TABULATED DATA WITH EXPLANATORY NOTES RELATING TO FLOW OF WATER UNDER PRESSURE THROUGH CLEAN CLOSED PIPES BY GEORGE T. PRINCE, C.E. M. AM. Soc. C. E., M. AM. W. W. ASSN. M. N. E. W. W. ASSN. ILLUSTRATED NEW YORK D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY 25 PARK PLACE 1916 COPYRIGHT, 1916, BY D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY PRESS OF BRAUNWORTH & CO. PRINTERS AND BOOKBINDERS BROOKLYN, N. Y. PREFACE SOME years ago, when the author was located at Denver, Colorado, in the capacity of Chief Engineer of The Denver Union Water Company, he collected a mass of data relating to the Construction and Main- tenance of Continuous Wood-stave Pipe, with a view of getting the matter into tangible shape for publication. It may be of interest to note that Denver was the home of this class of pipe and that the entire water supply for that city is obtained through more than one hundred miles of continuous wood-stave pipe, varying in size from 30 inches to 48 inches in diameter. While engaged in the preparation of tables indicating the carrying capacities of continuous wood-stave pipe, the author was strongly impressed with the need of special investigation touching this most important factor of pipe design. At that time the formula usually employed in design- ing pipe of this character was Kutter's with n = 0.010, although other formulae had also been used, among them being the expression Hr=mF 1 " 73 . It was deemed desirable as well as necessary and essential to a more complete understanding of the sub- ject, to compare results of flow-data obtained by several well-established and accepted formulae, upon a com- 349318 iv PREFACE mon basis, the same to apply to sizes of pipe and slopes usually involved in common practice. Accordingly, five well-known formulae were selected by means of which the following tabulated values were computed. Five-place logarithms were employed in these computations and as a ready means of comparing re- sults derived from these formulae, the value of c in the expression v=c\/rs, has been determined for each size of pipe and for slopes as indicated in the extended tables. It is believed that an inspection of these comparative values will assist in the proper dimensioning of pipe conduits to meet any desired service. GEORGE T. PRINCE. OMAHA, NEBRASKA, July, 1916. CONTENTS Historical notes % . 1 Chezy formula 2 Kutter formula 3 Value of n to be selected with great care, etc 4 Experimental value of n 4 D'Arcy formula 7 Formulae by Merriman, ^Fanning, Gould, and D'Arcy resolved to form of v = c Vrs 8 Table 1 Average values of c in above-mentioned formulae 9 Exponential formula, H/=mV n 10 Table 2 Values of m in Hf=mV n j based upon assumed values of c in v = c^/rs and n=2 11 Lampe formula 12 Experimental data relating to value of n in Hf=mV n 12 Plotting flow-data by means of logarithms 14 Diagram D, showing graphically values of c in v=cVrs, when t; = 4 feet 19 Table 3 Values of m in H f =mV n 20 Explanation of characters used in Tables 21 Carrying capacities of tuberculated pipe 23 EXTENDED TABLES , , , , 27 FLOW OF WATER FLOW OF WATER IN CLOSED PIPES THE flow of water in any channel is subject to the law govern- ing falling bodies, commonly expressed v = -\/2gh', in which v equals the velocity in feet per second, g equals the " accelera- tion of gravity " and h equals the head of water in feet, producing the flow. The value of g varies from about 32.0894 feet per second per second, at the equator sea-level, to 32.254 at< the poles. Its value also varies slightly with elevation above sea-level. For all ordinary calculations applying to the United States, the value of g is generally assumed as 32.16 and -\/2g as 8.02. If the flow were not retarded by friction, the amount of dis- charge through a closed pipe would be expressed in cubic feet per second by the product of the following three factors: the internal cross-section of the pipe (expressed in square feet), the square root of 2g (equal to 8.02), and the square root of the head of water producing the flow, expressed in feet; that is the vertical distance of the source of supply above the axis of the pipe, measured at the point of discharge. Because of the retarding influence of friction, the amount of flow is less than is indicated by the above expression and the amount of the frictional resistance can be expressed by the difference between the observed velocity in feet per second and that indicated by the expression v = \/2gh or 8.02 \/h. In other words, the frictional resistance is equal to the accelerating force. The discussions which have led up to our present knowledge of the laws governing the flow of water in channels have been most varied in their conclusions, and though many errors and false results appear, a study of them is of great interest to one who desires thoroughly to analyze the subject of hydraulics. 2 FLOW OF WATER Galileo has be?n quoted is "saying that he found it easier to dekTaaue 1h? laws thut govern the motion of the heavenly bodies than those pertaining to the flow of water in channels. It was owing to his ignorance of the laws relating to the flow of water that important proposed river improvements were abandoned. Since that time, to the present day, experiir enters and investigators have been gradually groping their way out of the darkness and ignorance surrounding the laws governing the flow of water until to-day, we are enabled to calculate with reasonable accuracy the amount of water that can be conveyed through open or closed channels, constructed of different ma- terials and subjected to varying conditions of grades and pres- sures. In the light of our present knowledge it seen s strange to read that the Romans, who were so observing and thorough in other lines of thought and investigation, disregarded head or pressure in their calculation of flow of liquids in conduits, re- garding only the size of the conduit; and equally strange does it appear that a man so brilliant and original in his work as was Galileo, should contend that the velocity of a stream is depend- ent solely upon the head or slope and entirely independent of the length or distance traveled by the flow. It was not until investigators realized that correct results in the determination of stream-flows must depend upon observa- tion of actual conditions and not upon mere theorizing, that a better understanding of the subject was evolved. In the year 1775, M. Chezy, a noted French engineer, suggested the formula v = c\/rs, by which to determine the velocity of water flowing in conduits, in which expression, v = velocity of flow in feet per second; c = a coefficient to be assumed for each case under considera- tion, and is to be determined by experiments under like conditions; r = the mean hydraulic radius^ (usually expressed in feet), u - i r T , . diameter in feet which for closed pipes = > s = slope = height or head in fee fc horizontal length in feet* FLOW OF WATEK IN CLOSED PIPES 3 Previous to the time M. Chezy suggested his formula, the roughness of the sides and bottom of the channel had not been considered as producing any retarding influence upon the flow of water. It was believed that the water immediately covering the holes and projections of a rough surface became in itself a smooth surface, over which the flowing water passed without material loss of motion. Experiments demonstrated the falsity of this assumption and it became generally recognized that the ratio of the cross-section of the flowing current to the wetted perimeter should be incorporated in a formula intended to ex- press the velocity of flowing water. The Chezy formula*, above indicated, appears to-day in various modified forms and may be used to determine the amount of flows, either in open or closed channels. Probably the best- known modification of this basic formula is that enunciated by two eminent Swiss engineers, E. Ganguillet and W. R. Kutter, and familiarly known as the Kutter formula, which is expressed as follows: XVrs, VJ I I XN I 8 I V7 J in which v = mesm velocity in feet per second; r = mean hydraulic radius, expressed in feet and equals the cross-section of the stream divided by the wetted perimeter in linear feet. The wetted perimeter is the linear measurement of the sides and bottom of the channel in contact with the flow; . , , r fall of water surface s = slope of the water surf ace = r : r-, : ; horizontal length of flow n = coefficient of roughness of the sides and bottom of the channel. It will be noted that the bracketed portion of the second term of the formula corresponds with the c in the expression FLOW OF WATER From inspection of the Kutter formula, it is evident that the accuracy of the results obtained by its use is dependent upon the value assumed for n. A little deviation in the assumed value of this coefficient will very materially affect the value of c, as is shown below. Let the value of r be assumed as 0.3 foot, corresponding to a diameter of 14.4 inches. Slope. Value of n. Value of c. 0.1 : 1000 .009 125 .010 109 .011 97 .012 87 .013 78 0.2 :1000 .009 133 .010 116 .011 103 .012 92 .013 83 0.4 : 1000 .009 138 .010 120 .011 107 .012 96 .013 87 1.0 :1000 .009 141 .010 124 .011 109 .012 98 .013 89 10 : 1000 .009 143 .010 125 .011 111 .012 100 .013 90 From an inspection of the above tabulated values of n and c, it is apparent that the value of n must be selected with great care; a change of only a unit in the third decimal place will make a marked change in the value of c. The values of n have been determined by experimenting with channels made of different materials, possessing varying degrees of roughness. The results of these experiments are given by Kent substantially as follows: 1. Smooth, well-planed timber, in perfect order and alignment 009 FLOW OF WATER IN CLOSED PIPES 5 ' 2. Neat cement; planed timber; glazed, coated or annealed stoneware and iron pipes, all in perfect order 010 3. Cement with one-third sand, in good condition, also for iron, cement and terra-cotta pipes, well jointed and in good condition Oil 4. Unplaned timber, when perfectly continuous on the inside 012 5. Ashlar masonry and well-laid brickwork; ordinary metal and stoneware pipes in good condition but not new; also materials mentioned under item 2, when imperfect or in inferior condition 013 6. Second-class or rough-faced brickwork; well-dressed stonework; foul or slightly tuberculated iron, cement and terra-cotta pipes, with imperfect joints and in bad order; canvas lining on wooden frames 015 7. Brickwork, ashlar masonry and stoneware, in inferior condition; tuberculated iron pipes; rubble in cement, in good condition; fine gravel, or particles ranging from J to f inch in diameter, well rammed, and generally the materials mentioned under item 5, when in bad condition 017 8. Rubble in cement in inferior condition; coarse rubble laid dry; brickwork in very poor condition; coarse gravel of particles ranging from 1 to IJ-inch in diameter, well rammed; canals with beds and banks of very firm, regular gravel, carefully trimmed and rammed in defective places; rough rubble with bed partially covered with silt and mud; wooden troughs, with battens on the inside two inches apart; earth trimmed to perfect condition .. .020 9. Canals in earth in excellent condition 0225 10. Canals and rivers in earth, of tolerably uniform cross- section, slope and alignment, in moderately good condition and free from stones and weeds 025 11. Canals and rivers in earth, somewhat inferior to average conditions 0275 6 FLOW OF WATER 12. Canals and rivers in earth, in rather bad condition, obstructed by occasional weeds, stones and other detritus 030 13. Canals and rivers in earth, in very bad condition, containing stones and weeds in great quantities . . . 035 Information published by the U. S. Geol. Survey indicates a more conservative selection of the value of n than noted above, as for instance materials included under item 5 would be classi- fied by the Government as under item 6, having a value of .015, and so on down the list. It requires the exercise of the keenest judgment, born of long experience, to select the value of n that will give results even roughly approximating the truth. Different experimenters will determine different values of n with the same conduit, and the application by another party to another conduit of the results obtained by these experimenters is simply the exercise of the guessing power of that individual. It may or may not approximate the truth. Considering the unwieldy and complex expression of the Kutter formula, coupled with the fact that the value of n is so largely a matter of speculation, the author contends that one may as well guess the value of c in the Chezy formula and save his " gray matter"; for in so doing, it is possible to differ- entiate to a greater degree of nicety than can be done in valuing n in the Kutter formula. There are so many writings which discuss at length the results of ancient hydraulicians to which the reader can have access, if he desires to make a careful study of them, that it is not deemed expedient to discuss them in this instance, but rather to confine our attention to a few formula of more recent date, which more closely conform to modern practice, the results of many years of experience an advantage which the older hydraulicians did not possess. H. D'Arcy, a French engineer of large practical experience, realized the necessity of carefully conducted experiments, in order to deduce satisfactory formulae relating to the flow of water. From his practical knowledge of the subject, he was amply qualified to conduct a series of observations upon the FLOW OF WATER IN CLOSED PIPES 7 flow of water in pipes and open channels, that have resulted in giving to engineers most helpful information. As a result of experiments, he devised the following formula, which is popularly known as the D'Arcy Formula: - - \, \'rs. _ (K)007726+; 00000647 - In which s = slope=-^-; d=internal diameter in feet; r = mean hydraulic radius in feet; v = velocity in feet per second. If the D'Arcy formula, relating to the flow of water in pipes, as above expressed, is hot more generally employed than any other formula, it is certainly one of the most popular in use, and in the opinion of the author most deservedly so. In an experience of more than thirty years in the design and operation of public water systems, this formula has most satisfactorily aided in solving the many varied problems that have demanded the author's attention. It has been thought desirable to reduce the formulae, as ad- vocated by Merriman, Fanning, Gould and D'Arcy, to the simple form of the Chezy formula. These formulae all relate to clean cast-iron pipes. With pipes running full, the Chezy formula can be reduced from the form v = c\/rs to v= %/ . 2 * Li Remembering that r=, s = j and Tj- = ^rs, Merriman's formula, \2ghd , \2q I fid J8g / v = V -77, reduces to v =A/ ~rV i~ = v -rV rs. * jL * / * X * J 8 FLOW OF WATER Fanning' s formula, \2qhd . I'ty \Hd J2g /- =V^' reducesto v = \4^Vr = \m Vrs - Gould's formula, I'M /I I lid 2 i; = -il - reduces to v = -y From the above we have Squaring and reducing we obtain the following values for c: Mcrriman .............. V / i ( anning m Gould... \i-=~ D'Arcy / 1 .00007726+ In general practice the velocity of the water in supply and distribution mains will range from 2 to 5 feet per second. With this fact in view, the values of c, as given in the previous table for each size of pipe and corresponding to velocities of 2, 3, 4, and 5 feet, have been added together and average values from the four formulae considered, have thus been obtained. These results have been plotted upon logarithmic paper and a correction line drawn. The average values of c as derived from the four formulae, adapted to various-sized pipe and including velocities of 2, 3, 4 and 5 feet, are given below, together with the corrected values. FLOW OF WATER IN CLOSED PIPES 9 It should be borne in mind that the formulae irom which these values are obtained contemplate clean cast-iron pipe. Some values derived from Flynn's tables are added, as being of interest: TABLE I Diameter, Inches. Averaged Values. Flynn. Corrected values from Plot. 3 99.05 103 4 101.18 103.7 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 104.00 106.07 107.59 108.38 109.74 110.93 111.60 112.66 105.3 107.2 108.5 109.3 109.9 110.4 110.7 111.0 105.1 106.3 107.4 108.4 109.4 110.4 111.4 112.3 113 2 24 26 114.51 111.5 114.1 115 28 115 9 30 32 116.77 111.9 116.8 117 6 34 118 4 118 4 36 38 119.18 112.2 119.2 120 40 120 8 42 44 120.97 112.4 121.6 122 4 46 123 2 48 50 123.02 112.6 124.0 124 8 52 125 6 54 126 4 56 127 1 58 127 8 60 129.64 112.8 128.5 It will be observed that all the formulae considered above indicate that the frictional resistance to the flow of water varies as the square of the velocity. In a paper presented before the American Society of Civil Engineers in 1902 by Theron A. Noble, on " Flow of Water in Wood Pipes," reference is made to experiments conducted by Mr. Noble, as well as by Mr. Arthur L. Adams and others. In discussing this paper, Mr. E. W. Schoder shows that the results of the experiments noted indicate that the loss of head or fric- tional resistance " varies about as the 1.73 power of the velocity," instead of as the square of the velocity, as assumed in most of the formulae extant and in general use. 10 FLOW OF WATER Mr. Schoder, in discussing this paper, makes use of the formula Hf=mv n , in which /// represents the loss of head or frictional resistance per unit of distance, and v the velocity in feet per second, n being a coefficient, which varies with each size of pipe. This form of expression is probably as simple as can be devised for showing the relation existing between velocity and loss of head in pipes conveying water under pressure. Assuming H to represent the loss of head per 1000 feet for clean cast-iron pipe, and to vary as the square of the velocity, it ^ ill be interesting to determine the value of m for each- size of pipe, first, when c in the Chezy formula has a constant value of 100 for all sizes of pipe; second, when c varies with the size of the pipe, as de- termined by averaging results obtained from formulae advocated by Merriman, Fanning, Gould and D'Arcy, as heretofore ex- plained; and third, when c has the values detern ined by the D'Arcy formula, which values are constant for all velocities, for any particular size of pipe, but vary with the size of the pipe. It is evident that m equals H when v equals 1 foot rer second; hence, the values of m in the expression H/=mv n rray be de- termined by assuming v to equal unity. The values of m have thus been determined, subject to the assumptions above noted and are given in Table 2. Frictional resistance varies very nearly as the square of the velocity and inversely as the product of cV, as indicated in the v 2 4v z expression, slope = = . c 2 r c 2 d If the value of c were constant for all values of d, it is apparent that the frictional resistance for like velocities would vary in- versely with the diameter, but such is not the case if c varies with the diameter. Both theory and practice are essential to a well-grounded understanding of the principles required by the hydraulic engineer, but the practical man needs to be continually on his guard against being misled by a class of technical writers who are disposed to treat engineering as an exact science, whereas it is so only in name. Unpracticed and inexperienced in build- ing and maintaining engineering works, many of these writers consider only the theoretical side of a problem. FLOW OF WATER IN CLOSED PIPES 11 This class of writers reminds the author of a young engineer, bright and particularly apt in all mathematical work, but who was so exact in his ideas that he did not know when to drop excessive refinement and exercise good common sense. In cross-sectioning for earth-work stakes, he would try to set the stakes to a thousandth of a foot. Had the rodman pressed a pound weight upon the rod, his calculation would have been for naught. As it was, the result was vexation for the rodman and unwarrantable slowness in the work; for that reason this par- ticular engineer was kept employed upon office calculations. TABLE 2 Values of m in the expression H f =mv n , assuming H f to represent the loss of head per 1000 feet of clean cast-iron pipe and to vary as the square of the velocity, that is, n equals 2, other conditions as noted. Int. Diam. Inches., Coef. c=100. Aver, values of c from Merriman, Fanning, Gould and D'Arcy. Values of c by D'Arcy. 4 1.200 1 . 320 1.050 6 0.800 0.815 0.690 8 0.600 0.575 0.510 10 0.480 0.440 0.405 12 0.400 0.352 0.330 14 0.343 0.295 0.280 16 0.300 0.250 0.245 18 0.267 0.217 0.219 20 0.240 0.190 0.194 22 0.218 0.172 0.174 24 0.200 0.155 0.160 26 0.185 0.140 0.146 28 0.171 0.128 0.135 30 0.160 0.117 0.125 32 0.150 0.109 0.117 34 0.141 0.101 0.110 36 0.133 0.094 0.103 38 0.126 0.087 0.096 40 0.120 0.082 0.091 42 0.114 0.077 0.086 46 0.104 0.070 0.078 48 0.1000 0.0668 0.0760 50 0.0960 0.0635 0.0728 52 0.0925 0.0605 0.0700 54 0.0889 . 0577 0.0673 56 0.0857 0.0552 0.0649 58 . 0828 0.0530 0.0629 60 0.0800 0.0510 0.0610 72 0.0670 . 0408 . 0500 84 0.0571 .0.0336 0.0420 96 0.0500 0.0290 0.0367 100 0.0480 0.0273 0.0350 12 FLOW OF WATER Attention has already been called to the fact that some exper- imenters claim that the resistance to flow in a closed pipe does not vary as the square of the velocity. Professor Gardner S. Williams, in discussing Mr. Noble's paper, referred to above, states that " in 1808 Dr. Thomas Young suggested, in an address before the Royal Society, that the exponent of the term indicat- ing the velocity was more nearly 1.8. Later, in 1855, Thomas Hawksley made an extended exposition of the same view, and in 1873 Mr. Lampe presented the results of his experiments on the Danzig pipe line as expressed by his well-known formula v = 203.3 r- 694 $- 555 = 77.63 d- 694 s- 555 , r = the mean hydraulic radius, _ . head or fall horizontal projection of slope' d = diameter in feet. Below are given the results of a number of experiments which are interesting to study. (See Trans. Am. Soc. C.E., Vol. 49.) Date of Test. Experimenter. Int. Diam. of Pipe. Inches. Material. # /P er 1000 Ft. A. L. Adams 14.04 Wood 0.300 0173 1902 T. A. Noble 44 . 50 Wood 0.125 01-73 T. A. Noble 54.18 Wood 0.0815 v l 73 1897 1899 Marx, Wing and Hoskins Marx, Wing and Hoskins 72.50 72.50 Wood Wood 0.062 fli-73 . 048 0i 94 1904 Schoder and Gehring 8.006 C. I. . 59 0i si 1908 Schoder and Gehring 6.075 W. I. . 60 0i 94 Schoder and Gehring 5.943 Steel Riv. 0.80 0185 Schoder and Gehring 5.871 Steel Riv. 0.97 0192 Schoder and Gehring 5.066 W. I. 0.99 01-91 Schoder and Gehring 5.013 Brass 0.92 01-79 Schoder and Gehring 4.078 W. I. 1 . 18 01-95 Schoder and Gehring 4.084 Steel Riv. 1 . 34 01.85 Schoder and Gehring 4.084 Steel Riv. 1.45 gl.M Schoder and Gehring 3.120 W. I. 1.62 0L91 Schoder and Gehring 2.067 W. I. 3.15 01.98 An inspection of the above-recorded results indicates how indeterminate and uncertain is the value of the exponent of v. It seems to be materially affected by the condition of roughness FLOW OF WATER IN CLOSED PIPES 13 of the interior walls of the pipe, and hence the character of the material forming the pipe is an essential factor. Especial attention is drawn to the different results obtained by the same experimenters of the 72^-inch pipe at Ogden, Utah. In 1897 the experimenters ascertained the value of the exponent n to be 1.73, whereas two years later it was found by the same experimenters to be 1.94. Was this difference due to errors of observation or to the changed condition of the internal walls of the pipe? While it may be of much interest to a class of investigators and technical writers to determine to a " hair-splitting " degree the exact value of the exponent of v, and though there seems to be good reason for believing that n approximates 1.73, with pipe in good smooth condition, yet the practical man may rightly hesitate to follow any but an absolutely safe course, and provide in his design for a " factor of ignorance," for he is dealing with conditions and materials that are uncertain to a pronounced degree, and instead of " driving too close to the preci- pice," he will do well to be guided by Pat, who affirmed that " Bedad he would kape as far from the hole as possible." In saying this, we do not want to be understood as countenancing ill-advised caution, resulting in needless expense. Reason and good judgment, in other words, the exercise of good common sense must be the guide and safeguard of the practical engineer. An engineer rarely gets credit for work well done. When .his estimates of cost and capacity are verified by results, it is only what should be expected and but little, if any, note is made of the fact, but let the capacity of a pipe line fall even a little below the engineer's estimate and that engineer will never outlive the- criticism and censure that his mistake will surely arouse. In view of this and the uncertain, varying conditions attaching to materials and other factors which, in greater or less degree affect every piece of engineering construction, it behooves the engineer to avoid hewing too closely to the line in planning his work. Usually the difference in cost between success and failure is small. It is far better for all interests concerned to incur the additional expense and secure successful results. 14 FLOW OF WATER PLOTTING FLOW DATA BY MEANS OF LOGARITHMS Everybody who has to make many computations and esti- mates, as is the case with engineers, appreciates the great saving in " gray matter," as well as in time and book space, that can be effected by employing logarithms. Let the reader not drop the benefit of logarithms after he has completed his cal- culations, but let him satisfy himseK that he cannot with profit employ them in plotting his results. In the author's opinion there is no better way to fix a mathematical truth in one's mind than by the use of a diagram. If the reader has not already done so, he is advised to read and carefully study the excellent and practical book entitled " Calculus for Engineers," by John Perry. By means of plots and diagrams, Prof. Perry teaches in a clear, practical and intensely interesting manner, the prin- ciples underlying the calculus and their adaptation to Applied Mechanics. Though it may seem elementary and out of place to insert here a brief explanation relating to the application of logarithms to plotting flow data, it is believed that such an explanation may be of assistance to some readers who may not have given the subject special thought. If we desire to plot the expression H=mx, we draw a straight line 0-7 (Diagram A), having a slope of m vertical to one horizontal. The ordinate (vertical distance above horizontal line through 0) opposite to any point in the line will be m times the abscissa (horizontal dis- tance from vertical line through 0) of that point. If instead of H = mx, we wish to plot H = b -\-rnx, we draw a line parallel with the previous one but through a point vertically above and b distance from it. To use a concrete case, suppose we wish to plot H=2x, the line 0-7 (Diagram A) serves as the multiplier 2. If we wish to plot H = W-}-2x, we draw our line parallel with 0-7, but through the point 10. If z =4, then H = 18. If on the other hand, we wish to plot H=x m , we can with profit use logarithms. Instead of spacing our lines as in Dia- gram A, proportional to the numbers, we now space them pro- portional to the logarithms of the numbers, as in Diagram B. PLOTTING DATA BY MEANS OF LOGARITHMS 15 If now we draw the line 1-7 in Diagram B, with the same slope (m vertical to one horizontal) as 0-7 in Diagram A, the ordinate opposite to any point in the line will be the m power of the abscissa of that point, or H=x m . If we draw our line parallel /* P . f / / I / f / \ J / / / f i 1 A j v / ^ / / 4 v / i f / M f V ' / / V r / / -r 1 2 / / y / / / /A 9A M / ^" / i / Q / / / / / J / / (_ Y i 01234 567 9 10 1! with 1--7 but above it, passing through a point vertically over 1 and 6 distance from it, our line represents the expression H=bx m . Let z = 1.5 and 6=2, then # = 2-1.5 2 and we read directly from the ordinate of the point in this line, vertically over 1.5 and obtain # = 4.5. 