THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID THE PHYSIOLOGY^*- OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS A TEXT-BOOK FOR VETERINARY AND MEDICAL STUDENTS AND PRACTITIONERS. BY ROBERT MEADE SMITH, A.M., M.D., PROFESSOR OF COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA FELLOW OF THE - COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND . ACADEMY OF THE NATURAL SCIENCES, PHILADELPHIA; OF THE AMERICAN PHYSIOLOGICAL SOCIETY; OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF NATURALISTS; ASSOCIE ETRANGER DE LA SOCIETE FRANCAISE D' HYGIENE, ETC. WITH OVER 400 ILLUSTRATIONS. PHILADELPHIA AND LONDON : F. A. DAVIS, PUBLISHER 1890. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1889, by F. A. DAVIS, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C., U. S. All rights reserved. Philadelphia: The Medical Bulletin Printing House, 1231 Filbert Street. TO MY FRIEND AND TEACHER, CARL LUDWIG, IN HUMBLE RECOGNITION OF THE MANY FAVORS CONFERRED ON THE AUTHOR. M351840 PREFACE. IN lecturing in the Veterinary Department of the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania the author has found it a serious disad- vantage that the students are compelled to rely solely on the notes that they may be able to take during the lectures. While French students have access to the encyclopaedic work of Colin, and those familiar with the German language to the admirable works of Schmidt-Miilheim, Bruckmiiller, Munk, Ellenberger, Ghirlt, Thanhoffer, Miiller, and others, English- speaking students have absolutely no work to which they can turn to obtain any application of the laws of physiology to* the functions of the domestic animals. Commenced originally as outline notes for the author's own use in lecturing, this work has been published at the request of his students, in the hope that it may supply them with an exponent of the laws of modern physiology applied, as far as possible, to the functions of the domestic animals, and that a recognition of its shortcomings may stimulate inves- tigation of this much-neglected branch of physiology. It is surprising, in view of the ceaseless activity of physiological students throughout all the world, that more attention has not been devoted to the application of improved methods of research to the study of the functions of animals so important in the domestic economy. Unfortunately, investigators in this domain may almost be counted on the fingers, and the field which is yet untouched is almost unbounded. The author, therefore, has been compelled to assume that in many cases the laws of the physiology of man, which, to be sure, have been deduced from experiments (v) vi PREFACE. on animals, are applicable to the vital processes of the domestic animals. Modern physiology rests on the application through experimental research of the laws of physics and chemistry. The fundamental principles of these sciences in their relation to biology have been, therefore, discussed somewhat at length. Experience has taught that a comprehension of the laws of life in the higher mammals is best attained after a familiarization with the vital operation of lower forms. The first part of this book, therefore, deals with the general laws of life, while in the second part these principles are applied to the study of the vital operations in the domestic animals, the study of each function being introduced by a sketch of the mode of development of the mechanism by which that function, in passing from lower to higher forms, is accom- plished. As far as possible the author has acknowledged in the text his indebtedness to various authorities for the matter or manner of his subject, though references to publications, as tending to confuse the student, have been omitted. For illustrations the author is indebted to the liberality of the publisher, Mr. Davis, and to Messrs. Blakiston and H. C. Lea & Co., of Philadelphia ; Appleton, Win. Wood & Co., and Macmillan, of New York; Ferdinand Enke, Stuttgart; Engelmann and F. C. W. Vogel, Leipsic ; Paul Parey, Berlin ; W. Braumiiller, Vienna; Carl Winter, Heidelberg; Hachette & Cie, Bailliere & Fils, Asselin & Cie, Paris; Simpkin, Marshall & Co., London; Moritz Perles, Vienna, and Hirschwald, Berlin. ROBERT MEADE SMITH. PHILADELPHIA: 332 SOUTH TWENTY-FIRST STREET, January 3, 1889. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGK INTRODUCTION, 1 PART I. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY. THE PHYSIOLOGY OF ANIMAL CELLS. SECTION I. THE STRUCTURE OF ORGANIZED BODIES. I. THE GENERAL PROPERTIES OF CELLS, . . . . .12 II. THE ORIGIN OF CELLS, . .14 III. THE MODIFICATION IN THE FORM OF CELLS, .... 26 IT. THE DEVELOPMENT OF TISSUES AND ORGANS, . . , 31 SECTION II. CELLULAR PHYSICS. I. THE PHYSICAL PROCESSES IN CELLS, . . . ... 37 1. Cohesion, 38 ; 2. Adhesion, 40 ; 3. Capillarity, 40 ; 4. Solution, 43 ; 5. Imbibition, 44 ; 6. Filtration, 48 ; 7. Diffusion of Liquids, 49 ; 8. Osmosis, 51; 9. Diffusion of Gases, 56 ; 10. Absorption of Gases, 58. II. THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF THE TISSUES, . . . .61 1. Cohesion, 62 ; 2. Elasticity, 65 ; 3. Optical Characteristics, 68 ; 4. Electrical Phenomena, 70. III. MECHANICAL MOVEMENTS IN CELLS, .70 1. Motion Produced by Imbibition in Cells, 70 ; 2. Protoplasmic Move- ments, 72 ; (1) Movements in Protoplasmic Contents of Cells, 73 ; (2) Ciliary Movement, 77 ; (3) Movement in Specialized Contractile Tissues, 81. GENERAL CONDITIONS GOVERNING PROTOPLASMIC MOVEMENT, . 82 1. Temperature, 82; 2. Degree of Imbibition, 82; 3. The Supply of Oxygen, 83; 4. Various Chemical and Physical Agents, 84. (vii) Vlll TABLE OF CONTENTS, SECTION III. CELLULAK CHEMISTRY. I- PAGE THE CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS OF ORGANIZED BODIES, ... 85 A. NITROGENOUS ORGANIC CEL-CONSTITUENTS PROTEIDS AND THEIR DERIVATIVES, 88 Class I. Albumens, 92; (1) Serum-Albumen, 92; (2) Egg Albumen, 93; (3) Vegetable Albumens, 93. Class II. Globulins, 96 ; (1) Vitellin, 97; (2) Myosin, 97 ; (3) Para- globulin, 97 ; (4) Fibrinogen, 97; (5) Globulin or Crystallin, 97. Class III. Fibrins, 98. Class IV. Derived Albuminates, 98 ; (1) Acid Albumen, 98; (2) Alkali Albumen, 101. Class V. Coagulated Proteids, 102. Class VI. Amyloid Substance or Lardacein, 102. Class VII. Peptones, 103. ALBUMINOIDS, . . . . . 104 1. Mucin, 104; 2. Collagenous Albuminoids, 105; (a) Collagen, 106; (b) Gelatin, 106 ; (c) Chondrogen, 107 ; (d) Chondrin, 107 ; 3. Elastin, 108 ; 4. Keratin, 109. DECOMPOSITION OF ALBUMINOUS BODIES, . . *" . . .109 FERMENTS, '- V ' HO B. NON-NlTROGENOUS ORGANIC CELL-CONSTITUENTS, . . . . 112 I. CARBOHYDRATES, - . .. . .112 (a) Starches, 112; (1) Starch, 113; (2) Cellulose, 115; (3) Dextrin, 116 ; (4) Glycogen, 116 ; (5) Inulin, 116. (5) Glucoses, 117; (1) Grape-Sugar, 117; (2) Laevulose, 118; (3) Inosite, 118. (c) Saccharoses, 119 ; (1) Cane-Sugar, 119 ; (2) Maltose, 120; (3) Lac- tose, 120 ; (4) Arabin, 120. II. HYDROCARBONS OR FATS, 120 C. INORGANIC CELL-CONSTITUENTS, 123 1. Water, 124 ; 2. Sodium Chloride, 128 ; 3. Potassium Chloride, 129 ; 4. Sodium and Potassium Carbonates, 129; 5. Calcium Carbonate, 130; 6. Magnesium Carbonate, 130 ; 7. Alkaline Phosphates, 130 ; 8. Calcium Phosphate, 133 ; 9. Magnesium Phosphate, 134 ; 10. Sodium and Potassium Sulphates, 135 ; 11. Hydrochloric Acid, 135. II. THE CHEMICAL PROCESSES IN CELLS, 136 1. The Vegetable Cell, 137 ; 2. The Animal Cell, 142 ; 3. Fermenta- tions, 145 ; 4. The Consumption and Development of Force in Cells, 147. TABLE OF CONTENTS. IX PART II. SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. BOOK FIRST. THE NUTRITIVE FUNCTIONS. SECTION I. FOODS. PAGE I. VEGETABLE FOODS, 161 1, The Cereals, 163 ; 2. The Leguminous Plants, 173 ; 3. Bulbs and Roots, 174 ; 4. Grasses, 175. II. ANIMAL FOODS, ... V 188 1. Milk, 188 ; 2. Meat, 188. III. INORGANIC FOODS, . ..191 1. Water, 191 ; 2. Nutritive Salts, 192. IV. THE DIET OF ANIMALS, *-./-, 193 SECTION II. DIGESTION. I. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OP THE DIGESTIVE APPARATUS, . 203 IT. PREHENSION OF FOOD, . .226 1. Prehension of Solids, 226 ; 2. Prehension of Liquids, 236. III. MASTICATION, . 238 1. Movements of the Jaws, 241 ; 2. Action of the Teeth in Mastica- tion, 245 ; 3. Determination of Age by the Teeth, 255 ; 4. Action of Tongue, Lips, and Cheeks, 264. IV. DIGESTION IN THE MOUTH, . . . ..".. . , . 268 The Salivary Secretion, 268 ; 1. The Parotid Secretion, 274; 2. The Submaxillary Secretion, 279 ; 3. The Sublingual Secretion, 283 ; 4. General Characters of the Salivary Secretion, 284; 5. The Quantity of Saliva, 286 ; 6. The Physiological Role of the Saliva, 287 ; 7. The Mechanism of Salivary Secretion, 293. !_( V. DEGLUTITION, 307 VI. RUMINATION, . . . 316 VII. VOMITING, ^ 331 X TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE VIII. GASTRIC DIGESTION, 337 1. Chemistry of the Gastric Juice, 342 ; (a} Pepsin, 346 ; (5) Milk- Curdling Ferment, 347 ; (c) The Acid of Gastric Juice, 349 ; 2. The Action of Gastric Juice on the Food, 351 ; 3. The Secretion of Gastric Juice, 356 ; 4. Gastric Digestion in Carnivora, 360 ; 5. Gastric Digestion in Omnivora, 363 ; 6. Gastric Digestion in Soli- pecles, 368 ; 7. Gastric Digestion in Ruminants, 374 ; 8. Gastric Digestion in Birds, 379, IX. DIGESTION IN THE SMALL INTESTINE, 382 I. Bile, 382 ; 1. The Chemical Characteristics of the Bile, 383 ; (a) Mucin, 384; (6) The Bile Acids, 384; (c) The Coloring Matters of the Bile, 387 ; (d) Cholesterin, 389 ; O) The Inorganic Constitu- ents of the Bile, 390 ; 2. The Secretion of the Bile, 391 ; 3. The Physiological Action of the Bile, 393. II. The Pancreatic Secretion, 396 ; 1. The Chemical Composition of the Pancreatic Juice, 402; The Pancreatic Ferments, 404 ; 2. The Action of the Pancreatic Juice on Food-Stuffs, 405 ; (a) Action on Carbohydrates, 406 ; (&) Action on Fats, 406 ; (c) Action on Proteids, 408 ; 3. The Secretion of Pancreatic Juice, 412. III. The Intestinal Juice, 416. IV. Fermentative Processes in the Small Intestine, 418. V. Intestinal Digestion in Different Animals, 419. X. DIGESTION IN THE LARGE INTESTINE, . . , i .. 423 1. The Functions of the Caecum, 423 ; 2. The Functions of the Colon, 429. XI. THE COMPARATIVE DIGESTIBILITY OF DIFFERENT FOOD-STUFFS, 432 XII. THE COMPOSITION OF FAECES, . . , . . . . 445 XIII. THE MOVEMENTS OF THE INTESTINES, ..... 448 XIV. DEFECATION, . .'451 SECTION III. ABSORPTION, . 453 1. Venous Absorption, 453 ; 2. Absorption by the Lymphatics, 456. SECTION IV. THE CHYLE, . ' 459 SECTION V. THE LYMPH, .....;. 463 TABLE OF CONTENTS. JO. SECTION VI. PAGE THE BLOOD, . 469 1. The Red Blood-Corpuscles, 471 ; 2. The White Blood-Corpuscles, 479 ; 3. Blood-Plasma and Blood Coagulation, 483 ; 4. The Blood- Serum, 489. SECTION VII. THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD, 491 1. General View of the Organs of Circulation, 491 ; 2. The Action of the Heart, 499 ; 3. The Hydraulic Principles of the Circula- tion, 516 ; 4. The Circulation in the Arteries, 523 ; Blood Pres- sure, 525 ; Velocity of the Blood, 530 ; The Pulse, 533 ; 5. The Circulation in the Capillaries, 536 ; 6. The Circulation in the Veins, 539 ; 7. The Influence of the Nervous System on the Heart, 540 ; The Inhibitory Nerves of the Heart, 549 ; The Ac- celerator Nerves of the Heart, 551 ; 8. The Influence of the Nervous System on the Arteries, 552. SECTION VIII. RESPIRATION, . ... 561 1. General View of the Organs of Respiration, 562 ;. 2. The Mechani- cal Processes of Respiration, 574 ; 3. The Rhythm of Respiration, 579; 4. The Chemical Phenomena of Respiration,. 587 ; 5. The Nervous Mechanism of Respiration, 598 ; 6. The Influence of Respiration on the Circulation, 605. SECTION IX. THE MAMMARY SECRETION, 609 1. The Physical and Chemical Properties of Milk, 610 ; 2. Casein and Milk Coagulation, 614 ; 3. Milk-Sugar, 616 ; 4. Fat and Cream, 617 ; 5. The Inorganic Constituents of Milk, 619 ; 6. Variations in the Quantity and Composition of Milk, 619 ; 7. The Secretion of Milk, 624 ; 8. Milk Analysis and Inspection, 631. SECTION X. THE RENAL SECRETION, x 635 1. The Physical and Chemical Properties of Urine, 635 ; 2. The Mechanism of Renal Secretion, 640 ; 3. The Mechanism of Mic- turition, 648. SECTION XL THE CUTANEOUS FUNCTIONS, 651 1. The Sweat Secretion, 652 ; 2. The Sebaceous Secretion of the -Skin, 655 ; 3. Cutaneous Absorption, 656 ; 4. Cutaneous Respiration, 656 ; 5. The Lachrymal Secretion, 658. Xll TABLE OF CONTENTS. SECTION XII, PAGE NUTRITION, 659 I. THE FATE or THE ALBUMINOUS FOOD-CONSTITUENTS, . . 660 II. THE FATE OF THE FATTY FOOD-CONSTITUENTS, . . .664 III. THE FATE OF THE CARBOHYDRATE FOOD-CONSTITUENTS, . . 666 IV. THE STATISTICS OF NUTRITION, . ; . . . . .672 1. Tissue Changes in Starvation, 674 ; 2. The Nutritive Processes in Feeding, 680; (a) Feeding with Meat, 680; (6) Feeding with Fat, 682 ; (c) Feeding with Carbohydrates, 683. V. THE FOOD REQUIRED BY THE HERBIVORA UNDER DIFFERENT CONDITIONS, . . . . ; . .-.-. . ... 684 VI. HUNGER AND THIRST, . . . * . ' . . . 692 SECTION XIII. ANIMAL HEAT, . . . . ". ^ - - ~ .- ^ ^ ^ ^ 693 BOOK SECOND. THE ANIMAL FUNCTIONS. SECTION I. THE PHYSIOLOGY OF MOVEMENT, . . . .. . .701 1. The Contractile Tissues, 701 ; (a) Chemical Composition of Muscle, 704 ; (&) Muscular Irritability, 709 ; (c) The Phenomena of Mus- cular Contraction, 710 ; (d) The Electrical Phenomena in Muscle, 721 ; 2. The Applications of Muscular Contractility, 722 ; 3. Ani- mal Locomotion, 731; 4. The Gaits of the Horse, 739 ; (a) The Walk, 744; (5) The Amble, 746; (c) The Trot, 748; (d) The Gallop, 749 ; 5. Other Movements in the Horse, 750 ; (a) Rearing, 750 ; (&) Kicking, 753 ; (c) Lying Down and Rising Up, 754 ; (d) Walking Backward, 754 ; (e) Swimming, 755 ; 6. Special Mus- cular Mechanisms The Voice, 757. SECTION II. THE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, . . . . .765 I. THE CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF NERVOUS TISSUES, . . 774 II. NERVOUS IRRITABILITY, . . 776 III. THE ELECTRICAL PHENOMENA IN NERVES, . . . .779 IV. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF THE NERVE-CENTRES, . . . 781 1. Reflex Action, 782 ; 2. Automatism, 784 ; 3. Inhibition, 785 ; 4. Augmentation, 785 ; 5. Co-ordination, 785. TABLE OF CONTENTS. xiii PAGE Y. THE FUNCTIONS OF THE SPINAL CORD, 786 (a) The Spinal Cord as a Collection of Nerve-Centres, 789 ; (&) The Spinal Cord as an Organ of Conduction, 795. VI. THE FUNCTIONS OF THE BRAIN, 803 1. The Medulla Oblongata, 810 ; 2. The Course of the Fibres of the Medulla Oblongata, 818 ; 3. The Pons Yarolii, 821 ; 4. The Cere- bral Peduncles, 821 ; 5. The Corpora Quadrigemina, 822 ; 6. The Functions of the Basal Ganglia, 822; 7. The Functions of the Cerebral Lobes, 823 ; 8. The Functions of the Cerebellum, 825. VII. THE CRANIAL NERVES, 832 VIII. THE SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM, . . . . 835 IX. GENERAL AND SPECIAL SENSIBILITY, . . . . .837 A. THE SENSE OF SMELL, 841 B. THE SENSE OF SIGHT, .846 1. The Dioptric Mechanisms of the Eye, 851; 2. Visual Sensations, 864. C. THE SENSE OF HEARING, 875 D. THE SENSE OF TASTE, .893 E. THE SENSE OF TOUCH,. . . . . . . . . 897 PART III. THE REPRODUCTIVE FUNCTIONS, .901 SECTION I. THE REPRODUCTIVE PROCESSES, 903 1. The Reproductive Tissues of the Female, 908 ; 2. The Reproduc- tive Tissues of the Male, 913. INTRODUCTION. PHYSIOLOGY treats of the functions or actions of living beings. When these actions or functions occur in a disturbed or irregular manner, they constitute disease, or abnormal life, and become the subject of abnormal physiology or pathology. Normal physiology is the basis of pathology, and a knowledge of the one must precede the intelligent study of the other: just as an acquaintance with the functions of the com- ponent parts of a machine must precede the recognition of disordered movement and the provision of means of repair. Since the functions of the animal body are resident in the various tissues and organs of the body, an acquaintance with the forms and structure of those organs and tissues must precede the study of their functions. The study of anatomy and histology, or microscopic anat- omy, must therefore precede the study of physiology. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY treats of the functions of organized beings in an abstract manner, that which regards the general laws of life, whether seen in the animal or vegetable world. Although for the purposes of practical life physiology is divided into several provinces, yet the knowl- edge of general physiology is essential even to special students, since the relation between the different forms of life is very close. VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY is concerned solely with the consideration of the vital actions or functions of plants. COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY treats of the functions of animals below man, with a consideration of the means by which different functions are accomplished by different animal forms. SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY is confined to the consideration of the vital phenomena of a single species, single genus, or it may deal with the consideration of a special function. In this book special physiology will refer mainly to the study of the vital phenomena of the domestic animals. HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY treats exclusively of the vital phenomena of man. But, while this branch of physiology is of greater importance to the physician than the other divisions, in consequence of its relations to human pathology and therapeutics, it should not be made the exclu- sive subject of study; for the physiology of man cannot be properly understood without a previous acquaintance with the vital phenomena of 2 INTRODUCTION. the lower animals and plants. For the veterinary physician the study of life in the domestic animals must be of the greatest importance. Every living body is organized, that is. composed of instruments or organs each one of which is destined to fulfill some special office in the organism called its function, the sum of which functions constitute the life of the individual. Other bodies met with in nature, and not so constituted, are called unorganized, or inorganic, e.g., the mineral. DISTINCTIONS BETWEEN ORGANIZED AND UNORGANIZED BODIES. Organ- ized and unorganized bodies have few or no correlative points, but stand opposed to each other in almost every characteristic trait. Unorganized matter is only subject to the forces whose generality of action constitutes physical and chemical laws. Organized matter is also controlled to a certain extent by the same laws, and, although there are a great many actions manifested by living bodies which are not readily explicable by the ordinary physical laws, and for which the term " vital phenomena" is conveniently employed, it does not by any means follow that we have here to deal with any entirely distinct series of laws. The attempt to reduce the so-called vital phenomena to physical and chemical laws has already succeeded in demonstrating the dependence, on physical and chemical principles, of many functions previously regarded as purely vital in nature, and the hope may be reasonably held for con- tinued progress in this direction. The sciences of physics and chemistry are therefore the foundation-stones of modern physiology. Nevertheless, organized and unorganized matter differ to such an extent that their consideration forms entirely distinct branches of study. The forms, the forces, and the laws of unorganized matter are the sub- jects embraced by physics and chemistry. The forms and forces of living organized matter are the objects of physiological science, or biology. Organic bodies differ from inorganic 1. In their Origin. The former spring from a parent, or from previously-existing living matter, either by splitting, budding, seeds, or eggs. The latter have no such origin, but ma}^ arise from the combina- tion, under the influence of chemical affinity, of the elements which com- pose them. Spontaneous generation, though claimed by some, has not been satisfactorily established. 2. In their Form. Organized bodies are usually determinate in their form, rounded in their outline, and, in their simplest expression, either spherical or spheroidal in shape. Unorganized bodies, on the other hand, are irregular in their outline (amorphous), or, if determinate in form, are bounded by plane surfaces and straight lines. 3. Duration of Existence. Organized bodies have a definite time to live, pass through distinct stages of development and growth, and ulti- INTEODUCTION. 6 mately die. But the inorganic body may continue to exist until some disrupting force separates the inorganic elements of which it is com- posed, and enables them to form new combinations ; but so long as uninfluenced by such an agency it may remain unchanged for an indefi- nite period. 4. Size. Organized bodies have a definite limit to which they may attain, varying, however, among individuals of the same species. And vhen they exceed the average size of the species it is not by the increased size of the individual, but b}^ the continued production of new individuals or a repletion of parts already existing. The unorganized body, on the other hand, is as indeterminate in size as in duration, con- tinuing to grow so long as fresh particles are brought together. 5. Chemical Constitution. Of the sixty-five simple elements found in nature but about twenty enter into the composition of organized bodies, and of these but four are to be regarded as essential, viz., C.O.H.N., of which at least two are found in every organic compound. The remain- ing elements are called incidental. Unorganized bodies may be simple in their composition, or binary, ternary, quaternary, or higher ; but binary is the most usual combination. The molecular constitution of the organic body is also different from the inorganic in being much more complex, both in the number of elements which it contains and the number of atoms, or combining equivalents of those atoms, which exist in a combining equivalent of the compound. Thus, albumen, which forms an important constituent of nearly all organized bodies, may be represented as C^oHagaNggO.;,^ (Schutzenberger), while ammonium carbonate, an inorganic compound containing the same elements, with the exception of sulphur, may be written as follows: (NH 4 ) S CO S -J-H 3 0. From the large number of elements which enter into the composition of organic bodies, and the large number of atoms constituting an organic molecule, arises the great tendency to decomposition by which they are characterized ; for, " the greater the number of atoms of an element which enters into the formation of a molecule of a compound, the less is the stability of that compound." Inorganic compounds are therefore stable ; organic bodies, unstable. It was formerly supposed that organic compounds could only be formed under the influence of vitality, and that they could be decom- posed by the chemist, but not recomposed. But this has been shown to be an error, some of the organic acids, alcohols, organic coloring matters, and some of the secondary organic components, such as uric acid and urea, having been synthetically prepared by the chemist. It is thought, therefore, not to be impossible that some of the higher organic com- pounds, such as albumen, may ultimately be also made in the same 4: INTRODUCTION. manner, though thus far all attempts in this direction have been unavail- ing. All those compounds which have as yet been made by synthesis are allied to those which result from a long-continued series of chemical changes in the organism, produced by the action of oxygen upon prod- ucts of disintegration. 6. In their Mode of Growth. Organized bodies grow by assimila- tion, the internal deposit of materials by which the unlike become the like. Unorganized bodies grow, or increase in size, by external deposit or accretion. The organized body is dying from the moment of its birth, and requires new materials to repair those losses and for the increase in size. The unorganized body, as the crystal or the stalactite, continues to increase in size so long as fresh particles are deposited upon it. Every part of an inorganic body is therefore alike and independent of the rest, and exhibits the same properties as the whole. The organized body, on the contrary, is made up of a number of dissimilar parts, each of which is more or less dependent upon the others, and each of which requires different materials for its growth and reparation. In the unor- ganized body a small portion serves to determine by anatysis the consti- tution of the whole ; in other words, it is homogeneous. In the organ- ized body each part is more or less dependent on the remainder, and differs from it in chemical composition ; in other words, it is hetero- geneous. Organic compounds, moreover, from the large quantity of fluid they contain, are usually soft and ductile, while the inorganic body is hard, rigid, and inflexible, and when once the affinities of its chemical elements are satisfied it remains an inert mass. Within the organized living body all is change. Death and repair are ever taking place. From the commencement of its existence its growth, its progress toward maturity, its decline, decay, and death are all made up of an incessant series of changes. It is the constant round of these actions which con- stitutes life ; their study is the subject of physiology. It is thus seen that organized are distinguished from unorganized bodies by three cardinal characteristics : 1. Tlie law of nutrition, the most fundamental of all vital laws ; since in virtue of it the organism continues to exist as an active being, and increases from infancy to maturity. 2. The law of development, or differentiation, which causes the organism to pass through the definite cycles of change constituting what we call ages, and leading inevitably to the final changes which we call death. 3. The law of reproduction, another aspect of the first law, in virtue of which the organism gives origin to similar organisms from one generation to another. In no example of inorganic matter can any of these characteristics be found. When inorganic bodies are said to grow, their growth is a process of mere aggregation, one part adhering to another similar part. INTRODUCTION. 5 The growth arises from no internal necessity, as in organic bodies. The bulk is not increased by a process of assimilation which converts the unlike into the like. Minerals do not feed ; they cohere. Nor have they any power of development. They pass through no definite cycles of change ; they have no stages of growth, no ages, no power of repro- duction. The constant round of actions, therefore, in the organized structure called life, in them is wanting. They occupy space, but have neither birth nor death. DISTINCTION BETWEEN PLANTS AND ANIMALS. Organized bodies are divided into two classes, animals and vegetables, constituting two sep- arate kingdoms, which, though capable of ready recognition when studied in their higher members, seem almost to overlap in their lowest expres- sion. Hence, while the differences between the higher animals and higher plants are so striking as not to need mention, when we examine the lowest forms of life the greatest difficulty will sometimes be met with in the attempt to decide whether the organism is an animal or a vegetable. For when the protozoa, or lowest animals, are compared with the protophyta, or lowest plants, all the differences which are so striking between the higher animals and plants are completely wanting ; yet the protozoa are as truly animal as are the vertebrata, and the protophyta just as surely plants. Consequently the definition of an animal or a plant, to be of any scientific value, must include the lowest as well as the highest forms. We found, in our comparison of organic and inorganic matter, that differences in form could be clearly made out. The external charac- teristics of plants and animals are, however, inadequate to distinguish them. Many animal forms, such as the hydrozoa, are essentially plant- like in their external form, growing from fixed points and even repro- ducing themselves by " budding," a process almost universally holding in the vegetable kingdom. So also the well-known coral polyps and the sponge closely resemble plants in external configuration, and, though undoubtedly animals, were long placed by naturalists in the vegetable kingdom. Then, on the other hand, many plants, examined in respect to their external form alone, would often be confounded with animals. Thus, the germs of many algae, the ciliated zoospores, are scarcel}* to be dis- tinguished from infusorial animalcules. It was at one time thought that the power of motion was a proof of animality ; but many of the lowest plants, such as volvox and the diatoms, possess the power of motion, of changing their location, the instruments being the same as in many animals, viz., cilia. Nor is the power of moving in response to an irritant peculiar to animal life : witness the Mimosa pudica, the sensitive plant, which closes its leaflets 6 INTRODUCTION. on irritation ; the Dionsea muscipula, the Venus' Fly-Trap, the extremities of whose leaves have the power of closing on insects or other bodies brought into contact with them. Plants are also possessed of internal motion: witness the circulation of the sap and the circulatory motions in the interior of many vegetable cells. They also turn spontaneously to the light and extend their rootlets to the most nutritive soil. Again, all animals are not possessed of the power of motion. Sponges, coral polyps, hydroid zoophytes, sea-mats, etc., are entirely destitute of locomotive power, and spend their entire existence rooted fast to some immovable object. Hence, the possession of motor power is not characteristic of animal life, and its absence does not prove the organism to be a vegetable. Chemical analysis helps us but little more in the attempt to dis- tinguish animals from vegetables. Carbon and nitrogen compounds form a large proportion of the constituents of each, and a large number of complex combinations found in animal tissues are represented by entirely similar compounds in vegetable matter. There is therefore no one chemi- cal compound whose presence is characteristic of animality or vegetable nature; for u cellulose," the substance out of which wood-fibre and .the walls of plant-cells are formed, has been ascertained to form the greater part of the external coverings of certain molluscous animals (ascidians). So also chlorophyll, the green coloring matter of plants, is the cause of the green color of many infusorial animalcules and of Hydra viridis, while starch has been found in the ventricles of the brain of animals, and is represented by glycogen, a body closely analogous to starch and manufactured by the animal economy. Such examples, therefore, show that chemical examination can give us no definite aid in separating plants and animals. The microscope is also powerless to give us an infallible rule which will enable us to distinguish animal from vegetable tissue. In other words, plants and animals are built up on the same general plan ; their intimate structure closely coincides. Both originate in cells, consisting, in their typical form, of a cell-wall, cell-contents, or protoplasm, nucleus and nucleolus, and in both the parent cell undergoes subdivision and results in the birth, growth, and development of myriads of other cells, constituting the tissue of the plant or animal, and differing no more from each other than almost any mature animal or vegetable cell does from the germ from which it originated. Nor is the possession of a digestive cavity, mouth, or alimentary tube characteristic of animals ; for there are vegetables which possess a stomach, as the Nepenthes, or Pitcher-Plant, which has a cavity cor- responding to a stomach, in which digestive fluids are poured out, and in which digestion and absorption take place. On the other hand, many INTRODUCTION. 7 animals among the protozoa, such as the amoeba, have no stomach, the general surface serving not only for the purpose of digestion, but also for absorption, an extemporaneous stomach being formed by wrapping a part of the external general body surface around the substance to be digested. So also in the tape-worms and other parasitic forms of animal life, there is an entire absence of any special aperture for the entrance of nutritive matter, such organisms living by the simple imbibition of nutritive matter in solution. When, however, we examine into the nature and mode of assimila- tion of food, the nutritive processes occurring in the interior of the organism, and the results of the conversion and assimilation of food, then only have we any reliable scientific data for distinguishing animals from plants. In the first place, the food of animals differs from that of plants in its nature. Animals require organic food ; plants live on inor- ganic or mineral matter. The nutritive processes in the two kingdoms are also diametrically opposed : the plant absorbs water, ammonia, carbon dioxide and certain salts, and out of these manufactures the albuminoids, carbohydrates and hydrocarbons found in vegetable tissue. The animal feeds on these complex vegetable compounds, and this holds whether the animal be herbivorous or carnivorous, and returns to the soil and atmosphere the inorganic matter from which they were manu- factured by the plant; and in the same form, i.e., carbon dioxide, water, ammonia, and certain salts. The plant therefore converts simple inor- ganic compounds into complex organic compounds, while the animal reduces complex organic matter to its simple inorganic constituents. A further point of distinction between animals and vegetables, and one closely connected with the nutritive processes, is their behavior to the atmosphere. The animal requires for the processes of reduction already mentioned as constituting its mode of nutrition a constant supply of ox}-gen, which is withdrawn from the atmosphere and returned to it in the form of CO,, representing one of the end products of oxidation of the carbon of its tissues and food. Plants, on the other hand, absorb CO,, and under the influence of sunlight, by the action of their chloro- phyll, break up this CO,, fix the carbon in their tissues, and set free ox}-gen into the air. The plant thus absorbs what the animal excretes, and the animal absorbs what the plant excretes. We thus see that animals and plants offer striking points of contrast as to the character of their food and the nature of their nutritive processes, and, although there are several apparent exceptions to the general outline here given, their consideration may be deferred to the chapters on the Chemical Processes in Cells. We have found now that all objects in nature must be either organic 8 INTRODUCTION. or inorganic, and we have considered the means by which these bodies may be separated: we, therefore, here leave the inorganic world (the domain of physics, chemistry, mineralog} r , etc.), to confine our studies to the animal kingdom. But here, from the fact that there was great difficulty in separating the lower forms of animal from vegetable life, it must be recognized that animals and plants possess many vital functions in common ; and as the simplest expression of these functions must be in the simplest organisms, the study of those functions may best commence in the simple, uncellular organisms, whether animal or vegetable. General physiology will thus deal with the Animal Cell : its form, origin, modifications, constitution, and the various chemical and physical proc- esses concerned in its nutrition, growth, development and reproduction. It will, then, be shown that the higher animals are mere associations of such simple organisms, in which the modification in the characters of the various constituent cells leads to a division of labor. In other words, development of tissues leads to a specialization of function, and Special Physiology will deal with the study of the development of func- tion, especially as seen in our domestic animals. The functions of animals are divided into the Vegetative Functions, the Animal Functions, or the functions of relation, and the Reproductive Functions. The Yegetative Functions include everything which relates to the nutrition of the animal in its widest sense. As the blood in higher animals is the organ of nutrition, under this head are included (1st) the additions to the blood, therefore, the description and modes of prehension of Food ; Digestion, or the preparation of food for absorption ; and Absorption, or the means by which nutritive and other matters enter the blood. The Blood will, then, be considered as a tissue of nutrition .} 1, ovum with two segmentation spheres, the Zona pellucida being surrounded by the Membrana gran- ulosa ; 2, ovum with four segmentation spheres ; 3, ovum with eight segmentation spheres ; 4, ovum with innumerable segmentation spheres, forming the mulberry mass. ment and form, different in different classes of animals, from which the different tissues of the embryo are developed. The ova of animals are divided into two classes, those in which the entire yelk is concerned in the production of the embryo, and those in ^Yhich a part only serves for this purpose, while the remainder of the cell- contents is drawn upon for the nutritive needs of the embr3 r o. The first of these which undergoes total segmentation is termed a holoblastic egg; the second undergoes only partial segmentation, and is termed a mero- blastic egg. The ovum of mammals serves for a type of the former class ; the ovum of birds is typical of the second class. As already mentioned, the mammalian ovum represents a typical cell; the ovum of the bird differs in many points. Beneath the yelk-membrane is a layer of minute flattened cells, which gradually disappear during the maturing of the egg ; while the yelk consists of two parts, one serving for the development of the embryo, the other for its nutrition. The part from 20 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. which the embryo is formed is a small, white disk lying directly beneath the vitelline membrane and termed the tread, the blastoderm or cicatricula. In the hen's egg this disk is about four millimeters in diameter, and is always found in the upper surface of the yelk. If a hen's egg is hard- ened by boiling, and then cut in two by a vertical section so as to bisect the yelk, the latter will be found not to be perfectly homogeneous. The yelk is clothed externally by a thin layer of different material, which at the edge of the blastoderm passes beneath it and becomes thicker so as to form a bed on which the blastoderm rests, to become connected by a narrow neck with a mass of similar matter occupying the centre of the WY W.Y. W N.P. B.L. Y.V CH.L CH.L. W. VT. FIG. 9. DIAGRAMMATIC SECTION OF AN UNINCUBATEB FOWL'S EGG, AFTER ALLEN THOMPSON. (Foster and Balf our.) BLi, blastoderm ; WY, white yelk this consists of a central, flask-shaped mass and a number of layers arranged concentrically around this; YY, yellow yelk; VT, vitelline membrane; X, layer of more fluid albumen immediately surrounding the yelk ; W, albumen, consisting of alternate denser and more fluid layers ; CHL, chalazae ; ACH, air-chamber at the broad end of the egg this chamber is merely a space left between the two layers of the shell-membrane ; ISM, internal layer of shell-membrane : SM, external layer of shell-membrane ; S, shell ; NP, nucleus of Pander. yelk, which nearly always remains partially fluid in the hard-boiled egg. Within the yelk again are several concentric layers of this white yelk, separated from each other b}^ la} T ers of yellow } r elk. The 3 T ellow yelk is composed of comparatively large, unnucleated cells filled with highly refractive granules, and containing vitellin, lecithin, and various fatty bodies. The cells which form the white yelk are much smaller, are nucleated, and often a large cell will be seen to contain numerous similar but smaller cells. When the egg is laid by the hen it has already undergone changes which result from fertilization. We will first describe the characters of ORIGIN OF CELLS. 21 the blastoderm when the egg is first laid, and then the changes which have preceded it. The blastoderm of an unincubated fertilized egg may be recognized by the naked eye, when viewed from above, to consist of two parts: an opaque, white circumference, the area opaca, and a central transparent portion, the area pellucida. In the unfertilized egg these divisions are not marked. They are due simply to the way the blastoderm, which is itself entirely transparent, rests on the white yelk. The opaque, circular ring is where the blastoderm is directly in contact with the white yelk, while the central clear portion is due to the fact that the blastoderm is separated from the yelk by a layer of liquid. The white spot often seen in the centre of the blastoderm is the central column of white yelk shining through the transparent membrane (Nucleus of Pander). When the blastoderm is hardened and cut into vertical sections, it is found to be composed of two layers of cells : the upper, small, nucle- ated, C3"lindrical cells adhering closely together in a single la3 T er and FIG. 10. SECTION OF AN UNINCUBATED BT-ASTODERM OF CHICK. (Klein.) A, cells forming the ectoderm ; B, cells forming the endodenn ; C, large, formative cells : F, segmen- tation cavity. resting on the white 3 T elk ; the lower, an irregular net-work of larger cells which are not nucleated, apparently, but which contain numerous highly refractive granules. These are probably identical with the white-yelk spheres already referred to, and are spoken of as formative cells. The processes which in the hen's bod} r result in the formation of such an egg are about as follow : In the capsule of the ovary the yelk alone constitutes the egg. It then, just before bursting its capsule, consists of a minute, yellowish, ellipsoidal, cellular body, with a delicate membrane, the vitelline mem- brane, immediately below which in a granular cell-contents, the yelk, lies a lenticular, mass of protoplasm, the germinal disk; within this again is a nucleus, the germinal vesicle, containing a nucleolus, or germinal spot. When the ovum becomes mature the ovarian capsule bursts, and the ovum (representing the yelk of the egg as laid) escapes into the oviduct, undergoes impregnation by the spermatozoa found in the upper portion of the oviduct, and has deposited around it the accessory 22 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. portions of the egg through secretions from the walls of the oviduct. Thus, the layer of albumen surrounding the yelk is first deposited in the passage of the ovum through the second, tubular portion of the oviduct, the chalazse (see Fig. 9), or twisted, denser portions of the albumen, being due to the rotatory motion of the egg against the spiral ridges of the oviduct. The shell-membrane is formed by the organiza- tion of the most external layers of albumen, and the shell is formed in the third portion of the oviduct, or the uterus. The walls of this portion of the tube secrete a viscid fluid which surrounds the egg, and in which inorganic particles are deposited. The egg remains in the uterus for from twelve to eighteen hours, and is then expelled through the cloaca, narrow end downward, by its muscular contractions. 1 2 3 FIG. 11. SURFACE VIEW OF THE EARLY STAGES OF SEGMENTATION IN A Fowi/s EGG, AFTER COSTE. (Foster and Balfour.) 1 represents the earliest stage. The first furrow, B, has begun to make its appearance in the centre of the germinal disk, whose periphery is marked by the line A. In 2 the first furrow is completed across the disk, and a second similar furrow at nearly right angles to the first has appeared. The disk thus becomes divided somewhat irregularly into quadrants by four (half) furrows. In a later stage, 3, the meridian furrows, B, have increased in number, from four, as in B, to nine, and cross-furrows have also made their appearance. The disk is thus cut up into small central, C, and larger. D, peripheral segments. Several new cross-furrows are seen just beginning, as ex. gr., close to the end of the line of reference, D. About the time the shell is being formed, provided impregnation has taken place, changes occur in the blastoderm, which, though analo- gous to the process of segmentation already mentioned as taking place in the mammalian ovum, yet differs from it. The germinal vesicle first disappears, and a furrow is then seen to run across the germinal disk, dividing it into two halves. This furrow is then met by a second run- ning at right angles to the first ; this is then crossed by another, and division of the segments proceeds rapidly by furrows running in all directions until the germinal mass is cut up into an immense number of minute masses of protoplasm, smaller toward the centre than at the periphery of the disk. The furrows thus formed are not merely superficial, but extend through the entire thickness of the germinal disk: hence the germinal disk is cut up into minute masses of protoplasm. In other words, a ORIGIN OF CELLS. 23 large number of cells has resulted from the segmentation of the parent cell. These cells arrange themselves into an upper layer, with their long FIG. 12. SURFACE VIKW OF THE GERMINAL DISK OF A HEN'S EGG DURING THE LATER STAGES OF SEGMENTATION. (Foster and Bal four.) At C, in the centre of the disk, the segmentation masses are very small and numerous ; at B, nearer the edge, they are larger and fewer; while those at the extreme margin, A, are largest and fewest of all. It will be noticed that the radiating furrows marking off the segments, A, do not reach to the extreme margin, E, of the disk. The drawing is complete in one quadrant only. It will, of course, be understood that the whole circle should be filled up in a precisely similar manner. axes vertical, their nuclei become distinct, while the lower cells remain large and granular and irregularl}' placed, forming in this way the unin- ciibated blastoderm already described. (See Fig. 10.) FIG. 13. SECTION OF THE GERMINAL DISK OF A FOWL'S EGG DURING THE LATER STAGES OF SEGMENTATION. (Foster and Bal/our.) This section, which represents rather more than half the breadth of the blastoderm (the middle line being shown at C), shows that the upper and central parts of the disk segment faster than those below and toward the periphery. At the periphery the segments are still very large. One of the larger segments is shown at A. In the majority of segments a nucleus can be seen ; and it seems probable that a nucleus is present in them all. Most of the segments are filled with highly refracting spherules, but these are more numerous in some cells (especially the larger cells near the yelk) than in others. In the central part of the blastoderm the upper cells have commenced to form a distinct layer. No segmentation-cavity is present. A, large peripheral cell ; B, larger cells of the lower parts of the blastoderm ; C, middle line of blasto- derm; E, edge of the blastoderm adjoining the white yelk; W, white yelk. As a result of incubation a third layer of cells makes its appearance between the two layers of the blastoderm just described, forming an upper, a middle, and a lower Ia3*er, or the epiblast, the mesoblast, and the 24 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. hypoblast (Fig. 14). From these three layers of cells the embryo is developed. Leaving at this point the changes which occur in the egg of the bird, we have now to follow the analogous changes in the mammalian ovum. We have already seen that in the mammalian ovum one of the first evidences of impregnation is the division of the protoplasm of the ovum progressively into smaller and smaller segmentation spheres, until the cell-membrane becomes filled with an immense number of minute masses of protoplasm. The general character of this process in its earlier stages is probably identical in all the mammalia. The ovum of the rabbit has been most studied, and the sketch here given is based mainly on Balfour's summary of the early stages of development in the rabbit's ovum. The ovum first divides into two nearly equal spheres, of which one BD BD, BD. MC. FIG. 14. SECTION OF A BLASTODERM OF CHICK, AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE LONG Axis OF THE EMBRYO, AFTER EIGHT HOURS' INCUBATION, ABOUT MIDWAY BETWEEN FRONT AND HIND ENDS. (Foster and Balfvur.) A, epiblast; B, mesoblast; C, hypoblast: PR, primitive groove; F, fold in the blastoderm produced accidentally ; MC. mesoblast-cell, the line points to one of the peripheral mesoblast-cells lying between epiblast and hypoblast; BD, formative cells. The section shows: (1) the thickening of the mesoblast under the primitive groove, PR, even when it is hardly present at the sides of the groove : (2) the hypoblast, C, early formed as a single layer of spindle- shaped cells ; (3) the so-called segmentation cavity, in which coagulated albumen is present. On the floor of this are the large formative cells, BD. is slightly larger and more transparent than the other. The larger sphere and its products will be spoken of as the epiblastic spheres ; the smaller one and its products as the hypoblastic spheres. Both these original spheres soon divide into two, and each of these into two more, thus making eight. At first these spheres are spherical, and arranged in two layers formed of four epiblastic and four hypoblastic spheres. Soon r however, one of the hypoblastic spheres passes into the centre, and the whole ovum becomes spherical again. In the next stage each of the four epiblastic spheres divides into two, followed b} r the division of the hypoblastic spheres into two. The ovum is then made up of sixteen different spheres, nearly of the same size. Of the eight hypoblastic spheres four soon pass to the centre, and are surrounded by the eight epiblastic spheres, arranged in the form of a cup. Division of both sets of spheres now continues, the epiblastic layer con- ORIGIN OF CELLS. 25 tinning to surround the central kypoblastic spheres, both sets continuing to subdivide, until finally the ovum consists of an almost solid mass of hypoblastic spheres surrounded by a layer of epiblastic cells. When the process of segmentation is complete the epiblastic cells are clear and have an irregularly cubical form, while the hypoblastic cells are polygonal and granular and somewhat larger than the epi- blastic cells. The blastodermic vesicle next forms. This results from the forma- tion of a narrow cavity between the epiblast and h} T poblast, which increases in size until it entirely separates these two layers, except at the point where the blastoderm was last in forming (the blastopore). As the cavity increases in size the ovum also enlarges, so that soon it exists in the form of a large vesicle, formed of a thin wall of a single layer of EP FIG. 15. OPTICAL, SECTIONS OP A RABBIT'S OVUM AT Two STAGES CLOSELY FOLLOWING UPON THE SEGMENTATION, AFTER E. VAN BENEDEN. (Half our.') EP, epiblast; HY, primary hypoblast ; BP, Van Beneden's blastopore. The shading of the epiblast and hypoblast is diagrammatic. cells, the epiblastic cells, with a large cavity, the hypoblastic cells forming a small, ventricular mass attached to the inner side of the epi- blastic cells (Fig. 16). The ovum of the rabbit has now increased in size from 0.09 mm., its size at the close of segmentation, to about 0.28 mm. It is inclosed by the vitelline membrane and a mucous layer deposited by the walls of the Fallopian tube. As the vesicle continues to enlarge, the hypoblastic cells spread out beneath the epiblast, though remaining thicker in the centre than at the edges, where the cells still possess the power of amoeboid movement. The central, thicker portion, which is the commencement of the embryonic area, forms an opaque, circular spot on the blastoderm. The primitive hypoblast now becomes divided into two layers, the lower continuous with the peripheral hypoblast and formed of flattened cells, while the upper is formed of small, rounded elements, the meso- 26 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. blast. The superficial epiblast, again, is formed of flattened cells, which soon become columnar and appear to unite with the rounded elements below, except at the lower part of the embryonic area. Here the blasto- FIG. 16. RABBIT'S OVUM BETWEEN SEVENTY TO NINETY HOURS AFTER IMPREGNATION, AFTER E. .VAN BENEDEN. (Sal/our.) BV, cavity of blastodermic vesicle (yelk-sac) ; EP, epiblast ; H Y, hypoblast ; ZP, mucous envelope (Zona pellucida). derm, as in the chick, is constituted by three layers, the epiblast, the mesoblast, and the hypoblast. P.R, EP. M HY. FIG. 17. SECTION THROUGH THE OVAL BLASTODERM OF A RABBIT IN THE SEVENTH DAY, THROUGH THE FRONT PART OF THE PRIMITIVE STREAK. (Balfour.) EP, epiblast; M, mesoblast; HY, hypoblast; PR, primitive streak. The subsequent changes in the development of the blastoderm form the subject of Embryology, and for their consideration the reader is referred to text-books on anatomy. III. THE MODIFICATION IN THE FOKM OF CELLS. We have seen that originally all the cells formed by cleavage in the egg are absolutely alike. Like the original egg, they are typical cells, consisting of a cell-membrane inclosing finely granular protoplasm, in which a nucleus and nucleolus may be recognized. They only differ from MODIFICATION IN THE FOKM OF CELLS. 27 the original cell in size and in as vet unmarked individual char- acteristics which in the speciali- zation of function of the organ- ism will cause them finally, for the : most part, to lose all mor- phological resemblance to the parent cell. These differences in cells produced in the development of the organism are very numer- ous. First, as regards their size, we find cells varying from the red blood-cell -g-g 1 ^ to the large ganglion-cell, ^y ether. Most of the NITROGENOUS ORGANIC CELL-CONSTITUENTS. 93 salts of the heavy metals precipitate serum-albumen, as do the mineral acids in large quantities, especially nitric acid. Its point of firm coagu- lation is from 72 to 73 C., although turbidity sets in at about 60 C. The presence of acetic or phosphoric acids, sodium chloride, or other neutral salts, lowers the coagulation-point of serum-albumen, while the presence of sodium carbonate necessitates a higher temperature. It is precipitated by the strong mineral acids from its solution in dilute acids, and the precipitate is readily soluble in concentrated acids ; egg-albumen is not. 2. Egg-Albumen. In many points egg-albumen, which is contained in the meshes of the fibrous net-work of birds' eggs, closely resembles serum-albumen. The points of contrast are that its specific rotation is only 35.5, and when agitated with ether it is gradually precipitated. When injected into a vein or the connective tissue, or when introduced in large quantities into the stomach or rectum of an animal, egg-albumen is found unaltered in the urine, while the injection of serum-albumen produces no such albuminuria. A solution of comparatively-pure egg-albumen may be obtained for testing by breaking the whites of several hens' eggs into a beaker, cutting up the mem- branes with scissors so as to free the albumen from their meshes, stirring well with an equal volume of water, and filtering through muslin. The salts may then he removed by dialysis. Dry egg-albumen may be obtained by evaporating the above solution to dryness at 40 C. So prepared, its physical properties agree closely with those of serum-albumen. Its solutions have several properties which enable it to be distinguished from serum-albumen. Hydrochloric acid in small amount produces no precipitate ; in larger amount it causes a firm coagulum, which is only with difficulty soluble in excess of acid and in water and neutral salt solutions. 3. Vegetable Albumens. Albuminous bodies are found dissolved in plant-juices and in the form of a solid in various seeds, and form the most important albuminoids for the nutrition of the herbivorous domestic animals. Their general properties agree with those of egg- arid serum- albumen, though they present certain variations among themselves in composition and chemical properties. Thus, the coagulable substances which may be extracted from peas and horse-beans dissolve readily in lime-water and acetic acid, while the other vegetable albumens do not. The vegetable albumens are, as a rule, poorer in carbon but richer in nitrogen than albumen of animal origin, a fact possibly accounting for their lesser nutritive value and readiness of assimilation. They usualty have phosphorus associated with them. Vegetable altnimen is soluble in cold water, and its solutions are coagulable by heat ; with dilute acids and alkalies it is converted into an albuminate. In the seeds of certain 94 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. plants there is contained a, variety of albumen which, when extracted with warm salt solution and then allowed to cool, forms octahedral cr} r stals. Various forms of vegetable albuminous bodies have been described : Vegetable Caseins. The seeds of the leguminous plants and oleagi- nous grains differ from the cereals, properly so called, in that they do not contain gluten, soluble in alcohol, but, in addition to the albuminoids coagulable by heat, various other albuminous bodies which are insoluble in pure water but soluble in alkaline solutions, from which they may be precipitated by acetic acid, the precipitate being soluble in excess. According to Dumas and Cavours,this substance may even be coagulated by rennet, and is therefore closely analogous to the casein of milk, to be subsequently considered. Three different forms of vegetable casein-like bodies have been described. Legumin, which forms the greater part of the proteid constituents of the leguminous plants ; almonds and the lupins contain a substance analogous to vegetable casein to which the name of amandin, or conglutin, has been given ; while the part of gluten which is insoluble in alcohol is of similar nature, and has been termed gluten-casein. Legumin. The watery extract of the seeds of the leguminous plants often has an acid reaction, without doubt due to the presence of phos- phoric acid, which appears to be a necessary component of vegetable casein. Legumin may be obtained by the agitation of powdered legu- minous seeds with seven or eight times their weight of a one-tenth of one per cent, solution of potassium hydrate. After about six hours the fluid is decanted and allowed to stand from twelve to twent3 r -four hours at a low temperature, and the residue which then forms is again washed with water. The washings are then collected and precipitated with dilute acetic acid, and the precipitate, washed again with dilute alcohol, is finally precipitated by concentrated alcohol and ether. Freshly precipitated legumin is only very slightly soluble in cold water. Legumin may, however, be extracted from the powdered seeds of the leguminous plants by cold water, its solubility in water being then due tO'the phosphoric acid of the seeds. It is readily soluble in alkaline solutions, from which it is precipitated by acids and solutions of metallic salts. It is soluble in dilute hydrochloric and acetic acids. When boiled with water it becomes coagulated and insoluble in alkaline solutions and in acids. By prolonged ebullition with sulphuric acid it undergoes decomposition, with the formation of leucin and ty rosin and small quan- tities of aspartic acid. Legumin is also present in oats. Amandin, or conglutin, is contained in sweet and bitter almonds, and is separated from them in the same manner as legumin. It is dis- tinguished from legumin by a greater solubility in dilute acids, though NITROGENOUS ORGANIC CELL-CONSTITUENTS. 95 its general properties coincide with those of legumin. It is distinguished from it, however, by being more soluble than legumin in dilute acids. A substance analogous to vitellin has also been found in the seeds of various plants. It is also termed crystallized vegetable casein. Gluten, or vegetable fibrin, exists in a large number of grains, par- ticularly those of the cereals, and plays an important part in the nutritive value of vegetable foods. It also exists in the growing parts of plants, and in various vegetable juices. It is a compound albuminous body, which differs from all others in that it is soluble in water and in alcohol when traces of free acid or alkali are present. It is only partly and imperfectly soluble in pure water. It may be readily obtained by washing flour under a stream of water, by which the starch is removed, and the gluten then remains in the form of an elastic, grayish mass. Gluten is only partly soluble in alcohol. According to Ritthausen, gluten contains at least four albuminous substances in addition to vegetable albumen, which has been already described; a body insoluble in alcohol, which is gluten-casein, or the vegetable fibrin of Liebig, and three nitrogenous substances soluble in alcohol, to which the name of gluten fibrin, gliadin, and mucedin have been given. 1. Gluten-Casein. To prepare this body, fresh gluten is washed first with alcohol, and the insoluble residue is then agitated with two-tenths of one per cent, potash solution, which dissolves out the gluten and leaves an insoluble residue of starch and fatty matters. From the fluid gluten- casein is precipitated in flocculi by the addition of acetic acid sufficient to give a faint acid reaction. It is then washed with water and alcohol, and after desiccation the gluten-casein so prepared is insoluble in hot and cold water. Boiling water, however, causes it to undergo some modification, which renders it insoluble in alkalies and acids. In the fresh state it is soluble in acetic acid, and in alcohol acidulated with acetic acid. All weak alkaline solutions dissolve fresh gluten-casein, and cause it when dry to first swell up and then dissolve. It is precipi- tated out of these solutions by acids and the mineral salts, forming combinations with the latter. Its properties are very similar to those of legumin and conglutin. It contains more sulphur and less nitrogen than legumin. 2. Gluten-Fibrin. This body is obtained by distilling the alcoholic solution of gluten until the fluid does not contain more than 40 percent, of alcohol ; a mucilaginous mass rich in gluten-fibrin is then deposited, and may be purified by washing with absolute alcohol and precipitating with ether. It then forms a coherent, tenacious mass, insoluble in water. Its separation from the gliadin and mucedin of gluten depends upon the fact that all are soluble in dilute alcohol, and that gluten-fibrin is almost insoluble in water and very weak alcohol. As the alcohol is distilled off 95 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. the gluten-fibrin separates. It dissolves in warm, dilute alcohol, and forms a brownish-yellow solution. When such solutions cool, and as they undergo evaporation, a white or grayish pellicle forms on the surface, which disappears on agitation. It is more soluble in absolute alcohol than either gliadin or mucedin. Gluten-fibrin is readily dissolved in dilute acid and alkaline solutions, and is precipitated from these solutions by neutralization, or by the addition of metallic salts. 3. Gliadin, or Vegetable Gelatin. This body is one of the principles of gluten which is soluble in dilute alcohol. It is obtained by agitating gluten with strong alcohol, which removes gluten-fibrin, dissolving the residue in 1 per cent, potash solution, and, after having precipitated the solution with acetic acid, by extracting the precipitate with alcohol of 75 per cent, at a temperature of 38 C. By this means only gliadin is dissolved, while the mucedin remains. Vegetable gelatin then separates, as the fluid cools, in the form of a gelatinous mass. It may be purified by dissolving in acetic acid and neutralizing the clear solution with potash; the precipitate is then again washed with alcohol and ether. In the fresh state vegetable gelatin has the consistence of a thick mucilage. Absolute alcohol causes it to contract to a hard and yellowish-white mass. Cold water causes it to again swell up and dissolves part of it, and the solution may be precipitated by tannic acid. Submitted to long boiling with water, gliadin becomes insoluble and undergoes partial decomposition. Dilute alcohol dissolves it more readily than pure water. It is insoluble in absolute alcohol. It is very soluble in acids and dilute alkalies, and while in solution in alkalies may be precipitated by the metallic salts, but its solution in acetic acid is not precipitated by mercuric chloride. It contains a considerable percentage of sulphur. 4. Mucedin. This substance has been but little studied, and is only to be distinguished from vegetable gelatin by its greater solubilit3 r in water. Its method of isolation has been already indicated in the pre- ceding paragraphs. These substances approach one another very closely in chemical composition, and it would appear from the processes employed in their isolation that it is by no means certain that they have been obtained pure. On the other hand, their analogy to corresponding bodies of animal origin is not sufficiently striking to justify an analogous nomen- clature. For the preceding account of their properties we are indebted mainly to Wiirtz ( Chimie Biologique}. II. GLOBULINS. Globulins are bodies which are insoluble in water but soluble in dilute solutions of sodium chloride. They are coagulable by heat when in solution, and, while soluble in dilute acids and alkalies, are in the process of solution changed into derived albumens. They are NITROGENOUS ORGANIC CELL-CONSTITUENTS. 97 precipitated by alcohol and by carbonic acid, and by the addition of a large quantity of water to their solutions ; sodium chloride added in bulk to their solutions, as a rule, precipitates them. Five different kinds of globulins have been recognized. 1. Vitellin. Yitellin is found in the yelk of eggs and in the crys- talline lens. It may be prepared by shaking the yelks of eggs with separate portions of ether until all the yellow color is removed, dissolv- ing the residue in dilute sodium chloride solution, filtering and precipi- tating the filtrate with excess of water. So obtained, it always contains lecithin. It is not precipitated by the addition of sodium chloride in substance to its solutions. It is soluble in dilute acids, and is readily converted into syntonin, and by neutralization and re-solution with alkalies into alkali albuminate. Its point of coagulation ranges from 70 to 80 C. It is also coagulable by alcohol. 2. Myosin. Myosin is formed in the rigor mortis of muscles, and probably also in the gradual death of all forms of protoplasm. It is precipitated from its solutions in dilute sodium chloride by the addition of common salt in excess. It is also precipitated from its solutions by excessive dilution with water. Its general properties will be more closely considered under the chemistry of muscles. 3. Paraglobulin. This substance will be described under the con- sideration of the coagulation of the blood. Hammarsten states that a very much larger quantity of this body is found in the blood of domestic animals than has been heretofore supposed. According to him, more than half of all the albuminoids in the blood consists of paraglobulin. 4. Fibrinogen. This is also a globulin found in the blood, and its consideration will likewise, for the present, be deferred. 5. Globulin, or Crytstallin, is contained in the crystalline lens, and it resembles vitellin in that it is not precipitated from its solutions by saturation with sodium chloride, but it is readily precipitated by alcohol. Representatives of the group of globulins are also found in the vege- table kingdom. According to Dr. Sidney Martin, vegetable globulins' may be divided into two classes, namely, vegetable myosins and vege- table paraglobulins. The myosins, obtained from the flour of wheat, rye, and barley, have similar properties ; they are all readity soluble in 10 to 15 per cent, sodium chloride solution, and are precipitable from this solution by saturation with sodium chloride or magnesium sulphate. They are soluble in 10 per cent, magnesium sulphate solution, and are coagulated in this solution at a temperature of 55 to 60. If the salt is dialyzed away from the saline solution of myosins, the latter is precipi- tated ; but the precipitate is no longer a globulin, since it is insoluble in saline solutions. It is soluble in dilute acids and alkalies (0.2 per cent.) ; it is precipitable from these solutions by neutralization, the precipitate 7 98 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. being soluble in excess of alkali or acid ; that is, the myosin has been converted into a proteid having the properties of an albuminate. If the saline solution of myosin be placed in an incubator at a temperature of 35 to 40, in twelve to eighteen hours a fine flocculent precipitate falls, while the globulin disappears from the solution ; this takes place more rapidly if the saline solution is diluted. The precipitate exhibits the same properties as the precipitate of the globulin by dialysis ; that is, at a temperature of 35 to 40 the globulin is transformed into an albu- rn mate. The ready transformation of the soluble globulin of wheaten nour into an insoluble albuminate is one of the phenomena which take place during the formation of gluten. The second class of vegetable globulins, the paraglobulins, is in dis- tinct contrast with that of the myosins. Two proteids of this class have been found, one in papaw-juice, the other in the seeds of Abrus precatorius (jequirity). Both these globulins exhibit the following properties : they are soluble in saline solutions, and are precipitated by saturation with sodium chloride and magnesium sulphate. In a 10 per cent, solution of magnesium sulphate, they coagulate between 70 and 75 C. When precipitated from their saline solutions by dialysis, they are still soluble in solutions of sodium chloride and magnesium sulphate of 10 to 15 per cent., not being transformed into albuminates. Nor are they precipitated by long exposure (over three days) to a temperature of 35 to 40. > u .,! III. FJBRINS. Fibrins are solid albuminous bodies .'insoluble in water and sodium chloride, and which swell up to a stiff' jelly in dilute acids. When so treated iibrin is coagulable by heat. The fibrin of the blood is produced in the process of coagulation of the blood ; its prop- erties will be studied with the subject of blood coagulation. IV.. DERIVED ALBUMINATES. Derived albuminates are bodies which are insoluble in water or sodium chloride solutions, but are readily soluble in dilute acids or alkalies. Their solutions are not changed by heat. When neutralized they are precipitated from their solutions, the pre- cipitate being soluble in excess. Derived albuminates may exist in two different forms, acid albumens and alkali albumens. 1. Acid Albumen. When a native albumen in solution is subjected to the action of a dilute acid, such as hydrochloric acid, at a tolerably warm temperature its solutions readily lose their power of coagulating when boiled. If, however, the acid is exactty neutralized by the addition of any alkali the albumen is at once precipitated, and the precipitate is again redissolved by an excess of alkali. The native albumen is thus converted into a form of albuminous body which has become insoluble in water and uncoagulable by heat. When acid albumen is precipitated out of its solution by the NITROGENOUS ORGANIC CELL-CONSTITUENTS. 99 addition of an alkali and then subjected to heat, the acid albumen so suspended in water becomes coagulated, and is then indistinguishable from any other coagulated proteid. After precipitation by neutrali- zation, if the precipitate be then dissolved in lime-water, its solution in lime-water will be coagulable on boiling. Acid albumen is precipitated out of its solution by the neutral salts, such as sodium chloride, and by gallic acid and metallic salts. The conversion of albumen into acid albumen from the action of a dilute acid is a gradual process. If a solution of egg-albumen be acidu- lated with dilute hydrochloric acid, and subjected to a temperature of about 40 C., it will be found, if tested from time to time, that a coagulum still occurs on boiling. The amount of proteid so coagulated by heat will steadily decrease, and the amount of precipitate obtained by neutral- ization will increase correspondingly. After only ten or fifteen minutes it will be found that if the solution of acid albumen is exactly neutralized all the albumen will have been converted into acid albumen, and if the precipitate is then filtered off and the filtrate tested with the various proteid tests it will be found that all the proteid has apparently disap- peared ; or, in other words, has been converted into acid albumen. A certain degree of temperature is necessary for this conversion. If a mixture of albumen solution and dilute acid be surrounded by ice, the process of conversion into acid albumen will be extremely slow. If warmed up to about 40 C., or, in fact, any distance below the tempera- ture of coagulation of the albumen, the process of conversion will be very much more rapid. If finely-chopped muscle is washed in water so as to remove all the soluble albuminous bodies and blood, and the remainder be covered with a large quantity of dilute hydrochloric acid (0.2 per cent.), and kept for about twenty-four hours at a temperature of 40 C., it will be found that the greater part of the muscle will be dissolved ; if the supernatant fluid be filtered off and neutralized, an abundant precipitate of acid albumen will be thrown down in flocculi, which will gradually settle. The acid albumen in this case is derived from the.n^osin of the muscle, and indicates that the globulins as well as the albumens are capable of being converted into derived acid albumen. Acid albumen so obtained from muscle is frequently spoken of as S3'ntonin, but is apparently identical in its general behavior under the different tests to the acid albumen derived from either egg- or serum-albumen. So also in the preliminary stages of gastric digestion of proteids a product is first formed which appears to be identical in character with acid albumen, or syntonin, and is termed parapeptone. It also is precipitated from its solutions by neutralization, and is apparently formed solely through the action of the acid of the gastric juice on proteids. 100 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. Any of the coagulated proteids may be converted into acid albumen through solution in the mineral acids. If a solution of albumen is gently heated to boiling with dilute hydrochloric acid, no coagulum will be formed, from the fact that in the gradual elevation of temperature the albumen in solution has had time to be converted quickly into acid albumen through the action of the acid. If, now, a small quantity of a concentrated mineral acid, especially hydrochloric, be added, an abundant precipitate will form, and this precipitate is soluble in an excess of mineral acid, especially if subjected to heat. It is thus shown that acid albumen is soluble in concentrated mineral acids. It is insoluble in them when they are moderate^ concentrated, and it is soluble again when they are ver}' dilute. Egg-albumen, in certain respects, differs from serum-albumen in its behavior to dilute acids. If dry serum-albumen is dissolved in a concentrated mineral acid, it is readily converted in its process of solution into acid albumen. If this solution of serum-albumen in concentrated acid is then diluted with twice its volume of water, acid albumen will be precipitated, and if the precipitate is filtered off it may readily be dissolved in water, from the fact that it still holds clinging to it enough acid to make a dilute acid solution. Therefore, it is not a solution of acid albumen in water, but in dilute acid. Egg-albumen is less soluble in concentrated nitric acid or hydrochloric acid, and when precipitated from such a solution it is less readily dissolved in water. Fibrin also is soluble in concentrated mineral acids, and is rapidly converted into syntonin ; therefore, it may be said that all proteids are capable of being converted into derived albumens. Syntonin, dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid, rotates the plane of yellow light 72 to the left, and this degree of rotation is independent of the concentration of the solution, but may be increased to 84.8 if the solution is heated. Syntonin contains sulphur, as may be readily shown by dissolving some syntonin in liquor potassse, and adding a solution of lead acetate and boiling ; the fluid will then become brown from the formation of lead sulphide. When precipitated from its solutions by neutralization acid albumen forms a white, gelatinous substance insoluble -in water and sodium chloride solutions, but soluble in lime-water (in which solution, as already stated, it undergoes partial coagulation when boiled), and in dilute acids and alkaline solutions. If, to the solution in > lime-water, after having undergone partial coagulation through boiling, magnesium sulphate be added, a still further precipitation will be caused. Cold solutions of acid albumen are not precipitated by magnesium sul- phate, even if the acid albumen be dissolved in an alkaline solution. If, however, the solution of acid albumen and alkali be warmed, it is then precipitated by the addition of magnesium sulphate or calcium chloride, NITKOGENOUS OBGANIC CELL-CONSTITUENTS. 101 indicating that, in all probability, the boiling has served to convert the acid albumen into an alkali albumen. Acid albumen shows all the reactions of proteids already described. It may be separated from liquids in which it is dissolved by boiling with hydrated oxide of lead. 2. Alkali Albumen. If any native albumen in solution is. subjected to the action of a dilute alkali, such as sodium or potassium hydrate, it will undergo changes somewhat similar to those produced by the action of an acid. Alkali albumens, or alkali albuminates, may, therefore, be described as albuminous bodies which are insoluble in water or sodium chloride, but readily soluble in dilute acids or alkalies. Their solutions are not changed by heat. When neutralized the}'' are precipitated from their solutions, the precipitate being soluble in excess of acid, unless alkaline phosphates are present ; an excess of acid is then required to produce precipitation. In this conversion heat facilitates the process, and, as in the case of formation of acid albumen, the conversion is a gradual one. When alkali albumen is precipitated from its solution in alkalies by neutralization with an acid, if an excess of acid be added it is again rapidly dissolved, through its conversion into acid albumen. or S3 r ntonin. This conversion of alkali albumen into acid albumen is more readily accomplished when the alkali albumen has been freshly precipi- tated. If some time has been allowed to elapse after the precipitation b}' neutralization, it will still be converted into syntonin by the action of an acid, but not so readily as when freshly precipitated, unless sub- jected to heat (about 60 C.). If alkaline phosphates are present in the solution the alkali albumen is not precipitated on neutralization, but enough acid must be added to convert the basic phosphate into acid phosphate, and, when this is accomplished, the slightest addition of an acid, even of C0 2 , will then be sufficient to precipitate alkali albumen. Alkali albuminate may exist either in the form of solution or as a solid. If undiluted white of egg is stirred up with a concentrated solu- tion of caustic potash, or with undissolved caustic potassium hydrate, it will gradually be converted into a stiff jelly. If this jelly is washed with water so as to remove the excess of alkali, it may be dissolved in warm water, and will then behave like alkali albumen obtained by the action of alkalies on albuminous solutions. If, before solution in water, the solid alkali albuminate has been washed until most of the alkali has been removed, passing a stream of carbon dioxide through the solution will be sufficient to cause precipitation. If some pieces of solid alkali albuminate are placed in an acid just strong enough to show an acid reaction after the introduction of the albuminate, the latter will become milky-white, shrivel up, and form an elastic mass, the so-called pseudo-fibrin, which will swell up in dilute 102 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. (0.1 per cent.) acids without dissolving, but which is soluble in the caustic alkalies, and may be precipitated by neutralization. Alkali albumen, like other albuminous bodies, is also precipitated from its solutions by metallic salts. With alcohol no precipitate is yielded, and alkali albumen is said to contain no sulphur, the sulphur of the albumen from which it is made being removed by the alkali in the process of conversion. It therefore differs from acid albumen and from casein, which contains sulphur. Alkali albumen or albuminate is present in all young cells, in blood- corpuscles and blood-serum, in muscle, pancreas, nerves, crystalline lens, and cornea. It would seem that alkali albuminate may exist in various forms, judging by the difference in effect produced on polarized light by alkali albumen produced from different sources. Thus, alkali albumen produced from serum-albumen has a Isevo-rotatory power of 86 ; from egg-albumen, of 47, and if prepared from coagulated egg-albumen it may be as high as 58.8. Casein is a form of alkali albuminate which is present in milk. It yields potassium sulphide when left to stand with liquor potassae, and still more quickly when heated with it. It may be prepared from milk by shaking the milk with caustic potash and ether, removing the ether and precipitating the albuminate with acetic acid, and washing the coagulum with water, alcohol, and ether. The other properties of casein will be further studied under the subject of Milk. Alkali albumen, therefore, differs from acid albumens in its not being precipitated on neutralization if alkaline phosphates be present ; by its being precipitated by magnesium sulphate in substance in cold solution, but in not being coagulated when boiled in lime-water ; and it contains no sulphur. V. COAGULATED PROTEIDS. It has already been seen that the action of heat on solutions of egg- and serum-albumen, globulins, or on fibrin when suspended in water, or dissolved in saline solutions, serves to coagulate them and to convert them into an insoluble form. Absolute alcohol produces a similar effect on the same bodies ; coagulated proteids are insoluble in water, dilute acids and alkalies and neutral saline solu- tions, and, although they are soluble in the strong mineral acids, their solubility is dependent upon the fact that through the action of the acid they are converted into dem^ed albumens. They are readil} 7 converted into peptones through the action of the different digestive juices (gastric and pancreatic juices). When freshty formed the} r are white, flocculent, or cheesy masses which, under the microscope, are entirely amorphous; they hold water and salt solutions with great tenacity. Their chemical characteristics have been very little studied. YI. AMYLOID SUBSTANCES OR LARDACEIN. This is a substance which NITROGENOUS ORGANIC CELL-CONSTITUENTS. 103 appears to be a derivative of fibrin, and is found as a deposit in numerous of the organs of the bod3^ such as the spleen, liver, etc. It is insoluble in water, alcohol, ether, dilute acids, and alkaline carbonates, and is not dissolved by the digestive juices. When acted on by concentrated hydro- chloric acid it passes into solution and is converted into syntonin, which may be precipitated by dilution with water. With sulphuric acid it dis- solves when boiled, forming a violet solution, and with strong sulphuric acid it is converted into leucin and tyrosin. In its composition it appears identical with other proteids. It behaves differently, however, to certain of the proteid tests, and must, therefore, be regarded as a modified proteid. Thus, with iodine, instead of the yellow color produced with other proteids, a reddish-brown color is formed. With iodine and chloride of zinc or sulphuric acid a violet-bluish color is produced, thus resembling cellulose in its reaction, to which similarity it owes its name of amyloid, though it must be remembered that this is the only point of similarity between amyloid substances and the starchy bodies ; for it contains nitrogen, which is absent from all starches, and it cannot be converted into sugar. Aniline violet on amyloid substance causes a reddish-violet color, and is a test which may be readily used for detecting the presence of amyloid degeneration in various animal organs. Amyloid substance yields the Millon's and xantho-proteic reactions. VII. PEPTONES. A peptone is a modified form of proteid which occurs -when any of the albuminous bodies, with the exception of lardacein, are subjected to the action of gastric or pancreatic juices, prolonged boiling at high temperature under great pressure, or by the action of heat and dilute , acids at moderate temperature. Their general charac- teristics will be referred to under the subject of Digestion. In addition to the above classes of albuminous bodies, albumen has been said to exist under two other forms, that of meta-albumen and para- albumen, although as 3 7 et very little is known about their characteristics, or in fact whether they are not simply ordinary albuminous bodies modified by the accidental addition of some other substance. Thus, meta-albumen might possibly be regarded as a mixture of albumen and mucin, since it is precipitated by alcohol without undergoing coagulation ; it is not coagu- lated by boiling, although its solutions become cloudy when heated, and it is not precipitated by acetic or hydrochloric acids, or acetic acid and potassium ferrocyanide. It is, however, precipitated by mercuric chloride and gallic acid. It has been found in ovarian cysts, and in the fluid of ascites. When precipitated by alcohol the precipitate is again soluble in water. Para-albumen has also been found in the fluid of ovarian cysts, where its presence was supposed to be characteristic, but has also been found elsewhere. It is precipitated b}^ alcohol, and when so precipitated 104 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. may redissolve again in water. It is not completely coagulated by boil- ing. It is rendered turbid by acetic acid, the cloudiness being removed by an excess of acid or sodium chloride. It is precipitated by nitric acid, potassium ferrocyanide and acetic acid, mercuric chloride, and ace- tate of lead. ALBUMINOIDS. In the development of the different tissues of the animal body the native albumens already described, which exist in the ovum and embryonic cells, assume a modified form, the condition under which such a modified albumen is present varying considerably in dif- ferent tissues ; as already pointed out, the difference in the different tissues, especially in the different members of the connective-tissue group, is dependent upon the modification which the albuminous con- stituents of those cells have undergone. Such bodies have a chemical composition very closely allied to that of native albumens. They are complex, nitrogenous compounds, but they present certain proper- ties in contrast with the true albuminous bodies. As they appear to result from the transformation of those bodies in the animal econonvr, not as a rule being found in the vegetable kingdom, they may be spoken of as the albuminoids of special tissues. In the connective-tissue group are included a number of different tissues, such as white connective tissue, elastic tissue, tendon, bone, cartilage, and dentine, which at first sight appear to have few if any points in common. Yet all these tissues fulfill the same subservient function of connection and support, all originate from the same layer of the blastoderm, and in different periods of life are often changed from one form into the other. The cells of all these tissues are capable of developing a more or less homogeneous intercellular substance, whose chemical composition differs in the different members of this group. When any of the various forms of connective tissue proper are macerated for some days in lime-water or baryta-water, the various elements fall asunder from solution of the connecting cement, which may be precipitated from its solution by dilute acids. This body is mucin. If the ground substance of the different connective tissues after the removal of mucin is boiled in water, they nearly all yield substances somewhat similar to glue ; hence they are called collagenous bodies. We will take these up in turn. 1. Mucin. Mucin, or the cement substance, is found in all mucous secretions as a result of special cell action, and jn the tissue of mollusks, and is the substance to which their tenacious character is due. It is found in embryonic connective tissue, and serves to bind together the fibres of tendons, and of connective tissue and epidermis, and is found NITROGENOUS ORGANIC CELL-CONSTITUENTS. 105 in synovial secretions. Mucin may be prepared from the salivary glands by making a watery extract, filtering and precipitating mucin by acetic acid ; the precipitate may then be washed with water, with alcohol, and with ether to remove fat. Mucin may also be obtained from tendons by washing well, cutting up into small pieces, extracting them with water to remove soluble albuminous bodies and salts, and then allowing them to stand for several days in lime- or bai'3'ta-water. After filtration, acetic acid will precipitate the mucin, which at first is granular, but afterward flocculent in appearance, and which may be washed with dilute alcohol or dilute acetic acid. It also may be prepared from ox-gall by precipi- tating with its own volume of alcohol to remove the coloring matter and proteids, dissolving the precipitate in lime-water, after washing with fresh alcohol, and precipitating the mucin from its solution in lime- water by acetic acid. When freshly precipitated, mucin is a glutinous body which may be suspended but not dissolved in water. Mucin is soluble in concen- trated but not in dilute mineral acids. It is also soluble in liquor potassae and lime-water, and the solution is viscid and nearly neutral. When in solution it is not coagulated by boiling, but is precipitated in an insoluble form by acetic acid. Its solutions are precipitated by mineral acids, the precipitate being soluble in a slight excess of acid. It is not precipitated by metallic salts, with the exception of acetate of lead. When boiled for twenty or thirty minutes with dilute sul- phuric acid it acquires the power of reducing the ordinary sugar tests. It again loses this power on prolonged boiling. A body similar to acid albumen is formed at the same time. No precipitate is produced with solutions of mucin by acetic acid and potassium ferroc3 T anide unless other albuminoids are also present. It gives no precipitate with mercuric chloride, and does not give the biuret reaction for albu- minous bodies ; with Millon's reagent it gives a red color. It therefore possesses several properties which are divergent from those of or- dinary albuminous bodies, and is evidently a proteid body modified through the differentiation of the protoplasm of the cells of the con- nective-tissue group. Mucin appears to be digested by pancreatic but not by gastric juice. Mucin is not soluble in water or alcohol, but swells up very much in the former, particularly in the presence of certain salts. When the mixture is filtered part of the mucin often passes through, and causes a turbid precipitate. The mixture in water possesses no viscidity; it, however, becomes clearer and more tenacious if sodium chloride is added. 2. CollagenoKS Albuminoids. Collagenous albuminoids, of which gelatin is the type, are albuminous bodies found in connective tissue, cartilage, and bone. They contain a little less carbon and more nitrogen 106 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. than the true albuminous bodies. They are termed gelatinous because gelatin, which is formed by the action of boiling water on these tissues, is the most important representative of the group. It contains , a. Collagen. b. Gelatin. c. Chondrogen. d. C lion drill. a. Collagen, or gelatinous substance, forms the organic basis of bones and teeth, and of the fibrous parts of tendons, ligaments, and fascia. It derives its name from the fact that by prolonged boiling it is converted into gelatin or glue (Ko/l/ld). Collagen is prepared from bones by soaking in repeated changes of dilute hydrochloric acid; or from tendons by removing mucin by means of lime- or baryta-water, then by repeated washing with water, and finally with very dilute acetic acid. When fresh it is soft, but it shrinks and becomes hard when dry, or when alcohol is added. Collagen is insoluble in cold water; it swells up on dilute acids, and becomes transparent ; through the prolonged action of dilute acids collagen dissolves, the solution containing gelatin and acid albumen, the latter, perhaps, being produced by the action of the acid on the residual matter of the connective-tissue cells. It dissolves in liquor potassse, and in 'boiling dilute acids or in boiling water it dissolves and is rapidly converted into gelatin. 6. Gelatin. Gelatin is prepared, as already indicated, by boiling collagen, or any of the connective-tissue group, in water, and when the solution cools it forms a jelly the consistence of which depends upon the percentage of gelatin present. Gelatin, prepared as indicated above, is a product of the trans- formation of connective tissue by the prolonged action of boiling water. It is favored by high temperature (120 C.), as in Papin's Digester, and the presence of a minute quantity of acid. When dry it forms a yellowish or, if pure, a transparent, tasteless solid, closely resembling a gum in its general appearance and characteristics. It is insoluble in cold water, but when immersed in cold water is able to absorb by imbibition forty times its own weight. It then will form a stiff, tenacious, jelly-like mass. If dry gelatin is boiled in water, it is readily dissolved, and when the solution in water cools the gelatin sets into a stiff jelly if more than 1 per cent, of gelatin is present, the consistence of the jelly depending upon the quantity of gelatin dissolved. When boiled for a long time in water, or if boiled with an acid or alkali, this property of gelatinizing is lost and two peptone-like bodies result. Gelatin is insoluble in alcohol, ether, and chloroform. It is soluble in warm glycerin, such solutions having the power of gelatinizing when cooled. NITROGENOUS ORGANIC CELL-CONSTITUENTS. 107 In solution gelatin rotates the plane of polarized light to the left ( 130 at 25 C.). In watery solutions gelatin is precipitated by tannic acid, alcohol, and mercuric chloride ; but not hy acetic acid, which serves to distinguish it from chondrin ; nor by potassium ferrocyanide and acetic acid, which separates it from other proteids; nor acetate of lead, which precipitates chondrin. When boiled with cupric sulphate and potassium hydrate, the blue solution becomes red without depositing oxide of copper. Gelatin readily undergoes putrefaction, and among the products leucin, ammonia, and some of the fatty acids are found. c. Chondrogen. Chondrogen is found in the intercellular substance of l^aline cartilage, and in the cartilage of bone before ossification. It derives its name from the fact that when boiled with water it forms chondrin, a point which serves to distinguish it from fibro-cartilage, which, when treated in the same way with boiling water, forms gelatin, and not chondrin. Chondrogen is insoluble in cold water, but if dried before- hand, when immersed in cold water will swell up slightly. It swells very slightly in acetic acid, and may be dissolved by the concentrated mineral acids and caustic alkalies. When subjected to prolonged boiling with water it dissolves and forms an opaline solution, which forms a jelly when cooled. d. Chondrin. As just stated, chondrin is the result of prolonged boiling of .chondrogen in water. When solutions of chondrin in water cool the}" form a stiff jelly, which is insoluble in cold water, but soluble in alkalies and ammonia. When solutions of chondrin are evaporated, a hard, translucent, yellowish, gummy mass results, which is insoluble in alcohol and ether, swells slightly in cold and dissolves tolerably readily in hot water and solutions of the alkalies. Prolonged boiling of watery solutions of chondrin destroys its power of gelatinizing, though the other properties of chondrin are not thereby altered. It is precipi- tated from its solutions by alcohol. It differs from gelatin in that it is precipitated by the mineral acids even when they are dilute ; an excess of the reagent dissolves the precipitate. It is also precipitated by solutions of sulphurous acid. It is precipitated by acetic acid, the precipitate not being soluble in excess unless some alkaline salt be present. It is precipitated in abundant flocculi by solutions of alum, which readily dissolve in an excess, and the fluid becomes clear and transparent. It is precipitated with acetate and subacetate of lead, nitrate of silver, and cupric sulphate. Tannic acid and chlorine water precipitate it, as in the case of gelatin. It rotates the plane of polarized light to the left. Chondrin also is readily decomposable, and when subjected to prolonged heat with concentrated l^drochloric acid is decomposed, with the formation of nitrogenous compounds which have the power of reducing the cupro-potassium test ; a body resembling acid 108 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. albumen is formed at the same time. The same changes follow prolonged boiling with dilute sulphuric acid. There are some grounds for supposing that chondrin is not an individual albuminoid, but that it is rather a mixture of gelatin, mucin, and salts, since its general characteristics are similar to what might be possessed by a combination of these bodies. All the connective tissues, therefore, possess a body which may be transformed into gelatin by boiling, and a cement substance, mucin. The following statements represent in a few words the distinctive characteristics of mucin, cliondrin, gelatin, and albumen: Mucin. Precipitated by acetic acid, the precipitate is not dissolved by sodium sulphate. Chondrin. Precipitated by acetic acid, the precipitate is dissolved by sodium sulphate. Precipitated by lead acetate, alum, silver nitrate, and copper sulphate. Gelatin. Not precipitated by acetic acid, nor by acetic acid and potassium ferrocyanide, nor by lead acetate. Albumen. Dissolved by acetic acid, the solution is precipitated by potassium ferrocyanide, or by the addition of alkaline salts and heat. Gelatin and chondrin are mostly to be recognized by their hot solutions forming a jelly when cooled. This, as already mentioned, is not invariably the case, as the property is lost by prolonged boiling, or by boiling with acids. Closely allied to these collagenous albuminoid constituents of the connective tissues we meet with two other albuminoids which have many points in common with the above, with the exception that they do not form jellies when their solutions cool. These two bodies are Elastin, obtained from elastic tissue, and Keratin, a nitrogenous body of epithelial origin. 3. Elastin. Elastin is the albuminoid principle contained in yellow elastic tissue. When yellow elastic connective tissue is boiled with water, after mucin has been removed, collagen is dissolved. The residue which remains is mainly composed of elastin. Elastin may be prepared by macerating the ligamentum nuchae of the ox with ether, and then hot alcohol, to remove the fats ; boiling water, to remove collagen and convert it into gelatin, and 10 per cent, caustic soda, and then acetic acid, allowing the boiling in water to continue for at least thirty-six hours, and in the acetic acid for at least six hours. After being subjected to the soda, the remaining tissue is again boiled with dilute acetic acid, well washed with water, and afterward the acid neutralized. After washing with hot water a brittle, yellowish mass is obtained, which recovers its elasticity and fibrous appearance if soaked in dilute acetic acid. Elastin is insoluble in cold or boiling water, and offers remarkable resistance to chemical agents, unless boiled for a very long time. It is NITROGENOUS ORGANIC CELL-CONSTITUENTS. 109 insoluble in alcohol, ether, ammonia, or acetic acid, but it dissolves in caustic potash. Its solutions, however, do not gelatinize. When once dissolved in caustic potash the alkali may be neutralized without throw- ing the elastin out of solution. Tannic acid is the only acid which will precipitate it. Elastin gives the xantho-proteic and Millon's reactions, and its place among the albuminoids, therefore, seems warranted. When boiled for a long time with sulphuric acid it undergoes decomposition, with the formation of leucin and tyrosin. Elastin contains no sulphur. 4. Keratin. The epithelial tissues of the animal body nails, bone, epidermis, and epithelium, as well as horns and feathers are mainly composed of a substance closely allied to albumen, as it gives leucin and tyrosin on decomposition, to which the name of keratin has been given. Keratin contains sulphur in loose combination, and is in some re- spects closely related to elastin. Keratin is insoluble in alcohol and ether, swells up in boiling water, and is soluble in the caustic alkalies. It is not liable to decomposition. When one of the epithelial structures, such as horn, is subjected to the action successively of boiling water and alcohol, ether, and dilute acids, this substance, keratin, remains behind. But when so obtained it has by no means a constant composition, and it is probable, therefore, that keratin is rather a mixture of several nitrogenous bodies than a single albuminoid. Decomposition of the Albuminous Bodies. As already mentioned, albuminous bodies are the most unstable of all organic compounds, and we have the strongest reason for believing that, even while in the interior of animal and vegetable organisms, the albuminous constituents of proto- plasm are continually the seat of various forms of decomposition which result in the production of simpler organic and inorganic forms. As we know but very little as to the molecular constitution of the proteid bodies, nothing positive can be said as to the complex chemical processes which result in the production of simpler organic forms. The subject has been a favorite field of research for organic chemists, but as yet scarcely anything tangible has resulted from their labors. An immense amount of valuable information has been attained, but the applicability of the facts so reached to physiological processes is not as yet clearl}^ assured. The chief end products of the decomposition of proteids in the animal cell, which is essentially one of oxidation, are water, carbon dioxide, and urea. What the nature of the substances are which are in- termediary between these end products and albuminoids we do not clearly know, except that certain ones, such as leucin, tyrosin, certain of the carbo-hydrates, such as glycogen and fats, are of constant occurrence and of great importance. The subject of the decomposition of albumen under various chemical and physical agents is an extremely interesting one, but it falls more within the province of works on organic chemistry. 110 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. In our study of the processes of metabolism of the animal body, in which we will attempt to trace the course of the food-stuffs after their entrance into the body and in their elimination as various effete products, this subject must necessarily be touched upon ; the consideration of the part of this subject which is at all capable of practicable application will be deferred until then. It may only be mentioned here that the simpler an organism the simpler must be the chemical changes in its constituents. Thus, we find that in the elementary vegetable organisms their entire structure is made up of protoplasm, which is practically almost solely albuminoid ; we have then appearing chlorophyll, cellulose, starch, and in still higher forms the various sugar groups, vegetable acids, alkalies, etc. In the animal body a similar state of affairs holds. We m&y say that the body of an amoeba is composed of simple albuminous matter. In the development of 'organs we have a development of supposed chemical derivatives of protoplasm, and the higher the state of development of the organism the more com- plex will be the changes which have resulted from the original proto- plasm. As we have already mentioned, these cell-constituents are organic, nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous, and inorganic bodies. All of the sub- stances which we have heretofore considered are examples of derivatives or modifications of protoplasm, and as protoplasm is essentially albumi- nous they are, therefore, the examples of a modification of albumen. In the waste of albuminous tissues we have an immense number of inter- mediary bodies, partly belonging to the various aromatic series, between albuminous bodies and the simpler end products, water, carbon dioxide, and urea. These bodies result from a progressive series of oxidations, and will receive consideration under the subject of Nutrition. FEKMENTS. Various animal and vegetable cells will often be found to contain a class of bodies which are closely allied in composition to albuminous substances, since they contain carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, ox3^gen, and sulphur. From the fact that they are able, under certain conditions, to produce reduction in the complexity of organic compounds with the action of water without acting through the development of chemical affinities, and without themselves undergoing change, such bodies are termed soluble ferments, and are derived directly from modifications of the protoplasm of the living organisms in which they originate. Al- though they are apparently allied to albuminoids in their chemical con- stitution, yet when purified they fail to give the proteid reactions ; and although we may be pretty sure that such bodies are derived from the physiological splitting up of proteids, we have no exact knowledge as to their structure. When obtained dry by various processes, which NITROGENOUS ORGANIC CELL-CONSTITUENTS. Ill will be considered under the study of the individual ferments in the section on Digestion, they are amorphous, colorless powders, which are highly soluble in water, resemble gums somewhat in appearance, and are precipitated from their solutions by alcohol, corrosive sublimate, and lead acetate. One of their remarkable points of contrast to albuminous bodies is that, when precipitated from solution in water or glycerin by absolute alcohol, if the precipitates are filtered off and dried, they are again perfectly soluble in water, and are still capable of exerting all their actions ; hence, their precipitation is more of a mechanical nature than chemical. Further, when the precipitates formed by the above reagents are decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen a wateiy extract of the pre- cipitate will still preserve the original properties of the ferment ; in other words, the soluble matter is restored to the water unchanged, and still preserves its specific properties. The ferments are with difficulty freed from albuminoids, and it is in all probability the albuminoid which is chemically precipitated from their solutions by the above reagents, and which in this precipitation carries with it mechanically the ferment. Consequently, this property of the ferment of being precipitated by the above reagents is dependent upon the albuminous bodies which are nearly always associated with it. We shall, further, find that this prop- erty of being carried down by precipitates from solutions is the basis of nearl} r all the methods which have been employed for the isolation of the different digestive ferments. Ferments obtained from the animal and vegetable kingdom may have the most varied functions. We have but little information concerning the soluble ferments from a chemical point of view. We do not even know whether they all have the same chemical compo- sition, and differ only in some unknown manner in their specific activit3 r . They only are active at a temperature below 60 C., and when in the presence of water ; at the temperature of boiling water they are perma- nently destroyed; at lower temperatures their activity is suspended. They do not themselves appear to be influenced in the phenomena offer- mentation which they inaugurate ; ferments are also inactive in the pres- ence of various chemical agents, such as alcohol, the stronger mineral acids, and all the large group of substances which are known as antisep- tics. Ferments may be of two kinds ; either organized ferments, such as the yeast-plant, malt, vibrios, bacteria, etc., substances which are themselves elementary, cellular organisms, or the so-called unformed ferments, or enzymes, substances which invariably originate in the interior of animal and vegetable protoplasm, and are soluble and not organized. This latter group comprises all the ferments with which we are par- ticularly interested. Their specific action is in many cases closely analo- gous to that of the formed ferments. There are, however, several points 112 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. of contrast between them. Organized ferments are destroyed by com- pressed oxygen ; soluble ferments are not. Solutions of borax prevent the action of the unformed ferments, but are without influence on the formed ferments. The organized ferments during their action reproduce themselves ; the soluble ferments do not act. All the soluble ferments have a high percentage of ash, sometimes as much as 8 per cent. Under the action of ferments, fermentable bodies yield substances whose nature is dependent on that of the ferment. So that any individual ferment- able substance under the influence of different ferments will split up into different substances. The following are the important ferments found in animal organ- isms : ptyalin, found in the saliva and converting starch into sugar ; pepsin, found in the gastric juice and in the presence of a dilute acid converting albuminous bodies into peptones ; the milk-curdling ferment, or rennet, found in the gastric juice and coagulating milk in neutral or acid media; the amylolytic ferment of pancreatic juice, converting starch into sugar ; the proteolytic ferment of pancreatic juice, converting proteids into peptones in an alkaline medium; the fat-ferment of pancreatic juice, splitting up neutral, fatty bodies into fatty acids ; the milk-curdling fer- ment, also said to exist in pancreatic juice ; the inversive ferment, found in intestinal juice and converting cane-sugar into inverted sugar; and the liver-ferment, converting gtycogen into sugar. The general subject of the nature of the changes produced by these substances will be con- sidered in the next section ; the mode of action of the digestive ferments will be considered under the subject of Digestion. B. NON-NITROGENOUS ORGANIC CELL-CONSTITUENTS. I. CARBO-HYDRATES. The carbo-hydrate tissue-constituents are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, the latter two in the propor- tion to form water. Although occasionally present as constituents of animal cells, they are almost exclusively produced by the vegetable king- dom, and present many interesting examples of isomerism. They may be divided into the three following groups : (a) STARCHES (C 6 H 10 O 5 ). (6) GRAPE-SUGAR GROUP (C 6 H ia O 6 ). (c) CANE-SUGAR GROUP (C M H 22 O n ). The members of the first group may, through the action of dilute acids or the di astatic ferments, be transformed in great part into the second group. The latter undergoes alcoholic fermentation when in contact witli malt. (a) THE AMYLOSES, OR STARCH GROUP 7?(CH 10 6 ). This group includes starch, dextrin, glycogen, cellulose, granulose, and inulin. NON-NITBOGENOUS OEGANIC CELL-CONSTITUENTS. 113 1. Starch, or amylum (??(C 6 H 10 O 6 ) or CmllaoOjg), is almost univers- al^ distributed throughout the vegetable kingdom, and is the first evi- dence of the decomposition of CO 2 of the atmosphere by vegetable cells (6 CO 3 -{-5 H 2 O = C 6 H 10 O 6 -|-12 0). It is particularly abundant in the cereals, in seeds of the leguminous plants, and in the potato, and in cer- tain roots, tubers, soft stems, and seeds. It forms rounded masses which lie in the plasma of the plant-cells, becoming converted, in the process of germination in seeds and bulbs, into soluble dextrin and sugar. Under FIG. 54. STARCH-GRANULES, AFTER LOEBISCH. A, pea-starch ; B, rice-starch ; C. oat-starch ; D, wheat-starch : E, bean-starch : F, millet-starch ; G, corn-starch ; H, rye- starch ; I, lentil-starch ; K, potato-starch ; L, buckwheat-starch ; M, barley -starch. microscopic examination starch appears as rounded, glistening granules composed of a series of concentric rings. These granules vary in appear- ance and size according to their source. In size they may vary from 0.004 mm. in diameter, as when found in beet-seeds, to 0.16 mm., as in potato-starch (Fig. 54). In the following table (after Karmarsch) the diameter of the starch- granules from different sources is given. Microscopic examination of 8 114 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 0.140 (0.10-0.185). 0.140 0.07 0.063 0.050 0.050 0.036 0.031 0.02-0.03 0.028 0.022 0.025 0.009 different " meals," by the shape and size of the granules, will thus permit of the recognition of adulteration with inferior meals : Mm. Starch granules from Potatoes (average), Arrowroot, Sago, Beans, Peas, " Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corn, Tapioca, Rice, Barley, Buckwheat, The striated appearance is due to the fact that starch is composed of two substances, cellulose and granulose, arranged in concentric layers, the cellulose always being external. Granulose stains blue with iodine, not by the formation of a chemical compound, but by the deposit of the iodine around the starch-molecules, and cellulose stains a faint yellow. These two substances may be separated by digesting, at 60 C., one part of starch in forty parts of saturated salt solution containing 1 per cent, of free hydrochloric acid. The granulose then passes into solution, while the cellulose remains. Examined in this waf , potato- starch has been found to contain 5.7 per cent, cellulose, wheat-starch 2.3 per cent., and arrowroot 3.10 per cent. Under the action of dias- tatic ferments granulose is converted into sugar, while cellulose remains unaltered. A third substance has been distinguished in starch which is termed erythrogranulose, and it differs from granulose in taking on a red coloration when treated with iodine. It has a stronger affinity for fodine than granulose. Hence, when starch-mucilage is treated with very dilute iodine solution a red color is produced, but when a large quantity of iodine is added, a deep-blue coloration, from the fact that the reaction of the iodine with the granulose masks the erythrogranulose reaction. Pure starch is a white, tasteless, and odorless substance which is almost entirely insoluble in cold water. In boiling water the granules swell up from the imbibition of water by the granulose, the cellulose envelopes burst, and the granulose dissolves. It is to the presence of the cellulose envelope that the insolubility of raw starch in cold water is due. When the cellulose membranes are destroyed or comminuted, as by grinding with powdered glass, a part of the granulose is then dissolved in the water, and by repeated washing nearly all the granulose ma} 7 be removed and the cellulose envelopes alone remain. In boiling water, while the starch is said to be soluble, the condition is more strictly one of a high degree of imbibition of the starch. Like other colloids, starch is incapable of dialysis, and forms a mucilaginous emulsion. A solution NON-NITROGENOUS ORGANIC CELL-CONSTITUENTS. 115 of granulose in water rotates the plane of polarized light strongly to the right. According to Pay en, when starch is placed in a saturated solu- tion of potassium iodide, or potassium bromide, it swells up to a stiff jelly and increases twenty-five to thirty times in volume. This mass may then be dissolved in water, with only a slight residue of starch- cellulose. Dilute acids will also dissolve granulose. The alteration of starch through the action of the dia static ferments will be described under the consideration of the action of the digestive juices on the different food-stuffs. When starch is boiled with dilute acids similar products result. When starch is subjected to dry heat at 150 to 160 C. it is gradu- ally transformed into dextrin. When moisture, however, is present, quite different compounds result, the starch being completely decomposed, with the formation of carbon dioxide, formic acid, etc. In still higher tem- peratures small quantities of brenzcatechin are formed, a fact which is pf especial interest, as it indicates the possibility of the conversion of carbo-hydrates into members of the aromatic series. Oxalic acid results from heating starch with nitric acid. The test for starch is iodine, which, with raw starch, or with starch- mucilage, gives a deep-bine coloration which disappears on heating, to return on cooling, if the heat has not been too prolonged. Starch is also precipitated from its solutions by tannic acid in the form of a yellow, flocculent sediment which is dissolved on heating. . ^ 2. Cellulose (C 6 H 10 O 6 ). Cellulose forms the wall or cell-membrane of vegetable cells, and may be regarded as the skeleton of plants. It is formed by vegetable protoplasm out of other carbo-li3 T d rates, such as starch and sugar, and is capable of being again reconverted into other members of the same group. It only very seldom occurs in a perfectly pure condition. Young plants contain purer cellulose than older plants; in the latter there is a greater percentage of ash. Cotton and Swedish filter-paper are forms of comparatively pure cellulose. Cellulose is very hygroscopic, but ammoniacal cupric oxide solution (Schneider's reagent) is its only solvent. In sulphuric acid it first swells up and then dissolves and forms a substance which is stained blue with iodine. This substance is termed ani3'loid, but must not be confounded with the amyloid substance of pathologists, which has been already described under the albuminous bodies. Cellulose is also capable of being converted into the sugar group by prolonged action of acids. Woody fibre is a modified form of cellulose, which is due to the deposit within the cellulose of nitrogenous substances ; it then has acquired a greater power of resistance to various mechanical and chemical agents. In woody fibre cellulose has become associated with a body richer in carbon and poorer in oxygen than cellu- lose, and which is termed lignin ; its formula is C 10 H 24 U . The lignin 116 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. constitutes about 50 per cent, of wood, the other half being composed of cellulose, upon which the lignin is deposited. Iodine stains cellulose of a yellowish color unless hydriodic acid, potassium iodide, zinc iodide, sul- phuric acid, phosphoric acid, or zinc chloride are added with the iodine. With any of these reagents, combined with the iodine, the cell-membrane or cellulose is stained blue. It is not known, however, in what way these agents assist the reaction. 3. Dextrin (C 6 H 10 6 ). Dextrin, or British gum, is the name given to a group of substances which may be regarded as intermediary products in the conversion of starch into sugar. It may also be obtained by boil- ing starch with dilute acid, although in this operation the sugars are also obtained. There is some doubt as to whether it exists ready formed as a constituent of vegetable cells. In commerce it is manufactured by heating dry starch up to 400. Through the action of the dry heat the starch becomes yellowish in color and soluble in water. Dextrin is in- soluble in alcohol and ether; it should not reduce the sugar test unless, as is apt to be the case, it is associated with sugar. It rotates the ray of polarized light strongly to the right, from which it derives its name ( dexter = right), and is readily converted by the action of dilute acids, or the diastatic ferments, into sugar. According to Bernard, dextrin is found in the blood of both the herbivora and carnivora, though in greater amount in the former. When found in the animal body it originates partly from the giycogen of the liver and partly from the food. The test for dextrin is the formation of a mahogany-red color when iodine is added to its solutions. When heated this color disappears and does not return on cooling, a point of importance as serving to distinguish dextrin from giycogen, another member of this group. Dextrin is precipitated out of its watery solutions, which are alwa}^s turbid, by alcohol, lime-water and ammonia, and acetate of lead. With iodine in solution in potassium iodide, dextrin gives a violet coloration. 4. Giycogen. Giycogen, or animal starch, or, more properly speaking, animal dextrin, wiU be discussed at length under the subject of Special Physiology. 5. Inulin (C 6 H 10 6 ). In its composition and characteristics inulin is closely allied to starch. It is found in the roots of the Lobeliaceae, Campanulaceae, and Gordeniaceas ; it owes its name to the fact that it w r as first discovered in the root of the Inula helenium. Dried dahlia-bulbs contain 42 per cent, of inulin. In the autumn inulin is found in greatest amount ; in the spring it becomes converted into Isevulose. Inulin is only found dissolved in plant-juices, and never as a solid deposit ; and since inulin by itself is insoluble in water, it must then owe its solubility to the presence of some other substance. Inulin may be obtained \>y boiling dahlia-bulbs in water, enough NON-NITKOGENOUS ORGANIC CELL-CONSTITUENTS. 117 calcium carbonate being added to neutralize the acid reaction. After filtering and concentration, inulin separates from the extract in the form of crystals. By boiling with dilute acid, inuliu is converted into Isevulose. (6) THE GLUCOSES, OR GRAPE-SUGAR GROUP ?i(C 6 H 12 6 ). This group comprises grape-sugar, or dextrose, galactose, inosite, and Isevulose, or sugar of fruits. 1. Grape-Sugar (C 6 H 12 O 6 -|-H 2 O). Grape-sugar, or glucose, is widely distributed throughout the vegetable kingdom, as a rule accompanying fruit-sugar, and Js also normally found dissolved in many of the animal j uices. It owes its name to its being found in grapes, where it is associated with Isevulose. It rotates the plane of polarized light to the right, and is consequently designated as dextrose. As a product of the action of the diastatic ferments on starch and the majorit3 T of the carbo-l^-drates, it acquires an especial importance for the animal organism. Grape-sugar also occurs in the vegetable kingdom associated with other bodies to form glucosideSj from which it may be separated by treatment with acids or ferments. Most of these bodies contain only C, H, and O; some, such as solanin and amygdalin, contain N in addition, and in others S is also found. Grape-sugar seldom occurs in well-formed crystals, but ordinarily in crumbly, white masses, which, under the microscope, are seen to consist of small, rhombic tables. It has a sweetish taste, and is soluble in water and alcohol. At 100 C. grape-sugar melts and loses its water of ciystallization. At higher temperatures it becomes brown, and is con- verted into caramel, CuH^Oj,. At still higher temperatures it is completely decomposed into CO, C0 2 , marsh-gas, acetic acid, acetone, aldehyde, and other products. If heated with a strong solution of caustic potash grape-sugar decomposes, with heat production, into lactic acid, brenzcatechin, formic acid, and other products, accompanied by the development of a brown color. If nitric acid is then added, an odor of burnt sugar and formic acid is produced. Grape-sugar is readily soluble in water, but less so than cane-sugar. It is also less sweet than cane-sugar. It is very slightly soluble in alcohol and insoluble in ether. Glucose combines with different acids and bases to form glycosates or saccharates. Grape-sugar has a great affinity for oxygen, and it is therefore a powerful reducing agent. This property is seen in the reduction of cupric oxide in an alkaline solution, and has been made use of for a qualitative and quantitative test of its presence. Thus, if one molecule of grape-sugar is mixed with five molecules of cupric sulphate and eleven molecules of sodic hydrate the copper will be precipitated completely, and the filtrate will be free from sugar. In watery solutions grape-sugar is unstable, since it is readily decomposed under the action of ferments. This fermentation, produced under the influence of yeast 118 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. or malt, is termed alcoholic fermentation, and is accompanied by tlie development of carbon dioxide, with small amounts of glycerin and formic acid. The fermentation caused by the lactic acid ferment, or decomposing nitrogenous matter, results in the final development of butyric acid. Various tests have been proposed for the qualitative and quantitative estimation of grape-sugar. Of these it may be mentioned that in solutions of cupric hydrate in the presence of free alkalies, when subjected to boiling, grape-sugar reduces the cupric oxide into red or yellow anhydrous cuprous oxide (Trommer's and Fehling's test). Basic nitrate of bismuth is reduced by grape-sugar to bismuth oxide (Bottger's test). When boiled with half its volume of liquor potassse grape-sugar solutions acquire a bright-brown color, due to the formation of melassic acid. If nitric acid is now added, the odor of formic acid is evolved (Moore's test). For the methods of quantitative estimation of sugar solutions and further details as to testing for sugar, references must be made to text-books on physiological chemistry. 2. Lsevulose. As with dextrose and cane-sugar, Isevulose is also abundantly distributed through the vegetable kingdom, especially in the acid fruits. It forms a colorless, non-e^stallizable s} r rup, with almost as much sweetness as cane-sugar. It derives its name from its property of rotating the plane of polarized light strongly to the left (at 15 C.= 106). It is as powerful a reducing agent as grape-sugar. When placed in contact with malt it undergoes alcoholic fermentation without first being converted into dextrose. Lsevulose is also formed in what is termed the inversion of cane-sugar. When cane-sugar is subjected to the action of dilate mineral acids, or the intestinal juices of animals, it is turned into the so-called inverted sugar, which may be regarded as a mixture of equal portions of dextrose and Isevulose. 3. Inosite (C 6 H 12 O 6 -|- 2H 2 O). Inosite is a saccharine body which is found in the heart-muscle and in most of the organs of the body, especially of the horse and ox. It is also found in certain plants, es- pecially in the unripe fruit of the Papilionacese. Inosite crystallizes in long, colorless, efflorescent tables, and in cabbage-like aggregations, which when dried break down into a white mass. It has a sweetish taste, is easily soluble in water, but insoluble in alcohol and ether. Its solutions are optically inactive. It does not reduce the copper test for sugar. It is incapable of undergoing alcoholic fermentation, and is not decomposed by caustic alkalies or weak acids. It is precipitated from its solutions by lead acetate and ammonia. If inosite is evaporated almost to dryness on a strip of platinum-foil with nitric acid, and the residue moistened with a little ammonia and calcium chloride solution; and again evaporated, a beautiful red coloration is produced (Scherer's NON-NITROGENOUS ORGANIC CELL-CONSTITUENTS. 119 test). By means of this test it is claimed that the presence of 0.005 grain of inosite may be recognized. In contact with decomposing organic matters inosite may undergo lactic acid or butyric acid fermentation. (c) SACCHAROSES, OR CANE-SUGAR GROUP ft(C 12 H 2 20 u ). This group comprises saccharose, or cane-sugar, lactose or milk-sugar, maltose or malt-sugar, and arabin, found in gum arable. 1. Saccharose, or Cane-Sugar (C 12 H 22 O U ). This substance is found widely distributed throughout the vegetable kingdom in the juices of various plants, trees, and fruits. It is derived from changes occurring in starch in the ripening of the fruits. Cane-sugar is said to be the origin of all forms of vegetable sugar, which in the process of vegetation is partly broken up into glucose and laevulose. Cane-sugar crystallizes in large, colorless rhomboidal prisms, which are soluble in one-third their weight of water, the solubility being greatly increased b\ r heat ; thus, at C., 100 grammes of a saturated sugar solution contain 65 grammes of sugar ; at 14 C., 66 grammes ; and at 40 C., 75.75 grammes. The solutions of cane-sugar rotate the plane of polarized light to the right (-f- 73.80); with various metallic salts and oxides it forms chemical compounds, which are termed saccharates. When carefully heated to 160 C., it melts into a clear, pale, yellowish fluid, which on cooling forms a transparent, amorphous mass -the so-called barley-sugar. If the temperature of 160 is prolonged, cane-sugar is transformed into laevulose and glucose. When subjected to a higher temperature with moisture more profound chemical changes are produced. Carbon dioxide is developed, and a firm, carbonaceous mass containing a trace of brenzcatechin and caramelin may result. In the dry distillation of sugar large quantities of carbon dioxide and small quantities of carbon monoxide and marsh-gas are set free, while the distillate contains acetic acid, as well as substances allied to aldehyde and acetone. Under various circumstances, such as the action of dilute mineral acids, ferments, and prolonged heating of a watery solution in a closed vessel, cane-sugar becomes inverted; that is, divided into a mixture of glucose and laevulose. Cane-sugar is not directly fermentable, but when converted into dextrose and Isevulose may then undergo fermentations similar to those of grape-sugar. Cane-sugar is easily acted on by oxidizing agents, but less readily than is grape-sugar. It does not reduce alkaline cupric hydrate solutions, nor is it precipitated by acetate of lead, although ammonic lead acetate precipitates it. Strong sulphuric acid chars cane- sugar, but dissolves grape-sugar. Cane-sugar is not directly assimilable by the animal economy. When introduced into the intestinal canal it is first changed into invert sugar before being dissolved. When injected into the veins it is eliminated unchanged by the kidneys. 120 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 2. Maltose. Maltose is the form of sugar which results from the action of a diastatic ferment, or dilute acids with heat, on starches. It resembles cane-sugar in many respects, but has the power of reducing alkaline solutions of cupric hydrate, although its reducing power is one- third less than that of dextrose. It rotates the plane of polarized light strongly to the right, even more so than dextrose (-{-150). It is capable of undergoing fermentation, and, through the action of dilute acids with heat, may be converted into dextrose. It is this form of sugar which in all probability invariably results from the digestion of the carbo-hydrates in the animal body under the influence of an amylolytic ferment, and will be again alluded to in the chapters on Digestion. 3. Lactose, or Milk-Sugar (C 12 H220 u -J-H a O). Lactose resembles cane-sugar closely in its properties, but is more stable, and, like dextrose, 1ms the power of reducing the sugar tests. It rotates the plane of polar- ized light to the right, the degree of the rotation diminishing with the age of the solution. It is found only in milk; it crystallizes in hard, white, rhomboidal prisms ; is soluble in six parts of cold and two and one-half parts of hot water ; insoluble in alcohol, ether, and only slightly sweetish. It is only fermentable with difficulty. It will again be alluded to more at length under the subject of Milk. 4. Arabin. Arabin is capable of being converted by means of dilute sulphuric acid into a sugar which is termed arabinose, and is closely analogous to dextrose. It is the main constituent of gum arabic. It polarizes light to the right, reduces the copper sugar tests, but is in- capable of fermentation. II. HYDRO-CARBONS, OR FATS. Fats may be either of animal or vege- table origin, and occur either deposited within the interior of cells, or in the form of solution or suspension in animal or vegetable juices. In the animal body fat is especially formed in the cells of the connective-tissue group, either through fatty degeneration of the protoplasmic cell-contents of the connective-tissue corpuscles, or by the absorption of fat brought to them by the cells by a vital process analogous to the feeding of the timceba, or the absorption of fat from the intestinal canal of animals. In the formation of adipose tissue by either of these processes the proto- plasmic cell-contents gradually become displaced, the nucleus lying against the cell-membrane, while the cell-contents consist mainly of a globule of oil. During the life of the organism the fatty contents of cells are always of a fluid consistence, and, in the case of animals, only solidify when cooled below a certain point, which is characteristic of the different individual fats. In the vegetable cell the fats remain per- manently fluid, with but few exceptions, in the form of oils. As animal fats solidify, a partial process of crystallization into groups of acicular crystals often takes place. When within the interior of cells fats are NON-NITROGENOUS ORGANIC CELL-CONSTITUENTS. 121 stained black by perosmic acid ; this reagent is, therefore, a delicate microscopic test for the detection of fats, and, since fat is a constant constituent of nervous tissue, is used as a means of recognizing this tissue. In vegetable cells fat is partly produced directly from CO 2 and H 2 O, and also through the transformation of starch ; the latter is its mode of origin in oily seeds and fruits where it is stored up until required for germination and growth. The natural fats are, without exception, compounds of a triatomic radical, propenyl or glyceryl, combined with three atoms of a monatomic fatty acid, namely, either palmitic, stearic, or oleic acids. The fats formed by the union of these acids with the radical glyceryl are termed palmitin, stearin, and olein. A few fats contain other glycerin ethers, such, for example, as are found in butter. At the ordinary temperatures, fats are either solid, like tallow; semi-solid, like butter and lard ; or fluid, like oils. These differ- ences depend upon the differences in their composition. The more stearin or palmitin there is present, the more the fats tend to solidify ; while the more olein there is, the more fluid are they. All fatty bodies become fluid considerably below the temperature of boiling water. In the pure condition fats are odorless, tasteless, and of alkaline reaction. When kept in contact with the air, they become rancid from the setting free of fatty acids and the oxidation of glyceryl, with the resulting pro- duction of volatile fatty acids and glycerin. In this process they acquire odor and taste, and have an acid reaction. Fats have a lower specific graA 7 ity than water. All fats are completely insoluble in water, but when water contains bodies such as gum or albumen in solution, fats will then remain mechanically suspended in the form of an emulsion, which is merely the breaking up of the oil into minute globules. When fluid, fats render paper which is coated with them transparent (grease-spots). Many of the fats are soluble in alcohol, especially when hot, and all are soluble in ether, chloroform, the volatile oils, benzol, and carbon disul- phide. When fats contain small quantities of free fatty acids they will form a permanent emulsion with sodium carbonate solution. This prop- erty has been used by Briicke as the means of detecting the presence of free fatty acids, and, in all probability, the production of an emulsion in the digestion of fats by pancreatic juice is due partly to this fact. When subjected to dry distillation, acrolein is formed in conjunction with other acrid and aromatic products. When fats are boiled with alkalies, soap is produced by union of the alkali with the fatty acid, forming a soluble salt, or soap, while glycerin passes into solution. The glycerin may like- wise be displaced by inorganic bases, such as lead, and glyceryl hydrate or glyceryl alcohol (glycerin) is produced. This replacement of glyceryl by other bases is termed saponification. The presence of glycerin may 122 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. be recognized by the development of acrolein when boiled with glacial phosphoric acid. Under the influence of certain ferments fats split up into glycerin and a &tty acid by combining with the elements of water, thus : C 3 H 5 (OC 16 H 31 0) 3 +3H 2 0:=C 3 H 5 (OH) 3 +3(C 16 H 31 0,OH). Tripalmitin. Water. Glycerin. Palmitic Acid. The composition of the four principal fats is represented in the following formulae : Glycerin, C 3 H 5 (OH) 3 . Palmitin, C 3 H 5 (OC 16 H 31 O) 3 . Palmitic Acid, C 16 H 31 O,OH. Stearin, C 3 H 5 (OC 18 H 35 O) 3 . Stearic Acid, C 18 H 35 O,OH. Olein, C 3 H 5 (OC 18 H 33 0) 3 . Oleic Acid, C I8 H 33 O,OH. Butyrin, C 3 H 5 (OC 4 H 7 O) 3 . Butyric Acid, C 4 H 8 O 2 . Stearin. Stearin is the chief constituent of the more solid fats. Its melting point varies between 53 and 66 C. It is insoluble in cold alcohol and in ether, but is soluble in both when boiled. It never occurs in the vegetable fats. It crystallizes from boiling alcoholic solutions in brilliant quadrangular plates. Palmitin. This fat is the chief component of the animal fats, but also is largely found in fats of vegetable origin. It is more soluble in cold and hot ether and alcohol than is stearin. Its melting point is 45 C. It crystallizes in fine needles. Olein. When pure, olein is a colorless oil which is fluid at the ordinary temperature and solidifies at C. When exposed to the air it absorbs oxygen and becomes yellow. It dissolves all other fats, especially at 30 C. It is soluble in cold absolute alcohol and ether. It is more abundant in vegetable than in animal fats. Butyrin. Butyrin is found in butter. It is a pungent liquid ; and when it decomposes, butyric acid, to which the odor and taste of rancid butter are due, is set free. Spermaceti is found in the cranial sinuses of whales, and is a deriva- tive of cetyl alcohol (C 16 H 33 )O. This is a solid body which melts at 50 C., and when saponified yields in addition stearic, myristic, and lauric acids. Bees-wax is also a form of animal fat, which is likewise capable of saponification, the radical here being cetyl alcohol. Waxes possess many points in common with the fats, but are not acted on by the digestive juices. Margarin. Formerly this name was given to a substance which was supposed to be a special fat, but which is now known to be a mixture of stearin and palmitin. It occurs in the form of needle-like crystals which are often found in the interior of fat-cells, and which were supposed to be a glycerin ether of a hypothetical acid, margaric acid. INORGANIC CELL-CONSTITUENTS. 123 The percentage composition of the animal fats varies only within narrow limits : c. H. o. Horse-fat, . . . . . 77.07 11.69 11.24 Ox 7650 11.90 11.59 Sheep " 76.61 12.03 11.36 Pig 16.54 11.94 11.52 Dog " 76.63 12.05 11.62 Cat 76.56 11.90 11.44 The Average. 76.5 12.0 11.5 Formula, C 62 H 99 O 6 . Of the different domestic animals, horse-fat is 3 r ellow, and begins to melt at 30 C. Its essential component is olein. Ox-fat contains prin- cipally stearin and palmitin, and but little olein. It is white, melts at 43 C., and solidifies after melting at 36 or 37 C. Mutton-fat contains principally stearin. Its melting point is 46. It solidifies at from 35 to 40 C. Pig.fat is white, and contains large quantities of olein ; melts at 41, and solidifies after melting at about 30 C. Adipose tissue is made up as follows : "Water. Membranes. Fat. Ox, 9.96 1.16 88.88 Sheep, 10.48 1.64 8788 Pig, 6.44 1.35 92.21 C. INORGANIC CELL-CONSTITUENTS.* The inorganic constituents of cells enter them already formed, and, as a rule, leave them without undergoing change'. About the only exceptions to this statement are found in the case of carbon dioxide, the water formed by oxidation of the hydrogen of organic compounds, and the sulphur of various excretory products, which, eliminated through the intestines and kidneys, originates in the sulphur of albuminous compounds. The inorganic cell-constituents differ in no way from similar compounds found elsewhere. They originate in the earth and atmosphere, become constituents of vegetable organisms, and then, through absorption in foods, enter into the composition of animal bodies. The amount of inorganic matter found in cells, including of course water, is greater in weight than the organic cell- constituents. The inorganic constituents may exist in the form of water, salts, gases, and certain elements whose exact mode of combina- tion has not yet been thoroughly determined. All the inorganic constit- uents of the body, in some period of their existence as such, are in the form of solutions. They enter the organism in solution, are deposited * In the preparation of this section the author is especially indebted to Gorup- Besanez, " Lehrbuch der Physiologischen Chemie." 124 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. as constituents of tissues perhaps in the solid or even crystalline form, but are again eliminated from the body in solution ; this applies not only to the salts, but also to the gases and acids. Many of the physical prop- erties of various tissues depend aJmost solely upon their inorganic constituents. In this connection it is only necessary to mention the bones and teeth. Wherever cell growth is taking place certain salts are essential, since no form of protoplasm is able to carry on its existence without a supply of salts, the nature of which may differ in the case of different cell forms ; thus, for example, calcium salts are not only essential for the development of the bone-cells, but accompany the albuminoids of all growing tissue ; blood-corpuscles require iron and potassium phosphate, and all forms of cell growth require sodium chloride. 1. WATER. (H 2 0). Of the inorganic constituents of cells water is by far the most abundant, and is the most important. In fact, all organisms may be said to live in water ; for if their entire body is not surrounded by water, all contain water in large amounts, and all their vital processes are dependent on watery solutions. Water is destined, by entering by imbi- bition into solid tissues, not only to preserve the physical condition which is essential to the preservation and manifestations of the vital phenomena of protoplasm, but it holds in solution many of the salts essential to the vital processes of the economy. It also constitutes a large proportion of the fluids of the body, such as the blood, lymph, chyle, and secretions. It is in greater amount in embryonic tissue, and decreases as adult life and old age are reached. In the higher animals it may exist in 70 per cent, or more, while in some of the lower forms of life as much as 90 per cent, may be reached. The amount of water in different organisms, and in the same organism at different times, is subject to very great variation. It not only constitutes the great part of the secre- tions of the animal body, but it also forms a large proportion of even the densest tissues of the animal or vegetable body. Thus, in the enamel of teeth two-tenths of one per cent, of water is present, while in dentine 10 per cent, and in bones 22 per cent, of water is found. The following table represents the amount of water in 1000 parts of different animal tissues : Organs. Water. Solids. Enamel, 2 998 Ivory, 100 900 Bone, . 216 784 Fat, . 299 701 Elastic tissi le, 496 . 504 Cartilage, 550 450 Liver, 693 307 Bone-marrow, ^ 697 303 White brain-substance, 700 300 INORGANIC CELL-CONSTITUENTS. 125 Organs. Skin, . Brain, Muscles, Spleen, Thymus, Nerves, Connective Heart, Kidneys, Gray brain- Vitreous bo tissn subsi dy, e, tance Water. Solids. 720 280 750 250 757 243 758 242 770 230 780 220 796 204 792 208 827 173 858 142 987 13 Fluids. Water. Solids. Blood, $ . ... . .791 209 Bile, .... Milk Plasma, 864 891 901 136 109 99 Chyle, ... Lymph, Serous fluids, Gastric juice, Intestinal juice, 928 983 959 973 975 72 17 41 27 25 Tears, Aqueous humor, Cerebro-spinal fluid, . Saliva, Sweat, 982 986 988 995 995 18 14 12 5 5 The condition of semi-solidity of organic tissues, which we found to be so essential to the carrying out of the physical processes in cell life, is rendered possible by the amount of water and the condition in which it is held by the different cells. A remarkable ' fact in connection with the manner in which water is held by the animal organism is that there are certain tissues and organs in which the percentage of water found is in excess of the percentage of solids, without the organs assuming the fluid form; indeed, again, there are certain semi-solid organs whose per- centage of water is even greater than that of the animal fluids ; thus, the kidneys contain a larger percentage of water even than the blood. This shows therefore that the manner in which the water is held by such tissues must be different from that in which it exists in the animal fluids, where it occupies more or less the role of a medium of solution. The consistence of many fluids in the animal body is not dependent so much on the amount of water present as on the nature of the substances which are in solution; thus, mucus has a considerably larger percentage of water than blood, and yet is apparently a denser fluid. As already de- scribed in the section on Physical Processes in Cells, the water of the semi -solid organic bodies enters their elementary intermolecular spaces, and it is a peculiarity of organized bodies that they may absorb a quantity of water greatly in excess of their own weight without losing their semi-solid condition. In such cases it is not water alone that is absorbed, but water always containing different inorganic salts in solution. 126 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. A certain part of the water found in animal tissues is held in com- bination, as in water of crystallization, both in organic and inorganic molecules. This amount is, however, inconsiderable as contrasted with that held in other manners. Water is also found as a vapor in the air contained in the respiratory organs of animals. By far the greater part of the water found in the animal and vege- table body has entered from without; in the former case through the food and drink, and in the latter from rain or from the absorption of moisture from the soil. In the case of the animal body a certain amount of water is apparently formed within the animal economy, since it has been found that under certain circumstances the amount of watery vapor exhaled through the lungs and skin, and that passing through the kid- neys and intestines, is in excess of the amount of water taken internally, the body still preserving its uniform weight. Again, as we shall find in considering the subject of respiration, the volume of carbon dioxide eliminated through the lungs is smaller than the amount of oxygen taken into the blood in inspiration. Ten to twent} 7 -five per cent, of oxygen disappears in this manner, and must, therefore, have formed other com- binations in the body than those whose end product is C0 3 . Since it is readily conceivable that the hydrogen of hydrogen compounds is set free quite as readily as the carbon of carbon compounds, a certain amount of this hydrogen may evidently unite with oxygen to form water, not by a direct oxidation of the hydrogen, but through the gradual union of the oxygen with a long series of oxidation products whose terminal is H 2 0, just as CO 2 results from the final union of ox}'gen and carbon, and not by a direct oxidation of carbon in. the animal body. Such an origin of water in the economy is further supported by the fact that the amount of hydrogen contained in organic compounds in the excretions is less than that which is contained in similar combinations in the food. Thus, it has been estimated that a man receives daily forty grammes of hydrogen in organic combinations with the food, while only six grammes are dis- charged in such combinations in the excretions ; hence, thirty-four grammes, or about 85 per cent, of the hydrogen so introduced, remains unaccounted for. Since hydrogen does not leave the body as a vapor, nor in any notable amount in any other inorganic compound but water, the surplus must be converted into water. The estimates are that in man about three hundred grammes of water are formed daily in this way, probably from the decomposition of carbo-hydrates where hydro- gen and oxjrgen are present in the proportion to form water. Organisms not only live in water, but they may be said to live in running water (Hoppe-Seyler) ; for they are continually taking in water, which may contain other food-stuffs in solutions, and are continually eliminating water which contains the products of their tissue-waste. INOKGANIC CELL-CONSTITUENTS. 127 Plants get rid of water through evaporation from their entire external surface, while water is absorbed by their roots. Water leaves the animal body through the kidneys, skin, lungs, and intestines, that passing daily through the kidneys being about half of the total amount of water eliminated. The relative proportion between the amounts eliminated by these organs is subject to very great variation, and depends upon numerous external and internal conditions, which will sub- sequently be alluded to. It may, however, be here mentioned that of the water taken as food but a small amount leaves the body in the faeces ; in m*n the amount so eliminated is only 4 per cent., while the remaining 96 per cent, leaves the body through the kidne}^, lungs, and skin. Water, therefore, does not simply pass through the alimentar}' canal, but is ab- sorbed by its mucous membranes, enters the blood, and thence becomes a constituent of the different tissues. Water is a necessary solvent for various organic and inorganic con- stituents of the body, and it alone, by entering into the condition of im- bibition in the tissues, enables the various physical and chemical proc- esses which constantly occur in cells to take place, and occasions their semi-solid state, their elasticit}', flexibility, and transparency. Through its evaporation from the external surface and through the lungs it serves to abstract heat, and therefore is, to a certain extent, a temperature regu- lator. As water is an essential constituent of organic bodies, its loss, which is constantly taking place, must be continually replaced ; in the higher animals a demand for an increased supply of water is indicated by what is known as thirst. This will subsequent^ demand consideration. The removal of water from lower forms of cell life entirely suspends all evidences of vitalit}' ; through desiccation life in such forms is said to be rendered latent. A renewed supply of water will again restore all the phenomena of cell life. None of the higher plants or animals can support loss of water beyond a very moderate amount without causing permanent loss of vitality ; seeds and infusoria may be completely dried and recover their vital properties when supplied with heat and moisture. Although water is an essential constituent of all cells, it may, neverthe- less, act as a poison if absorbed in too great amount. Protoplasm of all kinds is killed by immersion in distilled water ; this fact may be partly due to the diffusion currents which are thus in- augurated, , the essential salts being removed from the protoplasm, and their place being taken by water. Freezing of various parts of plants and then subjecting them to rapid thawing by exposure to the rays of the sun causes their death by first abstracting water from the solids and causing its aggregation in a crystalline form, and then by sudden melting causes drowning out of neighboring parts while more remote portions still suffer from want of 128 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. water. If the thawing is slowly accomplished the water has time to dif- fuse and restore the normal condition of imbibition. In this way is to be explained the fact, which may be frequently observed in cold spring and autumn mornings, that of the parts of plants which are frozen those which are exposed to the direct rays of the sun are killed, while those which are protected from the sun's heat thaw out gradually and regain their vitality. So, also, red blood-corpuscles may be frozen and gradu- ally thawed without being destroyed, but if rapidly thawed are dissolved. On this fact, undoubtedly, rests the practical point that frozen animal parts must not be rapidly warmed, but have their circulation only gradu- ally restored ; hence, the common practice of rubbing with snow. 2. SODIUM CHLORIDE (NaCl). Of the saline constituents of cells sodium chloride is the most widely distributed, and is present in larger amount than any other salt in all the tissues of the animal body, with the exception of the bones, teeth, red blood-corpuscles and striated muscle-cell. It is especialty worthy of notice that the amount of sodium chloride in most organs, especially in the blood, is almost constant and is independent of the amount of this salt contained in the food. Its distribution in the body is also remarkable. In the blood-plasma it is abundant, while it is almost absent from the blood-corpuscles which are suspended in the plasma. It is abundant in chyle, lymph, saliva, gastric juice, mucus, and pus, and is present in only small quantity in muscle- juice and many glands. Sodium chloride is present in the form of a solution in water, and in the removal of the fluids from the semi-solid tissues by pressure the greater part of the salt is taken away with the water. The relative proportion of sodium and potassium chlorides in different parts of the animal body is about as follows : QUANTITY OF SODIUM AND POTASSIUM CHLOBIDES IN 1000 PARTS IN THE Bones, Blood, . Bile, NaCl. 7.02 2.70 5.58 KC1. 2.05 0.28 0.55 2.13 4.50 0.02 Gastric juice, Sweat, Saliva, Milk 1.45 2.23 1.53 087 Lymph, 5.67 Sebaceous matter, . . . . . . .5.00 Urine, 11.00 Pancreatic juice, 7.35 All the sodium chloride found in the animal body has entered it from without. It leaves the body in the urine and excrement, perspira- tion, nasal and buccal mucus. By far the greater part is eliminated through the urine, though the total amount eliminated falls short of that taken in the food. A certain amount of the sodium chloride taken in as INORGANIC CELL-CONSTITUENTS. 129 food undergoes chemical decomposition in the bod}', as will be alluded to in the subject of Nutrition. Thus, the potassium chloride of muscles and red blood-corpuscles apparent!}^ originates in a double decomposition of sodium chloride and potassium phosphate into sodium phosphate and potassium chloride. Possibly the hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice and the sodium salts of the bile have similar origins. Sodium chloride is absolutely essential to the manifestation of life ; in a physical sense, it is of great importance, from the influence which it exerts over diffusion, particularly in the degree of absorption from the alimentary canal. The conditions which follow the deprivation of sodium chloride, and a more detailed account of its relations to the nutritive processes and body will again be referred to more at length under the subject of Nutrition. 3. POTASSIUM CHLORIDE (KC1). Potassium chloride is usually a companion of sodium chloride, although in certain tissues, such as the red blood-corpuscles, and in muscles, it occurs in greater amount than the sodium salt, while it is almost absent from the blood-plasma, where a slight excess of potassium salts appears to act as a poison to the heart. A similar toxic effect is also exerted by potassium chloride on muscles and nerves. In the herbivora potassium chloride is, as a rule, in excess over sodium chloride. The salivary glands and kidneys appear to be the special organs for its elimination. 4. SODIUM AND POTASSIUM CARBONATES (C0 8 Na a , CO,XaH, 3(CO,)- Na 4 H 2 , CO 8 K a , CO 8 KH). These salts are found in the ash of various organic substances, w r here they have probably originated from the decomposition of various organic acid compounds of sodium and potas- sium. In various animal juices, however, and especially in the blood and urine of herbivorous 'animals, and in the blood of the omnivora, sodium and potassium carbonates exist already formed. When car- nivorous animals are fed on a vegetable diet their urine contains considerable quantities of carbonates of the alkalies, resembling thus the urine of herbivorous animals in reaction and constitution ; it will be alkaline in reaction, turbid, and deposit a calcareous sediment, instead of being acid and clear, as is normally the case in the urine of carnivora. It is also interesting, in this connection, to notice that the urine of the suckling calf before being weaned is clear and acid, as among carnivora; when the calf is placed on a vegetable diet the urine becomes turbid and alkaline. Further, if herbivorous animals are allowed to fast, their urine becomes acid and clear, for they are then living at the expense of their own tissues, and are practically carnivorous. Sodium carbonate is also found in the lymph and the parotid saliva of the horse. These salts, when found as constituents of animal cells and fluids, 130 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. come in part from without, and are in part formed within the organism through oxidation processes occurring within the body. Thus, after the ingestioh of various vegetable matters containing vegetable acids the urine of omnivorous animals becomes alkaline through the elimination of carbonates of the alkalies, thus explaining the alkaline reaction of the urine of these animals. Carbonates of the alkalies so formed in the animal body, or when taken in foods, may be eliminated in this manner through the urine, or they may themselves undergo decomposition, and their carbon dioxide be eliminated through the lungs. When present in solution they seem to assist in the various processes of oxidation occurring in the body; they appear to assist in the emulsification of fats, and in the blood the neutral carbonates of the alkalies appear to serve in part as carriers of the carbon dioxide of the blood. They further may modify the physical processes of diffusion occurring within the mism. 5. CALCIUM CARBONATE (C0 3 Ca). Calcium carbonate is a normal constituent of the shell of birds' eggs, of the bones and teeth, the urine of herbivorous animals, the parotid saliva of the horse, and is the prin- cipal constituent of the so-called otoliths, or the small, inorganic masses found in the internal auditoiy organs of man and different animals. In the animal body it is partly in a state of solution and partly deposited in the solid form. In the former condition it is found in the urine and saliva of the herbivora, where its solution is rendered possible by carbon dioxide. In the solid form it is deposited either in amorphous or 'crys- talline form, as in deposits of sediment in the parotid saliva of the dog and in the urine of herbivora. It originates from without, either in the water taken internally or as a carbonate in vegetable food. The latter explains its abundance in the urine of the herbivora, where the calcium salts of organic acids are decomposed into carbonates. Only a part of the calcium carbonate which enters the organism from without leaves it as such. In many cases, as in man, it undergoes decomposition into calcium phosphate. Its importance for the animal economy is not thor- oughly understood. 6. MAGNESIUM CARBONATE (C0 3 Mg). This salt is frequently a com- panion of calcium carbonate, particularly in the urine of herbivora. Its presence in bony tissue is apparent!}' doubtful. It has been found in human urinary calculi, but only in small amounts. The herbivorous ani- mals in their food nearly alwa3 r s absorb considerable amounts of mag- nesium phospate, and since this salt is absent from their urine it would appear that the magnesium carbonate is formed in the animal body from the magnesium phosphate of vegetable food. 7. ALKALINE PHOSPHATES (PO 4 Na 8 , P0 4 ^a 3 H, P0 4 NaH 2 , P0 4 K 8 , P0 4 K a II, P0 4 KH a ). Phosphates of sodium and potassium are constant IXOBGAXIC CELL-CONSTITUEXTS. 131 constituents of all animal fluids and tissues. In the ash of the blood of the herbivorous animals a smaller amount of the alkaline phosphates is found than in the carnivora. Grain-eating animals show a larger amount of phosphatic salts in the ash of their blood. Omnivora occupy a mean between the two. On account of their great solubility in the organism the phosphates must nearly always exist in the form of a solution, espe- cially in the acid fluids, as in urine, muscle-juice, and the parenchymatous fluids of certain glands. In muscles, together with lactic acid, they occasion the .acid reaction of the muscle-juice. Phosphates are taken into the animal body with food, though they may also doubtless originate in the blood through a double decom- position of potassium phosphate and sodium chloride into sodium phos- phate and potassium chloride. The alkaline phosphates leave the body through the kidneys and intestines. The former is the case especially in the urine of the carnivora, where it forms twelve-thirteenths of the total amount of these substances eliminated. In the urine of the herbivora but small amounts of phosphates are found, in spite of the fact that in their food phosphates of the alkalies and earthy phosphates are invariably present. This is to be explained by the supposition that the salts of the organic acids, with the alkaline earths, undergo decompo- sition into earthy phosphates and carbonates of the alkalies, the latter being eliminated through the urine. From their great abundance and wide distribution in the animal economy, it follows that they must be of great importance. The phosphate of potassium is especially abundant in the blood- cells, ovum, and in muscular tissue. In the latter case, combined with lactic acid, it is the main cause of their acid reaction, while phosphate of sodium is found in blood-plasma. These salts enter the organism as constituents of food, either in the form in which they are found or as the result of decomposition of the earthy phosphates and other alkaline salts. This is especially probable on account of the great abundance of potassium phosphates and potassium chloride in the fluids of muscle and other tissues, while sodium chloride and sodium phosphate, being found in abundance in the blood, it is evident, from the proportion in which these different substances are found in the different tissues, that they have not been derived directly from the blood. Again, it is to be remembered, that the herbivorous animals in their food receive almost solely potassium salts, and, since sodium phosphate is necessary for the integrity of their blood, it is clear that this must be formed in the body through the decomposition of potassium phosphate and sodium chloride. In the blood the alkaline phosphates give to the plasma its alkaline reaction, to which its great capacity for dissolving carbon dioxide is apparently due, since it has been found that water, which holds only 132 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. one per cent, of sodium phosphate in solution, is able to retain twice the usual amount of carbon dioxide in solution. The phosphates of the alkalies are eliminated from the animal body through the kidneys, intestines, and skin. In carnivorous animals, whose blood is rich in phosphates of the alkalies, the urine is the main path of elimination. Through the production of acids, such as uric, hippuric, and sulphuric, the latter originating from the sulphur of albuminoids and their derivatives, a part of the base is withdrawn from the alkaline phosphate, and, as a consequence, the alkaline phosphate now becomes neutral or even acid, thus explaining the production of an acid reaction in urine from the presence of dihydrate sodium phosphate (P0 4 NaH 2 ). Since phosphoric acid, or acid phosphates, in solution give to fluids their power of dissolving calcium and magnesium phosphates, the urine of the carnivora and omnivora is therefore able to hold in solution the earthy phosphates so eliminated. In the case of the herbivora the state of affairs is somewhat different. Here but small amounts of phosphoric salts are found in the urine, although alkaline and earthy phosphates are found in large amount in their food. In this case the phosphates of the food undergo decomposition, and a great part of the base is united with carbonic acid, and so eliminated as alkaline carbonates in the urine, forming thus the characteristic of the urine of herbivorous animals, the earthy carbonates being held in solution by the free carbon dioxide. The phosphoric acid of the phosphates taken in the food of herbivorous animals in greater part unites with calcium and magnesium, and is eliminated through the intestine. Wherever free acid is developed in the tissues of the body acid phosphates are nearly always present and in part contribute to the formation of this acid reaction. This is the more remarkable when it is remembered that these* phosphates have originated from the blood, where they always exist in the form of basic or neutral salts. The explanation of the mode in which this alkaline phosphate is in the different tissues converted into an acid salt is to be explained through the development in the tissues of organic acids, which, as already alluded to in the explanation of elimination of the phosphates, takes a portion of the base from the alkaline phosphate, so developing an acid salt. Phosphates appear to be absolutely essential to the development of tissue. This is indicated in the first place by their great abundance in all forming tissues, and even in organizable fluids, and in the fact that the tissues of herbivorous mammals are quite as rich in the phosphates as that of the carnivora, although in the former case they are nearly absent from the blood, and in the latter case are very abundant. In special tissues, such as the muscles, nerves, blood-corpuscles, and ovum, they appear, from their exceptional abundance, to have some special functions INORGANIC CELL-CONSTITUENTS. 133 to fulfill. This seems indicated by the fact that the nervous tissue in solutions of alkaline phosphates may preserve its irritability much longer than when in contact with any other fluid. In the tissues the phosphates of the alkalies occur as acid salts ; it therefore would seem that tissues in their growth require the presence of free phosphoric acid; In the case of the blood, on the other hand, an alkaline reaction is essential for its vital phenomena, and it appears that, provided the alkaline reaction is preserved, the salt to which this alkalinity is due is of minor importance. Thus, in the carnivorous animals the reaction is attributable to the excess of alkaline phosphate, in the herbivorous animals to the carbonates. In omnivorous animals the preponderance of these different salts varies according to the character of their diet. 8. CALCIUM PHOSPHATE (2(PO 4 )Ca 8 , 2(P0 4 )CaH 4 ). This salt is present, without exception, in all tissues and fluids of the animal body ; in bones and teeth nearly two thirds of their weight is due to the calcium phosphate present. Of all the inorganic constituents of the body, with the exception of water, it is the most abundant. In most of the pathological ossifications and concretions calcium phosphate consti- tutes the major portion. Thus, nearly all the urinary calculi in the ox are formed by calcium phosphate, and it is also a constituent of the mulberry calculus of man. So, also, calculi which develop around some foreign nucleus are largely calcium phosphate. Calcium phosphate also forms the greater part of the ash of albuminous bodies, with, as far as is 3'et known, the single exception of elastin. It is present in the tissues of the human body in the following proportions : QUANTITY OP CALCIUM PHOSPHATE IN 1000 PARTS IN THE Enamel of teeth, . . . . . . . . 885. Dentine, ' . 643. Bones, .......... 576. Cartilage, . . .40. Milk, ' .- ' . . . . 2.72 Blood, -< .... 0.30 Bile, . . . 0.92 Urine, 0.75 The greater part of calcium phosphate in the organism is deposited in the form of a solid salt in the bones and teeth, in the form of the tricalcium orthophosphate (2(P0 4 )Ca s ). It is also in the same form present in nails, hair, and hoofs. When it is found in solution, as is the case with all of the animal fluids, it being by itself perfectly insoluble in water, its presence is only to be explained as chemically united with albuminoids, although possibly it may be in minute amount in solution in fluids which contain sodium chloride or free carbon dioxide. In the urine of carnivora and omnivora calcium phosphate is present as an acid salt (2(P0 4 )Ca"H 4 ), which is in itself soluble in water. In the alkaline 134 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. urine of the herbivora but little calcium phosphate is present, and this is not dissolved, but merely suspended, and readily deposits as a sediment. In the solid tissues the lime phosphate appears to be simply deposited in the interstices of the .organic bases, and it may be removed as, for example, from bone by prolonged maceration in dilute hydrochloric acid, without altering the form of the bone. As Dalton says : " In the bones, teeth, and cartilage the lime phosphate exists in a solid form ; not, however, deposited mechanically in the osseous or cartilaginous substance as a granular powder, but intimately united with the animal matter of the tissues, like coloring matter in colored glass, the union of the two forming a homogeneous material. It is not, on the other hand, so combined with the animal matter as to lose its identity and constitute a new chemical substance, as where hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water, but rather as salt unites with water in a saline solution, both substances retaining their original character and composition, though so intimately associated that they cannot be separated by mechanical means. ' The lime phosphate, therefore, may be extracted from a bone by macer- ation in dilute muriatic acid, leaving behind the animal substance, which still retains the original form of the bone or cartilage." The bone so treated preserves its outline perfectl}', but has entirely lost all rigidity, and may be twisted up, and the long bones may often be tied into a knot. Calcium phosphate, therefore, gives to bone-tissue its rigidit}^ Conse- quentl} T when, either through some faulty process in the organism or through the deprivation of calcium salts from the food, this substance is not deposited in normal amounts in the bones, the latter become soft, flexible, and deformed, forming the affection known as rachitis ; or, in adult life, a similar morbid softening of bones may take place from a defective deposit of calcareous matter, and a progressive yielding of the bony skeleton takes place, constituting the disease known as osteo- malacia. The greater part of the calcium phosphate enters the body in the food, being contained in both animal and vegetable articles of diet. In suckling animals the milk contains, in its normal condition, a sufficient amount of calcium phosphate to supply the growing organism with its requisite quantity. When taken in vegetable food, where, of course, it is ordinarily present as a union of calcium with one or more of the organic acids, in the animal body, as already referred to, it undergoes decomposition into calcium phosphate and carbonates of the alkalies. 9. MAGNESIUM PHOSPHATE (2(P0 4 )Mg 8 , 2(P0 4 )MgH 4 ). Like cal- cium phosphate, magnesium phosphate is found in all the tissues and fluids of the animal body, though in far smaller amount, with the excep- tion of muscle and the thymus gland, where the magnesium phosphate is in excess. The bones of the herbivora contain more magnesium phos- INORGANIC CELL-CONSTITUENTS. 135 phate than those of the carnivora. The combination 2(P0 4 )Mg"H 4 is often found in the urine of the herbivora when fed on grain, and is occasional!}' met with in intestinal concretions under the same conditions. Its origin, physiological importance, and mode of disposition in the body is apparently identical with that of the alkaline phosphates. Occasion- ally magnesium phosphate undergoes crystallization, as in the urine of the rabbit and in suckling calves. 10. SODIUM AND POTASSIUM SULPHATES (S0 4 K 2 , S0 4 Na 2 ). These salts are to be regarded as normal constituents in small amount of most of the animal fluids and tissues. They are not, however, found in the milk, bile, or gastric juice, their presence in the ash being without impor- tance, since in incineration of sulphurous organic compounds the sul- phuric acid, liberated in this process, unites with the carbonates and alkaline bases. A certain amount of these salts is held in solution in the blood and in the urine, though the}' are less abundant than either the chlorides, phosphates, or carbonates. When present in the animal body they are in the form of solution. Only part of the sulphates found in the animal body is derived from without, since it is possible that through the oxidation of sulphur of organic compounds sulphuric acid is formed, which leaves the body united with alkaline bases. These salts are excreted from the body through the urine, where a greater part of the sulphuric acid is not derived from the sulphates contained in the food, but through the internal oxidation of sulphur-holding compounds. This is especially shown by the fact that an abundant animal diet increases the amount of sulphates in the urine hand in hand with the increase of urea, while a vegetable diet decreases it. The sulphates partly con- tribute to the acid reaction of the urine of carnivora. The entire quantity of sulphur in the body of an adult man has been estimated at about one hundred and ten grammes, and to keep this amount constant at least one gramme must be taken daily in the food, where it is combined with albuminoids. A part of this sulphur passes into the hair and nails, part is consumed in the manufacture of various complex, sulphur-holding compounds, such as taurin, taurocholic acid, gelatin, chondrin, mucin, etc., while part is eliminated in the form of sulphates. 11. HYDROCHLORIC ACID (HC1). The presence of free hydrochloric acid has as yet only been shown to exist in the case of gastric juice of mammals. Its origin and importance will be considered under the sub- ject of Gastric Juice. Oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide are also constant constituents of animal fluids and tissues, and their importance will be discussed under the subject of Respiration. A few other inorganic substances have been found as more or less 136 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. constant ingredients of animal substances, but they are present in such small amounts, or in such variable quantities, that their importance has not been clearly established. These are magnesium chloride, calcium fluoride, ammonium carbonate, magnesium-ammonium phosphate, calcium sulphate, silicon, iron, manganese, and copper. In vegetable tissues nearly all the constituents of the animal cell are found deposited or in solution. They serve to give greater solidity to the so-called skeleton of plants, and are also without doubt of importance in the vital processes of vegetable protoplasm. Thus, it has been found that the amount of albumen in germinating seeds stands in direct propor- tion to the amount of phosphate which the plant receives as food ; also, that without potassium salts plants cannot grow. Their interest to us as constituents of vegetable organisms is simply dependent upon their ren- dering such substances suitable for animal foods. They will therefore receive the necessary consideration under the subject of Foods. II. THE CHEMICAL PROCESSES IN CELLS.* The great mass of organized bodies, both animal and vegetable, are what might be described as carbonic acid compounds, associated in vari- able amounts with hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. Plants are able, from inorganic substances, such as CO 2 , H 2 0, N0 3 H, NH,, H 2 SO 4 , P 2 O 6 , to develop organic compounds, the difference between such bodies as entering into and as leaving plants depending merely upon the difference in their proportion of oxygen. The inorganic bodies, which serve as food for plants, are what are known as combustion products ; that is, they already contain the maximum quantity of oxygen which is able to enter into their composition. Organic bodies, on the other hand, contain in all cases less oxygen than will satisfy the affinities of their constituent elements. They therefore are capable of undergoing further oxidation, or, in other words, may be said to be combustible. The plant-cell, there- fore, must be able to deoxidize the inorganic compounds of its food and set free oxygen ; and this deoxidizing force must evidently be greater than the affinity exerted by the oxygen for the elements with which it was in composition. This deoxidizing power possessed by plants is only capable of manifestation in the sunlight, and is a function of the green coloring matter, the chlorophyll of plants. The animal cell, on the other hand, in its nutritive operations exhibits the reverse process of oxida- tion. The inorganic compounds which in the vegetable cell become organic, that is, deoxidized, in the animal cell become again oxidized and * For the preparation of this section special acknowledgment is due to Wurtz, " Chimie Biologique ; " Wundt, " Lehrbuch der Physiologic ; " Gorup-Besanez, " Physi- ologische Chemie ; " Ranke, " Grundziige der Physiologic ; " Hoppe-Seyler, " Physiolo- gische Chemie ; " Schiitzenberger, " Fermentation ; " Nageli, " Theorie der Garung." CHEMICAL PEOCESSES IN CELLS. 137 again rendered inorganic, or become combustion products. They are, therefore, restored to the mineral world by the animal in the same form in which they were originally absorbed by the vegetable. Vegetables and animals are the depositories and agents of life on the surface of the earth. The essential characteristic of the vital operations of the former is their power of elaborating organic from inorganic ma- terial. Animals are charged to destroy, after assimilation, the results of the vital operations of the vegetable. The animal kingdom is thus subor- dinate to the vegetable, and organic life represents a closed circle of metamorphosis of matter. Plants appropriate inorganic matter out of the surrounding inorganic nature, out of the ground and air, and convert it into the constituents of their own tissues. They then become food for animals, are converted into animal tissues, and are again returned to the ground and air as inorganic compounds. Thus, the carbon of the carbon dioxide of the air becomes the carbon of cellulose or starch, of sugar, of fat, of gum, and of albumen in the plant ; as food of animals it then becomes the carbon of various animal tissues. In the vital processes of the animal the carbon of the tissues undergoes oxidation, and is returned to the atmosphere through the expelled air as carbon dioxide, or, in other words, in the form in which it originally left the atmosphere. An analogous circle might also be traced for the other constituents of the animal tissues. We can thus understand how the constituents of animal and vege- table cells may in all essential points be analogous; but, while this is so, the chemical processes in each are very different. Green plants, in their capability of deoxidizing inorganic food elements, are dependent upon power from without the heat and light from the sun. They therefore store up energy in their tissues. Animal cells, in oxidizing the materials derived from the vegetable world, liberate a force, as in all other forms of oxidation, which in this case represents an equivalent of mechanical energy precisely equal to the force rendered latent in the nutritive proc- esses in the vegetable. In the animal cell this energy may take on the form of heat, electricity, or light, as in certain organisms, or mechanical movement. 1. The Vegetable Cell. The assimilative processes in the vegetable cell are dependent upon the presence of protoplasm, which in its modir fied form as chlorophyll has the power of making use of the sunlight for purposes of organic deoxidation, and constitutes the most powerful re- ducing body known. The properties of chlorophyll are not exactly known, as it has probably never been prepared in a perfectly pure state. In the chlorophyll granules are often to be found, the results of its organic activit}^, such as starch-granules; but their precise mode of formation, or the precise share which chlorophyll has in producing their formation, is 138 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. not well known. The optical properties of chlorophyll are very remark- able. Fresh alcoholic solutions in ether, even when very dilute, give a broad band in the red line of the spectrum, and between the red and the orange. The most luminous portions of the spectrum are the red and green parts. When concentrated ethereal solutions of chlorophyll are examined in the spectroscope, only the red rays pass. Concentrated solutions of chlorophyll give a red fluorescence with reflected light. When subjected to the action of light solutions of chlorophyll change their color, probably in a manner similar to that which accompanies the vital processes of the vegetable protoplasm in which chlorophyll is contained. In all its forms protoplasm, whether animal or vegetable, contains albuminous bodies in a state of solution in water, and associated with compounds of an inorganic nature. Carbo-hydrates, hydro-carbons, and ferments are also nearty invariably present. It may be assumed that the albumen is the highest and last product of the chemical activit}^ of vege- table cells, while starch probably constitutes the first evidence of proto- plasm activit} r , and is the mother-substance out of which other carbo- hydrates, such as cellulose and sugar, as well as fats, are manufactured. Plants develop various modifications of albuminoids, which are apparently identical with the different forms of albuminous bodies found as constituents of animal cells. Thus, in growing and germinating plants a globulin-like body is found in large amount, as well as a sub- stance similar to myosin and vitellin in combination with lecithin and certain inorganic substances. Albumen is found in especially large quantities, with large amounts of starch, in the seeds of plants ; hence, the undeveloped plant finds in these two substances, albumen and starch, material ready prepared for building up its tissues until it reaches a grade of development in which it is able to manufacture these organic compounds from the elements. When the first leaves and roots are formed, then the plant commences its independent existence. The evidences of this, as we have already seen, consist in the appropriation of C0 2 , H 2 and NH 8 , with a corresponding liberation of oxygen. Since all vegetable matters contain carbon and water, their con- stituents may be regarded as more or less modified C0 2 molecules. Thus, sugar may be regarded as CO, in which one equivalent of oxygen is replaced by two equivalents of hydrogen (Liebig). Carbonic Anhydride. Grape-Sugar. '8 C H 2 or6(CO 2 (H 2 0)) = 6(CH 2 O) -f 6O 2 = C 6 H 12 O 6 +6O 2 . Carbon dioxide, therefore, in the formation of organic matter, may be regarded not as decomposed, but as changing the arrangements of its molecules. We have found that plants in their nutritive purposes assimir CHEMICAL PKOCESSES IN CELLS. 139 late carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and various inorganic substances. We will attempt to give a general idea as to the processes by which these substances are absorbed by plants, and the way in which in their tissues they are combined to form organic compounds. First, as regards carbon. The carbon of plants is without doubt derived from the CO 2 of the atmosphere, or in solution in rain-water which is absorbed b}' the leaves and roots, which under the influence of the sun is broken up in the body, and whose oxygen is liberated. The oxygen given off in the day-time by plants has been found to be some- what less than* that which is contained in the C0 a which has been absorbed. This would seem to indicate that CO S is only reduced to CO, since it is known that part of the oxygen comes from the decomposition of water. This hypothesis is further rendered more probable by the readiness with which CO combines with other bodies. Thus, it unites with Cl at the ordinary temperature, and combines directly with hydro- gen to form formic acid. Doubled, that is, united with itself, the radical oxide of carbon, or carbonyl CO, constitutes the oxalic radical C 2 2 , or oxatyl. The acid which contains this radical, that is, oxalic acid, can be formed by an incomplete reduction of CO a and H 2 O in the presence of mineral bases ; various organic acids may thus originate in vegetable cells. Taking the simplest cases, the important acids, formic and oxalic, may be formed in this way, the one with one atom of carbon, the other with two. Thus, with one molecule of water CO 2 + H 2 O O = CH 2 O 2 = formic acid. 2 CO 2 + H 2 O O = C 2 H 2 O 4 = oxalic acid. Developing this idea, Liebig has shown that the organic acids once formed may give rise to aldehydes by a subsequent reduction. Formic aldehyde represents formic acid less one atom of ox^ygen ; oxalic alde- hyde, or glyonal, oxalic acid less two atoms of oxygen, thus : CH 2 O 2 O = CH 2 O = formic aldehyde. C 2 H 2 4 O 2 = C 2 H 2 2 = glyonal. The formation, therefore, of aldehydes in vegetables represents a certain stage of reduction of CO, and H 2 O. Even more complex substances, but less rich in oxygen, will result from further decompo- sition. The examples above given, especially in the case of formic aldehyde, are particularly important, as there is scarcely any doubt that formic aldehyde plays an important role in vegetable synthesis. Thus, six molecules of formic aldehyde will form one molecule of glucose : Again, on the other hand, by the dehydration of aldehydes resins may be formed, as it is well known how readily ordinary aldehydes become 140 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. converted into resinous bodies by losing water; while, again, ammonia through its combination with aldehydes may give rise to nitrogenous bodies, such as alkaloids. We therefore see that in the appropriation of the carbon and the carbon dioxide of the atmosphere the carbon becomes fixed to form these various bodies synthetically in vegetable protoplasm, while the oxygen is liberated. As regards the assimilation of hydrogen in the synthetical processes occurring in vegetable cells, this evidently occurs from the decomposition of water, as is proved by the circumstance that the oxygen liberated, while sometimes less, is often in excess of that which is contained in the C0 3 absorbed. Thus, in the vegetable cell the carbo-hydrates, such as cellulose, starch, gum, and sugar, are made by the simultaneous reduction of carbon dioxide and water under the influence of solar radiation. For nitrogen, the atmosphere is the sole source, though it may possibly to a certain extent be derived from the nitrates in the soil. When obtained from the atmosphere it is held in solution in the form of salts, possibly in rain-water. All decomposing organic matters set free ammonia, and therefore nitrates, particularly of potassium, are powerful fertilizers, and increase vegetation b}^ supplying the nitrogen which is essential in the development of albuminous bodies and crystallized nitrogenous vegetable constituents. Of the minerals which are essential to vegetable life, such as phosphates, silica, salts of lime and magnesium, and alkaline salts, they are obtained partly from the atmosphere and partly from the soil. They are contained in large amounts in all parts of vegetable matter, and will deserve special consideration under the subject of the vegetable diet of the herbivora. The mineral constituents of the soil and atmosphere therefore play an important part in the phenomena of the development of vegetable life. This we have seen to be essentially one of reduction. In separating the oxygen from carbon and hydrogen a portion of their affinity for ox}^gen is restored to these latter elements. For in CO 2 and H 2 this affinity is completely satisfied ; that is, the energy which resides in the atoms of carbon and hydrogen has not been destroyed by combi- nation and transformation, and when these atoms unite with oxygen this energy is dissipated as heat. To reduce these combinations, therefore, the energy thus latent in the form of heat must be restored to the atoms of carbon and hydrogen. Thus vegetables, in decomposing water and carbon dioxide, making use of the heat of the sun, not only convert atoms of carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen into organic substances, but have at the same time accumulated chemical energy. For all organic compounds are capable of uniting with oxygen ; in other words, are combustible. The energy restored under the name of affinity to the atoms is hence derived from a portion of the solar radiation which is absorbed by plants CHEMICAL PEOCESSES IN CELLS. 141 and is converted into affinity. This is the indispensable condition of the reduction of CO a and H 2 O and the elaboration of organic compounds ; or, in other words, " there can be no vegetation without the sun." The process which we have found to take place in vegetable cells only holds good in the case of green plants under the influence of the sunlight, for there is in all cases a double chemical process going on in plant-cells. The assimilation through deoxidation of organic com- pounds under the influence of sunlight has already been described. This process is, however, limited to the chlorophyll plants, and in them to the time when they are exposed to the sun's light and heat. Another process, however, is continual!} 7 going on in all forms of vegetable cells. The products' of assimilation undergo within the vegetable cells various chemical changes which are not accompanied by a liberation of oxygen, but by a change of molecular arrangement, associated with the absorption of a small amount of oxygen and the setting free of carbon dioxide. These changes are independent of the sunlight, and result in a diminution of the mass of assimilated materials. That a plant may increase in size it is necessary that the deoxidizing activity and assimilation produced in the sunlight should overbalance the loss through oxidation which is continually going on, whether in darkness or light. This latter process in plants, by which they absorb ox} T gen and set free carbon dioxide, is clearly analogous to the processes of respiration in animals. This res- piration in plants is, however, very feeble, and is far overbalanced by the processes of assimilation ; therefore, as a rule, although the elaboration of vegetable products is accompanied by accumulation of force, the vital processes in plants which are not connected with assimilation are, as in animals, dependent upon oxidation processes, and may be accom- panied by the liberation of heat and electrical movement of protoplasm, and the formation and growth of cells. In the case of the non-chlorophyll- bearing plants, such organisms absorb organic matter already elaborated ; the parasitic plants may, therefore, be regarded as a connecting-link between the animal and vegetable kingdoms, especially as some of the lower forms of the former are also possessed of chlorophyll, by which they are enabled to decompose CO, under the influence of the sun. A curious exception to the characteristics of the vegetable chemism is tlie power which certain plants possess of attracting, seizing, and digesting insects. The so-called insectivorous plants of Darwin and Hooker, such as the Drosera rotundifolia, Darlingtonia, Nepenthes, etc., are supplied with special urn-like vessels, in which the animals are trapped and digested. They are lined with glands that secrete both the sugary fluid to attract the insects and a true digestive juice, containing pepsin and acid, which is poured out when the plants are stimulated by contact with digestible substances. This secretion will turn fibrin into -peptone, but 142 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS is without action on starches. It therefore closely resembles animal gastric juice. Still another analogy may be traced between the animal and vege- table kingdoms. Under certain circumstances plants develop heat, as in germinating seeds, or in flowers during fecundation. Sugar is the sub- stance in such cases whose combustion sets free heat. It exists in germinating seeds, and disappears during germination, from the action of a diastatic ferment analogous to the glycogen ferment in animals. The analogy is, however, not perfectly complete, as the plants manu- facture their starchy material from inorganic materials ; animals must obtain it ready-made. In the dark the processes of assimilation of plants are entirely suspended. Then carbon dioxide is given off, and oxygen is absorbed, for the processes of respiration or oxidation still continue. During the day the carbon dioxide, which is constantly absorbed by the roots and leaves, is in the leaves broken up into oxygen, which is set free, while the carbon remains tixed. At night C0 2 is also absorbed by the roots, but is exhaled from the leaves without undergoing change : for, as we have found, for its deoxidizing purposes chlorophyll requires the assist- ance of sunlight and heat. It is also possible that a part of the C0 2 which is set free during the night is not only derived from C0 2 absorbed from the leaves and roots, but also is the result of oxidation by a part of the oxygen which is absorbed. 2. The Animal Cell. The relationship which we have traced between the chemical processes of plants and the atmosphere and soil around them is reversed in the case of animal cells ; for, while green plants absorb the inorganic constituents of the earth and atmosphere, and from them build up complex, inorganic compounds, the oxygen of the atmosphere in the animal permits of the reduction of its complex tis- sues and constituents. For the green plants the atmosphere forms one of their chief foods; for animals it is the great agent which permits their tissue changes, on which all liberations of energy depend. In green plants the chief vital phenomenon is the liberation of oxygen ; in ani- mals it is the absorption of oxygen. In plants the liberation of oxygen is an index of increase in weight ; in animals the absorption of oxygen leads to a loss of weight. That the animal cell may retain its com- position unaltered it must be supplied with its tissue-constituents. Unlike vegetable cells, the animal cell is incapable of manufacturing these tissue-constituents from inorganic elements. The most that the animal cell may do is to transform a member of one class of its con- stituents into another member of the same group. Thus, the animal cell may transform the albuminoid matters contained in vegetable cells into albuminous bodies which are peculiar to animals. It may transform the CHEMICAL PROCESSES IN CELLS. 143 proteicls of one class into those of another. It ma}' transform casein of milk into the proteids of blood and other tissues. Animal cells are, how- ever, the seat also of certain synthetical processes, such as the formation of haemoglobin from albumen and iron, with other inorganic matters, the possible reformation of albumen from peptone, and the building of com- plex albuminoids, such as mucin. All animal foods, nevertheless, orig- inate in the vegetable kingdom. Even carnivora are dependent on the vegetable kingdom for their sustenance ; for the herbivora, feeding on vegetable diet, become the prey of carnivorous animals, which are there- fore dependent on the vegetable matters which serve to nourish the tissues of the animals which serve as their food. In the vegetable cell albumen is the end product of its chemical processes; in the animal cell it is the starting point. Albuminoids represent the main or essential tj'pe of foods which must be supplied to the animal cell. When introduced into the interior of cells, albuminoids undergo a progressive oxidation and simplification, by which lower complex substances are formed. The mode of decomposition of albuminoids, as well as of all organic bodies in general, is different in different cells. This difference is seen in the very first modification of the albuminous matters of food, which may be converted into casein, myosin, etc.. according as the resulting albuminous body is destined to be a constituent of milk, muscle-cell, etc. Then, again, after being deposited in cells the subsequent processes differ in different cases, according to the nature of the cell-membrane or inter- cellular substance, or the function of the special cells in the organism. Finally, the development of the end products of the oxidation of the albumen of cells differs in the cells of different tissues, though in all cases the chemical processes in cells result in the formation of carbon dioxide, water, and ammoniacal compounds. The most striking example of the products resulting from the oxi- dation of proteids is the formation of fat from albumen. In adipose tissue and in fatt}^ degeneration of various organs the protoplasmic con- tents of cells become replaced by oil, formed evidently at the expense of the albuminoid constituents of the protoplasm. So, also, carbo-hydrates, such as glycogen, maybe produced from a splitting of the albuminoid foods. In addition to the carbo-hydrates and fats thus formed, a large number of nitrogenous bodies are liberated in the oxidation of the albuminous molecule, and might be termed ammonia compounds, such as kreatin, uric acid, urea, etc. Such bodies are, as a rule, richer in ox} T gen than albumen. The carbo-hydrates and fats are also subjected to progressive oxida- tion in the animal body, and result, in the former .case, in the production of organic acids, such as lactic, formic, and oxalic, and in the latter in the formation of fatty acids. AS already several times mentioned, the 144 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. chemical processes in the animal cell result in the formation of C0 3 , IT 2 0, and NH 8 compounds, and hence return to the earth and air the matters originally absorbed by the plant-cell, and in the same form. These end products are, however, only gradually formed as the result of a long series of intermediary oxidation products, which are formed partly through processes of splitting, by which complex molecules, usually through Irydration, are decomposed into two or more simpler compounds through the action of certain ferments. Through these means the organic cell-constituents become progressively poorer in carbon and richer in oxygen and nitrogen, thus losing their organic characteristics and becoming gradually more nearly allied to inorganic bodies, until finally the inorganic end products are reached. The following table, based on hypothetical formulae, indicates the manner in which complex albuminous molecules may become gradually reduced to simpler forms (Gorup-Besanez): Haemoglobin, . . . C 600 H 960 N 154 FeS 3 O 179 Albumen, . . . . C 90 H 139 N 22 S O 30 Lecithin, .... C 42 H 84 N P O 9 Taurocholic Acid, . . C 26 H 45 N S O 7 Glycocholic Acid, . . C 26 H 43 N O 6 Hippuric Acid, . . C 9 H 9 N O 3 Tyrosin, ... . . C 9 H ai N O 3 Leucin, . . . . C 6 H 13 N O 2 Asparagin, . . . . C 4 H 8 N 2 O 3 Asparaginic Acid, . . C 4 H 7 N O 4 Glutanimic Acid, . C 5 H 9 N O 4 Guanin, ... . C 5 H 5 N 5 O Hypoxantliin, . C 5 H 4 N 4 O Xanthin, ...'.. C 5 H 4 N 4 O 2 Uric Acid, . C 5 H 4 N 4 O 3 Kreatin, . . . . C 4 H 9 ]ST 3 O 2 Allantoin, ...... C 4 H 6 N 4 O 3 Urea, ..... C H 4 N 2 O Urea thus forms the termination of the decomposition series of the organic nitrogenous molecules. A similar progressive simplification may also be seen in the non- nitrogenous organic constituents. Thus, according to Gorup-Besanez : Stearin, ...... C 57 H 110 O 6 Palmitin, . .... . . C 51 H 98 O 6 Olein, . ... . . C 57 H 104 O 6 Stearic Acid, ..... C 18 H 36 O 2 Oleic Acid, C 18 H 33 O 2 Palmitic Acid, C 16 H 32 O 2 Butyric Acid, C 4 H 8 O 2 Succinic Acid, C 4 H 6 O 4 Grape-sugar, . . . . . C 6 H 12 O 6 Glycerin, ....... C, H 8 O 3 Lactic Acid C 3 H 6 O 3 Acetic Acid, C 2 H 4 O 2 Oxalic Acid C 2 H 2 O 4 Formic Acid, C H 2 O 2 CHEMICAL PROCESSES IN CELLS. 145 Just as urea is readily broken up into ammonium carbonate, or S and CO 2 , so also formic and oxalic acids, the terminals of the non- nitrogenous organic molecules, readily undergo decomposition into C0 a and H,0. It cannot be pretended that we are familiar with all the intermediary stages of these retrogressive metamorphoses, yet we are possessed of numerous facts, gained through the study of the decomposition of albu- men by various chemical agents, which go far to fix the character of these changes. Thus, in the artificial decomposition of albumen by certain chemical reagents, asparagin, glutanimic acid, leucin, and tyrosin are constantly met with ; and since these bodies occur in the process of germination in seeds, and the latter two often in the animal body at the seat of rapid break down of albuminoid matter, we may infer that a simi- lar process normally occurs in animal cells. So, also, by various methods of oxidation uric acid is readily converted outside of the body into urea, allantoin, oxalic acid, and carbon dioxide; and there are many facts for supposing that a similar conversion occurs in the animal body. Thus, the administration of uric acid produces not an increase in the uric acid eliminated, but in the urea and calcium oxalate ; and since uric acid is normally present in but small amount in the urine of the carnivora, and is absent in that of the herbivora, while we know that in certain organs of both classes of animals it is formed in considerable amount, it must undergo oxidation in the economy. This is further proved by the fact that a reduction in the supply of oxygen leads to an increase in the uric acid and a decrease of the urea in the urine. In a similar way is to be explained the appearance of allantoin in the urine of cats and dogs when fed on abundant animal diet. A similar line of argument ma} 7 be made to apply to the decompo- sition of the non-nitrogenous tissue-constituents. We are thus, to a certain extent, familiar with the starting point and terminals of the series of decompositions which occur in the animal bod} r , and with a few of the intermediary links in this chain. We shall again have to return to this subject in the study of Nutrition. 3, Fermentations. The word fermentation is derived from/ervere, to boil, and owes its origin to the appearance presented by sugary fluids when placed in contact with ferments ; gas is liberated, the sugar disap- pears, and the product becomes alcoholic. While the term fermentation was originally restricted to this process, it is now applied to many cases in which an organic body when dissolved is modified, changed, and trans- formed under the action of formed or soluble ferments. As regards the action of fermentation only the results and processes of the soluble fer- ments will here demand consideration. The soluble ferments act on a large number of organic compounds, 10 146 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. their mode of action being largely the same in all. Water is always essen- tial to the processes of fermentation, and the result is acquired by a more or less simple splitting up of the organic molecule accompanied by hy- dration. The nature of this splitting up is governed by the nature of the body which is subjected to fermentation, and may be explained in most cases by chemical processes in which the intervention of a living organism does not appear. Ferments have been classified as follows in the character of the change which they produce (Hoppe-Seyler) : CHANGE OF ANHYDRIDES INTO HYDRATES. A. Ferments that Act like Dilute Mineral Acids at a High Temperature. a. The conversion of starch into sugar, or glycogen into dextrin and grape-sugar, as b} T the action of ptyalin, the amylolytic ferment of the pancreatic or intestinal juices, diastase, or the liver-ferment. Thus : - = C 6 H 10 5 +3(C 6 H 12 6 ). Glycogen. Grape-Sugar. or, in the case of starch : C 24 H 40 20 +3H 2 0=:C 6 H 10 5 +3C 6 H 12 6 . Starch. Water. Dextrin. Glucose. b. The conversion of cane- into grape-sugar, as by the inversive ferment : C^H^O^+H.O-CeH^Oe + CeH^Oe. Cane Sugar. Grape-Sugar. Fruit-Sugar. This reaction also gradually occurs through the action of water at 100 C., while starch requires a temperature of 170, the resulting sugar at the same time undergoing decomposition. B. Ferments that Act like Caustic Alkalies at a High Temperature Fermentative Saponification. a. Splitting up of fats into glycerin and fatty acids, as by the action of the ferment of the pancreatic juice. b. Splitting up of amydo compounds by hydration through decom- position products, as Urea. Ammonic Carbonate. The changes in albuminoids produced by the pancreatic ferment and in decomposition probably fall under this category. CHEMICAL PROCESSES IN CELLS. 147 FERMENTATION PROCESSES, WITH TRANSFER OF OXYGEN FROM THE HYDROGEN TO THE CARBON ATOMS. a. Lactic Acid Fermentation. Under the action of various ferments sugar is converted into lactic acid. This occurs in the milk, and also very probably in sugary solutions within the intestine. In the first stage of this process lactic acid is produced as follows : C 6 H 12 6 =:2C 3 H 6 3 . C 12 H 22 11 + H 2 0^4C 3 H 6 3 . In the later stages butyric acid, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen are formed. Thus : 2(C 3 H 6 3 ):=C 4 H 8 2 +2C0 2 +2H 2 . b. Alcoholic Fermentation. Under the influence of various of the formed ferments, such as yeast-plant, grape-sugar undergoes fermentation and results in the formation of carbon dioxide and alcohol. c. Putrefactive Fermentation. Ferments which cause putrefaction are found in the lowest organisms, micrococci, bacteria, etc. Their action is destroyed by heating above 53 C. The most important ferments in the chemical processes occurring in the animal body are the diastatic or sugar-forming ferments, found in the saliva, pancreatic and intestinal juices, liver, and blood ; the peptone- forming ferments, found in gastric, pancreatic, and, perhaps, intestinal secretions ; the fat-ferment, found in pancreatic juice ; the inversive fer- ment, found in intestinal juice ; and the milk-curdling ferments, found in the gastric and pancreatic secretions. All the above ferments, with the exception, possibly, of the last, are so-called hydrotytic ferments ; that is, their action is accompanied by a process of hydration. Water is essential to all forms of fermentation ; hence, ferments become inert when dried. For the action of the proteolytic ferment of the gastric secretion a faintly acid reaction is essential, as is also the case for the pepsin-like ferment of the insectivorous plants, such as the Drosera and Dionsea, which have the power of digesting albuminous bodies. An excess of acid will, however, interfere with the action of the proteolytic, as well as of the diastatic, ferments ; the same holds good for the caustic alkalies, although an alkaline reaction favors the action of the proteolytic ferment of the pancreatic juice. Salts of the heavy metals, as well as ether, chloroform, and all the so-called antiseptics, prevent fermentation. Further details as to the action of ferments will be considered under the study of the digestive juices and the putrefactive changes in the alimentary canal. 4. The Consumption and Development of Force in Cells*. The development of force in cells is closely dependent on the chemical inter- * Wundt, " Lehrbuchder Physiologie." 148 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. changes occurring in the interior of cells. The constituents of all chemical compounds are held together by their chemical affinities, and compound atoms hence exhibit a lesser tendency to form new combina- tions than do free, uncombined atoms. When, however, a combination is broken up, as by some external force, the separated atoms again tend to unite. There is again a difference in the stability of chemical com- pounds. In other words, new combinations are more readily formed in some instances than in others. Thus, the loosely -held oxygen atom in hydrogen peroxide (H 2 2 ) is much more readily given up to form fresh combinations than the closely-held atom of oxygen in H 2 0. Thus, forces which only exist as a tendency to produce motion are termed potential forces; those, on the other hand, which actually manifest themselves in movements are actual or kinetic forces. The tendency to combine is, therefore, a potential force, which varies according to the free or com- bined state of the atoms, and, in the latter case, according as the atoms are held in loose or close combination. The atom released from chemical combination acquires an increased potential force, while an atom which passes from the free to the combined state loses in potential. In ever}'' chemical decomposition, or the passage from close to loose com- pounds, the potential force is developed, while in the formation of other chemical compounds, or the passage from loose to close compounds, the potential is diminished. The separation and union of the elements and formation of chemical compounds are, therefore, movements of the elements ; consequently, in their decomposition or composition actual forces are produced. When atoms unite, a part of the force which before existed as a tendency to form combination (the potential force) is converted into actual or kinetic force, and the combination has lost potential to that extent to which the tendency to form combinations is satisfied. In decomposition the exact opposite holds. In order to break up combinations an external force is required, and the amount of poten- tial acquired by the atoms is precisely equal to the actual force employed. It follows from this that in the act of every chemical composition actual force is liberated, and in every chemical decomposition actual force is rendered latent, or is converted into potential. In the first case the force developed is equal to the potential lost in combination, and in the second case the actual force rendered latent equals the potential force developed. Where a loss of potential occurs, it is compensated for by a proportional development of actual force, and vice versa. The same rule applies to all forces in nature. Every development of force is to be regarded as a change from actual to potential force or the reverse, or the transformations of different forms of actual force. This law is known as the conservation of energy. The forms of actual force that we are familiar with are movements of masses, light, heat, and elec- CHEMICAL PROCESSES IN CELLS. 149 tricity. All the actual forces have a tendency to be converted into a single actual force, heat; thus, as the motions of bodies decrease through friction and the resistance of the atmosphere, and as the electric current meets with resistance, they are converted into heat. So, also, the form of movement which appears as actual force in the formation of chemical compounds is usually manifested by the development of heat, or occa- sional light ; and the actual forces which disappear in chemical decompo- sition are again usually represented by heat or light. Nearly all bodies are chemical compounds ; that is, their atoms are bound together by their affinity for their atoms. This also applies to the isolated elements which, in their free state, exist as molecules of like atoms. So long as no external force is brought to bear upon chemical compounds, there is no tendency to decomposition or formation of new compounds. Heat is the most ordinary external force which produces chemical change. The stability of chemical compounds may therefore be meas- ured by the amount of heat required to break up the compound. Every compound, even the most stable, may be broken up if the heat is suf- ficient. While C0 3 requires enormous heat to decompose it, the organic compounds of carbon are decomposed at moderate temperature. Conse- quently, in the latter case the atoms are loosely combined ; that is, in the formation of this combination not all the potential affinity is converted into actual energ}%but a considerable degree of potential, with a tendency to form compounds, still remains. When to such compounds heat is applied in a degree equal to the amount of actual energy liberated in the formation of the compound, the atoms are liberated and again acquire their original potential energy. If a new combination is now formed, the potential is again converted into actual energy, and the latter, in the form of heat, is proportional to the closeness of the new compound. This is the process which is concerned in the burning of every organic compound. Thus, by the artificial application of heat single atoms of the combustible body and .of the atmosphere are separated and their combi- nation results in the liberation of heat, which is itself sufficient to decompose other atomic combinations, and the processes of combustion goes on by itself. The entire amount of heat liberated equals the difference between the amount of heat required to break up the organic compound and the amount liberated in the formation of simpler, closer compounds. If, on the other hand, atoms, if they are separated by considerable force, do not enter into a closer but into a looser compound, more actual energy is lost than is liberated, and a decomposition results in which a certain amount of heat is used up, which in the new. combi- nation is present as potential force for future combustions. The amount of potential energy is therefore dependent on the closeness of the chemical combination^ and not on the separation of the affinities. As a rule, 150 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. the closeness of the combination is inversely proportional to its com- plexity. The degree of potential energy of a combination may be measured by the amount of heat liberated in its combustion ; thus, a heat unit is the amount of heat required to raise one gramme of water one degree C. So one gramme of carbon yields 8000 heat units, or calorics ; one gramme of hydrogen equals 34,000 heat units. These numbers are greatly modified when the carbon and hydrogen are combined or enter into combination with other elements. Thus, when pure carbon is oxidized to CO 2 , the heat developed is less than when, with an equal quantity of 0, CO, or combinations of CH and O and H 2 are burned to form C0 2 . The higher the atomic weight of compounds, the greater the amount of heat given off in combustion. Thus, fats yield more heat than sugar and alcohol ; but while equal weights of such high atomic bodies yield more heat in proportion to their weight, when compared with equal quantities of oxygen consumed they yield less than simpler bodies, as sugar or alcohol. The elementary compounds which are found in animal and vegetable cells in no way differ from those found in inorganic nature. Similar elementary substances are found in the earth and atmosphere, and become constituents of animal and vegetable organisms. In organisms chemical affinity exerts the same sway as in inanimate nature. Acids unite with bases to form salts within cells just as without ; no one of the elementary constituents of cells has lost its power of uniting with oxygen, and the products so formed are identical with similar bodies formed elsewhere. We have already traced the processes occurring in animal and vegetable cells, by which these bodies are converted in the former from simple elementary substances to complex organic bodies, and in the latter again reduced to their simple elementary form. It is evident that the animal and vegetable cells differing in the chemical processes which occur within them will also differ in the transformations of energy which occur within them. Thus, we have seen that vegetable cells containing chlorophyll convert stable oxygen compounds of carbon and hydrogen, CO a and H 2 O, with liberation of oxygen, into the looser organic com- pounds, such as starch, or, less frequently, glucose or fat. They therefore return to atoms of these combinations a portion of their potential energy, which in the original transformation into CO a and H a O they had lost in actual energy in the form of heat. To accomplish this, plant-cells require the assistance of an external force, namely, the heat and light of the sun, which they convert into a chemical potential force in the resulting organic compounds. The condition is more complicated in cells which possess no chlorophyll. Here, also, the reduction processes require an CHEMICAL PROCESSES IN CELLS. 