i PS: w w ' Ast date stcn- SOUTHERN BRANCH, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LIBRARY, (LOS ANGELES. C/M-ir, THE DEVELOPMENT OF FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY THE DEVELOPMENT OF FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY BY HAROLD L. REED PROFESSOR OF BANKING AND FINANCE, WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY SAINT LOUIS BOSTON AND NEW YORK HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY tlCfjc i^ibcrsibc l^reee Cambvibqt 1922 5 8 y i) 5 COPYRIGHT, 1922, BY HAROLD L. REED ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CAMBRIDGE • MASSACHUSETTS PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. i PREFACE Owing to the unusual character of the period during which its poHcy has been developed, many misconceptions have become current regarding the nature and purpose of the Federal Reserve banking system. Some of these mis- K conceptions are so far-reaching as to create serious dif- ^ faculties for its management. No central banking system ^^ can be administered efficiently in an atmosphere of preju- dice and misunderstanding. The business public, in its appraisal of the system's management, must be led to apply the tests of sound principles of economics and ^ finance rather than those merely of immediate, individual r^ advantage. It, accordingly, has been the writer's en- deavor to do what little his capacities permit to stimu- late a proper spirit of inquiry regarding Federal Reserve \ matters. 'i It has appeared to the writer that a careful examina- ^ tion of the development of the reserve system could be 1 made most opportunely by one not connected with its ^ management. As a minor spur to the writer's efforts there has been the belief that no study offers superior op- portunities for investigating the working of the principles of money and credit under contemporary conditions of business and industry. While the book was written for the general reading public, rather than for classroom purposes, it may serve as a second book to follow the reading of one of the elementary texts in college courses in Money and Banking. On this occasion the writer would like to express his vi PREFACE gratitude to those who have helped him to sustain his in- terest in finance and economics. Among these he would like to mention the names of Professor Kemmerer, of Princeton University; Professor Davenport, of Cornell University; Dean Joseph French Johnson, of New York University; Dean Turner, of New York University; Dean Gephart, of Washington University, now Vice- President of the First National Bank of St. Louis; Pro- fessor Willcox, of Cornell University; and Professor A. S. Johnson, at present a member of the editorial staff of the New Republic. Professor Allyn A. Young, of Harvard University, has been a constant source of inspiration. April 30, 1922. CONTENTS I. The Working of the Regional System i II. Check Collections and Clearances under the Federal Reserve 20 III. State Bank Membership in the Federal Re- serve 50 IV. Advances of Reserve Banks — Rediscounts 70 V. Direct Collateral Advances to Member Banks 97 VI. The Development of the Trade Acceptance 105 VII. Agricultural Credit under the Federal Re- serve 128 VIII. The Development of the Bank Acceptance 154 IX. The Open-Market Operations of Reserve Banks 185 X. Advances of Reserve Banks — Note Issues 205 XI. Advances of Reserve Banks — Deposits and Reserves 221 XII. Federal Reserve Development, November, 1914, TO December, 1916 239 Early Problems of Organization XIII. Federal Reserve Development, January, 191 7, \ TO April, 1917 261 Financial Preparation for War XIV. Federal Reserve Development, May, 1917, to November ii, 1918 267 War-Time Credit Expansion viii . CONTENTS XV. Federal Reserve Development, November 12, 1918, TO May, 1920 292 The Period of Post- War Credit Expansion XVI. Federal Reserve Development, May, 1920, to the Present Time 316 The Period of Business Readjustment Index 345 THE DEVELOPMENT OF FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY THE DEVELOPMENT OF FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY CHAPTER I THE WORKING OF THE REGIONAL SYSTEM In the matter of structure, organization, and administra- tion, the most characteristic feature of the Federal Reserve banking plan is the system of district reserve banks. The regional system was also the most surprising outcome of the legislative planning which preceded the framing of the final provisions of the act. Since 1907 the question of banking reform had revolved about the idea of establish- ing, for the entire country, a single large and powerful institution which should hold a portion of the reserves of the member institutions and whose advances should be controlled by a single board or directorate. It was felt by many that a banking organization more centralized in con- trol and resources offered far greater possibilities of avoid- ing credit collapses than our old decentralized system. Demands for banking reform were thus predicated upon a belief in the desirability of a single central bank. While it was anticipated that such a bank must establish local branches or agencies, it was not expected generally that there would be established in each of a dozen different dis- tricts a bankers' bank which should deal for the most part only with the banks of its own territory. It was not antici- pated that a group of independently operating bankers' banks would be set up, with no one bank possessing domi- 2 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY nating authority. It was not prcxHctcd that the board with general control would not be allied to any one bank in particular. The motives influencing the legislators to this generally unf ore told conclusion are now well known. Despite the admittedly great possibilities of a central bank, there were many fears that such an institution would employ its resources with partiality. Recollections of the old preju- dices against such an institution surviving from the time of Andrew Jackson made it appear the part of political wisdom to the Congressional leaders of both parties to soften the emphasis upon the idea of control by the direc- torate of one all-powerful institution. In the Aldrich Bill the plan which might be said to represent the Republican attempt to secure banking reform, the idea of cooperation and not of control was to be suggested by the name of the new system. It was to bear the name, not of a bank, but rather of the National Reserve Association. Furthermore, its machinery was to be such as not to exert any large measure of continuous control. By the issue of notes carrying a progressively increasing tax, it was designed primarily to offer relief in periods of emergency and threat- ened credit collapse. The underlying theory of the Federal Reserve system was somewhat different. The reserve institutions were to bear the names of banks, and it was hoped that they would operate more or less continuously. But lest the objections to the idea of a central bank should prove too strong, attacks were to be parried in another way. There was to be no single, all-powerful central bank. Twelve regional banks, distinct in membership and direction, were to be set up, their several operations to be harmonized and coordinated by a single board. The Democratic plan, the Federal Reserve plan, was thus based upon the idea of THE WORKING OF THE REGIONAL SYSTEM 3 preserving for the banks of each locality as much control over the district bankers' bank as seemed financially expe- dient. Such a solution was indeed typical for a party whose political traditions are founded so largely upon the doctrine of States' rights and local autonomy. The wisdom of the regional idea was attacked strenu- ously by many. At the time of greatest controversy, however, the ultimate manner of the operation of the Federal Reserve system was more or less a matter of doubt. There was no experience by which to measure the importance of the numerous objections. But now, after nearly a decade of experience, the value of the regional idea can be appraised more accurately. What, then, does past operation suggest regarding the practicability of the plan? An inquiry, such as this projects, renders it desir- able to recall some of the earlier points upon which the regional system was attacked. An advantage of restating these objections now is that by virtue of recent experience the haziness which beclouded the form of their original statement may be avoided, in part at least. In the first place, it was felt that the regional plan would create too much temptation to the frequent use of the reserve bank's resources. The basic idea was to bring the bankers' bank more close to the member institutions. Direction was so planned as to subject its management to pressure and influence exerted by the member banks of the locality. Six of the nine district directors were to be chosen by the member banks. Moreover, the regional idea was asserted to be merely a substitute for the plan which contemplated only occasional or emergency relief for the member institutions. It was evident to all that many dangers must lie in the path of any system designed to exercise day-to-day control over the money market. To render any such control effective the advances of the re- 4 TEDERAL RESERVE POLICY serve banks must be large. The acceptance of 'the Euro- pean ' rule of procedure — keeping the central bank's rate above the market — might leave the reserve banks a piece of unused and costly machinery. In view'of the concentra- tion of reserve money and the consequently great possi- bilities of pyramiding credits, it was perceived that an unexampled expansion of bank advances might take place. In short, the regional plan, instead of guarding against, seemed actually to make provision for, price inflation. It was asserted, furthermore, that the regional idea was solely a compromise, the outgrowth of the desire to avoid popular objection. Considerations of financial wisdom were held to have been subordinated to those of political expediency. Few have been the occasions when compro- mise has proved successful in matters financial, and it scarcely could be hoped that banking reform would con- stitute an exception. If our old difficulties were due prima- rily to decentralization, in credit control, note issues, and reserve holdings, the greatest advantage could be realized only by utilizing to the utmost the idea of centralization. The greatestdegree of benefit could be obtained only by es- tablishing a single bankers' bank dominating the member institutions of the entire country. Any other solution must perpetuate among the reserve banks the old evil formerly pertaining to the individual banks — scrambling for reserves in periods of emergency and excessive compe- tition in the period of business activity. To be sure, attempts could be made to unify the operations of the reserve banks by granting certain powers of control to the Federal Reserve Board. But this, it was argued, would be merely a patchwork device. The regional system must limit somew^here the possibilities of centralized control ' Only in a very general sense is it correct to imply that the dominating policy of European central banks has been to keep the official rate above the market rate. There are, of course, many exceptions. THE WORKING OF THE REGIONAL SYSTEM 5 and concerted action. Otherwise what would be its advan- tage over a single central bank? Opponents of the plan argued also that it represented an attempt to isolate different territories of finance, to estab- lish sectionalism in an impossible field. Finance, any more than trade, cannot be confined within artificial borders. The call-rate policy of the metropolitan bank may affect the Southern cotton planter in as real (though a more in- direct) a manner as the credit policy of his own local bank. Even under our old faulty banking system many were the means by which bank capital could be transferred from one locality to another. The call rates of city banks must exert some influence upon the place of investment of sur- plus bank capital. Our various banking channels cross somewhere, even if in a haphazard manner. The rivulets of credit, sluggish though they be, carry eventually their deposits to the deeper channels. If the various districts of the country are related in fact, why not recognize this relationship in the structure of the banking system? Fail- ure to recognize it must create only difificulty. If twelve different open markets for commercial paper exist, wherein has correction been found for the old evil — inability to mobilize efficiently a large portion of our surplus bank reserves at the point of greatest need ? These were some of the more earnestly developed attacks upon the regional plan. Let us next consider as completely as may be their respective merits. In doing this, however, an attempt must be made to avoid for the present those aspects of the problem which involve ultra- complicated features of reserve banking. In the light of recent experience much justification is afTorded the view that the regional system is peculiarly susceptible to undue credit expansion. Local pressure for enlarged credit grants is always most intense. Business 6 FEDICRAL RESERVE POLICY thrives on easy money; rising prices usually create the situation of a widening margin between costs of produc- tion and sale proceeds. Those who are injured by price inflation, those whose money incomes are incapable of quick adjustment, exert only feeble pressure upon the banking administration. Wage-earners scarcely ever emphasize this cause of their woes; they are much more prone to employ the devices of strikes and concerted action. The middle class has no influence upon the bank- ing administration. Occasionally entrepreneurial activity is injured by the rising scale of prices, as, for instance, in the public utility and railroad fields. But the petitions of industrial entrepreneurs, in the same manner as those of the wage-earners, are scarcely ever addressed to the bank- ing administration. Prayers for higher rates offer greater prospects of relief. Because of the nature of things, it is peculiarly necessary that the banking structure be such as to make easy denial of demands for excessive credits. It is necessary that banking control be lodged in the hands of those well equipped to resist the credit demands of those who are not responsible for the interests of all classes in society, and who do not have in mind merely the short- time requirements of business. One means of ensuring conservatism in the operations of the central bank is to emphasize the emergency charac- ter of the institution. Let the rates on the advances of the central institution be normally above the market rate. Advances from the central bank are thus rendered unprofit- able on ordinary occasions. But aid, costly though it be to secure it, is available for periods of credit strain. It has been stated previously that the regional idea is based on the theory of continuous control of the money market. It necessitates accordingly constant employment of reserve funds. This, in turn, imposes the necessity of THE WORKING OF THE REGIONAL SYSTEM 7 keeping the rates sufficiently low to occasion demand for the funds of the reserve system. The rule of remaining out of the market except in emergencies is not so easy of acceptance under the regional system. Control by member banks is too direct. And so far as the particular facts of the reserve system are concerned, the regional idea was invoked as a substitute for a previous plan in which the emergency character of the institution was emphasized. It may be that in the course of time a means may be developed whereby the volume of reserve advances may be stabilized in relation to the needs of trade even though the reserve banks are kept continuously in the market. In the opinion of the writer, however, the principles for regulating the volume of reserve advances have not yet been formu- lated with sufficient definiteness.^ The above paragraphs should not be interpreted as advocating absolute aloofness from the market except in periods of strain. Those who stress the emergency charac- ter of the reserve banks would admit the necessity of some measure of continuous functioning. But such operations need not be so extensive in volume. It was asserted, fur- thermore, that if the share contributions of member banks to the capital of reserve banks could be returned, there would be even less pressure to find continuous use of reserve bank funds. If the idea of emergency advances only were developed, could not the reserve institutions develop enough investment power without share capital contributions from member banks? Reserve banks would still possess the resources based upon their holdings of member banks' reserves. But further discussion of this aspect of the problem can best be postponed till a later chapter.* 'See infra. Chapter XVI. *See injra, Cliapter XII. 8 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY In reply to the second objection, that the regional plan was based upon the idea of divorcing various banking channels, it was replied that the scheme represented no more sectionalism than existed in fact. Attention was called to the great differences in banking customs and needs of the various districts of the country. It was asserted that nowhere in the world was there an illustra- tion of a central bank successfully dominating so large and diverse a banking territory as that of continental United States. In the words of H. P. Willis : ' So far as area is concerned, then, there would be room in the United States for a number of institutions corresponding to the total number of central banks throughout the European con- tinent. The mere fact that international lines divide the Bank of France from the Bank of England or the Bank of Germany has no relationship to the economics of the situation. It is a fact that no such extent of territory as the United States is dealt with by one single central bank. The Federal reserve system, with its series of reserve-holding institutions, therefore, does in fact correspond much more nearly to European practice than would a single central institution with branches. Each Federal reserve bank includes within its district a territory which, as the nation expands and its business increases, will rank with the territory tributary to one of the European central insti- tutions. From the point of view of directness and efficiency in administration, justification for Mr. Willis's remarks is clear. The regional character of the system has eliminated, undoubtedly, many anticipated difficulties of direction. But has this been accomplished at the expense of destroy- ing all possibilities of financial cooperation between the various reserve banks? Has the reserve system meant the segregation of financial territories and the consequent de- struction of any effective means of establishing a country- wide market for commercial paper of various origin, in ' Tlie Federal Reserve, p. 128. THE WORKING OF THE REGIONAL SYSTEM 9 such a way as to enable the surplus funds of the country to be mobilized effectively? IVIore precisely, have the reserve banks shown willingness to aid each other, by means of the rediscounting or direct purchase of each other's paper? In developing this inter-district harmony the succession of events has favored the administration. In the early years of operation, the period when no past experience in cooperation was possessed, a time accordingly when at- tempts to secure mutual aid would be difficult, there was little demand for this sort of reserve activity. Due to the reduction of reserve minima under the terms of the act and to the importation of gold from abroad, reserves of all the district banks were generally high. When the need of inter-district aid did develop, the Nation was engaged in a war so enveloping as to render apparent to all the neces- sity of subordinating considerations purely of sectional advantage. In such a situation it was easy for the Board to insist, in the determination of the inter-district shifting of funds, upon principles which ordinarily might have created some objection. At a time when so many devices of expansion were available, concessions by one bank would not necessarily impair its own lending power. Accordingly, as a guiding principle, reserves were to be equalized between the various district banks regardless of the cause of any bank's need for aid. The accompanying table on page 10 indicates thevolume of such inter-district operations during some of the years when their amount was exceedingly heavy. Needless to remark, operations so large in volume have affected greatly the reserve positions of the district banks on numerous occasions, increasing the reserves of some and lowering those of others. Indicative of this is the accom- panying table on page 11.* 'See Report of the Federal Reserve Board for 1919, p. 8. 10 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY Inter-District Movement of Discounted and Purchased Paper' Bank For the Year 1918 Excess Move- ment from' Excess Move- ment For the Year 1919 Excess Move- ment FROM Excess Move- ment For the Year 1920 Excess M OV E- ment FROM Excess Move- ment In Thousands of Dollars * Boston J5 92.046 $ 131.165 $ 986,280 New York 329.491 996,412 S 764,219 Philadelphia . . $ 56,562 826.521 191.872 Cleveland .... 207.534 $ 463,909 1.120,832 Richmond .... 68,732 837.866 699,675 Atlanta 77.722 72.625 250,510 Chicago 195,192 1.583,864 108,054 St. Louis 679 181,029 302.249 Minneapolis . . 82.907 536.513 253.096 Kansas City . . 27.564 16,060 386.137 Dallas 94,135 337,398 292.513 San Francisco . 93.046 420,612 325,105 Total $662,805 $662,805 $3,201,987 $3,201,987 $3,140,271 $3,140,271 ' The following extract from the Federal Reserve Bulletin for October. 1920 (p. 1015), is explanatory of the relation of the Gold Settlement Fund to the inter-district shifting of funds: "Originally established for the purpose of expediting the settlement of balances in gold between Federal Reserve Banks arising out of exchange and clearing operations, the shift- ing of funds from district to district in connection with rediscount transactions between Federal Reserve Banks has become one of the principal services of the fund under present conditions, and its efficacy has been strikingly exemplified during the heavy credit strain incident to the financing of our present crops. "When a Federal Reserve Bank, through the Federal Reserve Board, has been granted an extension of credit, and such extension has been allocated t9 some other Federal Reserve Bank, the extension is made effective through the transfer of title to gold in the gold settle- ment fund at Washington. The gold settlement fund . . . consists of deposits of gold which have been made by the Federal Reserve Banks and agents with the Treasury, which holds them in trust. . . . The gold in this fund is seldom physically moved, though it frequently changes ownership, transfer of ownership being effected through the mechanism of the fund without the need of moving. Ownership in the fund being represented by entries in the books of the fund, an applicant Federal Reserve Bank which has been granted credit extension receives its accommodation, and the gold to which it is entitled, through a credit entry in the gold clearing books of the Federal Reserve Board. Inasmuch as the gold settlement fund is a part of the gold reserve of each of the Federal Reserve Banks, this transfer amounts to shifting a given volume of reserve metal from a granting bank to the applicant bank. The effect is to transfer a corresponding amount of credit-granting or credit-lending power from the granting institution to the applicant. The latter is then at liberty to use it as it may see fit in extending further accommodation to the member banks within its district. The transaction has, in short, really amounted to a temporary shifting of banking funds from one district to another." ' By this operation the bank gains in reserve money. It is given credit on the Gold Settle- ment Fund. See note ' for description of the working of this fund. ' By this operation the bank loses in reserve money. It is debited on the Gold Settlement Fund. Sea note ' for description of the working of this fund. • Figures are compiled from the yearly Reports of the Federal Reserve Board. THE WORKING OF THE REGIONAL SYSTEM ii Ratio of Total Reserves to Combined Net Deposit and Federal Reserve Note Liauilities, December 26, 1919 Bank Actual After Adjustment of Reserves by Deducting A.MOUNT OF Bills Rediscounted with or Sold to Other Federal Reserve Banks and Adding Amount of Bills Discounted for or Purchased from Other Federal Reserve Ba.nks Boston New York 44.0 40.0 40.8 46.3 40.9 52.8 50.6 46.5 39.4 43-1 49-4 54-9 243 36.2 Philadelphia Cleveland 32.7 49-4 43-5 55.2 Richmond Atlanta Chicago 58.8 St. Louis 60.5 Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas 39-4 41-3 77.0 San Francisco 59-3 For all banks 44.8 44.8 The amount of inter-district lending of funds has thus been great. But to what factors shall we ascribe the will- ingness of the various banks to cooperate in this way? Has it been due to the unusual circumstances of the period when operations of this sort were the greatest? Has it been merely an aspect of the problems of war and post-war finance? Or has it been the desire of the lending bank to establish a basis for its own pleas for aid when it itself should become the needy institution? Answers to such queries as these should throw some light upon the prob- able future amount of inter-district operations. Some explanation of the preceding problems is afforded by the following sentence from the Federal Reserve Bulletin for October i, 1920:' The process of shifting bank resources through inter-reserve rediscounting was necessarily called into play and has become a regular and important feature of the working of the Federal Reserve System. • Page 1014. 12 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY As to how this function of the reserve has developed, it will be recalled that in the earlier years under the reserve system the effectiveness of the machinery for transferring funds from district to district was not fully tested. The release of reserves on the inauguration of the reserve sys- tem and the inflow of gold from abroad in the following years made unnecessary the use of reserve funds to any appreciable extent. But after the period of rising prices during the war and the getting more completely into the market of the Federal Reserve, inter-district aid became necessary on the part of the district subjected to unusual crop-moving or seasonal demands. Since, however, the peak of money demand is not reached simultaneously in all districts, it is possible for the Reserve Board to offset the seasonable fluctuations and changes in demand against one another. In this way the strain previously thrown upon the city banks in the financial centers by the calls from the interior becomes merely a transfer of surplus reserve funds from one district to another. Various are the circumstances which determine the extent to which any one district bank may require such aid. Industries dependent largely upon agriculture must experience usually greater seasonal fluctuations in the demand for bank capital than those more largely manu- facturing. Districts covering a territory diversified in climate and in the nature of their industries may be able more easily to finance exceptional demands in one part by reliance upon surplus funds in another without drawing heavily upon other districts. A section thus diversified is Number 12, the Pacific Coast Section, including States from the Canadian border to the boundary line of Mexico. By relying upon the principle of reciprocity in the meet- ing of their mutual seasonal and emergency demands. It may be possible to avoid to some extent the objection of THE WORKING OF THE REGIONAL SYSTEM 13 sectional financial isolation. It is true that the regional system creates some obstruction to the free flow of funds from district to district. Some friction will be encountered always in mobilizing effectively free bank funds. But this difficulty can be mitigated greatly and is perhaps justified by the administrative efficiency and political advantage of the regional plan. One difficulty remains, however. If inter-district shift- ing of funds is regularly contemplated, wherein lies the advantage of the regional system in meeting objections emphasizing possibilities of sectional discrimination? Rediscounts by one reserve bank for another can be required by the Federal Reserve Board. According to the liberality with which it treats one district, and the con- servatism another, the display of sectional partiality is easily possible. If exercised, its results would be identical with the more direct partiality displayed by the director- ate of a single central bank. In the opinion of the writer, however, partiality in requiring reserve banks to render inter-district aid is not nearly so probable. Under the reserve system it will be expected that the borrowing districts in normal years shall not merely clear their books in the off season, but also shall be able to render aid to other districts in the slack season. In the long run the advances to member banks in any one district must bear some relation to the resources of the reserve bank, resources which represented originally the contributions of the members. Under a single bankers' bank the determination of the legitimate amount of advances to any one locality must be based on more hypo- thetical grounds. Failure to map out definite and per- manent districts would create much more difficulty in determining the relative merits of the demands of the various sections of the country. Under the present sys- 14 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY tpm the resources of each reserve bank are real and the advances to anyone section do not depend so largely upon the rulings of a single directorate. A query, of possibly greater in^portance, relating to the political expediency of the regional plan, necessitates some concluding discussion. How effective has been the regional plan in enabling the general administrative body — the Federal Reserve Board — to confine complaints to the district in which the discontent has arisen? To what extent has the Board been able to disclaim responsibility for policies initiated by the district directorate? In what measure has each district been held responsible by the public for conditions logically the result of its own poli- cies? Very important is the answer to this query because the system is much more likely to be modified by legis- lative action when complaints are directed against the central administrative body than when directed merely against one of the twelve administrative subdivisions. It must be admitted at the outset that there has been a persistent refusal by the general public to recognize the regional character of the system. In the period of agricul- tural depression following the spring of 1920, nothing was more clear than this. Newspapers and journals of the Middle West and South wrote many an editorial and pub- lished many a cartoon to establish the partiality of the Federal Reserve Board toward the metropolitan financial interests. In virtually all of these the existence of different reserve banks in the various sections of the country was ignored . ' ' The men who grew the wheat " could not obtain credit to hold their crops for a fair price, whereas the "men who tried to corner the wheat market," it was asserted, were bountifully supplied with funds emanating from the Federal Reserv^e. No attention at all was ordinarily paid to the fact that the National City Bank of New York is THE WORKING OF THE REGIONAL SYSTEM 15 served by the New York Reserve Bank; whereas the First National Bank of Waycross, Georgia, is served by the Atlanta Reserve Bank.' Indicative further of this point of view, there is even to be found an address of the former Comptroller of the Cur- rency, and ex-officio member of the Federal Reserve Board, Mr. John Skelton Williams, delivered in Augusta, Georgia, July 14, 1921.'' The following extract may be quoted from this address: While small banks in the farming districts were being taxed in this manner, great banks in New York were being supplied with practically unlimited amounts of money at 5, 6, and 7 per cent. The official record will show that while the Reserve Bank collected $2100 (equal to 8 per cent on the bank's entire capital stock for 12 months) from a little bank in your adjoining State of Alabama, for the use of about $112,000 for two weeks in crop-moving time, a year ago, a big bank in New York, whose funds were largely employed in speculative operations and deals, for the same cash consideration, or, say, $2100, was given the use of about $800,000 for the same time. And in his charges of wasteful and uneconomical expendi- tures before the Atlanta audience the bulk of the illustra- tions were drawn from the experience of the New York bank. The financial layman could easily gain the impres- sion that the Federal Reserve Board was a bank with its main office in New York City. In view of such assertions as these by a former member of the general administrative body, it is not at all surpris- ing that a large portion of the lay public has been induced easily to convict the Board of sectional partiality, even • It is indisputable that reserve funds found their way in large amounts in the post-war period to the speculative markets. But in the opinion of the writer this was an inevitable, though unintended result of the "easy-money policy" of the financial administration in the war and post-war ix.'riod. This aspect of the problem will be discussed in later chapters. ' This address is published in the Commercial and Financial Chronicle, July 23, 192 1, pp. 354-58. i6 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY though its regulations have been general and scarcely ever possessed merely a sectional application. Despite repeated assertions regarding the limitation of its own powers to points of general policy, the Federal Reserve Board has found it exceedingly difficult to define the sphere of regional responsibility. Attempts to estab- lish the accountability of the district directorate for its own specific acts have always occasioned severely adverse criticism. Indeed one of the legislators, possibly more responsible for the final form of the Reserve Act than any other one man. Senator Owen, complained on one occasion most bitterly ' that the Board's policy meant the abdica- tion of its powers. Thus : The Federal Reserve Board was created to control, regulate, and stabilize credit in the interest of all the people. . . . [It] is the most gigantic financial power in all the world. . . . Instead of using this great power as the Federal Reserve Act intended that it should be used, the Board abdicated. Instead of using this power in the interests of all the people, the bankers in- cluded, it delegated this power to the bankers.' As long as the act entrusts to the Board such general powers as supervision of rediscount rates; since decisions in such matters must always afTect some districts more vitally than others, it will prove most difficult to place upon the shoulders of the district directorate any large measure of responsibility for what is believed to be the industrial and business results of its general credit policy. No matter how refined the game of "passing the buck," success stands to be won by the body most frequently in contact with the public. The local banker, in denying credit accommodations lays responsibility upon the dis- trict directorate; the district board calls attention to the w^arnings of the Board against the granting of "unessen- ' Cf . Commercial and Financial Chronicle, July 30, 192 1 , p. 475. *Six of the nine district directors are selected by the member banks. THE WORKING OF THE REGIONAL SYSTEM 17 tial credits." The Board, however, can find no body higher up, unless it be the legislators responsible for the terms of the statute. Nevertheless, the writer believes that the regional plan has many merits of political expediency. The reserv^e sys- tem is new, and much educational work still remains to be done in acquainting the public with the nature of its organization and operations. Because of the exceptionally abnormal period during which it has lived, it has been impossible for the Board to develop a permanent principle regulating reserve bank advances. Furthermore, the responsibility of the district director- ate has undoubtedly rendered it easier on many occasions for the Board to resist the directly expressed demands of certain special interests for credit advances. It has enabled the Board to insist that it itself was not a bank and had no money to loan. Thus Governor Harding was enabled to write Senator Smoot of Utah in the summer of 191 1 : * In view of the fact that the twelve Federal Reserve Banks are independent bodies corporate and are controlled and directed each by its own board of directors, subject only to the general supervision of the Federal Reserve Board, whose authority with respect to discount is confined principally to defining eligible paper in accordance with the terms of section 13 of the Federal Reserve Act, it seems to me that the statement which many, both in Congress and on the outside, urge be issued by the Federal Reserve Board, stating that the Federal Reserve Banks will adopt certain policies in connection with the rediscounting of agricultural paper, would hav^e to be made by the Federal Reserve Banks themselves. The Federal Reserve Board has no power to interfere with the discretion given or the responsibility imposed by law upon the directors of a Federal Reserve Bank with respect to passing upon the merits of eligible paper oflered for discount. 'This letter, written July il, 1921, is published in complete form, in the Fed- eral Reserve BulUtin, August, 192 1, pp. 895-99. i8 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY Congress did not establish a central bank in this country. It established twelve banks under the general supervision of the Federal Reserve Board, which does not exercise banking functions.^ These functions are exercised exclusively by the Federal Reserve Banks. We are now in a position to derive a general conclusion regarding the merits of the regional system. Politically it appears to the writer to have been a clever device. It has served to some extent in the past, and undoubtedly should serve to a greater extent in the future, to localize sectional complaints, and thus to ward off attacks which otherwise would be launched upon the reserve system as a whole. In an administrative way it has rendered possible an enor- mous increase in business with a minimum of friction. Had the plan of 191 3 been that of a single central bank, it is by no means impossible that by administrative develop- ment it would have been organized finally upon lines some- what similar to those of the reserve system of to-day. Many duties can best be performed locally; district branches must be provided under any central banking system to assist in the work of check clearances, examina- tions of condition of member banks, analysis of the quality of paper of local origin offered for rediscount. Should such a system get Into the market continuously, the w^ork of these branches might not prove far different from that of the regional banks of to-day. The most vulnerable point of the regional system, in the mind of the writer, is the closeness of contact between the district directorates and the member banks. As Indi- cated previously, this feature was dependent upon the desire to establish a group of bankers' banks which should exercise some measure of continuous control over the money market. The advantages of a smoothly working ' The italics are the writer's. THE WORKING OF THE REGIONAL SYSTEM 19 system of this sort are evident to all. But unless there are developed principles of credit control, more sound econom- ically than those enunciated in the past, the plan may prove to have been too ambitious. It might have been better to have proceeded upon the more modest lines of devising merely an emergency machine. But, as it is, the problem of the future is to develop sound rules for the regulation of the credit advances of a set of banks per- manently in the market. CHAPTER II CHECK COLLECTIONS AND CLEARANCES UNDER THE FEDERAL RESERVE The early treatment of the subject of check collections and clearances may evoke some surprise in the mind of the reader. In criticisms of the old banking system following the crisis of 1907, principal attention was not devoted to the country's clearance difficulties, and in most current discussions major emphasis has been placed upon the new system's discount functions. Nevertheless, the writer feels that the development of the Federal Reserve's par clearance system should be given a position of prominence. Prior to 1914 clearing houses and clearing systems represented the most important institutions of coopera- tion developed through the initiative of the banks them- selves. But the work of these institutions was not the most efficiently coordinated and systematized. In par- ticular, the various sections of the country were not served by any single set of clearing institutions. What has been done under the Federal Reserve is to establish common centers for each of the districts under conditions whereby the work of each will be closely related. If we hold to the view that the reserve system was established primarily to secure more effective cooperation in banking, the impor- tance of the clearing functions of the new banks is clear. Check clearances, moreover, indicate more largely than any other single function the need of the continuous opera- tion of the reserve banks. The volume of rediscounting must alter greatly with changing business conditions; it CHECK COLLECTIONS AND CLEARANCES 21 may be that on certain occasions there will be very little demand for the reserve system's funds. In the early years of operation, for instance, little success was achieved in the desire to get the reserve banks actively in the money market through their discount functions. Then, especially, was it highly important that a service be developed for which member banks would find a constant need. In no matter of government and administration, fur- thermore, has more tact and diplomacy been required than in the efforts to extend the scope of the reserve clear- ing system. In the early legislative history of the statute no provisions were more vehemently attacked than those providing for country-wide par collections. After the date of inauguration each step in the development of the clear- ing system has been carefully observed and analyzed by the great number of country banks. In view of the im- possibility of building an imposing reserve edifice upon the insufhcient foundations of limited membership, this attitude of the country banks often compelled the modi- fications of plans which the requirements of efficiency would otherwise have dictated. Difficulties in check collections existing prior to 1914 are generally understood. In the first place, the indirect routing of distantly drawn checks created much delay in securing the return of checks to the drawee bank. As a second aspect of this difficulty reserves were built up in an exceedingly unscientific manner and consisted frequently to a large degree of checks in the mails. In the third place, check collections were rendered more expensive because the local clearing system usually comprised a portion only of the banks in the locality. It is a well-known principle of check clearances that the possibilities of offsetting clearing debits by clearing credits are limited when the system does not embrace a large portion of the banks which mutually 22 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY receive and collect each other's checks. One bank may receive in a day about the same volume of checks drawn against other banks as the other banks receive against it. But there is no guarantee that in a collection system of limited scope any one bank's credits may not greatly exceed its debits and vice versa. But to consider these difficulties more in detail, let us first turn our attention to the matter of the indirect routing of checks. The purpose of this prevailing custom was to enable some bank to avoid the deduction of exchange charges imposed by the drawee institution. Bank A, in one district, receives checks drawn against Bank B in another district. If A sends these checks directly to B, B would customarily remit something less than their full face value. Justification for this deduction was in part the clerical labor and other expense necessitated in the making of remittance. Bank B must remit by dispatching cur- rency by registered mail or express, or by drawing against a foreign balance previously established for this particular purpose. The building-up of these foreign accounts, be it by the purchase of exchange, the shipping of currency, or the discounting of its own note, was costly. Bank A in turn might attempt to recoup itself for this exchange deduction by imposing an exchange charge upon the individual who deposits the check. In many situations, however, banking customs were so firmly established and banking competi- tion so keen as to render impracticable such a practice in the case of regular clients. All the greater, consequently, was the necessity of avoiding if possible the loss through the deduction of exchange in Bank B's remittance. One of the means of escaping such a loss would be for Bank A to establish par relations with banks in foreign territory. Two banks located in different parts of the country could agree to collect for each other checks drawn CHECK COLLECTIONS AND CLEARANCES 23 against banks in a certain prescribed territory/ Thus Bank A gives full par credit to Bank C for the deposit of checks drawn against banks in the neighborhood of Bank A. Bank C does the same for Bank A. If Bank B is lo- cated in the district of Bank C, Bank A is able to collect through C without loss checks drawn against B. But in order to induce some outside bank to collect at par and thereby absorb the exchange charge, it was often necessary for one of the banks to maintain a deposit balance in the other. Thus : The First and Old Detroit National Bank carries deposits accounts in banks scattered over the country for the purpose of getting checks collected at par. In fact such checks are not collected at par, because the bank loses the use of its funds on deposit. The interest on such funds is the price paid for the "par" collections.' But the point most to be emphasized here is that the existence of such par points serv^ed to impede the direct return of checks. Instead of being sent directly to the drawee bank for remittance, they would be dispatched to the par or free city, where perhaps they would be again indirectly routed to the drawee bank. Bank A, for instance, dispatches checks drawn against Bank B not directly to B, but to its collection correspondent, Bank C. This devious routing increased the number of banks through which the "homing" check passed and padded the expenses of collection. But possibly more important than this increased expense was the manner in which such distantly drawn checks were customarily handled in the creation of legal reserves. By the practice previously per- ' A good account of such arrangements is contained in an address by William J. Gray, at Portland, Michigan, August, 1916. This address was published in the Michigan Investor and fjuolcd by the Commercial and Financial Chronicle, August 19, 1916, pp. 636-37. 