterior part of the vesical plexus of veins, Fig. 199 (9). Below, it is joined by the deep perineal fascia which is continued up behind the prostate gland and the vesiculas seminales, splitting to form a sheath for the last named bodies, Fig. 199 (2). Where the pelvic fascia is re- flected to the rectum, a layer proceeds downwards as far as the insertion of the levator ani muscle, separating this mus- cle from the rectum ; this is continuous anteriorly with the deep perineal fascia behind the prostate gland and vesiculaa seminales. As the anterior part of the pelvic fascia is continuous with two layers which belong to the perineum, so is the middle portion of it; these are the levator and obturator fascias. The levator fascia is given off from the obturator rather than from the pelvic fascia ; the continuity, however, remains the same. A line having an antero-posterior direc- tion is observed at or just above the origin of the levator fascia ; it is caused by a thickening of the fascia, and gives strength to the upper attachment of the middle portion of the levator ani muscle. When it is remembered that the levator and obturator fasciae are connected to the layer which joins the deep with the superficial perineal fascia in front of the ischio-rectal fossa, the connection of the two last-named fascise with the middle portion of the pelvic fascia will be readily seen. The posterior part of the pelvic fascia passes behind the 474 FEMALE OKGANS OF GENERATION. rectum, dividing into two layers ; one for the rectum, which is continuous anteriorly with the layers given off from the middle part of the pelvic fascia ; the other passes between the sacral plexus of nerves and the branches of the internal iliac vessels, which appear to be furnished with sheaths from this fascia ; it is finally lost in dense areolar tissue on the an- terior surface of the sacrum. Between the coccygeus and the levator ani muscles the levator fascia is joined to the pelvic by a thin lamina, thus completing the cavity which contains the levator ani muscle. From the arrangement of the fasciae or aponeuroses in the perineum and pelvis, the term perineo-pelvic fascia might with propriety be applied to them generally. It may be observed that the fascia which arises from the anterior and lateral portions of the brim of the pelvis is continuous all around with those which have their origin from the borders of the lower strait of the pelvis, and that in passing from one border to the other they inclose certain organs so as to keep them in situ, or they send off processes which are attached to the organs contained in the central part of the pelvis. SECT. IV. DISSECTION OF THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. The genital organs in the female differ so essentially from the corresponding ones in the male, that a separate examination of them is necessary. It is of the utmost im- portance that the student, before he commences this dissection, should make himself familiar with the appearance of all the parts within the reach of inspection. The vagina should be carefully cleansed by means of a syringe, and afterwards the finger should be introduced into it, for the purpose of touch- ing the os tincse in situ, of ascertaining its distance from the exernal orifice of the vagina, and how far the finger must be introduced in order to reach it, so as to be able to judge fairly of its condition. This should be practised after the cavity of the abdomen has been opened, so that the relations of the vagina to that cavity may be observed. The relation that exists between the vagina and the peritoneum is exceedingly important ; every student should observe this for himself. The introduction of the speculum into the vagina, and of a FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. 475 probe or bougie into the os uteri, may be practised in the dissecting-room to considerable advantage. It is, perhaps, equally important to become familiar with the parts involved in carrying an instrument through the urethra into the blad- der. The student should observe for himself what points he could rely on to guide him in conducting the catheter to the meatus urinarius, and thence into the bladder. It has happened that through the neglect of acquiring the necessary familiarity with the exact position of the external orifice of the urethra, and its relations to the surrounding parts, the young phy- sician has been subjected to feelings of chagrin and mortifi- cation, in consequence of his having failed to introduce the catheter the first time he attempted it in his practice; or if he has not failed, he has been compelled to make an im- proper exposure of the person of his patient in order to succeed. One or two hours devoted to the examination of these parts, and to the practice of introducing the catheter, in the dissecting-room, will be worth more than all that can be learned from reading books on this subject. The female organs of generation are divided into the external and internal. In the latter are included the uterus, the ovaries, and the Fallopian tubes; in the former, the vagina and the parts that constitute the VULVA, which are the mons veneris, the labia majora and minora, the anterior and posterior commissures, the fourchette, the fossa navicularis, the clitoris, the vestibule, the meatus urinarius, the hymen, and the carun- culce myrtiformes. All these parts should be carefully in- spected in situ. The MONS YENERIS, Fig. 200 (3), is an eminence placed in front of the symphysis pubis and the pubic bones. It is formed by areolar tissue and adipose substance, situated be- neath the integument, which in adult life is covered with hair. The LABIA MAJORA, Fig. 200 (i, i), are situated below the mons veneris, one on each side of the rima, or the fissure that leads to the vagina. Each consists of a fold of the integument, which contains a substance resembling the dar- tos in the male, areolar tissue and fat, besides vessels, nerves and sebaceous follicles. Its free border is round, and thicker than its attached border; it is also thicker above than be- low. Its external surface is continuous with the skin and covered with hair, while its internal surface is continuous 476 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. with the mucous membrane of the vagina, so that the skin blends with the mucous membrane on its free border. The rima or opening between them has an elliptical form. The labia become exceedingly attenuated during parturition, but very soon recover their natural form and condition. From the quantity of loose areolar tissue which they contain, they are very liable to serous infiltration. The ANTERIOR and POSTERIOR COMMISSURES are situated, the former at the anterior junction of the labia majores, and the latter, Fig. 201 (e), at their posterior junction. They are merely the extremities of the rima vulva3. The FOURCHETTE or FR^NULUM LABIORUM, Fig. 200 (2), is a small duplicature of the mucous membrane placed a Fig. 200. A VIEW OF THE EXTERNAL ORGANS or GENERATION IN THE VIRGIN THE VULVA BEING PARTIALLY OPEN. 1, 1. Labia majora. 2. Fourchette. 3. Mons veneris. 4. Prepuce of the clitoris around the glans clitoridis. 5. Vestibule. 6, 6. The nymphae. 7, 8. The hymen, open in its central portion and surrounding the infe- rior extremity of the vagina. 9. The perineum. 10. The anus. short distance behind the posterior commissure. It is fre- quently lacerated and destroyed during the first parturition. The FOSSA NAVICULARIS is a small depression situated between the posterior commissure and the fourchette. The LABIA MINORA or NYMPHS, Fig. 200 (e,e), are folds of the mucous membrane placed within the labia majora. If they be traced from below, they will be found to com- mence, one on each side, near the middle of the junction FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. 477 of the labia majora with the vagina and to extend upwards, gradually increasing in size and approaching each other. About three-fourths of an inch below the anterior com- missure each one bifurcates, or divides into two folds, an upper and a lower, which unite in the median line with those of the opposite side. The duplicature formed by the junction of the two upper folds constitutes the preputium clitoridis, Fig. 200 (4), while that formed by the two lower joins the glans clitoridis, or the anterior and lower part of the clitoris; it seems to correspond to the frasnum of the pre- puce of the penis. The nymphse vary very much in size in different persons; sometimes they are seen projecting beyond the labia majora, and then again they are so small that they can hardly be recognized as distinct bodies. They contain numerous small sebaceous follicles. The CLITORIS, Fig. 203 (7), corresponds to the penis in the male. It is placed below and in front of the symphysis pubis between the labia majora and above the urethra. It resembles somewhat in its formation the penis. It has two corpora cavernosa, which are connected by their crura to the rami of the ischia and pubes. It has no corpus spongiosum although it has a glans, which is situated on the anterior ex- tremities of the corpora cavernosa ; it is composed of erectile tissue. The corpora cavernosa are formed, nearly of the same tis- sues as the corresponding bodies in the penis. Each crus has a muscle resembling in its origin and insertion the erec- tor penis. It is called the erector clitoridis, Fig. 203 (e). The clitoris, also, has a suspensory ligament. The clitoris, like the nymphas, varies greatly in size. It is said to have be- come very much enlarged under the influence of certain habits, such as constant titillation. The VESTIBULE, Fig. 200 (s), is a smooth triangular surface, bounded laterally by the nymphs, below by the meatus urinarius, and above by the inferior folds of the nymphae. This space should be observed with reference to the introduction of the catheter; for when this surface is found, there will usually be but little difficulty in determin- ing the exact position of the orifice of the urethra. The MEATUS URINARIUS, Fig. 205 (7), or external orifice of 478 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. the urethra is situated in the median line and midway between the nymphae and just above the upper projecting edge of the vagina. It is surrounded by a slight elevation or ridge formed by the mucous membrane, and, beneath this, by a band of fibres which cause a slight constriction. It is gene- rally closed. The HYMEN, Fig. 200 (7,8), consists of a fold of mucous membrane placed at the entrance of the vagina. It varies in shape, being sometimes crescentic with the concavity looking upwards ; and, again, consisting of a transverse band with an opening above and below it ; or it may form a ring having an opening in the centre with a fringed margin. It may en- tirely close the external orifice of the vagina so as to prevent the escape of the menstrual discharge. It is very rarely met with in the dissecting-room. Its absence does not afford any certain evidence of the loss of virginity. The CARUNCULJE MYRTIFORMES, Fig. 201 (2 5, 2 s), are the remains of the hymen. They consist of small reddish bodies attached to the sides and the lower part of the opening into the vagina. VAGINA. The VAGINA is placed between the vulva and the uterus, being from four and a half to five and a half inches in length ; as it is curved, with the concavity looking forwards, its pos- terior wall is somewhat longer than the anterior. Its anterior wall corresponds to the bladder and urethra, while the pos- terior wall corresponds to the cavity of the peritoneum, the rectum, and the perineum. Its axis corresponds to that of the lower part of the pelvis. It is larger above than below ; in this respect it is the reverse of the rectum. Its anterior and posterior walls are in apposition, although in drawings they are represented as separated some distance from each other. The cervix of the uterus projects into it at its upper extremity, the posterior lip more than the anterior. _This results from its attachment to the uterus being a little higher behind than before. It is lined by a vascular mucous membrane. Transverse rugce are observed on its upper and lower surfaces. These do not, like the rugsa of mucous membranes generally, disap- VAGINA. 479 pear when the organ is distended. They are more numerous on the superior than the inferior wall, and are more distinct in the infant than in the adult. There is a longitudinal ridge Fig. 201. VIEW OF THE UTERUS, OVARIES, FALLOPIAN TUBES, HOUND LIGAMENTS, VA- GINA AND VULVA 1. Anterior face of the uterus covered by the peritoneum. 2. Its fundus. 3. One of its superior lateral angles near the origin of the Fallopian tubes. 4. Side of the uterus. 5, 5. Its neck embraced by the upper end of the vagina. 6, 6, 6, 6, 6. The broad ligaments. 7, 7. The ovaries drawn up by hooks above their natural position. 8, 8. The ligaments which unite the ovaries to the uterus. 9, 9. Fallopian tubes. 10, 10. Enlargement near their extremities. 11, 11. Their trumpet-shaped mouths. 12, 12. The pavilions. 13, 13, 13, 13. Corpora fim- briata. 14, 14. Portions of the fimbriated processes running to the ovaries. 15. Section of one of the round ligaments. 16, 16, 16, 16. A longitudinal section of the vagina. 17, 17. External surface of the vagina. 18, 18. Its internal anterior parietes. 19. Longitudinal lines forming a sort of raph6 on its posterior wall. 20, 20. Transverse wrinkles or folds. 21. Anterior lip of the os uteri. 22. Its pos- terior lip. 23. Os uteri externum. 24. Perineum. 25, 25. Carunculsa myrtiforraes drawn out. 26. Posterior commissure of the vulva forcibly drawn out. 27. The anus. 28. Labium majus everted. 29, 29. The two halves of the clitoris and the labia minora forcibly separated. The rectum, cut off and tied, is seen behind; the bladder and other parts have been removed in front. in the median line of both the upper and the lower wall. These are named the columns of the vagina, Fig. 201 (19). The mucous membrane is covered by a squamous epithelium. It contains numerous follicles and papillae, especially near its external orifice. It is continued into the uterus above, and 480 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. prolonged downwards to be lost in the skin on the labia majora. Besides the mucous membrane the walls of the vagina contain a layer of erectile tissue inclosed in two quite thick Fig. 202. FRONT VIEW OF THE ERECTILE STRUCTURES OF THE EXTERNAL ORGANS OF GENE- RATION IN THE FEMALE. a. Bulbus vestibuli. 6. Sphincter vaginae muscle, e, e. Venous plexus. /. Glans of the clitoris, g. Connecting veins, h. Dorsal vein of the clitoris, k. Veins going beneath pubes. L The obturator vein. layers of fibrous structure, and outside of these a layer similar to the dartos in the scrotum of the male. The erec- tile tissue is more abundant near the external orifice than above near the uterus. The lulbi vestibuli, Fig. 202 (a), are situated, one on each side, at the lower part of the vagina, between it and the nymphae and vestibule. They are sup- posed to be analogous to the bulb of the corpus spongiosum of the penis. Each is about an inch in length. They are covered by the mucous membrane. The anterior wall is thicker than the posterior, especially in the median line, where the urethra is imbedded in it. The peritoneum descends between the rectum and vagina, Fig. 205, so as to cover about one-fourth of the posterior wall of the latter organ. The parietes of the vagina are very VAGINA. 481 distensible, as is shown in parturition. A part of the fibres of the levatores ani muscles, Fig. 203 (4), are spread out on the sides of the vagina. The SPHINCTER VAGINAE MUSCLE, Fig. 203 (2), surrounds the vagina close to its external orifice. It is exposed by re- moving the integument from the perineum and labia majora. Its fibres arise from the centre of the perineum, and, passing upwards and forwards on the sides of the vagina, are inserted into the corpora cavernosa of the clitoris, some fibres passing on to the suspensory ligament. This muscle is narrow at its origin and insertion, but spreads out on the parietes of the vagina. It corresponds to the ejaculator urinag in the penis. Its action is to constrict the anterior orifice of the vagina. It also compresses the glands of Bartholine or the vulva-vaginal glands, two small bodies situated, one on each side, between Fig. 203. A VIEW OF THE MUSCLES OF THE PERINEUM IN THE FEMALE. 1. Tuber iscbii. 2. Sphincter vaginae. 3,3. Its insertion into the clitoris. 4. Vaginal ring of the same muscle, which receives a part of the fibres of the levator ani. 5. Intercrossing of the sphincter ani and sphincter vaginae muscles at the perineal centre. 6. Erector clitoridis. 7. The clitoris, covered by its prepuce. 8. Transversus perinei muscle. 9. Sphincter ani. 10. Levator ani. 11. The gracilis. 12. Adductor magnus. 13. Posterior part of the gluteus inaximus. 41 482 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. the vagina and the erector clitoridis. They open by small ducts, about half an inch in length, close to the lateral and posterior caruncula3, by which they are usually concealed. The vulva is supplied with arteries derived principally from the internal and external pudic. The vagina receives branches from the internal pudic and uterine. Besides the veins that correspond to the arteries, there are several plexuses, belonging both to the vulva and the vagina. Those of the vulva communicate with the vaginal, and these again with the hemorrhoidal. The vaginal are quite large; they are found on both sides of the vagina. The attention of the student should be directed especially to the great vascularity of these parts, and its influence on the pathological condition of them. The URETHRA, Fig. 205 (e), should be examined in con- nection with the anterior wall of the vagina. It is from one to one and a half inches in length, and corresponds to the membranous portion of the male urethra. Its direction is downwards and forwards. It is lined by mucous membrane which presents longitudinal folds and mucous crypts. The mucous membrane is surrounded by a layer of spongy erec- tile tissue, and this again by a muscular layer of circular fibres. Some of the longitudinal fibres of the bladder are prolonged into the walls of the urethra. It is susceptible of considerable dilatation, which greatly facilitates the removal of calculi from the bladder. It is in relation, above, with the crura of the clitoris, with the anterior ligaments of the bladder, and a plexus of veins. It perforates the deep peri- neal fascia, and also passes between its layers. The muscles of Wilson and Guthrie have the same arrangement, as they have in the male. The perineum should be examined with reference to the support it affords to the parts placed above it, and also with reference to parturition. It is wedge-shaped ; the thick end or base corresponds to the integument, while the thin end is lost in the recto-vaginal septum. The bladder. Fig. 205 (4), in the female has the same struc- ture as in the male. It differs somewhat in its shape, being usually larger and more globular. This, however, may be owing to pregnancy, and to the habits of the sex, or the cir- cumstances which surround the female. The uvula vesicse is not quite so large as in the male, which favors the dis- UTERUS. 483 charge of calculi from the bladder before they have acquired too great a size. UTERUS. The uterus, Fig. 204, is placed in the upper and central part of the pelvis, between the bladder and the rectum, being inclined forwards in those who have not borne children, so as to form an angle with the vagina. As seen in the dissect- ing room, it has, perhaps, in a large majority of cases, under- gone some displacement, being most frequently inclined backwards. It does not reach the brim of the pelvis, and is frequently observed to be very much below it. A large portion of it is invested by peritoneum, which covers the fundus, the whole of the posterior and the upper three- fourths of the anterior surface, the remaining fourth being in contact with the bladder. The parts covered by the peri- toneum present a free surface, which is constantly in appo- sition with another surface covered by peritoneum. The lower extremity projects into, and is embraced by, the vagina, which is attached to it higher up posteriorly than anteriorly. Each border below the fundus has attached to it the broad ligament which extends, laterally, to the sacro- iliac symphysis, and, with the uterus and the corresponding ligament on the opposite side, divides the pelvic cavity trans- versely into two culs-de-sac. Between the layers which form this fold of peritoneum, are found the round ligament, the ovarian ligament, and the Fallopian tube. The relative position of each of these parts should be noticed. Where they are attached to the uterus the Fallopian tube is placed above the other two, and partly between them, while the ovarian ligament is situated a little lower than the round ligament. The round ligament, or ligamentum teres, Fig. 201 (s), passes outwards, upwards, and forwards, to the inguinal canal, through which it passes to reach the mons veneris and the corresponding labium majus, with which it becomes blended. It is surrounded by a layer of peritoneum, which forms what is called the canal of Nuck. It is composed of a venous plexus, of arteries, of a plexus of nerves, and of muscular fibres. Its use is said to be to support the uterus, and to assist in keeping it in the axis of the pelvic cavity. It is very evident, from its size and structure, that it cannot con- 484 FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. tribute much, if any, to this purpose. It may place in direct sympathetic relation the uterus with the external organs. The ovarian ligament Fig. 204 (p), is about two inches in length. It is composed of fibro-muscular tissue, and passes outwards to be inserted into the ovary. It retains the ovary in situ. The Fallopian tube, Fig. 204 (s), extends laterally towards the brirn of the pelvis. It is from four to five or six inches Fig. 204. POSTERIOR VIEW OP THE UTERUS AND ITS APPENDAGES, THE CAVITY OF THE UTERUS BEING SHOWN BY THE REMOVAL OP ITS POSTERIOR WALL, AND THE VAGINA BEING LAID OPEN. a. Fundus, 6, body, and c, cervix of the uterus laid open. The arbor vitse is shown in the cervix; at the constriction just above it is the os uteri internura. d. The os uteri externum. e. The interior of the upper part of the vagina. /. Section of the walls of the uterus, i. Opening into right Fallopian tube, o, o. Ovaries, p, p. Ligaments of ovaries, r. Broad ligament, s, s. Fallo- pian tubes, t, t. Fimbriated extremities. long ; placed in the upper border of the broad ligament, it forms a curve with the concavity looking downwards and a little backwards. Its free extremity is usually observed close to the ovary. When this is examined, it will be found to present a nmbriated arrangement ; this is best seen when it is allowed to float in water. It is also expanded or funnel- shaped, which enables it to grasp a part of the ovary, and to receive with greater certainty the ovum which is about to escape from that body. This end of it has been named the corpus fimbriatum, Fig. 204 (tf), and also the morsus diaboli. The Fallopian tube is composed of a serous or peritoneal, a muscular and a mucous layer. The mucous membrane is con- UTERUS. 485 tirmous at the uterine orifice with the lining membrane of the uterus, and is blended at its free extremity with the peritoneum. It affords the only instance in the body where a mucous and serous membrane are continuous, or where a serous cavity has an external communication. It is covered with ciliated a'nd columnar epithelia ; it also presents longitudinal rugaa or plica3. The muscular layer is a prolongation of the mus- cular tissue of the uterus. It consists of a longitudinal and circular set of fibres. The uterine orifice will be seen when the cavity of the uterus is exposed. The fimbrise are very frequently met with more or less obliterated by adhesions to each other, or to the surrounding parts. The uterus varies in size, and hence its dimensions vary as given by different writers. It is usually from two inches and a half to three inches in length, an inch and a half to two inches in breadth, and about three-fourths rrfnnrln Ch * . 6 a Ine internal pudic artery, Fig. 217 (e , 6 ), another branch of the internal iliac, escapes from the pelvis in company with the sciatic, but leaves it almost immediately to wind around the spine of the ischium, and enter the perineum through the small sacro-sciatic foramen. The GREAT SCIATIC or ISCHIATIC NERVE, Fig. 218(6), is a continuation of the sacral plexus. It is the largest nerve in BACK OF THE THIGH. 1, 1. Posterior saeral nerves. 2. Superior gluteal nerve. 3. The internal pudie nerve . off the perineai cutaneous (pudendaiis longus inferior); and 5. The ramus femoralis cutaneus posterior. 6. The great sciatic nerve. THE GLUTEAL REGION. 517 the body. It leaves the pelvis in company with the sciatic artery and the lesser sciatic nerve, and descends between the trochanter major and ^tuberosity of the ischium to the posterior part of the thigh. Sometimes the whole, or a part of it, perforates the pyriformis muscle. It usually gives off one or more small articular branches to the hip-joint. As it passes over the quadratus femoris, or a little below this muscle, branches are sent off from it to the muscles on the back of the thigh, including the adductor magnus. The lesser sciatic nerve, Fig. & 218 (4), is derived from the sacral plexus. As it leaves the pelvis it lies at the inner side of the great sciatic nerve, but gets behind it as it de- scends to the back part of the thigh. Besides the inferior gluteal nerve, it gives off at the lower part of the gluteus maximus the inferior long pu- dendal nerve. It then conti- nues down the limb to the popliteal region and the upper part of the leg. The inferior pudendal nerve passes for- wards below the tuberosity of the ischium to reach the an- terior part of the scrotum. The internal pudic and the inferior hemorrhoidal nerves, Fig. 218 (3), will be seen at this stage of the dissection, passing around the spine of the ischium and through the small sacro-sciatic foramen to enter, in company with the internal pudic artery, the pe- rineum. The following group of small -muscles may now be examined as they appear in the dissection of this region. 44 Fig. 219. THE BEEP MUSCLES OF THE GLTJTEAL REGION. 1. The external surface of the ilium. 2. The posterior surface of the f=aerura. 3. The posterior sacro-iliac ligaments. 4. The tuberosity of the ischium. 5. The great or posterior sa- cro-sciatic ligament. 6. The small or anterior sacro-sciatic ligament. 7. The trochanter major. 8. The gluteus mi- nimus. 9. The pyriformis. 10. The gemellus superior. 11. The obturator internus, passing out of the lesser sacro-sciatic foramen. 12. The gemellus inferior. 13. The quadratus femoris. 14. The upper part of the adductor mag- nus. 15. The vastus externus. 16. The biceps. 17. The gracilis. 18. The se- ini-tendinosus. 518 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. They will be found to occupy nearly the same plane with each other and with the gluteus minimus, except the obtu- rator externus. Before commencing the dissection of them, the student should be particular to see that the limb is rotated inwards and fastened in this position so that the muscles shall be kept tense. The PYRIFORMIS, Fig. 219 (9), lies along the lower border of the gluteus medius, and not unfrequently some care is re- quired to find the line which separates them. It arises with- in the pelvis from several of the spaces between the anterior sacral foramina and from the contiguous portion of the ilium, also from the great sacro-sciatic ligament. Its fibres con- verge as they pass outwards and somewhat backwards to be inserted by a round tendon into the fossa on the upper and back part of the great trochanter. This muscle is sometimes perforated by the great sciatic nerve, or by a portion of it. The GEMELLUS SUPERIOR, Fig. 219 (i o), is a small muscle placed immediately below the pyriformis. It arises from the spine of the ischium, and, passing horizontally inwards, is inserted into the trochanter major close to the pyriformis. It is sometimes wanting. The GEMELLUS INFERIOR, Fig. 219 ( 2), arises from the tuberosity of the ischium near the attachment of the great sacro-sciatic ligament. It is inserted also into the trochanter major. It is usually larger than the gemellus superior. The OBTURATOR INTERNUS, Fig. 219 (i i), will be found placed between the two gemelli occupying the small sacro- sciatic foramen. The principal part of this muscle is situated within the pelvis, and will require for its complete dissection, as well as that of the pyriformis, a section of the pelvic parietes to be made. It arises from the internal surface of the innominatum around the obturator foramen, from the obturator ligament and from the outer surface of the aponeurosis which covers this muscle. Its fibres converge, pass downwards and out- wards through the small sacro-sciatic foramen and terminate in a tendon, which is inserted into the trochanteric or digital fossa in common with the gemelli. The gemelli, especially the inferior, and the obturator interims are frequently so THE GLUTEAL REGION. 519 blended together for some distance from their insertion as to seem to form but one muscle. With a little care, however, the student will generally be able to separate them with the handle of the scalpel near the small sacro-sciatic foramen. In passing through this foramen the tendon of the obtu- rator is reflected over a trochlear surface, which, as well as the tendon itself, is covered by synovial membrane and kept constantly lubricated with synovial fluid. The QUADRATUS FEMORIS, Fig. 219 (is), situated just be- low the inferior gemellus, arises from the posterior border of the tuberosity of the ischium, and passing horizontally out- wards, is inserted into the linea quadrati, a rough line on the great trochanter. It is a square-shaped muscle, having its fibres nearly parallel to each other. It is separated from the upper border of the adductor magnus by the internal circum- flex artery, which should now be examined in the terminal part of its course. This artery, by its anastomosis with the sciatic, establishes a connection between the profunda femoris and the internal iliac artery. The OBTURATOR EXTERNUS is exposed posteriorly by raising the quadratus femoris. It arises from the -external surface of the obturator ligament, and from the bone around the obturator foramen. Its fibres converge and terminate in a tendon which passes horizontally outwards to be inserted into the lower part of the digital fossa, just below the inser- tion of the gemelli and the obturator intern us. The action of the last six muscles is very similar. They rotate the limb when it is extended, outwards, but abduct it in the sitting posture. When the limb is fixed, as in stand- ing on one foot, they act on the pelvis. In raising these muscles, several small nerves will be ob- served penetrating them. The nerve for the obturator internus arises from the sacral plexus, winds around the spine of the ischium, and passes through the small sacro-sciatic foramen to reach the muscle. The nerve for the quadratus femoris arises from the sacral plexus, passes downwards underneath the gemelli and obtu- rator internus, giving off in its course filaments to the hip- joint. Before terminating in the quadratus femoris, it sends 520 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. a small branch to the gemellus inferior. The gemellns supe- rior receives a nerve directly from the sacral plexus. The obturator externus is supplied with branches from the obturator nerve, which is derived from the third and fourth lumbar nerves. Having completed the dissection of the parts in the glu- teal region, the student should now replace the muscles and study their relations to the hip-joint and to the vessels and nerves. The prominent points which can be seen or felt in this region in the living subject should be observed with re- ference to luxation of the head of the femur and the ligation of the arteries. The exact position of the trochanter major and the tuberosity of the ischium and their relations to the sacrum and ilium, should be carefully noted. It will have been seen that the principal arteries are the gluteal, the sciatic and the internal pudic. The position of each one of these vessels may readily be ascertained by observing its relations to the posterior inferior spinous process of the ilium, the tuberosity of the ischium, and the trochanter. As the dissection of the ligaments of the vertebral column should be made in connection with those of the pelvis, and as this cannot well be done until the external parts of the pelvis have been dissected, the dissection of the hip-joint is included with that of the others. DISSECTION OF THE HIP-JOINT. The hip-joint is formed by the acetabulum of the os inno- minatum and the head of the femur. It is a ball and socket joint. At the lower part of the acetabulum is a notch occu- pied by the ligamentum teres and by the vessels that enter the joint; just above this notch, and in the bottom of the cavity, there is a depression occupied by adipose substance and loose sy no vial membrane ; the rest of the acetabulum is covered by cartilage. The head of the femur forms the seg- ment of about four-fifths of a globe. It is covered by car- tilage, except a small spot just below its centre, which gives attachment to the ligamentum teres. The ligaments of this joint consist of the capsular, the cotyloid, the round, the trans- verse, and the ilio-femoral. The last two scarcely deserve to be DISSECTION OF THE HIP-JOINT. 521 Fig. 220. considered separate ligaments; the transverse properly be- longs to the cotyloid, and the ilio-femoral to the capsular. The CAPSULAR OR ORBICULAR LIGAMENT, Fig. 220 (s), like that of the shoulder-joint, completely surrounds the ar- ticulation ; its fibres are not, however, like those of that liga- ment, intermixed with the tendons of surrounding muscles. Above and in front it is thicker and stronger than it is behind and below. Externally it is composed of longitu- dinal fibres which are parallel to each other, and internally of fibres that run in different directions, and interlace with each other ; by this arrangement of its fibres the strength of the ligament is very much increased. Its superior attach- ment embraces the circum- ference of the acetabulum, from the margin of which, excepting the portion formed by the transverse ligament, its fibres are prolonged for some distance on the bone; its inferior attachment sur- rounds the neck of the femur, but not so as to include the whole of it within the joint ; the principal part excluded is situated between the trochan- ters and above the posterior intertrochanteric ridge. This should be noticed with refer- ence to fractures, as it allows of a fracture of the neck oc- curring partly within and partly without the capsular ligament ; in which case, by proper treatment, osseous union may be obtained. The length of the inner and ment. 3. The ilio-vertebral ligament. Inwpr narf nf tliA lio-ammnf 4 - The anterior sacro-iliac ligament. 