THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Biology BEQUEST OF Theodore S. Palmer . ^, OX OU\AASVL*, Photo by the Duchess of Bedford, Woburn Abbey. FEMALE KUDU. The Kudu is one of the handsomest of the African Antelopes, the corkscrew-like horns of the bucks forming some of the most striking of all sporting trophies. -he Worl ' Mankin ,THE PEOPLE'S Natural History EMBRACING Living Animals of the World and Living Races of Mankind EDITORS AND SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS: Charles J. Cornish, F. C. Selous, Ernest Ingersoll, Sir Harry Johnston, K.C.B., Sir Herbert Maxwell, F.R.S., H. N. Hutchinson, F.R.G.S., J. W. Gregory, F.G.S., R. Lydekker, F.R.S., F.Z.S., and many other eminent naturalists Nearly Two Thousand Illustrations Vol. I MAMMALS THE UNIVERSITY SOCIETY NEW YORK COPYRIGHT, 1901-1902 By DODD, MEAD AND COMPANY COPYRIGHT, 1903 By THE UNIVERSITY SOCIETY GIFT v, I / LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD VOLUME I 521 PEKIN DEER IN SUMMER DRESS example of the -white spotted type of coloration to common among hcrbi-vorout mammalt ;< . .' INTRODUCTION THE interest now taken in Natural History is wide-spread and intel- ligent to a degree never known before, and any publication that purports to present the animal world in a new and clearer way is sure of a welcome, and as wide an acceptance as it deserves. Nothing is more essential to the successful presentation of animal life and habits than good pictures. The universal interest of the public in zoologi- cal gardens, traveling menageries and museums, the educational value of which is more and more strongly recognised, arises not only from a natural curiosity, but also from the need of seeing the real creatures or their preserved embodiments, in order properly to understand and realise the descriptions of animals and Bj pirmittim / HITT Ctrl Haftnkttli] [ NEGRO BOY AND APES An intereittng picture of a Negro toy, -with a young Chimpanzee (lef side of figure) and young Orang-utan {right tide of figure) i 11 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD their ways with which books of exploration and travel, school treatises and current terature are nowadays crowded. Without such help, indeed, the study of zoology would be practically impossible, and therefore pictures have always been considered necessary to books of natural history. Too often, however, they have been sorry treatises upon the reality, reflecting the imaginations of the draughtsman rather than the truth of nature. Photography was therefore welcomed by naturalists and scientific writers as a means of vastly needed improvement, yet only recently has it been possible to utilise it in any important picturesque way in the illustration of living animals. For a long time the difficulties to be over- come baffled both photog- raphers and naturalists. The makers of photographic in- struments and materials were compelled to experiment for many years before they were able to perfect " quick " plates and lenses that would answer the purpose, and then it was only here and there that a man was able or will- ing, or had the opportunity to make use of the portable cameras, telephoto lenses, and other special apparatus re- quired to obtain successful portraits of living creatures, especially those at liberty " on their native heath." It must be remembered, too, that the processes of mechanical engraving had to be perfected in order to re- produce such photographs so that they might be printed without the intervention of brush or graving-tool, with Bjfermistlm of tierr Vmlauff\ {Hamburg SKELETONS OF MAN AND GORILLA their chances of loss cf This photograph shows the remarkable similarity in the structure of the human frame (left} Correctness Aoto s ra f >A f Mr - Waiter Rothschild riding on one of hh huge tortoises gives a good idea of the relative sizes of one of the "giant tortoises" of the library of every family and school- and a human being Byfe ofthi Hon. Walttr Rothschild] GIANT TORTOISE (Tring Phita by Fratelli Alinari] [Fltrtnci A GROUP OF CROCODILIANS A vi mder of modern animal-training. Tht photograph shows a number of living crocodilian! -with their trainer. They have ban an exhibition in Florence for some years past, and are still to be seen there Vlll THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD room as is a dictionary or year- book, since by its aid all reading may be illuminated, and perchance corrected, and the whole view of nature enlightened and enlarged. ERNEST INGERSOLL. SOMALI ZEBRAS This is a photograph of a group of zebras taken in Africa, and gives some idea of the surrounding country, -where they li-vc in happy freedom The special thanks of the Editor and Publishers are due to a great many naturalists and zoologists for the -valuable help they have given to, and the interest they have taken in, this work while it has been in preparation. No doubt, before the complete work is published, a great many more names will be added to the list, but meanwhile grateful acknowledgment should be made to the following : Her Grace the Duchess of Bedford, who has kindly allowed many of her fine photographs to be repro- duced in these pages ; the Hon. Walter Rothschild, M. P., for the splendid collec- tion of photographs taken especially for him in all parts of the world; Lord Delamere, for several unique photographs taken with a telephoto lens during his celebrated ex- pedition to Africa; Major Nott, F. Z. S., for the use of his scientific series of animal photographs; Dr. R. W. Shufeldt, of Washington, for many photographs of fish and other animals in their natural surroundings; Mr. W. Saville-Kent, F. Z. S., F. L. S., for the photographs taken by him while in Australia; Mr. Lewis Medland, F. Z. S., for the use of his singularly complete set of animal photographs; Herr Carl Hagenbeck, of Hamburg, for permission to use his photographs of some extremely rare speci- mens of animals which from time to time have found a temporary home at his wonderful Thierpark ; the Trustees of the British Museum, for permission to photograph some of their animals; Professor E. Ray Lankester, Director of the Natural History Branch of the British Museum; and the Zoological Society, for permission to photograph some of the animals. And also to Herr Ottomar Anschiits, of Berlin; Messrs. Bond fir- Grover, of the Scho- lastic Photographic Co.; Signor Alinari, of Florence ; Messrs. Kerry fir* Co. and Mr. Henry King, of Sydney; Mr. Charles Knight; Mr. J. W. McLellan; Messrs. Charles and William Reid; Messrs. A. S. Rudland & Sons; and Messrs. York fr Sons, for permission to reproduce their photographs. Phttt b } Dr. R. W. Schufildt'] SUN-FISH [Washington This photograph -was taken through the -water by Dr. R. W. who has made a speciality of this kind of photography Photo by G. W. Wlson & Co., Ltd.] singer A YOUNG CHIMPANZEE Pleasure [ Abtrditn Fear The Living Animals of The IVorld BOOK I. MAMMALS CHAPTER I APES, MONKEYS, AND LEMURS THE MAN-LIKE APES O fhttt by FrattlH dlinari, Flortnct ARABIAN BABOON THE CHIMPANZEE F all the great apes the CHIMPANZEE most closely ap- proaches man in bodily structure and appearance, although in height it is less near the human standard than the gorilla, 5 feet being probably that of an adult male. Several races of this ape are known, among them the TRUE CHIMPANZEE and the BALD CHIMPANZEE. The varieties also include the Kulo-kamba, described by Du Chaillu, and the Soko, discovered by Livingstone, who confounded it with the gorilla. But the varia- tions in neither of these are sufficiently important to justify their being ranked as species. The first authentic mention of the chimpanzee is found in " The Strange Adventures of Andrew Battell," an English sailor taken prisoner by the Portuguese in 1590, who lived eighteen years near Angola. He speaks of two apes, the Pongo and the Enjocko, of which the former is the gorilla, the latter the chimpanzee. The animal was first seen in Europe in 1641, and described scientifically fifty-eight years later, but we are indebted 1 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD to Dr. Savage, a missionary, for our first account of its habits, in 1847. The chimpanzee, like the gorilla, is found only in Africa. The range includes West and Central Equatorial Africa, from the Gambia in the north to near Angola in the south, while it oc- curs in the Niam-Niam country to the northwest of the great lakes, and has been discovered recently in Uganda. The new Uganda Railway, which will open out the great lakes to the east, will bring many travelers well within reach of the nearest haunt of these great apes. It is on the likeness and difference of their form and shape to those of man that the attention of the world has been mainly fixed. The chimpanzee is a heavily built animal, with chest and arms of great power. The male is slightly taller than the female. The crown is depressed, the chin receding, the ridges which over- hang the eye-sockets more prom- inent than in man, less so than in the gorilla. The nose has a short bridge, and a flat extremity. The ear is large, and less human than that of the gorilla. The hands and feet are comparatively long ; the digits are, except the thumb and great toe, joined by a web. The arms are short for an ape, reaching only to the knees. The teeth are similar to those of man, and the canines of only moderate size. The chimpanzee has thirteen pairs of ribs, and, like man, has a suggestion at the end of the vertebrae of a rudimentary tail. It walks on all-fours, with the backs of its closed fingers on the ground, and can only stand upright by clasping its hands above its head. The skin is of a reddish or brown flesh-colour, the hair black with white patches on the lower part of the face. The bald chimpanzee has the top, front, and sides of the face bare, exceedingly large ears, thick lips, and black or brown hands and feet. The chimpanzee's natural home is the thick forest, where tropical vegetation ensures almost total gloom. But near Loango it frequents the mountains near the coast. It is a fruit-feeding animal, said to do much damage to plantations, but the bald race, at all events in captivity, takes readily to flesh, and the famous " Sally " which lived in the Zoo for over six years used to kill and eat pigeons, and caught and killed rats. The male chimpanzee builds a nest in a tree for his family, and sleeps under its shelter ; when food becomes scarce in the vicinity, a move is made, and a new nest built. This ape lives either in separate families or communities not exceeding ten in number, and is monogamous. As to the animal's courage, it is difficult to get accurate information, as the sins of the Pkuc by Schtiaitic P/itto. Co.] [fanon'i Green "JENNY," THE WELL-KNOWN CHIMPANZEE A VERY CHARACTERISTIC POSE In this picture the rounded ear, human-like -wrinkles on the forehead, and length of the toes should be noted APES, MONKEYS, AND LEMURS 3 gorilla and baboon have often been laid on its shoulders, and information derived from natives is usually untrustworthy. Apparently the chimpanzee avoids coming into collision with man, although, when attacked, it is a formidable antagonist. Tales of chimpanzees kidnapping women and children need stronger evidence than they have yet obtained. The natives kill this ape by spearing it in the back, or by driving it into nets, where it is entangled and easily dispatched. According to Livingstone, the Soko, as the chimpanzee is called in East Central Africa, kills the leopard by biting its paws, but falls an easy prey to the lion. In captivity it is docile and intelligent, but usually fails to stand a northern climate for more than a few months. It is easily taught to wear clothes, to eat and drink in civilised fashion, to understand what is said to it, and reply with a limited vocabulary of grunts. Sally learnt to count perfectly up to six, and less perfectly to ten ; she could also distinguish white from any colour, but if other colours were presented her she failed, apparently from colour-blindness. Of this ape the late Dr. G. J. Romanes wrote with something more than the enthusiasm of a clever man pursuing a favourite theme : " Her intelligence was conspicuously displayed by the remark- able degree in which she was able to understand the meaning of spoken lan- guage a degree fully equal to that pre- sented by an infant a few months before emerging from infancy, and therefore higher than that which is presented by any brute, so far at least as I have evidence to show." Romanes here speaks only, be it noticed, of ability to understand human speech not to think and act But this is in itself a great mark of intelligence on human lines. " Having enlisted the cooperation of the keepers, I requested them to ask the ape repeatedly for one straw, two straws, three straws. These she was to pick up and hand out from among the litter of her cage. No constant order was to be observed in making these requests ; but whenever she handed a number not asked for her offer was to be refused, while if she gave the proper number her offer was to be accepted, and she was to re- ceive a piece of fruit in payment. In this way the ape had learnt to associate these three numbers with the names. As soon as the animal understood what was required, she never failed to give the number of straws asked for. Her education was then completed in a similar manner from three to four, and from four to five straws. Sally rarely made mistakes up to that number; but above pt,,b, G. w. wn,> c.., Ltd.] five, and up to ten, to which one of the A YOUNG CHIMPANZEE keepers endeavoured to advance her Thit excellent photograph, by Major Nott, F.Z.S., is particularly good, education, the result is uncertain. It is ai sAowin s the manner in " which ' Aese animals use their handi an *f* THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD evident that she understands the words seven, eight, nine, and ten to betoken numbers higher than those below them. When she was asked for any number above six, she always gave some number over six and under ten She sometimes doubled over a straw to make it present two ends, and was supposed (thus) to hasten the attainment of her task." By no means all the chimpanzees are so patient as Sally. One kept in the Zoological Gardens for some time made an incessant noise by stamping on the back of the box in which it was confined. It struck this with the flat of its foot while hanging to the cross-bar or perch, and made a prodigious din. This seems to bear out the stories of chimpanzees assembling and drumming on logs in the Central African forests. THE GORILLA The name of this enormous ape lias been known since 450 B. c. Hanno the Cartha- ginian, when off Sierra Leone, met with wild men and women whom the interpreter called GORILLAS. The males escaped and flung stones from the rocks, but several females were captured. These animals could not have been gorillas, but were probably baboons. Andrew Battell, already mentioned, described the gorilla under the name of Pongo. He says it is like a man, but without understanding even to put a log on a fire ; it kills Negroes, and drives off the elephant with clubs ; it is never taken alive, but its young are killed with poisoned arrows ; it covers its dead with boughs. Dr. Savage described it in 1847. Later Du Chaillu visited its haunts, and his well-known book relates how he met and killed several specimens. But Mr. Winwood Reade, who also went in quest of it, declared that Du Chaillu, like himself, never saw a live gorilla. Von Koppenfels, however, saw a family of four feeding, besides shooting others. The late Miss Kingsley met several, one of which was killed by her elephant-men. The gorilla has a limited range, extending from 2 north to 5 south latitude in West Africa, a moist overgrown region including the mouth of the Gaboon River. How far east it is found is uncertain, but it is known in the Sierra del Cristal. In 1851-52 it was seen in considerable numbers on the coast. The Gorilla is the largest, strongest, and most formidable of the Primates. An adult male is from 5 feet 8 inches to 6 feet high, heavily built, with arms and chest of extraordinary power. The arms reach to the middle of the legs. The hands are clumsy, the thumb short, and the fingers joined by a web. The neck scarcely exists. The leg has a slight calf. The toes are stumpy and thick ; the great toe moves like a thumb. The head is large and receding, with enormous ridges above the eyes, which give it a diabolical appearance. The canine teeth are developed into huge tusks. The nose has a long bridge, and the nostrils look downwards. The ear is small and man-like. In colour the gorilla varies from deep black to iron-gray, with a reddish tinge on the head ; old animals become grizzled. The outer hair is ringed gray and brown ; beneath it is a woolly growth. The female is smaller not exceeding 4 feet 6 inches and less hideous, as the canines Phtti bj A. S. Rutland & Sans HEAD OF MALE GORILLA This is a photograph of one of the first gorillas ever brought to England. It -was sent by the famous M.. du Chaillu Ry : permission of ff err L'mlaaff. . _ , ,-> p p. THE LARGEST GORILLA EVER CAPT Ihl. hug. ape, o feet 5 inch-s M S h, m^on. . dl.t "I over 8 fee, f ringer to flnge, APES, MONKEYS, AND LEMURS are much smaller, and the ridges above the eyes are not noticeable, a feature common also to the young. Timid, superstitious natives and credulous or untrustworthy travelers have left still wrapped in mystery many of the habits of this mighty ape, whose fever-stricken, forest-clad haunts render investigation always difficult, often impossible. Many tales of its ferocity and strength are obviously untrue, but we think that too much has been disbelieved. That a huge arm descends from a tree, draws up and chokes the wayfarer, must be false, for intelligent natives have con- fessed to knowing no instance of the gorilla attacking man. That it vanquishes the leopard is probable ; that it has driven the lion from its haunts requires proof. Nor can we accept tales of the carrying off of Negro women ; and the defeat of the elephants, too, must be considered a fiction. But we must believe that this ape, if provoked or wounded, is a terrible foe, capable of rip- ping open a man with one stroke of its paw, or of cracking the skull of a hunter as easily as a squirrel cracks a nut. There is a tale of a tribe that kept an enormous gorilla as executioner, which tore its victims to pieces, until an Englishman, doomed to meet it, noticing a large swell- ing near its ribs, killed it with a heavy blow or two on the weak spot. Gorillas live mainly in the trees on whose fruit they subsist ; they construct a shelter in the lower boughs for the family, and as a lying-in place for the female. The male is said to sleep below, with his back against the tree a favourite attitude with both sexes to keep off leopards. On the ground it moves on all-fours, with a curious swinging action, caused by putting its hands with fingers extended on the ground, and bringing its body forward by a half-jump. Having a heel, it can stand better than other apes ; but this attitude is not common, and Du Chaillu appears to have been mistaken when he de- scribes the gorilla as attacking upright. In captivity only immature speci- mens have been seen Barnum's great ape being one of the larger forms of chimpanzee. Accounts vary as to the temper of the gorilla, some describing it as untamable, while others say it is docile and playful when young. There is a wonderful tale that a gorilla over 6 feet high was captured near Tanganyika, but nothing more has reached us about it. When enraged, a gorilla beats its breast, as the writer was informed by a keeper, who thus confirmed Du Chaillu's account. Its usual voice is a grunt, which, when the animal is excited, becomes a roar. THE ORANG-UTAN This great red ape was mentioned by Linnaeus in 1766, and at the begin- ning of the last century a specimen living in the Prince of Orange's col- lection was described by Vosmaer. There are three varieties of the ORANG, called by the Dyaks Ml AS- B) firmiishn of Htrr Omlaujf] A MALE GORILLA [Hamburg This photograph of the largest gorilla known -was taken immediately after death by Herr Paschen at Yaunde, and gives an excellent idea of the size of these ani- mals as compared ivitA Negroes. The animal "weighed 400 Ibs, THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD PAPPAN, MIAS-RAMBI, and MIAS-KASSU, the third of which is smaller, has no cheek-excrescences, and very large teeth. Some naturalists recognise a pale and a dark race. Most of our information is due to Raja Brooke and Dr. Wallace. The species is confined to Borneo and Sumatra, but fossils have been found in India of this genus, as well as of a chim- panzee The orang is less man-like than the chimpanzee and gorilla. In height the male varies from 3 feet 10 inches to 4 feet 6 inches, the female being a few inches shorter. It is a heavy creature, with large head often a foot in breadth thick neck, powerful arms, which reach nearly to the ankles, and protuberant abdomen. Its legs are short and bowed. The forehead is high, the nose fairly large, the ears very human. The throat is ornamented with large pouches, and there are often callosities on the cheeks. The fingers are webbed, the thumb small, the foot long and narrow, the great toe small and often without a nail. The brain is man like, and the ribs agree in number with those of man ; but there are nine bones in the wrist, whereas man, the gorilla, and the chimpanzee have but eight. The canine teeth are enormous in the male. The hair, a foot or more long on the shoulders and thighs, is yellowish red : there is a slight beard. The skin is gray or brown, and often, in adults, black. The orang is entirely a tree-living animal, and is only found in moist districts where there is much virgin forest. On the ground it progresses clumsily on all-fours, using its arms as crutches, and with the side only of its feet on the ground. In trees it travels deliberately but with perfect ease, swinging along under- neath the branches, although it also walks along them semi-erect. It lives alone with mate and young, and builds a sleeping place sufficiently low to avoid the wind. Its food is leaves and fruit, especially the durian ; its feeding-time, midday. No animal molests the mias save so say the Dyaks the python and crocodile, both of which it kills by tearing with its hands. It never attacks man, but has been known to bite savagely when brought to bay, and it is very tenacious of life, one being found by Mr. Wallace still alive after a fall from a tree, when " both legs had been broken, its hip-joint and the root of the spine shattered, and two bullets flattened in neck and jaws." In captivity young orangs are playful and docile, but passionate. Less intelligent than chimpanzees, they may be taught to eat and drink nicely, and to obey simple commands. One in the Zoo at present has acquired the rudiments of drill. They will eat meat and eggs, and drink wine, beer, spirits, and tea. An orang described years ago by Dr. Clarke Abel was allowed Photo by Ottomar dnichiitx] YOUNG ORANG-UTANS IBerlin It "will be seen here, from the profile, that the young anthropoid ape has only the upper part of the head at all approaching the human type s THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD the run of the ship on the voyage to England, and would play with the sailors in the rigging. When refused food he pretended to commit suicide, and rushed over the side, only to be found under the chains. The orang is the least interesting of the three great apes ; he lacks the power and brutality of the gorilla and the intelligence of the chimpanzee. " The orang," said its keeper to the writer " is a buffoon ; the chimpanzee, a gentleman." It is worth remark that, although all these apes soon die in menageries, in Calcutta, where they are kept in the open, orangs thrive well. THE GIBBONS Next after the great apes in man-like characters come a few long-armed, tailless apes, known as the GIBBONS. Like the orang-utan, they live in the great tropical forests of Asia, especially PJictt by Ottnaar jfnteMtx] TWO BABY ORANG-UTANS. THE TUG-OF-WAR the Indian Archipelago; like the latter, they are gentle, affectionate creatures ; and they have also a natural affection for man. But it is in mind and temperament, rather than in skeleton, that the links and differences between men and monkeys must be sought. It will be found that these forest apes differ from other animals and from the true monkeys mainly in this-that they are predisposed to be friendly to man and to obey him, and that they have no bias towards mis- chief, or monkey tricks." They are thoughtful, well behaved, and sedate. The SIAMANG, one of the largest of the long-armed, tailless gibbons, lives in the Malay The arms of a specimen only 3 feet high measured 5 feet 6 inches across. This, the gibbons, makes its way from tree to tree mainly by swinging itself by its arms. But siamang can walk upright and run. One kept on board ship would walk down the cabin breakfast-table without upsetting the china. The WHITE-HANDED GIBBON is found in Tenasserim, APES, MONKEYS, AND LEMURS southwest of Burma. This ape has a musical howl, which the whole flock utters in the early mornings on the tree-tops. In Northern India, in the hills beyond the Brahmaputra, lives another gibbon, the HULOCK. One of these kept in captivity soon learnt to eat properly at meals, and to drink out of a cup, instead of dipping his fingers in the tea and milk and then suck- ing them. The SILVERY GIBBON kept at the Zoological Gardens was a most amiable pet, and had all the agility of the other gibbons. It is very seldom seen in this country, being a native of Java, where it is said to show the most astonishing activity among the tall cane-groves. One of the first ever brought to England belonged to the great Lord Clive. The AGILE GIBBON is another and darker ape of this group. The list of the man-like ape closes with this group. All the gibbons are highly specialised for tree-climbing and an entirely arboreal life ; but it is undeniable that, apart from the modifications necessary for this, such as the abnormal length of the arms, the skeleton closely resembles none of these apes show any remarkable so simple a way, by plucking fruits and Phett by Tori 6* Son] HULOCK GIBBON The great length of arm in comparison -with the body and head should here be noted Photo by Tfork & Son] [Netting Hill WHITE-HANDED GIBBON This gibbon is found in the forests of the Malay Archipelago that of the human being. In their habits, when wild, degree of intelligence ; but their living is gained in leaves, that there is nothing in their surroundings to stimulate thought. They do not need even to think of a time of famine or winter, or to lay up a stock of food for such a season, because they live in the forests under the Equator. MONKEYS THE DOG-SHAPED MONKEYS AFTER the gibbons come a vast number of monkeys of every conceiv- able size, shape, and variety, which naturalists have arranged in consecutive order with fair success. Until we reach the Baboons, and go on to the South American Monkeys and the Lemurs, it is not easy to give any idea of what these monkeys do or look like merely by referring to their scientific groups. The usual order of natural histories will here be followed, and the descriptions will, so far as possible, present the I Nutting Hill 10 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD habits and appearance of the monkeys specially noticed. This great family of true monkeys contains the Sacred Monkeys, or Langurs, of India, the Guerezas and Guenons of Africa, the Mangabeys, Macaques, and Baboons. Most of them have naked, hard patches of skin on the hindquarters, and the partition be- tween the nostrils is narrow. Some have tails, some none, and they exhibit the most astonishing dif- ferences of size and shape. Per- haps the most grotesque and astonishing of them all is the PROBOSCIS MONKEY. It is allied to the langurs, and is a native of the island of Borneo, to which it is confined ; its home is the west bank of the Sarawak River. It is an arboreal creature, living in small companies. Mr. Hose, who ph, t , b, A. s. Rutland * s,n, saw them in their native haunts, HEAD OF PROBOSCIS MONKEY says that the proboscis monkeys A native of Borneo. Next to the orang-utan, the most striking monkey in the Malay kept in the trees Overhanging the Archipelago river, and were most difficult to shoot. " I saw altogether about 150 of these monkeys, and without a single exception all were in trees over the water, either lake, river, or in submerged forest. As long as they are in sight, they are very conspicuous objects, choosing the most commanding positions on open tree-tops. Once I saw thirteen in one tree, sitting lazily on the branches, as is their habit, sunning them- selves, and enjoying the scenery." They are very striking animals in colour, as well as in form. The face is cinnamon-brown, the sides marked with reddish brown and white, the belly white, the back red-brown and dark brown. Next to the orang-utan, these are the most striking monkeys in the Malay Archipelago. The greater number of the species intermediate between the gibbons and the New World species are called " DOG-SHAPED " MONKEYS. We wonder why ? Only the baboon and a few others are in the least like dogs. The various SACRED MONKEYS of India are often seen in this country, and are quite representative of the " miscellaneous " monkeys in general. Most of them have cheek-pouches, a useful monkey-pocket. They poke food into their pouches, which unfold to be filled, or lie flat when not wanted ; and with a pocketful of nuts or rice on either side of their faces, they can scream, eat, bite, or scold quite comfortably, which they could not do with their mouths full. The pouchless monkeys have only their big stomachs to rely on. The ENTELLUS MONKEY is the most sacred of all in India. It is gray above and nutty brown below, long-legged and active, a thief and an impudent robber. In one of the Indian cities they became such a nuisance that the faithful determined to catch and send away some hundreds. This was done, and the holy monkeys were deported in covered carts, and released many miles off. But the monkeys were too clever. Having thoroughly enjoyed their ride, they all refused to part with the carts, and, hopping and grimacing, came leaping all the way back beside them to the city, grateful for their outing. One city obtained leave to kill the monkeys; APES, MONKEYS, AND LEMURS 1 1 but the next city then sued them for " killing their deceased ancestors." In these monkey- infested cities, if one man wishes to spite another, he throws a few handfuls of rice on to the roof of his house about the rainy season. The monkeys come, find the rice, and quietly lift off many of the tiles and throw them away, seeking more rice in the interstices. This is not the monkey commonly seen in the hills and at Simla. The large long-tailed monkey there is the HIMALAYAN LANGUR, one of the common animals of the hills. " The langur," says Mr. Lockwood Kipling in his " Beast and Man in India," " is, in his way, a king of the jungle, nor is he often met with in captivity. In some parts of India troops of langurs come bounding with a mighty air of interest and curiosity to look at passing trains, their long tails Photo bj A. S. Rudland if Sons CROSS-BEARING LANGUR AND YOUNG A forest monkey of Borneo lifted like notes of interrogation ; but frequently, when fairly perched on a wall or tree alongside, they seem to forget all about it, and avert their heads with an affectation of languid indifference." In India no distinction is made between monkeys. It is an abominable act of sacrilege to kill one of any kind. In the streets holy bulls, calves, parrakeets, sparrows, and monkeys all rob the shops. One monkey-ridden municipality sent off its inconvenient but holy guests by rail, advising the station-master to let them loose at the place to which they were consigned. The station, Saharanpur, was a kind of Indian Chicago, and the monkeys got into the engine-sheds and workshops among the driving-wheels and bands. One got in the double roof of an inspection- 12 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD car, and thence stole mutton, corkscrews, camp-glasses, and dusters. Among many other inter- esting and correct monkey stories of Mr. Kipling's is the following : " The chief confectioner of Simla had prepared a most splendid bride-cake, which was safely put by in a locked room, that, like most back rooms in Simla, looked out on the mountainside. It is little use locking the door when the window is left open. When they came to fetch the bride-cake, the last piece of it was being handed out of the window by a chain of monkeys, who whitened the hillside with its fragments." From India to Ceylon is no great way, yet in the latter island different monkeys are found. The two best known are the WHITE-BEARDED WANDEROO MONKEY and the GREAT WANDEROO. Both are grave, well-behaved monkeys. The former has white whiskers and a white beard, and looks so wise he is called in Latin Nestor, after the ancient counsellor of the Greeks. Nice, clean little monkeys are these, and pretty pets. The great wanderoo is rarer. It lives in the hills. " A flock of them," says Mr. Dallas, " will take possession of a palm-grove, and so well can they conceal themselves in the leaves that the whole party become invisible. The presence of a dog excites their irresistible curiosity, and in order to watch his movements they never fail to betray themselves. They may be seen congregated on the roof of a native hut. Some years ago the child of a European clergyman, having been left on the ground by a nurse, was bitten and teased to death by them. These monkeys have only one wife." Near relatives of the langurs are the two species of SNUB-NOSED MONKEYS, one of which (see figure on page 18) inhabits Eastern Tibet and Northwestern China, and the other the valley of the Mekong. THE GUEREZAS AND GUENONS Among the ordinary monkeys of the Old World are some with very striking hair and colours. The GUEREZA of Abyssinia has bright white and black fur, with long white fringes on the sides. This is the black-and-white skin fastened by the Abyssinians to their shields, and, if we are not wrong, by the Kaffirs also. Among the GUENONS, a large tribe of monkeys living in the African forests, many of which find their way here as " organ monkeys," is the DIANA, a most beautiful creature, living on the Guinea Coast. It has a white crescent on its forehead, bluish- gray fur, a white beard, and a patch of brilliant chestnut on the back, the belly white and orange. A lady, Mrs. Bowditch, gives the following account of a Diana monkey on board ship. It jumped on to her shoulder, stared into her face, and then made friends, seated itself on her knees, and carefully examined her fhtto t>f A. S. Rutland Iff Son, MALE HIMALAYAN LANGUR A king of ike jungle, not often met -with in captivity GELADA BABOONS AT HOME This photograph it probably unique, as a gelada baboon has been rarely seen. It shows them at home looking for food on the ground under the bamboos and palms. It was taken by Lord Delamere in the East African jungle 13 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD Photo by A. S. Rutland Sons'] HEAD OF MALE MANDRILL This is one of the most hideous of living animals. The natives of West Africa hold it in greater dislike even than the large carnivora, from the mischief it does to their crops L. Midland, F.Z.S., N^h~nnM BROWN CAPUCHIN Photo bj L. Midland, F.Z.S., North FinMij DRILL Only less ugly than the Mandrill. Its habits art _ the same APES, MONKEYS, AND LEMURS Phatt by A. S. Rudland (V Soni RED HOWLER MONKEY The male possesses a most extraordinary voice just as it is always worth while to watch a great snake on the move. The tail is used as a fifth hand: the Indians of Brazil say they catch fish with it, which is not true. But if you watch a spider monkey moving from tree to tree, his limbs and tail move like the five fingers of a star-fish. Each of the extremities is as sensitive as a hand, far longer in proportion than an ordinary man's arm, and apparently able to work in- dependently of joints. The monkey can do so many things at once that no juggler can equal it. It will hold fruit in one hand, pick more with one foot, place food to the mouth with another hand, and walk and swing from branch to branch with the other foot and tail, all simultaneously. These monkeys have no visible thumb, though dissection shows that they have a rudimentary one ; but the limbs are so flexible that they can put one arm round behind their heads over on to the opposite shoulder, and brush the fur on their upper arm. The end of the tail seems always " feeling " the air or surroundings, and has hairs, thin and long, at the end, which aid it in knowing when it is near a leaf or branch. It is almost like the tentacle of some sea zoophyte. Gentle creatures, all of them, are these spider monkeys. One of them, of the species called WAITA, when kept in captivity, wore the fur off its forehead by rubbing its long gaunt arms continually over its brow whenever it was scolded. The spider monkeys differ only in the degree of spidery slenderness in their limbs. In disposition they are always amiable, and in habits tree climbers and fruit-eaters. The CAPUCHINS are, in the writer's opinion, the nicest of all monkeys. Many species are known, but all have the same round merry faces, bright eyes, pretty fur, and long tails. There is always a fair number at the Zoological Gardens. They are merry, but full of fads. One hates chil- dren and loves ladies ; another adores one or two other monkeys, and screams at the rest. All are fond of insects as well as of fruit. A friend of the writer kept one in a large house in Leicestershire. It was not very good-tempered, but most amusing, climbing up the blind-cord first, and catching and eating the flies on the window-panes most dexter- ously, always avoiding the wasps. This monkey was taught to put out a lighted paper (a useful accomplishment) by dashing its hands on to the burning part, or, if the paper were twisted up, by taking the unlighted end and beating the burning part on the ground ; and it was very fond of turning the leaves of any large book. This it did not only by vigorous use of both arms and hands, but by putting its head under too, and "heaving" the leaves over. P halt bf A. S. Rudland & Sim A SPIDER MONKEY In the private room behind the monkey- Thil manke y it specially adapted for arboreal life. The to* house at the Zoo there are always a number of the acts as a fifth hand THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD rare and delicate monkeys from America, which cannot stand the draughts of the outer house, like the Capuchins and spider monkeys. The greater number of these come from tropical America. There, in the mighty