'Ibid. 24 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY mittcd by the Comptroller of the Currency, the country bank remits a cash letter to the bank which acts as its collecting agent in the reserve city, "and on that day charges the amount of that cash letter to its reserve agent and considers it a cash balance and part of its reserve."' Needless to remark, the reserve agent may find it impossi- ble to collect from the drawee bank for some days. It, in turn, may forward the check indirectly through one of its par correspondents and thereby create a reserve balance for itself. The same check may suffice finally to establish several fold its face value in reserve money before being charged to the account of the drawer. As a final outcome the check may retrace its path marked "no funds." At one time it was estimated that the amount of checks in the mails — the so-called "float" — amounted to three hun- dred millions of dollars daily. ^ The desirability of correcting such evils as these would appear to have furnished sufficient warrant for the altera- tion of former collection methods. But certain special circumstances, possibly less fundamental in their impor- tance, supplied in large measure the raison d'etre for the new machinery. Among these was the fact that under the reserve system it became necessary for the reser\^e banks to assume many functions previously provided for by the city correspondents of the country banks. There is no doubt but that in the discussion over banking reform victory was won by the "interior" as against the finan- cial interests in the metropolitan centers. In the panic of 1907, interior banks found themselves unable to secure funds by drawing upon their New York deposits. This, 'From an address by Benjamin Strong, Jr., delivered June 24, 1915, before the New York State Bankers' Association at Saratoga Springs, New York. A portion of this address is pubHshed in the Ecoiianiic World, July 17,1915, pp. 74-76. ' Cf. E. W. Kemmerer, TJie A B C of tJte Federal Reserve System, pp. 20-21. CHECK COLLECTIONS AND CLEARANCES 25 above all, explains, in the opinion of the writer, the willing- ness of the country banker to lend an ear to discussions of banking reform. Academic criticisms of the old methods were not nearly so determining. But what was the source of the 1907 difficulty in the financial centers? Was it not primarily this — bankers' balances were not invested properly, were not kept in sufficiently liquid form? Therefore must there be set up new institutions whose resources should be available for the members in time of need, institutions whose invest- ments must be kept liquid. The reserve banks were to become the city correspondents of country banks. But if the reserve banks were to function in this manner they must give credit for checks forwarded for collection by the member institutions. Otherwise the member banks would find the new machinery costly. To the foreign deposits established for purposes of collection must be added deposits the Reserve Act required to be kept with reserve banks. To avoid such duplication of deposits and, accord- ingly, of expense, the reserve banks, themselves, must act as collection agents. But if the credits, the reser\'es, of member banks were to be real and not hypothetical, the old method of establishing reserves must be modified. The "float" feature must be abolished. Banking reform, moreover, was not solely the result of criticism by bankers. It was to a very great degree the result of the demands of business which had been insisting for years that exchange exactions were unduly burdensome. It has been stated previously that, in their eagerness to secure deposits of country banks, city institutions were often willing to absorb exchange charges by giving immediate and full credit for the deposit of country bank checks. Often no attempt was made to recover this loss from the public. Nevertheless, the amount of exchange 26 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY charges paid by the pubHc aggregated an enormous sum and there was an insistent demand that by the estabUsh- ment of more efficient methods of check collections the burden borne by the pubHc should be lightened. These exchange exactions, moreover, were not always imposed equitably, a feature which served to increase the public discontent. In Baltimore,' for instance, there was an old rule of the Clearing House that out-of-town items would be taken at par only from depositors who had been regular customers of their banks at the time, years ago, when a new rule was adopted requiring such charges of new depositors. But if an old customer should change his account to another bank, he was considered as a "new account" and lost his privilege of depositing at par. Change from one bank to another was not free. New cor- porations and new enterprises explained their hesitancy to establish themselves in this city on the ground that they would be handicapped in their competition with the older firms. In one case the par-deposit privilege was lost merely by a change in the firm name. The new name compelled the application of the rule applying to new businesses. Amid such conditions as these there was a widespread demand that the reserve system provide for the limitation of such exchange exactions. In the earlier legislative stages of the Federal Reserve Act provisions were inserted the intent of which was to eliminate these charges entirely. But the bill thus framed met speedy and vigorous objection on the part of a great majority of the exchange-charging banks. Many country banks asserted that the elimination of such charges would impair very seriously their profits. Nor would they accept the argument that in the course of time their interest 'Cf. weekly circular of Nelson, Cook & Co., of Baltimore, issued August 5, 1916. References to this circular are to be found in the Commercial and Finan- cial Chronicle, August 12, 1916, p. 534. CHECK COLLECTIONS AND CLEARANCES 27 charges automatically would be increased to compensate for such loss; that since the competition between banks must determine the rates on bank loans, equal treatment to all could mean no discrimination against any one in par- ticular. Country banks maintained that in many situa- tions local competition was not operative in large degree; that custom and law were frequently so determinative as to prevent the shifting of such loss to the borrowing pub- lic. All banking communities, furthermore, display some rivalry one with another. The time has passed when banking custom can decree uniformly that a local indus- try shall depend exclusively upon the local bank. Elimina- tion of such charges would handicap most those institu- tions which in the past had depended upon exchange for a considerable portion of their profits. By the proposed new law the city institutions would often gain more than they would lose. In the past many of them had been willing to absorb such charges for the privileges of receiving the accounts of the country banks. It was often forgotten that under the Reserve Act these city institutions stood to lose a large portion of bankers' deposits through the transfer of reserves to the reserve banks. It was accordingly asserted that the elimination of exchange charges must affect most injuriously those banking institutions which previously had experienced the greatest difficulties in realizing reason- able profits. The collective legislative influence of the country bankers was enormous. Not merely did their number enable them to bring pressure to bear upon ver>' many legislators, but it was peculiarly essential that the provi- sions of the act be not such as to cause the refusal of any large number of eligible banking institutions to join the system. It is not difficult, then, to account for the altera- tion in the terms of the bill according to which it was 28 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY expressly stipulated that nothing in the act should be so construed as to prohibit a member bank from charging its actual expenses incurred in collecting and remitting funds, or for exchange sold its patrons. We may now summarize the various provisions of the act as finally enacted dealing with check collections and clearances. First, there was the provision of section i6 that Every Federal reserve bank shall receive on deposit at par from member banks or from Federal reserve banks checks and drafts drawn upon any of its depositors, and when remitted by a Federal reserve bank, checks and drafts drawn by any depos- itor in any other Federal reserve bank or member bank upon funds to the credit of said depositor in said reserve bank or member bank.' This provision is made subject to the exception noted above. Since a Federal Reserve Bank is thus required to give credit to other banks, economy and efficiency would demand that it clear the checks thus received, in order to employ the most economical method of determining the net credit or debit balance due from or to any bank. Accordingly there was enacted the further provision in the same section that the Federal Reserve Board may also require each such [reserve] bank to exercise the func- tions of a clearing house for its member banks. This last-quoted provision would concern intra-district clearings. But the receipt by one reserve bank of checks drawn against member banks in other districts would create debits and credits among the various reser\'e banks. Bank A of district one receives credit for a check drawn against Bank B of district two. The reserve bank of dis- trict one recoups itself by charging to the reser\^e bank of district two. In similar fashion the reserve bank of district 'A similar provision was contained in the first paragraph of section 13. CHECK COLLECTIONS AND CLEARANCES 29 three receives items collectible in district two and vice versa. Accordingly another sentence of section 16 gives the Federal Reserve Board discretionary power to exercise the functions of a clearing house for such Federal re- serve banks. This, as noted in Chapter I, made necessary the later establishment of the Gold Settlement Fund at Washington. From the wording of the act, it would appear as if the exchange-charging banks had won a complete victor}\ The law provided that the reserve banks "shall" receive at par checks drawn on member banks. It furthermore reserved expressly the right to the drawee bank to deduct reasonable exchange for expenses incurred in collecting and remitting funds. Must not the reserve banks be obliged, therefore, to absorb the costs of collecting checks? Means of escaping the absorption of such charges would seem to lie, therefore, in the following lines of action: First, the " shall " in the clause of section 16 above referred to might be construed as permissive and not mandatory\^ Such a construction, however, was unlikely, as it would involve a perversion of the meaning usually understood to pertain to the word "shall." Second, the reserve bank might agree to bear the expense of remittance of funds from member to reserve banks, . and thus, by eliminating this item of expense, destroy, partially at least, the right of the drawee bank to charge exchange. If necessary checks could be presented at the counter and their full face value demanded. In the third place, the permissive "may" of the last paragraph of section 16, relating to the clearing functions of reserve banks, might be so construed as to deny membership in the clearing system to those member banks which insisted on deducting exchange. In ' Some slight confirmation of this view is afTorded by the fact that the similar provision of section 13 contained the permissive "may." 30 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY other words, the permissive "may" might enable reserve banks to refuse to clear for banks which would not agree to whatever conditions should be imposed upon clearing members. One of these conditions might be the agreement of a member bank to remit at par. The final outcome of the clearance problem must depend much upon future statutory interpretation and administrative procedure. Because the work of the reserve banks must be built up anew on bed-rock foundations, it was not to be expected that the reserve banks, immediately in 1914, should begin the exercise of all the functions contemplated for ultimate development. Neither was it expected that the various reserve banks should all operate at the outset in precisely the same manner. Beginnings were slow and varied much between the various district banks. In the early days the New York Reserve Bank, for instance, would receive checks drawn only on reserve banks and those drawn by a member bank on another member institution in the cities of New York, Albany, and Brooklyn.' On December I, 1914, the Federal Reserv^e Board granted the reserve bank of Kansas City power to clear checks presented by member banks drawn on member banks.^ St. Louis was also among the first to provide such service and on the 4th of March, 1915, it was announced by the Board that the Chicago Federal Reserve Bank had been clearing checks between the member banks of the seven Reserve and Cen- tral Reserve cities of the district.^ But on the same date it was announced that only three reserve banks, those of Kansas City, St. Louis, and Chicago, had taken advan- tage of the clearance privileges conferred by the act. ' Cf . letter by Governor Strong, of the New York Reserve Bank, in the Com- mercialand Financial Chronicle, December 5, 1914, p. 1636. 'Cf. Commercial and Fi7iancial Chronicle, December 5, 1914, p. 1635. sCf. ibid., March 13, 1915, p. 867. CHECK COLLECTIONS AND CLEAR.\NCES 31 Aside from the initial pressure of new work and duties there were additional reasons for delay. Inter-district clearings awaited the development of the Gold Settlement Fund, an undertaking not successfully completed until June, 1915.^ Intra-district clearings uncovered some legal objections, it being argued that there is no power to compel a member bank not located in a Federal Reserve city to pay or have charged to its account at the Federal Reserve Bank of its district a check which it had not seen and approved prior to the times of presen- tation at its own counter.* There was also a natural hesitancy to establish a clearing system, which, on the one hand, might admit the right of the drawee bank to charge exchange, or, on the other hand, to create early opposition to the system by definitely eliminating such charges. Furthermore, because final transfer of reserves to reserve banks was not to be com- pleted for three years, financial considerations created some solid basis for opposition to the immediate introduc- tion of a complete clearance system which might neces- sitate the maintenance of balances with reserve banks. During the period in which reser\^es could be kept par- tially with city institutions, it might be a hardship to com- pel city banks to give up this clearance work to the reserve or to compel country banks to transfer balances to the reserve institutions for clearing work. Balances with the reserve banks would draw no interest. For these various reasons the Reserve Board began to work first on the establishment of a voluntary-reciprocal plan of clearances. It was believed that sufiiclcnt success might be achieved with such a system to render unnecessary measures ultra- compulsory in nature. ' Cf. Report of the Federal Reserve Board for the year 1915, p. 14. *Ibid., p. 15. 32 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY In the spring of 19 15 the Federal Reserve Board began to send to the various reserve banks descriptive circulars of the new voluntary-reciprocal plan.' According to this plan membership was to be purely voluntary. Checks would not be cleared drawn upon banks which would not agree to remit at par. But, on the other hand, banks not agreeing to remit the full face value of checks drawn against them could not avail themselves of the facilities of the reserve system in collecting checks drawn upon other banks. Details of operation would differ in the vari- ous districts. In the Chicago district,^ the costs of operat- ing the system were to be borne by the reserve bank and each bank must maintain sufficient funds on deposit with the reserve bank to permit the immediate charge of debit balances. The amount of such balances would be deter- mined by experience gained as the system continued its operation. But regardless of the details, the clearing sys- tem in each district was to be open to every bank which would agree to permit the deduction at par of its own debit items. The motives for joining the system would be: first, the economies realizable in the collection of checks drawn against other banks; second, increased acceptability of the member's own checks. In the opinion of the great majority of the banks, how- ever, either the time for entrance was inopportune, or the obligations greatly outweighed the privileges. By Janu- ary, 1916, it was stated Hhat only about twenty-six hun- dred out of a total number of eight thousand member institutions had subscribed to the provisions necessary for admittance. Accordingly, the Board felt that more compulsory measures were necessary. As a consequence of this belief there was devised a new system which began ' Cf. Bulletin, May I, 19 15, pp. 6-7. ' Cf. ibid., pp. 7-9. 3 Cf. Commercial and Financial Chronicle, January i, 1916, p. 15. CHECK COLLECTIONS AND CLEARANCES 33 operation on July 15, 1916. This plan provided the nucleus for the development of the present clearance system. By the terms of this new plan, member banks, regard- less of their own volition, were to be required to pay with- out deduction checks drawn upon themselves and pre- sented at their own counters. Remittance by the reserve banks through the mail was to be construed as presenta- tion at their own counters. Settlement could be made by acceptable checks on other banks or by the shipment of lawful money or Federal Reserve notes ' at the expense of the reserve bank. It would not be necessary, therefore, for banks to maintain balances at reserve banks for clearing purposes. For its services as a collection agent the reserve bank could collect a small service charge of, say, one and a half to two cents an item from the bank for whom collec- tions were made. In the course of time, however, such charges were eliminated. The only compulsory feature of the new plan was that requiring payment at par from drawee member banks. Member banks were free to keep clearing balances else- where and to clear through private agencies if they so desired. But it was not believed that many member banks would find it to their advantage to clear elsewhere than through the reserve. If they must remit at par to the reserve banks, why not gain the advantages of collection of credit items at par? By construing the sending of checks through the mails as presentment at the counter, it was believed that legal objection could not be made to the denial of the right of a bank to deduct exchange. Under the new system checks would also be received drawn upon such non-member institutions as could be collected at par. Desire to avail of the economics in the collection of credit items and to increase the circulatory ' See Bulletin, June i, 1916, pp. 262-64. 34 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY power of their own checks might be appealing motives influencing non-member institutions to remit at par. To make the law more clear regarding the status of non- member banks, an amendment was secured to the Federal Reserve Act on September 7, 19 16, expressly permitting reserve banks to receive deposits of all checks and drafts payable upon presentation. This amendment, however, contained no mandatory provision regarding the remittances of State banks. Re- fusal of any large number of such banks to become clearing members must weaken the system seriously. The services rendered by the reserve banks must depend upon the volume of checks collectible for each clearing member. Consequently, some of the reserve banks began to search for various means of compelling membership. The meas- ures adopted were often expensive, but were undertaken, nevertheless, on the theory that if, by presentation at the counter, the State banks could be forced to make par remittance, they would perceive the desirability of joining the reserve clearance system and thereby gain whatever advantages this system offered as an agency for the col- lection of their own credit items. Collection at the counter necessitated local agencies to protest items not promptly paid. In case a member bank was located in the town, there would be no great difficulty in establishing such an. agency. Otherwise arrangements must be made to secure the services of some other institu- tion. At one time a project was developed whereby post- masters might act as agents of the reserve banks in towns where no member bank was situated.^ But undoubtedly because of its doubtful political expediency this project was abandoned. Often notaries and express agents would be employed. In some cases it is asserted that the reserve ' Cf. Commercial and Financial Chronicle, July 22, 1916, p. 284. CHECK COLLECTIONS AND CLEARANCES 35 bank or Its agent would save up the checks of the State bank until they amounted to a considerable volume. Then they would be dispatched to the drawee bank by automo- bile or otherwise and presented in bulk. Such arrangements were pushed zealously and possibly in some cases with excessive vigor. In an address delivered in the House, Representative Reavis complained on one occasion that in the town of Pierce, Nebraska, representa- tives of the reserve bank saved up checks until they amounted to ^41,000.' Then they went in an automobile to this town and demanded payment in cash. Inasmuch as every bank bases its operations on an approximate daily correspondence of daily income and daily outgo, such measures must prove exceedingly embarrassing. Repre- sentative Reavis also charged that in its endeavor to force this bank to terms the reserve bank had a man on the ground endeavoring to organize a competing national bank. These attempts at coercion inevitably occasioned the utmost of protest by the non-member State banks. Their protests were expressed in various ways. Bankers' asso- ciations were exhorted to exert pressure in their behalf, and efforts were made to secure the enactment of legisla- tion prohibiting the coercive measures. In suits at law, moreover, the reserve banks were accused of exceeding their lawful powers. As an outcome of such protests laws were enacted in several States unfriendly to the Board's plans. Among these States were North Carolina, Tennessee, and Missis- sippi. As a type of such legislation the Mississippi law is well worth summarizing.^ First, it definitely legalized what it called "the established custom" of banks of that State ' Extracts from this address arc piililishcd in the Commercial and Financial Chronicle, February 7, 1920, pp. 515-16. * The complete text of this law may be found in the Bulletin, April, 1920, p. 387. 36 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY to charge a service fee commonly called exchange for col- lection and remittance. Second, banks were given discre- tionary power to deduct exchange on items presented by any bank, "post-office, express company, or any collection agency, or by any other agency whatsoever." In the third place. State officers were deprived of power to "protest for nonpayment any such 'cash item* when such non- payment is solely on account of the failure of any of such agencies to pay such exchange." Furthermore, there should be "no right of action, either at law or in equity, against any bank in this State for refusal to pay such cash item, when such refusal is based alone on the ground of the nonpayment of such exchange." Various suits at law were begun also to test the validity of the coercive measures. The most important of these was the American Bank and Trust Company et al. v. Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. On appeal this suit was brought to the Supreme Court of the United States.^ In this case it was alleged that the practice of the Atlanta Reserve Bank had been to accumulate a large number of checks upon the exchange-charging banks, then present them at the counter, and demand cash in payment. It was com- plained that such methods were employed with malicious intent, for the purpose of injuring the business of the non- member drawee banks. In the decision of the district court it was held that the defendant's right to cash checks in this way was absolute, and that the matter of malicious intent was irrelevant. This ruling, however, was reversed in the decision of the higher court. Consequently the case w^as remanded to the original court for decision upon its merits. Because of its probable future Importance, certain ' The opinion delivered by Mr. Justice Holmes is printed in the Bulletin, June, 192 1, pp. 700-01. CHECK COLLECTIONS AND CLEARANCES 37 remarks of Mr. Justice Holmes, who delivered the opinion for the Supreme Court, are well worth quoting. Thus: The defendants say that the holder of a check has a right to present it to the bank upon which it was drawn for payment over the counter, and that however many checks he may hold he has the same right as to all of them and may present them all at once, whatever his motive or intent. . . . But the word "right" is one of the most deceptive of pitfalls; it is so easy to slip from a qualified meaning in the premise to an unqualified one in the conclusion. Most rights are qualified. And then, after a few illustrations of the necessity of guarding carefully our concept of "rights": Banks, as we know them, could not exist if they could not rely upon averages and lend a large part of the money that they receive from their depositors on the assumption that not more than a certain fraction of it will be demanded on any one day. If without a word of falsehood, but acting from what we have called disinterested malevolence, a man by persuasion should organize and carry into effect a run upon a bank and ruin it, we can not doubt that an action would lie. To determine the lawful procedure for the defendants (the reserve bank) it is not enough to refer to the general right of a holder of checks to present them, but it is necessary to consider whether the collection of checks and presenting them in a body for the pur- pose of breaking down the petitioner's business as now con- ducted is justified by the ulterior purpose in view. The probable results of this decision were variously interpreted. Many exchange-charging banks hailed it as the legal solution of their difficulties, and predicted as the final outcome the withdrawal of many non-member banks from the par list and the final acknowledgment by the reserve institutions of the drawee bank's right to deduct exchange. In this vein writes Mr. L. R. Adams,* in the Journal of the American Bankers' Association:^ ' Mr. Adams was secretary-treasurer of the Country Bankers' Association of Georgia. » Issue of June, 192 1, pp. 776-7<>. 38 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY We anticipate that the final effect of the Supreme Court's decision will be that both member and non-member banks will be given the right to charge reasonable exchange on checks cleared through the Federal reserve system or otherwise. How- ever that may be, it appears that the country banks of Georgia . . . have laid out a road which the Supreme Court has paved with concrete principles of justice, over which the non-member banks may safely and smoothly travel, using as a vehicle the equity processes of the Federal courts, to a safe haven in which they may exercise their lawful functions without fear of "embar- rassing, annoying and expensive" methods of forcing their com- pliance with unauthorized demands. When the case was remanded to the lower court, how- ever, for a decision on its merits, the opinion of the court was hostile to the plaintiffs. United States District Judge Beverly D. Evans held^ that the reserve banks properly could collect all checks payable upon presentation, includ- ing checks drawn on non-member banks, and that they could not pay any exchange charges. As regards the method of collection the court stated : (3) In the discharge of its duties with respect to the collection of checks deposited with them, and with respect to performing the functions of a clearing house, the several Federal reserve banks are empowered to adopt any reasonable measure designed to accomplish these purposes. To that end a Federal reserve bank may send checks to the drawee bank directly, for remit- tance through the mails, of collections without cost of exchange. If the drawee bank refuses to remit without deduction of the cost of exchange, it is in the power of the several Federal reserve banks to employ any proper instrumentality or agency to col- lect the checks from the drawee bank, and it may legitimately pay the necessary cost of this service. (4) The process of the daily collection of checks, in the exer- cise of the clearing-house functions, is not rendered unlawful ' This opinion is printed in the April, 1922, Bulletin, p. 436. CHECK COLLECTIONS AND CLEARANCES 39 because of the fact that of the checks handled two or more of them may be drawn on the same bank. Only in one respect did this opinion grant comfort to the complaining banks. It was held that there should not be publication on the par list of the name of a non-member bank without its consent. While it might be true that the checks of a certain non-member bank could be collected at par, it might also be that this bank had not consented to the par clearance plan. But this is a matter of minor importance. But before the opinion of Judge Evans was announced it did not appear to the writer that the enthusiastic predic- tions of Mr. Adams could be fulfilled. It would seem as if always the burden of proof regarding the matter of mali- cious intent would rest on the complainants. Furthermore, courts, very likely, will be inclined to be liberal in inter- preting the collection difficulties of the reserve banks. It cannot be expected that the reserve bank shall submit to unnecessary expense in the collection of a single check. Economy will justify their collection in batches. To determine when malicious motives are present will require special evidence in every case. The expense of such litiga- tion may operate to deter many of the small country banks from bringing suit.' Finally, not everything in the opinion of Justice Holmes was favorable to the contention of the plaintiffs. For one matter, it was held that in a case of this sort the Federal and not the State courts possessed jurisdiction. If it be true that the general body of business opinion is hostile to the exchange charges, re- serve banks may prefer to have such cases decided in the United States courts, which are more likely to be in- fluenced by the general attitude of the country as a whole and not that of a single community. ' Of course attempts may be made to distribute this expense through the for- mation of associations of bankers. 40 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY If this conclusion be correct, relief for the exchange- charging banks can be had only by securing changes in the Federal statute. As a matter of previous development such statutory alterations already had been vigorously attempted. At first only success was achieved. In the spring of 19 17 the so-called Hard wick amendment to the Federal Reserve Act was passed in the Senate expressly legalizing the deduction by the drawee bank of a reason- able charge for the collection and remittance expenses, and in the House, on May 10, 191 7, by a vote of more than two to one, conferees were directed to accept the substance of this amendment. Before the conferees came to an agree- ment, however, it was charged that intensive lobbying was employed in order to defeat the amendment. Regarding this Mr. Thralls states: ' A nation-wide campaign had been conducted by the Credit Men's Association, the mail-order houses, manufacturers, jobbers, wholesalers, and merchants in the large centers for the defeat of the Hardwick amendment. These interests were ably assisted by the Federal Reserve Banks. Material changes, which if literally interpreted will defeat the purpose of the amendment, were made in conference. When the bill was reported for consideration in the House, the point of order that the managers of the House had not obeyed instruc- tions was overruled. This ruling, in the minds of many, is con- trary to parliamentary precedents. The Administration pres- sure was turned on, and the report was accepted. It contained two modifications: 1. Providing that the charges are to be determined and regu- lated by the Federal Reserve Board, 2. Providing that no such charges shall be made against the Federal Reserve banks. This last modification, when it became law, took the ' Cf. Mr. Jerome Thralls, secretary of the National Bank and Clearing House Sections of the American Bankers' Association, in the Jmirnal of the American Bankers' Association for July, 1917. The substance of this address is printed in the Commercial and Financial Chronicle, July 21, 1917, pp. 235-36. CHECK COLLECTIONS AND CLEARANCES 41 teeth out of the amendment. It completely turned the tables on the exchange-charging banks. So far as the law was altered at all, it af^rmed more definitely than ever the right of the reserve banks to refuse exchange deductions by drawee banks. Mr. Thralls's charge that the Hardwick amendment was unfairly defeated may be true. But aside from the means employed, the Federal Reserve Board had an exceedingly strong case. In the first place, expense of remittance to the collection agent was reduced by the agreement of the reserve bank to absorb such costs on checks cleared through it. A part of the justification for the earlier prac- tice was thus eliminated. In the second place, the pro- hibited charges related only to those sought against the reserve banks and did not apply to those levied upon the public. In view of the economies of collecting through an efficient clearing system, such levies, however, should be much more reasonable than those exacted under the old banking system. Banks would no longer be obliged to maintain deposits in outside private banks in order to facilitate the collection of their own checks. If the reserve banks give credit at par, should they not be permitted to collect at par? If the reserve banks are considered as act- ing merely as an agent for the member banks, elimination of exchange charges could not affect them at all in the aggregate. To the extent that one bank is denied an item of income, another is saved an item of expense. It will always be extremely difficult to ascertain the real attitude of the banks toward the Board's clearance plan. Many bankers who disliked this feature of reserve opera- tion may have withheld vigorous objection because of their dependence upon other functions of the Federal Reserve. On the other hand, some of the larger city banks may have felt it impracticable to take a leading part in the 42 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY agitation for the spread of the plan for fear of estranging the country banks for whom they wished to continue to serve as city agents. In point of numbers, however, it is undoubtedly true that the decision of the bankers would be decidedly unfriendly. At least, the results of most referenda indicate general hostility toward the plan. In one such referendum, conducted by Mr. Jerome Thralls, of the Clearing House and National Banks Sections of the American Bankers' Association, more than three fourths of the replies gave a negative answer to the following ques- tion: "Is the plan of clearing and check collection now operated by the Federal Reserve banks satisfactory to you?"^ On another occasion Governor Harding, of the Federal Reserve Board, admitted that probably twenty thousand out of twenty-four thousand acquiescing banks had agreed to the system unwillingly.^ Mr. Harding justi- fied the plan on the ground that it represented solely the sincere desire to administer the law. If relief was desired, he insisted that pressure should be brought to bear upon the legislative branch of the Government and not upon the Federal Reserve Board. Stating further that the Board desired to clear up any possible vagueness as to the intent of the 1-egislators, he even suggested the terms of a possible amendment to the law which would preserve the right of exchange deductions.^ This attitude of Mr. Harding, however, can be reconciled only with difficulty with his policy at the time of legislative consideration of the Hard- wick amendment. Then he took an active, and not merely passive, position of hostility to the terms of the amendment suggested by the exchange-charging banks. Aside, however, from the popularity of the par collec- tion system the Board has met with remarkable success in ' See Commercial and Fitiancial Chronicle, December i6, 1916, p. 2199. * Cf. ibid., May 15, 1920, pp. 2034-36. * See Commercial and Financial Chronicle, May 15, 1920, pp. 2036-37. CHECK COLLECTIONS AND CLEARANCES 43 its endeavors to extend the scope of the new plan. It is true that at first much difficulty was encountered. In the Federal Reserve Bulletin for February i, 19 18, we read : ^ Where good progress has been made it has been almost invar- iably due to energetic solicitation by one or more members of the staff of the bank who have devoted their attention to the matter and have done actual work for the purpose of adding to their par list. Nevertheless, on February 15, 1922, 28,906 member and non-member institutions were on the par list and only 2,327 not on this list. On this date every bank in the Bos- ton, New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, and San Francisco districts was a member of the clearing system. The vol- ume of work accomplished has increased enormously. In the month January 16 to February 15, 1922, total items handled amounted to nearly eleven billions of dollars. It has been suggested previously that the attitude of business in its desire to avoid exchange charges has been the principal support of the reserve banks in the employ- ment of their coercive measures. Undoubtedly much of the approval of business in the early days was due to the mistaken belief that as a final outcome all exchange charges would be absolutely eliminated. As previously indicated, this is not true. There is now legal warrant for the exaction from the public of certain minimum charges. While on the whole such charges are less than in the old days, there are numerous exceptions due to the desire of many banks to make up in charges to the public what has been lost in exactions against other banks. Thus the Farmers & Merchants National Bank of Los Angeles, California, stated in its monthly letter on September 15, 1916:^ ' Page 75. ' Extracts from this letter are printed in the Commercial and Financial Chron- icle, September 23, 1916, pp. 1083-84. 44 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY The banks on the Pacific Coast, for instance, have heretofore accepted Eastern drafts at par. They recoup themselves by selling exchanges against Eastern funds thus obtained. To-day, if a man walks into a Pacific Coast bank with a draft drawn by a solvent party on an Eastern bank, and wants immediate credit for the proceeds thereof, he will be compelled to pay for the use of the money until the bank cashing the draft has re- ceived its proceeds from the party upon whom it is drawn. If a merchant deposits out-of-town items and gets immediate credit for them, he will be compelled to pay the bank with whom he makes the deposit for the use of the money advanced on those items until the bank has collected them. There are a thousand and one services which banks have gratuitously performed for their customers that they will now charge for. It will be generally agreed that such practices, if not carried to undue lengths, are as they should be. Nobody will argue that the bank should perform such services gratis. Losses encountered in one operation must be made up in others. What has been accomplished under the Federal Reserve has been to place the various services of a bank on such a basis as to increase the likelihood that each will carry a larger portion of its own cost. As previously indicated, the aggregate burden borne by the public should be considerably reduced under the new plan. No longer need so many deposits be maintained at various points throughout the country for domestic exchange pur- poses. \No longer need checks be indirectly routed with resulting increases in clerical and postage expense. No longer is the principal clearance work of the country per- formed entirely by unrelated and uncoordinated clearing organizations. These economies should redound ultimately to the benefit of the public. In order that the reserve banks should function satis- factorily as the correspondent banks of the members, it soon became necessary that they handle other items than bank checks. It would have worked a hardship to require CHECK COLLECTIONS AND CLEARANCES 45 member banks to maintain balances with city correspond- ents in addition to those with reserve banks. Accordingly in the Bulletin for September i, 1917,' we read that the Board requests the various reserve banks to establish collection departments for time items. At the present time the reserve system handles, in cases where satisfac- tory arrangements exist for collecting checks, such items as promissory notes, trade bills, trade drafts, coupons and acceptances. This extension of the reserve activities was necessary if the reserve banks were to be effective substi- tutes for the former reserve agents of member banks. The growth in this collection work has necessitated a considerable enlargement of the functions of the Gold Settlement Fund. Prior to the development of the inter- district system it was employed largely to handle transfers or drawings between reserve banks. Later it became the means by which individual banks could be benefited directly. Transfers originating with one member bank can be made in the interest of another member bank of another district. In the course of its development it be- came the agency by which transfers could be made on note accounts between the Federal Reserve agents and the reserve banks which they represent. Finally it became the clearance fund for the inter-district collection system. It is impossible to stress too highly its functions in ena- bling to run smoothly the machinery of domestic exchange. What now shall be our conclusions regarding the merits of the par collections controversy? Shall we take the posi- tion that because of its economy and efficiency its further progress should not be impeded? Or should we conclude that, while an economy may have been wrought for the banks as a whole, it has discriminated unfairly against the small country bank? ' Page 661. 46 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY It is clear, first of all, that the law does not prevent the country bank from levying upon the depositor of a check drawn upon a foreign bank. Some banks, however, receive fewer checks drawn upon foreign banks than are presented to them for collection. Such charges may not be sufficient to overcome the loss due to the necessity of remitting for its own checks at par. If this be the situation, then, why not levy upon the depositor who sends a check to a distant point and thereby imposes upon the bank the burden of providing remittance? It is obvious that much friction would be created if any such per-item expense were imposed. The necessity of such a charge would not be understood generally, and banking has so developed that the depositor has come to feel it his innate right to emit checks drawn against his account to any distant point. As a matter of business policy the country bank cannot recoup in this manner. But there still remains the possibility of recouping in- directly. Cannot the depositor be required to maintain a larger average balance? If not this, cannot it be recog- nized that, since former collection profits are lost, the inter- est charge on the original loan must be permitted to adjust itself to a higher point? Much can be said in behalf of the method of requiring larger minimum balances. Many accounts are unprofit- able; should not the country as well as the city bank en- deavor to refrain from doing any portion of business at a distinct loss? The balance idea, moreover, would prove helpful in other connections, such as to render it more difficult to overdraw accounts, and to preserve for the bank funds the depositor does not require in his period of slack business.^ The only objections to such methods would * The balance idea tends to encourage a borrower to keep, in his slack season, as large balances as possible in order that the yearly average may be high. CHECK COLLECTIONS AND CLEARANCES 47 be the difficulties of introducing new and unwelcome methods into a competitive situation where old customs have had time to harden. But are these objections sufficient to warrant the resto- ration of the old custom of permitting deductions against the foreign bank of deposit? Should the Federal Reserve Act be so amended as to permit reasonable charges to be levied against the collection agents of the banks of deposit, the reserve banks? Many difficulties to such a solution appear immediately. A charge against the reserve bank is an indirect charge against its member banks. ^ Why should the reserve bank lessen the earnings available for the group in order that the drawee bank, which may not even be a member of the reserve system, may have its checks cleared without cost and possibly at a profit? Why should the bank, member or non-member, whose checks are distributed in largest volume in distant communities, derive extra commissions as against banks which have not created so much work and expense for outside collection agencies? Is not the reserve bank already rendering in direct as well as indirect ways, a sufficiency of free services for the non-member banks of the country? Will not the proper regulation of the reserve system prove all the more difficult if the twelve reserve banks are put under added pressure to earn at all times sufficient to offset these and similar costs? Answers to these queries are not promising: With the change in old methods, the substitution of reserve banks for independent private banks as reserve agents, there is no longer the same justification for the imposition of large charges against the collecting bank. The solution for the country exchange-charging bank must be found in re- ' The member banks are the stockholders of the reserve banks. Of course, the burden would be torne by the Government if the earnings were more than sufficient to meet the minimum amount permitted for stockholders. 48 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY couping from the depositors of foreign items, by direct exchange charges imposed upon the public, by requesting offsetting balances from customers who demand the right to circulate checks outside the neighborhood of their banks, or by permitting the original discount rate to adjust itself so as to compensate for the loss. In a rather marked manner the par collections contro- versy recalls the old contest for sound banking methods in the wild-cat days prior to the Civil War. Then banks customarily refused to meet willingly their obligations at par. Then they sought court action to avoid payment in full of their obligations. Then they endeavored to prevent the development of a system whereby the parity of all the elements in the currency system could be maintained. Then, however, the controversy had to do with bank notes and not with checks. But the checks of to-day occupy the place of the note issues of yesterday. Issues of banks pay- able to bearer are becoming relatively less important. More and more their position is being occupied by checks. A temporary loss of profit to a portion of the banks should not be permitted to impede the development of the system of par collections. Undoubtedly some banks have a grievance. In some cases the reserve ofificials may have displayed an excess of zeal in their coercive measures. It may have been true that the reserve administration has not always been absolutely sincere in its defense of its own course of action. In many instances its interpretation of the law was not the only reasonable one ; in other instarwzes reserve ofificials advertised their own indifference to the terms of the law and insisted their function was solely to administer the statute as bequeathed to them by law- makers, while at the same time they were exerting every endeavor to prevent a legislative change. Nevertheless, the writer believes that in the par collections controversy CHECK COLLECTIONS AND CLEARANCES 49 the Board has displayed rare good tact in coordinating concession and firmness; that, in so far as it has possessed discretionary power, it has employed it solely for the pur- pose of correcting former abuses in our methods of domes- tic exchange. CHAPTER III STATE BANK MEMBERSHIP IN THE FEDERAL RESERVE At the time of the framing of the Federal Reserve Act few problems presented more difficulties than those relating to the requirements for admission into the new system. A priori the weight of advantage seemed to lie on the side of a large membership. Not only would a small member- ship mean that the resources of the reserve banks would be small, but also that a large number of banks, by remain- ing outside the system, would not be affected directly by the policies of the reserve administration. In its open market, or purchase operations, a reserve system of limited membership would not have the funds to exercise any large measure of control over the money market by com- peting with private^institutions. In its rediscount opera- tions few banks would be dependent upon the reserve and, accordingly, capable of being affected by the rate policy of the Federal Reserve Board. On the other hand, however, it was generally agreed that it would be a mistake, perhaps irretrievable, to make in the beginning too many concessions in order to secure the entrance of a large number of banks. The assets of the reserve banks would consist largely of paper endorsed by member banks. Should this paper prove to be of inferior quality, the resources of the reserve system must be impaired. The character of the reser\'e management, furthermore, must depend largely upon the member insti- tutions. Out of the nine district directors six were to be STATE BANK MEMBERSHIP 51 chosen by the member banks. The importance of an able membership in the district directorates was clear to all. It could not be expected that the Federal Reserve Board could concern itself greatly with the detailed application of its policies to individual cases. Such duties must de- volve largely upon the district directorates. Too great liberality as regards membership might also produce unfortunate results outside the system. In the attempt to maintain a place for State non-member banks, State legis- latures might lessen the strictness of banking laws, and thus create an unhealthy situation in which the State and the Nation would be obliged to compete one with another for more lax, rather than for more sound, conditions of bank control. Subsequent history furnishes some con- firmation as to the correctness of this fear. From the Report of the Federal Reserve Board for the year 191 5'' we read that some States had lowered reserve requirements materially since the adoption of the Federal Reserve in order to enable non-member institutions to compete more effectively with the members. It was understood also that early mistakes in the direc- tion of excessive conservatism could be corrected more easily than those of excessive liberality. It is easier to grant concessions than to employ new measures of control. Since, in all probability, the reserve framework must be altered after some years of experience, it appeared prefer- able to build a small superstructure on a sound foundation rather than a lofty though shaky banking house upon imperfect supports. Too great strictness in the beginning, however, might defeat the purpose of the lawmakers. If the reserve insti- tutions should not display at an early date the strength which comes from a large membership, popular faith, and ' Page 13. 