7it4- LIBRARY OF CONGRESS LIST OF REFERENCES ON FEDERAL CONTROL OF COMMERCE AND CORPORATIONS COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER FIRST EDITION, ETC. APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN THIRD EDITION, WITH ADDITIONS HERMANN H. B. MEYER ijf For Bale by the Superintendent of Dotuments Government Printing OfBce WASHINGTON . GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFl-'ICE 1918 Price 15 cents -:yp^:}rs. y-'4. !■ f LIBRARY OF CONGRESS LIST OF REFERENCES ON FEDERAL CONTROL ■ OF COMMERCE AND CORPORATIONS COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER FIRST EDITION, ETC. APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN THIRD EDITION, WITH ADDITIONS HERMANN H. B. MEYER 1 \Z'^'Z'\ WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1913 L. C. card, 12-35014 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Prefatory note in Bibliofjraphy 3 Interstate commerce: Constitutional question — General- Books 5-25 Articles in periodicals 25-35 Interstate commerce commission 37-39 Railroad rep;ulation— General — Books 41-61 Articles in periodicals 61-78 Railroad rate regulation- Books 79-95 Articles in periodicals 95-108 Industrial corporations; Trusts- General. Sherman anti-trust act — Books 109-126 Articles in periodicals 1 26-149 Author index 151-159 Subject index • 61-164 I PREFATORY NOTE In 1903 the Library of Congress published an eight page "Select list of references on Federal control of commerce and corporations." This was expanded to twenty-two pages the next year, and in 1907 it was found necessary to publish a supplement, under the title "List of more recent references on Federal control." Considerable material on the Interstate commerce law was also included in the second edition of the "List of books on railroads in their relation to the government and the public," issued the same year. This new edition is made up of references selected from the earlier lists and from the material published during the past five years. So great is the mass of literature on the subject that even after a selection was made it was considered best to issue the list in two sections, the one here offered containing the references of a general character on Interstate commerce, the Constitutional question, the Interstate com- merce commission, the Sherman anti-trust act, etc. (see Table ot con- tents). The other section, now in active preparation, will consist of references to material dealing with special applications of the principle of Federal control, including, for example, such questions as the con- trol of express companies, telegraph and telej)hone business, Feileral incorporation and taxation and special applications of the Sherman anti-trust act. II. H. B. Meyer Herbert Putnam Librarian of Congress Washington, D. C, March 20, 1913 Chief Bibliographer m BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 Briggs, Samuel W., comp. Regulation of interstate commerce. History of bills and resolutions introduced in Congress respecting federal regulation of interstate commerce by railways, etc., from the Thirty-seventh Congress to the Sixty-first Congress, inclusive, 1862-1911. WasJiinrfton, Govt. priTit. off., 1912. 126 p. 23\"^. 12-35594 HE2757.1912.B8 2 Brooklyn. Public library. The railway rate problem. [BrooUijn], 1906. 23 p. 15^'='^. 6-23730 Z7234.S7B8 3 New York. Public library. List of works in the New York public library relating to government control of railroads, rates regulation, etc. [New York, 1906.] 26 p. 25'''^. Z7234.S7N5 Caption title. "Reprinted from the Bulletin, March, 1906 [v. 10]." 6-12150 Z881.N6B,v.lO 4 Phelps, Edith M., comp. Selected articles on federal control of interstate corporations. Minneapolis, TheH. W. Wilson company, 1911. xxvi,200p. 20^'^. (Dehaters' Jiandhoolc series.) Bibliography: p. xv-xxvi. 12-448 HD2764.U6P5 8 INTERSTATE COMMERCE CONSTITUTIONAL QUESTION GENERAL \ BOOKS Adams, Charles 'Francis. The interstate commerce law. ^ {In Compendium of transportation theories, Washington, 1S93. 8°. p. 178-184.) HE1031.C73 * Adams, Henry Carter. Relation of the state to industrial action, i^ [Baltimore], American economic association, 1887. 85 p. ^^c7« (Puhlications of the American economic association. [Monographs], v. 1, no. 6.) 4-1307 HD3611.A3 American academy of political and social science, Philadel- phia. [Federal regulation of corporations.] Philadelphia, American academy of political and social scu ncc, 1905. 1 p. I., 173 p. 26"^. (The annals of the American academy of political and social science, vol. xxvi, no. 3.) Contents. — National regulation of railroads, [by] M. A. Knapp. — Limitations upon national regulation of railroads, [byj 0. E. Butterfield. — Federal control of interstate commerce, [by] II. E. Montgomery. — Constitutional dilliculties of trust regulation, [by] W. Bigelow. — The relation of auditing to public control, [by] F. A. Cleveland. — Federal supervision and regulation of insurance, [by] S. Iluebner. — The distribution of surphis in life insurance, [by] L. A. Anderson. — British and American (xade unionism, [by] W. E. Walling. — Communications. A suggestion for the ])reven- tion of strikes, [by] A. M. Low. Marriage and divorce provisions in the state constitutions Of the United States, [by] F. C. Hicks.— Book department.— Parks and public playgrounds— a sympo- sium. — Philanthropy, charities and social problems. 6-1548 Hl.A4,v.26 6 LIBRARY OF COXGRESS 8 American academy of political and social science. Federal regulation of industry. PhiladelpJiia, American academy of political and social science, 1908. iv, 263 p. 26'^'^. {The annals of tJie American academ,y of political and social science, vol. xxxii, no. 1 .) Contents. — pt. 1. The annual address — The government's relation to corporate construction and management, [by] P. S. Grosscup. The public regulation of corporations — discussion of Judge Gross- cup's address, [by] H. K. Smith. Amendment of the Sherman anti-trust law, [by] T. Marburg. — pt. 2. Effects of anti-trust legis- lation on business, [by] M. M. Marks. Causes of the present busi- ness situation, [by] I. Straus. The panic and the present depres- sion, [by] T. Marburg. Necessity and purpose of anti-trust legis- lation, [by] G. L. Duval. The drug trade and the anti-trust law, [by] W. J. Schieffelin. Attitude of labor towards government regulation of industry, [by] S. Gompers. The political significance of recent economic theories, [by] S. N. Patten. — pt. 3. The public and the railways, [by] M. A. Knapp. How the states make inter- state rates, [by] R. Mather. The trend of governmental regulation of railroads, [by] E. R. Johnson. The nation and the railways, [by] S. Fish. Five years of railroad regulation by the states, [by] G. G. Huebner. Regulation of foreign commerce by the Inter- state commerce commission, [by] W. W. Pierson. — pt. 4. Federal usurpations, [by] J. S. Williams. Development of the federal government, [by] T. E. Burton. The nation should superintend all carriers, [by] C. M. Hough. Railway legislation in Texas, [by] J. L. Slayden. Corporation regulation by state and nation, [by] H. M. Hoyt. No combination without regulation, [by] T. Wil- liams. — pt. 5. Appendix. 8-20966 Hl.A4,v.32 9 American bar association. Report of the Committee on com- mercial law, {In its Report, 1887. Philadelphia, 1887. 24'^". v. 10, p. 332-395.) Contents. — I. Report on proposed act of Congress for the regulation of interstate commerce, submitted by C. C. Bonney: p. 332-344. — II. Report on resolution of Samuel Wagner, respecting the desira- bility and character of a national bankruptcy law: p. 344-354. — Appendix: Bankruptcy bill: p. 354-361; A bill to regulate com- merce among the several states, and to codify the law relating to bills of exchange and other commercial paper: p. 362-395. 10 Report of the Committee on commercial law. 2. Com- mercial law and modern commercial combinations. {In its Report of the twenty-sixth annual meeting, 1903. Phila- delphia, 1903. 23^''™. p. 431-448.) Walter S. Logan, chairman. Suggests three methods of dealing with combinations: 1. Taxation; 2. Reduction of rates and prices by law; 3. Governmental com- petition. Printed also in American law review, Sept.-Oct. 1903, v. 37: 828-844; and in National corporation reporter, Oct. 1-8, 1903, v. 27: 139-141; 173-174. FEDERAL CONTROL: GENERAL: BOOKS 7 11 Amidon, Charles F. The nation and the Constitution. (In American bar association. Report, 1907. Baltimore 1907 23<='». V. 31, p. 463-485.) Reprinted in Green bag, Oct. 1907, v. 19: 594-60G; and in Chicago legal news, Nov. 16-23, 1907, v. 40: 113-114; 116-118. 12 Anderson, William A. Increase of federal power under the commerce clause of the federal Constitution. (/n American political science association. Proceedings, 1908. Bal- timore, 1909. 8°. V. 5., p. 74-82.) JA28.A5 1908 13 Arnold, William H. Interstate commerce. (In Bar association of Arkansas. Proceedings, 1908. [n. p., 1908.] S**. p. 45-71.) 14 Beard, Charles Austin. American government and politics. New York, The Macmillan company, 1910. viii p., 1 I., 772 p. 20h'''^. "Bibliographical note": p. 755-759. Regulation of commerce: p. 379-400. 10-14665 JK271.B5 15 ed. Readings in American government and poUtics. New York, The Macmillan company, 1909. xxiii, 624 P- 20^<=^. "The regulation of commerce": p. 343-360. 9-25160 JE:271.B4 16 Bennett, Smith W. Corporations and the commerce clause. (7n Ohio state bar association. Proceedings, 1907. Columbus, 1907, 23^^™. V. 28, p. 186-209.) Also printed in Central law journal, Sept. 20, 1907, v. 65; 217-224. 17 Bierly, Willis Reed. Police power, state and federal. Defini- tions and distinctions. Limitations upon other powers. Persons and things specially subject to domestic economy and municipal regulation. Persons under disability. State and inter-state commerce, control of strikes, boy- cotts, etc. Philadelphia, R. Welsh cfe co., 1907. 3 p. l, v-xxiiii, 7-338 p. front, (port.) 2^^^'^. 7-25037 18 Bolen, George Lewis. The plain facts as to the trusts and tlic tariff, with chapters on the railroad problem and muni- cipal monopolies. New York, London, The Macmillan company, 1903. xx, 451 p. 19^"^. "List of books cited": p. xx. "The railroad problem": p. 44-90: "Remedies for the evil of trust monopolies": p. 112-159. 8-15479 HD2796.B62 8 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS 19 Bonney, Charles C. The relation of the police power of the states to the commerce power of the nation. {In Illinois state bar association. Proceedings, 1891. Springfield, 1891. 22'=°'. p. 75-80.) Reprinted in American law review, Mar.-Apr. 1891, v. 25: 159-169. ^20 Brown, David Walter. The commercial power of Congress, con- sidered in the light of its origin. The origin, development, and contemporary interpretation of the commerce clause of the federal Constitution, from the New Jersey represen- tations, of 1778, to the embargo laws of Jefferson's second administration, in 1809. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1910. ix, 284 p. 20^"^^ 10-25814 ' HF1455.B8 21 Burton, Theodore Elijah. Corporations and the state. New York and London, D. Appleton and company, 1911, xvi, 248 p., 1 I. Wh""^. 11-25978 HD2795.B86 22 Corporations; their regulation and relation to the public. Chicago, La Salle extension university, ['^1911]. 19 p. 23^^. 12-121 HD2795.E87 \>23 Calvert, Thomas Henry. Regulation of commerce under the federal Constitution. NortJiport, N. Y., Edward Thompson company, 1907. xiv, 380 p. 23h'^'^. (Studies in constitutional law.) Contents. — Pt. I. The constitutional provisions and the general power of Congress and the states: The constitutional provisions generally; The general power of Congress; The general power of the atates.-^Pt. II. Subjects of regulation; Manufacture and pro- duction; Sale, purchase, and exchange of commodities; Transpor- tation of persons and property generally; Railroad and express companies; Telegraph and telephone companies; Navigation and navigable waters; Ships and shipping; Bridges; Sundry subjects of regulation; Discriminative state statutes. — Pt. III. State taxa- tion as affecting commerce: Taxation of imports and exports; Duties of tonnage; Taxation of property; Privilege and occupa- tion taxes; Taxation of corporate franchises; Discrimination by taxation. 7-12250 HF1455.C2 \/^4 Cooke, Frederick Hale. The commerce clause of the federal Constitution. New York, Baker, Voorhis cfc company, 1908. xcii, 302 p. 8-15306 HF1455.C77 FEDEKAL CONTROL: GENERAL: BOOKS 9 25 Cooley, Thomas Mclntyre. The general principles of constitu- tional law in the United States of America. 3d ed., by Andrew C. McLaughlin. Boston, Little, Brown, and co., 1898. li, j^3 p. 19%'^. "Regulation of commerce": p. 66-88. 2-20187 JK251.C76 1898 26 A treatise on the constitutional limitations which rest upon the legislative power of the states of the American union. 7th ed., with large additions, giving the results of the recent cases, by Victor H. Lane. Boston, Little, Brown, and company, 1903. cxxiii, 1036 p. Commerce: see index. 3-28599 JK241.C77 1903 27 Cowan, S. H. Government regulation of interstate commerce. {In National live stock association. Proceedings of the eighth annual convention, Denver, 1905. [Denver? 1905.] 8°. p. OS- Ill.) SF1.N27 1905 28 Daish, John Broughton. Procedure in interstate commerce cases, with illustrative precedents and forms. Washington, W. H. Lowdermilk cfc company, 1909. xiv. Jf9Ji. p. 2Ji.Y'^. 9-8097 HE2708.I84 1909 29 Dos Passes, John Randolph. The inter-state commerce act; an analysis of its provisions. iVew Yorlc cfc London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1887. xiii, 125 p. 20'^'^. (Questions of the day.— xxxviii.) HE2757.1887.D7 8-26190 H31.Q8,v.38 30 Drinker, Henry S., jr. A treatise on the interstate connnerce act, and digest of decisions construing the same. Philadelphia, G. T. Bisel company. 1909-10. 3 v. 24\'^. 9-8094 HE2710.A2S 31 Dunlap, John Kobertson. Jefl'ersonian deinocrMcv, which means the democracy of Thomas JelTerson, Anchow Jackson and Abraham Lincoln. New Yoric, The Jeffersonian society. [1903]. 3 p. l, liii, 479 p. front, (port.) 24'='". "The regulation of interstate commerce": p. 351-387. 3-23079 JK246.D92 10 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 32 Ennis, Alfred. Commerce: intra-state and inter-state; its regu- lation and taxation. {In Illinois state bar association. Proceedings, 1889. Springfield, 1889. 22'-™. p. 48-53.) Reprinted in Chicago legal news, Jan. 26, 1889, v. 21: 181-182. 34 Farrar, Edgar H. Address of the president. (/n American bar association. Report, 1911. Baltimore, 1911. 8°. p. 229-303.) Devoted principally to the control of corporations. 36 Freund, Ernst. The poHce power, pubUc policy and constitu- tional rights. Chicago, CallagTian cfc company, 1904. xcii, [2], 819 p. "The federal government and the police power": p. 62-83; "Com- binations of capital. Restraint of trade, manipulation of prices, and trusts and monopolies": p. 330-355. Also, see index under Railroads and common carriers; Rates and charges, etc. 4-6257 37 Grosscup, Peter S. The corporation problem and the lawyer's part in its solution. (7n Ohio state bar association. Proceedings, 1905. Columbus, 1905. 23'='^. V. 26, p. 100-117.) Reprinted in American law review, Nov.-Dec, 1905, v. 39: 835-852. 38 Hadley, W. S. "The laws of business and the laws of man." {In New Mexico bar association. Minutes of the regular annual session, 1908. Santa Fe, 1909. 8°. p. 18^4.) On control of trusts and railroads. 39 Hamlin, Charles Sumner, comp. The act to regulate commerce (as amended) and acts supplementary thereto, indexed, digested, and annotated, including the Carriers' liability act, safety appliance acts, act requiring reports of acci- dents. Arbitration act, Sherman anti-trust act, and others. Boston, Little, Brown, and company, 1907. 2 p. I., Jj.80 p. 7-6412 40 Hare, John Innis Clark. Notes of a course of lectures on Ameri- can constitutional law, delivered in the Law department of the University of Pennsylvania 1884-1885. Philadelphia, 1885. xv {i. e. xiii) 342, 18 p. 27^"^. "Regulation of commerce," p. 272-325. See also "Review and summary," pt. 2, p. 1-18. >-21643t JB:241.H27 FEDERAL CONTROL: GENERAL: BOOKS H 41 Harlow, Robert P. The propriety of regulating commercial intercourse (especially that relating to railroads) between the states by national legislation; or, What national legis- lation (if any) should be had to regulate commercial inter- course between the states. {In New York state bar association. Report, 1880. Albany, 1881. 24"™. V. 4, p. 207-240.) 42 Hart, Albert Bushnell. Actual government as applied under American conditions. 3d ed., rev. New York [etc.], Longmans, Green, and co., 1908. xliv, 599 p. front., plates, fold, maps, facsims., tab., charts. 201'"'^. {American citizen series. Ed. by A. B. Hart.) "Commercial functions": p. 481-534, with references. 8-17751 JK421.H33 43 Hastings, William Granger. The development of law as illustrated by the decisions relating to the police power of the state. [Philadelphia], 1900. 196 pp. 8°. Reprinted from Proceedings of the American philosophical society. V. 39, no. 163. Qll.P5,v 39 44 Hemingway, Wilson L. Annual address. (7n Mississippi state bar association. Report, 1910. Jackson, 1910. 23^^™. V. 5, p. 34-57.) On the "growth of national influence under the power to regulate interstate commerce." 45 Hendrick, Frank. The power to regulate corporations and commerce; a discussion of the existence, basis, nature, and scope of the common law of the United States. New Yorlc and London, G. P. Putnarn's son^, 1906. Ixxii, 616 p. 22'^'^. "The author's conclusion is that the power of the government of the United States to regulate corporations and commerce is ample and that it should be exercised fully in accordance witli Gladstone's plan of "worl-imj the institution-i of the country," — -i. e., by putting into effective operation the existing machinery of the government. The author aims to show that activity in investigation and prose- cution by executive departments and administrative coinini.ssicms, cooperation therewith and support thereof by the legislative, and confident resort to the courts by individuals and public ofTicers for the protection of rights under statutes, the common law, and the Constitution, will result in the regulation of corporations and com- merce to the satisfaction of commercial and financial interests and of the public, but that unron.stitutional Ifgi.slation and tlie altem])t of the executive and legi.'ilative to reduce the efliciency <>f the courts and to prevent resort to them will delay tlie solution of present problems and aggravate them in the future." 6-38328 HD2777.H3 12 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 46 Hill, Joseph M. The history and evokition of the commerce chiuse. (/?i North Carolina bar association. Report of the 7th annual meet- ing, Lake Toxaway, July 5-7, 1905. Durham. 1905. 8°. p. 152- 184.) 47 Hollister, Howard C. Regulation of corporations. (in Ohio state bar association. Proceedings, 1905. Columbus, 1905. 23'=". V. 2G, p. 146-183.) 48 HuflFcut, E. W. Constitutional aspects of the federal control of corporations. {In New York state bar association. Proceedings, 1900. Albany, 1900. 24«™. V. 23, p. 159-183.) Also printed in American law review, Mar .-Apr. 1900, v. 34: 186-204. 49 Interstate commerce law conventioii, St. Louis, 1904. Amendment of the interstate commerce law. Addresses of Hon. John D. Kernan, Hon. William Larrabee, Judge Samuel H. Cowan, Hon. David R. Francis before the convention. [n. p., 1904.] cover-title, 2^ p. 23^"^. 7-29386 HE2757.1904.K4 50 Proceedings of the Interstate commerce law convention, held at St. Louis, Missouri, October 28th and 29th, 1904. \Waslhin(jton, D. C, Judd cfc Detweiler, printers, 1904-] 56 p. _g<3i cm 6-22905 HE2757. 1904.16 51 Chicago, 1905. Interstate commerce law conventions held at Chicago October 26 and 27, 1905; comprising the sessions of the Interstate commerce law convention at Steinway hall and the Federal rate regulation association at Music hall, Fine arts building. [n. p., 1905?] 173 p. 20<='^. 7-10683 HE2757.1905.I62 52 Proceedings of the Interstate commerce law convention held at Chicago, Illinois, October 26 and 27, 1905. [n. p., 1905?] cover-title, I40 p. 22^"^. 6-1429 HE2757. 1905.16 53 Jenkins, John J. Can Congress transfer to the states its power to regulate commerce? {In American bar association. Report of the 29th annual meeting, St. Paul, Minn., 1906. Philadelphia, 1906. 8°. p. 418-449.) FEDERAL CONTROL: GENERAL: BOOKS 13 55 Jones, Paul. The commercial power of Congress. New Yorlc, Priv. print.; [press of C. S. Nathan], 1904-. S p. I., 245 p. 22^"^. An historical survey of the constitutional interpretation of the com- merce clause of the Constitution and of its application, with cita- tions of court decisions. The subjects of the commercial power considered include navigable waters, suppression of monopoly, states' powers, federal power of regulation, etc. 5-10916 HF1451.J8 56 Judson, Frederick Newton. The law of interstate commerce and its federal regulation. 2d ed. Chicago, T. H. Flood & co., 1912. xxiv, 805 p. 24^^. The Library of Congress has also the editions of 1905 and 1906. 12-1874 ' 57 Kibler, Thomas Latimer. Procedure in interstate commerce cases. Chicago, La Salle extension university, [^1911]. 39 p. 23'=^. 11-26920 HE2708.I84 1911a 58 Knox, Philander Chase. The development of the federal power to regulate commerce. Address to the graduating classes of the Law school of Yale university, on June 24, 1907. [New Haven, 1907 ?] 20 p. 23'^'^. Reprinted in Yale law journal, Jan. 1908, v. 17: 139-150; Chicago legal news, Jan. 25, 1908, v. 40: 192-194. 10-12198 HF1455.K7 60 Lewis, William Draper. The federal power over commerce and its effect on state action. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania press, 1892. xvi, 145 p. 8°. 61 Littleton, Martin W. Structural and economic changes. (In Texas bar association. Proceedings, 1911. Austin, 1912. 8°. p. 200-219.) Deals largely with the subject of the federal control of corporationa. 62 Logan, Walter S. Interstate commerce and the Constitution. (In Rhode Island bar association. Proceedings, 1902. [n. p., 1902?] 8°. p. 5-27.) 63 Long, Chester I. Congress and interstate commerce. (In Colorado bar association. Report, 1906. [u. p., 1906.] 8°. p. 97-112.) 59753"— 13 2 14 LIBEAET OF CONGRESS 64 McClain, Emlin. A selection of cases on constitutional law. 2d ed. Boston, Little, Brown, and company, 1909. xli, 1297 p. "To accompany The general principles of constitutional law. By Thomas M. Cooley." The Library of Congress has also the edition of 1900. Regulation of commerce: p. 235-422. Subdivided as follows: a. Ex- tent of federal power. — b. Validity of state regulation: 1. Local provisions; control of harbors, bridges, dams and ferries; 2. Taxa- tion of commerce; 3. Exercise of police power. — c. Federal tax on exports. — d. State tax on imports or exports.^-e. State tax on tonnage. — ^Appendix A. Additional cases relating to regulation of commerce: p. 1071-1118. 1. The extent of federal power. — 2. State taxation. 9-27928 JZ:265.M3 65 McGehee, Lucius Polk. Due process of law under the federal Constitution. Nortliport, Long Island, N. Y., E. Thompson company, 1906. X, 451 p. 2SY'^. {Studies in constitutional law) "[Regulation of] business affected with a public interest": p. 314- 318; Regulation of rates: p. 318-327. 6-32130 66 McNulta, John. Inter-state commerce law. — Some of its prac- tical workings. (In Illinois state bar association. Proceedings, 1890. Springfield, 1890. 22="». p. 67-79.) 68 Marshall, John. John Marshall, complete constitutional deci- sions, ed. with annotations, historical, critical and legal, by John M. Dillon. CJiicago, Callaglian <& company, 1903. xi, [1\, 799 p. front, (port.) 2 fold, facsim. 24"'^. The Library of Congress has also " The constitutional decisions of John Marshall," 2 vols.. New York, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1905. Partial contents: — Federal jurisdiction over corporations: Bank of the United States v. Deveaux and others: p. 166-179; The national supremacy over foreign and interstate commerce: Gibbons v. Ogden: p. 421-467; State laws taxing the franchises or functions of federal instrumentalities unconstitutional: Osborn and others v. Bank of the United States: p. 468-511; Constitutional scope of federal judicial power over corporations in which a state is inter- ested: Bank of the United States v. Planters' bank: p. 512-519; Paramount power of Congress to regulate commerce: Brown and others v. the state of Maryland: p. 520-548. S-32779 JK181.M32 PEDEKAL control: GENERAL: BOOKS 15 69 Mather, liobert. The commerce clause of the Constitution. {In Illinois state bar association. Proceedings, 1896. Springfield, 189G. 22<'°'. ,p. 103-122.) 70 Constitutional construction and the commerce clause. {In American bar association. Report, 1897. Philadelphia, 1897. 24'^'". V. 20, p. 279-305.) Also printed in American law review, Xov.-Dec. 1897, v. 31: 839- 864. 71 Meredith, Wyndham R. Federal control of intrastate com- merce. {In Virginia state bar association. Report, 1908. Richmond, 1908. 23<"". V. 21, p 247-299.) Opposed to the extension of federal control to intrastate commerce. 72 Miller, Samuel Freeman. Lectures on the Constitution of the United States. New York and Albany, Banks and brothers, 1893. xxi, 765 p. 21^"'^. ■■Regulation of commerce": p. 394—403, 433-484. 2-19694 JK241.M66 73 Moore, Dewitt Clinton. The law of interstate commerce and federal regulation thereof including the Mann-Elkins amendments of 1910 and the Sherman anti-trust act of 1890. Albany, N. Y., M. Bender cfc company, 1910. Ixxvii, SOS p. 10-28959 74 Newcomb, Harry Turner. The constitutionality of the delega- tions in the interstate commerce law. Philadelphia, Railway world, 1910. 1 p. I., 5-43 p. 23 ^'^. 10-21363 HE2757.1910.N47 Reprinted from the Railway world of July 1, 8 and 15, 1910, v. 51. TFl.R68,v.54 75 Nimmo, Joseph, jr. The internal commerce of the United States and the law of its development. Address before the National statistical association at Washington, 1). C, June 16, 1894. [Washington'^: lS94'i\ cover-title, 49-65 p. 23<='^. 6-3435-|- HE2767.1894.N7 From the National statistical journal, v. 1, pt. 2, July, 1894. 16 LIBKAEY OF CONGRESS 7G Nimmo, Joseph, jr. The regulation of comnierce through a dispensing power. Efforts ol the Interstate comnierce commission to gaui autocratic control of the mternal comnierce of the United States. The political aspects of the question. Washington, D. C, The R. H. Darby printing co., 1903. 1 p. I, 51 p. 23'^'^.. "This document, in a somewhat extended and revised form, will constitute one or more chapters of a volume ... in course of preparation on The evolution of the American railroad system." 6-45116 HE2757.1903.N7 77 An obiter digest of the United States Supreme court reports (1 Dallas to 197 U. S.); a collection of the obiter state- ments of law found in the opinions of the justices; comp. by the Publishers' editorial staff. Northport, Long Island, N. Y., E. Thompson company, 1906, 2 V. 26^"^. "Interstate commerce": v. 2, p. 1-42. 6-2324 78 Ordronaux, John. Constitutional legislation in the United States; its origin, and application to the relative powers of Congress, and of state legislatures. Philadelphia, T. dD /. IF. Johnson Jb co., 1891. vi, 696 p. See index under Commerce. 4-8223 79 Paschal, George Washington. The Constitution of the United States defuied and carefully annotated. With an ap- pendix, supplement, and index thereto. [3d ed.] Washington, D. C, W H Morrison, 1882. xx, xxa-xxc, [xxi]-lxxii, 644 V 21'^'^. "Commerce": p. 105-110. 2-14916 - JK241.P27 1882 80 Patterson, Christopher Stuart. The United States and the states under the Constitution. 2d ed., with notes and references to additional authorities, by Robert P. Reeder. Philadelphia, T. & J. W. Johnson & co., 1904. ^H, 347 p. 24"". "This new edition follows the plan of the former, but much new and important matter has been introduced. The Insular cases, the Anti-trust act, and problems arLsing out of state regulation of railroad rates are discussed at length; the Interstate commerce act has been carefully considered, and the host of decisions upon pro- visions of the fourteenth amendment has been collected, a concise yet comprehensive statement being given of the decisions of the Supreme court upon 'due process of law' and upon 'the equal pro- tection of the laws.'" — Amer. law reg. Jan. 1905, p. vi. The Library of Congress has also the edition of 1888. "The regulation of commerce": p. 59-136. 4-31001 JK314.P3 1904 FEDERAL CONTROL: GENERAL: BOOKS 17 80a Peirce, Edward Beauchamp. Digest of decisions of the courts and Interstate commerce commission undiT the act to regulate commerce from 1887 to 1908. With copy of Act to regulate commerce as amended to date, the original act and amendments, the Elkins act, the Expedition act, the Act in relation to testimony, etc. Chicago, 1908. 2 p. I., vii-viii, 1205 -p. 24'^'^. 8-30952 HE2708.I855 81 Pierce, Franklin. Federal usurpation. New York, D. Appleton and company, 1,908. xx, 437 p. pi cm "The interstate commerce clause": p. 269-305. 8-4348 JK311.P5 82 Pomeroy, John Norton, The power of Congress to regulate commerce between the states. St. Louis, G. I. Jones and company, 1878. 51 p. 24*^"*. 5-41327t HE2757.1878.P8 83 Prentice, Ezra Parmalee. The federal power over carriers and corporations. New York, London, The Macmillan company, 1907. xi, 244 V- ^i '""• "Mr. Prentice's work is a protest against the screwing tendency toward centralization and away from local government. Federal • control over carriers and corporations he believes a departure from the fundamental division of power between national and state government which is basic in our republic. The remedies for some evils which now exist, such as child labor, Mr. Prentice believes lie in throwing greater responsibility on state and local govern- ments, and not on the federal government. Numerous cases at law are cited and indexed." 7-4172 HD2777.P8 84 and John G. Egan. The commerce clause of the federal Constitution. Chicago, Callaghan and company, 1898. Ixxv, 386 p. 24'^. Sept. 28, 98-85 85 Prouty, Charles A. A fundamental defect in the act to regulate commerce. (7n American bar association. Report, 1907. Haltimoro, 1907. 8°. p. 486-504.) Urges that the Interstate commerce commi:*»ion be rccoustilutod and relieved from its executive duties, retaining only iUs judii iai functions. 18 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 87 Rorer, David. American interstate law. 2d ed. bv Charles E. Kstabrook. Chicago, Callaglian and company, 1893. Ixv, 508 j>. 24^'^. Interstate commerce: p. 405-421. 88 Russell, E. L. The Supreme court and interstate commerce. (In Alabama state bar association. Proceedings, 1890. Mont- gomery, 1891. 2P™. p. 142-150.) 89 Sells, Elijah Watt. Corporate management compared with government control. 2d ed. New York, Press of Safety systems company, [1908]. 11 p. diagr. 23^'='^. Argues against government regulation of railroads and other corpora- tions as a hindrance to their free development. Also printed in Banking law journal, Feb. 1908, v. 25: 165-169. 8-19430 HD2795.S44 90 Shaw, Albert. Political ])roblems of American development. New York, The Columhia university press, 1907. vii, 268 p. 20^'^'^. {Columhia university lectures. George Blumenthal foundation. 1907.) "Problems of economic regulation, especially those relating to rail- ways and to industrial monopolies.": p. 166-193. 7-22104 JK39.S53 91 Smith, George W. Relations of corporations to the community. {In Illinois state bar association. Proceedings, 1887. Springfield, 1887. 22<=»". p. 97-104.) 92 Smythe, William Ellsworth. Constructive democracy; the eco- nomics of a square deal. New York, London, The Macmillan company, 1905. 3 p. I., v-vii, [1], 4,57 p. 20^"^. The question of government control of railroads and other corpora- tions is discussed in chapters 3-17 (p. 71-210). 5-29966 HN64.S74 93 Snyder, William Lamartine. The interstate commerce act and federal anti-trust laws, including the Sherman act; the act creating the Bureau of corporations; the Elkins act; the act to expedite suits in the federal courts; acts relating to telegraph, military, and post roads; safety appliance law affecting equipment of cars used in inter-state com- merce, with all amendments. With comments and author- ities and a Supplement. Nev) York. Baker, Voorhis & company, 1906. 2 v. front, {map) 24 '^^. FEDERAL CONTROL: GENERAL: BOOKS 19 Vol. 2 has title: Supplement to Snyder's Interstate commerce act and federal anti-trust laws, embracing the Railway rate bill ap- proved June 29, 1906 . . . including also the Employers' liability bill, Pure food bill. Meat inspection bill and Hall-mark or Jewelers' liability bill. The Library of Congress has also the 1904 edition in one volume 6^2382 94 Spooner, John C. The power of Congress under the "commerce clause" over state corporations engaged in interstate or foreign commerce. {In New York state bar association. Proceedings, 1908. Albany, 1909. 23"°'. V. 32, p. 216-250.) 95 Stickney, Albert. State control of trade and commerce by national or state authority. New York, BaJcer, Voorhis & company, 1897. xiv p., 1 I., 202 p. ^5-1^™. 3-13045/2 HD76.U6S8 96 stickney, Alpheus Beede. The defects of the interstate com- merce law. An address at a meeting of the Washington economic society. [Washington? 1905.] 2.5 p. 23'"'". 6-17972t HE2757.1905.S9 Also printed as Senate document 137, 58th Congress, 3d session. 4765 97 Stimson, Frederic Jesup. The American Constitution; the national powers, the rights of the states, the liberties of the people; Lowell institute lectures, delivered at Boston, October-November, 1907. New Yo?'Jc, C. Scribners sons, 1908. 5 p. I., 259 p. fold, front. 20""^. "Interstate commerce, the control of trusts, and the regulation of ^^ corporations": p. 227-259. 8-3494 "^ JK246.S93 98 Story, Joseph. Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States: with a preliminary review of the constitutional history of the colonies and states before the adoption of the Constitution. 5th ed., by Melville M. Bigelow. Boston. Little, Brown, and company, J 905, 1891. 2 v. 24'^^. Power to regulate commerce: v. 2, p. 2-44. 8-27554 jrK:211.S72 99 Stringfellow, Horace, jr. Inter-state commerce law: [views upon its constitutionality]. (In Alabama state bar association . Proceedings, 1887. Montgomery, 1888. 23'''°. p. 68-87.) ^ Reprinted in American law review, Jan. -Feb., 1889, v. 23: 84-99. 20 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 100 Sutherland, William Angjus. Notes on the Constitution of the United States, showino; the construction and operation of the Constitution as determined by the federal Supreme court and containino; references to illustrative cases from the inferior federal courts and state courts. San Francisco, Bancroft-Whitney comp.any, 1904- xv, 973 p. ti}Qlcm Commerce: p. 95-152. 4-21695 JK241,S96 101 Thayer, Joseph Bradley. Cases on constitutional law. With notes. Cambridge: 0. W. Sever, 1895. 2 v. 8°. Cases on "the regulation of commerce, ^foreign, interstate, and with the Indian tribes": v. 2, p. 1783-2190. Limits of state and na- tional authority discussed in a note: v. 2, p. 2190-2191. 