Ml IKAWV i ii i University of California. ill OK ' j J THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY A LIST OF BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS OCTOBER, 1903 CHICAGO PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1904 OFFICERS, 1904 President Peter Stenger Grosscup First Vice-President Second Vice-President Henry W. Bishop Thomas D. Jones Secretary Arthur J. Caton Treasurer Librarian William J. Louperback Clement W. Andrews BOARD OF DIRECTORS Marshall Field E. W. Blatchford Peter Stenger Grosscup Robert T. Lincoln Arthur J. Caton Henry W. Bishop Marvin Hughitt Albert Keep Thomas D. Jones John M. Clark John J. Mitchell Frank S. Johnson Leonard A. Busby- Carter H. Harrison, Mayor of Chicago, ex-officio. Lawrfnci: E. McGann, Comptroller of Chicago, ex-officio. HEADS OF THE LIBRARY STAFF Librarian Clement W. Andrews Assistant Librarian J. Bakr Cataloguer Reference Librarian Aksei. G. S. [osephson Charles H. Brown Classifier Claki m 1 W. Pi kim Assistant Cata/t Assistant Refercaa Librarian Mary !•'.. IIawim William M. Hepbvrn THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY A LIST OF BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS OCTOBER, 1903 CHICAGO PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1904 PREFACE. This List of books on industrial arts, the fifth of the Library's bibliographical publications, has been issued at the request of the Industrial Art League of this city, which proposes to distribute copies among those who would be most benefited by a knowledge of what the Library has in this line. The list includes all titles on these sub- jects in the catalogue at the time of going to press; but it is under- stood that the League may, in a separate publication, call attention to the most important and valuable among them. Although it con- tains 1,625 entries, including repetitions, the collection is as yet neither large nor well rounded out, and lacks many standard works; it would not have been made the subject of a special publication at this time had it not been for the request already mentioned. It should be remembered that the collection is being steadily increased by the pur- chase of older as well as new works, and that only the presence of a given work in the Library, not its absence, can be determined from the list. The length of time required to complete the printing is due in large measure to the frequency with which titles have been repeated under headings near to each other. It may seem advisable to limit such repetition in future, and to rely more upon the index for the additional references which seem desirable. The arrangement of the list is that of sections 607, 686, 701 to 709, 730 to 779, of the classed subject catalogue, but it contains only those titles in 607, 701 to 709, and 750 to 759, which fall within its scope. The order within the smallest subdivisions is chronological, the latest work being given first; but as the headings in most cases cover several subdivisions, the reasons for the arrangement under each heading are generally, not apparent. Peculiarities of typographical arrangement have been determined chiefly by the previous use of the same matter on printed catalogue cards, the type for which has been electrotyped. Inconsistencies in the form of entry are due to the fact that the older titles are not reprinted when a change of form has been made. The most conspicuous change in form has been caused by the adoption of the cataloguing rules formulated by a committee of the American Library Association and followed by the Library of Congress. All titles pre- pared since April, 1903, are in accordance with these rules. The index gives in one alphabetical arrangement subjects, titles, and names of persons, institutions, and places. 3 CONTENTS. 016.74 Bibliography 7 607 Technical education 9 686 Bookbinding 11 701-9 Art. General works 22 730 Sculpture. General works 33 731 Materials and methods 35 736 Carving. Seals. Dies. Gems. Cameos 36 7 $7 Numismatics 43 738 Ceramics 50 739 Artistic metal work 66 740 Decorative arts. General works 76 740.9 1 1 i story and biography ... 89 74 f Freehand drawing and sketching. Caricatures 104 741 .9 Alphabets. Lettering no 742 Perspective 112 743 Art anatomy ' 114 744 Mechanical drawing 116 745 Ornamental design 121 746 Art needlework. Fancy work uo 747 Interior decoration 135 748 Stained and iridescent glass 137 749 Artistic furniture. Fireplaces 140 750 Painting 147 751 Material, apparatus, etc 147 752 Color 1 49 760 Engraving 150 761 Wood t53 762 Copper and steel 155 jO.^ Lithography 156 767 Etching. Dry point [58 768 Bank note and machine. Geometric turning 150 ,'<><) Collections of engravings [60 770 Photography. General works 771 Material, apparatus, etc 182 771. 1 Optics and chew istry [83 771. 1 1 Enlargement and reduction iS- 771.12 Lenses and objectives t86 77 111 Re-actions. Rontgen rays. Actinometry [87 ~i 1 .■ Photographk materials r88 771.24 Re agents in developing 88 771-26 x c< e <>rv materials 1S0 771.3 Vpparatus [89 771..-; ■ 1 I land cameras 771.1,27 Stereoscopic cameras [90 771.328 Apparatus for enlargement, projection 771.33 Optical parts 101 771.331 Objectives Mountings Diaphragms 101 1 CONTENTS. 5 771.4 Studios 191 771.43 Dark laboratories 192 771.5 Photographic trade and industry 192 771.6 Negative-making 193 772 Photography with salts of silver, iron, etc 197 jjT, Photography with powdered colors 200 774 Photo-printing. Photomechanic impressions 201 775 Photolithography 204 yjj Photo-engraving 205 778 Special applications 206 778.1 Exterior and interior photography 207 778.2 Applications according to subject 210 778.22 Artistic photography 211 778.23-. 29 Photography of special subjects 215 778-3 Enlargement, reduction, and projection 222 778.4 Stereoscopy 224 778.5 Photography of motion 225 778.6 Photography in colors 226 778.7 Telephotography 229 779 Collections of photographs 230 1 ndex . 233 ERRATA. p. 185. For Enlargement and Reduction read Formation of the Visible Image. p. 186. For Lenses and Objectives read Theory of Lenses and Objectives. p. 191. Liesegang, Franz Paul 771-331 L62 Die Fernphotographie. . . . I34p. il. 3 pi. O. Diisseldorf : F. Liese- gang, 1897. should have been entered under 778.7 on p. 229. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. BIBLIOGRAPHY Selected Chamberlain, Arthur Henry. 016.6 C35 37686 Bibliography of the manual arts, by Arthur Henry Chamberlain . . . Chicago, New York, A. Flanagan Company [ c icj02] 100 p. i9 cm . Eastern Manual Training Association. 016.371 E13 39083 A selected bibliography relating to the theory and practice of manual training. Prepared and published by the Eastern Manual Training Association. [Allegheny, Pa.?], 1902. 53 p. 20i« m . "The present bibliography is a third edition of that published in 1898 by the Ameri- can Manual Training Association and extended in 1900 by the Eastern Manual Training Association." Soule Art Company, Boston. 016.7 S722 39034 c om pi e te art reference catalogue. Boston, Soule Art Company, 1902. [8], [i7]-i46o p. front., illus. on 28 1. 25° -cm Liverpool. Public Libraries, Museums and Art Gallery. 017.42 L7552 24791 Hand-list of books on the decorative arts in the Reference Depart- ment, William Brown street. [4],H3p. O. Liverpool 1899. Dresden. K. Kunstgewerbe-Schule. L017.43 D81 16154 Katalog der Bibliothek. 14 parts in 1 vol. Q. Dresden 1896. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Nachtrag. No. 1. 1896-97. Q. Dresden 1897. Sturgis, Russell, & Krehbiel, Henry Edward. L016.7 S935 Annotated bibliography of fine art. Painting, sculpture, architec- ture, arts of decoration and illustration, by Russell Sturgis. Mu- sic, by Henry Edward Krehbiel. Edited by George lies. [6], 89 P- Q. Boston : published for the American Library Associa- tion Publishing Section by the Library Bureau, 1897. 6039 8 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Columbia University. Library. L017.747 C72 191 Catalogue of the Avery Architectural Library. A memorial library of architecture, archaeology, and decorative art. [Prepared bv Harriet B. Prescott ; edited by Charles Alexander Nelson.] xii,[6],H39 p. 3 il. 1 pi. Q. New York: Library of Columbia College, 1895. South Kensington Museum. National Art Library. 017.42 S726 2148 Classed catalogue of printed books, Ceramics. xi,352,[i] p. O. (Department of Science and Art of the Committee 01 Council on Education.) London 1895. Boston. Public Library. L017.744 B6537 3S4S Catalogue of the books relating to architecture, construction and decoration in the Public Library of the City of Boston, Novem- ber 1, 1894. With an appendix. Subject catalogue no. 10. [4], 150 p. Q. Boston 1894. South Kensington Museum. National Art Library. 016.7 S726 1797/1 .... The first proofs of the universal catalogue of books on art. Compiled for the use of the National Art Library and the schools of art in the United Kingdom London, Chapman and Hall, 1870. 2 vol. 2i£ x i6& cm . Paged continuously; vol. I: xvi, [2], 1060 p.; vol. 2: [2], 1061-21S7. [1] p. At head of title: Science and Art Department of the Committei ol Council on Educa- tion, South Kensington. Supplement to the Universal catalogue of books on art London, 1877. [2], 654, [2] p. 2i.ixi6i cm . Fourtier, [H.], Bourgeois, — , & Bucquet, — . Bibliotheque photographique. Le formulairc classeur du Pho to-club de Paris. Formules, notes, renseignements pratiques recueillis et annotes. Continued from no. 1. 1892. Paris: Gau thier-Villars & fils, 1892-. Card-index; filed in Reading Room. Great Britain. Patent Office. Library. 027.042 G79 v. 2 .... Subject list of works on photography and the allied arts and sciences in the library of the Patent office. London, H. M. Stationery Off., 1900. 62 p. 16"". ( Patent Office Library series, no. 2. Bibliographical series, no. 1.) 390 35 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 607 TECHNICAL EDUCATION. Beardsley, Robert Forbes. 371-42 1 15646 Course of stud\'. Manual training department of the elementary public schools, Chicago. Continued from 1898-99. il. D. [Chi- cago 1898-.] "A bibliograp .y of manual training," in each volume. Manual training magazine. L371.051 3 2*044 ]\/j anua } training magazine Continued from vol. 1. [Oct.] 1899. il. Q. Chicago, 111.. [1900-]. Edited by Diaries A. Bennett. Lydon, F. F. 694 Q200 i4 ' 77 Woodwork for schools. [4], 88 p. il. sq.O. London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1902. Gentsch, Wilhelm. 070.2006 G28 J3808 £)j e \\' e ltausstellung in Paris 1900 und ihre Ergebnisse in tech- nisch-wirtschaftlichcr Beziehung. iv,i04 p. il. O. Berlin: C. Heymann, 1 90 1. Ashbee, Charles Robert. 7<>7 A819 A few chapters in workshop re-construction and citizenship. i65,[i] p. O. London: Guild and School of Handicraft, 1894. Contents: i. Some definitions towards an ideal. 2. On the need for the cultivation of the sense of beauty and the questionable wisdom of looking for this from the British middle class. 3. How can we "run" art at our polytechnics. 4. Decorative art from a workshop point of view. 5. An industrial dialogue between Mr. Archibald Pushing- ton, M. P., and Mr. Thomas Trudge. 6. The honest endeavour of Timothy Thumbs, teacher and humanist. 7. On the higher aspects of technical education and the ele- mentary teacher. 8. On the teaching of design and its bearing on workshop re-con- struction. 9. University Extension and the workshop — a problem and a policy. 10. The policy developed towards workshop reconstruction. 1 1. The relation of the archi- tect towards workshop reconstruction. 12. On the possibility of a metropolitan school of architecture. 13. Where is the builder of ideas? 14. The art and technical instructor of to-day and the little citizen of the future. 15. On Jack's initiation into the citizen- ship. 17000 10 Till". JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Barkhausen, Georg, & Lauter, W. H. L720.2 F77 v. 3 322,7 Ucber die praktische Ausbildung der Studirenden des Baufaches wahrend dcr Studienzeit. Vortriige, gehalten vor dcr XI. Wan- derversammlung des Verbandcs Deutscher Architektcn- und Ingcnicur-Vereinc zu Strassburg am 28. August 1894. 27 p. (/;/ Fortschritte auf dem Gcbicte dcr Architcktur, no. 3.) Darm- stadt 1894. Benson, William Arthur Smith. 371-42 P300 3921 Elements of handicraft & design. xv,i 5 1 p. 94 il. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1893. Banes, Charles H. 607 P002 1-603 Manual training and apprenticeship schools in 1890. Notes pre- pared for the use of the Trustees of the Williamson Free School of Mechanical Trades. 80, [2] p. O. Philadelphia: G. H. Bu- chanan & Co., 1890. Wilson, Joseph Miller. 607 Pooi 12874 On schools : with particular reference to trades schools 1 54 p. O. Philadelphia 1890. Reprinted from the Journal of the Franklin Institute, February to October, 1S90. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Daujat, , cV Dumont, G. 371-42 O901 137:14 Cours normal de travaux manucls. [Second edition.] 320 p. il. O. Paris: V c P. Larousse & C ie , [1898]. Contents: Etude des bois. Menuiserie. Travail du bois a l'etabli. Travail au tour. Etude des metaux. Travail des metaux an tour. Forgeage et ajustage des metaux. Ham, Charles Henry. 607 O600 5398 ]y/[ anua l training the solution of social and industrial problems. xvii,[4],403 p. il. 1 pi. D. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1886. Grothe, Hermann. L607 O20Q 9583 Die technischen Fachschulen in Europa und Amerika. Fin Bericht bearbeitet unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der 'mit- tleren und niedercn Fachschulen mit und ohne Lehrwerkstatten im Auftrage dcr Abthcilung fiir Kunst und Kunst-gewerbe. Gedruckt auf Beschluss des Vereins [zur Beforderung des Gc- werbfleisses] vom. 6. Februar 1882. [2], 149, [3] p. sq.O. Berlin [1882] Council of Supervisors of Manual Arts. L607.1 1 33266 Year book of the Council of Supervisors of the Manual Arts. Annual meeting Continued from vol. 1. 1901. il. pi. Q. [ New York] 1901-. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 11 Clarke, Isaac Edwards, editor. 607.1 P200 26108 ^ rt an( j i nc j us try. Education in the industrial and fine arts in the United States Part 2-4. O. (U.S.A. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Education.) Washington 1 892-1 898. Contents: 2. Industrial and manual training in the public schools. cxlviii,i338 p. 1892. 3. Industrial and technical training in voluntary and endowed institutions, liii, 1 145 p. 1897. 4. Industrial and technical training in schools of technology and in U. S. land grant colleges. lvi,io20 p. 1898. Pistor, Erich. L607.168Q001 24040 Handelscongress und Handelsmuseum in Philadelphia. Bericht etstattet an die Handels- und Gewerbekammer in Graz. [4], 131, [1] p. Q. Wien: W. Braumiiller, 1900. 686 BOOKBINDING. [Briggs Brothers] Plymouth, Mass. L686 Q201 37674 Twentieth century cover designs, arranged, compiled, printed and published by Victor H. and Ernest L. Briggs. Plymouth, Mass., V. H. and E. L. Briggs, 1902. [22], 59, [52] p. incl. illus., port., facsim. 37 col. pi. (1 embossed) 3ii cm . Contents. — Sheldon, F. M. The use of colors on covers. — Helmer, F. F. The cover in advertising. — Bowdoin.W. G. Book covers and cover designing. — Pfister, F. J. Pyrography as a fine art. — Helmer, H. Concerning cover papers. — Ralph, E. S. The cover-page. — Hodge, J. S. Book-lovers' bindings. — French, G. The art of cover designing. — Adams, R. R. Viennese inlaying. Crane, W. J. Eden. 740.8 8 v 41 37666 Home bookbinding; by W. J. Eden Crane ("Bibliopagist"[ !] ) Giving understandable instructions for . . . operations necessarv for the binding of books in cloth. With more than a score of working drawings and diagrams . .. arranged in the form of six full-page plates ... London, Dawbarn and Ward, ltd., [1902 | cover-iitle, 24 p. 6 pi. iS-i x i7 tm . (Useful arts and handicrafts series, no. 41 ) Harms, Bernhard. L686 Q200 Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der deutschen Buchbinderei in der zweiten Halfte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Technisch — Statistisch — Volkswirtschaftlich. Von Bernhard Harms . . . Mit sechs Tabel- len. Tubingen [etc.] J. C. B. Mohr (P. Siebeck) 1902. viii, 184 p. vi fold. tab. 27 cm . "Zur Geschichte der Buchbinderei-Litteratur," p. [i7o]-i77. "Deutsche Bucli- binderei-litteratur" : p. [ 1 78]— 1S4. Also many bibliographical foot notes and references. 37684 v [2 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Hasluck, Paul Nooncree, 1854- ■ 686 Q202 37698 Bookbinding, with numerous engravings and diagrams, edited by Paul N. Hasluck ... London. New York [etc.] Casscll & Co., ltd., 1902. i6op. Ulus., incl. diagrs. ioi x 17.V'"'. {Half-title: "Work" handbooks) Cockerell, Douglas. 686 Qioo 37834 Bookbinding, and the care of books, a text-book for bookbind- ers and librarians, by Douglas Cockerell, with drawings by Noel Rooke, and other illustrations. London, J. Hogg, 1901. xvi, 17-341, [1] p. incl. front., illus., pi. io 1 "'. (Half-title: the artistic crafts series of technical hand books, no. 1) Davenport, Cyril, [James H ] 1848- L686 Q101 37620 Thomas Berthelet, royal printer and bookbinder to Henry VIII. king of England, with special reference to his bookbindings, by Cyril Davenport, F.s.A. ... Chicago, The Caxton Club, 1901. 102, [2] p. col. front., illus., 15 pi. (partly col.) 2 facsim. 24-'. x 31.V" 1 . Edition of 252 copies printed on hand-made paper from type which has been distrib- uted. Miller, Fred. 740.2 M61 28022 Art crafts for amateurs. xii,248 p. 1 78 il. O. London : H. Vir- tue & Co., 1901 . Contents: i. A method of study. 2. Wood carving. 