16 FLOW OF WATER The difference between the two diagrams is, that in Diagram A we space the lines proportional with the numbers and hence obtain simple multiplication, but to multiply a logarithm is to obtain the logarithm of a power of the corresponding number, 25 hence the line 1-7 in Diagram B, by multiplying the logarithm, correspondingly raises the number to the m power. Diagram A deals with the numbers, Diagram B deals with the logarithms, hence it is that the line 2-6, in Diagram B, represents the general expression H =bx m instead of H =b+mx, as in Diagram PLOTTING DATA BY MEANS OF LOGARITHMS 17 A, because H is made up of the log b plus the log x, and the sum of these indicates a product. If any function of a formula varies as a power of another function, the relation between the two can be expressed by a 1.5 2 Z.5 VELOCITY m FEET PER SECOND straight line, through the use of logarithms; not only this, but if we have the results of any set of experiments, giving the loss of head corresponding to two or more rates of flow, we can readily determine a formula to meet the conditions by means of a loga- rithmic plotting of the results. For instance, suppose we find 18 FLOW OF WATER by experiment that the loss of head per 1000 feet in a 24-inch pipe line amounts to 0.620 foot, the velocity of flow being 2 feet per ^second, and with the same pipe line, the loss of head per 1000 feet amounts to 0.35 foot at a velocity of 1.5 foot per second and 0.155 foot when the velocity of flow is but 1 foot per second. We desire to find the relationship existing between the velocity and loss of head. Plotting the losses of head as shown, upon Diagram C, and connecting the three points, we obtain the straight line ACEB. It will be noted that the horizontal and vertical spacing of the lines is not in proportion to the numbers, tut instead, spacing is in proportion to the logarithms of the mm bers. The natural tangent of the angle ECD, which the plotted line makes with the horizontal, represents the pouer of the velocity in the general expression Hf = mv n . The tangent in this case equals 2; in other words the slope of the line is two vertical to one horizontal. This means that the vertical reach or distance of any point in the line, as E } above any other point in that line, as for instance C, is twice the horizontal distance of the same point E from the point C, but to double the logarithm of a number gives the logarithm of the square of that number, hence the ordinate opposite any point in the line indicates the square of the value attaching to that point. In this case then, the loss of head varies as the square of the velocity. Let us take another case of a 24-inch pipe line and assume that the loss of head per 1000 feet, at velocity of flow of 2 feet per second, amounts to 0.60 foot; and that the loss of head amounts to 0.40 foot per 1000 feet when the flow has a velocity of 1.6 foot per second, while at velocity of 1 foot the loss of head is 0.18 foot per 1000 feet. If we plot a line through the points indicating these conditions, upon Diagram C, it will be found that the natural tangent of the angle which this new line would make with the horizontal lines upon the diagram is 1.73, indicating that the loss of head, in this case, varies as the 1.73 power of the velocity, instead of as the square, as in the first case. When the velocity equals 1 foot per second, it is evident that Hf=m. In the first case assumed, m equals 0.155 foot and in the second case its value is 0.20. In this way the PLOTTING DATA BY MEANS OF LOGARITHMS 19 .0. JO 93rnvA 20 FLOW OF WATER values of m, in the expression Hf = mv 1 ' 73 , as given in Table 3, have been determined by plotting on a large -scale logarithmic diagram, the results of certain recorded tests of flow in various-sized pipe lines, and upon the values of m thus deter- mined the calculated amounts of flow in the extended tables have been based. TABLE 3 These values were obtained by plotting upon a large-scale loga- rithmic diagram a straight line passing through points indicating values of intercepts for 14", 54" and 72'' pipe, as above stated and reading values of intercepts for other sizes of pipe. Values of m in expression Hj = mv 1 '. Diameter. Value of m. Diameter. Value of 777. 4 0..980 38 0.114 6 .671 40 .109 8 .517 42 .104 10 .413 44 .0991 12 .348 46 .0954 14 .300 48 .0917 16 .263 54 .0820 18 .236 60 .0740 20 .212 66 .0671 22 .194 72 .0620 24 .178 78 .0575 26 .165 84 .0534 28 .153 90 .0498 30 .144 96 .0470 32 .134 108 .0417 34 .127 120 .0378 36 .120 Comparison of estimated discharges through pipes of sizes specified and as determined by formulae of the several authorities given. NOTE: The value of c In the expression v = c^rs t Is assumed constant for each size of pipe and not affected by slope: Value of c in Kutter formulae 2V=.010, is assumed as unity for oasis of com- parison. 4 12 24 48 72 96 120 Kutter DM rev N= .010 N= .011 N = .012 N= .013 1.00 .87 .77 .69 1 15 1.00 .89 .79 .71 91 1.00 .89 .80 .73 81 1.00 .90 .82 .74 73 1.00 .90 .82 .75 6P 1.00 .90 .83 .76 66 1.00 .90 .83 .76 .64 Lampe Fannin?. . . . Hf-mv 1 ** . . 1.09 1.12 1 .46 .97 .90 1.10 .94 .85 .95 .91 .86 .79 .91 .87 .78 .91 .90 .75 .93 .99 .74 TABULATED FLOW DATA 21 TABULATED FLOW DATA In the following extended tables K refers to Kutter. D refers to D'Arcy. L refers to Lampe. F refers to Fanning. c refers to c in Chezy Formula S refers to exponential formula, Hfmv 1 - 7 ^. The Kutter formula, with n= 0.010, is applicable to flow in new wood-stave pipe. G^. For clean cast-iron pipe, a very common value assumed for n is 0.012. The formulae by D'Arcy, Lampe and Fanning and the expres- sion Hf=mv 1 - 73 are generally accepted as applying to clean cast-iron pipe. A " birds-eye view " of the situation can be obtained by inspection of Diagram D, upon which are graphically shown values of c, in the expression v = c\/rs, as determined by the sev- eral formulas under consideration and for stated sizes of pipe, when # = 4.0 feet per second. Results determined by the Fanning formula for pipes between 60 and 96 inches in diameter do not appear to be consistent with the results obtained from the formula for sizes below 60 inches in diameter, as shown upon Diagram D. It is believed that the values of c for 96-inch pipe by the Fanning formula can stand inspection, but the values for 66, 72, 78, 84 and 90-inch pipe are too small, as will be evident by inspecting the Fanning curve on Diagram D. It is well known that, under ordinary conditions, the carrying capacity of iron pipe begins to decrease as soon as laid and put into service; just how much this decrease will amount to in stated periods of time is entirely dependent upon local conditions. Some writers have undertaken to tabulate percentages of normal or original carrying capacity that pipes will discharge after stated periods of service. To do this seems to the author akin to buying eye-glasses from a curbstone vendor it would 22 FLOW OF WATER be a miracle if such glasses chanced to fit the purchaser's eyes. Last year (1914) the author had occasion to test the carrying capacities of two 36-inch parallel cast-iron pipe lines which were laid at the same time (1889), within a few feet of each other, practically in the same trench of same length. With these conditions being the same with both pipe lines, it might be assumed that the two lines would have the same resistance head, and yet, as a matter of fact, one line offered twice as much resistance as did the other. Thinking there might be some obstruction causing the larger resistance head, the pipe was uncovered at points 100 feet apart and corporation cocks inserted, to which tested gauges were attached. The resulting pressures, when plotted and adjusted to a common datum of levels, demonstrated that the^resistance was uniform throughout the length of the pipe. At that time the two lines of pipe were delivering water from the same pump and into the same basin. The explanation seems to lie in the fact that the pipe line offering the least resistance had previously been used to con- vey raw water from the Missouri River, which carries in suspen- sion considerable sand, and this has contributed in keeping the interior walls of the pipe well scoured and hence free from tuberculation, whereas the other line has been used in carrying water that had been settled and also treated and hence was clear and had no such scouring influence. Every pipe line will have to be judged in the light of local conditions. To undertake to prescribe hard and fast values expressing the decrease in carrying capacities, because of age, is, the author believes, a dangerous procedure and is more than likely liable to mislead. Better let each case be decided inde- pendent of others. The following table is appended, as a mere suggestion of the effects of age upon cast-iron pipe. The data contained in the table are based upon results of measurements of flow and pres- sures in the pipe-distribution system of a Western city, using filtered mountain water, containing about 30 grains of mineral salts per gallon. TABULATED FLOW DATA 23 TABULATED VALUES OF PERCENTAGE OF CARRY- ING CAPACITIES OF OLD PIPE TO NEW CLEAN CAST-IRON PIPE YEARS PIPE HAS BEEN IN SERVICE Diameter Inches. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6 80 70 61 58 54 52 50 49 47 8' .... 84 75 70 64 61 58 56 54 52 10. . 88 80 74 70 66 64 62 59 57 12 88 84 76 74 70 68 67 65 63 14. . 87 84 77 75 74 71 68 67 65 16 88 85 . 78 76 74 72 70 68 67 20 89 85 79 77 75 74 72 70 68 24. . PO 86 81 79 77 75 74 72 70 30 91 86 83 81 79 77 75 74 72 36. . 92 87 85 83 81 79 77 75 74 48 93 89 87 85 83 81 78 77 75 60 94 91 89 87 85 83 80 78 76 72 95 93 91 89 87 84 82 80 78 YEARS PIPE HAS BEEN IN SERVICE Diameter Inches. 10 11 12 13 14 15 20 25 30 40 6. . 46 45 44 43 42 41 39 36 35 34 8 51 50 49 49 48 47 44 42 41 40 10 56 56 55 55 54 53 50 48 47 46 12 62 62 61 60 59 58 56 53 52 51 14 63 63 62 61 60 59 57 54 53 52 16. 65 64 63 62 61 60 58 55 54 53 20 67 65 64 63 62 61 59 56 55 54 24 68 66 65 64 63 62 60 57 56 55 30 70 68 67 66 65 64 62 58 57 56 36 7?, 70 69 68 66 65 63 60 5Q 58 48 74 72 70 69 68 66 64 61 60 5Q 60 75 73 72 70 69 68 65 62 61 60 72 76 74 73 71 70 69 66 63 62 61 TABLES 4-INCH PIPE 27 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Velocity in Feet UQ Million C Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . *J. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 0.10 0.2120 0.019 8 0.012 73.452 D .2936 .026 11 .017 101.710 L .2180 .019 9 .012 75.643 F .2673 .023 11 .015 92.606 S .2673 .023 10 .015 92.604 K 0.12 0.2449 0.021 10 0.014 77.438 D .3216 .028 13 .018 101.710 L .2420 .021 10 .014 76.406 F .2928 .026 12 .017 92.606 S .2970 .026 12 .017 93.929 K 0.15 0.2762 0.024 11 0.016 78.134 D .3596 .031 14 .020 101.710 L .2730 .024 11 .015 77.350 F .3283 .029 13 .019 92.854 S .3379 .029 13 .019 95.581 K 0.20 0.3324 0.029 13 0.019 80.878 D .4152 .036 16 .023 101.710 L .3210 .028 13 .018 78.583 F .3801 .033 15 .021 92.890 S .3991 .035 16 .023 97.751 K 0.30 0.4196 0.037 16 0.024 83.915 D .5085 .044 20 .029 101.710 L .4020 .035 16 .023 80.355 F .4671 .041 18 .026 93.420 S .5045 .044 20 .028 100.900 K 0.40 0.4940 0.043 19 0.028 85.566 D .5872 .051 23 .033 101.710 L .4710 .041 19 .027 81.636 F .5405 .047 21 .031 93.610 S .5957 .052 23 .034 103.180 K 0.50 0.5591 0.049 22 0.032 86 . 623 D .6565 .057 26 .037 101.710 L .5330 .047 21 .030 82 . 646 F .6062 .053 24 .034 93.910 S .6777 .059 27 .038 104.990 K 0.60 0.6176 0.054 24 0.035 87.345 D .7192 .063 28 .041 101.710 L .5900 .052 23 .033 83.478 F .6651 .058 26 .038 94.061 S .7531 .066 29 .042 106.500 K 0.70 0.6712 0.059 26 0.038 87.874 D .7768 .068 31 .044 101.710 L .6430 .056 25 .036 84.188 F .7199 .063 28 .041 94.254 S .8233 .072 32 .046 107.790 28 4-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Velocity in Feet UC< Million C Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . C5. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 0.80 0.7224 0.063 28 0.041 88.472 D .8304 .072 33 .047 101.710 L .6920 .060 27 .039 84.811 F .7717 .067 30 .044 94.517 S .8893 .078 35 .050 108.920 K 0.90 0.7673 0.007 30 0.043 88.597 D .8808 .077 35 .050 101.710 L .7390 .065 29 .042 85.359 F .8191 .072 32 .046 94.582 S .9520 .083 37 .054 109.920 K 1.0 0.8110 0.071 32 0.046 88.841 D .9285 .081 36 .052 101.710 L .7840 .068 31 .044 85.856 F .8652 .076 34 .049 94.781 S 1.0117 .088 40 .057 110.830 K 1.5 1.0019 0.088 39 0.057 89.603 D 1.1371 .099 45 .064 101.710 L 0.9820 .086 39 .055 87.793 F 1.0671 .093 42 .060 95.449 S .2790 .112 50 .072 114.390 K 2.0 1.1620 0.102 46 0.066 90.010 D .3130 .115 52 .074 101.710 L .1510 .100 45 .065 89.193 F .2375 .108 49 .070 95.856 S ^ .5103 .132 59 .085 116.990 K 3.0 1.4295 0.125 56 0.081 90.413 D .6081 .140 63 .091 101.710 L .4420 .126 57 .081 91.205 F .5244 ' .133 60 .086 96.410 S .9092 .167 75 .108 120.750 K 4.0 1.6544 0.144 65 0.093 90.615 D .8569 .162 73 .105 101.710 L .6920 .148 66 .095 92.657 F .7692 .154 69 .100 96.902 3 2.2547 .197 88 .127 123.490 K 5.0 1.8501 0.162 73 0.104 90.634 D 2.0761 .181 81 .117 101 .710 L 1.9150 .167 75 .108 93.803 F .9881 .173 78 .112 97.398 S 2.5650 .224 100 .145 125.660 K 6.0 2.0307 0.177 80 0.115 90.818 D .2742 .198 89 .128 101.710 L .1190 .185 83 .120 94.748 F .1892 .191 86 .124 97.906 S .8501 .249 112 .161 127.460 4-INCH PIPE 29 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Feet. Velocity in Feet per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. U. S. Gallons per Min. Million Gallons ger 24 ours. C K 7.0 2.1949 0.192 86 0.124 90.877 D .4565 .214 96 .139 101.710 L .3080 .202 90 .130 95.554 F .3771 .207 93 .134 98.422 S 3.1086 .272 122 .176 129.000 K 8.0 2.2941 0.200 90 0.130 90.919 D .6261 .229 103 .148 101.710 L .4850 .217 97 .140 96.261 F . 5547 .223 100 .144 98.945 S 3.3658 .294 132 .190 130.350 K 9.0 2.4909 0.218 98 0.141 90.956 D .7854 .243 109 .157 101.710 L .6530 .232 104 .150 96.883 F .7180 .237 107 .153 99.248 S 3.6029 .314 141 .203 131.560 K 10.0 2.6265 0.230 103 0.148 90.983 D .9360 .256 115 .166 101.710 L .8130 .246 111 .159 97.447 F .8694 .251 112 .162 99.399 S 3.8291 .334 150 .216 132.640 K 11.0 2.7553 0.241 108 0.156 91.006 D 3.0793 .269 121 .174 101.710 L 2.9660 .259 116 .167 97.960 F 3.0187 .263 118 .170 99.706 8 4.0459 .353 158 .228 133.630 K 12.0 2.8785 0.251 113 0.163 91.025 D 3.2163 .281 126 .181 101.710 L .1130 .272 122 .176 98.431 F .1579 .276 124 .178 99.860 S 4.2547 .371 167 .240 134.540 K 13.0 2.9971 0.262 118 0.169 91.037 D 3.3476 .292 131 .189 101.710 L .2540 .284 128 .184 98.864 F . 2945 .288 129 .186 100.090 S 4.4564 .389 175 .251 135.390 K 14.0 3 . 1095 0.272 122 0.175 91.040 D .4740 .303 136 .196 101.710 L .3910 .296 133 .191 99.268 F .4242 .299 134 .193 100.250 S 4.6513 .406 182 .262 136.180 K 15.0 3.2195 0.282 126 0.182 91 .063 D .5959 .314 141 .203 101 .710 L .5230 .307 138 109 99.646 F .5526 .310 139 .200 100.490 S 4.8405 .422 190 .273 136.910 30 4-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. 1?>00 Velocity in Feet UQ Million C Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . D. Gallons per Min. Gallons ger 24 ours. K 16.0 3.3257 0.290 130 0.188 91.078 D 7138 .324 145 .210 101.710 L .6520 .319 143 .206 100.000 F .6750 .321 144 .207 100.640 S j.0245 .438 197 .283 137.600 K 17.0 3.4283 0.299 134 0.194 91.084 D .8281 .334 150 .216 101.710 L .7760 .329 148 .213 100.330 F .7941 .331 149 .214 100.800 8 5.2037 .454 204 .294 138.250 K 18.0 3.5280 0.308 138 0.199 91.092 D .9391 .344 155 .222 101.710 L .8980 .340 153 .220 - 100.650 F .9093 .341 153 .221 100.940 S 5.3785 .469 211 .303 138.870 K 19.0 3.6249 0.317 142 0.205 91.101 D 4.0470 .353 159 .228 101.710 L .0170 .351 157 .227 100.950 F .0205 .351 157 .227 101.040 S 5 . 5492 .484 217 .313 139.460 K 20.0 3.7194 0.325 146 0.210 91.107 D 4.1522 .362 163 .234 101.710 L .1330 .361 162 .233 101.230 F .1283 .360 162 .233 101 .120 8 5.7162 .499 224 .322 140.020 K 21.0 3.8116 0.332 149 0.215 91.113 D 4.2547 .371 167 .240 101.710 L .2460 .370 166 .240 101.510 F .2336 .369 166 .239 101.200 S 5.8796 .513 230 .332 140.550 K 22.0 3.9014 0.341 153 0.220 91.117 D 4.3548 .380 171 .246 101.710 L .3570 .381 171 .246 101.770 F .3367 .379 170 .245 101.280 S 6.0391 .527 237 .341 141.040 K 23.0 3.9894 0.348 156 0.225 91.123 D 4.4527 .389 175 .251 101.710 L .4660 .389 175 .252 102.020 F .4412 .388 174 .251 101.440 S 6.1971 .541 243 .350 141.550 K 24.0 4.0753 0.356 160 0.230 91.128 D .5484 .397 178 .257 101.710 L .5730 .399 179 .258 102.260 F .5404 .396 178 .256 101.520 S 6.3516 .554 249 .358 142.020 4-INCH PIPE 31 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet Uq Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . o. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 25.0 4.159 0.363 163 0.235 91.130 D .642 .405 182 .262 101.710 L .678 .408 183 .264 102.480 F .641 .405 182 .262 101.690 S - 6.503 .568 255 .367 142.480 K 30.0 4.558 0.398 179 0.257 91.149 D 5.085 .444 199 .287 101.710 L .176 .452 203 .292 103.520 F .109 .446 200 .288 102.180 S 7.226 .631 283 .408 144.520 K 40.0 5.264 0.460 207 0.297 91.170 D .872 .512 230 .331 101.710 L 6.072 .530 238 .343 105.170 F 5.958 .520 233 .336 103.190 S 8.533 .745 334 .481 147.800 K 50.0 5.886 0.514, 231 0.332 91.182 D 6 . 565 .573 257 .370 101.710 L .872 .600 269 .388 106.470 F .700 .584 2G2 .378 103.800 S 9.708 .847 380 .548 150.390 K 60.0 6.448 0.563 253 0.364 91.189 D 7.192 .628 282 .406 101.710 L .604 .664 297 .429 107.540 F .371 .643 289 .416 104.240 S 10.787 .941 426 .608 152.550 K 70.0 6.965 0.608 273 0.393 91.195 D 7.768 .678 305 .438 101.710 L 8.283 .723 325 .467 108.460 F 7.995 .698 313 .451 104.680 S 11.792 1.029 462 .665 154.400 K 80.0 7.447 0.650 292 0.420 91.199 D 8.304 .725 326 .468 101.710 L .921 .779 351 .504 109.260 F .574 .749 336 .484 105.240 S 12.739 1 .112 499 .718 156.010 K 90.0 7.899 0.690 310 0.446 91.206 D 8.808 .769 345 .497 101.710 L 9.523 .831 373 .537 109.970 F .144 .798 358 .517 105.580 S 13.636 1.190 534 .769 157.450 K 100.0 8.326 0.727 326 0.470 91.206 D 9.285 .810 364 . 524 101.710 L 10.097 .881 396 .570 110.600 F 9.663 .843 379 .545 105.850 S 14.492 1.265 568 .817 158.750 32 4-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Feet. Velocity in Feet per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. U. S. Gallons per Min. Million Gallons per 24 c Hours. K 150.0 10.198 0.890 399 0.575 91 .212 D 11.371 .992 445 .642 101.710 L 12.645 1.104 495 .713 113.100 F 11.982 .046 469 .676 107.170 S 18.320 .599 718 1.033 163.850 K 200.0 11.777 1.028 461 0.664 91.220 D 13.130 .146 515 .741 101.710 L 14.834 .295 581 .837 114.900 F 13.911 .214 545 .785 107.750 K 250.0 13.168 1.149 516 0.743 91 .228 D 14.680 .281 575 .828 101 .710 L 16.789 .465 657 .947 116.320 F 15.580 .360 610 .879 107.940 K 300.0 14.425 1.259 565 0.814 91 .228 D 16.081 .403 630 .907 101 .710 K 350.0 15.580 1.360 610 0.879 91 .228 6-INCH PIPE 33 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Velocity in Feet UQ Million C Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . b. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 0.10 0.2984 . 059 26 0.038 84.406 D .3720 .073 33 .047 105.290 L .2900 .057 26 .037 81.833 F .3290 .065 29 .042 92.980 S . .3328 .065 29 .042 94.115 K 0.12 0.3358 0.066 30 0.043 86.690 D .4080 .080 36 .052 105.290 L .3200 .063 28 .041 82.660 F .3610 .071 32 .046 93.110 S .3697 .073' 33 .047 95.464 K 0.15 0.3863 0.076 34 0.049 89.207 D .45*60 .090 40 .058 105.290 L .3630 .071 32 .046 83.680 F .4040 .079 36 .051 93.290 S .4206 .083 37 .053 97 . 143 K 0.20 .'4598 0.090 41 0.058 91.952 D .5270 .ioa 46 .067 105.290 L .4250 .084 38 .054 85.010 F .4680 .092 41 .059 93.610 S .4968 .098 44 .063 99.351 K 0.30 0.5821 0.115 51 0.074 95.048 D .6450 .127 57 .082 105.290 L ,5330 .105 47 .068 86.930 F .5830 .114 51 .074 95.200 S .6279 .123 55 .080 102.540 K 0.40 0.6839 0.134 60 0.087 96.712 D .7440 .146 66 .095 105.290 L .6250 .123 55 .079 88.320 F .6800 .133 60 .086 96.20 S .7415 .146 65 .094 104.86 K 0.50 6.7728 0.152 68 0.098 97.755 D .8330 .164 73 .106 105.290 L .7070 .139 62 .090 89.41 F .7630 .150 67 .097 96.48 S .8436 .166 74 .107 105.24 K 0.60 0.8528 0.172 75 0.108 98.472 D .9120 .179 80 .116 105.290 L .7820 .154 69 .099 90.29 F .8380 .165 74 .106 96.76 S .9374 .184 83 .119 108.24 K 0.70 0.9260 0.182 82 0.118 98.99 D .9850 .193 87 .125 105.29 L .8520 .171 75 .108 91.08 F .9064 .178 80 .115 96.90 S 1 .02 r O .201 90 .130 109.55 34 6-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Velocity in Feet UQ Million C Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . D. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 0.80 0.994 0.195 88 0.126 99.39 D 1.053 .207 93 .134 105.29 L 0.918 .180 81 .116 91.75 F .972 .191 86 .123 97.19 S 1.107 .217 98 .140 110.70 K 0.90 1.058 0.208 93 0.134 99.70 D .117 .219 98 .142 105.29 L 0.979 .192 86 .124 92.34 F 1.032 .203 91 .131 97.33 8 .185 .233 104 .150 111.72 K 1.0 1.118 0.220 98 0.142 99.95 D .172 .231 104 .149 105.29 L .038 .204 92 .132 92.88 F .091 .215 96 .139 97.62 8 .259 .247 111 .160 112.64 K 1.5 1.379 0.271 122 0.175 100.72 D .442 .283 127 .183 105.29 L .301 .255 115 .165 94.98 F .348 .265 119 .171 98.42 8 .592 .313 140 . 202 116.26 K 2.0 1.598 0.314 141 0.203 101.04 D .665 .327 147 .211 105.29 L .526 .299 135 .194 96.49 F .560 .306 138 .198 98.64 8 .883 .370 166 .239 119.06 K 3.0 1.966 0.386 173 0.249 101.51 D 2.039 .400 180 .259 105.29 L 1.911 .375 168 .243 98.67 F .926 .378 170 .245 99.48 8 2.377 .467 209 .302 122.72 K 4.0 2.274 0.447 200 0.289 101.70 D .355 .462 208 .299 105.29 L .242 .430 193 .284 100.24 F .242 .440 198 .284 100.24 8 .807 .551 247 .356 125.51 K 5.0 2.546 . 500 224 0.323 101.83 D .632 .517 232 .334 105.29 L .537 .498 224 .322 101 .48 F .520 .495 222 .320 100.80 8 3.193 .627 281 .405 127.72 K 6.0 2.791 . 548 246 0.354 101.91 D .884 .566 254 .366 105.29 L .808 . 552 248 .356 102.50 F .780 .546 245 .353 101 .53 8 3.548 .697 313 .450 129.55 6-INCH PIPE 35 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Velocity in Feet Ua Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . . Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 7.0 3.016 0.592 266 0.383 101.96 D .115 .612 275 .395 105.29 L .058 .601 270 .388 103.37 F .005 .590 264 .381 101.61 S .879 .762 342 .492 131.11 K 8.0 3.226 0.633 284 0.410 102.01 D .330 .654 294 .423 105.29 L .293 .647 290 .418 104.14 F .226 .633 284 .409 102.02 S 4.189 .823 369 .532 132.47 K 9.0 3.423 0.672 302 0.434 102.04 D .532 .694 311 .448 105.29 L .516 .691 310 .446 104.81 F .438 .674 302 .435 102.27 S 4.485 .881 395 .569 133.71 K 10.0 3.609 0.709 318 0.458 102.07 D .723 .731 328 .472 105.29 L .727 .732 329 .473 105.42 F .625 .712 319 .460 102.52 S 4.766 .936 420 .605 134.81 K 11.0 3.786 0.744 334 0.480 102.10 D .904 .767 344 .496 105.29 L .930 .772 346 .500 105.95 F .811 .749 336 .484 102.77 8 5.036 .989 444 .639 135.82 K 12.0 3.955 0.777 349 0.502 102.11 D 4.078 .801 359 .518 105.29 L .124 .810 364 .523 106.49 F 3.987 .783 351 .506 102.94 S 5.296 1.040 467 .672 136.74 K 13.0 4.117 0.809 363 0.523 102.13 D .245 .833 374 .539 105.29 L .312 .847 380 .547 106.96 F .160 .817 367 .528 103.19 S 5.547 1.089 489 .704 137.60 K 14.0 4.273 0.839 376 0.543 102.14 D .405 .865 389 .559 105.29 L .493 .882 396 .570 107.39 F .328 .849 381 .549 103.45 S 5.790 1.137 510 .735 138.40 K 15.0 4.423 0.868 390 0.561 102.15 D .559 .895 402 .579 105.29 L .668 .917' 412 .592 107.80 F .491 .882 396 .570 103.71 S 6.025 1.183 531 .765 139.15 36 6-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet Uq Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . D. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 16.0 4.569 0.897 403 0.580 102.16 D .709 .925 415 .598 105.29 L .838 .950 426 .614 108.18 F .646 .913 410 .590 103.89 S 6 . 254 1.228 551 .794 139.85 K 17.0 4.710 0.925 415 0.598 102.17 D .854 .953 428 .616 105.29 L 5.004 .983 441 .635 108.55 F 4.793 .941 422 .608 103.97 S 6.477 1.272 571 .822 140.51 K 18.0 4.847 0.952 427 0.615 102.17 D .994 .981 440 .634 105.29 L 5.165 1.014 455 .655 108.89 F 4.936 0.969 435 .626 104.06 S 6.695 1.315 590 .850 141.14 K 19.0 4.980 0.978 439 0.632 102.18 D 5.131 1.008 452 .651 105.29 L .322 .045 469 .675 109.21 F .076 0.997 447 .644 104.15 S 6.907 1.356 609 .876 141.72 K 20.0 5.110 1.006 451 . 650 102.19 D .265 .034 464 .668 105.29 L .476 .075 483 .695 109.52 F .212 .023 460 .661 104.24 S 7.115 .397 627 .903 142.30 K 21.0 5.236 1.028 462 0.665 102.20 D .395 .059 476 .685 105.29 L .626 .105 496 .714 109.81 F .345 .050 471 .678 104.33 S 7.319 .437 645 .929 142.85 K 22.0 5.360 1.052 473 0.680 102.20 D .522 .084 487 .701 105.29 L .773 .134 509 .733 110.09 F .476 .075 483 .695 104.41 S 7.538 .480 664 ^ .957 143.75 K 23.0 5.480 1.076 483 0.695 102.21 D .646 .109 497 .717 105.29 L .918 .162 522 .751 110.36 F .603 .100 494 .711 104.50 S 7.714 .515 680 .979 143.87 K 24.0 5.598 1.099 494 0.711 102.21 D .767 .132 509 .732 105.29 L 6.059 .190 534 .769 110.62 F 5.733 .126 505 .728 104.68 S 7.906 .552 .697 1.003 144.35 6-INCH PIPE 37 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet UQ Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . C5. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 25.0 5.714 1.122 504 0.725 102.22 D .886 .156 518 .747 105.29 L 6.198 .217 546 .786 110.87 F 5.857 .150 516 .743 104.76 S 8.095 .590 713 1.027 144.81 K 30.0 6.260 1.229 552 0.795 102.23 D .448 .266 568 .818 105.29 L .858 .347 604 .870 1 1 1 . 99 F .460 -.268 569 .820 105.49 S 8.995 .766 793 1.141 146.88 K 40.0 7.231 1.420 637 0.918 102.25 D .445 .462 656 .945 105.29 L 8.045 .580 709 1.021 113.77 F 7.531 .479 664 0.956 106.51 S 10.622 2.086 936 1.348 150.22 K 50.0 8.085 1.588 712 1.026 102.26 D .324 .635 734 .056 105.29 L 9.106 .788 803 .156 115.31 F 8.480 .665 747 .076 107.27 3 12.084 2.373 1065 .534 152.85 K 60.0 8.857 1.739 780 1.124 102.27 D 9.119 .790 804 .157 105.29 L 10.075 .978 888 .279 116.34 F 9.366 .839 825 .189 108.14 S 13.427 2.637 1183 .704 155.04 K 70.0 9.567 1.879 843 1.214 102.28 D .849 .934 868 .250 105.29 L 10.975 2.155 967 .393 117.33 F .125 1.988 892 .285 108.24 S 14.679 2.882 1294 .863 156.92 K 80.0 10.228 2.008 901 1.298 102.29 D .529 .067 928 .336 105.29 L 11.820 .321 1042 .500 118.20 F 10.864 .133 958 .379 108.63 S 15.862 3.115 1398 2.013 158.62 K 90.0 10.849 2.130 956 1.377 102.29 D 11 .168 .193 984 .417 105.29 L 12.618 .478 1112 .601 118.96 F 11.554 .269 1018 .466 108.94 K 100.0 11.437 2.251 1010 1.455 102.29 D .772 .312 1038 .494 105.29 L 13.378 .627 1179 .698 119.65 F 12.202 .396 1075 .549 109.14 K 150.0 14.008 2.750 1235 1.778 102.30 D .418 .831 1271 .830 1 05 . 29 L 16.754 3 290 1477 2.126 122.35 F 15.057 2.956 1327 1.911 109.95 K 200.0 16.176 3.176 1426 2.053 102.30 D .648 .269 1467 .113 105.29 38 8-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. fooo Velocity in Feet UQ Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . O. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 0.10 0.378 0.132 59 0.085 92.65 D .438 .153 69 .010 107.23 L .354 .123 55 .080 86.52 F .395 .138 62 .089 96.83 8 .387 .135 60 .087 94.76 K 0.12 0.425 0.148 66 0.096 94.94 D .480 .167 75 .108 107.23 L .391 .136 61 .088 87.40 F .434 .152 68 .098 97.04 3 .430 .150 67 .097 96.11 K 0.15 0.487 0.170 76 0.110 97.45 D .536 .187 84 .121 107.23 L .442 .155 69 .100 88.48 F .486 .170 76 .110 97.26 S .489 .170 77 .110 97.80 K 0.20 0.577 0.202 90 0.131 100.19 D .619 .216 97 .140 107.23 L .519 .181 81 .117 89.89 F .563 .197 88 .127 97 . 54 S .578 .202 90 .130 100.02 K 0.30 0.730 0.255 114 0.165 103.22 D .758 .265 119 .171 107.23 L .650 .227 102 .147 91.91 F .693 .242 109 .156 97.98 S .730 .255 114 .165 103.23 K 0.40 0.856 0.299 134 0.194 104.86 D .876 .306 137 .198 107.23 L .763 .266 120 .172 93.38 F .804 .281 126 .181 98.42 8 .862 .301 135 .195 105.58 K 0.50 0.967 0.338 152 0.218 105.87 D .979 .342 153 .221 107.23 L .863 .301 135 .195 94 . 53 F .901 .315 141 .203 98.72 8 .981 .342 154 .221 107.44 K 0.60 1.066 0.372 167 0.241 106.57 D .072 .374 168 .241 107.23 L 0.955 .333 150 .215 95 . 50 F .991 .345 155 .224 99.10 S 1.090 .380 171 .246 108.97 K 0.70 1.157 0.404 181 0.261 107.08 D .158 .404 181 .261 107.23 L .040 .363 163 .235 96.30 F .072 .375 168 .242 99.25 S .191 .416 187 .269 110.27 8-INCH PIPE 39 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet Uo Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . o. Gallons per Min. Gallons Ssr 24 ours. K 0.80 1.241 0.433 194 0.280 107.42 D .238 .432 194 .279 107.23 L .120 .391 175 .253 97.01 F . .149 .401 180 .259 99.48 S .287 .449 202 .290 111.45 K 0.90 1.320 0.461 207 0.298 107.78 D .313 .459 206 .296 107.23 L .196 .417 187 .270 97.64 F .220 .426 191 .275 99.63 S .378 .481 216 .311 112.48 K 1.00 1.394 0.487 219 0.315 108.02 D .385 .484 215 .312 107.23 L .268 .443 199 .286 98.20 F .290 .450 202 .291 99.94 S .146 .511 229 .330 113.67 K 1.50 1.720 0.600 269 0.388 108.76 D .696 .592 266 .383 107.23 L .588 .554 249 .358 100.42 F .594 .557 250 .360 100.80 S .185 .646 290 .418 117.05 K 2.0 1.992 0.696 312 0.450 109.09 D .958 .684 307 .442 107.23 L .863 .651 292 .420 102.02 F .846 .645 290 .417 101.12 S 2.186 .763 342 .493 119.71 K 3.0 2.450 0.855 384 . 