102 Thompson, Seymour D. Abuse of corporate privileges. {In Bar association of the state of Kansas. [Proceedings of] ninth annual meeting, 1892. Topeka, 1892. 23'''". p. 24-47.) Favors federal control of corporations doing interstate business. 103 The power of the people over corporate and individual combinations and monopolies. {In Illinois state bar association. Proceedings, 1891. Springfield, 1891. 22'~". p. 81-91.) 104 Tiedeman, Christopher Gustavus. A treatise on state and federal control of persons and property in the United States considered from both a civil and criminal stand- point. St. Louis, The F. H. Thomas law booJc co., 1900. 2 v. 8°. "Regulation of trades and occupations": v. 1, p. 233-612; "State regulation of corporations": v. 2, p. 945-1007; "The location of police power in the federal system of government " : v. 2, p. 1008- 1094. Dec. 6, 1900-64 105 Tucker, John Randolph. Congressional power over inter- state commerce. {In American bar association. Report, 1888. Philadelphia, 1888. 24"'°. V. 11, p. 247-277.) Reprinted in Railroad and corporation law journal, Sept. 29, 1888, V. 4: 290-298. 106 The Constitution of the United States. A critical dis- cussion of its genesis, development, and interpretation. Edited by H. S. Tucker. Chicago, Callaghan & co., 1899. 2 v. 2^'='^. "The power over commerce": v. 2, p. 519-558. June 15, 99-166 JK241.T9 FEDERAL COXTROL : GENERAL: BOOKS 21 107 U. S. Congress. House. Committee on interstate and foreign commerce. Hearings [April S-Jiine 17 and Fobruarv 4, 1902] on the bills to amend the interstate commerce law (H. R. 146, 273, 2040, 5775, 8337, and 10930). Washii^gton, Gov't print, off., 190£. 673 p. £5^^™. 3-4704 HE2705.1902.A1 108 Heanngs [Dec. 9, 13, 1904, Jan. 6, 9-13, 16-21, 23-25, 1905] on H. R. 10431, 6273, 6768, 7640, 10008, 11434, 11594, 13778, 12767, 15600, 16301, to amend tlie interstate-commerce law. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1905. 4II p. 23^"^. Caption (p. 3): Hearings ... on the proposed enlargement of the powers of the Interstate commerce commission. &-34720 HE2705.1905.A1 109 Hearings on bills to amend tlie Inter- state-commerce act. House report 4093, amending the Interstate-commerce act. The Antitrust act and acts supplementary thereto. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1905. 1 p. l, 4II, 282, 19, 46 p. 23""^. {58th Cong., 3d sess. House. Doc.no. 422.) 4879 Contents. — Proposed enlargement of the powers of the Interstate commerce commission. — To amend the interstate-commerce law relating to private car lines. — Amending the Interstate-commerce act. — The act to regulate commerce (as amended) and acts supple- mentary thereto . . . The Antitrust act and actvS Pup])]onienUiry thereto" 1887-1905. 5-17875 HE2705. 1905. All no Hearings [Dec. 14, 1906-Jan. 22, 1907] on H. R. 10840, to provide for the uivestigation of contro- versies affecting interstate commerce, and for other |)ur- poses. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1907. 77 p. 23'^. 8-16502 HE2705.1906.A12 111 Hearings on bills affecting interstate commerce. Pt. i-xxvi [and index] Washington, Govt, print, off., 1910. 2 v. 23'^. 10-20241 HE2706.1910.A13 11 la Committee on the judiciary. Power of Con- gress over interstate commerce. Prepared by Thomas C. Spelling. Washington Govt, print, off. 1912. cover-title,, 318 p. 23^^^. 12-35972 HE2767.1912.AS 22 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS 112 U. S. Congress. Senate. Select committee on interstate com- merce. Report. (With appendix) . . . [and Testimony]. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1886. 2 v. 2^^^. (49th Co7ig., 1st sess. Senate. Rept. no. 4-6.) 2356-2357 Shelby M. CuUom, chairman. 8-30773 HE2705.1886.C5 113 Industrial commission. Amendment of the interstate commerce law. Extracts from the Report of the Indus- trial commission on transportation submitted to the Fifty- seventh Congress. Pub. by the Executive committee of the Interstate commerce law convention. [n. p., 1904?] 78 p. 23^'"^. Cover-title. 6-24052 HE2123.A2 114 Interstate commerce commission. A concordance of the Act to regulate commerce. 1902. Washington, GovH print, off., 1902. 1 p. I., 98 p. 23^'^'^. Text of the Act: p. 1-22. 8-12342 HE2710.A2 1902 115 Interstate commerce commission cases in the federal courts, 1887 to 1911. Index office. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1911. 126 p. 23'''^. Judson C. Clements, chairman. Letter of transmittal signed: Henry Talbott. 11-35849 HE 2 708. 1851 1911 116 Interstate commerce commission reports. Decisions. Rochester, N. Y., Lawyers' cooperative publishing co., 1887- 1906; Washington, Govt, print, off., 1908-12. 23 v. 23<=^. 8-30656 HE2705.I85 117 Power of Congress over interstate commerce. [Washington, 1897.] cover-title, 10 p. 24Y'^. 7-33368 HE2757.I897.1J6 118 Rules of practice before the Commission in cases and proceedings under the act to regulate commerce. Rev., amended and adopted January 14, 1911. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1911. 18 p. 25"'^. 11-35325 HE2708.I84 1911 FEDERAL CONTEOL : GENEEAL : BOOKS 23 119 U. S. Interstate commerce commission. Table of cases and opinions of the Interstate commerce commission. Decis- ions under act from April, 1887, to January, 1909. Vols. I to XV, I. C. C. reports. Index division. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1909. 33 p. incl. tables. 29\ X 23^^^^. HE2708.I852 120 Decisions under act of 1906, from August, 1906, to June, 1912. Vols. XII-XXIII, inclusive, I. C. C. reports. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1912. 32 p. 29'='^. 12-40633 HE2708.I853 1912 121 Table of cases on the formal docket of the Interstate commerce commission from April, 1887, to August 28, 1906, not disposed of in the printed reports. With lists of commodities, localities, etc. Index office. December 1, 1910. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1910. 90 p. 23'^'^. 10-36126 HE2708.I851 1910c 122 Laws, statutes, etc. The act to regulate commerce (as amended) and acts supplementary thereto: Coniniorce court act, Safety appliance acts. Act requiring montldy reports of accidents, Ai-bitration act, Hours of service act, Boiler inspection act. Pub. by the Interstate commerce commission. Revised to July 1, 1911. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1911. 112 p. 24"^. 11-35734 HE2710.A2 1911 124 Interstate commerce law as chaniji:o(l by tlic act of June 29, 1906. Compiled by C. R. llillycr. January 31, 1907.— Ordered to be jmnted. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1907. v p., 52 numb. I., 53-56 p. 29 X 23"''. (59th Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Doc. 266.) 6080 Another ed. was pub. in 1906. Contents. — Interstate commerce law: act of February 4, 1887, and act of June 29, 1906 (in parallel columns) — An act in relation to testimony before the Interstate commerce commission, February 11, 1893. — An act definuip^ immunity, June 30, 1900. — An act to expedite the hearinp; and determination of suits, February 11, 1903.— An act requirinp; common carriers en^'at,'ed in interstate commerce to make full reports of all accidents to tlic Interstate commerce commission, Maxch 3, 1901. — Index. 7-11011 HE2710.A2 1907 24 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 125 U. S. Laws, statutes, etc. The interstate commerce laws . . . the full text of all the laws, including revisions to July 1, 1910. New York, Tie Railway age gazette, 1910. 86 p. ^5"™. 10-15616 HE2710.A1 1910 126 The law relating to the Interstate commerce commission, the vSherman anti-trust act, and the Bureau of corporations, by John Horatio Nelson. New York, The Banks law 'publishing co., 1908. xxii, 430 p. £4'="'. 8-30955 HE2708.I857 127 The new railroad law. Text of the act creating the new Commerce court and the Interstate commerce act as amended by the act of June 18, 1910; ed. by William L. Snyder. New York, Baker, Voorhis & company, 1910. vi, 70 p. 10-16682 HE2710.A2 1910a 128 Laws, statutes, etc., 1903-1904 {58th Cong., 2d sess.) A bill to regulate interstate commerce by competition. H. R. 11962, February 8, 1904. [Washington, 1904] S2 p. 22'"^. (Scatter-it series.) 8-16796 HD3888.A4 129 President, 1909-1913 (Taft). Special message on inter- state commerce and antitrust laws and federal incorpora- tion. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1910. 20 p. 23"^. 10-35062 HE2705.1910.F4 Another issue. 61st Cong., 2d sess. House. Doc. 484. 5834 HE2705.1910.F41 130 Walker, Aldace F. The amendment of the interstate com- merce law. {In Compendium of transportation theories, Washington, 1893. 8°. p. 112-120.) HE1031.C73 131 Webber, William Lewis. The relations of corporations to the state. [Ann Arbor, 1897.] cover-title, 15 p. 24^'^. {Publications of the Michigan political science association: vol.ii. no. 9. December, 1897.) ^7789 H31.M6,v.2 FEDERAL CONTROL: GENERAL: PERIODICALS 25 132 Widtcomb, George H. Some phases of interstate commerce. {In Bar association of the state of Kansas. Proceedings, 1909. [Clay Center], 1909. 24''™. p. 133-149.) Commerce defined; relative powers of states and Congress; interstate traffic in intoxicants; constitutionality of Littlefield bill. 133 Wickersham, George Woodward. Wliat further regulation of interstate commerce is necessary or desirable ; an address before the Minnesota state bar association at Duluth, July 19, 1911. Wasliington, T). C, 1911. 23 -p. 23^"^. A 12-136 BCE2757.W6 134 Same. (In Minnesota state bar association. Proceedings, 1911. [St. Paul, 1911]. 8°. p. 149-159.) 136 Willcox, David. Natural forces, or political fiat; which shall control the country's commerce? An address, delivered at Cornell university December 15, 1905. [New York, 1905.] cover-title, 31 p. 24^'^. 10-27466 HE1843.W72 137 Willoughby, Westel Woodbury. The American constitu- tional system; an introduction to the study of the Ameri- can state. Neiv YorJc, Tlie Century CO., 1904. xvi, 323 p. 20'^'^. {The American state series.) "Bibliographical note": p. 291-299. Federal control of interstate commerce: p. 137-144. 4-19880 JK261.W73 138 The constitutional law of the United States. New York, Baker, Voorhis & company, 1910. 2 v. 24'^. Includes a chapter on interstate commerce. 10-25891 JK268.W6 ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 139 1879. Potts, J. D. Congress and interstate commerce. Nation, Jan. 30, 1879, v. 28: 79-80. aP2.N2,v.28 140 1885. Whitney, Edward B. Commercial retaliation between the states. American law review, J an.- Feb. 1885, v. 19: 62-72. 141 1886. White, II. The Inter-state commerce bill. Nation, Dec. 23, 1886, v. 43: 516-517. ap2.N2,v.43 26 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 142 1887. Ashley, Charles S. The Inter-state commerce bill. Nation, Jan. 20, 1887, v. U: 52. AP2.N2,v.44 148 1887. The Inter-state commerce act. Anterican law record, Apr. 1887, v. 15: 618-627. 144 1887. Phelps, Charles Henry. The inter-state commerce act and the obligation of contracts. Railway and corporation laiv journal, Ayr. 16, 1887, v. 1: 362-366. 145 1887. Greeley, Louis M. What is the test of a regulation of foreign or interstate commerce ? Harvard law review, Nov. 15, 1887, v. 1: 159-184. 146 1888. Hadley, Arthur T. The workings of the interstate commerce law. Quarterly journal of economics, Jan. 1888, v. 2: 162-187. HBl.Q3,v.2 147 1889. Stringfellow, Horace. The interstate commerce law. American law review, Jan.-Feh. 1889, v. 23: 8^-99. 148 1889. Wintersteen, A. H. The commerce clause and the state. American law register. Bee. 1889, new ser, v. 28: 733-747. 14'J 1890. Culberson, Charles A. The Supreme court and inter- state commerce. American law review, Jan.-Feh. 1890, v. 24: 25-63. 150 1890. Hadley, Arthur T. The prohibition of railroad pools. Quarterly journal of economics, Jan. 1890, v. 4'- 158-171. HBl.Q3,v.4 151 1890. Howland, William R. The police power and interstate commerce. Harvard law review, Oct. 15, 1890, v. 4: 221-233. 152 1891. Fowler, Robert Ludlow. The state and private cor- porations. American law review, July-Aug. 1891, v. 25: 581-594- 153 1891. Walker, Aldace F. Operation of the interstate com- merce law. Forum, July, 1891, v. 11: 524-540. AP2.F8,v.11 154 1892. Dabney, W. D. The basis of the demand for public regulation of industries. American academy of political and social science. Annals, Jan. 1892, v. 2: 433-449. Hl.A4,v.2 FEDERAL CONTROL: GENERAL: PERIODICALS 27 155 1892. Hening, Crawford. The Interstate commerce commis- sion before the federal courts. American law register, Mar. 1892, v. 31: 156-173. 156 1892. Greene, T. L. The interstate hiw at the West. Nation, Mar. 17, 189,2, v. o4: 205-206. AP2.N2,v.54 157 1893. Logan, James A. Interstate conmierce law: its origin and administration. American journal of 'politics, Apr. 1893, v. 2: Jfil-Jfll. Hl.A5,v.2 158 1893. Murfree, William L. Federal jurisdiction of corpora- tions as "citizens." Central law journal, Apr. 21, 1893, v. 36: 333-338. 159 1893. Russell, Alfred. Congress should abrogate federal juris- diction over state corporations. Eai'vard law review, Apr. 25, 1893, v. 7: 16-23. 160 1893. Meddaugh, E. W. The Interstate commerce act. Its purpose, practical operation, partial failure and reason. With suggestions for its improvement. Michigan political science association. Publications, May. 1893, V. 1: 98-127. H3i.M6,v!i 161 1893. Shaw, James T. The Interstate commerce act from the shippers' standpoint. Michigan political science association. Proceedings, May, 1893, V. 1: 128-143. H31.M6,v.i 162 1894. Walker, Aldace F. Has the Interstate commerce law- been beneficial ? Forum, Apr. 1894, v. 17: 207-216. AP2.F8,v.i7 163 1895. Shoemaker, Herbert B. Federal power to regulate interstate commerce and the police powers of the states. American law review, Jan.-Feh. 1895, v. 29: 59-72. 164 1895. Dunbar, William II. State rcgulaliun of prices and rates. Quarterly journal of economics, Apr. 1895, v. 9: 305 333. HBl.Q3,v.9 165 1895. Thompson, Seymour I). Federal jurisdicliou in case of corporations: proposed act of Congress to restore the early rule on this subject. American law review, Nov.-Dec. 1895, v. 29: 864-877. 28 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 166 1896. Bryan, George. An unfeigned issue. American magazine of civics, Nov. 1896, v. 9: 352-36 If. A review of four court decisions affecting the enforcement of the Interstate commerce act. Hl.A5,v.9 167 1897. Helm, Thomas Kennedy. Interstate commerce. University law review, July, 1897, v. 3: 267-280. 168 1897. Greenbaum, Milton D. The power of the United States courts to enjoin persons from obstructing interstate com- merce and the transportation of the mails. Chicago legal news, Aug. 28-Oct. 2, 1897, v. 30: 2-3; 13-14; 27; 34; 39-40; 46-47. Reprinted from the Baltimore Daily record. 169 1897. Clark, Walter. The rights of the public over quasi- public services. Arena, Oct. 1897, v. 18: 470-485. AP2.A6,v.l8 170 1899. Adams, Henry C. The federal taxation of interstate commerce. American monthly review of reviews, Feb. 1899, v. 19: 193-198. AP2.R4,v.l9 171 1899- Spoonts, Morris A. Some phases of interstate com- merce. American law review, Mar.-Apr. 1899, v. 33: 188-201. 172 1901. Finkelnburg, G. A. The power of the state to regulate prices and charges. American lawyer, Aug. 1901, v. 9: 381-385. 173 1902. Dowling, Henry M. Growth of federal authority over interstate commerce. Albany law journal, Sept. 1902, v. 64: 311-319. 175 1903. Sanborn, John Bell. Federal control of corporations. American law review, Sept.-Oct. 1903, v. 37: 703-712. 176 1903. Prentice, Ezra Parmalee. The origin of the right to engage in interstate commerce. Harvard law review, Nov. 1903, v. 17: 20-40. Ill 1904. McDermott, Allan L. Federal control of corporations engaged in interstate business. Bankers' magazine {New Y(yrk) Mar. 1904, v. 68: 327-330. HG1501.B3,v.68 FEDERAL CONTROL: GENERAL! PERIODICALS 29 178 1904. Marshall, Charles C. State police powers and federal property guarantees. Columbia law review, Mar. 1904, 'V- 4-' 153-170. 179 1904. Prentice, E, Parmalee. State monopolies of interstate commerce. North American review, Apr. 1904, v. 178: 499-511. AP2.N7,v.l78 181 1904. Brown, David Walter. The exclusive power of Con- gress to regulate interstate and foreign commerce. Columbia law review, Nov. 1904, 'V- 4: 490-501. 182 1904. Fuller, Paul Is there a federal police power? Columbia law review, Dec. 1904, v. 4- 563-588. 183 1905. Cutting, Robert L. Regulation of corporations by federal law, Albany law journal, Feb. 1905, v. 67: 39-44. 184 1905. Parsons, John E. Federal regulation of corporations: a dangerous departure. Green bag. Mar. 1905, v. 17: 135-137. 185 1905. Curtis, Wilham J. Federal regulation of corporations: a public necessity. Green bag. Mar. 1905, v. 17: 138-141. 186 1905. Rogers, James S. The exclusiveness of the power of Congress over interstate and foreign commerce. American law register, Sept.-Oct. 1905, v. 53: 529-571, 593- 64.0. 187 1905. Killebrew, J. B. Regulation of interstate commerce. Manufacturers' record, Dec. 14, 1905, v. 48: 569-570. TSl.M3,v.48 188 1906. Prentice, E. Parmalee. Congress, and the roguhition of corporations. Harvard law review, Jan. 1906, v. 19: ] 68-1 99. Argues that the "power to regulate freights and fares for interstate transport " does not belong to the states, as decided by the Sujirenie court in Wabash railroad co. v. Illinois in 188(3. "The sttitea, being thus deprived of the power to regulate interstate rates, tlie doctrine has now become current that the Constitution gave thia power to Congress." This proposition is examined in the light of precedent and constitutional interpretation with the conclusion that Congress has no control in the matter. So that the Constitu- tion does not permit interference either by the states or Congress. 59753°— 13 3 30 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 189 1906. Daish, John B. The proposals for the amendment of the interstate commerce act. Green hag, Mar. 1906, v. 18: 150-152. 190 1906. Grosscup, Peter S. The national corporation problem. Railway critic, May, 1906, v. 5: 206-208. tfi.R42,v.5 191 1906. Coudert, Frederic R. Constitutional limitations on the regulation of corporations. Columbia law review, Nov. 1906, v. 6: 4^5-496. 192 1907. Cook, Walter Wlieeler. "\Miat is the police power. Columbia law review, May, 1907, v. 7: 322-336. Includes an analysis of "our constitutional system with reference to the distribution of governmental power between the national gov- ernment and the states." 193 1907. Wisner, Carl V. The constitutionality of federal legis- lation concerning employer and employee engaged in interstate and foreign commerce. Michigan law review, June, 1907, v. 5: 639-661. Contents. — 1. Legislation by Congress affecting employer and employee engaged in transportation by water. — 2. Legislation by Congress affecting employer and employee engaged in railroad transportation. — 3. Legislation by Congress regulating hours of , labor of employees operating railroad trains. — 4. Legislation by Congress relating to union labor and adjustment of disputes between common carrier and employee. 194 1907. Dos Passos, John R. A proposed federal corporation law. Van Norden magazine, July, 1907, v. 2: 101-108. HGl.V3,v.2 195 1907. Evan, J. D. Federal vs. state regulation. Van Norden magazine, Aug. 1907, v. 2: 53-56. HGl.V3,v.2 19G 1907. Amidon, Charles F. The Constitution and the corpo- rations. Outlool, Sept. 7, 1907, v. 87: 19-26. AP2.08,v.87 198 1907. Parker, Alton B. [Annual address of President Ameri- can bar association, 1906-1907, reviewing the legislation of the year, the decision in the Kansas-Colorado water case, the power and duty of Congress over commerce, and of the United ^States over the states.] Green hag, Oct. 1907, v. 19: 581-593. FEDERAL CONTROL: GEN.LRAL: BOOKS 31 199 1907. Bennett, S. W. Corporations and the commerce clause. Albany law journal, Nov. 1907, v. 69: 323-332. *'It is, therefore, apparent that the cry of unconstitutional central- ization does not come from those who have read with unprejudiced minds the judicial history of their country". 200 1907. Burnett, H. P. State interference with interstate com- merce. Virginia law register, Nov. 1907, v. 13: 4^7-512. 201 1907, Andrews, Edward L. Considerations for a sixteenth amendment. Albany law journal, Dec. 1907, v. 69: 363-368. Proposals for an amendment to the federal Constitution vesting in Congress the power of incorporating companies doing an interstate business. 202 1907. Thacher, Thomas. Corporations and the states. Yale law journal, Dec. 1907, v. 17: 98-100. 203 1908. Jenks, Jeremiah W. The principles of government con- trol of business. American economic association quarterly, Apr. 1908, 3d ser., V. 9:1-20. HBl.A5,3dser.,v.9 204 1908. Hadley, Arthur Twining. The constitutional position of property in America. Independent, Apr. 16, 1908, v. 64: 834-838. AP2.l53,v.64 205 1908. Finley, W. W. Corporations and their regulation. Freight, May, 1908, v. 9: 107-109. he2122.T7,v.9 207 1908. Dos Passos, John R. The United States Supreme court, and the commercial era. Yale law journal, June, 1908, v. 17: 573-584. 208 1908. Cohn, Morris M. Recent developments iu the law relating to interstate commerce. American law review, Sept.-Oct. 1908, v. 4^: 666-686. 209 1908. Beveridge, Albert J. Unjust attacks on business must cease. Appleton's magazine, Nov. 1908, v. 12: 518-523. AP2.A59,v.l2 210 1909. Stevenson, C. W. Government control of (■orporatious. Bankers' magazine, Jan. 1909, v. 78: 40-42- HG1501.B73,v.78 32 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 211 1909. Thacher, Thomas. Corporations and the nation. Yale law journal, Feb. 1909, v. 18: 263-266. "Basis of the right to regulate corporations." Also printed in National corporation reporter, Nov. 25, 1909, v. 39: 473. 212 1909. Morse, Perley. Practical legislation for governmental surveillance of corporations. Green lag, May, 1909, v. 21: 225-228. 213 1909. Change in federal control of corporations. Journal of 'political economy. May, 1909, v. 16: 303-305. HBl.J7,v.l6 214 1909. Scott, Robert Bruce. The increased control of state activities by the federal courts. American political science review, Aug. 1909, v. 3: 347-361. JAl.A6,v.3 215 1909. Cooke, Frederick H. The exclusiveness of the power of Congress to regulate commerce. American law review, Nov.-Dec. 1909, v. 43: 813-820. 216 1909. Cooke, Frederick H. The Supreme court, the com- merce clause and common law rules. Yale law journal, Nov. 1909, v. 19: 32-35. 217 1910. Wickersham, George W. Federal control of interstate commerce. Harvard law review, Feb. 1910, v. 23: 241-259. 218 1910. Grosscup, Peter S. Prosperity with justice — working toward a solution. North American review, Mar. 1910, v. 191: 311-321. Favors valuation of the property of railways and other corporations, with legal limitation of profits, earnings in excess to go into the federal treasury, unless used for betterment of service or reduction of rates. AP2.N7,v.l91 219 1910. Hill, James J. Highways of progress: Fifth article. How to regulate corporations. World's work. Mar. 1910, v. 19: 12730-12738. AP2.W8,v.l9 220 1910. Cooke, Frederick H. State and federal control of cor- porations. Harvard law review, Apr. 1910, v. 23: 4^6-464- FEDEEAL CONTEOL : GENERAL: PERIODICALS 33 221 1910. Cooke, Frederick H. The application of the commerce clause to the intangible. University of Pennsylvania law review and American law register, Apr. 1910, v. 58: 411-425. Reprinted in Law student's helper, July, 1910, v. 18: 202-205; and in National corporation reporter, Nov. 10-17, 1910, v. 41: 405-406; 439-440. 222 1910. Goodnow, Frank J. The power of Congress to regulate commerce. Political science quarterly, June, 1910, v. 25: 220-256. H1.P8.V.25 224 1910. Montague, Gilbert Holland. Business enterprise and the law. North American review, Nov. 1910, v. 192: 694-707. AP2.N7,v.l92 225 1910. Pam, Max. Powers of regulation vested in Congress. Harvard law review, Dec. 1910, v. 24: 77-104- General and enumerated powers; the commercial clause; federal incorporation; publicity in coq^orate business; argument for na- tional uniformity in legislation affecting nation-wide interests. 226 1911. Cooke, Frederick H. Nature and scope of the power of Congress to regulate commerce. Columbia law review, Jan. 1911, v. 11: 51-62. 228 1911. Kellogg, Frank G. Federal incorporation and control. Yale law journal, Jan. 1911, v. 20: 177-190. 229 1911. Cummins, Albert B. The regulation of interstate com- merce. Editorial revieio, Feh. 1911, v. 4-' 132-138. AP2.E26,v.4 230 1911. Cooke, F. H. The Gibbons vs. Ogden fetish. Micfiigan law review, Feh. 1911, v. 9: 324-333. "Chief Justice Marshall's definition of * commerce' and effect of the decision criticised as mischievous." 231 1911. Cooke, F. H. Pseudo-doctrine of the exclusiveness of the power of Congress to regulate commerce. Yale law journal, Feh. 1911, v. 20: 297-308. 232 1911. Lehmann, Frederick W. National control of corpora- tions. Brief, Mar. 1911, v. 11: 3-30. 34 LIBKARY OF CONGEESS 233 1911. Perkins, George W. Business vs. federal control of cor- porations. CoUier's, Mar. 11, 1911, v. 46: 32. AP2.C65,v.46 234 1911. Needham, Charles W. The exclusive power of Congress over interstate commerce. Columbia law review, liar. 1911, v. 11: 251-261. 235 1911. Tucker, II. St. George. Have the corporations been law-abiding? Virginia law register, Apr. 1911, v. 16: 881-910. Cites numerous court decisions to show "that the corporations of the country have not been law-abiding in their persistent attempts to have the constitutional laws of the states declared unconstitutional by the Supreme court of the United States." 235a 1911. Mann, Clyde A, Approaching problems in federal con- trol. American legal news, May, 1911, v. 22: 278. 236 1911. Cooke, Frederick H. The source of authority to engage in interstate commerce. Harvard law review, June, 1911, v. 24: 635-646. 237 1911. Clements, Judson C. The interstate commerce law. Its development and administration. Scientific American, June 17, 1911, v. 71: 585-586, 607. Tl.S5,v.71 238 1911. Bikle, Henry Wolf. Jurisdiction of certain cases arising under the interstate commerce act. University of Pennsylvania law review and American law register, Oct. 1911, v. 60: 1-18. 239 1911. Gary, E. H. Government control of large corporations. Iron age, Dec. 7, 1911, v. 88: 1236-1237. Tl.l7,v.88 240 1911. Cooke, Frederick H, The use and abuse of the com- merce clause. Michigan law review, Dec. 1911, v. 10: 93-107. 241 1912. Nagel, Charles. Federal legislation for the guidance of commerce. Case and comment, Feb. 1912, v. 18: 491-493. 242 1912. Stetson, Francis L. Control of corporations engaged in interstate commerce. Case and comment, Feb. 1912, v. 18: 512-515. FEDERAL CONTROL: GENERAL: PERIODICALS 35 243 1912. Wolf, J. H. G. Regulation of industries by govern- mental supervision. Association of engineering societies. Journal, May, 1912, v. 48: 245-254. TAl.A83,v.48 244 1912. Foulke, William Dudley. An interstate trade commis- sion. Journal of 'political economy, Apr. 1912, v. 20: 406-415. "A paper read before the Western economic society at Chicago, March 1, 1912." HBl.J7,v.20 245 1912. Hall, James Parker. Constitutional aspects of federal regulation of business. Journal of political economy, May, 1912, v. 20: 4'^3-479. HBl.J7,v.20 246 1912. Maltbie, Milo E-. Judicial review of public regulation. Journal of political economy, May, 1912, v. 20: 480-491. HBl.J7,v.20 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION 271 Bacon, Edward. The inadequate powers of the Interstate commerce commission. North American review, Jan., 1902, v. 17 4: 46-58. AP2.N7,v.l74 272 Davis, Samuel M. The Interstate commerce commission and the public. Outlool', Mar. 17, 1900, v. 64: 626-628. AP2.08,v.64 273 Hines, Walker Downer. Delay of the Interstate commerce commission in decidino^ cases. This delay is apparently due to too many duties, which no sincrle tribunal could adequately discharge. Yet pendino; bills greatly increase the Commission's duties, and thereby make expeditious action still more impracticable. [Louisvillef 1906.] cover-title, 10 p. ^4="». 11-5552 HE1843.H6 274 The proposals of the Interstate commerce commission. Forum, Mar. 1902, v. 33: 3-14. In opposition to the proposal to grant to the Commission power to pre- scribe rates, classifications and practices. AP2.F8,v.33 275 Jackson, Arthur M. The Interstate commerce commission. {In Bar association of the state of Kansas. Proceedings, 1909. [Clay Center], 1909. 24'^'°. p. 123-132.) References: p. 132. On the duties and powers of the Commission. 276 Knapp, Martin A. .More power or divided responsibilities. Freight, Dec. 1907, v. 8: 266-269. An address before the National grain dealers' association. HE2122.F8,v.8 277 Lane, Franklin K. Tlie Inter-state commerce coniniission — to date. City cluh of Chicago. City club bulletin, Dec. 23, 1908, v. 2: 215-221. JS701.C57,v.2 278 Lewis, William Drai)cr. The standing oi' the Interstate com- merce commission before the federal courts. American law register, Mar. 1893, v. 32: 272-278. 279 Meyer, B. H. The ])ast and the future of the Interstate com- merce commission. Political science quarterly, Sept. 1902, v. 17: 394-4'^7. Hl.P8,v.l7 37 38 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 280 Newcomb, Harry Turner. The federal courts and the orders of the Interstate commerce commission. Washington, D. C, Press of Gibson brothers, 1905. 206 f. 9^ cm 5-33782 HE2113.A2N5 281 Tlie force and effect of the orders of the Interstate commerce commission. Cambridge, The Harvard law review association, 1909. cover- title, 12-29 'p. 27'''^. "Reprinted from the Harvard law review, vol. xxiii, no. 1." 10-213(54 HE2757.1909.N5 282 Great powers of the interstate commission. Freight, June, 1905, v. 3: 282-283. HE2122.r8,v.3 283 The work of the Interstate commerce commission. With which have been reprinted certam editorial and other articles throwing light upon the proposed amend- ment of the interstate commerce law. Washington, Press of Gibson brothers, 1905. 102 p. fold. table. 23 <'^. 5-30402 HE2757.1905.N6 284 Nimmo, Joseph. The commerce commission and its record. Freight, Jan. 1905, v. 3: 34-37. HE2122.F8,v.3 285 A commercial and political danger. Review of the Fifteenth annual report of the Interstate commerce com- mission and of the policy pursued by the Commission from the beginning. [Washington, D. C, 1902.] U p. 22^^. 3-28631 HE2757.1902.N7 286 Prouty, Charles Azro. Court review of the orders of the Inter- state commerce commission. Yale law journal, Mar. 1909, v. 18: 297-310. 287 The powers of the Interstate commerce commission and Railway discriminations and industrial combinations. Washington, D. C, 1900. 1 p.l, 42 p. 24^"^. 7-28683 HE2757.1900.P9 Three articles, reprinted from the North American review, Nov. 1898, v. 167; the Forum, Apr. 1899, v. 27; the Annals of the American academy of political and social science, Jan. 1900, v. 15. AP2.N7,v.l67 AP2.F8,v.27 Hl.A4,v.l5 FEDERAL CONTEOL : INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION 39 288 Ralston, J. H. Interstate commerce coimiiission. American legal news, May, 1911, v. 22: 286-288, 289 Smith, Milton H. The dangerous demands of the Interstate commerce commissioji. Forum, Apr. 1898, v. 25: 129-143. An argument against the pro])osal to invest the Commission with rate-making powers. AP2.F8,v.26 290 The mordinate demands of the Interstate commerce commission. Forum, July, 1899, v. 27: 551-563. In opposition to the proposal to grant the rate-making power to the Commission. AP2.F8,v.27 291 The powers of the Interstate commerce commission. North American review, Jan. 1899, v. 168: 62-76. AP2.N7,v.l68 292 Totyl, John. The Interstate commerce commission. Overland monthly, Feb. 1889, n. s., v. 13: 184-191. AP2.09,n.8.v.l3 294 U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on interstate commerce. Duties and powers of the Interstate commerce com- mission. Hearings, December 16, 1904, and subse- quently, the committee havmg under consideration the bill (S. 2489— Quarles bill) ... also the bill (H. R. 1 3588— Esch-Townsend bill). Washington, Gov't print, of., 1905. 309 p. 23'='^. 5-13571 HE2705.1905.C1 295 Interstate commerce commission. Annual report. 1st- 26th. 1887-1912. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1887-1913. map, tables. 23^"^. With appendices. 9-14679t HE2708.I6 296 Van Buren, Arthur Benjamin. Index-digest of the reports, rulings and decisions of the Interstate commerce commis- sion. Raleigh, N. C, Edwards & Broughton printing company, 1910. 4 p. 1,213 p. 23^'"". 10-G121 HE2708.I851 1910 297 Supplement no. 1-4. Raleigh, Edwards & Broughton printing company, 1910-11. 4 v. 22^ ''^. "Supplements are issued monthly." HE2708.I861 suppl. RAILROAD REGULATION: GENERAL BOOKS 31 1 Acworth, W. M. The relation of railways to the state. (In British association for the advancement of science. Report, 1908. London, 1909. 21cm. p. 77S-783.) Q41.B8 1908 Reprinted in Engineering, Oct 16, 1908, v. 86: 528-531. TAl.E55,v.86 Economic journal, Dec. 1908, v. 18: 501-519. HBl.E3,v.l8 312 Adams, Brooks. Railways as public agents; a study in sover- eis:nty; with an historical financial analysis of the Great northern railway system, by Frederick O. Downes. Boston, 1910. xvii, 164 V- ^^''"*- Prepared as a supplementary brief in the case of the "City of Spokane et al. V. Northern Pacific ry. co. et al." before the Interstate com- merce commission. 10-28790 HE2767.1910.A2 313 Adams, Charles Francis, jr. Railroads: their origin and prob- lems. New YorTc, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1878. 2 p. l, 216 p. 19\ '^"'. "The railroad problem [government regulation in foreign countries and in the United States] " : p. 80-216. 4-4239/2 HE1051.A22 314 American economic association. Committee on transporta- tion. The railway question. The report of the Commit- tee on transportation of the American economic association. With a paper read at the Boston meeting, May 21-25, 1887, on ''The agitation for federal regulation of railways." By Edmund J. James. [Baltimore], American economic association, 18S7. 6S p. 23'^^. (Publications of the American economic association. [Monographs], v. 2, no. 3.) Committee: E. J. James, R. M. Smitli, Lyman Al)l)ott. 4-557 HBl.A5,v.2 HE2767 1887 315 Baldwin, Simeon Eben. American raihoad Inw . Boston, Little, Brovm, and company, 1904- Ixi'i, 770 p. 24^'"^. "Public right of control": p. 211-221; "Interstate business": p. 376-392. 4-15357 41 42 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 31G Baldwin, Simeon Eben, comp. Cases on railroad law. ^7. Paul, West publishing co., 1896. viii, 333 p. 26'"^. " Interstate commerce and Sherman anti-trust acts ": p. 179-197. 12-30502 317 Barnes, Harry Cleveland. Interstate transportation; a treatise on the federal regulation of interstate transportation and common carriers, includino; jurisdiction of the Interstate commerce commission. Rev. to date, containing the act of June 18, 1910. Indianapolis, The Bohhs- Merrill company, 1910. xxxix, [1], 1378 p. 21^'''^. 10-30148 HE2710.A232 HE2710.A23 318 Berge, George W. The free pass bribery system, showing how the railroads, tlirough the free pass bribery system, pro- cure the government away from the people. Lincoln, Neh., The Independent publishing company, 1905. xiv, 313 p. jront. {port.) 20""^. "George W. Berge. A biographical sketch (by William M. Morn- ing)": p. 303-313. Favors government control and regulation. 