5. ITS oi tne ligament The obturator i igame nt. 6. Poupart's IS greater than the distance ligament. 7. Gimbernat's ligament. 8. between the Corresponding The capsular ligament of the hip-joint. n 9. The ilio-femoral or accessory liga-- pomts oi attachment; hence ment. 44* THE LIGAMENTS OP THE PELVIS AND HIP-JOINT. 1. The lower part of the an- terior common ligament of the vertebrae, extending downwards over the front of the sacrum. 2. The sacro- vertebral liga- 522 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. there is generally a looseness in this part of the ligament which admits of a proportionate degree of abduction of the limb. When the capsular ligament is divided, there will be observed fibres, intermixed with areolar tissue, extending from the root of the cervix to the margin of the articular surface of the head of the bone; they seem to be a con- tinuation of the fibres of the capsular ligament reflected over the cervix, for which they form, with the areolar tissue, quite a thick sheath or covering, especially on the upper and anterior part of it. In a fracture of the neck within the capsule this fibro-areolar tissue might, no doubt, contribute largely to the formation of an osseous union. It would not only furnish a nidus in which callus might be formed, but it would be a medium for the transmission of vessels to the head of the bone; in the latter case it would co-operate with the ligamentum teres. The ilio-femoral or accessory ligament, Fig. 220 (9), consists of a fasciculus of fibres, which arises from the anterior infe- rior spinous process of the ilium, passes obliquely downwards and inwards, and, spreading out, is inserted into the anterior intertrochanteric ridge. It strengthens that portion of the capsular ligament to which it corresponds. On the inner side of this fasciculus an opening is sometimes noticed which forms a communication between the bursa that is placed beneath the psoas and iliacus inter nus muscles and the cavity of the joint. The COTYLOID LIGAMENT, Fig. 221 (e), surrounds the margin of the acetabulum or cotyloid cavity. It is of a tri- angular form, presenting three sides ; one of these, the base, is adherent to the bone ; the other two are covered by syno- vial membrane, and correspond, the one with the head of the femur, and the other with the capsular ligament. It is not a proper ligament, but a fibre-cartilage, the cartilage increasing in quantity from the apex or free edge to the base, where there is but little fibrous tissue. It is separated by a groove from the articular cartilage which lines the acetabulum. The fibrous portion of it is continued across the notch at the lower part of the cavity; this part of the cotyloid ligament, together with other fibres that arise from the sides of the notch, constitute the TRANSVERSE LIGAMENT. By means of this arrangement, the notch is converted into a foramen for DISSECTION OF THE HIP-JOINT. 523 the transmission of vessels to the interior of the joint. What is called the transverse ligament is essentially a part of the cotyloid ligament; the addition of a few fibres which interlace with each other, and the fact of its subtending the notch does not entitle it to be considered a distinct ligament. The cotyloid ligament increases the depth of the acetabulum, and diminishes the diameter of its orifice by the edge being in- clined inwards towards the centre; this constriction is seen 221. LIGAMENTS OF THE PELVIS AND HIP-JOINT. THE VIEW is TAKEN FROM THE SIDE. 1. The oblique sacro-iliac ligament. The other fasciculi of the posterior sacro-iliac ligaments are not seen in this view of the pelvis. 2. The great sacro- sciatic ligament. 3. The small sacro-sciatic ligament. 4. The great sacro-sciatio foramen. 5. The small sacro-sciatic foramen. 6. The cotyloid ligament of the acetabulum. 7. The ligamentum teres. 8. The cut edge of the capsular ligament, showing its extent posteriorly, as compared with its anterior attachment. 9. The obturator membrane only partly seen. by the retention of the head of the femur in the cavity after the capsular ligament has been completely severed. The INTERARTICULAR LIGAMENT, or LIGAMENTUM TERES, Fig. 221 (?), extends from the depression situated just be- low the centre of the head of the femur to the cotyloid notch, to the edges of which it is attached by two distinct fasciculi. It is not round, but of a triangular form, its narrow end being attached to the femur. It is from an inch to an inch 524 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. and a quarter in length; the head of the femur may be luxated downwards without this ligament being ruptured, but not upwards. It is loosely covered by synovial mem- brane. The ligament varies very much in size in different subjects. Sometimes it is entirely absent. Its principal use seems to be to conduct bloodvessels to and from the head of the femur, to the proper nutrition of which its presence is sometimes of the greatest importance. The depression or fossa, extending upwards from the notch in the bottom of the acetabulum, is occupied by a mass of fat, sometimes denominated a synovial gland. It allows vessels and nerves to enter the joint, and protects them against pressure from the head of the femur. Although called a gland, it has none of the characteristics of a gland. The SYNOVIAL MEMBRANE of the hip-joint lines the whole of the internal surface of the articular cavity, and surrounds the interarticular ligament. It is sometimes prolonged, as was before mentioned, into a bursa placed between the cap- sular ligament and the psoas and iliacus internus muscles. It not unfrequently presents folds on the neck of the femur, which may take the place in part of the round ligament in transmitting bloodvessels to the head of the femur. The student should attentively observe all the prominent points connected with, and in the vicinity of the hip-joint; such as the crest of the ilium, the trochanter major, the pubes, and the sacrum and coccyx. The relation of the trochanter to the other points when the limb is placed in different posi- tions, as flexed, extended, abducted, and rotated both inwards and outwards, should be noted. It is in the dissecting room, with the subject before him, that the student should prepare himself to diagnose in diseases, fractures, and luxa- tions involving the hip-joint. It is here that he can measure for himself the distances between the different prominent points, and note the elevations and depressions as they are found in their normal condition, and then calculate the various changes which may occur from disease or injuries. He should be able, before he leaves the hip-joint, to place his finger on any point either in front of it or behind it, on the outer side or inner side of it, and specify each muscle, or any ves- sel or nerve that may lie between that point and the cavity of the joint. The articulation is completely surrounded by muscles. Thus in front are found the iliacus internus, psoas DISSECTION OF ARTICULATIONS OF VERTEBRAE. 525 magnus, and rectus femoris ; on the inner side, the pectineus, obturator externus, gracills, and the adductors ; above or on the outer side, the glutei and tensor vaginae femoris muscles ; behind, the pyriformis, gemelli, obturator externus, and the quadratus femoris. DISSECTION OF THE ARTICULATIONS OF THE VERTEBRA. The vertebra are connected above to the occipital bone, laterally to the ribs, and below to the pelvis. The costo- vertebral articulations are described in connection with the dissection of the thorax; the articulation of the vertebra with the pelvis is described with the pelvic articulations. It is proposed now to examine the articulations of the vertebrae with each other, and with the cranium. The proper mode of making the dissections will be clearly indicated by the accompanying drawings. The ligaments which the vertebrae have in common should be examined first. They are the following : The ANTERIOR COMMON VERTEBRAL LIGAMENT, Fig. 220 ( i ), is placed in front and on the sides of the bodies of the vertebra3, extending from the axis to the sacrum. It presents a pearly white appearance, is thicker in the dorsal than in the cervical or lumbar regions, and divided into a central and two lateral bands, the latter being separated from the former by a series of foramina on each side, for the transmission of vessels, especially veins. It adheres very closely to the inter- vertebral substance and margins of the bodies of the verte- brae, while it is very loosely connected to the transverse grooves on the bodies. It is composed of fibres which vary in length, diminishing from the superficial to the deep-seated; the latter extend merely from one vertebra to another, while the former pass over four or five vertebrae. It is thicker where it corresponds to the grooves on the bodies of the ver- tebrae than it is elsewhere. The tendons of several muscles are blended more or less with it in different sections of the vertebral column. The POSTERIOR COMMON VERTEBRAL LIGAMENT, Fig. 222 (s), is placed in the anterior part of the spinal canal, 526 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. Fig. 222. A POSTERIOR VIEW OF THE BODIES OF THREE DOR- SAL VERTEBRA, CONNECT- ED BY (1, 1), THEIR INTER- VERTEBRAL SUBSTANCE. The laminae (2, 2) have been sawn through near the bodies of the vertebrae, and the arches and processes removed, in order to show (3) the posterior common ligament. A part of one of the openings in the posterior surface of the vertebrae, for the transmis- sion of the vena basis ver- tebrae, is seen at 4, by the side of the narrow and unattached portion of the ligament. extending from the occiput to the sac- ram. It is narrower opposite the body of each vertebra than it is opposite to the intervertebral substance. It is thicker and more compact than the an- terior ligament ; its connection, however, with the bodies of the vertebras and the intervening fibre-cartilage is nearly the same as that of the anterior. A plexus of veins with areolar tissue separates it from the body of each vertebra. It diminishes in width from above down- wards. The length of its fibres vary in the same manner as they do in the preceding ligament. The dura mater adheres loosely to its posterior sur- face, being connected to it by areolar tissue. The INTERVERTEBRAL SUBSTANCE or LIGAMENTS, Fig. 223, Fig. 224, are placed between the bodies of all the vertebras except the first two. Each one consists of fibro-cartilage which has the form of the space that it occupies. As the bodies of the vertebras vary in shape so does the intervertebral substance. It is usually thicker in the centre than at the circumference. It adheres so closely to the bone that the latter will break before the former will separate from it. It also pos- sesses great strength in itself. Each one consists of lamellaa which are more numerous in front and on the sides, in the cervical and lumbar regions, than behind ; the reverse is true in the dorsal region ; they are thicker before than behind in the two regions first-named, while the opposite is true in the dorsal region. The anterior convexities of the column in the cervical and dorsal regions are said to be due principally to the thickness of the intervertebral substance, while the concavity in the dorsal region is attributed to the vertebras. The hea'ds of the ribs articulate, Fig. 144 (4), with the inter- DISSECTION OF ARTICULATIONS OF VEETEBK^. 527 vertebral substance, which also vertebral foramina. If a section of the interverte- bral substance be made, it will be found to consist, Fig. 224 (3), principally of a soft pulpy sub- stance in the centre, and of thin layers or laminae of fibre-car- tilage externally. The general arrangement of the laminae are concentric, one being placed within another ; some of them interlace with each other. They are connected together by fibres, which extend from one lamina to another. In proceeding from the circumference towards the centre, the number and com- pactness of the laminae dimi- nish, the pulpy matter and assists in forming the inter- Fig. 223. A LUMBAR VERTEBRA, WITH A HORI- ZONTAL SECTION OP INTERVERTEBRAL SUBSTANCE (1, 1), ABOVE IT. At the circumference (1, 1), the concentric ar- rangement of the layers of the latter is shown, and in the middle (2) the pulpy substance is indicated. Fig. 224. A VERTICAL SECTION OF TWO VERTEBRA, AND THE SUBSTANCE INTERPOSED BE- TWEEN THEIR BODIES. The direction of the fibres of the intervertebra.1 substance is displayed. 1,1. Fibres curved outwards. 2,2. Those curved inwards. 3. Pulpy substance in the middle. areolar tissue taking the place of them. There are fewer of them behind than in front and on the sides. The fibres which compose the laminae are firmly attached above 528 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. Fig. 225. Two -LUMBAR VERTEBRAE WITH THE INTERVERTEBRAL SUBSTANCE ARE SEEN FROM BEFORE. By removing a portion of one layer (1) of the latter, another layer (2), is partly exposed, and the oblique direction of their fibres is made manifest. and below to the vertebrae, but not at opposite points, as they have, especially those of the outer laminae, an oblique direction, Fig. 225 (1,2); they extend from the right to the left or from the left to the right, ac- cording as they are on the right side or left side of the median line, and according to the lamina that is examined, as in every alternate one their direction is reversed, so that the fibres of any two contiguous laminae decus- sate with each other. They are also curved, Fig. 224 (1,2), those situated externally, outwards, and those internally inwards. When the spine is lengthened and the vertebrae separated fur- ther from each other, both the obliquity and the curvature of the fibres are diminished. The same thing takes place on the side of the convexity when the spine is bent, and also on one side or the other when the spine is twisted. The central pulpy matter is constantly compressed, as is shown when a vertical section of two vertebras including the intervertebral substance is made, it immediately forming a projection beyond the surrounding cut surface. The same fact is shown by pushing an awl in between two vertebrae, when it will be forced partly back again. The expansion will be greater when the preparation has been for some time , macerated or soaked in water. The property of elasticity which it possesses in so large a degree is an exceedingly important element in the construction of the vertebral column. The intervertebral substance is more abundant between the cervical and lumbar vertebrae than between the dorsal, hence these portions of the column possess a greater degree of mobility than the dorsal. In the aggregate, this substance forms about one-fourth part of the length of the spine be- tween the axis and the sacrum. In old age the intervertebral substance possesses less elas- ticity, being dryer and less in bulk. The reverse is true in DISSECTION OF ARTICULATIONS OF VERTEBRA. 529 the young. The uses of this substance in the spinal column will be readily understood when its structure has been pro- perly examined. While it assists in forming the parietes of the spinal canal, the intervertebral foramina, and the costo- vertebral articulations, and while it holds the bodies of the vertebrae securely in their proper place and diminishes the force of shocks transmitted to the brain, it allows a sufficient degree of mobility to every part of the column in which it is found, and, at the same time, prevents any undue motion taking place in it. The connection of the vertebrae by their oblique processes is very different from that which has been observed between the bodies. The oblique processes have articular facets, which are covered by a thin layer of cartilage and by synovial membrane, and articulate with those of the adjacent vertebrae. They are connected by imperfect capsular liga- ments, which are rather longer in the neck than in the dorsal and lumbar regions. The LIGAMENTA SuB-FLAVA, Fig. 226 (i), are composed of yellow elastic fibres, arranged in dense, compact laminae, which oc- Fig. 226. cupy the spaces between the arches or laminae of the vertebrae. The fibres are longer than the spaces between the arches, for they extend a short distance on the anterior surface, of the laminae. They form the parietes of the spinal canal be- tween the arches as far forwards as the roots of the transverse pro- cesses. They are thicker posteriorly than laterally, and more distinct in the lower than in the upper part of the column. They are not found in the space between the occiput and the atlas, or between the atlas and the axis. They are strong and elastic; they assist the muscles in keeping the column in an erect position and in restoring it to this position when it has been flexed. The SUPRA-SPINOUS LIGAMENT, Fig. 145 (1.1). connects 45 AN INTERNAL VIEW OP THE ARCHES OP THREE VERTEBRAE. To obtain this view the laminao have been divided through their pedicles. 1. One of the liga- nienta subflava. 2. The capsu- lar ligament of one side. 530 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. the ends of the spinous processes of the vertebrae, including the occipital bone above, and the sacrum below. Between the occiput and the seventh cervical vertebra it forms what is called the ligamentum nuchse. This is connected by slips to the spinous processes of all the cervical vertebrae except the first. It varies much in size. Situated in the median line, it is connected with the tendons of several muscles in this region, and can be distinguished from them only by the direction of its fibres. The same is true of the supra-spinous ligament below this, which is much larger and stronger in the lumbar region than in the dorsal. The INTER-SPINOUS LIGAMENTS extend between the spinous processes of the dorsal and lumbar vertebrae. They are thin and membranous in the dorsal region, but quite thick and strong in the lumbar region. They are intimately connected with the tendons of the extensor muscles of the back. The INTER-TRANSVERSE LIGAMENTS are found only in the lower part of the dorsal region and in the lumbar region. Their use seems to be as much to give attachment to the muscles as to connect the bones. These, as well as the ob- lique, the supra- spinous, and the inter-spinous, are inelastic. The occipital bone is connected to the atlas by an anterior and a posterior ligament, and two on each side. The ANTERIOR OCCIPITO-ATLANTAL LIGAMENT, Fig. 227 (1,2), may be said to consist of two, a round or superficial, and a broad or deep-seated one. Both of them extend from the anterior border of the occipital foramen to the anterior arch of the atlas. The superficial consists of a thick, strong, round fasciculus, which forms quite an elevation in the me- dian line; it is inserted into the tubercle on the anterior arch of the atlas. The deep-seated is broader than, but not so thick, as the superficial. The POSTERIOR OCCIPITO-ATLANTAL LIGAMENT, Fig. 228 (3), connects the posterior margin of the occipital foramen to the posterior arch of the atlas. It is broad and thin. The vertebral arteries and sub-occipital nerves pass through it. The dura mater adheres closely to its inner surface. Each condyle of the occipital bone is joined to the cor- responding oblique process of the atlas by a CAPSULAR LIGA- MENT, Fig. 228 (4,4.) This ligament is much thicker ex- DISSECTION OF ARTICULATIONS OF VERTEBRAE. 531 ternally and anteriorly than it is elsewhere. It allows con- siderable motion to these articulations. A synovial membrane Fig. 227. AN ANTERIOR VIEW OF THE LIGAMENTS CONNECTING THE ATLAS, THE Axis, AND THE OCCIPITAL BONE. A TRANSVERSE SECTION HAS BEEN CARRIED THROUGH THE BASE OP THE SKULL, DIVIDING THE BASILAR PROCESS OP THE OCCIPITAL BONE AND THE PETROUS PORTIONS OP THE TEMPORAL BONES. 1. The anterior round occipito-atlantal ligament. 2. The anterior broad occipito-atlantal ligament. 3. The commencement of the anterior common ligament. 4. The anterior atlanto-axoid ligament, which is continuous inferiorly with the commencement of the anterior common ligament. 5. One of the atlanto-axoid capsular ligaments; the one on the opposite side has been removed, to show the approximated surfaces of the articular processes (6). 7. One of the occipito-atlantal capsular ligaments. The most exter- nal of these fibres constitute the lateral occipito-atlantal ligament. lines the inner surface of each ligament, and covers the articular cartilage inclosed by the ligament. Fig. 228. THE POSTERIOR LIGAMENTS OF THE OCCIPITO-ATLOID, AND ATLANTO-AXOID ARTI- CULATIONS. 1. The atlas. 2. The axis. 3. The anterior ligament of the occipito- atlantal articulation. 4, 4. The capsular and lateral ligaments of this articulation. 5. The posterior ligament of the atlanto-axoid articulation. 6, 6. Its capsular ligaments. 7. The first of the ligamenta subflava, passing between the axis and the third cervical vertebra. 8, 8. The capsular ligaments of those vertebrae. 532 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. The LATERAL OCCIPITOATLANTAL LIGAMENT, Fig. 228 (4), connects the transverse process of the occipital bone to the transverse process of the atlas. It is quite a thick, strong, ligamentous cord. By its connection with a ligamentous fasciculus, which is attached to the petrous portion of the temporal bone, a fibrous canal is formed for the transmission of the large vessels and nerves at the base of the skull. The occipital bone is connected to the axis by four liga- ments; three of which are attached to the odontoid process, and one to the body of the axis. Fig. 229. THE UPPER PART OF THE VERTEBRAL CANAL, OPENED FROM BEHIND IN ORDER TO SHOW THE OCCIPITO-AXOID LIGAMENT. 1. Tho basilar portion of the sphenoid bone. 2. Section of the occipital bone. 3. The atlas, its posterior arch removed. 4. The axis, the posterior arch also removed. 5. The occipito-axoid ligament, ren- dered prominent at its middle by the projection of the odontoid process. 6. Lateral and capsular ligaments of the occipito-atlantal articulation. 7. Capsular ligament between the articulating processes of the atlas and axis. The OCCIPITO-AXOID LIGAMENT, or APPARATUS LIGA- MENTOSUS COLLI, Fig. 229 (s), is placed beneath the dura inater, and extends from the lower part of the basilar fossa of the occipital bone downwards to the body of the axis, where the central part of it is continuous with the posterior common spinal ligament. The lower part of this ligament may be divided into three fasciculi or bands, two of which are situated laterally, and are continued down to the third or fourth cervical vertebrae. The ODONTOID or MODERATOR LIGAMENTS connect the odontoid process with the sides of the occipital foramen. They consist of thick, round fibrous cords, one on each side, which have an oblique direction from below upwards and DISSECTION OF ARTICULATIONS OF VERTEBRA. 533 outwards. They have been called moderator or check liga- ments, from their regulating the rotatory motion of the head on the axis. What is called the middle ligament consists of a few ligamentous fibres that pass from the summit of the odon- toid process to the anterior border of the occipital foramen. The atlas and axis are connected together by five liga- ments. The ANTERIOR, Fig. 227 (4), and POSTERIOR, Fig. 228 (5), ATLANTO-AXOID LIGAMENTS are placed between the ante- rior and posterior arches of the atlas and the corresponding portions of the axis. The anterior is attached below, to the base of the odontoid process, and on each side of it, to the body of the axis, where it is continuous with the anterior common ligament. The posterior ligament corresponds to the ligamenta sub-flava; below it is attached to the upper borders of the laminae of the axis. Fig. 230. A POSTERIOR VIEW OP THE LIGAMENTS CONNECTING THE ATLAS, THE Axis, AND THE OCCIPITAL BONE. THE POSTERIOR PART OP THE OCCIPITAL BONE HAS BEEN SAWN AWAY, AND THE POSTERIOR ARCHES OF THE ATLAS AND AXIS REMOVED. 1. The superior part of the occipito-axoid ligament, which has been cut away in order to show the ligaments beneath. 2. The transverse ligament of the atlas. 3.4. The ascending and descending slips of the transverse ligament, which have obtained for it the title of cruciform ligament. 5. One of the odontoid ligaments; the other ligament is seen on the opposite side. 6. One of the occipito-atlantal capsular liga- ments. 7. One of the atlanto-axoid capsular ligament?. There are two CAPSULAR LIGAMENTS, Fig. 230 (7), one for the oblique processes on each side. Each is composed of straight and oblique fibres, and is thicker anteriorly than at any other part. They are of sufficient length to admit of rotatory, as well as several other movements, to the head. They are lined by synovial membranes, which 45* 534: THE LOWEE EXTREMITY. also cover the articular cartilages found on the oblique pro- cesses. The articulation of the odontoid process with the anterior arch of the atlas consists of a small concave facet on the former, and a corresponding convex one on the latter. Both of these are covered with cartilage and synovial membrane; they are also surrounded by a few ligamentous fibres, which form a sort of capsular ligament. Fig. 231. A VIEW OP THE ATLAS PROM ABOVE. SHOWING THE TRANSVERSE LIGAMENT, WITH FRAGMENTS OP ITS APPENDAGES. 1. The space for the odontoid process. 2. The transverse ligament. 3. Space for the spinal cord. 4, 4. Articular processes j on the left one a remnant of the capsular membrane is seen. Posteriorly, the odontoid process articulates with the TRANS- VERSE LIGAMENT, Fig. 231 (2). This ligament consists of a strong fasciculus of fibres which are attached to the inner sides of the lateral masses of the atlas. Its connection with the odontoid process is similar to that between the latter and the anterior arch of the atlas, a smooth concave articular facet being found on the anterior surface of the ligament, and a corresponding one on the posterior surface of the process. The synovial membrane, which lines this cavity, extends upwards on the process to near its summit. The ring, that is formed by the parietes of these articulations, has a smaller orifice below than above, being adapted to the shape of the odontoid process, so that the process will be retained in situ after all the other connections between the atlas and axis, or between these and the occipital bone have been cut away. From the upper edge of the transverse ligament a layer of fibres passes upwards, to be inserted into the anterior margin of the occipital foramen ; and another layer of fibres from the inferior margin descends to be attached to the axis. The term cruciform has been applied to the transverse ligament, including the vertical fibres attached to its two borders. DISSECTION OF ARTICULATIONS OF PELVIS. 535 DISSECTION OF THE ARTICULATIONS OF THE PELVIS. The pelvis is articulated above with the vertebral column, and below with the femora. The degree of mobility allowed by these articulations is very different. Between the bones of the pelvis, except between the sacrum and coccyx, no mo- tion is required, unless it be in the female during parturition. The sacro-vertebral articulation is formed by the last lumbar vertebra and the sacrum. With the exception of the sacro- vertebral and ilio- vertebral ligaments, the connecting media are the same as between the different vertebrae. The SACRO-VERTEBRAL LIGAMENT, Fig. 220 (2), is of a triangular shape, and extends from the transverse process of the last lumbar vertebra to the upper or horizontal surface of the corresponding ala of the sacrum. Its fibres spread out towards the sacro-iliac symphysis. The ILIO-YERTEBRAL LIGAMENT, Fig. 220 (3), of a trian- gular form, extends from the transverse processes of the last two lumbar vertebra to the crest of the ilium. It fills up a notch that would otherwise exist at this point. Sometimes there are two of these ligaments on the same side. The sacro-coccygeal articulation presents two ligaments, one before and the other behind; and a thin layer of cartilage placed between the two bones, where a small synovial sac is sometimes met with, especially in the female. The ANTERIOR SACRO-COCCYGEAL LIGAMENT is composed of irregular fibres, and is much thinner than the posterior. The POSTERIOR SACRO-COCCYGEAL LIGAMENT, Fig. 232 (i o), is quite a thick, strong ligament. It extends downwards over the different pieces of the coccyx, closes in the lower extremity of the sacral canal, and protects the last nervous cords of the medulla spinalis. The mobility of this articulation is said to be greater in the female than in the male; and in women who have borne children, its mobility is preserved for a much longer period of life than in those who have not. If it were not for the sacro-sciatic ligaments, the motion between the sacrum and coccyx would be greater than it is. The number of coccygeal articulations vary greatly in 536 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. different subjects, and at different periods of life. Jn the young subject, a thin fibre-cartilage is found between the Fig. 232. A POSTERIOR VIEW OP THE LIGAMENTS OP THE PELVIS. 1. Base of the Sacrum. 2. The coccyx. 3, 3. The crests of the ilia. 4, 4. The tuberosities of the ischia. 5, 5. The great sciatic notches. 6. The small sciatic notch. 7. The femur. 8, 8. The posterior saero-iliac ligaments. 9. An oblique fasciculus. 10. The posterior sacro-coccygeal ligament. 11. The obturator ligament. 12. The sub-pubic fora- men. 13, 13. The origin of the great sacro-sciatic ligament. 14. Its insertion. 15. The origin of the small sacro-sciatic ligament. 16. Its insertion. bones, while in the old the joints are most commonly oblite- rated. The sacrum and coccyx are also in the old generally united by osseous substance. The sacro-iliac articulation is formed by the sacrum arid ilium. The articular surfaces, from their shape, have been called the auricular facets. The connecting media consist of anterior and posterior fibres, and an intermediate layer of cartilage, which adheres very closely to the bones. The ANTERIOR SACRO-!LIAC LIGAMENT, Fig. 233 (7), is composed of a thin layer of fibres, extending transversely from one bone to the other ; they are scarcely raised above the contiguous smooth surfaces. The POSTERIOR SACRO-!LIAC LIGAMENT, Fig. 232 (s), con- sists of several fasciculi, which extend from a rough surface behind the auricular facet of one bone to a corresponding sur- face on the other. Some of the fibres are oblique, and others DISSECTION OF ARTICULATIONS OF PELVIS. 537 are nearly transverse. One or two of the oblique fasciculi, Fig. 232 (9), have been described as distinct ligaments. The ligament is situated deeply in the groove formed between the sacrum and ilium; it requires considerable time and patience to make a satisfactory exposition of all its fibres or fasciculi. A synovial membrane is sometimes found in this articulation, especially in the female, while a soft yellowish substance is sometimes met within it in the male. As it is occasionally desirable to disarticulate the os innominatum, as in making a dissection of the pelvic viscera, the student should be care- ful to ascertain the exact position of the symphysis, in front, and divide all the fibres of the anterior ligament, when a small scalpel can be carried through the cartilage which connects the two bones forming the joint. The two following ligaments connect the sacrum and coc- cyx to the ischium. They enter so largely into the formation of the pelvic parietes, and sustain such important relations to various parts, that the student cannot neglect to obtain a thorough knowledge of them without doing great injustice to himself. They should be carefully studied before he attempts to make a dissection of the pelvis or the pelvic viscera. Their value in the mechanism of the pelvis will be observed the moment that he contrasts an articulated pelvis, composed simply of the bones, with one prepared with these ligaments cleaned and retained in situ. The POSTERIOR or GKEAT SACRO-SCIATIC LIGAMENT, Fig. 233 (4), is of a somewhat triangular shape, with the base attached to the posterior inferior spinous process of the ilium and to the border of the sacrum and coccyx, and the apex to the inner edge of the tuberosity of the ischium and to the ramus of the same bone. The obturator fascia is connected to the anterior or falciform portion of this ligament, which projects a little into the perineum, and serves to protect the internal pudic vessels. The posterior surface of this liga- ment is occupied by the origin of a part of the gluteus maxi- mus muscle, while the anterior surface is partly free, looking into the pelvic cavity, and partly in apposition with the short ligament. It is perforated by small foramina for the trans- mission of vessels. The ANTERIOR or SMALL SACRO-SCIATIC LIGAMENT, Fig. 233 (5), is attached behind to the side of the sacrum and 538 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. Fig. 233. coccyx, and anteriorly to the spine of the ischium. Its form is triangular, and its direction is nearly transverse. Pos- teriorly, it is covered principally by the great ligament, with which its fibres are more or less inter- mingled, especially at its base or near the sacrum. Anteriorly, it is in apposition with the coc- cygeus muscle. The great and small sacro- sciatic notches, which exist in the osseous pelvis, are by these two ligaments converted into the great and small sacro-sciatic foramina, Fig. 233 (1,2). As the spine of the ischium separates A SECTION OP THE PELVIS, SHOW- the two notches, SO the small ING THE LIGAMENTS AND SACRO- sacro-sciatic ligament separates SCIATIC FORAMINA ON THE LEFT IN- , . ml NER SIDE, viz: i. Great sacro-scintic the two foramina. The contents foramen. 2. Small sacro-sciatic fora- o f these foramina require par- S^S^wEfTiSSit: ticular notice in the dissection cro-sciatic. 6. Symphysis pubis. 7. of the parts inside of the pelvis Obturltor. SaCr0 " iliaC ligament * 10 ' an(1 ln tte g 1 ^ 6 ? 