151 external force ; but in such a process as the manufacture of fat out of carbo-hydrates, or the synthesis of albuminoids out of carbo-hydrates and inorganic nitrogenous compounds, or the formation of starch, cellulose, etc., out of glucose, the potential energy developed is not derived from an external force, as the light in chlorophyll plants, but from a force inherent in the cell itself. This force is manifested in the oxidation processes occurring in colorless protoplasm, and which are evidenced by the excretion of C0 2 and H 3 O as combustion products. Thus, in the synthesis of higher carbo-hydrates from glucose a combus- tion results, in which H 2 O is formed, and in it the two atoms H and O are more closely united with one another; in this process potential energy is transformed into actual force. In order to comprehend the formation of fat or albuminoids out of oxygen compounds without a simultaneous liberation of oxygen there must also always be an additional combustion of looser-combined carbon into C0 2 ; from this it follows that pure oxidation processes occur in such cells, such as the formation of vegetable acids out of carbo-l^drates, volatile acids from fixed fatty acids, processes which yield a certain amount of actual energy in the form of heat, of which a part is again rendered latent in the formation of chemical potential energy. As a whole, in cells free from chlorophyll the processes accompanied by the liberation of actual forces preponderate over those in which actual energy is consumed. In every such cell, therefore, there is an actual development of heat. A small part of this actual energy, before being converted into heat, may be transformed into the mechanical movements already described. Every independent organ- ism which is free from chlorophyll manifests changes which result in the same transformation of force as described above ; such examples are seen in the case of the organized ferments. The animal cells, on the other hand, directly appropriate highly complex substances, such as albumen, fats, and carbo-hydrates, in which a high degree of potential energy is contained. In the act of forming by oxidation simpler compounds, such as C0 3 , H 2 0, and NH 8 , their potential energy is transformed into actual force, partly manifested by heat- production, and by protoplasmic contractile movements. In animal cells, therefore, the main characteristic is the conversion of the potential energy of organic compounds into the actual forces of heat and mechanical movements ; the process being much the same as has already been referred to as occurring in the vegetable cells free from chlorophyll, differing mainly in intensity. A reverse process may be also present by which actual force may be consumed and potential energy stored up, as in the formation of complex albuminoids, such as haemoglobin, or in tho re-formation of albumen out of peptones. PART II. SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. (153) BOOK I. THE NUTRITIVE FUNCTIONS. (155) SECTION I. FOODS. IN comparing the metamorphosis of matter in animal and vegetable organisms it has been found that in both cases there exists a certain relationship between such changes and the surrounding media. In the two classes of organisms, however, these processes are diametrically oppo- site ; for, while we found that the higher plants remove for nutritive pur- poses C0 2 from the atmosphere and returned to it, the animal economy retains a portion of the oxygen of the atmosphere, not remaining fixed as such in the body, but to be again returned to the atmosphere as C0 2 and H 2 0. For plants, consequently, since we found that the carbon of the CO 2 and a portion of the hydrogen of the H 2 O become fixed in their tissues, the atmosphere is a true food ; for animals it merely en- ables tissue metabolism to take place, and permits of the maintenance of animal heat. The development and growth of plants is dependent on the liberation of ox} r gen and the appropriation of the inorganic con- stituents of their foods. In animals life depends upon the constant appropriation of oxygen, its union with the different constituents of the body, and final elimination through the lungs and skin as C0 2 and HjO, and through the bowels and kidneys in other simple compounds. There- fore, through the absorption of oxygen there is produced no increase in bulk of the animal body, but rather a decrease. To meet this waste of the organism there must be a constant appropriation of tissue-con- stituents. Such substances are called foods. Nutrition may .be defined as the functions which are concerned in the preservation of the individual. Foods may, therefore, be defined as any substances which may serve nutritive purposes. The body being in a constant state of mutation, the constituents of the organism are little by little eliminated as the result of this mutation, and to preserve the necessary balance must be replaced. There must, therefore, be an exact correlation between the constituents of an organism and the aliments required by that organism. The demand for aliment is governed by the waste ; if the supply is not as great as the waste, the body loses weight. If, on the contrary, as in youth, the supply is greater than the waste, the body increases in weight. When the losses of the economy reach a certain degree without a sufficient reparation having taken place, when the disassimilation exceeds the assimilation, the sense of hunger (157) 158 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. reveals the wants of the organism and creates a demand for food. If these demands are not attended to, other more serious phenomena result. These, as well as the sensations of hunger and thirst, will be described at a later point. Not only must the aliments taken to repair waste have a certain weight, but they must also have a definite quality, since nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous material, water and inorganic substances, all escape through the various excretions, and their losses must be supplied by analogous substances in quantities in proportion to the amounts lost by excretion. Under all circumstances the foods of animals are or- ganic, and these foods for the most part contain those inorganic sub- stances already prepared which form the direct constituents of the animal body ; the} 7 are therefore analogous and equivalent to what they replace. The animal economy does not, as does the plant, supply its nutritive wants by synthesis and condensation of the substances con- tained in its food ; but it requires the constituents of its flesh and blood to be already formed in its food. In the flesh of the herbivora the carnivora consume flesh similar to their own. In plants the her- bivora obtain readj^-formed constituents of their flesh and blood. The end products of the activity of plant life, vegetable albumen, and other constituents of vegetable tissue, serve directly and without further exten- sive chemical modification to supply the waste in the animal economy ; consequently, plants act as the food-preparing organisms in the general circle of life. Vegetable life must, therefore, first have appeared on the earth, for it is a necessary condition for the existence of animal life ; both herbivora and carnivora are dependent upon the vegetable kingdom for food. In vegetable matters are repeated the most complex ingre- dients of animal tissues. Chemists have been so struck by the similarity of such bodies that they have designated them by the same names. Thus, we have vegetable albumen, vegetable fibrin, vegetable casein, representing the albuminous group. Among the carbo-hydrates we have starches and sugars, and it is well known that fats are abundant in the vegetable kingdom. Animals, therefore, find their tissue-con- stituents ready-made in their food, whatever be its nature. The principles of food, whether derived from the animal or vegetable kingdom, and whether appropriated by the herbivora or carnivora, are not retained in the organism in the form in which they are taken as food. They must first be subjected to certain modifications before they can become constituents of the animal tissue or juices ; in other words, they cannot fulfill their nutritive purposes until they have been subjected to preparatory modifications in the digestive tube. These modifications are not in general very pr6found, and usually consist in reducing foods to a soluble form, if not already so, or in reducing them to a state in which FOODS. 159 absorption is possible. This is the sole end of digestion. The aliments are in the digestive tract split up into their nutritive elements, which are prepared for their absorption, while the non- nutritive portions are expelled. Thus, the blood of animals is continually receiving additions from the food, which it carries to different organs and tissues. Certain of these are fixed or assimilated, replacing analogous substances rendered unfit for carrying on the vital functions ; the others are modified and destroyed. There is thus an incessant movement in the animal economy, a continuous interchange of material, and a double current of entering and expelled materials. This double current is marked by two series of chemical phenomena, the one terminating in the fixation of the nutri- tive principles in the economy, in their assimilation ; the other in their decomposition, their retrogressive metamorphosis, or their disassimila- tion. The ensemble of these two chemical phenomena constitutes nutrition. Foods of animals are destined to supply the waste of tissues. They must, therefore, to be complete, embrace all the tissue-ingredients which are liable to waste. The statement, therefore, of these tissue-constituents will be also a statement of the essential food-stuffs. The chief constitu- ents of the blood, flesh, and other tissues, as we have seen, may be classi- fied as follow : ORGANIC. I Nitrogenous. Non-nitrogenous. Albuminous Bodies and Carbo-hydrates and their Derivatives. Hydro-carbons. INORGANIC. Water, Sodium Chloride, Alkaline Phosphates, Sodium Sulphate, Phosphatic Earths (Calcium, Magnesium), Potassium Sulphate, Magnesium and Calcium Carbonates, Iron, Potassium Chloride, Silicon. It is rarely the case, however, that these simple nutritive substances are taken separate^ as food. Ordinarily the alimentaiy substances are formed of mixtures, in various proportions, of the simple nutritive substances. Thus, water that we drink contains mineral salts in solution. Meat contains water, albuminous bodies, salts, and fats, while milk contains all the alimentary principles. We must therefore distinguish between simple nutritive substances and foods which contain several of these bodies. In addition to the simple food-stuffs, there are other substances not belonging to any of the above classes which have certain nutritive values, such as alcohol, organic acids, tea, coffee, and essential oils. These are 160 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. termed accessory foods, and have but little bearing on the study of nutrition in the domestic animals. Blood is the chief nutritive fluid of animals. What, therefore, is to be converted into tissue must first be converted into blood; consequently, the substances taken in food must be converted into blood, or, at least, pass into the blood, to be of nutritive value. Blood contains about 80 per cent, of water and 20 per cent, of solids. Of the latter, 1| per cent, is organic, consisting of albuminous bodies, fats, and carbo-hydrates, the latter being represented by glucose and occurring in small quantities. Blood, therefore, contains all the constituents of the tissues and the elements for their formation, so arranged as to require but slight chem- ical modification to transform them into tissue. Blood consequently contains, in suitable form, all the organic elements necessary for the formation of all the animal tissues and fluids. The constituents of the blood and flesh of the carnivora are absolutely identical with the constit- uents of the blood and flesh of those animals which serve as their food. The nutritive processes of the carnivora consist, therefore, in a simple nutritive conversion of the blood and flesh of herbivora. Suckling animals, whether herbivorous or carnivorous, obtain in milk what might be regarded as the equivalent of the flesh of their mother, since milk contains representatives of all the constituents of blood, casein and albumen representing the albuminous group, butter the fats, and milk- sugar the carbo-hydrates. The same inorganic salts are also found in the milk as in the blood, and water is present in large amount. In the herbivora the nutritive processes are not less simple, since all parts of plants which serve as their food contain representatives of albu- minous, carbo-hydrate, and fatty tissue-constituents which are similar, or almost identical, to those found in the animal tissues. Consequently, the vegetable bodies which serve as foods for animals contain, ready formed, the constituents of animal tissues, and the nutritive value of vegetable foods is in direct relation to the proportion of these substances present. It may therefore be said that animals are dependent upon the inorganic matters of the earth and air for their food-stuffs ; for from these inor- ganic constituents of the earth's surface plants indirectly create the blood and flesh of herbivora, and in the blood and flesh of herbivora the car- nivora, in a strict sense, may be said only to obtain matter of vegetable origin with which the former were nourished. Animals, therefore, through the mediation of plants are built up out of C0 2 , H 2 0, NH 3 , N0 3 H, and a few other inorganic compounds (Gorup-Besanez). What has been said about the renewal of the organic tissue-elements might be repeated for the inorganic tissue-constituents of animals. These are also obtained, ready prepared and reacty for assimilation, by both carnivora and herbivora. The inorganic constituents of the blood of the VEGETABLE FOODS. 161 ! herbivorous animals are precisely similar to the inorganic constituents of the vegetable matters which serve as their food. The inorganic con- stituents of the blood are the same as the inorganic constituents of tissues. Herbivora and carnivora therefore find in their foods their necessary inorganic tissue-constituents. The statement above made that animals must obtain in their foods constituents of their blood and tissues ready prepared may be modified in the case of the fats ; for it has been found that, so far from being derived from fats taken as food, the greater part of the fats stored up in the body is derived from the breaking up of other organic bodies, especially the albuminoids. I. VEGETABLE FOODS. The nutritive principles of vegetable foods are disseminated in various proportions in different parts of all vegetables; there is therefore no vegetable which is intrinsically incapable of serving as animal food. But all vegetables do not contain these nutritive principles in equal degrees, or in such a state as to permit of their isolation and appropriation by the animal digestive apparatus ; nor are they in all the vegetables free from noxious principles. Thus, some vegetables, as the herbaceous plants, contain nutritive principles in all their parts ; others, only in their roots, stem, bark, leaves, fruit, or juices. Some may form suitable foods for a large number of different species of animals ; others are only capable of nourishing a single" species ; and some plants which are food for certain groups of animals are poisons to others. The parts of plants above the ground that is, their stem, leaves, flowers, and fruits are in general the most nutritious from the time when vegetation is well commenced to the time of flowering, because then the nutritive principles are not yet fixed in the organs of fructification, and the parts in which they are disseminated are soft and tender. Earlier than this the herbaceous plants are too watery and later too dry to prove very nutritious. The stems of leguminous plants are nutritive while young, while their leaves are suitable for food in all varieties of vegetation. The roots of plants, when soft and succulent, serve as food for many animals, such as the hog and bear, the tapir and hippopotamus, and when culti- vated form valuable food for man. Soft and pulpy fruits, dried fruits, nuts, hulls, and seeds, which are almost invariably rich in mucilaginous matters, with sugar, starch, oil, and nitrogenous principles, are often food for many animals. Under certain circumstances, parts of plants which are usually but slightly nutritive, such as the bark, stems, and roots, or even woody tissue, may serve as foods, especially after having undergone partial decomposition, for many animals, particularly the beaver and other rodents, and various insects. 11 162 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. Vegetable foods differ from foods of animal origin in the respect that the nutritive principles are not present in as concentrated form as in animal foods, and the non-nitrogenous food-stuffs are present in much greater abundance than the nitrogenous ; moreover, vegetable foods are, as a rule, very much less readily digestible than animal foods, from the fact that the nutritive principles are inclosed within cellulose capsules, which offer great resistance to the solvent action of the digestive juices, and which necessitates fine comminution before being capable of being digested and absorbed. As a consequence of this the residue from the digestion of vegetable matter is always very much more abundant than from an animal diet, and hence the intestinal excreta of the herbivora are alwaj r s much more bulky than of the carnivora, or even of the om- nivora. Another point of contrast between vegetable and animal food is found in the difference of inorganic constituents of the ash. Vege- table foods are especially rich in potassium and magnesium salts, and comparatively poor in sodium salts, while chlorides are present in extremely small amount, and phosphates in considerable quantities. As already indicated, in vegetable tissues representatives of all the different food-stuffs are to be found ; thus, vegetable albumen is present, and in its characteristics appears identical almost with the albumen of animal origin. So, also, are carbo-hydrates, oils, and inor- ganic salts. The relative proportions of these substances vary in differ- ,ent plants. The usefulness, therefore, of different forms of vegetable food for different nutritive purposes depends upon differences in the rela- tive proportions of these constituents. The vegetable foods may be given to our domestic animals in the fresh state, containing their natural juices, when they are termed green fodder, or after having been dried by.the sun, when they are called dry fodder. Green fodder always contains a large amount of water in proportion to the solids present, the proportion often being 75 per cent, water to 25 per cent, solids. Of the solids the albuminous bodies may amount to 10 or 20 per cent., the non-nitrogenous extractive matters varying between 50 and 60 per cent., while cellulose is present in large amount. All edible grasses and vegetable tops may serve as green fodder. Dry fodder consists of the stems and leaves of various grasses and plants after the major part of their water has been removed by evapora- tion by the sun's heat. The proportion of water to solids in dry fodder is reduced to 15 per cent, of the former to 85 per. cent, of the latter. Of the solids of dry fodder cellulose constitutes from 20 to 40 per cent., a moderate amount of albuminoids and carbo hydrates, less fat, and a maximum of inorganic matter. Green fodder, as a rule, is more readily digestible than dry fodder. Thus, experiments made by feeding oxen at one time with fresh red clover, VEGETABLE FOODS. 163 and another time with the same material carefully dried, have shown the following excess of matters digested in favor of 'the green fodder: Solids, . . '.'- . 2.3 to 5.5 per cent, more digested. Proteids, . . . . 2.7 to 3.2 Carbo-hydrates, . . 4.1 to 5.6 " " Fats, .... 2.4 to 21.0 Cellulose, . . . 2.6 to 6.2 The attempt has been made to attribute these results to the reduc- tion in digestibility acquired in the processes of drying. This is not, however, the case, since there is an actual loss of digestible matter in the processes of fermentation which occur in the act of drying. Green fodder is especially adapted for all ruminants, and for young horses after the completion of the first year. Scarcely any single green fodder is, however, suited for forming the single food of horses or* sheep. The percentage of water of most green fodders in every stage of growth amounts to from 70 to 90 per cent., and there are but few green fodders which contain so little water that they may serve without the mixture of any dry fodder for feeding sheep or horses. Cattle, on the other hand, require a watery food, while hogs, on account of the arrangement of their digestive apparatus, are only capable of digesting small amounts of the youngest and most tender green foods. Green fodder, as a rule, is the more nutritious the younger and more tender it is, since, in spite of the greater amount of water contained in this period, it also contains a larger amount of nitrogenous nutritive substances, is more stimulating to the appetite, and is more readily digested. Thus, it has been found that in the English bay grass (Lolium perenne) the composition varies as follows (Pott) : Water. Cellulose. Proteids. On the 6th of May, . . . 81.2 17.7 27.9 From the 25th to the 27th of May, On the 10th of June, . On the 24th of June, . On the 10th of July, On the 22d of July, On the 15th of August, 83.5 21.4 16.0 82.9 22.4 14.8 82.4 23.6 12.8 82.2 32.5 11.9 76.9 28.6 12.5 74.8 29.7 7.8 Similar results have been obtained in the case of clover and prairie hay. From the fact that green fodder in early spring is so rich in pro- teids it is advisable in this time of the year to administer it mixed with chopped straw that the fodder be not too rich in nitrogenous compounds. The following represent the principal vegetable food-stuffs : the seeds of the grains, or the cereals ; the hulls and fruits of the leguminous plants ; the vegetables, as potatoes, turnips, and beets ; and hay, grasses and straw, of the green and dry fodders : 1. THE CEREALS. Wheat, barley, corn, rice, and oats belong to this group, and are valuable food-stuffs. Their chemical composition is 164 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. subject to variations dependent upon the mode of culture, the nature of the soil, and the climate. They all contain a small amount of water and cellulose in proportion to a large amount of solids (over 80 per cent.) in which non-nitrogenous extractives and inorganic matters are in excess. The following table gives their average composition : In 100 parts. Wheat. Rye. Barley. Oats. Bice. Corn. Water, - .< . . . 13.6 15.3 13.8 13.5 13.2 13.9 Albumen, .... 12.4 11.4 11.2 11.9 7.8 10.1 Fat, 1.7 1.7 2.1 5.8 0.7 48 Carbo-hydrates and non- nitrogenous extractive matters, .... 67.9 67.8 65.5 57.5 76.4 66.8 Cellulose, .... 2.7 2.0 4.8 8.1 08 2.8 Ash, ... . . .1.7 1.8 2.6 3.2 1.1 1.7 The cereal grains, of which wheat may be taken as a t} r pe, consist of a number of layers arranged eccentrical^. As many as seven different layers have been recognized. Externally there is the external membrane or epidermis; within that the epicarpium ; 3d, the endocarpium ; 4th, the pigment-layer, or the testa, which in wheat is a reddish-brown membrane, and gives to wheat-grains their characteristic color; 5th, the tegmen, or external nuclear membrane, below which are found a number of dice- shaped cells (the perisperm), which were formerly spoken of as gluten- cells, in which, however, the contents are mainly starch ; and it is within the endosperm that the albuminous contents is contained between the starchy granules. For, if a granule of wheat is divided and touched with a drop of Millon's solution, it will be seen that the contents of the endosperm only stain purple, while the shells and the so-called gluten- - cells remain unchanged. When wheat is subjected to the action of a digestive fluid the albuminous bodies of the endosperm are dissolved and the starchy granules become separated, while the hulls and so-called gluten-cells remain entirely unaffected. The hulls contain a certain amount of albuminous bodies, and are employed in bran and in black bread, and have considerable nutritive value. In the so-called gluten-cells a ferment seems to be present which has been called cereal in, and which seems to interfere in some way with digestion, and as a consequence, although bran-bread is to a certain extent nutritious, it is yet difficult to digest. In grinding, the external hulls or capsules are bursted and the contents reduced to a fine powder in the mill, and thus become more digestible. Hulls which are separated from the internal contents by milling always contain a certain amount of albuminous matter and starch clinging to them, so that even the chaff, or the hull or bran, contains considerable amounts of nutritive matter, and may be used as fodder. Bran from wheat has been found to contain 13 per cent, water, 14.5 per cent. VEGETABLE FOODS. 165 albumen, 2 per cent, fat, 53 per cent. carbo-h}'drates, and 17.5 per cent, cellulose. The preparation of bread depends upon the fermentation produced through the action of the yeast-plant in rye- or wheat-meal mixed to a thick paste with water, the so-called dough, and allowed to ferment at about 30 C. Through the action of the yeast part of the starch is converted into dextrin and sugar, of which a part again undergoes further decomposition into carbon dioxide and alcohol. The bubbles of the former serve to render the dough light and porous. In baking the gas-bubbles expand through the heat and render the bread still more FIG. 55. SECTION OF A WHEAT-GRAIN, MAGNIFIED 610 DIAMETERS, AFTER PEKAR. (Thanhoffer.) 1, epidermis ; 2, epicarpium ; 3, endocarpium ; 4, testa ; 5, tegmen ; 6, perisperm ; 1, endosperm. porous, and therefore more permeable to the digestive juices and more readity digestible, while in the action of the heat a certain amount of starch is still further converted into dextrin and sugar. The nutritive properties of bread depend upon the starch, dextrin, sugar, and albumen which are contained within it. Bread, therefore, contains all the nutritive principles in some amount, as a certain amount of oils and inorganic salts are also present, although the carbohydrates are present in the largest proportion. It has been estimated that a man, to obtain the necessary amount of albumen required for his daily ration, would have to consume three pounds of bread daily. Oats, rye, and corn also have their various constituents arranged 166 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. in concentric layers, in which also the so-called gluten-cells are to be recognized, as well as numerous free starchy granules. The relative proportions of the different constituents vary in different samples, and hence the nutritive value of these grains depends upon the method of cultivation, etc. Corn and rye are especially rich in starch, but are poorer than wheat in albumen. By soaking in boiling water, the only way in which rice is used as a food, the starch-granules become par- tially converted into soluble starch, through the rupture of the cellulose membrane and solution of the granulose in water. So prepared, the starch of corn and rice is capable of being entirely absorbed, while only 20 to 30 per cent, of the albuminous matter escapes. Barley and oats are food-constituents which are especially valuable for horses when a large amount of nutritive principles in a concentrated form is required. R} T e is poorer in albuminous principles than wheat, but is, nevertheless, a valuable food-stuff. From the point of view of the percentage of albuminous matter, wheat occupies the first place in nutritive value of the cereals. In 1000 parts 135.58 parts of albuminous matters are present. The amount of starch of wheat is only exceeded by the carbo- hydrates found in corn and rice. The following table, after Thanhoffer, shows the amounts of these substances present in 1000 parts of the principal cereals, leguminous plants, and tubers : In 1000 parts. Wheat. Bye. Barley. Oats. Buckwheat- grits. Corn. Albumen, 135.37 107.5 122.5 90.5 78.0 70.0 Starch, 558.64 555.0 482.5 503.5 457.0 637.0 Dextrin, 46.5 84.5 . . . . Sugar, 48.5 Cellulose, 32.5 28.75 49.5 97.5 116.5 233.6 Fats, . . . ' ..' *' 5.9 In 1000 parts. Peas. Beans. Lentils. Potatoes. Albumen, 223.5 225.2 265.0 13.0 Starch, . . . 154.5 From the above table it is seen that the amount of starch present in rye is somewhat less than that of wheat, but that it contains nearly twice as much dextrin ; and yet the cellulose, which is almost entirely indi- gestible, is in larger amount than in wheat. In barley, again, there is usu- ally a larger amount of albuminous matters than in wheat, but also three times as much cellulose, and a considerably smaller amount of starch. Barley grown in Southern latitudes is said to have a higher percentage of albuminous matter than is represented above. Oats, again, contain a smaller amount of albumen, a larger amount of cellulose, and a larger amount of starch than barle}^. It thus falls considerably below wheat in albuminous and starchy matters, but exceeds wheat in the amount of cellulose present. Rape-seed, again, contains twice as much cellulose as oats, and even less albumen than starch. Corn contains the smallest VEGETABLE FOODS. 167 amount of albuminous matter of all of the cereals, but a larger amount of starch than any, and also contains a considerable quantity of oil, and is therefore a useful food for fattening purposes. Rice contains only 5 per cent, of albuminous matter and 82 per cent, of readily-digestible starch. The nutritive value of oats is very largely governed by the character of manure, and other modes of cultivation. The composition of oat- grains, according to Pott, is about as follows :* Solids . . .86.3 per cent. Proteids, . . . . . . . .12.0 Fats, . . . . . . . .6.0 Carbo-hydrates, . . . . . .56.6 CeUulose, . . ... . . 9.0 Ash, . . . . , . . .2.7 The nitrogenous matters of oats consist in part of albumen (0.46 to 2.3 per cent.), gliadin, the so-called vegetable casein, the latter appear- ing to be almost identical with gluten-casein and legumin. In addition, oats appear to contain a nitrogenous alkaloid, the so-called avenine, which possesses the property of acting as a nerve stimulant. This is more abundant in darker sorts of oats, its amount depending upon con- ditions of climate, soil, etc. It may amount to 0.9 per cent. It also has been found by Ellenberger and Hofmeister that oats contain at least three ferments, an amylolytic, a proteolytic, and a lactic acid ferment. These ferments are destroyed by the temperature of boiling water, but in the stomach of the domestic animals exert their activity, and are to be regarded as important factors in the gastric digestion of these animals. The most active of these ferments is the starch ferment. It has been found that in a digestion of three hours' duration with water 2 per cent, of sugar resulted from the action of this ferment alone. The lactic acid ferment is considerably weaker, and it is stated that in a digestion of three hours' duration 0.1 per cent, of lactic acid was formed, while 0.2 per cent, was formed in seven hours. The proteid ferment is stated to dissolve from 0.5 in three hours to 1 per cent, of proteids in six hours. These results were obtained by the simple digestion of a mixture of oats and water, kept at the temperature of the body. They have a practical application to the subject of digestion as occurring in animals, and point to the fact that in disturbances of digestion in domestic animals the administration of vegetable food in a raw state is preferable to its use after boiling, and will further, perhaps, explain the high degree of digesti- *It will be noticed, in comparing the different tables of the composition of vegetable fodders, that there is considerable discrepancy in the percentages given of the different nutritive principles. This is to be accounted for by different effects of cultivation, etc., in the various samples analyzed. 168 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. bility possessed by oats. Wolff has found the following amounts to be digested of the different constituents of oats : Proteids. Fats. Carbo-hydrates. Ruminants, . 77.3 per cent. 82.4 per cent. 73.7 per cent. Horses, . . 86.0 " 77.6 " 76.3 " The carbo-hydrate constituents of oats are represented principally by starch, although from 3 to 6 per cent, of sugar, 1.25 to 4.51 per cent, of gum and dextrin have been found. Oats are, above all, the best force- developing food for horses, a fact which is universally recognized. To foals at first only crushed oats should be given, the transition to whole oats being only gradually accomplished. Oatmeal is also a good addition to the food of milk cattle, and is said to increase both the amount of milk and the amount of butter. As a fattening food for cattle oats are not preferable to other cereals. In the natural form oat-grains are not, as a rule, sufficiently masticated by the ruminants, and therefore their maximum nutritive properties are not appropriated. It is therefore the custom to feed oats to these animals either crushed or in the form of oat- meal. Sheep, which as a rule masticate their food better than other rumi- nants, are for this reason capable of digesting larger amounts of oats. Oats are also a valuable food for birds. In Pomerania geese are fattened almost solely on this food. It has, however, the disadvantage of causing a thin and unpleasant adipose tissue in these animals. In America oats are roasted with suet, and it is stated that hens fed on this food are especially prolific. Oatmeal is richer in cellulose than the other meals, but it is also at the same time richer in proteids and fats. The average composition of oatmeal, according to J. Konig, is about as follows : Water, Proteids, . Fats, Sugar, Gum and dextr n, Starch, Cellulose, Ash, . 10.1 per cent. 14.3 5.7 2.3 3.1 60.4 2.2 2.0 Oatmeal is especially valuable as an accessory food in the nourish- ment of young animals, especially young dogs, when it may be mixed with milk. Oat-straw has the following composition (Pott) : Solids, Proteids, Fats, Carbo-hyd Cellulose, Ash, . rates, ? 86.6 per cent. 3.3 1.4 42.5 33.3 6.2 It is the most nutritious of the cereal straws. Ruminants digest of the proteid matters 40.7, fats 30.1, carbo-hydrates 45.5 per cent. VEGETABLE FOODS. 169 In the form of chopped fodder it is a valuable addition to the food of the ruminants and horses. Care must be taken that the straw has not been kept in a moist place ; otherwise, when fed to milk cattle, an unpleas- ant taste will be given to the milk. It has been stated that of all the cereals oats are the richest in oil and albuminoids, according to Mr. Richardson (Amer. Chem. Journ., October, 1886), the average for the former being 8.14, and for the latter 14.31 per cent. The composition may be placed as follows, in its dis- tribution in the kernel and hull : Kernel. Hull. Whole Grain. Water, . 4.85 1.57 6.42 Ash, .... Oil, .... Carbo-hydrates, Crude fibre, Albuminoids, . 1.50 . 5.70 . 46.96 . 0.97 . 10.02 1.68 0.24 20.41 5.36 0.74 3.18 5.94 67.37 6.33 10.76 70.00 30.00 100.00 It is thus seen that Richardson's analysis of American oats differs from that given by other authorities. He places the percentage of water lower than that of other aualysists, whilst 'the principal increase of solids is found in the oil and inorganic constituents, his estimation of proteids agreeing with that of others. The constituents of oats are, however, very greatly subject to the climate in which they are grown, and Mr. Richardson has found the average albuminoids in the grains distributed as follows over the different sections of the United States : Northern States, 10.96 per cent. Southern States, 10.66 " Pacific Slope 9.60 " Atlantic Slope, 10.76 " Western States, 11.24 " These figures are, however, dependent upon the percentage of husk, and not on peculiarities of their kernel, and therefore the proportion of husk to kernel and the compactness of the grain prove to be the most important factors, and the weight per bushel the best means of judging of the value of the grain. Oats having the husk are necessarily heavier in weight per one hundred grains. The heaviest oats are from the Pacific Slope, and the South ranks next, owing to the large size of the grain. In weight per bushel, however, the fluffy husk of the Southern grain makes it the lowest in the country, while the Pacific Slope contains the highest weight per bushel, as also in size and weight per hundred, showing the grain to be plump and well-filled. The heaviest weights per busliel determined by Mr. Richardson were found in specimens from Colorado and Dakota, weighing 48.8 and 48.6 pounds. The lightest were from Alabama and Florida, 24.7 and 26.9 pounds, respectively. He found an 170 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. average of 37.2 pounds, the common legal weight being 32 pounds to the bushel. Of the group of hordeum (barley) various representatives are useful as green fodder, but more especially their grains and straw. The com- position of barley -grains is greatly modified by the locality of growth and mode of cultivation. The following represents about the average composition : Solids; . 86.2 per cent. Nitrogenous bodies, . . . . 11.2 Fats, 2.1 Non-nitrogenous bodies, 65.5 Cellulose, 5.2 Ash, 2.2 The proteids of barley consist in a large part of gluten-casein, gluten-fibrin, mucedin, and albumen. No gluten can be obtained from barle3^-meal. The carbohydrates consist of starch, from 1 to 2^ per cent, sugar, and 1 to 7 per cent, dextrin. The digestibility of the barley-grain is placed by Wolff as follows : Proteids, . Fats, Carbo-hydrates, Ruminants. 77 per cent. 100 87 " Horses. 80.3 per cent. 42.4 " 87.3 Hogs. 78.2 per cent. 68.4 " 90.0 " The barley- grains are, therefore, readily digestible, and in the form of meal form a food of the first class in nutritive properties for cattle, and are especially valued for the good influence which they exert on the quality and quantit}^ of the milk and butter. For horses also they may be used to a certain extent as a substitute for oats, given in the entire form, mixed with chopped straw. To old horses or foals, on the other hand, barley should be given as meal, or after being crushed. It has been .stated that if the barley-grains are swallowed whole they swell up in the stomach, and may produce serious colic. Therefore, the animals should receive water about half an hour before being fed with barley- grains. The Arabs make Use of barley almost solely as food for their horses, and administer it in the entire condition. Barley-meal has the following composition : Solids, Proteids, . Fats, Carbo-hydrates Cellulose, Ash, . 87.7 per cent. 11.6 3.6 52.0 14.3 6.2 Barley-meal is frequently adulterated with various mineral sub- stances, such as cla}^, chalk, or plaster, which may cause it to prove hurtful. Such adulterations may, however, be readily recognized by microscopic examination. Barley-straw, especially, as is often the case, VEGETABLE FOODS. 171 if grown with clover, forms one of the best of the cereal straws, the straw of winter barley being, however, the poorest in nutritive substances of any form of straw.' The following is the composition of barley-straw : Solids, .. ; Nitrogenous matters Fats, Non-nitrogenous extractive matter , Cellulose, . Ash, . 85.7 per cent. 3.4 " 1.4 34.7 41.8 4.4 < '- The following is the composition of barley-straw when grown with clover : Solids, ... . 85.7 per cent. Nitrogenous bodies, . 6.5 " Fats, ..;-... . 2.0 " Non -nitrogenous extractive matters, 32 5 " Cellulose, ... . 38.0 " Ash, .... . 6.7 " Barley-straw, therefore, grown with clover, almost approaches an average hay in nutritive value. The ruminants digest the following amounts of the different constituents of barley-straw : Proteids, Fats, . . . Non -nitrogenous extractive matters, 20 per cent. 41.6 " 54.1 ". Barley-bran agrees in its general properties with the bran of the better cereals. It contains Solids, 85. 8 per cent. Proteids, 3.1 Fats, 1.5 Carbo-hydrates, 38.5 Cellulose, 30.3 Ash, 12.4 Barley-bran frequently contains large quantities of the barlej'-bristles, and should then only be given to animals after being boiled or steamed. Given dry, the bristles stick in the tongue, and produce inflammatory reaction. Steamed barley also is a valuable food. By malting, the barley undergoes mechanical and chemical alterations which lead to the increase in its digestibility, and, although the starch is turned into sugar, there is, nevertheless, in the process of malting a loss in nutritive con- stituents of the total solids, especially of the nitrogenous bodies. In sprouting there is likewise a loss of proteids, carbo-hydrates, and fats. Buckwheat is often used as a green fodder, and its grain is fre- quentty administered as dry food. The green buckwheat contains Solids, . * . . Proteids Fats, Non -nitrogenous extractive matters, Cellulose, Ash, 15.0 per cent. 2.4 0.6 6.4 4.2 1.4 172 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. In digestibility the green buckwheat is almost comparable to clover, but contains a much larger percentage of water, and is not, therefore, well suited to constitute the sole food for cattle. When given to cattle not more than fifty kilogrammes per thousand kilogrammes body weight can be given, the remainder of the food consisting of dry food. On feed- ing with buckwheat the milk and the butter assume a beautiful yellow color. The green buckwheat is entirely unsuitable for sheep and hogs, either freshly mown or for grazing, and in them frequently causes serious disturbances. On account of its large percentage of water it is only suitable for horses as an accessory food. The conversion of the green buckwheat into hay offers great difficulty on account of its large percent- age of water. The grains of buckwheat are principally used as food. They contain Solids, Proteids, Fats, . Non-nitrogenous extractive matters Cellulose, Ash, . 86.8 per cent. 10.1 1.5 59.5 15.0 1.8 They are thus not especially rich in nitrogenous matters and contain large amounts of cellulose, and belong, therefore, to the more indigestible cereals, but form a good additional food for draught horses, sheep, milk cattle, and fattening cattle. When, however, given in large amounts to ruminants and hogs, they are apt to produce very serious disturbances, especially in summer. In winter, on the other hand, the buckwheat is less hurtful a food, though it is advisable to cease its administration at least two weeks before grazing commences. Buckwheat-meal contains Solids, . . . Proteids, Fats, . Non -nitrogenous exti active matters Cellulose, . Ash, . ... 84.0 per cent. 15 " 35 " 43.0 " 19.0 " 3.4 " Buckwheat-meal is, therefore, relatively rich in proteids, and in spite of its considerable amount of cellulose is a good fattening food for hogs. It is frequently adulterated with the seeds of various weeds. Buckwheat- straw belongs to the most useful of this class of fodders. It contains Solids, Proteids, Fats, . ^Non-nitrogenous extractive matters, Cellulose, Ash, . 89.9 per cent. 4.1 1.4 32.9 44.3 5.0 It contains somewhat more cellulose than most of the straws of the different cereals, and is, therefore, perhaps more indigestible, but it is also richer in proteids. VEGETABLE FOODS. 173 2. The LEGUMINOUS PLANTS stand next in nutritive value to the cereals. They are composed of the peas, beans, and lentils. By boiling with water their hulls become ruptured, and their contents readily sub- jected to the action of the digestive juices. The leguminous plants are, therefore, principally used in the form of soups or broths. The hulled fruits contain a maximum of albuminous matters, and the kernels of oily fruits more fats than the cereals. Beans are seldom used as green fodder, or as the principal article of diet, since they are too rich in nitrogen ; they form, however, an admi- rable addition to the diet of cattle, sheep, and horses. Peas, both as a green fodder and as grain, form highly nutritive foods. Green peas are especially good as a food for milk cattle, and give a pleasant taste to the butter. Dried peas are also highly digestible and nutritious. They contain Solids, Proteids, Fats, Non-nitrog Cellulose, Ash, . enou s ext racti ve mattei s, 86.8 per c 22.4 3.0 52.6 6.4 2.4 Of these nutritive principles Proteids. Fats. Non-nitrogenous Extractive Matters. Ruminants digest 88. 9 per cent. 74.7 per cent. 93. 3 per cent. Horses " 83.0 " 6.9 " 89.0 " Hogs " 85.0 to 90 36.0 to 67 95.0 to 99 The grains are best given chopped up with straw, when they form an excellent food for draught horses, of which amounts equivalent to half of the ordinary corn ration may be given. They are also a fattening food of the first rank for hogs, and, like barley, greatly improve the character of their fat and flesh. When given in large amounts to milk cattle, they are apt to make the butter too hard. The straw of peas is also readily digestible, and of good pea-straw ruminants digest 60.5 per cent, of pro- teids, 45.9 per cent, of fats, and 64.4 per cent, of non-nitrogenous extract- ives. When in good condition, pea-straw may even serve as a substitute for hay for j'oung cattle. For milk cattle but small amounts should be given, or else the quantity of milk will be reduced. Unfortunately, pea- straw is apt to be contaminated with that of various weeds and fungi. The following table gives the average composition of the principal representatives of this group, as contrasted with the potato: In 100 parts. Water, . Albumen, Fats Lentils. . 12.5 . 24.8 . 1.9 Peas. 14.3 22.6 1.7 Beans. 14.8 23.7 1.6 Potatoes. 76.0 2.5 0.2 Carbo-hydrates, Cellulose, Ash, . 54.8 . 3.6 . 2.4 53.2 5.5 2.7 49.3 7.5 3.1 20.2 0.4 0.5 174 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 3. BULBS and BOOTS, represented by the potato, beets, etc., constitute another group of vegetable foods. Potatoes are of very much less nutritive value than either of the preceding groups of foods, from the fact that they contain but a small amount of albuminous matters, but a very large amount of starch. Large amounts of water are present in bulbs and roots which serve as food, with small amounts of solids (86 to 14). Of the solids, the carbo-hydrates constitute 80 per cent, or more, while the other nutritive substances and inorganic salts are in proportionately small amount. Even of the amount of albumen present only about one-fourth appears to be capable of digestion in the alimentary canal. In the vegetables, such as beets, asparagus, and cabbages, there is a large per cent, of water, from 80 to 90 per cent., but only 2 per cent, of albuminous matter, 2 to 4 per cent, of starch or gumni}^ substances, a small amount of sugar, and 1 to 1.5 per cent, of cellulose. Their nutritive value is therefore slight. Fodder-beets (Beta vulgaris, mangold-beets), of which a large variety is met with, form valuable articles of fodder, those with the round roots being usually more rich in nutritive constituents. The nutritive qualities of beets are further increased by the character of the soil and climate, mode of culture and manuring, and are especially proportional to the slowness with which they are grown. Fodder-beets have, as a rule, the following constituents : Solids, Proteids, . Fats, . Carbo-hydrates, Cellulose, . Ash, . . ", Sugar-beets contain 12.0 per cent. 1.1 0.1 9.1 0.9 0.8 Solids, ... 18.5 per cent. Proteids, 1.0 Fats, 0.1 Carbo-hydrates, 15.4 Cellulose, . . . 1.3 Ash, 0.7 The principal difference, therefore, between fodder-beets and sugar- beets, is found in the larger percentage of solids in the latter, consisting principally in the greater amounts of sugar. The percentage of sugar is further increased by potassium manures, and is greater in beets grown in cold, high localities than in warm places. It also is in proportion to the length of time, after growth is complete, that the beets are kept in the ground, especially when they have sprouted. Nitrogenous manures and manures rich in phosphates increase the proteid constituents of the beets, although all the nitrogen in the beets is not to be recorded as VEGETABLE FOODS. 175 proteid. Nitrate of potassium, nitric and oxalic acids, magnesia and other alkalies are constituents of beets, and will often explain the pur- gative action exerted by many forms of beets. As regards digestibility, Wolff has found that the ruminants digest of sugar-beets proteids 62.0, carbo-hydrates 95.2 per cent. ; of fodder-beets proteids 75.6, carbo- hydrates 95.3 per cent. These experiments would seem to show that sugar-beets are less digestible, a state of affairs which hardly seems probable. On account of the large percentage of water beets contain they can only be used as a fodder with certain restrictions. They are best given in the raw state, chopped up into pieces, although the chopping must not be too fine ; other- wise mastication and thorough mixing with the saliva will be, to a large extent, prevented. They are especialty suited for milk cattle, combined with dry foods, twenty-five kilogrammes being given daily, and will serve to improve the amount and quality of the butter and milk. Sugar-beets cannot be given in as large an amount as fodder-beets, on account of their higher percentage of nutritive principles. For young cattle, as well as sheep, on account of their large percentage of water, but small amounts may be given. Thus, one-third to one-half of the total food for these animals may consist of chopped-up raw beets. For hogs the beets may serve as the principal food, especially when given boiled, although here also they may act as a purgative, and it is better that the food should not be more than one-half constituted of the beets. For horses, beets, on account of their high, percentage of water, are only exceptional^ employed. Beets are best -preserved by placing under the ground directly after harvesting, care being taken to select a perfectly dr\ T localit}^. Beet-top leaves are also vry frequently used as fodders. Fresh beet-leaves contain Solids, 10.7 per cent. Nitrogenous matters, 2.2 Proteids, 0.4 Carbo-hydrates, 4.8 Cellulose, 1.5 Ash, 1.8 On account of the large percentage of water and oxalic acid con- tained within them, beet-tops frequently act as violent purgatives. They are, however, rich in proteids, and are quite as digestible as the best fresh hay, and in their fresh condition are suitable in small amounts for feeding to milk cattle. If, however, they be given in excessive amounts, or con- stitute the sole food of milk cattle, the percentage of fat in the milk undergoes a rapid decrease. Not more than one-third of the total amount of food, therefore, should be constituted of beet-tops. 4. GRASSES. In addition to the above nutritive substances, domestic animals may be nourished on the various grasses, hays, bran, and straw. 176 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. The following table gives the average composition of different members of this group: In 100 parts. Prairie Hay. wy Best. e-rraw. Ordinary. Grass. Water, . ... . . 130 13.8 18.6 75.0 Albumen, . .. . 9.5 3.9 1.5 3.0 Fats, . 3.1 1.0 1.5 0.8 Carbo-hydrates and n extractive matters, on-n trog( nous 40.9 34.7 32.4 13.1 Cellulose, . . 26.7 40.1 43.0 6.0 Ash, . . 6.8 6.5 3.0 2.1 Esparcet (Onobrychis saliva} is one of the most digestible and valu- able of the different forms of clover, and may be regarded as a type of this group. Mowed during the blossoming, it contains in the green state : Solids, . . . . 21. 5 DCI cent. Nitrogenous substances, . Fats Non- nitrogenous extractive matters, Cellulose, . . . . . Ash, ..''... 3.5 0.7 8.5 7.6 1.2 According to Wolff, its digestibility in the ruminants is as follows : Proteids. 72.5 per cent. Esparcet-hay contains Fats. 66.7 per cent. Solids, . . Nitrogenous matters, Fats,. . . " . Non -nitrogenous extractive matters, Cellulose, . Ash,. Non-nitrogenous Extractive Matters. 78.3 per cent. 85.1 per cent. 13.3 2.5 34.5 29.0 5.8 All forms of fodder undergo in time considerable deterioration in the amounts of their nutritive constituents, especially if preserved in localities where the}' are accessible to the air, moisture, light, and warmth. Fermentative processes are started up by the presence of various forms of the lower organisms and occasion a reduction in both the non-nitrogen- ous and proteid constituents of fodders. Thus, prairie hay, when fresh, has a nitrogenous percentage of 1.81 per cent., while, if kept for two years, it falls to 1.68. So long a time as this is, however, not necessary for the evidence of considerable loss of nutritive principles. Thus, Wolff has found the constituents of second-crop hay to vary as follows : Proteids, .... . Fats,. . ... ,. Cellulose, Non-nitrogenous extractive matters, In December. 14.36 . 4.01 26.44 XNon-niirogeiious exiraciive mailers, . 40 Inorganic constituents, .... 9 45.71 ,48 In April. 14.34 4.24 27.18 44.80 9.44 VEGETABLE FOODS. 177 The more the fodders are protected from the air, the less will be the loss. Thus, it has been found that corn kept in an open space free to the air will form in a given time twice as much carbon dioxide as if kept in a closed space, of course, it being evident that the greater the formation of carbon dioxide, the greater will be the loss. The moister the locality, also the greater will be the deterioration in nutritive qualities. Thus, oats in thirty months will lose 7.2 per cent, more of their solids than oats kept in closed vessels. Similar facts also apply to the preservation of the moist fodders, such as potatoes, beets, and green fodder. Sprouting of potatoes and beets is likewise accompanied by great loss of nutritive substance, and the presence of solan ine in a sprout may even cause it to become poisonous. Thus, Krammer has found that in potatoes with the sprout from 1 to 2 cm. long there is a loss of 3.18 per cent, of starch, when the sprout is 2 to 3 cm. long a loss of 5.26, and when it reaches 4 cm. in length there has been a loss of 9.88. Moulding, likewise, reduces the amount of nutritive substances, in addition to the hurtful action of the moulds themselves. Thus, in sound potatoes there will be an average amount of solids of 23.8 per cent., while mouldy potatoes will average only 20.6 per cent. Age of fodders not only occasions loss in absolute amounts of nutritive \constituents, but also diminishes their relative digestibility. Thus, Hofmeister has found that sheep which will digest of clover-hay, when half a year old, 68.4 per cent, of proteids and 73.4 per cent, of carbo-hydrates, when one year old will digest only 65.0 per cent, of proteids and 63.1 per cent, of carbo-hydrates, and when four years old 50.7 per cent, of proteids and 40.7 per cent, of carbo-hydrates. The same facts apply likewise to other forms of hay. The preservation of grain by stowing it in close chambers is a very ancient one. The process of ensilage as at .present carried out is per- formed simply by placing green-fodder crops, such as grass, clover, vetches, etc., in an air-tight chamber of almost any construction, and, after treading the mass down, covering it with boards on which pressure is exerted, either by dead weights or mechanical means. The grass or other substance may be chopped if thought desirable, and salt may also be added. When preserved in this manner grass may be kept for a long time, and will produce, when opened, a food resembling steamed hay which is greedily consumed by cattle. The whole loss occasioned by this process is but small, and the process of change occurring in food so preserved has been carefully studied by Mr. A. Smetham. He found that fermentation of various kinds had occurred, and he was able to detect a small quantity of alcohol, as well as various acids, of which acetic, lactic, and butyric were the chief. The amount of the acids was not sufficiently great to render the silage unfit for food, and the practical results of feeding with it were decided!} 7 satisfactory. By allowing the temperature 12 178 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. to- rise above 125 F. the ferments are destroyed and the production of organic acids thus largely prevented, and a sweet silage is produced which possesses the characteristics of old hay to a much more marked extent than by the old or "sour" process. This process is especially valuable in wet seasons as a means of preserving the crop. It is also invaluable for preserving second crops. A succulent food is obtained in place of a dry one with but little loss in nutritive constituents ; certainly less than occurs during hay-making in wet weather, although there is but little increase in the digestibility of the grass. Vegetable matters all contain from two to eight times as much potas- sium as sodium, and, as we shall again refer to under the subject of Nutrition, explains the fact that the herbivorous animals need an extra ration of sodium chloride. Straw is difficult to digest, is only but slightly nutritive, and requires large quantities of the digestive secretions for the solution of its nutri- tive constituents. Straw is somewhat more readily digested by the ruminants than by the horse. Straw, of different kinds, has about the following composition : Water, Albuminous bodies, . Fats, .... Extractive matter and hydrates, Barley- Straw. . 14.3 . 3.0 . 1.4 carbo- . 31.3 Oat- Straw. 14.3 2.5 2.0 36.2 Pea- Straw. 14.3 6.5 2.0 33.2 Bean- Straw. 17.3 10.2 1.0 32.5 Cellulose, . Inorganic matter, . 43.0 . 7.0 40.0 5.0 40.0 4.0 34.0 5.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Yery frequently various forms of vegetable food will produce dis- turbances of digestion in the domestic animals from the mixing with them of various forms of adulteration, or. from various defects in the character or quality of the food. The capability of recognizing .this in a general way is, therefore, desirable. Thus, spoiled hay or hay which has lost its inorganic constituents likewise loses its normal greenish color, and is of a dirty-gray or brown tint ; while acid fermentation or putre- faction in all fodders may be recognized by the characteristic odor and taste. Good oats must be clean and composed of perfectly-formed mealy granules, and possess a certain definite specific gravit}'. Unripe or frozen oats have a less specific gravity and a less nutritive value, while spoiled oats are recognized by a musty smell and an unpleasant, burning taste. The quality of the ha}^ will, of course, depend upon the quality of the ground and its botanical constituents, the time of cutting, and the mode of preservation. In order to judge of the quality and nutri- tive value of hay it may be divided into three different groups. In the first group are the sweet grasses (graminese)', in the second, the acid VEGETABLE FOODS. 179 grasses; in the third, all other grasses. The richer the hay is in the sweet grasses, in clovers, and leguminous plants, the better it is. The richer it is in acid, marshy grasses, and the like, the poorer it is. Hay cut in. summer is better and more nutritious than that cut in autumn, and so with second crop or after-cut. In the latter also the aromatic hay- odor is wanting. Hay which has been wet by the rain, so losing a large part of its inorganic matters, and that which has been kept for several years, has but little more nutritive worth than straw. Analysis has shown that clover and prairie ha3 r s which have been exposed to the rain for one or two weeks may /lose as much as 12 per cent, of their nutritive matters. Hay which contains poisonous plants, mud, dust, or worms or cater- pillars, or when it has become spoiled by putrefaction or fermentation, is likewise hurtful. In the manufacture of various food-products residues are often left which ma}' be of considerable nutritive value for our domestic animals. Such residues have a somewhat similar composition, usually, to that of the original parts of plants of which they are formed ; the relative proportions of the different constituents will, however, vary, as more or less of cer- tain substances are removed in the process of manufacture. Of the dry residues the various milled foods, such as meals and flours of the dif- ferent cereals, are the most important. They contain usually 80 per cent, of solids. The}^ are especially rich in albuminoids (over 20 per cent.) and fats (5.10 per cent.), and are, therefore, valuable adjuvants to foods which are poor in these nutritive principles. The residue from beer-breweries (beer-mash, brewers' grains) is also a valuable food. It contains 20.25 per cent, of solids, composed largely of albuminoids, with a relatively small proportion of non-nitrogenous matters (1:2), somewhat more cellulose, and a considerable amount of fat and inorganic matter. Chemical analysis of fresh brewers' grains shows the following- average composition : Solids, . . . ... . . 22 3 per cent. Proteids, 4.6 " Fats,. / 1.6 " Non-nitrogenous extractives, . . . 9.9 " Cellulose, . . ... . . 5.0 " Assuming that 73 per cent, of the proteids is digestible, fat 84 per cent., extractives 64 per cent., and cellulose 39 per cent., the average amounts of digestible matters may then be placed as follow : Proteids, . . . . . . . . 3.9 per cent. Carbo-hydrates, 10 8 Fats, 0.8 " The proportion of nutritive matter may thus be placed as 1 : 3.4. The fresh residue from breweries contains a large percentage of 180 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. water, and therefore readil}' decomposes in summer in a few hours, and then is a very dangerous fodder. The only method of permanent preserving is by drying, and this necessitates a complicated and trouble- some process. In cool weather the residue may be preserved for one or two weeks under fresh water. Fresh beer residue is an admirable fattening food for both cattle and hogs and for milk cows, though when sour it affects both the quantity and quality of the milk. When fresh this food is not so well suited for sheep and horses as when dried ; in the latter condition, from the high percentage of nitrogenous constituents, it is comparable to the cereals. The residue from distilleries, the so-called distillery mash or swill, forms a valuable article of fodder, but one whose composition is subject to the greatest variations, depending upon the character and mode of treat- ment of the substance manufactured. All such residues are, in their natu- ral condition, very rich in water; and since in distillation only the starch and sugar serve for the production of the spirits, all the other nutritive substances remain, with slight alteration, in the residue ; so that the solids of the latter are relatively very rich in nitrogen. Most of these residues in their fresh condition are readil} 7 devoured by the domestic animals, and their nutritive effect is increased by administering them warm and mixed with less nutritive substances," such as dry fodders rich in cellu- lose, which are less readily taken by cattle. On the other hand, their great richness in water is a disadvantage on account of the increased demand for nutritive substances so occasioned. The high percentage of water, soluble proteids, and other unstable substances in distillery residue leads to their ready decomposition, or souring, in which condition they are, of course, not suited for fodder, on account of the disturbances of digestion and alterations of milk which they produce; the objection to this class of foods is largely due to the danger of using a spoiled article. So also residues from which the spirit has not been entirely removed are likewise hurtful when given as food. The most common of these resi- dues are those obtained from the distillation of potatoes, corn, rye, beets, and malt. Potato Residue. The residue from the distillation of potatoes will vary greatly in the percentage of nutritive constituents according to the more or less complete extraction of the spirit, illustrates this : The following table F Solids, . - . Proteids, . . ' . Fats, Non-nitrogenous extract ive matters, . Cellulose, Ash, otato Residue. 3.8-8.7 ave 0.8-1.9 0.1-0.23 1.1-5.6 0.5-1.4 rage 7.7 1.1 0.2 4.6 0.9 07 By Hollef Proc 6.05 pel 1.14 0.19 3.56 0.69 0.70 reund's ess. cent. VEGETABLE FOODS. 181 In the potato residue starch has been largety removed, while the other constituents remain but little unchanged, with the exception that the ferments are, of course, added to the residue, the proteids being to a certain extent changed into peptones. Potato residue is less nutritive than that from the cereals, and is, under all circumstances, unsuitable for constituting the sole article of diet ; since it is not only too watery but too poor in inorganic materials, especially of phosphates,- an objection which does not apply to the same extent to the residue from the distilla- tion of the cereals. Fresh potato residue, in which condition it should alone be used, sterns to assist in the production of milk, especially when given warm, and may constitute one- or two-thirds of the total daily ration, the remainder being composed of dry fodder. Fattening sheep may receive from two to ten kilogrammes per one hundred kilo- grammes of body weight, if given in too large amounts, seriously affect- ing the flesh of the animal. For horses potato residue is in general too w r atery, and only animals while at rest, or while doing light work, can stand it. In using this article of food care should be taken that the potatoes have not sprouted, otherwise they will contain solanine, and in consequence be poisonous. Corn Residue. The residue remaining after the distillation of corn is richer in both proteids and fats than that from potatoes. It contains In a Fresh Condition. Pressed. Solids, . . . . 9.4 per cent. 28 4 per cent. Proteids, .... 2.0 8.6 Fats, ..... 1.0 3.2 Non nitrogenous extractive matters, .... 4.9 12.7 Cellulose, .... 1.0 2.3 Ash, ..... 0.4 1.5 The same statements apply for the administration of these sub- stances as food as have already been made concerning the potato residue. Milk cattle cannot, however, receive more than thirty kilogrammes of this daily, since it will, in larger amounts, damage the character of the butter-fats; while they ma}' receive as high as fifty kilogrammes daily of the potato residue. Eye Residue. The residue from the distillation of rye-whisk}- is, in consequence of the higher nitrogenous and lesser oily constituents of the rye-grains, richer in proteids and poorer in fats than the corn residue. It contains Solids 9.9 per cent. Proteids, . . . -. . . .2.1 Fats, 0.6 Non-nitrogenous extractive matters, . . 5.9 Cellulose, 0.9 Ash, . . 0.5 182 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. This substance is one of the most useful of the various distillation residues, unless, as is often the case, the grain which has undergone the fermentation has contained the seeds of the Agrostemma yithago, when it will possess poisonous properties. Beet Residue. The residue from beet distillation contains only 9 per cent, of solids, 0.9 per cent, proteids, 0.1 per cent, fats, 6.2 per cent, non-nitrogenous extractive matters, 1.2 per cent, cellulose, and 0.6 per cent, of ash. It is, therefore, the poorest in nutritive substances and the richest in water. For preservation of the distillery residues, either they may be dried, especially when mixed with various forms of dry fodder, or they may in the fresh condition be preserved b\' the mixture of salic3'lic acid, one gramme for every fift^-four pounds. A process of preservation which is frequently employed depends upon the souring of the fresh residue in the formation of lactic acid fermentation, a process which is accompanied by great loss of non-nitrogenous and proteid constituents. In spite, however, of this loss in nutritive constituents, this method furnishes a cheap and simple mode of preserving distillery residues. The residue from the extraction of sugar from beets, from starch out of wheat and potatoes, and that remaining after the alcoholic fer- mentation of starchy and sugary substances, as in the distillation of spirits, are all valuable food stuffs. All these substances contain but small amounts of solids, and the proportion of nitrogenous to non- nitrogenous matters is somewhat lower than in the raw material ; but inorganic matters and fats are present in considerable amount and render them important accessory foods under certain circumstances. The diffusion residue from the extraction of sugars from beet-roots furnishes a readily digestible form of food which is richer in water and poorer in inorganic constituents than the sugar-beets. It contains Solids, . . . . 10.2 per cent. Nitrogenous matters . . 0.9 Fats, . . . . . 0.05 Non-nitrogenous extractive matters, 6.3 Cellulose, .... 2.4 Ash, . . . . . . 0.6 For cattle and hogs as much as one hundred kilogrammes per one thousand kilogrammes of body weight of this fresh residue may be given as food, only larger amounts may be given to animals which are desired to fatten rapidly. Larger quantities of this fodder alter both the char- acter and quantity of the meat and the fat of animals and the character of the milk. For draught cattle it is unsuitable, as is also the case for sheep, with the exception of fattening sheep, which may stand it almost as well as cattle. Horses can only receive small amounts, ten to twenty kilogrammes per thousand kilogrammes of body weight, and then only VEGETABLE FOODS. 183 when not worked. This residue can only be given when in a perfectly fresh condition, or when well preserved. The residue after the extraction of oil from the seeds of the various members of the cotton-plants (Gossypium herbaceum), or so- called cotton-seed cake, furnishes a valuable food for fattening and milk cattle. The seeds are inclosed in a capsule, which bursts as the fruit ripens, and which are covered by white fibres which form the so-called cotton. After the removal of the cotton, the seeds, which have a hard shell, contain an oily, greenish-white nucleus, from which the oil is removed by pressure. The residue from this process of extraction of the oil is by no means constant in its composition, and is therefore not always suitable for a food. For example, many of the cotton-seed cakes contain both parts of the indigestible hull of the seed and con- siderable cotton, and are therefore only suitable for manures. When such an article is given to cattle serious disturbance of digestion is pro- duced, and may even prove fatal from obstruction and inflammation of the alimentary canal. In England the cake produced from the Eg3 T ptian seeds forms a favorite article of fodder. The most nutritious and most readily digestible are the cakes from the hulled seeds. The following- table gives their composition : Cotton- Seeds. Oil-Cake from Unhulled Seeds. Oil-Cake from Hulled Seeds. Solids, 91.1-92.3 85.8-93.4 85 7-92.3 P rote ids, .... 22.7-22.8 18.0-28.3 19.7-49.2 Fats? 29.3-30.3 4.8- 9.8 5.4-19.7 Non-nitrogenous extractive matters, .... 7.6-15.4 24.9-36.7 10.5-29.3 Cellulose, .... 16.0-24.7 17.0-27.0 3.5-11.4 Ash. 8.0 6.6 7.4 The oil-cake from the hulled seeds constitutes one of the most nutritious of all fodders. From digestion experiments on ruminants Wolff has found the following amounts to be digested: Protpuls T^ata Non-nitrogenous Fats ' Extractive Matters. Hulled cakes, 84.7 87.6 95.1 Unhulled cakes, .... 73.4 90.8 46.2 The higher digestibility of the oil-cake from the hulled seeds is with- out doubt to be attributed to the large amount of cellulose in the hulls. The oil-cake from the unhulled seeds is of a dark-brown color, while that from the hulled seeds when fresh is greenish, but also becomes brownish with age. Both of these forms of fodder are often contaminated by the accidental mixture of various substances, such as particles of iron from the presses, and when kept in moist places with various forms of moulds which lead to the development of ptomaines and other poisonous alka- loids, and so may explain their hurtful action. The American cotton-seed 184 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. TABLE I. AVERAGE PERCENTAGE COMPOSITION OF THE ORDINARY FOODS. According to Kuhn. According to Wolff. | o o II ' o a "-' 53 r C} a FOODS. 1 1 a o If Sa K% iji w5 1 O a >us glands; CP, crop; G, giz- zard ; I, intestine. FIG. 60. TRANSVERSE SECTION OF EARTH-WORM TO SHOW POSITION AND RELATIONS OF THE INTESTINES, AFTER CLAPAREDE. (Jeffrey- Bell.) A, cuticle; B, hypodermis; C, layer of circular muscles: D, layer of longitudinal muscles; I, enteric cavity; M, "green layer; " N, dorsal vessel; O, liver. the liver has become a symmetrical, lobulated organ, instead of the numerous small folliculi which are found in earlier forms around the alimentar}^ canal, and which pours its secretion into the upper part of the intestine. In the higher crustaceans, such as the crabs and lobsters, there is a short, wide sac, provided with internal hard, calcareous dent- icles, which serves the purpose of a gullet, stomach, and gizzard. The CHAKACTEKISTICS OF THE DIGESTIVE APPAKATUS. 207 intestine is short, nearty straight, and simple ; sometimes it is also pro- vided with caeca. In insects there is a great variation in the form and length of the canal, depending on the stage of metamorphosis ; nearly FIG. 61. DIGESTIVE CANAL OF THE LEECH (Sanguisuga medicinalis), AFTER NUHN. oe, oesophagus: v, stom- FIG. 62. VISCERA OF A CATERPILLAR. (Rymer Jones.) GH. oesophagus: HI, stomach; IM, intestine: K, biliary vessels: QR, salivary ach; vt, cascal appendages; glands: P. salivary ducts; ABC, trachea; D E E E E,' air-tubes ; FFF, epiploon, or r. rectum ; a, anus. fat-mass ; V X Y, cjeca. 208 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. always, however, a gullet, craw, gizzard, large and small intestines, and numerous glandular appendages may be recognized (Fig. 63). In the vermiform larvae the alimentary canal is a straight tube passing from one end of the body to the other, the dilatations which represent the stomach and crop appearing later. Caeca are also then present, and there is hence a division into small and large intestines. In mandibulate insects, as in the wasps and beetles, the crop and stomach are glandular, and the gizzard, unlike that of birds, is placed above the stomach, and has muscular walls and a chitinous lining-membrane. In insects the form of the liver has again returned to that of long, slender tubes, pouring their secretion into the intestine, and which are believed to represent biliary canals (Fig. 63). In carniv- orous insects the crop and gizzard and large intestine are less developed than in those which feed on vege- Fio. 63. DIGESTIVE APPARATUS OF HONEY- BEE (Apis mellifica), AFTER LEON Du- FOUR. rjl, salivary gland; rjlv, poison-gland: (, sting; oe, oesophagus ; vm, vasa malpjghii ; c, colon ; r, rectum ; ingl, crop. FIG. 64. ANATOMY OF THE OYSTER. (Perrier). F, moxith ; E. stomach : I. intestine ; A. anus ; GG', nervous ganglia; MT, mantle; B, branchiae. table food, thus indicating in them the first appearance of the distinction between the herbivorous and carnivorous animals, showing that the com- plexit}'" of the alimentary canal is in direct proportion to the complexity of the food. The intestine is narrow, convoluted, and but seldom has a mesentery; distinctions between small and large intestines are but imper- CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DIGESTIVE APPARATUS. 209 fectly indicated. The intestine terminates in an expansion, the cloaca, into which the reproductive organs open. In bivalved mollusks like the oyster (Fig. 64) the gullet and pharynx are absent and the mouth communicates directly with the stomach, which is imbedded in a large glandular organ, the liver, and the intestine after making a few turns passes directly through the heart. In univalved mollusks like the snail the gullet is long, the crop is frequently present, and the stomach is some- times double, the anterior portion provided with teeth and serving as an organ of mastication or as a giz- zard (Fig. 65). A lobulated liver is also here present; the intestine is convoluted, passes through the liver, and usually terminates in the an- terior part of the body. The highest mollusks, such as the cuttle-fish (Fig. 66), show a marked advance in complexity, the highest stage of development of the alimentary canal s v FIG. 65. DIAGRAMMATIC SECTION OF SNAIL. (Wilson.) A, foot ; B. operculum : C, tentacles : D. mouth ; E, sali- vary glands: F, stomach: G G, intestines: H. amis; I, liver; L. aperture of gill-chamber: M. oviduct: N. gill-chamber; <). floor of gill-chamber: P, gill of breathing organ; ST. heart; W, cephalic, X, pedal, and Y, branchial ganglia. FIG. 66. DIAGRAMMATIC SECTION OF A FEMALE CEPHALOPOD (Sepia offid- nalis). (Huxley.) A, buccal mass surrounded by the lips, and showing the horny jaws and tongue : B, oesophagus ; C, salivary gland ; D, stomach ; E, pyloric caecum ; F, the funnel ; G, the intestine ; H, the anus ; I, the ink-bag ; K, the duct of the left side: O, the ovary; P, the oviduct; Q, one of the apertures by which the atrial system, or water chambers, are placed in communication with the ex- terior; R, one of the branchiae; S, the principal ganglia around the oesophagus ; M, the mantle ; SH, the internal shell, or cuttle-bone : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, the margins of the foot, constituting the so-called arms of the sepia. being accompanied by the appearance of definite organs of circulation and of the nervous system. In vertebrates the complexity and perfection of the alimenta^ canal has advanced still further, and we find in them that the buccal cavity, which in fish and amphibians is single, in the reptiles is divided into two divisions, a nasal or respiratory portion and a buccal or digestive 14 210 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. portion. The teeth here also commence to be especially developed. Fishes have a short, simple, wide alimentary canal and stomach, separated by a marked constriction from the small intestine, but the separation of the stomach from the gullet is less marked, being indicated often only by the difference in structure of the mucous membrane ; hence, in these animals regurgitation of food is easy, and is the method which is often employed for the removal of indigestible residue. A form of rumination is also said to occur in certain fishes, the food being regurgitated to the mouth and remasticated by the teeth or pharyngeal bones, as in the carp. In fishes (Figs. 67 and 68) the stomach is usually bent like a siphon, the intestine is straight and short, with but in rare cases any distinction betw r een large and small intestines. There is no distinct ileo-caecal valve, but sometimes a caecum is present. The intestine is rarely supported on a mesentery. In the amphibious reptile the type of the alimentary canal is somewhat similar to that of the fish, though the distinction between the large and small intestines is better marked. The oesoph- agus is short, dilatable, and muscular, and the stomach is tubular and may be bent upon itself. A distinction between large and small intestines FIG. 67. INTESTINAL CANAL, OP THE STURGEON. (Cam*.) BB, pharynx and cul-de-sac of the stomach ; A, pylorus : C, pancre- atic appendices of the pylorus ; below are seen the convolutions of the small intestine terminating in the spiral large intestine. FIG. 68. STOMACH OF THE SALMON-TROUT (Carus), SHOWING THE PANCREATIC APPENDICES OF THE PYLORUS AT A. is readily made. The influence of the food on the development of the alimentary canal is seen in the long, coiled intestine of the vegetable- feeding tadpole, as contrasted with the short intestine, of the insectivo- rous frog and toad. The crocodile (Fig. 69) has a more complex stomach than any animal lower in the scale. It is a sort of blending of the digestive organ of the cuttle-fish and the bird, having powerful muscular walls, with muscular fibres radiating from a central tendon in a manner very closely similar to that seen in the gizzard of the bird. The CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DIGESTIVE APPARATUS. 211 crocodile, therefore, forms the connective link in the development of the digestive tube between reptiles and birds. In this animal the duodenum is also first seen, the liver and pancreas emptying into it, and the mesen- tery first makes its appearance as a constant organ. The alimentary canal of reptiles is simpler than that of birds, but resembles the bird more than the fish. The oesophagus varies with the length of the neck, and is wide and dilatable in the ophidia. It joins the stomach without any constriction, its mucous membrane becom- ing glandular. In the serpents the cardiac portion of the stomach is long, saccular, and dilatable, while the pylorus is narrow and muscular. The intestines are short and wide in the carnivorous species, but long and furnished with caeca in vegetable feeders. tomach L B FIG. 70. DIGESTIVE APPARATUS OF BIRDS. FIG. 69.-STOMACH OF CROCODILE. (Rymer Jones.) D Ajp^^^-Njj^^dg^ C. oesophagus : A. muscular fibres of stomach radiating from B, creas: H, duodenum; I, small intestine; K, the central tendon, as in the gizzard of the bird ; D, commencement of Caeca. : L, large intestine M M ureters N duodenum. oviduct; O, cloaca. In bir.ds there is a most marked difference in the length and develop- ment of their alimentaiy canal, dependent upon the nature of their food, the granivorous and fructivorous birds having intestinal tubes of greater length and complexity than those which live on animal diet (Fig. 70). In all cases the stomach is well separated from the oesophagus, the length of the latter being, of course, dependent upon the length of the 212 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. neck of the bird, while its width and dilatability depend upon the nature of the food. In granivorous birds we meet with the first indication of the development of the cesophageal pouches for the retention and macer- ation of food, organs which are identical in function with the first three pouches of the mammalian ruminant stomach. The locality and character of these pouches vary in different birds. In the granivorous birds this organ, which is termed the crop, is located at the lower part of the gullet. It may be double, as in the case of the pigeon, and distinctly arrests the food and retains it in contact with fluids to enable it to become macerated before being passed down to the digestive organs proper. In flesh-eating birds, such as the pelican, FIG. 71. HORIZONTAL SECTION OF GIZZARD OF GOOSE, AFTER GARROD. A, in contraction ; B, in relaxation. the pouch is located higher up in the digestive canal, ordinarily below the lower jaw, and here seems to be more of a reservoir for storing food than as a distinct commencement of the digestive apparatus. Fruit- and insect-eating birds are not supplied with any such reservoirs, while the turkey, ostrich, goose, swan, and most of the waders, have a highly- developed crop ; the pigeon, as before stated, having two, one on each side of the oesophagus. The stomach in birds differs according as their diet is vegetable or animal. Granivorous birds have a small, straight, dilatable stomach, called the proventriculus. communicating above with the gullet and below with a highly muscular organ, the gizzard (Fig. 71), lined with horny epithelium, usually containing gravel or sand, CHAKACTEKISTICS OF THE DIGESTIVE APPARATUS. 213 and which has for its function the crushing and mastication of food. The proventriculus, ventriculus succenturiatus, or true glandular stomach, varies in form and size in different birds, being sometimes wide and straight and sometimes round. In the rasorial birds it is wider than the gullet and smaller than the gizzard. Its mucous membrane is thicker than that of the oesophagus, and furnished with tubular glands which secrete an acid digestive secretion. In the grain-eaters these glands are sacculated, or expanded into compound follicles, the disposition of the glands varying in different species. The gizzard, ventriculus bulbosus, the third or muscular stomach, is a more or less flattened, ovoid organ, hav- ing two apertures at its upper part, one communicating with the proven- triculus, the other with the small intestine. The gizzard is feebly devel- oped, or may be even absent in carnivorous birds, such as the crow and the raven, and is there simply a membranous expansion of the stomach, free from secreting membrane, and bearing close analogy and function with the membranous cardiac extremity of the stomach of the horse. The intestines of birds are, as a rule, relatively to the size of the body, shorter than those of mammalia, but longer than those of reptiles. In birds of prey, as a rule, they are not more than twice as long as the body, including the bill, but in the osprey they are eight times as long. In fructivorous and granivorous birds they are much longer. The duodenum forms a loop, embracing the pancreas. The division between small and large intestines is not clearly marked, as villi are found in both. The point of entrance of the caeca, which are most developed in birds feed- ing on vegetable food, marks the union of small and large intestines. In all the groups of animals already referred to the stomach occupies a position in the long axis of the body. It is only in mammals that its position becomes transverse (Fig. 72), and we notice that even in these animals this transverse position becomes more accentuated during its state of functional activity. Thus, when fasting the pyloric orifice of the stomach sinks and the organ tends to assume a longitudinal position ; when filled with food it undergoes a partial rotation on its own axis, the pyloric orifice ascends, and it now becomes transverse. In mammals the oesophagus is only destined to convey food to the stomach ; it has contractile walls, but few or no glands, and the pouches which we have recognized in the birds are represented in but a single group of mammals, the ruminants, and here they are situated so low down in the oesophagus as to be ordinarity described as divisions of the stomach. Their function and structure prove that they maybe regarded, nevertheless, as oesophageal pouches. The diameter of the oesophagus varies according to the food which serves as the normal diet for these animals. It is large and readily dilatable in carnivora, which bolt their food entire ; it is narrow in the herbivora ; and in those animals which PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. thoroughly masticate their food, as in solipecles, it is narrow and less distensible than in ruminants, where the preliminary mastication is less complete. B'- FIG. 72. DIGESTIVE TRACT OF THE DOG, AFTER BERNARD. P, parotid gland; G, -submaxillary gland : G", sublingual gland; OE, oesophagus, or gullet; ht carotid ; C, jugular vein ; PP. lungs, that on the left opened to show the bronchial tubes, arteries, "I, right auricle of the heart; H', left auricle: F', right ventricle ; O, left ventricle ; P', pulmonary artery ; T T, thoracic duct ; F, liver ; B, gall-bladder, enter- ed, right carotid ; C, jugular and veins; VC', superior ve na cava ; K, aorta ; H, rip ing the intestine by the duct, B'; E, stomach; R, spleen; S, Pecquet's reservoir: J, lymphatics; M, mesenteric ganglia; VP, trunk of portal vein; V V, origins of portal vein ; W, pancreas; VC. inferior vena cava ; D, duodenum ; VL, lacteals ; I, small intestine ; Q, caecum ; R, colon, or large intestine. CHAKACTEKISTICS OF THE DIGESTIVE APPARATUS. 215 The stomach is charged to contain the food until it has undergone the chemical modifications which are essential to its absorption. It forms a reservoir which is in mammals clearly separated from the oesophagus and the intestine, and which, as already stated, occupies a transverse position in mammals, longitudinal in reptiles and the oviparous verte- brates, while its transverse position commences to be indicated in birds. The stomach may be either simple or complex. In carnivora, whose lood is eas}' of solution, it is a single cavity lined with a uniform mucous membrane abundantly supplied with glands which secrete an acid fluid, the gastric juice, which has for its function the conversion of albuminous FIG. 73. STOMACH OF DIFFERENT MAMMALS AND OF A TURTLE. (Thanhoffer.) 1, stomach of seal ; 2, stomach of hyena : 3, stomach of cricetns : 4, stomach of manate ; 5, stomach of camel; 6, stomach of sheep; 7, stomach of lion; 8, stomach of horse. c, cardia ; p, pylorus ; 1, 2, 3, 4, 1st, 2d, 3d, and 4th stomachs ; v, ventriculus ; /, fundus ventriculi. foods into peptones. The complication of the stomach in mammals progresses in insensible degrees, and in a general way is in proportion to the indigestibility of the food (Fig. 73). At first^the division of the stomach into pouches is only indicated by a difference in structure and properties of the mucous membrane of the cardiac and pyloric portions of this vis'cus. This difference is, to a certain extent, present in all animals, even in the carnivora, where it is confined simply to a histologi- cal difference in the nature of the glands of these two portions of the stomach. No difference is, however, evident to the naked eye in these animals. In the horse the separation into a cardiac and pyloric pouch is 216 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. indicated by a groove seen on the external surface of this organ and in- ternall} T b} T a sharp demarcation between the glandular mucous membrane FIG. 74. POSTERIOR SURFACE OF STOMACH OF HORSE. (Strangeways.) A, left cul-de-sac; B, right cul-de-sac; C, greater curvature: D, lesser curvature; E, oesophagus; F, duodenum. of the pyloric portion and the membranous portion of the cardiac end. In the solipedes (Fig. 74), therefore, the general appearance and char- acters of the stomach correspond with those of the carnivorous birds, FIG. 75. STOMACH OF HOG, INFLATED. (Strangeways.) A, cardiac portion ; B, its accessory cul-<1e-sar, ; C. pyloric portion ; D, lesser curvature ; E, greater curvature ; F, oesophagus ; G, pyloric orifice. where we have a separation into a glandular and membranous portion; the difference between these animals consisting in the fact that in such birds it is the cardiac extremity which is glandular, and the pyloric CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DIGESTIVE APPARATUS. 217 extremity, or the rudiment of the gizzard, membranous, while in the horse the reverse holds. In the hog (Fig. 75) the division into pouches is more marked by the appearance of a distinct, curved, conical diverticulum at the cardiac extremity of the stomach. In the porcupine three or four contractions are marked, and in the kangaroo, porpoise and other ceta- ceans, and many rodents a large number of dilatations, separated by marked constrictions, are to be noticed (Fig. 76). In other animals this complication is not only in external form, but also in internal structure, the highest degree of complexity being found in the ruminant, where the stomach, so called, is divided into four distinct gastric sacs, com- municating with each other only by small orifices, whose function and structure will occupy us later (Fig. 77). This complication is found not FIG. 76. STOMACH OF THE DUGONG, AFTER SIR EVERARD HOME. rloric portion : C, constriction between the 1 the stomach ; F, oesophagus ; G, intestine. A, cardiac portion of stomach ; B. pyloric portion : C, constriction between the two ; D D, tubular prolongations of T only in mammals, but also in birds ; but, whatever may be the external form of the organ, the function is always the same, to supply an acid secretion for the solution and digestion of certain constituents of the food, and where reservoirs are present their function is simply to retain food until, as in the case of the ruminant, it may be again masti- cated ; or in all cases to enable the food to undergo preparatory changes before being subjected to the action of the gastric secretion. The intestine is the prolongation of the stomach, and its shape as a canal is again regained. In its simplest form in the lowest animals it is a short tube of uniform size, with the same structure and properties from one end to the other, as seen in invertebrates, in most reptiles and fishes, and, among the mammals, in the hedgehog and the bat. In the higher 218 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. classes it is divided into two forms, the small and large intestines. The small intestine is destined for the absorption of food-products, and for the elaboration of the digestive secretions for the solution of food-stuffs which have escaped the action of the gastric juice. We find its walls, therefore, supplied with tubular glands secreting the so-called intestinal fluid ; and emptying into the small intestine we find in all cases two large glandular organs, the liver and pancreas, secreting alkaline fluids which have a greater or less importance in digestion. In the small intestine of mammals are also to be found special organs for assisting the absorption FIG. 77. STOMACH OF ADULT SHEEP, DRIED AND INFLATED ; ONE-FIFTH THE NATURAL SIZE. (TlianJi offer.) B, rumen ; R, reticulum ; S, omasum ; O, abomasum : c, cardia : p, pylorus ; br, oesophagus : cb, cardiac valve; be, oesophageal gutter; r, pillars of the rumen; rn, opening of the reticulum; on, open- ing of the abomasum, or fourth stomach ; b, valve between reticulum and omasum ; e, duodenum. of food, the so-called villi, which are simply conical expansions covered by mucous membrane, whose function, together with that of the folds of the mucous membrane, is simply to give increased surface for absorption. In the higher animals the small intestine is divided arbitrarily into three divisions, the duodenum, or the portion of bowel directty in communica- tion with the stomach, which is always curved and usually free from mesentery. Following this we have the jejunum, so-called because ordi- narily found empty, and following that the ileum. The intestinal canal is supplied with muscular fibres, arranged longitudinally and in concentric rings, being red-striped muscular fibres CHAEACTEKISTICS OF THE DIGESTIVE APPAKATUS. 219 in the mouth, pharynx, and anus, and pale, unstriped, involuntary fibres elsewhere. The contractions of these muscular fibres in the small and large intestines serve to cause the onward progression of the food or the so-called peristaltic movement of the intestines. The mucous membrane of the alimentary canal is epithelial in nature in the mouth, pharynx, and gullet, and in the first three pouches of the ruminant stomach, and in the cardiac half of the stomach of the horse. It is free from glands, and is simply protective in nature. In the entire stomach of carnivorous animals, the fourth stomach of ruminants, and the pyloric half of the stomach of solipedes, as well as through the entire extent of the in- testines of all mammals, it is glandular, and furnishes a more or less active digestive secretion. Sensory nerves are supplied to the two extremities of the digestive tube, while the intermediary portions are supplied with nerves whose stimulation seems to lead to secretion, and not, as a rule, to individual sensations. The extent of mucous membrane varies natural!}' with the length, diameter, and complexity of the alimentary canal. It is, therefore, less in carnivora, greater in omnivora, and immense in herbivora. The extent of surface, therefore, depends upon the complexity of the food. The more concentrated the food, as in carnivora, the less surface is required for producing secretion, and the less for its absorption. In animals living on a vegetable diet, where the nutritive principles of the food are mixed w r ith a larger amount of non-nutritious residue, a greater surface is required for secretion, greater time is required for digestion, and a greater surface must be supplied for the absorption of digestive matters ; we find, therefore, that in herbivorous animals the intestinal tube is always longer, more complicated, and supplied with a larger extent of mucous membrane than in the carnivora. Even in the herbivora we find a difference in the distribution of the mucous surfaces ; thus, the horse and ox are both herbivorous animals : the former is a monogastric animal, the latter a pol}*gastric, or ruminant. The former digests little by its stomach, and much by its intestinal tube; the latter readily digests more by its vast and complex stomach than by its narrow and small intestinal tube. Both, however, from the fact that they are herbivorous animals, have a great extent of mucous mem- brane, which may be twice or three times as extensive as their ex- ternal body surface. Thus, the cutaneous surface of the horse is about five or six square meters, while its mucous gastro-intestinal surface may be as much as twelve square meters, of which one-thirtieth is represented by the stomach and the rest by the intestines. An ox, on the other hand, of about the same size, has a mucous membrane of about seventeen square meters, of which nine square meters represent the 220 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. membrane of the stomach. Consequently, the solipede has a mucous membrane about twice, and the ruminant about three times, as extensive as its cutaneous surface, while the mucous membrane of the stomach alone of the ox is one and one-half times as extensive as the skin sur- face. In the carnivora the dog or the cat, for example the mucous membrane, from the simple character of their food, is very much less extensive in proportion to their external body surface, being only about two-thirds as large as their skin surface. The omnivora, again, occupy a mean between the carnivora and the herbivora. The length of the alimentary canal, in a less strict degree, however, is also subordinate to the character of the alimentation. In the herbiv- ora the intestinal tube may be as much as twenty-eight times the length of the body, while the intestinal canal of the carnivora is only three or four times as long as the body. There are, however, many exceptions to this rule. Thus, the dromedary has an intestinal tube only five times as long as its body ; the ram twenty-eight times as long ; the deer twelve times ; the rabbit nine ; elephant seven ; the hyena eight, and the seal twenty-eight times as long as its body length. In these apparent excep- tions, as, for example, in the case of the seal, a carnivorous animal , though there is an intestinal tube twenty-eight times as long as its body, we have the proportion of mucous membrane still preserved ; for, where in herbivorous animals we have a comparatively short tube, its diameter is always proportionately great, while in the case of carnivorous ani- mals, where the tube is long, its diameter is accordingly small. Thus, the alimentary canal of the horse is shorter than that of the ox, the former being about ninety feet ; but it is very much more capacious. Change in the normal diet of animals leads to changes in the rela- tive dimensions of their intestinal canals. Thus, the alimentary tube of the wild boar is shorter than that of the domestic hog, since its habit in a state of nature is more carnivorous than in domestication. The domes- ticated cat, living on a mixed diet, has an intestinal tube which is longer than the cat in a state of nature, and the same difference also applies to the domestic ox as contrasted with the buffalo. The relative capacity of the alimentary canal is even more strictl}' definable in different species according to their alimentation. The herbiv- ora always have a greater capacity of intestinal tube than the carnivora. In all cases the volume of the stomach is in inverse proportion to that of the capacit}' of the intestine. Thus, in the horse the stomach is capable of containing from about sixteen to eighteen litres, while the capacity of the horse's intestine varies from one hundred and twenty-five to three hundred litres. In the ox the stomach contains two hundred litres, the intestine one hundred litres. The value of these differences will be studied later. They serve simply to indicate the immense expanse in CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DIGESTIVE APPARATUS. 221 the alimentary canal of the herbivora. The extent of surface for absorp- tion in the intestinal tube is still further increased by the formation of plicie, or folds of mucous membrane, and from what has been said above we would naturally expect that these are more extensive and more highly developed in the herbivora than in the carnivora. This is well exem- plified in the case of the ox, whose stomach, which is capable of contain- ing two hundred litres, has onh r two square meters of external surface, and yet whose internal mucous surface amounts to nine square meters. Such an immense increase of internal over external surface could only be accomplished by the throwing up of the mucous 'membrane into folds. In the intestine, again, which is capable of holding about sevent3 7 -five litres, the square surface externally amounts to fifteen or sixteen meters, showing, therefore, that in the ox the mucous coating of the intestine is more simple. The carnivora are distinguished by a large, voluminous stomach, coated throughout with a secreting mucous membrane, and the intestine FIG. 78. C^CUM OF A DOG, INFLATED. (Strangeways.) A, ileum ; B, caecum ; C, colon. is simple and deprived of folds. With the exception of the cetacea and a few edentata, the subdivision into a small and large intestine prevails throughout the entire group of mammals. The greater the length of the small intestine, the more is it convoluted. Yilli are always absent from the large intestine. A well-marked ileo-caecal valve, with but few exceptions, is situated at the junction of the small and large intestines. At this point, also, is almost invariably found a diverticulum, called the caecum, which varies very greatly in size and functional impor- tance in different animals, these differences also being dependent upon differences in regimen. In the carnivora the caecum is only a spiral appendix, as seen in the dog (Fig. 78), and the large intestine is divided into the ascending, transverse, and descending portions, as in man ; there 222 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. is no floating colon, and, while the mucous membrane is sacculated to a certain extent, the folds are by no means as extensive as in the herbivora. In the omnivora the caecum resembles that of the horse in having three longitudinal bands and transverse constrictions, and has increased in complexity from that of the carnivorous animal. It is absent in the bear and weasel. The caecum reaches its highest degree of complexity in the monogastric herbivora. In these animals, as in the horse (Fig. 79), it becomes greatly enlarged, convoluted, condensed into folds, has special Fro. 79. CAECUM AND GKEAT COTTON OK HORSE. (Strangeways.) A, caecum; B C, its muscular bands; D, termination of ilenm: E, first, E'. second, F, third, and F', fourth divisions of colon ; G, pelvic flexure; H, origin of floating colon. The arrows indicate the course of the food through the colon. valves and glands, and in the horse may contain six gallons of fluid, being three times as large as the stomach. In the solipede and rodent the caecum therefore reaches its highest stage of development, and has special digestive functions to fulfill. In the ox, whose small intestine differs but little from that of the horse, although it is smaller in calibre CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DIGESTIVE APPARATUS. 223 and twice as long, from the fact that the increased complexity of the stomach furnishes the necessary differences for the digesting of the food the caecum is smooth and devoid of longitudinal and transverse bands (Fig. 80). Its free extremity is blunt, rounded, and directed back- ward, and floats free in the abdomen, while its other extremit3 r , having received the insertion of the ileum, is continuous with the colon, which also is free from bands, and soon becomes constricted, and then, preserv- ing about the same diameter throughout, is arranged in an elliptical coil between the folds of the mesentery. In the ox there is no distinction between the great and floating colon, as in the horse. The total length of the large intestine in the ox, from the caecum to the rectum, is about thirty-six feet, but its capacity is much less than in the horse. Further details as to the functions and structure of the different parts of the alimentary canal in the various domestic animals wilt be FIG. 80. C.ECUM AND ORIGIN OF COLON OF AN Ox, INFLATED. (Strangeways.) A, terminal portion of the ileum ; B, caecum ; C, origin of colon. given during the consideration of the subject of digestion. So far the aim has been merely to indicate, in a general wa} r , the adaptability of the digestive organs to the character of the food. The following tables, compiled by Colin, represent the different comparative dimensions and capacities of different parts of the ali- mentary canal in the domestic animals. They offer confirmation of the statement already made that the functional activity of the stomach and digestive tube being in inverse ratio, in those herbivora with capacious, complex stomachs the intestinal tube will always be less developed than in the monogastric herbivora, where the role of the stomach in digestion is secondary to that of the intestine. 224 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. LENGTH OF DIFFERENT PORTIONS OF THE INTESTINE COMPARED WITH THAT OF THE BODY. ANIMAL. Parts of Intestine. i S 8 .s S3 1 Minimum in Meters. Maximum in Meters. Ratio between Body Length and that of Intestine. Horse, . Small intestine, . . Caecum, . . . Fixed colon, . ' Floating colon, 0.75 0.04 0.11 0.10 22.44 1.00 3.39 3.08 16.00 0.81 2.91 2.35 31.60 1.28 4.00 3.44 1:12 Total length, . . . 1.00 29.91 22.07 40.32 Ass, . . Small intestine, . Caecum, Fixed colon, Floating colon, . . 0.67 0.06 0.17 0.10 12.00 1.02 3.00 1.85 1:11 Total length, . 1.00 17.87 Mule, . Small intestine, . ' . Caecum, Fixed colon, Floating colon, . * 0.70 0.05 0.13 0.12 18.56 1.21 3.50 3.23 1:11 Total length, . . ' 1.00 26.50 Small intestine, . ...'.' Caecum . . . 0.81 0.02 46.00 0.88 41.00 0.78 51.00 1.00 1:20 Ox, Colon, . . ;-.. ;. 0.17 10.18 9.25 11.00 Total length, . 1.00 57.06 51.03 63.00 Dromedary, . Small intestine, Caecum, . . " . Colon, ... 0.63 0.01 0.36 31.20 0.40 17.72 1:15 Total length, . . 1.00 49.32 Sheep and Goat, Small intestine, Caecum, . . . . -. y Colon, . 0.80 0.01 0.19 26.20 0.36 6.17 15.32 0.21 4.10 33.00 0.45 ' 8.49 1:27 Total length, . 1.00 32.73 19.63 41.94 Hog, . i Small intestine, Caecum, .... Colon, . . -,. ' 0.78 0.01 0.21 18.29 0.23 4.99 14.79 0.20 4.32 20.14 0.25 5.55 1:14 Total length, . 1.00 23.51 19.31 25.94 Dog, ^ . Small intestine, Caecum, .... Colon, . ; V . 0.85 0.02 0.13 4.14 0.08 0.60 2.00 0.03 0.23 6.10 0.16 1.05 1: 6 Total length, . 1.00 4.82 2.26 7.31 Cat, . Small intestine, Large intestine, 0.83 0.17 1.72 0.35 1.27 0.30 1.94 0.40 1: 4 Total length, . 1.00 2.07 1.57 2.34 Rabbit,. .. Small intestine, Caecum, .... Colon, .... 0.61 0.11 0.28 3.56 0.61 1.65 3.30 0.50 1.41 3.90 0.76 1.85 1:10 Total length, . 1.00 5.82 5.21 6.51 CHAKACTEKISTICS OF THE DIGESTIVE APPARATUS. 225 ABSOLUTE AND RELATIVE CAPACITY OP THE STOMACH AND INTESTINE OP THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. ANIMAL. Parts of Intestine. Ratio. Mean in Litres. Minimum in .Litres. Maximum in Litres. Horse, Stomach, .... Small intestine, Caecum, .... Fixed colon, Floating colon and rectum, 0.085 0.302 0.159 0.384 0.070 17.96 63.82 33.54 81.25 14.77 10.00 38.30 16.20 55.00 10.00 37.50 105.00 68.00 128.00 19.00 Total capacity, . 1.000 211.34 129.50 357.50 Ass,. . . Stomach, .... Small intestine, Caecum, .... Fixed colon, Floating colon and rectum, 0.097 0.229 0.201 0.397 0.076 10.00 24.00 21.00 41.50 8.00 Total capacity, . 1.000 104.50 Ox, . Stomach, .... Small intestine, Caecum, .... Colon and rectum, . 0.708 0.185 0.028 0.079 252.50 66.00 9.90 28.00 215.00 56.00 8.80 26.00 290.00 76.00 11.00 30.00 Total capacity, . 1.000 356.40 305.80 407.00 Dromedary, Stomach, .... Small intestine, Caecum, . . Colon, .... 0.810 0.131 0.011 0.048 245.00 39.50 3.40 14.60 Total capacity, . 1.000 302.50 Sheep and Goat, Rumen, .... Reticulum, . . Manyplies, Abomasum, Small intestine, Caecum, .... Colon and rectum, . 0.529 0.045 0.020 0.075 0.204 0.023 0.104 23.40 2.00 0.90 3.30 9.00 1.00 4.60 Total capacity, . 1.000 44.20 Hog, . . Stomach, .... Small intestine, - . .. Caecum, .... Colon and rectum, . 0.292 0.335 0.056 0.317 8.00 9.20 1.55 8.70 7.50 8.60 1.50 6.10 8.50 9.80 1.60 11.30 Total capacity, . 1.000 27.45 23.70 31.20 Cat, . Stomach, .... Small intestine, Large intestine, "- . 0.695 0.146 0.159 0.341 0.114 0.124 0.287 0.095 0.118 0.378 0.127 0.130- Total capacity, . 1.000 0.579 0.500 0.635 Dog, Stomach, .... Small intestine, Caecum, .... Colon and rectum, . 0.623 0.233 0.013 0.131 4.33 1.62 0.09 0.91 0.65 0.25 0.01 0.07 8.00 3.00 0.20 2.20 Total capacity, . 1.000 6.95 0.98 13.40 15 226 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. COMPARISON OF THE GASTRO-INTESTINAL Mucous SURFACES WITH THAT OF THE SKIN. ANIMAL. Organ. Partial Mucous Surface in Square Meters. Total Mucous Surface in Square Meters. Skin Surface in Square Meters. Ratio between Mucous Surface of Stomach and Intestine. Ratio between Skin and Gastro- intestinal Mucous Surfaces. Stomach 0.40 Small intestine, . 4.39 Horse, Caecum, .... 1.50 14.95 5.50 1 : 29.87 1 : 2.18 Fixed colon, . . 4.29 Floating colon, . - . . 1.37 Rumen, . 2.00 Reticulum, 0.43 Ox, . . Manyplies, Abomasum, 5.56 1.18 17.23 5.80 1 : 7.61 1 : 2.97 Small intestine, 5.60 Caecum, . . . 0.46 Colon, ... 2.00 Stomach, .... 0.19 Hog, . . Small intestine, Caecum, .... 1.66 0.11 2.81 1 : 13.22 Colon, .... 0.83 Stomach, . . . 0.12 r>o g) . Small intestine, Caecum, .... 0.32 0.005 0.52 0.88 1 : 3.36 1 : 0.59 Colon, .... 0.06 . Stomach, .... 0.02 Cat, . Small intestine, 0.07 0.12 0.21 1 : 4.15 1 : 0.58 Large intestine, 0.02 II. PREHENSION OF FOOD. 1. PREHENSION OF SOLIDS. By the term prehension of food is meant the different methods emplo3 T ed by animals in seizing their food and conveying it to the oral aperture of their alimentary canal. Man} T aquatic animals, whose food consists of small particles diffused through water, are supplied with an apparatus for producing currents so as to bring such substances within their reach. This is especial^ true in the case of fixed forms of life which are unable to go in search of their food. Thus, the sponge and sea-mat, and various other of the lower forms of life, obtain their nourishment by the production of currents in the water through the vibration of cilia lining or surrounding the opening of their alimentary canal. In infusoria, also, we find similar arrangements, PEEHENSION OF FOOD. 227 either in the form of cilia or even in tentacles. In the lowly-organized rhizopods and amoebae, their soft, jelly-like body is simply applied to the food, which then and there enters their body substance. The most marked illustration of the mode of seizing food by means of prehensile tentacles is found in the case of the hj'dra or polyp, small organisms whose bodies are not usually longer than one centimeter, and which, as already described, are supplied with a single body cavity, around the single opening of which are long, slender, retractile tentacles, themselves often provided with cilia, and which are capable of grasping small sub- stances which may serve as their food and conveying them to their digestive sac ; the adhesive power of these tentacles is increased by a number of minute spiral filaments, the so-called "urticating cysts," which by some observers are supposed to be offensive weapons, and are used to paralyze the small organisms that serve as their food. The jell}-- fish furnishes another example of a similar method of seizing food. These prehensile tentacles may be few and simple, as in the hydra; very numerous, as in the sea-anemone; and often of great length and irregular form, as in the medusae. Bivalve mollusks, like the oyster and the clam, employ the vibration of cilia for creating currents to bring the nutritive matters suspended in water within their reach. When the food is solid permanent prehensile organs are usually present, though they may be extemporized, as in the case of the amoeba, where any portion of the body surface which is accidentally in contact with food may serve as a prehensile organ to draw matter into the interior of its body. In a higher stage of develop- ment we find that tentacles are absent, but that their function is assumed by flexible portions of their body, commonly called arms, which are provided with a number of minute adhesive organs, which serve to seize their food, and whose flexibility enables them to convey it to their oral aperture. This form of prehension of food is seen in the star-fish. In the sea-urchin a considerable advance is seen in the method of prehension of food. The mouth itself is there the prehensive organ, and is provided with five sharp teeth, each standing in a single jaw, and capable of being projected so as to seize as well as masticate the prey. Univalve mollusks, such as the snail, have again another organ, the tongue serving as an organ of prehension. In this case the tongue is long and covered with minute recurved teeth or spines, by which the food is seized and drawn into the mouth, the upper part of which is armed with a sharp, horny plate. In the cuttle-fish, again, the organs of prehension of food have advanced still further in their development. The tongue is still present as a prehensile organ; the jaws, represented by a pair of hard mandibles like the beak of the parrot, and working vertically ; and in addition to these several powerful prehensile tentacles, provided with powerful 228 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. suckers, or adhesive organs, which serve to grasp its food and to bring it within the mouth. In the articulates, in addition to the suctorial contrivance already mentioned, innumerable modifications of the mouth are seen, that being the organ which in this group constitutes the main prehensile organ, its modifications corresponding to the character of the food; thus, the earth- worm has a muscular upper lip, by which it secures the earth which con- tains its food, and which serves to bring it within the mouth. In other worms, again, the gullet is so constructed that it can be turned inside out to form a proboscis for seizing prey. In such instances it is nearly invariably supplied with horny teeth. Millipedes and caterpillars have powerful horny jaws, working horizontal^ , while the centipedes have a second pair, which are really modified feet, terminating in curved fangs containing a poison-duct. In the crab, the legs and feet serve not only for progression, but also for the mastication of food, as is also the case in the lobster, where the seventh pair of feet are enormously developed and furnished with powerful, crushing pinchers, those on one side of the body being smooth, the other knobbed. Scorpions have, again, a small pair of claws for prehension of food, and a smaller pair of forceps for holding the food in contact with the mouth. In the spider the claws are wanting, and the forceps ends in a fang or hook, which is perforated to convey venom. Biting insects, such as the beetle, have distinct buccal appendages, consisting of two pairs of horny jaws, which open one above, the other below, the oral aperture; the upper are called mandibles or pinchers, the lower the maxillae, which support the palpi. The former are armed with sharp teeth. The maxillae are similar, but smaller, and in some insects have appendages which are called palpi or feelers, which not only select but hold the food steady while it is crushed .by the mandibles and maxillae. Such appendages represent a free pair of jaws. All invertebrates Vnove their jaws horizontally. In all vertebrates the jaws move vertically, and are in many instances the main or sole organ for the prehension of food. In fishes the jaws are always prehensile and often provided with teeth, which, being sharp and curved inward, are prehensile organs ; where teeth are absent, as in the sturgeon, the food is drawn in by suction. The hog-fish has a single tooth, which it plunges into its prey and then bores a hole with its saw- like tongue. The fins or tongues of fish are not prehensile. In reptiles the jaws, teeth, or tongues may serve as prehensile organs, while in reptiles prehensile lips are never present. Thus, the turtle has a mouth provided with horny jaws, the crocodile sharp, curved teeth, and the frog, toad, and chameleon, glutinous tongues for seizing their food. In chelonians the jaws are horny, and are supplied with small teeth in ophidians; in the larger saurian s the teeth are powerful, while they are FREHEXSION OF FOOD. 229 delicate and complex in the insectivorous species. Serpents crush their prey in their coils before swallowing it. All birds use their toothless beaks in procuring food. Birds of prey also seize with their claws, while certain birds, such as parrots and wood- peckers, also employ their beaks as prehensile organs. The beak in birds varies in shape according to their food. Thus, it is short and strong in graniverous birds ; long and slender in insectivorous birds. In birds which catch their prey on the wing, as the swallows, it is short and gaping ; strong and curved in birds of prey which tear their food ; long, conical, and of great strength in borers, as in the woodpecker ; short and curved in the parrot tribe to enable them to crush nuts ; delicate and tapering in humming-birds to allow them to penetrate the corollas of flowers ; long, strong, and pointed in most fish-eaters, as the heron, stork, and king-fisher ; shovel-shaped in many aquatic birds, such as the duck and goose ; or it may be fashioned to hold fish, as in the pelican, albatross, penguins, etc. In the cross-bills the mandibles when closed overlap, a conformation which enables them to extract the seeds from fir-cones. Finally, in the young pigeon, which feeds by placing its bill in the mouth of the mother-bird, the lower mandible is elongated and boat-shaped, and of greater size than the upper. Hence, it acts as a spoon, and becomes relatively smaller as the pigeon grows. In parrots and woodpeckers the tongue is also prehensile. The tongue in birds and reptiles, besides being the seat of the sense of taste and an organ of deglutition, is often the sole organ for the pre- hension of food, the mechanisms concerned in this operation, that is, the extension and retraction of the tongue, differing in birds, reptiles, and mammals. In birds the forward and backward movements of the tongue depend upon the muscles which move the hyoid bone. The horns of this bone in birds are arched and extend up behind the occiput, and give attachment to a muscle which is wrapped around them, and is then in- serted in the inferior and posterior surfaces of the rami of the lower jaw. This muscle, which is termed the conic muscle of the hyoid bone (Vicq d'Azyr), by its contraction advances the tongue by bending the arches of the hyoid bone, at the same time drawing them forward. Retraction of the tongue is accomplished by the recoil of the elasticity of the hyoid arches, when these muscles relax, aided by the serpo-hyoid muscles (Duvernoy). These arches are much larger in the woodpeckers than in other birds. The mechanism of movement of the tongue in reptiles is much more complicated, and differs somewhat in the four orders of this class. In general it may be said the movements of the tongue in reptiles depend on the two principal means employed separately in birds and mammals ; that is, the intrinsic muscles of the tongue and the hyoid muscles. 230 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. In the chelonians the hyoid cartilage is of variable shape, but in the main resembles somewhat the hyoid bone of the bird, and is moved by a somewhat similar mechanism, excepting that the conic-hyoid muscles are not wrapped around the hyoid arches. The tongue in this species is muscular and glandular, but not extensible. In the saurians (especially in the crocodiles) the tongue resembles that of the chelonians in its slight degree of mobility, and the hyoid bone has a somewhat similar shape. In some saurians the tongue is glandular, in others very muscular and quite extensible. Most of the ophidians have the tongue hidden in a sac, non-glandu- lar, and composed of the union of two muscular cylinders which become separate at the tip, forming the well-known forked tongue of serpents. The tongue is proportionately long and extends some distance down beneath the trachea. The posterior extremity of the sac terminates in two cartilaginous plates, which unite anteriorly and constitute the hyoid arch. By means of muscles which originate from the lower jaw and first ribs, and which are inserted in the hyoid arch, the tongue is extruded from the mouth. The tongue of the batradiians, with the exception of the salamanders, differs greatly from that of other reptiles. Its anterior extremHy is convex and is fixed to the arch of the chin, while its posterior extremity is free. To be extended from the mouth it must be reversed, and it is the posterior tip which is extruded, while it is withdrawn by a reversal of this motion. These movements are accomplished by the contraction of the genio-glossus and hyo-glossus muscles, the only ones which have any connection with the tongue. In quadrupeds, although in some cases we find a special contrivance for the seizing of food, as in the trunk of the elephant, the snout of the tapir, the long tongue of the giraffe, and the extensible, viscid tongue of the ant-eater, the teeth are the chief organs of prehension, aided by the lips and, in some cases, the tongue. Such animals as may stand erect on their hind legs, as the squirrel, bear, and kangaroo, use their fore legs for holding food and bringing it to the mouth, but never use one of them alone. Clawed animals make use of their feet in securing prey, but the food is conveyed to the mouth by movements of the head and jaws. In the rhinoceros the upper lip is prolonged into a finger-like point, which in these animals, as well as in the dromedary, is the prin- cipal organ of prehension of food, In man and monkeys the distinguishing prehensile organs are found in the hand, and we find that the first office that the hand instinct- ively performs in both species is to carry food to the mouth. Therefore, according to the mode of life for which an animal has been formed, we observe a variety in the arrangement of parts destined to PKEHENSIOX OF FOOD. 231 gather food. In the higher animals we find prehensile organs represented in lower animals by special organs which in different species form a single type of prehensile organ. Thus: in lower forms of life we have tentacles, or the lip may serve as the chief organ of prehension, or the tongue or the jaws ; while in the higher mammals we find all these organs together serving the purpose of conveying food to the mouth. In the latter, which are of the same prehensile type as man, the radius and ulna are isolated and movable, one on the other, and there are distinct fingers, nails, or claws, as in monkeys, carnivora, and most rodents. In all animals which use the fore limbs as prehensile organs, this separation of the radius and ulna is invariabty to be found. In the large mammals the anterior limbs are only for support, and such animals are usually herbivorous. In them the radius constitutes the principal bone of the forearm, while the ulna is very small and almost always fused with the radius ; so no motion between the two is possible. There are, however, numerous exceptions to this, and in animals where it would be least expected. For instance : in the elephant the volume of the ulna is superior to that of the radius, and its carpal extremity is greater than that of the radius, and both are distinct. This also is the case in the rhinoceros ; but in both these animals the motions of pro- nation and supination are impossible. Most of the herbivora have a forearm terminating in one or two single fingers or phalanges surrounded by a hoof, and in these the radius constitutes the main or sole bone of the fore extremit}'. The development of the ulna and the fingers are in direct ratio. In the domestic animals the prehension of food is accomplished by different organs, which have different degrees of usefulness and develop- ment in different types. In the dog and cat the fore limbs have inde- pendent radii and ulnae, a certain amount of pronation and supination is possible, and they indicate, to a certain extent, the prehensile power of the hand as seen in man and monkeys. Where, as in the herbivorous quadrupeds, the fore limbs are destined solely for support and progression, a long neck and peculiarly shaped head favor the use of the tongue, lips, and teeth, which in these animals are the sole prehensile organs. The tongue and lips are supplied with muscular tissue : hence the power of motion. In the horse the upper lip is the principal organ of prehension. This organ is supplied with circular muscular fibres, as well as ele- vator and depressor muscles, the elevator being especially efficient in curling and elevating the upper lip so as to grasp food. The elevator of the upper lip terminates in a broad Y-shaped tendon, which is inserted in the free part of the upper lip (Fig. 81). The tongue has extrinsic and intrinsic muscles, which favor its protrusion and enable it to grasp 232 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. the food and draw it within the mouth. The extrinsic muscles are connected with the hyoid bone and chin, and render possible the pro- trusion and retraction of the tongue ; the intrinsic muscles permit of FIG. 81. AFTER GAMGEE AND CHAITVEATT. 1 and 2, attricnlar muscles ; 3, scutiform cartilage: 4, external scuto-auricular muscle; A A, ular branches of first pair of cervical nerves ; B B. anterior auricular nerves ; C, terminal fibres of the supraorbital nerve; D, superficial branch of the lachrymal nerve; Y, tendon of muscle to elevate upper lip ; Z, naso-transversalis muscle. the change of shape of the tongue required in mastication and deglu- tition. The tongue is, further, covered with a mucous membrane, on the dorsal surface of which are numerous more or less horny papillae, PREHENSION OF FOOD. 233 which in the cat tribe acquire especial hardness. The arrangement of these papillae is characteristic of the different animals. Four kinds of papillae have been recognized, the filiform, or thread-like; the mushroom-shape, or fungiform ; the conical ; and the so-called circum- vallate papillae, which are in shape similar to the fungiform papillae, FIG. 82. TONGUE OF HORSE. (Gamgee.) FIG. 83. TONGUE OF Ox. (Gamgee.) but which are surrounded by a circular groove. By the distribution of these papillae the tongue of the horse can readily be distinguished from that of the ox, a point of some consequence, since horses' tongues are sometimes sold in the market as beef-tongues. The tongue of the horse is long, with a well-marked middle depression, or raphe, with a 234 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. broad, flattened spatula-shaped tip. At either side of the middle line toward the root of the tongue is a very large compound circumvallate papilla (Figs. 82 and 83). In the ox the tongue is pointed, thicker, and FIG. 84. THE " PARROT-MOUTH" MALFORMATION OF THE HORSE'S MOUTH. (Gamgee.) deeper, and with two diverging rows of papillae, each containing from eleven to thirteen papillae, at the base of the tongue. In the horse the sensitive and mobile upper lip is the main organ in the collection of food. The nose, aided by the sense of touch, serves to indicate the substances suitable for food; the upper lip serves to carry the food between the incisor teeth, so that it may be firmly held, while by an active jerk and twisting motion of the head the grass is cut, hay pulled from the rick, or branches severed. In stall- fed animals loose food is taken from the manger by the lips, aided by the tongue. If the incisor teeth are badly formed, as in the projection of the upper incisor teeth over the lower, as in the malformation termed "parrot-mouth," grazing will be prevented (Fig. 84). So also swelling of the gums or of the palate, as in dentition, may act as a mechanical impediment to the action of the incisor teeth and prevent grazing (Fig. 85). The position assumed by the grazing horse is characteristic. The fore legs are separated, one fore leg usually being advanced, or may be flexed, since the neck is not FIG. 85. PREHENSILE EXTREMITY OF THE JAWS OF THE HORSE. (Colin.) PREHENSION OF FOOD. 235 long enough to reach the ground : the lips then carry the grass between the teeth. A horse cannot live on very bare pasture, since the grass must be long enough to be grasped by his prehensile upper lip ; and he there- fore cannot enter into competition with close-biting animals, such as sheep, since they will deprive a field of the best and youngest plants as fast as they come through the ground. In the ox the tongue is the main organ of prehension of food, since the upper lip is short, has but slight power of motion, and is blended with the cartilaginous, solid muzzle, which is covered by a thick, secret- ing membrane. The tongue of the ox is, however, provided with great mobile power; it may project far from the mouth, and, curving like a sickle, the animal may seize and draw food into the mouth. It is rough; pointed, covered with recurved, sharply -pointed papillae so as to strengthen its grasp on bodies with which it comes in contact. In grazing, the tongue is protruded, curved around the grass, which is thus drawn into the mouth and then cut by the pressure of the lower chisel-like incisors against the elastic pad which occupies the position of the upper incisors. The ox also is unable to feed on very short grass. In the sheep and goat the upper lip has a certain degree of mobile power, more than that possessed by the ox, but not as great as that of the horse. It, however, is unable to grasp food., and merely aids the incisors and tongue in grazing. The tongue is also more freely mova- ble than in the horse, and the combination of the mobile lip and prehen- sile tongue enables it to feed close to the ground. Here also the upper incisors are absent, and grass is cut by the pressure of the lower incisors against the cartilaginous elastic pad of the upper jaw. The pig in its native state feeds by rooting out plants, roots, and nuts from the ground, and is provided with a strong and mobile snout, having a bony and cartilaginous basis, and moved by powerful muscles. It acts like a spade in digging up the ground, while the lower lip is short and pointed, and is enabled to gather food loosened by the digging action of the snout. The passing of a ring through the snout of a hog entirely destroys its natural methods of collecting food, and animals so treated are dependent upon artificial feeding, and if left to their own efforts would starve. Pigs are omnivorous, but yet their incisor teeth are so shaped as to prevent them from grazing. Carnivorous animals, such as the dog and cat, feeding principally on meat and animal matters, fix their food with the forelegs, grasp it between their powerful jaws, using here mainly the canine teeth, and lacerate it by a backward jerk of the head. They are biting animals, and as a con- sequence their cheeks are loose and ample, their mouths open widely, and their teeth are pointed and curved back. The lower jaw only is used; and it is said that when the lower jaw is fixed carnivorous animals, 236 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. with the single doubtful exception of the dog, are unable to close the mouth. 2. PREHENSION OP LIQUIDS. In the lower forms of animal life pre- hension of liquid is accomplished by absorption through the general external body surface, and in many cases, as, for instance, in the tape- worm, where neither mouth nor stomach are present, the fluids so absorbed carry also the nutritive matters in solution into its interior. Many other animals which live on liquid food are provided with special organs for absorption ; thus, in the leech there is a mouth or sucker, provided with minute teeth for piercing the skin of other animals, while in the mosquito there is a sharp, bristle-like tube for piercing the skin, and in the louse there is a sharp suc'ker, armed with barbs to fix it securely during the act of sucking. In certain insects which live on viscid or fluid food, as the butterflies and moths, the mandibular append- ages are modified from their usual form described in the preceding section, and take on the form of a long, spiral tube, the proboscis, which can be unfolded and protruded into flowers. A sucking proboscis also is found in many flies and gnats. In fleas and bugs the mandibles are penetrating and suctorial. In the higher animals no special prehensile organs for the absorption of liquids are present, it being accomplished by means of the apparatus already described for the prehension of solids. Four methods for the prehension of liquids have, however, been described by Colin: a. Suction, as in the drawing of milk by young animals. b. Pumping, by the immersion of the lips and the piston-like action of the tongue within the mouth, on the principle of the common pump. c. Aspiration, where the vacuum is produced by an inspiratory movement, as well as by the motion of the tongue. d. By lapping or ladling the fluid by the tongue into the mouth. a. Suction. In suckling, the teat is grasped by the lips, or, it may be, even by the teeth, and the mouth closed around it. The tongue is then pressed against the teat and withdrawn into the mouth, producing a vacuum, and from the atmospheric pressure on the exterior of the breast the milk then enters the mouth. There is, therefore, no danger of milk entering the windpipe, since inspiration is not at all concerned in the process of suckling ; hence, aquatic animals, like the cetaceans, may suckle under water. In solipedes and ruminants, during suckling, the tip of the tongue is often fixed between the teeth and the nipple ; the vacuum is then made by the reduction in volume of the anterior part of the tongue, while the base becomes applied to the roof of the mouth. During the act of suckling, the sterno-thyroid and the sterno-, omo-, and thyro-hyoicl muscles contract together, and so depress the larynx and hyoid bone, while at the same time the hyoid bone is advanced by PREHENSION OF FOOD. 237 the contraction of the genio-hyoid muscle, the root of the tongue being, therefore, likewise depressed and drawn forward. At the same time the genio-glossi muscles, contracting with their antagonists, the hyo- glossi, have the effect of drawing the body of the tongue directly back- ward, while the organ itself becomes flattened. The cheek-muscles are entirely inactive in the act of suckling. b. Pumping. The process of drinking by means of pumping with the tongue is employed by the horse and ruminants and most herbivora. The lips are immersed below the surface of the water, which seldom or never rises above the level of the nose ; a small space is opened between the lips, and the tongue is withdrawn in the mouth by a mechanism similar to that employed in suckling ; the tongue thus acting as a piston, the pressure of the atmosphere on the water without serves to force it into the mouth, and it is then carried by a motion of deglutition to the phaiynx and gullet. That drinking in the horse is not due to the production of a vacuum in the mouth by inspiration has been proved by performing tracheotomy on a horse, when, of course, the production of a vacuum by inspiration would be impossible, and yet it was found that this operation did not in- terfere with suction and drinking. So also a case has been reported of a horse who was unable to drink, in whom, on examination, it was found that a second molar tooth of the upper jaw had been lost, and a fistulous tract led through to the nasal cavit} r . The tongue, therefore, was unable to produce a vacuum, even when the nose was immersed below the surface of the water, from the large nasal chambers and pharynx being in direct communication through the fistula with the fore part of the mouth. Here evidently was sufficient proof of the fact that drinking in these animals was not due to any inspiratory effort. In the case reported, plugging the fistula served to restore the power of drinking. Even without this proof, however, the anatomical relation between the mouth and pharynx in the horse is sufficient to show that in these animals breathing cannot occur through the mouth in drinking, or in any other natural action of the or- gans situated in the oral chamber; for. the soft palate forms a complete partition between the mouth and the throat, and can only be elevated to allow the passage of fluid or solids backward by compression, such as that which occurs in swallowing. c. Aspiration. In this method of drinking the vacuum is produced by the respiratory apparatus ; the mouth, then, is not entirely closed, and air is also drawn in, the water and air together causing a rushing sound, the palate is raised, and both the air and water enter the pharynx, the water being swallowed with a part of the air. This method of drinking is jerky, since H must be interrupted for respiration, as the nose may be immersed in water ; and although it has been said to occur 238 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. in the pig, and often has been noticed in the horse, there is considerable reason for doubting that this is ever a normal method for the prehension of liquids. d. Lapping. This method of the prehension of liquids is seen in the carnivora, as in the dog and cat; since their mouths are relatively much larger than the herbivora, they cannot be immersed in water up to' the commissure of the lips without also immersing the nose. Such ani- mals, therefore, spoon up water with the tongue, like taking water to the mouth with the hand. The tongue is protruded, its tip rendered cup- shaped by the action of its intrinsic muscles, and a small amount of water lifted up and carried by the repeated protrusion and retraction of the tongue to the mouth. The process is a very slow one, and is seen' only in caruivora. Various other animals have different modes for the prehension of liquids. Thus, in the elephant the trunk is a combined force-pump and suction-pump. The trunk being immersed in water, by inspiratory efforts it is filled with fluid; the tip is then directed toward the mouth and the water is forced through it into the mouth. Birds drink by filling their lower beak with water, elevating their heads and allowing the water to flow back into their pharynx without the production of any motion of deglutition. The single exception to this manner of drinking seen in the birds is in the case of doves and pigeons. III. MASTICATION. The term mastication is given to the purely mechanical operations by which the alimentary matters, through the action of jaws furnished with teeth, are comminuted in the mouth,. and is, in most animals, a necessary preparation for the submission of food to the action of the gastric juice. Its importance and completeness differ in different animals, depending upon the. nature of their food. Animals, such as the carnivora, which feed on readily digestible matters, do not need this preliminary prepara- tion, and as a consequence the food of carnivora is swallowed in bulk without having been subjected to any, or, at best, to but slight division in the mouth. This applies also to all animals which feed on liquid or soft foods, where a masticatory apparatus is not needed. All animals which feed on grain and other vegetable matters require the process of mastication to render the food susceptible to the action of the digestive juices ; for, as we have found in these animals, the food-constituents are inclosed in unjdelding envelopes which resist the action of the digestive juices. To enable the nutritive matter to be released from these sub- stances, such foods require mechanical subdivision before they can prove of nutritive value. MASTICATION. 239 In the bird, which is not supplied with a masticatory apparatus as ordinarily understood, that is, in whom mastication does not occur in the mouth, we have a supplementary organ, the gizzard, which serves the same purpose in comminuting the food. In these animals, therefore, the operation of mastication is performed in the abdominal organs and is involuntary. Voluntary mastication performed in the mouth only occurs in mammals, and is seen in its typical form in the herbivora, in a less per- fect degree in the carnivora, while the omnivora occupy a mean between the two. Mastication is a complex act, and requires the action of active and passive organs ; that is, the muscles of mastication, the jaws and teeth, while it is aided by the tongue, lips, and cheek. In all vertebrates the jaws move vertically, the nature and degree of the movement varying with the nature of the food. In the carnivora the lower jaw is alone usually movable, and its extent of motion is very much greater than in the herbivora. The lower jaw is moved by five muscles on each side, the temporal, the masseters,the two pterygoids, and digastric muscles, while in the solipedes the stylo-maxillary muscle constitutes an auxiliary muscle of mastication. The action which a muscle exerts is dependent not only on the bulk of the muscle, but on the angle of insertion of the muscle in the bone. The more acute the angle, and the nearer the point of insertion to the articulation, the more extensive will be the excursion of the movable part in the contraction of the muscle, and the greater will be its velocity of movement. The more perpendicular the insertion of the muscle, and the greater the distance between the point of insertion and the articulation, the greater will be the power developed in the con- traction of the muscle. The latter is the arrangement which generally characterizes the muscles of mastication ; they are inserted perpendicu- larly in the lower jaw, and at a considerable distance from the maxillary articulation. The arrangement of the parts and the motions in mastica- tion differ in different animals. In the carnivora the articulation of the lower with the upper jaw is by a transverse cond3 r le fitting into a canal-like groove in the temporal bone, the canine teeth and molars overlap, and, the lower jaw being nar- rower than the upper, the only motion therefore possible is a simple up and down movement (Figs. 86 and 87). In herbivora the articulation of the lower with the upper jaw is above the level of the molar teeth, and permits of a forward, backward, and lateral, as well as an up and down, motion*. Three distinct t} r pes of her- bivora, with reference to their mode of mastication, may be recognized. First, the rodents, which have only two kinds of teeth, two highty developed incisors in each jaw ; the canine teeth are absent, while the molars, which are compound teeth, have a flat crown and transverse rows of 240 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. enamel. The temporal fossae are small, their zj'gomatic arches are slight, and the maxillary condyle, instead of being transverse, as in the carnivora, is antero-posterior, and articulates with the glenoid cavity in the same direction, the articulating surface in these animals being a sort of eanal or gutter running from before backward (Figs. 88 and 89). The arrangement of the articulation ^^\ /? of the upper and lower jaw, as well as the mode of insertion of the muscles, favor a backward FIG. 86. HEAD OF CARNIVORA DOG. (Beclard. ) FIG. 87. INFERIOR MAXILLARY BONE OF CARNIVORA POLAK BEAK. (B&clard.) c, profile view of articular condyle of lower jaw (condyle of right side) ; ct, front view of same condyle. and forward motion of the lower jaw, which is, therefore, the character- istic motion of rodents. Second. In the ruminants the jaws are long and feeble, the canine and upper incisor teeth are absent, while the molars are compound teeth with a flat crown, with the enamel arranged in antero-posterior layers. The condyle of the lower jaw articulates with a plane or almost convex glenoid surface of the temporal bone, and this mode of articulation, FIG. 88. HEAD OF RODENT MARMOT. (Beclard.) FIG. 89. INFERIOR MAXILLARY BONE OF RODENT CAPYBAKA. (Beclard.) b, right articular condyle of lower jaw. together again with the arrangement of muscles, permits of a rotatory motion of the lower jaw, which is therefore a characteristic trait in the mastication of the ruminants (Figs. 90 and 91). Third. In the solipedes and pachydermata three kinds of teeth are present, and both of the above kinds of movement ; that is, rotation and MASTICATION. 241 forward and backward motions are possible, but are not present in as great a degree in this case as in the two preceding types of herbivora. These animals, therefore, occupy a mean between the rodents and ruminants (Fig. 92). 1. THE MOVEMENTS OF THE JAWS. The mouth is opened by depres- sion of the lower jaw, which is effected in all animals by the digastric muscles, aided, in the horse, by the stylo-maxillary muscle, which is in reality a short branch of the former. The lower jaw is depressed very largely by gravity ; hence, in all animals we find such a slight muscular power acting as de- pressor of the lower jaw as con- trasted with the large number of powerful muscles which pro- duce its elevation. When the mouth is opened the maxillary condyle turns on its axis and its posterior part, which, when the jaws are closed, is in con- tact, as in the horse, with the subcondyloid apophysis, leaves this surface and moves anteriorly. In carnivorous animals the condyle being fixed in a gutter-like glenoid cavity, rotation on its axis is the only motion which is noticed. FIG. 90. HEAD OF HORNED RUMINANT Ox. (Btclard.) FIG. 91. HEAD OF HORNLESS RUMINANT CAMEL. (Btclard.) In all animals the finger placed below the zygomatic fossa will distinguish the forward and backward motion of the coronary process as the mouth is opened and closed. In carnivora the extent to which 16 242 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. the lower jaw may be depressed is ve^ much greater than in the lierbivora ; in the latter, as in the horse, eight to ten centimeters being the extent of separation of the lower from the upper incisors. The digastric muscle is comparatively feeble, and would appear to pull the jaw back, but really it tends to advance it, since it is a lever of the third class. In the hare, rabbit, and ox the digastric muscle has only one bell} 7 , and in the ox is joined to the same muscle of the opposite side by transverse muscular fibres ; in the dog there is no intermediary tendon in the digastric muscle. The development of the digastric de- pends upon the character of the food of animals. In the horse, sheep, and ox, where it is small, it is a double muscle, and is inserted more anteriorly in the lower jaw than in carnivorous animals, where it is large. The conditions, therefore, are most favorable for its action in lierbivora on account of its different insertion. This muscle antagonizes the temporals, masseters, and pterygoid muscles. FIG. 92. HEAD OF SOLJPEDE HORSE. (B&clard.) The representative of the digastric in the lower vertebrates, as in reptilia, according to Mr. G. E. Dobson, is a bundle of muscular fibres arising from the occiput and inserted into the posterior extremity of the mandibular ramus, its functions being simply those of drawing the angle of the mandible backward and upward, and so separating the jaws in front. This is also its form and function in birds and most mammals, though in man, monke^ys, and rodents the muscle is made up of two bellies with an intermediate tendon, which is often connected by ligament with the hyoid bone. Mr. Dobson has traced an interesting, connection between the mode of feeding and the type of the digastric muscle. In the group of animals in which this muscle is connected with the hyoid bone, the species swallow their food while in the erect po- sition, with the head bent forward on the chest and the long axis of the cavity of the mouth at right angles with the oesophagus ; in the other this muscle is free, and all the species feed while resting on their MASTICATION. 243 anterior extremities, having the long axis of the mouth in a line with the oesophagus. Thus, among certain rodents and arboreal insectivora, which habitually sit erect while feeding, holding their food between their fore feet, the anterior bellies of the digastrics are large and united, and the intermediate tendons well developed and connected by fascial bands with the hyoid bone, and by their deep surfaces with the mylo-hyoitf muscles, as in the rat and the common dormouse. In the water-vole (Arvicola amphibius), however, the digastrics are connected together in front by fascia alone, and the upper margin only of their middle part is tendinous, and not connected with the hyoid bone. These animals live on vegetable substances obtained while swimming, and habitually hold the head stretched out in a line with the body. The mouth is closed by elevation of the lower jaw, and is the reversal of the previous motion. Here powerful muscular action is re- quired, since in the closure of the jaws, in many cases, great force is needed. It is accomplished by the temporals, the masseter, and pterj*- goid muscles. In carnivora the temporal is the principal elevator of the lower jaw. Its volume is proportionately enormous, the temporal fossa* occupying the entire surface of the parietal bones back to the occipital spine. In herbivora and rodents the masseter muscles are the most highly developed; their origin being from the zygomatic arch and a portion of the superior maxillary bone, and being inserted in the lower jaw, in the solipedes on both faces of the coronoid processes, as far back as the last molars. Both of these muscles act as levers of the third class, as is very evident in the rabbit, where the coronoid processes are much lower than the articulation of the lower and upper jaw. In. the carnivora, the coronoid processes being separated b}' a considerable space from the condyle, the conditions are most favorable for the action of the temporal muscle. From the oblique direction of its fibres it tends to produce drawing back of the lower jaw, where, as in the herbivora, this is possible. The masseter muscle is developed in inverse proportion to the tem- poral. It is, therefore, the principal elevator of the jaw in the herbivora and in the rodents. It rises from the zygomatic spine in solipedes, the maxillary tubercle in ruminants, to be inserted in the lower jaw. It is also a lever of the third class ; its fibres are directed backward and downward in the herbivora, and it may^ serve, therefore, as in the rodents, to assist in the forward motion of the lower jaw ; its greatest power is de- veloped when the resistance to the elevation of the lower jaw is between the molar teeth, while its origin, being on a plane external to its insertion in the lower jaw, as in the horse and rabbit, it may aid in lateral motion of the jaw in animals where this motion is not rendered impossible by the mode of articulation of the jaws, or by the overlapping of the teeth. 244 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. The pteiygoid muscles, especially the internal, which is usually the largest, are also elevators of the lower jaw, and are most developed in herbivorous animals ; they are also levers of the third class, and are, to a certain extent, concerned in the production of lateral and antero- posterior motion of the lower jaw in animals where these motions are possible. Propulsion of the lower jaw, or antero-posterior motion, is most marked in the rodents, although it is also present to a less degree in solipedes and ruminants, but is impossible in carnivora on account of the shape of the articulation of the jaws. In this motion the maxillary condyles slide forward on the glenoid fossae of the temporal bone in ani- mals where there may be a subcondyloid apophysis posteriorly and no restricting surface anteriorly. This motion is quite marked in the pig, which has a triangular condyle, but attains its maximum development in the rodent. This motion is accomplished by means of the masseter muscle, aided by the external pterygoids ; for in the rodents, and in a less degree in ruminants, the origin of the most posterior fibres of the mas- seter muscle are in advance of their insertion in the lower jaw. This obliquity in direction of the masseter fibres, in contraction of this muscle, therefore serves to move the jaw forward. The retraction of the lower jaw, which of course occurs only in ani- mals in which forward motion is possible, is accomplished by means of the temporal muscle, the digastric being not concerned in the process, since backward motion of the jaws only occurs in closing the mouth, while the digastric in its contraction opens the mouth and even tends to advance the lower jaw somewhat. Lateral movement of the lower jaws is more or less pronounced in all herbivora, but is most marked in the ruminants ; it never occurs in the carnivora, as already explained, on account of the shape of the con- dyles and overlapping molars, and the crossing of the canine teeth. The lateral motion of the lower jaw is not a simple lateral displacement parallel to the axis of the lower jaw; that is, it is not equal at both ex- tremities of the jaw, but is an angular deviation very marked at the in- cisor teeth, and is a rotation of the lower jaw around one condyle of the inferior maxillary bone, the incisor teeth describing an arc of a circle, whose centre is one condyle, which thus moves very little, while the oppo- site condyle advances and partly leaves the articular surface, as may be determined by placing the finger in the temporal fossa, when the coronoid process on the side opposite to that toward which rotation is taking place may be felt to move forward. In this lateral motion of the lower jaw the axes of the molar teeth cease to be parallel, the incisor arch passing one-third to one-half its extent to one side of the upper arch or pad which represents it in the ruminants ; the molar teeth of the upper and lower jaw are in contact on the side toward which rotation is occurring, MASTICATION. 245 while they cease to correspond on the opposite side. It is, therefore, to a certain extent, a circular motion, in which the axis of the lower jaw crosses that of the upper. A further peculiarity of this lateral motion of the lower jaw is that it is alternative; that is, there is not a deviation first to the right and then to the left, but if the motion is first a deviation to the right in the process of mastication it returns again to its central position and again rotates to the right. This may occur for half an hour or more in solipedes, and in ruminants in both first mastication and in rumi- nation ; then the motion may be reversed, and may occur as a left lateral deviation for a similar length of time. The camel is the only animal which furnishes an exception to this method of mastication. In it the lateral motion is alternative ; the deviation occurring first to the right and then to the left of the central position. In solipedes this motion is apparently not as marked as in the ruminants, but this difference is merely apparent, it being to a certain extent concealed b} r the long lips of these animals. It is, therefore, more evident but not actually greater in the ruminants than in solipedes. Lateral motion of the lower jaw is produced by alternate contractions of the pterygoids, especially the in- ternal, the external being very small in ruminants, and by the nmsseters ; when the deviation occurs to the right the motion is produced by con- traction of the right masseter and left internal pterygold muscles. When the deviation occurs to the left it is produced by contractions of the left masseter and right internal pterygoids, the action of the pterygoids being more marked in ruminants than in solipedes from the fact that in the former animals the palatine ridges are nearer together ; therefore, the lateral power of the pterygoid muscles is more marked. 2. THE ACTION OF THE TEETH IN MASTICATION. The teeth are passive organs of mastication, which are imbedded in the alveoli of the jaws. Teeth may be divided into three different parts : the crown, or the part which projects into the mouth above the gum; the neck of the tooth, where it passes through the gum ; and the root, which is imbedded in the alveolus. Teeth may be of two different kinds, either simple, where the entire external surface of the tooth is covered by enamel; or compound, where two different substances, enamel and dentine, compose the free surface. When a tooth is divided longitudinally it is found to consist of three different substances ; the hardest, and that which in simple teeth covers the crown, is termed the enamel, and passes over the neck of the tooth, becoming gradually thinner, and only partially covering the fang. The enamel (Fig. 93) is composed of pentagonal or hexagonal prisms, or enamel fibres, of about one five-thousandth of an inch in diameter, closety packed together and arranged in a radiating manner from the surface of dentine below. The enamel contains no nutrient vessels, and when destroyed is not renewed. The bulk of both crown and fang of 246 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. a tootli is constituted of what is known us dentine, a section of which reveals it to be formed of a densely packed mass of curving tubes with distinct walls, imbedded in a dense, bone-like matrix, which run from the pulp-cavity to the outer surface of the dentine near which they ramify. The material between the tubules or the matrix of the dentine is a per- fectly homogeneous substance, containing nearly the whole of the earthy matter contained in the tooth, arranged in all animals in superimposed layers. The tubules are the one four-thousandth of an inch in diameter, and when fresh contain nerve and vascular processes from the pulp. The third substance found in teeth is known as the cement, or crusta petrosa, and in the simple tooth merety covers the fang, whereas it dips in between the layers of enamel in com- pound teeth on the crown, and when the tooth is wholly inclosed within its cavity also covers the crown (Fig. 94). In carnivora the teeth, as already remarked, are simple ; in other words, their crowns are permanently covered with enamel, and when in extremely old subjects the incisor FIG. 93. ENAMEL PRISMS, AFTEK KOLLIKER. (Klein.) A, in longitudinal view; B, in cross-section. ...c FIG. 94. SECTION THROUGH A CANINE TOOTH OF MAN, AFTER WAL.DEYER. (Klein.) A, crusta petrosa, with large bone-cor- puscles; B, interglobular substance; C, den- tinal tubules. teeth and canine teeth wear down, then only does the dentine of the teeth become exposed. In herbivora compound teeth are invariably met with. In other words, on the free surface of the teeth of herbivora different substances of varying degrees of density and hardness are always met with, the function of which is to insure a constantly rough surface for the purposes of grinding; for a good mill-stone is composed of materials which wear with different degrees of rapidity, and thus, always remaining rough, most effectually grinds the substances over which it passes. In the compound tooth, as found in the herbivora, the cement has originally covered the entire crown, but as the tooth is erupted simply remains on the biting or grinding surface of the tooth. Thus, in the MASTICATION. 247 incisors of a horse, the free surface, with the exception of the crown, is covered with enamel alone (Figs. 95 and 96). On the biting surface of the incisor tooth, when freshly erupted, is always found a central spot composed of cement, the enamel dipping in to form a cavity or depres- sion on the free biting surface of these teeth. By the change in shape FIG. 95 DIAGRAM OF FRESHLY-ERUPTED INCISOR OF LOWER JAW OF HORSE. (Nuhn.) c, depression in table of tooth : *, cement, which rapidly disappears except from infundibuluin ; z, enamel ; c, dentine. X FIG. 96. LOWER INCISOR TOOTH OP HORSE. (Nuhn.) c, worn-down surface of table of tooth, showing the alternate layers of enamel, s : z, dentine ; and x, dis- colored cement filling infundibulum. Cl of this central depression in the incisor teeth of the horse, through the gradual wearing down of the surface, an index is furnished of the age of the horse, a matter which will subsequently be alluded to. The molar teeth of herbivorous animals are chiefly compound teeth, that is, the enamel dips down below the surface of the crown, and in some animals, as in the elephant, the com- pound teeth" may be regarded as a series of flattened teeth arranged side by side in the jaw, and connected only by the cement, or crusta petrosa (Figs. 97 and 98). This substance is like that invari- ably found covering the fangs of teeth, but which only in compound teeth appears upon the crown. The pointed fang or fangs of teeth are pierced by an opening which communicates with a cavity in the centre of the body of the tooth, called the pulp-cavity, which contains blood- vessels and nerves which enter through the opening in the fang, and in the pulp- cavity ramify over a delicate fibro-cellular structure constituting the pulp (Fig. 99). The pulp is continuous over its surface with an infinite number of small projections which extend into the tubes of dentine in the inner structure of the tooth. These three different substances, which constitute the substances of FIG. 97. SECOND UPPER MOLAR OF HORSE, SHOWING WEAR OF TABLE. (Nuhn.) <', depression on table; pi, depression on side; s, enamel ; 2, dentine; Cae, cement; a, ex- ternal or buccal surface; t, internal or oral 248 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. the teeth, var}^ in their chemical composition, and, as a consequence, in their different degrees of hardness, dependent upon the varying amount of inorganic matter found within them, thus : Dentine. Enamel. Cement. Organic matter, . . . .28.01 3.59 32.24 Inorganic matter, . . . 71.99 96.41 67.76 The sharp angles and prominences on the crown of the compound tooth are formed of enamel, as is the entire free surface of the simple tooth. The deeper hollows in the crown of compound teeth are formed by the wearing of the cement, while the substances varying in hardness between these two are formed by the dentine. The fang of the tooth, where inserted in the alveolus, is further covered by a membranous lining, the periosteum, which is soft and contains vessels and nerves, and which is reflected into the pulp-cavity through the opening in the fang of the tooth. When ossified, this membrane forms osteo-dentine. cae FIG. 98. HALF OF A FOSSIL, TOOTH OF ELEPHANT (Dens lamellosus). (Nuhn.) . I, the single segments, or secondary teeth ; s, enamel ; z, dentine; cae, cement. Teeth are entirely absent in birds, but are generally present in fishes, amphibia, reptiles, and mammalia. In the latter class alone are two sets of teeth met with : the first, the deciduous or milk-teeth, which are only temporary, fall out and give place to the permanent teeth. With the exception of a few fishes, such as the sheep's-head, and certain her- bivorous reptiles, the teeth in fishes, amphibia, and reptiles as a class, are solely prehensile ; they serve simply for seizing and dividing their prey into portions small enough to be swallowed. It is only in the mammals that the teeth serve actually as organs of mastication. The teeth of fishes present greater varieties than those found in any other class. They may be almost innumerable or they may be reduced to a single tooth, as in the lepidosiren, which has only a single dental plate MASTICATION. 249 in each jaw and a small tooth on the nasal bones; or, in many fishes, as in the sturgeon and amphyoxus, they may be entirely absent. Their shape is also subject to great variation. In the lowest forms of fish they are short and blunt, and well fitted for grinding sea-weed and crushing shell- fish ; such teeth are seen in the ray -fish. But in most fish the teeth are FIG. 99. DIAGRAM OF PREMOLAR TOOTH OF CAT, WITH ALVEOLUS, AFTER WALDEYER (MAGNIFIED THIRTY DIAMETERS). (Thanhoffer.) A, bony wall of alveolus : zo. enamel prisms : zh, enamel coating: h, spaces in the base of the enamel prisms; D, dentine: d<-, dentinal tubules: fh, gum, with alveolar periosteum below it; C, cement; ch, cement spaces; fb, tooth-pulp; i, nerve entering pulp ; and c, pulp blood-vessels. usually small and conical, generally cylindrical, but sometimes flattened, straight, curved, bent side wise, or even barbed ; or their edge may be ser- rated, as in sharks generally ; or the base may be broader than the apex, as in the sharks. The teeth of fishes are by no means limited to the free 250 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. maxillary and free mandibular bones, or the lower and upper jaws. In some fishes, as in the carp, all the teeth are in the back of the mouth, while in most fishes there are teeth not only on the maxillary and man- dibular bones, but also on the bones around the middle part of the mouth; even, sometimes, being found on the median line of the palate. In cer- tain cartilaginous fishes the teeth depart from the usual rule, in conse- quence of which they are mostly inclosed in the bone on which they rest, but are attached by ligaments, so as to allow the teeth to be bent back- ward in the mouth by pressure. In most fishes the enamel and cement substances are absent, the body of the teeth being composed simply of dentine, which on its external surface is more compact than when found in mammals. The teeth of fishes are, as a rule, replaced several times during life, especially in the cartilaginous fishes. In amphibia, fine, prehensile teeth are found on the upper jaw and palate-bones of the frogs and salamanders; more seldom on the lower jaw also. In toads only palatal teeth are present. In reptiles the jaws may be either covered with a thick, dense horn, which assists in dividing the food, or they may exhibit the most perfect dentition, as in the saurians. The number of teeth is always very large, and while in crocodiles and many lizards they are limited to the jaw-bones, they also exist on the ptery- goid or palatine bones, and on the roof of the mouth of most ophidians. The t^ypical form of the teeth of reptiles is conical, and they vary greatly in size, from the minute tooth of the blind-worm to the powerful canine- like teeth of the crocodile. They are sometimes c}'lindrical, but may be flattened, or even have serrated margins. Their surface is smooth, or is notched. In serpents they are relatively longest, and present a remark- able structure in the case of the poison-teeth or fangs, which are strongly curved and contain a canal opening at both ends of the tooth : on the anterior or convex aspect of the teeth above, close to the gums, and below on the concave surface, a short distance from the point of the tooth. These teeth are usually confined to the upper jaw, and the canal serves to convey the secretion of the poison-glands, by the duct, to the substances in which the tooth is imbedded, the poison being forced out by muscles which join the gland-capsule and compress the gland. The poison-fangs are fixed to the superior maxillary bones, but, since these in poisonous serpents are movable, the teeth can when at rest either lie flat upon the gum, or they can be brought into a vertical position in the act of striking. Reptilian teeth always contain dentine and cement, and sometimes, also, enamel and true bone, the dentine differing slightly from that of mammals, its substance being traversed by canals which commu- nicate with the pulp-cavity. As the teeth of the reptile wear away they fall out, and are replaced by an almost unlimited succession of new ones. MASTICATION. 251 In birds teeth are never present as organs of mastication, their place being taken by the muscular gizzard; but the horny coating of the jaws is developed in successive laminae, especially seen in the parrot, which forms the beak, and which serves, in the prehension of food, the same purpose as the prehensile tooth of other animals. In the mammal the greatest variety^ is met with in the number, the shape, and external characteristics of teeth. They may vary in number from one in the narwhal to as many as one hundred and ninety in the dolphins. In the elephant there are at most ten, but usually only six, namely, one entire molar, or sometimes parts of two on each side of both jaws, together with the two tusks of the upper jaw. In the rodents the ordinary number is twenty, but there are sometimes only twelve, while in the hare aud rabbit there are twenty-eight. In rumi- nants and commonly among the mammalia there are thirty-two ; but forty-four (as in the hog and mole) is said by Owen to be the typical number. When more than forty-four teeth are present, as is occasion- ally the case in the lowest groups, the % y are of the reptilian type, as in the porpoise. Three kinds of teeth, as already mentioned, are met with : the in- cisors, which are chisel-shaped for cutting and gnawing ; the canines, which are longer and conical for tearing food ; and the premolars and molars, which are variously cusped and tuberculated, and either flat- tened at the sides for cutting or broad at the summits for grinding. The incisors are smallest in the insectivora, larger in the carnivora, of great strength in the herbivora, and especially strong in the rodents. These vary in number : the lion has six in each jaw ; the squirrel two highly-developed incisors in each jaw ; the ruminants none in the upper jaw; the elephant none in the lower jaw; w T hile the sloth has none at all. The canine teeth are prominent, conical, and larger than the other teeth in the dog and cat tribes ; but not so in man.* They are also large in many non-carnivorous animals, as in the ape, bear, musk-deer, and others where they are used as weapons of offense and defense. There are never more than four, and are wanting in rodents and most herbivora. The carnivorous molars are generally flat, ridged, or tuberculated, the anterior ones being, as a rule, very small ; they overlap like the blades of a scissors, and are, therefore, cutting and not grinding teeth in these animals. The more purely carnivorous the species, the fewer the number of molars. The herbivorous molars are provided with tubercles, as in the quadrumana, man, and most omnivora, or are marked with trans- verse ridges of enamel and dentine in the ruminants, solipedes, pachy- dermata, and rodents. The premolar teeth are preceded by milk-teeth ; the true molars have no predecessors. In mammals the teeth are con- fined to the jaw-bones, fit closely in the sockets, may have one or more 252 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. fangs, each of which has its own socket lined with periosteum. Mam- mals have, as a rule, two sets of teeth, the deciduous and permanent teeth ; and when the latter are worn down they usually loosen and fall out, since they undergo little or no repair. An exception to this state- ment is found in the case of the rodents, where the teeth continue to grow from the fact that the fang remains open and the hollow at the base into which the pulp extends the so-called enamel organ is per- sistent, and fresh dentine is constantly being formed within the pulp and fresh enamel upon the anterior surface. The unequal wear of the hard coating of the enamel in front and the dentine behind preserves throughout the whole life of the tooth its chisel-like edge. In many animals sex exercises a remarkable influence on the development of the teeth. Thus, in the anthropoid apes the upper canine teeth in the male are more than twice the size of the analogous teeth in the female ; while the tusks of the bear and of the male elephant and musk-deer are larger than those of the female. So also in the solipedes the canine teeth are absent in the female, while in the ox tribe, although temporary incisors appear aboA r e the gum in both jaws, the permanent incisors are not developed in the upper jaw, but remain in a rudimentary condition within the bone. By the formula of dentition, or the dental formula, is meant the con- venient method of reproducing in numerals the number and nature of teeth found in different animals. To distinguish these teeth the letter i is used to indicate the incisors, the letter c the canines, pm the pre- molars, and m the molars. The upper rows of figures represent the teeth of the upper jaw and the lower those of the inferior jaw, the formula usually simply representing the teeth on one side of the mouth; doubling the numbers given therefore represents the total amount of teeth. In the dog the formula is as follows : ' That of the cat is : Man: 1 2-2 ' C l-\ ' Pm 2^2 ' m 3^3 ' In herbivora the incisor teeth vary in importance in our grass-feed- ing animals, and are absent in the upper jaw of ruminants, where their place is occupied by the nbro-elastic pad already referred to. . Ruminants have thirty-two teeth, eight incisors and twenty-four molars. In the horse there are two pairs of tushes, or canine teeth, and twelve large MASTICATION. 253 molars in the upper and lower jaws. In front of the molar teeth there are sometimes rudimentary teeth, which are called wolf-teeth. In the horse the molar teeth have their grooves produced by the cement ar- ranged longitudinally on the crown. In the stallion there are twelve incisors, six in each jaw, of which the upper are the longest, while the central are the largest and the corner teeth the smallest, four canine teeth, and twenty-four molars; in all forty. In the mare there are thirty- six teeth, the canine teeth being wanting. The free surface of the incisor teeth, with the exception of the table, is covered with enamel, while the fang is covered with cement. As the incisor tooth comes through the jaw the cement which originally covered the entire body of the tooth remains on the table of the tooth in a depression which is called the infundibulum. As the enamel of the table of the tooth wears away around this central infundibulum the dentine of the bod}^ of the tooth within is gradually exposed. We, therefore, have three different substances composing the table of the incisor teeth of the horse (see Figs. 95 and 96), the outer ring of enamel; within that, concentrically, the exposed dentine ; and within that again the more or less triangular ring of enamel which com- posed originally the wall of the infundibulum, and which was continuous with the enamel covering the crown of the tooth. Within this, again, is a more or less circular or tri- angular portion of cement by which the infundibulum was originally filled. Occa- sionally in front of the infundibulum a still denser substance than the dentine will be FIG. 100. INCISOR TOOTH oy RUMINANT. (Nuhn.) met with, which is called osteodentme, and 8 , enamel; Z)dentine; cd , pu]p . cavity . which is due to the exposure of the ossified covering of the pulp-sac. This is also called the dental star. Two sets of teeth are found in the horse, of which the first, or milk-teeth, are wider and have distinct necks, are convex and are grooved posterior^. The incisors at first are almost perpendicular, but become more and more horizontal as the teeth wear down ; the lower permanent incisors have one groove, the upper two. In ruminants thirty-two teeth are met with, the incisors being found only in the lower jaw. Eight incisors and twenty-four molars are met with. The incisor teeth in the ruminant are always somewhat loose, their table is always inclined, and the anterior border sharp (Fig. 100). The molars are compound teeth which wear down and continue to grow even to an advanced age of the animal. The inferior molars have their tables inclining outwardly, the upper incline inwardly, while, as in the solipedes, the molars of both sides cannot be in apposition at the same time, since 254 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. the molar arches of the upper jaw are wider apart than those of the lower jaw : and when the molars are in contact the incisors do not touch, thus saving unnecessary wearing. In the omnivora, as represented by the hog, there are forty-four teeth, twelve incisors, four canine or eye teeth, twenty-four grinders, and four so-called wolf-teeth. In the carnivora three kinds of teeth are met with. They are the incisors, which are twelve in number, are sharp and cutting, and when first erupted have three cusps on their free extremity, the lateral cusps being on a lower plane than the central cusp. They thus, therefore, resemble a fleur-de-lis. In carnivorous animals the two central incisors are smaller than the next two, and these smaller than the next teeth. The canine teeth are four in number, two in each jaw, and attain considerable length, being larger in the upper jaw than in the lower, are pointed and curved backward. The molars are variable in number, augmented . in volume from the first to the penultimate, which has large cusps and is termed the dens sectorius. The teeth of carnivorous animals, with the exception of the incisors, preserve their pointed form unaltered. In the dog the first three molars of the upper jaw do not come in contact with the first four molars of the lower jaw, which correspond to them, even when the mouth is closed. The highest cusp of the dens sectorius, however, rests on the posterior surface of the first tuberculated molar of the upper jaw. The incisors are cutting teeth, the canines tear- ing, and the molars crushing or cutting, like scissors, but not grinding in function. The character and shape of the teeth vary in the different members of the carnivorous group ; in the bear, which is essentially in type car- nivorous, but which is an omnivorous animal, the molars are less pointed than those of the pure carnivora, and approach in nature the shape of the teeth of omnivora, of which man may be taken as a type. " In the cat tribe all the teeth are very pointed. The teeth are mechanical instruments without sensation, but serve as conducting organs of sensibility, like the hair; since in man they are sensitive to cold, therefore they are also probably sensitive in other animals. They transmit sensations of resistance, which must be less acute in animals, such as the carnivora, which are accustomed to crush bones, and thus convey information as to the solidity of matters between the teeth and regulate the degree of muscular effort required in mastication. The articulation of the teeth with the alveoli is in the form of a pyramid whose base is external. In mastication, therefore, pressure is transmitted to the bony walls of the alveoli, and the sensitive pulp is protected, unless the teeth are loose in their sockets, when mastication becomes painful. MASTICATION. 255 TO DETERMINE THE AGE OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS BY THE TEETH.* It is chiefly by the incisor teeth that we can tell how old a horse is, and it is important to consider the change in shape and general appearance which these teeth undergo. There are temporary and per- manent incisors. The first have a broad crown, flattened somewhat from before back, with a wearing surface far wider from side to side than from behind forward. They have a distinct neck, and a narrow, sharp fang. The appearance of the temporary teeth is shelly, and there is a well-marked depression or iufundibulum on the upper aspect. The front of the tooth is of a pearly white, and is grooved or fluted. The permanent incisor is much larger than the tempora^ tooth ; its crown thicker, of a duller color, and the cavity or infundibulum is deeper. The neck of the tooth is not so well defined, and as the animal acquires age we find a ver} T remarkable change in the shape. This is seen in Fig. 101, B, which represents different sections of the permanent incisor, as its surface appears from progressive wear. It is from birth to the age of eight years that from the condition of the " marks" or dark cavities in the table of the incisors we can determine the age of the horse. There are, however, deceptive cases. The molar teeth are rarely looked at in determining the age of the horse, but they furnish valuable corroborative evidence, especially in young animals. They are not easily examined, but it is their number which in the colt confirms or negatives the opinion expressed as to the animal's age. The recentl}'-formed molar has a shelly character (Fig. 101 , C) and prominent tubercles of enamel, which soon wear down to form a broad, grinding surface, and then the young and old teeth are not easily distinguished. The horse has six incisors above and six below. They are compound teeth, as shown in Fig. 101 at A, and the cavity extends downward, having beyond and a little in front of it the pulp-cavity, which in old horses as the teeth wear down is indicated by a dark, hard structure, which then fills it, and which is called osteodentine. The temporary incisors are in perfect apposition as the colt approaches two years, and not seldom an animal, especially a pony, has been bought for five years of age from the temporary teeth being mis- taken for the permanent incisors. The temporary incisor is gradually displaced by pressure from the permanent. The latter advances, and has a shelly aspect, seen in a, Fig. 101, at B. At b the incisor tooth indicates two years' wear; at c five years', at d nine years', and at e about Disease. *This chapter is taken from Gamgee, " Our Domestic Animals in Health and in i^.. " 256 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. seventeen years' friction. The shape of the wearing surface of the tooth is of great importance in determining approxi- mately the age of the horse. Before eight years the eruptive changes and periodic appear- ances of the teeth are very regular and valuable in indicating age. The foal at birth indicates the fast approaching eruption of the two central incisors. Sometimes these are through the gum when the animal is foaled ; if not they appear within the first month. Three molar teeth on each side of both upper and lower jaws are prom- inent, and in apposition for wear at the same time. One incisor on each side of the two central ap- pears at six weeks, and then time is allowed for the jaw to grow. The cavities of reserve with teeth forming in them grow behind the teeth first formed, and by nine months the corner incisors appear, and gradually grow until the animal is a year old, when all the colt's incisors are in full use. Within one and two years of age little can be seen beyond a gradual wearing down of the temporary teeth, and the protrusions through the gums of the fourth molar on each side of the two jaws. At two years the worn aspect of the incisors indicates the approaching displacement of the central ones, and the fifth molar protrudes through the gums. Between two and three years the central per- manent incisors displace the temporary, and are readily recognized by their size, yellowish color of enamel, and dark infundibulum. At this age the middle incisors are often knocked out to make the horse look "three off" or "coming four." This often retards their eruption, which is always complete at four years, when the sixth molar tooth on either side of both jaws is also advanced sections of per- through the gum. B\' this time the three tempo- rhHay ihetbie f become e 3 triZgu! y molars, or grinders, which are noticed shortly lar from wear, a, on eruption; 6, , -,. ,, , at two years ; c, at five years : d, at after birth, have given way to permanent teeth. nine years; e, at about seventeen . . The lower tushes are felt through the membrane le of molar tooth of horse, ^gSoves 1 arrangement between the corner, and first molar as early as three years of age, but they only appear above it between four and five. It is at this age that the horse's mouth becomes FIG. 101. TEETH OF HORSE. (Gamgee.) A. Longitudinal section of per- manent incisor of horse shortly 15 Years. 18 Years. 24 Years. FIG. 102. CHANGES FROM AGE IN THE INCISOR TEETH OF THE HORSE. ( Wilckens.) 17 (257) 258 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. fully furnished, and by five the whole of the incisors are in full wear, and indicate the extent to which they have been worn proportionate to the period since their eruption. The central incisors then appear as shown in 6, Fig. 101, B, whereas the corner teeth, having just protruded, are shelly, as shown in a. At six the central incisors lose their mark ; at seven this occurs with the middle one, and at eight all the infundibula are worn out, and the plate of the tooth is clean and only very slightly marked in the corner teeth. Beyond this period the horse is stated to be aged. The incisors protrude straighter from the receding jaw; the teeth become narrower, and their wearing surface becomes triangular, as seen at c, d, and e, Fig. 101, B. This distinguishes the old animal. The table on the preceding page, taken from the " Encyclopadie der gessammten Thierheilkunde," indicates the wear of the in- cisors of the horse at different ages (Fig. 102). Dentition in the Ox. The incisor teeth of the lower jaw of the ox are simple, and eight in number (Fig. 103). From the periods of eruption of both temporary and permanent teeth being regular, the latter being much the broader, the age of the animal is readily determined. Further, the sharp teeth become more and more blunt and narrow, until in old cattle they are reduced to very small stumps. The wear of the incisors commences on the free border, both in the decid- uous and permanent teeth, the enamel being worn gradually from .the table of the tooth, from the anterior border posteriorly, the dentine being exposed in zigzag lines, which at the sides extend further toward the neck of the teeth than in the middle. When the enamel is all gone from the table of the incisors (after the tenth year), the entire crowns of the teeth wear down until, in extreme age, only the necks are left. The following table gives the succession of changes in the ox : FIG. 103. LONGITUDINAL SEC- TION OF INCISOK TOOTH OF RUMINANT. (Ellenberger.) C, tooth-cavity ; G, enamel ; E, pulp-canal ; D, dentine. SlMONDS. SlMONDS. GlRARD. TABLE OF EARLY AVERAGE TABLE OF LATE AVERAGE TABLE OF LATE AVERAGE (IMPROVED BREEDS). (IMPROVED BREEDS). (UNIMPROVED BREEDS). t 1 No. of Teeth. 1 No. of Teeth. 2* 1 No. of Teeth. 1 9 2 permanent incisors 2 3 2 permanent incisors 2 3 2 permanent incisors 2 3 4 2 y 4 3 4 2 9 6 3 3 6 4 6 3 3 8 3 9 8 5 8 MASTICATION. 259 The following figures, from the " Encyclopedic der gessammten Thierheilkunde," indicate the changes occurring with age in the incisor teeth of cattle (Fig. 104). Newborn. 8 Days. 4 Weeks. 12 Years. 14 Years. 16 Years. 18 Years. 20 Years. FIG. 104. CHANGES FROM AGE IN THE INCISOR TEETH OF THE Ox. (Wilckens.) Dentition of Sheep. In the sheep it is by the displacement of tem- porary and eruption of the permanent teeth that the age of the animal is determined. TABLE OF EARLY DENTITION. TABLE OF LATE DENTITION. Years. Mos. No. of Teeth. Years. Mos. No. of Teeth. 1 Central pair of temporary 1 4 Two permanent incisors. incisors replaced by per- manent. 1 6 Second 2 Four " 2 3 Third 2 9 Six 3 Fourth " " 3 6 Eight " 260 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. These changes are also indicated in the following diagrams from the " Encyclopadie der gessammten Thierheilkunde " (Fig. 105). 2 Months. (Milk-Teeth.) Years. (2 Broad Incisors) % Years. (4 Broad Incisors.) 2M Years. (6 Broad Incisors.) 4 Years. (8 Broad Incisors. ) Over 7 Years. (8 Broad Incisors.) FIG. 105. CHANGES FROM AGE IN THE INCISOR TEETH OF THE SHEEP. ( Wilckcns. ) Teeth of Carnivora. All the carnivora have simple teeth ; i.e., covered entirely over the crown by white enamel. There are three pairs of incisors, one pair of canines, and a certain number of molars. It is the last premolars, or the first true molars, which are emplo^yed in chew- ing flesh; they are prominent and sharp. Behind these, especially in the dog, the teeth are armed with round tubercles on their surface, destined for crushing or grinding action, and in breaking bones or gnawing long- grass the dog may be seen -to push the substance between these back molar teeth. Dentition in Dog. 6 1-1 6-6 Incisors - ; canines ; molars = 42. 6 1-1 7-7 The dog is born with his eyes shut ; they open on the tenth or fifteenth day after birth. The whole of the milk-teeth are usually cut then, or very shortly after. Between two and four months the central incisors and often even the middle ones of both upper and lower jaws drop out, and speedily the whole of the permanent teeth are fully developed, so as to complete the mouth by eight months. The inferior incisors begin to wear by fifteen months. Fig. 106 shows the milk-teeth in a puppy two or three months old ; Fig. 107 in a year-old dog. At eighteen months, or two 3 r ears, the inferior central incisors are much worn, and between two and three years the middle ones also (Fig. 108) ; the worn incisors bear a striking contrast to the MASTICATION. 261 young teeth, as seen in Fig-. 107, where the edge or border of the tooth is divided into three lobes, of which the most prominent constitutes the point of the tooth. Between three and four 3* ears the upper central incisors are worn, and between four and five the whole give indications of much use (Figs. 109 and 110). Beyond this age the teeth are very uncertain. The bluntness and yellow color of the tusks and other teeth offer the best signs of increasing age. FIG. 106. MII.K-TEETH IN A PL T PPY 2 OK 3 MONTHS OLD. (Gamgee.) FIG. 107. DENTITION IN A YEAR-OLD DOG. (Gamgee.) FIG. 108. DENTITION IN A TWO-YEAR-OBD DOG. (Gamgee.) FIG. 109. DEXTITIOX IN DOG BETWEEN 3 AND 4 YE A us OF AGE. (Gamgee.) FIG. 110. DENTITION IN DOG 4 OR 5 YEARS OF AGE. (Gamgee.) Dentition in the Pig. The pig is born with eight teeth, which are foetal incisors and foetal tusks. At one month four incisors are cut, besides three temporanr molars on either side of each jaw. Two more temporary incisors are added to each jaw at three months, and all the milk-teeth are then in position. The jaws and teeth grow, and at six months in most animals, but not .in all, a small tooth comes up on either side of the lower jaw, behind the temporary tusks, between them and the molars, and in the upper jaw directly in front of the molars. These teeth have been mistaken for tusks. The fourth molar in position 262 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. appears through the gum also at six months. The corner incisors are displaced and permanent ones cut at nine months. The permanent tusks are also cut at this period, as well as the fifth molar on either side of each jaw. At one year the middle incisors are changed and the tusks appear of considerable size. The deciduous molars are likewise shed at one year and succeeded by permanent. At eighteen months the denti- tion of the pig is completed by the cutting of the lateral incisors and the last or sixth molar. The succession of teeth in the pig is shown in the following table : At Birth. One Month. Three Months. Nine Months. Twelve Months. Eighteen Months. -n , i < Incisors. Foetal \ Tusks, . . 4 4 4 4 4 4 . -' Temporary incisors, 4 central. 8 central and lateral. 8 central and lateral. 4 lateral. -"? Permanent incisors, 4 corner. 8 central 12 central, and corner. lateral.and corner. Permanent tusks, . ".> . 4 (cutting}. 4 4 Total in both jaws, 8 12 16 16 16 16 Other Signs of Age in Domestic Animals. In horned animals the horns grow annually a certain length, and this is shown by the appear- ance of an extra ring every year at the root of the horn. .For the first two years the rings are so indistinct that, in calculating the age in an animal five or six years old, the first ring indicates a three-years' growth, so that an animal with six rings must be regarded as eight years old. Fraud may be practiced to destroy the marks of age. Angularity of form, sharpness of bones and gray hair are not easily disguised, but teeth can be filed and marked and horns scraped. Making false marks on teeth is called " bishoping." Gray hairs may be painted, called "gypping." In old horses the remarkable depressions behind the orbits are some- times pricked and blown up with air; this is called "puffing the glym." Some of the abnormal conditions of the teeth are the persistence of temporary teeth, so that twelve incisors may be present in the lower jaw, or the permanent teeth may fail to develop. One or more teeth may be absent, from removal or from faulty development. In the following table the order of dentition of the domestic animals is recapitulated : MASTICATION. 263 1..- - * 5 ! P i * t2j ^> = = S & ^ & \ cr 5 .* - ^ Ca o ^CS 4^ ^ 2 ^ J> H "^ p p : p . . . s ^ H^- C- CT> 8 H CJK-* ^^ i. ^ CO - P |. cp ^ tt ^ | 3 : : s ^ S.^ " " g S t< W . . . I ? g. ^ p ' % r E, S! p p g S * B 1 !' .** * i^ ^ ^ CC CO ^JS g ^ to Oi ^s B Q w ^ co to >- ^ co to ^ o Hj V! Wj p* 3 " ~ p " " - S o 3 3 M izj e i_ en p" td co H S * ~ 3 If s, _ - O - - o ' | |f 1 Eruption. S E DOMESTK f|i to HH tO H- 05 ^ -^ ^ 3 . Q P Q tj t> H 2 1 -* <; 6 > e* * E? OB . . . c^ot*. *. ca *- ''^ o" o" o" o" ? o 05 cn CT ^ * o ! ^ 3 : ^ 3 j . . r -^ r -^ g en en en co ? oto o" o" 3 o" ^ "3 3 ? 3 o B" i o 05 o 2. * 2- * 2- " ?" ? 264 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 3. The TONGUE, LIPS, and CHEEKS are accessory organs of mastication, and act by maintaining the food in its position between the teeth. In many animals, particularly the horse, as already mentioned, the lips have a high degree of prehensile power, and when the upper lip is paralyzed, as by section of its motor nerve, prehension of food in the horse is impossible. When the lips and cheeks are paralyzed, again, even in animals in which these organs do not serve for prehensile purposes, mas- tication is impossible, or at least rendered extremely difficult, from the fact that their loss of motor power prevents their keeping the food between the teeth ; their loss of sensibility prevents the determination as to when the food has acquired the proper degree of comminution, and their insensibility prevents these organs avoiding being themselves lacerated by the teeth. This especially applies to the occurrence of mas- tication between the molar teeth. Here, when the buccinator muscles are paralyzed, through paralysis of the facial nerve (seventh pair), the food collects in the pouches formed by the relaxed cheeks, and cannot be properly masticated. The sensibility of the lips and cheek is derived from the fifth pair of nerves. The tongue is also an important organ of mastication ; it serves in a large group of animals for the prehension of solids and liquids ; it is of great importance in starting the process of deglutition, and in man it is one of the principal organs of articulation. By its high degree of sensibility it aids in mastication in determining the degree of comminu- tion of the food, and in keeping the particles of food between the teeth during their mastication; its mobility enables it to act as a sort of hand in the necessary movements of the bolus of food in the mouth. Its muscles are striped and voluntary in nature and arranged in four different layers ; an upper and lower layer, passing from the root to the tip of the tongue, and an upper and lower oblique layer. These muscles form a complicated net-work of fibres which, b}^ varying degrees of partial con- traction, permit not only changes in the shape of the tongue, but also in its position within and without the mouth. The extension of the tongue is accomplished by the muscles passing from the chin to the body of the organ, the genio-giossus muscles. The retraction of the tongue is accom- plished by means of the muscles arising from the hyoid bone and styloid process, the hyo- and stylo-glossus muscles, and by the longitudinal fibres in the body of the tongue. The different alterations in shape of the tongue are accomplished by the contraction of its intrinsic muscles. Thus, when the upper longitudinal fibres of the tongue contract the tip of the tongue is elevated. When those of the inferior layer contract the tip of the tongue is depressed, and by contraction of the upper oblique layers the tip of the tongue is formed into the spoon shape which is so useful in the prehension of liquids in the cat tribe. The motor power MASTICATION. 265 of the tongue is derived from the Ii3'poglossal nerve ; its sensation is derived from the lingual branch of the fifth nerve and the glosso-pharyn- geal, both of these nerves being also concerned in the special sense of taste. We see from the above that the act of mastication differs very decid- edly in nature according to the type of organization of the animal, and its characters result from the configuration of the jaws, the play of the muscles, and the form of the teeth. Thus, we find that the movements of mastication in carnivorous animals are restricted to a simple eleva- tion and depression of the lower jaw, this mode of mastication being dependent upon the mode of articulation of the lower with the upper jaw and the overlapping of the upper molar and canine teeth. Mastication, therefore, in these animals is reduced simply to a process of section, laceration, and crushing. The incisor teeth have but slight functional im- portance, and are confined in their action to cutting. The canine teeth are the principal organs of mastication, and exert a lacerating or tearing function, while the molars are crushing in function and, from the fact that they are highly tuberculated on their free crown surface, no process at all analogous to grinding can occur between them. When in these animals bones are crushed, such an operation only occurs on one side at a time. In animals of the cat tribe, from the highly pointed character of their molar teeth, crushing of hard articles of food is performed with greater difficulty than in animals in whom the molar teeth have a more blunt, tuberculated crown. Thus, animals allied to the dog can more readily crush bones than the cat tribe. When the molar teeth are brought into play, as in crushing a bone, the substance is usually fixed by the fore paws, while the flesh is torn from the bones l>y the canine teeth, and then the bones are drawn between the molar teeth by the action of the tongue, the lips being loose and pendulous and enabling the mou'h to be opened back bc} r ond the level of the molar teeth: so that, therefore, even large bones may partly be placed between the molar teeth, while the remainder remains without the mouth. Crushing is then accomplished by powerful contractions of the temporal and masseter muscles on one side of the jaw at a time, and are accompanied by motions of the head on the side on which mastication is taking place, and usually by the closure of the eye on the side in which this operation occurs. In the herbivora the movements of mastication are much more com- plicated, and, as we find, differ in nature, the most marked extremes being found in the rodents and the ruminants. In all herbivora the lower jaw is always the narrower, and therefore both sides cannot act at once. The jaw is longer, less powerful, and we find among the her- bivora differences in the series of movements for the necessary com- plete comminution of the food with which these animals are sustained. 266 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. A cutting motion is required, fulfilled by the incisor teeth, which are consequently most highly developed in the rodents; and a grinding motion, accomplished by the molars. As we have already found, the lower jaw is capable not only of elevation and depression, but also of advancement, retraction, and rotation, and all these motions are required in the mastication of food by the herbivora. This motion is unilateral, and may occur continuously on one side for fifteen minutes, and then alternate to the opposite molars, and we shall find that the secretion of the parotid salivary gland coincides with the side on which mastication is taking place. This peculiarity of secretion is seen in all ruminants and most herbivora, and has been even claimed to take place in man. The duration of mastication depends upon the natural group to which the animal belongs, on its age, and therefore the condition of its teeth, and the character of its food. Carnivora require but slight mas- tication of their food, and, in fact, mastication, as seen in the herbivora, may in them be said to be entirely absent, the movements of mastication in carnivora being simply confined to tearing the food into pieces small enough to be swallowed. The herbivora, from the nature of their food, need a longer time for reducing it to a condition of fine comminution, and we find among the herbivora differences in the duration of mastica- tion, according as the animals are ruminant or non-ruminant. The non- ruminant animals, such as the horse, chew their food thoroughly and once for all. It has been estimated by Colin that a horse will require one and one-fourth hours for the mastication of four pounds of dry hay, and of this amount will make sixty to sixty-five boluses, and, accordingly, sixty to sixty-five motions of deglutition, while the rate of mastication will be about seventy to eighty strokes of the teeth per minute. If any- thing interferes with the secretion of saliva the duration of mastication will be very much prolonged. One of the main objects of mastication in the herbivora is to aid in the maceration of the food. Where, as in the solipede, the food must be thoroughly macerated and comminuted before reaching the stomach, the duration of mastication will naturally l)e much longer than in the ruminant, where the food is simply subjected to a few strokes of the teeth and then swallowed, to then undergo pro- longed maceration in the rumen of these animals, and to be again subjected to a second mastication in the mouth. In both animals, although in a more marked degree in the horse, suppression or inter- ference with the flow of saliva will prolong mastication; again, the drier the food the greater will be the amount of mastication necessary before the food can be comminuted and macerated sufficiently to be swallowed. Therefore, grazing animals will require a less degree of mastication of their food than those which are fed on grains or dry fodder. In the ruminant the first mastication is three times as fast as the mastication MASTICATION. 267 in the horse for the same amount of food, while the second mastication is proportionately lengthened. As the teeth become worn away, masti- cation becomes more and more difficult, and proportionately more and more prolonged. In the horse the molar teeth are used up faster than the incisors, and if it were not for the fact that the incisors become more and more horizontal, the molar teeth could no longer come in appo- sition. The influence of the secretion of saliva on mastication has been determined by Colin experimentally, by making a fistula of the duct of the parotid glands and allowing the saliva to escape externally from the mouth. His results are shown in the following table : ALL THE SALIVA SALIVA OF ONE SALIVA OF BOTH POURED INTO MOUTH. PAROTID ESCAPING. PAROTIDS ESCAPING. No. of Boluses. Duration of Mastication of One Bolus. No. of Strokes of Teeth. Duration of Mastication. No. of Strokes of Teeth. Duration of Mastication. No. of Strokes of Teeth. 1 35 Seconds. 39 30 Seconds. 33 45 Seconds. 38 2 33 42 29 30 43 47 3 25 31 37 44 35 35 4 27 36 33 36 80 79 5 30 39 47 42 115 114 6 35 41 45 38 60 63 7 25 37 23 33 110 101 8 25 34 33 35 95 95 9 42 47 40 45 100 101 10 40 40 25 30 65 68 As regards the importance of thorough mastication, it is hardly necessary to add anything further. We have found that its importance, of course, varies in accordance with the nature of the food. Carnivora, as has been mentioned, require mastication simpty to be perfect enough to tear their food into pieces small enough to be swallowed, and in the herbivora we reach the opposite extreme, and find there the group of animals in whom a thorough mastication is of the utmost necessit} 7 . From our considerations of the nature of vegetable foods w^e know that the nutritive principles of these foods are contained within resisting, tenacious envelopes. To enable these substances to be acted upon by the digestive juices, and therefore to be absorbed, these envelopes must be first mechanically ruptured, and this in the herbivora is the main object of mastication. Where we find mastication imperfectly performed, we have, as an invariable sequence, imperfect digestion, and we find that the grasses and seeds, and so on, which escape mastication pass through the intestinal canal entirely unaltered and are found in the excreta unchanged, and, in the case of seeds, without even having lost their power of germination. 268 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. They are, therefore, perfectly inert as regards any action to which they may be subjected by the digestive juices. In the omnivora we find mastication occupying a mean as regards importance between the her- bivora and the carnivora. Where an omnivorous animal feeds on vegetable diet the performance of mastication is as important as in the herbivora ; while when on a meat or animal diet its importance becomes reduced to the secondary degree in which it is seen in animals of a purely carnivo- rous type. IV. DIGESTION IN THE MOUTH. THE SALIVARY SECRETION. The salivary glands appear in most verte- brates as tubular glands, as in insects, but in the mollusks they take on the lobular form which characterizes them in the vertebrates. In birds the salivary glands are small in the species which live on soft animal food (waders and web-footed species), while they are larger in the graniverous birds. In birds the saliva is mainly to assist in deglutition by lubricating the food, as buccal mastication does not occur in these animals. In certain birds, as the woodpecker, the salivary secretion assists in the prehension of food. In the fishes, from the nature of their food, which requires no mastication, we find the salivary glands almost entirely absent, even in such groups as the cetaceans which belong to the general di- vision of mammals. Here, also, we find that their food requires no pre- liminary subdivision before being swallowed. As has been already mentioned, one of the uses of the saliva is to assist in mastication ; where, therefore, mastication is not performed we have in such animals a corre- spondingly rudimentary condition of the salivary glands. On the other hand, in nearly all animals which possess buccal or pharyngeal teeth there is usually a glandular apparatus whose secretion, by macerating the food, is destined to facilitate mastication and deglutition. In a general way it may be said that in most cases where there are permanent prehen- sile organs salivary glands are also present (Letourneau). Thus, the fly emits on the particles it is about to draw in a brown liquid which dilutes them. In reptiles the salivaiy glands become very highly developed, and in certain of them their secretion acquires a poisonous character. In chelonians and saurians the salivaiy apparatus consists principally of lingual glands. In the chameleon they are located in the tongue and secrete the sticky fluid which is of importance in their mode of prehen- sion of food. Their maximum development is, however, reached in mammals, with the exception of the cetaceans, as already alluded to, where the lacrymal glands are also absent, and is especially marked in the herbivora, whose food requires the finest comminution in the mouth. In the ant-eater the salivary apparatus is enormously developed, the glands covering the fore part of the neck and even extending to the chest, DIGESTION IN THE MOUTH. 289 and a special reservoir, or salivary bladder, exists beneath the mouth. In these animals also the saliva, through its viscidity, assists in the prehen- sion of food. In the carnivora mastication is incomplete ; since the food of carnivorous animals contains a large quantity of water, the salivary glands of these animals are therefore relatively small, and their function is confined to the production of a secretion which may act simply as a lubricant and assist in deglutition. In the herbivora, on the other hand, from the necessity for perfect subdivision required by their food, they are relatively very large. The salivary glands thus reach their highest development in the rodents, the pachyderms, solipedes, and ruminants. Colin has divided the salivary glands into two different types. The anterior system, or the mucous type, which empty their secretions into the mouth in the neighborhood of the incisor teeth, comprise the submaxillary and sublingual glands ; these glands are most developed in carnivora and in aquatic animals, whose food must be lubricated for deglutition, but not masticated. The posterior system, or serous type, which empty their secretions into the mouth near the molar teeth, are most developed in animals whose food requires thorough mastication, as in the herbivora, and especially in non-ruminants. The parotid is the type of this system. The glands which form these two systems are not all developed in the same proportion. Thus, in the anterior system, composed of the submaxillary, sublingual, and the gland of Nuck, the sub- lingual maybe very small and the submaxillary very large, the former being rudimentary in the dog. Again, they are rudimentary in the dromedary, and are extremely highly developed in the ox. Again, as regards the posterior system, in the horse the parotids are enormous, while the submaxillary glands are rudimentary. In the ox the reverse is the case. In herbivorous animals these glands have their largest volume, but there is no relative proportion between the volume of the glands and the volume of the secretion which the} r produce. Thus, in the ox the weight of the salivary glands will amount on an average to six hundred and twenty-four grammes ; the horse to five hundred and nine grammes ; the pig, three hundred and five ; sheep, eighty-three; dog, twenty -five; and the cat, ten. The parotid is the largest salivary gland in all animals with the exception of the dog, and here the submaxillary gland is the largest. In the pig, ox, and sheep the sublingual glands are sometimes double, the one part emptying its secretion by a long duct opening at the papilla at the side of the fraenum of the tongue, the other by a num- ber of coiled ducts at the side of the floor of the mouth. In addition to these large salivary glands the fluid in the mouth is also poured out by glands located in its mucous membrane, forming the so-called buccal, lingual, palatine, and pharyngeal glands. The secretion formed by all these glands combined is termed mixed saliva. 270 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. It is evident from the varied sources of the buccal fluid that the saliva is by no means a homogeneous fluid. If collected from the mouth by expectoration, or in the lower animals by, holding the mouth open and stimulating the surface of the tongue and the cheeks by any sapid substance, as by the vapor of ether or acetic acid, or even me- chanically, the fluid poured out will be found to be opalescent or more or less turbulent, with a decided froth on its surface, from the air- bubbles retained through its viscidity, and when allowed to stand in a glass will deposit a sediment of epithelial cells and the so-called salivary corpuscles. It will, therefore, form three different layers : the lower one composed of this deposited sediment ; the middle, of a clear, though opalescent, watery fluid ; while the uppermost layer will be more or less frothy. Where a specimen of saliva remains standing for two or three daj's exposed to the air the froth will disappear, and its place be taken by a thin pellicle of carbonate of lime. When filtered, saliva forms a watery fluid with alkaline reaction. Occasionally, where it appears to have an acid reaction, the acidity is due to the fermentation of some retained fragments of food in the mouth, as occurs after prolonged fast- ing in diabetes and other pathological conditions; the secretion of the salivary gland is invariably alkaline. Frerichs states that 0.15 gramme sulphuric acid is necessary to neutralize the alkalinity of human saliva collected during smoking. The specific gravity of mixed saliva varies somewhat in different animals. It has been placed at 1004.5 in the horse; 1010.2 in the pig; 1010 in the cow; 1007.1 in the dog; and from 1002 to 1006 in man. D-eprivation of water is said to cause the saliva to acquire a higher specific gravity ; thus, in the horse the normal specific gravity of 1004.5 or 1005, may be raised to 1007.4 after the animals have been deprived of water for twelve hours. The amount of saliva varies ve^ largely according to a number of different conditions. Colin places the average daily secretion of saliva in the horse at eighty-four pounds, and in the ox at one hundred and two pounds ; while in the dog Jacubowitsch obtained in a hour 49.19 grammes of parotid saliva, 38.94 of submaxillary and 24.84 of sublingual saliva. We will, however, again return to the volume of saliva and the different conditions modifying the rapidity of secretion when we come to con- sider the secretion of the separate glands. When- examined under the microscope mixed saliva is found to con- tain numerous epithelial' cells from the cavity of the mouth, often debris of food, inorganic particles of tartar from the teeth, various forms of minute bacterial organisms, and the so-called salivary corpuscles. The latter closely resemble white blood-cells in appearance, but are somewhat larger, and are nucleated protoplasmic cells without a cell-membrane. DIGESTION IN THE MOUTH. 271 When placed on the warm stage of the microscope they may often be seen to be the seat of amoeboid movement, and to contain numerous granules which exhibit the Brownian movement. The chemical composition of the mixed saliva varies somewhat in different animals. The solids are epithelium and mucin, ptyalin, serum- albumen and globulin, and salts. The following table represents some of the different anatyses which have been made of this secretion in different domestic animals. According to Lassaigne, mixed saliva con- tains as follows : Horse. Water, 992.00 Mucus and albumen, ....... 2.00 Alkaline carbonates, . . . . . . . 1.08 Alkaline chlorides, 4.92 Alkaline phosphates and phpsphate of linie, . . traces. 1000.00 Cow. Water, 990.74 Mucus and albumen, 0.44 Alkaline carbonates, 338 00 Alkaline chlorides, ....... 2.85 Alkaline phosphates, ....... 2.49 Phosphate of lime, 0.10 1000.00 Sheep. . . Water, 989.00 Mucus and albumen, . . . . . . 1.00 Alkaline carbonates, ....... 3.00 Alkaline phosphates, . . . . . . :. 1.00 Alkaline chlorides, 6.00 Phosphate of lime, traces. 10CO 00 Man. Water, 995.16 Solids, 4.84 Mucus and epithelium 1.62 Soluble organic matter, . . . . . . 1.34 Sulpho-cyanide of potassium, 0.06 Inorganic salts, 1.82 Dog. Water 989.6 Solids, 10.3 Soluble organic matter, . . . . . . 3.58 Inorganic salts, 6.79 The following represents the quantitative composition of the ash of the saliva of man and the dog (Jacubowitsch) : Man. Dog. Salts, 1.82 6.79 Phosphoric acid, 0.51 ) n ft0 Sodium, . 0.43 S Lime 0.03 Magnesium 0.01 $ Alkaline chlorides, . , 0.84 5.82 272 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. The salts consist mainly of phosphates of sodium, potassium and magnesium, and alkaline chlorides. One of the most remarkable con- stituents of the saliva is the sulphocyanide of potassium which is found in small amounts in many but not in all salivary secretions. Treviranus in 1814 first made the observation that when saliva is mixed with a solu- tion of oxide or chloride of iron and hydrochloric acid a bright-red coloration is produced, which was recognized by Gmelin to depend upon the presence of the sulphocyanide of potassium. It is said by Gmelin to be present in largest amount in the saliva of the dog ; it is almost con- stantly present in the saliva of man and in the saliva of the horse. It probably, however, may be detected in the saliva of all animals by dis- tilling the saliva with phosphoric acid and catching the first drops that pass over on filter-paper treated with dilute hydrochloric acid and ferric chloride, and then dried. Its presence may also be recognized by the fact that paper, impregnated with tincture of guaiacum and then dried, with an almost colorless solution of sulphate of copper, is colored blue by the saliva. The reaction by which potassium sulphocyanide is recog- nized that is, the red color which it forms with an iron salt is possessed also by meconic acid ; the two substances may be distinguished, how- ever, in a very simple manner. If a few drops of a solution of mercuric chloride, or if a few mercuric chloride crystals, are added to saliva which has been colored red by the perchloride of iron, the color is at once dis- charged. When, however, the red color is due to the presence of meconic acid and an iron salt, the red coloration is permanent, even after the addition of corrosive sublimate. The origin of this salt is not known, although the majority of authorities seem to attribute its presence to a spontaneous decompo- sition of the saliva, since saliva which has been standing for some time will give the reaction in a more marked degree than when entirely fresh. This view is still further strengthened by the fact, determined by Ellen- berger and Hofmeister, that extracts of the salivary glands of all the domestic animals, whether made from dried or fresh glands, with water, carbolized or alkaline water or gtycerin, entirely fail to show this re- action. Absolute data as to the origin of this salt are entirely wanting. Its use in the economy is also clouded in obscurity, as it is eliminated unchanged through the kidneys and may be recognized in the urine. The chlorides in saliva may be recognized by filtering and acidulating strongly with nitric acid ; the addition then of a few drops of a solution of nitrate of silver to the saliva will cause quite a decided white precipi- tate which is readily soluble in ammonia. Of organic constituents, saliva contains albuminous bodies, as may be recognized by the xanthoproteic and Millon's reaction ; it contains mucin, as maybe determined by precipitating with acetic acid; and it DIGESTION IN THE MOUTH. 273 contains a substance of the nature of a ferment, which is termed animal diastase or pt3*alin, whose presence may be demonstrated by the power possessed by the saliva of converting starch mucilage into sugar. Of the albuminoid bodies, serum-albumen and a globulin-like bod}' which may be precipitated by carbonic acid are the representatives. The most important constituent of the saliva is the ptyalin. This substance belongs to the group of soluble ferments, and is a product of the cells of the salivary glands. It may be obtained, according to the method of Colmheim, by adding a little phosphoric acid to mixed saliva and then stirring with milk of lime until the alkaline reaction is restored ; the white precipitate is then filtered off, and the filtrate shows scarcely any albuminoid reaction, while it still possesses in an almost undiminished degree its diastatic power. A considerable quantity of the ptyalin still remains clinging to the albuminoid matters deposited in the precipitate, and if this is washed with water the ptyalin is extracted, while it leaves the albuminous matters still on the filter. If alcohol is added to the watery extract of this precipitate, a flocculent, whitish precipitate is formed, which may be collected by decantation and dried over sulphuric acid. A grayish-white powder is thus obtained, which consists of pt}-alin mixed with phosphates ; the latter may be removed by dissolving in water, precipitating again by absolute alcohol, washing the precipitate with dilute alcohol and then with a small quantity of water, and drying at a low temperature. Ptyalin so obtained is a nitrogenous substance, but not an albuminoid. It is readily soluble in water and glycerin and possesses the power of converting starch and gtycogen into maltose, and this property is exerted whether in a neutral or very faintty acid or alkaline medium. An excess of alkali or of acid, as will be again referred to, prevents its activity. The ferment may also be extracted from the salivary glands by mincing fresh glands and covering them with gtycerin. As the ferment is soluble in glycerin, it is extracted from the gland-tissue, and may be precipitated again from the glycerin extract by alcohol. The saliva contains appreciable volumes of different gases in solution, as determined by Pfliiger in the case of the submaxillary gland of the dog. He estimates the different amounts of gases contained in the saliva as follows : Oxygen, . . . . 0.4 to 6 volume per cent. Nitrpsen. . . . . 0.7 to 0.8 Carlion dioxide, . . . 49.2 to 64.7 It is thus seen that saliva is the richest in CO, of any fluid in the animal body. Only a small proportion of the above amount, however, can be extracted with the gas-pump, showing that the remainder is held in chemical combination. The amount capable of being pumped out 18 274 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. varies from 19.3 to 22.5 c.c., while from 22.9 to 42.5 c.c. of C0 2 are liberated on the addition of phosphoric acid. The secretions of the different glands of the salivary system present several distinguishing points which will be alluded to in turn. 1. The Parotid Secretion. In order to study the pure secre- tion of the parotid gland, the saliva must be collected before it reaches the mouth to be mixed with fluid from the other glands. This may be accomplished, in man or in the dog, by catheter- izing the parotid duct, an oper- ation which is readily performed. It is only necessary to open the mouth and evert the cheek, when the papilla of entrance m&y be recognized on the inner surface of the cheek, on a level with the second molar tooth of the upper jaw. A slender glass tube or silver cannula may be readily inserted within the orifice of the duct and the fluid collected as it flows through the tube. Where studies as to the FIG. 111. PAROTID AND SUBMAXILLARY GLANDS OF THE DOG, WITH THEIR EXCRETORY DUCTS. (Btelard.) p, parotid gland: m, submaxillary gland; *, duct of Steno; r, duct of Wharton ; v, masseter muscle ; /, temporal muscle. FIG. 112. RELATIONS OF THE PAROTID DUCT OF THE DOG WITH THE FACIAL VESSELS AND NERVE, AFTER BERNARD. The dotted line indicates the line of incision for finding the duct at the apex of the angle formed by the vessels and nerve. V. vasculo-nervous fasciculus forming the inferior side of the ang'e : N, fasciculus forming the upper side ; D, point of junction of these two fasciculi ; C, duct of Steno bisecting this angle. mechanism of secretion have to be made, or where a considerable quan- tity is to be collected, a more convenient method is to make a fistulous DIGESTION IN THE MOUTH. 