5-35285 HE1961.B49 319 Bonham, John M. Railway secrecy and trusts. New YorJc cfc London, G. P. Putnam; s sons, 1890. 138 p. 20'^™. {Questions oj the day, no. Ixi.) Contents. — -The transportation problem.— Existing railway manage- ment.- — Public responsibility for existing evils. — The government and the railways. — -The effects of state inaction. 6-16331t HE1051.B72 320 Browne, Edward Frederick. SociaH.sm or empire; a danger. [Omaha, Klopp & Bartlett company, "1906.] 229 p. 20^"^. Government regulation of railroads: p. 54-174. 6-45063 HE1051.B88 321 Bureau of railway economics, Washington, D. C. The con- flict between federal and state regulation of the railways. Washington, D. C, 1911. IS p. 23'"". {Bureau of railway economics. Bulletin no. 15.) 11-18849 HE2757.B8 - Reprinted in Railway world, Aug. 11, 1911, v. 55: 639-641 (TFl.R68,v.55); and in Freight, Sept. 1911, v. 12: 231-233 (HE2122.F8,v.l2). FEDEEAL CONTROL: RAILEOAD REGULATION: BOOKS 43 322 Butterfield, Ora E. Limitations upon national regulation of railroads. Philadelphia, American academy of political and social science: [etc., etc., 1905]. cover-title, [17]-29 p. 24^'^. {Publica- tions oj the American OA^ademy oj political and social science, no. 477.) 6-22906 HE1051.B94 Reprinted from the Annals of the American academy of political and social science for Nov. 1905, v. 26. Hl.A4,v.26 323 Compendium of transportation theories. A compilation of essays upon transportation subjects by eminent experts. Washington, D. C, Kensington publishing company, 1S93. 295 p. 23'^^. {Kensington series. First boolc.) Contents. — 1. The railway problem defined, by Thomas M. Cooley; 2. The railroad malady and its treatment, by Augustus Schoon- maker; 3. The railroad problem, by Joseph D. Potts; 4. The'pub- lic and the railways, by Shelby M. Cullom; 5. The railroads and the public, by Frank J. Firth; 6. The future of the railroad prob- lem, by A. B. Stickney; 7. Unity of railways and railway inter- ests, by A. Schoonmaker; 8. The railroads as one system, by Joseph Nimmo, jr.; 9. The federal control of railways, by S. M. Cullom; 10. Reply to the Hon. S. M. Cullom. by G. R. Blanchard; 11. Limitations upon railway powers, by Augustus Schoonmaker; 12. Railway legislation, by Walter D. Da))ney; 13. The amend- ment of the Interstate commerce law, by Aldace F. Walker; 14. The legal aspect of railroad strikes — the Ann Arbor decision, by Wager Swayne; 15. Service of a bureau of railway statistics and accounts in the solution of the railway question, by Henry C. Adams; 16. English and American railways — a comparison and a contrast, by W. M. Acworth; 17. High speed railroad travel, by Theodore Voorhees; 18. The relations between Canadian and , American railways, by A. C. Raymond; 19. Some characteristics of the American railway system, by Joseph Nimmo, jr.; 20. The development of railway freight classifications, by C. C. McCain; 21. The Interstate commerce law, by Charles F. Adams, jr.; 22. Discrimination by railways, by Martin A. Knapp; 23. Discrimi- nations from the use of private cars of shippers, by Augustus Schoonmaker; 24. Long versus short haul, by E. P. Alexander; 25. The treatment of railroad employes, by 13. B. Adams, jr.; 26. The Brotherhood of engineers and its relation to the railroads, by Nat Sawyer; 27. The necessity for railway compacts under govern- mental regulation, by James Peabody; 28. The a])i>()rtioninent of traffic among competing railroads, by Jaseph Nimmo, jr.; 29. Popular and legal view of traffic pooling, by Thomas AL Cooley; 30. The Iiiterslatecommerccact— pooling and combinations which affect its operation, by Thomas M. Cooley; 31. A i)lca for railway consolidation, by Collis P. Huntington; 32. Railroad consolida- tion, by E. P. Alexander; 33. Govonunent interference in Engli.sli railway management, by W. M. Acworth; 34. Railwu>' a-ssociations, by Aldace F. Walker. 5_il471 HE1031.C73 44 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 324 Dabney, Walter Davis. The public regulation of railways. New York & London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1889. v, 281 p. 20'^^. {Questions of the day. no. lx.) 8-31625 HE1051.D2 325 Daish, Jolm Broughton. Present transportation problems; speech before the New Orleans Board of trade, November 17, 1905. New York, Freight publishing company, [1905]. 1 p. I., 13 p. 23\'''^. 6-29510 HE2757.1905.D2 326 Problems of railway corporations. Read before the. American civic alliance, Washington, December 29, 1911. [V^^ashington, 1912.] 13 p. 23^'^. A 12-129 HE2757.1911.D2 327 Dunn, Samuel O. The American transportation question. New York and London, D. Appleton and company, 1912. xi, 289, [1] p. 19'^. "Government regulation: who shall regulate": p. 222-245; "Gov- ernment regulation: underlying principles": p. 246-280. 12^449 HE203.D8 328 — Current railway problems. [New York], Railway age gazette, 1911. 3 p. I., [5]-85 p. 16\'''^. " The articles collected in this book by the Railway age gazette were written by its western editorial manager." — Publisher's note. 11-5975 HE2757.1911.D8 "The valuation of railways" and " Shall railway profits be limited" are reprinted from the Journal of political economy, v. 17-18. HBl.J7,v. 17-18 Contents. — Valuation of railways, with especial reference to the physical valuation in Minnesota. — Shall railway profits be lim- ited? — Railway rates and railway efficiency. — The new long and short haul law. 329 Economic club of Boston. President Roosevelt's raih-oad policy; report of a discussion before the Economic club of Boston, March 9, 1905, including addresses by Hon. Charles A. Prouty, David Willcox, Hon. Peter Stenger Grosscup and Prof. Frank Parsons. Boston, New York, [etc.], Ginn & company, ["1905]. 1 p.l., 79 p. 19^"^. 5-16905 HE1051.E2 Reprinted in part in Freight, Apr. 1905, v. 3: 163-166 (H:E2122. F8,v.3); and in Raibx)ad gazette, Mar. 17, 1905, v. 38: 267-268 (TFl.B2,v.38). FEDERAL CONTROL: RAILROAD REGULATION: BOOKS 45 330 Elliott, Byron K., and William F. Elliott. A treatise on the law of railroads ; containing: a consideration of the organi- zation, status and powers of railroad corporations, and of the rights and liabilities incident to the location, construc- tion and operation of railroads; together with their duties, rights and habilities as carriers, including street and inter- urban railways. 2d ed. Indianapolis, The Bohhs- Merrill company, 1907. 5 v. 24"'^. CoxNTTENTS.— V. 1. The corporation.— V. 2. Governmental control, location, construction. — v. 3. Operation. — v. 4. The carrier. v. 5- Table of cases. Index. 8-4325 331 Fish, Stuyvesant. Address before the Economic club of Bos- ton, Tuesday, March 24, 1908. Under what conditions will the railroads of the United States best serve the public? [New Yorlf 190S.] 11 p. £3\'=^. Caption title. Advocates enlarged federal control of commerce among the states the reorganization of the Interstate commerce commission as a purely administrative body, and the abandonment by Congress of the attempt to delegate its rate-fixing functions. 8-19424 HE2757.1908.F6 332 The nation and the railways. Philadelphia, The American academy of political and social science, [1908]. cover-title, 13 p. 25'^'^. (Publications of the American academy of political and social science, no. 653.) 8-21935 HE2757.1908.F62 Reprinted from the Annals of the American academy of political and social science, July, 1908, v. 32. Hl.A4,v.32 333 Foord, John. The life & public services of Simon Sterne. London, New Yorl', Macmillan and co., limited, 1903. X, 348 p. front (port.) 20'^'^. "The relations between the railroads and the state": p. 174-219. 3-32783 334 Glass, Hiram, liaiiroads — national vs. state control. {In Texas bar association. Proceedings, 1908. Austin, 1908. 8". p. 184-202.) Also printed in American law review, Mov.-Dec. 1908, v. 42; 848-871. 59753°— 13 4 46 LIBEARY OP CONGRESS 335 Hadley, Arthur Twinincr. Railroad transportation, its history and its laws. 15th impression. New Yorlc & London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1903. iv p., 11, 269 p. Wh'"^. See especially Chap. III. Railroad ownership and railroad specula- tion; VII. Railroad legislation in the United States; XII. Results of state railroad management. The Library of Congress has also several earlier editions. 4-4238/3 HE1031.H13 1903 336 Haines, Henry Stevens. Problems in railway regulation. New York, TJie Macmillan company, 1911. vii, 582 p. diagr. 20^^"^. 11-25349 HE1051.H3 337 Railway corporations as public servants. New York, London, The Macmillan company, 1907. ix, 233 p. 20^'"^. "This work contains the substance of a course of lectures delivered in May, 1907, at the Boston university School of law. It is, to eome extent, supplementary to a previous work on 'Restrictive railway legislation,' as it describes the developmenit of such legis- lation since the passage of the act to regulate interstate com- merce." — Pref. "The public nature of the services rendered by railways has long been recognised, and supplies the basis for arguments in favour of railway nationalisation. Mr. Haines, however, is no believer in the alleged benefits of state ownership. On the contrary, he holds that all, and more than all, the benefits derivable from state ownership can be obtained under a system depending on private enterprise combined with efficient state control." — Econ. jour., Sept. 1908, V. 18: 437. 7-30619 HE1053.H14 338 Restrictive railway legislation. New York, London, The Ilacmillan company, 1905. ix, 355 p. 20^'='^. Substance of a course of lectures delivered at the Boston university school of law. Traces beginnings of railroad history, discusses rail- road corporations, finance, construction, operation, traffic, rate- making, regulation of rates, state railroad commissions, pending legislation affecting interstate commerce, state control of corpora- tions engaged in public service, and devotes a chapter to general conclusions. The author believes in private ownership under government super- vision, the Interstate commerce commission to be furnished with power to fix rates in specific cases coming before it, but not with general rate-making powers. &-26378 HE1053.H15 FEDERAL CONTEOL : RAILROAD REGULATION: BOOKS 47 339 Haney, Lewis Henry. A Congressional history of railways in the United States to 1850. Madison, Wis., 1908. 273 p. incl. maps. 23^"^. 8-24289 HE1061.H2 Thesis (ph.d.) — University of Wisconsin. Reprinted from the Bulletin of the "University of Wisconsin, Economics and political science series, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 167-4.39." "Railways and the government": p. 251-266. H31.W63,v.3 340 A congressional history of railways in the United States, 1850-1887. Madison, Wis., 1910. 6, [2], 7-335, p. incl. maps, tables, fold. tab. 23^'^^. (Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin, no. 342. Economics and political science series, vol. 6, no. 1 .) 10-33295 H31.W63,v.6 "Regulation of railways": p. 155-326. Also issued separately, Madison, 1910. HE1061.H22 341 Hanson, Burton. Unfair railway agitation. [Chicago f 1905.] cover-title, 52 p. 23^"'^. "A reply to the articles on railway regulation by Governor Robert M. La Follette, published in the Saturday evening post." 6-13795 HE2112.H3 342 Hartshorne, F. C. The railroads and the commerce clause. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania press, 1893. xxiii, 165 J}- 8°. 343 Hendrick, Frank. Railway control by commissions. New Yorlc & London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1900. Hi, 161 ]>■ 20"™'. {Questions of the day. [v. 96].) CoNTENT.s. — T. Introduction. — II. Railway regulation in France. — III. Railway regulation in Italy. — IV. Railway regulation in Aus- tria. — V. Railway regulation in Belgium. — VI. Railway regula- tion in Germany. — VII. Railway regulation in England.— VIII. Railway regulation in the United States.— IX. The railway regu- lation of the Massachusetts commission as a guide to American rail- way control. — X. Switzerland and the state purchase of railways. Apr. 12, 1900-32 HE1051.H49 344 Herr, Erich. Der Zusammenbruch der Wirtschaftsfroilioit und der Sieg des Staatssozialisnius in den Vcreinigten Staaton von Amerika. Jena, G. Fischer, 1906. viii, 161, [1] p. 24'"'. " Eisenbahnwesen " ; p. 63-114. 7_36201 HC106.Z3 1906 48 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 345 Hudson, James Fairchild. The railways and the repubhc. 3d ed., rev. and enL New York, Harper & brothers, 1889. 2 p. I, 532 p. 23<^^. The Library of Congress has also the edition of 1886. Contents. — The problem of railway domination. — Ten years of dis- crimination. — The history of a commercial crime. — The law and the railways. — Public obligations and corporate practices. — The pooling policy. — The fictitious element in railway policy. — Com- petition versus combination. — The discussion of remedies. — The public highway. — Corporations in politics. — One year of the inter- state commerce law. 5-35551 HE1051.H89 347 Interstate cominerce law convention, St. Louis, 1904-. Amendment of the Interstate commerce law. Arguments and statements made before Interstate commerce com- mittees in the Fifty-seventh Congress in favor of enlarging the powers of the Interstate commerce commission. [WasJiingtonf] The Interstate commerce law convention, 1904- cover- title, 116 p. 23h,'^'^. Hearings on the Cooper-Quarles bill, "A bill further to define the duties and powers of the Interstate commerce commission." Text of the bill: p. 9-11; Statements of John D. Kernan, Martin A. Knapp, Charles A. Prouty, Joseph W. Fifer, Judson C. Clements: p. 23-96. 8-1375 HE2757. 1904.164 348 Johnson, Emory Richard. American railway transportation. 2d rev. ed. New YorTc, D. Appleton and company, 1908. xviii, 4^4 P- illus., maps, fold, chart, diagrs. 20^'^. {Appleton' s busi- ness series.) "References for further reading" at end of some chapters. The Library of Congress has also the first edition, issued in 1903. Pt. IV. The railways and the state. Contents. — Public aid to railway construction: p. 307-321; Rela- tion of the railways to the state in the United Kingdom and France: p. 322-334; Relations of the railways and the state in Italy and Germany: p. 335-348; Regulation of railways by the American state governments — the state commissions: p. 349-366; Railway regulation by the federal government — the Interstate commerce commission: p. 367-385; The courts and railway regu- lation: p. 386-407; Railway taxation: p. 408^19; The problem of government regulation: p. 420-427. 8-29203 HE2741.J7 FEDERAL CONTEOL : RAILROAD REGULATION : BOOKS 49 349 Johnson, Emory Richard. Tlio trend of .£:overiiiaental regu- lation of railroads. An address delivered at the annual meeting of the Academy, April 11, 190S. PMladelpMa, The American academy of political and social science; [etc., etc., 1908]. cover-title, 5 p. 25^"". (Puhli- cations of the American academy of political and social science, no. 558.) heio51.J66 8-21933 Reprinted from the Annals of the American academy of politiral and social science, July, 1908, v. 32. Hl.A4,v.32 350 Kenna, E. D. Railway consolidation. {In Hatfield, H. R., cd. Lectures on commerce. Chicago, 1904. 2^°^. p. 111-128.) Favorable to governmental regulation. H31.C5,v.l 351 Knapp, Martin Augustine. Address delivered at the annual dinner of the Railway business association, AValdorf- Astoria hotel, New York, November 22, 1910. [New Yorlc, 1910.] 13 p. 25^"^. Issued also in the report of the "Second annual dinner" of the Association, 1910, p. 17-27. 10-34011 HE2757.1910.K7 352 — Principles of railway legislation. Address before llie Railway congress auxiliary of the Workl's Columbian exposition, June 23, 1893. Reprinted from tlie Railway review. Chicago, The Railway review, 1893. cover-title, 16 p. 19'^"*. 8-15575, HE2757.1893.K6 353 Knox, Philander Chase. The people, the railroads and the national authority; address before the Lincoln club. Kala- mazoo, Michigan, Tuesday, February 11th, 1908. [Washington? 1908^] 26 p. 23<='^. 10-33660 HE2757.1908.K74 354 The people, tlie railroads and the national authority; an address delivered before tiie Civic forum, New York city, April 22, 1908. New YorTc, The Civic forum, 1008. IJf p. port. 18h''"'. [Civic forum addresses, vol. 1 , no. 8.] 8-30511 H31.C62 v.l,no.8 Also printed in Albany law journal, ]\hiy, 1908, v. 70: lU-1 li); and in Freight, Apr., 1908, v. 9: 71-75. HE2122.T7,v.9 355 La Follette, Robert Marion, l^ailway regulation. {In his The making of America. Chicago, 1900. 8°. v. 4, p. 294- 347.) HC103.L26,v.4 50 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS 356 Langstroth, Charles Souder, and Wilson Stilz. Railway co- oporation. An investigation of railway traffic associa- tions and a discussion of the degree and form of co- operation that should be granted competing railways in the United States. With an introduction by Martin A. Knapp. Philadelphia, The University, 1899. xv, [5]-210 p. 25^^"^. {Pennsylvania. University. Publications. Series in po- litical economy and public law. no. 15.) H3l.P4,no.l5 "Legislation and its results": p. 55-78. 1-1957 HE1829.L28 357 Larrabee, William. The railroad question; a historical and practical treatise on railroads, and remedies for their abuses. 11th ed. Chicago, F. J . Schulte & company, 1906. 1^51 , xvii, 477- 4SS p. 19^"^. The Library of Congress has also editions issued in 1893 and 1898. Contexts. — I. Historj- of transportation. — II. The history of rail- roads. — III. History of railroads in the United States. — IV. Mo- nopoly in transportation. — V. Railroad abuses. — VI. Stock and bond inflation. — VII. Combinations. — VIII. Railroads in poli- tics. — IX-X. RaUroad literature. — XI. Railroads and railroad legislation in Iowa. — XII. The Interstate commerce act. — XIII. The rate question. — XIV. Remedies. — Appendix. — Tables and statistics. 11-1576 HE1051.L35 358 Lewis, George Henry. National consolidation of the railways of the United States. New York, Dodd, ILead & company, 1893. 2 p. I., [in]-xv, 826 p. i5<="». "This plan is national consolidation through the formation of a great national railway corporation owning and controlling all the railways of the country, and governed by an organization repre- senting the state and national governments and the stockholders owning the road . ' ' 5-40005 HE1081.L67 359 Lloyd, Henry Demarest. Lords of industry. New YorJc and London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1910. v, 355 p. 20^^"^- The failure of railroad regulation; address before the Massachusetts reform club, May 15, 1903: p. 302-346. 10-27032 HD2795.L7 360 McCartney, James. The relation which the railroad cor- porations bear to the state. {In Illinois state bar association. Proceedings, 1884. Springfield, 1884. 22'='°. p. 89-95.) FEDERAL CONTEOL : EAILBOAD REGULATION: BOOKS 51 361 McVey, Franlv Le Rond. Railroad transportation; some phases of its liistory, operation and reo:ulation. Minneapolis, Chicago, [etc.], Cree publishing company, 1910. 408 p. iUus., fold, plates. 24^'"^. "References": p. 373-381. "The relation of railways to the public": p. 295-3G9. 10-17936 HE1031.M24 362 Mather, Robert. The railroad problem. An address before the Chicago association of commerce, October 12, 1907. [Chicago? 1907.] 1 p. l, 22 p. 22\<^^. 9-7924 HE2757.M4 Reprinted in the following: Freight, Nov. 1907, v. 8: 201-206. HE2122.T7,v.8 Railway age, Oct. 18, 1907, v. 44: 530-533. TFl.R3,v.44 Railway world, Oct. 18, 1907, v. 51: 873-876. TFl.R68,v.51 363 Meyer, Balthasar Henry. Railway legislation in the United States. New York, London, The Macmillan company, 1903. xiii, 329 p. W'^. {The citizen's library of economics, politics, and sociology, ed. by R. T. Ely.) "Chapter rv of the Introduction originally appeared in the Annals of the American academy of political and social science, for Jan- uary, 1902; and chapters ii, iii, and rv of part iii appeared in the Political science quarterly for September, 1902." — Pref. CoxTENTS. — pt. 1. Introduction. — pt. 2. The progress of railway legislation. — pt. 3. The past and future of the Interstate commerce commission. 3-14951 HE2757.1903.M5 364 Miles, John Edward. The railroads, their employes and the public; a discourse upon the rights, duties and obligations of each toward the other. [Plymouth, Mass., The Memorial 'press, '1906.] 199 p. 24'"". "Rate regulations and governmental supervision of railroads": p. 121-139. 6-12580 HE1741.M64 365 Moore, Dewitt Clinton. A treatise on the law of carriers as administered by the courts of the United States, Canada and England, covering the principles and rules applicable to carriers of goods, passengers, live stock, common car- riers, connecting carriers, and interstate transportation, and the methods and procedure for their enforceinent, furnishing a practical guide to litigants in the jurisdictions named, and containing the text of the railroad rate act of 1906. Albany, N. Y., M. Bender cfc co., 1906. cxxvii, 1044 p. 2J^cm "Interstate tranflportation": p. 905-984. 6-27288 52 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 366 Morgan, Appleton i. e. James Appleton. The people and the railways; a popular discussion of the railway problem in the United States, by way of answer to "The railways and the republic," by James F. Hudson. New Yoric and Chicago, Belford, Clarke & company, 1888. 245 p. 20'^'^. 5-41473t HE 105 1.1184 367 Morton, Paul. Some railway problems. {In Hatfield, H. R., ed. Lectures on commerce. Chicago, 1904. 21'"^. p. 102-110.) Favors federal control of both interstate and intrastate railroad traffic. H31.C5,v.l 368 Moseley, Edward Augustus. Federal supremacy, a study of the power of the Congress over railroads. Washington, D. C, 1907. cover-title, I4 p. 23"'^. 11-28313 HE2757.1907.M7 369 The transportation question as affected by the Cullom bill. Washington, D. C, 1900. cover-title, 3-18 p. 23'='^. Delivered before the Pennsylvania millers' state association, Atlantic City, Sept. 13, 1900. 11-34138 HE1843.M85 370 Mudge, Henry U. Regulation of railroads; an address, deliv- ered at reception and banquet given by the Commercial club of Topeka, Kansas, April 11, 1911. [Chicago? 1911.] 6 p. 25^'''^. 11-13742 HE2757.1911.M8 371 National association of railway commissioners. Proceed- ings of the eighteenth annual convention; interstate com- merce act (as amended) and acts supplementary thereto; safety appliance acts, act regulating monthly report of accidents; arbitration act; complete compilation of the laws of the states pertaining to railway and warehouse commissions; digest of decisions of the federal and state courts. Illustrated with portraits of the Interstate com- merce commission and state railway commissioners. Comp. by Herman B. Meyers; ed. by Elmer E. Barrett, LL. B. Pub. by authority of the National association of railway commissioners. Chicago, ^1907. 520 p. incl. ports. 32^"^. An enlarged edition of the Proceedings of the eighteenth annual convention. 7-41361t HE2715.N33 FEDERAL CONTROL: RAILROAD REGULATION: BOOKS 53 372 Newcomb, Harry Turner. Rebates. [New Haven? Conn., 1907.] cover-title, [U9]-165 p. 23\'^'^. 8-780 HE1843.N58 Reprinted from Yale review, Aug. 1907, v. 16: 119-155. Hl.Y2,v.l6 373 The regulation of interstate railways. Washington, D. C, Press of the Laiv reporter -printing co., 1905. 24 p. 18'^^. Reprinted, by permission, from the Bulletin of the Commercial law league of America, for February, 1905. 5-30413 HE1051.N53 374 Some recent phases of federal railway control. An address delivered before the Sixteenth annual conven- tion of the Commercial law league of America, at Narra- gansett Pier, Rhode Island, July 20, 1910. Washington, G. E. Howard press, 1910. cover-title, 2Jf p. 23'^™' 10-20524 . HE2757.1910.N5 Also printed in American legal news, Sept. 1910, v. 21: 584-590. 375 Nimmo, Joseph. The Anti-trust law and the railroad problem. An argument in favor of so amending the act as to bring it into conformity with its intent, as expressed in its title. Washington, D. C, The B. H. Darhy -printing co., 1901. 39 f. 23""^. 7-26947 HE2757.1901.N7 376 The limitations of governmental regulation of the rail- roads. An argument before the Committee on interstate and foreign commerce of the House of representatives, March 9, 1894, and before the Senate Committee on uiter- state commerce, April 3, 1894. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1894. 28 p. 22^"^. 8-32038 HE2757.1894.N37 377 The political aspects of railroad regulation. A criti- cism of the eleventh annual report of the Interstate com- merce commission. [Washington? D. C, 1898.] cover-title, 17, [2] p. 23'^\ 1-2783 HE2767.1898.N7 378 * O'Neal, Emmet. The state and tlie railroads; an address delivered at the third annual dinner of the Kailway busi- ness association at the Waldorf-Astoria, New VorI< city, November 22, 1911, by Enunet O'Neal, governor of .Vla- bama. Montgomery, Ala.. lirown printing coin /xnnj, IDI 2. 1 1 j>. 8 . A 12-210 * Not in Library of Congress. 54 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 380 Parsons, Frank. The heart of the raikoad problem; the his- tory of railway discrimination in the United States, the chief efforts at control and the remedies proposed, with hints from other countries. Boston, Little, Brown, and company, 1906. viii, 364 V-j 1 ^• 6-13090 HE1051.P26 381 The railways, the trusts, and the people. With the assistance of Ralph Albertson. Ed. by C. F. Taylor. Philadelpliia, C. F. Taylor, [1905]. 2v.ini. diagr. 22'^^. {Equity series, vol. vii, no. 3-Jf..) Contents. — pt. I. Relations of the railways to the public. — pt. II. The railroad problem in the light of comparative railroad history- covering the leading systems of three continents. 6^6268 HE1051.P3 382 Pearson, Paul Martin, ed. Intercollegiate debates; being briefs and reports of many intercollegiate debates: Harvard - Yale - Princeton, Brown-Dartmouth-Williams, Michigan-Northwestern-Chicago, Indiana - Illinois - Ohio, and many others. New Yoric city, Hinds, Nolle & Eldredge, [^1909]. 1 p. I., xxix p., 1 l, 507 p. 20'"^. "Federal control of railroads " : p. 147-161. References: p. 159-161. 10-765 H35.P4 384 Pennsylvania. Dept. of internal affairs. Bureau of railways. Federal and state supervision of transportation corpo- rations. (In its Annual report, 1904. [Harrisburg], 1904. 24<=". pt. 4, p. x-xvii.) Isaac B. Brown, Secretary of internal affairs. HE2709.P4 1904,pt.4 Reprinted in Freight, Apr. 1905, v. 3: 192-195. HE2122.T7,v.3 385 Prentis, Robert R. Some observations about governmental control of railways and the Virginia case. (In Virginia state bar association. Report, 1909. Richmond, 1909. 23="". V. 22, p. 205-255.) 386 Prouty, Charles A. National regulation of railways. {In American economic association. Publications. New York, 1903. 8°. 3d ser., v. 4, p. 71-83.) HBl.A5,3d ser.,v.4. Abstract in Railway age, Jan. 2, 1903, v. 35: 22. TFl.B3,v.35 FEDERAL CONTROL: RAILROAD REGULATION: BOOKS 55 387 Railway business association, New Yorlc. Congress and the railways; digest of 83 railway bills now pending; attitude of the manufacturers of railway' material, equipment and supplies, and contractors in railway construction, toward proposed new restrictions upon interstate carriers. Feb- ruary 21, 1910. [New York, 1910.] 19, [1] p. 25^'^. {Its Bulletin, no. 1.) 11-13048 HE2715.R46 388 Our national policy: to encourage railways. Rej^re- sentative leaders in business, transportation and public life have concentrated then' influence for a constructive attitude by the government on parallel lines. New York, 1910. 6 p., 1 I. 2o"\ Abstracts of addresses delivered at the annual dinner of the Railway business association, New York, November 22. 1910. 10-34754 HE2757.1910.R2 389 Ramsey, Joseph, jr. A paper on the governmental control of railroads and rate-making power. Read before the Com- mercial club of St. Louis, February 18th, 1905. [St. Louis? 1905?] cover-title, Up. 23'"". 7-26328 HE2757.1905.R15 390 Randolph, Carman Fitz. An examination of federal powers in respect of railways. New York, [1905]. 101 p. 27'"^. 5-17883 HE1051.R19 391 Rankin, George A. An American transportation system; a criticism of the past and the present, and a plan for the future. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1909. xv, 464 p. 20""^. {Questions of tJie day?) Proposes the consolidation of all the transportation facilities of the United States in one corporation, with powers, duties and ohli^'a- tions exactly defined by federal law, and the creation of a federal court charged with the supervision of the acts of such corporation. 9_28107 HE2757.1909.R3 392 Raper, Charles Lee. Railway transportation ; a history of its economics and of its relation to the state, based, witb tiie author's permission, upon Presid(>nt lladley's "Railroad transportation: its history and its laws." New York and London, G. P. Putvnm's sons, 1912. xi, 331 p. 20^"^. "Railway transportation in the United States: The idral.-^ and machinery of state control": p. 24.>-277. 12-77G9 HE1031.R2 56 LEBEAKY OF CONGRESS 393 Ripley, Edward Payson. The railroads and the people . . . [Washington, Govt, print, off., 1911.] 12 p. 23<=^. ([U S.] 61st Cong., 3d sess. Senate. Doc. 861.) Presented by Mr. Lodge. Ordered to be printed Mar. 3, 1911. 11-35263 HE1053.Re Reprinted from Atlantic monthly, Jan. 1911, v. 107: 12-23. AP2.A8,v.l07 394 The railroads and the people, by E. P. Ripley . . . appearing in "The Atlantic monthlj''" of January, 1911. Siuill railway rates be raised ? By Walker D. Hines . . . appearing in ''The Outlook" of December 10, 1910. [n. p., 1911.] cover-title, 29 p. 22^"^- 11-12116 HE1051.I163 395 Ripley, William Zebina. Changes in railroad conditions since 1887. The increased value of railroads as investments; wide-spread consolidations, direct and indirect, which obliterate competition; and the increase of rates as a tax . on the business of the country — the necessity of regulation. [New Yorl], 1905. 16 p. 23^<^'^. 6-13805 HE2757.1905.R5 Reprinted from the World's work for October, 1905, v. 10.' AP2.W8,v.lO 396 President Roosevelt's railway policy. I. The prob- lem. II. The remedies. [Boston], 1905. 23 p. 2J^^^. 6-13803 HE2757.1905.R53 Reprinted from the Atlantic monthly for September and October, 1905, V. 96: 377-385; 486-498. AP2.A8,v.96 Urges federal control. "A recent compilation shows that, of 316 freight rate cases decided by the Interstate commerce commission, fifty-four per cent — practically one half — turned in favor of the complainant. . . . Were the orders of the Commission to become effective at once, the losses incident to errors afterward corrected by the courts would be distributed in about equal proportions. At present all the penalty of a mistake falls upon the shipper and the pub- lic; the railway always goes scot free. (An impartial Commis- sion should be clothed with power to distribute these onerous burdens by prescribing the temporary rate.)" 396a Railroads; rates and regulation. New Yorlc, [etc.], Longmans, Green, and co., 1912. xviii, 659 p. maps, diagrs. 22'^'^. Bibliographical foot-notes. 12-26396 HE1843.R6 FEDERAL CONTROL: RAILROAD REGULATION: BOOKS 57 397 Ripley, William Zebina, ed. Railway problems. Boston, New York [etc.], Ginn & company [«iP07]. zzxii, 686 p. incl. tables, maps, chart. 21^"^. (Selections and documents in economics, ed. by William Z. Ripley.) Contents. — Introduction, by William Z. Ripley: p. ix-xxxii- A chapter of Erie, by Charles Francis Adams: p. 1-61; Standard' oil rebates, by Ida M. Tarbell: p. 62-77; The building and cost of the Union Pacific, by Henry Kirke ^^'hite: p. 78-97; The Southern railway and steamship association, by Henry Hudson: p. 98-122; The theory of railway rates, by Frank W. Taussig: p. 123-144. Unreasonable rates: The Cincinnati freight bureau ■ case: p. 145-178; The maximum freight rate decision: p. 179- 189. Relative rates: The Hutchinson, Kansas, salt case: p. 190- 202; The Eau Claire, Wis., lumber case: p. 203-223. Unreason- able rates: The Savannah naval stores case: p. 224-237; Relative rates: The Chattanooga case: p. 238-268. The long and short haul clause: The St. Cloud, Minn., case: p. 269-285; The Savan- nah fertilizer case: p. 286-308. The Trunk line rate system, by William Z. Ripley: p. 309-332. The Southern basing point system: The Troy, Ala., case: p. 333-353; The Alabama mid- land decision: p. 354-362; The Dawson, Ga., case: p. 363-377; The Southern rate system: The Danville, Va., case: p. 378^04; Transcontinental freight rates: The St. Louis business men's league case: p. 405-440; Export and domestic rates: p. 441^75. Freight classification: The Hatter's furs case: p. 476-483; Eco- nomic waste in transportation, by William Z. Ripley: p. 484- 516; The Northern securities company, by Balthasar H. Meyer: p. 517-530; The Interstate commerce law as amended in 1906, by Frank H. Dixon: p. 531-556; Reasonable rates, by Alton D. Adams: p. 557-578; The doctrine of judicial review, by H. S. Smalley: p. 579-601; The English railway and canal commission of 1888, by S. J. McLean: p. 602-651; Railway regulation in France, by W. H. Buckler: p. 652-659; Railway ownership in Germany, by Balthasar H. Meyer: p. 660-682. 7-^87 HE1031.R58 398 Spencer, Samuel. The railways: their relations to the ril, Isso, V. 41. AP2.N36,v.41 58 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS 400 Sterne, Simon. Railways in the United States; their history, their roLition to the state, and an analysis of the legislation in regard to their control, with supplementary notes continuing the record to 1911. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1912. xiii, 209 p. 20^"^. The present volume is made up of three papers on the subject of railroad management and of the relations of railways to the com- munity; an important division is made up of an article on "Rail- ways" contributed by Mr. Sterne to the Cyclopa?dia of political science. 12-2264 HE1051.S7 401 Stickney, Alpheus Beede. The railway problem. St. Paul, Minn., D. D. Merrill company, 1891. vii, 249 p. map, diagrs. (partly fold.) 20'^^. ^-35547 HE1051.S92 402 Taft, William Howard. Political issues and outlooks; speeches delivered between August, 1908, and February, 1909. New York, Douhleday, Page & company, 1909. vi, 209 p. front, {port.) 20^'"^. "The railroads and the courts . . . Chicago, Sept. 23, 1908": p. 110-129. 9-28960 E756.T12 403 Taylor, Carr White. The raihoad a public servant; being a treatise upon the right of the state and nation to control railroad corporations, and discussing the question of car service, the proper basis for fixing rates, stock, and bond issues and w^atered stock, and suggesting remedies for existing evils. Hutchinson, Kan., TJie Times company, 1908. 112 p., 1 I. incl. port. 20"^"^. 8-21554 HE1051.T3 404 Tuttle, Lucius. Federal regulation of railroads engaged in interstate commerce. Address delivered before the Brotherhood of locomotive engineers, of Boston, Mass. y^'ashington, Gov't print, off., 1905.] 9 p. 23''^. {[U. S.] 68th Cong., 3d sess. Senate. Doc. 111.) 4765 6-16842 HE2705.T93 405 Remarks on the relation of the national government to the railways, before the commercial clubs of Cincin- nati, Boston, Chicago and St. Louis, at Cincinnati, Friday evening. May 26, 1905. [n. p., 1905.] 1 p. l, 9 p. 23^""^. 11-7632 HE2757.1905.T8 FEDERAL CONTROL : RAILROAD REGULATION : BOOKS 59 406 U. S. Congress. House. Committee on interstate and foreign commerce. Hearings [March 4— April 10, 190s] on the bills relating to railroad rates, car supply and train service. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1908. 2 v. 23'='". 8-21845 HE2705.1908.A13 407 ■ Hearings before the Committee [March 5. 11, 190S] on the bills relating to routing shipments and railroad freight rates. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1908. 83 p. 23'^^. 8-21843 HE2705.1908.A12 408 Railroad bill. Report. [Washington, Govt, print, off., 1910.] 164 V- '^^^"'- (^-^s< Cong., 2d sess. House. Bept. 923.) 5592 Submitted by Mr. Mann, committed to the Committee of the whole House, and ordered printed, April 1, 1910. "Substitute amendment recommended by the Committee to H. R. 17536": p. 13-57; "Print of H. R. 17536, to show changes in the text of the original bill by the substitute amendment": p. 58- 107; "Print of substitute bill, showing comparison with existing act to regulate commerce": p. 108-155; "Views of the minority": p. 157-161; "Views of Mr. Russell and Mr. Rims": p. 163-164. 10-35406 HE2710.A2 1910 409 Committee on railways and canals. Commerce by railroad among the several states. Report. Jan. 19, 1874. {Washington, Govt, print, off., 1874.] ^3 p. 8°. (43d Cong. 1st sess. House. Rept. 28.) 1623 Reported by G. W. McCrary. Reports a bill which "asserts the right and duty of Congress to regulate inter-state commerce, as carried on by railroads, and pre- Bcribes as one of the regulations thereof that the charges of persons engaged in such commerce for carrying freight and passengers shall, in all cases, be fair and reasonable." The question involved is then discussed constitutionally and as to expediency. Con- cludes that "any attempt to regulate (his commerce, which stops short of a prohibition of extortionate rates, must become alto- gether ineffectual as a remedy for existing evils." 410 Senate. Committee on interstate commerce. Prompt furnishing of transportation facilities. Hearing [Feb. 14, 21, 28, Mar. 13, Apr. 17, 1908] on the bill (S. 3644) to require railroad companies engaged in interstate commerce to promptly furnish cars and other trans [lortation facilities, and to empower the Interstate commerce commission 60 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS to make rules and regulations with respect thereto, and to further regulate commerce among the several states. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1908. 3 v. fold. tah. 23'^'^. Hearings of Feb. 14 printed as Senate doc. 311. GOth Cong., 1st sess. 5241 8-35176 HE2333.A3 1908 412 U. S. Industrial commission. Amendment of the interstate commerce law. Extracts from the Report of the Indus- trial commission on transportation submitted to the Fifty- seventh Congress. Pub. by the Executive committee of the Interstate commerce law convention. [n. p., 1904f] cover-title, 78 p. 23^"^. 6-24052 HE2123.A2 413 Report on transportation . . . including testi- mony . . . review and topical digest of evidence, and special reports on railway legislation, [by B. H. Meyer], and taxation, [by Roswell C. McCrea]. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1900-01. 2 v. map, facsims., tah., diagrs. 23^'^'^. {The Commission's Reports, vol. iv, IX.) Consult the index of each section under the headings Government regulation, Legislation, etc. "Railway regulation under foreign and domestic laws. Prepared . . . by B. H. Meyer": v. 9, p. 897-1004. 4-18094/6 HC101.A3,v.4,9 414 Final report. Prepared in accordance with an act of Congress approved June 18, 1898. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1902. xi, 1259 p. maps, diagrs. 23^'^'^. {The Coinjnission' s Reports, vol. xix.) "Transportation": p. 259-484; "Position and powers of the Inter- state commerce commission": p. 419-444; "Recommendations of the [Industrial] commission": p. 481-484. 4-18105/2 HC101.A3,v.l9 416 Supreme court. Railroad rate law. Decision of the Su])reme court in the cases of the United States ex. rel. the attorney-general of the United States, plaintiff in error, against the Delaware and Hudson company, and others, under the "commodities clause" of the interstate- commerce act ... [Washington, Govt, print, off., 1909.] 18 p. 23<='". {61st Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 37.) 5571 Presented by Mr. Culberson and ordered printed, May 6, 1909. 9-35575 HE2711.C7A5 FEDERAL CONTROL: RAILROAD REGULATION: PERIODICALS 61 418 Vrooman, Carl Schurz. American railway problems in the light of European experience, or Government regulation vs. government operation of raihvays. London, New York, [etc], Henry Frowde, [pref. 1910]. viii, 376 p. 18^<^^. Appendices: i. Lamartine's warning.— n. Federal law on system of accounting for Swiss railways (December 21, 1883)— m. Federal law on methods of accounting for Swiss railways (March 27, 1896) — IT. Federal law as to acquisition, operation and organization of the Swiss federal railways (October 15, 1897) — v. Law as to state operation of Italian railways (July 7, 1907) A 10-1620 HE1051.V7 Reviewed in Twentieth century magazine, Dec. 1910, v. 3: 254-2G0. AP2.T88,v.3 419 Watkins, Edgar. Shippers and carriers of interstate freight. Chicago, T. E. Flood and company, 1909. 578 p. 24"'^. 10-1233 ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 420 1886. Hadley, Arthur T. The difficulties of railroad regula- tion. Popular science monthly, May, 1886, v. 29: 1-11. AP2.P8,v.29 421 1886. Welch, John C. Transportation and the federal govern- ment. Popular science monthly, July, 1886, v. 29: 335-346. AP2.P8,v.20 422 1887. Crafts, W. A. Is the railroad problem solved? Atlantic monthly, July, 1887, v. 60: 76-8^. AP2.A8,v.60 423 1887. Welch, John C. The inter-state railway solvent. North American review, July, 1887, v. 145: 86-93. AP2.N7,v.l45 424 1888. Blanchard, G. R. Shall railway pooling be permit (cd? Forum, Aug. 1888, v. 5: 652-665. ap2.F8,v.6 425 1889. Hadley, Arthur T. Railroad business under the Inter- state commerce act. Quarterly journal of economics, Jan. 1889, v. 3: 170-187. HBl.Q3,v.3 426 1892. Morgan, Applcton. Wanted— A railway court of last resort. Popular science monthly, June, 1892, v. 4^- 212-225 AP2.P8,v.41 59753°— 13 5 62 LIBEARY OF CONGEESS 427 1893. Fisher. James S. Railroads and the government. American journal oj politics, July, 1893, v. 3: 82-92. Hl.A5,v.3 428 1895. Ramage, B. J. The railroad question. Sewanee review, Feb. 1895, v. 3: 189-208. AP2.S5,v.3 429 1895. Fink, A. The legislative regulation of railroads. Engineering magazine, July, 1895, v. 9: 623-634- TAl.E59,v.9 430 1896. Dubois, Louis Paul. La legislation des chemins de fer aux Etats-Unis. Eevue 'politique et parlementaire, Jan. 1896, v. 7: 88-109. H3.R4,v.7 431 1896. Knapp, Martin A. Some observations on railroad pool- ing, and the conditions upon which pooling contracts should be authorized by law. American academy of political and social science. Annals^ July, 1896, V. 8: 127-147. ■ Hi.A4,v.8 432 1896. Newcomb, H. T. The necessity of limiting railway competition. North American review, July, 1896, v. 163: 121-125. AP2.N7,v.l63 433 1896. Sterne, S. The relation of the railroads to the state. Citizen, Sept. 1896, v. 2: 237-243. 434 1897. Meany, John P. American railroads and their econo- mies: financiering, pooling, and the interstate commerce law. Selj culture, Jan. 1897, v. 4: 293-298. AP2.M65,v.4 435 1897. The railway problem. 1. The legislative solution. L. Bryce. 2. A mercantile view. J. J. Wait. North American review, Mar. 1897, v. 164: 327-348. AP2.N7,v.l64 436 1897. Blanchard, George R. The Trans-Missouri decision. Forum.. June, 1897, v. 23: 385-395. ap2.F8,v.23 437 1897. Harmon, Judson. Brief for the United States in the case of the United States v. The Trans-Missouri freight association. Yale law journal, June, 1897, v. 6: 295-327. FEDERAL CONTROL: RAILROAD REGULATION: PERIODICALS 63 438 1897. Xewcomb, H. T. A decade in federal railway regu- lation. Popular science montlily, Oct. 1897, v. 51: 811-819. AP2.P8,v.51 439 1897. Newcomb, H. T. The failure of legislation to enforce railway competition. Engineering magazine, Dec. 1897, v. I4: 473-4.78. TAl.E59,v.l4 440 1898. Sedgwick, A. G. Ten years of federal railway regula- tion. Nation, Mar. 24, 1898, v. 66: 219-220. AP2.N2,v.66 441 1898. Adams, H. C. A decade of federal railway regulation. . Atlantic montJihj, Apr. 1898, v. 81: 488-443. ap2.A8,v.81 442 1898. Ingalls, M. E. The railroads and the interstate com- merce law. Iron age, July 7, 1898, v. 62: 19-20. Tl.i7,v.62 443 1898. Arnold, B. W., jr. Railroads and the government. Gunton's magazine, Aug. 1898, v. 15: 125-133. hi.G9,v.15 444 1899. Midgley, J. W. A new departure in railroad manage- ment. Forum, June, 1899, v. 27: 4^^-501. AP2.F8,v.27 Discusses the subject of traffic agreements and the course open to the railroads in view of the decision of the Supreme court, dis- Bolving the Joint traffic association and affirming the decree of like tenor in the Trans-Missouri case. 445 1900. Johnson, Emory R. Tlie principles of govermncnt regulation of railroads. Political science quarterly, Mar. 1900, v. 15: 37-49. H1.P8.V.15 446 1900. McLean, S. J. Federal regulation of niilways in the United States. Economic journal, June, 1900, v. 10: 157-171. hbi.E3.v.io 447 1902. Meyer, B. 11. Advisory councils in i-ailwjiy adminisi ra- tion. American academij of political and social scunrr. Aiinals, Jan. 1902, v. 19: 74-88. hi.A4,v.19 Suggests a plan for the "establishment by law of a system of state and interstate councils, having advisory power only." 64 LIBKARY OF CONGEESS 448 1902. Robertson, William A. The amendment of the Inter- state commerce act and railroad pooling. Forum, Apr. 1902, v. 33: 143-150. AP2.F8,v.33 449 1904. Flower, B. O. Twenty-five years of bribery and corrupt practises, or The railroads, the law-makers, the people. Arena, Jan. 1904, v. 31: 12-49. ap2.A6,v.31 450 1904. Barry, Frank. Railroads oppose remedial laws. Freight, Apr. 1904, v. 1: 27-28. he2122.T7,v.1 451 1904. Gardner, H. Gilson. The government's impossible task. Railway age, June 10, 1904, v. 37: 1070-1071. Favors the repeal or amendment of the Sherman anti-trust act and the strengthening of the Elkins anti-rebate act. TFl.R2,v.37 452 1904. Cowan, S. H. Railroads in unlawful combination. Freight, July- Aug. 1904, v. 2: 22-23; 45-47, 73-74. HE2122.T7,v.2 453 1904-1905. Mason, James M. Governmental regulation of railroads. Freight, Aug.-Dec. 1904, v. 2: 37-38; 101-103; 124-128; 229-230; Jan.-Apr. 1905, v. 3: 20; 87; 191. Contents. — 1. Shall the public be milked to pay dividends on water? — 2. Western producers and eastern water-holders. — 3. The railroad problem. — 4. President Roosevelt's opportunity. — 5. "Freight" forced a hearing for the truth.— 6-7. [No subheadings]. HE2122.T7,v.2-3 454 1904. Sharp reply to S. H. Cowan's argument. W. B. Biddle, freight traffic manager of the Atchison, presents the rail- roads' side in the cattle rate dispute. Freight, Sept. 1904, '^- ^' 104-105. he2122.T7,v.2 455 1904. Adams, Brooks. Legal supervision of the transporta- tion tax. North American review, Sept. 1904, v. 179: 371-387. AP2.N7,v.l79 456 1904. Cattlemen's convincing arguments. Uncommonlv strong arguments for passage of Quarles-Cooper bill made by cattle growers in pamphlet entitled "The transporta- tion tax." Freight, Oct. 1904, v. 2: I6O-I64. HE2i22.T7,v.2 457 1904. Mason, James M. Governmental regulation of rail- roads. President Roosevelt's opportunity. Freight, Dec. 1904, v. 2: 229-230. he2122.T7,v.2 FEDEKAL CONTKOL : RAILKOAD EEGULATIOX : PERIODICALS G5 458 1905. Wheeler, William R. President Roosevelt's railroad policy. California. University. University chronicle, Jan. 1905 v 7: 127-158. ld739,v.7 459 1905. La FoUette, Robert M. Fair railroad regulation. Saturday evening 'post, Feb. 18- Mar. 4, 1905, v. 77: 1-3; 6-7, 39; 6-7, 19-20. ap2.S2.v.177 460 1905. Joerns, W. G. The Armour refritrerator-car conspiracy exposed; or, A crisis in interstate commerce regulation. Arena, Feb. 1905, v. 33: 1^7-155. AP2.A6,v.33 461 1905. Prentice, E. Parmalee. Chief Justice Marshall on fed- eral regulation of interstate carriers. Columbia law review, Feb. 1905, v. 5: 77-106. "Founded upon an explanation of the exact decision of the early case of Gibbons v. Ogden, to which Mr. Garfield's report seems to turn for authority." 462 1905. Hanson, John S. The equities of the railroad question. BanTcers' magazine, Mar. 1905, v. 70: 365-371. HG1501.B3,v.70 463 1905. Esch, John J. Congress and the railroads. National magazine, Apr. 1905, v. 22: 21-25. AP2.N34,v.22 464 1905. Newlands, Francis G. Conmion sense of the railroad question. North American review, Apr. 1905, v. 180: 576-585. Favors, among other proposals, the national incorporation of inter- state railroads, their valuation by the Interstate coinmcrce cinn- mission, with revision of all rates by that body. AP2.N7,v.l80 465 1905. La Follette, Robert M. Fair railroad regulation. Saturday evening post, Apr. 15, 1905, v. 177: Ji-5. AP2.S2,v.l77 466 1905. nines. Walker D. "Unfair railroad rcguliition " : the case for the com}:l^nics. Saturday evening post, Apr. 22, 1905, v. 177: 17-19. AP2.S2,v.l77 467 1905. President ITadloy's plan to settle [raihoad] prohNMu. Head of Yale university oflers a solution of Irallic (pics- tion and would give all corrective jxtwcr to spcciMl court. Freight, May, 1905, v. 3: 252-255. From an article in the Boston Evening transcript. HE2122.T7,v.3 66 LIBEAEY OF CONGRESS 468 1905. Mason, James M. Should the government control the railroads? Era magazine, June, 1905, v. 15: 4^6-499; Aug.-Oct. 1905, r. 16: 174-179; 264-270; 381-387. AP2.E8,v.l5-l6 469 1905. Acworth, W. M. Railway legislation in America. Statist, June 3, 1905, v. 55: 1037-1038. HGll.S8,v.55 470 1905. Tiittle, Lucius. The relation of the national govern- ment to the railroads. Public policy, July 15, 1905, v. 13: 20-24. Hl.P9,v.l3 471 1905. Satterthwait, Linton. The sane view of the railroad prohlem. , Arena, Aug. 1905, v. 34: 146-150. AP2.A6,v.34 472 1905. Peters, Ralph. The railroads and the people. Public policy, Aug. 5, 1905, v. 13: 55-57. Hl.P9,v.l3 47.3 1905. Thomas, Rowland. The railroads and the square deal. WorWs work, Sept.-Oct. 1905, v. 10: 6617-6626, 6723-6730. AP2.W8,v.lO 475 1905. Acworth, W. M. The recent history of federal control of railroads in the United States. Railroad gazette, Nov. 17-Dec. 15, 1905, v. 39 {General news section): 153, 161, 170, 178, 187. "A lecture delivered on Oct. 25, at the School of economics, Uni- versity of London." 476 1905, Phillips, John Burton. Possibilities of government rail- road control. Arena, Nov. 1905, v. 34: 4^8-461. AP2.A6,v.34 477 1905. Busli, T. G. Plea for conservative dealing with rail- roads. Manufacturers' record, Nov. 16, 1905, v. 48: 4-^i- TSl.M3,v.48 478 1905. Lord, J. Walter. Abrief review of the subject of federal railroad regulation. North American review, Nov. 1905, v. 181: 754-766. AP2.N7,v.l81 479 1905. Bacon, N. T. Railroad regulation. Public policy, Dec. 23, 1905, v. 13: 304-308. Hl.P9,v.l3 480 1906. Parsons, Frank. The railways and the government: Mr. Olney's sophistry exposed. Arena, Jan. 1906, v. 35: 67-70. AP2.A6,v.35 FEDERAL CONTROL: RAILROAD REGULATIOX : PERIODICALS 67 481 1906. Daish, John B. Constitutionality of the Grosscup phin. Is in harmony with our institutions and in consonance with the principles of our jurisprudence. Freight, Jan. 1906, v. 5: 1-3. HE2i22.T7.v.5 482 1906. Judoje Grosscup's traffic plan. Comprehensive outline of its main features and its many important ad vant aires. FreigTit, Jan. 1906, v. 5: 8-9. HE2i22.T7,v.5 483 1906. Glasson, William H. The railroads and the peoj)le. South Atlantic quarterly, Jan. 1906, v. 5: 21-29. AP2.S75,v.5 484 1906. Prouty, Charles A. The President and the railroads. Century magazine, Feb. 1906, v. 71: 644-653. The writer favors the extension of government control. AP2.C4,v.71 485 1906. Bruce, Andrew Alexander. Railroad commissions, state and federal. Central law journal. Mar. 16, 1906, v. 62: 199-205. 486 1906. Williams, John Sharp. The Democratic party and the railroad cjuestion. Independent, Mar. 1, 1906, v. 60: 4^5-488. ap2.I53,v.60 488 1906. Parker, John M. Federal control of railroads a menace to the South. Manufacturers' record, Apr. 26, 1906, v. 4-9 .' 14"'^- TSl.M3,v.49 489 1906. Baker, Ray Stannard. Railroads and popular unrest. Collier's, June 9, 1906, v. 37: 19-20, 22. "The railroad must be roturnod to its orip:inal and historic function as a highway; it must be made the neutral channel nf ciMiimon(>. 'open to all on equal terms.' " AP2.C65,v.37 490 1906. Die Eisenbahnffage in den VereinigtenStaaten. La|)is. Neue Zeit, June 16-23, 1906, v. 24: 382-390; 416-430. Eisenbahngesetzgebung: p. 416-419. HX6.N6,v.24 491 1906. Daish, John B. Relation of the U. S. comis to the I. C. law. Freight, Sept. 1906, v. 6: 109-111. he2122.T7.v.o 492 1906. Viallate, Achille. La (juestion des cIkmuIus ,1,> fcr aiix Etats-Unis. Revue economique internationale, Nov. 1906, r. 3. pt. 4: 349- 386. HB3.K5,v.3,pt.4 68 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS 493 1906. McPherson, Logan G. Governmental regulation in the United States. International railway congress association. Bulletin, (En^ glish ed.), Dec. 1906, v. 20: 1761-1770. tf5.I5,v.20 494 1906. Lewis, Alfred Henry. Paul Morton on rebates. Saturday evening post, Dec. 1, 1906, v. 179: 12-13, 31, 32. Report of an interview. "The government should see that all railroad freight rates are reason- able. Also it should give the railroads the legal right of pooling." AP2.S2,v.l79 495 1907. Daish, John B. Demonstrated efficiency of the Elkins law. Freight, Jan. 1907, v. 7: 3-4. hE2122.T7,v.7 496 1907. Brazier, Samuel. The railroad problem. Inter-nation, Jan. 1907, v. 1: 89-93. Hl.i6,v.l 497 1907. Minot, Robert S. " The case for the railways. Nation, Feb. I4, 1907, v. 84: 152. Ar2.N2,v.84 498 1907. Newlands, Francis G. Solving the railroad question. Independent, Mar. I4, 1907, v. 62: 599-603. AP2.l53,v.62 499 1907. Harriman, Edward Henry. The railroads and the people. Independent, Mar. 28, 1907, v. 62: 699-704. AP2.l53,v.62 500 1907. Thayer, John B. Some railroad problems. Railroad gazette, Mar. 8, 1907, v. 42: 311-313. From an address before the Traffic club of New York, Feb. 16. TFl.R2,v.42 501 1907. Glasson, William H. The crusade against the rail- roads. Soutli Atlantic quarterly, Apr. 1907, v. 6: 165-176. AP2.S75,v.6 502 1907. Hanks, Charles Stedman. The railroad problem. Government, May, 1907, v. 1: 29-47. Hl.G7,v.l 503 1907. Finley, W. W. The railway point of view. Bankers' magazine, June, 1907, v. 74: 965-972. Address before the North Carolina bankers' association, May 23, 1907, discussing the subject of governmental regulation, etc. HG1501.B3,v.74 FEDEEAL CONTROL: RAILROAD REGULATION: PERIODICALS G9" 504 1907. Fish, Stuyvesant. Some phases of the railroad problem. Railway world, June 28, 1907, v. 51: 5 ^-fi J^S . tfi.R68,v.51 505 1907. Prout, II. G. Socialism and the railroads. Freight, July, 1907, v. 8: 9-11. Opposed to governmental control of railroads. HE2122.T7,v.8 506 1907. Lord, J. Walter. The post-roads power of Congress: an historical view. North American review, July 19, 1907, v. 185: 635-644. Suggests an interpretation of the post-roads power which may cause that power to supersede the commerce power in matters of railroad legislation, etc. AP2.N7,v.l85 507 1907. Wliiting, Borden D. The railway problem from a commissioner's point of view. Outlook, July 20, 1907, v. 86: 589-594. Favors the policy of private ownership regulated by the govern- ment. AP2.08,v.86 508 1907. Prout, II. G. Agitation against the railroads. Railway age, July 12, 1907, v. 44' 4^-4^- Address before the Traffic club of Pittsburg. TFl.R3,v.44 509 1907. Yoakum, B. F. The people, the railroads, and the government. ^orWs work, July, 1907, v. 14: 9148-9152. ap2.W8.v.14 510 1907. Evan, J. D. Federal vs. state regulation. Van Norden magazine, Aug. 1907, v. 2: 53-56. HGi.V3,v.2 511 1907. Freerks, George W. The courts and the railroad question. American law review, Sept.-Oct. 1907, v. 4^' 696-704- 512 1907. ^Vndrews, Edward L. The President's proposal for a federal railway system. Albany law journal, Sept. 1907, v. 69: 266-271. A discussion of President Roosevelt's ])roi)osalfl for flic coiitml of railway stock and bond issues, etc. 513 1907. nines. Walker D. Ilailroad reguliition. Railway age, Sept. 27, 1907, v. 44: 432-433. Address before the Traffic club of New York, Sei)l. 21, 1!)07. TFl.R3,v.44 514 1907. Midgley, John W. The SuprcuK' court nttiicks the reconsignment practice. Railway world, Sept. 6, 1907, v. 51: 749-751. tfi.rg8,v.51 70 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 515 1907. nines, Walker D. Political exploitation of railroads. Freight, Oct. 1907, v. S: 171-172. HE2l22.r8,v.8 An address delivered before the Traffic club of New York. Also printed in Railway critic, Nov. 1907, v. 6: 561-565. Tri.R42,v.6 516 1907. nines, Walker D. No need of further raili'oad regu- lation. Railway world, Oct. 4, 1907, v. 51: 833-834. tfi.R68,v.51 517 1907. Tompkins, D. A. The real grievances against the rail- roads. South Atlantic quarterly, Oct. 1907, v. 6: 317-322. Favors federal incorporation and complete publicity of accounts, earnings, profits, etc. A"P2.S75,v.6 518 1907. Low, Seth. National control of interstate railways. Outlook, Nov. 2, 1907, v. 87: 482-485. AP2.08,v.87 519 1907. Hines, W. D. Railroad regulation and politics. Engineering magazine, Dec. 1907, v. 34: 511-513. TAl.E59,v.34 520 1907. Adams, Henry C. Government supervision of railway accounts. Government accountant, Dec. 1907, v. 1: 361-371. HD9701.G7,v.l Reprinted in International railway congress (English edition). Bul- letin, May, 1908, v. 22: 59.5-603. TF5.I5,v.22 Abstract in Railway age, Dec. 20, 1907, v. 44: 884-886. TFl.R2,v.44 521 1907. Tricoche, George Nestler. Le probleme des chemins de fer aux Utats-Unis. Journal des economistes, Dec. 1907, v. 16: 321-352. HB3.J8,v.l6 522 1907. Barr, W. B. The railways and the people: absolutism being replaced by co-operation. National magazine, Dec. 1907, v. 27: 347-350. ap2.N34,v.27 523 1907. Symposium on railway conditions and problems. Railway age, Dec. 27, 1907, v. 44: 911-926. TFl.R3,v.44 Contents. — Railway problems, by Frederick D. Underwood; The railway situation, by F. A. Delano; Federal legislation needed to make travel safe, by John J. Esch; Thirty-day provision of Hep- burn act should be changed, by L. C. Bihler; Carriers should be allowed to agree on rates — uniform classification desirable, by W. B. Biddle; Shippers and railways should work in harmony, by L. B. Boswell; Relations between the public and the railways, by W. W.Finley; State regulation does not hurt railways, byUnionB. FEDERAL CONTEOL : RAILROAD REGULATION: PERIODICALS 71 Hunt; Decisions of railroad commissions should be made final, by E. W. Hoch; Railway loans in 1908, by A. C. Jobes; Prc?ont rail- way problems, by a railway president; Hepburn act hurt- ^hij)- pers; uniform classification not desirable, by O. F. Bell; A i)lan for reorganizing the Interstate commission, by Ira B. Mills; Co- operation between railways and ship])ers, by P. W. Coyle; Gov- ernment regulation, by G. E. Chamberlain; The financial situa- tion, by Thomas F. Woodlock; Federal and state regulation, by Hoke Smith; Situation in the operating department, by a railway vice-president; Effect of 2-cent fares — extent to which uniform classification is practicable, by D. 0. Ives; Course of traffic offiriala causes inharmonious relations between roads and public, by U. S. Pawkett; Effects of the Hepburn act, by H. G. Wilson; Causes of anti-railway agitation — regulaticm in Alabama, by Charles Hen- derson; Hepburn law beneficial — uniform classification desirable, by Charles S. Belsterling; State and federal regulation. — Railways will be finely treated, by the Railroad commission of Louisiana. 524 1908. Finley, W. W. The public and the railways Inter-nation, Jan. 1908, v. 2: 11-15. Hi.i6,v.2 525 1908. Brown, Nathaniel S. Adverse raih-oad le ^ ^• Letter dated Mar. 1, 1906. 6-28530 HE1843.D14 RAILROAD RATE REGULATION : BOOKS 81 618 Did Congress intend to give rate-making power to Interstate commerce commission ? What the Congressional debates show. Extracts from the records. Louisville, Ky., J. P. Morton & company, 1905. 40p. 2Sh'="'. 5-33790 HE1051.D55 619 Durment, E. S. The conflict between federal and state con- trol of railway rates. (/«. Minnesota state bar association. Proceedings, 1911. [St. Paul, 1911.] 8°. p. 172-178.) 620 Esterline, Blackburn. Regulation of railway rates by Con- gress is impracticable. [St. Louis, Mo., 1905.] cover-title, I4 p. 23^'^. "Reprint from American law review, St. Louis, Mo. July, 1905, [V. 39]." 8-22011 HE1051.E8 621 Fink, Henry. Regulation of railway rates on interstate freight traffic. 2d ed. New York, The Evening post job printing office, 1905. V, 236 p. -^4^™. Contents. — I. RegulaUon by the railroads, or self-government. — II. Regulation by the federal government. — III. Additional legislation. 6-5162 HE2112.F5 622 Foraker, Joseph Benson. Answer of Senator Foraker to speech of Secretary Taft at Akron, Ohio, on railroad rate legislation, as published in the Cincinnati papers, October 27th, 1905. [n. p., 1905.] cover-title, 24 p. 23'^'^. 10-27488 HE1843.F6 623 Frame, Andrew Jay. An appeal to reason; the jjioblcin of railway rate regulation. [Milwaukee, Printed hy the Evening Wisconsin company], 1905. cover-title, 7, [1] p. 23'"^. 6-2957 Bffil843.F82 624 Grosscup, Peter Stenger. A simple and sure solution of tlie transportation problem. The only eflicient j)lim pio- posed absolutely just to shippers and carriiM's, indors(>il by the leading manufacturers, shippers ami consumers throughout the United States. New York, Freight publishing co., 1905. 22 ;>. 23'-'\ 5-34307 ' HE1061.G87 Abstract printed in Railway age, Apr. 28, 1905, v. 39: 072-673. TFl.R3,v.39 82 LIBKAEY OF CONGRESS 626 Grover, Marcus De Lett. Mr. M. D. Grover, general counsel of Great northern railroad. Hearinj^ before the Committee on interstate and foreign commerce of the House of rep- resentatives as to the wisdom and advisability of con- ferring on the Interstate commerce commission the authority to prepare schedules and to make railroad rates, April 25th to June 18th, 1902. [WasMngtonf 1905?] 12 p. 23^"^. 11-17520 HE1843.G7 627 Hadley, Herbert S. Railroad rate regulation, address before the meeting of attorneys-general of the United States at St. Louis, Mo., September 30, 1907. Jefferson City, The H. Stephens prtg. co., 1907. cover-title, 19 p. 24^"^. 9-16283 HE1843.H2 628 Haines, Henry S. An object-lesson in extension: rate-making. {In Centralization and the law. Scientific legal education. Boston, 1906. 20'^™. p. 231-268.) Reprinted from the author's "Restrictive railway legislation," New York, 1905. HE1053.H15 629 Hanks, Charles Stedman. The benefit of the Hepburn law to the banker, broker, shipper, and the public; address delivered before the Fitchburg Board of trade, April 3, [1907]. Boston, Mass., The Authors^ publishing association, (inc.), [1907]. 38 p. 15^'^, 8-1489 HE1843.H24 630 Hines, Walker Downer. Delay of the Interstate commerce commission in deciding cases. This delay is apparently due to too many duties, which no single tribunal could adequately discharge. Yet pending bills greatly increase the Commission's duties, and thereby make expeditious action still more impracticable. [Louisville? 1906.] cover-title, 10 p. ^4'=™. 11-5552 HE1843.H6 631 A discussion of the effect and constitutionality of pen- alties designed to enforce rates made by the Interstate commerce commission. In the absence of affirmative provision for adequate judicial review and control of such rates, the penalties would render any judicial review im- practicable and hence would be unconstitutional. [Louisville? 1906.] cover-title, 10 p. 23^"". 11-5553 HE1843.H62 KAILROAD RATE REGULATION: BOOKS 83 632 Hines, Walker Downer. Is the proposed regulation of rates through the Interstate commerce commission reasonable and fan to the people mterested m and connected with the railroads? Some comments on the recent Pitts- burg address of Senator Knox, and a ])loa for a real "square deal." [Louisville? 1905.] cover-title, 24 p. 23'^'^. 11-5554 HE1843.H63 633 Legislative regulation of railroad rates. {In American economic association. Publications. New York, 1903. 8°. 3d ser., V. 4, p. 84-103.) HBl.A5,3d 8er.,v.4 Also printed in Railway age, Jan. 2, 1903, v. 35: 18-22. TFl.R2,v.35 634 Mr. W. D. Hines, first vice-president of L. & N. rail- road. Hearing before the Committee on interstate and foreign commerce of the House of representatives as to the wisdom and advisability of conferring on the Inter- state commerce commission the authority to prepare schedules and to make railroad rates, April 25th to June 18th, 1902. [WasUngton? 1902?] 1 p. I, 77 p. 23^^"^. 11-17519 ' HE1843.H652 635 A pamphlet having the purpose to incjuirc (1) Wliether an administrative bureau, such as the Interstate commerce commission, is the only sort of tribunal upon whicli tlie correction of unreasonable mtcrstato railroad rates can be devolved. (2) Whether the courts may not be authorized, when they condemn a rate as unlawful, to decide wliat is lawful and to enforce that decision under similai" condi- tions in, the future. [Louisville? 1905.] cover-title, 88 p. 23'"K 11-5555 HE1843.H656 636 The President's message and proposed jiiucnilnients to the Interstate commerce act. [Louisville? Ky., 1901?] 19 p. S°. Opposed to granting the rate-making power to the Iiitcrslutc <(>in- merce commission. 2-27101 HE2123.H66 637 Townsend bill, atudysis of II. K. 1>S5.SS. [Louisville, Ky.], J. /^ Morton tf" company, printers, [1905]. cover-title, IS p. 23"'\ 7-31610 HE2757.190&.H« 84 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS 638 Hines, Walker Downer. Townsend bill. What is a differential in railroad traffic parlance ? Is not the inevitable tendency of government rate-making to provide a rigid and un- chcinging mileage rate ? [Louisville? Ey., 1905.] cover-title, I4 p. 22^"^. 6-13807 HE2112.H66 639 Illinois state bar association. Discussion on railroad rate regulation. {Inits Proceedings, 1907. Springfield, 1907. 8°. pt. 1, p. 71-150.) Contents. — Paper favoring rate regulation, by James H. Wilkerson: p. 71-93; paper opposed to rate regulation, by John M. Zane: p. 93-125; General discussion, by H. S. Mecartney, Blewett Lee, and others: p. 126-150. 640 Judd, John W. Can Congress constitutionally empower the Interstate commerce commission to fix railroad rates? {In Tennessee bar association. Proceedings, 1902. Nashville, [1902]. 8°. p. 43-58.) 641 Texas & Pacific railway vs. the Inter-state commerce commission. {In State bar association of Utah. Report, 1897. Salt Lake City, 1897. 22cm. p. 76-92.) Discusses the decision of the United States Supreme com-t in this case, reversing the ruling of the Interstate commerce commission that freight shipped from a foreign port to interior parts of the United States should pay the same rates as domestic freight carried by the same route. 642 Kirkman, Marshall Monroe. Railway legislation. The growth of our railway system and some of the mistakes attend- ing it. Chicago, C. N. Trivess, printer, 1886. cover-title, 26 p. 24*^^. 5-41320t HE1053.K59 HE2757.1886.K6 643 Railway rates and government control. Economic questions surrounding these subjects. Chicago and New Yoric, Rand, McNally & co., 1892.. 354 P- 20cm ^ 5-35550 HE1051.K69 644 Railway rates and government ownership. Forming one of the series of volumes comprised in the Revised and enlarged edition of The science of railways. EAILKOAD RATE REGULATION : BOOKS 85 New York and Chicago, The World railway imUishing com- pany, 1907. 1 p.l, vi, 7-350 p. 20^"^. 7-2135 TF7.K68,v.l5 "Index to authorities quoted " : p. 333-335. "^^^lile we may question the utility of government ownership or control, we cannot doubt the value of governmental supervision, wisely and honestly exercised." — p. 225. The Library of Congress has several earlier editions, issued under varying titles. 645 Knapp, Martin A. Government regulation of railroad rates. {In New York state bar association. Proceedings, 1895. Albany, 1895. 8°. p. 93-104.) 646 The regulation of railway rates. (7n American political science association. Proceedings, 1905. Lan- caster, Pa., 1905. 8°. v. 1, p. 199-208.) Discussion: p. 208-224. JA28.A5 1905 Abstract printed in Railroad gazette, vol. 50 (Jan. 13, 1905): 40-42. TFl.R2,v.50 647 Knox, Philander Chase. The reasonableness and lawfulness of the general features of the President's rate regulation policy. Address at banquet of Pittsburgh, Chamber of commerce, November 3, 1905. [Pittsburg, 1905?] 8 p. 28^^^. 10-12195 HE1843.K7 Reviewed and summarized in Public policy, Nov. 18, 1!>()5, \-. 1:5: 230-233. Hl.P9,v.l3 648 La Follette, Robert Marion. Regulation of railway rates and services. Relation of government to commerce and trans- portation. Speech in the Senate of the United States, April 19, 20, and 21, 1906, and amendments to strengthen the rate bill offered by Mr. La Follette; tiie arguments and votes upon the same in the Senate of the United States, May 9-12, 14, and 18, 1906. Washington, 1906. 148 p. 23'^. 7-20664 HE2767.1906.L2 650 McKeehan, Charles L. Testing legislative rate regulations under the fourteenth amendment. {In Pennsylvania bar association. Report, 1908. Philatiflpliiu, 1908. 8°. p. 506-529.) 651 McPherson, Logan Grant. Railroad freight rales in iclaii..!! to the industry and commerce of the United States. New York, II. Holt and compa.ni/, 1900. xi, m p. incl. illus., tables, fold. map. 22^"^. Chapters 16-20 (p. 235-313) treat uf government rcgiihuioii. 9_13047 HE2123.M26 86 LIBKAEY OF CONGKESS 652 Merritt, Albert Newton. Federal regulation of railway rates. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1907. xii p., 11., 240 p., 1 I. 21 ^'«. {Hart, Schaffner & Marx prize essays, iv.) 7-37945 HE1843.M57 653 Meyer, Balthasar Henr}-. Government regulation of railway rates. [Chicago], Printed at the University of Chicago press, [1906]. [85]-106 p. 25^'^^. 7-4920 HE1843.M67 "Written with especial reference to certain opinions upon the railway rate question, which have recently been given wide publicity by Professor Hugo R. Meyer in his testimony before the Senate Com- mittee on interstate commerce, and in his book on government regulation." Reprinted from the Journal of political economy, vol. xiv, no. 2, February, 1906. HBl.J7,v.l4 654 Meyer, Hugo Richard. Government regulation of railway rates; a study of the experience of the United States, Ger- many, France, Austria-Hungary, Russia and Australia. New YorTc, London, The Macmillan company, 1905. xxvii, 486 p. fold. map. 20^^'^. Partly reprinted from the Railway age and the Railroad gazette. Opposed to government regulation. Reviewed by H. C. Adams in Yale review, Feb. 1906, v. 14: 417^21 (Hl.Y2,v.l4); by B. H. Meyer in Journal of political economy, Feb. 1906, v. 14: 86-106 (HBl.J7,v.l4); and by Alfred von der Leyen in American journal of sociology, Mar. 1906, v. 11: 638-692 (HMl.A7,v.ll), translated from Archiv fiir Eisenbahnwesen, Jan. -Feb. 1906. The author replies to criticisms, in Journal of political economy, Apr. 1906, v. 14: 193-223 (HBl.J7,v.l4). 5-32745 HE1843.M65 655 Morawetz, Victor. The power of Congress to regulate railway rates. New York, C.G.Burgoyne, [1905]. cover-title, 22 p. 23^^^. Published in the Harvard law review for June, 1905, v. 18: 572-587. 