52 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY accordingly popular support for the new banking system might disappear. It is therefore easy to understand the difficulties of applying the preceding general observations to the specific facts of initial organization. Over a portion of the banks of the country, the national banks, the Federal lawmakers possessed mandatory power. . The only alternative to membership for these institutions would be the surrender of their national charters. Since, furthermore, it was expected that most of these banks would discern the helpful possibilities of the system, the strict provisions were inserted in the law that any national bank failing to signify its acceptance of the terms of the act within sixty days after proper notification to subscribe to the stock of its district reserve bank must cease to act as a reserve agent. If within one year after the passage of the act it failed to comply with the provisions of the act, it must forfeit its Federal charter. During the days of organization, many insinuations were current regarding the refusal of some of the country's most powerful na- tional banking institutions to accept these terms. But it finally appeared that in many cases the motive for these veiled threats represented pressure to secure more favor- able terms in the act or the endeavor of some of the banks which favored the bill to get the public in the correct psychological attitude for sanctioning the plan. It may well be that after the experience with the Aldrich plan, a scheme interpreted primarily as a measure of public control or public coercion would enlist popular support more easily. Over the State banks, however, direct power of control was lacking. To secure their admission permissive and not mandatory provisions were inserted in the act. The more important conditions of membership for these banks were the following:* » See section 9 of the original act. STATE BANK MEMBERSHIP 53 (a) First, they must comply with the requirements relating to capital and reserves imposed by law upon national banks. Laws relating to national banks prohibit- ing the purchase of or loans upon their capital stock, the withdrawal of capital, or its dissipation through payment of unearned dividends, must also apply to State member banks. Their capital, furthermore, must be such as to entitle them to become national banking associations according to the population of the place in which they were situated. (b) Secondly, they must submit to examinations and regulations prescribed by the Federal Reserve Board, and must make certain reports of dividends to the Comptroller of the Currency. In the event of failure to comply with the terms of the act or with the regulations of the Reserve Board, they could be required to surrender their stock in the reserve bank. (c) In the third place, the banks must conform to the provisions of law imposed on national banks "respecting the limitation of liability which may be incurred by any person, firm, or corporation to such banks." These were the pertinent provisions of the law. What has been their effect upon the entrance of State banks. Historically, State admissions may be classified as falling into two periods: first, the period succeeding organization to June 21, 191 7; second, that which followed the summer of 191 7. Let us first consider the State admissions in the early period. On June 27, 1914, it was announced that only fifty State banks had made application for membership.' In the Report of the Federal Reserve Board for the year 191 4 we read : "" • See news item in the Commercial and Financial Chronicle, July 4, 1914, p. 16. The Federal Reserve Bulletin was not published until May I, 1915. ' Page 20. 54 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY Since the passage of the Federal reserve act, there have been converted into National banks 93 State banks and trust com- panies, with a capital and surplus of $9,151,306. There have been admitted to the system as members thereof 9 State banks and 4 trust companies, the aggregate capital and surplus of the 13 institutions being $17,884,000. Those State institutions which have already been admitted to the system have entered upon the understanding that they are to accept any regulations the Board may make regarding the conduct of member banks. There are pending at the present time 51 State banks and trust companies. These applicants have preferred to await the issuance of regulations governing the admission of State banks. Three years later, June 21, 19 17, 53 State banks and trust companies with aggregate capital and surplus of ^78,491,165 and resources of ^825,000,000 were members.' In view of the infinitely larger number and resources of the non-member institutions, it appears in this first period that the conditions of membership were not appealing to the great body of State institutions. To what facts shall we attribute this unwillingness to join. Would it not appear that the statutory provisions regarding eligibility were extremely liberal? Were not the general terms of the act such as to render attractive mem- bership for the typical country institutions? For one mat- ter, small institutions could not object seriously to the method of selecting district directors. The method adopted was specially devised to ensure representation for the smaller banks. Legal reserve requirements, further- more, were reduced by the act for all member institutions.^ The statute also contained no prohibitory measure regard- ing loans on real estate. The regulations of the Board regarding real estate loans were liberal, merely requiring that they be not carried in such liberal amounts as to ' Cf. Report of the Federal Reserve Board for the year 1917, p. 14. ' If State laws should impose higher requirements, these would govern banks chartered by the State. STATE BANK MEMBERSHIP 55 impair the general liquidity of the bank's assets. In view of the great reliance of many state banks upon real estate loans, the generosity of these provisions was of great im- portance. First among the reasons explanatory of the refusal of the great number of State banks to pay the price required to share in the benefits of the organization was the doubt- ful legal position of the applying bank. Regarding this matter the following news item published in the Commer- cial and Financial Chronicle for July 4, 1914, is pertinent: ^ Advices from the Organization Committee state that there are only twenty States in which the Treasury Department officials are sure that it is possible for State banking institutions to become members of the new Federal reserve system without some modification of the laws. These States are Vermont, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Texas, Arizona, California, and Oregon. Two of these States — Kentucky and South Carolina — passed enabling acts since the passage of the Federal Reserve Act which make it possible for the State banks and trust companies to enter the Federal reserve bank system. In New Mexico and Montana it is possible for trust companies, but not for State banks, to become member banks of Federal reserve banks. The information of the Reserve Bank Organization Committee is based largely, it is said, on letters written by State officials in reply to inquiries concerning their State laws and the necessity for amendment of their statutes, so that their financial institutions may participate in the new system. Without exception, it is added, the State offi- cials gave assurance that steps would be taken to make changes in State laws which will enable State banks to join the Federal reserve banks, if they so desire. However, in many States the legislatures do not convene until 1915. Gradually, however, the necessary legislation was en- acted in most States and difficulty on this score largely ' Page 16. 56 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY removed. But the delay thus enforced may have caused some State banks, whose enthusiasm was aroused in the beginning, to postpone appHcation at a time when interest in banking reform was the most intense. With each day of delay the general attitude became more and more one of indifference. The money market was easy in the first few years succeeding 1914 and the need did not appear for any great reliance upon the Federal Reserve. In the interval during which the permissive legislation was being framed, State bankers had ample opportunity to study the terms of the statute and analyze its apparent defects. Some of the resulting objections were sound and some were un- sound. But attitude toward membership was primarily a matter of the bankers' beliefs and only secondarily a mat- ter of the financial soundness of their views. Among the most emphasized of difficulties was the fear that membership would subject State banks to many prohibitions applying to national banks even though these prohibitions were not contained in the Federal Reserve Act. For instance, it was asserted frequently that mem- bership would subject the shareholders to double liability in the event of insolvency, even though the law in the State of incorporation did not impose such requirements. This fear, however, was soon dispelled by the publication of an Opinion of Counsel in the September i, 19 15, issue of the Federal Reserve Bulletin,'^ in which it was held that this provision of national banking law was not applicable to State banks. The only double liability resulting from membership in the Federal Reserv^e Act was that pertain- ing to the stock subscriptions in the reserve banks. Liabil- ity of shareholders on this account would be small. Of course, State member banks would be subject to the regu- lations of the Reserve Board. But these regulations must ' Page 273. STATE BANK MEMBERSHIP 57 be based upon, rather than in conflict with, statutory law. But aside from restrictions and limitations of powers, what about the advantages of membership? Would the rediscounting privilege in particular be of any great benefit to the great number of State banks? ]VIore specifically would State banks possess much of the paper eligible for rediscount? In the days of organization there was current a general belief that the Board would require financial statements of the maker of the paper to accompany redis- count applications. In its first regulations such conditions were imposed as a basis for ultimate procedure. But small banks ordinarily do not need to require, and often are not in a position to demand, such statements. It is not strange, therefore, that in a referendum conducted by the Bankers* Information Ser\ace of Washington * the consensus of opinion was: That although they will be compelled to pay a portion of their capital into the capital of the Federal Reserve System, where it will be tied up, they may receive no benefit because the class of commercial paper they handle is not eligible for dis- count under the regulations of the Federal Reserve Board. Expressing the same prevalent view, also, was the follow- ing editorial extract from the Commercial and Fitiancial Chronicle: * Manifestly, since the regional Reserve bank is made up out of the stock contributions of all the banks large and small, nationals, proportionate to their stock and surplus, the benefits of the system should inhere to each in like manner, and the access for rediscount should be free to all. Yet we find that the status of the large bank and the small, or the country bank, is reversed by the provisions governing rediscount. Formerly it was the country bank that rediscounted its paper most freely, the large central institutions rediscounting very little and that against principle. Now, such are the provisions governing that ' Cf. Commercial and Financuil Chronicle, March 27, 1915, p. 1047. ' Issue of January 20, 1917, p. 197. 58 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY kind of paper admissible, the city bank is meant to be, and can be, the easy and extensive borrower at the Federal Reserve Bank, while the country bank finds it extremely difficult to come within the provisions, owing to the nature of its local business, and is, in fact, scarcely at all a borrower from the said bank. As a matter of subsequent history such fears do not appear to have been justified. In later chapters evidence will be presented that the reserve administration went the limit of liberality in its endeavors to make the reserve banks useful to all classes of institutions. Requirements concerning the filing of financial statements were altered early in 191 5 so as to constitute virtually no bar to the applying member bank. The testimony of reserve bank directors has been almost unanimous that where the re- serve bank was permitted to cooperate, it was found the member bank's portfolio contained much paper, either directly admissible, or of such a character as to enable it easily to be made eligible. Confirmatory of such a view are the following remarks of Governor Strong, of the New York Reserve Bank, before a group of the New York State Bankers' Association : * The statement has also been made by some bankers of our district that very little, if any, of the paper held by their banks is eligible for rediscount with the Federal Reserve Bank. Those bankers who make this statement are liable to create the impres- sion that this opinion is held generally by member banks; but an examination of statements filed with us disclosed that only about 80 banks, out of our 480 members, reported that they had very little, if any, paper eligible for rediscount. With these, we have communicated, in order to ascertain upon what theory their reports were based. By correspondence and personal interview, with many of them, we have satisfied them, as well as ourselves, that one half or more of the paper they hold is eligible for rediscount. ' A part of this address is printed in the Commercial and Financial Chronicle, June 5, 1915, p. i88o. STATE BANK MEMBERSHIP 59 Such condusions as these represented the usual results of investigation in other districts. In the rare cases where no eligible paper existed, the resources of the reserve bank might furnish indirect aid. The needy member bank might borrow on its note pay- able from another member bank which did possess eligible paper. Furthermore, eligible paper might be purchased from commercial paper houses or from other banks. Such paper, rediscounted, would increase the reserve of the bor- rowing institution; while, if arrangements could be made whereby the seller would obtain for the time being only a credit upon the bank's books, payment for this paper need not mean an immediate and corresponding loss in cash or reserve money. The above arguments were addressed to the State banks however, largely from the point of view of their collective strength and not that of individual profit. From the stand- point of its own individual gain the necessity was not always clear for joining a set of rediscount institutions whose funds should be husbanded carefully for emergen- cies. From a selfish viewpoint many a bank might reason that the reserve system might be maintained by other institutions; that so far as it required rediscount aid, it could rely upon its old city correspondents, who in turn could secure aid from the reserve banks. With such insti- tutions it had in the past maintained occasional redis- count relations, and it appeared easier to continue these old customs than to take the trouble of investigating redis- count regulations applicable to the new reserve banking system. Particularly likely was such a position to be taken at a time of great ease in the money market. In other situations it was not so much a matter of inabil- ity to ascertain the advantages of mcmbcrsliij), but rather a belief that admission would involve direct disadvantcigcs. 6o FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY In this connection discussions of systems of check clear- ances assumed much importance. Would the reserve banks develop clearing departments which would remove the necessity of depending upon outside city correspond- ents? The law gave discretionary power to the Reserve Board to require reserve banks to act as clearing agencies, but did not make this function mandatory. If this service was not certain to be developed, membership might prove costly. In addition to deposits with reserve banks, ac- counts with city correspondents for clearance purposes might continue to be necessary. There was no probability that city banks would discontinue bidding for country bank deposits. As long as they paid interest on bankers' deposits it would seem preferable to maintain deposits with them than with the reserve banks which paid no interest. But even if the reserve banks should make provision for clearances, it was not certain that the new facilities would offer any economies in making collections. What if the reserve banks should refuse to clear checks drawn on non- member institutions? Unless checks on both classes of banks were to be cleared, members might be obliged to maintain balances with city correspondents for the collec- tion of non-member bank items in addition to those deposited with reserve banks. There was also uncertainty about the future rights of banks to deduct exchange on remittances for their own checks. As indicated previously, such charges constituted a large part of the profits of some of the smaller institu- tions and the prevailing custom was one working in favor of the country bank. In the early stages of the bill in Con- gress, the provision prohibiting these exchange deductions proved very shocking to these banks. Although this objec- tionable provision was modified later, it was doubtful STATE BANK MEMBERSHIP 6i whether the rigkts of country banks as determined by established custom was sufficiently safeguarded. The con- cessions granted to them in the final draft of the bill pre- served their rights to deduct exchange only to the extent that costs were incurred in collection and remittance. It was foreseen by some that it was within the province of possibilities for the reserve collection system to develop in such a way as to eliminate all costs incurred in remittance. Would not the presentation of checks at the counter de- stroy * the justification for such charges? If so, would it not be better to refrain from adding to the resources and thereby to increase the prestige of the reserve system until definite guarantees were given regarding the right to con- tinue to impose such charges? On what terms also could State member banks withdraw from the system? Since the days of Andrew Jackson no American bank had had any experience with such a bank- ing system. The success of the Federal Reserve was prob- lematical. Its future relations to member banks must depend largely upon its management. It might become a helpful organization securing for our banking system a stability never before possessed. On the other hand, it might become the "monster" of the time of the Second United States Bank. If so, could an early mistake in becoming a member be corrected easily? Must withdrawal necessitate voluntary liquidation? Particularly important were such questions to those State banks which were performing functions not legal for member national banks. If, after membership, such functions were being exercised, would inability to with- draw necessitate the abandonment of that kind of business? It is true that in its early regulations the Board endeavored to calm the fears of the banks by making such withdrawals ' See supra, pp. 34-37. 62 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY easily possible. But the Federal Reserve Board was a body, not with a permanent, but rather with a shifting personnel. In the course of time, because of a change either in viewpoint or membership, its regulations might be altered. Regulations, alone, did not seem to provide a sufficient safeguard. Provisions regarding examinations were also distasteful to many State banks. By the terms of the statute certain powers of examination were conferred upon the Federal Reserve Board, and the Comptroller of the Currency had the right to require statements of condition and operation. These powers of examination and inquiry were to be added to those possessed by the State Banking Department and mayhap also to those of the local clearing house. An excess of examination was easily possible. Not merely might this involve much loss of time to the officers and clerical staff of the bank, but examination is always unwel- come because of the possibility of bank secrets being spread in this way. It would be much more difficult to trace the origin of such disclosures when examinations could be conducted by so many differently constituted bodies. In order to quiet discontent on this score, the Board made every feasible concession. Particularly, since every bank was to be contingently liable for its rediscounted paper, and because neither the Board nor the district di- rectorate could be expected to make careful investigations of the credit standing of the original borrower in all cases, it was unwilling to dispense with the investigation. But wherever possible there was to be cooperation with the State banking authorities in order that visits of examiners might fall as nearly as possible on the same days, and in order that there should be no useless duplication of work. In these ways objections were somewhat mitigated. STATE BANK MEMBERSHIP 63 It was understood generally that the prime purpose of the new banking system was not to secure profits for stockholders. Dividend provisions were written in the act merely to lessen the possibility of total loss of income on the capital subscription to the reserve bank. Nevertheless, the average banker could not refrain from taking into con- sideration this aspect of the question. Under the terms of the law six per cent represented the utmost dividends possible on the stock of the reserve banks. Additional earnings must go to the Government as a franchise tax, or to surplus. In the early years, even six per cent dividends seemed impossible, in view of the small volume of redis- counting and there was the fear of spreading, by virtue of excessive open-market operations, the belief that the reserve banks were designed to compete with, and not to render service to, the member institutions. Many banks felt their capital could be made to earn much more than six per cent, and were unwilling to place it, even in small quantities, in a field where its profit-getting opportunities were thus limited. Because of these numerous doubts, queries, and objec- tions, because the state of the money market was not such as to create great dependence upon the Federal Reserve, because arguments were based so largely on advantage to the group and possibly not to so great an extent on the self-interest of each bank, it does not appear surprising that the great number of banks, not accustomed to assum- ing positions of leadership in the banking fraternity, should prefer to await future developments; that, in other words, they adopted the policy of watchful waiting. It is no doubt true that the assumption of this attitude placed the non-member institutions in a stronger strategic posi- tion. It was not to be expected at the time of the framing of the original act that the lawmakers would make every 64 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY feasible concession to the State institutions. With more experience in the operation of the system, further conces- sions could be made later. And possibly the framers of the act had in mind the desirability of holding back some- thing for future bargaining purposes. At any rate, it is probable that the few State institutions which joined prior to the middle of 19 17 were those which were strongly impressed by this opportunity of stamping themselves with whatever guarantees of soundness and progressive- ness membership in the Federal Reserve implied. Mem- bership was an advertising feature of no mean advantage. But after the date of our participation in the World War, the situation altered itself abruptly. It was understood everywhere that war finance must increase greatly the demands upon all classes of banks. Not merely was it expected that the general level of commodity prices was destined to advance, but the necessities of military de- mands must throw greater strain upon our productive and industrial organization. To wait longer in applying for admission might prove costly. Entrance into the Federal Reserve could not be accomplished on the moment; some delay must be encountered while the merits of the applica- tion for entrance were being considered. Previously the Reserve Board had rejected many applications because the past record or present condition of the bank was unsat- isfactory.* Nor was there certainty that indirect aid could continue to be had from the Federal Reserve. The increasing strain upon the banks might place the city cor- respondent institutions in a position where they must think more largely of their own requirements. At the same time the occasion appeared ripe for some of our high Government officials to base their pleas for membership on patriotic motives. Early in May, 19 17, a letter from Secre- ' Cf. Report of the Federal Reserve Board for 1915, p. 12. STATE BANK MEMBERSHIP 65 tary McAdoo ^ incHcative of such appeals was read before the Executive Council of the American Bankers' Associa- tion. The following sentences may be quoted from this letter: The time may come when the financial resources of the coun- try will not be commensurate with the national purpose, if the nation remains half State bank and half national bank in its organization. The State banks will find greater security for themselves, if disaster should threaten, if they are members of the Federal Reserve system; and the system will be irresistibly strong if the State banks unite with the national banks in mak- ing them an extremely useful national instrument. I commend this question to your earnest and patriotic con- sideration, with the sincere hope that love of our common country should surmount every other consideration and bring about this supremely desirable result. At the same time it began to appear as if the non-mem- bers had gained all possible advantage from remaining aloof. In an address delivered in Chicago in April, ^ Paul M. Warburg called attention to the fact that the Board had gone the limit in its endeavors to provide favorable terms for the entrance of State banks. He insisted that since State banks profited by the institution they were under obligation to support it. In the matter of friendly legislation much progress had also been recently accomplished. In the previous year or so some of the few States which had been tardy in enacting the necessary enabling legislation wrote statutes empower- ing State institutions to become stockholders in the Fed- eral Reserve Banks. These States were Delaware, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Washington. Furthermore, Federal legislation of very ' This letter is printed in part in the Commercial ami Financial Chronicle for May 12, 1917, pp. 18.U-35. ' Cf. Commercial ani Financial Chronicle, April 14, 1917, pp. 1450-51. 66 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY great importance was enacted in the amendment to the Federal Reserve Act on June 21, 19 17. The most impor- tant concessions therein granted were the following : ^ 1. Any State bank or trust company desiring to withdraw from membership in a Federal Reserve bank may do so, after six months' written notice shall have been filed with the Federal Reserve Board, upon the surrender and cancellation of all its holdings of capital stock in the Federal Reserve bank. 2. Subject to the provisions of this act and to the regulations of the board made pursuant thereto, any bank becoming a member of the Federal System shall retain its full charter and statutory rights as a State bank or trust company, and may continue to exercise all corporate powers granted it by the State in which it was created. . . . The first of these concessions placed in definite statu- tory form what previously had been merely a ruling of the Board. In case \vithdrawal should be desired, voluntary liquidation would no longer be necessary. By the second concession guarantee was given that entrance into the system need not result in the loss of rights and powers possessed at the time of entrance, provided these were not in conflict with the terms of the act or the regulations of the Board. And aside from the clauses relating directly to the terms of membership in the system, a further wel- come feature of this amendment was the lowering in the legal reserve minima. After these statutory concessions had been granted, the President felt justified shortly afterward in asserting "" that "membership in the Federal Reserve system is a distinct and significant evidence of patriotism." The efTect of these appeals, of these statutory changes, and of the altered financial condition of the country was ' See Section 9 of the amended act. ' Statement of President Wilson made public through the Federal Reserve Board. See Btdlelin, November, 1917, pp. 827-28. STATE BANK MEMBERSHIP 67 soon made manifest by an increased membership. It has been remarked that on June 21, 1917, the number of mem- ber State institutions was 53 with total resources of ^825,- 000,000. By January 31, 1918, 296 State institutions with total resources of more than five billions of dollars had become members.^ By September i, 1921, more than 1600 State institutions were members with total resources of nearly ten billions of dollars. ^ It seems undeniable, therefore, that remarkable suc- cess was achieved finally in enlisting members from State banks and trust companies. It is true that the total num- ber of non-member institutions, with resources, enormous in the aggregate, far outnumber those which have joined. Many of these, however, would not be eligible for member- ship, and many would not add to the strength of the sys- tem if they were admitted. It should not be forgotten that a number of applications have been refused, and the effect of these refusals has undoubtedly influenced many other banks, whose financial strength was somewhat similar, not to make applications. It is true that many strong .and powerful institutions remain outside the fold, but suffi- cient success has been achieved to render improbable the danger of warfare between members and non-members. When one recalls that in one matter of the utmost impor- tance to the State banks — the clearance and collection of checks — no concession of principle was made, it appears that the Board should be lauded for its general good tact and administrative efficiency. Few proposals of the sort once most earnestly advocated are now to be heard, pro- posals which if worked out might have split the country into two rival camps, proposals that non-members estab- lish a country-wide clearing system of their own. Of ' See Bulletin, February i, 1918, p. 92. ' See ibid., issue of September, 192 1, p. 1078. 68 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY course It may be true that the accretion in membership was merely the by-product of a too liberal discount policy. But this is another problem and calls for special discussion in a later chapter. One interesting aspect of the State bank membership problem remains for discussion. What has been the effect of the legislative efforts to attract State bank members upon laws governing the operations of national banks? With no concession to national banks their position as competitors of State banks would become less secure. There was danger of stunting the growth of the national banks. To check this danger, legislation was enacted broadening under certain circumstances the powers of national banks. Legislation of this sort was contained in the act of September 26, 1918. The Import of this can be understood best by quoting an Opinion of Counsel of the Federal Reserve Board as to its application : * Under the provisions of section 1 1 (k) as amended by the act of September 26, 191 8, the Federal Reserve Board may properly permit any national bank to exercise any of the fiduciary powers authorized by that section, unless there is some express provision of the laws of the State in which such bank is located which either directly or by necessary implication prohibits national banks from exercising such powers, and even if there is such an express statute, the Board may issue its permit if any State bank, trust company or other competing corporation in that State is permitted to exercise the powers applied for by the national bank. An indirect result of the problem of State bank member- ship has thus been to encourage the tendency toward "department store" banking. It is probable that there will be a further development of this tendency in the future. Many national bank directorates feel that the law is not quite fair to their institutions. In many respects, ' See Bulletin, April, 1919, p. 363. STATE BANK MEMBERSHIP 69 such as that of prestige, membership in the Federal Reserve serves all the purposes previously requiring national incorporation. These directorates are considering reincorporation as State banks in order to gain the advan- tage of more liberal legislation. Particularly in the matter of the establishment of branches there is a general demand that national banking law be made more affirmatively liberal. CHAPTER IV ADVANCES OF RESERVE BANKS— REDISCOUNTS The purpose of this chapter is to explain the machinery and conditions under which the funds of reserve banks through the medium of rediscounts may be made avail- able for member institutions. The reader will bear in mind that rediscounting is not the sole means by which reserve banks may employ their resources. Through an amend- ment to the original act, later to be discussed, reserve banks secured authority for rendering direct aid by dis- counting the notes of the member banks themselves. Indirectly also, through their open-market operations, further aid may be extended. Our present purpose, how- ever, is to discuss one type only of reserve bank operations, rediscounts, or the discount of paper which originated at a prior date, the parties concerned being in most cases the member bank and one of its clients. It seems logical to give rediscounts rather than the other operations the place of priority in our discussion. Not for a considerable period after the date of inaugura- tion were reserve banks given permission to make direct advances to member institutions. While reserve banks did possess from the very beginning certain powers of direct dealings in the open market, such functions were not the most emphasized. In the exercise of their open -market powers the reserve banks often must assume the position of competitors of member banks ; their policies may have been adopted for the purpose of controlling the money ADVANCES OF RESERVE BANKS— REDISCOUNTS 71 market, possibly with the result of interfering with the profit-making operations of the member institutions. If conducted, not for the purpose of control, but merely for the sake of securing more complete employment for their resources, these direct dealings may lessen the de- pendence of the public upon the member institutions. Only in rediscount operations is the character of the reserve system displayed consistently as of a cooperative nature, only then does the reserve system appear as an institution designed to render service to its member banks. Since in the early years of operation every device of sound banking must be employed in order to secure the alle- giance of the individual banks of the country; since with- out their generous support the Federal Reserve must have failed to secure the resources and influence necessary to enable it to function as intended, the helpful possibilities of the system have been the most advertised. To-day a layman, asked to define the functions of the reserve banks, would undoubtedly reply — they are institutions de- signed to aid member banks by rediscounting commercial paper. Statutory provisions regarding rediscounts are con- tained in section 13 of the act. The general purport of the terms of this section was to encourage sound methods of commercial banking and to maintain liquid the assets of the reserve banks. Accordingly reserve banks may redis- count only paper which arises in the short-time, self- liquidating operations of trade, industry, and agriculture. More specifically the leading provisions of this section were: (i) Reserve banks are permitted to rediscount paper en- dorsed by member banks which arises out of and the proceeds of which arc employed for agricultural, industrial or commercial purposes. 72 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY (2) Paper covering merely investments or drawn for the purpose of carrying or trading in stocks, bonds, or other invest- ment securities is rendered inehgible. (3) The definition of inehgible paper, however, does not cover "that issued or drawn for the purpose of carrying or trading in . . . bonds and notes of the Government of the United States." (4) Paper drawn for agricultural purposes or based on live stock may have a maturity at the time of discount by the re- serve bank of six months. Other eligible paper must have a maturity not in excess of three months. So much emphasis has been placed upon the desira- bility that rediscounted paper should comply with these requirements that it is commonly assumed that it would not have been in the interests of sound or conservative reserve banking to have included other varieties of eligible paper. Of late, however, some voices have been heard denying the assumption that eligible paper should be defined thus narrowly.^ In order that later we may form a judgment as to the desirability of the qualifications con- tained in the act, it may be well to recall some of the lead- ing objections offered to the rediscount of speculative or investment paper. First of all, it was believed that these restrictions were necessary in order to keep liquid the funds of the reserve banks. In the course of time it was expected that the loan- ing power of the reserve institutions w^ould become the ultimate reserve of the country. Far more important then would it be that the reserve funds should be easily avail- able than those of any private bank. Member banks could rely if necessary upon the reserv^e institutions for aid, but no easily accessible source of relief would be open to the reserve institutions. Their reserves would constitute the last line of defense in a period of threatened liquidation. ' Cf. for instance, Anna Youngman, " The Efficacy of Changes in the Discount Rates of the Federal Reserve Banks," American Economic Review, September, 192 1, pp. 463-86. ADVANCES OF RESERVE BANKS— REDISCOUNTS 73 In the second place, there was a general desire to seize every opportunity offered by the establishment of the new- system to encourage sound banking methods on the part of the member institutions. Not merely does the strength of the reserve system-depend largely upon the strength of the member banks, but the advantages to the public arising from the formation of the reserve system might be lost if member banks should be encouraged to invest too large a proportion of their resources in slow assets. From the standpoint, then, of the condition of member banks, every effort should be exerted to maintain the liquid char- acter of the paper in their portfolios. Certain objections, somewhat of a political character, also lay in the way of the admission of paper arising out of investment or speculative operations. As remarked in a previous chapter the support of the interior banks and of the business public coukl not easily have been secured for a plan whereby the reservoir of funds for investment and speculative activities could be increased by the use of the contributions of all member banks, large as well as small, metropolitan as well as rural. To repeat a former observa- tion, the Federal Reserve plan was directed largely against Wall Street; its support among a large class of bankers depended, not so much on any sound conviction as to the merits of the numerous technical objections to the old system, as to discontent arising out of the difficulties experienced by banks of the interior in securing the return of funds invested in 1907 in the securities market of New York City. Allegiance to the reform system could not be secured easily without the guarantee that the surplus re- serves of commercial banks should be kept available for the needs of commerce and agriculture instead of swelling in the slack seasons and years the reservoir of stock market funds. Rediscounting of speculative paper must be refused. 74 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY What, moreover, about the inflationary possibilities of the new system? Everywhere was it understood how, by the concentration of reserves and the resulting pyramiding of credits, the reserve system would make possible vastly enlarged amounts of bank advances. Would expanding credit grants, thus rendered possible, exert a lifting influ- ence upon the general price level and exaggerate the diffi- culties already generally attributed to a faulty standard of deferred payments? In answer to such queries there was a general denial by the members of a certain school of currency students of any direct connection between expanding grants of commercial credit and the general level of commodity prices. This school argued that only when bank funds were borrowed for investment or specu- lative purposes the cause of a resulting higher level of, prices could be attributed to any enlargement of bank advances. The real. danger lay in pouring too large a proportion of the country's banking resources into the investment reservoir. Possibly the clearest brief statement of this point of view is that of Professor C. C. Arbuthnot in the American Economic Review for December, 1920.' His statement was made for another application, but well summarizes certain views earlier expressed regarding Fed- eral Reserve policy. To quote from his argument : In the ordinary processes of business the credit of commercial banks is used to assist in the purchase and sale of marketable goods. It takes the form of short-time notes which are to be paid from the receipts from the sold goods. The extension of credit to permit buying is accompanied almost simultaneously by an offer in the market of the salable commodities. The effec- tive demand for goods thus made possible is accompanied by the supply of goods. The equilibrium between supply and demand is not seriously disturbed and the extension of credit has no ■ Cf. pp. 779-80. The subject of Mr. Arbuthnot's article was "A Stabilized Dollar." ADVANCES OF RESERVE BANKS— REDISCOUNTS 75 lifting influence on the general level of prices. As long as com- mercial bank credit serves this purpose there is no inflation. As will be indicated later, this view does not harmonize with that of the writer. Nevertheless, with various modi- fications and refinements it represented the view of many. Since it was inevitable that the reduction of reserve min- ima under the Federal Reserve would expand greatly the potential volume of bank credit, acceptance of this view necessitated a careful attempt to restrict the use of reserve resources for investment purposes. The above fears of price inflation had to do with the probable results of too great advances to the investment market. But when bank funds are employed for another purpose, the withholding of goods from early consumption — for commodity speculation, in other words — there was general agreement as to the lifting influence upon the price level of the bank funds thus advanced. Clearly, it was unanimously agreed, reserve funds must not be made available to the commodity speculator. Many controversial points were involved in the argu- ments stated above. It is the writer's belief that to-day there is an even greater tendency to dispute the validity of some of these tenets. But their truth accepted, the practical problem became that of framing measures which would effectively discourage the use of reserve funds for speculation or investment. In other words, it was a matter of devising tests or standards according to which the com- mercial character of the paper offered for rediscounts could best be determined. Several possibilities received some attention in this connection. First, admissible paper must be of the double-name rather than of the single-name type. Second, statements of conditions of the maker's assets could be required. Finally, in a more informal way, reli- ance could be placed upon the knowledge of the applying 76 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY banker as to the purpose for which the funds originally obtained were employed. Let us first turn our attention to the matter of double-name paper. The case for admitting double-name paper only was based upon a number of arguments. In the first place, its form was such as to offer greater indication of the com- mercial nature of the underlying transaction. Every operation of trade involves at least two parties. If admis- sion of the indebtedness is evidenced by a draft, the seller of the goods becomes the drawer, the purchaser the drawee. If the promissory note is employed, the payee or his agent is the seller, the maker the purchaser. Since these two parties are always involved in a trade transac- tion, why not require their names and their combined security in the paper which arises when resort is had to bank funds. In case two-name paper cannot be supplied, there is greater likelihood that in the underlying transac- tion the purchaser is not to liquidate his account out of the proceeds of the sale of the goods, and the paper is not liquid. If two-name paper can be supplied, there is one in- dication, not conclusive to be sure, but informative, never- theless, of the liquidating character of the transaction. In the second place, it was asserted that single name paper indicates more often lax customs of trade credit. The buyer is more tempted to buy unwisely, the seller to overextend credit or accept bad debt accounts, when the buyer is not compelled to acknowledge immediately his indebtedness. Single-name paper often originates because of the desire of the buyer to postpone the date of formal acknowledgment of his obligation. At the time of shipment and for a certain period thereafter he insists upon being carried on the open book account. Inevitably this delay must increase the likelihood of bad debts, slow payments, expensive collec- tions — in short, irregularities in our trade credit methods. ADVANCES OF RESERVE BANKS— REDISCOUNTS 77 As a special irregularity thus created, it was further- more insisted that single-name paper necessarily gives rise to many duplications. These duplications could usually be attributed to the ability of the buyer to avoid the im- mediate creation of paper which when discounted would render him subject to a call from the bank. In the absence of careful analysis of financial statements, single-name methods permit the same person to borrow from a bank and from a commercial paper house. Some firms established connections with several note brokerage concerns and sell through them all. The practice of registering with a trust company paper thus sold had its origin in the endeavor of some firms to prove they were not duplicating security in this manner. Some firms borrow largely on their showing of book account and later assign these to selling agents.* If one party could not obtain bank funds without joining simultaneously the other party to the trade transaction, such duplications would become more difficult. Finally it was contended that the admission of single- name paper must encourage the acquirement of precisely the sort of paper for which there was little foreign demand. In Europe a broad market existed only for prime paper of the double-name type. One of the underlying purposes of the Federal Reserve Act was to create a constant open market for prime paper, both in the home and foreign markets. A broader home market alone would not solve difficulties due primarily to such international facts as excessive gold exports arising from an unfavorable balance of trade. In defining eligible paper a wonderful opportu- nity existed to correct the situation wherein commercial banks were induced to invest surplus funds in stock ex- change activities. But to secure the utmost of advantage » Cf. E. E. Agger, "The Commercial Paper Debate," Journal of Political Economy, July, 19 14, pp. 670-71. 78 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY the requirements of foreign as well as of domestic demand must be taken into account. Single-name paper possessed inferior standing abroad. Many objections of a practical character, however, must be met by those insisting upon the exclusive acceptance of double-name paper. One of the most obvious, as well as most compelling of these, was the very great lack of good double-name paper in the American market. It has been asserted that at the time of the framing of the act, trade paper arose in less than three per cent of the total credit transactions of the country.