3. Beaten metal work or Repousse. 4. Clay modelling and metal work in relief. =;. Enamelling and enamelled jewellery. 6. Bookbinding and leather work. 7. Inlaying and stained wood decoration. 8. Gesso, or Painting in relief. 9. Fret work. 10. Needlework: planning and design- ing. 11. Animal forms in decoration. 12. Stencilling. 13. Poker work on wood and leather. 14. Decorative painting for rooms and furniture. Modern book-bindings. L686 Qooi '' '"■ Modern book-bindings & their. designers. [Special] winter num- ber of The Studio. 1S99-1900. S2 p. il. 5 pi. 4 paged in. F. London [1900]. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Smith, Adele Millicent. 655.09 Qooi l7lil " Printing and writing materials: their evolution, by Adele Millicent Smith ... Philadelphia, published by the author, 1001. [2], xiv, 236 p. 1 1 out. < port. ) illus., 10 pi., Recherches sur Jean Grolier, sur sa vie et sa bibliotheque; suivies d'un catalogue des livres qui lui ont appartenu. xlix,[2],485, [2] p. 7 pi. 1 facsim. Q. Paris: L. Potier, 1866. Fournier, Edouard. 686 M400 139,6 L'art de la reliure en France aux derniers siecles. [2], 268, [2] p. S. Paris: E. Dentu, 1888. 20 111 E JOH N I RER \K LIBRARY. [Techener, Jacques Joseph.] A095 Mioo 7234 [Histoire de la bibliophilie. Recherches sur la reliurc, sur les bibliotheques des plus celebres amateurs, armorial des biblio- philes; accompagnee de planches gravees a l'eau-forte par Jules Jacquemart 50 pi. F G . Paris 1861-1864.] No title-page. Title taken from Brunei. The text was never published. Plates 34-47 and C missing. Nicholson, James B. 686L600 151 A manual of the art of bookbinding: containing full instructions in the different branches of forwarding, gilding, and finishing. Also, the art of marbling book-edges and paper. The whole designed for the practical workman, the amateur, and the book- collector. 318 p. il. 19 pi. O. Philadelphia: H. C. Baird & Co., 1887, c. 1856. Cundall, Joseph. L686 K700 3720? Q n ornamen tal art, applied to ancient and modern bookbinding. Illustrated with specimens of various dates and countries. By Jo- seph Cundall. Read to the meeting of the Society of Arts held November 1847. London, published at the house of the Societ) of Arts, 1848. 15, [1] p. xiipl., 1 fold, facsim. 26x204°'". Arnett, John Andrews, pseud. 686 J700 l7 '"'' An inquiry into the nature and form of the books of the ancients ; with a history of the art of bookbinding, from the times of the Greeks and Romans to the present day; interspersed with biblio- graphical references to men and books of all age: and countries. iv,2i2 p. il. 14 pi. nar. D. London: R. Groom' ridge, 1837. John Andrews Arnetl is pseudonym oi John Hannett. Whole art of bookbinding. 686 Hioo "'" The whole art of bookbinding, containing valuable recipes for sprinkling, marbling, colouring, &c. ki,6o p. S. Oswestry: printed and sold, for the author, by N. Minshall, 1S1 1. American bookbinder. L686.051 1 "" ,K The American bookbinder. Vol. 0,110. [-9. August, 1 895-April, 1896. sq.F. Buffalo, N. V., [ [896 |. No more published. 1 title-p enoi index. Title tal en I)' mi inside covei . HOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 2 1 American printer. L655.051 2 6637 The American printer. A journal for progressive master printers with which is incorporated the Western printer, San Francisco, Cal. Continued from vol. 1. July, 1885. il. pi. colored pi. sq.F. New York 1885-. Vol. 1-2} published under the title: The American bookmaker, ... ; vol. 24-29, no. 4, The Printer and bookmaker; vol. 29, no. 5-6, The American printer and book- maker. Vol. 24- have neither title-page nor index. Archiv. L686.053 1 33315 Archiv fiir Buchbinderei und verwandte Geschaftszweige. Zeit- schrift fiir kunstgewerbliche und handwerksmassige Buchbinderei, Cartonnage-, Lederwaren- und Geschaftsbticher-Fabrikation, Papierausstattung .... Continued from vol. 1. [April, 1901]. il. Q. Halle a. S., 1901-. Edited by Paul Adam. Guild of Women-Binders, Loudon. L686. 06237 * 37671 The bindings of to-morrow. A record of the work of the Guild of Women-Binders and of the Hampstead bindery. With a crit- ical introduction by G. Elliot Anstruther. London, printed for the Guild of Women-Binders [Griggs & son, ltd., printers] 1902. xxxii p. 50 col. pi. (inch front). 26.J x 20 em . "Five hundred numbered copies of this book have been printed, for England and America inclusive. This copy is no. 270." 22 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 701-9 ART. General Works. Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society, London. 706.204 1 usee ^ rt an( j ijf G) anc j t ] le building and decoration of cities: a series of lectures by members of the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society, delivered at the fifth exhibition of the society in 1896. [6] ,260 p. D. London: Rivington, Percival, & Co., 1897. Contents: i. Sanderson, T. J. Cobden-. Of art and life. 2. Lethaby, W. R. Of beautiful cities. 3. Crane, W. Of the decoration of public buildings. 4. Blomfeld, R. Of public spaces, parks and gardens. 5. Ricardo, H. Of colour in the architecture of cities. Bigelow, Jacob. 602K001 ''' 2, The useful arts, considered in connection with the applications of science. 2 vol. D. Boston : Marsh, ... , & Webb, 1 840. Liverpool. Public Libraries, Museums and Art Gallery. 017.42 L7552 " 791 Hand-list of books on the decorative arts in the Reference Depart- ment, William Brown street. [4] ,113 P- O. Liverpool 1899. Robinson, Charles Mulford. 352.5 Qioo 29374 ^he improvement f towns and cities ; or, The practical basis of civic aesthetics. xii,[2] ,309 p. D. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1 90 1. Contents: A. Foundations of civic beauty: I. The site of the city. 2. The street plan. 3. The elementary construction. H. Beauty in the street: 4. Suppression and repression. 5. The advertisement problem. 6. Making utilities beautiful. 7. Thetree's importance. 8. Possibilities of gardening. C. /Esthetic phase of social anil philan- thropic effort : 9. Parks and drives, io. "Squares" and playgrounds. 1 1 . Architectural development. 12. Architectural obligations. D. /Esthetic phase of educational effort : 13. Function and placing of sculpture. 14. Popular education in art. E. Means to secure civic aesthetics: 15. Work of individuals and societies. 16. Work "I officials. Morris, William. 704 M831 30989 ^ rt aiu j | tg producers, and The arts and crafts of today : two addresses delivered before the National Association for the Ad- vancement oi Art [in Liverpool in (888]. [-].47 p- O. Lon- don: Longmans & Co., 1901. BOOKS OX INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 23 Miller, Fred. 704 M61 1,413 The training of a craftsman. Illustrated by many workers in the art crafts. x,249 p. 161 il. O. New York : Truslove & Comba, 1898. Contents: i. The craftsman and nature. 2. Design and craftsmanship. 3. Metal work. Repousse and fine metal-work. Wrought iron. 4. Jewellery. 5. Enamelling on metal. 6. Potters and painters. 7. Glass painters. 8. Wood carvers. 9. Book- binders. 10. Women workers in the art crafts. 11. Surface decoration. 12. Decora- tion in relief. 13. Wall-papers and textiles. 14. The craftsman up-to-date and his outlook. Morris, William. 704 M83 Hopes and fears for art. Five lectures delivered in Birmingham, London, and Nottingham 1 878-1 88 1. Fifth edition. [2], 218 p. 1 pi. D. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1898. Contents: The lesser arts. The art of the people. The beauty of life. Making the best of it. The prospects of architecture in civilisation. Day, Lewis Foreman. 704 D33 Some principles of every-day art: introductory chapters on the arts not fine. 2nd edition, revised. [6], 148 p. 70 il. 1 pi. D. London: B. T. Batsford, 1894. Church, Arthur Herbert, & others. L704 C47 377 Some minor arts as practised in England. viii,82 p. il. 16 pi. F. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1894. Contents: Read, C. H. English work in impressed horn. Fletcher, W. Y. English bookbindings. Church, A. H. Old English pottery. — . Old English fruit trenchers. Hartshorne, A. English effigies in wood. Gardner, J. S. English enamels. Crane, Walter. 704 C85 9610 The claims of decorative art. vi,[2],i9i p. il. sq.O. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, & Co., 1892. Contents: The claims of decorative art. The architecture of art. Figurative art. Sculpture: from a decorator's point of view. Painting at the present day: from a deco- rator's point of view. On the structure and evolution of decorative pattern. Art and labour. Art and handicraft. The prospects of art under socialism. On the teaching of art. Design in relation to use and material. The importance of the applied arts, and their relation to common life. Art and commercialism. Art and social democracy. Imitation and expression in art. Art and industry. Ruskin, John. 7/ Societe de /'union des artistes liegeois. Guasti, Cesare. 704 G93 26095 Qpuscoli concernenti allc arti del disegno e ad alcuni artefici. [4], 268, [2] p. S. Firenze : F. Lc Monnier, 1859. Ruskin, John. 7 o 4 R8g2 "A joy for ever"; (and its price in the market) : being the sub- stance (with additions) of two lectures on the political economy of art, delivered at Manchester, ... , 1857. With an introduc- tion by Charles Eliot Norton. Brantwood edition. xxii,253 p. D. New York: C. E. Merrill & Co., 1891. Contents: i. The discovery and application of art. 2. The accumulation and distri- bution of art. Supplementary additional papers: Education in art. Remarks addres to the Mansfield Art Night Class. Social policy based on natural selection. Ruskin, John. 704 R891 The two paths. Being lectures on art and its application to dec- oration and manufacture, delivered in 1838-9. With an intro- duction by Charles Eliot Norton. Brantwood edition. xvii,[2], 270 p. I). New York : Maynard, Merrill & Co., [893. Contents: i . The deteriorative power of conventional art over nations, 2. The unit} of art. 3. Modem manufacture and design. 4. Influence of imagination in architec- ture. 5. The work of iron, in nature, art, and policy. Bottari, Giovanni [Gaetano]. 1689-IJJ5. 704 B65 Dialoghi sopra le tre arti del disegno. v,[2],203,[i] p. nar. D. Reggio: P. Piaccadori, [826. lli'- interlucutors represented ar^( riovanni Pietro Bellori and Carlo Maratta. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 25 Art and decoration. L7C-5- 1 2 84776 Art and decoration. Vol. 1-7, no. 8. Oct. 1894- May, 1901. il. pi. por. F. [New York 1894-1901.] Temporarily suspended and superseded by Art study. Vol. 1-7, no. 6, published under the title: Art education. Vol. 1-3 have subtitle: A journal devoted to manu-menu.l training. No title-page nor index. Portfolio. L705.2 5 25840 Xhe Portfolio. Monographs on artistic subjects ... issued period- ically No. 10. Oct. 1894. Continued from no. 40. Nov. 1899. il. pi. Q. London [1894-]. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Art dans la vie contemporaine. L705.4 3 21313 L'art dans la vie contemporaine. Revue des arts decoratifs. Continued from vol 19. 1899. il. pi. F. Paris [1899-]. Edited by Victor Champier. Organ of the Union centrale des arts decoratifs. Also called New series, [Vol. I—]. Central Art Association. L706.115 1 8430 Central Art Association reference book. With a few articles showing the importance of art in relation to industry 62 p. 9 pi. sq.Q. Chicago: Arts Publishing Co., 1897. Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society, London. 706.204 1 usee ^ rt anc j uf e> anc j t k e b u iiding and decoration of cities: a series of lectures by members of the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society, delivered at the fifth exhibition of the society in 1896. [6] ,260 p. D. London: Rivington, Percival, & Co., 1897. Contents: I. Sanderson, T. J. Cobden-. Of art and life. 2. Lethaby, W. R. Of beautiful cities. 3. Crane, W. Of the decoration of public buildings. 4. Blomfield, R. Of public spaces, parks and gardens. 5. Ricardo, H. Of colour in the architecture of cities. Ashbee, Charles Robert. 7°7 A8l 9 A few chapters in workshop re-construction and citizenship. i65,[i] p. O. London: Guild and School of Handicraft, 1894. Contents: 1. Some definitions towards an ideal. 2. On the need for the cultivation of the sense of beauty and the questionable wisdom of looking for this from the British middle class. 3. How can we "run" art at our polytechnics. 4. Decorative art from a workshop point of view. 5. An industrial dialogue between Mr. Archibald Pushing- ton, M. P., and Mr. Thomas Trudge. 6. The honest endeavour of Timothy Thumbs, teacher and humanist. 7. On the higher aspects of technical education and the ele- mentary teacher. 8. On the teaching of design and its bearing on workshop re-con- struction. 9. University Extension and the workshop — a problem and a policy. 10. The policy developed towards workshop reconstruction. 11. The relation of the archi- tect towards workshop reconstruction. 12. On the possibility of a metropolitan school of architecture. 13. Where is the builder of ideas? 14. The art and technical instructor of to-day and the little citizen of the future. 15. On Jack's initiation into the citizen- ship. 1700 2 6 I III-: JOHN CRERAK LIBRARY. Nichols, George Ward. 707 N51 86 Art education applied to industry. 211 p. 117 il. 5 pi. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1877. Smith, Walter. 707 S663 13593 ^ rt education, scholastic and industrial. xi,398 p. il. 40 pi. O. Boston: J. R. Osgood & Co., 1873. Boston. Museum of Fine Arts. 708.110 2 17353 Catalogue of Greek, Etruscan and Roman vases. By Edward Robinson, Curator of Classical Antiquities. iv,[4],249 p. il. 9 pi. O. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1893. Providence Art Club. 708.171 1 30.26 Arts and crafts exhibition .... 39 p. O. Providence 1 90 1. Berlin. Kunstgewerbe-Museum. 708.309 1 2205 Fijh rer durch die Bibliothek des Kunstgewerbe-Museums. 2. Auflage der "Anleitung". Herausgegeben von der General-Ver- waltung der Koniglichen Museen. 98 p. D. (KONIGLICHE MU- SEEN ZU BERLIN.) Berlin: W. Spemann, 1896. "Uebersicht des Fachkatalogs der Biicher," p. 76-89. Berlin. Kunstgewerbe-Museum. 708.309 2 33488 Anleitung zur Benutzung der Bibliothek des Kunstgewerbe- Museums. Herausgegeben von der General- Verwaltung der Koniglichen Museen. [4], 127 p. D. (Konigliche Museen zu Berlin.) Berlin: W. Spemann, 1889. "Uebersicht des Fachkatalogs der Biicher," p. 83-118. Griines Gewblbe zu Dresden, Konigliches. 740.7324 G92 20881 £) as Konigliche griine Gewolbe zu Dresden. Eine Auswahl der wichtigsten Nummern in der Reihenfolge der Standorte, zusam- mengestcllt nach der Umordnung der Sammlung von 1892 vom Director derselben Dr. jur. Julius Erbstein. Dritte Auflage. [2], 59, [1] p. 1 il. 1 pi. sq. D. Dresden 1899. Germanisches Nationalmuseum. L073.63 1 33403 K a t a i g der Gewebesammlung des Germanischen Nationalmu- seums 2 vol. in 1. O. Niirnberg [896-1901. Contents: Vol. i. Gewebe und Wirkereien, Zeugdrucke. Verfasst von Dr.Theodor Hampe. 182 p. 52 il. 15 pi. 1S96. Vol. 2. Stickereien, Spit/on und Posamentierar- beiten. Verfasst von Hans St egmann. [4], 80 p. 3 il. 14 pi. 1901. Bles, David. L708.403 1 " 7I Atelier David Bles. Tableaux et etudes du iuaitre, meuMes, tableaux et dessins anciens, estampes, livres. La vente publique .... [2], 5 1 p. 6 pi. 1 por. Q. Amsterdam: \ : . Muller & c ie , 1900. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 27 Musee du Louvre. 708.465 2 24988 N tj ce des dessins, cartons, pastels, miniatures et emaux, exposes dans les salles du i er etdu 2 e etage au Musee National du Louvre. Deuxieme partie. Ecole francaise, dessins indiens, emaux, par M. Frederic Reiset. [2J.iv.449 P- D. Paris 1883. Musee du Louvre. 708.465 1 M939 Notice des emaux et de l'orfevrerie par Alfred Darcel. [2],xxiii, 601 p. D. (Departement de la sculpture et des objets d'art du moyen age, de la renaissance et des temps modernes. Serie D.) Paris 1883. Le Breton, Gaston. L737 L49 25521 Les medaillons des mois du Musee de Rouen 16 p. 2 pi. sq.Q. Tours [1881 ?]. Reprinted from the Bulletin monumental, no. I, 1S81. Musee "Baron van den Bogaerde". L708.939 1 28429 (Catalogue des collections d'antiquites au chateau de Heeswijk. Musee "Baron van den Bogaerde." .... La vente aura lieu . . . sous la direction du notaire ... , assiste par Frederik Muller & c ie , experts a Amsterdam. Vol. r-. pi. sq.F 4 . Amsterdam [1899-]. Ward, James. 740-9 W21 i2»38 Hi s t or i c ornament. Treatise on decorative art and architectural ornament 2 vol. il. pi. O. London : Chapman & Hall, 1897. Charvet, L6on. L709 C38 18943 Eriseignement de l' ar t decoratif. Comprenant son histoire gene- rale, l'etude des caracteristiques des epoques, ses procedes indus- triels et la theorie de la composition decorative. [2],47i,[i] p. 1228 il. sq.F. Paris: Librairie des imprimeries reunies, [1888]. Clement, Felix i. e. Jacques Felix Alfred, 1 822-1 885. L709 C59 37774 Histoire abregee des beaux-arts chez tous les peuples et a toutes les epoques par Felix Clement. Ouvrage illustre de cent cin- quante gravures sur bois. Paris, Firmin-Didot et c K ', 1879. viii, 672 p. 1501IIUS. 27"> cm . "Appendice bibliographique pour servir a l'histoire de Part musical," p. [653]-666. Reber, Franz von. 7°9 R2 4 ,5S67 History of mediaeval art. Translated by Joseph Thatcher Clarke. xxxi,743 p. 422 il. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1897, c. 1886. 28 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Rigollot, Marcel Jerome, 1786-1859. 