10-27464 HE1843.M8 656 Newcomb, Harry Turner. The proposed radical railway legis- lation; an address delivered before the faculty and students of the University of Missouri, October 20, 1905. Washington, D. C, Press of Gibson hros., 1905. 32 p. 22^"^- C-9679 HE1843.N55 657 Proposed solutions of the railway rate problem; a pa- per presented at the fifty-ninth annual meeting of the American association for the advancement of science, RAILROAD RATE REGULATION: BOOKS 87 before the section on social and economic science, at New- Orleans, Louisiana, on December 30, 1905. Washington, D. C, G. E. Howard, yr'mier, 1900. 31 y>. ^?^'". 6-9678 HE1843.N56 Abstract printed in Railway age, Jan. 5, 1900, v. -11: 20 2:'.. TFl.R3,v.41 A briefer abstract is pnljlished in the Proceedings of the Ameri- can association for the advancement of science, Dec. 100.>-Jan. 1906, V. 55, p. 481. Qll.A5,v.55 658 Nimmo, Joseph. Abstract of the reply of the Interstate commerce commission to a resolution of inc|uiry intro- duced in the Senate by Senator Elkins and adopted January 16, 1905. From the New York Journal of commerce of May 22, 1905. Rev. and republished, together with certain observations upon the jjresent rate question, January 31, 1906. WasMngton, D. (\, The R. II. Darby 'printing compamj, [1906]. cover-title, I4 p. 23'^^. (Professional papers, no. 1, ser. of 1906.) 6-36731 HE2757.1906.N7 Copy 2. [Nimmo's Government rate-making jam- phlets, 1905-06, no. 7.] HE2112.N7,no.7 659 Commercial liberty in its relation to irovernmeut rate-makin<;. A question not ripe for leapers, no. 4, ser. of 1906.) 6-36730 HE2757.1906.N76 Copy 2. [Nimmo's Governnu'iit rate-making jiam- phlets, 1905-06, no. 10.] HE2112.N7,no.lO 660 Government ownership the alternative of t^'oveni- mental rate-makin<;. The imj)raetical)ilify and revo- lutionary character of the entire scheme. Washington, D. C, The R. II. Ihirhy printing co., 190.'). cover-title, 18 p. 221""^. [Ninuiii>\^ (government nilt- making pamphlets, 1905-06, no. 4.\ 6-36725 HE2 1 1 2.N7.n<).4 661 — Political and connnercial results of governiuenlal rate-makincij. Washington, D. C, The It. II. Darby pnnthiy cotitpiuiy, [1906]. cover-title, 22 p. 23"". (ProfesKioiwl paprrs, no. 3, ser. of 1906.) 6-36729 HE2767.1906.N74 Copy 2. [Nimmo's Government r.ite-making pam- phlets, 1905-06, no. 9.] HE21 12.N7,no.9 88 LIBKAEY OF CONGRESS 662 Nimmo, Joseph. Regulation of commerce among the states. The governmental policy of Thomas Jefferson vindicated by the lessons of experience. Views of the Interstate com- merce commission in regard to governmental rate- making. 'Washington, D. C, The R. H. Darby printing company, [1906]. cover-title, 15 p. 23'^'^. {Professional papers, no. 2, ser. of 1906.) 6-36728 HE2757.1906.N72 Copy 2. [Nimmo'a Government rate-making pam- phlets, 1905-06, no. 8.] HE2112.N7,no.8 663 [Noxon, Frank Wright.] The rate decision and railway credit; effect of policies announced by the Commission and of the testimony — story of the case. [New York], 1911. 47 p. 25^"^. {Railway business as- sociation bulletin, no. 6.) "Story of the great railway freight rate investigation before the Interstate commerce commission; an abstract." 11-7470 HE1843.N8 664 Noyes, Walter Chadwick. American railroad rates. Boston, Little, Brown, and company, 1905. 5 p. I., 277 p. "This book deals only with freight rates." — Pref. The writer argues that the railroads should favor conservative legis- lation. In a chapter on "federal regulation" he discusses effective legislation and proposes: First. That a special court should be created in accordance with the constitutional pro- visions concerning the federal judiciary. Complaints made by persons aggrieved — or in their behalf by a public official or board — that specific railroad rates upon interstate traffic are unreasonable and unjust should be presented to this court. After speedy notice to the carrier the court should summarily inquire into the reasonableness of the rate complained of. If found reasonable, the complaint should be dismissed; if found unreasonable, the court should enjoin its further collection. This would end the function of the court. Second. In case a rate were found unreasonable, that all the papers in the case, together with the evidence, should be certified to the Interstate com- merce commission, which should be empowered, upon an in- spection of the papers, then to make a maximum rate to take the place of that found imreasonable by the court. The rate prescribed should remain in force a prescribed time, but should be subject to modification by the Commission. No hearing be- fore the commission would be necessary or expedient. Speedy action would be possible and should be required. 5-35605 HE2123.N94 )65 Peck; George R. Governmental regulation of railway rates. (In Colorado bar association. Report, 1905. [n. p., 1905.] 8°. p. 141-172.) KAILKOAD RATE REGULATION : BOOKS 89 666 Pennsylvama. De'pt. of internal affairs. Bureau of railways. ISational regulation of interstate rates of transportation. {In its Annual report, 1905. Harrisburg, 1905. 24 <^™. pt. 4, p. xliv-xlix.) Isaac B. Brown, Secretary of internal affairs. HE2709.P4 1906,pt.4 667 Prouty, Charles A. Control of railway rates. {In La Follette, Robert M. ed. The making of America. Chicag(», 1906. 8°. V. 4, p. 348-354.) HC103.L25,v.4 668 Reeder, Robert Patterson. Rate regulation as alFected by the distribution of governmental powers in the Consti- tutions. [PhiladelpUa?] ^^1908. 1 p. I., U I>- -^7""". Reprinted from University of Pennsylvania law review, Nov. 1908, V. 57: 59-102. 8-31188 HE1843.R4 669 Shaw, Leslie Mortier. Current issues. New Yorli, D. Appleton and company, 1908. xi, 1^87 p. front, (port.) ^0"«. "The rate question": p. 235-252. 8-8152 HC106.S55 670 Smalley, Harrison Standish. Railroad rate control in its legal aspects; a study of the effect of judicial decisions upon public regulation of railroad rates. [New YorJc, For the American economic association hy the Macmillan company; etc., etc., 1906.] v, 147 p. ^^i""- {Publications of the American economic association. 3d ser., vol. vii, no. 2.) An examination of the doctrine of judicixil review in law and practice. Concludes that the power to reduce rates and enforce rate regula- tion Ls greatly impaired by judiciid review. To overcome the difficulties the author suggests certain remedies: a constitutional amendment, provision for compensation to railroatln, proliil)ition of injunctions, speedy trials and special courts, etc. 6-2(i074 HBl.A5,3d 8er.,v.7 HE2112.S6 671 Some views of the press and others as to the wisdom and neces- sity of conferring authority upon the Interstate commerce commission to make rnih'oad rates. [n. p., 1905.] 30 p. 23"". 11-22171 HEX 843. S6 672 Spencer, Samuel. Vital points in railway r!it(> rcgniMlion. An address delivered before the Board of trade of the city of Newark, October 11, 1905. [New York, 1905.] cover-title, U p- ^^i""- 10-27465 HE1843.S76 90 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 673 Spencer, Samuel, and David Willcox. Interstate commerce. Brief, as to proposed new legislation. N^ York, C. G. Burgoyne, [1905]. cover-title, 1 i). I., 54 J), incl. diagr. £5^^™. "A clear statement of the railway contention against increasing the powers of the Interstate commerce commission." 5-33787 HE1051.S74 Summarized in "Freight," Mar. 1905, v. 3: 144-150. HE2122.T7,v.3 675 Stevens, Frederick Clement. Townsend bill. Interview of Representative F. C. Stevens. Opinions of experts. Sober consideration of rate question. [n. p., 1905.] cover-title, £0 2^. 22^"^- 11-29448 HE1843.T65 676 Stilwell, Arthur Edward. Confidence, or national suicide? New York, The Bankers publishing company, 1910. viii, 120 p. 20^''^. Argimients in opposition to federal and state legislation regulating railroad rates. 10-19634 HE2757.1910.S8 677 Terriberry, George H. The rate bill. {In Louisiana bar association. Proceedings, 1906. New Orleans, 1906. 8°. p. 7-13.) Reprinted in American lawyer, June, 1906, v. 14: 263-265. 678 Thoni, Alfred P. Construction and constitutionality of the long and short haul clause of the Interstate commerce act as amended, June 18, 1910. [Washington? 1911.] 102 p. 23^^. Appendix a. The federal long and short haul clause and the Fifth amendment, notes by John K. Graves. Appendix b. Extract from address by Mr. W. W. Finley before the Traffic club of Philadelphia, on February 18, 1911. 11-10037 HE1843.T4 679 Townsend bill. Its effect on export and import as compared with domestic rates; on long and short haul clause in original act; and a majority of commission appointed by each succeeding president. [n. p., 1905?] cover-title, 13 p. 23 ^'^. 11-22176 HE1843.T58 680 The Townsend bill; the claim that it is a ''conservative" method of railway regulation examined. [n. p., 1905?] cover-title, 8 p. 23<^"'. 11-22175 HE1843.T6 EAILROAD RATE REGULATION : BOOKS 91 681 Trafiac federation of the Middle West. Railroad freig:ht rates. Report of proceedings at a conference of public officials and commercial and shippers' organizations in the Middle West, at Topeka, Kansas, September 22, 1010. [Topeka? 1910.] 11 p. 23'^^. 10-33391 HE1843.T7 682 U. S. Congress. House. Committee on interstate and foreign commerce. Hearings [Jan. 8-Feb. 1, 1907] on II. R. 20153, 21572, and 22133, on the subject of railroad passenger fares and mileage tickets. Washington, Gov't print, of., 1907. 231 p. 23^"^. W. P. Hepburn, chairman. 7-35131 HE2705.1907.A1 683 Hearings . . . [March 10, lOOS] on the bills relating to railroad passenger fares and passes. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1908. 61 p. 23'^'^. 8-22659 HE2705.1908.A123 683a — Powers of the Interstate commerce commission. Report. [Washington, Govt print, off., 1906.] 30 p. 23<='^. {59th Cong., 1st sess. House. Rept.591.) 4906 Report on the Hepburn rate bill. 6-35198 HE2705.1906.A3 684 Senate. Committee on interstate commerce. Railrond- rate legislation. Views of Mr. Tillman and views of .Mr. Newlands. [Washington, Gov't print, off, 1906.] 37 p. 23'"". {.'>f>th 4904 Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Rpt. 1242.) he2112.A3 1906 64ga Railroad rate legislation. Viewsof theminorit y. [Washington, Gov't print, off., 1906.] 51 p. 23'^^. {59th Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Rpt. 1242, pt. 2.) "Historical and statistical summary": p. 10-50. 6-22378 HE2112.A3 1906a 6g5 Rate legislation. Tclogrnmsin rel;\lioii to the Hepburn bill and rate legislation generally. [Washington, Govt, print, off., 1906.] 4^^ P- 23^"" • (■^■^if^' Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 249.) 4913 9_2404t HE1843.A6 1906f 92 LIBKAEY OF CONGRESS 686 U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on interstate commerce. Regulation of railway rates. Hearings before the Com- mittee on interstate commerce, Senate of the United States, December 16, 1904. [-May 23, 1905] on bills to amend the interstate commerce act. Washington, Gov't jyrint. off., 1905. 5 v. fold, map {v. 2) diagrs. ^5^^™. Contents. — v. 1. Testimony, December 16, 1904-February 23, 1905. — Private car-line systems. — Resolutions, jjetitions, memo- rials and letters of legislatures, boards of trade, chambers of com- merce and others [continued, v. 4, p. 378&-3795] — Partial list of bonds and stocks of railroads held by savings banks, insurance com- panies and other institutions in 1900. — Bills relating to interstate commerce and the Interstate commerce commission, 58th Con- gress. — Report upon the bill H. R. 18588. V. 2. Testimony, April 17-May 6, 1905. V. 3. Testimony, May 8-17, 1905. V. 4. Testimony, May 18-23, 1905. — Additional list of shippers [etc., continued from v. 1, p. 491] — List of witnesses. — Consolidated index, v. 1-5. V. 5. Appendices. — a. Railway act of the Dominion of Canada, 1903. — B. British railway laws and regulations. — c. French rail- ways — How their operation is controlled by government regula- tions (Colson) — D. Complaints and cases brought before the Inter- state commerce commission and the courts involving violations of the act to regulate commerce and amendments thereof. — e, pt. 1. Briefs filed with the Interstate commerce commission in the matter of the inland port differentials on import and export traffic to- and from North Atlantic ports by commercial organizations . . . — E, pt. 2. Report and opinion of the Interstate commerce commis- sion in the matter of differential freight rates to and from North Atlantic ports. April 27, 1905. — f, pt. 1. Federal statutes on interstate commerce, annotated. Chapter from "Federal statutes annotated," vol. 3, comp. by W. M. McKinney and P. C. Kemper, jr. . . . 1904. — F, pt. 2. Federal courts and the orders of the Interstate commerce commission. By H. T. Newcomb. — g. Be- fore the Interstate commerce commission. — Transportation of dressed meats and packing-house products. — Orders and testi- mony.^H. Report and opinion of the Interstate commerce commission in the case of the Milk producers' protective association, complainant, v. the Delaware, Lackawanna and west- ern and other railway companies, defendants. -March 13, 1897. — I. Statutes of the United States-Act to regulate commerce (as amended) and acts supplementary thereto; also so-called trust laws . . . comp. by Joel Grayson. — j. Laws of the states and terri- tories concerning employers' liability. 5-25400 HE 1843. A3 687 Regulation of railway rates. Hearings before the Committee on interstate commerce, Senate of the United States . . . December 16, 1904[-May 23, 1905] . . . with consohdated index of volumes i-v. RAILROAD RATE REGULATION: BOOKS 93 Washington, Gov't print, off., 1906. o v. 23'^. (oOth Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. £43.) 4924-4928 Reissue, with additional material, of the edition of 1905. Vol. 1-4, testimony: v. 1. Duties and powers of the Interstate com- merce commission. Private car-line systems. Resolutions, bill.>*, reports, etc.— v. 2-4. Regulation of railway rates. Consolidated index of v. 1-5: v. 4, p. 3849-4013. Vol. 5. Appendices a-o: Railway laws of Canada, Great Britain and France. Complaints before Interstate commerce commission. Inland port differential, briefs, report, and opinion. Interstate commerce statutes annotated and indexed. Federal courts and the orders of the Interstate commerce conmiission. Employers' liability laws of states and territories. Railway-rate control by state commissions. Railways in foreign countries. Table fur- nished by the Interstate commerce commission showing facts rela- tive to former complaints before the commission, llistory of bills and resolutions in Congress respecting federal regulation of rail- ways. Freight rates on staple articles to and from the Mississiiipi River and the coast north of the Ohio and Potomac rivers. 6-9610 HE 1 843. A3 1 688 XJ. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on interstate commerce. Regulation of railway rates. Hearings before the Com- mittee on interstate commerce, United States Senate, in special session, pursuant to Senate resolution no. 288, Fifty-eighth Congress, third session. Comments of Mr. Walker D. Hines on a draft of bill submitted to this Committee by the Interstate commerce commission on November 29, 1905. Decembers, 1905. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1905. 28 p. 23'='^. 6-19749 HE1843.A29 689 — Dept. of justice. Opinion of tlie Attorney-g(MUM-al respecting the power of Congress to regidate the rales of railways engaged in interstate commerce. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1905. 31 p. 23^"^. William II. Moody, Attorney-general. 7-36203 HE1843.A5 1905 690 Interstate commerce commission. Certain changes in act to regulate commerce . . . letter from lion. Martin .V. Knapp, chairman of the Interstate commerce commission, transmitting ... a memorandum rehitivc to certain changes in the sLxth section of the act. [Washington, Gov't print, off., 1906.] 4 }>■ -V'"- (■'•'/''■ Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 422.) 4915 Presented by Mr. Tillman. Ordered i)riiit((l M;iy 2, lilOtl 59753°— 13 7 94 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS 690a U. S. Interstate commerce commission. Letter . . . trans- mitting certain proposed amendments to the bill (H, R. 12987) entitled "An act to regulate commerce." [WasUngton, Gov't print, off., 1906.] 12 p. 23<=^. (59th Cong., 1st sess. Senxite. Doc. 4^2, pt. 2.) 4915 Presented by Mr. Tillman. Ordered printed May 3, 1906. Another issue is erroneously numbered 58th Cong., 3d sess. Senate. Doc. 422, pt. 2. 6-26495-6 HE1843.A5 1906c 691 Digest of proceedings in the Fift3^-ninth Con- gress, First session, relating to regulation of railroad rates (H. R. 12987) with index to the remarks of senators and representatives on that subject. From the daily issue of the Congressional record. By J. Fletcher Johnston, Washington, GovH print, off., 1908. cover-title, 52 p. 31^™. 8-35568 HE2708.I92 1908d 692 Recovery for unreasonable rates under statute and common law. Relation of courts to future rates. [^Yashington, 1906.] cover-title, 22 p. 24'=^. "Prepared by Martin S. Decker and Livingston Yann." 7-39528 HE1843.A5 1906d 693 Laws, statutes, etc. Regulation of railroad rates. Acts and proposed acts, together with the so-called Elkins' interstate-commerce law, regarding the regulation of rail- road rates [presented by ^Mr. Beveridge]. March 28, 1906. [V^'ashington, Gov't print, off., 1906.] 1^5 p. 23^"^.' (59th Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 292.) 4914 HE1843.A5 1906a 693a April 2, 1906. — Ordered to be reprinted as modi- fied, and with additional matter. [ Washington, Gov't print, off., 1906.] 54 p. 23'^'^. (59th Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 292.) Includes H. R. 12987, known as the Hepburn-Dolliver bill, An act to amend an act entitled "An act to regulate commerce " approved February fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, and all acts amendatory thereof [etc.]. 6-35078 HE1843.A5 1906b 695 Walsh, John W. The Hepburn rate law. Chicago, La Salle extension university, ['^1910]. 28 p. 23'^'^. 10-8446 HE1843.W25 RAILROAD RATE REGULATION : BOOKS 95 696 The Washington post. Broad rate review. Extract from the Washington post entitled "Broad rate review, opinions of Interstate commerce commissioners." [WasJiington, Gov't print, off., 1906.] 5 p. 23'"'. ([U. S.] dOth Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 394.) 4915 6-16848 HE 1843. W3 697 West, Wilham Henry. Raihvay rate leo;islation. \'iews ujjon the constitutional and leo;al questions involved. [Belief ontaine, 0., 1906.] 1 p. I., 66 p. 23'"^. 10-27486 HE1843.W45 698 Willcox, David. Government rate makino; is unnecessary and would be very dant^erous. New York, C. G. Burgoyne, [printer, 1905]. cover-title, 22 p. 23'^ '^w* 6-22904 HE1843.W69 From the North American review for March, 1905, v. ISO: 410— 12!t. AP2.N7,v.l80 699 Political rate fixing and business by lawsuit. An address before the Boston Economic club, upon Marcli 10, 1905. N[e'w] Y[or]c], C. G. Burgoyne, [1905]. cover-title, 38 p. 2g 1 cm "This address was not delivered in full. In the course of revision, it has been somewhat amplified." 6-13796 HE2112.W6 700 Wood, Henry. Arbitrary price-making througli the forms of law; a few points bearirig upon the ])ro|)er limits of gov- ernmental supervision or interference in railroml trans- portation. Boston, Lee and Shepard, 1905. 29 p. ISy^". 5-6138 HE2767.1906.W8 ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 701 1881. Curtis, George Ticknor. The owiirr>lii[) of railroad property. North American review, Apr. ISSl, v. 132: 343-355. Opposed to governmental fixing of rates. AP2.N7,v. 132 702 1881. Mason, J. M. The rigiit to regulalc railway charges. North American review, June, 18S1, v. 132: 592 601 . AP2.N7,v.l32 96 LIBKAEY OF CONGRESS 703 1887. Selio;man, Edwin R. A. Railway tariffs and the inter- state commerce law. Political science quarterly, Jvne-Sept. 18S7, v. 2: 223-264; 869-413. Hl.P8,v.2 704 1888. Wood, Henry. The interstate ''long and short haul." Popular science monthly, Feb. 18S8, v. 32: 537-541- Adverse criticism of the "long and short haul" clause of the Inter- state commerce act. AP2.P8,v.32 705 1895. Dana, William F. Federal restraints upon state regu- lation of railroad rates of fare and freight. Harvard law review, Dec. 26, 1895, v. 9: 324-345. 706 1896. Clough, W. P. The effect of the interstate act. Has the Interstate commerce law had any influence on the course of railway rates ? Railway age, May 23, 1896, v. 21: 268-269. TFl.Il3,v.21 707 1897. Clark, Walter. The right of the public to regulate the charges of common carriers and of all others discharging public, or quasi-public duties. American law review, Sept.-Oct. 1897, v. 31: 685-700. 708 1897. Nimmo, Joseph, jr. The Interstate commerce commis- sion and ratemaking. Forum, Sept. 1897, v. 24: 92-106. AP2.F8,v.24 709 1901-1902. Matthews, N., and W. G. Thompson. Public service company rates and the Fourteenth amendment. Harvard law review, Dec. 1901-Jan. 1902, v. 15: 249-270, 353-381. 710 1904. Nimmo, Joseph, ]r. Against granting the rate fixing power. Freight, Dec. 1904, v. 2: 231-232. HE2l22.F8,v.2 711 1905. Morton, Paul. Railway rate regulation. Outlool', Jan. I4, 1905, v. 79: 119-121. AP2.08,v.79 Railway world, Jan. 20, 1905, v. 49: 51-52. TFl.R68,v.49 712 1905. Caldwell, B. D. Interstate commerce law in rate mak- ing. Railway world, Jan. 27, 1905, v. 49: 67-68. TFl.li68,v.49 713 1905. Palmer, Frederick. Railroad rates. Collier's weelly, Feb. 11, 1905, v. 34: 23-25. AP2.C65,v.34 RAILROAD RATE REGULATION: PERIODICALS 97 714 1905. Bush, T, G. Government rate-niakinssary. J. II. Maddy. pp. 161-162; A federal search-light. Harry Earl Montgomery, pp. 163-167; Federal supervision necessary. Frederick N. Judson, pp. 167-170; Rates should be regulated. Walter C. Noyes. pp. 170-174; The essential features of the rate question. Frank S. Gardner, pp. 174-179; Shall interstate commerce be free? II. T. Newcomb. pp. 179-182; New England and governmentj|^te regulation: a sectional view. Charles S. Hamlin, pp. 182-192; Wholesome legislation improbable. Robert Baker, pp. 193-195; Railroads should make own rates. O. E. Butterfield. pp. 195- 197; Danger of increasing Commission's powers. Hugo R. Meyer, pp. 197-200; Opposition to Esch-Townsend bill and similar rate legislation. Walker D. Hines. pp. 200-202; The economic ba.>ii9 of railroad rate-making. lulgar J. Rich. pp. 203-206; Canada's railway commission. Robert Bickerdike. i)p. 207-20!). HGl.M85,v.l 753 1906. Cessna, J. B. Congressional rate-making by connnis- sion. North American review, Jan. 1906, v. 182: 84-96. AP2.N7,v.l82 754 1906. Meyer, Hugo R. Government regulation of railway rates. American economic association. Publications, Frh. 1906, 3d ser., V. 7: 61-68. Discussion, by F. II. Dixon, S. [i. e. L.] (i. Mcriicrscii. Don 0. Barrett, W. C. Fisher, F. B. Thurbor, 1>. C W. Thcin, H. R. Meyer and B. H. Meyer: p. 84-112. HBl.A5,3d 8er.,v.7 102 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 755 1906. Meyer, Balthasar Ilemy. Government regulation of railway rates. American economic association. Publications, Feb. 1906^ 3d ser., V. 7: 69-83. Discussion: p. 84-112. HBl.A5,3d ser.,v.7 Reprinted in Railway age, Jan. 5, 1906, v 41: 25-27(TFl.R2, V.41); and in Freight, Feb. 1906, v. 5: 58-62 (HE2122.T7, V.5). 756 1906. Stevens, Sidney. Railroad freight rates : a sidelight. American monthly review oj reviews, Mar. 1906, v. 33: 326- 327. AP2.R4,v.33 757 1906. Needham, Henry Beach. Railroad senators unmask. Collier's, Mar. 24, 1906, v. 36: 19-20. Discusses the attitude of certain senators toward the Hepburn rate bill. AP2.C65,v.36 757a 1906. Stickney, A. B. Legislative regulation of railway rates. Political science quarterly, Mar. 1906, v. 21: 28-37. "It would therefore seem to be a wise procedure for Congress to provide an interstate commerce investigation committee, com- ^ posed of, say, seven members, four members to be appointed by the President, and three members to be appointed by the rail- way companies . . . The committee should have authority to demand from the railway companies a new line of statistical facts which have never been compiled, relating to costs, and particularly to relative costs as between the different conditions under which commodities are transported." Hl.P8,v.21 Reprinted in part in Railroad gazette, Apr. 6, 1906, v. 40: 358-359. Tri.R2,v.40 758 1906. Hadley, Arthur T. The Hepburn bill. Railway age, Mar. 2, 1906, v. 4I: 320-321. TFl.R2,v.41 "From the Boston Evening transcript, February 24, 1906." Also printed in Raih-oad gazette, Mar. 2, 1906, v. 40: 198-200. TFl.R2,v.40 758a 1906. Parsons, Frank. Federal regulation of railroad rates. Arena, Apr. 1906, v. 35: 346-350. While favoring the Hepburn bill, doubts its full efficacy, and de- clares for stronger regulative measures. Controverts the assertion that a large percentage of the decisions of the Interstate commerce commission have been held to be erroneous. AP2.A6,v.35 758b 1906. Baker, H. G. A. American railway rates. Economic review, Apr. 17, 1906, v. 16: 180-189. A discussion of the question of government regulation of rates in the United States. HBl.E4,v.l6 EAILROAD RATE EEGULATIOX : PERIODICALS 103 75S 1906. McAdams, C. V. Leo^islative or judicial powers not involved. Freight, Apr. 1906, v. 5: 170-173. "It is my contention that the modification of rates by the Inlorstate commerce commission does not involve the exercise of lejri.-^la- tive or judicial power." HE2122.T7,v.6 760 1906. Hogg, H. M. Reply to Commissioner McAdams. Freight, Ayr. 1906, v. 5: 173-175. 761 1906. Crandall, F. W. Broad lines are needed for rate legis- lation. Freight, Apr. 1906, v. 5: 176-179. he2122.T7,v.5 761a 1906. Dolliver, Jonathan P. Kaihvay rate legislation. Independent, Apr. 12, 1906, v. 60: 835-838. ap2.I53,v.60 762 1906. Nimmo, Joseph, jr. AVliat government rate-making in- volves: activity of Interstate commerce commission. Railway world, Apr. 13, 1906, v. 50: 317-318. TFl.R68,v.50 763 1906. Rayner, Isidor. The railroad rate debate in the Senate. Independent, June I4, 1906, v. 60: I4O8-I4II. AP2.I53,v.60 764 1906. Bailey, Joseph W. Congress and the coin-ts in rate fixing. Railway critic, June, 1906, v. 5: 265-268. tfi.R42,v.5 768 1906. Prouty, Charles A. Railway rates and court review. American monthly review of reviews, May, 1906, v. 33: 594-597. AP2.R4,v.33 769 1906. Moot, Adelbert. Railway rate regidation. Harvard law review, May, 1906, v. 19: 4^7-510. 770 1906. Irwin, Edw-ard P. Government regulation of railroad rates and the question of private car lines. Overland monthly, June-July, 1906, v. 47: 541-549. AP2.09.V.47 771 1906. Midgley, J. W. Rate regulation and railway |)ools. WorU to-day, June, 1906, v. 10: 617 dJ". AP2.W7S.v.io 772 1906. Prouty, Charles A. The rate bill: what it is and what it will do. American monthly review of reviews, July, 19ii6, v. 34: 65-70. AP2.R4,v.34 104 LIBKAKY OF CONGRESS 773 1906. Flower, B. O. The President, the rate bill, and the public-service companies. Areim, July, 1906, v. 36: 87-92. ap2.A6,v.36 774 1906. Dolliver, J. P. The battle over the railway rate bill. Independent, July 12, 1906, v. 61: 65-67. AP2.I53,v.61 775 1906. The railway rate bill reviewed. Moody's magazine, July, 1906, v. 2: 163-185. Contents. — A long step in advance, by Edward P. Bacon: p. 163-165; The debate on the railway rate bill, by John Bascom: p. 166-171; New law no benefit to shipper, by H. T. Newcomb: p. 172-175; Efficiency of new law in doubt, by John B. Daish: p. 176-185. HGl.M85,v.2 776 1906. Cowan, S. H. Prominent features of the new rate law. Freight, Sept. 1906, v. 6: 105-109. HE2l22.T7,v.6 777 1906. Arthur, E. Burt. Wliat was said in 1887 of the rate law. Freight, Oct. 1906, v. 6: 173-174- HE2122.T7,v.6 778 1906. Hio;bie, Robert W. The rate bill: from a shipper's standpoint. FreigJit, Oct. 1906, v. 6: 174-176. he2122.T7,v.6 779 1906. Brown, David Walter. Concernino; the constitutionality of the law regulating; interstate railway rates. Columbia law review, Nov. 1906, v. 6: 497-508. 780 1906. Dixon, Frank Haigh. The Interstate commerce act as amended. Quarterly journal of economics, Nov. 1906, v. 21: 22-51. HB1.Q3,v.21 781 1906. Gruhl, Edwin F. and Edgar E. Robinson. Is railroad rate-regulation a step to government ownership ? Arena, Dec. 1906, v. 36: 622-626. AP2.A6,v.36 782 1906. Ilackett, Frank W. The power of Congress to prescribe railroad rates. Harvard law review, Dec. 1906, v. 20: 127-133. Reprinted in Chicago legal news, Jan. 4-11, 1908, v. 40- 166; 176. 783 1907. Smalley, Harrison Standish. Rate control under the amended interstate commerce act. AmeHcan academy of political and social science. Annals, Mar. 1907, v. 29: '292-309. Hl.A4,v.29 784 1907. Zane, John M. Government-made railroad rates. Freight, Aug. 1907, v. 8: 49-57. HE2l22.F8,v.8 EAILROAD EATE REGULATIOX : PERIODICALS 105 785 1907. Evan, J. D. Kailroad froicjht rate situati.jii. Moody's magazine, Oct. 1907, v. 4: 427-433. "Interstate commerce act and federal regulation have ro«ii!tod in more uniform classification and steadier rates." HGl.M85,v.4 786 1907. Bryan, James Wallace. The constitutional aspects of the senatorial debate upon the rate bill. American law review, Nov.-Dec. 1907, v. 41: SOl-S.^. 787 1907. Nielsen, Fred K. The application of jiulicial remedies in the regulation of railway rates by public authority. Central law journal, Nov. 22. 1907, v. 65: 3S5-397. 788 1907. Cornwall, George IT. Proposed amendment of rate j)ro- visions of interstate commerce act. Railway age, Nov. 15, 1907, v. 44: 671-672. tfi.R3,v.44 789 1907. Farrow, Edward S. The acuteness of the railroad rate problem. Bailway critic, Nov. 1907, v. 6: 566-571. tfi.R42,v.6 790 1907. McCune, Frank H. Severe arraignment of the rate law. Freight, Dec. 1907, v. 8: 255-256. he2122.F8,v.8 791 1908. Tompkins, Leslie J. The U. S. Supreme court and rate legislation. American lawyer, Jan. 190S, v. 16: 4-^-4'^- 792 1908. Cobb, Frank M. Reasonableness of maximum rates as a constitutional limitation upon rate regulation. Harvard law review, Jan. 1908, v. 21: 175-194- 793 1908. Robinson, Maurice II. The legal, economic and ac- counting principles involved in the judicial delcrniinalidu of railway passenger rates. Yale review, Feh. 1908, v. 16: 355-399. hi.Y2.v.ig 794 1908. McPherson, Logan G. Freight rate complaints under the Hepburn law. Railway age. May 8, 1908, v. 45: 658-662. TFl.R3,v.45 795 1908. Moseley, E. A. Work of Interstate connnerce ((.ininis- sion under Hepburn act. Railway age, May 15, 1908, v. 45: 692-694. tfi.R3.v..i& 796 1908. ^^lyrick, O. II. Regulation of rales to be cluuged by public service corporations. •• Central law journal, Oct. 16-23, 1908, v. 67: 290-305; 317-324. Contents.— I. Miscellaneous entcrpri-ses affected willi a pul.lic interest.— II. Railroad comiianies. 106 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 797 1908. Clark, E. E. Rate fixino; by commission. Freiglit, Oct. 1908, v. 9: 268-265. he2122.F8,v.9 79S 1908. Campbell, Will A. Throttling rate reduction. Van Norden magazine, Oct. 1908, v. Jf.: 59-66. "Railroad employes . . . have organized to oppose . . . parties hostile to their interests." H:G1.V3,v.4 799 1909. Thome, Clifford. Will the Supreme court become the supreme legislature of the United States ? American law review, Mar.-Ayr. 1909, v. 43: 228-265. On the relation of the United States Supreme court to the railroad rate question. 800 1909. Smith, James E. Rate regulations from the shipper's standpoint. Freight, June, 1909, v. 10: 167-171. HE2l2!2.F8,v.lO 801 1909. Robinson, Maurice H. Railway freight rates. The legal, economic, and accounting principles involved in their judicial determination. Yale review, Aug. 1909, v. 18: 122-153. Hl.y2,vl8 802 1910. Dewsnup, Ernest Ritson. Railway rate making and rate reforming. Railway world, Mar. 11 -Apr. 1, 1910, v. 54: 196-199; 216-218; 236-237; 256-258. tfi.R68,v.54 803 1910. Taylor, Kendall. The contest over railroad rate increases. Bankers magazine, Sept. 1910, v. 81: 352-354- , HG1501.B3,v.81 804 1910-1911. Hammond, M. B. Railway rate theories of the Interstate commerce commission. Quarterly journal oj economics, Nov. 1910- May, 1911, v. 25: 1-66; 279-336; 471-538. hbi.Q3,v.25 805 1910, Sakolski, A. M. Economic phases of the railroad rate controversy. Yale review, Nov. 1910, v. 19: 268-288. Hl.Y2,v.i9 806 1911. Ransom, William L. Passenger rates and the regulative commissions. Editorial review, Jan. 1911, v. 4' 44^^^- AP2.E26,v.4 807 1911. Fenwick, Charles G. Charter contracts and the regu- lation of rates. Michigan law review, Jan. 1911, v. 9: 225-1 EAIT.ROAD RATE REGULATION : PERIODICALS 107 808 1911. Graham, A. A. Regulation of railway rates, profits and wages. Railway age gazette, Feb. 17, 1911, v. 50: 314-315. TFl.R2,v.50 809 1911. Delano, Frederick Adrian. Railway problems and rail- way rates. World to-day, Feb. 1911, v. 20: 159-165. AP2.W75.V.20 810 1911. Thorington, W. S. Suggestions on railroad rate regulation. Central law journal, Mar. 31, 1911, v. 72: 229-232. 811 1911. Far-reaching effect of Commerce commission's rate decisions. Commercial and financial cJironicle, liar. 18-25, 1911 , v. 92: 690-692; 767-769. HGl.C7,v.92 812 1911. James, Francis B. The freight rate decisions. Moody's magazine, Mar. 1911, v. 11: 163-164- HGl.M85,v.ll 813 1911. Eaton, J. Shirley. The railroad rate decision. North American review. May, 1911, v. 193: 694-707. AP2.N7,v.l93 814 1911. Bailly, Edward C. The legal basis of rate regulation. Fair return on the value employed for the public service. Columbia law review, June, Nov. 1911, v. 11: 532-553; 639- 660. 815 1911. Lane, Franklin K. Application of the new long and short haul clause to intermountain rates. Railway age gazette, July 28, 1911, v. 51: 167-170. TF1.R2.V.51 816 1911. Prouty, Charles A. Application of (ho long nnd short haul clause in the Spokane case. Railway age gazette, July 28, 1911, v. 51: 170-173. TF1.R2.V.51 817 1911. Oberlin, Paca. Authorizing a federal eoiiunission (o fix rates of interstate carriers is not a delegalion of nm- gressional power in the constitutional sense. Central law journal, Dec. 15, 1911, v. 73: 425-432, 108 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 818 1911. Martin, Grant G. Recent federal court decisions af- fecting state laws regulating freight and passenger rates. Yale law journal, Dec. 1911, v. 21: 117-125. 819 1912. Baker, Jay Newton. The fourth section, or the long and short haul. Yale law journal, Feb. 1912, v. 21: 278-299. 820 1912. Coleman, William C. The commerce clause and in- trastate rates. Columbia law review, Apr. 1912, v. 12: 321-350. 821 1912. Swa3'ze, Francis J. The regulation of railway rates under the fourteenth amendment. Quarterly journal of economics. May, 1912, v. 26: 389-424. HBl.Q3,v.26 822 1912. Meyer, Balthasar H. The nation as a rate maker. Further steps in federal regulation of railways. Case and comment, June, 1912, v. 19: 3-14- 823 1912. Gaines, Morrell W. Reasonable regulation of railroad rates. Yale review, July, 1912, n. s., v. 1: 657-677. Hl.Y2,ii.s.,v.l INDUSTRIAL CORPORATIONS TRUSTS GENERAL. SHERMAN ANTI-TRUST ACT BOOKS 897 American academy of political and social science. The scope and limits of federal anti-trust Ictrislation: Addresses at the eighth annual meeting, and papers by James M. Beck, Charlton T. Lewis, James Wilford Garner. Philadelphia, American academy of political and social science; London, P. S. King & son; [etc., etc.], 1904- cover-title, 2 p. I., 89-147 p. 24Y'^. {Publications of the American academy of political and social science, no. 430.) 