* Of this three per cent a very large part consisted of paper arising in settlement of post- due accounts. With double-name paper alone admissible, it was clear that the reserve system could render little real aid to the member banks. If it was not to degenerate into an impotent and unused mechanism, it must take account of the actualities of the situation and not merely hypothet- ical or idealistic considerations. Of course the reserve ad- ministration would be expected to plan consistently for the development of more sound methods of trade and bank cre- dit. Some time must elapse, however, before any consider- able alteration of existing methods could be accomplished. The above argument could be addressed to practically all the commercial banks of the country. But an espe- cially appealing objection could be addressed to the great number of small bankers on the ground that double-name paper alone must mean discrimination in favor of the large city institutions. In the main, it was argued, the small bank is the bank of the retailer; whereas the whole- saler, jobber, and manufacturer must depend on the urban banking house. Because of the small amount and informal character of his average credit transaction, the retailer » Cf. E. E. Agger, "The Commercial Paper Debate," Journal of Political Economy, July, 1914, p. 663. ADVANCES OF RESERVE BANKS— REDISCOUNTS 79 cannot offer his banker any large amount of double-name paper. Except in cases of post-due accounts and slow pay- ments, custom and competition do not permit him to demand notes or to require the acceptance of drafts from his customers. In the wholesalers' transactions, however, wherein considerations of custom must be somewhat less important relatively than those of business efficiency, a future field for the creation of double-name paper was dis- cernible. But what would be the justice and the political expediency of a programme which would admit as eligible only paper contained in large volume in the portfolios of the city institutions? Acceptance of this proposal would compel country banks to purchase paper in the open mar- ket in case they desired to draw upon the reserve. But the advantage of such a course of action would be dubious. It is true that rediscounting would increase the bank's reserve. But payment for the paper purchased would tend to tear it down in corresponding degree. Neither, it was insisted, was there any guarantee that funds obtained by the discount of two-name paper would not be employed for investment or speculative purposes. The funds obtained by the discount of admissible paper might be put to any use desired. In the words of IMoulton, written for another purpose: * It will be recalled, from our previous analysis of the relation of the commercial banking system to the financing of stock exchange speculation, to the outright purchase of securities, to the making of collateral loans for fixed capital purposes and to the activities of investment bankers engaged in the marketing of securities, that the funds of the commercial banking system constitute the support for the entire financial fabric, invest- ment and speculative, as well as commercial. Of course it might be argued that to make this class of paper alone admissible would increase its desirability to ' Financial Organization of Society, p. 633. 8o FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY the member banks. But ought not the general liquidity of the borrower's assets and not the form of the paper to determine the right to request Federal Reserve aid. Because of the nature of their operations some borrowers cannot gain possession of double-name paper. If their assets in general are sufhciently liquid, should not their paper be rediscountable? As Sprague puts it: ^ The fundamental point at issue is whether an analysis of the entire financial position of the borrower or a series of particular transactions affords the lender better safeguards against loss. It could be contended, furthermore, that discrimination in favor of double-name paper might tend to increase the volume of unsound paper. Eligibility for rediscounts is purely a matter of arbitrary definition. Nevertheless, it might become one of the principal bases ofTered in the open market for testing its worth. Single-name paper, because of the possible misuse of the funds, because of the fact that only one party is responsible, puts the purchaser on guard. He is not nearly so likely to avoid the usual safeguards of examination and inquiry when his paper is not of the sort encouraged by the definition of eligibility. In the discount of two-name paper, no margin of collateral over credit obtained would usually be required. In a pragmatic sort of way, some measure of truth may be contained in this objection. Too much attention to form might lessen dependence upon careful analysis of the borrower's condition. If such abuses should appear, how- ever, the method of correction would be easily available. Merely let there be redoubled devotion to the usual safe- guards. In Warburg's words:" It has never been contended by the champions of the trade ' See O. M. W. Sprague, "The Federal Reserve Banking System in Opera- tion," Quarterly Journal of Economics, August, 1916, p. 649. ' See Bulletin, Jul> i, 1918, pp. 604-06. ADVANCES OF RESERVE BANKS— REDISCOUNTS 8i acceptance that these acceptances should be bought by any one who has not famiharized himself thoroughly with the financial condition of the maker of the paper; he should take this pre- caution just as if he were buying a single-name note, and as long as he does that there is no reason whatever why he should not be capable of judging solvency and standing from the state- ment of a borrower who sells the trade acceptance he receives just as he can from the statement of a firm which borrows only on its own note. Admonitions of this sort, however, were frequently sufficient to lessen the ardor of many advocates of double- name paper. It was expected by many that a change in the form of trade paper must lessen the need of tedious and careful examination. When it became apparent that a mere change in form could not accomplish everything, there was a marked reaction to the view that the main pre- requisite of eligible paper must be the general character of the borrower's assets. As a final objection to the sole admission of two-name paper, it was argued that its use would transfer part of the work of rating the credit of the buyer from the bank to the selling merchant. Under the single-name paper method the bank must satisfy itself regarding the standing of the bor- rower (the buyer) . Under the double-name plan the borrow- er's ability to obtain credit would depend in the first in- stance upon the seller's rating of the buyer. Because of the addition of the seller's contingent liability in the bank bor- rowing, dubious trade paper might become the basis for bank credit. In other words, it was insisted that the buyer's bank ordinarily possesses superior means of testing the buyer's solvency to that of the seller of the merchandise. Undoubtedly there was a good deal of force in this argu- ment. But it merely emphasizes the necessity of careful analysis of the standing of the buyer as well as of the seller. It also brought into clearer relief the viewpoint that the 82 P^EDERAL RESERVE POLICY principal consideration was the credit rating of the parties and not primarily the form of the paper. There did not appear to be sufficient warrant for the absolute rejection of single-name paper. Accordingly, the principal statutory provision relating to eligible paper makes the test, not the form of the paper, but the purpose for which the proceeds have been or are to be employed. But were there not certain other feasible means of increasing the use of trade paper? Could not less strict qualifications and less complete information as to the nature of the transaction be required in the case of double- name paper? In view of the difficulties just disclosed regarding the dangers of insufficient examination, such a course would appear extra-hazardous. But if not this, could not the total volume of rediscounts obtainable by one member bank be made the greater in cases where the applications were in large part double-name paper? Objec- tion to such a policy was the probability that some sec- tions of the country would be unfairly treated. Many communities, particularly the rural and the village, could not be expected to originate any large volume of two-name paper. There thus remained the possibility of granting a preferential rate of discount to applications covering the new kind of paper. To anticipate future discussion, the policy of preferential rate treatment has been adopted during a large part of the period of reserve operation. The Federal Reserve Board's first regulations regarding discountable paper may now be briefly summarized. In an early communication. Circular Number 13,^ reserve banks were requested to confine their operations to short-time, self-liquidating paper arising from commercial, agricul- tural, or industrial needs, and to exercise particular care to ' This circular is accessible in convenient form in the Commercial ajid FinaU' cial Chronicle, November 14, 1914, pp. 1416-17. ADVANCES OF RESERVE BANKS— REDISCOUNTS 83 avoid furnishing capital merely for investment or specula- tive purposes. Funds desired for fixed improvements would fall in the ineligible class. The maturities of the paper rediscounted should be well distributed, and the paper should be non-renewable. To quote from the cir- cular regarding the distribution of the maturities : It is a general rule (in Europe) not to purchase paper having more than 90 days to run. The maturities of these notes and bills are so well distributed as to enable these banks within a short time to strengthen their hold on the general money mar- ket by collecting at maturity or by reinvesting at a higher rate a very substantial proportion of their assets. Acting on this principle, the Federal Reserve banks should be in position to liquidate, whenever such a course is necessary, substantially one third of all their investments within a period of 30 days. Departure from this principle will endanger the safety of the system. It is observance of this principle that affords justifica- tion for permitting member banks to count balances with Fed- eral Reserve banks as the equivalent of cash reserves. As a means of determining the self-liquidating character of the paper, the method of procedure is next outlined. The Board was evidently impressed by the desirability of considering more than the nature of the specific underlying transaction, for the procedure outlined to become effective after January 15, 1915, practically called for a statement of condition of the borrowing firm. Since, however, the Board did not wish to lay down rules which might involve needless delay or difficulty in rediscounting, it was not insisted that a statement of condition be attached to each bill sold to a reserve bank. But it was to be required as a basis of permanent procedure that the original borrower should file such a statement with his member bank. For the time being, certified accountants' statements need not be submitted. It was suggested, however, that at a later date these might be required. Even though the statement 84 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY of condition need not be attached to each bill, the paper must bear on its face evidence that it was eligible, and that the seller had filed a statement of condition with the mem- ber banks. This evidence might be vouchsafed by the officers of the member applying bank through the means of a rubber stamp. These regulations were exceedingly exacting, so far, at least, as methods of procedure were concerned. Few of the smaller banks, particularly those in the rural sections, were in position to supply the required evidence that a satisfac- tory statement of condition was on file. In the face of an almost entire lack of rediscounting, it soon appeared that the severity of these regulations must be relaxed. Accord- ingly, on January 12, 19 15, three days before these regula- tions were to become effective, the Board extended the date from January 15 to July 15 of the same year. But the lack of a genuine desire to rediscount still asserted itself and in Regulation B, Series of 1915/ it was ruled that statements of condition need not be on file in certain types of borrowing where it was believed it would be difficult to obtain them. To be specific, these requirements were to be waived : 1. If the bill bears the signature of the purchaser and seller of the goods and presents prima facie evidence that it was issued for goods actually purchased or sold ; or 2. If the aggregate amount of obligations of such a depositor actually rediscounted and offered for rediscount does not exceed $5000, but in no event a sum in excess of 10 per centum of the paid-in capital of the member bank; or 3. If the bill be specifically secured by approved warehouse receipts covering readily marketable staples. In succeeding circulars regulations with a similar trend were sent out. In view of the very great desire of the Board to improve the admitted deplorable conditions in the trade ' See Bulletin, May i, 1915, pp. 37-38. ADVANCES OF RESERVE BANKS— REDISCOUNTS 85 and bank credit situation, it appears to the writer that the Board cannot be convicted of endeavoring to establish ultra-bureaucratic methods of procedure. The purposes of the Board's regulations were two-fold. First, they were designed to state the precise terms accord- ing to which the more general terms of the statute could be made applicable to individual cases; and, second, to lay down rules governing rediscount operations in cases where the statute appeared to be silent. But even the regula- tions themselves could not be expected to deal specifically with the multitude of complicated cases which must inevitably arise. Accordingly, as a means of disseminating such information, the Board began the publication in its official organ, the Federal Reserve Bulletin, issued monthly first of its own informal rulings, and second of the opinions of counsel in the Law Department. In these we find replies to the inquiries of member banks, reserve bank officials, private individuals, and governmental representatives. By these methods much was accomplished in the way of har- monizing the policies of the various district board direc- torates. To a very marked extent the wisdom or lack of wisdom of the Board's policies is set forth in these pronouncements. The difificulties of avoiding confusion and inconsisten- cies in these rulings are easily apparent. To consider that prime difficulty of fundamental application — when is an operation commercial and when is it merely investment in character? A distinction, such as this would involve, could not be set up by any generally accepted method of eco- nomic reasoning. Fundamentally this cjucry touches a prob- lem which has never been withdrawn from the field of theoretical economic controversy — what is capital? Ever since the precepts of the science of economics have been formulated systematically, the masters have quarreled 86 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY over the proper means of delimiting this concept. To-day opposite viewpoints are still displayed. One school would define capital from the point of view of the form of the good — whether or not it is of a kind primarily applicable to the creation of other consumable goods. The other school would define solely from the acquisitive, individual- istic point of view. Thus capital comprises those goods, no matter what the form, which are employed not to provide direct psychic income, but rather to enable the possessor better to derive a money income. This fundamental diffi- culty appears again and again in the determination of eligible paper. Many less far-reaching criteria were current also in 19 14 regarding the proper definition of commercial paper. One of these was this — it is paper the proceeds of which are employed in order to acquire readily salable goods. The note of the coal dealer to secure the funds for the purchase of coal to be speedily resold to his customers, of the fruit buyer to acquire fruit for his current sales, would be eligi- ble commercial paper. But what about paper arising in the individual's desire to acquire tracts of standing timber? The timber as well as the timber land might be sold speed- ily, yet the individual owner. might have in mind more or less permanent ownership. The nature of his possession might create no hardship in holding permanently. Unlike the coal or the fruit, the timber would continue to improve in physical quantity. There would be much more likelihood of its being held indefinitely than in the case of the coal or of the fruit. But should the paper be refused merely because the asset of the borrower and accordingly the security for the bank improves? In this case the existence of another quality of standing tracts of timber rendered more easy a statement of the Board's opinion. This extraneous quaUty enabled the ADVANCES OF RESERVE BANKS— REDISCOUNTS 87 Board to base its ruling on the desirability of preserving liquid the banks' assets. Timber is subject to forest fires and severe winds. To quote from the Bulletin for, July i, 1915:' While it is true that there are times when timber lands, that have been thoroughly cruised and reported upon by competent experts, are readily salable, there are other conditions relating to properties of this kind which must be taken into considera- tion. Forest fires sometimes destroy a good deal of standing timber, and sometimes wind storms greatly diminish the value of such properties. The precedent would be a dangerous one, as owners of coal and ore lands might ask to have their coal and ore in the grounds appraised on a royalty basis, and ask to have paper, based upon their holdings of such lands, made eligible for discount at Federal reserve banks. But without the possibility of relying upon this quality of timber land — possibility of great deterioration in physi- cal quality — how much more difficulty must have at- tended the ruling? Let us therefore suppose another case in which no such condition exists. What if the contractor wishes to borrow in order to secure funds for the erection of a building? Is his operation commercial, or investment, or even specula- tive in its nature? Here again the Board Wcis enabled to rely upon a fact of attending circumstance — whether or not at the time of borrowing the contractor possessed a contract of sale. Thus we are informed by the Bulletin for July, 1920,' that the proceeds are for fixed improvements and the note is ineligible in case the paper is that of the owner. But if it is that of the contractor, it may be regarded as commercial in character. Thus another quality of paper is introduced — • Page 126. ' Page 699. 88 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY existence of contract for vsale of that which has been ac- quired or constructed by the use of the proceeds of the borrowing. But if intention to liquidate quickly is the uniform cri- terion, the Board must face another difficulty — one which must occasion frequent discontent with the management of the system. One borrower might be the maker of an eligible note, another of an ineligible note, even though in both cases the proceeds were employed to purchase the same sort of a good. In one case the Board held eligible a farmer's note to secure the funds for the purchase of farm tractors. Using this as a precedent, it was insisted ^ by a corporation engaged in the business of furnishing motor transportation that its notes to secure funds with which to purchase motor trucks were eligible. This corporation ar- gued that its paper was even superior to that of the farmer since the life of a motor truck ordinarily is less than that of a farm tractor. Motor truck paper would be less of an investment nature than tractor paper. Accordingly the Board is here compelled to make a distinction dependent entirely upon a matter of degree. To quote a part of its ruling: Farm tractors constitute only a small part of the entire equipment of a farm, whereas the motor trucks of a corporation engaged in the business of furnishing motor transportation necessarily constitute a very large part of the corporation's entire equipment. If the notes of such a corporation, the pro- ceeds of which are used to purchase motor trucks, were declared eligible for rediscount by Federal Reserve Banks, the result would be that paper representing in the aggregate a very large part of the corporation's capital investment would be eligible for rediscount, and it would not be reasonable to assume that such notes could be liquidated out of the corporation's current revenues. ' Bulletin, February, 192 1, p. 191. ADVANCES OF RESERVE BANKS— REDISCOUNTS 89 Obviously the task of deciding what is and what is not a fixed investment is fraught^with difficulty. Frequently the decisions do not meet the issue squarely. Dependence upon facts of attendant circumstance must make future rulings largely a matter of following precedent, with the danger of confusion, inconsistencies, and reliance upon arbitrary, discretionary judgment. But to summarize our conclusions as reached thus far "readily salable goods" is not a concept easily determined and easily applied. In some cases conclusions must depend upon the risks of deterioration ; in others, upon the exist- ence of contracts to sell. In others, it would seem to depend upon the extent to which the value of the goods acquired by the proceeds of the borrowing measure up to that of the other assets of the company. Fortunately for the Board, the provisions of the statute inserted the word mere in the prohibitory clause relating to investment paper. Let us next consider another basis for determining the eligible character of the paper. Are the proceeds to be employed to further some definite stage of production, distribution, or manufacture? If the proceeds are not to be employed in such a way as to hasten their journey toward acquirement by the ultimate consumer, clearly the expendi- tures were for capital and not for commercial purposes. But in practice it must be very difficult to determine whether a given operation is a necessary part of the process of production or commerce. How classify the note of the dealer who borrows in order to acquire grain or cotton which for the time being at least Is not to be sold? Is mere warehousing to be considered a necessary part of the dis- tribution process? If it is thus to be considered, would not dangerous precedents be developed, precedents which might seem to justify Federal Reserve advances for com- modity speculation ? What if the purpose of the borrower 90 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY was primarily to put himself in a position to create a tem- porary scarcity by withholding the goods from the market? No practice in market distribution is more frowned upon by the public than commodity speculation of this sort. In our recent period of unrest over the rising cost of living, much legislation and many administration measures were directed against devices of this sort. Nevertheless, loans to store goods are very essential to the marketing of many crops. The supply appears suddenly on the market, and if credit cannot be obtained by the grower, the crop must be sacrificed at depressed prices. The purchasers, presum- ably often in a better position to obtain bank capital, would then be in as good a position as the local dealer to withhold from sale for the sake of influencing the price unduly. Rejection of applications based on paper of this sort woula seem to create injustices as between different classes of grain dealers. It is obvious that the ideal solution would be for the Board to be guided by the existing situation In the market and not by any easily ascertainable fact of the paper. As long as the goods are not unduly obstructed in their flow to the market, the reserve advances appear to be justified. In the words of the Board, the test is whether the funds are requested in order to facilitate the orderly and regular marketing of the crops. Thus in the Bulletin for December I, 1919,^ we read of certain remarks addressed to cotton growers : The Board has consistently advocated during the past five years the policy of orderly marketing of crops. Assuming that adequate warehousing facilities are available, it seems to be in the interest of the consumer as well as of the producer that staple commodities remain as far as possible in the hands of producers until sold for consumption. This policy gives the producer the benefit of an average price In that he is not required to "dump" 'Page 1 109. ADVANCES OF RESERVE BANKS— REDISCOUNTS 91 his products upon the market in excessive volume, thereby depressing the price to the advantage of favored consumers or of speculators who do not as a rule pass the advantage on to the consumer. Owing to the great number of producers there will always be competition between them to sell, which would not be the case if large syndicates were able to acquire control of the bulk of the crop. But no matter how wide the difference in results between speculative borrowing and those necessary for the orderly moving of the crops, the determination of the precise situa- tion can never be easy. The eligibility of any single note must depend upon general market and business conditions. Under some situations the note of a grain dealer should be accepted; under other situations the note of the same dealer for an identically similar purpose must be rejected. Day-to-day considerations must govern. What help can be obtained by following through another criterion? Were the proceeds originally employed in order to purchase goods in form fairly complete, or close to the point where marketable? Or, on the other hand, were the proceeds invested in goods which must be completely altered in form in order to render marketable? If this be the basis of distinction, the reserve funds must render less aid to the production and industrial than to the distribu- tive interests of society. Coal purchased by a gas company is not to be marketed until completely altered in form. Labor purchased by an electric light company emerges in salable condition only in form of electric current. But might not the note of the gas company be just as liquid when the proceeds are used to purchase coal as the note of a grain dealer to secure funds for acquiring grain? Is not the pay-roll expense of the electric light company as speedily contributory to income as the expenditure of the grocery dealer for canned goods? The labor employed is not sold, but the products speedily are. It is evident that 92 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY little aid is to be obtained by focusing attention upon the form of the goods purchased by the proceeds of the note. Shall another criterion be accepted — the speed with which the borrower should be able to liquidate his loan? Shall it be the shortness of the period within which the expenditures bring in returns which determines eligibility? Should reserve funds be withheld from operations, in all other respects as commercial as any other, in which for technical reasons a longer period than ninety days is required? It is evident that such a course would involve much partiality. As stated in the Bulletin for June i, 1915 : '^ There are many processes of production which take a longer time than 90 days, and while no Federal Reserve Bank should enter into an agreement for the renewal of discounted paper, nevertheless, in cases where the "process of production" dis- tribution covers a period longer than 90 days, there is no reason why a borrower should not renew his 90 day borrowing. In general, as stated in another connection, " Liquidity should not be tested by standards that are too narrow, arbitrary or inflexible." It thus appears that no one yardstick is available in determining the eligible character of the paper offered for rediscount. Neither liquidity, nor existence of a contract to sell the product, nor the form of the goods acquired by the proceeds of the borrowing, nor the probable speed of liquidation, alone, is sufficient. Distinction between eli- gible and ineligible paper must often depend upon mere matters of degree or emphasis. Differences are often only relative. It is pertinent to inquire, therefore, whether in the original act it was not somewhat futile to place so much emphasis upon the commercial character of the paper. Are the distinctions between commercial and non-commercial paper too difficult to employ consistently in practice? Should discriminations have been waived and certain ' Page 74. ADVANCES OF RESERVE BANKS— REDISCOUNTS 93 types of investment paper rendered admissible? Queries such as these must be postponed until a later chapter. But this much is now clear: under the present regulations much reliance must be placed upon the discretionary judgment, first of the member bank, second of the reserve bank direc- torate, and lastly of the Federal Reserve Board. If this be true, it appears desirable to inquire whether other means of restricting the unwise use of reserve bank facilities were contained or should have been contained in the statute. One obvious method of preventing excessive use of reserve funds would be to limit the amount of rediscounts obtainable by any one member institution. Since all mem- ber banks contribute to the resources of the reserve banks according to their capital and surplus, their rediscounting privileges might be determined on the same basis. In this way an outside limit could be placed on the extent to which any one bank could rely upon the reserve facilities, and any one bank could be prevented from using funds so excessively as to diminish the power of reserve banks to render aid to other member institutions in periods of emergency. Such a restriction did not commend itself to the framers of the act. It is true that another statute' prevents a national bank from incurring certain indebtedness in excess of its capital stock. But to the application of this law there are certain exceptions. One of these exceptions "^ relates to any indebtedness incurred under the provisions of the Re- serve Act. It has accordingly been ruled that a member bank may rediscount paper to any amount permitted by the district directorate. 1 1 was felt that in periods of emergency the power of the district board to render relief should not be curtailed. In periods of business confidence, it was ' Section 5202 of the Revised Statutes. ' See section 13, Federal Reserve Act. 94 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY believed that most reliance should be placed upon the good judgment of the district bank directorate. Restric- tion of rediscounts for any one bank is accordingly a matter of the discretionary power of management. A second plan would be to restrict the amount of redis- countable paper bearing the signature of any one party. Such a limitation might appear to be much more equitable. Should one borrower of one bank be refused accommoda- tions at a time when the paper of another no more deserv- ing borrower of another bank is admitted? Should not discriminations take account of facts of justice between individuals, rather than primarily between banks? Acting on this pointof view, theframersofthestatuteprohibited the rediscount of paper bearing the signature of the same name, provided such paper exceeds ten per centum of the unim- paired capital and surplus of the lending bank. To this general statement exceptions are to be made in case of "bills of exchange" drawn in good faith against actually existing values. Furthermore, in order to encourage the purchase and acquirement of war securities an act of lim- ited duration was enacted, according to which, on April i6, 19 19, the Board ruled it permissible for a reserve bank to rediscount paper of a single borrower to an amount equal- ing twenty per cent of the capital and surplus provided the excess above ten per cent was secured by a like face amount of Liberty bonds or certificates of indebtedness.^ But would the paper of any borrowing individual redis- counted with the reserve bank be included within the limitations of section 5200 of the Revised Statutes. Would the creditor be considered to be the member bank or the reserve bank? In view of the fact that rediscounts must be endorsed by the member bank, and accordingly comprise a contingent liability of the bank, a good case ' Cf. Commercial and Financial Chronicle, April 19, 1919, p. 1561. ADVANCES OF RESERVE BANKS— REDISCOUNTS 95 would seem to exist for regarding them in this light. But by an Opinion of Counsel it was ruled in the Bulletin for September i, 191 8, that: ' A note or bill rediscounted in good faith by a member bank which is no longer owned or held by the bank need not be in- cluded as a liability of the maker to the bank within the meaning of section 5200, Revised Statutes. The effect of this opinion is to confirm the view that rediscounting offers a process by which a bank may increase greatly its loans to any one client. In case the paper of any one borrower approaches the ten per cent limit, such paper may be rediscounted. In this case it becomes an obligation, not to the member, but to the reserv^e bank. A consideration of these various limitations perhaps justifies this general conclusion : provided a member bank possesses a sufficient quantity of rediscountable paper, effective limitation of the rediscounts must depend almost solely on the good judgment of the district directorate and the Federal Reserve Board. Restraints of a direct nature, arbitrary refusals to accept the applications of certain classes of paper, depend largely upon the reserve director- ates. Indirect restraint, those relating to the cost of redis- counting, depend ultimately upon the Board, because of its power to review rates of rediscount. The development of the reserve system is thus largely a story of manage- ment. Statutory provisions reduce themselves in large measure to the discretionary judgment of direction. The most important restrictions relate to the prohibitions on speculative and investment paper. But for the most part the Board's rulings and regulations have been exceedingly liberal. It was not contemplated by the framers of the act that reserve banks should lend their facilities to nnn -member ' Page 867. 96 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY institutions. These banks were not rendered subject to examination by the Federal Reserve Board and make no contribution to the capital of the reserve institutions. To rediscount this paper must destroy one of the principal incentives to membership in the Federal Reserve. What, however, was enacted about indirect means of securing the use of reserve funds? Could not the member bank accept the paper of non-member institutions and by rediscounting this paper free its own resources? In this way the reserve could be made the indirect source of advances to non-member institutions. It was felt by the lawmakers that this would be a situa- tion necessitating much discrimination in judgment. On some occasions it might be a service to member banks for reserve banks to aid non-members in this indirect way. Such action might be the means of restoring general business confidence. In other situations, however, such advances might not be necessary and might have the sole effect of discouraging membership in the system. Accordingly, the law requires that, in case the purpose of such applica- tions was to secure funds to reloan non-member banks, the permission of the Federal Reserve Board must be obtained. During the war period, however, matters of Government finance were deemed sufficient to warrant a very liberal application of the statute. For a certain period it was left to the discretion of the district bank directorates to deter- mine whether such accommodations should be afforded the non-member institutions.^ ' Cf. Bulletin, June i, 1917, p. 426. CHAPTER V DIRECT COLLATERAL ADVANCES TO MEMBER BANKS When the Federal Reserve system began operations in the fall of 19 14, advances could not be made, under the author- ity of section 13, by direct discounts of member banks' notes. Leaving out of account their open-market opera- tions, reserve banks could grant accommodations only upon the tender of paper which had originated previously in an advance by the member bank to one of its clients. In other words, the reserve bank's portfolio would consist of paper, the makers of which were the customers of the member bank. For the sake of ensuring the safety of this paper and accordingly of the soundness of the reserve banks' assets, member banks were required to endorse the paper offered for rediscount. But the member banks' re- sponsibility was contingent and not direct. The reasons motivating the lawmakers to discriminate against direct discounts were several. In the first place, the paper accepted would be single — and not double-name. Only the member bank would be responsible for ultimate payment; whereas in the case of a rediscount, the member bank's contingent responsibility would be additional to that of the original borrower. Secondly, rediscounting operations emphasized more strongly the direct public benefits which the reserve system was intended to accom- plish. In case of a direct discount for a bank, it might be difficult for many to understand just how the business pub- lic was being aided ; whereas in the case of a rediscount the 98 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY ability of a bank to finance a specific transaction would seem to depend more directly upon the willingness of the reserve bank to accept such paper. Rediscount operations appeared to bring the reserve banks more closely in con- tact with the public. Finally, it was feared that direct advances might be dangerous. If the member bank pos- sessed short-time eligible paper, it could secure aid through rediscounts; in case it possessed no such paper, its purpose very likely would be to secure capital for long-time com- mitments. To refuse to make direct advances would not seem to penalize the institution which held paper of the eligible sort. But it would penalize the bank whose assets consisted largely of investment or speculative paper. Applications for direct discounts would be the resource of those institutions which did not possess eligible paper, and whose assets, therefore, were presumably, non-liquid. Of these various objections, the last was apparently the most impressive. For one illustration we may quote the following extracts from the reply of John Perrin, Chairman of the San Francisco Reserve Bank, to the appeals of the Orange County Bankers' Association of California for an amendment to the act which would permit direct discounts of member banks' paper :^ Bank reserves under requirements of the old system were at times found inadequate and financial panic resulted. Your resolution seems to us to advocate not only a continuance of the evils of the old system, but, in advocating loans of indift'erent liquidity out of diminished reserves, urges a further weakening. It would seem to us that no policy could be more suicidal and none more certain to involve both the banks and their custom- ers in disaster. . . . The development of liquid commercial paper is a fundamental essential of banking progress. In lowering reserve requirements the Federal Reserve Act contemplates that a bank's paper » See Commercial arid Financial Chronicle, January 22, 1916, p. 300. COLLATERAL ADVANCES TO MEMBER BANKS 99 eligible for rediscount with Federal Reserve bank will consti- tute an important part of its real reserve. This fortification your resolution would sweep aside, though it should be clear that while the Federal Reserve bank may convert shortly matur- ing liquid paper into means of payment it has no power to con- vert a non-liquid loan into one which will speedily convert itself into a money reserve. If direct discounts should be made to members who did not possess the necessary amount of eligible short-time paper, the truth of the above statement would be clear. But might not a member bank desire frequently to offer its own note even though its portfolio did contain liquid admissible paper? Might not a bank find direct discounts more convenient and feasible? An afifirmative answer to this query might be based on the following grounds: (a) The member bank might wish to borrow for very short periods of time. To discount customers' paper of longer maturity would subject the applying bank to the heaviest discount applying to the paper with longer matur- ity. Rather than submit to this heavier charge, the coun- try bank, in particular, might continue to seek aid from its city correspondent instead of applying to the reserve bank. Such action would render it all the more difficult for the reserve system to extend its membership and improve its prestige and power to regulate the money market. (b) In the second place, it was argued that direct dis- counts woulcl reduce greatly the labor of computing inter- est on many small notes. Discounts would have to be figured only on the member's note; when this note fell due, it could be paid off and the collateral, consisting per- haps of customers' paper of various maturities, could be returned. (c) In the third place, direct advances collateralod by customers' notes could be made to ofTer some margin of security to the reserve bank. The face value of the collat- 100 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY eral could be made higher than the amount of the advance. In the case of an uncollateralcd rediscount, there could be no margin of security over the advance of the reserve bank. With the lessons of experience thus indicating that di- rect discounts, properly regulated, could be supported by arguments relating to safety as well as to those of conve- nience, a general demand arose for a change in the statute. Accordingly, on September 7, 1916, an amendment to the Reserve Act was passed according to which such advances were to be permitted in cases where the member bank's note was limited to fifteen days' maturity and in cases where the collateral consisted either of the kind of paper eligible for rediscount or of Government securities. The specific wording of this amendment was as follows : * Any Federal reserve bank may make advances to its member banks on their promissory notes for a period not exceeding fifteen days at rates to be established by such Federal reserve banks, subject to the review and determination of the Federal Reserve Board, provided such promissory notes are secured by such notes, drafts, bills of exchange, or bankers' acceptances as are eligible for rediscount or for purchase by Federal reserve banks under the provisions of this Act, or by the deposit or pledge of bonds or notes of the United States. The reasons for the inclusion of the several restrictions on direct collateral advances should be cleart Unless the objection of rendering the reserve assets more non-liquid was to hold, member banks should possess paper of an eligible sort. If they held such paper, it would be no hard- ship to require them to forward it as collateral for the ad- vance. The basis of limiting the maturity of the member's note seems obvious, likewise. If the previous difficulty was need of funds for a period shorter than the maturities ' See section 13 of the amended act. COLLATERAL ADVANCES TO MEMBER BANKS loi of customers' paper, member banks could not object to the limitation of fifteen days for the period of advance. After the date of the amendment, the advantages of direct borrowing frequently proved appealing aside from considerations of convenience. In the seven months or so preceding the outbreak of hostilities, the reserve adminis- tration continued to stress, as a means of preparation for any future emergency, the desirability of maintaining the liquid character of the reserve system's assets. Fifteen- day paper accordingly was much in demand by the reserve banks. After the outbreak of the war, direct loans collat- eraled by Government securities rendered great aid in the Treasury's war finance policy. Prior to September 7, 1916, member banks which might have acquired Government bonds could not liquidate them by means of rediscount operations. It is true that customers' paper, the proceeds of which had been used to purchase Government bonds, was eligible. But in the Treasury's war finance campaign it proved necessary frequently to rely heavily upon the subscriptions of the member banks themselves. To guar- antee banks against loss through the fact that the bond subscriptions might temporarily drain them of funds, mem- ber banks were permitted to discount their own notes col- lateraled by Government war securities at very low rates. On May 25, 1917, for instance, a special rate of from two to four per cent was established at the New York Reserve Bank for member banks' one-day collateral notes arising from the Government's loan operations. This was raised to three to four and one-half per cent on December 7, 1917." For these reasons the use made of the direct collateral advance was great. For the years 1917-20 inclusive the amount of such operations was as follows:' ' Cf. Report of the Federal Reserve Hoard for 1917, p. 37. ' Fijjures were compiled from the Report of the Federal Reserve Board for various years. 102 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY Year Member Banks Collateral Notes Accepted by Reserve Banks Total Amount of Bills Discounted 1917 1918 1919 1920 $ 7,742,806,186 33,007,788,230 72,548,007,733 55.565,447,000 $ 8,968,990,818 39.752,933.847 79,173.969,730 85,320,874,000 The direct collateral loans thus came to constitute by far the most important form by which advances were made by Federal Reserve banks to member banks. The great bulk of these loans were secured by United States certifi- cates of indebtedness and Liberty bonds. This is indicated by the following figures:^ Year 1917 I918 1919 1920 Member Banks Collateral Notes Total Amount of Direct Col- Secured BY War Paper lateral Loans to Member Banks $ 5,884,160,624 32,142,405,711 72,289,834,393 55,410,876,000 $ 7,742,806,186 33,007,788,230 72,548,007,733 55,565,447,000 The amount of reliance placed by member banks upon the direct collateral loan after the fall of 19 16 cannot be stressed too highly. In the first place, after the first issue of Government war securities in 19 17, we hear no more about the inability of member banks to take advantage of the reserve system's rediscount facilities because of the lack of eligible paper. Practically every member bank possessed at some time or other considerable quantities of war paper. This sort of an advance, moreover, rendered it easy for the Treasury to carry out its easy-money policy of financing the war. As long as member banks could re- discount their own notes thus collateraled at rates approxi- mately equal to the rates borne by the bonds, and as long ■ Figures were compiled from the Report of the Federal Reserve Board for various years. COLLATERAL ADVANCES TO MEMBER BANKS 103 as the reserve banks continued to announce their policy of cooperating with the Treasury, they need stand in no great fear of over-subscribing to the war issues. The key to the ability of the Treasury to float billions of dollars of bonds at a low interest rate lay in the ability of mem- ber banks to obtain funds on easy terms from the re- serve banks. Permitting the notes to be collatcraled by Government securities virtually offered an additional means by which funds could be obtained from the Federal Reserve. Direct advances also rendered it far easier for the banks to carry customers who employed borrowed funds to pur- chase the war bonds. In case the customer should not com- plete his payments and the bond should revert to the bank, the bank could liquidate, at least temporarily, by relying upon the reserve bank. In large measure the apparent ease with which the Treasury obtained a market for its issues can be attributed to this amendment of September, 1916. In opposite fashion, whatever evils resulted from the easy- money policy of war finance can likewise be attributed largely to the working of this amendment. It is true that advances of this sort were limited to bor- rowings of fifteen days' duration. Nevertheless, the Fed- eral Reserve administration was very liberal in its renew- als. The only limitation was that the reserve bank must not obligate itself to make such renewal.^ Such an agree- ment might create the situation in which the maturing note would be paid off out of the proceeds of the new dis- counts, and the fifteen-day limitation be virtually sus- pended. But if the requirements of the bank should be due to the emergency character of the general financial situa- tion or to its own lil)eral subscriptions, there was little doubt but that faith could be reposed in the ability to • See Opinion of Counsel, Law Department, Bulletin, October i, 1917, p. 765. 