553 109.53 D .398 .837 376 .541 107.23 L .333 .814 365 .526 104.32 F .285 .797 358 .512 102.18 S .763 .965 433 .623 123.56 K 4.0 2.833 0.989 444 0.640 109.72 D .769 .967 434 .625 107.23 L .737 .956 429 .617 105.98 F .660 .928 417 .600 103.02 S 3.263 1.139 511 .736 126.36 K 5.0 3.171 1.107 497 0.716 109.84 D .096 .081 485 .698 107.23 L .098 .081 486 .699 107.29 F 2.989 .043 468 .674 T03.54 S 3.712 .296 582 .838 128.59 K 6.0 3.476 1.214 545 0.784 109.92 D .391 .184 531 .765 107.23 L .428 .197 537 .773 108.38 F .288 .148 515 .742 103.97 S 4.125 .440 646 .931 130.43 40 8-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Feet. Velocity in Feet per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. U. S. Gallons per Min. Million Gallons per 24 Hours. c K 7.0 3.765 1.314 590 0.849 109.95 D .663 .279 574 .826 107.23 L .734 .303 585 .842 109.30 F .561 .243 558 .803 104.24 S 4.509 .574 706 1 .017 132.00 K 8.0 4.017 1.402 630 0.907 110.01 D 3.916 .367 614 .884 107.23 L 4.021 .404 630 .907 110.11 F 3.819 .333 598 .862 104.59 S 4.871 .700 763 1 .099 133.39 K 9.0 4.263 1.488 668 0.962 110.05 D .154 .450 651 .937 107.23 L .292 .498 672 .968 110.82 F .058 .417 636 .916 104.76 S 5.214 .820 817 1.176 134.62 K 10.0 4.494 1.569 704 1.014 110.07 D .378 .528 686 0.988 107.23 L .551 .585 713 1 .027 111.46 F .285 .496 671 0.967 104.95 S 5.542 .935 868 1.250 135.73 K 11.0 4.714 1.646 739 1.064 110.10 D .592 .603 719 .036 107.23 L .798 .675 752 .083 112.05 F .506 . 573 706 .016 105.22 S 5.856 2.044 917 .321 136.74 K 12.0 4.923 1.719 772 1.111 110.12 D .796 .674 751 .082 107.23 L 5.036 .799 808 .163 112.59 F 4.728 .650 741 .067 105.70 S 6.158 2.149 965 .389 137.67 K 13.0 5.127 1.790 822 1.184 110.13 D 4.992 .743 782 .126 107.23 L 5.264 .838 825 .188 113.07 F 4.932 .722 773 .113 105.95 S 6.449 2.251 1010 .455 138.53 K 14.0 5.321 1.857 833 1 .228 110.14 D .180 .808 813 .171 107.23 L .485 .915 860 .238 113.54 F .132 .791 804 .158 106.23 S 6.732 2.350 1055 .519 139.34 K 15.0 5 . 508 1.923 863 1 .243 110.15 D .362 .872 840 .210 107.23 L .699 .989 893 .286 113.98 F .317 .856 833 .199 10.6.32 S 7.006 2 . 445 1098 .581 140.10 8-INCH PIPE 41 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet TT Ct Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet > per Sec. U . O. Gallons per Min. Gallons ger 24 ours. K 16.0 5.689 1.986 892 1.284 110.16 D .538 .933 868 .249 107.23 L .907 2.062 926 .333 114.38 F .496 1.918 861 .240 106.42 S 7.272 2.538 1139 .641 140.80 K 17.0 5 . 865 2.047 919 1.323 110.17 D .709 1.993 894 .288 107.23 L 6.110 2.133 957 .378 114.77 F 5.675 1.981 889 .280 106.60 S 7.531 2.629 1180 .699 141.47 K 18.0 6.035 2.107 945 1.362 110.17 D 5.874 .050 920 .325 107.23 L 6.306 .201 988 .423 115.13 F 5.850 .042 917 .320 106.79 S 7.763 .710 1216 .751 141.72 K 19.0 6.201 2.165 972 1.399 110.19 D .035 .106 945 .362 107.23 L .499 .268 1018 .466 115.47 F .021 .102 943 .358 106.98 S 8.031 .803 1258 .812 142.70 K 20.0 6.363 2.221 997 1.436 110.19 D .192 .161 970 .397 107.23 L .686 .334 1048 .508 115.80 F .188 .160 969 .396 107.17 S 8.273 .888 1296 .866 143.28 K 21.0 6 . 520 2.276 1022 1.471 110.20 D .345 .215 994 .431 107.23 L .870 .398 1076 .550 116.11 F .352 .217 995 .433 107.36 S 8.521 .974 1335 .922 144.01 K 22.0 6.674 2.330 1046 1 . 506 110.20 D .494 .267 1017 .465 107.23 L 7.049 .461 1104 .590 116.40 F 6 . 508 .272 1020 .468 107.46 S 8.741 3.051 1370 .972 144.34 K 23.0 6.824 2.382 1069 1.540 110.21 D .640 .318 1040 .498 107.23 L 7.225 .522 1132 .630 116.69 F 6.660 .325 1043 .501 107.56 S 8.969 3.131 1405 2.023 144.85 K 24.0 6.971 2.433 1092 1 . 573 110.21 D .783 .368 1062 .530 107.23 L 7.398 .582 1159 .669 116.96 F 6.809 .377 1067 .536 107.66 S 9.192 3.209 1440 2.074 145.33 42 8-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Velocity in Feet Uo Million .c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . O. Gallons per Min. Gallons BBF 24 ours. K 25.0 7.115 2.484 1115 1.605 110.21 D 6.923 .417 1085 .562 107.23 L 7.568 .642 1186 .707 117.23 F 6.962 .430 1091 .570 107.84 S 9.412 3.285 1475 2.123 145.79 K 30.0 7.795 2.721 1221 1.759 110.23 D .583 .647 1188 .711 107.23 L 8.373 .923 1312 .889 118.40 F 7.676 .679 1203 .732 108.53 S 10.458 3.651 1638 2.359 147.88 K 40.0 9.003 3.143 1411 2.031 110.25 D 8.756 .057 1372 1.976 107.23 L 9.823 .429 1539 2.216 120.30 F 8.929 .117 1399 .014 109.34 S 12.350 4.311 1935 .786 151 .24 K 50.0 10.066 3.514 1577 2.271 110.26 D 9.790 .471 1534 .209 107.23 L 11.118 .881 1742 .508 121.78 F 10.057 .511 1576 .269 110.16 S 14.050 4.904 2201 3.170 153.90 K 60.0 11.027 3.849 1728 2.488 110.27 D 10.724 .744 1680 .414 107.23 L 12.302 4.294 1927 .774 123.02 F 11 .058 3.860 1733 .495 110.58 S 15.611 5.449 2446 3.522 156.11 K 70.0 11.912 4.158 1866 2.687 110.27 D .584 .044 1815 .613 107.23 L 13.401 .678 2100 3.023 124.05 F 11.991 .186 1879 2 . 705 111.01 K 80.0 12.736 4.446 1995 2.873 110.28 D .383 .323 1940 .794 107.23 L 14.432 5.038 2261 3.256 124.97 F 12.855 4.488 2014 2.900 111.32 K 90.0 13.508 4.715 2116 3.048 110.28 D .134 .585 2058 2.963 107.23 L 15.406 5.378 2414 3.476 1 25 . 78 F 13.675 4.774 2143 .085 111.65 K 100.0 14.239 4.970 2231 3.212 110.28 D 13.845 .835 2154 .124 107.23 F 14.443 5.042 2263 .259 111.86 K 150.0 17.441 6.088 2739 3.944 110.30 D 16.957 5.915 2657 .826 107.23 F 17.741 6.193 2780 4 . 003 112.19 10-INCH PIPE 43 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- Tiula. 1000 Feet. Velocity in Feet per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. U. S. Gallons per Min. Million Gallons per 24 Hours. c K 0.10 0.453 0.247 Ill 0.160 99.24 D .495 .270 121 .175 108.45 L .413 .225 101 .145 90.37 F .449 .245 110 .158 98.42 S .441 .240 108 .155 96.52 K 0.12 0.508 0.277 124 0.179 101.51 D .542 .296 133 .191 108.45 L .457 .249 112 .161 91.28 F .494 .269 120 .174 98.64 S .489 .267 120 .173 97.90 K 0.15 0.581 0.317 142 0.205 103.98 D .606 .331 148 .214 108.45 L .517 .282 127 .182 92.39 F .553 .301 135 .195 98.78 S .557 .304 136 .196 99.62 K 0.20 0.689 0.376 169 0.243 106.72 D .700 .382 171 .247 108.45 L .606 .331 149 .214 93.88 F .641 .349 157 .226 99.24 S .658 .359 161 .232 101.89 K 0.30 0.867 0.473 212 0.306 109.63 D .857 .468 210 .302 108.45 L .759 .414 186 .268 96.00 F .786 .429 193 .277 99.41 S .831 .453 203 .293 105.16 K 0.40 1.015 0.554 249 0.358 111.22 D 0.990 .540 242 .349 108.45 L .890 .486 218 .314 97.53 F .913 .497 223 .322 99.94 S .982 .535 240 .346 107.53 K 0.50 1.145 0.625 280 0.404 112.22 D .107 .604 271 .390 108.45 L ,008 .550 247 .355 98.73 F .023 .558 251 .361 100.25 8 .117 .609 273 .394 109.44 K 0.60 1.262 0.688 309 0.445 112.89 D .212 .661 297 .427 108.45 L .115 .609 273 .393 99.73 F .125 .788 276 .397 100.64 S .241 .677 304 .437 111.01 K 0.70 1.369 0.747 335 0.483 113.39 D .310 .714 321 .462 108.45 L .214 .663 298 .428 100.57 F .218 .665 298 .429 100.88 S .357 .740 332 .478 112.34 44 10-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Velocity in Feet UQ Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . o. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 0.80 1.469 0.801 360 0.518 113.77 D .400 .764 343 .494 108.45 L .308 .714 320 .461 101.32 F .306 .712 319 .461 101.20 S .465 .799 359 .516 113.52 K 0.90 1.562 0.852 382 0.551 114.06 D .485 .810 364 .523 108.45 L .396 .762 341 .492 101.97 F .389 .758 340 .490 101 .44 S .569 .856 384 .553 114.57 K 1.0 1 . 650 0.900 404 0.581 114.30 D .565 .854 383 .552 108.45 L .480 .808 363 .522 102.57 F .466 .800 359 .517 101.58 S .667 .909 408 .588 115.49 K 1.5 2.033 1.109 498 0.717 115.02 D 1.935 .046 469 .676 108.45 L .854 .011 454 .654 104.88 F .809 0.987 443 .638 102.35 S 2.108 1.150 516 .743 119.23 K 2.0 2 . 354 1.284 576 0.830 115.33 D .214 .207 542 .780 108.45 L .175 .186 533 .767 106.55 F .105 .148 515 .742 103.11 3 .489 .358 609 .877 121.94 K 3.0 2.894 1.578 708 1 .020 115.75 D .711 .479 664 0.956 108.45 L .724 .486 666 .960 108.96 F .606 .421 638 .919 104.23 S 3 . 105 .693 760 1.094 124.19 K 4.0 3.347 1.825 819 1.180 115.94 D .130 .707 766 .104 108.45 L .195 .743 782 .126 110.69 F .029 .652 742 .068 104.95 S .716 2.027 910 .310 128.72 K 5.0 3.745 2.043 917 1.320 116.05 D .500 1.909 857 .234 108.45 L .616 .973 886 .275 112.06 F .410 .860 835 .202 105.67 S 4.227 2.305 1035 .490 130.98 K 6.0 4.106 2.239 1005 1.451 116.13 D 3.834 .091 939 .351 108.45 L 4.001 .182 980 .411 113.19 F 3 . 755 .051 919 .324 106.23 S 4.697 .562 1150 .656 132.85 10-INCH PIPE 45 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet UQ Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . b. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 7.0 4.438 2.420 1086 1.564 116.18 D .141 .259 1014 .460 108.45 L .359 .377 1067 .537 114.15 F .063 .216 995 .432 106.42 S 5.134 .800 1257 .810 134.46 K 8.0 4.744 2.588 1161 1.672 116.22 D .427 .415 1084 .561 108.45 L .694 .560. 1149 .655 115.00 F .359 .378 1067 .537 106.79 S 5.567 3.037 1363 .963 136.38 K 9.0 5.034 2.745 1232 1.774 116.26 D 4.696 .561 1150 .655 108.45 L 5.011 .733 1227 .767 115.74 F 4.632 .526 1134 .633 106.98 S 5.937 3.238 1453 2.093 137.12 K 10.0 5.307 2.894 1299 1.871 116.28 D 4.950 ' .700 . 1212 .745 108.45 L 5.313 .898 1301 .873 116.42 F 4.896 .670 1199 .726 107.27 S 6.310 3.442 1545 2.224 138.26 K 11.0 5.567 3.036 1363 1.962 116.30 D .191 2.831 1271 .830 108.45 L .602 3 . 055 1371 .975 117.03 F .144 2 . 805 1259 .813 107.45 S 6.667 -3.637 1632 2.350 139.29 K 12.0 5.815 3.172 1424 2 . 050 116.32 D .422 2.957 1327 1.911 108.45 L .878 3.207 1439 2.072 117.59 F .387 2.938 1319 1.900 107.75 S 7.011 3.824 1716 2.472 140.23 K 13.0 6.054 3.309 1482 2.134 116.33 D 5.643 .078 1382 1.989 108.45 L 6.146 .352 1505 2.167 118.11 F 5.617 .064 1375 1.980 107.94 S 7.343 4 . 005 1798 2.589 141.12 K 14.0 6.283 3.427 1538 2.215 116.35 D 5 . 856 .194 1434 .064 108.45 L 6.404 .493 1568 .258 118.59 F 5 . 852 .192 1433 .063 108.24 S 7 . 665 4.181 1876 .702 141.93 K 15.0 6 . 504 3 . 550 1592 2 . 293 116.36 D .062 .306 1484 .137 108.45 L .654 .629 1629 .346 119.04 F .056 .303 1482 .135 108.34 S 7.976 4.351 1953 .812 142.70 46 10-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet UQ Million C Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . o. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 16.0 6.718 3.664 1645 2.368 116.37 D .261 .415 1533 .207 108.45 L .897 .762 1688 .431 119.46 F .266 .418 1534 .209 108.53 8 8.280 4.516 2027 .919 143.42 K 17.0 6.925 3.777 1695 2.441 116.38 D .453 .520 1580 .275 108.45 L 7.133 .890 1746 .514 119.86 F 6.468 .528 1584 .280 108.70 S 8.575 4.677 2099 3.023 144.10 K 18.0 7.126 3.887 1744 2.512 116.38 D 6.641 .622 1629 .346 108.45 L 7.363 4.016 1802 .595 120.24 F 6.664 3.635 1631 .349 108.84 3 8.863 4.834 2170 3.124 144.74 K 19.0 7.322 3.993 1792 2.581 116.39 D 6.822 .721 1670 .405 108.45 L 7.587 4.138 1857 .674 120.60 F 6.853 3.738 1678 .416 108.93 S 9.144 4.988 2239 3.224 145.36 K 20.0 7.512 4.097 1839 8.648 116.39 D 7.000 3.818 1714 .467 108.45 L 7.806 4.257 1911 .752 120.94 F .044 3.842 1724 .483 109.14 8 9.420 5.138 2306 3.321 145.94 K 21.0 7.698 4.199 1885 2.714 116.40 D .173 3.912 1756 .528 108.45 L 8.020 4.374 1963 .827 121.26 F 7.225 3.941 1769 .547 109.24 8 9.689 5.285 2372 3.416 146.49 K 22.0 7.880 4.298 1929 2.778 116.40 D .341 .004 1797 .588 108.45 L 8.230 .489 2015 .901 121.27 F 7.409 .041 1814 .612 109.44 8 9.953 5.429 2437 3.509 147.03 K 23.0 8.057 4 . 395 1972 2.840 116.40 D 7 . 506 .094 1838 .646 108.45 L 8.436 .601 2065 .973 121.87 F 7 . 589 .139 1858 .675 109.65 8 10.212 5.570 2500 3.600 147.54 K 24.0 8.231 4.489 2015 2.901 116.41 D 7.668 .182 1877 .703 108.45 L 8.637 .711 2114 3.045 122.16 F 7.760 .229 1900 2.735 109.75 S 10.466 5.709 2562 3.690 148.03 10-INCH PIPE 47 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Velocity in Feet Uo Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . O. Gallons per Min. G all D us per 24 Hours. K 25.0 8.401 4.582 2057 2.961 116.42 D 7.826 .268 1916 .759 108.45 L 8.835 .819 2163 3.114 122.43 F 7.935 .328 1942 2.797 109.96 S 10.716 5.845 2623 3.778 148.50 K 30.0 9.204 5.020 2253 3.244 116.43 D 8.573 4.676 2099 .022 108.45 L 9.775 5.332 2393 .446 123.66 F 8.733 4.763 2138 .079 110.48 8 11.907 6.495 2915 4.198 150.63 K 40.0 10.630 5.798 2602 3.747 116.45 D 9.899 .399 2423 .490 108.45 L 11.468 6.255 2807 4 043 125.64 F 10.201 5.564 2497 3.596 111.76 S 14.061 7.669 3442 4.957 154.05 K 50.0 11.885 6.482 2910 4.190 116.46 D 11.068 .036 . 2709 3.901 108.45 L 12.980 7.080 3178 4.576 127.19 F 11.449 6.245 2803 .036 112.19 S 15.997 8.725 3916 5.639 156.76 K 60.0 13.020 7.101 3187 4.590 116.47 D 12.124 6.613 2968 .274 108.45 L 14.362 7.833 3516 5.063 128.47 K 70.0 14.064 7.671 3664 4 . 958 116.48 D 13.096 .143 3206 .616 108.45 L 15.645 8.533 3830 5.515 129.56 K 80.0 15.036 8.201 3681 5.300 116.48 D 14.000 7.636 3427 4.935 108.45 D 90.0 14.849 8.099 3635 5.234 108.45 D 100.0 15.652 8.537 3832 5.517 108.45 48 12-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Velocity in Feet UQ Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per See. . o. Gallons per Miii. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 0.10 0.524 0.411 185 0.266 104.87 D .546 .429 193 .277 109.28 L .468 .368 165 .238 93.61 F .499 .392 176 . 254 99.87 8 .486 .382 171 .247 97.27 K 0.12 0.587 0.461 207 0.298 106.99 D .599 .470 211 .304 109.28 L .518 .407 183 .263 94.56 F .548 .431 193 .278 100.09 S .540 .424 190 .274 98.66 K 0.15 0.670 0.526 236 0.340 109.42 D .669 .526 236 .340 109.28 L .587 .461 207 .298 95.73 F .615 .483 216 .312 100.33 S .615 .483 216 .312 100.39 K 0.20 0.792 0.624 280 0.403 112.05 D .773 .607 272 .392 109.28 L .688 .540 242 .349 97 . 25 F .712 .559 251 .362 100.70 S .726 .570 256 .369 102.67 K 0.30 0.998 0.783 352 . 506 115.19 D .946 .743 334 .480 109.28 L .861 .677 304 .437 99.45 F .878 .689 310 .446 101 37 S .918 .721 324 .466 105.97 K 0.40 1 .165 0.915 410 0.591 116.47 D .093 .858 385 .555 109.28 L .010 .794 356 .513 101 .03 F .019 .800 359 .517 101 .85 S .084 .851 382 .550 108.38 K 0.50 1.313 1.031 463 0.666 117.42 D .222 0.960 431 .620 109.28 L .144 .898 403 .581 102 .28 F .142 .897 402 .580 102.10 S .233 .968 435 .626 110.28 K 0.60 1.446 1.136 510 0.734 118.08 D .337 .051 472 .679 109.28 L .266 0.994 446 .642 103.31 F .255 .985 442 .637 102.43 S .370 1.076 483 .695 111.86 K 0.70 1 . 568 1.232 553 0.796 118.56 D .446 .136 510 .734 109.28 L .378 .083 486 .700 104.19 F .360 .068 479 .690 102.77 S .498 .176 528 .760 113.22 12-INCH PIPE 49 DlC^HARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Velocity in Feet Uq Million C Feet. per Sec. Co. Feet per Sec. . D. Gallons per Min. Gallons gBF 24 ours. K 0.80 1.682 1.321 593 0.854 118.92 D .546 .214 545 .785 109.28 L .484 .166 523 .754 104.96 F .456 .143 513 .739 102.94 S .618 .271 571 .821 114.40 K 0.90 1.788 1.404 630 0.908 119.21 D .639 .287 578 .832 109.28 L .585 .245 559 .806 105.64 F .549 .217 546 .786 103.28 S ,732 .360 610 .879 115.46 K 1.0 1.888 1.483 666 0.958 119.44 D .728 .357 609 .878 109.28 L .680 .320 592 .853 106.25 F .634 .284 576 .830 103.36 S .841 .446 649 .934 116.41 K 1.5 2.326 1.827 820 1.180 120.13 D .116 .662 746 .074 109.28 L .104 .652 ' 742 .068 108.65 F .017 .584 711 .024 104.15 S .327 .828 820 .181 120.16 K 2.0 2.694 2.116 950 1.367 120.48 D .444 1.919 862 .240 109.28 L .468 .939 870 .253 110.38 F .339 .837 825 .187 104.59 S .750 2.160 969 .396 122.97 K 3.0 3.309 2.599 1167 1.680 120.84 D 2.993 . .351 1055 .519 109.28 L 3.091 .428 1090 .569 112.95 F 2.907 .283 1025 .475 105.99 S 3.474 .728 1224 .763 126.83 K 4.0 3.827 3.006 1349 1.943 121 .01 D ,456 2.714 1218 .754 109.28 L .626 .848 1278 .841 114.67 F .380 .655 1192 .716 106.89 S 4.102 3.222 1446 2.082 129.71 K 5.0 4.283 3.364 1510 2.174 121 .13 D 3.864 .035 1362 1.961 109.28 L 4.104 .224 1447 2.083 116.09 F 3.806 2.989 1342 1.932 107.66 S 4.667 3 . 665 1645 2.369 131.99 K 6.0 4.694 3.687 1655 2.383 121 .19 D .213 .309 1485 .139 109.28 L .541 .567 1600 .305 116.99 F .184 .287 1475 .124 108.05 S 5.185 4.073 1828 .632 133.88 50 13-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Velocity in Feet UQJ Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . O. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 7.0 5.072 3.984 1790 2.575 121.25 D 4.572 .591 1612 .320 109.28 L .947 .885 1744 .511 118.26 F .536 .563 1599 .303 108.44 S 5.669 4.452 1998 .878 135.51 K 8.0 5.424 4.260 1910 2.754 121 .29 D 4.887 3.839 1723 .481 109.28 L 5.328 4.184 1878 .704 119.13 F 4.863 3.819 1710 .463 108.74 S 6.124 4.810 2159 3.109 136.93 K 9.0 5.755 4.520 2029 2.921 121.32 D .184 .071 1827 .631 109.28 L .687 .467 2005 .887 119.90 F .172 .062 1823 .625 109.04 8 6.555 5.148 2311 3.327 138.19 K 10.0 6.067 4.765 2139 3.080 121 .35 D 5.464 .292 1926 2.774 109.28 L 6.030 .736 2175 3.061 120.60 F 5.462 .290 1925 2.773 109.24 S 6.967 5.472 2456 3.363 139.33 K 11.0 6.364 4.999 2244 3.231 121.36 D 5.731 .501 2020 2.909 109.28 L 6.357 .993 2241 3.227 121.23 F 5.745 .512 2025 2.916 109.55 8 7.361 5.781 2595 3.737 140.37 K 12.0 6.648 5 . 222 2344 3.375 121.38 D 5.986 4.701 2110 .038 109.28 L 6.672 5.240 2352 .387 121.81 F 6.025 4.732 2124 .058 109.75 S 7.741 6.080 2729 .929 141.32 K 13.0 6.921 5.435 2440 3.513 121.40 D .930 4.893 2196 .163 109.28 L .975 5.478 2459 .541 122.35 F .255 4.913 2205 .175 109.85 8 8.107 6.367 2858 4.115 142.21 K 14.0 7.182 5.641 2532 3.646 121.41 D 6.465 .078 2279 .282 109.28 L 7.268 .710 2562 .689 122.85 F 6.511 .114 1 2295 .305 110.06 8 8.462 6.646 2983 4.296 143.04 K 15.0 7.435 5.840 2621 3.774 121 .42 D 6.693 6.256 2359 .397 109.28 L 7.552 .931 2662 .833 123.32 F 6.752 .303 2380 .428 110.27 S 8.807 6.917 3104 4.470 143.81 13-INCH PIPE 51 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet UCJ Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . 0. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 16.0 7.680 6.032 2707 3.898 121.43 D 6.911 5.429 2437 .509 109.28 L 7.827 6.147 2759 .973 123.75 F 6.987 5.488 2463 .547 110.48 S 9.141 7.180 3222 4.640 144.54 K 17.0 7.916 6.218 2791 4.018 121.43 D .125 5.596 2511 3.616 109.28 L 8.095 6.358 2854 4.109 124.17 F 7.209 5.662 2541 3 . 659 110.58 S 9.467 7.436 3337 4.806 145.22 K 18.0 8.146 6.398 2872 4.135 121.44 D 7.331 5.758 2584 3.721 109.28 L 8.356 6.563 2946 4.242 124.56 F 7.432 5.837 2620 3.773 110.79 S 9.785 7.685 3449 4.967 145.87 K 19.0 8.370 6.574 2951 4.249 121.45 D 7.532 5.915 2655 3.823 109.28 L 8.610 6.763 " 3035 4.371 124.93 F 7.643 6.003 2694 3.880 110.89 S 10.096 7.929 3559 5.125 146.49 K 20.0 8.588 6.745 3027 4.359 121.45 D 7.728 .069 2724 3.923 109.28 L 8.859 .958 3123 4.497 125.28 F 7.849 .165 2767 3.984 111.01 S 10.400 7.929 3559 5.125 147.07 K 21.0 8.800 6.912 3102 4.467 121.46 D 7.919 .219 2791 .020 109.28 L 9.102 7.149 3209 .620 125.62 F 8.058 6.329 2841 .091 111.22 3 10.697 8.402 3771 5.430 147.63 K 22.0 9.009 7.075 3175 4.572 121.46 D 8.105 6.365 2857 .114 109.28 L 9.340 7.336 3292 .741 125.94 F 8.257 6.484 2910 .191 111.32 S 10.989 8.631 3874 5.578 148.17 K 23.0 9.210 7.234 3247 4.675 121.46 D 8.287 6.508 2921 .207 109.28 L 9.574 7.519 3375 .860 126.25 F 8.458 6.643 2982 .293 111.54 S 11.275 8.855 3975 5.723 148.69 K 24.0 9.409 7.390 3317 4.776 121.46 D 8.465 6.648 2984 .297 109.28 L 9.802 7.699 3455 .942 126.55 F 8.648 6.792 3049 .390 111 .65 S 11.555 9.076 4074 5.866 149.18 52 13-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Velocity in Feet Uq Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . o. Gallons per Min. Gallons ger 24 ours. K 25.0 9.604 7.543 3385 4.897 121.46 D 8.640 6.786 3046 .386 109.28 L 10.027 7.875 3535 5.090 126.83 F 8.844 6.946 3118 4.489 111 .86 S 11.831 9.293 4171 6.006 149.66 K 30.0 10.521 8.263 3709 5.341 121.49 D 9.464 7.432 3336 4.803 109.28 L 11.094 8.714 3911 5.632 128.11 F 9.724 7.637 3428 4.936 112.28 S 13.147 10.325 4634 6.673 151.80 K 40.0 12.151 9 . 543 4283 6.168 121.51 D 10.928 8 . 583 3852 5 . 547 109.28 L 13.015 10.460 4695 6.761 130.15 F 1 1 . 308 8.881 3986 5.740 113.08 S 15.525 12.193 5473 7.880 155.25 K 50.0 13.586 10.671 4789 6.818 121 .52 D 12.218 9.596 4307 .202 109.28 L 14.731x 1 1 . 570 5193 7.478 131.76 F 12.707 9.980 4479 6.450 113.65 K 60.0 14.883 11 .689 5247 7.555 121 .52 D 13.376 10.512 4718 6.794 109.28 L 16.300 12.802 5746 8.274 133.09 F 13.975 10.976 4926 7.094 114.11 K 70.0 16.077 12.624 5667 8.161 121.53 D 14.457 11.355 5096 7.339 109.28 F 15.110 .867 5327 .670 114.22 D 80.0 15.456 12.139 5448 7.845 109.28 14-INCH PIPE 53 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Velocity in Feet UQ Million C Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . 0. Gallons per Min. Gallons ger 24 ours. K 0.10 0.615 0.657 295 0.425 111.02 D .594 .635 285 .410 109.89 L .521 .557 250 .360 96.45 F .548 .586 263 .379 101.45 S .530 .567 255 .366 98.12 K 0.12 0.661 0.706 317 0.457 111.68 D .650 .695 312 .449 109.89 L .576 .616 276 .398 97.43 F .601 .642 289 .415 101.61 S .589 .629 283 .407 99.52 K 0.15 0.754 0.806 362 0.521 114.04 D .727 .777 349 .502 109.89 L .652 .698 313 .451 98.63 F .674 .721 323 .466 101.86 S .670 .716 322 .463 101.27 K 0.20 0.891 0.953 428 0.616 116.66 D .839 .897 403 .580 109.89 L .765 .818- 367 .529 100.20 F .781 .835 375 .540 102.25 S .791 .846 380 .547 103.57 K 0.30 1.117 1.194 536 0.772 119.40 D .028 .099 494 .710 . 109.89 L 0.959 .025 460 .662 102.46 F .961 .028 461 .664 102.77 S 1.000 .069 480 .691 106.90 K 0.40 1.306 1.396 627 0.902 120.92 D .187 .269 570 .820 109.89 L .124 .202 539 .777 104.09 F .118 .195 536 .772 103.45 S .181 .262 567 .816 109.33 K 0.50 1.471 1.573 706 1.016 121.81 D .327 .419 637 0.917 109.89 L .273 .360 610 .879 105.38 F .255 .341 602 .867 103.88 S .344 .436 645 .928 111.24 K 0.60 1.620 1.732 111 1.119 122.45 D .454 .554 698 .005 109.89 L .408 .506 676 0.973 106.44 F .379 .474 662 .953 104.24 S .493 .596 717 1.031 112.84 K 0.70 1.756 1.878 843 1.213 122.91 D .570 .679 754 .085 109.89 L .534 .640 736 .060 107.34 F .495 .598 717 .033 104.59 S .632 .745 783 .128 114.21 54 14-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet UQ Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . 0. Gallons per Min. Gallons ger 24 ours. K 0.80 1.883 2.013 904 1.301 123.26 D .679 1.795 806 .160 109.89 L .652 .766 794 .141 108.14 F .602 .712 769 .107 104.86 S .763 .885 846 .218 115.40 K 0.90 2.006 2.140 960 1.383 123.54 D 1.781 1.903 854 .230 109.89 L .764 .885 846 .218 108.84 F .700 .818 816 .175 104.95 3 .887 2.017 905 .304 116.47 K 1.0 2.114 2.260 1014 1.460 123.75 D 1.877 .006 901 .297 109.89 L .870 1.999 897 .292 109.47 F .795 .919 862 .241 105.13 S 2.006 2.144 962 .386 117.43 K 1.5 2.603 2.782 1248 1.798 124.42 D .299 .457 1103 .588 109.89 L .342 .503 1124 .618 111.94 F .220 .373 1065 .534 106.13 S .535 .710 1216 .752 121.21 K 2.0 3.013 3.222 1446 2.082 124.76 D 2.654 2.837 1274 1.834 109.89 L .747 .936 1318 .898 113.72 F .582 .760 1239 .784 106.89 S .994 3.201 1437 2.069 123.95 K 3.0 3.701 3.956 1776 2.563 125.11 D .251 .475 1560 .246 109.89 L .440 .677 1651 .377 116.29 F .200 .421 1535 .211 108.17 S .785 4.046 1816 .615 127.94 K 4.0 4.279 4.575 2053 2.957 125.28 D 3.754 .013 1801 .594 109.89 L 4.036 .314 1936 .788 118.14 F 3.711 3.967 1780 .564 108.64 S 4.469 4.778 2144 3.088 130.84 K 5.0 4.788 5.119 2298 3.308 125.38 D .197 4.487 2014 2.900 109.89 L .568 .883 2192 3.156 119.61 F .176 .464 2003 2 . 885 109.34 S 5.085 5.436 2440 3.513 133.14 K 6.0 5.248 5.611 2518 3.626 125.45 D 4 . 597 4.915 2206 .176 109.89 L 5 . 054 5.403 2426 .492 120.82 F 4.591 4.908 2203 .172 109.75 S 5.650 6.040 2711 .904 135.05 14-INCH PIPE 55 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet Uo Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . ft. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 7.0 5.660 6.063 2721 3.918 125.50 D 4.966 6.308 2383 .431 109.89 L 5.506 .885 2642 .804 121.56 F 4.978 .321 2388 .439 110.16 8 6.177 6.603 2964 4.267 136.69 K 8.0 6.064 6.483 2910 4.190 125.54 D 5.309 5.675 2547 3.668 109.89 L .929 6.338 2845 4.097 122.74 F .342 5.710 2563 3.691 110.58 S 6.672 7.133 3201 4.610 138.12 K 9.0 6.434 6.878 3087 4.445 125.57 D 5.631 .019 2702 3.890 109.89 L 6.330 .766 3037 4.373 123.54 F 5.682 .074 2720 3.926 110.90 3 7.142 7.635 3427 4.935 139.39 K 10.0 6.783 7.251 3255 4.687 125.59 D 5.935 6.345 2848 .101 109.89 L 6.711 7.174 3220 .637 124 25 F .007 6.421 2882 .150 111.22 S 7.591 8.115 3642 5.245 140.54 K 11.0 7.115 7.606 3414 4.916 125.61 D 6.225 6.654 2987 .301 109.89 L 7.075 7.564 3395 .888 124.91 F 6.312 6.747 3029 .361 111.43 3 8.020 8.573 3848 5.541 141.58 K 12.0 7.433 7.946 3566 5.135 125.63 D 6.502 6.950 3119 4.492 109.89 L 7.425 7.938 3563 5.130 125.22 F 6.612 .068 3172 4.568 111.76 S 8.434 9.016 4047 5.827 142.57 K 13.0 7.755 8.271 3712 5.346 125.64 D 6.767 7.234 3247 4.676 109.89 L 7.763 8.298 3725 5.363 126.06 F 6.895 7.371 3308 4.764 111.97 3 8.834 9.443 4238 6.103 143.45 K 14.0 8.029 8.584 3853 5.548 125.65 D 7.023 7.507 3369 4.852 109.89 L 8.089 8.647 3881 5.588 126.57 F 7.169 7.664 3440 4.953 112.19 S 9.220 9.857 4424 6.370 144.29 K 15.0 8.312 8.886 3988 5.743 125.66 D 7.269 7.771 3488 .022 109.89 L 8.404 8.984 4032 .807 127.05 F 7.427 7.940 3564 .131 112.28 S 9.595 10.257 4604 6.630 145.06 56 14-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Velocity in Feet UQ Million C Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . 0. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 16.0 8.585 9.178 4119 5.932 125.67 D 7.507 8.025 3602 .187 109.89 L 8.711 9.312 4180 6.018 127.51 F 7.702 8.234 3696 5.322 112.75 S 9.960 10.525 4779 6.882 145.79 K 17.0 8 . 850 9.461 4246 6.115 125.68 D 7.738 8.272 3713 5.347 109.89 L 9.009 9.631 4323 6.224 127.93 F 7.955 8 . 504 3817 5.496 112.97 a 10.315 11.027 4949 7.127 146.49 K 18.0 9.107 9.736 4370 6.293 125.68 D 7.963 8.512 3821 5.502 109.89 L 9.299 9.941 4462 6.425 128.34 F 8.202 8.768 3935 5 . 667 113.19 8 10.662 11.397 5116 7.366 147.14 K 19.0 9.357 10.003 4490 6.465 125.69 D 8.181 8.744 3925 5 . 652 109.89 L 9.583 10.243 4598 6.621 128.72 F 8.435 9.017 4047 5.828 113.31 S 11.000 11.759 5278 7.600 147.76 K 20.0 9.601 10.264 4607 6.633 125.70 D 8.394 8.973 4018 5-. 786 109.89 L 9.859 10.539 4730 6.812 129.08 F 8.672 9.270 4161 5.991 113.53 S 11.331 12.113 5437 7.829 148.35 K 21.0 9.838 10.517 4721 6.797 125.70 D 8.601 9.194 4127 5 . 942 109.89 L 10.130 10.829 4860 6.999 129.43 F 8.886 9.499 4263 .139 113.53 S 11.655 12.460 5592 8.053 148.92 K 22.0 10.070 10.765 4832 6.958 125.71 D 8.803 9.411 4224 .082 109.89 L 10.395 11.112 4987 7.182 129.76 F 9.104 9.732 4368 6.290 113.65 S 11.973 12.799 5745 8.272 149.46 K 23.0 10.297 11.008 4941 7.114 125.71 D 9.001 9.622 4319 6.219 109.89 L 10.654 11.389 5112 7.361 130.08 F 9.318 9.961 4471 6.438 113.76 S 12.285 13.132 5894 8.488 149.99 K 24.0 10.519 11.245 5047 7.268 125.72 D 9.195 9.829 4412 6.353 109.89 L 10.909 11.662 5234 7.537 130.35 F 9.528 10.185 4571 6.583 113.88 S 12.591 13.460 6041 8.699 150.49 14-INCH PIPE 57 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet Cu. Feet UQJ Million C Feet. per Sec. per Sec. . o. Gallons Gallons per Min. Ser 24 ours. K 25.0 10.736 11.477 5151 7.418 125.72 D 9.384 10.032 4503 6.484 109.89 L 11 .159 11.929 5354 7.710 130.68 F 9.734 10.406 4671 6.725 113.99 S 12.891 13.781 . 6185 8.907 150.96 K 30.0 11 .762 12.573 5646 8.126 125.73 D 10.280 10.989 4932 7.103 109.89 L 12.347 13.199 5924 8.531 131.99 F 10.557 11.286 5065 7.294 112.85 S 14.324 15.312 6873 9.897 153.13 K 40.0 13.583 14.520 6517 9.385 125.75 D 11.870 12.689 5695 8.201 109.89 L 14.485 15.484 6950 10.007 134.10 F 12.263 13.110 5884 8.473 113.53 S 16.916 18.083 8116 11.687 156.60 K 50.0 15.188 16.236 7287 10.493 125.76 D 13.271 14.187 6368 9.169 109.89 L 16.394 17.526 7866 11.327 135.75 F 13.766 14.716 6605 9.511 113.99 D 60.0 14.538 15.541 6975 10.045 109.89 F 15.111 16.154 7250 .440 114.22 D 70.0 15.703 16.787 7534 10.849 109.89 58 16-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Feet. Velocity in Feet per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. U. S. Gallons per Min. Million Gallons Bar 24 ours. C K 0.10 0.656 0.916 411 0.592 113.63 D .673 .890 399 .575 110.36 L .572 .797 359 .516 98.99 F .598 .834 374 .539 103.48 S .572 .798 359 .516 99.04 K 0.12 0.732 1.022 459 0.660 115.76 D .698 0.974 437 .630 110.36 L .632 .883 397 .571 99.98 F .655 .914 411 .591 103.54 S .635 .887 399 .573 100.46 K 0.15 0.835 1.166 523 0.753 118.06 D .780 .090 489 .704 110.36 L .716 0.999 448 .646 101.22 F .734 1.025 460 .662 103.80 8 .723 .009 453 .652 102.22 K 0.20 0.984 1.374 617 0.888 120.55 D .901 .258 565 .813 110.36 L .840 .174 527 .758 102.83 F .850 .187 533 .767 104.15 S .854 .192 535 .770 104.54 K 0.30 1.233 1.721 772 1.112 123.26 D .104 .541 691 0.996 110.36 L .052 .468 659 .949 105.15 F .050 .465 658 .947 104.95 S .079 .507 677 .974 107.90 K 0.40 1.440 2.011 902 1.299 124.70 D .274 1.779 798 .150 110.36 L .233 .722 773 .113 106.83 F .218 .701 763 .099 105.49 S .274 .779 799 .150 110.35 K 0.50 1.596 2.264 1016 1.463 125.61 D .425 1.989 893 .316 110.36 L .396 .949 874 .260 108.15 F .368 .910 857 .234 105.95 8 .450 2.024 909 .308 112.29 K 0.60 1.785 2.492 1119 1.611 126.21 D .561 .179 978 .408 110.36 L .545 .158 969 .394 109.24 F .502 .098 941 .356 106.23 8 .611 .249 1010 .454 113.90 K 0.70 1.935 2.701 1212 1.746 126.65 D .686 .354 1056 .521 110.36 L .683 .350 1055 .519 110.27 F .628 .274 1021 .470 106.60 S .761 .459 1104 .589 115.28 16-INCH PIPE 59 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet UG Million Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . D. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 0.80 2.074 2.895 1300 1.871 126.99 D 1.802 .516 1129 .626 110.36 L .812 .531 1136 .635 110.98 F .745 .437 1094 .575 106.89 S .902 .656 1-192 .717 116.49 K 0.90 2.204 3.078 1381 1.989 127.26 D 1.911 2.669 1198 .725 110.36 L .935 .701 1212 .746 111.70 F .853 .587 1161 .672 106.95 S 2.036 .843 1276 .838 117.56 K 1.0 2.327 3.249 1458 2.100 127.47 D .015 2.813 1263 1.818 110.36 L .051 .864 1286 .851 112.35 F .957 .732 1226 .766 107.17 S .164 3.021 1356 .953 118.53 K 1.5 2.865 4.000 1795 2.585 128.11 D .468 3.446 1547 .227 110.36 L .569 .587 1609 .318 114.88 F .407 .361 1509 .172 107.66 S .736 .820 1714 .469 122.34 K 2.0 3.316 4.630 2078 2.993 128.44 D 2.849 3.978 1786 .571 110.36 L 3.014 4.208 1889 .720 116.71 F 2.813 3.9X8 1759 .532 108.94 S 3.231 4.511 2025 .915 125.12 K 3.0 4.072 5.685 2552 3.675 128.76 D 3.490 4.873 2187 .085 110.36 L .774 5.270 2365 .406 119.34 F .487 4.868 2185 .146 110.26 S 4.084 5.702 2559 .685 129.14 K 4.0 4.708 6.574 2950 4.249 128.94 D .030 5.627 2525 3.637 110.36 L .427 6.182 2775 .995 121.25 F .046 5.649 2535 .651 110.79 S .823 6.734 3022 4.352 132.07 K 5.0 5.269 7.355 3301 4.754 129.03 D 4.505 6.291 2 23 .066 110.36 L 5.011 .997 3141 .522 122.75 F 4.545 .346 2848 .101 111.32 S 5.487 7.661 3438 4.951 134.40 K 6.0 5.774 8.062 3619 5.211 129.11 D 4.935 6.891 3093 4.454 110.36 L 5.546 7.742 3475 5.004 124.85 F 4.998 6.978 3132 4.510 111.76 S 6.097 8.510 3820 5.500 136.32 60 16-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Velocity in Feet Uc Million C Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . J5. Gallons per Min. Gallons eer 24 ours. K 7.0 6.238 8.711 3910 5.630 129.15 D 5.331 7.443 3341 4.811 110.36 L 6.040 8.434 3785 5.451 125.04 F 5.419 7.567 3396 4.891 112.19 8 6.665 9.306 4177 6.014 137.97 K 8.0 6.671 9.315 4181 6.020 129.19 D 5.699 7 . 957 3571 5.143 110.36 L 6.505 9.082 4076 .870 125.96 F 5.805 8.105 3638 .239 112.41 S 7.200 10.052 4512 6.497 139.42 K 9.0 7.077 9.882 4435 6.387 129.21 D 6.045 8.440 3788 5.455 110.36 L .944 9.696 4352 6.267 126.78 F .175 8.622 3870 5 . 573 112.75 S 7.707 10.760 4830 6.955 140.70 K 10.0 7.461 10.418 4676 6.733 129.24 D 6.371 8.896 3993 5 . 750 110.36 L 7.362 10.280 4656 6.644 127.52 F 6.515 9.096 4083 5.879 112.84 S 8.191 11.436 5133 7.391 141.86 K 11.0 7.826 10.928 4905 7.063 129.25 D 6.682 9.330 4188 6.030 110.36 L 7.762 10.838 4865 7.005 128.19 F 6.854 9.570 4295 6.185 113.19 3 8.655 12.084 5424 7.810 142.92 K 12.0 8.176 11.416 5124 7.378 129.27 D 6.980 9.745 4374 6.299 110.36 L 8.146 11.374 5105 7.351 128.81 F 7.180 10.026 4500 6.480 113.53 S 9.101 12.707 5703 8.213 143.90 K 13.0 8.510 11.883 5333 7.680 129.28 D 7.265 10.143 4553 6.556 110.36 L 8.516 11.891 5337 7.685 129.37 F 7.495 10.464 4697 6.763 113.85 S 9.532 13.309 5974 8.602 144.80 K 14.0 8.832 12.332 5535 7.970 129.29 D 7.539 10.526 4724 6.803 110.36 L 8.874 12.390 5561 8.008 129.90 F 7.811 10.906 4895 7.049 114.34 S 9.949 13.891 6235 8.978 145.63 K 15.0 9.143 12.766 5730 8.251 129.30 D 7.804 10.921 4890 7.044 110.36 L 9.220 12.874 5778 8.321 130.39 F 8.085 11.289 5067 7.296 114.34 S 10.354 14.457 6489 9.344 146.42 16-INCH PIPE 61 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet UQ Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . . . Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 16.0 9.443 13.186 5918 8.522 129.31 D 8.059 11.253 5051 7.273 110.36 L 9.557 13.343 5989 8.624 130.86 F 8.359 11.671 5238 7.543 114.46 S 10.747 15.006 6735 9.699 147.17 K 17.0 9.734 13.591 6100 8.784 129.31 D 8.307 11.599 5206 7.497 110.36 L 9.884 13.800 6194 8.919 131.29 F 8.624 12.042 5405 7.783 114.57 S 11.130 15.541 6975 10.044 147.86 K 18.0 10.018 13.987 6278 9.040 129.32 D 8.548 11.935 5357 7.714 110.36 L 10.202 14.245 6394 9.207 131.71 F 8.892 12.415 5572 8.024 114.69 S 11.504 16.063 7210 10.382 148.52 K 19.0 10.293 14.371 6450 9.288 129.33 D 8.783 12.263 5504 7.926 110.36 L 10.513 14.679 6588 9.487 132.10 F 9.137 12.757 5726 8.245 114.81 S 11.869 16.573 7439 10.711 149.15 K 20.0 10.560 14.745 6618 9 . 530 129.34 D 9.011 12.581 5647 8.131 110.36 L 10.816 15.103 6778 9.761 132.47 F 9.383 13.102 5880 8.468 114.93 S 12.227 17.072 7663 11.034 149.75 K 21.0 10.821 15.109 6781 9.765 129.34 D 9.233 12.892 5786 8.332 110.36 L 11.113 15.517 6965 10.026 132.83 F 9.625 13.439 6032 8.686 115.04 S 12.582 17.567 7885 11.354 150.38 K 22.0 11.077 15.466 6941 9.995 129.34 D 9.450 13.195 5923 8.528 110.36 " L 11.404 15.923 7147 10.291 133.17 F 9.862 13.769 6180 8.899 115.16 S 12.920 18.039 8097 11.659 150.87 K 23.0 11.325 15.814 7098 10.220 129.35 D 9.663 13.492 6056 8.720 110.36 L 11 .689 16.321 7325 10.548 133.49 F 10.094 14.094 6326 9.109 115.28 S 13.256 18.509 8307 11.964 151.39 K 24.0 11 .570 16.154 7250 10.441 129.35 D 9.871 13.782 6186 8.907 110.36 L 11 .968 16.711 7500 10.800 133.81 F 10.321 14.412 6468 9.314 115.40 S 13.586 18.970 8514 12.260 151.90 62 16-INCH PIPE For- mula. Fall per 1000 Feet. Mean Velocity in Feet per Sec. DISCHARGE. C Cu. Feet per Sec. U. S. Gallons per Min. Million Gallons 6er 24 ours. K D L F S 25.0 11.808 10.074 12.242 10.546 13.910 16.488 14.066 17.094 14.724 19.423 7400 6313 7672 6609 8718 10.656 9.091 11.048 9.516 12.553 129.35 110.36 134.11 115.52 152.38 K D L F S 30.0 12.937 11.036 13.546 11.612 15.456 18.063 15.409 18.914 16.213 21.581 8107 6916 8489 7277 9686 11.674 9.959 12.224 10.479 13.948 129.37 110.36 135.46 116.12 154.56 K D L F 40.0 14.940 12.743 15.891 13.451 20.861 17.793 22.188 18.762 9363 7986 9959 8430 13.482 1 1 . 500 14.340 12.139 129.39 110.36 137.62 116.49 K D F 50.0 16.705 14.247 15.070 23.325 19.893 21.043 10469 8929 9445 15.075 12.857 13.600 129.40 110.36 116.73 D 60.0 15.607 21.296 9781 14.084 110.36 18-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet Ua Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . o. Gallons per Min. Gallons Ser 24 ours. K 0.10 0.720 1.272 571 0.822 117.53 D .678 .198 538 .774 110.72 L .620 .096 492 .708 101.27 F .645 .139 511 .736 105.21 S .609 .076 483 .693 99.41 K 0.12 0.802 1.417 636 0.915 110.52 D .743 .313 589 .848 110.72 L .687 .213 544 .784 102.29 F .707 .249 561 .808 105.40 S .676 .194 536 .773 100.83 K 0.15 0.912 1.612 723 1.042 121.62 D .831 .467 659 0.949 110.72 L .777 .373 616 .887 103.56 F .793 .401 629 .905 105.67 S .770 .360 610 .879 102.60 K 0.20 1.074 1.898 852 1.227 124.03 D 0.959 .695 759 .095 110.72 L .911 .610 722 .041 105.21 F .919 .623 728 .049 106.04 S .909 .606 721 .038 104.93 K 0.30 1.346 2.374 1065 1.534 126.66 D .174 .075 931 .341 110.72 L .141 .017 905 .303 107.58 F .132 .000 898 .293 106.70 S .149 .030 911 .312 108.31 K 0.40 1.568 2.772 1244 1.791 128.07 D .356 .396 1076 .549 110.72 L .339 .366 1062 .529 109.30 F .313 .320 1041 .499 107.17 S .357 .398 1076 .549 110.76 K 0.50 1.765 3.120 1400 2.016 128.92 D .516 2.679 1203 1.732 110 72 L .515 .678 1202 .730 110 65 F .474 .605 1169 .684 107.66 S .543 .727 1224 .763 112.71 K 0.60 1.943 3.433 1541 2.219 129.52 D .661 2.935 1317 1.897 110.72 L .673 .963 1330 .915 111.76 F .619 .861 1284 .849 107.95 S .715 3.031 1360 .959 114.32 K 0.70 2.105 3.720 1670 2.404 129.94 D 1.794 .170 1423 .049 110.72 L .826 .227 1448 .086 112.71 F .754 .099 1391 .003 108.24 S .875 .313 1487 .141 115.71 64 18-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Velocity in Feet Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. U. S. Gallons per Min. Gallons Ser 24 ours. K 0.80 2.256 3.987 1790 2.577 130.26 D 1.918 .389 1521 .190 110.72 L .967 .476 1560 .246 113.55 F .882 .325 1492 .149 108.64 S 2.025 .579 1606 .313 116.92 K 0.90 2.398 4.237 1902 2.738 130.51 D .034 3.594 1613 .323 110.72 L .100 .710 1665 .398 114.28 F 1.998 .530 1584 .282 108.74 S 2.168 .831 1719 .476 118.00 K 1.0 2.531 4.473 2008 2.891 130.72 D .144 3.789 1701 .449 110.72 L .226 .934 1766 .542 114.95 F .108 .724 1672 .407 108.84 S .304 4.072 1827 .631 118.97 K 1.5 3.115 5.505" 2471 3.558 131.35 D 2.626 4.641 2083 2.999 110.72 L .788 .926 2211 3.184 117.54 F .605 .604 2067 2.976 109.86 S .913 5.147 2310 3.326 122.80 K 2.0 3.614 6.386 2866 4.127 131.96 D .032 5.358 2405 3.463 110.72 L .270 .779 2594 .735 119.42 F .037 .367 2409 .469 110.90 S .439 6.078 2728 .928 125.59 K 3.0 4.426 7.822 3511 5.055 131.97 D 3.714 6.563 2945 4.241 110.72 L 4.096 7.238 3248 .678 122.11 F 3 . 752 6.630 2976 .285 111.86 S 4.348 7.683 3448 .967 129.63 K 4.0 5.118 9.064 4068 5.858 132.13 D 4.288 7 . 578 3401 4.898 110.72 L .805 8.490 3811 5.487 124.05 F .358 7.701 3457 4.977 112.53 S 5.134 9.073 4072 5.864 132.57 K 5.0 5.726 10.118 4541 6.539 132.23 D 4.794 8.472 3803 5.476 110.72 L 5.438 9.610 4313 6.211 125.58 F 4.902 8.662 3888 5.598 113.19 S 5.841 10.322 4633 6.671 134.90 K 6.0 6.275 11.089 4977 7.167 132.29 D 5.252 9.281 4166 5.985 110.72 L 6.017 10.633 4773 6.872 126.85 F 5.391 9.526 4276 .157 113.65 S 6.491 11.469 5148 7.413 136.83 18-INCH PIPE 65 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet UQ Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . o. Gallons per Min. Gallons ger 24 ours. K 7.0 6.780 11.982 5377 7.742 132.34 D 5.673 10.024 4499 6.479 110.72 L 6.555 11.583 5199 7.486 127.93 F 5.833 10.308 4627 6.662 113.85 S 7.039 12.439- 5583 8.039 137.38 K 8.0 7.251 12.813 5751 8.281 132.37 D 6.064 10.717 4810 6.926 110.72 L 7.059 12.303 5599 8.062 128.87 F 6.256 11.056 4962 7.146 114.22 S 7.665 13.544 6079 8.754 139.93 K 9.0 7.692 13.592 6101 8.785 132.40 D 6.432 11.367 5102 7.346 110.72 L 7.536 13.316 5977 8.607 129.71 F 6.649 11.750 5274 7.594 114.45 S 8.205 14.499 6507 9.371 141.23 K 10.0 8.109 14.330 6432 9.262 132.42 D 6.780 11.981 5378 7.744 110.72 L 7.990 14.118 6337 9.124 130.46 F .023 12.411 5570 8.021 114.69 S 8.720 15.409 6916 9.959 142.39 K 11.0 8.506 15.031 6746 9.715 132.44 D 7.111 12.566 5640 8.122 110.72 L 8.423 14.885 6682 9.621 131.15 F 7.381 13.043 5854 8.430 114.93 S 9.214 16.282 7309 10.523 143.46 K 12.0 8.885 15.702 7047 10.148 132.46 D 7.427 13.125 5891 8.483 110.72 L 8.840 15.622 7012 10.096 131.78 F 7 . 725 13.651 6127 8.823 115.16 S 9.689 17.122 7685 11.066 144.43 K 13.0 9.249 16.344 7336 10.564 132.47 D 7.731 13.661 6131 8.829 110.72 L 9.242 16.332 7330 10.555 132.36 F 8 . 057 14.238 6391 9.202 115.40 S 10.147 17.932 8049 11.590 145.34 K 14.0 9 . 599 16.962 7613 10.963 132.47 D 8.022 14.176 6363 9.163 110.72 L 9 . 630 17.017 7638 10.998 132.90 F 8.388 14.822 6652 9.580 115.76 S 10.592 18.718 8401 12.097 146.18 K 15.0 9.936 17.559 7881 11.349 132.48 D 8.304 14.674 6586 9.484 110.72 L 10.006 17.681 7936 11.428 133.41 F 8.651 15.358 6893 9.926 115.88 S 11.025 19.483 8744 12.592 147.00 66 18-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet UQ Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . C5. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hoursr K 16.0 10.263 18.135 8,140 11.721 132.49 D 8.596 15.190 6,818 9.818 110.72 L 10.371 18.326 8,225 1 1 . 844 133.89 F 8.985 15.878 7,127 10.262 116.00 S 11.442 20.219 9,073 13.065 147.71 K 17.0 10.579 18.695 8,391 12.083 132.50 D 8.840 15.622 7,011 10.096 110.72 L 10.725 18.953 8,507 12.250 134.33 F 9.272 16.384 7,354 10.590 116.12 S 11.850 20.941 9,399 13.534 148.41 K 18.0 10.887 19.238 8,634 12.434 132.50 D 9.096 16.074 7,215 10.389 110.72 L 11.071 19.564 8,781 12.645 134.76 F 9.561 16.895 7,583 10.919 116.37 S 12.248 21.644 9,715 13.989 149.08 K 19.0 11.185 19.766 8,872 12.775 132.51 D 9.346 16.515 7,413 10.674 110.72 L 11.408 20.161 9,049 13.030 135.15 F 9.833 17.376 7,799 11.230 116.49 S 12.637 22.331 10,023 14.433 149.70 K 20.0 11.476 20.280 9,102 13.107 132.52 D 9 . 588 16.944 7,605 10.951 110.72 L 11.738 20.742 9,310 13.406 135.54 F 10.099 17.846 8,010 1 1 . 534 116.61 S 13.017 23.003 10,324 14.867 150.31 K 21.0 11.760 20.782 9,327 13.431 132.52 D 9.825 17.362 7,793 11 .222 110.72 L 12.060 21.312 9,565 13.774 135.90 F 10.359 18.302 8,215 11.829 116.74 S 13.389 23.661 10,619 15.292 150.88 K 22.0 12.037 21.272 9,547 13.748 132.53 D 10.046 17.771 7,976 11.486 110.72 L 12.375 21.869 9,815 14.134 136.25 F 10.603 18.733 8,408 12.107 116.74 S 13.754 24.306 10,909 15.709 151.43 K 23.0 12.308 21.750 9,762 14.057 132.53 D 10.283 18.171 8,156 11.744 110.72 L 12.684 22.416 10,061 14.487 136.59 F 10.853 19.178 8,608 12.395 116.86 S 14.115 24.944 11,195 16.121 151.99 K 24.0 12.573 22.218 9,972 14.360 132.33 D 10.504 18.562 8,331 11.997 110.72 L 12.988 22.951 10,301 14.834 136.91 F 11.086 19.591 8,793 12.661 116.86 S 14.464 25.560 11,472 16.520 152.46 18-INCH PIPE 67 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Velocity in Feet Ua Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . 0. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 25.0 12.833 22.677 10,178 14.657 132.54 D 10.720 18.944 8,503 12.244 110.72 L 13.285 23.478 10,538 15.173 137.21 F 11.327 20.016 8,984 12.937 116.98 S 14.809 26.170 11,746 16.914 152.95 K 30.0 14.059 24 . 844 11,151 16.057 132.55 D 11.744 20.752 9,314 13.412 110.72 L 14.700 25.977 11,659 16.789 138.59 F 12.448 21.997 9,873 14.217 117.35 S 16.455 29.079 13,052 18.794 155.14 K 40.0 16.236 28.691 12,877 18.543 132.57 D 13.560 23.963 10,755 15.487 110.72 L 17.245 30.474 13,678 19.696 140.80 F 14.435 25.509 11,449 16.487 117.86 D 50.0 15.161 26.792 12,025 17.316 110.72 F 16.174 28.583 12,829 18.473 118.12 68 30-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet UQ Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . h. Gallons per Min. Gallons ger 24 ours. K 0.10 0.778 1.698 762 1.098 120.59 D .717 .563 702 .010 111.01 L .668 .456 653 0.941 103.36 F .690 .505 675 .973 106.89 S .648 .413 634 .913 100.34 K 0.12 0.867 1.892 849 1.223 122.62 D .785 .713 769 ' .107 111.01 L .739 .611 723 .041 104.41 F .757 .652 741 .068 107.08 S .720 .570 705 .015 101.77 K 0.15 0.987 2.153 966 1.391 124.80 D .878 1.915 860 .238 111.01 L .836 .823 818 .178 105.69 F .849 .852 831 .197 107.36 S .819 .786 802 .154 103.56 K 0.20 1.177 2.567 1152 1.659 127.14 D .013 .211 992 .429 111.01 L .980 .139 960 .382 107.38 F .983 .144 963 .386 107.66 S .967 .109 947 .363 105.91 K 0.30 1.450 3.163 1420 2.044 129.38 D .241 2.708 1215 1.750 111.01 L .228 .678 1202 .731 109.80 F .210 .640 1185 .706 108.24 S .222 .667 1197 .723 109.32 K 0.40 1.692 3.691 1656 2.385 131.03 D .433 .127 1403 .021 111.01 L .440 .142 1410 .031 111.55 F .404 .063 1375 1.979 108.74 S .443 .149 1413 2.035 111.80 K 0.50 1.903 4.152 1864 2.684 131.86 D .602 3.496 1569 .259 111.01 L .630 .556 1633 .352 112.93 F .577 .440 1544 .213 109.24 S .642 .582 1608 .315 113.76 K 0.60 2.094 4.568 2050 2.953 132.43 D 1.755 3.830 1719 .475 111.01 L .804 .935 1766 .543 114.06 F .731 .775 1695 .440 109.44 S .824 .980 1786 .572 115.62 K 0.70 2.269 4.996 2222 3.199 132.84 D 1.896 .136 1857 2.673 111.01 L .965 .286 1924 .770 115.04 F .874 .089 1835 .643 109.73 S .995 .353 1954 .813 116.83 20-INCH PIPE 69 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Velocity in Feet Ucj Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . o. Gallons per Min. Gallons Ber 24 ours. K 0.80 2.431 5.304 2381 3.428 133.15 D .027 4.422 1985 2.858 111.01 L .116 .616 2072 .984 115.89 F .013 .392 1971 .839 110.27 S .155 .701 2110 3.038 118.01 K 0.90 2.583 5.636 2530 3.643 133.40 D .150 4.690 2105 .031 111.01 L .259 .928 2212 .185 116.64 F .141 .672 2097 .020 110.58 S .307 5.032 2259 .252 119.11 K 1.0 2.727 5.950 2670 3.845 133.60 D .266 4.944 2219 .195 111.01 L .395 5.225 2345 .377 117.32 F .262 4.934 2215 .189 110.79 S .451 5.348 2400 .456 120.09 K 1.5 3.355 7.320 3285 4.742 134.20 D 2.775 6.055 2718 3.913 111.01 L .999 .543 2937 4.229 119.96 F .776 .055 2718 .913 111.01 S 3.099 .760 3034 .369 123.95 K 2.0 3.883 8.471 3802 5.475 134.50 D .205 6.992 3138 4.519 111.01 L .518 7.676 3445 .961 121.87 F .255 .101 3187 .589 112.74 S .659 .983 3583 5.160 126.76 K 3.0 4.766 10.398 4667 6.720 134.80 D 3.925 8.563 3843 5.534 111.01 L 4.406 9.613 4315 6.213 124.62 F .018 8.766 3935 5.666 113.65 S .626 10.092 4530 6.523 130.83 K 4.0 5.511 12.029 5396 7.771 134.96 D 4.532 9.888 4458 6.390 111.01 L 5.169 11.277 5062 7.289 126.61 F 4.672 10.192 4574 6.587 114.43 S 5.463 11.918 5349 7.703 133.81 K 5.0 6.165 13.449 6036 8.692 135.05 D 5.067 11.055 4962 7.145 111.01 L .851 12.764 5729 8.250 128.17 F .240 11.432 5131 7.389 114.81 S 6.215 13.559 6085 8.763 136.15 K 6.0 6.756 14.739 6615 9.526 135.11 D 5.551 12.110 5435 7.827 111.01 L 6.474 14.123 6339 9.128 129.47 F 5.764 12.575 5644 8.128 115.28 S 6.906 15.066 6762 9.737 138.11 70 20-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet UQJ Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . 0. Gallons per Min. Gallons Ber 24 ours. K 7.0 7.470 16.296 7,314 10.532 135.16 D 5.995 13.080 5,871 8.454 111.01 L 7.052 15.382 6,905 9.943 130.57 F 6.252 13.639 6,122 8.815 115.76 S 7.549 16.469 7,392 10.644 139.78 K 8.0 7.805 17.029 7,643 11.006 135.19 D 6.409 13.983 6,276 9.038 111.01 L 7.594 16.568 7,436 10.708 131.54 F 6.713 14.612 6,558 9.444 116.00 3 8.155 17.791 7,985 11.498 141.24 K 9.0 8.280 18.065 8,108 11.676 135.22 D 6.782 14.831 6,657 9.586 111.01 L 8.107 17.687 7,939 11.431 132.39 F 7.126 15.547 6,978 10.048 116.37 S 8.729 19.044 8,547 12.308 142.54 K 10.0 8.730 19.045' 8,548 12.309 135.24 D 7.166 15.633 7,017 10.104 111.01 L 8.596 18.752 8,417 12.120 133.16 F 7.535 16.439 7,379 10.625 116.73 S 9.278 20.241 9,085 13.081 143.73 K 11.0 9.157 19.978 8,967 12.912 135.26 D 7.516 16.397 7,356 10.597 111.01 L 9.062 19.771 8,874 12.778 133.85 F 7.912 17.260 7,747 11.155 116.86 S 9.803 21.387 9,599 13.822 144.80 K 12.0 9.565 20.868 9,366 13.487 135.27 D 7.850 17.126 7,687 11.069 111.01 L 9.511 20.750 9,313 13.410 134.50 F 8.281 18.066 8,109 11.676 117.11 S 10.309 22.490 10,094 14.535 145.78 K 13.0 9.957 21.722 9,750 14.039 135.28 D 8.170 17.825 8,000 1 1 . 520 111.01 L 9.943 21.692 9,736 14.020 135.09 F 8.628 18.824 8,449 12.166 117.23 S 10.796 23.555 10,572 15.224 146.70 K 14.0 10.333 22.544 10,119 14.571 135.29 D 8.479 18.498 8,302 11 .966 111.01 L 10.360 22.603 10,144 14.608 135.65 F 8.973 19.576 8,786 12.652 117.48 S 11.270 24.586 11,035 15.890 147.55 K 15.0 10.697 23.337 10,474 15.083 135.30 D 8.776 19.147 8,594 12.375 111 .01 L 10.765 23.485 10,541 15.178 136.16 F 9.296 20.281 9,103 13.108 117.59 S 11.728 25.587 11,484 16.537 148.34 30-INCH PIPE 71 DlSCHABGB. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet UQ Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . >. Gallons per Min. Gallons ger 24 ours. K 16.0 11.048 24.103 10,818 15.578 135.31 D 9.064 19.775 8,876 12.781 111.01 L 11.157 24.342 10,925 15.732 136.65 F 9.613 20.973 9,413 13.555 117.74 S 12.157 26.559 11,920 17.165 149.09 K 17.0 11.388 24.846 11,151 16.058 135.31 D 9.343 20.384 9,149 13.174 111.01 L 11.539 25.174 11,299 16.270 137.11 F 9.920 21.642 9,713 13.987 117.86 S 12.608 27.506 12,345 17.777 149.80 K 18.0 11.719 25.568 11,476 16.525 135.32 D 9.614 20.975 9,414 13 .556 111.01 L 11.911 25.986 11,663 16.795 137.53 F 10.230 22.318 10,017 14.424 118.12 S 13.031 28.431 12,761 18.375 150.47 K 19.0 12.041 26.269 11,791 16.978 135.32 D 9.878 21.550 9,672 13.928 111.01 L 12.274 26.777 12,018 17.306 137.94 F 10.510 22.929 10,291 14.819 118.12 S 13.445 29.333 13,165 18.958 151.10 K 20.0 12.354 26.953 12,097 17.421 135.33 D 10.133 22.109 9,923 14.289 111.01 L 12.628 27.550 12,365 17.806 138.33 F 10.794 23.551 10,570 15.221 118.25 S 13.850 30.216 13,561 19.528 151.71 K 21.0 12.659 27.619 12,396 17.850 135.33 D 10.384 22.655 10,168 14.642 111.01 L 12.975 28.307 12,705 18.295 138.71 F 11.073 24.158 10,843 15.613 118.38 S 14.246 31.080 13,949 20.133 152.30 K 22.0 12.958 28.270 12,688 18.271 135.34 D 10.628 23.188 10,407 14.987 111.01 L 13.314 29.047 13,037 18.773 139.06 F 11.334 24.727 11,098 15.981 118.38 S 14.634 31.927 14,329 20.634 152.84 K 23.0 13.250 28.906 12,974 18.682 135.34 D 10.867 23.709 10,641 15.324 111.01 L 13.647 29.773 13,363 19.242 139.40 F 11.601 25.310 11,360 16.358 118.51 S ' 15.015 32.758 14,702 21.171 153.38 K 24.0 13.534 29.529 13,253 19.085 135.35 D 11.101 24.220 10,870 15.653 111.01 L 13.973 30.485 13,682 19.702 139.73 F 11.823 25.854 11,604 16.710 118.51 72 30-INCH PIPE For- mula. Fall per 1000 Feet. Mean Velocity in Feet per Sec. DISCHARGE. C Cu. Feet per Sec. U. S. Gallons per Min. Million Gallons Ber 24 ours. K D L F 25.0 13.814 11.330 14.293 12.108 30.138 24.719 31.183 26.416 13,527 11,094 13,996 11,856 19.479 15.976 20.154 17.073 135.35 111.01 140.04 118.64 K D L F 30.0 15.134 12.412 15.815 13.308 33.017 27.078 34.503 29.033 14,819 12,153 15,486 13,031 21.339 17.501 22.295 18.764 135.36 111.01 141.45 119.02 D F 40.0 14.332 15.418 31.267 33.636 14,033 15,097 20.208 21.734 111.01 119.42 D 50.0 16.023 34.958 15,690 22.954 111.01 23-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet UQ Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . 0. Gallons per Min. Gallons ger 24 ours. K 0.10 0.836 2.208 991 1.427 123.57 D .753 1.988 8P2 .285 111.26 L .713 .882 845 .216 105.30 F .735 .940 870 .254 108.54 S .682 .800 808 .163 100.71 K 0.12 0.931 2.402 1078 1.517 125.54 D .825 .178 978 .408 111.26 L .788 .082 935 .346 106.37 F .805 .125 954 .373 108.54 S .758 .000 898 .293 102.16 K 0.15 1.058 2.794 1254 1.806 127.66 D 0.922 .435 1093 .574 111.26 L .893 .357 1058 .523 107.68 F .903 .384 1070 .541 108.94 S .862 .275 1021 .470 103.95 K 0.20 1.244 3.284 1474 2.122 129.94 D .065 2.812 1262 1.817 111.26 L .047 .765 1241 .787 109.40 F .045 .695 1210 .742 109.14 S .018 .687 1206 .736 106.09 K 0.30 1.542 4.069 1827 2.626 132.39 D .304 3.444 1545 .226 111.26 L .312 .462 1554 .238 111.86 F .286 .394 1523 .193 109.65 S .287 .396 1524 .195 109.73 K 0.40 1.814 4.789 2150 3.095 134.00 D .506 3.976 1785 2.570 111.26 L .539 4.062 1823 .625 113.65 F .494 3.945 1771 .550 110.37 S .519 4.010 1800 .592 112.21 K 0.50 2.036 5.373 2412 3.474 134.50 D 1.684 4.446 1995 2.873 111.26 L .742 .597 2063 .971 115.05 F .682 .440 1993 .870 111.11 S .729 .563 2048 .949 114.19 K 0.60 2.239 5.911 2653 3.821 135.05 D 1 . 845 4.870 2186 .148 111.26 L .927 5.087 2283 .288 116.20 F .844 4.869 2185 .146 111.22 S .921 5.070 2276 .277 115.83 K 0.70 2.426 6.404 2874 4.139 135.45 D 1.993 5.260 2361 3.397 111.26 L 2.099 .541 2487 .581 117.20 F .002 .284 2372 .415 111.76 S .100 .543 2488 .582 117.23 74 22-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet UQJ Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . 0. Gallons per Min. Gallons ger 24 ours. K 0.80 2.599 6.861 3080 4.435 135.75 D .130 5.623 2524 3.634 111.26 L .261 .967 2678 .857 118.06 F .144 .660 2540 .658 111.97 S .268 .987 2687 .870 118.45 K 0.90 2.762 7.307 3272 4.712 135.99 D .259 5.964 2677 3.855 111.26 L .413 6.370 2859 4.117 118.83 F .281 .021 2702 3.891 112.31 S .428 .409 2877' 4.142 119.55 K 1.0 2.912 7.688 3451 4.969 136.05 D .382 6.287 2822 .063 111.26 L .559 .754 3031 .365 119.52 F .408 .371 2860 .118 112.75 S .580 .812 3057 .402 120.53 K 1.5 3.585 9.946 4248 6.1l7 136.75 D 2.917 7.700 3456 4.977 111.26 L 3.204 8.459 3797 5.467 122.21 F 2.992 7.897 3545 .104 114.11 S 3.262 8.611 3865 .565 124.41 K 2.0 4.149 10.952 4916 7.079 137.05 D 3.368 8.891 3991 5.747 111.26 L .759 9.923 4454 6.413 124.13 F .456 .124 4095 5.897 114.16 S .852 10.168 4564 6.571 127.23 K 3.0 5.092 13.442 6033 8.688 137.34 D 4.125 10.890 4887 7.038 111.26 L .708 12.427 5578 8 . 032 126.96 F .274 11.283 5064 7.292 115.28 S .869 12.854 5769 8.308 131.32 K 4^0 5.886 15.539 6974 10.043 137.49 D 4.763 12.574 5644 8.127 111 .26 L 5.523 14.578 6543 9.422 128.99 F 4.951 13.069 5866 8.447 115.64 S 5.750 15.179 6813 9.811 134.31 K 5.0 6.585 17.384 7802 11.235 137.57 D 5.325 14.058 6310 9.086 111 .26 L 6.251 16.501 7406 10.664 130.61 F 5 . 576 14.719 6607 9.513 116 49 S 6 . 542 17.269 7751 11.161 136.66 K 6.0 7.217 19.051 8551 12.313 137 63 D 5 . 834 15.400 6912 9.953 111 .26 L 6.916 18.258 8194 11.800 131 .90 F .134 16.193 7268 10.465 116.98 S 7.269 19.188 8612 12.401 138.62 23-INCH PIPE 75 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Velocity in Feet Uo Million C Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . b. Gallons per Min. Gallons ger 24 ours. K 7.0 7.798 20.584 9,239 13.304 137.68 D 6.301 16.634 7,466 10.750 111.26 L 7.534 19.888 8,927 12.854 133.02 F 6.647 17.546 7,875 11.340 117.36 S 7.946 20.977 9,415 13.577 140.31 K 8.0 8.338 22.011 9,879 14.226 137.71 D 6.736 17.782 7,981 11.493 111.26 L 8.114 21.420 9,614 13.844 134.01 F 7.121 18.798 8,437 12.150 117.61 S 8.584 22.660 10,170 14.645 141.77 K 9.0 8.846 23.350 10,480 15.092 137.74 D 7.145 18.861 8,465 12.190 111.26 L 8.662 22.865 10,262 14.778 134.87 F 7.569 19.981 8,968 12.914 117.86 S 9.189 24.257 10,887 15.677 143.08 K 10.0 9.325 24.617 11,049 15.910 137.76 D 7.531 19.881 8,923 12.849 111.26 L 9.184 24.242 10,881 15.668 135.66 F 8.005 21.131 9,484 13.657 118.25 S 9.763 25.773 11,568 16.657 144.23 K 11.0 9.782 25.822 11,589 16.689 137.77 D 7.899 20 . 852 9,359 13.476 111.26 L 9.682 25.599 11,471 16.519 136.37 F 8.423 22.235 9,980 14.371 118.63 S 10.319 27.240 12,226 17.605 145.34 K 12.0 10.217 26.972 12,106 17.432 137.79 D 8 . 250 21.779 9,775 14.076 111.26 L 10.161 26.824 12,039 17.336 137.02 F 8.807 23.249 10,435 15.026 118.77 S 10.851 28.645 12,857 18.513 146.33 K 13.0 10.636 28.076 12,602 18.146 137.80 D 8.587 22.668 10,174 14.650 111.26 L 10.623 28.042 12,586 18.124 137.63 F 9.167 24.198 10,861 15.640 118.77 S 11.365 30.001 13,465 19.390 147.25 K 14.0 11.038 29.137 13,078 18.832 137.81 D 8.911 23.523 10,558 15.203 111.26 L 11.069 29.219 13,114 18.885 138.19 F 9.534 25.166 11,295 16.265 119.03 S 11.862 31.315 14,055 20.239 148.10 K 15.0 11.426 30.163 13,538 19.495 137.82 D 9.224 24.350 10,928 15.737 111.26 L 11.501 30.360 13,626 19.622 138.72 F 9.868 26 . 050 11,692 16.837 119.03 S 12.345 32.588 14,626 21.062 148.90 76 33-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. 1000 Velocity in Feet Uo Million C Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . D. Gallons per Min. Gallons . per 24 Hours. K 16.0 11.799 31.146 13,979 20.130 137.82 D 9.526 25.148 11,287 16.253 111.26 L 11.920 31.467 14,123 20.338 139.21 F 10.203 26.934 12,089 17.408 119.16 S 12.812 33.822 15,180 21.860 149.63 K 17.0 12.165 32.113 14,413 20.755 137.83 D 9.820 25.922 11,634 16.753 111.26 L 12.328 32.544 14,606 21.033 139.68 F 10.528 27.793 12,475 17.963 119.29 S 13.271 35.034 15,724 22.643 150.36 K 18.0 12.518 33.046 14,832 21.357 137.83 D 10.104 26.674 11,972 17.239 111.26 L 12.725 33.593 15,077 21.711 140.11 F 10.846 28.631 12,851 18.505 119.42 3 13.717 36.210 16,252 23.403 151.03 K 19.0 12.863 33.955 15,240 21.945 137.85 D 10.381 27.405 12,300 17.712 111.26 L 13.113 34.616 15,537 22.373 140.53 F 11.156 29.449 13,218 19.033 119.55 S 14.152 37.360 16,768 24.146 151.67 K 20.0 13.197 34 . 837 15,636 22.516 137.85 D 10.651 28. 117 12,619 18.172 111.26 L 13.492 35.615 15,985 23.019 140.90 F 11.458 30.247 13,576 19.549 119.69 S 14.578 38.484 17,273 24.873 152.28 K 21.0 13.522 35.696 16,021 23.071 137.85 D 10.913 28.810 12,930 18.620 111.26 L 13.862 36.593 16,424 23.650 141 .31 F 11.751 31.021 13,923 20.049 119.79 S 14.995 39.584 17,766 25.584 152.86 K 22.0 13.841 36.539 16,399 23.615 137.86 D 11.171 29.488 13,235 19.058 111.26 L 14.225 37.550 16,853 24.269 141.67 F 12.044 31.794 14,270 20.549 119.96 S 15.404 40.664 18,251 26.282 153.42 K 23.0 14.153 37.360 16,768 24.146 137.86 D 11.421 30.151 13,532 19.487 111.26 L 14.580 38.488 17,275 24.875 142.02 F 12.329 32.545 14,607 21.034 120.09 K 24.0 14.458 38.165 17,130 24.667 137.86 D 11.667 30.800 13,824 19.906 111.26 L 14.929 39.408 17,688 25.470 142.35 F 12.608 33.284 14,935 21.507 120.23 22-INCH PIPE 77 For- mula. Fall per 1000 Feet. Mean Velocity in Feet per Sec. DISCHARGE. C Cu. Feet per Sec. U. S. Gallons per Min. Million Gallons per 24 Hours. K D L F 25.0 14.757 11.908 15.271 12.883 38.953 31.435 40.312 34.007 17,483 14,109 18,093 15,263 25.176 20.317 26.054 21.979 137.87 111.26 142.67 120.36 K D F 30.0 16.167 13.044 14.112 42.678 34.435 37.253 19,155 15,456 16,720 27 . 583 22.256 24.077 137.87 111.26 120.36 D F 40.0 15.063 16.332 39.762 43.113 17,846 19,349 25.699 27.862 111.26 120.63 78 34-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Velocity in Feet Uo Million C Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . id. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 0.10 0.893 2.806 1259 1.813 126.30 D .788 .493 1111 .600 111.46 L .758 .379 1068 .537 107.08 F .779 .445 1097 .580 110.06 S .717 .251 1010 .455 101.33 K 0.12 0.993 3.120 1401 2.017 128.22 D .863 2.712 1217 1.783 111.46 L .838 .632 1181 .701 108.16 F .854 .683 1204 .734 110.26 S .796 .501 1123 .617 102.78 K 0.15 1.128 3.545 1591 2.291 130.28 D 0.965 .033 1361 1.960 111 .46 L .948 2.979 1337 .925 109.50 F .958 3.009 1350 .945 110.58 S .906 2.846 1277 .839 104.59 K 0.20 1.325 4.162 1868 2.690 132.48 D .115 3.502 1572 .263 111.46 L .112 .495 1569 .259 111.25 F .110 .487 1565 .254 111.00 S .070 .361 1508 .172 106.96 K 0.30 1.652 5.189 2329 3.354 134.86 D .365 4.289 1925 2.772 111.46 L .393 .377 1965 .829 113.75 F .369 .300 1930 .779 111.76 S .352 .248 1907 .745 110.40 K 0.40 1 . 925 6.048 2714 3.909 136.12 D .576 4.952 2222 .201 111.46 L .634 5.135 2305 .319 115.57 F .588 4.990 2239 .225 112.30 S .597 5.017 2252 .242 112.91 K 0.50 2.165 6.800 3052 4.395 136.90 D 1.762 5.537 2485 3.578 111.46 L .850 .812 2608 .756 116.99 F .781 .595 2511 .616 112.63 S .817 .707 2562 .689 114.89 K 0.60 2.372 7.434 3344 4.816 136.93 D 1.931 6 . 