7<>9 R 44 • 5770b Histoire des arts du dessin depuis l'epoque romaine jusqu'a la fin du xvi e siecle par M. Rigollot .... Accompagnee d'un atlas compose de 58 planches .... Paris, Dumoulin ; V e J. Renouard, 1 863-1 864. 2 v. 22 cm . and atlas of 58 pi. 27 cm . Atlas has shelf number L709 R44 Lectures. 7°4 L 49 37143 Lectures on art delivered in support of the Society for the Pro- tection of Ancient Buildings, by Reginald Stuart Poole, Prof. W. B. Richmond, E. J. Poynter, R.A., J. T. Micklethwaite, Wil- liam Morris. London, Macmillan and Co., 1882. x, 232 p. ia£ cm . Contents. — i. Poole, R. S. The Egyptian tomb and the future state. — 2. Rich- mond, W. R. Monumental painting. — 3. Poynter, E. J. Some remarks on ancient decorative art. — 4. Micklethwaite, J. T. English parish churches. — 5. Morris, W. The history of pattern designing. — 6. Morris, W. The lesser arts of life. Liibke, Wilhelm. L709 L96 27655 Outlines of the history of art. A new translation from the seventh German edition. Edited by Clarence Cook. 2 vol. il. Q. New York: Dodd, Mead, & Co., 1879. Lacroix, Paul. L709L11 5663 Les arts au moyen age et a l'epoque de la renaissance. Ouvrage illustre . . . par F. Kellerhoven. Deuxieme edition, revue. [2], iv,548 p. 419 il. 19 pi- Q. Paris: Firmin Didot Freres, Fils & C ie , 1869. Grosse, Ernst. 571.7 P700 7639 -jYic beginnings of art. xiv,327 p. 32 il. 3 pi. D. [Anthropo- logical series.] New York : D. Appleton& Co., i897,pref. 1893. Haddon, Alfred Cort. 571.7 P500 Evolution in art: as illustrated by the life-histories of designs. xviii,[2],364 p. il. D. [Contemporary science series, vol. 30.] London: \V. Scott, 1895. Contents: Introduction. The decorative art of British New Guinea : as an example of the method of study. The material of which patterns are made. The reasons for which objects are decorated. The scientific method of studying decorative art. Grosse, Ernst. 571.7 P400 1,753 Die Anfange der Kunst. vii,30I p. 32 il. 3 pi. O. Freiburg i. B. : J. C. B. Mob.-, 1X94. Conway, Sir William Martin. 709.1 C76 Dawn of art in the ancient world. An archaeological sketch. viii, 1 89 p. D. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1 89 1. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 2g Brulliot, Francois. I<7°3 B83 18953 Dictionnaire des monogrammes, marques figurees, lettres initiales, noms abreges etc., avec lesquels les peintres, dessinateurs, gra- veurs et sculpteurs ont designe leurs noms. Nouvelle edition revue, corrigee, et augmentee d'un grand nombre d'articles. 3 vol. in 1. F. Munich: J. G. Cotta, 1 832-1 834. Mackail, John William. 920.159 M19 17920 -j^e life of William Morris. New impression. 2 vol. pi. por. O. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1899. Perrot, Georges, & Chipiez, Charles. L7°9-3 p 4 2 17040 History of art in Sardinia, Judaea, Syria, and Asia Minor. From the French. Translated and edited by I. Gonino. 2 vol. il. pi. Q. London: Chapman & Hall, 1890. Perrot, Georges, & Chipiez, Charles. L709.3P421 17790 Histoire de l'art dans l'antiquite. Egypte — Assyrie — Perse — Asie Mineure — Grece — Etrurie — Rome Vol. 1-2. il. pi. O. Paris: Hachette & C ie , 1 882-1 884. Contents: Vol. i. L'Egypte. Vol. 2. Chaldee et Assyrie. Jones, Owen, 1 809-1 876. 7<>9-3 2 J73 37838 Description of the Egyptian court; erected in the Crystal Palace. By Owen Jones ... and Joseph Bonomi .... With an historical notice of the monuments of Egypt, by Samuel Sharpe ... . London, Crystal Palace Library; Bradbury and Evans, 1854. 71 p. fold, front, (plan), illus. l8 cm . Smith, Sir Robert Murdoch. 709.35 S657 "' Persian art. viii,l03 p. 33 il. 1 pi. 1 map. O. [SOUTH KEN- SINGTON MUSEUM. Art handbooks.] London : Chapman & Hall, [1876]. Perrot, Georges, &■ Chipiez, Charles. L709.351 P42 18121 A history of art in Chaldaea & Assyria. From the French. Translated and edited by Walter Armstrong. 2 vol. il. pi. Q. London: Chapman & Hall, 1884. Collignon, Maxime. 938 O100 Manuel d'archeologie grecque. 368 p. 141 il. O. (Bibliotheque de l'enseignement des beaux-arts.) Paris: A. Quantin, [1881]. Perrot, Georges, & Chipiez, Charles. L709.355 P42 History of art in Persia. From the French. xii,5o8 p. 254 il. 12 pi. Q. London: Chapman & Hall, 1892. 11892 30 THE JOHN CRF.RAR LIBRARY. Perrot, Georges, & Chipiez, Charles. L709.38 P42 17645 History of art in primitive Greece. Myccnian art. From the French. 2 vol. il. pi. Q. London: Chapman & Hall, 1 894. Perrot, Georges, & Chipiez, Charles. L709.39 P42 17644 History of art in Phoenicia and its dependencies. From the French. Translated and edited by Walter Armstrong. 2 vol. il. pi. O. London: Chapman & Hall, 1885. Perrot, Georges, & Chipiez, Charles. L709.392 P42 1,891 History of art in Phrygia, Lydia, Caria, and Lycia. From the French, xii.405 p. 283 il. O. London : Chapman & Hall, 1892. Shaw, Henry, F.S.A. L709.4 S534 8580 The decorative arts, ecclesiastical and civil, of the Middle Ages, 32, [90] p. il. 40 pi. 1 por. Q. London: W. Pickering, 1851. Church, Arthur Herbert, & others. L704 C47 377 Some minor arts as practised in England. viii,82 p. il. 16 pi. F. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1894. Contents: Read, C. H. English work in impressed horn. Fletcher, W. V. English bookbindings. Church, A. H. Old English pottery. — . Old English fruit trenchers. Hartshorne, A. English effigies in wood. Gardner, J. S. English enamels. Kingsley, Rose G. 709.44 Ko1 Basso A history of French art, 1100-1899. xiv,[2],5 1 7 p. O. Lon- don: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1899. Wallis, Henry. 738 W151 The oriental influence on the ceramic art of the Italian Renaissance. xxx, [2], 50 p. il. sq.O. London: B. Quaritch, 1900. "Edition of two hundred and twenty-five copies. No. 130." Waring, John Burley. A729 W231 18128 The arts connected with architecture illustrated by examples in central Italy from the 13th to the 15th century. (Fxamplcs of stained glass, fresco ornament, marble and enamel inlay, and wood inlay Drawn on stone and printed in colours by Vincent Brooks.) [4],iv,29 p. 41 pi. F 7 . London: V. Brooks, 1858. Riano, Juan Facundo. 709.46 R35 The industrial arts in Spain. viii,276 p. 49 il. I pi. O. I SOUTH Kensington Museum. Art handbooks.] London: Chapman & Hall. 1X79. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 3 I Maskell, Alfred. 709-47 M37 36135 R uss j an ar t and art objects in Russia. A handbook to the re- productions of goldsmith's work and other art treasures from that country in the South Kensington Museum. xii,278 p. il. 24 pi. D. [South Kensington Museum. Art handbooks.] London: Chapman & Hall, 1884. Viollet-le-Duc, Eugene [Emmanuel] . L709.47 V81 18852 L' ar t russe. Ses origines, ses elements constitutifs, son apogee, son avenir. viii,26i ,[2] p. 97 il. 31 pi. Q. Paris: V e A. Morel & c ie , 1877. Boutell, Charles. L709.489 B66 36494 -pj^ artg anc j t j ie art i st ; c manufactures of Denmark. xv,i56p. 80 il. 6 pi. sq.Q. London: J. Mitchell, 1874. Goncourt, [Edmond Louis Antoine], & Goncourt, L708.435 1 [Jules Alfred] . Objets d'art japonais et chinois, peintures, estampes composant la collection des Goncourt, dont la vente aura lieu Hotel Drouot ... 1897 .... [6],v,[i],356 p. 1 por. Q. [Collection des Goncourt. Arts de l'extr^me-Orient.] [Paris] 1897. Martin, F. R. L070. 18095 A832 9524 p j^ Martin's Sammlungen aus dem Orient in der Allgemeinen Kunst- und Industrie-Ausstellung zu Stockholm 1897. 8 p. 8 pi. sq. F. Stockholm: P. A. Norstedt & Soner, 1897. Brinkley, Francis. L709.52 B77 ?8321 The art of Japan [Imperial edition.] 2 vol. il. pi. col- ored pi. sq.F 4 . Boston, Mass.: J. B. Millet Co., c. 1901. Contents: Vol. i. Pictorial art. [6], 46, [2] f. il. 9 pi. 8 colored. Vol. 2. Applied art. [4], 41, 18 f. il. 10 pi. 3 colored. No. 92 of 100 copies printed. Printed and numbered on only one side of the leaves. Regamey, Felix. 709.52 R26 Japan in art and industry, with a glance at Japanese manners and customs. Authorized translation by M. French-Sheldon and Eli Lemon Sheldon. ix,349 p. 100 il. 1 pi. D. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1893. 284 32 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Audsley, George Ashdown. A709.52 A915 7121 The ornamental arts of Japan. [American edition.] 2 vol. pi. F\ New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1 883-1 884. Contents: Vol. I: Section I. Drawing, painting, engraving, and printing. 16 pi. Section 2. Embroider)'. 9 pi. Section 3. Textile fabrics. 13 pi. Section 4. Lacquer. 13 pi. Vol.2. Section 5. Incrusted work. 9 pi. Section 6. Metal-work. 17 pi. Sec- tion 7. Cloisonne enamel. 13 pi. Section 8. .Modelling and carving. 8 pi. Section 9. Heraldry. 2 pi. Gonse, Louis. L709.52 G58 1796-8 L' ar t japonais. 2 vol. il. pi. F\ Paris: A. Quantin, 1883. Japan. Commission imperiale a l Exposition A740.952 J27 36732 uuivcrselle de Paris, 1900. Histoire de l'art du Japon. Ouvrage publie par la Commission imperiale du Japon a l'Exposition universelle de Paris, 1900. xv,277,[3] p. 99 il. 73 pi. 5 colored. F 5 . Paris: M. de Brunoff, pref. 1900. First planned by KakouzoOkakoura; subsequently modified and completed by Mataitci Foukoutci and Voshio Ki; translated by Emmanuel Tronquois. Journal of Indian art. L7°5- 2 * 892 The Journal of Indian art. Illustrated by W. Griggs. 1884-. Continued from vol. I. pi. por. facsim. sq. F 4 . London: W. Griggs, 1 886-. Published under the patronage of the Government of India. Dresser, Christopher. 709.52 D81 271 Japan: its architecture, art, and art manufactures. xi,467 p. 202 il. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1882. Griinwedel, Albert. L709.54 G92 37642 Buddhist art in India. Translated from the 'Handbuch' of Prof. Albert Griinwedel, by Agnes C. Gibson. Revised and enlarged by Jas. Burgess ... F.R.S.E. ... with 154 illustrations. Lon- don, B. Ouaritch, 1901. vii, [1], 228, [2] p. illus. 26h cm . "Bibliography," p. [2i5]-2i8. Stubel, Alphons, Reiss, W., & Koppel, B. A571.098 O900 18629 Kultur und Industrie sudamerikanischer Volkcr. Nach den im Besitze des Museums fllr Volkcrkundc v.\\ Leipzig befindlichen Sammlungen. Text und Beschreibung der Tafeln von Max Uhle. .... 2 vol. pi. F 6 . Berlin: A. Asher & Co., 1889-1890. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 33 Haddon, Alfred Cort. 571.7 P500 13062 Evolution in art: as illustrated by the life-histories of designs. xviii,[2],364 p. 11. D. [Contemporary science series, vol. 30.] London: W. Scott, 1895. Contents: Introduction. The decorative art of British New Guinea: as an example of the method of study. The material of which patterns are made. The reasons for which objects are decorated. The scientific method of studying decorative art. Baessler, Arthur. A571.0985 Q200 35552 A nc j en t Peruvian art. Contributions to the archaeology of the empire of the Incas, from his collections, by Arthur Baessler. Translated by A. H. Keane. Berlin, A. Asher & Co., New York, Dodd, Mead & Co., 1902-1903. 4 v. 165 pi. partly col. 5ii cm . Pleyte, C. M. A709.91 P71 33370 Indonesian art. Selected specimens of ancient and modern art and handiwork from the Dutch Indian Archipelago. 60 p. 25 pi. F\ The Hague: M. Nijhoff, 1901. 730 SCULPTURE. General Works. Davidson, Thomas. 575 Pl01 8912 The evolution of sculpture. {In BROOKLYN Ethical Associa- tion. Evolution in science, philosophy, and art, p. 343~359- New York 1 89 1.] Maison, Rudolf. 730-2 M28 17212 Anleitung zur Bildhauerei fiir den kunstliebenden Laien vi,i 19 p. il. 2 pl. S. [Webers illustrierte Katechismen.] Leip- zig: J. J. Weber, 1894. Marquand, Allan, editor. L031 O500 Sculpture and painting, based on the German of Dr. Moritz Car- riere, revised and remodelled from the latest researches. Ancient art, by Allan Marquand. Early Christian and mediaeval art, by A. L. Frothingham, Jr. Modern art, by Hon. S. G. W. Benja- min. 326 p. 74 pl. O. (Iconographic encyclopaedia, vol. 3.) Philadelphia: Iconographic Publishing Co., 1887. 675 34 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Mat£riaux et documents d'architecture. L720.3 2 30548 Materiaux ct documents d'architecture et de sculpture classes par ordre alphabetique .... Continued from vol. 26. 1897-98. pi. F. Paris [1897-]. Edited by A. Raguenet. No title-page nor index. Title taken from cover. California. University of California. Library. 017.794 C1223 18089 photographs of sculpture presented by John S. Hittel. 22 p. O. (Bulletin no. 6.) Berkeley 1885. Published as Supplement to the Report of the Secretary of the Board of Regents. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. 506.3941 v.i 23853 2ur Aesthctik und Technik der bildenden Klinste. Akademische Reden. Ubersetzt und mit Einleitung, Anmerkungen, Register und Textvergleichung versehen von Eduard Leisching. lxii, 325 p. [In Vienna. K. k. Universitat. Philosophische Ge- SELLSCHAFT. Veroffentlichungen, vol. 1.] Leipzig 1893. Smith, Walter. L740.4 S663 11773 Examples of household taste. x,52i p. il. 1 pi Q. New York: R. Worthington, [1880], c. 1875. With half title page: The industrial art of the International Exhibition [1876]. Cellini, Benvenuto. 740.9215 1 194*1 Q7 uvres completes de Benvenuto Cellini, orfevre et sculpteur florentin, traduites par Leopold Leclanche. Deuxieme edition. .... 2 vol. D. Paris: Paulin, 1847. Contents: Vol. I. Memoires. Vol.2. Suites des memoires. Traites de l'orfevrerie et de la sculpture. Discours sur le dessin et l'architecture. Academy architecture and architectural review. L720.52 7 32682 Academy architecture and architectural review Contin- ued from vol. 19. 1901. il. colored pi. sq.Q. London, W. C, [1901-]. Edited by Alex. Koch. Lehnert, Hildegard. L730.9211 L52 9426 Henri Francois Brandt. (1 789-1 845). Leben und YVerke. Be- arbeitet und herausgegeben von seiner Enkelin. 73-[-] P- 22 pi. 1 por. sq. F. Berlin: B. Hessling, 1897. Hildebrand, Hans [Olof Hildebrand], L913 O200 Frin aldre tider. Kulturvetcnskapliga och historiska studier. [4] ,264 p. il. O. Stockholm: P. A. Norstedt & soncr, 1882. Contents: Den romanska skulpturen i Sverige. Den helige Severinus. Solidus- importen till Sverige under den tidigare jernaldern. Konstens Christustyper, Menni- skan i den f< irhi^i • »i i l.i liden. Den nordiska mytologien och professor Bugge. (iraffynden i Mykenai. s 8 6 rs 1 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 35 Dilke, [Emilia Frances (Strong)] Dilke, lady, L709.44 D57 37604 formerly Mrs. Mark Pattison. French architects and sculptors of the XVIIIth century by Lady Dilke. ... London, G. Bell and Sons, 1900. xvii, 217 p. front., 47 pi. 29° ■\C111 28428 Galland, Georg. L720.9492 G13 11493 Geschichte der hollandischen Baukunst und Bildnerei im Zeitalter der Renaissance, der nationalen Blute und des Klassicismus. xi, [1] ,635 p. 181 il. Q. Frankfurt a. M. : H. Keller, 1890. Martin, Fredrik Robert. L738 M36 83628 Moderne Keramik von Centralasien. Tafeln nebst Text. [2], 9 p. 15 f. il. 15 pi. sq. F 4 . (Sammlung F. R. Martin.) Stock- holm: G. Chelius, 1897. Schmidt, Julius. A913.728 O300 The stone sculptures of Copan and Quiriqua. Drawn by Hein- rich Meye. Historical and descriptive text by Dr. Julius Schmidt. Translated from the German by A. D. Savage. [16] p. 20 pi. 1 pi. of maps. F 5 . New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1883. 731 MATERIALS AND METHODS. Frederick, Frank Forrest. 731 F87 seise j^ manua i f or art students and amateurs. Plaster casts and how they are made. A plea for a more general appreciation of the artistic qualities and uses of plaster of Paris casts Second edition. 132 p. 61 il. D. New York: W. T. Comstock, 1899. Harbutt, William. 371.42 P700 15211 Harbutt's plastic method and the use of plasticine in the arts of writing, drawing, & modelling in educational work. xxii,i65 p. il. 53 pi. paged in. sq.O. London: Chapman & Hall, 1897. Millar, William. L693.6 P700 16433 Plastering, plain and decorative. A practical treatise on the art & craft of plastering and modelling. Including full descriptions of the various tools, . . . , and appliances employed ; also of moulded or "fine" concrete as used for fireproof stairs and floors, . . . &c. With an introductory chapter entitled "A glimpse of its history," by G. T. Robinson. xvi,604 p. 231 il. 53 pi. sq.Q. London: B. T. Batsford, 1897. 36 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Uhlenhuth, Eduard. 73 1 U31 20135 Y)[ e Technik dcr Bildhauerei ; oder, Theorctisch-praktische An- leitung zur Hcrvorbringung plastischcr Kunstwerke vii, 152 p. il. D. [Chemisch-technischc Bibliothek, vol. 202.] Wien: A. Hartleben, 1893. Redford, George. 732 R24 25952 j^ manual of ancient sculpture — Egyptian — Assyrian — Greek — Roman. With ... a chronological list of ancient sculptors and their works. Second edition, enlarged. xiii,[2],286 p. 149 il. 1 pi. O. London: Sampson Low, ... , & Rivington, 1886. Fellows, Sir Charles. 956L200 Travels and researches in Asia Minor, more particularly in the province of Lycia. xvi,5iOp. 6 pi. 2 maps. O. London: J. Murray, 1852. Contains also an account of the Xanthian marbles and of the Ionic trophy monu- ment at Xanthus. Schenk, Charles, editor. L718 D51 20659 y^g T) ew ey arch and its details. Erected in honor of Admiral Dewey by the City of New York, 1899. 12 pi. in portfolio. sq.F 4 . New York: P. Wenzel, [1899]. Franke, William B. A718 2 " Designs for monuments. [4 p.] 39 pi. F 5 . New York : VV. B. Franke, 1875. 736 CARVING. Seals. Dies. Gems. Cameos. Cattelle, Wallis Richard 1848- 553.8 Q200 37685 p rcc j OU s stones; a book of reference for jewellers, by W. R. Cat- telle ... Philadelphia & London, J. B. Lippincott Company, 1903. 