1 re g ion ' The articulation formed by the bodies of the pubic bones is designated the symphysis pubis, Fig. 233 (e). The space between these bones is of a cuneiform shape, the base looking forwards and downwards, and the thin edge backwards and upwards. This space is filled with fibro-cartilage, including sometimes an imperfect synovial sac, especially in the female. The fibro-cartilage is arranged in concentric layers of an elongated oval form; short fibres penetrate and connect them together, except in the centre and posteriorly, where a soft pulpy substance is found, or the synovial sac when present. As the laminae just fill the circumference of the space between the bones, they are thicker or more numerous in front than behind, where they project so as to form a vertical ridge; some of them may be entirely deficient behind. Surrounding this intermediate structure, ligamentous fibres extend from one bone to the other. They are named accord- ing to their location. Thus, we have quite a thick, strong fasciculus of fibres above, passing from one bone to the other and continuing some distance on their upper borders ; this DISSECTION OF BACK OF THIGH AND THE HAM. 539 is named the superior pubic ligament. Behind, there are fibres which connect the two bones together ; they do not form, however, so thick a layer as the upper and anterior ones do; they constitute the posterior pubic ligament. Anteriorly, there is also the same arrangement of fibres, forming the anterior pubic ligament. Below, the fibres interlace, and extend down- wards on the rami of the pubes, and form the sub-pubic ligament, which is of a triangular shape. This ligament rounds off the angle formed by the rami of the pubic bones, and forms the summit of the pubic arch. The symphysis pubis is supposed by some to allow of a slight degree of mobility in parturition. If motion takes place at all, it must be so little as to produce scarcely any appreciable effect in increasing the diameters of the pelvis. The OBTURATOR LIGAMENT or MEMBRANE, Fig. 233 (i o), occupies the obturator foramen. It presents an opening called the sub-pubic foramen, Fig. 232 (12), in the upper part, corresponding to the sub-pubic groove in the horizontal ramus of the os pubis, for the transmission of the obturator nerve and vessels. Its surfaces are occupied by the origins of the obturator muscles. This fibrous membrane is a sub- stitute for osseous structure in the parietes of the pelvis, which are probably rather strengthened than weakened by- it ; it may also yield somewhat in parturition, and thus facili- tate the passage of the head of the child through the pelvis. Another advantage said to be derived from it, is that it is lighter than bone would be; the difference, however, between its weight and that of a thin lamella of bone could make no manifest difference. Pouparfs and Gimlernafs ligaments, Fig. 220 (e, 7), are formed by the lower border of the tendon of the external oblique muscle, with the addition of some fibres which arise from the anterior superior spinous process of the ilium ; they are noticed in the dissection both of that muscle and of the femoral region. SECT. III. DISSECTION OF THE BACK OF THE THIGH, AND OF THE HAM. The back part of the thigh and the popliteal space should be examined at the same time, commencing the dissection above, and extending it down as far as the back of the 540 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. leg. With a little attention, the student will be able to ascertain the best position in which to place the limb as he proceeds with the dissection. To expose the long muscles on the back of the thigh, the leg should be extended on the thigh, and the thigh flexed on the pelvis. To remove the skin, an incision may be made through it in the median line of the limb, beginning at the gluteal region and terminating about three or four inches below the knee-joint ; but if the anterior part of the thigh has already been dissected, the in- tegument may be removed, by simply reflecting it either from the inner or the outer part of the limb. The superficial fascia in these regions is merely a continua- tion of the superficial fascia from the fore Fig. 234. p ar t of the thigh and the pelvis. There are no arteries that require any particular no- tice in this fascia; and the only vein of suf- ficient importance, and which was not seen in the dissection of the anterior part of the thigh, to be particularly noticed, is the ex- ternal saphenous. The external or short saphenous vein is a continuation of the external dorsal vein of the foot. It will be found, in this dissec- tion, extending up the back part of the leg in the median line, and entering the pop- liteal space to open into the popliteal vein. Sometimes quite a large venous trunk is found going from this vein to the upper part of the thigh, where it unites with a branch of the internal saphenous, or of the deep femoral vein. The cutaneous nerves, Fig. 234 (.2, 2), on the back part of the thigh and in the ham are derived, on the inner side, from the internal cutaneous, and from the internal saphenous, or the obturator nerve ; on the outer side, from the external cutaneous ; and in the mid- dle, from the posterior femoral cutaneous. PLAN OF THE CUTANEOUS NERVES ON THE POSTERIOR ASPECT OF THE LEFT LEG. 1. Inner division of the internal cutaneous nerve. 2, 2. Branches of the long or internal saphenous. 3. A branch of the posterior femoral cutaneous ; the offset above it in a direct line is a branch of the same nerve. 4, 6. Short or external sa- phenous nerve. 5, 7. Peroneal cutaneous nerve. DISSECTION OF BACK OF THIGH AND THE HAM. 541 The one derived from the small sciatic, and descending on the back of the thigh, is called the posterior femoral cutaneous branch, Fig. 235 (2, 3). It gives off external and internal filaments in its course down the thigh. One of its terminal branches becomes subcutaneous in the popliteal space, and can be traced some distance on the back of the leg. The other terminal branch does not perforate the deep fascia until it reaches the back of the leg, where it usually ends by anas- tomosing with the external saphenous nerve. The super- ficial fascia may now be removed, when the fascia lata will be exposed. This is Fi g- 235 - continuous above with the gluteal fascia or aponeurosis, on each side with the fascia lata, where it joins the internal and external intermuscular septa, and below with the deep fascia of the leg. It forms a sheath for the long muscles on the back of the thigh, and stretches across the pop- liteal space, so as to protect the vessels and nerves in that region ; near the knee it is strengthened by fibres derived from the tendon of the biceps flexor and the vasti muscles. The fascia lata should now be divided along the median line, and reflected to each side, so as to expose the parts be- neath it. Having removed the fascia lata, the small or lesser sciatic nerve should be traced down the thigh to the back part of the leg. The following muscles may be examined next, taking care not to destroy the great sciatic nerve. The BICEPS FLEXOR CRURIS, Fig. 215 (4, s), as its name indicates, arises by two heads. The long head arises tendinous, in common with the semi-tendinosus, from the posterior and upper part of the tuber- osity of the ischium, from the lower part A VIKW OF THE INTERNAL POPLITEAL NERVE AND SOME OP ITS BRANCHES ON THE RIGHT LEG. 1. The internal popliteal nerve. 2, 3. The terminations of the ramus fotnoralis cutaneus posterior. 4, 5. The internal saphenous nerve. 6, 6. The ex- ternal saphenous or communicans tibialis. 46 542 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. of which it is separated by a bursa ; the short head arises, muscular, from the linea aspera and the external intermus- cular septum, commencing where the insertion of the glutens maxirnus ends, and extending down near to the condyle. The long head and the semi-tendinosus separate from each other about three inches below their common origin. The two heads unite to form a round tendon, which passes down- wards and outwards, and is inserted by two fasciculi into the head of the fibula. The long external lateral ligament of the knee-joint is placed between these fasciculi; some fibres extend from one of these fasciculi to the fascia of the leg, and some from the other fasciculus to the head of the tibia. The SEMI-TENDI^OSUS, Fig. 215 (e), arises, tendinous and muscular, from the tuberosity of the ischium in common with the long head of the biceps, passes at first directly down- wards, and then inwards, becoming tendinous a short dis- tance below the middle of the thigh. Its tendon, small and slender, passes around the inner side of the knee-joint, then forwards, and is inserted into the tubercle of the tibia. Its tendon, joined with those of the sartorius, gracilis, and semi- membranosus, form what has been called the goose's foot. The appropriateness of the name of this muscle will be seen when the relative length of its tendon is noticed. The SEMI-MEMBRANOSUS, Fig. 215 (7, 7), arises from the posterior part of the tuberosity of the ischium, in front of the biceps flexor and semi-tendinosus and behind the quadratus femoris, and passes downwards and inwards to the inner and posterior part of the knee-joint, where its tendon divides into three processes, one of which is inserted into the apo- neurosis that covers the popliteal muscle; another, pass- ing under the internal lateral ligament, is inserted into the inner tuberosity of the tibia; the third one forms a part of the posterior ligament of the knee-joint or the ligament of Winslow ; this part of it is inserted into the external con- dyle of the femur. The upper tendon is quite long, flat, and aponeurotic; the lower part of it consists of two laminae, from the opposing surfaces of which fibres arise to form the upper part of the belly of the muscle. The lower tendon is round and very short. By this arrangement of the muscular bellies of the semi-tendinosus and serni-mernbranosus, the symmetry of the back part of the thigh is preserved, the belly of each DISSECTION" OF BACK OF THIGH AND THE HAM. 543 corresponding to the long tendon of the other. These two muscles form the inner hamstring, although the sartorius and gracilis are sometimes spoken of as hamstring muscles. The biceps flexor forms the outer hamstring. The tendons of these muscles should be studied with reference to the opera- tion of tenotomy. They can be distinctly felt in the living subject, becoming very prominent when the leg is partly flexed on the thigh. The actions of the three muscles just described are the same as far as flexing the leg on the thigh, or keeping the axis of the pelvis parallel with that of the lower limb, as when standing. When the leg is partly flexed, they can rotate it very little, the biceps outwards, and the other two inwards. Through the connection of the semi-membranosus with the posterior ligament of the knee-joint, it can draw the syno- vial membrane backwards. The arteries involved in dissecting the preceding muscles are principally branches of the profunda and popliteal. Those derived from the profunda are the internal circumflex and the perforating branches. The internal circumflex, Fig. 217 (e), reaches the back of the thigh by passing, first, between the pectineus and the capsular ligament of the hip-joint, to which it sends a branch through the notch at the bottom of the acetabulum, and then between the quadratus femoris and the adductor magnus. It divides into ascending and descending Iranches; the latter of which are distributed in part to the muscles just examined, and to the integument in this region; the former go to the muscles on the back and lower part of the pelvis, the gluteus maximus and the small rotator mus- cles. This artery anastomoses with the obturator, sciatic, and several others. The perforating branches, Fig. 217 (11,12,13), vary in num- ber; being sometimes two and sometimes three, besides the terminal branch of the profunda. The first one perforates the adductor muscles a short distance below the trochanter minor, and, passing backwards partly around the shaft of the femur, divides into ascending and descending branches; some of which terminate in the muscles of this region, and some go to supply the integument. It anastomoses above with the internal circumflex, externally with the external circumflex, and below with the next perforating branch. It usually sup- plies the femur with its nutritious artery. The other per- 544 THE LOWEK EXTREMITY. forating branches, including the terminal branch, require no particular description. They perforate the adductor muscles, and are distributed in the same manner as the first, of which they are sometimes branches, instead of arising directly from the profunda. The branches of the popliteal, as well as the popliteal itself, will be noticed at another time. The GREAT SCIATIC NERVE, Fig. 192 (7), has been noticed in the dissection of the parts within the pelvis, and alfeo in the gluteal region. It enters the back part of the thigh, be- neath the lower border of the gluteus maximus, and resting on the quadratus femoris, being in a line midway between the tuberosity of the ischium and the trochanter major. For a short distance below the gluteus maximus it is subapo- neurotic, having no muscle between it and the integument. It then passes under the long head of the biceps, and con- tinues down the thigh, being inclined a little outwards, to the upper part of the popliteal space, where it divides into the internal and external popliteal nerves. This division sometimes takes place before it leaves the pelvis ; or it may occur at any point after it leaves the pelvis. When it divides in the pelvis, the upper division usually perforates the pyriformis muscle. It is surrounded by a large quantity of areolar tissue, and of adipose substance, if the subject be fat. Its position should be noticed with reference to acupuncture, or injuries of it, from whatever cause. It will be observed that it can be reached below the biceps without passing through any muscle, and also between that muscle and the gluteus maximus. Having examined the main trunk, it should now be traced from above downwards, to find the branches given off from it. They consist of muscular and articular branches; the latter go to the knee-joint; two branches are distributed to the semi-membranosus ; one to the semi-tendinosus ; one to the long head, and one to the short head, of the biceps ; and one to the adductor magnus. These nerves, except the one to the short head of the biceps, usually arise just as the sciatic nerve enters the back of the thigh, sometimes coming off from it by a single trunk, and afterwards dividing. The adductor magnus is supplied principally by branches which come from the obturator nerve ; the one that comes from the sciatic penetrates the inner border of the muscle some dis- tance below its origin. The branch which goes to the short DISSECTION OF BACK OF THIGH AND THE HAM. 545 head of the biceps sometimes arises with the preceding, and sometimes by itself, lower down. Those that go to the other three muscles, generally run some distance before penetrat- ing them, which they do on their anterior surfaces. The posterior surface of the adductor magnus, Fig. 216 (i 3), should be noticed so that a clearer idea of the muscle can be obtained than could be, by simply examining it when the an- terior part of the thigh was dissected. Its relations to so many parts renders a knowledge of it very im- portant to the student. The obturator ex- Fig. 236. ternus should also be examined now more thoroughly than could be done before. The popliteal space, and its boundaries, Fig. 236 (3), should next be examined. It is somewhat diamond-shaped, the broadest part corresponding to the knee-joint. It is covered in by the integument and a strong aponeurotic fascia, which is continued, as was noticed before, from the fascia lata on the back of the thigh. This fascia serves to protect the parts in this space, and, in case of aneurism of the popliteal artery, or of an accumulation of pus beneath it, offers strong resistance, which renders such cases very painful. It is connected laterally, to the condyles of the femur and to the tendons of the muscles. The upper part of the space is bounded, on the outer side, by the biceps flexor muscle, and on the inner side, by the semi-tendinosus, semi-membranosus, and the adductor magnus. The lower part has, on the outer side, the external head of the gastrocnemius and the plantaris, and on the inner side, the internal head of the gas- trocnemius. The anterior boundary or the floor of this space, is formed by the pop- THE SUPERFICIAL MUSCLES OP THE POSTERIOR ASPECT OP THE LEG. 1. The biceps muscle forming the outer hamstring. 2. The tendons forming the inner hamstring. 3. The popliteal space. 4, 4. The gastrocnemius muscle. 5, 5. The soleus. 6. The tendo-Achillis. 7. The posterior tuberosity of the os calcis. 8. The tendons of the peroneus longus and brevis muscles passing behind the outer ankle. 9. The tendons of the tibialis posticus and flexor longus digitorum passing into the foot behind the inner ankle. 46* 546 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. liteal fossa of the femur, the posterior part of the knee-joint, and the popliteus muscle, or the aponeurosis which covers it. The popliteal region generally contains a considerable quantity of areolar tissue and adipose substance, which ren- ders the dissection of its contents difficult, Fig. 237. requiring time and patience to do it in a proper manner. The vessels consist of the popliteal artery and its branches, and of the accompanying veins. The nerves are the internal and external popliteal, and their branches. The POPLITEAL VEIN, Fig. 240 (i), is placed between the artery and the inte- gument, so that it will be found in the dissection before the artery. The pos- terior or external saphenous vein, Fig. 240 (7), will also be observed entering the popliteal space above the joint, and usually sending off a branch which passes upwards, and anastomoses with the inferior perforating branch. The large nerves are more superficial, and are situated, except at the lower part of the popliteal space, nearer to its outer border than the artery or vein, and consequently should be looked for in the dissection before those vessels. The INTERNAL POPLITEAL NERVE, Fig. 237 (i, 2), is the largest of the two divi- sions of the great sciatic, of which it seems to be a continuation ; it is nearly twice the size of the external popliteal nerve. The biceps flexor muscle partly covers it above the knee-joint. It gra- dually approaches the artery, and finally crosses it and the vein. It takes the name of posterior tibial nerve in the leg. It gives off several branches, some of which are muscular, one cutaneous, and others articular. The muscular branches arise from it behind the joint, and A VIEW OF THE INTER- NAL POPLITEAL AND POS- TERIOR TIBIAL NERVES IN THE HAM AND THE BACK OF THE LEG 1, 2, indi- cate the course of them; the upper part of the ex- ternal popliteal nerve is seen to the right. DISSECTION OF BACK OF THIGH AND THE HAM. 547 are distributed to the muscles in the upper and back part of the leg. Two of them, quite large, and sometimes arising by a common trunk, go to the heads of the gastrocnemius. They ramify on the anterior surface of each head before penetrating its substance. A smaller one goes to the plan- taris, entering its inner and anterior surface ; sometimes this is a branch of the preceding nerve. Another branch passes downwards, and gets between the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles, and, after ramifying on the posterior surface of the soleus, penetrates its substance. The last muscular branch goes to the popliteus ; after passing down to the lower bor- der of the muscle, turns around it and passing upwards, rami- fies on its anterior or deep surface. It sends an articular branch to the tibio-fibular articulation. The cutaneous branch is known by several names, as the tibial, short, or external saphenous, the posterior cutaneous nerve of the leg, and the communicans tibialis, Fig. 235 (e, e). It usually arises opposite the articulation, and passing down- wards first between the heads of the gastrocnemius, and then on its posterior surface in a small fibrous canal, perforates the deep fascia near the junction of the upper with the middle third of the leg ; sometimes it continues lower down before it becomes subcutaneous. It is joined by the com- municans peronei nerve, a branch of the external popli- teal. The point of union varies greatly, occurring sometimes in the upper part of the leg, and then again not until it has nearly reached the foot. This nerve will be referred to again in the dissection of the back of the leg and the dorsum of the foot, on the outer part of which it terminates. The articular branches are three in number, and correspond to the internal and middle articular branches of the popliteal artery, except there is but one superior internal articular nerve, whereas there are two of these arteries; and sometimes this branch, always small, is absent. When present, it .passes in front of the popliteal vessels to reach the artery, which it accompanies in its distribution to the joint. The inferior in- ternal articular branch arises above the joint, and, passing downwards, at first on the outer side of the vessels, then in front of them, joins the corresponding articular artery, which it accompanies in the rest of its course. It is larger than either of the other articular branches for the knee-joint. The middle articular branch arises opposite the articulation, and 548 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. proceeds directly to the interior of the joint, perforating the posterior ligament. The EXTERNAL POPLITEAL or PERONEAL NERVE, Fig. 237, passes downwards along the biceps flexor muscle, in the outer part of the popliteal space, to the point opposite the tibio-peroneal articulation, when it turns outwards, and pene- trates the peroneus longus muscle just below the head of the fibula. While in this muscle, or placed between it and the cervix of the fibula, it divides into its terminal branches, the anterior tibial and the musculo-cutaneous, Fig. 248. These will be described in the dissection of the anterior part of the leg, and the dorsum of the foot. The peroneal nerve is rather more superficial in its course than the internal pop- liteal. It passes over the external condyle of the femur, and the external head of the gastrocnemius. It gives off articular and cutaneous branches ; of the latter, the communi- cans peronei or the peroneal saphenous, is the largest. This usually arises a little above the knee-joint, and passing downwards on the inner side of the peroneal nerve, gets be- tween the gastrocnemius and the deep fascia, which it perfo- rates to unite with the communicans poplitei. Its junction with the communicans poplitei is not constant, and varies very much as to the point at which it takes place. It gives off several small cutaneous branches in its course down the leg. The other cutaneous branch, the peroneal cutaneous, given off by the peroneal nerve, descends behind the exter- nal condyle, and passing down on the outside of the leg, gives off branches which ascend and descend to supply the integument on that part of the leg. The articular branches correspond to the superior and inferior external articular branches of the popliteal artery. The superior external arti- cular branch sometimes arises from the sciatic nerve. It passes downwards in front of the sciatic nerve, when it arises from that nerve, and along the biceps flexor muscle to near the external condyle, then turns outwards above it to be distributed to the joint in company with the corresponding artery. The inferior external articular nerve usually has nearly the same origin as the preceding nerve. It passes down- wards in the outer part of the popliteal space to a point just below the external condyle, and then turns outwards to be DISSECTION OF BACK OF THIGH AND THE HAM. 549 238. distributed to the joint in company with the inferior external articular artery. The POPLITEAL ARTERY, Fig. 238 (i), is a continuation of the femoral. It commences at the lower end of the canal formed by the tendons of the adductores longus and magnus, and passes downwards and outwards, first over the femur, then the posterior ligament of the joint, and lastly the aponeurosis, which covers the popliteal muscle, at the lower border of which, it divides into the posterior tibial and peroneal or fibular. At first, it is to the inner side of the median line of the limb, but gets into it as it descends behind the joint. The popliteal vein, Fig. 240 (s), lies behind and a little to the outer side of it above the joint, but directly behind it in the rest of its course. The coats of this vein are very thick, so that when cut it some- times gapes, and might then be mis- taken for the artery. It also adheres very closely to the artery, which should be borne in mind, whenever it is necessary to place a ligature on the latter. The lower part of the artery is partly covered by the heads of the gastrocnemius and the plant- aris; the popliteal nerve also crosses this part of it from the outer to the inner side. It has on the sides of it the different parts which form the boundaries of the popliteal space, which are specified above. The relations of the popliteal artery to the knee-joint are interesting, and should be care- fully observed. When one limb is placed across the other, as in sitting, the pulsations of the artery are distinctly seen in the movements of the foot, so that the beats of the heart can be counted as accurately, by observing the movements of the foot with the legs crossed, as by placing the fingers on the radial artery in the wrist. There are eight branches given A VIEW OF THE ARTERIES IN THE POPLITEAL SPACE, RIGHT LEG. 1. Popliteal artery. 2. Internal gastroc- neinial artery. 3. External gastrocneinial artery. 4, 5. Division of these arteries in the substance of the muscle. 550 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. off from the popliteal artery, which require to be noticed. Six of these are articular branches, and two are muscular. The superior internal articular arteries, consist of two. One of these is sometimes called the great anastomotic artery, Fig. 213 (20, 21), of the knee. It may arise from the femoral artery as it is passing through the tendinous sheath to be- come the popliteal ; or it may have its origin still higher up. After perforating the adductor magnus, it divides into several branches. One of these passes downwards behind the sar- torius muscle, in company with the internal saphenous nerve; another one passes downwards through the substance of the vastus internus muscle, and, reaching the inner border of the tendon of the quadriceps extensor muscle, just above the pa- tella, where it becomes subcutaneous, and crossing transversely to the outer side, along the upper border of the patella, it anastomoses with the superior external articular branch. It sends branches to the anterior surface of the patella. One or two branches are distributed principally to the periosteum on the inner and anterior surface of the femur. One of these sometimes takes the place of the next artery to be de- scribed, or terminates by anastomosing with it. The lower superior internal articular artery, Fig. 239 (4), arises just above the internal condyle, passes horizontally inwards and around the condyle, to gain its anterior surface. It sends branches to the patella and to the synovial mem- brane, and other branches to the integument, and to anasto- mose with the preceding branch and one or two of the other articular branches. The superior external articular artery, Fig. 239 (5), arises just above the external condyle, and, passing under the biceps flexor muscle, divides into several branches; some of which are muscular, and others are periosteal. The former are ascending branches, and go to the biceps and the quadriceps extensor muscles. The latter are found ramifying on the condyle and the anterior surface of the lower part of the femur, and also on the outer part of the patella. They also anastomose freely with the other articular branches. The inferior external articular artery, Fig. 239 (s), arises oppo- site the articulation, and passing horizontally outwards in a line corresponding to the joint, and beneath the tendon of the biceps and the external lateral ligaments, divides into an ascending, a transverse, and a descending branch. The first DISSECTION OF BACK OF THIGH AND THE HAM. 551 and The Fig. 239. passes upwards along the outer border of the patella, anastomoses with the superior external articular artery, second, passing transversely below the patella and between the ligamentum patellae and the joint, anastomoses with the inferior internal articular artery ; it also sends small branches to the fat and areolar tissue beneath the liga- mentum patellae. The last one anasto- moses with the anterior recurrent tibial, a branch of the anterior tibial artery. The inferior internal articular artery, Fig. 239 (7), arises opposite to the pre- ceding artery, and passing downwards and inwards around the internal tube- rosity of the head of the tibia, and be- neath the tendons of the muscles which form the inner hamstring, and the internal lateral ligament of the knee- joint, it turns upwards towards the patella. It anastomoses with the pre- ceding artery beneath the ligamentum patellae, and also with the superior internal articular arteries. The middle articular artery, or the azygos artery, Fig. 2S9 (e), arises from the forepart of the popliteal artery, and passes directly through the pos- terior ligament, to be distributed to the sy no vial membrane, the areolar tissue, and the crucial ligaments within the knee-joint ; some of its branches pene- trate the lower extremity of the femur. A VIEW or THE ARTERIES ON THE BACK OF THE EIGHT LEG. THE MUSCLES HAVE BEEN REMOVED SO AS TO DISPLAT THE VESSELS IN THEIR WHOLE LENGTH. 1. The popliteal artery, cut off so as to show the articular arteries. 2. Lower end of the same artery on the popliteus muscle. 3. Point of bifurcation into the posterior tibial and peroneal. 4. Lower superior internal articular artery. 5. Superior ex- ternal articular artery. 6. Middle articular artery. 7. Inferior internal articular artery. 8. Inferior external articular artery. 9. Branch to the head of the soleus muscle. 10. Origin of the anterior tibial artery. 11. Origin of the posterior tibial artery. 12. Point where it passes behind the internal annular ligament to become the plantar. 13, 14, 15. Muscular branches. 16. Origin of the peroneal artery. 17, 17. Muscular branches. 18, 18. Anastomosis of the posterior tibial and pero- neal arteries near the heel. 19. Muscular branch from the anterior tibial. 552 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. Instead of one middle artery, there may be several smaller ones going to supply the same parts. Like those which have been described above, it may take its origin from some one of the other articular arteries; all the arteries around the knee- joint vary more or less in their origin, and also in their size. The patella is the centre of their anastomotic connections. The gastrocnemial arteries, Fig. 238 (2, 3), arise from the back of the popliteal artery, nearly opposite the articulation, and passing downwards are distributed, one to each of the heads of the gastrocnemius. They are usually larger than the articular branches. They correspond to muscular branches given off from the popliteal artery, above the knee-joint, to be distributed to the muscles in the lower part of the thigh. SECT. IY. DISSECTION OF THE POSTERIOR AND THE INNER PART OF THE LEG. To dissect the posterior part of the leg, the integument may be removed by making an incision from the popliteal space along the median line to the heel, and thence along both the inner and outer borders of the plantar surface of the foot to a point on each side below the malleolus. From this incision the skin can be reflected externally and internally sufficiently to expose all the parts in this region. The foot should be flexed on the leg so as to make the fascia, as well as the muscles to be dissected, tense. Although it is conve- nient to describe, at this time, the parts which correspond to the subcutaneous surface of the tibia, it is not necessary that the integument which covers this surface should be removed in connection with that on the back of the leg. It is better that the student should dissect specially for the internal sa- phenous vein and nerve, as there is nothing else of any im- portance on the inner part of the leg. The vein, if injected, or filled with blood, is easily found and traced; but it is much more difficult to find the nerve, unless it was preserved when the dissection of the anterior part of the thigh was made. To dissect them on the leg, it is immaterial whether the subject be placed on the back or on the face; if on the back, the integument can be reflected from behind forwards, and the dissection can be made in connection with the back of the leg. POSTEKIOR AND INNER PART OF THE LEG. 553 Having reflected the integument from the incision made in the median line to a line corresponding to the fibula and external malleolus on the outer side, and to the inner angle of the tibia and internal malleolus on the inner side, the cuta- neous vessels and nerves should be examined. If it be de- cided to dissect the internal saphenous nerve and vein in connection with the back of the leg, then the internal flap must be raised as far as the anterior angle or spine of the tibia. Special care is requisite in raising the integument that the superficial fascia be left in order that the cutaneous vessels and nerves may not be injured or destroyed before they have been dissected. There are no arteries in the superficial fascia that require particular notice. The veins to be examined in the superficial fascia are the two saphenous, external and internal. The latter was dis- sected in the upper part of its course in connection with the thigh, and the former, with the popliteal space. They both commence on the dorsum of the foot, and are subcutaneous to within a very short distance of their termination, the one in the femoral, and the other in the popliteal vein. They communicate freely with each other on the leg, and sometimes the external joins the internal instead of the popliteal. They contain very few valves, which may contribute to the forma- tion of varix, and also tend to prevent the obliteration of the veins, as they can, in the absence of valves, more readily empty themselves by means of collateral branches ; the in- ternal has from two or three to six valves, and the external only two. The INTERNAL SAPHENOUS VEIN, Fig. 208, arises by the internal dorsal vein of the foot, passes backwards and upwards on the inner part of the dorsum, and in front of the ankle- joint to the anterior part of the internal malleolus, and thence along the inner angle of the tibia to the internal and poste- rior part of the knee-joint. In this part of its course it re- ceives branches from both sides of it. In the foot it commu- nicates with the deep plantar vein, and receives the superficial veins of the inner part of the plantar portion of the foot, including the internal calcaneal veins. Sometimes the last- named veins form a trunk which passes upwards behind the internal malleolus. and there unites with the saphenous. 