forests, so lofty that no man can climb the trees, so dense that there is a kind of upper story on the interlaced tree- tops, where nearly all the birds and many mammals live without descending to earth, forests in which there is neither summer nor winter, but only the changes from hour to hour of the equatorial day, the exquisite MARMOSETS, whose fur looks like the plumage and whose twittering voices imitate the notes of birds, live and have their being. They are all much alike in shape, except that the LION MARMOSET'S mane is like that of a little lion clad in floss silk ; and they all have sharp little claws, and feed on insects. The PINCHE MARMOSET from the Guiana forests has a face like a black Indian chief, with white plumes over his head and neck like those worn by a " brave " in full war-paint. Merchants who do' business with Brazil very frequently import marmosets and the closely ptiotc b) Stholaitic Photo.Co.] [Parian"! Gntn PATAS MONKEY Found in West Africa. A large and brilliantly coloured species allied tamarins as presents for friends at home in England ; the Brazilians themselves like to have them as pets also ; so there is to some extent a trade demand for them. Among the most delicate of American monkeys are the OUKARIS, which have somewhat human faces, exquisite soft fur, and are as gentle as most of these forest creatures. They seldom live long in captivity, a few months being as much as they will generally endure, even in Brazil. Perhaps the rarest of all is the white-haired SCARLET-FACED OUKARI. This monkey has long white hair from neck to tail, sandy whiskers, and a bright scarlet face. It lives in a district of partly flooded forest, and is only obtained by the Indians using blow-pipes and arrows dipped in very diluted urari poison. The WHITE- HEADED SAKI is a rare and very pretty little monkey of Brazil ; and there are a very large number of other species of this group whose names it would be mere weariness to mention. All these small monkeys are very quick and intelligent, while the rapidity of their movements, their ever-changing expres- sion, and sharp, eager cries heighten the idea of cleverness given by their general appearance. Other little imps of these forests are the SQUIRREL MONKEYS. In the common species the face is like a little furry man's, its arms brilliant yellow (as if dipped in gamboge dye), the cheeks pink, and eyes black. In habits it is a quick-tempered, imperious little creature, carnivorous, and a great devourer of butterflies and beetles. Photo by C. Reid] [lfishaw, N. B. WANDEROO MONKEY The number of monkeys -which ha-ve leonine manes is large. The manes act as capes te keep * * f^ 1 *-" 1 - -*<- v wui v_i Ji L/ULLCI llico cHIU UCCLlca. *&- , . ,, , , the dew and -wet from their chests and shoulder^ beautiful and entertaining of all monkeys are Phtto by A. S. Rutland & Sent COMMON SQUIRREL MONKEY The squirrel monkeys have soft, bright-coloured fur, and long, hairy tails. They are found from Mexico to Paraguay 4 25 26 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD fhott by A, S. Rudland ut,ful t soft, -woolly coat. He is very tame, and love* nothing better than being petted APES, MONKEYS, AND LEMURS almost entirely wanting. Egoism, which is a sign of humam dementia, is a very leading characteristic of all monkeys. There is no doubt that the baboons might be trained to be useful animals if they always served one master. Le Vaillant and many other travelers have noted this. But they are too clever, and at the bottom too ill-tempered ever to be trust- worthy, even regarded as " watches," or to help in minor manual labour. Baboons would make an excellent substitute for dogs as used in Belgium for light draught; but no one could ever rely on their behaving themselves when their master's eye was elsewhere. Taken as a family, the monkeys are a feeble and by no means likeabls race. They are " undeveloped " as a class, full of promise, but with no performance. THE LEMURS THE South American monkeys, with their forms and fur, are followed by a beautiful and of creatures, called the LEMURS, with their Maholis, and Pottos. Their resemblance to their hands and feet. These are real and hands, with proper thumbs. The second always terminates in a long, sharp alist, who kept them as pets no- themselves with. Some of them sensitive disk, full of extra " Unlike the lively squirrels hiding-places till the tropical when they seek their but by ascending to the and again, at the first ap- the light in the recesses The RING-TAILED LEMUR most of the race are so the light seems to they turn over same inarticu- But at night they fly from so that the whether they Photo by Ottomar dnschutx] \_3irltn PIG-TAILED MONKEY CATCHING A FLY Most of the smaller monkeys, as ivell as the baboons, are fond of eating insects. Beetles^ white ants, and flies are eagerly sought and de-voured squirrel-like * interesting group cousins the Lorises. monkeys is mainly in very highly developed toe on the hind foot nearly claw. " Elia," the Indian natur- ticed that they used this to scratch have the finger-tips expanded into a nerves. Lemur means " ghost." and monkeys, they do not leave their darkness has fallen on the forest, food, not by descending to the ground, upper surface of the ocean of trees, proach of dawn, seek refuge from of some dark and hollow trunk, is as lively by day as night ; but entirely creatures of darkness that stupefy them. When wakened, like sleeping children, with the late cries and deep, uneasy sighs, most are astonishingly active; tree to tree, heard, but invisible ; natives of Madagascar doubt are not true lemures, the unquiet departed dead. ghosts of their Though the lemurs are here treated apart from the other animals of Madagascar, it will be obvious that they are a curious and abnormal tribe. This is true of most of the animals of that great island, which has a fauna differing both from that of the adjacent coast of Africa and from that of India or Australia. In the FOSSA, a large representative of the Civets, it possesses a species absolutely unlike any other. The Aye-aye is also an abnormal creature. Nor must it be forgotten that Madagascar was until recently the home of some of the gigantic ground-living birds. But, after all, none of its inhabitants are more remarkable than its hosts of lemurs, some of which are to be met with in almost every coppice in the island. There are also many extinct kinds. Exquisite fur, soft and beautifully tinted, eyes of extraordinary size and colour (for the pupil shuts up to a mere black line by day, and the rest of the eye shows like a polished stone of rich brown or yellow or marble gray), are the marks of most of the lemurs. But there are other lemur-like creatures, or " lemuroids," which, though endowed with the same lovely fur, like 28 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD Phot, b, L. Midland, F.Z.S.] [North FinMiy RING-TAILED LEMUR This lemur is often keft as a domestic animal, and allo-wed to run about the house like a cat softest moss, have no tails. The strangest of all are two creatures called the SLENDER LORIS and the SLOW LORIS. The slender loris, which has the ordinary furry coat of the lemurs, and no tail, moves on the branches exactly as does a chameleon. Each hand or foot is slowly raised, brought forward, and set down again. The fingers then as slowly close on the branch till its grasp is secure. It is like a slow-working mechanical toy. Probably this is a habit, now instinctive, gained by ages of cautiously approaching insects. But the result is to give the impression that the creature is almost an automaton. Madagascar is the main home of the lemurs, though some of the related animals are also found in Africa and in the East Indies. But the dense forests of the great island are full of these curious nocturnal beasts, of which there are so many varieties presenting very slight differences of form and habit, that naturalists have some difficulty in giving even a complete list of their species. Add to this that nearly all of them are intensely and entirely nocturnal, and the scarcity of data as to their habits is easily accounted for. When seen by us, their faces all lack expression that is to say, the eyes, which mainly give expression, seem entirely vacant and meaningless. But this is due to their special adaptation to seeing in the dark tropical night. By day the pupil of the eye almost disappears. If only we could also see in the dark, the eyes of the lemur might have as much expression as those of a faithful dog. The change which night makes in their general demeanour is simply miraculous. By day many of them are like hibernating animals, almost incapable of movement. When once the curtain of night has fallen, they are as active as squirrels, and as full of play as a family of kittens. The RING-TAILED LEMUR is often kept as a pet, both in Madagascar and in the Mauritius. It is one of the very few which are diurnal in their habits. When in a hurry it jumps along, standing on its hind feet, like a little kangaroo, but holding its tail upright behind its back. It will follow people up-stairs in this way, jumping from step to step, with its front paws outstretched, as if it were addressing an audience. The French call these day lemurs MAKIS. The ring-tailed lemur lives largely among rocks and precipices. Most of these creatures live upon fruit, the shoots and leaves of trees, and other vegetable food. But, like the squirrel, they have no objection to eggs and nestlings, and also kill and eat any small birds and insects. Some of the smaller kinds are almost entirely insect-feeders. The largest kind of lemur belongs to the group known as the INDRIS. The BLACK-AND- WHITE INDRI measures about two feet in length. It has only a rudimentary tail, large ears, and a sharp-pointed nose. The amount of white colouring varies much in different individ- uals. This variation in colouring a very rare feature among wild mammalia, though one of the first changes shown when animals are domesticated is also found in the next three species, called SIFAKAS. The DIADEMED SIFAKA, the WOOLLY Photo by L. Midland, F.Z.S., North Finchli) A DWARF LEMUR These tiny animals take the flace of the dor- mouse in Madagascar APES, MONKEYS, AND LEMURS 29 INDRI, and the BLACK INDRI all belong to this group. The SIFAKAS, as some of these and the allied forms are called, are venerated by the Malagasys, who never kill one intentionally. Mr. Foster observes that " they live in companies of six or eight, and are very gentle and inoffensive animals, wearing a very melancholy expression, and being as a rule morose, inactive, and more silent than the other lemurs. They rarely live long in captivity. In their native state they are most alert in the morning and evening, as during the day they conceal themselves under the foliage of trees. When asleep or in repose, the head is dropped on the chest and buried between the arms, the tail rolled up on itself and disposed between the hind legs. The sifakas live exclusively on vege- table substances, fruits, leaves, and flowers, their diet not be- ing varied, as in the other lemurs, by small birds, eggs, or insects. Their life is almost entirely arboreal, for which the muscles of their hands and feet, as well as the parachute-like folds between their arms and bodies, and their peculiar hooked fingers, are well fitted. The young one is carried by the mother on its back, its hands grasping her armpits tightly." This is not the universal way of carrying the young among lemurs. The CROWNED LEMUR, a beautiful gray-and-white species, often breeds at the Zoo. The female carries its young one partly on its side. The infant clings tightly with arms and tail round the very slender waist of the Photo by L. Midland, F.Z S.] [North Finchltj BLACK LEMUR Found on the coast of Madagascar Photo by L. Midland, F.Z.S., North Finchliy COQUEREL'S LEMUR A lemur 'which strongly objects to being awakened in the day- lemur, and pushes out its sharp little face just above the thigh of the mother. The WOOLLY INDRI has more woolly fur than the others of its tribe, a shorter nose, and a longer tail. THE TRUE LEMURS Of these there are several species, all confined to Mada- gascar and the Comoro Islands. One of the best known is the RING-TAILED LEMUR, mentioned above. It is called LEMUR CATTA, the Cat Lemur, from being so often kept in domestication. The WEASEL LEMUR, the GRAY LEMUR, the MOUSE LEMUR, the GENTLE LEMUR, the SPORTIVE LEMUR, the Photo by L. Midland, F.Z.S.] [North FinchUj RUFFED LEMUR Another of the nocturnal lemur i. It li-ves mainly on fruit and insects 3 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD Photo by L. Midland, F.Z.S~\ [North finMty GARNETT'S GALAGO One of the squirrel-like temuroids CROWNED LEMUR, and COQUEREL'S LEMUR, all represent various small, pretty, and interesting varieties of the group. The BLACK-AND-WHITE LEMUR, one of the larger kinds, is capable of domestication. A specimen kept in a London house, where the present writer saw it, was always called " Pussy " by the children. The other small kinds are very like squirrels, mice, weasels, and other creatures, with which they have no connec- and primitive fauna of Madagascar tried to make up for its want of variety by mimicking the forms of other animals, and something of the same kind is seen in Australia, where the mar- supials take the place of all kinds of ordinary mammals. There are marsupial rats, marsupial wolves, marsupial squirrels, and even marsupial moles. The small squirrel and rat-like lemurs are calleu CHIROGALES. COQUEREL'S LEMUR is really a chirogale. It is a quaint and by no means amiable little animal, sleeping obstinately all day, and always i ready to growl and bite if disturbed. Its colour is brownish gray and cream-colour. A pair of these, rolled up tightly into balls in a box of hay, will absolutely refuse to move, even when handled. They only feed by night. THE GALAGOS An allied group, confined to tropical Africa, is that of the GALAGOS. They are most beau- tiful little creatures, whose nearest relatives are the Malagasy lemurs. Generally speaking, they have even more exquisite fur than the lemurs. It is almost as soft as floss silk, and so close that the hand sinks into it as into a bed of moss. The colour of the fur is rich and pleasing, gener- ally some shade of brown. The head is small, the nose pointed, and the ears thin, hairless, and capable of being folded up, like the wings of a beetle. But the most beautiful feature of the gal- agos is their eyes. These are of immense size, compared with the head. The eye is of the richest and most beautiful brown, like a cairngorm stone, but not glassy or clear. Though quite translucent, the eye is marked with minute dividing-lines, like the grain in an agate a truly exquisite object. When handled or taken in the arms, the little galago clasps the fingers or sleeve tightly, as if it thought it was holding a tree, and shows no disposition to escape. A family of three or four young ones, no larger than mice, with their large-eyed mother attend- ing to them, forms an exquisitely dainty little group. The galagos vary from the size of a squirrel to that of a small cat. The kind most often seen in England is the MAHOLI GALAGO from East Africa. Another species comes from Senegal, and others from Calabar and the forests of the Gold Coast. GARNETT'S GALAGO, another species, is shown above. They may be regarded as nocturnal tropical lemuroids, analogous to the chirogales of Madagascar. It has been suggested, with great probability, that the intensely drowsy sleep of many of the lemuroid animals corresponds to the hiberna- r Photo by L. Midland, F.Z.S~\ [North FinMey MAHOLI GALAGO This little animal is a native of East Africa. It has -very large eyes, and fur as soft as the chinchilla's APES, MONKEYS, AND LEMURS 3 1 Phttt bj L. Midland, F.Z S.] [Ntrth FtnMq SLENDER LORIS Thh extraordinary creature has the habits of a chameleon when iteking insects for food. The f holograph ii unique tion of many northern mammals. Tropical animals often become torpid to avoid the famine caused by the hot season, just as creatures in cold countries hibernate to avoid the hunger which would otherwise come with winter. THE SLOW LEMURS OR LORISES, AND TARSIERS Another group of lemuroids is distinguished from the foregoing by having the second finger of the fore paws either very short or rudimentary. The thumb and great toe are also set very widely apart from the other fingers and toes. A far more striking distinc- tion to the non-scientific eye is their astonishingly deliberate and slow movements. They have no tails, enormous eyes, and very long, slender legs. The SLOW LORIS is found in Eastern India and the Malay countries, where it is fairly common in the forests. The Bengali natives call it sharmindi billi (" bashful cat "), from its slow, solemn, hesitating movements when in pursuit of insects. Of a slow loris kept by him, Sir William Jones, in the " Asiatic Researches," wrote : " At all times he seemed pleased at being stroked on the head and throat, and he frequently allowed me to touch his extremely sharp teeth. But his temper was always quick, and when he was unseasonably disturbed he expressed a little resentment, by an obscure murmur, like that of a squirrel. . . . When a grasshopper or any insect alighted within his reach, his eyes, as he fixed them on his prey, glowed with uncommon fire ; and having drawn himself back to spring on his prey with greater force, he seized it with both his fore paws, and held it till he had devoured it. He never could have enough grasshoppers, and spent the whole night in prowling for" them." The SLENDER LORIS, an equally curious creature, is only found in Southern India and Ceylon. Its food consists entirely of insects, which it captures by gradual, almost paralysed approach. Its has been described as a " furry-coated chameleon." A group of slow lemurs, living in Western Africa, are known as POTTOS. They are odd little quad- rupeds, in which the " forefinger " never grows to be more than a stump. The tail is also either sharp or rudimentary. They are as slow as the lorises in their movements. In the Malay islands a distant rela- tive, even more curiously formed, is found in the TAKSIER. It has the huge eyes, pointed ears, and beautiful fur of the galagos, but the tail is long, thin and tufted. The fingers are flattened out into disks, like a tree-frog's. These creatures hop from bough to bough in a frog-like manner in search of insects. They are not so large as a good-sized rat. Our photograph does not give an adequate , [North finMt, idea of the size of the eyes. Pheto b, L. Midland, F.Z.S.] SLOW LORIS Another of the slow-moving loris group. These animals are not shown to tOe general public at the Zoo, but kepi in a specially "warmed room THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD J'hoti by A. S. Rudland & Sam TARSIER These little animals hop about in the trees like frogs seen They are nocturnal, and seldom THE AYE-AYE Last, and most remarkable of all these weird lemuroids, is the AYE-AYE. It is placed in a group by itself, and has teeth like those of the Rodents, a large bushy tail, and most extra- ordinarily long, slender fingers, which it probably uses for pick- ing caterpillars and grubs out of rotten wood. It is nearly as large as an Arctic fox, but its habits are those of a lemur. In Mada- gascar it haunts the bamboo forests, feeding on the juice of sugar-cane, grubs, and insects. The fingers of its hands are of different sizes and lengths, though all are abnormally long and slender. The second finger seems to have " wasted," but is said to be of the utmost value to its owner in ex- tracting grubs and insects from the burrows in which they dwell, or the crannies in which they may have taken refuge. Very seldom is this animal seen alive in captivity. Although com- monly called Aye-aye in this country, it is doubtful if this is really its native name. The aye- aye was long a puzzle to naturalists, but is now classed as a lemuroid. THE living races of animals have thus far been reviewed along the completed list of the first great order the Primates. Even in that circumscribed group how great is the tendency to depart from the main type, and how wonderful the adaptation to meet the various needs of the creatures' environment ! The skeletons, the frames on which these various beings are built up, remain the same in character; but the differences of proportion in the limbs, of the muscles with which they are equipped, and of the weight of the bodies to be moved are astonishing. Compare, for instance, the head of the male Gorilla, with its great ridges of bone, to which are attached the muscles which enable it to devour hard tropical fruits and bite off young saplings and bamboos, with the rounded and delicate head of the Insect-eating Monkeys of South Africa ; or set side by side the hand of the Chimpanzee with that of the Aye- aye, with its delicate, slender fingers, like those of a skeleton hand. What could be more diverse than the movements of these creatures, whose structure is nevertheless so much alike ? Some of the lemuroids are as active as squirrels, flying lightly from branch to branch ; in others, as the Slow Lorises, the power of rapid move- ment has disappeared, and been replaced by a creeping gait which cannot be accelerated. Already, in a single order, we see the rich diversity of nature, and its steady tendency to make all existing things serviceable by adapting other parts of creation to their use or enjoyment. Photo by L. Midland, F.Z.S., N. FinMtf HEAD OF AYE-AYE The aye-aye lives mainly in the wild AFRICAN LION AND LIONESS. These animals are so num.. ta East Africa that t.,e y .re exempt,,! from P FHmo b) bra [FItrtnit AFRICAN LION Thit lion if a/most in the attitude of those sculptured by Sir Ediuin Landseer for the Nelion Monument, but the Jeet art turned in, not lying Jiat CHAPTER II T THE CAr TRIBE HOUGH only one species is entirely domesticated, and none of the Cats have flesh edible by man, except perhaps the puma, no group of animals has attracted more interest than this. Containing more than forty species, ranging in size from the ox-devouring tiger or lion to the small wild cats, they are so alike in habit and struc- ture that no one could possibly mistake the type or go far wrong in guessing at the habits of any one of them. They are all flesh-eaters and destroyers of living animals. All have rounded heads, and an extraordinary equipment of teeth and of claws, and of muscles to use them. The blow of the forearm of a lion or tiger is inconceivably powerful, in proportion to its size. A stroke from a tiger's paw has been known to strike off a native's arm from the shoulder and leave it hanging by a piece of skin, and a similar blow from a lion to crush the skull of an ox. The true cats are known by the power to draw back, or " retract," their claws into sheaths of horn, rendering their footsteps noiseless, and keeping these weapons always sharp. The hunting-leopard has only a partial capacity for doing this. The characteristics of the Cats and their allies are too well known to need description. We will therefore only mention the chief types of the group, and proceed to give, in the fullest detail which space allows, authentic anecdotes of their life and habits. The tribe includes Lions, Tigers, Leopards, Pumas, Jaguars, a large number of so-called Tiger-cats (spotted and striped), Wild Cats, Domestic Cats, and Lynxes. The Hunting-leopard, or Cheeta, stands in a sub-group by itself, as does the Fossa, the only large carnivore of Madagascar. 33 Bj ftrminian of Hirr Carl Hagtnbtik, Hamburg AN UNWILLING PUPIL This is one of Herr Hagenbeck's famous perform- ing tigers THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD This closes the list of the most cat-like animals. The next links in the chain are formed by the Civets and Genets, creatures with more or less retractile claws, and long, bushy tails ; the still less cat-like Binturong, a creature with a prehensile tail; and the Mongooses and Ichneumons, more and more nearly resembling the weasel tribe. THE LION RECENT intrusions for railways, sport, discovery, and war into Central and East Africa have opened up new lion countries, and confirmed, in the most striking manner, the stories of the power, the prowess, and the dreadful destruc- tiveness to man and beast of this king of the Carnivora. At present it is found in Persia, on the same rivers where Nimrod and the Assyrian kings made its pursuit their royal sport; in Gujerat, where it is nearly extinct, though in General Price's work on Indian game written before the middle of the last century it is stated that a cavalry officer killed eighty lions in three years ; and in Africa, from Algeria to the Bechuana country. It is especially common in Somaliland, where the modern lion-hunter mainly seeks his sport. On the Uganda Railway, from Mombasa to Lake Victoria, lions are very numerous and dangerous. In Rhodesia and the Northern Transvaal they have killed hunters, railway officials, and even our soldiers near Komati Poort. It has been found that whole tracts of country are still often deserted by their inhabitants from fear of lions, and that the accounts of their ravages contained in the Old Testament, telling how Samaria was almost deserted a second time from this cause, might be paralleled to-day. THE AFRICAN LION BY F. C. SELOUS When, in the latter half of the seventeenth century, Europeans first settled at the Cape of Good Hope, the lion's roar was probably to be heard almost nightly on the slopes of Table Mountain, since a quaint entry in the Diary of Van Riebeck, the first Dutch governor of the Cape, runs thus : " This night the lions roared as if they would take the fort by storm " the said fort being situated on the site of the city now known as Cape Town. At that date there can be little doubt that, excepting in the waterless deserts and the dense equatorial forests, lions roamed over the whole of the vast continent of Africa from Cape Agulhas to the very shore of the Mediterranean Sea ; nor was their range very seriously curtailed until the spread of European settlements in North and South Africa, and the acquisition of firearms by the aboriginal inhabitants of many parts of the country, during the latter half of the nineteenth century, steadily denuded large areas of all wild game. As the game vanished, the lions disappeared too ; for although at first they preyed to a large extent en the domestic flocks and herds which gradually replaced the wild denizens of the Photo by rork &> Son] [Netting Hill LIONESS AROUSED The post of the animal here shows attention, but not anger or fear '*AT ALGERIAN LIONESS This lioness, sitting under an olive-tree^ -was actually photographed in the Soudan by the intrepid M, Geiser THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD once-uninhabited plains, this practice brought them into conflict with the white colonists or native herdsmen armed with weapons of precision, before whom they rapidly succumbed. To-day lions are still to be found wherever game exists in any quantity, and their numbers will be in proportion to those of the wild animals on which they prey. The indefinite increase of lions must be checked by some unknown law of nature, otherwise they would have be- A FOSTER-MOTHER This is a remarkable photograph of a setter suckling three lion cubs -which had lost their mother. It is reproduced here by permission of the Editor of the Irish Field come so numerous in the sparsely inhabited or altogether uninhabited parts of Africa, that they would first have exterminated all the game on which they had been wont to prey, and would then have had to starve or to have eaten one another. But such a state of things has never been known to occur; and whenever Europeans have entered a previously unexplored and uninhabited tract of country in Africa, and have found it teeming with buffaloes, zebras, and antelopes, they have always found lions in such districts very plentiful indeed, but never in such numbers as to seriously diminish the abundance of the game upon which they depended for food. [Abtrdun Mot* by G. If. Wilson <5r> Co., Ltd.] LIONESS AND CUB Lion cuts thri-ve both in Dublin and Amsterdam, but not to well at the London Zoo By permission of Htrr Carl Hagtnbeck~\ [Hamburg A PERFORMING LION Lions, it would seem, are capable of being taught almost anything, even tricycle-riding It is easy to understand that the increase of a herd of herbivorous animals would be regulated by the amount of the food-supply available, as well as constantly checked by the attacks of the large carnivora, such as lions, leopards, cheetas, hyaenas, and wild dogs; but I have never been able to comprehend what has kept within bounds the inordinate increase of lions and other carnivorous animals in countries where for ages past they have had an abundant food-supply, and at the same time, having THE CAT TRIBE 37 been almost entirely unmolested by human beings, have had no enemies. Perhaps such a state of things does not exist at the present day, but there are many parts of Africa where such conditions have existed from time immemorial up to within quite recent years. Since lions were once to be found over the greater portion of the vast continent of Africa, it is self-evident that these animals are able to accommodate themselves to great variations of climate and surroundings ; and I myself have met with them, close to the sea, in the hot and sultry coastlands of Southeast Africa ; on the high plateau of Mashonaland, where at an altitude of 6,000 feet above sea-level the winter nights are cold and frosty ; amongst the stony hills to the east of the Victoria Falls of the Zambesi ; and in the swamps of the Chobi. In the great reed- beds of the latter river a certain number of lions appeared to live constantly, preying on buffaloes Phote bj Frattlli Altnarf] A YOUNG LIONESS The sole of the hind foot shows the soft fads on -which the Cats noiselessly approach their prey [ Florcnci and lechwe antelopes. I often heard them roaring at nights in these swamps, and I once saw two big male lions wading slowly across an open space between two beds of reeds in water nearly a foot in depth. Although there are great individual differences in lions as regards size, general colour of coat, and more particularly in the length, colour, and profuseness of the mane with which the males are adorned, yet as these differences occur in every part of Africa where lions are met with, and since constant varieties with one fixed type of mane living by themselves and not inter- breeding with other varieties do not exist anywhere, modern zoologists are, I think, now agreed that there is only one species of lion, since in any large series of wild lion skins, made in any particular district of Africa or Asia, every gradation will be found between the finest-maned specimens and those which are destitute of any mane at all. Several local races have, however, been recently described by German writers. In the hot and steamy coastlands of tropical Africa lions usually have short manes, and never, I believe, attain the long silky black manes sometimes met with on the high plateaux of the interior. However, there is, I believe, no part of Africa where all or even the majority THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD By fermiuion of Herr Carl Hagtnbeck] [Hamburg A HAPPY FAMILY Here is a group of animals and their keeper from Herr Hagenbeck" s Thierpark. The animal in front is a cross between a lion and a tigress ; he lives on quite friendly terms "with his keeper, and also with lions, tigers, and leopards, as seen in the photograph of male lions carry heavy manes, the long hair of which does not as a rule cover more than the neck and chest, with a tag of varying length and thick- ness extending from the back of the neck to be- tween the shoulder-blades. Lions with very full black manes, covering the whole shoulders, are rare any- where, but more likely to be encountered on the high plateaux, where the winter nights are ex- tremely cold, than any- where else. In such cases, in addition to the tufts of hair always found on the elbows and in the armpits of lions with fair- sized manes, there will probably be large tufts of hair in each flank just where the thighs join the belly ; but I have never yet seen the skin of a lion shot within the last thirty years with the whole belly covered with long, thick hair, as may constantly be observed in lions kept in captivity in menageries. There is, however, some evidence to show that, when lions existed on the high plains of the Cape Colony and the Orange River Colony, where the winter nights are much colder than in the countries farther north where lions may still be encountered, certain individuals of the species developed a growth of long hair all over the belly, as well as an extraordinary luxuriance of mane on the neck and shoulders. From the foregoing remarks it will be seen that wild lions, having as a rule much less luxuriant manes than many examples of their kind to be seen in European menageries, are ordinarily not so majestic and dignified in appearance as many of their caged relatives. On the other hand, the wild lion is a much more alert and active animal than a menagerie specimen, and when in good condition is far better built and more powerful-looking, being free from all appearance of lankiness and weakness in the legs, and having strong, well-formed hindquarters. The eyes of the menagerie lion, too, look brown and usually sleepy, whilst those of the wild animal are yellow, and extraordinarily luminous even T permission of Herr Carl Ha^inbicl'] [Hamburg A CROSS BETWEEN LION AND TIGRESS This unique photograph shows a remarkable hybrid and its proud parents. The father (on the right] is a lion, and the mother (on the left) a tigress. The offspring (in the centre) is a fine, large male, now four years old; a after death. When WOUnded and Standing is bigger than an average-sized lion o" tiger Phut, b) Onomar Jnichiitx] [Btrlin A HUNGRY LION Notict that the mane, at in most wild tiom, Is very scanty 39 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD J*.i. h L. MtJUmJ, F.Z.S.,, Flnililt TIGER CUB Natt tkt great Jevclofmtnt of tkt leg* greater part of the natives of Southern Africa to put an end to any lion which may take to eating men that prevents these animals as a rule from becoming the formidable pests which man-eating tigers appear to be in parts of India. But man- eating lions in Africa are not invariably old animals. One which killed thirty -seven human beings in 1887, on the Majili River, to the north-west of the Victoria Falls of the Zambesi, was, when at last he was killed, found to be an animal in the prime of life ; whilst the celebrated man-eaters of the Tsavo River, in East Africa, were also apparently strong, healthy animals. These two man-eating lions caused such consterna- tion amongst the Indian workmen on the Uganda Railway that the work of construction was considerably retarded, the helpless coolies refusing to remain any longer in a country where they were liable to be eaten on any night by a man- eating lion. Both these lions were at last shot by one of the engineers on the railway (Mr. J. H. Patterson), but not before they had killed and devoured twenty-eight Indian coolies and an unknown number of native Africans. THE TIGER TIGERS are the " type animal " of Asia. They are found nowhere else. Lions were inhab- itants, even in historic times, of Europe, and are still common on the Euphrates and in parts of Persia, just as they were when the Assyrian kings shot them with arrows from their hunting- chariots. They survived in Greece far later than the days when story says that Hercules slew the Nemean lion in the Peloponnesus, for the baggage-animals of Xerxes' army of invasion were attacked by lions near Mount Athos. But the tiger never comes, and never did come in historic times, nearer to Europe than the Caucasian side of the Caspian Sea. On the other hand, they range very far north. All our tiger-lore is Indian. There is scarcely a story of tigers to be found in English books of sport which deals with the animal north of the line of the Himalaya. These Chinese northern tigers and the Siberian tigers are far larger than those of India. They have long woolly coats, in order to resist the cold. Their skins are brought to market in hundreds every year to the great fur-sales. But the animals themselves we never see. The present writer was informed by a friend that in the Amur TAiihan A ROYAL TIGER Tiger, ,,,* tht ,,*, t h,n t g in that h ot THE CAT TRIBE Phl, by Fralilli Alinar,] A TIGER BEFORE SLEEPING Tigers, -when about to sleep, at in this position - t -when more drowsy, they lie down or roll over on their backs IF linnet Valley he shot three of these tigers in a day, putting them up in thick bush-scrub by the id of dogs. The ROYAL BENGAL TIGER, so called, and very properly called in the old books of natural listory, is a different and far more savage beast. It is almost invariably a ferocious savage, ierce by nature, never wishing to be otherwise than a destroyer of beasts mainly, but often of men. Compared with the lion, it is far longer, but rather lighter, for the lion is more massive and compact. " A well-grown tigress," says Sir Samuel Baker, " may weigh on an average 240 t)S. live weight. A very fine tiger may weigh 440 Ibs., but if fat the same tiger would weigh 500 IDS. There may be tigers which weigh 50 Ibs. more than this ; but I speak according to my xperience. I have found that a tiger of 9 feet 8 inches is about 2 inches above the average. The same skin may be stretched to measure 10 feet. A tiger in the Zoological Gardens is a long, ithe creature with little flesh. Such a specimen affords a poor example of this grand animal in ts native jungles, with muscles in their full, ponderous development from continual exertion in nightly travels over long distances, and in mortal struggles when wrestling with its prey. A well- ed tiger is by no means a slim figure. On the contrary, it is exceedingly bulky, broad in the houlders, back, and loins, and with an extraordinary girth of limbs, especially in the forearms md wrists." This ponderous, active, and formidably armed creature is, as might be expected, able to hold ts own wherever Europeans do not form part of the regular population. In India the peasants .re quite helpless even against a cattle-killing tiger in a populous part of the country. In the arge jungles, and on the islands at the mouths of the great rivers, the tigers have things all their >wn way. Things are no better in the Far East. A large peninsula near Singapore is said to 44 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD have been almost abandoned by its cultivators lately, owing to the loss of life caused by the tigers. In the populous parts of India the tiger is far more stealthy than in the out-of-the-way districts. It only hunts by night ; and after eating a part of the animal killed, moves off to a distance, and does not return. Otherwise the regular habit is to return to the kill just at or after dusk, and finish the remainder. Its suspicions seem quite lulled to sleep after dark. Quite recently a sportsman sat up to watch for a tiger at a water-hole. It was in the height of the Indian hot season, when very little water was left. All the creatures of that particular neigh- bourhood were in the habit of coming to drink at one good pool still left in the rocky bed of the river. There the tigers came too. The first night they did not come until all the other creatures hog, deer, peacocks, and monkeys had been down to drink. They then came so softly over the sand that the gunner in waiting did not hear them pass. His first knowledge that they were there was due to the splashing they made as they entered the water. It was quite dark, and he felt not a little nervous, for the bush on which he was seated on a small platform was only some 10 feet high. He heard the two tigers pass him, not by their footsteps, but by the dripping of the water as it ran off their bodies on to the sand. Next night they came again. This time, though it was dark, he shot one in a very ingenious manner. The two tigers walked into the water, and apparently lay down or sat down in it, with their heads out. They only moved occa- sionally, lapping the water, but did not greatly disturb the surface. On this was re- flected a bright star from the sky above. The sportsman put the sight of the rifle on the star, and kept it up to his shoulder. Something obliter- ated the star, and he instantly fired. The " something " was the tiger's head, which the bullet duly hit. The hill-tigers of India are, or were, much more given to hunting by day than the jungle- tigers. In the Nilgiri Hills of Southern India the late General Douglas Hamilton said that before night the tigers were already about hunting, and that in the shade of evening it was dangerous to ride on a pony not because the tigers wished to kill the rider, but because they might mis- take the pony and its rider for a sambar deer. He was stalked like this more than once. Often, when stalking sambar deer and ibex by day, he saw the tigers doing the same, or after other prey. "My brother Richard," he writes, " was out after a tiger which the hillmen reported had killed a buffalo about an hour before. He saw the tiger on first getting to the ground, and the tiger had seen him. It was lying out in the open watching the buffalo, and shuffled into the wood, and would not come out again. Next morning, when we got to the ground, the tiger was moving from rock to rock, and had dragged the body into a nullah. . . . We were upon the point of starting home when we observed a number of vultures coming down to the carcase. The vultures began to collect in large numbers on the opposite hill. I soon counted fifty ; but they would not go near the buffalo. Then some crows, bolder than the rest, flew down, and [Par ion'/ Grim . Phttt by Schalaitic Photo. Co.] A HALF-GROWN TIGER CUB Tigers "groiv to their head," like children. The head of a half-grown cub is as long, though not so broad, as that of the adult \_Florrnct Pfuio bj frtutlll Minari] TIGERS IN ITALY These tigers were photographed in Turin. Italy was the first European country to which these animals "were brought from the Eatt 45 4 6 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD made a great row over their meal. All of a sudden they all flew up, and I made certain it was the tiger. Then my brother fired, and there he was, shot right through the brain, lying just above the buffalo. He had been brought down by the noise the crows were making. Upon driving the sholas (small woods on these hills), tigers were often put out. Sometimes they availed themselves of the drive to secure food for themselves. A wood was being driven, when a tremendous grunting was heard, and out rushed an old boar, bristling and savage. B - was about to raise his rifle, when a growl like thunder stopped him, and a great tiger with one spring cleared the nullah, and alighted on the back of the old boar. Such a battle then took place that, what with the growls of the tiger and the squeals of the boar, one might believe oneself in another world. I thought of nothing but of how to kill one or the other, or both ; so, as they were rolling down over and over, about fifty yards from me on the open hill- side, I let fly both barrels. For a second or two the noise went on ; then the tiger jumped off, and the boar struggled into the nullah close by. The tiger pulled up, and coolly stared at us without moving; but his courage seemed to fail him, and he sprang into the nullah and disappeared." In most parts of India tigers are now scarce and shy, except in the preserves of the great rajas, and the dominions of some mighty and pious Hindu potentates, such as the Maharaja of Jeypur, who, being supposed to be descended from a Hindu god, allows no wild animals to be killed. There the deer and pig are so numerous that tigers are welcome to keep them down. But the Sunderbunds, unwhole- some islands at the Ganges mouth, still swarm with them. So does the Malay Peninsula. Mr. J. D. Cobbold shot a tiger in Central Asia in a swamp so deep in snow and so deadly cold that he dared not stay for fear of being frozen to death. Tigers sometimes wander as far west as the Caucasus near the Caspian. The farther north, the larger your tiger, is the rule. The biggest ever seen in Europe was a Siberian tiger owned by Herr Carl Hagenbeck, of Hamburg, and the largest known skin and skull is from the Far North. The skin is 1 3 feet 6 inches from the nose to the end of the tail. The By ptrmisiion of Htrr Carl Hagtnbeck] A LEOPARD-PUMA HYBRID This is a photograph from life of a -very rare hybrid. The animal's father was a puma, its mother a leopard. It is now dead, and may be seen stuffed in Mr. Rothschild" s Museum at Tring Photo by L. Midland, F.Z.S.] (North Fimhltf LEOPARDS A pair of leopards, one spotted, the other black. Black leopards may be the offspring oftht ordinary spotted form ; they are generally much more sa-vage THE CAT TRIBE 47 largest Indian tiger-skin, from one killed by the Maharaja of Cuch Behar, measures II feet 7 inches. LEOPARDS LESS in size, but even more ferocious, the LEOPARD has a worse character than the tiger. Living mainly in trees, and very nocturnal, this fierce and dangerous beast is less often seen than far rarer animals. It is widely spread over the world, from the Cape of Good Hope to the Atlas Mountains, and from Southern China to the Black Sea, where it is sometimes met with in the Caucasus. There seems to be no legend of its presence in Greece, Italy, or Spain ; but it was quite common in Asia Minor ; and Cicero, when governor of Cilicia, was plagued by an aristo- cratic young friend in Rome to send him leopards to exhibit in ^f'cte he was giving. Any one who has frequented the Zoo for any time must have noticed the difference in size and colour between leopards from different parts of the world. On some the ground-colour is almost white, in others a clear nut-brown. Others are jet-black. Wherever they live, they are cattle thieves, sheep thieves, and dog thieves. Though not formidable in appearance, they are immensely strong. Sometimes one will turn man-eater. Both in India and lately in Africa cases have been known where they have " set up " in this line as deliberately as any tiger. They have four or five young at a birth, which may often be kept tame for some time and are amusing pets. But the following plain story shows the danger of such experiments. At Hongkong an English merchant had a tame leopard, which was brought into the room by a coolie for the guests to see at a dinner party. Excited by the smell of food, it refused to go out when one of the ladies, who did not like its looks, wished for it to be removed. The man took hold of its collar and began to haul it out. It seized him by the neck, bit it through, and in a minute the coolie was dying, covered with blood, on the dining-room floor ! The Chinese leopard ranges as far north as the Siberian tiger, and, like the latter, seems to grow larger the farther north it is found. The colour of these northern leopards is very fh,tt bj C. R,id] A YOUNG LEOPARD The leopard cub it far more cat-like in appearance than the young tiger or lion [lfi,haw, N. 48 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD pale, the spots large, and the fur very long. At the March fur-sales of the present year, held at the stores of Sir Charles Lampson, there were Siberian leopard-skins as large as those of a small tiger. Leopards are essentially tree-living and nocturnal animals. Sleeping in trees or caves by day, they are seldom disturbed. They do an incredible amount of mischief among cattle, calves, sheep, and dogs, being especially fond of killing and eating the latter. They seize their prey by the throat, and cling with their claws until they succeed in breaking the spine or in strangling the victim. The largest leopards are popularly called PANTHERS. In India they sometimes become man-eaters, and are always very dangerous. They have a habit of feeding on putrid flesh ; this makes wounds inflicted by their teeth or claws liable to blood-poisoning. Nothing in the way of prey comes amiss to them, from a cow in the pasture to a fowl up at roost. " In every country," says Sir Samuel Baker, " the natives are unanimous in saying that the leopard is more dangerous than the lion or tiger. Wberever I have been in Africa, the ^^^^^fc natives have declared that they had no fear of a lion, provided they were not hunting, for it would not attack unpro- voked, but that a leopard was never to be trusted. I remember when a native boy, accompanied by his grown-up brother, was busily employed with others in firing the reeds on the op- posite bank of a small stream. Being frl Photo b- J. IT. McLellan-} [Highburf SNOW-LEOPARD, OR OUNCE This is a striking portrait of a -very beautiful animal. Note the long bushy tail, thick ccat, and targe eyes thirsty and hot, the boy stooped down to drink, when he was immediately seized by a leopard. His brother, with admirable aim, hurled his spear at the leopard while the boy was in his jaws. The point separated the vertebrae of the neck, and the leopard fell stone-dead. The boy was carried to my hut, but there was no chance of recovery. The fangs had torn open the chest and injured the lungs. These were exposed to view through the cavity of the ribs. He died the same night." In the great mountain-ranges of Central Asia the beautiful SNOW-LEOPARD is found. It is a large creature, with thick, woolly coat, and a long tail like a fur boa. The colour is white, clouded with beautiful gray, like that of an Angora cat. The edges of the cloudings and spots are marked with black or darker gray. The eyes are very large, bluish gray or smoke-coloured. It lives on the wild sheep, ibex, and other mountain animals. In captivity it is far the tamest and gentlest of the large carnivora, not excepting the puma. Unlike the latter, it is a sleepy, quiet animal, like a domestic cat. The specimen shown here belonged to a lady in India, who kept it for some time as a pet. It was then brought to the Zoological Gardens, where it was more amiable and friendly than most cats. The writer has entered its cage with the keeper, stroked it, and patted its head, without in the least ruffling its good-temper. The heat of the lion-house did not suit it, and it died of consumption. V 177 fhnt h Otttmar Anicnutx] [Btrlin CHEETA A chceta is a hunting-leopard; thit one is a particularly large specimen. Tht cheetas are dealt luith later on in this chapter 1 49 5 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD flute ty G. W. Wilson & Co., Ltd.! \_Aberdnn JAGUAR The largest and strongest of the Cats of America. A South American species THE AMERICAN CATS THE cats, great and small, of the New World resemble those of the Old, though not quite so closely as the caribou, wapiti deer, and moose of the northern forests resemble the reindeer, red deer, and elk of Europe. They are like, but with a difference. The Jaguar and the Ocelot are respectively larger ai,d far more beautiful than their counterparts, the leopard and serval cats. But the Puma, the one medium-sized feline animal which is unspotted, is something unique. The jaguar and puma are found very far south in South America ; and though the jaguar is really a forest animal, it seems to have wandered out on to the Pampas of Argen- tina, perhaps attracted by the immense numbers of cattle, sheep, and horses on these plains. THE JAGUAR The JAGUAR is as savage as it is formidable, but does not often attack men. Its headquarters are the immense forests running from Central America to Southern Brazil ; and as all great forests are little inhabited, the jaguar is seldom encoun- tered by white men. By the banks of the great rivers it is semi-aquatic ; it swims and climbs with equal ease, and will attack animals on board boats anchored in the rivers. As there are few animals of great size in these forests, its great strength is not often seen exercised, as is that of the lion ; but it is the personification of concentrated force, and its appearance is well worth studying from that point of view. The spots are larger and squarer than in the leopard, the head ponderous, the forearms and feet one mass of muscle, knotted under the velvet skin. On the Amazons it draws its food alike from the highest tree-tops and the river-bed; in the former it catches monkeys in the branches, fish in the shallows of the rivers, and scoops out turtles' eggs from the sand banks. Humboldt, who visited these regions when the white population Phote by Scholastic Photo. Co., Panon' i Grttn PUMA A puma in the act of lying down, like a domestic cat THE CAT TRIBE 5' was scarce, declared that 4,000 jaguars were killed annually, and 2.OOO skins exported from Buenos Ayres alone. It was clearly common on the Pampas in his day, and made as great havoc among the cattle and horses as it does to-day. THE PUMA The PUMA is a far more interesting creature. It is found from the mountains in Montana, next the Canadian boundary, to the south of Patagonia. Many stories of its ferocity may have some foundation ; but the writer believes there is no recorded instance of the northern puma attacking man unprovoked, though in the few places where it now survives it kills cattle- calves and colts. It is relentlessly hunted with dogs, treed, and shot. As to the puma of the 1 Phett bj Ottttmar jtnichiitx] iBirlin FEMALE PUMA Thit ihows a puma alert and vigilant, "with eart pricked forward southern plains and central forests, the natives, whether Indians or Gauchos, agree with the belief, steadily handed down from the days of the first Spanish conquest, that the puma is the one wild cat which is naturally friendly to man. The old Spaniards called it amigo del Cristiano (the Christian's friend); and Mr. Hudson, in "The Naturalist in La Plata," gives much evidence of this most curious and interesting tendency : " It is notorious that where the puma is the only large beast of prey it is perfectly safe for a small child to go out and sleep on the plain. . . . The puma is always at heart a kitten, taking unmeasured delight in its frolics; and when, as often happens, one lives alone in the desert, it will amuse itself for hours fighting mock bat- tles or playing hide-and-seek with imaginary companions, or lying in wait and putting all its wonderful strategy in practice to capture a passing butterfly." From Azara downwards these Stories have been told too often not to be largely true; and in old natural histories, whose THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD writers believed the puma was a terrible man-eater, they also appear as " wonderful escapes." One tells how a man put his poncho, or cloak, over his back when crawling up to get a shot at some duck, and felt something heavy on the end of it. He crept from under it, and there was a puma sitting on it, which did not offer to hurt him. As space forbius further quotation from Mr. Hudson's experiences, which should be read, the writer will only add one anecdote which was told him by Mr. Everard im Thurn, C. B., formerly an official in British Guiana. He was going up one of the big rivers in his steam- launch, and gave a passage to an elderly and respectable Cornish miner, who wanted to go up to a gold-mine. The visitor had his meals on the boat, but at night went ashore with the men and slung his hammock between two trees, leaving the cabin to his host. One morning two of the Indian crew brought the miner's hammock on board with a good deal of laughing and talking. Their master asked what the joke was, whereupon, pointing to the trees whence they had unslung the hammock, one said, " Tiger sleep with old man last night." They were quite in earnest, and pointed out a hollow and marks on the leaves, which showed that a puma had been lying just under the mans hammock. When asked if he had noticed anything in the night, he said, " Only the frogs croaking wakened me up." The croak- ing of the frogs was probably the hoarse purring of the friendly puma enjoying his proximity to a sleeping man. Mr. Hudson quotes a case in which four pumas played round and leapt over a person camping out on the Pampas. He watched them for some time, and then went to sleep ! Many of those brought to this country come with their tempers ruined by ill-treatment and hardship ; but a large proportion are as tame as cats. Captain Marshall had one at Marlow which used to follow him on a chain and watch the boats full of pleasure-seekers at the lock. The puma is always a beautiful creature, the fur cinnamon-coloured, tinged with gold ; the belly and chest white ; the tail long, full, and round. Though friendly to man, it is a desperate cattle-killer, and particularly fond of horse-flesh, so much so that it has been suggested that the indigenous wild horses of America were destroyed by the puma. There are two other cats of the Pampas the GRASS-CAT, not unlike our wild cat in appear- ance and habits, and the WOOD-CAT, or Geoffrey's Cat. It is a tabby, and a most elegant creature, of which there is a specimen, at the time of writing, in the Zoo. THE OCELOT In the forest region is also found the most beautiful of the medium-sized cats. This is the Photo b) Ottomar Anschutx} OCELOT Note the elongated spots, and their arrangement in chains [Berlin Photo by Ottomar Anschiitz, Berlin. OCELOT FROM CENTRAL AMERICA. This is one of the most beautifully marked of all Mammals. The ornamental colouring is seldom quite the same in any two specimens. THE CAT TRIBE 53 OCELOT, which corresponds somewhat to the servals, but is not the least like a lynx, as the servals are. It is entirely a tree-cat, and lives on birds and monkeys. The following detailed description of its coloration appeared in " Life at the Zoo" : " Its coat, with the exception perhaps of that of the clouded leopard of Sumatra, marks the highest development of ornament among four-footed animals. The Argus pheasant alone seems to offer a parallel to the beauties of the ocelot's fur, especially in the development of the wonderful ocelli, which, though never reaching in the beast the perfect cup-and-ball ornament seen on the wings of the bird, can be traced in all the early stages of spots and wavy lines, so far as the irregular shell-shaped rim and dot on the feet, sides, and back, just as in the subsidiary ornament of the Argus pheasant's feathers. Most of the ground-tint of the fur is Photo bj Ottomar Jnichutx] OCELOT FROM CENTRAL AMERICA The ocelot can be tamed and almost domesticated if taken young, and is occasionally kept as a pet by theforett Indiant [ffirlln smoky-pearl colour, on which the spots develop from mere dots on the legs and speckles on the feet and toes to large egg-shaped ocelli on the flanks. There are also two beautiful pearl-coloured spots on the back of each ear, like those which form the common ornaments of the wings of many moths." The nose is pink ; the eye large, convex, and translucent. A tame ocelot described by Wilson, the American naturalist, was most playful and affec- tionate, but when fed with flesh was less tractable. It jumped on to the back of a horse in the stable, and tried to curl up on its hindquarters. The horse threw the ocelot off and kicked it, curing it of any disposition to ride. On seeing a horse, the ocelot always ran off to its kennel afterwards. When sent to England, it caught hold of and threw down a child of four years old, whom it rolled about with its paws without hurting it. 54 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD OTHER WILD CATS A HANDSOME leopard-like animal is the CLOUDED LEOPARD. It is the size of a small common leopard, but far gentler in disposition. Its fur is not spotted, but marked with clouded patches, outlined in gray and olive-brown. Its skin is among the most beautiful of the Cats. It is found in the Malay Peninsula, Borneo, Sumatra, Formosa, and along the foot of the Himalaya from Nepal to Assam. Writing of two which he kept, Sir Stamford Raffles said : " No kitten could be more good-tempered. They were always courting intercourse with persons passing by, and in the expression of their countenance showed the greatest delight when noticed, throwing them- selves on their backs, and delighting in Photo by A. 5. Rudland &> Sans FISHING-CAT This -wild cat haunts the sides of rivers, and is an expert at catching fish gray and spotted, and those which are gray and striped, or " whole-coloured." There is no wholly gray wild cat, but several sandy-coloured species. All live on birds and small mammals, and probably most share the tame cat's liking for fish. Among o o the gray-and-spotted cats are the MOTTLED CAT of the Eastern Himalaya and Straits Settlements and islands ; the TIBETAN TIGER-CAT ; the FISHING-CAT of India and Ceylon, which is large enough to kill lambs, but lives much on fish and large marsh-snails ; GEOFFROY'S CAT, an Ameri- can species ; the LEOPARD-CAT of Java and Japan, which seems to have gray fur in Photo by A. S. Rudland &> Soni CLOUDED LEOPARD It shares -with the ocelot the first place among the highly ornamented cats being tickled and rubbed. On board ship there was a small dog, which used to play around the cage with the animal. It was amusing to watch the tenderness and play- fulness with which the latter came in con- tact with its smaller-sized companion." Both specimens were procured from the banks of the Bencoolin River, in Sumatra. They are generally found near villages, and are not dreaded by the natives, except in so far that they destroy their poultry. The number of smaller leopard-cats and tiger-cats is very great. They fall, roughly, into three groups : those which are yellow and spotted, those which are Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons MARBLED CAT Another beautifully marked cat. The tail is spotted and -very long, the marbled markings being on the body only ffittt tj Ottomar jtnithutx] [Btrltn GOLDEN CAT Sumatra it tht home of thh very beautifully coloured cat. The general tint h that of gold-itone. Sometimet the belly it fure -white 55 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD Photo by A. S. Rutland &* Sons PAMPAS-CAT Note the likeness of the thick tail and barred legs to the English -wild cat, " Inexpressibly savage in disposition " (Hudson ) most beautiful is the GOLDEN CAT of Sumatra, one of which is now in the Zoological Gar- dens. It has a coat the colour of gold-stone. The nose is pink, the eyes large and topaz- coloured, the cheeks striped with white, and Ihe underparts and lower part of the tail pure white. Four kinds of wild cats are known in South Africa, of which the largest is the SERVAL, a short-tailed, spotted animal, with rather more woolly fur than the leopard's. The length is about 4 feet 2 inches, of which the tail is only 12 inches. It is found from Algeria to the Cape ; but its favourite haunts, like those of all the wild cats of hot countries, are in the reeds by rivers. It kills hares, Japan and a fulvous leopard-like skin in India, where it is also called the TIGER-CAT and the smallest of all wild cats, the little RUSTY-SPOTTED CAT of India. This has rusty spots on a gray ground. "I had a kitten brought to me," says Dr. Jerdon of the species, " when very young. It became quite tame, and was the delight and admiration of all who saw it. When it was about eight months old, I introduced the fawn of a gazelle into the room where it was. The little creature flew at it the moment it saw it, seized it by the nape of the neck, and was with difficulty taken off." Of the whole-coloured wild cats which include the BAY CAT, the American PAMPAS- CAT, PALLAS' CAT of Tibet and India the ftltto tj/ A. S, Rudland & Sons BAY CAT Photo by A. S. Rudland SC Soni EYRA CAT The lowest and longest of the cats, shaped more like a civet ) it it readily tamed, and makes a charming pet rats, birds, and small mammals generally. The BLACK-FOOTED WILD CAT is another African species. It is a beautiful spotted- and-lined tabby, the size of a small domestic cat, and as likely as any other to be the origin of our tabby variety, if tame cats came to Europe from Atrica. At present it is only found south in the Kalahari Desert and Bechuanaland. The KAFFIR CAT is the common wild cat of the Cape Colony, and a very in- teresting animal. It is a whole-coloured tawny, upstanding animal, with all the indifference to man and generally inde- pendent character of the domestic tom-cat. THE CAT TRIBE 57 PHttt k) A. S. Rutland &> Son, KAFFIR CAT The common -wild cat of Soul A Africa. It will interbreed -with domestic cats It is, however, much stronger than the tame cats, with which it interbreeds freely. In the Colony it is often difficult to keep male tame cats, for the wild Kaffir cats come down and fight them in the breeding-season. The Egyptian cat is really the same animal, slightly modified by climate. A very distinct species is the JUNGLE-CAT, ranging from India, through Baluchistan, Syria, and East Africa, and called in Hindustani the CHAUS. The European striped wild cat extends to the Himalaya, where the range of the lion- coloured, yellow-eyed chaus begins. The chaus has a few black bars inside the legs, which vary in different regions. The Indian chaus has only one distinctly marked ; the Kaffir cat has four or five. The EGYPTIAN FETTERED CAT has been said to be the origin of the domestic and sacred cats of Egypt. A male chaus is most formidable when " cornered." General Hamilton chased one, which had prowled into the cantonments on the lookout for fowls, into a fence. " After a long time I spied the cat squatting in a hedge," he writes, " and called for the dogs. When they came, I knelt down and began clapping my hands and cheering them on. The cat suddenly made a clean spring at my face. I had just time to catch it as one would a cricket-ball, and, giving its ribs a strong squeeze, threw it to the dogs ; but not before it had made its teeth meet in my arm just above the wrist. For some weeks I had to carry my arm in a sling, and I shall carry the marks of the bite to my grave." The chaus, as will be seen from the above, wanders boldly down into the outskirts of large towns, cantonments, and bungalows, on the lookout for chickens and pigeons. Its favourite plan is to lie up at dawn in some piece of thick cover near to where the poultry wander out to scratch, feed, and bask. It then pounces on the nearest unhappy hen and rushes off with it into cover. An acquaintance of the writer once had a number of fine Indian game fowl, of which he was not a little proud. He noticed that one was missing every morning for three days, and, not being able to discover the robber, shut them up in a hen-house. Next morning he heard a great com- motion outside, and one of his bearers came running in to say that a leopard was in the hen- house. As this was only built of bamboo or some such light material, it did not seem probable that a leopard would stay there. Getting his rifle, he went out into the compound, and cau- tiously approached the hen-house, in which the fowls were still making loud protests and cries of alarm. The door was shut ; but some creature certainly not a leopard might have squeezed in through the small entrance used by the hens. He opened the door, and saw at the back of the hen-house a chaus sitting, with all its fur on end, looking almost as large as a small leopard. On the floor was one dead fowl. The , , , f ,. , Phttt by A. S. Rutland & Stni impudent jungle-cat rushed for the door, AFRICAN CHAUS> OR JUNGLE _ C AT but had the coolness to seize the hen The ckaut it tht lnttn and African e^aUm O four -wilder hit 3 equally strong and savage I THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD as it passed, and with this in its mouth rushed past the owner of the hens, his servants and retainers, and reached a piece of thick scrub near with its prize. As the chaus is common both in India and Africa, a comparison of its habits in both conti- nents is somewhat interesting. Jerdon, the Indian naturalist, writes : " It is the common wild cat from the Himalaya to Cape Comorin, and from the level of the sea to 7,000 or 8,000 feet elevation. It frequents alike the jungles and the open country, and is very partial to long reeds, and grass, sugarcane-fields, and corn-fields. It does much damage to all game, especially to hares and partridges. Quite recently I shot a pea-fowl at the edge of a sugarcane-field. One of these cats sprang out, seized the pea-fowl, and after a short struggle for the bird was not quite dead carried it off before my astonished eyes, and, in spite of my running up, made his escape with his booty. It must have been stalking these very birds, so closely did its spring follow my shot. It is said to breed twice a year, and to have three or four young at a birth. I have very often had the young brought to me, but always failed in rearing them ; and they always showed a savage and untamable disposition. I have seen numbers of cats about villages in various parts of the country that must have been hybrids between this cat and the tame ones." The late Sir Oliver St. John was more fortunate with his jungle-cat kittens. He obtained three in Persia. These he reared till they were three months old, by which time they became so tame that they would climb on to his knees at breakfast-time, and behave like ordinary kit- tens. One was killed by a greyhound, and another by a scorpion a curious fate for a kitten to meet. The survivor then became morose and ill-tempered, but grew to be a large and strong animal. " Two English bull-terriers of mine, which would make short work of the largest domes- tic cat, could do nothing against my wild cat," says the same writer. " In their almost daily battles the dogs always got the worst of it." In Africa the chaus haunts the thick cover bordering the rivers. There it catches not only water-fowl, but also fish. According to Messrs. Nicolls and Eglington, " its spoor may con- stantly be seen imprinted on the mud surrounding such pools in the periodical watercourses as are constantly being dried up, and in which fish may probably be imprisoned without chance of escape." The chaus has for neighbour in Africa the beautiful SERVAL, a larger wild cat. This species is reddish in colour, spotted on the body, and striped on the legs. The ears are long, but not tufted, like those of the lynx. The serval is more common in North and Central Africa than in the South. But it is also found south of the Tropic of Capricorn. Messrs. Nicolls and Eglington say of it : " Northward through South Central Africa it is fairly common. It fre- quents the thick bush in the vicinity of rivers. The harasses, or mantles, made from its skins are only worn by the chiefs and very high dignitaries amongst the native tribes, and are in consequence eagerly sought after, on which account the species tuns a risk of rapid extermi- nation. Its usual prey consists of the young of the smaller antelopes, francolins, and wild guinea-fowls, to the latter of which it is a most destructive enemy in the breeding- season. When obtained young, the serval can be tamed with little trouble ; but it is difficult to rear, and always shows a singular and almost unac- countable aversion to black men. Its, .. , . otherwise even temper is always; arOUSed at the .. Sight of 3. native.' SERVAL Phete tj Otttmar MALE SERVAL The serval is a link tenveen the leopardi and tiger-cats, quite large enough to kill the young of the smaller antelopes 59 6o THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD When in anger, it is by no means a despicable antagonist, and very few dogs would like to engage in a combat with one single-handed." THE COMMON WILD CAT The WILD CAT was once fairly common all over England. A curious story, obviously exaggerated, shows that traditions of its ferocity were common at a very early date. The tale is told of the church of Barn- borough, in Yorkshire, between Doncaster and Barnsley. It is said that a man and a wild cat met in a wood near and began to fight ; that the cat drove the man out of the wood as far as the church, where he took refuge in the porch ; and that both the man and cat were so injured that they died. Accord- ing to Dr. Pearce, the event was formerly commemorated by a rude painting in the church. Mr. Charles St. John had an experience with a Scotch wild cat very like that which General Douglas Hamilton tells of the jungle- cat. He heard many stories of their attack- ing and wounding men when trapped or when their escape was cut off, and before long found out that these were true. " I was fishing in a river in Sutherland," he wrote, " and in passing from one pool to another had to climb over some rocky ground. In doing so, I sank almost up to my knees in some rotten heather and moss, almost upon a wild cat which was concealed under it. I was quite as much startled as the cat itself could be, when I saw the wild-looking beast rush so unexpectedly from between my feet, with every hair on her body on end, making her look twice as large as she really was. I had three small Skye terriers with me, which immediately gave chase, and pursued her till she took refuge in a corner of the rocks, where, perched in a kind of recess out of reach of her enemies, she stood with her hair bristled out, spitting and growling like a common cat. Having no weapon with me, I laid down my rod, cut a good-sized stick, and pro- ceeded to dislodge her. As soon as I was within six or seven feet of the place, she sprang straight at my face over the dogs' heads. Had I not struck her in mid-air as she leaped at me, I should probably have received a severe wound. As it was, she fell with her back half broken among the dogs, who with my assistance dispatched her. I never saw an animal fight so desper- ately, or one which was so difficult to kill. If a tame cat has nine lives, a wild cat must have a dozen. Sometimes one of these animals will take up its residence at no great distance from a house, and, entering the hen-roosts and outbuildings, will carry off fowls in the most audacious manner, or even lambs. Like other vermin, the wild cat haunts the shores of lakes and rivers, Photo bj Otttmar Anscttutx\ SERVAL CLIMBING Note the active, cat-like method of climbing [Birlin THE CAT TRIBE bi and it is therefore easy to know where to set a trap for them. Having caught and killed one of the colony, the rest of them are sure to be taken if the body of their slain relative is left in the same place not far from their usual hunting-ground and surrounded with traps, as every wild cat passing that way will to a certainty come to it." The wild cat ranges from the far north of Scotland, across Europe and Northern Asia, to the northern slopes of the Himalaya. It has always been known as one of the fiercest and wild- est of the cats, large or small. The continual ill-temper of these creatures is remarkable. In the experience of the keepers of menageries there is no other so intractably savage. One pre- sented to the Zoological Gardens by Lord Lilford some eight years ago still snarls and spits at any one who comes near it, even the keeper. The food of the wild cat is grouse, mountain-hares, rabbits, small birds, and probably fish caught in the shallow waters when chance offers. It is wholly nocturnal ; consequently no one ever sees it hunting for prey. Though it has long been confined to the north and northwest of Scotland, it is by no means on the verge of extinction. The deer-forests are saving it to some extent, as they did the golden eagle. Grouse and hares are rather in the way when deer are being stalked ; consequently the wild cat and the eagle are not trapped or shot. The limits of its present fastnesses were recently fixed by careful Scotch naturalists at the line of the Caledo- nian Canal. Mr. Harvie Brown, in 1880, said that it only survived in Scotland north of a line running from Oban to the junction of the three counties of Perth, Forfar, and Aberdeen, and thence through Banffshire to Inverness. But the conclusion of a writer in the Edinburgh Review of July, 1898, in a very interesting article on the survival of British mammals, has been happily contradicted. He believed that it only survived in the deer-forests of Inverness and Sutherlandshire. The wild cats shown in the illustrations of these pages were caught a year later as far south as Argyllshire. The father and two kittens were all secured, practically un- hurt, and purchased by Mr. Percy Leigh Pemberton for his collection of British mammals at Ashford, in Kent. This gentleman has had great success in preserving his wild cats. They, as well as others martens, polecats, and other small carnivora are fed on fresh wild rabbits killed in a warren near ; consequently they are in splendid condition. The old " torn " wild cat, snarling with characteristic ill-humour, was well supported by the wild and savage little kittens, which exhibited all the family temper. Shortly before the capture of these wild cats another By ptrmtiiitn / Ptrcj Liigti Ptmktrttn, Ely. EUROPEAN WILD CAT The British ret>retentaeii/e of this species is rapidly becoming extinct. The ."iccimcn -white portrait is given here -was caught in THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD litn of ftrcy Lfig* Ptmhirttn, Esq. SCOTCH WILD CATS These -wildcats, the property of Mr. P. Leigh Pemberton, though regularly fed andivell treated, show their natural bad-temper in their faces family were trapped in Aberdeenshire and brought to the Zoological Gardens. Four kittens, beautiful little savages, with bright green eyes, and uninjured, were safely taken to Regent's Park. But the quarters given them were very small and cold, and they all died. Two other full-grown wild cats brought there a few years earlier were so dreadfully injured by the abomi- nable steel traps in which they were caught that they both died of blood-poisoning. The real wild cats differ in their markings on the body, some being more clearly striped, while others are only brindled. But they are all alike in the squareness and thickness of head and body, and in the short tail, ringed with black, and growing larger at the tip, which ends off like a shaving-brush. It may well be asked, Which of the many species of wild cats mentioned above is the an- cestor of our domestic cats ? Probably different species in different countries. The African Kaffir cat, the Indian leopard-cat, the rusty-spotted cat of India, and the European wild cat all breed with tame cats. It is therefore probable that the spotted, striped, and brindled varieties of tame cats are descended from wild species which had those markings. The so-called red tame cats are doubtless descended from the tiger-coloured wild cats. But it is a curious fact that, though the spotted gray-tabby wild varieties are the least common, that colour is most frequent in the tame species. THE LYNXES IN the LYNXES we seem to have a less specially cat-like form. They are short-ta.led, high in the leg, and broad-faced. Less active than the leopards and tiger-cats, and able to live either in very hot or very cold countries, they are found from the Persian deserts to the far north of Siberia and Canada. The CARACAL is a southern, hot-country lynx. It has a longer tail than the others, but the same tufted ears. It seems a link between the lynxes and the jungle-cats. It is found in India, Palestine, Persia, and Mesopotamia. In India it was trained, like the cheeta, to catch birds, THE CAT TRIBE gazelles, and hares. The COMMON LYNX is probably the same animal, whether found in Norway, Russia, the Carpathians, Turkestan, China, or Tibet. The CANADIAN LYNX is also very probably the same, with local differences of colour. The NORTHERN LYNX is the largest feline animal left in Europe, and kills sheep and goats equally with hares and squirrels. The beautiful fur, of pale cinnamon and light gray, is much admired. In some southern districts of America we have the RED LYNX, or so-called " wild cat," which is distinct from the lynx of Canada. The MEDITERRA- NEAN or SPANISH LYNX seems likewise entitled to rank as a distinct species. Of the lynxes the CARACALS are perhaps the most interesting, from their capacity for domes- tication. They are found in Africa in the open desert country, whereas the SERVAL is found in the thick bush. In Africa it is believed to be the most savage and untamable of the Cats. That is probably because the Negro and the Kaffir never possessed the art of training animals, from the elephant downwards. In India the caracal's natural prey are the fawns of deer and antelope, pea-fowl, hares, and floricans. The caracal is the quickest with its feet of any of the Cats. One of its best-known feats is to spring up and catch birds passing over on the wing at a height of six or eight feet from the ground. A writer, in the Naturalist's Library, notes that, besides being tamed to catch deer, pea-fowl, and cranes, the caracal was used in " pigeon matches." Two caracals were backed one against the other to kill pigeons. The birds were fed on the ground, and the caracals suddenly let loose among them, to strike down as many as each could before the birds escaped. Each would sometimes strike down with its forepaws ten or a dozen pigeons. " Caracal" means in Turkish " Black Ear," in allusion to the colour of the animal's organ of hearing. The COMMON LYNX is a thick-set animal, high in the leg, with a square head and very strong paws and forearms. It is found across the whole northern region of Europe and Asia. Although never known in Britain in historic times, it is still occasionally seen in parts of the Alps and in the Carpathians ; it is also common in the Caucasus. It is mainly a forest animal, and very largely nocturnal ; therefore it is seldom seen, and not often hunted. If any enemy approaches, the lynx lies perfectly still on some branch or rock, and generally succeeds in avoiding notice. The lynx is extremely active ; it can leap great distances, and makes its attack usually <> Phttt b) Ottomar Anichufx.