224 p. xix pi. 22h cm . Pedrick, Gale. L929.8 P34 Monastic seals of the XHIth century, a series of examples, illus- trating the nature of their design and artistic value, selected, in- troduced, and described by Gale l'edrick ... London, The De La More Press, 1902. ix, [4], 144 p. 1 pi. 26 cm . 23131 376J5 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 37 Cripps, Wilfred Joseph, 1841- L73& C86 37167 Old English plate. Ecclesiastical, decorative, and domestic : its makers and marks. By Wilfred Joseph Cripps, C. B., F. S. A. Library edition. With 123 illustrations, and upwards of 2,600 facsimiles of plate marks. London, J. Murray, 1901. xx, 519 p. 122 illus., 13 pi. incl. front. 26i cm . "In response to the suggestions ... of several plate collectors, the present edition has been prepared, containing illustrations of certain remarkable and historical pieces of plate . . . The text is the same as that of the sixth edition with a few verbal corrections." — Pref. Sommerville, Maxwell. L 73 6 s6 97 37693 Eno-raved gems, by Maxwell Sommerville . . . Philadelphia, London [etc.] D. Biddle, 1901. 6, [2], 7-133 p. incl. illus., 21 pi. 26£ cm . Davenport, Cyril [James H J 1848- L736 D27 !7662 Cameos, by Cyril Davenport, F.S.A London, Seeley and Co.; New York, The Macmillan Company, 1900. viii, 66 p. col. front., illus., 27 pi. (partly col.) port. 27 cm . [The Portfolio- monographs on artistic subjects, no. 41] Another copy in the Portfolio, has shelf number L705.2 5 Foy, Willy. A572. 07324 1 v. 13 27689 Tanzobjekte vom Bismarck Archipel, Nissan und Buka. vii,40 p. 2 il. 17 pi. {In Dresden. K. Zoologisches und anthropo- LOGISCH-ETHNOGRAPHISCHES MUSEUM. Publicationen, vol. 13.) Dresden 1900. The majority of the objects described are masks and carved ornaments. Furtwangler, Adolf. L736 F98 23632 j-)j e ant jk en Gemmen. Geschichte der Steinschneidekunst im klassischen Altertum. 3 vol. in case. il. pi. sq. F. Leipzig: Giesecke & Devrient, 1900. Contents: Vol. I. Tafeln in Heliogravure, xvi p. 67 pi. Vol. 2. Beschreibung und Erklarung der Tafeln. [6], 330 p. il. Vol. 3. Geschichte der Steinschneidekunst im klassischen Altertum. xiii,[2],464 p. 237 il. 3 pi. Griines Gewolbe zu Dresden, Konigliches. 740.7324 G92 20881 j) as Konigliche griine Gewolbe zu Dresden. Eine Auswahl der wichtigsten Nummern in der Reihenfolge der Standorte, zusam- mengestellt nach der Umordnung der Sammlung von 1892 vom Director derselben Dr. jur. Julius Erbstein. Dritte Auflage. [2], 59,[i] p. 1 il. 1 pi. sq. D. Dresden 1899. 38 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Miller, Fred. 704 M61 11413 The training of a craftsman. Illustrated by many workers in the art crafts. x,249 p. 161 il. O. New York: Truslove & Comba, 1898. Contents: I. The craftsman and nature. 2. Design and craftsmanship. 3. Metal work. Repousse and fine metal-work. Wrought iron. 4. Jewellery. 5. Enamelling on metal. 6. Potters and painters. 7. Glass painters. 8. Wood carvers. 9. Book- binders. 10. Women workers in the art crafts. II. Surface decoration. 12. Decora- tion in relief. 13. Wall-papers and textiles. 14. The craftsman up-to-date and his outlook. Streeter, Edwin William. 553.8 P800 22805 p rec i ous stones and gems, their history, sources and character- istics. Sixth edition, revised and largely re-written, up to date. xvi,339 p. il. 13 pi. 1 por. O. London: G. Bell & Sons 1898. Plowden, E. R. L736 P72 25528 Progressive studies and other designs for wood-carvers. Second edition. [2], 8 p. 5 pi. Q. [London 1897.] Rowe, Eleanor. A736 R792 17537 .... French wood carvings from the national museums. Print- ed in collotype from photographs specially taken from the carvings direct. (With the sanction of the Science and Art Department of the Committee of Council on Education.) .... 3 parts in 1 vol. 54 pi. F°. London: B. T. Batsford, 1 896-1 897. Bauer, Max. L553-8 P600 6644 Edelsteinkunde. Eine allgemein verstandliche Darstellung der Eigenschaften, des Vorkommens und der Verwendung der Edel- steine, nebst einer Anleitung zur Bestimmung derselben - xvi,7ii p. 94 il. 20 pi. Q. Leipzig: C. H. Tauchnitz, 1896. Crallan, Franklyn A. L729.5 C84 19769 rj) e t a ii s f Gothic wood-carving. Being a series of drawings from original work chiefly of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, with explanatory notes, xix p. 34 pi. F 4 . London : B. T. Bats- ford, 1896. Phillips, Joseph. 736 P54 7869 w/'ood carving. Being a carefully graduated educational course .... 92 p. il. O. London: Chapman & Hall, 1896. Rowe, Eleanor. 736 R79 '"'•"•' ... . Hints on chip-carving and simple northern styles. With a preface by T. R. Ablett. Third edition, revised and enlarged. X,[2],76p. il. I). London: B. T. Batsford, [896. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 39 Siddon, G. A. 671 P606 mss q a Siddons Ratgeber in der' Kunst des Schleifens, Polierens und Farbens der Metalle, der Steinarten, des Holzes, Elfenbeins, Horns und Glases, sowie der Lackierungen ... . Funfte ver- mehrte und verbesserte Auflage von Ernst Nothling. xii,288 p. O. [Neuer Schauplatz der Kunste und Handwerke, vol. 82.] Weimar: B. F. Voigt, 1897. Deals particularly with the treatment of metals. Larsson, Gustaf . 73 6 L 3 2 8050 Handbook of geometrical wood carving. 32 p. il. D. New York: E. L. Kellogg & Co., c. 1895. Meyer, Adolf Bernhard, & Parkinson, R. A572. 07324 1 v. 10 23640 Schnitzereien und Masken vom Bismarck Archipel und Neu Guinea. [4] ,28 p. 19 pi. (///Dresden. K. Zoologisches UND ANTHROPOLOGISCH-ETHNOGRAPHISCHES MUSEUM. Publica- tionen, vol. 10.) Dresden 1895. Church, Arthur Herbert, & others. L704 C47 377 Some minor arts as practised in England. viii,82 p. il. 16 pi. F. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1894. Contents: Read, C. H. English work in impressed horn. Fletcher, W. Y. English bookbindings. Church, A. H. Old English pottery. — . Old English fruit trenchers. Hartshorne, A. English effigies in wood. Gardner, J. S. English enamels. Rowe, Eleanor. 736 R791 11423 .... Hints on wood-carving, recreative classes & modelling, for beginners. With a preface by J. H. Pollen. Fourth edition — revised and enlarged. [8], 91 p. il. D. London: B. T. Batsford, pref. 1894. Kunz, George Frederick. L553.8 P200 15461 Gems and precious stones of North America. A popular descrip- tion of their occurrence, value, history, archaeology, and of the collections in which they exist, also a chapter on pearls and on remarkable foreign gems owned in the United States. Second edition with appendix. vi,367 p. 20 il. 24 pi. O. New York: Scientific Publishing Co., 1892. Jones, William. 391.7 Pooi Finger-ring lore. Historical, legendary, anecdotal. Second edi- tion, revised and enlarged. xvi,567 p. il. D. London: Chatto & Windus, 1890. 15907 40 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Arts du bois. L749A792 ,97 * 4 Les arts du bois. (Sculpture sur bois — meubles.) Notice par M. Alfred de Lostalot. Troisieme edition. 144 p. 175 il. Q. (Dessins et modeles, 1st series, no. 1.) Paris: J. Rouam & c k ', [189-?] Bell, Frank B. L736 B41 12990 Thirty-six designs for wood carving [2] p. 36 pi. F 4 . Bristol: F. B. Bell, [1889]. Only 150 copies printed. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Buck, John Henry. 73 6 B8 5 33064 Old plate, ecclesiastical, decorative, and domestic ; its makers and marks. x,[2],268 p. il. 5 pi. O. New York: Gorham Manu- facturing Co., 1888. De Forest, Lockwood. L722.4D36 19,83 Indian domestic architecture. [6] p. 25 pi. sq.F 4 . [Boston] c. 1885. King, Charles William. L736K58 346 Handbook of engraved gems. Second edition. ix,287 p. il. 88 pi. Q. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1885. Church, Arthur Herbert. 553- 8 ° 200 19643 p rec i ous stones considered in their scientific and artistic relations. With a catalogue of the Townshend collection of gems in the South Kensington Museum. New edition. viii,in,[l] p. 5 pi. D. [South Kensington Museum art handbooks.] London : Chapman & Hall, pref. 1882. Demay, Germain. L736 D39 28119 La paleographie des sceaux. [2 J ,73 p. il. Q. Paris: Impri- mcrie nationale, 1881. Hildebrand, Hans [Olof Hildebrand] . 745 H 54 1,789 Hvad ar fornnordisk stil? p. 60-87. il. O. 188-. Extracted from Meddelanden fran Svcnska SfiijdfdreniHgen. No title-page. Small, John William. A749S635 Scottish woodwork of the sixteenth & seventeenth centuries. Measured and drawn for the stone by John William Small. [Second edition.] [2],2,[2] p. 67 pi. sq.F 5 . Stirling: E. Mackay, pref. 1878. 28138 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 4 1 Hulme, Frederic Edward. L736 H87 16070 Examples for fret-cutting and wood-carving. [2], 31 p. 24 pi. F 4 . London: M.Ward & Co., 1877. Ris-Paquot, [Oscar Edmond] 1835- 73 8 R 49! 37492 Maniere, de restaurer soi-m£me les faiences, porcelaines, cristaux, marbres, terres cuites, gres, biscuits, emaux, etc. suivie de la restauration des ouvrages en laque de Chine et du Japon et des procedes pour blanchir, teindre et ramollir l'ivoire ... par Ris- Paquot ... 2 e edition. Amiens, chez l'auteur; Paris, R. Simon, 1876. 122, [2] p. i9 cm . Maskell, William. 736M37 104 Ivories, ancient and mediaeval. viii.i 24 p. 35 il. O. [SOUTH KENSINGTON Museum. Art handbooks.] London : Chapman & Hall, pref. 1875. Bemrose, William. L736B421 7583 F r et-cutting and perforated carving, with practical instructions. 14th edition. 12, [6] p. 16 pi. sq.O. London: Bemrose & Sons, [1875]. Westropp, Hodder Michael. 553-8 N400 ides j^ manua i f precious stones and antique gems. xvi,i65 p. il. 1 pi. S. London: Sampson Low, . . . , & Searle, 1874. Dieulafait, Louis. 553 .8 Nioo 856 Diamants et pierres precieuses. Deuxieme edition. [2],iii, 326 p. il. 13 pi. paged in. D. (Bibliotheque des merveilles.) Paris: Hachette & c ie , 1874. Castellani, Augusto. 739 C27 25879 DeH'oreficeria antica. Discorso. 66, [2] p. O. Firenze 1862. Germain, Alexandre [Charles] . L736 G31 18795 N tj ce sur une bague d'or du Musee archeologique de Montpel- lier. 12 p. Q. Montpellier 1855. Reprinted from the Ale moires de la Societe archeologique de Montpellier. Feuchtwanger, Lewis. 553-8 J800 A treatise on gems, in reference to their practical and scientific value ; a useful guide for the jeweller, lapidary, artist, amateur, mineralogist, and chemist; accompanied by a description of the most interesting American gems, and ornamental and architectural materials. O. New York 1838. 23577 42 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Squier, Ephraim George. 061.62 4 v. 9 37625 Observations on a collection of chalchihuitls from Central Amer- ica. By E. G. Squier. ... (In Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York, vol. ix. New York, 1869. 24 cm . p. 246-265.) 20 p. illus. Cust, A M. 73 6 -44 C96 37663 T he ivory workers of the middle ages, by A. M. Cust. London, G. Bell and Sons, 1902. xix, 169, [1] p. incl. front., illus. I9i cm . {Half-title: Handbooks of the great craftsmen) "Bibliography," p. xvii-xix. "List of diptychs from Molinier," p. 157-163. "List of museums," p. 165-166. Brown, Louis F. 736-49 B8i 37667 ^ rt f i ea ther carving self taught, by Louis F. Brown. Los An- geles, Cal. [ c i902] cover-title, [3]-i6 P- illus - i6£ cm , bound igh x i5-i cm . East, Hallton. 740.8 8 v.43 37670 Leather work, by Hallton East. Giving simple instructions for blind and color tooling; gold blocking; leather mosaic, applique, and patchwork; pressed, modelled, and moulded leather ; leather- covered relief . . . With methods of coloring, staining, sizing, and varnishing; many diagrams of tools, etc., and eight full pages of designs . . . London, Dawbarn and Ward, ltd., [1902] cover-title, 24 p. front., illus., 5 pi. i8ixi7 cm . (Useful-arts and handicrafts series, no. 43) Ward, John, 1832- 736.84 W21 37638 The sacrec j beetle : a popular treatise on Egyptian scarabs in art and history. By John Ward, F.s.A. ... Five hundred exam- ples of scarabs and cylinders, the translations by F. Llewellyn Griffith, M.A. . . . London, J. Murray, 1902. xviii, 122 p. front., illus., xvi pi. 22 cm . Marshall, Arthur. A749 M35 37785 Specimens of antique carved furniture and woodwork measured and drawn by Arthur Marshall, A.R.I.B.A London, W. H. Allen & Co., 1888. L 6 L 7. [4] P- » lllls -> 5° ('• ''• 49) P 1 - incl - front - (P arllv foU '-) 43i x 34 om - Holme, Charles. 736.98 H73 A course of instruction in wood-carving according to the Japanese method. 106 p. il. 4 pi. 1 ). London: Offices of the Studio, [1899]- ■jM«7a 7581 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 43 Bemrose, William. L736B42 Manual of wood carving. With practical instructions for learners of the art, and original and selected designs. With an introduc- tion by Llewellynn Jewitt. Twentieth edition. 72 p. il. I pi. sq.O. London: Bemrose & Sons, [1862]. 737 NUMISMATICS. Avebury, Sir [John Lubbock] 1st baron, 1834- 332.0942 Q200 37661 j^ 5^01-^ history of coins and currency, in two parts, by Lord Avebury. With 125 illustrations. London, J. Murray, 1902. x, 138 p. illus., facsim. ijk cm . {Half-title: Murray's Home and school library) British Museum. Department of Coins and Medals. 737 B77 307H9 Handbook of the coins of Great Britain and Ireland in the British Museum. By Herbert A. Grueber. lxiii,272 p. 64 pi. O. Lon- don 1899. Thorburn, William Stewart. 737 T391 19559 A guide to the history and valuation of the coins of Great Britain and Ireland, in gold, silver, and copper, from the earliest period to the present time. Third edition. Revised and enlarged by Herbert A. Grueber. ix,268 p. 41 pi. D. London: L. U. Gill, 1898. Lehnert, Hildegard. L730.9211 L52 9426 Henri Francois Brandt. (1 789-1 845). Leben und Werke. Be- arbeitet und herausgegeben von seiner Enkelin. 73, [2] p. 22 pi. 1 por. sq.F. Berlin: B. Hessling, 1897. Hazlitt, William Carew. 737 H33 12087 The co j nage of the European continent. With an introduction and catalogues of mints, denominations and rulers. xviii,554 p. il. 1 pi. O. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1893. Supplement to The coinage of the European continent. vii,i93 p. il. O. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1897. 44 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Saunier, Charles. L740.9224 S257 19973 Augustin Dupre : orfevre, medailleur et graveur general des mon- naies. Preface de M. O. Roty. xiv,i20 p. il. 10 pi. 5 paged in, 1 por. Q. Paris: Societe de propagation des livres d'art, 1894. With author's autograph. Heaton, A. G. 332.4973 P300 23168 j^ t- rea tj se on the coinage of the United States branch mints. 54 p. O. Washington, D. C, 1893. Cover title : Mint marks. Lubbock, Sir John. 570.4 L96 2267 Scientific lectures. Second edition. xiv,[2],228 p. 57 il. 2 pi. 1 table. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1890. Contents: On flowers and insects. On plants and insects. On the habits of ants. Introduction to the study of prehistoric archseology. Address to the Wiltshire Archaeo- logical and Natural History Society. Inaugural address to the Institute of Bankers. Atkins, James. 737A874 285 The coins and tokens of the possessions and colonies of the Brit- ish Empire. vi,[2],402 p. il. O. London: B. Ouaritch, 1889. Crowther, George Francis. 737 C88 I6B50 A g U ide to English pattern coins in gold, silver, copper, and pew- ter, from Edward I. to Victoria, with their value. iv,6o p. 21 il. O. London: L. U. Gill, 1887. Hawkins, Edward. F. R. S. 737 H31 266 The silver coins of England, arranged and described; with re- marks on British money, previous to the Saxon dynasties. Third edition, with alterations and additions by R. LI. Kenyon. vin, 508 p. 55 pi. O. London: B. Quaritch, 1887. Smith, Alfred Morris. L737 S642 15979 jii us t r ated encyclopaedia of gold and silver coins of the world ; illustrating the modern, ancient, current and curious from A. D. 1885 back to B. C. 700 5 1 1 p. il. 1 por. O. Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A., 1886. Henfrey, Henry William. 737 H 3$ 14206 A guide to the study of English coins, from the Conquest to the present time. New and revised edition. By C. V . Keary. With a historical introduction by the editor, xxi, [33,325 p. il. 1 pi. D. [Bohn's reference library.] Loudon: G. Bell & Sons, 1S85. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 45 Montagu, Hyman. L 737 M76 17525 jj ie CO pp er) tin and bronze coinage and patterns for coins of England, from the reign of Elizabeth to that of her present Majesty. xvi,9i p. il. Q. London: Rollin & Feuardent, 1885. Kenyon, Robert Lloyd. 737 K 42 268 The gold coins of England, arranged and described: being a sequel to Mr. Hawkins' Silver coins of England. [2],2I7 p. 24 pi. O. London: B. Quaritch, 1884. Steigerwalt, Charles. 737 S818 23980 steigerwalt' s Illustrated history of United States and colonial coins. 40 p. il. O. Lancaster, Pa.: C. Steigerwalt, pref. 1884. Thorburn, William Stewart. 737 T39 6886 A guide to the coins of Great Britain & Ireland, in gold, silver, and copper, from the earliest period to the present time, with their value. Second edition, viii.164 p. il. 29 pi. 1 por. O. Lon- don: L. U. Gill, [1884]. Blades , William . L655 . 1 O300 17791 Numismata typographica ; or, The medallic history of printing. .... xvii,i44 p. il. 24 pi. sq.Q. London: "Printers' Register" Office, 1883. "Full titles of all works quoted in the text," p. xi-xii. Reprinted from the Printers' 1 register. Lenormant, Francois. 737 L54 18328 M onna j es e t medailles. Nouvelle edition. 328 p. il. O. (Biblio- theque de l'enseignement des beaux-arts.) Paris: A. Quantin, [1883]. Goudard, A. C. 737 G72 19121 Notice sur les medailles dites pieds de sanglier. y6 p. 3 pi. O. Toulouse: E. Privat, 1880. — Supplement. 94 p. 2 pi. O. Toulouse 1882. Bound together. Five autograph letters and one clipping tipped in. Le Breton, Gaston. 