104 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY obtain such renewals. To quote from the Opinion of Counsel of the Board :^ If, however, the Federal Reserve Bank is under no such agree- ment and has the option to require payment in cash, it may at the maturity of a 15-day note discount another for the same amount, secured by the same or substituted collateral, so long as the two transactions are independent of each other. The question of how far this practice should be encouraged by Federal Reserve Banks is one of policy rather than law. It may be reasonably assumed that the Federal Reserve Banks will not permit its abuse. ' See Opinion of Counsel, Law Department, Bulletin, October i, 1917, p. 765. CHAPTER VI THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TRADE ACCEPTANCE In the earlier days of reform-discussion there was a sharp difference of opinion regarding the necessity of a new bank- ing structure. On the one hand, it was argued that despite many imperfections of detail the national banking system would not so frequently have failed to function adequately had there existed in this country a strong controlling bankers' bank. It was insisted that such an institution, by compelling credit-restraint in the years of excessive activ- ity, and by making its resources easily available in time of emergency, could do much to prevent the periodic collapses of the credit structure. This school admitted it was un- fortunate that our note issues were based upon the public debt; that our reserves for bank deposits were rigidly defined at law and improperly employed by the metropoli- tan financial institutions; that the peculiar credit needs of foreign trade industries had been so largely overlooked. Such difficulties as these were admittedly serious; but, nevertheless, it was insisted that a central bank of even moderate resources could do much to moderate the inten- sity of our credit ills. The major defect was held to be decentralization in reserve holdings, in note issues, and in control. A second school, however, endeavored to formulate the tenet that no new banking structure was required or was even desirable. In view of the prevailing hostility to the idea of a central bank, it would be futile politically to io6 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY endeavor to devise a dominating bankers' bank. Rather, reform measures should proceed on less ambitious lines. Instead of retaining rigid reserve requirements for depos- its, we should provide for elasticity by the employment of a graduated tax on deficient reserves; note issues should be based on the general commercial assets of a bank rather than upon its holdings of Government bonds; foreign trade difficulties should be corrected by bestowing addi- tional powers upon national banks such as the right to accept bills and drafts for international commerce pur- poses. Finally, as a matter of very great importance, many improvements could be wrought in our commercial paper and trade credit usages. In particular, the attempt could be made to increase the use in commercial transactions of two-name trade paper. As the controversy progressed, however, these two schools of thought became less sharply differentiated. On the one hand, it came to be more widely perceived that a central bank might encounter serious difficulties unless reserve requirements were rendered less rigid ; note issues less inelastic; commercial paper less unsound. On the other hand, it was gradually recognized that the adminis- trative . development of many proposed reforms would require the sponsorship of a large dominating central institution. In particular a more liquid type of commer- cial paper could be popularized only by a propaganda more effective than any private agencies without power to act could conduct. Was not this the teaching of past finan- cial history? Despite the admitted evils of earlier trade credit methods, the privately controlled banks had failed to develop a wide open market for sound commercial paper. The only hope of improvement lay In the forma- tion of a strong central Institution with power to guide and influence. DEVELOPMENT OF TRADE ACCEPTANCE 107 Viewed in this light, the campaign for double-name commercial paper becomes one of the most prominent aspects of the reform begun in 19 14. The Federal Reserve banks were not to be solely discount institutions; they also were to be the sponsors and the leaders in the propa- ganda for more sound methods of commercial banking. In this respect was realized the special contribution of a man who played a peculiarly important role in banking progress. Prior to 19 13 Paul M. Warburg was closely identified with credit-reform, and after the passage of the Owen-Glass Bill he was a member of the first Federal Reserve Board. The life of his work survived many changes of political and legislative control. During the period of preparation of the Aid rich Bill, his contribution to the publications of the National Monetary Commission was The Discount System in Europe. In this work the main contrast between European and American banking meth- ods was asserted to be no more the lack of a central bank here than that The European financial system is constructed upon discounts as its foundation; the American system is constructed upon stocks and bonds as its foundation. ' The especial virtue of the European credit mechanism was that its "discount system mobilizes the resources of the banks."' Further: The discount and central bank system enables the Nation to meet these situations by concerted but varying action adjusted to meet each individual case.^ The historical causes of present methods of trade credit are now generally understood. Prior to the Civil War the bill of exchange, drawn by the seller against the bu}er, was ' Page 23. ' Page 39 5 Page 37. Italics arc the writer's. io8 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY commonly employed. The bill, when accepted, would be discounted at the seller's bank. In this way the seller rendered liquid his trade assets; the seller's bank commonly had available a supply of easily negotiable commercial paper; and the buyer endeavored to conduct his opera- tions in such a way as to ensure his ability to meet his obligations on the promised date. Gradually, however, this custom was superseded by the open book account system coupled with the offer of a lib- eral discount for prompt cash payment. This change in methods is explained by the writers as due largely to two causes.' First, the fluctuating value of the dollar in the greenback days rendered tradesmen anxious to close their accounts as soon as possible. Many of them began to offer large discounts to ensure early payments. Since it would not do to obligate the buyer to pay on a future date, his indebtedness would be carried currently as a book account. In this way, two-name trade paper became less and less common. To acquire the funds for his remittance the buyer would offer his banker his own single-name note. Control over trade credit has passed more and more from the hands of the wholesaler's bank and has been lodged in the hands of the local banker. If the buyer did not remit promptly, the seller might be obliged to obtain a line of bank credit. But the paper of the seller was his own single- name, and did not evidence any particular transaction. We are also informed, as a second explanation of the change in trade credit methods, of the development of the work of the traveling salesman in such a way as to alter the legal position of the buyer. When the retailer selected from the stock of the wholesaler as in the earlier days and had an opportunity to examine the quality of the goods, ' Cf., for instance, E. E. Agger, "The Conxmercial Paper Debate," Journal of Political Economy, July, 19 14, pp. 663-67 DEVELOPMENT OF TRADE ACCEPTANCE 109 the legal doctrine of caveat emptor prevailed. But when he bought from sample, he had a right to insist that the goods conform to the quality of the sample. Before ac- knowledging his indebtedness he must have an opportu- nity to inspect the goods. He prefers to be carried on the books in the meanwhile and consequently objects to accepting immediately a draft. But despite these facts it seems difficult to account for the extremely great scarcity of good two-name trade paper in 1 9 14. It would seem as if the demand on the part of the bank with surplus funds to invest would have created at least a limited field for this type of paper. It would seem reckless to assert that the requirements of the capitalist were absolutely impotent. Answers to this query may be had, however, by noting the type of transactions to which paper similar in form to the bill of exchange was customarily employed. The draft had been relegated in trade transactions largely to the slow accounts. It was employed in many cases because the seller had become so suspicious regarding the buyer's ability to pay or so impatient at his delay that he demands a definite acknowledgment of the buyer's obligation to remit on a definite date. Two-name commercial paper was in bad company. Some difficulty, moreover, was experienced frequently in the collection of two-name paper. The drafts were usually not made payable at any bank specified by the buyer of the goods. In this respect its position differs somewhat from that of the modern trade acceptance. Under the Negotiable Instruments Law, recognized in a large majority of our States, a trade acceptance made payable at a specified bank operates in the same manner as a check. Upon maturity, if presented for payment, it will be charged to the account of the buyer provided there are sufticient funds to meet it. no FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY Banking facts, also, help to explain our inability to develop good two-name trade paper. For various reasons there existed no broad open market, upon which the bank could depend confidently for the sale of its short-time commercial paper. With a strong central bank in exist- ence, directed from the standpoint of public needs, there should not have been the same difficulty in time of emer- gency of liquidating upon holdings of such paper. Since the time of Andrew Jackson, however, no such institution had existed in this country. It seemed preferable, there- fore, in establishing a secondary reserve to invest in securi- ties for which the stock exchanges furnished continuous quotations. This was the basis of Warburg's remark, pre- viously quoted,^ that "the American system is constructed upon stocks and bonds as its foundation." Finally, unlike the currency systems of most continental European countries, our banking law placed no premium on commercial paper as a basis for note issues. The bond- secured note issue has much for which to answer. If, then, it was generally agreed in 19 13 that the Federal Reserve must assume a large measure of responsibility for the development of an improved type of trade paper, what were the pertinent provisions of the original statute? It has been stated previously that, while the matter was con- sidered seriously, the lawmakers refused to designate two- name trade paper as the sole type eligible for rediscount. By the terms of section 13, reserve banks were given the right to discount any of the following: "notes, drafts, and bills of exchange arising out of actual commercial trans- actions. " Eligible paper was to depend, therefore, upon the nature of the underlying transaction and not upon the form of the paper. The concessions of this section (number 13) are confined to certain permissions for the rediscount ' See supra, p. 107. DEVELOPMENT OF TRADE ACCEPTANCE in of a larger amount of paper bearing the signature of one party than in the case other types of paper are offered. This matter will be discussed briefly toward the close of the chapter. It is in the open-market section (number 14) that we fmd the principal concession to trade paper. Rescrv^e banks are empowered to purchase "from member banks and to sell, with or without its indorsement, bills of exchange arising out of commercial transactions." This constitutes an evident discrimination in favor of two-name trade paper, since nowhere is the promissory note included in the permissible class of open-market investments. De- spite these concessions, however, statutory recognition of two-name trade paper is so limited that its later develop- ment must be credited largely to the discretionary acts of the reserve administration. Before investigating the trade paper policy of the reserve administration, it may be desirable to recall some of the advantages urged in behalf of encouraging the use of a proper type of the commercial bill of exchange. These supposed advantages have been heralded so widely and discussed so generally that we shall attempt to do no more here than to mention them briefly. These advantages may be classified as falling under three heads: first, those of special concern to the seller of the goods; second, those addressed primarily to the buyer; and, lastly, those ap- pealing most directly to the self-interest of the banker. To the seller the arguments were based on the oppor- tunity of securing almost immediately upon the sale of the goods a definite agreement of the buyer to pay on a certain date, an agreement, moreover, which is couched in nego- tiable form. Much preferable, therefore, is it to the uncer- tain and unadmitted obligation of the buyer as evidenced only by the seller's book records. Bad debts and slow i^iy- 112 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY mcnts must be lessened by the encouragement of such paper. If payments of the purchaser are speeded up, the bank borrowings of the seller need not be nearly so great ; and the cost of securing working capital is reduced, a fac- tor, moreover, which competition must gradually cause to redound to the benefit of the public. But even if no speed- ing up of payments is induced, trade paper may still per- mit the seller to liquidate his assets more quickly. The book accounts of the seller, ordinarily, were difficult to assign. Requests for borrowed funds on the basis of such assigned accounts were interpreted frequently as evidence of the faulty financial position of the seller. Because such assignments were in general disuse, such requests were frequently interpreted as evidence of the impaired finan- cial standing of the applicant. The accepted draft of the buyer, drawn at the time of shipment, should prove much more negotiable, and therefore enable the local banker to make advances even though his own ability to continue to hold the acceptance is doubtful. In other words, the wider the market for commercial paper, the greater the ability to liquidate trade assets quickly. It has proved somewhat more difficult to convince the buyer of the advantages to be derived by the substitution of trade paper for the open account. It is true that it was easy to argue that any system which would render more certain to the seller the redeemability of his payments re- ceivable must gradually through the force of competition lessen the charges exacted by the seller. But would it secure immediately, in the specific transaction in hand, and with relation to his own competitors, any cheaper terms? It must be borne in mind that the average buyer makes one transaction at a time and is only indirectly interested in improving methods employed by trade as a whole. Too often the propaganda has confused general and long-time DEVELOPMENT OF TRADE ACCEPTANCE 113 advantages with those of special and immediate interest to the buying business man. It may be true also that the trade acceptance method may serve to check reckless buy- ing on the part of the purchaser. But must it not be difficult to convince any one purchaser that his buying habits are so loose as to necessitate his obligating himself to make payment on a specific, definite date? Clearly, arguments to the purchaser have greater force when the appeal is based upon specific individual advantages in the particular transaction in which his acceptance is requested. Arguments of immediate individual advantage might be the following: In the first place, the buyer who agrees to obligate himself definitely regarding the time of pay- ment improves his credit position with his banker. Often a query of the banker is this — do you accept trade drafts? An affirmative answer may raise the buyer's credit rating.* It is to be admitted, of course, that the underlying expla- nation of this discrimination is to some extent artificial. The motive of the member banks in encouraging the acceptance frequently has been their desire to secure a type of paper rediscountable with the Federal Reserve at a low, preferential rate. But whatever the source of dis- crimination, it has been made to apply with increasing force. In some industries, firms which accept trade drafts have been able to insist upon better terms as regards cost of goods and quantity obtainable. These firms could advance the argument that theacceptance enables the seller to obtain his bank credit at a cheaper rate. Frequently also the acceptance offered a means by which the small and comparatively unknown firms were able to place themselves more largely upon a position of credit equality with those of a more firmly established credit standing. The advantages of trade paper could also be heralded to 'Certain exceptions to this statement will be discussed later in this chapter. 114 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY the commercial banker. It has been remarked that in the past it was customary in the slack seasons for the interior banks to invest in large volume surplus funds in the secur- ity market or to place them on deposit with their corre- spondents in the financial centers. In recent years the work of the note broker had so developed that it was compara- tively easy to find an outside market for these surplus funds by investments in short-time commercial paper. But the ability in an emergency to liquidate such paper in advance of the date of maturity was a factor of doubt. Commercial paper investments, sufficiently attractive so far as yield was concerned, did not make a good secondary reserve. The limited open market for such paper explains, therefore, in large measure the huge volume of commercial bank funds regularly invested in the bond market or rede- posited with the financial institutions in the stock market centers which bid for such funds. The danger of these practices was called to the public's attention forcibly in the panic of 1907. The call of the inte- rior banks for New York funds and the general attempt to liquidate quickly on security investments soon caused a general suspension of payments in our financial center. But correction of this difficulty was not easy. Crisis and financial panics are not ordinarily contemplated as of inevitable recurrence. A change from old methods could be induced only by establishing in normal times a wide open market for commercial paper. The market should be so broad and steady as to offer the same means of liquidat- ing assets as those furnished by bank redeposits and bond investments. Here was the place for the trade acceptance. It was two-name, had its origin presumably in an automat- ically liquidating commercial operation, and with proper backing from reserve authorities could be converted into cash on occasions of real need. DEVELOPMENT OF TRADE ACCEPTANCE 115 It was accordingly possible to make for the acceptance an appeal to all classes of the business public. As to the means which must necessarily be employed to increase its use, it has been stated previously that these depended largely upon the discretionary power of the reserve admin- istration. It was not a matter of slavish devotion to the terms of the statute. Favorable discrimination was con- fined by the act to the provisions relating to open-market operations and to those bearing upon the amount of redis- countable paper bearing the signature of any one party. It is therefore necessary to inquire next as to the precise means employed by the reserve management to extend the use of such paper. In circulars issued November 16, 1914, and April 2, 1915, the F^ederal Reserv^e Board outlined certain special privileges and preferential rates of discount to be enjoyed by the acceptance. But the trade acceptance as a distinct class of commercial paper dates its origin to the issuance of Regulation J, Series of 1915. By this regulation the name, "trade acceptance," is devised for double-name commer- cial paper which conforms to certain requirements. The intention was to find a means of distinguishing this new type of commercial paper from other paper, similar in form, but lacking some of its essential characteristics. For instance, the trade acceptance would be similar in form to a draft arising from other sorts of transactions than those purely commercial. To deserve the title of " trade accept- ance" and to enjoy the special privileges which it was proposed to grant it, the paper must conform to the follow- ing qualifications: First, it must be drawn by the seller of the goods against the buyer. Second, it must be drawn on account of the indebtedness created by the transfer of the goods and for no other reason. Third, it must be accepted by the buyer under conditions whereby the date of pay- Ii6 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY ment is made certain. When presented to a reserve bank for discount, such paper must bear the endorsement of a member bank, and must have a maturity at time of redis- count of not more than ninety days. Evidence of the nature of the underlying transaction could consist of a cer- tificate to the effect that "The obligation of the acceptor of this bill arises out of the purchase of goods from the drawer." If it so desired, the district directorate could inquire into the exact nature of the basic operation. A perusal of the terms of this regulation will suggest the answer to the query as to why this favored class of paper must be made out solely in the form of the draft. Would not a promissory note for the amount of the goods ten- dered to the seller by the purchaser possess the virtues desired for the trade acceptance, namely, that the paper be double-name and that it arise out of an operation of commerce? Discrimination in favor of the draft depended, not on belief that the form of the paper proves the nature of the operation, but upon the belief that a trade transac- tion can ordinarily be proved more readily when the paper is in the form of a draft. In case of the draft the seller and not the buyer takes the initiative in making out the trans- action. The buyer may postpone so long the making out of the note that it might be difficult to determine which of a series of operations was financed by any one piece of paper. The draft lends itself readily to the requirement that proof of the transaction be available at the time the paper is presented to the banker. If desired, the bank can insist that the bill of lading and other shipping documents be attached to the note which is offered for discount. What success has been realized in the endeavor to popu- larize such paper? Complete and accurate information regarding this matter is difficult or impossible to obtain. Some indication of the use of this paper may be had by DEVELOPMENT OF TRADE ACCEPTANCE 117 examining the discount operations of the reserve banks in such a way as to compare the amount of trade acceptances discounted to commercial paper of all classes. Figures are not given for open-market operations, since the volume of these reflects too greatly the volition of the reserve man- agement. What we need to obtain is information indica- tive of the holdings of member banks.* Trade Acceptances Dis- Total of all Classes Percentage of Trade Year counted FOR Member of Discounted Paper Acceptances to all Banks Classes of Dis- In Thousand* 3 of Dollars 1920 . . $192,157 $85,320,874 .2 1919.. 138,420 79.173.970 .1 1918.. . .; 187-373 ^ . 39.752,934 •4 1917.. 37.771 8,968,990 •4 I916 . . 5-212 207,870 2.5 These figures do not indicate any such startling growth in the use of trade acceptances as to suggest a sudden and complete revolution in trade credit methods. Of course the nature of reserve bank operations does not portray with exactness the condition of member bank portfolios. But the larger the amount of acceptances held by member banks, the greater the probability that the proportion of this paper discounted to that of other classes will be large, and vice versa. But in one way these figures may not do exact justice to the acceptance. In the earlier years of reserve operations the trade acceptance was discountable at a lower rate than other classes of paper. Later this preference was eliminated. At no time, however, was there a rate discrimination against the trade acceptance. And the general conclusion derived by examining the fig- ures is confirmed by the prevailing type of literature upon the subject. A very large portion of it attempts to explain ' Figures are obtained from the Annual Reports of tiic Federal Reserve Board. ii8 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY the nature of the difficulties encountered in the endeavor to secure its popularization. Let us next, therefore, at- tempt to state some of the obstacles which stood in the way of a wide extension of its use. A first difficulty was the easily explained hostility of many of the stronger firms in various industries. Many such hesitated to encourage the use of a new instrument which tends to place their smaller rivals on a position of credit equality. In Warburg's words : * When borrowing on Its own note, the strong firm, with well- established credit, can obtain larger loans and on more favor- able terms than its small competitor, and it is, therefore, in position to finance Its purchases and its sales on a more favor- able basis than the small firm. It gains the advantage both as to the larger scope of business It can do and the lower interest rate it enjoys. True, it could probably do a larger business than at present by adopting the trade acceptance plan, but by thus adopting the trade acceptance basis small firms would probably profit more in proportion than the larger ones; their handicap would be lightened. It is necessarily more difficult to secure an inroad for the acceptance by appealing to the smaller establishments. Their customs and methods are not studied so thoroughly by the trade as are those of their larger rivals. The lead must be taken by the leaders. And it could not be expected that weaker establishments, those with a very low credit rating, could be led easily to, seize the opportunity of removing their credit disadvantage by adopting the accept- ance. These weak firms object to binding themselves to pay on a definite date. Moreover, there has been no desire on the part of the acceptance propagandists to make this type of paper the resort of the weak firm. No paper can classify more highly than the standing of the obligee. Much difficulty has also been experienced in converting • From address published in part in BuUelin, July, 1918, p. 605. DEVELOPMENT OF TRADE ACCEPTANCE 119 the commercial banker to the new method. To quote Warburg again : ^ Some bankers assert that in buying a promissory note the mere fact that they are conscious of buying the naked note of a customer furnishes a reason for their feeling obliged to carefully analyze the statement of the customer and to judge the merit of the borrower upon the statement of the iatter's financial condition. They allege that this practice is safer than that of purchasing a trade acceptance issued by the same firm, because, as they say, in that case they are likely to rely on the legitimate character of this double-name paper without examin- ing as cautiously as they otherwise would the general condition of the borrower. The answer to this view has been stated previously. Bankers who purchase acceptances should examine the financial condition of the parties as carefully as when dis- counting a single-name promissory note. It never was contemplated that a change in the form of paper would eliminate the necessity of such examination. Such a result would be an unfortunate by-product of the trade accept- ance movement. Some firms which employ the trade acceptance are obliged frequently to borrow on their own single-name note. A question which confronts the banker In such situa- tions is whether the use of the acceptance in other trans- actions impairs the quality of this paper. Some bankers have answered this question in the affirmative by announc- ing their reluctance to buy the single-name paper of a borrower who practices the sale of his trade acceptances.' The reason given for this view is that whoever buys a trade acceptance acquires the first lien on what would otherwise have represented one of the accounts receivable of the concern which drew the acceptance, and in addition to that lien, in case of ' From address publislicd in part in Bulletin, July, 1918, p. 604. 'Ibid. 120 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY bankruptcy of the drawer of the acceptance, the holder of that acceptance would rank equally with the unsecured note holder as a general creditor for any part of the acceptance which the acceptor might not have paid. The answer to this contention has already been indi- cated. Examination and financial analysis are as necessary as in the case of the unsupported single-name note. With proper care this objection should not hold. Unless its privileges are abused, the practice of accepting should improve the borrower's credit rating. It implies a willing- ness to meet obligations on a definite date and a desire to avoid buying in excess of ability to pay. All in all it appears that the reserve management has been amply justified in lending its aid to the trade accept- ance movement. But the moment special privileges are granted, new difficulties arise. Inevitably attempts are made to create a paper, similar in form to the trade accept- ance, but for purposes not contemplated by the reserve administration. Unless such attempts are checked, the distinctive place of the trade acceptance as an easily liquidated type of commercial paper is lost. One of these objectionable methods has been to employ it in old accounts. Because of the greater proportion of bad debts, in such cases it would not have been surprising had the Board ruled that the draft thus drawn did not con- form to its conception of the trade acceptance. The Board might have ruled that the draft must be drawn only at the time of the transfer of the goods. But in this matter the Board's ruling was liberal. In an Informal Ruling we read : * A bill drawn by a retail dealer on his retail customer to finance the sale of goods to that customer is a trade acceptance within the meaning of the Board's regulations, even though it is drawn after the purchaser has failed to remit promptly on an open account. ' Bulletin, January, 191 8, p. 30. DEVELOPMENT OF TRADE ACCEPTANCE 121 But even though such drafts might be held technically admissible, it is suggested, as a matter of not subordinating "the trade acceptance to the open account by suggesting it as a last resort for bad debts," that reserve banks "should be encouraged to discriminate against them as far as possible. ..." In the minds of some, doubt existed as to the status of the trade draft on occasions when the purpose of the buyer was not to resell the goods, but to use them for some other purpose. The argument against the admission of these drafts would be that such use destroys their character as paper automatically redeemed out of the sale of the goods. Aside, however, from the difficulty of ascertaining the facts in each case, such a limitation might confine the acceptance too largely to the field of distribution and ren- der it more difficult for the manufacturer and producer to derive advantage through the development of this new type of trade paper. On strictly logical grounds, moreover, it might not make so much difference whether the goods were to be resold. They might be used in such a way as to aid the purchaser in the sale of other goods. They might assist in increasing the liquidation of other goods. But the basic transaction must be real and not ficti- tious. Various subterfuges are attempted frequently to enable the drawing of the drafts, which are then paraded as bona fide acceptances. One of the more common of these devices is the formation of subsidiary sales corpora- tions which act as the acceptors of the drafts. In reality the transaction may not involve even the transfer of goods from one department of the business to another. Such bills come close to classifying as those in which the drawer makes out the draft against himself. In another connection the status of a bill, which in effect was drawn by the drawer against himself, was stated in an 122 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY opinion of M. C. Elliott, then Counsel of the Federal Reserve Board:* "In substance such an instrument is a promissory note, single-name paper and no more." But subsidiary corporations, subsidiary though they be, pos- sess an independent corporate life. Would, then, a "draft drawn by a lumber corporation upon a sales corporation which it and a number of other lumber concerns have organized . . . when accepted, become a trade accept- ance, even though the selling corporation is a stockholder of the sales corporation "?' The opinion of counsel in this case was couched in very general terms. The status of the paper would depend upon the purpose underlying the existence of the sales corpora- tion. Such paper could be classified as trade acceptance paper if the sales corporation was organized in good faith and not merely as an agent of the selling corporation, to evade the law. Such a conclusion would follow logically from the acceptance of the premise that the transaction must display evidence of some real progress in the process of manufacture, production, or distribution. The transfer of goods from a corporation to a mere agent or subsidiary might not be an essential step in hastening the goods in their journey toward the ultimate consumer, even though the buying corporation did possess an independent corpo- rate life. Another difficulty concerned the use of the trade accept- ance in renewals. It is clear that, if merchants should develop the practice of taking new bills in renewal for those maturing, the distinctive quality of trade acceptance, a bill quickly redeemable out of the sale proceeds, would be destroyed. Such a renewal trade draft would be much akin to that arising in the settlement of past-due accounts. » BtiUetin, September i, 191 6, pp. 462-63. * Ibid., January i, 1918, p. 33. DEVELOPMENT OF TRADE ACCEPTANCE 123 Accordingly we find the American Acceptance Council insisting tliat if an extension of the credit is given, it should be in the form of a promissory note with interest.'' Opinions vary considerably regarding the extent to which the acceptance has been thus employed. Regarding this matter the American Acceptance Council states : ^ So far as we have learned, however, these practices have been largely, if not entirely, confined to houses of minor importance, and they were possibly not surprising in view of the period of credit strain which was endured last summer and autumn, particularly in the textile lines, regarding which the complaints were most general, and the ignorance or lack of appreciation among the smaller and less well-informed commercial concerns as to the proper use of the trade acceptance. A flabbiness of commercial moral fibre may also have been a contributing cause. These were a few of the difficulties encountered in the endeavor to win for the acceptance a reputation as the purest type of commercial paper. Continuous vigilance was necessary to prevent misuse. But problems of policy also arose which retarded its rapid development. One of these related to the number and strength of the firms whose allegiance to the acceptance should be sought. In this matter the financial administration was con- fronted with two alternatives. Either the acceptance must be pushed zealously among all firms indiscriminately, irrespective of their credit standing, and for multitudinous sorts of transactions; or, the propaganda must be begun slowly and cautiously, confining its use to firms with high credit rating and for bona fide commercial transactions. The latter was the only feasible policy. Little improve- ment over former methods would have been achieved by the adoption of the acceptance in all types of transactions. ' Cf. Commercial and Financial Chronicle, April 2, 192 1, p. 1345. » Ibid. 124 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY In fact, the trade acceptance presented some grave ele- ments of danger if its use became general. One of these — over-buying — may easily arise in situations where the banker neglects to take the usual precautions of examina- tion. This depends upon the fact that the trade accept- ance is, in form, readily negotiable. Many illustrations of this danger were presented in the crisis of 1920-21. Some receiverships were explained as due to over-buying encour- aged in just this way. When the seller hesitated to tie up more funds by sales on credit, he would be requested to continue to ship goods, taking in payment an acceptance, which, it was argued, could be discounted easily. The very liquidity of the trade acceptance created the temptation to sell in excess of the normal volume. When the crisis came, many firms were caught with excessive stocks on their shelves and in their warehouses. It is true that a more conservative bank-credit policy would have served to check such excessive activity quite irrespective of the sort of trade paper available. But the trade acceptance rendered it easier for the banks to fur- nish the unsound credits. Bankers had to be impressed again and again with the fact that nothing In the nature of the acceptance justifies refusal to take due precautions regarding the analysis of the credit standing of the parties to the bill. It appears, therefore, fortunate that the propa- ganda has proceeded slowly and cautiously, that in the beginning the main campaign was begun among the strong, representative firms in lines of industry where the accept- ance was expecially applicable. It would have been a mis- take, perhaps irretrievable, to have tried to encourage its use among firms of poor credit rating. Care also had to be taken not to push the acceptance too rapidly into indus- tries where the buyer would Interpret its use as a reflection upon the soundness of his financial standing. DEVELOPMENT OF TRADE ACCEPTANCE 125 With this brief discussion of the difficulties of extending the use of the acceptance, we may now be prepared to offer a more conclusive answer regarding the necessity of a cen- tral banking system in our credit structure. Experience seems to have proven that, no matter how great may be the advantages ultimately obtainable from the use of the acceptance, a rapid increase in its use would have brought many evils. Despite the encouragement of an active propa- ganda and of a preferential rate of rediscount, the trade acceptance to-day is employed relatively infrequently. Without a strong central institution to foster its use by rediscounts and direct purchase, its sound growth must have been even less rapid. No small part of its present attainments is due to the belief that the reserve banks were ready to employ their funds if necessary in the acquire- ment of the acceptances of prime quality. A final query yet remains for brief consideration. What limitations exist regarding the amount of trade accept- ances discountable by member and reserve banks? Let us first consider the matter of limitations applicable to the member banks in their discounts for their clients. It will be recalled that section 5200 of the Revised Statutes limits the amount of advances to any one person, firm, or corporation to an amount not exceeding ten per cent of the bank's capital and surplus. But to this general statement there are certain exceptions. Among these is "commercial or business paper actually owned by the per- son negotiating the same." It has been held that this exempts the trade acceptance, since it classifies as paper of this sort. To quote from an Opinion of Counsel in the Bulletin: * ... a trade acceptance negotiated in good faith by the bona fide owner would be exempt from the limitations of section 5200 • October i, 19 18, p. 974. 126 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY as "commercial or business paper actually owned by the person negotiating the same." But what is the situation with respect to the amount of trade acceptances permissible for rediscount by a reserve bank? Section 13 of the act limits the amount of paper bearing the name of any one borrower to an amount equal to ten per cent of the member bank's capital and surplus. But an exception to this statement is made by the follow- ing clause : This restriction shall not apply to the discount of bills of ex- change drawn in good faith against actually existing values. The decisive question relates to the question of when a bill will be considered as drawn against "actually existing values." Here there are two possibilities: first, when the bill is discounted before acceptance; second, when dis- counted subsequently to acceptance. Before accepted by the buyer, the bill could not be interpreted as being properly secured by the personal obligation of the buyer. Actually existing values must then be proved by the goods themselves. Unaccepted bills do not form an exception to the general provision unless title can be shown to the goods. To quote from an Opinion of Counsel in the March i, 191 7, Bulletin: ^ A bill of exchange discounted before acceptance may be said to be drawn against actually existing value, within the meaning of section 13 of the Federal Reserve Act, when and only when it is accompanied by shipping documents, warehouse receipts, or other papers securing title to the goods sold. An accepted bill, however, may be considered as drawn against actually existing values if drawn against the drawee at the time of, or within a reason- able time after, the shipment or delivery of the goods sold. ' Page 195. DEVELOPMENT OF TRADE ACCEPTANCE 127 [But] In this latter case there must be reasonable grounds to believe that the goods are in existence in the hands of the drawee either in their original form or in the shape of the proceeds of their sale. Bills accepted before sale or delivery of the goods could not be treated as drawn against actually existing values, however, unless the goods have been placed in storage under the order of the drawee. Such goods would not be in the possession of the drawee in original form or in the shape of the proceeds of the sale. The essential commer- cial nature of the transaction would then be lacking. CHAPTER VII AGRICULTURAL CREDIT UNDER THE FEDERAL RESERVE It has long been recognized that the credit needs of the agricultural classes differ widely from those of the purely commercial or mercantile interests. Among other charac- teristics agricultural credit needs are relatively long-time, and are subject to pronounced seasonal variations. It might have been expected, accordingly, that a special set of institutions would have been evolved in this country to obtain capital from the investment public for agricultural purposes. For the most part, however, these institutions have been undeveloped here, and the national banking institutions with which the farmer has dealt have been patterned more in accordance with the needs of commerce and distribution. Mercantile and distributive credit requirements are far different from those of agriculture. Justification for the restrictions relating to real estate loans in the National Banking Law, however, was easy to establish. In most part these restrictions were the result of past disasters which developed when bank funds were employed to promote excessive land speculation. From the standpoint of logic, also, the desirability of limiting loans on real estate security seemed clear. Since the great bulk of the deposits of the national banks are demand deposits, should not institutions whose obligations are payable on call be required to keep their assets liquid? Had not past experience proved the slowness of real estate paper? At any rate, these restrictions were a part of the National Banking Law. AGRICULTURAL CREDIT 129 It has sometimes seemed difficult to account for the marvelous development of an industry thus handicapped in its borrowing facilities. Explanation is twofold. First, credit has been obtained largely from other sources; second, the farmer's past credit needs were relatively limited. Land was cheap and farming could be begun with a limited amount of equipment. As cultivation was con- ducted on a more and more intensive scale, new capital was required, but this was supplied largely out of past profits. Farming was creating in large measure its own funds for extensions. The industry was seasonal in its nature, but during the slack seasons employment was fur- nished by the work of further clearing, building erection, extension of the cultivated area. Goods were brought on time from the local merchant, and, although the price paid for this sort of credit has undoubtedly been high, the farmer has been somewhat slow to perceive that the cost of credit emerged in the price exacted for the goods. Gradually, however, the dependence of the farmer upon the bank, even for short-term credit, has become more intense. Farm machinery is costly, and the amount required by modern methods is increasing. The horse is beginning to give away to the tractor; this is an era of the automobile, motor truck, gasoline engine, steam plough, artificial fertilizer, and blooded live stock. Between 1900 and 19 10 census figures show a pcr-acre increase in the value of farm implements and machinery of 61.8 per cent. Development of new land has become more difficult with- out credit aid. Very little cheap and easily cultivated land is now available; farm-land extension has necessitated expensive methods of cultivation, such as dry-farming and irrigation. At the same time education and propaganda have become more and more con\-incing in regard to the high cost of credit obtained indirectly from the store- 130 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY keeper. Under the store lien system the farmer obtaining credit obliges himself to sell his goods through the store- keeper. He obtains customarily low prices on his sales and pays very high prices on his supplies. In an article on agricultural credit Professor E. W. Kemmerer quotes Mr. George K. Holmes, of the United States Department of Agriculture, as follows:* The rate of interest on the liens on the cotton crop of the South, it is safe to say, probably averages 40 per cent a year. All cotton men will agree that it is at least that. The store sys- tem of the South is a sort of peonage; that is what it amounts to with the cotton planter. With similar experiences elsewhere, the desirability as well as the necessity of drawing more largely upon the commer- cial bank became apparent. The growing needs of bank credit granted, we may next inquire as to the ability of existing institutions to supply it. Attention has already been called to the provision of the National Banking Law limiting loans on real estate security. But State bank restrictions were usually not onerous. It was often not so much a matter of the legal impossibility of making the credit advance as of the finan- cial undesirability to the banker of the farmer's paper. As previously mentioned, agricultural credit of necessity must be relatively long-time. The farmer is engaged in a pro- ducing activity; not until he has a product in salable form is he in shape to make repayment of the loan. A note drawn to obtain funds for the purchase of cattle or seed- grain cannot be redeemed out of the sale proceeds until sufficient time has elapsed for the cattle to be fattened or for the grain to become the harvested crop. The farmer's operations are much more akin to those of the manufac- ' Cf. E.W. Kemmerer, "Agricultural Credit in the United States," ^mertcaw Economic Review, December, 19 12, pp. 852-72. AGRICULTURAL CREDIT 131 turer than to those of the retailer, jobber, or wholesaler. Three months is ordinarily a very short maturity for the average farmer's note. It should be borne in mind that it may be much more hazardous for the farmer to depend upon renewals than for the retailer or wholesaler. It may be inconvenient for either of the latter to have their notes called. But a forced sale, by marking down prices, is usually possible. Goods unsold exist presumably in salable form. Not until after the harv'esting season, however, is the farmer in possession of readily marketable goods. But is it legitimate for the farmer to depend upon the commercial bank for such credit needs? Has he a right to insist that the commercial bank supply capital not return- able in a very short period? The answer is several fold. Many of his needs are for purposes much more quickly and easily liquidated than the sort of advances which in the early days created the prejudice against real estate loans. Then our difficulties arose in the purchase of land before cultivation was practicable. Loans for the purchase of machinery or cattle are far different in character. But irrespective of all this, the commercial bank supplies much more capital to the merchantile interests for developmental purposes than is ordinarily supposed. The stock and bond investments of the commercial bank have been enormous. But at any rate the commercial bank may be the only institution available for the farmer. He cannot offer his stock or bonds to the investment public through the in- strumentality of the bond house. Neither have there been perfected here cooperative credit institutions for the pur- pose of appealing to the investing public. In Europe, by way of contrast, such associations have accomplished much. Details of their organization vary. But usually the plan involved the acquirement by the society of the mort- 132 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY gages on the property of the members who desire advances. On the basis of these mortgages, the society offers its paper to the public. The investor is thus protected by the collective security of the members' obligations. But in America orgainzations had not even developed to such an extent as to preserve for the agricultural borrower funds saved by members of his own class. Savings bank invest- ments, built up in part from farmer's deposits, have been made customarily in corporate bonds of industrial enter- prises. In the course of time such institutions as the Land- schaften in Germany may take root here. But sudden development cannot be expected. In the meanwhile the commercial bank must be organized to offer legitimate credit aid to the farmer. Not only are the farmer's requirements long-time ; they are also subject to pronounced seasonal fluctuations. Banks which commit their funds to industrial undertak- ings in the off season may find themselves unable to take care of the farmer during the busy spring-planting or fall crop-moving period. Deposits with banks in the financial centers could normally be withdrawn without difficulty. But during the season of agricultural strain the security market might be temporarily low and render inadvisable liquidation of bond investments. Limitations on the farmer's ability to sell commercial paper in the open market already have been mentioned. The frequent preference of the banker for industrial rather than for agricultural clients may be traced in part to the unsteady credit appe- tite of the agricultural borrower. The special needs of the farmer understood, a next in- quiry was to ascertain