47 554 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. From the knee to the saphenous opening in the fascia lata, the internal saphenous was described in connection with the anterior part of the thigh. Below the knee it is accompanied by one of the terminal divisions of the internal saphenous nerve. This is the longest vein in the body. The EXTERNAL or POSTERIOR SAPHENOUS VEIN, Fig.240(7), commences by the external dorsal vein of the foot, which communicates by quite a large branch with the internal dor- sal vein; thus a sort of an arch is formed, from the extremi- ties of which the saphenous veins take their origin. It passes backwards and upwards around the lower and posterior sur- face of the external malleolus to the outer border of the tendo- Achillis; it then ascends on the back of the leg over the gastrocnemius muscle to the popliteal region. It receives on the dorsum of the foot, at the outer part of the ankle-joint, the small veins which correspond to those received by the internal saphenous. It is accompanied by the external saphenous nerve which the vein crosses twice in its course, passing between it and the skin. There are several cutaneous nerves distributed to the in- tegument on the back and inner part of the leg. They have been noticed incidentally in connection with the dissection of the thigh and the popliteal region. The COMMUNICANS TIBIALIS, a branch of the internal popliteal, and the COMMUNICANS PERONEI, a branch of the external popliteal, Fig. 285, were observed in the dissection of the popliteal space. They are very regular in their origin and in the upper part of their course, but not so in the latter part of their course. Sometimes the peroneal communicans merely sends a branch to join the tibial communicans, and then again it terminates in it. They vary as to the point where they perforate the deep fascia, sometimes not doing it until they reach the lower part of the leg ; the distribution, however, is the same. The tibial communicans, after it has received the anastomosing branch from the peroneal commu- nicans, or has been joined by the nerve itself, is by some called the external saphenous. Fig. 235 (e, e). It descends on the outer side of the tendo-Achillis in company with the ex- ternal saphenous vein, to a point behind the external malleo- lus, where it sends off external calcaneal branches to the inte- gument on the heel ; it then continues forwards below the POSTERIOR AND INNER PART OF THE LEG. 555 malleolus to the outer part of the dorsum of the foot, and divides into two branches, one to supply the external part of the little toe, and the other, the contiguous surfaces of the same toe and the fourth toe; the last-named division receives an anastomosing branch from the musculo-cutaneous nerve. When the peroneal communicans continues down the leg, it usually terminates in supplying branches to the outer part of the" heel ; it gives oft' branches to the integument as it passes down the leg. It also frequently sends off a malleolar branch which, passing over the external malleolus, either anastomoses with, or takes the place of, a branch from the musculo-cutaueous. The INTERNAL SAPHENOUS NERVE, Fig. 212 (e), Fig. (2, 2), gives off a branch named the patellar on the inner side of the knee, which perforates the sartorius muscle, and passing downwards a short distance above the tendon of the sartorius, turns outwards arid divides into ascending, middle, and descend- ing branches, which ramify on the anterior surface of the pa- tella, the ligamentum patellae, and the forepart of the tibia. After giving off the patellar branch, the saphenous passes over the tendon of the gracilis to join the internal saphenous vein, which it accompanies to the foot. Its connection with the vein is such as to render the dissection of either of them somewhat difficult, as it twines around the vein, splits and runs a short distance on each side of it, and then unites again. In its course down the leg it sends branches, both externally and internally, to the integument. The internal filaments are short, and anastomose in the upper and poste- rior part of the leg with filaments derived from a cutaneous branch given off from the internal saphenous just before it enters the tendinous canal formed by the adductor magnus, or from a cutaneous branch given off by the obturator nerve, which then takes the place of the one from the internal saphenous ; in the lower part they anastomose with filaments from the external saphenous nerve. The external filaments are long, and descend obliquely outwards in front of the tibia. About three or four inches above the ankle, the in- ternal saphenous divides into a posterior and an anterior branch; the former passes directly downwards in front of the internal malleolus to the inner part of the foot, extend- ing as far as the sole, and giving filaments in its course to 556 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. the integument on each side of it; the anterior branch continues to accompany the saphenous vein to the dorsum of the foot, giving branches to the ankle-joint and to the skin on the foot. The posterior femoral cutaneous branch of the small sciatic, Fig. 234 (a), terminates in filaments sent to the integument on the back of the leg, and also to anastomose with the external saphenous nerve. The peroneal cutaneous branch, Fig. 234 (5, 7), of the exter- nal popliteal nerve is distributed to the integument on the outer part of the leg. Having completed the dissection of the vessels and nerves, the superficial fascia should now be removed to expose the deep fascia. The deep fascia on the back of the leg is continuous with the deep fascia in the popliteal space, where it is strength- ened by fibrous expansions from the tendons of the biceps, the semi-tendinous, the gracilis, and the sartorius. It is at- tached laterally, to the fibula on the outer side, and to the inner angle of the tibia on the inner side ; below, it is con- nected to the internal annular ligament of the ankle. There is another fascia on the back of the leg, which separates the superficial from the deep-seated layer of muscles. This will be noticed when it is reached in the course of the dissection. The internal annular ligament, Fig. 241 (14), arises from the margin of the internal malleolus, and is inserted into the internal side of the os calcis and the plantar aponeurosis. It spreads out so that it is much broader below than above. From its deep surface septa proceed inwards, to form several fibrous canals or sheaths for the tendons of the deep muscles of the back of the leg, and also for the posterior tibial nerve and vessels. The use of the fascia just described is to pro- tect the parts beneath it, and to form for the muscles sheaths, which increase their power of contraction ; the annular liga- ment keeps the tendons which pass beneath it in their proper position. The three following muscles constitute the superficial layer on the back of the leg. They are large, except the plantaris, and easily dissected. Two of them, as will be ob- served, arise from the femur above the articulation of the knee, and the third one arises from both bones of the leg, while they all are inserted into the os calcis. POSTERIOR AND INNER PART OF THE LEG. 557 The GASTROCNEMIUS or GEMELLUS, Fig. 236 (4, 4), arises by two heads, an external and an internal. The internal head, sometimes called the gemellus interims, is longer and larger than the external. It arises, muscular and tendinous, from a depression and a rough surface around it on the outer and upper part of the internal condyle, and from a ridge that is formed by the bifurcation of the linea aspera; the external head or gemellus externus arises from the outer and back part of the external condyle, and from a ridge above it. The tendon of each head is quite thick and stout at its origin, but spreads out as it descends behind the articulation of the knee and on the side of the popliteal space, to join the one on the opposite side. The fibres which go to form the prin- cipal part of the belly of the muscle, have their origin on the anterior surfaces of these tendinous expansions. Most of the fibres which arise directly from the bone, end in a ten- dinous substance which is placed in the median line of the muscle, while those which arise from the tendon pass down- wards to be inserted into the posterior surface of a broad aponeurotic tendon, which gradually becomes narrower until it ends in the tendo-Achillis. The part of the belly formed \)j the inner head, is much thicker than that formed by the outer head. A synovial sac is frequently found between each head, most commonly the left one only, and the correspond- ing condyle ; in some instances they communicate with the knee-joint. Sometimes a sesamoid bone, or fibro-cartilage, is met with in one or both of the heads behind the condyle. The posterior surface of the gastrocnemius is convex, while the anterior is flattened. It forms a considerable portion of the calf of the leg. The tendo Achillis will be noticed in connection with the soleus. The next muscle to be dissected is the plantaris. This is so small, and so closely connected to the gastrocnemius, that the student is very liable to overlook it unless his attention has been directed to it. The PLANTARIS consists of a small muscular belly termi- nating in a long slender tendon, the longest in the body. It arises from a rough surface above the external condyle, and from ligamentous fibres placed behind it, and passes down- wards on the inner side of the external head of the gastro- cnemius, which partly covers it, and of which it frequently 47* 558 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. seems to be a part, to end about three inches below its origin, in a small tendon which disappears beneath the gastrocne- mius, to appear again on the inner side of the tendo-Achillis, which it accompanies to the os calcis, into which it is inserted, either on the inner side of, or anterior to that tendon. The upper part of the tendon is placed between the gastroene- mius and soleus, having, with the muscular part, a direction somewhat oblique from above downwards, and from with- out inwards. This muscle is sometimes wanting, or its ten- don may terminate in condensed areolar tissue before it reaches the heel. The SOLEUS, Fig. 236 (5, 5), is placed beneath the gastroc- nemius, which must be partly or wholly raised to expose it. This may be done by detaching both heads at their origin ; or by cutting across the muscle just below the junction of its two heads ; or by simply detaching the internal head, separating the muscle from the parts beneath it, and then turning it outwards. It is immaterial which plan is adopted, provided the different muscles are preserved so that they can be replaced after the dissection has been completed, for the purpose of studying their relations to each other, and more particularly to the vessels and nerves in this region. The soleus has three origins. The^rs^ is by a strong tendon from the posterior part of the head of the fibula, and from the outer border and the posterior surface of the upper two thirds of its body; the second is from an oblique line, called the linea poplitei, on the posterior surface of the upper part of the tibia, and from the middle third of the inner angle of the same bone ; the third one is from a tendinous arch extending from the head of the fibula to the commence- ment of the linea poplitei. It is beneath this arch that the vessels and nerves pass from the popliteal space to the back of the leg, to get between the superficial and deep-seated layers of muscles, and by which they are protected from pressure by the action of the muscles between which they are placed. The fibres arising in the manner above men- tioned pass downwards, some of them more or less obliquely, to be inserted into the anterior surface of a tendinous expan- sion, which spreads out to form a considerable portion of the posterior surface of the muscle. This tendon, like the lower one of the gastrocnemius, diminishes in breadth, but in- POSTEKIOB AND INNER PART OF THE LEG. 559 creases in thickness as it passes downwards to end in the tendo-Achillis. The muscular belly of the soleus is pro- longed some distance further down than that of the gastroc- nemius. The opposing surfaces of these muscles are per- fectly fitted to each other, and are separated only by loose, delicate areolar tissue, which allows the one to glide on the other with the greatest facility. Taken together, they form the calf of the leg ; the upper part being formed mostly by the gastrocnemius, the lower part by the soleus. Perhaps no two muscles in the body present a more beautiful appear- ance than these two, when fully developed and properly dis- sected. This is owing not only to their perfect symmetry of form, but to the manner in which the muscular and tendinous structures are distributed in them. The TENDO-ACHILLIS, Fig. 236 (e), is the tendon of inser- tion common to the gastrocnemius and soleus. It is from three to four inches in length, being the largest and strongest tendon in the body. It is inserted into the lower part of the posterior extremity of the os calcis, being separated from all the upper and posterior surface of the bone by a synovial sac. It is separated from the posterior tibial vessels and nerve, which are placed beneath it, by areolar tissue and a dense fibrous membrane. The distance between it and the vessels allows of its being divided without any risk to them. The action of the gastrocnemius and soleus will be the same, as far as the ankle-joint is concerned, as both of them pass over it ; the former, as it passes over the knee-joint, can act on the leg as well as the foot, or on the thigh when the foot is made the fixed point. The office which they are re- quired to perform demands that they should be powerful muscles. Making their origin the fixed point, they are ca- pable of raising the entire body, as is done at every step that is taken in walking. When their attachments, and the re- lations which they sustain to the joints that they pass over, are understood, there will be no difficulty in understanding their actions. The action of the plantaris is so little that it can produce no marked effect, and as it is frequently absent, or when present, void of any fixed attachment below, must be unimportant. The three muscles just noticed may now be removed for the purpose of examining the fascia, which separates them 560 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. from the posterior tibial vessels and nerve and the deep layer of muscles. It is an extension of the one that covers the popliteus muscle, downwards to the foot, where it is blended with the internal and external annular ligaments. Laterally, it is attached externally to the fibula, and internally to the inner border or angle of the tibia. It binds down the muscles which are placed under it; and should be observed with re- ference to the formation of pus beneath it, and the direction it would be most likely to take. It shows the depth of the posterior tibial artery, and hence may be made an important guide for finding that vessel. When this fascia is removed, the following parts will be exposed: The popliteal artery will be seen at the lower border of the popliteus muscle, dividing into the anterior and posterior tibial arteries. The former is appropriated to the anterior part of the leg and the dorsum of the foot; the latter is dis- tributed mainly to the back of the leg and the plantar por- tion of the foot. The POSTERIOR TIBIAL ARTERY, Fig. 239 (n, 12), com- mences at the bifurcation of the popliteal at the lower border of the popliteus muscle, and extends down the leg to the groove formed by the internal malleolus and the os calcis, where, beneath the internal annular ligament, or the origin of the abductor pollicis, it divides into the external and internal plantar arteries. At first it is inclined inwards for a short distance, after which it has a vertical direction to its termi- nation. In the upper part of its course it rests on the tibialis posticus, in the middle on the flexor longus digitorum com- munis, and in the lower part it is in apposition with the tibia and the ankle-joint. In the upper two-thirds of its course it is covered by the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles; in the lower third it lies along the inner side of the tendo-Achillis and the os calcis, and is covered only by the integument and the different fasciae of this region, including the internal annular ligament. It is placed midway between the internal malleo- lus and the os calcis, being separated from the former by the tendons of the flexor longus digitorum communis and the tibialis posticus, and from the latter by the tendon of the flexor longus pollicis. The posterior tibial nerve is at first on the outer side, then behind, and in the lower part of the leg on the inner side of it, where it is separated from the artery by one of the venas comites. POSTERIOR AND INNER PART OP THE LEG. 561 Fig. 240. The depth and central position of the upper half or two thirds of the posterior tibial artery, and the same is true of the peroneal artery, as will be seen, renders it one of the most difficult arteries in the body to be reached in the living sub- ject for the purpose of applying a liga- ture to it. The posterior tibial artery gives off several branches in its course down the leg. The first one to be noticed is the internal recurrent branch. This passes round the inner border of the tibia, then upwards to the internal tuberosity of that bone, where it anastomoses with the inferior internal articular branch of the popliteal artery. The next branch to be observed is the nutritious artery of the tibia. This enters the nutritious foramen, and is distributed to the inter- nal lamellae of the bone, including the medullary membrane. It is remark- able for its large size as compared with other arteries of this class. Sometimes it is a branch of the anterior tibial artery. Before entering the bone, the nutritious artery usually gives off one or more muscular branches. The next branch to be examined is one of the principal arteries of the leg. The PERONEAL ARTERY, Fig. 239 (ie, is), arises from the posterior tibial usually about an inch below the bifur- cation of the popliteal artery, and passes THE ARTERIES AND DEEP-SEATED VEINS ON THE BACK OF THE RIGHT LEG. 1. Popliteal vein. 2. Popliteal artery. 3, 4. Vein and artery in their relative position on the back of the knee-joint. 5. Popliteal vein on the inner side of the joint. 6. Popliteal artery to the outer side and beneath it. 7. Posterior or short- saphenous vein. 8, 9. Internal articular vessels, both arteries and veins. 10, 11. External articular vessels, both arteries and veins. 12. Junction of the peroneal and poste- rior tibial veins. 13. A venous branch from the anterior tibial vein. 14. A vein from the gastrocnemius. 15. Anterior tibial artery going through the interosseous ligament. 16, 16. Posterior tibial artery. 17, 17. Its two venae comites. 18, 18. Peroneal artery. 19, 19. Its two vense comites. 20. Vessels on the heel. 562 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. at first obliquely downwards and outwards, to penetrate the flexor longus pollicis muscle, in which, or between it and the fibula, it extends vertically to within a short distance of the ankle-joint, where it divides into the posterior and ante- rior peroneal branches. Between its origin and the flexor longus pollicis, it is placed between the soleus behind and the tibialis posticus in front, and gives off in this part of its course branches to those muscles ; a little lower down it supplies a nutritious branch to the fibula; and still lower, it sends quite a large branch to join the posterior tibial artery; this anastomosing branch passes transversely, or nearly so, across the interosseous ligament; sometimes it is met with very large; when this occurs, the posterior tibial is usually quite small above its junction with this branch of the peroneal artery. Besides those named, the peroneal artery sends branches to the peronei muscles, and to the periosteum on the fibula. The anterior peroneal branch perforates the interosseous ligament, and thus gets into the lower part of the anterior interosseous fossa, where it anastomoses with the external malleolar branch of the anterior tibial artery. This is an interesting anastomosis, on account of the large size which this branch of the peroneal artery sometimes presents. It occasionally takes the place of the anterior tibial artery in supplying the arteria dorsalis pedis. It sends small branches to the peroneus tertius muscle and to the ankle-joint, including the articulation be- tween the tibia and fibula. The posterior peroneal branch passes down behind the external malleolus, and over the ankle-joint, to reach the outer posterior part of the os calcis, on the surface of which it ramifies, anastomosing with branches of the posterior tibial, external plantar, and the anterior peroneal, or external malleolar branch. The integu- ment and adipose substance on the bottom of the heel are supplied principally from this branch. The DEEP-SEATED VEINS, Fig. 240, on the back of the leg, consist of venae comites, which accompany the arteries. Those which accompany the peroneal artery are usually larger than those accompanying the posterior tibial. The artery is generally placed between its venaa comites, between which frequent communications take place across the artery. POSTERIOR AND INNER PART OF THE LEG. 563 The deep-seated veins on the back of the leg unite to form the popliteal vein. The POSTERIOR TIBIAL NERVE, Fig. 237, is a continua- tion of the internal popliteal, and commences at the lower border of the popliteus muscle, where it is placed on the inner side of the posterior tibial artery; as it descends in company with the artery it crosses over to the outer side of it, and continues in this position to the space between the internal malleolus and the os calcis, where it divides into the external and internal plantar nerves. In its course on the leg it gives off branches to the deep layer of muscles and to the integument on the heel. The nerve for the flexor longus pollicis accompanies the peroneal artery to a short distance above the ankle-joint. It usually arises by a common trunk with the branch for the flexor longus digitorum communis. The branch for the tibialis posticus arises a little distance below the knee-joint, and a little higher than the origin of the branches for the other muscles; it penetrates the muscle near its middle, having sent filaments to it in its course to this point. The internal calcaneal branches arise by a sin- gle trunk behind the ankle-joint, winds around the os calcis, on its inner side, to reach the integument and adipose sub- stance on its lower surface, where it divides into a branch which goes to the posterior part of the heel, and one that goes to the anterior part. The relations of the posterior tibial nerve to the muscles are the same as those of the artery which it accompanies. The deep layer of muscles which are next to be dissected consist of four. The first one, or popli- teus, is covered by an aponeurosis or fascia, by the removal of which the muscle will be exposed. To separate the three muscles below this from each other, it is sometimes better to find their tendons first, and then trace each one upwards. It is not unfrequently with difficulty that any line of separation can be found between the upper and middle portions of these muscles, unless it is followed up from their tendons below ; this is more especially the case with the tibialis posticus and the flexor longus digitorum communis. The POPLITEUS, Fig. 241 (G), is a flat, triangular-shaped muscle, placed behind and below the knee-joint. It arises by a round thick tendon from a depression on the outer surface of the external condyle of the femur, just below the origin 564 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. of the external head of the gastrocnemius, and the upper attachment of the external lateral ligament ; it passes down- wards and backwards beneath the external lateral ligament, and behind the outer part of the articulation, to the upper part of the tibia, into the posterior surface of which it is inserted, above an oblique ridge named the linea poplitei. Its tendon is connected to the external semilunar cartilage by ligamentous fibres, and also to the synovial membrane, by which it is partly surrounded, and through which connection a communication is sometimes found to exist between the articulation of the fibula with the tibia, and the knee-joint. The action of the popliteus is to assist the hamstring muscles in flexing the leg on the thigh ; or it may flex the thigh on the leg ; it may also rotate the tibia slightly, or the femur when the tibia is fixed. By its connection with the semi- lunar cartilage, it may fix it in its proper place. The FLEXOR LONGUS DIGITORUM COMMUNIS PEDIS, Fig. 241 (7), arises from the posterior surface of the tibia, com- mencing just below the insertion of the popliteus and the origin of the soleus, and extending down to within three or four inches of the ankle ; it also has some fibres arising from the aponeurosis on the tibialis posticus, and from intermus- cular septa. From this origin the fibres pass obliquely back- wards and inwards, to end in a tendon which descends to a groove behind the internal malleolus, where it is covered and fixed in its place by the internal annular ligament, and sepa- rated from the tendon of the tibialis posticus by a process of the annular ligament. It is surrounded by a synovial mem- brane which extends some distance above and below the groove. From this point it is directed forwards and a little outwards, to pass through a groove in the astragalus, and also one in the os calcis, when it enters the sole of the foot, where it is first joined by a slip from the tendon of the flexor longus pollicis, and next by the musculus accessorius ; it now divides into four tendons, one for each of the four smaller toes. Each tendon passes through a fibrous sheath lined by synovial membrane. This sheath corresponds to the under surface of the first and second row of phalanges. Each contains also one of the tendons of the flexor brevis digitorum communis, each of which is slit opposite the base of the second phalan- geal bone, for the transmission of the corresponding tendon POSTERIOR AND INNER PART OF THE LEG. 565 of the long flexor, as it passes forwards, to be inserted into the base of the last phalangeal bone. The FLEXOR LONGUS POLLICIS PEDIS, Fig. 241 (9), is placed to the outer side of the preceding muscle, from which it is partly separated by the tibialis posticus. It arises from the lower two-thirds of the fibula, from the aponeurosis which covers the tibialis posticus, and from the interosseous membrane near the lower end of the fibula, Fig. 241. and also from a fibrous septum between it and the peronei muscles. The fibres pass obliquely downwards and inwards, to end in a tendon which descends to a groove first on the inner side of the astragalus, and then of the os calcis, being kept by a strong fibrous sheath, firmly applied to these bones; from this point it is continued into the sole of the foot, and through it to the base of the last phalangeal bone of the great toe, into which it is inserted. Its tendon crosses above that of the long common flexor of the toes, and gives to it a tendinous slip ; in the latter part of its course, it is placed be- tween the bellies of the short flexor of the great toe. Opposite the internal malleolus, it is separated from the tendon of the long common flexor of the toes and the tendon of the tibialis posticus, by the posterior tibial vessels and nerve. The peroneal vessels are placed between its origin from the fibula, and its origin from the aponeurosis on the inner side of that bone. Its tendon passes very nearly through the whole muscle. Its action is to flex the great toe, and, having THE DEEP LAYER or MUSCLES OF THE POSTERIOR TIBIAL REGION OF THE LEFT LEG. 1. The lower extremity of the femur. 2. The ligamentum posticum Wins- lowii. 3. The tendon of the semi-membranosus muscle dividing into its three slips. 4. The internal lateral ligament of the knee-joint. 5. The long external lateral ligament. 6. The popliteus muscle. 7. The flexor longus digitorum. 8. The tibialis posticus. 9. The flexor longus pollicis. 10. The peroneus longus muscle. 11. The peroneus brevis. 12. The tendo-Achillis divided near its insertion into the os calcis. 13. The tendons of the tibialis posticus and flexor longus digitorum muscles, just as they are about to pass beneath the internal annular ligament (14) of the ankle; the interval between the latter tendon and the tendon of the flexor longus pollicis is occupied by the posterior tibial vessels and nerve. 48 566 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. done this, to extend the foot on the leg, and to adduct the foot. The TIBIALIS POSTICUS, Fig. 241 (s), is situated ia the middle of the interosseous fossa, or rather occupies a large portion of it, except at the lower part, where it has become tendinous. It arises from both bones of the leg, and from the interosseous membrane ; from the fibula, it arises between the origin of the soleus muscle and the outer malleolus, from the tibia, below the linea poplitei, and from nearly the whole of the posterior surface of the interosseous mem- brane; it also arises from the intermuscular septa, which separate it from the two preceding muscles. The fibres, which arise from these different points, pass downwards to end in a tendon which extends nearly the whole length of the muscle, occupying the central part of it. This tendon passes between that of the flexor longus digitorum communis and the tibia, to get into a fibrous canal above and behind the internal malleolus, and to the inner side of the tendon of the last- named muscle ; it then continues obliquely forwards and is inserted into the scaphoid and the internal and middle cunei- form bones ; sometimes some fibres can be traced from it to the base of the metatarsal bone of the great toe, and also to the external cuneiform bone. A sesamoid bone, or fibro- cartilage, is very frequently found in its tendon just behind its insertion into the scaphoid bone. A synovial membrane is placed between this sesamoid body and the scaphoid bone. The upper end of the muscle is notched for the passage of the anterior tibial vessels. Its action is to extend the foot on the leg; it will also invert the plantar surface of the foot by elevating its inner border; with the long flexor muscles of the toes it may act as a substitute for the gastrocnemius and soleus in case the tendo-Achillis has been injured. It also assists in steadying the foot in standing or walking. Having completed the dissection of the back of the leg, the student should review what he has been over, including in this review the popliteal space. He should carefully examine the deepfascice to see in what manner they would limit or favor in any particular direction, the extension of collections of pus. He will notice that pus, collected beneath the deep fascia of the popliteal space, might extend to the foot without en- countering any obstruction from fascia ; and also that in en- POSTERIOR AND INNER PART OF THE LEG. 567 tering tlie leg it would pass down in the sheath of the super- ficial layer of muscles ; or, if it should form beneath the fascia which covers the deep layer of muscles, it might pass under the internal annular ligament and enter the sole of the foot. Thus it will be seen that the cavity formed by the sheath of the superficial layer of muscles communicates with that form- ed by the fascia lata of the thigh, while that formed by the sheath of the deep layer communicates with that formed by the plantar aponeurosis. He should examine the different arteries of this region, and study their relations to prominent points which can always be seen or felt in the living subject, and by which he will be enabled at any time to locate any one of these ves- sels ; and also, such points as will serve for guides in finding either one of the arteries in case he should ever have occasion to ligate them in his practice. Take, for example, the pos- terior tibial artery two or three inches below its origin ; he should carefully examine its relations to the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, in order to determine whether it could be reached better by cutting directly upon it through those muscles, or by detaching the soleus from the tibia or fibula, and then following the fascia which separates the superficial from the deep layer of muscles. He has already seen in the dissection of these parts that this fascia covered the artery ; he has also seen the position of the nerve, so that he would be able to take this into consideration in deciding the best way to reach the artery without injuring the nerve. He should likewise study the relations of the same artery lower down ; and, also, the peroneal artery. The position of the tendons of the long muscles of the foot as they pass through the sulcus formed, on the inner side by the internal malleolus, and on the outer side by the tendo-Achillis and the os calcis, should receive special attention. It may happen to him some time that he will have occasion to divide one or more of these tendons. A short time devoted to the study of these parts, now fhey are before him, may prove to be of immense use to him at some future time, and he cannot neglect this opportunity to acquire this knowledge without doing himself great injustice, as well as those who will have a right to de- mand of him the application of it to themselves. 