275 This may be opening into the parotid duct before it reaches the mouth, readily performed in the horse or dog (Fig. 111). To make a parotid fistula in the clog, the animal usually employed in these experiments, the hair is first shaved from the cheek, between the eye and the angle of the mouth. On running the finger along the lower border of the zygomatic arch, just before it is inserted into the superior maxilla, a slight notch is felt. It is just at this point that the duct passes into the mouth. After chloroforming the animal, an incision is made through the skin from this point, cutting obliquely in a direction from the inner canthus of the eye to the angle of the mouth, passing through the subcutaneous cellular tissue, when the facial artery and vein, branches of the facial nerve, and parotid duct are found together, the duct pearly white in hue, passing horizontally across the fibres of the masseter muscle parallel to the nerve, usually about a quarter of an inch below it, while the artery and vein run from above downward (Fig. 112). The vessels and nerves must be carefully removed from before the duct, which is to be isolated and closed as near the mouth as possible with a clip. A cannula may then be inserted into the duct. If it is decided to retain the fistula permanently, the duct must be freed from the connective tissue for as long a distance as possible, divided, and then brought out at the angle of the wound, which is to be closed with sutures, one passing through the duct to retain it in position. After a few days, when the wound is healing, the duct will mortify and drop out, leaving a fistulous track to the gland, which must be kept open by the daily passage of a fine probe, as it has a decided ten- dency to close. A similar operation is readily performed upon the horse or ox, where the large size of the duct renders it easily recognizable. After a cannula has been inserted into the duct of the animal, its free extremity may be connected by a piece of rubber tubing with a rubber bulb or glass bottle, in which the saliya may be collected (Figs. 113 and 114). FIG. 113. PAROTID DUCT IN THE HORSE. (Bernard.) The dotted line indicates the contour of the gland and the course of the duct of Steno. The parotid gland of the horse is only in activity when the animal is masticating food, while the parotid glands of the ruminants are con- tinually secreting. The parotid glands constitute almost entirely the posterior or serous system of the salivary glands, and furnish by far the largest amount of the fluid which impregnates the food. The parotid 276 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. glands secrete alternately during mastication, both in the horse and ruminant animals, and, in all probability, also in the omnivora, the secretion occurring on the side on which mastication is taking place. Thus, when mastication is takin P lace Between the right molar teeth, then it is the right parotid alone, in the horse, which secretes, and it is the right parotid in the ruminant which has the highest activity. Ex- IN THE HORSE, periments conducted by Colin, by making a fistula of the parotid ducts in the horse and the ass, have demonstrated the truth of these statements. The following tables represent some of his results : 2, FIG. 114. PAROTID FISTULA (Bernard.) a, duct of Steno, with cannula inserted, and rubber bag for collecting the saliva. Experiment. Time in Minutes. Right Parotid. Left Parotid. Side of Mastication. 1. Horse, . 15 910 grammes. 200 grammes Right. f* . 15 580 320 Right. * * , ( .15 250 ' 700 Left. 2. Horse, 15 570 < 620 Left. " . 15 510 820 Left. " . 15 500 * 800 Left. . 15 480 750 Left. " . 15 720 420 Right. tt . 15 540 800 Left. " . 15 600 740 Left, 3. Horse, . 15 620 260 Right. " . 10 320 200 Right. " . .5 200 120 Right. " V . 15 410 . 230 Right. " . . 10 60 320 Left. " . 5 20 150 Left. " . 15 130 520 Left. 4. Horse, 5 160 85 Right. < . 6 150 235 Left. " . 4 160 40 Right. ** . .4 115 70 Right. M . . 4 95 165 Left. " . . 6 80 210 Left. 5. Horse, 3 50 110 Left. * . 6 200 50 Right. " . 4 30 100 Left. " . 5 200 30 Right. 6. Ass, . 15 120 10 Right. * . 15 110 60 Right. . 15 80 170 Left. " . 15 150 15 Riffht. " . 15 30 160 Left " . 15 55 135 Left. . 15 50 ' 165 Left. DIGESTION IN THE MOUTH. 277 These results must not be regarded as absolutely correct, since, even in the horse, the operation of making a fistula interferes with the normal sequence of mastication, as it is always longest on the side which is opposite to the fistula. Ellenberger and Hofmeister found that the parotid of one side in one horse secreted 1000 grammes in half an hour, the same amount in another horse in a quarter of an hour, and in a third horse 4000 grammes in two hours oats, hay, and chopped straw being given as food. During the pauses between the acts of mastication, the parotids of the horse, con- trary to what is the case in the ruminant, are quiescent. In ruminant animals this alteration of activity of the parotid glands, although depending upon the side of mastication, is less readily deter- mined than in the horse ; for when a fistula is made the ruminant animal will continuously masticate on the opposite side to that in which the fistula is present, and the maximum activity of secretion is therefore taking place on the side opposite to the fistula. On the other hand, if two fistulae are made the animal will change the direction of mastication two or three times a minute, and the process of mastication is much in- terfered with and the character of secretion altered. The inequality of the secretion according to the side on which mastication is taking place is also seen in the ruminant animal during the second period of mastica- tion in rumination. These experiments seem to show that mastication is the normal stimulant of the parotid glands, though they also secrete during the pauses of rumination. Further, these glands are insensible to other stimulants, such as salt, acids, etc., brought into contact with the mucous membrane of the mouth. Such stimuli produce no sensible secretion in solipedes and no increase in the constant secretion of ruminants. So, also, sight and odor of food have no effect on the secretion of the parotid, even if the animals are in a state of great hunger. The character of the parotid saliva also differs from that of mixed saliva and that of the other salivary glands. It is thin, limpid, contains, with the exception of a few epithelial cells, scarcely any formed elements, and is invariably alkaline, except after prolonged fasting, when the first few drops may have a slightly acid reaction from the contained carbon dioxide. Great variation exists in the estimates of its specific gravity, it having been said to vary from 1003 to 1012. It contains scarcely any mucin ; when heated to boiling it becomes turbid, as also occurs after the addition of alcohol or mineral acids, showing the presence of an albumen- like body. It becomes clearer when CO, is passed through it. It con- tains ptyalin. Sulphoc3'anide of potassium has been said to be absent from the parotid saliva of the horse. The parotid saliva of the dog has a specific gravity of 1004 to 1007, and when heated deposits a slight 278 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. sediment of calcium carbonate. When allowed to slowly evaporate on a glass plate, crystals of sodium chloride and calcium carbonate are formed. It is said to contain no diastatic ferment. The parotid saliva of the horse contains large quantities of lime, and when -allowed to stand in the air deposits beautiful crystals of the car- bonate of lime. The parotid saliva is largest in amount; the two glands of the ox are said to produce in an hour eight hundred to twenty-four hundred grammes of saliva. As already stated, this secretion is inter- mittent in the horse and constant in ruminants, where it is closely con- cerned in the phenomena of gastric digestion. The diastatic action of the parotid saliva is very active in rodents, but little active in ruminants ; absent in the sheep, though in the latter animal, as in the case of the horse and ass, watery infusions of the parotid salivary glands will convert starch into sugar. In carnivora the parotid gland is relatively smaller in amount and is almost inactive. The following analyses have been made of parotid saliva: Man. Water, . 993.16 Solids, . ... . < . "::. . . . 6.84 Organic matter, . . . . . ... 3.44 Chlorides and carbonate of lime, , . . 3.40 Dog. Water, . V . . '. " > .-'.-' '. . 995.3 Solids, . .... '...., . ..... .... , . . 4.7 Organic matter, 1.4 Potass, sulphocyanide and alkaline chlorides, . . " 2.1 Calcium carbonate, . - , '.*.'* v- - . . . 1.2 Horse. Water, . . . 992.92 Solids, . . . . 7.08 Epithelium and calcium carb. . . . . . 1.24 Soluble matter, . . . .' .. . . . 5.84 Alcoholic extractives, . . '.. '. . . . . . 0.98 Soaps, . . , ..'..- . . , . . . . . 0.43 Cow. Water, 990.7 Mucin and soluble organic matter, .... 0.44 Alkaline carbonates, 3.38 Alkaline chlorides, .-:..' 2.85 Alkaline phosphates, ....... 2.49 Calcium phosphates, . . . . . . . 0.10 Ram. Water, 989.0 Mucin and soluble organic matter, 1.0 Alkaline carbonates, Alkaline chlorides, Alkaline phosphates, Calcium phosphates, 3.0 6.0 1.0 traces. DIGESTION IN THE MOUTH. 279 The parotid saliva of the dog contains 1.818 and 1.701 pro. mil. volumes of combined CO,. Salivary calculi are formed most usually in the parotid duct from the deposition of lime salts, and contain no other ingredient of the saliva. 2. TJie Submaxillary Secretion. The saliva of the submaxillary gland may be collected in man by inserting a small cannula in the opening of the duct in the papilla of entrance at the side of the fraenum of the tongue, or by aspirating it by a small syringe whose nozzle will grasp the papilla air-tight. In animals the maxillary saliva may be collected by means of a permanent or temporary fistula of the duct of Wharton. FIG. 115. OPERATION OF ISOLATING THE DUCT OF THE SUBMAXILLARY GLAND IN THE DOG. (Bernard.) a, digastric muscle drawn to one side ; b, mylo-hyoid muscle divided and drawn to one side ; c e, duct of Wharton ; d, duct of the sublingual gland ; 1, lingual nerve. To discover the submaxillary duct before its entrance into the mouth, after etherization, the hair is shaved from the under surface of the lower jaw, an incision made along the inner border of the ramus of the lower jaw from the anterior insertion of the digastric muscle forward for about two inches, dividing the skin and platysma, every vein that comes into view being tied with two ligatures and divided between them. The mylo-hyoid muscle is then in view, and is to be very cautiously divided at its middle, avoiding the mylo-hyoid nerve, which lies upon it. If the portion still in connection with the ramus of the jaw is elevated, the submaxillary and sublingual ducts will be found running forward 280 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. side by side, near to the ramus of the jaw, to enter the mouth, the submaxillary duct being somewhat the larger and lying nearer the jaw ; the ducts are crossed by the lingual nerve. Either duct may then be isolated or divided and treated as in making a permanent parotid fistula (Figs. 115 and 116). In the horse, rumi- nants, and rabbits the operative procedure is about the same as in the dog (Fig. 117). The submaxillarjr saliva obtained by catheterization or from fistulye is a limpid, viscid fluid of alkaline reaction. Its density is said to be greater than that of the parotid or mixed saliva, and may rise to 1025 after feeding. According to Eck- hard, the submaxillary saliva be- comes more consistent when exposed to tbe air, and will precipitate a flocculent deposit. Corrosive sub- limate causes it to become almost gelatinous without becoming turbid. It contains a considerable quantity of mucin, to which this viscidity is due. Albumen seems to be almost absent from the submaxillary saliva, or to be present only in traces, although the xanthoproteic reac- tion 1 will demonstrate the presence of proteids. The diastatic power of the submaxillary saliva of the dog appears to be but slightly de- veloped in the fresh saliva, although it acquires this property by stand- ing one or two days in the atmos- phere. The following tables, after Lassaigne and Herter, represent the anatysis of this secretion IIG. 116. ANATOMY OF THE SUBMAXIL- J.AHY AND SUBLJNGITAL GLANDULAR REGION IN THE DOG. (Bernard.) a a, digastric muscle; ft b, mylo-hyoid muscle; c e, sublingual gland ; d. sublingual duct ; e, submax- illary duct : ./' g, submaxillary gland ; 1, lingual nerve ; 2, chorda tymp'ani. In the Horse. Water, . Solids, . Salts, Organic matter, 992.5 7.5 2.575 4.925 In the Cow. Water, Mucin and albuminous matter, Alkaline carbonates, . . . Alkaline chlorides, Alkaline phosphates, Phosphate of lime, 9U 14 3.53 0.10 5.02 0.15 0.06 DIGESTION IN THE MOUTH. 281 In the Dog. Water, 994.4 Solids, 5.6 Organic matter, 1.75 Mucin 0.66 Soluble ash 3.59 Insoluble ash 0.26 Carbonic acid in combination, 0.44 The submaxiljary saliva of other animals has been less studied than in the dog; that of the rabbit, according to Heidenhain, is clear, not viscid, and alkaline. It does not become turbid when exposed to the atmosphere, contains albuminoids, but no mucin or ptyalin. It contains 1.23 per cent, of solids. The submaxillary saliva of the sheep is strongly alkaline and slightly viscid. The first few drops are turbid, but it then becomes limpid, to again become turbid when exposed to the FIG. 117. PAROTID AXD SUBMAXII/LARY FISTULA IN THE HORSE, AFTER COLIN. (Thanhoffer and Tormay.) K Kf, rubber bulbs for collecting saliva; PS, cannula in the parotid duct. atmosphere; it contains considerable quantities of albuminoids and a variable amount of mucin, but always less than in the saliA~a of the dog. The submaxillary saliva of the pig contains no ptj'alin. The saliva of the calf and other herbivora, with the exception of the rabbit, is said to be rich in ptyalin. In the submaxillary saliva are found the so-called morphological elements or salivary corpuscles, which appear to be identical with the white blood-corpuscles and possess amoeboid movements. 282 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. The secretion of the submaxillary glands is not unilateral, as in the case of the parotid, and the side on which the greatest secretion is taking place does not appear to be modified to any great extent by the locality of mastication. The largest amount of submaxillary saliva is secreted at the commencement of a meal and almost ceases during ab- stinence, a point of contrast with the parotid saliva. The stimulation of the sense of taste by sapid substances is of the greatest influence on the amount of submaxillary saliva. The following table, compiled by Colin, illustrates these facts : Right Submaxillary Fistula in the Horse. Time in Minutes. 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Amount in Grammes. 31 26 24 22 17 23 19 22 31 50 23 20 26 Side of Mastication. Left. R glit. Left. Right. Left. Food. Hay. Oats. Right Submaxillary Fistula in the Cow. Time in Minutes. 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Amount in Grammes. 110 85 65 70 80 85 70 90 70 20 40 80 Food. Hay. Salt. Juniper-berries. Pepper. Right Submaxillary Fistula in tlie Ram. Time in -Minutes. Amount in Grammes. Food. 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 27 20 25 15 26 27 20 24 4 2 8 Hay. Salt. Hay. Fasting. Pepper. Salt. DIGESTION IN THE MOUTH. 283 The diastatic power of the submaxillary saliva varies very con- siderably in different animals. It is active in all the herbivora, with the exception of the rabbit and guinea-pig. In the sheep the submaxillary saliva is more active than that of the parotid, while it is faintly active .in the horse, and is almost inactive in the dog when freshly secreted. The general characteristics of the submaxillary saliva vary in different animals under different conditions, and are therefore subject to much con- tradiction. The secretion reaches its excess during mastication follow- ing prehension of food. It is suspended entirely during the mastication of rumination (Colin, Ellenberger, and Hofmeister), a fact which is ver} T remarkable when it is recollected that the chemical stimulation of the nerves of taste must be then much more marked than in the hurried first mastication. The submaxillary glands are also nearly quiescent in the intervals of rumination ; its secretion is called forth by pilocarpine injections, but to a less degree than in the case of the parotid. It seems almost incomprehensible that the submaxillary, which during rumination remains quiescent, should secrete actively during the B FIG. 118. SUBLINGUAL GL.AND OF THE Ox. (Colin.) A, submaxillary duct ; B, inferior duct of the sublingual gland ; C C, superior sublingual ducta. mastication of a tasteless foreign body, such as a piece of string or wood (Ellenberger). This fact can scarcely be explained but by supposing that the products of fermentation occurring in the rumen exert an in- hibitory influence on the secretory nerves of the submaxillary glands. Its principal function seems to be to assist in the appreciation of the sense of taste, and to act as a lubricant to aid in the first deglutition. 3. The Sublingual Secretion. The collection of pure sublingual saliva is accomplished in the same way as the submaxillary, although in general it is more difficult, excepting in the case of the ox, where the large size of the duct renders the operation very easy. In most animals, however, it is extremely difficult to obtain it in a state of purity, as the gland, especially in the ox, has a number of excretory ducts (Fig. 118). The characters of sublingual saliva may partially be determined by preventing the parotid and submaxillary secretions from entering the mouth by li gat ing their ducts, and then collecting the fluids in the mouth 284 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. by an opening in the oesophagus. Such fluids, of course, are composed of the sublingual saliva, together with the secretion of the buccal glands. The sublingual saliva, obtained in man by the introduction of a fine cannula, is secreted in isolated, clear, very viscid, alkaline drops; hardly enough, however, has been collected to determine its properties. In ani- mals it is very transparent, thick, and so viscid as scarcety to deserve the name of a liquid, and when a cannula is inserted in the duct it flows from the orifice in a continuous thread. It contains 2.75 per cent, of solids, according to Heidenhain, while according to Kiihne the proportion may rise to 9.98 per cent. Mucin and sulphocyanide of potassium have been detected in it. It apparently contains no bicarbonate of sodium, as it does not effervesce when acids are added to it. The sublingual secretion is constant, though it is augmented greatly during feeding, and the prin- cipal stimuli which call it forth are those which pass through the sense of taste. In addition to the above secretions, fluid is also poured into the mouth by the various buccal glands. Its characters can only be studied by ligating all the salivar}*' ducts. When this is accomplished in the dog the mucous membrane in the mouth only remains moist as long as the mouth is closed. Dry food is then only with the greatest difficulty mas- ticated and swallowed, and the thirst of such animals is consequently greatty increased. It follows from this that the secretion of the mucous glands of the mouth must be very slight, and, in fact, only one or ; two grammes may be collected with the greatest care in an hour. It has an alkaline reaction, and has been determined by Bidder and Schmidt to contain 9.98 per cent, of solids. Attempts have been made to study the properties of the secretions of the buccal glands by making aqueous infusions of these glands after death. The superior molar glands, which have been termed the accessory parotids in the ox, give a viscid extract with water, while such an extract of the inferior molars is much less viscid. Yery little has been determined as to the properties of these secretions. 4. General Characteristics of the Salivary Secretion. Although it has been seen that each gland differs somewhat in its manner of secreting nnd in the results of that process, nevertheless, the general salivary sys- tem has certain distinguishing characteristics, which have been carefully studied by Colin, according to the principal conditions in which ani- mals may happen to be; thus, the conditions may vary, according as the animal is feeding, ruminating, fasting, or whether stimulating sub- Stances are in contact with the mucous membrane of the mouth. Dur- ing feeding two of the glands secrete actively, though unequally ; as has been seen, the parotid on the side of mastication gives double or treble as much saliva as the opposite gland. The amount is also greater DIGESTION IN THE MOUTH. 285 when mastication is rapid, and is therefore greatest at the beginning of a meal, unless after a very prolonged fast, when a certain amount of time seems to be required b}^ the glands to reach their maximum activity. The submaxillary glands secrete together, and each give about the same quantity of saliva, although this amount is not one-third of that secreted by the parotid, even in animals in which these glands appear to be of about the same size. The linguals also secrete together, and the same may be assumed of the molars and other glands. These characters may be determined b} r making fistulse of the different excretory ducts of the glands, and so conveying certain portions of the saliva out of the mouth and then weighing the increase of weight in the food in its passage through the mouth to a fistulous opening in the oesophagus. During rumination the parotids have been found by this method, as well as by the production of parotid fistulae, to pour out a large quantity of fluid, even although the food has been already comminuted and thoroughly moistened in the first mastication and during its sojourn in the rumen. The quantity of saliva is very little less than that poured out by the first mastication, and here also the parotids preserve their alternate, intermit- tent action ; but the food does not pass between the incisor teeth in the second mastication, so these teeth are inactive, and the anterior salivary S3~stem remains almost quiescent. Though they continue to secrete, they do not give anj T more fluid during this time than during abstinence. This is a peculiarity of the salivary secretion during rumination, and shows the relative independence of the different glands. During abstinence new features are met with, which vary in different animals. In the fast- ing horse the parotids are inactive, and the submaxillaries give only a few drops of fluid, but the mouth is always moist, and the horse will often be seen to swallow the fluids which collect in the mouth, even after fistulse have been made for both parotids and both submaxillar}^ glands. Hence, by exclusion, the fluid must have come from the linguals, tonsils, and palatine glands. In the fasting ruminants the parotids are not in- active. They pour into the mouth during abstinence about one-eighth or one fourth as much as they secrete during mastication. Here, also, the submaxillaries secrete little fluid, but the sublinguals, superior molars, and palatine glands, judging by the viscidity of the fluid, must be more or less active. This continued salivary secretion in the ruminant we will find later to be of great importance in aiding the function of rumination. Finally;. when stimulated by sapid substances we find marked differences in the response of different glands to these stimuli. The parotids are not sensibly affected, and the glands, which furnish a viscid saliva, are all more or less stimulated, according to the chemical character and intensity of the excitation, and the extent of surface to which it is applied, and its duration. 286 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 5. The Quantity of Saliva. As regards the total quantity of saliva and the amounts contributed by the different glands, certain data may be determined in all domestic animals by means of cesophageal fistulae. To accomplish this, the food is first weighed, then the time of mastica- tion determined, and finally the food is weighed again as it escapes from an cesophageal fistula. By subtracting the weight of the food when given from the weight as it is collected from the oesophagus, the amount of fluid added may be determined. In this way Colin found that a small horse secreted five thousand grammes of saliva in an hour, a medium-sized horse five thousand two hundred grammes, and a large horse in the same time eight thousand eight hundred grammes ; from which it may be concluded that a horse feeding on hay secretes from five thousand to six thousand grammes of saliva per hour. If oats are given as food, the amount of saliva poured out is one-third less than the above; only one-half as much is secreted when green fodder constitutes the food, and only one-third as much when roots, such as beets or turnips, are given. Further experiments have shown that dried fodder absorbs four times its weight of saliva, oats a little more than their own weight, meal twice its own weight, and green fodders half their own weight. Hence, the amount of the salivary secretion varies with the amount of moisture contained in the food. It is believed that after twenty-four hours' fasting the salivation is more active at the commencement of the meal than when hunger commences to be satisfied. The reverse, however, is the case for the parotids, as they do not at once reach their maximum activity after a long fast. The above statement, however, seems to hold for the sub- maxillaries, as they are never completely inactive. But as the parotids secrete the greatest volume of fluid, the food first swallowed is drier, and therefore swallowed with more difficulty than later when the parotids have acquired their maximum activity. Then the quantity of secretion decreases with the activity of mastication. The quantity of saliva poured out in twentj-four hours may be estimated by means of the preceding data. For if hay absorbs more than four times its weight of saliva, and the horse swallows one hundred grammes of saliva each hour during fasting, it is easy to estimate the total amount secreted. A horse which consumes five thousand grammes of hay and five thousand grammes of dry fodder will require forty thousand grammes of saliva for the deglutition of its food, to which must be added about two thousand grammes for the eighteen hours of abstinence, making in all forty-two thousand grammes, or eighty-four pounds. In the ruminant the total amount of saliva secreted in twenty- four hours is much larger. If we assume that an ox takes three hours in a day to feed and five hours to ruminate, it is found that in six or eight hours forty thousand grammes of saliva are secreted, and during DIGESTION IN THE MOUTH. 287 the sixteen hours of abstinence sixteen thousand grammes are secreted ; in all, fifty-six thousand grammes, or one hundred and twelve pounds. This is certainly an inside estimate. In these animals, also, a less amount is secreted with wet and green food. This immense amount of fluid is again absorbed, and is, therefore, not lost to the economy. The part which each gland plays in the secretion of this volume of fluid is also determinable, and is a point of interest, since we already know that the chemical composition and the function of the different secretions are not uniform. The volume of saliva poured out depends on the dryness of the food, and not, as has been claimed, upon the amount of starch which it contains, indicating that the mechanical uses of the saliva are of greater importance than its chemical functions. The volume of the special salivary secretions cannot be computed from the volume of the glands. Thus, the parotids of the horse are four times as large as the submaxillary glands, and yet they secrete twentA-four times as much saliva. The parotid of the ox is scarcely as large as the submaxillary, and yet it secretes four or five times as much saliva as the latter. In the horse the parotid furnished seven-tenths of the total amount of fluids poured into the mouth, a fact which may be readily determined by means of cesophageal fistulae, conjoined with closure of the parotid duct. The submaxillary has been determined by the above method to furnish about one-twentieth of the total salivary secretion. These figures cannot, of course, be taken as being rigorously correct, since the necessary operative procedures must more or less modify the activity of the glands. In the non-herbivora the quantity of saliva is much less. It has been estimated at fifteen hundred grammes in twenty-four hours for a man, while in the dog the parotid has been calculated to contribute twenty-four grammes, the submaxil- lary thirty-eight, and the other glands twenty-four grammes in twent3-four hours. 6. The Physiological Role of the Saliva. The uses of saliva are both mechanical and chemical. Mechanically, it assists in the formation of the bolus of food, after having previously aided its mastication, and acts as a lubricant in its passage to the stomach. It aids the apprecia- tion of taste, and by lubricating the surfaces of the mouth and teeth prevents the adhesion of viscid substances, and in man permits the movements of rapid articulation. In the ruminant animals the en- trance of saliva into the paunch is essential for the proper maceration of food, so as to enable its regurgitation to the mouth in rumination. The chemical action of the saliva on the food was discovered by Leuchs in 1831, who found that the saliva was capable of converting soluble carbohy^ rates into dextrin and sugar. The cause of this prop- erty of saliva lies in the presence of ptyalin, the diastatic ferment of 288 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. the saliva, which we have already found to exist in the saliva and the aqueous extract of the salivary glands of most groups of animals. Experiments as to the cliastatic action of the saliva may, therefore, be made either with fresh, filtered saliva, with an aqueous or glycerin infusion of the sali- vary glands, or with an aqueous solution of pure ptyalin. A mucilage for testing the cliastatic action of saliva may be made by mixing one grain of powdered starch into a thin paste with a few drops of cold water, and then adding the paste to 100 cubic centimeters of boiling water and allowing it to boil for ten minutes. Then, after standing until the sediment has settled, the clear supernatant fluid is filtered off and is ready for use. Equal quantities of cold starch-mucilage are poured into three test-tubes, which are numbered one, two, and three ; tube No. 1 con- tains starch-mucilage alone ; to tube No. 2 a few drops of filtered saliva are added; an equal quantity of saliva is boiled thoroughly for a few minutes and added to No. 3 ; in tube No. 4 is poured a small quantity of saliva alone. The four test- tubes are placed in the hot-water bath or an oven at a temperature of about 38 or 39 C. After a few moments the tubes may be removed for testing. If to tube No. 1, which contained starch -mucilage alone, a few drops of dilute iodine solution are added, a characteristic blue color is developed, showing the presence of starch, while Fehling's solution will demonstrate the absence of sugar. If to tube No. 2, which contains starch -mucilage and saliva, a few drops of the same solution of iodine are added, no blue color will be developed, showing the absence of starch, and the fluid will either remain colorless or may take on a more or less marked reddish tint from the presence of dextrin, showing that the starch has disappeared. If to another portion of the same fluid contained in tube No. 2 a few drops of Fehling's solution are added and the fluid boiled, a copious yel- lowish-red precipitate, due to the reduction of cupric to cuprous oxide, will be formed, showing the presence of a considerable quantity of sugar. Sugar has, therefore, in this test-tube replaced the starch. If a few drops of iodine are added to the fluid of test-tube No. 3, which contained starch-solution and boiled saliva, the reaction of starch will still be developed, and Fehling's fluid will show the absence of sugar. Boiling, therefore, has prevented the conversion of the starch by the saliva into sugar. The fluid of test-tube No. 4, which consists of saliva alone, will give no reaction with iodine, while no sugar will be found with Fehling's test, though the blue color may be turned to a violet from the presence of proteids. Starch-mucilage, when subjected to the action of saliva at a temper- ature about that of the blood for a few moments, is converted into sugar. This conversion is not instantaneous, although it was taught by Bidder and Schmidt that momentary contact with saliva and starch was all that was necessary to turn starch into sugar. An experiment which has been long used to substantiate this view, and which appears at first to dem- onstrate its truth, is really by no means conclusive. The experiment is as follows: If into a beaker which contains a little saliva warmed up to 40 C. is added, drop by drop, a solution of starch which has been colored blue by iodine, as each drop falls it is decolorized. The view, however, that the loss of color is due to the conversion of the starch into sugar is erroneous, as was pointed out by Schiff. He showed that the decolori- zation was due to the conversion by the saliva of the iodine into hydriodic acid, and that many other organic fluids which would not con- vert starch into sugar would decolorize the iodide of starch; thus, the addition of morphine solution or of dog's urine to the iodide of starch DIGESTION IN THE MOUTH. 289 discharges the blue color of the latter. In neither of these substances is there the property of converting starch into sugar, but the result is due to oxidation of the iodide. There are two practical points to be drawn from this demonstration : first, since the starch is not instantaneously converted into sugar upon contact with the saliva, even though mas- tication be prolonged, by no means all of the starch in the food can be converted into sugar in the mouth; and, second, starch cannot be considered as a conclusive test for iodine in the various secretions. It is often desired to test urine for iodine, as in cases of iodism, and all that is deemed necessary is to add a solution of starch-mucilage to the suspected fluid, and if the characteristic blue color does not appear it is concluded that no iodine is present. This procedure is doubly fallacious, not only because these fluids have the power of decolorizing solutions of the iodide of starch, but even when iodine is present it is not in the form of free iodine but of hydriodic acid, the very .agent through which this decolorization is effected. If, therefore, iodine is present in such organic fluids, its presence can only be detected by the starch test by first deoxidizing the hydriodic acid. This may be accomplished by soaking a piece of filter-paper in starch-mucilage, drying, moistening with the suspected fluid, and then allowing a drop of nitrous acid to fall upon it. If iodine is present in the form of hydriodic acid, it will be deoxidized by the nitrous acid, and the free iodine will form the characteristic blue color with the starch -paper. The old view as to the saccharification of starch was based upon the assumption that the diastatic ferment first converted the starch into dex- trin, and that then dextrin through hy drat ion was converted into dex- trose. This view has been shown to be erroneous by Musculus, who found that the subject is very much more complex. He stated that in the conversion of starch into sugar all the starch was not first trans- formed into dextrin and then into sugar, but that these two bodies were simultaneously formed, and he gives the following formula as represent- ing this conversion : 3C 6 H 10 5 + 2H 2 0:=C 6 H 12 6 -f2C 6 H 10 5 Starch. Dextrose. Dextrin. Even this view has, however, been modified b} r subsequent observa- tion. According to the view of Musculus, only 33 per cent, of sugar could originate from the action of the diastatic ferments on starch , but it has been found that dextrin also is converted partially into sugar, and from 20 to 30 per cent, of sugar may^ be formed in this way. Estimates of the actual amount of sugar developed through the action of the diastatic ferment on starch show that, instead of 33 per cent., over 50 per cent, of sugar will actually form ; so that, therefore, while the starch may first be split up into dextrin and sugar, this dextrin also undergoes partial conversion into a fermentable sugar. Consequently, through the action of ptyalin, starch is first converted into dextrin and sugar, and then the dextrin itself, through the action of the ferments, undergoes subsequently a progressive hydration and results in the 19 290 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. formation of a farther quantity of sugar. In this conversion a number of by-products are formed, which behave differently to iodine and to the sugar tests, and in their action on polarized light. The following table shows these changes in outline : Soluble starch, Erythrodextrin, Rotation. 2180 3. 4. 5. Achroodextrin, Maltose, Grape-sugar, 210 190 150 150 58 12 12 28 61 100 Behavior with Iodine. Blue. Red. Colorless. Other Tests. Precipitated by tan- nic acid and alcohol. Not precipitated by tannic acid and al- cohol. If a little saliva be added to warm, thick starch-paste, in one or two minutes the thick mucilage will be converted into a thin, watery fluid, which will not yield either a dextrin or sugar reaction ; it will still give a blue with iodine. This is, therefore, the first stage in the diastatic action of saliva on starch the formation of soluble starch. If a longer time is allowed to elapse before the testing is performed, sugar may then be found in the fluid, even though it gives a distinct blue with iodine. A few minutes later, testing will show the presence of a larger quantity of sugar, and if iodine be added a blue color will be produced ; but on diluting this and adding more iodine a violet color will appear, showing the presence of erythrodextrin, together with soluble starch and sugar. After a short time iodine ceases to give a blue, but yields a deep-red color, which later still yields to a yellowish-brown color, and finally no color at all on the addition of iodine, while all the time the quantity of sugar goes on steadily increasing. These reactions show that the soluble starch gives place to erythrodextrin, giving a red with iodine, and finally to achroodextrin, which has no color reaction with iodine; while, from the fact that the sugar continually increases as these substances dis- appear, it is evident that the sugar results from the progressive conver- sion of these different forms of erythro- and achroodextrin into dextrose, or some other form of sugar. Musculus and 'Sullivan have proved that the sugar which results from the action of diastatic ferments on starch is maltose, which is a fermentescible sugar belonging to the group of saccharoses, having a formula of C^H^On. This substance rotates the plane of polarized light 150 to the right, while dextrose has only a rotatory power of -j-58, while it has a reducing power for the cupric oxide sugar test of 61, as compared to grape-sugar, which may be placed at 100. In order to explain the above results it is necessary to assume that the molecule of soluble starch is a composite molecule, composed of DIGESTION IN THE MOUTH. 291 several members of the starch group C 13 H 20 10 , and the assumption that the molecule of soluble starch has the formula of 10(C 12 H 20 10 ) greatly facilitates the comprehension of the progressive hydrolysis of starch by diastase (Brown and Heron). According- to this view, the composite molecule of soluble starch is resolved through the action of diastase into two molecules of achroo- dextrin and eight molecules of maltose by the following succession of steps : One molecule of soluble starch --10(C 12 H 20 O 10 ) -f 8(H 2 O) = 1. Erythrodextrin, 2. 3. Achroodextrin, 4. 5.- 6. 7. 8. a 9(C 12 H 20 O 10 ) -f (C 12 H 22 O ai ) maltose, ft 8(C 12 H 20 10 )+2(C 12 H 22 11 ) a 7(C 12 H 20 10 )+3(C 12 H 22 :1 ) n a.f(* w o \ i ^/n XT (\ \ The final result is thus represented by the equation : Soluble Starch. Water. Maltose. Achroodextrin. Through the action of the diastatic ferment, therefore, the large molecule of gelatinous starch is first separated into its component mole- cules of soluble starch, and if we assume that this composite molecule of soluble starch is composed of an aggregation of ten groups of the radical C 12 H 20 O 10 , then progressively each one of these radicals assumes one atom of water and becomes a molecule of maltose, the remainder of the starch molecule, at the withdrawal of each radical, constituting one molecule of the intermediary dextrin series. The dextrin molecule thus becomes smaller and smaller, that is, contains fewer and fewer component radicals, the higher dextrins giving a red with iodine, while the lower dextrins give no reaction with iodine (Roberts). In order that starch should be converted by saliva into sugar, it is necessary that the fluid be kept at the temperature of about 39 or 40 C. A temperature elevated above this will prevent conversion by destroying the ferment, while a lower temperature will retard it, and the temperature of freezing will prevent it completely, although the power is not lost and may be regained when the temperature is again elevated. This transformation is produced in a neutral or feebly alkaline medium, and also, though to a much less degree, in a weak acid medium. An excess of alkali, or even a slight degree of acidity (half of 1 per cent, of hydrochloric acid), will prevent it completely. This is a point worthy of note, since it indicates that the degree of acidity present in the gastric juice during active digestion is sufficient to interrupt the action 292 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. of ptyalin on starch. It will be found, however, that hydrochloric acid does not appear in the gastric juice of the horse until the latter stages of gastric digestion, the acidity in the early stages being due to the presence of lactic acid. It has further been proved that lactic acid, even when present in 2 or 3 per cent., will not arrest the conversion of starch by the saliva. Therefore in the horse starch may still be con- verted in the stomach into sugar. In the ruminant animal all the starch is probably converted into sugar in the rumen, where the reaction is alkaline, and here also, therefore, the acidit}' of the gastric juice does not interfere with the digestion of starch, even though it may not take place in the stomach, whatever starch escapes the saliva being acted on by the pancreatic juice. In carnivora, where the gastric juice is highly acid, starchy matters seldom enter into the composition of their food, while in the omnivora, man especially, the saliva possesses a higher diastatic power than in other animals ; therefore the conversion of starch in the mouth will be much more rapid, and even though suspended in the stomach, is again resumed in the small intestine under the action of the pancreatic juice. So, also, when the amount of sugar formed reaches from 1^ to 2J per cent., saccharin" cation is arrested, but will be renewed when the fluid is diluted. The transformation of boiled starch mucilage is very much more rapid than that of raw starch. This is due to the fact that it is only the gfanulose of the starch granules which is con- verted into sugar. In the raw starch granules the granulose is contained in an unyielding cellulose envelope, and is not accessible to the salivary ferment. When starch is boiled the cellulose envelopes are ruptured; the granulose then passes partly into solution, and is then readity acted on by the saliva. The diastatic action of the saliva of different animals varies very con- siderably. In almost all it is less active than in man, with the possible exception of the saliva of the herbivora. The latter appears to be more active on raw starch than that of the carnivorous animals. Thus, it has been found that the saliva of the horse will convert crushed raw starch into sugar in one-quarter of an hour, and it has been proved experimentally that in the horse the conversion of raw starch into sugar, through the action of the saliva, takes place in the stomach. It is worthy of note that the individual salivary secretions of the horse appear to possess this amylolytic power to a less degree than the mixed saliva. It has been, however, found that, in addition to acting on starch, the saliva of the horse is also capable of converting cane sugar into grape sugar. The saliva of the horse is further inactive on the cellulose of ha} r . Examination of the substances escaping from an oasophageal fistula in the horse fed on starchy food shows that practically no conversion of starch into sugar occurs in the mouth. This, indeed, would be ex- "DIGESTION IN THE MOUTH. 293 pected from the fact that raw starch requires several minutes' contact with the saliva of the horse to be converted into sugar. It is not to be therefore concluded that the amylolytic power of the saliva is of no practical value, since it will be found that in the horse the chemical action of the saliva may continue in the stomach. In the ruminants the diastatic action of the saliva is probably about the same as that of the horse, but the conditions for the conversion of starch into sugar are more favorable, since the saliva is constantly being secreted, constantly swallowed and carried to the rumen, where it meets with the most favorable conditions for acting on the starch in other words, an alkaline medium considerably diluted and an elevated tem- perature. Of the other animals, the following series represents the diastatic action of the saliva, it being most marked in the first animal and least in the last : hog, rat, rabbit, cat, dog, sheep, and goat. In all the domestic animals the parotid saliva possesses the highest degree of amylolytic power. The orbital gland of the dog appears to produce no amylolytic ferment. All the so-called antiseptics and stronger chemical agents pre- vent the action of the salivary ferment. The duration of the action of human saliva on raw starch before the presence of sugar can be detected is as follows : On potato-starch, after two to four days ; on starch from peas, after one and one-third to two hours ; on wheat-starch, after one-half to one hour ; on barley-starch, after ten to fifteen minutes ; on oat-starch, after five to seven minutes ; on rye-starch, after three to six minutes ; on corn-starch, after two to three minutes. If raw starch is finely comminuted, as by grinding with powdered glass, the time of the reduction is. considerably reduced. Extracts, or the secretion of the different salivary glands in the domestic animals, are entirely inert on fats, proteids, and cellulose. 7. The Mechanism of the Salivary Secretion. The numerous inves- tigations which have been undertaken to explain the mechanism of salivary secretion have yielded results of far more importance than that which they possess as bearing upon the secretion of saliva alone. It is from the results of these experiments that has been deduced all our knowledge of glandular secretion, its dependence upon the nervous system, and its rela- tion to the circulation. In the case of the saliva it has already been men- tioned that, under ordinary circumstances, in all animals the secretion of the saliva is either remittent or intermittent. In other words, as a rule but enough saliva is poured into the mouth during abstinence to keep the surfaces moist. When, however, food is taken into the mouth and the process of mastication commenced, or in the ruminant animal during the process of rumination, the secretion of the salivary glands is at once greatly increased in activity. Further, allusion has been made to the fact 294 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. that the quantity of saliva poured out varies under many different circum- stances, as to the character of the food, and the side on which masti- cation is taking place. It might be already concluded from this, that the secretion, of saliva is a reflex action and is under the control of the nervous S3 T stem. As long ago as 1832 Mitscherlich, from studies made on a patient with a salivary fistula, first suggested, that the salivary secretion was under the influence of the nervous system, and in support of that statement alluded to the fact that while the secretion of saliva was independent of the will, it might be called forth by stimulation of the mucous membrane of the tongue and mouth, either chemically or FIG. 119. NERVES OF STTBMAXII/LARY AND STTBLINGUAL GT.ANDS. (Bernard.) a, submaxillarv gland ; c c, duct of Wharton ; i 7i g, arterial branches to the submaxillarv gland ; b, sublingual gland: d ft, sublingual duct: 1 1, lingual nerve; 22, chorda tympani : r, carotid a'rtery, on which ramify fibres coming from the superior cervical ganglion; /, internal maxillary artery. mechanically, stimulation of the nerve of smell, or ^stimulation of the gastric mucous membrane by the food. It thus is clear that the secretion of saliva is a reflex action, for which there must be an afferent fibre, an independent nerve centre, and an efferent fibre. From the fact that the submaxillary gland is the most exposed, and, therefore, the most readily operated on, the influence of the nerves on the secretion of saliva has been most studied in the case of this gland. The afferent nerve fibres of this reflex circle, in the case of the submaxillary gland, are the lingual branch of the fifth pair and branches of the glosso- DIGESTION IN THE MOUTH. 295 pharyngeal the nerves of taste. The centre is in the medulla oblon- gata and the efferent fibre is the chorda tj'mpani, a branch of the seventh the facial nerve (Fig. 119). The influence of these nerves on the secretion of saliva is readily proved by experiment. The animal on which this experiment is usually performed is the dog. The operation is performed as follows : A large dog is chloroformed and fastened in Bernard's dog-holder. The hair is shaved from the lower surface of the jaws and the side of the neck, and an incision made along the lower border of the lower jaw, commencing about its anterior third and extending back to the transverse process of the atlas, dividing the skin and platysma muscle. After clearing away the connective tissue and fat, carefully avoiding the veins, the submaxillary gland comes into view just below the angle of the jaw. It is then seen that the gland lies in the angle formed by the junction of the two veins which go to make up the external jugular vein (Fig. 120), one branch coming from above downward directly behind the gland, and usually receiving a small vein from the gland itself, while the lower branch runs horizontally below the gland, and is formed by the junction of two other branches, one coming from above and the other from below. The horizontal branch also very constantly receives a vein from the FIG. 120. VEINS OF THE SUBMAXILLARY GLAND OF THE DOG. (Bernard.) g, submaxillary gland ; j, external jugular vein dividing into two branches: jl andj", veins which sur- round the gland ; d, anterior glandular vein : d>, posterior glandular vein. gland. Both branches which go to form the horizontal branch are tied, the one coming from above receiving a double ligature where it comes from the ramus of the jaw, and the otherwhere it joins its fellow, the intermediate portion being removed. After having carefully removed the cellular tissue from the portion of the wound in front of the gland, the thick belly of the digastric muscle comes into view, its fibres running forward from its origin in the temporal bone to be inserted in the middle third of the ramus of the lower jaw immediately in front of the insertion of the masseter, from which muscle it is separated by a slight groove. In front of the digastric, the floor of the wound is formed by the trans- verse fibres of the mylo-hyoid muscle, crossed by the mylo-hyoid nerve, which comes out from under the jaw at the point of insertion of the digastric muscle. The connective tissue is then gradually to be cleared away with a blunt hook from the surface of the digastric muscle and from the groove between it and the masseter muscle, taking care to avoid, as the deeper portion is reached, the facial artery, which passes over the jaw to run between these muscles, and the artery of the gland, which conies from the facial artery and goes in this groove back to the gland. In the same locality lie also the ducts of the gland and the chorda tympani nerve. The digastric muscle is now to be separated by means of an aneurism needle from the facial artery, avoiding all the adjacent structures, and its muscular arterial branch tied. The muscle is then divided at its anterior third, 296 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. or where it is inserted into the jaw, and its posterior extremity seized with a pair of artery forceps and gradually cleared back to its insertion in the temporal bone and surrounded by a ligature. When it is assured there is nothing but muscular structure in the grasp of the ligature, it is pushed back to the temporal bone and tied, and the digastric muscle divided in front of the ligature and removed. On carefully tearing away the connective tissue at the base of the wound and drawing back the submaxillary gland, there is exposed a triangular cavity (Fig. 121). This space is limited above and behind by the under surface of the submaxil- lary gland, into the hylum of which enter the artery, chorda tympani and sym- pathetic nerve fibres, and the glandular duct. Its lower margin is formed by the genio-hyoid muscle, and its upper border by the ramus of the jaw and the masseter muscle. The anterior portion of its floor is formed by the transverse fibres of the mylo-hyoid muscle, on which ramify the branches of the mylo-hyoid nerve. At the posterior portion of this space the external carotid artery enters and runs along the base of the triangle, giving off first the lingual and then the FIG. 121. PARTS EXPOSED IN OPERATIONS ON THE SUBMAXLLLARY GLAND OF THE DOG. (Bernard. M, anterior portion of digastric muscle elevated with a tenaculum ; M', posterior extremity of the digastric raised up so as to show the carotid artery, 1 1, and the sympathetic filaments ; G, sul.maxillary gland elevated to show its posterior surface: H, submaxillary and snblingual ducts: J. external jugular . vein; J', posterior branch; J", anterior branch: D, glandular vein; F, origin of inferior glandular artery; P, hypoglossal nerve; L, lingual nerve: T, chorda tympani; S S', divided mylo-hyoid muscle; U, masseter muscle at angle of lower jaw ; Z, origin of mylo-hyoid nerve. facial arteries, from off the latter of which comes the artery of the gland. Almost immediately after entering this space the carotid is crossed by the large hypo- glossal nerve, running forward to be distributed to the muscles of the tongue. If this nerve is divided at the point where it crosses the carotid, and the central end removed, the pneumogastric nerve comes into view, lying behind the artery. On pulling to one side the vagus trunk, below and behind it can be seen the white trunk of the sympathetic nerve, which here separates itself from the vagus to form the superior cervical ganglion, from which two small filaments pass out to accompany the carotid and the artery of the gland to enter the hylum. Some of the sympathetic fibres also pass into the gland along the arterial branch which comes from the temporal branch, and enter the exterior part of the gland. Then, to expose the chorda tympani and salivary ducts, the fibres of the mylo-hyoid muscle are to be divided transversely at about their middle, avoiding every nerve, but tying all veins, and the upper half of the muscle reflected. The lingual nerve then comes into view, passing from under the ramus of the jaw and running DIGESTION IN THE MOUTH. 297 FIG. 122. NERVES OF THE SUBM AXILLARY GLAND IN THE DOG. (Bernard.) G, submaxillary gland ; K, submaxillary duct : C. primitive carotid ; L, lingual artery ; O, glandular artery, branch of the facial ; H H', hypoglossal nerve divided so as to show the superior cervical ganglion; V, pneutnogastric nerve; P, sympathetic fibres ; D, fibre from the first pair of cervical nerves ; R R, glosso- l ganglion; pharyngeal nerve ; I, anterior filaments of the superior cervical ganglion, forming the carotid plexus: P, fibre going to the submaxillary gland; Q, sympathetic filaments ; M, mylo-hyoid nerve : U, lingual nerve, giving off the chorda tympani, T, which, after anastomosing with the sympathetic filaments, is distributed to the submaxillary gland ; S, external branch of the spinal accessory nerve. 298 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. downward and forward, about parallel in direction with the hypoglossal. On drawing the parts toward the middle line, the two salivary ducts are seen passing along close together, immediately below the ramus of the jaw, the submaxillary duct lying nearer the bone and being a little the larger. On tracing back the lingual nerve to where it passes from under the jaw, it will be seen that a delicate nerve-filament here leaves the lingual and curves backward along the ducts to enter the hylum of the gland. This is the chorda tympani. Immediately after the chorda leaves the lingual there is sometimes seen a small ganglionic enlarge- ment, known as the submaxillary ganglion, and as the chorda tympani enters the hylum it forms a slight ganglionic plexus with the sympathetic. The nerve- and blood-supply of the submaxillary gland of the dog are further shown in Fig. 122. Each of these nerves which it is desired to study should be carefully isolated and surrounded with a thread, and a cannula should be inserted into the submaxillary duct. To facilitate this, the duct should be freed slightly from the connective tissue, and closed with a clip or ligature ; as the gland is passive, the chorda should be stimulated with a very weak electric current for a few seconds, so as to distend the duct with saliva, and a small slip of wood passed under it to act as a support. If the duct is then seized with a pair of fine forceps and snipped with a pair of sharp-pointed scissors, a cannula may be readily inserted. The above is the mode of operation employed by Bernard, and permits of the performance of all the more important experiments on the physiology of the secretion of the submaxillary gland. Where it is simply desired to demonstrate the secretory action of the chorda tympani nerve, the operation may be greatly simplified by simply cutting directly down on to the mylo-hyoid muscle, dividing its fibres transversely, and exposing the ducts and chorda tympani nerve by turning the parts back toward the ramus of the jaw In the sheep, the operation may be performed in the same manner, the duct originating in the union of a number of roots. In the rabbit the operation is much more difficult, from the extreme fineness of the duct and the fact that it is surrounded by the tissue of the sublingual gland. After having performed the operation as detailed above, the first point which should be demonstrated is the fact that the secretion of saliva is a reflex action, and that the reflex circle is as stated above. If a few drops of vinegar are placed upon the tongue of a dog provided with a submaxillary fistula, almost immediately a profuse secretion of saliva will set in, and the fluid will run from the mouth of the tube. If the trunk of the lingual nerve is divided near its entrance to the mouth, and then vinegar or acetic acid placed on the animal's tongue, no secretion will result, unless the stimulating fluid reaches the back of the mouth, where it may come into contact with the terminal fibres of the glosso-pkaryngeal nerve. If the central end of the divided lingual nerve is stimulated with a weak electrical current, a profuse secretion of saliva will be set up. Therefore the lingual nerve, and, to a certain extent, the glosso-pharyngeal, constitute the afferent path by which the sensory impressions necessary for the reflex action of saliva reach the brain. The nerves of taste are, therefore, the afferent nerves for the secretion of saliva. The nerve centre lies in the medulla oblongata, and there probably exclusively, although Bernard thought that he had shown that, under certain circumstances, the submaxillary ganglion might act as a reflex centre for this process. The efferent nerve is the chorda tympani. This nerve is a delicate filament which leaves the trunk of the facial nerve in the Fallopian canal about four or five millimeters DIGESTION IN THE MOUTH. 299 before it passes out of the st} T lo-mastoid foramen, and then, arching upward and forward, enters the middle ear, which it traverses from behind forward, lying within the thickness of the membrana tympani. Here for a space of six or eight millimeters the nerve is comparatively isolated, lying between the handle of the malleus and the vertical process of the incus. It then passes toward the Glaserian fissure, and leaves the skull in the neighborhood of the spine of the sphenoid bone to join the lingual nejve. It has already been stated that stimulation of the central end of the lingual nerve calls forth a secretion of submaxillary saliva. If, however, the chorda tympani nerve be previously divided, stimulation of the lingual is without effect. The simplest method of dividing the chorda tympani nerve is to cut it where it crosses the tympanum. This may be accomplished by introducing a small sickle- shaped knife into the external auditory canal, the animal being profoundly chloro- formed, keeping the cutting edge upward, and passing the back of the blade downward and forward along the inferior wall of the meatus until the tympanum is reached. Pushing the blade through the tympanum, the knife is inserted in the middle ear, and on depressing the handle of the knife in this position the nerve is divided. The fact that the chorda tympani constitutes the efferent nerve in this reflex circle is not only proved by the experiment just alluded to, where its division prevents the flow of saliva after stimulation of the lingual, but ma} T be positively demonstrated by its stimulation. If the chorda tympani nerve is directly stimulated with a weak induced electrical current just after it leaves the lingual trunk, in a few seconds the saliva begins to flow from the cannula, and runs in quite a stream. It has thus been shown that the secretion of submaxillary saliva is a reflex nerve mechanism; that the sense of taste is the normal stimulus, and that this stimulus reaches the brain through the fibres of the lingual and glosso-pharyngeal nerves, and is transmitted to the gland from the medulla through the fibres of the chorda tympani nerve. We have now to study the mechanism by which saliva is separated by the gland from the blood and the influence of the various nerves and different conditions of the circulation on this process. If the submaxillary gland is exposed as described above, and the chorda tympani nerve stimulated, not only is there a copious secretion of saliva, but the appearance of the gland itself undergoes great change. If examined before the nerve is stimulated, the gland will usually appear pale. A, few arborescent vessels will be seen upon its surface, and the blood which leaves the gland is dark, and the vein small. When, how- ever, active secretion is produced through stimulation of the chorda tympani nerve the surface of the gland becomes rosy red. Numerous branching vessels are seen. The blood that flows from the gland is almost arterial in hue, is much larger in quantity, and the veins are seen 300 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. to pulsate synchronously with the heart. Evidently, then, stimulation of the chorda tympani nerve increases the blood-supply of this gland, either through an active dilatation of the vessels, or more probably through an inhibition of a local vaso-motor centre. An analogous result will be seen in the case of the depressor nerve, a nerve whose stimulation produces paralysis of the vaso-motor centre and consequent dilation of the blood-vessels. Two results then follow stimulation of the chorda tympani, an abundant secretion of saliva and a marked hyperaemia of the gland. Before, however, the relation between these results are dis- cussed, the influence of the sympathetic nerve 011 the submaxillary gland must be alluded to. As is well known, a constant result of stimulation of a fibre of the sympathetic system is a contraction of the arterioles, and a consequent diminution of the supply of blood in the parts supplied by the nerve. If the filament which leaves the superior cervical ganglion and passes to the submaxillary gland along the carotid is irritated with a weak induction current, there is a momentary flow of saliva, and the character of the secretion so produced differs from that which follows stimulation of the chorda. Sympathetic saliva is very viscid, and can be drawn out in a long- thread from the orifice of the cannula. It is of higher specific gravity and richer in organic elements than that which follows stimulation of the chorda. In other words, the chorda saliva contains a maximum quantity of water and a minimum of organic elements, while in sympathetic saliva the proportions are reversed. So, also, the effects of the sympathetic stimulation on the blood-supply of the submaxillary gland differ from those of the chorda tympani. If the sympathetic filament is irritated, the arborescent vessels, especially over the surface of the gland, disappear, and the tissue of the gland becomes pale and the vein of the gland con- tracted and carrying a small quantity of black blood. In fact, therefore, in both respects the function of the sympathetic and chorda tympani nerves are antagonistic ; and if each nerve be stimulated alternatel} r at short intervals with the current which applied alone to either nerve would produce its characteristic effect, there is no result. Evidently, then, there is a complete opposition in function in these two nerves. But is the secretion of saliva simply dependent upon the vascular con- dition of the glands? Does the gland act as a sponge, filtering out the saliva from the material within the blood, the quantity being solely dependent upon the quantity of blood in the organ; or is there some special function possessed by the cells of the salivary glands, by which the saliva is separated from the blood without being dependent solely upon the supply of blood ? In other words, what is the mechanism by which the salivary glands separate the salivary secretion from the blood ? We know that as the blood passes through the capillaries of the systemic DIGESTION IX THE MOUTH. 301 circulation it not only loses in oxygen and gains in carbon dioxide, but there is also an actual reduction in the amount of fluid, due to the transudation of the serum of the blood into the lymph-spaces. Such transudation is due solely or mainly to blood-pressure, and does not constitute a permanent loss to the blood ; for the fluids so poured out into the lymph-spaces serve largely to nourish the tissues, and are then pushed on into the lymphatic vessels by fresh quantities coming after them, and finally again reach the veins, and thus re-enter the circula- tion. Such transudations pervade all tissues, but in glandular organs not only is there a constant loss from the nourishment of the tissues forming the glands, but the secretions are produced at the expense of these filtrates from the blood-vessels into the lymph-spaces of the gland- ular tissue. Secretion is, thus, the passage of the substances from lymph- spaces to the exterior of the body, for, as has already been referred to, the alimentary canal may be regarded as such. Various views have been proposed to explain the passage of the constituents of the lymph so transuded from the blood-vessels into the excretory ducts of the glands. The blood-pressure is evidently con- cerned in forcing the serum of the blood through the walls of the capillaries into the lymph-s paces, but here the blood-pressure ceases to be of influence. For if a manometer is inserted into the submaxillary duct of a dog and the chorda tympani nerve stimulated, the pressure in the salivaiy duct will be found to be greater by far one-third greater, at least than that of the carotid artery. Where, therefore, the pressure is greater on the side of the excretory duct, blood-pressure of course can be of no avail in causing the passage of the fluids through the glandular tissue into that duct. Osmosis may to a certain extent be concerned in producing the passage of the fluid through the gland- membrane, though there are scarcely any data in favor of this view other than that which is conceded in the fact that the stimulation of the chorda tympani nerve may result elect rolytically in the production of certain decomposition products which, having a strong affinity for water, might extract water from the lymph-spaces into the gland-cells. The produc- tion of heat in secretion to a certain extent favors this view, since it has been found that the temperature of the saliva in the salivary duct may be one degree or more higher than that of the blood. Secretion of saliva can, thus, not be a process of mere mechanical filtration; for not only do we find, as alread}' mentioned, the greater pressure on the side of the salivary duct, and an actual formation of heat in the secretion, but the secretion may even take place in the absence of the circulation. Thus, if the chorda tympani is isolated in the rabbit, and the animal then rapidly decapitated, the flow of saliva may still take place on stimulation of the chorda, and it ma} T produce in a few moments double 302 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. the weight of the gland in saliva, even although, of course, the circulation has been arrested. Then, again, the action of various drugs on the salivary gland show the independence, to a certain degree, of the vaso- inotor and secretory effects of the stimulation of the chorda tympani. If fifteen milligrammes of atropine in solution are injected into the jugular vein of a dog and the chorda tympani nerve then stimulated, there is no flow of saliva, but, on examining the gland, the vaso-motor phenomena which were present under the same circumstances before the atropine was injected may be seen. In other words, vascular dilatation follows stimulation of the chorda tympani nerve after the administration of atropine, while the secretion of saliva is prevented. Then, again, by means of pilocarpine the paralyzing effect of the atropine may be antag. onized and the gland may be made to secrete. The dose of pilocarpine which, when introduced into the general circulation, would be able to remove the effects of atropine would probably be fatal to the animal. If, however, the drug is allowed to enter the circulation of the gland, a much smaller quantity will be efficient without danger to the animal. Thus, if seventeen milligrammes of pilocarpine are injected into the sub- maxillary duct after atropine poisoning and the chorda tympani then irritated, a slight secretion will be produced, passing off again as the stronger effect of the atropine makes itself felt. Then, again, the activity of the secreting cells may be paralyzed, and the circulatory changes produced by certain drugs, such as sodium carbonate in 5 per cent, solution or hydrochloric acid in y 1 ^ per cent., injected into* the duct; but as the increased pressure leads to trans udat ion, and as the cells cannot secrete, oedema of the gland is rapidly produced when the chorda is stimulated. Further, quinine injected into the duct influences vaso- motor changes, although no secretion is produced even though the secretory fibres of the chorda are not paralyzed. Evidently, then, the chorda tympani nerve must contain two sets of fibres, the one vaso- dilator, not paralyzed by atropine, and the other the secretory fibres, paralyzed by that poison. It is only by the existence of a class of nerves which act through calling into activit^y the protoplasmic energy of the secreting epithelial cells that these effects can be explained. When the chorda is irritated two sets of impulses travel along the nerve, one impulse acting on the blood-supply of the glands, while the other acts on the secretory elements of the epithelial cells in a manner analogous to that which occurs when a motor nerve going to a muscle is irritated the muscle contracts through the stimulation of the contractile elements of the muscle-cells, and the blood-vessels dilate through vaso-motor influ- ence. The result in both cases is probably of an electrolytic nature, with the production of acid or alkaline decomposition products, and these may serve as stimuli to the cells themselves, in the same way DIGESTION IN THE MOUTH. 303 Vlf. DUCT. as when the same products (compounds of lactic or phosphoric acid with lime) are directly brought into contact with the muscles. Indeed, we may carry the parallelism still further, for we know that curare, b}^ destroying the irritability of the motor nerves, will prevent contrac- tion of all the muscles when their nerves are stimulated, in the same manner that atropine will prevent the secretion of the gland when its secretory nerve is stimulated. In both instances the vaso-motor phe- nomena remain. In the case of the parotid gland the circulation during secretion undergoes the same changes as in the case of the submaxillary. Here, also, secretory and circulatory nerves have been determined. Vaso- constrictor fibres have been found in the sympathetic branches distrib- uted to the parotid gland, while the glosso-pharyngeal, according to Heidenhain, contains fibres whose stimulation leads to a dilatation of the parotid blood-vessels. Both the facial and the glosso-phaiyngeal nerves contain fibres whose stimu- lation leads to parotid secretion, and if the auriculo-temporal nerve is stimulated the secretion at once commences ; if divided the secretion stops. It has been found, however^ that the trigeminal nerve is not the source of these secretory fibres, for when the trigeminal is stimulated within the cranium no parotid secre- tion results. They are consequently derived from the facial nerve, and when this latter nerve is stimulated within the cranium parotid secretion results (Fig. 124). The passage of these glandular fibres from the facial into the auriculo-temporal nerve has been explained in the following manner by Bernard : If the facial nerve is divided at its exit from the stylo-mastoid foramen, and the central end divided, parotid secretion is produced, while stimulation of its peripheral extremity is without effect. The secretory fibres do not pass through the chorda tympani, as was formerly believed, for section of the chorda in the tympanum does not, as in the case of submaxillary secretion, arrest the flow of parotid saliva. Nor do they pass through the greater superficial petrosal nerve, FIG. 123. DIAGRAM OF NERVES SUPPLY- ING THE PAROTID GLAND. (Yeo.) The dark lines indicate the course of the nerves of the gland. V, inferior division of fifth cranial nerve and its (AT) auriculo-temporal branch; VII, portio dura; SCG, superior cervical ganglion sending a branch to the carotid plexus around the artery. 304 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. for extirpation of the ganglion of Meckel is without effect on the parotid secretion. As a consequence, it must be concluded that these fibres pass to the lesser superficial petrosal nerve, which anastomoses with the otic ganglion. For it has been found that extirpation of the otic ganglion, or section of the lesser superficial petrosal nerves, arrests sali- vation. According to Heidenhain, the glosso-pharyngeal nerve also fur- nishes secretory fibres to the parotid, the fibres passing from this nerve to the nerve of Jacobsohn, and thence into the lesser superficial petrosal. Relations between the parotid secretion and the excitation of the cere- bral glandular nerves seem to be about the same as for the submaxillary gland. The proportion of solids and salts augments with the intensity of the stimulation, while the proportion of organic matter increases as long as the glands are fresh, but diminishes if they become exhausted. The secretory influence of the sympathetic on the parotid has been the subject of considerable controversy ; the general opinion being that the sympathetic influences the parotid secretion only by diminishing the calibre of the capillaries. Certain authors have, however, held that in certain species excitation of the sympathetic produces a temporary increase in the parotid secretion. According to Eckhard, the parotid of the sheep continues to secrete even after section of all its nerves, being thus analogous to the secretion poured out by the salivary gland after section of the chorda tympani. From the above facts it appears that the secretion of saliva is com- posed of two phases, the first, a preparatory stage ; the second, the essential stage. The preliminary stage of salivary secretion is that of filtration of serum of the blood into the lymph-spaces around the acini of the salivar}^ gland. This act is entirely under the control of the vascular nerves, which, by changing the calibre of the blood-vessels, and by thus increasing or decreasing the pressure within them, facilitate or hinder the transudation of serum. The influence of the circulation on secretion is, therefore, indirect. When the small arteries of the glands dilate more blood passes through them, a larger amount of nutritive material filters through into the lymph-spaces, and is appropriated by the gland- cells, whose vital processes must be thus quickened. The second stage is that of true secretion through the action of the gland-cells, and, as has been already shown, is independent of the circulation and is under the control of the secretory nerves. The nature of these changes occurring in the act of secretion within the gland-cells is to a certain extent rendered explainable from the study of the histo- logical changes which occur within the gland-cells. As has been already stated, the salivary glands ma3 r be divided into two types, the serous and the mucous t} r pes. This distinction, which has only as yet been DIGESTION IN THE MOUTH. 305 based upon the character of the secretion, is farther supported by actual morphological differences in the character of the gland-cells. In the serous glands, which are exemplified by the parotid of man and other mammals, the acini are lined by a layer of granular cells, which, in the quiescent condition, completely fill the acinus (Figs. 124 and 125). The nucleus under such conditions is barely distinguishable, its presence being obscured by the large number of granules present. As secretion takes place, these granules disappear, seemingly being broken up and used to form the secretion. During activity, therefore, the outer portion of each cell of a serous gland becomes clear and transparent, and this condition gradually spreads toward the centre of the cell. These changes have been most studied in the parotid of the rabbit. When at rest the nucleus is small, irregular, and devoid of nucleoli. When caused to secrete by stimulation of the sympathetic nerve the cells become FIG. 125. PAROTID OF RABBIT AFTER IRRI- FIG. 124. PAROTID OF RABBIT IN THE TATION OF THE SYMPATHETIC NERVE. RESTING CONDITION. (Heidenhain.) (Heidenhain.) smaller, the nuclei become large and round, while the nucleoli may even be detected, and the whole cell stains more deeply with carmine. It thus appears that -during rest granules are manufactured, which disappear during the activity of the cell. In the mucous glands, of which the submaxillary or orbital glands of the dog may be taken as a type, the appearances are more complex. When a microscopic preparation is prepared of the resting salivary gland, the cells only stain with difficulty with carmine, this apparently being due to the presence of a large amount of mucin-like substance which occupies the entire cell with the exception of a small amount of unchanged proto- plasm, readily staining with carmine, which remains around the nucleus. In such a section, prepared of the resting gland, in each acinus will usually be found one or more half-moon shaped cells lying outside the muciparous cells, which readily stain with carmine, which possess two or more nuclei, 20 306 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. and seem to be cells in a state of active growth and multiplication. When a similar section is prepared from a salivary gland which has been exhausted by prolonged stimulation of the chorda tympani nerve, the muciparous cells will, as a rule, have largely disappeared. All the cells are now small in size and all stain deeply (Figs. 126, 127, and 128). It would appear from this that in such a gland stimulation of the chorda nerve leads to a discharge of mucin, or to a total breaking down of the FIG. 126. ORBITAL GLAND OF THE DOG IN THE RESTING CONDITION. (Heidenhain.) FIG. 127. ORBITAL GLAND OF DOG COMMENCE- MENT OF CHANGES DURING ACTIVITY, AFTEK LADVOVSKY. (Heidenhain.) FIG. 128. ORBITAL GLAND OF DOG- HIGHEST DEGREE OF CHANGE IN ACTIVITY, AFTER LADVOVSKY. (Heidenhain. ) entire cell, whose place is then taken by the new, rapidly growing, half- moon cells. Both statements are probably correct. It is thus seen that the secretion is the result of the activity of the protoplasm of the secreting cell. During rest the mucous gland manu- factures mucin at the expense of its protoplasm. When such a gland secretes, the mucin is discharged and new protoplasmic cells are rapidly DEGLUTITION. 307 developed. In the case of tine serous cells the changes are not so readily recognizable, since the microscopic changes are less marked, but the probability is that the same sort of processes occur. In the actual formation of the secretion we have thus two processes concerned. We have the development of mucin in the muciparous cells, and of ptyalin. During activity, from dilatation of the capillaries, the blood-serum, more or less modified in composition, reaches the acini, and from there passes into the glandular cells, while at the same time the fluid filters from these cells into the duct, and so constitutes secretion. The inorganic con- stituents of secretion are, therefore, removed from the blood by a simple process of osmosis, or filtration, while the organic constituents are the results of active manufacturing processes occurring within the proto- plasmic cell-contents. V. DEGLUTITION. By the term deglutition is meant the various co-ordinated muscular movements which result in the passage of the food from the mouth to the stomach. The act of deglutition m&y be divided into three different stages. In the first stage, which occurs in the mouth, the bolus of food passes to the isthmus of the fauces, in the second stage it passes through the pharynx, and in the third stage it traverses theO3sophagus. When the food has been sufficient!}' masticated it is gathered into a bolus by the contraction of the muscles of the tongue, the tip of the tongue being raised b}>- the intrinsic muscles of the tongue, aided by the stylo-glossus,and the bolus passes back between the tongue and the hard palate to the anterior portions of the fauces (Fig. 129). This transferring of food from the mouth to the pharynx occurs when the teeth are in contact, since the jaws must be closed to afford support to the hyoid muscles, which we will find to be concerned in the later steps of the process, and in the herbivorous animals is accomplished so rapidly that 110 more marked duration of closure of the jaws can be detected than at any other time. When the bolus is very large mastication ceases at the moment of deglutition, as in carnivora and other animals that swallow the entire contents of the mouth at one movement. This first stage of deglutition is entirely within the control of the will, and may be pro- longed or accelerated, and the movements of the bolus are perceptible to the sensory nerves of the part. When the bolus has once been placed upon the dorsum of the tongue, the tip, middle, and root of the tongue are successively pressed against the hard palate, and the contents of the mouth are thus propelled toward the pharynx ; an active contraction of the mylo-hyoid muscles then takes place, as may be recognized by the finger placed below the lower jaw, the dorsum of the tongue is raised up, 308 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. and the bolus of food forced from the mouth into the pharynx. Almost at the same time the hyo-glossal muscles also begin contracting and, especially those portions which are attached to the cornua of the hyoid, cause the free surface of the tongue, which at rest looks upward and backward, to move backward and downward upon the epiglottis and mechanically close the glottis. The rapid narrowing of the space between the mylo-hyoids and the palate which is thus brought about also rapidly raises the pressure there. This effect is increased by the pull of the hyo-glossal muscles, which gives the tongue a backward and downward FIG. 129. MEDIAN SECTION OF THE HUMAN HEAD, AFTER HENLE. (Mayer.) Vp, the position of the soft palate during rest ; 1, orifice of Eustachian tube ; Vcl and Vc2, first and second cervical vertebras; E, epiglottis; G, glo cartilage ; 2, hyoid bone. 3ttis ; 4, arytenoid cartilage ; 5, cricoid cartilage ; 3, thyroid movement. Thus, liquids and soft foods are squirted down the entire pathway to the stomach before contractions of the pharyngeal or oesophageal muscles can manifest themselves (Meltzer). Fragments which happen to remain in the pha^nx are sent down later by the suc- ceeding contraction of the constrictors and with a slowness peculiar to these muscles (Fig. 130). When the bolus has passed the anterior pala- tine arches its return to the mouth is prevented by contraction of the palato-glossi muscles which lie in the anterior pillar of the fauces, and, DEGLUTITION. 309 coming together, lie together like side-screens or curtains (Landois), meet the raised dorsum of the tongue, and so form a partition between the mouth and pharynx ; the occlusion is still further assisted by the contraction of the stylo-glossi muscles, which elevate the tongue and press it against the palate. The second stage of deglutition then commences, and the bolus of food is now entirely beyond the control of the will, and must pass down the pharynx into the oesophagus, its ejection into the mouth again only FIG. 130. POSITION OF THE SOFT PALATE DUKING THE SECOND STAGE OF THE ACT OF DEGLUTITION, AFTER FIAUX. (Mayer.) A, soft palate ; C, bolus : E, orifice of Eustachian tube : B, tongue ; G, pharynx ; H, epiglottis ; I, oesophagus. being rendered possible by an active coughing or gagging movement. Its downward movement during this stage, which lasts while the food is passing from the anterior pillars of the fauces to the entrance of the 03sophagus, is still attended by sensation. The muscular movements of the second stage of deglutition are much more complex than in the first. The phar}aix communicates with three cavities, the posterior nasal chamber, the O3sophagus, and the larynx. Special mechanisms exist which direct the food downward toward 310 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. the opening of the oesophagus and hinder its passage into the nasal chambers and windpipe. As soon as the bolus of food reaches the anterior palatine arches the soft palate is raised by the contraction of the levator-palati muscles, and rendered tense and directed backward toward the posterior walls of the pharynx, with which, in many animals, as in the horse, it comes in actual contact (Fig. 131), and at the same time the palato-pharyngeal muscles, which lie in the posterior arches of the fauces, contract. These muscles have a bony insertion in the posterior wall of the pharynx, and then are inserted into the soft palate. The action of the levator-palati muscles has the effect of giving these muscles fixed points of support. In their condition of rest they form a curved line on each side from the centre to the back of the pharynx. When FJG. 131. ANTERO-POSTERIOB SECTION OF THE HEAD OF THE HORSE, SHOW- ING THE ENTIRE MOUTH, PHARYNX, AND NASAI, CAVITIES. (Gamgee.) 1, genio-hyoglossus; 2, genio-hyoideus ; 3, section of the soft palate; 4, pharynx ; 5, oesophagus ; 6, guttural pouch ; 7, pharyngeal opening of the Eustachian tube ; 8, cavity of the larynx ; 9, ventricle of the larynx; 10, trachea; 11, superior turbinated bone: 12, inferior turbinated bone; 13, ethmoid cells; 14, portion of the cranial cavity which lodges the brain proper; 15, portion of the same which lodges the cerebellum ; 16, falx cerebri ; 17, tentorium ; 18, upper lip ; 19, lower lip. these muscles contract, downward motion of the soft palate having been prevented by the action of the levator-palati muscles and approxima- tion of their origin and insertion being thus prevented, the effect will be to form a straight line between these two points. Merkel states that the inferior portions of the phaiyngo-palatine muscles cross in the middle line of the posterior wall of the pharynx, and thus act as a sphincter in shutting off the nasal portion of the pharynx, the two muscles forming a circular muscle, like the orbicularis oris. The dis- tribution of these fibres is shown in Fig. 132. As a consequence, the posterior pillars of the fauces will come together in the same way as the anterior pillars to form a screen or curtain, which will shut off the DEGLUTITION. 311 pharynx from the posterior nasal fossa, the uvula serving still further to close the chink between their two free borders. An inclined plane is thus formed, down which the bolus is pressed by the backward move- ment of the tongue. At this stage the elevation of the soft palate may readily be demonstrated by placing a light straw along the floor of the nose, so that its posterior end rests on the soft palate (Landois). If now a motion of swallowing is made, the end which projects from the nose will descend, showing an elevation of the end which rests on the soft palate. At the same time there is a distinct rise of pressure within the nasal chambers. This may be shown by introducing a water ma- nometer into one nostril and closing the other just before swallowing. As the food passes behind the anterior palatine arch it is subjected to the action of the pharyngeal constrictor muscles, which propel it downward. The longitudinal fibres of the pharyngeal constrictors con- tract and cause an elevation (or more strictly shortening) of the walls FIG. 132. DISTRIBUTION OF FIBRES OF THE PALATO-PHARYNGEAT, MUSCLES. (Luschka.) A anterior, B posterior view. of the pharynx, together with the elevation of the larynx, this elevation being produced by a contraction of the stylo-pharyngeal and palato- pharj-ngeal muscles, the lower jaw coming in contact with the upper jaw through the action of the muscles of mastication. The food then passes within the grasp of the upper constrictor of the pharynx, which, contracting, serves to squeeze the bolus of food downward, passage into the nasal chamber being prevented by the mechanism above alluded to, and the bolus being propelled downward by successive contraction of the upper, lower, and middle constrictors of the pharynx until it passes into the oesophagus. The elevation of the larynx occurs when the bolus enters the pharynx, and is due to the action of the genio-hyoid and mylo-hyoid muscles. It is very perceptible in man, less so in animals in which the larynx is very near or very far from the base of the skull, 312 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. as the deer, is very slight in the horse and most ruminants, and has more of a forward motion, serving simply to bring the larynx beneath the base of the tongue. The elevation of the larynx serves partly to prevent the passage of food into the larynx. As the larynx is elevated the arytenoid cartilages and both true and false vocal cords are approximated, and as the thyroid cartilage ascends by the action of the laryngeal muscles the epiglottis is depressed to cover the glottis. In this latter operation the depression of the epiglottis is a passive and not an active movement, the depression being due not to an action of any intrinsic muscles, but to the ascent of the larynx beneath the epiglottis, and the mechanical pressing downward of the epiglottis by the weight of the bolus of food and the descent of the root of the tongue. The epiglottis is not, however, essential to the prevention of the entrance of food into the air-passages, since excision of the epiglottis in the dog, or its removal by disease in man, does not interfere with normal movements of deglutition. Colin has found, by inserting a finger into the larynx through an opening in the trachea of a horse which was swallowing, that the larynx at the moment of swallowing was suddenly elevated and moved anteriorly toward the base ef the tongue, the vocal cords closed, and the arytenoid cartilages came in contact with each other. Ity these means food is prevented entering the larynx. He also found, by making a fistula in the upper part of the oesophagus of an ox and inserting a finger, that at each movement of swallowing the epiglottis was depressed, and the entrance to the oesophagus elevated and thus approximated to the isthmus of the fauces. In the horse the isthmus of the fauces is very narrow, and the bolus passes with difficult} 7 , even if not very large, and is often arrested behind the larynx, and yet does not cause coughing. This is often seen after giving a bolus to a horse, particularly in cases of angina. In ruminants the isthmus of the fauces is large and the phaiynx is ample, and when the food sticks in the throat in these animals it is usually in the cervical or thoracic portions of the gullet, which is also the locality where the food is apt to be arrested in the pig. In those animals which habitually swallow their food while the head is bent forward, the digastric, in addition to its functions in depressing the lower jaw, is also an aid to deglutition. Where, as in reptiles, birds, and most mammals, the. position of the mouth with respect to the oesophagus during the act of swallowing the food is almost in the same right line, deglutition is easily effected by the mylo- and genio-hyoid muscles drawing the hyoid bone and larynx forward and upward so as to allow the masticated mass to get behind them, and so bring it within the grasp of the pharyngeal muscles ; but in those animals which feed while in the erect or semi-erect position, and the head bent forward so that the cavity of the mouth is at right angles with the oesophagus, it is DEGLUTITION. 313 evident that deglutition must be a much more complex action. In that position the mylo- and genio-hyoid muscles are relaxed, and cannot act efficiently in drawing the hyoid bone upward and forward so as to allow the masticated mass to pass into the oesophagus, into which it has to pass, in fact, around an angle. The difficulty is removed by the con- nection of the digastric muscle with the hyoid bone. This muscle, during the act of deglutition, causes the hyoid bone, larynx, and base of the tongue to move through a segment of a circle, the anterior part of the muscle drawing these parts forward ; they are then elevated by the joint action of the anterior and posterior bellies, and finally drawn back- ward l>y the posterior bellies, so as to force the masticated mass into the oesophagus. The second stage of deglutition is facilitated by the mucous secre- tions of the parts concerned. This secretion ma} 7 become enormous, as in the dromedary, where the appendix to the soft palate and the pharyn- geal pouch are very glandular. In all animals the secretion of the mucous membrane of the mouth and pharynx, aided by the salivary secretion, is amply sufficient to lubricate the food, so as to render deglu- tition possible. It was already noted in the chapter on the salivary secretion that the quantity of saliva poured out was largely dependent upon the character of the food ; or, in other words, the drier the food the greater the amount of lubricant needed, and, therefore, the greater was the salivary secretion. The second stage of deglutition is involuntary, and when the bolus of food has passed beyond the anterior pillars of the fauces it is no longer within the control of the will, and can only be returned to the mouth b} 7 vomiting or violent coughing. Therefore, in giving pills or balls to animals the} 7 have to be carried mechanically by the hand behind the pillars of the fauces; they are then carried down to the stomach by the involuntary contraction of the pharynx and oesophagus. The third stage of deglutition occurs after the food has passed through the pharynx and has entered into the oesophagus. This stage of deglutition is much more prolonged than the two preceding stages, and in the larger domestic animals the passage of the food by the oesophagus may be followed by the eye and touch. Where the secretion of saliva is scanty the duration of this stage becomes prolonged, and sometimes, as in the horse, the food ma} 7 become arrested in the lower cervical portion of the oesophagus until pushed on by the next succeed- ing bolus. The rapidity of motion in the oesophagus varies. Liquids and very soft foods are very rapidly swallowed, being actually squirted through the oesophagus ; dry forage is swallowed very slowly. In the horse the boluses have to be very small, from the narrow character of the gullet 314 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. in these animals. Hence, if the bolus of food is larger than three or four centimeters in diameter it is apt to be arrested. In the ox boluses double the size pass without difficulty. When once the alimentary bolus is within the grasp of the muscles of the oesophagus it moves onward with considerable force. Mosso, in his experiments made on the dog, found that even when the bolus of food was held back by a weight of four hundred and fifty grammes deglutition was not interfered with." When once the bolus of food reaches the upper part of the oesophagus the pharynx falls, and the bolus traverses the length of the oesophagus under the influence of the succes- sive contractions of the circular and longitudinal muscular fibres. The longitudinal fibres contract first, and draw up the oesophagus to meet the advancing bolus, which is pushed down by the contractions of the annular fibres behind it. Gravity is entirety without influence on the motions of deglutition, as swallowing occurs equally well even when the head is on a lower plane than the entrance of the oesophagus into the stomach. The third stage of deglutition is involuntary and is unattended by sensation, though pain may be intense when too large a- bolus or a hard, irregular mass is swallowed ; so, also, very hot or very cold substances may be recognized in their passage through the oesophagus by the sensa- tions which they occasion. As a rule, however, the passage of food through the oesophagus is entirely unattended by any feeling. Even acids cause but little sensation: That deglutition may be accomplished, it is essential that there must be something to be swallowed. When the mouth contains saliva alone the motions of deglutition may be made, but as the quantity of fluid in the mouth decreases deglutition becomes more and more difficult, until finally it is impossible. This fact indicates the reflex nature of the motion of deglutition. As before pointed out, a reflex action re- quires the presence of a stimulus, its conduction to a nerve-centre, and the transmission of motor impulse through efferent nerves to a muscular fibre. The stimulus for deglutition is found in the contact of food with the mucous membrane of the mouth, pharynx, and oesophagus. The sensory nerves come from the trigeminal, the glosso-pharyngeal, and the superior laryngeal nerves. Excitation of any of these nerves produces movements of deglutition. In the case of the oesophagus the pneumogastric is the sensor}^ nerve. The centre of the movements of deglutition is found in the medulla oblongata. The motor nerves are the glosso-pharyngeal, sup- plying the muscles of the pharynx; the hypo-glossal, supplying the muscles of the tongue ; the trigeminal and facial, supplying the muscles of mastication, and the pneumogastric, supplying the muscles of the and oesophagus. DEGLUTITION. 315 In the horse, ass, dog, sheep, and ox the lower parts of the oesoph- agus are supplied, as in man and the rabbit, by the recurrent fibres of the vagi ; the upper portions are, however, supplied by a long branch of the pharyngeal. nerve which descends in the walls of the oesophagus as far as the thorax. In birds a similar state of affairs also holds. Deglutition may be excited by mechanical contact with the fauces in an animal in which the cerebrum has been removed; it is only necessary that the -medulla remain intact. Deglutition of liquids is performed by a mechanism which is almost similar to that concerned in the deglutition of solids. The palate is raised and made tense, the palato-pharyngeal muscles contract, the glottis rises, the epiglottis descends, the pharynx ascends, and the gullet contracts as in the case of deglutition of solids, the difference mainly consisting in the rapidity with which liquids are forced through the oesophagus. The motions of deglutition of liquids may be very rapid. Thus, in the horse sixty-five to ninet} r motions may be made in each minute, each swallow carrying one hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty grammes of liquid. The rapidity of deglutition varies according to the animal and the nature of the- food. The horse eating hay swallows thirty-five boluses in fifteen minutes after having fasted for some time, and only ten or twelve boluses in the same time as hunger commences to be appeased, the weight of each bolus varying from fifty to one hundred grammes. In swallowing liquids the horse moves the ears, advancing them at each act of deglutition, at the same time closing the jaws. The masseters may, therefore, be seen to move under the skin, and even the eyes to move in their orbits. In ruminants during deglutition the ears either remain motionless or move unequally. Rhythmical motion of these organs as seen in the horse is absent in ruminants. The act of deglutition is performed as described above in all air- breathing animals. In all, from the mammalia down to the amphibia, the pharynx communicates with the nasal chambers, the cavities of the ear on both sides, the mouth, larynx, and oesophagus. In the young kangaroo, while still retained in the abdominal pouch of the mother, and in cetaceans, the upper part of the lar} T nx is elongated and projects into the posterior nares, so that during suckling the milk passes down each side without any risk of entering the air-passages and without interfering with respiration. In fishes which respire in the water by gills the pharynx has no communication with the nasal passage, while the larynx and trachea are, of course, absent. Hence, the pharynx is here a mere passage leading from the mouth to the oesophagus, and the process of deglutition is con- sequently greatly simplified. 316 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. VI. HUMINATION. In most animals the food after being swallowed enters the stomach sufficiently comminuted to be at once acted on by the gastric juice. In others, though imperfectly triturated, the food may be at once digested, while in a third case the food is returned to the mouth for a second mastication. The first of these cases is seen in carnivora and omnivora ; the second occurs in granivorous birds and crustaceans, where mastication in the mouth is entirely absent, but where, as will be seen later, the stomach is provided with an accessory organ, the gizzard, which is capable of crushing and grinding the food. The third case is seen in ruminants, where the food is carried to the stomach after only having been subjected to a preliminary and partial mastication in the mouth. It is then macerated by the fluids contained in the stomach, and is again regurgitated to the mouth, to be subjected to the final and complete process of mastication. . Rumination, or the returning of food from the stomach to the mouth for a second mastication, is peculiar to polygastric herbivora. It differs from vomiting in that the motion is perfectly voluntary, is a nor- mal physiological process, and the matters regurgitated are again swal- lowed without leaving the mouth. All true ruminants have a multiple stomach, although all animals with multiple stomachs are not ruminants. Thus, in the bird three stomachs may be described, and in certain ceta- ceans, as well as in certain edents, as the sloth, the stomach may be divided into a number of different compartments and yet rumination not take place. The habits of ruminant animals necessitate some process by which the food is hastily collected in a capacious paunch, to be again returned to the mouth for mastication. Ruminant animals in a state of nature instinctively rely on quickness of sight, acuteness of hearing, and agility to enable them to elude their enemies. With a powerful prehensile tongue, long and thick tufts of grass are rapidly carried into the mouth and as rapidly swallowed. However tough the herbage may be, it is slightly broken down by one or two strokes of the molar teeth ; it then passes through the gullet into the capacious compartments which receive the name of stomachs, but which are in reality pouches of the oesopha- gus, and are situated between the latter tube and the true stomach. By this arrangement herbivorous ruminants are therefore enabled to rapidly stow away in these reservoirs a supply of food, where, on the approach of danger, it maybe retained until an opportunity offers for its return to the mouth, when it may be masticated at leisure. The stomach of KUMINATION. 317 ruminant animals consists of the following parts: the oesophagus opens into the rumen, or paunch, which communicates \)y an opening with the reticulum, or water bag, this again with the third stomach, or psalter, omasum, or many plies, which finally, by a small opening, communicates with the fourth, or true stomach, or abomasum. The histological structure of these compartments varies consider- ably. Only the fourth stomach can be compared with that of animals which possess but a simple, single stomach. The rumen is coated with horny epithelial cells, arranged in rows in a manner somewhat similar to the epidermal cells of the skin (Fig. 133). The similarity is further FIG. 133. SECTION OF WALL, OP THE RUMEN. (EUenberger.) A, horny layer ; B, lower epithelial 1 aver: C. papilla;: D. submucous muscular layer ; E, inner muscular coat ; F, ganglia ; G, external muscular coat ; H, serous coat. completed in that the submucous connective tissue in the rumen is also elevated into papillae, similar to those found in the thickness of the skin. It is well supplied with muscles, and the muscular fibres in the sub- mucous layer are tolerably well developed. But few glands are to be found in the rumen, and these are simply of a mucous type, while acinous glands pass through the submucous connective tissue down to the muscular fibres below. The cavity of the paunch or rumen is by far the largest of the four stomachs, and constitutes about nine-tenths of the space represented by the ruminant stomach. 318 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. The second stomach is called the honey-comb bag, or reticulum, and in its histological structure differs but slightly from that of the rumen. Its interior is likewise lined with horny, epithelial cells, arranged in layers, and the inferior layers of the mucous membrane are arranged in similar papillae. The reticulum owes its name to the peculiar arrange- ment of the mucous membrane which lines it in small cells or cavities not communicating with each other, but all Opening freely into the general cavity. In the camel and llama and other animals of the desert similar collections of cells are found in the rumen also. In these animals they consist of a number of large cells, arranged in parallel rows, and sepa- rated from each other by folds, the free margins of which are thickened -B- FIG. 134. STOMACH OF LL.AMA. (Colin.) A, inferior extremity of the oesophagus ; B, single pillar of the oesophageal canal ; C, superior orifice of the manyplies; D, reticulum; E. right, or anterior water-cells; F, inferior water-cells; G, fleshy column separating the two groups of cells. by muscular fibres or sphincters, capable of closing the opening by which each cell communicates with the cavity of the rumen. There are eight hundred of these cells in the camel and dromedary, and they all usually contain water, for which purpose, indeed, they are believed to be constituted. One group of these cells is situated to the left and the other to the right (Fig. 134). These groups. of cells are each capable of containing in the camel about five quarts of water. The reticulum, or honey-comb bag, is the smallest of the four com- partments, in the ox being fixed above by the oesophagus to the diaphragm, connected with the narrow part of the rumen, and attached below also to the di-aphragm. Its cavity communicates freely with that of the rumen by a large opening. RUMINATION. 319 The third stomach, or psalter, omasum, or many plies, is situated on the right side of the rumen and reticulum, descending from before back- ward, and is lined by mucous membrane, disposed in broad folds (Fig. 135). These folds are of varying breadth, from twelve to fifteen in number, and form almost complete partitions ; between them are others gradually diminishing in size. The external surface of the mucous membrane of these folds is coated with an epithelial layer, which, when the rumen is not entirely fresh, is readily stripped off. Below this layer, FIG. 135. OMASUM AND ABOMASTJM OF THE Ox, LAID OPEN. A, omasum, or manyplies. showing its folds: B, the opening communicating with the reticulum. or honey-comb bag; C, aboiuasuin, the true digestive stomach, opened to show the plicae, D, of its mucous membrane. which is called the horny layer, comes the mucous membrane proper. It is also provided with papillae, which are larger and thicker than those found in the reticulum. The mucous membrane consists of connective and elastic tissue-fibres and blood-vessels. In the mucous membrane are also found oblique muscular fibres of the unstriped variety. Glands are entirely absent. The folds of the mucous membrane are papillated on the surface, the eminences being flattened on the side and pointed at the 320 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. edge of each fold. When the contents of this stomach are examined in animals slaughtered in perfect health they are always found dry, and there is a disposition for the epithelium to become detached in shreds and adhere to the pulp % y mass. In the hornless ruminants, such as sheep, these folds are more or less rudimentary. The cesophageal canal communicates on the left with the paunch and reticulum, and on the right with the manyplies. Its direction is from above outward and backward, the anterior pillar entering the honey-comb bag and the posterior the paunch (Figs. 136 and 131). The lower angle is raised above the level of the third stomach, especially during the action of the gullet, so that it is only when the pillars of the FIG. 136. CESOPHAGEAL CANAL,, OPEN. FIG. 137. CESOPHAGEAL CANAL, CLOSED (Colin.) BY SUTURE. (Colin.) A, inferior extremity of the oesophagus ; B, cardiac orifice ; C, superior orifice of the manyplies. canal are at rest, and liquids or soft foods are descending, or when the contents of the first and second stomachs strike against the canal, that any food enters into the omasum. The fourth stomach, or abomasum or rennet, corresponds in its his- tological structure with the stamach of other mammals. Its mucous membrane is arranged in numerous larger or smaller folds, on the summits of which open the ducts of the gastric glands. It also is supplied with muscular fibres, and with nerves, blood-vessels, and lym- phatics. Its mucous membrane is arranged in folds, which are trans- verse at the upper end, longitudinal in the middle, and gradually effaced in the pylorus. The fourth stomach of the ruminant differs from that of other mammals only in size and shape, and agrees in histological RUMINATION. 321 structure. In the horse we find that a less important peculiarity is also to be noticed. After having undergone the first and incomplete mastication, the food passes into the first and second stomachs, while fluid and finely comminuted food ma}; enter all four compartments, passing directly into the first two stomachs, and then, by means of the oesophageal gutter, into the third and even into the fourth stomach. It was be- lieved formerly that the oesophageal gutter conducted fluids entirely and directly into the third and fourth stomachs, but Flourens proved, by making fistulous openings into all four compartments, that immediately FIG. 138. STOMACH OF FULL-GROWN SHEEP, INFLATED AND DRIED ; ONE- FIFTH THE NATURAL SIZE. (Thanhoffer.) B, rumen : R, reticulum ; S. omasum : O, abomasum : c, cardia : p. pylorus : br, oesophagus ; <*, cardial valve : bv, oesophageal canal ; r, pillars of the rumen ; rn, opening of the reticulum ; on, opening of the abomasum ; b, valve between reticulum and omasum ; e. duodenum. on drinking fluids entered all four stomachs almost simultaneously. When an animal drinks the water enters the paunch and the reticulum, since the oesophagus enters at the junction of these two reservoirs, while a small quantity of liquid enters the third stomach directl}', and from there into the fourth. Moreover, the reticulum is the seat of en- ergetic contractions which force a part of its contents into the rumen and into the third stomach : consequently it would seem clear that the largest portion of fluid enters the first two stomachs and then passes through to the others, though some directly enters the third and fourth, 21 322 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. being conducted by means of the cesophageal gutter. The amount so conducted must, in the most favorable cases, be but insignificant, since the oesophageal gutter is not a direct continuation of the gullet, but joins it in an oblique angle directed toward the right side. The explanation of the origin of the large amount of fluid invariably found in the first and second stomachs would otherwise be impossible, for, as already pointed out, the lining membrane of these two compartments is but sparsely supplied with glands, and, therefore, they are incapable of furnishing a secretion of their own. The opening between the second and third stomachs is extremely small. Coarsely comminuted food is therefore incapable of passing into the manyplies, and accumulates in the first two reservoirs. The rumen and honey-comb bag invariably contain food, even after animals have FIG. 139. STOMACH OF THE NEWBORN LAMB, DRIED AND INFLATED; TWO- FIFTHS THE NATURAL, SIZE. (Tttanhoffer.) B, rumen ; R, retieulum : S. omasum : O. abomasum : c, card i a ; p, pylorus ; fc, oesophagus ; eft, cardial valve ; hv, oesophageal canal ; r, folds in rumen ; rn, opening into reticulum ; on, opening into abomasum ; r, blood-vessels ; , duodenum. fasted for twenty-four hours. Thus, Colin found that in an ox which had fasted twenty-four hours the rumen might contain one hundred and fifty to two hundred pounds of food, three-fourths of which was water, but little solids being found in the reticulum. The coarsely ground food which first enters the paunch and reticu- lum is subjected there for a variable time to the liquids contained in those organs, saliva, mucus, and water ; in proportion to the different nature of vegetable food is its presence in the rumen prolonged. Liquids, such as milk, which need no second mastication, pass chiefly into the second and third cavities. The functions of the rumen are then dis- pensed with, and, as a consequence, we find the rumen quite rudimentary in suckling herbivorous animals (Figs. 138 and 139). The reaction of RUMINATION. 323 the first two stomachs is slightly alkaline. Tiedemann and Gmelin found it acid in calves, and Colin says it is also acid when digestion is disturbed, from fermentative change occurring in the food. The food left in the rumen and reticulum is subjected to a slow churning process, and not to the active, grinding movements which were once thought to aid in trituration and regurgitation of food, substances dropped into the posterior pouches of the paunch gradually being forced forward into the reticulum and back again, without any very sensible contractions of the muscular walls of the viscous (Fig. 140). By exposing the interior of the paunch in a young bull, Colin noticed the welling up of the fluid and the production of distinct waves, indicating the commotion set up FIG. 140. RUMEN AND RETICULUM OF THK Ox, LAID OPEN BY REMOVING THE LEFT WALJ. WHILE IN SITU. A, gullet : B, reticulum ; C, anterior pouch of rumen : D. middle pouch : E, posterior superior pouch ; F, posterior inferior pouch ; G K, pillars of the oesophageal canal ; I, entrance to the omasum. in every portion of the contents. The newly swallowed food is therefore speedily mixed, however long the animal may have fasted, with the por- tions which must necessarily lodge in the lower pouches of the rumen, even in the most perfect digestion (Fig. 141). It is evident that pro- longed maceration in the paunch will reduce food to a pulpy mass, thus facilitating the regurgitation of the food for a second mastication. All soluble materials which the saliva and other fluids swallowed may dis- solve are rendered fit for passage into the alimentary canal, and, how- ever feeble the actions of secretion, the saliva swallowed is here in its most suitable conditions for transforming starch} 7 food into sugar. The 324 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. changes of the food in this stomach are probably of a fermentative nature, as indicated by the nature of the gases which are constantly present. Thus, C0 2 , H a S, acetic acid, butyric acid, carbonate of ammo- nium, chlorides, carbonates, phosphates and sulphates of sodium and potassium, and carbonates and phosphates of lime, are almost constantly found. The solids will, of course, vary in relative abundance according to the food which has served as a diet for the animal. In the reticulum, also, the food undergoes changes similar to those which have been ob- served in the rumen ; in fact, the reticulurn ma}' be regarded as an exten- sion of the paunch. Its special function appears to be to retain fluids, as its contents are always liquid. Its reaction is also alkaline. FIG. 141. VERTICAL SECTION OF THE RUMEX AND RKTICUIATM. (Colin.) AB, superior region ; C D, median region; E F. inferior region ; G II, the small arrows show the course followed by th food which passes from the posterior portions of the rumen to be ruminated. As regards the mechanism of the rejection of food for the second mastication, considerable diversity of opinion prevails. All authors, however, agree in dividing the organs of rumination into the essential organ the stomach, and the auxiliary organs the diaphragm and ab- dominal muscles. It is not perfect!}- clear from which compartment the food enters the oesophagus to be ruminated. Colin, Chauveau, and others believe Hint it pnsses directly out of the rumen into the oesophagus, while Haubner thinks that the assistance of the water-bag is essential, and this seems most probable on anatomical grounds. The rumen is an organ of immense size, and, as has been shown, may contain as much as two hundred pounds of material, and its muscular RUMINATION. 325 walls are proportionately weak. On the other hand, the reticulum is the smallest of the four gastric compartments ; its muscles are, compara- tively speaking, strong, and under stimulation of the pneumogastric nerve it has been found to decrease one-third in volume. Furthermore, the oasophagus communicates more directly with the second than with the first stomach, its opening into the reticulum having somewhat the shape of a funnel. The lips of the oesophageal gutter are not essential to the formation of the cud, for Colin found that stitching the lips of this canal together with wire sutures did not interfere with rumination ; so, also, the reticulum has been found not to be solely concerned in this operation, for Flourens excised a portion of this organ and sewed the remainder to the abdominal walls in a sheep, and yet rumination was possible. Colin has shown that the gradual insertion of food between the pillars of the gullet is sufficient for the regurgitation essential to the act of rumination. Moreover, that the oesophageal pillars are not essen- tial to the formation of the cud is proved by comparative anatomy, where we find rumination occurring in the llama and dromedary, where only a single pillar is present. The contents of the first two stomachs, as already mentioned, are subjected to a gentle churning motion, and the tendency of the food is to strike forward against the pillars of the oesophagus. As it presses forward by its own weight, and the slight degree of impulse which the contractions of the rumen and reticulum give to it, there is a contraction of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles, and this causes a portion of the contents of these two compartments to engage in the infundibular orifice of the gullet, whence they are carried upward by reversed peristalsis. The action of the abdominal muscles and diaphragm are necessary to permit of rumination, for when, as was proved b}^ Flourens, the diaphragm is paralyzed by section of the phrenic nerves, although rumination may take place, the abdominal muscles will be called upon to make an extra effort. When the abdominal muscles are paralyzed, as by section of the spinal cord, rumination is then impossible. This is also the case when both pneumogastric nerves are divided. That the diaphragm and abdominal muscles are the organs whose contraction determines the act of regurgitation is probable on other grounds. The muscular fibres of the rumen and reticulum are largely of the pale, unstriped variet}^, and their contraction is slow and prolonged. The rapidity of the act of regurgitation points to its being produced by red, striped, voluntary muscles. When the cud engages in the oesophagus, a constant movement may be seen in the flank, more sensible than the other respiratory movements, and which is due to contraction of the abdominal muscles, an inspiration being followed by a rapid expiration. This movement is coincident with the entrance of the bolus into the 326 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. infundibuluin of the oesophagus, and while it is due to the contraction of the auxiliary organs, this contraction is not, under ordinary circum- stances, very energetic, but becomes so when, as a consequence of various diseases, the food in the rumen becomes more or less dry. The ascent of the cud is not only due to the pressure of the contracting abdominal and gastric muscles, but aspiration to a certain extent assists its onward progress. At the moment of the act of rumination the glottis is closed, and as the diaphragm contracts the thoracic capacity is augmented and the bolus is drawn toward the thorax. When, and as soon as the bolus of food is engaged in the oesophagus, it is carried to the mouth with great rapidity by the action of the muscular fibres of the oesophagus, the process being the reverse of deglutition; that is, the longitudinal fibres first contract, and so widen the oesophagus, and then the circular fibres successively contract below the bolus, and so force it upward. The ascent of the cud is visible throughout the entire length of the neck in most ruminants, particularly in those which are thin, or which, like the camel, have a long neck. Its ascent is also perceptible to the touch and to the sense of hearing. When the ear is placed over the course of the oesophagus in a ruminant animal, various sounds may be recognized during the act of rumination. In this position bubbling or moist friction sounds can be heard from the region of the rumen, even in the intervals of the rumination, due to the disengagement of bubbles of gases in the process of fermentation which so often occurs in this viscus. These sounds are most marked in animals which are fed on green fodder. A sound very closely analogous to the pleural friction sound is also heard in the same locality coincident with the movements of respiration. It is due to the friction between the rumen and the diaphragm. The peculiar bubbling sounds due to the motion of foods may also be heard, and are dependent upon the entrance of saliva or food into the first and second stomach and the passage of currents from the first and second stomachs, and vice versa. In addition to these, rumbling and churning sounds, due to the motion of the material in the rumen and produced by contraction of the pillars of the rumen, may also be heard. During active rumination, if the ear is placed over the cervical path of the oesophagus, that is, over the left jugular, the passage of the bolus may be distinctly heard. The ear perceives the tactile impression of a body passing rapidly beneath it, and a sound is heard which by its peculiar characteristics indicates that the bolus is impregnated with or accom- panied by a quantity of liquid. As soon as the bolus enters the mouth, a second sound is heard which indicates the rapid downward passage of liquid. This may be repeated two or three times at short intervals, and shows that the bolus is accompanied in its ascent by a quantity of liquid, which, as soon as its RUMINATION. 327 lubricating function has been served, is again swallowed. This fluid consists partially of saliva and water, or, in other words, the contents of the rumen and reticulum, and as the bolus of food enters the oesophagus this fluid is mechanically driven in with it. Its presence is absolutely essential to the act of rumination, for rumination is impossible in animals when deprived of water, or in whom the secretion of saliva has been interfered with. As soon as the cud reaches the pharynx the soft palate suddenly rises and the food is carried by the tongue between the molar teeth and cheeks, the mechanism by which the food is prevented from entering the nasal chambers and laiynx being precisely the same as has already been described as taking place during deglutition. The amount of food raised in each bolus varies from one hundred to one hundred and twenty grammes. It is at first only coarsely ground, and not very soft or fluid, but it soon becomes fine and comminuted and thoroughly macerated in the second mastication, and is collected in a little cake on the back of the tongue preparatory to swallowing a second time. Since the quantity composing each bolus may be readily determined by withdrawing the cud from the mouth as soon as it is rejected from the stomach, it is possible to calculate how many of these rejections are necessary for the mastication of the twelve to fifteen kilos of hay which constitute the ordinary daily ration of an ox. Since it has been shown that dry fodder absorbs in mastication and in the rumen four times its own weight of fluid, twelve thousand five hundred grammes of hay will acquire a weight of sixty-two thousand five hundred grammes. It is, therefore, necessary that five hundred and twenty rejections, each of one hundred and twenty grammes, take place. In order to permit all of this food to undergo a second mastication, and as each bolus requires about fifty seconds for its second mastication, at least seven hours would be required for the process of rumination ; even if we admit that one- seventh of the food is not masticated a second time, one-fourth the day is required for rumination. The ox, therefore, cannot, like the horse, be used for constant effort, as he requires time for rumination, and, as will be shown directly, rumination is very readily interfered with by any active exertion. As soon as the bolus enters the mouth it is subjected to a second mastication, which differs from the first only in being more regular and more complete. The number, rapidity, and regularity of the movements of the jaw in this second mastication appear, however, to be subject to numerous variations. As already stated, the movements of the jaws are unilateral; this also applies to the second mastication, although perhaps less regularly. Unilateral rumination is seen in the ox, sheep, giraffe, antelope, and other animals, and is most usual. Its duration may be as 328 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. long as a quarter of an hour, and then the direction of mastication may be reversed, the change usually occurring as a new bolus enters the mouth, and not during the mastication of one which has already entered the mouth. In certain animals, as in the dromedary, the mastication of rumination is alternate; that is, the lower jaw moves first to the right and then across the centre line to the left, and so 'on. In young animals the rhythm of mastication is always more irregular than in adult animals ; the number of strokes of the teeth to each bolus varies according to the species of animals, the age, the character of the food, etc. Thus, dry food requires more chewing than green food, perhaps thus explaining the statement that animals ruminate more in winter than in summer. Young animals have a smaller number of teeth than older animals, and therefore require a longer time for mastication, as is also the case in old animals, where the teeth have become imperfect. The rapidity of motion of the second mastication closely corresponds in character with the other motions of the same animal. In those animals which are habitually slow and sluggish in their movements, as the ox, buffalo, etc., the movements of mastication will be slower and more deliberate than in animals, such as the antelope and gazelle, in which the muscular actions are rapidly performed. Even in animals of the same species it will generally be noticed that the movements are more rapid in youth than in old age. Toward the end of the period of mastication of the cud, the movements of the jaws become considerably accelerated. If rumination is interrupted from any disturbance, the bolus is held in the mouth for a time and mas- tication again completed before it is swallowed. Even when so inter- rupted the average number of strokes of the teeth to each bolus is not interfered with. If the disturbance is sufficiently severe to prevent the resumption of rumination, the bolus is held in the mouth for some time and then swallowed by several rapid movements of deglutition. During the mastication of the cud the bolus does not pass between the incisor teeth, but remains between the molars. As has been stated, the move- ments of mastication constitute the principal stimulus to the secretion of the parotid glands. It is these glands, therefore, which secrete most actively during rumination, while the salivary glands of the anterior sys- tem are almost inactive. In the ruminant animal the secretion of the parotid is never entirely suppressed, for the fluid which it pours out is essential to active rumination. Since, if a fistula be made of the parotid ducts, and the parotid saliva conducted outside of the mouth, even al- though the animal be supplied with water, rumination becomes more and more difficult, and after three or four days becomes impossible. The saliva is therefore essential to active rumination. When the food enters the mouth the secretion of the parotid again becomes more active, and these glands have been estimated to pour out nine hundred grammes of RUMINATION. 329 saliva each in one-quarter of an hour. Besides keeping the food in the rumen moist and lubricating the oesophagus, the saliva secreted during abstinence and the second mastication does not all pass into the rumen, but some of it also passes into the many plies, and so serves to keep the oesophageal gutter lubricated. As soon as the mastication of the cud is complete, and the food thus sufficiently comminuted and impregnated with a large amount of liquid, it is a second time swallowed, the mechanism again being the same as was described under the heading of deglutition. Only about four seconds elapse from the time of deglutition of one bolus before the next is formed and ascends to the mouth. Of this period, probably one and a half seconds each is occupied by the descent of the bolus, the formation of a new bolus, and the ascent to the mouth. When the cud has been swal- lowed a second time it is now so finely divided that it is able to pass through the opening between the second and third stomachs. It there- fore largely follows the course of the oesophageal canal, and passes rapidly into the manyplies, and from there into the true stomach, to be subjected to the action of the gastric juices. Part of it, however, pos- sibly falls directly into the rumen and reticulum, to be mixed with the materials contained in these cavities. In order that rumination may take place the stomach must be dis- tended with food, otherwise the walls of the rumen will be flaccid and the abdominal muscles will be ineffective in aiding in the passage of the bolus upward through the oesophagus. Since, then, no digestion or absorption occurs within the first three gastric compartments, an animal under such a condition might die of hunger with its rumen still almost filled with food. On the other hand, the paunch must not be very much distended, or its walls will be paralyzed and will be prevented from re- acting on its contents. Ruminant animals must always be well supplied with water, and their secretion of saliva must be active. Rapidly grown grasses from irrigated meadows distend the rumen far more in propor- tion to their solid elements than other forms of food. The distended paunch, however, soon diminishes in size, and then appears very empty, and animals cannot ruminate as effectually as with harder and drier food, as a certain bulk is required to permit of regurgitation. Rumination does not, as a rule, commence until after the animals have been watered, unless fed on green fodder or succulent roots, and even then they some- times require water. The position which the ruminant animal assumes during the act of rumination is common to all ruminants, and is very characteristic. The animal reclines slightly on one side, resting more or as much on the chest as on the belly, the anterior limbs flexed under the chest, and the posterior limbs brought forward and partly under the abdomen. 330 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. Ruminant animals are very timid and easily frightened, so very slight causes will arrest rumination. As soon as the attention is attracted the animal abruptly ceases to ruminate, and if lying down rises and often runs away. A sudden sound, a falling object, or some strange sight may be sufficient for this, although, of course, animals in domestication become less impressionable. Slight maladies prevent rumination, as do excessive food and gases in the stomach, venomous or narcotic plants, forced marches, fatigue, rut, and suffering of all kinds. Even the separation of a mother from her young has been known to temporarily arrest rumination. The longer rumination is postponed, the more difficult is its recommencement, since food becomes dry and compactly packed in the rumen and the inam^plies, and their membranes become irritated. It would appear at first sight as if the act of rumination was a purely voluntaiy process, since the least psychical disturbance inter- feres with its accomplishment. Nevertheless, like other complex co- ordinated movements, such as deglutition and defecation, which are par- tially under the control of the will, rumination is essentially reflex in nature, and has for its point of departure the irritation of the terminal filaments of the sensory nerves of the rumen. The centripetal path of this nervous impulse lies in the pneurnogastrics, and explains the suspension of rumination when these nerves are divided ; the automatic nervous centre is located in the medulla oblongata, its precise position being, however, unknown ; the efferent nerves are the motor nerves of the stomach, diaphragm, and abdominal muscles, together with the nerves going to the muscles of mastication and deglutition, and to the parotid glands. In goats narcotized with morphine Luchsinger was able to produce all the movements of rumination by artificially stimulating the sensory nerves of the rumen, either by pressure with the hand on the surface of the rumen, electrical stimulation, or distensions by injections of warm water. He also found that not only might the regurgitation and ascent of the bolus be so produced, but that movements of mastication and deglutition and salivation were produced even when by division of the oesophagus the ascending bolus was prevented from reaching the mouth, thus indicating that these processes also are gastric reflexes. Rumination may thus be regarded as a species of vomiting, modified in such a manner that there is no escape of the ejected matters from the mouth, and that no more is regurgitated from the stomach at any one time than can be conveniently masticated ; for as soon as the bolus engages in the gullet the oesophageal pillars become firmly contracted and the gastric orifice of the oesophagus remains closed until the cud, having been subjected to a second mastication, again enters the stomach. VOMITING. 331 VII. VOMITING. By vomiting is meant the convulsive rejection of the contents of the stomach through the mouth. It differs from rumination in that in most cases it is a pathological and not a normal process, and that the ejected matter usually escapes from the mouth, and is not again swal- lowed. In certain animals, however, as in carnivorous birds and fishes, vomiting constitutes the normal method by which indigestible sub- stances are removed from the stomach ; thus birds readily reject the contents of their crop, and the matter so rejected is often, as in the case of pigeons, used for nourishing their young. Fish, amphibia, and reptiles readily vomit through the contrac- tions of their stomachs, and by this means indigestible matters are removed. In frogs this process occurs frequentl}' in June and July, and then is of less fre- quent occurrence as the winter approaches, and when they pass into their state of hibernation in January and February is entirely wanting. Among mammals there exists the greatest difference in the degree of readiness with which vomiting occurs, the car- nivora and most omnivora vomit- ing with the greatest readiness, although the pig with difficult}' empties its stomach by vomiting. The monogastric herbivora vomit very rarely, and then only with the greatest difficulty. This differ- ence in the degree of facility with which vomiting takes place is due to the formation of the stomach and the character of the aliments which it contains. In mammals, which vomit readily, as Colin has pointed out, the stomach is simple, and the oesophagus is inserted toward the left extremity of the stomach far from the pylorus. The 03sophagus has thin, extensible walls, with an infundibular dilation at its insertion in the stomach (Fig. 142). In animals which do not vomit the stomach may be either simple or have several compartments, the cardiac orifice, in the former case, being near to the pylorus, and the oesophagus having thick walls with a narrow orifice of entrance into the stomach, which is constantly occluded b}* the contractions of the FIG. 142. STOMACH OF THE DOG. (Colin.) A, oesophagus ; B, pylorus. 332 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. powerful sphincteric muscle (Fig. 143). In animals, such as the car- nivora and omnivora, which readily vomit, the stomach contains sub- stances which are generally soft and moist and frequently finely divided, and when subjected to pressure readily escape into the dilatable cardiac orifice of the gullet. In herbivora which do not vomit the stomach is usually filled with imperfectly divided forage, imperfectly impregnated with water as compared with animal tissues and closely mixed together. When these matters are subjected to pressure, the liquids which they contain are pressed out and escape into the intestines through the large FIG. 143. STOMACH OF THE HORSE. (Colin.) A, cardiac extremity of the oesophagus ; B, pyloric ring. and generally patent pyloric orifice. Pressure, therefore, simply serves to reduce the volume of the gastric contents, while small portions only are separated from the mass and engage in the oesophagus, and can then only move upward with great slowness. Vomiting is inaugurated by a special nervous impression, termed nausea, which effects the combined action of the stomach, oesophagus, dia- phragm, and abdominal muscles. The sensations of nausea are usually accompanied by a copious secretion of saliva (by a reflex stimulation of afferent fibres in the gastric branches of the vagus, the efferent nerve VOMITING. 333 being the chorda t3 T mpani), which, together with air contained in the mouth, is swallowed and so carried to the stomach. Vomiting is usually preceded by a series of ineffectual retching movements, which are due to spasmodic contractions of the abdominal muscles, but which are ineffective from the fact that the sphincter ic muscle of the oesophagus remains contracted. In ejecting the contents of the stomach into the gullet, when vomiting commences, a deep inspiratory movement is made, and by this means the diaphragm is depressed and by its contraction forces the stomach down into the abdominal cavity, while at the same time the oesophagus becomes partially distended with air. The glottis is then closed and the abdominal muscles again spasmodically contract, while at the same time the longitudinal fibres of the oesophagus by their contrac- tion serve to open the orifice of the oesophagus into the stomach. As long as the diaphragm remains in its contracted position and the glottis is closed, the entire force of the contraction of the abdominal muscles is expended on the abdominal contents, and as a consequence the stomach is firmly compressed between the abdominal walls and the diaphragm. The longitudinal muscular fibres of the oesophagus radiate from the gullet over the walls of the stomach, and the contractions of the dia- phragm having served to a certain extent to give a fixed point of support to the oesophageal ends of these fibres, their contraction under these circumstances will serve to pull open the orifice of the insertion of the gullet into the stomach, thus overcoming the contraction of the cardiac sphincter. The pressure to which the stomach is then subjected by means of the contraction of the abdominal muscles forces some of the contents of the stomach into the gullet, the mouth is widely opened and the neck stretched to afford as straight a path as possible, and the contents of the stomach are forcibly driven through the oesoph- agus and ejected from the mouth. The entrance of the food into the larynx is prevented by the closure of the glottis at the commencement of the act, and toward its completion by a forcible expiration. Ordi- narily the posterior pillars of the fauces are sufficiently closely approx- imated to prevent the entrance of the ejected matter into the nasal chambers; but when the vomiting is very violent their contraction is overcome and the matters are forced into the nasal chambers and escape by the nostrils as well as by the mouth. Vomiting thus consists of two distinct operations, the active dila- tation of the cardiac opening by the contraction of the longitudinal fibres of the oesophagus, and the pressure of the contracting abdominal muscles on the contents of the stomach. As long as the oesophageal ring is tightly closed, violent contractions of the abdominal muscles are entirety ineffective in expelling the contents of the stomach. Without the contraction of the abdominal muscles, even though the cardiac 334 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. sphincter may be relaxed, the stomach cannot entirely empty itself. This indicates that the intrinsic contractions of the muscular walls of the stomach are of little importance in ejecting the contents of the stomach. This was demonstrated by Majendie, who showed that vom- iting might take place in an animal from whom the stomach had been excised and a bladder substituted for it. When such an operation was performed on a dog, and the bladder connected with the oesophagus and small intestine inserted in the abdominal cavity and the wound in the abdominal walls closed, injections of tartar emetic were perfectly capable of producing vomiting, thus showing that the contractions of the walls of the stomach are by no means essential to the act of vomiting. Schiff, however, found that if the cardiac sphincter was not removed, or if the longitudinal fibres of the lower extremities of the oesophagus were damaged, as by crushing, this experiment of Majendie would then be ineffectual, thus showing that, while the contractions of the muscular walls of the stomach are of no importance in the mechanism of vomiting, the action of the longitudinal oasophageal fibres in overcoming the contrac- tion of the cardiac sphincter is essential. This contraction of the longi- tudinal fibres always precedes by a few seconds the act of vomiting, and may be recognized by the insertion of a finger through a gastric fistula. As a consequence of this opening of the sphincteric muscle, the pressure within the stomach falls, as may be recognized by the connection of a manometer with the interior of this organ. In the normal process of vomiting the contraction of these fibres is enabled to open the cesophageal sphincter, as pointed out by Foster, through the support which descent of the diaphragm has given to the stomach : consequently, in the horse the impossibility of the stomach being so supported by the diaphragm will largely explain the difficulty of vomiting in these animals ; for the longer the portion of gullet be- tween the diaphragm and the stomach, the greater will be the effect of the radiating fibres in pulling down the oesophagus and the less their capability of dilating its orifice. The nervous mechanism which governs this process of vomiting i& complicated, and, as is well know r n, it is a reflex action, and the afferent impulses which excite this process may reach the vomiting centre in the medulla oblongata through the most diverse paths. The vomiting centre lies in the medulla close to the respiratory centre, and this connection is probabty partly functional as well as anatomical, since, as is well known, nausea may to a certain extent be overcome by rapid and deep respira- tions. Mechanical stimulation of the fauces, irritation of the stomach, obstruction of the alimentary canal, may all serve as stimuli which in- augurate the action of vomiting. Again, vomiting may take place by direct stimulation of the reflex VOMITING. 335 centre in the medulla oblongata. In this way certain emetics, such as tartar emetic, probably act, for they may produce vomiting even when injected into the blood, and without reaching the stomach at all. Again, vomiting may be produced by sensations coming from the central nervous system higher up than the medulla ; thus, offensive smells or tastes or disturbed cerebral circulation, as in sea-sickness, may pro- duce vomiting. The efferent path of this action seems to lie mainly in the pneumogastric nerve, for when this nerve is divided the cardiac sphincter remains tightly closed, and vomiting is then impossible. Sec- tion, therefore, of these nerves will, as a rule, prevent vomiting. The efferent paths of the nervous impulses passing to the muscles of vomit- ing are, of course, through the motor nerves supplying the gullet, the larynx, and abdominal muscles. In the horse, as is well known, vomiting occurs only under very ex- ceptional circumstances. The explanation of this fact, as pointed out by Colin, is to be found in the anatomical relations and physical conforma- tion of the stomach. In the first place, in the horse the stomach is never in contact with the abdominal muscles ; hence, it is not readily subjected to pressure when the abdominal muscles contract. Again, as already mentioned, the portion of the oesophagus between the diaphragm and the stomach is longer than in carnivorous animals, and, as the stomach cannot be sup- ported by close contact with the diaphragm, the longitudinal fibres are unable to overcome the permanent contraction of the cardiac sphincter. In carnivorous animals which readily vomit the cesophageal orifice is at the left extremity, far from the pylorus. An antiperistaltic action tends to force food into the opening of the oesophagus. The gullet has dilatable walls and an infundibular insertion into the stomach and marked radiating fibres. The pylorus is narrow and nearly always closed, while the stomach is large and directly in contact with the diaphragm and abdominal walls, and is thus in the best possible condition for being subjected to pressure through the contraction of these muscles, while the cesophageal fibres are supported through the contractions of the diaphragm. In the horse, on the other hand, or the hare or rabbit, the oesophageal orifice is in the middle of the lesser curvature of the stomach and near to the pylorus. Its orifice is always closed by a powerful sphincter muscle. It passes obliquely through the walls of the stomach, and is further obstructed by folds of mucous membrane, and the pylorus is large and nearly always patulous (Fig. 144). Subjection of the stomach to pressure in the horse will, therefore, still more tightl}' close the cesophageal orifice, and will force the contents of the stomach into the small intestine. Occasionally, however, vomiting 336 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. has been noticed to take place in the horse. Under such circumstances it is a symptom of the greatest gravity, and in most cases it will be found to be due to the partial rupture of the walls of the oesophagus. Ruminants, also, habitually do not vomit, but do so occasionally. When the structure of the stomach of the ruminant animal is examined, all the conditions would at first appear to favor vomiting. The gullet is large, dilatable, and has a funnel-shaped opening into the stomach ; the stomach is large, is in direct contact with the abdominal walls and the diaphragm, and the pylorus is far removed from the cardiac orifice. Nevertheless, vomiting, even when intense nausea is produced by emetics, FIG. 144. ANTERIOR HALF OF THE STOMACH OF THE HORSE, INFLATED, SEEN FROM BEHIND. (MUller.) Sch, oesophagus ; G, cardiac cul-de-sac ; kC, lesser curvature ; gC, greater curvature ; 1 A, mucous membrane of the left half, and rA, mucous membrane of the right half of the stomach: R, dividing line between right and left halves of the stomach ; F, fold projecting into stomach from the lesser curvature ; L, peptic region ; Sch.1, mucous region ; gMs, muscular pillars surrounding the opening of the oesophagus ; d, section of the muscular fold ; P, pylorus ; PH, pyloric cavity : E, constriction separating pyloric por- tion from right half of stomach ; Z, duodenum ; Erw, pear-shaped dilatation of duodenum ; M, opening of the bile and pancreatic ducts. will but rarely take place, and w r hen vomiting does occur in these animals it is the contents of the rumen and reticulum alone which are expelled, while true vomiting should require the escape of the contents of the fourth stomach. To enable this to take place, the material from the fourth stomach would have to pass through the narrow openings of all the three preceding stomachs. When matters are ejected from the stomach through the action of emetics in a ruminant animal, if at all, the contents of the rumen alone are ejected, and these ma}^ be again swallowed, as in rumination, without escaping from the mouth. GASTRIC DIGESTION. 337 VIII. GASTEIC DIGESTION. Nearly all the digestive acts so far considered are purely mechanical and solely preparatory to digestion in the sense in which the term diges- tion implies production of changes essential to absorption. The food has been seized, carried to the mouth and appreciated by the sense of ' taste, masticated and impregnated by saliva, swallowed, and in the case of ruminant animals again returned to the mouth for further preparatory change. When once, however, it enters the stomach and it must be remembered that in the strict sense of the word this term only applies to the fourth stomach of ruminants it is subjected to more or less pro- found chemical and physical changes, which are described as resulting from the processes of gastric digestion or clvymification. As has been already seen, the organ in which these digestive changes are inaugurated is not distinctly defined in all species of animals, its first appearance being a mere swelling of the alimentary tube without any distinct line of demarcation at either extremity. Such a rudimentary stomach is found in all animals below the subkingdom of the articulates. In the mollusks and articulates its separation from the intestinal tube and oesophagus becomes more evident, while in insects the stomach, with its glandular appendages, becomes an important organ of digestion. In the fish the stomach is separated from the intestine by a narrow pyloric orifice, but still lies in the direction of the long axis of the body, as is also the case in many reptiles, though in the higher members of this family and in the bird it acquires a considerable degree of com- plexity and tends now to occupy a position at right angles to the axis of the bodj-. The highest degree of complexity of the stomach is found in the ruminant herbivora, and indicates that the diversity and complexity of organization of the gastric parts is governed by the peculiar alimentary habits and needs of the different species of animals. Certain general properties and characteristics of gastric digestion are common to all the higher mammals, while, again, certain special dis- tinctive points are found in the nature of gastric digestion according as the animals are carnivora, ruminant or non-ruminant herbivora, or omnivora. These general characteristics will first be alluded to, and the peculiarity of gastric digestion in carnivora, ruminants, and non-ruminant herbivora will subsequently demand attention. In the first place, we must consider the mode of accumulation of food in the stomach, the changes in shape, and the motions thereby inaugurated in that organ. Then we must study the secretions poured out in the stomach as the result of contact of food with its walls, their composition and properties, and mode of separation from the blood ; then the changes which the food undergoes in the stomach and during its 22 338 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. gradual passage into the small intestine, with the consideration of the influence of the nervous system. These steps in the process of diges- tion often become characteristic of gastric digestion in the different domestic animals. If abstinence has continued for some time, the stomach will have emptied itself of its contents more or less completely, and contracted so as to obliterate its cavity in different degrees according to the different species of the animals. In the dog and other carnivora, after abstinence has continued for twenty-four or forty -eight hours, the stomach will be found to be contracted to a small volume, and will be irregular and ovoid in shape. Its mucous membrane will be thrown up into folds and its cavity almost obliterated, while the reaction of its mucous secretion will be neutral, or even alkaline. In omnivorous animals, such as the pig, the stomach does not contract so completely, nor does it ever become entirely emptied, but will, even after prolonged abstinence, be found to contain a bilious liquid and fetid gases. In the horse, after prolonged fasting, the distinction between the right and left half of the stomach becomes more marked. The right half of the stomach behaves in these respects almost like the stomach of the carnivora and becomes highly contracted, with its cavity almost obliterated. The left portion of the stomach, on the other hand, remains dilated and will nearly always be found to contain saliva which is swallowed during abstinence. When food enters the stomach after prolonged abstinence, it dilates insensibly and changes its positions and relations. In the fasting condition the pylorus sinks, and the stomach tends to assume, in this state of func- tional inactivity, a position in the direction of the long axis of the body, corresponding more or less with what is its normal state in lower groups of animals, in whom the stomach is of minor importance. When food accumulates in the stomach the pylorus rises, and the organ now occu- pies a position at right angles to the axis of the body, while it rotates on its own axis so as to cause the greater curvature of the stomach, which in the position of rest is directed downward and to the left, in the state of repletion of the organ to become transverse and directed anteriorly (or downward in quadrupeds). The mode of accumulation of food in the stomach varies according to the character of the material swallowed. Soft and diffluent foods and liquids will mix at once, and if the food is swallowed in voluminous masses, as in the carnivora, or dry or in more or less firm boluses, as in the herbivora feeding on dry fodder, and in the non-ruminants, the first portions which enter the emptj' stomach are deposited in the cardia. Those which go afterward push these toward the greater curvature and toward the pylorus, while liquids and softer food fill up the interstices between them. GASTKIC DIGESTION. 339 The capacity of the stomach is, of course, very variable in different animals in proportion to their size. It is very considerable in the car- nivora; thus the dog's stomach may contain from two to ten litres; in the hog seven to eight litres will represent the average capacit}' ; while in the horse, in proportion to its size, it is relatively very much smaller, the capacity of the stomach of the horse varying from sixteen to eighteen litres, or only one-tenth or one-twelfth of that of the intestines. In the ruminant the mean capacity is stated by Colin to be two hundred and ninety litres. It must be remembered, however, that in the latter case the stomach of the ruminant is never empty, no matter what may be the duration of abstinence. Thus, Colin found sixty-five kilos of dry food in the first three compartments of the stomach of a cow which had fasted for a very long time; in another, after four days'" abstinence, fortj-two kilos were found, while in a third sixtj'-six kilos were found after a fast of two days. In the horse, as the stomach fills up with food, the constriction between the right and left halves of this organ disappears, and the stom- ach then takes the shape as seen when distended by air after death. In the horse, no matter how much distended, the stomach is never in contact with the inferior abdominal walls, but is always separated from them by the infra-sternal curvature of the colon and a portion of the gastro-dia- phragmatic curvature. In carnivora the stomach is in contact with the lumbar region above, and with the abdominal walls in the epigastrium and hypochondrium. As the stonlach becomes expanded with food, the cardiac and the pyloric sphincters become contracted, and the alimen- tary matters by contact provoke contraction of the muscular walls of the stomach, and so serve to mix up the food. When the food first enters the stomach these movements are slight, but they gradually become more and more vigorous, and cause a sort of churning motion in the stomach, the food travelling from the cardiac orifice along the greater curvature to the pylorus and returning by the lesser curvature. At the pylorus the circular muscular fibres are the seat of slow, rhythmical contractions, which serve to assist in the pas- sage of the contents of the stomach into the small intestine. While these movements seem to be started by the contact of the food with the mucous membrane of the stomach, it is evidently not a mere mechanical stimulation which produces them, since, when the stomach is fullest, and when, therefore, this mechanical stimulation must be at its height, the movements are the slightest, and become more vigorous as the stomach empties itself. Apparently these contractions are started up by the commencing acidity of the gastric contents, which, at first alkaline, become gradually more and more acid as digestion progresses, coinciding with the increase in vigor of the muscular movements of the walls of 340 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. the stomach. The muscular movements of the stomach are not so regu- larly peristaltic as in the intestines, on account of the want of symmetry of the direction of the muscular fibres. The nervous mechanism of the gastric movements has not been thorough!}' cleared up. Numerous nervous ganglia have been found in the walls of the stomach, and this fact, in addition to the observation which has often been made, that these movements may occur in a stomach which has been separated from the central nervous system, would indicate that the ganglia start up these movements in this organ. Nevertheless, the movements of the stomach are dependent on and governed by the central nerv.ous symptom, since the movements of the stomach may be induced by stimulation of the peripheral ends of the pneumogastric nerves when the stomach is full. That the movements of the stomach are not, how- ever, solely dependent on impulses coming through the pneumogastrics is proved by their occurrence after these nerves have been divided. Stimu- lation of the S3 r mpathetic and coeliac plexus is said to evoke contractions of the gastric walls, probably through changes in the blood supply of the stomach. The vagus nerve is without doubt the principal path through which the movements of the stomach are controlled by the central nervous system. The contractions of the muscular walls of the stomach not only serve to mix the food contained in this organ, but also to bring all the contents of the stomach in contact with the secreting portion of its Avails. This is especially important in such animals as the horse, where only one-half the organ is thus active. The oesophageal sphincter is always tightly closed, especially, in horses, where it is very firmly constricted, and so prevents the return of the flood to the mouth, even when the stomach is strongly compressed. The p}doric sphincter is not so powerful and its contractions are not so prominent, but are, nevertheless, well marked in the carnivora, the pig, and the ruminant. In solipedes the contraction of the pylorus is only faintly marked, and, as a consequence, the opening of the stomach into the intestines in these animals, for reasons which will be given directly, is nearly alwa3*s patulous. Oser has found that stimulation of the pneumogastric nerves in the neck leads to an immediate contraction of the pylorus, the intensit} r and duration of the contraction depending on the degree of stimulation. Stimulation of the thoracic portion of the sympathetic nerve arrests the spontaneous contractions of the pylorus, the influence of this stimulation being progressive, attaining its maximum in one or two minutes and then slowly declining. After the conclusion of the stimulation the spontaneous contractions, which exist even after section of the vagi and .splanchnic nerves, at first are feeble, and attain their normal degree in GASTRIC DIGESTION. 341 about three minutes. The inhibitory action of the splanchnics in the thorax is less marked than the motor action of the vagi; the inhibitory power of the left splanchnic is greater than that of the right. It thus would appear that the circular muscular fibres of the pyloric ring are innervated by two antagonistic sets of nerves, the vagus being the motor nerve and the splanchnic the inhibitory nerve. When the food is received in the stomach it is gradually dissolved, and we have, therefore, to study tho several processes which are concerned in this action. The general outline of the characters of that change will first be given, then the properties of the secretion to whose action it is due, the action of this secretion on the various food-stuffs, the nature of the resulting products, the conditions essential to gastric digestion, and, finally, the mode in which the gastric juice is secreted. The study of gastric digestion is especially a study of chemical changes It was seen that in the mouth the food was not only subjected to the chemical changes produced by the saliva, but that through mechanical changes resulting from mastication and the close mixing of the food with the saliva the materials destined to nourish the body were brought into the most favorable conditions for subjection to the various solvent juices of the economy. The first and the most important of these with which the food comes in contact in its onward passage through the alimentary canal is the gastric juice. In the experiments made on the saliva the precedent was established of performing acts of digestion, or at least acts introductory to digestion, outside the body, the natural conditions being preserved as far as possible. In the study of gastric digestion it will be found that this step is not unwarranted. All the phenomena of gastric digestion may be as completely and conveniently studied in an artificial stomach as in the living organ, a fact demonstrative of the essentially chemical nature of the process. Not only may such experiments be conducted outside of the body, but they may even be performed with artificial gastric juice. Such a fluid, or artificial gastric juice, of considerable purity may be obtained by mincing the mucous membrane of the stomach of almost any animal, drying the fragments between layers of filter-paper, and allowing them to remain for twenty-four hours under absolute alcohol. They are then removed from the alcohol and covered with strong glycerin. In a few days the glycerin will become strongly impregnated with pepsin, the ferment of the gastric juice, and may be preserved for almost any length of time The addition of a few drops of this glycerin extract to one hundred cubic centimeters of hydrochloric acid of .02 per cent: will produce a fluid of high digestive power, and one which is quite permanent. An artificial gastric juice may also be obtained by rubbing up the minced mucous membrane of the stomach, from which the mucus has been removed by gentle scraping, in a mortar with clean sand or powdered glass and water. It should then stand for some hours, being occasionally stirred, and finally filtered. The filtrate will contain pepsin and a small amount of peptones. Added to an equal bulk of .02 per cent, of hydrochloric acid, it will form a powerful digestive fluid, which may be kept for a long time, not even losing its powers when mouldy, 342 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 1. CHEMISTRY OF THE GASTRIC JUICE. That the gastric juice m&y be obtained pure for analysis a fistulous opening has to be made into the stomach, since the various other methods employed by Reaumur and Spalanzani, of allowing sinimals to swallow sponges and then withdrawing them and obtaining the fluid by pressure, will not succeed in yielding a pure gastric secretion, as it will evidently be contaminated with the fluids of .-the mouth, pharynx, and oesophagus. The method of performance of gastric fistula originated in the account of the celebrated case, reported by Dr. Beaumont, of the Cana- dian trapper, Alexis St. Martin, in whom an accidental gunshot wound of the abdominal walls left a fistulous tract communicating with the cavity of the stomach. It was through the data obtained by Beaumont from a study of this case that the first facts as regards the chemistry and physiology of gastric digestion were obtained. Led by an account of this case, the production of a similar fistulous opening communicating with the gastric cavity on animals was first shown to be practicable by Blondlot, and after him by Bernard. Blondlot's method was to make an incision seven or eight centimeters long in the linea alba, commencing at the xyphoid cartilage. The walls of the stomach were stitched to the wound, and, after adhesion had taken place between the peritoneal cover- ing of the stomach and the abdominal walls, an opening was made into the cavity of the former, in which a tube was inserted. Bernard has, however, shown that it is not necessary to allow the stomach to become adherent to the abdominal walls before opening it, and the method which he recommended is one which is now generally adopted. In making a gastric fistula, an animal must, of course, be selected in which the stomach is large and lies close to the abdominal walls. The horse is, therefore, inappropriate for such experiments, since in the horse the stomach is small, deeply seated, and not in contact with the abdominal parietes. On the other hand, rabbits cannot be employed, since their stomachs are never empty; and cats are very liable to die of peritonitis, to say nothing of the difficulty in their subsequent management. In some birds with a muscular stomach, as, for example, in the crow, gastric fistulae may be very satisfactorily made. The animal, how- ever, which is, on all accounts, most suitable is the dog. Dogs are easily man- aged, secrete pure gastric juice in abundant quantity, and are not very liable to peritonitis. In order to perform the operation of making a gastric fistula on a dog, the animal is well fed, so as to distend the stomach, or, after fasting twenty-fourhours, the stomach may be distended by an injection of air through the oesophagus, and is then chloroformed and securely fastened. The first step is to shave the hair from the abdominal walls in the epigastric region, and to remove all the hairs carefully with a sponge, so as to prevent their entering the abdominal cavity. An incision is then made through the skin, commencing at the lower margin of the costal cartilages and about an inch and a half to the left of the linea alba, and extending downward parallel to this line for a distance a little less than the diameter of the flange of the cannula which it is desired to use. Each muscular layer is then to be divided in a direction parallel to its fibres, every bleeding point being tied before the peritoneum is opened, so as to prevent the entrance of blood into this cavity. GASTEIC DIGESTION. 343 When it is certain that all the bleeding has stopped, the peritoneum is to be opened upon a director. On stretching open the wound the distended stomach conies into view, its oblique muscular structure being plainly visible through its serous covering. The gastric wall should then be seized with a pair of artery forceps at a point where there are not many vessels and drawn forward. Two strong silk threads are then passed into the walls of the stomach with a curved needle, at distances from each other about equal to the diameter of the tube of the cannula, and brought out again at a similar distance from the points where they were introduced. An incision is then made into the gastric walls, between the two threads, rather shorter than the diameter of the tube of the cannula. Im- mediately some bubbles of gas escape and some of the fluid contents of the stomach, which must be sponged off The opening into the stomach is now to be stretched with a pair of blunt hooks until it is large enough to pass the inner flange of the cannula, which is to be then introduced and pushed into the stomach up to its outer plate. The form of the cannula usually employed is repre- sented in Fig. 145 ; it consists of two tubes, each ter- minating at one end in a circular plate, the two tubes being cut with a screw-thread, on the outside of one and the interior of the other, so that the distance be- tween the two plates, when the tubes are joined together, may be altered at will. After the insertion of the cannula the stomach is fastened to it by the threads which were previously inserted, and the ends of these threads passed through the abdominal walls in such a way as to fasten the stomach to them, and at the same time when tied together keep the edges of the wound in the abdominal walls in apposition. The sutures need not be carried through the perito- neum, and no additional means of closing the wound is necessary. After the animal has recovered from the ansesthetic, the cannula must be left uncorked for at least half an hour after the operation, for the dog is almost certain to vomit, and were the cannula not open the contents of the stomach would be apt to be forced past the side of the cannula into the abdominal cavity, and cause the death of the animal. After the operation the animal must be fed on milk for two or three days and kept in a warm place. When recovering from the anesthetic the animal will be very likely to make attempts to tear out the cannula with his teeth, a result which would be apt to be fatal to the dog. The only way this accident may be guarded against is by careful watching. It will not do to muzzle him and leave him, for if he then should vomit he would choke to death. After the first day the wound becomes so tender that no further attempts at tearing out the cannula are usually made. On the second or third day after the operation the margin of the wound becomes much swollen, and it is then necessary to lengthen the tube of the cannula so as to avoid ulceration of the skin from pressure of the external flange. By this time adhesions have been established between the edges of the wound in the stomach and the abdominal walls, and the wound in the latter having healed, with the exception of the space occupied by the tube of the cannula, the cavity of the stomach communicates with the exterior by means of a more or less elongated fistulous tract (Figs. 146 and 147). The cannula may be closed by a cork or it may be fastened with a valve. If everything goes well, the dog will be ready for experiments in about a week. In ruminant animals fistulous openings may be made into anyone of the four stomachs or gastric compartments, although, of course, an opening into the fourth stomach is the only one through which gastric juice may be collected. The FIG. 145. CANNULA FOB GASTRIC FISTULJE. (Bernard.) A B, section of the cannula; e, flange of the cannula ; C, projections on the interior of tube which fit in key, D, so as to lengthen or shorten tube ; E, opening of tube. 344 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. method of operation is the same as that employed in the dog. In recent times special gastric fistulas have been performed by Klemensiewicz, who excised in the living dog the pyloric portion of the stomach, and afterward stitched together the duodenum and the remaining part of the stomach, thus establishing the continuity of the latter organ. The excised part, with its vessels intact, was stitched to the FIG. 146. GASTRIC FISTULA, LAID OPEN. (Bernard.) section of the abdominal walls; , section of the walls of the stomach; c, folds of the mucons membrane, E ; O, cicatricial tissue at the orifice of the fistula. abdominal wall after closing its lower end by sutures. Heidenhain, by employing the antiseptic method, was able to preserve three dogs out of seven thus operated on. He also succeeded in isolating in the same manner the cardiac extremity of the stomach by means of this operation ; therefore, it is rendered possible to obtain pure gastric secretion from either the pyloric or the cardiac extremity of this organ, and the characters of the secretions from these parts are rendered accessible for study. In order to collect gastric juice for analysis the dog must be allowed to fast for at least twenty-four hours, so as to empty the stomach, and the secretion of gastric juice may be stimulated by tickling the inner surface of the stomach with a feather tied to a glass rod. The gastric juice will then flow along the glass rod out of the stomach, and may be col- lected in a glass beaker. Bernard's method of stim- ulating the flow of gastric juice was to give a dog which had been fasting for some time a hearty meal of thoroughly boiled tripe, which furnished a normal stimulus to the gastric glands, and, being almost indi- gestible, does not contaminate the gastric juice to any great extent, and is there- fore in some respects preferable to mechanical stimulation. That the gastric iuice may be obtained perfectly pure, the salivary ducts should be tied, otherwise the fluid obtained from the stomach will be more or less mixed with the saliva. FIG. 147. GASTRIC FISTULA. (Bernard.) E, stomach; D, duodennm ; M, muscles of the abdominal walls; O, external orifice of the fistula. GASTEIC DIGESTION". 345 Gastric juice may also be obtained from man either by withdrawing the con- tents of the stomach by means of the stomach-pump, or it may be obtained, as it has been done in several instances, through a fistulous opening made into the stomach, either accidentally, as in the case of St. Martin, or, as in the case studied by Kichet, in which the operation of gastrotomy was performed by Verneuil for impermeable stricture of the oesophagus. Gastric juice collected from a gastric fistula is a thin, limpid, almost colorless liquid of strongly acid reaction and of a specific gravit} T of about 1010. It has a peculiar odor which is generally characteristic of the animal from which it is obtained. The filtered gastric juice of the dog contains from 1.05 to 1.48 per cent, solids; of the horse, 1.72 per cent., and of man, 1.2 1 per cent. It rotates the plane of polarized light to the left, and it is not rendered turbid by boiling, and resists putrefac- tion for a long time. The quantity of gastric juice secreted in twenty- four hours is only with difficulty determined, and the great discrepancy which exists between the various estimates which have been placed on this amount shows that it must vary very widely under different con- ditions. Thus, Beaumont estimated that one hundred and eighty grammes of gastric juice were secreted daily; Griinewald, from studies made on a similar case of gastric fistula, concluded that- 26. 4 per cent, of the bod}' weight represented the amount of gastric juice dail} T poured out ; while Bidder and Schmidt, from operations made on dogs, esti- mated that the daily secretion of gastric juice corresponded to about one-tenth of the body weight. The gastric juice of a dog, even after having fasted for a long time, can never be collected perfectly pure from a gastric fistula, since it always is contaminated and mixed with remnants of undigested food, sand, and hairs from the edges of the wound, etc. In the sheep it is even more difficult to obtain perfectly pure gastric juice, since Bidder and Schmidt have found that even after thirty-six hours particles of food were still contained in the fourth stomach. When filtered, gastric juice is always clear and limpid, almost colorless, or yellowish in the dog, brownish in the sheep. Gastric juice resists putrefactive changes to a remarkable degree, and may be kept for an almost indefinite period without undergoing change. Acids and heating produce no precipitation in gastric juice, as is also the case with lime, chloride of iron, sulphate of copper, and ferro- cj'anide of potassium; alkalies, on the other hand, produce precipitation, which consists of calcium phosphate with iron and magnesium phosphate and some organic matter. Corrosive sublimate always produces a pre- cipitate, which consists mainly of the digestive ferments. Alcohol and acetate of lead give an abundant precipitate, which consists mainly of the ferment. The gastric juice is poor in solids, containing not more than two per 346 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. cent. The usual salts found in animal fluids are also here present chlorides of sodium, potassium, calcium, and ammonium being in excess. Phosphatic earths with some iron occupy the next place, while the sulphates are either absent or present only in minute traces. The con- stituents, therefore, of the gastric juice consist, in the first place, of two soluble ferments, pepsin and the milk-curdling ferment, which represent the organic constituents of the gastric secretion ; second, a free acid, which is, in all probability, hydrochloric; and, third, the mineral salts. (a) Pepsin. Pepsin belongs to the category of soluble ferments. As yet it has been impossible to obtain it in a state of absolute purity. The procedure which gives the best results is that of Briicke. The mucous membrane of the stomach is digested at 40 C. with dilute hydrochloric acid. It is then neutralized with lime, which is thus precipitated, and carries down mechanically with it the ferment, pepsin. This precipitate is washed and dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid, and to this is added a solution of cholesterin in four parts of alcohol and one part of ether. The cholesterin throws the pepsin out of solution. It is then washed with water and with ether. The ethereal layer is poured off, and pepsin remains in watery solution, from which it may be 'obtained by evaporation. Von Wittich treats the mucous membrane with glycerin, after having allowed it to remain for twenty-four hours in alcohol, so as to precipitate the proteids in the tissue of the stomach, and at the end of a week or two the glycerin is filtered off, and pepsin may be obtained by precipitating the glycerin solution of pepsin with absolute alcohol. Obtained by either of these processes, pepsin is a yellowish powder, which is soluble in water and glycerin and insoluble in alcohol. When precipitated by alcohol from its aqueous or glycerin solutions it does not lose its solubility in water, thus differing from the proteids; it is not diffusible. When dried it may be warmed up to 110 C. without losing its activity. While in solution it may be transformed into a sub- stance which is less active, and which has been termed isopepsin by Finckler. At 80 it becomes entirely inactive. Pepsin is also soluble in dilute acids. If pure, pepsin should not give proteid reactions. It should 3 7 ield no precipitate with nitric acid, tannic acid, iodine, or mercuric chloride. It is precipitated from its solutions by acetate of lead and platinum chloride. The proportion of pepsin in the gastric juice varies at different periods of digestion. At the commencement of digestion it is present in the smallest amount, and acquires its maximum between the fourth and fifth hours of digestion. In man it is said to be present in amounts varying from 0.41 to 1.17 per cent. Without the addition of dilute acid pepsin manifests no specific action, and the characteristic test of the presence of this ferment is known as the pepsin test with fibrin. If a little fibrin, obtained by whipping the blood as it flows from a divided vessel, is washed until perfectly white and placed in a test-tube with a little gastric juice, and warmed up to 35 C., the fibrin will entirely disappear. There will be GASTKIC DIGESTION. 347 .no precipitate upon boiling, and but slight precipitation on neutraliza- tion. Since no other substance will produce this result with fibrin, it is .characteristic of the presence of pepsin with a dilute acid. (b) Milk-Curdling Ferment. As is well known, when milk is brought into contact with the mucous membrane of the stomach, or : when an infusion of the mucous membrane of the stomach is added to milk, it coagulates. This process is made use of in the manufacture of cheese, and was forinerly attributed to the acid of the gastric juice or to the production of acidity in the milk from the development of lactic acid from milk-sugar. It has, however, been shown that milk, while completely neutral, may be coagulated by an infusion of gastric juice, or by a neutral infusion of the mucous membrane; and since this specific action of the gastric juice in curdling milk is destroyed by boiling, it also is attributable to a specific ferment, which is termed the milk-curdling ferment, or rennet. This ferment produces coagulation of the casein of milk without calling in in any way the action of the acid, and will produce its char- acteristic results in solutions of casein which are entirely free from milk- sugar and which are perfectly neutral. Solutions of the milk-curdling ferment may be obtained by digesting the mucous membrane of the stomach with glycerin. A few drops of this glycerin extract, which also, of course, contains pepsin, will cause a hundred cubic centimeters of fresh milk to coagulate within a few moments if heated up to 40 C. Severn! other methods have been proposed for the extraction of milk-curdling ferment, but in all pepsin is nearly always present. Hammarsten has found that by precipitating with carbonate of magnesium or acetate of lead solution, a solution of milk-curdling ferment might be obtained which is perfectly free from pepsin ; for although both ferments are carried down by this precipitate, all the pepsin remains in the precipitate, while a considerable amount of the milk-curdling ferment passes through the filter. By this means Hammarsten was enabled to obtain solutions which would coagulate fresh milk in 'one to three minutes at the temperature of the body, even in neutral fluids, while when acidulated they were entirely incapable of dissolving the smallest particles of fibrin. Little is known as regards the chemical reactions of the milk-curd- ling ferment. It does not coagulate, when in wateiy solutions, by boiling, nor is it precipitated by alcohol, nitric acid, iodine, or tannin. It is precipitated by the basic acetate of lead ; it does not give a yellow color with hot nitric acid ; it does not diffuse through parchment- paper, and only with difficulty through unglazed earthenware. Milk- curdling ferment is a less stable substance than pepsin and is destro3 r ed .at a lower temperature than pepsin ; thus, if a solution which contains both pepsin and milk-curdling ferment is heated about forty-eight hours to 37 or 40 C. in a .02 per cent. HC1. solution, it loses all power of 34-8 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. coagulating milk, while the pepsin remains unaffected. In neutral solu- tions, on the other hand, the milk-curdling ferment may be heated up to 70 C., or even may be boiled for a moment without being entirely destroyed. Alcohol only slowly interferes with the milk-curdling ferment ; caustic alkalies rapidly destroy it. Even .02 per cent, of caustic soda is suffi- cient to cause a previously active ferment solution to become entirely inactive. Salicylic acid does not interfere with its action. In common with the other ferments, an almost infinitely small amount of this ferment will coagulate an immense volume of milk. Hammarsten precipitated a gtycerin extract of milk-curdling ferment with alcohol, dissolved the resulting precipitate in water, and, since the percentage of solid in this solution could be readily determined, was able to estimate that one part by weight of milk-curdling ferment would coagulate at least from four hundred thousand to eight hundred thousand parts of casein. The milk-curdling ferment is entirely without action on sugar solutions and is without influence in the digestion of albumen. It has been found that milk-curdling ferment is principally secreted by the glands of the fundus of the stomach, while the pyloric region furnishes but a small amount of this ferment. Milk-curdling ferment may almost invariably be found in wateiy extracts of the stomach of the calf and sheep, while in other mammals and birds it is usually absent, and is scarcely ever to be de- tected in the stomach of the fish, even although watery extracts of the stomachs of these animals become effective after being first acidulated and then after twenty-four hours again neutralized. This would seem to show that the acid serves to develop milk-curdling ferment out of some previously inactive body. The coagulation of milk by the milk-curdling ferment is more analogous to the process of coagulation of the blood than to our generally accepted ideas as to the processes of fermentation ; for the casein, a soluble albuminoid body, through the action of rennet simply becomes insoluble without undergoing any other change. Its action is, therefore, directly opposed to that of pepsin, which converts an insoluble albuminoid into a soluble bod t y. A difference also exists in the result of coagulation of milk, accord- ing as this coagulum has been produced through the action of the ferment or by the development of acid. In the latter case the precipi- tate is still casein, in the former case it is cheese. In the former instance the casein is precipitated in fine, tender flocculi, which are readily soluble in dilute acid, but solutions that are coagulated by rennet are very much less soluble. The process differs still further in that the casein precipitated by acids, if carefully washed, may be obtained perfectly free from ash. Casein precipitated by a milk-curdling ferment, on the other hand, always contains phosphate of lime, and this salt seems to be essential to the GASTKIC DIGESTION. 349 action of the milk-curdling ferment ; for rennet is entirely ineffective when the earthy phosphates are absent. Thus, if casein is precipitated by an acid and dissolved in a small amount of alkali, after careful wash- ing rennet is entirely incapable of producing a coagulum ; so also milk, when subjected to dialysis, by which means the salts are removed, is incapable of coagulating under the influence of rennet. As to whether there is a chemical association of the phosphates in the production of the coagulum by the action of rennet or not, or whether it acts merely mechanically, is not known. In addition to the milk-curdling ferment, which, as already stated, is said to be entirely ineffective on milk-sugar, there appears to be still another and third ferment in the gastric juice, different from both pepsin and milk-curdling ferment, and which has for its action the conversion of milk-sugar into lactic acid ; for both pepsin and rennet may be destroyed by the action of a dilute caustic soda solution, and the result- ing fluid will still be able to convert milk-sugar into lactic acid. (c) The Acid of Gastric Juice. The greatest controvers}^ has for a long time existed as to the nature of the free acid of gastric juice. The contradictions on this subject are evidently due to the fact that in the process of anatysis the hydrochloric acid usually found might possibly originate from the breaking up of the metallic chlorides which are con- stantly found in this secretion. Prout first separated hydrochloric acid from gastric juice by distil- lation, and Lehmann suggested that when metallic chlorides are distilled with lactic acid, hydrochloric acid will always pass into the distillate; and on account of this objection it was for a long time believed that the acidity of gastric juice was normally due to the presence of free lactic acid. Schmidt's a'natysis of gastric juice, however, overcame this objection raised by Lehmann, as he found in the secretion more hydrochloric acid than could saturate all the bases present. Numerous proofs have since then been brought forward which all tend to demonstrate that hydrochloric acid in a free state is the cause of the acid reaction of this secretion ; thus Richet proved by the degree of solubility in ether, according to the method pointed out by Bertholet, who found that while mineral acids were soluble in ether organic acids were insoluble, that the acid of gastric juice must be a mineral acid, and from what he termed the coefficient of partage with ether that acid was hydrochloric. Still another proof is found in the fact that gastric juice behaves like mineral acids in giving the color of sulphocyanide of iron when added to a solution of sulpho- C} r anide of potassium and citrate of iron and quinine (Reoch) ; while, still further, the addition of gastric juice to starch-mucilage containing iodide of potassium will develop the blue iodide of starch by liberating the iodine from the potassium. 350 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. In addition to these tests, a number of reagents, such as tropeolin,' methyl-violet, Congo-paper, etc., have been proposed to distinguish mineral from organic acids. The best of the more recent tests is phloro- glucin-vanillin, described by Wiesner and Gunzburg. Two grammes of phloroglucin and one gramme of vanillin form a reddish-yellow solution with thirty grammes of absolute alcohol. A drop of this solution in the presence of a trace of a free mineral acid forms a brilliant red color, at the same time depositing bright-red crystals. On the other hand , organic acids, such as lactic or acetic acids, or even chlorides mixed with these: acids, produce no change in coloration. There is no doubt but that lactic, butyric, and other organic acids may be present in gastric juice, but their origin is to be explained by; their respective fermentations, from articles of food, or from decompo- sition of their salts. The amount of free acid found in gastric juice ina> state of health may vary from 0.02 per cent., as stated by Bidder and Schmidt, which is probably a low estimate, to 0.5 per cent., as estimated, by Heidenhain, in the gastric juice of the dog. The degree of acidity of the gastric juice differs in different animals and under different conditions. In the dog, Bidder and Schmidt found' that one hundred parts of filtered gastric juice required 0.390 grammes potassium hydrate for neutralization ; in the sheep, one hundred parts of gastric juice required only 0.264 grammes potassium hydrate, indicating in a general way that the degree of acidity of this secretion is higher in the carnivora than in the herbivora. The degree of acidity varies also with the stage of gastric digestion. Rothschild, found, after the administration of fifty grammes of rare meat and three hundred and twenty-eight grammes of water through the. oesophageal sound in healthy individuals, that hydrochloric acid was the only acid present. The degree of acidity was determined by removing the contents of the stomach by the stomach-pump. The following table shows the results of his investigations : After ihour, . . 0.74 per mille, HC1. 1 0.84 H hours, 0.99 2 1.40 2 " 2.46 3 " stomach empty. There seems to be certain reasons for supposing that hydrochloric' acid is not entirely free, but in a state of partial combination with some substance which does not entirely destroy its free acidity. Thus, gastric juice has been found to dialyse differently from a solution of hydrochloric ; acid of the same percentage. Numerous theories have been proposed to explain the formation of the free acid of gastric juice. No one of these views has reached the ; GASTKIC DIGESTION. 351 dignity of a demonstration. It is known that the acid is formed only by the parietal cells of the gastric tubules, and the free acid is found on the free surface of the gastric mucous membrane. An experiment devised by Bernard serves to demonstrate this. For the production of Prussian blue through the union of potassium ferroc3'anide and a salt of iron, an acid reaction is requisite. Claude Bernard injected potassium ferrocyanide, and afterward a solution of lactate of iron into the veins of a dog. When examined after death, the blue color was found only in the upper layers of the gastric mucous membrane, showing thus that this locality was the sole seat of the acid reaction. As to the origin of this acidity, it appears that the parietal cells of the gastric glands form hydrochloric acid from the chlorides which the mucous membrane takes up from the blood; for, if sodium chloride be withheld from the food, the formation of hydrochloric acid ceases. The active agent in this splitting up of the chlorides is probably lactic acid, which, by splitting up sodium chloride, forms free hydrochloric acid, while the bases, forming alkaline salts, are excreted by the urine. The renal secretion is, there- fore, less acid during digestion than in the intervals of digestion. The following tables represent the quantitative composition of gastric juice in different animals : Water Organic matter (especially ferments), Sodium chloride, .... Calcium chloride, . Hydrochloric acid, . . Potassium chloride, ., -. .. Ammonium chloride, ..,.. Calcium phosphate, ) Magnesium " > , 0.125 Ferric " ) 2. THE ACTION OF GASTRIC JUICE ON THE FOOD. The general solvent effects of the gastric juice on food-stuffs may be roughty illustrated by means of an experiment devised by Schiff, in which the stomach, removed from the body and placed in an acid medium, is capable of digesting itself. If the stomach is removed from a dog, minced into small pieces, and infused in four or five hundred cubic centimeters of HC1 of 0.02 per cent, in an oven at 40 C., at the end of eight to ten hours the fragments of the stomach will be found to be almost entirely liquefied. In the structures of the stomach are found the principal animal sub- stances which serve as nutriment. Albumen and fibrin of the blood are present, muscular tissue, and connective tissue. These substances then being dissolved, as may be demonstrated by the fact that the liquid, which may be filtered off from the small, pulpy and yellowish residue, is free from solid material, it remains only to determine in what form these albuminoid constituents of the tissues are present in the solution. 352 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. As has been already stated, albumen is precipitated from its solutions by boiling or by a concentrated mineral acid. If the filtrate from this autodigestion of the stomach is boiled no coagulum will be formed, nor will an addition of nitric acid cause any precipitate. . If albumen is present in this solution, it must, therefore, exist in a modified form. Millon's test and the xanthoproteic reaction will indicate in this filtrate the presence of an albuminoid bod} 7 . If the filtrate be neutralized by the careful addition, drop by drop, of a little liquor potassse, when the fluid is perfectly neutral a precipitate will be formed. These tests show that while albuminoid bodies do exist in the filtrate, they have been trans- formed by the gastric secretions into other members of the proteid group. Recollecting the statement made in a preceding chapter as to the effect of dilute acid on albumen, it was found that if a dilute acid was added to a solution of albumen, the albumen totally lost its power of coagulating by heat and was rendered insoluble in water. It was there- fore thrown out of solution by neutralization. When such a solution of acid albumen was exactly neutralized, the filtrate was found to be entirely free from proteid in solution. If, on the other hand, in this experiment of autodigestion by the stomach the precipitate produced by neutraliza- tion is filtered off, the filtrate will still show the presence of proteid in large amounts. The results of gastric digestion are not, therefore, entirely identical to the action of a dilute acid, for we find a portion of proteid which is still soluble in neutral solutions and is nevertheless not coagu- lated by boiling ; consequently, the modifications of albuminoids produced by the action of the gastric juice are not due solely to the acid alone. This fact can be still further demonstrated by a simple experiment. In four test-tubes may he placed some fragments of boiled blood-fibrin. In one tube are placed ten cubic centimeters of hydrochloric acid of .02 per cent.; in No. 2 are placed ten cubic centimeters of artificial gastric juice made by adding a few drops of glycerin-pepsin extract to dilute hydrochloric acid, as already described ; in No. 3 are placed ten cubic centimeters of the same arti- ficial gastric juice carefully neutralized; and in No. 4 ten cubic centimeters of gastric juice thoroughly boiled. All of these tubes are then to be placed in an oven heated by 40 degrees centigrade. At the same time, duplicates of tube No. 2 are to be prepared, one being surrounded with ice and the other kept at the temperature of the room. On examination of these tubes after four or five hours, it will be found that in tube No. 1, which contained acid alone, the fibrin is swollen up into a stiff jelly, but has not been dissolved. In No. 2, which con- tained artificial gastric juice, the fibrin will have entirely disappeared. In No. 3, which contained gastric juice neutralized, or, in otherwords, pepsin in solution, the fibrin will be unaltered, while in No. 4, which contained the boiled gastric juice, the appearances will be identical with those of No. 1 It may be learned from this that fibrin is not dissolved by acid alone nor by pepsin alone, but that their combination is necessary for its solution, while it is also seen that pepsin is destroyed by heat. By referring to the other two tubes, it will be seen that the fibrin will present the same appearance almost as seen in tube No. 1, showing, therefore, that cold prevents the action of gastric juice. If, however, the tube which was in the ice is placed in a warm oven, the fibrin will be rapidly digested, showing that its solution was simply suspended by cold. The solvent action of the gastric juice is, however, totally destroyed by boiling. If tube No. 1 be exactly GASTKIC DIGESTION. 353 neutralized, the fibrin will regain its original appearance. If tube No. 3, which contained the neutralized gastric juice, be acidulated to proper degree, the fibrin will be dissolved. If tube No. 2 is neutralized, there will be a precipitate varying in amount with the duration of the digestion. If that precipitate be filtered off, the filtrate will still show the presence of a proteid body. The results of gastric digestions are. thus, not dependent upon the acidity of the gastric juice alone, for we find that when the neutraliza- tion product is filtered off there still remains in solution in the filtrate a large quantity of proteid matter. This substance is termed peptone, and has the same elementaiy composition as albumen and gives most of the proteid reactions, it, however, differing from the ordinan r proteids in several respects. In the first place, solutions of peptone diffuse readily and are readily filtered. Tlie} r are not precipitated by boiling and nitric acid, acetic acid and potassium ferrocyanide, and saturation with com- mon salt. They are precipitated from neutral or faintly acid solutions by mercuric chloride, tannic acid, bile acids, and phosphowolframic acid ; they will yield the Millon's and xanthoproteic tests, and with caustic soda or potash and a small quantity of cupric sulphate they give a beautiful purple-red color instead of the violet yielded by other albuminous bodies (Biuret test). They rotate the plane of polarized light to the left. When injected into the blood they do not appear in the urine, as is the case with egg-albumen, but when injected in large amounts produce the S3^mp- toms of a narcotic poison and prevent coagulation of the blood. When dried, peptones are amorphous, transparent, 3^ello wish-white, hygroscopic powders, while when freshly precipitated they closely resemble coagu- lated casein in appearance. When proteids are subjected to the action of gastric juice, the acid first transforms the albuminous bodies into a substance analogous to acid albumen, termed parapeptone, this substance thus standing midway between the albumen and peptone. By the continued effect of the action of the gastric juice, principally through the influence of the pepsin, the parapeptone passes into a true soluble peptone, its formation being due to the taking up of a molecule of water. Under the influence of the hydrotytic ferment of pepsin, the greater the amount of pepsin, within certain limits, the more rapidly the solution takes place, although it seems that the pepsin is not used up in the process of gastric digestion ; and if the degree of acidity be kept uniform, almost unlimited amounts of albumen' may be digested by a small amount of pepsin. Large amounts of peptones appear to interfere with the digestion of albuminous bodies ; but if the peptones are removed as rapidly as formed, digestion may go on until all the albumen is converted into peptones, or until the acidity has disappeared. The gastric juice only digests the albuminous constituents of food, vegetable albuminoids being digested in the same manner and with the 23 354 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. same products as albuminoids of animal origin. On carbohydrates the ferment of gastric juice is without effect, the cases reported in which starch has promptly been converted into sugar in the stomach being attributable to the action of saliva which had been swallowed. The sali- vary ferment is not destroyed in the stomach, since saliva may be kept for days together in contact with gastric juice, and if the acid be then neutralized the diastatic power of the saliva may still be exerted. The change of starch into sugar in the stomach will vary in intensity according as the animal is carnivorous or herbivorous. In the former case the saliva possesses but little diastatic power, and the food being swallowed without mastication no conversion of starch into sugar may be said to occur in the mouth, while the high degree of acidity of the gastric juice will almost entirely prevent the action of saliva in the stomach. Carbohydrates, therefore, when given to carnivora, pass through the stomach almost unchanged, and are only converted into sugar when brought into contact with the pancreatic and intestinal secre- tions. In the case of ruminant herbivora the food and saliva are carried together to the rumen, where the high temperature and alkaline reaction favor the conversion of starch into sugar. In the non-ruminant her- bivora, as in the horse and rabbit, the sojourn of the food in the mouth is much more prolonged than in other animals, and time is given for the partial conversion of starch into sugar to take place. When the uncon- verted starch and saliva reach the stomach the process ma}^ still go on, for, in the first place, the acidity of the gastric juice is much less in these animals than in carnivora, and, in the second place, as will be shown directly, the acid of the gastric secretion in these animals in the first stage of digestion is lactic and not hydrochloric acid, and the action of ptyalin may still take place in a fluid containing 2 per cent, of the former acid, while it ceases in 0.5 per cent, of the latter. By the time, there- fore, that hydrochloric acid has been substituted for lactic acid, it may be concluded that the starch has been mainly converted into sugar. Again, cane-sugar is slowly converted in the stomach into invert- sugar, apparently through the influence of hydrochloric acid. Fats are but slightly digested by gastric juice, it appearing that a small part of the fat is broken up into glycerin and fatty acids. When adipose tissue is subjected to the action of gastric juice, the albuminous cell-envelopes are dissolved and the fat liberated in the form of free oil-globules, only a small portion of which is broken up into fatty acids and glycerin, while the remainder escapes into the small intestines to be acted upon by the pancreatic secretion. When milk is introduced into the stomach, the casein, through the action of the milk-curdling ferment, together with the acid of the gastric juice, is coagulated and forms the curd, in which the oil-globules are held. In a subsequent stage of digestion, the casein GASTEIC DIGESTION. 355 is dissolved and converted into peptone, and the oil is again liberated. When, therefore, artificial gastric juice is added to milk warmed to the temperature of the body, the casein is rapidly coagulated and a toler- ably firm, white curd is formed, floating in the clear fluid, the whey, which contains the salts, milk-sugar, water, and albumen of the milk. As digestion progresses, the casein being turned into peptone, the oil is set free and the whey again becomes milky, from the oil again passing into the state of partial emulsion. Gelatin and connective tissues are dissolved and peptonized by the gastric juice. When gelatin has been subjected to the action of gastric secretion, its solutions no longer solidify when cold, but a gelatin-pep- tone is formed which is soluble and diffusible, although it differs from a true peptone. When muscular tissue is subjected to the action of gastric juice, the sarcolemma becomes dissolved, the muscle-fibre breaks up traiisversel}' into disks, which become dissolved and converted ultimately into a true peptone. Horny tissues are unchanged by gastric juice, as is also anryloid substance. Red blood-corpuscles are dissolved in the stomach, the haemoglobin being decomposed into haematin, and the glob- ulin is ultimately transformed into peptone, while the hsematin is partly unchanged and partly converted into bile-pigment. That the stomach is able to digest albuminous bodies of the most varying nature, and yet escape digestion itself by its own secretion, is a fact of which explanation has as yet never been clearty determined. It has been attributed to the alkalinity of the blood in the tissues neutralizing the gastric juice and so protecting the tissues of the stomach ; if that were so, we would expect that the pancreatic secretion, being most active in an alkaline medium, would be aided by the alkalinit} r of the blood in digesting the walls of the intestine. The protection of the walls of the stomach during digestion has been attributed to the mucus or the epithelium lining the stomach ; both may, however, be mechanically removed through a gastric fistula and both are, undoubtedly, at least partially removed in the use of the stomach-sound and yet without the walls of the stomach being digested. The obscurity is rendered still more intense by the fact that under certain circumstances the stomach does digest itself. If an animal be killed during active digestion, and the body kept at an elevated temper- ature, the walls of the stomach will be digested ; or if the stomach be excised from an animal and covered with dilute hydrochloric acid, it will be almost -completely dissolved. These facts have been attributed to the absence of vitality ; but if the leg of a living frog be inserted through a fistula into the stomach of a dog it will be completely digested, and in the maintenance of a gastric fistula in dogs it will often be noticed that the edges of the wound become corroded from the escape of gastric 356 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. juice along the sides of the cannula. The subject must, therefore, be left where we started : the stomach during life does not digest itself, but its immunity cannot be satisfactorily explained. 3. THE SECRETION OF GASTRIC JUICE. The walls of the stomach are constituted by four coats, composed externally of the peritoneum or serous layer ; second, the muscular layer, composed of longitudinal, cir- cular, and oblique unstriped muscular fibres ; third ^Q subrnucous layer of connective tissue, in which are found numerous blood-vessels, lymphat- ics, and glands; and, fourth, the inter- nal mucous coat, in which are found the glands of the stomach. The mu- cous membrane is covered throughout its entire extent by a single layer of narrow, cylindrical, epithelial cells similar to the ordinary mucus-secreting goblet cells. The tubular glands of the stomach are of two distinct kinds, traversing the mucous membrane ver- tically and differing greatly as they are located in the cardiac or pyloric portions of the stomach. The glands found in the cardiac portion of the stomach or fundus are called the peptic glands, and consist of several short tubules opening into a broad duct which is lined by epithelial cells similar to those on the free mucous membrane of the stomach. The lower portions of the tubes, those portions which alone form the gastric secretion, are lined by a layer of small granular, columnar, nucleated cells (Fig. 148). These cells border the lumen of the gland and are termed the chief or central cells. At various places between these cells and the membrana propria are large, oval or angular granu- lated, nucleated cells, which are termed parietal cells. These cells are most numerous in the necks of the glands and less so in the lower ends of the tubules (Fig. 149). They are stained deeply by osmic acid and aniline blue, and bulge out the membrana propria opposite to where they are placed, and are thus readily recognized. The pyloric glands (Fig. 150) are generally branched at their lower ends, several tubes opening into a single duct, which is long and wide. FIG. 148. GLANDS OF THE FUNDUS OF THE STOMACH. (Heidenhain.) GASTRIC DIGESTION. 357 The duct is lined by epithelium like that lining the stomach, while the deeper part is lined by a single layer of short, fine, granular, columnar cells. It is thus seen that the glands of the fundus and pylorus are histo- logically different, and it has been found by the method of partial fistula, by excising certain portions of the stomach, that the character of the secretions formed b}^ these cells is also different. Here also, as in the salivary glands, changes occur in the interior of the cells according as the gland is active or has been exhausted. During fasting the chief cells of the fundus and all the cells of the pyloric glands are clear and of moderate size. During digestion the chief cells become enlarged or turbid and granular ; the parietal cells also enlarge, while the pyloric cells remain unchanged, and only become enlarged toward the ter- FIG. 149. CROSS-SECTION OF THE GLANDS OF THE FUNDUS OF THE STOMACH. (Heidenhain.) A, through the body of the gland ; B, through the neck. mination of digestion. Often during the last hours of digestion the chief cells again become larger and clearer, the parietal cells diminish, and the p3 T loric cells decrease in size and become turbid. We therefore see that there are three different forms of anatomical elements found in the stomach, and these different cells furnish different forms of gastric secretion (Figs. 151 and 152). When the stomach is empty its reaction is alkaline and its mucous surface is covered with a layer of mucus which is formed from the cylindrical epithelial cells, which line the free surface of the mucous membrane and dip into the ducts of the glands. The gastric juice proper comes from the tubules which line the entire stomach with the exception of the cardiac and extreme pyloric ends. Gastric juice, as has been seen, contains pepsin, In^drochloric acid, and the milk-curd- ling ferment. The pepsin is formed by the chief cells found throughout 358 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. all the tubular glands of the stomach. When these cells are clear and large the}^ then contain their maximum amount of pepsin. After the secretion of gastric juice has lasted for some time, these cells become contracted and turbid and then contain but a small amount of pepsin. According to certain authorities, pepsin is not directly formed in the cells of these tubular glands, but results from the transformation, by means of hydrochloric acid or sodium chloride, of a mother-substance or zymogen which has been termed pepsinogen. FIG. 150. PYLORIC G.LANDS OF THK STOMACH. ( Hcidcnhain. ) FIG. 151. PYL.ORIC GLANDS COM- MENCING CHANGES DURING DIGES- TION, AFTER EBSTEIN. (Heidenhain.) These statements as to the formation of pepsin are based upon the fact that the secretion withdrawn from the isolated cardiac or pyloric extremity of the stomach contains pepsin in abundance, although the quantity is more marked in the secretion formed by the glands of the fundus. So, also, in the frog, glands similar in character to those con- taining chief cells are found in the tubules located in the lower portion GASTEIC DIGESTION. 359 of the oesophagus. Here, also, the secretion poured out })y the glands of this locality is alkaline, and yet contains pepsin, while a watery infusion of this part of the frog's stomach is also highly peptic. On the other hand, the hydrochloric acid is formed, according to Heidenhain,by the parietal or associate cells, which are found onl}- in the glands of the fundus. This statement, also, has been proved by the determination that the secretion alone of the fundus during active digestion has an acid reaction, while that of the pylorus never acquires any acidity. So, FIG. 152. GLANDS OF THE FUNDUS OF THE STOMACH. (Hcidenhain.) A and At, during fasting ; B, first stage of digestion : enlargement of the chief cells and commencing turbidity ; C and D, secqnd stage of digestion : the chief cells become smaller in size and more and more turbid. again, in the frog these associate cells are found in the stomach, and not in the tubular glands of the oesophagus, and it is known that in the stomach alone free acid is formed. Again, in hibernating animals the chief cells disappear, and in these animals the secretion of gastric juice never acquires an acid reaction. The milk-curdling ferment is, probably, also formed by the central cells, especially those of the pyloric extremity, 360 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. since it has been found that it is this locality of the stomach which yields the milk-curdling ferment in largest amounts. As regards the action of the nervous system on the secretion of gastric juice, very little is known. It seems clear that this secretion, like that of the saliva and of other glands, is a reflex process; for when the stomach is empty there is no secretion of gastric juice, which only takes place when proper stimuli are applied to the mucous membrane of the stomach. Such stimuli may be either mechanical or chemical, and the immediate result of their contact is to cause an increase in the activity of the circulation through the walls of the stomach, with a con- sequent increase in temperature which ma}^ amount to as much as 1 C. The mechanism of secretion, therefore, is, in all probability, identical with that of other glands. The nerves which influence the secretion are almost totally unknown, since no nerve has been found whose stimulation leads to the secretion of gastric juice in a manner at all analogous to that which results from the stimulation of the chorda tympani in producing the secretion of saliva. It seems probable that the centres whose reflex stimulation leads to the flow of gastric juice are located in the stomach, for both the pneumogastric and sympathetic nerves may be divided, and local stimulation of the gastric mucous membrane will still lead to a flow of gastric juice. The pneumogastrics, nevertheless, besides being the sensory nerves of the stomach, seem to be concerned in the production of the vascular dilatation, which is of such importance in the production of the secretion ; for, if both pneumo- gastrics are divided during digestion, the mucous membrane of the stomach becomes pale. The secretion of gastric juice is also undoubt- edly in some way connected with the central nervous system, for Richet has noted the fact that in a case of complete cesophageal stricture, observation of the stomach through a fistulous opening into this organ proved that the secretion of gastric juice followed the introduction of acids or sugar into the mouth. 