the means by which relief could be granted. EveryAvhere the hope was expressed that there should be a continued development of cooperative agri- cultural credit societies. But what role should the com- AGRICULTURAL CREDIT 133 mercial national bank play in all this? Of course it was insisted that the legal restrictions of the National Banking Law be modified. It was asserted that the real estate loan limitations were driving business from national banks to State banks, and that attempts to avoid this loss of business explained many subterfuges and indirect methods of evading the terms of the statute. Frequently the stock- holders of a national bank would organize a State bank in the same building and under the same roof. The same set of officers would keep the books of the two institutions, direction would be harmonized, clients would be mutual. Only in one respect were they separate institutions, and that was in the fact of their separate corporate life. Bor- rowers on real estate mortgages would be "recommended " to the "other" bank under the archway. To the extent that the law created subterfuges of this sort, the chief result was to lessen the size of the national banking system and add to the prestige of the State banks. It could also be argued that the restrictions of the law, in many situations, lessened rather than increased the soundness of national bank assets. National banks could not loan on real estate security, but were permitted to dis- count the unsupported note of a farmer. Before the matur- ity of the unmortgaged note, the borrower might execute a lien in another borrowing operation in favor of a State bank. In case of the insolvency of the borrower, the national bank's claim to the property would be inferior to that of the State institution. The national bank could have acquired a prior lien had it been permitted at the time of the loan to demand a mortgage. But one fact relating to the safety of farm loans seems strangely to have been overlooked by many students of agricultural credit. It is true that in tiie past some of our most severe crises were due to over-speculation in land. It 134 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY is also true that farm borrowings are for a relatively long period of time and that the commercial bank deposits should be protected by easily liquidated holdings. Still, in past depressions the speed with which agriculture has recovered often has been astounding. Poor years may come, markets or crops may fail, but the nucleus of the farm organization remains intact. It is the exceptional case to find the farm in a good agricultural district totally deserted and rendered destitute of equipment. It is seldom abandoned as may be the case in an unprofitably estab- lished factory or shop. And steadily land values have increased. The big drops in this country have been due usually to temporary speculative reaction and represent only momentary oscillations on a steadily ascending curve. These considerations should not be interpreted as an argument for the total removal of restrictions on real estate loans. The commercial bank must keep its assets in fairly liquid shape ; it cannot base its advances on ulti- mate prospects. But no large proportion of a bank's assets need ordinarily be liquidated suddenly. Would there not be justification, accordingly, for permitting to a limited extent investments protected by real estate mortgages? But what provisions should have been inserted in the Federal Reserve Act relating to agricultural credit? The reserve banks were to be bankers' banks to guarantee, particularly in periods of emergency, the redeemability of member bank assets. They were to be the ultimate reserve holding institutions of the country. It, accordingly, was a matter of absolute necessity that they maintain their own assets liquid. The paper discountable was to be of the short-time, automatically liquidating variety. What room would there be in the Federal Reserve Act for a provision rendering it possible for a member bank to lend on real AGRICULTURAL CREDIT 135 estate security? Logically none, unless such paper were eligible for rediscount or direct purchase. A change in the law not concerning directly the operations of reserve banks should appear in the form of an amendment to the National Bank Act. Nevertheless, a provision of this sort did appear in the Federal Reserve Act. In addition to this modification of the previous legal difficulty regarding real estate loans, it would be expected that something would have been attempted in the way of removing the financial undesirability of agricultural paper. Accordingly, certain preferences are granted agricultural over other sorts of commercial paper in the rediscount operations of reserve banks. ' We may now quote the provisions of the Federal Reserve Act of special importance to the agricultural borrower. The most important provisions of the statute are three. The first of these, in section 24, is not related to rediscount- ing. The original act read as follows in this section : Any national banking association not situated in a central reserve city may make loans secured by improved and unen- cunihcrcd farm land situated within its P^edera! reserve district, but no such loan shall be made for a longer time than five years, nor for an amount exceeding fifty per centum of the actual value of the property ofTered as security. Any such bank may make such loans in an aggregate sum equal to twenty-five per centum of its capital and surplus or to one-third of its time deposits and such banks may continue hereafter as heretofore to receive time deposits and to pay interest on the same. Then followed a statement to the efTect that the Federal Reserve Board could add to the list of cities in which national banks would not be permitted to make loans. Except for this, this section is not related in any direct way to the reserve mechanism. This section was later amended. Under certain restric- tions banks in the permitted cities may make loans on real 136 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY estate as well as upon farm-land. Also, the bank advanc- ing the funds need not be situated within the same dis- trict, provided the real estate or farm-land is "located within one hundred miles of the place in which such bank is located." The second of the agricultural credit provisions is found in the rediscounting section, 13. Whereas eligible com- mercial paper must have a maturity of three months or less, notes, drafts, and bills drawn or issued for agricultural purposes or based on live stock and having a maturity not exceeding six months may be discounted in an amount to be limited to a per- centage of the capital of the Federal reserve bank, to be ascer- tained and fixed by the Federal Reserve Board. This is the most important concession to the special needs of the agricultural interests to be found in the act. The ac- complishments under this section later will be considered. The last of these provisions of special importance to agriculture is to be found in the amendment to the act bestowing upon national banks power to accept certain types of domestic bills and drafts. Since no specific prefer- ential treatment is hereby granted agricultural paper, it might not appear to warrant mention in a chapter devoted to agricultural credit. But the domestic acceptance should prove peculiarly useful in removing many difficulties hitherto encountered in the marketing of farm crops. As will appear more clear later, the bank acceptance is a method whereby the client's bank is enabled to aid him to secure funds from other banks. If the local banker is tem- porarily without funds and cannot discount the applicant's note, it may agree to accept a draft drawn against it by the prospective borrower. This accepted draft may be peddled around the market and because of the financial standing of the acceptor should find a ready market. It is as if the local bank had guaranteed the note of the client. AGRICULTURAL CREDIT 137 The farmer is in peculiar need of reaching the outside investment market in some such way as this. The seasonal character of agricultural operations often creates a strain too severe for the local banker. But the farmer unassisted has no way of securing the use of idle funds available else- where. He cannot have his notes peddled over the country by the note broker. His standing in the investment mar- ket is not such as to permit this. In view of these facts it seems strange to the writer that the special applicability of the acceptance to the farmer's marketing problems so frequently has been overlooked. With these, the pertinent provisions of the statute, we may next inquire as to the agricultural credit policy of the reserve management. Has it adopted a liberal or illiberal policy in the administration of its duties? Inasmuch as a prime function of the Federal Reserve Board is to define eligible paper, we may first test its liberality by examining some of its most important decisions so far as these have to do with the admission of paper to the agricultural class. Undue strictness and conservatism would tend to restrict the willingness of member banks to make loans of needed maturity to the applicant farmers. A first problem had to do with the interpretation of these words of the statute, "based on live stock." A strict construction might have held "based on live stock" to be synonymous with "secured by live stock." The Board ruled, however, that the farmer's note need not be protected by a chattel mortgage on the stock. ' " Based on " is thus made to refer to the purposes of the farmer's note. If the funds were borrowed in order to acquire the stock the stock comprises part of the assets of the farmer guan anteoing his ability to pay. This ruling made possible,, accord ingly.thcemployment of less red tape in the advance of funds to the farmer. ' Sec Bulletin, ]u\\v i, 1915, (). 72. 133 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY A second interesting ruling related to the eligibility of notes given by farmers in payment for tractors to be used in agricultural operations. It is to be assumed, of course, that the tractors were not intended to be resold. The main question here was whether tractors were to be classified as a permanent fixed investment. If they were so classified, the farmer's note would not be rediscountable. It would appear as if much justification would exist for such a clas- sification. It is to be expected that the life of the tractor would extend over several seasons, and it could not be regarded as an expense chargeable to the revenues of any one season. Would not expenditures of this sort correspond to those invested in permanent drainage improvements, in silos, and in buildings? The act, however, stipulated as eligible paper that based upon live stock. Would it be possible to show the similarity of tractor paper to that of live-stock paper? If the law was to be construed strictly, this would appear to offer the sole means of holding such paper agricultural. This means was seized upon by the Board. In the words of the ruling: ^ Horses and mules bought for farm work are purchased with several years' use in view, yet there can be no question that a note given by a farmer in payment of a pair of mules to be used in farm work, maturing within six months, is eligible as agri- cultural paper. Where tractors are used to supplement the work of horses or mules or are used altogether instead of these ani- mals, it seems to the Board that notes given by farmers for the purchase price of tractors, and maturing within six months, should be admitted to discount as agricultural paper, . . . Implement paper, however, would present a situation in which solution could not be found by stressing the similarity to live-stock paper. Very early the Board was compelled to decide between a wide and a narrow con- ' BulleUn, April i, 1918, pp. 309-10. AGRICULTURAL CREDIT 139 struction of the act. Decision in this matter comes closer to indicating the desire of the Board to render as available to the farmer as possible the facihties of the reserve system. The Board admitted ' that it was a very close question whether agricultural implements are to be considered as permanent improvements or as a part of the cost of operation. But as ground for liberality it must be considered that machinery of this kind is not of a permanent character. It wears out rapidly and in most cases has to be replaced within a comparatively short time, so that it may be assumed that a certain amount of money would be spent annually and regularly for the purchase and replacement of machinery of this kind. It seems to the writer that it is extremely doubtful whether in other situations so much stress would be placed upon the fact that capital expenditures may be distrib- uted fairly evenly over a series of years. Would a manu- facturer's notes be eligible for the purpose of constructing buildings in such a way as to keep the erection costs approximately equal from year to year? Would the equip- ment notes of a railroad company be eligible because the replacement costs for rolling stock might display yearly uniformity? Prophetic vision is not required to answer these queries in the negative. The real intent of the Board appears to be expressed in the following:^ As the Board by its regulations does not desire unnecessarily to restrict, but rather to encourage, the facilities to be given, as far as that may be done consistently with prudence, it would appear that the wider interpretation in this case should be given. . . . ' Bulletin, February i, 1916, p. 67. » Ibid. 140 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY Certainly in such cases the burden of doubt is not placed against the farm borrower. Would it make any difference, however, who was the presenter of the note for discount? Would the Board be obliged, for instance, to refuse to admit as agricultural the paper presented by a dealer, and insist that the maker, the farmer, must be the presenter of the paper? In case the farmer had given his note to the dealer, which note had been discounted, would eligible agricultural paper have been created? Or, since the facilities are granted to the dealer and not to the farmer, must it not be classified as non-agricultural paper? It is clear that the purpose of the act was to give "spec- ial facilities to farmers." ^ The question, then becomes this — How can these facilities best be granted? In cer- tain situations the farmer might be accommodated to advantage by encouraging the method of note-giving to the dealer. Such a note would be double-name, and very likely would be discounted at a cheaper rate than the farmer's own single-name note. The Board ought not to insist upon the more expensive means of financing agri- cultural operations. It ruled accordingly that to classify as agricultural paper, the maker of the note need not be the presenter.'^ But let us return to other cases in which the question at issue was whether or not the expenditure was for fixed- capital or long-time developmental purposes. One im- portant problem was the classification of notes given for the purpose of draining and tilling farm-land. How liquid would such notes be? How soon would such expenditures contribute to increased farm revenues? Questions of this sort might well involve the amount of expenditures pro- ' Bulletin, February I, 191 6, p. 67. *Jbid. AGRICULTURAL CREDIT 141 portionately to the total farm investment. The Board's ruling, however, made the decision depend upon the nature of land. In its own language: * cases may arise in the reclamation of swamp lands where such lands could not be treated as farm land until expensive drainage systems have been installed. In such case there is doubt of the eligibility of the notes, the proceeds of which are used for this' purpose. Where, however, the land drained is already in use as farm land, the draining may be treated as incidental to the culti- vation of the land, and notes given for such purpose may be rediscounted as agricultural paper. The liberality of this ruling is easily apparent. Ques- tions relating to the amount of such expenditures and their nature, are not even to be raised. The only criterion is whether or not the land previously has been under culti- vation. But even in the case of cultivated land, if such operations as draining do not constitute permanent im- provements — fixed-capital expenditures, in other words — it is difficult to know what might be. Such paper may vary widely from the automatically liquidating variety. A similar sort of decision is raised in connection with farmers' paper arising in the purchase of dairy cattle. In one query to the Board it was stated "" that the cows will be used as dairy cattle which will be retained for a considerable length of time ^ to produce milk, butter, cheese, etc., and that the loan is not made, strictly speaking, for the "breeding, raising, fattening, and marketing of live stock." Nevertheless, the Board held such paper agricultural since "live stock includes cows." It would have been very easy, however, to hold that dairy cows, to be hold permanently, were not "livestock" within the meaning of the act. Live stock is ordinarily ' Bulletin, August i, 19 18, pp. 743-44. ' Bulletin, March i, 1916, p. 112. ^ Italics arc the writer 's. 142 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY sold when fattened. In this sense live-stock paper is auto- matically liquidating. Dairy cattle, however, may not be sold, but contribute to income slowly. Their present sell- ing price represents the capitalization of their future earn- ings. In reality, dairy cattle is as much a fixed-capital expenditure as that required to purchase a building which is to be rented, or a locomotive which is gradually to earn its own replacement cost. These are some of the more interesting and illustrative of the Board's rulings bearing upon the differentiation between agricultural and non-agricultural commercial paper. Our next query concerns the method of identifica- tion of agricultural paper. Has so much red tape been required in the process that the farmer is harassed ? This question relating to implement paper was answered by the Federal Reserve Board, December 30, 1915/ We may quote the following : The nature of the bill, the name of the acceptor, and the name of the drawer would probably indicate that a farmer was the purchaser and an implement dealer the seller of the goods. However, the purchasing member bank will have to satisfy itself in some satisfactory way that the bill is substantially of an agricultural character. A simple memorandum attached to the bill, stating that the bill was drawn in payment of agri- cultural implements, signed either by the acceptor or the drawer, would probably be considered sufficient evidence by the member bank and the Federal Reserve Bank. It will be recalled that by the terms of the statute the amount of agricultural paper purchased by a reser\^e bank could not exceed a certain percentage of its capital stock. The amount of this percentage was to be fixed by the Federal Reserve Board. Some light may be thrown upon the Board's attitude by noting the percentages thus estab- lished. In every case this percentage has been fixed at ninety-nine per cent. This appears very liberal, • Bulletin, February i, 1916, pp. 67-68. AGRICULTURAL CREDIT 143 In still another way a ruHnp^ of the Board was such as to make more difficult chari^es that it was ultra-technical or bureaucratic in matters relating to farm credit. In an informal Ruling in the June, 1915, Btdlethi,^ it held that a member bank need not make an exhaustive inquiry as to the use of funds borrowed in order that the paper might be classed as agricultural. It need only satisfy itself that the primary purpose was agricultural. The agricultural char- acter of the paper would not be destroyed even if it should be established that part of the funds were em- ployed for the support of the borrower's family. So far as commerce and industry are concerned, the reserve system has never endeavored to regulate the inter- est or discount rates member banks might exact. In the marketing of farm crops, we find the sole exception. Dur- ing a portion of its life, reserve banks, in order to facilitate crop marketing, established a discount rate lower than for other classes of paper. But member banks could redis- count at this low rate only on condition that they would pass this advantage on to the borrower. The borrower's paper was not rediscountable if the member bank origi- nally exacted a rate higher than a certain published maxi- mum. This was the special "commodity" rate. The establishment of a special commodity rate grew out of the endeavor of thereserve administration in thesummer of 191 5 to be prepared for any contingencies which might arise in connection with the marketing of the cotton crop. All were aware of the disaster which befell the South and the entire country the year previous because of the sudden cutting off, at the outbreak of the World War, of the European market for the South's most important article of commerce. Accordingly, a committee of the Board sought to inform itself in the summer of 1915 regarding ' Page 72. 144 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY conditions in that industry. It learned that the reduction in cotton acreage had been such that ample storage facili- ties were available in the South for the warehousing of such portion of the crop as might have to be carried over. Hav- ing ascertained that the physical means were at hand for the orderly marketing of the crop, it appeared that the special need was to ensure a sufficiency of bank credit to finance the carry-over. The committee entertained the view that warehouse receipts for cotton, grain, and other staple non-perishable agricultural products of a readily marketable character, form an excellent basis for bank loans. ^ Accordingly, on September 3, 19 15, the Board issued regu- lations according to which notes secured by non-perishable staples receive the benefit of the low special rate. Since the Board was especially desirous that the advan- tage of this low rate should be passed on by the member bank to its customers, it was provided that only paper should be eligible for rediscount at the special rate upon which the member bank's charge was not more than six per cent per annum inclusive of all commissions. This special rate was not to be applied exclusively to cotton, but might serve for other staple commodities such as grain, cotton, and wool. The rate might be adopted by any reserve bank, and was not confined to any one district. To illustrate the manner in which credits might be granted, the following selection is quoted from a statement by the Secretary of the Treasury on September 3, 1915:' A borrower asks his local bank for a loan on his note, secured by warehouse receipts for cotton. If the bank is satisfied that the cotton is in a responsible warehouse, properly insured, and that the note is good, it may make the loan. If the local bank ' Cf. Report of the Federal Reserve Board for 1915, p. 7. 'Bulletin, October i, 19 15, p. 301. AGRICULTURAL CREDIT 145 charges the borrower, a rate of interest, inckidinp; commission, not exceeding 6 per cent per annum, it may indorse the note over to the Federal reserve bank of its district, and the Federal reserve bank may advance to the local bank the full amount of the loan. The rate of interest which the Federal reserve bank will charge the local bank will be sufficiently low, say 3 per cent, to enable the local bank to make loans at a rate of interest not exceeding 6 per cent per annum, and have a liberal margin of profit on such transactions. The principal problem relating to the applicability of this special rate was that of the definition of "readily marketable staples." By this phrase, the intent was merely to confine the use of funds obtained from the reserve bank to goods capable of being graded, and for which a wide market usually existed, a market not ultra- sensitive to changes in consumers' whims and tastes. In one ruling it was held that ^ Potatoes, properly graded and packed and stored in a weatherproof and responsible warehouse, as evidenced by its receipt, would undoubtedly constitute a readily marketable, non-perishable staple within the meaning of the regulation. Although the so-called commodity rate was established some time ago in order to give a preferential rate particularly to farmers during the crop-moving season ^ it was ruled that manufactured goods, such as cotton yam and flour, were staples within the meaning of regulations dealing with this class of paper.^ But such manufactured goods must be non-perishable and have a wide ready market. They must be goods generally produced and well established in commerce, not an extraordinary or unusual commodity for which there is no ready market. 'Cf. Bulletin, Aupiist i, 1917, pp. 614-15. 'Bulliiin, January I, I9I(S, p. 30. 3 Sec Regulations for Scries of 1915 and Bulletin, October i, 1916, p. 523. 146 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY The use made of the commodity rate is indicated by the following figures : ^ Septembers, 1915, to December 31, 1915 $10,315,000 January i, 1916, to December 31, 1916 16,813,200 January i, 1917, to December 31, 1917 11,244,271 These figures display only limited reliance upon this special rate. In the Report of the Federal Reserve Board for 19 1 5 we read the following:' The effect of the commodity paper regulation was mainly anticipatory and protective. The certain assurance that what- ever funds might be necessary for the gradual and orderly marketing of the cotton crop would be available at moderate rates had an immediate and stimulating effect on sentiment. But as the cotton market improved after the fall of 191 5, and as general ease in the money market prevailed, it no longer seemed desirable to offer this special rate. Accord- ingly, we read in the Bulletin for January, 1918,^ that it was merged with the general commercial rate. The prin- cipal significance of the special commodity rate appears to the writer to consist of its indication of the friendly atti- tude of the reserve administration toward the credit needs of agriculture. Let us now consider the matter of the rate of rediscount on six-months agricultural paper with a view of comparing them with commercial paper rates of lesser maturity. On account of the many different rates, and the changes in the basis of classification from time to time, as well as the fact that differences existed between the rates of the various reserve banks, it would be onerous to endeavor to state these results in tabular numerical form. But the follow- ing observ^ations may be made : * Figures obtained from the Annual Report of the Federal Reserve Board. 'Page 8. 3 Page 30. AGRICULTURAL CREDIT 147 1. From November 16, 1914, to January i, 1915, the six-months rate exceeded the rates on shorter maturities never by more than one half of one per cent. In many districts there was no differentiation on the basis of maturities. 2. On January i, 1916, the average rate in the twelve districts on agricultural and live-stock paper maturing after ninety days was five per cent. The corresponding average for the twelve reserve banks on 61-90-day paper was 4 1/6 per cent. 3. On January i, 1917, the average rate on agricultural and live-stock paper maturing after ninety days was 4 7/8 per cent; 61-90-day paper averaged 4.2 plus per cent. 4. On January i, 1918, the average rate on 6-months paper was 5.1 per cent. Corresponding average on 61-90- day paper was 4 5/8 per cent. 5. On January i, 1919, the average rate on 6-months agricultural paper was 5.27 per cent. The corresponding average on 61-90-day paper was 4.79 per cent. 6. On January i, 1920, the average rate on commercial and industrial paper maturing within ninety days was 4.79 per cent. The rate on 6-months paper was 51/8 per cent. 7. October 31, 192 1, the average rate on ninety -day plus paper was 5 2/3 per cent. Corresponding rate on 90- day paper was the same. 8. At no time has agricultural paper been discriminated against as such. The only discrimination has been that due to the length of the maturity. Agricultural paper maturing within ninety days has been discounted at the same rates as other commercial paper. Part of this period, a preferentially low rate of discount was available to the member bank offering a certain type of commodity paper. There has been displayed ncj hostility ai^ainst the agricul- tural interests in the Reserve Board's rate policy. 148 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY With this conclusion reached regarding rates, it becomes difficult to convict the Federal Reserve Board of any fail- ure to recognize the legitimate needs of agriculture. Ir? many cases it has been shown that the definition of eligible agricultural paper has possibly been something more than fair. Bureaucratic methods of identification and certifica- tion have been conspicuous by their absence. At one period, agriculture, by means of the special commodity rate, was given a special low rate under conditions whereby a maximum rate was fixed for member bank charges. Liberality was displayed finally by the Reserve Board in determining the percentage of each reserv^e bank's resources which might be invested in member bank's six-months agricultural or live-stock paper. Unfairness to agriculture must, if it existed at all, have occurred by means of direct methods employed by the district directorates. By direct methods we refer to the refusals of these directorates to accept for discount or purchase good eligible paper from the member banks. Let us next ascertain, so far as is possi- ble, the extent to which agriculture may have encountered hostility in this manner. ^ The period in which to search for this hostile discrimina- tion must be that of 1 921 -21, the years of deflation in agricultural prices. Nobody accused the reserve manage- ment of illiberality in the earlier years. Until the war period the chief concern of the reserve management seems to have been to secure more complete employment fof reserve funds. During the war period and for a year fol* lowing the armistice, credit expansion proceeded at an unexampled rate. What, then, does the evidence show regarding the relative treatment of agriculture and other industry in the years 1920-21? In the Bulletin for August, 192 1,' Governor Harding, of ' Pages 895-99. AGRICULTURAL CREDIT 149 the Reserve Board, in a letter to Senator Owen gives cer- tain figures bearing upon this matter. Some of these may be quoted: On July 9, 1920, the total bills on hand at all Federal reserve banks amounted to $2,934,184,000. On July 6, 192 1, this total amounted to $1,832,499,000, a decrease of $1,101,685,000. . . . The total of agricultural, commercial, and live-stock paper on hand, rediscounted for member banks, on July 6, 192 1, was $1,126,968,000 as against a total of $1,265,243,000 on July 9, 1920, a decrease of only $138,257,000, which is more than accounted for by the decrease in the holdings of paper of this kind by the Federal Reserve Banks of Boston, New York, and Chicago. In other words, The bank liquidation which has taken place has been mainly in financial and industrial centers, and the figures do not indi- cate that there has during the past 12 months been any decrease in Federal Reserve accommodations to banks in the agricultural and live-stock districts, but on the contrary there has been a considerable increase. Similar figures chosen for other dates of 1920-21 point toward the same general conclusion. But such figures as these do not tell the whole story. As prices decline, the need for credit to accomplish the same volume of business recedes also. In the depression of busi- ness in 1920-21, the decline in agricultural prices pro- ceeded much faster than the reduction of credits. Since in the nine agricultural districts there was no decline in hold- ings of agricultural paper, it would appear as if in relation to the state of prices reserve funds were being enlarged consideral)ly for the benefit of agriculture. The fall in the prices of wholesale agricultural products for this period is indicated by the following group index numbers supplied by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics: ' ' Commodities have liecn regroiipe' 4, if)i8. . $ 8.(X)0.ooo Ucccnihcr 31, lOiQ ?273,450,8oo June 28, 1918. . . . 10,390,000 December 31, 1920 249,467,000 December 27, 1918 117,122,000 November i, 1921 123,296,960 212 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY Without further information it might appear as if the reduction in national bank circulation, particularly in the years 191 8 and 19 19, must have been exceedingly heavy. This would seem to follow from the fact that the reserve bank notes were required to be secured by Government bonds, and that the surrender of these bonds to the reserve banks must compel a reduction in national bank currency.* But the figures show no such reduction in national bank circulation. At the close of 192 1 it was approximately the same as in 1914 and had increased somewhat since 1917. Thus: Total Volume of National Bank Notes Circulating in the United States July I, 1917. . . $7i5;420,oio January i, 1919. . $723,532,210 January I 1918 719,212,630 January i, 1920. . 724,338,692 July I, 1918. . . 724,205,485 November i, 1921 743,288,847 Clearly the increase in the volume of Federal Reserve bank notes was not at the expense of the aggregate circu- lation of national bank notes. To what, then, can the in- creased circulation of reserve bank notes be attributed? During the World War the attention of Congress was drawn to the uses which might be made of the stock of silver dollars reposing in the Treasury of the United States. Several Oriental countries were accumulating balances against the United States and our allies and it was not de- sired to meet these claims by exporting gold. So far as silver could be used economically for this purpose, it would seem that the Treasury's stock should be drawn upon. For years this stock had been lying idle as the metallic backing for the silver certificates. Accordingly, by the Pittman Act of April 23, 1918, the Secretary of the Treasury was authorized to melt down ' Unless offset by the purchase of other bonds possessing the circulation privilege. NOTE ISSUES 213 and sell as bullion not more than ^350,000,000 standard silver dollars. The bullion could be sold for the following purposes: first, to conserve the Nation's stock of gold; secondly, to facilitate with silver-using countries the settlement of adverse trade balances; thirdly, to provide silver for subsidiary coinage or domestic use. In order to protect the silver market it was provided that the bullion should be sold at a price of not less than ^i per ounce of silver 1000 fine, and that the silver thus withdrawn must be repurchased by the Treasury at the same price. Since the melting down of the silver dollar would destroy the security for the silver certificates, it was provided that these certificates should be retired at the rate of ^i for each dollar melted down or broken up. This would involve a reduction in one of the elements in our currency. In order to prevent a corresponding contraction in the general circulating medium the Federal Reserve Board was given authority to require reserve banks to issue Federal Reserve bank notes to an amount not exceeding the amount of standard silver dollars thus destroyed. The reserve banks issuing these were required by law to deposit as security United States certificates of indebtedness or one-year United States gold notes. The amount of Federal Reserve notes thus issued under the terms of the Pittman Act was as follows on certain dates: Up to AhfD Including December 31, 1918 $110,803,000 December 31, 1919 259,375,000 December 31, 1920 260,875,000 The Pittman Act was regarded merely as a temporary measure. Section 6 required that, as the silver dollars are recoined through the purchase of silver bullion by the Secretary of the Treasury, Federal Reserve bank notes 214 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY shall be retired in an amount equal to the volume of the dollars so coined. Such purchases of bullion must be made at the rate of ^i an ounce. On April i, 192 1,' it was announced by the Secretary of the Treasury that the re- tirement of Pittman Act certificates had been begun and would be continued gradually. The Pittman Act proved decidedly useful during the war and post-war period. It seems unfortunate, however, that the Treasury was required to repurchase the amount of silver obtained by melting down the dollars. Securing silver certificates by silver coin or bullion is an anomaly in a gold-standard country. The real security for any of our currency, gold, could have been obtained on favorable terms by the final sale of the silver bullion at the highest market silver has commanded in years. We lost our oppor- tunity to work off without great loss our silver, the exist- ence of which had really been a source of embarrassment in previous years. But it may have been politically unwise to estrange the silver interests during the period of hostilities. But no progress in elasticity was made by the issues of Federal Reserve bank notes. It was by the means of another note creation, the Federal Reserve note, that the endeavor was made by the Act of 1913 to provide the truly elastic element in our currency system. These notes are the issues of reserve banks upon the security of commercial paper, and each note bears the distinctive number of the district in which it is issued. By the terms of the original act the method of issue was as follows: Any reserve bank could make application to the Federal Reserve Agent — the member of the district directorate who is the official representative of the Federal Reserve Board — for such amount of the notes as it may ' See Bulletin, April, 192 1, p. 374. NOTE ISSUES 215 require. Such applications must be accompanied by a tender of collateral equal to the amount applied for. By the original act the collateral offered in the application must be notes and bills accepted by the reserv^e bank for rediscount. But the act was later amended in such a way as to include in the collateral paper purchased in the open market. Section 16 now states that the collateral security thus offered shall be notes, drafts, bills of exchange, or acceptances [acquired] under the provisions of section thirteen of this act, or bills of exchange indorsed by a member bank of any Federal reserve district and purchased under the provisions of section fourteen of this Act, or bankers' acceptances purchased under the provisions of said section four- teen, or gold or gold certificates. The Federal Reserve Board can at any time call upon the reserve bank for additional security. These notes were made receivable by all members and reserve banks. They are obligations of the United States and are receivable for all taxes. They are not legal tender for private payments. They may not be counted as a part of the legal reserve of a member bank. Whether or not they may be counted as reserve money by a State bank depends upon law in that State. The first line of security behind these notes is the com- mercial paper (gold in lieu of paper) deposited with the Federal Reserve agent. Reserve banks must also main- tain a forty per cent gold reserve behind these notes. This requirement, however, may be suspended by the Federal Reserve Board. But if the reserve is permitted to fall below forty per cent, a graduated tax paid by the reserve bank will operate as a penalty. These notes will be issued to member banks through the process of rediscount, and offer a means whereby reserve banks can supply the member banks with counter money 2i6 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY without depleting their own reserves. Since they are issued through rediscounts, prevention of excessive issues becomes a part of the problem of rediscount policy. Rate increases, more careful scrutiny of the paper offered by member banks, direct refusals, represent the means of pre- venting unduly large issuance or of compelling their retirement. But what means were provided to secure their speedy return on occasions when the need has passed? The follow- ing devices were included in the Federal Reserve Act. First, the notes of one reserve bank may not be paid out by another reserve bank save by paying as a penalty a ten per cent tax upon the face value of the notes. A mem- ber bank however, located within or without the district of issue may pass them out without restriction. Since a Federal Reserve note may circulate for a long time before being deposited with a reserve bank, this provision cannot be expected to do much in the way of compelling their quick redemption. Secondly, the notes may not be counted as a part of the legal reserves of any member bank. A member bank in need of reserve money will be impelled, therefore, to save them for redemption. But on other occasions of ample reserves member banks may not find it necessary to establish their reserves by the redis- count method. In this situation the return of the notes is not likely to be rapid. Finally, the notes are issued only upon the deposit with the reserve agent of commercial paper. If the reserve banks are rediscounting freely, ample paper should be available to replace the collateral upon its maturity. But if the reserve banks refuse or dis- courage renewals, they may compel member banks to return the notes or their equivalent in other currency. There is no doubt but that the act provides ample means for redemption in cases where redemption is NOTE ISSUES 217 desired. They must be received by any member bank and by any reserv^e bank; if they reach the counter of another reserve bank, they may be collected either directly from the reserve bank of issue or indirectly through the Gold Settlement Fund at Washington. But while there is an open avenue for rapid redemption, nothing short of a strict rediscount policy is likely to result in their being driven home against the will of the holder. They may get into the vaults of State banks which are permitted to count them as reserve money, they may repose in the tills of merchants or pockets of the people, they may form part of the counter money reserve of member banks. Only one situation is likely to explain their return against the will of the holder, that in which they are acquired by another reserve bank than that which issued them. Expansion of these notes in time of need is easy, but whether or not there is to be contraction in slack season and years depends upon the rigor with which the reserve management exer- cises its powers of rediscount control. Mention should be made, however, of a provision in the act which gave the Federal Reserve Board power to exact from the reserve bank an interest charge on all notes issued to the reserve bank not covered by gold or gold cer- tificates in the hands of the agent. The purpose of this provision was to give the Board some power in the way of compelling contraction. Reserv^e banks compelled to meet such a charge would likely exert, by means of higher rates, pressure upon mc^aber banks to return the notes or their equi\'alent in oth^money. In case, however, the reser\'e bank directorate was working in close harmony with the Board, ^^ did not endeavor to thwart the Board's advice to restfllr rediscounts, such pressure would not be re- quired. The writer is not aware that a tax of this sort has yet been imposed upon reserve banks. 2i8 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY In the early period of its existence the volume of re- discounting by reserve banks was exceedingly limited. Nevertheless, a rather large amount of notes got into cir- culation. Since the notes are issued to member banks through the process of rediscounting, the public was at first somewhat puzzled at the existence of so large an out- standing circulation. On analysis, however, it developed that notes once issued were not being retired upon the maturity of the paper rediscounted. Instead of returning the notes to the agent, the reserve bank would deposit gold as "cover." Reserve banks, when called upon by member banks for currency, would ofifer the Federal Reserve notes instead of gold. In this way the notes were becoming virtually gold certificates. A few figures will indicate the extent to which this prac- tice was carried on. On July 2, 191 5, the total amount of notes issued to the reserve banks was ^84, 000, 000. As security for these the Federal Reserve agents held lawful money to the amount of ^70,000, 000. v On June 30, 1916, the amount of note issues was ^176,000,000. ^165,000,000 of the cover for this was lawful money. On June 29, 1917, ^402,000,000 of the security for ^550,000,000 of notes was legal tender money. In other words, the accumulation of cash in the hands of the reserve agents was chiefly cash and only to a limited extent paper. This policy of the Federal Reserve Board was bitterly condemned in certain quarters. The Commercial aiid Financial Chronicle, for instance, ^erted vigorously^ that there was no authority for keqflmg the notes out- standing in this manner, and that the plain intent of the law was to secure their retirement upon the maturity of their paper collateral. Furthermore, the ^Ptrd was charged with usurpation of authority. The act did not then ' Issue of August 7, 1915, pp. 398-400. NOTE ISSUES 219 permit notes to be issued to reserve banks by the deposit of gold with the agent. But the Board was accomplishing virtually this result by, first, issuing the notes on commer- cial paper security, and then, upon the maturity of the paper, making gold the cover. In reality, urged the Chron- icle, the Board was breaking the spirit of the law. Those closely connected with the management of the reserve system did not hesitate sharply to defend this policy. Governor Strong, of the New York Reserve Bank, denied vigorously that the Board was exceeding its authority.' If it had been intended that the notes should represent only paper, a simple provision could have been in- serted in the act to that effect. It was clearly the purpose of the act that the notes should become a part of the gen- eral circulation and the policy of the Board was designed merely to hasten this result. Furthermore, the impound- ing of gold meant no inflation, but, on the contrary, a restriction of bank credit. For neither by reserve banks nor by member banks could the notes be counted as reserve money. As the law then stood there can be little question as to the correctness of Governor Strong's views. The deposit of gold cover with the reserve agents did not restrict the possibilities of credit expansion. But the law was subse- quently amended in many ways, with the general result of increasing the ability of the reserv^e and member banks to expand their deposits. The Chronicle was correct in surmising that the practice of impounding gold as cover was a forerunner of many later events the general trend of which was to alter radically the working of the system. In the development of these plans it was incidentally neces- sary to create a larger fickl for the circulation 2 to 6}4 per cent. But as in the case of qualifications for eligibility,' it was soon perceived that these requirements were too high. Accordingly, upon the applications of the various reserve banks the rates were lowered from time to time. On December 30, 19 14, the rate on 30-day paper was 4^^ per cent in four districts and 5 per cent in all the others.^ Paper of longer maturity commanded slightly higher rates. On this date the differentials were based entirely on maturities. In 1 91 5 further reductions were made. At the close of the year the rate on bankers' acceptances was 2 to 4 per ' See Bulletin, October i, 1915, p. 298. 'See supra, Chapter IV, pp. 82-83. J See Report of the Federal Reserve Board, 1914, Exhibit M, p. 203. DEVELOPMENT, NOV., 1914, TO DEC, 1916 253 cent, the lowest figure usually prevailing; and 90-day trade acceptances were discountable in most districts at 3>^ per cent. The 30-day commercial paper rate was 4 per cent in all districts, save the San Francisco district, where the rate was 3^2 per cent.' Save for a slight tendency toward stiffening at the close of the year, these rates were not altered greatly during 1916.^ In order to indicate the general discount situation during these years, the table on page 254 (Table No. i) is presented. The figures show that the total volume of discounts (column 5) increased considerably in 191 6 over 1915; 1916 also showed a marked shifting in the maturities of the paper. In 191 5 paper maturing in less than 30 days was exceeded both by the 30-60-day paper and the 60-90- day paper. In 1916, however, paper of the shorter matur- ity exceeded all other classes combined. In fact, for the month of December, 1916, discounts of paper maturing within 30 days was considerably larger than the year's total for any of the other classes. This may be interpreted possibly as evidence of the increasing strain upon the money market toward the close of the year. Rediscount- ing was becoming more general and member banks were offering a more representative lot of paper on their redis- count applications. As to the district origin of the paper Table No. 2 on page 254 gives information. In 191 5 there was little de- mand for rediscounts save in the three Southern districts of Richmond, Atlanta, and Dallas. But in 1916 the re- discounts in the Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Chicago districts compared favorably with those in the three Southern districts. » See Report of the Federal Reser\'e Board, 1915, Exliibil A, p. 27. « Cf. Ibid., 1916, Exhibit A, pp. 35-39- 254 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY Table No. i Volume of Discounts for Entire System by Types of Paper* Classification Date M. MURING Within 30 Days 30 Days to 60 Days 60 Days to 90 Days Ac;. Paper Maturing After 90 Days Total Com- mercial Paper Discount En In Thousa.nds of Dollars 1914 November $ 7.306.2 $ 1.929.1 $ 585.6 $ 128.2 S 9,949.1 December 5.074.5 3,250.9 2.620 9 515.6 11.461.9 1915 January 4.109.3 3,627.0 2.365.1 611.4 10,712.8 February 2.957.5 5.421.7 3,265.9 885.2 12,530.3 March 1.798.6 5,257.4 5.162.9 1.180.8 13,399.7 April 1,239.0 3,500.9 4,166.4 1.643.0 10,549.3 May 1.631.5 3,800.8 4.331.1 2,3H2.3 12,145.7 June 1.810.3 3,905.3 5.187.2 2,503.2 13,406.0 July 1.715.9 4.512.4 5.294.3 1.715.4 13.238.0 August 1.700.3 4.990.9 4,520.1 1.022.4 12.233.7 September 1.829.9 6,180.0 5.306.5 1,088.6 14.405.0 October 2.160.4 5,327.4 5.671.0 1,892.0 15.050.8 November 2.730.8 6.242.0 6.791.2 2,505.7 18,269.7 December 2,825.7 5.071.6 5.260.7 2,254.0 15.412.0 Total. 