568 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. SECT. V. DISSECTION OF THE ANTERIOR AND OUTER PARTS OF THE LEG, AND THE DORSUM OF THE FOOT. As there is so little on the dorsum of the foot that is not found on the leg, while almost every thing to be dissected on the leg, such as fascia, muscles, vessels, and nerves, not only extend to, but pass over the dorsum of the foot, we think it is better to make but one dissection of these regions. Nor is the number of the parts to be examined so great that the student cannot, if proper means be employed to preserve the subject from drying or decomposing, dissect them in a satis- factory manner while they are in a suitable condition for this purpose. There is, perhaps, more danger to be appre- hended from the parts drying and becoming hard on the foot, than of their decomposing, especially if a strong solution of chloride of zinc has been used as an antiseptic ; this can be prevented only by the constant use of wet-cloths kept ap- plied to the limb during the intervals of dissecting. The foot should be extended on the leg, and kept in this position by means of hooks ; in dissecting the muscles it will be neces- sary, not only to extend the foot, but to abduct it in dissect- ing the tibialis anticus, and adduct it in exposing the pe- ronei muscles. To remove the integument a vertical incision may be made, commencing at the knee and extending it down the leg a little to the outside of the spine of the tibia to the ankle- joint, and thence in a straight line on the dorsum of the foot to the space between the great and the second toe. Two transverse incisions should be made ; an upper one extending from the ligamentum patellae to the outer hamstring, and a lower one from one malleolus to the other in front of the ankle-joint. If the thigh and back part of the leg have already been dissected, it may not be necessary to make any new incisions, or it may be more convenient to make them in a different manner; the student will have no Difficulty in determining the most convenient way, when he remembers that the manner in which the skin is removed has nothing to do with the dissection of the parts beneath it, except to get it out of the way as fast as, but no faster than is required to expose those parts, and to use it for covering them when he is not dissecting. Care is necessary here as well as elsewhere in ANTERIOB PAKT OF LEG, DOESUM OF THE FOOT. 569 Fig. 242. removing it not to take up the superficial fascia with it, if the subcutaneous vessels and nerves are to be examined. Having raised the integument on the leg as far as the in- ner angle of the tibia internally, and to a short distance behind the fibula externally, and on the foot as far as its inner and outer borders back to within about an inch of the heel, the vessels and nerves in the superficial fascia should be dissected. There is neither any subcutaneous artery or vein of sufficient size on the anterior or outer part of the leg, to require any special notice. The only nerve of much im- portance is the musculo-cutaneous, Fig. 242 (s), a branch of the external popli- teal or peroneal nerve. This nerve must be looked for perforating the deep fascia near the junction of the middle, with the lower third of the leg, and a little to the inner side of a line corresponding to the fibula. It is quite a large nerve, and with a little care the student cannot fail to find it ; and when found, it is easily traced down the leg, and on the dorsum of the foot. It gives off a small branch called the exter- nal malleolar branch, which passes over the external malleolus, and anastomoses with a branch of the external saphe- nous nerve. It then divides into four terminal branches, which are distributed to the toes. The first one, commencing internally, goes to the inner side of the great toe ; the second goes to the outer side of the great toe, and to the inner side of the second toe ; the third sup- plies the outer part of the second, and the inner part of the third toe; the fourth is distributed to the outer side of OF THE LEG, AND THE DOR- the third, and to the inner side of the fourth toe. The last-named branch anastomoses with the external saphe- nous, which not unfrequently supplies 48* PLAN OF THE CUTANEOUS NERVES ON THE FOREPART become subcutaneous. 2,2,2. Branches of 'the external popliteal. 3. Musculo-cuta- neous. 4. Anterior tibial. 570 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. this branch, instead of the museulo-cutaneous. The branch that supplies the inner part of the great toe anastomoses with the internal saphenous nerve. The other branches anastomose with the anterior tibial nerve ; sometimes they are wanting, when their places are supplied by branches of the anterior tibial. The branches of the museulo-cutaneous not only supply the toes to which they Fig. 243. are distributed, but also the integument on the lower and forepart of the leg, and on the middle part of the dorsum of the foot. The integument on the inner part of the leg is supplied by branches of the internal saphenous. Fig. 242 (i), while the external popliteal, or the pe- roneal cutaneous, Fig. 242 (2, 2, 2), sup- ply the integument on the outer part of the leg. After removing the skin from the dorsurn of the foot, besides the nerves just noticed the superficial veins, Fig. 243, should be examined. These consist of an internal and an external dorsal vein, which are connected across the meta- tarsus so as to form an arch called the dorsal arch. The veins of the toes empty into this arch ; and, also, branches from the internal and external plantar veins. The saphenous veins have their origin in this arch, or rather in the internal and external dorsal veins. There are other veins on the dorsum of the foot and on the anterior part of the leg, but they require no special notice ; they ter- minate either in the internal or external saphenous vein. The superficial fascia THE SUPERFICIAL VEINS OF THE FRONT OF THE RIGHT LEG. 1. Internal or long saphenous above the leg. 2. The same vein on the inner side of the leg. 3. A transverse branch below the knee which receives all the venous branches from the front of the leg. 4. A branch which anastomoses with the deep-seated veins. 5. The dorsal vein on the inner side of the foot. 6. The arch formed by the inner and outer dorsal veins. ANTERIOR PART OF LEG, DORSUM OF THE FOOT. 571 may now be dissected off to expose the deep fascia, and the external and anterior annular ligaments. The deep fascia on the anterior part of the leg is thicker and stronger than on any other part. It is composed in the tipper part of fibres which have an oblique direction, and interlace with each other; in the lower part they are circular. It is continuous above with the fascia lata as it is continued downwards in front of the knee-joint, and is also attached to the tubercle of the tibia; internally, it is attached to the spine of the tibia ; externally, to the fibula ; and below, to the ante- rior annular ligament. Thus, it will be seen that it forms a sheath for the muscles on the anterior part of the leg ; besides forming a sheath common to the muscles, it sends processes or intermuscular septa in between them, especially in the upper part of the leg. The tibialis anticus and the extensor longus digitorum communis have, as will be seen, their origin in part from these intermuscular septa ; they also arise partly from the inner surface of the fascia, where it covers them. The deep fascia on the outer side of the leg is continuous above, with the fascia lata, and is attached to the head of the fibula ; laterally, it is attached to the tibia and fibula, where it assists the anterior and posterior fasciae in forming two intermuscular septa. This fascia forms a sheath for the long and short peroneal muscles, and sends a process in be- tween them from which, as well as from the inner surface of the sheath, they, in part, have their origin; below, it termi- nates in the external annular ligament. The anterior annular ligament, Fig. 244 (12), consists of a broad fibrous band extending superficially from the internal malleolus and os naviculare obliquely across in front of the ankle-joint to the external malleolus and os calcis. As the deep fascia gradually increases in thickness as it approaches the ligament, it is impossible to fix any distinct line of sepa- ration between them. It forms on the inner side next to the tibia a sheath for the tendon of the tibialis anticus, and an- other for the tendons of the extensor longus digitorum com- munis and peroneus tertius, which is placed lower down and close to the fibula. The tendon of the extensor longus polli- cis also passes through a sheath, which is, however, imperfectly formed ; the anterior tibial vessels and nerve pass through the same sheath occupied by the tendon of the extensor longus pollicis. A fibrous band extends from the annular 572 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. ligament over the dorsum of the tarsus, and supplies the tendons of the same muscles with sheaths, binding them down at the same time to the tarsus, so that each is kept in its proper position. This layer of fibrous structure is con- tinuous laterally with the plantar fascia. The sheaths of these tendons are lined by synovial membrane, which is also reflected around the tendons themselves. The external annular ligament, Fig. 244 (is), extends from the external malleolus to the outer surface of the os calcis. It forms a sheath for each of the peronei muscles, which pass round the external malleolus. These sheaths, like the pre- ceding, are lined by synovial membrane. The annular liga- ments around the ankle-joint are extremely interesting, when viewed as a part of the mechanism of the ankle and foot. Without a knowledge of them it will be impossible for the student to understand properly the actions of the muscles, the tendons of which have a direction quite different from that of those portions in which their contractile power lies. There are four muscles on the anterior part of the leg, which should now be exposed. To do this the deep fascia may be divided by making a vertical incision, commencing about three or four inches below the knee and about three- fourths of an inch from the spine of the tibia, and extending it down to the annular ligament, which should be preserved for the present. The fascia should then be dissected laterally from the muscles beneath it, so that its attachments to the tibia and the fibula may be observed. Having done this, the muscles should be separated from each other, which should be done at first in the lower part of the leg where they are free. When the tibialis anticus is separated from the extensor longus digitorum communis below, the separation can be extended upwards to their origin by dividing that por- tion of the fascia, from the under surface of which they partly arise. The fascia cannot be dissected from the upper part of either of the above-mentioned muscles without mutilating them, and leaving a rough surface formed by the cut ends of the fibres. The fascia is here really a part of the muscle, being a part of its tendon of origin in an aponeurotic form. The TIBIALIS ANTICUS, Fig. 244 (3), is placed next to the tibia, occupying the inner part of the anterior interosseous fossa. It arises from the head of the fibula, from the inner Fig. 244. ANTERIOR PAKT OF LEG, DOKSUM OF THE FOOT. 573 part of the interosseous ligament, from the head and the outer surface of the upper two-thirds of the tibia, and from the deep fascia. The fibres pass obliquely downwards and inwards to end at the lower part of the leg in a flattish round tendon, which passes down in front of the lower part of the tibia and the ankle-joint to get to the inner side of the tarsus, to be inserted into the tuberosity of the internal cunei- form bone, and by a tendinous fascicu- lus into the base of the metatarsal bone of the great toe. The fibres join the tendon much lower down behind than before, so that in front the tendon is seen as high as the junction of the middle and lower thirds of the leg; it extends considerably higher, but is concealed by the fibres of the muscle. It passes through a separate sheath formed by the anterior annular liga- ment, and is surrounded in the sheath by synovial membrane. Its action is to flex the foot upon the leg, to raise the inner part of the foot, and also to adduct it. As a flexor it antagonizes the tibialis posticus, so that when the student has learned its action as such, he has merely to reverse it to under- stand the action of the posticus. The EXTENSOR LONGUS DIGITOKUM PEDIS, Fig. 244 (4), is situated in the outer part of the interosseous fossa, having nearly the same relation to the fibula that the preceding muscle has to the tibia. The lower part of it is separated from the fibula by the pero- THE MUSCLES OF THE ANTERIOR TIBIAL REGION AND DORSUM OP THE FOOT. 1. The extensor muscles inserted into the patella. 2. The subcutaneous surface of the tibia. 3. The tibialis anticus. 4. The extensor longug digitorum. 5. The ex- tensor proprius pollicis. 6. The peroneus tertius. 7. The peroneus longus. 8. The peroneus brevis. 9, 9. The borders of the soleus muscle. 10. A part of the inner belly of the gastrocnemius. 11. The extensor brevis dig-itorum; the tendon in front of this number is that of the peroneus tertius, and those behind it, the ten- dons of the peronei brevis and longus. 12. Anterior annular ligament. 13. Ex- ternal annular ligament. 14. Ligamentum patellae. 574 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. neus tertius, which on the leg appears to be a part of this muscle. It arises from the outer part of the head of the tibia, from the whole of the inner surface of the upper half of the fibula including the head, from the interosseous liga- ment, and from the interrnuscular septum on each side, and the deep fascia of the leg in front. The fibres from these different origins pass downwards, some obliquely and others vertically, to end in a tendon near the junction of the middle and lower thirds of the leg. This tendon immediately di- vides into three others, which pass through a single canal under the annular ligament, and then continue forwards on the dorsum of the tarsus, the external one dividing into two to reach the outer four toes, into the last two phalanges of which they are inserted. If the upper part of this muscle be de- tached from the fascia which covers it and the intermuscular septa on its sides, the surfaces thus formed will be very rough. On the dorsum of the foot, the four tendons cross over at an acute angle, from within outwards, the tendons of the short extensor of the toes ; each tendon spreads out on the dorsum of the first phalangeal bone, which it passes over to divide at the articulation of this bone with the second, into three parts, the middle one of which is inserted into the base of the second phalangeal bone, while the other two pass forwards, to be inserted in common into the base of the last phalangeal bone. The action of this muscle is to extend the toes with which it is connected, and to flex the foot on the leg ; it may also assist the tibialis anticus in inverting the sole of the foot. The PERONEUS TERTIUS, Fig. 244 (e), is placed to the outer side of the preceding muscle, of which it not unfre- quently seems to be a part. It arises from the anterior and inner part of the lower half of the fibula, soon forms a ten- don which passes downwards through the same canal under the annular ligament as the extensor longus digitorum ; it then descends obliquely outwards over the tarsus to reach the base of the fifth metatarsal bone, into which it is inserted. A tendinous band sometimes connects the tendon of this muscle with the outer tendon of the preceding muscle. Its principal action is to elevate the outer border of the foot; in this way it may antagonize the action of the long ex- tensor muscles of the toes, as far as those muscles may tend ANTERIOR PART OF LEG, DORSUM OF THE FOOT. 575 to invert the sole of the foot; it may also assist in extend- ing the fifth toe, or in flexing the foot on the leg. The EXTENSOR POLLICIS PROPRIUS, Fig. 244 (/>), is placed between the tibialis anticus on the inner side, and the exten- sor longus digitorum on the outer side; the upper part of it is covered by these muscles. It arises from the inner surface of the fibula, commencing usually as high as the junction of the upper and middle thirds, and from the inter- osseous ligament close to the fibula; it may also be joined by a few fibres which arise from the lower part of the tibia. The fibres terminate in a tendon which, commencing higher in front than behind, passes first under the annular ligament, then forwards over the tarsus and the metatarsal bone of the great toe, to be inserted by two fasciculi into the base of the first phalangeal bone, and by one fasciculus into the base of the second phalangeal bone. Its relations to the anterior tibial artery are interesting, and will be noticed in the de- scription of that vessel. Its action is to extend the great toe, and to flex the foot on the leg; it may also assist in raising the inner border of the foot. The EXTENSOR BREVIS DIGITORUM, Fig. 244 (i i), is placed on the dorsum of the foot, being the only muscle in that re- gion, except the interossei, that has its origin and insertion on the foot. It arises on the outer part of the foot from the os calcis and astragalus by a short round tendon and some mus- cular fibres. It passes obliquely forwards and inwards be- neath the tendons of the extensor longus digitorum and pe- roneus tertius to divide into four tendons, which are continued forwards to be inserted into the phalangeal bones of the inner four toes, the little toe having no tendon from this muscle. The one to the great toe is larger than either of the others ; it passes over the dorsal artery of the foot just before it enters the first interosseous space, and under the tendon of the long extensor of the great toe, and is inserted into the base of the last phalangeal bone of the great toe. The other tendons get beneath the corresponding tendons of the long extensor of the toes, and become blended with them in forming the fibrous sheaths which cover the dorsa of all the smaller toes. The action of this muscle is to extend the toes. Its direction being obliquely from without inwards it counteracts the tendency of the long extensors to draw the toes towards the 576 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. inner side of the leg, so that by their combined action the toes will be extended in a line directly backwards. Having now examined the muscles on the anterior part of the leg and dorsum of the foot, the deep vessels and nerves found in this region should next be Fig. 245. noticed. To do this it will not, how- ever, be necessary to raise the muscles, for they can be pushed sufficiently to one side or the other to get to the vessels or nerves. The anterior tibial artery and veins, with their branches, are the only vessels; the anterior tibial and the muscular cutaneous, for a short distance, are the only nerves. The ANTERIOR TIBIAL ARTERY, Fig. 245 (3 ,4 , s), is one of the divisions of the popliteal artery. It passes im- mediately through an opening in the upper part of the interosseous liga- ment, to get into the anterior interos- seous fossa or space, in which, resting on the anterior surface of the interos- seous ligament, it passes downwards to the ankle-joint, where it terminates in the dorsal artery of the foot. It is placed, in the upper third of its course, between the tibialis anticus and the extensor longus digitorurn ; below this, down to about the middle of the lower third, it is found between the last- named muscle and the extensor pol- licis proprius, while in the remainder of its course it is placed, at first, be- hind the tendon of the extensor poll- A VIEW or THE ANTERIOR TIBIAL ARTERY AND ITS BRANCHES. 1, 1, 1. The re- mains of the extensor proprius pollicis pedis muscle and tendon. 2, 2, 2, 2. Super- ficial branches from the popliteal artery, known as articular arteries. 3. Anterior tibial artery, as it comes through the interosseous ligament. 4. The same artery, on the middle of the leg. 5. Point where it passes under the extensor proprius tendon above the annular ligament. 6. Anterior recurrent branch. 7. Branch to the extensor comrnunis, soleus, and peroneus longus muscles. 8, 8, 8. Other mus- cular branches. 9. Arteria dorsalis pedis, or continuation of the anterior tibial on the foot. 10. A branch of the external malleolar artery. ANTERIOR PART OF LEG, DORSUM OF THE FOOT. 577 icis, and then between it and the extensor longus digi- torum. Thus, it will be seen that the extensor pollicis is placed at first to the outer side, then in front, and lastly to the inner side of this artery, which, in the upper third of the leg, can have no relation to this muscle whose origin begins at the junction of the upper and middle thirds. The student should notice the distance of this artery from the skin, as it descends to the ankle, or the depth of an incision that would reach it in any part of its course; he should also observe how far from the spine of the tibia, and in what direction an incision should be made, for the purpose of ligating it in the living subject. Besides muscular branches which are not named, the anterior tibial artery gives off the anterior tibial recurrent, and an external and an internal malleolar branch. The anterior tibial recurrent branch, Fig. 245 (G), arises from the anterior tibial artery as soon as it has reached the ante- rior interosseous space. It passes upwards and inwards on the surface of the inner tuberosity of the head of the tibia, covered by the origin of the tibialis anticus; it then divides into branches, which anastomose with the inferior external and internal articular branches of the popliteal artery. The internal malleolar branch, Fig. 246 (i o), arises just above the anterior annular ligament, passes inwards and down- wards beneath the tibialis anticus, and divides into two branches, one of which enters the ankle-joint, while the other passes over the surface of the internal malleolus, below which, on the inner side of the foot, it anastomoses with branches of the internal plantar artery. The external malleolar branch, Fig. 246 (i i), usually arises near the anterior annular ligament ; it varies, however, very much in its origin and distribution, and also in its size. It is distributed on the outer part of the foot, anastomosing with branches of the peroneal artery externally and with branches of the dorsal artery of the tarsus inferiorly; it usually gives off quite a large branch to the articulation of the ankle. The dorsal artery of the foot, Fig. 246 (7, 9), commences at the anterior annular ligament, being a continuation of the ante- rior tibial, and extends forwards on the tarsus to the first interosseous space, into which it dips to join the external plan- 49 578 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. Fig. 246. Fig. 247. THE SUPERFICIAL ARTERIES ON THE TOP OF THE FOOT. 1. Tibi.llis anticus muscle. 2. Extensor proprius pollicis pedis. 3. Extensor comrnu- nis tendon, cut off. 4. Extensor bre- vis digitorum pedis. 5. Anterior tibial artery, between the extensor tendons. 6. Some of its muscular branches. 7. Opposite to commence- ment of dorsal artery. 8. Opposite to dorsal artery of the foot. 9. Point where it dips to anastomose with the external plantar. 10, 11. Two mal- leolar arteries. 12, 13. Muscular branches of the dorsal artery of the foot. 14. Metatarsal artery. 15, 16, 17. Its interosseal branches and their distribution. THE DEEP-SEATED ARTERIES ON THE TOP OF THE FOOT. 1. Point where the anterior tibial reaches the foot. 2. Dorsal artery of the foot. 3. Pointwhere it dips, to join the plantar arch. 4. Internal malleolar artery. 5. Dorsal artery of the tarsus. 6. A branch to the extensor brevis muscle. 7. Branches of the dorsal artery. 8. Branches to the ligaments. 9. Metatarsal artery. 10. Superior branches of the meta- tarsal artery. 11. Interosseous arteries. 12. Posterior perforating branches of the metatarsal. 13. Plantar interosseous arte- ries, seen through the interosseous spaces. 14. Anterior perforating branches of the metatarsal. 35. Bifurcation of the inter- osseous to give the digital of the toes. 16. Dorsalis pollicis. 17. A digital branch to the inside of the great toe. 18. Bifur- cation of the dorsalis pollicis. 19. Its perforating branch. 20, 21, 22. Distribu- tion of the digitals.' 23. Section of the posterior tibial. 24. Branch of the poste- rior peroneal artery. tar artery. It lies to the outer side of the tendon of the ex- tensor of the great toe, and is covered by the skin, the super- ficial and the deep fascia. It gives off several branches; those ANTERIOR PART OF LEG, PORSUM OF THE FOOT. 579 which, are directed to the inner part of the foot are not named; they vary in number, size, and distribution. They anastomose behind with the internal malleolar branch of the anterior tibial artery, and below with branches of the inter- nal plantar ; those which go to the dorsum of the outer part of the foot are the following: The dorsal artery of the tarsus, Fig. 247 (s), passes outwards beneath the extensor brevis digitorum and divides into several branches, which anastomose with the external mal- leolar branch of the anterior tibial, with the external plantar artery, and with the one next to be described. It varies in size and in the number of branches which it gives off. The metatarsal branch, Fig. 247 (9), usually arises just be- fore the dorsal artery of the foot disappears in the interos- seous space. It passes transversely outwards in a line cor- responding nearly to the tarso-metatarsal articulations, forming an arch from which branches are given off to supply the in- terosseous spaces and the integument on the upper part of the toes. They are called the interosseous and digital arteries. There is one for each of the interosseous spaces except the first, which is supplied directly from the dorsal artery of the foot. Each interosseous artery divides into two digital branches, which are distributed to the opposing sides of the two toes which correspond to the artery. The relations and distribution of the three interosseous arteries are very nearly similar. They anastomose with branches of the correspond- ing arteries on the bottom of the foot. Each interosseous artery is joined by an anastomosing branch at each extremity of the interosseous space. The DEEP VEINS consist of those which accompany the arteries, each artery having its vence comites. They commu- nicate with the superficial or subcutaneous veins at different points. The venae comites are generally arranged so as to have one on the outer and one on the inner side of the artery which they accompany ; they communicate freely with each other by means of branches extending between them across the artery. The deep veins are supplied with valves. The ANTERIOR TIBIAL NERVE, Fig. 248 (2, 3), is one of the terminal divisions of the external popliteal or peroneal, which it leaves between the peroneus longus and the external sur- 580 THE LOWEK EXTREMITY. face of the fibula just below its head ; it then passes beneath the flexor longus digitorum, getting be- Fig. 248. tween it and the tibialis anticus, where it joins the anterior tibial artery which it accompanies down the leg to the foot, being placed in front of it. Just before the external popliteal nerve divides into the musculo-cutaneous and the anterior tibial it gives off a small branch to the tibialis anticus muscle, and another to the tibio-fibular articulation. Below the anterior annular ligament the anterior tibial nerve divides into two branches; one of which accompanies the dorsal ar- tery to the first interosseous space, where it divides into two branches which are distributed, one to the two sides of the great toe, and the other to the inner side of the second toe. These last branches either anastomose with or take the place of the corresponding branches of the musculo-cutaneous nerve. The other terminal division of the anterior tibial passes obliquely outwards beneath the short common extensor of the toes, and divides into several branches, some of which go to that muscle, while others are distributed to the interosseous spaces. The Musculo- Cutaneous Nerve, Fig. 248 (i), will be seen in the dissection of the muscles on the anterior part of the leg, only while passing between the peroneus longus and the flexor longus digitorum muscles; below this it perforates the deep fascia and becomes subcutaneous, which part of it has already been described in the superficial fascia. In the first part of its course it passes through the substance of the peroneus longus, and must be exa- mined when that muscle is dissected. On the outer part of the leg will be found the peronei A VIEW OF THE MUS- CTJLO-CUTANEOUS AND THE ANTERIOR TIBIAL NERVE. 1. The mus- culo-cutaneous nerve. 2, 3. The anterior tibial nerve accompanying the artery of the same name. OUTER PART OF LEG, DORSUM OF THE FOOT. 581 muscles, long and short. They cover the whole of the ex- ternal surface of the fibula except about two inches and a half at the lower end, where the bone is subcutaneous, and can be distinctly felt beneath the skin. When compared with the tibia, the fibula will be seen to have but little subcutaneous surface ; it gives origin or attachment to muscles on every side, while but two of the three sides of the tibia are thus occupied. The fibula belongs essentially to the foot, the tibia to both the thigh and foot, perhaps more r however, to the former than to the latter. Only one muscle passes over the knee-joint to be attached to the fibula, while nine will be found passing over it to be attached to the tibia; the reverse is true to some extent of the attachments of those muscles to the tibia and fibula which pass over the ankle-joint to the foot. The musculo-cutaneous nerve, Fig. 248 (i), one of the termi- nal divisions of the external popliteal, should now be sought in the substance of the peroneus longus, in order that it may be traced through this muscle to the space between it and the extensor longus digitorum. This nerve was noticed in the dissection of the superficial fascia and muscles on the anterior part of the leg, and on the dorsum of the foot; it only remains now to examine it in its course through the peroneus longus, and the branches which it gives off to the peronei muscles. The PERONEUS LONGUS, Fig. 244 (7), arises from the ante- rior and outer surface of the head of the fibula, from a small portion of the external surface of the head of the tibia, from the outer surface of the upper half of the fibula below the head, from the intermuscular septum on each side of it, and from the fascia which covers it. From these different points of origin the fibres pass downwards to end in a ribbon-shaped tendon near the middle of the leg, where it is closely applied to the peroneus brevis ; becoming narrower, the tendon de- scends to the groove behind the external malleolus, where it passes under the external annular ligament in a canal with the short peroneus; it then turns forwards to a groove on the outer border of the cuboid bone, through which it passes to enter the sole of the foot; from this point it is directed ob- liquely forwards and inwards to the base of the metatarsal bone of the great toe, into which it is inserted, Fig. 266 (s). It is covered by ligamentous fibres at the outer border of the cuboid bone, and also in the sole of the foot; these fibres 582 THE LOWEE EXTREMITY. form a sheath for it at each place, lined by a synovial mem- brane; the canal through which it passes behind the external malleolus is also lined by a synovial membrane. It will be seen that the tendon of this muscle passes over two trochlear surfaces, one behind the malleolus from which it is reflected forwards and downwards, the other at the outer border of the cuboid bone where it is reflected forwards and inwards. A sesamoid bone is frequently found in the tendon where it passes over the cuboid bone. The action of this muscle is to extend the foot on the leg and to depress the inner border of the foot, elevating at the same time the outer border. The examination of the tendon of this muscle in the sole of the foot must be postponed until the parts which cover it there have been dissected. The PERONEUS BREVIS, Fig. 244 (e), arises from the exter- nal surface of the lower half of the fibula, and from the inter- muscular septum on each side of it ; its tendon commencing a short distance above the external malleolus, but lower than that of the peroneus longus, descends to the groove behind the malleolus where it passes through the same canal as the preceding muscle; it is then continued forwards and down- wards through a groove on the outer side of the os calcis to the base of the metatarsal bone of the little toe, into which it is inserted; sometimes it is connected by a few fibres to the cuboid bone or to the base of the fourth metatarsal bone, or it may send a slip to the extensor tendon of the little toe. On the outer side of the fibula and behind the external mal* leolus it is placed beneath the peroneus longus, but is above it on the outer side of the os calcis, where it is surrounded by a synovial membrane. Its action is the same as that of the peroneus longus. These muscles should be examined with reference to fracture of the fibula, and, also, to displacement of their tendons, by being forced out of the canal through which they pass, behind the external malleolus. SECT. YI. DISSECTION OF THE SOLE OF THE FOOT. The anatomy of the sole of the foot demands the careful attention of the student. Its arteries and nerves, from their DISSECTION" OF THE SOLE OF THE FOOT. 583 exposed situation, are constantly liable to injury, especially among the poorer classes of people, who are in the habit of dis- pensing with the use of shoes or boots. Punctured wounds are frequently met with in the sole of the foot, which, are liable to be followed by tetanus, or by collections of pus; in either case, the proper treatment must be based mainly on the anatomy of the parts. The same is true in the case of incised wounds, in which hemorrhage occurs, requiring the employ- ment of prompt and efficient means for arresting it. Deformi- ties are also met with, in the treatment of which a thorough knowledge of the foot is demanded. And the same may be said in regard to injuries of various kinds, requiring surgical treatment. The question, as to the removal of a part or the whole of the foot by excision or amputation, must frequently be decided by the extent of injury which the parts have sus- tained ; and, to be able to determine this, the surgeon must have an accurate knowledge of all the parts involved. In the management of such cases, the surgeon cannot rely on any rules which he may have learned in the lecture-room or in books; for it is impossible to lay down any set of rules which will meet the indications of every case that may occur. Whe- ther the patient shall lose the whole or a part of his foot, or shall have the limb saved entire, may depend wholly upon a slight variation in the extent of the injury inflicted, and which can be detected only by the surgeon having a distinct idea of all the parts, and their relations to each other, which enter into the structure of the foot. To dissect the sole of the foot, a block must be placed under the instep, so that the foot can be fully extended on the leg, with the plantar surface looking upwards; it must also be firmly fixed in this position ; if this be neglected, the dissector will be constantly annoyed by the foot moving about, its own weight being insufficient to assist much in keeping it in the position required, and the integument is so closely connected to the aponeurosis or fascia beneath it, by numerous fibres prolonged from its under surface and from the subcutaneous adipose substance into the aponeurosis, that considerable force is required to divide them in raising the skin. To be able to make this dissection properly, the student must be provided with sharp scalpels, otherwise he will almost necessarily, either remove portions of the aponeurosis with the skin, or leave 584 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. more or less of the adipose substance attached to the apo- neurosis. The PLANTAR APONEUROSIS or FASCIA covers nearly the whole of the under surface of the foot. It presents a pearly white, shining appearance, which will enable the dissector to distinguish it from the integument, and hence to know when he has reached it in making the first incision through the skin, or when, during the progress of the dissection, he is leaving nothing but the aponeurosis. It is divided into a middle, an external, and an