Answer to the Considerations on the Establishment of a Regency THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ANSWER TO THE CONSIDERATIONS ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A REGENCY. THE SECOND EDITION. LONDON: PRINTED FOR J. DEBKETT, OPPOSITE BURLINGTON- HOUSE, PICCADILLY. MDCCLXXXVIU* ANSWER, &c. r E ^HE author of the Confiderations on the -* Eftablifhment of a Regency, if his object had really been that which he pro- fefles in his ;2d page, namely, " to contri- " bute to fettle, on conftitutional principles, *' a tranfiidtion which is intereftino: to our o ing fituation, or to that conftitution which he admits (page 5,) ft has been changed by '*' the revolution of fo many ages." That the author has not qualified himfelf for the tafk he has undertaken, muft be evident B to 1415190 ( * ) to all thofe who have read his pamphlet, and looked over the precedents he relies upon j unlefs they fuppofe, that not his ignorance, but his intereft, has tefnpted him to endea- vour to miflead the public. I {hall there- fore endeavour to point out the fallacy of his Statement, and of the arguments he makes ufe of in fupport of his do&irine, and give fuch reafons as have convinced me that the prin- ciples he lays down as a bafis on which to eftablifh a temporary government on confti- tutional principles, arenotonly not ibundand conflitutional, but grounded on the word and mod dangerous policy, and unfupport- ed by any precedents applicable to the pre- fent cafe ; and that the fyftem of government, if practicable, is not necejffary to fecure thofe plaufible ends which he endeavours to per- fuade the public are attainable by no other means. The profefTed object of the pamphlet is, to fecure the rights of the crown from ima- ginary dangers arifing from the necefTary transfer of its authority to a Regent, during the melancholy incapacity of its owner to execute ( 3 > execute his royal functions, and to infinu- ate to the public, that this obje therefore, it will appear manifeft, not only that the Heir Apparent is of right fole Regent, with full royal authority, during the incapacity of the king, to a