4. GASTRIC DIGESTION IN CARNIVORA The importance of the stom- ach in the operation of digestion varies greatly in different animals. In the carnivora the action of the stomach is less constant than in the herbivora, but is of greater importance. While its action is intermittent, the intervals between its periods of activity and the duration of its activity are more prolonged. Carnivora swallow their food in large frag- ments, torn only small enough to be swallowed, and in many cases swallow their prey entire. Their mastication is of slight importance, for they feed on substances readily soluble in gastric juice, the only function of the saliva being to render the food easy of deglutition, it having scarcely any digestive function to fulfill. In carnivora, as already stated, the conformation of the mouth, pharynx, and gullet enables large masses GASTKIC DIGESTION. 361 of animal matter to be introduced into the stomach. The gastric mucous membrane secretes gastric juice throughout its entire extent, and the digestion in the stomach in carnivora is the most important stage in the preparation of food for absorption. The secretion is rapidly poured out after taking a meal, the activity being in accordance with the degree of stimulation which the aliments exercise on this viscus. Thus, there is less secretion formed when gelatin, gum, starch, and other indigestible substances are swallowed, while the secretion is copious when meat, bone, and other albuminous bodies are introduced into the stomach. The total amount of gastric juice secreted by carnivora can only be determined with difficulty. It has been stated as one hundred grammes for each kilo of body weight an amount which is evidently too large ; probably one- fourth the amount would be nearer the truth. As the gastric juice of the carnivora is obtained with the greatest readiness, it is the secretion which has been most studied. It contains a larger percentage of acid and pepsin than that of omnivorous and herbivorous animals, and in equal time will digest four times as much cooked albumen as the gastric juice of the sheep. It has been stated that a dog is able to digest one-, fifth of his own weight at one meal. Nevertheless, the gastric juice does not convert all the food taken into the stomach into peptones ; a large part is merely disintegrated and passes into the small intestine to be acted upon by the pancreatic juice. When excessive amounts of meat are taken, as is occasionally the case in young dogs, it will escape entirely unaltered through the intestines. Considerable time is required for gastric digestion in carnivora. Thus, albumen given to dogs has been found still coagulable by heat after a sojourn of three hours in the stomach, indicating that in a certain portion digestion had not com- menced. Again, coagulated albumen has been found^ unaltered after a period of four hours ; fibrin has been found swollen and transparent, but not dissolved ; while gluten, after having remained four hours in the stomach, has been found almost unaltered. Spallanzani states that masses of meat inclosed in tubes were found partially undigested after eleven hours, while Colin claims that at least twelve hours are required for a carnivore to digest the amount of meat which it would take spontaneously at a single meal. Thus, Colin gave to a cat which had fasted for twent.y-four hours two hundred grammes of horse-meat, 'and found that five hours afterward the stomach contained one hundred and fifty grammes of unaltered meat; but fort} T -five grammes, therefore, or only about one-fourth, having been disintegrated. To another cat two hundred grammes of horse-meat were given after fasting twenty hours, and after twelve hours sixty-four grammes could still be recog- nized. Similar data were also obtained in the case of the dog. It is not astonishing that the food remains so long in the stomach. Time is given 362 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. for the digestion of ligaments, tendons, and often cartilages and bones, and such substances will often remain in the stomach for days at a time. The digestibility of certain kinds of animal food appears to be altered according as the substances are cooked or raw ; gelatinous tissues, such as tendons, are more readily digested when cooked, evidently due to the conversion of the collagenous bodies into gelatin. Albuminous tissues, on the other hand, especially the glandular structures, such as liver, kidney, etc., lose in digestibility when cooked, unless the cooking is very prolonged, when a stage of peptonization may be inaugurated. Muscular tissue seems to be equally digestible when raw as when cooked. Feed- ing on raw meat is the natural normal diet of the pure caririvora, and even carnivorous animals in a state of domestication appear to digest raw meat more regularly and with less diarrhoea than when fed on cooked meat, which is often followed by a fetid diarrhoea; thus, a little raw meat given to dogs will keep their skin supple, the hair soft, and their general condition will be improved. From what has been said, it is, then, clear that ordinary house refuse is all that dogs require for food. When a number of dogs are kept, this will not, as a rule, be sufficient ; so, then, it is necessary to give some further idea as to the best and most economical plans of feeding a kennel of dogs. For ordinary feed- ing in town, as recommended by Dinks and Mayhew, beef-heads, sheep-heads, feet, and offal should be cleaned, chopped up, boiled in water, filling up the kettle as the water boils away, until all the meat separates in shreds. To this may be added a little salt and any cheap vegetable, such as cabbage, parsnips, potatoes, or turnips. Put this soup aside, and then boil old Indian meal till it is quite stiff; let it also get cold. When required, take as much meal as may be required, and enough broth to liquefy it. In the country, during the summer, skimmed milk, sour milk, buttermilk, or whey may be used in place of the broth. In the winter the soup should be alter- nated with meal never use new Indian meal, it scours. Although Indian meal has not as much sugar or albumen as oats, it does tolerably well ; but when a great amount of work is expected of the dogs, as in a month's shooting excursion, oat- meal should always be used, as a less bulk is more nourishing than Indian meal, and old meal cannot always be obtained, or meat to make soup. Oatmeal-porridge and milk are capital under such circumstances. In a house there are always bones, potato-peelings, and pot-liquor : by clean- ing all the potatoes, and throwing all into the dog-pot, the dogs are greatly benefited. Rutabagas are good boiled in soup. Boiled meat alone seems to destroy the scent of dogs ; so, also, greasy substances. Alimentary substances introduced into the stomach are changed in the way already indicated. All albuminous bodies are converted into peptone. Starch may be slightly converted into sugar through the action of the salivary ferment, or, after passing into the intestine, through the action of the pancreatic ferment. Herbaceous matters are not digested by dogs, even though often taken in great quantities, and they are either again vomited, pass in the faeces, or may cause intestinal obstruction. When raw vegetable substances are swallowed by carnivorous animals it is only the salts of vegetable acids which are extracted, while the skele- tons, containing starch and albuminous matters, remain behind. It is GASTKIC DIGESTION. 363 probably the need of the extraction of these vegetable acids which leads dogs so often in the spring to eat grass. As the substances contained in the stomach are liquefied, they pass gradually by the contraction of the walls of the stomach and relaxation of the pylorus into the small intestine. Indigestible substances may remain in the stomach, either to be vomited or finally to pass into the intestine. 5. GASTRIC DIGESTION IN OMNIVORA. In the omnivora gastric digestion offers similar characteristics to those noted in the case of the carnivora, though it is slower and less complete. Thus, Colin states that after giving one thousand grammes of raw meat to a hog six hundred grammes were found in the stomach six hours after feeding, while undigested pieces were found in the small intestine. In another case a hog which had received three kilos of meat with one litre of water had only digested three hundred grammes in six hours. We thus see that while the hog is an omnivorous animal, it is not less capable of digesting animal matters than are the pure carnivorous animals. While this is, however, the case, from their imperfect mastication they are less consti- tuted for the extracting of nutritive principle from the vegetable matter than the purely herbivorous animals. The stomach of the hog is generally described as a simple stomach, but it really represents a stage of transition between the simple stomach of carnivora and the complex stomachs of ruminants. Even on external examination, by the presence of a constriction at the cardiac and pyloric extremity the presence of well-marked diverticula is evident. On inspecting the interior, Ellenberger and Hofmeister, who have been mainly followed in this description, show that the organ may be divided into five distinct regions : 1. The cesophageal portion, which is coated with a mucous membrane, cutaneous in character, similar to that lining the O3sophagus, and which is separated by a distinct border from the secreting membrane. It contains no glands, but is papillated, though to a less degree than the left half of the horse's stomach. 2. The cardiac diverticuium, lined with a white, thin mucous membrane, which is sepa- rated by a fold of mucous membrane from the fundus of the stomach. The mucous membrane of this portion of the hog's stomach is coated with cylindrical epithelium and contains tubular glands, which are shorter than the fundus glands, and composed of small, transparent, granular cells, different from those found in any other region. Lymph-follicles are numerous, and in some places so close together as to resemble Pe3-er's patches. 3. The left zone, or fundus, constituting one-third or one-half the stomach, lined with a glandular membrane, similar to that of the cardiac diverticulum ; it contains, however, a smaller relative number of follicles. 4. The central zone includes the greater curvature, 364 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. and extends toward the pylorus and cesophageal portion, its extremities being triangular. The mucous membrane in this region is very thick and brownish-red in color, and contains the so-called fundus glands. These are tubular in structure, longer, but subdivided to a less degree than the pyloric glands. The ducts of these tubules are lined with epi- thelium similar to that lining the cavity of the stomach, while the fundus contains chief and associate cells similar to those found in the stomachs of carnivora, with the exception that the associate cells lie in groups external to the cylindrical cells. 5. The right or pyloric zone includes the pylorus, as much of the lesser curvature as does not belong to the cesophageal portion, and a small portion of the greater curvature. Its mucous membrane is white in color, and in the pylorus very thin, though much thicker at the entrance to the pylorus ; the submucosa is sparsely developed. After death the pyloric zone is generally found coated with a thick layer of mucus, stained yellowish from the bile. The glands of this portion are considerably longer than those found elsewhere, are subdivided and convoluted. Associate cells are entirely wanting in the pyloric zone, the cells being cylindrical and granular or hyaline. As Ellenberger and Hofmeister pointed out, the stomachs of mam- mals may be divided into two different .groups, in one of which cesoph- ageal diverticula, and in the other diverticula of the stomach itself, represent the mode of deviation from the simple gastric form. When both forms of diverticula are present, the true compound stomach is represented. The gastric formation, with a divert iculum formed from the glandular stomach itself, is met with in many herbivora and omniv- ora, and such carnivora as live on highly indigestible animal substances. In its simplest form the part near the pylorus is dilated into a pouch-like expansion ; such a form is met with in the hog, but is still further complicated by a saccular expansion at the cardiac extremity. Such a formation evidently lengthens the period of retention of the food within the stomach, and by an increase in the internal surface of the stomach permits of a more continuous action of the gastric juice, since it corresponds to an increase in the secreting surface. In the development of the compound stomach through the forma- tion of cesophageal dilatations, the stomach of the hog represents the first stage. The second stage is found in the stomach of the horse, where the entire left half of the stomach may be regarded as an oesophageal expansion ; and while the stomach of the horse from external view resembles a simple stomach, internal examination shows that it is practically a compound stomach. The highest degree of development of the cesophageal pouches is, of course, seen in the stomachs of ruminants. GASTRIC DIGESTION. 365 The gastric juice of the hog contains the same ferments as are found in the secretion of other mammals ; it dissolves albuminates and con- verts them into peptone, parapeptone, and syntonin, and coagulates milk, and, to a slight degree, as in the case of other mammals, splits up fats into glycerin and fatty acids. The secretion obtained from different portions of the stomach differs ; that obtained from the greater curvature contains more mucin, more acid, and more ferment than that from the other portions, while the secretion from the cesophageal portion is free from ferment. In the secretion from the greater curvature, as obtained by the making of extracts with common salt, the degree of acidity varies from 0.03 to 0.07 per cent. The portion of the stomach supplied with the associate cells con- tains all the ferments in the greatest quantity. Small amounts are found in the pyloric region, and a still smaller amount in the cardiac diver- ticulum. These ferments in the hog are with difficulty extracted with glycerin, but are readily removed by means of dilute hydrochloric acid and salt solutions. Ellenberger and Hofmeister further claim that there is a diastatic ferment in the mucous membrane of the hog's stomach, and they have proved by carefully controlled experiments that the conversion of starch into sugar by means of artificial gastric juice from the hog is actually due to the presence of the ferment. It does not, however, seem clear as to whether this ferment is actually produced in the gastric mucous membrane, or whether it enters that membrane by imbibition from saliva which has been swallowed. The gastric juice of the fundus of the stom- ach of the greater curvature produces coagulation of milk, both in alkaline and in neutral conditions ; this power is not possessed by the mucous membrane of the cardiac sac, and only to a slight degree by the pyloric portion. No lactic acid ferment exists in the hog's gastric juice. The progress of gastric digestion in the hog has been carefully studied by Ellenberger and Hofmeister, by administering definite amounts of specific foods to hogs in whom the stomach had been emptied by fasting and cleansed by copious administration of water. The animals were then killed, at specific intervals after the administration of the food, and the gastric and intestinal contents subjected to a chemical examination. These authors' experiments were restricted to the cereals. The largest number of experiments were made with oats, given dry, so as to produce the greatest quantity of saliva. In other instances the food was given moist, so as to reduce the secretion of saliva to a min- imum. To those who received the dry food water was always given to drink. The animals on whom these experiments were made were for a 366 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. few days previous to the experiment fed on such food as could be readily recognized in the intestinal tube. For thirty-six hours before the exper- iment no food whatever was given. The animals were then killed, after the administration of a weighed quantity of food, at one, two, three, four, six, eight, ten, and twelve hours after the termination of the meal, an attempt being made to isolate the portions obtained from the dif- ferent parts of the stomach, the cardiac and pyloric halves being kept separate. The result of these experiments directed attention especially to the progress of digestion, to the location of the gastric contents, the nature of the acid and quantity of the ferment present, the duration of gastric digestion, the source of gastric juice, and the character of the gastric movements. Their experiments teach that the gastric digestion of grains in the hog may be divided into two periods. During the meal and for one or two hours afterward, digestion of starch alone takes place, the starch being converted into soluble starch, dextrin, and sugar. Simultaneously with the digestion of the starch, lactic acid fermentation occurs, a considerable quantity of the sugar being in this way converted into lactic acid. It does not appear from their results as to whether cellulose, also, at the same time undergoes fermentation or not. During this period the food becomes softened and swollen from maceration in the fluids, and a great part of the soluble matters of the food pass into solution, the digestibility of the vegetable albuminates being facilitated b}' the presence of lactic acid. The conversion of the starch into sugar occurring in this period is due to the saliva, which the authors have found in the hog to pos- sess amylolytic power in a high degree. It is strongly alkaline, and therefore neutralizes whatever acid was first present in the stomach. Later, the cardiac contents become acid, due at first to the presence of lactic acid, which, as is well known, does not interfere with the action of the amylolytic ferment. It is also probable that a certain amount of this amylotytic ferment comes from the cardiac sac of the .hog's stomach, which, as already mentioned, contains a special character of glands whose extract always yields diastatic ferments. As regards the degree of digestion in this period, the following figures, taken from one of Ellenberger's and Hofmeister's experiments, serve as an example : The animal had received 860 grammes of oats, representing 73 grammes of cellulose, 557 grammes of carbohydrates, and 93 grammes of albuminoids. As a consequence, 22.5 per cent, soluble nutritive sub- stances consisted of albumen. On analysis, only 47 grammes of undis- solved albumen were found ; hence 34 per cent, of the insoluble albuminous bodies had passed into solution. In feeding with animal matters, naturally this first stage, which GASTRIC DIGESTION. 367 might be called the am}'lolytic period of digestion, is absent. This amylolytic period lasts for about three or four hours, including, of course, the half-hour or hour occupied by the meal. The duration is, however, longer in the cardiac sac than in the fundus and pyloric portions of the stomach, where it becomes gradually converted into what might be termed the proteolytic period, in which the proteids become converted into peptones. The digestion of proteids in the hog is first rendered possible through the presence of lactic acid, During this stage of proteolysis the digestive processes differ in the cardiac and pyloric portions of the stomach, indicating that for several hours a well-marked difference exists between the contents of these different regions of the stomach, in the former of which only lactic acid and in the latter both hydrochloric and lactic acids are present. This fact, for which we are also indebted to Ellenberger and Hofmeister, is in opposition to the generally accepted views as to the rapid diffusion and mixing of the gastric contents. The second digestive period, in which, while the cardiac extremity is still digesting starch, the pyloric half is digesting albumen, begins at about the third or fourth hour of digestion, and may continue from nine to twelve hours. In the third period the digestion of starch ceases, from the great development of hydrochloric acid, although it should be remembered that up to the fourth hour of gastric digestion the cardiac fluid is still capable of converting starch into sugar. It thus would appear that digestion in the stomach of the hog con- tinues from one meal to the other, although in a moderate meal part of the gastric contents maj^ pass into the intestine three or four hours after eating; but part, nevertheless, remains in the stomach, and may be found there even thirty-six hours afterward. These results further show that the degree of mixing of the con- tents of the stomach produced by the gastric movements is by no means complete, the first quantities being gradually pushed on toward the P3*lorus by those coming afterward. The degree of acidity of the gastric contents gradually increases. While at first alkaline, it gradually increases in acidity so that three hours after the meal 0.07 per cent, acid may be recognized in the left half of the stomach and 0.2 per cent, in the right half. The acid within the left half of the stomach then com- mences to increase, until finally it may amount to 0.3 per cent. When the meals rapidly follow each other gastric digestion is interrupted, and the undigested portion is forced into the intestine, undergoing digestion there by means of the intestinal digestive fluids. As a consequence, in large meals the amylolytic period is increased and the proteolytic period decreased, while the degree of acidity more slowly approaches a 368 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. maximum. The degree of mastication is further of influence on the completeness of the amylolytic change. When dried food is given mastication is more prolonged, and the conversion into starch is more complete than when soft, watery foods are given. 6. GASTRIC DIGESTION IN SOLIPEDES. The simplicity and smallness of the stomach in these animals, the vast size and valvular character of the colon, and the importance and high degree of development of the caecum are the peculiarities which characterize digestion in this group of herbivorous animals. The type of digestive parts seen in the horse and other solipedes are represented also in the pachyderms and among rodents, where the intestinal tube is constructed on a similar plan. They, therefore, possess many points in common in the mode of action of the digestive parts. As indicated by Colin, the following points characterize digestion in solipedes. First, the slowness of the mechanical prepara- toiy stage of digestion ; second, the rapidity with which the work of the stomach is effected; third, the rapiditj- of the passage of liquids into the intestines, and their accumulation in the caecum ; fourth, the hardness and globular form which the residue of alimentary matters assume in the posterior parts of the large intestine. Mastication, which was found in the carnivora to be insignificant, .becomes in the herbivora an act of the greatest importance, for grass, hay, corn, or oats can only be digested after the most perfect comminution and trituration, for the vegetable nutritious matters are inclosed in cellulose envelopes which are impervious to gastric juice. In the soli- pedes rumination does not take place; hence, mastication is slow and perfect and completed once for all. A horse cannot ordinarily eat two thousand five hundred grammes of hay in less than one hour, or even two if .the teeth are at all defective, while twenty to fort} r minutes are required for the mastication of the same quantity of oats. Preliminary chopping of food does not help digestion in sound animals, and cannot replace the process of mastication in animals in which the teeth are defective, for it is impossible to carry the process far enough unless the substances are actually milled or ground to a powder. This, of course, will liberate^the nutritive matters from their indigestible cells, and may assist digestion in animals in which mastication is imperfectly performed. Chopped food, in fact, may prove harmful by reducing the duration of mastication, and so decreasing the amount of saliva poured out. Masti- cation in solipedes is slow and prolonged, not only from the necessity for comminuting the food, but also from the fact that in the mouth the principal action of the saliva on the food commences. As the foods enter the stomach they push to the right the mass already present, and as the capacity is only fifteen to eighteen litres, this organ cannot .contain. an entire .single meal. . . Thus, when a horse eats GASTKIC DIGESTION. 369 five kilos of hay, representing one-half its daily ration, requiring two hours for its consumption, and impregnates it with twenty litres of saliva, the mass would occupy a space of twenty-eight to thirty cubic decimeters. As the stomach is functionally most active when only two-thirds distended, that is, while containing about ten litres, the stomach must, therefore, till and empty itself two or three times during one meal. It is, therefore, seen that the small capacity of the stomach has the effect of reducing the duration of gastric digestion, and the greater the volume of food the less will be the time that food will remain in the stomach. Consequently, oats, taking up only one-fifth the volume of an equal weight of hay, would remain in the stomach four or five times as long. This difference in time during which different foods remain in the stomach is necessi- tated, as indicated by Colin, by the different compositions of the food. Thus, a horse fed on hay receives in this food 44 per cent, of carbo- hydrates, which have been already partially modified by the saliva and whose further transformation is completed in the intestine. Four per cent, of fats is present, which, as has been seen, are not acted on by the gastric juice, while only 7 per cent, of albuminous matter is present. It is the albuminous matter alone which is digested by gastric juice, and, since we have only 7 per cent, of albuminous matter pres- ent in hay, it is evident that but a short time, comparatively speaking, would be required for the digestion of this albuminous matter, which is finely divided and in the most favorable condition for being subjected to its solvent action. So, also, the horse fed on green forage receives in its food 9 per cent, of carbohydrates, barely 1 per cent, of fat, and only 3 per cent, of nitrogenous matters which are digestible in the stomach. Therefore, in green fodder but a short time is required for gastric diges- tion. Ou the other hand, oats contain about 11 per cent, of nitrogenous matter, and, consequently, we find that the small relative volume of oats, as contrasted with other forms of vegetable foods, enables them to remain longer in the stomach. In the horse the performance of gastric fistulae is impossible on anatomical grounds, and various attempts have been made to collect gastric juice by performing cesophagotomy, passing a sponge .through a tube into the stomach, killing the animal after a certain time, tying the pylorus, and collecting the contents. This method, however, fails to secure a gastric secretion which is free from bile and pancreatic juice. So, also, the use of the stomach-pump is rendered difficult or impossible on account of the long and pendulous soft palate and the discomforts and struggles which it causes in animals when attempts to employ it are made. By means of the method referred to above, the fluids obtained from the stomach will always contain saliva and various food-products, as well 24 370 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. as the true gastric secretion ; but, since these substances are always mixed in actual digestion, they will answer for the study of the process of diges- tion, even although they will prevent accurate statements as to the chemical constitution of this secretion. The gastric juice in the horse is secreted only by the glands of the fundus from a surface about two hand-breadths in extent. Extracts from this portion of the mucous mem- brane contain more acid, more ferments, and, what is remarkable, more mucin than extracts made from the pyloric portion. Ellenberger and Hofmeister found that the degree of acidity immediately after eating was, in the horse, only 0.084 per cent. After an hour the acidit}^ rose to 0.1 per cent., and still later to 0.2 per cent. Immediately after eating no hydrochloric acid was present, but only appeared four or five hours after the commencement of the meal. Lactic acid was always present, apparently even in excess of hydrochloric acid. .This ma} r , perhnps, serve to explain the fact that in the horse's stomach the change of starch into sugar may go on even in the presence of 0.2 per cent, of acid, as organic acids interfere less than mineral acids with this process. The charac- teristics of the acid of the gastric juice have been found to depend upon the food. Thus, these authors have found that the distribution of acids was as follows : Hydrochloric Acid. Organic Acids. 1. Oats and chopped straw, . . 0.163 per cent. 0.287 per cent. 2. Oats, 0.490 " 0.610 3. Hay, . . ". . . . 0.022 " 1.798 " It is thus seen that when the food consists of oats the maximum percentage of hydrochloric acid is found in the gastric juice, while when hay is given the mineral acid falls to a minimum, while the organic acids are in excess. The importance of these facts is evident when it is remem- bered that oats contain 12 per cent, of albuminous matter and 65 per cent, of carbohydrates, including cellulose, while hay contains only 9 per cent, of proteids and 70 per cent, of carbohydrates. Hence, when oats are given, the excess of hydrochloric acid is especially favorable for the peptonization of the proteid constituents, while it interferes with the digestion of the carbohydrates. On the other hand, when hay is given, the excess of organic acids, as already mentioned, does not interfere with the action of pt3^alin on starch, while still permitting the peptonization of the proteids. The watery extract of the mucous membrane of the fundus differs, as already mentioned, from that of the pylorus. It contains more mucus, more acid, and more ferment. The fundus extract contains a ferment which converts casein, fibrin, albumen, and gelatin into peptone in media containing 0.15 to 0.5 per cent, of hydrochloric acid. While 0.6 per cent, of hydrochloric acid arrests digestion, in the case of organic acids GASTRIC DIGESTION. 371 it was found that the percentage might be considerably increased above this point and yet digestion go on. Thus, the gastric extract appeared to possess about the same degree of activity when lactic acid was present in 2 per cent, as with hydrochloric acid present in 0.2 per cent. The ferment is only diffusible with great difficulty, and resists, to a high degree, putrefactive and alcoholic fermentations. Lactic acid fermenta- tion does not interfere with its activitj 7 . The ferment is soluble in water, glycerin, dilute acids, alkaline and saline solutions, and loses its activity at 60 C. Such an artificial gastric juice extracted from the mucous membrane of a horse's stomach will digest animal tissues in the same way as extracts prepared from the mucous membrane of the stomachs of carnivora. Extracts prepared from inflamed mucous membrane are totally inactive. In addition to the pepsin, the gastric juice of the horse also contains the milk-curdling fer- ment and salts, lactic acid ferment, and traces of a diastatic ferment, all of which may be precipitated by alcohol. The distribution of these ferments and of the acidity of the gastric juice is the same as in the dog, with the exception that no secretion takes place in the membranous car- diac portion of this organ. Gastric digestion in solipedes is more important than one might be led to suppose, and continues, to a certain extent, from one meal to the next, as the residue remains in the stomach until the next one is taken, and therefore the stomach does not completely empty itself after twenty- four hours. The characters of this residue will, of course, vary with the nature of the food. Thus, the contents of the stomach after feeding with oats is a dried, crumbling mass, containing 60 to 70 per cent, of water. After feeding with hay the percentage of water may be as much as 80 per cent. The reaction is always acid. Gastric juice obtained as above, by the method of Ellenberger and Hofmeister, rapidly converts starch into sugar, although the ferment is not derived from the stomach, but from the swallowed saliva. The change of starch into sugar goes on in the stomach, as is proved by the fact that gastric juice outside of the body will turn starch into sugar, and by the fact that after feeding starch large quantities of sugar ma}- be found in the contents of the stomach. The digestion of starch is most -active in the first two hours of digestion and stops after five or six hours, when the percentage of hydrochloric acid is most marked. When dry food has been given, the conversion of starch into sugar may continue much longer, from the large quantity of alkaline saliva swallowed, and may go on in the left half of the stomach even while the fundus is digesting proteids, the acidity being due to lactic acid. After feeding with oats, as much as thirty-five grammes of sugar have been found, while five to eight and one-half grammes of sugar have been found after 372 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS feeding with hay. Of course, this does not represent the total amount formed, as a great deal will have been absorbed, some converted into lactic acid, and some will have passed into the small intestine. Ellenberger, Hofmeister, and Goldschmidt found that the naturally mixed saliva of the horse possessed a stronger amylolytic action than the artificially combined separate salivary secretions ; and that each separate salivary secretion, though highly amylolytic, was less so than the mixed secretions; and, finally, that the conversion in the horse's stomach of starch into dextrin, sugar, and lactic acid occurred to a greater degree than could be attributable to the fermentative action of the saliva alone. The conclusion is, therefore, drawn that in the horse's stomach amylolytic digestion is aided b}^ ferments developed in the alimentary canal and in the food itself. This latter statement is con- firmed by the fact, already mentioned, that Hofmeister has found in oats an amylolytic ferment, which is destroj^ed at the temperature af boiling water, but which is active at the body temperature, thus explaining the fact that more starch is converted into sugar in the stomach than is attributable to the action of the salivary ferment alone. Finally, Goldschmidt has found that the digestion of starch in the horse is aided by amylolytic ferments derived from the air, which are mixed with the saliva in the mouth, and which rapidly develop in the oral mucus ; --. j. t ....4,*, .r. r L- .-,. In the horse's stomach vegetable albumen is rapidly digested mid turned into peptone, which increases in amount with the duration of digestion. After a large meal the peptonization is at first slight, since the glands cannot form acid and pepsin fast enough to digest a large meal rapidly. If, then, another meal is taken before the first is digested, the former food is forced in an undigested state into the intestine. After a moderate meal the digestion reaches its maximum in three to four hours; in other words, digestion is then complete. The larger quantity of peptone is found in the stomach after oats have been given than after feeding with hay. Five to forty grammes of peptones have been found after oats have been given, while only about six grammes were found six hours after feeding with ha}'. Of course, these figures do not indicate the total amount of peptones formed, since, probably, a large portion would be absorbed almost as rnpidly as formed. As hay absorbs four times its weight of saliva, it is readily digested at first without water, but the digestion then becomes slow. Colin administered twenty-five hundred grammes of hay to a horse, and then killed him. Only seven thousand grammes of material were found in the stomach, representing, therefore, but little more than one-half the amount given, since the two thousand five hundred grammes of hay would have absorbed ten kilos of saliva. Of this residue only one thousand grammes were dry GASTRIC DIGESTION. 373 hay ; the remainder had passed into the intestine. Other animals killed at longer periods after meals showed the passage of the food from the stomach into the intestine was not as rapid toward the end of the repast as at the commencement. There appears, therefore, to be two periods in the digestion of hay in the horse : In the first, the materials, as soon, almost, as they enter the stomach, are rapidly pushed into the intestine by the food that comes later; in the second period, toward the end of the meal, the sojourn is more prolonged, and chymification is, therefore, more perfect. Tlie gastric digestion of hay appears to be abbreviated by the ingestion of water, as the water carries into the intestine a good deal of food. Digestion of hay does not appear to be modified by previous chopping. When oats are given as food, at the commencement of the meal, a part always passes into the intestine, but, as oats only absorb a little more than their own weight of saliva, the volume never becomes as high as when hay is eaten. Colin reports, also, the following experiments : A horse which had received two thousand five hundred grammes of oats was killed two hours after the commencement of the meal. The stomach, which, together with the oats and saliva, had received five thousand grammes of material, was now found to contain six thousand and seventy grammes, the addition being derived from the gastric juice and the saliva which had been swallowed during the meal. Here, also, two analogous periods may be made out, but less accented than when hay is the food. It, therefore, seems evident that small meals, frequently repeated, would serve to render the gastric digestion in solipedes more perfect. Thus, in Paris, according to the statement of Colin, the horses in the omnibus service make six meals from 4 A.M. to 9 P.M., and each of these meals has three hours for digestion, with the exception of the last, which has six. Water is only given when hay is included, and not at other times. It follows that gastric digestion is not of equal impor- tance for all kinds of food, and it is, therefore, possible so to distribute the constituents of a meal as to allow of a longer gastric digestion of oats, which have a greater percentage of albuminous bodies and carbo- hydrates than hay. Therefore, in the feeding of a horse especial atten- tion should be given to the sequence or to the order in which the different constituents of the horse's meal follow each other, a fact which is of greater importance for the horse than for man, the carnivora, and the ruminants, in which all the constituents of a meal may be kept in the stomach until the digestion is completed. Experience has shown that if oats are given first, subsequent eating of hay forces the oats into the intestines before the digestion of the latter is complete ; consequently, if given after hay, the sojourn in the stomach is much more prolonged, while the hay, containing a minimum of albuminous matter, may be 374 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. partially digested in the stomach, and its subsequent changes completed in the intestines. Consequently, oats should always succeed the admin- istration of hay in the feeding of horses. So, also, water should not be given after a meal of oats to the horse, or else it will wash the oats out of the stomach before digestion is completed. Consequently, the water should precede hay, and both liny and water should precede the admin- istration of oats. The short time that food remains in the stomach is probably the reason that the horse does not readily digest animal food, although in the Tartar steppes it is stated that horses become accustomed to a meat diet. In addition to true digestion, fermentative processes also occur in the stomach, especially in the earlier stages of gastric digestion, when the hydrochloric acid is absent or present only in small amounts. It has been shown that hydrochloric acid is always in small amount in the oesophageal sac, and in this locality lactic acid fermentation, as well as fermentation of cellulose, undoubtedly may occur, though the time which the food remains in this part of the stomach is too short to permit of any extensive change of this character. It will be subsequently shown that the conditions for the fermentation of cellulose are much more favor- able in the intestinal canal of the horse than in the stomach. 7. GASTRIC DIGESTION IN RUMINANTS. Gastric digestion, which has been found to be much the same in carnivora and solipedes, takes on a new form in the ruminant animals, and although the general result of gastric digestion is the same in all, special means are concerned in the accomplishment of this result in the ruminant that are not seen in ani- mals with a simple stomach. This complication is practically due to the preliminary and accessory changes which occur in the food before it is subjected to the action of gastric juice. Hence, the changes in the first three compartments of the stomach are without an analogue in the gastric digestion of monogastric animals, while the fourth stomach reproduces exactly the process that takes place in this viscus of the latter class of animals. Although the four gastric reservoirs of the ruminant are anatomi- cally connected, they are, to a certain point, functionally isolated, each one of them having tolerably distinct functions to fulfill. The first three are concerned in the storing of foods and liquids in rumination, while in the fourth alone true digestion takes place. This may occur during rumination or Curing inaction of the first three stomachs. The rumen receives almost all of the aliments when swallowed for the first time, the greater part of liquids drunk, and a considerable portion of the results of the second mastication (Fig. 153). It keeps them stored up for a certain time in its interior, where they become thor- GASTRIC DIGESTION. 375 ougbly macerated and soaked in fluid, and from which they are forced into the resophagus during rumination or into the honey-comb bag dur- ing the intervals of rumination. It is evident, therefore, that the food contained in this pouch may undergo changes due to the movements to which it is subjected, the temperature, and the action of saliva and other fluids. The changes are, therefore, physical and chemical. The walls of the rumen, by their contractions and resulting movements, may exert a considerable amount of mechanical force on the aliments contained within it, although this has been greatly exaggerated. Nothing like trituration takes place, but simply thorough mixing of the new and old food together FIG. 153. STOMACH OF THE Ox. (Colin.) A, rumen (left hemisphere) ; B, rumen (right hemisphere) ; C, insertion of the oesophagus ; D, reticulum ; E, omasum ; F, abomasum. and with fluid ; consequently, it is not necessarily the portion of food which first enters the paunch which is the first to leave. The maceration which the food undergoes in the fluids of the paunch is especially marked in the case of grain and dry fodder, and is greatly assisted by the tem- perature of the organ. The fluids contained in the rumen consist, in a great part, of water which has been drunk and a large quantity of saliva, which is swallowed with the first mastication and in the intervals of the act of rumination. The rumen has, however, no secretion of its own, since no secretory glands are found in its walls. Its reaction, as already stated, is generally 376 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC AXHIALS. alkaline, and is derived from the saliva. Occasionally, the reaction of the rumen may be found to be acid. This may be due to fermentation occurring in the contents of this organ, and is especially seen in nursing calves, in animals fed on roots, and in cases of faulty digestion. It nearly always occurs in animals fed on green fodder, where the conditions are favorable to the fermentation of sugar. Occasionally, also, the reac- tion of the rumen, which may be found to be acid after death, is due to the regurgitation of the contents of the fourth stomach into the first three compartments. In the rumen the conditions are especially favor- able for the digestion of carbohydrates, for the conditions are favorable for the action of saliva, which is thus enabled to convert starch into sugar. Cellulose, also, is said to be digested in the rumen through fer- mentative processes to as much as 60 to 70 per cent. Salts, sugar, muci- lage, gum, and other soluble substances may be dissolved out of the food while in the rumen, and so prepared for absorption. No peptonization, however, occurs ; for all the various bases, salts, and albuminoids which may be detected in the contents of this organ come solely from the food and the secretions and liquids which have been swallowed, and not from any secretion poured out by the rumen itself. The function of the rumen is, therefore, simply to act as a reservoir, in which the food, after being swallowed, is collected, undergoes maceration, and is again, from time to time, returned to the mouth for a second mastication. In this organ the food becomes softened, as the result of impregnation with liquids warmed to the temperature of the body. The functional importance of the rumen is not equally marked at all periods of life. This is especially seen in suckling animals, such as calves, in whom the rumen is capable of containing one thousand one hundred and seventy-fiv grammes, the reticulum one hundred, the manyplies one hundred and sixty, while the cubic capacity of the abomasurn may amount to three thousand five hundred grammes (Colin). Hence, digestion in the suckling ruminant is accomplished almost solely by the fourth stomach, and the rumen does not acquire its great pro- portionate size seen in the adult ruminant until the animal commences to live on a solid vegetable diet. Although the reticulum may be regarded as an appendage to the rumen, with which it communicates by a large opening, it also has a special function to fulfill, which appears to be uniform in all ruminants. It constantly contains fluid, since its base is on a much lower level than the openings into the first and third stomachs. Fluid can, therefore, only leave this compartment as a result of its own vigorous contractions, such as precede the insertion of the cud into the oesophagus for rumi- nation. The function of the oesophageal canal is to assist in the transfer of GASTRIC DIGESTION. 377 the contents of the reticulum into tlie manyplies. The entrance of the contents of the ruinen through the contraction of its walls into the reticulum leads to a contraction of the muscular walls of this compart- ment, and the materials contained in it are thrown up against the edges of the oesophageal gutter. Through this contact the cesophageal pillars shorten so as to draw up the opening into the manyplies nearer to the reticulum, at the same time turning spirally on their own axes, the left- hand pillar being extended downward and to the right. The contents of the reticulum thus find a means of ready entrance into the manyplies, large particles being strained off by the papillae at the orifice of the manyplies, and falling back into the reticulum. Although the reticulum receives all the matter swallowed, its small size prevents it from retaining more than a small portion, the remainder being forced into the rumen and manyplies, the fluid and finely divided solids alone entering into the latter on account of the small size of the communicating orifice. Its function, therefore, is to assist in rumination, particularly by supplying the fluids which ascend the oesophagus, and by its contraction aiding in the ascent of the cud and in keeping up the circulation between the contents of the first and second stomachs. It also has no secretion proper, and the fluids found in it have the same source and same functions as those found in the rumen. If one could judge of the importance of an organ b}^ its complexity, the functions of the psalter would play an especially important role in the gastric digestion of the ruminant. In this compartment of the stomach the openings are always narrow, are always close together, and are both on the uppermost portion of this organ, while the free borders of its folds are directed downward ; consequently, the manyplies, by means of its folds and the narrowness of its openings, the one into the fourth stomach being closed by a powerful muscle and numerous large papillae, like a sieve, strains off solids and detays the passage of aliments into the true stomach. The muscular fibres which run in the larger folds are inserted into the borders of the orifice between the manyplies and reticulum. When, therefore, the sphincter-muscle of this opening contracts, after the entrance of the contents of the reticulum, the folds are simultaneously drawn up, and the food is thus forced up to the base of these partitions. At the same time, through the contraction of its walls, the posterior extremity is drawn forward so that the prolongation of the cesophageal canal becomes almost perpendicular to the opening of the third into the fourth stomach. By this process not only the fluid in the cesophageal canal, but a portion of the food previously in the many- plies may enter the rennet. The contraction of these folds does not take place only during rumination, but also during its intervals ; the water in the contents of this compartment is then pressed out, and the residue 378 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. found in this stomach after death is alwa}~s dry. The mucous membrane is, however, entirely incapable of absorption, and the dryness of its contents cannot, therefore, be explained as due to the entrance of the fluid from its contents into the blood. The psalter likewise furnishes no secretion of its own, and the changes which occur in its contents are due simply to the influence of the saliva and the fermentative process which occurs in the two preceding stomachs. Its reaction is, however, often acid, evidently due to the regurgitation of the fluids from the fourth stomach. It is worthy of note that in the llama, the camel, and, to a less extent, in the sheep the folds of the membrane in the third stomach are but slightly developed, and there is no constriction between the third and fourth stomachs, while the opening into the reticulum is particularly narrow. This may possibly serve to prevent too great dryness of the contents of this compartment in these animals, which are so frequently deprived of water. Where obstruction of the stomach occurs, it is nearly always to be found in this compartment. The action of the first three stomachs is merely preparatory to digestion. It is only in the fourth stomach that true digestion takes place. Its secreting membrane is four or five times as extensive as that of the right half of the stomach of the horse, and is relatively less in the llama and dromedary than in other ruminants. The gastric secreting membrane is, apparently, in all respects similar to what has already been described in other animals, although the amount of pepsin and acid in the gastric juice of ruminants is less than that found in this secretion of carnivora. Pauli states that extracts made from the glandular portion of the fuiidus of the fourth stomach of the ox possess a much greater digestive power than similar extracts made from the pylori c portion ; in other words, the amount of acid added being the same in both cases, that the glands of the pylorus are poor in pepsin, the glands of the fund us rich in pepsin ; and that the small amount of pepsin in the pyloric por- tion is almost incapable of extraction with gtycerin, but is removed by hydrochloric, acid and by common salt solutions. Pauli would infer from these statements that, the histological structure of the ruminant's stomach being similar to that of other mammals, the so-called chief cells are not the peptic cells, but perhaps are .concerned in the elaboration of other ferments, while the associate cells are the true peptic cells. We have alreacty in another place discussed the grounds for attributing the acid of the gastric juice to the action of the associate cells. Since the aliments enter the stomach but slowly and graduall} r , and some already in a fluid state, digestion in the stomach occurs under the most favorable circumstances, and is rapidly completed. The pylorus is narrow and guarded by a powerful sphincter, thus resembling that of carnivora in contradistinction of what has been noticed in the horse, and GASTKIC DIGESTION. 379 serves to keep back the aliments that are not thoroughly digested. In other respects, gastric digestion in ruminants is similar to that seen in other animals. In other words, albuminoids are converted into peptones; gelatin is dissolved and converted into a diffusible gelatin peptone, and milk is coagulated and its casein is converted into peptones. Adipose tissue is dissolved and the oil liberated and partially split up into fatty acids ; cane-sugar is slightly converted into inverted sugar through the action of the acid ; starch which has escaped being converted into sugar through the action of saliva in the rumen passes into the intestine to be acted on by the intestinal secretions, for the degree of acidity of the gastric juice is sufficient to interfere with the diastatic action of ptyalin. Gastric digestion in ruminants is much more complicated than in other animals, and comprises a series of operations which are carried on partly simultaneously and partty alternately. The two first reservoirs are concerned in rumination and in the maceration of food. The third stomach has nothing to do with rumination, but acts as a strainer and prevents substances passing into the fourth stomach until sufficiently comminuted and softened to be subjected to the action of gastric juice, while, finally, the fourth stomach is the true digestive organ, in which the albuminous contents of the food are converted into peptone. It is thus seen that gastric digestion in the ruminant is much more complete than in other herbivora. Therefore, gastric digestion in these animals is predominant, while intestinal digestion is simplified. 8. GASTRIC DIGESTION IN BIRDS. Gastric digestion in birds differs very essentially from that of mammals, the difference being dependent on the difference of plan on which the alimentary tract is constructed. The digestive parts are simplest in birds of pre} 7 , such as the owl, the buzzard, and hawk. The oesophagus is large and dilatable, and is, as a rule, not supplied with a crop. It is continuous, without any marked line of demarcation, with the small longitudinal stomach, which takes on a transverse curve where it ends in the small intestine. Where the oesophagus terminates it has a calibre almost as great as the stomach, so that the latter seems simply to be a prolongation of the O3sophagus. The superior limit of the stomach is marked by a band of large glands, which may often be seen from the outside of this organ, and which almost seem to resemble the agminated glands of the small intestine of the mammal. Below this the stomach contracts, and again dilates to a more or less globular pouch, and again becomes contracted and united w r ith the small intestine. The pyloric orifice in birds of prey is very narrow. In gallinaceous birds, such as the cock, the turkey, and the pheasant, the gullet dilates at the lower portion of the neck (the crop) and then contracts, to again expand .and form the ventriculus, which has thick, 380 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. glandular walls; then comes the gizzard, composed of two thick, red, striped muscles, covered internally witli a thick, horny epithelium. The gastric parts of this class of birds are therefore divided into three sections first, the crop, to act as a reservoir, in which the food is macer- ated ; from this it is pushed gradually into the second, the stomach, in which it undergoes gastric digestion simultaneously with the process of tritura- tion which occurs in the giz- zard, or the third digestive compartment (Fig. 154). Grains, etc., which form the food of gallinaceous birds, first go into the crop, which they distend, and in which they accumulate in consid- erable quantity. Here the food becomes softened and takes on an acid reaction. A comparatively profuse se- cretion is poured out in this pouch, whose properties have not been thoroughly investigated. By inserting substances into the crop, Spallanzani obtained one ounce of fluid in twelve hours from the crop of a pigeon, and seven ounces of the fluid from a guinea-hen ; but although this fluid is thus poured out in consid- erable amount, it does not appear to be very active in softening the food. It is not known that this secre- tion has any digestive prop- erties, although it seems probable that starch would here be converted into sugar, since grain remains in this compartment for twelve or thirteen hours, or even much longer. After leaving the crop, the food then passes into the ventriculus and gizzard. The ventriculus is supplied with a large number of tubular glands, which secrete an acid fluid. FIG. 154* CROP AND STOMACH OF THE PIGEON. ( Bernard. ) M M, crop ; I, oesophagus : C, proventriculus : S, tubular glands of stomach ; J, gizzard ; D, duodenum. GASTKIC DIGESTION. 381 When, however, the food comes in contact with this secretion, it has not yet been crushed or comminuted ; consequently it is incapable of being acted on by the gastric juice, which is powerless to digest cellulose mem- branes. The contact of the food with the walls of the ventriculus leads to the pouring out of a profuse acid secretion. Bathed with this fluid, the food then enters the gizzard, where it is reduced by crushing to a homogeneous pulp. The gizzard has thick, muscular walls, with a hard, hornj' epithelium lining it, and is capable of exerting very great force. Thus, it has been stated that iron tubes capable of supporting a weight of five hundred and thirty -five pounds were completely flattened out after passing through the gizzard of a turkey. This crushing is indis- pensable for the digestion of grains, and is aided by the presence of gravel, etc., almost always to be found in this organ. In carnivorous birds gastric digestion is simpler than in the her- bivora. Such birds swallow their prey entire, if small enough to enter the beak and O3sophagus ; if not, it is torn with the beak small enough to be swallowed, and then the skin, hair, feathers, and all are carried to the stomach with the flesh. As there is no crop in such birds, and the ventriculus is but faintly distinguished from the gizzard, which is com- paratively small, and whose walls have become thin and almost mem- branous, we have, therefore, a simple process of gastric solution, since the gizzard has lost its crushing power. The solvent power of the stom- ach of carnivorous birds is very rapid and powerful, muscles, tendons, and cartilages being rapidly dissolved. After about eighteen or twent}^- four hours, bones and matters which have escaped digestion, or which are insufficiently dissolved to pass into the intestine, are regurgitated through the mouth, since the very narrow pylorus present in carnivorous birds, as in carnivorous mammals, prevents the passage of everything except fluids. There exists, again, a t}*pe of birds, midway between the purely omnivorous and the granivorous, where the gizzard has but moderate thickness and power. These birds also vomit indigestible substances. Birds have, in general, a very active digestion. Some may make as many as twelve meals a day, in which they fill not only the stomach, but also the gullet, pharynx, and beak, especially when feeding on soft sub- stances like larvae or worms. Their appetite seems to return as soon as there is the least place which can hold more food. The diet of birds cannot be changed. The birds of prey, without gizzard or crop, cannot feed on grains, although the gallinaceous birds maybe brought to accom- modate themselves to an animal diet. Colin states that morsels of meat fed to sparrows appear in the giz- zard in less than an hour, and reach the intestine within an hour and a half; while debris of food may be found in the faeces in four or five hours. 382 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. IX. DIGESTION IN THE SMALL INTESTINE. As the aliments pass into the duodenum, after being subjected to the action of gastric digestion, they immediately mingle with the three other digestive secretions, the bile, the pancreatic juice, and the intes- tinal secretion. I. BILE. The bile is the secretion of the liver, and, strictly speak- ing, occurs only in vertebrates. In the lowest invertebrate animals a fluid somewhat analogous to the bile is poured directly into the intes- tine, as the result of the secretion of cells attached to the intestinal mucous membrane. In others it is formed by a series of convoluted tubes surrounding the intestine, or, it may be, directly surrounding the stomach. But although this fluid may be yellowish or brown, it is not to be regarded as bile, since in invertebrates it never contains the specific bile constituents, bile coloring-matters and acids, and the glands which form it differ histologically from the liver. In all the invertebrates the so-called bile is directly poured into the intestine ; in many vertebrates, however, the excretory duct is in communication by a side branch directed obliquely backward from the course of the duct with a reser- voir for the bile, termed the gall-bladder. This reservoir is present in all omnivora and carnivora, and in most herbivora, birds, and reptiles. It is absent in certain of the group of herbivora. It is absent in the solipedeSjthe horse, mule, and ass, and among the ruminants in the stag, camel, and dromedary ; among the pachydermata, in the elephant, the rhinoceros, and tapir ; in the wild boar, and in certain cetaceans ; while in birds it is absent in the pigeon, cuckoo, paraquet, and ostrich. It is also absent in the mouse and marmot. In the horse and elephant the gall-duct is dilated to form a sort of pouch. The ultimate gall-ducts all unite to form a single trunk, or ductus communis choledochus, which in many animals, such as sheep and goats, communicates with the excre- tory duct of the pancreas and pierces the wall of the duodenum obliquely from below upward. As the result of this, an increase of pressure on the intestinal contents simply closes the orifice of the duct, and regurgi- tation of intestinal contents into the duct is impossible. In the gall-bladder the bile becomes concentrated, and mucin is added to it as a result of the action of the secretion of the mucous membrane of the gall-bladder. Little or no mucin is found in bile com- ing directly from the hepatic cells. The gall-bladder is necessary in animals whose digestion, as in the carnivora, is intermittent. It is less important for the herbivora, where digestion is nearly constant. The liver differs from all other organs in its blood-supply. In proportion to its size, it receives but a small supply of arterial blood, and although an immense amount of blood passes through it, the greater part reaches DIGESTION IN THE SMALL INTESTINE. 383 the liver through the portal vein, indicating the functional relation of the liver to the process of intestinal digestion. 1. The chemical characteristics of the bile have been mostly studied in the fluids found in the gall-bladder of the ox and in that obtained from fistulae in dogs. In the fresh state, bile is a clear, thin, or more or less tenacious liquid, which, with the exception of epithelial cells from the gall-bladder, contains no morphological elements. It has. a neutral or alkaline reaction. When fresh, in man and carnivora, it is of a golden 3 T ellow or greenish-brown color ; it is green in herbivora (brownish-green in the horse and ox, greenish-yellow in the hog, and dark green in sheep). After standing exposed to the air, the brownish-yellow bile becomes dark brown, and the greenish bile more intensified to a dark green. Bile has a peculiar bitter taste, and when warmed a musk-like odor. The specific gravity varies in different animals from 1008 to 1030, the highest being found in bile taken from the gall-bladder of man. Ox-bile is often yellowish-brown, though usually green in color, and may be either clear or turbid ; it is alkaline, viscid, and contains a large amount of mucin ; its specific gravity varies from 1022 to 1025. Sheep's bile is usually green, is odorless, clear, alkaline, and, although it contains mucin, is not viscid; specific gravity, 1025 to 1031. Calves' bile is green or yellowish-brown, though sometimes golden yellow in thin la}*ers ; it is clear, odorless, viscid, neutral in reaction, and contains but little mucin; specific gravitj 7 , 1020 to 1027. Pig's bile is clear or dark yellowish-brown or golden yellow (the latter when diluted), is odorless, alkaline, contains large amounts of mucin, and is therefore very viscid ; specific gravity, 1020 to 1027. Dog's bile is usually yellowish-brown, and when diluted golden yellow ; it may be either neutral or alkaline, contains mucin, and is clear and odorless; specific gravity, 1025. The bile of all animals may be kept for several days, even at a high tempera- ture, before putrefaction sets in. In the fresh secretion from the liver, the solids in the bile of the cat, dog, and sheep amount to 5 per cent., in the rabbit 2 per cent., and in the sheep 1-J- per cent. In the gall-bladder in cats, dogs, and rabbits the solids rise from 2 to 20 per cent., in the sheep to 8 per cent., in man from 9 to 17 per cent., and in the ox from 7 to 11 per cent.: the solids in the bile of man, the pig, and the ox consist of only 1.5 per cent, of inorganic matter, and in the dog only 3.6 per cent. Doer. In 100 parts Bile. Man. Ox. Pig. , , Fresh. From Bladder. Water, . 86.3 90.4 88.8 95.3 85.2 Solids, Bile salts, Lecithin, cholesterin Fats, soaps, Mucin and coloring matter, .Inorganic salts, 13.7 9.6 11.2 4.7 14.8 7.4) 7.3 3.4 12.6 > 8.0 3.0) 2.2 0.5 1.3 2.2 0.3 0.6 0.2 0.3 1.1 1.3 1.1 0.6 0.6 384 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. While the bile is entirely free from proteicls, it contains both organic and inorganic constituents. The former group are represented by mucin, a compound of sodium with two organic acids (glycocholic and tauro- cholic), a coloring matter which undergoes various modifications and whose origin is a source of considerable interest, lecithin, small quanti- ties of fat and soap, and a small amount of diastatic ferment. These will be considered in turn. (a) Mucin. Mucin gives to bile its viscidity, and is the product of the mucous glands of the larger bile-ducts and gall-bladder. The longer the bile remains in the gall-bladder, the larger will be the percentage of mucin found in it, since the mucous cells in the walls of this reservoir are the principal sources of this bod} 7 . In the bile of animals supplied with a gall-bladder, mucin will be found in larger amounts than in ani- mals in whom this appendage to the liver, as in the case of the horse, is absent. The smaller bile-ducts are free from mucous cells, and, as a con- sequence, bile coming directly from the liver-cells contains no mucin. The longer the gall remains in the gall-bladder, the more will it deviate from its general character when freshly secreted by the liver-cells. Yel- low bile gradually becomes greenish, and its consistence will become more marked from the addition of mucus. The general characteristics of mucin found in the bile do not differ from those of mucin found else- where. It may be precipitated by acetic acfd, and when bile containing mucus is precipitated with alcohol it loses its viscidity. (b) The Bile Acids. The bile acids occur in the bile in the form of compounds with sodium, and occasionally with minute amounts of potas- sium, to form glycochplate and taurocholate of sodium, two salts which are highly soluble in water. The relative proportions of these two salts vary considerably in the ,bile of many animals. In that of man, as well as of birds, many mammals and amphibia, taurocholic acid is most abundant. In other mammals, as in the pig and ox, sodium gtycocko- late is in largest amount, while the taurocholate is more scanty. In the bile of the dog, cat, bear, and other carnivora, taurocholate is almost the sole representative of these salts, while the glycocholate is almost entirely absent. In the bile of the pig, in addition to these two salts, the hyocho- late of sodium is also present. The gall of the hog contains, besides hyoglycocholic acid, another until lately unknown acid, which occurs in larger quantity than the first known acid (Jolin). It is, for the present, called B-hyoglycocholic acid. It is with difficulty obtained pure, as neither it nor its salts are crystallizable. It is distinguished from the A-acid by its behavior with saturated sodium sulphate solution, which precipitates the sodium salt of the A-acid almost completely, and in a flocculent Ibrin, whereas the sodium salt of the B-acid is only partly precipitated, and is at first colored, and easily soluble in water. The purified salt is separated from the alcoholic solution by means of ether, as a snowy-white, cheesy precipi- tate, which soon shrinks to a yellowish mass, whereby much ether is pressed out. This mass is easily soluble in water and alcohol, and the solutions allow them- " DIGESTION IN THE SMALL INTESTINE. 385 selves to be concentrated to a syrupy consistency. The aqueous solution gives a precipitate with barium chloride, which at first dissolves again, but with more barium solution a lumpy barium salt separates, which soon changes to a tough, shiny, silky mass. The salts of this acid have a very bitter taste, which is not, however, as intense as that of the A-acid salts. The composition of the acid could not, as yet, be determined. Analysis proved that the percentage of carbon is much less in the B-acid than in the A-acid, .whereas the percentage of nitrogen is about equal in both. By continued treatment with alcohol, the B-acid yields cholalic acid. In how far this acid corresponds to the one obtained in a similar manner from the A-acid has not yet been determined. Various methods have been proposed for the separation of these salts from the bile, of which only the following will be given. The bile from the gall-blad- der of an ox should be evaporated to one-fourth its volume over a water bath, rubbed up to a thick paste with animal charcoal, and completely dried at 100 C. The hot mass should then be thrown into absolute alcohol, well shaken repeat- edly, allowed to stand for two or three hours, and then filtered. A part of the alcohol may be removed from the filtrate by distillation, and the bile salts may then be precipitated, in the form of a resinous syrup, by the addition of a large excess of ether. After standing a variable time, from one or two days to a week or more, the time depending upon the anhydrous character of the alcohol and ether, the so-called Platner's crystallized bile separates in a mass of glistening needles. This crystallized bile consists of a mixture of taurocholate and glyco- cholate of sodium. These salts are insoluble in ether and readily soluble in alcohol and water. Their aqueous solutions have a decided alkaline reaction, and rotate the plane of polarized light to the right. Both these salts are highly deliquescent, and when exposed to the atmosphere the crystals absorb the mixture and break down into a thick, tenacious S3*rup. To separate the two individual bile acids from each other, this mixture of crystallized bile may be dissolved in a small volume of water, a little ether added, and then dilute sulphuric acid. After stirring well, glycocholic acid crystallizes in shining needles, the taurocholic acid remaining in solution. The crj'stals may be collected on a filter, washed with water, dissolved in dilute spirits, and pre- cipitated with excess of ether. "Or to the solution of Platner's crystals add neutral and then a little basic lead acetate, when glycocholate of lead will be thrown down. Collect on a filter, wash, and dissolve in hot alcohol, and remove the lead by passing a current of sulphuretted hydrogen ; filter, and by the careful addition of water to the alcoholic filtrate, crystals will be deposited. To the previous filtrate from the glycocholate of lead add acetate of lead and ammonia ; glycocholate and taurocholate of lead will be precipitated, and may be washed and decomposed, as with the glycocholate." In the bile of oxen from certain districts, glycocholic acid rapidly crystallizes on the addition of fivec.c. of hydro- chloric acid and thirty c.c. of ether to each five hundred c.c. of bile. In other .specimens this process entirely fails. No satisfactory explanation of this peculi- arity has ever been given, though Hoppe-Seyler suggests that the acid removes the base from the glycocholate, and the liberated glycocholate acid, being insoluble in water, is precipitated. If this were the explanation, the process should invari- ably succeed ; such is not, however, the fact. The test for these two acids is known as Pettenkofer's reaction for biliary acids. If a little cane-sugar in strong solution is added to a small quantity of bile in a test-tube, gently warmed to about 60 C , and then an equal volume of strong sulphuric acid allowed to flow down the side of the tube, a bright-purple color forms above the level of the acid. This test may be even better shown by pre- paring the bile as before (solution of Platner s crystals), warming gently, with a cane-sugar syrup, then shaking well until a layer of foam forms on the upper surface. If a small amount of sulphuric acid is poured down the inside of the tube, the froth on the surface of the bile becomes bright purple in color ; or bile may be diluted with cane-sugar solution, and a piece of filter-paper dipped into it 25 386 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. and allowed to dry. Dropping a little sulphuric acid on the paper thus prepared will in a few seconds produce a violet-red color. Proteids will also behave in the same way as Plainer' s crystallized bile, but the reactions may be distinguished by the fact that, when examined spectroscopically, two absorption bands, one near the line E and the other opposite F, will be found when the bile is examined, and will be absent from the color produced by this test with albuminoids. Amylic alcohol will also produce a similar reaction, and here again the spectroscope will serve to distinguish them. This test depends upon the fact that cholic acid is first pre- cipitated by sulphuric acid in a whitish form, as may be readily seen in solutions of crystallized bile, and then dissolved, assuming a cherry-red color, which becomes gradually darker in hue. The pigments and, to a still more marked degree, the presence of nitrates or chlorates will interfere with this reaction. The source of the biliary acids is almost unknown, except that they probably originate from the breaking down of albuminoids. They are not found in the blood, but are formed in the hepatic cells, the nitrogen possibly originating from the albuminoid, while the cholic acid radical may be derived from the fats. These acids are compounds of taurin and gtycochol with cholic acid, into which they may readily be split up by prolonged boiling with alkalies or mineral acids. Glycocholic Acid (C 26 H 48 N0 6 ). Glycocholic acid occurs in large amounts in the bile of herbivora, while it is only found in small quantities in the bile of carnivora and omnivora. It originates from the union of gtycochol with cholic acid, and, like taurocholic acid, is closely allied to hippuric acid. When boiled with hydrochloric acid it is decomposed into glycochol and cholic acid, the latter being a non-nitrogenous body. The reaction is as follows : C 26 H 43 N0 6 + H 2 0:=C 24 H 40 5 +C 2 H 5 N0 2 . Glycocholic Acid. Water. Cholic Acid. Glycochol. Glycocholic acid crystallizes in glistening, white needles, which are nlmost insoluble in cold water, slightly soluble in hot water, easily soluble in alcohol, and slightly soluble in ether. Taurocholic Acid (C 26 H 46 "N '0 7 S). Taurocholic acid is the only acid in dog's bile, as in that of other carnivora, though it can be obtained in small amounts from ox-gall after the removal of glycocholic acid. It contains sulphur, and forms white, glistening needles, which become fluid when in contact with the air. Taurocholic acid is soluble in water and alcohol and insoluble in ether. Of these acids only the alkaline salts are soluble in alcohol and water. Out of a mixture of glycocholic and taurocholic acid salts, acetate of lead will precipitate the glycocholic acid as a glycocholate of lead. When filtered off, the addition of acetate of lead and ammonia will precipitate taurocholic acid as a taurocholate of lead, which may be easily dissolved in hot alcohol, and the lead removed by passing a current of sulphuretted hydrogen through it. Taurocholic acid originates in the breaking down of albuminoids, from which the sulphur is derived, and its amount in the bile may be DIGESTION IN THE SMALL INTESTINE. 387 increased by an increase in albuminoid diet, though not in the same degree as occurs in the case of urea. It is rapidly decomposed into taurin and cholic acid ; this decomposition also occurring in the intestine. Glycochol (C 2 H 6 y0 2 ), or glycin, is also formed by boiling gelatin with dilute sulphuric acid. It is a crystallized body, slightly soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol and ether. Its aqueous solutions have a faintly acid reaction. It does not occur as such in the animal body, but, besides being concerned in the origin of the bile acid, it is also found in the urine, especially of the horse, united with benzoic acid in the form of hippuric acid. It may be obtained from the glycocholic acid, as already indicated, by boiling with strong hydrochloric acid. Taurin (C 2 H,NS0 3 ) occurs in large, glistening columns as a product of splitting of the bile acids. It is readily soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol and ether. It is also found in the intestinal canal and in the flesh of various fish and of the horse, and in the kidneys, spleen, and lungs of various other animals. It is also found in putrid bile, being then developed at the expense of the taurocholic acid in the fermentation of the bile. It combines with various bases to form salts. The bile acids may thus be regarded as compounds of glycochol and taurin with cholic acid, whose chemical composition and general properties are not certainty known. Cholic acid may be regarded, there- fore, as the starting point of the biliary acids. Cholic Acid (H^CwOs-f H a O). Cholic acid is a constant product of decomposition of biliary acids, nnd is therefore found in the intestinal contents, occasionally in the urine of jaundice, but not in fresh bile or elsewhere in the organism. Cholic acid occurs in an amorphous and in a crystallized form; it is insoluble in water, soluble with difficulty in ether, and moderately soluble in alcohol. "It may be prepared by boiling bile with caustic potash for twelve to twenty- four hours, then precipitating with hydrochloric acid, and, having washed the deposit with water, dissolving it in caustic soda containing a little ether ; hydro- chloric acid is next added, and after some time crystals form. The supernatant fluid may be decanted, and the residue covered with ether ; drain off the ether in a half-hour or so, and dissolve the deposit in boiling alcohol ; to this solution add a little water until a permanent precipitate appears, and tetrahedric crystals soon make their appearance." (c) The Coloring Matters of the Bile. The bile under different con- ditions and in different animals contains a number of different coloring matters, to which its different shades of color are due. The essential coloring matter of fresh bile is bilirubin, to which the reddish-brown color of the bile of man and the carnivora is due, and which appears to be the starting point of the various coloring matters which are found in the bile of different animals ; it also occasions the various -changes 388 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. in tint which the bile undergoes after having been removed from the bod} r . When bile remains for a considerable time in the gall-bladder, and when bile is exposed to the air, provided the reaction remains alka- line, the reddish-brown coloring matter, bilirubin, absorbs oxygen from the atmosphere and acquires a greenish color ; it is then termed biliverdin. In the bile of herbivora and most cold-blooded animals this pigment exists naturally, and is present even before it passes into the small intestine. Both these substances, bilirubin and biliverdin, are insoluble in water, and their state of solution in the bile is to be explained on the basis of their forming soluble combinations with alka- lies, and partly to their being held in solution by the bile acids, in whose solutions they are soluble. They are slightly soluble in ether and alcohol, and readily soluble in chloroform and in alkalies. The test for their detection is known as Gmelin's test, which is claimed to be suf- ficiently sensitive to detect the presence of one part of bilirubin in eighty thousand parts of solution. The test is performed by adding nitric acid which contains some free nitrous acid to bile. This causes a precipitate which disappears on the addition of fresli acid, and results in the formation of a series of colors, passing through green, blue, violet, red, and then yellow, and is due to the different degrees of oxidi- zation of the red coloring matter of the bile. Various modifications have been proposed for this test. Briicke recommends the addition of dilute nitric acid to the suspected fluid, and then pouring a quantity of concentrated sulphuric acid carefully down the side of the tube ; as it sinks to the bottom it liberates free nitric acid, which produces' the characteristic play of colors ; or a concentric solu- tion of nitrate of sodium may be added and then sulphuric acid. When only traces of bile and coloring matters are present, the addition of the tincture of iodine causes the appearance of a green color. Bilirubin (C 32 H 86 N 4 6 ). Bilirubin, which is also called hsematoidin, occurs as an amorphous, orange-yellow powder, which, by its precipi- tation out of chloroform (obtained by boiling bile with chloroform), may be crystallized in red prisms. This bile-pigment is more frequently obtained from biliary calculi, especially those of the ox, which are con- stituted almost entirely of this pigment and cholesterin. The calculi should be powdered, exhausted with ether, and then with boil- ing water containing a few drops of hydrochloric acid, which is added to separate the bilirubin from the alkali with which it is supposed to be combined. The residue is then to be washed in pure water, then dried, and then boiled with chlo- roform and finally filtered. From the filtrate the chloroform may be distilled off", the residue then extracted with alcohol, and ether and pure bilirubin will remain behind. The amorphous, reddish powder which remains may be purified and obtained in a crystallized form by re-solution in chloroform, which should be allowed to evaporate spontaneously. In the preceding process the ether is em- ployed to remove the fat and cholesterin, and water to remove the other soluble biliary constituents. Bilirubin is only slightly soluble in water, readily soluble in chloro- form and benzole, and sparingly soluble in alcohol and ether. It seems to play the part of an acid, and unites with alkalies to form combinations DIGESTION IX THE SMALL INTESTINE. 389 which are insoluble in chloroform. Bilirubin is the most important coloring matter, and from it originate the others. It is undoubtedly formed in the liver-cells, though it is also formed in other localities. Pathologically, it occurs in old blood-extravasations, where it was for- merly described by Yirchow under the name of haematoidin crystals ; physiologically, it is found in the corpora lutea, in the ovaries, and in the borders of the placenta of the dog. Bilirubin evidently originates in the haemoglobin of the red blood-corpuscles. All causes which pro- duce breaking down of the red blood-cells and consequent jaundice, such as poisoning by ether and chloroform, lead to the appearance of bilirubin in the urine. This decomposition may also be produced by the action of the alkalies of the bile acids, and it is therefore probable that the physiological origin of the bile coloring-matter is due to the action of the bile acids on the blood-corpuscles in the liver. When oxidizing agents, such as nitrous-nitric acid, are added to a solution of bilirubin it displays a succession of colors identical with that seen in the applica- tion of Gmelin's test. Each of these stages represent a distinct pig- mentary substance. The first which results, or the greenish color, is due to the appearance of biliverdin. Biliverdin (C 32 H 36 \ 4 8 ) occurs through the action of oxygen on bilirubin, and is produced even when the solutions of the latter are allowed to stand exposed to the air. This body is found in abundance in the bile of cold-blooded animals, and is the principal pigment of the bile of herbivora. Biliverdin may be prepared by making an alkaline solution of bilirubin and exposing it to the air in a shallow vessel ; after awhile the reddish solution becomes intensely green, and biliverdin may be deposited as a green, amorphous powder by precipitation with hydro- chloric acid, washing with water, dissolving in alcohol, and finally pre- cipitating with water. Biliverdin then forms a green, amorphous powder, which is insoluble in water, ether, and chloroform ; is soluble in alcohol, acetic acid, and solutions of the alkaline carbonates. When subjected to the action of nitrous-nitric acid this pigment also liberates a series of different colors, which pass through the same sequence as those developed by the addition of this acid to solutions of bilirubin, the only difference consisting in the absence of the original red color. The first change is from a green into a blue or violet color, and is due to the formation of choletlin, which finally becomes yello wish-brown. Each of the coloring matters of the bile has a distinctive absorption of the spectrum, which is yielded when the solution is treated with nitric acid. The bile of carnivora is usually free from absorption bands, unless an acid be added, in which case the absorption bands characteristic of bilirubin appear in the spectrum. (d) Cholesterin (CjgH^O (H 2 O)) is also an important constituent 390 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. of the bile, and forms the bulk of the so-called white gall-stones. Choles- terin rotates the plane of polarized light to the left, and forms transparent, rhombic plates, which usually have a small, oblong piece cut out of one corner. Cholesterin is insoluble in alkalies, dilute acids and alcohol, and cold water, and is soluble in hot alcohol, ether, glycerin, chloroform, and soap solution and alcohol. In the bile it is kept in solution through the union of bile salts. Cholesterin is widely distributed through the body, occurring usually in the cerebro-spinal axis and nerves, and, in fact, seems to originate from the breaking down of nerve-tissues. It is likewise found in the yelk of eggs, in the spleen, and in various patho- logical deposits in the animal body. It may be prepared by powdering white gall-stones, boiling in water con- taining caustic potash, filtering when cold, and washing the resulting mass with boiling alcohol, and filtering while still hot. Cholesterin crystallizes out of the alcohol when cold. It may be purified by redissolving in boiling ether, and adding half its vglume of alcohol, and allowing it to evaporate spontaneously. Cholesterin crystals give a violet color with 80 per cent, sulphuric acid (Mole- schott). When treated with nitric acid, dried, and touched with a drop of ammonia, a deep-red color is produced, which is not altered by the addition of caustic soda. (Schiff). When dissolved in chloroform and agitated with an equal volume of strong sulphuric acid, a blood-red solution is obtained, which becomes gradually violet, blue, green, and then yellow, and then disappears if a trace of water is present. The layer of sulphuric acid in this test shows green fluorescence. If crystals of Cholesterin are heated with tolerably strong sulphuric acid, and afterward with a little iodine, a play of colors is produced, passing from violet through blue, green, red, and yellow to brown. Among the other organic constituents of the bile, lecithin, which belongs to the group of the complex nitrogenous fats, is to be men- tioned. Its formula is C^H^NPOg. It occurs widely distributed through- out the bod\', occurring especially in the brain, nerves, yelk of eggs, semen, and pus. When pure, it is a colorless, partially crystalline body, soluble in cold and hot alcohol, less so in ether, and soluble in chloro- form, carbon disulphide, and fats. It is not yet clearly established as to whether the lecithin found in the bile and other secretions and tissues is derived from the breaking- down of food-stuffs in pancreatic digestion, or whether it is found S3*n- theticalty. The reabsorption of lecithin, however, is complete, since no trace of lecithin or glycerin-phosphoric acid is to be found in the faeces. (e) The Inorganic Constituents of the Bile. Of the inorganic con- stituents of the bile, iron is of special importance, as indicating the red blood-corpuscles as the source of bilirubin, from which- process of decom- position the iron also undoubtedly originates. No close relation, how- ever, between its quantity and that of the bile coloring-matters has been ever distinctty made out. The following table, after Hoppe-Seyler, indi- cates the quantitative composition of the solids found in bile of the dog DIGESTION IN THE SMALL INTESTINE. 391 drawn from the bile-duct, and after having remained some time in the gall-bladder : From Freshly Bladder. Secreted. Mucin, . . .'.'"' . 0.454 0.053 Taurocholic alkali, . ' . . ... 11.959 3.460 0449 0.074 Lecithin, *. 2.692 0.118 Fats, . . . . . . . 3.841 0.335 Soaps, .- 3.155 0.127 Organic bodies insoluble in alcohol, 0.973 0.442 Inorganic bodies insoluble in alcohol, 0.199 0.408 K 2 S0 4 , 0.004 0.022 Na 2 SO 4 , 0.050 0.046 NaCl, 0.015 0.185 Na 2 Co 3 0.005 0.056 Ca s 2(P0 4 ), FeP0 4 , 0.080 0.017 0.039 0.021 CaCO, 0019 0.030 MgO, 0.009 0.009 2. The Secretion of the Bile. In contradistinction to the saliva and gastric juice, the secretion of bile appears to be continuous: even during prolonged abstinence, though reduced in amount, it is not suppressed. Food exercises a marked influence on the quantity and composition of the bile, every meal producing a maximum increase in the amount of secretion which is reached between three and five hours after the com- pletion of the meal. It then returns gradually to its original quantity, to be again subjected to a second increase, which occurs between thir- teen and fifteen hours afterward. This increased flow of bile, it will be noticed, co-exists with the discharge of the contents of the stomach into the small intestine, and it would appear, as has been determined experi- mentally, that the application of the acid to the intestinal surfaces causes a discharge of bile by causing reflex contraction of the bile-ducts and gall-bladder. Since in the herbivora eating and digestion are almost continuous, the amount of bile secreted is much larger than in the case of the omnivora and carnivora. The total amount has been estimated to be about five hundred to six hundred cubic centimeters in twenty-four hours, or fifteen grammes of bile with half of one per cent, of solids per kilo of body weight. In the horse the amount excreted in twenty -four hours is about five to six kilos. In dogs, the secretion is most active after a meal of meat, a diet of fat, however, greatly reducing the amount of this secre- tion. According to Bidder and Schmidt, for every kilo of body weight each hour the Sheep secretes . ' . . . 1.059 grammes of bile. The dog " . . . 0.824 The cat " ." . . . 0.608 The rabbit " . . 5.702 392 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. Colin fixes the following amounts as the hourly secretion in the domestic animals : In the ox, 100 to 120 grammes. In the pig, 75 to 160 In the sheep, . . . . . 10 to 160 In the clog, . . . . . . 8 to 15 In the horse, . . . . . 250 to 300 It would seem, therefore, that the smaller the animal the greater the relative amount of bile secreted in proportion to the body weight. Thus, a guinea-pig weighing one kilo, and whose liver only weighed forty grammes, secreted in twenty-four hours one hundred and seventy-five grammes of bile, or more than four times the weight of the liver ; and as the bile of the guinea-pig contains 1 per cent, of solids, one kilo of liver- substance would, in twenty-four hours, form four kilos of bile with fifty grammes of solids. Since the liver only contains 25 per cent, of solids, it follows that in twenty-four hours one-fifth of all the solids in the liver must be eliminated in the bile. According to Colin, the liver forms, in twenty-four hours, in the horse six kilos, in the ox 2.64 kilos, and in the sheep 0.34 kilos. In contradistinction to the saliva, the bile is secreted under very low pressure. Ever} 7 slight obstruction to the flow through the duct leads to reabsorption of the secretion by the hepatic lymphatic ves- sels and consequent jaundice, thus showing the close connection between the bile-ducts and lymphatics. This is also shown by the fact that microscopic injections of the bile-ducts made after death, under very low pressure T often pass into the lymphatics of the liver. While the pressure under which the bile is secreted is comparatively low, as compared with that of the saliva or that of the arterial pressure, it has been stated by Heidenhain that the pressure under which the bile is secreted is more than double that of the blood in the portal vein. In the liver, therefore, as in the salivary glands, there can be no question as to the formation of this secretion by a mere process of filtration ; it can only take place as the result of special cell activity, the specific coiv stituents of the bile, the bile acids and the coloring matter, being found normally neither in the blood nor in any other tissue or organ, the cases in which the}^ or their derivatives are found elsewhere than in the bile being capable of clear proof that they have only reached those localities through the bile. Even after extirpation of the liver, no accumula- tion of bile coloring-matter can be detected in the economy. The specific constituents of the bile must, therefore, be formed in the liver-cells, and, as already indicated, there is considerable proof that the coloring matter originates from the breaking down of the red blood-cells, the process of destruction being probably due to the action of the bile acids, hsemo- DIGESTION IN THE SMALL INTESTINE. ; 393 globin being thus liberated and then decomposed into bilirubin,the iron escaping in the form of a phosphate in the bile. As regards the origin of bile acids little is known, though they are probably derived from the breaking down of albuminoids. The action of the nervous sj'stem in modifying the secretion of the bile is almost entirely unknown. No nerve has been found whose stim- ulation leads to an increased flow of bile, or causes its arrest when actively flowing. The splanchnic nerve has been noticed, when stimu- lated, to cause an increase in the flow of bile from biliary fistulas, but this action is evidently due to the production of contraction of the biliary ducts. 3. The Physiological Action of the Bile. The bile enters the intes- tine, in most animals, associated with the pancreatic juice, as seen in the horse, goat, and dromedary, while in the ox and Babbit the bile-duct is separated fora considerable distance from the opening of the pancreatic duct. The fact that it enters the intestine simultaneously w r ith the pan- creatic juice, or even before it, shows that in its physiological action it must be associated with the latter. Its action on the food-stuffs is of but slight importance. On protejds it produces no distinct action what- ever, and, in fact, would seem to interfere with the digestion of proteids as commenced in the stomach. Thus, when bile, or a solution of tauro^ cholic acid, is added to the products of gastric digestion, a copious precipitate takes place, which consists of coagulable albumen, syntonin, and pepsin, the latter being indicated by the fact that when this precip- itate is filtered off and the supernatant liquid acidified it has no peptic power. This precipitate is, however, redissolved in an excess of bile or a solution of bile salts, and its object would appear to be, by precipi- tating the parapeptone to delay its passage through the intestine and so give the pancreatic juice time to act, while, at the same time, by precipi- tating the pepsin the pancreatic ferments are protected from the solvent action of the gastric juice. For we find that during active digestion, as a rule, the contents of the small intestine are strongly acid in the greater portion of its upper extremity, and were the pepsin not precipi- tated the pancreatic ferments would be digested and therefore destroj^ed through the action of the gastric juice. The re-solution of the precipi- tate produced by bile in the products of gastric digestion is due to an, excess of taurocholic acid. In most animals (ox, sheep, and horse), the bile has been found to contain a ferment, present in small amount, which is capable of converting starch into sugar. A similar action is also pro- duced on glycogen. This action is, however, secondary, and of but little importance in the digestion of carbohydrates, other than that the bile assists the amjdolytic action of the pancreas. In the d'og's and pig's bile no diastatic ferment is present. 394 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. The principal function of the bile in digestion is the aid which it renders to the digestion and absorption of fats. Bile has a solvent action on fats in small quantities, and assists in the eraulsification of fats. We shall iind that the pancreatic juice, in its action on fats, liberates fatty acids. A similar action is also manifested, although to a very much less extent, by the bile of the horse, ox, and sheep ; it is absent in that of the hog and dog. These fatty acids, thus liberated, unite with the alkalies of the bile and pancreatic juice and form soaps, and so greatly assist in the formation of a permanent emulsion. By means of the emulsion thus formed the absorption of fat is greatly assisted; while, in addition, it has been found that when membranes are moistened with bile, or with solutions of bile salts, the passage of fats through such membranes is greatly facilitated. Thus, if two filters are moistened, the one with a solution of bile salts and the other with water, oil will pass with comparative readiness through the former, while it scarcely suc- ceeds at all in passing through the filter moistened with water. Oil- drops placed on the surface of bile spread into a thin layer, like solutions of corrosive sublimate on mercury, and in tubes moistened with bile the oil will rise above its level outside of the tube, facts which point still further to the assistance which the bile renders in the absorption of fats. The bile of most animals contains a lactic acid ferment. On other food-stuffs bile is quite inert. It is evident from the above that the uses of bile must be manifested in some other direction than as a digestive fluid ; for while it would be presumed from the fact that we have here the largest gland in the body, pouring an immense volume of fluid into the digestive tract at a point at which digestion has barely commenced, that that fluid must have some important role to fulfill in digestion, the facts above mentioned, attained through chemical examination, show that this assumption is not entirely warranted. Still another method of examination, that of the production of permanent biliary fistulae, also shows that the functions of the bile are not solely manifested in assisting in digestion. In other words, the bile is not only a digestive secretion, even though of secondary importance, but is also an excretion. The most valuable data as to the functions which the bile fulfills in the economy are obtained from the maintenance of biliary fistulae. Biliary fistulas may be either temporary or permanent. The former are of special importance for the study of the secretion of bile as to the influence of drugs and other agents on the amount of bile poured out. Dogs are most suitable for such an operation, which may be performed upon them without any difficulty. The dog should have been allowed to fast for several hours before the operation, as then the gall-bladder will be apt to be filled with bile. After DIGESTION IN THE SMALL INTESTINE. 395 anaesthesia has been produced, an incision should be made in the linea alba about an inch and a half long and about two inches below the xyphoid cartilage, tying each bleeding-point before the abdomen is opened. On pushing aside or tearing through the omentum with the forefinger of the right hand, and carrying the finger well down below the liver, a dense band may be felt running from the liver to the duodenum, and consisting of the hepatic vessels, nerve, and common bile-duct. Hooking the forefinger under this band, and drawing it carefully and slowly forward, a blunt hook may be passed under it with the free hand, and the vessels drawn out of the wound. They can be prevented from retracting into the abdominal cavity by pushing the hook through so that the vessels lie upon its handle, which rests transversely over the wound. The duct is easily isolated and ligated at its entrance to the duodenum to secure the small blood-vessels on its surface, and the cannula inserted and tied in the duct. On removing the stilette from the cannula, a few drops of bile immediately escape. Probably, however, a similar method, and one less likely to wound the hepatic blood-vessels, is to open the abdomen at the right margin of the right rectus muscle, and then follow the duodenum, which appears in the wound, and may be recognized by its large size and absence of mesentery, up toward the stomach, where the duct may be readily isolated and divided at its insertion into the duodenum. Permanent biliary fistulas may also be made quite readily in dogs, and have been undertaken to decide the question as to the excrementitious nature of the bile. For this purpose the gall-bladder is selected for the fistula instead of the ductus choledochus. The abdomen is opened in the median line, or, preferably, at the right border of the right rectus muscle, care being taken not to wound the large vessels which cross the wound on the inner surface of the abdomen, and the common bile-duct isolated as before. It is then ligated close to its entrance into the intestine and at its junction with the cystic duct, and the intermediate portion excised. The gall-bladder is then drawn down and fixed to the edges of the wound. The operation may then be suspended until adhesion has occurred between the walls of the bladder and the edges of the wound, and the bladder then opened ; or it may be treated in the same manner as when making gastric fistulae, and a cannula similar to the one employed in making gastric fistula? inserted at once. In this mode of operation the object has been to exclude the bile entirely from the intestine ; but Schiff has shown that less pressure is required to make the bile pass from the hepatic duct into the gall-bladder than to force it through the common duct into the intestine. This excision, then, of the common duct is entirely unnecessary, apart from the fact that it sometimes fails in its object by becoming restored ; since as long as the cystic fistula is kept open the bile passes out of the wound, but when the cannula is closed it passes as normally into the duodenum. When the operation for the formation of a permanent biliary fistula succeeds, and all the bile is conducted outside of the bod}', animals rapidly lose weight and eventually die, under ordinary circumstances, under the phenomena of starvation. Such a result depends upon the inter- ference with the digestion of fats and upon the direct loss of bile salts. Thus, Yoit has found that a dog weighing twenty kilos, which in its normal condition was able to digest from one hundred and fifty to two hundred grammes of fat, absorbing 99 per cent, of this amount, was only able, after a permanent biliary fistula was established, to absorb 40 per cent, of the fat given. The loss of such an amount of fat through im- perfect absorption naturally produces a disturbance of nutritive equi- librium. An animal which before the operation is able to preserve its nutritive balance with a certain amount of meat and fat, is unable to do this after the performance of a biliary fistula, and is compelled to call on 396 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. the reserve store of tissue-albumen, and finally dies practically of starva- tion. If the animals are allowed to lick the wound, and so cause the bile to enter their alimentary canal, the phenomena of impairment of nutri- tion are very much less marked. So, also, if they are fed on double the amount ordinarily required to maintain their nutritive equilibrium, the carbohydrates especially being in excess, the phenomena of mal- nutrition may be largely prevented. In animals where the secretion of bile is prevented entirely from reaching the intestines, we find that obsti- nate constipation is usually added to the symptoms of disturbed nutri- tion, and that the faeces which are occasional^ passed are clay-colored,' with a most offensive putrefactive odor. It would, therefore, appear that the bile, by acting as a stimulus to the mucous membrane of the intestine, tends to maintain the normal peristaltic contractions of this part of the alimentary canal, and to that extent, therefore, acts as a natural purgative, while at the same time it largely prevents putrefaction and decompo- sition. The bile is, however, largely an excretion. Many of its con- stituents are removed unchanged, while some of them are reabsorbed and again enter the blood-current. The mucin and cholesterin pass through with the faeces unchanged. The bile-pigments undergo decomposition in the intestinal tube, and are partly excreted with the faeces under the form of hydro-bilirubin, a characteristic brown coloring-matter of excrement, and are partly eliminated as urobilin by the urine. The bile salts are for the most part reabsorbed by the walls of the upper portion of the small intestine, only a small quantity of glycocholic acid being found in the faeces. The taurocholic acid is largely absorbed, it being previous^, perhaps, decomposed into cholic acid and taurin, the latter being con- stantly absorbed, while part of the cholic acid may perhaps be removed with the faeces. II. THE PANCREATIC SECRETION. The pancreatic fluid is poured into the small intestine immediately after the entrance of the bile, or in some instances simultaneously with it and the secretion of B runner's glands. While the pancreas is one of the most constant of all glands, existing in all mammals, birds, reptiles, in most fish and insects, its anatomical form is subject to great variation in different animals. In the dog, as in other mammals, most birds, and reptiles, the pancreas is situated in the concaA r ity of the duodenum. Also in the dog, and in other mammals in w r lrich the duodenal mesentery is short or absent, this gland is thick, elongated, and bilobed, one portion extending horizontally toward the spleen, while the other portion de- scends at a right angle, parallel to the duodenum (Fig. 155). At the angle the pancreas is closely adherent to the duodenum, and often over- laps it, being connected by a multitude of small blood-vessels, while the descending portion lies free in the abdominal cavity. There are in the DIGESTION IN THE SMALL INTESTINE. 397 dog, in which the operation for making pancreatic fistulae is most usual as in most other animals, two pancreatic ducts the upper and smaller one opening into the duodenum in the same papilla as the bile-duct, while the larger and lower duct opens into the duodenum about two centimeters lower down. These ducts communicate by frequent anasto- moses, the lower being always selected for operation. In those animals in which the duodenum has a wide mesentery, as in the rodents, the pancreas forms an arborescent mass between the two layers of the mes- enter} r . This is the plan of arrangement in the rabbit, and also in the FIG. 155. PANCREAS OF THE DOG. (Bernard.) PP, pancreas; a, pylorus; ft, glands of Brunner ; c c', large pancreatic duct; d, eminence formed by the duodenal glands ; e, small pancreatic duct at its opening in the intestina : /, a'nastomosis between the large and small pancreatic duct: g, orifice of the biliary duct; h, orifice of small, and t, of the large pancreatic duct; k' , anastomosis of the large with the small duct. cat. In the rabbit the pancreas has two ducts, but the upper one, which enters the duodenum with the bile-duct, is very small, while the lower one is very long, and enters the intestine about thirty to forty centimeters below the pylorus. In the cat, the arrangement of these ducts is so irregular as to baffle all description. In most cases there are several of them, and sometimes, as occurs quite con- stantly in the seal, the upper duct passes into a sort of reservoir 398 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. before entering the intestine (Fig. 156). The arrangement of the pan- creatic ducts in the bird is represented in Fig. 157. The pancreatic juice is a colorless, alkaline fluid secreted by the pancreas or the so-called abdominal salivary glands. It differs from the other digestive secretions in that when freshly formed by a normal gland it contains a large amount of proteids. Its composition varies with the rate of secretion, and when studied as obtained through fistulae differs accordingly as to whether a temporary or permanent fistula has been made. FIG. 156. PANCREAS AND DUODENUM OF THE CAT. (Bernard.) a, pylorus ; b, section of duodenum at the level of the glands of Brnnner; c ct, superior pancreatic duct opening with the biliary duct into the intestine ; a, mucous membniie of the duodenum ; e, inferior pancreatic duct: el, point of its anastomosis with the descending branch of the pancreatic duct ; h, com- mon opening of the biliary duct and superior pancreatic duct; s, pyloric portion of stomach; v, biliary duct; ppp', pancreas. Temporary fistulas of the pancreas are best made on the clog, since in this animal there is the greatest probability of escaping peritonitis, a complication which if present is disastrous to the success of the operation, for the pancreas is ex- tremely susceptible to inflammation, and as a consequence the secretion becomes perverted and its properties altered. The only difficulty in the operation consists in finding the duct without injuring the gland or its numerous blood-vessels. To be thoroughly successful the operation should be performed as rapidly as possible, so as to avoid exposing the parts any longer than is necessary, while the pancreas should be handled with the greatest gentleness. The operation should be per- formed without employing an anaesthetic, to avoid subsequent vomiting and possible vitiation of the secretion. The dog should receive a hearty meal of bread and meat two hours before the operation, and then should be fastened on his left side. An incision should be made in the right hypochondrium, descending downward from the end of the last rib about five centimeters and parallel with the linea alba, every bleeding point being tied before the peritoneum is opened. Passing the index and middle fingers of the left hand into the wound, the duode- num is easily recognized. The fingers are then carried well down into the right hypochondrium, and then backward to the convex surface of the duodenum, and keeping their palmar surface directed upward, the fingers are carried behind the duodenum and pancreas, which are then to be drawn together out of the wound. The animal being in full digestion, the tissue of the gland is of a rosy-pink colora- tion. By this manipulation the parts preserve their normal relation, and the an- DIGESTION IN THE SMALL INTESTINE. 399 terior surface of the pancreas presents in the wound. The next step, and perhaps the most difficult, is the finding of the duct, a proceeding rendered difficult not only by the extreme shortness of the duct, but by its being surrounded by nu- merous blood-vessels, which bleed very easily and which bridge over the duode- num and the overlapping edge of the pancreas. By keeping the anterior surfaces directed forward this difficulty is reduced to a minimum, since here the duct is nearer the surface and is only surrounded by a few small blood-vessels, while on the posterior surface the vessels are very large, and it is just back of a large bundle of vessels that the duct enters the intestine. On carefully pushing aside with a blunt hook the overlapping edge of the pancreas at the lower border of the angle formed by the trans- verse and vertical portions of this gland, and about two centimeters below the ductus choledochns, the larger pancreatic duct is seen and may be distinguished from the blood-vessel by its larger size and white color. The finding of the duct may be facilitated by the fol- lowing observations : Where the vertical segment of the pancreas leaves the duodenum there is al- ways to be found a thick vein passing from the intestine to the pancreas. Above this the pan- creas lies directly under the gut, joined to it by numerous bundles of veins. The opening of the duct lies usually in the space between the first two of these or between the second and third. After the duct has been isolated, a thread should be passed around it and it should be opened with a pair of fine scissors; a small silver can- nula, about five millimeters in diameter and ten centimeters long, may then be inserted and pushed up to the first division of the duct, tying it securely by the thread previously passed around the duct. To make the cannula still more firm, a stitch maybe passed through the serous coat of the intestine and then the cannula fastened there also. The duodenum and pan- creas are then returned to the ab- dominal cavity, retaining the ends of the thread and the free end of the cannula in the wound, which is then closed by sutures, first sewing together the muscles and then the skin. Upon withdrawing the stilette from the cannula a few drops of colorless, limpid fluid escape, which flow more rapidly when the animal makes any movement and which is strongly alkaline (Figs. 158 and 159). The secretion may be collected by fastening a rubber bulb furnished with a stop-cock to the cannula. The bulb should be first compressed so as to be emptied of air, the stop-cock closed and connected with the cannula. On opening the stop-cock the tendency of the bulb to expand draws the fluid out of the ducts. Generally the fluid is secreted quite rapidly, and may be collected FIG. 157. PANCREAS OF THE PIGEON. (Bernard.) P, first -pancreas with its duct, V ; P' P", second pancreas with two ducts, V V" ; H, biliary duct opening into the duode- num, D, below the gizzard, G; ch and h, secondary biliary duct3 opening into the ascending portion of the duodenum ; F, liver ; S, stomach; P P' P", pancreas; a, opening in duodenum show- ing a probe, b, inserted into secondary biliary duct. 400 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. for several hours. After the first day, however, the character of the secretion alters and is no longer normal or suitable for study. If it does not flow rapidly, it may be stimulated by injecting ether through a tube into the stomach. Vom- iting stops the secretion. Usually after the second day the tube and threads drop out, or else they may be gently removed, and the wound generally heals readily and the duct becomes restored. The same animal may again be used for the same purpose. One of the difficulties that will be met with in this operation is that, since the duct is so short, the cannula is. very apt to slip out. This may be partially remedied by having a cannula made with a little bulb on the end to be inserted, or a T-shaped cannula may be used, the duodenal end of which must be closed. If such a cannula is used it is better to have one made in two sec- tions, one being first inserted in the duct and the other, which is to come out of the wound, screwed in afterward. In the ruminant animal the pancreas lies in part on the convolutions of the colon, on the superior right portion of the rumen, extending over the fissure of the liver to the second lumbar vertebra. Its duct, six, eight, or nine millimeters in diameter, opens into the duodenum in the ox eighty to ninety-five centimeters FIG. 1.58. PANCREATIC FISTULA IN THE DOG. (Bernard.) A, principal pancreatic duct; a, entrance of the duct into the intestine; a', lesser pancreatic duct; a", ligature fastening the cannula to the intestinal wall ; //, ends of the ligature ; I, duodenum ; P P', pancreas; T, cannula; V, rubber bulb; B, stop-cock. below the pylorus, and in the sheep and goat at the opening of the bile-duct, and is often free from gland-tissue for a space of from two to three centimeters. To make a pancreatic fistula in the ruminant, an incision about ten to twelve centi- meters long is made in the right flank parallel to the last rib and three or four fingers' breadths removed from it. The pancreas then comes into view on open- ing the abdomen, the duct may be readily exposed, and the cannula inserted. The operation may be readily performed on the ox without uncovering the duodenum from its omentum, and without dragging on the pancreas (Fig. 160). In solipedes it is difficult to study the pancreatic secretion. The gland is deeply situated against the vertebral column, its duct is surrounded by gland- tissue up to its insertion in the duodenum, and it has very thin walls. To make a fistula it is necessary to freely open the abdominal cavity in the median line from the sternum almost to the pubis, to withdraw the colon from the abdomen, open the duodenum and insert a tube through the opening of the pancreatic duct and fasten it by a ligature, which must also include part of the gland. The colon and duodenum are then to be replaced and the wound sewed up. This method DIGESTION IN THE SMALL INTESTINE. 401 was first employed by de Graff on the dog, and has proved successful in the hands of Leuret and Lassaigne on the horse. As before stated, the operation as performed as above described does not render the permanent collection of this secretion possible. It has been found that when permanent fistulas are established, although they serve a useful purpose in permitting the study of various conditions which may modify the secretion of pancreatic juice, yet the fluid poured out by the glands under these circumstances cannot at all be regarded as its normal secretion. For the purpose of establishing a permanent pancreatic fistula, a small dog may be selected, since in small animals the pancreas is nearer the middle line than in large dogs, and hence the parts are not as much disturbed by the operation. The dog having been kept fasting for twenty-four hours, so that the pancreatic vessels should contain as little blood as possible, should be narcotized by a subcutaneous injection of morphine, and the ab- domen opened by an incision about two centimeters long made in the linea alba and about midway between the xy phoid cartilage and umbilicus . The duodenum and the FIG. 159. PANCREATIC FISTULA IN THE DOG. (Bernard.) A, cannula on which is fastened the rubber bulb, B ; C, stop-cock. pancreas are then to be drawn out of the wound and the pancreatic duct isolated and opened by a little cut in one side; instead then of inserting a cannula, two pieces of lead wire bent at an angle are to be introduced, one wire being passed toward the gland -and the other into the intestine ; the remaining halves of each wire are then to be twisted together so as to form a f -shaped piece, the middle limb of which projects through the wound. Owing to the shape, the wires cannot fall out and cannot move around in the duct. Fine wire should be selected somewhat smaller than the calibre of the duct, so that the flow of the secretion will not be interfered with. The duodenum and pancreas are then returned to the abdominal cavity, care being taking to retain the wires in the wound, the duodenum is to be stitched to the abdominal peritoneum, and the wound then closed. Inflammatory adhesions take place around the wound and the wires cause the formation of a fistulous tract which communicates with the ducts and through which, after a week or so, the juice may be collected. 26 402 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. Heiclenliain has employed a method of establishing permanent pancreatic fistulas which he claims to have yielded in his hands satisfactory results. He excises that portion of the duodenum which contains the opening of the pan- creatic duct, restores the continuity of the gut, and sews the excised portion, after division lengthwise, to the abdominal wound, so that the orifice of the duct opens externally upon the abdominal surface. 1. The Chemical Composition of Pancreatic Juice. The pancreatic secretion differs in composition and physical properties according as it is obtained from permanent or temporary fistulas, and according to the ani- mal from which it is obtained. When obtained from temporary fistulas in the dog, it is a clear fluid, almost of the consistency of syrup, very FIG. 160. PANCREATIC FISTULA IN THE Ox. (Colin.) tenacious, and of strongly alkaline reaction. It contains few or no struc- tural elements, though corpuscles similar to those found in saliva have' been claimed by Ku'hne to exist, and occasionally free particles of oil. It has a decided salty taste, and under the action of heat coagulates, as does the white of egg, to a firm white mass. Alkalies prevent the coagulation. When alcohol is added to the fresh pancreatic secretion it forms a copi- ous, white, flocculent precipitate, which is subsequently in large part, after filtration, soluble in water. When very dilute acids are added to pancreatic juice, they at first form a turbid mass which subsequently dissolves in excess of acid. This action is to be explained as due to the DIGESTION IN THE SMALL INTESTINE. 403 production of acid albumen. Dilute acetic, lactic, and phosphoric acids are without apparent action on pancreatic juice, but it is precipitated b} r metallic salts, tannic acid, iodine, and chlorine- and bromine-water. The pancreatic secretion obtained from a temporary fistula in a sheep is a clear, tenacious fluid, which may be drawn out in threads like the white of an egg. The first portions secreted are claimed to have a slightly acid reaction, which soon becomes converted into an alkaline reaction. The pancreatic juices of the horse, the rabbit, the chicken, and pigeon behave in a similar manner, although the pancreatic secretion of the rabbit only becomes turbid when heated, and does not form a firm eoagu- lum, like that of the dog. The pancreatic secretion differs from the other digestive fluids in the large amount of solids, principally proteid in nature, which it con- tains. Its specific gravity' as obtained from temporary fistulse'ma}- be placed at 1030 ; obtained from permanent fistulae in the dog, the pancreatic secretion is a thin, watery fluid, with a specific gravity onl} T of about 1010 or 1011; the lower specific gravity, of course, being due to the smaller amount of solids. In the fluid from permanent fistuhe the solids amount to 2 to 5 per cent., while in that obtained from temporary fistulae they may rise to 10 per cent. Otherwise the fluid from permanent fistulse agrees in most respects with that from temporary fistulse, it is clear and colorless, alkaline in reaction, and of a sickly, saltish taste. When heated it becomes turbid and may even coagulate, while it may also be precipitated by alcohol, the precipitate being soluble in water. When cooled down to the freezing point, it is said to deposit transparent mu- cus-like coaguli. The pancreatic secretion, in contradistinction to that of the gastric glands, is readily decomposed ; it then acquires a faecal odor and colors chlorine-water red. After standing for some time, it acquires an offensive, putrefactive odor and now no longer gives a red with chlorine, but with nitric acid a bright-red color is produced. This reaction is evidently due to indol. The pancreatic secretion contains serum-albumen, alkali albuminate, fat, soaps, and sodium salts, and is thus very closely allied to blood-serum in composition; but it differs from it in containing four ferments, an amylolytic, a proteolytic, one which splits fats into glycerin and fatty acids, and the milk-curdling ferment. The first three of these ferments are precipitated by alcohol and are found in the pancreatic secretion of both carnivora and herbivora. The existence of the milk-curdling fer- ment is not entirely beyond question. Pancreatic juice is also stated to contain peptones, leucin, and tyrosin, but it seems probable that these elements are not found in perfectly fresh juice, with the exception, may be, of a trace of leucin, but are formed through the digestion of the albumen in the pancreatic juice by one of its own ferments. 404 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. The following table represents the composition of the pancreatic juice of the dog, as obtained from permanent and temporary fistulas : Temporary Permanent Fistula. Fistula. Water, 900.8 984.06 Solids, . .92.2 15.4 Organic matter, 90.4 9.2 Ash, . 8.8 6.1 The following table represents the analyses of the ash : Temporary Permanent Fistula. Fistula. Sodium, . . . . . . 0.58 3.31 Sodium chloride, . ' . . . .7.35 2.50 Potassium chloride, .... 0.02 0.93 Phosphatic earths with traces of iron, . 0.53 0.08 Sodium phosphates, . . . .... Lime and magnesium, .... 0.32 0.01 The solids in pancreatic juice are, however, subject to great vari- ation. Bernard found in the secretion from temporary fistulae in the dog 8 to 10 per cent, of solids, Tiedemann and Gmelin 8.7 per cent, of solids, of which 7.89 per cent, were organic and 0.72 per cent, ash, while in the secretion of the sheep 3.6 to 5.2 per cent, of solids have been found. According to Hoppe-Seyler, in 1000 parts of pancreatic secretion, obtained from a diverticulurn in the pancreatic duct of the horse, 982.5 parts were water, 8.88 parts organic matter, and 8.59 parts ash. In the rabbit the solids have been placed at 1.76 per cent., while in the ram 1.43 to 3.69 per cent, of solids have been determined through various analyses. The Pancreatic Ferments. The pancreatic ferments may be together extracted from the fresh gland by a process of mincing and extracting with glycerin ; on adding alcohol to the glycerin extract, the proteo- lytic and amjdolytic ferments may be precipitated. If, however, the gland be first treated with alcohol before extraction with glycerin, the proteolytic ferment will not be found in the solution, while the diastatic ferment will be present in large amounts. It is claimed, however, that if the pancreas of the ox be allowed to remain for a long time in alcohol, and then extracted with glycerin, a preparation will be obtained which contains all three of these ferments. Various processes have beeji proposed for the isolation of these three fer- ments. Danilewsky recommends for the isolation of the proteolytic ferment that the pancreas should be taken from an animal killed six hours after a copious meal, and, after washing, should be ground up with clean sand and digested for two hours with water, at a temperature which should not rise above 30 C. The mixture should then be filtered, and the filtrate, which contains both amylolytic and proteolytic ferments, treated with an excess of calcined magnesia to remove fatty acids, filtered, and added to one-third its volume of thick collodion, which carries down the fibrin-ferment in a crumbly mass. The ether should then be evaporated, and the resulting mass washed with alcohol and ether, and by now DIGESTION IN THE SMALL INTESTINE. 405 precipitating with alcohol the proteolytic ferment may be isolated comparatively pure. From the filtrate of the precipitate obtained with collodion the diastatic ferment may be isolated by evaporating under an air-pump, filtering off the pre- cipitate, again precipitating with alcohol, and dissolving the precipitate in a mixture of two parts of water and one of alcohol, by which proteid matter is removed. The remaining substance will convert starch rapidly into sugar, but is without action on proteids. Kiihne's method is to form an aqueous extract of a pancreas at the freezing point and to precipitate with alcohol ; the precipitate is re-dissolved in water, again precipitated with absolute alcohol, and the precipitate a second time re-dis- solved in water and treated with acetic acid up to 1 per cent. The same treatment is repeated a second time, and the watery solution, after the addition of acetic acid, is warmed to 40 C. and then filtered. The filtered liquid is made alkaline with sodium hydrate, by which the greater part of the earthy salts and tyrosin are precipitated, the trypsin or proteolytic ferment is then freed by dialysis from tyrosin, peptones and other crystalline substances, and finally precipitated with alcohol. Paschutin recommends a process for the isolation of these ferments which depends upon the fact that solutions of different salts have special capabilities of extracting the separate ferments. He found that sodium chloride, calcium chlo- rate, and sodium sulphate were able to dissolve all three of the ferments, while other solutions had special degrees of power in extracting the individual ferments. Thus, the proteid ferment is especially dissolved by potassium iodide, potassium arseniate, and potassium sulphate. The fatty ferment is readily extracted by solutions of bicarbonate of sodium containing a small quantity of caustic soda, while the diastatic ferment is most readily extracted by a solution of arseniate of potassium to which a small quantity of ammonia has been added. 2. The Action of the Pancreatic Juice on Food-Stuffs. When study- ing gastric digestion, it was seen that all the different phenomena could be most conveniently studied with an artificial fluid in experiments con- ducted outside of the body. The same conditions prevail in the study of pancreatic digestion. An artificial pancreatic juice may be made by three different processes : First. The fresh pancreas of a dog killed some hours after a full meal is cut into pieces, washed to remove the blood, and then infused for two hours in four times its weight of water, warmed to 25 C., taking care to keep the mixture at that temperature during the whole time of infusion. It is then to be filtered, first through muslin and then through paper. Since the filtrate will be usually acid from the development of fatty acids through the action of ferments on fats of the pancreas, it must be neutralized with sodium carbonate. The fluid will be slightly opalescent from the small amount of fat held in the form of emulsion. This preparation has all the properties of pancreatic juice, although the degree of its digestive action on proteids will depend upon the nutritive state of the pancreas from which it was made. For, if the pancreas of a fasting animal was employed, it will possess scarcely any digestive powers. Second. An artificial pancreatic juice may be obtained by allowing a minced pancreas to remain for two days in absolute alcohol, which is then to be filtered off and the residue covered with glycerin ; this glycerin extract will contain a considerable quantity of the ainylolytic ferment, while the quantity of proteolytic ferment, as in the first, will depend upon the condition of the gland. Third. The pancreas may be taken from an animal in full digestion, minced, and rubbed up in a mortar with powdered glass. For each gramme of gland-sub- stance, one cubic centimeter of 1 per cent, acetic acid shoulcl be added and mixed thoroughly in a mortar for ten minutes, and then ten times its volume of glycerin added, and the whole allowed to stand for three days. This preparation will con- tain a much larger proportion of proteolytic ferment than was obtained by either of the preceding processes, since the acetic acid seems to possess the power of converting into ferment the zymogen, or the substance which yields the proteo- lytic ferment. 406 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. (a) Action on Carbohydrates. Valentin pointed out that the pancreatic juice was capable of converting starch into sugar, and nearly all that was stated with regard to the action of saliva on starch might be repeated for the case of the pancreatic juice, with the single modification that in the case of the pancreas the amylolytic power possessed by its secretion is much stronger than that of the saliva. The secretion and watery extract of this gland in both herbivora and carnivora, as well as the secretion obtained from this gland in birds (chicken and goose), rapidly convert starch into sugar. All the conditions which were found to prevent the action of the saliva also hold here, with the single excep- tion that a slight degree of acidity seems rather to favor the action. The ferment through whose action the pancreatic juice is enabled to convert starch into sugar is apparently formed in the gland-tissue by the trans- formation of some previously existing material; since it has been found that if the ferment is completely extracted from a fresh gland by glyc- erin, and the inactive residue allowed to remain on the filter for five or six hours exposed to the air, a further production of ferment occurs. This new formation may be again extracted by water or gtycerin. That this result is really due to the new formation of ferment, and not to the occurrence of decomposition, is proved by the fact that if the wateiy ex- tract of the pancreas is once deprived of its action on starch by boiling, this power never returns in any stage of the subsequent decomposition. So, also, a gland which has been exposed for twenty-four hours to the air is more active than a fresh gland. The amount of starch which by the action of pancreatic diastase is converted into sugar is almost infinite. Roberts has calculated that pancreatic diastase is able to transform into sugar and dextrin no less than forty thousand times its own weight of starch. The rapidity with which starch is converted into sugar depends upon the proportion of ferment brought to act upon it. So that all grades of activity may exist between the apparently instantaneous con- version of a small amount of starch with a large amount of ferment, and the slow and gradual action of a small amount of ferment on a large quantity of starch. The products which result from the action of pan- creatic ferment on starch are entirely analogous to those which result from the action of ptyalin or malt-diastase on starch. When the gland- tissue is itself brought into contact with soluble carbohydrates, lactic acid fermentation ultimate! 3' results. Glycogen is also rapidly converted into sugar under the action of pancreatic diastase. Inulin and cane-sugar are entirely unaltered by it. The amylolytic action of the pancreatic juice is said to be absent in newborn children, appearing first after the termination of the second month. (b) Action on Fats. In the small intestine the fats, which have been seen to almost entirely escape the action of .the gastric juice, are broken DIGESTION IX THE SMALL INTESTINE. 407 up into a state of emulsion, while a small quantity undergoes chemical changes, in which fatty acids are liberated. The fatty acids thus liber- ated combine with the alkaline bases of the bile and pancreatic juice to form soaps. If oil, butter, or lard is stirred with pancreatic juice at a temperature of 35 or 40 C., almost immediately a thick, creamy emul- sion is formed which will stand for a long time. The presence of gastric juice, even when in sufficient amount to neutralize the alkalinity of the pancreatic juice, is stated by Bernard to have no influence on the emulsi- fying property of this secretion ; but to produce it in its highest degree the secretion must be normal, and that obtained from permanent fistula? is much less efficacious than that from temporary fistulas. This emulsifying power possessed by the pancreatic juice is due to the specific action of a special ferment, termed generally the emulsive ferment, which is claimed by Bernard to first emulsify and then saponify fats. It is certain that in the small intestine the principal change is merely due to the production of an emulsion, and nearly all the fat taken up by the absorbent vessels of the small intestine is in the form of an emulsion and not of a soluble soap, although both changes do occur in the small intestine ; the saponification is, however, most marked after the fats have been absorbed. The emulsive ferments, it has been claimed b}< Paschutin, may be readily extracted from the pancreas by a solution of bicarbonate of sodium, and this solution will readily emulsify fats. It is doubtful as to w r hat importance is to be attached to this statement, since it has been already stated that a solu- tion of bicarbonate of sodium constitutes an extremely delicate test for the presence of fatty acids, and when such acids are present the addition of the bicarbonate of sodium w^ill almost instantly form a per- manent emulsion. Since, therefore, it is almost impossible to obtain fats which are absolutely free from the presence of fatty acids, the above statement is not by itself sufficient to prove that the emulsifjang power of pancreatic juice is due to the action of a specific ferment. Other proof is, however, found in the fact that the action of fresh normal pan- creatic juice on neutral fats does result in the development of free fatty acids and glycerin. This result may even take place when the pancreatic juice has been diluted with twelve times its volume of water ; and although gastric juice and hydrochloric acid seem to interfere with this action of the secretion, the bile appears to facilitate it. Just as we found that the solution of fibrin with acid in contact with peptic glands was a reliable test for the presence of pepsin, so also the power possessed by the pan- creas of decomposing fats and forming fatty acids and glycerin serves for the recognition of the pancreas in lower animals, and, as emplo3 T ed with this object in view, has been highly perfected by Bernard. The emulsive action of the pancreatic juice is destroyed by boiling, and the digestive action on fats through the influence of pancreatic 408 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. juice is, therefore, of two kinds. Mechanically, it forms an emulsion with the oil, while chemically it liberates the fatty acids with glycerin, the formation of the emulsion being largely the result of the liberation of fatty acids. (c) Action on Proteids. The action of pancreatic juice on proteids coincides with that of gastric juice in so far that in both cases the con- version is due to a ferment which is destroyed by heat, and that both secretions convert proteids into peptones. Many points of contrast, however, exist. In the first place, it was seen that gastric digestion required the presence of dilute hydrochloric acid. In the case of pan- creatic digestion it will be found that a half of 1 per cent, solution of sodium carbonate produces the most active results. If a fragment of .thoroughly boiled fibrin is placed in an artificial pancreatic juice, made by adding a few drops of the glycerin-acetic acid extract to a 1 per cent, solution of sodium carbonate, it will ultimately dissolve, but the process will differ from that occurring in gastric digestion. After having remained for an hour or two in contact with the pancreatic juice, the fibrin will at first appear to be unaltered, but if it is stirred with a glass rod, many small fragments dissolve, and on removing some of the larger pieces and washing them with water, they are seen to be corroded and as opaque as before, but not swollen and transparent, as would occur in an analogous stage of gastric juice. Besides these superficial changes, however, the properties of the fibrin have been considerably modified. Undigested boiled fibrin is entirely insoluble in dilute acid, and if this boiled fibrin, which has been partially digested by pancreatic juice, is placed in a two-tenths of 1 per cent, solution of hydrochloric acid, it will be rapidly dissolved, and form a solution of syntonin, which may be precipitated by neutralization. Before being dissolved, therefore, boiled fibrin is rendered by pancreatic juice more soluble in dilute acid than even raw fibrin, which, as is well known, will not dissolve for many hours. Again, in this stage of pancreatic digestion, the boiled fibrin becomes soluble in a 10 per cent, solution of sodium chloride, and is readily coagulated by nitric acid and boiling; it thus appears that the first step in the pancreatic digestion of boiled fibrin is to change it to a soluble albuminoid, somewhat resembling raw fibrin. Again, if the fibrin be allowed to remain in pancreatic juice until it has been dissolved, a precipitate may be formed on neutralization which is evidently of the nature of an alkali albuminate and analogous to the parapeptone formed in gastric digestion ; while boiling will also produce a precipitate, a phenomenon which is entirely unrepresented in any known stage of gastric digestion. Although, as already mentioned, an alkaline reaction appears to favor pancreatic digestion, nevertheless, it appears DIGESTION IN THE SMALL INTESTINE. 409 that proteids may be digested in pancreatic infusions with a neutral or even faintly acid reaction ; it even appears that in the case of the pig the pancreatic infusion is only active in digesting proteids when the intestinal reaction is acid. As already mentioned, the pancreas is not under every condition capable of forming a secretion which will digest proteids, and under many circumstances infusions of the pancreas will be entirely inert on proteids. This would seem to indicate that while trypsin, or the proteo- iytic ferment, is formed in the cells of the pancreas, it is preceded by another substance termed zymogen, which is gradually in the normal conditions of the gland converted into trypsin. In support of this state- ment it may be mentioned that the pancreas obtained from the slaughter- house or from fasting dogs is often inactive, while the most activitA' is present about four or seven hours after feeding. It is supposed that the zymogen, which is soluble in water and glycerin, and which is found in the inner zone of the secretoiy cells, is, through the gradual action of oxygen, converted into trypsin. This conversion normally occurs in the interior of the gland during digestion, but even inactive glands may de- velop trypsin through exposure to the air after death or by the action of dilute acetic acid. Schiff and Herzen claim that there is a close connection between the action of the spleen and the development of trypsin, and they claim to have demonstrated that the pancreas of an animal from whom the spleen has been removed is incapable of digesting proteids, and that if such a pancreas be rubbed up with a portion of spleen it will then acquire the power of digesting proteids. This statement, however, needs further confirmation. When the pancreatic digestion of proteids is prolonged, in addition to peptones, various other bodies make their appearance. Leucin and tyrosin appear in large amounts, with traces of asparaginic acid, xanthin, and a body which is colored red with chlorine- or bromine-water. The longer the pancreatic digestion is prolonged, the larger will be the amount of leucin and tyrosin present and the smaller the amount of peptone ; from which it would appear that these crystalline substances result from the gradual breaking down of the peptone itself. Kiihne explains this result by supposing that the albuminous bodies under the action of trypsin become converted into two forms of peptone, to which the terms respectively antipeptone, which does not undergo further change, and hemipeptone, the latter in normal digestion being converted into leucin, tyrosin, etc., and readily undergoing putrefaction, resulting in the formation of indol, skatol, and phenol. If a pancreatic digestive mixture be neutralized so as to precipitate alkali albumen, and then treated with an excess of alcohol, the greater 410 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. part of the peptone will be precipitated. If the alcoholic fluid be then acidulated with acetic acid, boiled, and filtered, leucin and tyrosin will separate when the nitrate is concentrated by evaporation. By heating this deposit with water, the leucin, which is readily soluble in water, may be separated from the tyrosin, which is not so soluble. Leucin, or amido-caproic acid (C 6 H 13 NO 2 ), belongs to the fatty bodies, and is a constant decomposition product of albumen and various nitrogenous sub- stances. Leucin occurs in the form of white, shining lamellae, which are insoluble in ether and chloroform, readily soluble in alkalies and acids, especially when hot. It readily crystallizes from its solutions in hot water in spherical masses, composed of groupings of thin, white, glistening needles. When a few crystals of leucin are placed on platinum-foil and evaporated gently with a drop of nitric acid, if a few drops of caustic soda are added to the colorless residue a yellow or brownish mass is obtained, which forms an oily drop. (Scherer's test.) If a dilute solution of leucin is boiled with cupric hydrate in excess, bright violet scales are deposited on cooling. Tyrosin (CgH^NOg) is a member of the aromatic group, and may be obtained from almost any proteid under the action of strong oxidizing agents. It remains in the deposit of pancreatic digestion of albuminoids, prepared as above, after the leucin has been removed. By dissolving this residue in hot water, and rapidly crystallizing by the addition of ammonia, tyrosin may be obtained in tolerable purity. It then occurs in the form of fine, white, silky needles, gener- ally arranged in sheaf-like bundles, which dissolve in hot dilute ammonia, and are deposited on cooling the solution in brilliant, colorless, radiating stars. It is insoluble in absolute alcohol and ether, almost insoluble in cold water, and slightly soluble in hot water, but readily soluble in the mineral acids and in warm dilute ammonia. If a hot, watery solution of tyrosin is treated with a few drops of Millon's reagent to boiling, a dark-red color appears, and when the solution is concentrated deposits a dark-red precipitate. (Hoffman s test.) The application of Scherer's test, as in the case of leucin, will form a reddish- yellow residue, which will become brown on the addition of caustic soda. In the small intestine the pancreatic juice never alone comes in contact with food-stuffs, but it meets with undigested matters mixed with the results of gastric digestion, and therefore with the acid gastric juice and bile. In the animal economy, therefore, the activity of the pancreatic juice must be different from that which has been stated as occurring outside of the bod} r , when the operation of the pure pancreatic juice is alone considered. When the acid chyme from the stomach reaches the small intestine, the alkalinity of the bile, pancreatic and intestinal secretion, to a certain extent, partially neutralizes the acid of the gastric juice. It has been found that when pancreatic juice is mixed with gastric juice, the activity of the resulting medium will depend greatly upon the relative proportions of these two fluids. As a rule, gastric juice, by digesting trypsin, renders the pancreatic secretion entirely inert. The process occurring in the duodenum is, however, somewhat different : for we have already found that the first effect of the bile is to precipi- tate pepsin, and therefore the pancreatic ferment comes into contact with DIGESTION IN THE SMALL INTESTINE. 411 the acid constituents alone of the gastric secretion, which, as has been already mentioned, has but slight degree of acidity, and does not inter- fere with pancreatic digestion. The bile, on the other hand, while disturbing gastric digestion, con- siderably assists the action of the pancreas, not only in facilitating the emulsification of fats, but apparently also in some wa}' aiding the solvent action of the pancreas on proteids. The pancreas, in addition to the three ferments already described, is also said to contain a ferment which coagulates milk, which ma}' be extracted from the gland by means of a concentrated solution of common salt, the ordinary solvent used in making rennet from the calf's stomach, and which in general is claimed to behave like the milk-curdling ferment of the gastric juice. This ferment has been found in the pancreas of the pig, the sheep, the calf, the ox, and the fowl. The principal difference between the action of the milk-curdling ferment of the pancreas and that of the gastric juice lies in the fact that even 1 per cent, of sodium bicarbonate does not prevent coagulation in the former case, while one-fourth of 1 per cent, in the latter case does. The pancreatic rennet is also quite active in a neutral or even faintly acid medium. Boiling, as with other soluble ferments, destroys its power. It may likewise be precipitated by alcohol and again dissolved in water without losing its activity. When a pancreatic digestive mixture is allowed to remain in contact with food-stuffs, it rapidly acquires a putrefactive odor, and swarms with microscopic organisms. Usually in eight hours a high degree of putre- faction has taken place. It is to be supposed that a similar state of affairs occurs in the small intestine, since the conditions are there favor- able for the reproduction of bacteria ; for it is scarcely possible to assume that the acidity of the gastric juice is sufficient to destroy the germs which we must suppose are constantly taken into the alimentaiy tract. A characteristic result of the putrefaction and decomposition of proteids is indol, to which the ftecal odor of putrefying pancreatic secretion is due. When salicylic acid is added to pancreatic digestive mixtures, they remain free from odor, and the presence of indol cannot be detected. It there- fore seems clear that indol is a result of putrefaction of the results of pancreatic digestion, and is not normally a digestive product. Never- theless, the constant presence of indol in the small intestine would show that in this portion of the alimentary canal such putrefactive changes almost invariably result. In addition to indol, putrefying pancreatic solutions will develop ammonia, carbonic acid, butyric acid, valerianic acid, acetic acid, phenol, sulphuretted Irvdrogen, carburetted hydrogen, and hydrogen, gases which are also found in the alimentary canal. While such putrefactive changes undoubtedly occur in the alimentary 412 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. canal, the extent to which these processes take place can be scarcely estimated; of course, the more proteid which is so broken up, the greater will be the nutritive loss to the economy, since such putrefactive products have no physiological value. It may, therefore, be assumed that it is only the excess of proteids which is so broken up, for under normal conditions it may be assumed that peptone is absorbed as fast as it is formed. In the case of the herbivora, whose long intestinal tract is nearly always filled with residue of food, this decomposing process will probably attain a higher degree than in the case of the carnivora. That the intestinal contents are comparatively free from putrefactive odor in these animals is not an objection to this statement, since it is always so largely composed of cellulose and other non-putrefactive substances. It has been found that the amount of indican contained in the urine is a measure of the amount of putrefaction occurring in the intestine; and since indican is present in the urine of herbivora in about twenty- three times the amount found in the urine of man, it is evident that the putrefactive process in the intestinal canal of the herbivora must be also largely in excess. In addition to the fact that the proteids are rapidly absorbed as soon as acted on by the digestive secretions, the influence of the bile is also to be alluded to as a preventive of putrefaction. 3. The Secretion of Pancreatic Juice. In the pancreatic secretion the digestive juices reach their maximum as regards intensity of action and variety of food-stuffs on which they act. Human pancreatic juice has never been obtained in a condition of purity, and were it not for the studies made on animals this branch of our subject would be an empty page. The volume of this gland, which is very constantly present and subject to a great variety of changes, is much larger in the carnivora than in the herbivora. In the herbivora the secretion is constant, in the carnivora it is intermittent, while in the ruminant its maximum activity appears to coincide with the end of rumination, when as much as two hundred to two hundred and seventy grammes may be secreted per hour. During fasting in the ruminant, although not absolute^ sus- pended, its secretion is greatly reduced in amount. In the horse, from experiments made by Leuret and Lassaigne, Colin was able to determine that the maximum hourly secretion was two hundred and sixty -five grammes, or about the same as that of the ox, though part was probably lost by not t}ang the supplementary ducts. As in the carnivora, so, also, in the herbivora, this gland is extremely liable to inflammation, which, of course, will affect the general result. Another method by which the amount of pancreatic secretion poured out was estimated was to ligate the bile-duct and pylorus, then empty the intestine by pressure, and then to tie its lower extremity. In this way six hundred to one thousand grammes of clear, limpid fluid DIGESTION IN THE SMALL INTESTINE. 413 were collected in an hour, though, of course, the fluid was not derived solely from the pancreas, but contained the secretion poured out by the intestinal glands. The pancreatic secretion in the hog has certain characteristics which are readily determined. The fistula is made in the same manner as in the dog, and it is then seen that the hourly secretion is five to fifteen grammes, and that the activity of the pancreatic secretion is in inverse ratio to that of the bile. In the carnivora the study of this secretion is most readily carried out. In the sheep it is open to difficulties, and has not been as thorough as in the dog. No ratio between the size of the animal or of the gland and the quantity of pancreatic juice is capable of demonstration. Thus, the pancreas of the horse and ox weigh each three hundred grammes ; both animals are about of the same FIG. 161. SECTION OF THE PANCREAS OF THE DOG IN THE FASTING CONDITION, HARDENED WITH ALCOHOL AND STAINED \VITH CARMINE. (Heidenhain.) size, and also secrete the same amount of pancreatic juice. In the sheep the pancreas weighs from fifty to sixty grammes, or one-fifth as much as in the large ruminants, and yet only pours out seven to eight grammes per hour. In the hog the pancreas weighs from one hundred and forty to one hundred and eighty grammes, and only secretes ten to fifteen grammes per hour. These results, of course, cannot be too posi- tive^ accepted, on account of the many disturbing causes. In the pancreas, as in other glands, we may distinguish a period of rest, during which the gland is pale and free from blood, and a period of activity, during which it is swollen and its vessels gorged with arterial blood. Changes occur, therefore, in the pancreas such as have been al- ready described in the case of the salivary glands. In the carnivorous animals the secretion commences when the food is introduced into the 414 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. stomach and rapidly reaches its maximum two or three hours thereafter. Toward the fifth or seventh hour it decreases in activity, and about twelve hours after feeding again becomes increased in amount, the second increase being apparently coincident with the escape of the acid chyme into the small intestine. The cells of the pancreas also undergo marked histological changes during the period of active secretion. .In the pan- creas of a fasting dog two zones may be recognized, the inner zone highly granular in nature, and with difficulty stained with carmine, and a smaller homogeneous outer zone which readily stains red. The nucleus, which is generally irregular in shape, lies between these two zones (Fig. 161). If, on the other hand, a microscopic inspection be made of an animal in full digestion, the outer homogeneous zone will be found to have greatly in- FIG. 162. PANCREAS OF THE DOG IN THE FIRST STAGE OF DIGESTION. (Heidenhain.) creased in extent, while the inner granular zone will be almost absent, the whole cell being smaller and readily stained with carmine (Fig. 162). After digestion has been completed, the appearance described in the fast- ing cell will be again regained (Fig. 163). It would appear from these facts that the secretion of the pancreatic juice is formed at the expense of the granular material found in the inner zone of the secreting cells, while these granules result from the amorphous homogeneous matter found in the external zone, and which during digestion is built up from the matter taken from the blood. We have already alluded to the fact that to obtain an active pancreatic extract the gland must be taken from an animal in full dig'estion, and that if the gland of a fasting animal be rubbed up with glycerin and acetic acid, the glycerin extract from such a gland will be strongly proteolytic. These results are to be explained, DIGESTION IN THE SMALL INTESTINE. 415 as alreadj r mentioned, by the fact that the gland itself contains but little ready-formed proteolytic ferment, but a substance termed zyrnogen, which, from exposure to the atmosphere, or under the action of dilute acid, is readily converted into ferment. Heidenhain luis determined that the amount of zymogen in the pan- creas coincides in amount with the extent of the granular zone ; there- fore, in pancreatic secretion, as in the case of saliva, the act of secretion possesses two phases : the first, the preliminary stage of separation from the blood; the second, the stage of manufacturing of those constituents into the specific ferments of the secretion. As regards the action of the nervous S3*stem on the secretion of FIG. 163. PANCREAS OF THE DOG IN THE SECOND STAGE OF DIGESTION. (Heidenhain.) pancreatic juice but little is known. Both section and stimulation of the central end of the pneumogastrics temporarily arrest the flow of pancreatic juice ; vomiting also has the same effect, the result being probably due to the stimulation of this nerve. Stimulation of the gland itself by, an induction current, as well as stimulation of the medulla oblongata, seems to produce an increase in the secretion, but section of the spinal cord does not raise it. When all the nerves going to the pancreas are divided, a continuous flow of pancreatic juice commences, and under these circumstances the fluid formed has but slight digestive power, and its amount is not influenced by the taking in of food. Injec- tions of ether into the stomach produce an increased flow of pancreatic juice, while the secretion is suppressed in the dog, though not in the 416 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. rabbit, by the action of at r opine and by stimulation of the sensory nerves. The pressure under which the pancreatic juice is secreted is not much higher than that of the bile, amounting only to about seventeen millimeters of mercury. III. THE INTESTINAL JUICE. In addition to the fluids poured out by the liver and the pancreas, the walls of the small intestine are also abundantly supplied with glands, which pour out a secretion which possesses a certain digestive value. The largest amount of this fluid is poured out by the so-called duodenal follicles, or glands of Lieberkiihn, to which is added the scanty secretion of the small, convoluted, tubular Br miner's glands. The latter are morphologically identical with the glands of the pylorus and stomach, and their cells are turbid and small during hunger, while during digestion they are large and clear. In the sheep the Brnnner's glands form a continuous laj^er and their walls pour out a fluid containing mucin and ferments which possess the power of dissolving proteids and of converting starch into sugar. Any data as to the action of the secretion formed by these glands are, however, obtained with the greatest difficulty on account of the smallness of the glands and impossibility of isolating their secretion ; consequently, the greatest uncertainty surrounds their functions. The glands of Lieberkiihn are small, tubular glands set vertically in the mucous membrane and are lined by c}dindrical epithelial cells, among which numerous goblet, mucous cells may be found. These cells, appar- ently, are the main source of intestinal juice, the so-called succus entericus. Yarious methods have been proposed for obtaining the fluid poured out by these glands. Thiry's method was to withdraw a loop of small intestine from the abdomen, and excise a portion several inches in length, leaving its blood supply intact, and then restoring the continuity of the intestine by stitching together the ends above and below where the excised portion had been removed. One end of the excised portion was then closed by stitches, while the other extremity was kept open and stitched into the abdominal wall. By this means a small portion of the small intestine was isolated, and as it communicated with the exterior the secretion which it formed could be readily collected. Yella improved the method employed by Thiry by leaving both ; ends of the isolated portion open, after restoring the continuity of the bowel, and stitching them to the abdominal wound. It is evident that after this operation the small intestine cannot be regarded as being in its normal condition, for it is entirely removed from contact with the secretions and chyme, and undergoes a considerable amount of atrophy ; and although its secretion is not contaminated by any other digestive fluid, it cannot be regarded as being in a normal condition. DIGESTION IN THE SMALL INTESTINE. 417 Colin collected a considerable amount of fluid by placing a clamp on the small intestine of the horse and emptying a considerable portion below it by gentle pressure, and then clamping it several feet below the upper clamp. In this Tvny he obtained from eighty to one hundred and twenty grammes of fluid in half an hour from two meters of the small intestine of the horse. He states, however, that this fluid may be greatly increased by the injection into the loop of a solution of aloes, manna, or soda; and since its composition coincides almost exactly with that of blood-serum, it is probably an exudation. No reliable experiments seem to have been made as to the digestive properties of the fluid obtained in this wa} r . Moreau has also succeeded in obtaining a large quantity of liquid by clasping the intestine, as in Colin's method, and then dividing the nerves going to the isolated portion of the intestine. In this operation, also, it is probable that the fluid is an exudation, as it coincides almost entirely with blood-serum in composition; and here also no experiments as to its digestive powers have been made. The author has employed a method for collecting the secretion of the small intestine which is free from most of the objections which may be urged against the methods already described. A fistula is made into the duodenum in the same way as in making a gastric fistula, and a small tube inserted. The operation is readily performed, but in a large number of animals so treated the tube will tear out of the intestine, and the experiment will consequently fail. When the wound lias healed the dog should be allowed to fast for at least twenty-four hours, and then the intestine washed out by an injection of lukewarm water through the cannula. A rubber bulb is then to be inserted through the tube into the small intestine and pushed back toward the stomach, taking care, however, that it lies below the opening of the pancreatic and bile ducts ; it then may be distended by water so as to occlude the intestine, and a small bulb with a long tube is then pushed down the intestine and dis- tended with water so as to occlude it below. In this way a variable portion of small intestine is shut off from the contents of the alimentary canal above and below, and its secretion in a state of comparative purity, and in considerable amount, may be then collected. Obtained in this way, the intestinal juice has an alkaline reaction ; its specific gravity, 1010; it gives no coagulum on boiling, and yields Millon's reaction, and deposits a heavy precipitate when thrown into absolute alcohol. Its composition in one hundred parts is as follows: Water, 98.86 ; organic matter, 0.54 ; inorganic matter, 0.59. The inor- ganic matter is represented by chlorides and sulphates and carbonates of sodium and potassium. With chlorine-water no red is given, and in 27 418 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. certain instances it lias been found to turn acid on standing. As regards its digestive action, it contains three ferments, which may be precipitated by alcohol and again redissolved in water. It will rapidly convert starch into sugar in a neutral or faintly alkaline medium, while 2 per cent, of acid and 5 per cent, of liquor potassa will prevent it. This has also been established by Ellenberger and Hofmeister to apply to the intestinal secretion of the horse. There is a special ferment present which will convert cane-sugar into invert-sugar, or a mixture of laevulose and dextrose. This is the only secretion in the body which possesses this power. The transformation of cane-sugar into invert-sugar is represented in the following formula : SC^H^O^ +2H 2 = C 12 H 24 12 + C 12 H 24 O 12 . Saccharose. Water. Dextrose. Lsevulose. The inversive ferment has been found by Bernard in the small intes- tine of dogs, rabbits, birds, and frogs. Roberts has recognized it in the small intestine of the pig, the fowl, and the hare, while Balbiani has found it in the intestine of the silk-worm. It is absent from the large intestine. When a watery infusion is made of the mucous membrane of the small intestine, it possesses the power of inverting sugar, but loses it when the infusion is filtered, seeming to indicate that the ferment remains attached in such infusions to some of the formed elements contained in the intestine. It is, however, possible to precipitate the ferment from intestinal juice, and then obtain a watery solution of the precipitate which will invert sugar. The intestinal juices will also dissolve proteids, albumen, and fibrin, and convert them into peptone, after first passing through a stage similar to that of alkali albumen. The action of the intestinal juices resembles that of the pancreatic secretion in its general characters and in the resolution of the fibrin peptone into leucin and tyrosin and indol. The ferment which is concerned in the digestion of pro- teids is apparently either not carried down by the alcohol, or is not capable of resolution in water, for all the author's experiments failed in obtaining an active solution of the ferment in water, acid, or alkali after precipi- tation with alcohol. When fibrin is digested by the intestinal juices, a peculiar substance is formed, which gives a red with nitric acid, the color disappearing on heating. IV. FERMENTATION PROCESSES IN THE SMALL INTESTINE. In the small intestine are found numerous examples of the lower organisms which enter the alimentary canal through the foods and liquids which are swallowed, and which induce various fermentations and putre- factions in the contents of the alimentary canal, resulting in the evolu- tion of various gases. These gases consist, in the first place, of air, which is swallowed with the food, of which a large portion of the oxj^gen is DIGESTION IN THE SMALL INTESTINE. 419 absorbed, while the nitrogen remains unaltered. Therefore, the oxygen will be in smaller relative proportion, as contrasted with the nitrogen, than is found in the atmosphere; the carbon dioxide, which is also present, will, on the other hand, be in relative excess, since a certain quantity of this gas diffuses from the venous blood into the interior of the alimentary canal. Hydrogen, ammonia, and carburetted and sulphu- retted hydrogen are also found as the results of various decompositions. Y. INTESTINAL DIGESTION IN DIFFERENT ANIMALS. The contents of the stomach do not pass suddenly, but gradually, into the small intestine, their entrance into this portion of the alimentary canal not being due to the forcible contraction of the stomach, but to a series of periodic relaxations of the pylorus, as a result of special stimuli ; during the intervals, the pylorus is tightly closed. Transition into the intestine rarely occurs before digestion has. made considerable advances; the necessary stimuli, therefore, cannot be of a purely mechanical nature, especially as it has been found- that mechanical stimuli lead to more marked contraction of the p}'loric ring rather than to its relaxation. The stimulus which leads to a relaxation of the pyloric sphincter is probabty of a chemical nature, but its exact mode of opera- tion is entirely unknown. It would seem, however, that fat is almost incapable of causing an opening of the pylorus, for, no matter how much fat be given in the food, nearly the same amount will be found in the intestine after four, five, or twent3'-one hours, showing that the pylorus allows no more to pass than may be taken up by the villi ; therefore, there is never an accumulation of fat in the intestine. If, during the latter stage of gastric digestion, a transverse section is made through the duodenum, on the mucous surface will be found a white, pasty emulsion ; then comes a yellowish, cheesy precipitate, pro- duced by the bile, and in the centre will be found a thin, j^ellowish-brown liquid, containing particles of undigested food. If such a section be made still lower down in the intestine, further from the stomach, the fatty layer will be found to have decreased in amount, while the central fluid will be relatively more abundant, and becomes darker and darker in color, until at the lower portion of the small intestine it is of a deep- green color. Some of the fluid constituents contain many gas-bubbles. The central fluid has alwaj r s a more strongly acid or less alkaline reac- tion than the portion of the intestinal contents in contact with the intestinal walls. As we have seen, the chyme, as it issues from the stomach, is sub- jected to the action of the intestinal secretions before being ready for absorption. The character of the chyme, as indicating the-character of the digestive processes, varies in different animals, and has been closely studied by Colin, whose description is here mainly followed. In 420 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. carnivora the chyme is scanty, gradually giving up matters ready for absorption, and passes slowly through the intestine. Thus, seven to eight hours after a meal of one thousand grammes of meat, only fifty to one hundred grammes represent the weight of intestinal contents. The small intestine in carnivora is never distended, as in the case of the omnivora, and especially the herbivora, but it is always a flattened cylinder. The stomach appears to regulate the amount which passes into the small intestine. The small intestine in non-ruminant herbivora, as the horse, receives large volumes of chyme from the stomach, and rapidly disperses it through the entire small intestine ; but although the small intestine has a capacity four times as great as the stomach, it never contains as much as may be contained in the stomach when distended, for after a meal the contents of the stomach are rapidly distributed between the small intestine, stomach, and caecum. If the contents of the small intestine of the horse be examined at various intervals after feeding, it will be found that 40 to 50 per cent, of the carbohydrates in the food have been digested in the stomach, while 30 to 50 per cent, of the albuminoids and 40 to 60 per cent, of the non-nitrogenous constituents may still be recognized. In the horse, the fluid found in the duodenum and jejunum is usually acid in reaction, yellowish in color, turbid, and viscid. It is capable of digesting proteids and starch, and its ferments may be precipitated by alcohol and redissolved in water without losing their activit}^. In the ileum the contents are usually alkaline in reaction, brownish-yellow in color from the bile-pigments, turbid, but contain less mucin than the duodenal contents. Intestinal digestion in the horse is of considerable importance ; only from 23 to 52 per cent, of undigested albumen and from 38 to 59 per cent, of undigested carbohydrates are to be found in the duodenum, although there can be no doubt but that large amounts of entirely undigested food pass from the stomach into the small intes- tine. When the food has a prolonged sojourn in the stomach but 2 to 10 per cent, of its proteid constituents ma}^ be left untouched for diges- tion by the intestinal secretions, but where this is not the case it may be safely stated that at least 60 per cent, of the proteids have to be digested in the small intestine. These facts would -seem to. indicate that in soli- pedes digestion is almost continuous. In ruminant herbivora the state of affairs is different ; there, the contents of the intestine only represent one-eighth to one-tenth the amount contained in the stomach, and when rumination is suspended but a comparatively small part of the food remains unchanged to be acted on by the intestinal secretions. In car- nivora, still another state of affairs occurs. The stomach holds almost all the alimentary matter, only small quantities of liquefied chyme pass- ing into the intestine, and as the gastric digestion in these animals is DIGESTION IN THE SMALL INTESTINE. 421 very complete the contents of the small intestine amount to only one- tenth or one-twentieth of the gastric contents. Aliments more or less liquefied, according to the quantity of fluid contained in the alimentary tract, present a different character iii each portion of the intestinal tube. In solipedes, for example, in the small intestine they are mixed with a thick, yellowish, viscid fluid; in the caecum they are suspended in a large amount of fluid not deprived of viscidity ; in the great fixed colon they are still soft, but as the floating colon is approached they acquire pro- gressive dryness and are moulded into balls, which stick to the valvulae conniventes. The bile of the hog, as has been mentioned, contains no amylolytic ferment, but is capable of emulsifying rancid fats. The intestinal juice, according to Ellenberger and Hofmeister, contains a diastatic but no other ferment, a statement which, in view of the general presence of the invert ferment in the secretion, needs confirmation. The pancreatic juice con- tains three ferments, and is, therefore, possessed of the same properties as in other mammals. Consequently, in the intestinal canal of the hog, albuminoids are peptonized, starch converted into sugar, and fats digested and emulsified. Absorption in these animals is exceptionally rapid, so that examination of the intestinal contents will reveal but small amounts of digestive products. Peptone, espeeiall}-, seems to be absorbed as rapidly as it is formed, while 69 to 75 per cent, of the albuminous food-stuffs and 65 to 72 per cent, of the carbohydrates found in the small intestine has been digested. The reaction of the small intestine of the hog is usually acid through- out half its extent, the acidity sometimes extending through five-sixths its length. After feeding, the first portions of the meal appear in the small intes- tine in from three to four hours, while three hours later a portion of the intestinal contents has already reached the caecum. Intestinal diges- tion, therefore, in the hog is of but short duration. One is accustomed to speak of the reaction of the small intestine as self-evidently alkaline, and it is almost universally taught that as soon as the acid chyme enters the duodenum its acid reaction, through the influence of the bile and pancreatic juice and intestinal secretion, at once passes into an alkaline reaction. This, however, is an error. As a rule, an alkaline reaction is rarely met with until the very lowest por- tion of the ileum is reached. It has been already mentioned that the acid chyme produces precipitation in the bile, the glycocholate of sodium, glycocholic acid, and mucin being carried down, while the acid reaction is still maintained, and that this precipitate carries the pepsin mechan- ically down with it. The importance of this is seen when it is remem- bered that in acid solutions pepsin will destroy the pancreatic ferments. 422 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. The pepsin is only released when the strongly alkaline reaction of the lower portion of the small intestine dissolves the bile precipitate. It can then do no harm, as pepsin is inactive in alkaline solutions; while, on the other hand, the acid does not interfere with the pancreatic digestion, since the pancreatic ferments are still capable of producing their charac- teristic effects, even in a faintly acid medium. The acid reaction of the small intestine is most marked in carniv- orous animals, and in them, consequent^, putrefactive and fermentative changes occur to a less degree than in omnivora and herbivora. In the fasting horse the contents of the small intestine are invariably alkaline, this reaction being more marked the greater the distance from the stom- ach. In digesting animals, the acid reaction decreases below the point of entrance of the bile and pancreatic juice, and becomes decidedly alka- line at the lower portion of the small intestine. This holds in the horse, ox, and sheep, whether fed on dried or green fodder, on oats, grain, or roots. The cause of the alkalinity of the reaction of the intestinal con- tents is due to the bile, pancreatic juice, and intestinal secretions, and is more marked the more active is intestinal digestion. The acidity of the intestinal contents when present is due not only to the acid gastric juice, but also to the liberation of fatty and lactic acids from lactic and butyric acid fermentations. It is seen from the above that in the small intestine secretions are met with which are capable of establishing digestion of the various food- stuffs, so as to render them capable of absorption. Starch becomes con- verted into sugar through the action of the pancreatic and intestinal secretions ; cane-sugar is converted into invert-sugar through the action of the special ferment of the intestinal secretion; fats are partially saponified and emulsified through the influence of the bile and pancreatic juice, while albuminoids, through the influence of the pancreatic and intestinal fluids, are turned into peptones. As regards the changes which occur in albuminoids in the small intestine, it is worthy of note that in all probability the formation of leucin and tyrosin has been greatly overestimated, for since the intestinal juices are almost always acid, and since leucin and tyrosin only form in alkaline digestive juices, perhaps these bodies never form normally in the intestine. It is, at any rate, certain that but mere traces of leucin and tyrosin are to be found in the intestinal contents during digestion of large amounts of albumen. It is also worthy of note that the acid reaction of the intestine does not interfere with the digestion of fats, for the lacteals will be found filled with a milky emulsion after feeding, even though the reaction of the intestinal contents is almost as acid as the gastric juice. At the lower end of the small intestine the reaction of the intestinal DIGESTION IN THE LARGE INTESTINE. 423 contents is usually strongly alkaline, and we have then to deal with processes which are evidently putrefactive in nature. But a small portion of the nutritive parts of food will, however, be subjected to these changes, since probably digestion, especialty in carnivora and ruminants, is completed before this portion of the tract is reached. Indol and phenol are here found, and result from the putrefactive changes in albuminoids, while lactic acid, butyric acid, acetic acid, carbonic acid, and hydrogen are met with and result from changes in carbohyd rates. The different gases found in the small intestine have been already men- tioned ; their character and amounts vary according to the nature of the diet. The following table represents their relative amount from different diets in dogs : CO 2 . N. H. O. Meat diet, . . . 40.1 45.5 13.9 0.5 Bread diet, . ... 38.8 54.2 6.3 0.7 Vegetable diet, . .47.3 4.0 48.7 X. DIGESTION IN THE LARGE INTESTINE. The absorption of all the alimentary elements which are essential to nutrition is in the carnivora achieved in the small intestine. In these animals the caecum is absent or rudimentary, and the colon is short and apparently uncomplicated ; but in the immense caecum of solipedes and certain other herbivora the digestive process goes on, and the changes which the food undergoes in this part of the alimentary tract now deserve attention. 1. THE FUNCTIONS OF THE CAECUM. The caecum, or blind gut, is that portion of the large intestine which usually occurs as a diverticulum at the point of junction of the small and large intestines, and in which the contents of the former empty. In man and carnivora this reservoir is rudimentary, and receives the alimentary mass after all its nutritive properties have been extracted. In this class of animals, therefore, the caecum can have no physiological function to fulfill. In reptiles, batrachians, and the fish the small intestine is directly continuous with the large intestine, scarcely increasing in diameter, and no caecal append- age is present, the reservoir only being represented by a long, lateral dilatation. It is only in mammals and in birds that one or two pouches are found at the point of union of the small and large intestines, and which furnish a new reservoir to the alimentary matters before permitting them to enter into the large intestine to be finally expelled. In birds, the caecum varies in development and importance according to their normal diet. In the flesh-eating birds, the stomach and small intestine are amply sufficient to produce the necessary chemical trans- formations in the food to render it capable of being absorbed. Their 424 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. caeca are consequent^ rudimentary or absent. In vegetable-eating birds, on the other hand, the caecum acquires a high degree of importance. The caecal apparatus in these animals is double, and consists of two long tubes, symmetrically located to the right and left, and connected with the alimentary canal at the point of junction of the small and large intestines. Their mucous membrane is arranged in folds, so as to increase their internal surfaces. Their internal surface is supplied with glands, which secrete a fluid, and with villi, which facilitate absorption. While it thus would appear that in these animals, as we find it the case in mammals, the development of the caecum is in proportion to the com- plexity of the food, there are, nevertheless, certain exceptions to this rule. In the nocturnal birds of prey the caecum is highly developed. This is, perhaps, to be explained from the fact that it acts as a compen- sation to the extreme shortness of the intestinal canal in this species. On the other hand, in the gallinaceous birds the caecum is voluminous, and yet in the pigeon it is entirely absent. This latter fact is, perhaps, to be explained by the statement that in the pigeon the starchy mat- ters are completely digested before the caecum is reached, while such is not the case in the gallinaceae. Moreover, in the pigeon the crop is double, so, perhaps, acting as a substitute for the caecum. In mammals, also, the caecum varies in importance according to the character of the substances with which they are nourished. In carnivora, such as the dog and cat, whose foods are readily digestible and assimilable, the caecum is absent or rudimentary. Its structure is analogous to the large intestine ; that is to say, this organ forms part of the excretory portion of the alimentary canal. The herbivora, on the other hand, find their food in substances which are poor in nutritious principles, and in which the nutritive matters are inclosed in resisting cellulose envelopes. As a consequence, we find the digestive apparatus in these animals reaching a high degree of perfection. Their apparatus of mastication is complete; their salivary secretion abundant. Their intestine is extremely long and of considerable volume, so as to multiply the secretory and absorbent surfaces and prolong the action of the digestive juices. We find in the ruminants a complex and voluminous stomach, where the food is delayed for a considerable time before being subjected to the action of the solvent juices : but in the horse and rabbit the stomach is simple and small, and we find in the highly developed ca?cum a sub- stitute for the voluminous gastric pouches of the ruminant. In these animals the caecum takes on the form of an immense pocket, whose length may exceed that of the body, and whose capacity may be two or three times greater than that of the stomach, while its volume is so great as to cause it to occupy the greater part of the abdominal cavity. In structure, also, the caecum no longer resembles that of the DIGESTION IN THE LAEGE INTESTINE. 425 larger intestine, but more nearly approaches that of the small intestine. In it are found numerous folds of mucous membrane, villi, glands and follicles, and large lymphatics. Comparative anatomy thus shows that in all animals whose diet is composed of substances difficult to digest and rich in cellulose, the caecum is nighty developed, if some other organ is not specialized for this purpose, as in ruminants. While its volume is proportionate to the volume of food which these animals require for their nourishment, while it is absent in the sable and those of the bear tribe which nourish them- selves on fruits or substances easily digested, and while it is slightly developed in the carnivora and herbivora which feed on tender plants, it is highly developed and acquires a value closely allied to that of the stomach in animals whose ordinary food is composed of bulky vegetable substances difficult to digest. Such a state of affairs is seen in most of the rodents. It reaches its maximum development in the solipedes, the rhinoceros, and some herbivorous marsupials. Its development, again, is not only dependent upon the degree of the digestibility of the food, but it is inverse with the size of the stomach (hence its great size in soli- pedes) and with the presence of special organs to facilitate gastric diges- tion (hence its small size in ruminants). In cases, therefore, where we have a voluminous stomach provided with an extensive mucous mem- brane and followed by a long small intestine, we may be sure the caecum will be poorly developed. These facts prove that the caecum is a com- pensatory organ to the stomach, and that the development of the two is in inverse ratio. Apart from the oesophageal dilatations of the ruminant, we have certain other animals in which annexes to the alimentary tube serve to assist in the digestion of almost indigestible food. These annexes may replace the cesophageal pouches and caecum. Thus, we have in birds the crop, analogous to the ruminant's pouches, highly developed in pigeons, chickens, and geese, with the addition of a muscular, crushing stomach. In these birds, with the exception of the pigeon, the caecum is also present, and all together are needed for the digestion of foods. Here the apparatus of mastication is absent. The crop, gizzard, and caeca all fulfill the same end. In the solipedes, again, the caecum therefore fulfills the same, general functions as the pouches of the ruminant's stomach, which again are analogous to the crop of the gallinaceous birds. Most of the earlier phj'siologists regard the caecum as a second stomach from some obscure analogy of form, and from the fact that its contents were said to be almost invariabty acid. This theory as to the analogy of the functions of the caecum and stomach held until it was discovered that the glands of the caecum, instead of secreting an acid fluid, poured out an alkaline secretion like that coming from the glands 426 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. of Lieberkiilm ; but just as the caecum is the recipient of the contents of the ileum, and this often has an acid reaction, so may the contents of the caecum be acid, especially in carnivorous animals, a fact which may serve to illustrate the error of applying results found in carnivora to similar functions in herbivora, where the processes are evidently different. Colin claims that the reaction of the contents of the caecum in the horse is almost invariably alkaline, and that to a greater degree than in the small intestine, whether the animal be digesting or fasting. When an acid reaction has been found in this cavity it is almost invariably to be explained as due to acid fermentations occurring in the- food-constituents. Ellenberger shows that the caecum has a special value in the horse. In this animal, as we know, the small intestine is comparatively small, with a relatively small extent of digestive mucous membrane. The stomach is so small that it cannot contain the amount taken at one meal, so the stomach forces its contents into the intestine even while the animal is eating ; gastric digestion is, therefore, imperfect in these animals. But, as the horse is nourished on substances which are diffi- cult of digestion, it should possess a special digestive organ, which, by its activity, should compensate for the loss of functional activity in the stomach. Nothing can be more natural than to suppose that this sup- plementary organ is found in the vast caecum of these animals, and w r e may admit that this is to a certain extent true, without being compelled to acknowledge that this organ liberates an acid digestive secretion. The caecum is, hence, of special importance in the monogastric herbivora, where the small size of the stomach prevents accumulation of food and drink. It is, therefore, a reservoir for intestinal digestion. Its anatomical arrangement leads to the retaining of its contents. Its bottom corresponds to the region of the xyphoid appendage, while its narrow opening into the colon is in the most superior part, so that everything to enter the colon must be forced up against gravity, and should desiccation of its contents occur obstruction is sure to result, and the result is apt to be fatal. In length it is about one meter, while its capacity is from thirty-two to thirty-eight liters, or nearly twice as large as the stomach. It has an extensive mucous membrane, well sup- plied with glands, like the duodenal follicles (Fig. 164). Ellenberger reports a number of experiments which he made on the horse to determine the length of time the food remains in the caecum and the alterations to which it is subjected there. To determine this, he fed a series of horses during a certain number of da}, mesentery of small intestine. are brought in contact with an immense extent of mucous membrane. The contents enter by a narrow and valvular opening, and descend first 432 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. to the substernal curvature, then they mount to the pelvic curvature, which is always higher than the sternal curvature, and then up the dia- phragmatic curvature, and finally descend abruptly, passing by the left kidney to enter the convolutions of the floating colon, where they make two ascents and two descents (Fig. 165). The large intestine of the ox is shown in Fig. 166. The interior arrangement of the colon consists in the formation of pockets, in which portions of the contents remain temporarily, while the centre of the gut is free. The disposition of certain parts of the colon leads to a difference in the physical characters of its contents at different points. The diaphragmatic curvature, on account of its dependent posi- tion, contains large volumes of liquid, in which certain salts are abundant, such as ammonio-phosphate of magnesium, especially after oat diet, and in this localit} 7 these salts are often deposited as intestinal calculi. Digestion in the large intestine caunot, therefore, be said to take place, although absorption is highly active, and numerous cases are on record in which life has been preserved through the absorption by the walls of the large intestine alone of alimentary substances introduced into the rectum. In the large intestine complex fermentations take place, and true decomposition frequently occurs in the contents of this portion of the alimentary tube, especially when the reaction is alkaline. Man}^ of the gases, such as oxygen and nitrogen, which are found here have probably entered with the food ; others are derived from different fermentations ; thus, for example, hydrogen is liberated in the butyric acid fermentation, sulphuretted hydrogen and ammonia from the putre- faction of animal substances. XI. THE COMPARATIVE DIGESTIBILITY OF DIFFERENT FOOD-STUFFS. The quantity and chemical composition of the faeces is of special interest on account of the insight which it permits as to the degree of digestibility and convertibility of the different food-stuffs, for it is evi- dent that if we know the amount and composition of any food given to an animal for a series of days, the loss of these materials, determined by an analysis of the faeces, will indicate within certain limits the amount which has been digested and absorbed in its passage through the bod}-. In making these calculations, however, it must be remembered that a large amount of fluid is added to the food in the form of the digestive juices, which, to be sure, is again largely absorbed ; but we have further seen that certain excretory ingredients have been added to the faeces, and, further, that the different food-stuffs may undergo decompositions other than digestive in the alimentary tract. The digestive processes, as we have seen, are of the same nature in all our domestic animals, simply varying in degree. This difference we have also seen to be due to COMPARATIVE DIGESTIBILITY OF FOOD-STUFFS. 433 the different degrees of perfection with which mastication is accom- plished, to differences of construction in the alimentary canal, different constitutions, and the different degrees of concentration of the digestive juices. Thus, the herbivora, through the high development of their molar teeth, the roomy and long digestive eanal, and large amounts of amylolytic ferments in their digestive secretions, are especially suited for digesting carbol^drates. Their gastric juice is comparatively poor in acid, and, as a consequence, prevents their living on a highly albuminous diet ; while the highly alkaline nature of their intestinal contents facili- tates putrefactive changes in albuminoids, the characteristic results of such fermentations being met with in large amounts in their urine. In the carnivora, on the other hand, we find a short and less capacious intestinal canal, with a relatively voluminous stomach and an active acid gastric secretion, thus fitting them for the digestion of albumen, while the conditions for the digestion of carboh} r drates are less favorable. Omnivora naturally occupy a mean between these two classes. It is to be remembered, however, that as long as animals are fed on their mothers' milk there is no difference in the digestive act in the carnivora or in the herbivora. Not all the nutritive substances which are contained in the food are actually digested, but a considerable proportion, under the most favorable circumstances, is apt to remain undigested and pass unchanged into the faeces. The cause of this is frequently to be found in the fact that the food is taken in such quantities that the amount of digestive secretion poured out by the alimentary tract is insufficient to act upon it. There appears to be, again, a limit of absorbability even of the amount of food digested. This limit, of course, varies in each group of, animals, and the residue of food, even though it may be digested, remains unabsorbed in the alimentary canal to undergo breaking down into various decompo- sition products, such as leucin, tyrosin, etc. Again, another cause for indigestibilit}' of food is to be found in the fact that in many cases, especially in the food of the herbivora, the nutritive principles are con- tained in resisting envelopes which are impermeable to the digestive secretions, and which require mechanical comminution in mastication before being accessible to the act of digestion. Imperfect mastication, therefore, from whatever cause, will reduce the digestibility of food. By this term, digestibility of food, is meant the amount of any food-stuff which through digestion is rendered capable of absorption and does actually enter the blood, in proportion to the amount which remains undigested or which is not so absorbed. This quantity, which may be termed the co-efficient of digestion, varies according to the composition of food and to the mode of digestion of different classes of animals. We will, therefore, allude to these sources of variation in turn : 434 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. First. Vegetable fibre is capable of being digested to a more or less degree by all herbivora and even to a certain extent by the hog, the co-efficient of digestion lying, in green and dry fodders, between 45 and 75 per cent. In vegetable foods, such as grains, roots, and bulbs, and the artificial nutritive substances made from such materials, all of which are rich in cellulose, the digestibility becomes greatly reduced, and, in fact, many such products may be said to be entirely undigestible. It is prob- able, again, as already mentioned, that a certain amount of cellulose which disappears in its passage through the intestinal canal may be ex- plained as due to the development of carburetted hydrogen and carbon dioxide and other fermentations. Second. The non-nitrogenous extractive matters, as found in beets and potatoes and seeds, are almost completely digested, only about 2 per cent, escaping the action of the digestive fluids, though in green fodders the digestive co-efficient of these materials may sink from 84 to 48 per cent. In this connection the remarkable fact appears that the amount of soluble non-nitrogenous food-constituents which undergoes digestion, together with the amount of cellulose which is digested, almost exactly equal the total sum of non-nitrogenous extractive matters found in the food, and in this we have, therefore, a means of estimating the quantity of non-nitrogenous extractive matters actually digested and absorbed. The digestible portion of the non-nitrogenous extractive matters in any food may be estimated in nutritive value as pure carbo- hydrate, and therefore compared with starch. Third. As regards fat, it may be stated that, when perfectly pure, fat is entirely digested, but since fat in the ordinary foods is not pure and contains other indigestible constituents, it is evident that the digest- ive co-efficient of fat will be subject to great variation. In clover and various oil-cakes this co-efficient varies between 80 and 90 per cent.; in seeds, between 60 and 90 per cent. In beets and potatoes fat may be regarded as entirely digested, while, on the other hand, the fat in green foods, although present in smaller amount, still varies in digestibility through very wide limits. Thus, 80 per cent, may be absorbed, or only 20 per cent. In general, in this connection, clover is more readily digested than grasses, while straw of the hulled fruits is more digestible than the straw of the hulled cereals. Fourth. The nitrogenous constituents of the food are generally regarded as albumen, although, of course, other nitrogenous materials are often constituents of foods. In beets and potatoes albuminous matters are, as a rule, entirely digested, in seeds a certain amount escapes, the co-efficient of digestion varying from 60 to 90 per cent. In green and dried fodder great variation is met with, the co-efficient of absorption varying between 17 to 75 per cent., as a rule, the digestibility COMPAKATIYE DIGESTIBILITY OF FOOD-STUFFS. 435 of albuminous matters being greater in the green than in the dry fodder, even though of the same material ; while still further the statement may be made that the larger the relative proportion of albuminous matter and the smaller the amount of the cellulose, the greater will be the amount of albuminous matter digested. Fifth. The digestive co-efficient of the different food-stuffs may be altered through the addition to the food of different nutritive substances. Thus, it has been shown that the administration of a readily digestible albuminous diet is without influence on the co-efficient of digestion of the other foods; but, on the other hand, the addition of starch or sugar will reduce the digestive co-efficient of the albuminous bodies when the amount of carbohydrates given exceeds by 15 per cent, the solids of the other food-stuffs. This depression of digestibility is especially marked in the dry foods. A similar result is also manifested when beets and pota- toes are added. The addition of oil is without influence on the digestive co-efficient so long as it is not given in great amounts. When the amount given exceeds the proportion of one-tenth gramme to one kilogramme of body weight, slight disturbances of digestibility are readily produced. When the food is composed of several nutritive substances combined, the proportion of the nitrogenous and the non-nitrogenous constituents of the total amount is of great influence on the digestibilit}^ This nutritive relationship of the non-nitrogenous substances is found by adding the amount of fat to the sum of the non-nitrogenous extractive matters, the amount of cellulose being excluded. Ordinarily the amount of fat is multiplied by two and four-tenths or two and five-tenths, and this product then added to the amount of extractive matters, a pro- cedure which is, however, apt to give an erroneous idea as to the nutri- tive value of the fat. The general result may be stated that a food is readily digestible when the proportion between nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous con- stituents varies from 1 : 5 to 1 : 7. An increase of this proportion causes a certain amount of the non-nitrogenous constituents to remain undi- gested while an increase of the nitrogenous substances causes a waste. It is evident that the above statement as to the digestibility of food may be only regarded as in general true. Each group of animals will possess special facilities for digesting special foods ; these will deserve considera- tion in turn. As might be expected, the time required for undigested food to appear as faeces after feeding very closely corresponds in different animals with the comparative length of the intestinal canal. Thus, it has been found that in oxen fed with oat-straw the first traces appear in the fneces about thirty-six hours after feeding, and disappear after seventy- two to ninety-six hours, while in the goat seven days were required after 436 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. giving certain food for its traces to disappear from the faeces. In the calf three days were required for the removal of traces of a previous meal of barley, while four days 'were required for an ox under the same condi- tions. In the sheep fed with hay, it has been determined that the food remains 20 hours in the first three stomachs, and in the fourth stomach 1.2 hours; in small intestine, 2.3 hours; in caecum, 7 hours; and in colon, 5.5 hours; or, in all, 36 hours before appearing as faeces. Carnivora fed on pure flesh diet produced but little faeces. A dog weighing thirty-five kilos, and fed with a half to two and a half kilos of meat, produces from twenty-seven to forty grammes of faeces, in which there will be only nine to twenty-one grammes of solids ; therefore it may be said that with a flesh diet only 1 per cent, of the amount of solids taken with the food escapes from the body in the form of faeces. Omnivora form considerably larger amounts of faeces. Animals living on a mixed animal and vegetable diet, like man, will pass daily about one hundred and thirty grammes of faeces, containing thirty-four grammes of solids, which will represent about 5 per cent, of the solids taken as food. When the vegetable diet is in excess, this may rise to 13 per cent., so that only seven-eighths of the solids are finally absorbed. Hogs pass in their faeces only about 20 per cent, of mixed matter taken in food. However, when fed on sour milk, with beans and peas, only about 1 per cent, escapes absorption. So, also, according to Wolff, pigs digest almost completely the residue remaining after making meat ex- tracts. The hog is able to digest both vegetable and animal matter, and is claimed to be capable of digesting fully 50 per cent, of cellulose. The following table gives the percentage of constituents absorbed in hogs fed with sour milk : Albumen, 96.06 percent. Non-nitrogenous substances, . . .98.90 " Inorganic matter, 64.46 " So, also, of the following vegetable foods, the figures indicate the amount digested and absorbed : Horse-beans, Peas, . Oats, . Barley, Rye, . 99.8 per cent. 99.7 " 98.7 " 92.7 " 90.7 " The largest amount of faeces is formed by the herbivorous animals. In the horse and ox, of one hundred parts of food about 40 per cent., as a rule, escapes unchanged in the faeces, so that only three-fifths of the food swallowed serves any nutritive purpose. This follows from the fact that a large part of vegetable food is absolutely indigestible, and all is very difficult of digestion. The horse, as a rule, digests a smaller pro- portion of dry fodder than does the ox. COMPAKATIVE DIGESTIBILITY OF FOOD-STUFFS. 437 As a rule, it may be stated that the ox is capable of digesting the following amounts: Albuminoids. Cellulose. Oats, . 49 per cent. 55 per cent. 44 per cent. Wheat-straw, 26 52 39 Bean-straw, 51 " 36 " 62 Clover-straw, 51 ' 39 67 Barley-hay, 60 " 60 '* 67 " Henneberg has found that the digestibility of a fodder is altered when a second nutritive substance is added to it. Thus, the digestibility of any fodder is reduced by the addition of starch, while, on the other hand, the addition of fat facilitates the digestion of albuminoids and cellulose. In general, it may be stated that the digestibility of any dry fodder is decreased by the addition of any readily digestible substance, such as albumen, starch, sugar, and in ordinary fattening diet a loss of at least 20 per cent, of nutritive substances may be calculated. This author's experiments have further shown that at least five days are required after the change of diet before the traces of indigestible food are removed from the faeces, and that the removal of the residue of prairie haj^ occurred about thirty hours before that of wheat-straw. In the calf, experiments have been made to determine the digestibility of cereals and grains taken whole, with the following results: Oats. Flaxseed. Barley. Wheat. Digested, . .' . 91.4 58.2 94.6 36.3 . . . 91.5 57.4 94.9 36.7 In the sheep the same results have been obtained as in the ox. An addition of starch or sugar to the food diminishes considerably the digestibility of the albumen and, when in small amount, of the cellulose also. Pure albumen has slight influence on the digestibility of the food. Substances containing sugar, with the exception of beets, are almost entirely digested, while in potato-starch 80 per cent, is digestible, and fat, when added to fodder, is usually absorbed, though its administration when given in large amounts interferes with the digestion of cellulose. According to Wildt, lambs which were fed with barley-straw, and then the residue from meat extracts, absorbed 95 per cent, of the latter. Experiments on the horse have also proved that this animal is capable of digesting cellulose to about 50 per cent. In comparison with the ruminants, the horse is less capable of digesting all the constituents of hay. The loss in the horse, as in other herbivora, is much greater than in the carnivora. The carnivora may be said, as a rule, to absorb about 98 per cent, of albuminous matter given in the food. In a man fed on milk and meat diet only 2J to 10 per cent, escapes in the faeces ; with vegetable diet, rice, bread, and potatoes, the loss may amount to 30 per 438 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. cent., though the carbohydrates are almost completely absorbed, only 1 per cent, being lost, and only 5 per cent, of fats escapes absorption. In the herbivora the loss is, however, much greater. Thus, a horse fed with six kilos of oats and fifteen liters of water will pass about twelve kilos of faeces, composed of three kilos of solids, containing 5 per cent, of albuminous matter, 20 per cent, of fat, 20 per cent, of starch, and 60 per cent, of cellulose. If the horse is fed with a mixed diet, composed, for example, of three and a half kilos of oats, five and a half kilos of hay, and one and three-fourths kilos of chopped straw, seventeen kilos of faeces will be passed, in which there will be four kilos of solids, of which 30 per cent will be albuminous matter, 40 per cent, fats, 30 per cent, starch, and 60 per cent, cellulose having escaped digestion. The loss is, therefore, greater in a mixed diet than in a horse fed on grain alone. In the ruminants the digestibility of hay is much greater than in the horse. Oxen fed with ten kilos of hay will digest and absorb about 50 per cent, of the albuminous matter, while, as already mentioned, if more readily digestible substances are added to the hay diet, less hay will be digested. It has been found that in the fermentation of cellulose large quanti- ties of CO a and CH 4 are formed, and, as the latter gas is constantly found in the intestine, that its source is in the putrefaction and fermentation in the intestinal canal is readily conceivable, and indicates a possible expla- nation of the fact that about 40 to 60 per cent, of cellulose disappears in the intestinal canal. This may occur in the rumen of the ruminants, while it certainly occurs in the caecum of the horse, although in this animal less cellulose disappears than in the ruminant. As regards the inorganic constituents of the food, the fact that the faeces contain but small amounts of soluble salts shows that they must have been largely absorbed. Small amounts only of the alkalies are found in combination with chlorine and sulphuric acid, while potassium and sodium are found in combination as chlorides or sulphates in minute quantities. Magnesium is also almost entirely absent. In the herbivora less lime is absorbed than magnesium, while in the carnivora but very small quantities of both lime and magnesium are absorbed. Another point of contrast between carnivora and herbivora is that in the former almost all the phosphates in the food are absorbed, while in the herbivora they are almost entirely excreted in the faeces, unless they are fed with meal, milk, or other readily digestible food. Mr. E. F. Ladd has tested the relative digestibility of the different feeding stuffs by digestion experiments performed with them, after thorough comminution, with an artificial gastric juice, formed of 0.2 per cent, hydrochloric acid with five grammes of pepsin to the liter. The following tables give his conclusions : COMPARATIVE DIGESTIBILITY OF FOOD-STUFFS. CO CO CO tO tO to tO tO tp tO tO tOtOI ' >l 'K- 'h-i| 'I 'I 'I I >' I 439 3- ? - II i S.S.i-i-s'S ooenoOtOtO ooooeno G i H-^CO I ' ' OS i ' I ' 00 00 00 00 OS 00 OS CO 00 OS CO bOOli ' t '*'( 'H- '1 ' Water. tococoocccooot 'i coo rf^entot '^rcoas- H- 1 o co co o as to as co bo bo bo to co ^j o bo o as '*-* co as n- 1 - o co ^r oc as to ^ en >-* 4^ en 4*. as as as co co t~* P ~ ' ^.T 4^. OO co to o Albuminoids, NX 6.25. ; 4^ to oo o to 4^ co - *-> to to co h-L to en to O O *-* co bo J-* co co o o . to co o co H- oo as co as cnenoooos Fat, Ether Extract. co h- j i j j-j ' * ' co to * ' i ' H O ~J en i ' ^i oo as ot or i ' -* en o co en co ^r to oo co i ' i 'coo . Oi^rcoototo4^astoto co co co i -- 1 as 4^ . . H^CHO Ash. 4*. CO CO (-* i ' to CO k-i ^- t-* to - t ' i-* i ' i 1 1 > to i ' > ' co CD bo to bo 4^ bo bo co t-o co ^r to co en en ^i en o bo bo bo H-' co -cn co o "co i ' to 4*- ! ' O as * ' ^-ascotooocoocoooco COtOC04^CO- 4i-4^CO to po en co as . . p (- 1 co 4> co en J- bo . . ^- o ooenrf-asco t ' i to o o en Crude Fibre. to4^coasasosenenasas toooas4^^4^toco oocn4iooco o co > ' rf*. CO 4*. O > ' ' Oi en - --7 CO CO Nitrogen- free Extract. 4*- CO Cn en CO CO OO 4^ tO CO CO CO . en to oo oo to co i > en 4^ co ISD to to co co to to co ' bo rfi. _i (_i j_ co to j- 1 1- 1 . po en en t-J to . o 'en ^.T bs i-* en as CD en o rf^rf5>coOOi 'enrf^toco en p as en en . . en 4^ 7 8 |5 P| HAY AND COARSE FODDERS. Si S.| -g *j-2 o o % * C g r^'3 C >^ gg-s c -fll ^Is |J -! ||| o|| fc 3 ^ M IW <*> 1 Clover-hay ^ 1381 1003 3 62 73 75 63 91 2 Same, exposed, average, . . 12.19 9.38 6.20 49.23 33.90 3 Same, exposed, poorest, . . . 13.84 11.31 7.09 48.76 37.31 26 Corn-meal 1087 831 1 71 8398 7942 10 Ensilage, 731 446 2 32 68 9 47 98 TABLE No. III. DIGESTED BY PEPSIN SOLUTION (LADD). < per cent. ; in the horse, 77 per cent, and in the ox, 70 to 80 per cent. The reaction of the faeces may be either alkaline, neutral, or acid, depending upon the character of the fermentations occurring in the con- tents of the large intestine. Thus, when alkaline, as is usually the case in abundant albuminous diet, the reaction is due to ammoniacal fermen- tation, while an acid reaction is usually due to the fermentation occurring in the carbohydrate constituents of the food. The faeces are composed of excrementitious substances no longer of use to the economy and which must be eliminated. They contain indi- gestible matters, such as chlorophyll granules, gums, resin, wax, animal and vegetable elastic tissue, cellulose, hulls of seeds, and epithelial cells. Lactic acid, butyric acid, and various gases, such as hydrogen, oxygen, carbonic acid, and carburetted hydrogen, are present, while in addition various salts are found in large amounts, of which the ammonio-phosphate of magnesium is usually in excess. As putrefactive products, leucin, ty rosin, indol, and finally skatol and the volatile aromatic acids, such as valerianic and caproic acids, are met with, while cholesterin and the bile coloring-matters and glycochol are also found, taurocholic acid being again absorbed. The contents of the large intestine are alwa3*s in a more or less marked degree of putrefaction, which, however, though hindered, is not entirely prevented by the bile. In carnivora fed on bones, the faeces are dense and gray from the presence of lime salts. Silicious salts constitute a large percentage of the excrement of the lower animals ; thus, in the horse and ox they amount to from 2J to 3 per cent.; in the sheep, to 6 per cent.; while in the hog as much as 8 per cent, of silicious salts are present. These salts are products derived from the matters taken into the alimentary canal of inorganic nature, and from the inorganic matter of the hulls of the cereals. A small amount of soluble salts are present. The following table gives the percentage of salts found in the faeces of different animals. The percentage will, of course, vary according to the nature of the food. It may, as a rule, be said that in the faeces of the dog about 20 per cent, of inorganic matter is present when on a pure meat diet, and 24 per cent, on a mixed diet ; in that of the herbivora 58 per cent, is inorganic, though the faeces of the sucking calf will contain only 2.6 per cent, of the inorganic matter contained in the food. According 448 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. to Valentin, 100 grammes of faeces of the bog contains 37.2 grammes, ox 15.2 grammes, horse 13.3 grammes, sheep 13.5 grammes of ash: Sodium chloride, . Horse. 0.03 11.30 Ox. 0.23 2.91 Hog. 0.89 3.60 Sheep. 0.14 8 32 1.98 0.98 3.44 3.28 Lime, .... Magnesium, . Oxide of iron, Phosphoric acid, . Sulphuric acid, 4.63 . 3.84 1.44 . 10.22 1.83 5.71 11.47 5.22 8.47 1.77 2.03 2.24 5.57 5.39 0.90 18.15 5.45 2.10 9.10 2.69 Carbonic acid, Silicon, .... Sand .... '. 62.40 62.54 0.60 13.19 61.37 traces 50.11 Oxide of magnesium, . 2.13 . . . . XIII. THE MOVEMENTS OF THE INTESTINES. The walls of both small and large intestines are supplied with un- striped muscular fibres arranged in circular and longitudinal layers which, through their contraction, serve to cause a slow, onward, pro- gressive movement in the contents of the alimentary tube. The arrangement of these muscular fibres differs in the small and large intestine and in different animals. The longitudinal layers lie beneath the submucous layer immediatel}' below the serous covering, and, there- fore, give the intestine its longitudinally Striated appearance. In the small intestine these longitudinal fibres form a thin, uniform layer, which entirely surrounds the intestine, while in the large intestine they are grouped into bands, and, being rather shorter than the intes- tine, throw the intermediate parts into a series of pouches ; this con- dition is seen in the large intestine of man, the omnivora, in the caecum of solipedes, and in the fixed colon in these animals, while in the floating colon their arrangement is more similar to that seen in the small intes- tine, and, consequent^, in those portions of the alimentary tract the sacculated appearance is wanting. Immediately below the longitudinal fibres is found the layer of circular fibres, which are considerably more developed than the longitudinal fibres. The motions of the intestine have been compared to the move- ments of a worm, and are termed peristaltic contractions. When the abdomen of an animal is opened after death the walls of the intestine are seen to be in active motion, and cause the intestine thus to undergo a series of active movements of the same nature, but greatly exaggerated in intensity, as the movements occurring during life. If the intestines are closely examined, it will be seen that these movements consist in the downward passage of a constriction due to the successive contractions of the circular fibres of the small intestine from above downward, while at the same time the longitudinal fibres contract immediately below the MOVEMENTS OF THE INTESTINES. 