internal portion ; the separation of these is indicated by two shallow grooves or sulci, caused, as will be seen, by the arrangement of the muscles which they cover. The middle portion is thicker than either of the others. It arises from the posterior inner tubercle on the under surface of the os calcis, and extends to the metatarso-phalangeal ar- ticulation, where it divides into four parts. It increases in breadth from behind forwards, without, however, diminishing much in thickness. Laterally, its borders project upwards between the muscles which it covers and those covered by the internal and external portions, with which it unites to form two intermuscular septa; these are more perfect before than behind. Each of the processes, into which it divides ante- riorly, subdivides into two others, which are placed, one on each side of the corresponding metatarso-phalangeal articu- lation, so as to include between them the sheath and the tendons, one of the short and the other of the long common flexor of the toes, which pass through it; they terminate by becoming attached to the sheath, and to the ligaments of the joint. Laterally, the processes are united to each other so as to form arches which correspond to the anterior extremities of the interosseous spaces, and beneath which the digital ar- teries and nerves, also the lumbricales and the interosseous muscles, pass to reach the toes. For some distance from its posterior attachment, its upper or deep surface is occupied by the origin of a portion of the fibres of the flexor brevis digitorum; this fact the student must bear in mind when he comes to raise this portion of the aponeurosis; to do which, it should be carefully divided transversely, about an inch and a half from its origin, where it begins to be separated from the muscle by areolar tissue; the portion behind this point DISSECTION OF THE SOLE OF THE FOOT. 585 cannot be raised except by detaching it from the fibres of the muscle ; hence it may be left to be raised with the muscle. The middle portion of the aponeurosis forms a common sheath for the flexor brevis digitoram, flexor longus digito- rum, flexor longus pollicis, musculus accessorius, the lumbri- cales, and the plantar vessels and nerves. Being attached to the posterior extremity of the tarsus, and anterior extremity of the metatarsus, it greatly strengthens the arch of the foot in an antero-posterior direction, and also in an opposite direc- tion by some transverse fibres found. in the part immediately below the metatarsus. It not only contributes to the strength of the framework of the foot, and serves to keep the muscles, for which it forms a sheath, in situ, but it protects the parts above it. The internal portion is thinner than the external, being so thin anteriorly that considerable care is requisite to preserve it when the integument is removed. Posteriorly, it is con- nected to the internal annular ligament, or the ligamentous arch that extends from the os calcis to the internal malleolus; internally, it is partly attached to the inner border of the tar- sus, and partly continuous with the dorsal fascia; externally, if is joined to the middle portion, and assists in forming the internal intermuscular septum. It forms a sheath, in part, for the muscles of the great toe, and the plantar vessels and nerves. Besides protecting the parts beneath it, it strength- ens the inner part of the foot. The external portion arises behind, from the external annular ligament, or the ligamentous arch that extends from the ex- ternal malleolus to the os calcis ; it is attached to the outer border of the tarsus, where it is also continuous with the dor- sal fascia. It forms, by its attachment to the cuboid bone and the posterior extremity of the fifth metatarsal bone, a strong ligamentous arch over the tendon of the peroneus longus where it enters the sole of the foot; internally it is connected to the external intermuscular septum, and to the middle por- tion of the aponeurosis. It covers the abductor and flexor brevis minimi digiti muscles. Its uses are similar to those of the inner portion. Having now exposed and studied the plantar aponeurosis, it must be raised in order to examine the parts placed above it. From what has already been said in describing the plan- tar aponeurosis and the long flexor muscles, together with 586 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. the posterior tibial nerve and vessels on the back of the leg, the student has obtained some idea of what he will find above the aponeurosis. Two of the superficial muscles may be exa- mined first, as this can be done not only without injuring the vessels and nerves, but it will facilitate the dissection of them ; of these, the following muscle may be first examined, as it occupies the central part of the sole of the foot, and sustains more important relations to the vessels and nerves than any other in this region. It separates the grooves in which the external and internal plantar arteries are found. The FLEXOR BREVIS DIGITORUM PERFORATUS, Fig. 249 (5), arises from the under surface of the posterior and inner part of the os calcis, from the intermuscular septum on each side of it, from the plantar fascia which covers its under surface, and also from the internal annular ligament. From these different points of origin it passes forwards to near the mid- dle of the foot, where it divides into four small muscles, each of which proceeds forwards a short distance and terminates in a small tendon, which is continued to the base of the se- cond phalangeal bone, where it divides into two slips, be- tween which the corresponding tendon of the long common flexor of the toes passes; the slips unite again, and, after expanding laterally, are inserted into the under surface of the second phalangeal bone. It corresponds, in the division of its tendon, to the superficial common flexor of the forearm. It is quite thick at its origin, where it is both fleshy and tendin- ous, but increases in breadth towards the middle of the foot. Its action is to flex the four outer toes; it may also strengthen the middle aponeurosis in preserving the arch of the foot. To expose this muscle, a transverse incision may be made across the middle portion of the aponeurosis, as was before mentioned, about an inch or an inch and a half anterior to its origin, taking care not to divide anything but the aponeu- rosis. The portion in front of the incision may next be raised. To do this, it may be dissected from behind forwards, detaching it from the intermuscular septum on each side ; or it may be divided longitudinally into four portions, so that each shall correspond to one of the four processes into which the aponeurosis divides anteriorly, and then dissect each por- tion to its subdivision into its two slips, and their attachments to the sheath of the tendons of the short and long common DISSECTION OF THE SOLE OF THE FOOT. 587 Fig. 249. flexors of the toes. In doing this, unless the dissection is very carefully made, one or more of the small delicate tendons of the short common flexor will be destroyed. This is very apt to occur in the first dissection which the student makes of these parts. The aponeurosis, behind the first incision that was made, can easily be separated on the sides, but not on the under surface of the muscle. There is no necessity, however, for raising this part of it, as it can be raised with the muscle. To raise the muscle it may be detached from the bone and reflected forwards, or it may be divided near its centre and turned, part of it backwards and part of it forwards. The abductor pollicis may next be exposed. The internal apo- neurosis should be removed by dissecting it off in the direc- tion of the fibres of the abductor muscle. The ABDUCTOR POLLICIS, Fig. 249 (s), arises from the os calcis, from the in- ternal annular ligament, from the plantar aponeurosis, and from the intermuscular septum between it and the flexor brevis digitorum. It passes forwards to end in a tendon which is inserted, in common with the internal division of the flexor brevis, into the base of the first phalan- geal bone of the great toe. Its action, as its name implies, is to separate the great toe from the others; it may also assist in flexing the great toe. This muscle may now be turned over, but in doing so some care is necessary to avoid injuring the plantar vessels and nerves which pass under that portion of it which arises from the os calcis and the annular liga- ment. They can be easily preserved and traced beneath the origin of this muscle, if the vessels and nerves on the THE FIRST LAYER OF MUSCLES IN THE SOLE OF THE FOOT ; THIS LAYER is EX- POSED BY THE REMOVAL OF THE PLANTAR FASCIA. 1. The OS Calcis. 2. The pOS- terior part of the plantar fascia divided transversely. 3. The abductor pollicis. 4. The abductor minimi digiti. 5. The flexor brevis digitorura. 6. The tendon of the flexor longus pollicis muscle. 7, 7. The lumbricales. On the second and third toes, the tendons of the flexor longus digitorum are seen passing through the bifurcation of the tendons of the flexor brevis digitorum. 588 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. back of the leg have not been destroyed. The posterior tibial artery has been seen to bifurcate at a point about midway between the internal malleolus and the os calcis. From this bifurcation the external and internal plantar arteries pass for- wards and outwards to enter the sole of the foot. The internal plantar artery, Fig. 250 (4), gets into the sulcus between the abductor pollicis and flexor brevis digitorum muscles, and passes forwards to the anterior part of the first interosseous space, where it usually terminates by sending one, and sometimes two branches, to the great toe. In its course it gives off branches to the muscles, to the integu- ment, and to anastomose with branches of the dorsal artery of the foot. The external plantar artery, Fig. 251 (s, e), when it has reached the sole of the foot, turns outwards and forwards beneath the flexor brevis digitorum, and thus gets into the sulcus between the flexor brevis digitorum and the abductor minimi digiti, in which it continues for a short distance, then turns inwards across the second and third metatarsal bones and interosseous spaces, to reach the first interosseous space, where it anasto- moses with the dorsal artery of the foot. The anterior curved portion of it is called the plantar arch. At first, it passes, as has already been seen, under the abductor pollicis, then through the posterior part of the internal groove where it can be reached without dividing any muscle ; it then passes under the flexor brevis digitorum and enters the external groove where it can again be reached without cutting through any muscle ; as it leaves the groove it becomes deep-seated, get- ting between the tendons and the common flexor muscles of the toes and the interosseous muscles ; so that in its course it is in three places situated beneath muscles, and in two places subaponeurotic. In the first and the middle part of its course, it gives branches to the integument on the heel, to mus- cles, and to the tarsal articulations, also to anastomose with the tarsal and metatarsal branches of the dorsal artery of the foot. Two sets of branches are given off from the arch. The posterior perforating branches, three in number, pass up- wards through the second, third, and fourth interosseous spaces, and anastomose with the corresponding interosseous arteries on the dorsum of the foot. The anterior or digital arteries, Fig. 251 (14), four or five in number, pass forwards to supply the toes; at the anterior extremities of the inter- DISSECTION OF THE SOLE OF THE FOOT, Fig. 250. Fig. 251. 589 THE DEEP-SEATED BRANCHES OF THE AR- TERIES ON THE SOLE OF THE FOOT. 1. Poste- rior tibial artery by the side of the astragalus. 2. Branches to the os calcis. 3. Branch of the posterior peroneal artery. 4. Bifurcation of the posterior tibial into the internal and external plantar. 5. The external plantar artery. 6. Point where it forms the plantar arch. 7. Anastomosis of the anterior tibial with the plantar arch. 8, 9, 10. Muscular branches of the external plantar artery. 11. Anastomosis of this artery with the metatarsal. 12, 13. External digital of the little toe. 14. Digital arteries of the other toes. 15, 15, 1 5, 15. Their distribution on the toes. 16. Origin of the internal plantar artery. 17. Its anasto- mosis with the plantar arch. 18,19, 20. Mus- cular branches of the internal plantar artery. 21. Digital of the great toe, or arteria magna pollicis, as formed by the anastomosis of the internal plantar and plantar arch. 22. Sub- articular branch of the great toe. 23. Anasto- mosis in the pulp of the toe. osseous spaces, each artery gives off an anterior perforating branch which passes upwards through an interosseous space, and anastomoses with a corresponding interosseous branch. 50 A VIEW OF THE ARTERIES ON THE BACK OF THE RlGHT LEG AND THEIR CONTINUATION ON TO THE SOLE OF THE FOOT. 1, 1, 1, 1. Tendons of the flexor communis and flexor longus pollicis pedis. 2. Tendon of the peroneus longus. 3. Posterior tibial artery at the ankle. 4, 4. External and internal plantar arteries. 5. Points where the external plantar dips to form the plantar arch. 6. Peroneal ar- tery, just above the origin of the external malleolar branch. 7. A branch to anastomose with the posterior tibial. 8. Just above the division of the peroneal artery into its anterior and posterior branches. 590 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. 252. The digital branches then divide, each into an internal and external collateral branch to go to the toes; these pass forwards on the opposing sides of contiguous toes. There is but one that goes to the outer part of the little toe. The arteria magna pollicis arises near the anastomosis of the plantar arch with the dorsal artery, and supplies the outer side of the great toe, and the inner side of the second toe. The veins accompany the arteries, there being two for each artery. They anastomose with the dorsal veins along the inner and outer borders of the foot. As they leave the sole of the foot they unite to form the posterior tibial vein. The nerves of the sole of the foot are derived from the posterior tibial which divides behind the internal malleolus into the external and inter- nal plantar. The internal plantar nerve, Fig. 252 (4), passes along the inner side of the os calcis and above the abductor pol- licis in company with the artery of the same name, and gets into the internal sulcus or groove, in the anterior part of which it divides into four digital A VIEW OF THE TERMINA- Ranches which supply the great the ON OF THE PosTEiuoR Ti- second, the third, and the inner side of AL NERVE IN THE SOLE OF the fourth toe. Its distribution to the THE JbooT. 1. Inner side ot , ,-, . n p A -, -.. the foot. 2. Outer side of the toes is the same as that oi the median foot. 3. The heel. 4. in- nerve is to the fingers. In the anterior Pt of its course, it perforates the sheath, in which the flexor breyis digi- P laced - and continues for a Branch to the flexor bre Branch to the space between short distance along the inner border ?o o ur i? -* ai ! d i m \ to f of tliat muscle. It gives off several 9, 9. 9. Digital branches to , , , n the remaining spaces. 10. branches to the muscles and tO the Ill- Branch to the internal side tegument before it divides into its ter- minal branches. Near its origin, it sends quite a large branch to the integument on the heel. The external plantar nerve. Fig. 252 (5), accompanies the DISSECTION OF THE SOLE OF THE FOOT. 591 external plantar artery above the short common flexor, and in the external sulcus as far as the commencement of the plantar arch, where it divides into a superficial and a deep- seated branch. The superficial branch, which is cutaneous, is distributed to the little toe, supplying both sides of it, and to the outer part of the fourth toe. The deep branch passes in- wards and upwards across the metatarsus, forming an arch similar to that formed by the external plantar artery ; it is distributed to the deep muscles. Frequently, it sends quite a large branch to anastomose with the internal plantar. It also sends filaments to the articulations of the tarsus and metatarsus. The FLEXOR BREVIS POLLICIS, Fig. 254 (5), arises from an aponeurosis which partly covers it, from the inner margin of the cuboid bone, from the external cuneiform, and from the tendon of the tibialis posticus. It divides into two bellies, which are inserted by short tendons into the sides of the base of the first phalangeal bone. A sesamoid bone is generally found in each of its tendons. The tendon of the long flexor of the great toe is placed between its bellies. The FLEXOR ACCESSORIUS or MASSA CARNEI JACOBI SYL- VII, Fig. 253 (s), arises by two heads; one, larger than the other, from the inner side of the os calcis, and the other from the un- der and anterior surface of the same bone; from these origins, the two heads pass forwards, soon uniting to form a single belly which is inserted into the outer, upper, and lower sur- faces of the tendon of the flexor longus digitorum just before, or as it divides into its four tendons. Its action is to assist the long flexor in flexing the toes, and to give a direction to the action of that muscle parallel to the axis of the foot. The connection between the tendons of the long common flexor of the toes and the long flexor of the great toe should now be examined, and their tendons dissected. The LUMBRICALES, Fig. 253 (4, 4), are four small muscles, which arise from the four tendons of the long common flexor near its division, and, passing along the inner side of them, each ends in a small flat tendon, which is inserted into the inner and dorsal surface of the first phalangeal bone, where it also joins the tendon of the long extensor of the toes. The action of these muscles is to adduct and assist in flexing the toes, 592 THE LOWEE EXTREMITY. with which they are connected; when the toes are partly extended, they can assist in extending them further. These muscles, together with the tendons of the long flexors, may now be removed. Fig. 253. Fig. 254. DEEP-SEATED MUSCLES IN THE SOLE OF THE FOOT. 1. Tendon of the flexor longus pollicis. 2. Ten- don of the flexor communis digito- rum pedis. 3. Flexor accessorius. 4, 4. Luinbricales. 5. Flexor brevis digitorum. 6. Flexor brevis pollicis pedis. 7. Flexor brevis minimi di- giti pedis, including the abductor minimi digiti. THE THIRD AND A PART OF THE SECOND LAYER OF MUSCLES ON THE SOLE OF THE FOOT. 1. The divided edge of the plantar fascia. 2. The flexor accessorius. 3. The tendon of the flexor longus digitorum. 4. The tendon of the flexor longus pollicis. 5. The flexor brevis pollicis. 6. The ad- ductor pollicis. 7. The flexor brevis minimi digiti. 8. The transversus pedis. 9. Inter- ossei muscles, plantar and dorsal. 10. Con- vex ridge formed by the tendon of the pero- neus longus muscle in its oblique course across the foot. The ADDUCTOR POLLICIS, Fig. 254 (e), arises from the cu- boid bone and the long calcaneo-cuboid ligament, from the posterior extremities of the second, third, and fourth meta- tarsal bones, and from the sheath of the peroneus longus. It passes from these different origins obliquely inwards to be in- DISSECTION OF THE SOLE OF THE FOOT. 593 serted, in common with the external head of the flexor b re vis pollicis, into the outer part of the base of the first phalangeal bone of the great toe. Its action is to draw the great toe outwards towards the other toes ; it may also, with the outer division of the flexor brevis pollicis, draw it downwards and outwards under the other toes. The TRANSVERSALIS PEDIS, Fig. 254 (s), arises from the anterior extremities of the metatarsal bones of the four outer toes, passes transversely inwards between the flexor and inter- osseous muscles, to be inserted into the outer sesarnoid bone with the adductor pollicis. Its action is to draw the outer toes towards the great toe, and prevent the metatarsal bones from spreading. The ABDUCTOR MINIMI DIGITI, Fig. 253 (7), arises from the external and inferior surface of the os calcis and the aponeu- rosis, which covers it ; it passes forwards along the external border of the foot, and is inserted into the outer part of the base of the first phalangeal bone of the fifth toe. Its action is to separate the little toe from the others, and to assist in flexing it. The FLEXOR BREVIS MINIMI DIGITI, Fig, 256 (3), arises from the sheath of the tendon of the peroneus longus muscle, from the cuboid and the fifth metatarsal bone, and, passing forwards and a little outwards, is inserted into the base of the first phalangeal bone of the little toe. Its action is to draw the little toe towards the others, and to assist in flexing it. There are seven interosseous muscles, three of which are plantar or inferior, suadfour dorsal or superior. They are found in the interosseous spaces, except the plantar, which are placed more or less on the under surfaces of the metatarsal bones. The plantar muscles are called adductors, while the dorsal are spoken of as abductors. The ADDUCTOR TERTII DIGITI, Fig. 256 (i), arises from the inner side of the third metatarsal bone, and is inserted into the inner side of the base of the first phalangeal bone of the middle toe. Its tendon is also blended with the tendons of the extensor muscles of the toes. The ADDUCTOR QUARTI DIGITI, Fig. 256 (2), arises from the inner side of the fourth metatarsal bone, and is inserted 50* 594: THE LOWER EXTREMITY. into the inner side of the base of the first phalangeal bone of the fourth toe, and also into the tendons of the extensor muscles. The ADDUCTOR MINIMI DIGITI, Fig. 256 ( 3 ), arises from the inner side of the fifth metatarsal bone, and is inserted into the first phalangeal bone of the little toe. This muscle is very fre- quently inseparably connected with the flexor brevis minimi. Fig. 255. DORSAL INTEROSSET. 1. Abductor interims secundi. 2. Abductor externus secundi. 3. Abductor tertii. 4. Ab- ductor quarti. PLANTAR INTEROSSEI. 1. Adductor tertii. 2. Adductor quarti. 3. Adductor minimi digiti. The dorsal or superior interosseous muscles are found on the dorsum of the foot. They arise by two heads. They are usually considered abductor muscles } the median line of the foot, which corresponds to the axis of the second toe, being taken as the line from which these muscles draw the toes. The ABDUCTOR INTERNUS SECUNDI DIGITI, Fig. 255 (i), arises from the outer side of the first metatarsal bone, and from the inner side of the second, and is inserted into the inner LIGAMENTS OF THE KNEE, ANKLE, AND FOOT. 595 side of the base of the first phalangeal bone of the second toe; like the plantar, it joins the tendons of the extensor muscles. It draws the second to the great toe or from the median line of the foot. The ABDUCTOK EXTERNUS SECUNDI DIGITI, Fig. 255 (2), arises by two heads from the opposite surfaces of the second and third metatarsal bones, and is inserted into the outer side of the base of the first phalangeal bone of the second toe. It draws the second toe from the median line of the foot. The ABDUCTOR DIGITI TERTII, Fig. 255 (3), arises from the opposite surfaces of the third and fourth metatarsal bones, and is inserted into the outer side of the first phalangeal bone of the third toe. It' separates the third toe from the second. The ABDUCTOR DIGITI QUARTI, Fig. 255 (4), arises by two heads from the opposite surfaces of the fourth and fifth meta- tarsal bones, and is inserted into the outer side of the base of the first phalangeal bone of the fourth toe. It draws the fourth from the third toe. SECT. VII. DISSECTION OF THE LIGAMENTS OF THE KNEE, ANKLE, AND FOOT. The KNEE-JOINT is the largest of all the articulations. Prom its liability to injuries and diseases of different kinds, its study demands the earnest attention of every student. Before com- mencing the dissection of it, he should, if possible, carefully examine the bones which enter into its formation, or, at least, as far as they enter into the mechanism of the joint; it is better that they should be examined in an articulated skele- ton, as the relative position of each prominent point can then be observed and much better appreciated. He should also carefully observe the prominences and depressions around the joint when the limb is flexed, or extended, or placed in any intermediate position, so that he may be able, in case of dis- ease or injury, to detect any deviation in the general contour of the knee from its natural appearance. Three bones enter directly into the formation of the knee- joint; they are the/emwr, the patella, and the tibia; the fibula indirectly contributes to the formation of the joint, inasmuch as it gives attachment to the inferior extremities of the ex- 596 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. ternal lateral ligaments, thus compensating for the want of greater breadth in the upper extremity of the tibia to meet the corresponding diameter of the femur. There is but one articular surface on the femur, which may be divided into three parts: a trochlear surface for the patella, and two orbicu- lar surfaces for the glenoid cavities of the tibia ; the former is placed in the middle anteriorly, being continuous laterally and posteriorly with the latter, which are placed behind, one on each side of the inter-condyloid notch. The glenoid cavities on the tibia are entirely distinct from each other, being separated by a prominence called the spine of the tibia, and two de- pressions, one behind and the other before the spine; the in- ter-glen oid space thus formed corresponds to the inter-condy- loid notch; by means of this arrangement, the two strongest ligaments in the joint, the crucial ligaments, are thrown into the central part of the articulation, thus presenting a very interesting feature in the mechanism of this joint. The whole of the posterior surface of the patella is covered by articular cartilage; in shape it is perfectly adapted to the trochlear surface on the femur, whether the leg is flexed or extended ; the femur moves on the patella, as the latter, owing to its liga- ment being inelastic, is stationary whenever the quadriceps extensor contracts. From the shape of the articular surfaces just noticed, it will be seen that flexion and extension are the principal movements for which they are adapted ; if the tibia be fixed, as in standing on one leg, the femur may be slightly rotated, the internal condyle turning on its axis in the corre- sponding glenoid cavity, as if moving on a pivot. In examining the parietes of the knee-joint, it is better to divide them into six parts or regions, which require to be studied separately. By doing this, the student will be able to obtain a more satisfactory knowledge of the walls of this articulation. These parts are situated, one in front, two on each side, and one behind. The anterior region contains, in the upper part of it, the tendon of the quadriceps extensor muscle, Fig. 260 (2), in the middle the patella (s), and in the lower part the ligamentum patellae, and a considerable quantity of adipose substance (4). There are two bursce mucosce in this region; one between the patella and the integument, and the other between the liga- mentum patellas and the tibia, just above its tubercle (G). The lateral regions consist of an antero-lateral and a postero- LIGAMENTS OF THE KNEE-JOINT. 597 lateral on each side. The first of these might very appropri- ately be called the aponeurotic regions. In the outer one the parietes consist of the fascia lata, which is prolonged down- wards over every part of the knee, in this as well as in the other regions ; and beneath the fascia lata, of a thick fibrous layer, which is expanded from the tendon of the vastus ex- ternus, and, proceeding downwards, is inserted into the tibia between its tubercle and the lower attachments of the external lateral ligaments ; and, under this, of a layer of fibres which arise from the outer border of the patella, and, passing trans- versely outwards, are inserted into the outer surface of the external condyle of the femur. The parietes in the inner antero- lateral region are very nearly the same as in the one just described; instead of the vastus externus, the vastus in- ternus sends off a layer of vertical fibres, which pass down- wards to be inserted into the tibia between its tubercle and the internal lateral ligament; there is no difference in the arrangement of the layer of transverse fibres; they are attached to the inner border of the patella, and to the internal condyle of the femur. The parietes of the joint in these regions are interesting on account of its being in one or the other of them that the cavity is entered by instruments, either in cases of hydrops articuli, or of loose cartilages in the joint, requiring an operation ; it is in these regions, also, that a bulging is first observed, denoting the presence of water in the joint. The parietes in the postero-lateral regions consist of the late- ral ligaments. As these ligaments are unyielding, there are generally depressions in hydrops articuli corresponding to these regions. The tendons of the inner and outer hamstring muscles also correspond very nearly to them. In the posterior region the parietes are formed by the liga- mentum posticum. This is very deep seated, having the con- tents of the popliteal space placed between it and the external surface. When the cavity of the joint is opened, it should be studied in connection with these regions. The ligaments of the knee-joint are divided into the external and internal. The former can be exposed without cutting into the cavity of the joint. By referring to the plates, the student will have no difficulty in ascertaining the exact position of each one. Their positions in the parietes of the joint have already been noticed. They will now be examined more par- ticularly with reference to their appearance and attachments. 598 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. The LIGAMENTUM PATELLA, Fig. 257 (3), may be regarded as a continuation of the tendon of the quadriceps extensor cruris ; so that, instead of arising from the patella, the latter might be considered a sesamoid bone developed in the tendon of the quadriceps muscle, of which the ligamentum patellae would be the lower part. It is attached below to the tubercle of the tibia, where it is considerably narrower than it is at its attachment to the patella. It is about two inches in length. By observing its white, shining appearance, the dissector will have no difficulty in distinguishing it from the surrounding parts. Whether it be considered a ligament or not, it serves as the medium through which the above-mentioned muscle acts on the leg. When the cavity of the joint has been opened Fig. 257. Fig. 258. AN ANTERIOR VIEW OP THE LIGAMENTS OP THE KNEE- JOINT. 1. The tendon of the quadriceps extensor muscle of the leg. 2. The patella. 3. The ligamentum patellae, near its insertion. 4, 4. The syno- vial membrane. 5. The inter- nal lateral ligament. 6. The long external lateral ligament. 7. The anterior superior tibio- fibular ligament. A POSTERIOR VIEW OF THE LIGAMENTS OF THE KNEE-JOINT. 1. The fasciculus of the ligamentum postieum Winslowii, which is derived from 2, the tendon of the semi-membranosus muscle ; the latter is cut short. 3. The process of the tendon which spreads out in the fascia of the popliteus muscle. 4. The process which is sent inwards beneath the internal lateral ligament. 5. The posterior part of the internal lateral ligament. 6. The long ex- ternal lateral ligament. 7. The short external lateral ligament. 8. The tendon of the popliteus muscle, surrounded by synovial membrane. 9. The posterior superior tibio-fibular ligament. and examined, the ligamentum patellae should be divided a short distance below the patella, Fig. 259 (e), and its relations to the cavity and to the tibia carefully studied ; a small bursa. LIGAMENTS OF THE KNEE-JOINT. 599 Fig. 259 (9), as was stated above, is -usually found separating it, just above its insertion, from the tibia. The EXTERNAL LONG AND SHORT LATERAL LIGAMENTS, Fig. 258 (e , 7), are situated on the outer side of the joint. The long external lateral ligament arises from the outer and back part of the external condyle of the femur, close to the origin of the popliteus, descends anterior to the tendon of the biceps, and is inserted into the outer part of the head of the fibula. The short external lateral ligament arises nearer the back part of the external condyle, close to the origin of the tendon of the external head of the gastrocnemius, passes downwards, and is inserted into the posterior part of the head of the fibula. It is smaller, shorter, and deeper seated than the long ligament. It is connected to the semilunar cartilage, and sometimes ter- minates in the coronary ligament. The inferior external articular artery passes beneath both of these ligaments, and they are separated from each other by a fasciculus of fibres derived from the tendon of the biceps. The INTERNAL LATERAL LIGAMENT, Fig. 258 (5), arises from the inner and posterior surface of the internal condyle of the femur, just below the insertion of the tendon of the adductor magnus. It passes downwards beneath the tendons of the sartorius, gracilis, and semi-tendinosus, from which it is separated by a bursa, to be inserted into the inner part of the head of the tibia. Its inner surface is in relation with the semilunar cartilage and synovial membrane above, and the inferior internal articular artery below. It is a broad, flat ligament, being much broader, however, below than above. The POSTERIOR LIGAMENT or LIGAMENTUM POSTICUM, Fig. 258 (i), is composed of fibres which cross the articulation behind in different directions; a large proportion of them, however, have an oblique direction from the inner and poste- rior part of the head of the tibia upwards and outwards to the external condyle of the femur ; many of these fibres are con- tinued from the tendon of the semi-membranosus, forming what has been called the ligament of Winslow. It forms the floor of the central part of the popliteal space. Anteriorly, it is in relation with the semilunar cartilages, synovial mem- brane, and the inter-condyloid notch. It is perforated by one or more foramina, for the transmission of the middle articular 600 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. artery, or arteries when there is more than one. Tt is difficult to make a clean dissection of this ligament, on account of the fat usually found intermixed with its fibres. To examine the interior of the knee-joint, a semilunar in- cision should be made, with its concavity looking downwards, through the tendon of the quadriceps extensor muscle and the synovial membrane, about an inch above the patella, and extending laterally to the lateral ligaments. Having made the incision, and turned the patella downwards, with the leg semi-flexed, a beautiful view of the interior of the joint is pre- sented. The following parts should now be observed : - First, the prolongation of the synovial membrane upwards into a sort of pouch, between the tendon of the quadriceps extensor and the anterior surface of the femur, Fig. 260 (&). This should be carefully noted with reference to wounds penetrating the cavity of the joint. The extension of the synovial membrane upwards varies from an inch and a half to three inches, the difference being caused by the position of the leg as it regards flexion and extension ; when the leg is flexed, it is not more than an inch and a half or two inches, but is increased to two inches and a half or three inches when the leg is extended. Hence, to determine whether a wound situated two inches or a little more above the patella, has penetrated the cavity of the joint or not, it is necessary to ascertain the position of the leg at the time the wound was inflicted. Second, three folds of synovial membrane between the inter- condyloid notch and the upper part of the ligamentum patellae should be noticed. The middle one contains a few ligamentous fibres, and has been named the ligamentum mucosum, Fig. 260 (10). The two lateral folds, which are frequently quite indis- tinct, contain adipose substance ; they have been called, with- out any good reason, the ligamenta alaria, Fig. 260 (9). The use of the ligamentum mucosum is to hold the ligamenta alaria in situ, and thus prevent them from being pinched by getting between the articular surfaces of the bones. From the liga- mentum mucosum, the synovial membrane is generally re- flected backwards to the crucial ligaments, so as to form a sort of septum dividing the posterior part of the cavity into a right and left portion. Dividing this fold, together with the ligamentum mucosum and also the ligamentum patella, just below its upper attach- LIGAMENTS OF THE KNEE-JOINT. 