1^737 I49 25521 Les medaillons des mois du Musee de Rouen 16 p. 2 pi. sq.Q. Tours [1SS1?]. Reprinted from the Bulletin monumental, no. i, 1SS1. Henry, J. 332-4942 N900 22944 --q^ ser j es f English coins, in copper, tin, & bronze. [4] ,2 J p. sq.O. London 1879. 46 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Robertson, John Drummond. 737 R54 119 A handbook to the coinage of Scotland, giving a description of every variety issued by the Scottish mint in gold, silver, billon, and copper, from Alexander I. to Anne, with an introductory chapter on the implements and processes employed. xxvii, [2], 146 p. 27 il. 1 pi. sm. Q. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1878. Loubat, Joseph Florimond due de. L737 L92 374 The medallic history of the United States of America, 1 776-1 876. With 170 etchings by Jules Jacquemart. 2 vol. pi. F. New York: published by the author, 1878. Contents: Vol. I. Text. lxix,478 p. Vol. 2. Plates, xvi p. 86 pi.] Humphreys, Henry Noel. 737 H881 3317 The coin collector's manual, or Guide to the numismatic student in the formation of a cabinet of coins : comprising an historical and critical account of the origin and progress of coinage, .... 2 vol. il. pi. D. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1876. Barre, Albert. L740.92 B27 26544 Q raveurs generaux et particuliers des monnaies de France. Con- troleurs generaux des effigies. Noms de quelques graveurs en medailles de la renaissance francaise 35 p. 1 por. sq.Q. Paris 1867. Reprinted from the Annitaire de la Socictc francaise de numismatique et d 'archeo- logie, 1 866- 1 86 7. Madden, Frederic William. L737 M26 16770 History of Jewish coinage, and of money in the Old and New Testament. With woodcuts and a plate of alphabets by F. W. Fairholt. xii,xi,350 p. 254 il. 1 pi. Q. London: B. Ouaritch, 1864. Prime, William Cowper. 737 P93 i766o c j nS) medals, and seals, ancient and modern With a sketch of the history of coins and coinage, instructions for young collectors, tables of comparative rarity, price lists of English and American coins, medals and tokens, &c, &c. 291, [1] p. il. I pi. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1861. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 47 Snowden, James Ross. L737 S6741 25333 j^ description of the medals of Washington ; of national and mis- cellaneous medals ; and of other objects of interest in the museum of the Mint. To which are added biographical notices of the directors of the Mint from 1792 to the year 1851. 203 p. en- graved t. p. 19 pi. 1 por. 2 facsim. Q. Philadelphia: J. B. Lip- pincott & Co., 1 86 1. Engraved title-page reads : The medallic memorials of Washington in the Mint of the United States. Snowden, James Ross. 737 S6 74 17005 j^ description of ancient and modern coins, in the cabinet collec- tion at the mint of the United States 412 p. il. 27 pi. 1 table. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., i860. Boyne, William. L737 B71 22916 T k ens issued in the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries, in Yorkshire, by tradesmen, overseers of the poor, etc., in gold, silver, brass, and copper. Also the seals of all the cor- porations in that county. viii,62 p. il. 18 pi. sq.Q. Headingley : privately printed for the author, 1858. New York. State Library. L017.747 N423 8111 Catalogue of New York State Library: 1856. Maps, manu- scripts, engravings, coins, &c. xii,274 p. Q. Albany 1857. Burn, Jacob Henry. 737 B93 3436 A descriptive catalogue of the London traders, tavern, and coffee- house tokens current in the seventeenth century ; presented to the Corporation Library by Henry Benjamin Hanbury Beaufoy. Sec- ond edition. xcv,287 p. il. 2 pi. 2 por. O. London: Corpora- tion of the City of London, 1855. Robert, [P.] Charles, 18 1 2-188 y. L737 R545 36604 Recherches sur les monnaies et les jetons des maitres-echevins et description de jetons divers. Par Ch. Robert. 88 p. 6 pi. sq. F. Metz 1853. Humphreys, Henry Noel. 737 H88 Ancient coins and medals : an historical sketch of the origin and progress of coining money in Greece and her colonies : its pro- gress with the extension of the Roman Empire ; and its decline with the fall of that power. [2],iv,2o8 p. il. 1 pi. 10 pi. of fac- sim. O. London: Grant & Griffith, 1850. 48 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Miller, Matthew T., Philadelphia. 737 M6i 18467 The coins of the world. 74 p. 12 pi. paged in. D. Philadelphia 1849. Interleaved, i pi. tipped in at back of vol. Riddell, John Leonard. 737 R 43 23-01 a monograph of the silver dollar, good and bad. Illustrated with fac-simile figures of four hundred and twenty-five varieties of dollars, and eighty-seven varieties of half dollars, including the genuine, the low standard, and the counterfeit: giving their weight, quality and exact value, and enabling the inexperienced to detect those which are spurious. The original assays made by Wm. P. Hort, assayer in the United States brartch mint, New Orleans. 8, [364] p. il. O. New Orleans 1845. For the most part printed on only one side of the leaves. Lindsay, John. L332.4942 K200 1634 ' A view of the coinage of the Heptarchy ; to which is added a list of unpublished mints and moneyers of the chief or sole monarchs, from Eebert to Harold II. Also, ... an account of some of the principal hoards or parcels of Anglo-Saxon coins which have been discovered. viii,i35,[i] p. 6 pi. sq.Q. Cork 1842. Pinkerton, John. 737 P6 5 J6464 ^ n essa y on medals : or, An introduction to the knowledge of ancient and modern coins and medals; especially those of Greece, Rome, and Britain. The third edition, with corrections and addi- tions. 2 vol. pi. O. London: T. Cadell & W. Davies, 1808. Morell, Andre. A737 M81 19375 Th esau ri Morclliani, ... , sive, Christ. Schlegclii, Sigeb. Haver- kampi, & Antonii Francisci Gorii Commentaria in XII. priorum imperatorum Romanorum numismata aurea, argcntea, & aerea, . . . conquisita, & . . . delineata, a celcberrimo antiquario Andrea Morellio. Accedunt CI. Gorii descriptio Columnae Trajanae, ... ; nee non Tristani, Rubcnii, ac Harduini interpretationes pretiosissimorum aliquot antiquitatis monumentorum. Cum praefatione Petri Wesselingii. 3 vol. pi. nar. F 5 . Amstelaedami : J. a Wetstein, 1752. Contents: Vol. 1-2: Text; vol. 3: Plates. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 49 Vaillant, Jean [Foy-] . L737 V191 19824 Numismata imperatorum Romanorum prsestantiora a Julio Caesare ad postumum usque .... Editio prima Romana plurimis raris- simis nummis aucta. Cui accessit appendix a postumo ad Con- stantinum Magnum. 3 vol. il. Q. Romae : sumtibus C. Barbiel- lini, 1743. [Vettori, Francesco.] L737V64 26184 II fiorino d'oro antico illustrato, discorso di un accademico etrusco .... 1 pi. Q. Firenze 1738. Published anonymously. Morell, Andre. A737M811 19376 Thesaurus Morellianus, sive, Familiarum Romanarum numismata omnia, . . . juxta ordinem Fulvii Ursini & Caroli Patini disposita. Accedunt nummi miscellanei, urbis Romae, Hispanici & Goltziani dubiae fidei omnes. Nunc primum edidit & commentario perpetuo illustravit Sigebertus Havercampus. 2 vol. pi. nar.F 5 . Am- stelaedami: apud J. Wetstenium & G. Smith, 1734. Contents: Vol. i: Text; vol. 2: Plates. Banduri, Anselmo. L737 B22 20103 N um j sma t a imperatorum Romanorum a Trajano Decio ad Palaeo- logos Augustos. Accessit Bibliotheca nummaria, sive Auctorum qui de re nummaria scripserunt. 2 vol. il. pi. F 4 . Lutetiae Farisiorum : sumptibus Montalant, 171 8. Vaillant, Jean [Foy-] . L737 V19 19332 N umm j an tiqui familiarum romanarum perpetuis interpretationibus illustrati. 2 vol. pi. F. Amstelaedami : G. Gallet, 1703. Bude, Guillaume. 332.493 Di 20331 Gvlielmi Bvdaei ... De Asse et partibvs eivs. Libri V. 716, [86] p. sq.O. 1690. Published as p. 1-94 of this: [Sardi, A.] Liber de nvmmis. [Sardi, Alessandro.] 332.493 Di Iohannis Seldeni Angli, Liber de nvmmis. In qvo antiqva pecvnia Romana et Graeca mensvratvr pretio eivs, qvae nvnc est in vsv. Hvic accedit Bibliotheca nvmmaria, sive, Elenchvs avc- torvm, qvi de antiqvis nvmismatibvs, Hebraeis, Graecis, Romanis ; nee non de monetis, ponderibvs, et mensvris, ad hvnc vsqve an- nvm scripservnt. \_In Bude, G. De Asse, p. 1-94, [6]. 1690.] A tributed to John Selden. 20332 50 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Patin, Charles. L737P21 19377 imperatorum Romanorum numismata ex aere mediae et minima? formse. [32], 500, 35, [3] p. il. 7 pi. 2 maps. F 4 . Argentinae : S. Paullus, 167 1. Julianus, [Flavius Claudius], Emperor of Rome. L937 Bi 19779 Les Cesars de l'empereur Julien, traduits du grec [par E. Span- heim] , avec des remarques & des preuves illuftrees par les medailles, & autres anciens monumens. [60], 557, [3] p. il. 1 por. Q. Paris: D. Thierry, 1683. Numismatology. 737-052 1 19125 N um j sma tology. The gatherer up of fragments Vol. 1-3. [ 1 892-1 894.] O. Colchester 1 892-1 894. Edited by T. Forster. Vol. 1 has no subtitle. Congres international de numismatique, Paris, igoo. L737.06 1 32i8i p roC es-verbaux & memoires publies par MM. le comte de Castel- lane et Adrien Blanchet. [2], 449 p. il. 29 pi. 5 facsim. Q. Paris 1900. 738 CERAMICS. Jervis, William Percival, 1851- , comp. L738 J481 H669 Yhe encyclopedia of ceramics, compiled by W. P. Jervis, with much original matter now first published .. . New York [ c i902] [4l» [9J-673 p. front, (port.) illus. 25£ cm . "Bibliographical," p. 48-51. Borrmann, Richard. L738 B64 5863 Moderne Kcramik. [2],i2i,[i] p. noil. Q. [Monographien des Kunstgewerbes, no. 5.] Leipzig: H. Seemann, [1902]. Lecocq, Jules, 18 16- L738 C49 37782 .... Histoire des fabriques de faience et de poterie de la haute Picardie. Paris, R. Simon, 1877. [4], in, [2] p. illus., xx pi. (partly col.) j^A"'". At head of title: Jules & Georges Lecocq. "Tirage 200 exemplaires sur papier de Hollande. 15 sur papier Whatman." Schwier, K. 778.2738 S415 Die Lmailphotographie. Eine Anleitung zur Herstellung von eingebrannten Photogrammen auf Email, Glas oder Porzellan. Vierte verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage. \iii.70 p. 7 il. o. Leipzig: B. F. Voigt, 1902. 36S01 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 5 1 Barber, Edwin Atlee. 738 B231 37611 The pottery and porcelain of the United States; an historical review of American ceramic art from the earliest times to the present day, by Edwin Atlee Barber . . . PH.D. . . . Second edition, revised and enlarged. With 277 illustrations. New York, London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1901. xxi, 539 p. front., illus. 2^h cm - Barber, Edwin Atlee. 738 B232 # 3762i Anglo-American pottery ; old English china with American views ; a manual for collectors, by Edwin AtLee Barber . . . PH.D. . . . Second edition, revised and enlarged. With 135 illustrations. Philadelphia, press of Patterson & White Co., 1901. 220 p. front., illus., I pi. 2i cm . "Directory of collectors," p. [i88]-20i. Boston. Museum of Fine Arts. L738 B65 880,3 Catalogue of the Morse collection of Japanese pottery. By Edward S. Morse, Keeper of the Japanese pottery. xiii,384 p. il. 69 pi. sq. F. Cambridge 1901. Grasse, Johann Georg Theodor. 738 G76 30019 Graesse-Jaennicke, Guide de l'amateur de porcelaines et de faiences (y compris gres et terres cuites) . Collection complete des marques de porcelaines et de faTences connues jusqu'a present. Fonde par Dr. J. G. Th. Graesse. Neuvieme edition. Entierement refondue et considerablement augmentee par F. Jaennicke. viii,[2],262 p. il. D. Dresde : G. Schoenfeld, 1901. Heliecourt, Rene d\ 778.2738 H36 La photographie vitrifiee mise a la portee des amateurs. Pro- cedes complets pour l'execution, la mise en couleur et la cuisson des emaux photographiques, miniatures, ceramiques, vitraux. 188 p. 38 il. D. Paris: C. Mendel, [1901]. Klier, Hans. A738 K68 Moderne Keramik. Entwiirfe fur die Praxis. 14 colored pi. ob.O. Plauen i. V.: C. Stoll, [1901]. Coffignal, Louis. 666 Qooi Verres et emaux. vii,332 p. 129 il. D. [Encyclopedic indus- trielle.] Paris: J.-B. Bailliere & fils, 1900. Contents: I. Verres: i. Proprietes physiques et chimiques. 2. Fours de fusion. 3. Produits refractaires. 4. Procedes de faijonnage du verre. 5. Produits speciaux. Compositions vitrifiables. 6. Decoration du verre. 11. Emaux et glacures: 1. Composi- tions et matieres premieres. 2. Etude des glacures. 3. Fabrication et pose des glacmes. 4. Emploi des emaux. 36602 23799 52 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Litchfield, Frederick. L738 L71 23189 p tt er y anc j porcelain. A guide to collectors. xv,362 p. il. 40 pi. Q. London: Truslove. Hanson & Comba, 1900. Wallis, Henry. L738 W15 29446 Egyptian ceramic art. Typical examples of the art of the Egyp- tian potter portrayed in colour plates with text illustrations drawn and described by Henry Wallis. xix,37 p. il. 12 pi. sq.Q. [Lon- don] 1900. Only 200 copies printed. Wallis, Henry. 73 8 W151 The oriental influence on the ceramic art of the Italian Renaissance, xxx, [2], 50 p. il. sq.O. London: B. Ouaritch, 1900. "Edition of two hundred ?nd twenty-five copies. No. 130." Bemrose, William, editor. L738 B42 19775 Bow, Chelsea, and Derby porcelain. Being further information relating to these factories, obtained from original documents, not hitherto published xv,i74 p. il. 18 pi. 2 por. 8 facsim. paged in. O. London: Bemrose & Sons, 1898. Binns, Charles F. 738 B51 The story of the potter. Being a popular account of the rise and progress of the principal manufactures of pottery and porce- lain in all parts of the world, with some description of modern practical working. 248 p. il. 1 pi. S. [Library of useful stories.] London: G. Newnes, 1898. Chaffers, William. 738 C341 15653 jj 12 collector's hand book of marks and monograms on pottery & porcelain of the Renaissance and modern periods. Selected from his larger work (eighth edition) entitled "Marks and mono- grams on pottery and porcelain" with upwards of 3500 marks. A new edition revised and considerably augmented by Frederick Litchfield, xxx, [2], 234 p. il. D. London: Gibbings & Co., 1898. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 53 Magnier, Desire. 666.3 P800 16731 .... Nouveau manuel complet du porcelainier, faiencier, potier de terre. Comprenant la fabrication des faiences, des gres cerames, des pipes, des fleures, des boutons en porcelaine, des diverses porcelaines tendres et dures et contenant les procedes pratiques de ces fabrications, ainsi que la description des machines et appa- reil usites dans les industries ceramiques. Ouvrage entierement refondu par H. Bertran. viii,544 p. 148 il. S. (Encyclopedie- Roret.) Paris: L. Mulo, 1898. Borrmann, Richard. L720.2 H19 v.i pt.4 35938 y)\q Keramik in der Baukunst. vi,i52p. 85 il. (/// Handbuch der Architektur. Erster Theil, vol. 4.) Stuttgart 1897. "Literatur, , ' , p. 151-152. Chaffers, William. L738 C34 15356 ^arks anc j monograms on European and oriental pottery and porcelain with historical notices of each manufactory and 3500 potters' marks and illustrations. A new (eighth) edition, . . . revised and edited by Frederick Litchfield. xix,978 p. il. Q. London: Reeves and Turner, 1897. "Works of reference," p. xiii-xix. Collamore & Co., Gilman, New York, N. Y. 738 C68 12964 China and pottery marks. 36, [2] p. il. sq. S. New York [1897]. No title-page. Title taken from cover. Lefevre, Leon. L691.4P700 11988 La ceramique du batiment. Briques, tuiles, tuyaux, terres cuites emaillees, carreaux ordinaires et incrustes, mosai'ques en gres faiences et gres architecturaux. Preface de M. J.-C. Formige. xiii, [23,496 p. 950 il. 5 pi. Q. Paris: Masson & C ie , 1897. Lefevre, Leon. L691.4P701 29821 Architectural pottery. Bricks, tiles, pipes, enamelled terra-cottas, ordinary and incrusted quarries, stoneware mosaics, faiences, and architectural stoneware. Preface by M. J.-C. Formige. Trans- lated from the French by K. H. Bird and W. Moore Binns. xv, 496 p. il. O. London: Scott, Greenwood & Co., 1900. "Bibliography, 1 ' p. 485-486. Martin, Fredrik Robert. L738 M36 Moderne Keramik von Centralasien. Tafeln nebst Text. [2], 9 p. 15 f. il. 15 pi. sq. F 4 , (Sammlung F. R. Martin.) Stock- holm: G. Chelius, 1897. 23628 54 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Monachesi, Mrs. Nicola di Rienzi. 73 8M 74 5207 A manual for china painters: being a practical and comprehen- sive treatise on the art of painting china and glass with mineral colors. xii,286 p. il. 5 pi. of samples. D. Boston: Lee & Shep- ard, 1897. Turner, William. L738 T85 20297 -p^g ceram j cs f Swansea and Nantgarw : a history of the factories. With biographical notices of the artists and others, notes on the merits of the porcelains, the marks thereon, etc. Also an ap- pendix on the Mannerisms of the artists. By Robert Drane. 9 il. 34 pi. sq.Q. London: Bemrose & Sons, 1897. "Bibliography," p. 333-340. Jervis, William Percival. 738 J48 7568 Rough notes on pottery. 112 p. il. O. Newark, N. J.: W. P. Jervis, c. 1896. Frackelton, Susan Stuart, [bom Goodrich] . L738 F84 7584 Tried by fire. A work on china-painting. Third edition, en- larged and revised. xii,i38 p. il 16 pi. 1 por. sq.Q. New- York- D. Appleton & Co., 1895. Henry, W. Ethelbert, & Ward, H. Snowden. 778.273 H39 Photo-ceramics. Photography applied to the decoration of plaques, pottery, and other ceramic and metallic surfaces. [4], 86 p. 21 il. D. London: Daw*barn & Ward, [1895]. South Kensington Museum. National Art Library. 017.42 S726 2142 Classed catalogue of printed books, Ceramics. xi,352,[l] p. O. (Department of Science and Art of the Committee of Council on Education.) London 1895. White, Gleeson, editor. 