\ [Btrlin LYNX Thil animal it a uniformly coloured sfecies common to India and Africa 6 4 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD flutt bj A, S. Rudland & Sons EUROPEAN LYNX The largest of the cat tribe left in Europe in that way. When traveling, it trots or gallops in a very dog-like fashion, Where sheep graze at large on moun- tains, as in the Balkans and in Greece the lynx is a great enemy of the flocks. In Norway, where the animal is now very rare, there is a tradition that it is more mischievous than the wolf, and a high price is set on its head. In Siberia and North Russia most of the lynx-skins taken are sold to the Chinese. The lynx-skins brought here are mainly those of the Canadian species. The fur is dyed, and used for the busbies of the officers in the hussar regiments. These skins vary much in colour, and in length and quality of fur. The price varies correspondingly. The Canadian lynx lives mainly on the wood-hares and on the wood- grouse of the North American forests. The flesh of the lynx is said to be good and tender. Brehm says of the Siberian lynx : " It is a forest animal in the strictest sense of the word. But in Siberia it occurs only singly, and is rarely captured. Its true home is in the thickest parts in the interior of the woods, and these it probably never leaves except when scarcity of food or the calls of love tempt it to wander to tl.e outskirts. Both immigrants and natives hold the hunting of the lynx in high esteem. This proud cat's activity, caution and agility, and powers of defense arouse the enthusiasm of every sportsman, and both skin and flesh are valued, the latter not only by the Mongolian tribes, but also by the Russian hunters. The lynx is seldom captured in fall-traps ; he often renders them useless . by walking along the beam and stepping on the lever, and he usually leaps over the spring-traps in his path. So only the rifle and dogs are left." The RED LYNX is a small American variety, the coat of which turns tawny in summer, when it much resembles a large cat. It is called in some parts of the United States the Mountain-cat. This lynx is 30 inches long in the body, with a tail 6 inches long. It is found on the eastern or Atlantic side of the continent, Bf flrmissitn tf Mr ,. B . Gund ^ and by no means shuns the CANADIAN LYNX neighbourhood Of Settlements. Great numbers of these are trapped every year for the sake of their fur Flute by Otttmar Anichutx] [Birlin CHEETAS Cheetas can be distinguiihcd at a glance from the ordinary leopards by the tolid black sfots upon the back instead of the " raiettet." 9 65 66 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD PlHto by York &> Sen] A CHEETA HOODED [Netting Hill THE CHEETA THE NON-RETRACTILE-CLAWED CAT THE CHEETA, or Hunting-leopard, is the only example of this particular group, though there was an extinct form, whose remains are found in the Siwalik Hills, in the north of India. It is a very widely dispersed animal, found in Persia, Turkestan, and the countries east of the Caspian, and in India so far as the lowenjpart of the centre of the peninsula. It is also common in Africa, where until recent years it was found in Cape Colony and Natal. Now it is banished to the Kalahari Desert, the Northern Transvaal, and Bechuanaland. The cheeta is more dog-like than any other cat. It stands high on the leg, and has a short, rounded head. Its fur is short and rather woolly, its feet rounded, and its claws, instead of slipping back into sheaths like a lion's, are only partly retractile. Mr. Lockwood Kipling gives the follow- ing account of the cheeta and its keepers : " The only point where real skill comes into play in dealing with the hunting-leopard is in catching the adult animal when it has already learnt the swift, bounding onset, its one accomplishment. The young cheeta is not worth catching, for it has not yet learnt its trade, nor can it be taught in captivity. . . . There are certain trees where these great dog-cats (for they have some oddly canine characteristics) come to play and whet their claws. The hunters find such a tree, and arrange nooses of deer-sinew round it, and wait the event. The animal comes and is caught by the leg, and it is at this point that the trouble begins. It is no small achievement for two or three naked, ill-fed men to secure so fierce a capture and carry it home tied on a cart. Then his training begins. He is tied in all directions, principally from a thick rope round his loins, while a hood fitted over his head effectually blinds him. He is fastened on a strong cot-bedstead, and the keepers and their wives and families reduce him to submission by starving him and keeping him awake. His head is made to face the village street, and for an hour at a time, several times a day, his keepers make pretended rushes at him, and wave clothes, staves, and other articles in his face. He is talked to continually, and the women's tongues are believed to be the most effective of things to keep him awake. No created being could withstand the effects of hunger, want of sleep, and feminine scolding ; and the poor cheeta becomes piteously, abjectly tame. He is taken out for a walk occasionally if a slow crawl between four attendants, all holding hard, can be called a walk and his promenades are always through the crowded streets and bazaars, where the keepers' friends are to be found ; but the people are rather pleased than otherwise to see the raja's cheetas amongst them." Later, when the creature is tamed, " the cheeta's bedstead is like that of the keeper, and leopard and man are often curled up under the same blanket! When his bedfellow is restless, the keeper lazily stretches out an arm from his end of the coat and dangles a tassel over the animal's head, which seems to soothe him. In the early morning I have seen a cheeta sitting up on his couch, a red blanket half covering him, and his tasseled red hood awry, looking exactly like an elderly gentleman in a nightcap, as he yawns with the irresolute air of one who is in doubt whether to rise or to turn in for another nap." Tht cheeta is not unhooded until fairly near his ouarry, ivhen he is given a sight of the game, and a splendid race ensues THE CAT TRIBE 67 This charming and accurate description shows the cheeta at home. In the field he is quite another creature. He is driven as near as possible to the game, and then unhooded and given a sight of them. Sir Samuel Baker thus describes a hunt in which a cheeta was used : " The chase began after the right-hand buck, which had a start of about 1 10 yards. It was a magnificent sight to see the extraordinary speed of pursuer and pursued. The buck flew over the level surface, followed by the cheeta, which was laying out at full stretch, with its long, thick tail brandishing in the air. They had run 200 yards, when the keeper gave the word, and away we went as fast as our horses could carry us. The horses could go over this clear ground, where no danger of a fall seemed possible. I never saw anything to equal the speed of the buck and the cheeta ; we were literally nowhere, although we were going as hard as horse-flesh could carry us ; but we had a glorious view. The cheeta was gaining in the course, while the buck was exerting every muscle for life or death in its last race. Presently, after a course of about a quarter of a mile, the buck doubled like a hare, and the cheeta lost ground as it shot ahead, instead of turning quickly, being only about thirty yards in rear of the buck. Recovering itself, it turned on extra steam, and the race appeared to recommence at increased speed. The cheeta was determined to win, and at this moment the buck made another double in the hope of shaking off its terrible pursuer ; but this time the cheeta ran cunning, and was aware of the former game. It turned as sharply as the buck. Gathering itself together for a final effort, it shot forward like an arrow, picked up the distance which remained between them, and in a cloud of dust we could for one moment distin- guish two forms. The next instant the buck was on its back, and the cheeta's fangs were fixed like an iron vice in its throat. The course run was about 600 yards, and it was worth a special voyage to India to see that hunt." Phcti by Otttmar jlnichufx."] IBirlin A CHEETA ON THE LOOK-OUT Chtetai are common to Africa and India. By the native princet of the latter country they are much used for taking ante/of e and other game 68 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD Phot, bf r. Fall] \Ba\,r Strttt WHITE SHORT-HAIRED Most white cats are not albinoes that is to say, they Aa-ve ordinarily coloured and not red eyes THE DOMESTIC CAT BY Louis WAIN OF the domestication of the cat we know very little, but it is recorded that a tribe of cats was trained to retrieve i.e., to fetch and carry game. In our own time I have seen many cats fetch and carry corks and newspapers, and on one occasion pounce upon a small roach at the end of a line and place it at its owner's feet. Gamekeepers whom I have known agree that, for cunning, craftiness, and tenacity in attain- ing an object, the semi-wild cat of the woods shows far superior intelligence to the rest of the woodland denizens. It is quite a usual thing to hear of farm cats entering upon a snake-hunt- ing expedition with the greatest glee, and showing remarkable readiness in pitching upon their quarry and pinning it down until secured. These farm cats are quite a race by themselves. Of decided sporting proclivities, they roam the countryside with considerable fierceness, and yet revert to the domesticity of the farmhouse fire- side as though innocent of roving instincts. They are spasmodic to a degree in their mode of life, and apparently work out one mood before entering upon another. It will be remembered that this spasmodic tendency the true feline independence, by the bye is and has been characteristic of the cat throughout its history, and any one who has tried to overcome it has met with failure. Watch your own cat, and you will see that he will change his sleeping-quarters periodically ; and if he can find a newspaper conveniently placed, he will prefer it to lie upon, before anything perhaps, except a cane-bottomed chair, to which all cats are very partial. If you keep a number of cats, as I do, you will find that they are very imitative, and what one gets in the habit of doing they will all do in time : for instance, one of my cats took to sitting with his front paws inside my tall hat and his body outside, and this has become a catty fashion in the family, whether the object be a hat, cap, bonnet, small basket, box, or tin. If by chance one of the cats is attacked by a dog, a peculiar cry from the aggrieved animal will immediately awaken the others out of their lethargy or sleep, and bring them fiercely to the rescue. They are, too, particularly kind and nice to the old cat, and are tolerant only of strange baby kittens and very old cats in the garden as long as they do not interfere with the "catty" subject. The same quality obtains in Spain or Portugal, where a race of scavenging cats exists, which go about in droves or families, and are equal to climbing straight walls, big trees, chimneys, and moun- tainsides. Long, lanky, and thin, they are built more on the lines of a greyhound than the ordinary cat, and are more easily trained in tricks than home cats. The TORTOISESHELL has long been looked upon as the national cat of Spain, and in fact that country is overrun with the breed, ranging from a dense ribr.Fau\ [*-> * LONG-HAIRED WHITE White tats with blue eyes are generally deaf, or at all events hard of hearing Phttc by f ratlin Alinarl, Fltrinct MACKEREL-MARKED TABBY Phcttkj L. Midland, F.Z.S., Ntrth Finchly CAT CARRYING KITTEN Tatties are probably the best known and the A unique photograph, showing the -way in commonest cats which the cat carries its young Phitt by E. Lander, Eating BLUE LONG-HAIRED, OR PERSIAN Persian or long-haired cats are of variout colours } this is one of the least common By firmiuion of Lady Altxandir ORANGE TABBY A champion "winner of go first prixes Phut by E. Landtr, F.aling SMOKE AND BLUE LONG-HAIRED Tivo pretty and "valuable Persian kittens Phata by E. Lander, Eating LONG-HAIRED TABBY A pretty pose Phut by E. Landtr, Ealing SILVER PERSIAN A handsome specimen 6 Q Photc h E. Landtr, Eating SMOKE LONG-HAIRED, OR PERSIAN A new breed THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD SHORT-HAIRED BLUE This champion cat belongs to Lady Alexander, by tvhou kind permission it is here reproduced black and brown to' lighter shades of orange brown and white. The pure tortoiseshell might be called a black and tan, with no white, streaked like a tortoise- shell cojnb if possible, and with wonderful amber eyes. It is characteristic of their intelligence that they will invariably find their way home, and will even bring that mysterious instinct to bear which guides them back long distances to the place of their birth ; and, with regard to this cat, the stories of almost impossible journeys made are not one bit exaggerated. The tom- cats of this breed are very rare in England ; I myself have only known of the existence of six in fifteen years, and of these but three are recorded in the catalogues of the cat shows. The BLACK CAT has many of the characteristics of the tortoiseshell, but is essentially a town cat, and is wont to dream his life away in shady corners, in underground cellars, in theatres, and in all places where he can, in fact, retire to monastic quiet. The black cat of St. Clement Danes Church was one of the remarkable cats of London. It was his wont to climb on to the top of the organ-pipes and enjoy an occasional musical concert alone. A christening or a wedding was his pride ; and many people can vouch for a lucky wedding who had the good-fortune to be patronised by the black cat of St. Clement Danes, which walked solemnly down the aisle of the church in front of the happy couples. My old pet Peter was a black-and-white cat, and, like most of his kind, was one of the most remarkable cats for intelligence I have ever known. A recital of his accomplishments would, however, have very few believers a fact I find existing in regard to all really intelligent cats. There are so many cats of an opposite character, and people will rarely take more than a momentary trouble to win the finer nature of an animal into existence. Suffice it to say, that Peter would lie and die, sit up with spectacles on his nose and with a post-card between his paws a trick I have taught many people's cats to do. He would also mew silent meows when bid, and wait at the door for my home-coming. For a long time, too, it was customary to hear weird footfalls at night outside the bedroom doors, and visitors to the house were a little more superstitious as to their cause than we were ourselves. We set a watch upon the supposed ghost, but sudden opening of the doors discovered only the mystic form of Peter sitting purring on the stairs. He was, however, ultimately caught in the act of lifting the corner of the door- rug and letting it fall back in its place, and he had grown quite expert in his method of raising and dropping it at regular intervals until he heard that his signals had produced the required effect, and the door was opened to admit him. WHITE CATS I might call musical cats, for it is quite characteristic of the albinoes that noises rarely startle them out of their simpering, loving moods. The scraping of a violin, which will scare an ordinary cat out of its senses, or the thumping of a piano, which would terrorise even strong-nerved cats, would only incite a white cat to a happier mood. Certainly all white cats are somewhat deaf, or lack acute quality of senses ; but this failing rather softens the feline nature than becomes dominant as a weakness. fhctv by T. Fall] SILVER TABBY A beautiful -variety of a typical cat {Baktr Strut THE CAT TRIBE SHORT-HAIRED TABBY This is perhaps the most fatnoui cat notu living. It hat won no leis than 200 prizes The nearest to perfection perhaps, and yet at the same time extremely soft and finely made, is the BLUE CAT, rare in England as an English cat, but common in most other countries, and called in America the Maltese Cat for fashion's sake probably, since it is too widely distributed there to be localised as of foreign origin. It is out in the mining districts and agricultural quarters, right away from the beaten tracks of humanity, where the most wonderful breeds of cats develop in America ; and caravan showmen have told me that at one time it was quite a business for them to carry cats into these wildernesses, and sell them to rough, hardy miners, who dealt out death to each other without hesitation in a quarrel, but who softened to the appeal of an animal which reminded them of homelier times. One man told me that upon one occasion he sold eight cats at an isolated mining township in Colorado, and some six days' journey farther on he was caught up by a man on horseback from the township, who had ridden hard to overtake the menagerie caravan, with the news that one of the cats had climbed a monster pine-tree, and that all the other cats had followed in his wake ; food and drink had been placed in plenty at the foot of the tree, but that the cats had been starving, frightened out of their senses, for three days, and despite all attempts to reach them they had only climbed higher and higher out of reach into the uppermost and most dangerous branches of the pine. The showman hastened with his guide across country to the township, only to find that in the interval one bright specimen of a man belonging to the village had suggested felling the tree and so rescuing the cats from the pangs of absolute starvation, should they survive the ordeal. A dynamite cartridge had been used to blast the roots of the pine, and a rope attached to its trunk had done the rest and brought the monster tree to earth, only, however, at the expense of all the cats, for not one survived the tremendous fall and shaking. A sad and tearful pro- cession followed the remains of the cats to their hastily dug grave, and thereafter a bull mastiff took the place of the cats in the township, an animal more in character with the lives of its inhabitants. Analogous to this case of the traveling menageries, we have the great variety of blues, silvers, and whites which are characteristic of Russia. There is a vast table- land of many thousands of miles in extent, intersected by caravan routes to all the old countries of the ancients, and it is not astonishing to hear of attempts being made LONG-HAIRED ORANGE A good tpecimen of this "variety is always large and finely furred 72 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD Phot, by C. Riid] [trishaw, N. B. MANX These tailless cats are "well known; they were formerly called " Cornwall ca." Note the length of the hind le^s, -which is one of the characteristics of this -variety of the domestic cat Photo by E. Landor] [Ealing SIAMESE These strikingly coloured cats are no-w fairly numerous, but com- mand high prices. They ha-ve white kittens, which subsequently become coloured to steal the wonderful cats of Persia, China, and Northern India, as well as those of the many dependent and independent tribes which bound the Russian kingdom. But it is a remarkable fact that none but the blues can live in the attenuated atmosphere of the higher mountainous districts through which they are taken before arriving in Russian territory. It is no uncommon thing to find a wonderful complexity of blue cats shading to silver and white in most Russian villages, or blue cats of remarkable beauty, but with a dash of tabby-marking running through their coats. Their life, too, is lived at the two extremes. In the short Russian summer they roam the woodlands, pestered by a hundred poisonous insects ; in the winter they are imprisoned within the four walls of a snow-covered cottage, and are bound down prisoners to domesticity till the thaw sets in again. Many of the beautiful furs which come to us from Russia are really the skins of these cats, the preparation of which for market has grown into a large and thriving industry. The country about Kronstadt, in the Southern Carpathian Mountains of Austria, is famous for its finely developed animals ; and here, too, has grown up a colony of sable-coloured cats, said to be of Turkish origin, where the pariahs take the place of cats. The TABBY is remarkable to us in that it is characteristic of our own country, and no other colour seems to have been popular until our own times. If you ask any one which breed of cat is the real domestic cat, you will be told the tabby, probably because it is so well known to all. The complexity of the tabby is really remarkable, and for shape and variety of colouring it has no equal in any other tribe of cat. It has comprised in its nature all the really great qualities of the feline, and all its worst attributes. You can truthfully say of one of its UE LONG-HAIRED, OR PERSIAN This cat belonged to S^ueen Victoria SILVER PERSIANS Three of Mrs. Champion's celebrated cati THE CAT TRIBE 73 Phot, by F.. Landor] [Eating LONG-HAIRED CHINCHILLA Note the beautiful "fluffiness" of thii cat's fur specimens that it attaches itself to the indi- vidual, while of another in the same litter you will get an element of wildness. A third of the same parents will sober down to the house, but take only a passing notice of people. You can teach it anything if it is tractable, make it follow like a dog, come to whistle, but it will have its independence. The SAND-COLOURED CAT, with a whole- coloured coat like the rabbit, which we know as the ABYSSINIAN or BUNNY CAT, is a strong African type. On the Gold Coast it comes down from the inland country with its ears all bitten and torn away in its fights with rivals. It has been acclimatised in England, and Devon- shire and Cornwall have both established a new and distinct tribe out of its parentage. The MANX CAT is nearly allied to it, and a hundred years ago the tailless cat was called the Cornwall Cat, not the Manx. Siam sends us a regal aminal in the SIAMESE ROYAL CAT ; it has a brown face, legs, and tail, a cream-coloured body, and mauve or blue eyes. The Siamese take great care of their cats, for it is believed that the souls of the departed are transmitted into the bodies of animals, and the cat is a favourite of their creed ; consequently the cats are highly cultivated and intelligent, and can think out ways and means to attain an end. I have tried for years to trace the origin of the LONG-HAIRED or PERSIAN CATS, but I cannot find that they were known to antiquity, and even the records of later times only mention the SHORT-HAIRED. European literature does not give us an insight into the subject; and unless Chinese history holds some hidden lights in its records, we are thrown back upon the myths of Persia to account for the wonderful modern contribution of the long-haired cat, which is gradually breeding out into as many varieties as the short- haired, with this difference that greater care and trouble are taken over the long-haired, and they will, as a breed, probably soon surpass the short-haired for intelligence and culture. One variety is quite new and distinctive the SMOKE LONG- HAIRED, whose dark brown or black surface-coat, blown aside, shows an under coat of blue and silver, with a light brown frill round its neck. All the other long-haired cats can pair with the short-haired ' *'" h " Tr "" r 7 ""> for colouring and marking, but I E "BUN" OR -TICKED" SHORT-HAIRED CAT Ian n one of the rarest of cats. It belong* to Miss K. Maud Bennett who has kindly have not yet seen a BUNNY LONG- had it photographed for this -work HAIRED. CHAPTER I II THE FOSSA, CIVETS, AND ICHNEUMONS I e, y>. S. kudlanj &> Sons FOSSA The only feline animal of Madagascar THE FOSSA N the FOSSA Madagascar possesses an altogether peculiar animal. It is a very slender, active creature, with all its proportions much elongated. It is of a bright bay uniform colour, with thick fur, and has sharp retractile claws. It has been described as the natural connecting link between the Civets and the Cats, anatomically speaking. Thus it has retractile claws, but does not walk on its toes, like cats, but on the soles of its feet (the hind pair of which is quite naked), like a civet. Very few have been brought to captivity ; indeed, the first time that one was exhibited in the Zoological Gardens was only ten years ago. Formerly stories were told of its ferocity, which was compared to that of the tiger. These tales were naturally the subject of ridicule. The fossa usually attains a length of about 5 feet from snout to tail, and is the largest of the carnivora of Madagascar. A fine young specimen lately brought to London, and in the Zoological Gardens at the time of writing, is now probably full grown. It is about the same length and height as a large ocelot, but with a far longer tail, and is more slenderly built. The extreme activity of the fossa no doubt renders it a very formidable foe to other and weaker creatures. It has been described by a recent writer as being entirely nocturnal, and preying mainly on the lemurs and birds which haunt the forests of Madagascar. The animal kept at the Zoological Gardens has become fairly tame. It is fed mainly on chickens' heads and other refuse from poulterers' shops. Apparently it has no voice of any kind. It neither growls, roars, nor mews, though, when irritated or frightened, it gives a kind of hiss like a cat. 74 Phot, by L. Midland, F.Z.S.] t North FinM> ' LARGE INDIAN CIVET Civets are nocturnal in their habiti. That shown here Aasjuit awakened in broad daylight THE FOSSA, CIVETS, AND ICHNEUMONS 75 THE CIVETS AND GENETS THE CIVETS are the first marked deviation from the Cat Family. Their bodies are elongated, their legs short, their claws only partially retractile. Some of them have glands holding a strong scent, much esteemed in old days in Europe, when " The Civet Cat " was a common inn-sign even in England. The civets are generally beautifully marked with black stripes and bands on gray. But none of them grow to any large size, and the family has never had the importance of those which contain the large carnivora, like the true cats or bears. Many of the tribe and its connections are domesticated. Some scholars have maintained that the cat of the ancient Greeks was one of then the common genet. The fact is that both this and the domestic cat were kept by the ancients ; and the genet is still used as a cat by the peasants of Greece and Southern Italy. The AFRICAN CIVET and INDIAN CIVET are large species. The former is common almost throughout Africa. Neither of them seems to climb trees, but they find abundance of food by catching small ground-dwelling animals and birds. They are good swimmers. The Indian civet has a handsome skin, of a beautiful gray ground-colour, with black collar and markings. It is from these civets that the civet-scent is obtained. They are kept in cages for this purpose, and the secretion is scooped from the glands with a wooden spoon. They produce three or four kit- tens in May or June. Several other species very little differing from these are known as the MALABAR, JAVAN, and BURMESE CIVETS. The RASSE is smaller, has no erectile crest, and its geographical distribution extends from Africa to the Far East. It is commonly kept as a domestic pet. Like all the civets, it will eat fruit and vegetables. The GENETS, though resembling the civets, have no scent-pouch. They are African creatures, but are found in Italy, Spain, and Greece, and in Palestine, and even in the south of France. Beautifully spotted or striped, they are even longer and lower than the civet-cats, and steal through the grass like weasels. The COMMON GENET is black and gray, the latter being the ground-colour. The tail is very- long, the length being about 15 inches, while that of the body and head is only 19 inches. Small rodents, snakes, eggs and birds are its principal food. It is kept in Southern Europe for Photo bj A. S. Rudland & Sons AFRICAN CIVET This is one of the largest of the G-vct Tribe. The perfume knoiun as " civet " Is obtained from it 7 6 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD Phttt kj StMastic Pluto. Co.] \_Panon '} Gritn AFRICAN CIVET This photograph shows the finely marked fur of the specie* and the front view of the head killing rats. Several other very similar forms are found in Africa. The presence of such a very Oriental-looking ani- mal in Europe is something of a surprise, though many persons forget that our South European animals are very like those of Africa and the East. The porcupine, which is common in Italy and Spain, and the lynx and Barbary ape are instances. A tame genet kept by an acquaintance of the writer in Italy was absolutely domesticated like a tame mongoose. It had very pretty fur, gray, marbled and spotted with black, and no disagreeable odour, except a scent of musk. It was a most active little creature, full of curiosity, and always anxious to explore not only every room, but every cupboard and drawer in the house. Perhaps this was due to its keenness in hunting mice, a sport of which it never tired. It did not play with the mice when caught as a cat does, but ate them at once. The LINSANGS, an allied group, are met with in the East, from India to Borneo and Ja They are more slender than the genets, and more arboreal. Of the NEPALESE LINSANG Hodgson writes : " This animal is equally at home on trees and on the ground. It breeds and dwells in the hollows of decaying trees. It is not gregarious, and preys mainly on living animals." A tame female owned by him is stated to have been wonderfully docile and tractable, very sensitive to cold, and very fond of being petted. There is an allied West African species. The PALM-CIVETS and HEMIGALES still further increase this numerous tribe. Slight difife ences of skull, of the markings of the tail, which may only have rings on the base, and of foot and tail, are the naturalist's guide to their separation from the other civets ; HARDWICKE HEMIGALE has more zebra-like markings. Borneo, Africa, India, and the Himalaya all produce these active little carnivora ; but the typical palm-civets are Oriental They are sometimes known as Toddy-cats, because they drink the toddy from the jars fastened to catch the juice. The groves of cocoanut-palm are their favourite haunts ; but they will make a home in holes in the thatched roofs of houses, and even in the midst of cities. There are many species in the group. The BINTURONG is another omnivorous, tree- haunting animal allied to the civets; but it has a prehensile tail, which few other mammals of the Old World possess. It is a blunt-nosed, heavy animal, sometimes called the Bear-cat. Very little is known of its habits. It is found from the Eastern Himalaya to Java. The last of the Civet Family is BENNETT'S CIVET, the only instance of a cat-like animal with partly webbed feet. Found in the Malay Peninsula and in PJ """'' f L - M ' dland > F - z - s -l [*"* rinM>J SUMATRAN CIVET AmM ""* ^'* THE FOSSA, CIVETS, AND ICHNEUMONS 77 Sumatra and Borneo, it is very rare, but is known to feed on fish and Crustacea, and to be semi- aquatic. The author of the chapter on the civets in the Naturalist's Library says, " It may be likened to a climbing otter." THE MONGOOSE AND ICHNEUMON FAMILY THESE are a numerous and useful race of small mammals, feeding mainly on the creatures most annoying to man within tropical countries. Snakes, the eggs of the crocodile, large lizard, rats, mice, and other creatures known generally as " vermin," are their favourite food. It must be added that, though they are most useful in destroying these, they also kill all kinds of birds, and that their introduction into some of the West India Islands, for the purpose of killing rats, has been fatal to the indigenous bird life. THE INDIAN MONGOOSE This universal favourite is one of the largest, the head and body being from 15 to 18 inches Phttt hj A. S. Rudland &> Sent GENET The genets arc smaller than some civets, but allied to them. One was anciently domesticated Hike a cat long, and the tail 14 inches. The fur is loose and long, and capable of being erected. As in all the tribe, the tint is a " pepper and salt," the " pepper " colour being sometimes blackish and sometimes red, but a speckled appearance characterises the whole group. This is the animal supposed to be immune from snake-bite. It is possibly so to some extent, for it kills and eats the poisonous snakes, and it is now known that the eating of snake-poison tends to give the same protection as inoculation does against certain diseases. But it is certain that in most cases the mongoose, by its activity, and by setting up the hair on its body, which makes the snake " strike short," saves itself from being bitten. Many descriptions of the encounters between these brave little animals and the cobra have been written. Here is one of the less known : " One of our officers had a tame mongoose, a charming little pet. Whenever we could procure a cobra and we had many opportunities we used to turn it out in an empty storeroom, which had a window at some height from the ground, so that it was perfectly safe to stand there and look on. The cobra, when dropped from the bag or basket, would wriggle into one of the corners of the room and there coil himself up. The mongoose showed the greatest excitement on being brought to the window, and the moment 78 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD he was let loose would eagerly jump down int the room, when his behaviour became very curious and interesting. He would instantl) see where the snake was, and rounding his back, and making every hair on his body stanc out at right angles, which made his body aj pear twice as large as it really was, he wouk approach the cobra on tiptoe, making peculiar humming noise. The snake, in the meantime, would show signs of great anxiety, and I fancy of fear, erecting his head anc hood ready to strike when his enemy came near enough. The mongoose kept running backwards and forwards in front of the snake, gradually getting to within what appeared to us to be striking distance. The snake wouk strike at him repeatedly, and appeared to hit him, but the mongoose continued his comic dance, apparently unconcerned. Suddenly, and with a movement so rapid that the eye could not follow it, he would pin the cobra by the back of the head. One could hear the sharp teet crunch into the skull, and, when all was over, see the mongoose eating the snake's head and part of his body with great gusto. Our little favourite killed a great many cobras, and, so far I can see, never was bitten. The EGYPTIAN MONGOOSE, or ICHNEUMON, has an equally great reputation for eating the eggs of the crocodile ; and the KAFFIR MONGOOSE, a rather larger South African species, is kept as a domestic animal to kill rats, mice, and snakes, of which, like the Indian kind, it is a deadly foe. There are more than twenty other species, most of much the same appearance and habits. The smooth-nosed mongoose tribe are closely allied creatures in South Africa, mainly bur- rowing animals, feeding both on flesh and fruit. The CUSIMANSES of Abyssinia and West Africa are also allied to them. Their habits are identical with the above. fhtto k } L. Midland, F.Z.S ] [North VinMty TWO-SPOTTED PALM-CIVET Thit is a ffest African species, ivAicA, -wit A an allied form from East Africa, ref resents the palm-civeti in the Dark Continent THE MEERKATS, OR SURICATES Most people who have read Frank Buckland's Life will remember the suricate which chief pet in Albany Street. The SURICATES, or MEERKATS, burrow all over the South African veldt, espe- cially in the sandy parts, where they sit up outside their holes like prairie- dogs, and are seen by day. They are sociable animals, and make most amusing pets. A full-grown one is not much larger than a hedgehog, but more slender. It barks like a prairie-dog, and has many other noises of pleasure or anger. A lady, the owner of one, writes in Country Life: " It gets on well with the dogs and cats, especially the latter, as they are more friendly to her, and allow her to sleep by their side and on the top of them. One old cat brings small birds was his . < t, L. Midland, F.Z.S. -\ \. Ntrth MASKED PALM-CIVET A -whole-coloured species of the group THE FOSSA, CIVETS, AND ICHNEUMONS 79 fhttt t) Ro rt D. Canon] BINTURONG [Philadtlfh,, The binturong is placed -with the civets. It has a pre- hensile tail like the kinkajou (see page to her (her favourite is a sparrow), and makes her usual cry, and Janet runs to her and carries off the bird, which she eats, feathers and all, in a very few minutes, if she is hungry." When near a farm, the meerkats will devour eggs and young chickens. They are also said to eat the eggs of the large leopard-tortoise. The commonest is the SLENDER- TAILED MEERKAT. It is found all over South Africa, and is very common in the Karroo. It eats insects and grubs as well as small animals, and is commonly kept as a pet throughout the Colony. WE have now traced the long line of the Carnivora from the lordly Lion, the slayer of man and his flocks and herds, and the Tiger, equally formidable and no less specially developed for a life of rapine on a great scale, to creatures as small and insignificant as the Meerkat, which is at least as much an insect- feeder as a devourer of flesh, and the Ichneumons and Civets. The highest form of specialisation in the group is the delicate mechanism by which the chief weapons of offense, the claws, are enabled to keep their razor edge by being drawn up into sheaths when the animal walks, but can be instantly thrust out at pleasure, rigid and sharp as sword -blades. The gradual process by which this equipment deteriorates in the Civets and disappears in the Mongoose should be noted. There are many other carnivora, but none so formidable as those possessing the retractile claws. Thus the Bears, though often larger in bulk than the Lion, are far inferior in the power of inflicting violent injury. At the same time such delicate mechanism is clearly not necessary for the well- 'being of a species. The members of the Weasel Tribe are quite as well able to take care of themselves as the small cats, though they have non-retractile and not very formidable claws. Such a very abnornal animal as the BINTURONG of which we are able to give an excellent photograph is doubtless rightly assigned to the place in which modern science has placed it. But it will be found that there are several very anomalous forms quite as detached from any general type as is the binturong. Nature does not make species on any strictly graduated scale. Many of these nondescript animals are so unlike any other group or family that they seem almost freaks of nature. The binturong is certainly one of these. The next group with which we deal is that of the Hyaenas. In these the equipment for catching living prey is very weak. Speed and pursuit are not their metier, but the eating of dead and decaying animal matter, and the consumption of bones. Hence the jaws and teeth are highly de- veloped, while the rest of the body is degenerate. Phott b) L. Midland, F.Z.S.