5-16904 HD2778.A7 Reprinted from the Anuals of the American academy of political and social science for July, 1904, v. 24. Hl.A4,v.24 Contents. — The federal power over trusts, by J. M. Beck. — The acope and limits of congressional legislation against the trusts, by C. T. Lewis. — The Northern securities cas-e, by J. W. Garner. 897a Industrial competition and combination. Philadelphia, American academy of political and social science, 1912. via, 384 V- ^^'^'^- (^^^ Annals, vol. xlii, irholj no. 131.) Contents. — pt. i. The effect of industrial comhiiiatinns on labor conditions: Harmful effects of industrial combinations on labor conditions, by J. "Williams. The United States steel corjioratiim and labor, by J. A. Fitch. Beneficial effects of industrial com- binations on labor conditions, by R. S. Woodward, jr. Big busi- ness and labor, by J. T. McCleary. The United States steel coq^oration and labor conditions, by R. C. Boiling. DiscuRsiion. — pt. II. Competition as a safeguard to national welfare: The po.'wi- bility of competition in commerce and industry, l>y J. B. ("lark. Unfair competition by monopolistic coiT>orati()ns, by B, Wyinan. Competition as a safegiuxrd to national welfare, by T. Williams. The fallacy of "big busines.s," by E. S. Meado. Comiictiti-.n: the safeguard and promoter of general welfare, by G. F. Caiiliold. Publicity of accounts of industrial corporations, by M. M. Dawson. Unregulated competition is destructive of national welfare, l)y A. R. Foote.— pt. III. The relation of industrial combinations to national welfare: The benefits of industrial combinations, by J. Kirby, jr. Industrial combines and national ])rogress, by .1. K. Gwynn. Contribution of industrial combinations to national wel- fare, by M. W. Alexander. Publicity in affairs of industrial com- 109 59753"— 13— 8 110 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS binatinns, by J. R. Garfield. — pt. iv. The policy of Great Britain, Canada and Germany as compared with that of the United States ■Rath reference to industrial combinations: The Canadian com- bines investigation act, by W. L. M. King. Business and politics at home and abroad, by G. H. Montague. Attitude of German people and government towards trusts, by R. Roesler. P"' ies of Germany, England, Canada and the United States towards combinations, by F. Walker. Discussion. — pt. v. The effect of the Sherman an ti- trust law on the business of the countrj': The Sherman anti-trust law and the business of the country, by, J. T. Talbert. Government regulation of big business in the future, by H. R. Seager. Effect of the anti-trust law on general business, by A. D. Noyes. The bogey of the "patent monopoly, " by G. H. Montague. Discussion. — pt. vi. The elements of a constructive national policy with reference to industrial combinations: The administration's theory of a constructive policy concerning combinations: i. Address by President Taft. ii. Address by G. W. Wickersham. Corporate regulation — an administrative office, by H. K. Smith. Review and criticism of anti- trust legis- lation, by F. G. Newlands. Limitations of anti-trust legislation, by J. M. Beck. Federal incorporation of interstate corporations, by E. W. Roberts. Control of corporations, persons and firms engaged in interstate commerce, by J. S. Williams. — Communica- tion: The cost of the Isthmian ship canal, by J. C. Trautwine, jr. — Notes and discussions: Fisher's "The purchasing power of money. " The scope of the Sherman act; the intention of its framers. — Report of the Annual meeting committee. 12-16856 Hl.A4,v.42. HD2721.A6 898 American bar association. Report of the Committee on juris- prudence and law reform. {In its Report, 1897. Philadelphia, 1897. 22*'''". p. 325-346.) Also printed in American law review, Sept. -Oct. 1897, v. 31: 721- 741, under title: The federal anti-trust law and its judicial con- struction. 899 Baily, William H. A problem in the control of business cor- porations. {In Iowa state bar association. Proceedings, 1906. Iowa City, 1906. 24''™. p. 46-55.) 900 Baker, Charles "\Aliiting. Monopolies and the people. 3d ed. rev. and enl. New York & London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1899. xxiii p., 1 I., 368 p. 19^"^. [Questions of the day, 59.] The Library of Congress has also the edition of 1889. Nov. 30, 99-6/2 HD2795.B2 901 Bancroft, Edo;ar Addison. Destruction or reo;ulation? Ad- dress before the Trust conference of the National civic federation at Chicago, October 23, 1907. [Chicago? 1907.] cover-title, 20 p. 25^'^. &-17512 HD2795.B24 FEDERAL CONTROL: TRUSTS: BOOKS 111 902 Beach, Charles Fisk, sr. A treatise on the law of monopolies and industrial trusts, as administered in England and in the United States of America. St. Louis, Central law journal co., 189S. Ixx p., 1 I 7G0 p 8°. Sept. 21, 98-10 903 Beach, Charles Fisk, jr. Recent and pendinp; "trust" lef,d.sla- tion and litigation in the United States. Address at the University of Minnesota, February 13, 1903. St. Paul, 1903. S3 p. 22"\ 3-28647 HD2795.B34 904 Bumphrey, ^Marvin Hale. Authorship of the Sherman anti- trust law, report of an investigation of the oflicial records. [Cincinnati, 1912.] cover-title, 128 p. 23"'^. 12-1501 HD2778.B8 905 Chicago conference on trusts, 1899. Speeches, debates, resolutions, list of the delegates, committees, etc. Held September 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 1899. Chicago, Tlie Civic federation of Chicago, 1900 [1899]. 1 p. I., X, 5-626 p. front., p>orts. 20^"^. Contents.— A statement of the trust problem, by Ilcnry C. Adams; How to judge the right of the trusts to live, by J. Dana .\dams; Address of welcome, by Edward C. Akin; Benefits and hardships of combinations, by G. W. Atkinson; Trusts an early incident, but no longer the product of present prosperity, by Henry D. Baker; Trust evils and suggested remedies: A problem for a generation to settle, by Edward W. Bemis; The tariff not mother of trusts, but mother of American woaltli and power, by Henry W. Blair; Trusts a natural industrial featvire and should not suffer legi.«lative restraint, by Charles J. Bonaparte; Arc the new combinations socially dangerous? by John Graham Brooks: The man before the dollar: Society not enthralled to an institution solely becau.>*c the institution exists: Theremedyof Congressional license, by William Jennings Bryan; Reply to Mr. Foulke, by Wm. Jennings Ilryan; The trust as a conspiracy against civilization, by I. D. ("hainbcr- lain; The necessity of restraining monopolies while retaining trusts, by John Bates Clark; Effect produced by combinations, whether of capital or labor, upon the general prosperity of the com- munity, by W. Bourl.o Coc,kran; Reply to Mr. Bryan and an.'-wcrs to various questions, by W. Bourke Cockmn; Comtnittee on organi- zation and program; Committee on resolntii)ns; Neglect of (be old principle of "public benefit" in recent cor|)oration laws; by John B. Conner; Trusts: their abuses and remedies, by Stephen P. Corliss; Restraint of the corporation, l)y E. C. Crow; The Arkansis anti-trust law, by Jefferson Davis; Overcapitalization and con- cealment, by James B. Dill; Trusts and their effects u|)imi comnier- -ml travelers, by P. E. Dowe: The advantages of rightful combina- tion, by James \V. Ell.sworth; Tlie economic history of a long- established factor in American transixirtation, by Sluy\<'s-Mii I- i>h; A plea for moderate action, by William Fortune; Desirability of 112 LIBEAKY OF CONGEESS trusts, by Charles Foster; Why trusts cannot be entirely over- thrown, by William Dudley Foulke; In criticism of certain views of William J. Bryan, by William Dudley Foulke; Maryland and the trusts, by George R. Gaither, jr.; An iron and steel worker's view of combination, by M. M. Garland; The control of trusts, by Samuel Gompers; Railroad responsibility for objectionable combinations: The farmers and the Chicago grain market, by S. H. Greeley; The trust as a phenomenon to be handled fear- lessly and utilized for the public weal, by Laurence Gronlund; The public and tlie trusts, by George Gunton; Federal control by explicit and comprehensive statute, by F. E. Haley; Foreign markets and American shipping: Extension of competition for agricultural relief, by J. C. Hanley; Causes, dangers, and benefits of combinations, by Azel F. Hatch; The social enemy, by John W. Hayes; Introductory address, by Franklin H. Head; Tariff the mother of trusts, by BjTon W. Holt; Formulation, by pei-manent chairman of the conference, of certain suggested methods for the solution of the trust problem, by William Wirt Howe; Fire insur- ance cooperative, but not a trust: Its relation to the community, by E. C. Irwin; Elements of the trust problem, by Jeremiah W. Jenks; Federal and state regulation of trusts, by Aaron Jones; The trust as a labor-saving machine in the development of a large programme, by Samuel M. Jones: New Jersey and trusts, by Edward Quinton Keasbey; Analysis of industrial statistics col- lected by the Civic federation of Chicago, by David Kinley; Equality of rights in transportation agencies, by Martin A. Knapp; Property rights and human rights, by M. L. Lockwood; The farmer: The man who can declare his "Live and let live" policy at the ballot box, by Cyrus G. Luce; Combinations in the main beneficial, by Emerson McMillin; Recognition of the inevitable and adjustment thereto, by S. A. Martin; The trust from a socialist point of view, by Thomas J. Morgan ; No monopoly where trade ar.d commerce free, by J. Sterling Morton; Railroad cooperation more economic than unrestricted competition, by Paul Morton; Prac- tical remedies for industrial trusts, by G. W. Northrup, jr.; The limitation of competition and combination as illustrated in the regulations of railroads, by Joseph Nimmo, jr.; Federal taxation as a means of regulation, by Francis G. Newlands; Where compe- tition is present discrimination cannot be absent: An argument for the restoration of the pooling privilege with federal supervision, by H. T. Newcomb; The menace of monopoly, by Henry W. Pea- body; The effect of trusts on our national life and citizenship, by Hazen S. Pingree; A letter to Professor George Gunton, by Hazen S. Pingree; Where single taxers stand: The lesson of the giant with his feet on the ground, by Louis F. Post; Consolidation a natural growth with many obviously good results, by W. P. Potter; The wrong of special privilege, by Lawson Purdy; Monopolies under patents and the industrial effects thereof, by James H. Raymond; How consolidation has worked out in the case of one of the great common carriers, by Edward P. Ripley; The antidote of free trade and the international trust, by Samuel Adams Robinson; Historical development of the corporation, with exclusion of the principle of public benefit, by A. E. Rogers; Legislative dis- cipline to make trusts harmless, by Edward Rosewater; Combina tions the inevitable incidents of industrial evolution, by David FEDERAL CONTROL: TRUSTS: BOOKS 113 Ross; The greatest problem since slaverj-. by U. M. Rose- Trusta and free trade, by John F. Scanlan; Competition the best regu- lator, by Charles A. Schieren; Strength of tlie trusta in props of special privilege, by George A. Schilling; Corporate ownership of railroads the backbone of the trust; protective tariff its right arm, by J. G. Schonfarber; Excessive financial energy, by Horatio W. Seymour; Explanation of the new trades combination movement in England, by E. J. Smith; The right of a st;ite to regulate all cor- porations doing business within it, by T. S. Smith; The free list and a graduated corporation tax as trust remedies, by John W. Spencer; A farmer on trusts: Regulation from the protectionist's standpoint, by Jolin M. Stixhl; A criticism of the Smithsonian sys- tem of trades combinations: Reform witliout an economic feature, by A. W. Still; The economic advantages of combination, by Clem Studebaker; The relation of an unstable currency to the for- mation of trusts, by H. H. Swain; The main problem— How shall we distinguish among corporations? by Robert S. Taylor; The bogey monster: A thing to be regulated and encouraged", by F. B. Thurber; The attitude of anarchism toward industrial combina- tions, by Benjamin R. Tucker; The legal status of combinations of labor, by William H. Tuttle; Protection and trusts, by Tliomas Updegraff; Trusts from a business mans standpoint, by T. B. Walker; Efficacy of economic checks in regulating competitive trusts, by James R. Weaver; The combination in history, ethics, and political economy: Should it be prevented by law? by A. Leo Weil; A period of doubt and darkness in a new industrial era, by Henry White; The trust as a logical development impossible to extinguish and difficult to regulate, by C. D. Willard; Principles and sources of the trust evil as Texas sees them, by Dudlev G. Wooten; The trust: An institution pronounced by the I'liited States Supreme court, in 1895, beyond Congressional control, by John I. Yellott. Feb. 1, 1900-17 HD2783.A3 1900 906 Trusts pro and con; being a dptaiUnl ivjjort of tho Chicago trust conference held in Chicago, September lo- 16, 1899, under the auspices of tlie Civic feilcnition. W. Bourke Cockran vs. Wilham Jennings Bryan. Chicago, G. M. Hill co., [1S99]. 182 p. illuy. //z^"'. (The Marguerite series, no. 156.) Nov. 2, 99-16 HD2781.C42 907 Clark, Hugo, and Bartlett Brooks. TIk^ fnisis juul the Con- stitution; a monograph; the evils of allow iiig one corpora- tion to hold stock in another and llie uuconstitutioualit y of state statutes which permit it . . . the .Xorthcru se- curities company in a new light, and [\\v ahsojntc [lowcr in the national government ... to ar association of the state of Now Hampshire. Proceedings, 1908. Concord, 1909. 8°. p. 493-520.) Criticism in detail of the Sherman anti-trust act. Opposed to fedenil licensing of corporations doing an interstate busiaesa. 116 LIBKAEY OF CONGRESS 922 Hottenstein, IMarcus Stephen. The Sherman anti-trust law. An address delivered before the Bar association of Lehigh County, on October 11th, 1910. [AUentown, Pa., 1910.] cover-title, 30 p. 23'"^. 11-22144 HD2778.H85 Also printed in American law review, Nov.-Dec. 1910, v. 44: 827- 857. 923 Jenks, Jeremiah Wliipple. How Congress may control trusts. {In La FoUette, Robert M. ed. The making of America. Chicago, 1906. 8°. V. 3, p. 222-230.) HC103.L25,v.3 924 The trust problem. Rev. ed. New York, McGlure, Phillips & co., 1903. xx p., 2 l, 3-362 p. fold, diagrs. 18'^^. "Bibliographical note": p. 317-318. The Library of Congress has also editions of 1900 and 1901. Contents. — Competition, its nature; The wastes of competition; Favors to industrial combinations; Combination and monopoly; Promoter and financier; The basis of capitalization; Methods of organization and management; Prices: Sugar, Whiskey, Petro- leum, Tin plate. Steel and Wire; The trusts and wages; Political and social effects; Legislation; Industrial combinations in Europe; Suggestions at Chicago trust conference; Preliminary report of the United States Industrial commission; Plan of Bird S. Coler for regulation of trusts; New York companies' act; Plan of William J. Bryan for regulation of trusts; The United States steel corpora- tion; Federal legislation. 3-1975/2 HD2731.J53 924a Joyce, Joseph Asbury, A treatise on monopolies and unlaw- ful combinations or restraints, embracing every contract, combination in the form of trust, pool or otherwise in restraint of trade or commerce. New YorJc, The Banks law puhlishing co., 1911. Ixvi, 768 p. 12-2057 925 Knox, Philander Chase. The commerce clause of the Consti- tution and the trusts. An address delivered before the Chamber of commerce, Pittsburg, Pa., on October 14, 1902. Washington, Govt. j)rint. off., 1902. 1 p. I., 42 p. ^4^^"*. 10-10033 HD2795.K7 Also printed in U. S. Dept. of justice. Re])ly of the Attorney- general, dated .January 3, 1903, to a communication dated Decem- ber 20, 1902, from the Hon. George F. Hoar . . . (57th Congress, 2d session. Senate doc. 73), p. 37-50. HD2778.A5 1902b Also printed in Congressional record, 57th Congress, 1st session v. 36, pt. 1, p. 413-415. Jll.R5,v.36,pt.l FEDERAL CONTROL: TRUSTS: BOOKS 117 926 Knox, Philander Chase. The right of Congress to control the trusts. (In La Follette, Robert M. ed. The making of America. ChiraL'O, 190G. 8°. V. 3, p. 204-221.) HC103.L25,v.3 ^927 Lindsay, William. The man and the corporation. (In Virginia state bar association. Report, 1908. Richmond, 1908, 23cm. V. 21, p. 201-232.) Argues for control of corporations by the states. 928 Littlefield, Charles E. The Sherman anti-trust law and the proposed amendments thereto. {In Illinois state bar association. Proceedings, 1908. Springfield, 1908. 8°. pt. 2, p. 23-65.) Also printed in Green bag, Dec. 1908, v. 20: 587-610. Chicago legal news, July 4, 1908, v. 40: 373-396, 378-379. 929 Mann, E. A. The rule of reason. (In New Mexico bar association. Minutes, 1911. Albuquerque, [1911]. 8°. p. 55-68.) 930 Marshall, William Vickroy. A curb to predatory wealth. Mw York, R. F. Fenno & company, [''1909]. 1 p. l, 5-135 p. 20^"^. The "curb" proposed is a progressive property tax. 9-28104 HD2795.M27 . 931 Montague, Gilbert Holland. Trusts of to-day; facts relat- ing to their promotion, financial management and the attempts at state control. New York, McClure, Phillips cO co., 1904. ^viii, 219 p. Contents. — The development of industrial combination. — The savings of combination.— The evils of practical muno]K)ly.— The evils of present trust organization.— Th<' histurj' of aiiti-tru.^t h-g- islation. — The outlook for trust regulation. 4_7543 HD2795.M7 932 *Morawetz, Victor. The trust problem; an address delivered at the finance forum of the West side Y. M. C. A., New York, December 13, 1911. [New York, 1911.] 24 p. 8°. A 12-131 V.933 National civic federation. Drpf. on regulation of iwlush-ial corporations. The trust pioMcm, rei)ru's of IC.oiiO rep- resentative Americans to a (lueslioimairc New York, [J\I. B. Brown printing and bindiixj co.], 1912. 626 p. 24'^'^. 12-10808 HD2796.N24 *Not in Library' of Congress. 118 LIBEAEY OF CONGEESS 934 National conference on trusts and combinations, Chi cago, 1907. Proceedings of the National conference on trusts and combinations under the auspices of the National civic federation, Chicago, October 22-25, 1907. New York, National civic Jederation, 1908. Jf.71 p. 20""^. 8-12986 HD2783.A3.1907 935 Nettleton, Alured Bayard, g(^. Trusts or competition ? Both sitles of the great question in business, law and politics. Chicago, The Leon put. company, 1900. 8O4 p. 18'^^. Contents.— The argument for the trusts, to further favorable view, by Albert Shaw; The argument against the trust; Trusts in Europe; The college and the trust: Cornell university, by J. \V. Jenks; Yale university, by A. T. Hadley; Columbia university, by J. B. Clark; University of Michigan, by H. C. Adams; Wil- liams college, by C. J. Bullock; Institute of social economics, by G. Gunton; Oberlin college, by J. N. Cawer; Bureau of economic research, by E. W. Bemis; University of Wisconsin, by R. T. Ely; The Chicago trust conference; Private monopoly iudefen- eible, by W. J. Bryan . . . The question of remedies; The courts and the trusts; The Standard oil trust; The law and the trust; Trusts under the federal Constitution, by J. T. Dye; The trust in politics . . . Anti-trust legislation (in the states); List of lead- ing American trusts. Mar. 1, 1900-133 HD2795.N4 936 Nimmo, Joseph, jr. An act to regulate commerce, etc. Ar- gument before subcommittee no. 8 of the Committee on the judiciary, House of representatives. [Washington, Govt, print, oj}., 1908.] 12 p. 23 ''^. 8-35389 HD2778.N6 937 Amendment of Sherman antitrust law, [Wasliington, Govt, print, of., 1908.] 16 p. 23'"". 9-18504 HD2773 1908b 938 Noble, Herbert. The Sherman anti-trust act and industrial combinations. {In Maryland state bar association. Report, 1909. [Baltimore], 1909. 8°. p. 116-140.) Also printed in American law review, Mar .-Apr. 1910, v. 44; 177-199. 940 Nolan, Edward J. Combinations, trusts and monopohes; a discussion of the origin, development, and treatment of the modern industrial combination. New York, Broadway publishing company, [190J^]. viii, 353 p. front. 19^'='^. "Advocates" the abolition of all special protection, favors or privi- leges which are now afforded by the government to trusts or FEDERAL CONTROL: TRUSTS: BOOKS 119 combinations or to the industries in which they may be engaged; second, state supervision and inspection of the accounts and affairs of all corporations; and third, the establLshment by law of a maximum rate of profit which corporations shall be allowed to earn in business. 4-32170 HD2795.N7 941 Norman, Lionel. Lethal restraints on modorn industrial com- binations and monopolies in the United States. .St. Louis, Nixon-Jones printing co., [1899]. cover-title, 16 p. Reprinted from the American law review of July-Aug. 1S99, v. 33: 499-513. 7-26397t HD2777.N8 942 Noyes, Walter Chadwick. A treatise on tlie law of intercor- porate relations. 2d ed., rev. and enl. Boston, Little, Brown, and compamj. 1909. Ix, 9?4 P- 2^^'='^. Legislation affecting combinations. I. Federal anti-trust statute. II. State anti- trust statutes: p. 688-852. The Library of Congress has also the edition of 1902. 9-868 943 Parsons, Frank. The legal aspects of monopoly. (/nBemis,Edward W., ec?. Municipal monopolies. New York, 1899. 12°. p. 425-501.) HD4605.B3 944 Rossington, W. II. The legal aspect of trusts and their control. {In Bar association of the state of Kansas. [Proceedings of] seven- teenth annual meeting, 1900. Clay Center, 1900. 8°. p. 93-103.) 945 Royall, Wilham Lawrence. The "pool" and the " trust." Their side of the case. Review of the Supreme court's traffic decision. Richmond, Va., G. M. ^Yest ISS7. 47 p. 24"'". Alsoin Virginia law register, July-Aug., 1897, v. 3: I(i:'.-lSS: 2}l-'J(i!). 7-279I9t HD2795.R8 94(5 The Sherman law, what it was, what it is ami wlinl it should be. Richm.ond, Va., The autJior, 1912. 63 p. 23'^. 12-15796 ' HD2778.R7 947 Seager, Henry Rogers. The recent trust decisions. Boston, Ginn cO company, 1911. 1 p. l, p. SSI-6I4. 23'"^. 11-31946 HD2778.S4 "Advance sheets from Political science quarterly, vol. xxvi, no. 1, December, 1911." Hl.P8,v.28 120 LIBEAKY OF CONGEESS 948 Spelling, Thomas Carl. A treatise on trusts and monopolies, containing an exposition of the rule of public policy against contj-acts and combinations in restraint of trade, and a review of cases, ancient and modern. Boston, Little, Brown, and company, 1893. xxvii, 274 V- 10-11418 HD2751.S73 949 [Swift, Morrison Isaac]. Wliat shall be done with trusts? {Boston, Houghton, Mifflin c£; co., "^1888.] 18 p. 24'^'^. Reprinted from the Andover review for Aug. 1888, v. 10: 109-126. 1-2561 HD2795.S9 950 Taylor, Henry Osborn. A treatise on the law of private cor- porations. 5th ed. New York, The Banlcs law publishing co., 1902. xiii, 969 p. " Relations between the state and the corporation": p. 420-507. 2-23323 951 Teichmann, Max. Trusts and legislation. An abstract of a paper read before the Federation of societies of public ac- countants in the United States of America, on October 28, 1902, at Washington, D. C. {Ball Imore f 1 902 f\ 8 p. 22\ '=™. CA 9-4252 HD2795.T2 952 Thacher, Thomas. Federal control of corporations. (Re- printed from the Yale law journal of April, 1905.) {n. p., 1905?\ cover-title, I4 p. 20h''^. Opposes Garfield's plan for federal incorporation "which is uncon- stitutional in its purpose . . . and substitutes an advanced pater- nalism for liberty." 8-17505 HD2795.T39 953 Mr. Taft and the Sherman act. New York, The North American review publishing co., [1909]. 16 p. 23hf'^. 9-21609 HD2778.T6 Reprinted from the North American review, April, 1909, v. 189; 513-526. AP2.N7,v.l89 954 Thomas, Alsen Franklin. The slavery of progress; its causes and its cure. New York and Washington, The Neale publishing company, 1910. 121 p. 19'^. A discussion of the trust question. Favors government competition with trusts. 10-8991 HD2795.T4 FEDERAL CONTROL: TRUSTS: BOOKS 121 ^ 956 U. S. Bureau oj corporations. Report of the Commissioner of corporations, December, 190-4. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1904. ^ ?• Z-, S-71 p. 23'">. {58th Cong. 3d sess. House. Doc. no. Wo.) 4830 The first general report, covering period from organization of the Bureau, Feb. 1903, to June 30, 1904. Discusses the constitutional power of Congress over corporations and recommends the passage of a law providing for a federal franchise or license system for corporations doing an interstate businos-s. 6-5813 HD2775.A3 1903-04 957 Circuit court (5th circuit) . A charge to a grand jury of the United States for the Southern district of Georgia; delivered by Judge Emory Speer in Savannah, Geoi;:gia, November 28, 1910. Relevant to the Sherman law and the Inter-state commerce law. [New YorTc city. Printed and gratuitously distributed, hy A. II. Walker, 1910.] 16 p., 1 I. 2S¥'^. The preface of Walker's History of the Sherman law is appended. 11-716 HD2795.A18 958 — Congress. House. Committee on rules. Hearings on H. res. 813, to investigate violations of the Antitrust act of eighteen hundred and ninety. January 23, 1911. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1911. 60 p. 23'"". John Dalzell, chairman. On resolution directing that a committee of the House investigate violations of the Antitrust act, the various interstate-commerce acts, and the acts relative to the national banking associations, and that the committee investigate the United Statt^s steel cor- poration. Statement of Hon. A. O. Stanley, etc. 11-35187 HD2769.S8A5 1911 959 ^ Hearings on House resolution no. 238 authorizing the Monetary commission to uivestigate finan- cial institutions or corporations and report whether tliey operate in restraint of trade and in violation of law. July 27, 1911. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1911. I4 p. 2.n^'". Robert L. Henry, chairman. Statements of Hon. Charles A. Lindl)er. [WasUngton, Govt, print, of., 1909.] I4 p. 23''^. (60fh Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Rept. 84S.) 5380 9-35218 HD2778.A5 1909 965 Amendment of Sherman antitrust law. Hearings [April 23-May 16, 1908] on the bill (S. G331) to legalize contracts and agreements not in unreasonable restraint of trade or commerce, and the bill (S. 6440) to regulate commerce among the several states or with for- eign nations, and to amend the act approved July 2, 1890, entitled, "An act to protect trade and commerce against unlawful restraints and monopolies." WasUngton, Govt, print, off., 1908. 279 p. 23'"^. 8-35499 HD2773 1908a 967 Courts. Federal anti-trust decisions. Cases decided in United States courts arising under, involving, or growing out of the enforcement of the anti-trust act of July 2, 1890 (26 Stat., 209) including a few somewhat similar decisions not based upon that act, 1890-1912 ■ [i. e. 1911]. Comp. by John L. Lott, under the dii-ec- tion of the Attorney general. }yashington, Govt, print, off., 1912. 4 v. tables. 23h^. {6 2d Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. HI.) The decisions, 1890-1906, prepared and ed. by James A. Finch, and pub. in 2 v., 1907, are also inchidcd in lliis conipilation. 12-35154 HD2780.A2 1912 9G8 Dept. of commerce and labor. Views of the Depart- ment of commerce and labor on the bill to regulate corporations engaged in interstate and foreign com- merce. Ijetter from the Secretary ... to the chair- man of the Committee on interstate and foreign com- merce, House of representatives, concerning House bill 35, Sixty-second Congress, first session. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1911. 9 p. fop™. Reprint of a document originally pub., 1911, in an edition of 11 pages. 11-25425 HD2754.U6A3 1911a 959 Dept. of justice. Civil and criminal cases instituted by the United States under (lie Sherman antitrust law of July 2, 1890. WasUngton, Govt, print, olf'., 1908. 36 p. 23''". g_33698 HD2780.A2 1908 124 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 970 U.S. Dept. of justice. Reply of the Attorney-general dated January 3, 1903, to a communication dated December 20, 1902, from the Hon. George F. Hoar, chairman of the Committee on the judiciary, United States Senate. Sherman antitrust law, and list of decisions relating thereto. Also an address delivered by Attorney-general Philander C. Knox on the commerce clause of the Con- stitution and the trust, at Pittsburg, Pa., October 14, 1902. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1903. 1 j). I., 50 p. 23^"^. (57th Cong., 2dsess. Senate. Doc. no. 73.) 4422 Presented by Mr. Hoar and ordered printed January G, 1903. 5-18118 HD2778.A5 1902b The "Reply" is reprinted in William Z. Ripley's "Trusts, pools and corporations," Boston, 1905, p. 263-28S. HD2785.R5 971 Suits instituted by the Department of justice under the Sherman antitrust law. Letter from the Attorney-general, submitting statement. [^Vashington, Govt, print, off., 1906.] 26 p. 23^"^. {59th Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 526.) William H. Moody, Attorney-general. 6-35272 973 Industrial commission. Trusts and industrial com- binations. Statutes and decisions of federal, state, and territorial law [prepared by Jeremiah W. Jenks] to- gether with a digest of corporation laws applicable to large industrial combinations [prepared by Frederic J. Stimson]. Washington, Govt, print, off'., 1900. 291 p. fold. taUes. 23h'^™'. (The Commissions Reports, vol. ii.) 4-18092/5 HC101.A3,v.2 974 Laws, statutes, etc. Bills and debates in Congress relating to trusts. Fiftieth Congress to Fifty-seventh Congress, first session, inclusive. Prepared by direc- tion of the Attorney-general. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1903. xi, 1113 p. 29^"^. (57th Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Doc. no. ,147-) 4429 Ed. by James A. Finch. First printed, 1902, in an ed. of 50 copies. 3-6855 " HD2771.A42 975 The Sherman antitrust law with amendments and list of cases decided thereunder or rclatmg thereto. July 1, 1912. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1912. 62 p. 24^"^. 12-40002 HD2778.A5 1912 FEDEEAL CONTROL: TRUSTS: BOOKS 125 976 TJ. S. President, 1909-13 (Taft). Message of the Pivsident of the United States, communicated to the two houses of Congress at the beginning of tlie second session SLxty- second Congress, December 5, 1911, on the anti-trust statute. Washington, [Govt, print, of.], 1911. 43 p. 24^"". "Appendix a. Suits brought and prosecutions instituted by the United States under the Sherman antitrust law": p. 19-43. 11-35995 HD2775.A4 1911 977 Special message of the President of the United States on interstate commerce and antitrust laws and federal incorporation. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1910. 20 p. 23^"^. Transmitted to Congress Jan. 7, 1910. HE2705.1910.F4 10-35062 HE2705.1910.F41 978 Van Hise, Charles Richard. Concentration and control; a solution of the trust problem in the United States. New York, The Macmillan company, 1912. xiii, 2S8 p. 12-13213 HD2795.V3 979 Walker, Albert Henry. History of the Sherman hiw of the United States of America. New York, The Equity press, 1910. xiii, 320 p. 20^'"^. Reviewed: Nation, Feb. 9, 1911, v. 92: 144; Political science quar- terly, Dec. 1911, V. 26: 724-726. 10-22434 HD2778.W3 981 Weeks, Lyman TToracc. The other side; a brief account of the development of industrial organizations in the United States and a study of the advantages that capital, labor and the consuming public derive from them. New York, National pub. co., [1900]. 229 p. 12°. "Anti-trust legislation futile": p. 161-198. July 12, 1900-146 HD2796.W4 982 Wickersham, George Woodward. Recent interpretation of the Sherman act. An address liefore the Michigan stjite bar association Julv G, 1911. Washington, [Govt, print, off.], 1911. IS p. 23\ ^"'. ([ U. S.] 62d Cong., Istsess. Senate. Doc. S3.) Also ])riii1eil ill Michigan law review, Nov. lUli, v. 10: I -■''. 11-35626 HD2778.W6 59753°— 13- — 9 126 LIBRAKY OF CONGBESS 982a Wilson, Woodrow. Woodrow Wilson on government in relation to business. New Yorlc city, [1912]. 16 p. 25%^'-^. Address delivered before the Economic club of New York, May 23, 1912. 12-22586 JA77.W6 983 Wyman, Bruce. Control of the market; a legal solution of the trust problem. New York, Moffat, Yard and company, 1911. 3 p. I., v-vii, 282 p. 19^"^. Reprinted, in part, from the Green bag and from the treatise Public service corporations. 11-30803 HD2795.W97 ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 984 1888. Heinsheimer, Norbert. The legal status of trusts. Columbia law times, Nov. 1888, v. 2: 51-58. 985 1888. Hadley, Arthur T. Some difficulties of public business management. Political science quarterly, Dec. 1888, v. 3: 572-591. Hl.P8,v.3 986 1888. Dwight, Theodore W. The legality of "trusts." Political science quarterly, Dec. 1888, v. 3: 592-632. Hl.P8,v.3 V 987 1889. Frost, T. Gold. Legislative control over private cor- porations. Columbia law times, Mar. 1889, v. 2: 201-210. 988 1889. Heinsheimer, Norbert. The legal status of trusts. Political science quarterly. Mar. 1889, v. 4-' 190-193. Hl.P8,v.4 989 1889. Abbott, Austin. Condition of the law as to combina- tions. American law review, Sept. -Oct., 1889, v. 23: 755-758. 990 1891. Boisot, Louis, jr. The legality of trust combinations. American law register, Dec. 1891, v. 30: 751-770. 991 1893. Dodd, S. C. T. The present legal status of trusts. Harvard law review, Oct. 1893, v. 7: 157-169. 992 1894. Dana, William F. "Monopoly" under the national anti-trust act. Harvard law review, Jan. 1894, ^« ^^ 338-355. FEDERAL CONTROL: TRUSTS: PERIODICALS 127 993 1894. Jenks, Jeremiah W. Capitalistic monopolies and their relation to the state. Political science quarterly, Sept. 1S94, v. 9: 4S6-509. Hl.P8,v.9 994 1895. Cooke, Frederick H. Economic and uneconomic anti- trust legislation. American academy of political and social science. Ati rials. Jan. 1895, v. 5: 'l09-113. hi.A4,v.5 995 1895. Dowd, Jerome. Trusts: abuses and remedies. American academy of political and social science. . Annals, Jan. 1895, v. 5: 113-117. Hi.A4,v.5 996 1896. Forrest, J. D. Anti-monopoly legislation in the United States. American journal of sociology, Jan. 1896, v. 1: 411-425. HMl.A7,v.l 997 1896. Guy, Jackson. Trusts and monopolies. The anti- monopoly act: a review of the decisions affecting it. Virginia law register, Feh. 1896, v. 1: 709-725. 998 1896. Beach, Charles- F., jr. Recent legislation in restraint of trade. American journal of sociology. May, 1896, v. 1 : 657-673. HMl.A7,v.l 999 1896. Hunter, John, jr. Trusts and monopolies — reply [to article by Jackson Guy in Virginia law register, for Feb. 1896]. Virginia law register, July, 1896, v. 2: 160-167. 1000 1897. The question of trusts. How much pul)lic control is possible and necessary?: a symposium. Independent, Mar. 4, 1897, v. 49: 265-275. Contents. — Trusts and the law, by John B. Clark.— The oil com- bination, by Henry D. Lloyd. — The war against weahh, by S. C. T. Dodd.— The situation and the remedy, by R. T. Ely.— Large aggregations of capital. Are they ncce.