065 2722 3.920 111.46 L 2.047 .431 2886 4.156 118.17 F 1.961 .159 2765 3.981 113.19 S 2.019 .342 2846 4.099 116.54 K 0.70 2.578 8.100 3636 5.235 137.82 D .085 6.551 2940 4.234 111.46 L .230 7 . 005 3144 .527 119.18 F .124 6 . 673 2995 .313 113.53 S .205 .933 3112 .481 117.95 24-INCH PIPE 79 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet Uo Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet . t). Gallons Gallons per Sec. per Min. per 24 Hours. K 0.80 2.762 8. 678 3,895 5.608 138.11 D .229 7.003 3,143 4.526 111.46 L .401 .544 3,386 .876 120.06 F .275 .148 3,208 .620 113.76 S .384 .489 3,361 .730 119.18 K 0.90 2.935 9.219 4,138 5.958 138.33 D .364 7.428 3,334 4.801 111.46 L .563 8 . 053 3,615 5.205 120.84 F .421 7.605 3,413 4.915 114.11 S .552 8.016 3,598 5.181 120.29 K 1.0' 3.097 9.731 4,368 6.289 138.52 D 2.492 7.830 3.514 5.061 111.46 L .718 8.538 3,832 .518 121.54 F .559 .039 3,609 .197 114.45 S .712 .520 3,824 ,506 121.28 K 1.5 3.809 11.966 5,371 7.733 139.07 D . 053 9.590 4,304 6.198 111.46 L .404 10.693 4,799 .911 124.28 F .164 9.939 4,461 .424 115.52 S .428 10.770 4,834 .961 125.18 K 2.0 4.407 13.844 6,214 8.948 139.35 D 3 . 525 11.073 4,970 7.157 111.46 L .993 12.544 5,630 8.107 126.26 F .672 11.536 5,178 7.456 116.12 S 4.049 12.718 5,709 8.220 128.02 K 3.0 5 . 408 16.991 7,626 10.981 139.64 D 4.317 13.562 6,C87 8.765 111.46 L 5.001 15.710 7,051 10.153 129.11 F 4.536 14.249 6,395 9.209 117.11 S 5.118 16.078 7,216 10.391 132.14 K 4.0 6.251 19.639 8,815 12.693 139.78 D 4.985 15.660 7,029 10.121 111.46 L 5.866 18.429 8,272 11 .911 131.17 F .265 16.542 7,424 10.691 117.73 S 6.044 18.986 8,522 12.271 135.13 K 5.0 6.9r3 21.970 9,861 14.200 139.86 D 5 . 573 17.509 7,858 11.316 111.46 L 6.640 20 . 8f,0 9,362 13.481 132.79 F 5.913 18.527 8.337 1 2 . 005 118.25 S 6.876 21.600 9,695 13.960 137.51 K 6.0 7.664 24.077 10,807 15.561 139.92 D 6. 105 19. 180 8,628 12.424 111.46 L 7 . 347 23.080 10,359 14.917 134.13 F 6.498 20.414 9,162 13.194 118.64 S 7.640 24.001 10,772 15.512 139.48 80 "24-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet UQ Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . o. Gallons per Min. Gallons Ber 24 ours. K 7.0 8.280 26.014 11,676 16.813 139.96 D 6.594 20.716 9,298 13.389 111.46 L 8.003 25.142 11,284 16.249 135.27 F 7.050 22.147 9,940 14.313 119.16 S 8.352 26.238 11,776 16.958 141.17 K 8.0 8.854 27.816 12,485 17.978 139.99 D 7.050 22.147 9,940 14.313 111.46 L 8.619 27.076 12,152 17.500 136.27 F 7.553 23.729 10,650 15.336 119.42 S 9.022 28.343 12,721 18.318 142.64 K 9.0 9.393 29.509 13,245 19.072 140.02 D 7.477 23.490 10,542 15.182 111.46 L 9.202 28.908 1-2,973 18.681 137.15 F 8 020 25.196 11,308 16.284 119.55 S 9.657 30.340 13,617 19.609 143.96 K 10.0 9.902 31.110 13,963 20.106 140.04 D 7.882 24.761 11,113 16.003 111.46 L 9.755 30 . 645 13,754 19.807 137.95 F 8.473 26.618 11,947 17.203 119.82 S 10.264 32.246 14,473 20.841 145.15 K 11.0 10.385 32.632 14,646 21.091 140.05 D 8.266 25.969 11,655 16.784 111.46 L 10.284 32.310 14,501 20.882 138.68 F 8.906 27.980 12,558 18.084 120.09 S 10.845 34.071 15,292 22.021 146.23 K 12.0 10.850 34.086 15,299 22.030 140.07 D 8.634 27.124 12,174 17.530 111 .46 L 10.794 33.909 15,219 21.916 139.34 F 9 . 323 29.290 13,146 18.930 120.36 S 11.405 35.829 16,081 23.157 147.24 K 13.0 11.320 35.480 15,925 22.931 140.08 D 8.986 28.231 12,671 18.246 111.46 L 11.284 35.449 15,910 22.911 139.96 F 9.704 30.485 13,682 19.703 120.36 S 11.945 37.526 16,843 24.253 148.16 K 14.0 11.721 36.822 16,527 23.798 140.09 D 9.326 29.297 13,149 18.935 111.46 L 11.757 36.938 16,578 23.873 140.53 F 10.082 31.672 14,215 20.470 120.49 S 12.467 39.168 17,580 25.314 149.01 K 15.0 12.133 38.117 17,109 24.636 140.10 D 9 . 653 30.326 13,611 19.600 111.46 L 12.216 38.380 17,225 24.805 141.06 F 10.435 32.784 14,714 21.189 120.49 S 12.975 40.762 18,295 26.345 149.82 24-INCH PIPE 81 For- mula. Fall per 1000 Feet. Mean Velocity in Feet per Sec. DISCHARGE. c Cu. Feet per Sec. U. S. Gallons per Min. Million Gallons ger 24 ours. K D L F S 16.0 12.531 9.969 12.662 10.790 13.468 39.368 31.320 39.780 33.897 42.312 17,670 14,057 17,854 15,214 18,991 25.444 20.242 25.710 21.908 27.347 140.10 111.46 141.56 120.63 150.58 K D L F S 17.0 12.917 10.276 13.095 11.122 13.948 40.581 32.284 41.140 34.940 43.820 18,214 14,490 18,465 15,682 19,667 26.228 20.865 26.589 22.738 28.321 140.11 111.46 142.04 120.63 151.29 K D L F S 18.0 13.293 10.574 13.517 11.457 14.417 41.760 33.221 42.467 35.994 45.292 18,743 14,910 19,060 16,155 20,329 26.990 21.470 27.447 23.263 29.273 140.11 111.46 142.48 120.77 151.96 K D L F S 19.0 13.658 10.864 13.929 11.771 14.875 42.966 34.130 43.760 36.980 46.729 19,302 15,319 19,640 16,220 20,973 27.795 22 . 059 28 . 283 23 . 357 30.202 140.12 111.46 142.91 120.77 152.61 K D L F S 20.0 14.013 11.146 14.332 12.091 15.322 44.023 35.017 45.024 37.985 48.136 19,759 15,716 20,208 17,049 21,605 28 . 453 22.632 29.099 24 . 550 31.111 140.13 111.46 143.31 120.91 153.22 K D L F 21.0 14.359 11.421 14.725 12.415 45.111 35.881 46.259 38.966 20,247 16,104 20,762 17,489 29.156 23.190 29.898 25.184 140.13 111.46 143.70 121.04 K D L F 22.0 14.697 11.690 15.110 12.710 46.172 36.726 47.469 39.930 20,723 16,483 21,305 17,921 29.842 23.736 30.679 25.807 140.13 111.46 144.06 121.18 K D F 23.0 1 5 . 028 1 1 . 953 13.010 47.212 37.551 40.873 21,190 16,854 18,345 30.513 24.269 26.416 140.14 111.46 121.32 D F 24.0 12.210 13.306 38.359 41.801 17,217 18,761 24.792 27.016 111 .46 121.46 D F 25.0 12.462 13.595 39.150 42.711 17,572 19,170 25.303 27.605 111.46 121.60 D F 30.0 13.651 14.927 42.886 46.895 19,249 21,048 27.718 30.302 111.46 121.88 D F 40.0 15.763 17.297 49.521 54.339 22,175 24,389 32.006 35.120 111.46 122.30 82 26-INCH PIPE . DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet UQ Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . C5. Gallons per Min. Gallons ger 24 ours. K 0.10 0.948 3 . 495 1569 2.259 128.81 D .822 .030 1360 1.945 111.63 L .801 2.952 1325 .908 108.76 F .823 3.033 1361 .960 111.76 S .749 2.760 1239 .784 101.72 K 0.12 1.054 3.885 1743 2.511 130.68 D 0.900 .319 1490 .145 111.63 L .886 .266 1466 .111 109.86 F .903 .328 1494 .151 111.97 S .832 .069 1377 1.983 103.23 K 0.15 1.196 4.409 1979 2.850 132.68 D .006 3.711 1665 .398 111.63 L .003 .697 1659 .389 111 .21 F .010 .725 1672 .408 1 1 2 . 08 S 0.946 .489 1566 .255 104.99 K 0.20 1.403 5.174 2322 3.344 134.81 D .162 4.285 1923 2.769 111.63 L .176 .337 1946 .803 112.99 F .174 .327 1942 .796 112.75 S .118 .121 1849 .663 107.37 K 0.30 1.748 6.444 2892 4.165 137.11 D .423 5.248 2355 3.392 111.63 L .473 .431 2438 .510 115.53 F .446 .331 2393 .445 113.42 S .413 .209 2338 .367 110.83 K 0.40 2.036 7 . 507 3370 4.852 138.33 D 1.643 6.059 2720 3.916 111.63 L .728 .371 2860 4.118 117.38 F .667 .186 2777 .000 113.99 S .668 .151 2761 3.976 113.34 K 0.50 2.289 8.440 3788 5.455 139.09 D 1.837 6.775 3041 4.379 111.63 L .9.56 7.212 3237 .661 118.83 F .8P4 6.945 3117 .489 114.45 S .898 .998 3141 .523 115.33 K 0.60 2.517 9.279 4165 5.997 139.60 D .013 7.421 3331 4.796 111 .63 L .164 .980 3581 5 . 1 57 120.02 F .072 .639 3429 4.937 114.92 S .109 .776 3490 5.026 116.99 K 0.70 2.726 10.049 4510 6.495 139.97 D .174 8.016 3598 5.181 111.63 L .357 .692 3901 .618 121.05 F .242 .268 3711 .344 115.16 S .306 .501 3815 .494 118.40 26-INCH PIPE 83 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet UQ Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . to. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 0.80 2.920 10.766 4,832 6.958 140.25 D .324 8.569 3,846 5.538 1 1 1 . 63 L .538 9.361 4,201 6 . 050 121.94 F .405 8.866 3,979 5.730 115.52 S .491 9.183 4,122 .935 119.64 K 0.90 3.102 11.435 5,132 7.391 140.47 D 2 . 465 9.089 4,080 5.874 111.63 L .710 .993 4,485 6.458 122.73 F .561 .443 4,238 .103 116.00 S .666 .830 4,412 .353 120.75 K 1.0 ' 3.273 12.069 5,417 7.800 140.65 D 2.598 9.581 4,300 6.192 111.63 L .873 10.595 4,755 .848 123.44 F .708 9.986 4,482 .454 116.37 S .834 10.447 4,689 .752 121.74 K 1.5 4.024 14.838 6,660 9 . 590 141.18 D 3.182 11.734 5,267 7 . 584 111.63 L .598 13.268 5,955 8.576 126.23 F .345 12.334 5,536 7.972 117.36 S .582 13.206 5,927 8.535 125.66 K 2.0 4 . 656 17.166 7,705 11.095 141.45 D 3.674 13.549 6,081 8.757 111.63 L 4.211 15.565 6,986 10.060 128.24 F 3.879 14.303 6,420 9 . 245 117.86 , s 4.230 15.596 7,000 10.079 128.51 K 3.0 5.713 21.065 9,454 13.614 141.73 D 4 . 500 16.594 7,448 10.725 111.63 L 5 . 286 19.493 8,749 12.599 131.13 F 4.772 17.594 7,895 11.368 1 18 . 38 S 5.347 19.714 8,848 12.741 132.64 K 4.0 6 . 603 24.347 10,928 15.736 141.86 D 5.196 19.161 8,600 12.384 111.63 L 6.201 22.868 10,264 14.780 133.22 F 5.540 20.427 9,168 13.202 119.02 S 6.314 23.281 10,449 15.047 135.65 K 5.0 7.353 27.237 12,225 17.603 141.95 D 5.810 21.423 9,615 13.846 111.63 L 7.019 25.884 11,617 16.729 134.87 F 6 . 230 22.966 10,308 14.843 119.69 S 7.184 26.486 11,888 17.118 138.04 K 6.0 8.095 29.848 13,397 19.291 142.00 D 6.364 23.468 10,533 15.167 111 .63 L 7.767 28 . 639 12,854 18.510 136.23 F 6.854 25.270 11,342 16.332 120.22 S 7.982 29.430 12,908 18.588 140.01 84 26-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet UQ Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . O. Gallons per Min. Gallons Ser 24 ours. K 7.0 8.746 32.245 14,473 20.841 142.03 D 6.874 25.348 11,377 16.382 111.63 L 8.460 31.197 14,003 20. 163 137.39 F 7.437 27.418 12,306 17.721 120.77 S 8.726 32.173 14,440 20.794 141.71 K 8.0 9.352 34.482 15,476 22.286 142 07 D 7.349 27 . 099 12,163 17.514 1 1 1 . 63 L 9.111 33.598 15,080 21 .714 138.40 F 7.959 29 . 345 13,171 18.966 120.91 S 9.426 34.755 15,599 22.462 143.19 K 9.0 9.921 36.580 16,418 23.642 142.09 D 7.794 29.411 13,201 19.009 111.63 L 9.726 35.866 16,098 23. 181 139.30 F 8.461 31.196 14,002 20. 162 121 .18 S 10.090 37.203 16,698 24.045 144.52 K 10.0 10.459 38.563 17,308 24.924 142.11 D 8.216 30.297 13,598 19.581 1 1 1 . 63 L 10.312 38.027 17,067 24.577 140.11 F 8.929 32.921 14,776 21.277 121 .32 S 10.724 39.539 17,746 25.554 145.71 K 11.0 10.971 40.450 18,155 26.143 142.13 D 8.617 31.776 14,262 20.537 111.63 L 10.872 40.093 17,994 25.912 140.84 F 9.374 34.560 15,511 22.336 121 .43 S 11.331 41.778 18,751 27.002 146.80 K 12.0 11.460 42.252 18,964 27.308 142.14 D 9.000 33.188 14,896 21.450 111 .63 L 11.410 42.077 18,885 27.194 141 .53 F 9.824 36.221 16,257 23.410 121.85 S 11.915 43.933 19,718 28.394 147.80 K 13.0 11.929 43.981 19,740 28.425 142.15 D 9.368 34.543 15,504 22.326 111.63 L 11.929 43.988 19,743 28.429 142.15 F 10.225 37.700 16,921 24.366 121.85 S 12.480 46.014 20,652 29.739 148.72 K 14.0 12.380 45.644 20,486 29 . 500 142.16 D 9.721 35.847 16,089 23.169 111.63 L 12.430 45.834 20,571 29.623 142.73 F 10.626 39.177 17,584 25.320 122.02 S 13.026 48.027 21,556 31.041 149.58 K 15.0 12.815 47.250 21,207 30.538 142.17 D 10.062 37.106 16,654 23.982 111 .63 L 12.915 47.623 21,375 30.779 143.27 F 10.999 40.553 17,787 25.613 122.02 S 13.556 49.982 22,433 32.304 150.39 26-INCH PIPE 85 For- mula. Fall per 1000 Feet. Mean Velocity in Feet per Sec. DISCHARGE. c Cu. Feet per Sec. U. S. Gallons per Min. Million Gallons g3F 24 ours. K D L F S 16.0 13.236 10.392 13.385 11.373 14.072 48.799 38.323 49.361 41.931 51.883 21,902 17,200 22,154 18,820 23,286 31.539 24.768 31.902 27.100 33.532 142.17 111.63 143.78 122.16 151.15 K D L F S 17.0 13.644 10.712 13.844 11.723 14.573 50.304 39.502 51.050 43.221 53.723 22,578 17,729 22,912 19,399 24,116 32.512 25.531 32.993 27.934 34.727 142.18 111.63 144.26 122.16 151.87 K D L F S 18.0 14.037 11.020 14.290 12.060 15.063 51.752 40.638 52.695 44.464 55.537 23,228 18,240 23,651 19,957 24,926 33.448 26 . 265 34.057 28.738 35.894 142.18 111.63 144.75 122.16 152.58 K D L F 19.0 14.425 11.325 14.725 12.407 53.186 41.758 54.301 45.747 23,872 18,742 24,371 20,532 34.375 26.989 35.094 29.567 142.19 111.63 145.15 122.31 K D L F 20.0 14.801 11.619 15.150 12.730 54.570 42.847 55.868 46.957 24,493 19,231 25,075 21,066 35.269 27.692 36.108 30.335 142.20 111.63 145.56 122.31 K D F 21.0 15.166 11.906 13.059 55.918 43.897 48.148 25,098 19,703 21,611 36.141 28.371 31.119 142.20 111.63 122.44 D F 22.0 12.186 13.367 44.930 49.282 20,166 22,119 29.039 31.856 111.63 122.44 D F 23.0 12.460 13.683 45.940 50.449 20,619 22,643 29.691 32.620 111.63 122.59 D F 24.0 12.723 13.994 46.929 51.596 21,063 23,157 30.330 33.347 111.63 122.73 D F 25.0 12.990 14.282 47.896 52.659 21,497 23,629 30.956 34.026 111.63 122.73 D F 30.0 14.230 15.701 52.467 57.888 23,549 25,982 33.910 37.414 111.63 123.17 D 40.0 16.432 60.584 27,192 39.157 111.63 86 28-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Velocity in Feet Uo Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . &. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 0.10 1.002 4.283 1922 2.768 131 .13 D 0.854 3.651 1639 .359 111.78 L .843 .603 1617 .329 110.33 F .862 .686 1654 .382 112.86 S .782 .344 1500 .161 102.39 K 0.12 1.112 4.756 2135 3.146 132.94 D 0.935 3.999 1795 2 . 585 111.78 L .932 .987 1790 .577 111.45 F .946 4.046 1816 .615 113.08 S .869 3.716 1668 .402 103.86 K 0.15 1.262 5.395 2422 3.487 134.88 D .046 4.471 2007 2.890 111.78 L .055 .513 2026 .917 112.82 F .059 .532 2034 .929 113.31 S 0.989 .228 1897 .732 105.69 K 0.20 1.479 6.326 2839 4.088 136.96 D .207 5.163 2318 3.337 111.78 L .238 .294 2376 .422 114.62 F .230 .260 2361 .399 113.88 S .167 4.992 2241 .226 108.08 K 0.30 1.884 8.057 3616 5.207 139.18 D .479 6.323 2838 4.087 111.78 L .551 .630 2976 .285 117.21 F .520 .501 2918 .202 114.92 S .476 .311 2832 .079 111.56 K 0.40 2.144 9.168 4115 5.926 140.36 D 1.708 7.301 3277 4.719 111.78 L .819 .778 3491 5 . 027 119.08 F .761 .530 3380 4.867 115.28 S .743 .452 3345 .817 114.09 K 0.50 2.410 10.304 4625 6 . 659 141.09 D 1.909 8. 163 3664 5.276 111.78 L 2 . 059 .803 3951 .690 1 20 . 55 F 1.977 .454 3794 .464 115.76 S .983 .478 3805 .480 116.09 K 0.60 2.649 11.327 5084 7.321 141 .9 D .091 8.942 4014 5.780 111.78 L .279 9.751 4372 6.296 121 .76 F .173 .290 4169 .004 116.12 S .203 .421 4228 .089 117.76 K 0.70 2.868 12.205 5505 7.927 141.94 D .259 9 . 659 4335 6.243 111.78 L .482 10.611 4763 .858 122.80 F .356 .076 4533 .527 116.61 S .409 .298 4622 .658 119. 19 28-INCH PIPE 87 DlSCHAKGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet UQ Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . 0. Gallons per Min. Gallons ger 24 ours. K 0.80 3.072 13.136 5,896 8.490 142.21 D 2.415 10.325 4,634 6.674 111.78 L .672 11.427 5,129 7.386 123.70 F .530 10.818 4,855 6.992 117.11 S .602 11.125 4,993 7.190 120.43 K 0.90 3.263 13.954 6,263 9.019 142.43 D 2.561 10.951 4,916 7.078 111.78 L .853 12. 199 5,475 .884 124.51 F .689 11.498 5,161 .431 117.36 S .785 .909 5,345 .697 121.55 K 1.0 3.444 14.727 6,610 9.518 142.60 D 2.700 11.544 5,181 7.461 111.78 L 3 . 025 12.933 5,805 8.359 125.23 F 2.841 .146 5,452 7 . 850 117.61 S .960 .656 5,681 8.180 122.55 K 1.5 4.234 18.103 8,125 11.700 143.12 D 3.307 14.139 6,346 9.138 111.78 L .788 16.197 7,270 10.469 128.05 F .506 14.989 6,728 9.688 118.51 3 .742 16.036 7,198 10.364 126.49 K 2.0 4.897 20.941 9,399 13.534 143.38 D 3.818 16.326 7,328 10.552 111.78 L 4.444 19.001 8,528 12.281 130.10 F .070 17.404 7,811 11.248 119.16 S .419 18.894 8,480 12.211 129.36 K 3.0 6.009 25.694 11,532 16.606 143.64 D 4.676 19.995 8,975 12.923 111.78 L 5.565 23.797 10,681 15.380 133.03 F .013 21 .433 9,620 13.852 119.82 S .586 23.884 10,720 15.436 133.52 K 4.0 6.945 29 . 697 13,329 19.195 143.78 D 5.400 23.089 10,363 14.922 111.78 L 6.529 27.916 12,530 18.043 135.15 F 5.821 24.883 11,168 16.082 120.49 S 6.596 28.205 12,660 18.229 136.55 K 5.0 7.769 33 . 220 14,910 21.470 143.85 D 6.037 25.814 11,586 16.684 111.78 L 7.390 31.597 14,182 20.422 136.82 F 6 . 530 27.922 12,532 18.046 120.91 S 7.504 32.089 14,402 20.739 138.95 K 6.0 8.514 36.404 16,339 23.528 143.90 D 6.614 28.281 12,693 18.278 111.78 L 8.176 34.961 15,691 22 . 596 138.20 F 7.186 30.726 13,791 19.859 121.46 S 8.338 35 . 655 16,003 23.044 140.94 38-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity " mula. 1000 in Feet UQ Million Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . D. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 7.0 9.198 39.332 17,694 25.479 143.94 D 7.143 30.543 13,708 19.740 111.78 L 8.907 38.084 17,093 24.614 139.38 F 7.788 33.303 14,947 21.524 121.88 S 9.032 38.977 17,494 25.191 142.64 K 8.0 9.835 42.055 18,876 27.181 143.97 D 7.636 32.652 14,655 21.103 111.78 L 9.592 41.015 18,409 26.508 140.41 F 8.345 35.685 16,016 23.063 122.16 S 9.847 42.105 18,898 27.213 144.14 K 9.0 10.434 44.614 20,024 28.834 144.00 D 8.099 34.633 15,544 22.383 111.78 L 10.240 43.784 19,652 28.298 141.32 F 8.882 37.982 17,047 24.548 122.59 S 10.540 45.071 20,229 29.129 145.47 K 10.0 10.999 47.033 21,110 30.398 144.01 D 8.557 36.506 16,385 23.594 111.78 L 10.856 46.422 20,835 30.002 142.14 F 9.374 40.083 17,991 25.906 122.73 S 11.202 47.902 21,500 30.959 146.67 K 11.0 11.538 49.334 22,143 31.885 144.03 D 8.954 38.200 17,185 24.746 111.78 L 11.446 48.943 21,967 31.632 142.88 F 9.855 42.139 18,913 27.235 123.02 S 11.836 50.614 22,717 32.712 147.76 K 12.0 12.051 51.531 23,129 33.305 144.04 D 9.352 39.991 17,949 25.846 111.78 L 12.012 51.365 23,054 33.198 143.58 F 10.293 44.012 19,754 28.445 123.02 S 12.447 53.225 23,889 34.400 148.76 K 13.0 12 . 544 53.639 24,075 34.667 144.05 D 9.734 41.623 18,682 26.901 111.78 L 12.558 53.698 24,101 34.677 144.21 F 10.725 45.863 20,584 29.642 123.17 S 13.037 55.745 25,020 36.029 149.70 K 14.0 13.019 55.667 24,985 35.979 144.06 D 10.102 43.194 19,387 27.917 111.78 F 13.085 55.952 25,113 36.163 144.80 [L 11.131 47.594 21,361 30.760 123.17 S 13.607 58.186 26,116 37.606 150.58 K 15.0 13.477 57.626 25,864 37.244 144.07 D 10.456 44.712 20,068 28.897 111.78 L 13.596 58.136 26,093 37 . 574 145.34 F 11.522 49.265 22,112 31.841 123.17 S 14.161 60.554 27,116 39.137 151.39 38-INCH PIPE 89 For- mula. Fall per 1000 Feet. Mean Velocity in Feet per Sec. DISCHARGE. C Cu. Feet per Sec. U. S. ' Gallons per Min. Million Gallons per 24 Hours. K D L F S 16.0 13.919 10.799 14.092 11.899 14.700 59.517 46.177' 60.258 50.881 62.855 26,775 20,725 27,045 22,837 28,211 38.555 29.845 38.945 32.884 40 . 624 144.07 111.78 145.86 123.17 152.15 K D L F S 17.0 14.347 11.131 14.574 12.265 15.224 61.349 47.598 62.319 52.446 65.097 27,535 21,363 27,971 23,539 29,217 39.651 30.763 40.278 33.896 42.073 144.08 111.78 146.35 123.17 152.87 K D L F , 18.0 14.764 11.454 15.044 12.621 63.132 48.980 64.328 53.967 28,335 21,983 28,872 24,222 40 . 803 31.656 41.575 34.880 144.08 111.78T 146.81 123.17 K D F 19.0 15.169 11.768 12.967 64.865 50.321 55.446 29,113 22,585 24,886 41.923 32.523 35.835 144.09 111.78 123.17 D F 20.0 12.074 13.304 51.628 56.887 23,172 25,532 33.368 36.766 111.78 123.17 D F 21.0 12.372 13.648 52.902 58.358 23,744 26,193 34.191 37.709 111.78 123.31 D F 22.0 12.663 13.986 54.148 59.804 24,303 26,842 34.996 38.652 111.78 123.46 D F 23.0 12.948 14.334 55.364 61.293 24,849 27,510 35.783 39.614 111.78 123.75 D F 24.0 13.226 14.660 56.556 - 62 . 687 25,384 28,136 36.806 40.515 111.78 123.90 D F 25.0 13.499 14.980 57.722 64.055 25,907 28,750 37.306 41.399 111.78 124.04 D F 30.0 14.787 16.469 63.231 70.422 28,380 31,608 40.867 45.515 111.78 124.49 D 40.0 17.075 73.013 32,770 47.189 111.78 90 30-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Velocity in Feet UQ Million C Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . 0. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 0.10 1.054 5.173 2322 3.343 133.29 D 0.885 4.343 1949 2.807 111.91 L .884 .340 1948 .805 111.82 F .901 .424 1986 . 859 113.99 S .810 3.976 1785 .570 102.45 K 0.12 1.170 5.741 2577 3.711 135.05 D 0.969 4.757 2135 .075 111.91 L .978 .802 2155 .103 112.95 F .989 .969 2230 .211 114.22 S .900 .418 1983 2.855 103.92 K 0.15 1.326 6.509 2922 4.207 136.94 D .084 5.319 2387 3.438 111.91 L .107 .435 2439 .513 114.34 F .107 .434 2439 .512 114.34 S .024 .026 2256 .248 105.74 K 0.20 1 . 553 7 . 625 3423 4.928 138.94 D .251 6.142 2757 3.970 111.91 L .299 .376 2862 4. 121 116.17 F .285 .307 2831 .077 114.92 S .209 5.935 2664 3.836 1C8.14 K 0.30 1.932 9.484 4257 6.130 141 .10 D .532 7 . 522 3376 4.862 111 .91 L .627 .985 3584 5.161 118.79 F .585 .781 3492 .029 115.76 S .528 .502 3368 4.849 111.62 K 0.40 2.249 11.040 4955 7.135 142.24 D 1.769 8.686 3898 5.744 111.91 L .908 9.367 4204 6 . 054 120.68 F .844 .051 4062 5.850 116.61 S .805 8.864 3977 .726 114.15 K 0.50 2.527 12.404 5567 8.017 142.94 D 1.978 9.711 4359 6.279 111.91 L 2.160 10.602 4758 .852 122.17 F .068 .151 4556 .561 116.98 3 .054 .080 4524 .515 116.16 K 0.60 2 . 775 13.622 6114 8.804 143.30 D .167 10.638 4775 6.876 111.91 L .390 11.731 5265 7 . 582 123.40 F .278 .181 5018 .226 117.61 3 .282 .174 5027 .239 117.82 K 0.70 3.007 14.761 6625 9 . 540 143.77 D 2.341 11.490 5157 7.426 111.91 L .603 12.778 5735 8 . 259 124.46 F .471 .128 5443 7.838 118.12 S .494 .242 5495 .912 119.23 30 INCH PIPE 91 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocfty mula. 1000 in Feet UCJ Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . p. Gallons per Min. Gallons ger 24 ours. K 0.80 3.221 15.808 7,095 10.217 144.03 D 2.502 12.283 5,513 7.939 111.91 L .804 13.761 6,177 8.894 125.38 F .653 13.022 5,845 8.416 118.63 S .692 13.214 5,931 8.541 120.39 K 0.90 3.421 16.792 7,536 10.853 144.23 D 2.654 13.028 5,848 8.421 111.91 L .993 14.691 6,594 9.495 126.19 F .817 13.827 6,206 ' 8.936 118.77 S .884 14.159 6,355 9.151 121.62 K 1.0 3.610 17.721 7,953 1 1 . 453 144.40 D 2.798 13.733 6,164 8.876 111.91 L 3.173 15.540 6,990 10.066 126.92 F 2.979 14.623 6,563 9.451 119.16 S 3.065 15.047 6,754 9.725 122.62 K 1.5 4.437 21.778 9,775 14.076 144.90 D 3.427 16.820 7,549 10.871 111.91 L .974 19.510 8,755 12.607 129.78 F .681 18.070 8,110 11.679 120.22 S .875 19.022 8,538 12.294 126.56 K 2.0 5.132 25.191 11,306 16.281 145.15 D 3 . 957 19.420 8,717 12.553 111.91 L 4.662 22.883 10,271 14.790 131.85 F .275 20.984 9,418 13.559 120.91 S .576 22.463 10,082 14.518 129.43 K 3.0 6.296 30.906 13,872 19.975 145.40 D 4.846 23.787 10,676 15.374 111.91 L 5.838 28 . 658 12,863 18.522 134.83 F .258 25.811 11,585 16.682 121.43 S .785 28.396 12,745 18.353 133.59 K 4.0 7.277 35.719 16,032 23.086 145.53 D 5 . 596 27.467 12,328 17.752 111.91 L 6.849 33.619 15,089 21 .729 136.98 F .115 30.018 13,473 19.401 122.30 S .831 33.534 15,051 21.673 136.63 K 5.0 8.140 39 . 957 17,934 25 . 825 145.61 D 6.256 30.710 13,783 19.848 111.91 L 7 . 752 38 . 050 17,079 24 . 594 138.67 F 6.853 33 . 640 15,098 21.742 122.59 S 7.772 38.150 17,123 24 . 656 139.02 K 6.0 8.920 43.785 19,652 28.298 145.66 D 6.853 33 . 640 15,099 21 .742 111.91 L 8.577 42.104 18,897 27.212 140.07 F 7.543 37.024 16,617 23.929 123.17 S 8.636 42 . 390 19,026 27.397 141.02 92 30-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet UQ Million Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . Q. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 7.0 9.637 47.305 21,232 30.574 145.70 D 7.402 36.335 16,308 23.484 111.91 L 9.344 45.865 20,585 29.643 141.26 F 8.166 40.085 17,991 25.907 123.46 S 9.440 46.340 20,799 29.950 142.72 K 8.0 10.304 50.581 22,702 32.690 145.72 D 7.913 38.844 17,434 25.106 111.91 L 10.062 49.393 22,169 31.924 142.30 F 8.761 43.006 19,303 27.795 123.90 8 10.198 50.059 22,468 32.353 144.22 K 9.0 10.931 53.657 24,083 34.680 145.75 D 8.413 41.295 18,534 26.690 111.91 L 10.742 52.729 23,666 34.079 143.23 F 9.315 45.722 20,522 29.551 124.19 S 10.916 53.584 24,050 34.631 145.54 K 10.0 11.524 56 . 567 25,388 36.560 145.76 D 8.847 43.429 19,492 28.133 111.91 L 11.389 55.905 25,091 36.132 144.06 F 9.854 48.371 21,710 31.262 124.64 S 11.602 56.951 25,561 36.808 146.75 K 11.0 12.087 59.334 26,631 38.348 145.78 D 9.279 45.549 20,443 29.439 111.91 L 12.007 58.941 26,455 38.094 144.81 F 10.348 50.794 22,798 32.829 124.80 S 12.259 60.176 27,009 38.892 147.84 K 12.0 12.626 61.977 27,817 40.056 145.79 D 9.692 47.574 21,353 30.747 111.91 L 12.602 61.858 27,764 39.908 145. 5 1 F 10.808 53.052 23,811 34.288 124.80 S 12.891 63.281 28,337 40.899 148.86 K 13.0 13.142 64.151 28,954 41 .694 145.80 D 10.087 49.517 22,224 32.003 111.91 L 13.174 64.668 29,025 41 .795 146.15 F 11.262 55.284 24,813 35.731 124.94 S 13.500 66.269 29,744 42.830 149.77 K 14.0 13.639 66.950 30,049 43 . 270 145.81 D 10.468 51.385 23,063 33.211 111.91 L 13.727 67.383 30,243 43 . 550 146.75 F 11.688 57.371 25,750 37.079 124.94 S 14.093 69.178 31,049 44.711 150.67 K 15.0 14.119 69 . 305 31,106 44.792 145.81 D 10.835 53.190 23,873 34.377 111.91 L 14.263 70.013 31,424 45 . 250 147.30 F 12.113 59.458 26,686 38.428 125. 10 S 14.666 71.993 32,016 46.530 151.47 30-INCH PIPE 93 For- mula. Fall per 1000 Feet. Mean Velocity in Feet per Sec. DISCHARGE. c Cu. Feet per Sec. U. S. Gallons per Min. Million Gallons 6er 24 ours. K D L F S 16.0 14.582 11 .191 14.783 12.510 15.224 71.578 54.934 72.567 61.407 74.733 32,126 24,656 32,570 27,561 33,542 46.262 35.504 46.901 39.688 48 . 300 145.82 111.91 147.83 125.10 152.24 K D L F 17.0 15.031 11.535 15.289 12.911 73.784 56.624 75.050 63.374 33,116 25,414 33,684 28,444 47.687 36.596 48 . 505 40.959 145.82 111.91 148.33 125.25 K D L F 18.0 15.468 11.870 15.782 13.285 75.728 58.267 77.469 65.212 34,079 26,152 34,771 29,269 49 . 073 37 . 658 50.069 42.147 145.83 111.91 148.79 125.25 K D L F 19.0 15.892 12.195 16.262 13.666 78.012 59.863 79.829 67 . 082 35,014 26,868 35,829 30,108 50.420 38.690 51.595 43.355 145.84 111.91 149.23 125.41 K D L F 20.0 16.306 12.512 16.732 14.021 80.041 61.419 82.133 68.823 35,924 27,566 36,864 30,890 51.731 39*. 695 53.083 44.482 145.84 111.91 149.66 125.41 D F 21.0 12.821 14.368 62.933 70.528 28,246 31,655 40 . 674 45.583 111.91 125.41 D F 22.0 13.123 14.723 64.415 72.270 28,912 32,437 41.632 46.709 111.91 125.56 D F 23.0 13.414 15.050 65.847 73 . 860 29,554 33,150 42.558 47.737 111.91 125.56 D 24.0 13.706 67.281 30,198 43.484 111.91 D 25.0 13.989 68.667 30,820 44.380 111.91 D 30.0 15.324 75.221 33,761 48.616 111.91 94 33-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Velocity in Feet Ucj Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . D. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 0.10 1.106 6.176 2772 3.992 135.44 D 0.915 5.108 2293 .302 112. C2 L .924 .164 2318 .337 113.23 F .940 .252 2357 .394 115.16 8 .844 4.716 2117 .048 103.41 K 0.12 1.227 6.851 3075 4.428 137.15 D .002 5.596 2517 3.625 112.02 L .023 .714 2564 .684 114.37 F .031 .759 2585 .722 115.28 S 0.938 .204 2336 .363 104.89 0.15 1 . 390 7.762 3484 5.017 138.98 .120 6.257 2808 4.044 112.02 L .158 .467 2902 .180 115.78 F .155 .450 2895 .169 115.52 S .067 5.961 2676 3.853 106.74 K 0.20 1.627 9.088 4079 5.874 140.92 D .294 7.225 3243 4.669 112.02 L .358 .586 3405 .903 117.63 F .341 .489 3361 .840 116.04 S .261 .040 3160 .550 109.16 K 0.30 2.022 1 1 . 295 5070 7.300 143.01 D 1 . 584 8.848 3971 5.719 112.02 L .701 9.499 4264 6.140 120.28 F . 654 .240 4147 5.972 116.98 8 .593 8.899 3994 .752 112.67 K 0.40 2 . 353 13.142 5899 8.494 144.11 D 1.829 10.216 4586 6.603 112.02 L .996 11. 145 5002 7.203 122.20 F .916 10.703 4804 6.918 117.36 S .882 .509 4717 .653 115.23 K 0.50 2.643 14.763 6626 9.764 144.78 D .045 11.423 5127 7.383 112.02 L .259 12.615 5662 8.153 123.71 F .154 .031 5400 7.776 117.99 S .141 11.956 5366 .727 117.25 K 0.60 2.902 16.212 7276 10.476 145.12 D .241 12.513 5616 8.087 112.02 L .499 13.958 6265 9.022 124.96 F .373 .251 5948 8.565 118.63 S .376 .267 5955 .575 118.77 K 0.70 3.145 17.563 7883 11.352 145.58 D 2.420 13.515 6066 8.735 112.02 L .722 15.205 6825 9.827 126.02 F .577 14.392 6460 .302 119.29 S .600 .523 6518 .386 120.37 32-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Feet. Velocity in Feet per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. U. S. Gallons per Min. Million Gallons per 24 Hours. c K 0.80 3.368 18.809 8,462 12.156 145.83 D 2.587 14.449 6,485 9.339 112.02 L .932 16.375 7,350 10.583 126.95 F .764 15.437 6,929 9.978 119.69 S .809 15.689 7,041 10.139 121.63 K 0.90 3 . 577 19.977 8,966 12.911 146.03 D 2.744 15.325 6,878 9.905 112.02 L 3.130 17.480 7,846 11.298 127.77 F 2.934 16.388 7,356 10.592 119.79 S 3.007 16.793 7,537 .854 122.75 K 1.0 3.774 21.080 9,462 13.624 146.19 D 2.892 16.154 7,251 10.440 112.02 L 3.318 18.533 8,318 11.978 128.52 F .104 17.338 7,782 .206 120.23 S .196 17.809 8,029 .535 123.77 K 1.5 4.638 25.903 11,626 16.741 146.67 D 3 . 543 19.785 8,880 12.787 112.02 L 4.156 23.210 10,417 1 5 . 00 1 131.42 F 3.832 21.403 9,606 13.833 121.18 S 4.040 22.562 10,126 14.582 127.75 K 2.0 5.364 29.960 13,446 19.363 146.91 D 4.091 22.846 10,253 14.765 112.02 L .875 27.292 12,221 17.598 133.51 F .449 24.850 11,153 16.061 121.85 S .771 26 . 644 11,958 17.220 130.65 K 3.0 6.581 36.753 16,496 23.754 147.15 D 5.010 27.980 12,558 18.083 112.02 L 6.106 34.100 15,305 22.039 136.52 F 5.482 30.619 13,743 19 . 563 122.59 S 6.031 33.681 15,117 21.769 134.85 K 4.0 7.605 42.475 19,064 27.452 147.28 D 5.785 32.308 14,501 20.881 112.02 L 7.163 40 . 004 17,954 25.854 138.70 F 6.368 35.564 15,962 22.985 123.31 S 7.122 39.774 17,852 25.706 137.91 K 5.0 8.507 47 . 