} MONGOOSE '1 / Indian mongoutc is the great enemy oj snakes, of the crocodile [North Finchlif species eats the eggt 8o THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD Phttt i; A. S. Rudland &* Sent MEERKAT A small, mainly insectivorous animal, found in South Africa ; also called the Suricate The question of the comparative intelli- gence of the Apes and Monkeys, and the carnivorous animals subsequently described in these pages, is an interesting one. It would seem at first as if the Cat Tribe and their rela- tions, which have to obtain their prey by con- stant hunting, and often to make use of consid- erable reflection and thought to bring their enterprises against other animals to a successful issue, would be more likely to develop intelli- gence and to improve in brain-power than the great Apes, which find an easy living in the tropical forests, and only seek fruits and vegeta- bles for their food. Yet it is quite certain that this is not the case. The Cat Tribe, with the exception of the domesticated cats, does not show high intelligence. Even the latter are seldom trained to obey man, though they learn to accommodate themselves to his ways of life. There is no evidence that cats have any sense of number, or that any of them in a wild state make any effort to provide shelter for themselves or construct a refuge from their enemies, though the Leopard will make use of a cave as a lair. In matters requiring intelligence and coopera- tion, such rodents as the Beaver, or even the Squirrel, are far beyond the feline carnivora in sagacity and acquired or inherited ingenuity. Except the Stoat, which sometimes hunts in packs, no species of the carnivora yet dealt with in this work combines to hunt its prey, or for defense against enemies. Each for itself is the rule, and even among the less-specialised flesh- eating animals of the other groups it is only the Dog Tribe which seems to understand the principles of association for a common object. CHAPTER IV THE HYENAS AND AARD-WOLF IF every animal has its place in nature, we must suppose that the hyaena's business is to clear up the bones and such parts of the animal dead as the vultures and other natural " under- takers" cannot devour. Hyaenas have very strong jaws, capable of crushing almost any bone. In prehistoric times they were common in England, and lived in the caves of Derbyshire and Devon. In these caves many bones were found quite smashed up, as if by some very large wild animal. It was supposed that this was done by bears Dean Buckland said " by hyaenas." He procured a hyaena, kept it at his house, and fed it on bones. The smashed fragments he laid on the table at a scientific lecture beside the fragments from the caverns. The resemblance was identical, and the Dean triumphed. THE HYENAS AND AARD-WOLF 81 Phtto by A. S. Rudland &* Sen, SPOTTED HYAENA The largest of the carrion-feeding animals. A Sf'Uth species The hyaenas are carnivorous animals, with the front limbs longer than the hind. The tail is short, the colour spotted or brindled, the teeth and jaws of great strength. The BROWN HYAENA, or STRAND-WOLF, is an African species, with very long, coarse hair, reach- ing a length of 10 inches on the back. It is not found north of the Zambesi ; and it is nocturnal, and fond of wandering along the shore, where it picks up crabs and dead fish. Young cattle, sheep, and lambs are also killed by it, and offal of all kinds devoured. The SPOTTED HYAENA is a large and massive animal, the head and body being 4 feet 6 inches long without the tail. It is found all over Africa from Abyssinia and Senegal southwards. A few are left in Natal. It is believed to be the same as the cave-hyaena of Europe. By day it lives much in the holes of the aard-vark (ant-bear) ; by night it goes out, sometimes in small bands, to seek food. It has a loud and mournful howl, beginning low and ending high. It also utters a horrible maniacal laugh when excited, which gives it the name of Laughing-hyaena. " Its appetite," says Mr. W. L. Sclater in his " South African Mammals," " is boundless. It is entirely carnivorous, but seems to prefer putrid and decaying matter, and never kills an animal unless driven to do so by hunger. Sheep and donkeys are generally attacked at the belly, and the bowels torn out by its sharp teeth. Horses are also frequent objects of attack ; but in this case shackling is useful, as the horse, unable to escape, faces the hyaena, which instantly bolts. It is an excellent scavenger, and it has been known to kill and carry off young children, though the least attempt at pursuit will cause it to drop them. Many stories are told, too, of its attacking sleeping natives ; in this case it invariably goes for the man's face. Drummond states that he has seen many men who had been thus mutilated, wanting noses, or with the whole mouth and lips torn away. This is confirmed by other authors." Drummond gives an instance of seven cows being mortally injured in a single night by two hyaenas, which attacked them and bit off the udders. Poisoned meat is the only means to get rid of this abominable animal. Sir Samuel Baker says: " I can safely assert that the bone-cracking power of this animal is extraordinary. I cannot say that it exceeds the lion or tiger in the strength Fhttt by A. S. Rudland & Sons SPOTTED The jauii of the hyaena art specially made for cracking bones. They -will unatA the thtgh-bont of a buffalo 82 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD \_Honh t'tnctliij of its jaws; but they will leave bones unbroken which a hyaena will crack in halves. Its powers of digestion are unlimited. It will swallow and digest a knuckle-bone without giving it a crunch, and will crack the thigh-bone of a buffalo to obtain the marrow, and swallow either end immediately after. . . . I remember that once a hyaena came into our tent at night. But this was merely a friendly reconnaissance, to see if any delicacy, such as our shoes, or a saddle, or anything that smelt of leather, were lying about. It was bright moonlight, and the air was Photo by L. Midland, F.Z.S.\ STRIPED HYAENA Thii is the hytena of Northern Africa^ Palestine, and India calm. There was nothing to disturb the stillness. I was awakened from sleep by a light touch on my sleeve, and my attention was directed by my wife to some object that had just quitted our tent. I took my rifle from beneath the mat on which 1 lay, and, after waiting for a few minutes sitting up in bed, saw a large form standing in the doorway preparatory to entering. Presently it walked in cautiously, and immediately fell dead, with a bullet between its eyes. It proved to be a very large hyaena, an old and experienced depredator, as it bore countless scars of encounters with other strong biters of its race." The STRIPED HYAENA is found in India as well as in Africa. In portions of Abyssinia these animals are so numerous that on the Nile tributaries Sir Samuel Baker used to hear them crack- ing the bones after supper every night just as they had been thrown by the Arabs within a few feet of the deserted table. In this way they are useful scavengers. THE AARD-WOLF This small African hyaena-like creature stands in a family by itself. The animal is like a small striped hyaena, with a pointed muzzle, longer ears, and a kind of mane. It is com- mon all through South and East Africa, where it lives on carrion, white ants, and lambs and kids. It has not the strong jaws and teeth of the dog or ph " hf A - s - Rudland & s n > hyaena family. The colonists com- AARD-WOLF 11 ji-ii-^ i / The aard-wolf stands in a family by itself. It is allied to the Ay anas, but is ajar monly hunt and kill it with fox-terriers. feMtr animal Phut by Niw York Zoological Stcitt) YOUNG GREY WOLF The grey wolf of North America^ which once preyed mainly on young bhon cal-ves, ii noiv a formidable enemy to the increasing flocks of sheep and herds of cattle in the north and -west 83 CHAPTER V THE DOG FAMILY I T Photo hi Scholaitic Photo, Co., Parson ; (j*un A GROWING CUB Note hoiv the -wolf cub develops the long pasterns, large feet, and long jaw before its body groivs in frofortion HE tribe now treated is called the Dog Family, and rightly so, for our domestic dogs are included in the group, which comprises the Wolves, Dogs, Jackals, Wild Dogs, and Foxes. Their general characters are too familiar to need description, but it should be noted that the foxes differ from the dogs in having contracting pupils to the eye (which in bright sun closes like a cat's to a mere slit), and some power of climbing. The origin of the domestic dog is still unsettled. THE WOLF This great enemy of man and his dependents the creature against the ravages of which almost all the early races of Europe had to combine, either in tribes, villages, or principalities, to protect their children, themselves, and their cattle was formerly found all over the northern hemisphere, both in the Old and New Worlds. In India it is rather smaller, but equally fierce and cunning, though as there are no long winters, it does not gather in pacl It is still so common in parts of the Rocky Mountaii that the cattle and sheep of the ranch-holders and wile game of the National Yellowstone Park suffer severely. In Switzerland the ancient organisations of wolf clubs in the cantons are still maintained. In Brittany the Grand Louvetier is a govern- ment official. Every very hard winter wolves from the Carpathians and Russia move across th frozen rivers of Europe even to the forests of the Ardennes and of Fontainebleau. In Norwa they ravage the reindeer herds of the Lapps. Only a few years ago an artist, his wife, and serv ant were all attacked on their way to Budapest, in Hungary, and the man and his wife kill The last British wolf was killed in 1680 by Cameron of Lochiel. Wolves are common in Pales tine, Persia, and India. Without going back over the well-known history of the species, we will give some anecdot of the less commonly known exploits of these fierce and dangerous brutes. Mr. Kipling " Jungle Book " has given us an " heroic " picture of the life of the Indian wolves. There is a great deal of truth in it. Even the child-stealing by wolves is very probably a fact, for native opinion is unanimous in crediting it. Babies laid down by their mothers when working in the fields are constantly carried off and devoured by them, and stories of their being spared and suckled by the she-wolves are very numerous. Indian wolves hunt in combination, without assembling in large packs. The following is a remarkable instance, recorded by General Douglas Hamilton : " When returning with a friend from a trip to the mountain caves of Ellora, we saw a herd of antelope near a range of low rocky hills ; and as there was a dry nullah, or watercourse, we decided on having a stalk. While cree mg up the nullah, we noticed two animals coming across the plain on our left. We took the at first foi leopards, but then saw that they were wolves. When they were about 500 yards fro 84 Plmla I,,/ Ottomar An M -liiitz, Berlin. WOLF FROM CENTRAL EUROPE. The last persons recorded as killed by these animals were an .artist an 1 his wife travelling in Hungary THE DOG FAMILY Phtti by Scholaitic Photo. Co.] [Fa WOLF CUBS These are e-vidently the fatter-brothers of Romulus and Remus the antelope, they lay down quietly. After about ten minutes or so, the smaller of the two got up and trotted off to the rocky hills, and suddenly appeared on the ridge, running backwards and forwards like a Scotch collie dog. The larger wolf, as soon as he saw that the antelope were fully occupied in watch- ing his companion, got up and came as hard as he could gallop to the nullah. Un- fortunately he saw us and bolted ; and his companion, seeing there was something wrong, did the same. Now, it is evident that these wolves had regularly planned this attack. One was to occupy the attention of the antelope, the other to steal up the water- course and dash into the midst of them. At another time a brother-officer of mine was stalking a herd of antelope which were feeding down a grassy valley, when suddenly a wolf got up before him, and then another and then another, until fourteen wolves rose out of the grass. They were extended right across the valley in the shape of a fishing-net or jelly-bag, so that as soon as the herd had got well into the jelly-bag they would have rushed on the antelope, and some must have fallen victims to their attack." They have been known to join in the chase of antelopes by dogs. Captain Jackson, of the Nizam's service, let his dogs course an antelope fawn. A wolf jumped up, joined the dogs, and all three seized the fawn together. He then came up, whipped off the dogs and the wolf, and secured the fawn, which did not seem hurt. The wolf immediately sat down and began to howl at the loss of his prey, and in a few moments made a dash at the officer, but when within a few yards thought better of it, and recommenced howling. This brought another wolf to his assistance. Both howled and looked very savage, and seemed inclined to make another dash at the antelope. But the horse-keepers came up, and the wolves retired. The Indian wolf, if a male, stands about 26 inches high at the shoulder. The length of head and body is 37 inches ; tail, 17 inches. The same species practically haunts the whole of the world north of the Himalaya. It varies in colour from almost black to nearly pure white. In the Hudson Bay fur-sales every variety of colour between these may be seen, but most are of a tawny brindle. The male grows to a very great size. One of the largest ever seen in Europe was for years at the London Zoo. It stood 6 feet high when on its hind legs, and its immense head and jaws seemed to occupy one- third of the space from nose to tail. Horses are the main prey of the NORTHERN WOLF. It will kill any living creature, but horse-flesh is irresistible. It either attacks by seizing the flank and throwing the animal, or bites the hocks. The biting power is immense. It will tear a solid mass of flesh at one grip from the buttock of a cow or horse. In the early days of the United States, when Audubon was making his first trip up the head-waters of the Missouri, flesh of all kinds was astonishingly abundant on the prairies. Buffalo swarmed, and the Indians had any quantity of buffalo meat for the killing. Wolves of very large size used to haunt the forts and villages, and were almost tame, being well fed and comfortable. Far different was the case even near St. Petersburg at the same period. A traveler in 1840 was chased by a pack of wolves so 86 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD Phtto by L. Midland, F Z S ] WHITE WOLF White -wo/ires are quite common in North America. Recently fwo lohite wolves -were brought to the Zoological Gardens from Russia closely that when the sledge-horses reached the post-house and rushed into the stable, the doors of which were open, seven of the wolves rushed in after them. The driver and traveler leaped from the sledge just as it reached the building, and horses and wolves rushed past them into it. The men then ran up and closed the doors. Having obtained guns, they opened the roof, expecting to see that the horses had been killed. Instead all seven wolves were slinking about be- side the terrified horses. All were killed without resistance. In Siberia and Russia the wolves in winter are literally starving. Gathering in packs, they haunt the roads, and chase the sledges with their unfaltering gallop. Seldom in these days does a human life fall victim ; but in very hard winters sledge-horses are often killed, and now and then a peasant. Rabies is very common among wolves. They then enter the villages, biting and snapping at every one. Numbers of patients are sent yearly from Russia and Hungary to the Pasteur Institutes, after being bitten by rabid wolves. In Livonia, in 1823, it was stated that the following animals had been killed by wolves: 15,182 sheep, 1,807 oxen, 1,841 horses, 3,270 goats, 4,190 pigs, 703 dogs, and numbers of geese and fowls. They followed the Grand Army from Russia to Germany in 1812, and restocked the forests of Europe with particularly savage wolves. It is said that in the retreat from Moscow twenty-four French soldiers, with their arms in their hands, were attacked, killed, and eaten by a pack of wolves. From very early times special breeds of dogs have been trained to guard sheep against the attacks of wolves. Some of these were intended to defend the flock on the spot, others to run down the wolves in the open. The former are naturally bred to be very large and heavy ; the latter, though they must be strong, are light and speedy. Of the dogs which guard the flocks several races still survive. Among the most celebrated are those of Albania and the mountain- ous parts of Turkey, and the wolf-dogs of Tibet, generally called Tibetan Bloodhounds. The Tartar shepherds on the steppes near the Caucasus also keep a very large and ferocious breed of dog. All these are of the mastiff type, but have long, thick hair. When the shepherds of Albania or Mount Rhodope are driving their flocks along the mountains to the summer pastures, they sometimes travel a distance of 200 miles. During this march the dogs act as flankers and scouts by day and night, and do battle with the wolves, which .know quite well the routes along which the sheep usually pass, and are on the lookout to pick up stragglers or raid the flock. The Spanish shepherds employ a large white shaggy breed of dog as guards against wolves. These dogs both lead the sheep and bring up the rear in the annual migration of the flocks to and from the summer pastures. In the west of America, now that sheep-ranch- ing on a large scale has been introduced, wolf- dogs are bred to live entirely with the sheep. They are suckled when puppies by the ewes instead of by their own mothers, and become, as it were, a part of the flock. bj Scholastic Photo. Co.] \_Parson', Grim PRAIRIE-WOLF, OR COYOTE 'i'/tis it the small, grey, thickly furred species found on the prairies THE DOG FAMILY President Theodore Roosevelt gives an interesting account of wolf-coursing in Russia, in an article contributed to " The Encyclopaedia of Sport" (Lawrence & Bullen). " In Russia the sport is a science," he writes. " The princes and great landowners who take part in it have their hunting-equipages equipped perfectly to the smallest detail. Not only do they follow wolves in the open, but they capture them and let them out before dogs, like hares in a closed coursing- meeting. The huntsman follows his hounds on horseback. (These hounds are the Borzoi, white giant greyhounds, now often seen in England.) Those in Russia show signs of reversion to the type of the Irish wolf-hound, dogs weighing something like 100 Ibs., of remarkable power, and of reckless and savage temper. Now three or four dogs are run together. They are not expected to kill the wolf, but merely to hold him. . . . The Borzois can readily overtake rhott b) Otto chutx] "THE WOLF WITH PRIVY PAW" The photograph sAo-ws admirably the slinking gate and long stride of the -wolf and master partly grown wolves, but a full-grown dog-wolf, in good trim, will usually gallop away from them." A number of these Borzoi dogs have been imported into America, and are used to course wolves in the Western States. But there professional wolf-hunters are employed to kill off the creatures near the ranches. One such hunter lives near President Roosevelt's ranch on the Little Missouri. His pack of large dogs will tear in pieces the biggest wolf without aid from the hunter. Of his own efforts in wolf-coursing he writes : " We generally started for the hunting-ground very early, riding across the open country in a widely spread line of dogs and men. If we put up a wolf, we simply went at him as hard as we knew how. Young wolves, or those which had not attained their full strength, were readily overtaken, and the pack would handle a she-wolf quite readily. A big dog-wolf, or even a full-grown and powerful she-wolf, 88 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD fhatt by J. U- RUSSIAN WOLF This is a most characteristic photograph of one of the so-called "greyhound wol-vet " of the Russian forests offered an altogether different problem. Frequently we came upon one after it had gorged itself on a colt or calf. Under such conditions, if the dogs had a good start, they ran into the wolf and held him. . . . Packs composed of nothing but specially bred and trained greyhounds of great size and power made a better showing. Under favourable circum- stances three or four of these dogs readily overtook and killed the largest wolf. . . . Their dashing courage and ferocious fighting capacity were marvelous, and in this respect I was never able to see much difference between the smooth and rough the Scotch deerhound or the greyhound type." Wolf cubs are born in April or May. The litter is from four to nine. There was one of six a few years ago at the Zoological Gardens at the Hague, pretty little creatures like collie puppies, but quarrelsome and rough even in their play. When born, they were covered with reddish- white down ; later the coat became woolly and dark. The European wolf's method of hunting when in chase of deer is by steady pursuit. Its speed is such and its endurance so great that it can overtake any animal. But there is no doubt that the favourite food of the wolf is mutton, which it can always obtain without risk on the wild mountains of the Near East, if once the guardian dogs are avoided. M. Tschudi, the naturalist of the Alps, gives a curious account of the assemblage of wolves in Switzerland in 1799. They had, as it is mentioned above, followed the armies from Russia. Having tasted human flesh, they preferred it to all other, and even dug up the corpses. The Austrian, French, and Russian troops penetrated in 1799 into the highest mountain valleys of Switzerland, and fought sangui- nary battles there. Hundreds of corpses were left on the mountains and in the forests, which acted as bait to the wolves, which were not destroyed for some years. Wolves will interbreed with dogs readily, which the red fox will not. The progeny do not bark, but howl. The Eskimo cross their dogs with wolves to give them strength. THE COYOTE, OR PRAIRIE-WOLF Besides the large gray wolf, a smaller and less formidable animal is common on the prairies and mountains of the northern half of the continent of America. This is the COYOTE. It tak the place of the hyaena as a scavenger, but has some of the habits of the fox. It catches bir and buck-rabbits, and feeds on insects, as well as small rodents like prairie-dogs and mice. Its melancholy howls make night hideous on the northern prairies, and it is the steady foe of all young creatures, such as the fawns of prong-horned antelope and deer. Its skin, like that of most northern carnivora,is thick and valuable for fur wraps. The coyotes assemble in packs like jackals. In the National Park in the Yellowstone Valley gray wolves and coyotes are the only THE DOG FAMILY 89 animals which it is absolutely necessary to destroy. As the deer and antelope and other game increased under State protection, the wolves and coyotes drew towards a quarter where there were no hunters and a good supply of food. It was soon found that the increase of the game was checked. The coyotes used to watch the hinds when about to drop their calves, and usually succeeded in killing them. The large gray wolves killed the hinds themselves, and gener- ally made life most unpleasant for the dwellers in this paradise. Orders were issued to kill off all the wolves by any means. Poison was found to be the best remedy ; but in the winter, when all the game descended into the valleys, the wolves found so much fresh food in the carcases of the animals they killed for themselves that they would not eat very eagerly of the poisoned baits. The coyotes were killed off fairly closely, as they are less able to obtain living prey ; but the gray wolves are constantly reinforced from the mountains, and are a permanent enemy to be coped with. A curious instance of change of habit in wolves on the American prairies was recently noted in the Spectator. Formerly they followed the caravans ; now they come down to the great transcontinental railways, and haunt the line to obtain food. Each train which crosses the prairie is, like a ship, full of provisions. Three meals a day take place regularly, and these are not stinted The black cooks throw all the waste portions beef-bones, other bones, stale bread, and trimmings overboard. The wolves have learnt that the passing of a train means food, and when they hear one they gallop down to the line, and wait like expectant dogs in the hope of picking up a trifle. The coyotes come close to the metals, and sit like terriers, with their sharp noses pricked up. The big gray wolves also appear in the early morning, standing on the snow, over which the chill wind of winter blows, gaunt and hungry images of winter and famine. Photo tj Ottomar Anschutx] [Berlin WOLF OF THE CARPATHIANS This Sent MANED WOLF A South American animal ; its coat is a chestnut-red Jackals are said to be much increasing in South Africa since the outbreak of the war. The fighting has so far arrested farming operations that the war usually maintained on all beasts which destroy cattle or sheep has been allowed to drop. In parts of the more hilly districts both the jackal and the leopard are reappearing where they have not been common for years, and it will take some time before these enemies of the farmer are destroyed. THE MANED WOLF This is by far the largest of several peculiar South American species of the Dog Family which we have not room to mention. It occurs in Paraguay and adjoining regions, and is easily distinguishable by its long limbs and large ears. It is chestnut-red in colour, with the lower part of the legs black, and is solitary in its habits. 94 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD Phttt by A. S. RudUnd & Sim WILD DOG These animals range from the plains of India and Burma to the Tibetan Plateau and Siberia. They hunt in small packs, usually by day, and are -very destructive to game, but seldom attack domestic animals THE WILD DOG OF AFRICA, OR CAPE HUNTING-DOG This is a most interest- ing creature, differing from the true dogs in having only four toes on both fore and hind feet, and in being spotted like a hyaena. These dogs are the scourge of African game, hunting in packs. Long of limb and swift of foot, incessantly restless, with an overpower- ing desire to snap and bite from mere animal spirits, the Cape wild dog, even when in captivity and attached to its master, is an intractable beast. In its native state it kills the farmers' cattle and sheep and the largest antelopes. A pack has been seen to kill and devour to the last morsel a large buck in fifteen minutes. Drummond says : " It is a marvelous sight to see a pack of them hunting, drawing cover after cover, their sharp bell-like note ringing through the air, while a few of the fastest of their number take up their places along the expected line of the run, the wind, the nature of the ground, and the habits of the game being all taken into consideration with wonderful skill." The same writer says that he has seen them dash into a herd of cattle feeding not a hundred yards from the house, drive out a beast, disappear over a rising ground, kill it, and pick its bones before a horse could be saddled and ridden to the place. THE INDIAN WILD DOGS Mr. Rudyard Kipling's stories of the " Dhole," the red dogs of the Indian jungle, have made the world familiar with these ferocious and wonderfully bold wild dogs. There is very little doubt that they were found in historic times in Asia Minor. Possibly the surviving stories of the " Gabriel hounds " and other ghostly packs driving deer alone in the German and Russian forests, tales which remain even in remote parts of England, are a survival of the days when the wild dogs lived in Europe. At present there is one species of ^^^ long-haired wild dog in West he -wild dog of Australia. I, -was found there by the first discoverers, but -was probably Central Siberia. ThcSC introduced from elsewhere DINGO [Parson '} Gree 95 Photo by A. S. Rudland &* Sons CAPE HUNTING-DOG This animal Aunts in packs. It is -very active and most destructive to large game of many kinds 96 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD killed nearly all the deer in the large forests near Omsk some years ago. Across the Himalaya there are several species, one of them as far east as Burma ; but the most famous are the RED DOGS OF THE DECCAN. They frequent both the jungles and the hills ; but their favourite haunt is the uplands of the Indian Ghats. They are larger than a jackal, much stronger, and hunt in packs. They have only ten teeth on each side, instead of eleven, as in the other dogs and foxes. There is no doubt that these fierce hunting-dogs actually take prey from the tiger's jaws, and probably attack the tiger itself. They will beset a tiger at any time, and the latter seems to have learnt from them an instinctive fear of dogs. Not so the leopard, which, being able to climb, has nothing to fear even from the " dhole." A coffee-planter, inspecting his grounds, heard a curious noise in the forest bordering his estate. On going round the corner of a thick bush, he almost trod on the tail of a tiger standing with his back towards him. He silently retreated, but as he did so he saw that there was a pack of wild dogs a few paces in front of the tiger, yelping at him, and making the peculiar noise which had previously attracted his attention. Having procured a rifle, he returned with some of his men to the spot. The tiger was gone, but they disturbed a large pack of wild dogs feeding on the body of a stag. This, on examination, proved to have been killed by the tiger, for there were the marks of the teeth in its neck. The dogs had clearly driven the tiger from his prey and appropriated it. The dread of the tiger for these wild dogs was discovered by the sportsmen of the Nil'giri Hills, and put to a good use. They used to collect scratch packs and hunt up tigers in the woods. The tiger, thinking they were the dreaded wild pack, would either leave altogether or scramble into a tree. As tigers never do this ordinarily, it shows how wild dogs get on their nerves. Several South American wild dogs and foxes are included in the series with the wolves and jackals. Among these are AZARA'S DOG and the RACCOON-DOG. These are commonly called foxes, though they have wolf-like skulls. THE DINGO The only non-marsupial animal of Australia when the continent was discovered was the WILD DOG, or DINGO. Its origin is not known ; but as soon as the settlers' flocks and herds be- gan to increase its ravages were most serious, though doubtless some of the havoc with which it was accredited was due in a great measure to runaways from domestication. Anyhow, in the dingo the settlers found the most formidable enemy with which they had to contend, and vigor- ous measures were taken to reduce their numbers and minimise their ravages, so that by now they are nearly exterminated in Van Diemen's Land and rare on the mainland of Australia. It is a fine, bold dog, of considerable size, generally long-coated, of a light tan colour, and with pncked-up ears. It is easily tamed, and some of those kept in this country have made af- fectionate pets. Puppies are regularly bred and sold at the Zoological Gardens. The animal has an elongated, flat head which is carried high ; the fur is soft, and the tail bushy. In the wild state it is very muscular and fierce. THE DOG FAMILY 97 THE FOXES FOXES form a very well-marked group. They have very pointed muzzles, strong though slightly built bodies, very fine thick fur, often beautifully coloured and very valuable, bushy tails, pricked-up ears, and eyes with pupils which contract by day into a mere slit. They are quite distinct from dogs (although wolves are not), and will not interbreed, though stories are told to the contrary. The smell of a fox is disgusting to a dog; and quite sufficient to distinguish it. If the present writer takes a simpler view of the kinds and species of foxes than that adopted by many naturalists, he must plead to a study of the subject on slightly different lines than those usually followed. The skins of all foxes are valuable, some more than others. But they are sent in hundreds of thousands, and from all parts of the northern hemisphere, to London to the great fur-sales. There these differences can be studied as they can be studied Photo by C. Rtid] FOX CUBS Fox cubs are born Jrom March 25 tilt three "weeks later, the time -when young rabbits, their best food, are most numerous , N. B. nowhere else. As the habits and structure of foxes are much alike, allowing for differences of climate, and the discrepancies in size, not more than can be accounted for by abundance or scarcity of food, it seems pretty certain that these animals are some of the few, almost alone among mammals, showing almost every variety of colouring, from black to white, from splendid chameleon-red to salmon-pink, and many exquisite shades of brown, gray, and silver. At the Hudson Bay Company's sales you may see them all, and trace the differences and gradations over whole continents. The most important are those of North America. There the RED CANADIAN Fox, of a ruddier hue than brown, shades off into the yellow and gray CROSS Fox of farther north. But of these there are many varieties. Then farther north still comes an area where red foxes, cross foxes, and black foxes are found. The black fox, when the fur is slightly sprinkled with white, is the famous SILVER Fox. This and the black fox are also found in North Siberia and Manchuria. Farthest north we find the little stunted ARCTIC FOXES. In the Caucasus and Central Asia large yellowish-red foxes live, and in Japan and China a very bright red variety. A small gray fox lives in Virginia, and is hunted with hounds descended from packs 98 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD the East, from Photo b } G. If. Wilson &* Co., Ltd.] MOUNTAIN-FOX In hilly countries the fox becomes a powerful and destructive animal, killing not only game but lambs taken out before the American Revolution. India has its small DESERT-FOXES (" the little foxes that eat the grapes ") and the BENGAL Fox. The value of the foxes as fur-bearing animals is immense. Only white, blue, and black skins seem to be appreciated here. The black fox has been known to fetch $750 a