449 ring of constriction so as to shorten the intestine and to cause a rolling- motion in the intestine itself. The contractions of the circular fibres of the small intestine, as a rule, commence immediately below the pylorus and progress downward toward the large intestine, so tending to force the contents of the small intestine onward toward the ileo-ctecal valve; but while the pylorus is ordinarily the commencing point of this series of contractions, the wave of contraction frequently may seem to com- mence at other points, and normally invariably moves downward toward the large intestine. It is stated that occasionally the wave of contraction moves in both directions, the upward movement being then spoken of as an antiperistaltic movement. Such a contraction occurs in cases of obstruction of the intestines, but it is extremely doubtful as to whether such an antiperistaltic movement ever occurs during health. It is a peculiarity of unstriped muscular fibre that when stimulated its contraction is preceded by a very long latent period and lasjbs a con- siderable time, relaxation taking place but slowly afterward. In .such cases as the intestine and ureter, a stimulation of any one point not only causes contraction of the muscular fibres in that locality, but that con- traction is transmitted to the parts below it, the contraction being prop- agated from fibre to fibre, so producing a wave of contraction which passes along both circular and longitudinal coats of such tubular struc- tures. The peristaltic movements of the intestine are, in all probability, due to the contact of food with the interior, and yet, as in the case of the stomach, it is probable that this stimulation is not of a purely mechanical nature ; for while the insertion of foreign bodies into the small intestine starts up a wave of contraction, that contraction soon passes off as the intestine becomes accustomed to the presence of the body. So, also, the intestinal movements are frequently more energetic when the intestine is comparatively empty than when distended with food. The principal cause of the movements of the muscular coat of the bowels is without doubt to be found in the condition of the blood circu- lating through the vessels in the walls of the alimentary tube. Closure of the aorta causes active peristaltic motion of the intestine. If the intestinal tube be already in motion, closure of the aorta increases the vigor of the intestinal movement. Closure of the vena cava, or portal vein, and dyspnoea likewise increase peristalsis. An increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood, or a decrease in the amount of oxygen, leads to powerful peristaltic movements, and this condition will probably explain the activity of the intestinal movements seen in animals recently killed. In this case, however, the exposure to the cold air is also concerned in the production of this movement. The manner in which these changes in blood supply influence intestinal movement has 29 450 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. not been thoroughly cleared up. The closure of the aorta may act through the intermediation of the spinal cord, either by the stimulation of motor or the paralysis of inhibitory apparatus ; or it may act directly on peripheral, intra-muscular, ganglionic cells ; or directly on the mus- cular fibres themselves. That the central nervous system is not solely concerned in the production of peristalsis is proved by its occurrence in an intestine removed from all connection with the central nervous system, and it has been found that ligation of the mesenteric artery pro- duces in the main the same effects as ligation of the aorta. We have, therefore, to look to the periphery for the mechanisms which maintain peristalsis. It is not permissible to assume that the state of affairs here is analogous to the connections between nerves and striped muscular fibre, even although intestinal peristalsis may be proved to be influenced by nerve impulses. The state of affairs is more analogous to the action of the pneumogastric nerve on the heart ; for while the peristaltic action may occur independently of the central nervous system, as has been proved by its occurrence in excised intestine, it also is influenced by nervous impulses passing along the splanchnic and pneumogastric nerves. We have, therefore, to infer that the movements are mainly due to nervous impulses starting in the ganglia found in the walls of the intestine. the ganglia of Auerbach and Meissner's plexus, and that these ganglia may be influenced by impressions traveling along these nerves. When the splanchnic nerve is cut, the peristaltic contractions are temporarily arrested, probably through the large supply of arterial blood which then passes through the walls of the intestine. On the other hand, if the splanchnic nerve be stimulated while active movement, is going on, peristalsis is arrested, in this case probably through the consequent constriction of the intestinal blood-vessels. If the pneumogastric be stimulated, the intestinal movements are increased, especially when the splanchnic nerve has been cut, and it is probably through the pneumo- gastric that the movements of the intestine are reflexly influenced through the emotions. Temperature is also of influence on the intestinal movements. Contact of the exterior with cold air, or the introduction of cold fluid into the interior, accelerates peristaltic movements; so, also, the more fluid the contents of the intestine, the more active are the intestinal move- ments, thus perhaps explaining the action of various cathartics which lead to the transudation of considerable quantities of fluid into the interior of the bowels. The movements of the large intestine are the same as occur in the small intestine, but are less marked, owing to the modified, sacculated shape of this portion of the alimentary canal. Just as the peristalsis of the small intestine commences at the pylorus, the contractions of the walls DEFECATION. 451 of the large intestine commence at the ileo-caecal valve, which is the terminal point of the peristaltic movements of the small intestine. The movements of the large intestine are said not to be influenced by stimu- lation of the splanchnic nerves. XIV. DEFECATION. The contents of the alimentary tube, which are forced onward by the peristaltic movements of the walls of the intestine, are arrested at the lower extremity of the large intestine through the tonic contraction of the sphincters of the anus. By defecation is meant the mechanisms, partly voluntary and partly reflex, which are concerned in the evacuation of the contents of the lower bowel. The anus is closed by two muscles an inner sphincter which consists of unstriped involuntary fibres, and an external sphincter com- posed of voluntary red striped muscles ; both of these muscles are in a state of tonic contraction due to the constant transmission of impulses from a special centre located in the lumbar portion of the spinal cord, and which is only inhibited during the act of defalcation. The contact of the faeces with the mucous membrane of the rectum leads, as it is ordinarily described, to the desire to defaecate, and inhibits the contrac- tion of the sphincter muscles. The peristaltic contraction of the larger bowel is then sufficient alone to evacuate the contents of the rectum, while a simultaneous elevation of the anus, through the contraction of the levator ani muscles, raises the floor of the pelvis and pulls the anus, to a certain extent, up over the descending faecal mass, at the same time preventing distention of the pelvic fascia. "As the fibres of both levatores converge below and become united with the fibres of the exter- nal sphincter, they aid the latter during the energetic contractions of the sphincter." Defalcation is partly a voluntary movement and may be aided voluntarily through pressure produced by the contraction of the abdominal muscles. When the contact of the faecal mass with the mu- cous membrane of the upper portion of the rectum originates a desire to defalcate, the impulse is transmitted to the brain and from this to the spinal cord, inhibits the centre of defalcation in the lumbar portion of the cord, and by this means relaxes the anal sphincter ; a deep inspiration is then made and the glottis is closed ; powerful voluntary contractions pf the abdominal muscles press upon the abdominal contents and force the intestinal mass down into the pelvis, thus mechanically aiding peristalsis in causing the downward passage of the faeces. The contraction of the anal sphincters is kept up through the action of a nervous centre situated in the lumbar spinal cord. If the connec- tion of this centre with the sphincter is divided relaxation of the anus takes place, but section of the cord in the dorsal region only temporarily 452 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. inhibits the tonic contraction of the sphincter. By the action of the will the tonic action of the sphincter may be increased, or the action of the sphincter may be completely inhibited. While the abdominal contrac- tions above alluded to aid in defaecation, the sigmoid flexure serves to ward off the pressure of the abdominal walls; therefore, the contraction of the abdominal muscles is not sufficient alone to produce defaecation, but must be accompanied by the peristaltic action of the. large intestine and sigmoid flexure. As a rule, the contraction of the abdominal muscles is voluntary, but the contact of the faecal mass with the mucous membrane of the sig- moid flexure is itself sufficient to inaugurate and normally complete the act of defaecatioru Therefore, defaecation may be produced in states of entire unconsciousness. Evacuation of faeces occurs at various intervals in different animals in the horse, usually six to seven times in the twenty-four hours ; in the sheep, four to five times ; and in the hog, once or twice. In the act of defaecation in the horse, the loosely attached mucous membrane of the lower part of the rectum is also extruded, forming the so-called "rose of the anus," and is again retracted after the act is com- plete ; the object of this is, perhaps, to reduce friction between the mu- cous surface and the more or less hard faecal masses. The horse is able to evacuate its rectum while in motion ; animals, as a rule, adopt a more or less squatting position, with the back highly arched, so as to increase the expulsive action of the abdominal muscles. SECTION III. ABSORPTION. WE have already seen that the alimentary tube is developed as an involution of the external integument. Hence, even after having under- gone the most perfect digestion, food-stuffs are practically still outside of the body, and can serve no nutritive purposes until they have entered the lymph- or blood-currents. This entrance of the digestive products into the circulation is termed absorption, and, as just indicated, sub- stances reach the blood-current from the alimentary canal in one of two wa}-s : either directty through the walls of the minute blood-vessels in the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestine, or through the mediation of the lymph-channels. Both of these modes occur in the absorption of digestive products. 1. VENOUS ABSORPTION. The first of these modes of absorption is frequently termed venous absorption, as the entrance of substances into the blood in all probability occurs through the walls of the minute venous radicals, where there is not a sufficiently high pressure to inter- fere with the passage of fluids from without to within the vessels under the ordinary physical laws of nitration and osmosis. In fact, in the very arrangement of the capillary blood-vessels in the intestine we find the conditions at one time advantageous to the passage of fluid from within to without the blood-vessels, and again directly the reverse hold- ing. Thus, after undergoing subdivision into the minute arterioles, we find the first capillary loops, where, consequently, the pressure is highest, distributed around the deep ends of the intestinal tubules : the con- ditions are there most favorable for the transudation of fluid from the interior of the vessels and the consequent formation of the intestinal secretion. The capillary loops, after leaving the deeper portions of the intestinal mucous membrane, when the blood has been deprived of water, then pass to the most superficial layers, and the conditions are then most favorable to absorption. The blood is more concentrated, from the loss of water in secretion ; it, therefore, from the affinity of the albumen of the blood for water, favors the absorption of large quantities of water, which may, of course, hold nutritive matters in suspension. More than this, the blood-current is now becoming more accelerated, and the internal pressure on the walls of the vessels reduced, both of which conditions are favorable to absorption. (453) 454 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. The substances which enter the blood by venous absorption are probably all those which are soluble in water, such as salts, sugar, soaps, and peptone, as we know that all of these will more or less readily diffuse through organic membranes outside of the body. The process of osmosis is generally accepted as explaining the mode of entrance of soluble sub- stances 'into the blood, but many data are still required before this view can be acknowledged as conclusively established. In the case of grape- sugar the author has found that the osmotic equivalent of sugar ab- sorbed from the stomach of the frog very closely corresponds with the equivalent of diffusion in ordinary physical experiments, and some- what similar observations have been made for various salts and for peptone. There is still, however, a great deal of obscurity in the matter. We have seen that by the time the blood has left the secreting surfaces of the alimentary tube and reached the absorbing surfaces it has lost a good deal of its water, Now, if we assume that the absorption (of sugar, for instance) is governed by purely physical laws, we must admit that for every gramme of sugar that is absorbed seven and one-tenth grammes of water (the osmotic equivalent of sugar) will leave the blood to enter the intestine. The blood will, therefore, become progressively concentrated and the intestinal tube filled with fluid ; consequent!}', every substance which has a high osmotic equivalent will be apt to prove a cathartic ; and it has, indeed, been found that the higher the osmotic equivalent of the purgative salts, the more marked is their cathartic action, though the relation of cause and effect between these facts has been denied (Hay). Consequently, though it is probable that osmosis is largely con- cerned in the absorption of substances which are soluble in water, the process is not a pure one, such as might occur between similar fluids separated by a membrane outside of the body. In the living animal the phenomena of filtration may greatty aid venous absorption. As we have seen, the contents of the venous radicals are subjected to but low pres- sure, and it is quite conceivable that the pressure exerted through its contractions by the intestine on its contents may aid the passage of fluids from the exterior to the interior of the veins. Here also we are unable to conceive of an uncomplicated process of filtration, for a pres- sure sufficiently great to force fluids through the walls of a blood-vessel would undoubtedly so compress that vessel as to obliterate its lumen. From the above it follows that although the physical processes of osmosis and filtration underlie the absorption of salts, sugar, and peptone from the alimentary tract, neither process is entirely analogous to similar operations outside of the body, it being probable that the excess of pres- sure on the intestinal contents keeps down the osmotic equivalent, and again aids in the resorption of the transuded water ; while, further, the ABSORPTION. 455 vital properties of the epithelial cells are in some way concerned in the absorption not only of fat, but of sugar, peptone, and salts. Lannois found that by the injection of alcohol into exposed loops of intestine the epithelial cells were destroyed, and the absorption of oil, sugar, peptone, and mineral salts was delayed. The tendency of opinion of late has been in favor of the epithelial cell as an active factor in absorption, as it is in secretion. M. Leubuscher has made some experiments which seem to confirm this view. He found in isolated loops of intestine that the absorption of 25 to 50 per cent, solutions of salt took place just as rapidly as that of FIG. 167. SECTION OF INTESTINE OF DOG SHOWING THE VILI-I. (Cadiat.) The blood-vessels, r, and the lacteals, d, have been injected. The blind ending, or simple loop of the black lacteal, is seen to be surrounded by the capillary net-work of the blood-vessels. pure water, a phenomenon which would not take place if the law of diffusion were the sole factor in the process. The salts of sodium were absorbed more rapidly than the salts of potassium, and absorption was not hastened by the presence of bile contrary to the general belief. Gumelewski made a somewhat similar series of experiments, and reached much the same conclusion. Strong solutions of sulphate of sodium increase the rapidity of absorption. Hofmeister, especially, has identified himself with the theor}^ that the absorption of peptone is not a purely mechanical process of diffusion or filtration, but that it represents a function of certain living, cells or 456 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. leucoc} T tes, which in the assimilation of albuminoids fill a role analogous to that of the red blood-corpuscles in respiration. He assumes that the reason wiry peptone cannot be recognized in the blood is because it has combined with these lymphatic cells, and is, through their mediation, transported to different parts of the body ; and he regards the rapid pro- liferation of the cells of the adenoid tissue of the intestinal mucous mem- brane and of the Peyer's patches as a morphological expression of the chemical processes of assimilation occurring in these tissues. Thus, it seems that the process of absorption is as much a vital one as that of secretion, and that the epithelial or lymphatic cell not only aids the taking of fat into the blood, but also that of peptone (changing it to albumen), and of sugar and salts. 2. ABSORPTION BY THE LYMPHATICS. Absorption by the lymphatics is accomplished through the instrumentality of the villi of the small intes- tine. Each villus contains in its axis the commencement of a chyle-vessel, which is surrounded by a fine capillary net-work (Fig. 167). The chief purpose of this villous for- mation is evidently to obtain an increase of surface for absorption with economy of space ; but each villus has, further, some special mechanism which aids the absorption of the intestinal contents, as is proved by the entrance into the chyle-vessels of globules of oil after having undergone emul- sification by the bile and pancreatic juice. The fat-globules first enter the proto- plasmic caps of the epithelial cells, from these pass into the tissue of the villus, and thence into the central chyle-duct (Fig. 168). After an abundant fatty diet, this absorption of fat may be so active as to completely fill the net-work of lymphatics of the mesentery with milk-white, emulsified oil, and even sometimes give the blood-serum a milky-white color (Fig. 169). It further appears that the fat which is absorbed in a state of emulsion by these chyle-vessels is greatry in excess of the saponified fatty acids which may be absorbed by the veins ; for, after a fat diet, nearly two-thirds of the amount of fat given as food may be recovered from the thoracic duct. As regards the mechanism of fat absorption, the most probable view attributes the entrance of the oil-globules into the epithelial cells of the villus to a true, protoplasmic, selective power exerted *by the contents of these cells, and entirely analogous to the mechanism of feedin sessed \>y the amoeba and other infusoria. FIG. 168. DIAGRAM OF THE RELATION OF THE EPI- THELIUM TO THE LACTEAL, RADICAL, IN A VILLUS, AFTER FUNKE. The protoplasmic epithelial cells are supposed to be connected to the absorbent vessel by adenoid tissue. ABSORPTION. 457 Microscopic examination of the intestinal epithelium after a full meal which is rich in fatty elements of food will reveal the fact that the epithelium of the villi is crowded with minute oil-globules. These E. FIG. 169. LACTEALS OP A DOG DURING INTESTINAL DIGESTION. (Colin.) A, lacteals of mesentery ; B, mesenteric glands ; C, efferent chyle-ducts ; D, receptaculum chyli. globules may be found in the substance of the epithelial cell itself and in its free, protoplasmic cap (Fig. 170). When once the absorbed fat has reached the central chyle-vessel of the villus, its onward progression through the lymphatics admits of 458 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. ready explanation. Each villus under the epithelial coat is supplied with a layer of pale muscular fibres, and when these contract, the central chyle- vessel being full, the effect must be to press out the contents of the central vessel in the direction of the thoracic duct, at the same time emptying the capillary vessels by pressure. When, now, the muscular fibres relax, the capillaries will again become filled, and by the turgidity of the net-work of blood-vessels cause the central vessel to become expanded, and so exert a certain amount of suction in the interior of the villas since the valves in the lymphatics will prevent regurgitation FIG. 170. SECTION OF AN INTESTINAL VILLUS OF A HORSE. (Ellcnbergcr.) A, epithelium ; B, adenoid tissue ; C, commencement of lacteal. from the mesenteric vessels. Each villns may therefore be regarded as a minute lymphatic heart, which fills itself from the interior of the villus in dilating, and in contracting forces its contents into the circulation. In addition to the absorption of fat, it is evident that other sub- stances contained in the intestinal contents will also mechanically be drawn into the villus with the oil-globules. Thus, unchanged albumen ma}^ be absorbed in this manner and has been found in the contents of the chyle-vessels. SECTION IV. CHYLE. THE chyle is the cl^me which has been absorbed by the intestinal villi and the thoracic duct through the mesenteric lymphatics. In the receptaculum chyli it is mixed with the lymph coming from the lower extremities. It may be obtained pure in the ox from the large trunk which accompanies the anterior mesenteric artery (Fig. 171). FIG. 171. COLLECTION OF CHYLE IN THE Ox. (Colin.) An incision is made in the right flank of an animal in active digestion, and one of the chyle-vss1 which accompany the mesentery artery is ligated. When it becomes distended a silver cannula termi- nating in a rubber tube may be readily inserted. It is a milky-white, or occasionally reddish, opaque liquid, of alka- line reaction, saltish taste, and a specific gravity which varies between 1007 and 1022. In a fasting animal the chyle found in the thoracic duct and mesen- teric lymphatics is pale and transparent, or perhaps somewhat reddish in tint. During the absorption of a meal containing fat, we have seen that it becomes milky in appearance even in the very beginnings of the lymphatic radicals in the villi. In the adult herbivora, whose diet is, as a rule, comparative!} 7 " poor in fatty matters, the chyle is scarcely opalescent, or may be perfectly (459) 460 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. transparent, and of yellowish or reddish tint. In suckling lierbivora, as in the carnivora, it is milky. In its passage from the intestine to the thoracic duct it undergoes important changes in composition. At first it contains albumen in solu- tion, oil-globules in suspension, and is not spontaneously coagulable. After it passes through the mesenteric lymphatic glands lymph-cor- puscles are added, and it acquires the property of undergoing fibrinous coagulation. It becomes poorer in albumen and fats in its onward progress, and richer in corpuscles and fibrin. When taken from the thoracic duct after a full meal of fat it is a white, milky-looking fluid, which undergoes spontaneous coagulation on exposure to the air. The nature 6f the coagulation of the chyle is iden- tical with that of the blood, to be subsequently studied, and is due to the addition in the mesenteric glands of immature blood-corpuscles and fibrin factors. Examined under the microscope, the coagulated chyle obtained from the thoracic duct contains fibrin, a large number of white blood- or lymph-corpuscles, a few immature red blood-cells, oil-globules inclosed in albuminous envelopes, and fatty granules. The composition of chyle differs in different animals and at dif- ferent periods in the same animal, dependent on the rapidit} T and nature of absorption taking place from the intestinal surface. In the chyle obtained from horses fed with hay the fat scarcely exceeds in amount that found in the blood, at most not more than 1 per cent., while it may rise to 3.10 per cent, in horses fed with oats. It is made up of formed elements (lymph-corpuscles added as the chyle passes through the mesenteric lymphatics) suspended in a fluid medium (serum). The serum contains the following bodies in solution in water : 1. Globulin, alkali albuminate, serum-albumen, and peptones in small amount, rising during digestion to 0.6-0.7 per cent. 2. Cholesterin, lecithin, and fatty soaps. 3. Dextrose, varying from a mere trace to 2 per cent., depending on the amount of carbohydrates in the food. 4. Urea derived from the lymph, and alkaline lactates, especially in the lierbivora, and after starchy food. 5. Inorganic salts of the alkalies and alkaline earths, iron, phos- phoric acid, etc. (Charles). As a result of sixteen analyses of the chyle of the horse, Gorup- Besanez gives the following figures : Water, 871.0 to 967.9 in 1000 parts. Albumen, .... 19.32 " 6053 Fat, traces " 36.01 The chyle possesses the power of converting starch into sugar, CHYLE. 4G1 probably clue to the absorption of the amylolytic ferment of the pancreas from the intestinal canal. Chyle of Man (Rees). Water 90.48 per cent. Solids, Fibrin, : ' . . ^ Albumen, ..... Eats, lecithin, cholesterin, etc., Extractives, . . Salts, . . . . . Water, Solids, Chyle of Dog (Hoppe-SeyUr). trace 7.08 0.92 1.0 0.44 90.67 9.02 Fibrin, . .";.-. Albumen Fats, lecithin, cholesterin, etc., Fatty acid and soaps, Salts, 0.11 2.10 6.48 0.23 0.79 Chyle of Horse (C. Schmidt). Serum, * * . . 96.74 Clot, . . . * . 3.25 Water, . . . ... , 88.7 Solids, . . . 11.2 Fats, . . . 0.15 Soaps, .-. . . . . 0.03 Fibrin, . . * . 3.89 Albumen, sugar, and extractives, . 6.59 Haematin, ...... . 0.20 Sodium chloride, 0.23 Sodium, 0.13 " " Potassium, . . ... . . 0.07 " " Phosphates and sulphates, . . . 0.11 " " The following table gives the composition of the chyle from the thoracic duct in the ruminant under different conditions (Wurtz) : O X. Cow. Cow. Before Rumina- tion. After Rumina- tion. Fed with Hay and Straw. Fed with Straw and Clover. Water 950.89 929.71 951.24 962.21 1.76 1.96 2.82 0.93 Albuminoids, Fats Salts (soluble in alcohol). . Salts (soluble in water), . 39.74 0.81 2.47 4.33 59.64 2.55 2.50 3.61 38.84 0.72 2.77 3.59 26.48 0:49 1.92 7.97 Pure chyle from the mesenteric vessels of the ox before mixture with the lymph has a specific gravity of 1013 and contains in 100 parts 462 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 0.0019 parts of dry fibrin. The serum contains 4.75 per cent, solids (albumen, fats, salts, etc.), and 95.21 per cent, of water. The amount of chyle is proportional to the activity of digestion, after a hearty meal the mesenteric vessels and thoracic duct being dis- tended with a milky emulsion, while during fasting they are collapsed and are only seen with difficulty. The movement of the chyle is dependent upon a number of causes. In the first place, as mentioned in the description of the mechanisms of absorption of fat, the villi may be regarded as lymphatic hearts, the con- traction of their muscular fibres leading to an onward movement of the contents of the mesenteric lacteals, backward flow being prevented by the valves of these vessels. The respiratory movements are also of influence in producing an onward flow of the contents of the thoracic duct. With each act of ex- piration, as may be readily determined by making a fistula of the thoracic duct where it empties into the veins at the root of the neck, there is an acceleration in the flow of chyle, evidently from compression of the duct, while in inspiration this flow is retarded or may be even arrested. In- spiration, therefore, by the production of negative pressure, favors the flow of chyle frdm the lacteals into the thoracic duct. Contraction of the abdominal muscles, and even intestinal peristalsis, will further aid the forward movement of the chyle. So, also, it has been noticed that there is a slight increase in the rapidity of the flow of chyle coincident with each systole of the heart. While this factor is comparatively insignificant, it acts by the compression of the thoracic duct where it passes under the arch of the aorta. Finally, in addition to these influences and to the vis a tergo from continuous absorption by the villi and the propulsion due to their contrac- tion, the most important factors, there is also a vis a f route concerned in the circulation of the chyle. For, as Draper has pointed out, where the thoracic duct empties into the veins, a suction force is exerted on the contents of the lacteals by the passing current of the venous blood, upon the well-known hydraulic principle of Venturi : " If into a tube, through which a current of water is steadily flowing, another tube opens, its more distant end being in communication with a reservoir of water, through this tube a current will likewise be established, and the reservoir will be emptied of its contents." SECTION V. LYMPH. As THE blood circulates through the capillaries, it is continually losing a portion of its fluid constituents through transudation, carrying with the water of the blood various salts, gases, and organic matters in solution. This fluid, which is termed the lymph, bathes all the ulti- mate tissue elements and supplies them directly with materials necessary for their nutrition, at the same time removing the soluble effete matters which result from cellular activity. This fluid, thus resulting from trans- udation from the blood-vessels, not only fills all the intercellular chinks of the different tissues, but also finds its waj r from the extra-vascular spaces and large lymph-spaces (as the lacunae of the connective tissue and great serous sacs) through the minute radicals of the lymphatic vessels to the lymphatic glands, and from there through the large lym- phatic trunks again enters the blood-vessels (veins in the neighbor- hood of the heart). From its origin it is evident that the lymph must have a compo- sition closely similar to that of the liquor sanguinis ; but since different organs take from the lymph different substances needed by their nutri- tive demands, and yield effete matters of varying composition, its com- position must vary according to the region from which it is taken and the stage of activity of the organs contributing to it. This contrast of lymph, drawn from different localities, is most marked in the lymph taken from the tymphatics of the mesentery during the period of diges- tion when compared with that drawn from other localities. Lymph drawn from the so-called lacteals during the digestion of fat is termed chyle, and is of a milky appearance from the large quantities of minute fat-globules which it holds in suspension. The characters of the chyle have been already considered. Lymph may be obtained by inserting a cannula into the thoracic duct of an anaesthetized animal where it empties into the junction of the large veins at the root of the neck ; or in large animals, such as the horse and ox, it maybe collected by a similar process from the lymphatics which accompany the carotid artery. The amount of tymph which may be obtained by such a process varies under different circumstances. It is increased by active or passive move- ments, by venous obstructions, and by poisoning with curare. It is diminished by decrease in blood pressure. (463) 464 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. When freshly drawn from the thoracic duct of fasting animals, lymph is a transparent, slightly yellowish fluid ; when collected during digestion, it is milky from the fat in suspension derived from the chyle. When examined under the microscope, lymph is seen to contain color- less corpuscles, identical with the colorless blood-corpuscles, floating in a clear lymph-plasma: these corpuscles are much fewer in number in lymph drawn from the lymphatic radicals, while they are comparatively abundant in the tymph as it issues from the lymphatic glands. Although the lymphatic glands are the principal manufacturers of the lymph-cor- puscles, they are not their sole source. The lymph-cells also originate wherever adenoid tissue is found, as in the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, in the thymus, tonsils, and spleen. The lymph of animals in active digestion is milky from admixture with the fatty clryle : such lymph is said to have a molecular basis from .the finely divided fat-globules which it holds in suspension. These par- ticles often exhibit Brownian movements. The amount of lymph can only be approximately estimated. It has been reckoned that for every two hundred and twenty pounds of body weight there is contained in the body about thirteen and a half pounds of lymph and chyle seven and a half pounds being chyle and six pounds lymph. As much as six kilos of tymph have been collected in two hours from the lymphatic trunk in the neck of the horse, w r hile in twenty-four hours ninet3'-five kilos of lymph and chyle have been col- lected from the thoracic duct of the ox. The amount of these two fluids (lymph and chyle) will evidently increase during digestion. Active and passive movements and increased blood pressure, as well as obstruction of the veins, by facilitating transudation from the blood-vessels, will increase the amount of lymph. Lymph is a viscid fluid, slightly less alkaline than blood, having a specific gravit}' that varies from 1022 to 1037, or occasionally as high as 1045. When removed from the body it coagulates in from five to twenty minutes, the process being analogous to the coagulation of blood- plasma, though much slower, perhaps on account of its high alkalinity. The coagulation of lymph may be accelerated by the addition to it of a few drops of defibrinated blood b}^ the addition thus accomplished of fibrin factors in larger amount. A soft, trembling jelly is first formed, which gradually contracts, expressing out a clear lymph-serum, in which floats a colorless contracted coagulum, composed of fibrin which is iden- tical with that formed in blood coagulation. From 1000 parts of the lymph of a foal, Schmidt determined that 955.17 were serum, while only 44.83 were coagulum. After death the lymph usually remains perfectly fluid in the lymphatics, and does not coagulate when the lymph-current is arrested during life. LYMPH. 465 Lymph is very variable in its chemical composition. It may be generally stated as follows : Water, . . . . . 93 to 98 per cent. (Charles). Solids, . . . ... 6 " 2 Alhumen, . . " . . .3.2 " 0.3 " Veuves, : : : :. 55 }** Ash, . . ; . ... .. . 0.7 to 0.8 Sodium chloride forms about 0.6 per cent. The proteids consist of tibrinogen, serum-globulin, and serum-albumen. Lymph yields only 0.4 to 0.8 per one thousand of fibrin, being much less, therefore, than the amount obtainable from blood. In the ash of lymph sodium chloride is very abundant and phos- phates scant}' : the lymph-cells, however, contain an excess of potassium and phosphoric acid, as compared with the serum, the latter having an excess of sodium. Urea is always present (0.019 per cent, in the cow), and grape-sugar (0.16 per cent, in the dog), though it has been stated that cli3'le does not take up sugar when animals have been fed on a starchy or saccharine diet. The lymph contains C0 2 , N, and traces of when pure and un- mixed with blood. The amount of C0 3 is greater than in arterial but less than in venous blood. While the quantity of N is about the same as in the blood, the amount of O is always less than in the blood, thus showing that the tissues rapidly appropriate the O of the blood. The following table gives a comparison of the composition of the lymph and blood : LYMPH (Wurz). BLOOD (Nasse). Water, . \ Ox. 938.97 2.05 50.90 0.42 7.46 Cow. 955.38 2.20 34.76 0.24 7.41 Ox. 799.59 3.62 66.901 2.045 7.041 121.865 Calf. 826.44 5.737 56.414 1.610 8.241 102.803 Fibrin, . . . . Albumen and extractives, Fats, .... Salts, .... Blood-corpuscles, . HESULTS OF THE QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF LYMPH AND CHYLE. I. ANALYSES OP THE LYMPH OF MAN. CONSTITUENTS IN 100 PARTS. Gubler and Quevenne. Marchand and Colberg. Scherer. Dannhardt and Hensen. Odeiflus and Lang. I. It III. rv. V. 98.63 1.37 0.11 0.23 0.15 0.88 VI. Water .... 93.99 6.01 0.05 4.27 0.38 0.57 0.73 93.48 6.52 0.06 4.28 0.92 0.44 0.82 96.93 3.07 0.52 0.43 0.261 0.31./ 1.54 95.76 4.24 0.04 3.47 0.73 94.36 5.64 0.16 2.12 (2.48 \ 0.16 0.72 Solid matters, . . . Fibrin, Albumen Fats Extractive matters, Salts 466 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. II. ANALYSES OF THE LYMPH OBTAINED FROM THE LYMPHATICS OF THE HORSE (C. SCHMIDT). CONSTITUENTS IN 1000 PARTS. I. II. Water 963.93 955.36 Solid matters, . . . . ...,,-. 36.07 44.64 Fibrin, 1 Albumen, Fats and fatty acids, . . . .-.., . . 28.84 34.99 J Inorganic matters, . . . . . . 7.22 7.47 NaCl . . 5^43 5.67 Na 2 0, . . . . . . . ' . 1.50 1.27 K 2 0, . ' .< ' ' . 0.03 0.16 S0 3 , . . . . . . . . ... 0.03 0.09 P 2 O 5 , combined with alkalies, ..... Ca 3 (P0 4 ) 2 - . . . . Mg 3 (P0 4 ) 2 , . 0.02 0.22 0.02 0.26 In the serum from 1000 parts of lymph Schmidt found : Albumen, . . . . ..'... Fats and fatty acids, . . ....'. . 23.32 f 30.50 | 1.17 4.48 1.69 III. ANALYSES OF CHYLE OF THE HORSE, DOG, AND MAN (HOPPE-SEYLER). CONSTITUENTS IN 1000 PARTS. I Chyle of Horse. II. Chyle of Horse. III. Blood- Serum. IV. Chyle of Dog. V. Blood- Serum of Dog, IV. VI. Chyle of Man. Water, 960.97 956.19 930.75 906.77 936.01 904.80 Solids 39.03 43.81 69.25 96.23 63.99 95.20 Fibrin 257 1 27 1 11 Albumen, ...... 22.60 29.85 56.59 21.05 45.24 $ 70.8 Fats, cholesterin, and lecithin, Fatty acids in the form of soaps, .... Other organic matters, Hsematin, Mineral salts, .... Loss Qr09 0.76 5.37 0.05 7.59 0.53 0.28 2.24 0.06 7.49 1.57 > 3.855 7.14 64.86 2.34 7.92 6.81 2.91 8.76 027 9.2 10.8 '4.4 NaCl 5.76 5.84 5.74 Na 2 $ 1.17 0.87 K 2 A 1.31 I 013 014 SO 3 ' 007 005 Oil ' P O 5 0.01 0.05 0.01 Ca 3 (P0 4 ) 2 , .... Mg (P0 4 ) 2 , . I 0.44 1.02 0.25 082 0.26 056 . . LYMPH. 467 Schmidt gives the following analysis of the lymph of a cow : Serum, . .''.' 95.52 Clot, 4.42 In 100 parts Serum. Water, . Fibrin, . Other albumens, Fats, , Organic matter, Salts, Sodic chloride, Soda, Potash, . Sulphuric and phosphoric acids and earthy phosphates, . . . . 0.04 3 20 0.12 0.17 0.74 0.56 0.13 0.01 In 100 parts Clot. 90.73 4.86 3.43 0.96 0.60 0.06 0.10 0.23 The lymph further differs in composition according to the locality from which it is collected. The following table gives the composition of the lymph of the horse : Lymph Collected from the Femoral Vessels (Gmelin). Lymph Collected from the Cervical Vessels (Leuret and Lassaigne). Lvinph Collected from the Vessels of the Foot (Geiger). Lymph from the Vessels of the Foot of an Ass (Rees). Water . 964.30 925.00 983.70 965.36 Solids, 35.70 75.00 16.30 34.64 Fibrin 1 90 330 040 1 20 Albumen, .... Fats Extractives, .... Inorganic matters, 21.17 traces 10'.63 57.36 14".34 6.20 traces 2.70 7.00 12.00 traces 15.69 5.85 The Circulation of the Lymph. The tymph is continually moving in the lymphatic vessels in a slow stream from the lymphatic radicals to the larger lymphatic trunks, and thence into the large veins in the neigh- borhood of the heart, motion being due to the difference in pressures be- tween the lymphatic capillaries and the entrance of the lymph-trunks into the veins. Since the lymph originates as a transudation from the blood-vessels in the interstitial spaces, the pressure to which it is subjected will be nearly identical to the pressure in the blood-vessels which causes its pas- sage through the vascular walls. Each volume of lymph will, therefore, be forced onward by the amounts which succeed it under a pressure which is nearly equal to the blood pressure. On the other hand, the pressure of the lymph at the points of entrance of the lymphatics into the veins will be in all cases slight, and sometimes will be even negative : for during inspiration the expanding thorax aspirates the blood from 468 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. the large venous trunks into the veins of the thorax, and by the dilata- tion of the right auricle from thence into the heart. As the lymphatics empty into the veins in the neighborhood of the heart, this aspiration will also be exerted on the lymphatics and will tend to produce a nega- tive pressure. The lymph will, consequently, be subjected to a steadily decreasing pressure from the periphery to the central vessels, and will, therefore, move from the lymphatic radicals toward the venous trunks. The onward motion of the lj*mph is also facilitated by muscular move- ments, which, by compressing the lj mphatics, force their contents onward, backward motion being prevented b}^ numerous valves. The lymphatic vessels, also, possess the power of rhythmic contrac- tion, through the contraction of their muscular fibres, and sometimes true lymph-hearts aid the propulsion of the lymph. In certain organs special mechanisms are concerned in the propul- sion of the lymph. Thus, in the abdominal surface of the central tendon of the diaphragm there are free communications between the peritoneal cavity and the lymphatics of the diaphragm; and as the central tendon is composed of two layers of fibrous tissue arranged in different directions, these layers are alternate^ pressed together and pulled apart in the respiratory movements of the diaphragm. The effect is to pump lymph into the spaces between these layers. A similar mechanism exists in the costal pleura and in the fascia covering the muscles. " When a muscle contracts, lymph is forced out from between the layers of the fascia, while, when it relaxes, the lymph from the muscle, carrying with it some of the waste products of muscular action, passes out of the muscle into the fascia, between the now partially separated layers" (Landois). While the lymph-glands offer considerable resistance to the onward passage of the lymph, this is, to a certain extent, compensated by the non-striped muscular fibres which exist in the capsule and trabeculse of the glands, these muscles, together with those of the lymphatics and lymphatic hearts, when present, being directly under the control of the nervous system. The velocity of the lymph-current increases as the trunk increases in size, from the decrease in sectional area. In the large lymphatic in the neck of the horse it has been placed at two hundred and thirty to three hundred millimeters per minute ; it must, therefore, be very slow in the small vessels. The lateral pressure in the lymphatics in the neck of the horse has been estimated at from ten to twenty millimeters of a weak soda solution (Weiss). SECTION VI. THE BLOOD. THE blood may be regarded as the main organ of nutrition, since, on the one hand, the assimilated food-stuffs enter into it at the point of their absorption to be carried to the points where they may be needed by the economy ; and, on the other hand, the results of tissue waste are given up to it to be removed from the economy. The blood may be regarded as a cellular tissue with a fluid inter- cellular substance in perpetual motion within a system of branching tubes. The blood is not a homogeneous solution, but is composed of an immense number of minute-formed elements, the blood-corpuscles or cells, suspended in a colorless, transparent fluid, the blood-plasma. Of the blood-corpuscles, the so-called red cells are greatly in excess, and it is to the haemoglobin, or red coloring-matter, which they contain that the red color of the blood is due. The red hue of the blood drawn from a living animal will vary ac- cording to the locality from which it is taken ; the blood taken from the arteries, the left side of the heart, or the pulmonic veins being of a bright, scarlet-red color, while that drawn from the veins, the right side of the heart, or the pulmonic artery, is dark, brownish red. When exposed to air or to oxygen gas, the dark venous blood becomes arterial in hue, and this change occurs most rapidly when the blood and gas are shaken up together. The specific gravity of defibrinated human blood varies from 1045 to 1062, the average being 1055, though greater variations than the above are not inconsistent with health. Again, the specimens of blood first drawn will have a higher specific gravity than that examined after con- siderable hemorrhage, as the water in the blood will have then increased from the abstraction of fluid from the tissues. The cells are specifically heavier than the plasma, and of the former the red cells are heavier than the white. Thus, if blood is prevented by cold from coagulation and this is best accomplished with horse's blood the blood will separate into three distinct strata, the lowest being composed of red corpuscles, the middle of white cells, and the upper layer of the clear blood- plasma. The corpuscles have a density of 1088-1105 ; the plasma, of 1027-1028. The reaction of the blood is always distinctly alkaline, due to sodium (469) 470 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. bicarbonate and sodic phosphate, most marked when the blood is freshly drawn, and decreasing rapidly in intensity until coagulation occurs. Blood has a peculiar odor which varies in different animal species, and in certain animals, as in the cat, dog, sheep, and goat, is charac- teristic of the species. This odor is due to the presence of certain vola- tile, fatty bodies contained in the blood-plasma, and may be readily developed by treating the blood with sulphuric acid. The temperature of the blood varies in different animals, and depends upon the oxidation processes continually occurring in the tissues. In man and the domestic mammals the temperature varies from 37.5 to 38 C. In birds it is always higher than in mammals, and may rise as high as 44.03 C. even in a state of health. The arterial blood is, as a rule, warmer than venous blood, as the conditions for radiation of heat are more favorable in the latter than in the former. The temperature of the blood of the hepatic and portal veins is warmer than other venous blood, and the blood of the right side of the heart is warmer than that of the left heart. The quantity of blood varies in different animals and in the same species of animal at different periods of life. Various methods have been proposed for determining the amount of blood contained in the body. The method which is now generall}' adopted as giving the most reliable results is to bleed an animal to death and measure the amount of blood collected. The blood-vessels are then washed out with dilute saline solu- tion until the fluid which issues from the veins comes out entirely color- less, and the various washings are collected and mixed. A known quantity of blood is. then diluted with saline solution until it acquires the same tint as a measured quantit} 7 of the washings collected from the veins. From the data so obtained the amount of coloring matter in the washings m&y be estimated. The entire body is then minced, washed free from blood with saline solution, filtered, and the amount of coloring matter in the washings estimated as before. The quantit}* of blood in the two washings, together with the blood first drawn, give the total amount in the body. Estimated in this wa}- , the total amount of blood in the human body has been fixed at y 1 ^ of the body weight ; in the rabbit at y 1 ^ of the body weight ; dog, y 1 ^ of the body weight ; cat, ^ r ; frog, T T g ; mouse, -^ ; the guinea-pig, y 1 ^ ; bird, yV-^a ; fishes, y^-yV No reliable estimates exist as to the amount of blood in the larger domestic animals. Colin states that the amount of blood in the ox amounts only to ^ of the body weight, but this is probably a low estimate. In animals bled to death the amount of blood retained in the bod} r depends upon the amount of adipose tissue : the fatter the animal, the more blood remains in the bod}' after slaughtering. In thin cattle the amount of blood which escapes BLOOD. 471 has been estimated at 4.7 per cent, of the body weight; in fat animals, at 3.9 per cent. In the horse the amount of blood has been estimated at fg of the body weight. The following tables represent the general composition of the blood in different domestic animals : In One Hundred Parts Venous Blood (Hoppe- Seyler and Fudakowski). Horse. Dog. Corpuscles, . ; 32.62 38.34 Plasma, ".,.-. . ..... 67.38 61.66 One Hundred Parts Plasma. Solids, 9.16 7.87 Water,. ..'..'. . . . 90.84 92.13 Fibrin, 1.01 0.18 Albumen, . .' 7.76 6.10 Fats, 0.12 0.21 Extractives, * . . 0.40 0.39 Soluble salts, . . . . . . 0.64 0.82 Insoluble salts, ..... . .0.17 0.17 One Hundred Parts Corpuscles. Water, 56.50 . . . Solids, . 43.50 . . . In One Hundred Parts Defibrinated Venous Blood of Ox (Bunge). Corpuscles. Serum. 31.87 68.13 Water, . . . Solids, . Albumen, Haemoglobin, Other organic matters, . Inorganic matters, Potassium, Sodium, Lime, Magnesium, Iron oxide, Chlorine, Phosphoric acid, Water, . Fibrin, . Fat, Corpuscles, . Albumen, Alkaline phosphates, " sulphates, " carbonates, Sodium chloride, . Iron oxide, . Calcium, Phosphoric acid, . Sulphuric acid, 19.12 12.75 3.42 8.94 0.24 0.15 0.0238 0.0667 6.0005 6.0521 0.0224 Ox. 799.59 3.62 2.04 121.86 66.90 0.468 1.181 1.071 4.321 0.731 0.098 0.123 0.018 62.22 5.91 4.99 0.38 0.54 0.0173 0.2964 0.0070 0.0031 0.0007 0.2532 0.0181 Calf. 826.71 5.76 1.61 102.50 56.41 0.957 0.269 1.263 4.864 0.631 0.130 0.109 0.018 1. THE RED BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. Human red blood-corpuscles re- semble biconcave lenses : their diameter varies between 0.0064 and 0.0086 millimeters. 472 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. In man and all mammalia, with the exception of the camel tribe, they are circular and devoid of a nucleus ; in birds, reptiles, and most fish, they are oval, biconvex, and nucleated ; in the camel, the red blood -cells are oval, but are not nucleated. From the fact that the edges of the red blood-cells are convex and the centre concave, these different parts refract light differently, and when examined under the microscope, if the edges are sharply denned, the centres appear dark, and vice versa (Fig. 172). There is no constant relation between the size of an animal and the size of its blood-disks ; thus, among mammals, although the red blood- corpuscles of the elephant are the largest, those' of the mouse are by no means the smallest, being, in fact, three times as large as those of the musk-deer (Fig. 173). FIG. 172. RED BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. (Landois.) A, human red blood-corpnscles: 1, seen on the flat; 2, on edge: 3, rouleaux of colored corpuscles slightly separated. B, colored amphibian blood-corpuscles: 1, seen on the flat, and, 2, on edge. C, ideal transverse section of a human red blood-corpuscle magnified five thousand times linear: no, diameter; c d, thickness. In the various domestic animals their diameter is placed as follows in fractions of a millimeter : horse, 0.004-0.005 ; ox, 0.003-0.005 ; dog, 0.005-0.007; sheep, 0.002-0.004; goat, 0.002; hog, 0.003-0.004 milli- meters. Frequentl}', particularly in growing animals and after profuse hemorrhage or exhausting disease, red blood-corpuscles smaller than the above will be found. These are probably to be regarded as young, grow- ing blood-cells. The number of the red blood-cells is almost infinite; in one cubic centimeter of blood in man, five million red blood-disks have been estimated to be present ; in the goat, nine to ten millions ; in the lamb, thirteen to fourteen millions ; in birds, one to four millions ; in the fish, one-quarter to two millions ; in the frog, half a million ; and in the pro- teus, thirty-six thousand. In fact, 30 to 40 per cent, of the entire mass of the blood is composed of red blood-corpuscles ; thus, in the horse, BLOOD. 473 63. 7 per cent, of the blood is constituted by the plasma, and 36.3 per cent, blood-corpuscles. The red corpuscles, as already mentioned, are heavier than the other constituents of the blood, and are the cause of FIG. 173. BLOOD-CORPUSCLES OF DIFFERENT ANIMALS. (Thanh offer.) 1, proteus : 2, rana esculenta : a, upper view : b, white blood-corpuscle : c., side view of red blood-cor- puscle: 3, triton ; 4, snake: 5, camel; 6, turtle; 7, salamander: 8, carp; 9, cobitis fossilis; 10, cuckoo; 11, chicken; 12, canary-bird; 13. lion: 14, elephant; 15, man: a, upper view; 1>. crenated form; c, color- less corpuscle ; 16, horse, the cells arranged in rouleaux ; 17, hippopotamus, upper view. the color and opacity of the blood ; their specific gravity may be placed at about 1090. If water is added to blood, it appears darker in reflected light, but is more transparent. This depends upon the change in shape FIG. 174. RED BLOOD-CORPUSCLES, SHOWING VARIOUS CHANGES IN SHAPE. (Landois.) , 6, normal human red corpuscle, with the central depression more or less in focus : c, d, e, mulberry forms: y 15-20 per cent, salt solution than is paraglobulin. So* obtained, fibrinogen, in 1-5 per cent, salt solution, coagulates at 52-55 C. It also may be obtained, mixed with fibrinoplastin, from hydrocele or pericardial fluid, by dilution with 10-15 volumes of water, or by the passage of a stream of CO 2 . The jibrinoplastic substance, or paraglobulin, is obtained as a white precipi- tate when perfectly clear and colorless blood-serum is faintly acidulated with acetic acid, and then diluted with fifteen or twenty times its volume of distilled water. The precipitate is then collected on a filter and washed with distilled water. Out of 100 c.c. ox-serum 0.7-0.9 gramme paraglobulin may be obtained by this process, though it is almost impossible to free it entirely from fibrin ferment. The freshly precipitated paraglobulin is perfectly white, is insoluble in water, but is soluble in dilute solutions of sodium bicarbonate, sodium phosphate, sodium chloride, and other neutral salts of the alkalies. These solutions coagulate on heating like ordinary albumen (between 60 and 80 C.), and when diluted with distilled water again precipitate the paraglobulin. If paraglobulin is added to certain serous fluids, such as hydrocele fluid, peri- cardial fluid, and serous effusions, coagulation is instantly produced through the action of the fibrin ferment, which always contaminates it. There is less paraglobulin in horses' blood than in oxen's blood 0.3 to 0.5 per cent, in the serum of the former to 0.7 to 0.8 per cent, in the latter. Paraglobulin, as well as fibrinogen, originates in the breaking down of white blood-corpuscles. The fibrin ferment has never been obtained pure. Its aqueous solutions may be prepared by adding 15-20 volumes of absolute alcohol to the pure serum of 488 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. horses', oxen's, or dogs' blood, allowing the coagulated albuminoids to remain for at least two weeks under alcohol until they become completely insoluble, filtering, drying over sulphuric acid, and dissolving in water ; traces of albumen which still cling to the ferment may be removed by the cautious addition of acetic acid, or CO 2 . The ferment is not contained in living blood, but is a product of break- ing down white blood-corpuscles. Its amount appears to have no influence on the quantity of fibrin formed, but only on the rapidity of the process. Its activity increases up to the temperature of the body, and the heat of boiling water destroys it ; it may be preserved indefinitely, without losing its activity, at C The serous transudations, especially of the horse, since they contain both fibrinogen and fibrinoplastin, but no ferment, coagulate at once on the addition of a drop of ferment solution ; these fluids are, therefore, admirable tests for the pres- ence of the ferment. The same also holds for the still fluid blood which remains in the blood-vessels after death. Fibrin is an albuminous body which, in its percentage, composition, and be- havior to most reagents, does not difler from other albuminoids. It may readily be obtained by whipping blood as it flows from a vessel, and then washing the coagulum in water until all the red blood-corpuscles are removed. It then forms a snow-white fibrous mass of the greatest elasticity, this latter property depend- ing on the water contained in its molecular interspaces, for dry fibrin is as brittle as glass. Fresh, spontaneously coagulated fibrin contains within its meshes large quan- tities of blood-serum, which are pressed out in the contraction of the fibrin. The fibrin formed by the slow coagulation of the plasma of horses' blood possesses a less marked fibrous structure than the fibrin obtained by whipping blood, or even by the coagulation of other mammalian blood. It is rather more of an almost amorphous jelly, which will fracture along any line. In hydrochloric acid of from 0.1-0.5 per cent., and in dilute phosphoric, acetic, and lactic acid solutions, fibrin swells up to a transparent jelly, but with- out, to any great extent, passing into solution, unless kept for some time at an elevated temperature, when it is nearly all converted into syntonin and passes into solution. On neutralization it is precipitated, the precipitate being insoluble in water, but readily soluble in very dilute acids and alkalies. Boiled fibrin is entirely insoluble in dilute acids and alkalies, but is partially soluble in the con- centrated acids. The cause of the constant fluidity of the blood in the living organism is found in the influence of the normal vascular wall on the blood con- tained in the vessels. That the fibrin factors are not found in the living blood is not a sufficient explanation, for it offers no reason why these substances develop in blood outside of the body. Coagulation occurs as soon as contact with the living blood-vessels ceases, or when, through various causes, the walls of the blood-vessels lose their normal properties, from which we might infer that something in the vascular walls prevents the development of the fibrin factors ; for injections of fibrinoplastin and the fibrin ferment, or transfusion of u lake- colored" blood, have, as an immediate consequence, the abundant forma- tion of blood-clots even in perfectly normal vessels. It is not necessary for the blood to be in constant motion in the vessels to prevent coagulation, for the circulation may be arrested in any part, provided the stoppage does not entail any injury to the walls of the vessels, and the blood still remain fluid. But if any circumscribed injury be made to the walls of a blood-vessel, as by the application of a ligature, even though it be subsequently removed, a deposit of fibrin will occur at that point. BLOOD. 489 4. THE BLOOD-SERUM. Blood-plasma freed from fibrin constitutes blood-serutn, and, as already stated, may be obtained by allowing blood to coagulate in a glass cylinder, when the gradual contraction of the fibrin in the clot presses out the serum. Serum is an alkaline, transparent fluid, of a specific gravity of from 1026 to 1029, amber-yellow in the horse's blood, and almost colorless in that of the other domestic animals. In carnivora and omnivora, as well as in nursing herbivora, the serum is often milky from the contained fat- globules, which gradually rise to the top to form a Ia3*er of cream ; this, however, only occurs at, or shortly after, the period of fat absorption. In round numbers the composition of serum is as follows : Water, ... . .-'.-. . . . 90 per cent. Proteids, 8 to 9 " " Fats, extractives, and salts, . . . . 2 to 1 " " The Albuminoids of the Serum. The following albuminoids are found in serum : Paraglobulin, alkali albuminate, serum-albumen, and fre- quently peptone. Paraglobulin has already been considered under blood coagulation ; in coagulation all the fibrinogen becomes solidified, while a considerable amount of paraglobulin still remains in the serum. The amount remain- ing in solution in the serum has been estimated at from 1.7 per cent, in the rabbit to 4.5 per cent, in the horse. Alkali albumen (sodium albumen, serum-casein) is precipitated by exact neutralization with acetic acid. It is insoluble in distilled water, but readily soluble in dilute acid and alkalies. Serum-albumen exists in larger amount than all the other albumi- noids, the serum containing from 6 to 8 per cent. As already mentioned, it differs from egg-albumen in rotating polarized light 56 to the left, while egg-albumen rotates it but 35.5, and in its behavior to ether and acids. After removing paraglobulin and alkali albuminate, serum-albu- men may be completely coagulated after acidulation and dilution by heat (70-75 C.). The quantitative proportions between serum-albumen and para- globulin vary in different animal species. The proportion, while not even constant in any given species, varies about as follows, paraglobulin being represented by the numerator of the fraction, serum-albumen by the denominator : Horse ^Vrj Q X ff.A* ^ an T.sVn Dog T .J 3 , Rabbit 5 ^. Peptone differs from other albuminoids in that it is not coagulated by heat or acetic acid and potassium ferrocyanide, but is precipitated by tannic acid, corrosive sublimate, absolute alcohol in great excess, phos- phowolframic acid, phosphomolybdic acid, and iodide of mercury and potassium. 490 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. Its other characteristics have been described under the head of Gastric Digestion. To detect the presence of peptone in blood-serum, all the other albuminoids must first be removed. This may readily be accomplished by adding a solution of acetate of iron, to which a few drops of sulphate of iron solution have been added. The serum must first be diluted with five to eight volumes of water, heated on the water-bath, and the iron solution and then caustic soda added, until only a faint acid reaction remains. A thick, brown precipitate then falls, and the supernatant fluid is free from iron and all albuminoids but peptone, the presence of which may be recognized, after filtration, by the biuret reaction. Peptone is only found in the serum during and shortly after albu- men absorption. Other Organic Constituents of the Serum. Sugar may be detected, after removal of albuminoids, by the copper test. Sugar is a constant constituent of the serum of blood. Its origin and importance will be discussed later. Ox-blood contains 0.543 pro mille sugar, sheep's blood 0.521 pro mille, dogs' blood 0.787 pro mille. Fat has already been mentioned. It is found only in scanty amount, except after a meal, being in largest amounts in the serum from suckling animals. Stearin, palmitin, and olein, with their respective soaps, are the principal representatives. The odor of serum is probably due to a volatile body of the fatty acid series. The yellow color of serum is due to the presence of a special pigment. Lecithin is a constant constituent of the ethereal extract of blood- serum. A large proportion of the phosphoric acid of the serum is con- tained in this bod}-. Its origin and uses are not well understood. Perhaps, since it is the carrier of phosphorus, it is of special importance in the nutritive processes of bone. Cholesterin is also found in the ethereal extract of blood-serum, from which it coagulates in white, pearly flakes. Further, small amounts of urea are found in serum, as well as kreatin, kreatinin, and other products of the retrograde metamorphosis of tissues, which will subsequently claim attention. The Inorganic Constituents of Blood-Serum. Serum }^ields about 0.75 per cent, of ash, in which the following bases are found: Na, K, Ca, Mg, Si, and Fe and P 2 O 5 H 2 , H 2 SO 4 , C0 2 , and Cl. K and Fe are in extremely minute quantit}^; Mg and Cain somewhat larger quantit}^, though out of proportion to the richness of the organism in these bodies. The Gases of the Blood. Oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen are found in the blood in conditions of loose chemical union with certain blood constituents (haemoglobin) and in solution in the blood-plasma, which, like other fluids, is capable of dissolving a certain amount of different gases. Their consideration will be reserved for the chapter on Respiration. SECTION VII. THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. IT has been seen that digestion is the preparation of food for ab- sorption ; absorption is the process by which the results of digestion reach the interior of the blood-vessels ; but that the blood, which by means of absorption has thus received the nutritive principles of the food, may satisfactorily meet the nutritive wants of the different tissues of the body, it must be in constant motion. The circulation of the blood is, therefore, that function by means of which the nutritive materials sup- plied by absorption are distributed to the economy after being subjected to aeration, and by which the refuse and effete materials are carried where they may be excreted. 1. GENERAL VIEW OF THE ORGANS OF CIRCULATION. Circulation is an organic function, being present in both the animal and vegetable king- doms. In the simplest forms of life, both animal and vegetable, in which absorption takes place by imbibition from the entire external surface, no special circulatory apparatus is required. It is only when certain tissues become specialized organs for absorption and others for aeration that a necessity arises for some apparatus by which the materials ab- sorbed are convej-ed from the point of absorption to the respiratory organs and to the S3'stem at large. The development of the circulatory- organs is, therefore, proportional to the degree in which absorption and respiration are limited to special tissues. As might be expected from the definition of the circulation, in the lowest animals, as in plants, in which absorption takes place from the entire external surface, there exists no apparatus for carrying on a circulation of fluid, the contractile vesicles seen in many of the protozoa having, probably, rather a respiratory than a circulatory function ; it is only when the digestive organs become highl} : specialized that a circulator}' apparatus appears. Thus, in the coelenterata the somatic cavity is in free communication with the digestive cavit}- and with the exterior, and the fluid which it contains, representing the blood of higher orders, is moved b} r the contractions of the entire body and by the vibration of cilia lining the somatic cavity, there being no indication of either a heart or a vascular system. In the turbellaria, trematoda, and cestoidea the lacunae of the mesoderm and the interstitial fluid of (491) 492 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. its tissues are the representatives of a blood-vascular system a condi- tion closely analogous to what occurs as the first indication of a circula- tion in plants. In annelida, as is also the case in the rotifea, we find a perivisceral cavity lying between the splanclmopleure and the somato- pleure, communicating with the segmental organs, as the water-vascular system. In the former group there is also to be found a system of canals (the pseudo-haemal system), in some instances communicating with the perivisceral cavity, with contractile and often ciliated walls, and con- taining a clear, sometimes corpusculated fluid, which may be either red or green from the presence of a substance which resembles haemoglobin and which is evidently of a respiratory value. These canals always com- municate at some point b}^ a tubular stem with the exterior. In the lowest forms of the arthropoda the same general conditions noted in the turbellaria are to be found, viz., a perivisceral cavity and an inter- si. A IAA FIG. 180. DIAGRAMS TO SHOW THE ARRANGEMENT OP THE GREAT BLOOD- VESSELS IN WORMS AND LOWER CRUSTACEANS. (Jeffrey Bell.} A, earthworm : D. dorsal vessel. B, crayfish: A A, anterior aorta ; PA, posterior aorta ; H, heart; AT and HP, transverse vessels which supply the anterior regions of the body and the viscera; ST.A, sternal artery ; SI.A and IAA, abdominal artery. stitial fluid, in which, however, colorless cells may be detected. In the lower Crustacea and in many insecta we find a single elongated, some- times segmented, contractile vessel, the dorsal vessel, provided with lateral valvular openings by which the blood enters from an inclosing venous space or sinus (Fig.180). In the anodon (Fig. 181, C) the spaces or sinuses are much more developed, and no traces of a ventral vessel are now to be seen ; the dorsal is, however, shown by the heart, with its anterior and posterior aortae, while the terminal parts of the transverse vessels become enlarged to form the auricles of the heart. In the higher Crustacea, as in the lobster, there is a single, well-developed, muscular, systemic dorsal heart surrounded by a venous sinus and giving off a number of arteries, which pass into capillaries ; but the venous system still remains more or less lacunar. In the mollusca, also, the same gradual CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 493 differentiation of the blood-vascular system is observable. In some of the lowest forms, as in polyzoa, neither a contractile heart nor even vessels can be detected ; circulation in them, as in lower forms, being carried on by mere imbibition. In the tunicata the heart, whose position closely resembles its ventral situation in the vertebrata, has no valves between its dilated chambers, and the blood is propelled by opposite peristaltic movements, first in one direction and then in another ; hence, here the heart is sometimes systemic and sometimes respirator}'. The most perfect form of circulation found in tha mollusca exists in the cephalopoda. In them there is a systemic ventricle provided with valve's at its orifice, with systemic arteries, the blood being returned into a large venous sinus, from which it passes to the gills through contractile vesicles, the branchial hearts, which serve to propel the blood through the gills ; from there it passes again into H PA DA BR FIG. 181. DIAGRAMS OF THE GREAT BLOOD-VESSELS IN THE FRESH- WATER MUSSEL AND THE FISH. (Jeffrey Bell.) C, fresh-water mussel : H, heart : AA. anterior, and PA. posterior aortse ; A, auricle. D, fish : H, heart ; BR, branchial vessels ; DA, dorsal aorta. contractile venous sinuses, which, therefore, act as auricles, and is then driven to the heart. Thus we find that in the invertebrata the circulatory apparatus, even in the highest forms, contrasted with what we shall find in the vertebrata, does not consist of a continuous series of tubes, but that the blood passes from such vessels into spaces (lacunae or perivisceral spaces) without distinct walls. Connected with the vessels we often find several pulsating cavities more analogous to the lymphatic or venous hearts found in the vertebrata than to a true respiratory or systemic heart. When a heart is present in the invertebrates, it is single, is, as a rule, placed on the dorsal aspect of the body, contrasted with its ventral position in vertebrates, and is of a systemic and not respiratory function. In the invertebrata there is no trace of a portal system, the liver being supplied by the systemic arteries. 494 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. FIG. 182. DIAGRAM OF THE CIRCULATION IN THE FISH. (Eeclard.) A, dorsal artery, or aorta; C, sys- temic organs ; O, auricle ; V, ventricle ; B, branchiae. In the vertebrata, amphioxus, the lowest form of fish, has a system of blood-vessels with contractile walls, but no distinct heart, while in all the other vertebrates there is a heart with, at fewest, three chambers (sinus venosus, atrium, ventricle), arteries, capillaries, and veins, and a system of lymphatics connected with the veins. In many of the lower forms of verte- brates we still find large venous sinuses, but in the higher forms these are for the most pavt replaced by definite vessels with mus- cular walls. Important peculiarities, how- ever, exist in the vascular systems of the vertebrata dependent upon the character of their respiration, whether pulmonated or air-breathing, or branchiated or water- breathing ; and further, as to whether their blood is warm or cold. Mammalia and birds are included in the group of warm-blooded pulmonated vertebrata ; reptilia and amphibia in the group of cold-blooded pulmonated animals ; and fish constitute the group of cold-blooded branchiated vertebrata. In all of these animals the character of the circulatory apparatus depends upon the manner in which the blood is oxy- genated ; therefore, in those animals (certain of the amphibia) which commence life as branchiated ani- mals and subsequently become pulmonated, we find that their circulatory apparatus becomes modified accordingly, and presents two different styles corre- sponding to the stage of their existence. In all forms of vertebrata a portal system is present that is, the liver receives a special supply of venous blood derived from the sj'stemic capillaries of the abdominal organs. FIG. 184. PLAN OF CIRCULATION IN THE FISH. (Car- penter.) A, auricle; B. ventricle; C, branchial artery ; D, {Pniting in FTthe^aorta"! G, venacava. FIG. 183. DIAGRAM OF THE ARTERIAL CIRCULATION IN FISHES, AFTER WlEDERSHEIM. (Jeffrey Sell.) In fishes (see Fig. 181, Z)),the lowest forms of vertebrates, the heart consists of a single auricle with the sinus venosus, which is always present, and a single ventricle, the former receiving the dark venous blood from the CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 495 bod}' and transmitting it through an opening, guarded by a valve, to the ventricle, from which the blood is propelled to the bulbus arteriosus, and then through four or five branching vessels supported on the cartilaginous branchial arches to the gills (Figs. 182 and 183). After being subjected to FIG. 185. ClRCFLATORY APPARATUS IN THE FISH. (Owen.) A, bulhus arteriosus: B, branchial arteries: b, branchial veins : H, ventricle ; h, auricle ; L L, portal vein: V V, vena cardinalis: *, jugular veins ; I, in- testine; A' A', aorta; K, kidney. The lower figure shows an enlarged diagram of a branchial arch, the lettering being the same as above, be being the branchial cavity. FIG. 186. HEART OF TORTOISE. (B6clard.) 1, right auricle: 2, single ventricle: 3, left auricle: 4, right aorta ; 5, left aorta ; 6, pulmonary artery dividing into two branches ; 7, venae cavae. FIG. 187. HEART OF FROG. (Livon.) I, anterior view ; II, posterior view. A A, aortas ; Vc, superior venae cavae : Or, auricles : V, ventricle : Ba, aortic bulb ; SV, venous sinus : Vci, inferior venae cavae ; Vh, hepatic veins ; Vp, pulmonary veins. aeration in the capillaries of the gills, .the blood is then collected by the branchial veins, which, uniting into a single arterial trunk situated on the dorsal aspect of the alimentary canal, and corresponding to the aorta of higher vertebrates, serves by a sj^stem of branching vessels to 496 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. distribute the arterial blood to the S3^stem at large ; whence it is again returned by the venous system, after passing through the systemic capillaries to the auricle (Fig. 184). In fishes, therefore, the respira- tory apparatus forms a part of the general systemic circulation, the heart being, therefore, a branchial and not a systemic organ, and the cir- culation being simple instead of imperfectly double, as in the reptilia, or perfectly double, as in the warm-blooded vertebrata. In the fish, a portal S3 r stem, composed, as in all vertebrates, of veins from the digestive apparatus, conducts the blood from the abdominal organs through the kidneys and liver ; hence, in the fish, both these glands receive venous blood (Fig. 185). In the reptilia the heart consists of two auricles and one ventricle (Figs. 186 and 187). The right auricle receives venous blood from the FIG. 188. DIAGRAM OF THE CIRCULATION IN REPTILIA. (Beclard.) FIG. 189. DIAGRAM OF THE CIRCULATION P, lungs; O, left auricle; V, ventricle, whence the IN THE REPTILIA. (Carpenter.} blood is driven through the systemic circulation to enter A, ventricle; B, left auricle ; C, right auricle : D, pulmo- the right auricle, O', after being collected by the veins. nary circulation; E, systemic circulation. system at large; the left auricle receives arterial blood from the lungs; both discharge their contents into the single ventricle, which thus re- ceives a mixture of venous and arterial blood. From the ventricle the blood is driven partly through the lungs and partly to the general S3 r stem, so both lungs and system receive a partially aerated blood, forming an incomplete double circulation (Fig. 188 and 189). In the reptilia, as a rule, there is a distinct arterial and distinct pul- monary trunk arising from the ventricle, but in the amphibia there is only a single trunk, of which the pulmonary arteries are branches, rising from the ventricle. In the crocodile there exists a partial ventricular septum, so placed that it serves to direct the dark venous blood entering from the right auricle chiefly into the pulmonary arteries, whilst the arterial blood coming from the left auricle is sent out into the systemic CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 497 arteries, thus closely approaching the double circulation of birds and mammals (Fig. 190). A portal circulation is also present in the cold- blooded pulmonated vertebrata, and, as in the fishes, is connected with the renal veins. In birds the heart, as in man, consists of four cavities, two auricles and two ventricles, and the general distribution of the circulation is the same, i.e., the right auricle collects the blood from the sys- temic veins and transmits it to the right ventricle, which, by means of the pulmonary artery, forces the blood through the lungs. From the lungs the oxygenated blood is carried by the pulmonary veins to the left auricle, from there to the left ventricle, and thence, by means of the aorta and its branches, to the system at large. There is, therefore, in birds a perfect double circulation a pulmonary and a systemic circulation (Fig. 191). FIG. 190. HEART OF THE CROCODILE. (Perrier.) a a, venae cavae : b, right anricle ; r. right ventricle ; a er -> ' a, larger heart-bone ; b, smaller heart-bone : c, The ActlOH of the VdlveS OJ the root of the aorta ; d, right coronary artery ; e, rigrht semi-lunar valve ;/, central part of the mitral valve. Heart. The direction of tllC CUrreilt of circulating blood through the heart is rendered possible solely through the integrity of the cardiac valves. These A'alves, as already CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 509 mentioned, are situated between the two auricles and ventricles, and at the origin of the pulmonary artery and aorta. Their mechanical action is different, the two auriculo-ventricular A r alves operating upon the same principle, and the two valves at the starting point of the large arteries being similar in function and operation. Both the auriculo-ventricular valves at their bases constitute complete cylinders which originate in the auriculo-ventricular ring, which is often cartilaginous, and even, in some animals, as in the bird, furnished with a bone. In the heart of the ox are found two bony structures at the origin of the aorta, to the larger of which are fastened the right leaflet of the aortic semi-lunar valve and the central portion of the mitral valve, while the smaller is in connection with the left semi-lunar valve of the aorta (Figs. 203 and 204). IK- FIG. 205. HEART OF THE HORSE, SEEN FROM THE RIGHT SIDE, THE RIGHT AURICLE AND RIGHT VENTRICLE BEING LAID OPEN. (Miiller.) Hb, Hb, pericardium slit open and drawn to the sides ; r V. right auricle : rK. right ventricle : IK, left ventricle ; 1, inferior, or posterior, vena cava, with probe inserted in it : 2, superior, or anterior, vena cava: 3, azygos vein; 4, pulmonary veins: 5, posterior aorta; 6, anterior aorta: 7, right auricular appendage : ft. Lower's ridge : 9, orifice of the coronary vein ; 10, oval foramen : 11, right coronary artery ; 12, longitudinal fissure, with 13, its artery, and 14, its vein: 15, columnar carnse; 16 16, papillary muscles ; 17 17, chordae tendinae ; and 18, a leaflet of the tricuspid valve. The cylindrical form of these valves exists only a short distance from this ring, and then the valve divides into a number of different segments, which, in the right ventricle, are three in number, hence the name of tricuspid valves, and in the left are two, hence the name of mitral valves. 510 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. The leaflets of these valves again subdivide into numerous tendinous filaments which are inserted in the papillary muscles of the heart (Figs. 205 and 206). The tendinous threads which arise in the papillary muscles and are inserted in the valve are not in connection solely with the free border of the latter, but the entire surface of the valve, which is directed toward the walls of the ventricle, offers points of insertion for these tendons (Figs. 207 and 208). Numerous theories have been proposed to explain the manner in which the auriculo-ventricular valves prevent, in the systole of the ven- FIG. 206. HEART OF THE HORSE, SEEN FROM THE LEFT SIDE, THE LEFT AURICLE AND LEFT VENTRICLE BEING LAID OPEN. (Muller.) I V, left auricle : IK, left ventric'e; r K, right ventricle; 1, trabeculae in left auricle; 2, coronary fissure, with its artery and vein ; 3, pulmonary artery ; 4, anterior aorta ; 5, posterior aorta : 6, left longi- tudinal furrow ; 7. left coronary artery; 8, coronary 'vein ; 9, columnar carnae ; 10 10', papillary muscles; 11 11', chordae tendinae; 12 12', mitral valve. tricle, regurgitation of blood into the auricles. These may be classified into two different groups. According to the one, the occlusion is purely passive, and is pro- duced by the pressure of the blood behind the valves, causing their ascent, and so occluding the orifice between the ventricles and auricles. In this view of their action, the papillary muscles have for their sole function the regulation of the situation of the valves, and, consequently, CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 511 the degree of occlusion, and to prevent the valves being everted into the auricles. According to the other view, which seems to be supported by the largest amount of proof, the papillary muscles play an active role in the occlusion of the auriculo-ventricular orifices. This view has been strongly supported by Ku'ss, who describes their operation as follows : " If the finger be introduced into the auriculo-ventricular region at the moment of the systole of the ventricle, we find that the kind of funnel FIG. 207. HEART OF A Cow, WITH THE RIGHT VENTRICLE LAID OPEN, ONE-FOURTH THE NATURAL SIZE. (Miillei:) a, posterior aorta; at, anterior aorta; b b, spaces in the lateral wall of the right ventricle ; p pt pH, papillary muscles ; q q>, columns; carnae ; L, pulmonary artery laid open ; O, opening into right auricle; S, ventricular septum; W, lateral wall of ventricle; 1, 2, and 3, leaflets of the tricuspid valve; 4, chorda tendinse ; 5, 6, 7, cusps of semi-lunar valve ; 8, sinus of Valsalva. which hangs from the auricle to the ventricle is continued ; it even appears to lengthen itself out, and the finger, as it were, is drawn into the interior of the ventricle. In fact, the first result of the contraction of the papillary muscle is the lengthening of the auricular cone, the edges of which are afterward brought near each other. While this hollow cone descends into the ventricle, the sides of the latter contract and approach the cone in such a manner that the auriculo-ventricular 512 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. apparatus acts as a sort of hollow piston, which penetrates the ventricle and comes into close contact with its walls, and thus the ventricle (Figs. 207 and 208) empties itself completely, the -contact becoming perfect between its sides and the auricular prolongation. " The result of this mechanism, which is so simple, and t yet so gen- erally misunderstood, is that no reflux of blood into the auricle can take place ; the auricle, even by means of the mechanism which we have de- scribed, exercises a sort of suction upon the venous blood, its cavity being FIG. 208. HEART OF A Cow, WITH LEFT AURICLE AND VENTRICLE LAID OPEN. (Miiller.) a, root of the aorta ; 6, spaces in the wall of the auricle : c c, orifices of the pulmonary veins : 1 1, pul- monary veins ; p p, papillary muscles; auriSar Vtam" 1 01 "" 7 artory; 7, its semi-lunar fi rs t and SCCOnd SOUnds of tllC heart. The first of these sounds is dull and prolonged, and coincides with the systole of the ventricle ; the second sound is shorter, sharper, and of higher pitch, and occurs at the end of the systole, or at the commencement of ventricular relaxation. The musical interval between these two sounds corresponds about to a fourth; the pitch of both sounds varies, but this interval is usually preserved. The first sound is heard with greatest distinctness at the spot where the impulse is felt, and is not dependent upon the cardiac impulse, from the fact that it exists after the removal of the chest-walls. As it coincides with the contraction of the ventricle, it also, of course, coincides with the closure of the auripulo-ventricular valves, and is largely due to the action of these valves. The character ol the first sound of the heart is not, however, purely valvular in nature, and is not what 'would be expected from the sudden closure of a membranous valve. That it is, however, largely due to the CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 515 action of these valves is proved by the alteration in its character which occurs when either the mitral or bicuspid valves are diseased, when this sound becomes obscure, altered, or replaced by murmurs. While the valves in their closure are the principal factors in the pro- duction of the first sound of the heart, its characters are dependent upon the presence of several other factors. It will be found that whenever a muscle contracts a sound is produced which depends for its pitch upon the number of contractions occurring per second. At the moment of closure of the auriculo-ventricular valves the blood is forced out from the ventricles into the great arteries. The rushing sound of this moving column of blood is, therefore, another factor in the production of the first sound of the heart. To recapitulate : It may be stated that the first sound of the heart is produced by the sudden tightening of the auriculo-ventricular valves, whatever view be accepted as to the nature of their action, to the sound of muscular contraction, and to the rushing of the current of blood from the ventricles into the pulmonary artery and aorta. In support of this view, it may be mentioned that when the muscular contraction of the heart becomes greatly weakened from any depressing cause, as in severe fevers, the first sound of the heart becomes distinctly sharper and more purely valvular in nature, evidently due to the diminished intensity of the con- traction of the cardiac muscle. The second sound of the heart is short and sharp, and is due to the sudden closure of the semi-lunar valves, which by their rapid increase in tension, like every other elastic membrane, produce a sound. In living animals, the second sound of the heart is best heard over the root of the large vessels. When the semi-lunar valves are destroyed, as by inserting a hook into these valves, the second sound disappears. The relative lengths of the auricular and ventricular systole and diastole, the time of the occurrence of the impulse, and the different sounds of the heart may be diagrammatical^ represented by a line divided into five parts, which represent the length of a cardiac revolution : 1 | 2 | 3 I 4 | 5 1 1 1 Auricle . . v Systole. Diastole or repose. Ventricle . . Eepose. Systole. Repose. Sounds . . Silence. 1st Sound. 2d Sound. Shock . . . Impulse. We may now extend, somewhat, the sketch which has already been given as to the movement of the blood through the pulsating heart. 516 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. During the diastole of the auricles the blood streams into them from the large venous trunks which are in connection with the base of the heart, the propelling force being the pressure of the blood in the veins and the aspiration exerted by the lungs. Soon the elastic tension of the walls of the dilated auricles becomes sufficiently great to balance the forces which cause the entrance of blood into the auricles; but before the entrance of blood into the auricles is entirely arrested, the ventricles, which had, np to this point, been in systole, and thus prevented entrance of blood from the auricles, now relax, the auriculo-ventricular valves are forced open by the pressure of blood in the auricles, and the ven- tricles dilate, not only through the aspiration of the lungs, but in virtue of the elasticity of their own walls. The auricles now pass into systole, and by the pressure of the con- traction of their muscular walls force the blood from the auricles through the auriculo-ventricular openings into the relaxed and dilating ventricles. The blood passes from the auricles into the ventricles, and not back into the veins, because this is the direction in which the moving blood-cur- rent meets with the least resistance. We have seen that by the opening of the auriculo-ventrieular valves the bottom falls out of the auricles and the dilatation of the empty ventricles exerts a negative pressure on the contents of the auricles. At the same time the contraction of the mus- cular fibres of the auricles serves somewhat to constrict the openings of the veins, and the pressure of the blood in the venae cavae, supported by the valves in the inferior vena cava, offer a sufficient resistance to prevent regurgitation into the veins. The blood continues to flow from the auricles into the ventricles until the propelling force of the contracting auricles is balanced by the elastic tension of the dilated ventricles or by commencing ventricular systole, exit of blood from the ventricles being prevented by the closed semi-lunar valves at the openings of the aorta and pulmonary arter}^. The ventricles now being filled, systole commences, the closure of the auriculo- ventricular valves prevents regurgitation into the auricles, and, the force of the ventricular contraction being greater than the pressure of the blood in the aorta and pulmonary artery, the semi-lunar valves are forced open, and the ventricles empty themselves completely into these vessels. The ventricles then relax, regurgitation from the great arteries being pre- vented by the closure of the semi-lunar valves, the ventricles fill them- selves from the auricles, and the process goes on as before. 3. THE HYDRAULIC PRINCIPLES OF THE CIRCULATION! The physical principles concerned in the movements of the- blood through the arteries of the animal body are largely governed by the purely physical laws of hydraulics. Before, therefore, we attempt to explain the movements of the blood, a glance at the most important of the physical principles of CIBCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 517 hydraulics or hydrodynamics will greatly facilitate the explanation of the circulation. Every fluid particle under the action of the law of gravitation falls like a solid body to the earth. When, however, a large mass of fluid is freely acted on by gravity the slight cohesion exerted by the molecules of liquid on each other leads to their separation one from the other. Every fluid, therefore, in falling tends to separate into drops. This tendency to break up into drops may be prevented either by delaying the flow of the liquid, as by causing it to descend an inclined plane, or permitting the liquid to flow within a vessel in which the tendency of the particles to separate will lead to the production of a vacuum, and atmospheric pressure will, consequently , serve to strengthen the cohesive forces. Consequently, in a stream of liquid falling into a tube each par- ticle is not only acted on by gravity, but also by the pressure of the mass of fluid behind it. If, therefore, an aperture be made in the bottom of any vessel, any particle of liquid on the surface of the fluid contained in that vessel, if we could imagine that it would fall freely without reference to the particles below, would have a velocity on reaching the orifice equal to that of any other body falling through the distance between the level of the liquid and the orifice. If the liquid in such a vessel be maintained at the same level, the particles will follow one another with the same velocity and will issue in the form of a stream ; while, from the principle of transmission of pressures in liquids equally in all directions, a liquid would issue from an orifice in the side with the same velocity as from an aperture in the bottom of the vessel, provided the depth were the same. The velocity of efflux, therefore, as formulated by Torricelli, is the velocity which a freely falling body would have on reaching the orifice after having started from a state of rest at the surface. It is expressed by the formula V = l2^h, in which g = 32.16 ft. It further follows that while the velocitj' of efflux depends on the depth of the orifice below the surface and not on the nature of the liquid, the velocities of the efflux, from the laws of falling bodies, are directly proportional to the square roots of the depths of the orifices, while the quantity of fluid which issues from the orifices of different areas is very nearly proportional to the size of the orifice, provided the level remains constant. It is evident, however, that the mass of liquid in such an ex- periment at the side of the column vertically over the orifice of exit offers by friction more or less resistance to the line of movement. And while the molecules vertically over the centre of the orifice pass directly down and out by the orifice, the molecules of fluid at the side of this moving column not only offer resistance to this downward 518 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. FIG. 212. motion through attraction, but also through their own mobility tend to pass in an oblique line into the moving column. In fact, every particle above the orifice endeavors to pass out of the vessel, and in so doing exerts pressure on every particle near it. The result may be made clear by the diagram (Fig. 212). Every particle above A B endeavors to pass out of the vessel, and in so doing exerts a pressure on those near it. Thosje that issue near A and B exert pressures in the direction M M and N N, those in the centre of the orifice in the direction II Q, those in the intermediate parts in the directions P Q, P Q. In consequence of the fluid in the space P Q, P is unable to escape, and that which does escape, instead of assuming a cylindrical form, contracts and takes the form of a truncated cone. It is found that the escaping jet continues to contract until at a distance from the orifice about equal to the diameter of the orifice. This part of the jet is called the vena contracta. It is found that the area of its smallest section is about five-eighths or 0.62 of that of the orifice. Accordingly, the actual value of the escape is only about 0.62 of its theoretical amount. If a cylindrical tube (termed ajutage), with a length two or three times its diameter, be made the channel of exit of the fluid, the amount discharged per second may be increased to about 0.82 of the theoretical amount. A contracted vein is formed within the tube, just as it would do if issuing freely into the air; but from the adhesion of the water to the interior of this tube, the section of the column flowing from the tube is greater than that of the contracted vein (Fig. 213). (The contraction of the moving column of fluid within the tube causes a partial vacuum, and if a side tube, dipping into mercury, be connected with the ajutage at this point the mercury will rise in the vertical tube, demonstrating the existence of the vacuum. This fact is made use of in Bunsen's filter pump.) If a conical tube be fitted to the orifice of exit, with the smaller end in connection with the vessel, the efflux may be still further increased, and fall very little short of the theoretical amount. Flow of Liquids Through Rigid Tubes. If the ajutage inserted in the side of the vessel has more than a certain length, the amount of fluid escaping is very considerably reduced. This fact rests upon the hydraulic friction produced between the moving liquid and the walls of the tube in liquids which exert a certain amount of adhesion against the FIG. 213. CIBCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 519 walls of the tube ; for the movement of the portion of liquid in contact with the walls of the tube is delayed by adhesion, and the movement of the central column is delayed by friction with the external layers. It is evident that the resistance due to friction along the sides of the tube will depend upon the length of the tube. This may be illustrated by the accompanying diagram. If a horizontal tube be connected with a reservoir of liquid and a number of vertical side arms be connected with the horizontal tube, the liquid will rise in the branch tubes to different heights inversely as the distance of the vertical tube from the reservoir, for the propelling force in the horizontal tube will diminish from point to point on account of the uniformly acting resistance (Fig. 214). The vertical tubes will, there- fore, enable us to measure the pressure exerted by the fluid upon the walls of the tube through which it is flowing, and shows us that the pres- sure at an 3^ point of such a tube will be less the greater the distance from FIG. 214. ESTIMATION OF PRESSURE OF LIQUID IN A HORIZONTAL, OUTFLOW-TUBE CONNECTED WITH A CYLINDRICAL, VESSEL FILLED WITH WATER. (Landois.) a b, outflow-tube, along which are placed at intervals vertical tubes I. II, and III to estimate the pressure. The line D, Dl, D2, D3, D4 indicates the rapidly decreasing pressure. the propelling force. Further, the resistance increases with the velocity of the current ; for it is evident that, the resistance being mainly depend- ent upon friction, if the column of fluid is at rest there is, consequent^, no friction and no resistance, while the greater the rapidity of motion the greater will be the friction, and, consequent!}^, the greater the resist- ance. It follows from this that the smaller the tube the greater will be the resistance, for the smaller the tube the greater will be the velocity of motion. It may, therefore, be said that in a moving column of liquid " the resistance is directly proportional to the length of the tube and is inversely proportional to its cross-section, and increases with the speed of the stream." It has been mentioned that the friction of the central moving column on the outer layer is a source of resistance, consequently increase in the cohesive nature of the fluid will increase the retardation of the central 520 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. column and accordingly increase the resistance, while heat, by diminish- ing the cohesion of the liquid, will lessen the resistance. A similar state of affairs holds in tubes of varying calibre. In tubes of unequal calibre, as already pointed out, the velocity of the current will vary ; that is, it will be slower in the wide part of the tube and more rapid in the narrower parts of the tube. And as the resistance is greater in narrow tubes, the propelling force will diminish more rapidly than in wide tubes. " When a small tube passes suddenly into a tube of larger diameter there is a sudden increase of pressure at the surface of junction, accompanied by a diminution in the speed of movement through the wider tube. The molecules of which the fluid consists cannot suddenly change the swift movement into a slower one, and on account of their inertia the pressure exerted by them on one another develops the increased force. On the other hand, the rapid transition from a slow to a quick movement at a place where a wide tube FIG. 215. DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING THE VARIATIONS OF PRESSURE IN AN OUTFLOW-TUBE OF VARYING CALIBRE. (Rollet.) passes into a narrow one diminishes the pressure. The effect, however, in a system of tubes of a series of wider parts is to diminish the total resistance " (Robertson) (Fig. 215). Bending the tube adds a new resistance, the fluid pressing more strongly on the convex than on the concave side of the bend, and, there- fore, producing greater resistance to movement on the convex side. Consequently, resistance is increased behind the bend and diminished in front of it, with a consequent increase in the velocity of the current at this point. When a tube through which liquid is passing divides into two or more branches, still further resistance is added by not only in- creasing the surface, but by the production of angles and bends. The total calibre of the branches which originate from a single tube may be either greater or less, and so the surface of contact between the walls of the tube and the fluid are either increased or decreased. The most interesting case corresponds to that seen in the develop- CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 521 FIG. 216. DIAGRAM OF VARIATIONS IN PRESSURE IN BRANCHING TUBES. (Wundt.) The changes in represented re in the tube A, B, C, D are the broken line A, B, c, D, E. ment of the circulatory system of animals, where a vessel divides into several branches of greater total calibre than the parent stem, and where, after repeated subdivision, the branches again unite to form a single tube whose calibre is about the same as that of the original tube. A simple representation of such a series of branching tubes is given in Fig. 216. In such a series the pressures are seen in the broken line A, B, c, D, E. At B, taking into consideration only the increase in calibre, a sudden increase in pressure occurs. On the other hand, considering only the occur- rence of bends and angles in the tube, the pressure would suddenly sink. These two causes, however, oppose each other, and the most ordinary rep- resentation of the case would be indicated by a slower sinking in the line of pressure than in the single parent stem. The condition is, how- ever, different where the branches again unite to form a single trunk; here the pressure must fall, because the bed of the stream becomes contracted, while at the same time an angle is also met with. Both these facts, therefore, work in the same direction, and the pressure undergoes a sudden fall which would be greater than that produced by mere contraction of the stem. It follows from the above that in a symmetrical system of tubes the pressure does not symmetricall}* increase and decrease, but will be greater in any portion in the centre of the system of the tubes (at M, Fig. 216) than the mean of pressure at any two points equally distant in front or behind this point. It ma} r , there- fore, happen that in a complicated system of branching tubes the re- sistance is not greater than in a single tube, or may even be smaller, since the increase in the diameter may diminish the resistance more than the branching increases it. If the resistance is the same, it is evident, also, that the rapidity is the same in both cases, and as a consequence more fluid will flow out of such a branching system of tubes when the resistance is smaller than would escape from a single tube (Fig. 217). The angle formed by the branches with the original stem seems to produce no marked influence on the resistance and velocity of movement. The above relationship between resistance and velocity of movement FIG. 217. DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM OF BRANCH- ING TUBES. (Wundt.) 522 PHYSIOLOGY OP THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. and diameter of the tube only holds as long as the calibre of the tubes does not fall below a certain diameter. In capillary tubes the conditions are so far similar in that the resist- ance is proportional to the length of the tube. It has been found, how- ever, that the discharge is not proportional to the calibre of the tube, but to the fourth power of the diameter. This is evidently to be explained by the greater prominence attributed to the adhesion of the fluid to the wails of the tube, and will; therefore, differ greatly in different liquids. The, Flow of Liquids Through Elastic Tubes. When a constant stream passes through an elastic tube the conditions are precisely the same as have been described as governing the movement of liquids through rigid tubes. When, however, the current is intermittent, the elasticity of the tube then comes into play, and decidedly modifies the conditions of movement. If a quantity of liquid be forcibly injected into an elastic tube already distended with fluid, the first part of the tube suddenly dilates to accommodate the quantity of fluid propelled into it. This impulse communicates a movement of undulation to the par- ticles of fluid, which is rapidly transmitted to all the particles of fluid within the tube. In other words, a wave movement is rapidly propa- gated throughout the entire length of the tube. If the elastic tube be imagined to be closed at its further end, the wave will be reflected from the point of occlusion, and will be conducted to and fro in the tube, gradually decreasing in intensity until it at length disappears. This propagation of the wave should not be confounded with the forward move- ment of the fluid. For when the fluid itself moves the movement of each particle is in the line of the axis of the tube, but in a wave move- ment the motion of the particles is simply one of undulation at right angles to the line of movement, and not of forward movement. In a rigid tube, a movement of progression alone exists. In a closed elastic tube, filled with liquid, into which more fluid is suddenly injected, the wave movement alone exists. If the peripheral end of the elastic tube be open and more fluid be injected, both movements co-exist ; that is, there is a forward progression of the particles of the liquid added to the wave movement already de- scribed. When the wave movement passes in the same direction as the current, it is called a positive wave; when in the opposite direction, it is called a negative wave. The speed of propagation of the wave is pro- portional to the elastic force/ of the walls of the tube, while the height of the wave depends upon their extensibility. It is evident from the above that the movement of liquids in open tubes will vary according to whether their walls are rigid or elastic. If in a rigid tube a definite amount of liquid be injected, no more or no less CIKCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 523 can escape from the open end. If the calibre of a rigid tube be dimin- ished, the increased resistance will react on the propelling power, and will likewise prevent injection of more than can escape by the open end. Thus, suppose a rigid tube be connected with a pump which throws any definite quantit}', say one ounce, of water at each stroke, the rigid tube being supposed to be already distended with liquid. At each stroke of the pump, therefore, one ounce of liquid will escape from the free end. Suppose, now, the free end of the rigid tube be so decreased in calibre as to allow only one-half the previous quantity to escape, this resistance will, therefore, react on the pump and prevent its throwing more than one-half the quantity into the tube. If, on the other hand, the walls of the tube be elastic, the conditions Will vary according as the resistance is increased or diminished. If an elastic tube of the same length and diameter as the rigid tube already experimented with be connected with a pump throwing the same quantity of liquid at each stroke, it is evident that the con- ditions will be the same as in the rigid tube ; that is, the same amount of fluid will escape from the free end as enters at the opposite end from the pump, and the time of injection and escape of liquid will coincide. If, now, the distal end of the elastic tube be contracted so as to diminish the outflow, the pump still throwing the same amount of fluid, it is evident that if we say only one-half of the amount injected can escape from the free end of the tube the other half will collect in the tube and overdistend its walls. In the intervals of action of the pump, the elasticity of the walls of the tube will lead to their contraction, and this recoil will act as a propelling power on the contents of the tube, and lead to its escape from the end of the tube. The stream, now, instead of being inter- rupted and in jerks, will tend to become continuous. Thus, elastic tubes have the power of transforming an intermittent into a continuous flow. The fluid thus contained in a series of elastic tubes is subjected to two pressures, one derived from the propelling force and the other exerted by the elastic walls, due to the overdistention of the tubes. In tubes with elastic walls, the velocity of the current is diminished before the quantity of fluid discharges is increased. In the mechanics of the circulation the former of these forces is spoken of as blood pressure upon the walls of the vessels, and is due to the propelling power of the heart; while the second, the force exerted by the walls of the arteries upon the blood, due to the recoil of these vessels, is spoken of as arterial tension. 4. THE CIRCULATION IN THE ARTERIES. The principal cause of the movement of the blood in the arterial system is the intermittent 524 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. contraction of the ventricles. At each systole of the ventricles the heart completely empties itself, and, consequently, throws into the blood- vessels the amount of blood capable of being contained in its cavity, while at the same time an equal quantity of blood enters the heart from the veins. This injection of new amounts of blood into the arterial system, as a consequence, occurs intermittently, as may be readily recognized by opening the artery of an animal, when it will be found that the blood will issue in spurts, each spurt corresponding to a con- traction of the ventricles. It will, however, be remarked that there is also an escape of blood during the pauses of the contractions of the heart, and that the farther from the heart a blood-vessel be opened the less will be the apparent effect of ventricular contraction in increas- ing the velocity with which the blood flows from the divided vessel. In other words, the blood within the blood-vessels is subjected to a con- siderable tension, derived from the elasticity of the vascular walls, and this tension itself serves partly to assist in the onward movement of the blood. When a vessel divides, except in rare instances, the sum of the calibre of the branches is, as a rule, greater than that of the parent stem. In nearly all cases, however, the capacity of the branches is consider- ably greater than the original vessels before division, even though the sum of the diameters of the branches be but little greater than that of the parent stem. The arterial system may thus be regarded as a cone whose apex joins the left ventricle, and whose base is represented by the capillary S3^stem. The venous system, on the other hand, may be repre- sented by an inverted cone, whose base is formed by the capillaries, and whose apex is in communication with the right auricle. In the arteries the conditions of the movements of the blood are largely governed by the physical characteristics of the walls of the blood- vessels. The arteries consist of three coats an inner serous coat or endothelium, the middle elastic and muscular coat, and an outer fibrous coat. It is to the middle coat that the physical characters of the circu- lation are largely due. The proportion of muscular fibre to elastic tissue varies considerably in different parts of the arterial system. In the large arteries directly in the neighborhood of the heart the middle coat is composed almost solely of yellow elastic tissue, while the muscular fibres are present in small amount. As the capillary system is ap- proached, or, in other words, as the arteries become smaller and smaller by repeated subdivisions, the elastic coat diminishes in amount, while the muscular coat increases. The relative proportions of these two elements of the middle coat are, therefore, inversely as the diameter of the vessel. The action of these two elements is to a certain extent antagonistic, although they both combined serve to assist in the onward movement of the blood. CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 525 The direction of the muscular fibres of the arteries is circular, while longitudinal fibres are absent. As a consequence, the contraction of the muscular coat of an artery tends to obliterate its calibre. On the other hand, the elastic element tends to keep the artery open. When, there- fore, an artery is reduced in calibre by contraction of its muscular fibres, when the muscular coat becomes relaxed, the elastic coat dilates it. There is no active dilating mechanism in the walls of the blood-vessels. The combined action of these two forces, the expanding force of the elastic coat and the contracting force of the muscular coat, would serve to cause the arteries to assume the form of hollow ribbons with flattened sides, or flattened cylinders. This shape is found in the arteries of an animal when examined after death. In the act of dying the arteries empty themselves by the contraction of the muscular coat, forcing their entire contents over into the venous system ; they, therefore, become completely emptied, and are then flattened cylinders ; this condition holds until one of the larger arteries be opened; air then enters the arteries, the muscular force having been lost through death; the arteries then dilate through the action of the elastic tissue which is longer pre- served, and they now become hollow C3 T linders filled with air. It is thus seen that the larger arteries are highly elastic tubes, and the influence of the elasticity of the walls of a tube on a moving column of fluid has been already alluded to. In other words, the elastic tissue in the walls of the large arteries tends to overcome the intermittent action of the heart and to render the flow of blood in the arteries continuous. In the smaller arteries the elastic tissue is reduced in amount and often becomes en- tirely absent, but, on the other hand, the proportion of muscular tissue is increased. Muscular tissue is itself a highly elastic tissue, consequently the smaller arteries are not only elastic but are also supplied with con- tractile walls, and as a consequence their calibre may be reduced, thus permitting variations in the supply of blood to different localities. The conditions for permitting a satisfactory interchange between the blood and different organs are, therefore, fulfilled. For we have not only a constant flow of blood through all parts of the body, but this flow is susceptible of general and local alterations ; general alterations, be- cause the heart itself is capable, as already indicated, of being modified in its activity ; and, second, because we see that the smaller arteries are supplied with tissue which, by regulating the calibre of the blood-vessels, is capable of regulating the amount of blood supplied to different organs. The mechanism by which this supply is governed will be alluded to directly. Blood Pressure. In the arteries in their normal state the elastic coat is in a condition of distention beyond its point of equilibrium. In other words, the arteries are vessels overfilled with fluid. The contents 526 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. of the vessels must, consequently, produce pressure on the walls of the blood-vessels to a sufficient degree to prevent the regaining by tM elastic tissue of its position of equilibrium. Such a tension as already described is one of the important factors in blood pressure. By blood pressure is meant the pressure which the blood exerts on the walls of the vessels. By arterial tension is meant the pressure which the walls of the vessels exert on their contents. It is thus seen that these two terms are mutually convertible. The pressure which the blood exerts on the walls of the vessels is, of course, dependent upon the energy of the contraction of the heart and the resistance which the capillaries offer to the onward motion of the blood. The pressure which the elastic walls of the arteries exert on their contents will, of course, again depend upon the amount of blood contained in the arteries and their consequent distention, and while this, again, as we shall see, is capable of being modified by different causes, it is mainty dependent upon the activity of the heart. Blood pressure is measured by estimating the pressure which the blood exerts on the vas- cular walls. It has been mentioned that when an opening is made in the walls of an artery the blood escapes therefrom in jets,, and it is found that the larger the artery, and, consequently, the nearer the opening is to the heart, the higher will be the jet of blood and the more intermittent will be the flow ; this indicates that the blood pressure is, therefore, greater in the large vessels than in the small arterioles, and is only what is to be expected from the conditions which are necessary for the maintenance of the circulation. It has been stated that the arteries subdivided into smaller and smaller vessels', and, consequently, the friction proportionally increases with the minuteness of the vessel. It is, therefore, evident, further, that the pressure in the large arteries must be higher than in the arterioles, and in all arteries higher than in the veins. The hlood pressure may be directly measured in any accessible artery by directly connecting a manometer with the interior of the vessel (Fig. 218). Such an instrument, in its simplest form, consists of a U -shaped tube containing mercury * in its lower part, the distal end being free to the atmosphere, and the proximal end connected directly with the interior of the blood-vessel. If the pressure in the blood-vessel is greater than the atmospheric pressure, it is evident that the mercury will be depressed in the proximal arm and rise in the distal arm, until the difference in height between the columns of mercury in the two arms equals the pressure exerted by the fluid. Such an experiment is termed a blood-pressure experiment, and is readily performed on any of our domestic animals. To make a blood-pressure experiment, the animal should be securely fastened and the artery exposed through an incision. In the dog, in which such experiments may be most conveniently performed, the arteries usually experi- mented on are the carotid or the femoral. To expose the carotid artery, the' hair is removed from the front part of the neck, and an incision, about two inches in length, made in the middle of the neck, at the anterior border of the sterno-mas- toid muscle : the platysma and subcutaneous fascia are then broken through with forceps or blunt hooks, and the sterno-mastoid muscle pushed to the outside, and the artery is readily found lying beneath it, the pneumogastric nerve running in the same sheath. The bundle containing the pneumogastric, the sympathetic, and CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 527 carotid arteries is then raised on a blunt hook, the connective tissue gently torn away with two pairs of forceps, and the artery freed from the surrounding nerves and fibrous tissue. After the blood-vessel is so isolated for a distance of about an inch, it is firmly ligated at the extremity of the free portion nearest to the head, and a thread is then tied in a loop-knot around the artery at the end of its freed extremity nearest to the heart. A small cut is then made in the interme- diate portion with a pair of scissors, and a slightly constricted glass tube inserted into the interior of the artery and bound fast with a thread. This glass tube is then to be filled by a pipette with a saturated solution of sodium bicarbonate, to prevent coagulation of the blood, and the cannula then connected by thick rubber tubing, also filled with the same solution, with the proximal arm of the manome- ter. Care should be taken that all air-bubbles are removed from the cannula, rubber tube, and proximal arm of the manometer, so that the entire tubing, from the level of the mercury to the interior of the carotid, is completely filled with soda solution. If, now, the slip-knot previously tied around the carotid is FIG. 218. MERCURIAL MANOMETER FOR MEASURING AND RECORDING THE BLOCTO PRESSURE. (Yeo.) a, proximate limb of the manometer; b, union of the two limbs of the manometer: e, the rod floating in the mercury carries the writing point; d, stop-cock through which the sodium bicarbonate can be introduced between the blood and the mercury of the manometer. loosened, thus establishing communication between the interior of the artery and the manometer, the blood at once rushes from the artery into the connecting tube, and so causes the level of mercury to be depressed in the proximal arm and rise in the distal arm. This rise of mercury occurs very rapidly, in jerks correspond- ing to the beats of the heart, and soon reaches its maximum. When this point is attained, the mercury does not remain level, but undergoes rapid oscillations, each rise corresponding to the systole of the ventricle, each fall correspond- ing to the diastole. If a float, swimming on the top of the mercury, in the distal arm of the manometer be allowed to record its up-and-down movements on a moving surface, as, for example, the revolving drum of the kymographion (Fig. 219), a series of curves will be produced, in which each ascent cor- responds to the contraction of the ventricle, each descent to its diastole (Fig. 220). In the experiment, as above described, it is evident that a considerable quantity of blood will leave the arterial system and fill the tube of the manometer. 528 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. To avoid this loss of blood, it is therefore advisable to inject the sodium carbo- nate solution into the tube of the manometer until the column of mercury has been elevated to the height which will probably correspond to that of the mean arterial pressure. Comparative experiments made in the above-described manner will show that the blood pressure is considerably higher in the arteries than in the veins, and greater in the large arteries than in the arterial branches (Fig. 221) ; so, also, the pressure may be demonstrated to be higher in the small veins than in the large veins at their opening into the heart. Experiment will further show that in the veins the pressure is almost constant, overlooking the insignificant variations which are due to respiration ; so, also, the pressure will be found to be almost constant in FIG. 219. LUDWIG'S KYMOGRAPHION, AFTER HERMANN. (Yco.) The ordinary form of rotating, blackened cylinder (R), which is moved by the clock-work in the box (A) by means of the disk (D) pressing on the wheel (), which can be raised or lowered by the screw (L) BO as to rub on a part of the disk more or less near the centre, and 'thus rotate at different rates. The cylinder may be raised by the screw () which is turned by the handle (U). the small arteries, while in the large arteries considerable variations, corresponding in their increase to the systole and their decrease to the diastole, are invariably found. It is evident that the mean between the maximum and minimum pressures in the arteries, as indicated by these oscillations, will represent the force which is concerned in the propul- sion of the blood. Although theoretically and practically the pressure decreases as the distance increases from the heart, yet in any artery which is not too small to be subjected to such manometrical experiments it will be found that the pressure will be slightly affected, not more than one-tenth lower than the mean pressure in the aorta. This fact indicates that the blood in moving through the arteries has to overcome but slight CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 529 FIG. 220. BLOOD-PRESSURE CURVE, DRAWN BY MERCURIAL MANOMETER. (Yeo.) 0to x = zero line, y to yl = curve with large respiratory waves and small waves of heart impulse. A scale is introduced to show height of pressure in millimeters of mercury. FIG. 221. DIAGRAM SHOWING THE RELATIVE HEIGHTS OF BLOOD PRESSURE IN THE DIFFERENT REGIONS OF THE VESSELS. ( Yeo.) H, heart; A. arteries: a. arterioles : r, capillaries: V. small veins; r, large veins: H V, being the zero line, the pressure is indicated bv the elevation of the curve. The numbers to the left give the pressures (approximately) in millimeters of mercury. 34 530 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. resistance, evidently to be* explained by the fact that as the arteries divide their total calibre increases. If the mean pressure in the artery is measured at different times it will be found to be subject to very great variations, from causes which will subsequently receive attention. The average blood pressure of mammals is by no means dependent upon the animal's size. In all cases the arterial blood pressure may be stated as exceeding the atmospheric pressure and varying between one hundred and two hundred millimeters of mercury. The following table gives various estimates of the mean arterial pressure in different animals (Volkmann) : Animal. Mean Pressure in mm. of Mercury. Horse, . 321 mm. (Ludwig) in the carotid artery Horse, . 214 " " Horse, . 150 (Spengler) brachial Horse (old), 140 " " Sheep, . 206 (Ludwig) carotid Sheep, . 169 " " Sheep, . 156 (Blake) brachial Sheep (old), 86 " *< Calf, . 177 (Ludwig) carotid Calf, . 165 (Spengler) " Calf, . 153 brachial Calf, . 133 (Ludwig) " Dog (large), 172 < n carotid Dog, , 157 (Blake) brachial Dog, . 166 (Spengler) carotid Dog, . 143 (Ludwig) brachial Dog (young) 104 " Goat, . 135 " Cat, 150 " Rabbit, . 90 " Goose, . 162 (Blake) carotid Stork, . 161 M Pigeon, 157 brachial The facts thus reached experimentally as to the gradual decrease in pressure from the arteries to the commencement of the veins and from there to the larger venous trunks completely explains the constant cur- rent of blood from the arteries to the veins. The blood, therefore, moves in a circle from the heart to the arteries, through the capillaries to the veins, and from the veins to the heart, to again enter the arterial system. The Velocity of the Blood. From the fact that the arteries as they pass into the capillaries increase immensely in area, and as the capillaries pass into the veins a corresponding decrease is found, it is to be expected that the velocity of the blood-current will be greatest in the vessels near the heart. As the blood leaves the heart to pass into the aorta the velocity of the current is at its maximum ; it then gradually decreases as the capillaries are reached, then undergoes a sudden retardation, and again, as the blood is collected from the capillaries in the veins, the current moves with an increasing velocity as the right side of the heart is ap- proached. No absolute figures can be given as representing the normal CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 531 velocity at any point in the blood-vessel system, since measurements show that at any one point the velocity is subject to very great varia- tions. The velocit}* and pressure of the blood at any given point do not correspond, and may even be in inverse ratio ; thus many causes, such as obstruction of any part of the vascular system, will increase the blood pressure at that point and decrease the velocity. As a rule, the pressure at any point depends upon the distance of that point from the heart, whether in the arterial or venous S3 r stem, while the velocity depends upon the capacity of the vessels at that point. Where the area of the circulatory system is very large, as in the capillaries, the blood circulates slowly, just as the current of a stream becomes retarded as it widens into a lake. Various methods have been employed for calculating the rapidity of the circulation in different blood-vessels. The following represents the estimations as to the flow in the arteries, capillaries, and veins of the horse (Volkmann): Carotid artery, 300 mm. per second Maxillary artery, 165 Metatarsal artery, . . . . .56 Capillaries, 0.5 to 0.8 Jugular vein, ...... 100 Vena cava, . . . . . .110 Chauveau estimates the velocity of the blood-flow in the carotid of the horse as varying from 520 to 150 mm. per second, the highest velocity coexisting with the systole of the ventricle and the lowest with its dias- tole. In the larger veins respiration also produces considerable varia- tion in the velocity of the flow, the velocity being increased in inspira- tion and decreased in expiration. The velocity of the circulation through any one vessel may be modified by a number of causes ; provided the artery maintains its calibre unchanged, the velocity would evidently be dependent upon the propelling force. Therefore, an increase in the energy of the heart's contraction, the calibre of the arteries remaining unchanged, will produce an accelerated flow through those vessels, while a decrease in the heart's energy will correspondingly retard the arterial current. On the other hand, the heart's energy remaining the same, a dilatation of the artery will cause a slowing of the current, and a reduc- tion in the calibre of the artery will cause the current to become acceler- ated. So, also, if the resistance to be overcome in the circulation of the blood be reduced, as by the relaxation of the capillaries, the energy of the heart's contraction and the calibre of the artery remaining the same, the velocity of the blood-current will be increased ; while, again, an increase in the resistance, the other conditions being unchanged, will retard the blood-flow. 532 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. Various attempts have been made to calculate the time required by the blood for making one complete circuit of the body. The method which is generally accepted as giving reliable results is what is known as the " transfusion method " of Hering, and consists in injecting into one of the jugular veins toward the heart a solution of some salt, the presence of which in the blood may be readily recognized by chemical tests, and in finding how soon after the injection the salt appears in the blood coming from the head in the corresponding vein on the opposite side of the neck. As determined by Vierordt, the duration of the circulation in different animals is as follows : Horse, . 31.5 seconds. Goose, . 10.86 seconds. Dog. . 16.7 " Duck, . 10.64 " Rabbit, . 7.79 " Buzzard, . 6.73 " Hedgehog, 7.61 " Fowl, . 5.17 Cat, . By comparing these numbers with the frequency of the pulse in these animals, the deduction has been made that the circulation is accomplished in 21 heart-beats. From this the amount of blood thrown out at each contraction of the ventricle may be calculated : for if the entire amount of blood passes through the heart in 27 pulsations, one pulsation will throw out gV the total amount of blood in the body, and placing this amount at, for example, ^ of the body weight in a man weighing 65.8 kilos, the ventricles at each pulsation will discharge 187.5 grammes, the amount, of course, being the same for both ventricles.. If we assume that these data are approximately correct, the work done by the heart may be calculated. One kilogramme-meter is a force which in the unit of time can raise one kilo one meter high. If, therefore, the left ventricle expels 0.188 gramme of blood against the pressure of blood in the aorta (250 milligrammes of mercury or 3.21 meters of blood), the work done at each systole is 0.188 X 3.21 = 0.604 kilogramme-meter. If the number of beats is 75 per minute, then the work done in twenty- four hours = (0.604 X 75 X 60 X 24) = 65,230. kilogramme-meters, while the work done by the right ventricle, since the pressure in the pulmonary artery is only one-third that of the aorta, will be one-third this amount, or 21,740. kilogramme-meters: and both ventricles together will do a work of 86,907. kilogramme-meters in the twenty -four hours. Since part of this work is converted into heat, the contractions of the heart assist in maintaining the body temperature. In the case of the ox it has been estimated that 0.75 liter of blood is driven from the left ventricle at each systole, and since the pulse in this animal averages 50 per minute 37.50 liters of blood will pass through the heart in each minute, or 900 liters in twenty-four hours. The specific gravity of the blood being 1045, 18,810 pounds of blood, or CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 533 fifteen times the body weight, will be set in motion b}^ the contractions of each ventricle, or 37,620 pounds in all, Jf it be admitted that the amount of blood in the ox is ^ of the body weight, or 52.18 pounds, and each systole propels 0.75 liter, or 1J pounds of blood, thirty-five con- tractions of the heart would be needed to drive the entire amount once around the body ; or, the pulse-rate being 50 per minute, the circulation would be completed in forty-two seconds. It is evident that these figures are in opposition to the estimates obtained by Bering's method, which, according to Vierordt, places the duration of the circulation as equal to the time required by the heart for making twenty-seven pulsations.* The Pulse. As the left ventricle empties itself into the aorta it is compelled to overcome the pressure of the blood already contained in the arterial system and two phenomena result an acceleration of the current of blood toward the capillaries and the dilatation of the aorta to accommodate the additional amount of blood thrown in by the ventricle. In the description of the physical principles concerned in the pas- sage of fluid through an overfilled system of tubes with elastic walls, it was stated that at each introduction of fluid a wave was produced which rapidly traversed the walls of the tube, its velocity of movement being proportional to the tension of the walls of the tube, while its cause was found not in the passage of the fluid, but in an up-and-down oscilla- tion of the walls of the vessels. Such a wave of oscillation as seen in the arterial system is described as the pulse. The pulse is, therefore, the diastole of the arteries. In the arteries which are close to the heart this diastole is almost synchronous to the systole of the ventricle, but as the distance from the heart increases a sensible interval may be recog- nized between the contraction of the ventricle and the appearance of the pulse-wave. This time is required for the transmission of the wave through the walls of the vessels. To determine the time required for the transmission of this wave it is only necessary to estimate the interval of time elapsing between the contraction of the heart and the appearance of the pulse-wave in any locality. This time, together with the distance of the point examined from the heart, will enable us to calculate the rate of movement of the pulse-wave. It has been found that the transmission *It is probable that the data on which the above calculations are made are not even approximately correct, though they may perhaps serve to give a general idea of the subject. For experimental proof as to the different sources of error in Bering's method and the mode of calculating the amount of blood thrown out in the contractions of the ventricles, see papers by the author "A New Method for Determining the Amount of Blood Thrown Into the Arterial System by Each Ventricular Systole," Philadelphia Medical Times, Jan. 26, 1884, and "The Time Required by the Blood for Making One Complete Circuit of the Body," Transactions of the College of Physicians, Philadelphia, 1884, and American Journal of the. Medical Sciences, April, 1884. Also W. H. Howell and F. Donaldson, " Proceedings of the Royal Society," No. 226, 1883 and 1884, p. 139, and Stolnikow, Archiv fur Anat. u. Physiologic, 1886. 534 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. of the undulation is not uniform in all segments of the arterial system. It progressively diminishes from the centre to the periphery, and in- creases with the resistance and thickness of the arterial walls. It is, therefore, more rapid in the arteries of the inferior extremities. It has been found that in man in the arterial system of the upper extremities the pulse-wave travels with a velocity of 5.8 meters per sec- ond. In the arterial system of the leg the velocity of movement is about 6.4 per second. In } r oung individuals before maturity, and when, there- fore, the arteries are more extensible and, consequently, less elastic, the velocity of the pulse-wave is diminished, it then being only about four meters per second. So, also, the causes which reduced the blood-pres- sure will also reduce the rapidity of movement of the pulse-wave. It must not be forgotten that the time of appearance of the pulse-wave in any point of the arterial system by no means indicates that the blood thrown out from the left ventricle would in that interval reach the point at which the pulse-wave is perceived ; for by comparing the velocities of movement of the blood, even in the vessels where the velocity of movement is highest, and the velocity of movement of the pulse-wave, it will be found that the latter moves with many times the higher velocity. The onward current of the blood in the arteries at points at a distance removed from the heart is due to the blood being mechanically pushed forward by the increased quantities thrown into the vascular system by the contraction of the ventricle. When the finger is applied over a superficial artery resting upon some firm surface, as on a bone, a series of impulses are felt which coin- cide in number with the contractions of the heart. They are not, how- ever, synchronous with the heart's contraction, but each dilatation of the artery will occur at an appreciable interval after the heart's con- traction, the length of that interval corresponding with the distance of the point examined from the heart. This intermittent expansion is called the pulse, and corresponds to the intermittent outflow of the blood from a severed artery, and is present in the arteries only, being absent, except under certain circumstances, from the capillaries and veins. The practical phenomena concerned in the production of the different degrees of the pulse-wave may be reproduced by forcing fluid intermit- tent^ through a tube with elastic walls, in which a variable resistance may be introduced, and by so arranging movable levers in contact with the walls of the tube as to enable them to record their movements on a revolving surface. The following diagram, after Marey (Fig. 222), represents the curves produced by a series of levers placed at intervals of twenty centimeters along an elastic tube, into which fluid is forced by the intermittent strokes of a pump. With each stroke of the pump each lever rises and then falls, thus describing a curve and indicating an expansion of the tube, which travels along its walls in the form of CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 535 a wave. The rise of each lever is abrupt ; its fall is more gradual, and usually marked by secondary fluctuations. If two levers, separated by a considerable length of tube, be allowed to record their movements on a rapidly traveling surface, it will be found that on working the pump the movements described by the levers will not be synchronous ; in other words, an appreciable interval of time will be required for the trans- mission of the wave through the length of tube separating the two levers. In ,WV\AA/W\A/\/VWW 50V FIG. 222. PULSE- WAVES DESCRIBED BY LEVERS PLACED AT INTERVALS OF TWENTY CENTIMETERS ON AN ELASTIC TUBE, INTO WHICH FLUID is FORCED BY THE SUDDEN STROKE OF A PUMP, (foster.) The pulse-wave is traveling from left to right; A, primary, and B C secondary waves. The intervals between the dotted lines each correspond to 1-50 second, determined by the tuning-fork curve V, and permit measurement of the velocity of the wave. A'A' are reflected waves from the closed end of the tube. such an apparatus the statement already made as to the conditions governing the rapidity of transmission of the wave-impulse may be readily demonstrated. The more rigid the tube, the more rapid the movement of the wave ; the more exten- sible the tube, the slower the wave travels. It will also be noticed that the nearer the levers are to the pump, the greater will be their excursion, indicating a greater expansion of the tube at that point, while in very long tubes the wave gradually decreases in intensity until it often becomes scarcely distinguishable. 536 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. The same condition applies in the arterial system of animals : the nearer the artery to the heart, the greater will be its expansion on the systole of the ventricle and the stronger will be the pulse, while the greater the distance the less will be the expansion and the weaker, consequently, will be the pulse. It has been mentioned that the descending limb of the curve described by such levers is ordinarily broken into a number of secondary undulations. These may be due to various causes. When by the injection of a mass of fluid the walls of the tube are distended, as they regain their position of equilibrium inertia carries them still farther, until the point of equilibrium has been passed ; a recoil then takes place, and so on. In other words, each point of the tube is the seat of a series of oscillations following each succeeding wave, and which are due simply to the inertia of the walls of the tube. FIG. 223. MAREY'S SPHYGMOQRAPH. (Yeo.) The frame B, B, B, is fastened to the wrist by the straps at B, B, and the rest of the instrument lies on the forearm. The end of the screw, V, rests on the spring, R, the button of which liee on the radial artery. Any motion of the button at R is communicated to V, which moves the lever L up and down. When in position, the blackened slip of glass is made to move evenly by the clock-work, H, so that the writing point draws a record of the movements of the lever. Again, in the artificial scheme of the circulation, if the resistance be consider- able, or if the end of the tube be completely obstructed, the wave will be reflected from the distal end of the tube, and will again cause a secondary wave. If a lever (the sphygrnograph, Fig. 223) be so placed on an artery in a living animal as to record the movements of its walls, various breaks will also be seen in the descending limb of the pulse-curve (Fig. 224). The most important of these is the so-called dicrotic wave, which is more or less marked in every pulse r although it may be so exaggerated as to produce the impression of a double impulse, or may, on the other hand, be scarcely perceptible. Anything which reduces the tension in the arterial system will facilitate the development of the dicrotic wave. Anything which increases the rigidity of the arteries reduces the degree of the dicrotic wave. It is, therefore, evident that the dicrotic wave is FIG. 224. TRACING DRAWN BY MAREY'S SPHYGMOGRAPH. (Yeo.) mainly a wave of oscillation, due to the inertia of the walls of the vessels, possibly being reinforced by a wave of expansion reflected from the closure of the aortic valves. When the conditions are especially favorable for producing such waves of oscillation, or, in other words, when the walls of the arteries are especially relaxed, we will then sometimes find that the pulse-curve in its descent will be marked by two breaks, the first of which is then spoken of as the pre-dicrotic and the second as the dicrotic wave. 5. THE CIRCULATION IN THE CAPILLARIES. The capillaries consist of minute tubules whose walls are constituted by a single layer of trans- parent, thin, nucleated, endothelial cells joined to each other by their CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 537 margins. These tubules divide and reunite to form net-works which differ in shape and arrangement in different organs and tissues. Their diameter varies considerably, but is as a rule about that of the single red blood-corpuscle. In the lungs and brain, the capillaries are smaller than those of the skin ; in the retina and muscle, are smaller than in bone, FIG. 225. SMALL PORTION OF FROG'S LIVER, VERY HIGHLY MAGNIFIED, AFTER HUXLEY. (Yeo.) A, wall of capillary vessels ; B, tissue lying between the capillaries ; C, epithelial cells of the skin, only shown in part of specimen where the surface is in focus ; D, nuclei of the epithelial cells ; E, pigment- cells, contracted ; F, red blood-corpuscles : G, H, red corpuscles squeezing their way through a narrow capillary, showing their elasticity ; I, white blood-cells. marrow, river, and the choroid tunic of the eye. In all probability the walls of the capillaries are not contractile, although they are capable of undergoing variations in diameter, this change in all probability being of a passive nature, owing to similar phenomena taking place in the small arteries and veins. Thus, the pulse which is evident in inflamed 538 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. organs is not due to rhythmic contractions of the walls of the capillaries, but to the paralysis of the walls of the minute arterioles and the conse- quent conduction of the impulse from the heart. The circulation of the blood through the capillaries admits of ready study in the transparent tissues of different organs, such as the web of a frog's foot, the lung of the frog, or the mesentery of the guinea-pig. When such tissue is subjected to microscopic examination in an animal rendered motionless by the injection of curare, the blood may be seen passing in a continuous stream from the smaller arterioles through the capillaries to the veins (Fig. 225). The arterioles are readily recognized by the greater velocity of the flow within them and by the fact that occasionally faint pulsations synchronous with the contractions of the heart may be recognized. Under ordinary circumstances when the circulation through the capillaries is examined it will be found that the corpuscles pass in single file with a velocity usually of about 0.5T mm. a second. The calibre of the capillaries is, however, the seat of frequent changes whose mechanism will be subsequently studied. Often we shall find that the capillaries dilate, and we have then a stream of corpuscles moving several abreast through them, and even while undergoing inspection the capillaries may be seen to become smaller in diameter and occasionally in certain places so narrow as to refuse the passage of a single corpuscle; the blood then becomes blocked up behind this contraction, and then we have channels dilating behind this obstruction and carrying off the stagnated blood. The mean blood pressure in the capillaries has been placed at about thirty-five millimeters of mercury, but it is evident that this pressure must be subject to very great variations. When a microscopic examination is made of a frog's foot it is seen that the file of nucleated corpuscles move with their axes parallel with the stream, rotating sometimes on their axes, and occasionally we find an evidence of the flexibility of the red blood-cells by noticing that sometimes one of these cells, striking the bifurcation of a capillary, will become doubled on itself, part lying in one branch and part in another, until finally driven along by the cells coming behind it. The white blood-cells will be found to be moving with a much lower velocity than the red blood-corpuscles (one-tenth or one-twelfth as fast), rolling slowly along in contact with the walls of the capillaries outside of the central, rapidly moving blood-current. Such a layer is termed the inert layer, and in nearly all cases it will be found that, while the red blood-cells move in a rapid stream through the centre of the vessel, a clear space between this central column and the walls of the capillaries may be recognized, in which inert layer, as already mentioned, the white cells may be nearly always found. The presence of the white blood-cells CIKCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 539 in this peripheral layer is due to two causes. The white blood-cells are much more adhesive than the red, and therefore tend to cling to the sides of the capillaries. In addition to this, the white blood-cells are lighter in specific gravity than the red, and it has been noticed that when a fluid holding particles in suspension of two different densities is forced through a capillary tube, the heavier particles will always pass through the rapidly moving axial current, while the lighter particles will be in a current by the sides of the tube, where the friction is greatest and where motion is therefore slowest. When the circulation is studied in the vessels of the mesentery of a warm-blooded animal, or where inflammation is produced in the tissues of the web of a frog's foot by mechanical irritation, the corpuscles may frequently be observed to pass through the walls of the vessel in great numbers (diapedesis). At first the colorless cells are found to move more and more slowly; several accumulate and adhere to the wall and ultimately pass out through it, during the act of passing being finely drawn out into slender, protoplasmic threads. It is doubtful whether actual stomata or openings exist between the cells which compose the vascular walls, or whether they simply pass through the cement substance between the endothelial cells. 6. THE CIRCULATION IN THE VEINS. The veins are much less elastic than the arteries, and so do not remain open, even in a dead body, after the blood has been withdrawn; otherwise they resemble the arteries in structure, although the muscular element in them is unequally distributed. The veins are, nevertheless, contractile, although unequally so, and may often be noticed to reduce in diameter when the part is exposed to the cold or to various other irritations. The veins are very dilatable, and are in capacity much greater than that of the arterial system : the veins are, in fact, capable of containing the entire blood of the body. When a vein is cut the flow from the divided extremity occurs usually from the distal end; that is, the one nearest the capillaries, alone. It is continuous and of comparatively slight velocity. The pressure of the blood within the veins, as determined by connecting a manometer with them, is always much lower than in the arteries, and decreases as the heart is approached, where during inspiration even a negative pressure may be noticed. This is proved by the constant entrance of the lymph, which is itself moved under an extremely low pressure, into the large, venous trunks at the root of the neck. In the sheep the mean pressure in the brachial vein has been found to be four millimeters of mercury ; in the crural, eleven and four-tenths millimeters ; in the axillary the pressure is usually negative, becoming one millimeter negative during inspiration, and three to five millimeters during strong inspira- tion, and becoming positive only during forced expiration. No pulse is 540 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. to be detected in the veins, except in cases where the small arterioles and capillaries are greatly dilated, as in the case of the secreting glands, and where the arterial pulse may be directly transmitted to the veins. The forces which occasion the movement of the blood in the veins con- sist in the propulsion of the blood by the heart through the capillaries, a vis a tergo ; a vis a f route, found in the aspiratory power of the lungs in inspiration and of the heart in diastole, aided by the compression of the venous trunks in the contraction of various muscular masses, by which the blood is forced on toward the heart. The velocity of movement in the veins is much less than in the arteries, and it is greater in the large veins than in the small, from the reduction in the total capacity of the venous system. In the dog the velocity of movement has been stated to be about two hundred millimeters per second. The veins are generally furnished with valves arranged in such a manner that when any increase of pres- sure takes place they become closed and obliterate the lumen of the ves- sel and prevent the blood from returning to the capillaries. The valves are formed by free folds of the inner endothelial coat arranged in the form of either single, double, or triple cusps. They serve to support the blood-column in the large veins, and here these vessels are furnished with especially thick coats. Where local pressures are not apt to un- dergo sudden modification, we find that valves are not present ; they are,, therefore, absent in the veins of the brain and lungs. The portal vein differs from other venous trunks in that the blood circulating in it passes, not into a larger trunk or directly into the heart, but through a second capillary net-work in the liver. The forces, how- ever, which move the blood in the portal vein are the same as in other veins. 7. THE INFLUENCE OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM ON THE CIRCULATION. The quantity of blood supplied to any organ is not a fixed quantity, but is governed by the demands of the organ. To accomplish this, it is r evidently, necessary that the influence which produces and maintains the circulation cannot be a fixed and constant force, but must be capable of modification. The modifications in the organs of circulation may be of two different kinds modifications in the force and frequency of the heart's pulsation or modifications in the calibre of the peripheral vessels, which latter, evidently, may be either general or local. Both of these variations are dependent upon the influence of the nervous system. The Intrinsic Nervous System of the Heart. The conditions upon which the action of the heart depends, and the means by which it may be modified, will now be considered. That the heart contains within itself the conditions necessary for its rhythmical movement was known to Galen, but that the main factor of its motor apparatus consists of CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 541 small automatic nervous centres situated in the walls of the heart was first pointed out by Remak. These cardiac ganglia are three in number and are of different functions ; two are motor ganglia, one an inhibitory ganglion. The motor ganglia are the ganglia of Remak, situated at the opening of the inferior vena cava; the ganglion of Bidder is situated in the left auriculo-ventricular septum. These ganglia are entirely independ- ent of the will, and, under the excitation of the temperature and chemical composition of the blood, communicate to the muscular fibres of the heart their motor impulse. The inhibitory ganglion is that of Ludwig, situated in the inter-auricular septum. The function of this ganglion is to regulate the transmission of motor impulses, produced by the motor ganglia, to the fibres of the heart. It fulfills this end, however, not by acting directly on the muscular structure of the heart, but through the mediation of the motor ganglia ; by this means it compels the motor ganglia to dispense the power which they develop during excitation rhythmically and moderately. As regards the manner in which these ganglia produce the rhythmical contraction of the heart, little is known, but that they are the prime factors in producing the rhythm of the car- diac revolutions, with its various modifications, is capable of experimental demonstration. If the heart be removed from a frog and placed in a watch-glass containing a dilute saline solution, it will be seen that it still continues to pulsate in as exact rhythm and as vigorously as when in its normal condition. Under favorable circumstances it might be kept pulsating for many hours. This is not, however, the case with the frog alone ; the heart of almost any cold-blooded animal will beat outside of the body, and a similar observation has even been made on the heart of man. But, to return to the share of the motor ganglia in producing cardiac pulsa- tion : As before stated, one motor ganglion is situated at the opening of the inferior vena cava, and the other in the auriculo-ventricular septum. If the apex of the ventricle be cut off from the base of the heart with a pair of sharp scissors, dividing the ventricle at about its lower third, instantly the apex ceases to pulsate, while the remainder of the heart still goes on contracting as before. The apex has been cut off from its motor ganglia. It may be said that the section of the heart has destroyed the irritability of the muscular fibres of the apex, but if the apex be irritated with a weak induction current it responds ; it will again pulsate, to again, however, become quiescent on removal of the irritation. It has, however, been stated by Meruncowicz that the apex fragment will again commence to pulsate if kept supplied with defibrinated blood or artificial serum ; so, also, after an hour or more the apex will usually again spontaneous^ commence to pulsate. Further, if in a narcotized frog the ventricle is compressed trans- 542 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. versely with the blades of a pair of forceps in the line of incision of the former experiment, the apex will cease to pulsate, though still supplied with its normal excitant and nutriment ; it has been separated from its motor ganglion. If the apex be irritated it will beat, to again become motionless on removal of the irritation. This condition of affairs will remain for an indefinite length of time, even for as much as three weeks the apex of the ventricle motionless and gorged with blood and the rest of the heart contracting normally. If, however, the intra-cardiac pressure be increased by clamping the aorta, the apex will commence to beat, but independently of the rest of the heart and at a slower rate. This being so, if we can be positive that there are no ganglia present in the apex, it must be concluded that the heart-muscle may contract independently of any nervous mechanism. It must not be forgotten, however, that it has not been definitely proved that there are no ganglia in the apex, only they have never been found. The posi- tion then is this : A fragment of cardiac muscle containing a motor ganglion will pulsate when removed from the body, and without any artificial stimulus. A fragment of muscular fibre unconnected with a motor ganglion will remain quiescent until it receives some external stimulus. By cutting a heart in halves it will be seen that one part pulsates while the other does not. If this subdivision be carried still further, gradually cutting the heart into fragments until they become microscopic in size, and some of them be placed under the microscope, it will be seen that some fragments are rhythmically contracting and others are motionless ; if the sub- division be carried still further, until the ultimate fibres of the heart are isolated, in nearly all the contracting fibres will be found ganglionic nerve-cells, while none are to be found in those which are motionless. The action of the inhibitory ganglion may be seen by exposing the heart of a frog in the usual way, and distending the oesophagus with a short glass rod in order to bring the parts exposed into more prominent view. The apex of the ventricle should be seized with a pair of forceps and drawn forward and to the right, after dividing the little connecting band between the posterior surface of the ventricle and the pericardium. With the aid of a delicate aneurism needle, a silk ligature is to be passed between the vena cava inferior and the ventricle and between the vena cava superior and the right auricle in such a position that when tight- ened it will grasp the line of junction, which is marked by a slight groove, of the sinus venosus and right auricle. After seeing that the heart is pulsating rhythmically, the ligature should be suddenly tightened, and it will be found that after a few beats the heart will stop in diastole, while the sinus will continue to pulsate as before. After a few moments CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 543 the ventricle will again pulsate, but its rhythm will be no longer syn- chronous with that of the sinus. In another frog, prepared in the same manner, the heart may be separated from the sinus venosus with a pair of scissors, following the line of the ligature in the preceding experiment, and the result will be the same. Cut off the ventricle, including the auriculo-ventricular groove, from the auricle be fore it starts spontaneously to pulsate, the ventricle immediately begins to beat ; the same result might have been obtained after ligature as in the first experiment. Or, if this line be irritated with an induction current, taking care to include the sinus in the current, the same result will follow. But in a frog in which T ^Tr of a grain of atropine has been injected irritation with the electric current will have no effect ; while if the first experiment is repeated, by ligating this line, the heart will stop as before. What inference can be drawn from these experiments ? It has been stated that the ganglion of Remak, a motor ganglion, is situated at the opening of the inferior vena cava, that is, in the sinus venosus ; also that the inhibitory ganglion of Ludwig is in the interauricular septum, and the motor ganglion of Bidder in the left auriculo-ventricular septum. We may assume that Remak's ganglion is an automatic motor centre, i.e., "a ganglionic centre in which energy tends to accumulate and discharge itself in the form of motion at regular intervals, the length of which varies with the resistance to the discharge and with the rapidity of the accumu- lation," the physiological grounds for this assumption being as follows: The succession of acts which make up a cardiac revolution distinctly start in the sinus ; this is the only portion of the heart that contracts independently, and electric excitation of this centre induces increased frequency of contraction of the whole organ. By separating the heart from the sinus venosus, either by ligature or by amputation with the scissors, we not only remove the heart from its main motor centre, but also irritate the inhibitory centre, and so cause arrest of the pulsation of the heart, while the sinus containing the motor centre goes on con- tracting as before. After a few minutes, however, the inhibitory effect induced through irritation passes off, and then the motor ganglion at the base of the ventricle starts the heart again. So, when, without waiting for the inhibition to pass off, we remove the ventricle from the auricles, the motor ventricular ganglion is released from its inhibition and starts the heart again. The effect is somewhat different, however, when we irritate this line with electricity ; then the stoppage is due alone to the inhibitory action of the ganglion, and when this passes off the heart pulsates. So, when this inhibitory ganglion is paralyzed with atropine, electric irritation is powerless to stop the heart, while ligature by re- moval of the heart from its main motor centre prevents pulsation. 544 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. From these experiments it has been found that a heart will contract rhythmically outside of the body, that this function is probably due to FIG. 226. SIMPLEST FORM OP MANOMETER FOR FROG'S HEART. (Sanderson.) (For description, see text.) the presence of motor ganglia, and that the heart may be slowed or stopped either through inhibition from irritation of the inhibitory CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 545 SM - GP-Y-i ganglion or removal of the heart from the influence of the main motor ganglion. To carry this subject still further, a more delicate means of experimentation must he used. Poisons must be employed as instruments of investigation. Pharmacology has indeed in this line almost run ahead of physiology, for it has been through the study of the action of poisons on the heart that our complete ideas of cardiac physiology have been derived. Fig. 226 represents an apparatus devised by Dr. Coats, of Glasgow, and Professor Ludwig, of Leipsic. It consists of a reservoir, A, with a stop-cock, 15, containing fresh serum ; a rubber tube, C, leading from this, and acannula, D, which is to be inserted into the vena cava inferior ; another cannula, D', to be inserted in the aorta, connected by tubing with a mercurial manometer, E, i.e., a fine U -shaped tube partly filled with mercury, and supporting on one limb of the column a piston with a long, delicate wire rod, G, above it. The brain and spinal cord of a frog should be destroyed by introducing a needle into the cere- bro-spinal canal, the heart freely exposed, and one of the pneumo- gastric nerves carefully dissected out. To find the vagus nerve, follow up the diverging aortae to where they cross the cartilaginous tips of the posterior horns of the hyoid bone : from each of these tips the petro-hyoid muscles are seen passing upward and backward to- ward the occipital region. The lower border of these nearly par- allel fibres is the guide to the vagus, which is found lying beneath its inner edge. Following these muscles back from their insertion in the hyoid bone to their origin in the petrous bone, they are seen to be crossed first by the hypoglossal nerve, ascending inward to the muscles of the tongue Nearer FlQ ^.-DIAGRAM OP THE COURSE OF THE the middle line and following the VAGUS NERVE IN THE FROG. (Stirling.) same course as the hypoglossal is seen the glosso-pharyngeal, and crossing over the top of the in- ferior horn of the hyoid bone is the laryngeal nerve (Fig. 227). Place a thread loosely around the nerve, so that it can be easily found when required. The next step is to insert the cannula, D, into the inferior vena cava, and secure it with a thread ; the cannula, D', is then inserted into one aorta, the other being ligated. All the other organs may be removed, leaving only the thorax, heart, and a large fragment of skin, S, to cover the heart and nerve, to pre- vent drying. The oesophagus is now distended with a large glass rod, firmly clamped to an upright stand. The next step is to connect the vena cava by means of its cannula with the reservoir containing serum. Open the stop-cock for a moment, and allow the serum to pass through the heart and apex of the arterial cannula, to wash out all the blood from the heart. The arterial cannula is then connected with the manometer, and the serum allowed to flow through the heart into the manometer until the air in the proximal is entirely expelled through at F. Then the apparatus is ready for use. The heart should be filled so full that a little tension exists, even during the diastole. It will be noticed that at each 35 H, heart; LU, lung; BR, brachial plextis; HY, hypoglossal nerve ; V, vagus ; L, laryngeal nerve ; GP, glosso-pharyngeal nerve ; SM, submental muscle ; GH, genio-hyoid muscle ; HG, hyoglossal muscle ; HB, hyoid bone ; PH, petro-hyoid muscle : OH, omo-hyoid muscle ; SH, sterno-hyoid muscle. 546 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. FIG. 228. PULSE TRACING OF THE FROG'S HEART. (Sanderson.) pulsation of the heart the column of mercury sinks in one arm of the manometer, while it rises a corresponding distance in the other, carrying with it the piston, which by means of its pen traces a line composed of a succession of curves on the smoked surface of the revolving drum. The ascending limb of each curve corresponds to the systole of the ventricle, and the descending curve to its diastole (Fig. 228). By irritating the vagus with a weak induction current the heart stops in diastole, a result similar to that obtained in the previous experiment when the line of junction of the auricle and sinus venosus was irritated. This identical result, however, has not been produced by the same mechanism, as may be seen if to the serum in the reservoir a few drops of dilute solution of nico- tine be added ; if the vagus now be irritated, no arrest of the heart occurs. The vagus has been paralyzed by nico- tine ; it no longer is able to restrain the heart, which beats faster than be- fore. (When the nicotine is first given the heart is slowed, and then quick- ened, the slowing being due to the first effects of the nicotine on the vagus, irritating it before it paralyzes it.) It would seem that nicotine and atropine have the same action. But it will be remembered that after atropine poisoning it is impossible to stop the heart through electric irritation of the sinus venosus. But if the sinus venosus be irritated in the heart which has received the nicotine, it will stop. Therefore, nicotine and atropine must act on different inhibitory organisms. If in a frog which has been placed under the influence of nicotine the heart be removed and placed on a watch-glass, it will pulsate regularly. If a drop of saline solution containing a little of the alkaloid muscarine be placed on the heart, it ceases to beat entirely, and will remain motion- less. But if while at rest a drop of a solution of atropine be placed in the heart, it will commence to beat again. If in two fresh frogs a drop of muscarine solution be placed on the "hearts, immediately they begin to beat more and more slowly, and at last stop in diastole. If into one frog nicotine be in- jected no effect will be observed ; the heart still remains motionless in diastole ; but the injection of atropine into the other frog whose heart was stopped by muscarine will cause it to commence to beat, and it will pulsate as strongly and rhythm- ically as before the operation. If, however, the atropine be injected first, and then the muscarine be applied, the heart will not be stopped. It has now been stated that both nicotine and atropine render the heart insusceptible to irritation of the vagus, but that irritation of the sinus venosus will stop the heart in nicotine poisoning, but not in atropine poisoning There- fore some part of the cardiac inhibitory apparatus escapes in nicotine poisoning which is paralyzed by atropine. In the above diagrammatic sketch of the arrangement of the cardiac ganglionic apparatus, proposed by Schmiedeberg (Fig. 229, M), is the main motor ganglion acting on the muscular fibres of the heart by means of radiating fibres. It is regulated by an intermediate apparatus represented by the dotted lines, on the one side by the inhibitory ganglion, I, connected again with an intermediate apparatus with the vagus nerve, and on the other side by the accelerator ganglion, Q, connected in the same manner with the accelerator nerves. According ro this arrangement, nicotine is supposed to paralyze the fibres intermediate between the inhibitory ganglion and the vagus nerve, while atropine paralyzes this portion. FIG. 229. DIAGRAM OF THE HYPOTHETICAL, NERVOUS APPARATUS OF THE H.EART. (Lauder-Brunton. ) M, motor ganglio I, inhibitory ganglion ; Q, accelerator ganglion ; V, in- hibitory extra-cardiac nerves : S, acceler- ator extra-cardiac nerves. The interme- diate apparatus of Schmiedeberg is represented by the dotted lines. CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 547 the inhibitory ganglion and the apparatus intermediate between the ganglion, I, and the motor ganglion. On the other hand, muscarine slows the heart or stops it in diastole, similar to irritation of the vagus, while its effects are not interfered with by either the previous or subsequent injection of nicotine : therefore, mus- carine must act on some apparatus more central than that affected by nicotine, and as the effects are gradually developed, it is supposed to act by irritating the ganglion, I. Again, we have seen that muscarine will have no effect after the in- jection of atropine, and that atropine will cause a heart stopped by muscarine to recommence beating ; therefore, atropine acts on a more central apparatus than muscarine: in other words, on the apparatus intermediate between I and M. The effects of atropine may be removed by physostygma and is antagonistic to nicotine. These points are valuable in determining the antidotal effects of poisons. The action of the accelerator apparatus has not been so thoroughly well worked up, but the action of poisons, as of veratrine, renders it necessary to assume a similar arrangement. There is one more point in the action of these cardiac ganglia ; that is, the influence of heat and cold on the heart. The simplest method of studying the action of heat on the cardiac pulse is that of Lauder-Brunton (Fig. 230). His arrangement consists of a plate of glass about three inches by four inches, at one end of which a cork is cemented projecting about half an inch beyond the edge 7 FIG. 230. LAUDER-BRUNTON'S ARRANGEMENT FOR STUDYING THE EFFECT OF HEAT AND COLD ON THE HEART OF THE FROG. of the glass plate. To this is fastened a long, light lever freely moving on a pivot, and projecting about one and one-half inches beyond one end of the plate and about four inches beyond the other end ; the lever is counterpoised by fastening a small pair of forceps on the short end of the lever ; by altering the angle of the forceps, the lever can be balanced to a nicety. A frog's heart may be placed on the plate close up to the pivot and lying so that the lever is lifted at each pulsation of the ven- tricle, the lever being balanced so as to make slight pressure by altering the position of the pair of forceps. If the glass plate is placed on some pounded ice the heart will beat gradually more and more slowly, until at length it will come to rest in diastole, thus indicating irritation of some portion of, the inhibitory apparatus. If the plate be removed from the ice, the heart will commence again, and by gradually heating it over a spirit-lamp the heart will pulsate faster and faster, the extent of the contractions increasing up to 20 C., until at length it will stand at rest in what is called u heat-tetanus ; " if, however, the temperature is lowered the heart will again commence to beat, but if the temperature is raised 548 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. still higher than before when the heart stopped from heat, the condition of heat-tetanus will pass into that of " heat-rigor," and no application of cold will have the slightest effect toward again starting the heart. The influence of heat and cold on the amount of work done by the heart is an extremely complicated subject. We can only state here that within certain limits the mechanical work done by the heart increases with an increase of temperature, but that very soon the contractions increase in number in much greater proportion than the mechanical effect ; hence, though the amount of work done at a comparatively high temperature is greater than can be accomplished at a low temperature, the effect of each individual contraction is much less. The frequency of the normal rate of contraction of the heart varies greatly in different animals, as shown in the following table compiled by Colin : Frequency of the Pulse per Minute. In the elephant, camel, 25 to 28 to 28 32 giraffe, . horse, . . i . 86 to 40 ox, . . 45 to 50 mule, . . . 46 to 50 tapir, . . 44 ass, . . . . . . . . 46 to 50 pig, . . . . . - . . . 70 to 80 lion, . . . . . . . .40 lioness, . . 68 tiger, 64 sheep, 70 to 80 goat . 70 to 80 leopard, 60 female wolf, 96 hyena, 55 dog, . . 90 to 100 cat, . - . . . . . . 120 to 140 rabbit, 120 to 150 marmot, 90 to 175 mouse, ......... 120 goose, ........ 110 chicken, ....... 140 pigeon, . 136 to 138 snake, 24 carp, . 20 frog 80 salamander, 77 The following table shows the variation and frequency of the pulse per minute in the horse and ox at different ages : Horse. Ox. Newborn, .... 100-120 Newborn, .... 92-132 Fourteen days old, . 80- 96 Fourteen days old, . 68 One-fourth year old, 68- 76 One-fourth year old, . . One-half year old, . 64- 72 One-half year old, . 50- 68 One year old, ... 48- 56 One year old, . . 50-68 Two to three years, . 40- 48 Young cow, ... 64 Four years of age, . 38-50 Four-year-old ox, . 56 Aged, 32-40 Aged, 45-50 CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 549 The frequency of the pulse in man and animals depends upon the age, sex. state of nutrition, size, and various other conditions. In man the normal rate of the pulsations of the heart is about 72 per minute ; in the female, about 80, though great variations may be met with in perfectly normal individuals. Up to fifty years of age the rate of the pulse is in inverse ratio to the age, as is shown in the following table : Beats per Minute. Newly born infant, One year, . Two years, Three " Four " Five " Ten '" The pulse-rate is increased by muscular exercise in creating a greater demand for arterial blood, by increasing blood pressure, by in- creased temperature (fever), in digestion, by various mental disturbances, and in extreme debility. It is more frequent in the erect than in the recumbent position, and varies inversely with the barometric pressure. ant , 130-140 120-130 105 100 97 Ten to fifteen years, Fifteen to twenty, Twenty to twenty-f Twenty-five to fifty, Sixty . . 78 . . 70 ve, . 70 . . 70 74 90- 94 about 90 Eighty, .... Eighty to ninety, . . . 79 over 80 FIG. 231. TRACING OBTAINED FROM THE FROG'S HEART ON STIMULATION OF THE PNEUMOGASTRIC NERVE. (Foster.) The current entered the nerve at a, and was shut off at b. The latent period is indicated by the fact that one pulsation occurred after the stimulation entered the nerve. It is further evident that the inhi- bition persisted some time after the stimulation ceased. In addition to the intrinsic nervous system of the heart, the pulsa- tions of this organ are also governed by impulses coming from the central nervous system. These are of two different kinds, inhibitory and accelerating. The Inhibitory Nerves of the Heart. It was discovered in 1848 that stimulation of the pneumogastric nerve or of its divided periph- eral extremity had the effect, in the dog, of retarding the pulsations of the heart, and, when the stimulation was sufficiently strong, of entirely arresting the heart in diastole. This effect is not produced immedi- ately on the application of the electric current to the nerve, but is pre- ceded by a latent period amounting to about one-tenth of a second ; so, also, the effect lasts a certain time after the shutting off of the current, if the application has not been too prolonged (Fig. 231). On the other 550 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. hand, if the current is very strong, the heart may be completely arrested and yet start again during the passage of the current. With weak cur- rents no actual arrest of the heart takes place, but the pauses between the beats are prolonged during the earlier part of the application of the current, and the pulse is thus rendered slow. If the pneumogastric be stimulated in a dog during a blood-pressure experiment some such curve as represented in the diagram will be produced (Fig. 232). The blood pressure is seen to undergo a rapid fall shortly after the application of the current, from the fact that on the cessation of the pulsation of the heart the arteries, through their contractility, empty themselves into the venous system. As the heart again commences to pulsate it throws its contents into the arterial system, which has been already largely depleted of blood, and, as a consequence, the walls of the arteries are rapidly stretched, and we have a correspondingly rapid FIG. 232. MANOMETER TRACING FROM THE CAROTID OF A RABBIT ON STIM- ULATION OF THE PNEUMOGASTRIC NERVE. (Foster.) The current entered the nerve at a and was shut off at b. increase in pressure, and therefore a rapid rise in the mercury in the manometer. When the heart is only slowed b}^ stimulation of the pneumogastric, and not completely arrested, the mercury in the manom- eter undergoes extensive oscillations, partly due to inertia, which exaggerates these movements, and partly due to the same cause already mentioned. In other words, between the pulsations of the heart, which succeed each other slowly, the arterial system has time to partially empty itself into the veins. Inhibition of the heart may not only be produced by direct stimu- lation of the pneumogastric, but also may be produced reflexly. If one pneumogastric nerve be divided, and the central end, in connection with the brain, be stimulated with the induction current, the heart will be arrested or slowed as before. If the abdomen of a frog be opened, and the intestine struck sharply, as with the handle of a scalpel, the heart CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 551 will be likewise arrested in diastole. If the mesenteric nerve be stimu- lated by an induction current the heart will also be brought to a sudden standstill. If both pneumogastric nerves be divided, the anterior roots of both spinal accessory nerves be torn out, or the medulla oblongata destroyed, the preceding experiments will all fail. This indicates that in the first case the impulse was conducted through the central stump of the divided pneumogastric to the brain, and there, from a collection of nerve-cells in the medulla oblongata, which is termed the cardio-inhibi- tory centre, is transmitted through the spinal accessory nerve to the pneumogastric plexus, and through the undivided vagus to the heart. If the spinal accessory nerve be pulled out by the roots, the cardio- inhibitory fibres of the pneumogastric undergo degeneration, and four or five days after the operation stimulation of the vagus fails to slow the heart. In the other instance, where irritation of the intestinal surface or mesenteric nerves produces inhibition, the impulse is conducted through the mesenteric and s^^mpathetic chain to the spinal cord, from there to the cardio-inhibitory centre, and from there to the heart. It is probable that the syncope occasionally produced by severe pain, emotions, or sometimes from drinking ice-water when overheated is produced in the same manner, the heart being arrested or slowed through reflex inhibition. It is thus observed that the pneumogastric nerve possesses a function directly opposed to that of most other nerves. When a motor nerve is stimulated it produces contraction of the muscles to which it is dis- tributed. Stimulation of the pneumogastric, on the other hand, produces relaxation of the heart-muscle. The manner by which this effect is produced is in all probability through the inhibition of the motor ganglia of the heart. The cardio-inhibitory centre in the medulla is in constant action, through reflex stimuli conducted to it through the abdominal and cervical sympathetic, and might be compared to the action of a brake on a moving machine. When both pneumogastric nerves are divided, the heart in the dog, and to a less extent in the rabbit, beats very much faster, so that this inhibitory centre is constantly restraining the action of the motor ganglia. The cardio-inhibitory centre may be directly stimulated by sudden anaemia of the medulla, as by sudden ligation of both carotids; by sudden venous hyperaemia, as by ligation of all the veins of -the neck; or by increased venosity of the blood, as by dyspnoea or causing an animal to inhale CO,. It may also be reflexly stimulated, as already indicated. The Accelerator Nerves of the Heart. The action of the heart may not only be retarded or arrested through the stimulation of the pneumogastric, but in the mammal, even after division of both pneumo- 552 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. gastrics, it may be accelerated by stimulation of the cervical sympathetic, stimulation of the cervical spinal cord, or in a more marked degree by stimulation of the communicating filament between the spinal cord and the inferior cervical and the first dorsal ganglia of the S3rmpathetic. These latter fibres are described as the accelerator nerves of the heart, and when stimulated produce an increase in the rate of the heart's pulse, but with a decreased force, the loss in power being, however, compensated by the increase in rapidity. As a consequence, after stimulation of these nerves the blood pressure remains unchanged. The course of these nerves is different in the rabbit and the dog. The diagrams (Figs. 233 and 234) indicate their most usual course. These accelerator fibres originate from centres in the medulla oblongata and spinal cord, though their exact location has not been determined. It is by means of stimulation of these fibres, therefore, that stimulation of either the cervical spinal cord or cervical sympa- thetic produces increase in the rate of the heart's pulsation. When the cervical spinal cord is stimulated a great increase in blood pressure follows from stimulation of vaso-motor nerves, but that the increased rate of the heart's contractions is not due to the high blood pressure alone is proved by the occur- rence of acceleration of the pulse when the cervical cord is stimulated, even after section of the splanchnic nerves, when increased blood pressure is prevented. These nerves are not in constant activity ; in other words, they do not antagonize the pneumogastrics, and when divided the heart does not beat slower. A long latent period also characterizes these nerves, and it takes considerable time, as much as ten seconds, from the commencement of stimulation before the maximum acceleration of the heart is reached ; while, again, it is only slowly and gradually that the normal heart-rate is regained even at the cessation of stimulation. 8. THE INFLUENCE OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM ON THE ARTERIES. Anatomical examination of the walls of the minute arteries shows that these vessels are not only supplied with circular muscular fibres, but are also supplied with nerve-fibres which come both from the sympathetic and cerebro-spinal nervous system, and numerous ganglia have also been FIG. 233. SCHEME OF THE COURSE OF THE CARDIAC ACCELERATOR FIBRES. (Landois. ) P, pens ; MO, medulla oblongata ; V, inhibitory centre for heart ; A, accel- erator centre : VAG, vagus ; SL, supe- rior, IL inferior laryngeal nerves ; SC, superior cardiac fibres ; H, heart ; C, cere- bral impulse; S, cervical sympathetic; a, a, accelerator fibres. CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 553 detected. Anatomical data, therefore, support the view which would otherwise be rendered probable, as, for example, in the production of blushing from emotions that the calibre of the minute arterioles is under the control of the central nervous system. Numerous experiments still further demonstrate the truth of this statement. When the web of a frog's foot is examined under the microscope it will be found that the smaller arterioles are constant!}' varying in calibre, sometimes being so contracted evidently due to the contraction of their muscular fibres as to almost shut off blood from the part supplied by the contracted FIG. 234. CARDIAC PLEXUS AND STELLATE GANGLION OF THE CAT. (Landois.) R. right; L. left: X 1^- 1. vagus: 2'. cervical sympathetic, and in the annulus of vieussens ; 2, communicating branches from the middle cervical ganglion and the stellate ganglion ; 2", thoracic sym- pathetic; 3, recurrent laryngeal ; 4, depressor nerve: 5, middle cervical ganglion; 5', communication between 5 and the vagus : 6, stellate (first thoracic) ganglion ; 7, communicating branches with the vagus ; 8, accelerator nerve ; 8, 8', 8", roots of the accelerator nerve; 9, branch of the stellate ganglion. vessel, at other times so dilated as to cause the tissues supplied by the- vessel to become gorged with arterial blood. If the web of the frog's foot be examined and an arteriole picked out which appears to be midway between the states of extreme relaxation and extreme dilatation, and a weak induction current be then applied to the sciatic nerve, the arterioles will all, as a rule, be found to become immediately contracted. If the effects of stimulation be allowed to pass off, and then, instead of stimu- lating the sciatic, this nerve be divided, directly opposite results will 554 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. ensue. The arterioles will now all dilate, and, as a consequence, the parts will become filled with blood. Similar effects may be seen in warm-blooded animals. If the sympa- thetic nerve be divided in the neck of a rabbit, it will be found that the vessels in the lobe of the ear on that side will have greatly increased in calibre, will appear not only larger, but numerous vessels which before were invisible will now be readily seen. The entire tissue of the ear will be much redder than before, much warmer in temperature, and distinct throbbing of the pulse may be readity perceived. Here division of the sympathetic has produced dilatation of the auricular arterioles. If, on the other hand, the cervical sympathetic be stimulated with an induction current in the rabbit, directly opposite results will be produced. The auricular vessels will now all contract, and the tissues of the ear will become pale and free from blood. So, also, if the sciatic nerve be divided in a mammal, a corresponding dilatation occurs in the small arterioles of the foot and leg, and may be readily determined through inspection of the balls of the toes, especially as seen in the cat, where they are hairless and not pigmented. So, also, the temperature of the foot on the side on which division of the sciatic nerve has been performed will be considerably elevated. Further, if the splanchnic nerves be divided, the vessels of the abdomen all undergo extensive dilatation. If the lingual nerve be divided, the vessels on the corresponding side of the tongue dilate, while in all cases in which a nerve supplying a muscle is cut a great increase in the flow of blood from the muscle may be made out. It is, therefore, evident that the blood-vessels of certain parts of the body are kept in a state of tonic contraction through impulses traveling along certain nerves. Section of these nerves has been found to produce dilatation in the corresponding vascular areas : therefore it is evident that the arteries before the division of their vascular nerves were in a state of constriction through contraction of their muscular fibres, and that this state of contraction was due to impulses coming along the vascular nerves or vaso-motor nerves of that part. Section of these nerves, therefore, produces paralysis of the muscular fibres, and the muscular tissue is no longer able to resist the pressure of the blood, and, as a consequence, these vessels passively dilate. It has been found that the vascular condition of the specific parts of the body are governed by impulses coining along specific nerves, and that these nerves may be either of the sympathetic or cerebro-spinal systems. If the spinal cord is divided in the lumbar region it will be found that the blood-vessels of all the parts below will be paralyzed and gorged with blood. If the spinal cord, or even the lateral columns alone, be divided in the cervical region, the blood-vessels of the entire body CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 555 become dilated. This, therefore, indicates that some portion of the brain higher up than the cervical spinal cord is the centre from which originate all the impulses which travel along the different vaso-motor nerves to innervate the muscular fibres of the different arterioles of the body. When the path of communication between any vascular area and the medulla oblongata is broken, the vessels of that part are deprived of the nervous impulse coming from the medulla, they lose tone, their mus- cular fibres relax, and their arteries dilate. When the entire body is cut off from the medulla all the vessels, therefore, dilate. It has been stated that stimulation of one of the vaso-motor nerves such an example being the sympathetic, the sciatic, or splanchnic leads to contraction of the arterioles in the corresponding vascular area. In other words, the electric stimulation has been added to that coming constantly from the medulla, and has therefore increased the contraction of the muscular fibres of the arteries. So, also, if the spinal cord be itself stimulated, the blood-vessels in all the parts below become still further contracted, while by directly stimulating the medulla oblongata all the blood-vessels of the body contract. These facts indicate that the normal degree of constriction of the arterioles of the body, or what is termed vascular tonus, is maintained by a series of impulses constantly coming from a collection of cells in the medulla oblongata, called the vaso-motor centre. These impulses reach the arteries after passing through the lateral columns of the cord, during which passage they make connection with the subordinate vaso-motor centres of the cord, either through the anterior spinal roots directly or by passing through the rami commu- nicantes to the sympathetic. The vaso-motor centre has been located in the floor of the fourth ventricle, its lower limit being a horizontal line about four or five milli- meters above the point of the calamus scriptorius and the upper limit about four millimeters higher up, or one or two millimeters below the corpora quadrigemina. The vaso-motor centre, as already stated, may be directly stimulated, and so lead to increased vascular contraction throughout the entire body. Increased venosity of the blood and vari- ous poisons, such as strychnine, likewise directly stimulate the vaso- motor centre, and so cause increased blood pressure ; so, after death, the venous character of the blood, through stimulation of the vaso-motor centre, leads to firm contraction of the arteries and a consequent empty- ing of these vessels into the veins. It nmy also be reflexly stimulated. Irritation of any sensory nerve will reflexly act on the vaso-motor centre and lead to arterial contraction, especially of the vessels of the abdomen. On the other hand, the vaso-motor centre may be inhibited. If the small nervous filament which is formed in the rabbit by the union of branches from the pneumogastric and superior laryngeal nerves 556 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. be stimulated, it will be found that the blood pressure will steadily fall until it may be not more than one-third of the normal height (Fig. 235;. During the production of this decrease of blood pressure no change occurs in the rate of pulsation of the heart. It must be, therefore, due to the diminution of the resistance in the peripheral vascular system. If the splanchnic nerves be divided previous to this experiment, no subsequent decrease in pressure will take place. The conclusion from this is evi- dent. When this nerve, which has been termed the " depressor of Lud- wig and Cyon " (the superior cardiac branch of the vagus), is stimulated the impulses pass to the vaso-motor centre in the medulla, and there so alter the impulses coming from it that it is unable to maintain the nor- mal degree of contraction of the abdominal vessels, through the failure of the influence which it normally exerts on these vessels through the splanchnic nerves. The abdominal vessels, consequently, dilate and JUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU^ FIG. 235. BLOOD-PRESSURE TRACING OBTAINED BY STIMULATING THE DE- PRESSOR NERVE IN A BABBIT. (Foster.) The current entered the nerve at C and was shut off at O. The intervals on the line T represent seconds. draw off so much blood from the general arterial system that the blood pressure may be reduced two-thirds or more. On the other hand, if in an animal placed under curare the central end of the divided sciatic nerve be stimulated, directly opposite effects will be produced. Without any change in the heart's rate of pulsation the pressure will gradually rise until it may be one-third higher than before the experi- ment : here, again, the increased pressure being, evidently, due to constric- tion of the local arterioles, for previous division of the splanchnic nerves will largely interfere with the production of an increased blood pressure. These variations in blood pressure are of the greatest importance in governing the general character of the circulation. The effects of local and general variations in vascular tone have been admirably formulated by Foster : Let us suppose that any artery, A, is in a condition of normal tone CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 557 is midway between extreme constriction and dilation. The flow through A is determined by the resistance in A and in the vascular tract which it supplies, in relation to the mean arterial pressure, which again is depend- ent on the way in which the heart is beating and on the peripheral re- sistance of all the small arteries and capillaries, A included. If, while the heart and the rest of the arteries remain unchanged, A be constricted, the peripheral resistance in A will increase, and this increase of resist- ance will lead to an increase of the general arterial pressure. This in- crease of pressure will tend to cause the blood in the body at large to flow more rapidly from the arteries into the veins. The constriction of A, however, will prevent any increase of the flow through it in fact, will make the flow through it less than before. Hence, the whole increase of the discharge from the arterial into the venous system must take place through channels other than A. Thus, as the result of the constriction of any artery there occur (1) diminished flow through the artery itself, (2) increased general arterial pressure, leading to (3) increased flow through the other arteries. If, on the other hand, A be dilated, while the heart and other arteries remain unchanged, the peripheral resistance in A is diminished. This leads to a lowering of the general arterial pres- sure, which, in turn, causes the blood to flow less rapidly from the arteries into the veins. The dilation of A, however, permits, even with the low- ered pressure, more blood to pass through it than before. Hence, the diminished flow tells all the more on the rest of the arteries. Thus, as the result of the dilation of any artery, there occur (1) increased flow of blood through the artery itself, (2) diminished general pressure, and (3) diminished flow through the other arteries. Where the artery thus con- stricted or dilated is small, the local effect, the diminution or increase of flow through itself, is much more marked than the general effects, the change in blood pressure and the flow through other arteries. When, however, the area the arteries of which are affected is large, the general effects are very striking. Thus, if while a tracing of the blood pressure is being taken by means of a manometer connected with the carotid artery the splanchnic nerve be divided, a conspicuous but steady fall of pressure is observed very similar to that which is seen in Fig. 235. The section of the splanchnic nerves causes the mesenteric and other abdomi- nal arteries to dilate, and these being very numerous a large amount of peripheral resistance is taken away, and the blood pressure falls accord- ingly ; a large increase of flow into the portal veins takes place, and the supply of blood to the face, arms, and legs is proportionally diminished. It will be observed that the dilation of the arteries is not instantaneous, but somewhat gradual, the pressure sinking, not abruptly, but with a gentle curve. Arterial tone, then, both general and local, is a powerful instrument 558 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. for determining the flow of blood to the various organs and tissues of the body, and thus becomes a means of indirectly influencing their func- tional activity. In certain instances stimulation of spinal nerves will not only pro- duce contraction of the arterioles of different parts of the bod}^ through reflex stimulation of the vaso-motor centre, but will also produce dilata- tion of the arterioles in the vascular area supplied by that nerve ; thus, for example, if in a rabbit under the influence of curare the central stump of the great auricular nerve be stimulated with an induction current, the blood pressure will be increased through constriction of the general vas- cular areas, while inspection of the ear will show that its vessels have become largely dilated. So, also, as already described under the section on Digestion, when the chorda tympani nerve is stimulated, we not only have increased secretion of saliva, but we have, also, an increase of the supply of blood to the glands. Such nerves as the chorda tympani and the great auricular, with numerous others, are spoken of as vaso-dilator nerves, from the fact that their stimulation leads not to contraction of arterioles, but to an increase in their calibre ; they, therefore, are of op- posite function to the vaso-motor nerves. The vaso-dilator nerves, as a rule, come from the cerebro-spinal system; the vaso-constrictor nerves are, as a rule, branches of the sympathetic S3^stem. The explanation of the functions of the vaso-dilator system of nerves is somewhat simplified by the following observation : It has been stated that when the sciatic nerve of a frog is divided, the vessels of the parts supplied by that nerve dilate. Such dilatation is, however, usually transient. Twenty-four hours after the section of the nerve the vessels ma}' be found to have quite regained their normal calibre, even if still cut off from the central nerv- ous sj'stem. Such a fact, which must, of course, be due to the regained power of contraction of the circular muscular fibres, can only be ex- plained through the assumption that the walls of the vessels are supplied with nervous ganglia which are themselves capable of originating im- pulses sufficient to produce varying degrees of contraction of the circular muscular fibres of the arterioles. Normally, the impulses originated by these peripheral ganglionic cells are dominated by the influences coming from the central vaso-motor centre. When the vaso-motor nerve of a part is divided these centres are suddenly deprived of this dominating influence, the muscular fibres are paralyzed, and the arteries dilate. When the shock of the operation has passed off, the peripheral ganglionic cells themselves acquire the power of governing the degree of contraction of the muscular fibres of the arteries and the vessels then regain their nor- mal tone. When stimulation of the auricular nerve or of the chorda tympani produces dilatation of the vessels of the parts supplied by these nerves, the effect may be explained by assuming that the impulses com- CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 559 ing along these vaso-dilator nerves inhibit the local ganglia in the walls of these vessels and thus lead to relaxation of the muscular fibres of the vessels and to their consequent dilatation. Their modus operandi may thus be regarded as similar to that of the pneumogastric nerves, since r in both cases the motor ganglia are inhibited and the muscular fibres in the walls of the organs of circulation relax (Fig. 236). FIG. 236. DIAGRAMMATIC PLAN OF THE CARDIAC-NERVE MECHANISM, AFTER CARPENTER. (Yeo.) The direction of the impulses is indicated by the arrows. Both right and left sides of the cut are used to show one complete lateral half of the fibres. Finally, to recapitulate, the pulse and blood pressure may be modi- fied \)y the following causes ( Laud er-B run ton) : We have now to follow the blood in its course through the body and consider the changes which it undergoes in the different organs and tis- sues. It was seen that the circulation might be divided into two sys- tems, the greater and lesser. The changes which the blood undergoes in the latter, the pulmonary system, will be considered first. 560 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. S a *s ^ ,-.* 'g -g-2 *" - ^ -g > a ^S Jg-3 ..11 . if- ii H:i U | t 1 | .s^g -|| |8l .illl ! * I *8tl9- If i: 4| h*i i-i^ <3^i> cs III! II Hi- ii * 1 ii ^| S 8 S-38* | * .1 1 -|S?I S-a nil ii .jin* ii iai> 11 ii ii Sill S c f-a I* II l|l lH'1-a ^ 3>, : .S rS. 5g : gg St, "1^ 8>> g ^g *| u * > * ^ : || ^ ^|| -^ !^ 1s ^^1^1 i U ^1^!l |1^ 1-^ H ag^=|-a= S|=|o-a. g^ g||.tt .||= -_| ^ a S S 5 5-5 SM H 5t^ M o ' 5 - c M O r /> 1 I * ^ : > e^ 2 . g *S^ g ' || - ^' ^*f~ . v . ^ ' ! : i : . a, J rl rJ ~ l . ^ JH OS -i . OQ *H T pj o o> HJ ."S ^* 2 9 ^> OQ "3 .S ' > *S *""* * | -* . 65 J'i ^ ' "S 8 ^0 i 11 lil 1 1 i S r^^ -fi" J ^ J * 1 ii U *1j? 1 II PlKi il 11 f ^2 g& 11 : s ,-9-1 a !l *! Ill .1 JH PH^SS .3 i 3 ^^ - *i s - > >*o ,3 '-5 "2 ^ 1 j| s ^ g^ 1 - ^1 f ^ O e3 w ,2 o S3 1 i ill ^ sse^s's &i|| fia^Sg -S -J^ a -J-J^'^s ^ 2 s ts -y*t 3 . 2 *a 5 c-n- S g fr s si o" -S g .2 .2 '43 OQ oa - 08 t= ' vf 1 IS'" J" o *r^ i ^A f2^ 5 60 A* 0* '^ PH PH 02 1 i ii-i !i 1 3 . 1; 1 igi ? ^I-S 07 ' 8 -4J C3 i : *H ' *o - g* C3 O w> ^ C? d -2 S S .2 ' 1 III || | M ^O 11 % l?l fl O c3 pq" M pq P? pq" PQ fwusiuiwip 90 fivut, 9J,nsszj,d pooiff 'pdsm-ioui 90 from zjmssud poojfr SECTION VIII. RESPIRATION. IT has been seen that through absorption the products of digestion enter into the blood and are carried by means of the circulation to the various organs and tissues of the body. Jn spite, however, of the con- stant addition of these substances to the blood its general composition remains almost uniform, for the income from the alimentary tract is balanced by the outgo through the different tissues. The blood in its passage through the capillaries of the body nevertheless undergoes great alterations in its composition. It gives up to the tissues the substances brought from the alimentary tract which are destined to nourish the different tissues of the body. Every function of a cell is accompanied by chemical change in its composition, the resulting prod- ucts in the majority of cases being no longer of use to the economy. The blood is charged to remove these substances from the tissues. Again, it has been found that the vital functions of every cell necessitated a supply of oxygen. It is the function of the blood to act as carrier of this gas and to remove as well the gaseous products of cell decomposition. We thus find that the blood acts not only as an organ of nutrition, but as an organ of excretion ; in fact, as a common carrier of the several substances essential to cell life, and the carrier of the deleterious substances resulting from the breaking down of cells, and it bears them to different parts of the body where special organs are set aside for their removal. The removal of these deleterious substances constitutes excretion, the mode of removal depending upon the nature of the substances to be eliminated. One of the most striking changes which occur in the blood in passing through active organs is the 3 r ielding up of oxygen and the overloading of the blood with carbon dioxide. It has been stated that the difference between the arterial and venous blood is that the former contains an excess of oxygen, the latter an excess of carbon dioxide, the oxygen of the arterial blood being derived from the atmos- phere and entering into composition with the haemoglobin as the blood passes through the capillaries of the lungs. The carbon dioxide is derived from the breaking down of the cell-constituents, and is likewise removed from the blood while passing through the pulmonary capillaries. The process by which these gases enter and leave the blood is almost 36 (561) 562 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. purely physical, and is termed respiration. Respiration may therefore be defined as that function by means of which oxygen is taken into the system and carbon dioxide eliminated. Oxygen passes into the blood from the air, mainly by a process of gaseous diffusion ; the same process is also largely concerned in the giving up of oxygen by the blood to the different tissues and the absorption of carbon dioxide from the different tissues by the blood, and the yielding of this gas to the air within the lungs. 1. GENERAL VIEW OF THE ORGANS OF RESPIRATION. The function of respiration is an organic function, existing in the vegetable as well as in the animal, the products of respiration being the same in both. In the vegetable the introduction of oxygen and elimination of carbon dioxide takes place both during da} T and night, but during the day the function of respiration is masked by the processes of nutrition in which the reverse change takes place, carbon dioxide being appropriated by the plant and oxygen set free. In examining the different forms of respiratory apparatus peculiar to different kinds of organic beings it is readily determined that in all the main respiratory tissue is that part of the respiratory apparatus which is concerned in the absorption of oxygen and in the elimination of carbon dioxide, and, like the digestive tube, is simply a modification of the external tegumentary surface. In the simplest forms of plant life the external tegumentary covering constitutes the entire respirator} 7 apparatus, and it is through this that oxygen is absorbed and carbon dioxide eliminated. But in the more highly organized forms of plants a system of tubes, known as the spiral vessels, are found ramifying through their stems and leaves, and even in their most perfect form seldom contain other than gaseous matters. These spiral vessels in the endogenous plants are universally distributed through the stem, and form a part of every bundle of nbro-vascular tissue; but in the exogenous plants they are usually confined to the medullary sheath immediately surrounding the pith. In each case, how- ever, they traverse the stems in such a manner as to enter the leaves through the foot-stalks. These vessels carry air from the exterior to the interior, and it is an especial fact to be noted that the atmospheric air contained in them possesses a larger amount of oxygen than the free atmosphere. On the under surfaces of leaves are also to be found distinct openings, or stomata, which, although apparently for the admis- sion of materials necessary for nutrition, also seem to have the power of admitting air into the cavities existing in the leaves, especially beneath the inferior cuticle. Thus, it is the external surface of the plant through which respiration is practical!}' performed. So, also, in animals, respiration always takes place through an BESPIKATION. 563 external membrane, or some extension of such membrane, outward pro- longations constituting gills, inward prolongations constituting the lungs ; so that all animals may be classed as air-breathers or water-breathers, the latter breathing the air dissolved in water. To the former class belong nryriapods, spiders, insects, reptiles, birds, and mammals, while all other animals, with few exceptions, are water-breathers ; in the first class the organs of respiration are internal ; in the latter class more or less external, but in all are to be regarded as modifications of the external integument (Fig. 237). In the lowest forms of animal life, all of which are inhabitants of water, there are no prolongations of this membranous surface aeration of the fluids being accomplished by their exposure to the surrounding medium containing oxygen in solution. No distinct respiratory organs are present in these forms of life, unless the contractile vesicles described as being constantly found in such organisms are of this character. In animals belonging to the group of protozoa the surface of the body is FIG. 237. DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING DIFFERENT FORMS OF RESPIRATORY APPARATUS. (Carpenter.) A, simple leaf-like gill ; B, simple respiratory sac ; C. divided gill ; D, divided sac ; E, pulmonary branchia of spider. usually more or less provided with cilia, which serve by their vibrations to continually change the stratum of water immediatel} 7 in contact with the external surface. The presence of a fluid containing ox}*gen in solution in contact with the respiratory surface is thus alwa} T s insured. In sponges, as in infusoria and polyps, we find that the respiratory surface exists in the form of tubulary passages through the body, pro- vided at certain points with cilia, the air being absorbed from the currents of water passing through them. In the ccelenterata, which are all aquatic, no circulatory organs are present, and, as a consequence, no respiratory apparatus; for we find that while organs of circulation are dependent upon the complexity of the alimentary apparatus, so the presence of distinct circulatory organs governs the presence of organs of respiration. In the coelenterata any part of the body surface appears to be capable of accomplishing the interchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. In some the body cavity also, doubtless, fulfills this function. This would seem to 564 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. indicate a step higher in organization and a beginning of a specialization of certain tissues for carrying on the functions of respiration. This is the case in the polyps and in the sea-anemone, while in the bryozoa there is a marked dilatation of the pharynx, which seems to be particu- larly intended to provide for the aeration of fluids. In certain members of the group of annuloida a still higher special- ization of the respiratory apparatus is met with. Thus, in many there exist peculiar ramified contractile vessels, the trunks of which open upon the surface of the body, and are in part ciliated in their interior. These are the so-called water-vessels, and are supposed to be subservient to the respiratory process. In various of the echinoderms, in addition to numerous gill-like fringes, two sets of canals are found, the one carrying the nutritive fluid, and the other radiating from a ring around the mouth, and distributing aerated water. In worms, especially in the silk-worm, a system of spiral vessels analogous to those of the plant and permeating the structure in every direction is often to be detected. These are called tracheae, and com- municate directly with the atmos- phere by open breathing orifices on different portions of the body of the insect, and may be readily noticed FIG. 238. TRACHEAE OF INSECT, SHOWING J THE SPIRAL FIBRE. (Jeffrey Bell.) i n the caterpillar as dark spots upon the sides. In fresh-water worms, like the leech and earth-worm, the body is covered externally by a viscid fluid which has the power of absorbing air; so such animals breathe by the skin, beneath which lies a dense net-work of blood-vessels. In insects one of these spiracles, as they are also named, traverses the body on either side along its whole length, sending out ramifications, as referred to above. The tracheae are prevented from having their cavities obliterated by spiral elastic fibres which seem an analogue of the carti- laginous rings in the tracheae and bronchise of the air-breathing verte- brates (Fig. 238). Thus, in insects, as in mammals, the air is carried to the fluids to be aerated. In marine worms, which are water-breathing animals, the simplest form of gill is seen ; it consists of delicate veins projecting through the skin along the side of the body in a series of arborescent tufts. As these float in the water the blood is purified (Figs. 239 and 240). RESPIKATION. 565 In the spider the respiratory apparatus consists of a series of sacs, less numerous than the tracheas of the silk-worm, and not communicat- ing with each other ; yet additional space is obtained by arranging the lining membrane into a series of folds, which lie in close relation to each other like the leaves of a book, thus forming the first indication of a lung. From the extensive surface thus produced, in which lies a net-work of vessels, the blood is brought into immediate relation with the air, which enters through the breathing parts referred to. The exchange of air in the sacs is accom- plished by the movements of the body of the insect, which empty the sacs by compression and allow them to refill by the elasticity of their walls. These respira- tor}- cavities are called pulmonary branchiae from their resemblance on the one hand to the lungs of the higher animals, and on the other hand to the branchiae or gill- sacs (Fig. 241). In the oyster and mollusk we have an approach to the respiratory apparatus of the fish. On opening an oyster a delicate membrane, known as the mantle, is seen lining the edge of the cell. The gill is constituted by a double fold of the mantle covered with cilia ; upon the gill ramify the blood-vessels, w r hich are bathed by the water which passes over them. From this water the blood receives oxygen and gives carbon oxide to it, FIG. 239. THE LOB-WORM (Are- nicola). (Carpen- ter.) The arborescent gills are situated on certain segments only. FIG. 240. TRANSVERSE SECTION OF ARENICOLA, AFTER GEGENBAUR. (Jeffrey Bell.) D, dorsal, V, ventral sides : N, ganglionic chain : I, intestine ; BR, gills : v, ventral vessels ; D, dorsal vessel; v', visceral vessel ; P, vessel around intestine; A B, vessels of gills. an exchange which is just as essential to the oyster as for breathing mammals (Fig. 242). In the clam the gills are inclosed in the mantle, forming a tube, the siphon, through which the water is forced b}' cilia. In the lowest forms of crustaceans, as in the branchiopods, the respiratory appendages are nothing more than thin plates, within which 566 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. the blood circulates, and outside of which is the oxygenated water in which they are bathed (Fig. 243). In the higher orders, as exemplified by the crab, we find external gills like those of the oyster, and attached to movable parts of the body, as the legs, exemplifying the association of locomotor with respiratory activity. They are kept in motion to bring the respiratory apparatus in contact with fresh portions of water. In the crab the gills are inclosed within a cavity formed by a doubling of the horny integument, and the stream of water is kept up through FIG. 241. RKSPIRATORY APPARATUS OF INSECT. (Carpenter.) A, first pair of legs ; B, first segment of thorax ; C, origin of wing ; D, second pair of legs ; E, third pair of legs ; F, tracheae ; G, stigmata ; H, air-sacs. these by means of a valve in the exit-pipe worked by the jaws. The constant movement causes a regular stream of water to issue from the gill-chamber. In the fish the respiratory apparatus in all essentials corresponds with that of the mollusk, the branchial element onl^y being modified and multiplied in accordance with the higher grade of life. The gills are formed of folds of membrane, between which are distributed the blood- vessels, and which are suspended from two bony or cartilaginous arches KESPIKATION. 