509 21,323 30.705 147.34 D 6.468 35.956 16,212 23.346 112.02 L 8.107 45.278 20,322 29.263 140.41 F 7.153 39.952 17,932 25.822 123.90 S 8.102 45.250 20,310 29.246 140.33 K 6.0 9.322 52.065 23,368 33.650 147.40 D 7.085 39.570 17,760 25 . 574 112.02 L 8.970 50.099 22,487 32.380 141.83 F 7.845 43.817 19,666 28.319 124.04 S 9.003 50 . 279 22,567 32.496 142.34 96 33-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. fooo Velocity in Feet UQ Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . 0. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 7.0 10.071 56.251 25,247 36.355 147.44 D 7.653 42.740 19,183 27.623 112.02 L 9.772 54.574 24,595 35.272 143.04 F 8.484 47.384 21,267 30.625 124.20 8 9.840 54.960 24,667 35.521 144.05 K 8.0 10.768 60.145 26,994 38.872 147.46 D 8.181 45.692 20,507 29.531 112.02 L 10.523 58.773 26,379 37.986 144.09 F 9.081 50.718 22,764 32.779 124.34 S 10.631 59.376 26,650 38.375 145.57 K 9.0 11.423 63.803 28,636 41.236 147.48 D 8.677 48 . 463 21,751 31 .322 112.02 L 11.234 62.742 28,160 40.551 145.03 F 9.655 53.923 24,202 34.851 124.64 S 11.380 63.560 28,527 41.079 146.92 K 10.0 12.043 67.262 30,189 43.472 147.50 D 9.147 51.084 22,928 33.016 112.02 L 11 .910 66.521 29,857 42.993 145.87 F 10.227 57.116 25,635 36.915 125.25 S 12.095 67.551 30,319 43.659 148.13 K 11.0 12.632 70.552 31,665 45.598 147.51 D 9.593 53.578 24,047 34.628 112.02 L 12.557 70.134 31,478 45.328 146.64 F 10.752 60.051 26,953 38.812 125.56 S 12.779 71.376 32,035 46.131 149.23 K 12.0 13.194 73.693 33,075 47.628 147.52 D 10.019 55.960 25,116 36.167 112.02 L 13.179 73 . 605 33,036 47.572 147.35 F 11.244 62.799 28,186 40.587 125.71 S 13.439 75.059 33,689 48.511 150.25 K 13.0 13.734 76.708 34,428 49 . 577 147.53 D 10.428 58 . 245 26,142 37.648 112.02 L 13.777 76.948 34,536 49.732 148.00 F 11.718 65.443 29,373 42.296 125.87 S 14.075 78.613 35,283 50.808 151.20 K 14.0 14.253 79.607 35,730 51.450 147.54 D 10.822 60.443 27,128 39.065 112.02 L 14.356 80.179 35,986 51 .820 148.60 F 12.175 67.996 30,518 43.946 126.02 S 14.692 82.054 36,828 53.032 152.08 K 15.0 14.755 82.408 36,987 53.261 147.55 D 11.202 62.566 28,081 40.437 112.02 L 14.916 83.309 37,391 53 . 843 149.16 F 12.602 70.383 31,590 45 . 489 126.02 S 15.289 85.392 38,327 55.190 152.89 32-INCH PIPE 97 For- mula. Fall per 1000 Feet. Mean Velocity in Feet per Sec. DISCHARGE. c Cu. Feet per Sec. U. S. Gallons per Min. Million Gallons per 24 Hours. K D L F 16.0 15.239 11.569 15.460 13.045 85.112 64.617 86.547 72.859 38,200 29,002 38,755 32,701 55.008 41.762 55.807 47 . 089 147.55 112.02 149.70 126.02 D F 17.0 11.925 13.432 66.605 75.021 29,894 33,671 43.047 48.487 112.02 126.18 D F 18.0 12.271 13.839 68.537 77.293 30,761 34,691 44.296 49.955 112.02 126.33 D F 19.0 12.607 14.219 70.415 79.411 31,604 35,642 45.510 51.324 112.02 126.33 D F 20.0 12.935 14.606 72.245 81.574 32,425 36,613 46.692 52.722 112.02 126.49 D F 21.0 13.285 15.000 74.198 83.778 33,302 37,602 47.955 54.146 112.02 126.49 D 22.0 13.598 75.945 34,086 49 . 084 112.02 D 23.0 13.903 77.651 34,852 50.187 112.02 D 24.0 14.202 79.323 35,603 51.266 112.02 D 25.0 14.495 80.958 36,420 52.431 112.02 D 30.0 15.879 88.685 39,804 57.450 112.02 98 34-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean - For- mula. per 1000 Feet. Velocity in Feet per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. U. S. Gallons per Min. Million Gallons ger 24 ours. c K 0.10 1.155 7.380 3267 4.705 137.18 D 0.946 5.950 2670 3.845 112.12 L .964 6.080 2729 929 114.58 F .970 . 117 2745 953 115.28 S .871 5.492 2465 549 103.49 K 0.12 1.280 8.071 3622 5.216 138.84 D .034 6.522 2927 4.215 112.12 L .067 .712 3019 .348 116.00 F .074 .771 3039 .376 116.49 S 0.964 .080 2729 3.930 104.60 K 0.15 1.449 9.139 4102 5.906 140.62 D .156 7.287 3270 4.710 112.12 L .208 .614 3417 .921 117.16 F .203 .586 3405 .903 116.74 S .101 6.942 3116 .487 106.81 K 0.20 1.696 10.694 4800 6.912 142.51 D .334 8.414 3776 5.438 112.12 L .417 .932 4009 .773 119.03 F .398 .816 3957 .698 117.48 S .300 .198 3679 .298 109.24 K 0.30 2.107 13.283 5976 8.605 144.53 D 1.634 10.305 4625 6.660 112.12 L .774 11.186 5021 7.230 121.71 F .722 10.856 4872 .016 118.12 3 .644 .3*63 4651 6.698 112.76 K 0.40 2.451 15.451 6935 9.986 145.60 D 1.887 11.899 5341 7.690 112.12 L 2.081 13.123 5890 8.481 123.65 F .001 12.617 5663 .155 118.90 S 1.941 .238 5493 7.909 115.32 K 0.50 2.752 17.353 7789 11.216 146.25 D .110 13.303 5971 8 . 598 112.12 L .356 14.853 6667 9.600 125.18 F .247 .169 6360 .158 119.42 S .208 13.923 6249 8.998 117.34 K 0.60 3.024 19.068 8558 12.324 146.70 D 2.311 14.573 6541 9.419 112.12 L .606 16.434 7376 10.622 126.44 F .470 15.573 6990 .065 119.79 S .453 .468 6942 9.997 119.01 K 0.70 3.274 20.641 9264 13.340 147.03 D 2.497 15.741 7065 10.173 112.12 L .839 17.902 8035 11.570 127.52 F .680 16.897 7584 10.920 120.08 S .682 .911 7590 .930 120.46 34-INCH PIPE 99 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Velocity in Feet Million C Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. U. S. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 0.80 3.514 22.153 9,943 14.317 147.27 D 2.669 16.828 7,553 10.876 112.12 L 3.058 19.280 8,653 12.489 128.46 F 2.881 18.166 8,154 11.741 121.04 S .898 .269 8,200 .807 121.72 K 0.90 3 . 723 23.474 10,536 15.172 147.46 D 2.831 17.848 8,011 11.536 112.12 L 3.264 20.582 9,259 13.333 129.29 F .060 19.291 8,658 12.467 121.18 S .102 .555 8,777 .639 122.85 K 1.0 1 3.929 24.769 11,117 16.009 147.62 D 2.984 18.814 8,444 12.160 112.12 L 3.461 21.821 9,794 14.103 130.05 F .236 20.404 9,158 13.187 121.60 S .296 .784 9,328 .432 123.86 K 1.5 4.827 30.432 13,659 19.669 148.08 D 3.655 23.042 10,342 14.892 112.12 L 4.334 27.328 12,265 17.663 132.98 F 3.996 25.193 11,307 16.282 122.59 S 4.167 26.273 11,792 .980 127.84 K 2.0 5.582 35.195 15,797 22.747 148.31 D 4.220 26 . 608 11,942 17.196 112.12 L 5.085 32.060 14,389 20.720 135.10 F 4.636 29.227 13,118 18.890 123.17 S .921 31.026 13,925 20.053 130.74 K 3.0 6.848 43.174 19,378 28 . 554 148.55 D 5.168 32 . 587 14,626 21.061 112.12 L 6.368 40.150 18,020 25.949 138.15 F 5.718 36.051 16,181 23.300 124.04 S 6.220 39.220 17,603 25.348 134.95 K 4.0 7.913 49.893 22,394 32.246 148.67 D 5.968 37.628 16,888 24.319 112.12 L 7.470 47.101 21,140 30.441 140.35 F 6.634 41.829 18,774 27.035 124.64 S 7.346 46.317 20,788 29.935 138.01 K 5.0 8.851 55.809 25,049 36.069 148.74 D 6.672 42.070 18,882 27.190 112.12 L 8.455 53.311 23,927 34 . 455 142.08 F 7.444 46.937 21,067 30.336 125.10 S 8.357 52.693 23,650 34 . 056 140.44 K 6.0 9.699 61.155 27.448 39 . 525 148.79 D 7.309 46 . 085 20.684 29.786 112.12 L 9.356 58.988 26,475 38.124 143.51 F 8.185 51 .606 23,162 33 . 353 125.56 S 9.286 58 . 549 26,279 37.841 142.45 100 34-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet UQ Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . to. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 7.0 10.479 66.071 29,655 42.702 148.83 D 7.895 49.777 22,341 32.171 112.12 L 10.191 64.257 28,841 41.529 144.74 F 8.862 55.878 25,080 36.114 125.87 S 10.152 64.006 28,728 41.368 144.17 K 8.0 11.205 70.645 31,708 45.658 148.85 D 8.440 53.215 23,884 34.393 112.12 L 10.975 69.200 31,059 44.725 145.80 F 9.486 59.810 26,844 38.655 126.02 S 10.966 69.142 31,033 44.687 145.68 K 9.0 11.886 74.939 33,635 48.434 148.87 D 8.952 56.442 25,333 36.479 112.12 L 11.716 73.873 33,156 47.635 146.75 F 10.086 63.594 28,543 41.102 126.33 S 11.738 74.013 33,219 47.835 147.03 K 10.0 12.530 79.002 35,459 51.060 148.89 D 9.436 59.495 26,703 38.452 112.12 L 12.422 78.323 35,153 50.621 147.61 F 10.658 67.202 30,162 43.433 126.65 S 12.476 78.661 35,306 50 . 839 148.24 K 11.0 13.143 82.867 37,193 53 . 557 148.90 D 9.897 62.400 28,007 40.329 112.12 L 13.097 82 . 577 37,063 53 . 370 148.38 F 11.193 70.570 31,674 45.610 126.81 S 13.182 83.117 37,305 53.719 149.35 K 12.0 13.728 86.557 38,849 55.042 148.91 D 10.336 65.174 29,252 42.122 112.12 L 13.745 86.664 38,897 56.012 149.09 F 11.705 73.801 33,123 47.698 126.97 S 13.862 87.404 39,229 56.490 150.37 K 13.0 14.289 90.095 40,437 58.229 148.92 D 10.758 67.834 30,446 43.842 112.12 L 14.369 90.600 40,664 58.555 149.75 F 12. 198 76.910 34,519 49.707 127.13 S 14.519 91.542 41,087 59.165 151.31 K 14.0 14.830 93.502 41,966 60.431 148.93 D 11.164 70.394 31,595 45.496 112.12 L 14.973 94.404 42,371 61 .014 150.36 F 12.658 79.812 35,822 51.583 127.13 S 15.154 95.550 42,885 61.755 152.19 K 15.0 15.351 96.790 43,442 62 . 556 148.94 D 11.557 72.867 32,704 47.094 112.12 L 15.557 98.089 44,025 63.696 150.93 F 13.120 82.720 37,127 53.463 127.29 34-INCH PIPE 101 Fall Mean ] DISCHARGE -4-4-^ ' For- mula. per 1000 Feet. Velocity in Feet per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. U. S. Gallons per Min. Million Gallons ger 24 ours. c D F 16.0 11.936 13.550 75.256 85.432 33,777 38,344 48.638 55.215 112.12 127.29 D F 17.0 12.303 13.984 77.571 88.170 34,816 39,574 50.135 56.977 112.12 127.45 D F 18.0 12.660 14.408 79.821 90.843 35,826 40,773 51.589 58.712 112.12 127.61 D F 19.0 13.007 14.821 82.009 93.450 36,808 41,943 53.003 60.398 112.12 127.77 D F 20.0 13.345 15.226 84.140 96.002 37,764 43,088 54.380 62.047 112.12 127.93 D 21.0 13.674 86.215 38,696 55.721 112.12 D 22.0 13.993 88.225 39,598 57.020 112.12 D 23.0 14.310 90.228 40,497 58.315 112.12 D 24.0 14.618 92.170 41,369 59.570 112.12 D 25.0 14.920 94.070 42,221 60.798 112.12 D 30.0 16.344 103.05 46,251 66.601 112.12 102 36-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Velocity in Feet UQ Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . 0. Gallons per Min. Gallons ger 24 ours. K 0.10 1.203 8 . 507 3,818 5.498 128. C6 D 0.972 6.869 3,083 4 . 429 112.21 L 1.003 7.091 3,183 .584 115.85 F .022 .223 3,242 .668 117.99 S 0.900 6.362 2,855 .112 103.92 K 0.12 1.334 9.427 4,231 6.093 140. 8 D .065 7.525 3,377 4.863 112.21 L .110 .847 3,522 5.072 117.02 F .119 .912 3,551 .114 117.99 S .000 .069 3,173 4.569 105.41 K 0.15 1.509 10.669 4,789 6.895 142.30 D .190 8.413 3,776 5.437 112.21 L .256 .882 3,986 .740 118.46 F .256 .875 3,984 .736 118.38 S .138 .042 3,609 .197 107.26 K 0.20 1.765 12.478 5,600 8.064 144.13 D .374 9.715 4,360 6.279 112.21 L .474 10.419 4,676 .734 120.35 F .463 .339 4,640 .682 119.42 S .344 9.497 4,262 .132 109.70 K 0.30 2.191 15.490 6,952 10.011 146. C9 D 1.683 11 .897 5,340 7.690 112.21 L .846 13.048 5,857 8.434 123.06 F .801 12.733 5,715 .229 120.09 S .698 .004 5,388 7.759 112.99 K 0.40 2.548 18.012 8,084 1 1 . 642 147.12 D 1.944 13.738 6,166 8.879 112.21 L 2.166 15.307 6,870 9.893 125.03 F .089 14.769 6,629 .545 120.63 S .006 .176 6,363 .163 115.79 K 0.50 2.861 20.226 9,078 13.072 147.75 D .173 15.360 6,894 9.928 112.21 L .451 17.325 7,776 11.197 126.57 F .352 16.626 7,462 10.745 121.46 S .283 .137 7,243 .429 117.89 K 0.60 3.144 22.220 9,973 14.361 148.19 D 2.380 16.826 7,552 10.874 112.21 L .712 19.170 8,604 12.390 127.85 F .589 18.297 8,212 11.825 122.02 S .535 17.921 8,043 .566 119.52 K 0.70 3.403 94.151 10,795 15.544 148.50 D 2.571 18.174 8, 1 57 11.746 112.21 L .954 20.882 9,372 13.497 128.94 F .812 19.878 8,922 12.847 1 22 . 73 S .772 .591 8,793 .662 120.96 36-INCH PIPE 103 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet Uo Million * Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . &. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 0.80 3.643 25.752 11,558 16.644 148.73 D 2.749 19.429 8,720 12.557 112.21 L 3.182 22.489 10,094 14.535 129.89 F .017 21.326 9,572 13.783 123.17 S 2.994 .163 9,499 .678 122.23 K 0.90 3.869 27 . 348 12,275 17.675 148.92 D 2.915 20.607 9,249 13.318 112.21 L 3.397 24 . 008 10,776 15.517 130.73 F .204 22.645 10,164 14.636 123.31 S .205 .653 10,168 .641 123.36 K 1.0 4.082 28.857 12,952 18.651 149.07 D 3.073 21.722 9,747 14.039 112.21 L .601 25.454 11,424 16.451 131.49 F .389 23.956 10,752 15.483 123.75 S .407 24.082 10,809 .564 124.40 K 1.5 5.015 35.450 15,911 22.912 149.52 D 3.764 26.604 11,941 17.195 112.21 L 4.510 31.878 14,307 20 . 603 134.45 F .181 29.552 12,267 19.100 124.64 S .306 30.435 13,660 .671 128.37 K 2.0 5.800 40.995 18,400 26.495 149.74 D 4.346 30.720 13,788 19.854 112.21 L 5.291 37.396 16,784 24.169 136.60 F 4.845 34.248 15,371 22. 135 125.10 S 5.085 35.942 16,132 23.230 131.29 K 3.0 7.114 50.285 22,570 32.500 149.97 D 5.323 37.624 16,887 24.317 112.21 L 6.626 46.833 21,021 30.270 139.68 F 5.971 42 . 203 18,942 27.276 125.87 S 6.428 45.434 20,392 29.364 135.50 K 4.0 8.221 58.109 26,081 37.556 150.09 D 6.146 43.444 19,499 28.078 112.21 L 7.773 54.941 24,659 35.509 141.91 F 6.928 48.971 21,980 31.651 126.49 S 7.591 53.655 24,082 34.678 138.58 K 5.0 9.195 64.998 29,173 42.009 150.16 D 6.872 48.572 21,801 31.393 112.21 L 8.798 62.185 27,911 40.191 143.66 F 7.775 54.959 24,667 35.521 126.97 S 8.636 61.041 27,397 39.451 141.02 K 6.0 10.076 71.223 31,967 46.032 150.22 D 7.528 53 . 208 23,881 34.389 112.21 L 9.734 68.807 30,882 44.470 145.11 F 8.549 60.431 27,123 39 . 057 127.45 S 9.595 67.825 30,442 43.826 143.04 104 36-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 iii P"eet UQ Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . 0. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 7.0 10.886 76.947 34,536 49.731 150.24 D 8.130 57.471 25,795 37.144 112.21 L 10.603 74.953 33,641 48.443 146.34 F 9.246 65.355 29,333 42.240 127.61 S 10.490 74.147 33,279 47.921 . 144.77 K 8.0 1 1 . 639 82.276 36,926 53.173 150.26 D 8.692 61.440 27,576 39.709 112.21 L 11 .419 80.720 36,229 52. 170 147.42 F 9.921 70.126 31,475 45.323 128.08 S 11.331 80.096 35,949 51.767 146.28 K 9.0 12.347 87.275 39,171 56.407 150.28 D 9.219 65.166 29,248 42. 113 112.21 L 12. 191 86.171 38,676 55 . 693 148.38 F 10.537 74.484 33,430 48. 140 128.26 s- 12.130 85.739 38,482 55.414 147.64 K 10.0 13.016 92.005 41,294 59.463 150.30 D 9.718 68.692 30,831 44 . 395 112.21 L 12.925 91.361 41,005 59 . 048 149.24 F 11.122 78.614 35,284 50 . 809 128.42 S 12.891 91.123 40,899 58.894 148.86 K 11.0 13.653 96.505 43,314 62.372 150.31 D 10.192 72 . 045 32,335 46.563 112.21 L 13.627 96.323 43,232 62 . 254 150.03 F 11.665 82.452 37,007 53 . 289 128.42 S 13.621 96.283 43,215 62.229 149.96 K 12.0 14.261 100.800 45,243 65.149 150.32 D 10.645 75.594 33,929 48.857 112.21 L 14.301 101.090 45,372 65.335 150.75 F 12.059 85.241 38,259 55.092 1 28 . 59 S 14.324 101.490 45,549 65.590 150.92 K 13.0 14.844 104.920 47,092 67.813 150.33 D 11.080 78.319 35,152 50.619 112.21 L 14.951 105.680 47,430 68.303 151 .41 F 12.697 89.749 40,282 58 . 005 128.59 S 15.002 106.050 47,596 68.538 151.93 K 14.0 15.405 108.890 48,873 70.377 150.34 D 11.498 81.275 36,479 52.530 112.21 L 15.578 110.120 49,424 71.171 152.03 F 13.193 93 . 257 41,856 60.272 128.75 D 15.0 11.902 84.130 37,760 54.374 112.21 F 13.657 96.532 43,326 62.389 128.75 D 16.0 12.292 86.888 38,998 56.157 112.21 F 14.122 99 . 825 44,804 64.518 128.92 36-INCH PIPE 105 For- mula. Fall per 1000 Feet. Mean Velocity in Feet per Sec. DISCHARGE. c Cu. Feet per Sec. u. s. Gallons per Min. Million Gallons Ser 24 ours. D F 17.0 12.670 14.557 89.561 102.900 40,198 46,183 57.884 66.503 112.21 128.92 D F 18.0 13.038 14.981 92.159 105.890 41,364 47,530 59 . 564 68.441 112.21 128.94 D F 19.0 13.395 15.392 94.685 108.800 42,497 48,832 61.196 70.317 112.21 128.92 D 20.0 13.743 97.145 43,602 62.786 112.21 D 21.0 14.082 99.541 44,677 64.334 112.21 D 22.0 14.414 101.890 45,729 65 . 849 112.21 D 23.0 14.738 104.180 46,756 67.329 112.21 D 24.0 15.055 106.420 47,763 68.778 112.21 106 38-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall- Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet UQ Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . O. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 0.10 1.251 9.855 4,423 6.329 140.63 D 0.999 7.869 3,532 5.086 112.29 L 1.042 8.204 3,682 .302 116.99 F .070 .425 3,781 .445 120.23 S 0.927 7.301 3,277 4.719 104.19 K 0.12 1.386 10.916 4,899 7.055 142.20 D .094 8.620 3,869 5.571 112.29 L .153 9.078 4,074 .867 118.25 F .176 .260 4,156 .985 120.63 S .030 8.113 3,641 .243 105.69 K 0.15 1.568 12.348 5,542 7.981 143.88 D .224 9.638 4,326 6.229 112.29 L .305 10.274 4,611 .640 119.71 F .316 .365 4,652 .699 120.77 S .172 9.230 4,143 5.965 107.54 K 0.20 1.832 14.428 6,476 9 . 325 145.58 D .413 11.128 4,995 7.192 112.29 L .530 12.053 5,410 .790 121.62 F .527 .023 5,396 .771 121.32 S .384 10.899 4,892 .044 109.98 K 0.30 2.274 17.908 8,038 11.574 147.55 D 1.731 13.626 6,116 8.807 112.29 L .917 15.098 6,777 9.758 124.39 F .876 14.776 6,632 .550 121.74 S .749 13.778 6,184 8.905 113.52 K 0.40 2.643 20.819 9,344 13.455 148.55 D 1.99S 15.737 7,064 10.171 112.29 L 2 . 248 17.748 7,948 11.444 126.35 F . 179 .160 7,702 .09: 122.44 S .066 16.271 7,303 10.516 116.09 K 0.50 2.968 23.372 10,490 15.106 149.16 D .234 17.595 7,897 11.372 112.29 L .545 20.042 8,996 12.953 127.91 F .448 19.277 8,652 .458 123.02 S .350 18.511 8,308 11.964 118. 13 K 0.60 3.260 25.674 11,523 16.593 149.57 D 2.447 19.275 8,651 12.457 112.29 L .816 22.177 9,954 14.333 129.20 F .694 21.217 9,523 13.713 123.61 S .612 20.568 9,232 .293 119.83 K 0.70 3.520 27.788 12,472 17.960 149.88 D 2.643 20.819 9,344 13.455 112.29 L 3.067 24.157 10,842 15.613 130.30 F 2.917 22.971 10,310 14.847 123.90 S .855 .485 10,092 .532 121.28 38-INCH PIPE 107 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Velocity in Feet Uo Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . o. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 0.80 3.778 29.751 13,353 19.228 150.11 D 2.826 22.256 9,989 14.551 112.29 L 3 . 303 26.016 11,676 16.814 131.26 F .122 24.586 11,035 15.890 124.04 S .084 .289 10,902 .698 122.54 K 0.90 4.012 31.594 14,180 20.419 150.29 D 2.997 23.606 10,595 15.257 112.29 L 3.526 27.773 12,466 17.948 132.11 F .319 26.140 11,732 16.895 124.34 S .301 25.997 11,668 .802 123.66 K 1.0 4.233 33.334 14,961 21.544 150.43 D 3.160 24.883 11,168 16.082 112.29 L .739 29.446 13,216 19.031 132.88 F .503 27.588 12,382 17.830 124.50 S .509 .633 12,402 .859 124.70 K 1.5 5.199 40.944 18,377 26.463 150.86 D 3.870 30.476 13,678 19.697 112.29 L 4.682 36.876 16,551 23.834 135.87 F .322 34.035 15,276 21.745 125.41 S .435 .932 15,678 22.577 128.71 K 2.0 6.012 47.347 21,251 30.601 151.08 D 4.468 35.191 15,795 22.744 112.29 L 5.493 43.620 19,416 27.959 138.04 F .015 39.493 17,725 25.525 126.02 S .238 41.252 18,515 26.661 131.63 K 3.0 7.371 58.051 26,055 37.519 151.25 D 5.472 43.099 19,344 27.855 112.29 L 6.879 54.178 24,316 35.015 141.15 F .164 48 . 548 21,789 31.377 126.49 S .621 52.147 23,405 33.703 135.87 K 4.0 8.521 67.106 30,119 43.371 151.41 D 6.319 49.767 22,336 32.164 112.29 L 8.070 63.556 28,526 41.077 143.41 F 7.163 56.412 25,319 36.466 127.29 S .819 61.580 27,639 39.800 138.95 K 5.0 9.530 75.059 33,668 48.511 151.48 D 7.065 55.770 25,031 36.044 112.29 L 9.134 71.937 32,287 46.493 145.18 F 8.039 63.310 28,415 40.918 127.77 S .896 70.058 31,444 45.280 141.39 K 6.0 10.443 82.247 36,915 53.157 151.52 D 7.739 60.952 27,357 39 . 394 112.29 L 10.107 79.596 35,725 51.443 146.64 F 8.817 69.442 31,168 44.881 127.93 S 9.858 77.638 34,846 50.178 143.03 108 38 INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. U. D. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 7.0 1 1 . 283 88 . 857 39,881 57 . 429 151.56 D 8.359 65.835 29,548 42.551 112.29 L 1 1 . 009 86.706 38,916 56.039 147.89 F 9 . 534 75.090 33,702 48.531 128.08 S 10.805 85.100 38,196 55.001 145.15 K 8.0 1 2 . 063 95.006 42,641 61.403 151.58 D 8.937 70.382 31,589 45.489 112.29 L 11.856 93.377 41,910 60.350 148.98 F 10.247 80.698 36,220 52.157 128.75 S 11.672 91.928 41,260 59.414 146.67 K 9.0 12.796 100.780 45,234 65.136 151.60 D 9.479 74.650 33,505 48.247 112.20 L 12.657 99.683 44,740 64.426 149.95 F 10.884 85.716 38,472 55 . 399 128.92 S 12.494 98.404 44,166 63.599 148.02 K 10.0 13.490 106.220 47,674 68 . 650 151.61 D 9.991 78.688 35,317 50 . 857 112.29 L 13.419 105.690 47,435 68.306 150.82 F 11.472 90.353 40,553 58.396 128.92 S 13.249 104.580 46,941 67.594 149.25 K 11.0 14.150 111.440 50,017 72.024 151.63 D 10.479 82.530 37,042 53.340 112.29 L 14.148 111.430 50,011 72.016 151 .61 F 12.062 94.995 42,636 61.396 129.25 S 14.031 110.510 49,598 71.422 150.36 K 12.0 14.781 116.410 52,247 75.235 151.65 D 10.947 86. 180 38,679 55 . 698 112.29 L 14.848 116.940 52,487 75.580 152.34 F 12.615 99.348 44,590 64.209 129.43 S 14.755 116.210 52,158 75.107 151.39 K 13.0 15.384 121.160 54,381 78.307 151.65 D 11.391 89.718 40,268 57 . 986 112.29 L 15.522 122.250 54,870 79.013 153.01 F 13.130 103.400 46,411 66.831 129.43 S 15.454 121.710 54,627 78.663 152.33 D 14.0 11.821 93.104 41,788 60.174 112.29 F 13.643 107.440 48,225 69.443 129.59 D 15.0 12.237 96.374 43 256 62.287 112.29 F 14.122 111 .220 49,918 71.882 129.59 D 16.0 12.638 99 . 534 44,674 64.329 112.29 F 14.604 115.020 51,623 74.336 129.76 D 17.0 1 3 . 027 102.60 46,048 66.309 112 .29 F 15.053 118.56 53,211 76.623 129.76 38-INCH PIPE 109 For- mula. Fall per 1000 Feet. Mean Velocity in Feet per Sec. DISCHARGE. c Cu. Feet per Sec. U. S. Gallons per Min. Million Gallons per 24 Hours. D 18.0 13.405 105.57 47,384 68.232 112.29 D 19.0 13.772 108.47 48,682 70.102 112.29 D 20.0 14.130 111.28 49,947 71.923 112.29 D 21.0 14.458 114.08 50,384 73.731 112.29 D 22.0 14.820 116.71 52,384 75.433 112.29 D 23.0 15.152 119.33 53,561 77.127 112.29 110 40-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet UQ Million C Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . o. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 0.10 1.298 11.329 5,085 7.322 142.22 D .026 8.951 4,018 5.785 112.37 L .079 9.420 4,228 6.088 118.24 F .119 .766 4,383 .312 122.59 S .952 8.306 3,728 5.369 104.27 K 0.12 1.437 12.544 5,630 8.107 143.74 D .124 9.806 4,401 6.338 112.37 L .194 10.423 4,678 .736 119.43 F .229 .723 4,813 .930 122.88 S .057 9.225 4,141 5.962 105.71 K 0.15 1.625 14.183 6,365 9.166 145.36 D .256 10.963 4,921 7.086 112.37 L .323 11.528 5,174 .451 120.91 F .379 12.031 5,400 .776 123.31 S .203 10.495 4,711 6.783 107.57 K 0.20 1.899 16.571 7,437 10.710 147.09 D .451 12.659 5,682 8.182 112.37 L .586 13.839 6,211 .944 122.84 F .597 .939 6,256 9.009 123.75 S .420 12.394 5,563 8.011 110.01 K 0.30 2.355 20.548 9,222 13.281 148.92 D 1.777 15.504 6,959 10.020 112.37 L .986 17.331 7,779 11.201 125.61 F .964 .136 7,691 .075 124.20 S .795 15.667 7,032 10.126 113.55 K 0.40 2.737 23 . 882 10,719 15.435 149.89 D .052 17.902 8,035 11.570 112.37 L .330 20.332 9,126 13.141 127.61 F .279 19.883 8,924 12.851 124.80 S .120 18.502 8,304 11.958 116.13 K 0.50 3.072 26.806 12,031 17.325 150.48 D 2.294 20.016 8,984 12.936 112.37 L .631 23.013 10,329 14.873 129. 19 F .557 22.312 10,014 .420 125.25 S .412 21.049 9,469 13.604 118.17 K 0.60 3.374 29.443 13,215 19.029 1 50 . 88 D 2.513 21.926 9,841 14.171 112.37 L .918 25.464 11,428 16.457 130.50 F .808 24.501 10,996 15.835 125.56 S .680 23.389 10,497 .116 119.86 K 0.70 3.651 31.863 14,301 20 . 594 151.18 D 2.714 23.683 10,630 15.306 112.37 L 3.179 27.738 12,449 17.927 131.60 F .036 26.497 11,892 .126 125.71 S 2.930 25.569 11,476 16.525 121.31 40-INCH PIPE 111 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet Uo Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . o. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 0.80 3.909 34.113 15,311 22 . 047 151.39 D 2.901 25.318 11,363 16.363 112.37 L 3.423 29.872 13,407 19.306 132.57 F .254 28.396 12,745 18.352 126.02 S .165 27.621 12,397 17.851 122.58 K 0.90 4.151 36.224 16,258 23.412 151.57 D 3.077 26.854 12,053 17.356 112.37 L .654 31.889 14,313 20.610 133.43 F .460 30.193 13,551 19.514 126.33 S .389 29 . 570 13,272 .112 123.73 K 1.0 4.380 38.218 17,153 24.701 151.71 D 3.244 28.306 12,704 18.295 112.37 L .874 33.810 15,175 21.851 134.21 F .651 31.865 14,302 20.294 126.49 S .601 .422 14,103 .309 124.73 K 1.5 5.379 46.937 21,067 30.336 152.13 D 3.973 34.669 15,560 22.406 112.37 L 4.852 42.342 19,004 27.366 137.23 F .495 39.223 17,604 25.350 127.13 S .552 .722 17,828 .673 128.74 K 2.0 6.219 54.274 24,360 35.078 152.34 D 4.587 40.032 17,967 25.873 112.37 L 5.692 49.672 22,294 32.103 139.42 F .210 45.462 20,405 29.383 127.61 S .375 46.908 21,054 30.317 131.66 K 3.0 7.628 66 . 563 29,875 43.020 152.55 D 5.610 48.961 21,975 31.644 112.37 L 7.128 62 . 207 27,920 40.205 142.57 F 6.421 56.035 25,150 36.216 128.42 8 .795 59 . 298 26,615 38.325 135.90 K 4.0 8.814 76.917 34,523 49.712 152.66 D 6.487 56.613 25,410 36.590 112.37 L 8.362 72.976 32,753 47.165 144.84 F 7.444 64.963 29,157 41.987 128.92 S 8.024 70.026 31,430 45.248 138.98 K 5.0 9.859 86.032 38,614 55.604 152.73 D 7.253 63.296 28,409 40.909 112.37 L 9.465 82 . 600 37,072 53.384 146.63 F 8.354 72.906 32,722 47.119 129.43 S 9.129 79.665 35,756 51.488 141.42 K 6.0 10.802 94.269 42,311 60.927 152.77 D 7.945 69.338 31,121 44.814 112.37 L 10.473 91.392 41,021 59 . 067 148.11 F 9.176 80.072 35,939 51.751 129.76 S 10.144 88.522 39,731 57.213 143.45 112 40-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. p6r 1000 in Feet U<< Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . o. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 7.0 11.670 101.840 45,710 65.822 152.80 D 8.582 75.412 33,614 48.404 112.37 L 11.408 99.556 44,684 64 . 344 149.37 F 9.937 86.714 38,920 56 . 044 130.10 S 11.089 96.770 43,433 62.543 145.19 K 8.0 12.479 108.900 48,877 70.382 152.83 D 9.175 80 . 064 35,935 51.746 112.37 L 12.286 107.210 48,122 69.295 150.47 F 10.637 92.824 41,662 59.993 130.27 8 11.979 104.530 46,918 67.562 146.71 K 9.0 13.236 115.510 51,845 74.656 152.84 D 9.731 84.920 38,114 54.884 112.37 L 13.115 114.450 51,371 73.975 151.45 F 11.297 98.584 44,248 63.716 130.45 S 12.823 111.900 50,224 72.322 148.06 K 10.0 13.954 121.770 54,654 78.701 152.86 D 10.257 89.514 40,176 57.853 112.37 L 13.905 121.350 54,465 78.430 152.33 F 11.908 103.920 46,641 67.163 130.45 S 13.628 118.920 53,378 76.864 149.29 K 11.0 14.636 127.730 57,326 82 . 548 152.86 D 10.758 93.884 42,137 60.678 112.37 L 14.661 127.940 57,424 82.689 153.13 F 12.503 109.280 49,048 70.628 130.79 S 14.400 125.660 56,401 81.218 150.40 K 12.0 15.287 133.410 59,878 86.225 152.87 D 11.236 98.058 44,011 63.375 112.37 L 15.386 134.270 60,266 86.782 153.86 F 13.097 114.290 51,297 73.867 130.97 S 15.142 132.140 59,310 85.407 151.42 D 13.0 11.696 102.060 45,808 65.963 112.37 F 13.650 119.110 53,463 76.985 131.14 D 14.0 12.137 105.913 47,537 68.453 112.37 F 14.184 123.780 55,555 79.999 131.32 D 15.0 12.563 109.643 49,206 70.857 112.37 F 14.701 128.290 57,582 82.919 131.49 D 16.0 12.975 113.237 50,820 73.180 112.37 F 15.204 132.680 59,552 85.753 131.67 D 17.0 13.374 116.710 52,383 75.431 112.37 D 18.0 13.762 120.106 53,903 77.619 112.37 D 19.0 14.139 123.397 55,380 79.746 112.37 D 20.0 14.506 126.593 56,818 81.818 112.37 D 21 .0 14.864 129.715 58,220 83.836 112.37 D 22.0 15.214 132.770 59,591 85.811 112.37 42-INCH PIPE 113 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity ; mula. 1000 in Feet UQ Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . 0. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 0.10 1.344 12.933 5,805 8.359 143.72 D .052 10.118 4,542 6.540 112.43 L .117 .743 4,822 .943 119.37 F .160 11.164 5,011 7.215 124.04 S 0.978 9.406 4,222 6.079 104.51 K 0.12 1.491 15.023 6,743 9.709 145.19 D .152 1 1 . 084 4,975 7.164 112.43 L .264 12.164 5,459 .862 120.57 F .274 .259 5,502 .923 124.34 S .094 10.523 4,723 6.801 106.74 K 0.15 1.682 16.178 7,261 10.456 146.77 D .288 12.393 5,562 8.010 112.43 L .398 13.454 6,039 .695 122.06 F .426 .723 6,159 .869 124.50 S .236 11.890 5,336 7.684 107.87 K 0.20 1.964 18.893 8,480 12.211 148.44 D .487 14.310 6,423 9.249 112.43 L .640 15.783 7,084 10.201 124.00 F .651 .884 7,129 .265 124.80 S .459 14.041 6,302 9.075 110.31 K 0.30 2.434 23.416 10,510 15.134 150.22 D 1.822 17.526 7,866 11.327 112.43 L 2.054 19.766 8,872 12.628 126.80 F .027 .500 8,752 .603 125.10 S 1.845 17.749 7,966 11.471 113.86 K 0.40 2.823 27 . 207 12,211 17.584 151.16 D .103 20.237 9,083 13.079 112.43 L .410 23 . 188 10,407 14.986 128.83 F .358 22.683 10,180 .660 126.02 S .179 20.960 9,407 13.547 116.45 K 0.50 3.174 30.534 13,704 19.734 151.73 D 2.352 22.626 10,155 14.623 112.43 L .728 26 . 245 11,780 16.963 130.41 F .646 25.455 11,425 .452 126.49 S .479 23.845 10,703 15.412 118.49 K 0.60 3.477 33 . 457 15,017 21.624 151.77 D 2 . 576 24.786 11,124 16.019 112.43 L 3.018 29.040 13,034 18.768 131.43 F 2.906 27.954 12,547 .067 126.81 S .754 26.496 11,892 17.125 120.19 K 0.70 3.772 36.288 16,287 23.453 152.40 D 2 . 783 26.771 12,016 17.302 112.43 L 3.288 31.364 14,198 20.445 132.85 F .142 30.232 13,600 1 9 . 539 126.97 S .011 28.966 13,001 18.721 121.65 114 43-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet UQ Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . o. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 0.80 4.038 38.848 17,436 25.107 152.61 D 2.975 28.620 12,845 18.497 112.43 L 3.541 34.067 15,290 22.018 133.83 F .363 32.360 14,524 20.915 127.13 S .252 31.290 14,043 .225 122.92 K 0.90 4.287 41.250 18,514 26.660 152.78 D 3.155 30.356 13,628 19.619 112.43 L .780 36.368 16,285 23.505 134.70 F .572 34.366 15,424 22.211 127.29 S .481 33.494 15,033 21.648 124.05 K 1.0 4.523 43.519 19,533 28.127 152.92 D 3.326 31.997 14,361 20.680 112.43 L 4.008 38.558 17,306 24.921 135.48 F 3.770 36.270 16,279 23.280 127.45 S .700 35.598 15,977 .007 125.08 K 1.5 5.555 53 . 