1915 $ 26.509.2 $57,837.4 $57,322.4 $19,684.0 $161,353.0 1916 January $ 2,118.8 $ 3.359.2 $ 4.121.6 $ 1,515.4 $ 11.115.0 February 1,104.3 2.558.4 2.995.8 1,006.1 7.664.6 March 1,202.1 3,176.7 3.805.5 1,203.0 9.387.3 April 4,363.9 2,373.2 3.017.1 1.767.3 11.521.5 May 3,220.0 2,623.3 2.961.3 2,390.9 11.195.5 June 3,271.6 2,377.6 3.084.4 2,926.4 11.660.0 July 10,645.0 2.747.5 4,965.8 1,824.7 20,183.0 August 8.339.6 3,447.3 4,521.7 1.043.2 17.351.8 September 5.342.6 3.898.4 4.107.4 960.4 14,308.8 October 4.392.7 3.492.6 3,126.4 851.5 11,862.9 November 13,497.3 1,626.1 1,895.9 884.8 17,904.1 December 57,555.5 8115,053.1 2,742.6 $34,422.9 2,973.7 S41. 576.6 442 2 63,716.0 Total. 1916 S16,8.?5.9 $207,870.5 ' Figures taken from A nnutU Reports of the Federal Reserve Board. Table No. 2 Distribution of Discounts by Districts In Thousands op Dollars District Nov. 16. 1914-Dec. 31. 1915 J.\N. 1. 1916-D EC. 31. 1916 Per Cent Amount IN 1915 Amount Per Cent Boston $ 2,386.9 1.3 $33,921.9 16.3 New York. . . . 9,668.7 30 22,329.5 10.7 Philadelphia . 6,839.7 3-2 22,328.4 10.7 Cleveland 5.201.3 2.8 6,792.4 3.3 Richmond . . . 47,076.1 27.8 34.377.2 16.5 Atlanta 35.336.6 21.2 22,323.2 10.7 Chicago 14.648.5 5.7 23,178.1 II.2 St. Louis 8,231.2 3.9 8,842.7 4-3 Minneapolis. 5.870.3 3.2 6,473-5 3-1 Kansas City . 11.385.3 6.8 6,817.7 3-3 Dallas 27.795-8 16.6 18,512.5 8-9 San Francisco 8,326.6 4.5 1.973-4 I.O DEVELOPMENT, NOV., 1914, TO DEC, 1916 255 During these years discounting for banks in the Nation's financial center, New York City, was conspicuous because of its almost total absence. The exceptional nature of rediscounts for the metropolitan institutions is indicated by the following statement issued by the New York Fed- f era! Reserve Bank early in December, 1916: * During the course of the day a number of New York City banks, including among others . . . made use of the rediscount facilities of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. While the amounts of the rediscounts were not large, the facility and promptness with which the credits were obtained serves to illus- trate in a practical way, for the first time in the history of the bank, the readiness of the Federal Reserve system to meet the calls made upon it. The officers of the Reserve Bank expressed ' themselves as much gratified with the attitude of the member banks in making use of their facilities, it being apparent that the rediscounting had been undertaken not so much because there was any necessity for it, but rather to inaugurate the prac- tice which, while already a commonplace at other Federal Reserve banks, had not heretofore become an established pro- cedure in New York. The number of member banks accommodated through the discount of commercial paper was somewhat similar in the two years. In 1916, 23.4 per cent of all member banks received discount credits from reserve banks. The figures for 19 14, 191 5, and 191 6 were as in Table No. 3 on page 256. According to the figures of Table No. 4 on page 256, the amount of paper most commonly discounted during 1916 was ^1000 to ^2500. But approximately an ccjuiva- lent amount of pieces in size from ^250 to ^500 and ^500 to ^1000 were discounted. More pieces of paper under j? 100 were discounted than from ^5000 to ^10,000, These facts ' Cf. Commercial and Financial Chronicle, December 9, 19 16, p. 21 18. 256 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY Table No. 3 Number of Member Banks Accommodated Through Discoxjnt OF Commercial Paper District Nov. 16. 1914-Dec. 31, 1915 1915 1916 Boston 29 54 70 88 226 248 221 197 274 366 169 19 49 65 81 226 247 143 129 176 258 360 167 1,920 56 New York 62 Philadelphia 143 Cleveland 50 Richmond 202 Atlanta 209 Chicago 212 St. Louis 114 Minneapolis 174 Kansas City 189 Dallas 301 San Francisco 76 Total 2,073 1,788 Table No. 4 Commercial Paper Discounted by Size for the Year 1916' Size To $100 $100-250. . . . 250-500.... 500-1000. . . 1000-2500. . 2500-5000. . 5000-10,000 Over $10,000 Total. .. Amount in Thousands OF Dollars 4.407 $ 322.6 12,088 2,1374 14.551 5.670.8 14.907 II.39L5 15.460 26,120.4 9,6o8 38,756.2 3.391 26,750.9 1,871 96.720.7 76,283 207,870.5 » See Report of the Federal Reserve Board. 1916, p. 91. tend to combat the assertion that the principal advantages of the reserve system would enure to the large borrower. Table No. 5 on page 257 gives certain information regarding the amount of the open-market purchases dur- ing 1915 and 1916. DEVELOPMENT, NOV., 1914, TO DEC, 1916 257 Table Xo. 5 Total Investment Operations (PaRciiASED Paper and Discounted Paper) In Thousands of Dollars Date co.mmercial Paper Discounted Purchased i Acceptances Bankers' and Trade United States Bonds Purchased Municipal Warrants Purchased 1914 November . . December . . . 1915 January February . . . March April May June July August September . . Octolier .... November . . December. . . $ 9,949-1 11,461.9 10.712.8 12,530.3 13,399-7 10,549.3 12,1457 13,406.0 13,238.0 12,233-7 14,405.0 15,050.8 18,269.7 15,412.0 $ 2,666 8.336 4,'>i8 2,865 4,701 5,9S6 4,656 4.548 6,340 7,919 12,790 $ 205 2,650 2,566 1.340 75 285 559 477 735 488 1,200 2,988 2,347 $ 677 10,087 2.583 3,739 3,196 4,946 4,512 7,346 11.750 4.II5 1.370 9,001 3,210 Total 19 1 5 1916 January .... February . . . March April May June July August September . . October .... November . . December. . . $161,353-0 $ 11,115 7.664 9,387 11,521 11,195 11,660 20,183 17.351 14.308 11,862 17,904 63,716 $64,845 $ 9,602 12,416 22,918 18,499 21,911 42,325 36,575 28,446 37,086 40,894 48,547 66,871 $15,918 $ 6.627 9,496 8.249 10,479 6,113 1,322 341 501 2,193 257 5,628 5,539 $65,859 $ 9,806 10,450 10,425 10,361 8,979 5.477 7.254 1,602 5.t>90 10,267 7.565 3.404 Total 1916 . $207,870 5386,095 $56,750 I90.6.S6 • First purchase of acceptances, February 19, 1915. By means of these operations the reserve banks were able to make a fair showing regarding earnings in 19 15 258 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY and 19 1 6. In these two years all earned expenses and were able to contribute a small amount to dividends. From the Report of the Federal Reserve Board for the year 1916 we read : ^ The figures for the whole system to December 31, 191 6, show an average net earning since organization of 3 per cent on the actual paid-up capital, while for the year 1916 they show an average net earning of 5 per cent. In comparing reserve banks* operations with those of private Institutions, it must be remembered, however, that a portion of their capital is obtained without the issuance of stock. The law required member banks to deposit a portion of their reserves with the reserve banks. Because of the rather limited scale of its operations, the reserve system approached the close of this period with exceedingly high reserves. December 30, 19 16, the ratio of the gold reserves of the reserve banks to the net deposit and Federal Reserve note liabilities was 79.4 per cent. On this date the cash reserve ratio was 81.4 per cent. Despite the limited demands upon its resources, it appears undeniable to the writer that in this period the reserve management should be credited with a remarkable achievement. The legitimate needs of business were met without the sacrifice of principle on the one hand or the establishment of unduly bureaucratic methods upon the other. The requirements for eligibility of paper presented for rediscount were fair. The practice of discounting had become sufficiently prevalent to point the way to member banks for the solution of their future emergency require- ments. Analysis of the number of banks served, of the size of the paper discounted, of the districts of origin, gave results which could not be employed to justify charges of favoritism. The reserve management had convinced the » Page 13. DEVELOPMENT, NOV., 1914, TO DEC, 1916 259 member banks that its services were at the disposal of all banks and all districts. While progress in popularizing the trade acceptance was slow, it had proceeded upon a sound basis. The firms won over to its use were in large measure those of high credit rating. Progress in the popularization of the bank- ers' acceptance was favorable. In check collections the reserve system had proceeded slowly but cautiously. But by the middle of 19 16 the foundations had been laid for a country-wide par clearance scheme which was finally to include the greater part of the country's banks, non-member as well as member. These steps had to be taken in the face of much legislative and political objection engendered by the large number of exchange-charging banks. By amendments to the act and various administrative measures, much progress had been made in the movement to conserve the Nation's gold supply. On December 29, 1916, its total gold reserve was ^453,000,000. On the same date a total of ^282,000,000 was deposited with the re- serve agents as cover for the Federal Reserve note issues. The reserve banks were accumulating gradually a larger and larger portion of the country's gold. This concentra- tion of gold increased the reserve system's power for evil as well as for good. But it would not have been courageous to have declined to accept this opportunity. No occasions for inter-district rediscounting occurred in this period. But knowledge of the possiliilities of secur- ing extra-district aid enabled industry to count upon the support of its banks with greater certainty. In the Gold Settlement Fund at Washington the begin- nings had been laid for a machinery which finally was to enable domestic transfers of currency to be made with a minimum of cost and physical effort. 260 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY The principal disappointment had to do with the refusal of the great majority of State banks to enter the system. But it seems clear that only by undesirable concessions could the system have been made such as to attract the voluntary entrance of many. Lastly, the internal organization had been developed to meet the requirements of the future. The preliminary work had been accomplished. This period was one of achievement. But primarily the achievements were those of preparation. CHAPTER XIII FEDERAL RESERVE DEVELOPMENT, JANUARY, 1917 TO APRIL, 1917 In the early period of reserve operation the demand for rediscounts was hght and the reserve banks were able to exercise little control over the money market. Toward the close of 1916, however, the general boom in industry had begun to throw some strain upon the credit mechanism. As a consequence several reserve banks in December, 1916, increased their rates slightly and for the first period of their existence the member banks became somewhat sensi- tive to their rediscount policy. As stated by Governor Harding in the January, 1919, Bulletin: the only period when the Federal Reserve Board was able to exercise any effective control over the banking situation was during the last two or three months of 1916 and the first quarter of 1917.* It might be expected, accordingly, that 1916 would mark the close of the period of experiment and prepara- tion, and that permanent principles governing rediscount and open-market operations would soon crystallize. Prior to 1917 there was no danger of credit and currency infla- tion. The inflow of gold from Europe and the reduction of reserve requirements by the terms of the act left mem- ber banks in an exceedingly strong reserve position. Under this situation member banks could provide credits without great deference to the pulley of the rescr\'e administra- tion. There was then little objection to be made to the low • Page 2. 262 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY rates. Rather they appeared to be an outright advantage. In the first place, these low rates tended to encourage member banks to make rediscount applications and thus emphasized the helpful possibilities of the system. Sec- ondly, they served to indicate the fundamental soundness of America's financial condition. No system of central banking, however, can continue forever to serve as an agency for credit expansion, and it might be expected, accordingly, that in 19 17 a beginning would be made in establishing a permanent basis for advances to member banks. The principle accepted might be to keep the reserve banks' rates above those of the general market or to base the volume of rediscounts upon the productive requirements of the community where the applications arose. But no matter what the basis of pro- cedure, it was clear to all thinkers that in the first two years of operation no real progress had been made in this direction. Financial conditions in these years were such as to make unnecessary the solution of this problem. As political events shaped themselves, however, neither 1917 nor any subsequent year was to be such as to permit idealistic consideration of the proper basis for rediscount operations. Very early in 19 17 it became clear that only by receding from our oft-stated position regarding the rights of neutrals armed clash with Germany could be avoided. Prospects of entering the conflict overshadowed all other considerations, and the task of the reserve admin- istration was to place the reserve banks in shape to meet the financial strain of war. It was understood that the Treasury's plan would involve huge borrowing operations and that these could be rendered successful only by the active cooperation of the banks. Credits would be re- quired, not merely to finance our own expenditures, but also those of our allies whose purchase of war supplies in DEVELOPMENT, JAN., 1917, TO APRIL, 1917 263 this country would increase as a result of our declaration of war. A credit system, moreover, not efficiently ordered before war, could scarcely be expected to be prepared during hostilities for the requirements of post-war recon- struction. The problem then would exist of transferring labor and capital from the production of war supplies to the industries of peace. It was during this period, accordingly, that much of the work of concentrating the control of the country's gold was accomplished. In January the Board proposed the amendments which became law June 21, 19 17, and which required member banks to maintain their entire legal reserves with reserve banks. The Board also suggested that it be given power to raise the reserve requirements of member banks in emergencies. Congress refused, however, to accept this amendment. At the same time proposals were made to render membership more attractive to State banks and trust companies and preparations were made for ensuring an adequate supply of Federal Reserve notes. During the months of January and February it placed addi- tional orders with the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, through the Comptroller of the Currency, for more than $900,000,000 of notes, and arranged also that the stock of notes on hand should no longer be reduced through withdrawals for current needs, but that as drawn upon by the Federal Re- serve Banks new orders in equal amount should be placed automatically.* In view of the anticipated future strain it might have been expected that discount rates would have been in- creased during this period. The state of the money market, however, was such as to necessitate compara- tively few alterations. For instance, the rates on commer- cial paper maturing within 61 to 90 days were increased ' Report of the Federal Reserve Board, 19 17, p. 2. 264 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY in this period in only two districts. In January, the Atlanta and Dallas banks increased their charges one half of one per cent. With these rates the discounts for member banks of the first quarter of the year totaled ^67,523,7 thousand. This compares with totals of ^28,166.9 thousand and ^36,642.8 thousand in the corresponding periods of 1916 and 19 1 5. The dependence of member banks upon re- discounting was increasing somewhat. It might be surmised that this increased rediscounting must have been at the expense of the reserve banks' legal reserves. It is true that the reserve accounts of members on the books of reserve banks increased somewhat. On January 26, members' reserve accounts were ^687,841,000. On February 23, they were ^692,475,000 and on March 30, ^720,411,000. The circulation of Federal Reserve notes, on January 26, was ^259,768,000; on February 23, ^303»i7i.ooo; and, on March 30, ^357,610,000. But as a result of the continuous impounding of gold the total cash reserves advanced steadily from ^758, 242,000 on January 5 to ^962,662,000 on April 6.^ Consequently, the ratio of cash reser\^es to aggregate net deposits and Federal Re- serve note liabilities remained continuously above 82 per cent. On April 6, the date of the declaration of war, it was 84 per cent. The enlarging gold holdings of the reserve banks made possible also an increase in the open-market investment operations without lowering the reserve ratio. This is indicated by the table on page 265.^ On January 5, 1917,^ the gold of the reserve banks in excess of required reserves — free gold, in other ' Report of the Federal Reserve Board, 19 17, p. 64. ' Ibid., p. 131. * Ibid., p. 70. DEVELOPMENT, JAN., 1917, TO APRIL, 1917 265 Amount Purchased in January February March 1917 1916 1915 S49. 105,356 37.i5o,9''^ per cent, the bond sul)scriber was icxirly well protected against the dangers of subscriptions exceeding his ability to pay. Inasmuch as the rate of interest increased on later issues of war bonds, it would be expected that the rcser\^e banks' rates would increase also. Accordingly on the date of the armistice the rate was 4X per cent on 16-90-day paper secured by war issues. In addition to these measures some use was made of a 3-4^^ per cent rate on one-day discounts arising in connection with the Government's loan operations. It did not seem feasible to the reserve management to establish high rates on other types of paper even in this period of capital-strain. All rates of interest are more or less closely related. High money charges exacted from the public on business loans would increase the difllculty of selling war bonds at low rates. Accordingly the 90-day rate on commercial paper, which on April 30, 1917, was 4 per cent in five districts, and 43^ per cent in seven, was advanced only slightly during the period of hostilities. On the date of the armistice it was 4^ per cent in seven districts and 5 per cent in the others. But the reserve banks did not confine their efTorts to keeping their own rates low. In many ways they endeav- 270 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY ored to bring pressure on member banks to offer loans to the public cheaply, as well as to maintain low rates on deposits. For instance, in the schedule of rates for Octo- ber 31, 1918, the member banks' ability to secure a 4 rather than a 4>^ per cent rate would depend, in two districts, upon whether the customer's paper had been discounted at a rate not exceeding that borne by the bonds. On several occasions we find the reserve admin- istration cautioning banks against raising rates allowed on deposits. To quote from a letter by Governor Harding of February 26, 1918:^ Banks should remember that when deposits are reduced reserves are released. Reckless competition for deposits sup- ported by high interest rates will tend to force the Government to pay higher rates, thereby imposing additional burdens on the people; and any forced and artificial expansion of banking credits will promote rather than check inflationary tendencies, which should be guarded against at the present time. There does not seem to be any demand on the part of depositors for increased rates of interest on their balances, and the Board wishes it understood that it does not favor any movement to increase these rates and that it will do all in its power to dis- courage it. Because of the enormous demand upon the reserv^e banks' rediscounting facilities during the war, mere sug- gestions from the Board were undoubtedly more than ordinarily efficacious. But enough has been stated to indi- cate the complete cooperation of the reserve banks with the Treasury. The writer has found no important instance in which there was displayed an unwillingness to refuse support for the Treasury's low interest policy in the sale of war bonds. In the preceding chapter^ some information has been ' See Bulletin, April i, 1918, p, 252. ' See supra, pp. 264, 265. DEVELOPMENT, MAY, 19 17, TO NOV. 11, 19 18 271 given regarding the ability of the reserve and member banks to meet the demands upon them. There it was shown that, at the outbreak of hostilities, the member banks' surphis reserves were huge and that the free gokl of the reserve banks would permit more than a doubling of the issues of Federal Reserve notes and of credit advances to member banks. But the expansive possi- bilities of the system should be calculated on a date sub- sequent to the amendment of June 21, 1917, which lowered reserve requirements and provided for their transfer in entirety to reserve banks. Since the Comptroller's figures bearing upon the condition of national banks may be had for November 20, 19 17, the writer has selected November 23 as the date for his calculations as to the amount of bank credits the surplus reserves of reserve banks might enable member banks to grant the public. All figures are given in thousands — i. e., 000 omitted. * 1. Gold reserve for federal reserve notes. On November 23, 1917, the gold reserve for note issues totaled $635,497 ($623,948 deposited with the reserve agents plus $11,549 in the gold redemption fund). ' On this date the notes in actual circulation totaled $1,051,892. The actual gold reserve was — - '^ or 62.5 per cent. The 1,015,892 minimum 40 per cent required would be $406,356. The excess reserve for notes was $635,497 less $406,356 or $229,140. 2. Possibilities of further note expansion. Supposing the excess reserve for notes to be used to support the maximum value of notes, a further note issue is possible of 2>^ times $229,140 or $572,850. 3. Reserve for member bank deposits.' ' This calculation is quoted from H. L. Reed, "Credit Expansion under the Federal Reserve," American Economic ReviaL', June, 1918, pp. 270-8^. See pp. 279, 280. 272 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY On November 23, 19 17, the net deposits of all the reserve banks totaled $1,546,122; computed as follows: Government de[X)sits $ 196,411 Due to members (reserve account) 1,426,648 Due to non-members (clearing account). . . . 22,291 Collection items 215,169 Total gross deposits $1,860,519 Due from other reserve banks, net $ 11,872 Uncollected items 302,525 Total deductions 314.397 Net deposits $1,546,122 The gold reserve for net deposits totaled $969,207, as follows: Gold coin and certificates in vault $530,045 Gold settlement fund 385,662 Gold with foreign agencies 52,500 Total $969,207 The gold reserve for deposits was — ^—^ — - or 62.6 per cent. 1,546,122 The total lawful money reserve for depos- its (gold reserve plus legal tender notes, silver, etc.) was $969,207 plus $54,058 or $1,023,265 The lawful money reserve required (35 per cent minimum) would be 541,142 The surplus reserve for deposits was $ 482,123 4. Possibilities of further expansion of deposit credits of re- serve banks. • Supposing the'surplus reserve for deposits to be used to sup- port the maximum volume of member bank deposits,. an increase in these is possible of times $482,123 or $1,377,494. This 35 represents a potential increase of more than 95 per cent. (Mem- ber bank deposits with reserve banks on November 23 equaled $1,426,000.) 5. Possibilities of further expansion of deposit liabilities of member banks. DEVELOPMENT, MAY, 191 7, TO NOV. 11, 19 18 273 Supposing that the required reserve for member banks aver- ages 10 per cent, and that the $1,377,494 should be used to the maximum amount to support their deposit grants to the pubHc, an increase in these is possible of to 10 times $1,377,494 or $13,774,940- This represents a potential expansion of more than 90 per cent. (Total deposit liabilities of national banks on November 20, were $14,798,000.) An increase of note issues by $572,850 would probably furnish all the till money necessary to support the $13,774,940 of bank deposits. But even these figures do not show the full possibilities of credit expansion on this date. No account is taken of the huge surplus cash then reposing in the vaults of mem- ber banks. Much new gold, moreover, was to continue to accumulate in the vaults of reserve banks and many large and powerful State institutions were yet to enter the system. To what extent we may next inquire was this expansive power of the Federal Reserve utilized during the period of hostilities? The following figures show the amount of the total investment operations of reserve banks/ 1917 May $ 174,128,766 June 887,502,360 July 547,434,069 August 297 023,452 September 678,062,976 October 2,770,806,092 November 3,394,416,518 December 1,137,104,390 iqiB January $1,525,984,729 February 1,443,795,053 March 1 ,993,080,060 April 2,605.719,776 'Figures do not include rediscounts and sales of discounttvl paper between Federal Reserve banks nor purchases of United States certificates of indebted- ness. See Report of the Federal Reserve Board, 19 1 8, pi). 19 1-93. 274 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY May 3.309,207, 1 1 1 June 3.655.663,674 July 3,490,037,616 August 3.955.61 1,937 September 4.953.969,540 October 6,793,018,635 November 5,569,708,767 'The following table shows the changes in the reserve banks' total earning assets, member banks' reserve ac- count, and Federal Reserve notes in actual circulation for various dates : ^ 000' S Omitted Federal Reserve Member Banks' Date Notes in Actual Reserve Circulation Account 1917 April 27 $ 239,260 $ 420,509 $ 719.785 May 25 287,297 454.402 813,326 June 29 494.536 . 508,753 1,033,460 July 27 411,978 534.015 1. 135.456 August 31 . . . . 381,063 587.915 1,069,804 September 28 . 504.937 700,212 j 1,136,930 October 26 ... . 684,959 847,506 1,264,323 November 30 . 1.052,377 1,056,983 1,489,370 December 28 . . 1,064,310 1,246,488 1,453.166 1918 January 25 . , . $1,029,670 $1,234,934 $1,480,743 February 21 . . 1.031,797 1.314.581 1,459,720 March 28-29. • 1.201,585 1.452.838 1,499.400 April 26 1,286,162 1,526,232 1,497.416 May 31 1,301,390 1,600,968 1,440,413 June 28 I.345.II2 1,722,216 1,557,587 July 26 1,564,540 1,870,835 1,435,196 August 30 ... . 1,716,987 2,092,708 1,478,639 September 27 . 2,080,566 2,349,326 1.535.490 October 25 ... . 2,295,122 2,507,912 1,683,499 November 29 . 2,312,359 2,568,676 1,488,893 Some surprise may be evoked by the fact that the growth of the note issues was so much greater than that of the book credits granted to member banks. This is * See i^epor^ of the Federal Reserve Board, 1917,9.60; 1918, pp. 122 and 117. DEVELOPMENT, MAY, 1917, TO NOV. 11, 1918 275 explained in large measure, however, by the fact that the notes were being substituted for gold in the general circu- lation. The process was one by which notes were issued to meet member banks' counter-money needs and the gold of the reserve banks was being deposited with the Federal Reserve agents as cover. This is shown by the following figures: Gold Cover for Federal Reserve Note Circulation • (000,000's Omitted) Date 1917 June 29 $ 402 July 27 434 August 31 49-^ September 28 558 October 26 614 November 30 661 December 21 746 1918 January 25 $ 793 February 21 877 March 29 852 April 26 824 May 3 955 June 28 987 July 26 910 August 30 •l.oiS September 27 1,161 October 25 1,184 November 29 1,216 To a greater and greater extent the country's gold was being drawn into the hands of the reserve agents where, according to the amendment of June 21, 19 17, it would be counted as part of the reserve banks' 40 per cent required reserve. By this process other gold in the reserve banks' vaults was released to serve as the reserve for deposit grants to member banks. ' See Reports of the Federal Reserve Board, 1917, p. 47 ; 1918, pp. 97, 98. 276 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY The cfTcct of the discount operations upon reserve banks' ratio of cash reserve to net deposits and notes is next indicated : Ratio of Total Cash Reserves to Net Deposits and Federal Reserve Notes' 1917 March 30 89.0 June 29 75.4 Augusts 81.9 November 2 69.0 December 28 63.6 1918 February 21 66.0 April 19 62.9 May 31 62.0 July I 59-8 August 30 564 November 22 50.5 Great, however, as was this reduction in the reserve ratio, it would have been much greater had it not been for the new accretions of gold by the reserve banks. On April 5-6, 1917, for instance, the total gold holdings of reserve banks (gold in vaults plus gold with foreign agencies plus Gold Settlement Fund plus gold deposited with Federal Reserve agents as cover for the notes) was ^943,552,000. On November 15, 1918, this total was ^2,056,777. Credit and currency expansion were so great and so rapid that the huge surplus reserves of April 6, 1917, would have fallen far short of meeting the demands. Only the attrac- tion of gold from the general circulation enabled reserve banks to maintain a favorable ratio. As it was, the reserve ratio fell approximately forty per cent in little more than a year and a half of hostilities. Let us next ascertain the effect of the war upon the operations of member banks. Between May i, 19 17, and » See Reports of the Federal Reserve Board, 1917, p. 15; 1918, pp. 9, 10. DEVELOPMENT, MAY, 1917, TO NOV. 11, 1918 277 November l, 1918, demand deposits of all national banks responding to the Comptroller's call ^ increased from ^7,618,011,000 to ^8,640,818,000, or more than a billion dollars. Time deposits increased in the same pericxl by a sum approaching ^300,000,000. Loans and discounts advanced in the same time from 38, 75 1,679,000 to ^10,096, 940,000, or approximately one and a quarter billion dollars. Total resources displayed a gain of 33,676,97^000. In view, however, of the huge increase in reserve bank operations some surprise may be evoked because the in- crease of member bank advances was not even more large. Deposits with reserve banks comprise the legal reserves for member banks. Each dollar of deposits with a reserve bank forms the legal minimum reserve for many dollars of its own deposits. The advances of reserve banks furnish the basis for a several-fold expansion in member bank operations. We must recall the effect, however, of the amendment of June 21, 1917, which required the deposit of all reserve money with reserve banks. As country banks transferred their funds from their city reserve agents to the reserve banks, the deposits of the city reserve agents diminished and those of the reserve banks increased. For instance, the condition of reserve banks prior to the amendment is indicated by the weekly statement of June 22, 19 17. On that date the reserve banks due-to-members account was i58o6, 209,000. The final transfer of reserves was com- pleted July 20, 19 1 7. On this date the reserve account of members had increased to j?i, 164,995. More lliaii ^350,000,000 of reserve bank deposits represented the ' Sec Comptroller's Report, IQ17, vol. i, p. 35; 191.S, vol. I, p. 16. Fi!.,nires for May, 1917, aru for 7,58'ing customers who have purchased Liberty bonds on account, or other than for purely commercial purposes. « Ci. Bulletin, December i, 1919. P- 1108. DEVELOPMENT.^NOV. 12, 1918, TO MAY, 1920 315 The rate increases of 1919 were continued in the earty months of 1920. In January, after the Treasury had raised the rate on short-term certificates to 4^ per cent, the Board approved a similar increase on paper secured by these certificates. Toward the end of January, however, the rate on paper se- cured by Liberty bonds and Victory notes was advanced to 5^2 per cent and the rates on all classes of commercial paper, including trade acceptances and agricultural and live-stock paper, to 6 per cent.* Except in the financial centers of the country these increased rates had Httle real effect in checking the con- tinuous expansion of credits. By the end of April, 1920, the total earning assets of reserve banks were considerably larger than in December, 19 19. But it had become evident that the rate of credit and currency increase was falling and that the speculative boom was collapsing. With the spring of 1920, one stage in the post-war business cycle was drawing to a close, * Report of the Federal Reserve Board, 1920, p. 57. CHAPTER XVI FEDERAL RESERVE DEVELOPMENT, MAY, 1920. TO THE PRESENT TIME THE PERIOD OF BUSINESS READJUSTMENT It is no part of the writer's purpose to measure statistically the relative influence of the various factors which cooper- ated to create the industrial reaction of 1920-21. Such a task would far exceed the limits of the present chapter. It will sufhce for our plans to indicate the instability of the industrial situation in the spring of 1920 and to state briefly the causes of the subsequent depression. In the opinion of many the post-war boom had carried us to a new and permanently higher level of prices. A very large part of the world's total gold supply had come to the United States, and this gold, in large measure deposited in the vaults of the Federal Reserve banks, had furnished the basis for the creation of a much larger volume of deposits and note issues than the country ever before had witnessed. Relatively to commodities the media of ex- change had been greatly increased. The international trade situation, moreover, was not such as to indicate any early redistribution of our gold among the nations of Europe. Consequently, a larger volume of bank deposit and note currency could be supported without endanger- ing in the immediate future the maintenance of the gold standard. There were no indications, furthermore, that our banking administration would endeavor to deflate for the purpose of restoring the old price level. All the evi- dence pointed toward the acceptance of the belief that attempts to correct financial maladjustments should DEVELOPMENT, MAY, 1920, TO PRESENT 317 assume the form of such devices as wage advances and railway rate increases. The rises in rediscount rates of the preceding period clearly had been initiated only as a means of preserving the reserve ratio and of preventing the inclu- sion in bank portfolios of too large a quantity of unsound paper. Nevertheless, 'the memories of a lower price level were still vivid to a large portion of the people. It is true there held been no indication of a sudden return to the 19 13 level. But any temporary decline in the market would be interpreted generally as the beginning of the process of reestablishing "normality" in prices. In this situation a voluntary lowering of prices to relieve congestion in the warehouses or on the shelves of merchants might not have the effect of increasing buying suddenly. If this viewpoint should be adopted generally, orders might be cancelled in large volume, the demand for labor lessened, and the re- duction in money wages restrict the ability of the public to purchase goods. All that was required to set in motion a continuously accelerating buyers' strike was evidence of temporary weakness in the market. The unhealthiness of the situation was due also to the fapidity of the price advance. All the weaknesses which normally develop in a period of prosperity had been accen- tuated by the amazing speed in the upward movement of the market. Commodity and security speculation had been overdone grossly; labor was losing its discipline; the assumption of unwise ventures had been encouraged by artificial cheapness of money; bank reserves were falling rapidly. On the New York Stock Exchange the shares traded in during 19 19 were almost fourfold as great as in 19 13, and bond activity was multiplied almost sevenfold. Total bank clearings for the Nation were approximately two and a half times as great in 19 19 as in 19 13. The 3i8 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY Comptroller's reports showed that net deposits of national banks had increased from 7.1 billions of dollars on October 21, 1913, to 12.2 billions on September 12, 1919. It is inevitable in such eras that values and operations become based not solely upon confidence that former growth will be maintained, but that the rate of accelera- tion will be continued. Present speculation rests upon future anticipations. But by the spring of 1920 it was evident that, while the limit of their resources had not been reached, banks were genuinely worried as to their ability to finance new projects. The maturities of paper were growing and the percentage of renewals increasing. Con- siderations of public finance pointed also toward higher rates in the near future. In 1920 the Treasury advanced the rates on six months' certificates to 53^ per cent and to 6 per cent for twelve months' maturities. The Treasury was no longer to dominate the reserve banks so completely in the formation of discount policies. The money market was no longer to be kept so low by artificial measures. The true rate of interest was to be permitted to emerge. Coin- cidentally with the rise in rates the member banks were being cautioned against the granting of unessential credits. Further credit expansion was possible, but the rate of past growth must fall. Had the physical volume of production been less large in 19 19 and 1920 the date of the reaction might have been postponed. But the volume of production, particularly in the first half of 1920, was enormous. The Government's crop forecasts for 1920 were exceedingly favorable, presag- ing one of the best years on record. Mills and factories were thought generally to be working close to maximum capacity. But railroads found themselves unequal to the strain thrown upon them. The reports of the American Railroad Association disclosed a net shortage of cars three DEVELOPMENT, MAY, 1920, TO PRESENT 319 of the last four months of 19 19 and for every month of the first half-year of 1920. Shipments which might have been dispatched on advantageous terms were delayed until an enormous quantity of goods accumulated in the centers of production. It required not much of a shock to induce a general order of price cutting in order to move goods. It had been apparent for some time that the inter- national trade situation was growing more and more un- healthy. The balance of trade for 19 19 was over four billions of dollars in our favor, exceeding all past records. But in each of the first four months in 1920 the balance in our favor was much less than that for 19 19. In several markets 1920 was to witness a sharp price break. After the early collapse of the silk market in Japan, there were rapid declines in the prices of sugar, coffee, and other products of Cuba and Latin-American countries. The Federal Reserve Board's international wholesale price index showed a price decline' in April for Japan, and a May de- cline for the United Kingdom, France, Italy, and Japan. In June, 1920, the Bureau of Labor Statistics' index num- ber for wholesale prices of all commodities in the United States was to show the first recession experienced since the early part of 19 19. The accumulation of goods created by the inability of the railroads to furnish sufficient cars and the crash in foreign markets may have been the imme- diate factors causing the first severe shock to business con- fidence. Once this check had been felt, it was impossible I to prevent the manifestation of all the weaknesses in the industrial system which have been developing gradually in the preceding boom period. The buyers' strike became soon, not a matter of volition, but of downright necessity. The reduction in money incomes created less demand for labor's services. ' See Report of the Federal Reserve Board for 1920, p. 7. 320 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY A large part of the Federal Reserve administration's policy during the crisis may be told statistically. The following figures depict the situation regarding changes in the reserve ratio, note issues, member banks' reserve account, total earning assets, and rates of discount on ninety-day paper. Date 1920 May 7 . , June 4 , Julys.. Aug. 6 . Sept. 3. Oct. I . . Nov. 5 . Dec. 3 . 192 1 Jan. 7... Feb. 4. . . March 4. April I . . May 4 , . June I . . July 6... Aug. 3 . . Sept. 7. . Oct. 5... Nov. 2 . . Dec. 28 . Total Earning Assets Federal Reserve Notes in Circula- tion In billions of dollars 3.21 3-27 3-27 3-18 3-36 330 342 3-33 3.13 2.88 2.78 2.61 2.42 2.26 2.09 1.90 1.79 1.66 1-54 1-53 3-09 3.12 3.16 3-14 324 3-30 3-35 3-31 3-27 3-07 3-04 2.90 2.82 2.75 2.67 2.53 2.51 2.48 2.40 2.44 Discount Rate on Member Banks' Reserve Account Cash Reserve Ratio 90-Day Paper in Effect First Day OF THE Month > Discount Rate on 90-Day Paper Secured by Liberty Bond and Victory Notes thb First Day OF the MONTHt In percentage 1.79 1.74 1.70 1.67 1.67 1.65 1.65 I.61 1.63 I.61 1.65 1.66 42.7% 6% 42.5 6.25 42.8 6.3 44.0 6.3 42.5 6.3 43-7 6.3 43-0 6.4 44.1 6.4 46.4 6.4 49-3 6.4 50.8 6.5 52.4 6.5 55-3 6.4 57-4 6.19 60.0 6.08 637 5-87 66.2 5-79 69.0 5-75 71.0 5.66 71. 1 5-04 5-6% 5-7 576 577 577 5-81 5-8i 5-81 5-8i 5-81 5-95 5-95 5-95 5-95 5-95 5.83 574 570 5.66 5-04 • Average for the twelve Districts. These facts show that there was no contraction of cur- DEVELOPMENT, MAY, 1920, TO PRESENT 321 rency or credits enforced by Federal Reserve authority during the depression. The combined Federal Reserve note circulation and member banks' reserve account at the close of 1920 exceeded that of the spring of the year. It should be kept in mind that these advances were main- tained in volume despite the drop in prices. Since lower prices lessen the need for credits, the growth in reserve bank advances was in reality much larger than the figures indicate. The wholesale price index of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which was 272 in May, 1920, had fallen to 189 in December of the same year. So willing were the reserve authorities to employ their resources for the legitimate requirements of member banks that it was not until after the beginning of the new year that the reserve ratio began to move to a point commanding confidence. Discount rates increased until the spring of 1921, but they were never unusually high relatively to market rates. As a matter of fact they followed rather than preceded the movement of money rates in the financial centers. Until the summer of 192 1 rates on four to six months' prime commercial paper were close to eight per cent in the New York market. Recovery from the crisis was slow and uncertain. Bond and stock prices began to move upward sharply in the early summer of 192 1. But security price movements precede usually the revival of business confidence. It was not until the close of 192 1 that the volume of new securi- ties issued became such as to indicate any general return of confidence. Nevertheless, at the close of the year statis- tics of failures portrayed greater mortality than at any preceding date of the crisis. The public was somewhat slow to perceive the extreme severity of the depression. Mad there been no Federal Reserve system to prevent credit contraction, a financial 322 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY panic of unexampled dimensions might easily have occurred. What the reserve system has done has been to draw out the period during which liquidation took place. But so far-reaching were the maladjustments which had developed in the preceding boom period that no sudden revival of confidence was possible. Too many prices got out of line with each other. Relatively to other prices, agricultural commodities fell too far. As a consequence the agricultural demand for manufactured products con- tinues low. Unless, furthermore, adequate machinery is developed for supplying Europe with production goods for restoration purposes, we cannot count on the foreign demand. Building, however, is rapidly developing into the dimensions of a boom, and in this lies the germ of speedy resumption of industrial activity. With the clearing of the industrial situation it is espe- cially desirable that Federal Reserve policy for the future be formulated more definitely. In all the eight years of Federal Reserve operation there has not been a period when the administration was free to make a comprehen- sive statement of the relation of the reserve banks to other parts of the financial mechanism. Until 19 17 the problem was that of acquainting member banks with the reserve banks' facilities and of getting into the market at a time when member banks' reserves were high. From 1917 to the armistice the requirements of war or of war prepara- tion were dominant considerations. In the post-war ex- pansion period the Treasury's needs were such as to cause purely banking requirements to be subordinated. In the period of depression the inevitable charges of undue sever- ity made the situation inopportune for any clear state- ment of future discount policy. But in the coming period of industrial revival it is important that the essentials of rediscount control be developed. If this be not done, DEVELOPMENT, MAY, 1920, TO PRESENT 323 industrial activity again may attain unhealthy dimensions thus breeding the forces of another reaction. The late depression has shown that, while the reserve system may serve to prevent sudden liquidation and thus to lessen the acuteness of the shock, it cannot prevent unhealthy tendencies from asserting themselves in the form of destroyed business confidence. At the present time the surplus reserves of the reserve banks are enormous. December 28, 1921, the total re- serves of the reserve banks were 2992.2 millions of dollars. This would form a forty per cent reserve for 7480 millions of note issues and deposit credits granted to member banks. Assuming member banks require a fifteen per cent counter money and legal reserve combined, this 7480 mil- lions would enable them to advance 49,866 millions to the business public. Since the total net deposits of national banks on the Comptroller's report for September 6, 192 1, was 10.8 billions of dollars, an approximate fourfold expan- sion in national member banks' advances is possible. Here lie opportunities for inflation never before possessed in like measure by any banking system. If any large part of this new credit supply is utilized suddenly, the price level must react correspondingly. It is not possible that our physical volume of production be increased in any such meas- ure. Too rapid credit expansion must mean price inflation. It, therefore, is more essential now than ever before that definite principles of credit control be formulated. Day-to-day considerations cannot be permitted to gov- ern unless the reserve banks are to become mere engines of inflation. Until business confidence is restored there is no danger of unduly rapid creations of currency or credits. New issues would become redundant. But in the next era of business revival it will be necessary to know when the 324 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY endeavor should be made by reserve banks to restrict credit increases. Let us consider accordingly the wis(J(.>m and practicability of the following bases of credit control : (a) Regard should be had primarily for the reserve ratios of reserve banks. In other words, reserve banks should take into account the same sort of considerations which guide the loan policies of member banks. They should concern themselves primarily with their ability to meet their obligations. (b) Credit advances of reserve banks should be regu- lated in such a manner as to maintain the price level as stable as possible. (c) Credit advances should be regulated In such a man- ner as to maintain the productive activities of the Nation as great as possible. Regard should be had, however, for long rather than for short-time considerations. (d) Since certain excesses, such as impaired liquidity, appear whenever industrial activity is fanned by excessive credit grants, restriction should be begun whenever these evils become more than ordinarily prominent. Let us consider these possibilities in turn. There appears to be much to ofTer for a policy of utiliz- ing the reserve ratio as a guide for rediscount policy. In Sprague's words: ^ It is definite and obvious. Public opinion may be expected to support the always unwelcome policy of credit restraint when that policy is enforced by a depleted reserve. It is un- happily very doubtful whether the public would have been reconciled to the advance in rates made last spring [1920] if the reserve banks had had, let us say, a reserve ratio of 55 per cent, and yet, all other things being the same, an advance in rates would have been no less desirable. ' Cf.O. M. W. Sprague, "The Discount Policy of the Federal Reserve Banks, ' American Economic Review, Marcli, 1921, pp. 27, 26. DEVELOPMENT, MAY, 1920, TO PRESENT 325 Further: There is no substitute for the reserve ratio which possesses its pecuUar virtues of simpUcity and deliniteness. It is extremely unfortunate, therefore, that the situation frequently may develop to necessitate credit restriction even at a time when reserves are increasing. In a season of very active trade, payment of foreign balances might compel the shipment of gold to this country. In that situation our bank reserves would Increase, yet the possi- bilities of too rapid expansion might then exist. The quan- tity of gold in the reserves is a product of more or less for- tuitous circumstance and bears no necessary relation to the credit requirements of business. There is also much to say for making price stability the test. The injustices of a rapidly changing price level are now recognized fully. Since bank credit is our most Impor- tant medium of exchange, its volume should be regulated in such a way as to ensure a fair degree of price-stability over a course of time. It is also true that a chief evil created in a boom period is the throwing out of adjustment of various prices. The greater the rise in the general level, the greater the probability that their normal relationship will be disturbed. To maintain the level of prices stable, therefore, might accomplish much in the way of eliminat- ing periodic disturbances In business. It is doubtful, however, whether public opinion would ever sanction the use of such a guide. As Intllcated pre- viously, the people of this country lean innately toward the side of easy money. Particularly true is this of seasons of activity. The matter of legal authority for such a test is also doubtful. Mr. A. C. Miller, of the Federal Reserve Board, has stated:' • "Federal Reserve Policy," American Economic Review, June, 1921, p. 193. 