740- 2 w 5 8 11047 p,- acuca i designing. A handbook on the preparation of working drawings [Second edition.] viii,327 p. il. 4 pi. D. Lon- don: G. Bell & Sons, 1894. Contents: Milhu, A. Carpet designing. Silver, A. Woven fabrics. Rix, W. P. Pottery. Carter, O. Tiles. Rathhone, R. LI. B. Metal work. Image, S. Stained glass. White, G. Drawing for reproduction. Orrinsmith, H. Book-binding. Silver, A. Printed fabrics. — .Floorcloths. Haite, G. C. Wallpapers. Church, Arthur Herbert, & others. L704 C47 377 Some minor arts as practised in England. viii,82 p. il. 16 pi. F. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1894. Contents: Read, C H. English work in impressed horn. Fletcher, W. Y. English bookbindings. Church, A. II. Old English pottery. — . Old English fruil trenchers. Hartshorne, A. English effigies in wood. Gardner, J. S. English enamels. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 55 Barber, Edwin Atlee. L738 B23 4334 The pottery and porcelain of the United States : an historical re- view of American ceramic art from the earliest times to the present day. xvii,446 p. 222 il. 1 pi. Q. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1893. Gamier, Edouard. L738 G18 7623 Dictionnaire de la ceramique. Faiences — gres — poteries. lxiii, 258,[i] p. il. 20 pi. Q. (Bibliotheque internationale de 1'art. Guides du collectionneur.) Paris: Librairie de l'art, pref. 1893. Vogt, Georges. 738 V86 15575 La porcelaine. 304 p. il. O. (Bibliotheque de 1'enseignement des beaux-arts.) Paris: May & Motteroz, 1893. Boston. Museum of Fine Arts. 708.110 2 i73o3 c a t a i g ue { Greek, Etruscan and Roman vases. By Edward Robinson, Curator of Classical Antiquities. iv,[4],249 p. il. 9 pi. O. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1893. Berlin. Konigliches Museum fur Volkerkunde. A738 B45 7345 Peruanische Alterthiimer, insbesondere altperuanische Gefasse, Gefasse der Chibcha und der Tolima- und Cauca-Stamme, Gold- schmuck etc. Mit erlauterndem Text von Dr. Seler. xiii,[i] p. 63 pi. F 5 . (Kdnigliche Museen zu Berlin.) Berlin: E. Mertens & C ie , pref. 1893. In portfolio. Kissling, J. 738 K64 9275 Das Gesammtgebiet der Photokeramik, oder sammtliche photo- graphische Verfahren zur praktischen Darstellung keramischer Decorationen auf Porzellan, Fayence, Steingut und Glas. viii,88 p. 12 il. D. [Chemisch-technische Bibliothek, vol. 203.] Wien: A. Hartleben, 1893. Macklin, Herbert W. 739 M21 37789 Monumental brasses. By the Rev. Herbert W. Macklin, B.A Second edition. London, Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1891. 147 p. inch illus., 13 pi. I9i cm . Arts du feu. L738 A792 Les arts du feu (ceramique — verrerie — emaillerie). Notice par M. T. de Wyzewa, Deuxieme edition. 143 p. 223 il. Q. (Des- sins et modeles.) Paris: J. Rouam & C ie , [189-]. Published by La Gazette des beaux-arts. 16278 56 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Argnani, Federigo, 1*738 A692 7564 Lc ccramiche e maioliche faentine dalla loro origine fino al prin- cipio del secolo XVI. Appunti storici. Documcntati con . . . tavole di stoviglie antiche. ... . xii,83 p. 20 pL F. Faenza: G. Montanari, 1889. Dumont, Albert, & Chaplain, Jules. L738 D89 Lcs ceramiques de la Grece propre [Publiees par Edmond Pottier.] 2 vol. il. pi. sq. F\ Paris : F. Didot & c ie , 1 888-1 889. Vol. 2 incomplete. Schubert, Alfred. A739 S384 37787 Alte Kunstschmiedearbeiten aus dem XVI., XVII. und XVIII. Jahr- hundcrt. Thore, Gitter, Grab- und Treppengelander, Grabkreuze, Oberlichte, Bekronungen, Fiillungen, Bander, Schliisselschilder, Thlirklopfer, Gerathe etc. Nach den originalen Aufgenommen von A. Schubert, Architekt ... . 20 Tafeln. Berlin, C. Claesen & c k \ [1889]. 20 pi. (partly col.) 49 cm . Bouchot, Henri [Francois Xavier Marie], 1849- ,ed. A739 B66 37783 Cent modeles inedits de l'orfevrerie frangaise des XVII e & XVlll e siecles executes par les orfevres-sculpteurs royaux, Nicolas de Launay, J. -Jacques Roettiers, Thomas Germain, Frangois-Thomas- Germain et reproduits d'apres les dessins originaux de la Biblio- theque nationale. Preface et catalogue par Henri Bouchot .... Paris, E. Rouveyre, [1888]. [8] p. 60 pi. 45 cm . Holmes, William Henry. L572.051 1 10470 Origin and development of form and ornament in ceramic art. {In Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American Ethnol- ogy. Annual report, no. 4. p. 437-465, il. Washington 1886.) Jewitt, Llewellynn. L666.3 O300 The ceramic art of Great Britain. New edition, revised. xii,642 p. 1 8 16 il. Q. London: J. S. Virtue & Co., pref. 1883. Ris-Paquot, [Oscar Edmond]. L738 R49 Lc pcintre ceramiste amateur; 011, L'art d'imitcr les faiences anciennesde Rouen, Sinccny, Nevers, Moustiers, Marseille, Delft, l'ltalie, 1'Espagne, etc., etc. a l'usage des gens du mondc [2],xii,i95 p. 34 il. 36 pi. Q. Abbeville: chez Pauteur, 1883. S412 194H2 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 57 Bowes, James Lord. L655.0952 O200 1251 Japanese marks and seals. Part I. Pottery. Part II. Illuminated mss. and printed books. Part III. Lacquer, enamels, metal, wood, ivory, &c. ix,[4],379p. il. I pi. 1 map. Q. London: H. Soth- eran & Co., pref. 1882. McLaughlin, M. Louise. 738 M22 16H0 p ttery decoration under the glaze. 95 p. sq. D. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke & Co., 1880. Young, Jennie J. 73 8 Y8 The ceramic art. A compendium of the history and manufacture of pottery and porcelain. [2], 499 p. 464 il. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1879. Lecocq , Jules ,1816- L738 C49 Histoire des fabriques de faience et de poterie de la haute Picardie. Paris, R. Simon, 1877. [4], in, [2] p. illus., xx pi. (partly col.) 33-i cm . At head of title: Jules & Georges Lecocq. "Tirage 200 exemplaires sur papier de Hollande. 15 sur papier Whatman." Ris-Paquot, [Oscar Edmond] 18J5- 738 R491 Maniere, de restaurer soi-meme les faiences, porcelaines, cristaux, marbres, terres cuites, gres, biscuits, emaux, etc. suivie de la restauration des ouvrages en laque de Chine et du Japon et des procedes pour blanchir, teindre et ramollir l'ivoire . . . par Ris- Paquot . . . 2 e edition. Amiens, chez l'auteur; Paris, R. Simon, 1876. 122, [2] p. 9 col. pi. I9 cm . Lecocq, Jules. 738 L49 Etudes sur la ceramique picarde. Premiere partie. Une plaque en faience de Sinceny. 13 p. 1 pi. O. Paris: E. Rouveyre, 1874. Reprinted in 200 copies from the Vermandois. Plate mutilated. Waring, John Burley. L738 W23 657s Ceramic art in remote ages ; with essays on the symbols of the circle, the cross and circle, the circle and ray ornament, the fylfot, and the serpent, showing their relation to the primitive forms of solar and nature worship. [4] ,ii, 1 27 p. 55 pi. F 4 . London: J. B. Day, 1874. Contains a list of works quoted. 37492 19742 58 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Birch, Samuel. 73 8 B 53 19266 History of ancient pottery, Egyptian, Assyrian, Greek, Etruscan, and Roman. New and revised edition. xv,644 p. 209 il. 13 pi. 1 paged in. O. London: J. Murray, 1873. Davillier, [Jean] Charles baron, 1 823-1 883. 73 8 - 81 D28 37781 Les porcelaines de Sevres de M mc Du Barry d'apres les memoires de la Manufacture royale. Notes et documents inedits sur le prix des porcelaines de Sevres au XVIII e siecle, par le baron Ch. Da- villier. Paris, A. Aubry, 1870. [4], 75, [1] P- 22-. "Tire a petit nombre. Quelques exemplairessur velin, parchemin, Whatman et Chine." Piccolpassi, Cipriano, cavaliere. L666.3 Mioo 37792 Les troys libvres de l'art du potier. Esquels se traicte non seule- ment de la practique, mais briefvement de tous les secretz de ceste chouse qui iouxte mes huy a estee tousiours tenue celee du cavalier Cyprian Piccolpassi .... Translates del'italien en langue francoyse, par maistre Claudius Popelyn .... Paris, Librairie In- ternationale, 1 861. [ 4 ],xii, 86 [2] p. 41 pi. 36™. Thorns, Peter Perring. L738.93 T38 37833 j^ dissertation on the ancient Chinese vases of the Shang dynasty, from 1743 to 1496, B. C. Illustrated with forty -two Chinese wood engravings. By P. P. Thorns .... London, published by the author, 185 1. 63 p. illus. 25i cm . Brongniart, Alexandre. 666.3 L400 22825 Coloring and decoration of ceramic ware. With notes and addi- tions by Alphonse Salvetat. Translated from the French by Geo. J. M. Ashby. 207, [8] p. il. O. Chicago: Windsor & Kenfield Publishing Co., 1898. Ceramic monthly. L738.0051 2 ivoiu jj ie c cram j c monthly. Vol. 5-10, no. 4. Feb., iS97-Jan. 1900. il. pi. Q. [Chicago 1 898-1900.] Vol. 9-10, no. 3, are in O; vol. 10, no. 4 is in S. No title-page nor index. The whole edition of the December number for iSoN was burned and never reprinted. 16823 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 59 China decorator. L738.0051 1 The China decorator. A monthly journal devoted to this art. ... . Vol. 17-27, no. 6. Oct. 1895 -June, 1901. sq. F. New York [1896-1901]. No more published. Vol. 17-22 edited by Mrs. O. L. Braumiiller; vol. 25-27, by Adelaide Husted Long. Vol. 17-23, no. 5, subtitle reads: A monthly journal devoted exclusively to this art. No title-page nor index. Vol. 22, no. 3-6; vol. 24, no. 4-6; vol. 25, no. 1, never published. Crockery and glass journal. L666.051 3 13142 Crockery and glass journal. Continued from [vol. 46]. July, 1897. il. F 4 . New York 1897-. No title-page. Pottery gazette. L666.052 1 18723 The Pottery gazette. The organ of the china and glass trades. With supplements. Continued from vol. 23. 1898. sq. F. London 1898-. Keramische Monatshefte. L666.053 4 34498 Keramische Monatshefte. Illustrierte Monatsschrift fur Freunde und Forderer der Keramik With supplements. Contin- ued from vol. 1. 1901. il. Q. Halle a. S. [1901-]. Published as supplement to Deutsche Topfer- und Ziegler-Zeitung, vol. 32-, 1901-. Berling, Karl. L738.24B45 33264 j} as me j ssner Porzellan und seine Geschichte. xvii,2ii p. 219 il. 31 pi. 15 colored, sq. F 4 . Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1900. Cunynghame, Henry 1 Hardinge. 738.26 C911 89489 Q n ^.j ie theojy anc j practice of art-enamelling upon metals. Sec- ond edition. xxiv,i83,[l] p. il. 11 pi. paged in, 2 colored pi. D. Westminster: A. Constable & Co., 1901. Brown, William Norman. 738.26 B81 The art of enamelling on metal. 60 p. 28 il. D. London : Scott, Greenwood & Co., 1900. Cunynghame, Henry Hardinge. 738.26 C91 On the theory and practice of art-enamelling upon metals, xvi, 135 p. il. 12 pi. 1 por. D. Westminister: A. Constable & Co., 1899. 21377 60 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 11413 Miller, Fred. 704 M61 The training of a craftsman. Illustrated by many workers in the art crafts. x,249 p. 161 il. O. New York: Truslove & Comba, 1898. Contents: I. The craftsman and nature. 2. Design and craftsmanship. 3. Metal work. Repousse and fine metal-work. Wrought iron. 4. Jewellery. 5. Enamelling on metal. 6. Potters and painters. 7. Glass painters. 8. Wood carvers. 9. Book- binders. 10. W 7 omen workers in the art crafts. 11. Surface decoration. 12. Decora- tion in relief. 13. Wall-papers and textiles. 14. The craftsman up-to-date and his outlook. Meyer, Alfred. L738.26M57 10711 L'art de l'email de limoges, ancien et moderne. Traite pratique et scientifique. Deuxieme edition, revue, corrigee et augmentee. 152 p. il. 8 pi. O. Paris: H. Laurens, pref. 1895. Church, Arthur Herbert, & others. L704 C47 377 Some minor arts as practised in England. viii,82 p. il. 16 pi. F. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1894. Contents: Read, C. H. English work in impressed horn. Fletcher, W. V. English bookbindings. Church, A. H. Old English pottery. — . Old English fruit trenchers. Hartshorne, A. English effigies in wood. Gardner, J. S. English enamels. Ram Bux, son of Esur. L738.26R17 Jeypore enamels. [Edited] by Lieut.-Colonel S. S. Jacob, [with text by] Surgeon-Major T. H. Hendley. With . . . illustrations ... by W.Griggs. 16 p. 28 pi. sq.F 4 . London : W. Griggs, 1886. Musee du Louvre. 708.465 1 20939 N j-j ce des emaux et de l'orfevrerie par Alfred Darcel. [2],xxiii, 601 p. D. (Departement de la sculpture et des objets d'art du moyen age, de la renaissance et des temps modernes. Serie D.) Paris 1883. Popelin, Claudius. L738.26P811 36476 L' art d e l'e* m ail. Le?on faite a l'Union centrale des beaux-arts le six mars 1868. [2], 52 p. il. Q. Paris: A. Dupuis, [1868]. Popelin, Claudius. 738.26 P81 201,8 L'email des peintres. [4],2o8 p. il. O. Paris: A. Levy, 1866. Dussieux, Louis [Etienne]. 738.26 D94 25774 Recherches stir l'histoirc de la peinture stir l'email dans les temps anciens et modernes, et specialement en France [2], 171 p. O. Paris: Lclcux, 1841. Deck, Theodore. 738.28 D35 19610 La faience. 300 p. il. O. (Hibliotheque de I'enseignement des beaux-arts.) Paris: Maison Quantin, 1887. "Bibliographic de la faience," p. 287-29S. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 6 1 Ris-Paquot, [Oscar Edmond], 1835- 73 8 - 28 R 49 37788 Documents inedits sur les faiences charentaises d'Angoul£me, — l'Houmeau, Garde-Epee, Saint-Eutrope-de-Montmoreau et Co- gnac, suivis de quelques notes sur les faienceries de la Charente- Inferieure. 15 sujets en couleur retouches a la main, par Ris- Paquot .... Paris, R. Simon; Amiens, chez l'auteur, 1878. [2], iii, 92 p. ia£ cm . Wignier, Charles. L738.28 W63 37790 Monographic de la manufacture de faiences de Vron, arrondisse- ment d'Abbeville, departement de la Somme, par Ch. Wignier. Lue a la Societe d'emulation d'Abbeville dans la seance du i er juin 1876. Ornee de vingt-cinq sujets mis en couleur et retou- ches a la main par Ris-Paquot. Abbeville, Prevost et Berger; Paris, R. Simon, 1876. 29, [2] p. 8 col. pi. 25i cm . Beckwith, Arthur. 738.54 B38 1255 Majolica and fayence : Italian, Sicilian, Majorcan, Hispano- Moresque and Persian. 185 p. 51 il. O. New York: D.Apple- ton & Co., 1877. Haillet de Couronne, [Jean Baptiste Guillaume], 738.28 H12 26274 compiler. Documents sur les fabriques de faience de Rouen. Recueillis par Haillet de Couronne et publies par Leopold Delisle. [4],ix,77, [2] p. O. Valognes 1865. Davillier, Jean Charles, Baron. 738.28 D281 26396 Histoire des faiences et porcelaines de Moustiers, Marseille et autres fabriques meridionales. [2], 140 p. O. Paris: S. Castel, 1863. Davillier, Jean Charles Baron. 738.28 D28 25864 Histoire des faiences hispano-moresques a reflets metalliques. [2], 52 p. O. Paris: V. Didron, 1861. Wallis, Henry, 1830- 738.54 W15 The art of the precursors ; a study in the history of early Italian maiolica, with illustrations by Henry Wallis. London, B. Qua- ritch, 1 90 1. x, [2], [xi]-xxii, 99 p. incl., 75 p. of col. illus. (94 fig.) I7x22^ cm . "Edition of two hundred and twenty-five copies, printed on O. W. paper by Taylor and Francis." No. 46. 37660 62 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Malagola, Carlo. 738-54 M29 86130 M cmor j e storichc sulle maiolichc di Facnza. xi,544 p. il. U. Bologna: G. Romagnoli, 1880. Fortnum, Charles Drury Edward. 738.54 F 77 106 Maiolica. vii,i92 p. 82 il. O. [South Kensington Museum. Art handbooks.] London: Chapman & Hall, pref. 1875. Campori, Giuseppe. 738.54 C15 86407 N ti z j e storiche e artistiche della maiolica e della porcellana di Ferrara nei secoli XV e XVI. Con una appendice di memorie e di documenti relativi ad altre manifatture di maiolica dell'Italia superiore e media. 150, [2] p. D. Modena 1871. Only 206 copies printed. Passeri, Giovanni Battista. 738.54 P26 86397 Istoria delle pitture in majolica, fatte in Pesaro e ne' luoghi cir- convicini descritta. Seconda edizione, con aggiunte importan- tissime. xx,2i5 p. il. 3 pi. O. Pesaro: A. Nobili, 1857. Pungileoni, L. Notizie delle pitture in majolica, fatte in Urbino, p. 100-120. Ran- ghiasci Brancaleoni, [F.], Marchese. Di Mastro Giorgio da Gubbio e di alcuni suoi lavori in maiolica p. 121-155. Fratti, L. Lavori di Mastro Giorgio di Gubbio che trovansi nell' insigne raccolta di majoliche dipinte delle fabbriche di Pesaro e della pro- vincia Metaurense ... , p. 156-160. Delange, H. Appendice, p. 161-191. Monta- nari, G. I. Intorno ad alcune majoliche dipinte ... , p. 193-205. Mazza, D. Catalogo delle antiche stoviglie dipinte dall' Ospizio de' cronici ed invalidi di Pesaro come erede universale del fu signor Cavaliere Domenico Mazza, p. 206-211. Palissy, Bernard. 504 P17 18I60 L es ceuvres de Maistre Bernard Palissy. Nouvelle edition revue sur les textes originaux par B. Fillon, avec une notice historique, bibliographique et iconologique par Louis Audiat. 2 vol. il. O. Niort: L. Clouzot, 1888. Contents: Vol. I. Palissy, sa vie, ses ceuvres. Bibliographic raisonne des ceuvres de Bernard Palissy. Iconographie de Palissy. Devis d'une grotto pour la Royne Mire. Recepte veritable par laquelle tous les homines de la France pourront apprendre a mul- tiplier et augmenter leurs thresors. Vol. 2. Discours admirables de la nature des eaux et fontaines tant naturelles qu'artificielles, des metaux, des sels et salines, des pierres, de" terres, du feu et des &naux. Tainturier, A. 73 8 -65 T13 18976 l cs Torres emaillccs de Bernard Palissy, inventcur des rustiques figulines. Etude sur les travaux du maitre et de ses continua- teurs, suivic du catalogue de leur ceuvre. 136, [2] p. 3 pi. 1 por. O. Paris: V. Didron, 1863. "Index bibliographique," p. 6-8. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 63 Morley, Henry. 738-65 M82 3132 p a li SS y the potter. The life of Bernard Palissy, of Saintes, his labors and discoveries in art and science, with an outline of his philosophical doctrines, and a translation of illustrative selections from his works. 