442 23,986 34.540 153.32 D 4.073 39.189 17,590 25.328 112.43 L 5.019 48.289 21,674 31.210 138.54 F 4.653 44.763 20,091 28.931 128.42 S .677 44.995 20,195 29.081 129.09 K 2.0 6.422 61.791 27,734 39.936 1 53 . 52 D 4.703 45.242 20,310 29.247 112.43 L 5.888 56.649 25,426 36.613 140.75 F .386 51.822 23,259 33.493 128.75 8 .523 53.140 23,851 34.345 132.03 K 3.0 7.875 75.769 34,007 48.970 153.73 D 5.760 55.422 24,875 35.819 112.43 L 7.374 79.945 31,842 45.852 143.92 F 6.631 63.797 28,634 41.233 129.43 S .982 67.177 30,151 43.417 136.28 K 4.0 9.101 87.561 39,300 56 . 592 153.84 D 6.652 63.995 28,723 41.361 112.43 L 8.650 83.226 37,354 53.790 146.22 F 7 . 667 73.761 33,106 47.673 1 29 . 59 S 8.245 79.329 25,605 51.271 139.37 K 5.0 10.179 97.936 43,957 63 . 297 153.90 D 7.437 7 1 . 550 32,113 46.244 112.43 L 9.791 94.200 42,279 60.882 148.02 F 8.617 82.902 37,209 53.581 130.27 S 9.380 90.251 40,507 58.330 141.82 K 6.0 11.154 107.310 48,165 69.357 153.94 D 8.146 78.379 35,178 50 . 662 112.43 L 10.833 104.230 46,781 67.365 149.52 F 9.477 91 .178 40,923 58 . 929 130.79 S 10.423 100.280 45,009 64.813 143.85 42-INCH PIPE 115 For- mula. Fall per 1000 Feet. Mean Velocity in Feet per Sec. DISCHARGE. c Cu. Feet per Sec. U. S. Gallons per Min. Million Gallons per 24 Hours. K D L F S 7.0 12.050 8.799 11.801 10.263 11.394 115.940 84.658 113.540 98.746 109.630 52,034 37,997 50,960 44,320 49,204 74.929 54.715 73.382 63.824 70.853 153.97 112.43 150.79 131.14 145.59 K D L F S 8.0 12.884 9.407 12.709 10.987 12.309 123.960 90.504 122.270 105.710 118.420 55,635 40,621 54,881 47,444 53,152 80.115 58.494 79.028 68.318 76.539 153.99 112.43 151.90 131.32 147.12 K D L F S 9.0 13.667 9.977 13.567 11.669 13.175 131.490 95.993 130.530 112.270 126.770 59,018 43,084 58,587 50,388 56,896 84.985 62.041 84.364 72.559 81.930 154.01 112.43 152.88 131.49 148.47 K D L F 3 10.0 14.407 10.517 14.384 12.317 14.003 138.61 101.18 138.40 118.50 134.73 62,212 45,415 62,116 53,187 60,469 89 . 584 65.397 89.446 76.588 87.074 154.02 112.43 153.77 131.67 149.70 K D L F S 11.0 15.112 11.030 15.165 12.918 14.796 145.40 106.13 145.91 124.43 142.36 65,257 47,632 65,489 55,783 63,894 93.971 68.590 94.304 80.327 92.007 154.03 112.43 154.58 131.67 150.82 D F S 12.0 11.521 13.510 15.559 110.84 129.99 149.70 49,750 58,341 67,189 71.639 84.010 . 96.752 112.43 131.85 151.84 D F 13.0 11.991 14.062 115.37 135.29 51,781 60,722 74.564 87.440 112.43 131.85 D F 14.0 12.444 14.612 119.72 140.59 53,735 63,100 77.378 90.864 112.43 132.03 D F 15.0 12.881 15.146 123.93 145.72 55,623 65,405 80.096 94.182 112.43 132.21 D 16.0 13.303 127.99 57,446 82.722 112.43 D 17.0 13.712 131.93 59,214 85.267 112.43 D 18.0 14.110 135.75 60,931 87.741 112.43 D 19.0 14.497 139.48 62,601 90.145 112.43 D 20.0 14.873 143.10 64,227 92.487 112.43 D 21.0 15.240 146.63 65,816 94.768 112.43 116 44-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet UQ Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . b. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 0.10 1.390 14.673 6,586 9.484 145.14 D .077 11.372 5,104 7.350 112.49 L .153 12.177 5,465 .870 120.45 F .198 .647 5,676 8.174 125.10 S .005 10.615 4,764 6.860 104.99 K 0.12 1.537 16.233 7,286 10.492 146.58 D .180 12.458 5,591 8.052 112.49 L .276 13.474 6,047 .708 121.66 F .317 .905 6,241 9.008 125.56 S .117 11.794 5,294 7.623 106.50 K 0.15 1.737 18.338 8,212 11 .852 148.11 D .319 13.928 6,251 9.002 112.49 L .441 15.250 6,845 .856 123.16 F .478 .604 7,003 10.085 126.02 S .271 13.418 6,022 8.672 108.37 K 0.20 2.027 21.407 9,608 13.835 148.69 D 1 . 523 16.083 7,219 10.394 112.49 L .694 17.890 8,030 11.562 125.12 F .713 18.085 8,117 .688 126.49 S .501 15.846 7,112 10.241 110.83 K 0.30 2.512 26.520 11,903 17.140 151.45 D 1 . 865 19.697 8,841 12.730 112.49 L 2.122 22.404 10,056 14.480 127.95 F .106 . 233 9,979 .369 126.97 S 1.897 20.031 8,990 12.946 114.39 K 0.40 2.917 30.805 13,826 19.910 152.35 D .154 22.744 10,208 14.700 112.49 L .489 26.283 11,796 16.987 129.99 F .440 25.769 11,566 .654 1 27 . 45 S .240 23.655 10,617 15.288 116.99 K 0.50 3.373 35.616 15,986 23.019 152.91 D 2.408 25.429 11,413 16.435 112.49 L .817 29.749 13,352 19.227 1 3 1 . 59 F .742 28 . 954 12,995 18.713 128.08 S .549 26.911 12,078 17.393 119.04 K 0.60 3.578 37.960 17,037 24 . 534 153.29 D 2.638 27.856 12,503 18.004 112.49 1. 3.117 32.917 14,774 21 .274 132.29 F .016 31.770 14,292 20.581 128.59 S 2.832 29.903 13,421 19.326 120.75 K 0.70 3.890 41 .074 18,435 26.546 153.56 D 2 . 850 30.089 13,504 19.446 112.49 L 3 . 396 35.856 16,093 23.175 134.05 F .266 ?4 4Z3 15,477 22.287 128.92 S .096 32^688 14,672 21 .127 122.21 44-INCH PIPE 117 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet Uq Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . O. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 0.80 4.164 43.968 19,734 28.417 153.76 D 3.046 32.166 14,437 20.789 112.49 L .657 38.615 17,332 24.957 135.04 F .492 36.870 16,548 23.829 128.94 S .344 35.312 15,849 22.822 123.49 K 0.90 4.421 46.684 20,953 30.173 153.93 D 3.231 34.117 15,313 22.050 112.49 L .904 41.223 18,502 26.643 135.95 F .717 39.253 17,618 25.369 129.43 S .580 37.799 16,810 24.430 124.63 K 1.0 4.664 49.252 22,105 31.832 154.06 D 3.406 35.962 16,141 23.243 112.49 L 4.139' 43.706 19,616 28.313 136.71 F 3.924 41.430 18,595 26.776 129.59 S .805 40.173 18,031 25.964 125.66 K 1.5 5.727 60.474 27,143 39.085 154.45 D 4.171 44.045 19,768 28.467 112.49 L 5.184 54.736 24,567 35.376 139.79 F 4.812 50.808 22,804 32.838 129.76 S .809 50.784 22,793 32.822 129.70 K 2.0 6.622 69.918 31,381 45.189 154.64 D 4.817 50 . 859 22,827 32.871 112.49 L 6.081 64.211 28,820 41.500 142.02 F 5.586 58.978 26,471 38.118 130.45 S .680 59.971 26,917 38.760 132.64 K 3.0 8.120 85.741 38,483 55.415 154.84 D 5.899 62.289 27,957 40.257 112.49 L 7.616 80.415 36,093 51.973 145.23 F 6.877 72.618 32,593 46.933 131.14 S 7.180 75.809 34,025 48.996 136.91 K 4.0 9.383 99.072 44,467 64.031 154.95 D 6.812 71.925 32,282 46.486 112.49 L 8.889 93.881 42,137 60.677 146.79 F 7.973 84.190 37,787 54.451 131.67 S 8.479 89.526 40,182 57.862 140.02 K 5.0 10.495 110.820 49,737 71.621 155.01 D 7.616 80.415 36,093 51.973 112.49 L 10.112 106.770 47,924 69.010 149.36 F 8.926 94.254 42,304 60.917 131 .85 S 9.646 101.850 45,714 65.828 142.47 K 6.0 11.498 121 .420 54,494 78.471 155.04 D 8.343 88.091 39,538 56 . 934 112.49 L 11.189 118.140 53,026 76.357 150.90 F 9.805 103.530 46,468 66.913 132.21 S 10.718 113.170 50,794 73.143 144.51 118 44-INCH PIPE For- mula. Fall per 1000 Feet. Mean Velocity in Feet per Sec. DISCHARGE. c Cu. Feet per Sec. U. S. Gallons per Min. Million Gallons per 24 Hours. K D L F S 7.0 12.422 9.011 12.188 10.619 11.716 131.17 95.14 128.70 112.13 123.72 58,872 42,705 57,763 50,327 55,528 84.775 61.495 83.179 72.470 79.960 155.08 112.49 152.15 132.57 146.26 K D L F S 8.0 13.282 9.633 13.126 11.368 12.657 140.24 101.72 138.60 120.04 133.64 62,945 45,654 62,207 53,877 59,984 90.640 65.741 89.578 77.582 86.376 155.09 112.49 153.27 132.75 147.79 K D L F S 9.0 14.122 10.217 14.012 12.074 13.548 148.77 107.88 147.96 127.49 143.06 66,771 48,423 66,40*8 57,222 64,210 96.150 69.728 95.627 82.399 92.461 155.11 112.49 154.27 132.93 149.16 K D L F S 10.0 14.852 10.770 14.856 12.745 14.399 156.83 113.72 156.87 134.57 152.04 70,388 51,042 70,408 60,400 68,242 101.360 73 . 500 101.380 86.977 98.268 155.12 112.49 155.17 133.11 150.39 K D L F S 11.0 15.578 11 .296 15.663 13.367 15.214 164.50 119.27 165.39 141.14 160.65 73,829 53,534 74,232 63,349 72,106 106.310 77.088 106.890 91.222 103.830 155.13 112.49 155.98 133.11 151.51 D F 12.0 11.798 13.981 124.58 147.62 55,914 66,257 80.515 95.409 112.49 133.30 D F 13.0 12.280 14.551 129.66 153.65 58,197 68,962 83.803 99.304 112.49 130.30 D F 14.0 12.743 15.121 134.56 159.67 60,394 71,664 86.966 103.190 112.49 133.48 D 15.0 13.191 139.29 62,515 90.020 112.49 D 16.0 13.623 143.85 64,564 92.972 112.49 D 17.0 14.042 148.28 66,550 95.832 112.49 D 18.0 14.450 152.58 68,481 98.612 112.49 D 19.0 14.846 156.76 70,357 101.314 112.49 D 20.0 15.231 160.83 72,186 103.946 112.49 46-INCH PIPE 119 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Velocity in Feet Uo Million C Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . k5. Gallons per Min. Gallons Ser 24 ours. K 0.10 1.434 16.551 7,429 10.697 146.50 D .102 12.715 5,707 8.218 112.55 L .187 13.726 6,161 .872 121.49 F .238 14.291 6,414 9.236 126.49 S .028 11.869 5,323 7.665 104.97 K 0.12 1.586 18.304 8,215 11.830 147.90 D .207 13.929 6,252 9.002 112.55 L .316 15.188 6,817 .816 122.72 F .358 .674 7,035 10.130 126.65 S .142 13.177 5,914 8.517 106.47 K 0.15 1.791 20.669 9,277 13.359 149.38 D .349 15.573 6,990 10.065 112.55 L .490 17.190 7,716 11.110 124.23 F .524 .591 7,895 .369 127.13 S .299 14.992 6,729 9.689 108.34 K 0.20 2.090 24.118 10,825 15.587 150.95 D 1.558 17.982 8,071 11.622 112.55 L .747 20.166 9,051 13.033 126.21 F .764 .363 9,140 .161 127.45 S .534 17.704 7,946 11.442 110.80 K 0.30 2.588 29.864 13,404 19.302 152.61 D 1.908 22.023 9,885 14.234 112.55 L 2.188 25.255 11,335 16.323 129.06 F .169 .035 11,236 .180 127.93 S 1.939 22.379 10,045 14.464 114.36 K 0.40 3.012 34.682 15,566 22.415 153.49 D 2.204 25.431 11,414 16.436 112.55 L .567 29.661 13,313 19.170 131.12 F .508 28.940 12,989 18.704 128.08 S .290 26.429 11,862 17.081 116.96 K 0.50 3.372 38.912 17,465 25.149 154.03 D 2.464 28.433 12,761 18.376 112.55 L .906 33.533 15,051 21.673 132.73 F .822 32.569 14,618 .050 128.92 S .605 30.067 13,495 19.433 119.01 K 0.60 3.702 42.727 19,177 27.615 154.39 D 2.699 31.146 13,995 20.084 112.55 L 3.215 37.103 16,653 23.980 134.07 F .104 35.817 16,076 .149 129.43 S 2.895 33.409 14,995 21 .592 120.72 K 0.70 4.006 46.229 20,749 29.878 154.66 D 2.915 33.642 15,099 21.743 112.55 L 3.502 40.418 18,141 26.123 135.22 F .361 38.787 17,409 25.069 129.76 S .165 36.523 16,392 23.605 122.18 120 46-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet Uo Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . o. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 0.80 4.288 49.484 22,210 31.982 154.86 D 3.116 35.965 16,142 23.244 112.55 L .772 43.528 19,536 28.133 136.21 F .598 41.520 18,678 26.897 129.93 S .419 39.453 17,708 25.499 123.46 K 0.90 4.552 52.539 23,581 33.956 155.01 D 3.305 38.146 17,121 24.654 112.55 L 4.026 46.468 20,856 30.032 137.10 F 3.821 44.097 19,792 28.499 130.10 S .659 42.232 18,955 27.295 124.60 K 1.0 4.803 55.426 24,877 35.822 155.14 D 3.484 40 . 209 18,047 25.987 112.55 L 4.269 49.266 22,112 31.841 137.89 F .033 46.542 20,890 30.081 130.27 S 3.889 44.884 20,145 29 . 009 % 125.63 K 1.5 5.896 68.049 30,542 43.981 155.52 D 4.267 49 . 247 22,103 31.828 112.55 L ' 5.346 61.699 27,692 39,877 141 .00 F 4.959 57.231 25,687 36.989 130.79 S .916 56.739 25,466 .671 129.67 K 2.0 6.817 78.672 35,310 50.847 155.71 D 4.927 56.865 25,523 36.752 112.55 L 6.272 72.380 32,486 46.780 143.25 F 5.742 66.261 29.740 42.825 131.14 S .806 67.005 30,074 43.306 132.62 K 3.0 8.358 96.469 43,000 62.349 155.90 D 6.035 69.645 31,258 45.012 112.55 L 7.854 90.646 40,684 58 . 586 146.48 F .070 81.588 36,619 52.731 131.85 S .339 84.701 38,016 54.743 136.88 K 4.0 9.658 111.470 50,029 72 . 041 156.00 D 6.968 80.419 36,094 51.976 112.55 L 9.214 106.340 47,728 68.728 148.82 F 8.208 94.724 42,515 61.221 132.57 S .669 100.050 44,906 64.664 140.02 K 5.0 10.802 124.670 55,954 80.573 156.05 D 7.791 89.913 40,356 58 . 1 1 1 112.55 L 10.429 120.360 54,021 77.789 150.66 F 9.202 106.190 47,664 68.636 132.93 S .860 113.800 51,074 73.546 142.44 K 6.0 11.836 136.600 61,310 88.286 156.09 ' D 8.534 98.494 , 44,207 63 . 657 112.55 L 11.540 133.170 59,772 86.072 152.18 F 10.094 116.490 52,286 75 . 290 133.11 S .956 126.440 56,751 81.720 144.48 46-INCH PIPE 121 For- mula. Fall per 1000 Feet. Mean Velocity in Feet per Sec. DISCHARGE. c Cu. Feet . per Sec. U. S. Gallons per Min. Million Gallons per 24 Hours. K D L F S 7.0 12.787 9.218 12.570 10.963 11.977 147.57 106.38 145.07 122.53 138.22 66,234 47,748 65,112 56,788 62,040 95.376 68.757 93.761 81.775 89.337 156.12 112.55 153.47 133.86 146.24 K D L F S 8.0 13.672 9.855 13.537 11.753 12.938 157.78 113.73 156.23 135.64 149.32 70,818 51,046 70,122 60,879 67,018 101.980 73.505 100.970 87.666 96.505 156.14 112.55 154.61 134.23 147.76 K D L F S 9.0 14.503 10.452 14.451 12.484 13.850 167.37 120.63 166.78 144.07 159.82 75,121 54,141 74,856 64,622 71,740 108.170 77 . 963 107.790 93.113 103.300 156.16 112.55 155.61 134.42 149.13 K D L F S 10.0 15.289 11.017 15.222 13.177 14.719 176.44 127.15 176.83 152.07 169.88 79,192 57,070 79,365 68,254 76,245 114.040 82.180 114.280 98.286 109.790 156.17 112.55 156.51 134.60 150.36 D F S 11.0 11.555 13.821 15.553 133.36 159.49 179.49 59,856 71,586 80,562 86.192 103.090 116.010 112.55 134.60 151.48 D F 12.0 12.09 14.455 139.29 166.82 62,518 74,875 90.024 107.820 112.55 134.79 D F 13.0 12.562 15.045 144.98 173.64 65,070 77,933 93.700 112.220 112.55 134.79 D 14.0 13.036 150.45 67,526 97.237 112.55 D 15.0 13.494 155.73 69,897 100.650 112.55 D 16.0 13.937 160.84 72,189 103.950 112.55 D 17.0 14.365 165.79 74,410 107.150 112.55 D 18.0 14.782 . 170.60 76,569 110.258 112.55 D 19.0 15.187 175.27 78,666 113.279 112.55 122 48-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet Uo Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . to. Gallons per Min. Gallons Ser 24 ours. K 0.10 1.478 18.572 8,336 12.003 147.79 D .126 14.149 6,351 9.145 112.60 L .225 15.394 6,909 .949 122.50 F .278 16.056 7,206 10.377 127.77 S .051 13.212 5,930 8.539 105.13 K 0.12 1 . 634 20.531 9,215 13.270 149.49 D .233 15.499 6,957 10.017 112.60 L .356 17.033 7,645 11.009 123.74 F .403 .639 7,913 .395 128.08 S .168 14.680 6,589 9.488 106.64 K 0.15 1.844 23.176 10,402 14.979 150.59 D .379 17.329 7,778 11.200 112.60 L .534 19.276 8,653 12.460 125.26 F .575 .791 8,883 .791 128.59 S .329 16.701 7,496 10.794 108.51 K 0.20 2.171 27.031 12,133 17.471 152 . 10 D 1.592 20.010 8,981 12.932 112.60 L .800 22.616 10,151 14.617 127.26 F .824 .915 10,285 .810 128.94 S .569 19.723 8,852 12.747 110.97 K 0.30 2.663 33.458 15,017 21.624 153.72 D 1.950 24.507 10,999 15.839 112.60 L 2.254 28.324 12,712 18.306 130.13 F . .245 .206 12,660 .230 129.59 S 1.984 24.932 11,190 16.113 114.54 K 0.40 3.091 38.847 17,436 25.107 154.57 D 2.252 28.298 12,701 18.289 112.60 L .644 33.227 14,913 21.475 132.14 F .602 32.698 14,676 .133 130.10 S .343 29.439 13,213 19.027 117.13 K 0.50 3.467 43.572 19,557 28.161 155.06 D 2.518 31.639 14,200 20.448 112.60 L .993 37 . 608 16,879 24 . 306 133.84 F .917 36.655 16,452 23.690 130.45 S .666 33.496 15,034 21.649 119.20 K 0.60 3.808 47.848 21,476 30.924 155.44 D 2.758 34.658 15,555 22.400 112.60 L 3.311 41.612 18,677 26.895 135.18 F .208 40.313 18,094 .055 130.97 8 2.962 37.219 16,705 24.055 120.91 K 0.70 4.119 51.765 23,233 33.456 155.69 D 2.979 37.435 16,802 24.194 112.60 L 3.607 45.329 20,345 29.297 136.34 F .474 43.660 19,596 28.218 131.32 S .238 40.687 18,262 26.297 122.37 48-INCH PIPE 123 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Velocity in Feet UQ Million C Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . o. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 0.80 4.409 55.407 24,868 35.811 155.89 D 3.185 40.020 17,962 25.865 112.60 L .885 48.817 21,910 31.551 137.35 F .719 46.737 20,977 30.206 131.49 S .498 43.951 19,726 28.406 123.65 K 0.90 4.681 58.826 26,403 38.020 156.04 D 3.378 42.447 19,051 27.434 112.60 L 4.147 52.114 23,390 33.681 138.23 F 3.950 49.639 22,279 32.082 131.67 S .744 47 . 049 21,117 30.408 124.80 K 1.0 4.938 62.055 27,852 40.107 156.16 D 3.561 44.743 20,082 28.918 112.60 L 4.397 55.252 24,799 35.710 139.04 F .175 52.465 23,548 33.909 132.03 S 3.979 50.002 22,442 32.317 125.83 K 1.5 6 . 032 76.182 34,193 49.237 156.53 D 4.361 54 . 800 24,595 35.417 112.60 L 5.506 69.196 31,057 44.722 142.17 F .141 64.609 28,998 41.854 132.75 S .030 63 . 209 28,370 40.853 129.87 K 2.0 7.008 88.071 39,529 56.921 156.71 D 5.036 63.277 28,400 40.896 112.60 L 6.460 81.175 36,434 52.464 144.44 F 5.953 74.808 33,576 48.349 133.11 S .940 74.645 33,503 48 . 244 132.82 K 3.0 8.594 107.990 48,470 69.796 156.90 D 6.167 77.498 34,783 50.087 112.60 L 8.090 101.660 45,628 65.704 147.36 F 7.321 92.001 41,292 59.461 133.67 3 .509 94.361 42,351 60.986 137.10 K 4.0 9.929 124.770 56,002 80.642 157.00 D 7.121 89.487 40,164 57.836 112.60 L 9.490 119.260 53,527 77.078 150.05 F 8.489 106.680 47,881 68.948 134.23 3 .867 111.430 50,013 72.018 140.21 K 5.0 11.105 139.550 62,634 90.192 157.05 D 7.962 100.051 44,905 64.663 112.60 L 10.742 134.983 60,585 87.241 151.91 F 9 . 532 119.776 53,759 77.412 134.79 S 10.088 126.771 56,899 81.933 142.66 K 6.0 12.168 152.904 68,628 98.824 157.09 D 8.722 109.600 49,191 70.835 112.60 L 11.886 149.355 67,035 96.530 153.44 F 10.456 131.395 58,974 84.922 134.99 S 1 1 . 209 140.861 63,222 91.040 144.71 124 48-INCH PIPE Fall Mean J DISCHARGE For- mula. per 1000 Feet. Velocity in Feet per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. U. S. Gallons per Min. Million Gallons per 24 Hours. c K D L F S 7.0 13.145 9.420 lz.947 11.310 12.254 165.19 118.38 162.70 142.12 153.99 74,140 53,132 73,023 63,788 69,115 106.760 76.510 105.150 91.855 99.525 157.12 112.60 154.74 135.18 146.46 K D L F S 8.0 14.054 10.071 13.943 12.108 13.237 176.61 126.55 175.21 152.15 166.35 79,269 56,801 78,641 68,291 74,661 114.140 81.793 113.240 98.338 107.510 157.13 112.60 155.89 135.37 147.65 K D L F S 9.0 14.908 10.681 14.885 12.842 14.170 187.35 134.23 187.05 161,38 178.07 84,085 60,246 83,952 72,432 79,921 121 .080 86.754 120.890 104.300 115.090 157.15 112.60 156.90 135.37 149.36 K D L F S 10.0 15.716 11.259 15.781 13.556 15.060 197.50 141.49 198.31 170.35 189.25 88,642 63,505 89,008 76,459 84,940 127.650 91 .447 128.170 110.100 122.310 157.16 112.60 157.81 135.56 150.60 D F 11.0 11.809 14.218 148.39 178.67 66,605 80,192 95.911 115.470 112.60 135.56 D F 12.0 12.334 14.871 154.99 186.88 69,567 83,876 100.17 120.78 112.60 135.76 D F 13.0 12.838 15.478 161.32 194.51 72,407 87,301 104.27 125.71 112.60 135.76 D 14.0 13.322 167.41 75,140 108.20 112.60 D 15.0 13.790 173.29 77,778 112.00 112.60 D 16.0 14.242 178.97 80,329 115.67 112.60 D 17.0 14.680 184.48 82,800 119.23 112.60 D 18.0 15.106 189.83 85,202 122.69 112.60 54-INCH PIPE 125 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Feet. Velocity in Feet per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. U. S. Gallons per Min. Million Gallons per 24 Hours. C K 0.10 1.605 25.531 11,459 16.501 151.35 D .196 19.016 8,535 12.290 112.73 L .329 21.143 9,489 13.665 125.33 F .402 22.302 10,010 14.414 132.21 S .122 17.838 8,006 11.529 105.76 K 0.12 1.773 28.198 12,656 18.224 152.59 D .310 20.831 9,350 13.463 112.73 L .471 23.394 10,500 15.120 126.60 F .538 24.464 10,980 .811 132.39 S .246 19.820 8,896 12.810 107.26 K 0-15 2.003 31.857 14,298 20 . 589 154.19 D 1.464 23 . 290 10,453 15.052 112.73 L .665 26.479 11,884 17.113 128.16 F .722 27.389 12,293 .702 132.57 S .418 22.497 10,121 14.574 109.14 K 0-20 2.329 37 . 045 16,627 23.943 155.28 D 1.691 26.893 12,070 17.381 112.73 L .953 31.062 13,941 20.076 130.20 F .994 .713 14,234 .496 132.93 S .674 26.628 11,952 17.210 114.21 K 0-30 2.880 45 . 800 20,556 29.601 156.75 D .071 32.936 14,782 21.287 112.73 L .446 38.901 17,460 25.142 133.14 F .452 39.002 17,505 .207 133.48 S .117 33.661 15,108 21.656 115.20 K 0-40 3.341 53.144 23,852 34.347 157.52 D 2.391 38.032 17,069 24.580 112.73 . L .869 45 . 635 20,482 29.494 135.26 F .843 ,223 20,297 .228 134.04 S .499 39.751 17,841 25.107 117.82 K 0.50 3.744 59 . 553 26,729 38.489 157.88 D 2.674 42.521 19,084 27.482 112.73 L 3.248 51 . 652 23,183 33.383 136.93 F .188 50.704 22,757 32.771 134.42 3 2.844 45 . 224 20,298 29.229 119.89 K 0.60 4.113 65.416 29,360 42.279 158.31 D 2.929 46.580 20,906 30.105 112.73 L 3.593 57.152 25,651 36.938 138.31 F .507 55.779 25,035 .050 134.99 S .160 50 . 250 22,554 32.477 121.61 K 0.70 4.449 70.759 31,759 45.732 158.54 D 3.163 50.311 22,581 32.517 112.73 L .915 62.257 27,943 40.237 139.49 F .799 60.419 27,118 39.049 135.37 S .454 54.934 24,656 35.504 123.08 126 54-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula 1000 in Feet UQ Million * Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . D. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 0.80 4.761 75.728 33,989 48.944 158.71 D 3.382 53.786 24,140 34.762 112.73 L 4.216 67.047 30,093 43.334 140.52 F .067 64.683 29,032 41.805 135.56 S 3.731 59.342 26,634 38.353 124.37 K 0.90 5.055 80.390 36,081 51.956 158.85 D 3.587 57.04 25,604 36.870 112.73 L 4.500 71.575 32,125 46.260 141.43 F .320 68.704 30,386 44.404 135.76 S 3.994- 63.521 28,510 41.054 125.51 K 1.0 5.332 84.797 38,059 54.805 158.90 D 3.781 60.134 26,989 38.865 112.73 L 4.771 75.886 34,060 49.084 142.26 F .580 72.838 32,692 47.076 136.54 S .245 67.510 30,301 43.632 126.55 K 1.5 6.544 104.070 46,711 67.264 159.29 D 4.631 73.649 33,056 47.600 112.73 L 5.975 95.036 42,655 61.423 145.46 F .634 89.600 40,216 57.909 137.14 S .366 85.342 38,304 55.157 130.62 K 2.0 7.564 120.300 53,993 77.750 159.46 D 5.347 85.043 38,169 54.964 112.73 L 7.010 111.49 50,039 72.056 147.78 F 6.534 103.92 46,641 67.163 137.74 S .337 100.78 45,233 65.136 133.58 K 3.0 9.273 147.45 66,196 95.322 159.62 D 6.549 104.15 46,747 67.316 112.73 L 8.779 139.62 62,667 90.241 151.11 F .050 128.03 57,463 82.747 138.56 S .010 127.40 57,181 82.340 137.88 K 4.0 10.714 170.40 76,479 110.130 159.71 D 7.562 120.27 53,979 77.730 112.73 L 10.298 163.80 73,516 105.860 153 .52 F 9.337 148.50 66,652 95.978 139.19 S .459 150.44 67,524 97.234 141.01 K 5.0 11.982 190.57 85,532 123.170 159.76 D 8.454 134.46 60,352 86.906 112.73 L 11.656 185.39 83,209 119.820 155.42 F 10.455 166.28 74,633 107.470 139.40 S .761 171.16 76,821 110.620 143.49 K 6.0 13.128 208.80 93,715 134.959 159.79 D 9.261 147.29 66,112 95.201 112.73 L 12.898 205.13 92,068 132.578 156.98 F 11.470 182.43 81,881 117.907 139.61 S .958 190.18 85,359 122.916 145.54 54-INCH PIPE 127 For- mula. Fall per 1000 Feet. Mean Velocity in Feet per Sec. DISCHARGE. C Cu. Feet per Sec. U. S. Gallons per Min. Million Gallons per 24 Hours. K D L F S 7.0 14.183 10.003 14.050 12.389 13.072 225.56 159.10 223.45 197.05 207.91 101,240 71,408 100,290 88,440 93,315 146.46 102.82 144.42 127.36 134.38 159.82 112.73 158.32 139.61 147.31 K D L F S 8.0 15.163 10.694 15.131 13.245 14.121 241.16 170.08 240.64 210.65 224.59 108,240 76,339 108,010 94,548 100,800 155.86 109.93. 155.53 136.15 145.15 159.82 112.73 159.49 139.61 148.85 D F S 9.0 11.342 14.069 15.116 180.40 223.77 240.41 80,969 100,430 108,000 116.59 144.62 155.38 112.73 139.82 150.22 D F 10.0 11.956 14.830 190.16 235.87 85,349 105,860 122.90 152.44 112.73 139.82 D F 11.0 12.540 15.554 199.44 247.38 89,516 111,030 128.90 159.89 112.73 139.82 D 12.0 13.097 208.31 93,495 134.63 112.73 D 13.0 13.632 216.82 97,313 140.13 112.73 D 14.0 14.147 225.00 100,990 145.42 112.73 D 15.0 14.643 232.90 104,530 150.52 112.73 D 16.0 15.124 240.54 107,960 155.46 112.73 128 60-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet TT Ct Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. U. o. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 0.10 1.727 33.915 15,222 21.919 154.49 D .261 24.767 11,116 16.007 112.82 L .430 28.082 12,604 18.149 127.92 F .518 29.802 13,376 19.262 135.76 S .190 23.368 10,488 15.103 106.45 K 0.12 1.906 37.424 16,797 24.187 155.62 D .382 27.150 12,177 17.535 112.82 L .583 31.072 13,946 20.082 129.21 F .665 32.694 14,674 21.130 135.95 S .322 25.965 11,653 16.704 107.97 K 0.15 2.147 42.162 18,923 27.249 156.81 D 1 . 545 30.334 13,615 19.605 112.82 L .791 35.168 15,784 22.729 130.80 F .864 36.606 16,430 23.659 136.15 S .504 29.676 13,320 19.180 109.87 K 0.20 2.499 49.075 22,026 31.717 158.07 D 1.784 35.026 15,721 22.638 112.82 L 2.101 41.256 18,517 26 . 664 132.88 F .156 42.329 18,999 27.358 136.34 S 1.777 34.884 15,657 22 . 546 112.36 K 0.30 3.087 60.609 27,203 39.172 159.40 D 2.185 42.898 19,254 27.726 112.82 L .631 51.668 23,190 33.394 135.88 F .656 52.145 23,404 .702 137.14 S .246 44.097 19,792 28.500 115.97 K 0.40 3.580 70.291 31,548 45.429 160.10 D 2.523 49 . 534 22,232 32.015 112.82 L 3.087 60.612 27,204 39.175 138.05 F .080 .477 27,144 .087 137.74 S 2.652 52.075 23,373 33.657 118.61 K 0.50 4.013 78.797 35,366 50.915 160.52 D 2.821 55.382 24,857 35.794 112.82 L 3.494 68.604 30,792 44.339 139.75 F .454 67.817 30,438 43.840 138.15 S .017 59 . 245 26,591 38.291 120.69 K 0.60 4.404 86.475 38,812 55.876 160.81 D 3.090 60.668 27,230 39.210 112.82 L .866 75.908 34,070 49.060 141.16 F .795 74.511 33,443 48.157 138.56 S .353 65.829 29,546 42.546 122.42 K 0.70 4.763 93.523 41,976 60.445 161.02 D 3.337 65 . 528 29,411 42.352 112.82 L 4.192 82.690 37,122 53 . 443 142.37 F .111 80.722 36,230 52.171 138.98 S 3.665 71.965 32,300 46.512 123.90 60-INCH PIPE 129 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Velocity in Feet UQ Million C Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . 0. Gallons per Mia. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 0.80 5.097 100.070 44,918 64.681 161.18 D 3.568 70.053 31,442 45.280 112.82 L 4.535 89.051 39,969 57.555 143.42 F .408 86.557 38,849 55.942 139.40 S 3.959 77.739 34,892 50.244 125.20 K 0.90 5.410 106.230 47,649 68 . 658 161.30 D 3.784 74.302 33,349 48.020 112.82 L 4.842 95.065 42,668 61.442 144.35 F .683 91.945 41,268 59.425 139.61 S .238 83.215 37,349 53.782 126.35 K 1.0 5.707 112.040 50,289 72.417 161.40 D 3.989 78.321 35,152 50.620 112.82 L 5.133 100.790 45,238 65.142 145.19 F 4.944 99.325 44,580 64.195 139.82 S .504 88.440 39,695 57.160 127.40 K 1.5 7.002 137.480 61,706 88.856 161.70 D 4.885 95.924 43,054 62.000 112.82 L 6.429 126.230 56,654 81.581 148.46 F .101 119.790 53,767 77.425 140.90 S 5.694 111.800 50,179 72.257 131.49 K 2.0 8.093 158.89 71,318 102.690 161.85 D 5.641 110.76 49,714 71.590 112.82 L 7.542 148.08 66,461 95.704 150.83 F .067 138.82 62,277 89.679 141.33 S 6.724 132.03 59,257 85.330 134.48 K 3.0 9.921 194.79 87,428 125.89 162.00 D 6.909 135.65 60,886 87.68 112.82 L 9.445 185.45 83,234 119.85 154.23 F 8.682 170.47 76,512 110.17 141.78 S .500 166.89 74,907 107.86 138.80 K 4.0 11.460 225.03 101,000 145.43 162.08 D 7.978 156.64 70,305 101.24 112.82 L 11.080 217.55 97,643 140.61 156.69 F 10.088 198.08 88,906 128.02 142.67 S .038 197.09 88,461 127.38 141 .96 K 5.0 12.817 251.66 112,950 162.65 162.12 D 8.920 175.13 78,605 113.19 112.82 L 12.541 246 . 24 110,520 159.15 158.62 F 11.297 221.82 99,559 143.36 142.90 S .420 224.22 100,640 144.92 144.44 K 6.0 14.043 275.73 123,750 178.21 162.15 D 9.771 191.85 86,107 123.99 112.82 L 13.876 272.45 122,280 176.09 160.22 F 12.415 243.76 109,410 157.55 143.35 S .689 249.15 111,820 161.02 146.51 130 60-INCH PIPE For- mula. Fall per 1000 Feet. Mean Velocity in Feet per Sec. DISCHARGE. c Cu. Feet per Sec. U. S. Gallons per Min. Million Gallons Ser 24 ours. K D L F S 7.0 15.170 10.553 15.115 13.431 .871 292.77 207.22 296.79 263.72 272.37 133,690 93,006 133,210 118,360 122,250 193.85 133.92 191.82 170.44 176.03 162.18 112.82 161.59 143.58 148.29 D F S 8.0 11.282 14.358 .984 221.52 281.93 294.22 99,428 126,540 132,050 143.17 182.21 190.16 112.82 143.58 149.84 D F S 9.0 11.966 15.253 16.040 234.97 299.50 314.95 105,460 134,420 141,360 151.85 193.57 203.56 112.82 143.81 151.23 D 10.0 12.613 247.67 111,160 160.07 112.82 D 11.0 13.229 259.76 116,590 167.89 112.82 D 12.0 13.817 271.50 121,770 175.35 112.82 D 13.0 14.382 282.39 126,740 182.51 112.82 D 14.0 14.925 293.05 131,530 189.40 112.82 D 15.0 15.449 303.34 136,150 196.05 112 82 66-INCH PIPE 131 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet UQ Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . 0. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 0.10 1 .845 43.823 19,669 28.323 157.30 D .324 31.456 14,118 20.330 112.91 L .528 36.302 16,293 23.462 130.30 F .612 38.318 17,198 24.765 137.54 S .259 29.921 13,430 19.338 107.40 K 0.12 2.034 48.319 21,687 31.229 158.33 D 1.450 34.459 15,466 22.271 112.91 L .691 40.168 18,028 25.961 131.62 F .767 41.975 18,839 27.129 137.54 S .399 33.247 14,922 21.488 108.94 X 0.15 2.289 54.393 24,413 35.236 159.41 D 1.622 38.526 17,291 24.900 112.91 L .914 45.463 20,405 29.383 133.24 F .978 46.999 21,095 30.376 137.74 S .592 37.824 16,977 24 . 446 110.85 K 0.20 2.663 63.257 28,392 40.884 160.55 D 1.872 44.486 19,966 28.752 112.91 L 2.245 53.334 23,938 34.470 135.36 F .291 54.431 24,431 35.180 138.15 S 1.880 44.667 20,048 28.868 113.37 K 0.30 3.285 78.053 35,032 50.446 161.75 D 2.293 54.484 24,454 35.213 112.91 L .811 66.793 29,979 43.169 138.42 F .827 67.163 30,145 43 . 408 139.19 S .377 56.464 25,343 36.493 117.01 K 0.40 3.808 90.479 40,610 58.478 162.39 D 2.648 62.913 28,237 40.661 . 112.91 L 3.298 78.356 35,168 50.642 140.63 F .272 77.906 34,966 50.352 139.82 S 2.806 66.679 29,928 43.095 119.67 K 0.50 4.268 101.400 45,511 65.536 162.74 D 2.961 70.339 31,570 45.461 112.91 L 3.733 88 . 