skin. But in Minor to China, red, gray, and yellow fox skins are the lining of every rich man's winter wraps. Splendid mixed robes are made by the Chinese by inserting por- tions of cross fox-skins into coats of cut sable, giving the idea that it is the fur of a new animal. The COMMON Fox, the foundation or type of all the above, is the best known carnivorous animal in this country. Abroad its habits do not greatly differ, except that, not being hunted much with hounds, it is less completely nocturnal. It drops its young in an earth early in April. Thither the vixen carries food till late in June, when the cubs come out, and often move to a wood or a corn-field. There they are still fed, but learn to do a little on their own account by catching mice and moles. By late September the hounds come cub-hunting, partly to kill off superfluous foxes, partly to educate the young hounds, and to teach the foxes to fear them and to make them leave cover easily. Four or five cubs in a litter are commonly seen. The distance which a fox will run is extraordinary. The following is a true account of one of the most remarkable runs ever known. The hounds were those of Mr. Tom Smith, master of the Hambledon Hunt. He was the man of whom another famous sportsman said that if he were a fox he should prefer to be hunted by a pack of hounds rather than by Tom Smith with a stick in his hand. The fox was found in a cover called Markwells, at one o'clock in the afternoon in December, near Petersfield. It crossed into Sussex, and ran into an earth in Graf ham Hill a little before dark. The fox had gone twenty- seven miles. The hounds had forty miles to go back to kennel that night, and three only found their way home four days afterwards. Dog-foxes assemble in considerable numbers when a vixen is about in spring, and Photo b) C. Reid] LEICESTERSHIRE FOX at all times common foxes are sociable creatures, though not actually living in societies. Sometimes as many as five or six are found in a single earth. Two years ago five foxes and a badger were found in one near Romford. They eat mice, beetles, rats, birds, game, poultry, and frogs. Their favourite food is rabbits. If there are plenty of these, they will not touch other game. They hunt along the railway-lines for dead birds killed by the telegraph-wires. In the New Forest they also go down to the shore and pick up dead fish. One in the writer's possession was shot when Phati by Ottomar jtnschutx] TOO DIFFICULT ! Foxes can easily climb trees with small projecting branches. One -was found J7 feet up a tree in Sa-vernake Forest ; but a branchless stump such at that here sht/'wn no fox could climb 99 ioo THE LIVING fhott by Scholastic Photo. Co.] In summer ARCTIC FOX Changing his coat n'j Grim In "winter The Arctic Fox is one of the few animals showing different phases of colour, some being blue at all seasons, -while others are -white in -winter and mottled brownish in summer carrying away a lamb from a sheepfold near the cliffs of Sidmouth, in Devon. The shepherd thought it was a marauding dog, and lay in wait with a gun. THE ARCTIC Fox The ARCTIC Fox is somewhat different in habits from others. It is also much smaller than the red foxes. Its fur is almost as soft as eiderdown, and so thick that the cold does not pene- trate. In winter the whole coat changes colour, not gradually, but in patches. At the same time a dense growth of under-fur comes up on the body. In summer this is shed in patches, almost like loose felt. The foxes live in colonies, but are so hard put to it for food in the winter that they desert their homes to gather round whaling-ships or encampments. There they steal everything edible, from snow-shoe-thongs to seal-flesh. Blue foxes are bred and kept for the sake of their fur on some of the islands in Bering Sea. They are fed on the flesh of the seals killed on the neighbouring islands, and are, like them, killed when their coat is in condition. THE FENNECS Africa has a group of small foxes of its own. They have very large ears and dark eyes. Some of them Maholis and other Several are not more long ; they are a but the eyes are very The COMMON over the whole of food is dates and but it is also fond eat mice and insects, original hero of the and the grapes, fennec, which is the SILVER Fox, is Cape to as far It is 23 inches mainly on insects Photo by A. S. Rudland & Sons FENNEC-FOX Remarkable for the great size of the ears. An African species, senst of hearing is probably -very acute Its remind us of the large-eyed lemuroids. than 9 or 10 inches whitish-khaki colour, dark and brilliant. FENNEC is found Africa. Its favourite any sweet fruit, of eggs, and will It is probably the story of the fox The large-eared sometimes called found from the north as Abyssinia, long, and lives and fruit. THE DOG FAMILY 101 DOMESTIC DOGS BY C. H. LANE THE DOG, almost without exception, shows a marked liking for the society of human beings, and adapts itself to their ways more than any other animal. Fox-, Stag-, and Hare-hounds the latter better known as Hariers and Beagles have many points in common, much beauty of shape and colour, and great suitability for their work, though differing in some other particulars. Another group Greyhounds, Whippets, Irish Wolf-hounds, Scottish Deer hounds, all of which come under the category of Gaze-hounds, or those which hunt by sight are built for great speed, to enable them to cope with the fleet game they pursue. In the same group should be included the BORZOI, or Russian Wolf-hound, now very popular in this country, with some- thing of the appearance of the Scottish deer-hound about it as to shape, but with a finer, longer head, deeper body, more muscular limbs, and shaggier in the hair on body and tail. The OTTER-HOUND is one of the most picturesque of all the hound tribe. This variety somewhat reminds one of a large and leggy Dandie Dinmont terrier, with a touch of the blood- hound, and is thought to have been originally produced from a cross between these or similar varieties. The BLOOD-HOUND is another, with much style and beauty of shape, colour, and character about it which cannot fail to favourably impress any beholden The matches or trials which have of late years been held in different localities have been most interesting in proving its ability for tracking footsteps for long distances, merely following them by scent, some time after the person hunted started on the trail. By the kindness of my friend Mr. E. Brough, I am able to give as an illustration a portrait of what he considers the best blood-hound ever bred. Much valued by sportsmen with the gun are POINTERS, so called from their habit of remain- ing in a fixed position when their quarry is discovered, eagerly pointing in its direction until the arrival of the guns. They are most often white, with liver, lemon, or black markings; but occa- sionally self-colours, such as liver or black, are met with. They have been largely bred in the Pbttt by F. H. Dembrey\ [Briittl STAG-HOUND PUPPIES This gi"ves an interesting group of hounds in kennel 102 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD Phot, by T. Fall-] west of England. I have been fortunate in obtaining one of Mr. E. C. Norrish's celebrated strain as a typical specimen for illustration. The SETTER group, which comprises three varieties, are all useful and beautiful in their way. The English are usually white, with markings or tickings of blue, lemon, or black ; they are rather long and narrow in the head, with bodies and sterns well feathered, and are graceful and active movers. Gordon setters, which are always black and tan in colour, and preferred without any white, are generally larger and stronger in build than the last-named. Irish setters are more on the lines of the English, being a rich tawny \_Baktr Strttt GREYHOUND A typical specimen of this elegant variety red in colour, rather higher on the leg, with narrow skulls, glossy coats, feathered legs and stern, ears set low and lying back, and lustrous, expressive eyes. RETRIEVERS may be divided into flat-coated and curly-coated. Both are usually black, but other colours are occasionally seen. The coats of the first-named are full, but without curl in them; while the latter have their bodies, heads, legs, thighs, and even tails covered with small close curls. The eyes of both should be dark, and the ears carried closely to the sides of the head. In an article dealing with retrievers, which appeared in the Cornhill Maga- zine under the title of " Dogs which Earn their Living," the author writes : " There is not the slightest doubt that in the modern retrievers acquired habits, certainly one acquired habit, that of fetching dead and wounded game, are transmitted directly. The puppies sometimes retrieve without being taught, though with this they also combine a greatly improved capacity for further teaching. Recently a retriever was sent after a winged partridge which had run into a ditch. The dog followed it some way down the ditch, and presently came out with an old rusty tea- kettle, held in its mouth by the handle. The kettle was taken from the dog, amid much laughter ; then it was found that inside the kettle was the partridge ! The explanation was that the bird, when wounded, ran into the ditch, which was narrow. In the ditch was the old kettle, with no lid on. Into this the bird crept; and as the dog could not get the bird out, it very properly brought out the kettle with the bird in it. Among dogs which earn their living, these good retrievers deserve a place in the front rank." The illustration shows a good flat-coated retriever at work. The SPANIEL group is rather large, including the English and Irish water-spaniels, the former an old-fashioned, useful sort, often liver or roan, with some white or other markings, and a good deal of curl in the coat and on the ears. His Irish brother is always some shade of liver in colour, larger in the body and higher on the leg, covered with a curly coat, except on the tail, which is nearly bare of hair, with a profusion of hair on the top of the head, often hanging down over the eyes, giving a comical appearance, and increasing his Hibernian expression. They Phcle bj C. , N. B RETRIEVER TAis represents a flat-coated retriever at -work, and is remarkably true to life 103 104 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD make lively, affectionate companions and grand assistants at waterfowl-shooting. CLUMBER SPANIELS are always a creamy white, with lemon or light tan markings, and are rather slow and de- liberate in their movements, but have a stylish, high-class look about them. SUSSEX SPANIELS are also rather heavy in build and of muscular frame, but can do a day's work with most others. They are a rich copper-red in colour, with low short bodies, long feathered ears, full eyes of deep colour, and are very handsome. BLACK SPANIELS should be glossy raven-black in colour, with strong muscular bodies on strong short legs, long pendulous ears, and expressive eyes. Good specimens are in high favour, and command long prices. I regret I cannot find room for an illustration of this breed, so deservedly popular. COCKERS, which are shorter in the back, higher on the leg, and lighter in weight, being usually under 25 Ibs., are very popular, full of life, and very attractive in appearance. BASSET-HOUNDS, both rough-and smooth-coated, are probably the most muscular dogs in existence of their height, with much dignity about them. In the Sporting Teams at the Royal Agricultural Hall there were some thirteen or fifteen teams of all kinds of sporting dogs, and of these a team each of rough and smooth bassets was in the first four. DACHSHUNDS are often erroneously treated as Sporting Dogs. There are certainly not so many supporters of the breed as formerly. Their lean heads, with long hanging ears, long low bodies, and crooked fore legs, give them a quaint appearance. The colours are usually shades of chestnut-red or black and tan ; but some are seen chocolate and " dappled," which is one shade of reddish brown, with spots and blotches of a darker shade all over it. GREAT DANES, though mostly classed amongst Non-sporting Dogs, have much of the hound in their bearing and appearance. The whole-coloured are not so popular as the various shades of brindle and harlequin, but I have seen many beautiful fawns, blues, and other whole colours. BLOOD-HOUND This photograph shoivs "what an a/most perfect blood-hound should be like Photo by E. Landor] [Ealing ENGLISH SETTER ^ typical but rather coarse specimen of a beautiful 'variety SMOOTH-COATED SAINT BERNARD The illustration gives a capital idea of these handsome dogs THE DOG FAMILY They are being bred with small natural drooping ears. One of the first I remember seeing exhibited was a large harlequin belonging to the late Mr. Frank Adcock, with the appropriate name of " Satan," as, although always shown muzzled, he required the attentions of three or four keepers to deal with him ; and at one show I attended he overpowered his keepers, got one of them on the ground, tore his jacket off, and gave him a rough handling. NON-SPORTING VARIETIES. SAINT BERNARDS, although sometimes exceeding 3 feet at the shoulder, are as a rule very docile and good-tempered, and many are owned by ladies. The coat may be rough or smooth, according to taste; but either are splendid animals. They are sometimes seen self-coloured, but those with markings shades of rich red, with white and black, for preference are the handsomest. They are still used as " first aids " in the snow on the Swiss mountains. So far as I remember, this is the only breed of dog used for stud and exhibition for which as much as $7,500 has been paid ; and this has occurred on more than one occasion. NEWFOUNDLANDS have re- gained their place in popularity, and many good blacks and black-and-whites can now be seen. Numerous cases are on record of their rendering aid to persons in danger of drowning, and establishing communication with wrecked vessels and the shore. MASTIFFS are looked on as one of the national breeds. Their commanding presence and stately manner make them highly suitable as guards, and they are credited with much attach- ment and devotion to their owners. The colours are mostly shades of fawn with black muzzle, or shades of brindle. I am able to give the portrait of one of the best speci- mens living, belonging to Mr. R. Leadbeater. BULL-DOGS are also regarded as a national breed. They are at present in high favour. The sizes and colours are so various that all tastes can be satisfied. Recently there has been a fancy for toy bull-dogs, limited to 22 Ibs. in weight, mostly with upright ears of tulip shape. In spite of the many aspersions on their character, bull-dogs are , Bj ^ r ^ usually easy-going and good-tempered, and DACHSUND are Often Very fastidious feeders what fanciers The photograph conveys a fair idea of these quaint dogs call " bad doers." Phot, by Frattlli Alinari} GREAT DANE [ Florence This shows a typical specimen of this breed, "with cropped ears, "which -will be dis- continued in shoio dors io6 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD ROUGH COLLIES are very graceful, interesting creatures, and stand first in intelligence among canines. They are highly popular. Several have been sold for over $5,000, and the amounts in prize-money and fees obtained by some of the " cracks " would surprise persons not in " the fancy." A high-bred specimen " in coat" is most beautiful. The colours most favoured are sables with white markings ; but black, white, and tans, known as 4< tricolors," are pleasing and effective. I quite hoped to give a portrait of one of the most perfect of present-day champions, belonging to H. H. the Princess de Montglyon,but could not find room. SMOOTH COLLIES are a handsome breed, full of grace, beauty, and intelligence, and very active and lively. A favourite colour is merle, a sort of lavender, with black markings and tan and white in parts, usually associated with one or both eyes china-coloured. Specimens often win in sheep-dog trials ; a bitch of mine won many such, and was more intelligent in other ways than many human beings. OLD ENGLISH SHEEP-DOGS are a most fascinating breed, remarkably active, possessed of much endurance and resource, and very faithful and affectionate. I have often made long Photo by Kitchintr Portrait Co. DALMATIANS AU art typical, but thefrst is the best in quality and marking Photo by T. Fall] [Baiter Street NEWFOUNDLAND kt dog sAo-u'n here gives a good idea of size and character, but is not in best coat THE DOG FAMILY 107 journeys through cross-country roads accompanied by one or more of them, and never knew them miss me, even on the darkest night or in the crowded streets of a large town. The favourite colour is pigeon-blue, with white collar and markings. The coat should be straight and hard in texture. The illustration is from a portrait of one of the best bitches ever shown, belonging to Sir H. de Trafford. DALMATIANS are always white, with black, liver, or lemon spots, the size of a shilling or less, evenly distributed over the body, head, ears, and even tail, and pure, without mixture of white. There is much of the pointer about this variety, which has long been used for sporting purposes on the continent of Europe. I can testify to their many good qualities as companions and house-dogs. To quote again from the article above mentioned : " It is commonly believed that the spotted carriage-dogs once so frequently kept in stables were about the most useless Pfcofo by T. Fair] BULL-DOGS The photograph is remarkably good and characterise of thit variety \_Balttr Street creatures of the dog kind, maintained only for show and fashion. This is a mistake. They were used at a time when a traveling-carriage carried, besides its owners, a large amount of valuable property, and the dog watched the carriage at night when the owners were sleeping at country inns. We feel we owe an apology to the race of carriage-dogs. . . . While this dog is becoming extinct, in spite of his useful qualities, other breeds are invading spheres of work in which they had formerly no part." There is only one point in which I differ from the above, and that is contained in the last sentence. There are a number of enthusiastic breeders very keen on reviving interest in this variety, and I have during the last few years had large entries to judge, so that we shall probably see more of them in the future. POODLES are of many sizes and colours. They are very intelligent, easily taught tricks, and much used as performing dogs. They have various kinds of coats : corded, in which the hair hangs in long strands of ringlets ; curly, with a profusion of short curls all over them, something io8 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD OLD ENGLISH SHEEP-DOG This is a remarkably fine f holograph of a 'well-known specimen of this interesting -variety like retrievers ; and fluffy, when the hair is combed out, to give much the appearance of fleecy wool. A part of the body, legs, head, and tail is usually shorn. BULL-TERRIERS are now bred with small natural drooping ears, and should have long wedge-shaped heads, fine coats, and long tails. There is also a toy variety, which hitherto has suffered from round skulls and tulip ears, but is rapidly improving. I have bred many as small as 3 Ibs. in weight. In each variety the colour preferred is pure white, without any markings, and with fine tapering tails. IRISH TERRIERS are very popular, and should be nearly wholly red in colour, with long lean heads, small drooping ears, hard coats, not too much leg, and without coarse- ness. They make good comrades. BEDLINGTON TERRIERS have long been popular in the extreme north of England, and are another fighting breed. It is indeed often difficult to avoid a difference of opinion between show competitors. Their lean long heads, rather domed skulls, with top-knot of lighter hair, long pointed ears, and small dark eyes, give them a peculiar appearance. The coats, which are " linty " in texture, should be shades of blue or liver. Three breeds, all more or less hard in coat-texture, and grizzled in colour on heads and bodies, while tanned on other parts, are AIREDALE, OLD ENGLISH, and WELSH TERRIERS, which may be divided into large, medium, and small. The first-named make very good all round dogs ; the Old English, less in number, make useful dogs, and are hardy and companionable ; while Welsh terriers are much the size of a small wire-haired fox-terrier, but usually shorter and somewhat thicker in the head. I intended one of Mr. W. S. Glynn's best dogs to illustrate the last-named. FOX-TERRIERS are both smooth- and wire-haired. Their convenient size and lively tempera- ment make them very popular as pets and companions for both sexes and all ages. The colour is invariably white, with or without markings on head or body, or both. BLACK-AND-TAN and WHITE ENGLISH TERRIERS are built upon the same lines, differing chiefly in colour, the former being raven-black, with tan markings on face, legs, and some lower parts of the body, and the latter pure white all over. Both should have small natural drooping ears, fine glossy coats, and tapering sterns. The toy variety of the former should be a miniature of the larger, and is very difficult to produce of first-class quality. SCOTTISH TERRIERS are very interesting, often with much " character " about them. The usual colours are black, shades of gray, or brindle, but some are seen fawn, stone- bolt upright, the coat as hard as a badger's, MASTIFF >es almost an ideal picture of this splendid breed, the being known as black-brindie Phtt, b } Lambtrt Lambirt] [Bath DEER-HOUND Thii it a cafital fartrait tfcnt nf tht but ifthitg ractful uaritty Ph,!, by a. CtrnhH] [Cndittn POINTER Thit it a young dog not yet shown, but full of quality and type Photo b) yHiitrt 6* SOBJ] [Ntwfart SKYE TERRIER The photograph is of a "well-known winner in show form that by '/". tan] [Baktr Stntt CORDED POODLE The length of the cords of -which the coat is composed is clearly shown B, firminion >j Mrs. HM-Walkir p ntt , by Kitchtntr if Salmon] [Btnd Strut POMERANIAN SCOTTISH TERRIER Probably about the best all-black Toy Pomeranian ever shown A smart picture of one of the best of these popular dogs Ph,i, by G. N. Tar/or] \_Ciwlt, Rtad MALTESE TOY TERRIER "very excellent representation of one of the best specimens of the present day fhtti by E. Lander] [Ealing BUTTERFLY-DOG The photograph gives an excellent idea of this tomewAat rare variety IOC) I 1O THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD Ptitt, *r T. Fair] [BaltrSlritt HER MAJESTY QUEEN ALEXANDRA, WITH CHOW AND JAPANESE SPANIELS teeth even, small dark expressive eyes, fore legs straight, the back short. One I brought from Skye many years since I took with me when driving some miles into the country; coming back by a different route, he missed me; but on nearing my starting-point I found him posted at a juncture of four roads, by one of which I must return. He could not have selected a better position. The illu- stration is that of a first-rate specimen of the variety, " Champion Balmacron Thistle." DANDIE DINMONT TERRIERS have many quaint and charming ways. They are very strongly built, being among the most muscular of the terriers, of high courage, devotedly attached to their owners, and admirably adapted for companions, being suitable for indoors or out, and at home anywhere. The colours are pepper (a sort of darkish iron- gray) and mustard (a yellowish red fawn), both with white silky hair on head, called the top-knot, and lustrous dark eyes, very gipsy- like and independent in expression. SKYES, both PRICK- and DROP-EARED, are another Scottish breed which well deserve their popularity, as they are thorough sporting animals. The colours are chiefly shades of dark or light gray, but sometimes fawn with dark points and whites are seen. The texture of coat should be hard and weather-resisting ; the eyes dark and keen in expression ; bodies long, low, and well knit ; legs straight in front ; even mouths ; tails carried gaily, but not curled over the back. SCHIPPERKES are of Belgian origin. To those who do not know them, they are something- like medium-sized Pomeranians, short of coat, but without tails. They are nearly always pure black in colour, with coats of hardish texture, fullest round the neck and shoulders, the ears standing straight up like darts, short cobby bodies, and straight legs. They make smart guards and companions. CHOWS originally came from China, but are now largely bred here. They are square-built sturdy dogs, with dense coats, tails carried over the side, blunt-pointed ears, and rather short thick heads. They have a little of a large coarse Pomeranian, with something of an Eskimo about them, but are different from either, with a type of their own. The colour is usually some shade of red or black, often with a bluish tinge in it. One marked peculiarity is that the tongues of chows are blue- black in colour. POMERANIANS can be procured of any weight from 3 to 30 Ibs., and of almost every shade of colour. At present brown of various shades is much in favour, but there are many beautiful whites, blacks, blues, sables, and others. are very sharp and lively, and make charming pets and com- panions. Really good specimens command high prices. in us tration is of one of the best of his colour ever seen /-u TV " Champion Pippin. ' . r , ,, i u r u- A PUGS, both fawn and black, are old-fashioned T. rait] SAND LBatir Str DOG a quaint picture of a quaint -variety , quite h air- /<, and much the colour of Caoi/e soa j> THE DOG FAMILY ill very quaint and peculiar in appearance. They should have square heads and muzzles, with small ears, large protruding eyes, short thick bodies, and tails tightly curled over the back. The illus- tration, " Duchess of Connaught," is of a well-known winner. MALTESE TERRIERS are very beautiful when pure bred. They have a long straight coat of silky white hair nearly reaching the ground, black nose and eyes, and the tail curled over the back of their short cobby body. Their beauty well repays the trouble of keeping them in good condition. The illustration, from a photograph taken for this article, is that of the high-class dog " Santa Klaus." YORKSHIRE TOY TERRIERS, with their steel-blue bodies and golden-tanned faces, legs, and lower parts, and long straight coats, require skilful attention to keep in order, but are very attractive as pets. TOY SPANIELS are very old members of the toy division, dating from or before the time of King Charles: KING CHARLES SPANIELS being black and tan ; PRINCE CHARLES SPANIELS black, white, and tan ; another strain, the BLENHEIM, white, with shades of reddish-tan markings on the head and body, and a spot of same colour on forehead ; and the RUBY, a rich coppery red all over. They should be small and stout in size and shape, without coarseness, long in the ear, with large full protruding eyes of dark colour, a short face, a straight coat, and not leggy. JAPANESE SPANIELS carry heavy coats, usually black, or yellow, and white in colour, shorter in the ears, which are carried more forward than in the last-named, broader in the muzzle, with nearly flat faces, dark eyes, and bushy tails carried over the back. They have very short legs, and their hair nearly reaches the ground as they walk. When I kept them they were much larger in size, but they are often now produced under 6 Ibs. in weight. PEKIN SPANIELS, the last of the toy spaniels I need mention, come from China. They should have soft fluffy coats, tails inclined to turn over the back, short faces, broad muzzles, large lustrous eyes, and a grave, dignified expression. The colour is usually some shade of tawny fawn or drab, but I have seen them black and dark brown ; whatever colour, it should be without white. The illustration, Mrs. Lindsay's " Tartan Plaid," was one of the early importations. Photo by County if Gloucuttr Sludit, Chiltinham PUG AND PEKINESE SPANIEL A typical portrait of t-wo -well-known -winners in these popular -varietiet Photo by C. Riid} , ff. B. FOX-TERRIER A picture full of life and go at present odds in favour of our friend -with the prickly coat Photo b } E. Landir] BLENHEIM AND PRINCE CHARLES SPANIELS This little group "will serve to shoiv the appearance of these charming little pets lEaling ITALIAN GREYHOUNDS, another old-fashioned variety of toy dog, should not exceed 12 Ibs. in weight, but in my opinion are better if they are some pounds less. Much like miniature greyhounds in shape and build, they are elegant, graceful little creatures, very sensitive to cold. Shades of fawn, cream, or French gray are most common ; but some are slate-blue, chestnut-red, and other tints. Of late years the breed has met with more encouragement, and there is less fear of its being allowed to die out. GRIFFONS BRUSSELOIS have been greatly taken up the last few years. They are something like Yorkshire toy terriers in size and shape, but with a shortish harsh coat, generally of some shade of reddish brown, very short face, small shining dark eyes, heavy under-jaw, short thick body, and an altogether comical appearance. Imported specimens, particularly before reaching maturity, are often difficult to rear. The AFRICAN SAND-DOG occasionally seen in this country (mostly at shows) is remarkable for being entirely hairless, except a few hairs of a bristly character on the top of the head and a slight tuft at the end of the tail ; in colour, something in shape and terrier, and very susceptible to Having been supplied with an will say a few words about this numbers at Constantinople and roam about unclaimed, and act as to divide the places they inhabit into leader, and resent any interference cases where they have made a de- late at night ; but they are rather a with a little firmness on the part of the descendants of the dogs so often probrium ; and, among Eastern peo- now the most insulting epithet that ancient times, the dog never seems hunting and pursuing game and guardian of their flocks, herds, and Photo by tht Duchtsi of Bedford, H^oburn Abbiy PARIAH PUPPIES This capital photograph of a variety seldom seen in this country will be "very interesting it is chiefly blue-black or mottled size like a coarse black-and-tan cold. illustration of PARIAH PUPPIES, I variety, which is seen in large other Eastern cities, where they amateur scavengers ; they are said districts or beats, each with its own with their authority. I have known termined attack on travelers out cowardly race, and easily repulsed the attacked. Probably these are mentioned in Scripture with op- pies, to call a man " a dog" is even can be used. By the Jews, in to have been used, as with us, in wild animals, but merely as a sometimes dwellings. Photo bf Ottomar COMMON BROWN BEAR In Scandinavia a fnu still haunt the highest mountain-ridgci t at here 113 \_Birlin CHAPTER VI E THE BEJRS XCEPT the great cats, no creatures have longer held a place in human interest than the BEARS. Their size and formidable equipment of claws and teeth give the touch of fear which goes with admiration. On the other hand, they do not, as a rule, molest human beings, who see them employing their great strength on appar- ently insignificant objects with some amusement. Except one species, most bears are largely fruit and vegetable feeders. The sloth-bear of India sucks up ants and grubs with its funnel-like lips ; the Malayan bear is a honey-eater by profession, scarcely touching other food when it can get the bees' store ; and only the great polar bear is entirely carnivorous. The grizzly bear of the Northern Rocky mountains is largely a flesh eater, consuming great quantities of putrid salmon in the Columbian rivers. But the ice-bear is ever on the quest for living or dead flesh ; it catches seals, de- vours young sea- fowl and eggs, and can actually kill and eat the gigantic walrus. Every one will have noticed the deliberate flat- footed walk of the bears. This is due partly to the for- mation of the feet themselves. The whole sole is set flat upon the ground, and the impressions in a bear's track are not unlike those of a man's footsteps. The claws are not capable of being retracted, like those of the Cats ; consequently they are worn at the tips where the curve brings them in contact with the ground. Yet it is surprising what wounds these blunt but hard weapons will in- flict on man wounds resembling what might be caused by the use of a very large garden- rake. Against other animals protected by hair bears' claws are of little use. Dogs would never attack them so readily as they do were they armed with the talons of a leopard or tiger. The flesh-teeth in both jaws of the bear are -.. :'> a^ _U*Sd Photo by Ottomar dnschutx,, Berlin AN INVITING ATTITUDE The upright position is not natu- ral to the broiun bear. It prefers to sit on its hams, and not to stand Photo by Frattlli Alinari} THREE PERFORMING BEARS Those on the right and left are Himalayan black bears. The collar is plainly seen 114 THE BEARS unlike those of other carnivora. The teeth generally show that bears have a mixed diet. Bears appear to have de- scended from some dog-like ancestor, but to have been much modified. Except the ice-bear, all the species are short and very bulky. It is said that a polar bear has been killed which weighed 1,000 Ibs. It is far the largest, and most formida- ble in some respects, of all the carnivora. The claws of the grizzly bear are sometimes 5 inches long over the outer curve. All bears can sit up- right on their hams, and stand upright against a support like a tree. Some can stand upright with no aid at all. Except the grizzly bear, they can all climb, many of them very well. In the winter, if it be cold, they hibernate. In the spring, when the shoots of the early plants come up, they emerge, hungry and thin, to seek their food. Bears were formerly common in Britain, and were exported for the Roman amphitheatres. The prehistoric cave-bears were very large. Their re- mains have been found in Devon, Derbyshire, and other counties! The species inhabiting Britain during the Roman period was the common brown bear of Europe. THE COMMON BROWN BEAR. Only one species of bear is found in Europe south of the ice-line, though above it the white ice-bear inhabits Spitzbergen and the islands off the White Sea. This is the BROWN BEAR, the emblem of Russia in all European caricature, and the hero of innumerable fragments of folk- lore and fable, from the tents of the Lapps to the nurseries of American children. Except the ice- bear, it is far the largest of European carnivora, but varies much in size. Russia is the main home of the brown bear, but it is found in Sweden and Norway, and right across Northern Asia. It is also common in the Carpathian Mountains, inthe Caucasus, and in Mount Pindusin Greece. IntheSouth it is found in Spain and the Pyrenees, and a few are left in the Alps. The dancing-bears commonly brought to England and America are caught in the Pyrenees. The " Queen's bear," so called because its owner was allowed to exhibit it at Windsor, was one of these. But lately dancing- bears fromServia and Wallachia have also been seen about our roads and streets. In Russia the bear grows to a great size. Some have been killed of 800 Ibs. in weight. The fur is magnificent in Photo by Otto jtmchitat] EUROPEAN BROWN BEAR The specimen of the broivn bear of Europe from -which this picture -was taken -was an unusually light and active bear. Its faith are almoit flat no THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD Phtto by E. LanJtr] SYRIAN BEAR This is the bear generally alluded to in the Old Testament winter, and in great demand for rich Russians' sledge-rugs. The finest bear-skins of all are bought for the caps of the Grenadier and Coldstream Guards. In the Alps the bears occasionally visit a cow-shed in winter and kill a cow ; but as a rule the only damage done by those in Europe is to the sheep on the hills in the far north of Norway. Tame brown bears are amusing creatures, but should never be trusted. They are always liable to turn savage, and the bite is almost as severe as that of a tiger. Men have had their heads completely crushed in by the bite of one of these animals. In Russia bears are shot in the following manner. When the snow falls, the bears retire into the densest thickets, and there make a half-hut, half-burrow in the most tangled part to hibernate in. The bear is tracked, and then a ring made round the cover by beaters and peasants. The shooters follow the track and rouse the bear, which often charges them, and is forthwith shot. If it escapes, it is driven in by the beaters outside. High fees are paid to peasants who send information that a bear is harboured in this way. Sportsmen in St. Petersburg will go 300 or 400 miles to shoot one on receipt of a telegram. The brown bear, like the reindeer and red deer, is found very little modified all across Northern Asia, and again in the forests of North America. There, however, it undergoes a change. Just as the red deer is found represented by a much larger creature, the wapiti, so the brown bear is found exaggerated into the great bear of Alaska. The species attains its largest, possibly, in Kamchatka, on the Asiatic side of Bering Sea ; but the Alaskan bear has the credit with sportsmen of being the largest. A skin of one of the former, brought to the sale-rooms of Sir Charles Lampson & Co., needed two men to carry it. Last spring, in the sale-rooms of the same great firm, some persons present measured the skin of an Alaskan bear which was 9 feet across the shoulders from paw to paw. THE GRIZZLY BEAR. This is a very distinct race of brown bear. It has a flat profile, like the polar bear ; in addition it grow to a great size, is barely able to climb trees, and has the largest claws of any they have been known to meas- ure 5 inches along the curve. The true grizzly, which used to be found as far north as 61 latitude and south rhet, by IT. D. Dandc] [Regent's Part LARGE RUSSIAN BROWN BEAR The picture shows to ivhat a size and strength the broion bear attains THE BEARS 117 as far as Mexico, is a rare animal now. Its turn for cattle-killing made the ranchmen poison it, and rendered the task an easy one. It is now only found in the Northern Rocky Mountains, and perhaps in North California and Nevada. Formerly encounters with " Old Ephraim," as the trappers called this bear, were numerous and deadly. It attacked men if attacked by them, and often without provocation. The horse, perhaps more than its rider, was the object of the bear. A great furrier measured a grizzly which was 9 feet long from nose to tail. The weight some- times reaches 800 Ibs. Measurements of much larger grizzly bears have been recorded, but it is difficult to credit them. On a ranche near the upper waters of the Colorado River several colts were taken by grizzly bears. One of them was found buried according to the custom of this bear, and the owner sat up to shoot the