326 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY There is now no warrant in the statute under which the fcrlcral reserve banks are organized for undertaking to regulate their credit operations on any such basis. The economic logic of the Federal Reserve act is clearly predicated upon the theory that the federal reserve banks shall be operated with regard to re- serve ratios, and "rates be fixed with a view of accommodating commerce and business." It would imply a very latitudinarian construction of the term "accommodating commerce and business" for the Federal Reserve Board and the federal reserve banks to adopt the "observed effects of credit on prices" as their rule of action in the future. There is not, however, the slightest reason for supposing that such a procedure on the part of the federal reserve banks would be viewed with public approval. Quite the contrary. Public sentiment in the United States is, and always has been, highly sensitive in matters of credit control, and precisely, among other reasons, because of the bearing that such control has, or is believed to have upon the movement of prices. Mr. Miller's efforts accordingly are designed to alter the reserve machinery in such a way as to make it more safe to depend upon the use of reserve ratios as a guide. Mr. R. C. Lefifingwell's vigorous statement on this matter is as follows : ^ I share Dr. Miller's objection to Professor Sprague's sugges- tion that federal reserve rates should be determined by price movements. There is no man, or group of men, to whom the American people will, or should, accord the right to determine whether they shall be prosperous or miserable, whether thay shall have high prices or low prices, whether they shall have good times or bad times. The day Professor Sprague's sugges- tion is adopted by the Federal Reserve Board marks the end of the federal reserve system. It would be absurd for the Federal Reserve Board to ignore price movements as symptoms of the general situation, but it cannot base its discount policy upon them. Both Miller and LefiEingwell admit that the reserv-e ' "The Discount Policy of the Federal Reserve Banks," American Economic Review March, 192 1, p. 35. DEVELOPMENT, MAY, 1920, TO PRESENT 12-] ratio alone cannot be an adequate guide. But in order to enable it to be utilized with effectiveness, they make cer- tain proposals designed to remove the dangers connected with its use. Leffingwell suggests' that If the reserve gets big enough to be embarrassing, the best cure for the situation which will then arise is to pay out gold and gold certificates, and restore them to circulation. This would have the effect of reducing the reserve ratio to a more manageable point. In an opposite situation, one in which the reserve ratio is low, gold could be retained when paid in by member banks and Federal Reserve notes issued to meet the general currency requirements. Miller's suggestion is much more involved. He desires' the Federal Reserve notes to become more similar to the issues of the Bank of England. If a larger gold reserve could be allocated for note issues, the reserve ratio for deposits could be made such as to render it safer to depend upon it. Calls by the public for more credits, calls which arise in time of rapid expansion, would reduce rapidly the reserve for deposits in such a way possibly as to justify efforts to restrict further advances. In this way the reserve ratio could be made a more workable guide. Dr. Miller's suggestion is so important as to justify, perhaps, a somewhat extended quotation from his re- marks. Speaking first of the administrative changes that need to be made he states: The main change in the published weekly statement of the federal reserve banks that would be necessary would be to report the specific note reserve, held by the Federal Reserve Agent, and the specific deposit reserve held by the bank. The existing practice of stating the reserve position theoretically in the form of a ratio derived from a comparison of total re- • "The Discount Policy of the Federal Reserve Banks," American Eco- ttamic Review, March, 192 1, p. 36. 'Oi^.cit. 328 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY serves with combined note and deposit liabilities should be dis- continued, or, if continued, be given merely for purposes of theoretical comparison, by the federal reserve system, and a form of statement should be set up which would show the re- serves actually held against deposits and notes respectively and separately, as the law contemplates. The existing gold holding of the reserve banks should be re- apportioned between the deposit reserve and the note reserve. To the deposit reserve might be allocated an amount of reserve money equivalent, say, to 45 per cent of their deposit liabilities as of the date when the new form of accounting would become effective. To the note reserve should be allocated all the remain- ing reserve, and, as the law requires, be in the form of gold. The reserve thus allocated to the deposit reserve should be regarded as the working reserve of the banking or discount department of the federal reserve bank. The banks should be expected to conduct their discount operations on the basis of this reserve. Until conditions justified, the amount of this reserve should not be changed. Fresh accessions of gold re- ceived by the banking department should be transferred to the note reserve by way of substitution for other collateral held by the Federal Reserve Agent, or in exchange for federal reserve notes. Withdrawals of gold from federal reserve banks for foreign shipment should, for the present at least, be taken out of the note reserve by the presentation of federal reserve notes for redemption in gold or by the substitution of com- mercial collateral for gold in the security held by the Federal Reserve Agent. The deposit reserve held by the banking department would thus be fairly constant in amount; the note reserve, on the other hand, would be variable in amount, fluctuating mainly in accordance with changes in the inter- national flow of gold, increasing when an influx was in progress and decreasing when an outflow was in process. While the deposit reserve under the arrangement proposed above would be constant, the deposit reserve ratio would not be constant but would fluctuate. Any expansion of the loan account of the federal reser\'e banks would quickly reflect itself in the diminution of the reserve ratio below 45 per cent; any diminution of their loan account would quickly reflect jtself in an increase of tlie reserve ratio above 45 per cent. In brief, DEVELOPMENT, MAY, 1920, TO PRESENT 329 fluctuations in the reserve ratio would reflect quickly and accu- rately changes in the volume of the reserve banks' discounts. From time to time the situation of the reserve banks as a whole, and of the several reserve banks individually, should be reviewed in the light of current credit conditions and needs in order to determine whether any reapportionment of reserves should be made; whether, e. g., any given bank should enlarge its deposit reserve at the expense of its note reserve. The modus operandi for effecting such enlargement would be for the bank in question to substitute commercial paper for gold as for collateral security pledged with the Reserve Agent for notes issued to the bank, the gold thus released being covered into the deposit reserve. So far as the bank's reserve position was concerned, this would be tantamount to the transfer of a certain amount of gold from the note reserve to the deposit reserve in order to give the bank an enlarged basis of lending. Under this arrangement the reserve ratio would decline rapidly In an era of credit expansion. "It would l)e a faithful indicator of what was going on." It could be relied upon much more confidently than at present. At the same time, the public could anticipate with much more certainty future credit policy. Adequate preparation, furthermore, would have been made for future outflows of gold to foreign countries. It seems impossible that the world's gold can continue per- manently to be apportioned as inequitably as at the pres- ent time. Future withdrawals will likely be of enormous volume. Under Dr. Miller's plan the gold for these with- drawals would be conserved in the note reserve instead of having become demobilized by forming the necessary reserve for enlarged credit advances. This matter of mak- ing provision for future gold withdrawals, furtherniore, might be accepted by the public as justification for this proposed change much more readily than the desire to protect the system against future price inflation. Although these suggestions represent merely an attempt 330 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY to remodel the Federal Reserve system more closely on the pattern of the Bank of England, they appear to the writer to deserve credit as a constructive proposal of great merit. It is particularly fortunate that they were fc«TTiulated by a member of the Board. But valuable as these suggestions may be, their adop- tion would not provide a complete solution. There would still remain the question as to just how great pressure should be exerted at any one time to keep the credit situa- tion under control. How close to the legal minimum could the deposit reserve be permitted to sink without endan- gering its eventual sufficiency? And what would be the reply of the reserve administration if it were argued that its policy had been to the economic detriment of the country and that the gold earmarked as the deposit reserve had been made either too large or too small. In the final analysis the test of economic results must be applied to the reserve administration's acts. Making the reserve ratio a more accurate indicator will not accomplish every- thing. The writer agrees with Miller and Lefhngwell that there is no authority in the act for making price stability the test of discount policy. Neither would it comprise per se an infallible test from the standpoint of economic theory. High prices may be due to other causes than excessive issues of currency or credit. They may be due to physical causes of scarcity, scanty rainfall, depredations of insect pests, labor troubles, and a host of other factors. The remedy for such a situation would not be restricted credit. Rather, the difficulties due to such causes might demand extra advances from the banks. To enable the producers to avoid financial failure, it might be that the banks would be required to supply the funds necessary to meet current obligations. DEVELOPMENT, MAY, 1920, TO PRESENT 33r It has been mentioned previously that there arc situa- tions in which slightly rising prices exert a tonic effect upon industry. Such a situation might be that following a period of subnormal activity. Feileral Reserve policy should be adapted so far as possible to the requirements of productive efficiency and not to those of price stability. Over a series of years the volume of credit grants should be such as would lead to the maximum amount of produc- tion. The final test of the discount policy must be what production indices show regarding the effects of previous credit grants. If the curve of production is rising, there is justification for continued liberality. If past increases in the volume of credit have not correlated with an approxi- mately corresponding enlargement of physical production, the situation, in the absence of other counteracting facto r.-^, calls for restrictive measures. To quote from a previous statement by the writer : * Increase in the volume of rediscounts should be permitted so long as the main effect is to enlarge the volume of production and not to raise the level of prices. Decreases in rediscounts should be enforced when it appears that the volume of business and consequently the need for credit is declining. Over a long period of time increases in rediscounts should be apportioned to the natural rate of growth in the productive capacities of the people. To express the matter in terms of the equation ol exchange (P=il/F)^ M should be altered when its principal effect will be borne by T and not by P. It should not be difficult to educate the public to this point of view. In every review of the month the pnxhic- tion achievements of the country should be stressed promi- 'H. L. Reed, "The Work of the Federal Reserve Board," Jourval of Political Economy, January, 192 1, p. 76. ' In this equation, symbol P refers to the price level, M to the amount of money in actual circulation, V to the rapidity with which the avcra^je unit of money circulates, T the volume of trade for the period. 332 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY nently. Attention should bo rallorl to the amount of rrodit advances for previous months and the attempt made to analyze their effects. Many would soon get in the habit of justifying credit advances according to their effect upon industrial activity. It should be seen that in a period of iabor unemployment, of surplus stocks in the hands of producers and dealers, liberal bank loans may mean pri- marily the enlargement of production, the bringing on to the market of goods which otherwise would not be created. In an opposite situation, one of full labor employment, of shortage in supplies and materials, the effect of credit advances should be higher money terms on which business men bid for the scanty supply of goods, materials, and labor. Expansion then must mean price inflation. In other words, the reserve bank which increases its operations should be made to defend its action on the ground that more credits were required to unlock unused productive resources. The writer is aware that the de- tailed rules for such a policy would call for a large measure of fine discrimination and that controversy must arise continually in their application. Nevertheless, there must be a correct formulation of the relation of increasing bank credits to the level of prices and the volume of trade. No ideal solution is otherwise possible. It should not be difficult to find authority in the act for such a policy. The act states that rates should be fixed "with a view of accommodating commerce and industry." In so far as commerce and industry require the credits to function most efficiently, an attempt should be made to render them available. But if trade and production can- not be increased in approximately corresponding measure by use of a larger volume of credit, restrictive measures should be employed. It should be easy to secure assent to these principles by endeavoring -continuously to lead the DEVELOPMENT, MAY, ig20, TO PRESENT 333 public to compare changes in the vokimc of production with those in the volume of credit and currency. Decisions regarding the justification for increasing credits should be influenced also by qualitative considera- tions. In every season of unduly rapid activity certain excesses appear. Commodity and security speculation exceed past records, borrowers demand repeated renewals and loans of greater maturity, the liquidity of paper in general is reduced. By means of statistical comparisons with the usual or standard conditions, aid could be had in ascertaining whether there is justification for permitting the volume of reserve bank advances to be enlarged. At the present time there is a wide demand that as a permanent solution reserve banks' rates should be kept above the market rates. The argument is that the reserve banks should not contribute permanently any large part of the country's credit supply. The reserve banks' funds should be drawn upon only to meet extraordinary yearly or seasonal requirements. It is insisted that they should keep out of the market except in such situations. When a member bank rediscounts with a reserve bank, it should do so only at a sacrifice. This, we are informed, is an accepted principle of central banking procedure. "Since 1871," for instance, "there has not been a single year when the official bank rate of the Bank of England was not above the market rate on yearly averages." ' A serious difficulty with this proposal is that of deter- mining which of the various interest or discount rates should be taken as expressive of the general market rate. Should it be the rate on line-of-crcdit loans or should it be the rate on bank acceptances? Regarding this a Mil- waukee banker states: • Cf. "The Gold and Retliscount Policy of the Federal Reserve Ranks," by A. Barton Hepburn and Benjamin M. Anderson, Economic World, July 23, 1921, p. 112. 334 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY The volume of line-of-crcdit loans in this country is far larger than the volume of bank acceptance credits, but it may be doubted whether the rates on such loans are as competitive as bank acceptance rates. Bank acceptance rates are fixed in the open market and are published. Line-of-credit loans are not as competitive as they may seem. A small firm commonly maintains a line of credit only at its own bank. Large corpora- tions usually have lines of credit not only with their home banks but with large banks in financial centers, not necessarily because they can secure lower rates, but because no one bank wants to take care of their full needs. For these reasons it is to be doubted whether line-of-credit loans afford as good an index of money market tendencies as the bank acceptance rates.* Although the acceptance rate may represent best the drift of the market, it might not be practicable to rely upon it. In many situations line-of-credit rates are far above the more competitive acceptance rate. A Federal Reserve rate based upon the acceptance rate might not have the anticipated effect of keeping the reserve banks out of the market except in emergency conditions. A reserve rate based upon line-of-credit rates, on the other hand, might remain too uniform instead of displaying the proper degree of flexibility. It is believed, therefore, that no conscious effort should be exerted to make this the fundamental consideration. A rate fixed on the basis of preserving a reserve ratio, ren- dered manageable by the adoption of some such plan as Miller's, and modified according to production indices, ordinarily would be above the bank-acceptance rate. But as to how high above this rate it should be, this proposal ^ gives no information. A reserve rate kept above all bank rates in all communities would, frequently at least, be too high to be workable. A reserve discount rate kept just ' See W. P. G. Harding, "Principles Governing the Discount Rate," The Annals, January, 1922, pp. 183-89. » The proposal that reserve rates be kept above the general market rate. DEVELOPMENT, MAY, 1920, TO PRESENT 335 above the open market commercial paper rate might not be high enough to be effective. The preceding brief discussion is designed to throw some light upon the question as to when reserve bank advances should be restricted. Let us next endeavor to ascertain the means which should be employed to restrict credits on occasions of necessity. Shall principal reliance be placed on rate increases? Or, will it be necessary to insist on direct rejections of applications on the basis of the quality of the paper offered? Or, finally, must greatest measure of attention be devoted to reserve banks' open-market operations? There is much to be offered in behalf of reliance upon rate increases. It is the only means of restricting credit grants which does not subject the bank to charges of par- tiality. The general public undoubtedly has no adequate understanding of the pressure which is brought to bear upon the district directorates in such a period as that following the fall of 19 19. Nothing can create more bitter criticism than the feeling that the bank discriminates unjustlyagainst some portion of its customers. Particularly true is all this of the Federal Reserve banks. Their resources depend upon the contributions of all their members. Each member bank accordingly feels it has a claim upon the resources of the reserve bank on occasions of need. It is a requirement of policy that rate increases be made before other measures are attempted. The efficiency of rate increases may be considered from two points of view. First, will a higher rate exacted by reserve banks l^e reflected in an increased loan rate by member banks? Secondly, will an increase in the general market rate discourage most largely desirable or undesir- able business activities? For a time a certain theory was current which, if true, 336 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY would have dcniocl the effectiveness of the rate-increase method. Rediscounts create reserves for member banks. For every dollar of reserve money, member banks may loan six or seven or more dollars to their own customers. Since they receive interest on several dollars, must "not the discount paid on the one dollar obtained from the reserve bank be a minor consideration? Any slight advance in rediscount rates would appear to be of little effect. To be really effective it would seem that the reserve banks' rates must be absurdly high, as, for instance twenty or thirty per cent. From the standpoint of commanding political support such a rate would be impracticable. Answers to this puzzling question were several. Some argued that rate increases would be effective merely because most bankers had got into the habit of comparing the rates they receive on loans with the rate they paid on rediscounts. If the reserve bank rate was the higher, loans to customers would be reduced. It was held to be not so much a question of what bankers should think, but what they usually did think. More complete analysis, however, would have indicated that there was little or no profit in paying a higher dis- count rate than that at which the funds were loaned. As a matter of fact banks cannot loan anything like six or seven or eight times the amount of credit obtained by the redis- counting operation. Inter-bank relationships render this impossible. Suppose, for instance, a bank rediscounts sufficient paper to obtain a deposit credit of one dollar with a reserve bank. This one dollar of reserve money would enable the member bank to loan its customers, let us say ten dollars of deposit credits. In a short time, however, checks would be written against these deposits, and many of them deposited with other banks. In this way the other DEVELOPMENT, MAY. 1920, TO PRESENT 337 banks would receive the rip^ht to dcmanfl cash from the original bank. To meet these demands our bank would be obliged to give up cash or engage in further rediscounting. It must figure, therefore, if its reserve was insufficient originally, upon rediscounting almost as many dollars as it loaned its customers. Because of this fact, banks would lose if they paid a rediscount charge very much greater than that received on their own loans. It might be argued that the loss of cash to other banks need not occur if other banks were expanding their loans as rapidly as the bank we have in mind. Our bank would be receiving as many dollars of checks drawn upon other banks as they would receive against it. But if this were the situation, the loans of our bank prevent it from gaining cash through a favorable clearing house balance. Cash it might have gained in this way, upon being deposited with a reserve bank, would enable it to loan several fold its amount. The rediscount finally necessitated the cutting down of its loans to an approximately equal amount. Bankers were correct in refusing to admit profits unless they receive from their own customers approximately the same rate they pay to the reserve bank.' A second objection to the efficacy of rate increases is based upon the fact that many loans are exceedingly high, due to the fact that they are not subject to a high degree of competition. Many borrowers are unable to offer their paper outside their own community. In such situations the rates charged may represent some degree of monopo- listic extortion. It is well known that in many newly developing sections of the South and West it is customary for banks to exact a charge of ten, twelve, fourteen per cent. As a matter of fact there may be some justification ' For a more clalxirate discussion of this matter sec Chester A. Pliiih'pa, Bank Credit, pp. 1-76. 338 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY for such high rates. The volume of business done in such communities may be so Hmited as to necessitate the alloca- tion of higher overhead charges to each dollar loaned. But, in such non-competitive situations, it would seem that an advance of a half per cent or so in rediscount rates might be a negligible consideration. There is much to offer on the other side, however. It is questionable the extent to which the abuses of over-rapid credit expansion arise in such communities. Commodity and security speculation, the securing of capital for new industrial enterprises, in general the activities at the basis of a boom, are financed much more largely by funds obtained from banks in the larger cities where competitive conditions do prevail. With money dear in these places, unduly rapid industrial activity might be discouraged to a greater or less degree regardless of what takes place in the smaller localities. By the application of the principle of progressive rates, moreover, banks even in these non-competitive communi- ties might be made to feel the efTect of the reserve bank's rate increase. Authority for the establishment of a pro- gressive rate schedule has existed since the Phelan Bill became law on April 13, 1920. According to the terms of this bill rediscount rates may be increased for those mem- ber banks whose rediscounts exceed a specified base line to which the normal rate applies. During the latter part oi 1920 effective use was made of this plan in two districts. In some cases member banks' applications were made as high as nine per cent for a portion of their borrowings. The progressive-rate plan has not been highly popular, and during the period of its application there was a more or less general demand for its abolition. Some such meas- ure, however, seems necessary if rate increases are to be made effective in communities where strong competition DEVELOPMENT, MAY, 1920, TO PRESENT 339 does not prevail. In situations demanding strict control of credit, inability to employ it may necessitate the use of other undesirable measures, such as the downright refusal to accept certain paper regardless of the amount of the dis- count that would be paid. Many of the doubts regarding the effectiveness of rate increases are based upon the experience of the system during the latter half of 1920 during which reserve ad- vances increased despite higher rates. But so over-ex- tended had most banks become in the preceding boom period that the process of liquidation was attended with great difficulty. There is general agreement that the rate increases of that year prevented the volume of advances from becoming as large as otherwise they would have been. It is not expected that many situations similar to those facing the reserve administration in the spring of 1920 will arise in the future. The credit and industrial situation at that time was intolerable. But it was due in large measure to the previous inability of the reserve banks to raise rates because of the Treasury's easy money programme. It may be that the effect of rate increases will be most largely sentimental; that they are effective only in so far as they give hint of the determination of the administra- tion to resort to stricter and more direct methods in the future. If this be true, it becomes necessary to develop standards for the application of methods designed to eliminate unessential paper. Such standards, however, should not be impossible of determination on the part of the district directorates. The former Director of the Division of Analysis and Research of the Federal Reserve Board has suggested that the proper test is that of liquid- ity. He states:' ' See H. Parker Willis, "Discrimination in Inflation," Commercial and Finan- cial Chronicle, Scptcnit)cr 11, iy20, pp. 1040-41. 340 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY If, for example, it should appear that a borrower had fallen into a way of business which required the extension of a longet and longer credit to customers, or that he was drawing upon securities of which he might stand possessed in order to protect, or collateral paper which he was keeping practically permanently in bank, or for which he was asking repeated renewals, the situ- ation would be such as to raise a strong presumption against the essentiality of his borrowing. But whatever the proper standards, they can be developed for use in situations where rate increases may not succeed in accomplishing their purpose. In a brilliant article in the American Economic Review^ Miss Anna Youngman argues that the warning effect of rate increases cannot be sufificient unless it is known that the reserve banks possess the power to break local rates which remain high in spite of the discount policy of the reserve bank. She insists that rate increases cannot be effective if the local banks previously have been exacting much higher charges than those of the reserve banks. In such situations the warnings of the reserve banks will be ignored. Accordingly she advocates the extension of the open-market powers of the reserve banks to include the promissory note as well as the bill of exchange. If reserve banks were empowered to deal directly in the prevailing type of paper, they would be in a position to keep rates sa closely in touch with those of the reserve banks that advances in the latter should prove more effective. As mentioned previously, however, such a course would be politically hazardous. Nothing creates a greater degree of animosity toward the reserve system than the feeling that the district banks are competing with the member banks by using funds contributed by the latter. The weapons of the reserve system to-day are not perfect. But ' Issue of September, 1921, pp. 466-85. "The Efficacy ot Changes in the Rates of the Federal Reserve Banks." DEVELOPMENT, MAY, 1920. TO PRESENT 341 it is believed they will be more powerful in ordinary situa- tions than it is generally felt. As reiterated often, the reserve banks could exercise no real control over the loan market in the post-war boom period. Requirements of Government finance were then the dominant considera- tions. Rather than increase the reserve banks* power to compete at all times more largely with member banks, it may be more expedient for the present to grant them further weapons in the use of their discount facilities. It may be preferable to permit them to "enforce reasonable regulations regarding usury or to refuse rediscounts to a bank that lends at extortionate rates."* The preceding discussion has emphasized the fact that an important question is the extent to which increases in reserve bank rates could be passed on to the business public. To what degree would higher rates discourage the public's demand for loans? It has been argued frequently that American business is commonly conducted on the basis of such liberal margins above cost that higher rates might not have the effect of limiting seriously the demand for credit. In the final analysis, however, all this would 1x3 a concern merely of the member banks. Member banks in the same manner as reserve banks desire to avoid direct refusals of loan operations. They would first proceed very likely on the basis of rate increases. But if the rate in- creases did not lessen the demand for loans, direct meth- ods, however unpopular, must be employed. This, how- ever, would not be a responsibility of the reserve banks. It would be a problem solely for the member banks. It may be true that rate increases would not be ideal in that they do not distinguish between socially desirable and socially undesirable demands for credit. Rate in- creases would impose the same handicap upon all regard- • American Economic Review, ScijIlihIjlt, i<>ji, p. 478. 342 FEDERAL RESERVE POLICY less of the quality of the economic service rendered by the borrower. It may be true that higher rates can be with- stood more easily by the borrower whose services are the least necessary to society. The margin of profit may be greater in the field of commodity speculation or in the sale of adulterated goods. But it is impossible for the reserve management to attempt to distinguish between the legiti- macy of the various demands for credit. This, to repeat, is a problem primarily for the member bank. It is not believed, therefore, that the time is ripe to grant further weapons to the reserve banks. What is most necessary now is that some means be found which will relieve the reserve banks from undue pressure to grant in the next boom period all the credits their present huge reserves would render possible. Two things in the writer's opinion need now to be emphasized. First, the reserve ratio should be made more manageable by transferring to the note reserves all reserve money except that which forms a workable basis for advances to member banks. Secondly, no opportunity should be overlooked to con- vince the public that an increase in the credit volume is defensible only when it is necessary to give full play to the country's productive powers. The effect of credit upon production should be most closely observed. Production indices should be given a position of prominence in every issue of the Bulletin. The reserve system has been well managed. Although its policy has been developed in the stormiest years of American financial history, concessions have not been made destructive of its power and influence. Despite present attacks there is no doubt but that it has come to command the respect of the thinking American public. Bitter critics should remember that there has not yet been a period in its existence when the general situation would DEVELOPMENT, MAY, 1920, TO PRESENT 343 permit the formation of ideal policies for future credit control. The present, accordingly, is not the time to grant compromise to the advocates of easy money and cheap credit. The system must be fortified to meet the demands of the coming period of industrial revival. In that period will be tested the ability of the American people and of the reserve administration to adapt the powers of a won- derful financial mechanism to the requirements of present- day business and industr>'. THE END INDEX Acceptance, trade, development of, 105-27; bank, development of, 154-84; foreign-trade and domes- tic-trade, 169-71, 194, 195. See Bank, Trade. Adams, L. R., quoted on deducting exchange, 37, 38. Advances, of reserve banks, redis- counts, 70-96; direct collateral, to member banks, 97-104; note is- sues, 205-20; of reserve bank deposits and reserves, 221-38. See Deposits, Note issues. Redis- counts, Reserves. Agricultural credit, characteristics of, 128, 130, 132; restrictions on loans on real estate, 128-30, 133, 134; need of commercial bank for farm- ers, 131, 132; provisions in Reser\'e Act relative to, 134-37. Agricultural paper, eligibility of, 137- 42; identification of, 142, 143; six- '. months, rate of discount on, 146, 147. Agriculture, legitimate needs of, not neglected, 148-50; extent of hostility encountered by, 148. See Farmers. Aldrich Bill, the, 2. Aldrich-Vrccland Act, the, 221, 222, 242. American Acceptance Council, 123. Anderson, B. M., quoted on jiroba- bility of decline in prices, 295. Arbuthnot, Professor C. C, quoted on banking resources, 74. Asset currency, attempts to secure, 205-08, 221. Atlanta Reserve Bank, and Supreme Court decision concerning cashing of checks, 36-38. Balances, minimum, 46. Baltimore jjlan, the, 221. Bank acceptances, essential function of, 154; in import trade, 155, I5(); in export trade, 156-58; advan- tages of, 158-60; types of trans- actions in which it is permitted, 160, 162; restrictions on use of, 161-65; conditions governing use for permitted purposes, 165-69; foreign and domestic trade, iden- tification of, 169-71; classes of domestic, permitted, 171-73; re- strictions governing power of re- serve banks to accept, 173-75; syndicate acceptance, 175-80; policy in encouragement of use of, 180-82; decline in, 182, 183; future development of, 183, 184. Bank notes, issuing of, confinctl to reserve banks, 209; bond- sec urconsibiIity, 16, i7;andFctirral Reserve Banks, 348 INDEX 17, 18; and clearing house, 28, 29; regulations of, regarding discount- able paper, 82-85; appointment of members of, 240; cooperated with the Treasury during the War, 267- 70; cooperation with the Treasury a proper proceeding, 289-91 ; credit system of, 299, 307. See Credit. Federal Reserve Clearing System, 278 n. Federal Reserve System, district re- serve banks the most character- istic feature, of, l; the underlying , theory of, 2; general considera- tions concerning admission into, 50-52 ; national banks and, 52 ; con- ditions of membership in, for State banks, 52, 53; reasons for unwill- ingness of State banks to join, 54- 64; appeal for entrance of State Banks into, 65, 66; increased mem- bership of State banks in, 67; considerations on State bank membership, 67-69; periods of, 239; not in operation at beginning of Great War, 243, 244; meant to operate continuously, 245-49; difficulties of getting into the market, 249-52; rate policy, 252, 253; discounts in first years, 253- 57; open-market purchases in 1915 and 1916, 256, 257; state- ment of policy during first period, 258-60; in the industrial depres- sion of 1920-21, 320-22; future ^^ policy of, 322, 331, 342, 343. "Float," 24, 25, 226. Foreign branches, of American banks, I75» 176. Foreign-trade and domestic-trade acceptances, 169-71, 194, 195. Foreign Trade Financing Corpora- tion, 179. Gold, accumulating in reserve banks, 227-30, 235-37; in reserve banks, efficiency of, 233, 234; inflow of, 235; holdings of, increased, 237, 264, 265, 275, 276. Gold Settlement Fund, relation of, to inter-district shifting of funds, 10 71., 29; enlargement of functions of, 45; establishment of, 259; and ;..iter-bank balances, 278 n. Government bonds, 190, 194, 250. Harding, Governor, quoted on duties of Federal Reserve Banks and Federal Reserve Board, 17, 18; his attitude toward the Board's clearance plan, 42; opposed to plan of Senator Owen, 203; on Federal Reserve control of banking situation, 261; on notes, 270; on currency-volume and price level, 306. Holmes, George K., 37, 130. Implement paper, eligibility of, 138, 139, 142. Import trade, use of trade accept- ances in, 155, 156. Industrial reaction of 1920-21, 316- 22. Inflation, price, during the War, 278-84; due to method of financ- ing the War, 284-91; after the War, 295-99. See Prices. Inter-district lending of funds, 9- 14. Investment operations of reserve banks, in 1917 and 1918, 273, 274. Investment paper, objections to rediscount of, 72-75; criterion of, 85-93; and open-market opera- tions, 190. Investment trust, 177. Irrigation, 191. Jones, Mr., of the Federal Reserve Board, 240. Kemmerer, Professor E. W., 130. LeffingAvell, R. C, quoted, on rates, 301-03; on reserve ratio, 326, 327. Live-stock paper, 137, 138, 141, 142. INDEX 349 Loans, collateral, 100-04; real estate, National and State, restric- tions on, 128, 130, 133, 134; cfTect of rates on, 341, 342. McAdoo, Secretary, quoted on en- trance of State banks into Federal Reserve System, 65. Member banks, and district direc- torates, 18; State banks, 50-69; advances to, in form of rediscounts, 70-96; direct collateral advances to, 97-104; restrictions on their power to accept bank acceptances, 167-73; and redemption of bank notes, 215-17; reserves of, 222- 24; methods of establishing de- posits with reserve banks, 224, 225; and book credits, 225; reserve percentages for, 225-27, 232,238; legal reserves of, to be held entirely on deposit with reserve lianks, 231, 232, 263; and the question of capital stock subscriptions, 250-52 ; conditions of, in second period, 265, 266; reserve account of, in 1917 and 1918, 274; elTect of War on operations of, 276, 277. Miller, A. C, quoted on wages and cost of living, 305; his plan of credit control, 325-30. Mississippi law, as regards exchange, 35. 3^>- Mitchell, Professor Wesley C, 279. Mortimer, Frank C, quoted on re- turn of capital stock subscrip- tions, 250, 251. Moulton, Mr., quoted, 79. Municijxil Ijonds, 194. Municipal warrants, 250. National banks, membership of, 52; legislation broadening jKnvers of, 68; bonds and bank notes of, 209- 12, 220. National Reserve Association, 2. Net deposits, the law's definition of, 238. Note issues, a form of credit, 205; developed before deposits, 206; subject to strict regulations by National Banking Act, 206; elas- ticity of, 208; concentrated in hands of reserve banks, 209; of Federal Reserve notes, 214; method of, 214-16; elTect of, on prices, ^ 306, 307. Notes, bank, issuing of, confmcfl to reserve banks, 2(K); bond-secured, 211, 212; cause of increased circu- lation of, 212-14; issued to replace standard silver dollars destroyed, 213; issuance of, under AUlrich- Vrceland Act, 242, 243. Notes, farmers', 137-42. See Agri- cultural credit. Notes, Federal Reserve, issuance of, by Act of 1913, 214; receival)le by member and reserve banks, 215; lien behind, 215; issued through rediscounts, 215, 216; return of , 2 1 6, 2 1 7 ; interest charges on, 217; outstanding of, 218-20; most important element in our general circulation, 220; made more acce[)lablc by amendment of Sep- tember 7, 1916, 231; substitution of, for gold, 235; to be counted as part of vault reserves, 236; take place of legal tender, 237; changes in circulation of, for various dates, 274, 320; gold co\er for circulation of, 275; effect of, on prices, 306, 307. Open book account system, 108. Open-market operations, and dis- count operations, difference be- tween, 185-87; extension of, to reserve banks, 185; reasons for inclusion of, in final bill, 187-89; on (luoiing forward discount rates, 189, 190; classes of paper per- mitted in, 190, 191; as regards maturity of bankers' acceptances, 192, 193; as regards dealings in cal)le transfers and gold coin and bullion, 193; as regards purchase of 350 INDEX acceptances, 194, 195; compara- tive volume of, 196; ol>jections to, 196-200; proposal for seijarate reserve bank, 200-04; during 1915 and 1916, 256, 257. Organization Committee, 240. Owen, Senator, quoted on abdica- tion of Board, 16; his proposal for separate reserve bank, 200-04. Perrin, John, quoted on direct dis- counts, 98. Phelan Bill, 338. Pittman Act, 212-14. Prices, wholesale, rise of, in period 1917-1918, 278-80; retail rise of, in period 1917-1918, 279, 280; relationship between media of exchange and, 280-82; results of, 282-84; due to method of financing the War, 284-91; after the War, 295-99; relation of, to volume of currency. 306; factors determining, 307; and bankcredits, 308-11; as affected by enlarged money de- mand, 309; in industrial reaction of, 1920-1921,316-22; stability of, as test for rediscount policy, 324, 325, 330-32. Production, as guide to future Fed- eral I-leserve policy, 331-33; and credit, 342. Rates, 5-7; commodity, 143-46; dis- count, quoting forward, 189, 190; policy of Board in regard to, marked by conservatism, 252, 253; on commercial paper, in- creased, 263, 264; from May, 1917, to November 11, 1918, 268-70; rediscount, 303-05, 311- 15; of discount on ninety-day paper, 320; of reserve banks, and market rates, 333; acceptance and line-of -credit, 333, 334; reliance on, as means of restricting credit (progressive rate plan), 335-41; effect of, on demand for loans, 34^. 342. Real estate loans, National and State restrictions on, 128, 130, 133, 134- Reclamation districts, 191. Rediscounts, cooperative function of reserve banks, 70, 71; provisions regarding, 71, [72; of speculative and investment paper, objections to, 72-75; single-name and double- name paper, 75-82; regulations regarding discountable paper, 82- 85; determination of eligible paper, 85-93; the question of limitations, 93-96; and direct discounts, 97, 98; rate of, on six-months agricultural paper, 146, 147; no great demand for, at first, 250; rates of, 303-05, 311-15; control of, essentialsshould be developed, 322; policy, reserve ratio as guide for, 324, 325, 327- 30; policy, price stability as test for, 324, 325, 330-32; increase in rates of, as means of restricting credits, 335-41- Reed, H. L., articles of, quoted, 286, 287, 309, 331. Regional banks, system of twelve, 2. Regional responsibility, 16, 17. Regional system, surprising outcome of legislative planning, i ; state- ment of objections made to, 3-5; consideration of objections to, 5- 18; and credit expansion, 5, 6; and continuous functioning, 6, 7; and rates, 6, 7; and sectionalism, 8; and inter-district harmony, 9-14; and complaints of sectional partiality, 14-16; and regional responsibility, 16, 17; merits of, 18; most vulner- able point of, 18. Renewal trade draft, 122. Reserve account, of member banks, 320. Reserve bank, proposal for separate, 200-04. Reserve banks, and check collections and clearances, 20-4q; advances of rediscounts, 70-96; condition governing the power of, to acquire INDEX 351 acceptances, 173-75; open-market operations of, 185-204; advances of, note issues, 205-20; advances of, deposits and reserves, 221-38; their bank credits with member banks, 225; reserve percentages for, 225; efficacy of gold in, 233, 234; and the question of capital stock subscriptions, 250-52; re- serves of, 264; investment opera- tions of, 273, 274; earning assets of, 274; ratio of cash reserves to net deposits and Federal Reserve notes, 276; relation of, to other parts of system, should be for- mulated, 322; surplus reserves of, enormous, 323; rates of, 333-35. See Federal Reserve Banks. Reserve clearing system. See Checks. Reserve funds, used for speculative purposes, 15 n. Reserve percentages, 225-27, 238. Reserve ratio, changes in, 298, 320; as a guide for rediscount policy, 324-30; should be made more manageable, 342. Reserves, of member banks, 222-24; percentages for reserve and mem- ber banks, 225-27; gold, 227-30; to be held entirely with reserve banks, 231, 232; surplus of re- serve banks, 323. Reynolds, Arthur, 246. Sectionalism, and the regio.ial plan, 5, 8-14. Senatorial Banking Committee, 240. Short-time paper, in open-market operations, 190. Silver dollars, melting down of, in accordance with I'iLtnian Act, 212-14. Single-name and double-name paper, 75-82, 108-11. Speculation, reserve funds used in, 15 «.; land, 133, 134, 151; boom, 315. Speculative paper, objections to re- discount of, 72-75; criterion of, 85-93. Sprague, O. M. W., quoted, 80, 324. State banks, conditions for member- ship of, in the Federal Reserve System, 52, 53; unwillingness of, to join Federal Reserve System, 54; doubtful legal position of, 55, 56; question of doutiie liability of, 56; on rediscountability of paper held by, 57-59; other reasons for unwillingness, 59-64; increased membership, 65-67; considerations on membership of, 67-69. Stewart, Walter W., 280. Stokes, E. C, quoted, 310, 31 1. Strong, Governor, 58, 219. Syndicate acceptance, 175-80. Tcr Meulcn, 180. Thralls, Mr., quoted on the Hard- wick Amendment, 40. Timber, 86, 87. Time items, collection department for, 44, 45. Tractor paper, 138. Trade acceptances, operating in same manner as check, 109; ad- vantages urged in behalf of en- couraging use of, 111-14; means employed to extend use of, 115; origin as distinct class of commer- cial paper, 115; qualifications to which it must conform, 115, 116; why drawn in form of draft, 116; comparative amount of, dis- counted, 117; obstacles in the way of wide extension of its use, Ii8- 20; aid to, justified, 120; objec- tionable methods of using, 120- 23; in renewals, 122; on strength of firms whose allegiance to, was sought, 123, 124; used relatively infrc(|uently, 125; limitations re- garding amount of, 125-27. Trade credit, historical causes of present methods of, 107. Trade paper, provisions pertinent to, no. 352 INDEX Treasury certificates, short-term, is- sues of, in the War, 267, 268; short- time fiscal requirements of, 300. Two-name paper. See Double-name. Wages, 305. War, the Great, effect on finances, 240-42; effect of, on operations of member banks, 276, 277; con- ditions following, 292-97. War finance, successful and unsuc- cessful, 284-91. Warburg, Paul M., 65; quoted on trade acceptances, 80, 81; on the contrast between European and American banking methods, 107; on trade acceptances, 118, 119; on quoting forward discount rates, 189; on the storing of gold, 228; his appointment to Federal Reserve Board, 240. Warrants, 194, 250. Williams, John Skelton, quoted on speculative use of reserve funds, 15. Willis, H. P., quoted on central bank, 8. Wilson, President, 240. Withers, Hartley, 244. Youngman, Anna, her objection to open-market operations, 196-200; on rate increases, 340. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below FEB 2 1933 APR 1 7 193, May 14 "SP ii 27 'oO"- " '■''