2 vol. D. Boston : Ticknor, Reed, & Fields, 1853. Palissy, Bernard. L504 P171 13687 Q? uvres d e Bernard Palissy, revues sur les exemplaires de la Bibliotheque du roi, avec des notes par MM. Faujas de Saint Fond, et Gobet. lxxvi,734 p. sq.Q. Paris: Ruault, 1777. "Extraits des principaux auteurs qui ont parle de Palissy," p. xxxi-lxvi. This copy belonged to Nicolas Gobet, one of the editors, who has made in it numer- ous ms. notes, corrections and additions for a new edition. Lehnert, Georg. L738.70 L52 33776 Das Porzellan. [2], 152 p. il. 11 colored pi. Q. [Sammlung illustrierter Monographien, no. 6.] Bielefeld : Velhagen & Kla- sing, 1902. Monkhouse, [William] Cosmo, 1 840-1901. L666.5 Q101 37644 j^ history and description of Chinese porcelain, by Cosmo Monk- house ; with notes by S. VV. Bushell, C.M.G., containing twenty- four plates in colours and numerous illustrations. London [etc.] New York & Melbourne, Cassell and Co., ltd., 1901. xii, 176 p. facsim., xxiv col. pi. (incl. front.) 54 fig. on 48 pi. 25 cm . "This edition is limited to 1,000 copies, of which this is no. 725." The col. pi. are accompanied by descriptive letter press on separate leaves. "Glossary," p. 159-161. "Bibliography," p. 1 61-163. Du Chatellier, Paul. L571.55 P700 9425 La poterie aux epoques prehistorique et gauloise en Armorique. [2], 60 p. il. 17 pi. sq.F. Rennes : J. Plihon & L. Herve, 1897. Sparkes, John C. L., &• Gandy, Walter. 666.3 Pi 6254 Potters: their arts and crafts. 260 p. il. 3 pi. D. London: S. W. Partridge & Co., [189-]. Solon, L. M. 738.70 S689 1057 The art of the old English potter. xxiv,269 p. 52 il. 3 pi. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1886. Davillier, [Jean Charles] , Baron. L738.70 D28 Les origines de la porcelaine en Europe. Les fabriques italiennes du XV e au XVll e siecle avec une etude speciale sur les porcelaines des Medicis. D'apres des documents inedits. [2], 140 p. il. sq.F. (Bibliotheque internationale de l'art.) Paris: Librairie de l'art, 1882. 18942 64 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Old, William Watkins. 738.70 O44 268,3 Indo-European porcelain: an essay, with descriptive catalogue. iv,32 p. O. Hereford 1882. Hodgkin, John Eliot, & Hodgkin, Edith. L738.70 H66 6579 Examples of early English pottery, named, dated, and inscribed. xix,i87 p. 685 il. 1 pi. sq.F. London 1881. Nichols, George Ward. 738.70 N51 10=9 p tt er y t how it is made, its shape and decoration With a full bibliography of standard works .... 8,142 p. 36 il. 6 pi. D. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1879. Prime, William Cowper. 738.70 P93 1367 Pottery and porcelain of all times and nations. With tables of factory and artists' marks for the use of collectors. 531 p. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1878. Foresi, Alessandro. L738.70 F76 26645 Sulle porcellane Medicee. Lettera al Rarone di Monville e poche parole riguardanti gli scultori Conte di Nieuvverkerke e Giovanni Bastianini. 30 p. il. O. Firenze 1869. Meteyard, Eliza. 738.96 M561 1586 "p^g ij| e Q f j os j a h Wedgwood from his private correspondence and family papers .... With an introductory sketch of the art of pot- tery in England. 2 vol. il. pi. por. O. London : Hurst & Black- ett, 1 865-1 866. Gamier, Edouard. A738.81 G18 18216 -j^g SQ f t p r CC l a i n G f Sevres. With an historical introduction by Edouard Gamier. [Translated into English by H. F. Andresen.] [2], 32 p. il. 50 pi. F 5 . London: J. C. Nimmo, 1892. Gamier, Edouard. L738.81 G181 Une page d'histoirc. La manufacture de Sevres en l'an VIII. [2], 19 p. sq.Q. Paris: H. Champion, 1888. Reprinted from the Gazette des Beaux-arts. Sevres. Manufacture nationale de porcelaine. 666 < Oooi Lruidc du visitcur a la Manufacture nationale de porcelaine de Sevres. 100, [2 J p. il. D. Paris 1880. Brongniart, Alexandre, & Riocreux, D. L738.81 B7S Description me*thodique du Musee ceramique de la manufacture royale de porcelaine de Sevres. [2] ,xv,[ . ], 4S 6 V . atlas of So pi. sq.F 4 . Paris: A. Lelcux, 1845. 2670 1886-i BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 65 Forrer, Robert. L666.7 Q101 37627 Geschichte der europaischen Fliesen-Keramik vom Mittelalter bis zum Jahre 1900, von Dr. R. Forrer. Mit 107 Tafeln (700 Ab- bildungen) in Licht- und Farbendruck, nebst 200 Abbildungen im Text. Strassburg i. Els., Schlesier und Schweikhardt, 1901. 93, [1] p. illus., cvii pi. (partly col.) 32^'". "Bibliographic tier europaischen Fliesenkeramik," p. [85]-87- Low, J. G. & J. F., Chelsea, Mass. L738.87 L95 16,90 Illustrated catalogue of art tiles made by J. G. & J. F. Low, Chelsea, Mass [8] p. 30 pi. sq. F\ [Chelsea] c. 1884. Huddilston, John Homer. 738-93 H86 37623 Lessons from Greek pottery, to which is added a bibliography of Greek ceramics, by John Homer Huddilston . . . PH.D. . . . New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1902. xiv, [2], 144 p. front., 17 pi. (partly fold.) 20 cm . "Bibliography," p. 103-140. British Museum. Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities, 072.12 4 •2849 Sy n0 p S i s f t ne contents of the British Museum. Department of Greek and Roman antiquities: first vase room. 32 p. il. D. London 1866. Compiled by C. T. Newton. Westropp, Hodder Michael. L738.93W52 344 Epochs of painted vases ; an introduction to their study. [4], 24 p. 9 pi. O. London: Walton & Maberly, 1856. Meteyard, Eliza. 738.96 M56 The Wedgwood handbook. A manual for collectors. Treating of the marks, monograms, and other tests of the old period of manufacture. Also including the catalogues with prices obtained at various sales, together with a glossary of terms. xi,427 p. il. D. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1875. Meteyard, Eliza. 738-96 M562 20120 j^ group of Englishmen, (1795 to 181 5). Being records of the younger Wedgwoods and their friends, embracing the history of the discovery of photography and a facsimile of the first photo- graph. xxii,4i6 p. 2 pi. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1871. Meteyard, Eliza. 738.96 M561 The life of Josiah Wedgwood from his private correspondence and family papers .... With an introductory sketch of the art of pot- tery in England. 2 vol. il. pi. por. O. London: Hurst & Black- ett, 1 865-1 866. 1586 66 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 19454 Binns, Richard William. 738-98 B51 Worcester china. A record of the work of forty-five years, 1 852-1 897. Edited by Charles F. Binns. xvii,i40 p. 35 pi. O. London: B. Ouaritch, 1897. 739 ARTISTIC METAL WORK. Wilson, H. 739 W69 37688 Silverwork anc j jewelry ; a text-book for students and workers in metal, by H. Wilson. With diagrams by the author and other illustrations. New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1903. 346 p. incl. front., illus., pi., diagr. ia-J cm . {Half-title: The artistic crafts series of technical handbooks, [no. n]) Hara, Shinkichi. L739 H21 37200 Y) ie M e j s t er d er japanischen Schwertzierathen. Ueberblick ihrer Geschichte, Verzeichniss der Meister mit Daten ueber ihr Leben und mit ihren Namen in der Urschrift, von Shinkichi Hara. Ein- geleitct von Justus Brinckmann. Beiheft zum Jahrbuch der ham- burgischen wissenschaftlichen Anstalten XX. Hamburg, Reichs- druckerei zu Berlin, 1902. xliii, [1], 232, [2] p. illus. 27'"'. Holme, Charles, 1848- , ed. 1^739 H73 37635 ]y[ oc } ern design in jewellery and fans. Edited by Charles Holme. London, Paris, New York, Offices of The Studio, 1902. [44] p. 112 p. of pi., 17 col. pi. 29.^'"'. Various paging. Special winter number of The Studio, London, 1901-02. Ehlerding, W. L739 E33 Der Kunstschmied. Vorlagen fur Schlosser- und Schmiede-Ar- beiten. 40 pi. F. Ravensburg: O. Maier, [1901]. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Headlam, Cecil, 1872- 740.9294 H34 37658 p cter Vischer; by Cecil Headlam, B.A. ... London, G. Bell and Sons, 190 1 . xi, [i], 143, [1] p. front, (port.) illus. 10A"". (Half-tilh : Handbooks oi the great craftsmen') "Bibliography," p. xi. "Catalogue of the chief works b) or attributed to Hermann Vischer, his son I Vischer and Peter Vischer's ons, Hermann, Peter, and Johann known as Hans dei Giesser," p. 133-139. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 67 Meusnier, Georges. L739 M57 31660 La joaillerie francaise en 1900. Recueil de 168 pieces xii p. 32 pi. F 4 . (Bibliotheque des peintres et des decorateurs.) Paris: H. Laurens, 1901. "Tirage a 500 exemplaires numerates. Exemplaire no. 474." Montesquiou, Robert comte de. L 739 M 7 6 3716ft . Pays des aromates. Commentaire descriptif d'une collection d'objets relatifs aux parfums suivi d'une nomenclature des pieces qui la composent ainsi que du catalogue d'une bibliotheque at- tenante et orne d'un portrait. Paris. H. Floury, 1900. 120, [6] p. illus., 11 pi. 1 facsim. 30-^x24'" . At head of title: Comte Robert de Montesquiou. "II a ete tire de ce livre cent cinquante exemplaires numerotes, dont cinquante seule- ment ont ete mis dans le commerce. Les vingt premiers exemplaires sont imprimes sur papier du Japon. No. 148.'' "Catalogue des livres," p. 1 10-120. Grimes Gewolbe zu Dresden, Konigliches. 740.7324 G92 20881 Das Konidiche grime Gewolbe zu Dresden. Eine Auswahl der wichtigsten Nummern in der Reihenfolge der Standorte, zusam- mengestellt nach der Umordnung der Sammlung von 1892 vom Director derselben Dr. jur. Julius Erbstein. Dritte Auflage. [2] , 59, [1] p. 1 il. 1 pi. sq. D. Dresden 1899. Miller, Fred. 704 M61 114,3 The training of a craftsman. Illustrated by many workers in the art crafts. x,249 p. J 6i il. O. New York: Truslovc & Comba, 1898. Contents: i. The craftsman and nature. 2. Design and craftsmanship. 3. Metal work. Repousse and fine metal-work. Wrought iron. 4. Jewellery. 5. Enamelling on metal. 6. Potters and painters. 7. Glass painters. 8. Wood carvers. 9. Book- binders. 10. Women workers in the art crafts. II. Surface decoration. 12. Decora- tion in relief. 13. Wall-papers and textiles. 14. The craftsman up-to-date and his outlook. Brosamer, Hans. 739 B79 6 - 76 Hans Brosamer : Ein new Kunst-Biichlein. A book of ornamen- tal designs for goldsmiths. Reproduced in facsimile from the original edition (undated, but produced probably at Frankfurt about 1548) with the addition of two unique supplementary de- signs. v i<[ 2 ]-[4 1 ] P- of facsim. sq.O. London 1897. Feller, Josef, & Bogus, P. A694.8 P700 Ub9: Eiserne Treppen. Schmiedeeiserne Treppenkonstruktionen mit Beschreibung, Eisenangaben, Gewichts- und Preisberechnungen. Unpaged. 43 pi. in portfolio. F\ Ravensburg: O. Maier, [1897]- No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. 68 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Metzger, Max. 672 P701 iis98 t cx j- zu Konstruktionsarbeiten dcs Kunst- und Bauschlossers. Eine Sammlung von Original-Entwiirfen meist praktisch ausge- fuhrterciserncr Treppen, Vordiicher, Veranden, Pavilions, Briicken, Gewachshauser, Schaukasten, Thore, Fcnster etc. Mit genauen Gewichtsberechnungcn. 67 p. O. Atlas of 16 1 pi. F 5 . Du'ssel- dorf, F. Wolfrum, prof. 1897. Atlas has shelf number A672 P701. Feller, Josef, & Bogus, [P]., editors. A739 F33 16O69 M oc jernc Kunstschmiede-Arbeiten. Eine Sammlung ausgefiihrter praktischer Arbeiten aus dem Gebicte der Kunstschlosserei mit Preisberechnungen, Gewichtsangaben und tcchnischen Erlauterun- gen 40 pi. F 5 . Ravensburg: O. Maier, [1896]. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Hofmann, W. N. A739 H67 37241 Das Ornament in der Kunstschlosserei und den verwandten Ge- werben. Vorlagen flir Fach- und Zeichenschulen und den prak- tischen Gebrauch fiir Schlosser und andere Kunstgewerbetrei- bende. Entworfen und gezeichnet von VV. N. Hofmann ... 25 Tafeln in Lichtdruck und Photolithographie . . . nebst einem Vor- worte. Wien, M. Jaffe [1 895-1 896] 1.-2. Folge. 50 plates. 34x5i cm . No more published. Mullins, W. H., Salem, 0. A739 M91 io4o2 ^ rt mcta ] r oofing. Cornices. Architectural sheet metal work and statuary. 172 p. il. 1 pi. ob.Q. [Salem] c. 1896. Roeper, Adalbert. A739 R62 11977 Deutsche Schmiedearbeiten aus fiinf Jahrhunderten. Ausgewahlt und hcrausgegeben von Adalbert Roeper. Mit einem Vorwort versehen von Hans Bosch. [f>] p. 50 pi. F 8 . .Miinehen: J. Albert, [1896]. Vienna. K. k. Handels-Museum. A739 V67 ' 8219 Sammlung von Abbildungcn tiirkischer, arabischer, persischer, centralasiatischcr und indischer Mctallobjectc. Mit einleitenden Bemerkungen herausgegeben vom K. k. osterreichischen Handels- Museum. [2], 5, [3] p. 50 pi. F 5 . Wien 1895. Leland, Charles Godfrey. 739 L53 3386 Elementary metal work: a practical manual for amateurs and for ust; in schools, xvi.iu p. 1 pi. sq. O. New York: Mac- millan >!v Co., 1 894. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 69 White, Gleeson, editor. 740-2 W58 11017 p ractica i designing. A handbook on the preparation of working drawings [Second edition.] viii,327 p. il. 4 pi. D. Lon- don: G. Bell & Sons, 1894. Contents: Millar, A. Carpet designing. Silver, A. Woven fabrics. Rix, \V. P. Pottery. Carter, O. Tiles. Rathbone, R. LI. B. Metal work. Image, S. Stained glass. White, G. Drawing for reproduction. Orrinsmith, IL Book-binding. Silver, A. Printed fabrics. — . Floorcloths. Haite, G. C. Wall papers. Saunier, Charles. L740.9224 S257 199-3 Augustin Dupre : orfevre, medailleur et graveur general des mon- naies. Preface de M. O. Roty. xiv-,120 p. il. 10 pi. 5 paged in, 1 por. O. Paris: Societe de propagation des livres d'art, 1894. With author's autograph. Susse, Albert. L070.160 F842 v. 23 26428 Bronzes d'art et d'ameublement. — Bronzes d'eclairage. Rapport de M. Albert Susse, fabricant et editeur de bronzes, Commissaire rapporteur. [2],9o,[2] p. \In France. Commissariat gene- ral A L'EXPOSITION INTERNATIONALE DE CHICAGO. Rapports. Comite 23. Paris 1894.] Vever, Henri. L070.160F842 v.24 26429 Rapports de MM. Henri Vever et Andre Bouilhet, Commissaires rapporteurs. [4] ,205 ,[4] p. il. 7 pi. paged in. [/// FRANCE. Commissariat general a l'Exposition Internationale de CHICAGO. Rapports. Comite 24. Paris 1894.] Contents: Vever, II . Bijouterie. — . Joaillerie. Bouilhet, A. Orfevrerie. Lethaby, William Richard. 671.49 P300 3334 Leadwork, old and ornamental and for the most part English, viii, 148 p. j6 il. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1893. Meyer, Franz Sales. 682 P301 !602i ^ handbook of art smithing. For the use of practical smiths, designers of ironwork, technical and art schools, architects, etc. Translated from the second and enlarged German edition. With an introduction to the English edition by J. Starkie Gardner, viii, 207 p. 214 il. O. London: B. T. Batsford, 1896. Bigelow Wire Works, Cheney, Springfield, Mass. 739 B48 Moo? (3^^^ Bigelow Wire Works. Guard and metal work depart- ment. 124 p. il. ob.O. Hartford, Connecticut, [1893?]. No title-page. Title taken from cover. JO THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Allemagne, Henry Rene d\ L628.9 Pioo 27672 {-[jstojt-c du luminaire depuis lepoque romainc jusqu'au xi.V siecle. Ouvrage contenant 80 planches hors textc imprimees en deux teintes. Illustrations de M. Kmile Solvet avec le concours de MM. Bcrteault et Vaucanu. [4],vi,702 p. il. 80 pi. sq.F. Paris: A. Picard, 1891. Bischoff, E. A739B54 7028 ... Schmiedeisen, entworfen und autographiert von E. Bischoff. 12 pi. F\ Karlsruhe: J. Veith, [ 1 891 ] . Falize, Lucien. L070. 14067 F18 18989 Orfevrerie. Rapport de M. L. Falize. 230 p. i pi. 5 tables. O. (France. Ministere du commerce, de l'industrie et des colonies. Exposition universelle Internationale, 1889. Rapports du jury international. Classe 24.) Paris 1891. Lasteyrie [du Saillant], Robert [Charles] L739 L332 37513 comte de, 1S49- .... Notice sur un plat de bronze grave decouvcrt a Rome .... Rome, imprimerie de la paix, P. Cuggiani, 1891. 17 p. 1 pi. 25i c,n . At head of title: R. de Lasteyrie. "Extrait des Melanges d'archeologie et d'histoire, publies par I'Ecole francaise de Rome, I. XI." Macklin, Herbert W. 739 M21 :,77^0 Monumental brasses. By the Rev. Herbert W. Macklin, B.A Second edition. London, Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1891. 147 p. incl. illus., 13 pi. ioi cm . Prost, Bernard. 739 p^ 4 Presents d'orfevrerie offerts aux rois et reines de France et aux souverains etrangers a l'occasion de leur entree a Paris. (1424- l S 6 3-) 9-[i] p- O. Nogent-le-Rotrou [1891]. Reprinted from the Bulletin de la Societ'e de Niistoire de /', vol. 18, 1891. Xd title-page. Helene, Maxime, pseud. 739 H36 8,081 Le bronze. [2],286,[2] p. il. I4pl. paged in. 1). (Bibliotheque des mervcilles.) Paris: Hachette & c io , 1890. Maxime Ilelene is pseudonym of Maxime de Vuillaume. Arts du m^tal. L 739 A?92 Les arts du metal. (Orfevrerie — bijouterie — ferronnerie — bronze.) Notice par M. Kmile Molinier. 144 p. 200 il. ( ). (Dessins et modeles.) Paris: J. Rouam, [ [89- Published by La Gazette des beaux-arts. 20 SO 4 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. /I Armand-Calliat, 739 A727 19666 L'orfevrerie. Discours de reception a l'Academie des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Lyon, prononce en seance publique le 19 juin 1888. 37 p. O. Lyon 1888. Marfels'sche Uhren-Sammlung. A681 O801 19889 j}j e M ar f e i s ' sc he Uhren-Sammlung umfassend interessante Tasch- en-Uhren seit Erfindung derselben in ... Lichtdruck-Tafeln nebst erlauterndem Text. [4] p. 31 col. [16 p.] 48 pi. ob. Q. Frank- furt am Main: Klihl & Co., pref. 1888. Text by R. Stiickel. Molinier, Emile. L739 M731 26338 L' or feV rer j e limousine a l'Exposition de Tulle en 1887. 73 p. il. 9 pi. Q. Paris: A. Picard, 1887. Reprinted from the Bulletin de la Societe scientifique, historique et archcologique de la Correze, vol. 9. Molinier, Emile. L739M73 18820 j^ es bronzes de la renaissance. Les plaquettes. Catalogue raisonne. Precede d'une introduction. 