567 (Fig. 244). The water is taken in by a process of swallowing, the mouth being first distended, and, as the muscles contract, the water is expelled through the aperture on either side of the pharynx into a cavity called the gill-cavit} T , and, as it passes over the gills, the oxygen of the atmos- phere held in solution is absorbed by the blood. Fish are thus admirably fitted for aquatic respiration, but die on removal from the water from the fact that, as the gills dry, absorption of oxygen is impaired, and the gills cling together, and so prevent ex- posure of their greater portion to the air. Under such circumstances fish then die from asphyxia. In some cases there is provided in addition an air-bladder or swimming-bladder, like a rudimentary sac of the air- breathing apparatus of the higher animals. In its simplest condition it is entirely closed, and can, therefore, serve no purpose except to C FIG. 242. DIAGRAMMATIC SECTION OF A LAMEI/LTBRANCH (FRESH-WATER MUSSEL, Anodon) THROUGH THE HEART. (Huxley.) F, ventricle ; G, auricles ; C, rectum ; P, pericardium : H, inner gill ; I, outer gill ; O Q, organ of Bojanus : B, foot; A A, mantle-lobes. regulate the specific gravity during swimming. In others this bladder is connected with the alimentary canal by a short, wide tube, called the ductus pneumaticus, and is filled by the process of swallowing. If we admit, as seems perfectly reasonable, that the air-bladder of the fish is a rudimentary lung, it may be stated that all vertebrates in the course of their life have two different kinds of respiratory apparatus. Every form of vertebrate breathes through gills during embryonic life; in the fish and a few reptiles the gills are permanent, but in others they disappear, and, while traces of a lung are seen in all vertebrates, they acquire full development only in reptiles, birds, and mammals : while, again, certain amphibians, as the Proteus and Siren, retain both gills and lungs to adult life, and thus form a link between fishes and reptiles. 568 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. BR' FIG. 243. TRANSVERSE SEC- TION OF A BRANCHIOPOD, SHOWING THE LEAF-LIKE GILLS. AFTER GRUBE. ( Jef- frey Bell.) C, heart; I, intestine; N, ventral nerve-cord; D, fold of the integument: BR BR', gills, which are appendages of the body. Vertebrates are the only animals that breathe through the nostrils or mouth. Fishes inspire only, and all vertebrate animals in whom the ribs are absent or solidly fastened together swallow air. In reptiles we first meet with a complete adaptation of a pulmonary structure for the direct aeration of the blood through the influence of the atmosphere. In them there is an internal prolongation of the external integument, constituting the lungs, though they exhibit great simplicity, being, for the most part, capacious sacs, occupying con- siderable bulk, .but being but slightly sub- divided, so that the amount of surface exposed is really very small, the blood being exposed on one surface only to aeration. The greatest diversity is met with in these animals as regards the structure and mobility of the thorax. In the saurians, the thorax resembles that of mammals, with movable ribs; in the chelonia, the thoracic walls are rigid and immovable ; in the ophidians, the ribs are very numerous and movable, the sternum being absent. A dia- phragm is met with only in the higher sau- rians. In reptiles inspiration is not accom- plished by inhalation, but by deglutition, air being drawn into the pharynx by depression of the hyoid apparatus, and the nares then being closed, the air is forced into the trachea. Expiration is accomplished mainly by the elasticity of the lungs, aided by the abdom- inal muscles, and in saurians and ophidians by the intercostal muscles and the elasticity of the chest-walls. In snakes, as a rule, there is a single, long, c} r lindrical lung, while the left lung is rudimentary. In birds, though the diaphragm is still absent or rudimentary, the respiratory appa- ratus is more complicated than any yet considered, so that the energy of the respira- tory process is much increased, and yet the general plan of the apparatus is much more closely allied to that of reptiles than of mammals. For each lung may be considered to be sub- divided into lobules, each of which resembles the rudimentary lung of FIG. 244. GILL OF THE PERCH. (Jeffrey Sell.) A, branchial artery ; B, branchial arch (seen in cross-section) ; C, branches of the branchial vein, V; D, branches of the branchial artery. KESPIRATION. 569 the frog, flattened and fixed to the back of the thorax. In addition to the elementary lungs numerous large air-sacs, distributed in various parts of the body, as the abdomen, the muscular interspaces, interior of the bones, etc., are found communicating with the lungs. And as the lining membrane of the bones, as well as of all these cavities, is extremely vascular, it also, in these localities, serves to assist in the aera- tion of the blood by exposure to the air. In fact, if the wind-pipe be tied and an opening be made in the wing-bone, respiration may still go on. This large increase of respiratory surface serves as well as store-room for atmosphere and is well adapted to the purposes of flight, during which the respiratory movements are less free. The lungs and the accessory apparatus of birds is filled with air by the process of suction through the trachea, in consequence of the permanent distended condition of the whole cavity of the trunk from the nature of its bony encasement. Such is the natural condition of this bony frame-work that when no pressure is made upon it it is completely distended ; as a consequence, the lung- tissue permanently attached to the ribs possesses such a degree of elas- ticity as to enable it to spontaneously dilate. Hence, the disposition of the air to fill the distended cavities until, by the action of the external muscles upon the bony frame-work, a portion of the air is expelled and its place again immediately taken by a fresh supply of air on relaxation of these muscles. Inspiration, therefore, in birds, in opposition to what we shall find to be the case in mammals, is passive, while expiration is active and is accomplished by drawing the sternum toward the backbone by muscular contraction, thus compressing the lung and expelling the air. The organs of respiration in man and mammals generally consist of, first, the bony frame-work of the chest ; second, the diaphragm and other muscles ; and, third, the trachea, bronchial tubes, and air-vessels. In mammals alone is there a perfect thorax, i.e., a closed cavity for the heart and lungs, with movable walls and a muscular partition, the diaphragm, separating the thoracic from the abdominal cavitj*. The trachea is a cylindrical tube consisting of a varying number of cartilaginous rings, imperfect posteriorly in man and most animals. These posterior imperfect spaces are occupied by the muscles which control the calibre of the tube. The use of these cartilaginous rings is to keep the tube patulous, so as to permit the entrance and free egress of air, subserving the same function as the spiral fibres in the interior of the air-vessels of the plant and insect already described. Immediately within the' cartilaginous rings, which are bound together by fibrous tissue, is found a fibrous connecting membrane ; within that is a mucous membrane continuous with that of the mouth and the pharynx, supplied with cylindrical, ciliated, epithelial cells, the cilia of which vibrate toward the pharynx and serve the purpose of facilitating the discharge of the 570 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. secretions or of any foreign substance which may lodge upon it. When the trachea reaches the second or third dorsal vertebra it bifurcates into two principal bronchi, passing one to each lung, and subsequently these again divide and subdivide in various directions until they have attained the size of the most minute bronchial tubes. The larynx, which is placed at the laryngeal extremity of the trachea, may be considered as corresponding to the base of a tree, the trachea to its trunk, and the bronchi to its different branches ; while the ultimate bronchi terminating in the air-vesicles of the lung may be regarded as representing the leaves of the tree. The bronchi have the same anatomical constituents as the trachea, and are composed of carti- laginous rings, musculo-fibrous membrane, and a lining mucous membrane (Fig. 245). The cartilaginous rings are also imperfect, but the imperfect spaces are irregularly dis- tributed, sometimes in front and sometimes at the side. The object of the rings is, of course, the same as those of the trachea. The tubes are thus mere gaseous conduits kept patulous by their cartilaginous constit- uents. In the bronchi a fibrous basement membrane is found, as well as unstriped muscular fibres, and in the bronchi the muscular fibres do not merely connect the ends of the rings, but completely encircle the tubes in the form of annular fibres. These muscular fibres are unstriped and involun- tary, and therefore possess the same char- acteristics as the unstriped muscular fibre found elsewhere, and serve to regulate the calibre of the tubes. The lining mucous membrane of the bronchi is also a ciliated membrane and extends down to the commencement of the finest bronchi. In the mucous membrane are found tubular glands forming a mucous secretion. In the minute bronchi the cartilaginous rings disappear and the bronchioles are then constituted of a la} r er of circular muscular fibres with an inner epithelial membrane, the cartilaginous rings disappearing when the bronchi have been reduced to about one-thirtieth to one-fiftieth of an inch in diameter. The bronchi ultimately terminate in a dilated portion, termed lobules or in- fundibula, which consist simply of a homogeneous membrane abundantly supplied with blood-vessels. This dilatation is formed by the same material as constitutes the fibrous wall of the tube thrown up into folds, between which ramify the blood-vessels. The contained blood is, there- FIG. 245. BRANCHIAL TREE OF A MAMMAL (HORSE), AFTER AEBY. (Jeffrey Bell.) A, eparterial, B, hyparterial ventral (V), and, D, hyparterial dorsal bronchi ; PA, pulmonary artery; PV~, pulmonary vein. KESPIEATION. 571 fore, exposed on both sides to the atmosphere. As the capillary net- work is spread over several cells, aeration of the blood is thus thoroughly secured, and in this locality the venous blood is converted into arterial. The calibre of these capillaries is extremely small, being only in diameter equal to the thickness of a red blood-corpuscle. It has been estimated, nevertheless, that the pulmonary capillaries in man are capable of containing about two liters of blood, and it has been further calculated that this amount is renewed ten thousand times in twenty-four hours. And, even making allowances for error in these calculations, it is evident how large is the surface for the interchange of gases between the air and blood. The diameter of the air-vesicles is from one two-hundredth to one- seventieth of an inch. Their number is almost infinite. It has been calculated that about the termination of each bronchus in a mammal are collected seventeen thousand seven hundred and ninety air-cells, and their total number has been computed to be at least six hundred millions. It has been further calculated by Lieberkiihn that the whole extent of respiratory surface of both lungs in man is fourteen thousand square feet, or two hundred square meters, and this surface is attained through the reduplications of the membrane, so occupying the least possible bulk. The air-vesicles gradually increase in number from infancy to adult life, when they remain stationary for a time, after which they decline, so that there is less respiratory surface in infancy and old age than in adult life. The walls of the air-vesicles are highly elastic, from the presence of elastic fibres, which form a close net-work with very fine meshes. Through the presence of this elastic tissue the air-vesicles, therefore, tend contin- ually to contract, a phenomenon which, as will be later demonstrated, is of the greatest importance for the process of expiration. All the different parts of the lungs are held together by delicate elastic tissue, and outside of this by a serous membrane, termed the pleura, which covers the external surface of the lungs and is reflected on to the internal surface of the thorax. The pleural membrane thus forms a shut sac, and the lung lies on the outside of it. The thorax is composed of a closed cavity in the form of a truncated cone, of which the sides, back, and a portion of the interior surfaces are formed by the ribs and costal cartilages with their intervening muscles. Its base is oblong, more or less flattened laterally in quad- rupeds and antero-posteriorly in man. The ribs are always more or less curved, with their concavity directed internally. In general, the first rib is the shortest, is less curved, and less inclined to the vertebral column. As a rule, it may be stated that in animals in whom the thorax is short the ribs are more curved than in those where the thorax is longer. 572 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. The backbone forms a part of the posterior boundary of the chest, the sternum the anterior boundary. Below, the thorax is shut off from the abdominal cavity in mammals by the diaphragm ; above, it is closed by the muscles of the neck. The lungs are suspended in a semi-distended state in the cavity of the thorax, and with Uie heart and great blood- vessels completely fill it. Since the thorax forms an air-tight cavity there is through the elasticity of the lungs a constant tendency to the production of a vacuum between the pleural surfaces. This tendency to contraction, due to the elastic fibres of the lungs, is of great importance in assisting respiration. If an opening be made into the pleural cavity the atmosphere at once enters, and the lungs then through their elasticity collapse. Atmospheric pressure being the same within and without the lungs, the resistance of the walls of the thorax is the only factor which prevents the collapse of the thorax from the elasticity of the lungs. This tendency to retraction of the thoracic walls is readily seen in the intercostal spaces, particularly if the outer muscular Ia3-ers be removed. Distinct depressions may then be recognized between each rib, and indicate the negative pressure produced upon the walls of the thorax by the constant tendency to contraction of the lungs. This negative pressure is likewise exerted on the upper and lower extremities of the thorax. There is, therefore, a constant depression of the soft tissues of the neck toward the thoracic cavity, until the increased tension so produced results in equilibrium. So, also, there is a constant tendency to the ascent of the diaphragm in the thoracic cavity by the same means. In the passive state of the thorax there is, therefore, a constant equilibrium produced, which results from the balance between this negative pressure exerted by the lungs and the resistance of the walls of the thorax. The walls of the thorax, in so far as they are constituted by the ribs and diaphragm, are not, however, rigid, but are capable of undergoing change in position. The ribs are acted on by various muscles whose contraction results in an increase in the lateral and antero-posterior diameters of the thorax. The diaphragm is also capable of changing its position, but when it contracts tends to depart from its concave, dome-like position, and become more horizontal. The contraction of the diaphragm, therefore, serves to increase the vertical diameter of the thorax. As the thorax is increased in its dimensions the lungs are compelled to follow its movements, from the fkct that otherwise there would be a production of a vacuum in the pleural cavity. As, however, the lungs likewise become increased in volume, the air in them becomes rarefied, and since the air within the lungs is in direct communication with the atmosphere the air streams in from without to the interior of the lungs, KESPIKATION. 573 until equilibrium is produced (Fig. 246). On the other hand, if the forces which produce enlargement of the thorax cease to act, the elasticity of the lungs, together with that of the cartilages of the ribs, is now sufficient to produce a return of the thorax to its original volume. The lungs, therefore, now decrease in volume, and as a consequence the air within them tends to become compressed, and, as a result, a portion of the air is expelled through the air-passages to the external atmosphere. The expansion of the thorax constitutes inspiration ; the contraction of the thorax constitutes expiration. As the tension of air in the lungs becomes decreased through inspiration, fresh air enters the lungs which is less charged with the carbon dioxide than that previously present in the lungs, while it is also FIG. 246. DIAGRAMMATIC REPRESENTATION OF THE RELATIONS BETWEEN THE LUNGS AND THE THORACIC CAVITY, AFTER FUNKE. (BeaUHlS.) The bell-jar, 1, represents the thorax ; the rubber membrane, 4, the diaphragm ; the membrane, 6, the soft parts of an intercostal space ; 2, the trachea, terminating in two rubber bulbs representing the lungs ; 3, a manometer for measuring the pressure within the bell-jar. In the figure to the left the atmospheric pressure within the bell-jar is the same as on the outside, and the mercury in the manometer stands at the same level in both arms. If the rubber membrane, 4, ia drawn downward by the button, 5, the cavity of the bell-jar is increased and the atmospheric pressure diminished, as shown by the manometer and the depressed space, 6. The negative pressure thus produced leads to the entrance of air through the tube, 2, into the rubber bulbs, which consequently expand. The action of the diaphragm in producing inspiration is precisely similar. richer in oxygen. By diffusion, from the inequality of these gaseous tensions, we have oxygen brought to the lowermost strata of air in the lungs and carbon dioxide diffusing from them, and when the air again leaves the lungs in expiration it has been the means of introducing oxygen into the lungs and removing carbon dioxide from them. The amount of air which ordinarily enters the lungs in inspiration and is dispelled in expiration is spoken of as the tidal volume. By forcible muscular contractions the capacity of the thorax may be both increased and decreased beyond the dimensions present in gentle respi- ration. The amount of air so drawn in by a forced inspiration is spoken of as complemental air; that expelled from the lungs in violent expiration is spoken of as supplemental air; while, even after forced expiration, a 574 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. considerable amount of air remains in the lungs, and this quantity is spoken of as the residual volume. 2. THE MECHANICAL PROCESSES OF RESPIRATION. The Mechanism of Inspiration. Every increase in the diameters of the thorax produces, as a consequence, for the reasons already referred to, an expansion of the lungs ; hence, air enters the lungs from the difference in atmospheric pressures. Such a movement is termed an inspiration. It is clear that in the production of inspiration the natural elasticity of the lungs and the thoracic walls must be overcome. Inspiration is, therefore, an active movement and requires the exertion of muscular force. The diameters of the thorax may be increased either through the elevation of the ribs or through the descent of the diaphragm. It is through the latter that in quiet respiration inspiration is produced. The diaphragm may, there- fore, be regarded as the principal muscle of inspiration. In its condition of relax- ation the muscular fibres of the diaphragm together form a curved surface whose con- cavity extends far up into the thorax. When the muscular fibres of the diaphragm shorten they tend to form a straight line between their origins and insertions, and, therefore, the diaphragm in its condition of extreme contraction tends to form an almost plane surface across the lower P 01> tion of the thorax. The origins and THE DIAPHRAGM. (Xtciard.) insertions of the muscular fibres of the If A represent a plane extending in expi- ration from the sternum to the vertebra, and diaphragm may be regarded as compara- D the position of the diaphragm, in inspiration J ^n p deL e end W to 1 r ovet tt ' whilethediaphragm tivel y fixed. The central tendon is, moreover, but slightly movable, since it is firmly connected with the organs occupying the mediastinum above, and below is more or less supported by the liver and stomach. It is, there- fore, evident that the diaphragm in inspiration cannot become completely flattened, since its curvature corresponds with that of the curvature of the abdominal organs. When the diaphragm, then, contracts, the curve is slightly flattened out, and this muscle may, therefore, be regarded as acting as a curved piston which descends in the cavity of the thorax, and so increases its long diameter ; at the moment in which the diaphragm contracts, the ribs in which it is inserted anteriorly are actively elevated. Thus, while the diaphragm in descending tends to lengthen the vertical diameter of the chest, the elevation of the inferior ribs would appear to diminish this diameter. The ascent of the lower ribs is, nevertheless, much less extensive than the descent of the diaphragm. It is further to be noticed that every RESPIRATION. 575 ascent of the ribs produces an increase in the antero-posterior diameter of the thorax ; or, in other words, increases the distance between the sternum and vertebral column. Therefore, this ascent of the ribs, so far from diminishing the inspiratory effect of the diaphragm, tends even to increase it. This may be rendered clear by the diagram (Fig. 247). At the same time the diaphragm contracts the abdominal organs are pressed downward, and so cause a projection of the abdominal walls. In forced inspiration the power exerted on the ribs through the dia- phragm is greater than that which tends to elevate the lower ribs. This is especially the case when there is any obstruction to the entrance of air into the lungs. In such cases there is a distinct constriction of the thorax at the points of insertion of the fibres of the diaphragm. This reduction in the circumference of the chest at these points is, however, of but slight importance, since the increase of the thoracic cavity by the greater descent of the diaphragm more than compensates for the decrease in its circumference. It is probable that in all circumstances this de- pression of the lower ribs would be more marked in strong contraction of the diaphragm were it not for the fact that the descent of the ab- dominal organs produces an increased tension in the abdominal walls, and, therefore, offers a certain resistance to the production of this constriction. Colin has estimated that in the horse the diaphragm in inspiration descends from ten to twelve centimeters in the abdominal cavity, thus, to this extent, increasing the long diameter of the thorax, while the transverse diameter at the same time increases from three to four centi- meters. The movements of the ribs in producing inspiration are much more complicated. Each rib articulates by two facets with a costal cavity formed by the junction of the ribs and two contiguous dorsal vertebrae. The only movement possible in the ribs, therefore, must occur around a line which passes between these two points of articulation ; or, in other words, nearly coincides with the axis of the neck of the rib. If the ribs were straight they would be only able to turn around on their own axes ; since, however, the ribs are all curved in different degrees, the turning of the rib around the axis of its neck causes every point of the rib to describe an arc of a circle (Fig. 248). Further, the point of articulation of each rib with the vertebral column is on a higher plane than its articulation with the sternum and costal cartilages, the degree of inclination being greatest in the first rib, least in the second, and then gradually increasing until the last rib forms almost the same angle as the first. From this arrangement it is evident that every elevation of the ribs will increase the distance between the sternum and the vertebral column, while the rotation of the ribs will 576 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. increase the lateral diameters of the thorax ; for, since the ribs form arches, each increasing in its radius from above downward, it is evident that when the lower rib is so elevated as to occupy the position pre- viously held by an upper rib the lateral diameter of the thorax at that point will be greater than before. Still further, the articulations of the ribs with the sternum are more or less fixed, and the resistance, therefore, which these articulations offer to the movement of the ribs FIG. 248. THE ACTION OF THE RIBS OF MAN IN INSPIRATION. (Btclard.) The shaded parts represent the positions of the ribs in repose. The line A B represents a horizontal plane passing through the sternal extremity of the seventh rib ; the line C D represents a horizontal plane touching the superior extremity of the sternum ; the line H G indicates the linear direction of the sternum. When the ribs are elevated, as indicated by the dotted lines, the line A B becomes the plane a b, the line C D the line c d, and the line H G becomes the line h g, the projection of the sternum being the more marked inferiorly. The distance which separates the line M N from the line m n measures the increase in the antero-posterior diameter of the thorax. will in the elevation of the ribs tend to open out the angles between the ribs and their cartilages. By the elevation, consequently, of the ribs, the diameters of the thorax are increased both laterally and in an antero-posterior direction. Hence, everything that tends to elevate the ribs will produce an inspira- tory movement; everything which depresses the ribs will produce an expiration. All muscles, therefore, which in any way may produce elevations of the ribs are inspiratory muscles. EESPIKATION. 577 The most important muscles of inspiration, which act by elevating the ribs, are the levatores costarum. These are small muscles which rise from the upper sides of the cervical and dorsal vertebrae, and are inserted in the posterior surfaces of the ribs. Although these are small muscles, they are inserted near to the axis of rotation of the ribs, and, consequently, but a slight degree of contraction, the lever being so long, will produce considerable elevation of the anterior extremity of the ribs. At the anterior extremity of the upper two ribs are inserted the scalene muscles, w r hich rise from the cervical vertebra, and which in their con- i _o k f FIG. 249. SCHEME OF ACTION OF THE INTERCOSTAL MUSCLES. (Lantlois.) I. When the rods a and ft, which represent the ribs, are raised the intercostal space mnst be widened (/><"0- On the opposite side, when the rods are raised, the line a h is shortened (/ A-< 1 23 Albumen cells, . . *. . . . 10.40 Albuminates, 0.16 Ash, 0.37 1. THE PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OP MILK. Milk is an opaque fluid, with a sweetish taste and an opalescent bluish tint, in thin layers, and a characteristic odor due to the volatile substances derived from the secretions of the cutaneous glands. Milk is not a homogeneous fluid, but is an emulsion, which consists of the so-called milk-globules suspended in milk-plasma, the latter con- sisting of a solution of albumen, sugar, and salts. Examined under the microscope the milk-globules appear as highly refractive drops of oil floating in the clear fluid (Figs. 258 and 259). -The size of these globules varies from 0.01 to 0.03 millimeter. In colostrum the corpuscles are much larger than in milk, and are capable .of amoeboid movements. The milk-corpuscles consist almost MAMMARY SECRETION. 611 entirely of fat, and are composed of combinations of gtycerin with oleic, palmitic, and stearic acids. They are surrounded by a thin layer of casein, not in the form of a solid deposition, but the casein probably exists in a condition of high imbibition rather than in a state of solidity or of true solution. The laj'er of casein cannot be regarded as consti- tuting a membrane, although it, to a certain extent, fulfills the same function. If acetic acid is added to a preparation of milk, under the microscope it will be seen that the caseous envelope is dissolved and the oil-globules run together and form irregular masses of oil. When cows' milk is shaken up with caustic potash and then agitated with ether the oil passes into solution in the ether. The previous subjection to the action of caustic potash is, however, essential, since ether will not dissolve the oil from cows' milk unless the casein envelopes be previously dissolved by acetic acid or potash. FIG. 258. MICROSCOPIC APPEARANCE OP MILK AND COL,OSTRTTM. (Landois.) The upper half of the figure represents milk ; the lower half colostrum. If milk be allowed to stand for some time the oil-globules, which in freshly secreted milk are uniformly distributed through the milk, now rise to the surface and form a layer largely composed of fat, or the so-called cream. The reaction of freshly secreted milk is alkaline in the herbivora and in the human female, while that of the carnivora is acid. The milk of herbivora frequently will exhibit both an alkaline and an acid reaction, due to the presence of an acid sodium phosphate (H 2 NAP0 4 ) and of an alkaline disodic phosphate (NA a HP0 4 ). Such a reaction is spoken of as amphioter. When milk is allowed to stand, the alkaline reaction, when present, gives place to an acid reaction, which is due to the fermentation of the milk-sugar and its conversion into lactic acid. When the cream is 612 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. removed from milk the skimmed milk is less opaque and white, while the edges in contact with the vessel have a distinct bluish tint. The specific gravity of milk varies from 1018 to 1040. Cows' milk, when pure, may vary between sp. gr. 1028 and 1034, usually increasing from the first to the eighth month of lactation from 1031 to 1039. In composition milk consists of solids partly dissolved and partly suspended in a fluid plasma, the amount varying from 12 to 13 per cent. Of these solids, 3 to 6 per cent, is represented by the fats, 9.25 per cent, by the other solids. In composition, milk is composed of 85 to 90 per cent, water, casein, albumen, fat, milk-sugar, lecithin, and salts, with carbon dioxide, FIG. 259. MICROSCOPIC APPEARANCES OF MILK, I; CREAM, II; BUTTER, HI; COLOS- TRUM OF MARE, IV; AND COLOSTRUM OF Cow, V. (Thanhoffer.) oxygen arfd nitrogen gases, urea, and various accidental constituents, such as lactic acid after milk fermentation, haematin, bile coloring- matters, and mucin. It often serves to eliminate various substances such as drugs, among which may be mentioned potassium iodide, iodine, salts of various metals, the oil of garlic, and various other bodies. When filtered through animal membrane or porous-clay filters, the milk-plasma is obtained as a clear, slightly opalescent fluid, which contains casein, serum-albumen, peptone, milk-sugar, salts in fact, all the constituents of milk, with the exception of the oil-globules and a considerable portion of the casein, the amount of the latter which is kept back being greatly - increased when a fresh animal membrane is used as a filter. MAMMARY SECRETION. 613 The following tables represent various analyses of this secretion in different animals : I. COMPOSITION OP THE MILK OF DIFFERENT ANIMALS. (AFTER GORUP- BESANEZ, LIEBERMANN, GAUTIER, ETC.) Woman. CONSTITUENTS. Ass. Cow. Goat, Sheep. Mare. Colos- truin. Water, 86 27 8891 8777 84.08 90 70 8656 86.76 83.30 8284 Solids, 13.72 11.09 12.23 15.92 19.30 13.44 13.24 16.69 17.16 Casein, > Albumen, $ 2.95 3.92 2.34 3.23 1.70 C 3.50 { 0.58 2.92? 1.31$ 5.73 1.64 Butter, .... 5.37 2.67 3.68 5.78 1.55 4.03 4.48 6.05 6.87 Milk-sugar, . . Inorganic salts, 5.13 0.22 4.36 0.14 5.55 0.23 6.51 0.35 5.80 0.50 4.60 0.73 3.91 0.62 3.96 > 0.68 $ 8.65 II. In 100 Parts. Cow. Goat. Sheep. Ass. Mare. Sow. "Woman. Water 85 7 864 840 91 828 824 888 Solids, 14.3 13^6 16.0 9.0 17.2 17.6 11.2 Casein, Albumen,. 4.8 06 3.3) 12S 5.3 2.0 1.6 6.1 3.5 Fats, 4.3 4.4 5.4 1.3 6.9 6.4 3.5 Sugar, Salts 4.0 0.6 4.0 0.7 4.1) 0.7$ 5.7 8.7 $ 4.0 I 1.1 4.0 0.2 Asses' milk is nearest in composition to women's milk ; cows' milk has one-half more fat and almost one-half more albuminoids. III. THE ASH OF MILK IN 100 PARTS. WOMEN'S MILK. Cows' MILK. (Wildenstein.) (Weber.) (Haidlen.) Sodium, 4.21 6.38 8.27 Potassium 3159 2471 15.42 Chlorine . 1906 1439 16.96 Calcium 18 78 17.311 Magnesium, .... 0.87 1.90 I 56.52 Phosphoric acid, 19.00 2.64 29.13 J 1.15 Ferric oxide ... . 0.10 0.33 0.62 Silica, trace 0.09 614 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. IV. THE RELATIVE VALUE OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF MILK. Water. Casein and Albumen. Butter. Sugar and Walts. Mares' milk, . . . 91.15 1.03 1.27 6.12 Asses' " . . 89.01 3.57 1.85 5.57 Women's milk, . 87.24 2.88 3.68 5.78 Goats' 86.85 3.79 4.34 3.78 Cows' " . 84.28 4.35 6.47 4.34 Sheep's " . 83.30 5.73 6.05 O GJ o.t/O V. SOLIDS IN A PINT OF MILK. Nitrogenous constituents, 23.9 grammes. Fatty 22.7 Saccharine " . . . . .80.3 " Salts, 4.0 2. CASEIN AND MILK COAGULATION. Casein is a proteid body of an acid reaction which is scarcely soluble in water but soluble in dilute acids and alkalies. In milk its solution is rendered possible by its combina- tion with soluble alkali albuminates and through the presence of calcium phosphate. In amount it varies from 3 to 5 per cent., the relative pro- portions of casein and albumen being from 1.87 per cent, to 4.68 per cent, of the former and from 0.60 per cent, to 1.77 per cent, of the latter. Casein, although closely similar in composition to alkali albumen, is not identical with it, but is probabty to be regarded as a combination of alkali albuminate and nuclein. Casein may be obtained from milk by dilution with four times its volume of water, the addition of dilute acetic acid (0.1 per cent.) until a precipitate begins to appear, th.en passing a current of carbonic acid gas, filtering, and washing the precipitate with water, alcohol, and ether. Casein may also be obtained from milk by the addition of magnesium sulphate to saturation. When freed by ether from fats after its preparation by the latter process and dissolved in water, casein is a snow-white powder and in solution rotates yellow light eighty degrees to the left; in dilute alkaline solution, seventy-six degrees to the left; in strong alkaline solution, ninety-one degrees to the left ; and in dilute hydrochloric acid, eighty- seven degrees to the left. It leaves no ash on incineration. When milk is boiled the serum-albumen of milk becomes coagulated, while the skim formed is due to the deposition of a thin pellicle of casein due to evaporation, and which is renewed as fast as it is removed. The coagulation of milk depends upon the precipitation of casein. Everything, therefore, which causes casein to become insoluble causes coagulation of milk. Such agents are acids, rennet, tannin, alcohol, and mineral salts. MAMMARY SECRETION. 615 Milk is coagulated by all acids. Several, especially acetic acid in excess, again dissolve the precipitate of casein. Casein is precipitated by acids only when a certain degree of acidity is reached, since alkaline phosphates must be first neutralized ; if the alkaline phosphates are removed, even carbon dioxide is then capable of precipitating casein. The spontaneous coagulation of milk is produced by the development of lactic acid, which is formed from milk-sugar in the milk by the action of bacteria introduced from without or by the action of the lactic acid ferment which appears to be present in milk. In this process the neutral alkaline phosphate is converted into acid phosphate. The casein is sepa- rated from its combination with calcium phosphate and is precipitated, the sugar being decomposed into lactic acid and carbon dioxide.' When milk coagulates spontaneously, or, in other words, curdles, it separates into a tough, jelly-like substance or curd, which consists of the insoluble casein and fat, floating in an opalescent acid fluid, or whey. The whey contains the greater part of the salts of the milk, the lactic acid, the undecomposed milk-sugar, and certain amounts of fat and the albumi- noids. That the spontaneous curdling of milk is due to the action of the ferment contained itself in milk (which decomposes the milk-sugar into lactic acid)- is proved by the fact that boiling greatly retards the spon- taneous coagulation, evidently through the destruction of this ferment. This lactic acid ferment may be precipitated from milk by the addition of an excess of alcohol. If the ferment is then dissolved in water and added to solutions of milk-sugar it will produce rapid fermentation. The action of the milk-curdling ferment, as pointed out in the chapters on Digestion, is very different. Here, the casein is rendered insoluble by the action of the rennet ferment, even in alkaline fluids and without at all calling in the aid of lactic acid. The salts in milk, especially the calcic phosphate, are essential to the action of milk-curdling ferment ; for, when milk is subjected to dialysis, rennet is then rendered incapable of producing coagulation. Spontaneous coagulation of milk may be prevented by the addition of sodic carbonate, boracic or salicylic acids. So, also, the addition of one drop of the ethereal oil of mustard to twenty cubic centimeters of milk will likewise preserve its fluid condition. Colostrum, sows' milk, and the milk of carnivora coagulate when heated. Boiled milk coagulates spontaneously only with difficulty, and is also more difficult to coagulate with rennet, but when acidulated the casein coagulates even more readily than in fresh milk. A high temperature facilitates both forms of coagulation. Milk which has become acid, but which is still fluid, will coagulate when heated. ' In addition to casein, milk contains other albuminoids, one of which 616 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. in all of its characteristics closely resembles serum-albumen. It is present in about 0.5 per cent., though in colostrum it is in much larger percentage. It is there present in about 15 per cent., but rapidly de- creases for about four weeks, when it reaches its average percentage of 0.5 per cent. When the plasma of milk is slightly acidulated and boiled it coagu- lates between 10 and 80 C. Peptone is also present in small amounts as a trans udat ion from the blood. 3. MILK-SUGAR. Milk-sugar is an animal carbohydrate found only in milk ; its average percentage is 4.5 per cent., varying from 3 to 7 per cent. Of all the constituents of the milk the milk-sugar is least influ- enced by external conditions. It is found dissolved in milk-serum and in whey, whether after the spontaneous coagulation of the milk (acid whey) or after the action of rennet (sweet whey). It may be obtained by coag- ulating milk and evaporating the whey until Crystals form. It occurs with one molecule of water in rhombic prisms soluble in from five to six parts of cold water and in three- parts of boiling water. It is, therefore, very insoluble in comparison with the other forms of sugar. It is only slightly soluble in alcohol and water, and is not readily crystallizable. Its formula may be placed at C 6 H 12 O 6 . Heated up to 100 C. it loses some of its water, and may thus be represented by the formula C 12 H 22 U . The specific rotation of milk-sugar containing water of crystalliza- tion is -f- 52.53 at 20 C. ; anhydrous milk-sugar = -\- 81.3. When warmed with alkalies it becomes brown, like dextrose (Moore's test), and likewise reduces Fehling's solution. The milk-sugar of the human female, the cow, and the goat agree in their chemical characteristics, their form of crystallization, and their action on polarized light. The spontaneous coagulation of milk is due to the formation of lactic acid from milk-sugar, one molecule of milk-sugar forming foui* molecules of lactic acid. The formula may be represented as follows : When lactic acid forms, it unites with the alkaline phosphates to form lactates of the alkalies and acid salts, and coagulation only occurs when all the alkaline phosphates have been converted into acid salts. A slight further development of lactic acid is then sufficient to cause coag- ulation. If two glasses, one containing milk and the other a pure solution of milk-sugar, are subjected to the same conditions, after a fewtla}^ the former will contain so much lactic acid that the milk will be coagulated; while not the slightest trace of acidity will be found in the milk-sugar MAMMAKY SECRETION. 617 solution. This proves that the milk contains a ferment which is capable of splitting up milk-sugar into lactic acid. Such a ferment is widely distributed in the animal body. It may be often extracted from the gastric mucous membrane, and is entirely distinct from pepsin or the milk-curdling ferment, since it preserves its action even after the other ferments are destroyed by dilute caustic soda. The ferment may be obtained from milk after dialysis by precipitation with alcohol, and, after drying, dissolving the precipitate in water. Such a precipitate will coagulate milk and will cause the development of lactic acid in solu- tions of milk-sugar. This ferment has a neutral reaction and is soluble in glycerin. It is destroyed by boiling, and appears to regain its activity when treated with oxygen. This would indicate that it is a ferment generator and not a true ferment, and explains why boiled milk may be kept longer than unboiled ; while the fact that even boiled milk will ultimately coag- ulate is to be attributed to the subsequent development of the ferment through the action of the air. Increase of temperature increases the activity of the ferment. Milk- sugar is not directly fermentable; that is, it cannot be directly converted into alcohol, though by the action of dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acids it ma}^ be partly transformed into a fermentable lactic acid. This process is concerned in the manufacture of koumiss from mares' milk, which contains a large amount of sugar. A similar fermented liquid may be obtained from cows' milk through the action of the yeast-plant. 4. FAT AND CREAM. Fat is present in milk in the form of minute globules, the average percentage being 3 to 3| per cent., although it may vary from 2^ to 5J per cent. The following fatty acids have been found in milk : But}'ric, caproic, caprylic, caprinic, myristic, palmitic, stearic, and oleic. The percentages of palmitic, oleic, and stearic acids vary. So the melting point of butter also varies, as does, also, its specific gravity. Normally, the melting point varies from 32 to 37.5 C. Cows' butter contains about 68 per cent, palmitin, 30 per cent, olein, and 2 per cent, other fats, the solid fats apparently being more abundant in winter than in summer. The butter may be separated from milk by mechanical agitation (churning), the enveloping layers of casein being thus ruptured. It was formerly supposed that the fatty globule of milk had a solid envelope, because the fat does not pass into solution in ether unless caustic potash had been previously added. At most, however, we may assume that the fat is surrounded by an envelope of fluid casein, rendered more consistent here than elsewhere by the mo- lecular attraction exerted by the fat-globules. Casein is not present in the milk in the form of a true solution, but rather in a high degree of 618 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. imbibition ; so the effect of caustic potash is to enable the casein to pass into solution, and so render the oil accessible to ether. The absence of any solid envelope of the oil-globule is proved by the absence of any such formation after mechanically breaking up the oil-globules, while the proof of the fact of non-solution of casein in the milk is found in the fact that when milk is filtered through porous earthenware scarcely any casein passes through, while the other albuminoids which are really in solution do so pass. Casein, therefore, in milk acts like the gum around the oil-globules in an artificial mucilage emulsion. On account of the lighter specific gravity, when milk stands the oil- globules rise to the top and, accompanied by varying amounts of the other constituents of the milk, constitute the cream ; the largest rise first, while the smaller ones remain suspended in the body of the milk. The ascent of the cream is the more rapid the smaller the distance the fat-globules have to traverse. Hence, cream is formed more rapidly in broad, shallow vessels than in tall, narrow ones. Unless the temperature of the milk is constant, currents are set up in the milk from the differ- ences of temperature, and the formation of cream is delayed until the entire volume of milk and the external medium are of the same tempera- ture. Hence, shallow metal pans, by leading to a rapid equalization of temperatures, are usually employed for the separation of the cream. As the milk has a greater volume when warm than when cold, the cream will contain less serum when the molecules of the fluid are further separated from each other. So cream formed from warm milk has a higher per- centage of fat in a small volume than cream formed from cold milk, and the higher the temperature at which the formation of cream takes place the smaller the amount of fat left in the skimmed milk. If the cream has been removed from milk by means of the centri- fugal machine the separation is much more complete (often only O.L per cent, of fat remaining in the milk), while the milk remains sweet instead of becoming sour, as ordinarily occurs in the usual method of separating the cream. Skimmed milk so obtained is, therefore, a more valuable food, since it still contains all the sugar and is less apt to pro- duce disturbances of digestion. The addition of a small amount of water facilitates, the addition of salt interferes with, the separation of the cream. The following table represents the composition of cream : Water, . . . . . *,.,% . 61.67 Fat, . . . . . .... . . 33.43 Casein, . " . . . 2.62 Sugar, ... 1 56 Salts, . 0.72 By the process of churning, which is only effective after the milk has become slightly acid, only about two thirds of the fat are removed ; MAMMARY SECRETION. 619 the other third remains in suspension in the buttermilk. Churning is best accomplished at about 14 C., with thirty to forty strokes of the churn per minute. The average composition of buttermilk may be placed as follows : Fat, 0.50 to 0.75 per cent. ; casein, 3.60 per cent. ; albumen, 3.7 per cent. ; sugar, 0.52 per cent. ; ash, 0.52 per cent. ; water, 91.7 per cent. The amount of cream which may be obtained from milk varies very considerably in different animals and under different conditions, and will be subsequently referred to. Usually about 80 per cent, of the entire amount of fat contained in the milk passes into the cream, and if the average percentage of fat in milk be placed at 3.5 per cent., the fat in cream would amount to 2.7 per cent. When butter becomes rancid the volatile fatty acids are set free and acrolein and formic acid are formed from the glycerin. Skimmed milk has a higher specific gravity than unskimmed milk, from the fact that the lighter constituents, that is, the oils, have been largely removed. The specific gravity of skimmed milk may rise to 1037, or even higher. Its composition may be placed as follows : Water, 89.65 Fat, 0.79 Casein 3.01 Sugar, 5.72 Salts, . 0.83 5. THE INORGANIC CONSTITUENTS OF MILK. In addition to the albu- minoids, fats, and carbohydrates contained in milk, the mineral constitu- ents necessary for the support of the animal body are also present, their average amount being about as follows : Phosphoric acid, . . 28.31 Chlorine, 16.34 Calcium oxide, 27.00 Potassium, . . . . . . . . .17.34 Sodium, 10.00 Magnesium, 4.07 Ferric oxide, 0.62 Oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide are also present; and since these gases may be entirely removed by pumping, they are, therefore, in a condition of solution in the milk. Nitrogen is present in 0.7 volumes per cent. ; oxygen, 0.1 per cent. ; carbon dioxide, 7.7 per cent. 6. VARIATIONS IN THE QUANTITY AND COMPOSITION OF MILK. The variations which occur in the quantity and composition of milk are largety dependent on the quantity and composition of the food; in- sufficient food leads to a reduction in both the absolute quantity and solid constituents of the milk. In addition to these conditions, to be 620 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. studied in detail directly, the amount and character of the milk depends largely upon the period of pregnancy and suckling, as there is a close sympathy between the secretion of the mammary glands and the genital organs. The period of activity of the mammary gland is inaugurated shortly before the first birth, and shortly thereafter yields the largest amount of secretion, which in the best Dutch cattle may be as large as 30-35 liters each day. This maximum persists for several weeks, and then commences gradually to decline, there being a continual and gradual relative increase in the albuminoids and a decrease in the fats and sugar, and at the end of the tenth month only one-quarter or one-sixth as much milk is secreted as at first. During the first ten months of lactation in the best cows more than 6000 liters may be secreted ; fairly good cows will form 3000 liters, and poor cows not more than 1000 liters of milk in the same time Quite frequently good cows will yield as much milk, nearly, after ten months as in the first week after birth. Colostrum is far richer in solids than the later secretions of milk. Immediately aftei 1st day after cal 2d " 3d " " 4th " 5th " " 6th " " 14th " 28th " " r calving, ving, . 9 Solids. . 38.4 . 30.1 . 23.1 . 15.3 . 14.9 . 13.7 12 9 Water. 61.6 69.9 76.9 84.7 85.1 86.3 87.1 87.4 87.6 . ::' . 12.6 . 12.4 The solids contain the following constituents : Immediately after calving, 1st day after calving, 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 14th 28th " Fat. 8.4 5.9 6.2 4.0 4.5 3.7 3.0 25 2.6 Sugar. Albuminoids. 0.0 0.2 0.9 2.5 3.6 3.9 4.3 4.3 4.4 15.5 13.7 10.9 8.6 5.1 3.4 2.0 1.6 0.7 Colostrum contains 3.3 per cent, salts, and it therefore follows that the percentage of casein must be 11.2 per cent. The quantity of milk depends upon the breed of cow. Some races are good milkers, while others are better as meat producers and beasts of burden. Nevertheless, the quantity of milk is directly proportionate to the degree of development of the mammary gland. Even in two cows of the same breed, and on precisely the same food, the amount of milk secretion will depend upon the degree of development of the glandular tissue. MAMMARY SECEETION. 621 The following table gives the average milk grven by different breeds of Irish and English cattle (Schmidt-Mulheim): English Cattle. Breed. f'SSSffin. Total Milk. 1. Shorthorns (Wiltshire), . 2. " ... 3. " ... 4. Cross-bred (Cheshire), 5. Yorkshire, ...... 6. Half-bred and Shorthorns (Cheshire), 7. North-bred and South Devon, Jer- seys and Shorthorns (Devon), 8. Yorkshire (Hunts), .... 9. Half-bred Yorkshire (Hunts), . 10. Hereford, 11. Yorkshire (Surrey), .... 12. Shorthorns (Yorkshire), . Average, Irish Cattle. Breed. 1. Cross-bred, Durham, and Ayrshire (Kerry) 2. Cross-bred, Irish, and Shorthorns (Limerick), . . . . .270 3. Half-bred, Shorthorns (Cork), . . 270 4. Cross-bred (Cork), . . . .270 Average, 274 270 days. 2160 quarts. 240 2520 255 3060 t 240 2880 t 270 3465 240 2640 ' 320 3840 < 240 1440 < 180 2520 ( 240 1920 < 270 3240 ' 235 2142 t 250 2652 Duration Tntal \fi11r of Lactation. ** 285 days. 1995 quarts. 2430 2700 2970 2524 As the milk-glands in the cow weigh only about five kilos, with 24 per cent., or 1.2 kilos, solids, it is evident that each gland produces two and a half times its own weight in solids. Goats give one-half to one liter of milk daity. Women produce one to one and one-third liters of milk daily. The milk of different breeds of cattle varies not only in quantit3 T , but also in quality. As a rule, the milk of the Dutch cattle contains the largest percentage of fat and albumen ; then come the Swiss and Tyro- lean cows and Normandy cows with greatest percentage of solids. The composition of milk also varies according to the stage of lacta- tion, casein and fat increasing in women up to the second month, while sugar decreases even in the first month. In five to seven months fat decreases. Casein decreases after the ninth to tenth month. Salts increase in first five months and then decrease. In goats casein first sinks, then remains constant, and then increases. Fat gradually decreases. So, in dogs, albuminous diet increases the fat in milk. This influ- ence is less marked in cows. Fat in food appears to decrease the fat in 622 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. milk if there is an insufficient amount of albumen given at the same time. Carbohydrates in food of carnivora appear to be without influence on amount of milk-sugar. Also, in herbivora, milk-sugar depends for its origin principally on the albumen of the food. The mode of living is of the greatest influence on the milk secretion. When a large quantity of milk is desired, the animals must remain per- fectly at rest, as every excitement or movement, even of the animals' body muscles, decreases the milk secretion. When the animals are per- fectly motionless the, greater part of the blood-stream passes through the glands, and vice versa. So a much smaller quantity of milk is pro- duced by grazing than by stall-fed animals, and it has been found that even leading cows out to drink decreases the amount of milk. The feeding has also a certain influence on the composition of the milk ; to produce a large quantity of good milk, the animal, naturally, must receive enough food to maintain a good condition. If a poor food is given the milk will not be very seriously influenced, nor will a rich food increase the quantity of milk to any great extent. The milk secre- tion is far more closely dependent on the breed of cattle than on the feeding ; a certain maximum which is peculiar to each individual cannot by any artificial means be increased: Water, of all foods, seems -to have the greatest influence on the composition of milk. When large quantities of water have been drunk, the milk contains a higher percentage of water. The amount of albuminoid constituents of the food exerts great influence on both the composition and quantity of the milk. An increase in the pro- teids in the food increases the total quantity and solids of the milk, the fats being relatively more increased than the albuminoids. As an illustration of these facts, Weiske has found that a goat which on a diet of one thousand five hundred grammes potatoes and three hundred and sevent} T -five grammes chopped straw secreted seven hundred and thirty-nine grammes milk, secreted one thousand and fifty-four grammes milk when two hundred and fi/ty grammes of meat residue was added to the ration, the fat in the milk increasing from 2.71 per cent, to 3.14 per cent. In carnivora, also, a rich proteid diet leads to the production of a copious secretion, which may be almost completely arrested by confinement to a carbohydrate diet. In the human female, a rich albuminous diet leads not only to an increase in the amount of milk, but also of its solid constituents, as is seen in the following table : Water. Solids. Fats. Casein. On scanty diet, . . . 914.0 86.0 8.0 35.5 39.5 One week later, after abun- dant meat diet, . . 880.6 119.4 34.0 37.5 45.4 MAMMAKY SECRETION. 623 In herbivora, carnivora, and omnivora, therefore, the same general rule holds, that an increase in the albuminous constituents of the food increases both the total amount of milk and its percentage in fats. In cows, however, it is to be noted that the relative percentages of casein and fat are not dependent so much on the amount of albumen of the food as on the breed and individual characteristics. The influence of the fatty constituents of the food on the composition of the milk is less marked. It will be shown, under the subject of Nutrition, that the addition of fat to the food serves to reduce the waste of tissue-albumen, and therefore permits the deposition of nitrogenous tissue-constituents. To this extent, by yielding a greater supply of albuminous bodies to the glandular epithelium, a fatty diet may help the milk secretion, but not, as will be shown directly, by an immediate transfer of the fat of the food to the milk. In fact, the addition of fat to the food even seems to reduce the amount of butter in the milk if the amounts of albuminoids in the food are not amply sufficient for the nutritive needs of the economy. When, however, the albuminoids and other constituents of the food are ample for preserving nutritive equilibrium, the further addition of fat will increase the percentage of butter in the milk. The milk secreted at different hours of the day shows certain con- stant, though small, variations in composition. Morning milk has the largest percentage of water; midday milk the smallest. In 100 Parts. - Morning. Noon. Evening. Water, 88.46 88.16 88 30 Solids, Butter, 11.54 2.69 11.84 2 94 11.70 2 82 Milk-sugar, 4.87 4.90 4 87 Casein, 3.15 3.27 3 21 Salts, 0.828 0.725 0.802 So/also, the first- and last-drawn portions of milk have different com- positions. The last portions have more solids, and especially more fat, than the earlier portions. A difference of four hours in time of milking makes this most apparent. It has been attempted to attribute this differ- ence to the rising of the cream in the udder of the cow, just as occurs in milk standing in a vessel outside the body. The same differences may, however, be made out in human milk, where this mechanical explanation can have but little force. It must not be forgotten that in milking not only ready-formed milk is withdrawn, but during the act new milk is secreted, and it is quite warrantable to suppose the cell processes which result in the production of the solids of the milk are less active in the pauses than during the act of milking or suckling, when the process is stimulated from the irritation of the nipples. 624 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION OP MILK. d 4 ^ S3 d a 3 g ^ fl J a In 1000 Parts. i c3 s 8 1 tc'Sc | 5 1 's S '5 * 'o o tJ "35 ^ d "3 I GC H > OQ ft w W < Q P W Water, . 851.98 817.40 849.90 853.15 871.80 837.48 803.20 845.62 839.72 857.70 841.80 Solids, . 148.02 182.60 1.50.10 146.85 128.20 162.52 196.80 154.38 160.28 142.30 158.20 Casein, 22.56 41.98 37.64 22.63 42.18 46.50 45.62 32.46 34.87 31.50 28.52 Albumen 3.08 7.60 8.00 8.82 5.15 7.24 7.90 11.14 7.32 9.10 10.20 Butter, 70.88 79.60 51.40 62.80 32.40 57.04 98.80 64.10 68.46 62.20 63.40 Sugar. 45.90 48.42 46.26 46.20 42.12 45.54 37.26 39.70 43.50 32.92 49.68 Salts, . 5.60 5.00 6.80 6.40 6.00 6.20 7.22 6.82 6.14 6.78 6.40 7. THE SECRETION OF MILK. The mammary glands belong to the t} T pe of compound acinous glands, and are constructed on a similar plan to the salivary glands. The alveoli are lateral expansions at the termi- nations of the excretory ducts and are formed of a closed membrane covered, as is also the case with the ducts, with a single layer of cells, whose appearances vary according to the stage of activity of the glands. The secretory cells are composed of polyhedral cellular structures containing a round nucleus and usually a varying number of oily globules. During the stage of greatest activity the secretory cells increase in size, the nucleus often is apparently reduplicated, and the number of oil-globules greatly increased. In active secretion, during which the oil-globules and cell-contents appear to be extruded, the remaining cells are much smaller and only contain a single nucleus. The excretory ducts, which are short, are likewise supplied with flat epithelial cells and terminate in a canal which in each part of the gland becomes enlarged, especially at the base of the nipple, where it becomes dilated to form the so-called milk-cistern, which is connected at the exterior by several canals which open at the end of the nipple (Fig. 260). This cistern is lined with a mucous membrane composed of cylindrical epi- thelial cells (Fig. 261). In the canals and in the nipple the epithelial coat becomes converted into pavement epithelium. The excretory canals are abundantly supplied with unstriped muscular fibres, which at the opening into the nipple become developed into strong circular layers. It is evident from the composition of milk that its most important constituents must result from a special cell activity, since neither casein nor milk-sugar are found in the blood, and, although fat is a constant constituent of the blood, the amount in comparison with that found in the milk is almost infinitesimal. It follows, therefore, that the milk, like the other secretions, cannot be regarded as a transudation, but is a result of the protoplasmic activity of the epithelial cells of the mammary glands. But, further, good cows may yield as much as twenty-five kilos of milk daily, containing as much as 2.5 kilos of albuminoids, fats, and sugar. MAMMAEY SECEETION. 625 The weight of the milk-gland is not more than 4.8 kilos, with 24.2 per cent, solids, including all the glandular tissue (vessels, capsule, connective tissue, etc.), or 1.16 kilos solids. Consequently, the gland must renew itself 2.09 times dail}* to furnish this amount of organic matter if derived M ms FIG. 260. SECTION OP THE UDDER AND NIPPLE OF THE Cow. (ThanTicffer.) Ma, gland-substance : B, nipple; ms, acini of gland; tj, milk-ducts ; C, milk-cistern ; r, folds in wide milk-ducts ; z, section of sphincter muscle ; kb, external skin ; ki, narrow milk-duct in the nipple. solety from the secreting cells. This would, however, require an incred- ibly rapid cell growth, and we are compelled to assume that although the growth and disappearance of the secreting cells is of the greatest im- portance in furnishing the organic constituents of the milk, these sub- stances are not derived solely from the breaking down of the cells, but 40 626 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. that in their functional activity they, to a certain extent, simply modify certain substances already existing in the blood and lymph. As regards the production of the fat of milk, oil-globules may be seen to collect in the epithelial cells and escape into the excretory ducts, either by a breaking up of the epithelial cells or by a process of contrac- tion similar to that observed in the amoeba in the process of ejecting the residue from digestion. The origin of the fat is, without doubt, in a process of fatty degeneration of the protoplasmic cell-contents, for the cw cw cw cw FIG. 261. DIAGRAM OF THE FORMATION OF THE NIPPLE, AFTER KLAATSH. (Ellenberger.) I, cat ; II, mare ; III, woman ; IV, cow. DR, milk-cistern ; CW, cutaneous surface. amount of fat contained in milk, so far from being increased, is actually diminished by an increase of fat in the food ; while, further, the fats in milk do not necessarily coincide in nature with the fats of the food. On the other hand, an increase in proteid diet increases the amount of fat in the milk. In microscopic examination of the epithelial cells of the mammary glands, oil-globules may be actually seen to increase in size and number until often the protoplasmic contents become almost entirely MAMMAKY SECKETION. 627 replaced by oil-globules, which entirely agree in their characteristics with the oil-globules found in milk. So, also, in feeding animals on highly albuminous diet they may even be seen to increase in weight, while at the same time more fat is removed in the milk than could be taken in the food, while the increase in weight indicates that the origin of fat is not from the adipose tissue of the bod}^. On the other hand, it is impossible that in the herbivora the fat of the milk should be derived from the break- ing up of albuminoids in the gland, for the total amount of albuminoids breaking up in the body is insufficient to furnish the fat removed in the mammary secretion. Part must, therefore, be derived from the blood. As regards the casein, this substance is, without doubt, developed at the expense of the albuminous cell-contents, since it is absent from the blood, the alkali albuminate being directly derived from the breaking down of the protoplasm, while the nuclein, which is to be regarded as a constant component part of the casein, is, without doubt, derived from the nucleus which disappears in the process of secretion. This con- version of the albuminous contents into casein is still further evidenced by the fact that the proportion of casein in the milk depends upon the degree of perfection of cell activity. Thus, in the earlier stages of lactation, in the formation of colostrum, the amount of albuminoid matter contained in the milk is greatly in excess of the amount contained in milk after lactation has become thoroughly established, while coinci- dently with the decrease in albumen there is a proportionate increase in the percentage of casein. A ferment has even been extracted from the mammary gland which possesses the power of converting albumen into casein. The origin of milk-sugar is less clearly established, although it also seems, without doubt, to originate in changes occurring in the proto- plasmic contents of the epithelial cells of the mammary gland. For the amount of sugar in the milk is entirely independent of the amount of carbohydrate constituents of the food, and remains unchanged even when animals are fed on a purely meat diet. It would, therefore, appear that the milk-sugar, casein, and fats are all formed by the direct activitv of the epithelial cells as a result of the decomposition of their proto- plasmic contents or their action on the food-constituents in the blood. The other constituents of the milk, the water and salts, evidently result from a direct process of transudation from the blood, with the exception that, without doubt, a certain percentage of the potassium salts and phosphates, like the specific milk-constituents, originate in the metamorphosis of the protoplasm of the secretory cells. The process of secretion of milk may, therefore, be regarded as a process of molting of the epithelial cells, which undergo decomposition and discharge the resulting products into the excretory ducts. 628 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. According to the results of Heidenhain, the histological appearance of the cells of the mammary glands differs according as they are examined at the commencement or termination of secretion or while the secretion is at its height. In the first stage of secretion the cells are flattened and lie against the walls of the alveoli, of which they may be regarded as forming a protoplasmic boundary. Their nuclei are at this period spindle-formed, lying close to the contours of the cells, scarcely detectable on examina- FIG. 262. MAMMARY GLAND OP THE DOG IN FIRST STAGE OF SECRETION. (Heidenhain.) a, b, section through the centre of two alveoli of the mammary gland of the dog, the epithelial cells seen in profile ; c, surface view of the epithelial cells. tion in transverse section. Seen from above, however, the epithelial cells are found to be polygonal, and each containing a round nucleus. In the terminal period of secretion the cells may be found to have greatly increased in size, possess one to three nuclei, and contain in the portions directed toward the alveoli large numbers of fat-globules. Often the cells may be seen to undergo subdivision, a part falling free into the alveolus (Figs. 262, 263, and 264). Between these two extreme periods FIG. 203. MAMMARY GLAND OF THE DOG IN SECOND STAGE OF SECRETION. (Heidenhain.) FIG. 264. MAMMARY GLAND OF THE DOG IN MIDDLE STAGE OF SECRETION. (Heidenhain.) various intermediary stages may be recognized. From these histological changes Heidenhain concludes that in the formation of colostrum the epithelial cells are not dissolved, and that, therefore, the colostrum corpuscles are not fatty, degenerated epithelial cells, but that only the free end of the epithelial cells with their contained oil-globules is liber- ated ; that the broken-down protoplasm becomes dissolved in the milk, and the fat-globules are thus set free. MAMMARY SECEETION. 629 As regards the influence on the mammary secretion of the nervous system, while certain data have been clearly established (thus, the influence of the emotions on the mammary secretion is well known), the process is by no means so thoroughly understood as is the case as regards the salivary secretion. It is well known that the maintenance of the milk secretion is closely dependent upon periodic emptying, whether by suckling or milking, of the milk-gland, and the question arises, What connection is there between this emptying of the gland and the act of secretion? Does the reduced internal pressure which follows emptying the gland start the secretion anew, or does the act of suckling or milking stimulate the secretion reflexly ? It is clear that when the milk-ducts and cistern are filled with fluid the activity of secretion must be reduced, and when the gland is emptied by milking it again fills itself, at first rapidly, and then more and more slowly ; but that this augmented secretion is not due solely to decreased internal pressure is evident from the following facts : The cavities of the milk-gland of the cow are capable of containing about three thousand cubic centimeters of fluid, a quantity very much less than may be withdrawn from the milk-gland in a single milking, so that evidentty during milking renewed secretion is excited even before the gland is emptied, and, as is well known, frequent milking increases the total milk secreted. It would, therefore, appear that this renewed secretion is produced reflexly from stimulation of the nipple in a manner to be described directly. The first stimulus to the activity of the mammary glands is found usually coincident with the birth of young, although the gland even for several days before birth is the seat of a more or less active secretion. In this way the connection between the generative organs and the mammary glands is clearly indicated. The influence of the nervous system on the secretion of milk has been especially studied by Rohrig. The mammary gland is innervated in quadrupeds (in addition to the ileo-inguinal nerve distributed to the skin) by the external spermatic nerve. This nerve originates from the lumbar portion of the spinal cord and passes out between the greater and lesser psoas muscles, dividing in the pelvis into three branches, of which one is distributed to the abdominal muscles, while the other two leave the abdominal cavity through the femoral ring accompanying the crural artery, and then, following the course of the external pudic artery, are distributed to the mammary gland. These nerves may be spoken of as the middle and inferior branches of the external spermatic nerve. The middle branch divides at the base of the gland into three twigs: first, a small filament which follows the course of the pudic artery and is lost in its walls ; 630 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. second, a much larger branch, termed the papillary branch, which is distributed to the nipple; third, one, or occasionally two, glandular branches, which are supplied to the walls of the milk-ducts and the cistern. According to Rohrig, section of the papillary branch produces no change in the milk secretion, but simply causes relaxation of the nipple. Irritation of the peripheral end of this nerve causes erection of the nipple without change of glandular secretion, while irritation of the cen- tral end of this nerve produces considerable increase in the secretion. Section of the glandular branch, on the other hand, produces slow- ing of the amount of secretion by causing relaxation of the walls of the duct, while stimulation of this nerve may increase twenty-fold the secre- tion of milk by causing contraction of the milk-ducts and consequent discharge of their contents. Section of the inferior branch produces great increase in the amount of milk secreted, while the stimulation of the peripheral end of this nerve produces arrest of secretion. The explanation of these two classes of phenomena are understood through a study of the character of this nerve. The median branch is a compound nerve composed of both sensory and motor fibres, the latter being especially found in the papillary branch distributed to the nipple, while the glandular branch is almost solely motor. When the papillary branch is stimulated it produces, by a reflex action, the contraction of the muscular fibres of the excretory ducts, and so causes discharge of their contents, while it also, in all probability, acts through the inferior branch, and by it also increases the amount of milk formed in a manner to be referred to directly. When the glandular branch is stimulated the muscular fibres of the ducts contract, and, although no more milk may be actually formed, there is, nevertheless, an increase in the amount poured out through the contraction of the walls of the milk-ducts. On the other hand, the inferior branch is a vaso-motor nerve. When its peripheral termination is stimulated, the milk secretion is arrested through the constriction of the blood-vessels supplied to this gland. On the other hand, when it is divided, the blood-vessels become greatly relaxed, more blood passes through the organ, and its activity is largely increased. Whether any of these processes are associated with the action of true secretoiy nerves is not known, but from analogy, from what we have seen in the case of the salivary gland, it may be assumed that such is the case. The explanation of the connection long known between the mechan- ical irritation of the nipple, as in suckling and milking, and the increased MAMMAKY SECEETION. 631 secretion of the gland is thus evidently to be found in reflex action, the afferent impulses passing through the sensory nerves of the nipple, the secretory impulses passing through the inferior branch and the glandular branch of this nerve. It is thus seen that, as far as we know, the mammary secretion is dependent upon the amount of blood passing through the glands. Changes in the general blood pressure, by modifying the blood supply of the mammary gland, also influence the amount of milk secreted. Thus, various substances which act as stimuli to the vaso-motor centre, and so produce increase of blood pressure, produce likewise an increase in the amount of milk secreted. Strychnine in small amount, digitalis, caffeine, and pilocarpine are all galactagogues and probably act in this way, while through reduction of blood pressure, as by means of chloral, the milk secretion may be considerably reduced. 8. MILK INSPECTION AND ANALYSIS. Good cows' milk is white, with a faint yellowish tint, and only bluish when diluted. If a drop of good milk is placed on the thumb-nail it retains its shape instead of spreading gut, as occurs when diluted or unhealthy. Milk is most apt to be adulterated with water, which within cer- tain limits may be detected by determination of the specific gravity. Unskimmed milk possesses a higher specific gravity than that of the skimmed milk from the effect of the removal of the fats, so that a milk from which all the cream has been removed might, if dependence be placed upon the specific gravity alone, be con- sidered as a better specimen than the pure milk. The average specific gravity of normal cows' milk may be placed at about 1030 at 60 F. ; if diluted with half its volume of water the specific gravity will fall to about 1014 or 1016. As a conse- quence, by the determination of specific gravity a general idea may be obtained as to how much water has been added to diluted milk. The following table may serve to assist in this determination : With With Skimtned Milk. Unskimmed Milk. A specific gravity of 1087 to 1033 or 1033 to 1029 indicates a pure milk. 1033 to 1029 or 1029 to 1026 " milk with 10 per cent, water. " " 1029 to 1026 or 1026 to 1023 " " " 20 " " " " 1026 to 1023 or 1023 to 1020 " " " 30 " " " 1023 to 1020 or 1020 to 1017 " " " 40 " " The instrument by which the specific gravity of milk is determined is usually termed the lactometer, and simply consists of a hydrometer with a scale running from 1000, which is the specific gravity of distilled water and is marked zero on the scale, to 1034, marked 120, which is the specific gravity of a rich sample of milk. In using the lactometer special attention must be paid to the physical characteristics of the milk, since a little attention would readily detect skimmed inilk from unskimmed, although their specific gravity might be the same. In milk rich in cream where the specific gravity might be abnormally low, its physical appearance and the fact that it clings to the instrument would enable it to be recognized, while watered or skimmed milk is bluish and does not cling to the lactometer ; so, if a sample of milk should read above 110 on the lactometer without manifestly being full-bodied, it would be only fair to presume that a portion of the cream had been removed. Milk diluted with spring-water may be recognized by the detection of nitrates in the milk. Sulphuric acid is added to the milk, the precipitate filtered off, the filtrate distilled, and nitric acid looked for in the distillate. This may be readily accomplished by converting, through milk- sugar, the nitric into nitrous acid. A few drops of pure H 2 SO 4 , potassium iodide solution, and boiled starch solution are then added to the distillate; if nitrous acid is present iodine is liberated from the potassium iodide solution and the starch is colored blue. 632 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. The cream maybe roughly determined in milk by placing it in a tall cylindrical glass, graduated into one hundred parts The milk should be allowed to stand in this creamometer for twenty -four hours and the volume of cream separated on the surface may then be determined, one gramme of cream equaling about 0.2 grammes of fat. Good cows' milk should separate from ten to fifteen volumes of cream. This method is, however, not thorouhgly reliable, since different speci- mens of milk will throw up their cream with different degrees of readiness. The second method, and a much more reliable one, of determining the amount of fat or cream present is by means of the lactoscope. This instrument consists of a little cup with two of its sides formed of two parallel plates of glass, distant from each other half a centimeter. For applying this test, in addition to such a glass, a jar graduated to one hundred cubic centimeters and a pipette of three cubic centimeters are needed. Three cubic centimeters of milk are taken and shaken up well with one hundred cubic centimeters water, and the mixture then placed in the glass cup with the parallel sides and a lighted stearin candle placed one meter from it in a dark room. If at the first experiment the contour of the flame can be seen, the milk is poured back into the large measure and a further measured quantity of undiluted milk added until the contour of the candle-flame is entirely obscured. The percentage of fat is then determined by the following formula : If x equal the percentage of fat and n the number of cubic centimeters of milk required, then ). o x equals _ "^ -f- 0.23. Thus, if three cubic centimeters of milk were required to obscure the light, the formula would read : x = 23.2 1.23, or x = 1. 96, the per cent, of fat in the milk. Six cubic centimeters of pure cows' milk with one hun- dred cubic centimeters water should form a mixture which will obscure the candle- flame ; if more milk is required, then the milk has been diluted. Thus, twelve cubic centimeters indicate 50 per cent, water, and eight cubic centimeters about 30 per cent, water. The following table gives the percentages of fat in the milk when the candle-flame is obscured by different amounts of milk in Vogel's galacto- scope : 3 cubic centimeters of milk indicate 7.96 per cent, of fat. 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 6.03 5.38 " 4.87 4.-15 4.09 S.fcO 3.54 3.32 3.13 296 2.80 2.77 2.55 2.43 2.16 2.01 1.86 Another ready method of estimating the fat in milk is by means of Marchand's lactobutyrometer. As improved by Caldwell and Parr (Amer. Chem. Journ., Nov. 1885), this method is performed as follows : The instrument employed consists of a thick glass tube, open at each end, with a stem six cubic centimeters in diameter and twenty-three centimeters long, graduated in ^ cubic centimeter, and a bulb about eight centimeters in length, and of such a capacity that in passing from the lowest graduation on the stem to the inner end of the stopper in the lower mouth one passes from five to thirty- three cubic centimeters. Then the ether-fat solution will always come within the range of the graduation on the stem. Closing the lower mouth with a good cork, ten cubic centimeters of the well-mixed sample of milk are delivered into the well-dried tube from a pipette, then eight cubic centimeters of ether (Squibb's stronger) and two cubic centimeters of 80 per cent, alcohol. Close the smaller mouth of the tube with a cork and mix the liquids by thorough shaking (not violently nor prolonged). Both corks should be held in place by the fingers during this operation, and the upper one should be once or twice carefully MAMMARY SECRETION. 633 removed to relieve the pressure within, otherwise it is apt to be forced out, with consequent loss of material. Lay the tube on its side for a few minutes and then shake it again ; add one cubic centimeter of ordinary ammonia diluted with about its volume of water, and mix as before by shaking ; then add ten cubic centimeters of 80 per cent, alcohol and mix again thoroughly by moderate shaking, holding the tube from time to time in an inverted position. Now, put the tube in water kept at 40 to 45 until the ether-fat solution sepa- rates ; this separation may be hastened by transferring the tube to cold water after it has stood in the warm water for a few minutes, and then returning it to the warm water. Finally, transfer the tube to water at 20 C., and as the level of the liquid falls in the stem by contraction of the main body of it in the bulb, gently tap the side of the tube below the ether-fat solution to dislodge any flakes of solid matter that may adhere to the side. The readings are to be taken from the lowest part of the surface meniscus to the line of separation between the ether- fat solution and the liquid below it. The following table gives the percentages of fat corresponding to each tenth of a cubic centimeter of ether-fat solution down to one cubic centimeter, and for each twentieth of a cubic centimeter thereafter : Reading. Per Cent, of Fat. Reading. Per Cent, of Fat. 3.0 1. 13.5 3.51 4.0 1.23 14.0 3.63 50 . 1.47 14.5 3.75 6.0. ... . 1.71 15.0. . . . 3.87 7.0 1.95 15.5 4.00 8.0 2.19 16.0 4.13 9.0 2.43 16.5 4.26 10.0 2.67 17.0. . . . . .4.39 10.5 2.79 17.5. . . . 4.52 11.0 2.91 18.0 4.65 11.5 3.03 18.5 . 4.78 12.0 3.15 19.0. . 5.01 125 3.27 19.5 5.14 13.0 3.39 20.0 5.27 This method has been applied with fairly satisfactory results to the milk of a herd of cows receiving bran and cotton-seed meal in their rations, the objection to the unreliability of this method under these circumstances being overcome by the use of the ammonia. Various other forms of lactoscope are used, depending on the property that the opacity of milk varies with and is proportional to the amounts of fats present. Skimmed milk contains smaller fat-globules than intact milk, and this causes a greater cloudiness in proportion to the amount of fat pres- ent than the large ones, and, hence, the application of this test to skimmed milk would give a higher percentage of fat than is actually present. For the quantitative estimation of the different milk-constituents the following methods, taken from Charles's "Physiological and Pathological Chemistry," are the simplest and require the least apparatus : 1. The Solids. (j.) To ten grammes dry sand or powdered gypsum add five cubic centimeters milk, then dry the mixture for a long time at 100 until the weight is constant. The increase in weight is equal to the solids in five cubic centimeters milk. Suppose this to be =05 gramme, then one hundred cubic centimeters rnilk contain ten grammes, or 10 per cent, solids (Baumhauer). Instead of five cubic centimeters, ten grammes of milk and twenty grammes of dry sea-sand may be weighed in a tared capsule of about fifty cubic centimeters, and evaporated at 100 until the weight is constant. When quite cold, the cap- sule, with its contents, is weighed in a desiccator over sulphuric acid. (ij.) Place a little milk in a platinum capsule, and, having weighed it, add a few drops of alcohol or acetic acid ; evaporate over a water-bath, dividing the coagulum against the sides of the dish, and dry it at 100 to 110 until the weight is constant. It is generally completed in six hours (Gerber). Cover carefully before weighing, as the residue is very hygroscopic. The total solids should not, as a rule, be much less than 11.5 per cent.; cows' milk, for example, varies between 10.5 and 15 per cent.; less than this indicates dilution. 2. The Butter. (j.) Shake the milk well, and to twenty cubic centimeters of it add twenty cubic centimeters of a 10 per cent, caustic potash solution and then some ether (sixty to one hundred cubic centimeters), and agitate vigorously 634: PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. for some time ; on standing, the ethereal solution of the liberated fat rises to the surface and is to be carefully decanted into a weighed porcelain dish. Some more ether is to be added to the alkaline milk, and after vigorous agitation it also is to be transferred, as before, to the capsule. The same process may be repeated several times if necessary. The ethereal extract is now evaporated over a water- bath, and after having been dried in an air-bath at 110 the weight of the residue is to be ascertained ; this multiplied by 5 gives the percentage. With cows' milk it varies between 2 and 5 per cent., but the normal minimum for fats is about 2.75 (Cameron). 3. The Casein and Albumen. (j.) (a) Dilute twenty cubic centimeters milk with four hundred cubic centimeters water, and treat the mixture with very dilute acetic acid, added drop by drop, until a flocculent precipitate begins to appear. Now pass a current of carbonic acid gas through the fluid for fifteen to thirty minutes and lay aside for one or two days. Collect the precipitated casein on a weighed filter, wash it with spirit, and then with ether until a drop of the wash- ings leaves no fatty stain on paper ; dry at 100 and weigh. Subtract the weight of the filter, and the difference multiplied by 5 gives the percentage of casein. In human milk, precipitate the casein by saturating with magnesic sulphate. (6) The filtrate from the casein precipitate is to be concentrated to a small bulk over a water-bath and an acetic acid tannin solution added so long as any precipitate occurs ; after the precipitate has settled, collect it on a weighed filter, where it is to be washed with dilute spirit until the filtrate gives no blue coloration with ferric chloride (indicating absence of tannin) ; dry now at 100 and weigh. The weight multiplied by 5 gives the percentage of albumen. In cows' milk the casein varies between 3.3 and 6 per cent., and the other albumens from 0.3 to 0.4 per cent. In diseased milk the casein may be as low as 0.2 per cent., and the other albumens as high as 10 per cent. (ij.) (#) Ten cubic centimeters milk are diluted with one hundred cubic cen- timeters distilled water and well mixed ; a copper solution, made by dissolving sixty-three and five-tenths grammes of cupric sulphate in one liter of water, is then added slowly with stirring until the coagulum begins to settle quickly. The whole mixture, together with half the cupric sulphate solution already employed, is then added to some potash solution (fifty grammes of potash to the liter), and after a short interval the clear fluid is filtered off through a filter dried at 110 C.; the precipitate is washed until the washings amount to two hundred and fifty cubic centimeters, and the sugar is to be estimated in this subsequently. (&) The coagulum on the filter is next treated with absolute alcohol, slowly dried, and extracted with ether; the ethereal and alcoholic extracts are then to be distilled, and the fatty residue dried and weighed. The coagulum, after having been dried at 125, is weighed, then ignited, the ash deducted, and the difference taken as pure albuminoid (Ritthausen). 4. The Sugar. (j) Take twenty-five grammes of milk, acidify with hydro- chloric acid, boil, and filter, washing the coagulum with water; to convert the milk-sugar into glucose, boil the filtrate and washings for an hour or so in a flask, to the mouth of which a long tube has been attached. When the liquid cools, make its volume up to two hundred cubic centimeters and determine the sugar by Fehling's method, measuring twenty cubic centimeters Fehling's solution into a flask, diluting with eighty cubic centimeters water, and to the boiling mixture add the diluted filtrate from a Mohr's burette until the copper is entirely reduced. (ij.) This sugar determination may be readily effected by the polariscope. Measure forty cubic centimeters milk into a flask of one hundred cubic centimeters capacity, add some carbonate of sodium if the milk is not alkaline, and then twenty cubic centimeters moderately concentrated solution of neutral acetate of lead, and shake well ; having next fitted the neck of the flask to a long glass tube or to the condenser of a Liebig's still, boil it over a small flame ; then filter, and test the filtrate with the polariscope. With a one-decimeter tube the percentage of sugar is obtained by multiplying the rotation by 1.44. *For other ready methods of milk analysis and for the detection of foreign substances f. J. ft-tCf /-tM /V//f'U/C, -IOCXJ, i i i j wj M U.. U, c. -ntr , I . ^ * . K7UW1 i<. -*i fir, i . \^ ri/orr*tisic<(, ,/ i rrr i /&., .rVMl 11. 1OOI 5 U. J.W , Morse APigott, Jft., April, 1887, p. 108 ; F. A. Woll, /&., February, 1887. p. 60 ; Morse and Burton, J6., June, 1887, p. 222 ; A, July, 1888, p. 322. SECTION X. THE RENAL SECRETION. THE blood not only bears to the different tissues the substances required for their nutrition, but also removes from the tissues the different waste products which result from their A r arious metabolic processes. In the lungs, part of these oxidation products, especially of the carbon compounds, are removed, while the results of nitrogenous waste largely pass through the lungs to be carried through the aorta from the left ventricle to the kidneys, whose function is to remove these nitrogenous excrementitious substances, together with the carbon com- pounds which have passed the lungs, with various salts and water. The product of this functional activity of the kidneys is the urine, which is a pure excretion, since all its constituents are waste products which must be removed from the organism. 1. THE PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF URINE. Urine is in general a thin, yellowish colored, transparent fluid (the depth of color depending on the concentration) of a salty taste and peculiar aromatic odor, due to the presence of various volatile acids. Its reaction may be faintly acid, neutral, or alkaline : it rotates the plane of polarized light to the left. The reaction in the carnivora and in fasting or suckling herbivora is acid ; in the herbivora and omnivora, when on vegetable diet, it is alkaline. The explanation of the production of an acid renal secretion from the alkaline blood is to be attributed to a specific property of the renal epithelium similar to that possessed by the gastric mucous membrane. The more alkaline the blood, the less acid the urine ; hence the great alkalinity of the blood of herbivora causes the urine to have an alkaline reaction. For although sulphuric acid is formed from the decomposition of vegetable just as it is from animal albumen, vegetable foods contain large amounts of organic salts which break up into alkaline carbonates, and so neutralize the sulphuric acid. These salts are absent from the food of carnivora, hence the acids are less perfectly neutralized. It is, therefore, the form of diet which, by modifying the alkalinity of the blood, determines the reaction of the urine. The specific gravity of urine varies between 1005 and 1050. When exposed to the air, the urea undergoes decomposition and is transformed into ammonium carbonate ; a part of the ammonia then combines with magnesium phosphate, and ammonium-magnesium phos- (635) 636 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. phates, together with calcium phosphate, are deposited as a crystalline precipitate. This process is known as ammoniacal fermentation, and is due to the action of ferments derived from the atmosphere. In some animals the urine always deposits mucus derived from the membranes over which it passes. Its quantity is subject to great variations. The most important constituents of the urine are water, salts, gases, and certain specific constituents. Among the salts, potassium com- pounds are more abundant than sodium. Lime and magnesium are in varying amounts. Of the acids H 2 SO 4 and P 2 6 are most abundant. C0 2 in combination is found in the urine of the herbivora. When NaCi forms part of the diet, this salt is also a large constituent of urine. The following are the specific constituents of urine : 1. The decomposition products of the albuminoids, as urea, uric acid, hippuric acid, kreatin and kreatinin, and the combinations of H 2 S0 4 with indol and phenol. 2. Coloring matters, of which urobilin is the best known. 3. Aromatic bodies which give the urine its peculiar odor. The gases C0 2 , N, and O are found free in the urine. As regards quantitative composition there is great inconstancy. Water, . Organic matter, Inorganic matter, . Horse. 90. 5.5 4.5 Ox. 91. 5. 4. Sheep. 89. 8. 3. Hog. 98. 0.5 1.5 COMPOSITION OF THE URINE (BOUSSINGAULT). Urea, . Horse (1). . 31 Cow (2). 18 5 Pig (3). 4 9 Potass, hippurate, Alkaline lactates, Potass, bicarb., Mag. carb., . 4.7 . 20.1 . 15.5 . 4.2 16.5 17.2 16.1 4.7 0.0 10.7 09 Calcium carb., Potass, sul ph., Sodium chloride, Silica, . Phosphates, Water and undetermined stances, . . 10.8 . 1.2 . 0.7 . 1.0 . 0.0 sub- . 910.0 0.6 3.6 1.5 traces 0.0 921.3 traces 2.0 1.3 0.1 1.0 979.1 1000.0 1000.0 (1) Diet of oats and clover-grass. (2) Diet of hay and potatoes. (3) Diet of cooked potatoes. 1000.0 The water, K, Na, Ca, and Mg compounds are derived directly from the blood, and in greater part directly from the food and drink, and in fasting animals from waste of tissues. H 2 SO 4 originates in oxidation of the sulphur compounds in food ; the phosphates from the oxidation of albuminoids of food and tissues ; carbonates, partly directly from KENAL SECRETION. 637 food and drink, partly from modifications of the vegetable acid com- pounds in vegetable foods. The urea and uric acid are the nitrogenous end products of the decomposition of the albuminoids of food and of the tissues. Kreatin and kreatinin are closely dependent on the animal matter taken as food, since, even in muscle, kreat in is formed as a modification of its own albuminoid constituents. Hippuric acid is a combination of glycochol with benzoic acid, and originates, to a great extent, in the constituents of vegetable foods, the cuticular substance of which develops the benzoic acid. Phenol is derived from the decomposition of albuminoids in the intestine, and in the excretory ducts of the kidney unites with H 3 S0 4 . Indican originates in indol. Many other substances are accidentally present in urine, such as aromatic constituents of food, alkaloids, metals, bile coloring-matter, etc. The quantity of the urine is dependent on the amount of water taken in food and drink, on the diminution of excretion of water by other organs, especially the skin, on the amount of excretory products, especially urea, and on the amount of substances taken in food, e.g., salts, which must be excreted. It is to be noted that all the water taken as food is not excreted through the kidneys, but that part is removed by the lungs, skin, and intestinal canal. The proportion of water removed through these different organs varies in different species : In the Urine. Through the Lungs. In herbivora, 20 per cent, of water is removed; 80 per cent. In omnivora, 60 " " " 40 " In carnivora, 85 " " " 15 " Various conditions maj^, however, modify these proportions. In fasting and suckling animals of both the herbivora and carnivora the urine has the same characters, since in them the tissues alone are undergoing waste. There is the greatest difference between the urine of carnivora and herbivora. In carnivora the urine is smaller in amount, is acid, clear, and richer in solids, especially urea, uric acid, and kreatin; sodium salts, sulphates, and phosphates are in excess, and the urine has a higher specific gravit}'. Phenol and sulphuric acid only are present in small amount and hippuric acid absent when on a purely flesh diet. In herbivora it is larger in amount, is turbid r contains few solids, hippuric acid replaces uric acid, and the reaction is alkaline; urea is present only in small amount. Potassium salts are in excess unless sodium chloride is given with the food. Lime and magnesium, united with C0 a , are in abundance, phosphates often absent , sulphates abundant. 638 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. That this difference is dependent only on differences in diet is proved by the fact that during fasting the urine of the herbivora agrees in all its characteristics with the urine of the carnivora. Under such circum- stances the herbivora are not consuming vegetable matters, but living at the expense of their own tissues, are then practically carnivorous, and their urine becomes acid, clear, and rich in urea and phosphatic salts. The Urine of the Horse is cloudy and has an alkaline reaction. Its specific gravity varies from 1016 to 1060, 1050 being about the average. It contains a large percentage of mucin, and is therefore viscid and may be drawn into threads. It becomes brown on exposure to the air, deposits CaC0 2 , and a pellicle forms on it, showing iridescent colors. The characteristics of normal horses' urine depend largely on the mode of feeding. When fed exclusively on hay and straw the urine is always alkaline, while when oats constitute the principal food it is secreted in small quantity, is turbid, and of acid reaction, and more viscid than alkaline. The influence of the diet on the amount of solids in the urine is shown in the following table : SOLIDS IN URINE. In 100 C. C. Total. Hay. Oats. Wheat- Straw. Kilos. Kilos. Grammes. Grammes. 8 kilos. 2 kilos. 22.31 5.04 11.2 566.6 7 2 1 kilo. 26.33 4.72 11.2 529.4 6 4 21.36 4.99 10.3 511.8 4 4 2 kilos. 27.55 4.66 10.2 477.0 4 6 . 23.73 4.53 10.4 460.7 1 6 2.6" 24.60 6.03 5.7 346.1 A high percentage of calcium salts is characteristic of horses' urine. Of the amount contained in the food, from one-third to one-half passes into the urine, while in the ruminant, especially in the sheep, not more than 5 per cent, passes. In the case of potassium the conditions are just reversed. In the sheep 95 per cent, of the potassium in the food passes into the urine, while in the horse at most 66 per cent, appears. The following table gives the percentage of inorganic constituents in one hundred parts of the ash of horses' urine : Potassium, . , . . . .36.85 per cent. Sodium, 3.71 Calcium, 21.92 Magnesium, . 4.41 Phosphoric acid, . . . . . .... Sulphuric acid, . . . . . .17.16 Chlorine 15.36 Silicic acid, 0.32 KENAL SECKETION. 639 Horses' urine contains urea and hippuric acid in inverse proportions. When one increases the other decreases, the amount of the latter depend- ing on the amount of green forage or hay or straw, the former on the amount of oats, grains, roots, etc. The percentage of urea in ordinary feeding varies from 2.5 to 4.0 per cent. Very large amounts of aromatic sulphur compounds are present, especially of phenol and indican. The former, with hippuric acid, causes the peculiar odor ; the latter, the colors seen in the film which forms when exposed to the atmosphere. Brenzcatechin is also present and is the cause of the brown color which forms on standing. CaC0 3 is the principal salt, and is rapidly deposited as a sediment. Sulphur compounds are found in varying amounts. Phosphates, except in abundant feeding with grains, are only present in traces. The amount of urine is only about five to six liters daily, evacuated in three to four portions, since a large amount of water is lost through the skin in perspiration. The Urine of the Ox. The amount of urine depends not only upon the amount of water taken, but especially on the amount of nitrogenous food. Thus, when the diet has been poor in nitrogen, the amount of urine passed daily will vary from 9.7 to 12.6 kilos, and when a richer nitrogenous diet is given the amount will be increased to from 16.3 to 16.8 kilos. This is, without doubt, partly to be attributed to the larger amount of water required in a rich, nitrogenous diet. The evacuation of the urine occurs from eight to ten times daily, averaging about one kilo each time. The character of the food exerts the greatest influence on the reaction of the urine. Fodder rich in alkaline carbonates or com- pounds of the organic vegetable acids occasions an alkaline reaction of the urine. The amount of carbonates in the solids of the urine is directly in proportion to its alkalinity. Carbon dioxide is especially abundant when fed on beets, clover, hay, or bean-straw, when it may amount to 10 or 12 per cent. When fed with oat-straw or barle3 T -straw, the carbon dioxide sinks to from 3 to 6 per cent. Exclusive feeding with wheat-straw is said to cause an acid reaction of the urine on account of the poverty of carbonates and vegetable acids. The total amount of solids in the urine averages about 6.8 per cent., composed of C, . . . ... . . 27.8 to 53.1 per cent. H, . . *. . . . 3.5 to 6.9 N, . . . . . . . . 8.9 to 33.6 O, . . . < . . . . . 15.6 to 50.2 " The quantity and quality of the organic matter in the urine varies greatly according to the food, varying between 4.2 to 11.3 per cent., and is especially dependent upon the digestible, nitrogenous food-stuffs. The non-nitrogenous food-stuffs are without influence on the organic urine 640 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. constituents. Uric and hippuric acids are the representatives of the nitrogenous organic constituents. Uric acid and hippuric acid are found in proportions which are governed by the character of the diet in the same way as in the case of the horse. The mineral constituents are like- wise dependent on the food, potassium and lime combinations being especially abundant. The urine of the ox is clear, yellowish, or greenish, and possesses a peculiar, musky odor. Its specific gravity varies from 1020 to 1030, depending on the amount of water in the food. It is always poorer in solids than the urine of the horse. It also contains less sulphuric acid compounds, especially of the aromatic group, than horses' urine. The phosphates are entirely absent, or present only in traces. The Urine of the Sheep and Goat is similar to that of the ox, but shows great variation in the salts derived from the food. Its specific gravity varies from 1006 to 1015 ; the amount from five hundred to eight hundred and fifty cubic centimeters daily. Urea and hippuric acid are present in the proportion of about two to three, the hippuric, contrary to what is the case in the horse, being more abundant when on a diet of young hay rich in proteids. The Urine of the Pig is clear, yellowish, with a faint alkaline reac- tion ; specific gravity, 1010 to 1015. It contains urea, but rarely uric or hippuric acids. The salts depend on the character of food. In general, the urine resembles that of carnivora. The Urine of the Dog is deep yellow in color, acid reaction ; specific gravity, 1050 when fed on meat. It is rich in urea, but contains but little uric acid. Kreatin and indican are present, but no phenol. Mg salts are in larger amount than Ca salts, while the chlorides are scanty ; sulphates and phosphates abundant. It readily undergoes ammoniacal fermenta- tions (from urea) and deposits phosphates. Its composition and character likewise vaiy greatly with the nature of the food.* 2. THE MECHANISM OF RENAL SECRETION. The substances which exist in the urine in a state of solution also exist in the blood, and the process of secretion of the urine is, therefore, largely a process of mere infiltration. Nevertheless, certain constituents of the urine are evidently manufactured in the kidney, since their presence has not yet been detected in the blood. Renal secretion is thus possessed of two factors, a phj T sical process of filtration and a process of true secretion dependent upon the activity of the renal epithelium. The mechanism of the renal secretion is, to a certain extent, capable of explanation by the study of the structure of the kidney. The kidney is composed of a series of fine tubules, which, starting from the hilum *For further detail s as to the composition of the urine of the domestic animals under different forms of diet the reader is referred to the " Encyclopaedic der Gesammten Thier- heilkunde," Bd. iv, p. 202. EEXAL SECRETION. 641 in the medullary portion of the kidney, form, by frequent subdivisions, a series of straight, branching canals, the so-called urinary tubules. After frequent subdivision each branch terminates in a looped tubule, which, after undergoing various convolutions in the cortical portion of the kidney, terminates in a bladder-like expansion. In each of these expansions enters a small branch of the renal artery, the vas afferens, which undergoes division into a bunch of capillaries which is so placed as to be surrounded by a double layer of the bladder-like expansion of FIG. 265. NAKED-EYE APPEARANCES OP THE KIDNEY OF MAN, AFTER TYSON AND HENLE. (Landois.) 1, cortex; If, medullary rays; 1", labyrinth; 2, medulla; 2f, papillary portion of the medulla; 2'f, boundary layer of the medulla; 3, transverse section of tubules in boundary layer; 4, fat of renal sinus; 5, artery : *, transversely coursing medullary rays ; A, branch of renal artery ; C, renal calyx ; U, ureter. the tubules. The relation between this bunch of vessels and the expan- sion of the tubules is similar to what would be expected if a tip of the finger of a glove was inverted from the outside. The collection of capil- laries is, therefore, in contact with the external layer of the tubule, and is surrounded by a space which is in direct communication with the in- terior of these tubes. After having undergone subdivision into capilla- ries in this expansion of the tubules, the efferent vessel, which collects 41 642 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. the blood which has passed through this series of capillaries, again un- dergoes subdivision into a second net-work of capillaries distributed around the urinary tubules. In the glomerulus is represented the filtra- tion apparatus, in which, through the influence of blood pressure, the substances held in solution in the blood-serum may be removed from the blood and forced into the interior of the commencement of the urinary tubules. The conditions are, therefore, evidently different here, where transudations directly enter into the excretory ducts, from what holds in the case of other glands, where the transudations simply pass into lymph and require some other force for their transference to the secretion. Cortex. Boundary or marginal zone. Papillary zone. FIG. 266. LONGITUDINAL SECTION ov A MAI/PIGHIAN PYRAMID. (Landois.) PF, pyramids of Ferrein ; RA, branch of renal artery ; RV, lumen of a renal vein receiving an inter- lobular vein ; VR, vasa recta; PA, apex of a renal papilla; b b embrace the bases of the renal lobules. That this separation of the constituents of the blood through the glom- eruli of the kidney is actually dependent upon the blood pressure is shown by the fact that if the blood pressure be reduced below fifty milli- meters of mercury secretion ceases, while if it be increased the secretion is correspondingly augmented. The contrast between this fact and the secretion of saliva is, therefore, very striking. If, however, pressure is increased by venous obstruction, then, in- stead of an increased secretion, the reverse takes place. That this does not contradict the filtration hypothesis is explainable by the fact that ob- struction of the veins increases the pressure in the capillaries, and these RENAL SECRETION. 643 so expand in the unyielding capsule of the kidney that the urinary tubules are completely compressed, and nitration is, of course, at once arrested. Various conditions may modify the blood pressure in the kidneys. Thus, for example, the local blood pressure may be increased by- general Sub-capsul ar layer without Malpi- ghian corpuscles. 12. First part of col- lecting tube. 11. Distal convoluted tubule. A. CORTEX. 10. Irregular tubule. 4. Spiral tube 13. Straight part of collecting tube. 9. Wavy part of as- cending limb of Henle's loop. Inner stratum of cor- tex without Mal- pighian corpuscles 7 and 8. Ascending limb of Henle's loop tube. 3. Proximal convo- luted tubule. 9. Wavy part of as- cending limb. 2. Constriction or neck. 4. Spiral tubule. 1. Malpighian tuft surrounded by Bowman's capsule. 8. Spiral part of as- cending limb of Henle's loop. B. BOUNDARY ZONE. 5. Descending limb of Henle's loop tube. I 6. Henle's loop. C. PAPILLARY ZONE. FIG. 267. DIAGRAM OF THE COURSE OF Two URINIFEROUS TUBULES, AFTER KLEIN AND NOBLE-SMITH. (Landois.) increase of blood pressure or by a relaxation of the renal arter} 7 , accom- panied by the constriction of other vascular areas, which, while dimin- ishing the pressure in the renal artery itself, increases the pressure in its capillaries. Of course, pressure w&y be reduced in the kidney by the reverse causes. 644 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. The principal constituent of the urine which is removed by a process of filtration is, of course, water. Therefore, in the quantity of urine, FIG. 268. BLOOD-VESSELS AND URINIFEROUS TUBULES OF THE KIDNEY (SEMI-DIAGRAMMATIC). (LandOtS.) A, capillaries of the cortex ; B, of the medulla ; a, interlobular artery ; 1, vas afferens ; 2, vas efferens ; r e, vasa recta ; c, venae rectae ; v v, interlobular vein ; S, origin of a vena stellata ; i i, Bow- man's capsule and glomerulus; X X, convoluted tubules; 1 1, Henle's loop; n n, junctional piece; o o, collecting tubes ; O, excretory tube. which, of course, means quantity of water, the variations in the activity of the process of filtration may be mainly made out. Wherever the KENAL SECKETION. 645 renal secretion is diminished, it may almost invariably be concluded that the process of filtration has been interfered with by some means or other ; and, conversely and as a consequence, the so-called diuretics are, as a rule, substances which directly increase blood pressure and thus facilitate transudation. So, anything which reduces blood pressure in the kidneys will reduce the secretion. Section of the spinal cord acts in this way. By the universal vascular relaxation produced, the blood pressure is reduced in the kidney, as elsewhere, and filtration rendered almost impossible. Stimulation of the spinal cord acts in the opposite direction by con- stricting the general vascular areas, together with the renal artery, and yet produces the same result ; for the increase of general pressure does not compensate for the increased resistance in the renal artery. As a v FIG. 269. THE SECRETING PORTIONS OF THE KIDNEY. (Landois.) II, Bowman's capsule and glomerulus: a, vas afferens ; , vas efferens; c, capillary network of the cortex; k, endothelium of the capsule; h, origin of a convoluted tubule. Ill, "rodde'd" cells from a convoluted tubule ; 2. seen from the side, with g, inner granular zone ; 1, from the surface. IV, cells lining Henle's loop. V, cells of a collecting tube. VI, section of an excretory tube. consequence, the flow of blood in the latter is reduced and filtration pre- vented. If the local pressure in the kidney be increased, as by section of the renal nerves or by section of the splanchnics, both of which lead to the dilatation of the renal arteries, and hence an increased pressure in the glomeruli, an increased secretion is produced. Conversely, stimulation of the splanchnic or renal nerves arrests filtration by reducing the blood supply to the kidney. The correlation between the action of the kidneys and skin is explainable on these data : It is known that in cold weather the kidneys are more active than in warm weather, while the reverse holds with the skin. In cold weather the capillaries of the external integument are con- stricted and the blood pressure in the internal organs is, therefore, 646 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. increased and nitration through the kidneys facilitated. As a conse- quence, the urine in cold weather is of low specific gravity from the large amount of water forced through the glomeruli. In warm weather, on the other hand, the capillaries of the skin are relaxed, general blood pressure is, therefore, reduced and filtration to that extent interfered with, and the urine is now scanty and of a higher specific gravity from the decrease in its percentage of water. Filtration is not, however, the only process concerned in the forma- tion of urine. This is evident from the examination of the composition of urine ; for if it were merely a filtrate from the blood it could con- tain no soluble constituent in greater proportion than it exists in the blood ; for a solution cannot by filtration through a moist animal mem- brane become more concentrated. Yet the urine contains many sub- stances, especially urea, in much larger amount than in the blood, and it must, therefore, be assumed that the fluid which is removed from the blood by filtration through the glomeruli differs in important respects from the urine. It must be almost identical with transudations from the blood in other localities. It is, however, probable that it is free from albumen. For the fluids which leave the blood must traverse not only the walls of the capillaries of the glomeruli, but also the walls of the capsule, and it is well known that such relatively thick membranes offer difficulty to the filtration of albumen. It is well known that normal urine is free from albumen, and this is to be explained either by the statement above mentioned, or by the assump- tion that albumen does pass through the glomeruli into the interior of the urinary tubules, but is again absorbed by the epithelial cells lining the looped portion of the tubules. This, however, is perhaps supported by the fact that in kidney diseases, where the epithelium of the tubules is diseased or absent, and absorption, presumably, thus interfered with, albumen is then constant^ found in the urine. It is readily conceivable that various constituents may be added to the urine in its passage through the different portions of the uriniferous tubules. That such is the case is rendered probable by the histological structure of the kidney. The fluid removed by the glomeruli from the blood passes through a series of convoluted tubules lined with epithelial cells similar to those found in other secreting organs and surrounded by a second net-work of capillaries. The epithelial cells lining the tubules may be regarded as specific secretory cells which are concerned in removing the specific constituents of the urine from the blood. That they are capable of removing substances from the blood circulating in the capillaries may be demonstrated by the injection into the blood-cur- rent of indigo carmine, after previous section of the spinal cord, thus preventing the formation of the urinary secretion by filtration. If ani- KENAL SECRETION. 647 mals are killed at various periods after such an injection, indigo carmine may be traced from the blood into the interior of the epithelial cells and from there into the interior of the uriniferous tubules. No trace of this pigment passes through the glonaeruli. This experiment demonstrates that even when the blood pressure is greatly reduced the epithelial cells of the kidney do not lose their activity, but are still able to remove substances from the blood and transfer them into the interior of the tubules. Certain substances which belong to the group of diuretics produce a flow of urine without at all increasing the blood pressure ; such sub- stances are urea, urates, etc. It follows that if the blood pressure has not been increased, or, in fact, may even have been decreased, and yet the flow of urine not be interfered with, some other portion of the kidney besides the glomeruli is concerned in the separation of the water together with the other constituents of the urine. It is capable of demonstration that urea passes from the. blood into the renal secretion through the activity of the renal cells. In amphibious animals the kidney receives a suppty of blood from the renal artery and also from the renal portal system, which is formed by a branch of the femoral vein which joins its fellow from the opposite side to form the anterior abdominal vein. The renal artery alone supplies the glomerulus ; the renal portal vein alone supplies the uriniferous tubules. If the renal artery be tied, the blood is, of course, shut off from the glomeruli, and all filtration is thus prevented. Urea, nevertheless, is still a constituent of the secre- tion formed by such a kidney, and when urea is injected into the blood it likewise causes a secretion of urine. On the other hand, substances which are presumably removed from the blood by a process solely of filtration, viz., sugar, peptones, and vari- ous salts, do not appear in the urine after the renal artery has been tied. It is thus evident that the secretion of urine is a double process, partty a process of filtration, in which water and crystalline substances are removed from the blood by a process of transudation occurring in the glomeruli. Everything, therefore, which increases blood pressure in the renal arteries will lead to transudation and to an increase in the watery constituents of the urine. The renal secretion is also an active secretory process in which the epithelial cells lining the convoluted portions of the uriniferous tubules are concerned in removing the specific constituents of the urine from the blood, while perhaps completing the process of transformation of some of the antecedents of urea into that substance. This subject will again be referred to from this point of view when we consider the problems of nutrition which occur in the animal body. 648 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 3. THE MECHANISM OF MICTURITION. The secretion of urine, like the bile, is constant, and if the ureters be divided it will be found that there will be a steady flow of urine, drop by drop. The urine has been described as a pure excretion that is, it is composed solely of sub- stances which no longer have any office to fulfill in the economy, and which are deleterious and must be removed. Arrest of the renal secre- tion, or so-called suppression of urine, by preventing the elimination of these substances invariably leads to a fatal result. The urinary constituents eliminated from the blood through the action of the glomeruli and epithelial cells of the uriniferous tubules pass drop by drop through the straight canals into the pelvis of the kidney, and from there through the peristaltic contractions of the muscular walls of the ureters into the bladder. The bladder is a muscular organ composed of an internal mucous coat and double muscular coat. The fibres, which are of the unstriped variety, are arranged in oblique and circular layers, the latter being es- pecially developed at the neck of the bladder. Externally situated is a fibrous membrane, while the upper portion of the bladder is covered by the peritoneum. The ureters pierce the vesical walls obliquely, and at the orifice of entrance of the ureters into the bladder is located a valvular fold of mucous membrane. As the bladder fills the increased pressure on its walls tends to obliterate the orifice of entrance of the ureters, and so prevent regurgitation through the ureters back to the kidneys. Sometimes, as a consequence of obstruction to the flow of urine from the bladder, it will be found that the ureters are then the seat of considera- ble distention. Such distention is not, however, caused by a reflux from the bladder, but is only produced when, the bladder becoming distended to its full capacity, the constant secretion of urine still continues to collect in the ureters behind the bladder. As the urine accumulates in the bladder it rises from the c&vity of the pelvis to occupy the lower portion of the abdominal region, where in man, when fully distended, it may be recognized by percussion, and extends from eight to ten centi- meters above the symphysis of the pubes. The urine is retained in the bladder by the normal tonic contraction of the circular sphincter of the bladder, aided by the tonic contraction of the sphincter urethras and the elastic fibres surrounding the urethrse. As the bladder becomes distended the sphincter becomes relaxed, and the contact of the escaping urine with the upper part of the membranous portion of the urethra causes the desire to urinate. Escape of urine may at this time be prevented by the contraction of the sphincter urethra muscle, which is a red, striped, voluntary muscle. In animals and infants this contact of the urine with the mucous membrane of the urethrse starts the process of micturition, which, in BENAL SECKETION. 649 such circumstances, is a purely reflex action, and may be carried on without the assistance of the will. The state of contraction of the vesical muscular fibres, as was found to be the case as regards the rectum, is governed by a spinal centre located in the lumbar portion of the spinal cord. When the spinal cord is divided in the dorsal region in a dog, after the shock of the operation has passed off the bladder may fill with urine, and, when distended, empties itself in a perfectly normal manner. The distention of the bladder starts sensory impulses, which are conducted to the spinal cord through the posterior roots of the third, fourth, and fifth sacral nerves. The centre of micturition, which in dogs is situated opposite the fifth and in rabbits opposite the seventh lumbar c FIG. 270. DIAGRAM OF THE NERVOUS MECHANISM OF MICTURITION. ( Yeo.) B, bladder ; M, abdominal muscles ; C, cerebral centres ; R represents impulses which pass from the bladder to the centre in the spinal cord, whence tonic impulses are reflected and pass along T to the sphincter which retains the urine. When the bladder is distended, impulses pass to the brain by 1, and when we will, the tonus of the spinal centre stimulating the sphincter is checked, and the abdominal muscles are made by 2 to force some urine into the neck of the bladder, whence impulses pass by 3 to inhibit the sphincter centre and excite the detrusor through 4. vertebra, is then called into play, and the muscular fibres of the sphinc- ter of the bladder relax, while contractions of the longitudinal fibres, or the so-called detrusor urinae muscle, are called forth. The contraction of this muscle serves to contract the capacity of the bladder in all directions, its contents are thus forced out through the relaxed sphincter muscle through the urethras, and urination is ter- minated by the rhythmical contraction of the bulbo cavernosus, or ejaculator nrinae muscle. Ordinarily the emptying of the bladder is assisted by the co- operation of the abdominal muscles in the same way as their contraction aids in defsecation. A deep inspiration is made as the bladder becomes 650 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. almost totally emptied, the glottis closes, and the abdominal muscles, contracting, serve to force down the abdominal contents into the pelvis, and so by pressure from above aid the emptying of the bladder. Section of the spinal cord above the level of this centre first causes retention of urine by increasing the reflex activitjr of the urethral sphincter and by interfering with the conduction of inhibitory impulses from the brain. As soon as the bladder becomes distended the sphincter becomes mechan- ically dilated, and the urine trickles away in drops, but less rapidly than it enters from the kidney ; so the bladder becomes enormously dilated and the retained urine is apt to undergo ammoniacal fermentation. Goltz, however, has seen dogs micturate in a perfectly normal manner after complete division of the spinal cord above the lumbar region. While urination is thus originally a purely reflex action, it is pos- sible by education to bring it, to a very considerable extent, under the control of the will. The contact of the first few drops of urine with the mucous membrane of the urethrse, instead of inaugurating the act of micturition, may by an exertion of the will lead to an increase of the tonic contraction of the sphincter of the bladder instead of to its inhibition. The act of micturition is thus voluntarily postponed (Fig. 270). In addition to this voluntary control of the act of micturition, this process is also largely governed by the emotions, and the starting point of the act may originate not only in the distention of the bladder, but in various forms of irritation of the genital apparatus. Such a cause will frequently be found to explain the urinary incontinence of children. SECTION XL THE CUTANEOUS FUNCTIONS. ANOTHER source of loss to the blood occurs in its passage through the capillaries of the external integument by means of the sweat and the sebaceous glands. As already indicated, the waste products of the animal economy are mainly urea and its antecedents, carbon dioxide, salts, and water. In the study of respiration we found that the pul- monary mucous membrane constituted the organ whose function as an excretory organ was mainly concerned in the removal of carbon dioxide, water, and certain organic products from the blood. The kidney we found to be especially active in removing urea, various salts, and water. These two organs constitute the main paths of elimination of substances no longer of use to the economy, and, as a consequence, constitute the most important excretory organs of the body. The skin may be regarded as an organ supplemental in its action to the lungs and kidneys, since the skin by its secretion is capable of removing a considerable quantity of water from the blood, small amounts of carbon dioxide, and small amounts of salts, and in certain instances during suppression of renal secretion a small amount of urea. The skin is thus an excretory organ, serving to remove gaseous, liquid, and solid waste products. The skin is also the chief organ for the regulation of animal heat, by, on the one hand, through conduction, radiation, and evaporation of water, permitting of loss of heat, while it also, through mechanisms to be considered directly, is able to regulate the amount of heat lost. Since the skin is more permeable to gases than a dry membrane, a certain amount of gaseous interchange takes place through the skin. The skin further, through the various forms which the epidermal organs may take on, whether hoofs, horns, claws, fur, or feathers, furnishes means of protection and offensive organs. Thus, the hairs (fur or feathers) furnish protection against extreme and sudden variations of temperature by the fact that they are poor con- ductors of heat, and inclose between them a still layer of air, itself a poor conductor of heat. The hairs are also furnished with an apparatus by which the loss of heat may be regulated ; thus, in cold weather, through the contraction of the unstriped muscular fibres of the skin (the erectores pili}, the hairs become erect and the external coat thus becomes thicker. Further, cold acts as a stimulus to the growth of hair, and we find, as a (651) ' 652 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. consequence, a thicker coat in winter than in summer. This is not only seen in the thicker fur in animals which inhabit a cold climate, as con- trasted with the same species in warmer latitudes, but also in the periodic growth and shedding of hair seen in the horse and ox in the change of the seasons. The hairs also furnish protection against wet, from the fact that they are always more or less oily, from the secretions of the sebaceous glands, and thus shed water. The hairs, through their elasticity, furnish mechanical protection, and through the thickness of the coat, to a certain degree, resist the attacks of insects ; thus the external auditory meati, the external nares, and the eyes are protected by hairs. Finally, the hairs assist the sense of touch. 1. THE SWEAT SECRETION. The sweat-glands, which are found only in mammals, occur in their simplest form in the domestic animals in the ox, where they are simply oval sacs, which in man and the horse and in the feet of the dog and cat and snout of the hog become developed into long, convoluted tubes, passing through the entire thickness of the skin. In the horse the sweat-glands are comparatively highly developed, especially in the inguinal region, where they are also abundant in the sheep. In the ox the sweat-glands, as alread} r mentioned, are rudimentary, and, as a consequence, this animal sweats but very little. Cats, rabbits, and rats do not sweat at all, the carnivora generally sweating only in the soles of their feet. The sweat is a transparent, colorless liquid with a characteristic odor, varying as to its source from different parts of the skin, with a salty taste. Its specific gravity is about 1004. Its reaction may be said to be normally alkaline or neutral. The frequent acid reaction is to be attributed to the development of fatty acids in the decomposition of fatty matters formed by the sebaceous glands, and which are ordinarily mixed with the perspiration. Its quantity is very variable, governed by conditions to be referred to directly. It may be stated in a general way that, as a rule, twice as much water is given off* by the skin as by the lungs, while, as a rule, in man eleven grains of solids are eliminated by the skin in twenty-four hours, in contrast to seven grains removed by the lungs. The sweat contains no structural elements with the exception of epithelial scales, which may be accidentally removed from the epidermis. The sweat in its composition contains about 1.8 per cent, of solids, of which two-thirds are inorganic and mainly constituted by alkaline chlorides. The nitrogenous constituents of the sweat consist almost solely of urea, which by its decomposition may give rise to ammonia. The non-nitrogenous constituents of the sweat are composed of volatile fatty acids, such as formic, acetic, butyric, proprionic, and caproic, which give to the sweat its characteristic odor. Cholesterin and neutral fats CUTANEOUS FUNCTIONS. 653 coming from the sebaceous glands are also frequently found in it. The mineral matters are composed mainly of sodium chloride, potassium chloride, phosphates, and alkaline sulphates, phosphatic earths, and traces of iron. The sweat, in addition, contains traces of free carbon dioxide and small amounts of nitrogen. The following table represents the different anatyses of the sweat: In 1000 Parts. Favre. Schottin. Funke. Water 995.573 977.40 988.40 4.427 22.60 11.60 4.427 4.20 2.49 Fats, . 0.013 4.20 2.49 Lactates, . 0.317 4.20 2.49 Chlorine sudorates, 1.562 4.20 2.49 Extractive matters, 0.005 11.30 2.49 Urea, . 0.044 11.30 1.55 Sodium chloride, 2.230 3.60 1.55 Potassium chloride, 0.024 3.60 1.55 Sodium phosphate, traces 3.60 1.55 Alkaline phosphates Phosphatic earths, 0.011 traces 1.31 0.39 1.55 1.55 Other salts,. traces 7.00 4.36 The quantity of sweat is very variable. In man its amount has been placed at five hundred to nine hundred grammes daily, although under different conditions it may be increased to fifteen hundred or two thou- sand grammes, or even more. Under all conditions in which the activity of the skin is not absolutely prevented a considerable quantity of perspi- ration is formed by the skin, the water of which evaporates as rapidly as it is poured out. The secretion of sweat is then spoken of as insen- sible perspiration. Under other circumstances fluid may be noticed to collect on the surface of the skin, and is then spoken of as sensible perspiration. The proportion of the sensible to the insensible perspi- ration will depend upon a number of external conditions. Thus, sup- posing the rate of secretion to remain constant, the drj-er and hotter the air and the more rapid the circulation of air in contact with the body, the greater will be the amount of sensible perspiration which undergoes evaporation and is thus converted into insensible perspiration. On the other hand, when the air is cool, and especially when saturated with moisture, evaporation from the surface of the body is prevented, and, even although the rate of secretion by the skin be no greater than in the previous condition, the amount of sweat which remains on the surface of the body as sensible perspiration will be greatly increased. The total amount of secretion poured out by the skin is not only modified by the condition of the atmosphere, but also by the character and quantit}*- of the food and by the amount of exercise, and especially by the amount of fluid drunk. It is also influenced by the mental con- ditions, by medicines, poisons, and, as pointed out under the heading of 654 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. Renal Secretion, the activity of the skin as a secreting organ is, as a rule, inverse to that of the kidnej^. As a consequence, in warm weather the cutaneous blood-vessels relax, more blood circulates through the skin, and the perspiration is, therefore, increased, while the amount of water eliminated by the kidnej's is decreased. Hence, in warm weather the urine is scanty and of high specific gravity. On the other hand, in cold weather the cutaneous capillaries are contracted, the activity of the sweat- glands diminished, while from the increased blood pressure in the internal organs the activity of the kidney, especially of the glomeruli, is increased, and the urine is now more abundant in quantity and of lower specific gravity. The formation of sweat is a true secretion and is dependent upon the secretory activity of the epithelial cells of the sweat-glands. The relation between the activity of the sweat-glands and of the blood supply has been very clearty made out. Nearly all conditions which increase the blood supply to a part will lead to an increased secretion of sweat. This, as already mentioned, will probably explain the increased secretion when the skin is subjected to a high temperature. Bernard also succeeded in producing secretion by the skin by division of the vaso-motor nerves supplying the part. Thus, division of the cervical sympathetic in the horse will cause an abundant secretion of sweat on the corresponding side of the face. The sweat-glands are further governed by special secretory nerves. This statement is supported not only by the production of sweat in various pathological conditions and in the evident influence of the emotions on the sweat secretion, even in the absence of increased circu- lation, but also has been demonstrated by direct experiment. If in a dog or cat the peripheral end of the sciatic nerve be stimu- lated with an interrupted current, a profuse secretion of perspiration is produced on the balls of the toes. Such a secretion is evidently not produced by modifications of the blood supply ; for stimulation of the sciatic nerve, as a rule, may be said to lead to the constriction of the blood-vessels in this part, and the secretion may even be produced after ligation of the blood-vessels of the limb or even after its amputation. Moreover, the vaso-motor effects may be produced, as in the case of the secretion of the saliva, and the secretory effects prevented by the injection of atropine. The analogy, therefore, between the secretion of sweat and that of saliva is clearly established, and we are warranted in stating that the sciatic nerve, like the chorda tympani, contains special secretory fibres whose stimulation leads to an increased activity of the secretory epithelium. Moreover, experiment enables us to determine that the sweating produced by exposure to high temperature is not solely due to the CUTANEOUS FUNCTIONS. 655 increased blood supply of the part, but to direct action on the nervous system. For if the sciatic nerve be divided in a cat, on exposure to high temperature the part removed from the central nervous system will form no secretion, while the other surfaces of the body will form an abundant secretion of sweat, thus clearly showing that heat acts mainly as a stimulant to the secretion of sweat by calling into play the activity of the central nervous S3^stem. Sweat may also be produced by stimulating the central end of the divided sciatic nerve, where, of course, its production is clearly of a reflex nature, and is attributed to the stimulation of the so-called sweat centres located in the spinal cord. The sweat secretion may also be called forth by various drugs, especialty by pilocarpine, the alkaloid of jaborandi, which appears to act as a local stimulant to the sweat-glands, although it may also have some stimulating action on the sweat centres. As in the case of the secretion of saliva, it may be antagonized by atro- pine. The function of the sweat-glands in the formation of sweat is mainly that of an excretoty organ, while, added to this, by the evapora- tion of the perspiration from the external surfaces of the bod} 7 it exerts a considerable influence as a regulator of the temperature of the body. As a consequence, therefore, when, as in warm weather, the secretion of the skin is increased, the corresponding increase in evaporation tends to prevent the overheating of the body. 2. THE SEBACEOUS SECRETION OF THE SKIN. In the derm are found a large number of racemose glands whose excretory ducts, as a rule, open into the hair-follicles. The excretory ducts are lined with pave- ment epithelium, which in the deeper portions gives place to true secretory cells in which a nucleus is present, although only capable of being detected with difficulty, its presence being usually obscured by the large number of fatty globules surrounding it. Such sebaceous glands are not uniformly distributed over the animal body, but are especially developed in points most abundantly supplied with hair. During foetal life the external body surface is covered with a thick layer of sebaceous matter, the so-called vernix caseosa, which protects it from maceration in the amniotic fluid. The secretion formed by these glands is a soft, crumbling, fatty mass, suspended in a tolerably small amount of water, and contains a small amount of albuminous matter and considerable amounts of potassium salts and of cholesterin. The secretion is formed by the activity of the protoplasmic secretory cells, which remove certain substances from the transudations from the blood-vessels, and whose protoplasm itself undergoes fatty degeneration. The secretion, there- fore, consists mainly of the breaking down of the cell-contents. It is composed of about 31 per cent, water, 61 per cent, of albuminous matter and epithelium, 5 per cent, of neutral fat and soaps, and 1 per cent, of 656 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. inorganic salts. Olein and palmatin are the principal representative fatty bodies, phosphatic earths and chlorides, and salts. The wool of the sheep contains a fatty potassium salt which is soluble in water, and which constitutes at least one-third in weight of raw merino wool. The function of the sebaceous secretion is to act as a lubricant to the skin and epidermal appendages. 3. CUTANEOUS ABSORPTION. When the body is plunged in a liquid medium, as into a bath, a considerable amount of water is absorbed by imbibition through the epithelium. From there it is able to pass by absorption into the vessels which circulate through the superficial layers of the derm, and from there into the general blood-current. This state- ment may be demonstrated b^y the increase in weight which, as a general rule, follows immersion in fluid. The result of such an immersion will, however, vary according to the temperature of the fluid. When the temperature of the bath is above that of the body, the increased secretion from the skin will more than counterbalance the gain in absorption, and, as a consequence, the weight of the body may be decreased. If, on the other hand, the temperature of the bath is lower than that of the body, the body may gain in weight through the absorption of water. The epidermis is, nevertheless, not equally permeable by substances brought into contact with it. And this interference with absorption is also increased by the sebaceous secretion of the skin. Substances held in solution in water are accordingly absorbed but to an extremely slight extent, unless this immersion be so prolonged as to permit of softening of the epidermis. Absorption through friction of the skin surface with different sub- stances, especially when suspended in a fatty excipient, is to be explained by the mechanical forcing of such substances into the sebaceous glands, and. it may be, even into the interstices of the epidermal cells. Thus, friction with tartar emetic suspended in oils may produce vomiting, with mercury may produce salivation, and with belladonna dilatation of the pupil. Abrasion of the skin leads to a marked increase in its facility for absorption. 4. CUTANEOUS RESPIRATION. The skin of man and animals in whom the skin is bare offers a certain analogy to the lungs in that it is abun- dantly supplied with blood-vessels which are nearty in contact with the external atmosphere. It is, therefore, conceivable that through the skin there may be an interchange between the gases of the atmosphere and blood. Experiments show this to be a fact. If the body be inclosed in an air-tight chamber extending to the neck, and after a time the air within this chamber be analyzed, it will be found that it will have decreased in the amount of oxygen and gained in carbonic acid. The CUTANEOUS FUNCTIONS. 657 skin is, however, of considerable density, and from its structure, as compared with that of the pulmonary mucous membrane, must offer great resistance to the diffusion of gases. As a consequence, the amount of such interchange which occurs through the skin must be slight. In animals, however, in which the skin is not only bare, but thin and moist, gaseous interchange through the skin may be of much greater importance ; thus, for example, it has been found that if the entrance of air ? nto the lungs of the frog be entirely prevented by sur- rounding the head with a rubber membrane, life may be preserved in contact with the air for several da3~s, and b}~ examining the composition of the atmosphere, if the frog be placed in a confined space, it will be found that the frog has absorbed oxygen and set free carbonic acid. In other words, the frog is able to breathe without lungs, the respiration carried on through its skin being sufficient for its needs. In cold-blooded animals this degree of cutaneous respiration is much more extensive than in warm-blooded animals, while the function is least developed in warm-blooded animals whose skin is covered with fur, hair, or feathers. In fact, it is probable that whatever gaseous inter- change does occur takes place from the capillary net-work surrounding the sweat-glands. The exhalation of carbon dioxide may be readily demonstrated by placing the arm in a vessel containing distilled water and which is closed from the external atmosphere ; after an hour's im- mersion only in the water the addition of lime-water, by the character- istic precipitate of carbonate of lime, will demonstrate its transudation through the skin. The amount of carbon dioxide eliminated by the skin may be readily determined by collecting the total amount of carbon dioxide liberated both by the skin and lungs and then deducting the latter amount from the total. Or it may be directly measured by closing the bod} 7 " in an air- tight chamber and preventing entrance of the expelled air by breathing through a tube. It has been found in this way that the amount elimi- nated by the lungs is, in man, about one hundred and thirty times as much as passes through the skin. The following experiments by Reg- nault and Reiset indicate this amount in the rabbit and dog: ANIMAL. Body Weight in Grammes. Duration of Experiment in Hours. CO 2 Exhaled in Grammes. Through the Skin in One Hour. Through the L unks in One Hour. Rabbit, . . Dog,. . . 2425 4159 ( 8 hours 25 minutes ( 7 hours 25 minutes f 7 hours 33 minutes ( 8 hours 50 minutes 0.358 0.197 0.136 0.176 20.63 19.38 39.15 42.50 658 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. It was long ago noticed that if the skin be covered with a thick varnish death will be rapidly produced. The most probable explanation is that in addition to the rapid cooling of the body by the dilatation of the cutaneous capillaries the suppression of perspiration causes the retention in the economy of some poisonous principle, for the general symptoms closely resemble those of poisoning the respiration becomes slow and disturbed, the pulsation of the heart reduced in frequency, and convulsions frequently accompany the final stages. 5. THE LACHRYMAL SECRETION. The lachrymal glands belong to the group of compound racemose glands, and secrete a fluid which is tolerably rich in albuminous constituents. The tears are a colorless liquid of salty taste and alkaline reaction. They contain about 1 per cent, of solids, which consist of a small amount of mucus and albumen, coagulable by heat, and traces of fat and mineral salts. Of the latter sodium chloride is the principal representative, with a small quantity of alkaline and earthy salts. The following table represents their analyses : Water, 982.00 Albumen and traces of mucus, ..... 5.00 Sodium chloride, 13.00 Other inorganic salts, 0.2 The lachrymal secretion is continuous and is produced by the direct protoplasmic activity of the secretory cells of this gland : the blood pressure is of special influence, and it is probable that the lachrymation which accompanies laughing, coughing, vomiting, etc., is produced by local increase of pressure through the arrest of the venous circulation. The lachrymal secretion, like that formed by the other glands, is under the control of the nervous system. Normally the lachrymal secre- tion is of reflex origin, the afferent impulse being conducted either from the conjunctiva or nasal fossae, over the first and second branches of the trigeminal nerve, from a retinal stimulation, as by intense light, or through some mental impression. As a rule, such stimuli lead to an increased secretion of the glands on both sides, with the exception of stimuli originating in the nasal fossae or conjunctiva, in which case the secretion is unilateral. The secretory nerve is the lachrymal nerve. Its stimula- tion is followed by an abundant secretion of tears, while its section is followed after a time by a continuous secretion corresponding to the paralytic secretion which follows section of the chorda tympani. Normally the tears, after passing over the anterior surface of the eyeball, partially evaporate and partially are conducted through the lachrymal passages to the nose, only when in excess overflowing the lower eyelid and running over the cheeks. The function of the tears is to protect the eye by keeping its surface moist and to wash away foreign bodies. SECTION XII. NUTRITION. IT has been found that the blood is constantly losing portions of its constituents in the formation of the different secretions and excretions of the body and in supplying nutritive substances to the different tissues. The excretions and the substances removed from the blood in supplying the tissues with nutriment are to be regarded as permanent losses to the blood, since in the former case the substances so separated are conducted directly without the body, while in the latter case they undergo modifications in the tissues which deprive them of all nutritive value. In the case of secretions, on the other hand, it has been found that the losses which the blood undergoes in their formation are temporary, the matters removed from the blood in these processes being again returned to it after the secretions have fulfilled their function. The milk alone is an exception to this statement. On the other hand, we have seen that in absorption from the alimentary canal the blood is constantly receiving additions. The balance between this income and outgo of the blood constitutes nutrition. If the income exceed the outgo the body increases in weight ; if the latter predominates, the body loses weight. Two methods are open to us for studying the processes which are concerned in the maintenance of nutritive equilibrium. We have found that the income of the body or the substances which enter the blood and lymph in the form of peptone, sugar, albumen, salts, and fats are con- stituted of the elements of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen in various proportions. It has been seen that the waste products of the animal body are urea, carbon dioxide, water, and salts. We know that nearly all the carbon taken in the food is removed by the lungs and skin in the form of carbon dioxide; we know that nearly all the nitrogen taken in with the food is excreted in the form of urea. Alt the h\'drogen is excreted in the form of water, while the oxj-gen leaves the animal economy in combination with carbon as carbon dioxide, or with hydrogen as H 2 0. The attempt to trace the intermediary stages through which the constituents of the food pass before reaching these final excretory products is accompanied by the greatest difficulty. But little is known as to the way in which these substances are transformed one into the (659) 660 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. other, or as to the manner in which energy is set free and made use of. Certain of these processes of conversion nuiy, however, be followed, and the fact that these processes may in certain instances be located in special tissues, in the continuation of the plan of specialization of function, we are, perhaps, warranted in speaking of certain tissues as set aside to elaborate the raw materials which result from the absorption of digestive products and to so modify the waste products as to permit of their ready removal from the body. Such tissues are spoken of as metabolic tissues, and the study of the chemical changes which occur in these tissues furnishes us with one method of tracing the conversion of the substances absorbed into the matters excreted. The other method of stud3 T ing the nutritive phenomena of the animal body is what is know r n as the statistical method. We may, by chemically examining the composition of the food- stuffs, ascertain the total quantity of each constituent. By chemical analysis we may also determine the total amount of these different con- stituents removed from the body in the excretions. By the comparison of the results obtained in these two examinations valuable conclusions may be drawn as to the changes which occur in the body in the con- version of the income into the outgo. These methods will be referred to in turn. I. THE FATE OF THE ALBUMINOUS FOOD-CONSTITUENTS. It has been seen that the albuminous food-constituents in digestion, through a process of hydration by the action of ferments, are converted into peptone, which enters through absorption into the radicals of the por- tal vein, but an insignificant portion being absorbed by means of the lac- teals. When once within the blood-current, possibly in the process of absorption itself, the peptone must apparently be reconverted to the form of albumen, for the amount of peptone capable of detection in the portal vein, even after an abundant albuminous diet, is too insignificant to repre- sent the amount of albuminous matters absorbed. We may, therefore, state that almost immediately on entering the blood-current the albuminous food-constituents are converted mainly into serum-albumen. It has further been stated that urea represents the end product in the series of decompositions which the albuminous bodies of the tissues undergo. The attempt to trace the changes, commencing with albumen and termi- nating in the production of urea, is, however, shrouded with the greatest obscurit} r . It is known that the amount of urea removed gives an index of the amount of albuminous destruction occurring in the animal body. Numerous experiments have proved that with the withdrawal of all food the excretion of urea decreases, and that a small amount continues to be removed through the urine until the occurrence of death through starva- FATE OF THE ALBUMINOUS FOOD-CONSTITUENTS. 661 tion, this evidently being formed at the expense of the albuminous con- stituents of the tissues. It is further clear that tshe excretion of urea may be increased by an albuminous food, and that the amount of urea elimi- nated increases proportionately to the increase in the albumen given in the food. Urea is not, however, a simple product of oxidation of albu- minous bodies, but is a product of complicated decompositions which are peculiar to the animal body, and which are accompanied by the pro- duction of such bodies as kreatin, allantoin, guanin, xanthin, and uric acid. It is not improbable that the albumen, like many of these inter- mediary products, retains the nitrogen in the form of a cyanogen radical, and that it is only in its conversion into urea that by the re-arrangement of the nitrogen it becomes converted into a member of the amide group. In the sketch which we have given of the chemical processes occurring in the animal body it was mentioned that uric acid might be regarded as an antecedent of urea, since the administration of uric acid to animals is followed by an increase in the amount of urea removed by the kidne3 T s. This, however, applies only to the case of mammals, for the reverse is noticed in birds, where the administration of urea increases the uric acid of the urine, indicating in the latter case a process of synthesis rather than of destruction. It cannot be assumed, however, that urea is invari- ably preceded by the production of uric acid, or, in other words, that it results from a further oxidation of the latter. From an examination of the constituents of the different tissues, such as the muscles, the liver, the spleen, and all organs in which it is known that the destruction of albuminoids takes place, the detection of nitrogenous crystalline bodies, such as kreatin, xanthin, hypo-xanthin, etc., would indicate that they are also products of the destruction of albumen and perhaps antecedents of urea. In the case of kreatin it has been found that muscular tissue, under nearly all circumstances, will contain from two-tenths to four-tenths of 1 per cent, of this body ; and since kreatin is a diffusible, crystalline body, it must further be assumed that large quantities of it are continually entering the blood-current from the muscular tissue. An examination of the urine again shows that kreatin and kreatinin, into which the former is readily converted, are constant constituents, and the supposition might at first appear warrant- able that the kreatin formed in the activity of muscular tissue after entering the blood is at once removed without change by the kidneys. This hypothesis is, however, negatived by the fact that increased muscular activity, which leads to the increase in the formation of kreatin, does not lead to increase in the kreatin eliminated by the kidneys. On the other hand, during starvation the kreatin entirely disappears from the urine; so that it would, therefore, appear that the kreatin eliminated through the kidneys does not represent tissue waste, but a product of 662 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. the breaking down of the albuminous food-constituents which has com- menced in the intestinal canal, perhaps through the formation of leucin and tyrosin. Again, it seems clearly established that increase in mus- cular exercise leads to an increase in the elimination of urea. Since, as has been stated, the amount of kreatin formed by the muscles increases with exercise, and the amount of urea eliminated by the kidneys increases under the same circumstances, it would appear warrantable to assume that the kreatin resulting from the breaking down of the albu- minous tissue-constituents of muscles and nerves represents the main source of urea. As to where this conversion which, it should be stated, can only be acknowledged to have a certain degree of probability takes place, but little positive information can be given. It does not occur solely in the kidney, for the suppression of urine is followed by an accumulation in the system of a large amount of urea. Again, the urea, under all circumstances, is a constant constituent of the blood, indicating that even if a part of the urea be formed in the kidneys the renal epithelium is not the sole source of the manufacture of this body. As to where kreatin becomes converted into urea no data can be given. Another possible source of urea may be found in the products of the decomposition of albuminous matter in the intestine. It has been seen that the introduction of a large amount of proteid in the alimentary canal is followed by a corresponding increase in the amount of urea eliminated. It is further known that the excess of proteid over and above that needed for nutrition in the alimentary canal breaks down under the influence of pancreatic digestion into leucin and t3 T rosin. If . leucin be itself introduced into the intestinal tube the amount of urea eliminated will be proportionately increased. Leucin, therefore, may represent a step in the processes of conversion of albumen into urea. In the latter case we can probably locate the conversion of leucin into urea in the liver, for the liver, unlike other glands, normally contains large quantities of urea; and if we again assume, as perhaps seems warranted, that the leucin is absorbed by the portal vein, the formation of urea out of leucin would be a natural conclusion. Uric acid has also been found to be a constant constituent of the urine of carnivora and of suckling herbivora. It is never met with in the free condition, but in the form of uric acid salts. In the urine of birds and reptiles it replaces urea. It also evidently results from the decomposition of proteids, and, perhaps, under certain circumstances, is an antecedent of urea, since by oxidation one molecule of uric acid may be split up into two molecules of urea and one molecule of mesoxalic acid. This is not, however, to be regarded as invariably taking place, but the majority of evidence would, perhaps, point to the formation of FATE OF THE ALBUMINOUS FOOD-CONSTITUENTS. 663 uric acid by a process of decomposition of albuminous matters, differing slightly from that which results in the production of urea. Sarkin and xanthin, by progressive oxidation, might perhaps be converted into uric acid, and, since they are usually found accompanying each other, will, perhaps, indicate one source of uric acid. Sarkin, xanthin, and uric acid differ from each other only in one atom of oxygen, thus : Sarkin = C 5 H 4 N 4 O. Xanthin = C 5 H 4 N 4 O 2 . Uric acid =C 5 H 4 N 4 3 . As to where this conversion takes place we have no data to fall back on, except that it does not occur in the kidneys, for the excision of the kidneys or the ligation of the renal vessels leads to an accumulation of uric acid in the economy. Of the different localities where uric acid is especially met with the spleen occupies the first position. In the spleen uric acid is constantly found in large quantities, even in the her- bivora, whose urine is free from uric acid ; and conditions which lead to an increased blood supply to the spleen, as in its enlargement in malarial diseases, lead also to an increased excretion of uric acid. The spleen may therefore be looked upon both as the place of origin of uric acid in the carnivora and of its destruction in the herbivora. In the herbivora uric acid is represented by hippuric acid, which differs from uric acid in containing three atoms less of nitrogen, one atom more of carbon, and five atoms more of hydrogen. Its formula is, therefore, C 6 H 9 N0 8 . In the herbivora the hippuric acid of the urine represents a peculiar decomposition occurring in their food. Hippuric acid is a compound of benzoic acid and glycochol, and the administration of benzoic acid to any animal, whether carnivorous or herbivorous, will result in the elimi- nation of hippuric acid through the kidneys. This process of synthesis may be represented as follows : Hippuric acid has, therefore, its origin in the food. As long as the herbivora are being suckled, or when fasting, it is absent from the urine, but appears whenever vegetable matter is added in sufficient quantity to the food. Certain forms of vegetable food are not, however, followed by the elimination of hippuric acid. Hippuric acid is absent from the urine of animals fed on peas, wheat, oats, or potatoes, but nearly all grasses are, however, followed by its appearance in the urine. When benzoic acid is given to animals, hippuric acid is invariably found in the urine, and an examination of the vegetable matters whose use as food is followed by the formation of hippuric acid will nearly always indicate the presence in such foods of benzoic acid or some allied body. 664 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. Glycochol, through whose union with benzoic acid hippuric acid is formed, is manufactured in the liver, the formation of hippuric acid occurring probably both in the liver and kidneys. II. THE FATE OF THE FATTY CONSTITUENTS OF FOOD. It has been found that the fats contained in the food are largely absorbed unchanged in the form of an emulsion, a small fraction only being converted into fatty soaps. Such absorption was, moreover, found to occur mainly b}' means of the chyle-ducts and only partially through the blood-vessels. It may, therefore, be stated that fats are absorbed unchanged in the forms in which they enter the alimentary canal. The attempt to trace the progress of the fats through the animal body will be aided by the study of the changes which occur in the adipose tissue. This, of all the tissues of the body, varies most rapidly and in widest extremes. Within a short space of time, as in starvation, the adipose tissue of the body may almost totally disappear ; while, on the other hand, it may, under exceptional circumstances, accumulate with the greatest rapidity. In describing the histology of adipose tissue it was stated that the oil-globules appeared in the centre of the connective-tissue corpuscles and at their expense, and the process was likened to the nutritive pre- hension of food in a small mass of undifferentiated protoplasm, such as the amoeba. The fat, we have seen, enters the blood in all important respects unchanged, and the simplest explanation of the development of the adi- pose tissue would be to suppose that the connective-tissue corpuscles, by a process, of vital appropriation, pick out the oil-globules from the fluid in which they are bathed. Several difficulties, however, oppose this simple theory. In the first place, it is well known that but a small amount of fat deposited in adipose tissue can come directly from the fat of the food : for, as is well known, the butter in cream is far in excess of the fat contained in the food, and it has been shown that in a fattening hog for every one hundred parts of fat in the food four hundred and seventy-two parts are stored up as adipose tissue. Again, if animals are fed on a meat diet and soaps the} 7 accumulate adipose tissue a process which is scarcely capable of being explained by the re-transformation of the fats by taking up glycerin and giving up alkali. On the other hand, the fats of different animals differ in composition, and if two animals of different species are fed with the same fat the chemical composition of their adipose tissue will vary. Thus, for ex- ample, if a dog be fed with meat, palmitin, stearin, and soap, the fat of its adipose tissue will be found to contain olein fat as well as palmitin and stearin. So it is, therefore, clear that the latter neutral fat must have been manufactured by the organism. FATE OF THE FATTY CONSTITUENTS OF FOOD. 665 If a lean dog be fed on a diet of meat and spermaceti, a large amount of adipose tissue may be accumulated, in which, however, but a trace of spermaceti may be found. Again, fat alone, as we know, is incapable, as a food, of sustaining life, although it, to a certain extent, saves the wast- ing of tissue ; so, as a consequence, when fat alone is given as a food, the amount of urea excreted by the kidneys is less than would be excreted by a starving animal. This, evidently, is to be explained by the fact that fat, being readily oxidized, is rapidly converted into carbon dioxide, which is, of course, eliminated in the expired air and serves to a certain extent to spare the elimination of the proteids in oxidation. It is, then, clear that in the animal body fats are made from some- thing which is not fat. Two possible sources of fat suggest themselves. It is known that the nitrogen of urea represents the total amount of nitrogen passing through the body, and that a certain quantity of urea (one hundred grammes) represents a certain quantity of proteids (three hundred grammes). If, however, we estimate the quantity of carbon in one hundred grammes of urea, we will find that a large amount of carbon remains unaccounted for. Part of this evidently goes off as carbon dioxide. It is probable that the remainder is fixed in the body as fat. It may, therefore, be assumed that proteids split up into non-nitrogenous and nitrogenous compounds, the former, when not completely oxidized into carbon dioxide and water, being deposited as fat, the latter leaving the body oxidized as urea. Other illustrations as to the development of fats from proteids may be readily given. Thus, in the pancreatic diges- tion of proteids fatt} r acids may be developed. The fatty degeneration of muscle is evidently due to the decomposition of proteids, while animals fed on a pure diet of lean meat with a small amount of fat will deposit in their tissues more fat than is contained in the food. Still other lines of study point to the development of ftit from proteids. It is known that in poisoning with phosphorus various organs rich in proteids undergo fatty degeneration, and that the fat so formed is produced at the expense of the tissue-albumen, the fat being formed from the non-nitrogenous residue of the proteids after the formation of urea. The following experiment proves this : A large dog was allowed to fast for twelve days, so freeing its tissues almost entirely from fat, and was then slowly poisoned with phosphorus. Death occurred on the twentieth day of fasting. Before poisoning, from the fifth to the twelfth day of fasting, the elimination of urea in the urine was about constant, and amounted to 7.8 grammes daily; as a consequence of the phosphorus poisoning the elimination of urea was greatly increased, amounting at last to 23.9 grammes daity, or more than three times the normal amount removed during fasting. The post-mortem examination showed extensive fatty 666 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. degeneration of various organs, the increase in urea elimination proving that the fat was derived from the albumen. As regards the carbohydrates, which may also be regarded as a possible source of fat, considerable doubt exists as to the manner in which they act. As is well known, carbohydrates are always an important constituent of fattening foods, and it may be assumed either that the carbohydrates, being themselves readily oxidized, save the non-nitrogenous bodies derived from the proteids, and so enable them to be converted into fat, or that they may be directly concerned in the formation of fats. It is clear that carbohydrates may undergo the butyric acid fermentation, and other ferment actions might likewise serve to manufacture other fats. Thus, Pasteur claims that glycerin, which is the basis of neutral fats, may be formed from pure carbo- hydrates. It is probable, therefore, that in both of these ways the carbohydrates serve to increase the adipose tissue of the body both directly and by enabling the non-nitrogenous matters derived from the proteids to be converted into fat and stored up as such. The following experiments recently made in Vienna with a hog thirteen months old and weighing one hundred and forty kilos are of special interest in this connection : Two kilos of soft-boiled rice were given daily as fodder, and a comparison of the income and outgo demonstrated the daily deposit in the tissues of thirty-eight grammes of albumen and 351.8 grammes of fat. For the development of the latter at most only 65.4 grammes of proteid in the food, corresponding to 33.6 grammes fat and 7.9 grammes fodder fat can be reckoned on. The excess (351.8 41.5 = 310.3 grammes), or 88.2 per cent, of the entire amount of fat deposited in the body, can only have been derived from the carbohydrates of the food. So, also, in the case of geese and bees, the development of fat from carbohydrates admits of proof. The dog, however, like other carnivora, seems incapable of developing fat from carbohydrates. III. THE FATE OF THE CARBOHYDRATE FOOD-CONSTITUENTS. The metamorphosis of the carbohydrate food-constituents may be somewhat more readity followed. It has been seen that under the influence of the salivary, pancreatic, and intestinal ferments, starch and dextrin are turned into maltose and cane-sugar into invert-sugar, the sugar as such entering the blood by absorption ; or, in a rich amylaceous diet, splitting up in the intestine into lactic and but} 7 ric acids. In the blood, the sugar is either reconverted to a member of the starch group (glycogen) in a process to be considered directly, or is rapidly oxidized into C0 2 and H 2 0, the intermediary products being, however, unknown. That sugar is directly oxidized would seem probable from the fact that FATE OF THE CAKBOHYDKATE FOOD-CONSTITUENTS. 667 when on an amylaceous diet a larger proportion of the inspired oxygen is returned to the atmosphere as CO 2 than when on animal diet. It would appear, however, from the fattening which occurs on excessive carbohydrate diet, that this oxidation is not complete, but that part of the carbohyd rates remain in the body. It has been already mentioned that albuminoids may split up into fat, and it will be shown under the statistical consideration of nutrition that the addition of carbohydrates to a rich albuminous diet spares a certain amount of albumen from destructive oxidation, and in this way carbohydrates may lead to the deposit of fat. On the other hand, the connection between the carbo- hydrates and fat must be closer than this, for bees on a pure diet of sugar are able to manufacture wax, a substance closely allied to the fats. Besides, it has been shown that in the putrefaction of car bo hyd rates, in addition to lactic, butyric, and caproic acids, fixed fatty acids are also developed; and, since a similar fermentation occurs in the alimentary canal, it is possible that these fatty acids are in the body converted into neutral fats. The seat of the oxidation of the carbohydrates is to be found mainly in the muscles, as evidenced by the shortness of breath produced by excessive muscular exertion, for it is only natural to suppose that the more rapid breathing is to enable the body to get rid of the decom- position products normally removed through the lungs, i.e., C0 a , and to introduce larger amounts of oxygen. The fact may, however, be proved directl}' by estimating the C0 2 in the venous blood coming from a con- tracting and resting muscle. That the CO 2 thus formed in muscular action is from oxidation of the carbohydrate, and not albuminoid muscle constituents, is proved by the following facts : An animal in a given time accomplishes a certain amount of muscular work, and by the estimation of the urinary constituents it may be determined how much albumen has undergone oxidation. The comparison of the amount of work represented by the combustion of this amount of albumen and the amount actually accomplished shows that the latter must have been at the expense of the combustion of some other substance than albumen. This substance, in all probability, consists of carbohydrate material. In addition to the changes already sketched, the carbohydrates are closety concerned in the function of glycogenesis, or the formation of glycogen in the liver, one of the processes of metabolic change which has been most clearly localized. When comparative estimates are made as to the amount of sugar contained in the hepatic and portal veins, contrary to what would be expected, it will be found that in the hepatic vein sugar is constantly found, even though none may be present in the blood of the portal vein. So far, therefore, from destroying sugar, as was formerly supposed, the liver is evidently concerned in the manufacture 668 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. of sugar. Even after death, if the blood be removed from the liver by injecting water through the portal vein, it will be found that after every trace of sugar has disappeared, if the liver be allowed to stand for a time in a warm place, the repetition of these injections will again remove sugar from the liver. If the liver be removed from an animal immediately after death and divided into two portions, if one of these is thrown immediately, after rapid mincing, into a large quantity of previously prepared boiling water, an opalescent decoction will be obtained which will contain barely a trace of sugar. If a decoction be made of the other portion of the liver, after allowing it to remain for several hours in a warm place, the decoction will be clear, and not opalescent, and will contain large quan- tities of reducing sugar. On the other hand, if to a small quantity of the opalescent decoction which was free from sugar be added a few drops of saliva, or of the diastatic ferments of the pancreatic juice, sugar will be abundantly formed. It is evident, therefore, that the liver contains something which is capable of being converted into sugar through the influence of some ferment contained either in the liver-cells or in the blood. If the opalescent infusion be tested with iodine, a mahogany-red color will be formed ; it is evident, therefore, that this substance is some- what of the nature of dextrin or starch, and Bernard, its discoverer, gave to it the name of glycogen. Glycogen may be obtained from such a decoction, after rapidly cooling by surrounding it by a freezing mixture of snow and salt, by the alternate addition of hydrochloric acid and the potasso-mercuric iodide solution* until no further precipitate occurs. By this means the albuminous constituents are removed. This precipitate should be filtered off, and glycogen may be precipitated from the filtrate by the addition of alcohol until about 60 per cent, of absolute alcohol is present in the mixture. The glycogen is then to be collected on a filter and washed with 60 per cent, alcohol until the washings give no cloudiness with a mixture of dilute caustic potash, ammonia, and ammonium chloride. It is then to be washed with alcohol and ether. The glycogen remaining should then be dried on a piece of porous earthenware at a moderate temperature. It may be further purified, if necessary, by dissolving in hot water and precipitating with alcohol containing a little ammonia, redissolving as before, and precipitating with spirit containing a little acetic acid. This last precipitate should then be washed with alcohol and ether, and then dried. As obtained by this method, glycogen is a white, amorphous, non- nitrogenous substance, which, with water, forms an opalescent solution and rotates the plane of polarized light strongly to the right to about *The potasso-mercuric iodide solution is prepared by precipitating a saturated solution of potassic iodide with a saturated solution of mercuric chloride, and, after washing the precipitate, making a saturated solution of it in a hot solution of potassic iodide. FATE OF THE CAEBOHYDEATE FOOD-CONSTITUENTS. 669 three times the degree possessed by grape-sugar ; it is inodarless and insoluble in alcohol or ether. Under the action of the salivary or pan- creatic ferments, namely, diastase, or the action of dilute mineral acids, it is converted, like other carbohydrates, into a mixture of maltose and dextrin. Its formula may be given as a multiple of C 6 H 10 6 . Glycogen is not confined to the liver-cells, although its presence may be recognized there by treating a section of hepatic tissue with iodine, when it may be recognized by the characteristic red staining with iodine in the neighborhood of the cell-nucleus. It is present, also, in the pla- centa, in muscular tissue, white blood-cells, the brain, and in various embryonic tissues. From the fact that it is found in largest amount in growing tissue it would appear to be especially concerned in the phenomena of development. The amount of glycogen which may be present in the liver varies in very wide amount, from a maximum to an absolute absence, the amount being dependent upon the state of the nutrition of the animal. If a rabbit is allowed to starve to death, and its liver be treated as described above, it will be found that the decoction of the liver will be absolutely free from glycogen. In other words, it would appear that the glycogen is derived from the food-stuffs which are absorbed by the walls of the alimentary tract and are carried by the portal vein to the liver. If it be determined by experiment how long starvation must be continued to remove all traces of glycogen from the liver, and after the lapse of such an interval the animal be abundantly supplied with carbohydrate food and then killed, it will be found now that the liver has regained its store of glycogen, and that the decoction now made will show the maxi- mum quantity of glycogen present. If after starving for the same length of time the animal be fed with a meat diet, a certain amount of gtycogen will also be detected in the liver, but in much less amount than after the carbolmlrate diet. The question arises at this point as to whether the glycogen so developed originates from the albuminous constituents of the meat diet, as it is known that meat, especially the meat of the horse, which is em- ployed in such experiments, contains representatives of the carbohydrate group. This question may be settled by substituting a pure albuminous substance as diet, and it will then be found that although the amount of glycogen obtainable from the liver is larger than that obtained from a starving animal, it still falls below the amount obtained after feeding with meat. It would, therefore, appear that the development of glycogen on the meat diet is only partially due to the conversion of the albuminous constituents of the food into gtycogen, but mainly to the carbolrydrate constituents. If a starving animal be fed on a fat diet, even though abundant, no 670 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. more glycogen will be found in the liver than would be obtainable from this organ in a starving animal. It would, therefore, appear that while the amount of glycogen in the liver is dependent upon the food, it is especially the carbohydrates which are the sources of this substance. As already stated, the digestible carbolrydrates in the alimentary canal are converted into some form of sugar, are absorbed by the intestinal walls, and enter the blood of the portal vein, and are thus carried to the liver. As is well known, the food of herbivora is constituted largely of carbohydrates, and these substances can only be absorbed after being converted into sugar. On the other hand, it is well known that the presence of sugar in the blood above a very small percentage at once leads to its elimination through the kidneys, constituting gtycosuria. Admitting, therefore, that large quantities of sugar in these animals enter the blood through the walls of the alimentary canal, two possibil- ities arise either it is eliminated as rapidly as absorbed, or it at once, through combustion, serves in the development of heat. Neither of these possibilities are, however, actual^ the case, since even after the richest carbohydrate diet but traces of sugar are to be found in the urine, and it is not conceivable that the large amount of sugar which may be absorbed in the food at once is converted into carbon dioxide and water. The onl} 7 remaining conclusion is that the sugar at once, after its absorption, is carried by the portal vein to the liver, and is there con- verted into some less diffusible form by which its immediate excretion by the kidne3 r s is avoided. Such a substance is evident!} 7 found in glycogen, and the liver may, therefore, be regarded as a storehouse for one of the most important food-stuffs, which is again reconverted into sugar, as the needs of the economy demand. Bernard believed that there is a continual conversion of glycogen into sugar going on in the liver, and that the sugar so formed is carried by the hepatic vein to the general circulation to be oxidized in the lungs and muscles. It is evident that this hypothesis necessitates the presence of a larger amount of sugar in the hepatic than in the portal vein, and such a state of affairs is claimed by Bernard to be a fact, although his state- ments have met with a certain amount of contradiction. It may, however, be concluded that even if the estimates made by Bernard as to the comparative amount of sugar in the hepatic and portal veins are not absolutely conclusive, the statements of his opponents are no more trustworthy. As to the ultimate end of the sugar derived from the conversion of the glycogen, but little can be accurately stated. It is known that normal blood contains always a definite amount of sugar. If this FATE OF THE CAEBOHYDKATE FOOD-CONSTITUENTS. 671 amount be increased, sugar appears in the urine, and it appears that the sugar in the blood is largely made use of in the chemical processes occurring in contracting muscles. It would seem, therefore, that the object of the gh r cogenic function of the liver is to store up in a non- diffusible form the excess of carbohydrate matter taken into the blood during a meal rich in carbohydrates, and then to distribute it, little by little, to the economy as occasion may demand. The liver converts glycogen into sugar through the action of its own peculiar diastatic ferment. If a fragment of liver be washed with water and then with spirit to remove the blood, and then cut up into small pieces and immersed in absolute alcohol for twenty -four hours, if the alcohol be removed and a gtycerin extract made of the residue, a solution will be obtained which will be capable of rapidly converting glycogen infusion into sugar. In the process of making the decoction of gtycogen this hepatic fer- ment is destro^yed by heat, while in the experiment above alluded to, in which the liver was exposed to a warm temperature after removal from the body before making an infusion, the absence of gtycogen from such infusion and the presence of sugar indicate the conversion by this hepatic ferment of the glycogen into sugar. Such a conversion also undoubtedly takes place during life. As to why, during life, all the gly- cogen of the liver is not rapidly converted into sugar, it being admitted that such a ferment is present, it can only be stated that this problem belongs to the same group of phenomena as to why the blood does not coagulate in the living blood-vessels, why the active and living pancreas and stomach do not digest themselves, and wh}- the living muscle does not become rigid. That this process of conversion is, however, capable of occurring in the living liver, and that this ferment is not, as has been claimed, simply a post-mortem development, is proven by the various conditions which lead to the abnormal conversion of gtycogen into sugar in greater amounts than the system can use, and the consequent elimina- tion of the excess of sugar from the blood b}- the kidneys, constituting the disease glycosuria, or diabetes mellitus. Bernard discovered that if the medulla oblongata be punctured in the neighborhood of the vaso-motor centre in a rabbit, after abundant feeding with carbohydrates, in an hour or less a considerable quantity of sugar may be detected in the urine, which, after a day or two, will disappear. If a similar operation be performed on a rabbit which has been deprived of food for several days, no such glycosuria will result, and it therefore seems clear that this diabetic puncture produced the gtycosuria through the rapid conversion of the glycogen of the liver into sugar. It therefore appears that the glycogenic function of the liver is under 672 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. the control of the nervous system, and the path of this influence, which originates in the neighborhood of the vaso-motor centre, may be traced along the spinal cord, and then, by means of the vagi, to the third and fourth dorsal ganglia, from this to the thoracic ganglia, and from there to the liver by some path not yet absolutely determined. The production of diabetes by such an operation is probably to be regarded as of a vaso-motor nature. It seems clear that through this operation the small branches of the hepatic artery are largely dilated, and the liver, consequently, receives a larger amount of arterial blood, and that simple division of any part of this nervous path, such, for example, as removal of the first thoracic ganglion, will likewise produce diabetes. If the splanchnic nerves be divided previous to this operation g\y- cosuria will not result, evidently by withdrawing a large quantity of blood into the abdominal organs and so preventing relatively any dilata- tion of the hepatic artery. IV. THE STATISTICS OF NUTBITION. The preceding sketch as to the fate of the different organic food- constituents gives but an imperfect idea as to the metabolic processes occurring within the animal body. By a close comparison of the income and outgo of the economy statistics of nutrition may be formed which are of great value for obtaining an idea of the nutritive processes of the economy under different forms of diet, and thus assist in the formation of scientific methods of feeding. When we compare the income with the outgo, the ingesta with the excreta, we learn not only what part of the ingesta is retained in the body, but by the detection of substances in the excreta not present in the food we may extend our idea of the changes which the body has undergone under the influence of the food. In determining the true income of the body the constituents of the faeces must be subtracted, for, as already noted, the faeces consist almost solely of food-stuffs which have escaped digestion and absorption, the amount of excretory matter in the fasces being so small as to be dis- regarded. From the study of the composition of the food we know that in certain amounts of proteids, fats, carbohyd rates, salts, water, and inspired air, the animal body takes in definite quantities of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, sulphur, phosphorus, salts, and water. The determination of statistics of nutrition is based upon the following facts : 1. With the exception of wool- and milk-producing animals, all the nitrogen is excreted in the urine ; that found in the faeces may be regarded as derived almost solely from undigested food. 2. From the difference between the amounts of nitrogen in the food STATISTICS OF NUTEITION. 673 and in the urine and faeces it may be determined whether there is an increase or a waste of the nitrogenous matter (albuminoids) of the economy. 3. The nitrogen in the urine is a measure of the decomposition of albuminoids in the body, while from the sum of the amounts of nitrogen in urine and faeces may be deduced the amount of albuminoids which become fixed in the body. 4. The difference in amount of carbon in income and outgo (including that which is given off by lungs and skin), taking into account the carbon derived from decomposition of albuminoids, gives us a means of estimating the changes in the fat of the animal body, since with the exception of fat there is not, in any important amount, tiny other carbon compound in the body. 5. Differences in the amount of water in the economy are readily calculated. It is only necessary to compare the increase or decrease of body weight with the data determined as to the decomposition of albumen and fat. For making the above estimates the composition of albumen is placed as follows : C. H. N. O. 8. 53.6 per cent. 7.0 per cent. 16.0 per cent. 23.0 per cent. 1.0 per cent. Albumen thus consisting of 16 per cent, of nitrogen, if the amount of nitrogen in the urine is multiplied by 6.25 (= Iffi) we are able to determine the amount of albumen represented by the nitrogen in the urine. As regards the fats, all the animal fats are remarkably constant in. their composition ; they possess in mean 76.50 per cent, carbon. From the difference in carbon in income and outgo the amount of carbon of the decomposed albumen is first deducted (53.6 per cent.), and from the remainder by multiplication by the factor 1.307 ( jj$) the amount of fat may be calculated. The behavior of the mineral constituents is calculated from the mineral constituents of the food and that of the urine and faeces. So, also, for water in a like manner. The following example (quoted by Schmidt-Mulheim, who has been largely followed in this chapter) makes clear the method by which such statistics of nutrition are reached : Henneberg fed a full-grown ox, weight 712.5 kilos, for twent}^-eight clays with 5 kilos clover-ha}-, 6 kilos oat-straw, 3.7 kilos crushed beans, 0.06 kilo salt, and 56.1 kilos water. During the experiment the animal increased daily 1.035 kilos in weight. From the analysis of the food, faeces, and nvrine, and from the esti- 43 674 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. mate of the excretion of C0 2 by means of Pettenkofer.'s apparatus and car b u retted hydrogen of the intestinal canal, the following data were obtained : A. Daily Income. 70.975 kilos food, Water. 58.200 Mineral Matter. 0.890 c. 5.825 H. 7.500 N. 0.310 o. 4.900 B . Daily ( )utgo. Water." Mineral Matter. C. H. N. O. 40.65 kilos faeces, . 35.075 0.575 2.585 0.310 0.105 2.00 13.9 kilos urine, . 13.075 0.305 0.22 0.025 0.170 0.105 9.795 kilos CO 2 , . ... 2.67 0.03 kilo CH 2 , 002 0.01 Total, 48.150 0.880 5.495 0.345 0.275 0.230 In addition to the above, 9.5025 kilos water in the form of aqueous vapor were removed through the lungs and skin. The total of amounts daily appropriated and kept in the body, con- sequently, were : Water. 0.525 Mineral Matter. 0.010 C. 0.330 H. 0.050 N. 0.035 O. 0.850 These figures corresponded to a daily increase of Albumen, 0.220 kilo. Fat, 0.280 " Salts, ..-.-. 0.010 ' Water, 0.525 " The calculation of the statistics of nitrogen in milk- and wool-pro- ducing animals is somewhat more complicated than the above, as the amount of the above productions have also to be taken into account. 1. TISSUE CHANGES IN STARVATION. Before attempting to study in detail the influence of food on tissue change, the changes which occur in the animal body when all food is withheld must first be studied. And here it should, in the first place, be recollected that the skeletal muscles form nearly one-half the body, and about one-quarter of all the blood in the body is contained within them, while another fourth of the blood is contained in the liver. These two facts are sufficient to indicate that $ large part of the metabolism of the body is carried on in the muscles and liver. In fasting animals there is a steady waste of the various tissues and an excretion of those waste products ; and since this waste is not sup- plied by new matter, there is a progressive loss of body weight. STATISTICS OF NUTKITION. 675 Thus, in a dog weighing one thousand and twelve grammes and fast- ing for fourteen days there was a daily loss of body weight as follows-: ^ 1st day of fasting, 2cl 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th llth 12th 13th 14th 82 grammes. 44 40 32 27 31 25 26 26 22 23 21 19 From this table it is seen that the loss is far greater on the first day of starvation than on any other, and that after the first day the loss gradually becomes less and less marked. It has also been found that age is of marked influence on the degree of loss of body weight in starvation. The younger the animal, the greater the loss. It is also noticed that birds can stand a greater relative loss of body- weight from starvation before death occurs than mammals and other warm-blooded animals ; in the latter death only occurs when 40 per cent, of the bod}'" weight has been lost. It has been found that if water is freely given, a horse may stand a complete fast for from eight to fifteen days without any serious conse- quences. If this time is, however, passed, even feeding will then be unable to prevent death. Herbivora stand starvation worse than carnivora, even although they lose only one-half as much tissue-albumen ; it is stated that death from starvation in the horse does not occur until the twentieth to the thirtieth day, while a dog may live from forty to sixty days without food before death takes place. If the body of an animal dead of starvation is examined there will be found the greatest difference in the loss which the different tissues have undergone. Adipose tissue suffers most, muscles and viscera less, and nervous system least of all, and this latter fact is worthy of especial notice, since fat forms a large constituent of the nervous system. The body is greatly emaciated ; all subcutaneous and perivisceral fat has disappeared ; the muscles and other organs are atrophied ; and with the exception of the alimentary canal, in which fluid is generally found, all the tissues are markedly 'dry and free from water. In the stomach the fluid has an acid reaction ; in the intestine there is a slim}' fluid matter which is evidently decomposed bile. 676 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. Since fat and muscle have disappeared in largest amount, it is evi- dent the starving animal feeds on its own flesh, and, under such circum- stances, the urine of the herbivora and carnivora are identical. Of the diiferent organs the percentage of loss of original weight is as follows : Bones Muscles, Liver, . Kidneys, Spleen, Pancreas, . Testicle, Lungs, Heart, Intestine, . Brain and Cord, Skin, . Fat, . Blood, Other organs, 13.4 per cent, or 5.4 per cent, of total loss. 30.5 537 25.9 66.7 17.0 40.0 17.7 2.6 18.0 3.2 20.6 97.0 27.0 42.2 4.8 0.6 0.6 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.02 2.0 0.1 8.8 26.2 3.7 5.0 Since in fasting all the nitrogen leaves the body in the form of urea, the amount of urea in the urine gives a means of measuring the waste of the albuminoid constituents of the body. Even up to the time of death the body continues to eliminate urea without, of course, any new albuminoid matter entering the economy, thus showing that there is a gradual and constant waste of proteids in the body. The amount of urea eliminated progressively decreases, as, of course, there is no repair of the stock of proteids from which it is drawn. Thus, a dog, which during feeding eliminates daily 63.96 grammes of urea, during the first day of starvation removes only 14.91 grammes, and there is then a gradual diminution in the amount up to the time of death. Thus, on the fifty-ninth day of starvation the dog alluded to above only eliminated 3.50 grammes of urea. Of course, the richer the tissues are in proteids, the greater will be the difference between the amount of urea eliminated in the first and sub- sequent days of starvation. If before the commencement of the starva- tion experiment the animal has been on a spare diet, less urea will be eliminated in the first daj-s of fasting, and then the decrease in amount will be more gradual than if it had been well fed. The destruction of albumen in starvation is, however, by no means parallel to the amount of proteids in the entire body ; or, in other words, an animal which on the first day of starvation destroys five times as much albumen as on the tenth does not have on the first day five times as much proteid in the body as on the tenth. Yoit has found that the excretion of urea on the first day after full feeding is so much greater than under other circumstances that he con- cluded that the amount of proteids in the body is of less importance STATISTICS OF XUTEITION. 677 than the amount of albumen in the preceding diet in determining the degree of albumen destruction in the first days of starvation, and that the albumen destruction from starvation is dependent upon two causes : 1. A very variable one, which only acts in the first days and which is dependent on the preceding diet and the general condition of the body. 2. A constant cause, which alone remains in force after the cessa- tion of action of the first. The following table shows how the amount of urea excreted increases with the amount of nitrogenous matter in the preceding meals : Food given Before Ui Starvation. 2500 grammes meat, . :ea in Last Day Urea in First Day of Feeding. of Fasting. 180.8 601 142.9 33.6 110.8 29.7 51.8 19.8 26.2 . 16.9 16.1 15.4 2000 " . ..'.'. 1500 " " .... 800 " " and 200 grammes fat, Decreasing amount of meat on last clay 176 grammes, ..... Abundance of fat after starvation, Yoit concludes that animals possess, first, a considerable available " store " of albumen, which is capable of being increased by a previous meal rich in albuminoids and which is again rapidly removed in any drain on the economy ; and, second, a much larger amount of proteid matter, which represents all the proteids of the animal body and which he terms " tissue-albumen." Of this latter but a small portion comes under the conditions of decomposition. The rapid fall in elimi- nation of urea in starvation depends upon the using up of the " stored r ' albumen; when, however, this is all consumed, then the tissue-albumen in its turn undergoes destruction. Of course, the stored-up albumen is also located in the various tissues. Herbivora contain in their tissues a lesser amount of this stored- up or reserve albumen than do the carnivora ; even the tissue-albumen is present in relatively smaller amount. Thus, it has been found that a full-grown ox during starvation will only use up 1.27 kilos of proteids, while, measured by the albuminoid waste in carnivora, at least double the amount of nitrogenous excretion products might be expected. In addition to the influence of these amounts of albumen on the proteid waste of fasting animals, the amount of fat in the animal body is also of moment; the greater the amount of fat, the less the nitrogenous waste, and this holds whether the fat is already stored up in the economy or is given to thin animals in the food. Voit, by giving one thousand five hundred grammes of meat daily to a dog, brought it to a nutritive condition in which the excretion of 678 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. Last da 1st day 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th y of fee of fasti ding, ng, i A. Urea in Grrammes. 110.8 26.5 18.6 15.7 14.9 14.8 12.8 12.9 12.1 11.9 urea remained constant. He was then allowed to fast for ten daj'S and the urea estimated (A). He was then fed with the same food, and then for ten days received nothing but one hundred grammes of fat (B). The following results were obtained : B. Urea in Grammes. 111.8 27.2 16.3 14.1 12.9 12.4 10.8 10.5 10.7 10.2 Through the administration of the fat 14.1 grammes of albumen escaped destruction, or, as Yoit expresses it, was " saved." Water also exerts a considerable influence on the destructive processes in starvation, a large consumption of water always increasing the excretion of urea. This evidently points to an increased decom- position of proteids, and not a mere increase in the amount of urea washed out, since it has been proved that when water is withheld there is no accumulation of urea in the economy. On the other hand, the most violent muscular movements during starvation produce but little appreciable increase in the amount of urea eliminated, thus showing that the combustion of albuminoids is not the source of muscular force. In earlier times, with the exception of the lime salts in the bones, the inorganic substances found in the animal body were regarded as secondary in importance and, in fact, almost as accidental constituents. Liebig and his scholars first recognized the importance of these bodies; especially Na, Cl, Ca, K, Mg, Fe, and P 2 O 6 are absolutely essential for the health of the animal body. If these bodies are removed from the food, or even reduced in amount, the animals rapidly perish, even though supplied with an abundance of organic food. This disturbance of nutrition is not, as was first supposed, because the removal of salts interferes .with the activity of the digestive secre- tions, since digestion and absorption, even under such circumstances, is perfectly carried out, but because salts are removed constantly from the body, and if they are not supplied in food the animal rapidly perishes, as these salts are essential to the various functions of the economy. Forster fed a dog with food which was as much as possible freed from salts; as proteids, he used the residue from the manufacture of beef extracts, butter freed from salts, potato-starch washed with HC1, and distilled water. STATISTICS OF NUTRITION. 679 A dog weighing thirt}'-two kilos, which experience showed could be kept in constant weight by receiving six hundred to seven hundred grammes meat and one hundred and fifty grammes fat, was allowed to eat as much as he would take of the above foods, and 3 r et he rapidly commenced to fail, and in fourteen days was unable to stand from his great weakness. After three weeks disturbance of digestion appeared indigestion, diarrhoea, and finally vomiting. The comparison of the inorganic income and outgo showed that, as regards phosphoric acid, 21.9 grammes were taken in while 51. 7 grammes were excreted; consequently, the dog had lost 29.8 grammes of phos- phoric acid, or ten times the amount which is normally contained in the blood ; 7.24 grammes of NaCl were lost. These results show that the body cannot be sustained by organic substances alone, but must also receive a certain amount of inorganic salts. If the amount of salts in the food sinks below a certain figure or is entirely suspended, salts are excreted by the economy, and the body passes into such a state of malnutrition that death speedily results. As regards the amount of inorganic salts required by different animals in order to preserve perfect nutrition, it appears that the amount of NaCl in meat, which amounts to 0.11 per cent., is sufficient for the needs of the carnivorous animal. As a consequence, these ani- mals prefer unsalted to artificially salted foods. It is quite different with the herbivora, for, although these animals, as a rule, receive proportionately quite as much salt in their food as the carnivora, they will, nevertheless, always greedily devour salt. As regards the relative proportion of these salts required by different animals, it appears that all animals require relatively similar propor- tions of chlorine and sodium, but that herbivora take in their daily food at least double as much potassium as carnivora. Thus: One kilogramme cat, fed with mice, takes daily 0.1434 gramme K, 0.0743 Na, 0.0652 Cl! One kilo ox, fed solely with clover- hay, 0.3575 gramme K, 0.0266 Na, 0.0433 Cl ; when fed with beet-roots and oat-straw, 0.2923 gramme K, 0.0674 Na, and 0.0603 Cl. The following table gives the amounts of K, Na, and Cl in various foods : Oat -straw, . K. . 1040 Na. 1.36 Cl. 2.97 Clover, . 21.96 1.39 2.66 Sweet grasses, . Prairie-grass, Acid grasses, Vetches, . 20.80 . 15.28 . 20.60 . 33 93 2.57 2.65 5.74 6 77 3.67 4.35 4.52 3.65 Beet (roots), Beet (tops), Carrot (roots), . Sugar-beet (tops), . 34.79 . 46.68 . 19.65 . 50.07 10.24 30.80 12.32 25.76 5.40 22.56 2.90 20.16 680 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. Bunge has stated that it is this large amount of K in the food of the herbivora that causes them to require so much NaCl. For when potassium salts, the electro-negative constituent of which is other than chlorine, such as carbonate, phosphate, or sulphate of potassium, come into watery solution with NaCl at the body temperature they are partly decomposed, both salts give up their acids, and, in addition to potassium chloride, the carbonate, phosphate, and sulphate of sodium result through double decomposition. If these K salts enter the alimentary canal they are rapidly absorbed and meet with NaCl in the blood. As the above interchange then takes place, the blood in attempting to preserve its normal composition allows the new substances rapidly to diffuse away through the kidneys. Consequently, through the taking in of potassium sulphate, carbonate, or phosphate, the blood loses both Na and 01, and this loss must be replaced by the ingestion of extra amounts of NaCl. Consequently, herbivora, whose diet is rich in K salts, require more XaCl than the carnivora. It is thus seen that the character and extent of the tissue changes in starvation will be largely governed by the previous nutritive condition of the animal. The following table, after Lawes & Gilbert, shows the percentage of albumen, fat, salts, and water in the tissue of animals in different conditions : IN 100 PARTS. THE SOLJDS CONTAIN. Solids. Water. Inorganic Matter. Fat. Albumen. 1. Fattened oxen, . 51.4 48.6 4.1 31.9 15.0 2. Half-fattened oxen, 43.9 56.1 5.1 20.7 18.0 3. Fattened sheep, . 53.8 46.2 2.9 37.9 13.1 4. Thin sheep, 39.0 61.0 3.4 19.9 15.9 5. Fattened hogs, . ' ' M 57.1 42.9 1.7 44.0 11.9 6. Thin hogs, . . . 41.8 58.2 2.8 24.6 14.1 2. THE NUTRITIVE PROCESSES IN FEEDING. (a) Feeding with Meat. When animals are fed exclusively with fats or carbohydrates there is but little difference in the metamorphosis of proteids other than is seen in star- vation. So, also, exercise, water, and various other conditions are of little influence. When, however, proteids are given with the food there is an immediate increase in the amount of urea eliminated, for the albumen of the food after being absorbed almost at once undergoes decomposition. Bischoff and Yoit found that a fasting dog which eliminated daily twelve grammes of urea, when fed with twent3^-five hundred grammes of meat eliminated one hundred and eighty-four grammes of urea daily ; the destruction of albumen, therefore, increased more than fifteen fold. It would at first appear that if the same amount of albumen is STATISTICS OF NUTKITION. 681 given to an animal as is lost during starvation, the destruction of the proteids of the tissues would cease. But since the administration of albumen increases the tissue waste this is not the case, and at least two and a half times as much albumen must be given as the body loses in starvation in order to preserve the balance. If enough of albumen is given to an animal to prevent its drawing on the albuminoids of its tis- sues, then the amount of nitrogen eliminated will just equal the amount contained in the food, and a nitrogenous balance is thus preserved. If, now, to such an animal a larger amount of meat is given, the eliminated nitrogen does not at first increase, and a certain amount of the nitrogen remains in the body to increase the albuminoids of the tissues. Soon, however, the nitrogen eliminated increases until finally a nitrogenous balance is again regained. Every increase in the albumen of the food has the same result first, an increase in the store of pro- teids of the body, and then an increase of urea, until the nitrogen of the latter equals the nitrogen of the food. A maximum is soon, however, reached in which the limit of albumen which can be digested and ab- sorbed is attained. A similar state of affairs holds in animals in a condition of nitro- genous balance when the albumen of the food is diminished. At first there is no decrease in the amount of urea eliminated, so the albuminoids of the tissues must have been drawn upon to make up the excess of nitrogen in the urine over that of the food. Then in a few days the elimination of nitrogen becomes reduced, until again a nitrogenous bal- ance is regained. Every further decrease in the ration of albumen has the same effect first, decrease of the store of tissue-albumen, and then nitrogenous balance. The minimum limit is then reached. When too small an amount of albumen is given in food to balance the tissue waste inanition then commences. These facts show that the requisite amount of albumen in the food to prevent excess of tissue waste is dependent on the store of albumen in the body, and that the better the body is nourished by previous feed- ing the more food must be given to preserve a nutritive balance. Con- sequently, well-nourished animals require more food, badly-nourished animals less food, to preserve an equilibrium. The amount of albumen in the food has, also, an influence on the body fat. If a small amount of albumen undergoes destruction, fat must be given up by the body in order to supply the amount of carbon necessary to form C0 a . If the body is rich in fat, and in consequence of abundant albuminous food a large amount of albumen undergoes de- struction, the fat decreases ; but if only a little fat is stored up and still a large amount of albumen is given in food, and there is, consequently, a large destruction of albumen, all the nitrogen is eliminated in the urine, 682 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. while a part of the carbon remains behind to be stored up as fat. Con- sequently, the body may be kept stationary as regards its store of albumen and fat through the administration of meat alone, but then a large quantity is required. An increase in tissue-fat and albumen may also, to a slight degree, take place from the administration of albumen alone, but only in illy-nourished individuals. If peptone is given as food it is entirely destro3 T ed, and the destruc- tion of the tissue-albumen is completely prevented ; but there is no increase in the body albumen, thus showing that peptone is earlier destroyed than albumen and can only partially replace the albumen of the food. If gelatin and gelatinous tissue (bones, tendons, etc.) are given exclusively the destruction of albumen does not cease, thus showing that gelatin cannot replace albumen. But if gelatin and albumen are given together the destruction of albumen is greatly reduced. (b) Feeding with Fat. The influence of fat on the destruction of albumen is seen in the fact that in fasting animals the destruction of albumen is less in fat than in thin animals ; this action is also seen in the administration of proteid foods alone, where the destruction of albumen is less in fat than in thin animals. Indeed, we have seen that in an abundant albuminous diet, whereby the excretion of urea is increased, in fat animals there may even be an increase in the body fat. If fat is given alone as food to a carnivorous animal the destruction of albumen is reduced but not prevented ; when large amounts of fat are given the fat of the body may even increase and yet the animals pass into a state of starvation, for the tissue-albumen is gradually being reduced. If enough albumen is given to cause a nitrogenous balance and then fat is added to the food, the nitrogenous elimination is reduced and all the carbon of the fat does not appear in the C0 2 ; carbon is, therefore, kept back in the body and stored up in the form of fat, while a certain amount of nitrogen also being retained indicates, an increase of the body albumen. So, the addition of fat to the food leads to both an increase of tissue-fat and albumen, though this only occurs when a large amount of fat is added to a moderately small amount of albumen. If the amount of albumen is increased the elimination of urea also increases, and, as a consequence of the great destruction of albumen, a certain amount of the fat is spared and is stored up in the body. But if the amount of albumen is reduced more fat is used up, and fat may even be taken awa} r from the body. The amount of fat in the body in feeding with albumen and fat is also of influence on the metabolism of the body ; a body poor in fat, which needs and destroys more albumen, more readil}- stores up fat; STATISTICS OF NUTRITION. 683 while a body rich in fat, since, it needs and destroys less albumen, must draw on its store of fat. Young animals, since they are thin, therefore need more albumen and fat than older ones, while young animals, to fatten, require more food than older ones. It is also easier to fatten thin animals than to make tolerably fat animals still fatter. (c) Feeding with Carbohydrates. The action of the carb.ol^drates in nutrition is especially seen in the herbivora, which are incapable of being supported with albumen alone or with albumen and fat. Experi- ment has shown that in so far as they are digestible all carbohydrates have the same influence on the metabolism of the body. This applies to starch, cane-, grape-, and milk-sugar, dextrin, and, to a certain extent, to cellulose. It is generally assumed that all the carbohydrates which enter the animal body unite with the oxygen obtained in inspiration to form C0 2 and H 2 0, so that an increase in carbohydrate diet means an increase in the CO 3 of the expired air. This is not, however, universally true, since under many circumstances the carbohydrates may be retained in the body as fat; on the other hand, it cannot be positively stated whether the carbohydrates which are converted into sugar in digestion are directly oxidized as sugar, or are all first converted into glycogen. Feeding dogs exclusively with carbohydrates has proven that the destruction of tissue-albumen and fat is under such circumstances less than when the animal is deprived of all food, but that the destruction of albumen is constant, and that such animals finally perish from inanition. If albumen is given together with the carbohydrates in increasing quantities, the excretion of nitrogen increases correspond- ingly, but in a much less degree than when albumen alone or albumen and fat constitute the diet ; therefore the carbohydrates in food serve to spare the tissue change in proteids to a greater extent even than fat. Hence, to keep the body in a state of nutritive balance a moderately small amount of albumen is required with a large amount of carbo- hydrates, and, as a consequence, the herbivora are kept in good nutrition with the small amount of albumen found in their food. If the smallest amount of albumen is given with the corresponding amount of carbo- hydrates under which the body weight may be maintained without losing albumen or fat, and then the albumen of the food is increased, the elimination of nitrogen is also increased, but to a less degree than if albumen was given alone ; there is, therefore, now an increase in the albumen and fat of the bod}'. If, now, the amount of carbohydrates is increased without diminishing the quantity of albumen in the food, fat then accumulates in the body; and if the albumen is also increased both albumen and fat accumulate. It is not yet quite clear whether this fat is formed from the carbon 684 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. of the albumen, as is generally acknowledged to be the case in the car- nivora, or whether fat may not also be formed from the carbohydrates directly. It thus seems clear that the addition of carbohydrates to the diet spares the waste of tissue-albumen and body fat, and the attempt has been made to determine the amount of carbohydrates which in their nutritive value are equivalent to a given amount of fat. This has been fixed by Yoit at the ratio of one hundred and seventy-five to one hun- dred ; in other words, one hundred and seventy-five grammes of starch are equivalent to one hundred grammes of fat. V. THE FOOD KEQUIKED BY THE HERBIVORA UNDER DIFFERENT CONDITIONS. The nutritive processes in the herbivora differ in many respects from those of the carnivora. In the first place, less albumen is destroyed during fasting by the herbivora than is the case in the carnivora. Thus, while in the example given above a dog weighing thirty-five kilos de- stroys daily one hundred and sixty-eight grammes of albumen, an ox weighing five hundred and twenty-two kilos only destroys twelve hundred and seventy grammes. So, also, the herbivora on feeding with carbo- hydrates and fat show much less tissue waste than the carnivora. In other respects, with allowances for the different digestive peculiarities of carnivora and herbivora, the nutritive process may be said to be similar. It has been already stated that foods must not only contain repre- sentatives of the proteid, carbohydrate, and fat groups, with salts and water, but the different constituents must be present in definite propor- tions, which may, however, vary according to the demands on the animal. The proportion of albuminous to non-nitrogenous matter in food, i.e., the proportion of albumen to starch and fat, is spoken of as the nutritive proportion. The average nutritive proportion is attained when the food contains one part proteid to from five to eight parts of non-nitrogenous matter, it being remembered that one hundred parts fat may be replaced by one hundred and seventy-five parts carbohydrates ; 1 : 2-4 is spoken of as a narrower nutritive proportion, and 1:8-12 as a wider nutritive proportion. The natural food of the domesticated herbivora has a nutritive pro- portion of 1:4-1:7; thus, ordinary hay has a proportion of 1:5-1:Y, and, although it may be regarded as the normal food of ruminants, is not suitable when there is a demand for rapid fat, milk, or work production. In grass the proportion is only 1 :4-6, and on such foods cattle produce the most milk ; young cattle thrive on it and rapidly put on flesh. Clover has a proportion of 1:5-6, but on account of its large percentage of cellulose is not completely digested, so it is usually combined with some more concentrated food. Before blossoming clover has a proportion of FOOD KEQUIKED BY THE HEKBIVOEA. 