<.sary? If so, under ■what limitations, by George Gunton. — The value of (ruste, by Otis Kendall Stuart. — Sugar trust investigations, by George J. Manson. — The socialist view of the trust, by Daniel De Leon. AP2.I63,v.49 1001 1897. Goodnow, Frank J. Trade combiiuilioiis at comuion law. Political science quarterly, June, 1897, v. 12: 212-245. Hl.P8,v.l2 Reprinted in William Z. Ripley's "Trusts, pool.s and coriKira- tions," Boston, 1905, p. 230-2G2. HD2786.R6 128 LIBRAEY OF CONGEESS 1002 1897, Kellogg, D. O. Trusts: how to deal with them. Self culture, Oct. 1897, v. 6: 1-7. AP2.M65,v.6 1003 1897. Randolph, Carman F. Comments on federal trust legislation. Political science quarterly, Dec. 1897, v. 12: 622-665. Hl.P8,v.l2 1004 189f. Yarros, V. S. Trusts and the movement against them. Self culture, Dec. 1897, v. 6: 235-240. AP2.M65,v.6 1006 1898. Wliitney, Edward B. Constitutional questions under the federal anti-trust law. Yah law journal, Apr. 1898, v. 7: 285-294. 1007 1898, Finkelnburg, Gustavus A. The power of the state to regulate prices and charges. American law review, July-Aug. 1898, v. 32: 501-514- 1008 1898, Jenks, Jeremiah W. Recent legislation and adjudica- tion on trusts. Quarterly journal of economics, July, 1898, v. 12: 46l-46^- HBl.Q3,v.l2 1009 1898, Willcox, David. Recent construction of the federal anti-trust act. Forum, Dec. 1898, v. 26: 452-458. AP2.F8,v.26 1010 1899. Cooke, Frederick H, Anti-trust legislation and the doctrine against contracts in restraint of trade. American law review, Jan.-Feh. 1899, v. 33: 63-74- 1011 1899, Walker, Aldace F. Anti-trust legislation. Forum, May, 1899, v. 27: 257-267. AP2.F8,v.27 1012 1899. Winchester, Boyd. The great problem that confronts our legislatures and courts: [the control of trusts]. American law review, July-Aug. 1899, v. 33: 514-521. 1013 1899. Peffer, W. A. The trust problem and its solution. Forum., July, 1899, v. 27: 523-533. AP2.r8,v.27 1014 1899. Smith, Edwin Burritt. Trusts— their legal status. Self-culture, Aug. 1899, v. 9: 648-656. AP2.M65,v.9 1015 1899. Kleberg, Rudolph. State control of trusts. Arena, Aug. 1899, v. 22: 191-200. The author's remedies for trusts are bimetallism, public regulation of transportation and communication, public control or ownership of muuicipal utilities, and an income tax. AP2. A6,v.22 FEDEEAL CONTROL: TRUSTS: PERIODICALS 129 1016 1899. Forrest, J. D. The control of trusts. American journal of sociology, Sept. 1899, v. 5: 228-2^5. Favors "a system of graduated income taxation by the national gov- ernment, with . . . rigid supervision of the accounts of corpora- tions." HMl.A7,v.5 1017 1899. Crusade against prosperity; [editorial]. • Gunton's magazine, Sept. 1899, v. 17: 168-178. The anti-trust movement "is a fanatical, misguided crusade against business prosperity, public welfare and national progn '.«.?." Hl,G9,v.l7 1018 1899. Beam, G. E. Anti-trust legislation. Independent, Sept. 21, 1899, v. 51: 2553-2556. AP2.I53,v.51 1019 1899. Auerbach, Joseph S. The legal aspect of "trusts". North American review, Sept. 1899, v. 169: 375-398. AP2.N7,v.l69 1020 1899. Pennoyer, Sylvester. How to control the trusts. American law review, Nov.-Dec. 1899, v. 33: 876-88^. Advocates taking from the federal courts the power of passing upon the constitutionality of state and federal laws. 1021 1899. Hadley, Arthur T. The formation and control of trusts. Scrihner's magazine, Nov. 1899, v. 26: 60^-610. AP2.S4,v.26 1022 1899. Bemis, Edward W. The trust problem— its real na- ture. Forum, Dec. 1899, v. 28: 412-426. ap2.F8,v.28 1023 1899. Powers, Frederick Perry. The application of I he anti- trust law. Journal of political economy, Dec. 1899, v. 8: 98-102. HBl.J7,v.8 1024 1899. Thurber, Francis B. The right to combine. Journal of social science, Dec. 1899, v. 37: 215-226. Discussion: p. 227-228. Hl.J7,v.37 1025 1900. Clark, John Bates. Disarming 1 lie t rusts. Atlantic monthly, Jan. 1900, v. 85: 47-53. ap2.A8,v.86 1026 1900. Willcox, David. MMic fiil ilit y of (he an(i-(nist issue. Forum, Feb. 1900, v. 28: '(32-736. AP2.F8,v.28 130 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS 1027 1900. Teichmueller, H. A suggestion concerning trusts. American law review, Mar-Ajpr. 1900, v. 34: 229-234. Favors non-interference by government with the industrial activity of the people. 102S 1900. Ficke, C. A. The trust problem: a proposed solution. Journal of 'political economy, Mar. 1900, v. 8: 242-241 . "The purpose of this paper is to propose a federal income tax as a practicable means of solving the trust problem." HBl.J7,v.8 1029 1900. Jenks, Jeremiah W. Publicity: a remedy for the evils of trusts. American monthly review of reviews, Apr. 1900, v. 21: 44-5- 449. AP2.R4,v.21 1030 1900. Davis, R. C. Judicial decisions on statutes prohibit- ing combinations and trusts. Quarterly journal of economics. May, 1900, v. I4: 4^6-424- HBl.Q3,v.l4 1031 1900-1901. Stevenson, Charles W. Trusts. Rand-McNally hanlcers' montMy, June, 1900-Jan. 1901, v. 19: 605-608; v. 20: 135-137, 363-366; v. 21: 14-17. Contents. — I. Indu^ry, commerce and government. — II. Eco- ' nomic meaning of consolidated corporations. — III. The corpora- tion and the law. — IV. Combination and the public good. HG1501.Il2,v.l9-21 1032 1900. Miller, Joseph Dana. National legislative problems. I. The evils of trusts and foolish remedies. Arena, June, 1900, v. 23: 617-626. AP2.A6,v.23 1033 1900. Wall, A. G. The futility of anti-trust legislation. Arena, Oct. 1900, v. 24: 405-411- APa.A6,v.24 1034 1901. Clark, Walter. How trusts can be crushed. Arena, Mar. 1901, v. 25: 264-270. AP2.A6,v.25 1035 1904. Bullock, C. J. Trusts and public policy. Atlantic montMy, June, 1901, v. 87: 737-745. AP2.A8,v.87 1036 1901. Clark, Jolm B. Monopolies and the law. Political science quarterly, Sept. 1901, v. 16: 4^3-475. Hl.P8,v.l6 1037 1902. Montgomery, Harry Earl. A solution of the "trust" problem. Albany law journal, Jan. 1902, v. 64: 7-9. Favors state regulation of all corporations doing business within the state. FEDERAL CONTROL: TRUSTS I PERIODICALS 131 1038 1902. Wyman, Bruce. Competition and the law. Harvard law review, Feb. 1902, v. 15: 1^21-1^1^5. Canadian law review, Mar -Ayr. 1902, v. 1: 297-300; 338-845. 1039 1903. Steinbach, Emil. Government control of trusts. International monthly, Apr. 1902, v. 5: 468-48S. Translated by Rudolph Tombo, jr. 1040 1902. Dill, James B. National reg^ulation of trusts. Albany law journal, May, 1902, v. 64: 170-172. 1041 1902. Michelsen, H. How to curb the trusts. North American review, June, 1902, v. 174: 778-784. Advocates nationalization of railroads. AP2.N7,v. 174 1042 1902. "Wollman, Henry. Trusts and how they refuse to be exterminated. Albany law journal, July, 1902, v. 64: 249-250. 1043 1902. Yarros, Victor S. The trust problem re-studied. American journal of sociology, July, 1902, v. 8: 58-74. Considers the various remedies proposed for control of trusts in the United States. HMl.A7,v.8 1044 1902. Montgomery, Harry Earl. The control of "trusts." Green bag, Oct. 1902, v. 14: 46O-464. 1045 1902. Gun-ton, George. Trust regulation. New Yorl\ Institute of social economics. Lecture bulletin, Oct. 1, 1902, V. 6: 23-42. Advocates federal control of corporations. Hl.G93,v.6 1046 1902. Clayton, Joseph Culbertson. Control of the trusts. Reflections on the existing power of Congress to form and regulate corporations affected by interstate commerce relations. Albany law journal, Nov. 1902, v. 64: 379-384. 1047 1902. Huffcut, E. W, How Congress may control the trusts. Independent, Dec. 11, 1902, v. 54: 2927-2930. ap2.I53.v.54 1048 1902. Auerbach, Joseph S. ProsidcMit Koosovelt and "th(s trusts." North American review, Dec. 1902, v. 175: 877-894. AP2.N7,v.l75 1049 1902. Adams, Henry C. What is i)ubiitity? North American review, Dec. 1902, v. 175: 895-904- A discussion of the meaning of the term iia used in relation (o pov- erument control of trusts. AP2.N7,v.l76 132 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS 1050 1902. Jenks, Jeremiah W. How Congress may control trusts. Outlool', Dec. IS, 1902, v. 72: 880-884. AP2.08,v.72 1051 1903. Shaw, Albert. The President and the trusts. Century magazine, Jan. 1903, v. 65: 381-387. ap2.C4,v.65 1052 1903. Dana, Wm. F. The Supreme court and the Sherman anti-trust act. Harvard law review, Jan. 1903, v. 16: 178-185. 1053 1903. Gunton, George. Congress' raid on ''trusts." New YorTc. Institute for social economics. Lecture bul- letin, Jan. 1, 1903, v. 6: 143-163. Hl.G93,v.6 1054 1903. Logan, Walter S. A remedy for the trust evil. Yale law journal, Jan. 1903, v. 12: 117-129. Advocates a federal law providing that no corporation shall engage in interstate commerce if its organization tends to create a monopoly. 1055 1903. Flower, B.O. The people's rule vs. the rule of the corporations. Arena, Mar. 1903, v. 29: 321-324. AP2.A6,v.29 1056 1903. Chaplin, H. W. The law of dedication in its relation to trust legislation. Harvard law review, liar. 1903, v. 16: 329-341. 1057 1903. Littlefield, Charles E. Pubhcity and the trust ques- tion. Independent, Mar. 5, 1903, v. 55: 539-543. AP2.I53,v.55 1058 1903. Adams, Alton D. Federal control of trusts. Political science quarterly, Mar. 1903, v. 18: 1-16. Hl.P8,v.l8 1059 1903. Beck, James M. The government and the trusts. Saturday evening post, July 18, 1903, v. 176: 1-2. AP2.S2,v.l76 Reprinted in National corporation reporter, Aug, 27, 1903, v. 27: 7-9. 1060 1903. Sanborn, John Bell. Federal control of corporations. American law review, Sept.-Oct. 1903, v. 37: 703-712. 1061 1903. Meier, Walter Frederick. What attitude should the government assume toward the trusts? American journal of sociology, Sept. 1903, v. 9: 208-225. HMl.A7,v.9 FEDERAL CONTROL: TRUSTS: PERIODICALS 133 1062 1903. Macrosty, Henry W. The control of trusts. New Liberal review, Sept. 1903, v. 6: 208-226. AP4.N45,v.6 1063 1903. Raymond, Robert L. A statement of the trust problem. National corporation reporter, Oct. 29-Nov. 12, 1903, v. 27: 256, 283-285, 312-313. From the Harvard law review. 1064 1903. Logan, Walter S. Commercial law and modern com- mercial combinations. American law review, Nov. -Dec. 1903, v. 37: 828-844- 1065 1903. Humes, Augustine L. The power of Congress over combinations affecting interstate commerce. Harvard law review, Dec. 1903, v. 17: 83-103. 1066 1904. Wyman, Bruce. The law of the public callings as a solution of the trust problem. Harvard law review, J an.- Feb. 1904, v- 17: 156-173, 217-247. 1067 1904. Durand, Edward Dana. Recent tendencies in eco- nomic legislation. Yale review, Feb. 1904, v. 12: 409-428. State and federal laws regarding trusts and corporations: p. 410-120. Hl.Y2,v.l2 1068 1904. McDermott, Allan L. Federal control of corporations engaged in interstate business. Bankers' magazine, Mar. 1904, v. 68: 327-330. HG1501.B3,v.68 1069 1904. Conant, Charles A. The trusts and the public Intel-national quarterly, June-Sept. 1904, v. 9: 394-408. AP2.I75,v.9 1070 1904. Beck, James M. The federal power over trusts. National corporation reporter, Sept. 29-Oct. 27, 1904, 'W- ^^' 167, 203, 239, 275, 311. Reprinted from Annals of American academy of political and social science, July, 1904, v. 24. Hl.A4,v.24 1071 1904. Benson, Allan L. The President, his Attomey-goncrMl and the trusts. Arena, Sept. 1904, v. 32: 272-278. ap2.A6.v.32 1072 1904. Garvin, Lucius F. C. To uproot the trusls. Independent, Sept. 15, 1904, v. 57: 618-620. AP2.l53,v.57 134 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS 1073 1904. Montgomery, Harry Earl. The "trust" problem. Journal of political economy, Sept. 1904, ^- i^-' 525-534. The author contends that the evils of trusts will never be remedied until an amendment to the Constitution is adopted empowering Congress to pass a general incorporation law upon the lines which he lays down. HBl.J7,v.l2 1074 1904. Garner, James Wilford. Four years of anti-trust activity : a review. North American review, Sept. 1904, '^- ^'^9' 4'^0-43£. AP2.N7,v.l79 1075 1904. Clark, John Bates. The real dangers of the trusts, with some suggestions as to remedies. Century magazine, Oct. 1904, v. 6S: 954-959. ap2.C4,v.68 1076 1904. Frederiksen, Ditlew M. The old common law and the new trusts. Michigan law review, Dec. 1904, v. 3: 119-139. Argues that "the old common law relating to monopoly should be applied to-day irrespective of combination." 1077 1905. Wliitney, Edward B. How Congress can deal with the trusts. Independent, Feb. 9, 1905, v. 58: 303-306. ap2.I53,v.58 1078 1G05. Grosscup, Peter S. How to save the corporation. McClures magazine, Feh. 1905, v. 24: 443-448. ap2.M2,v.24 1079 1905. Parsons, John E. Federal regulation of corporations: a dangerous departure. Green hag. Mar. 1905, v. 17: 135-137. 1080 1905. Curtis, Wilham J. Federal regulation of corporations a public necessity. Green hag. Mar. 1905, v. 17: 138-141. 1081 1905. Ingersoll, Henry H. Public regulation of quasi- public corporations. Yale law journal, Mar. 1905, v. 14-' 255-265. 1082 1905. Wyman, Bruce. The perpetuation of the open market. Green hag, Apr. 1905, v. 17: 210-222. 1084 1905. Whitney, Edward B. Governmental interference with industrial combinations. American economic association. Publications, May, 1905, 3d ser., v. 6: 231-249. HBl.A5,3dser.,v.6 FEDERAL CONTKOL: TRUSTS: PERIODICALS 135 1085 1905-1906. Hamlin, Chauncey J. Power of Congress to regulate corporations. Brief, 1905, v. 5: 346-357; 1906, v. 6: 14-23. 1086 1906. Cronan, John F. A plan for regulating the trusts. North American review, Jan. 1906, v. 182: 123-132. Proposes a federal corporation commissioa which shall grant certifi- cates of capitalization to all corporations. All corporations doing an interstate business shall be required to have a federal license and to file annual reports with the federal commission. AP2.N7,v.l82 1087 1906. Haas, Albert. La question des "trusts" dans les Etats-Unis d'Amerique. Revue economique intern ationale, Jan. 1906, v. 3: 92-120. HB3.R6,v.3 1088 1906. Richberg, Donald R. Imprisonment of corporations. Green hag, Apr. 1906, v. 18: 253-254. 1089 1906. Grosscup, Peter S. The corporation: shall our cor- poration policy be reformed, or shall the corporation be destroyed ? Inter-nation, Apr. 1906, n. s. no. 1: 33-34- Hi.l6,n.s.,no.l 1090 1906. Wollman, Henry. A revolutionary decision? Van Norden magazine, Apr. 1906, v. 1: 9-12. A discussion of the recent United States Supreme court decisions by which officers of corporations must give testimony in grand jury or court proceedings regardless of whether or not it tends to incrimi- nate the corporation. HGl.V3,v.l 1091 1906. Newcomb, H. T. A conservative trust policy. Moody's magazine, June, 1906, v. 2: 39-46. HGl.M85,v.2 1092 1906. Clews, H. Publicity and reform in business. American academy of political and social science. Annals, July, 1906, V. 28: 143-154. Hi.A4,v.28 1093 1906. Baker, Ray Stannard. Lawless (iimnce: th(> need of constructive legislation for the regulation of trusts. Collier's, July 7, 1906, v. 37: 12-13. ap2.CG5,v.37 1094 1906. Benjamin, R. Af. The evolution and pivx rution of trusts and monopolies. Albany law journal, Aug. 1906, v. 68: 239-246. 1095 1906. Dawes, diaries (i. 'V\w Shciiuau auti-trust law, why it has failed and why it should be amended. North American review, Aug. 1906, v. 183: 189-194- 136 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS 1096 1906. Coiidert, Frederic R. Constitutional limitations on the regulation of corporations. Columbia law review, Nov. 1906, v. 6: Ii.85-1^96. 1097 1906. Judson, Frederick N. The control of corporations. Green hag, Dec. 1906, v. 18: 662-666. Argues that the most advisable method of controlling corporations is not by forfeiture or suspension of the exercise of the corporate functions, but by enforcing a strict responsibility on the part of officers and members of corporations for corporate acts, 1098 1907. Montague, Gilbert Holland. The shibboleth of ''re- straint of trade." Eclectic magazine, Jan. 1907, v. 148: 18-23. AP2.E2,v.l48 1099 1907. Grosscup, Peter S. The corporation and the people: are we on the right track? OutlooTc, Jan. 12, 1907, v. 85: 71-77. AP2.08,v.85 1100 1907. Noyes, Walter C. Possible federal trust legislation. Columbia law review, Feb. 1907, v. 7: 93-100. Considers first generally, the power of Congress over corporations as instrumentalities of interstate commerce, then presents specific ways in which it might be exercised. 1101 1907. Kellogg, Frank B. Monopoly and the law. Green bag. Mar. 1907, v. 19: 147-155. 1103 1907. Dawes, Charles G. The Sherman anti-trust law and its relations to the public. Trust companies, Apr. 1907, v. 4' 230-233. HG434i.T8,v.4 Rand-McNally bankers' montJdy, June, 1907, v. 34: 377-380. HG1501.R2,v.34 1105 1907. Trusts and their treatment: Dissolution and preven- tion. William Jennings Bryan. Regulation, not exter- mination. Albert J. Beveridge. Reader, May, June, 1907, v. 9: 573-588, 666-668; v. 10: 34~46. AP2.R25,v.9-10 1106 1907. Draper, Eben S. The present antagonism to corpo- rations. Open shop, July, 1907, v. 6: 297-299. hd6500.O5,v.6 1107 1907. McLean, S. J. President Roosevelt and the trusts. Quarterly review, July, 1907, v. 207: 28-57. AP4.Q2,v.207 Reprinted in Living age, Aug. 31, 1907, v. 254: 524-533. AP2.L65,v.254 FEDERAL CONTROL: TRUSTS: PERIODICALS 137 1108 1907. Dawes, Charles G. The defects of the Sherman anti- trust law. Trust companies, Juhj, 1907, v. 5: 448-444. hg4341.T8,v.5 1109 1907. Benjamin, R. M. Corporate citizenship a legal fiction. Central law journal, Aug. 30, 1907, v. 65: 157-160. Discusses the question: Is the general government obliged to allow trusts and monopolies to sue as citizens in the federal courts? Reprinted in Chicago legal news, Aug. 24, 1907, v. 40: 17. 1110 1907. Seager, Henry R. The attitude of the state towards trade unions and trusts. Political science quarterly, Sept. 1907, v. 22: 385-400. Hl.P8,v.22 1111 1907. Richbero;, Donald R. The imprisonment of criminal corporations. Chicago legal news, Oct. 12, 1907, v. 4O: 73-74. 1112 1907. Holland, W. M. Liability of trusts for private wrongs. Chicago legal news, Nov. 2, 1907, v. 4O: 96-97. Read before the Texas bar association. 1113 1907. Grosscup, Peter S. \\^iat should be the ideals and the structure of the new corporation ? Chicago legal news, Nov. 23, 1907, v. 4O: 120-121. Read before the National civic federation, Oct. 23, 1907. 1114 1907. Miller, Sidney T. The case of the monopolies: some of its results and suggestions. Michigan law review, Nov. 1907, v. 6: 1-24- An account of some English court decisions of the 17th century re- lating to monopolies, with their relation to anti-trust legislation in the United Stales. 1115 1907. Raffalovich, A. Les ennuis dos trusts anieiicains. La misere des trusts. Les contretemps. Revue economique Internationale, Nov. 1907, v. 4' 379-395. HB3.R5,v.4 1116 1908. Higginson, Henry Lee. Justice to the (•()rj)i>ralii)ns. Atlantic monthly, Jan. 1908, v. 101: 9-16. ap2.A8,v.ioi 1117 1908. Perkins, George W. K<>ep the ((.ipoialioii or kill it. Appleton's magazine, Apr. 1908, v. 11: 466 4^ ■ AP2.A59,v.ll 138 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1118 1908. Lcsh, Paul Edgar. The Sherman law and contracts in restraint of trade. Green hag, Afr. 1908, v. 20: 188-197. 1119 1908. Amend the Sherman anti-trust law: a symposium. American federationist, May, 1908, v. 15: 35 4-36 Jf. John R. Commons; E. Lewis Evans; William D. Huber; John R. Alpine; John A. Dyche; John F. Tobin; J. C. Skemp; J. H. Kaefer; John J. Pfeiffer; A. B. Grout; T. L. Mahan; Edward B. Goltra; Wesley Russell; Frank Duffy. HD8055.A5A2,v.l5 1120 1908. Wilson, Woodrow. Trust crusading. American lawyer. May, 1908, v. 16: 267-268. "Government ownership and government regulation by commissions are not radically different, and will be discredited by experience. Regulation by definite prohibitions of law the effective process." 1121 1908. Shall the anti-trust act be amended ? Effort to amend the Sherman act. — Hearings before the House committee on the judiciary on the Civic federation's bill. — The meas- ure explained and defended. National civic federation review, May, 1908, v. 3: 1-5, 19-24. HD4802.N2,v.3 1122 1908. Wheeler, Everett P. The Sherman anti-monopoly act and proposed amendments. Columbia law review, June, 1908, v. 8: 452-460. 1123 1908. Montague, Gilbert Holland. The future of the Sher- man anti-trust act. Independent, July 16, 1908, v. 65: 137-140. AP2.i53,v.65 1124 1908. Talbot, George D. Trust bursting under the common law. Central law journal, Sept. 4, 1908, v. 67: 181-187. 1125 1908. Beaves, Arthur. The war against trusts in America. International, Sept. 1908, v. 3: 115-120. AP4.l5,v.3 1126 1908. Amendment of the anti-trust act. Further hearings before the House committee on the judiciary on the civic federation's bill. — The argument of the opposition. — The Commissioner of corporations defends the general plan. National civic federation review, Sept. 1908, v. 3: 2-4, 23. HD4802.N2,v.3 1127 1908. Burgess, John W. The chief questions of present American politics. Political science quarterly, Sept. 1908, v. 23: 385-407. The control of trusts: p. 402-107. Hl.P8,v.23 FEDEKAL CONTROL: TRUSTS: PERIODICALS 139 1128 1908. Hendrick, B. J. The battle against the Sherman hiw. McClure's magazine, Oct. 1908, v. 81: 665-680. AP2.M2,v.31 1129 1908. Andrews, E. L. The campaign and the Sherman law; the jury clause of the Constitution. North American review, Oct. 1908, v. 188: 514-520. AP2.N7,v.l88 1130 1908. Grosscup, Peter S. So-called trusts or big corporations. Brief, Nov. 1908, v. 8: 129-145. 1131 1908. Davis, C. Schuyler. The state's duty to the trusts. Albany law journal, Dec. 1908, v. 70: 376-882. 1132 1908. Todd, G. Carroll. The federal anti-trust act and minority holdings of the shares of railroads by competing companies. Harvard law review, Dec. 1908, v. 22: 114-128. 1133 1909. Ullmann, Julius. Die Antitrustgesetzgebung in don Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Zeitschrift fur Volkswirtschaft, Sozialpolitik, und Verwaltung, 1909, v. 18: 656-678. HB5.Z5,v.i8 1134 1909. Canfield, George F. Is a large corporation an illegal combination or monopoly under the Sherman anti-trust act? Columbia law review, Feb. 1909, v. 9: 95-115. 1135 1909. Amending the Sherman anti-trust law. National civic federation review. Mar. 1909, v. 3: 14-15. Proposed amendments by the Executive council of the National civic federation. HD4802.N2,v.3 1136 1909. Bell, Alexander Graham. When does profit become usury? When a trust is beneficial to the public and when hurtful — A true principle of regulation. WorWs worlc. Mar. 1909, v. 17: 11314-11316. Favors control by suitable legislation of the amount of profits a trust may legally receive from the public. AP2.W8.V.17 1137 1909. Benton, J. H. The Sherman or anti-tnist net. [Giving brief history of its administration and criticising it as unenforceable.] Yale law journal, Mar. 1909, v. 18: 311-327. 1138 1909. Collier, N. C. Monopoly and restraint of trade in federal view — doubt as to meaning of terms. Central law journal, May 28, 1909, v. 68: 404-4IO. 140 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS 1139 1909, Morawetz, Victor. Should the anti-trust act be amended ? Harvard Uw review, May, 1909, v. 22: 492-500. 1140 1909. Evans, L. Federal anti-trust legislation and Presi- dent Tait's proposed amendments. Illinois law review, May, 1909, v. 4: 1-10. 1141 1909. Ellis, W. H. The business man and the law. Some suo;<2;estions as to amending the Sherman anti-trust act. Ohio law huUetin, May 17, 1909, v. 54: 18 1-1 84. Ohio law reporter, May 24, 1909, v. 7: 66-74. Cliicago legal news, July 31, 1909, v. 4I: 425-426. 1143 1909. Dunn, Samuel O. The raiboads and the Sherman anti-trust law. World to-day, June, 1909, v. 16: 601-605. AP2.W75,v.l6 1144 1909. Andrews, Edward L. The federal attorney-general- ship. By whom should the interstate commerce laws be administered? American law review, Sept.-Oct. 1909, v. 43- 685-694- Favors the creation by Congress of a judicial body upon whose warrant only should legal proceedings be instituted against violators of the anti-trust statute. 1145 1909. Brodbury, H. B. Should Congress control business corporations generally ? American law times. Sept.-Oct. 1909, v. 1: 1-3. 1146 1909. Duncan, James. Concept of the Sherman act. ' American federationist , Sept. 1909, v. 16: 765-770. HD8055.A5A2,v.l6 1147 1909. Emery, James A. Why amend the Sherman act? American industries, Oct. 1909, v. 10: 23-24- HD4802.A6,v.lO 1148 1909. Royall, WilMam L. How to control the trusts with justice to the people without destroying property. Central law journal, Oct. 1, 1909, v. 69: 238-248. Favors federal and state laws against 'the practice of giving away goods or selling them at or below cost for the purpose of driving competitors out of business. 1149 1909. Cohen, Arthur. The law as to combinations. Society of comparative legislation. Journal, Oct. 1909, n. s., V. 21: 144-115. JA29.S7,n.s.,v.21 FEDEEAL CONTROL: TRUSTS: PERIODICALS 141 1150 1909. Montague, Gilbert Holland. The defects of the Sher- man anti-trust law. Yah law journal, Dec. 1909, v. 19: S8-109. Chicago legal news, Feb. 19, 1910, v. 42: 223-224, 226-228. Ohio law bulletin. Mar. 28, 1910, v. 55: 94-105. 1151 1910. Montague, G. H. Trust regulation to-day. Atlantic monthly, Jan. 1910, v. 105: 1-9. ap2.A8,v.105 1152 1910. Hendrick, Frank. Sociology for the Constitution, the wreck of regulation. Editorial review, Jan. 1910, v. 2: 40-84. Arguments against the proposed constitutional amendments provid- ing for the direct election of senators and an income tax; and in opposition to the federal corporation tax, and the proi)osc'd repeal of the Sherman antitrust law. AP2.E26,v.2 1153 1910. Reed, Robert R. The practical way to regulate trusts. Pearson's magazine, Jan. 1910, v. 23: 105-110. Opposes federal incorporation. Favors a law prohibiting from engag- ing in interstate commerce any corporation not conforming to cer- tain prescribed conditions of organization, conduct, and man- agement. AP2.P35,v.23 1154 1910. Howland, Charles P. Monopolies: the cause and remedy. Columhia law review, Feb. 1910, v. 10: 91-117. 1155 1910. Sterrett, J. E. Legislation for the control of corpo- rations. Journal of accountancy , Feb. 1910, v. 9: 241-247. HF5601.J7,v.9 Also printed in American legal news, Apr. 1910, v. 21: 211-214. 1156 1910. Primm, C. J. The labor unions and the anti-trust law. Journal of political economy, Feb. 1910, v. 18: 129-138. HBl.J7,v.l8 1157 1910. B3-ers, M. L. An analysis of the natural relations between the state and the industrial corporations. St. Louis railway club. Official iwoceedings. Fib. 11, 1910, V. 14: 279-299. ^ TFl.S2,v.l4 Discussion: p. 299-302. 1158 1910. Davis, Oscar King. "Big business" and tli(> SluMin.Mn law. Century magazine, Mar. 10, 1910, v. 79: 748-752. AP2.C4,v.79 1159 1910. Raymond, Robert L. The federal anti-trust act. Harvard law review. Mar. 1910, v. 23: 353-379. 59753°— 13 10 142 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1160 1910. Walker, Francis. The causes of trusts and some remedies for them. American economic association quarterly, Apr. 1910, 3d ser. V. 11: 290-320. Discussion, by J. W. Jenks: p. 328-330. HBl.A5,3d ser.v.ll 1161 1910. Morawetz, Victor. The Sherman anti-trust act. American economic association quarterly, Ayr. 1910, 3d ser. V. 11: 321-327. Discussion, by J. W. Jenks: p. 328-330. HBl.A5,3d ser.v.ll 1162 1910. The present condition and prospects of the Sherman act. Bench, and har, Apr. 1910, v. 21: 1-6. 1163 1910. Allen, Arthur M. Criminal conspiracies in restraint of trade at common law. Harvard law review, May, 1910, v. 23: 631-548. 1164 1910. Cornwell, William C. The Sherman anti-trust act and the government's attitude is blighting prosperity. American hanker, June 4, 1910, v. 75: 7 400-7 4OI . HG1501.A5,v.75 1165 1910. Baker, H. L. Enforcement of the laws. Nation, June 9, 1910, v. 90: 582-583. AP2.N2,v.90 1166 1910. IMr. [Samuel] Untermyer's plan for the regulation of monopoly. Green hag, Nov. 1910, v. 22: 64I-643. The plan provides for federal incorporation and a federal commission empowered to fix maximum prices of commodities. 1167 1910. Evans, Harold. The Supreme court and the Sherman anti-trust act. University of Pennsylvania law review and American law register, Nov. 1910, v. 59: 61-76. 1168 1910. Collier, N. C. Impolicy of modern decision and statute making corporations indictable and the confusion in morals thus created. Central law journal. Bee. 16, 1910, v. 71: 421-427. 1169 1910. Morawetz, Victor. The Supreme court and the anti- trust act. Columhia law review, Dec. 1910, v. 10: 687-708. Reviewed in Green bag, Feb. 1911, v. 23: 78-80. "The foregoing article is an expansion of an article iniblishcd by the writer in the New York Times for October 9, 1909." FEDERAL CONTROL: TRUSTS: PERIODICALS 143 1170 1911. Wollman, Henry. The courts and the corporations. New YorTc times, Jan. 8, 1911, v. 60, jJt. 7 {Annual financial review): 10-11. HC14.N56 1911 1171 1911. Benjamin, R. M. Normal corporations vs. continental monopolies — Brief for plaintiffs. Central law journal, Feb. 2^, 1911, v. 72: 132-135. "The creation of normal corporations should be left, as now, to the several states, but 'trusts' and corporations with unrestrained power to aggregate capital, should not be allowed anywhere in the United States," 1172 1911. Anderson, P. Lewis. Combination vs. competition. Editorial review, June, 1911, v. 4' 500-508. ap2.E26,v.4 1173 1911. Montague, Gilbert H. The future of anti-trust legis- lation. Editorial review, July, 1911, v. 5: 619-629. ap2.E26,v.5 1174 1911. Escher, F. Has the Sherman law outlived its useful- ness '? Harper's weeTdy, Sept. 16, 1911, v. 55: 22. ap2.H28,v.55 1175 1911. Leupp, F. E. The father of the anti-trust hiw [Senator George F. Edmunds]. Outlook, Sept. SO, 1911, V. 99: 271-276. AP2.08,v.99 1176 1911. Gladney, Frank Y. Law-proof trusts. Saturday evening post, Sept. 25, 1911, v. IS 4: 22-23, 31. AP2.S2,v.l84 1177 1911. Royall, Wm. L. Is the United States judiciary pt)\vor- less to hurt tlic business of a trust. Central law journal, Oct. 27, 1911, v. 73: 297-302. 1178 1911. McChord, William C. The problem of coiitrolHng monopolies. Editorial review, Oct. 1911, v. 5: 928-939. ap2.E26,v.5 1179 1911. Tricoche, George Nestler. Le fimctionneineiit ch» I'anti-trust law aux Etats-Unis et la " KegU' de raison." Journal des econo.nistes, Oct. 15, 1911, 6th scr., v. 32: 32-42. HB3.J8,6th ser.,v.32 1180 1911. Junge, E. F. Die politische und wiitschaftliche Bedeutung der Anderung des Sherman-Geselzes. Kartell-lUndschau, Oct.-Nov. 1911, v. 9: 763-770; 849-855. HD2709.K3,v.O 144 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1181 1911. Maclaurin, Richard C. The Sherman act. liollins magazine, Oct. 1911, v. 1, no. 3: Jf.-9. 1182 1911. WiUis, Hugh Evander. Shall we regulate or break the trusts? Twentieth century magazine, Oct. 1911, v. 4- G02-605. AP2.T88,v.4 1183 1911. Perkins, G. W. Wanted — a national business court. Independent, Nov. 30, 1911, v. 71: 1173-1177. AP2.I53,v.71 1184 1911. Olney, Richard. The problem of the trusts. Iron age, Nov. 9, 1911, v. 88: 1026-1027. Tl.l7,v.88 1185 1911. Origin of the anti-trust law. Nation, Nov. 30, 1911, v. 93: 512-513. AP2.N2,v.93 1186 1911. Roosevelt, Theodore. The trusts, the people, and the scjuare deal. Outlool, Nov. 18, 1911, V. 99: 649-656. AP2.08,v.99 1187 1911. Perkins, G. W. Strangulation or regulation. World to-day, Nov. 1911, v. 21: 1298-1 29Sh. AP2.W75,v.21 1188 1911. Bourne J. jr. A legal yardstick needed. World to-day, Nov. 1911, v. 21: 1298b-1298f. AP2.W75,v.21 1189 1911. Littleton, Martin W. The Sherman law inadequate. World to-day, Nov. 1911, v. 21: 1298g-129Sh. AP2.W75,v.21 1190 1911. Stanley-Brown, J. The war on business. World's worTc, Nov. 1911, v. 23: 24-28. AP2.W8,v.23 1191 1911-1912. Leupp, Francis E. "WTiat's the matter with business? A series of articles in which are presented the constructive views on present business conditions of , men who stand high in the world of finance and industry. Outlook, I)ec._9, 1911, v. 99: 857-862: Jan. 13, Feb. 3, Mar. 16, Apr. 13, 1912, v. 100: 75-81; 267-274; 596-602; 815-, 820. 1. Frank A. Vanderlip, president of National city bank, New York city; 2. John G. Shedd, president Marshall Field & Co., Chicago, and John Mitchell, ex-president of United mine workers of Amer- ica; 3. James Laurence Laughlin, professor political economy, University of Chicago; Charles S. Mellen, president New York, New Haven and Hartford railway company; 4. Frank Trumbull, chairman, Board of directors, Chesapeake and Ohio railway; 5. Louis Arthur Coolidge. AP2.O8,v.99-100 FEDERAL CONTROL: TRUSTS: PERIODICALS 145 1192 1911. Edmunds, G. F. The interstate trust and commerce act of 1890. North American review, Bee. 1911, v. 194: S01-S17. AP2.N7,v.l94 Reviewed in Nation, Dec. 7, 1911, v. 93: 539-540. AP2.N2,v.93 1193 1911. Carnegie, A. The industrial problem. North American review, Dec. 1911 , v. 19 4: 914-920. AP2.N7,v.l94 1194 1911. Wilson, T.B. Court-made laws. Overland monthly, Bee. 1911, n. s., v. oS: 467~4G9. AP2.09,n.s.,v.58 1196 1911. Kuhn, D. W. Influence of the Sherman anti-trust law. Railway world, Bee. 8, 1911, v. 55: 1035-1036. tfi.R68,v.55 1197 1912. Dawes, Charles G. An amendment to the Sherman anti-trust law. Gateway, Jan. 1912, v. 17: 5-9. F56i.G25,v.i7 1198 1912. The policy of compulsory competition. Green lag, Jan. 1912, v. 24: 17-21. 1199 1912. Perkins, George W. The corporation problem. Moody's magazine, Jan. 1912, v. 13: 29-30. hgi.M85,v.13 1200 1912. "Welliver, JudsonC. Has the enforcement of the Sher- man law accomplished anything really worth while for the people ? Munsey's magazine, Jan. 1912, v. 46: 459-464- AP2.M8,v.46 1201 1913. Mathews, R. Competition and monopoly. Nation, Jan. 4, 1912, v. 94-' 9-10. AP2.N2,v.94 1202 1912. Cummins, Albert B. Competition or combination. Pearson s magazine, Jan. 1912, v. 27: 14-20. AP2.P35,v.27 1203 1912. Kichbcrg, Donald R. The imprisonment of criinimil corporations. University of Chicago magazine, Jan. 1912, v. 4' 65-67. "A r6sum^ of suggestions made before the Interslate cominerco committee of the United States Senate during its inquiry with regard to the anti-trust law, Dec. 12, 1911." LD908 1204 1912. Hearst, William Ilandolpli. AVhcn roiubinalion be- comes monopoly what shall fi.\ ])i'ic('s ? Monojjoly in the sole interest of monopoly or government in the intor<>s(s of the whole community ? ^\'orld to-day, Jan. 1912, v. 21: 1575-1579. AP2.W75,v.2l 146 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS 1205 1912. Wyman, Bruce. Constructive trust control. World to-day, Jan. 1912, v. 21: 15S0-15S5. Suggests the establishment of an interstate trade commission; the licensing of corporations desiring to do interstate business; strict regulation of all concerns having substantial control over their markets; definition and prohibition of imfair practices; and limited price regulation. AP2.W75,v.21 1206 1912. Mallon, Guy W. The Sherman act and business. Yale review, Jan. 1912, n. s., v. 1: 274-285. Hl.Y2,n.s.,v.l 1207 1912. Brandeis, Louis D. Shall we abandon the policy of competition ? Case and comment, Feb. 1912, v. 18: 494-496. 1208 1912. Grosscup, Peter S. Federal control of corporations and trusts. Case and comment, Feb. 1912, v. 18: 497-501. 1209 1912. Untermyer, Samuel. Government regulation of trusts. Case and comment, Feb. 1912, v. 18: 502-505. 1210 1912. Bonaparte, Charles J. The cause of federal justice. Case and comment, Feb. 1912, v. 18: 506-508. 1211 1912. Morawetz, Victor. The trust problem. Case and comment, Feb. 1912, v. 18: 509-511. 