687 39,805 57.319 142.36 F .677 87.369 39,214 56.468 140.05 S .193 75.860 34,048 49.029 121.77 K 0.60 4.683 111.260 49,936 71.907 163.03 D 3.243 77.053 34,583 49.800 112.91 L 4.130 98.130 44,043 63.422 143.79 F .035 95 . 854 43,022 61.951 140.46 S 3.548 84.291 37,832 54.478 123.52 K 0.70 5 . 064 120.310 53,998 77.757 163.22 D 3.503 83.226 37,354 53.790 112.91 L 4.499 106.900 47,978 69.088 145.02 F . 365 103.690 46,541 67.018 140.68 S 3 . 879 92.147 41,358 59 . 555 125.02 132 66-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. 1^00 Velocity in Feet UQ Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . o. Gallons per Min. Gallons Ser 24 ours. K 0.80 5.418 128.730 57,777 83.199 163.36 D 3.745 88.973 39,933 57 . 504 112.91 L 4.845 115.120 51,669 74.403 146.09 F .673 111.020 49,832 71.756 140.90 S .201 99.805 44,795 64 . 505 126.66 K 0.90 5.751 136.630 61,324 88.306 163.48 D 3.972 94.369 42,355 60.991 112.91 L 5.] 73 122.890 55,158 79.427 147.04 F 4.972 118.120 53,016 76.343 141 .33 S .485 106.550 47,823 68.866 127.49 K 1.0 6.065 144.100 64,676 93.132 163.57 D 4.187 99.474 44,646 64.291 112.91 L 5.484 130.300 58,482 84.213 147.90 F .257 124.900 56,060 80.725 141.78 S 4.766 113.250 50,827 73.190 128.54 K 1.5 7.441 176.78 79,342 114.250 163.83 D 5.128 121.83 54,681 78.741 112.91 L 6.868 163.18 73,239 105.460 151.23 F .490 154.18 69,202 99.651 142.90 S .025 143.15 64,251 92.521 132.67 K 2.0 8.599 ' 204 . 29 91,692 132.040 163.97 D 5.921 140.67 63,140 90.922 112.91 L 8.057 191.43 85,917 123.720 153.64 F 7.518 178.60 80,163 115.430 143.35 S .115 169.05 75,876 109.260 135.68 K 3.0 10.540 250.41 112,390 161.84 164.11 D 7 . 252 172.29 77,330 111.35 112.91 L 10.090 239 . 73 107,600 154.94 157.11 F 9.251 219.80 98,651 142.05 144.04 S 8.995 213.70 95,916 138.12 140.05 K 4.0 12.176 289.28 129,840 186.96 164.18 D 8.374 198.94 89,293 128.58 112.91 L 11.837 281.24 126,220 181.76 159.61 F 10.734 255 . 04 114,460 1 64 . 83 144.74 S .622 252.37 113,270 163.11 143.23 K 5.0 13.616 323.50 145,200 209 . 08 164.22 D 9.362 222.43 99,834 143.76 112.91 L 13.398 318.32 142,870 205.73 161.58 F 12.041 286.08 128,400 184.89 145.22 S .084 287.11 128,860 185.56 145.74 K 6.0 14.918 354.43 159,080 229.07 164.24 D 10.255 243.66 109,360 1 57 . 48 112.91 L 14.824 352.21 158,080 227.63 163.21 F 13.190 313.38 140,650 202 . 54 145.22 S .427 319.02 143,180 206.18 147.83 66-INCH PIPE 133 For- mula. Fall per 1000 Feet. Mean Velocity in Feet per Sec. DISCHARGE. c Cu. Feet per Sec. U. S. Gallons per Min. Million Gallons per 24 Hours. K D F S 7.0 16.115 11.077 16.149 14.271 .679 382.88 263.18 383.67 339.05 348.75 171,850 118,120 172,210 152,170 156,530 247.46 170.09 247.97 219.13 225.40 164.26 112.91 164.60 145.46 149.62 D F S 8.0 11.842 15.256 .857 281.35 362.46 376.73 126,280 162,680 169,090 181.84 234.27 243.48 112.91 145.46 151.18 D 9.0 12.561 ' 298.42 133,940 192.87 112.91 D 10.0 13.240 314.56 141,180 203.30 112.91 D 11.0 13.884 329.88 148,060 213.20 112.91 D 12.0 14.503 344 . 59 154,660 222.71 112.91 D 13.0 15.096 358.66 160,970 231.80 112.91 134 73-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet UQ Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . o. Gallons per Min. Gallons 6er 24 ours. K 0.10 1.957 55.345 24,840 35.771 156.20 D .381 39.120 17,560 25.290 112.99 L .623 45.891 20,597 29.660 132.54 F .712 48.413 21,729 31 .290 139.82 S .318 37.274 16,729 24.090 107.65 K 0.12 2.157 60.982 27,370 39.414 160.77 D 1.516 42.860 19,236 27.700 112.99 L .796 50.778 22,791 32.819 133.87 F .876 53.033 23,803 34.276 139.82 S .465 41.426 18,593 26.774 109.22 K 0.15 2.426 68.596 30,788 44.335 161 .75 D 1.695 47.870 21,507 30.970 112.99 L 2.033 57.472 25,795 37.145 135.53 F .097 59.294 26,613 38 . 322 139.82 S 1.666 47.118 21,148 30.452 111 .11 K 0.20 2.826 79.897 35,860 51.639 163.16 D 1.957 55.330 24,834 35.760 112.99 L 2.385 67.422 30,261 43.575 137.68 F .425 68 . 572 30,777 44.319 140.04 S 1.968 55.642 24,974 35.879 113.63 K 0.30 3.476 98.279 44,110 63.520 163.87 D 2.397 67.770 30,415 43.800 112.99 L .986 84.436 37,897 54.572 140.79 F 3.003 .893 38,102 .867 141.55 S 2.488 70.337 31,569 45.459 117.28 K 0.40 4.028 113.880 51,112 73.602 164.44 D 2.768 78.250 35,120 50.570 112.99 L 3.503 99 . 054 44,458 64.019 143.04 F .472 98.180 44,066 63.454 141.78 S 2.938 83 . 063 37,281 53.684 119.94 K 0.50 4.512 127.59 57,265 82.274 164.78 D 3.094 87.49 39,266 56.540 112.99 L .965 112.11 50,320 72.461 144.81 F .888 109.94 49,345 71.056 142.00 S .342 94.50 42,414 61.076 122.05 K 0.60 4.950 139.97 62,822 90 . 465 165.02 D 3.390 95.84 43,014 61 .940 112.99 L 4.387 124.05 55,677 80.175 146.26 F .273 120.81 54,224 78.082 142.44 S 3.713 104.99 47,123 67.856 123.79 K 0.70 5 . 352 151.34 67,923 97.812 165.19 D 3.661 103.51 46,460 66.900 112.99 L 4.779 135.13 60,651 87 . 338 147.51 F .631 130.91 58,754 84.606 142.90 S .060 114.79 51,519 74.188 125.30 73-INCH PIPE 135 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. 1000 Feet. Velocity in Feet per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. U. S. Gallons per Miii. Million Gallons per 24 Hours. C K 0.80 5.726 161.90 72,669 104.640 165.32 D 3.959 111.94 50,243 72.350 112.99 L 5.147 145.53 65,318 94.057 148.60 F 4.965 140.39 63,011 90.736 143.35 S .386 123.99 55,653 80.140 126.61 K 0.90 6.077 171.84 77,123 111.320 165.42 D 4.150 117.37 52,680 75.860 112.99 L 5.495 155.36 69,728 100.410 149.56 F .275 149.15 66,941 96.394 143.58 S 4.696 132.73 59,575 85.787 127.78 K 1.0 6.409 181.22 81,336 117.130 165.50 D 4.376 123.72 55,530 79.960 112.99 L 5.826 164.71 73,928 106.450 150.43 F .569 157.46 70,674 101.770 143.81 S 4.989 141.07 63,315 91.174 128.84 K 1.5 7.861 222.28 99,763 143.66 165.74 D 5.359 151.53 68,011 97.94 112.99 L 7.296 206.28 92,585 133.32 153.82 F 6.843 193.48 86,838 125.05 144.26 S .307 178.32 80,037 115.25 132.97 K 2.0 9.084 256 . 85 115,280 166.01 165.87 D 6.188 174.97 78,533 113.08 112.99 L 8.559 241.99 108,610 156.40 156.27 F 7.953 224.87 100,930 145.34 145.22 S .448 210.59 94,519 136.11 136.00 K 3.0 11.108 314.08 140,970 203.00 165.99 D 7.579 214.29 96,181 138.50 112.99 L 10.718 303 . 06 136,020 195.87 159.80 F 9 . 805 277.23 124,430 179.18 146.18 S .415 266.21 119,480 172.05 140.37 K 4.0 12.861 363.64 163,210 235 . 03 166.05 D 8.752 247.44 111,060 159.92 112.99 L 12.574 355.52 159,570 229.78 162.35 F 11.341 320.65 143,910 207.24 146.43 S .119 314.37 141,100 203.18 143.56 K 5.0 14.384 406.70 182,540 262.85 166.09 D 9 . 785 276.65 124,170 178.80 112.99 L 14.232 402.40 180,610 260.08 164.35 F 12.701 359 . 1 1 161,170 232.09 146.67 S .649 357.65 160,530 231.15 146.08 K 6.0 15.759 445.57 199,990 287.98 166.11 D 10.718 303. C6 136,020 195.87 112.99 L 15.747 445.24 199,840 287.77 166.01 F 13.963 394.03 176,850 254.67 146.91 S 14.055 397.40 178,360 256.85 148.17 136 73-INCH PIPE For- mula. Fall per 1000 Feet. Mean Velocity in Feet per Sec. DISCHARGE. c Cu. Feet per Sec. U. S. Gallons per Min. Million Gallons per 24 Hours. D F S 7.0 1 1 . 550 15.078 .365 327.34 426.31 434.44 146,920 191,340 194,990 211.56 275.53 280.78 112.99 147.16 149.96 D 8.0 12.520 354.00 158,880 228.79 112.99 D 9.0 13.127 371.25 166,590 239.89 112.99 D 10.0 13.805 391.24 175,600 252.86 112.99 D 11.0 14.513 410.34 184,170 265.21 112.99 D 12.0 15.158 428.59 192,360 277.00 112.99 78-INCH PIPE 137 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Velocity in Feet Uq Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . D. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 0.10 2.067 68.590 30,785 44.321 162.15 D 1.441 47.820 21,462 30.910 113.04 L .716 56.936 25,554 36.798 134.60 F .810 60.066 26,960 38.821 142.00 S .377 45.692 20,508 29.531 108.02 K 0.12 2.276 75.527 33,899 48.815 162.99 D 1.579 52.380 23,510 33.850 113.04 L .899 63 . 000 28,276 40.717 135.95 F .983 65.799 29,533 42.527 142.00 S .530 51.005 22,787 32.813 109.57 K 0.15 2 . 559 84.901 38,106 54.873 163.87 D 1.765 58.570 26,285 37.850 113.04 L 2.149 71.305 32,003 46.085 137.63 F .220 73.682 33,071 47.621 142.22 S 1.741 57.759 25,924 37.330 111.49 K 0.20 2.971 98.592 44,251 63.722 164.80 D 1.038 67.630 30,352 43.810 113.04 L .521 83.649 37,544 54 . 063 139.83 F .564 85.081 38,187 54.988 142.22 S .056 68.209 30,607 44.074 114.02 K 0.30 3.660 121.470 54,517 78.506 165.78 D 2.496 82.840 37,181 53.540 113.04 L 3.157 104.760 47,018 67.706 142.98 F .175 105.370 47,291 68.099 143.81 S 2.598 86.224 38,700 55.728 117.69 K 0.40 4.240 140.75 63,145 90.931 166 .?0 D 2.882 95.64 42,924 61.810 113.04 L 3.704 122.89 55,158 79.427 145.26 F .672 121.86 54,695 78.761 144.04 S .069 101.82 45,701 65.810 120.36 K 0.50 4.749 157.59 70,731 101.860 166.61 D 3.222 106.92 47,991 69.110 113.04 L 4.192 139.10 62,431 89.900 147.05 F .119 136.69 61,351 88.345 144.51 S 3.491 115.84 51,994 74.870 122.47 K 0.60 5.209 172.85 77,580 111.720 166.82 D 3.530 117.13 52,571 75.700 113.04 L 4.638 153.91 69,078 99.472 148.53 F .535 150.47 67,535 97.250 145.22 S 3.879 128.71 57,771 83.190 124.22 K 0.70 5.631 186.87 83,871 120.780 166.97 D 3.813 126.51 56,783 81.770 113.04 L 5.052 167.65 75,249 108.360 149.80 F 4.906 162.79 73,067 105.220 145.46 S .240 140.71 63,156 90.943 125.73 138 78-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet Uq Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . 0. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 0.80 6.025 199.91 89,726 129.20 167.08 D 4.076 135.28 60,718 87.43 113.04 L 5.441 180.56 81,040 116.84 150.91 F .253 174.32 78,240 112.67 145.70 S 4.581 152.01 68,225 98.24 127.05 K 0.90 6.408 212.64 95'438 137.43 167.17 D 4.323 143.45 64,385 92.72 113.04 L 5.809 192.75 86,511 124.57 151.89 F .581 185.20 83,123 119.70 145.94 S 4.904 162.71 73,030 105.16 128.22 K 1.0 6.742 223.72 100,410 144.60 167.25 D 4.557 151.21 67,869 97.73 113.04 L 6.158 204.36 91,721 132.08 152.77 F 5.893 195.54 87,765 126.38 146.18 S .211 173.33 77,616 111.76 129.28 K 1.5 8.268 274.36 123,140 177.33 167.46 D 5.581 185.20 83,122 1 1 9 . 69 113.04 L 7.713 255.93 114,870 165.41 156.21 F .253 240.69 108,030 155.56 146.91 S 6.588 218.60 98,116 141 .29 133.43 K 2.0 9 . 553 317.02 142,290 204.90 167.57 D 6.445 213.83 95,973 138.20 113.04 L 9.048 300 . 24 134,750 194.04 158.71 F 8.461 280.77 126,020 181 .46 148.41 S 7.780 258.16 115,870 166.85 136. 4e K 3.0 11.708 388.51 174,370 251 .10 167. 68 D 7.893 261 .91 117,550 169.28 113.04 L 11.331 376.00 168,7(30 243.01 162.28 F 10.381 344.46 154,600 222.63 148.67 S 9 . 834 326.33 146,470 210.91 140. 8 K 4.0 13.524 448.77 201,420 290.05 167.74 D 9.114 302.42 135,730 195.46 113.04 L 13.292 441.09 197,970 285.08 164.87 F 12.007 398.43 178,820 257.51 148.86 S 11.613 385.38 172,970 249 . 07 144.0! K 5.0 15.123 501 . 83 225,241 P24.35 167.77 D 10.189 338.12 151,760 218.53 113.04 L 15.045 499.25 224,080 322.67 166.91 F 13.448 446 . 23 200,280 288.40 149.1? S .213 438.43 196,780 283.36 146.5? D 60 11.162 370.40 166,240 239.39 1 1 3 . 04 F 14.757 489 . 68 219,780 316.48 149.44 S .681 487.16 218,650 314.86 148.68 78-INCH PIPE 139 For- mula. Fall per 1000 Feet. Mean Velocity in Feet per Sec. DISCHARGE. C Cu. Feet per Sec. U. S. Gallons per Min. Million Gallons ger 24 ours. D F S 7.0 12.056 15.966 16.049 400.07 529 . 82 532.56 179,560 237,800 239,030 258 . 57 342 . 43 344.20 113.04 149.70 150.48 D 8.0 12.889 427.70 191,960 276.42 113.04 D 9.0 13.670 453.63 203,600 293.19 113.04 D 10.0 14.410 478.17 214,620 309.05 113.04 D 11.0 15.113 501.52 225,090 324.13 113.04 140 84-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet UQJ Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . o. Gallons per Min. Gallons ger 24 ours. K 0.10 2.173 83 . 626 37,534 54.049 164.26 D 1.496 57.580 25,842 37.210 113.09 L .806 69.519 31,202 44.930 136.55 F .909 73.452 32,967 47.472 144.26 S .437 55.333 24,823 35.745 108.63 K 0.12 2.391 92.030 41,306 59.481 165.02 D 1.639 63.070 28,308 40.760 113.09 L .998 76.922 34,525 49.715 137.93 F 2.094 80.594 36,173 52.088 144.51 S 1.597 61.454 27,582 39.718 110.19 K 0.15 2.687 103.390 46,404 66.823 165.81 D 1.832 70 . 520 31,650 45.580 113.09 L 2.262 87.062 39,076 56 . 269 139.63 F .345 90.253 40,508 58.332 144.74 S 1.817 69.915 31,380 45.187 112.13 K 0.20 3.118 119.980 53,852 77 . 548 166.65 D 2.116 81.430 36,547 52.630 113.09 L .654 102.130 45,841 66.010 141.85 F .717 104.550 46,928 67.576 145.22 S .145 82.752 37,056 53.361 114.67 K 30 3.839 147.72 66,303 95.477 167.53 D 2.591 99 . 73 44,760 64.450 113.09 L 3.324 127.91 57,409 82.668 145.05 F .349 128.90 57,855 83.311 146.18 S 2.712 104.37 46,844 67.455 118.36 K 0.40 4.444 171.04 76,768 110.550 167.98 D 2.992 115.15 51,684 74.430 113.09 L 3.899 150.05 67,347 96.980 147.37 F .881 149.34 67,029 96.521 146.67 S .203 123.25 55,319 79.658 121.04 K 0.50 4.977 191.55 85,973 123.800 168.26 D 3.345 128.74 57,785 83.210 113.09 L 4.413 169.84 76,227 109.760 149.19 F .353 167.53 75,192 108.280 147.16 S 3.644 140.22 62,935 90.625 123.17 K 0.60 5.459 210.07 94,284 135.772 168.45 D 3.665 141.03 63,301 91.153 113.09 L 4.883 187.92 84,343 121.453 150.69 F .777 183.83 82,509 118.812 147.41 S .049 155.81 69,930 100.698 124.94 K 0.70 5.901 227.08 101,920 146.767 168.59 D 3.958 152.33 68,372 98.455 113.09 L 5.319 204.70 91,877 132.303 152.01 F .168 198.89 89,269 1 28 . 546 147.66 S 4.426 170.33 76,447 110.083 126.45 84-INCH PIPE 141 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Velocity in Feet UQ Million C Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . 0. Gallons per Min. Gallons Ser 24 ours. K 0.80 6.312 242.90 109,020 156.99 168.69 D 4.232 162.85 73,093 105.25 113.09 L 5.728 220.46 98,946 142.48 153.09 F .534 212.99 95,596 137.66 147.91 S 4.781 183.99 82,581 118.92 127.77 K 0.90 6.698 257.76 115,690 166.60 168.77 D 4.488 172.73 77,526 111.63 113.09 L 6.115 235.34 105,620 152.10 154.09 F 5.880 226.29 101,560 146.26 148.16 S .118 196.95 88,398 127.29 128.95 K 1.0 7.063 271.81 122,000 175.68 168.83 D 4.731 182.07 81,720 117.67 113.09 L 6.484 249 . 52 111,730 161.26 154.98 F .209 238.94 107,240 154.43 148.41 S 5.439 209.32 93,949 135.28 130.02 K 1.5 8.660 333.29 149,590 215.41 169.03 D 5.445 222.99 100,080 144.12 113.09 L 8.120 312.49 140,250 201.96 158.48 F 7.670 295.18 132,490 190.78 149.70 S 6.876 264.61 118,760 171.03 134.19 K 2.0 10.006 385.06 172,830 248.87 169.12 D 6.691 257.49 115,570 166.42 113.09 L 9.525 366.58 164,530 236.93 161.00 F 8.919 343.25 154,060 221.85 150.76 S .120 312.48 140,250 201.96 137.24 K 3.0 12.261 471.88 211,790 304.99 169.22 D 8.195 315.36 141,540 203.82 113.09 L 11.929 459 . 09 206,050 296.72 164.64 F 10.963 421.88 189,350 272.67 151.29 S .264 395.01 177,290 255.30 141.66 K 4.0 14.163 545 . 04 244,630 352.27 169.27 D 9.462 364.15 163,440 235.35 113.09 L 13.994 538.57 241,720 348.08 167.26 F 12.681 488.01 219,030 315.41 151.56 S .179 468.72 210,370 302.94 145.57 K 5.0 15.837 609 . 48 273,550 393.92 169.30 D 10.579 407.13 182,730 263.13 113.09 L 15.839 609.58 273,600 393.97 169.33 F 14.203 546.60 245,330 353.27 151.83 S 13.789 530.69 238,190 342.99 147.42 D 6.0 1 1 . 589 445.99 200,170 288.25 113.09 F 15.587 599 . 84 269,230 387.69 152.11 S 15.322 589.67 264,660 381.11 149.53 D 7.0 12.517 481.72 216,210 311.34 113.09 D 8.0 13.381 514.99 231,140 332.84 113.09 D 9.0 14.193 546.22 245,160 353 . 02 113.09 D 10.0 14.961 575.77 258,420 372.13 113.09 D 11.0 15.691 603 . 88 271,040 390.29 113.09 142 90-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Velocity in Feet UQ Million C Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . D. Gallons per Min. Gallons per 24 Hours. K 0.10 2.276 100.550 45,127 64 . 983 166.20 D 1.549 68 . 440 30,718 44.230 113.14 L .895 83.716 37,574 54.107 138.39 F 2.022 89 . 324 40,091 57.731 147.66 S 1.496 66.103 29,669 42.723 109.28 K 0.12 2.508 110.820 49,738 71.623 166.88 D 1.697 74.970 33,650 48.460 113.14 L 2.097 92.632 41,576 59.869 139.78 F .219 98.017 43,993 63.349 147.91 S 1.663. 73.450 32,967 47.471 110.84 K 0.15 2.811 124.170 55,732 80 . 253 167.59 D 1.942 83.820 37,622 54.180 113.14 L 2.373 104.840 47,057 67.761 141.51 F .485 109.770 49,270 70.948 148.16 S 1.891 83.562 37,504 54.006 112.78 K 0.20 3 . 260 144.02 64,640 93.081 168.34 D 2.191 96.79 43,443 62.560 113.14 L .784 122.99 55,203 79.491 143.76 F .884 127.41 57,185 82.346 148.86 S .234 98.68 44,290 63.778 115.35 K 0.30 4.011 177.20 79,534 114.530 169.12 D 2.683 118.54 53,206 76.620 113.14 L 3.487 154.03 69,134 99 . 552 147.01 F .544 156.58 70,280 101 .200 149.44 S 2.824 124.74 55,987 80.621 119.05 K 0.40 4.643 205.11 92,060 132.570 169.53 D 3.098 136.88 61,437 88.470 113.14 L 4.090 180.70 81,102 IK. 790 149.35 F .107 181.44 81,435 117.270 149.97 S 3.334 147.31 66,117 95.207 121.75 K 0.50 5.198 229 . 66 103,080 148.43 169.77 D 3.464 153.04 68,689 198.91 113.14 L 4.630 204 . 52 92,645 132.19 151.20 F .600 203.21 91,210 131 .34 1 50 . 23 S 3.794 167.59 74,702 108.31 123.89 K 0.60 5 . 700 251.83 113,030 162.76 169.94 D 3.795 167.64 75,245 108.35 113.14 L 5.122 226.30 101,570 146.26 152.72 F .057 223 39 100,260 144.38 150.76 S 4.215 186.22 83,580 120.35 125.38 K 0.70 6.161 272.20 122,170 175.92 170.06 D 4.185 181 .08 81,273 117.03 113.14 L 5 . 580 246.51 110,640 159.32 154.02 F .472 241 .72 108,490 156.22 151 .03 S 4.608 203.57 91,369 131.57 127.19 9O-INCH PIPE 143 DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. 1^300 Velocity in Feet Uc Million C Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . o. Gallons per Min. Gallons ger 24 ours. K 0.80 6.590 291.14 130,670 188.16 170.15 D 4.382 193.58 86,886 125.11 113.14 L 6.009 265.48 .19,150 171.58 155.16 F 5.860 258.87 116,190 167.31 151.29 S 4.978 219.91 98,701 142.13 128.52 K 0.90 6.993 308.94 138,660 199.67 170.23 D 4.648 205.32 92,155 132.70 113.14 L 6.415 283.41 127,200 183.17 156.16 F .226 275.06 123,450 177.77 151.56 S 5.328 235.40 105,650 152.14 129.71 K 1.0 7.373 325.75 146,210 210.54 170.28 D 4.899 216.43 97,141 139.88 113.14 L 6.802 300.48 134,860 194.20 157.07 F .575 290.46 130,370 187.72 151.83 S 5.663 250.18 112,290 161.70 130.78 K 1.5 9.040 399.38 179,260 258.13 170.46 D 6.000 265.07 118,970 171.32 113.14 L 8.518 376.31 168,900 243.21 160.61 F .111 358.32 160,820 231.58 152.94 S 7.159 316.26 141,950 204.40 134.98 K 2.0 10.444 461.39 207,090 298.21 170.54 D 6.928 306.08 137,370 197.82 113.14 L 9.992 441.45 198,130 285.31 163.17 F .417 416.03 186,720 268.88 153.78 S 8 . 454 373.47 167,620 241.38 138.05 K 3.0 12.798 565.38 253,760 365.41 170.63 D 8.485 374.87 168,250 242.28 113.14 L 12.514 552.85 248,140 357.32 166.85 F 11.554 510.46 229,110 329.91 154.06 S 10.686 472.12 211,900 305.13 142.49 K 4.0 14.781 653.01 293,093 422.05 170.67 D 9.798 432.86 194,280 279.76 113.14 L 14.680 648.56 291,090 419.17 169.52 F 13.367 590.51 265,040 381.65 154.35 S 12.620 557.53 250,230 360.34 145.72 K 5.0 16.528 730.20 327,730 471.93 170.70 D 10.954 483.96 217,210 312.78 113.14 L 16.616 734.08 329,470 474 . 44 171.61 F 14.972 661.45 296,880 427.50 154.63 S .357 634.28 284,660 409.94 148.28 D 6.0 12.000 530.15 237,940 342.64 113.14 F 16.432 725.94 325,820 469.18 154.92 S 15.953 704.77 316,320 455.50 150.40 D 7.0 12.961 572.62 257,010 370.09 113.14 D 8.0 14.017 619.25 277,940 400 .23 113.14 D 9.0 14.697 649.29 291,420 419.64 113.14 D 10.0 15.492 684.41 307,180 442.34 113.14 144 96 INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- per Velocity mula. 1000 in Feet Uc Million c Feet. per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. . o. Gallons per Min. Gallons Ser 24 ours. K 0.10 2.374 119.340 53,561 77.128 167.87 D 1.600 80.450 36,110 52 . 000 113.18 L .982 99.614 44,710 64.381 140.13 F 2.135 107.360 48,857 69.387 151.03 S 1.547 77.768 34,904 50.262 109.40 K 0.12 2.612 131.290 58,928 84.856 168.60 D 1.753 88.130 39,556 56.960 113.18 L 2.193 110.220 49,471 71.238 141.54 F .344 117.820 52,878 76.145 151.29 S 1.696 86.503 38,825 55.908 111.08 K 0.15 2.931 147.350 66,132 95 . 229 169.24 D 1.960 98.540 44,226 63.690 113.18 L 2.482 124.750 55,993 80.629 143.29 F .621 131 .720 59,121 85.134 151.29 S 1.956 98.308 44,123 63.537 112.91 K 0.20 3.398 170.80 76,660 110.390 169.90 D 2.264 113.78 51,068 73 . 540 113.18 L .912 146.35 65,686 94.369 145.57 F 3.042 152.92 68,634 98.833 152.11 S 2.309 116.08 52,099 75.022 115.46 K 0.30 4.179 210.04 94,269 135.75 170.58 D 2.772 139.35 62,544 90.06 113.18 L 3.646 183.28 82,263 118.46 148.86 F .746 188.30 84,517 121.70 152.94 S 2.920 146.76 65,869 94.85 119.19 K 0.40 4.835 243.04 109,080 157.08 170.95 D 3.201 160.90 72,220 103.99 113.18 L 4.278 215.51 96,503 138.96 151.23 F .334 217.83 97,769 140.78 153.21 S 3.448 173.31 77,786 112.01 121.90 K 0.50 5.400 272.08 122,120 175.85 171.17 D 3.579 179.90 80,745 116.27 113.18 L 4.842 243.36 109,230 157.29 153.10 F .854 243.99 109,510 157.69 153.49 S 3.923 197.16 88,493 127.43 124.04 K 0.60 5.935 298.31 133,890 192.80 171.32 D 3.921 197.07 88,452 127.37 113.18 L 5.357 269.28 120,860 174.03 154.64 F .337 268 . 26 120,410 173.38 154.06 S 4.358 219.08 98,329 141.59 125.81 K 0.70 6.414 322.41 144,710 208.38 171.42 D 4.235 212.86 95,539 137.57 113.18 L 5.836 293.33 131,650 189.57 155.96 F .786 290.83 130,530 188.18 154.63 S 4.765 239.50 107,490 154.79 127.34 96-INCH PIPE 145 For- mula. Fall per 1000 Feet. Mean Velocity in Feet per Sec. DISCHARGE. c Cu. Feet ,per Sec. U. S. Gallons per Min. Million Gallons Ser 24 ours. K D L F S 0.80 6.860 4.527 6.285 .197 5.147 345 . 63 227.56 315.90 311.50 258.72 155,130 102,130 141,780 139,810 116,120 223.39 147.07 204.16 201.32 167.21 171.51 113.18 157.11 154.92 128.67 K D L F S 0.90 7.279 4.802 6.709 .584 5.510 365.88 241.36 337.23 330.93 276.94 164,220 108,330 151,360 148,530 124,300 236.47 155.99 217.95 213.88 179.41 171.56 113.18 158.13 155.17 129.86 K D L F S 1.0 7.675 5.062 7.113 6.954 5.856 385.79 254.41 357.55 349.56 294.33 173,150 114,190 160,470 156,890 132,110 249.34 164.43 231.08 225.92 190.23 171.62 113.18 159.05 155.50 130.93 K D L F S 1.5 9.409 6.199 8.908 .566 7.402 472.92 311.60 447.77 430.56 372.08 212,260 139,850 200,970 193,250 167,000 305 . 65 201 .39 289.39 278.27 240.48 171.77 113.18 162.63 156.38 135.14 K D L F S 2.0 10.869 7.158 10.450 9.929 8.741 546.32 359.80 525.28 499.07 439.39 245,210 161,490 235,760 224,000 197,210 353.09 232.54 339.49 322.55 283.98 171.85 113.18 165.23 156.98 138.21 K D L F S 3.0 13.318 8.767 13.087 12.183 11.050 669.41 440.66 657.84 612.40 555.43 300,450 197,780 295,260 274,870 249,290 432.64 284.80 425.17 395.80 358.98 171 .93 113.18 168.95 157.28 142.65 K D L F S 4.0 15.381 10.123 15.353 14.095 13.049 773.14 508.83 771.72 708 . 50 655.92 347,010 228,380 346,370 318,000 294,390 499 . 69 328.87 498.77 457.91 423.93 171.97 113.18 171.65 157.59 145.89 D F S 5.0 11.318 15.789 14.846 568.90 793.67 746.23 255,340 356,220 334,930 367.68 512.96 482 . 29 113.18 157.89 148.45 D S 6.0 12.398 16.496 623.20 829.16 279,710 372,150 402.78 535.90 113.18 150.58 D 7.0 13.391 673.13 302,120 435.05 113.18 D 8.0 14.316 719.61 322,980 465.09 113.18 D 9 1 5 . 1 84 763 . 25 342.570 493 29 113.18 146 108-INCH PIPE For- mula. Fall per 1000 Feet. Mean Velocity in Feet per Sec. DISCHARGE. c Cu. Feet per Sec. U. S. Gallons per Min. Million Gallons Ber 24 ours. K D L S 0.10 2.569 1.699 2.151 1 .658 163.41 108.06 136.81 105.47 73,342 48,502 61,406 47,340 105.610 69.840 88.424 68.169 171.24 113.24 143.37 110.53 K D S 0.12 2.821 1.861 2.380 1.842 179.48 118.37 151.39 117.20 80,556 53,131 67,945 52,602 116.000 76.510 97.841 75.746 171.70 113.24 144.81 112.11 K D L S 0.15 3.163 2.080 .693 .096 201 .23 132.35 171.34 133.33 90,319 59,953 76,902 59,844 130.060 85.540 110.740 86.175 172.18 113.24 146.60 114.08 K D L S 0.20 3.663 2.402 3.160 2.475 233.05 152.82 201.00 157.45 104,600 68,593 90,215 70,671 150.62 98.77 129.91 101.77 172.68 113.24 148.94 116.67 K D L S 0.30 4.500 2.942 3.957 .129 286.29 187.17 251.73 199.04 128,500 84,008 112,980 89,335 185.03 120.97 162.69 128.64 173.21 113.24 152.30 120.42 K D L S 0.40 5 . 205 3.397 4.642 3.695 331.11 216.12 295.30 235.05 148,610 97,004 132,540 105,500 214.00 139.68 190.86 151.91 173.49 113.24 154.73 123.16 K D L S 0.50 5.825 3.798 5.254 4.203 370.54 241.64 334.24 267.41 166,310 108,450 150,020 120,020 239.49 156.17 216.02 172.83 173.66 113.24 156.64 125.32 K D L S 0.60 6.385 4.161 5.813 4.671 406.18 264.70 369.83 297.13 182,310 118,800 165,990 133,360 262.52 171.08 239.02 192.04 173.77 113.24 158.21 127.11 K D L S 0.70 6.899 4.494 6.333 5.106 438 . 92 285.91 402.87 324.83 197,000 128,320 180,820 145,790 283.69 184.78 260.38 209.94 173.85 113.24 159.56 128.65 K D L S 0.80 7.379 4.805 6.820 5.516 469.40 305.65 433.86 350.89 210,680 137,180 194,730 157,490 303.38 197.54 280.41 226.78 173.91 113.24 160.74 130.00 K D L S 0.90 7.828 5.096 7.280 5 . 904 498.01 324.19 463.16 375.60 223,520 145,500 207,880 168,580 321 .88 209 . 52 299.34 242.76 173.96 113.24 161.78 131 .20 108-INCH PIPE 147 For- mula. Fall per 1000 Feet. Mean Velocity in Feet per Sec. DISCHARGE. c Cu. Feet per Sec. U. S. Gallons per Min. Million Gallons per 24 Hours. K D L S 1.0 8.253 5.372 7.719 6.275 525.06 341.72 491.06 399.20 235,660 153,370 220,400 179,170 339.36 220.86 317.37 258.01 174.00 113.24 162.73 132.29 K D L S 1.5 10.115 6.579 9.667 7.932 643 . 50 418.53 614.98 504 . 63 288,820 187,840 276,020 226,490 415.92 270.50 397.47 325.94 174.11 113.24 166.39 136.54 K D L S 2.0 11.684 7.597 11.340 9.367 743.29 483.28 721.44 595.92 333,610 216,910 323,800 267,470 480.41 312.34 466.27 385.15 174.17 113.24 169.05 139.64 K D L S 3.0 14.314 9.304 14.202 11.841 910.65 591.88 903 . 50 753.30 408,720 265,650 405,520 338,100 588.57 382 . 54 583.94 486.87 174.23 113.24 172.86 144.12 K D L 8 4.0 16.532 10.743 16.660 13.983 1051.73 683.45 1059.90 889.61 472,040 306,750 475,720 399,280 679.75 441.72 686.61 574.96 174.26 113.24 175.62 147.40 D S 5.0 12.011 15.908 764.13 1012.10 342,960 454,240. 493.86 654.11 113.24 149.98 D 6.0 13.157 837.06 375,690 541.00 113.24 D 7.0 14.211 904.13 405,790 584.34 113.24 D 8.0 15.193 956 . 56 433,820 624.69 113.24 148 120-INCH PIPE DISCHARGE. Fall Mean For- mula. per 1000 Feet. Velocity in Feet per Sec. Cu. Feet per Sec. U. S. Gallons per Min. Million Gallons per 24 Hours. c K 0.10 2.752 216.16 97,020 139.71 174.07 D 1.791 140 . 69 63,146 90.93 113.30 L 2.314 181.72 81,561 117.45 146.33 S 1.755 137.82 61,857 89.07 110.98 K 0.12 3.021 237.25 106,480 153.34 174.40 D 1.962 154.12 69,173 99.61 113.30 L 2.560 201.07 90,246 129.96 147.81 S 1.950 153.14 68,732 98.97 112.57 K 0.15 3.384 265.79 119,290 171.78 174.75 D 2.194 172.31 77,339 111.36 113.30 L .898 227.58 102,140 X47.09 149.63 S .218 174.22 78,195 112.60 114.55 K 0.20 3.916 307 . 54 138,030 198.77 175.11 D 2.533 198.97 89,304 128.59 113.30 L 3.399 266.97 119,820 172.55 152.01 S 2.620 205.74 92,342 132.97 117.15 K 0.30 4.806 377.48 169,420 243.97 175.50 D 3.103 243 . 68 109,370 157.49 113.30 L 4.257 334.35 150,060 216.09 155.45 : S 3.312 260.08 116,730 168.09 120.92 K 0.40 5.556 436.37 195,850 282.03 175.70 D 3.583 281.38 126,290 181.86 113.30 L 4.994 392.23 176,040 253.50 157.93 8 3.911 307.14 137,850 198.50 123.66 K 0.50 6.216 488.21 219,120 315.54 175.81 D 4.006 314.60 141,200 203.33 113.30 L 5.653 443.95 199,250 286.93 159.91 S 4.450 349.42 156,830 225.83 125.83 K 0.60 6.813 535.06 240,150 345.82 175.90 D 4.388 344 . 62 154,670 222.73 113.30 L 6.254 491.21 220,470 317.48 161.48 S 4.943 388.25 174,260 250.93 127.64 K 0.70 7.361 578.11 259,470 373.63 175.95 D 4.739 372.23 167,070 240.58 113.30 L 6.813 535.10 240,170 345.84 162.86 S 5.347 419.93 188,480 271.41 127.81 K 0.80 7.871 618.18 277,460 399.54 176.00 D 5.067 397.94 178,600 257.19 113.30 L 7.337 576.26 258,640 372.45 164.06 S 5.838 458.48 205,790 296.33 130.53 K 0.90 8.350 655.80 294,340 423.86 176.03 D 5.374 422.07 189,430 272.79 113.30 L 7.833 615.18 276,110 397.59 165.13 S 6.249 490.80 220,280 317.21 131.74 120-INCH PIPE 149 For- mula. Fall per 1000 Feet. Mean Velocity in Feet per Sec. DISCHARGE. C Cu. Feet per Sec. U. S. Gallons per Min. Million Gallons per 24 Hours. K D L S 1.0 8.803 5.665 8.304 6.641 691.39 444.90 252.23 521.62 310,320 199,680 292,740 234,120 446.86 287.54 421.54 337.13 176.06 113.30 166.09 132.83 K D L S 1.5 10.787 6.938 10.400 8.396 847.19 544.90 816.83 659.39 380,240 244,560 366,620 295,950 547.56 352.17 527.92 426.17 176.14 113.30 169.83 137.10 K D L S 2.0 12.458 8.011 12.201 9.914 978.48 629.20 958.23 778.67 439,170 282,400 430,080 349,490 632.42 406.65 619.31 503 . 26 176.18 113.30 172.54 140.21 K D L S 3.0 15.262 9.812 15.279 12.533 1198.70 770.60 1200.10 984.33 537,990 345,860 538,620 441,800 774.71 498 . 04 775.61 638 . 18 176.23 113.30 173.43 144.72 D S 4.0 11.329 14.800 889.81 1162.41 399,370 521,720 575.09 751.28 113.30 148.00 D S '5.0 12.666 16.838 994.85 1322.40 446,520 593,560 642.98 854.71 113.30 150.60 D 6.0 13.875 1089.80 489,130 704.35 113.30 D 7.0 14.987 1177.10 528,320 760.78 113.30 D 8,0 16.022 1258.40 564,810 813.31 113.30 THE LITERATURE OF ENGINEERING J On our shelves is the most com- plete stock of engineering, scientific, technical and industrial books in the United States. 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