601 ment, the space between the lining membrane of the joint aad the ligamentum patella) should be examined. It will be found to contain adipose substance, Fig. 260 (7), and the an- astomosis between the external and internal inferior articular arteries. It will be noticed that this space extends down- wards between the head of the tibia. and the ligamentum patellae, and that there is at the lower part of it a bursa, Fig. 259 (a), Fig. 260 (e), placed between the ligament and the bone. This space should be studied with reference to wounds penetrating the cavity of the joint, either directly through the ligamentum patella or on either side of it. It will be observed that the adipose substance in this space is pressed backwards by the ligamentum patellae when the leg is flexed. To examine the reflections of the synovial membrane in the posterior lower part of the cavity, a vertical section of the entire joint should be made, as represented in Fig. 260, or one should be made of the femur and patella, down to the space between the semilunar cartilages on the head of the tibia. It will be found, when traced on the condyles, to ex- tend upwards a short distance beyond their articular surfaces, extending a little further up on the inner than on the outer condyle. In the posterior part of the joint, it covers, on the outer side, the anterior surface of the ligamentum posticum and the outer head of the gastrocnemius, and also the tendon of the popliteus, Fig. 258 (s), on which it is prolonged to the superior articulation of the tibia and fibula, with the syno- vial membrane of which it is sometimes connected, so as to form a communication between that and the knee-joint. On the inner side, it covers the anterior surface of the ligamentum posticum and inner head of the gastrocnemius. In the central part of the joint behind, it is reflected upon the sides of the crucial ligaments, while opposite to these laterally, it covers the lateral ligaments. In the lower part of the joint, it is reflected over both the upper and lower surfaces of the semi- lunar cartilages, and also over the articular surfaces on the head of the tibia. Masses of adipose substance are observed in different parts of the knee-joint; they are contained in folds of the synovial membrane, and present different shapes ; they have been called the synovial fringes ; they have also been compared to the appendices epiploicse on the colon ; they are even found in subjects which are greatly emaciated. Having traced the synovial membrane in every part of the 51 602 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. joint, the lateral and posterior ligaments may be divided, or removed, for the purpose of exposing the crucial ligaments; it is better to divide them, just above the convex borders of the semilunar cartilages, so that the connection between them and these cartilages may be preserved. The synovial mem- brane is easily detached from the crucial ligaments. These ligaments are two in number; as their common name implies, they cross each other; they are named separately the anterior or external, and the posterior or internal. From their size and arrangement, they contribute largely to the strength of the knee-joint, in the central and posterior part of which they are placed. The ANTERIOR or EXTERNAL CRUCIAL LIGAMENT, Fig. 259 (2), arises from the tibia just in front of the spine, be- tween the glenoid cavities, and passes upwards, outwards, and backwards, to be inserted into the inner and posterior part of the external condyle. The POSTERIOR or INTERNAL CRUCIAL LIGAMENT, Fig. 259 (3), is somewhat larger, and more vertical in its direc- tion than the anterior; it arises from the tibia just behind the spine, and passes upwards and slightly forwards, to be inserted into the outer part of the internal condyle. It is placed be- tween the anterior crucial and the ligamentum posticum ; it is best seen from behind, when the latter ligament has been removed, while the anterior one is best seen from before. Each ligament is connected at its origin with one of the semilunar cartilages; the anterior with the anterior cornu of the in- ternal, and the posterior with the posterior cornu of the external semilunar cartilage. They limit the rotation of the tibia inwards, but not outwards; and prevent too great ex- tension of the leg on the thigh ; they also oppose abduction or adduction of the leg. The crucial ligaments may now be divided, and the semilunar fibre-cartilages with the liga- ments which are connected to them for the purpose of keeping them in situ, may now be examined. There are two fibro-cartilages in the knee-joint, the IN- TERNAL and EXTERNAL, called SEMILUNAR, from their shape ; they are placed, one between each of the glenoid cavities and its corresponding condyle. Each presents a thick convex outer border, and a thin concave margin which looks towards the centre of the joint, where a small portion of the articular LIGAMENTS OF THE KNEE-JOINT. 603 surface of the tibia is not covered with this fibro-cartilage. Although these are interarticular fibro-cartilages, they differ from those of other joints, as they do not form a septum Fig. 259. THE RIGHT KNEE-JOIXT LAID OPEN FROM THE FRONT, IN ORDER TO SHOAV THE IN- TERNAL LIGAMENTS. 1. The cartilaginous surface of the lower extremity of the femur with its two condyles; the figure 5 rests upon the external; the figure 3 upon the internal condyle. 2. The anterior crucial ligament. 3. The posterior crucial liga- ment. 4. The transverse ligament. 5. The attachment of the ligamentuin mucosum; the rest has been removed. 6. The internal sernilunar fibro-cartilage. 7. The external semilunar fibro-cartilage. 8. A part of the ligamentum patellae turned down. 9. The bursa, situated between the ligamentum patella? and the head of the tibia; it has been laid open. 10. The anterior superior tibio-fibular ligament. 11. The upper part of the interosseous membrane; the opening in this membrane is for the passage of the anterior tibial vessels. which divides the cavity into two compartments, but are covered on both sides with the same synovial membrane. The INTEENAL SEMILUNAK FiBno-CARTiLAGE,Fig.259 (e), is placed on the internal glenoid cavity of the tibia, and is applied by its superior surface to the internal condyle of the femur. Its borders terminate in an anterior and a posterior cornu, which are attached to the head of the tibia, one before and the other behind the spine; the anterior cornu is con- nected to the anterior crucial ligament. The internal lateral and posterior ligaments are in apposition with its convex border. The synovial membrane is continuous from one surface to the other over its thin concave margin. The EXTERNAL SEMILUNAK FLBRO-CARTILAGE, Fig. 259(7), 604 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. is placed between the external glenoid cavity of the tibia and the external condyle of the femur; it is broader laterally than the internal, but not so long, being more round, which is owing to its attachments to the tibia being so close to each other; like the internal, its upper surface is more concave than the lower. Its cornua are attached to the tibia, one in front and the other behind the spine, but between the attach- ments of the cornua of the internal cartilage. The posterior cornu is connected to the posterior crucial ligament. Its attached, or thick, convex border is in apposition with the posterior and the external lateral ligaments, and the tendon of the popliteus muscle. The semilunar nbro-cartilages are retained in situ by liga- Fig. 260. A LONGITUDINAL SECTION OF THE LEFT KNEE-JOINT, SHOWING THE REFLECTION OF ITS SYNOVIAL MEMBRANE. 1. The cancellated structure of the lower part of the femur. 2. The tendon of the extensor muscles of the leg. 3. The patella. 4. The ligamentum patellse. 5. The cancellated structure of the head of the tibia. 6. A bursa situated between the ligamentum patellae and the head of the tibia. 7. The mass of fat projecting into the cavity of the joint below the patella. #* The syno- vial membrane. 8. The pouch of synovial membrane which ascends between the tendon of the extensor muscles of the leg, and the front of the lower extremity of the femur. 9. One of the alar ligaments ; the other has been removed with the opposite section. 10. The ligamentum mucosum left entire; the section being made to its inner side. 11. The anterior or external crucial ligament. 12. The posterior ligament. The scheme of the synovial membrane, which is here presented to the student, is divested of all unnecessary complications. It may be traced from the sacculus (at 8), along the inner surface of the patella; then over the adipose mass (7), from which it throws off the mucous ligament (10); then over the head of the tibia, forming a sheath to the crucial ligaments; then upwards along the posterior ligament and condylea of the foinur to the sacculus, whence ita examination com- menced. LIGAMENTS OF TIBIO-FIBULAR ARTICULATION. 605 mentous fibres, whicfy connect the convex border of each to the corresponding portion of the parietes of the joint ; these fibres constitute the coronary ligaments, there being one for each of the fibro-cartilages. A fasciculus of fibres extends from one cartilage to the other in front, and assists in pre- venting them from being forced outwards; they form the transverse ligament, Fig. 259 (4). The cornua consist almost wholly of fibres which have been, where they are attached to the bone, named the oblique ligaments. It will be observed that only two of the internal ligaments of this joint are intended to connect the femur to the tibia, and to contribute directly to the strength of the articulation; while the others are connected with the synovial mem- brane and the fibro-cartilages; the latter may, at a casual glance, appear to be unimportant, but when properly con- sidered, they will be found to be essential to the perfection of the joint. If, for instance, the ligamenta alaria are necessary parts of the joint, then the ligamentum mucosum is requisite to keep them in their proper place. The same is true of the semilunar fibro-cartilages and the ligamentous fibres pro- vided for keeping them in situ. Having completed the dissection of the knee-joint, the superior tilio-fibular articulation may be examined next. It is formed by a small oval articular facet on the outer and posterior part of the head of the tibia, and a corresponding one on the head of the fibula ; both of these facets are covered with articular cartilage and with synovial membrane, which lines the parietes of the joint, forming a sac which sometimes communicates with the cavity of the knee-joint. The fact of a communication sometimes existing between this articula- tion and the knee-joint, should be recollected in a case of dis- articulation of the head of the fibula. Although ligamentous fibres surround the articulation, so as to form an imperfect capsular ligament, they may be described as forming an anterior and & posterior ligament. The ANTERIOR SUPERIOR TIBIO-FIBULAR LIGAMENT, Fig. 259 (i o), consists of a broad, flat fasciculus, which arises from the anterior part of the head of the fibula, and passes ob- liquely upwards and forwards, to be inserted into the ante- rior and outer part of the tibia. The POSTERIOR SUPERIOR TIBIO-FIBULAR LIGAMENT, 51* G06 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. 258 (9), is not so large as the anterior It arises from the posterior part of the head of the fibula, and passes upwards and backwards, to be inserted into the outer and posterior part of the head of the tibia. The mobility allowed by this articulation is very limited ; the head of the fibula may move slightly backwards or forwards, or separate a very little from the tibia. The IKTEKOSSEOUS LIGAMENT or MEMBRANE, Fig. 261 (2), which connects the shafts of the tibia and Fig. 261. fibula, forms a septum between, or a floor for, the anterior and posterior interosseous fossae. It corresponds to the one between the radius and ulna of the forearm. It is composed principally of fibres which pass obliquely downwards and outwards, from the outer angle of the tibia to the inner part of the fibula; a few fibres will be observed crossing these. An opening is observed in the upper part of it for the passage of the anterior tibial vessels ; and another at the lower part, or about an inch above the inferior tibio-fibular articulation, for the transmission of the an- terior division of the peroneal artery and its venaa comites. Both of its surfaces, as has been observed, are occupied by the origins of muscles. This ligament is some- times called the great or superior interosse- ous ligament, to distinguish it from the small or inferior interosseous ligament which con- nects the lower extremities of the bones to- gether. The inferior tibio-fibular articulation is formed by a vertical, concave, rough surface on the outer part of the lower end of the tibia, into which the lower end of the fibula is received. Instead of having articular cartilage, covered by synovial membrane, as A PART OF THE FEMUR, THE PATELLA, THE BONES OP THE LEG, AND A RANGE OP THOSE OF THE FOOT OF THE LEFT SIDE ARE VIEWED IN FRONT. Some ligaments of the knee-joint are distinguishable. 1. Superior anterior tibio-fibular ligament. 2. Interosseous membrane. 3. Inferior anterior tibio-fibular ligament. 4. Deltoid of ankle-joint. 6. Middle division of external lateral j and 6, anterior division of same. 7. Anterior ligament of ankle-joint. LIGAMENTS OF TIBIO-FIBULAR ARTICULATION. 607 in the superior articulation, the articular surfaces here are occupied principally by ligamentous fibres, which form the small or inferior interosseous ligament. Besides this ligament, they are connected by an anterior, a posterior, and a transverse ligament. The ANTERIOR INFERIOR TIBIO-FIBULAR LIGAMENT, Fig. 261 (3), arises from the outer part of the lower end of the fibula, passes upwards and inwards, spreading out so as to become quite broad, and is inserted into the outer and anterior part of the lower end of the tibia. It is composed of shining, parallel fibres which extend below the articular surfaces, so as to increase the depth of the cavity into which the astra- galus is received. The POSTERIOR INFERIOR TIBIO-FIBULAR LIGAMENT, Fig. 262 (2), consists of a fasciculus of fibres which arises from the posterior and lower part of the fibula, and passes obliquely upwards and inwards, to be inserted into the posterior and lower part of the tibia. It is not so large as the preceding ligament. The TRANSVERSE TIBIO-FIBULAR LIGAMENT, Fig. 262 (s), arises from the fibula, below the origin of the posterior liga- ment, and, passing nearly transversely in- wards, is inserted into the posterior part of Fig. 262. the internal malleolus. It increases the depth of the cavity formed by the tibia and fibula for the reception of the astragalus. The SMALL or INFERIOR INTEROSSEOUS LIGAMENT consists of fibres, intermixed with some adipose substance, which pass from the articular surface of one bone directly to that of the other. It is concealed by the anterior and posterior ligaments, which must be divided in order to bring it into view, both from behind and before. It adds greatly to the strength of this articula- A POSTERIOR VIEW OF THE LIGAMENTS OF THE ANKLE-JOINT. 1. The lower part of the interosseous membrane. 2. The posterior inferior tibio-fibular ligament. 3. The transverse tibio-fibular ligament. 4. The internal lateral ligament. 5. The posterior fasciculus of the external lateral ligament. 6. The middle fasciculus of the external lateral ligament. 7. The synovial membrane of the ankle-joint. 8. The 03 calcis. 608 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. tion, which, is probably stronger than if both bones were connected at their lower extremities by osseous matter, so as to form but a single piece. Articular cartilage covered with synovial membrane, extends a very short distance upwards between these bones. The tibio-tarsal articulation, or ankle-joint, is formed by the tibia and fibula above and on the sides, and the astragalus below and in the centre ; it belongs to the class of gingly- moid articulations. The tibia presents a horizontal, concave surface with an antero-posterior ridge, and also a vertical surface on the outer side of the internal rnalleolus, while the fibula also furnishes a vertical surface on the inner side of the external malleolus. The astragalus presents two vertical surfaces, one for each of the malleoli, and another which is concave transversely, and convex antero-posteriorly. These surfaces are covered with articular cartilage and synovial membrane. They allow of flexion and extension, and con- siderable lateral movement. The ligaments of this joint con- sist of an internal and an external lateral, and an anterior and a posterior ligament. These ligaments, taken together, form a sort of a capsular ligament, with the fibres accumulated principally on the sides, constituting the lateral ligaments. The EXTERNAL LATERAL LIGAMENT, Fig. 264 (e, 7, s), connects the fibula with the astragalus and os calcis. It con- sists of three distinct fasciculi, which radiate from the exter- nal malleolus. The anterior passes forwards and downwards, to be inserted into the anterior and outer part of the astraga- lus; it is broader at its insertion than at its origin, and it is shorter than the other two. The posterior passes backwards and slightly downwards, to be inserted into the inner and posterior part of the astragalus ; it is composed of parallel fibres arranged in several layers, being the strongest of the three fasciculi; the transverse tibio-fibular ligament is placed just above it. The middle fasciculus arises from the lower extremity of the external malleolus, between the origins of the other two, and passes downwards and a little backwards, to be inserted into the outer and middle part of the os calcis ; the tendons of the long and short peronei muscles pass over it. The INTERNAL LATERAL or DELTOID LIGAMENT, Fig. 263 (e), consists of a superficial and a deep layer. The former LIGAMENTS OF THE ANKLE-JOINT 1 . 609 arises narrow from the inner and lower part of the internal malleolus, and, spreading out, passes downwards, some of its fibres being directed forwards, to be inserted into the os calcis Fig. 263. Fig. 264. AN INTERNAL VIEW OP THE ANKLE- JOINT RIGHT LEG. 1. The internal malleolus of the tibia. 2, 2. Part of the astragalus ; the rest is concealed by the ligaments. 3. The os calcis. 4. The scaphoid bone. 5. The internal cunei- form bone. 6. The internal lateral or deltoid ligament. 7. The anterior liga- ment. 8. The tendo-Achillis; a small bursais seen interposed between the ten- don and the tuberosity of the os calcis. AN EXTERNAL VIEW OP THE ANKLE- JOINT RIGHT LEG. 1. The tibia. 2. The external malleolus of the fibula. 3, 3. The astragalus. 4. The os calcis. 5. The cuboid bone. 6. The anterior fasciculus of the external lateral liga- ment attached to the astragalus. 7. Its middle fasciculus attached to the os calcis. 8. Its posterior fasciculus at- tached to the astragalus. 9. The ante- rior ligament of the ankle-joint. and scaphoides. The latter arises immediately below the for- mer, and is inserted into the astragalus. The tendons of the long flexors of the toes and the tibialis posticus pass over and partly conceal the lower and posterior part of this liga- ment. The ANTERIOR LIGAMENT, Fig. 263 (7), is broad but very, thin; it arises from the lower and anterior part of the tibia, and passes downwards and forwards to be inserted into the astragalus. It is covered by the tendons of the muscles which pass down in front of the ankle-joint. Some care is requisite to preserve the fibres which compose this ligament. A posterior ligament of the ankle-joint can hardly be said to exist; its place is mainly, if not wholly, supplied by the transverse tibio-fibular ligament and the posterior fasciculus of the external lateral ligament. A good deal of adipose sub- stance is found outside of the synovial membrane, both in 610 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. front of, and behind, the ankle-joint ; and, in removing it, the student must be careful, or he will cut through the synovial membrane, Fig. 262 (7), which is quite loose in these places, especially in front, and expose the interior of the joint, Fig. 265 (9), before he desires to do so. Perhaps no joint in the body is more liable to injury than the ankle-joint, hence the importance of a thorough knowledge of it to the student. It should be studied with reference to luxations, fractures, and sprains. The mal- leoli form prominent points, which can always be distinctly seen and felt in the living subject. Their position in relation to the other parts should be carefully noted, as they will be im- portant guides in determining whether, in cases of injury or disease, displacement of any part or parts has occurred, and, if so, its character and extent, and also whether in the treatment the parts displaced have been restored to their proper place. The tarsal ligaments, like those of the carpus, are nume- rous ; and while it is scarcely expected that the student will have the time to become familiar with all, he should not neglect to acquire a thorough knowledge of some of them. A knowledge of the tarsal and the tarso-metatarsal articula- tions is indispensable to any one who shall have occasion to disarticulate the metatarsus, as in Hey's operation, or a por- tion of the tarsus, as in Chopart's operation. As every phy- sician is liable to have cases of inflammation of these joints and its sequels, or of injuries not requiring, as a dernier resort, or at least not immediately, amputation of a portion of the foot, every student should avail himself of the oppor- tunities afforded him in the dissecting-room to carefully exa- mine and study the structure of the foot. Although it may be the last part of the limb to be dissected, it is none the less important. After dissecting the muscles, vessels, and nerves of the whole, or any part of it, he should keep it wet until he has time to examine all the articulations, which he can easily do with the aid of his book and plates. Having severed the ligaments which connect the tibia and fibula with the tarsus, and dissected off all the soft parts which cover the bones and ligaments of the foot, the liga- mentous connections of the tarsus may be examined first. Of these, the connections of the astragalus are, from its posi- tion, its function, and liability to displacement, perhaps, the LIGAMENTS OF THE TARSUS. 611 most important. It is connected to the os calcis by three ligaments, the interosseous, the posterior, and the external. Fig. 265. A VERTICAL SECTION OP THE ANKLE-JOINT AND FOOT OF THE RIGHT SIDE. 1. The tibia. 2. The astragalus. 3. Os calcis. 4. The scaphoides. 5. The cunei- forme internum. 6. The metatarsal bone of the great toe. 7. The first phalangeal bone of the great toe. 8. The second phalangeal bone of the great toe. 9. The articular cavity between the tibia and astragalus, "with its articular adipose sub- stance. 10. The synovial capsule between the astragalus and os calcis. 11. The calcaneo-astragaloid interosseous ligament. 12. The synovial capsule between the astragalus and scaphoides. 13. The calcaneo-scaphoid ligament. 14. The calca- neo-cuboid ligament. 15. The synovial capsule between the scaphoides and cunei- forme internum. 16. The synovial capsule between the cuneiforme internum and the first tnetatarsal bone. 17. The rnetatarso-phalangeal articulation of the great toe, with the sesamoid bones below. 18. The phalangeal articulation of the great toe. The INTEROSSEOUS LIGAMENT, Fig. 265 (i i), is placed in a canal formed by a transverse groove on the under surface of the astragalus, and a corresponding one on the upper sur- face of the os calcis. It is a short, but very strong ligament, forming the principal ligamentous connection between these bones. Its fibres have more or less adipose substance inter- mixed with them. To obtain a good view of this ligament, a vertical section of the astragalus and os calcis should be made, so as to divide the ligament in an antero-posterior di- rection. These bones articulate with each other by mutual reception ; the astragalus presents two articular surfaces ; a concave one placed behind the groove, and a convex one anterior to the groove, while the os calcis presents two cor- responding articular facets. The articulation, posterior to the groove, has a distinct synovial capsule, Fig. 265 (i o), while the synovial capsule (12) of the articulation in front of the 612 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. groove is prolonged into the articulation formed by the astragalus and the scaphoides. The POSTERIOR LIGAMENT extends from the posterior part of the astragalus to the upper part of the os calcis. The EXTERNAL LATERAL LIGAMENT arises from the outer and under surface of the astragalus, and passes downwards beneath the middle fasciculus of the external lateral ligament, to be inserted into the outer part of the os calcis. The sheaths of the tendons of the long muscles which pass along the inner side of the os calcis, supply the place of an internal ligament. The astragalus is connected to the scaphoides by the astragalo-scaphoid ligament. To understand properly the articulation of the astragalus with the scaphoid bone the external and inferior calcaneo-scaphoid Fig. 266. ligaments should be considered. The ASTRAGALO-SCAPHOID LlGAMENT arises from the anterior and upper part of the astragalus, and passes forwards to be inserted into the upper surface of the scaphoid bone; it consists of a broad band of parallel fibres which cover in the articu- lation on the dorsum of the foot. It is covered by the tendons of the extensor muscles of the toes, and also by that of the tibialis anticus. The articulation of the astragalus with the scaphoid bone belongs to the class of enarthrodial joints, and is similar to that formed by the os magnum and the first row of bones in the carpus. It allows of a much greater degree of mobility than any other articulation in the tarsus, being a ball and socket joint. The cavity into THE LIGAMENTS OF THE SOLE OP THE LEFT FOOT. 1. The os calcis. 2. The astragalus. 3. The tuberosity of the scaphoid bone. 4. The long calcaneo-cuboid ligament. 5. Part of the short calcaneo-cuboid ligament. 6. The calcaneo-sca- phoid ligament. 7. The plantar tarsal ligaments. 8, 8. The tendon of the pero- neus longus muscle. 9, 9. Plantar tarso-metatarsal ligaments. 10. Glenoid liga- ment of the metatarso-phalangeal articulation of the great toe ; similar ligaments are seen upon the other toes. 11, 11, 11. Lateral ligaments of the metatarso- phalangeal articulations. 12. Transverse ligament. 13. The lateral ligaments of the phalangeal bones of the great toe ; similar ligaments are seen upon the other toes. LIGAMENTS OF THE TARSUS. 613 wliicli the head of the astragalus is received is formed partly by the inferior calcaneo-scaphoid ligament, which not only supports the head of the astragalus, but assists in keeping it applied to the glenoid cavity of the scaphoid bone. The synovial membrane, Fig. 265 (12), of this joint is, as was be- fore stated, continuous with the one in the anterior articu- lation of the astragalus and os calcis. The os calcis is connected to the scaphoid and cuboid bones by several ligaments ; with the cuboid it is connected by a superior, an inferior, and an inter osseous ligament, and with the scaphoid bone by two, the external calcaneo-scaphoid, and the inferior calcaneo-scaphoid ligament. The SUPERIOR CALCANEO-CUBOID LIGAMENT arises from the anterior and superior part of the os calcis, and passes for- wards to be inserted into the superior and posterior surface of the cuboid bone. The INFERIOR CALCANEO-CUBOID LIGAMENT consists of two fasciculi, a long or superficial, Fig. 266 (4 ), and a short or deep-seated fasciculus (s) . The former is also called the long plantar ligament. They both arise from the under surface of the os calcis, but have very different insertions. The long fasciculus extends forwards, to be inserted, partly into the cuboid bone, and partly into the bases of the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones ; it passes over and binds to the bone, the tendon of the peroneus longus muscle. The short or deep- seated fasciculus is inserted into the under surface of the cuboid bone, being covered by the long one below, and lying next to the bone above. The INTEROSSEOUS or INTERNAL CALCANEO-CUBOID LI- GAMENT arises from the groove in the os calcis and passes for- wards, to be inserted into the inner and posterior part of the cuboid bone. It is quite a short, but a strong ligament. The EXTERNAL CALCANEO-SCAPHOID LIGAMENT arises from the os calcis close to the origin of the internal calcaneo- cuboid, and from its deep situation at its origin might, as well as that, be called an interosseous ligament. It is inserted into the upper and outer part of the scaphoid bone. The INFERIOR or PLANTAR CALCANEO-SCAPHOID LIGA- MENT, Fig. 266 ( ), arises from the anterior and lower part of the os calcis, and passes forwards to be inserted into the 52 614 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. under surface of the scaphoid bone. It is considerably larger than the preceding ligament. Its upper surface is partly covered by the synovial membrane of the astragalo-scaphoid articulation, of which it may be regarded as forming a part. From the dissection that has now been made, the student will be able to see what ligaments must be lacerated, when the astragalus is luxated, and also what ligaments must be divided in Choparfs operation, in which the scaphoid and cu- boid bones are disarticulated from the astragalus and os calcis. He has also seen three of the four synovial membranes or sacs which are found in the tarsus. Fig. 265(io, 12, is, IG). The remaining five bones of the tarsus are connected by dorsal, plantar, and interosseous ligaments. It is not necessary to describe each one of these separately. With a little care and patience, the student will have little or no difficulty in finding them. The SCAPHOID BONE is connected to the cuboid by a dor- sal, an interosseous, and a plantar ligament, all of which have a transverse direction. Sometimes there are one or two small synovial membranes between these bones, which are held very firmly together by their ligaments. The SCAPHOID BONE is connected to the three cuneiform bones by four dorsal ligaments; one for each, except the in- ternal, which has two, one of which is placed on the inner side of the articulation, and is called the internal scaphoideo- cuneiform ligament; it is also connected by three plantar liga- ments, the principal one of which connects it to the internal cuneiform, and is blended with the tendon of the tibialis posticus. The synovial membrane, Fig. 265 (i 5), between the scaphoid and cuneiform bones, is continuous with those found between the latter bones. The CUBOID BONE is joined to the external cuneiform bone by a dorsal, a plantar, and an interosseous ligament. These ligaments have a transverse direction. The plantar one is very small. The CUNEIFORM BONES are connected to each other by dorsal, plantar, and interosseous ligaments. Of these, the interosseous are the strongest. The plantar are very small. The fourth synovial membrane of the tarsus is common to the articulations of the cuboid with the external cuneiform, LIGAMENTS OF THE METATARSUS. 