animal. Having only the old-fashioned small-bored rifle of the day, excellent for shooting deer or Indians, but useless against so massive a beast as this bear, unless hit in the head or heart, he only wounded it. The bear rushed in, struck him a blow with its paw (the paw measures a foot across), smashed the rifle which he held up as a protection, and struck the barrel on to his head. The man fell insensible, when the bear, having satisfied himself that he was dead, picked him up, carried him off, and buried him in another hole which it scratched near the dead colt. It then dug up the colt and ate part of it, and went off. Some time later the man came to his senses, and awoke to find himself " dead and buried." As the earth was only roughly thrown over him, he scrambled out, and saw close by the half- eaten remains of the colt. Thinking that it might be about the bear's dinner-time, and remem- bering that he was probably put by in the larder for the next meal, he hurried home at once, and did not trouble the bear again. Not so a Siberian peasant, who had much the same adventure. He had been laughed at for wishing to shoot a bear, and went out in the woods to do so. The bear had the best of it, knocked him down, and so frightfully mangled his arm that he fainted. Bruin then buried him in orthodox bear fashion ; and the man, when he came to, which he fortunately did before the bear came back, got up, and made his way to the village. There he was for a long time ill, and all through his sickness and delirium talked of noth- ing but shooting the bear. When he got well, he disappeared into the forest with his gun, and after a short absence returned with the bear's skin ! THE AMERICAN BROWN BEAR. The brown bear of America is closely allied to that of Europe ; it was first de- scribed by Sir John Richardson, who called it the Barrenlands Bear, and noted, quite rightly, that it differed from the grizzly in the smallness of its claws. The difference in the profile is very marked the brown bear having a profile like that of the European bear, while that of the grizzly is flat. The brown bear of North , , , , ,. .. , Phutt kf Kiw Tcrh Z America lives largely on the fruits and AMERICAN BLACK BEAR berries Of the northern plants, On dead The b j ack ^, r Wec i es f ri t encountered by the early tettlen on the deer, and On putrid fish, Ot Which quanti- Atlantic udt of America. The grimly belong* to the Rocky Mountain region n8 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD Photo by L. Midland, F.Z.S.] [North Finchlej YOUNG SYRIAN BEAR FROM THE CAUCASUS This is, properly speaking, a Syrian tear, but the species is found in the Caucasus and in the Taurus Range ties are left on the banks of the northern rivers. Whether the large brown bear of the Rocky Mountains is always a grizzly or often this less for- midable race is doubtful. The writer inclines to think that it is only the counterpart of the North European and the North Asiatic brown bear. The following is Sir Samuel Baker's account of these bears. He says : " When I was in California, experienced informants told me that no ^ rue p-fizzlv bear Was to be found east of the Pacific slope. There are numerous bears of three if not four kinds in the Rocky Mountains. These are frequently termed grizzlies ; but it is a misnomer. The true grizzly is far superior in size, but of similar habits, and its weight is from 1,200 Ibs. to 1,400 Ibs." After giving various reasons for believing this to be a fair weight, Sir Samuel Baker adds that this weight is equivalent to that of a large cart-horse. There are certainly three Rocky Mountain bears the Grizzly, the Brown, and the small Black Bear. There is probably also another a cross between the black and the brown. It is ridiculous to say that the brown bears which come to eat the refuse on the dust-heaps of the hotels of the Yellowstone Park, and let ladies photograph them, are savage grizzly bears. THE SYRIAN BEAR. This bear, which figures in the story of Elisha, is a variety of the brown bear. It is found from the Caucasus to the mountains of Palestine, and is a smaller animal than the true brown bear, weighing about 300 Ibs. The fur in summer is of a mixed rusty colour, with a whitish collar on the chest. It steals the grapes on Mount Horeb, and feeds upon ripe fruits, apples, chestnuts, corn, and the like. It is then ready to face the long winter sleep. THE AMERICAN BLACK BEAR. This is the smallest North American species, and perhaps the most harmless. It seldom weighs more than 400 Ibs. Its coat is short and glossy, and its flesh, especially in autumn, is esteemed for food. The early backwoodsmen found it a troublesome neighbour. The bears liked Indian corn, and were not averse to a young pig. " Like the deer," says Audubon, " it changes its haunts with the seasons, and for the same reason viz. the desire of obtaining food. During the spring months it searches for food in the low alluvial lands that border the rivers, or by the margins of the inland lakes. There it procures abundance of succulent roots, and of the tender, juicy stems of plants, upon which it chiefly feeds at that season. During the summer heat it enters the gloomy swamps, and passes much of its time in wallowing in the mud like a hog, and contents itself with crayfish, roots, and nettles ; now and then, when hard pressed by hunger, it seizes a young pig, or perhaps a sow or calf. As soon as the different kinds of berrie: ripen, the bears betake themselves to the high grounds, followed by their cubs. In much-retired parts of the country, where there are no hilly grounds, it pays visits to the maize-fields, which it ravages for a while. After this the various kinds of nuts and grapes, acorns and other forest THE BEARS 119 fruits, attract its attention. The black bear is then seen wandering through the woods to gather this harvest, not forgetting to rob every tree which it comes across." THE INDIAN SLOTH-BEAR. Few people would believe that this awkward and ugly beast is so formidable as it is. It is the commonest Indian species, seldom eats flesh, prefers sucking up the contents of a white ants' nest to any other meal, and is not very large ; from 200 Ibs. to 300 Ibs. is the weight of a male. Hut the skull and jaws are very strong, and the claws long and curved. As they are used almost like a pickaxe when the bear wishes to dig in the hardest soil, their effect upon the human body can be imagined. Sir Samuel Baker says that there are more accidents to natives of India and Ceylon from this species than from any other animal. Mr. Watts Jones writes an interesting account of his sensations while being bitten by one Phett by C. Reid] , N.B. A BROWN BEAR IN SEARCH OF INSECTS The photograph shows a bear feeding on insects, possibly large ants, which he licks up from the ground, after scratching them out with his claws of these bears : " I was following up a bear which I had wounded, and rashly went to the mouth of a cave to which it had got. It charged. I shot, but failed to stop it. I do not know exactly what happened next, neither does my hunter who was with me ; but I believe, from the marks in the snow, that in his rush the bear knocked me over backwards in fact, knocked me three or four feet away. When next I remembered anything, the bear's weight was on me, and he was bi- ting my leg. He bit two or three times. I felt the flesh crush, but I felt no pain at all. It was rather like having a tooth out with gas. I felt no particular terror, though I thought the bear had got me ; but in a hazy sort of way I wondered when he would kill me, and thought what a fool I was to get killed by a stupid beast like a bear. The shikari then very pluckily came up and fired a shot into the bear, and he left me. I felt the weight lift off me, and got up. I did not think I was much hurt. . . . The main wound was a flap of flesh torn out of the inside of my left thigh and left hanging. It was fairly deep, and I could see all the muscles working under- neath when I lifted it up to clean the wound." This anecdote was sent to Mr. J. Crowther Hirst I2O THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD [Flertnt Phtic by FrattlH Minari} POLAR BEARS Though Arctic animals, polar bears can endure great heat. During a "heat wave" at Hamburg , Herr C. Hagenbeck found two of his leopards suffering from heat apoplexy, but the polar heart were enjoying the sun to illustrate a theory of his, that the killing of wild animals by other animals is not a painful one. Rustem Pasha, once Turkish Ambassador in England, had an accident when brown bear shoot- ing in Russia, and writes of it in the same sense : " When I met the accident alluded to, the bear injured both my hands, but did not tear off part of the arm or shoulder. In the moment of desperate struggle, the intense excitement and anger did, in fact, render me insensible to the feeling of actual pain as the bear gnawed my left hand, which was badly torn and perforated with holes, most of th bones being broken." There is good reason to believe that wher large carnivora, or beasts large in proportion to tht size of their victims, strike and kill them with great previous shock, the sense of pain is deadenec Not so if the person or animal is seized quietl) Then the pain is intense, though sometimes onlj momentary. A tigress seized Mr. J. Hansard, forest officer in Ceylon, by the neck. In describing his sensations afterwards, he said : " The agony I felt was something frightful. My whole skull seemed as if it were being crushed to atoms in the jaws of the great brute. I certainly felt the most awful pain as she was biting my neck ; but not afterwards, if I can remember." Sir Samuel Baker says he has twice seen the sloth-bear attack a ho wdah -elephant. Lord Edward St. Maur, son of the Duke of Somerset, was killed by one. Mr. Sanderson, the head of the Government Elephant-catching Department, used to hunt bears in the jungle with bull-terriers. Against these the bear was unable to make a good fight. They seized it by the nose ; and as its claws were not sharp like those of the leopard, the bear could not get them off. This bear seldom produces more than two or three young at a birth. The young cub i? very ugly, but very strong, especially in the claws and legs. A six weeks' old cub has been turned upside-down in a basket, which was shaken violently, without dislodging the little animal clinging inside. THE ISABELLINE BEAR AND HIMALAYAN BLACK BEAR. The former animal is a medium-sized variety of the brown bear. The coat in winter is of a beautiful silver-tipped cinnamon colour. The HIMALAYAN BLACK BEAR has a half-moon of white on its throat. The habits of both do not differ markedly from those of the brown bear of Europe. Recently black bears have been most troublesome in Kashmir, attacking and killing and wounding the wood-cutters with no provocation. Dr. E. T. Vere, writing from Srinagar, says: " Every year we have about half a dozen patients who have been mauled by bears. Most of our people who are hurt are villagers or shepherds. Bears have been so shot at in Kashmir that, although not naturally very fierce, they have become truculent. When they attack men, they usually sit up and knock the victim over with a paw. They then make one or two bites at the arm or leg, and often finish up with a snap at the head. This is the most dangerous part of the attack. One of our fatal cases this year was a boy, the vault of whose skull was torn off and lacerated. Another man received a compound fracture of the cranium. A third had the bones Photo by f 'ratilli Alinari} TWO POLAR BEARS AND A BROWN BEAR \_Flortnct Although this is a photograph from life, it is scarcely a "very natural scene , as a matter of fact, all three animals belong to Herr Carl Hagenbeck's remarkable menagerie 16 121 122 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD Photo By J. fr. Sicilian) [Highbury POLAR BEAR TAts bear is the most formidable of all aquatic mammals. It is almost as much at home of his face smashed and lacerated. He had an axe, but said, < When the bear sat up, my courage failed me.' " THE MALAYAN SUN-BEAR. These small, smooth-coate bears have a yellow throat-patch like a mustard plaster, and are altogether the most amusing and comical of all the tribe. They are almost as smooth as a pointer dog, and are devoted to all sweet substances which can be a substitute for honey, their main delicacy when wild. There are always a number of these bears at the Zoo incessantly in the -water as a seat begging for food. When one gets a piece of sugar, he cracks it into small pieces, sticks them on the back of his paw, and licks the mess until the paw is covered with sticky syrup, which he eats with great gusto. This bear is found in the Malay Peninsula, Borneo, Sumatra, and Java. It is only 4 feet high, or sometimes half a foot taller. It is more in the habit of walking upright than any other species. THE POLAR BEAR. ICE-BEAR is the better name for this, the most interesting in its habits of all the bears. It is an inhabitant of the lands of polar darkness and intense cold, and one of the very few land animals which never try to avoid the terrible ordeal of the long Arctic night, which rolls on from month to month. It can swim and dive nearly as well as a seal, climbs the icebergs, and goes voyages on the drifting ice, floating hundreds of miles on the polar currents, and feeding on the seals which surround it. Of the limits of size of the ice-bear it is impossible to speak with certainty. From the skins brought to this country the size of some of them must be enormous. One which lived for more than thirty years at the Zoo was of immense length and bulk. When the first discoverers went to the Arctic Seas, dressed in thick clothes and skins, the polar bears took them for seals. On Bear Island, below Spitzbergen, a Dutch sailor sat down on the snow to rest. A bear walked up behind him, and seized and crushed his head, evidently not in the least aware of what kind of animal it had got hold of. When the Jackson-Harms worth Expedi- tion was wintering in Franz-Josef Land, the bears were a positive nuisance. They were not afraid of man, and used to come round the huts at all hours. The men shot so many of them that they formed a valuable article of food for the dogs. The flesh is said to be unwholesome for men. The power of these bears in the water is wonderful ; though so bulky, they are as light as a cork when swimming, and their strong, broad feet are first-class paddles. Whenever a dead whale is found near the shore, the polar bears assemble to feed upon it. In the various searches for the Franklin Expedition they pulled to pieces nearly all the cabins erected to hold provisions for the sledge-parties. In one case it was found that the bears had amused themselves by mounting the roof of a half-buried hut, and sliding down the snowy, frozen slope. Cubs are often brought home in whaling- and sealing-ships, after the mothers have been shot. There is a ready sale of them for the great menageries. Herr Hagenbeck, of Hamburg, by purchasing them quite young, has induced bears to live on good terms with tigers, boar-hounds, and leopards. THE BEARS 123 The manoeuvres of an ice-bear in the water are marvelous to watch. Though so bulky a beast, it swims, dives, rolls over and over, catches seals or fish, or plays both on and under the water with an ease and evident enjoyment which show that it is in its favourite element. One favourite game of the ice-bear is to lie on its back in the water, and then to catch hold of its hind toes with its fore feet, when it resembles a half-rolled hedgehog of gigantic size. It then rolls over and over in the water like a revolving cask. Its footsteps are absolutely noiseless, as the claws are shorter than in the land-bear's, and more muffled in fur. This noiseless power of approach is very necessary when it has to catch such wary creatures as basking seals. A very lar^e proportion of the food formerly eaten by ice-bears in summer was probably putrid, as they were always supplied with a quantity of the refuse carcases of whales and seals left by the whaling-ships. This may account for the bad results to the sailors who ate the bears' flesh. Now the whaling industry is so little pursued that the bears have to catch their dinners for them- selves, and eat fresh food. />*.. by tni tftw Tcrl Zotltglcal Sttltt) HALF-GROWN POLAR BEARS When young polar heart art brought to England or Nnv York on board sAip t they arrive "with coats almost as yellow as a sponge. It takes a week's bathing to restore the pure "white colour The Arctic explorer Nordenskiold saw much of the ice-bears on his voyages, and left us what is perhaps the best description of their attempts to stalk men, mistaking them for other animals. " When the polar bear observes a man," he writes in his " Voyage of the Vega," " he com- monly approaches him as a possible prey, with supple movements and a hundred zigzag bends, in order to conceal the direction he means to take, and to prevent the man feeling frightened. During his approach he often climbs up on to blocks of ice, or raises himself on his hind legs, in order to get a more extensive view. If he thinks he has to do with a seal, he creeps or trails himself forward on the ice, and is then said to conceal with his fore paws the only part of his body that contrasts with the snow his large black nose. If the man keeps quite still, the bear comes in this way so near that it can be shot at the distance of two gun-lengths, or killed with a lance, which the hunter considers safer." When a vessel lies at anchor, a polar bear sometimes swims out to it, to inspect the visiting ship ; it has also a special fancy for breaking open and searching stores of provisions, boats aban- 124 THE LI VING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD Phttt bj G. W. Wihtn & Co., Ltd.] THE ICE-BEAR'S COUCH {Aberdeen A favourite attitude of the polar bear is to lie stretched on its stomach, -with the hind and fore legs extended fiat. The head often lies between the fore paws. Notice the hair on the feet, -which tteps the animal from slipping when on the ice. doned and covered over, mf ' and cabins of wrecked ^ j$ g ships. One bear which had looted a provision depot was found to have swallowed a quantity of sticking-plaster. The ice- bear has been met swim- ming at a distance of eighty miles from land, and with no ice in sight. This shows how thoroughly aquatic its habits and powers are. Polar bears do not hug their victims, like the brown bear, but bite, and use their immense feet and sharp claws. It has been said that when one catches a seal on the ice it will play with it as a cat does with a mouse. The size of these bears varies very much. Seven or eight feet from the tip of the nose to the tail is the usual length ; yet they have been known to exceed even 1 3 feet in length. This would correspond to an immense difference in bulk and weight. An ice-bear was once found feeding on the body of a white whale, 15 feet in length, and weighing three or four tons. The whale could not have got on to the ice by itself, and it is difficult to imagine that any other creature except the bear could have dragged it there from the sea, where it was found floating. When hunting seals, polar bears will chase them in the water as an otter does a fish, but with what result is not known. Besides stalking them in the manner described above, they will mark the place at which seals are basking on the rim of an ice-floe, and then dive, and come up just at the spot where the seal would naturally drop into the water. Those shot for the sake of their skins are nearly all killed when swimming in the sea. The hunters mark a bear on an ice-floe, and approach it. The bear always tries to escape by swimming, and is pursued and shot through the head from the boat. When the females have a cub or cubs with them, they will often attack persons or boats which molest them ; otherwise they do not willingly interfere with man, except, as has been said above, when they mistake men for seals or other natural prey. The instances recorded of the affection shown by these animals for their young are some- what pathetic. When the Carcase frigate, which was engaged on a voyage of Arctic discovery, was locked in the ice, a she-bear and two cubs made their way to the ship, attracted by the scent of the blubber of a walrus which the crew had killed a few days before. They ran to the fire, and pulled off some of the walrus-flesh which remained unconsumed. The crew then threw them large lumps of the flesh which were lying on the ice, which the old bear fetched away singly, and laid before her cubs as she brought it, dividi T* it, and giving each a share, and o o o o reserving but a small portion for herself. As she war, fetching away the last piece, the sailors shot both the cubs dead, and wounded the dam. Although she could only just crawl to the place where the cubs lay. she carried the lump of flesh which she had last fetched away, and laid it before them ; and when she saw that they refused to eat, laid her paws on them, and tried to raise them up, moaning pitifully. When she found she could not stir them, she went to some distance, and looked back, and then returned, pawing them all over and moaning. Finding at last that they were lifeless, she raised her head towards the ship and uttered a growl, when the sailors killed her with a volley of musket-balls. CHAPTER VII. THE SMALLER CARNIVORA. THE RACCOON FAMILY. A LINK between the Bears and the Weasel Tribe is made by the RACCOONS and their allies. They are bear-like in hav- ing a short, thick body, and in their flat-footed manner of walking ; also in their habit of sitting up on end, and using their paws as hands, to some extent, in aiding them to climb. But they are also much like the Civets ; and the pretty little CACOMIXLE, or RING-TAILED CAT of Mexico, was formerly classed with the civets. They are all very active, enterprising, and quick-witted creatures of no great size, very different in temperament from the bears. Photo bj Scholastic Photo. Co.] [Parjon'j Grein COMMON RACCOON THE RACCOON. This is the typical representative of the Raccoon Family. It is found in most parts of the United States, and also in South America. The type of the family is the AMERICAN RACCOON itself. Its scientific name of " Loter," the " Washer," was given to it from an odd habit these creatures have of wetting and washing their food in any water which is near. One kept at the Zoo washed her kittens so much when they were born that they all died. ^^m^^^^^^^^^^^^m The 'coon inhabits ' 1 America from Canada to the south as far down as Para- guay. In size it is equal to a common fox, but is short and stout. Restless, inquisi- tive, and prying, it is a most mischievous beast where farm- yards and poultry are within reach. It kills the fowls, eats the eggs, samples the fruit, and if caught shams dead with all the doggedness of an opossum. It is very fond of fish and shell-fish. Oysters are a special dainty, as are mussels and clams. P kit, b, C. RtU] , N.B. RACCOON This animal has the habit of always washing its food, if possible, before it eats it 125 126 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD Photo by A. S. Rutland if Stnl GREAT PANDA This -very rare animal is found on the high plateau of Tibet A gentleman who kept one says : " It opens oysters with wonderful skill. It is sufficient for it to break the hinge with its teeth ; its paws complete the work of getting out the oyster. It must have a delicate sense of touch. In this operation it rarely avails itself of sight or smell. It passes the oyster under its hind paws ; then, without looking, it seeks with its hands the weakest place. It there digs in its claws, forces asunder the valves, and tears out the flesh in fragments, leaving nothing behind." Its favourite haunt is in the cane- brakes of the south. There the planters follow it by night with dogs, and shoot it in the trees in which it takes refuge. The skins, with handsome alternations of yellow and brown, make fine carriage rugs. THE COATIS. The COATIS are small arboreal creatures, with the habits of a raccoon and squirrel fairly portioned. They are flesh-eaters, but active and playful. Their long pig-like snouts give them an unpleasant appearance. They inhabit Mexico and Central and South America as far as Paraguay. Several specimens are generally to be seen at the Zoological Gardens. Their habits are much the same as those of the small tree climbing cats, but with something of the badger added. Insects and worms, as well as birds and small animals, form their food. THE PANDAS AND KINKAJOU. Among the small carnivorous mammals the BEAR-CAT, or PANDA, is a very interesting crea- ture. Its colour is striking a beautiful red-chestnut above, the lower surface jet-black, the tail long and ringed. The quality of the fur is fine also. It is found in the Eastern Himalaya, and is as large as a badger. The GREAT PANDA, from Eastern Tibet, is a much larger, short-tailed, black-and-white animal, once thought to be a bear. The KINKAJOU has a prehensile tail, and uses its paws as hands so readily that it was formerly placed among the lemurs. It is a native of Southern and intertropical America. Nocturnal, and living in the great forests, it is seldom seen by man. Its head is round and cat-like, its feet are the same, but with non-retractile claws, and it has a long, full tail. It has a long tongue, with which it can lick out insects from the crevices and holes of trees. Baron von Humboldt says that it attacks the nests of wild bees. It uses its tongue to draw objects of food towards it, even if they are not living. A pleasant description of this animal appeared in Charles Knight's " Museum of Animated Nature," pub- lished many years ago : In its aspect there is something of gentleness and good-nature. In captivity it is extremely playful, familiar, and fond of being noticed. One lived in the gardens of the Zoological Society for seven years. During the greater part of the morning it was asleep, rolled up in a ball in its cage. In the afternoon it would come out, traverse its cage, take food, and play with those to whom it was accustomed. Clinging to the top wires of its cage with its tail and hind paws, it would thus swing itself backwards and forwards. When thus hanging, it Photo ly Dr. R. W. Shufeldt, H ashington. RACCOON. This animal is found from Alaska, through tho United States, to Ontral America. THE SMALLER CARNIVORA 127 would bring its fore paws to the bars, as well as the hind pair, and in this manner would travel up and down its cage with the utmost address, every now and then thrusting out its long tongue between the wires, as if in quest of food, which, when offered to it, it would endeavour to draw in between the wires with this organ. It was very fond of being gently stroked and scratched, and when at play with any one it knew it would pretend to bite, seizing the hand or ringers with its teeth, as a dog will do when playing with its master. As the evening came on, it was full of animation, and exhibited in every movement the most surprising energy." THE OTTERS. As the badgers and ratels seem specially adapted to an underground and cave-making existence, so the OTTERS all conform in structure to an aquatic life ; yet, except the webbing of the space between the toes and the shortening and flattening of the head, there is very little obvious change in their structure to meet the very great difference in the con- ditions under which they live. The SHORT-TOED OTTER is a small Indian species. It has nails on its hands in place of claws. One kept at the Zoo was a most amusing and friendly little pet, which let itself be nursed like a kitten. The NORTH AMERICAN OTTER has the same habits as the English kind, but is somewhat larger, and has a far finer coat. It is trapped in thousands, and the fur sent over to this country to the Hudson Bay Com- pany's and other great fur-sales. These otters, like all their family, are very fond of playing. One of their regular games is to make a snow-slide or an ice-slide down a frozen waterfall. The alighting-place from this chute is, if possible, in the water. There the trapper sets his traps, and the poor otters are caught. The COMMON OTTER is far the most attractive of the British carnivora. It is still fairly common all over Britain where fish exist. It is found on the Norfolk broads and rivers, all up the Thames, in Scotland, Devonshire, Wales, Cumberland, and Northumber- land. It travels considerable distances from river to river, and sometimes gets into a preserved trout-pool or breeding-pond, and does much mischief. The beau- tiful young otters here fig- ured are in Mr. Percy Leigh Pemberton's collection of Photo tf Scholastic Photo Co., Parian' i Grim KINKAJOU The kinkajou eats birds and eggs as well as honey and fruit. One kept in South America killed a whole brood of turkeys, and was partial to birds' eggs. B,fe liision of Percy Leigh Pemberton, Eiq. YOUNG O TTERS Otters, when taken young, can be trained to catch fsh for their o-wntrs. employ them for this purpose In India several tribes British mammals. Their 128 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD TWO TAME OTTERS These tiuo little otters -were photographed by the Duchess of Bedford. Alluding to the old signs of the zodiac and their fondness for the -watering-pot, their portrait was called ' jtfyuarius" and " The Twins." THE SEA-OTTER. owner made a large brick tank for them, where they were allowed to catch live fish. Once one of them seized a 4-lb. pike by the tail. The pike wriggled round and seized the otter's paw, but was soon placed hors de combat. The largest otter which the writer has seen was bolted by a ferret from a rabbit-warren on the edge of the Norfolk fen at Hockwold, and shot by the keeper, who was rab- biting. English dog otters sometimes weigh as much as 26 Ibs. They regularly hunt down the rivers by night, returning before morning to their holt, where they sleep by day. No fish stands a chance with them. They swim after the fish in the open river, chase it under the bank, and then corner it, or seize it with a rush, just as the penguins catch gudgeon at the Zoo. Captain Salvin owned a famous tame otter which used to go for walks with him, and amuse -itself by catching fish in the roadside ponds. Common otters killed on the coast are often confounded with the SEA-OTTER. This is a great mistake. The sea-otter is as much a marine animal as the seal or the sea-lion. It swii out in the open ocean, and is even more of a pelagic creature than the seal, for it either produce its young when in the water, or at any rate carries and suckles them on the open sea. The sez otter is much larger than the common otter. Unfortunately the fish and other marine creature which form the food of the sea-otters are found mainly near the coast. Following them, otters come near the Aleutian Islands, where the hunters are ever on the watch for them. If a single otter is seen, five or six boats, with a rifleman in each, at once put out, and the otter stands little chance of escape. It never was a common animal, and the prices given for the fur, up to $1000 for a first-class skin, have caused its destruc- tion. The skin, when stretched and cured, is sometimes 5 feet long, and is of an exquisite natural rich brown, like long plush, sprinkled all over with whitish hairs like hoarfrost. Photo by A. S. Rudland & Son SEA-OTTER The sea-otter has the most -valuable fur of any animal THE SMALLER CARNIVORA 129 Phtti by A. S. Rudland V Sons A SKUNK An American animal, noted chiefly for the scent-gland it possesses, from "which it emits a most obnoxious-smelling fluid THE SKUNKS. OF all the strange equipments given by nature to animals for their protection that possessed by the various species of SKUNK is the most effec- tive. These animals are able to emit a fluid so vile in odour that it seems equally hateful to all animals. Dogs, pumas, men, alike shun them, and the animals seem to know this and to pre- sume on their immunity. An ordinary skunk is about the size of a cat, black, with bright white stripes down the sides and back. The fur is thick and handsome, and, if the animal be killed before it discharges its fluid, is not too strongly odorous to make trimmings for jackets. Mr. Hudson, in his " Naturalist in La Plata," says : " In talking to strangers from abroad, I have never thought it necessary to speak of the dangers of sunstroke, jaguars, or the assassin's knife. But I have never omitted to warn them of the skunk, minutely describing its habits and personal appearance. I knew an Englishman who, on taking a first gallop across the Pampas, saw one, and quickly dismounting, hurled himself bodily on to it to effect its capture. Poor man ! He did not know that the animal is never unwilling to be caught. Men have been blinded by them forever by a discharge of the fiery liquid in their faces. The smell pervades the whole system of any one subjected to it, like a pestilent ether, nauseating the victim till seasickness seems pleasant in comparison." Dogs can be taught to kill skunks ; but they show the greatest disgust and horror when the fluid of the animal falls upon them, and sometimes roll in mud or dust in the endeavour to get rid of it. THE BADGERS. THE BADGERS in- clude several genera. The SAND-BADGERS of the East have a naked snout, small ears, and rough fur, with softer fur underneath. The INDIAN BADGER is larger than that of Europe, while that of Java, Sumatra, and Borneo is smaller, and has a very short tail. The FERRET- Phtto bj C. Riid] flfiihaw. ff.B. /-.. +V.