1212 1912. Perkins, George W. The relation between business and government. Case and comment, Feb. 1912, v. 18: 516-518. 1213 1912. Richberg, Donald R. The imprisonment of criminal corporations. Case and comment, Feh. 1912, v. 18: 527-529. 1214 1912. Wickersham, George W. The enforcement of the anti-trust law: its merits, its operation, and the means to supplement it. Century magazine, Feb. 1912, v. 83: 616-622. AP2.C4,v.83 1215 1912. Ellison, William B. Problem of dealing with trusts. Eand-McNaUy banlcers' monthly, Feb. 1912, v. 29: 39-'42. HG1501.Il2,v.29 1216 1912. Needham, Henry Beach. Congress in the twilight zone. A great ado about trusts — and little doing. Saturday evening 'post, Feb. 10, 1912, v. 184: 3-4. AP2.S2,v.l84 FEDERAL CONTROL: TRUSTS: PERIODICALS 147 1217 1912. Perkins, George W. Business and government. Feil- eral control of industries and regulation of prices, not return to cutthroat commercial competition, the cure for business ills. Trade and transportation, Feh. 1912, v. 13: 8-11. "Paper read at the sixth annual banquet of the Traffic club of Now York, Feb. 2, 1912." HE2122.T7,v.l3 1218 1912. Grosscup, Peter S. Is there common ground on which thoughtful men can meet on the trust qiiestion. North American review, Mar. 1912, v. 195: 293-809. AP2.N7,v.l95 1219 1912. Roosevelt, Theodore. The conservation of business — shall we strangle or control it ? OutlooTc, Mar. 16, 1912, v. 100: 574-578. ap2.O8,v.100 1220 1912. Abbott, Lyman. \\Tiat shall we do with Cyclops? Outlool, Mar. 23, 1912, v. 100: 690-692. On the control of trusts. AP2.08,v. 100 1221 1912. Boston, Charles A. The spirit behind the Sherman anti-trust law. Yale law journal. Mar. 1912, v. 21: 341-371. 1222 1912. Raymond, Robert L. Industrial combinations — ex- isting law and suggested legislation. Journal of political economy, Apr. 1912, v. 20: 309-325. "A paper read before the Western econoniic t^ociety at Chicago, March 2, 1912". HBl.J7,v.20 1223 1912. Smalley, Harrison S. Trust regulation and the courts. Journal of political economy, Apr. 1912, v. 20: 326-845. "A paper read before the Western economic society at Chicago, March 1, 1912." HBl.J7,v.20 1224 1912. Jcnks, Jeremiah W. Economic aspect of the recent decisions of the United States Supreme court on trusts. Journal of political economy, Apr. 1912, v. 20: 846-857. "A paper read before the Western econoniic society at Chicago, March 1, 1912." HBl.J7,v.20 1225 1912. Batchelder, Charles C. The cliaractor and powers of governmental regulation machinery. Journal of political economy, Apr. 1912, v. 20: 878-405. "A paper read before the Western econoniic society at Chiongo, March 1, 1912." HBl.J7,v.20 148 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1226 1912. Connolly, C. P. Trust-busting that helps the trusts. Everyhody's magazine, May, 1912, v. 26: 659-672. AP2.E9,v.26 1227 1912. Freund, Ernst. The enforcement provisions of the Sherman law. Journal of political economy, May, 1912, v. 20: 4^2-472. HBl.J7,v.20 1228 1912. The Sherman anti-trust law and the patent monopoly. Scientific American, May 18, 1912, v. 106: 436. Tl.S5,v.l06 1230 1912. Wright, Chester W. The trust problem — Prevention versus alleviation. Journal of political economy, June, 1912, v. 20: 574-587 . Read before the Western economic society, Chicago, Mar. 1, 1912. HBl.J7,v.20 1231 1912. Willis, H. Parker. Political obstacles to anti-trust legislation. Journal of political economy, June, 1912, v. 20: 588-598. Read before the Western economic society, Chicago, Mar. 2, 1912. HBl.J7,v.20 1232 1912. Montague, Gilbert H. The conservation of business opportunity. Journal of political economy, June, 1912, v. 20: 613-626. "The conservation of business opportunity is to-day the avowed object of our national policy in respect to large business." HBl.J7,v.20 1233 1912. Abbott, Lyman. Not disorganization but regulation. OutlooJc, June 1, 1912, v. 101: 262-268. AP2.O8,v.l01 1234 1912. Howerth, Ira Woods. Competition, natural and indus- trial. International journal of ethics, July, 1912, v. 22: 399-419. BJl.I6,v.22 1235 1912. Benjamin, George H. Remedies for unfair competi- tion. Eand-McNally hanJcers' monthly, Aug. 1912, v. 29: 21-24. HG1501.R2,v.29 1236 1912. Cook, Frederick Hale. The need and proper scope of federal legislation against restrictions upon competition. American law review, Sept.-Oct. 1912, v. 46: 676-690. FEDERAL CONTROL: TRUSTS: PERIODICALS 149 1237 1912. Montgomery, Kobort II. Federal control of corpora- tions. Journal of accountancy , Oct. 1912, v 14: 272-290. "A paper presented at the Annual meeting of the American aaso- ciation of public accountants, Chicago, Sept. 18, 1912." 1238 1913. Baker, J. Newton. Regulation of industrial corpora- tions. Yale law journal, Dec. 1912, Feh. 1913, v. 22: 73-95; 220- 235; 306-331. The first article has title, "The American federation of labor"; title of second article, "The evil of special privilege." 1239 1912. Abbot, Edwin H,, jr. Patents and the Sherman act. ColumUa law review, Dec. 1912, v. 12: 709-723. 1240 1913. Fink, Albert. Trust regulation. North American review, Jan.- Mar. 1913, v. 197: 62-77; 222- 233; 350-361. AP2.N7,v.l97 AUTHOR INDEX [Numbers refer to Abbot, Edwin H., ;> 1239 Abbott, Austin 989 Abbott, E. T 528 Abbott, Ljonan 1220, 1233 Acworth, W. M 311, 323, 4G9, 475, 549, 603 Adams, Alton D 397, 1058 Adams, B. B 323 Adams, Brooks 312, 455 Adams, Charles Francis.. 5,313,323,397 Adams, Henry C 6, 170, 323, 441, 520, 654, 905, 935, 1049 Adams, J. Dana 905 Akin, Edward C 905 Albertson. Ralph 381 Alexander, E. P 323 Alexander, M. W 897a Alfassa, Maurice 572 Allen, Arthur M 1163 Alpine, John R 1119 American academy of political and social science 7, 8, 897, 897a American bar association 9,10, 898 American economic association. . . 314 Amidon, Charles F 11, 196 Anderson, L. A 7 Anderson, P. Lewis 1172 Anderson, William A 12 Andrews, Edward L 201, 512, 565, 607, 1129, 1144 Arnold, B. W 443 Arnold, William II ■ 13 Ashley, Charles S 142 Atkinson, G. W 905 Auerbach, Joseph S 1019, 1048 Bacon, Edward 271 Bacon , Edward P 775 Bacon. N. T 479 Baer, George F 729 Bailey, Joseph W 608, 764 Bailly, Edward C 814 Baily, William II 899 Baker, Charles Whiting 900 Baker, H. G. A 758b Baker, II. L 1165 items, not to pages.] Baker, Henry D 905 Baker, Jay N 609. 819, 1238 Baker, Ray S 489, 1093 Baker, Robert 752 Baldwin, Simeon K 315,316 Bancroft, Edgar A 72s. 901 Barber, O. C 594 Barnes. Harry C 317 Barr, W. B 522,719 Barrett, Don C 754 Barrett, Elmer E 371 Barry, Frank 450 Bascom , John 744^ 775 Batchelder, Charles C 1225 Bates, William W 527 Beach, Charles F., ;> 610, 903, 998 Beach, Charles F., sr 902 Beale, Joseph H 611 Beard, Charles A 14, 15 Beam, G. E 1018 Beaves, Arthur 1125 Beck, James M 897, 1059, 1070 Bell, Alexander G 1136 Bell, 0. F 523 Belsterling, Charles S 523 Bemis, Edward W 905, 935, 1022 Benjamin, George H 1235 Benjamin, R. M 545, 1094, 1109, 1171 Bennett, Smith W 16. 199 Benson, Allan L 1071 Benton, J. II 1137 Berge, George W 318 Beveridge, Albert J 209, 529, 1105 Bickerdike, Robert 752 Biddle, W. B 454, 523 Bierly, Willis R 17 Bigclow, Melville M 98 Bigelow, W 7 Bililer, L. C 523 Bik!6, Henry W 23S Bird, Abralmni C 612 Blair, Henry W 905 Bhinchard, G. R 323. 424, 436 Blauvelt, M. P 541 Boiisot, Louis, jr 990 151 152 AUTHOK INDEX Bolen, George L 18 Bolles, Albert S 748 Boiling, R. C 897a Bonaparte, Charles J 905, 1210 Bonham, John M 319 Bonney, Charles C 19 Boston, Charles A 1221 Boswell, L. B 523 Bourne, Z., jr 1188 Brandeis, Louis D 1207 Brazier, Samuel 496 Briggs, Samuel W 1 Brooklyn. Public library 2, 3 Brodbury, H. B 1145 Brooks, Bartlett 907 Brooks, John G 905 Brown, David W 20, 181, 746, 779 Brown, J. Stanley. See Stanley- Brown, J. Brown, Nathaniel S 525 Brown, William C 552, 584 Browne, Edward F 320 Bruce, Andrew A 485 Bryan, George 166 Bryan, James W 577, 786 Bryan, William J. 529, 905, 906, 935, 1105 Bryant, L.J 743 Bryce, L 435 Buckler, W. H 397 Bullock, C. J 935,1035 Bumphrey, Marvin H 904 Burch, Charles N 578 Bureau of railway economics 321 Burgess, John W 1127 Burnett, H. P 200 Burt, Arthur E 777 Burton, Theodore E 8, 21, 22 Bush, T. G 477, 714 Butterfield , Ora E 7, 322, 752 Byers, M. L 1157 Caldwell, B. D 712 Calvert, Thomas II 23 Campbell, Will A 798 Canfield, George F 897a, 1134 Car-Skaden, Delos 614 Carnegie, Andrew 1193 Carroll, John B 613 Cawer, J.N 935 Cessna, J. B 753 Chamberlain, G. E 523 Chamberlain, I. D 905 Chandler, William E 751 Chaplin, H. W 1056 Chicago conference on trusts, 1899. 905 Child, Richard W 583 Clark, E. E 547, 797 Clark, Hugo 907 Clark, John B 897a, 905, 908, 909, 935, 1000, 1025, 1036, 1075 Clark, John M 908 Clark, Walter 169, 707, 1034 Clarke, John H '. . . . 539 Clayton, Joseph C 1046 Clements, Judson C 237, 347 Cleveland, F. A 7 Clews, Henry 910, 1092 Clough, W. P 706 Cobb, Frank M 792 Cockran, W. Bourke 905, 906 Cohen, Arthur 1149 Cohn, Morris M 208 Coleman, William C 820 Collier, N. C 1138,1168 Collier, William M 911 Commons, John Pt 1119 Conant, Charles A 1069 Conner, John B 905 Connolly, C. P 1226 Cook, Walter W 192 Cook, William W 542, 588, 603, 912 Cooke, Frederick H 24, 215, 216, 220, 221, 226, 230, 231, 236, 240, 566, 590, 994, 1010, 1236 Cooley , Thomas M 25, 26, 64, 323 Coolidge, Louis A 1191 Corliss, Stephen P 905 Cornwall, George II 788 Comwell, William C 1164 Coudert, Frederic R 191, 1096 Cowan, Samuel H.. . . 27, 49, 452, 615, 776 Cowles, James L 726 Coyle, P. W 523 Crafts, W. A 422 Crandall, F. W 761 Crawford , William A 738 Cronan, John Y 1086 Crow, E. C 905 Culberson, Charles A 149 Cullom, Shelby M 323 Cummins, Albert B 229, 1202 Curtis, George T 701 Curtis, William J 185,1080 Cutting, Robert L 183 Dabney, Walter D 154,323,324 Daish, John B 28, 189, 325, 326, 481, 491, 495, 616, 617, 735, 752, 775 Dalzell, John 958 AUTHOR INDEX 153 Dana, William F 705, 992, 1052 Davis, C. Schuyler 1131 Davis, James C 589 Davis, Jefferson 905 Davis, Oscar K 1158 Davis, R. C 1030 Davis, Samuel M 272 Dawes, Charles G. . 1095, 1103, 1108, 1197 Dawson, M. M 897a Day, L. F 720 Decker, Martin S 533, 537, 692 Delano, Frederic A 523, 557, 599, 809 De Leon, Daniel 1000 Demuth, J. A 718 Dewsnup, Ernest Ritson 802 Dill, James B 905, 1040 Dixon, Frank H -397, 573, 754, 780 Dodd, S. C. T 991, 1000 Dolliver, Jonathan P 761a, 774 Dos Passos, John R 29, 194, 207 Douglas, James 585 Dowd, Jerome 995 Dowe, P. E 905 Dowling, Henry M 173 Downes, Frederick 312 Draper, Eben S HOG Drinker, Henry S., jr 30 Dubois, Louis P 430 Duffy, Frank 1119 Dunbar, 'William H 164 Duncan, James 1146 Dunlap, John R 31 Dunn, Samuel 327, 328, 564, 567, 576, 587, 597, 1143 Durand, Edward D ]0G7 Durment, E. S 619 Duval, G. 1 8 Dwight, Theodore W 9S6 Dyche, John A 1119 Dye, J. T 935 Earling, A.J 729 Eaton, J. Shirley 813 Economic club of Boston 329 Edmunds, George V 1192 Egan , John G 81 Elliott, Byron K 330 Elliott, William F 3:!() Elhs, W. n ]M1 .Ellison, William B 1215 Ellsworth, James W 905 Ely, Richard T 935, 1000 Emery, James A 1147 Ennis, Alfred 32 Eech, John J 463,523,752 Escher, F n;.} Eetabrook, Charles E 87 Esterhne, Blackburn C20 Evan, J. D 195,510,785 Evans, E. Lewis mo Evans, Harold we,- Evans, L h^q Fagan, J. 558 Fairleigh, David W 550 Farrar, Edgar H 34 Farrelly, Hugh P 913 Farrow, Edward S 7;^!) Fay, Charles Norman 2 Frame, Andrew J (i2:> Francis, David R i<» Frederiksen, Ditl v M 915, 1076 Freerks, George ^^■ 511 French, Henry F !t 1 (i Freund, Ernst 3(i, J 227 Frost, Thomas G 987 l'\ilh r, Paul 1S2 Gaiins, Morrell W 586, 823 Ciuither, George 11., jr 905 Gardner, Frank S 752 CJardner, Gilsoii 451, 736 Garfield, J. R 897a Garland, M. M 905 Garner, Jamc s W 1074 Garvin, Lucius F. C 1072 Gary,E. H 2:!9 Ge fsteuberg, Charle.s \\' 500 154 AUTHOR INDEX Gladney, Frank Y 1176 Glass, Hiram 334 Glasson, William H 483, 501 Goltra, Edward P, 1119 Gompers, Samuel 8, 905 Goodnow, Frank J 222, 1001 Gordon, John A 592 Graham, A. A 808 Graves, John K 678 Gray, John n 729 Grayson, Joel 686 Greeley, Louis M 145 Greeley, S. H 905 Greenbaum, Milton D 168 Greene, T. L 156 Grinnell, Charles E 611 Grinnell, W. Morion 716, 733 Gronlund, Laurence 905 Grosscup, Peter S 8, 37, 190, 218, 329, 624, 918, 1078, 1089, 1099, 1113, 1130, 1208, 1218 Grout, A. B 1119 Grover, Marcus D 626 Gruhl, Edwin F 781 Gunton, George. 905, 935, 1000, 1045, 1053 Guy, Jackson 997 Gwynn, J. K 897a Haas, Albert 1087 Hackett, Frank W 782 Hadley, Arthur T 146, 150, 204, 335, 420, 425, 467,758,935, 985, 1021 Hadley, Herbert S 526, 530, 627 Hadley, W.S 38 Haines, Henry S 336, 337, 338, 628 Haley, F. E 905 Hall,' James P 245 Halle, W. E.H. von 919 Hamlin, Charles S 39.752 Hamlin, Chauncey J 1085 Hammond, M. B 804 Hand, Learned 553 Haney, Lewis H 339. 340 Hanks, Charles S 502,629 Hanley, J. C 905 Hanson, Burton 341 Hanson, John S 462 Hare, John I. C 40 Harlow, Robert P 41 Harmon, Jud-^on 437 Harriman, Edward II 499 Hart, Albert B 42 Hartshorne, F. C 342 Hastings, William G 43 Hatch, Azel F 905 Hayes, John W 905 Head, Franklin H 905 Hearst, William R 1204 Heinsheimer, Norbert 984, 988 Helm, Thomas K 167 Hemingway, Wilson L 44 Henderson, Charles 523 Hendrick, B.J 1128 Hendrick, Frank 45, 343, ] 152 Hening, Crawford 155 Henry, Robert 1 959 Herr, Erich 344 Hicks, F. C 7 Higbie, Robert W 778 Higginson, Henry L 1116 Hill, James J 219,733 Hill, Joseph M . . . . , 46 Hillyer, C. R 124 Hines, Walker D 273, 274, 394, 466, 513, 515, 516, 519, 6.30, 631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636, 637, 638, 688, 752 Hoar, George F 970 Hoch, E. W 523 Hodgins, George S 591 Hogg, H.M 760 Holland, W. M 1112 Hollister, Howard C 47 Holt, Byron W 905 Hornblower, William l'> 920 Hottenstein, Marcus S 922 Hough, CM 8 Howe, William W 905 Howerth, Ira W 1234 Howland, Charles P 1154 Howland, William P 151 Hoyt, H. M 8 Huber, William D 1119 Hudson, Henry 397 Hudson , James F 345, 366 Huebner, G. G 8 Huebner, S 7 Huffcut, E. W 48,]047 Hughes, Charles E 531 Hughes, William 962 Humes, Augustine L 1065 Hunt, UnionB 523 Hunter, John, jr 999 Huntington, Collis P 323 Hutchins, F. Lincoln 593, Illinois state bar association 639 Ingalls, M. E 442 IngersoU, Henry U 1081 Interstate commerce law conven- tion, 1904-1905 49-52 AUTHOR INDEX 155 Irwin, E. C 905 Irwin, Edward P 770 Ivea, D. 523 Jackson, Arthur M 275 James, Edmund J 314 James, Francis B 812 Jenkins, John J 53 Jenks, Jeremiah W 203, 905, 923, 924, 935, 973, 993, 1008, 1029, 1050, 1160, 1161, 1224 Jobes, A. C 523 Joerns, W. G 460, 733 Johnson, Emory R. . . 8, 348, 349, 445, 568 Johnston, J. Fletcher 691 Jones, Aaron 905 Jones, Paul 55 Jones, Samuel M 905 Joyce, Joseph A 924a Judd, John W 640, 641 Judson, Frederick N 56, 752, 1097 Junge, E. F 1180 Kaefer, J. H 1119 Keasbey, Edward Q 905 Kellogg, CD 570 Kellogg, D. 1002 Kellogg, Frank B 1101 Kellogg, Frank G 228 Kemper, P. C 686 Kenna, E. D 350 Kernan, John D 49, 347 Kibler, Thomas I. 57 Killebrew, J. B 187 King, W. L. M S97a Kinley, David 905 Kirby, J., jr 897a Kirkman, Marshall M 642, 643, 644 Kleberg, Rudolph 1015 Knapp, Martin A 7, 8, 276, 323, 347, 351, 352, 356, 431, 535, 645, 646, 690, 729, 905 Knox, Philander C 58, 353, 354, 647, 925, 920, 970 Kuhn, D. W 1196 La Follette, Robert M 341, 355, 459, 465, 648, 667 Lane, Franklin K 277, 596, 815 Lane, Victor H 26 Langstroth, Charles S 356 Larrabee, William 49, 357 Laughlin, James L 1191 Lee, Blewett 639 Lehniann, Frederick W 232 Lesh, PaulE 1118 Leupp, Francis E 1175, 1191 Lewis, Alfred II 494 Lewis, Charlton T 897 Lewis, George II 358 Lewis, William D (JO, 278, 540 Leyen, Alfred von der 654 Lindbergh, Charles A 959 Lindsay, William 927 Littlefield, Charles E.. 928,961,962,1057 Littleton, Martin W 61, 1189 Lloyd, Henry D 359, 1000 Lockwood, M.I 905 Logan, James A 157 Logan, Walter S 02, 1054, 1064 Long, Chester I 63 Lord, J. Walter 478, 506 Lott, John L 967 Low, A. M 7 Low, Seth 518 Luce, Cyrus G 905 McAdams, C. V 759 McCain^C. C 323 McCartney, Jame.< 360 McChord, William C 1178 McClain, Emlin 64 McCleary, J. T S97a McCornack, Walter E 581 McCrea, Roswell C 413 McCune, Frank II 790 McDermott, Allan 1 177, 1068 McGehee, Lucius P 65 McKeehan, Charles 1 650 McKinney, W. M 686 McLaughlin, Andrew C 25 MacLaurin, Richard C 1181 McLean, S.J 397, 446, 1107 McMillin, Emerson 905 McNulta, John 66 McPherson, Logan Ci 493, 604,651,754,794 Macrosty, Henry W 1662 McVey, Frank L 361 Maddy, J. II 752 Mahan, T. L 1119 Mallon, Guy W 1206 Maltbie, Milo R 2 )(> Mann, Clyde A 23r)a Mann, E. A »29 Manson, George .1 1000 Marcosson, Isaac I- 579 Marburg, T « Marks, M. M 8 Marshall, Charles C 178 Marshall, Joim 68 Marshall, L. C 563 156 AUTHOK INDEX Marshall, William V 930 Martin, Grant G 818 Martin, S. A 905 Mason, James M 453, 457, 468, 702 Mather, Robert 8, G9, 70, 362, 534 Mathews, R 1201 Matthews, N 709 Meade, E. S 897a Meany, John P 434 Mecartney, H. S 639 Meddaugh, E. W 160 Meier, Walter F 1061 Mellen, Charles S 1191 Meredith, WjTidham R 71 Merritt, Albert N 652, 724 Meyer, Balthasar H 279, 363, 397, 413, 447, 653, 654,754, 755, 822 Meyer, Hugo R 654, 752, 754 Meyers, Herman B 371 Michelsen, H 1041 Midgley, John W 444, 514, 771 Miles, John Edward 364 Miller, Joseph D 1032 Miller, Samuel Freeman 72 Miller, Sidney T 1114 Mills, IraB 523 Minot, Robert S 497 Mitchell, John 1191 Montague, Gilbert H 224,897a, 931, 1098, 1123,1150, 1151, 1173, 1232 Montgomery, Harry E 7, 752, 1037, 1044, 1073, 1237 Moody, William H 971 Moore, Dewitt Clinton 73, 365 Moot, Adelbert 769 Morawetz, Victor 655, 932,1139,1161,1169,1211 Morgan, Appleton 366, 426 Morgan, John T 747 Morgan, Thomas J 905 Morning, William M 318 Morris, Ray... 544,734 Morse, Perley 212 Morton, J. Sterling 905 Morton, Paul 367, 711, 905 Moseley, Edward A 368, 369, 795 Mudge, Henry U 370 Murfree, William L 158 M>Tick, O. H 796 Nagel, Charles 241 National association of railway commissioners 371 National civic federation. . 933, 934, 1135 National conference on trusts and combinations, 1907 934 Needham, Charles W 234 Needham, Henry B 757, 1216 Nelson, John H 126 Nettleton, Alured B 935 Newcomb, Harry T 74, 280, 281, 282, 283, 372, 373, 374, 432, 438, 439, 574, 656, 657, 686, 729, 752, 775, 905, 1091 Newlands, Francis G 464, 498, 580, 897a, 905 Nielsen,Fred K 787 Nimmo, Joseph, jr 75, 76, 284, 285, 323, 375, 376, 377, 658, 659, 660, 661, 662, 708, 710, 733, 762, 905, 936, 937 Noble, Herbert 938 Nolan,Edward J 940 Norman, Lionel 941 Northrup, G. W., jr 905 Noxon, Frank W 663 Noyes, A. D 897a Noyes, Walter C 664, 752, 942, 1100 Oberlin, Paca 817 Ogden, R 715 Ohiey, Richard 740, 746, 1184 O'Neal, Emmet 378 Ordronaux, John 78 Pahner, Frederick 713 Pam, Max 225 Parker, Alton B 198 Parker,John M 488 Parry, D. M 742 Parsons, Frank 329, 380, 381, 480, 758a, 943 Parsons, John E 184, 1079 Paschal, George W 79 Patten, S.N 8 Patterson, Christopher S 80, 722 Pawkett,U. S 523 Peabody, Henry W 905 Peabody, James 323 Pearson, Paul M 382 Peck, George R 665,725 Peffer, W. A 1013 Peirce, Edward B 80a Pennoyer, Sylvester 1020 Pennsylvania. Bur.of railuays. 384,666 Perkins, George W 233, 1117, 1183, 1187, 1199, 1212, 1217 Peters, Ralph 472 Pfeiffer, John J 1119 Phelps, Charles H 144 Phelps, Edith M 4 AUTHOR INDEX 157 Pierce, Franklin 81 Pierson, W. W 8 Phillips, John B 476 Pinecroft, j)scud 731 Pingree, Hazen S 905 Pomeroy, John N 82 Post, Louis F 905 Potter, W. P 905 Potts, Joseph D 139, 323 Pou, Edward W 960 Powers, Frederick P 1023 Prentice, Ezra P 83, 84, 176, 179, 188, 461, 559 Prentis, Robert R 385 Primm, C.J 1156 Prout, H. G 505,508 Prouty, Charles A 85,286, 287, 329, 347, 386, 484, 598, 601, 667,727, 768,772,816 Purdy. Lawson 905 Raffalovish, A 1115 Railway business association 387, 388 Ralston, J. H 288 Ramage, B.J 428 Ramsey, Joseph 389 Randolph, Carman F 390, 1003 Rankin, George A 391 Ransom, William L 806 Raper, Charles L 392 Raymond, A. C 323 Raymond, James H 905 Raymond, Robert L 1063, 1159, 1222 Rayner, Isidor 763 Reed, Robert R 1153 Reeder, Robert P 80,668 Rich, Edgar J 752 Richberg, Donald R 1088, 1111, 1203, 1213 Ripley, Edward P 393, 394, 396, 396a, 397, 729, 905 Ripley, William Z 395, 569, 602, 729 Roberts, E. W 897a Robertson, William A 448 Robinson, Edgar E 781 RobiuKon, Maurice 11 793,801 Robinson, Samuel A 905 Roesler, R 897a Rogers, A. E 905 Rogers, James S 186 Roosevelt, Theodore 752, 1186, 1219 Rorer, David 87 Rose, U. M 905 Rosewater, Edward 905 Roaf), David 905 59753"— 13 11 Ross, Walter L 595 Rossington, W. H 944 Royall, William L... . 945, 946, 1148, 1177 Rublee, George 749 Russell, Alfred 159 Russell, Charles E 55G Russell, E. L 88 Russell, Wesley 1119 Sakolski, A. M 805 Sanborn, John B 175. lOGO Sanborn, Walter II 582 Satterthwait, Linton 471 Sawyer, Xat 323 Scanlan, Job n V 905 Schieffelin, W. J S Schieren, Charles A 965 Schilling, George A 905 Schonfarber, J. G 905 Schoonnmker, Augustus 323 Scott, Robert B 214 Seager, Henry R 897a, 947, 1110 Sedgwick, A. G 440 Seligman, EdAvin R. A 703 Sells, Elijah W 89 Seymour, Horatio W 905 Shaw, Albert 90, 935, 1051 Shaw, James T 161 Shaw, Leslie M 669 Shedd, John G 1191 Shoemaker, Herbert B 163 Skemp, J. C 1119 Slayden, J. L 8 Smalley, Harrrson S.. 397,670,783,1223 Smith, E.J 905 Smith, Edwin B 1014 Smith, George W 91 Smith, II. K 8,897a Smith, Hoke 523 Smith, James H WX) Smith, Milton H 289,290,291 Smith, T. S 905 Smythe, William E 92, 74 1 Snyder, William L 93, 127 Speer, Emory 957 Spelling, Thomas C ^■^'^ Spencer, John W 905 Spencer, Sanuid 398, 672, 673 Spooncr, Job n C 9 1 Spoonts, Morris A I'l Stahl, JohnM 905 Stanley, A. 95S Stanley-Brown, J 548, 1 1 90 Steinbach, Emil 1039 Sterne, Siniun 399, 400, 433 158 AUTHOK INDEX Sterrett, J. E 1155 Stetson, Francis L 242 Stevens, Frederick C 675 Stevens, Sidney 756 Stevenson, Charles W 210, 1031 Stickney, Albert 95 Stickney, Alpheus B. . . 96, 323, 401, 757a Still, A. W 905 Stilwell, Arthur E 575, 676 Stilz, Wilson 356 Stimson, Frederic J 97,973 Story, Joseph 98 Straus, 1 8 Stringfellow, Horace, jr 99, 147 Stuart, Otis K 1000 Studebaker, Clem 905 Sutherland, William A 100 Swain, H. H 905 Swayne, Wager 323 Swayze, Francis J 821 Swift, Morrison 1 949 Taft, William H. . 402, 737, 897a, 976, 977 Talbert, J. T 897a Talbot, George D 1124 Tarbell, Ida M 397 Taussig, Frank W 397 Taylor, C. F 381 Taylor, Carr W 403 Taylor, Henry O 950 Taylor, Kendall 803 Taylor, Robert S 905 Teichmann, Max 951 Teichmueller, H 1027 Terriberry, George H 677 Thacher, Thomas 202, 211, 952, 953 Thayer, John B 500 Thayer, Joseph B 101 Thom, Alfred P 678 Thorn, D. C. W 754 Thomas, Alsen F 954 Thomas, Rowland 473 Thompson, Seymour D 102, 103, 165 Thompson, Slason 551 Thompson, W. G 709 Thorington, W. S 810 Thorne, Clifford 799 Thurber, Francis B . . . 729, 754, 905, 1024 Tiedeman, Christopher G 104 Tobin, John F 1119 Todd, G. Carroll 1132 Tombo, Rudolph, jr 1039 Tompkins, D. A 517 Tompkins, Leslie J 791 Totyl, John 292 Traffic federation of the Middle West 681 Trautwine, J. C, jr 897a Tricoche, George N 521,1179 Trumbull, Frank 554, 1191 Tucker, Benjamin R 905 Tucker, H. St. George 106, 235 Tucker, John R 105, 106 Tuttle, Lucius 404, 405, 470, 717 Tuttle, William H 905 Ullmann, Julius 1133 Underwood, Frederick D 523 U.S. Bureau of corporations 956 Circuit court {5th circuit) 957 Congress. House. Com. on interstate and foreign commerce.. . 107, 108, 109, 110,111,406, 407, 408, 682, 683, 683a Com. on railways and canals 409 Com. on rules 958-960 ■ Com. on the judiciary Ilia, 961-963, 963a Senate. Com. on interstate commerce 294, 410, 684, 684a, 685, 686, 687, 688, 963b Coin, on the judiciary. . 964, 965 Select com. on interstate commerce 112 Courts 967 Dept. of commerce and labor. . . 968 Dept. of justice. 689, 925, 967, 969-971 Industrial commission 113, 412, 413, 414, 973 Interstate ccmmierce com 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 295, 690, 690a, 691, 692 Laws, statutes, etc 122, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 693, 693a President 129, 976, 977 Supreme court 416 Untermyer, Samuel 1166, 1209 Updegraff, Thomas 905 Van Buren, Arthur B 296, 297 Vanderlip, Frank A 1191 Van Hise, Charles R 978 Vann, Livingston 692 Viallate, Achille 492 Voorhees, Theodore 323 Vrooman, Carl S 418, 523, 543, 546 Wait, J. J 435 Walker, Albert H 957, 979 Walker, Aldace F.. 130, 153, 162, 323, 1011 Walker, Francis 897a, 1160 AUTHOR INDEX 159 Walker, T. B 905 Wall, A. G 1033 Walling, W. E 7 Walsh, John W 695 Washington post 696 Watkins, Edgar 419 Weaver, James R 905 Webber, William L 131 Weeks, John W 959 Weeks, Lyman H 981 Weil, A. Leo 905 Welch, John C 421, 423 Welliver, Judson C 1200 West, William H 697 \VTieeler, Everett P 1122 Wlieeler, William R 458 WTiitcomb, George H 132 Wliite, H 141 White, Henry 905 WTiite, Henry Kirke 397 Whiting, Borden D 507, 571 Whitney, Edward B 140, 729, 1006, 1077, 1084 Wickersham, George W 133, 134, 217, 897a, 982, 1214 Wilkerson, James H 639 Willard, C. D 905 Willard, Daniel 555 Willcox, David 136, 329, 673, 698, 699, 721, 745, 750, 752, 1009, 1026 Williams, J 897a Williams, J. S 897a Williams, John S 8. 486 Williams, T 8, 897a Williams, W. H 600 Willis, H. Parker 1231 Willis, Hugh E 1182 Willoughby, Westel W 137. 138 Wilson, H. G 523 Wilson, T. B 1194 Wilson, Woodrow 9S2a, 1120 Winchester, Boyd 1012 Wintersteen, A. H 148 Wisner, Carl V 193 Wolf, J. H. G 243 WoUman, Henry 1042, 1090, 1170 Wood, Henry 700,704 Woodlock, Thomas F 523 Woodward, R. S., ;V 897a Wooten, Dudley G 905 Wright, Chester W 1230 Wyman, Bruce 897a, 983, 1038, 1066, 1082. J 205 Yarros, Victor S 1004, 1043 Yellott, John 1 905 Yoakum, B. F 509,538 Zane, John M 639, 784 SUBJECT INDEX [The numbers refer to Advisory councils: See under Railroad regulation. Alabama : Railroad regulation 523 Alabama midland decision 397 Arkansas: Trust regulation 905 Austria: Railroad regulatien 343, 654 Bankruptcy legislation, Federal. . . 9 Belgium : Railroad regulation 343 Bibliography . . 1-4, 42, 382, 396a, 644, 919 Bills of exchange. Federal regula- tion 9 Bureau of corporations 126 Canada: Railroad regulation 686, 687, 752 Trust regulation 897a Capitalization of railroads: See under Railroad regulation. Car service: See under Railroad regulation. Cattle industry 615 Charter contracts: See under Railroad regulation. Chattanooga case 397 Cincinnati freight bureau case 397 Comnnerce clause of Constitution . . 16, 20, 23 24, 46, 55, 69, 79, 81, 84, 94, 97, 98, 100, 106, 114, 118, 119-126, 148, 199, 216, 221, 225, 240, 342, 820, 916, 925, 963 Commerce court 573, 577 Commodities clause: See Hepburn act of 1906. Common law and trusts 915, 1001,1076, 1124, 116o Compel ilion, Governmental. . 10, 128, 954 Compelition, Railroad: See under Railroad regulation. items, not to pages.] Consolidation of railroads: See under Railroad regulation. Constitutionality of anti-trust legis- lation 7, 48, 911, 935, 956, 963, 1006, 1096, 1100 Constitutionality of interstate com- merce act 74, 99 Constitutionality of railroad rate regulation 607, 608, 640, 655, 668, 670, 678, 697, 725, 732, 735, 751, 779, 786, 791, 792, 799, 817 See also Fourteenth amend- ment and railroad rate regu- lation. Contracts and interstate commerce act 144 Contracts in restraint of trade.. 965, HIS Corporations: State regulation 8, 83, 104, 202, 220, 235, 338 Corporations as citizens 158, 1109 Danville, Va., case 397 Dawson, Ga., case 397 Dedication, Law of 1056 Democratic party and railroad reg- ulation 486 Discrimiuation: See under Railroad regulation. Drug trade 8 Eau Claire, Wis., lumber case 397 Edmunds, George F 1175 Electric raihoads, Intenstate: See Interstate electric railroads. Elkins anti-rebate act 451, 495 England: See Great Britain. Export rates: See under Railroad regulation. Express business 23 Federal courts and Interstate com- merce commission 27S, 280, 286, 491, 604, 686 161 162 SUBJECT INDEX Federal courts and the states 214 Federal incorporation 129, 194, 201, 225, 228, 897a, 952, 977, 1046, 1073, 1152, 1166 See also tinder Railroad regulation. Federal license 905, 921, 956, 1205 Federal power. Growth of 8, 12, 44, 173, 199 Fourteenth amendment and rail- road rate regulation 650,709,821 France: Railroad regulation 343, 348, 397, 654, 686, 687 Freight rates: See under Railroad regulation. Germany: Railroad regulation 343, 348, 654 Trust regulation 897a Gibbons vs. Ogden case 230, 461 Government regulation of industry. 6, 7, 154, 203, 224, 243 Great Britain: Railroad regulation 343, 348, 397, 686, 687 Trust regulation 897a, 902 Hatters' furs case 397 Hepburn act of 1906 93, 365, 397, 523, 629, 683a, 685, 693, 693a, 695, 757, 758, 758a, 772-776, 778-780, 790, 794, 795 Commodities clause 416, 540, 553, 560, 561, 563, 565, 602 History of railroad regulation: See under Railroad regulation. Hutchinson, Kans., salt case 397 Import rates: See under Railroad regulation. Imprisonment of corporations 1088, 1111, 1203, 1213 Incorporation, Federal: See Federal incorporation. Insurance: Federal regulation 7, 963 Life 7 Intercorporate relations. Law of . . . 942, 1132 Interstate commerce: State regulation 23,53,55,60,64, 83, 95, 132, 140, 195, 200, 582 Taxation 23, 32, 68, 170, 200 Interstate commerce act 5, 29, 30, 39, 49, 56, 66, 73, 80a, 85, 87, 93, 96, 141-144, 146, 147, 153, 156, 157, 160-162, 166, 237, 238, 323, 357, 371, 425, 434, 442, 571, 686, 706, 712, 777 Interstate commerce commission . . 8, 76, 85, 108, 109, 118, 126, 155, 271-297, 317, 331, 338, 347, 348, 363, 414, 523, 604, 610, 612, 615, 618, 626, 630, 632, 634-636, 662, 671, 673, 683a, 686, 687, 708, 715- 717, 720, 744, 745, 758a, 795, 804 Interstate electric railroads 571 Interstate liquor traffic 132 Intrastate commerce. Federal regu- lation 32, 71, 367, 550, 820 See also under Railroad regula- tion . Iowa: Railroad regulation 357 Italy: Railroad regulation 343, 348 Joint traffic association 444 Life insurance: See under Insurance. Limitation of profits: See Profits, Limitation of. Liquor traffic, Interstate: See Interstate liquor traffic. Long and short haul : See under Railroad regulation. Louisiana: Railroad regulation 523 Mann-Elkins act of 1910 73, 122, 127, 408, 573, 577 Maryland : Trust regulation 905 Massachusetts: Railroad regulation 343 Maximum freight rate decision 397 Meat industry 686 Mileage tickets: See under Railroad regulation. Milk producers' protective associ- ation 686 Minnesota: Railroad regulation 328, 582 Monopolies of transportation .... 179, 357 National incorporation: See Federal incorporation. Navigable waters 23, 55 Navigation 23 New Jersey: Trust regulation 905 New York: Trust regulation 924 Northern securities company 397, 897, 907 "Original package" decision: See Interstate liquor traffic. SUBJECT INDEX 163 Passenger rates: See under Railroad regulation. Passes, Railroad: See under Railroad regulation. Patent monopoly 1228, 1239 Police power 17, 19, 36, 43, 64, 104, 151, 178, 182, 192 Pooling: See under Railroad regulation. Post-roads power of Congress 506 Price regulation 10, 164, 172, 718, 909, 1007, 1166, 1204, 1205, 1217 Private car lines: See under Railroad regulation. Profits, Limitation of 218, 328, 576, 940, 1136 Property rights 178, 204, 730 Public callings, Law of 1066 Public policy and trusts. . . 919, 948, 1035 Publicity of accounts 7, 212, 225, 517, 520, 541, 897a, 940, 1016, 1029, 1049, 1092 See also under Railroad regu- lation. Trust regulation. Railroad rates 8, 36, 188, 338, 357, 364, 389, 394- 397, 403, 406, 407, 586, 606-823 Bibliography 2, 3 Federal regulation 188, 274, 289, 290, 331, 338, 409, 464, 494, 606-823 Freight rates 396, 397, 407, 494, 606-823 Passenger rates 682, 683, 793, 811 State regulation 8, 80, 188, 582, 609, 611, 619, 676, 687, 705 Railroad regulation: Advisory councils 447 Bibliography 2, 3, 382, 396a, 644 Capitalization 583, 593 Car service 403, 406, 410 Charter contracts 807 Competition 432, 439, 544 Consolidation 350, 358, 391, 395, 580, 905 Discrimination 323, 380, 527, 909 Effect on credit 600 Effect on earnings 555, 730, 814 Effect on profits 576, 614, 808 Export rates 679, 086 Railroad regulation — Continued. Federal incorporation 464, 517, 542, 588, 603 Federal regulation 7, 8, 311-604 Foreign countries 343 See also under names of countries. History 357, 400, 084, 687 Import rates 641, 679, 080, 687 Intrastate traffic 367, 550 See also Intrastate com- merce. Federal regula- tion. Long and short haul 323, 397, 678, 679, 704, 815, 816 Mileage tickets 682 Passes 683 Pooling 150, 323, 345, 356, 357, 424, 431, 434, 436, 437, 444, 448, 494, 523, 771, 905, 924a, 945 Private car lines. . . 460, 686, 087, 770 Publicity of accounts... 517, 520, 541 See also Publicity of ac- counts. Rebates 372, 397, 451, 494, 545 See also Elkins anti-rebate act. Reconsignnient 514 Routing shipments 407 State commissions 371, 485, 523 State regulation 8, 321, 334,335,338,348,371,384, 413, 510, 523, 566, 589, 592 See also under names of stales. Statistics 684a Stock and bond issues 357, 403, 453, 512, 686 Taxation 348 Train service 406 LTniform classification 523, 785 Wages 808 Reconsignment : See under Railroad regulation. Ru&sia: Railroad regulation 054 St. Cloud, Miiui., case 397 St. Ijouis business men's league case •^^^ Savannah fertilizer case 397 164 SUBJECT INDEX Savannah naval stores case 397 Sherman anti-trust act 8, 39, 73, 93, 109, 375, 451, 680, 897a, 898, 904, 921, 922, 928, 929, 936, 946, 953, 957-962, 964, 965, 967, 969-973, 975-977, 979, 982, 992, 997, 1003, 1006, 1023, 1052, 1095, 1103, 1108, 1118, 1119, 1121-1123, 1126, 1128, 1129, 1134, 1135, 1137, 1139-1143, 1146, 1147, 1150, 1152, 1156, 1158, 1159, 1161, 1162, 1164, 1167, 1169, 1174, 1175, 1179-1181, 1185, 1189, 1192, 1196, 1197, 1200, 1206, 1214, 1221, 1227, 1228, 1239 Southern basing point system 397 Southern rate system 397 Spokane case 816 Standard oil company. 397, 545, 935, 1000 Stanley steel trust investigation. . 958, 960 State commerce: See Intrastate commerce; and under Railroad regulation. State regulation and taxation of corporations, interstate com- merce, railroads, trusts: See under those headings. Statistics of railroad regulation: See under Railroad regulation. Stock and bond issues: See under Railroad regulation. Tariff and trusts: See Trusts: Regulation by tar- iff reduction. Taxation of franchises 23, 68 Taxation of iaterstate commerce, railroads, trusts: See under those headings. Telegraph 23 Telephone 23 Texas: Trust regulation 905 Texas & Pacific railway case 641 Trade unions and trust regulation . . 905, 961, 962, 965, 1156 Traffic agreements: See Railroad regulation: Pool- ing. Train service: See under Railroad regulation. Trans-Missouri case 436,437,444 Transportation monopolies: See Monopolies of transporta- tion. Troy, Ala., case 397 Trunk line rate system 397 Trust regulation 897-1240 Bibliography 919, 924 Cases. . . . . 948, 967, 969-973, 975, 1030 Federal regulation 897-1240 Foreign countries 924 See also under names of countries. History 931 Liability 1112 Limitation of profits. S-ee Profits, Limitation of. Prices: See Price regulation. Publicity of accounts 1029 1049, 1092 See also PubLLcity of ac- counts. State regulation 905, 927, 935, 940, 942, 973, 1037, 1067 See also under names of states. Taxation 10, 905 Trust regulation by tariff reduc- tion 905,909,911 Uniform classification: See under Railroad regulation. United States steel carporation . . 958, 960 Virginia: Railroad reguiation 385 Wages, Railroad: See under Railroad regulation. o "Syracuse, N. \ This book is DUE on the last Jate stamped below UC SOUTHERN RFGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 001 165 786 3 3 1158 00750 366 ^ PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE 0EC4 1 ^PRl^'^ 1 fi^^ s..;^ >i * ■?> x-n = ID : c ' ^