685 1 :4, or even 1:3, and its use then entails a waste of valuable proteids unless combined with chopped straw so as to bring the proportion down to 1:5. In the cereals the proportion on an average is 1:5-7, being broader in barle} r and corn than in oats, r} r e, and wheat ; in the hulled fruits, malt, brewers' grains, and distillery residues the proportion is 1:3, and in rape-seed ca-ke 1 : 1-2. These latter fodders are, therefore, only applicable under special conditions. After this recapitulation we may consider the principles of feeding somewhat more in detail. Animals which have no work to do besides growing and keeping up their nutrition are nourished perfectly well b}^ grazing if the grass is abundant and of proper composition ; .this is the case for sheep, two- to three-year-old horses, and }*oung cattle. If these animals are stall- fed, instead of being put to grass, on account of the perfect quiet and even temperature, the nutritive demands are reduced ; so now feeding with hay or straw with some nitrogenous food suffices. A similar state of affairs holds in animals which are stall-fed without being worked, such as oxen in winter months, and the amount of food may here, also, be con- siderably reduced. The data showing the amount of food required are about as follows : For unworked animals, for ever}- one hundred kilos body weight, 2.5 kilos of solids in the grasses (green fodder) is sufficient ; therefore, for the herbivora, for every one hundred kilos body weight, ten kilos of grass, containing 2.5 kilos of solids, and of this 1.3 kilos of digestible matters, is sufficient. In this amount 0.25 kilo is represented by albu- men, non-nitrogenous extractive one kilo, and fat 0.05 kilo ; so the ratio of the amount of food to the amount of digestible matter is 1 :4.2. Thus, a horse weighing five hundred kilos may preserve a nutritive equilibrium on a daily ration of seven hundred grammes albumen, two hundred and ten grammes fat, three thousand seven hundred and fifty grammes starch and cellulose, and about twenty kilos of water ; the ratio of nitrogenous to non-nitrogenous food being thus 1:5.5. Starch and fat may replace each other, seventeen parts of starch being equivalent to ten parts of fat. In the horse, the carbohydrates are more important heat-producing foods than is the case in man. Wolff has found tliat of the heat produced, 76 per cent, is due to carbohydrates, 13.5 per cent, to proteids, and 10.1 per cent, to fats. In a general way it may be said that for each kilo of body weight the herJbivora requires daily one hundred and fifty grammes albumen, fifty grammes fat, and seven hundred and fifty grammes carbohydrates. Smaller animals require proportionately larger amounts, since the de- structive processes are more active in them. In fattening animals the carbohydrates must be increased ; in milking animals the albuminous food-constituents. 686 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. Experiment has proved that cattle preserve a nutritive equilibrium when the}- receive a daily ration calculated for ten hundred kilos of body weight, as follows : 19.5 kilos clover-hay. 3.7 " " " 13.0 kilos oat-straw, and 0.6 kilos rape-seed cake. 2.6 " " " 14.2 " " " " 0.5 " 3.2 " " " 13.3 " barley " " 0.6 " 25.6 " fodder-beets, 12.6 " oat " " 1.0 In the above feeding the animals digested and absorbed for ten hun- dred kilos body weight on an average 0.57 kilo albumen and 7.4 kilos non- nitrogenous matter; hence, the nutritive proportion was 1:13. The above fodder contains on an average 0.05 kilo phosphoric acid, 0.1 kilo lime, and 0.2 kilo alkalies; in addition, for ten hundred kilos body weight, fifty -five kilos water were given. For pregnant animals which are not worked, as brood mares, pas- ture is sufficient; or if stall-fed, hay and straw, the latter with some nitrogenous food, will answer if the total composition is made to cor- respond with that of grass. If the grass and hay are not of the proper composition some accessory food must be added. Especial reference must be paid to the amount of albumen and salts in the food, such as lime and phosphates, as of special importance for the development of the osseous system of the young. In such cases some albuminous food rich in salts is necessary, such as grains. Male breeding animals which do not work must have their food so adjusted that they do not put on fat; not that the amount of organic matter may be reduced, but the food must be concentrated, have a small percentage of indigestible matter, and little water and much albumen. Es- pecially in the coupling season must the food be rich in albumen to make up for the losses through copulation. Fat stallions and bulls are not fruitful. Animals for labor require more than pasture ; they require a large amount of albumen, for by it the muscles are enabled to appropriate a larger amount of oxygen ; so, also, fat and carboln'drates must be increased, since they give to the muscles the substance which is consumed in muscular activity. If the work is constant the carbon of muscles must always be in excess. Voluminous and watery food must be avoided. The former distends the alimentary canal, and so interferes with respiration, and the latter leads to an accumulation of water in the tissues, and reduces the tension and elasticity of the muscles. So the food must be concentrated, as oats and barley, which are especially valuable on account of their fat. Cattle on moderate work require per thousand kilos body weight, from 0.7 kilo to 1.6 kilos albumen, non-nitrogenous matters from 8.4 to 12 kilos ; the nutritive proportion should thus be 1 : 7.5. FOOD REQUIRED BY THE HERBIVORA. 687 This proportion may be reached in the administration of suitable amounts of hay with some concentrated food, or clover-hay with chopped straw. When severe work is required it is advisable to increase the quantity of fat given (as by adding some oil-cake), the nutritive propor- tion being brought to 1:6. Working oxen can stand a larger amount of raw food (hay, etc.) than horses. If rapid work is required of horses, a rich albuminous food such as oats must be given ; if prolonged work is demanded, one richer in fat, as corn, is better. If animals are fed for food purposes an increase in the solids and digestible matter of the food is requisite ; so the appetite must be stimulated, and yet overloading of the alimenta^ canal avoided. It is, therefore, advisable gradually to increase the amount of the usual food, to stimulate the secretion by small quantities of salt, if possible, to aid digestion by a previous preparation of the food, such as b}* giving ground meal, and so to choose the foods that the waste of the organism will be at a minimum. At the commencement of such fattening, the organism must be made rich with albumen : so thin animals must receive a large amount of digestible food, with an extra proportion of fat and carbohydrates, since we have found that under such circumstances there will be least waste of albuminoids. This is accomplished by feeding for about two weeks with 2.5 kilos albumen and 12.5 kilos non-nitrogenous matters per thousand kilos body weight, thus giving a nutritive proportion of 1:5. Then the non-nitrogenous matters must be increased to from 12.5 to 16.25 kilos per thousand kilos body weight, so making the proportion 1 :6.5. When the economy becomes rich in albumen and then commences to put on fat, the albumen of the food may be increased to 3.0 kilos, making a proportion of 1 :5.5; when it becomes very fat, the solids, especially the indigestible solids, must be reduced, and some oil-cake added to the food. In fattening oxen the water given should be in the proportion of 4-5 :1 of the solids given, in sheep 2-3 : 1. In fattening sheep it has been proved that highty albuminous foods are especially valuable. Ground beans ma}^ be used for this purpose (0.5 kilo daily) combined with hay, In fattening sheep the preparatory treatment necessary with cattle may be usually dispensed with, and the diet more rapidly changed from one poor in nitrogenous matters (1:5.5) to one rich in proteids (1 : 4.5). The diet for sheep must not be too rich in water, so beets are not as valuable as with cattle ; the best results are obtained from feeding with good hay and a corresponding amount of crushed beans or cereals. Sheep fatten more rapidly after shearing than before, for then the appetite is better and the thirst lees. Young animals which are designed for food purposes will slowly take 688 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. on flesh in a good pasture ; if an accumulation of fat is desired, additional carbohydrates and fatty food must be given. As a rule, the hog is more readily fattened than the sheep, and the latter than the ox. Race is also of influence. Thin, full-grown hogs at the commencement of fattening require large amounts of food, forty kilos of solids per thousand kilos body weight. Good results are obtained by feeding with crushed barley, corn, or peas, the latter especially, if mixed with steamed potatoes. The use of buttermilk or sour milk enables the amount of food to be reduced and still give satisfactory results. For milk animals the conditions of food have been already consid- ered, and a good pasture is all that is required. When stall-fed, nutritive change is reduced ; when food corre- sponding to pasture is given the quantity of milk and butter is increased. In wool-producing animals a larger percentage of proteids is required in the food than in cattle, goats requiring less than sheep. Experiment has proven that sheep (ninety-six kilos in weight) on feeding with hay for one thousand kilos body weight require daily twenty-six kilos, and of this digest 1.32 kilos albumen and 10.53 kilos non-nitrogenous matters (with 0.322 kilo fat). On such feeding the weight increased somewhat, 0.181 kilo albumen and 0.299 fat (reckoned for one thousand kilos body weight) being deposited. The nutritive proportion, therefore, for sheep should be 1 : 9.3. It has further been determined by Wendee and Hohen- heim that slight loss of weight, within limits, does not interfere with wool production, especially if the food be rich in proteids. By chopping food mastication is, to a certain extent, facilitated, but it cannot be regarded as a substitute for mastication, since the mixing with saliva can only be perfectly performed when the food is thorough^ masticated. The principal object in chopping food is to enable it to be mixed with other materials so as to increase its tastefulness and digesti- bility, or to assist in the administration of other substances. Chopping should never be carried so far as to permit of the food being swallowed without undergoing a certain amount of mastication. The cereals are especially suited for administration under the forms of meals and may be readily mixed with other foods. The readily digestible grains, of course, do not need to be ground, but in the form of meal they may be mixed with less digestible, bulky substances, such as chopped straw. Thorough mastication of the latter is so attained and the grain gives taste to the mixture, without which, probably, the food would be rejected. To horses and sheep all grains the hulls of which are not too hard and thick may be given uncrushed by mixing with chopped straw and the like as long as their organs of mastication are in good condition. Barley is best given to sheep when roughly ground, while the seeds of the legu- minous plants and corn may likewise be ground for sheep and horses. FOOD REQUIRED BY THE HERBIVORA. 689 Grinding of oats is only necessary for old horses or those in which the teeth are changing. Oxen and hogs, as a rule, digest the ground cereals better than the whole grains. According to Lehinann, of the entire grains in a fourteen-months-old ox 48.2 barley and 19.6 per cent, oats remained undigested. In a five-months-old ox 33.0 barley and 6.5 per cent, oats remained undigested. Even after mixing with chopped straw a large part of the entire grains escape digestion and pass through the faeces almost entirely unchanged, and still possess the power of germination. Of one hundred kilogrammes of the unground grains fed to hogs Lehmann found in the faeces 50.6 kilos of oats, 49.8 kilos of rye, 54.8 kilos of barley, and 4.8 kilos of peas. The experiment, therefore, points in the most emphatic manner to the administration to the ox and hog of all the cereal grains mealed and mixed with other foods. About the only exception to this statement is found in the case of oats. The chopping of dry fodder enables it to be mixed readily with large amounts of more tasty sub- stances. So, also, the j^oung, tender, highly albuminous green foods may be chopped and mixed with less nutritious substances, such as straw. The transition of dry to green feeding and the reverse is facilitated by the mixture of the green fodder with dry, chopped straw. Horses should always receive good hay unchopped, but the straws of the cereals should always 1 be given in a chopped state, since horses will only take the hard straw in small amounts. Chopped food for horses should not be shorter than from one and one-third to two centimeters in length of each piece, since smaller pieces readily lead to obstructive colic, especially if given with meal in a moist condition. For the ox, straw may be chopped into pieces two and one-half to three centimeters long, and mixed well with corn-meal or chopped beets or potatoes in order to make it more tasty. The duration of the interval between different times of feeding of the domestic animals is a matter of considerable importance. Too fre- quent feeding should be avoided on account of the shortening of the necessary pauses between the digestive processes. The ruminants, espe- cially, should not receive more than at most three meals in the day, so as to allow time for rumination. Horses likewise should receive three meals and hogs from three to four meals a day. On the other hand, the inter- vals between feeding should not be too long, on account of the great increase of hunger so produced leading to faulty mastication and imper- fect insalivation of the food. This state of affairs may produce much more serious disturbance in the non-ruminants than in the ruminants. In young cattle from four to six meals may be given a day on account of the relatively smaller size of their stomachs, since three meals scarcely furnish enough to sustain them. So, also, when the fodder is especially fluid the meals may succeed each other every two or three hours, for in 44 690 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. NORMAL AMOUNTS OF FOOD FOR CATTLE, HORSES, SHEEP, AND SWINE. For every kilogramme of body weight the following amounts of digestible food-stuffs must be contained in the daily ration: N I T R 0- NON-NlTRO- . SOLIDS. GENOUS M A T - G E N O IT S EXTRA c T- FAT. 1 1 TERS. IVE MAT- TERS. | CLASS OP ANIMAL. a a g S a a a a 5 | f '2 1 1 P a '3 3 i a I a S c: 1 J | i o f f s * % 3 % ^ * Kilogrammes. 1. Young Cattle. 2-3 months old, 75 kg. weight, 21.0 26.0 23.5 3.0 5.0 4.0 9.5 12.5 11.0 1.5 2.5 2.0 17.0 1:4.0 3-6 months old, 150 1 kg. weight, . . . 23.5 27.0 25.0 3.0 3.5 3.0 9.5 12.0 11.0 0.75 1.25 1.0 15.0 1:4.2 6-12 months old, 250 kg. weight, . . . 25.0 30.0 26.0 2.0 3.0 2.5 9.5 12.0 11.0 0.4 0.8 0.6 14.1 1:5.0 12-18 months old, 350 kg. weight, . . . 25.0 30.0 26.0 1.8 2.5 2.0 9.5 11.0 10.5,0.3 0.5 0.4 12.9 1:5.7 18-24 months old, 425 1 kg. weight, . . . 25.0 30.0 26.0 1.4 1.8 1.5 9.0 10.5 9.5 0.2 0.4 0.3 11.3 1:6.8 2. Oxen. At rest 15.0 20.0 18.0 0.6 09 0.7 5.5 7.0 6.5 0.1 0.2 0.15 7.35 1:1.0 Working, . . . . . 24.0 28.0 26.0 1.4 1.8 1.6 8.0 10.0 9.0 0.2 0.4 0.3 10.9 1:6.0 Severe working, . . 24.0 32.0 28.0 2.0 2.8 2.4 10.0 12.0 11.0 0.4 0.6 0.5 13.9 1:5.1 S, Fattening Cattle. 1st period, .... 2d " 27.0 260 30.0 9,90 28.5 9,7 5 2.3 9, 8 3.0 35 2.5 30 11.0 11 12.5 1?0 12.0 11 5 0.5 06 0.7 1 0.6 7 15.1 152 1:5.4 1-4 5 3d " 250 '-2RO 9,5 95 3 3 97 11 11 5 05 08 06 14 8 1-48 4. Milk Cows. 21.0 32.0 26.0 2.2 2.8 2.5 9.5 12.0 10.0 0.35 0.6 0.4 12.9 1:4.4 5. Horses. Working 21.0 27.0 24.0 1.6 2.0 1 8 80 100 90 05 08 06 11.4 1:5.8 Heavy work, . . . 23.0 30.0 26.5 2.5 3.0 2.8 9.0 12.0 10.5 0.6 1.0 0.8 14.1 1:4.5 6. Young Sheep. 5 -6 months old, 28 kg. weight, 28.0 32,0 30.0 2.5 3.5 3.2 9.5 11.5 10.5 0.7 1.0 0.8 14.5 1:4.0 6-8 months old, 33-34 kg. weight, . . . 26.0 28.027.0 2.5 2.8 2.7 8.5 10.5 9.5 0.5 0.8 0.6 12.8 1:4.0 8-11 months old, 37- 38 kg. weight, . . 23.5 26.0 25.0 2.0 2.5 2:1 7.5 9.5 8.5 0.4 0.8 0.5 11.1 1:4.7 11-15 months old, 41 kg. weight, . . . 23.5 25.0 24.5 1.5 2.0 1.7 6.5 8.5 7.5 0.3 0.5 0.4 9.6 1:5.0 15-20 months old, 42- 43 kg. weight, . . 21.5 25.0 23.5 1.2 i.r, 1.4 6.5 8.5 7.5 0.25 0.4 0.3 9.2 1:6.0 FOOD REQUIRED BY THE HERBIVORA. 691 NORMAL AMOUNTS OP FOOD FOR CATTLE, HORSES, SHEEP, AND SWINE. (Continued.) N I T R O- NON-NlTRO- SOLIDS. GENOUS ! M A T - GE NOUS EXTRA c T- FAT. 3 | TERS. IVE MAT- TERS. 1 1 CLASS OF ANIMAL. d | Q 3 d a g g q 3 | eg 1 3 1 a _ 1 p I 1 g i V 1 a 1 3 i f E 1 3 1 S B Kilogrammes. 7. Wool Sheep. Coarse-wooled sheep, . 19.0 24.0 22.0 1.0 1,5 1.2 6.5 8.5 7.5 0.1 0.3 0.2 8.9 1:6.7 Fine-wooled sheep, . 21.5 27.0 24.5 1.1 1.7 1.5 7.5 9.0 8.5 0.2 0.4 0.3 10.3 1:6.2 8. Rams. 23.5 27.0 25.0 2.0 2,5 2.2 9.0 12.0 10.5 0.4 0.6 0.5 13.2 1:5.3 9. Fattening Sheep. 27.0 32.0 29.0 2.5 3,5 3.0 11.0 13.0 12.0 0.4 0.6 0.5 15.5 1:4.5 2d " ..... 25.0 30.0 27.0 3.0 4.0 3.5 11.012.0 11.0 0.5 0.7 0.6 15.1 1:3.5 Non-Nitro- genous Ex- tractive 10. Young Pigs. Matters and Fats. 2-3 months old, 25 kg. weight, 50.0 58.0 54.0 ,7.0 8.0 7.5 26.6 31.0 28.5 3-5 months old, 33-50 kg. weight, . . . 41.0 47.0 44.0 5.0 7.0 6.0 22.0 26.0 24.0 5-6 months old, 62-63 kg. weight, . . . 39.0 43.0 41.0 4.0 5.0 4.5 20.0 24.0 22.0 6-8 months old, 85 kg. weight, 32.0 38.0 35.0 3.0 4.0 3.5. 18.020.0 19.0 8-12 months old, 125 kg. weight, . . . 24.0 30.0 27.0 2.5 3.5 3.0 15.018.0 16.5 11. Fattening Pigs. 1st period, .... 45.0 48.0 46.0 4.5 6.0 5.0 24.5 26.5 26.0 31.0 1:5.2 2d " 37.0 45.0 40 3.5'45 4.5 21.0 24.5 230 27.0 1:5.8 3d " 26.0 33.0 30.0 2.5 3.5 3.0 17.0 19.0 18.0 21.0 1:6.0 12. Breeding Pigs. (Sows and Boars), . . 26.0 32.0 32.0 1.5 2.0 1.8 1.25 15.0 14* 15.8 1:7.8 this condition the stomach rapidly empties itself and the feeling of hunger again appears. So, also, when feeding with dry fodder is com- menced it is better at the beginning to give at least four different meals, so as to avoid overdistention and filling of the stomach with this more bulky food. At the end of fattening the meals may be increased in number and reduced in amount, digestion of small amounts of readily digestible foods being now more readily accomplished. 692 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. VI. HUNGER AND THIEST. The sensations which lead to the prehension of solid and liquid foods are known as hunger and thirst. It was previously supposed that hunger was a local sensation which was produced by the absence of food in the stomach. Evidently this is a mistaken idea, else would the rumi- nants never experience this sensation, for in them the stomach is never free from food, even when death occurs from starvation. The appear- ance of hunger coincides with absorption of the matters digested at the previous meal. Although the sensation is apparently referred to the abdomen, it cannot be regarded as a localized sensation, but rather as a peculiar modification of the general system similar to that produced in dyspnoea; nor, indeed, is the stomach even the starting point of hunger, for the pneumogastrics, the sensory nerves of this organ, may be divided, and if the animals be deprived of food the clearest evidences of hunger are, nevertheless, capable of detection. In spite of this fact, the sensation of hunger is, nevertheless, to a certain extent dependent upon the con- dition of the stomach, as is indicated by the temporary relief of hunger which follows introduction into the stomach of matter which is not in the slightest respect nutritious. So, again, even when the stomach is filled with food, if through any disease digestion or absorption or the passage of food into the small intestine are interfered with the hunger may, nevertheless, be intensely felt; and, again, even after a hearty meal digestion may be complete, and the stomach empty for some time before the sensation of hunger appears. In the case of thirst the state of affairs is somewhat similar, except that there the sensation is more distinctly localized in the fauces and may be relieved by the application of moisture to that part. When an animal is deprived of liquid, the blood, from the continued formation of secretions and excretions, rapidly loses its normal percentage of water. The sensation of thirst is evidently due to the irritation of the sensory nerves of the mucous membrane of the pharynx produced by the drying of the mucous membrane, and while it may be relieved, as already mentioned, b} T moistening this part, the arrest of thirst is only temporary. But, on the other hand, the thirst may be permanently relieved by the injection of water into the veins and even by enemata of water, and while thirst, therefore, has a local expression, like hunger, it represents the needs of the econom}*- for water ; thirst may thus be abolished, even although no water enter the mouth. Every cause, therefore, which diminishes the proportion of fluid in the blood, whether intense heat or exercise which favor cutaneous and pulmonary evaporation, dropsies, abundant hemorrhages, or diabetes, all lead to thirst ; so, also, salts occasion thirst by withdrawing water from the blood. SECTION XIII. ANIMAL HEAT. IT has been seen that the income of the animal body is represented by complex combinations of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen, and the introduction of free oxygen in respiration ; the outgo of the body, on the other hand, is represented by similar combinations of the same elements in t;lie form of carbon dioxide, water, and urea. The conclusion is thus evident that the absorbed ox^ygen has within the body undergone combination with carbon and hydrogen with the production of carbon dioxide and water, and that the substances intro- duced as food have all in different degrees united with oxygen. In other words, the nutritive processes in the animal body are represented by a series of oxidations by which the organic food-products are restored to the inorganic form. Oxidation of any kind will invariably be accom- panied by a production of heat, and we thus see that one of the principal sources of the heat of the animal body is to be looked for in such pro- cesses of oxidation. It is a well-established fact that the combustion of any body, whether rapidly or slowly produced, is accompanied by the evolution of a fixed quantity of heat, provided the energy be not other- wise employed. Thus, the complete combustion of one gramme of sugar invariably corresponds to the development of four heat-units.* If this combustion takes place in the animal body, it is evident that the same amount of heat must be developed, no matter what may be the character of the substances developed between the starting point and the final termination of the process of oxidation. In the animal body, however, such processes of combustion are rarely as complete as would occur in the incineration of food-stuffs outside of the body. Thus, for example, in albumen the process of oxidation results in the formation of urea, which itself is capable of still further oxidation. ' Nevertheless, it ma} T be stated with a tolerable degree of accuracy how much heat is set -free in such processes of oxidation of the food-stuffs in the animal body. Knowing the amount of heat developed in the oxidation of one gramme of albumen and the amount developed in the oxidation of a proportionate quantity of urea, deducting the latter from the former will evidently represent the * By this term, heat-unit, is meant that amount of heat which is required to raise one kilogramme of water from C. to 1 C. (693) 694 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS degree of oxidation occurring in the animal body. This factor has been estimated as corresponding to five heat-units. With these data the amount of heat developed in twenty-four hours may be readily calculated. Thus, taking the example given by Fick, the income of the body was represented in round numbers by one hundred and twenty grammes of fat, two hundred and sixty-three grammes of carbohydrates, and one hundred and seventeen grammes of albumen, with the excretion of thirty-nine grammes of urea. The combustion of one gramme of fat is represented by the development of nine and six-tenths heat-units, and, as already seen, one gramme of carbohydrates by four heat-units, and one gramme of albumen by five heat-units. The total amount of heat, there- fore, developed is represented by 120 X 9.6 -f 263 X 4 -f 1 17 X 5, or, in round numbers, two thousand eight hundred heat-units. The confirma- tion of these figures and their influence in maintaining the heat of the animal body is determined by calorimetric experiments. To accomplish such an experiment, first, the tissue change in twenty-four hours must be calculated ; second, the amount of heat liberated by the body in that time ; third, the average temperature of the animal body at the com- mencement and end of the experiment; and, fourth, the average heat capacity of the body. Asa rule, the difference between the body tem- perature at the commencement and end of such experiments is so slight as not to deserve attention, and the amount of heat set free in twenty- four hours may be regarded as indicating the amount of heat developed in the body. Such experiments do not, however, serve with absolute accuracy to confirm the theoretical figures deduced from the co-efficient of heat production represented above as belonging to the different food-stuffs. In nearly all cases there is an apparent loss of heat over what should be expected from these data. It is to be recollected, in the explanation of this discrepancy, that the energy set free in such oxidations ma} 7 take on the form either of heat or of mechanical work. In the animal body all these sources of loss of energy occur. All forms of muscular move- ment are accompanied by liberation of energy, and a continual loss of heat is taking place through radiation from the surface of the body, by conduction, by the evaporation from the skin and mucous surfaces, and by the warming of the ingesta. The amount of heat dissipated by the animal body in a condition of health is in close dependence upon the amount produced, upon the difference in temperature between the animal body and the surrounding medium, and especially upon the relationship between the external surface of the body and the body weight. Thus, small animals for each kilogramme of the body weight set free more heat than large animals. It has been estimated that for each kilogramme of body weight the horse in each hour sets free two and one-tenth heat- ANIMAL HEAT. 695 units ; sheep, two and six-tenths heat-units ; the dog, four heat-units ; and the sparrow, thirty-two heat-units. The cause of this difference may be found in the fact that the smaller a sphere the greater is its superficial area in comparison to its cubic contents. The same rule applies, also, to the irregular form of the animal body, in which the smaller it is in pro- portion to the weight of the animal the greater will be its superficial area. It is, however, from the external surfaces that the greatest amount of body heat is dissipated, and it is, therefore, seen why small animals lose proportionately more heat than larger animals. Two different conditions are noted in reference to the heat which is retained in the animal body, and which, therefore, causes the body tem- perature. In the cold-blooded animal the temperature of the body is not constant, but varies with that of the surrounding medium, rarely being more than a few tenths of a degree above it. In the warm-blooded animals, as in mammals and birds, on the other hand, the body tempera- ture is, as a rule, higher than that of the surrounding medium, and is independent of variations in the latter. The cause of this difference of body heat lies in the difference in energy of the tissue changes. In the cold-blooded animals the development of heat is so slight that this amount of heat is at once given up to the cold atmosphere. If the ex- ternal temperature be increased, this dissipation of heat is accordingly diminished, and as a consequence part of the heat produced is retained in the body and increases its temperature. On the other hand, if the external temperature falls, the amount of heat dissipated is increased and the body temperature falls. In animals with a constant body tem- perature the amount of heat, on account of the greater energy of tissue change, is so much greater that but a part alone is given up to the sur- rounding medium. From the fact that the source of temperature is found in the chemical changes occurring in the tissues, it is evident that the development of heat will be greater in tissues in which such processes are active than where they are sluggish. The temperature of the animal body will, therefore, vary in different localities ; it will be greater in secreting glands and contracting muscles ; it will be less where loss of heat is favored, and, as a consequence, the exterior surfaces of the body will possess a lower temperature than the inner cavities. In the lungs the blood gives up so much heat to the air that the temperature of the blood in the left side of the heart is cooler than that of the right, in spite of the development of heat which accompanies the oxidation of haemoglobin. With this exception the arterial blood, as being less exposed to loss of heat, ma}', as a rule, be stated to be warmer than venous blood. The temperature of an organ will, therefore, depend upon the amount of blood circulating through it. Under certain circumstances the venous 696 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. blood may increase in temperature over that of the arterial blood ; such a state of affairs is seen in the blood coining from the contracting muscles or from a secreting gland. The blood by its continuous circulation through the body tends to equalize the body temperature, giving up heat to tissues which are cooler than itself and withdrawing heat from those which are warmer. The mean between the highest and lowest temperature of the animal body is spoken of as the body temperature, and is generally represented by the temperature taken in the mouth or in the rectum. The following figures represent the mean average temperatures of the different domestic animals : Horse, Ox, . 37.50 to 380 C. . 380 to 38.50 C. Dog, 38.50 c. Sheep, Chicken, 390 to 400 C. 420 C. Hog, 390 to 400 c. Ass, Rabbit, Mouse, Cat, Goose, Pigeon, 39.50 to 38 C. 390 to 39.50 C. 41.10 C. 38.50 to 390 C. 41.50 C. 420 C. While these figures represent the average body temperature, varia- tions within narrow limits may often be observed even in perfectly healthy individuals. A variation of one degree or more indicates some failure in the organism or some departure from the natural process of metabolism. It is, therefore, evident that the mechanisms which regulate the balance between the production and loss of heat must be extremely sensitive. Such a regulating mechanism will prevent an increase of the body temperature either by diminishing the production or increasing dissipation of heat, or, in the other case, by increasing the production and diminishing the loss. Heat, as already indicated, is lost to the body by conduction to the ingesta and egesta, to the expired air, and by conduction and radiation from the skin and through the evaporation of fluid from the surface of the body. The relative amounts of heat lost by these different channels have been calculated by Helmholtz as follows : through the expired air, 5.2 per cent.; through the water of respiration, 14.7 per cent. ; through the skin, 77.5 per cent. The chief means, therefore, of heat dissipation are through the lungs and skin. The more rapid the respiration the greater will be the loss of heat, and in animals which do not perspire the lungs will represent the main source of heat dissipation. In other animals the skin is, no doubt, the great regulator of the body temper- ture. The more blood passes through the cutaneous vessels, the greater will be the loss of heat through radiation, the greater will be the cuta- ANIMAL HEAT. 697 neous secretion, and, as a consequence, the greater will be the loss of heat through evaporation. Everything, therefore, which dilates the cutaneous blood-vessels will increase the heat dissipation. The working of the mechanism of heat regulation through increasing heat dissipation is well seen in the case of exercise. Every muscular contraction, as already pointed out, leads to an increase of heat production, and, as a consequence, the blood coming from a contracting muscle may be several degrees warmer than the arterial blood supplied to it. Nevertheless, the body temperature, even in severe exercise, is but little elevated above the average, for the increased exercise leads to an increased demand of oxygen in the inspired air, and, as a consequence, respiration is increased and the amount of heat eliminated through the expired air thereby aug- mented. The action of the heart is likewise accelerated, the circulation through the skin is augmented, perspiration is increased, and a greater amount of heat is given up from the skin by radiation and by the evapo- ration of the perspiration. By this means enough heat is lost to the animal body to balance the increased production. Increase of external temperature likewise prevents an increase in the body temperature by increasing the circulation through the skin and the cutaneous perspiration, and so also increases the loss of heat. On the other hand, if the external temperature is reduced the cutaneous vessels contract, the evaporation of perspiration is prevented, and again a balance is struck between the production and the heat dissipation. The influence of the nervous system on the temperature of the animal body is both directly and indirectly exerted. It has been men- tioned in a previous section that division of the cervical sympathetic nerve is followed not only by contraction of the pupil, but also by an increased temperature of the corresponding side of the head and neck. If this experiment be performed upon a rabbit the increase of tempera- ture is so great as to be readily perceptible to the touch ; and if the ears of the rabbit be examined in transmitted light the blood-vessels of the auricle on the side of section of the sympathetic will be found to be greatly dilated. Section of the sympathetic, therefore, by paralysis of the vaso-motor nerves, has occasioned dilatation of the blood-vessels, and the consequent increased vascularity facilitates radiation of heat and so causes a perceptible increase in the temperature of the part. But the increased radiation of heat is also attended with increased heat produc- tion ; for the hypersemia produced by vaso-motor paralysis is accom- panied by increased nutritive activity, and heat production is thereby augmented. Thus, it has been shown by Bidder that excision of a part of the cervical sympathetic in the rabbit is followed within two weeks by a marked increase in the size of the ear on the side of operation ; and excision of the cceliac plexus has been said to produce intense hyperaemia 698 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. of the stomach. Numerous instances of pathological increase of nutri- tive activity from increased blood supply and consequent increased tem- perature will doubtless suggest themselves. In addition to this indirect influence of the nervous system through the vaso-motor nerves on calorification, the central nervous system is stated to both directly and reflexly govern the development of heat, though much of the evidence brought forward as to a special nervous mechanism for regulating animal heat is imperfect. Experiments have chiefly been directed toward locating special heat-centres in various parts of the brain. Ott claims that there are four localities in the brain irritation of which increases bodily temperature by from 2.2 to 3.3 C. These heat-centres are said to be located as follows: 1. In front of and beneath the corpus striatum. 2. The median portion of the corpora striata. 3. Between the corpus striatum and the optic thalamus. 4. The anterior inner end of the optic thalamus. A heat-centre is also claimed to be present in the dog, in the cortex of the anterior portion of the upper surface of the brain, near the median line, the locality agreeing with that of the motor centres of the hind limbs, and for the movements of flexion and rotation of the fore limbs. According to Wood, section of the brain between the pons and medulla oblongata causes increased radiation of heat and diminished heat production, due to the cutting of the paths of communication with the cerebral heat-regulating centre. There seems to be little doubt but that irritation of various parts of the brain does lead to modifications in the heat-producing mechanisms of the body, arid that fibres in connection with these centres decussate in the medulla; but as to whether the effects produced are stimulating or inhibitory, whether they act through the production of change in circulation, or whether they directly influence the chemical operations concerned in the production of heat, is quite unknown. BOOK II. THE ANIMAL FUNCTIONS. (699) SECTION I. PHYSIOLOGY OF MOVEMENT. 1. THE CONTRACTILE TISSUES. It was stated that the function of contractility represents one of the fundamental properties of protoplasm, and in the simplest forms of life, consisting of undifferentiated proto- plasm, as in the structureless amoeba, the contractilit}^ of protoplasm renders locomotion possible. The first attempt at localization of this function of contractility, in the general specialization of function in the development of the animal kingdom, was noted in the development of protoplasmic prolongations of cells, so-called cilia, which in numerous infusoria constitute organs of locomotion ; in various shell-fish, organs for aiding the prehension of food and the functions of respiration, and in the higher animals for producing motion of particles brought in contact with them. The first attempt, therefore, at the development of organs in which the function of contractility is specialized is seen in the develop- ment of vibratile cilia. In a step higher in the progress of specialization, contractility reaches its highest degree in the muscular tissue, which may be regarded as a mass of protoplasm inclosed within a cylindrical or polygonal cell. In the higher animals each of these three different representations of contractile substances are met with : undifferentiated protoplasm, as found in the lymph-corpuscles, white blood-corpuscles, connective-tissue corpuscles, mucus- and pus-cells ; ciliated cells, lining various mucous cavities in the body ; and muscular tissues of the striped and unstriped varieties. The characteristics of motion as occurring in undifferentiated proto- plasm and ciliated cells have already been studied. The conditions of muscular contractility now deserve attention. In muscular tissue the contractile substance is inclosed in a tubular sheath, constituting a mus- cular fibre. Muscular fibres may be either striped or voluntary fibres, or unstriped or involuntary fibres. The striped or voluntary muscles, which have a red appearance, constitute the great mass of contractile tissues of the body. They are ordinarily connected with the bones, and are therefore spoken of as skeletal muscles ; their contractions, as* a rule, are under the control of the will. Each muscle-fibre is more or less cylin- drical, varies in length from one one-hundredth to one six-hundredth of an inch, and consists of the sarcolemma, an elastic sheath, probably of the nature of connective -tissue, with transverse partitions which stretch (701) 702 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. across the fibre at regular intervals (membrane of Krause). Within this is inclosed the sarcous substance, or the contractile tissue of the muscu- lar fibre, which is a broad, highly refractive, doubly refractive disk, and the nuclei or muscle-corpuscles. The muscle-corpuscles are thus within the sarcolemma, and it is at the expense of their protoplasm that FIG. 271. MUSCULAR TISSUE, AFTER GERLACH. '(Ellenberger.) 1, scheme of the different parts of striped muscular fibre; S, sarcolemma: K, nucleus: 2, striation; F, fibrillae ; N, nerve ; E, nucleated nerve-plate ; 2, part of a cross-section : 3, isolated fibrillae ; 4, highly magnified fibril of insect muscle : A, Krause- Amici's line; B, anisotropic substance ; C, central disk ; D, isotropic substance ; 5, separation of disks ; 6. cell of heart-muscle of frog ; 7, embryonal development of muscular fibre; 8, cells of heart-muscle; 9, cross-section of heart-muscle; 10, unstriped muscle-cells; 11, cross-seqtion of unstriped muscle-cells; 12, muscular fibre with tendon; 13, interfibrillar muscular nrvos. muscular tissue is formed. Between the contractile disks and Krause 's membrane is a transparent, isotropic, semifluid laj'er (the lateral disk of Engelnrann), which is composed of prismatic, rod-shaped elements, the sarcous elements of Bowman. PHYSIOLOGY OF MOVEMENT. 703 The striated appearance of muscular tissue is due to the arrange- ment of the sarcous substance in alternate light and dark layers or disks. Each muscular fibre is made up of a large number of primitive fibrillse placed side by side and united by a semi-fluid cement substance, the fibrillse being so arranged that the transverse markings lie at the same level. The muscular corpuscles in the muscular fibres of man and most B B FIG. 272. UNSTRIPED MUSCULAR TISSUE. (Ellenberger. ) A and B, foetal cells: C, H. fullv formed fibre; I, bundle of fibres ; K, cross-section of bundle of pale muscular fibres. FIG. 273. MUSCULAR CELLS FROM THE MUSCULAR COAT OP THE STOMACH, ENLARGED Two HUNDRED AND FIFTY DIAMETERS. (Ellenberger.) A, elongated nucleus ; B, pointed ends of the cells. vertebrates, with the exception of the tissue of the heart, are situated on the surface of the muscular substance, but in invertebrates they are usually found in the central part of the fibres. The muscular fibres are united in bundles by connective tissue and terminate in tendons which are composed of connective-tissue fibrillee. The unstriped muscular fibres are composed of elongated spindle- shaped nucleated cells, which are contractile in one direction. These 704 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. ""mil HI'-. 'it'UNUII II III"! j-Wftti 3|M >wiii 9 nm ^mifi cells are arranged in bundles connected by a cement substance ; they do not terminate in tendons, but are arranged in groups, usually in the form of a membrane ; such muscular fibres are found in the walls of the ali- mentary canal, in the walls of the genito-urinary passages, in the bronchi, and in various other localities. (a) The Chemical Composition of Muscle. The chemical constit- uents found in muscles differ greatly according as the examination is made on fresh, living tissue, or after rigor mortis has set in. All mus- cles after death lose their irritability, and pass from their flexible, trans- parent condition into a state of rigidity and opacity, which is described under the general term of rigor mortis. Analogy may be traced in this respect between the living and dead muscle and blood. Blood in the process of coagulation produces the proteid fibrin ; muscle, in the act of dying, produces the proteid myosin. Before taking up the characteristics of these bodies, further comparison of the characteristics of living and dead muscle deserves attention. In the first place, in a state of rest, living muscle has an alkaline reaction ; in dead muscle, and in muscle in contraction, the reaction is acid, due to the development of paralactic acid, as well as acid potassium phosphate, and carbonic acid. Living muscle is to a certain extent trans- lucent, extensible, and elastic ; dead muscle is opaque, rigid, inextensible, and has lost its elas- ticity. The main difference, however, between living and dead muscle is found in the coagulation of nvyosin in the latter. If a living muscle be freed from blood by repeated washing and injec- tion of saline solution through its blood-vessels, be then frozen, chopped up, and rubbed up in a mortar with four times its weight of powdered ice, containing 1 per cent, of sodium chloride, a mixture is obtained which, below the freezing point, is sufficiently fluid to be filtered. This opalescent filtrate is known as muscle-plasma, and remains fluid only while kept at C. If allowed to be heated above this point it is gradually transformed into a solid jelly, which subsequently separates into a clot and serum. The clot is myosin, and originates in the doubly refractive substance ; the serum contains serum-albumen and various extractives. If a muscle which has already passed into the condition of rigor mortis be washed with water so as to remove the albumen and the dif- i, Ulllllllll FIG. 274. PRIMITIVE BUNDLE FROM THE BI- CEPS BRACHII OF THE HORSE. (Tereg.) A, intermediary disks : B, cen- tral disks ; C, dark striation ; D, light striatiou. PHYSIOLOGY OF MOVEMENT. 705 ferent extractive matters, and then be extracted with 10 per cent, solu- tion of sodium chloride, a large portion of the muscular tissue will be dissolved and will form a viscid fluid. If this fluid be allowed to fall drop by drop into distilled water a flocculent precipitate will be pro- duced ; this precipitate is likewise myosin. As is seen from its method of preparation, myosin is a globulin which is soluble in strong solution of sodium chloride, and which may be precipitated therefrom by dilution with water. Myosin, like other globulins, may be coagulated by heat, although it coagulates at a lower temperature than does serum-albumen, its point of coagulation being from 55 to 60 C. It is coagulated by alcohol and ma}' be precipitated by an excess of sodium chloride. It is through the action of dilute acids converted into syntonin, or acid albu- men. Myosin is, therefore, the result of coagulation of the proteid of muscle-plasma. In addition to myosin, dead muscle contains serum-albumen and various extractive matters, and bodies belonging to the gelatin group. In living muscle, on the other hand, myosin is not present, but some substances or substance which in the death of the muscle become con- verted into myosin, just as the fibrin factors present in living blood in the act of coagulation become converted into fibrin. The differences already alluded to between living and dead muscle are, without doubt, caused by the appearance of n^osm. The process of coagulation of muscle, however, is not directly comparable to that of the coagulation of the blood, for, while in the latter case the alkalinity is preserved, in the former case the alkaline reaction of living muscle gives place to a strongly acid reaction. Dr. W. D. Halliburton has found that the muscle-plasma of warm- blooded animals is a j^ellowish, viscid fluid of alkaline reaction, which remains uncoagulated at C., and at the temperature of the air sets into a jelly-like clot, on the subsequent contraction of which muscle-serum of an acid reaction is squeezed out. It was found, however, that cold is not the only agent which will prevent the formation of myosin, but that, as in the case of the blood, solutions of certain neutral salts will act similarly. The solutions found most convenient to use were a 10 per cent, solution of sodium chloride, a 5 per cent, solution of magnesium sulphate, or a half-saturated solution of sodium sulphate. The salted muscle-plasma was prepared either by receiving the expressed muscle-juice into excess of one of these solutions, or else by extracting the finely divided pieces of frozen muscle with the solution in question. A further resemblance between salted muscle-plasma and salted blood-plasma must be noticed, namely, that on dilution of the mixture of muscle-plasma and salt-solution with water the influence of the latter 45 706 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. in preventing coagulation is removed and a clot of myosin forms. This is first a jellying through the whole liquid ; the clot subsequently con- tracts, squeezing out a colorless fluid or salted muscle-serum ; this does not occur if the temperature is kept about C., and it occurs much more quickly at the temperature of the body than at that of the air. The formation of the clot at 36 C. takes, as a rule, five or ten minutes; at the temperature of the air, several hours. The formation of the clot is accompanied by the development of an acid reaction due to sarco- lactic acid ; in this the formation of myosin contrasts with that of fibrin. The resemblances between the coagulation in muscle and in blood is, however, so striking as to suggest that the cause is similar; namely, a ferment in both cases. The theory most generally accepted regarding the formation of fibrin is that it is the result of a ferment action on a previously soluble proteid of the globulin class occurring in blood- plasma, called fibrinogen ; and the theory Dr. Halliburton now puts forward is that myosin is also the result of a ferment action on a previously soluble globulin occurring in a muscle-plasma, for which he proposes the name myosinogen. This ferment can be prepared from muscle in the same way as Schmidt's fibrin ferment is prepared from blood ; muscle is kept for some months under alcohol, dried, and * extracted with water. This aqueous extract contains the ferment, and on adding it to the salted muscle-plasma coagulation occurs much more quickly than if water alone be added. Myosin ferment is not identical with fibrin ferment, as it does not hasten the coagulation of salted blood- plasma, nor does the fibrin ferment hasten the coagulation of muscle- plasma. The aqueous solution of the n^osin ferment gives the reaction of a proteid of the albumose class, and especially of that variety of albumose to which Kiihne and Chittenden have given the name deutero- albumose. This is the same albumose as will be shown presently to exist normally in the muscle-plasma. The proteids of muscle-plasma can be separated by fractional heat coagulation, by fractional saturation with neutral salts, and by the occurrence of spontaneous coagulation and the separation of the plasma into clot and serum. The proteids were found to be five in number; the names Dr. Halliburton proposes for them and their chief properties are as follow : 1. Paramyosinogen. This forms a flocculent heat coagulum at 47 C. It is precipitated from its solutions in an uncoagulated condition (that is, it can be redissolved in weak saline solutions) by magnesium sulphate or sodium chloride ; by the former, when the percentage of salt present reaches 37 to 50 ; by the latter, when the percentage reaches 15 to 26. The precipitate so obtained occurs in white, curd-like flocculi. It is precipitated also by dialyzing out the salts from its solutions. PHYSIOLOGY OF MOVEMENT. 707 2. Myosinogen. This is coagulated by heat ut 56 C., and the coagulum so formed is a sticky one. It is precipitated by dialyzing out the salt from its solutions ; and it is also insoluble in magnesium sulphate solutions of the strength of 60 to 94 per cent, and in saturated solutions of sodium chloride. Weak acetic acid added to its saline solutions gives a characteristic stringy precipitate. 3. Myoglobulin. This resembles serum-globulin in most of its properties. It is coagulated by heat at 63 C., and thus differs from serum-globulin, which is coagulated at 75 C. It is completely precipi- tated by saturating its solutions with magnesium sulphate, sodium chloride, or by dialyzing the salts out. 4. Albumen. This appears to be identical with serum-albumen. 5. Myo-albumose. This is not precipitated by heat, by copper sul- phate, by magnesium sulphate, or sodium chloride. It is precipitated by saturation with ammonium sulphate; \)y nitric acid in the cold. The precipitate produced by nitric acid disappears on heating and reappears on cooling. It also gives the biuret reaction that is, a pink color - with copper sulphate and caustic potash. This proteid is closely associated with the myosin ferment. Peptones and alkali albumen do not occur in -muscle-plasma. In coagulation of the muscle-plasma the first two proteids go to form the clot, and the three latter remain in the muscle-serum. The name paramyosinogen is given to the first on the list, because, although it forms part of the clot, it seems rather to be accidentally carried down than to form an essential part of the m}'osin. If pure solutions of para- myosinogen and myosinogen respectively be prepared and ferment added to each, in the former no coagulation occurs, but in the latter myosin is formed. Moreover, paramyosinogen is sometimes absent, or only present in exceedingly minute quantities in the muscle-plasma. Saline extracts of rigid muscle, or of muscle from which rigor has passed off, differ from the salted muscle-plasma in being of an acid reac- tion, but otherwise very closely resemble it. Such an extract contains the same five proteids, and, on dilution, myosin separates as it does from muscle-plasma; pure myosin, also, if redissolved in a 10 per cent, magne- sium sulphate or sodium chloride solution can similarly be made to undergo a recoagulation on dilution and addition of the ferment. More- over, this recoagulation resembles in all particulars the coagulation which takes place in muscle-plasma ; it is first a jelly ; the jelly contracts, squeez- ing out a colorless fluid ; it is inhibited by cold, occurs most readily at the temperature of the body, is accompanied by the formation of sarco- lactic acid, and is hastened by the addition of myosin ferment. In this particular we have, also, an important difference between the coagulation of blood and of muscle. Fibrin cannot be reconverted into fibrinogen in 708 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. the same way as myosin can be converted into myosinogen, which will again coagulate with the formation of myosin. The ease with which myosin can thus be made to clot and unclot outside the body might seem to be a confirmation of Hermann's view that a similar clotting and re-solution of myosin accompanies the contraction and relaxation of muscle during life ; in other words, that each contraction is the partial death of a muscle. We must remember that the most important simi- larity between rigor mortis and contraction is the formation of sarcolactic acid, and not the development of a clot of nryosin ; in fact, as a muscle becomes more extensible during contraction, it becomes in a sense more liquid, not more solid, as it does when myosin is formed post-mortem. Dr. Halliburton further suggests that the passing off' of rigor mortis is due to the reconversion of myosin into myosinogen, brought about by the pepsin present in muscle. For when muscle becomes acid in rigor mortis the pepsin which it contains is enabled to act, and at the suitable temperature (35-40 C.) albumoses and peptones are formed by a process of self-digestion. This is a more satisfactory explanation of the disappearance of rigor mortis than putrefaction, for rigor mortis occa- sionally persists after putrefaction has set in, and at other times disap- pears within an hour after death. The chemical processes continually occurring in living muscle also undergo change on the death of the muscle. It has been found that liv- ing muscle is continually appropriating oxygen from the arterial blood and setting free carbon dioxide. In the death of the muscle the absorp- tion of oxygen ceases, while the exhalation of carbonic acid may continue for a certain time, even if the dead muscle be placed in an atmosphere free from oxygen ; it is, therefore, evident that in the act of death or in the production of rigor mortis some complex compound is split up and carbon dioxide set free. Living muscle is, then, alkaline and contains in solution in the sub- stance of its fibres a coagulable proteid in the muscle-plasma. Dead muscle, on the other hand, is acid in reaction from the devel- opment of sarcolactic acid, and the coagulable plasma has become con- verted into a solid myosin in muscle-serum. When muscles are sub- jected to the vacuum of a mercurial air-pump, a certain amount of gas, which is almost solely CO 8 , is extracted, which has been in part dissolved in the muscle-plasma and in part combined with its salts. In muscles in which rigor mortis has not taken place, 2.74 volumes per cent, of CO 2 represent the free gas, 1.95 per cent, the fixed gas. If, however, rigor mortis be produced, then 15 volumes per cent, of CO 2 may be obtained. Therefore, in rigor mortis a large amount of C0 a becomes free, but this is not due to the decomposition of carbonates by the acid formed in the same process. So also in muscular contractions there is an increase in PHYSIOLOGY OF MOVEMENT. 709 the amount of CO 2 in muscles capable of withdrawal by the air-pump amounting to 12.08 per cent, by volume of the muscle. The other con- stituents of the muscle are represented in the following table (Charles) : ANALYSES OP MUSCLE. COMPONENTS IN 100 PARTS. Mean of Human Muscle. Mean of Muscle of Mam- mals. Muscle of Birds. Muscle of Fish. Muscle of Frogs. Water, 73.50 72.87 73.00 74.08 80.43 Solids coagulated, 26.50 27.13 27.00 25.92 19.57 . Albumen (rnyosin, etc.) and other derivatives, sarcolemma, vessels, nerves, etc., insoluble in water. Soluble albumens or albuminates : Haemoglobin, . ... 1.84 2.17 3.13 3.61 1.86 Fat, 3.27 3.71 1.94 4.59 0.10 Gelatin, 1.99 3.16 1.40 4.34 2.48 Kreatin 0.22 0.18 0.33 0.28 'Ash, 3.12 1.14 1.30 1.49 The constituents of muscle are, therefore, nitrogenous, non-nitroge- nous, and inorganic. Under the former group occur myosin, alkali albuminate, and serum-albumen, with extractives such as kreatin, sarkosin, sarkin, xanthin, and carnin. Of the non-nitrogenous bodies, inosite, fat, and glycogen are the most important, while phosphoric acid, potassium, sodium, magnesium, and lime are the principal inorganic constituents. (b) Muscular Irritability. The principal physiological difference between living and dead muscle is that the former, under the action of various stimuli, is thrown into contraction. This property of contraction results from what is termed irritability of the muscle. If the spinal cord and brain of a frog be destroyed the animal remains perfectly passive, without any contraction occurring in any of its muscles. If, however, an}' stimulus, mechanical, electrical, or thermal, be applied to its muscles they at once shorten, and it is only on the onset of rigor mortis that this power disappears. If the stimulus be applied to a motor nerve-trunk a similar state of contraction is produced. In the destruction of the central nervous system the peripheral nerve-branches have, of course, not been destroyed, and yet the contrac- tility of muscle is not dependent upon the stimulation of nerve-fibres distributed to it, for muscle, like other forms of protoplasm, possesses an independent excitability. This may be demonstrated by a number of different methods. In the first place, various chemical stimuli, such as ammonia^ lime-water, etc., do not produce muscular contraction when applied to motor nerves, but do evoke contraction when directly applied to muscle. Again, in various muscles it is impossible to recognize the 710 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. presence of nerve-filaments, as in the extremes of the sartorius muscle of the frog, and yet in them stimulation applied directly to a muscle pro- duces contraction. The most conclusive evidence, however, of the inde- pendent irritability of muscles is found through the use of the poison, curare. This substance, a South American arrow -poison, possesses the prop- erty of entirely paralyzing the terminal filaments of the motor nerves. If an animal, such as the frog, be poisoned with this drug, stimuli ap- plied to the motor nerves will be entirely incapable of producing muscular contraction. The same stimulus, however, applied direct^ to the muscle still produces a characteristic normal contraction. This poison acts, not on the nerve-trunks, but on the intra-muscular terminations of the nerves. This fact may be demonstrated by ligating the sciatic artery in one hind leg of the frog and injecting curare into the dorsal lymph-sac. The poisoned blood will then, of course, circulate in every part of the body with the exception of the limb in which the circulation has been arrested. If a stimulus be then applied to the sciatic nerve of the non-poisoned limb it will still succeed in calling forth a contraction, even although the sciatic trunk has been exposed to the action of curare. Stimulation of the sciatic, on the other hand, in the limb in which the circulation has been maintained, and in which, of course, the poison has had access to the nerve-filaments produces no contraction, while local stimulation of the muscle does. Muscular contraction may be produced by various stimuli, acting either indirectly upon the muscle through its motor nerve, or directl}- by being immediately applied to the muscle substance. Muscular stimuli may be either chemical, thermal, mechanical, or electrical. All chemical substances, such as acids and various metallic salts, which alter the composition of muscle are muscular stimuli. Variations of temperature also produce muscular contraction. Thus, if an excised frog's muscle be heated rapidly to about 28 C., contraction commences and reaches its maximum at 45 C. If the temperature be raised above this point the muscle passes into a condition of heat-rigor, due to the coagulation of the proteids of muscle. Sudden mechanical stimuli, whether applied directly to the muscle or indirectly to the nerve, if repeated with sufficient rapidity, also produce contraction of muscle. Strong local irritation, as by a blow, produces a long-continued, weal- like contraction of the part stimulated. (c) Th,e Phenomena of Muscular Contraction. Muscular contraction consists in the shortening of muscle-fibres in the direction of their long axes, with a proportionate and simultaneous increase in their transverse diameter. Such a contraction is accompanied by a number of phenomena, of which the most evident is the change in form. PHYSIOLOGY OF MOVEMENT. 711 When a single induction shock is allowed to pass through the motor nerve of a muscle, the muscle at once gives a single short contraction. The phenomena of such a muscular contraction may be best studied on IF FIG. 275. THE NERVE-MUSCLE PREPARATION. (Stirling.) F, lower third of femur ; S, sciatic nerve ; I, tendon of gastrocnemius muscle. the gastrocnemius muscle of the frog. Various contrivances have been devised for graphically representing the results of the muscular contraction. The simplest method is to support the knee-joint of a frog's leg in a clamp, connecting the tendon of the gastrocnemius by Pro. 276. ARRANGEMENT OF APPARATUS IN CONDUCTING EXPERIMENTS ON NERVE AND MUSCLE. (Stirling.) B, galvanic battery; K, electric key in primary circuit ; P, primary coil of induction machine; S, secondary coil of induction machine from which the current is conducted, when the key, K', is open, to the electrode, E, on which rests the nerve, n ; the muscle, M, is supported by a clamp, under a glass shade, its tendon being connected by a thread with a lever, L. writing on the smoked surface of a revolving drum. The time-marker, TM, is included in the primary circuit, so that when the current passes through P, by closing the key, K, it also traverses the electro-magnet of the time-marker and causes a record of the instant of stimulation to be made on the surface of the drum. S, stand supporting moist chamber ; W, weight by which muscle is extended, and which is lifted in the contraction. means of a thread to a lever, which records its movements on a rapidly moving surface. If a single induction shock is then passed through the sciatic nerve or directly applied to the muscle the so-called muscle curve will be obtained (Figs. 275 and 276). FIG. 277. THE PENDULUM MYOGRAPH. (Foster.) The figure is diagrammatic, the essentials only of the instrument being shown. The smoked-glass plate. A. swings on the "seconds" pendulum, B, by means of carefully adjusted bearings at C. Before commencing an experiment the pendulum is raised up to the right, and is kept in that position by the tooth, a. catching on the spring-catch, h. On depress- ing the catch, ft, the glass plate is set free, swings into the new position indicated by the dotted lines, and is held in that position by the tooth, at, catching on the catch, bt. In the course of its swing the tooth, n>, coming into contact with the pro- jecting steel rod, c, knocks it on one side into the position indicated by the dotted line, ct. The rod, c, is in electric con- tinuity with the wire, x, of the primary coil of an induction machine. The screw, d, is similarly in electric continuity with the wire, y, of the same primary coil, both rod and screw being insulated by the ebonite block,' e. As long as r. and d are in contact, the circuit of the primary coil is closed. When in its swing the tooth, a>, breaks this contact, the circuit is broken, and a " breaking " induction shock is sent through the electrodes connected with the secondary coil of the induc- tion machine to the nerve. The lever, I, is connected with the tendon of the muscle, and is brought to bear on the glass plate, and when no muscular contraction is produced in the swing of the pendulum traces a straight line, or rather an arc of a circle. When the muscle is stimulated during the swing of the pendulum, the muscle curve is produced. The tuning-fork, only partly shown, serves to mark the rapidity of motion of the pendulum. (712) PHYSIOLOGY OF MOVEMENT. 715 Such a curve (as produced by the pendulum myograph, Fig. 277) is represented in Fig. 278. To study the characteristics of such a curve more fully certain additional apparatus is necessary. In the first place, it is necessary to know the rate of motion of the recording surface. This 'may be accomplished by means of a recording tuning-fork writing on the traveling surface. It is further necessary to indicate the instant at which the nerve or muscle receives the stimulus. This may be done by including an electro-magnet writing on the traveling surface in the current through which the stimulus to the muscle passes. If the curve be examined, it will be noticed that the muscle does not commence to shorten instantaneously with the entrance of the stimulus into the nerve, but an appreciable interval elapses after the application of the stimulus before contraction commences. This interval is termed the latent period r and is usually about one-seventieth part of a second. The duration of the latent period will depend upon the distance through which the stimulus FIG. 278. MUSCLE CURVE OBTAINED BY MEANS OP THE PENDULUM MYO- GKAPH. (Foster.) (To be read from left to right.) o indicates the moment at which the induction shock is sent into the nerve ; b, the commencement ; c, the maximum ; and d, the close of the contraction. The two smaller curves are due to oscillations of the lever. Below the muscle curve is the curve drawn by a tuning-fork, making one hundred and eighty double vibrations a second, each complete curve, therefore, representing 1-180 of a second. has to pass through the nerve before entering the muscle. If the elec- trodes be moved along the sciatic nerve farther from the muscle, the latent period will be increased. If moved down closer to the muscle, or applied directly upon the muscle, although not absent, the "duration of the latent period will be greatly reduced (Fig. 279). It is, therefore, evident that while part of the latent period is consumed in the conduc- tion of the stimulus through the nerve, yet a considerable fraction of it is taken up in changes in the muscle itself which precede active con- traction, and this process occupies the greater portion of the latent period. When the stimulus or induction shock is applied to the nerve the latent period is partly due, in the first place, to the production of a nerve impulse in the nerve; and, second, the progression of that impulse through the nerve to the muscle ; and, third, the changes already alluded to which occur in the muscle itself. 714 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. In the second case the rate of transmission of the nerve impulse has been placed about twenty-eight meters per second. After the latent period has been completed the muscle then commences to shorten, at first slowly and then more rapidly, and then again more slowly until the maximum shortening is reached, the duration of active contraction occu- pying about the one-twentieth part of a second. As soon as the maxi- FIG. 279. DIAGRAMMATIC CUKVES ILLUSTRATING THE MEASUREMENT OF THE VELOCITY OF A NERVOUS IMPULSE. (Foster.) (To be read from left to right.) The same nerve-muscle preparation is stimulated (1) as far as possible from the muscle, i'2) as near as possible to the muscle, both contractions being registered in the same manner on the pendulum myograph In (1) the stimulus enters the nerve at the time indicated by the line, a ; the contraction, shown by the dotted line, begins at b> ; the whole latent period is, therefore, indicated by the distance from a to bl. In (2) the stimulus also enters the nerve at a, the contraction begins at b, and is shown in the un- broken line ; the latent period, therefore, is indicated by the distance from a to b. The time taken up in the passage of the nerve impulse in the length of nerve between 1 and 2 is indicated by the distance be- tween b and bt, and may be measured by the tuning-fork curve below. The distance between these curves is exaggerated for the sake of simplicity, no value being given for the rate of vibration of the tuning-fork. mum contraction is reached relaxation commences, following the same general course as in shortening, relaxing first slowly then more rapidty, and then more slowly again, the general duration of the active relaxation being somewhat longer than that of contraction. Such are the general characteristics of the curve of a single muscular contraction produced by a single stimulus. If a single stimulus be allowed to follow the first it will be followed, FIG. 280. TRACING OF A DOUBLE MUSCLE CURVE. (To be read from left to right.) (Foster.) While the muscle was engaged in the first contraction (whose complete course, had nothing intervened. is indicated by the lower line in the muscle-curve) a second induction shock was thrown in at such a time that the second contraction began just as the first was beginning to decline. The second curve is seen to start from the first, as does the first from the base line. like the first, by a single muscular contraction. If the interval between the second and first muscular contraction be gradually reduced, a point will ultimately be reached in which the second stimulus enters the nerve before the contraction produced by the first has passed off. The result will be that the muscle will undergo a second shortening, and such a PHYSIOLOGY OF MOVEMENT. 715 curve will be produced as is represented by Fig. 279. The two con- tractions are thus added together and the total shortening may be nearly double that produced by a single contraction (Fig. 280). If a third stimulus is then allowed to pass into the nerve before the second contraction has passed off, a third contraction will be added to the second, and so on in the case of the fourth, fifth, or more. It will be, however, noticed that while the second contraction may be nearl} 7 or quite as extensive as the first, the third and fourth progressively decrease in extent, until finally simply a broken line without any extensive increase in contraction will indicate the entrance of the separate stimuli, the stimuli merely serving to keep up the contraction already produced. When the stimulation ceases the muscle then rapidly passes into a condition of rest, relaxation occurring very rapidly. ^ I FIG. 281. MUSCLE THROWN INTO TETANUS WHEN THE PRIMARY CURRENT OF AN INDUCTION MACHINE is REPEATEDLY BROKEN AT INTERVALS OF SIX- TEEN IN A SECOND. (Foster.) (To be read from left to right.) The upper line is that described by the muscle. The lower marks time, the intervals between the ele- vation indicating seconds. The intermediate line shows when the shocks were sent in, each mark corre- sponding to a shock. The lever, which describes a straight line before the shocks are allowed to fall into the nerve, rises almost vertically (the recording surface moving slowly) as soon as the first shock enters the nerve at a. Having risen to a certain height it begins to fall again, but in its fall is raised once more by the second shock, and that to a greater height than before. The third and succeeding shocks have similar effects, the muscle continuing to become shorter, though the shortening at each shock is less. After a while the increase in the total shortening of the muscle, though the individual contractions are still visible, almost ceases. At b the shocks cease to be sent into the muscle, the contractions almost immediately disap- pear, and the lever forthwith commences to descend. The muscle being only slightly loaded, the relaxa- tion is very slow. When the separate stimuli do not follow each other more rapidly than sixteen in a second, the contraction produced by one stimulus has had time to undergo partial relaxation before the following stimulus enters ; as a consequence, the point of the lever traces a broken line on the traveling surface (Fig. 281). If, however, the stimuli follow each other more rapidly than this, an apparently constant shortening is produced, in which no variation what- ever in length can be made out. The gradual production of this state of affairs indicates that this apparent^ constant and uniform contraction is, nevertheless, made up of a large number of individual contractions added to each other. Such a condition is spoken of as tetanus, and the 716 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. curve produced in such a tetanic muscular contraction is represented ira Fig. 282. Tetanic contraction requires for its production at least a greater number than sixteen stimuli per second. It may thus be most readily produced by the employment of a rapidly interrupted induction current.. Tetanus may, however, also be produced by mechanical stimulation,, provided the impulses succeed each other with sufficient rapidity. In the case of chemical stimulation tetanus is the ordinary expression of mus- cular contraction. It is thus evident that the tetanic contraction is composed of a series of vibrations of the muscular fibre, and, as would be expected from this statement, is accompanied by the production of a musical note, the pitch of the note depending upon the number of vibrations of the muscular fibre. Wherever the muscle is artificially thrown into tetanus, as by the action of an interrupted induced current, the number of vibrations, of course, corresponds to the number of contractions, these depending a- FIG. 282. TETANUS PRODUCED WITH THE ORDINARY MAGNETIC INTERRUPTER OF AN INDUCTION MACHINE, THE RECORDING SURFACE MOVING SLOWLY. (Foster.) (To be read from left to right.) The interrupted current being thrown in at a, the lever rises rapidly, but at b the muscle reaches the maximum of contraction. This is continued until at c, when the current is shut off and relaxation commences. upon the number of interruptions of the current, and, as a consequence,, the number of vibrations of the muscle and the corresponding note pro- duced have a pitch which corresponds in vibration to these data. When the ear is placed over a muscle which is thrown into contrac- tion by means of the will a musical tone is likewise appreciated. This serves to indicate that even in a single sharp contraction of a muscle through the action of the will, that apparent single contraction is made up of a number of contractions, and every single muscular movement of the animal body is, therefore, of the nature of a tetanus. The musical note heard indicates that the rate of vibration is 19.5 per second. We may now study the changes which occur in contracting muscle in somewhat more detail. The most obvious is, of course, the change of form. Such a change of form is represented by a decrease in the long axis of a muscle, the shortening, perhaps amounting to three-fifths, of the length of the muscle, with a corresponding increase in the cross diameter. PHYSIOLOGY OF MOVEMENT. 717 There is no actual change in bulk in muscular contraction, the increase in thickening being almost precisely proportionate to the decrease in length. This fact may be demonstrated by connecting the sciatic nerve of a frog's leg with the poles of an induction machine and then placing the leg in a bottle filled with dilute saline solution, in the stopper of which is inserted a capillary tube, pare should be taken that no air-bubbles are present in the bottle, that the bottle is filled, and that the fluid ascends up a certain distance in the capillary tube. If the leg is then thrown into contraction by passing a current through the wires, 718 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. the level of the fluid in the capillary tube will remain almost constant, thus indi- cating an absence of change in the bulk of muscle, for a decrease would, of course, be indicated by a fall of fluid, and increase of bulk would raise the fluid in the capillary tube. By extremely accurate measurements a slight actual decrease in volume may be made out. Thus, Valentine has determined that a muscle with a volume of two thousand seven hundred and six cubic centimeters in contraction in tetanus is reduced to two thousand seven hundred and four cubic centimeters, while its specific gravity increases from 1061 to 1062. When a muscle is thrown into contraction, it does not occur sim- ultaneously in all the muscle-fibres. If a muscle-fibre be placed under a microscope and then thrown into contraction a wave of undulation may be seen to be rapidly propagated from one end of the fibre to the other. This wave is especially sensible if the muscular fibre is fixed at each extremity. If a long muscle, such as the sartorius of the frog, have its motor nerve-filaments paralyzed by curare, and the muscle then thrown into contraction by stimulating one extremity with an induction current, the wave of contraction travels so slowly as almost to be capable of being seen by the eye. If such a muscle be supported FIG. 284. CURVE ILLUSTRATING THE PROPAGATION OF THE WAVE OF MUSCULAR CONTRACTION. (Marcy.) The lower of the two straight lines represents the point of the lever resting on the muscle nearest the point of stimulation. If the time between the moment of commencing contraction at this spot and that of commencing contraction at the spot on which the second lever rests be measured by counting the vibra- tions of the tuning-fork, the rate of progression of the contraction may be determined. horizontally and two light levers be placed at a distance from each other bearing on the muscle and writing over each other on a recording sur- face (Fig. 283), if the muscle be then thrown into contraction by direct stimulation the levers will not be elevated simultaneously, but a curve similar to that represented in Fig. 284 will be produced. By measur- ing the distance between the commencement of these two contractions and knowing the rate of movement of the recording surface, the rate of progression of the wave ma}^ be calculated. If, instead of stimulating the muscle, the nerve (in such an experiment) be stimulated, if no curare have been given both levers will be simultaneously elevated. According to Bernstein, the rate of progression in the muscles of cold-blooded animals of the wave of contraction is about two to three meters per second. Its rate of progression is much more rapid in the case of warm-blooded animals. PHYSIOLOGY OF MOVEMENT. 719 The irritability of muscle is subject to great variation, and a single irritant is, under different circumstances, capable of producing different results. In an excised muscle the irritability rapidly disappears, although it persists much longer in the muscles of cold-blooded animals than in warm-blooded. In the latter case the irritability of warm-blooded muscles may be somewhat prolonged if the animal be artificially cooled before death. Temperature is of great influence on the irritability of muscle, both an increase or decrease above the normal temperature of the muscle being followed by a decrease in irritability. Again, through repeated contrac- tion the muscle loses its power of being thrown into contraction ; it is then said to be in a con- dition of fatigue, due either to the insufficient supply of nutritive substances or to the accumu- lation of the products of decomposition, which, as has been experimentally demonstrated, pro- duce a hurtful action upon the muscle-fibres. In all probability both of these factors are concerned in fatigue. When a contracting muscle is examined under the microscope marked changes in structure may be made out. If a living mus- cular fibre of an insect, for example, which is especialty fitted for such study, be examined under the microscope while contracting, a wave of contraction, as already mentioned, may be seen traveling along the surface of the fibre, while at the same time the transverse striations approach each other. In the contracted portion each disk has become shorter and broader, while the band which in a relaxed muscle is light, in a contracted muscle becomes dark, and the band which in a relaxed muscle was dark in the contracted muscle becomes light (Fig. 285). In the process of contraction chemical changes occur ; these have been already to a certain extent indicated. The muscle in which reaction was alkaline, in contraction becomes acid through the development of sarcolactic acid, which may even be excreted by the kidneys. During its contraction the muscle absorbs more oxygen from the blood than during its stage of rest, and, as a consequence, venous blood from a resting muscle contains 8.5 per cent., that from a contracting muscle 12.8 per cent, less oxygen than the arterial blood ; while the venous blood from a resting muscle contains, as an average, 6.7 per cent., that from a FIG. 285. MUSCULAR FIBRE UNDERGOING CONTRAC- TION, AFTER ENGL.E- MANN. (Foster.) The muscle is that of Telephorus melanurus treated with osmie acid. The fibre at c is at rest, at a the con- traction begins, at b it has reached its maximum. The right-hand side of the figure shows the same fibre as seen in polarized light. 720 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. contracting muscle 10.8 per cent, more carbon dioxide than arterial blood. The amount of oxygen consumed, as may be noticed from these figures, bears no relationship to the amount of carbon dioxide liberated ; whence it follows, as already stated, that the formation of carbon dioxide in a contracting muscle is not a simple process of oxidation, but rather the splitting up of some complex compound. During contraction the glycogen of " the muscles becomes reduced, while, on the other hand, there is an increase in the amount of kreatin obtainable from the contracted over that found in the resting muscle. The question, What is the source of the carbon dioxide and lactic acid developed by a contracting muscle? may, perhaps, be answered by the statement that they are derived neither from the albuminous nor fatty constituents of the muscle, but from the carbohydrates, especially from the glycogen, which may even entirely disappear during the stage of contraction of a muscle, even although the amount of nitrogenous decom- position products in the muscle is not increased and the amount of fat not diminished. From the greater demand of oxygen by a contracting muscle we find, as a consequence, a greater increase in the supply of the arterial blood furnished to a muscle in contraction. When a muscle contracts, its arterioles dilate, more blood passes through the muscle, and, as a consequence, the removal of the increased carbon dioxide formed is facilitated. It would appear from this that the source of muscular force is found, not, as was formerly supposed, in the breaking up of albuminoids, but in the chemical changes occurring in muscle which are evidenced by the breaking up of the carbohydrates. This statement may appear contradictory to common experience, which teaches that animals fed with albuminoids do more work than those fed on a diet less rich in albuminoids. Our studies on nutrition have, however, indicated that a large supply of albuminous matter renders possible the use of the larger amount of carbohydrates. This will, perhaps, explain the fact that well-nourished herbivora are able to develop more force than the apparently much more powerful carnivora, and that the activity of muscle does not increase the breaking up of albuminates but increases the elimination of carbon dioxide. The few examples in which muscular work is accompanied by an increased excretion of urea, such, for example, as may be occasionally seen in the horse, are only to be accounted for by the insufficiency of the quantity of carbohydrates administered in the food, this insufficiency necessi- tating a destruction of the proteids for the development of force. As might be supposed from the above, every muscular contraction is accompanied by an elevation of temperature. Such a heat production may be determined experimentally by a thermometer, and, in a general way, it may be stated that within certain limits the greater the work PHYSIOLOGY OF MOVEMENT. 721 demanded of a muscle, in other words, the greater the resistance to be overcome, the greater will be the amount of heat production ; and, as a consequence, in a contracting muscle, not only is energy liberated but heat is developed, which is capable of being converted into actual energy. The heat development of a contracting muscle is not only dependent upon the amount of work done, but also on the tension of the muscle, and the heat production reaches its maximum when the tension exerted on the muscle is so great that it is not able to contract. Since a muscle in contracting is capable of lifting a weight, it is, therefore, likewise capable of accomplishing work. The amount of work will depend upon the size of the weight, upon the distance to which the weight is lifted, and upon the time during which this lifting con- tinues. It was found that the degree of contraction was proportionate to the degree of stimulation. Therefore, the maximum amount of work capable of being produced by a muscle is accomplished when the maximum weight is lifted. The amount of work which a muscle may perform is, therefore, equal to the product of the weight lifted and the height to which it is lifted : thus, if a muscle contracts where no load is present, it accomplishes no work; or, if it be loaded beyond the point at which the load may be lifted, again no work is accomplished. If the weight be gradually increased, even although it may be lifted, the height to which that lift is accomplished becomes reduced, and, as a consequence, the work diminishes. The amount of work which a muscle may accomplish is greater in proportion to the transverse section of the muscle, for the longer the muscle the greater is the shortening, and, accordingly, the higher the lift. In muscles within the animal body the amount of shortening which they may attain is never capable of reaching the maximum obtained in a similar excised muscle. The force with which a muscle contracts is greater at the commencement of contraction, and, when a muscle begins to contract, it can, therefore, lift the largest load. If a muscle loaded with a weight be stimulated with a rapidly interrupted induction current, after the muscle has once contracted no further lift is produced and no external work is evident; but if the muscle sustain a weight at the height to which it raised it, the amount of work, in this case the amount of energy developed by the prolonged contrac- tion of the muscle, is converted into heat. When a muscle is stimulated with a feeble induced current and the current then gradually increased in strength, it will be found that the height to which the load may be lifted increases with the strength of the stimulus. (d) TKe Electrical Phenomena in Muscle. If the gastrocnemius muscle of the frog be excised and its tendinous insertions cut off, and two 46 722 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. points of this surface, or the longitudinal surface of the muscle and the transverse section, be connected by non-polarizable electrodes with a sen- sitive galvanometer, at the moment of making the contact a deflection of the galvanometer needle will take place, indicating the presence of a galvanic current. The strongest effect is produced when one point of the transverse section and one point of the longitudinal surface are con- nected with a galvanometer; even single fibres, nevertheless, if brought into connection with a galvanometer also develop galvanic currents. The direction of the current is from the longitudinal section through the con- ducting wires to the transverse section ; within the muscle itself the current passes from the transverse to the longitudinal section. The nearer the one electrode is to the equator and the other to the centre of the transverse section the stronger will be the current, while the current becomes more feeble when one electrode is approached to the outer sur- face and the other to the edge of the transverse section. The existence of a muscle current may further be proved by an experiment which is termed the rheoscopic frog. If the gastrocnemius muscle of a frog be prepared with a long piece of sciatic nerve still in connection with it, and the end of the nerve be placed over another excised, fresh gastrocnemius muscle, so as to be in contact with its trans- verse and longitudinal surfaces, contraction of the muscle connected with the nerve occurs at the moment of contact. A single contraction is, however, only produced, but if the nerve be removed from the muscle a second contraction occurs ; thus pointing out that the current circulating through the muscle is a constant current and may serve to stimulate other muscles or nerves at the moment of breaking and making the contact. If a muscle be prepared as before, connected with a galvanometer, and be found to yield a strong galvanic current, if the muscle be then thrown into tetanus by electrical stimulation of.the muscle itself, or of its motor nerve, the needle of the galvanometer will be found to swing back to zero, indicating the disappearance of the muscle current; such a state of affairs is spoken of as the negative variation of the muscle current. 2. THE APPLICATIONS OF MUSCULAR CONTRACTILITY. The contractility of muscles serves especially to produce changes in form of the animal body by which single members are thrown out of their condition of equilibrium and changes of location in the animal parts thus produced ; or in the case of the unstriped muscles to diminish the capacity of the various cavities of the animal body. Hence, muscles may be classified into two different groups : those without a definite origin and insertion, and those in which definite origin and insertion are present. To the first group belong the hollow muscles surrounding the urinary bladder, gall- bladder, uterus, heart ; intestinal canal, blood-vessels, ureters, etc. In such instances the muscular fibres are unstriped and involuntary and are PHYSIOLOGY OF MOVEMENT. 723 arranged in several layers, an oblique, circular, and longitudinal layer being in nearly all cases distinguishable ; all these sets of fibres acting simultaneously, the result is to diminish the capacity of the cavity which they inclose. They thus aid in various motions of animal life, such as the propulsion of the blood from the heart and in assisting its onward passage through the arteries, the evacuation of the bladder and rectum, the emptying of the pregnant uterus, and various other operations which have been already alluded to. In addition to this group of muscles, the sphincters likewise have no definite origin or insertion, but are found at the various openings of the body, whether the anus, urethra, or mouth, and several other localities. The muscular fibres of the sphincters are circular, and by their contraction serve to close the orifices of these several openings. Of the muscJes with definite origin and insertion, either the origin is fixed or both origin and insertion may be movable. In many cases be- longing to the former of these groups the origin is only fixed during muscular action; thus, in the case of the palato-pharyngeal muscles their characteristic action is only rendered possible by the fixation of their origin through the contraction of the levator palati muscle. Again, both origin and insertion may be movable, the part moved being usually under the control of the will. Thus, in the case of the sterno-mastoid muscle, through its contraction the head may be depressed or the chest elevated. Movement of the animal parts or of the entire animal body is ren- dered possible through the manner in which the skeletal muscles are inserted in the long bones by which lever motion is possible, the bones being regarded as levers, the joint as the fulcrum, the insertion of the muscle the point of application of the power, and the centre of gravity of the bone with the resistances overcome by its motion as the load. Thus, muscles arising in one bone and inserted in another will, in their contraction, either move both bones toward each other, or, if one be fixed, will approach the movable to the fixed bone. From the definition of the power-arm of a lever, it is evident that in general the direction of muscles relative to the levers on which they act is very disadvantageous, since their course is almost always more or less parallel to the bony levers. This parallelism is diminished by the swelling of the articular extremi- ties and by the development of more or less marked eminences, such as the olecranon or the trocanters, or by the presence of sesamoid bones. In movements of flexion, however, this parallelism becomes diminished according to the degree of flexion, so that, therefore, at the termination of the act of flexion the muscles are more favorably situated for the de- velopment of power. Certain muscles, however, such as the muscles of mastication, the flexors of the head, the psoas muscles, and the abductors 724 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. and adductors of the arm have their insertion almost perpendicular to the bones on which they act. Although all three classes of levers are met with, in general the lever of the first class comes into play in movements of extension, and that of the third class in movements of flexion. A lever may be defined as an inflexible bar capable of being freely moved about a fixed point or line, which is called the fulcrum. In the first class of lever the fulcrum lies between the weight and the power, and may be illustrated by a common crowbar or a pair of scissors. In levers of the second class the weight lies between the fulcrum and the power, and may be illustrated by the wheelbarrow or nut- cracker. In the third class of lever the power falls between the fulcrum and the weight, and may be illustrated by a pair of fire-tongs or sheep-shears CFig. 286.) F A A A (l) (2) (3) FIG. 286. THREE CLASSES OF LEVERS. (Landois.) W, weight; F, fulcrum; P, power; l,in levers of first class the fulcrnm is between the power and the weight ; 2, in levers of second class the weight falls between the power and fulcrum ; 3, in levers of third class the power is applied between the fulcrum and weight. The index shows the direction in which the power acts. FIG. 287. DIAGRAMS SHOW- ING THE MODE OF AC- TION OP THE THRKE ORDERS OF LEVERS, NUMBERED FROM ABOVE DOWNWARD, ILLUS- TRATED BY THE ACTION OF THE ELBOW-JOINT. (Yeo.) In considering the development of power by the use of levers, the relation- ship between the power- and the weight-arm has to be considered. The power- FIG. 288. PARTIAL COHTSACTIOIC or BICEPS. (Perrier.) arm of the lever may be defined as the perpendicular distance from the line in which the power acts to the fulcrum ; the weight-arm, the perpendicular distance PHYSIOLOGY OF MOVEMENT. 725 from the line in which the weight acts to the fulcrum. The law of the lever may be expressed as follows : A power will support a weight as many times as great as itself as the power-arm is times longer than the weight-arm. Thus, for ex- ample, in a lever of the first class, if we suppose that the power-arm be ten times as long as the weight-arm, a weight of one pound at the extremity of the power-arm will support a weight of ten pounds at the extremity of the weight-arm. It must be recollected, however, in the case of the lever, as in every other machine, what is gained in FIG. 289. COMPLETE CONTRACTION OF BICEPS. (Perrier.) FIG. 290. MOTION OP HEAD AS ILLUSTRA- TING ACTION OF LEVER OF FIRST CLASS. ( Beclar d.) a, fulcrum of the lever, c b ; a b is the weight-arm, for the head tends to fall forward by its own weight acting ia the line, r. This U prevented by the contraction of the muscles of the baelt of the neck acting on the power-arm, c a, in the line, F. power is lost in velocity, artd vice versa. Thus, in the case of the third class of lever, power is exchanged for velocity. This may be well represented in the movement of flexion of the human forearm (Figs. 288 and 289). The fulcrum is there found in the elbow-joint, the power is the insertion of the biceps muscles in the bone of the forearm in front of the joint, the weight is carried by the hand. In this arrange- ment it is evident that slight motion at the insertion of the biceps will be greatly multiplied in the case of the hand. Thus, say that the distance from the elbow-joint to the tip of the hand is eighteen inches, the dis- tance from the elbow-joint to the point of insertion of the biceps one inch, motion of one inch at the inser- tion of the biceps will produce motion at the hand of an arc of a circle whose cord is eighteen inches The forearm is, therefore, in this action an example of the third class of lever. In general, in the animal body, the point of application of the power developed by muscular contraction lies near the fulcrum : hence the conditions favor the production of velocity of movement at the expense of power, for the power-arm is always shorter than the weight-arm. The conditions are, however, reversed in the case of the extensor muscles of the limbs when in contact with the ground. Here the joint nearest to which the muscle is inserted is the point of application of the weight, and the fulcrum is the FIG. 291. MOTION ILLUSTRATING ACTION OF LEVERS OF THE THIRD CLASS. (Btclard.) The fulcrum is at a, the power from contraction of gastroc- nemhu muscle, acting in the line, d e, la applied at c, while the weight (of the body) aete in the line, o b. acia thus the power- arm, a b the weight-arm. 726 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. joint above, far from the insertion of the muscle. Hence, the power-arm is greatly increased. Thus, in the horse, while the foot is on the ground in the con- traction of the extensors the point of application of the weight is in the hock- joint, the point of application of the power in the caleaneum, where the extensors are inserted, and the pastern -joint the fulcrum ; hence the power-arm is long, and, although motion is slow, it is accompanied by a corresponding increase in power. If, however, the hind foot is not on the ground, but is extended as in kicking, then the fulcrum is in the hock-joint, and the power-arm is now short and power is exchanged for velocity. The first class of levers may be represented in such movements as in nodding the head, where the fulcrum is the articular surface of the atlas, the weight being found in the back of the head when the throat muscles contract, in the front of the head when the posterior neck muscles contract (Fig. 290). Movement due to the action of levers of the second class is seen when the body is raised up on tiptoe by the muscles of the calf (Fig. 291). All three orders of levers may come into play in the action of the human elbow-joint. Thus, the first class is illustrated when the forearm is extended on the arm through the contraction of the triceps muscles ; in this instance, the hand is the weight, the elbow -joint the fulcrum, and the insertion of the triceps in the olecranon the power (see upper diagram Fig. 287). If the hand rest on the table and the body be raised on it, then the hand is the fulcrum, the triceps is the power, and the humerus, at its articulation in the elbow-joint, the weight, thus illustrating the action of a lever of the second class (see middle diagram 287). The third order, as already mentioned, comes into play when the forearm is flexed on the arm. In the horse the extensors of the forearm (A Z>, B D, and G D, Fig. 292) act as levers of the first class, the power-arm being the distance between the summit of the olecranon and the centre of the humero- radial articulation, which forms the fulcrum, while the weight-arm is represented by the length of the radius. In man the triceps brachialis (B, Fig. 293), which is the analogue of the olecranon muscles of quad- rupeds, acts also as a lever of the first class, the power-arm, however, being much shorter in man. In the posterior extremity of the horse (Fig. 294), the glutens medius, the fascia lata, the triceps cruralis, the Mfemero-calcaneus, the vastus externus, etc., are also examples of the first class of levers. In the case of the gluteus medius (A B, Fig. 294) the power-arm is the distance from the trochanter to the centre of the acetabular articulation, which is the fulcrum, while the weight-arm is the length of the femur. For the gastrocnemius the power-arm is the distance from the summit of the caleaneum to the centre of the hock- joint, which is the fulcrum, while the weight-arm is the length of the metatarsus. The first class of levers is thus mainly represented by the extensors. Levers of the third class are mainly represented by the flexors. In the anterior extremity of the horse (Fig. 295) the infraspinatus, the biceps flexor, the metacarpal flexor, and the flexor pedis are all examples of muscles whose action operates through levers of the third class, in each instance the power acting between the fulcrum and the weight. In operations of levers of the third class power is exchanged for velocity of motion, from the fact that tlie power-arm is alwa}~s shorter than the PHYSIOLOGY OF MOVEMENT. 727 weight-arm. In the posterior extremity of the horse (Fig. 296) the superficial gluteus muscle and the ischio-tibial muscles are levers of the third class. Levers of the second class are more rarely met with. In the horse FIG. 292. ANTERIOR Ex- FIG. 293. SUPERIOR EX- TREMITY OF THE HORSE IN EXTENSION. (Colin.) AD, BD, and CD. lines of action of the triceps extensor brachii, scapulo- ulnaris, and aconeus muscles. E F, flexor brachii. G II, line of action of flexor pedis muscles. TREMITY OF MAN. (Colin.) A C, line of action of the biceps flexor. B, triceps extensor. FIG. 294. POSTERIOR EX- TREMITY OF THE HORSE IN EXTENSION. (Colin.) AB, line of action of gluteus medius. C D, line of action of triceps extensor. E F, line of action of gas- trocnemius. Gil, line of action of metatarsal flexor. the gastrocnemius acts through a lever of the second class when the foot is in contact with the ground. Then the fulcrum is at the point of con- tact of the foot with the ground, the power-arm is the distance from the calcaneum to the ground, the weight-arm the distance from the 728 PHYSIOLOGY OP THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. astragalo-tibial articulation to the ground, and the resistance is the weight of the body. This mode of action of the gastrocnemius is more evident in man (Fig. 297) when the weight of the body is raised on the toes through the action of this muscle. In the anterior extremity of quad- rupeds the extensors of the forearm (A D, B D, and C D, Fig. 292) also act through levers of the second class when the foot is on the ground, FIQ. 295. THE ANTERIOR EXTREMITY OF THE HORSE IN: FLEXION. (Colin.) A B, line of action of infraspinatus. C D, line of action of biceps flexor. E F, line of action of metacarpal flexor. G II, line of. action of flexor pedis. FIG. 296. POSTERIOR EXTKEBIITY OF THE HORSE IN FLEXION. (Colin.) A B, line of action of superficial gluteus muscle. C D, line of action of ischio-tibial muscles. E F, line of action of metatarsal flexor. G H, lines of action of flexors of foot. their action serving then to flex the humero-radial articulation, instead of extending it, as occurs when they act with the foot in the air. The movements of the different parts of the animal body depend upon the union of the different parts of the skeleton with each other and the mode of insertion of the muscles. The movable parts of the skeleton are designated as joints, the relative positions of the bones forming a PHYSIOLOGY OF MOVEMENT. 729 joint being determined by muscular action ; for when by the action of muscular force the positions of the bones are changed, the original position is not regained in the cessation of that force. The form of the joint, in which two bones are united end to end, is subject to considerable variation, depending on and governing the direction in which the move- ment may take place. The articular extremities of the bone are covered with articular cartilage, surrounded by closed serous sacs containing a serous fluid, the synovia, which tends to diminish friction between the movable parts. Since the space between articular surfaces con- tains only the synovial fluid, it ma}^ be regarded as a vacuum, and atmospheric pressure is itself sufficient to keep the articular surfaces in con- tact, even sustaining the entire weight of the limbs and thus sparing muscular action. The movement between the joint ends is not only governed by the character of the joint, which we will find may be resolved into several differ- ent types, but is further restricted by the cap sular ligament which holds the joints in appo- sition and by the tendinous bands which surround them, in all cases only those move- ments being possible in which the articular surfaces remain in contact. The articulations are divided into three classes : the immovable articulations, or the synarthroses ; the mixed, or amphiarthroses ; and the movable, or diarthroses. To the first class belong the sutures and other articulations where the surfaces of the bones are in almost direct contact, not sepa- rated by a synovial cavity, and immovably connected with each other. In the second class the osseous surfaces are connected together ^ by disks of fibro-cartilage, as between the bodies AB C, line of action of biceps flexor. of the vertebrae, or the articulating surfaces are (A !ey er of third class.) E, gastroc- nemius. covered with fibro-cartilage, partly lined by synovial membrane, and bound together by external ligaments, as in the sacro-iliac and pubic symphyses. The third class includes the greatest number of joints in the animal bod}', and as mobility is their distinguishing characteristic they are the ITY OF MAN. EXTREM- (Colin.) 730 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. only ones with which we are concerned. Four different varieties of this form of joint have been described, according to the kind of motion permitted in each. a. The Rotatory Joint, or Diartlirosis Eotatoria. In this class of joint the movement is limited to rotation, the joint being formed by a pivot-like process turning within a ring or the ring on the pivot, the ring being formed partly of bone and partly of ligament. The articulation of the atlas and the occiput is an example of such a joint. In the elbow- joint a similar rotatory articulation is met with, where in the radio-ulnar articulation the ring is formed by the lesser sigmoid cavity and the orbicular ligament while the head of the radius rotates within the ring. Only in animals in whom pronation and supination of the hand are possible does this movement occur ; it is, therefore, absent in the horse and ox. In general, it may be said that in animals provided with the clavicle this motion of supination and pronation is usually present. b. The Ball and Socket Joint, or the Enarthrosis. In this joint motion in all directions is possible, and it is formed by the reception of the globular head of a long bone, into a deep, cup-like cavity, hence called ball and socket, the parts being kept in apposition by a capsular ligament and accessory ligamentous bands. The hip- and shoulder- joints are examples of this class. c. The Hinged or Ginglymous Joint. In this form motion is only possible in one plane and only in two directions, forward and backward, the articular surfaces being moulded to each other in such a way that a solid cylinder moves within a greater or lesser segment of a hollow cylinder. The joint between the ulna and the humerus is a most perfect example of a ginglymous joint, while the joints between the phalanges and between the inferior and superior maxillary bones of the carnivora are other examples. The pastern-joint of the horse is a modified form of this joint and is often spoken of as a screw-joint. d. The Gliding Joints, or the Arthrodia. In this class motion of a gliding character takes place. Such joints are formed by the approxima- tion of plane surfaces, or one slightly concave, the other slightly convex, movement between them being limited by the ligaments or the osseous processes surrounding the articulation. Such articulations are seen between the vertebra, metatarsal and tar sal bones, and others. The forces which move the joints are found in the contraction of striped muscular fibres. The extent of contraction for which the muscle is capable depends upon its length, and therefore we speak of long and short muscles. A muscle whose function it is to bring its points of origin and insertion nearer to each other must necessarily be a long muscle, while the muscles whose contraction only leads to slight change of place are usually short muscles. It will always be found that the PHYSIOLOGY OF MOVEMENT. 731 length of the muscle-fibre corresponds to the degree of movement which the muscle has to produce. It does not necessarily follow that a muscle whose points of origin and insertion are widely separated should be a long muscle, since the interval between these two points may be largely taken up by tendons. 3. ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. The essential factor for animal locomotion consists in the movement of the centre of gravity of the body. By the term " the centre of gravity " is understood the point about which all the matter composing the body may be balanced. The attraction of gravit}' tends to draw every particle of matter downward in a vertical line. The factors of this force may be, therefore, regarded as the sum of an almost infinite number of parallel forces, each of which is acting upon one of the molecules of which that body is composed. Just as the resultant of the force exerted by two horses harnessed to a swingle-tree is equal to the sum of the forces exerted by the horses but applied at a single point at or near the centre of the swingle-tree, so, also, the sum of the forces of gravity may be regarded as acting upon a single point which is near the centre of gravity of that body. In other words, the weight of the body may be considered as concentrated at the centre of gravity. When the centre of gravity is supported the whole body will be in a state of equilibrium ; or when the line of direction of the force of gravity, which is thus a vertical line passing through the centre of gravity, falls within the base of the bod}', or base on which the body stands, it is then said to be stable. In all regular bodies the centre of gravity will coincide with the central point, while in irregular bodies it will be nearest to that part in which the greatest weight is concentrated. As the centre of gravity of the animal body is within the body it can be directly supported. The stability of the body will be greater the broader the base and the nearer the centre of gravity to the support. The animal body when standing is, however, only at best in a state of unstable equilibrium ; for when slightly displaced from its position of equilibrium, it tends to fall still farther from that position, owing to the fact that the disturbance has lowered the centre of gravity, and equilibrium is not restored until it reaches its lowest possible point. An animal in a recumbent position is in a state of neutral equilibrium ; when its position is changed it tends neither to return to its former position nor to fall farther from it. Stable equi- librium is when a bod}' is so supported that when slightly displaced from its position of equilibrium it tends to return to that position. Such a condition can only occur when displacement raises the centre of gravity. The pendulum is an example of stable equilibrium. Standing is thus a condition of unstable equilibrium in which the centre of gravity is supported from the fact that the line of direction 732 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. falls within the base of the figure. The mechanism of standing differs in bipeds and quadrupeds. In man the centre of gravity lies within the pelvis, about one and a half millimeters in front of the promontory of the sacrum. In the erect attitude of man the feet are directed outward (forming an angle of about fifty degrees), so increasing the base of support, the heels touching, the knees extended, the thighs rotated externally, and the pelvis and trunk bent slightly backward, the arms hanging at the side. In the act of standing, the body not being rigid, balancing must be aided by the assistance of the contraction of various muscles. In a certain number of joints the action of ligaments in the erect position assists the maintenance of the upright posture ; thus, in the attitude already described, where the knees are extended to the utmost, the trunk thrown back, and the head balanced, the anterior hip-ligaments are rendered tense, and the knee- and hip-joint remained fixed without &i\y etfort upon the part of the joint-muscles. In the position known as " standing at ease" the weight of the body rests mainly on one leg, the other forming simply a support to assist the muscles around the support- ing ankle. In this position the joints are not kept locked by the tension of the ligaments, for the pelvis is now somewhat oblique, so as to bring it directly over the head of the femur. Varying tension in the muscles serves to preserve the balance and prevent fatigue. In the erect posture the ankle supports the weight of the body; the line of gravity falling slightly in front of the axis of rotation of the ankle-joint, the tendency is thus for the body to fall forward at the ankles; this is, however, checked by the calf-muscles, which keep the parts nearly in position of exact equilibrium. In the erect position, the ankle-joint being neither flexed nor extended to the utmost forward or backward, motion must be prevented by muscular contraction. Lateral motion at the ankle-joint is prevented by the malleoli. When the knee-joint is completely ex- tended no muscular action is required to prevent it from bending, be- cause the line of gravity then passes in front of the axis of rotation and the weight of the body tends to bend the knee backward. Although the ligaments which exert their contraction behind the axis of rotation tend to render this impossible, ordinarily the position is maintained by mus- cular action so exerted that the line of gravity passes slightly behind the axis of the knee, the tendency thus produced of the knee to bend being checked by the extensor muscles of the thigh. In the hip-joint the line of gravity falls behind the line uniting the joint. When the person is erect, the tendency thus produced of the body to fall backward is prevented by the ileo-femoral ligament. If, however, the knee is not extended to the full extent the line of gravity passes a little behind the axis of rotation of that joint, and the pelvis PHYSIOLOGY OF MOVEMENT. 733 being slightly flexed on the femora, the axis of the joint lies a little behind the line of gravity, and the inclination thus produced to fall forward is prevented by the glutei muscles, which are likewise concerned in regaining the erect posture after bending the trunk forward. The motions between the pelvis and vertebrae are practical^ so slight as to be disregarded, and the vertebral column, with the exception of the motions existing between the head and the upper cervical vertebrae, may be re- garded as a rigid column. Between the occiput and atlas lateral and rotatory motions are "possible to a considerable extent, so that balancing the head is rendered possible only by co-ordinated muscular contractions, since no ligaments are present which can fix the occipito-atlantoid artic- ulation. Sitting is that position of equilibrium where the body is supported on the tubera ischii. The line of gravity may pass either in front of the tubera ischii, in which the body must be supported by some fixed object, or the line of gravity may fall behind the tubera in the backward pos- ture, in which case falling backward may be prevented by leaning upon a support or by the counter-weight of the extended legs. In sitting erect the line of gravity falls between the tubera themselves, and but slight muscular action, such as is required in the balancing of the head, is sufficient to maintain equilibrium. In quadrupeds the four limbs act like four columns, as in a chair or table, in supporting the centre of gravity of the body, so that the base of support is a parallelogram whose corners are represented by the point of contact of the feet with the ground, and which is about four times as long as it is broad. In consequence of the greater base of support, equi- librium is more readily preserved in quadrupeds than in bipeds. The centre of gravity in the large quadrupeds, such as the horse, ox, etc., lies at the intersection of a line passing vertically behind the xyphoid carti- lage and one passing horizontally through the end of the second third of the sterno-vertebral diameter. In the small quadrupeds, such as the dog, the centre of gravity is located somewhat more anteriorly. From the fact that the centre of gravity lies below the vertebrae in quadrupeds, in the erect position the tendency of the weight at the centre of gravity is to curve the vertebral column inward. This is prevented by both mus- cular action and ligamentous support. The fore extremities and scapula are only attached to the trunk through muscular and ligamentous con- nections which are continually on a stretch and so serve to render the shoulder-blade immovable, while by means of the greater serrati muscles the trunk is supported as in a sling, so that it cannot be pushed forward against the shoulder-blade. In the posterior extremities the relationships differ in that the single bones are not, as in the fore extremities, verti- cally over each other. Here, also, the erect oosition is maintained through 734 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. muscular action. When the body is uniformly supported on all four extremities, in the fore limbs the line of direction passes from the shoulder through the centre of the elbow-joint in the axis of the forearm, through the centre of the knee-joint in the axis of the ulna, through the centre of the pastern-joint perpendicular to the ground behind the ball of the foot. Three principal angles are thus formed whose degree depends partly on the angle between the scapula and vertebrae and partly on the relative lengths of the different bones. In the case of the anterior extremity the line of direction of the lower bones is almost vertical, but in the case of the upper bones becomes considerably inclined ; thus, the scapulo-humeral angle tends constantly to become smaller and smaller on account of the depression of the superior extremity of the scapula and by the projection anteriorly of the scapulo-humeral articulation. This depression and projection are hindered by the action of numerous muscles. The most important muscle concerned in the fixation of the upper extremity is the serratus magnus, which, arising in numerous fan-shaped bundles from the five posterior cervical vertebrae and the first eight ribs, converges to be inserted in the ventral surface of the scapula. This muscle, with its fellow, serves as a muscular sling in which the body is supported between the fore limbs, the axis of motion of the shoulder-blade pass- ing through its insertion in the scapula. The superior extremity of the scapula is sustained by the rhomboid muscles, which draw it upward, as well as by the trapezius, which tend to elevate and advance this bone, so opposing the depression of the scapula through the weight of the trunk. These muscles thus give fixity to the scapula. Further, the anterior projection of the scapulo-humeral angle is prevented by the greater and lesser pectoral muscles, which by their contraction tend to retract this angle. The obliquity of the humerus tends to become exaggerated during standing as well as at each act of striking the foot upon the ground. The pectoralis major and the infra- spinalis muscles, as well as the coraco-radii, tend to prevent this, the latter muscle being especially efficacious, acting not only as a muscle, but a band of unyielding tendinous material running through it enables it to act as a ligament preventing exaggerated flexion of the humerus on the shoulder. That the coraco radii should fulfill this function it is neces- sary that its insertion in the inferior extremit} 7 should be fixed. This fixity is accomplished by the five olecranon muscles. At the elbow-joint the lower end of the humerus is fixed by the strong lateral ligaments ; reduction of the elbow angle being prevented by the fixation of the olecranon through the contraction of the extensors of the forearm, and anterior deviation by the tendinous expansion of the long flexor of the forearm, its tension increasing with the weight on the shoulder. PHYSIOLOGY OF MOVEMENT. 735 Below the humerus the bones lie, with the exception of the phalanges, in an almost vertical line, flexion being prevented by the five extensors of the forearm. The metacarpus continues the vertical column of which the forearm forms the superior segment, its flexion being prevented by Q FIG. 298. ANTERIOR EXTREMITY OF THE HORSE IN EXTENSION. (Colin.) AD, BD, and C D, lines of action of the triceps exten- sor brachii, scapulo-ulnaris, and aconeus muscles. E F, flexor brachii. G H, line of action of flexor pedia mus- cles. FIG. 209. POSTERIOR EXTREMITY OF THE HORSE IN EXTENSION. (Colin.) AB, line of action of glutens medius. CD, line of action of triceps extensor. E F, line of action of gas- trocnemius. G If, line of action of metatarsal flexor. the extensor inserted in its carpal extremity, and which receives in about the middle of its fleshy belly an aponeurotic cord fixed superiorly to the external tuberosity of the humerus. In the phalangeal region the direc- tion of the bony support now becomes oblique, and, while its obliquity 736 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. constantly tends to become exaggerated by the weight which the upper extremity supports, it never passes certain limits on account of the pres- ence of the spiral ligament of the pastern-joint. Without this ligamentous support muscular action would be insufficient to prevent extreme flexion, but by means of the ligament, which in the horse and ruminant is composed of powerful non-elastic tendinous fibres, represented in the carnivora by muscular fibre, the support of the body is rendered possible without fatigue. In the case of the posterior limbs great deviation from the vertical is met with, and that their obliquity should be restrained within certain limits considerable muscular effort is required and the mechanical dispo- sitions of the power is more complex (Fig. 298) than in the case of the thoracic members. In the hind leg four angles are met with, viz. : in the hip-joint, the knee-joint, the hock-joint, and the pastern-joint, the degree of these angles being governed by the angle which the axis of the femur makes with the vertebrae and the position in which the hind foot is placed. In the resting position of the hind extremity the line of direc- tion of the body weight passes from the centre of the hip-joint vertically downward to the centre of the hock-joint, and then, deviating about 10 from the direction of the metatarsus, passes behind the pastern-joint to the ground. The pelvis is very oblique relatively to the trunk in the horse, ox, and most ruminants and carnivora. The femur is obliquely connected with the pelvis, downward motion of the pelvis and backward motion of the femur from the body weight being prevented by the abdominal recti muscles, whose tendons, being inserted in the pelvis, by their tension tend to draw the hip-joint anteriorly. The gluteal muscles, arising from the ilium and passing over the hip-joint to the femur, act in the same direction, not only preventing forcing backward of the hip- joint, but in its contraction pressing the hip-joint forward. The leg is, like the femur, flexed, its obliquity being limited by the tension of the tendons of the extensor muscles, which pass over the anterior surface of the knee-joint, by the ligaments of the knee-joint, and by the tibio-tarsal muscle, which in the solipedes throughout its entire length consists of a strong aponeurotic band, thus being analogous in its action to the coraco- radial muscle of the anterior extremity. The flexion of the metatarsus on the leg is limited especially by the gastrocnemius muscles and: by the superficial flexor of the phalanges, which in the suspensory ligament becomes reduced to a cylindrical cord and flattened out at its passage over the summit of the calcaneum. The inclination of the phalanges on the metatarsus is prevented by a ligamentous suspensory apparatus similar to that of the anterior extremity. From the above it is seen that the extremities in standing support the body only by muscular effort, principally that of the extensors. PHYSIOLOGY OF MOVEMENT. 737 Although the flexors participate in many joints, as an example of which it is only necessary to mention the coraco-radial, which, as already stated, offers resistance to the flexion of the arm on the forearm, this action is only rendered possible when the radius is fixed by the olecranon muscles. The support of the head in standing in the case of quadrupeds is accom- plished mainly by the ligamentum nucae, which, originating in the spinous processes of the dorsal vertebrae, terminates in the occipital protuber- ance, being connected at the same time with all the cervical vertebrae. While standing quietly the weight of the horse is supported by both of the fore legs and only one hind leg, the other hind leg being flexed and only the tip of the toe touching the ground. By this means the muscles of the posterior extremity which are concerned in the act of standing are enabled to rest, the weight being borne alternately at varying inter- vals by the opposite hind legs. From the fact that the centre of gravity in quadrupeds lies nearer to the anterior than the posterior extremities, the fore limbs sustain the greater part of the weight of the body. In riding two-thirds of the weight of the rider are borne by the anterior extremities and one-third by the posterior. In every form of animal locomotion the position of the centre of gravity of the body in space is changed, inertia tending to continue the motion inaugurated by the muscular contraction until friction, resistance of the atmosphere, or opposed muscular action arrests it. In man, movements of locomotion are much simpler than in quad- rupeds, and will, therefore, be first analyzed. The movements in man consist in walking, running, and jumping. In the act of walking in man, by the alternate action of each leg the centre of gravit3 r is advanced so that at each step there is a moment in which the body rests vertically on the foot of one leg (say the right), while the other (the left) is inclined obliquely behind with the heel raised and the toe resting on the ground. Then the latter, slightly flexed to avoid touching the ground, is swung forward like a pendulum, and the toe of the moving leg (the left) then brought to the ground. On this point, as a fulcrum, the body is moved forward by a propulsive act of the supporting leg (the right), the centre of gravity becoming thus advanced until it lies vertically over the leg (the left) which has last touched the ground. The body then rests vertically on the left foot, the right now being directed obliquely back- ward. The propulsive movement of the active leg, the one concerned in pushing the body off the ground, gives sufficient impetus to the centre of gravity to carry it by inertia beyond the vertical line on the passive or supporting leg, so that this movement from inertia assists in swinging forward the active leg until it advances a step beyond the passive sup- porting leg (Fig. 299). Hence, after the act of walking is once started, inertia is largely instrumental is maintaining the motion, and but slight 47 738 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS.. muscular exertion is required in walking on level ground. In ascending an incline, however, the active limb has at each step to elevate the weight of the body by extending the knee- and ankle-joint by the thigh-exten- sors and calf-muscles, therefore greatly increasing the muscular power required. During walking the trunk leans toward the active leg, owing to the contraction of the glutei muscles and the tensor fascia lata, and is inclined slightly forward to overcome the resistance of the air. The more anteriorly the trunk is advanced the more the centre of gravity of the body tends to lie in the line of the active leg, and, consequently, the stronger is the forward propulsion of the body. Hence, in rapid walk- ing the body is more bent forward than in slow walking. During the advancing of the passive leg the trunk rotates on the head of the active femur and is compensated by the arm of the side of the oscillating leg FIG. 300. THE DIFFERENT POSITIONS OF THE LEGS OF MAN IN WALKING, AFTER WEBEK. A, the propelling le ; B, the " pendulum " leg. swinging in the opposite direction, while that on the other side swings in the same direction as the oscillating leg. Running is distinguished from walking by the fact that at a certain moment the body is raised in the air, neither leg touching the ground. In walking, on the other hand, both feet rest on the ground for the greater part of the step. In running the active leg, as it is forcibly ex- tended from a flexed position, gives the body the necessary impetus, the active leg leaving the ground before the swinging foot has reached the ground. There is thus an interval during which both feet are off the ground, and as each foot comes to the ground it executes a new swing without waiting for the pendulous swing which occurs in walking. In jumping the propulsion of the bod}' takes place from both feet PHYSIOLOGY OF MOVEMENT. 739 simultaneously. A running jump ma}' be made higher or broader than a standing jump from the additional impetus acquired through inertia. 4. THE GAITS OF THE HORSE. Although the acts of locomotion in quadrupeds are much more complicated than in man, they may be all reduced to variations of three main t} 7 pes the walk, the trot, and the gallop.* Since in quadrupeds the centre of gravity lies in front of the centre of the trunk, it can only be advanced by power acting from the hind extremities, the fore legs being concerned simply in supporting the trunk. In the horse the posterior extremities are especialty fitted for this act by the angular character of their joints, so that in the action of the extensor muscles the hind legs become considerably longer, and the foot remain- ing in contact with the ground, through the contraction of the extensors the result must be to advance the upper extremity of the leg forward ; and the greater the angles of the posterior extremity, the farther the trunk will be advanced in the straightening of the hind leg. The extremity, which in the commencement of the extension of the hind leg was behind, will now be advanced so as to support the trunk, exactly as has been found to be the case with the swinging leg of the walking man, which, immediately after the impulse of the active leg, swings for- ward, and then on its part assumes the role of the propulsive leg, while the previously active leg now becomes passive. The force of the shock communicated to the trunk by the hind legs will be somewhat diminished by the oblique insertions of the extremities and by the angles between the single bones of the hind leg, while in the fore extremities the shock of the foot striking the ground will be diminished by the soft parts, muscles and fascia, which connect the shoulder-blade to the trunk. Before taking up the consideration of the different gaits of the horse the characters and mode of production of the different movements in the individual limbs first deserve attention, taking up, first, the move- ments of the fore leg and then of the hind leg : The animal being supposed to be in the erect position, before move- ment of the fore leg takes place the body weight is first shifted, through the contraction of the pectoral muscles, aided b}^ the latissimus dorsi, to the opposite extremity. The shoulder being elevated by the rhomboid and trapezius muscles, flexion commences with the contraction of the levator humeri, approximating the humerus to the scapula and diminish- ing the shoulder angle. The principal reduction in the length of the * In the account of the different movements in the gaits of the horse the author has mainly followed the analysis published by Bruchmiiller, " Lehrbuchder Physiologie," Oes- terreicher Vierteljahresschrift fur Veterinarkunde , liii, 1880, pp. 97-120, based on instan- taneous photography. Acknowledgment is also due to Colin, " Traite de Physiologie Comparee ;" Munk, " Physiologie des Menschen und der Saugethiere ;" Boehm, Archiv fur Wissenschaftliche und Praktische Thierheilkunde, Bd. xiii and xiv ; and Schmidt- Miilheim, " Physiologie der Haussaugethiere." 740 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. axis of the fore leg occurs through the flexion of the knee-joint, which is elevated and advanced by the action of the coraco-radial and humero- radial muscles ; then by the action of the flexors of the carpus and digit the fetlock and pastern-joints are flexed. FIG. 301. POSTERIOR EXTREMITY OF THE HORSE IN EXTENSION. (Colin). A B, line of action of gluteus medius. C D, line of action of triceps extensor. E F, line of action of gas- trocnemius. G H, line of action of metatarsal flexor. FIG. 302. ANTERIOR EXTREMITY OF THE HORSE IN EXTENSION. (Colin). AD, BD, and CD. lines of action of the triceps exten- sor brachii, scapulo-ulnaris, and aconeus muscles. E f. flexor brachii. G H, line of action of flexor pedis mus- cles. Extension of the fore leg is the reverse of the preceding motions and serves to open out the angles reduced in flexion and so increase the length of the axis of the limb. Extension is still further the reverse of flexion in that the motion commences in the pastern-joint, instead of in PHYSIOLOGY OF MOVEMENT. 741 the shoulder, through the action of the extensor pedis, which, with the metacarpal extensors, converts the angle of the pastern-joints into a straight line, the axis of the phalanges forming an angle anteriorly with the axis of the metacarpus. Simultaneously with this movement the knee becomes extended, the axis of the metacarpus forming a straight line with that of the radius, this movement also being accom- plished by the contraction of the metacarpal extensors. Finally, the fore- nnn returns to its extended position in a line with the upper arm, partly through the action of the ligaments of the elbow-joint and partly from the contraction of the five olecranon muscles. During this forward motion of the foot in extension the humerus leaves its position of flexion, and the foot striking the ground, the fore limb again becomes vertical, and by the action of the pectoral latissimus dorsi muscles the body weight is again transferred to it. The lever motion of the muscles producing these movements is seen in Figs. 301 and 302. Instead, however, of the simple motions of flexion and extension above described, which occur when one forefoot is simply raised from the ground and again returned to the same spot, the flexed forearm and carpus may be carried beyond the vertical line through the extension of the humerus by the contraction of the various extensors, aided by the abductors of the humerus, while at the same time the posterior angle of the scapula is drawn backward and downward by the contraction of the rhomboid and trapezius muscles. At first, in the forward motion of the lower end of the humerus flexion is increased, but the farther it advances forward and the more the scapula rotates backward the more the shoulder angle becomes opened, and, under the action of the adductors of the humerus, directed outward and upward, so that the extensors of the lower joints are put on the stretch and their contraction converts the flexion of the limb into extension, the fore leg thus describing a pendulum-like motion, and in its extended position is directed forward and downward and strikes the ground in front of its previous position (Fig. 303). Then, from the impulse communicated to the trunk from the hind legs, the weight of the body is gradually transferred to the fore leg, which, the foot remaining on the ground, gradually becomes more and more vertical from the forward motion on it of the trunk (Fig. 304). As, however, the inertia of the moving body carries the shoulder beyond the vertical, the axis of the fore limb is then directed downward and backward, the assumption of this position being aided by the forward rotation of the scapula, while the extensors of the forearm (the foot being fixed on the ground) not only sustain the elbow- and shoulder- joints, but, by their contractions, give an additional forward impetus to the body. The extreme extended position of the limb puts the flexors of the lower joints on the stretch and so leads to their contraction, and 742 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. the limb, passing now into flexion, again describes its forward pendulum motion, the point of support of the scapula being the centre of rotation, while the hoof describes an arc of a circle. On the other hand, while FIG. 303. OSCILLATION OF THE FLEXED FORE LEG. (Colin.) The hoof describes an arc of a circle, C B A, the cord, C A, being a measure of the extent of oscillation. the foot is on the ground the shoulder describes the arc of a circle and the centre of rotation is in the foot. The combination of these two movements in both fore legs is seen in Fig. 305. J) F-io. 304. OSCILLATION OF THE EXTENDED FORE LEG. (Colin.) The foot being on the ground at I), the shoulder describes an arc of a circle, ABC. In the case of the hind leg flexion likewise results in a shortening of the axis of the leg and the reduction of the angles between the dif- ferent bones. The weight being thrown on the opposite extremity by PHYSIOLOGY OF MOVEMENT. 743 the contraction of the adductors, the femur is approached to the ilium by the contraction of the rectus and lumbar and iliac psoas muscles, the knee being elevated anteriorly by the ischio-tibial muscle and the hock- joint flexed by the contraction of the metatarsal flexor, whose tendinous portion, when the stifle-joint is flexed, becomes tensed and mechanically repeats the action on the joint below, the digital region being flexed on the metatarsus. As a consequence of these flexions, produced almost simultaneously, the axis of the limb becomes shorter, is raised from the ground, and advanced in a more or less oblique line. That the foot may again be placed on the ground the above muscles must relax and their antagonists contract. First the femur is extended on the pelvis by the action of the glutens maximus, whose principal trochanteric branch acts as a lever of the first class. The leg is then extended on the thigh by FIG. 305. OSCILLATION OF THE ANTERIOR EXTREMITIES. -(Colin.) The figure shows that while one fore leg is describing the pendulum motion the other is acting as a e gure sows tat we one ore eg s escrng te penuum moton te oter is acting as a support, while the right fore foot describes the arc, . s., false vocal cords : P., position of pharynx : S., cartilage of Santorini; W., cartilage of Wrisberg ; S. p., sinus pyriformes. alone is capable, consists in certain modifications of the vocal sounds by the parts situated above the larynx; that is, the pharynx, mouth, soft palate, nasal fossae, tongue, teeth, and lips. Speech may, therefore, be described as articulate voice. Voice is produced by the imparting of the vibrations of the vocal cords to the column of air within the respiratory organs. The means by which this is accomplished is entirely analogous to that by which sound is produced in reed instruments. The vocal cords consist of free rims of highly elastic membrane whose tension may be varied by muscular action and whose edges may be approximated or separated (Figs. 313 and 314). When the edges of the vocal cords are in close contact, through a strong muscular expiratory motion the air below the vocal cords becomes greatly condensed and finally its tension is sufficient to overcome the resistance of the closed vocal cords; when the vocal cords are thus 758 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. separated air passes between them, and, consequently, rarefaction of the air below takes place, while the cords being elastic, their tension serves to again readily overcome the propulsion of the air from the contraction of the thorax. As a consequence, the edges of the vocal cords are set into rapid vibration and these vibrations are communicated to the column of air both below and above the vocal cords, and as a result a sound which is due to these vibrations is produced ; the vibrations of condensa- tion and rarefaction of the air are the principal causes of the tone, while the cavities above the vocal cords fulfill the part of resonators. Sounds produced in this way, like other musical sounds, may vary in regard to their pitch, intensity, and quality. The pitch of the sound will depend upon the length of the vocal cords, the shorter the vocal cords, the more rapid are the vibrations and the higher the pitch of the note produced. The pitch of the note is further dependent upon the degree of tension of the vocal membrane. As in the case of musical instruments of a similar nature, stringed instruments, or reed instru- ments, the pitch of the note is proportionate to the square root of the tension. In man and other mammals in whom vocal cords are present, the pitch of the note may, therefore, be modified by varying degrees of tension of the vocal cords through the action of different muscles. The intensity of the sound depends primarily upon the strength of the blast of air, so that, therefore, the more vigorous the expiration, the greater will be the amplitude of the vibration of the vocal cords and the greater will be the intensity of the sound, while the action of the dif- ferent resonators of the vocal organs, through the sympathetic vibrations induced in their cavities by the vibration of the column of air set into motion by the swaying vocal cords, is added to the fundamental tone that is produced and its intensity is modified. The timbre, or quality of the vocal sounds, as in other musical in- struments, depends upon the over-tones or harmonics which accompany the fundamental note. Changes in the shape of the different resonating cavities of the vocal organs will, by modifying the prominence of dif- ferent over-tones, account for the difference in the voice of different animals. The mode of production and the character of the voice differ very greatly in different members of the animal kingdom. Voice may be pro- duced in all vertebrates possessed of lungs and la^nges, while in fishes, where the respiration is branchial and not pulmonary, the production of voice is impossible. In invertebrates the sounds produced in such great variet}^ are in no respect analogous to the voice, since they are produced by entirety different mechanisms. Thus, insects produce sounds (which are especially distinguished for their acuteness) either by the rapid movement of their wings, as in flies and bees, or by rubbing their legs PHYSIOLOGY OF MOVEMENT. 759 on their wing-cases, or their wing-cases on each other or on the thorax or abdomen. In humming insects sound may be produced by forcing the expired air from their stigmata, which are provided with muscular rods and which are thus thrown into vibration, so that in this group of insects, represented by the humming-bees and many dioptera, the closest analogy exists between the production of sound and the production of voice in the vertebrates. IB Libr L.ibr FIG. 315. INFERIOR LARYNX OF THK TURKEY. (Griitzner.) A, during voice production : B, in free respiration. (In At and J5' the anterior wall is removed.), sterno-tracheal muscles in contracted condition in A and A> ; Tr., trachea; v, Tr. R., united tracheal rings, forming the tympanum with its antero-posterior bridge, S. ; B. Sp., bronchi ; m. t. ., external tympanic membrane ; m. 1. 1.. internal tympanic membrane stretched out flat in B and Bf, in A and Al forming sharp folds in the lumen of the bronchi; L. ibr., interbronchial ligament; b., band run- ning to the dorsal wall of the trachea. Animals below insects, as radiates and mollusks, are all entirely incapable of sound. Among reptiles, certain of them, such as frogs, lizards, and other batrachians, possess true vocal organs. Among am- phibians the frog has a larynx provided with muscles, which produces a sound of varying pitch, dependent upon the strength of the muscular contraction and the force of the expiratory blast. The range of such vibrations is, however, extremely limited. In the Rana esculenta there is on each side of the angle of the mouth a membranous bag which may 760 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. be inflated with air, and whose w r alls, being thin and membranous, are thrown into vibration, and, together with the column of air contained in the oral chamber, aid in producing the characteristic resonance of the croaking of the frog (Fig. 315). In birds the vocal organs are double, a larynx situated at the upper termination of the trachea and a syrinx at its bifurcation constituting a true vocal organ. Two folds of mucous membrane, or three in the case of song-birds, project into each bronchus, and are so acted on by muscles as to vary their tension and adapt them to the production of voice. The superior larynx acts only as an accessory in the production of sound. The number and complexity of the muscular fibres acting on these membranes varies in proportion to the range of voice. In the gallinacea simply a trace of muscular fibre can be recognized ; but one pair of muscles is found in the eagle, three pairs in the paroquet, while five pairs are found in song-birds. These muscles have a common origin in the trachea, and their other extremities are inserted into the first ring of the bronchus. In addition to these intrinsic muscles there are others concerned in varying the length of the trachea, so as to alter the length of the vocal tube and, therefore, the pitch of the note produced. The superior organ, -or the larynx, is entirely negative in the production of sound, and the performance of tracheotomy below the larynx produces but slight modification in the character of the sound produced. In mammals, as is well known, the greatest variation exists in the character of the sounds produced. The organs for the production of sound are here the larynx and the upper resonating chambers, varying in shape and general character among each other, although in all built on the same general plan as in man. The variations in the voice are dependent upon modifications in the larynx, in the depth of the nasal chambers, the shape of the pharynx, of the various sinuses, and the formation of the mouth and of the laryngeal ventricles. Sound is, how- ever, primarily due in all cases to the vibrations transmitted to the column of air by the swaying to and fro of the vocal cords. The superior or false vocal cords of man are absent in many species of mammals. The glottis of the horse is distinguished by the formation of a semi-lunar fold of mucous membrane below the epiglottis, which serves to form a funnel-shaped cavity. The laryngeal ventricles are also well developed. The voice in the horse is produced by a succession of interrupted expira- tory movements, the tension of the vocal cords gradually diminishing during each complete expiration, so that, therefore, the first sounds produced have a higher pitch than the last; the superior ventricles are wanting (Fig. 316). The larynx of the ass differs but slightly from that of the horse. Here, also, there are two vocal cords, the ventricles are well developed, PHYSIOLOGY OF MOVEMENT. 761 but the opening to them is narrow. The voice of the ass is characterized by the fact that it commences in an inspiratory movement in the produc- tion of a sound of high-pitch and it terminates in expiration in the production of a deeper sound. The larynx of ruminants offers considerable differences to that of solipedes. The glottis is short, and the vocal cords can scarcely be dis- tinguished from the lining membrane of the larynx, and there are no ventricles. The voice in ruminants is, therefore, more imperfect than in the horse, and consists of a sound of low pitch capable of ifljFmafr t 5' but little variation (Fig. 317). In the hog below the epi- glottis is found a large, mem- branous sack, which fulfills the purpose of a resonator, greatly Fia. 316. LARYNX OF THE HORSE FROM ABOVE AND BEHIND. (Muller.) a at, thyroid cartilage; b b, arytenoid car- tilages; cc', arytenoid muscles; d dt, aryepiglottic folds; e, epiglottis. 1 V, posterior crico-arytenoid muscles; 2 I', oblique arytenoid muscles; 33f, superior thyro-arytenoid muscles; 44', true vocal cords ; 5, glottis ; 6, ventricles of larynx. FIG. 317. LARYNX AND HYOID BONE OF Ox. (Milller.) 1, 2, 3, arms of the hyoid bone : 4. thyroid cartilage ; 5, body of the hyoid bone; 5' and 5", fork of the hyoid bone; 6, arytenoid cartilages ; 7, epiglottis ; 8, cricoid cartilage ; 9, posterior crico- arytenoid muscles ; 10, trachea. strengthening the intensity of the voice and giving to it its peculiar character. In the hog the inferior vocal cords are inserted into the tracheal border of the thyroid cartilage and the arytenoid cartilages are fused together, the vocal cords are rudimentary, the ventricles are deep and communicate with the interior of the larynx only by a narrow slit. Two characters of sound may be produced by the hog, the one of low pitch, a grunt, which is the habitual sound, while another of very high pitch is only produced when the animal is maltreated or excited. In the dog the vocal cords are well developed, while the false vocal 762 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. cords are scarcely perceptible; the ventricles are ample, but their openings are very narrow. The voice in dogs is capable of greater scope than in other of the domestic animals, with the exception, perhaps, of the cat, which is characterized by an almost equal development of the upper and lower vocal cords. The mechanism of the production of the voice, therefore, depends upon the expulsion of a blast of air between two free membranous rims, which are thus thrown into vibration and whose tension and position are capable of modification. The change in the position and tension of the vocal cords is accomplished through the action of the laryngeal muscles. The laryngeal muscles fulfill a double function. In respiration, as has been already mentioned, the glottis is widened during inspiration and the vocal cords tend to approach each other during expiration. In the production of voice the vocal cords are almost always in close contact. The glottis may be dilated by the action of the crico-arytenoid muscles. When they contract the arytenoid cartilages are drawn back- ward, downward, and toward the middle line, so that, therefore, the vocal processes in which the vocal cords are inserted must be separated. A large triangular space is thus formed between the vocal cords as in inspiration. The glottis is constricted by the contraction of the transverse arytenoid muscles, which extend from both outer surfaces of the arytenoid cartilages along their entire length. When these muscles, together with the oblique arytenoid, contract, the arytenoid cartilages are approximated and the glottis closed. During the production of voice the vocal processes of the arytenoid cartilages must be closely approximated, and to accomplish this it is necessary that they be rotated inward and downward. This result is brought about through the contraction of the thyro-arytenoid muscles, which are imbedded in the substance of the vocal cords, and when they contract they so rotate the arytenoid cartilages that the vocal processes turn inward. The glottis is, therefore, narrowed to a mere slit in the anterior part, while a triangular space through which respiration takes place remains open posteriorly. The vocal cords vary in tension according to the degree of con- traction of the crico-thyroid muscles, which pull the thyroid cartilage downward and forward. At the same time the crico-arytenoid muscles act upon the arytenoid cartilages, drawing them slightly backward and maintaining them in that position. In the production of voice, not only must the vocal cords be thrown into tension in the manner above described, but the triangular space of the respiratory part of the glottis between the arytenoid cartilages must likewise be closed. This is accomplished by the contraction of the PHYSIOLOGY OF MOVEMENT. 763 transverse and oblique arytenoid muscles, added to the contraction of the internal thyro-arytenoids. At the same time a concave margin is produced in the vocal cords through the action of the crico-tl^roid and the posterior crico-arytenoids (Figs. 318, 319, and 320). FIG. 318. ACTION OF THE MUSCLES OF THE LARYNX. (Beaunis.) The dotted lines indicate the new positions as- sumed by the thyroid cartilage in the action of the crico-thyroid muscles. 1, cricoid cartilage: 2, arytenoid cartilage: 3, thyroid cartilage ; 4, true vocal cord ; 5, new position of the thyroid cartilage ; 6, new position of the vocal cords. ' FIG. 319. SCHEMATIC HORIZONTAL SECTION OF THE LARYNX. (Landois.) I, position of the horizontally divided arytenoid cartilages during respiration ; from their anterior processes run the con- verging vocal cords. The arrows show the line of action of the posterior crico-arytenoid muscles, resulting in the assumption of the positions indicated by the dotted Hues, II, H. FIG. 320. SCHEME OF THE CLOSURE OF THE GLOTTIS BY THE THYRO- ARYTENOID MUSCLES. (Landois,) II, II, position of the arytenoid cartilages during quiet respiration ; the arrows indicate the direction of muscular traction. 1 1, the position of the arytenoid cartilages after the muscles contract. The thyro-arytenoid muscle is the one which principally causes variations in the tension of the vocal cords and, consequently, variations in the pitch of the sounds. When the muscles acting on the vocal cords relax the vocal cords themselves likewise relax from the reduction of the extending force, and 764 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. the elasticity of the displaced thyroid and arytenoid cartilages corner into play and causes them to assume their original position. The thyro- arytenoid and the lateral crico-arytenoids may likewise serve to produce relaxation of the vocal cords. To recapitulate : the tension of the vocal cords is principally due to the crico-thyroid and the posterior crico-arytenoids ; the narrowing of the respiratory part of the glottis is accomplished by the transverse and oblique arytenoids ; and the narrowing of the vocal glottis is accom- plished by the contraction of the thyro-arytenoid and the lateral crico- arytenoids, the former muscle likewise increasing the tension of the vocal cords. With the exception of the crico-thyroid all the intrinsic muscles of the larynx are supplied by the inferior laryngeal nerve. The superior laryngeal nerve supplies the crico-thyroid, and is at the same time the sensory nerve of the mucous membrane of the larynx. For the mechanism of articulated speech the reader is referred to text-books on human physiology. SECTION II. THE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. THE different functions of the animal body have been found to require for their fulfillment divers structures different in location and in mode of action. In any one of the single functions of the animal body, such, for example, as the contraction of a muscle, a number of processes are concerned ; thus, the inauguration of the muscular contraction requires the conduction to a muscle of a stimulus. The muscle in con- tracting uses up a large supply of oxygen and liberates more carbon dioxide and other retrograde products. Increased muscular contraction, therefore, necessitates a supply to the muscle of a larger amount of arterial blood and the removal from the body through the lungs and kid- neys of the products of the waste of muscular tissue. Muscular activity, therefore, implies accelerated circulation, accelerated respiration, and increased excretion. A similar complexity may be traced in all the other different functions of the animal body. Each modification or even mani- festation of function implies a reflection upon the activity of other asso- ciated processes. This co-ordination of operations, which may be widely different in character and yet closely interdependent, is accomplished by means of the nervous system. The primaiy object of the nervous system is, therefore, to link together different and widely distant organs, and thus act as the regulator of the actions of the animal body. In animals where specialization of function has not yet appeared no such communication between different parts of the body is required, and, as a consequence, in such no nervous system is present. As we found that the organs of circulation were largely dependent for their degree of development on the complexity of the alimentary apparatus, so it may be found that in a general way the nervous system is developed in pro- portion to the muscular system. This indicates one of the main func- tions possessed by the nervous apparatus for controlling and modifying movement. This is, however, but one side of the importance of the nervous system. In the nervous system is developed in the highest degree the func- tion of automatism. By this term is meant the power possessed by the lowest forms of protoplasm of receiving impulses from without and modi- fying them into efferent impulses, which may take on the form of motion as their most usual manifestation. It is thus seen that automatism (765) 766 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. implies at least four different operations the conduction of afferent impulses, the reception and conversion of these afferent into efferent impulses, and the liberation again and conduction of efferent impulses. In the scheme of specialization of function it would only be expected that for the division of labor we should also find that these operations become separated and located in different structures. We find, therefore, the nervous system, in accordance with this purpose, divided into organs of conduction and organs of receiving and liberating nervous impulses. The organs for transmitting nerve impulses constitute the nerves. The organs for modifying and liberating nerve impulses are found in the ganglia or nerve-cells of the nervous system. The scheme of the nervous system, therefore, implies the presence on the periphery of a receptive organ for receiving external impressions. Such an organ is represented by the terminal filaments of the sensory nerves, or, rather, the nerves of general or special sense. It implies a means of communication between this external receptive organ and the nervous ganglia at a distance, the latter possessing the power of receiv- ing the impressions transmitted from the exterior through the afferent sensory nerves. Such a receptive ganglion is again in connection with a cell or collection of cells in which the automatic powers are especially developed, and which, therefore, modify the impressions coming from without and convert them into efferent impressions. The latter are con- ducted from the centre through the efferent or motor nerves to various peripheral organs, whether to the terminal plates in the muscular tissue or to glands, blood-vessels, or the other structures of the animal body'. Like all other organic systems, the nervous system becomes more complicated and diversified, reaching a higher stage of perfection in pass- ing from the lowest forms of animal life, in which it first appears, to the higher examples of the animal series. In the protozoa, the lowest subdivision of the animal kingdom, a nervous system in the sense in which we have described it, as constituted of nerve-cells and nerve-fibres, is entirely absent. The undifferentiatecl protoplasm fulfills all the purposes of the nervous system as demanded by the needs of such an organization. In the animals belonging to the group of infusoria, where we find the first appearance of the development of organs as seen in the contractile cilia as organs of locomotion, the nervous system has not appeared, the movement of such organs being dependent simply upon the automatic properties of the undifferentiated protoplasm ; and we find as an illus- tration of this that even in animals higher" in the scale, where ciliated organs are commonly found, that such are independent of the nervous system. In the star-fish is found the first clear evidence of nerve fibres and PHYSIOLOGY OF THE NEKVOUS SYSTEM. 767 cells connected together to receive and convey impression (Fig. 321). It consists of a ring around the mouth composed of five ganglia of equal size with radiating nerves. From this circle delicate fibres may be traced into the different rays. In lower zoophytes all traces of the nervous system is wanting, and in them the functions of nutrition are accom- plished through the operations of undifferentiated protoplasm. In the mollusks the nervous system has reached a somewhat higher form of development, and two or more ganglia are found located around the gullet and communicating by nerve-fibres with other ganglia in dif- ferent regions of the body, sending off nerves to the different organs. Usually in the mollusks there is a cir- cular ganglion located in the cephalic side of the animal and two abdominal ganglia placed below the oesophagus FIG. 322. NERVOUS SYSTEM OF A GAS- TEKOPOD MOLLUSK. (Perrier.) c, cerebroid ganglia ; p, pedal ganglia ; o, otocysts ; FIG. 321. NERVOUS SYSTEM OF THE STAR- v> vl'vll, ganglia of second oesophageal collar ; f, ten- FISH. (Carus.) tacles ; y, eyes ; x, excrement. and united to the cephalic ganglion and the cesophageal ring (Fig. 322). These ganglia are frequently connected with others whose locations will vary in different species. In the articulata, represented by the insects, annelida, and crusta- ceans, the nervous system has become symmetrical (Fig. 323). The ganglia which compose the nervous system may be arranged in pairs on each side of the median line of the bod}*, each pair corre- sponding to a segment of the body, extending throughout its entire length and united to each other so as to form a longitudinal chain of ganglia, which are connected further by transverse commissures. Sometimes the ganglia consist of a single median row. Usually one of the ganglia is more voluminous than the others, and being, as a rule, located in the anterior extremity of the animal, might be compared to 768 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. the brain of vertebrates. Such a comparison is warranted by the fact that when nerves of special sense are present they invariably originate from this collection of nerve-cells. Where a distinct cephalic gan- glion is present it is situated above the oesophagus, while all the other portions of the ganglionic chain lie on the ventral side of the body, the commencement of the chain being connected with the cephalic ganglion FIG. 323. NERVOUS SYSTEM OP AN ARTICULATE. (Perrier.) by a collection of circular fibres around the gullet and spoken of as the oesophageal collar. The number of ganglia in the articulata is very variable ; there may be twelve or fifteen pairs or but three. The larger the number of ganglia, the greater their tendency to fusion along the middle line. In all invertebrates the nervous system is composed of such a series of separate and distinct ganglia,. PHYSIOLOGY OF THE NEKVOUS SYSTEM. 769 In vertebrates the nervous system has reached a much higher stage of development, and here is placed above the digestive canal, in contra- distinction to the position which it occupies when present in the inverte- brates, and is usually inclosed within a bony or cartilaginous cavity ; it is divided into a cephalic portion, confined within the cranium, connected to a long trunk of nerve-cells inclosed within the vertebral canal, con- stituting the spinal cord (Fig. 324). From this central nervous system, B FIG. 325. BRAIN OF PERCH, AFTER CUVIER. (Rymer Jones. ) A, cerebellum; B, cerebrum : C. olfactory ganglion; i, olfactory nerves; D, optic ganglion; G, supplementary lobe; H, transverse fibres in the walls of the cerebral ventricle; N, commissure of the optic nerves; P, Q, R, S, T, U, the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth pair of cerebral nerves. RH. VIII. FIG. 324. BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD OF MAN. (Carpenter.) FIG. 326. BRAIN OF FROG SEEN FROM ABOVE. (JVv/w.) L. OLF, olfactory lobes ; L.H, hemispherical lobe (fore-brain) ; VIII, lobe of the third ventricle; L.O, optic lobes (mid-brain) ; CELL, cerebellum (hind- brain) ; OBL, medulla oblongata ; RH, rhomboidal sinus. both from the brain and spinal cord, originate series of fibres which fulfill the functions of conduction of both motor and sensory impulses and which extend to all parts of the body. In connection with this sys- tem, which is spoken of as the cerebro-spinal system, there is usually found a more or less independent series of ganglia, which constitutes the sympathetic system. While such a cerebro-spinal system characterizes all vertebrates, it is 49 770 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. capable of great variations in development in different members of this group. In fishes and reptiles the brain is less developed than in higher members, no convolutions are found on its surface, and, while the cere- bral hemispheres are not highly marked, the optic and olfactory lobules are usually comparatively voluminous, while the cerebellum of reptiles and fishes is reduced to a single lobe (Figs. 325 and 326). In birds the hemispheres or cerebral lobes are still, as in the mam- mals, the most voluminous portions of the brain, but here, also, no con- volutions are found and the}^ are not closely united to each other, since the corpus callosnm, as well as the pons varolii, is absent (Fig. 327). In birds the analogue of the tubercula quadrigemina, which are four in number in the mammals, are here reduced to two, and, therefore, receive the name of the tubercula bigemina or optic lobes, and are visible at each side of the brain when looked at from above. T- -cM I. II. FIG. 327. BRAIN OF BIRD (Falco buteo). (Nuhn.) I, view of upper surface. II, view of lower surface : cbr, cerebrum ; /, suprapharyngeal ganglion : h therefore, the spinal cord should be largest in the cervical portion and gradually taper down to a point in the lumbar region, as if each spinal nerve were a direct loss to the fibres of the spinal cord. Such is not, however, the fact. Sections of the spinal cord taken at different parts of its length indicate that the gray matter of the cord increases with the amount of nerve-fibre passing into each part of the cord, and that, therefore, the largest amounts of gray matter are found in the lumbar and cervical regions at the points of origin of the nerves for the lower and upper extremities ; while, if the proportionate area of the lateral columns is com- pared, it will be found that there is a steady increase in the sectional area of this portion of the cord from the lumbar to the cervical region. This fact would indicate that the latter regions are the main paths of con- duction between the brain and the periphery. The proportion between FIG. 337. DIAGRAM OF THE ABSOLUTE AND RELATIVE EXTENT OF THE GRAY MATTER AND OF THE WHITE COLUMNS, IN SUCCESSIVE SEC- TIONAL, AREAS, AS WELL AS THE SECTIONAL AREAS OF THE NERVE- ROOTS. (Landois. ) N B, nerve-roots; A C, L C, P C, anterior, lateral, and posterior columns; Gr, gray matter. different parts of the spinal cord in the different regions and the different areas of the spinal nerves are indicated in the diagram (Fig. 337). In addition to the anatomical division, already alluded to, into anterior, lateral, and posterior columns, the white fibres of the spinal cord have been divided into several secondary columns, according to their functions. In addition to the experimental method, to be alluded to directly, this grouping of the longitudinal fibres of the spinal cord into different systems has been reached through facts acquired through the study of the degeneration of certain parts after specific injury and through the developmental history of the cord in the embryo. Thus, injury of certain parts of the brain is followed by a secondary descending degeneration of certain nerve-fibres (Tiirck) ; section of the cord causes ascending degeneration of certain fibres (Schieferdecker) ; and Flechsig showed that the fibres of the brain and cord in the embryo became FUNCTIONS OF THE SPINAL COED. 797 covered with myelin at different periods of development, those receiving their myelin last which had the longest course. On the data obtained by this method Flechsig mapped out the following system (Landois) : 1. In the anterior column lie the (a) uncrossed, or direct pyramidal tract (a in Fig. 338), and, external to it, (6) the anterior ground-bundle, or anterior radicular zone. 2. In the posterior column he distinguishes (c) (roll's column, or the postero-median column, and (d) Burdach's funiculiis cuneatus, the pos- terior radicular zone, or the postero-external column. 3. In the lateral columns are (e) the anterior and (/) the lateral - mixed paths, (g) the lateral or Mlllllill!!llll'===^^^ ,. e, the latter being limited below by the fissure of Sylvius and behind by the parieto-occipital fissure. In this lobe are found the ascending parietal convolutions immediately behind the fissure of Rolando, supramarginal convolution arching around the posterior extremity of the fissure of Sylvius, and the angular gyrus arching around the end of the first temporo-sphenoidal fissure. (3) The temporo-splienoidal lobe, bounded in front by the fissure of Sylvius, contains three horizontal convolutions, superior, middle, and inferior temporo- sphenoidal convolutions, the first two being separated by the parallel sulcus. (4) The occipital lobe is separated from the parietal lobe by the parieto- occipital fissure, and likewise contains three convolutions on its outer surface, the superior, middle, and inferior occipital convolutions. FIG. 346. DIAGRAM OF A HOR- IZONTAL SECTION OF A VERTEBRATE BRAIN, AFTER HUXLEY. (Yeo.) Olf, Olfactory lobes ; L.t, lamina termi- nalis; C.S, corpus striatum ; T h, optic thal- amus ; Pn, pineal gland; Mb, mid-brain; Cb, cerebellum; M.O, medulla oblongata; 1, olfactory ventricle; 2, lateral ventricle; 3, third ventricle ; 4, fourth ventricle : -f- itar e tertio ad quartum ventriculum ; F.M, foramen of Monro ; 11, optic nerves. FUNCTIONS OF THE BRAIN. 805 (5) The central lobe, or island of Reil, consists of five or six short, straight convolutions (gyri operti) radiating out and back from the anterior perforated spot, and can only be seen when the margins of the fissure of Sylvius are separated. On the inner surface of each hemisphere is the gyrus fornicatus, or convo- lution of the corpus callosum, which terminates posteriorly in the gyrus uncinatus or gyrus hippocampi. Above is the marginal convolution, which is simply the inner surface of the frontal and parietal convolutions, while the inner surface of the ascending parietal convolution is termed the quadrate lobe, or prseeuneus. The parieto-occipital fissure terminates in the calcarine fissure and, running back- ward in the occipital lobe, incloses the wedge-shaped lobule, the cuneus. The importance of an acquaintance with the principal cerebral convolutions as here sketched will be seen when the functions of the cerebral cortex are considered. FIG. 347. LEFT SIDE OF THE HUMAN BRAIN (DIAGRAMMATIC). (Landois.) Y frontal, P parietal, O occipital, T temporo-sphenoidal lobes ; S fissure of Sylvius ; S' horizon- tal, S" ascending ramus of S; c, sulcus centralis, or fissure of Rolando; A ascending frontal and B ascending parietal convolutions: f\ superior, Fo middle, and F 3 inferior frontal convolutions; f\ superior and / 2 inferior frontal fissures; /s, sulcus fraecentralis : P, superior parietal lobule; Pg, inferior parietal lobule, consisting of Po, supramarginal gyrus, and Pg', angular gyrus ; ip, sulcus inter- parietal is ; cm, termination 01" calloso-marginal fissure; Oi first, Oo. second, O ? third occipital convolu- tions; po. parieto-occipital fissure; o, transverse occipital fissure; o 2 , inferior longitudinal occipital fissure; TI first, T 2 second, T 3 third temporo-sphenoidal convolutions; ., formatio retic- ularis ; ce, neck, and, g, head of the posterior cornu ; r.p.C.I., posterior root of the first cervical nerve ; M.C., first indication of the nucleus of the funiculus cuneatus; n.q., nucleus (clava) of the funiculus gra- cilis ; HI, funiculus gracilis ; //2, funiculus cuneatua ; s.l.p., posterior median fissure ; x, groups of gangli- onic cells in the base of the posterior cornu. by the naked eye into three different divisions, the anterior pyramids, the olivary and restiform bodies, and the posterior pyramid, or funiculus gracilis. The lower end of the medulla oblongata, at the point of exit of the roots of the first cervical nerves, is characterized by a deviation of the lateral columns (crossed pyramidal tract) of the cord, which, up to this point running parallel with the axis of the cord, here turn in through the gray substance of the anterior horn and cross to the oppo- site side of the cord in the anterior white commissure to join the direct pyramidal tract. The lateral columns of the cord consequently form a decussation at the bottom of the anterior longitudinal fissure in the FUNCTIONS OF THE BKAIN. 811 medulla, this point of crossing being termed the decussation of the pyramids (Fig. 351). The anterior pyramids are thus made up of the crossed pyramidal tract from the lateral column of the opposite side of the cord, and the direct p3 T ramidal tract from the anterior column of the same side of the cord. Of the P3~ramidal fibres some pass through the pons directly to the cerebral cortex in a manner to be described directly, some pass to the cerebellum, and some join fibres coming from the Olivary body to form the olivary fasciculus. The remainder of the anterior column, the antero-external fibres, lie under the anterior pyramids and form part of the formatio reticularis. In the neighborhood of the first cervical nerve and the point of origin of the first root of the hypoglossal nerve, laterally from the anterior pyramids, lie the remainder of the lateral columns of the cord which have not undergone decussation, the direct cerebellar tract passing backward to rejoin the restiform body and go to the cerebellum ; the remaining fibres, passing underneath the olivary bodies and appearing in the floor of the medulla, form the fasciculus teres and pass to the cerebrum. Farther outward from the anterior pyramids are found the gray masses of the olivary bodies, the pj'ramidal nucleus, and the accessory olivary nucleus, through which passes toward the middle line and backward the remainder of the anterior column. The gray substance of the olivary bodies on section possesses the form of a horseshoe, whose arch is thrown up into numerous folds and whose opening is directed toward the centre of the medulla. It contains numerous small, yellow, pigmented multi- polar ganglion cells, and embraces like a capsule a tract of medullated nerve-fibres which enter through the hylus of the olivary bodies and spread out over the entire inner surface of the gray substance. In all probability some of these fibres terminate in the ganglion cells of the olivary bod}^. The remainder pass through the gray substance of the olivary bodj r and partly unite with the fibrous columns of the restiform bodies and partly surround the exterior surface of the oliva^ bodies. The gra}^ substance of the pyramidal nucleus and the accessory olivary nucleus resembles in all respects that of the olivary bodies. The former lies in the hylus of the olivary bodies toward the posterior central line of the pyramidal and olivary columns ; the latter, in the form of a thin, concave plate of gray matter, lies between the olivaty hylus and the corpora restiformes, which, by a collection of gray matter (Clarke's column), form an unbroken continuation of the posterior columns of the cord to the cerebellum. The restiform bodies form the posterior division of the medulla 812 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. oblongata and appear to the naked eye as the immediate continuation of the posterior white columns (postero-external fibres) of the spinal cord. At the level of the foramen magnum they divide and expose the interior gray substance of the spinal cord, which, previously covered by the pos- terior columns, here becomes exposed on the posterior surface. The gray matter at this point also becomes flattened out through the opening of the central canal of the spinal cord, its borders being flattened out laterally. The posterior pyramids form the upward continuation of the postero- median fibres of the posterior columns of the cord. While the gray substance of the spinal cord forms a compact mass traversed only by the narrow central canal and is everywhere surrounded by a sheath of white substance, in the medulla it becomes exposed and forms a flattened layer, and is divided into two symmetrical halves lying on each side of the median line and bounded only by a slight rim, the last trace of the central spinal canal. This exposed surface of gray matter in the medulla oblongata has the form of an elongated rhomb, whose longest diagonal coincides with the median line, and it forms the floor of the fourth ventricle, communicating above with the aqueduct of Sylvius and below with the central canal of the spinal cord, the lower pointed end of this surface bearing the name of the calamus scriptorius. The gray substance of the floor of the fourth ventricle is entirely similar to that of the spinal cord ; it contains a large mass of multipolar gan- glion cells, of which a few form distinct roots and appear to be in direct communication with the cranial motor nerves. The ganglionic origin of the sensory cranial nerves is less distinctly made out. It is, however, clear that all the cranial nerves, from the oculo-motor to the hypoglossal, originate in the medulla oblongata and its annexes. Only the optic and olfactory nerves originate within the cerebrum. The gray matter of the floor of the fourth ventricle forms a direct continuation of the gray matter of the spinal cord, and is to this extent analogous to the anterior columns, the p3^ramids, and cerebellar fibres, which pass without interruption from the spinal cord into the medulla oblongata. The anterior divisions of the lateral columns of the spinal cord likewise pass without interruption into the medulla oblongata and force themselves between the olivary body and restiform bod}'', without, how- ever, passing farther toward the median line (Fig. 352). From the raphe originate numerous nervous fibres, or so-called internal transverse fibres, which cross the longitudinal fibres of the medulla at a right angle and split up into a large number of smaller bundles, the net-work so formed being described as the reticular forma- tion of the medulla oblongata. This net-work incloses in its spaces numerous multipolar ganglion cells, in which terminate, in all probabilit}-, FUNCTIONS OF THE BKAIN. 813 Sip certain of the fibres of the lateral columns of the cord, and so enable the medulla, by bringing it into communication with impressions coining from below, to act as a reflex centre. The transverse fibres of the medulla are to be regarded as commissural fibres connecting the two halves of the medulla, especially the olivary bodies. Closely allied to the anterior surface of the olivary columns are to be found the gray nuclei, or the column of Goll (Keil string), from which originate the arciform fibres, or the external transverse fibres which surround the entire external surface of the medulla to unite with the internal transverse fibres, from there to pass into the restiform bodies, and from there to the cerebellum. The internal interweaving of the centrifugal and centripetal fibres, the presence of numerous ganglionic cells, and, to a certain extent, the evident union of different classes of nerve-elements, the sym- metrical connection b.y transverse fibres of both halves of the medulla, nil speak in the clearest way as to the high ph}'siological importance of this portion of the central nervous system, both as the seat of reflex centres, as the origin of numerous cranial nerves, and as the paths of communication from the spinal cord FlG * to the brain. As is evident from the anatom- ical description of the medulla, in many respects it forms the most important part of the central ner- vous System. It forms the ganglionic n.e.i, external micleus~orth7fun^uius''cun7atu 8 TTo' ,. ,, i , nucleus of the funiculus gracilis (or clava) 771 funiculus termination OI a large number Of gracilis: # 2 . funiculus cuneatus; c.c., central canal; fa /o,i /a,2 external arciform fibres. nbres; most ot the cranial nerves find in it their origin, and in it the most diverse systems of the animal body are brought into nervous connection. For the ascending motor and sensory nerves of the spinal cord it forms not only the means of conduction, but is the seat of important centres of co-ordination. These paths, and the most important centres, are represented in diagrammatic form in Figs. 353 and 354. It has been seen that when the spinal cord is divided below the level of the medulla oblongata in the frog it remains perfectly motionless and DECUSSATION (Landois.) OF THE PYRAMIDS. f.l.a., anterior, s.l.p., posterior median fissures; n.XI, nucleus of the accessorius vagus; n.XII, nucleus of the hypoglossal ; d.a., the so-called superior or anterior decussation of the pyramids; py, anterior pyramid;, nucleus arciformis; ol, median parolivary body o, beginning of the nucleus of the olivary body n I 814 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. in an apparent condition of almost total paralysis, yet after the shock of the operation has passed off a number of highly complex reflex motions may be evoked. If, however, the section of the cord be made at the anterior border of the medulla the position of the frog after the shock of the operation has passed off is more nearly normal, and allusion has been 01. ff FIG. 353. DIAGRAM OF THE CHIEF TRACTS IN THE MEDULLA, AFTER ERB. (Ranney.) The formatio reticularis is represented by shading. 01., olivary body ; V anterior, S lateral, and H pos- terior spinal funiculi ; , pyramido-anterior tract ; d, pyramido-lateral tract; Py., pyramidal tract; b, re- mainder of anterior column ; c, remainder of the lateral column ; e, e, cerebello-lateral tract ; /, funiculus gra- cilis, and,/', nucleus of the same; g, funiculus cunea- tus, and, gt, nucleus of the same; P.c.i., internal fasciculus of the pedunc. cerebelli ; P.c.e., external fasciculus of the same ; Cq.F., tract from corp. quadr. to format, retic.; Cq.O., the same to the olivary body; Thai., tract from the thalamus opticus. FIG. 354. TRANSPARENT LATERAL VIEW OF THE MEDULLA, SHOWING THE RELATIVE POSITIONS OF THE MOST IMPORTANT NUCLEI; RIGHT HALF OF THE MEDULLA, SEEN FROM THE SURFACE OF SECTION; THE PARTS THAT LIE CLOSER TO THIS SURFACE ARE DEEPER SHADED, AFTER ERB. (Ranney.) Py, pyramidal tract; Py. Kr, decussation of pyramids; O, olivary body ; O..s, superior olivary body ; V, motor, Vt, middle sensory, vn, inferior sensory nucleus of trigeminus ; VI, nucleus of abdncens ; G. f, genu facialis : VII, nucleus facialis : VIII, posterior median acoustic nucleus ; IX, glosso-pharyngeal nucleus X, nucleus of vagus ; XI, accessorius nucleus ; XII, hvpoglossal nu- cleus; Kz, nucleus of the funiculus gracilis; RV. tri- geminus roots ; those of the R VI, abdueens, and R VII, made to the fact that in the mid-brain is seated a centre which inhibits reflex action. When the cerebral lobes only have been removed in the frog, volition is apparently the only function of the animal which is wanting, and in the absence of stimuli of all characters the animal remains absolutely inert. If such a frog is thrown into water it swims ; by stimulating its FUNCTIONS OF THE BEAIN. 815 body it may be made to leap ; when placed on its back it regains its normal attitude. When placed on an inclined plane it crawls up until it gains a new position, and if such an experiment be made by placing a frog on a small piece of board, by gradually inclining the board more and more the frog may be made to climb up the board, pass over to the other side, and the piece of wood may be turned over a number of times, the frog always moving with it as long as its equilibrium is dis- turbed. Such a frog will likewise be apparently sensible to light, and if made to jump will avoid objects casting a strong shadow. Such move- ments as above described are evidently carried out by co-ordinating mechanisms and governed by definite afferent impulses (Figs. 355 and 356). It is evident, from the existence of these motions in the frog deprived of its cerebral hemispheres, that the mechanism governing them must lie in parts of the central nervous system below the line of section. No such operations can be effected in a frog in which the medulla has been removed. It follows, therefore, that in the medulla, or perhaps in the corpora quadrigemina and optic lobes, are found the co-ordinating centres of the most complex muscular movement. FIG. 3.55. FROG WITHOUT ITS CEREBRUM AVOIDING AN OBJECT PLACED IN ITS PATH. (Landois.) FIG. 356. FROG WITHOUT ITS CEREBRUM MOVING ON AN INCLINED BOARD, AFTER GOLTZ. (Landois.) In the mammal or bird a similar state of affairs is present, although, as might be expected, complicated to a greater degree by the more severe shock of the operation. In a bird or a mammal in which the medulla remains after removal of the cerebral lobes the attitude may become perfectly normal. If placed on its side it will regain its feet. If a bird be thrown into the air it will fl}- for a considerable distance, perhaps avoiding obstacles, but its movements more resemble those of a stupid, sleep3 T animal than one in full possession of its faculties. A mammal, also, so operated on can stand, run, and leap, and if placed on its back can regain its normal position, but if left alone it remains absolutely motionless. If food is placed in the mouth of the animal in whom ablation of the cerebrum has been successfully performed the animal will eat, and the complicated motions of mastication and deglutition will be accomplished with perfect regularity. 816 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. In the case of mammals it ought, perhaps with more correctness, to be stated that these highly co-ordinate movements owe their perform- ance to parts above the medulla, since the removal of the optic thalami, crura cerebri, corpora quadrigemina, cerebrum, and pons varolii is usually followed by various forced movements, or the animal lies partly on its side, and, although various complex movements may be produced,, they are much more limited than when the higher parts of the brain are left intact. The medulla oblongata is the seat of a large number of centres governing complex co-ordinate movements, of which the following are- the most important : (a) The Respiratory Centre. This is located in the medulla behind the point of origin of the pneumogastric nerves on both sides of the apex of the calamus scriptorius, between the nuclei of the vagus and spinal accessory nerves. This centre is symmetrically situated, and may be separated by a longitudinal incision without interfering with the respiratory movements. Conditions governing the actions of this centre have been already given under the subject of respiration. (b) The Cardio-Inliibitory Centre. As has been previously stated r when the pneumogastric nerve is stimulated it may slow or arrest the heart in diastole, according to the degree of stimulation. The inhibitory fibres of the pneumogastric reach the latter nerve through the spinal accessory and have their origin in the medulla oblongata. The conditions for its action have been likewise given. (c) The Vaso-Motor Centre. The collection of nerve-cells which govern the vaso-motor nerves, and through them tlie calibre of the blood- vessels, is located in the floor of the medulla oblongata, extending from the upper part of the floor to within four or five millimeters of the col- umns of the cerebellum. This centre is also a double one, situated sym- metrically on each half of the medulla and each part corresponding to the upward continuation of the lateral columns of the spinal cord. Stimula- tion of this centre causes contraction of all the arteries with a consequent increase in the blood pressure; paralysis causes relaxation and dilatation of the blood-vessels and fall of blood pressure. Its action has also been described. (d) Centre for Closure of the Eyelids. The centre for the closure of the eyelids lies close to the calamus scriptorius. The afferent impulses reach it through the sensory branches of the fifth cranial nerve from stimuli applied to the cornea, conjunctiva, and skin in the neighborhood of the eye ; reaching the centre of impulse, are transferred to the special nerve, through which the afferent impulses reach the orbicularis palpe- brarum. (e) Centre for Sneezing. The location of this centre has not been FUNCTIONS OF THE BRAIN. 817 accurately determined. Stimuli pass through the internal nasal branches of the trigeminus or olfactory nerves and efferent fibres are found in the nerves coming to the muscles of expiration. (f) The Centre for Coughing. This centre is placed a little above the respiratory centre. The afferent fibres pass to the centre through branches of the pneumogastric, the efferent in the nerves of expiration and in those that supply the muscles that close the glottis. (g) Centre for the Movements of Suckling and Mastication. This centre also has escaped close localization. Afferent paths reach the medulla through the trigeminal and glosso-pharyngeal nerves. The efferent fibres in the case of suction reach the lips through the facial, the tongue through the hypoglossal, and the muscles which depress and elevate the lower jaw through the inferior maxillary division of the fifth nerves. The same nerves are concerned in the movements of mastication, with the exception that when the food passes within the dental arch the hypoglossal is concerned in the movements of the tongue, and the facial with the buccinator. (h) The Centre for the Secretion of Saliva. This centre lies in the floor of the fourth ventricle. When the medulla is stimulated, if the chorda t3 r mpani and glosso-pha^ngeal nerves are intact, a profuse secre- tion of saliva is the result, indicating the efferent course of this impulse. Afferent impulses reach the centre through the ne.rves of taste. (i) The Centre for Deglutition. This, likewise, is located in the floor of the fourth ventricle. The afferent paths reach the centre through the second and third branches of the fifth pair, the glosso-pharyngeal and the pneumogastric. The efferent channels are found in the motor branches of the phaiyngeal plexus. (&) The Centre for the Dilatation of the Pupil This centre, like- wise, lies in the medulla oblongata, the efferent fibres passing partly through the trigeminal nerve and partly in the lateral columns of the spinal cord, as far down as the cilio-spinal region, and from there passing out by the lowest two cervical and the two upper dorsal nerves into the cervical sympathetic. The centre is normally excited in a reflex manner by diminishing the amount of light entering the eye. Its action, together with that of the centre for contracting the pupil, will be referred to subsequently. (/) The centre for vomiting is likewise found in the medulla. Its functions have been already described. (in) The medulla oblongata, as discovered by Bernard, exerts a certain influence on the glycogenic function of the liver. When, as already described, a puncture is made in the floor of the fourth ventricle in the neighborhood of the origin of the pneumogastric nerve temporary glycosuria appears within an hour or an hour and a half after the 52 818 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. operation. The method by which this influence on the liberation of sugar by the liver is accomplished has been described under the heading of Gtycogenesis. 2. THE COURSE OF THE FIBRES OF THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA. We have now to attempt to trace the paths of communication of the different divisions of the medulla oblongata with the cerebrum, pons varolii, cor- pora quadrigemina, and, still more important than all, the formation of the hemispheres of the cerebrum and their means of communication by the cerebral peduncles with the mid-brain and its ganglia and with the cerebellum. In tracing up the fibres from the medulla, those most readily followed are the continuations of the restiform bodies, which may be readily detected to pass directly into the cerebellum. Their termination after reaching the cerebellum is only partially cleared up, and before attempt- ing its explanation we must first consider the mode of construction of the cerebellum itself. The cerebellum consists, in the domestic animals and man, of two flattened hemispheres connected across the middle line by the middle lobe or vermiform appendix, which is the fundamental portion of the organ. The white substance of the cerebellum exceeds to a considerable degree the gray matter. The latter is deposited over the entire surface of the two hemispheres of the cerebellum, forming the gray cortex of the cerebellum ; within the inner white medullary substance of the hemisphere is a collection of gra} r matter known as the dentate or ciliary body, which in its general appearance somewhat resembles that of the olivary bodies found in the medulla oblongata, and which here, also, has the shape of a horseshoe, thrown up into numerous folds, and near which are also found associate nuclei. Although it is clearly established that the main function of the gray matte;* is to bring the nerve-fibres and nerve- cells into connection with each other, still, as yet, no direct termination of nerve-tubes in the ganglion cells of the cerebellum has been detected. Of course, this does not imply that the terminations of the gray cells in the cortex of the cerebellum with nerve-cylinders may not be readily determined. All attempts, however, to follow up these nerve-fibres has as yet resulted in almost total failure. If, however, we follow the resti- form bodies (which form the inferior peduncles of the cerebellum) it may be seen that a certain amount of their fibres decussates and then enters into the dentate body, forming the so-called hitra-ciliary fibres, while another passes externally and forms the extra-ciliary column. In addition to its communication with the medulla, the cerebellum is likewise in communication with the corpora quadrigemina and the pons varolii. The fibres passing from the cerebellum to the corpora quadri- gemina and crura cerebri (superior cerebellar peduncles) originate not FUNCTIONS OF THE BRAIN. 819 only from the extra-ciliary fibres around the corpora dentata, decussating in the pons, but also from the associate nuclei, while the fibres from the extra-ciliary columns alone have been traced into connection with the pons. It, therefore, is evident that the cerebellum is to be regarded as a complicated collection of gray ganglionic masses in unbroken connec- tion with the medulla oblongata and pons on the one side and with the cerebrum on the other. The pons varolii is formed by a collection of the continuations of the reticular formation of the medulla, the pyramids and anterior columns of the medulla, together with the fibres, coming directly by the middle peduncle from the cerebellum. Above the pons the two collections of fibres known as the cerebral peduncles- (crura cerebri) approach each other, the point at which the union is accomplished above the medulla being the locality in which the upper end of the fourth ventricle terminates in the aqueduct of Sylvius. In the interior of each cerebral peduncle is found a mass of gray matter, the substantia niger, which separates the fibres of each cms into two layers, the upper laj-er forming the so-called teymentum cruris and the lower the basis cruris. The upper division of the tegmentum contains also a gray nucleus (nucleus tegmentis). Although these two divisions of the crura are in close anatomical connection, it has been determined with a considerable degree of posi- tiveness that the pyramidal fibres are in direct communication through the basis of the cerebral peduncles with the central convolutions of the cerebral hemisphere on the same side, although whether a direct commu- nication, as in the case of the cerebellum, of these fibres with the gangli- onic cells in the upper surface of the hemispheres exists or not has not yet been determined. Nevertheless, it appears that they form no direct communication with the other gray masses of the hemispheres, the lenticular nucleus, optic thalamus or striated body. And since they undergo degeneration only after injury of the central convolutions, it is probable that they are in direct communication with the cortex of the brain. Flechsig claims to have followed them in an unbroken course from the pyramidal columns through the white mass between the lenticular nucleus and optic thalamus, the so-called internal capsule, direct to the gray cortex of the cerebral convolutions. The course of these fibres, together with the other important cerebro-spinal tracts are shown in Fig. 357. The cerebrum is divided by a longitudinal fissure into two hemi- spheres in man, mammals, and birds, and its external surface is divided by a number of lesser fissures into lobes and convolutions. The cere- brum contains the ganglia of the brain, the optic thalamus or corpus 820 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. R Spinal Cord FIG. 357. A DIAGRAM DESIGNED TO ILLUSTRATE THE COURSE OF CERTAIN NERVE-TRACTS WITHIN THE CEREBRUM, CRUS, PONS, MEDULLA, AND SPINAL CORD. MODIFIED FROM FLECHSIG. (Ranney.) C.N., caudate nucleus ; L.N., lenticular nucleus ; O.T., optic thalamus : G.P., gray matter of the pons ; F.R., formatio reticularis; C.D., corpus dentatum; O, olivary body ; N.C., clavate nucleus; T.N., trian- gular nucleus: C.Q., corpora quadrigemina ; I.C., upper limit of the capsular fibres: m, m, m, motor centres around the fissure of Rolando; c.r., fibres of the " corona radiata." 1, the "pyramidal tract," arising from the motor centres of the cerebrum and terminating in the cells of the anterior horns of the spinal gray substance (13 and 14) ; 2, 3, and 4, fibres connecting the cerebral cortex, the caudate nucleus, and the lenticular nucleus with the gray matter of the pons after decussation, and then prolonged as and 7 to the cerebellum ; o, fibres of the superior cerebellar peduncle ; 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 show by their colors the tracts with which they are associated, as well as their origin and termination; 11 and 17, the "direct cerebellar tract" of the spinal cord (whose probable termination is not correctly shown in the cut, as it probably ends in the vermiform process) ; 12, the lemniscus or "fillet " tract, connecting the olivary body with the optic thalamus and the corpora quadrigemina: 13, the cells of the cord connected with the direct pyramidal tract ; 14, the cells of the cord connected with the crowed pi/ramidnl tract; 15, fibres of the column of Burdach, terminating superiorly in the triangular nucleus ; 16, fibres of the column of Goll, terminating superiorly in the clavate nucleus ; 19, fibres of the cord which terminate in the so-called " reticular formation " directly ; 18, fibres of the ret. form, going to the cerebellum. FUNCTIONS OF THE BKAIN. 821 striati, the caudate and lenticular nuclei, and the corpora quadrigemina, being connected with the medulla by means of the cerebral peduncles, above which are situated the corpora quadrigemina. In the domestic animals the anterior pair of the corpora quadri- gemina are composed of gray matter, while the posterior are white, in direct opposition to what is the case in man. In herbivora and in the hog the anterior pair are the larger, while in carnivora they are of equal size, or the posterior may be somewhat more developed. Between the corpora quadrigemina and the optic thalamus lies the third ventricle, while under the corpora quadrigemina is situated the aqueduct of Sylvius, connecting the third and fourth ventricle. We have now to attempt an explanation of the functions of these different parts of the brain. 3. THE PONS YAROLII. We have seen that the pons, the superior continuation of the spinal cord, is composed of two sets of fibres. The one, the transverse fibres, constituting the median cerebellar peduncles, serves to connect the two lateral hemispheres of the cerebellum and exists only in animals in which the cerebellum consists of two lobes. The other part of the pons is composed of a mass of gray substance in continuity with that of the medulla and traversed in an antero-posterior direction by the fibres of the medulla, passing up to form the cerebral peduncles. As in the study of other portions of the nervous system, we attempt here to determine the functions of the different parts of the brain by the method of excitation and excision. When the pons is stimulated, either mechanically or by an electric current, pain and muscular spasms are produced, evidently by the mere implication of adjacent motor and sensor}^ paths. Where section of the pons is performed there may be sensory, motor, or vaso-motor paralysis, together with forced movements when the middle cerebellar peduncles are involved. Thus, if there be an injury to the lower half of one side of the pons there will be both sensory and motor paralysis of the face on the same side and more or less general paralysis of the opposite side of the body ; if the injury be to the upper half of the pons the facial paralysis will be on the same side as the paralysis of the body. The pons, like the spinal cord and medulla, also acts as a reflex centre ; although this fact is not capable of direct demonstration, its truth is rendered probable by the higher degree of muscular co-ordination preserved by an animal in which the pons has been retained over animals in whom the section has been carried through the brain below this point. 4. THE CEREBRAL PEDUNCLES. The cerebral peduncles form the upward prolongation of the pons, and are constituted by those portions of the spinal cord which, after having traversed the pons and medulla, pass upward through the optic thalamus and corpora striata to enter the 822 , PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. cerebral hemispheres. When one of the cerebral peduncles is completely divided it produces paralysis of voluntary movement on the opposite side of the body, with a diminution of the sensibility and vaso-motor paralysis. Section of the basis of both cerebral peduncles totally abolishes all voluntary movements, although reflexes apparently of cerebral origin still persist. Section of the tegmentum, on the other hand, on both sides entails the loss of these cerebral reflexes, but allows voluntary motion to remain. Injury to one cerebral peduncle causes pain and convulsions on the opposite side of the body, while the blood-vessels contract. As the irritative effects pass off these symptoms give place to paralysis. 5. THE CORPORA QUADRIGEMINA. Destruction of the corpora quad- rigemina on one side causes blindness, which may be either on the side of the injury or on the opposite side, according to the location of the mutilation. Total destruction causes absolute blindness in both eyes, with the absence of the reflex contraction of the pupil when exposed to the light. In addition to blindness, disturbance of equilibrium and inco-ordination of movement result. When stimulated the pupils have been noticed to dilate either on the same side or the opposite side of the body ; this result is probably produced by conduction of the stimulus to the origin of the S} T mpathetic nerve, for after section of the sympathetic dilatation of the pupil no longer takes place. Stimulation of the right anterior tubercle causes the eyes to deviate to the left, while if a vertical incision is made, so as to separate the right and left corpora quadri- gemina, stimulation of one side only causes this movement to take place on one side. The most striking result of injuries to the corpora quadrigemina are the so-called forced movements, evidentty due to peculiar unilateral disturbances of equilibrium causing variations from the symmetrical movements of the two sides of the body. These movements may be of various kinds. In the so-called circus movement, instead of moving in a straight line, the animal runs around in a circle ; rolling movement, where the animal rolls on its long axis, and the index movement, when the anterior part of the body is moved around the posterior part, which remains at rest. These different forms of movement frequently pass into each other, and they may be produced by injury either of the corpus striatum, optic thalamus, cerebral peduncle, pons, middle cerebellar peduncle, and certain parts of the medulla. 6. THE FUNCTIONS OF THE BASAL GANGLIA. (a) Th,e Corpus Striatum. We have seen that the corpus striatum consists of two parts, the intra-ventricular portion projecting into the lateral ventricle to form the caudate nucleus, and the external portions the lenticular nucleus. FUNCTIONS OF THE BRAIN. 823 Lying between these are found the fibres of the anterior division of the internal capsule, which seem to have no connection with these ganglia. Electrical stimulation of these ganglia causes general muscular con- traction on the opposite side of the body. Lesions of either of these ganglia, provided the internal capsule be not injured, do not appear to cause any permanent symptoms, but destruction of the internal capsule causes paralysis of motion or sensibility or both on the opposite side of the body. External to the lenticular nucleus is the external capsule, whose function is unknown, as is also the case as regards the claustrum, which is located externally to the external capsule. (6) The Optic Thalamus. Scarcely anything definite is known as to the functions of this organ, since we have been compelled to abandon the theory supported by Carpenter as to its purely sensory nature. Injury to the thalamus of one side sometimes produces partial paralysis on the opposite side of the body, and, again, sometimes after such an injury hemiansesthesia of the opposite side of the body, with or without disturbance of motion, has been observed. Frequently the thalamus may be irritated without producing any evidence of sensation or motipn. Since the posterior portion is connected with the origin of the optic nerve it is in all probabilit} 7 concerned in the sense of vision. Together with the corpus striatum,the optic thalamus is perhaps mainly concerned in co-ordinate and complex muscular movements, since the cerebrum may be removed and motion still be normal, provided these basal ganglia are left intact; when, however, they are disturbed normal progression and co-ordinated movements are then rendered impossible. The principal diflicult} r in determining facts in regard to the func- tions of this part of the brain is that they do not admit of experimental investigation without the most extensive injury to the other parts of the brain. 7. THE FUNCTIONS OF THE CEREBRAL LOBES. In man and the higher mammals the cerebral lobes represent the greatest part of the brain-sub- stance, and usually will constitute twelve-thirteenths of the entire weight of the brain. The cerebral hemispheres are composed of an internal white substance, representing the continuations of the fibres coming from below which terminate in an external layer of gray matter. The external matter, the cerebral cortex, is folded into convolutions sepa- rated from each other by fissures, some of which being so marked as to permit of the division of the cerebrum into adjacent lobes. From the cells of the cortex, in all probability, proceed all the motor fibres which are concerned in the production of voluntary movement, and to them come all the fibres from the organs of special and general sense which enable the brain to appreciate external impressions. Some of the fibres 824 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. terminating in the cortex traverse the basal ganglia ; others, constituting the so-called pyramidal tracts, proceed from the motor regions of the cerebrum and pass through the white matter and converge in the internal capsule, and from there enter the crura cerebri, thence to the pons, and thence to the opposite side of the medulla oblongata. The white matter of the cerebral lobes may, therefore, be considered merely as the continuation of the paths of conduction of the cord and medulla which terminate in the cells of the gray matter of the convolutions. The consideration of the cerebral lobes resolves itself, therefore, into the study of the functions of the gray matter of the cortex. While the cerebrum has been from time immemorial looked upon as the seat of the will and intelligence, and, in fact, of all the phj'sical functions, it is only since 1870 that attempts to localize the different functions of the cortex have been attended by any measurable success. In the lower animals, when the cerebral hemispheres are removed slice by slice, the animals simply become more and more dull and stupid, until finally they lose all intelligence. When in pigeons both cerebral hemispheres are removed the animals apparently appreciate no pain during the operation, nor are any movements produced by operations on the cerebral substance. After extirpation of the cerebral lobes they pass into a semi-comatose or stupid condition, and, if not disturbed, remain absolutely motionless, apparently experiencing no sensation of hunger, and will die of starvation in the midst of food without making any effort to feed. If mechanically disturbed, provided the basal ganglia are intact, they are capable of moving in a perfectly normal manner, will, to a certain extent, avoid obstacles, the pupils of their eyes react to light, and they are capable of reacting to violent sudden noises. If food is placed in their mouths they are capable of swallowing it, and, in fact, they preserve the pow r er of completing numerous co-ordinated movements which depend upon reflex stimuli, indicating that the mechanisms concerned in the maintenance of equilibrium are located in the mid-brain, probably in the corpora quadrigemina. If a single cerebral lobe is removed in the lower animals no effect other than the apparent dulling of intelligence is evident. In the higher animals after such a mutilation there is evident a certain dulling of sensibility and difficulty in movement on the opposite side of the body, which, however, finally in the majority of cases gradually disappear. It is concluded from these experiments that the cortex is the chief if not the exclusive seat of intelligence. From the experiments of Fritsch and Hitzig in 1870 dates a new era in our knowledge of the functions of the cerebral cortex. They found that stimulation by means of electricity of certain circumscribed regions on the surface of the cerebral convolutions was followed by FUNCTIONS OF THE BRAIN. 825 co-ordinated movements in distinct groups of muscles of the opposite side of the bod}^. They indicated certain areas of the cerebral cortex as the actual centres for the production of various movements, and their experiments have been confirmed and extended by a large number of subsequent observers. These points are termed the motor centres of the cortex, and have been located in the dog, the monkey, the cat, sheep, and the rabbit, but are absent in lower animals, such as the frog and fish. They are all found in the anterior part of the parietal lobe, the most important being shown in Fig. 358. When any centre which has been determined to govern any special group of muscles is destroyed or removed the corresponding part of the body is not permanently para- lyzed in the dog, but movements which are produced in that part of the body become irregular and variable, and after a time the disturbance of movement may almost completely disappear. In the monkey and man, on the other hand, destructive lesions of definite motor areas of the cortex cause permanent paralysis, this difference being, perhaps, explainable as due to the higher importance of the cortex in higher species, where it assumes more and more the functions subserved by the basal ganglia in lower animals. A similar series of experiments has led to the localization in the cortex of certain parts which are in close relationship with the organs of sense, for we know that sensory impulses from the opposite side of the body pass upward through the posterior third of the posterior limb of the internal capsule to pass, in all probability, to the cortex of the occipital and temporo-sphenoidal lobes. Excision of these localities leads to disturbances in the appreciation of sensations coming through the sensory organs. Thus, for example, in the dog a locality has been found in the posterior cerebral lobe (outer convex part of the occipital lobe) the destruction of which produces blindness in the opposite eye ; or, if both corresponding parts are removed, total blindness results. After extirpation of this part the channels which connect it with the optic nerves undergo degeneration. Centres for hearing and for smelling have also been located. The centre for hearing in the dog lies in the second prima^ convolution, while in man and the monkey it has been located in the first temporo-sphenoidal convolution. Such disturbances produced by removal of parts of the cortex are, like the motor disturbances, not permanent, but gradually disappear, and dogs rendered deaf or blind by excision of these parts of the cortex again learn to see and to hear, a fact which is explained Toy the substitution of function in some corresponding part of the .brain-cortex. 8. THE FUNCTIONS OP THE CEREBELLUM. Experiments as to the function of the cerebellum have led to the conclusion that it is the great organ for the co-ordination of muscular movements, a fact which would 826 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. alone be rendered probable when it is recognized that the cerebellum is in direct connection not only with all the columns of the spinal cord, i, F ' FIG. 358. UPPER SURFACE VIEW OF THE CEREBRUM OF VARIOUS ANIMALS. (Landois. ) I, cerebrum of the dog; I, u, HI, iv, the four primary convolutions; s, snlcus cruciatus; F, Sylvian, fossa; o, olfactory lobe; 1, motor area for the muscles of the neck ; 2, extensors and abductors of the fore limb; 3, flexors and rotators of the fore limb; 4, the muscles of the hind limb: 5, the facial muscles; 6, lateral switching motion of the tail ; 7, retraction and abduction of the fore limb ; 8, elevation of the shoulder and extension of the fore limb, as in walking; 9, 9, orbicularis palpebrarum. II, aa, retraction and elevation of the angle of the mouth ; b, opening of the mouth and movements of the oral centre ; cc, platysma ; d, opening of the eye ; p, optic nerve ; I, t, thermic centre. Ill, cerebrum of rabbit, from above ; IV, cerebrum of the pigeon, from above : V, cerebrum of the frog, from above ; VI, cerebrum of the carp, from above. In all these o is the olfactory lobe; 1, cerebrum; 2, optic lobe; 3, cerebellum; 4, medulla oblongata. especially with the posterior columns, whose division has been found to lead to inco-ordination, but with the basal ganglia of the cerebrum, which we have found to be especially concerned in this function. It is FUNCTIONS OF THE BKAIN. 827 supposed that the direct cerebellar paths of the cord conduct sensoiy impressions to the cerebellum, and thus indicate the posture of the trunk and the position of the limbs, while the motor impulses passing through the cord may be influenced by fibres passing from the cerebellum through the restiform body to the lateral columns. Injuries of the cerebellum produce no disturbance of the psychical function, nor do they give rise to pain. When, however, the cerebellum is gradually removed, as in a pigeon, at first symptoms of weakness and slight disturbance of movement are evident ; as more and more of the cerebellum is removed great excitement appears, and the animal now makes violent irregular movements, which, while not similar to convul- sions, are yet free from all apparent purpose; while co-ordinated movements are impossible vision and hearing, nevertheless, remain intact. Again, section of the middle cerebellar peduncle on one side almost always gives rise to forced movements, the animal revolving rapidly on its own longitudinal axis, and this disturbance is accompanied by nystagmus, or oscillation of the eyeballs. Injury or removal of the lateral lobe produces the same forced movement as section of the middle peduncle. In mammals the dangers are so great in operations on the cerebellum that but few successes are on record. In operations of extirpation performed on mammals which have proved successful, at first the symptoms are those of irritation of the divided peduncles, and consist in clonic contractions of the muscles of the fore limb, neck, and back, while no sensory disturbances are perceptible. When recovery from the operation is complete the symptoms dependent upon the loss of the cerebellum then appear and consist mainly in disturbances of equilibrium, and, while many muscular groups apparently maintain their muscular tone intact, the power of associating various groups of muscles to produce complex actions is lost. When the injurj^ to or extirpation of the cerebellum has been but superficial the disturbances of co-ordination soon pass off, while if the injury affects the lowest third of the cerebellum the effects are permanent. We may now return to the subject of the conduction of motor and sensory impulses through the central nervous 53' stem, summarizing the statements which have been made during the consideration of the func- tions of the spinal cord, medulla oblongata, and brain (Fig, 359). Sensory impulses originating in stimulation of the peripheral termi- nations of afferent or sensory nerves pass into the cord through the posterior roots of the spinal nerves, and the impulse passes either to the cerebrum or cerebellum or both. After entering the cord the fibres of the posterior roots diverge and carry the afferent impulses in different 828 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. directions : part of the fibres communicate with the direct cerebellar tract and others with the posterior columns, thus furnishing through the restiform body a direct path to the cerebellum. Other fibres of these roots cross the middle line of the cord a little above where they FIG. 359. SCHEME OF THE BRAIN. (Landois.) C C, cortex cerebri : C s, corpus striatum ; N 1, nucleus lenticularis ; T o, optic thalamus ; V, corpora quadrigemina: P, pedunculus cerebri; H, tegmentum, and p, crusta; 1 1, corona radiata of the corpus striatum : 22, of the lenticular nucleus ; 3 3, of the optic thalamus ; 4 4, of the corpora quadrigemina ; 5, direct fibres to the cortex cerebri (Flechsig) ; 6 6, fibres from the corpora quadrigemina to the tegmentum ; m, further course of these fibres : 8 8, fibres from the corpus striatum and lenticular nucleus to the crusta of the pedunculus cerebri ; M, further course of these : 8 S, course of the sensory fibres ; R, transverse section of the spinal cord ; v.W, anterior, and h.W, posterior roots ; a a, association system of fibres ; c c, commissural fibres ; II, transverse section through the posterior pair of the corpora quadrigemina and the pedunculi cerebri of man ; p, crusta of the peduncle; s, substantia niger; v, corpora quadrigemina with a section of the aqueduct ; III, the same of the dog ; IV, of an ape ; V, of the guinea-pig. enter, and some pass up in the lateral column in front of the pyramidal tract, others into the posterior column, and still others ascend in the gray matter on the opposite side of the cord. In the medulla the FUNCTIONS OF THE BKAIN. 