* A BADGER IN THE WATER BADGERS from They are nocturnal animals East have elongated 130 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD Photo by Scholastic Photo. Co.] [Parjen'j Green EUROPEAN BADGER Badgers can be readily kept in confinement, and are not difficult to tame thoroughly bodies and short tails. They are tree- climbers, and as omnivorous as the badger itself. The CAPE ZORILLA, with another species found in Egypt, is more nearly allied to the polecats, but is striped like a skunk. The EUROPEAN BADGER is still fairly numerous. There is not a county in England where it is not found. A large colony has been established in Epping Forest, some fifty yards square of hillside being honeycombed with badger-earths. The European badger is found all over temperate Northern Europe and Asia ; but being shy, wary, and mainly nocturnal, is seldom seen. At night it wanders about, and in August gets into the corn-fields, whence it is chased and caught by dogs. A Somersetshire farmer had a pointer and sheep-dog which were adepts at this night catching of badgers. They would accompany their master along the roads, and the pointer instantly winded any badger which had crossed. Both dogs then bounded off, and soon their loud barking showed that they had found and " held up " the badger. The dogs' owner then came up, picked the badger up by its tail, and dropped it in a sack. The badger's " earth " is wonderfully deep and winding ; in it the badger sleeps during the winter, and gives birth to its young, three or four of which are produced at a time. The end of March is the period of birth, but the cubs do not come out until June. In October they are full-grown. The badger carries in a great quantity of fern and grass as a bed for its cubs. Mr. Trevor-Battye writes : " I had a pair which were probably about six weeks old. They were called Gripper and Nancy. They would rest on my lap when feeding, and sit up and beg like dogs. Their hearing and power of scent were remarkable. The badgers were in a closed yard ; but if any of the dogs came near, even following a path which ran at a distance of six or seven yards, they would instantly jump off my lap and disappear into a corner. The animals could walk and trot backwards with the greatest ease." I have never seen this noticed elsewhere, yet it is worth mentioning, because it is characteristic of the Weasel Family, not being shared, to my knowledge, by any other mammal not, for instance, by the Bears. Mr. A. E. Pease says of the badger : " It is easily domesticated, and if brought up by hand is found an interesting and charming companion. I had at one time two that I could do any- thing with, and which followed me so closely that they would bump against my boots each step I took, and come and snuggle in under my coat when I sat down." THE RATELS. As the mink is adapted for an aquatic diet, so the RATELS, a link between the Weasels and the Badgers, seem to have been specialised to live upon insects and honey as well as flesh. They are quaint creatures, with rounded iron-gray backs, and black bellies, noses, and feet. The African kind is found in Cape Colony and East Africa, and is believed to live largely on honey and bee-brood. The habits of the ratel are almost identical with those of the badger, except that it is less shy and very restless. A nearly similar species of ratel is found in Southern Asia from the Caspian to India. THE SMALLER CARNIVORA The ratels are strictly nocturnal, and make their lair by day in hollow trees, though they are said not to climb. The skin is protected by thick, close hair, so that bees cannot sting through the fur. The skin is also very loose. If a dog bites it, the ratel can generally twist round and bite back. The African ratel is omnivorous. It eats snakes and birds. The body of a cobra has been found in the stomach of one. THE WEASEL TRIBE. No animals are more bloodthirsty and carnivorous than most of the Weasel Tribe. They are also well equipped both in actual weapons and in activity of body, and have powers quite out of proportion to their size. They are also gifted with magnificent coats, and constitute the most valuable source of choice furs. Sable, Marten, Mink, Wolverine, Ermine, Otters, and several others are among the most highly prized. Their claws are sharp, but not retractile. It is indeed fortunate that these creatures are so small in size, otherwise they would be among the greatest enemies of animal life. As things are, they are useful in keeping down the numbers of creatures which, like field-mice, moles, rabbits, and rats, might, and occasionally do, become a pest. THE MARTENS. There are two species of marten in Europe the BEECH- and the PINE-MARTEN. The latter has a yellow throat, the former a white one. The fur is almost as fine as sable. All so-called Canadian sables are really martens. These animals are found throughout Northern Europe and Northern Asia, in Japan, and all over Northern America. In Scotland the pine-marten survives in the pine forests ; also in Ireland, where it is occasionally killed on the Wicklow Mountains, near Dublin, and on the Mourne Mountains. It is believed to remain in Cumberland, Devon- shire, and possibly in parts of Wales. It is a tree-loving animal, and feeds mainly on squirrels, which it pursues through the branches. It is also fond of fruit. Mr. Charles St. John discovered this in a curious way. He noticed that his raspberries were being stolen, so set a trap among the canes. Next day all he could see was a heap of newly gathered raspberry leaves where the trap was. Stooping down to move them, a marten sprang up and tried to defend itself. The poor beast had come to gather more raspberries, and had been caught. Unable to escape, it gathered the leaves near and concealed itself. THE SABLE. This is so little different from the marten that some have thought it only a northern variety. That is not the case, as both are found in the same area, and no one who knows anything of form and colour could mistake the true sable's fur. This fur is so fine and even that each single hair tapers gradually to a point : that is why sable brushes for painting are so valuable ; they always form a point when wet. The price of these brushes, which are of genuine sable fur, though made up from fragments of the worst coloured or dam- aged skins, varies yearly with the price of sable in the market. Phtti by A. S. Rutland V Sent RATEL Ratels are curioutly restless little animals, -with a peculiar trot-like walk 132 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD THE MINK. Ladies are very familiar with the fur of the MINK, which is one of the best of the less expen- sive varieties ; it is not glossy as marten or sable, and of a lighter and more uniform brown. The mink is a water-haunting polecat, found in Siberia, North America, and Japan. Its mair home is in North America, where the immense system of lakes and rivers gives scope for it aquatic habits. The under-fur is particularly warm and thick, to keep out the cold of the watt in which the animal spends more time than on land. It is not stated to catch fish, as does otter, in the water ; but it lives on frogs, crayfish, mussels, and dead or stranded fish. Mini have been kept in confinement and regularly bred in " minkeries," as is the blue fox, and it Manchuria the chow dog, for the sake of its fur. THE POLECAT. This is now probably the rarest of the British weasels. It is almost identically the same the polecat-ferret, a cross-breed between it and the domesticated variety. It survives in a few of the great woodlands of the Midlands and of Oxfordshire, in Scotland, and Wales. It is found Cumberland, near Bowness, and on Exmoor and Dartmoor where rabbits abound. It is an expert swimmer. Its habits are the same as those of the stoat, but it is slower in its movements. It catches fish, and can pick up food from the bottom of the water. Wild ones can be trained to work like ferrets. " They do not delay in the hole, but follow the rat out and catch it in a couple of bounds " (Trevor-Battye). The FERRET is a domesticated br^ed of polecat. It is identical in shape and habits, but unable to stand the cold of our climate in the open. trmiuhn of ttrty Leigh Pemkerton, Esq. PINE-MARTEN Pine-martens have most beautiful fur, and for that reason are much hunted in America THE SMALLER CARNIVORA By ftrminitn of Perty Ltigh Pimbtrttn, Etq. POLECAT THE WEASEL. The smallest, fiercest, and commonest of its race, the little WEASEL is by no means the least formidable to other animals of the carnivora of our country. It is cinnamon- coloured, with a white throat and belly, and climbs as neatly as a cat, running up vertical boughs with almost greater facility. A weasel in a high hedge will run the whole length of the fence, from twig to twig, without descending; it threads the galleries of the field-mice, sucks the eggs of small birds in their nests, and attacks rats, mice, rabbits, and even such large birds as grouse without fear or hesitation. During a great plague of field-voles in the Lowlands of Scotland in the years 1890 and 1891 the weasels increased enormously. A shepherd took the trouble to follow a weasel down a hollow drain in the vole-infested hillside ; he found the bodies of no less than thirteen field-mice, which the weasel had amused itself by kill- ing. In winter weasels hunt the corn-stacks for mice, and often make a home among the sheaves. One was seen chasing a vole by Mr. Trevor-Battye, who picked up the vole, which the weasel was just about to jump up for, when he threw it into the hedge. There the weasel pounced on it and carried it off! The main food of the weasel is the field-mouse and small voles. Weasels are very devoted to their young ; they will pick them up and carry them off as a cat does a kitten, if the nest is in danger. Their hunting shows great marks of cunning. One was seen in a field in which a number of corn-buntings were fly- ing about, alighting on thistles. The weasel went and hid under one of the tallest thistles, on which a bunt- ing soon alighted ; an instant after it sprang up and caught and killed the bird. THE STOAT, OR ERMINE. This is the commonest and most widely distributed of all the Weasel Tribe. In winter the fur turns to pure white in the northern countries, and occasionally in Southern England. It is then known as the ERMINE, and yields the ermine fur. In every country where it is found it is the p *'" *' A - s - * udland * s>nt deadly foe of all small animals, from HIMALAYAN WEASEL the hare tO the smallest field-mice. They are fierce, and absolutely fearless -when in pursuit of game THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD COMMON STOAT In summer coat In winter coat These photographs shoio the stoat (or ermine, as it is often called) in its summer and winter coats. This animal gives us the "well-known ermine fur It has the same passion for killing for killing's sake shared by the ferret. If a stoat finds a rabbit's nest, for instance, it always murders all the young ones. These creatures sometimes contrive to hunt in packs, or to migrate in society. They are very fond of their young, which they lay up in old crows' nests, holes in banks, or straw-stacks. They have often been seen to carry them out of danger in their mouths. The length of the head and body is 10^ inches, and of the tail 6 l /z inches. The young are usually from five to eight in number, and are born in April or May. They soon move into the long standing-grass, and remain there till it is cut. After that they move to the woods and covers, and great numbers are trapped. If not, they attack the young pheasants, and do great damage. They can climb well, and are known, as is the polecat, to ascend trees and kill birds on their nests. They also suck eggs. Forty-two pheasants' eggs were taken by Mr. de Winton from one stoat's hole. THE GLUTTON, OR WOLVERINE. This largest and most destructive of all the Weasel Tribe is found all round the northern edge of the Arctic Circle, from Norway to Hudson Bay. It is a large heavy animal, with a short head, sharp claws, long thick fur, and a clumsy gait. Its tusks are very long and sharp ; and its appetite, if not so insatiable as the old travelers were told, is sharp enough to keep it always hunting. It follows the fur- trappers in the woods, and, being very cunning, breaks in at the back of their fall-traps, and robs the baits or the prey caught. When Lord Milton and Dr. Cheadle made the Northwest Passage by land, they lost nearly all their furs in this way. Once, having trapped a valuable silver fox, the only one caught by them, they found nothing but shreds of fur left by the glutton. As the marten-hunters' line of traps is perhaps fifty or sixty miles long, the loss and damage caused by the glutton is most GLUTTON mortifying. This animal can A cunning, destructive animal, which follows, the trappers and robs them of the animals taken Only be Caught in StCCJ that with great difficulty. Photo bj A. 6'. Kudland & Soni in the traps firminun of tht ttiio fart Zoological Suittf CALIFORNIAN SEA-LIONS, OR EARED SEALS Stal-Aerdiform " rix>/ierie* " when on land at the breeding-season^ during which date they undergo a complex fast '35 CHAPTER VIII. Photo by G. W. Wilion & Co., ltd.] \_Abtraetn STELLER'S SEA-LION The eared seal, or sea-lion^ has the hind flippers divided, and is thus able to move "with com- parative ease on land MARINE CARNIVORA: THE SEALS, SEA-LION, AND WALRUS. THERE are three families of the Sea Carnivora, the Fur-seals, or Eared Seals ; the Walrus; and the True or Earless Seals. The first group, which are called EARED SEALS, and occasionally SEA-LIONS and SEA-BEARS, have a small outer ear, and when on land the hind flippers are folded for- wards beneath the body. There is a distinct neck, and on the flippers are rudiment- ary claws. Some of the eared seals have the close and fine under-fur which makes their capture so remunerative. Under the skin there is often a thick layer of blubber, which is also turned to commercial uses by the sealers. The WALRUS stands by itself. It is a purely Arctic species, whereas fur-seals are found from Bering Sea to the Antarctic ; and forms in some degree a connecting link between the eared seals and the true seals. Like the former, it turns the front flippers forwards and inwards when on land ; but it resembles the true seals in having no external ears. The upper canine teeth are developed into enormous tusks of hard ivory. The COMMON SEALS are the most thoroughly aquatic. The hind flippers seem almost to have coalesced with the tail, and are always directed backwards in line with it. They have no under-fur. On land they can only use the front flippers to aid their progress. Most seals are marine, though some are found in the land-locked sea of Lake Baikal, in Central Asia, and the true seals often come up rivers. THE EARED SEALS, OR SEA-LIONS. These and the walrus have their hind limbs so far free that they can crawl on land and their flippers for other purposes than swimming ; they can comb their hair with them, and walk in an awkward way. They are divided into the fur-seals and hair-seals in the language of trade. The fur-seals are those from which ladies' sealskin jackets are made ; the hair-seals are sought for their hides and oil. A demand has sprung up for the latter to make coats for automobilists to wear when riding at high speed in cold weather. The " porpoise-hide" boots are really made from the skin of the hair-seal. Both hair-seals and fur-seals have in common the remarkable habit of assembling in large 136 MARINE CARNIVORA 137 herds during the breeding-season, and of spending a long period on land after the young are born. The male seals reach the islands, or " rookeries," first, followed by the females. The latter give birth to their young almost as soon as they reach the rocks, and are then seized and gathered into harems by the strongest and oldest males. The sea-lions of Patagonia, equally with the fur-seals of Bering Sea and the Pribyloff Islands, never feed during the whole time which they spend on the rocks, often for a period of two months. THE FUR-SEALS. The NORTHERN FUR-SEAL is the only member of this group surviving in any number. These animals still annually resort to the Aleutian Islands, in the territory of Alaska, in great herds to produce their young, and to certain other islets off the coast of Japan. This northern fur-seal, from the fur of which the sealskin jackets are obtained, is, when full grown, between 6 and 7 feet long. The females are only 4 feet or 4^ feet in length. The shoulder of the male is gray, the rest of the body varying between reddish gray and deep black. The female is lighter in colour. Males of this species are not full grown till six years of age, but breed when four years old. The females produce young at three years of age. The male seals take possession of the females almost immediately after reaching the breeding grounds, each male collecting as many females as it can round it The pups keep with their mothers. This assemblage is surrounded by great numbers of young male or bachelor seals, which the old males prevent from annexing any of the females. The greatest of all these gathering-places are on the Pribyloff Islands and certain other islets in Bering Sea. By the end of May both male and female seals swim in flocks through Bering Straits, making for the islands. The islands themselves are leased to American merchants. But as those seals killed on the way are all just about to bring forth young, the waste and cruelty of this " pelagic sealing " will be easily understood. On the islands, or " rookeries," the males, mothers, and pups remain till August, when the pups take to the water. The male seals have remained for at least two months, incessantly fighting and watching, without taking any food. By that time they are quite exhausted, the fat which they laid up previously being all absorbed. The fur has not naturally either the colour or texture fhttt by G. W. Wllitn V Cc., Ltd.} \Aktrdttn SEA-LION Tkit photograph shows the dry mane of the tea-lion, a rather uncommon sight, as it rarely remains long enough out of the "water for its fur to become absolutely dry 138 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD which art gives it. The outer fur is long and coarse, and only the inner fur of the exquisite texture of the " made " skin. The former is removed, and the latter dyed to the rich brown colour which we see. The fur- seals are steadily diminishing, and each year's catch is smaller than that of the year before. The CAPE FUR-SEAL, SOUTHERN FUR-SEAL, and NEW ZEALAND FUR-SEAL are practically extinct for commercial purposes. THE HAIR-SEALS. Among these are the large so-called " sea-lions." of Patagonia and the North Pacific. We are familiar with their appearance, because for many years speci- mens have been kept at the Zoological Gardens. Their habits are much the same as those of the fur-seals. The principal species are, in the north, STELLER'S SEA-LION, and the PATAGONIAN SEA-LION in the south. Those kept at the Zoological Gardens are usually of the latter species. STELLER'S SEA-LION is already on the road to extinction. When the annual catch of fur-seals reached 100,000 a year, the total number of these northern sea-lions was estimated at between 30,000 and 40,000. They repair every year to the Pribyloff Islands to breed, as the fur-seals do, but are shier and more entirely aquatic. The fur of the old males is tawny, and makes a kind of mane over the shoulders, whence its name. Off San Francisco there is a small rocky island, one of the ancient " rookeries " of these sea-lions, where they are carefully preserved by the United States Government as one of the sights of the bay. Another favourite haunt in old days was on the Farralone Islands, thirty miles from the bay. Southwards, towards the Antarctic, on the desolate and uninhabited coasts and islets of the Far Southern Ocean, the most characteristic of the fauna still remaining are the sea-lions. For- merly they swarmed in great packs, crowding at the breeding-season the seaweed-covered rocks with their huge and unwieldy forms, and at other times cruising in uncouth and noisy companies in search of the fishes and squids, which they pursued like packs of ocean-wolves. In spring the sea-lions used to struggle on to the flat shore, where the equally aquatic tribes of penguins, which had lost the use of their wings, covered acre after acre of rock with their eggs and young. These the sea-lions devoured. When the men of the first exploring-ships visited the penguins' nurseries, all the ungainly birds began to hop inland, evidently taking the men for seals, and thinking it best to draw them as far from their native element as possible. But the eared seals can make good progress of a kind on land. When Captain Musgrave and his crew were cast away for twenty months on the Auckland Islands, they found their tracks on the top of a hill four miles from the water. Captain Musgrave also saw the mother seals teaching their puppies to swim ; they were by no means inclined to do this, and were afraid of the water fairly clear presumptive evidence that seals have only recently, so far as natural time is counted, taken to the aquatic life, and modified their form so profoundly as they have. The PATAGONIAN SEA-LION is perhaps the most numerous species, though its numbers have \iislon of Professor Bumpus] [New Tort SEA-LION All sea-lions are polygamous. The males guard their harems very jealously; and fight determinedly ivith any intruder MARINE CARNIVORA 139 been greatly reduced by whalers in search of skins and oil. The first sea-lion ever brought here was one of these. The Zoological Society did not import it; they found it in the pos- session of a Frenchman called Lecomte, who had taken it on the Patagonian coast, trained it, and brought it home, where he showed it in a caravan. Its training was long and difficult ; it bit like a bull-dog, and Lecomte's limbs were scarred all over with its bites. In spite of this it was the cleverest performing animal ever seen up to that time in England. This sea-lion died from swal- lowing a fish-hook concealed in some fish with which it was fed. Lecomte was then sent out by the Zoological Society to obtain some more. With the greatest difficulty several were secured, but all died on the voyage to New York. Lecomte returned and obtained others, one of which he succeeded in bringing here. The cleverness of these animals or rather their power of understanding what they are required to do, and their willingness to do it probably exceeds that of any other animal, except the elephant and the dog. Why this is so is not easy to conjecture, except that the brain is more developed. They have been taught to fetch and carry on dry land like a retriever, in addition to the well-known tricks exhibited by those at the Zoo. One be- longing to Barnum's Show caught strawberry-punnets on its nose when they were thrown to it, and waved a torch, which it held in its teeth and caught after tossing it into the air. The sea-lions are much more powerful animals than the fur-seals. The male of Steller's sea- lion attains a length of 10 feet and a weight of 1,000 Ibs. The AUSTRALIAN SEA-LION is even larger than that of the North Pacific. Some specimens are said to attain 12 feet in length. Cap- tain Cook mentions seeing male Patagonian sea-lions 14 feet long and from 8 to 10 feet in cir- cumference. Though none are now seen of such dimensions, skulls found on the beach show that anciently some of the sea-lions were larger than any now known. It should be noted that all these creatures are carnivorous, yet the supply of food for them never seems to fail, as undoubtedly it would were the animals dependent for their food on land. B) fermiiiion of Herr Carl Haginbtct] FEMALE WALRUS This is a photograph of the only -walrus -which has ever been tamed and taught to perform tricks. It -was taken "when she -was Pwo years old and -weighed 380 Ibs. At that time she consumed JO Ibs. of boneless fish a day } a year later not less than too Ibs. satisfied htr. She is now an inmate of the Roumanian Zoological Gardens 140 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD By firminion cf the Htn. Walter Rothschild} [Tring MALE WALRUS The " tusks" of the "walrus art put to many practical uses during fife, and after death are much valued for the ivory THE WALRUS. The distinguishing features of the walrus have been mentioned in the introductory re- marks to this chapter. It should be added that it has an external ear-passage, though no external ears, and very thick and bristly whis- kers. It is practically confined to the Arctic Circle, though once its range extended to the British coasts (where its bones are found in the Suffolk Crag) and to Virginia. The skull of one was found in the peat at Ely evidence that it once ascended rivers. The walrus stands alone ; it is a real mon- ster of the deep. Strange and awful stories were told of it by some of the early voyagers to the Arctic Seas ; but Captain Cook gave a very different account of his impressions of the walruses which he saw on the north coast of America : " They lie in herds of many hundreds on the ice, huddling over one another like swine. (They lie just like a lot of pigs in a yard.) They roar and bray so very loud, that in the night, or in foggy weather, they gave us notice of the vicinity of the ice before we could see it. We never found the whole herd asleep, some being always on the watch These, on the approach of the boat, would awaken those next to them ; and the alarm being thus gradually communicated, the whole herd would awake presently. But they were seldom in a hurry to get away, till after they had been once fired at ; they then would tumble over one another into the sea in the utmost con- fusion They did not appear to us to be that dangerous animal which authors have described, not even when attacked. Vast numbers of them would follow us, and come close up to the boats ; but the flash of the musket in the pan, or the bare pointing of it, would send them down in an instant. The female will defend her young to the last, and at the expense of her own life, whether in the water or upon the ice ; nor will the young one quit the dam, though she be dead ; so that if one be killed the other is certain prey." The long pendent tusks, bristly whiskers, small bloodshot eyes, and great size lent colour to the terrifying tales of the walrus. But more ancient voyagers than Captain Cook told the truth that the " morses," as they called them, were harmless creatures, which often followed the ships from sheer curiosity. They sleep on the ice like elephantine pigs, and dive and rout on the sea-bottom for clams, cuttle-fish, and seaweeds. Probably the long tusks are used to rake up mussels and clams ; they also help the walrus to climb on to the ice. A young walrus was kept for some time by the members of the Jackson- Harmsworth Expedition, and was found to be an amusing pet. One kept on board a Dundee whaler used to sleep with an Eskimo dog, and got into the same kennel with it. It ate blubber and salt pork, but liked the sailors' pea soup better than anything else ; it was most sociable, and could not bear to be alone would tumble down the hatchway to seek the society of its beloved sailors, and scramble into the cabin if the door were open. When it fell ill and before it died, it seemed most grateful for any attention shown to it. The parent walrus shows the greatest cour- age in trying to defend the young one. Walruses are now scarce ; but as the ivory is the only part of them of much present value, there is a chance that they may not be killed off entirely. THE TRUE SEALS. The TRUE SEALS, with their greatly modified forms, heads set almost on to their shoulders, with no neck visible, have well-developed claws on all the toes, and in the typical species have double-rooted and small cheek teeth. The number of the incisors is variable. The GRAY SEAL of the North Atlantic is a large species which visits the North British coasts and the Hebrides. MARINE CARNIVORA 141 One old male shot off the coast of Connemara weighed nearly 400 Ibs., and was 8 feet long. It is found off Scandinavia and eastwards to the coast of Greenland, and breeds off our coasts in October and November. This is the large seal occasionally shot up Scotch lochs. Its colour is yellowish gray, varied with blots and patches of dirty black and brown. THE COMMON SEAL. This seal is smaller than the preceding. It breeds on parts of the Welsh and Cornish coasts, and is found on both sides of the Atlantic and in the North Pacific. It assembles in small herds, and frequents lochs, estuaries, and river mouths. In the summer it is fond of following flounders and sea-trout up rivers. A few years ago one came up the Thames and was shot at Richmond. The young are born in June, and are grayish white. The adults are variously mottled with gray, brown, and black. The fondness of seals for music is proverbial. Macgillivray, the Scotch naturalist, said that in the Hebrides he could bring half a score of them within forty yards of him by a few notes on his flute, when they would swim about with their heads above water like so many black dogs. A seal was captured by the servants of a landowner near Clew Bay, on the west coast of Ireland, and kept tame for four years. It became so attached to the house that, after being carried out to sea three times, it returned on each occasion. The cruel wretches who owned it then blinded it, out of curiosity to see whether it could find its way back sightless. The poor animal did so after eight days. The common seal is still fairly numerous on the rocky western coasts of the British islands, though a few old seals, unable to forget their early habits, appear now and then in Morecambe Bay and in the Solway. It is not uncommon off the coasts of Caithness and Sutherland. It also frequents a sand-bank in the Dornoch Firth, though it has been much persecuted there. The common seal is gregarious, while the gray seal usually lives only in pairs, or at most in small com- panies. Two or three dozen like to lie closely packed on shore with all their heads turning seawards. The white hair of the young seals which, as already said, are bora in June is shed in a day or two, when the young take to the water. With regard to their reputed mu- sical proclivities, some experi- ments made at the Zoological Gardens did not bear out this belief; but there is much evi- dence that in a state of nature they will approach and listen to music. The common seal has a large brain capacity, and is a very intelligent creature. The upper parts of this seal are yellowish gray, spotted with black and brown, the under parts being silver-gray. ~,, f, A . By firmiinin of Htrr Carl Hagtntttt] (Hamburg The HARP-SEAL is an Arctic WALRUS AND SEA-LION or ice-seal which sometimes finds Another photograph oftke Wfl/rw tamed by Herr Carl Hagenbeck . Notice the _# fa itS Way here. The young are born the right-hand corner^ -which alto formed one of the tame performing troupe 142 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD Photo b) York and Son] [Netting Hill GRAY SEAL itals are not so ivell adapted as sea-lions for getting about on the dry land, and, except for their habit of coming ashore to bask in the sun, are thoroughly aquatic on ice-floes. It is found in great herds in Davis Straits, on the coasts of Greenland and in the greater part of the frozen Arctic Ocean. It is the animal which the sealing-vessels which hunt seals for oil and " hair " that is, the leather of the skins, not the fur seek and destroy. In the old days they could be seen in tens of thousands blackening square miles of ice. They are still so numerous that in Danish Green- land more than 30,000 are taken each year. The RINGED SEAL is a small variety, not more than 3 or 4 feet in length, found in great numbers in the Far North. Its flesh is the main food of the Eskimo, and its skin the clothing of the Greenlanders. The seals make breathing-holes in the ice. There the Eskimo waits with uplifted spear for hours at a time, until the seal comes up to breathe, when it is harpooned. The BLADDER-NOSED SEAL is a large spotted variety, with a curious bladder-like crest on the head and nose of the male. Unlike all other seals, it some- times resists the hunters and attacks the Eskimo in their kayaks. If any evidence were needed of the great destruction which the sealing and whaling industry causes, and has caused, among the large marine animals, the case of the ELEPHANT-SEALS ought to carry conviction. These are very large seals, the male of which has a projecting nose like a proboscis. They were formerly found both north and south of the Equator, their main haunts being on the coast of California, and on the islands of the South Pacific and Antarctic Ocean. They are gigantic compared with the common seals, some of the males being from 16 to 20 feet long. Cuttle-fish and seaweed are the principal food of this seal, which was formerly seen in astonishing numbers. The whaling-ships which hunted both these seals and sperm- whales at the same time almost destroyed those which bred on the more accessible coasts, just as the earlier whalers entirely destroyed Steller's sea-cow, and their modern descendants destroyed the southern right-whales. The elephant-seal is now very scarce, and when one is killed the skin is regarded as something of a curiosity. In the records of the voyage of the Challenger it is stated that there were still great numbers of the elephant-seals surviving near Heard Island, and not a few round the shores of Kerguelen Island. Professor Moseley states that on the windward shore of Heard Island " there is an extensive beach, called Long Beach. This was covered with thousands of sea-elephants in the breeding-season ; but it is only accessible by land, and then only by crossing two glaciers. No boat can safely land on this shore; consequently men are stationed on the beach, and live there in huts. Their duty is constantly to drive the sea-elephants from this beach into the sea, which they do with whips made out of the hides of the seals themselves. The beasts thus ousted swim off, and often ' haul up,' as the term is, upon the accessible beach beyond. In very stormy weather, when they are driven into the sea, they are forced to betake themselves to the sheltered side of the island. Two or three old males, which are called < beach-masters,' hold a beach for themselves and cover it with cows, but allow no other males to haul up. They fight furiously, and one man told me that he had seen an old male take a young one up in his teeth and throw him over, lifting him in the air. The males show fight when whipped, and are with Photo bf J. f. McLiUan] GREY SEAL Note the difference bet-ween the *ar, and the lea-lion', hind JJipper,. When on land, ,he teal advance, by a jumping movement, produced by the muulet of the body, assisted far-ward by the front ftppert 143 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD great difficulty driven into the sea. The females give birth to their young soon after their arrival. The new-born young ones are almost black, unlike the adults, which are of a light slate- brown. They are suckled by the female for some time, and then left to themselves, lying on the beach, where they seem to grow fat without further feeding. They are always allowed by the sealers to lie like this, ' in order to make more oil.' This account was corroborated by all the sealers I met, but I do not understand it. Probably the cows visit their offspring unobserved from time to time. Peron says that both parent elephant-seals stay with the young without taking any food at all till the latter are about six or seven weeks old, and that the old ones conduct the young to the water and carefully keep them company. The rapid increase in v/eight is in accordance with Peron's account. Goodridge gives a somewhat different story namely, that after the females leave the young the old males and the pups proceed inland, as far as two miles sometimes, and stop without food for more than a month, during which time they lose fat. The male sea-elephants come ashore for the purpose of breeding about the middle of August, the females a little later." Formerly the elephant-seals were found as far north as the Californian coast, where their capture was the main business of the sealing-traders. This species also formed the mainstay of the far southern sealers. As the elephant-seals were killed off, so the business became less and less profitable. It is to be hoped that the voyages of exploration to the Antarctic ice-fringe will not lead to the discovery of fresh sealing-grounds, for if this is the case there is little chance that any of the southern seals will escape entire destruction. Some form of close time has already been enforced in the pursuit of the hair-seals of Northern Europe ; but it is very desirable that the species still found on our own coasts should also receive protection. Except when they paid visits to the fixed salmon-nets, they never did any harm ; and fixed nets are now illegal. When a seal learned the use of the stake-nets, which these animals were very quick to understand, it would wait quietly till it saw a fish caught, and then swim up and carry it off before the fisher- men could take it. Two species namely, the COMMON SEAL and GRAY SEAL still regularly visit our shores. The common seal breeds on our southwestern coasts, and the gray seal off the Hebrides. If the common seal were accorded a close time, its numbers would probably increase ; and the spectacle of such interesting creatures visible on our coast could not fail to be of great interest. All the old legends of mermaids and wild men of the sea are based on the capture of seals. Perhaps the most ancient is one which records such a capture in the river near Orford Castle, in Suffolk, in the reign of Henry II. The ignorant soldiers were persuaded that it was a man, and tortured it to make it speak. They then took it to the church, and showed it the sacred emblems. As it " showed no reverence," they took it back to the castle, and fed it on fish. It was al- lowed to go into the river, but re- turned to its captors of its own accord. Later it swam away to the sea. The monk who recorded the story stated his conviction that this seal was an evil spirit which had got into the body of a drowned sailor. A gray seal was taken not many years ago in the creek leading up to the little town of Wells, in Norfolk. It was so tame BJftrmlllhn of the Han. Walter Rothschild] [.Tring HARP-SEAL that the fishermen caught it by tnrow- The harp-seal comes from Greenland ing coats over it as it lay on the mud. Br ftrmusicn tftht Hen. Walnr LTrlng SEA-ELEPHANT These enormous seals ( about 20 feet in length ) are becoming very tcarce. When they come ashore, they are easily approached, though not so easily killed. They are much valued for their oil. Nott the trunk-like prolongation of the nose, -which, when the animal it excited, becomes distended 145 CHAPTER IX. THE RODENTS, OR GNAWING ANIMALS. T HE Rodents, or Gnawing Mammals, have all the same general type of teeth, from which the order receives its distinctive name. There are a very large number of families and of genera among the rodents, more than in any other order of mammals. All the rodents possess a pair of long chisel-shaped in- cisor teeth in each jaw. The ends of these teeth are worn into a sharp edge which cuts like a steel tool. In most rodents these are the only teeth in that part of the jaw, a wide gap intervening between them and the other teeth. The hares, rabbits, and calling-hares have a minute pair of teeth set just behind the large pair in the upper jaw. The grinding-teeth are set far back, and are never more than six in number, these being sometimes reduced to four. Rodents generally have five toes on the fore feet ; in the hind feet there are in some cases only four, or even three. None of the species are of great size ; the largest, the CAPYBARA, \ water-living animal of South America, is about the dimensions of a small pig. But the number of species of small rodents is prodigious, and their fecundity so great that they constantly increase in favourable seasons until they become a plague. Voles, lem- m i n g s , field-mice, and rabbits are constant sources of loss to agriculture in their seasons of extraordinary increase. Most rodents feed on vegetables, though rats and mice have developed carniv- orous tastes. No rodents have canine teeth. THE SQUIRRELS. Those of the order of Gnawing Animals which have only two incisors in each jaw, and no rudimentary teeth like those possessed by the hares, are called " Simple-toothed Rodents." Of these the family usually placed first in order is that of the SQUIRRELS and their allies. The True Squirrels and Marmots have five molar teeth on each side of the upper jaw. Squirrels are found in nearly every temperate part of the globe, from Norway to Japan, and in very great numbers in India and the tropics. Everywhere they are favourites ; 146 Photo by W. P. Dando] CAPYBARA TAii t the largest of the rodents, is found by the rivers of South America By fermission of Professor Bumpus, New T FLYING-SQJJIRREL One of the small species of the group THE RODENTS, OR GNAWING ANIMALS 147 and though they do some mischief in highly cultivated countries, they are among the most harmless of crea- tures. Most of them live on wild nuts and the kernels of fruit ; they suck eggs occa- sionally, and in Canada will come to the traps in ex- treme cold and eat the meat with which they are baited. THE RED SQUIRREL. This, the common squirrel here, is representative of the whole order. In old Scandi- navian legends the squirrel is represented as the mes- senger of the gods, who car- ried the news of what was going on in the world to the other animals. Together with its close relations, it is the most graceful of all climbers of trees. With its long tail waving behind it, it races up or down the trunks and across the for- ests from branch to branch as easily as a horse gallops across a plain. It will de- scend the trunk head down- wards as fast as it runs up. Squirrels pair for life, and are most affectionate little creatures, always playing or doing gymnastics together. The squirrel builds a very good house, in which he shows himself far more sensible than the monkeys and apes ; it is made of leaves, moss, and sticks. The sticks come first as a platform ; then this is carpeted, and a roof put on. No one who has seen com- mon squirrels at work house-building has ever described exactly how they do it ; it is the best nest made by any mammal, thoroughly well fitted together and waterproof. In this nest the young squirrels are born in the month of June ; that year they keep with the parents, and do not " set up for themselves " till the next spring. The red colour is very persistent in squirrels. One Chinese Variety, black and red, has even bright red teeth. In cold countries the red squirrels make stores of food, but spend much of the winter asleep. It is a great pity that in England no ones tries to tame the squirrels as they do in America; there they are the greatest ornament of the parks of cities, coming down to be fed as tamely as our sparrows. The writer has known one instance in which a lady induced wild squirrels to pay daily visits to her bedroom for food ; they used to climb up the ivy and jump in at the open window. The great enemies of squirrels near houses are the cats, which kill all the young ones Photo hy A. S. Rutland if Sent FLYING-SQJJIRREL The large flying-squirrels are mainly nocturnal. They can leap a distance 0/40 feet with the aid of the parachutes of skin stretching from the fore to the hind limbs 148 THE LIVING ANIMALS OF THE WORLD when they first come down from the trees. In a garden in the country a pair of squirrels had a family every summer five years, but none ever sur- vived the cats' persistent at- tacks. These squirrels were most amusing and improvi- dent. They used to hide horse-chestnuts, small pota- toes, kernels of stone fruit, bulbs of crocuses, and other treasures in all kinds of places, and then forget them. After deep snows they might be seen scampering about looking into every hole and crevice to see whether that happened to be the place where they had hid- [Regent's Park