615 to the scaphoid with the three cuneiform, and to the cuneiform with each other. The same synovial membrane is also pro- longed forwards between the cuneiform bones and the first, second, and third metatarsal bones. Fig. 265 (i e). The TARSO-METATARSAL ARTICULATION is formed by the cuboid and the three cuneiform bones, and the five metatarsal bones. The middle cuneiform bone is shorter than the other two, and hence the second metatarsal bone projects backwards between the internal and external cuneiform. In disarticu- lating the metatarsus from the tarsus, as in Hey's operation, it is important to recollect this arrangement. It will be seen that the internal cuneiform articulates with the first and second metatarsal, the second cuneiform with the second metatarsal, and the third cuneiform with the second and third metatarsal, while the cuboid is joined to the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones. These articulations allow some degree of mobility, especially when considerable force is used, as in jumping and leaping. The same is true of the articulations between the anterior five bones of the tarsus. Although the motion al- lowed by any single one of these articulations is very little, in the aggregate it amounts to considerable. The tarsus is joined to the metatarsus by dorsal, plantar, and interosseous ligaments. Each metatarsal bone, except the second, is connected to the tarsal bone with which it articulates by a dorsal ligament; the second is joined to each of the three cuneiform bones by a dorsal ligament, and to each of the in- ternal and middle by a plantar ligament. The articulation of the first metatarsal bone is strengthened by fibres derived from the insertion of the tendons of the tibialis anticus and peroneus longus. The fourth and fifth metatarsal bones obtain their plantar ligaments from fibres derived from the sheath of the peroneus longus. The tendon of the peroneus brevis and the external division of the plantar aponeurosis assist in keeping the fifth metatarsal bone in its place. The inter- osseous ligaments are placed between the bones which they connect. The METATARSAL BONES are connected together at their tarsal extremities by three sets of ligaments, dorsal, interosseous, and plantar. The interosseous are very strong, passing directly from one bone to another. The dorsal and plantar ligaments 616 THE LOWER EXTREMITY. also have a transverse direction. At their phalangeal extre- mities they are connected by a transverse ligament. Fig. 266(i,). The METATARSAL BONES are connected to each of the phalangeal bones by two lateral, and one glenoid ligament for each articulation. Fig. 266 (10, 1 1). The tendons of the ex- tensor muscles of the toes supply the place of the dorsal liga- ments. The glenoid ligaments are dense, like fibro-cartilage. There is one placed below each articulation, the edges of which are continuous with the lateral ligaments, and also with the sheath of the corresponding tendons of the common flexor muscles of the toes. Each also assists in forming the cavity for the reception of the head of the corresponding metatarsal bone. The lateral ligaments are very strong; each one, as well as the glenoid ligament, is connected with the digital processes of the plantar aponeurosis. The PHALANGEAL BONES are connected together by means of one glenoid and two lateral ligaments. Fig. 266 (is), for each joint. The glenoid ligament has the same arrangement as in the preceding articulation, and the lateral ligaments also have the same attachments and the same relations as in that joint. As in the metatarso-phalangeal articulations, there are no dorsal ligaments, the tendons of the extensor muscles supplying their places. There is nothing connected with the synovial membranes in these articulations that re- quires any notice. INDEX. ABDOMEN, 339 cavity of, 360 regions of, 360 Abdominal ring, external, 344, 350 internal, 354 Acini, 400, 402 Alimentary canal, 387 Annulus ovalis, 302 Anti-helix, 120 Anti-tragus, 120 Aorta, abdominal, 410 arch of, 318 descending, 315 Aortic opening of diaphragm, 419 of heart, 309 Aponeurosis, brachial, 249 costo-clavicular, 212 of forearm, 258 gluteal, 511 palatine, 150 pharyngeal, 205 temporal, 49 vertebral, 228 Apparatus ligamentosus colli, 532 Appendices epiploicae, 372 Appendix auriculae, 302, 307 vermiformis caeci, 371, 397 Aqueduct of Fallopius. 124 of Sylvius, 65 Aqueductus cochleae, 130 Aqueous humor, 110 Arachnoid membrane, of brain, 53 of spinal cord, 287 Arbor vitae cerebelli, 73 uterina, 487 Arch, of colon, 372 dorsal, 570 femoral, deep, 499 palmar, deep, 279 superficial, 274 plantar, 582 Arciform fibres, 75 Arm, superficial veins at bend, 248 ARTERIES, ad cutem abdominis, 341, 490 52* ARTERIES continued. anastomotic of femoral, 550 of brachial, 253 aorta, 300 articular of knee, external, inferior, 550 superior, 550 internal, inferior, 551 lower superior, 550 superior, 550 middle, 551 ascendens colli, 172 auricular, 122 posterior, 51, 184 axillary, 212, 215 basilar, 86 brachial, 252 brain, of the, 85 bronchial, 322 bulbar, 465 carotid, common, left, 192, 320 right, 192 internal, 184 carpal, ulnar, anterior, 264 posterior, 264 radial, 264 centralis retinae, 94, 100 cerebellar inferior, 87 superior, 87 cerebral, anterior, 85 middle, 85 posterior, 86 cervical, posterior, 175, 227 profound, 174, 233 transverse, 172 ciliary, 95, 104 circumflex ilii, external, 490 internal, 346, 358 of arm, anterior, 219, 239 posterior, 218, 222, 239 of thigh, external, 505 internal, 505, 543 coccygeal, 444 coeliac, 373, 375 colic, ileo-, 381 018 INDEX. ARTERIE s continued. colic, left, 383 middle, 381 right, 381 comes nervi, ischiadici, 444, 516 phrenici, 294 communicating of brain, anterior, 85 of brain, posterior, 85 coronaria, dextra, 314 sinistra, 314 superioris, 378 corporis bulbosi, 429 cavernosi, 429 cremasteric, 358 cricoid, 183 cutaneous of abdomen, 341 cystic, 379, 404 deferential, 442 dental inferior, 113 superior, 115 digitales manus, 274 pedis, 588, 590 dorso-carpal, radial, 273 dorsalis pedis, 577 penis, 429 scapulae, 218, 222, 242 dorsal of tarsus, 579 epigastric, 348, 355, 358 superficial, 490 ethmoidal, 95 facial, 36, 50, 158, 176 femoral, 504 gastric, 378 gastrocnemial, 552 gastro-duodenal, 378 gastro-epiploic, left, 376 right, 379 gluteal, 444, 514 hemorrhoidal, inferior, 421, 457 middle, 443 superior, 383 hepatic, 373, 378 hypogastric, 439 humeral, transverse, 172, 227 iliac, common, 412 external, 412 internal, 439 ileo-colic, 381 -lumbar, 441 infra-orbital, 38, 115, 117 innominata, 168, 320 intercostal, 233, 329, 357 anterior, 294 superior, 174 interosseous, of arm, 264 anterior, 264, 267 posterior, 264, 271 intestinal, large, 381 small, 380 ARTERIE s continued. ischiatic, 444 lachrymal, 94 laryngeal, 183 lingual, 181 lumbar, 233, 358, 410 magna pollicis, manus, 279 pedis, 590 malleolar, external, 577 internal, 577 mammary,internal, 172,293,348,357 masseteric, 111 maxillary, internal, 112 mediastinal, 294 meningeal, anterior, 90, 114 middle, 90, 113 parva, 90 posterior, 90 mesenteric, inferior, 383 superior, 379 metacarpal, ulnar, 264 metatarsal, 579 musculo-phrenic, 294 nasal, 96 of Nebauer, 166 obturator, 412, 441 occipital, 51, 183, 232 oesophageal, 329 ophthalmic, 50, 94 ovarian, 443 palpebral, 95 pancreatic, 376 pancreatico-duodenal, 378, 380 perforantes, femoralis, 506, 543 of foot, 588, 589 perineal, superficial, 462 transverse, 462 peroneal, 561 anterior, 562 posterior, 562 pharyngeal, ascending, 183 inferior, 183 phrenic, 410 plantar, external, 588 internal, 588 popliteal, 549 princeps cervicis, 183, 232 profunda, femoris, 505 inferior of arm, 253 superior of arm, 253 pterygoid, 114 pubic, 358 pudic, external, superior, 490 inferior, 505 internal, 444, 466, 516 pulmonary, 300, 306, 321, 328 pyloric, superior, 373 radial, 262, 273, 279 radialis indicis, 279 ranine, 154 INDEX. 619 ARTERIES continued. recurrent, radial, 262 tibial, anterior, 577 internal, 561 ulnar, anterior, 264 posterior, 264 renal, 385 sacral, middle, 411, 439 lateral, 443 scapular posterior, 156 sciatic, 444, 516 sigmoid, 383 spermatic, 384, 435 spinal, anterior, 288 posterior, 288 of the spinal cord, 288 splenic, 376 subclavian, 170, 192, 330 sublingual, 154 submental, 159, 176 subscapular, 218 superficial volae, 262 supra-orbital, 50, 94 supra-renal, 385 supra-scapular, 172, 227, 240, 242 tarsal, 579 temporal, 50 anterior, 50 deep, 110 middle, 50 posterior, 50 thoracica-acromial, 211, 212 -axillaris, 218 inferior, 214 superior, 211, 212 tibial anterior, 576 posterior, 560 thyroid, axis, 170 inferior, 170, 171 middle, 166 superior, 183 transverse facial, 32 tympanic, 114, 131 ulnar, 263 umbilical, 439 uterine, 443 vaginal, 443 vasa brevia, 376 vertebral, 86, 173, 233 vesical, 442 ARTICULATIONS, sacro-vertebral, 535 sacro-coccygeal, 535 sacro-iliac, 536 tarsal, 610 tarso-metatarsal, 615 temporo-maxillary, 115 tibio-fibular, inferior, 606 superior, 605 tibio-tarsal, 608 ARTICULATIONS continued. metatarso-phalangeal, 616 metatarsal, 615 phalangeal of foot, 616 of hand, 285 Arytenoid cartilages, 195 Auricle of ear, 120 of heart, left, 300, 301, 307 right, 300, 301, 302 Auricula of heart, 302 Auriculo- ventricular orifice, left, 308 right, 305 Axillary artery, surgical relations of, 213, 216 Axillary region, 207 Back, nerves of, 224 arteries of, 224 Bladder, female, 482 male, 421, 436 Bone, hyoid, 193 turbinated, inferior, 137 middle, 138 superior, 138 Brain, base of, 76 membranes of, 52 dissection of, 52 Bronchial tubes, 326 Bronchi, 322 Brunner's glands, 394 Bulb of corpus spongiosum, 427, 438 Bulbi vestibuli, 480 Bulbous part of the urethra, 426 Bursaa at wrist, 276 Caecum, 371 Calamus scriptorius, 68 Calices, 407 Canal, of Bichat, 80 of Cloquet, 109 of the Epididymis, 433 of Fontana, 104 inguinal, 352 of Nuck, 483 of Petit, 109 Canals, portal, 401 Canaliculi lachrymales, 45 Capsule of Glisson, 400 Capsules, supra-renal, 409 Caput gallinaginis, 425 Cartilage, cricoid, 194 thyroid, 194 Cartilages, arytenoid, 195 appendices, 196 costal, 334 inter-articular, of the clavicle, 243, 335 inter-articular, of the jaw, 116 of knee, 602 of nose, 134 620 INDEX. Cartilages of nose columna, 134 lateral inferior, 135 superior, 135 septal, 134 sesamoid, 136 semilunar, 602 tarsal, 43 Caruncula lachrymalis, 44 Carunculae myrti formes, 478 Cauda equina, 289 Cerebellum, 69, 73 Cerebrum, 56 lobes of, 80 Chamber of eye, anterior, 105 posterior, 104 Cheeks, 144 Chordae, tendinese, 305, 308 vocales, 198 Willisii, 55 Choroid coat, 104 plexus, 61, 69 Ciliary ligament, 103 processes, 107 Circle of Willis, 85, 87 Clitoris, 477 Cochlea, 128 Coeliac axis, 376 Colon, ascending, 371 descending, 372 transverse, 372 Columnse carneae, 304, 308 Commissures of brain, anterior, 64 longitudinal superior, 57 middle, 64 posterior, 64 of cord, gray, 290 white, 290 Concha, 120 Coni vasculosi, 433 Conjunctiva, 44, 102 Conus arteriosus, 305 Conjoined tendon, 345 Cord, spermatic, 434 Cornea, 102 Cornua ventriculorum, 59, 61 Corpora Arantii, 306, 309 cavernosa penis, 427 clitoridis, 477 geniculata, 63 mamrnillaria, 78 olivaria, 74 pyramidalia, 74 pyramidalia posterior, 75 restiformia, 75 Corpus callosum, 57 arteries of, 85 peduncles of, 79 dentatum, 73 fimbriatum, 484 Corpus fimbriatum of the brain, 62 Highmorianum, 432 luteum, 488 rhomboideum, 73 spongiosum, 427 striatum, 59 Cowper's glands, 426, 428, 466 Cranium, soft parts on upper part of, 47 cellulo-adipose layer on, 47 Cricoid cartilage, 194 Corpuscles of Malpighi, 408 Corona glandis, 427 Crico-thyroid membrane, 198 Crura cerebelli, 68 cerebri, 77 Crural canal, 497 ring, 497 Crystalline lens, 109 Cupola of ear, 130 Culs-de-sac of stomach, 387 Cuneiform bodies, 197 Cystic duct, 403 Dartos, 430 Diaphragm, 417 Duct, cystic, 403 hepatic, 401, 403 lymphatic right, 192, 330 pancreatic, 374, 393, 404 of Steno, 32 thoracic, left, 191, 315, 329 of Wharton, 177, 179 Ducts, of Bellini, 408 of Kivinus, 181 Ductus, ad nasum, 46, 137 arteriosus, 321 cominunis choledochus, 373, 393, 493 ejaculatorius, 434 venosus, 400 vesiculse seminales, 434 Duodenum, 370, 392 Dura mater of cerebrum, 53, 87 arteries of, 90 nerves of, 90 of spinal cord, 286 Ear, external, 120 internal, 127 middle, 123 Eminentia pyramidalis, 128 Endocardium, 310 Endolymph, 130 Epididymis, 431 Epiglottic gland, 197 Epiglottis, 196 Eustachian tube, 124, 139, 149, 152 valve, 303 INDEX. 621 Eye, appendages of, outside of orbit, 40 within orbit, 91 ball, 99 brows, 40 lashes, 40 pupil of, 105 Pace, 29 Falciform process, 494 Fallopian tubes, 484 Falx, cerebelli, 88 cerebri, 55 Fascia, of abdomen, superficial, 340, 350 anal, 460 cervical, deep, 170 superficial, 161 conjoined, of pelvic and deep pe- rineal, 471 cremasteric, 430 cribriform, 493 iliac, 415 infra-spinous, 241 infundibuliform, 355 inter-columnar, 350, 430 lata, 493, 541 intermuscular septa of, 502 of leg, deep anterior, 571 posterior, 556, 559, 566 levator, 460 lumborum, 234 masseteric, 32 obturator, 460 palmar, 274 parotid, 31 pectoral, deep, 209 pelvic, 460, 472 perineal, deep, 462, 465, 467, 470 superficial, 456, 462 perineo-pelvic, 474 plantar, 584 propria, 495 recto-vesical, 460, 473 of Scarpa, 341 Spermatic, 350, 430 supra-spinous, 239 transversalis, 354, 430 of Tyrrell, 473 Fauces, 146 Femoral hernia, 497 ring, 497 Fenestra, ovalis, 124 rotunda, 124 Fibro-cartilage, radio-ulnar, 283 Fibrous zones of heart, 311 Fimbriae, Fallopian, 484 Fissure of Glaserius, 124 great transverse of brain, 80 of the helix, 121 sphenoidal, 98 Fissure of Sylvius, 79 of the tragus, 1 21 Fissures of liver, 399 of Santorini, 122 Foramen incisivum, 139 lacerum anterius, 98 of Monroe, 63 optic, 98 ovale of heart, 302 sacro-sciatic, great, 538 small. 538 of Sommering, 108 subpubic, 539 of Winslow, 364 Foramina Thebesii, 304 Fovea elliptica, 128 hemispherica, 128 Fornix, 61 anterior crura of, 64 posterior crura of, 64 Fossa, amygdaloid, 147 innominata, 121 navicularis urethrae, 426 vaginae, 476 ovalis, 302 scaphoides, 120 Fossae, ischio -rectal, 459 nasal, 136 Fourchette, 476 Fraena epiglottidis, 150 of ileo-caecal valve, 397 Fraenulum labiorum, 476 Frsenum linguae, 145 preputii, 427, 429 Gall-bladder, 368, 402 Ganglia, cervical, inferior, 189 middle, 189 superior, 188 semi-lunar, 376 Ganglion of Andersch, 186 cardiac, 334 of cerebellum, 73 of Cloquet, 140 Gasserian, 82 impar, 454 lenticular, 94 of Meckel, 119 otic, 119 branches of, 120 . petrous, 186 spheno-palatine, 119 on spinal nerves, 290 submaxillary, 177 Genu of corpus callosum, 57 Gimbernat's ligament, 342 Gland, anti-prostatic, 467 epiglottic, 197 lachrymal, 45 622 INDEX. Gland of Litre, 467 parotid, 32, 34 pineal, 65 pituitary, 79 prostate, 424, 437 thymus, 316 thyroid, 167 Glands, Brunner's, 394 Bartholine's, 481 ceruminous, 122 Cowper's, 426, 428, 466 inguinal, 492 labial, 144 lymphatic, 492 mammary, 208 Meibornian, 42 molar, 144 of Lieberkiihn, 394 Pacchionian, 54, 55 Peyer's, 394 solitary, 394 sublingual, 181 submaxillary, 176 tracheal, 324 vulvo- vaginal, 481 Glandula socia parotidis, 32 Glandulae agminatae, 394 odoriferJB, 429 Pacchioni, 54, 55 Tysoni, 429 'Glans clitoridis, 477 penis, 427 Glisson's capsule, 400 Globus, major epididymis, 431 minor epididymis, 431 Glottis, 201 Goose's foot of leg, 542 Graafian vesicles, 488 Gums, 144 Hamstring, inner, 543 outer, 543 Heart, 299 Helicotrema, 130 Helix, 120 Hernia, congenital, 357 crural, 489 diaphragmatic, 417 encysted, 357 femoral, 489 concealed, 499 inguinal, 349 direct, 356 indirect, 356 oblique, 356 scrotal, 357 ventro-inguinal, 356 Hey's ligament, 494 Hiatus aorticus, 419 Hippocampus major, 61 minor, 61 Hyaloid body, 108 membrane, 108 processes, 109 Hymen, 477 Hypothenar eminence, 278 Ileum, 371, 392 Incisura tragica, 120 Incus, 126 Infundibula of kidney, 407 Infundibulum of brain, 79 of ear, 130 of heart, 305 of nose, 138 Integument of breast, 208 Intercolumnar fibres, 350 Intestine, large, 395 small, 392 Iris, 105 Island of Reil, 60, 79 Isthmus, uteri, 487 of Vieussens, 302 Jejunum, 371, 392 Joint, ankle, 608 elbow, 281 hip, 520 knee, 595 shoulder, 243 temporo-maxillary, 115 wrist, 283 Kidneys, 374, 406 Labia majora, 475 minora, 476 Labyrinth, osseous, 127 membranous, 130 Lachrymal canals, 45 ducts, 45 gland, 45 papillae, 45 sac, 46 Lactiferous tubes, 209 Lacuna magna, 427 Lacus lachrymalis, 44 Lamina cinerea, 79 cornea, 61 cribrosa, 100 spiralis osseous, 130 membranacea, 130 Larynx, 192 Lens, crystalline, 109 LIGAMENTS, of auricle of ear, 121 acromio-clavicular, superior, 243 inferior, 243 alar, 600 INDEX. 623 LIGAMENTS continued. annular, of ankle, anterior, 571 external, 572 internal, 556 of radius, 282 of wrist, anterior, 279 posterior, 273 arcuatum externum, 420 internum, 420 astragalo-scaphoid, 612 atlanto-axoid, anterior, 533 capsular, 533 posterior, 533 auricular, 121 extrinsic, 121 intrinsic, 121 of bladder, 366, 472 calcaneo-cuboid, 613 -scaphoid, 613 capsular, of the hip, 521 jaw, 116 pisiform bone, 284 shoulder, 244 thumb, 285 vertebrae, 529 of the carpus, dorsal, 284 lateral, 284 palmar, 284 ciliary, 103 conoid, 244 coracoid, 241, 244 coraco-acromial, 244 -clavicular, 244 -humeral, 244 coronary of liver, 363 of the knee, 605 costo-clavicular, 335 costo-sternal, 335 costo-transverse, external, 337 internal, 337 middle, 337 costo-vertebral anterior, 336 cotyloid of hip, 522 crico-thyroid, lateral, 197 middle, 197 crucial of knee, 602 cruciform, 534 denticulatum, 287 deltoid of ankle, 608 of the elbow, anterior, 281 lateral, 281 posterior, 282 Gimbernat's, 342, 539 glenoid of scapula, 245 Key's, 494 hip-joint, of the, 520 ilio-femoral, 522 ilio-vertebral, 535 inter-articular of hip, 523 inter-clavicular, 335 LIGAMENT s continued. interosseous, astragalo-calca- neoid, 611 interosseous tibio-fibular, 606 tibio-fibular, inferior, 607 interosseous, radio-ulnar, 283 of ribs, 336 inter-spinous, 530 inter-transverse, 530 intervertebral, 526 lateral of the ankle, 608 jaw, 115 knee, 599 of liver, 363 metacarpal dorsal, 285 palmar, 285 moderator, 532 mucosum, 600 oblique, radio-ulnar, 283 of the semilunar cartilages, 605 obturator, 539 occipito-atlantal anterior, 530 capsular, 530 lateral, 531 posterior, 530 occipito-axoid, 532 odontoid, 532 orbicular, of elbow, 282 of hip, 521 ovarian, 484 patella, 598 of phalanges of foot, 616 of fingers, 285 posticum of knee, 599 pterygo-maxillary, 117 Poupart's, 342, 539 pubic anterior, 539 posterior, 539 superior, 539 recto-uterine, 366 rhomboid, 335 sacro-coccygeal anterior, 535 posterior, 535 sacro-iliac, anterior, 536 oblique, 537 posterior, 536 sacro-vertebral, 535 sacro-sciatic anterior, 537 posterior, 537 sacciform, 283 stellate, 336 sterno-clavicular anterior, 335 posterior, 335 stylo-maxillary, 117 sub-flava, 529 sub-pubic, 539 supra-scapular, 241 supra-spinous, 529 suspensory, of clitoris, 477 624 INDEX. LIGAMENTS continued. suspensory, of liver, 363 of penis, 341, 349, 429 tarsal, 610 tarso-metatarsal, 615 teres of hip, 523 of liver, 363 of uterus, 483 of thorax, 334 thyro-arytenoid, 198 thyro-hyoid, lateral, 197 middle, 197 tibio-fibular, anterior superior, 605 posterior superior, 605 anterior inferior, 607 posterior inferior, 607 transverse, 607 transverse, of the acetabulum, 522 of the atlas, 534 of the metatarsus, 615 of the scapula, 243 of the serailunar cartilages, 605 trapezoid, 244 triangular, of scapula, 244 of abdomen, 352 of perineum, 467 of uterus, broad, 366 vertebral, anterior common, 525 posterior, common, 525 wrist, lateral, 283 anterior, 283 posterior, 283 vesico-uterine, 366 Ligamentum patella), 598 latum pulinonis, 295 nuchge, 244, 530 Limbus luteus, 108 Linea alba, 344 Lineae transversse of abdomen, 344, 348 of corpus callosum, 57, 69 Linese semi-lunares, 344 Lips, 144 Liquor Cotunnii, 130 Morgagni, 110 Liver, 366, 398 Lobuli testis, 432 Lobes of the cerebrum, 80 of cerebellum, 70 olfactory, 81 Lobus caudatus, 399 pneumogastricus, 71 quadratus, 399 Spigelii, 399 Locus, niger, 77 perforatus lateralis, 79 medius, 78 planus, of heart, 306 Lungs, 325 Lung, root of, 326 Lymphatic vessels, arm, 249, 492 Lyra, 63 Macula cribrosa, 128 Malleus, 126 Massa carnei Jacobi Sylvii, 591 Mastoid cells, 124 Meatus auditorius externus, 122 internus, 131 urinarius, female, 477 male, 427 Meatuses of the nose, 137, 138 Meckel's ganglion, 119 Mediastinal space, 296 Mediastinum, anterior, 297 middle, 297 posterior, 297, 315 superior, 297, 315 testis, 432 Medulla oblongata, 73 spinalis, 289 Meibomian glands, 42 Membrana Jacobi, 106, 107 pigmenti, 106 pupillaris, 106 Ruysclyana, 106 tyinpani, 123 Membrane, choroid, 106 crico-thyroid, 198 hyaloid, 108 sacciform, 283 Membranes of the brain, 52 Membranous part of the urethra, 425, 437 Mesentery, 364 Meso-caecum, 365 Meso-colon, ascending, 365 descending, 365 transverse, 363 Meso-rectum, 366 Mitral valves, 308 Modiolus, 130 Mons Veneris, 475 Morsus diaboli, 484 Mouth, 143 Mucous membrane of trachea, 324 of stomach, 390 of small intestines, 393 of large intestines, 396 MUSCLES, abductor minimi digiti manus, 278 abductor minimi digiti pedis, 593 abductor pollicis manus, 277 pollicis pedis, 587 internus secundi digiti pedis, 594 externus secundi digiti pedis, 595 tertii digiti pedis, 595 quart! digiti pedis, 595 accelerator urinse, 464 INDEX. 625 MUSCLE s contimied. accessorius ad sacro-lumbalem, 233 adductor, brevis, 509 longus, 508 magnus, 510, 545 pollicis manus, 278 pollicis pedis, 592 tertii digiti pedis, 593 quarti digiti pedis, 593 minimi digiti pedis, 594 minimi digiti manus, 278 anconeus, 268 anti-tragicus, 121 arytenoideus, 200 aryteno-epiglottici, 200 attollens aurem, 48 attrahens aurem, 48 of auricles of heart, 312 azygos uvulae, 150 of Bell, 424 biceps flexor cruris, 541 cubiti, 250 brachialis anticus, 254 externus, 256 internus, 254 buccinator, 37 caninus, 39 cervicalis ascendens, 231 descendens, 231 coccygeus, 459 complexus, 230 compressor nasi, 39 compressores urethras, 468 constrictor, of pharynx, inferior, 203 middle, 203 superior, 203 coraco-brachialis, 252 corrugator supercilii, 42 cremaster, 346 crico-arytenoideus, lateralip, 201 posticus, 200 crico-thyroideus, 199 crureus, 507 deltoid, 238 depressor anguli oris, 37 labii inferioris, 37 superioris alaeque nasi, 39 diaphragm, 417 digastricus, 165 erector clitoridis, 477 penis, 464 spinae, 233 extensor carpi radialis brevior, 268 carpi radialis longior, 268 carpi ulnaris, 270 digiti minimi manus, 270 digitorum brevis pedis, 575 digitorum communis manus, 269 digitorum longus pedis, 573 indicis, 272 53 MUSCLE s continued. extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis manus, 272 primi internodii pollicis manus, 272 pollicis proprius pedis, 575 secundi internodii pollicis ma- nus, 272 flexor accessorius pedis, 591 brevis digiti minimi manus, 278 brevis digiti minimi pedis, 593 carpi radialis, 260 ulnaris, 261 digitorum, brevis pedis, 586 profundus manus, 266, 276 sublimis manus, 261, 276 longus, digitorum pedis, 564 pollicis pedis, 565 ossis metacarpi pollicis manus, 277 pollicis brevis, 278 pedis, 591 longus manus, 266 gastrocnemius, 557 gemellus inferior, 518 superior, 518 genio-hyo-glossus, 154 -hyoideus, 179 gluteus maximus, 511 medius, 513 minimus, 514 gracilis, 503 of Guthrie, 468 of the heart, 305 helicis major, 121 minor, 121 of Homer, 42 hyo-glossus, 154, 180 iliacus internus, 417 infra-spinatus, 241 inter-costal external, 292 internal, 292 interossei manus, 279 pedis dorsales, 595 pedis plantares, 594 inter-spinales, 236 inter-transversales, 236 latissimus dorsi, 222, 225 laxator tympani, 127 levator anguli oris, 39 anguli scapulae, 229 ani, 467 glandulse thyroideae, 167 labii inferioris, 37 superioris, 38 superioris, alaeque nasi, 39 menti, 37 palati, 150 palpebrae, 92 626 INDEX. MUSCLE s continued. levatores costarum, 235 longiores costarum, 236 urethras, 468 longissimus dorsi, 233 longus colli, 190 lumbricales manus, 276 pedis, 591 masse ter, 111 multifidus spinae, 235 mylo-hyoideus, 179 obliquus abdominis externus, 342 abdominis internus, 345 capitis inferior, 237 superior, 237 oculi inferior, 97 superior, 92 obturator externus, 519 internus, 518 occipito-frontalis, 48 omo-hyoideus, 163 opponens pollicis, 277 orbicularis oris, 36 palpebrarum, 41 palato-glossus, 151 palato-pharyngeus. 204 palmaris brevis, 273 longus, 260 pectineus, 508 pectoralis major, 210 minor, 213 peroneus brevis, 582 longus, 581 tertius, 574 pi an tar is, 557 platysma myoides, 31, 36, 157 popliteus, 563 pronator quadratus, 267 radii teres, 259 psoas magnus, 416 parvus, 416 pterygoideus externus, 112 internus, 113 pyramidalis abdominis, 349 nasi, 39 pyriformis, 518 quadratus femoris, 519 lumborum, 234 menti, 37 quadriceps extensor cruris, 506 rectus abdominis, 348 anticus major, 189 anticus minor, 189 capitis lateralis, 190 capitis posticus major, 236 minor, 236 femoris, 507 oculi, external, 96 inferior, 96 internal, 96 Mu s c LE s continued. rectus oculi, superior, 93 retrahens aurem, 49 rhomboideus major, 228 minor, 228 risorius novus, 36 sacro-lumbalis, 233 sartorius, 502 scalenus anticus, 175 medius, 175 posticus, 175 semi-spinalis colli, 235 dorsi, 235 semi-membranosus, 542 -tendinosus, 542 serratus, magnus, 220 posticus inferior, 228 superior, 228 of small intestine, 392 large, 396 soleus, 558 sphincter ani externus, 458 internus, 421 sphincter vaginae, 481 vesicae, 424 spinalis dorsi, 234 splenius capitis, 229 colli, 229 stapedius, 127 sterno-cleido-mastoideus, 162 sterno-hyoideus, 163 -thyroideus, 163 of stomach, 388 stylo-glossus, 154, 179 -hyoideus, 165 -pharyngeus, 181, 204 subclavius, 214 subcrureus, 508 sub scapular is, 221 supinator radii brevis, 271 longus, 268 supra-spinous, 236 supra-spinatus, 239 temporal, 49 tensor, palati, 151 tarsi, 42 tympani, 127 vaginae femoris, 501 teres major, 221, 242 minor, 242 thyro-arytenoideus, 201 -epiglottici, 200 -hyoideus, 163 tibialis anticus, 572 posticus, 566 tongue, intrinsic, of, 153 tracheal, 324 trachelo-mastoideus, 230 tragicus, 121 transversalis abdominis, 346 INDEX. 627 MUSCLE s continued. transversalis, colli, 230 pedis, 593 transversus, auricula?, 121 perinei, 464 alter, 464 trapezius, 224 triangularis nasi, 39 oris, 37 sterni, 293 triceps extensor cubiti, 222, 242, 255 of ureters, 424 vastus externus, 501, 507 internus, 507 of ventricles of heart, 312 of Wilson, 468 zygomaticus, major, 38 minor, 38 Musculi papillares, 304 pectinati, 304, 307 Naboth's ovula, 487 Nasal duct, 46, 137 fossae, 136 Neck, regions of, 165, 166 superficial parts of, 155 deep parts of, 184 NERVES, abducentes, 82 acromial, 161 articular of knee, 547, 548 auditory, 83, 131 auricularis magnus, 32, 160 auricular, of pneumogastric, 187 posterior, 35 buccal, 36, 113 branches, 33 cardiac, inferior, 334 middle, 189, 333 superior, 189, 333 cerebral, classification of, 84, 85 origin of, 80 chorda tympani, 113, 133 ciliary, 94, 104 circumflex, 222, 239, 217 coccygeal, 449 communicans, peronei, 548, 554 tibialis, 547, 554 crural, anterior, 415, 504 cutaneous, external brachial, 216, 246, 258 of abdomen, 341 internal, of arm, 216, 246, 258 lesser internal, of Wrisberg, 219, 246 peroneal, 556 posterior femoral, 541, 556 dental anterior, 118 inferior, 36, 113 NERVE s continued. dental, posterior inferior, 118 superior, 115, 117 descendens noni, 182 digital of foot, 569, 580 dorsal, posterior, 232 eighth pair, 83 facial, 34, 35, 83. 132 cervical branch of, 161 fifth pair, 82 first pair, 80 fourth pair, 82, 92 frontal, 50, 91 genito-crural, 414, 492 glosso-pharyngeal, 83, 181, 186 gluteal inferior, 515 superior, 448, 515 gustatory, 177 hemorrhoidal, inferior, 451, 517 hypoglossal, 83, 177, 186 infra-orbital, 36, 38, 117 infra-trochlear, 94 ilio-scrotal, 360 intercostal, 294, 348, 358 intercosto-humeral, 220, 246 interosseous, anterior, of arm, 267 posterior of arm, 271 of Jacobson, 131, 133 lachrymal, 92 laryngeal, inferior, 168, 202, 318 superior, 182, 188, 202 lingual, 113 lumbar, 413 posterior, 232 lumbo-sacral, 415, 448 malar, 33, 97 masseteric, 111, 112 maxillary branches, 33 median, 216, 265, 275 musculo-cutaneous of abdomen, in- ferior, 414, 492 middle, 360, 492 superior, 360, 492 arm, 246 leg, 548, 569, 580 musculo-spiral, arm. 217, 246, 254 mylo-hyoid, 113, 177 nasal, 36, 93 external, 94 internal, 36, 93, 141 naso-palatine, 140 ninth pair, 83 obturator, 415, 447, 509 accessory, 415, 447, 509 occipital is major, 51, 232 minor, 51, 160 oculo-motor, 81 olfactory, 80, 140 optic, 81, 96 palatine, 119 628 INDEX. NERVE S continued. palatine, anterior, 119, 141 palmar, median, 275 ulnar, deep, 275, 279 superficial, 275 par vagum, 83, 168, 187 pathetic, 82, 92 penis, dorsal of, 453 perineal, 452 cutaneous, 453 superficial, 452, 457 peroneal, 548 petrosal, superficial, 120 pharyngeal, 187 phrenic, 174, 297, 316 plantar, external, 590 internal, 590 pneumogastric, 83, 168, 187, 317 popliteal, external, 544, 548 internal, 544, 546 portio dura, 34, 35, 83, 132 mollis, 83, 131 pudendal, inferior, long, 453 superior, long, 452 pudic, internal, 452, 517 radial, 263 respiratory, external, of Bell, 219 sacral, anterior, 448 posterior, 232 saphenous, external, 547, 554 internal, 500, 552, 555 peroneal, 548 sciatic, great, 453, 516, 544 small, 453, 517 second pair, 81 seventh pair, 83 sixth pair, 82 spheno-palatine, 119, 140 spinal accessory, 83, 182, 187, 227 splanchnic, great, 333 lesser, 333 suboccipital, 232 subscapular, 219 superficial colli, 161 supra-clavicular, 161 supra-orbital, 50 supra-scapular, 175, 227, 240, 242 sympathetic, 188, 413, 454 temporales profunda, 112 temporo-auricular, 114 third pair, 81 thoracic, inferior, 214 long, 219 superior, 211, 212 tibial, anterior, 548, 579 posterior, 546, 563 trifacial, 82 trigeminal, 82 tympanic, 131 ulnar, 217, 254, 265, 275 NERVE s continued. uterine, 455 j Vidian, 119, 131, 132 Plexus of, axillary, 216 cardiac, 333, 334 carotid, 185 cervical, posterior, 232 coronary of heart, 314 of stomach, 378 cystic, 379 gastric, 376 gastro-duodenal, 379 gastro-epiploic, left, 378 right, 379 guise, 318 hemorrhoidal, 454 hepatic, 373, 376, 379 hypogastric, 454 lumbar, 413 mesenteric, inferior, 383 superior, 376, 383 orbital, 99 ovarian, 455 pancreatico-duodenal, 379 phrenic, 376 prostatic, 454 pulmonary, anterior, 318 posterior, 318 pyloric, 379 renal, 376, 385 sacral, 449 solar, 375 spermatic, 385 splenic, 376, 378 tympanic, 134 vaginal, 455 vesical, 454 Nervi molles, 189 Nodulus cerebelli, 68 Nose, 134 Nymphae, 476 Nares, anterior, 134 posterior, 149 (Esophagus, 315, 328 Omentum gastro-colic, 364 gastro-hepatic, 363 gastro splenic, 365 lesser, 363 majus, 364 Optic commissure, 81 thalami, 60 tract, 81 Orbiculare, os, 126 Origin of cerebral nerves, 80 Os uteri, externum, 485 internum, 487 Os tincse, 485 Ossicula auditus, 125 INDEX. 629 Otolithes, 131 Ovaries, 488 Ovula of Naboth, 487 Pacchionian glands, 54, 55 Palate, half arches of, 147 soft, 147, 149 Pancreas, 373, 404 Papilla?, 145 calyciforuies, 146 conicse, 146 fungiformes, 146 of kidney, 407 lachrymal, 45 Parotid gland, 32, 34 Peduncles, of corpus callosum, 79 of pineal gland, 64 Pelvis of kidney, 407 Penis, 427 Pericardium, 298 Pericranium, 49 Perilymph, 130 Perineal centre, 458 pockets, 461 Perineum, female, 482 male, 455 Peritoneum, 362 Pes hippocampi, 61 Pharynx, 148, 203 Pia mater, of brain, 53 of cord, 287 Pillars, of fornix. 64 of external abdominal ring, 350 Pineal gland, 65 Pituitary gland, 79 Pleura costalis, 296 diaphragmatica, 296 mediastinalis, 295 pulmonalis, 295 Plica semilunaris, 44 Pons, Tarini, 78 Varolii, 77 hepatis, 400 Popliteal space, 545 Portio dura, 83, 132 mollis, 83, 131 Porus opticus, 100 Poupart's ligament, 342 Prepuce of penis, 429 Preputium clitoridis, 477 Processus caudatus, 121 cerebelli ad testes, 68 cochleariformis, 124 gracilis, 126 vermiformis inferior, 72 superior, 71 Promontory, 124 Prostate gland, 424, 437 Prostatic part of the urethra, 425 Pulmonary artery, 300, 306, 321, 328 Pulmonary veins, 302, 307, 321, 328 Puncta lachryinalia, 45 Pupil, 105 Pylorus, 391 Pyramid, of ear, 124 of thyroid gland, 167 of Ferrein, 408 Raphe of corpus callosum, 57 Receptaculum chyli, 329, 415 Rectum, 373, 420, 435 Rete testis, 433 Retina, 107 Rima vaginae, 475 glottidis, 202 Ring, abdominal, external, 344 Rostrum of corpus callosum, 57 Sac, lesser peritoneal, 364 Sacculus of ear, 130 laryngis, 202 Saphenous opening, 493, 494 crescentic margin of, 494 semi-lunar margin of, 494 vein, internal, 491, 553 external, 540, 546, 554 Scala, vestibular, 129 tympanic, 129 Sclerotic coat. 100 Scrotum, 430 ' Semicircular canals, 128 membranous, 130 Semilunar valves, 306, 309 Septum, auricularum, 307 cochleariforme, 125 crurale, 495 lucidum of brain, 59 pectiniforme, 428 Sheath, infundibuliform, 497 Shoulder, 238 Sigmoid, flexure of colon, 372 valves, 306, 309 Sinus, auricular, 307 cavernous, 89, 99 circular, 89 lateral, 88 longitudinal inferior, 55 superior, 54 occipital, 88 palpebral, 44 petrosal inferior, 89 superior, 89 pocularis, 425 portal, 401 prostatic, 425 straight, 88 transverse, 89 venosus of heart, 302 Sinuses, of Valsalva, 306, 309 of uterus, 447 630 INDEX. Soft palate, 147, 149 Spheno-maxillary region, 110 Sphincter vesicae, 424 Spinal canal, 286 cord, 289 Spleen, 366, 405 Spongy part of the urethra, 426 Stapes, 126 Steno's duct, 32 Stomach, 366, 368, 387 Subarachnoid, spaces, 75 space of cord, 287 Sublingual gland, 181 Submaxillary gland, 176 Substantia gelatinosa, 290 spongiosa, 290 Supra-renal capsules, 374, 409 Suspensory ligament, of the liver, 363 of the penis, 341, 349, 429 Sympathetic nerve, 188, 331 Symphysis pubis, 538 Synovial, fringes of knee, 601 membrane of hip, 524 of jaw, 116 of knee, 600 Tapetum, 106 Taenia semicircularis, 60 hippocampi, 62 Tarsal cartilages, 43 Tendo Achillis, 559 palpebrarum, 41 Tentorium cerebelli, 87 Testicles, 430 Thalamus nervi optici, 60 Thoracic duct, 191, 315, 329 Thorax, 291 Thyroid cartilage, 194 gland, 167 Tongue, 152 nerves of, 154 Topography of mouth, fauces, and pha- rynx, 143 Tonsils, 148 of cerebellum, 68 Torcular Herophili, 54 Trachea, 321 Tragus, 120 Tricuspid valves, 305 Trigone vesicale, 423 Tripod of Haller, 376 Tuber cinereum, 79 Tubercula quadrigemina, 66 Tubercalum Loweri, 302 Tubes of Ferrein, 408 Tubuli recti, 433 seminiferi, 432 uriniferi, 408 Tunica, albuginea testis, 431 serosa, 101, 104 vaginalis testis, 431 Tunica vasculosa testis, 432 Tympanum, 123 Tyson's glands, 429 Ureters, 374, 409 Urethra, female, 482 male, 425 Uterus, 483 Utriculus, 130 Uvea, 105 Uvula cerebelli, 68 palati, 149 vesicae, 424 Vagina, 478 columns of, 479 Valve of Bauhin, 397 of brain, 68 Eustachian, 303 ileo-cascal, 397 ileo-colic, 397 mitral, 308 of Thebesius, 304 tricuspid, 305 Valves, semilunar, 306 sigmoid, 306, 309 Valvulae conniventes, 393 Vasa recta, 433 brevia, 376 efferentia, 433 vorticosa, 100, 104 Vas aberrans, 434 deferens, 433 VEINS, axillary, 218 azygos, major, 315, 330 minor, 330 superior, 330 basilic, 246 median, 246 bronchial, 317, 322 cava ascendens, 412 descendens, 300, 317 cephalic, 211, 212, 245 communicans, of arm, 246, 248 coronary, of heart, 304, 314 of stomach, 378 of corpora cavernosa, 429 dorsalis penis, 429 dorsal of foot, 570 dorsal arch of foot, 570 emissaries of Santorini, 52 facial, 158 femoral, 505 of forearm, superficial, 257 Galeni, 64 of head, superficial, 52 hepatic, 400, 402 innominata, 168, 316 internal maxillary, 115 INDEX. 681 VE IN s contimied. intercostal superior, 317 iliac, common, 413 internal, 445 ilio-lumbar, 445 jugular, anterior, 158 external, 158 internal, 168, 185, 192 of leg, deep-seated, 562, 579 median, 24G cephalic, 245 mammary, internal, 317 mesenteric, superior, 382 inferior, 383 ophthalmic, 90 ovarian, 446 popliteal, 546, 549 portal, 401 profunda femoris, 506 pulmonary, 302, 307, 321, 328 pericardiac, 317 phrenic, superior, 317 renal, 385 sacral, lateral, 445 middle, 445 saphenous, internal, 491, 553 external, 540, 546, 554 spermatic, 385, 435, 446. of the spinal cord, 288 splenic, 376 subclavian, 174 supra-renal, 386 transversa, 317 thyroid, inferior, 317 thymic, 317 umbilical, 400 uterine, 447 VE i N s continued. Plexus of, choroides, 61 hemorrhoidal, 421, 446 pampiniformis, 435 tracheal, 166 vaginal, 447 vesico-prostatic, 446 Velum, interpositum, 63 medullare*, posterior, 68 Venae comites, brachial, 254 Vena portae, 401 Ventricle of Arantius, 68 Ventricles of the brain, fifth, 59 fourth, 67 lateral, 59 third, 64 of the heart, right, 300, 301, 304 left, 300, 301, 308 of the larynx, 201 Vermiform processes, 71, 72 Verumontanum, 425 Vesical triangle, 423 Vesiculse seminales, 434 Vestibule, 128 Vestibulum vagina?, 477 Villi, 393 Viscera, abdominal, relations of, 366 Vesicles, Graafian, 488 Vitreous humor, 108 Vulva, 475 Wharton's duct, 177, 179 Zonula of Zinn, 109 Zones of heart, fibrous, 311 THE END. CATALOGUE OF MEDICAL, SURGICAL, AND SCIENTIFIC WORKS, PUBLISHED BY BLANCHARD & LEA, PHILADELPHIA. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES. Edited by ISAAC HATS, M.D. Published Quarterly, each number containing about 300 large octavo pages. Price, $5 per annum. 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