829 sensory impulses travel through the reticular formation, through the posterior half of the pons, and enter the tegmentum of the crura cerebri, pass under the corpora quadrigemina to enter the posterior third of the posterior limb of the internal capsule, and thence radiate to the cortex of the occipital and temporo-sphenoidal lobe. The path of the sensory fibres, therefore, in some part of its course undergoes decussation, either in the cord, the medulla, or the pons, so that the cortex of each cerebral hemisphere receives sensory impulses which originate in impressions made on the opposite side of the body : hence, a destructive lesion of the cerebral cortex, internal capsule (posterior third), or of one-half of the cord causes anaesthesia of the opposite side of the bod}- . The major part of the crossing, however, occurs in the posterior commissure of the cord. Voluntary motor impulses originate in the cells of the cortex in the motor areas of the cerebrum, pass through the radiating fibres of the white matter of the cerebral hemispheres, to converge into the internal capsule, which is a collection of white nerve-fibres tying between the caudate nucleus and optic thalamus internally and the lenticular nucleus external^. They then enter the basis of the crura cerebri, occup} T ing its middle third, the fibres for the face being next the middle line and those for the leg most external, the fibres for the arm lying between the two ; they then pass to the pons, the facial fibres here undergoing decussation (becoming con- nected with the nuclei of the facial and hypoglossal nerves), the others continuing on the same side to the anterior p3 T ramids of the medulla oblongata, where the major part crosses to the opposite side of the cord, where they descend in the lateral column (the crossed pj-ramidal tract) ; while the uncrossed fibres descend in the anterior columns of the same side, ultimately, in all probabilit3 r , crossing through the white commissure. All the fibres of both pj^ramidal tracts terminate at different levels in the m ult i polar cells of the anterior cornua of the gray matter of the cord, and from each of these cells originates a single unbranched process which, joining with similar fibres, passes out of the cord in the anterior roots of the spinal nerves. The course of these motor and sensory fibres is like- wise shown in Figs. 360 and 361. The cerebellum receives through its inferior peduncle the afferent fibres derived from the lateral (direct cere- bellar tract) and posterior columns of the cord, as well as from the gray matter. The muscular sense is supposed to be conducted by means of Clarke's column, together with the direct cerebellar columns, while tactile sensations pass through Burdach's column. While, therefore, the sensa- tions of pain are conducted directly to the cerebrum, tactile and muscular sensations first reach the cerebellum and may from thence be conducted to the cerebrum through the superior peduncle of the cerebellum, passing into the posterior part of the corpora quadrigemina and then, perhaps, forming connection with the caudate nucleus. 830 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. I. FIG. 360. FIGS. 360 AND 361. DIAGRAMS OF THE COURSE OF THE NERVE-FIBRES IN THE SUBSTANCE OF THE BRAIN AND SPINAL, CORD, AFTER AEBY. (Ranney.) I, view of a transverse section; II, profile view; III, the nuclei of the medulla (partly after Erb). The crosses of color corresponding to the lines upon which they are placed designate the point of section of each tract as it passes through different levels (the crus and pons). C i, internal capsule, with radiating fibres (in yellow), pyramidal fibres (red), and fibres going to the pons (in purple) ; P C, the crnra cerebri, with the pyramidal fibres and th< substantia niger, the fillet tract (i blue) ; PC, the peduncles of and the fibres going to the ganglia of the pons anteriorly, and posteriorly the tract (in dotted lines), the fibres of the superior peduncle'of the cerebellum (in of the cerebellum, showing the fibres going to the cerebrum, the pons, and the FUNCTIONS OF THE BKAIN. II. 831 FIG. 361. medulla : P,pons varolii, with its ganglia on either side (in purple). In III, the nuclei of the cranial nerve-roots are numbered to correspond with the nerves. Red is used for the motor nuclei, and blue for the sensory nuclei. The trncfx in the cord are designated by the area similarly colored in the cross-section of the cord beneath, c'. column of Tiirck; c, crossed pyramidal column; a, anterior horn; a', anterior root-zone : e, direct cerebellar column ; b, posterior horn ; b' ? column of Burdach ; d, column of Goll. Higher up are seen b", the inferior peduncle of the cerebellum: df. the fillet or lemniscus tract; f, the fibres connecting the ganglia of the pons with the cerebrum and cerebellum ; b'", the fibres of the superior cerebellar peduncle; h. the caudo-lenticular and thalamo-cortical fibres ; i, the commissural fibres : Th, optic thalamus: nc, nucleus caudatus: nl, nucleus lenticularis: gc. central convolutions. In this diagram the course of b" seems to be in error in not undergoing a decussation. 832 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. VII. THE CKANIAL NERVES. The cranial nerves, twelve in number on each side, arise from differ- ent parts of the brain and pass through foramina in the base of the skull, their number being given to them from the order in which they pass out from the base of the brain ; other names are, also, given them from the parts to which they are distributed or from their functions. The cranial nerves are either pure sensory nerves, pure motor nerves, or mixed nerves. The pure sensory nerv*es are the olfactory (1), optic (2), and acoustic (8); the pure motor nerves are the oculo-motor (3), the pathetic (4), and the abducens (6); the trifucial (5), or trigeminus, is a mixed nerve, arising from a distinct motor and a distinct sensory root comparable to the spinal nerves. Regarding the functions of the other cranial nerves as determined by the functions of their roots, the pneu- mogastric and glosso-pharyngeal are sensory nerves and the facial, spinal-accessory, and hypoglossal nerves are motor. The trunks of these last five nerves, however, contain both afferent and efferent fibres, the pneumogastric receiving efferent fibres from the spinal-accessory and the glosso-pharyngeal from the facial and motor branch of the trigeminus ; while the facial receives afferent fibres from the trigeminus, pneumogas- tric, and glosso-pharyngeal, and the hypoglossal sensory fibres from the trigeminus, vagus, and three upper cervical nerves. The functions of these nerves, although already considered under different subjects, will be here recapitulated. 1. THE OLFACTORY NERVE. (See Sense of Smell.) 2. THE OPTIC NERVE. (See Sense of Vision.) 3. THE OCULO-MOTOR NERVE. This nerve arises from the oculo- motor nucleus under the aqueduct of Sylvius, the fibres of origin being traced into the corpora quadrigemina and through the cerebral peduncle into the lenticular nucleus. It contains three sets of fibres which are distributed (1) to all the muscles of eyeball, with the exception of the superior oblique and external rectus muscles and the levator palpebrse muscles, (2) to the circular muscles of the pupil, and (3) to the ciliary muscle. Hence, it is the path for voluntary motor impulses to all the muscles of the eyeball, with the exception of the muscles above mentioned, it is the efferent nerve for the reflex contraction of the pupil from the action of light on the retina, and it contains the voluntary motor fibres to the muscle of accommodation (ciliary muscle). 4. THE PATHETIC NERVE ( Trochlearis). The fibres of the fourth cranial nerve may be traced back from their apparent origin on the outer side of the crus cerebri in front of the pons varolii, beneath the corpora quadrigemina, to the valve of Yieussens (behind the fourth ventricle), on the upper surface of which it is connected \>y commissural fibres with its CBANIAL NERVES. 833 fellow from the opposite side. The gray nucleus from which it arises is the posterior part of the oculo-motor nucleus in the floor of the aqueduct of Sylvius ; it also is connected with a gray nucleus in the part of the floor of the fourth ventricle near to the origin of the fifth nerve. It is a purely motor nerve and is distributed to the superior oblique muscle of the eyeball. 5. THE TEIFACIAL NERVE ( Trigeminus). This is a mixed nerve, arising, like the spinal nerves, .from a motor and sensory root, the latter being supplied with a ganglion (ganglion of Gasser). The anterior, smaller, motor root arises in the motor trigeminal nucleus in the floor of the fourth ventricle, which is connected with the cortical motor centre on the opposite side of the cerebrum ; there is also a descending motor root from the corpora quadrigemina. The larger posterior sensory root is connected with the sensory trigeminal nucleus at the level of the pons with the gray matter of the posterior horns of the spinal cord as far as the cervical vertebra, constituting the ascending root, and with the cere- bellum through the crura cerebelli. This extensive origin of the sensory fibres explains the great number of reflex relations of this nerve. After passing through the cranium the trifacial nerve divides into three divisions the ophthalmic, superior maxillary, and inferior maxillary branches. The ophthalmic division, which receives fibres from the sympathetic nerve, supplies sensory branches to the conjunctiva, lachrymal gland, upper eyelid, brow, and root of nose, trophic fibres to the eyeball, and vaso-motor fibres to the dura mater and lachn^mal gland. It is also the afferent nerve for the reflex stimulation of the lachrymal secretion. The superior maxillary division supplies sensory nerves to the dura mater, to the angle of the eye, skin of temple and cheek, to the teeth in the upper jaw, gums, periosteum, the lower eyelid, bridge and sides of the nose and upper lip as far as the angle of the mouth, nasal chambers, hard and soft palate. B}^ receiving motor fibres from the facial (super- ficial petrosal branch to Meckel's ganglion) it gives motor nerves to the soft palate and uvula, and, receiving vaso-motor fibres from the cervical plexus, it is the vaso-motor nerve for this entire region. The inferior maxillary division contains all the motor fibres of the fifth nerve and supplies motor nerves to the muscles of mastication, the tensor palati, and tensor tympani muscles. It also contains sensory fibres which are distributed to the mucous membrane of the cheek, lower lip, teeth, external auditory canal, and tip of tongue, the lingual branch being, further, the special nerve of taste. This division also contains trophic and vaso-motor fibres. 6. THE ABDUCENS NERVE. The sixth cranial nerve arises from the emenentia teres in the fourth ventricle in front of and partly from the 53 834 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. nucleus of the facial nerve, its nucleus being connected with the nucleus of the third nerve on the opposite side. It is the motor nerve of the external rectus muscle of the eye. In co-ordinate movements of the eyes its action is involuntary. It receives fibres from the sympathetic nerve in the neck. 7. THE FACIAL NERVE. The facial nerve consists solely of efferent fibres, and arises by two roots from the floor of the fourth ventricle, of which the smaller, through the nerve of Wrisberg, forms a connection with the auditory nerve. The origin of the facial, the facial nucleus, lies behind the origin of the sixth nerve and is connected with the cerebrum of the opposite side. The facial nerve is the motor nerve of the muscles of the face, and hence is called the nerve of expression. It also supplies motor branches to the stylo-hyoid, posterior belly of the digastric, buccinator, stapedius, muscles of the external ear, platysma, and levator palati. It is the secretory nerve of the parotid, and through the chorda tympani of the submaxillary gland. It also contains vaso- motor fibres for the tongue and side of the face and vaso-dilator fibres for the submaxillary gland. Through its anastomoses with the trigeminu^ and vagus it perhaps contains afferent fibres. 8. THE AUDITORY NERVE. (See Sense of Hearing.) 9. THE GLOSSO-PHARYNGEAL NERVE. This nerve arises from the glosso-pharyngeal nucleus deep in the medulla oblongata near the olivary body, and is connected with the nucleus of the vagus. An ascending root from the spinal cord unites with it and serves for the production of spinal reflexes. It is supplied to the palatine and pharyngeal muscles, but its motor function to these muscles is not absolutely established ; possibly its motor fibres are derived from the facial. It is the nerve of taste for the back of the tongue and pharynx, as well as being the nerve of general sensation for these parts, the Eustachian tube and tympanum. 10. THE PNEUMOGASTRIC NERVE. The vagus nerve has a common nucleus with the ninth and eleventh nerves in the ala cinerea in the lower half of the calamus scriptorius. It contains both afferent and efferent fibres, the latter, probably, being derived from the spinal-acces- sory. The efferent fibres are distributed to the muscles of the pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, oesophagus, stomach, and intestines. It is also the inhibitory nerve of the heart, and contains vaso-motor fibres for the lungs and trophic fibres for the lungs and heart. It is the sensory nerve for the external ear, pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, and respiratory passages. It contains afferent fibres, which may augment or inhibit (laryngeal nerve) the respiratory centre, augment the cardio-inhibitory centre, inhibit the medullary vaso-motor centre (depressor nerve) ; through it afferent impressions may pass which produce the salivary or inhibit the pancreatic secretions. SYMPATHETIC NEKVOUS SYSTEM. 835 11. THE SPINAL-ACCESSORY NERVE. This nerve arises by two separate roots, one from the accessory nucleus of the medulla, which is connected with the nucleus of the vagus, the other between the anterior and posterior roots of the spinal nerves, as far down as the fifth cervical nerve, its fibres in the cord having been traced to a nucleus on the outer side of the anterior cornua. The anterior branch passes entirely into the vagus and gives to it most of its motor fibres and all the cardio- inhibitory fibres. The spinal-accessory is the motor nerve to the sterno- mastoid and trapezius muscles ; it receives sensory branches from the cervical nerves. 12. THE HYPOGLOSSAL NERVE. The hypoglossal nerve arises from two large-celled nuclei in the calamus scriptorius and one adjoining small-celled nucleus, being connected both with the olivary body and the brain. It is the motor nerve for the muscles of the tongue and most of the hyoid muscles. It receives afferent fibres from the fifth and tenth nerves and vaso-motor fibres from the sympathetic. VIII. THE SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM. The great sympathetic nerve, constituted by a ganglionic chain, composed of a series of ganglia connected by nerve-fibres, is located on each side of the vertebral column. Three different forms of structure may be recognized in this portion of the nervous system the ganglia, the peripheral branches, and the connecting filaments. The two chains situated on each side of the median line are connected by transverse fibres, giving off numerous branches, which anastomose among themselves and form plexuses (Fig. 362). The sympathetic nerve may be divided into three divisions. In the cephalic portion are found the ophthalmic, the spheno-palatine, the otic, the submaxillary, and the sublingual, with the three cervical ganglia. In the thorax and abdomen are found the other two divisions, which like- wise consist of a number of ganglia united together by anastomosing filaments. The ganglia consist of gray substance united with nerve-tubules. The fibres are non-medullated and connect the ganglia. Each spinal nerve forms connections with adjacent sympathetic ganglia by means of the rami communicantes, which are formed by nerve-fibres coming from both the anterior and the posterior roots of the spinal nerves. In addi- tion to the non-medullated fibres entering into the constitution of the great sympathetic nerve are also fine nerve-tubules, which in their structure are analogous to those of the cerebro-spinal axis. Such filaments are much less abundant than the gray or non-medullated fibres of Remak. The functions of the sympathetic nervous system have already been 836 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. given somewhat in detail in previous sections. The most important function which it fulfills in the animal economy is in the regulation of the calibre of the blood-vessels. This has already been described under the subject of the Circulation. The sympathetic likewise possesses a number of independent functions either in the way of inhibiting or stimulating various processes which ordinarily are controlled by the cerebro-spinal nerves. As examples of such action may be men- tioned the automatic ganglia of the heart, the mesenteric plexuses of the intestine, and the sympathetic plexuses of the uterus, Fallopian tubes, and ureters. Of course, here, also, the share of the sym- pathetic in regulating the calibre of the blood-vessels occupies an important position. The sympathetic nerve, also, in addi- tion to such functions in which this nerve may be regarded as an efferent nerve, carrying impulses from the central ner- vous system, likewise acts as an afferent nerve ; as, for instance, in the conduction of sensory impressions from the abdominal viscera through the splanchnic nerves. It has further been claimed that the various ganglia of the sympathetic may themselves act as reflex centres, but no clear demonstration of this statement has ever been reached. Its strongest advo- cate was Claude Bernard, and he pointed to the submaxillary ganglion as an illus- tration of such an independent action on the part of the sympathetic ganglia, We have already discussed the grounds for doubting the correctness of this FIG. 362. SYMPATHETIC NERVE OP statement. mmtL^ s -.c, Probably the main function of the ' 1 " ganglia of the sympathetic nervous system is to modify impulses -coming from the central nervous GENEKAL AND SPECIAL SENSIBILITY. 837 system, through the cerebro-spinal nerves, so as to inhibit or modify the function of certain organs. As an illustration of this may be men- tioned the action of the sympathetic upon the pupil. According to Budge, the fibres which are concerned in producing dilatation of the pupil arise from the spinal cord and run from the upper two dorsal and the lowest two cervical nerves into the cervical sympathetic, which conveys them to the head. The influence of the sympathetic in governing the movements of the iris will be given more in detail in the consideration of the e} T e. Among other branches arising from the cervical part of the sym- pathetic are found motor branches going partly to the external rectus muscle of the eye. vaso-motor branches to the ear, the side of the face, the conjunctiva, the iris, the choroid, and to the vessels of this portion of the alimentary and respiratory tract. Secretory and vaso-motor fibres are distributed to the salivary glands and to the sweat-glands of the integument ; while, according to certain authorities, the lachrymal glands receive sympathetic secretory fibres from this portion of the sympathetic. Of the thoracic and abdominal sections of the sympathetic the car- diac plexus, which receives accelerator fibres for the heart, occupies the most important position. The influence of the coeliac plexus of the sympathetic on the heart has already been given. Of the abdominal sympathetic, the coeliac and mesenteric plexuses and the splanchnic nerves are the most important. They also have been already described. It is thus seen that the fibres of the sympathetic nervous system act as conductors of both afferent and efferent impressions. Impressions traveling from the periphery to the centre through the sympathetic nerve do not produce an impression upon the sensorium. In other words, the brain is not capable of taking cognizance of afferent im- pulses traveling through the sympathetic. Nor, on the other hand, can voluntary motor impulses pass through this nerve. IX. GENERAL AND SPECIAL SENSIBILITY. Sensation, or general sensibility, is that function of the brain by which it perceives or becomes conscious of impressions which are made upon the surface of the body or upon the nerves running from the peripher}* to the nerve-centres. Ity perception is meant that faculty by which sensations are referred to certain external causes. It is important to understand that all sensations take place, not at the point of contact of the irritant with the periphery, but in the brain itself, and we have evidence of this in the fact that if the brain be in a state of torpor no sensation occurs. Again, if a ligature be passed around an afferent nerve at some point between its origin on the periphery and its termination in the nerve-centre no sensation occurs, no matter how severe be the 838 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. stimulation of its peripheral ends ; or, if the nerve-trunk be divided, the most powerful irritants may be applied to the peripheral area in which that nerve is distributed without calling forth sensation. When an impression is made upon a sentient surface, that impres- sion so changes the molecular equilibrium in the terminal filaments as to give rise to afferent impressions, which travel along the nerve-trunk to reach the centres of the brain, and it is the final change which occurs within the nerve-cells which is to be spoken of as sensation, and it is only this latter change of which the brain is cognizant. Two kinds of sensibility may be recognized, general and special sensibility. Nerves of general and of special sense are concerned in the perception of these two kinds of sensation. By the term special sensi- bility is understood that sensation which arises from an impression of a peculiar kind and special character, which is capable of affecting only one kind of nerve ; or, rather, which, when applied to one kind of nerve, will invariably produce a sensation peculiar to that nerve. Thus, for example, a stimulus applied to the terminal filaments of the nerve of hearing will invariably be recognized as an auditoiy sensation ; so a stim- ulus of the optic nerve, whether mechanical, electrical, or chemical, will be recognized as a visual sensation. By general sensibility is meant the appreciation of sensations arising from impressions of a general character applied to the general tegumen- tary surface of the body. Under this head are to be included the tactile sense, the sense of heat and cold, and the muscular sense. The special sensations are the sensations of smell, taste, sight, and audition. Certain conditions are necessary to sensibility. First, there must be a certain degree of vascularity. Unless the part be well supplied with blood it cannot be endowed with either general or special sensibility. An illustration of this, may be seen on tying any large arterj^ ; the part to which it is supplied becomes almost instantly numb ; the blood is cut off', the vascularity diminishes, and the irritability of the receptive filaments of the nerve becomes depressed. So, also, cold, as is well known, reduces sensibility by diminishing the blood-supply of the part. Secondly, mere vascularity is not, however, sufficient ; there must, likewise, be continuity with the nerve-trunk. Unless the afferent fibres be in such continuity with the centre no sensibility, either general or special, may take place. While, finally, the centre itself must be in a state of integrity to recognize or convert into perceptions the impressions brought to it through afferent nerves. When impressions have been frequently repeated upon nerves of general or special sensibility the sensations to which they ordinarily ad- minister become blunted. An illustration of this may readily be drawn from the nerves of special sense. Sights or sounds constantly present GENERAL AND SPECIAL SENSIBILITY. 839 to the eye or ear after a while fail to impress them. So, also, odors may cease to be recognized. This point, however, must not be misunderstood. If continued attention be directed to sensations, instead of being blunted they are exalted. Of this we have numerous examples in the capability of the senses to attain a high degree of acuteness of perception from education. When an impression has been made upon a nerve of special sensi- bility, or even upon one of general sensibility, that impression always remains a certain length of time after the irritating cause has been removed ; thus, when an ignited stick is rapidly moved before the eye the impression made upon the retina in each successive position of the burning point remains sufficiently long to appear continuous with that made in the next situation, and thus the appearance of a line of light is obtained. So in the case of the ear; it is well recognized that musical tones are produced by a regular succession of vibrations. When these vibrations succeed each other more frequently than sixteen times in a second they give rise to a continuous tone. When they occur less frequently than sixteen times in a second there is produced a succession of impressions, each one terminating before the other begins. No nerve of special sense can take upon itself the function of any other ; thus the auditory nerve is incapable of transmitting visual impressions, nor can the olfactory nerve serve for audition. In the case of the nerves of general sensibilit}^, the incapability of interchange of function cannot be so positively denied, since we know that a motor nerve may so unite with a sensory nerve as to conduct afferent impressions ; or in the case of the sense of taste, which is one of the lowest of the special senses, we shall find that there other than the special nerves of taste may, perhaps, serve for conducting gustatory impressions. While the nerves of special sense are especially adapted for receiving certain impressions, they may yet be thrown into a condition of irritability by various stimuli, but each of these stimuli will produce the impression characteristic of the nerve over which it passes. Sensations have been divided into two classes, external and internal, or objective and subjective. External impressions are those which arise from impressions made upon the external surface of the body. By internal impressions are meant those which arise from impressions made upon the internal recesses of the body. All sensations, however, originate and depend upon changes taking place in the gray matter of the brain itself, and, as a consequence, there is no sensation (which in general terms is produced by an impression made upon the peripheral termi- nation of the nerve) which may not to a certain degree be produced by an impression made upon the nerve in its course or at the point in the sensorium where the nerve terminates. To this latter 840 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. class of sensations the term subjective is given in contra-distinction to objective sensations, which result from impressions made upon the termination of the nerve. It is a curious fact with regard to internal or subjective sensations that those which arise from impressions made upon a nerve in its course are always referred to the peripheral termination of the nerve on the surface of the body. Thus, if the ulnar nerve is compressed at the elbow-joint the impression is not felt at the point of stimulation, but at the extremity of the fingers. The most common cause of subjective sensations is to be found in changes of the blood-supply of the part; thus, for example, when congestion takes place about the termination of the optic nerve there are flashes of light about the eye; if about the auditory nerve, ringing sounds in the ear. By the term sensory organs is meant those parts of the body by which, through the nerves of sense, the brain becomes cognizant of its surroundings. By means of the special senses the preservation of both the indi- vidual and of the species is rendered possible. By means of the special senses animals are rendered capable of seeking and recognizing their food and are enabled to avoid danger, and, in a way to be indicated directly, are led to the accomplishment of the act of reproduction. The more restricted the peripheral portion of any nerve of special sense the more delicate is the structure of that terminal organ. In the case of the sensations of taste and of smell the nerves distribute them- selves over a moist mucous membrane which has other functions to fulfill in addition to acting as the peripheral terminations of nerves of special sense. On the other hand, in the case of the nerves of sight and hearing, the terminations are found in structures whose sole function is found in ministering to these special sensations, and in them we find the highest degree of complexity of the end apparatuses. It is, of course, not possible to decide whether or not in the case of the lower animals impressions made upon the nerves of sense affect the brain in the same manner as in man, since in these animals the expression of sensations is greatly restricted : but from the great similarity of struc- ture of the organs of sense in man and in the higher mammals it may be concluded that impressions are appreciated by these animals in the same manner as in man. As a general rule it may be stated that the senses of the domestic animals are quite as highly developed as in man, and in certain instances greatly exceed in acuteness the corresponding sense in man. Usually, in any special class of animals we find one of the special senses developed out of proportion to the others. Domesti- cation has the usual result of reducing the acuteness of the special senses, since the principal cause for their exercise in the protection of the animal is no longer present. SENSE OF SMELL. 841 A. THE SENSE OF SMELL. By the sense of smell animals are to a certain extent facilitated in their search for food, in the avoidance of danger, and in seeking the opposite sex. By the sense of smell is meant the sensation that is created when certain substances in a gaseous form are inhaled by the nostrils. It will be shown that the sense of smell is only excited under certain definite condi- tions and only when the odorous body comes directly in contact with the organs of sense. Here, as in the case of taste, the sensation is locally excited, probably through some chemical influence, and the result is an entirely specific sensation. It is, therefore, unwarrantable to include the sense of smell among the other senses, since it is quite as different from the sense of touch or of taste as from sight or hearing. The action of the organ of smell is, therefore, due to a special nerve, the olfactory nerve, the first cranial pair, which differs from the others in origin r position, extension, and mode of distribution. Under the name of olfactory nerves are usually described the masses of gray matter which arise from the anterior portion of the frontal lobe r and in many animals exist in such bulk as to project beyond the frontal lobes. From the structure of these masses, as well as from comparative anatomy and from their developmental history, it is evident that these parts are not to be regarded as identical with the peripheral branches of other nerves of sense, or the cranial nerves, but are to be regarded as distinct parts of the brain. In many animals the olfactory lobes are hollow, their ventricles communicating with the other ventricles of the brain. As olfactory nerves only are to be described the fibres which originate from these olfactory bulbs and pass through the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone to be distributed to the olfactory portion of the nasal cavities. Fibres from the olfactory lobes have been traced in three bundles backward into the cerebral hemispheres, and the centre for smell in the cortex of the brain has been located in the tip of the uncinate gyrus on the inner surface of the cerebral hemisphere. Of these three roots, the inner one is small, the middle one is large and curves inward to the anterior commissure around the head of the caudate nucleus and decussates through the anterior commissure to the extremity of the opposite temporo-sphenoidal lobe. The outer root passes transversely into the pyriform lobe and ends in the anterior extremity of the optic thalamus. Microscopic examination of the olfactory fibres, by which are meant the fibres passing through the cribriform plate, shows that they are thin, transparent fibres, included in a nucleated connective-tissue sheath. 842 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. Examination of the structure of the membrane lining the nasal cavities shows marked points of distinction between the region to which the olfactory fibres have been traced and other portions of the nasal cham- bers. The area of distribution of the olfactory nerve is termed the regio olfactoria, and in the main embraces the upper part of the septum and the upper part of the middle turbinated bone. The remainder of the nasal cavity is called the regio respiratoria. The olfactory region has a thicker mucous membrane than the respiratory part. It is covered by a single layer of cylindrical epithelial cells, which contain yellow pigment in sufficiently large quantity to serve even by the naked eye to distinguish this part of the nose from the respiratory passages. The latter division of the nasal cavit}^ is covered by ciliated epithelium and contains tubular glands and serous, acinous glands. In the olfactory region are found between the ordinary BB cylindrical epithelium cells peculiar FIG. 363. DIAGRAM OF THE STRUCTURE OP THE OLFACTORY REGION, AFTER EXNER. (Brucke.) C C, the terminal net-work of the olfactory nerve in which both the so-called olfactory cells (A) and cylin- drical cells are imbedded. FIG. 364. DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING THE MODE OF CONNECTION OF THE OL- FACTORY AND CYLINDRICAL CELLS WITH THE TERMINAL NET-WORK OF THE OLFACTORY NERVE. (Brucke.) B B, cylindrical epithelial cells ; A, olfactory cell ; D, protoplasmic mesh-work in which the olfactory nerve terminates. spindle-shaped cells with a large nucleus, containing nucleoli, and sending up between the cylindrical cells a narrow projection which in various animals terminates in delicate projecting filaments. These peculiar olfactory cells are said to form a direct communication with the fibres of the olfactory nerve. It is probable, according to Exner, that these cells do not directly unite with the olfactory fibres, but through the mediation of a net-work of protoplasmic prolongations of these cells lying below their bases. Examination has further shown that not only these long so-called SENSE OF SMELL. 843 olfactory cells form communication with this net-work, but, also, processes may be traced into it from the so-called cylindrical cells, and, this being the fact, it would seem unwarrantable now to draw a sharp distinction between the functions of these two classes of cells (Figs. 363 and 364). In the herbivora the convolutions of the inferior turbinated plate are, as a rule, simpler than in the carnivora, but yet more complex than in man. In the ruminants and solipedes the inferior turbinated bone divides into two plates which are rolled around each other in opposite directions. In most of the carnivora it is also similarly convoluted, but the divisions are much more frequent and the spaces between the different leaves narrow. In the case of the inferior turbinated bone the higher degree of complication does not point, as in the case of the superior turbinated bones, to a higher degree of development of the sense of smell, but in animals where this condition is present it is to be regarded as a means of mechanical protection against the entrance of foreign bodies into the nose. The different cavities in connection with the nasal chambers, such as the frontal, sphenoidal, and maxillary sinuses, have no connection with the sense of smell, but are to be regarded simply as extensions of the respiratory parts of the nasal chambers; for their mucous membrane is identical with that lining this portion of the nose and contains no terminal filaments of the olfactory nerve. This also applies to the case of the ethmoidal cells ; all these cavities, therefore, are simply concerned in warming the inspired air. Jacobson's organ, on the other hand, is to be regarded as an acces- sory organ of olfaction. It is present in all mammals, and consists of two narrow tubes protected by cartilage and placed in the lower and anterior part of the nasal septum. Each tube is closed behind, but an- terior^ opens into the nasal chamber by a furrow, the naso-palatine canal. The wall next the middle line is connected with the olfactory epithelium, which is in direct communication with the terminal filaments of the olfactory nerve. The outer wall is covered with columnar, ciliated epithelium. The nose in mammals is generally but slightly detached from the bones of the face. In solipedes and ruminants the nares, which are pos- sessed of a considerable degree of mobility, project but slightly, while in various members of the hog tribe the nose is prolonged anteriorly, forming the snout or muzzle. In the elephant and in the tapir this pro- longation acquires its maximum development. In the cetaceans and other aquatic mammals in which the olfactory nerve is absent, as in the dolphin, or where it is only faintly developed, the nasal chambers lose all significance as organs of olfaction and simply fulfill a respiratory function. 844 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. In birds the sense of olfaction is less strongly developed than in mammals, its place probably being taken by the higher degree of devel- opment of the sense of sight. As a consequence their nasal chambers are simple ; at the most three turbinated plates (anterior, middle, and posterior) are present, and these are simple in form. The olfactory nerve is distributed alone to the posterior turbinated bone. The external nares show great variations in shape, while the posterior nares commu- nicate b} r a small, slit-like opening with the aural cavity. The olfactory lobes are most highly developed in birds of prey and in palmipedes who feed on living fish. In amphibia the nasal chambers are even less complicated than is the case in birds. The turbinated plates are rudimentary and usually reduced to one in number. In reptiles generally the nasal chambers are limited in extent and are formed of two canals opening externally, and internally communicating with the mouth by two canals passing through the palatine arch. In the fish the olfactory apparatus is not so arranged as to be trav- ersed by a current of air. In them the olfactory organ consists of two small cavities terminating in a cul-de-sac and opening externally by two nostrils. The bottom of these sacs is generally thrown up into folds, arranged as radii from a central point to which fibres coming from the olfactory lobe have been traced. Water carrying odors to this olfac- tory membrane can affect it but slightly, unless we can conclude that their method of olfaction differs entirely from what holds in air-breathing animals ; for we find that if in the latter the nasal chambers be filled with liquid all impression on the sense of smell is impossible. In the invertebrates no organ of smell can be recognized in the ar- ticulates or in the mollusks. It is, nevertheless, certain that in some of the invertebrates, and particularly in insects, the sense of smell is highly developed. It has been supposed that here the antennae or tentacula are the seat of the sense of smell. For any substance to be odorous it must possess two properties. In the first place, it must be volatile that is, be capable of passing into the atmosphere; and, in the second place, it must to a certain extent be soluble in water, that it may pass by imbibition into the fluid which invariably moistens the olfactory membrane. Odorous substances in- haled with the air are brought into contact with the olfactory mucous membrane and act on the terminal cells of the olfactory nerve and not directly upon the nerve-fibres; for we may conclude that just as neither the optic nerve-fibres are affected by waves of light, nor the auditory nerve-fibres by waves of sound, the fibres of the olfactory nerve are equally insensitive to odors. Smell consists, therefore, in the production of some change, probably of a chemical nature, in the terminal apparatus SENSE OF SMELL. 845 in the mucous membrane of the olfactory portion of the nose. Changes there excited are conducted through the nerve-filaments to the brain, and only then become recognized as the sensation of smell. It would appear that the sensation of smell is only developed on the first contact of the odorous particles with the olfactory nerve, and, as a consequence, in order to obtain an exact perception of delicate odors a number of rapid inspirations are taken, the mouth being kept closed. In this way the air is rarified in the nasal chambers and odorous parti- cles stream over the olfactory region. Consequently, if we hold our breath the sensation of smell ceases, even if we are in an atmosphere impregnated with odorous substances. It is further stated that odorous substances taken into the mouth and then expired through the posterior nares produce no sensation of smell, possibly from the fact that in this direction of the atmospheric current the particles are not brought into contact with the olfactory region ; while, when bodies are inhaled with the air through the nostrils, the current of entering air is broken up by striking against the inferior turbinated bone, and part of the current passes directly through the respiratory passages and part upward through the olfactory region. The reason why odorous liquids placed in the nostrils are incapable of affecting the sense of smell is perhaps to be explained by the action of the fluid upon the olfactory cells, which perhaps possess a high degree of imbibition and are paralyzed when brought in contact with large quantities of fluid. Even water alone, as we know, will temporarily arrest the sense of smell, and if the nostrils be filled with water some time will elapse after the removal of the liquid before the sense of smell is regained. The amount of substance which may be recognized by the sense of smell is extremely small. Valentin has calculated that ^ro.irov.iHro of a grain of musk may be recognized by the sense of smell. Even this is, perhaps, an inside estimate, for a grain of musk will for years give its characteristic odor to the atmosphere of a room, and the most deli- cate balance will at the end of this time fail to recognize any reduction in weight, and yet we are compelled to suppose that the odor has been given to the atmosphere through the volatilizing of the particles of the musk. As regards the sense of smell, all attempts to classify the impres- sions which may be made upon it entirely fail. The only distinction which can be made is into what are termed pleasant and disagreeable odors, and yet, of course, these are simply relative terms. We may say that a substance has the odor of turpentine or of roses, but this, of course, gives us no means of classifying the causes of the sensations produced. 846 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. The intensity of the sense of sinell depends, first, upon the size of the olfactory surface, since we find that in animals in which the sense of smell is most acute the turbinated bones of the olfactory region are most complicated ; secondly, on the concentration of the odorous sub- stance in the air; and, thirdly, on the frequency with which the columns of air containing the odorous particles are conducted to the olfactory organs ; hence sniffing tends to increase the intensity of odors. The development of the sense of smell is always more highly marked in animals than in man and plays an important part in their organization. Game-dogs, as is well known, will recognize the odor from game-birds at several hundred yards, but even this falls below the acuteness of smell possessed by various animals which are able to scent the presence of man at a distance of a mile or more. B. THE SENSE OF SIGHT. Vision is the perception of the sensation caused by the impression of a ray of light upon the retina, and in all animals depends upon the special sensitiveness of the optic nerve-filaments to the vibration of luminous rays. Animals may, nevertheless, be sensible of light without special organs of vision, and may even be capable of giving evidence of the impression of such light ; thus, the hydra, although it has no distinct organs of vision, will move around from side to side of the vessel in which it is placed until it has reached that on which the sun is shining and will turn itself toward the seat of light. In its simplest form the visual apparatus is represented by a col- lection of pigment-cells in the outer coverings of the body which are in connection with the ter- mination of afferent nerves. The FIG. 365. HEAD AND COMPOUND EYES OF ^io-mPTit ahi n) passing through this centre are principal rays, and are not refracted. II. Parallel rays are collected at a focus,/, /O being the focal distance. III. Rays diverging from a point, b, on the chief axis, within the focal distance, pass out of the other side of the lens less divergent, but do not come to a focus. IV. Rays from a source of light, 7, beyond the principal focus,/, again converge on the opposite side of the lens. V. Formation of an inverted image by a convex lens. ference ; consequently, the amount of refraction increases as the circum- ference of the lens is approached. This is known as spherical aberration. If a screen be placed in the focus of the rays passing near the centre of FIG. 375. DIFFERENT KINDS OF LENSES. (Ganot.) A, double convex ; B, plano-convex ; C, converging concavo-convex ; D, double concave : E, plano-concave ; F, diverging concavo-convex ; C and F are also called meniscus lenses. the lens the resulting image will be bright in its central portion, and will have surrounding it a halo which becomes fainter and fainter as we pass from the centre to the circumference (Fig 376). Spherical aberration may be corrected in two ways : by increasing SENSE OF SIGHT. 855 the density of the lens at its central part, in order that it may act more strongly on rays of light, by which the refracting power is increased at that point ; this is accomplished in the ciystalline lens of the eye in this manner since it is less dense at the circumference than in the centre : or, spherical aberration may be diminished by placing a diaphragm between the object of which the image is to be formed and the lens, so as to cut off those rays which pass through the circumference and allow the image to be formed only by the central rays. This method, also, is adopted in the construction of the eye, where the movable diaphragm is represented by the iris. Again, another point is to be mentioned : white light, as is well known, is composed of seven colors, which vary in their different degrees of refrangibility violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. If a beam of white light is passed through a triangular prism of glass it is FIG. 376. DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING SPHERICAL ABERRATION. (Ganot.) The rays passing through the edges of the lens have a shorter focal distance than those passing nearer to the centre. decomposed into its constituent ra} T s, the violet ra}^s being refracted most strongly and the red the least (Fig. 377). A white point on a black ground does not form a simple image on the retina, but many colored points appear after each other. If the eye is accommodated so as to focus to a sharp image the violet rays are refracted most strongly ; the other colors will form concentric diffusion circles, being most marked in the case of the red rays. In the centre of all the colors a white point is produced by their mixture, while around it are placed colored circles. Such an action, of course, produces dimness of the object, and is known as chromatic aberration. This, top, may be corrected in two ways : either by making use of the diaphragm and cutting off the rays passing through the circumfer- ence of the lens ; or in optical instruments by the use of two kinds of glass, one of which has a different dispersing power from the other, but 856 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. equal refracting power. Of the one a double convex lens is made, of the other a double concave, and the two combined. They must be of dif- ferent dispersive power, or the degree of concavity which would correct the chromatic aberration would also destroy the converging power of the convex lens. In crown glass and flint glass we have such media. The flint glass has greater dispersive power, hence the degree of concavity necessary to correct the chromatic aberration will be attained before the degree of concavity will be reached which would destroy the converging power of the convex lens of crown glass. In the different refractive media of the eye such combinations are to a certain extent represented, and serve, together with the action of the pupil in shutting off the circumferential rays, to correct chromatic aberration. The eye as an optical instrument is analogous to the camera obscura, and forms, in a manner to be described directly, an inverted image in FIG. 377. DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING THE DECOMPOSITION, IN PASSING THROUGH A PRISM, OF WHITE LIGHT INTO THE SEVEN COLORS OF THE SPECTRUM. (Btclard.) r, red ; o, orange ; j, yellow ; v, green ; b, blue ; i, indigo ; vi, violet. reduced size of objects before it. Instead of a single lens, as in the camera, the eye is composed of a number of different refractive media placed behind each other the cornea, the aqueous humor, and the lens. The field of projection, or the point on which the image is focused, is the retina, and from changes which have recently been discovered to take place in the retina in which the visual purple becomes bleached the analogy to the process of photography is very striking. As is well known, by means of a convex lens an image of any object may be formed upon a screen ; thus, if a convex lens be held before a window, and a piece of paper placed behind it as a screen, at a certain SENSE OF SIGHT. 857 distance behind the lens, a reversed image of the window will be formed upon it. The manner in which this image is formed may be represented in the following diagrams (Figs. 378 and 319). In these figures it is seen that rays from any point of the object, which may be regarded as diverging rays, are brought to a point behind the lens. If the figures should be completed, and lines drawn from each indi- vidual point of the objects in the manner represented in the illustrations, it must be evident in tracing each- of these lines that a small inverted image FIG. 378. DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING THE FORMATION, BY A DOUBLE CONVEX LENS, OF A SMALLER INVERTED IMAGE. (Oanot.) must be formed behind the lens. If a screen be placed at this point, which corresponds to the focal length of the lens, it is evident that the image will be distinctl}' defined. On the other hand, if the screen be either approached or removed farther from the lens an indistinct image will be formed. If the object be farther removed from the lens the image will decrease in size, and to have a distinct image the screen must be approached to the lens ; and, conversely, if the object be approached FIG. 379. DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING THE FORMATION OF AN IMAGE BY A DOUBLE CONVEX LENS. to the lens the image will be increased in size, and to have sharp definition the screen must be moved farther from the lens. A similar process occurs within the eye, although the refraction of rays of light is much more complicated than in the simple convex lens, for in the eye the ray of light passes through several media and is refracted by each. Nevertheless, in the eye, a small inverted image is formed on the retina, as may be readily determined by removing the eye from a recentty killed animal, and if the sclerotic be removed from the 858 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. posterior portion of the eyeball the image of external objects in a strong light may be seen upon the retina inverted and reduced in size (Figs. 380 and 381). The principal surfaces by which rays of light passing through the eye are refracted are the cornea and the anterior and posterior surfaces of the lens. Since rays of light passing from the atmosphere to the cornea pass from a rarer to a denser medium, the rays of light will be bent toward the perpendicular. The degree of refraction at this point will be more marked than in passing from the cornea to the aqueous humor, both of which possess the same refractive power. On the other hand, the refraction will be still greater in the lens, so that the rays will be still more strongty deflected inward. It has been seen that rays of light passing through the central point of the optical centre of a convex lens do not undergo refraction, and in a double convex lens of equal curvature the optical centre will coincide with the FIG. 380. FORMATION OP AN IMAGE IN THK EYE. (Landois.) By following the rays from the object, A B, it may be seen that they are brought to a focus on the retina, where a small inverted image is formed. geometrical centre. In such a compound system of refracting media as in the eye the optical centre is less readily determined. It has been determined that in the eye the optical centre lies, not exactly in the centre of the crystalline lens, but between that point and the posterior surface of the lens ; consequently, the rays passing through this point will practically undergo no refraction. It has been stated that a screen may be so arranged in relation to a convex lens that a distinct image of the object will fall upon it. This relation is attained when the screen is in the exact focus of the lens. If approached to the lens or removed a greater distance from it the image becomes indistinct. So, also, simi- lar blurring or indistinctness is produced when the distance between the object and the lens is altered. In looking at a distant object the rays of light may be regarded as parallel, and, as is well known, are focused with the greatest readiness upon the retina. The difference between the action of the eye in SENSE OF SIGHT. 859 forming an image and that of a simple lens is evident in the fact that with the normal eye an object may be seen with equal distinctness whether at a great distance or closely approached to the eye. This indicates that there must be some mechanism in the eye by which the focal length of the refracting media can be altered. If the finger be held a short distance before the eye, the other being closed, it may be distinguished with the greatest distinctness. If the finger remain in the same position, and the eye now be fixed on some more distant object, the finger is seen indistinctly, so that at will we may focus our eyes on either the near or the far object and either may be distinctly seen: yet when the eye is arranged for near objects far objects are seen indistinctly, and the reverse. Such an adjustment of the refracting powers of the eye is termed accommodation. It was for a time thought that the accommodation of the e}'e was accomplished by approaching or withdrawing the receiving surface, the retina, to or from the lens. It FIG. 381. DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING THE FORMATION OF AN IMAGE ON THE RETINA. (Yeo.) The rays from the point, a, passing through the cornea, lens, etc., are collected in the retina at 6. Thosa from a' meet at b', and thus the lower point becomes the upper. has, however, been shown that this is not the case, and that accommo- dation is accomplished by changes in the curvature of the cr3 r stalline lens. Referring again to our illustration of an object, a convex lens, and a screen, as has been stated, if we determine the focal length of the lens or the point at which a distinct image will be formed upon the screen and then approach the object to the lens, the screen not being removed from its position, the image will be indistinct. If, now, we remove the object, the screen remaining unmoved, and substitute for the lens originally used one of a greater degree of curvature, the degree of refraction will evidently be greater and the focal length shorter, so that the rays from the object in the near position, being more diverging, may be brought to a focus at a point corresponding to that of the less diverging rays from the farther-removed object. So, again, if the point of distinct image be determined and the object farther removed, the screen would then have to be approached to the lens in order to obtain a distinct image. In this 860 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. case, also, a distinct image might be formed by substituting a lens of a less degree of curvature. In the eye accommodation is accomplished by muscular action through which the shape of the lens is changed. When the eye after viewing an object at a distance is adjusted to form a sharp image of a nearer object the crystalline lens becomes thicker through an increase of the curvature of its anterior surface. This change may be represented in the following diagram, after Helmholtz (Fig. 382). The left portion of the figure represents the eye adjusted for distant objects, while the right half is accommodated for near objects. It is here seen that the anterior surface is increased in convexity, moving nearer the cornea, and has carried the iris with it. It is well known that the refraction of light rays caused by a convex lens increases with its increase of curvature, and that the focal length of one lens will be longer than CS. asf FIG. 382. SCHEME OF ACCOMMODATION FOR NEAR AND DISTANT OBJECTS, AFTER HELMHOLTZ. (Landois.) The right side of the figure represents the condition of the lens during accommodation for a near object, and the left side when the eye is at rest. The letters indicate the same parts on both sides ; those on the right side are marked with a stroke. A, left, B, right half of lens ; C, cornea ; S, sclerotic ; C.S., canal of Schlemm ; V.K., anterior chamber ; J, iris ; P, margin of the pupil ; V, anterior surface, H, posterior surface of the lens ; R, margin of the lens ; F. ', margin of the ciliary processes ; a b, space be- tween the two former; the line Z Vindicates the thickness of the lens during accommodation for a near object ; Z Y, the thickness of the lens when the eye is passive. that of one of greater curvature in other words, the latter will produce a greater convergence of the light-rays. A similar state of affairs holds in the adjustment of the lens in the e3 T e. When the object of our vision is closely approached to the eye the lens is more convex than when the distance is greater, and its refract- ing power is, therefore, increased and the formation of an image on the retina rendered possible. Of course, with every variation in distance there must be a corresponding variation in the degree of curvature of the lens. The mechanism by which the change in the curvature of the lens is accomplished is the ciliary muscle. The capsule of the lens is attached at its edge to the zone of Zinn, which radiates outward and keeps the lens in a state of constant tension. At the point where the fibres of this SENSE OF SIGHT. 861 ligament are attached to the outer membrane are also attached the fibres of the ciliary muscle. When the eye is in a condition of rest, and, therefore, adjusted for distant objects, the ciliary muscle is relaxed and the zone of Zinn, by means of its elastic tension, pulls on the edges of the lens-capsule, thereby extending the lens in a radial direction toward its edge, diminishing its thickness and flattening its curvature. When we want to focus for near objects the zone is drawn forward and inward by the contraction of the ciliary muscle. Its tension, therefore, decreases, and the lens, by means of its elasticity, bulges forward from the release of the tension of the capsule of the lens and so increases in thickness, and its anterior surface becomes more curved. It is, therefore, evident why a strain on the eyes is experienced when looking at near objects, since in a condition of rest of the eye the muscle is relaxed and the eye is adjusted for parallel rays or for viewing distant objects; but when near objects are closely examined a prolonged muscular effort is required, and this, like all other muscular exertions, results in fatigue. FIG. 383. MYOPIC EYE. (Landois.) In the normal eye the far point of vision may be placed at an infinite distance, for in the normal eye the degree of refraction of the dioptric media is such that parallel rays of light are brought to a focus on the retina. In myopia, or near-sightedness, parallel rays are not focused on the retina in a condition of rest of the ciliary muscle, but cross within the vitreous humor, and after crossing form a diffused image on the retina. The focal point in the myopic eye for parallel rays falls in front of the retina (Fig. 383). The eyeball is, therefore, too long as compared with the focal length of the refracting media. The near point, on the other hand, or the nearest point at which objects may be distinctly seen, lies abnormally near, and the range of accommodation is diminished. On the other hand, it is conceivable that the refracting media of the eye may be such that, without accommodation, parallel rays of light, instead of being focused on the retina, as in the emmetropic or normal eye, or in front of the retina, as in the myopic eye, will come to a focus behind the retina (Fig. 384). Such a defect is spoken of as hypermetropia, and is due to the fact that the degree of refraction of the media of the 862 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. eye is not sufficiently great to bring parallel rays of light to a focus on tile retina. When such an eye is at rest only convergent rays are capable of forming a distinct image on the retina, so that, therefore, distinct images can only be formed by rendering all the rays of light which enter the eye convergent; and, therefore, such an individual will not be able to see distinctly without a convex lens in front of the eye. In such an eye the far point is negative, while the near point is abnormally distant and the range of accommodation great. In the hypermetropic eye, consequently, the distance between the retina and the lens is abnormally short. When the eye is accommodated for near objects the pupil contracts ; when in accommodation for distant objects it dilates. So, also, when the eye is exposed to a bright light the pupil becomes reduced in size, while, on the other hand, it dilates when the light becomes reduced in intensity. Changes in the pupil are accomplished by the action of the muscular fibres of the iris, which by their relaxation and contraction increase or diminish the size of the pupil. The iris, therefore, fulfills the function of a diaphragm and serves to cut off the circum- ferential rays of light, which otherwise would lead to the production of spherical aberra- tion. So, also, as it contracts FIG. 384,-HYPEKMETROPic EYE. (Landois.) in a bright light, it serves to regulate the amount of rays of light entering the eye, while, further, it to a certain extent supports the action of the ciliary muscle, as is seen in the changes which occur in the size of the pupil during accommodation. The iris is supplied with two sets of muscular fibres, the circular or sphincter fibres, which are supplied by the oculo-motor nerve, and the radiating fibres, or the dilator of the pupil, supplied chiefly by the cervical sympathetic and the trigeminus. When the oculo-motor nerve is divided the pupil dilates, owing to the contraction of the dilator fibres, which still preserve their integrity. On the other hand, when the sympathetic is divided in the neck the pupil contracts through the antagonistic action of the sphincter fibres. The contractility of the circular fibres is, nevertheless, the stronger, for if both nerves be stimulated together contraction of the pupil will take place. The radial muscular fibres are especially developed in birds, while they have been claimed to be absent in many other animals. Changes in the size of the pupil fall under the head of reflex actions, SENSE OF SIGHT. 863 since they cannot be produced through the exercise of the will. When a ray of light falls upon the retina it leads to contraction of the pupil, In which the optic nerve is the afferent nerve, the oculo-motor nerve the efferent nerve, while the centre lies in some place in the brain below the corpora quadrigemina. This is proven by the fact that when the optic nerve is divided intense light no longer produces contraction of the pupil, while, also, the division of the third pair renders the pupil insensitive to light, and stimulation of the peripheral portion of the oculo-motor leads to contraction of the pupil. So, also, stimulation of the floor of the aqueduct of Sylvius will, likewise, if the oculo-motor nerve be intact, lead to contraction of the pupil. In contradistinction to what will be found in many instances, two symmetrically disposed centres are not to be found in the brain for gov- erning the movements of the pupil, since in normal conditions a stimulus applied to one optic nerve will lead to contraction of both pupils, while, also, stimulation of the centre will react on both eyes. In addition to the oculo-motor nerve, the iris receives nerve-fibres from the short ciliary nerves coming from the ophthalmic ganglion, which is connected by its root with the third nerve, the cervical sympa- thetic nerve, and the nasal branch of the ophthalmic division of the fifth nerve. It has been mentioned that section of the cervical sympathetic causes contraction of the pupil, and stimulation of the cervical sympa- thetic dilatation of the pupil. It is evident that these effects on the pupil are directly opposite to those seen in the blood-vessels on stimu- lation of the sympathetic nerve. The centre for the dilatation of the pupil likewise lies in the front part of the floor of the aqueduct of Sylvius, while a second or inferior centre, the so-called cilio-spinal centre, lies in the lower cervical portion of the cord and extends downward to the first or third dorsal vertebra. This centre may be reflexly stimulated by irritation of various sensory nerves, when, of course, dilatation of the pupil will take place. It is likewise stimulated by the blood in dyspnoea, and also a single centre governs the movements of both pupils, for if one retina be shaded both pupils will dilate. The cilio-spinal centre is in connection with the upper centre for the dilator of the pupil through fibres passing through the lateral columns of the cord, and it, together with the inferior centre, reacts to the same stimuli. When the 83-111 pathetic nerve is divided in the neck the pupil con- tracts. This contraction is accompanied by a great increase in the vascu- larity of the iris from the consequent paralysis of the walls of its blood-vessels. This at one time was supposed to be sufficient to explain the production of contraction of the pupil after section of the sym- pathetic. Various other conditions which lead to an increased blood 864 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. supply of the iris will influence the size of the pupil. Thus, in forced expiration, by which the return of the blood from the head is retarded, the pupil is contracted. So, also, when the intra-ocular pressure is dimin- ished, as by puncture of the anterior chamber, there is less resistance to the flow of blood to the blood-vessels of the iris and the pupil is imme- diately contracted. On the other hand, strong muscular exertion, which leads to the blood flowing freely into the contracting muscles, will produce dilatation of the pupil. The size of the pupil may be modified by various drugs. Substances which dilate the pupil are called mydriatics ; those which lead to its con- traction, myotics. Of the former may be mentioned atropine, hom- atropine, duboisine, daturine, and hyoscyamine. They act chiefly by paralysis of the oculo-motor nerve, while also acting slightly upon the dilator fibres, for after complete paralysis of the oculo- motor nerve the moderate dila- tation thereby produced may be intensified by the administration of atropine. Atropine appears to act mainly by a local mechanism, since it- produces dilatation of the pupil even after destruction of the ophthalmic ganglion and division of all the nerves of the eye except the optic, and even, according to some authorities, will produce dilatation of the pupil in an excised eye. Myotics, of which physostig- mine or eserine is the best known, may produce contraction of the pupil either by stimulation of the oculo-motor nerve or paralysis of the sympathetic. 2. Visual Sensations. Our considerations of the action of the organ of vision have thus far dealt simply with physical processes. The rays of light entering the eye have been traced backward through the trans- parent media of the eye until they resulted in the formation of an image. When the rays reach the retina, sensory impulses are excited and are carried through the optic nerve to the sensorium, where they give rise to a sensation. The nature of the changes that take place within the retina does not FIG. 385. DlAGKAM OF THE FORMATION OP THE RETINA. (Yeo.) The fibres of the optic nerve, N, pass along the inner surface of the retina, R, to meet the ganglion cells, whence special communications pass outward to the layer of rods and cones in the pigment layer, p, next the choroid, c. SENSE OF SIGHT. 865 admit of as close analysis as the physical action of the different refract- ing media of the eye. It is known that it is only the layer of rods and cones of the retina that is concerned in the formation of the image, since rays of light pass through the anterior layers of the retina without giv- ing rise to any sensations. The retina is a highly complicated nervous apparatus, which may, by the use of the microscope, be divided into eight and probably ten distinct layers. The innermost layer i.e., the layer in contact with the vitreous humor consists of nerve- fibres in which the optic nerve terminates, radiating from the entrance of the optic WfS FIG. 386. VERTICAL SECTION OF HUMAN RETINA. (Landois.) a, rods and cones ; b, external, j, internal limiting membranes; c, external, and/, internal nuclear layers; e, external, and g, internal granular layers; k, blood- vessel and nerve-cells ; t, nerve-fibres. FIG. 387. LAYERS OF THE RETINA. (Landois.) Pi, hexagonal pigment cells; Sf, rods and cones; Le, external limiting membrane; auK, external nuclear layer; iiugr, external granular layer; inK, internal nuclear; ingr, internal granular; Gtjl, ganglionic nerve-cells; O. fibres of optic nerve ; Li, internal limiting membrane : Rk, fibres of Miiller ; K, nuclei ; Sg, spaces for the nervous elements. nerve (Fig. 385). At this point, therefore, the retina will consist only of nerve-tubules. At one spot in the centre of the retina no nerve- fibres are to be distinguished, and on account of its color this point is termed the macula lutea, or yellow spot, and is the point of most acute vision. The layers of the retina have been described as follows : First, and 55 866 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. most internally, exists a fine limiting membrane ; second, externally, a layer of nerve-fibres ; third, a layer of nerve-cells analogous to the gan- glionic cells of the brain ; fourth, a granular layer consisting of an indis- tinct mass of fine gray granules ; fifth, the inner granular la} r er, composed of little round granules ; sixth, the intermediate granular la} T er, in which the granular mass is intermingled with small fibres ; seventh, the outer granular layer, analogous to the inner granular layer ; eighth, a second delicate membranous structure ; and ninth, the layer of rods and cones (Figs. 386 and 387). It is this most external layer of the retina which is concerned in the reception of the rays of light and the formation of the image. It con- sists of small, transparent rods packed closely together at right angles to the surface of the retina, while at different intervals between them is seen a small rod expanded at the end so as to form a conical shape. These cones are especially abundant in the yellow spot, where there is a slight depression in the retina and where no rods are present. To reach the layer of rods and cones, the rays of light must evidently pass through all the superimposed la}*ers, and are finally stopped at the choroid, which r with its pigment layer, may be regarded as forming a background for the retina. That the nerve-fibres themselves are insensitive to light may be readity determined by proving that the point of entrance of the optic nerve is entirely insensitive to light. If one eye is closed and the other fixed on a black spot on a white sheet of paper and some other small body be gradually moved laterally toward the outside of the field of vision, at a certain distance the moving body will entirely disappear from sight, while, if the motion be continued, it will again come into the field of vision ; or if we place two wafers upon a board at a distance of four or five inches apart and stand at about five times this distance, and closing the right eye, with the left look at the right-hand wafer, the left- hand wafer will disappear. The explanation of this is that when so placed the rays of light from the left-hand wafer will be received directly on the optic nerve, and so indicates that the optic fibres themselves' are insen- sible to light, and that it is only through the retinal expansion of these fibres that sensations of vision are possible. On the other hand, the macula lutea is the locality of most distinct vision. When we fixedly regard a point with the eye, then the ra3 T s of light from that point pass through the middle of the pupil and the centre of the lens and fall almost on the centre of the retina, directly on the yellow spot. The for- mation of the macula lutea indicates the reason of its especial sensitive- ness to light, while at the same time pointing out the constituents of the retina which are concerned in the formation of the image. It has been mentioned that the optic fibres surround the yellow spot without passing SENSE OF SIGHT. 867 over it. This would appear to indicate such an adjustment of the con- stituents of the retina as to avoid the slightest interference with rays striking on this point, since we have seen that the optic nerve-fibres are not sensitive. Again, in the yellow spot the cones of the retina are closely packed together, and in addition numerous ganglionic cells are found, while the other layers of the retina are fainter than elsewhere. The yellow color is due to the deposit of numerous yellow pigment cells. If it be admitted in the first place that the optic nerve-fibres are not sensitive to light, and in the second place that the layer of rods and cones represents the sentient surface for light-waves, a connection must evidently exist between the receiving surface and the nerve-fibres to admit of the impression becoming a sensation and being perceived by the brain. Microscopical examination will succeed in tracing a connec- tion by means of fine filaments penetrating all the layers of the retina and connecting the nerve-fibres with the ganglionic cells, the granular layers, and finally with the rods and cones. It is through this path that the irritation caused by the rays of light and received in the meshes of the rods and cones passes to the optic nerve-fibres, and thence to the brain, there creating the sensation of light. Like other nerves of special sense, the fibres of the optic nerve, though insensitive to light, respond to other irritants, and then the brain perceives the sensation peculiar to that special nerve and recognizes that an irritant has acted upon the nerve of vision, and a flash of light is the result. Thus, in cases of section of the optic nerve a flash of light is experienced, and then total darkness follows; so, also, if the optic nerve be stimulated by electricity a sensation of light is the result. All the nerves of special sense to this extent agree in their nature, and the optic nerve no more conve3^s sound-waves to the brain than does the auditory nerve waves of light; but both nerves at their terminations are supplied with special forms of apparatus, the so-called special sense organs, which only admit of being excited by appropriate stimuli; thus the terminal fibres of the optic nerve are especially adapted for receiving impressions of waves of light, the auditon^ nerve waves of sound, the difference lying in the different impressions made upon different special centres in the brain. As to the mode in which rays of light call into action the specific functions of the layer of rods and cones, but little is definitely known. Recent investigations appear to point to a chemical decomposition being concerned in this process. It is well-known that r&3'S of light produce decomposition in many substances, which are then spoken of as sensitive to light. That a ray of light shall produce such decomposition, it must be absorbed. We therefore, perhaps, see the explanation of the invariable 868 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. existence of pigment cells in the organ of vision. It has been mentioned that the first indication of organs of vision is represented by an accumu- lation of pigment cells, and we never find the presence of an eye which is totally free from such pigment matters. A fact which at first seemed to show exactly how this process was accomplished was the discovery in the retina of the purplish-red pigment, the so-called visual purple, or rhodopsin, which is so extremely sensitive to light that by proper means external objects may actually be photo- graphed in it on the retina. This substance may be extracted from the retina by means of a 2.5 per cent, solution of the bile acids, especially if the eyes have been kept for some time in a 10 per cent, solution of com- mon salt. Kiihne stated that by illuminating the retina actual pictures could be produced on the retina, and that they gradually disappeared. The analogy between this fact and the action on the sensitive plate in the photographic apparatus is very striking, and the further behavior of the purple pigment of the retina would perhaps show that it is concerned in the appreciation of light. Thus, if a rabbit is kept in the dark for some time and then killed, and its retina examined by a monochromatic light, it will be found to be of a brilliant purple-red color with the single exception of the macula lutea; on the other hand, exposure to light will result in quickty bleaching it, but it will, however, have its color restored if the eye be again placed in darkness. Unfortunately, we are as yet entirely unwarranted in forming any such conclusion or affirming any such close connection between this peculiar substance and the sensation of vision by the fact that the pigment is confined to the outer segments of the rods and is absent in the cones, which we have found to be the most sensitive layer; and is, in fact, absent in the macula lutea, which we have found to be the most sensitive point of the retina. Finally, it is absent in pigeons, hens, and bats, although the retina of the latter only consists of cones, while it is found in both nocturnal and diurnal animals. Finally, it is entirely wanting in animals which undoubtedly see very distinctly, and may be entirely removed from the eyes of certain animals, as the monkey, by prolonged exposure to strong light, when the retina will become completely bleached, but will still apparently be perfectly sensitive to light. We cannot, there- fore, at present explain visual sensations as due to chemical changes occurring in this pigment. The discovery of the retinal pigment is, nevertheless, to be regarded as an advance in the elucidation of this sub- ject, for it is almost impossible to conceive that it is not in some way concerned in vision. It has been stated that the two pupils act simultaneously, and as we know the function of the pupil is concerned in regulating the entrance of rays of light to the eye and that vision takes place simul- SENSE OF SIGHT. 869 taneously with the two eyes, the question arises, Why is it that with two retinae, each capable of receiving a distinct image, the image so formed by the use of the two eyes is not double ? The explanation of this lies not so much in the anatomical distribution of the tunics of the eye as in the fact that when rays of light proceed from a luminous body and fall upon the retinae they fall upon parts that are accustomed to act together. Every point of the image on one retina falls upon a coincident point upon the other. These points are accustomed to act together and we see a single image. The eyes, indeed, receive a double impression, and this may be illustrated by placing two small bodies, as the lingers, at different distances from the e} T es. Directing the eyes to the nearer, the more remote will appear double, or, if the eye be directed to the more remote, the nearer will appear double. This is due to the fact that the images of the object upon which the eye is not especialty directed do not fall upon coincident parts of the retina. The same thing may be accomplished by throwing the two parts of the retina out of coincidence with each other, when, almost instantaneously, double vision will occur. If, while looking at a single object, we press to one side the globe of one eye, we bring two parts of the retina to act together which did not ordinarily thus coincide, and double vision ensues. Any other cause, such as various poisons, disease, or fatigue, which will disturb the co-ordination of the eyes or such an adjustment of the posi- tion of the eyes that rays of light do not fall upon corresponding or coincident parts, will result in double vision. Again, it has been stated that the image formed upon the retina is an inverted one, and yet it is a matter of common experience that every body is seen in the field of vision as upright. This second mental rever- sion of the image is the result of experience acquired in the exercise of the sense of sight. It is not to be understood that the brain takes cog- nizance of the picture upon the retina and that vision is an actual trans- mission of this image to the sensorium. The mind does not look upon the picture so formed, but vision is a mental act excited by an impres- sion upon the optic nerve whose neurility is excited. There need be no more correspondence between the change in the brain and the image in the eyes than between the signs of the telegraph operator and the words of the written message. It must be remembered that vision consists in the change developed in the central organ as a consequence of changes in the optic nerve. Even supposing that the image on the retina is inverted, what difference does it make? Everything is inverted and the relative position of things is unchanged. All objects hold the same rela- tion to each other whether the image be inverted or erect ; hence the mind is not conscious of any inversion. Although each retina receives an image from the object the pictures 870 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. are not precisely the same. If we hold up any object and look at it first with the right eye, having the left eye closed, and then with the left eye, having the right eye closed, it will be readily seen that the picture is not precisely the same. With the right eye we see the right side of the object, and with the left eye the left side. When these two pictures come to be fused in the brain there results an image which differs from either of the other two and which is projected into space, giving the idea of one solid body (Fig. 388). It is upon this principle that the stereoscope is constructed. The stereoscopic picture is composed of two images, one representing the object as seen by the right eye, and another representing the object as seen by the left. When these two pictures are fused the resulting picture is formed, which is a compound of the two, and this fusion of the two images gives the idea of solidity of the object. When the e}^e has looked at an ob- ject for a long time, especially if that object be luminous, the retina becomes fatigued and no longer capable of re- ceiving impressions from it. If the object be small only a small portion of the retina will be impressed. If we turn away from the object and fix the eye upon a white wall we see a dark spot upon the wall corresponding in size with the object upon which we have been looking. Suppose that we fix the eye upon a bright red wafer FIG ' ^u^R G vfswN LL 7Sa G Bl " strong^ illuminated, and look at it The lines from the object indicate that the rays Steadily With OU1* eVCS, tllC raVS DrO- from the back of the book fall on coincident points of of^rilfon*' while each eye> further> has a special field ceeding from that wafer and falling upon one point of the retina will fatigue that point so that it will not be capable of receiving rays from less luminous objects, and when we turn our eye to the wall we see a spot on the wall like the wafer in size but of a different color, made up of all the colors of the spectrum except red. This combination constitutes what are termed accidental or complementary colors. Again, if we look at a white object for a long time and then look at the wall we see there an object of the size of the original one of a black color. The point of the retina upon which the image fell has become so fatigued that it cannot receive an impression from the fainter rays reflected from the wall, while all the other parts of the retina are impressed by these rays. We, there- SENSE OF SIGHT. 871 fore, see the wall with a dark spot upon it. These accidental colors are produced Ity fatigue of the retina, and consist of all the other colors of the spectrum except that of the luminous object at which we have been looking. The primary colors, so-called, are red, yellow, and blue. The intermediate points of the spectrum are made up by combinations of these ; thus, violet is a mixture of red and blue, green of yellow and blue, and orange of red and yellow. Blue is thus the complement of orange and yellow of violet. FIG. 389. DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING IRRADIATION. (Stirling.) If this diagram is held some distance from the eyes, especially if not exactly focused, the white dot will appear larger than the black, though both are exactly of the same size. When rays of light from a strongl} r luminous body fall upon the retina they are not confined exactly to the precise points upon which they impinge, but extend themselves to a greater or less degree around them. Thus, if we make a circular white spot upon a black ground, and a black spot of corresponding dimensions upon a white ground, the former will appear considerably larger than the latter, apparently, be- cause the excitation of the retina by the luminous impression tends to spread itself over the adjacent unexcited space (Figs. 389, 390, and 391). The same phenomena are seen when the experiment is performed with FIG. 390. DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING IRRA- DIATION. (Stirling.) The two white squares appear the larger, and they appear to run into each other, and to be joined by a white strip. FIG. 391. DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING IRRA- DIATION. (Stirling.) The white strip, which is of equal width through- out, appears wider below, between the black squares, than above. different colored bodies. If the impressing bod}', though small in size, illuminate the retina strongly, it may irradiate its impression upon the surrounding part of the retina and make itself appear larger. In our perceptions of the nature of external objects we find that the sense of vision, like the other sensations, is not infallible, but that 872 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. various errors in judgment of visual sensations frequently occur. Some of these admit of explanation, others do not. The most striking example of such an error in perception, and one which is the most readily explained, is as follows : If a series of parallel vertical black lines, two millimeters in diameter, are drawn on white paper, with equal white areas between them, and then intently regarded in a good light, in a short time the lines will assume the shape seen in Fig. 392 at A. They appear of this shape because of a FIG. 392. DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING BERG- MANN'S EXPERIMENT. (Stirling.) FIG. 393. ZOLLNER'S LINES. (Stirling.) the manner in which the images of the lines fall on the cones in the yellow spot, as shown in B. If a series of oblique lines are drawn perfectly parallel to each other T and then they are crossed in different directions by a number of short parallel oblique lines, although the long oblique lines are perfectly parallel, the short oblique lines cause them to appear to slope inward or outward, according to the direction of the oblique lines (Fig. 393). In the figure 8 and the capital letter S the upper half to most per- sons appears of about the same size as the lower half. If, however, the page on which they occur be inverted it will be seen that the lower part ssssssss 88888888 FIG. 394. DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING AN IMPERFECTION OF VISUAL JUDGMENT. (Stirling.) is considerably the* larger (Fig. 394) ; or if the centre of Fig. 395 be fixed at about three or four centimeters from the eye, by indirect vision the broad black and white peripheral areas will appear as small and the lines bounding them as straight as the smaller central areas. If a disk similar to that seen in Fig. 396 is rotated the disk appears to be covered with circles, which, arising in the centre, gradually become larger and disappear at the peripheiy. If, after looking at such a revolv- ing disk for some moments, it be attempted to read a printed page, or to look at a person's face, the letters appear to move toward the centre, while the person's face appears to become smaller and recede. If the disk be rotated in the opposite direction the opposite results are obtained. SENSE OF SIGHT. 873 Movements of the Eye. The position of the eyeball in the orbit FIG. 395. DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING IMPERFECT PERCEPTION OF SIZE. (Stirling.) corresponds to a ball-and-socket joint, and each eyeball is capable of moving around an immovable centre of rotation, which has been found to be FIG. 396. DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING RADIAL MOVEMENT. (Stirling.) placed a short distance behind the centre of the e}^e. The movements of the eye are accomplished b}^ six muscles four straight and two oblique. 874 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. The recti, or straight muscles, all take origin about the optic foramen and radiate outward, being inserted in the globe of the eye on either side, tibove and below, constituting thus the external and internal straight muscles and the superior and inferior straight muscles. Of the oblique muscles, the superior alone arises from the optic foramen and runs forward over the superior and inner part of the orbit through a pulley in the depression just within the inner extremity of the superior orbital margin, then outward and backward beneath the superior straight muscle, til FIG. 397. SCHEME OF THE ACTION OF THE OCULAR MUSCLES. (Landois.) and is inserted in the eyeball midway between the latter and the external straight muscle, the cornea, and the optic nerve. The inferior oblique muscle arises from the anterior portion of the edge of the orbit, and runs by its tendon to be inserted beneath that of the external rectus muscle. The function of the superior oblique muscle is to roll the eye downward and inward, that of the inferior oblique muscle upward and inward, although this may be accomplished by the different recti muscles acting simultaneously. The above diagram indicates the action of the ocular muscles (Pig. 397). SENSE OF HEAKING. 875 The oculo-motor nerve supplies all of the muscles of the eye with the exception of the external recttis and the superior oblique. The ex- ternal rectus muscle is supplied by the abducens, or sixth pair, while the superior oblique is supplied by the patheticus or fourth pair. C. THE SENSE OF HEAEING. The sense of hearing or audition may be defined as that sense by which the mind takes cognizance of the undulations of the elastic medium which give rise to the sensation of sound. The mind recog- nizes not the body producing the soimd, but the impression made by its vibrations upon the sensorium. Sound, then, does not take place in the ear, but in the brain. When we speak of a resounding string or a sonorous bell we make a mistake ; the string and the bell simply vibrate. These vibrations give rise to undulations in the elastic ether, which undulations are transmitted in various directions, and finally through the auditory passages impress the auditory nerve and give rise to sound. The physiological aspects of the question are here alone regarded. Regarding sound as the recognition of the impressions made by vibrating sonorous bodies on the auditory nerve, if every one were deaf there would, of course, be no sound; but, on the other hand, we say that no sound may be produced in a vacuum, although we know that sonorous vibrations still take place ; hence we are also permitted in a physical sense to give the above explanation of the word sound. The simplest form of the organ of hearing is a sac filled with fluid, in which the ends of the auditory nerve terminate. In all groups of animals the essential part of the organ of hearing consists in a certain special form of termination of the nerve, which is alone capable of receiving auditory impressions and of transmitting them to the central ganglia of the brain. The more highly complicated forms of auditory apparatus simply depend upon modifications which assist in the trans- mission of sound to this part. In all the invertebrates the organ of hearing is restricted to such a simple sacular form, in some instances containing otoliths,or small, hard granules, and the vibrations of the sonorous body are communicated to the nerve of hearing spread over this sac. In such animals it is prob- able that while a nerve of hearing is present only simple sounds and noises can be recognized, while no difference in pitch or intensity can be distinguished. Such a simple form of apparatus, consisting simply of liquid contained in a sac, is found in mollusks. In crustaceans there is a rudimentary organ of hearing present, placed on each side of the base of the anterior antennae. It likewise consists simply of a membranous sac filled with fluid, and on which ramify the fibres of the nerve of hearing. 876 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. Many insects are apparently free from any evidences of anything resembling an organ of hearing, yet it is clear that these animals are sensible of external sounds. It is possible that in these animals, as in certain radiates and many mollusks, the vibrations of sound are not appreciated as sound, but, perhaps, as some modification of the sense of touch. In fishes there is no external ear, no tympanic cavity, and no cochlea. The ear is reduced to the membranous part of the vestibule and the semicircular canals, the latter varying from two to three in number, while the vestibule and semicircular canals represent a closed cavity, since there is neither oval nor round window, no tympanic cavity, nor auditory ossicles. Sometimes, as in cartilaginous fishes, the membranous internal ear is lodged in the cartilaginous substance of the bones of the head, while in osseous fishes it is sometimes in part within the bones of the cranium, and part free in the cephalic cavity, resting against the brain. The internal ear is in all cases supplied with terminal fibres of the auditory nerve, and is filled with a liquid in which are found various calcareous concretions of greater or less volume. In reptiles there is no external ear, neither a pinna nor an external auditory canal, the tympanic membrane being flush with the head and lying directly below the skin, although in some instances a drum mem- brane is absent. When present, as is the case in the majority of instances, it communicates generally b}^ a large opening the Eustachian tube with the pharynx. The auditory ossicles are usually reduced to two in number. When the tympanic membrane is absent, the ossicles, attached at one side to the oval window, are fastened on the other directly against the external integument. In lizards, crocodiles, and serpents the internal ear is composed of the vestibule, semicircular canals, and cochlea. In them, consequently, the internal ear communicates with the cavity of the tympanum by the oval window and by the round window. The cochlea in them is not con- voluted, but almost straight. In the batrachians no cochlea is present, and, as a consequence, no- round window, the internal ear being reduced to the vestibule and the semicircular canals, the only communication with the tympanum being by the oval window. In birds the apparatus of hearing is almost as complete as in mam- mals, with the single exception of the external auditory pinna, which is absent. The external auditory canal is formed by a bony canal travers- ing the temporal bone, and the t3-mpanic cavity, separated from this canal by the tympanic membrane, is well developed. It communicates with bony cavities in the interior of almost all the cranial bones, and by the intermediation of the Eustachian tube with the pharynx. The SENSE OF HEARING. 877 internal ear is formed of the vestibule, semicircular canals, and cochlea ; the latter, being but little developed, is not convoluted in a spiral form, but, resembling that of lizards and serpents, consists of an almost straight osseous tube canal terminating in a cul-de-sac. In mammals the ear, for the convenience of study, ma}^ be divided into three parts the external, the middle, and the internal ear. Of these three the internal ear is the essential, and the others are simply for the purpose of receiving or modifying impressions from the sounding body. In the external ear we include the auricle, or pinna, and the external auditory meatus, bounded internally b}- the membrane of the tympanum ; in the middle ear, the tympanum, or drum of the ear, with its contained ossicles ; and in the internal ear, that portion situated in the petrous por- tion of the temporal bone, consisting of the semicircular canals, the vestibule, and the cochlea (Fig. 398). FIG. 398. SCHEME OF THE ORGAN OF HEARING. (Landois.) AG, external auditory meatus ; T, tympanic membrane ; K, malleus with its head (h), short process (Kf ), and handle (m) ; a, incus with its short process (x) and long process: the latter is united to the stapes (s) by means of the Sylvian ossicle (z) ; P, middle ear; o, fenestra ovalis; r, fenestra rotunda; x, beginning of the lamina spiralis of the cochlea ; pt, itsscala tympani; vt, its scala vestibuli ; V, vestibule; S, saccule ; U, utricle ; H, semicircular canals ; TE, Eustachian tube. The long arrow indicates the line of traction of the tensor tympani ; the short, curved one, that of the stapedius. In different groups of mammals a marked difference is found in the form and size of the auricle, or pinna. This, in the majority of cases, is a trumpet-shaped dilatation of the external auditory canal formed for the purpose of receiving the undulations communicated to the atmosphere, collecting them, and transmitting them inward to the middle ear. This portion of the external auditory canal owes its shape to the cartilages present in it, which in some instances, as in the horse, the ass, the goat, and the rabbit, are erect and straight ; while in other cases the cartilages are more delicate and soft, folding on themselves so that the auricles lie 878 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. in contact with the side of the head, although they may by the influence of various muscles be drawn into a more or less erect position. Such is the case in the elephant and in the do^. In most mammals the auricle FIG. 399. DIAGRAM OP THE EXTERNAL, SURFACE OP THE LEFT TYMPANIC MEMBRANE. (Hetuen.) a, head of the malleus ; b, incus ; e, joint between malleus and incus ; between c and d is the flaccid portion of the membrane; ax, axis of rotation of ossicles. The deeply shaded central portion is called the "umbo." is much more mo'bile than in man, and may be directed toward the source of sound by the contraction of voluntary muscles and thus be enabled to accomplish more successfully its functions. FIG. 400. TYMPANIC MEMBRANE AND AUDITORY OSSICLES SEEN FROM THE TYMPANIC CAVITY. (Landois.) M, manubrium, or handle of the malleus ; T, insertion of the tensor tympani ; h head, 1 F long proc- ess, of the malleus; a, incus with the short (K) and the long (1) processes; S, plate of the stapes; Ax, Ax is the common axis of rotation of the auditory ossicles ; S, the pinion-wheel arrangement between the malleus and incus. The external auditory meatus is a canal, partly cartilaginous and partly bony, which varies in length according to the species. Thus, while it is five or six centimeters long in ruminants, it is very short in SENSE OF HEAKING. 879 carnivora. It is bounded internal!}- by the tympanic membrane and its function is to conduct to the middle ear the undulations collected bv the auricle. In the external auditor}' canal are found the ceruminous glands secreting the wax, which is principally intended for lubricating purposes, and thus facilitates the transmission of sound, while, also, by its extremely bitter taste it perhaps prevents the entrance of insects. The tympanic membrane forms the boundary between the external auditory canal and the middle ear. This membrane consists of three distinct layers, the outer, the external integument, the middle or fibrous Ia3'er, and the inner or mucous la}*er, continuous with mucous membrane lining the middle ear. This membrane is an elastic, almost unyielding, Ax Fro. 401. LEFT TYMPANUM AND AUDITORY OSSICLES. (Landois.) A.G., external meatus ; M, membrana tympani, which is attached to the handle of the malleus, n, and near it the short process, p : h, head of the malleus ; a, incus ; K. its short process, with its ligament; 1, long process : s, Sylvian ossicle : S, stapes : A x, A x, the axis of rotation of the ossicles, shown in per- spective : t, line of traction of the tensor tympani. The other arrows show the movements of the ossicles when the tensor contracts. membrane, elliptical in form, and is placed obliquely in the floor of the external meatus at an angle of about 40, being directed from above downward and inward. This oblique position enables a larger surface to be presented to the undulations conducted from the external auditory canal than if it were placed vertically. This membrane is not entirely flat, but at its centre is drawn slightly inward where the handle of the malleus is attached to it, while the short process of the malleus causes a slight bulging of the membrane near its upper margin (Figs. 399 and 400). The middle ear, or the drum of the ear or the tympanum, is bounded by the tympanic membrane on the exterior, and on the interior by the 880 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. labyrinth. It connects interiorly with the fauces by the Eustachian tube, and posteriorly with the mastoid cells of the mastoid portion of the tem- poral bone. In some animals these mastoid cells are greatly developed and so form an important augmentation of the tympanic cavity, while the Eustachian tube, which is short and straight in the case of most rumi- nants, is very much dilated in the horse where it forms what may be termed guttural pouches (Fig. 401). FIG. 402. I. THE MECHANICS OF THE AUDITORY OSSICLES, AFTER HELM- HOLTZ. II. SECTION OF THE MIDDLE EAR, AFTER HEUSEN. (Munk.) I. rt. malleus ; h, incus : am, long process of incus ; s, stapes ; the arrows show the direction of mo- tion. II. G, external auditory canal ; M.t., membrana tympani ; C, tympanum ; H, malleus ; L.S., superior ligamant ; S, stapes. Stretching across the middle ear from one side to the other is the chain of bones, each named from its resemblance to some instrument ; thus, the malleus, so-called from its resemblance to a hammer, is attached to the membranum of the tympanum by its handle (Fig. 402). The second bone, from its resemblance to an anvil, is called the incus, and is attached on the one side to the malleus and on the other to the stapes or stirrup-bone, which is connected by its base to the membrane of the fenestra ovalis, which opens into the internal ear. All these ossicles are /upper, h horizontal, and s posterior semi- rnnvaKIp nn Pnoh nthpr Vint tliPir VIQVA rr circular canals of the left side. The cochlea is niOVaDlC OU CaCll OtDer, Dtlt tliey HaVC UO lateral connection with any structure. Sometimes at the end of the incus is found a separate bone known as the os orbiculare. In the inner boundary of the middle ear is placed, in addition to the oval window, a second, also communicating with the vestibule, and called the fenestra rotunda, or round window. The internal ear, or labyrinth, is composed of bone, and consists of FIG. 403. EXTERNAL, APPEARANCE OF THE LABYRINTH AND FE- NESTRA OVALIS. (Landois.) SENSE OF HEARING. 881 the vestibule, and, communicating with this, three semicircular canals and the cochlea (Figs. 403 and 404). Lining the internal ear and forming a complete cast of the vestibule and semicircular canals is the so-called membranous labyrinth, while between the walls of the membranous \ FIG. 404. SCHEME OF THE AUDITORY APPARATUS. (Beaunis.) A, external ear; B, middle ear; C, internal ear; 1, auricle: 2, external auditory canal: 3, tympanic cavity; 4, tympanic membrane: 5, Eustachian tube; 6, mastoid cells; 7, malleus; 8, incus; 9, stapes; 10, round window; 11, oval window; 12, vestibule; 13, cochlea; 14, scala tympani; 15, scala vestibuli; 16, semicircular canal. labyrinth and the semicircular canals and vestibule is a fluid called the perilymph, which is also contained in the cochlea. Within the mem- branous labyrinth is a similar fluid termed the endolymph. In .the interior of the membranous lab}^rinth are often found little particles consisting almost entirely of carbonate of lime, called otoliths, or ear-stones (Fig. 405). Sometimes these are attached to the walls of the membranous labyrinth, and some- times they are found tying loosely and are intended to increase the intensity of the sounds. The cochlea consists of a spiral canal making two and one-half revo- lutions about a central axis. It is divided by a spiral lamina, partly membranous and partly bony, into two divisions known as scalae, of which one is above the other. The superior at its inferior extremity terminates in the vestibule and is known as the 56 FIG. 405. A, OTOLITHS FROM THE HORSE ; B, EPITHELIUM WITH AUDITORY HAIRS FROM THE CRISTA ACOUSTICA OF THE BABBIT. ( Munk. ) 882 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. scala vestibuli, while the other, or inferior, terminates in the round window and is called the scala tympani. On these laminae spirales fire distributed portions of the auditory nerve, which takes origin from the floor of the fourth ventricle and runs into the petrous portion of the temporal bone through the meatus auditorius internus and divides into two divisions, one going to the cochlea and the other to the vestibule near to the end of the semicircular canals. It loses itself upon the walls of the vestibule and the walls of the ampullae, or membranous dilatations at the commencement of the three semicircular canals (Fig. 406). The cochlear nerve is distributed to the scalae of the cochlea, where its terminal fibres form connection with Corti's organ, which is placed FIG. 406. SCHEME OF THE LABYRINTH AND TERMINATION OF THE AUDITORY NERVE. (Landois.) I. Transverse section of a turn of the cochlea. II. A. ampulla of a semicircular canal : a p. auditory cells, p, provided with a fine hair; T, otoliths. III. Scheme of the human labyrinth. IV. Scheme of a bird's labyrinth. V. Scheme of a fish's labyrinth. in the ductus cochlearis, a small, triangular chamber, cut off from the scala vestibuli by the membrane of Reissner (Fig. 401). Corti's organ is placed on the membranous portion of the lamina spiralis, and consists of an apparatus composed of the so-called Corti's arches, each of which consists of two Corti's rods. Every two rods unite to form an arch, so that there are always two or three inner rods and two outer rods. Toward the apex of the cochlea the rods become longer and the span of the arches increases. The terminal organs of the cochlear nerve are the tiblitier arid Bookseller, 1231 FILBERT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, U.S.A. BRANCH OFFICES: 45 East Twelfth St., New York. U.S.A. 24 Lakeside Bui/ding, 214-220 S. Clark St., Cor. Adams, Chicago, III., U.S.A. 1 Kimball House, Wall St., Atlanta, Ga., U.S.A. 427 Sutter St., San Francisco, CaL, U.S.A. 139-143 Oxford St., London, W., England. NOXICK. In addition to our own Publications, we keep constantly on hand a large stock of MEDICAL, DENTAL, PHARMACEUTICAL, AND VETERINARY BOOKS. Complete Catalogue (64 pages) furnished free on application. We give prompt and careful attention to ever}- inquiry, as well as to every order. ALL NEW BOOKS RECEIVED AS SOON AS PUBLISHED. 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Professor Rohe, who writes on Electro-Therapeutics, discusses at length the recent developments of Electricity in the treatment of stricture, enlarged prostate, uterine tibroids, pelvic cellulitis, and other diseases of the male and female genito-urinary organs. The applications of Electricity in dermatology, as well as in the diseases oi the nervous system, are also fully considered. THE SECOND VOLUME IN THE PHYSICIANS' AND STUDENTS' READY REFERENCE SERIES. OF Materia Mediea, ptiarmaeij, and Therapeutics By CUTHBERT BOWEN, M.D., B.A., Editor of " Notes on Practice." EXTRACT FROM THE PREFACE." 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The literature of Spinal Concussion has been increasing of late years to an unwieldy shape for the general student, and Dr. Clevenger lias in this work arranged and reviewed all that has been done by observers since the days of Eriehsen and those who preceded him. The -different and sometimes antagonistic views of many authors are fully given from the writings of Eriehsen, Page, Oppenheim, Erb, Westphal, Abercrombie, Sir Astley Cooper, Boyer, Charcot, Leyden, Rigler, Spitzka, Putnam, Knapp, Dana, and many other European and American students of the subject. The small, but important, work of Oppenheim, of the Berlin Universit3 T , is fully translated, and constitutes a chapter of Dr. Cleven- ger's book, and reference is made wherever discussions occurred in American medico-legal societies. There are abundant illustrations, particularly for Electro-diagnosis, and to enable a clear comprehension of the anatomical and pathological relations. The Chapters are : I. 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Net price, in United States and Canada, $2.50, post-paid ; in Great Britain, Us. 3d. ; in France, 15 fr. CF. A. DAVIS, Medical Publisher, Philadelphia, Pa.. U.S.A.) JUST READY-A NEW AND IMPORTANT WORK. ESSAY MEDICAL PNEDMATOLOGY I AEROTHERAPY: A PRACTICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE CLINICAL AND THERAPEUTIC VALUE OF THE GASES IN MEDICAL AND SURGICAL PRACTICE, WITH ESPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE VALUE AND AVAILABILITY OF OXYGEN, NITROGEN, HYDROGEN, AND NITROGEN MONOXIDE. BY d. N. DEMARQUAY, Surgeon to the Municipal Hospital, Paris, and of the Council of State ; Member of the Imperial Society of Surgery ; Correspondent of the Academies of Belgium, Turin, Munich, etc. ; Officer of the Legion of Honor ; Chevalier of the Orders of Isabella-the- Catholic and of the Conception, of Portugal, etc. TRANSLATED, WITH NOTES, ADDITIONS, AND OMISSIONS, BY SAMUEL S. 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In prosecuting their inquiries, the first hindrance has been the want of any reliable, or in' any degree satisfactory, literature on the subject. Purged of the much quackery heretofore associated with it, Aerotherapy is now recognized as a legitimate department of medical practice. Although little noise is made about it, the use of Oxygen Gas as a remedy has increased in this country within a few years to such an extent mat in New York City alone the consumption for medical pur- poses now amounts to more than 300.000 gallons per annum. This work, translated in the main from the French of Professor Demarquay, contains also a very full account of recent English, German, and American experiences, prepared by Dr. Samuel S. Wallian, of New York, whose experience in this field antedates that of any other American writer on the subject. Plain Talks on Avoided Subjects. HENRY N. 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This exceedingly valuable work, from one of the most eminent specialists and teachers in gynecology in the United States, is now offered to the profession in a much more complete condition than either of the previous editions. It embraces all the more important diseases and the principal operations in the field of gynecology, and brings to bear upon them all the extensive practical experience and wide reading of the author. It is an indispensable guide to every practitioner who has to do with the diseases peculiar to women. FIG. 44. NATURAL POSITION OP THE WOMB WHEN THE BLADDER is FULL. AFTER BRIESKY. These lessons are so well known that it is en- tirely unnecessary to do more than to call attention to the fact of the appearance of the third edition. : It is too good a book to have been allowed to remain ! out of print, and it has unquestionably been missed. The author has revised the work with special care, adding to each lesson such fresh matter as the prog- ress in the art rendered necessary, and he has en- larged it by the insertion of six new lessons. This edition will, without question, be as eagerly sought for as were its predecessors. American Journal of Obstetrics. The former editions of this treatise were well received by the profession, and there is no doubt that the new matter added to the present issue makes * it more useful than its predecessors. New York Medical Record. His literary style is peculiarly charming. There is a directness and simplicity about it which is easier to admire than to copy. His chain of plain words and almost blunt expressions, his familiar compari- son and homely illustrations, make his writings, like his lectures, unusually entertaining. The substance of "his teachings we regard as equally excellent. Phila. Medical and Surgical Reporter Extended mention of the contents of the book is unnecessary; suffice it to say that every important disease found in the female sex is taken up and dis- cussed in a common-sense kind of a way We wish every physician in America could read and carry out the suggestions of the chapter on "the sexual re- lations as causes of uterine disorders conjugal onanism and kindred sins." The department treat- \ ing of nervous counterfeits of uterine diseases is a most valuable one. Kansas City Medical Index. Price, in United States and Canada, Cloth, $5,00; Full Sheep, $6.00. Discount, 20 per cent., making it, net, Cloth, $100; Sheep, $4.80. Postage, 27 Cents extra. Great Britain, Cloth, 18s. ; Sheep, 1.2s., post-paid, net. France, 30 fr. 80. 8 (F. A. DAVIS, Medical Publisher, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A.) AMERICAN RESORTS, WITH NOTES UPON THEIR CLIMATE. Member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Public Health Association, the Pennsylvania Historical Society, the Franklin Institute, and the Academy of Natural Sciences. Philadelphia; the Society of Alaskan Natural History and Ethnology, Sitka, Alaska, etc. WITH A TRANSLATION FROM THE GERMAN, BY MR. S. KAUFFMANN, Of those chapters of '' Die Klimate der Erde" written by Dr. A. Woeikof, of St. Petersburg, Russia, that relate to North and South America and the islands and oceans contiguous thereto. In One Octavo Volume. Handsomely Bound in Cloth. Nearly 30O Pages. Price, Post-paid, in U. S. and Canada, SS2.OO, net. Great Britain, 8s. 6d. France, 12 fr. 4O. This is a unique and valuable work, and useful to physicians in all parts of the country. It is just such a volume as the MedicaLProfession have stood in need of for many years. We mention a few of the merits it possesses: First. List of all the Health Resorts of the country, arranged according to their climate. Second. Contains just the information needed by tourists, invalids, and those who visit summer or winter resorts. Third. The latest and best large railroad map for reference. Fourth. It indicates the climate each one should select for health. Fifth. The author has traveled extensively, and most of his suggestions are practical in reference to localities. Taken altogether, this is by far the most complete ex- position of the subject of resorts that has yet been put forth, and it is one that every physician must needs possess intelligent information upon. We predict a large demand for this useful and attractive book. Buffalo Med. and Surg. Jmtr. The special chapter on the therapeutics of climate . . is excellent for its precautionary suggestions in the selec- tion of climates and local conditions, with reference to known pathological indications and constitutional predis- positions. The Sanitarian. It is arranged in such a manner that it will be of great service to medical men whose duty it often becomes to rec- ommend a health resort. N. W. Med. Jour. A well-arranged map of the United States serves as the frontispiece of the book ; and an almost perfect index is appended, while between the two is an amount of informa- tion as to places for the health-seeker that cannot be gotten elsewhere. We most cordially recommend the book to travelers and to the doctor. Virginia Med. Monthly. This is a work that has long been needed, as there is has not had occasion to look up , elevation, drvness, humidity, eic . etc.. of the various health resorts, and has had great difficulty in finding reliable information. It certainly scarcely a physician who hj the authorities on climate, Clh, ought, as it deserves, to receive a hearty welcome from the profession. Medical Advance. The book before us is a very comprehensive volume, giving all necessary information concerning climate, tem- perature, humidity, sunshine, and indeed everything neces- sary to be stated for the benefit of the physician or invalid seeking a health resort in the United States. Southern This work is extremely valuable, owing to the liberal and accurate manner in which it gives information regard- ing the various resorts on the American continent, without being prejudice_d in the least in favor of any particular one, but giving all in a fair manner. . . . All physicians need just such a work, for the doctor is always asked to give information on the subject to his patients. Therefore, it should find a place in every physician's library. The Med. Brief. The author of this admirable work has long made a study of American climate, from the stand-point of a phy- sician, with a view to ascertaining the most suitable locali- ties for the residence of invalids, believing proper climate to be an almost indispensable factor in the treatment, pre- vention, and cure of many forms of disease. . . . The book evidences careful research and furnishes much useful information not to be found elsewhere. Pacific Med. Jjiir. JUST PUBLISHED' RECORD-BOOK OF MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS For Life Insurance. Toy In examining for Life Insurance, questions are easily overlooked and the answers to them omitted ; and, as these questions are indispensable, they must be answered before the case can be acted upon, and the examiner is often put to much inconvenience to obtain this information. The need has long been felt among examiners for a reference-book in which could be noted the principal points of an examination, and thereby obviate the necessity of a second visit to the applicant when further information is required. After a careful study of all the forms of examination blanks now used by Insurance Companies, Dr. J. M. Keating has compiled such a record-book which we are sure will fill this long-felt want. This record-book is small, neat, and complete, and embraces all the principal points that are required by the different companies. It is made in two sizes, viz. : No. 1, cover- ing one hundred (100) examinations, and No. 2, covering two hundred (200) examina- tions. The size of the book is 7 x3| inches, and can be conveniently carried in the pocket. PRICES, IOST-IAID. U. S. and Canada. Great Britain. France No. 1, For 100 Examinations, in Cloth, - & .50 s. 6d. 3 f r . 6O No. 2, For 2OO Examinations, in Full Leather, witk Side Flap, .... i.oo 4s. 6d. 6 fr. 2O (F. A. DAVIS, Medical Publisher, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S A.) 9 OF THE Heart and Circulation IN INFANCY AND ADOLESCENCE. Witli an Appendix entitled " Clinical Studies on the Pulse in Childhood." JOHN M. KEATING, M.D., bstetrician to the Philadelphia Hospital, and Lecturer on Diseases of Women and Children; Surgeon to the Maternity Hospital ; Physician to St. Joseph's Hospital; Fellow of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, etc., AND WILLIAM A. EDWARDS, M.D., Instructor in Clinical Medicine and Physician to the Medical Dispensary in the University of Pennsylvania ^ Physician to St. Joseph's Hospital ; Fellow of the College of Physicians ; formerly Assistant Pathologist to the Philadelphia Hospital, etc. ILLUSTRATED BY PHOTOGRAPHS AND WOOD-ENGRAVINGS. About 225 Pages. 8vo. Bound in Cloth. Price, post-paid, in U. S. and Canada, $1.5O, net; Great Britain, 6s. 6d. ; France, 9 fr. 35. There are many excellent text-books on children's diseases, but they have failed to give a satisfactory account of the diseases of the heart ; and, indeed, as far as known, this work of Keating and Edwards' n nv presented to the profession is the only systematic attempt that has been made to collect in book form the abundant material which is scattered throughout medical literature in the form of journal articles, clinical lectures, theses, and reports of societies, The authors have endeavored, in their difficult task, to collect these valuable materials and place them within easy reach of those who are interested in this important subject. That they have succeeded will, we believe, be conceded by all who obtain and make use of their very valuable contribution to this hitherto- neglected field of medical literature. An appendix, entitled " Clinical Studies on the Pulse in Childhood," follows the index in the book, and will, we are sure, be found of much real value to every practitioner of medicine. The work is made available for ready reference by a well-arranged index. We append the table of contents showing the scope of the book : CHAPTER VII. General Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Treatment of Valvular Disease. CHAPTER VI11. Endocarditis Atheroma Aneu- rism. CHAPTER IX. Cardiac Neuroses Angina Pectoris- Exophthalmic Goitre. CHAPTER X. Diseases of the Blood : Plethora, Anaemia, Chlorosis, Pernicious Anaemia. Leu- kaemia Hodgkin's Disease Hssmophilia,Throm- bosis, and Embolism. INDEX. APPENDIX. CLINICAL STUDIES ON THE PULSE IN CHILDHOOD. CHAPTER I. The Methods of Study Instruments Foetal Circulation Congenital Diseases of the Heart Malformations Cyanosis. CHAPTER II. Acute and Chronic Endocarditis Ulcerative endocarditis. CHAPTER III. Acute and Chronic Pericarditis. CHAPTER IV. The treatment of Endo- and Peri- carditis Paracentesis Pericardii Hydropericar- dium Haemopericardium Pneumopericardium. CHAPTER V. Myocarditis Tumors, New Growths, and Parasites CHAPTER VI. Valvular Disease: Mitral, Aortic, Pulmonary, and Tricuspid. Drs. Keating and Edwards have produced a work that will give material aid to every doctor in his practice among children. The style of the book is graphic and pleasing, the diagnostic points are explicit and exact, and the thera- peutical resources include the novelties of medicine as well as the old and tried agents. Pittshnruli M<->J. BfoSetD. A very attractive and valuable work has been given to the medical profession by Drs. Keating and Edwards, in their treatise on the diseases of the heart and circulation in infancy and adolescence, and they deserve the greatest credit for the admirable manner in which they have col- lected, reviewed, and made use of the immense amount of material on this important subject. A rchives of Pedintrirx. The plan of the work is the correct one, viz., the sup- plementing of the observations of the better class of prac- titioners by the experience of those who have given the subject systematic attention. Medical -Age. It is not a mere compilation, but a systematic treatise, and bears evidence of considerable labor and observation on- the part of the authors. Two fine photographs of dissect tions exhibit mitral stenosis and mitral regurgitation ; there are also a number of wood-cuts. Cleveland Medical Gazette. As the works upon diseases of children give little or no attention to diseases of tbe heart, this work of Drs. Keat- ing and Edwards will supply a want. We think that there will be no physician, who takes an interest in the affections of young folks, who will not wish to consult it. Ciiirhinfifi M':<1. K'nra. The work takes up, in an able and scientific manner, diseases of the heart in children. This is a part of the field of medical science which has not been cultivated to the extent that the importance of the subject deserves. Canada Lancet. 10 (F. A. DAVIS, Medical Publisher, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A.) PERPETUAL CLINICAL INDEX MATERIA MEDICA, CHEMISTRY, AND PHARMACY CHARTS. By A. H. KELLER, Ph.G., M.D. Consisting of (1) the "Perpetual Clinical Index," an oblong volume, 9x6 inches, neatly bound in extra Cloth ; (3) a Chart of "Materia Medica," 32x44 inches, mounted on muslin, with rollers ; (3) a Chart of Chemistry and Phar- macy," 32 x44 inches, mounted on muslin, with rollers. United States. Canada (duty paid). Great Britain. France. Net Price for the Complete Work, $5,00 $5,50 30 fr. 30 Bead the Following Description and Explanation of the In presenting the objects and advantages of these Charts and " Perpetual Clinical Index" it becomes necessary to state that the Author's many years' experience as a physician and Pharmacist enables him to produce, in terse language, a volume of facts that must be of inestimable value to the busy physician and pharmacist, or to any student of either profession. He has endeavored to describe all that have borne inves- tigation up to date. The system will prove to be of great value in this, that so little labor will be required to add new investigation as fast as may be gathered from new books, journals, etc. The classification is alphabetical and numerical in arrangement, and serves so to unite the various essentials of Botany, Chemistry, and Materia Medica, that the very thought of the one will readily associate the principal properties and uses, as well as its origin. The "MATERIA MEDICA" CHART, in the first place, aids at a glance: ist, Botanical or U. S. P. Name; 2d, The Common Name ; ^d, Natural Order ; 4th, Where Indigenous ; sth, Principal Con- stituent; 6th, Part Used herbs, leaves, flowers, roots, barks, etc. ; yth, Medicinal Properties mainly con- sidered ; 8th, The Dose medium and large. On this Chart there are 475 first names ; Section A. is numbered from i to 59, each section commencing with the capital letter, and having its own numbers on both left-hand and right-hand columns, to prevent mistakes in lining out, all in quite large type. In the centre of the Chart, occupying about 6 inches in width, is a term index of common names. In the second column of Chart, like this : ACONITE LEAVES, . . 4 A. Then by reference to 4 A in first column, you there find the Botanical or U. S. P. On this Chart is also found a brief definition of the terms used, under the heading " Medicinal Properties." The "CHEMISTRY" CHART takes in regular order the U.S. Pharmacopoeia Chemicals, with the addition of many new ones, and following the name, the Chemical Formula, the Molecular Weight, and next the Origin. This is a brief but accurate description of the essential points in the manufacture : The Uose, medium and large; next, Specific Gravity; then, whether Salt or Alkaloid; next, Solubilities, by abbreviation, in Water, Alcohol, and Glycerine, and blank columns for solubilities, as desired. Alkaloids and Concentrations are tabulated with reference numbers for the Perpetual Clinical Index, giving Medicinal Properties, Minute Dose^and Large Dose For example, ALKALOIDS AND CONCENTRATIONS : A. MEDICINAL PROPERTIES. MINUTE DOSE, i LARGE DOSE. (a) Aconitine. Narcotic and Apyretic. 1-500 gr. 1-16 gr. Following this, Preparations of the Pharmacopoeia, each tabulated. For example : TINCTURAL. TlNCTURA. DRUG. AMOUNT. ALCOHOL. DOSE. * Aconiti. $ Aconite. I Tartaric Acid, 60 f P. j S 1 A oz. to 24 gr. 100 i to 3 drops. * 60 Fineness of Powder as per U. S. P. t P. Macerate 24 hours. Percolate, adding Menstruum to complete (1) pint tincture. They are all thus abbreviated, with a ready reference head-note. Next, Thermometers, Metric Table of Weights, Helps to the Study of Chemistry, Examples in Work- ing Atomic Molecular Formulae Next, Explanation of Terms Used in Columns of Solubilities, List of Most Important Elements Now in Use, and Definitions or Terms Frequently Used in Chemistry and Pharmacy. The "PERPETUAL, CLINICAL INDEX" is a book 6 by 9 inches, and one-half inch thick. It contains 135 pages, divided as follows (opposite pages blank) : The Index to Chemistry Chart occupies two pages; Explanations, Abbreviations, etc., forty pages, with diseases, and with an average of ten references to- each disease, leaving room for about forty more remedies for each disease. The numbers refer to the remedies used in the diseases by the most celebrated physicians and surgeons, and the abbreviations to the manner in which they are used. Eight pages, numbered and bracketed, for other diseases not enumerated. The Materia Medica, Explanations, Abbreviations, and Remedies suggested for, occupy twenty-six pages. For Abbreviated Prescriptions, seventeen blank pages. Then the Index to Alkaloids and Concentrations. These, already enumerated, with their reference, number six blank tabulated pages, for noting any new Alkaloids and Concentrations. Then the Chemistry Index, giving the same number as on Chart, with Name, Doses, Specific Gravity, Salt or Alkaloid in the same line, as for example : NAME. DOSES. j SPECIFIC GRAVITY. j SALT OR ALKALOID. MEMORANDA. ~: ! ! ' i This Alemorarlda place is for Physicians' or Pharmacists' reference notes ; and with the addition of several tabulated blank pages, in which to add any new chemical, with doses, etc. The remaining sixteen pages for Materia Medica Index, leaving blanks following each other for new names and reference numbers. To show the ready and permanent use of the "Perpetual Clinical Index" of the "Chemistry" and "Pharmacy" Charts or Index in the book, suppose the Physician reads in a book or journal that Caffeine Citras is useful in the disease Chorea, and he wishes to keep a permanent record of that, he refers to the Chart, and if it does not already appear there, it can be placed opposite and numbered, and thereafter used for reference. But we find its permanent number is No. 99, so he will write down in the line left blank for future use in his book, in line already used, running parallel with other reference numbers in Chorea, the No. 99, and immediately under he can use the abbreviation in the manner in which it is given. Though years may have passed, he can in a moment, by referring there, see that No. 99 is good for Chorea. If fail- ing to remember what No. 99 is, he glances at the Chart or Index. He sees that No. 99 is Caffeine Citras, and he there learns its origin and dose and solubility, and in a moment an intelligent prescription can be constructed. (F. A. DAVIS, Medical Publisher, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.AJ 11 New Edition of an Important and Timely Work Just Published. Electricity in the Diseases of ^fomen "With Special Reference to the Application of Strong Currents. G. BETTON MASSEY, M.D., Hospi Neurological Ass'n, of the Philadelphia Neurological Society, of the Franklin Institute, etc. By Physician to the Gynecological Department of Howard Hospital ; Late Electro-Therapeutist to the Phila- delphia Orthopaedic Hospital and Infirmary for Nervous Diseases ; Member of the American ZEoLitioia.- ZES-e-srised. smd. WITH NEW AND ORIGINAL WOOD-ENGRAVINGS. HANDSOMELY BOUND IN CLOTH. OVER 200 PAGES. 12mo. Price, in United States and Canada, $1.50, net, post-paid. In Great Britain, 6s. 6d. In France, 9 fr. 35. This work is presented to the profession as the most complete treatise yet issued om the electrical treatment of diseases of women, and is destined to fill the increasing demand for clear and practical instruction in the handling and use of strong currents after the recent methods first advocated by Apostoli. The whole subject is treated from the present stand-point of electric science with new and original illustrations, the thorough studies of the author and his wide clinical experience rendering him an authority upon electricity itself and its therapeutic applications. The author has enhanced the practical value of the work by including the exact details of treatment and results in a number of cases taken from his private and hospital practice. FIG. 15. AUTHOR'S FIBROID SPEAR. FIG. 18. BALL ELECTRODE FOR ADMINISTERING FRANKLINIC SPARKS. CHAPTER I, Introductory ; II, Apparatus required in gynecological applications of the galvanic current ; HI, Experiments illustrating the physical qualities of galvanic currents ; IV, Action of concentrated gal- vanic currents on organized tissues ; V, Intra-uterine galvano-chemical cauterization; VI, Operative details of pelvic electro-puncture; VII, The faradic current in gynecology ; VIII, The franklinic current in gyne- cology'; IX, Non-caustic vaginal, urethral, and rectal applications ; X, General percutaneous applications in the treatment of nervous women ; XI, The electrical treatment of fibroid tumors of the uterus ; XII, The electrical treatment of uterine hemorrhage; XIII, The electrical treatment of subinvolution ; XIV, The electrical treatment of chronic endometritis and chronic metritis ; XV, The electrical treatment of chronic diseases of the uterus and appendages; XVI, Electrical treatment of pelvic pain; XVII, The electrical treatment of uterine displacements; XVIII, The electrical treatment of extra-uterine pregnancy; XIX, The electrical treatment of certain miscellaneous conditions ; XX, The centra-indications and limitations to the use of strong currents. An Appendix and a Copious Index, including the definitions of terms used in the work, concludes the book. The author gives us what he has seen, and of which he is assured by scientific study is correct We are certain that this little work will prove helpful to all physicians who desire to use electricity in the management of the diseases of women. The American Lancet. To say that the author is rather conservative in his ideas of the curative powers of electricity is only another way of saying that he understands his subject thoroughly. The mild enthusiasm of our author is unassailable, because it is founded on science and reared with experience. The Medical Analectic. The work is well written, exceedingly practical, and can be trusted. We commend it to the profession." Mary- land Medical Journal. The book is one which should be possessed by every physician who treats diseases of women by electricity. The Brooklyn Medical Journal. The departments of electro-physics, pathology, and electro-therapeutics are thoroughly and admirably con- sidered, and by means of good wood-cuts the beginner has before his eye the exact method of work required. The Medical Register. " The author of this little volume of 210 pages ought to have added to its title, " and a mo'st happy dissertation upon the methods of using this medicinal agent; " for in the first 100 pages he has contrived to describe the techni of electrization in as clear and happy a manner as no author has ever succeeded in doing, and for this part of the book alone it is almost priceless to the beginner in the treatment with this agent The little book ia worthy the perusal of every one at all interested in the subject of electricity in medicine. Tfie Omaha Clinic. The treatment of fibroid tumor of the uterus will, perhaps, interest the profession more generally than any other question. This subject has been accorded ample space. The method of treatment in many cases has been recited in detail, the results in every instance reported be- ing beneficial, and in many curative. Pacific Med. Jour. r> (F. A. DAVIS, Medical Publisher, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A.} PRACTICAL SURGERY. By J. EWING MEARS, M.D., Lecturer on Practical Surgery and Demonstrator of Surgery in Jefferson Medical College; Professor of Anatomy and Clinical Surgery in the Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery, etc. With 490 Illustrations, Second edition, revised and enlarged, 794 pp. 12mo, PRICE, IN UNITED STATES AND CANADA : CLOTH, $3.00. DISCOUNT, 20 PER CENT., MAKING IT, NET, $2.40; POSTAGE, 20 CENTS EXTRA. GREAT BRITAIN, 13s. FRANCE, 18 fr. 75. MEARS' PRACTICAL SURGERY includes chapters on Surgical Dress- ings, Bandaging, Fractures, Dislocations, Ligature of Arteries, Amputa- tions, Excisions of Bones and Joints. This work gives- a complete account of the methods of antiseptic surgery. The dif- ferent agents used in antiseptic dressing, their methods of preparation, and their application in the treatment of wounds are fully described. With this work as a guide it is possible for every surgeon to practice antiseptic surgery. The great advances made in the science and art of surgery are largely due to the introduction of anti- septic methods of wound treatment, and it is incumbent upon every progressive sur- geon to employ them. An examination of this work will show that it is thoroughly systematic in its plan, so that it is not only useful to the practitioner, who may be called upon to perform operations, but of great value to the student in his work in the surgical room, where he is required to apply bandages and fracture dressings, and to perform operations upon the cadaver. The experience of the author, derived from many years' service as a teacher (private and public) and practitioner, has enabled him to present the topics discussed in such a manner as to fully meet the needs of both prac- titioners and students. is full of common sense, and may be safely taken as a guide in the matters of which it treats It would be hard to point out all the excellences of tioner who follows it intelligently cannot easily go astray. Journal American Medical Asso' We cannot speak too highly of the volume under this book. We can heartily recommend it to students H review. Canada. Med. and Surg . Jour. and to practitioners of surgery. American Jour- ji The space devoted to fractures and dislocations nal of the Medical Sciences. We do not know of any other work which would be of greater value to the student in connection with his lectures in this department. Buffalo Medical by far the most difficult and responsible part of surgery is ample, and we notice many new illustra- tions explanatory of the text. North Carolina Medical Journal. *nd Surgical journal. It is one of the most valuable of the works of its The work is excellent. The student or practi- kind. New Orleans Med. and Surg. Jour. (F. A, DAVIS, Medical Publisher, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A.) 13 AN ENTIRELY NEW PHYSICIAN'S VISITING LIST. MEDICAL BULLETIN VISITING LIST - OR - - PHYSICIAN'S QALL RECORD. ARRANGED UPON AN ORIGINAL AND CONVENIENT MONTHLY AND WEEKLY PLAN FOR THE DAILY RECORDING OF PROFESSIONAL VISITS. Frequent Rewriting of Names Unnecessary. THIS YISITING LIST is arranged upon a plan best adapted to the most convenient use of all physicians, and embraces a new feature in recording daily visits not found in any other list, consisting of STUB OR HALF LEAVES IN THE FORM OF INSERTS, a glance at which will suffice to show that as the first week's record of visits is completed the next week's record may be made by simply turning over the stub-leaf, without the necessity of re- writing the patients' names. This is done until the month is completed, and the physician has kept his record just as complete in every detail of VISIT, CHARGE, CREDIT, etc., as he could have done had he used any of the old-style visiting lists, and has also SAVED himself three-fourths of the time and labor formerly required in transferring names EVERY week. There are no intricate rulings ; everything is easity and quickly under- stood ; not the least amount of time can be lost in comprehending the plan, for it is acquired at a glance. The Three Different Styles Made. The UTo. 1 Style of this List provides ample space for the DAILY record of seventy (70) different names each month for an entire year (two full pages, thirty-five [35] names to a page, being allowed to each month), so that its size is sufficient for an ordinary practice ; but for physicians who prefer a List' that will accommodate a larger practice we have made a UTo. 2 Style, which provides ample space for the daily record of ONE HUNDRED AND FIVE DIFFERENT NAMES (105) each month for an entire year (three full pages being allowed to each month), and for physicians who may prefer a Pocket Record Book of less thickness than either of these styles we have made a Wo. 3 Style, in which " The Blanks for the Recording of Visits In " have been made into removable sections. These sections are very thin, and are made up so as to answer in full the demand of the largest practice, each section providing ample space for the DAILY RECORD OF 'TWO HUNDRED AND TEN (210) DIFFERENT NAMES for one month; or one hundred and five (105) different names daily each month for two months ; or seventy (TO) different names daily each month for three months ; or thirty-five (35) different names daily each month for six months. Four sets of these sections go with each copy of No. 3. Style. Special Features Not Found in Any Other List. In this No. 3 STYLE the PRINTED MATTER, and such matter as the BLANK FORMS FOR ADDRESSES OF PATIENTS, Obstetric Record, Vaccination Record, Cash Account, Births "and Deaths Records, etc., are fastened permanently in the back of the book, thus reducing its thickness. The addition of one of these removable sections does not increase the size quite an eighth of an inch. This brings the book into such a small com- pass that no one can object to it on account of its thickness, as its bulk 14 is V'ERY MUCH LESS than that of any visiting list ever published. Every physician will at once understand that as soon as a section is full it can be taken out, filed away, and another inserted without the least incon- venience or trouble. This Visiting List contains a Calendar for the last six months of last year, all of this, and next year; Table of Signs to be used in Keeping Accounts; Dr. Ely's Obstetrical Table; Table of Cal- culating the Number of Doses in a given R, etc., etc.; for converting Apothecaries' Weights and Measures into Grammes ; Metrical Avoirdu- pois and Apothecaries' Weights ; Number of Drops in a Fluidrachm ; -Graduated Doses for Children ; Graduated Table for Administering Laudanum ; Periods of Eruption of the Teeth ; The Average Frequency of the Pulse at Different Ages in Health; Formula and Doses of Hypo- dermic Medication; Use of the Hypodermic Syringe; Formulae and Doses of Medicine for Inhalation; Formulae for Suppositories for the Rectum ; The Use of the Thermometer in Disease ; Poisons and their Antidotes ; Treatment of Asphyxia ; Anti-Emetic Remedies ; Nasal Douches ; Eye-Washes. Most Convenient Time- and Labor- Saving List Issued. It is evident to eve^ one that this is, beyond question, the best and most convenient time- and labor-saving Physicians' Record Book ever published. Ph3 r sicians of many years' standing and with large practices pronounce this the Best List they have ever seen. It is handsomely bound in fine, strong leather, with flap, including a pocket for loose memoranda, etc., and is furnished with a Dixon lead-pencil of excellent quality and finish. It is compact and convenient for carrying in the pocket. Size, 4 x 6| inches. IN THREE STYI^ES-KET PRICES, POST-PAID. U. S. and Canada. Great Britain. France. No. i. Regular Size, for 70 patients daily each month for one year, SI. 25 5s. 3. 7 fr. 75 "No. 2. Large Size, for 105 patients daily each month for one year, 1.5O 6s. 6. 9 fr. 35 No. 3. In which "The Blanks for Recording Visits in" are in re- movable sections, as described above, ... - 1.75 7s. 3. 12 fr. 2O EXTRACTS FROM REVIEWS.- " While each page records only a week's visits, "yet by an ingenious device of half leaves the names -of the patients require to be written but once a month, and a glance at an opening of the book shows the entire visits paid to any individual in a month. It will be found a great convenience." Jioston Medical and Surgical Journal. "Everything about it is easily and quickly understood." Canadian Practitioner. "Of the many visiting lists before the profes- sion, each has some special feature to recommend it. This list is very ingeniously arranged, as by a series of narrow leaves following a wider one, the name of the patient is written but once during the month, while the account can run for thirty-one days, space being arranged for a weekly debit and credit summary and for special memoranda. The usual pages for cash account, obstetrical record, addresses, etc., are included. A large amount of miscellaneous information is presented in a condensed form." Occidental Medical Times. "It is a monthly instead of a weekly record, thus obviating the transferring of names oftener than once a month. There is a Dr. and Cr. column following each week's record, enabling the doctor to carry a patient's account for an indefinite time, or until he is discharged, with little trouble." Indiana Medical Journal. " "Accounts can begin and end at any date. Each name can be entered for each day of every month on the same line. To accomplish this, four leaves, little more than one-third as wide as the usual leaf of the book, follow each page. Oppo- site is a full page for the recording of special memoranda. The usual accompaniments of this class of books are made out with care and fitness." The American Lancet. "This is a novel list, and an unusually con- venient one." Journal of the Amer.Med.Assoc. "This new candidate for the favor of physi- cians possesses some unique and useful points. The necessity of rewriting names every week is obviated by a simple contrivance in the make-up of its pages, thus saving much valuable time, besides reducing the bulk of the book." Buffalo Medical and Surgicai Journal. "This list is an entirely new departure, and on a plan that renders posting rapid and easy. It is just what we have often wished for, and really fills a long-felt want." The Medical Waif. "It certainly contains the largest amount of practical knowledge for the medical practitioner in the smallest possible volume, besides enabling the poorest accountant to keep a correct record, and render a correct bill at a moment's notice." Medical Chips. (F. A. DAVIS, Medical Publisher, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A.) HAND-BOOK OF ECLAMPSIA; OK, Notes and Cases of Puerperal Convulsions. E. MICHENER, M.D., J. H. STUBBS, M.D., R. B. EWING, M.D. B.THOMPSON, M.D., S. STEBBINS, M.D. Price, in United States and Canada, Bound in Cloth, I6mo, Net, 75 Cents; in Great Britain, 3 Shillings ; in Prance, 4 fr. 20. In our medical colleges the teachers of Obstetrics dwell upon the use of blood-letting (phlebotomy) ia cases of puerperal convulsions, and to this method Dr. Michener and his fellows give their unqualified support not to take a prescribed number of ounces, but to bleed for effect, and/Vow a large orifice. This is plainly and admirably set forth in his book. To bleed requires a cutting instrument, not necessarily a lancet, for Dr. M. states how in one case a pocket-knife was used and the desired effect produced. Let the young physician gather courage from this little book, and let the more experienced give testi- mony to confirm its teaching. have always thought that this treatment was 1 ' ' s generally; ig we would 3rsed, approved, "and practiced by physicians generally ; and to such as doubt the efficacy of blood-lettins )mmend this little volume. Southern Clinic. The authors are seriously striving to restore the ' lost art" of blood-letting, and we must commend the modesty of their endeavor. North Carolina Med. Jour. The cases were ably analyzed, and this plea for vene- section should receive the most attentive consideration from obstetricians. Medical and Surgical Reporter. JTJST A MANUAL OF INSTRUCTION FOR GIVING PROK. NISSKN, Director of the Swedish Health Institute, Washington, D.C. ; Late Instructor in Physical Culture and. Gymnastics at the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. ; Author of " Health by Exercise without Apparatus." ILLUSTRATED WITH 29 ORIGINAL WOOD-ENGRAVINGS. In One 12mo Volume of 128 Pages. Neatly Bound in Cloth. Price,, post-paid, in United States and Canada, Net, $1.OO; in Great Britain, 4s. 3d. ; in France, 6 fr. 2O. This is the only publication in the English language treating this very important, subject in a practical manner. Full instructions are given regarding the mode of applying The Swedish Movement and Massage Treatment in various diseases and conditions of the human system with the greatest degree of effectiveness. Professor Nissen is the best authority in the United States upon this prac- tical phase of this subject, and his book is indispensable to every physician who wishes to- know how to use these valuable handmaids of medicine. This manual is valuable to the practitioner, as it contains a terse description of a subject but too little under- stood in this country The book is got up very creditably. N. Y. Med. Jour. The present volume is a modest account of the appli- cation of the Swedish Movement and Massage Treatment, in which the technique of the various procedures are clearly stated as well _ as illustrated in a very excellent manner. North American Practitioner. This little manual seems to be written by an expert, and to those who desire to know the details connected with the Swedish Movement and Massage we commend the- "book . Practice. ' This attractive little book presents the subject in a very practical shape, and makes it possible for every physician to understand at least how it is applied, if it does not give him dexterity in the art of its application. He can certainty acquire dexterity by following the directions so plainly ad- viied in this book. Chicago Mf.d. Times. It is so practical and clear in its demonstrations that if you wish a work of this nature you cannot do better than- peruse this one. Medical Brief. H) (F. A. DAVIS, Medical Publisher, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A.) JUST READY THE LATEST AND BEST PHYSICIAN'S ACCOUNT BOOK EVER PUBLISHED. PHYSICIAN'S- ALL-REQC1I5ITE TIME* A- LABOR- SAVINS Account- BEING A LEDGER AND ACCOUNT-BOOK FOR PHYSICIANS' USE, MEETING ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE LAW AND COURTS. DESIGNED BY Of PROBABLY no class of people lose more money through carelessly kept accounts and overlooked or neglected bills than physicians. Often detained at the bedside of the sick until late at night, or deprived of even a modicum of rest, it is with great difficulty that he spares the time or puts himself in condition to give the same care to his own financial interests that a merchant, a lawyer, or even a farmer devotes. It is then plainl} 7 apparent that a system of bookkeeping and accounts that, without sacrificing accuracy, but, on the other hand, ensuring it, at the same time relieves the keeping of a physician's book of half their complexity and two-thirds the labor, is a convenience which will be eagerly welcomed by thousands of overworked physicians. Such a sys- tem lias at last been devised, and we take pleasure in offering it to the profession in the form of THE PHYSICIAN'S ALL-REQUISITE TIME- AND LABOR- SAVING ACCOUNT-BOOK. There is no exaggeration in stating that this Account-Book and Ledger reduces the labor of keeping your accounts more than one-half r and at the same time secures the greatest degree of accuracy. We may mention a few of the superior advantages of THE PHYSICIAN'S ALL- REQUISITE TIME- AND LABOR- SAVING ACCOUNT-BOOK, as follow: First "Will meet all the requirements of the law and courts. Second Self-explanatory ; no cipher code. Third Its completeness without sacrificing anything. Fourth No posting; one entry only. 'Fifth Universal ; can be commenced at any time of year, and can be continued in- definitely until every account is filled. Sixth Absolutely no waste of space. Seventh One person must needs be sick every day of the year to fill his account, or might be ten years about it and re- quire no more than the space for one account in this ledger. Eighth Double the number and irfany times more than the number of accounts in any similar book; the 300-page book contains space for 900 accounts, and the 600-page book contains space for 1800 accounts. Ninth There are no smaller spaces. Tenth Compact without sacrificing com- pleteness; every account complete on same page a decided advantage and recommendation. Eleventh Uniform size of leaves. Twelfth The statement of the most com- plicated account is at once before you at any time of month or year in other words, the account itself as it stands is its simplest statement. Thirteenth No transferring of accounts, balances, etc. To all physicians desiring a quick, accurate, and comprehensive method of keeping their accounts, we can safely sa} r that no /book as suitable as this one has ever been devised. Great Britain. NET PRICES, SHIPPING EXPENSES PREPAID. No. 1. 3OO Pages, for 90O Accounts per Year, Canada Size 10x12, Bound in ?i Russia, Raised In U - S - (duty paid). Back-Bands, Cloth Sides, . . . 85.0O 85.5O SO. 18s. No. 2. GOO Pages, for 18OO Accounts per Year, Size 10x12, Bound in % Russia, Raised Back-Bands, Cloth Sides, . . . 8.0O 8.8O 1.13s. (F. A. DAVIS, Medical Publisher, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A.) France. 3O fr. 3O 49 fr. 4O 17 PHYSICIANS' INTERPRETER IN FOUR LANGUAGBS. (ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, AND ITALIAN.) Specially Arranged for Diagnosis by m. von \. The object of this little work is to meet a need often keenly felt by the busy physician, namely, the need of some quick and reliable method of communicating intelligibly with patients of those nationalities and languages unfamiliar to the practitioner. The plan of the book is a sys- tematic arrangement of questions upon the various branches of Practical Medicine, and each question is so worded that the only answer required of the patient is merely YES or No. The questions are all numbered, and a complete Index renders them always available for quick reference. The book is written by one who is well versed in English, French, Ger- man, and Italian, being an excellent teacher in all those languages, and who has also had considerable hospital experience. Bound in Full Russia Leather, for Carrying in the Pocket. (Size, 5x2 Inches.) 2O6 Pages. Price, post-paid, in United States and Canada, $1.OO, net; Great Britain, 4s. 6d. ; France, 6 fr. &O. To convey some idea of the scope of the questions contained in the Physicians' Interpreter, we append the Index : NOS. General health 1-50 Special diet 31- 47 Age of patient 52- 62 Necessity of patients undergoing an opera- tion 63- 70 Office hours 7i- 77 Days of the week 78- 84 Patient's history: hereditary affections in his family; his occupation; diseases from his childhood up 85-130 Months of the year. 106-117 Seasons of the year 118-121 Symptoms of typhoid fever. . . . . 131-158 Symptoms of Bright's disease 159-168 Symptoms of lung diseases 169-194 and 311-312 Vertigo 195-201 The eyes 201-232 Paralysis and rheumatism 236-260 Stomach complaints and chills. ?6 1-269 Falls and fainting spells 271277 How patient's illness began, and when pa- tient was first taken sick 278-279 Names for various parts of the body 283-299 The liver 300-301 The memory 304-305 Bites, stings, pricks 314-316 Eruptions 317-318 Previous treatment 3 19 Symptoms of lead-poisoning 320-3*4 Hemorrhages 325-3*8 Burns and sprains 33~33* The throat 332-335 The ears 336-339 General directions concerning medicines, baths, bandaging, gargling, painting swelling, etc 34-373 Numbers .pages 202-204 The work is well done, and calculated to be of great service to those who wish to acquire familiarity with the phrases used in questioning patients. More than this, we believe it would be a great help in acquiring a vocabulary to be used in reading medical books, and that it would fur- nish an excellent basis for beginning a study of any one of the languages which it includes. Medical and Surgical Reporter. Many other books of the same sort, with more ex- tensive vocabularies, have been published, but, from their size, and from their being usually devoted to equivalents in English and one other language only, they have not had the advantage which is pre-eminent in this convenience. It is handsomely printed, and bound in flexible red leather in the form of a diary. It would scarcely make itself felt in one's hip-pocket, and would insure its bearer against any ordinary conversational difficulty in dealing with foreign- speaking people, who are constantly coming into our city hospitals. New York Medical Journal. In our larger cities, and in the whole Northwest, the physician is constantly meeting with immigrant patients, to whom it is difficult for him to make himself understood, r to know what they say in return. This difficulty will little work. The Phy- be greatly obviated by use of tin sician and Surgeon. The phrases are well selected, and one might practice long without requiring more of these languages than this little book furnishes. Phi/a. Medical Tiiutf. How ofttn the physician is called to attend those with whom the English language is unfamiliar, and many phy- sicians are thus deprived of the means, save through an interpreter, of arriving at a correct knowledge on which to base a diagnosis. An interpreter is not always at hand, but with this pocket interpreter in your hand you are able to ask all the questions necessary, and receive the answer in such manner that you will be able to fully comprehend. The Medical Brief. This little volume is one of the most ingenious aids to the physician which we have seen. We heartily com- mend the'book to any one who, being without a knowledge of the foreign languages, is obliged to treat those who d not know our own language.^. Louis Courier of JMH> It will rapidly supersede, for the practical use of the doctor who cannot take the time to learn another language all other suggestive works. Chicago Medical Times. 18 (F. A. DAVIS, Medical Publisher, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A.) An Important Aid to Students in the Study of Anatomy. THREE CHARTS or The Nervo- Vascular System. PART I. THE NERVES. PART II. THE ARTERIES. PART III. THE VEINS. ARRANGED BY W. HENRY PRICE, A.M., M.D., AND S. POTTS EAGLETON. ENDORSED BY LEADING ANATOMISTS. PRICE, IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA, 50 CENTS, NET, COMPLETE; GREAT BRITAIN, 2s. 6d. FRANCE, 3 fr. 60. "THE NERVO-VASCULAB SYSTEM OF CHARTS" far Excels Every Other System in their Completeness, Compactness, and Accuracy. I. The Nerves. Gives in a clear form not only the Cranial and Spinal Nerves, showing the formation of the different Plexuses and their branches, but also the complete distribution of the k OIPATHETIC NERVES, thereby making it the most complete and concise chart of the Nervous System yet published. Part II. The Arteries. Gives a unique grouping of the Arterial System, showing the divisions and subdivisions of all the vessels, beginning from the heart and tracing their CONTINUOUS distribution to the periphery, and showing at a glance the terminal branches of each artery. Part III. The Veins. Shows how the blood from the periphery of the body is gradually collected by the larger veins, and these coalescing forming still larger vessels, until they finally trace themselves into the Right Auricle of the heart. It is therefore readily seen that " The Nervo- Vascular System of Charts" offers the following superior advantages: 1. It is the only arrangement which combines the Three Systems, and yet each is perfect and distinct in itself. 2. It is the only instance of the Cranial, Spinal, and Sympathetic Nervous Systems being represented on one chart. 3. From its neat size and clear type, and being printed only upon one side, it may be tacked up in any convenient place, and is always read} r for freshening up the memory and reviewing for examination. 4. The nominal price for which these charts are sold places them within the reach of all. For the student of anatomy there can possibly be no ' more concise way of acquiring a knowledge of the nerves, ; veins, and arteries of the human system. It presents at a glance their trunks and branches in the great divisions of the body. It will save a world of tedious reading, and will ' impress itself on the mind as no ordinary vade mecum, j veu. could. Its price is nominal and its value inestima- ble. No student should be without it. Pacific Record of Mrili-inn and Surgery. We take pleasure in calling attention to these charts, as they are so arranged that a study of them will serve to ; impress them more indellibly on your mind than can be gained in any other way. They are also valuable for reference. Medical Brief. These are three admirably arranged charts for the se of students, to assist in memorizing their anatomical studies. Bu/nlo Jftd. and Surg. Jour. This is a series of charts of the nerves, arteries, and i veins of the human body, giving names, origins, distribu- tions, and functions, very convenient as memorizers and reminders. A similar series, prepared by the late J. H. Armsby, of Albany, N.Y., and framed, long found a place in the study of the writer, and on more than one occasion was the means of saving precious moments that must otherwise have been devoted to tumbling the pages of ana- tomical works. Med. Age. These three charts will be of great assistance to medical students. They can be hung on the wall and read across any ordinary room. The price is only fifty cents for the set. Practice. These charts have been carefully arranged, and will prove to be very convenient for ready reference. They are three in number, each constituting a part It is a high recommendation that these charts have beem examined and approved by John B. Beaver, M.D., Demon- strator of Anatomy in the University of Pennsylvania. Pacific Med. and Surg. Jour, and Western Lancet. (F. A. DAVIS, Medical Publisher Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A.) 19 EVERY SANITARIAN SHOUJLD HAVE ROME'S "TEXT-BOOK OF HYGIENE" AS A WORK OF REFERENCE. SEOOIsTID TEXT-BOOK OF HYGIENE: A COMPREHENSIVE TREATISE ON THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE FROM AN AMERICAN STAND-POINT. By GEORGB H. ROHK, M.D., Pwfessor of Obstetrics and Hygiene in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore ; Director of the Maryland Maternite ; Member of the American Public Health Association ; Foreign Associate of the Societe Franchise d'Hygiene, of the Societe des Chevaliers-Sauveteurs des Alpes Maritimes, etc. Net Price, in the United States, $2.5O; in Canada (duty paid), 82.75; in Great Britain, lls. 3d. ; France, 16 fr. 8O. SECOND EDITION THOROUGHLY REVISED AND LARGELY REWRITTEN, WITH MANY ILLUSTRATIONS AND VALUABLE TABLES. Robe's Hygiene is the Standard Text-Book in many Medical Colleges in the United States and Canada. It is a sound guide to the most modern and approved practice in Applied Hygiene. This New Edition will be issued early in the Spring of 1890, in one handsome Octavo volume of about 400 pages, bound in Extra Cloth. Read what competent critics have said of the first edition of Robe's "Text-Book of Hygiene": A storehouse of facts. British Medical Journal. Of invaluable assistance to the student. Sanitary News. This interesting and valuable book. Pacific Medical mnd Surgical Journal. Based upon sound principles and good practice. Phila- delphia Medical Times. Full of important matter, told in a very interesting tanner. Science. In harmony with the most recent advances in pathology. Medical Times and Gazette, London. Nothing better for the teacher, practitioner, or student, Mississippi Valley Medical Monthly. Contains a mass of information of the utmost impor- tance. Independent Practitioner. Just the work needed by the medical student and tht busy, active, sanitary officer. Southern Practitioner. This very useful work. American Jour. Med. Sciences. Comprehensive in scope, well condensed, clear in style, and abundantly supplied with references. Journal Amer- ican Medical Association. JUST ISSUED PHYSICIANS' AND STUDENTS' READY-REFERENCE SERIES The Neuroses of the Genito-Urinary System I3NC WITH STERILITY AND IMPOTENCE. BY DR. R. UI/TZNIANN, PROFESSOR OF GENITO-URINARY DISEASES IN THE UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA. TRANSLATED, WITH THE AUTHOR'S PERMISSION, BY GARDNER W. ALLEN, M.D., SURGEON IN THE GENITO-URINARY DEPARTMENT BOSTON DISPENSARY. Illustrated. 12mo. Handsomely Bound in Dark-Blue Cloth. Net Price, in the United States and Canada, 81.0O, Post-paid ; Great Britain, 4s. 6d. : France, 6 fr. 2O. This great work upon a subject which, notwithstanding the great strides that hav been made in its investigation and the deep interest it possesses for all, is nevertheless still but imperfectly understood, has been translated in a most perfect manner, and pre- serves most fully the inherent excellence and fascinating style of its renowned and lamented author. Full and complete, yet terse and concise, it handles the subject with such a vigor of touch, such a clearness of detail and description, and such a directness to the result, that no medical man who once takes it up will be content to lay it down until its perusal is complete, nor will one reading be enough. Professor Ultzmann was recognized as one of the greatest authorities in his chosen specialty, and it is a little singular that so few of his writings have been translated into English. Those wfyo have been so fortunate as to benefit by his instruction at the Vienna Polyclmic can testify to the soundness of his pathological teachings and the success of his methods of treatment. He approached the subject from a somewhat different point of view from most surgeons, and this gives a peculiar value to the work. It is believed, moreover, that there is no convenient hand-book in English treating in a broad manner the Genito-urinary Neuroses. SYNOPSIS OF CONTENTS. FIRST PART. I. Chemical Changes in the Urine in Oases of Neuroses. II. The Neuroses of the Urinary and of the Sexual Organs, classi- fiVd as : 1, Sensory Neuroses ; 2, Motor Neuroses ; 3, Secretory Neuroses. SECOND PART. Sterility and Impotence. THE TREATMENT IN ALL CASES is DESCRIBED CLEARLY AND MINUTELY. (F. A. DAVIS, Medical Publisher, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A.) HAY FEVER ITS SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT BY SUPERFICIAL ORGANIC ALTERATION OF THE NASAL MUCOUS MEMBRANE. CHARLES K. SAJOUS, M.O., Lecturer on Rhinology and Laryngology in Jefferson Medical College : Vice-President of the American Laryngological Association : Officer of the Academy of France and of Public Instruction of Venezuela ; Corresponding Member of the Royal Society of Belgium, of the Medical Society of Warsaw (Poland), and of the Society of Hygiene of France ; Member of" the American Philosophical Society, etc., etc. WITH 13 ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD. 13nao. BOUND IN CL.OTH. BEVELE EDGES. PKICE, IN UNITED STATES AND CANADA, NET, Sl.OO; GREAT BRITAIN, 4s. 3d.; FRANCE, 6 fr. 2O. The object of this little work is to place in the hands of the general practitioner the means to treat successfully a disease which, until lately, was considered as incurable ; its history, causes, pathology, and treat- ment are carefully described, and the latter is so arranged as to be practicable by any physician. Dr. Sajous' volume must command the attention of those called upon to treat this heretofore intractable com- plaint. Medical and Surgical Reporter. Few have had the success in this disease which has so much baffled the average practitioner as Dr. Sajous, con- j equently his statements are almost authoritative. The book must be read to be appreciated. American Medical \ Digest. Dr. Sajous has admirably presented the subject, and, AS this method of treatment is now generally recognized ' *c efficient, we can recommend this book to all physicians I who are called upon to treat this troublesome disorder. The Buffalo Medical and Surgical Journal. The symptoms, etiology, pathology, and treatment of Hay Fever are fully and ably discussed. The reader will not regret the expenditure of the small purchase price of this work if he has cases of the kind to treat. California Medical Journal. We are pleased with the author's views, and heartily commend his book to the consideration of the profession The Southern Clinic. PHYSICIANS' AND STUDENTS' READY REFERENCE SERIES. ILTo. OBSTETRIC SYNOPSIS By JOHN S. STEWART, M.D., Demonstrator of Obstetrics and Chief Assistant in the Gynaecological Clinic of the Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia. WITH AN INTRODUCTORY NOTE BY WILLIAM S. STEWART, A.M., M.D., Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in the Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia. 42 ILLUSTRATIONS. 202 PAGES. 12 mo. HANDSOMELY BOUND IN DARK-BLUE CLOTH. Price, Post-paid, in the United States and Canada, Net, $1.OO; Great Britain, 4s. 3d. ; France, 6 fr. 2O. By students this work will be found particularly useful. It is based upon the teachings of such well-known authors as Playfair, Parvin, Lush, Galabin, and Cazeaux and Tarnier, and, besides containing much new and important matter of great value to both student and practi- tioner, embraces in an Appendix the Obstetrical Nomenclature sug- gested by Professor Simpson, of Edinburgh, and adopted by the Obstetric Section of the Ninth International Medical Congress held in Washington, D.C., September, 1887. It is well written, excellently illustrated, and fully up [ to date in every respect. Here we find all the essentials of j Obstetrics in a nutshell, Anatomy, Embryology, Physi- I logy. Pregnancy, Labor, Puerperal State, and Obstetric Operations all being carefully and accurately described. Buffalo Medical and Surgical Journal. It ie clear and concise. The chapter on the develop- ment of the vum is especially satisfactory. The judicious use of bold-faced type for headings, and italics for impor- tant statements, gives the book a pleasing typographical appearance. Medical Record. This volume is done with a masterly hand. The scheme is an excellent one. . . . The whole is freely and most admirably illustrated with well-drawn, new engravings, and the book is of a very couvenieat size. St. Louis Medical and Surgical Journal. (F. A. DAVIS, Medical Publisher, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A.) DIPHTHERIA: CROUP, TRACHEOTOMY, **> INTUBATION FROM THE FRENCH OF A. SANNE. TRANSLATED AND ENLARGED BY Z. GILL, Nl.D., UL.D. United States. Canada (duty paid). Great Britain. France. Net Price, Post-paid, Cloth, - -$100. $140. 0.18s. 24fr.6Q Leather, - 5.00. 5.50. 1. Is. 30 fr. 30 The above work, recently issued, is a translation from the French of SANNE'S great work on " Diphtheria," by H. Z. GILL, late Professor of Surgery in Cleveland, Ohio. SANNE'S work is quoted, directly or indirectly, by every writer since its publication, as the highest authority, statistically, theoretically, and practically. The translator, having given special study to the subject for many years, has added over fifty pages, in- cluding the Surgical Anatomy, Intubation, and the recent progress in the branches treated down to the present date; making it, beyond question, the most complete work extant on the subject of Diphtheria in the English language. Facing the title-page is found a very fine Colored Lithograph Plate of the parts con- cerned in Tracheotomy. Next follows an illustration of a cast of the entire Trachea, and bronchi to the third or fourth division, in one piece, taken from a photograph of a case in which the cast was expelled during life from a patient sixteen years old. This is the most complete cast of any one recorded. Over fifty other illustrations of the surgical anatomy of instruments, etc., add to the practical value of the work. Diphtheria having become such a prevalent, wide-spread, and fatal disease, no general practitioner can afford to be without this work. It will aid in preventive meas- ures, stimulate promptness in the application of, and efficiency in, treatment, and moderate the extravagant views which have been entertained regarding certain specifics in the disease Diphtheria. A full Index accompanies the enlarged volume, also a List of Authors, making altogether a very handsome illustrated volume of over 680 pages. In this book we have a complete review and j compendium of all worth preserving that has hitherto been said or written concerning diphtheria and the kindred subjects treated of by our author, collated, arranged, and commented on by both author and translator. The subject of intubation, so recently revived in this country, receives a very careful and impartial discussion at the hands of the translator, and a most valuable chapter on the prophylaxis of diphtheria and croup closes the volume. Sanne's work is quoted, directly or indirectly,, by many writers since its publication, as the highest authority, statistically, theoretically, and practi- cally. The translator, having given special study to the subject for many years, has added over fifty pages, including the surgical anatomy, intubation, and the recent progress in the branches treated, down to the present date ; making it, beyond ques- tion, the most complete work extant on the subject of diphtheria in the English language. Diphtheria having become such a prevalent, wide-spread, and fatal disease, no general practitioner can afford to His notes are frequent and full, displaying deep knowledge of the subject-matter. Altogether the book is one that is valuable and timely, and one i be without this work. It will aid in preventive that should be in the hands of every general practi- j measures, stimulate promptness in application of, and tioner. St. Louis Med. and Surgical Journal. | efficiency in, treatment. Southern Practitioner. PRACTICAL AND SCIENTIFIC PHYSIOGNOMY i TO E2.EJQLID By MARY OLMSTED STANTON. Copiously Illustrated. Two Large Octavo Volumes. United States. Canada (duty paid). Great Britain. France. Price, per Volume, Cloth, 885.OO $5.5O 3O fr. 3 " Sheen, 6.OO 6. GO 1.6s. 36 fr. 4O Half-Russia, 7.0O 7.7O 1.9s. 43 fr. 3O $1.00 DISCOUNT FOB CASH. Sold only by Subscription, or sent direct on receipt of price, shipping expenses prepaid. The author, Mrs. Mary O. Stanton, has given over twenty years to the preparation of this work. Her style is easy, and, by her happy method of illustration of every point, the book reads like a novel, and memorizes itself. To physicians the diagnostic information conveyed is invaluable. To the general reader each page opens a new train of ideas. (This book has no reference whatever to Phrenology.) (F. A. DAVIS, Medical Publisher, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A.) ANNOUNCEMENT. A TREATISE Materia Medica, Pharmacology, $ Therapeutics. * BY dOHN U. SHOEMAKER, A.M., M.D., Professor of Materia Medica, Pharmacology, and Therapeutics in the Medico-Chirurgical College of Phila- delphia, and Member American Medical Association, AND dOHN AULDE, M.D., Demonstrator of Clinical Medicine and of Physical Diagnosis in the Medico-Chirurgical College of Phila- delphia, and Member American Medical Association. IN TWO HANDSOME ROYAL OCTAVO VOLUMES. NET PRICES, per Volume, in United States: Cloth, S2.5O; Sheep, $3.25. In Canada (duty paid) : Cloth, 82.75 ; Sheep, S3. 55. In Great Britain: Cloth, 11s. 3d. ; Sheep, 14s. 6d* In France: Cloth, 16 fr. 20 ; Sheep, 2O fr. 20. THE Publisher takes pleasure in announcing that VOLUME I of this eagerly -looked-for work is Now READY, and that the utmost diligence will be exercised in filling with she greatest rapidity, and in regular order of receipt, the numerous orders now awaiting its publication. The general plan of the work embraces three parts, each of which is practically inde- pendent of the other, as will be understood from the accompanying analysis, and of which Parts I and II are contained in the volume now announced ; this, however, is not the only advantage accruing from the preparation of the work in two volumes. Each volume will thus be much smaller and more convenient to handle, while some may wish to secure a particular portion of the work, and to them the cost is lessened. Several blank sheets of closely -ruled letter-paper are inserted at convenient places in the work, thus rendering it available for the student and physician to add valuable notes- concerning new remedies and other important matters. PART I embraces three subdivisions, as follow : first. A brief synopsis upon the subject of pharmacy, in which is given a clear and concise description of the operations and preparations taken into account by the physician when prescribing medicines, together with some practical suggestions regarding the most desirable methods for securing efficiency and palatability. Second. A. Classification of Medicines is presented under the head of " General Phar- macology and Therapeutics," with a view to indicate more especially the methods by which the economy is affected. Thus, there are Internal and External Remedies, and, besides, a class termed Chemical Agents, including Antidotes, Disinfectants, and Anti- septics, and an explanatory note is appended to each group, as in the case of Alterative-. Antipyretics, Antispasmodics, Purgatives, etc. Third. A Summary has been prepared upon Therapeutics, covering methods of Administration, Absorption and Elimination, Incompatibility, Prescription-writing, and Dietary for the Sick, this section of the work embracing nearly one hundred and fifty pages. PART II is devoted to "Remedies and Remedial Agents Not Properly Classed with Drugs," and includes elaborate articles upon the following topics : Electro-Therapy, Hydro-Therapy, Masso-Therapy, Heat and Cold, Oxygen, Mineral-Waters, and, in addi- tion thereto, other subjects, perhaps of less significance to the practitioner, such as Clima- tology, Hypnotism- and Suggestion, Metallo-Therapy, Transfusion, and Baunscheidtisnms. have received a due share of attention. This section of the work embraces over two hun- dred pages, and will be found especially valuable to the student and recent graduate, a* these articles are fully abreast of the times. VOLUME II, which is Part III of the work, is wholly taken up with the consideration of drugs, each remedy being studied from three points of view, viz., the Preparations, or Materia Medica; the Physiology and Toxicology, or Pharmacology, and, lastly, its Therapy. IT WILL BE READY ABOUT MAY 1, 1890. The typography of the work will be found clean, sharp, and easily read without injury to the visual organs, and the bold-face type interspersed throughout the text makes the different subjects discussed quick of reference. The paper and binding will also be up to the standard, and nothing will be left undone to make the work first-class in every particular, (F. A. DAVIS, Medical Publisher, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S A.) 23 :JUST PUBLISHED.: THE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS. A TEXT-BOOK FOR VETERINARY AND MEDICAL STUDENTS AND PRACTITIONERS. BY ROBERT MEADE SMITH, A.M., M.D., Professor of Comparative Physiology in University of Pennsylvania ; Fellow of the College of Physicia8 and Academy of the Natural Sciences, Philadelphia ; of the American Physiological Society ; of the American Society of Naturalists ; Associe Etraager de la Societe Francaise U' Hygiene, etc. FIG. 117. PAROTID AND SITBMAXILLARY FISTULA IN THE HORSE, AFTER COLIN. (Thankoffer and Tormay.) K, K', rubber bulbs for collecting saliva; cs, cannula in the parotid duct. In One Handsome Royal Octavo Volume of over 95O Pages, Pro- fusely Illustrated with more than 4OO Fine "Wood- Engravings and many Colored Plates. United States. Canada (duty paid). Great Britain. France. NET PRICES, CLOTH, $5.00 $5.50 1. 30 fr. 30. SHEEP, 6.00 6.60 1.6. 36 fr. 20. nPHIS new and important work, the most thoroughly complete in the English language on this subject, has just been issued. In it the physiology of the domestic animals is treated in a most comprehensive manner, especial prominence being given to the sub- ject of foods and fodders, and the character of the diet for the herbivora under different conditions, with a full consideration of their digestive peculiarities. Without being over- burdened with details, it forms a complete text-book of physiology, adapted to the use of students and practitioners of both veterinary and human medicine. This work has already been adopted as the Text-Book on Physiology in the Veterinary Colleges of the United States, Great Britain, and Canada. (F. A. DAVIS, Medical Publisher, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A.) ABSTRACTS FROA PHYSIOLOQY. The work throughout is well balanced. Broad, though not encyclopaedic, concise without sacrificing clearness, it combines the essentials of a successful text-book. It is eminently modern, and, although first in the field, is of such grade of excellence that successors must reach a high standard be- fore they become competitors. Annals of Surgery. Dr. Smith has conferred a great benefit upon the veterinary profession by his con- tribution to their use of a work of immense value, and has provided the American vet- erinary student with the only means by which he can become properly familiar with the physiology of our domestic animals. Veterinary practitioners and graduates will read it with pleasure. Veterinary students will readily acquire needed knowledge from its pages, and veterinary schools which would oe well equipped for the work they aim to perform cannot ignore it as their text-book in physiology. American Veteri- nary Review. Dr. Smith's presentment of his subject is as brief as the status of the science per- mits, and to this much-desired conciseness he has added an equally welcome clearness of statement. The illustrations in the work are exceedingly good, and must prove a valuable aid to me full understanding of the text. Journal of Comparative Medicine and Surgery. We have examined the work in a great many particulars, and find the views so correct, where we have had the means of comparison of statements with those of some recognized authority, that we will be com- pelled hereafter to look to this work as the text-book on physiology of animals. The book will prove of incalculable benefit to veterinarians wherever they may be found ; and to the country physician, who is often called upon - to attend to sick animals as well as human beings, we would say, lose no time in getting this work and let him familiarize himself with the facts it con- tains. Virginia Medical Monthly. Altogether, Professor Smith's " Physi- ology of the Domestic Animals" is a happy production, and will be hailed with delight in both the human medical and veterinary medical worlds. It should find its place besides in all agricultural libraries. PAUL PAQUIN, M.D., VA, in the Weekly Medical Review. It, may be said that it supplies to the veterinary student the place in physiology that Chauveau's incomparable work " The Comparative Anatomy of the Domesticated Animals" occupies in anatomy. Higher praise than this it is not possible to bestow. And since it is true that the same laws of physiology which are applicable to the vital process of the domestic animals are also ap- plicable to man, a perusal of this carefully written book will repay the medical student or practitioner. Canadian Practitioner. The work before us fills the hiatus of which complaint has so often been made, and gives in the compass of less than a thousand pages a very full and complete account of the functions of the body in both carnivora and herbivora. The author has judiciously made the nutritive functions thn strong point of the work, and has devoted special attention to the subject of foods and digestion. In looking through the other sections of the work, it appears to us thai a just proportion of space is assigned to ea.rh. in view of their relative importance to tin- practitioner. Thus, while the subject of re- production is dismissed in a few pages, a chapter of considerable length is devoted to locomotion, and especially to the gaits of the horse. London Lancet. This is almost the only work of the kind in the English language, and it so fully covers every detail of general and special physiology that there is no room for any rival. The excellence of typographical work, and the wealth, beauty, and clear- ness of the illustrations, correspond with the thoroughness and clearness of the treatise. Albany Medical Annals. It is not often that the medical profes- sion has the opportunity of reading a new book upon a new subject, and doubtless English-speaking physicians will feel grai< - ful to Professor Smith for his admirable ainl pioneer work in a branch of medical science upon which a great amount of ignor- ance prevails. . . . The last portion of the work is devoted to the reproductive functions, and contains much valuable in- formation upon a portion of animal physi- ology concerning which many are ignorant. The book is a valuable one in every way, and will be consulted largely by veterinary and medical students and practitioners. Buffalo Medical and Surgical Journal. The appearance of this work is mo portune. It will be much appreciated, a- tending to secure the thorough comprehen- sion of function in the domesticated ani- mals, and, in consequence, their general well-being a matter of world- wide impor- tance. With a thorough sense of gratifica- tion we have perused its pages : throughout we find clear expression, clear reasoning, and that patient accumulation of facts so li valuable in a text-book for students. | British Medical Journal. For notice this time, I take up the vol- J! ume on the " Physiology of the Domestic :| Animals." by Dr. R. Meade Smith, a volume of 938 pages, closely printed, and dealing with its subject in a manner sufficiently ex- haustive to insure its place as a text-book for fifteen years at the very least. Its learning is only equaled by 'its industry, ; and its industry by the consistency and ; skill with which its varied parts are brought : together into harmonious, lucid, anl in- ' tellectual unity. DR. BENJAMIN WARD RICHARDSON, in the London (F. A. DAVIS, Medical Publisher, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A.) International poeket Medical ARRANGED THERAPEUTICALLY. BY G. SUMMER WlTMERSTlNE, M.S., M.D., Associate Editor of the "Annual of the Universal Medical Sciences ;" Visiting Physician of the Home for the Aged, Germantown, Philadelphia; Late House-Surgeon Charity Hospital, New York. More than 1800 Formulae from Several Hundred Well-Known Authorities. With an APPENDIX containing a Posological Table, the newer remedies included ; Important Incompati- bles ; Tables on Dentition and the Pulse ; Table of Drops in a Fluidrachm and Doses of Laudanum graduated for age ; Formulae and Doses of Hypodermic Medication, including the newer remedies; Uses of the Hypo- dermic Syringe; Formulae and Doses for Inhalations, Nasal Douches, Gargles, and Eye-washes ; Formulae for Suppositories; Use of the Thermometer in Disease; Poisons, Antidotes, and Treatment; Directions for Post-Mortein and Medico-Legal Examinations; Treatment of Asphyxia, -Sun-stroke, etc.; Anti-emetic Remedies and Disinfectants; Obstetrical Table; Directions for Ligation of Arteries ; Urinary Analysis; Table of Eruptive Fevers : Motor Points for Electrical Treatment, etc., etc. This work, the best and most complete of its kind, contains about 275 printed pages, besides extra blank leaves. Elegantly printed, with red lines, edges, and borders ; with illustrations. Round in leather, with side flap. It contains more than 180O Formulae, exclusive of the large amount of other very valuable matter. Price, Post-paid, in the United States and Canada, $2.OO, net ; Great Britain, 8s. 6d. ; France, 12 fr. 4O. WHY EVERY MEDICAL MAN SHOULD POSSESS A COPY OF THE INTERNATIONAL POCKET MEDICAL FORMULARY. 1. Because it is a handy book of reference, replete with the choicest formulae (over 1800 in number) of more than six hundred of the most prominent classical writers and modern practitioners. 2. Because the remedies given are not only those whose efficiency has stood the test of time, but also the newest and latest discoveries in pharmacy and medical science, as prescribed and used by the best- known American and foreign modern authorities. 3. Because it contains the latest, largest (66 formulae) and most complete collection of hypodermic formulas (including the latest new remedies) ever published, with doses and directions for their use in over fifty different diseases and diseased conditions. 4. Because its appendix is brimful of information, invaluable in office work, emergency cases, and the daily routine of practice. 5. Because it is a reliable friend to consult when, in a perplexing or obstinate case, the usual line of treat- ment is of no avail. (A hint or a help from the best authorities, as to choice of remedies, correct dosage, and the eligible, elegant, and most palatable mode of exhibition of the same.) 6. Because it is compact, elegantly printed and bound, well illustrated, and of convenient size and shape for the pocket. 7. Because the alphabetical arrangement of the diseases and a thumb-letter index render reference rapid and easy. 8* Because blank leaves, judiciously distributed throughout the book, afford favorite formula;. place to record and index 9. Because, as a student, he needs it for study, collateral reading, and for recording the favorite prescriptions of his professors, in lecture and clinic ; as a recent graduate, he needs it as a reference hand-book for daily use in prescribing (gargles, nasal douches, inhalations, eye-washes, suppositories, incompatibles, poisons, etc.) ; as an old practitioner, he needs it to refresh his memory on old remedies and combi- nations, and for information concerning newer remedies and more modern approved plans of treatment. 10. Because no live, progressive medical man can afford to be without it. It is sometimes important that such prescriptions as have been well established in their usefulness be preserved for reference, and this little volume serves such a purpose better than any other we have seen. Columbus Medical Journal. Without doubt this book is the best one of its class that we have ever seen. .,. . . The printing, binding. and general appearance of the volume are beyond praise.- University Medical Magazine. It may be possible 'to get more crystallized knowledge in an equally small space, but it does not seem probable. Medical A very handy and valuable book of formulae for the physician's pocket. St. Louis Medical and Surg. Journal. This little pocket-book contains an immense number of prescriptions taken from high authorities in this and other countries. Northwestern Lancet. This one is the most complete as well as the most conveniently arranged of any that have come under our attention. The diseases are enumerated in alphabetical order, and for each the latest and most approved remedies from the ablest authorities are prescribed. The book is in- dexed entirely through after the' order of the first pages of a ledger, the index letter being printed on morocco leather and thereby made very durable. Pacific Medical Journal. It is a 'book desirable for the old practitioner and for his younger brothers as well. St. Joseph Medical Herald. As long as "combinations" are sought sm-h :i book will be of value, especially to those who cannot spare the time required to learn enough of incompatibilities before commencing practice to avoid writing incompatible and dangerous prescriptions. The constant use of such a book by such prescribers would save the pharmacist much anxiety. T he. Drugg-islx 1 Circular. In judicious selection, in accurate nomenclature, in arrangement, and in style it leaves nothing to be desired. The editor and the publisher are to be congratulated on tin- production of the very best book of its clsuBS.Ptttthttrg/i Mi'dicii! I{i'ri''ir. One must see it to realize how much information can be got into a work of so little bulk. Canadn Medical Record. To the young physician just starting out in practice this little book will prove an acceptable companion The want of to-day is crystallized knowledge. This neat little volume contains in it the most accessible form. It is bound in morocco in pocket form, with alphabetical divisions of diseases, so that it is possible to turn instantly to the remedy, whatever may be the disorder or wherever the patient mav be situated To the physi.-ian it is invaluable*, and others should not be without it. We heartily commend the work to our readers. Jfi*M Medical Journal. (F. A. DAVIS, Medical Publisher, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S. A JUST ISSUED PHYSICIANS' AND STUDENTS' READY-REFERENCE SERIES. INTO. a. Synopsis of Human Anatomy Being a Complete Compend of Anatomy, including 1 the Anatomy of the Viscera, and Numerous Tables. JAMES K. YOUNG, M.D., Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery and Assistant Demonstrator of Surgery, University of Pennsylvania; Attending Orthopaedic Surgeon, Out-Patient Department, University Hospital, etc. ILLUSTRATED WITH 76 WOOD-ENGRAVINGS. 390 PAGES. 12 mo. HANDSOMELY BOUND IN DARK-BLUE CLOTH. Price, Post-paid, in the United States and Canp,da, $1.4O, net; Great Britain, 6s. 6d. ; France, 9 fr. 25. While the author has prepared this work especially for students, sufficient de- scriptive matter has been added to render it extremely valuable to the busy practitioner, particularly the sections on the Viscera, Special Senses, and Surgical Anatomy. The work includes a complete account of Osteology, Articulations and Ligaments. Muscles. Fascias, Vascular and Nervous Systems, Alimentary, Vocal, and Respiratory and Genito-Urinary Apparatuses, the Organs of Special Sense, and Surgical Anatomy. In addition to a most carefully and accurately prepared wherever possible, the value of the work has been enhanced by tables to facilitate and minimize the labor of students in acquiring a thorough knowledge of this impor- tant subject. The section on the teeth has also been especially prepared to meet the requirements of students of Dentistry. In its preparation. Gray's Anatomy [last edition], edited by Keen, being the anatomical work most used, has been taken as the standard. Anatomy is a theme that allows such concen- tration better than most medical subjects, and, as the accuracy of this little book is beyond question, its value is assured. As a companion to the dis- secting-table, and a convenient reference for the practitioner, it has a definite field of usefulness. Pittsburgh Medical Review. This is a very carefully prepared compend of anatomy, and will" be useful to students for college or hospital examination. There are some excellent tables in the work, particularly the one showing the origin, course, distribution, and functions of the cranial nerves. Medical Record. Dr. Young has compiled a very useful book. We are not inclined to approve of compends as a general rule, but it certainly serves a good purpose to have the subject of anatomy presented in a com- pact, reliable way, and in a book easily carried to the dissecting-room. This the author has done. The book is well printed, and the illustrations well selected. If a student can indulge in more than one work on anatomy, for, of course, he must have a general treatise on the subject, he can hardly do better than to purchase this compend It will save the larger work, and can always be with him during the hours of dissection. Buffalo Medical and Sn rgica, I Jo urnal. Excellent tables have been arranged, which tersely and clearly present important anatomical facts, and the book will be found very convenient for ready reference. Columbus Medical Journal. The book is much more satisfactory than the "remembrances" in vogue, and yet is not too cum- bersome to be carried around and read at odd moments a property which the student will readily appreciate. Weekly Medical Review. If a synopsis of human anatomy may serve a purpose, and we believe it does, it is very important that the synopsis should be a good one. In this respect the above work may be recommended as :i reliable guide. Dr. Young has shown excellent judgment in his selection of illustrations, in the numerous tables, and in the classification of the various subjects. Therapeutic Gazette. Every unnecessary word has been excluded, out of regard to the very limited time at the medical student's disposal. It is also good as a reference book, as it presents the facts about which he wisihes to refresh his memory in the briefest manner consistent with clearness. Neiv York Medical yournal It is certainly concise and accurate, and should be in the hands of every student and practitioner. The Medical Brief. (F. A. DAVIS. Medical Publisher, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A.) 27 ANNUAL- <.'!' THP; Universal Medical A YEARLY REPORT OF THE PROGRESS OF THE GENERAL SANITARY SCIENCES THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. Edited by CHARLES E. SAJOUS, M. D., LECTURER ON LARYNGOLOGY AND RHINOLOGY IN JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE, PHILADELPHIA, KTC. AND SEVENTY ASSOCIATE EDITORS, Assisted by over TWO HUNDRED Corresponding Editors and Collaborators. In Five Royal Octavo Volumes of about 500 pages each, bound in Cloth and Holf-Rn** Magnificently Illustrated with Chromo -Lithographs, Engravings, Maps, Charts, and Diagram*. 1st. To assist the busy practitioner in his efforts to keep abreast of the rapid strides of all the branches of his profession. 3d. To avoid for him the loss of time involved in searching for that which is n.-\v in the profuse and constantly increasing medical literature of our day. 3d. To enable him to obtain the greatest possible benefit of the limited titim lie is able to devote to reading, by furnishing him with new matter ONLY. 4th. To keep him informed of the work done by ALL nations, including many other- wise seldom if ever heard from. 5th. To furnish him with a review of all the new matter contained in the periodicals to which he cannot (through their immense number) subscribe. 6th. To cull for the specialist all that is of a progressive nature in the general and special publications of all nations, and obtain for him special reports from countries in which such publications do not exist, and Lastly, to enable any physician to posses^. ;u a moderate oost, ;i eomplof- CONTEMPORARY HISTORY OF UNIVERSAL MEDICINE, - edited by many of America's ablest teachers, and superior in every detail, of print, paper, binding, etc., etc., a befitting continuation of such great works as " Pepper's System of Medicine/' "Ashhurst's International Encyclopaedia of Surgery," " Buck's Reference Hand-Book of the Medical Sciences," etc., etc. EDITORIAL STAFF of the ANNUAL of the UNIVERSAL MEDICAL SCIENCES. ' ISSUE OF 1888. - Chief Editor, DR. CHARL.ES E. SAJOUS, Philadelphia -- -A-SSOOI-A-TZE Volume I. Obstetrics, Gynaecology, Pediatrics, Anatomy, Physiology, Pathoi-o;/?/. Histology, and Embryology. Prof. Wm. L. Richardson, Boston. Prof. William Goodell and Dr. W. C. Prof. H. Newell Martin and Dr. W. H. Prof. Thwphilus Parvin, Philada. Goodell. Philadelphia. Howell. Baltimore. Prof. Louis Starr, Philadelphia. Prof. E. C. Dudley, Chicago. Dr. Chas. S. Minot. Boston. Prof. J. Lewis Smith, New York Citv. Prof. W. H. Parish, Philadelphia. Dr. E. O. Shakespeare, Philadelphia. Prof. Paul F. Munde and Dr. E. H. * Prof. William S. Forbes, Philadelphia. > Dr. W. X. Sudduth. Philadelphia. Grandin, New York City. Volume H. Diseases of the Respiratory, Circulatory, Digestive, and JWrro?/.s ,S'yx//'///.s: Fevers, Exanthemata, etc., etc. Prof. A. L. Loomis, New York City. Prof. Jas. T. Whittaker, Cincinnati. Prof. W. H. Thomson, New York City. Prof. W. W. Johnston, Washington. Prof Jos. Leidy, Philadelphia. Prof. E. C. Seguin, New York City. ; Prof. Jas. Tvson, Philadelphia. Prof. E. C. Spitzka, New York City. \ Prof. N. S. Davis, Chicago. ProfChas.K. Mills and Dr. J.H.Lloyd, ; Prof. John Guit^ras, Charleston, S. C. Philadelphia. I Dr. Jas. C. Wilson, Philadelphia. Prof. Francis Delafteld, N. Y. City. Volume III. General Surgery, Vemereol Diseases, Anaesthetics, Surf/iff// Dietetics, etc., etc. Prof. D. Hayes Agnew, Philadelphia. Prof. Hunter McGuire, Richmond Prof. Lewis A. Stimson, New York. Prof. P. 8. Conner, Cincinnati. Prof. J. EwingMears, Philadelphia. Prof. F. R. Sturgis, New York City. Prof. T. G. Morton and Dr. Win. Hunt, Prof. N. Senn, Milwaukee. Philadelphia. Prof. J. E. Garretson, Philadelphia. Dr. MorrisJLongstreth, Philadelphia Prof. Christopher Johnston, Baltimore. Dr. Cha3. B. Kelsey, New York City. Dr. Chas. Wirgman, Philadelphia. Dr. C. C. Davidson, Philadelphia. Prof. E. L. Keyee, New York City. Volume IV. Ophthalmology, Otology, Laryngology, Jthinology, Dermatology, Dentisfa Hygiene, Disposal of the Dead, etc., etc. Prof. William Thomson, Philadelphia. I Prof. C. N. Peirce, Philadelphia. Dr. Chas. S. Turubull, Philadelphia. Prof. J. Solis Cohen, Philadelphia. Prof. John B. Hamilton, Washington. Dr. Edw. C. Kirk, Philadelphia. Prof. D. Bryson Delavan, New York. Prof. H. M. Lyman, Chicago. Dr. John G. Lee, Philadelphia. Prof. A. Van Harlingen, Philadelphia. ! Prof. S. H. Guilford, Philadelphia. Dr. Cha*. E. Sajous, Philadelphia, ffi List of Collaborators to Dental Department. Prof. James Truinan. Philadelphia. Prof. E. H. Angle, Minneapolis, Minn. Dr. J. D. Patterson, Kansas City. Mo. Prof. J. A. Marshall, Chicago, 111. Prof. J. E. Cravens, Indianapolis, Ind. Dr. J. B. Hodgkin, Washington, D. C. Prof. A. W. Harlan, Chicago, 111. Prof. R. Stubbleneld, Nashville, Tenn. Dr. R. R. Andrews, Cambridge, Mass. 1'rof. G. V. Black, Chicago. 111. Prof. W. C. Barrett, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Albion M. Dudley, Salem. Mass. Prof. C. 11. Stowell. Ann Arbor. Mich. ' Prof. A. H. Thompson, Topeka, Kan. Dr. Geo. S. Allen, New York City. Prof. L. C. Ingersoll. Ke.ikuk. Iowa. Dr. James W. White, Philadelphia. Dr. G. S. Dean, San Francisco, Cal. Prof. F. J. S. Gorgas. Baltimore, Md. Dr. L. Ashley Faught, Philadelphia. i Dr. M. H. Fletcher, Cincinnati, Ohio. Prof. H. A. Smith, Cincinnati. Ohio. Dr. Robert S. Ivy, Philadelphia. \ Dr. A. Morsman, Omaha, Neb. Prof. C. P. Pengra, Boston. Mass. Dr. W. Storer How, Philadelphia. Dr. G. W. Melotte, Ithaca, N. Y. Volume V. General and Experimental Therapeutics, Medical Chemistry, Medical Jurisprudence, Demography, Climatology, etc., etc. Prof. William Pepper, Philadelphia.' , Prof. George H. Rohe, Baltimore. Dr. W. P. Mantou, Detroit. Miofe. Prof. F. W. Draper, Boston. Dr. Albert L. Gihon, U. S. N. Dr. Hobart A. Hare, Philadelphia. Prof. J. W. Holland, Philadelphia. Dr. R. J. Dunglison,. Philadelphia. ' Dr. C. S. Witherstine, Philadelphia. Prof. A. L. Ranney. New York City. (Including the "SATELLITE" for one year). United State-. Canada (duty paid). Great Britain. France. Cloth, 5 Vols., Royal Octavo, - - $15.00 $16.50 3.6s. 93 fr. 95 Half-Rusaia, 5 Vols., Royal Octavo, - 20.00 22.00 16s. 124 fr. 35 EXTRACTS FROM REVIEWS. We venture to say that all who saw the ANNUAL as it appeared in 1888 were on the >ut for its reappearance this (1889) year ; but there are many whose knowledge of this magnificent undertaking will date with this present issue, and to those a mere examina- tion of the work will suffice to sho"w that it fills a legitimate place in the evolution of knowledge, for it does what no single individual is capable of doing. These volumes make readily available to the busy practitioner the best fruits of iiR-dical progress for the year, selected by able editors from the current literature of the world:, such a work cannot be overlooked by anyone who would keep abreast of the i :mes. With so much that is worthy of notice incorporated in one work, and each depart- ment written up with a minuteness and thoroughness appreciated particularly by the -!>"<-ialist, it would avail nothing to cite particular instances of progress. Let it be suffi- cient to say. however, that while formerly there was a possible excuse for not having the latwst information on matters pertaining to the medical sciences, there can no longer be >uch an excuse while the ANNUAL is published. Journal of the American Medictol Association. We have before us the second issue of this ANNUAL, and it is not speaking too strongly when we say that the series of five volumes of which it consists forms a most important and valuable addition to medical literature. Great discretion and knowledge of the subjects treated of are required at the hands of those who have taken charge of the various sections, and the manner in which the gentlemen who were chosen to fill the important posts of sub-editors have acquitted themselves fully justifies the choice made. We know of no branch of the profession to which this ANNUAL could fail to be useful. Dr. Sajous deserves the thanks of the whole profession for his successful attempt to facilitate the advance of medical literature and practice. London Lancet. This very valuable yearly report of the progress of medicine and its collateral sciences throughout the world is a work of very great magnitude and high importance. IT is edited by Dr. C. E. Sajous, assisted, it is stated, by seventy associate editors, whose names are given, making up a learned and most weighty list. Their joint labors have combined to produce a series of volumes in which toe current progress throughout the world, in respect to all the branches of medical science, is very adequately represented. The general arrangements of the book are ingenious and complete, having regard to thoroughness and to facility of bibliographical reference. British Medical Journal. ANNUAL, 1890. The editor and publishers of the ANNUAL OF THE UNIVERSAL MEDICAL SCIENCES take this opportunity to thank its numerous friends juid patrons for the liberal support accorded it in the past, and to announce its publication, as usual, in 1890. Recording, as it does, the progress of the world in medicine and surgery, its motto continues to be, as in the past, ' Improvement," and its friends may rest assured that no effort will be* spared, not only to maintain, but to surpass, the high standard of excellence already attained. The Subscription Price will be the same as last year's issue and the issue of 1888. (F. A. DAVIS, Medical Publisher, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A.) 29 ISSUE OK 1889 The Annual of the Universal Medical Sciences. In Five Royal Octavo Volumes of over 5OO pages each, bound in Clotli and Half-Russia, Magnificently Illustrated with Chromo-Lithographs, Kngravings, Maps, Charts, and Diagrams. THE SUBSCRIPTION PRICE (including the "Satellite" for one year). United States. Canada (duty paid). Great Britain. France. Cloth, 5 Vols., Royal Octavo, - - $15.00 $16.50 3.6s. 93 fr. 95 Half-Russia, 5 Vols., Royal Octavo, - 20.00 22.00 16s. 124 fr. 35 This work is bound in above styles only, and sold by Subscription. PUBLISHED IN CONNECTION WITH THE ANNUAL AND FOR SUBSCRIBERS ONLY. THE SATELLITE OF* THK UBJIVKK-SAr, MEDICAL A Monthly Review of the most important articles upon the practical branches of medicine appearing in the medical press at large, edited by the Chief Editor of the ANNUAL and an able staff. Editorial Staff of the Annual of the Universal Medical Sciences, issue of 1889. Chief Editor, Dr. CHAS. E. SAJOUS, Philadelphia. jft.S5SOCljRi.TE; Volume I. Diseases of the Lungs, Diseases of the Heart, Diseases of the Gastro- Hepatic System, Diseases of the Intestines, Intestinal Entozoa, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Fevers, Fevers in Children, Diphtheria, Rheu- matism and Gout, Diabetes, Volume Index. Prof. Jas. T. Whittaker, Cincinnati. Prof. A. L. Loomis, New York City. Prof. E. T. Bruen, Philadelphia. Prof. W. W. Johnston, Washington. Dr. L. Emmett Holt, New York. Prof. Jos. Leidy, Philadelphia. Dr. Jas. C. Wilson, Philadelphia. Prof. Louis Starr, Philadelphia. Prof. J. Lewis Smith, New York. Prof. N. S. Davis, Chicago. Prof. Jas. Tyson, Philadelphia. Volume II. Diseases of the Brain and Cord, Peripheral Nervous System, Mental Diseases, Inebriety, Diseases of the Uterus, Diseases of the Ovaries, Diseases of the External Genitals in Women, Diseases of Pregnancy, Obstetrics, Dis- eases of the Newborn, Dietetics of Infancy, Growth, Volume Index. Prof. E. C. Seguin, New York City. Prof. W. H. Parish, Philadelphia. Prof. Henry Hun, Albany. ? ro: [- Theophilus Parvin, Philadelphia, elphia. Dr. E. N. Brush, Philadel Dr. W. R. Birdsall, New Vork. Prof. Paul F. Munde, New York City. Prof. Wm. Goodell, Philadelphia. Dr. W. C. Goodell, Philadelphia. Prof. Wm. L. Richardson, Boston. Dr. A. F. Currier, New York. Prof. Louis Starr, Philadelphia. Dr. Chas. S. Minot, Boston. Volume III. Surgery of Brain, Surgery of Abdomen, Genito-Urinary Surgery, Dis- eases of Rectum and Anus, Amputation and Resection and Plastic Surgery, Surgical Diseases of Circulation, Fracture and Dislocation, Military Surgery, Tumors, Orthopaedic Surgery, Oral Surgery, Surgical Tuberculosis, etc., Sur- gical Diseases, Results of Railway Injuries, Anaesthetics, Surgical Dressings, Volume Index. Prof. N. Senn, Milwaukee. Prof. E. L. Keyes, New York City. Prof. J. Ewing Mears, Philadelphia. Dr. Chas. B. Kelsey, New York City. Prof. D. Hayes Agnew, Philadelphia. Dr. Morris Longstreth, Philadelphia. Dr. Thos. G. Morton, Philadelphia. Prof. J. E. Garretson, Philadelphia. Prof. J. W. White, Philadelphia. Prof. C. Johnston, Baltimore. Prof. E. C. Seguin, New York City. Prof. P. S. Conner, Cincinnati. Dr. John H. Packard, Philadelphia. Prof. Lewis A. Stimson, New York City. Dr. J. M. Barton, Philadelphia. | Volume IV. Skin Diseases, Ophthalmology, Otology. Rhinology, Diseases of Pharynx, etc., Intubation, Diseases of Larynx and (Esophagus" Diseases of Thyroid Gland, Legal Medicine, Examination for Insurance, Diseases of the Blood, Urinalysis, Volume Index. Prof. A. Van Harlingen, Philadelphia. Dr. Chas. A. Oliver and Dr. Geo. M. Gould, Philadelphia. Dr. Charles S. Turnbull, Philadelphia. Prof. J. Solis Cohen, Philadelphia. Prof. John Guiteras, Charleston, S. C. Dr. Chas. E. Sajous, Philadelphia. Prof. D. Bryson Delavan, New York. Prof. R. Fletcher Ingals, Chicago. Prof. F. W. Draper, Boston. Prof. Jas. Tyson, Philadelphia. Volume V. General Therapeutics, Experimental Therapeutics, Poisons, Electric Therapeutics, Climatology, Dermography, Technology,, Bacteriology, Embry- ology, Physiology, Anatomy, General Index. Dr. J. P. Crozer Griffith, Philadelphia. Dr. Hobart A. Hare, Philadelphia. Prof Geo. H. Rohe, Baltimore. Prof. John B. Hamilton, Washington. Dr. Harold C. Ernst, Boston. Prof. H. Newell Martin, Baltimore. Dr. R. J. Dunglison, Philadelphia. Dr. C. Sumner \Vither*tine, Philadelphia. Prof. J. W. Holland, Philadelphia. Prof. A. L. Ranney. New York. Dr. Albert H. Gihon, U. S. N. Dr. W. P. Manion, Detroit. Dr W X Sudduth, Philadelphia. Prof. Wm. T. Forbes, Philadelphia. (F. A. DAVIS, Medical Publisher, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A.) THE LATEST BOOH OF REFERENCE ON NERVOUS DISEASES. Lectures on Nervous Diseases, FROM THE STAND-POINT OF CEREBRAL AND SPINAL LOCALIZATION, AND THE LATER METHODS EMPLOYED IN THE DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF THESE AFFECTIONS. BY AMBROSE L. RANNEY, A.M., M.D., Pri "cssor of the Anatomy and Physiology of the Nervous System in the New York Post-Graduate Medicai School and Hospital ; Professor of Nervous and Mental Diseases in the Medical Department of the University of Vermont, etc. ; Author of "The Applied Anatomy of the Nervous System," " Practical Medical Anatomy," etc., etc. With Original Diagrams and Sketches in Color by the Author, carefully selected Wood- Engravings, and Reproduced Photographs of Typical Cases. ONE HANDSOME ROYAL OCTAVO VOLUME OF 780 PAGES. United States. Canada (duty paid). Great Britain. France. CLOTH, - S5.5O S6.O5 JB1.3s. 34 fr. 7O SHEEP, - - 6.5O 7.15 1.6s. 4O f r. 45 HALF-RUSSIA, - 7.0O 7.7O 1.9s. 43 fr. 3O SOLID OiETIjY BY STJBSCIRIIPTIOICT. It is now generally conceded that the nervous system controls all of the physical functions to a greater or less extent, and also that most of the symptoms encountered at the bedside can be explained and interpreted from the stand-point 01 nervous physiology. The unprecedented sale of this work during the short period which has elapsed since its publication has already compelled the publishers to print a second edition, which is already nearly exhausted. appeared in medical literature, is presented in com- pact form, and thus made easily accessible. In ou We are glad to note that Dr. Ranney has pub- lished in c^ok form his admirable lectures on nervous diseases. His book contains over seven hundred large pages, and is profusely illustrated with origi- nal diagrams and sketches in colors, and with many carefully selected wood-cuts and reproduced photo- graphs of typical cases. A large amount of valua opinion, Dr. Ranney's book ought to meet with a cordial reception at the hands of the medical pro- fession, for, even though the author's views may be sometimes open to question, it cannot be disputed that his work bears evidence of scientific method and ble in for mat ion, not a little of which has but recently .] honest opinion. American Journal of Insanity LECTURES ON THE Diseases of the Nose and Throat. DELIVERED AT THE JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE, PHILADELPHIA, BY CHARLES E. SAdOUS, M.D., Lecturer on Rhinology and Laryngology in Jefferson Medical College; Vice-President of the American Laryngological Assqpiation : Officer of the Academy of France and of Public Instruction of Venezuela : Corresponding Member of the Royal Society of Belgium, of the Medical Society of Warsaw (Poland), and of the Society of Hygiene of France ; Member of the American Philosophical Society, etc., etc. ILLUSTRATED WITH 1OO CHBOMO-LITHOGBAPHS, FROM OIL PAINTINGS BY THE AUTHOR, AND 93 ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD. ONE HANDSOME ROYAL OCTAVO VOLUME. SOLD ONLY BY SUBSCRIPTION. United States. Canada (duty paid). Great Britain. France. Cloth, Royal Octavo, ... $4.OO #4.4O *O.18s. 24 fr. 6O Halt-Russia, Royal Octavo, - 5.OO 5.5O 1. Is. 3O fr. 3O ince the publisher brought this valuable work before the profession, it has become : 1st, the text-book of a large number of colleges ; %d, the reference-book of the U. S. Army, Navy, and the Marine Service ; and, 3d, an important and valued addition to the libraries, of over 7000 physician?. This book has not only the inherent merit of presenting a clear expose of the subject, but it is written with a view to enable the general practitioner to treat his cases himself. To facilitate diagnosis, colored plates are introduced, showing the appearance of the differ- ent parts in the diseased state as they appear in nature by artificial light. No error can thus be made, as each affection of the nose and throat has its representative in the 100 rhromo-lithographs presented. In the matter of treatment, the indications are so complete that even the slightest procedures, folding of cotton for the forceps, the use of the jirobe, etc., are clearly explained. It is intended to furnish the general practitioner lot only with ? guide for the treatment of diseases of the nose and throat, but also to place before him a they would appear to him were they seen in the living subject. As a guide to the treatment of the nose and throat, we can cordially recommend this representation of the normal and diseased parts as work. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. (F. A. DAVIS, Medical Publisher, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A.) 31 FHE MEDICAL BULLETIN MONTHLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Bright, Original, and Readable. ARTICLES by the best PRACTICAL writers procurable. pVERY article as BRIEF as is consist- 'THERAPEUTIC NOTES by the leaders ^ ent with the preservation of its of the medical profession THEOUGH- value. OUT THE WOKLD. '"THESE, and many other UNIQUE FEATURES, L help to keep THE MEDICAL BULLETIN in its present position as The LEADING LOW PRICE MEDICAL MONTHLY of the WORLD. SUBSCRIBE; NOW ! TERMS, $1.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE In United States, Canada, and Mexico. FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTION TERMS, POSTAGE PAID: England, 5 Shillings. France, 6 Francs. Germany, 5 Marks. Australia, 5 Shilling's. Japan, 1 Yen. Holland, 3 Florins. r. A. DAV15, PUDLKSHER, PHILADELPHIA, PA., CJ.5.A. BRANCH OFFICES: 45 Kast 12th St., New York City, U.S.A. 1 Kimball House, Atlanta, Ga., U.S.A. 4 Lakeside Building, 22O S.Clark St., 427 Sutter St., San Francisco, Cal., U.S.A. Cor. Adams, Chicago, 111., U.S.A. 139-143 Oxford St., London, TV., England. FOREIGN AGENCIES: PARIS L,e Soudier. VIENNA Josef Safar, VIII Schlosselgasse, 34. TOKIO, JAPAN Z. P. Marnya & Co. IN PRESS SECOND EDITION. Ointments and Oleates in Diseases of the Skin. dOHN U. SHOEMAKER, A.M., M.D., ica, Pharmacology, Therapeutics, and Clinical Medicine, and Clini of the Skin in the Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia, etc. Professor of Materia Medica, Pharmacology, Therapeutics, and Clinical Medicine, and Clinical Professor of Diseases in the 16mo. NEATLY BOUND IN CLOTH. PRICE, IN UNITED STATES AND CANADA, NET, $1.OO, POST-PAID ; GREAT BRITAIN, 4s. 3d. ; FRANCE, 6 fr. 2O. The accompanying Table of Contents will give a general idea of the work : fTC-siNT 1 1 ' t-rT