2 vol. il. pi. Q. (Bib- liotheque internationale de l'art.) Paris: J. Rouam, 1886. Campin, Francis. 684.1 Mioo The practice of hand-turning in wood, ivory, shell, &c. With in- structions for turning such works in metal as may be required in the practice of turning in wood, ivory, etc. Also, an appendix on ornamental turning. A book for beginners. Third edition. vii,304 p. 99 il. D. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1883. MusSe du Louvre. 708.465 1 20939 N tj ce dgg emaux et de l'orfevrerie par Alfred Darcel. [2],xxiii, 601 p. D. (Departement de la sculpture et des objets d'art du moyen age, de la renaissance et des temps modernes. Serie D.) Paris 1883. Bapst, Germain. L740.7465 B221 37512 Le musee retrospectif du metal a l'exposition de l'Union centrale des beaux-arts — 1880 — Par Germain Bapst . . . Paris, impri- merie de A. Ouantin, 1881. [4], iv, 104, [2] p. 11 pi. (partly fold.) 27 cu '. "Extrait de la Revue des arts decoratifs." Ducat, Alfred. 739 D85 25859 L'aiguiere d'argent du ciseleur Francois Briot de Montbeliard. 16 p. 1 pi. O. Besancon 1881. 72 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Giraud, Jean Baptiste. A739 G44 * 8426 Lcs arts du metal. Rccucil descriptif ct raisonne des principaux objets ayant figure a 1' exposition dc 1880 de l'Union centrale des beaux-arts. [2], 59, [4] p. 39 il. 50 pi. F\ Paris: A. Ouantin, 1 881. Laurent-Daragon, Ch. 673 Oioo 37481 Le bronze d'art. Etude historique et pratique de la fonte antique retablie par la fonte d'un seul jet et du caractere de la fonte ordinaire dans la seconde moitie du XIX e siecle suivie de recherches metallurgiqucs inedites sur la nature du bronze, ses alliages, et les diverses manieres de la traiter dans ses applications artistiques et industrielles, par Ch. Laurent-Daragon . . . Paris, Le Bailly [1881] 68 p. 22 cm . ( On cover: Bibliotheque artistique) MSnard, Rene\ A739M52 - 16 ' Histoirc artistique du metal [2], 204 p. 224 il. 13 pi. sq.F 4 . Paris: J. Rouam, 1881. Pattern book. L739 P27 noes p a ttern book for jewellers, gold- and silversmiths. [4] p. 202 pi. F 4 . London: A. Fischer, [188- ?]. Davillier, [Jean] Charles, Baron. L739 D28 186I8 R ec herches sur l'orfevrerie en Espagne au moyen age et a la renaissance. Documents inedits tires des archives espagnoles. [2],vi,286 p. 34 il. 19 pi. F. Paris: A. Ouantin, 1879. Ebbetts, E. J. A739 E15 10526 E xam pi cs f decorative wrought ironwork of the 1 7th and iSth centuries [6] p. 15 pi. F 6 . London : B. T. Batsford, 1879. Guiffrey, Jules Joseph, editor. 1^739 G94 25537 Les orfevres de Paris en 1700. Proces verbaux de visites et declarations faites en execution de l'edit du mois dc mars 1700. 30 p. O. Paris: Detaillc, 1879. Reprinted from the Bulletin de /' Union centrale des beaux-arts appliques ' Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Architektur, no. 9.) Darmstadt 1896. Crane, Walter. 704 C85 9610 The claims of decorative art. vi,[2],i9i p. il. sq.O. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, & Co., 1892. Contents: The claims of decorative art. The architecture of art. Figurative art. Sculpture: from a decorator's point of view. Painting at the present day: from a deco- rator's point of view. On the structure and evolution of decorative pattern. Art and labour. Art and handicraft. The prospects of art under socialism. On the teaching of art. Design in relation to use and material. The importance of the applied arts, and their relation to common life. Art and commercialism. Art and social democracy. Imitation and expression in art. Art and industry. Habert-Dys, . A740.4H11 18221 Fantaisies decoratives. 48 pi. F 5 . Paris : J. Rouam, 1 886-1 887. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. 82 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Lectures. 704 L49 37143 Lectures on art delivered in support of the Society for the Pro- tection of Ancient Buildings, by Reginald Stuart Poole, Prof. W. B. Richmond, E. J. Poynter, R.A., J. T. Micklethwaite, Wil- liam Morris. London, Macmillan and Co., 1882. x, 232 p. ioi cm . Contents. — i. Poole, R. S. The Egyptian tomb and the future state. — 2. Rich- mond, W. R. Monumental painting. — 3. Poynter, E. J. Some remarks on ancient decorative art. — 4. Micklethwaite, J. T. English parish churches. — 5. Morris, \V. The history of pattern designing. — 6. Morris, W. The lesser arts of life. Smith, Walter. L740.4 S663 11773 Examples of household taste. x,52i p. il. I pi. Q. New York : R. Worthington, [1880], c. 1875. With half title page: The industrial art of the International Exhibition [1S76]. Rambert, Ch. L740.4 R14 L'art dans l'industrie moderne. Dessins, caiques et croquis. [Avant-propos par Eugene M. O. Dognee.] iv p. 50 pi. sq. F. Liege: C. Claesen, pref. 1869. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Art amateur. L740.51 1 The Art amateur. Continued from vol. 35. June, 1896. il. pi. colored pi. F 4 . New York [1897-]. Edited by Montague Marks. Vo1 - 3S~3 6 hav e subtitle: A monthly journal devoted to the cultivation of art in the household; vol. 37-44, Devoted to art in the household; vol. 45-, subtitle appears only on the cover. Vol. 35-42 are in nar.F 5 . Vol. 37- have no title-page. Art interchange. L740.51 2 The Art interchange monthly magazine. With supplements. Continued from vol. 38. 1S97. sq. F 4 . New York [1897-J. Vol. 38-39 have no title-page. Art year book. L705.1 4 Art year book American art. Prepared and published by the New England Institute. No. [2]. 1884. sq. F. New York 1884. Craftsman. 740.51 3 The Craftsman. Continued from vol. 1. Oct. 1901. il. pi. O. [Eastwood, New York], c. 1901-. House beautiful. 640.51 5 The House beautiful. Continued from vol. 11, no. 4. March, 1902. il. pi. colored pi. O. Chicago 1902-. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 83 Art journal. L705.2 2 20923 '■pkg ^ rt journals New series. Continued from 1899. H- pi- F 4 . London 1899-. Studio. L705.2 3 22441 The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. With supplements. Continued from vol. 1. [April, 1893]. il. pi. colored pi. F. London 1893-. Index to vol. I-21, 1893-1901, published separately. Vol. 1— 1 5 are in Q. Studio. L705.2 3 v.o 34912 General index to the first twenty-one volumes of "The Studio". 1893-1901. 135 p. F. London [1902]. Dekorative Vorbilder. L740.53 1 7215 Dekorative Vorbilder. Eine Sammlung von figiirlichen Darstel- lungen, kunstgewerblichen Verzierungen, plastischenOrnamenten, . . . , heraldischen Motiven, Trophaen etc Continued from vol. 1. 1890. pi. F 4 . Stuttgart 1890-. With variations in the subtitle. Deutsche Kunst. L740.53 3 20068 T3 eu t S che Kunst und Dekoration. Illustrirte Monatshefte zur Fdrderung deutscher Kunst und Formensprache in neuzeitlich Auffassung aus Deutschland, Schweiz, den Deutsch sprechenden Kronlandern Osterreich-Ungarns, den Niederlanden und skan- dinavischen Landern. Continued from vol. 1. Oct. 1897. Q. Darmstadt [1898-]. Edited by Alexander Koch. Kunstgewerbeblatt. L740.53 2 1566^ Kunstgewerbeblatt Continued from New series, vol. 9. [1897-98.] il. pi. F. Leipzig 1898-. Published as supplement to Zeitschrift fur bildende Kunst. Edited by Karl Hoffacker. Art dans la vie contemporaine. L7054 3 i1313 L'art dans la vie contemporaine. Revue des arts decoratifs. Continued from vol 19. 1899. il. pi. F. Paris [1899-]. Edited by Victor Champier. Organ of the Union centrale des arts decoratifs. Also called New series, [Vol. I—]. 84 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Ornementation usuelle. L740.54 1 20914 Ornementation usuelle de toutes les epoques dans les arts indus- trials et en architecture. [Vol. 1-2. July, 1 866-1 868.] il. pi. sq.F\ Paris 1 866-1 868. Edited by Rodolphe Pfnor. No more published. Arte italiana. L740.55 1 13620 Arte italiana, decorativa e industriale. Periodico mensile pub- blicato sotto il patrocinio del Ministero di Agricoltura, Industria e Commercio .... Continued from [vol.6. 1897]. il- pi- F 5 . Milano 1897-. Edited by Camillo Boito. Arkitektur. L720.58 1 37545 A r ldtektur ocn dekorativ konst, organ for Svenska teknologfore- ningens afd. for husbyggnadskonst . . . Argang 31 - af Teknisk tidskrift . . . [Feb. 1901-] Stockholm, 1901- Continued from [v. i] illus., plates, plans. 33-i cm . Published as supplement to Teknisk tidskrift, v. 31- Council of Supervisors of Manual Arts. L607.1 1 33266 year book of the Council of Supervisors of the Manual Arts. Annual meeting, ... . Continued from vol. 1. 1901. Q. [New York] 1901-. Ashbee, Charles Robert. 740.6237 1 28892 ^ n enc jeavour towards the teaching of John Ruskin and William Morris. Being a brief account of the work, the aims, and the principles of the Guild of Handicraft in East London. [6], 52, [2] p. O. [London:] E. Arnold, 1901. Contents: I. The first beginnings of the Guild & School of Handicraft in East Lon- don. 2. The School of Handicraft. 3. The Guild of Handicraft before registration. 4. The Guild of Handicraft as a registered company. 5. The relation of the Guild of Handicraft to the movement for the revival of English industrial art. 6. On the educa- tion of the consumer. 7. The application of the guild system to building. 8. The Essex House Press. 9. The centre at Essex House and the possibility of shifting it into the country. 10. Idealism in industry. II. The influence of John Ruskin & William Morris. No. 350 of 350 copies. Union centrale des arts decoratifs. L740.6491 1 ' 574 Comptc rendu du Congres des arts decoratifs qui a etc teiui a l'Ecole nationale des beaux-arts du iS an 30 m. ti 1894. Stir l'initiativc et par les soins de la societc de I'Union centrale des arts decoratifs. [2],iii,i88 p. Q. Paris [ 1 894]. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 85 Union centrale des beaux-arts appliques a l'industrie. 740.6491 10 19830 Le beau dans l'utile. Histoire sommaire de l'Union centrale des beaux-arts appliques a l'industrie, suivle des rapports du jury de L'Exposition de 1865. 507 P- °- ParIs l866 - Daniels, Fred Hamilton. 740-7 D22 25216 The teaching of ornament. 206 p. 191 il- O. New York City: J. C. Witter Co., c. 1900. Tadd, James Liberty. L371.42 P801 io S « s New methods in education. Art, real manual training, nature study. Explaining processes whereby hand, eye and mind are educated by means that conserve vitality and develop a union of thought and action. xxiv,432 p. il. 1 pi. Q. (Natural education series.) New York, N. Y., Orange Judd Co., 1899. Legrand, Victor. L070.160 F842 v.21 26426 Rapports de MM. Victor Legrand, Gustave Quignon, Louchet- Bernaud, Georges Hamot, Commissaires rapporteurs. [4], 145, [4] p. \_In France. Commissariat general a L'Exposi- tion INTERNATIONALE DE CHICAGO. Rapports. Comite 21. Paris 1894.] Contents: Legrand, V. Les tissus d'ameublement. Les conditions du travail aux Etats-Unis. Quignon, G. L'industrie du meuble. Louchet-Bernaud, G. Meubles et ouvrages du tapissier et du decorateur. Hamot, G. Les tapisseries des manufactures nationales. Les tapisseries d'Aubusson et de Felletin. Clark, John Spencer. 740.7 C54 26077 D raw j n g j n public education : the features of the study which should be taught in primary, grammar, and high schools. An address delivered before the University Convocation of the State of New York, at Albany, July 9, 1879. 16 p. 7 pi. O. Boston: L. Prang & Co., 1880. Paris. Exposition universelle de 1855. L070.020 1 21456 Yhe exhibition of art-industry in Paris, 1855. [2],46,xx p. il. F. London: Virtue & Co., [1855]. Wallis, G. The artistic, industrial, and commercial results of the Universal Exposition of 1855. p. i-xx. Providence Art Club. 708.171 1 3oi26 Arts and crafts exhibition .... 39 p. O. Providence 1901. 86 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. t Griines Gewolbe zu Dresden, Konigliches. 740.7324 G92 20B»i pj as Koniglichc griine Gewolbe zu Dresden. Eine Auswahl der wichtigsten Nummern in der Rcihenfolge der Standorte, zusam- mengestellt nach der Umordnung der Sammlung von 1S92 vom Director derselben Dr. jur. Julius Erbstcin. Dritte Auflage. [2], 59,[i] p. 1 il. 1 pi. sq. D. Dresden 1899. Dresden. K. Kunstgewerbe-Schule. 740.7324 D81 33855 R e g U i a tj v f{j r die kdnigliche Kunstgewerbeschule zu Dresden. 1 1 p. O. Dresden 1890. Vienna. Club der Industriellen flir A749 V67 34661 Wohnungs-Einrichtung. Jubilaums-Ausstellung des Club der Industriellen fur Wohnungs- Einrichtung in Wien 1901. 46 pi. sq. F 5 . Wien : A. Schroll & Co., [1901]. Vachon, Marius. L740.944 V13 22039 Les industries d'art. Les ecoles et les musees d'art industriel en France, (departements). [4] ,450 p. sq. F. Nancy: Berger- Levrault & c ie , 1897. Migeon, Gaston. A740.7465 M58 32694 L'Exposition retrospective de l'art decoratif francais (1900). Avec une introduction par M. Emile Molinier. [8], v, 40,4 p. il. 100 pi. 20 colored. F 5 . Paris: Goupil & c ie , [1900]. "II a ete tire de cet ouvrage . . . deux cents exemplaires numerotes. Exemplaire no. 078." Bound in 2 vol. Musee du Louvre. 708.465 2 24988 N tj ce dcs dessins, cartons, pastels, miniatures et emaux, exposes dans les salles du i er et du 2 e etage au Musee National du Louvre. Dcuxicmc partie. Ecole francaisc, dessins indiens, emaux, par M. Frederic Reiset. [2J.iv.449 P- D- Paris 1883. Union centrale des arts d£coratifs. L740.7465 U58 Les arts du bois, des tissus et du papier. Mobilier national et prive — tapisseries — tissus — objets orientaux — livrcs et reliures — gravures — papicrs pcints. Salle retrospective du mobilier moderne. Reproduction dcs principaux objets d'art exposes en 1882 a la 7" exposition de l'Union centrale des arts dlcoratifs. Texte de MM. de Champcaux, Darcel, Gaston Le Breton, Gas- nault, Germain Bapst, Duplcssis, Rioux de Maillou, Victor Champicr. [2 J ,iv,409,[2j p. 338 il. F. Paris: A. OuanHn. 1883. LMIU7I. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 87 Bapst, Germain. L740.7465 B221 37512 Le musee retrospectif du metal a l'exposition de l'Union centrale des beaux-arts — 1880 — Par Germain Bapst . .. Paris, impri- merie de A. Quantin, 1881. [4], iv, 104, [2] p. II pi. (partly fold.) 27"°. "Extrait de la Revue des arts decoratifs." Bapst, Germain. L740.7465 B22 23508 Le musee retrospectif du metal a l'Exposition de 1'Union centrale des beaux-arts, 1880 40 p. F. Paris: A. Quantin, 1881. Reprinted from the Revue des arts decoratifs. Vachon, Marius. L740.948 V13 35666 Rapport a. M. le ministre de l'instruction publique et des beaux- arts sur les musees et les ecoles d'art industriel et sur la situation des industries artistiques en Danemark, Suede et Norvege par M. Marius Vachon. Mission de juin — juillet 1888 . . . Paris, Maison Quantin, 1889. 86 p. 3ix24 cm . (On cover: Ministere de l'instruction publique et des beaux-arts) "Ce volume fait suite aux trois volumes de rapports, publies en 18S5, 18S6 et 1888, par le Ministere, sur les missions de M. Marius Vachon en Allemagne, Autriche-Hon- grie, Italie, Russie, Suisse, Belgique et Hollande." Holme, Charles, 1848- , ed. L728 H73 37636 ]y[ oc iern British domestic architecture & decoration. Edited by Charles Holme. London, Paris, New York, Offices of The Studio, 1901. 212 p. illus., 18 pi. (17 col.) 29-i cm . Special summer number of The Studio, London, 1901. Useful arts. 740.8 8 37892 Useful arts and handicrafts. Planned by Charles Godfrey Leland, ... , F.R.S.L Edited by H. Snowden Ward, F.R.p.s London, Davvbarn & Ward, ltd., 1900-. V. 1-. illus., plates. I9xi7 cm . Todd, Frederick Dundas, editor. 608 P902 24786 Books on the useful arts and handicrafts. 144 p. il. 34 pi. sq. D. Chicago: Photo-Beacon Co., 1 899-1900. Contents: I. Leland, C. G. Designing and drawing for beginners. 24, iv p. il. 6 pi. 1899. 2. Leland, C. G. & Bolas, T. Dyes, stains, inks, lacquers, varnishes and polishes. 24, iv p. il. 6 pi. 1899. 3. Leland, C. G. Wood-carving. Revised by Frank H. Ball and George J. Fowler. 24, iv p. il. 6 pi. 1900. 4. Leland, C. G. & Lambert, F. C. Gouge-work and indented wood-work. 24, iv p. il. 6 pi. 1900. 5. Leland, C. G. & Bolas, T. Picture-frame making and decorating. Revised by F. H. Ball & Fowler, G. J. 24 p. il. 5 pi. 1900. 6. Bolas, T. & Leland, C. G. Pyrography, or Burnt-wood etching. Revised by F. H. Ball & G. J. Fowler. 24 p. il. 5 pi. 1900. 88 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. / Shaw, Henry, F.S.A. L740.8 5 17127 The encyclopaedia of ornament, vi p. 60 pi. sq.F. Edinburgh: J. Grant, 1898. Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society, London. 740.8 4 i2oi7 Arts anc j cra ft s essays. By members of the Arts and Crafts Ex- hibition Society, with a preface by William Morris. xvii,420 p. 6 il. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1893. Society of Decorative Art, Chicago. 740.81 3360 Catalogue of the loan exhibit in aid of the Society of Decorative Art, Chicago, 1878. 90 p. O. Chicago 1878. Talbert, Bruce James. A740.8 3 10786 Examples of ancient and modern furniture, metal work, tapestries, decorations, etc. [4] ,6, [6] p. 21 pi. F 5 . London: B. T. Bats- ford, 1876. Racinet, Auguste. A740.8 2 9955 L'ornement polychrome. Contenant environ 2,000 motifs de tous les styles. Art ancien et asiatique, moyen age, renaissance, xvn e et xvin e siecle. Recueil historique et pratique. Avec des notices explicatives et une introduction generate. [2],iv,6o,[4] p. il. 100 pi. F 5 . Paris: Firmin Didot Freres, [1873]. Ch — , R. de, Conite. L740.8 6 19SS7 Catalogue d'objets d'art et d'ameublemcnt, tableaux composant la collection de M. le comte R. de Ch. ... dont la vente aux encheres publiques aura lieu . . . le lundi 3 mai 1869, .. . par le ministere de M e Eugene Escribe, .... 18 p. 7 pi. Q. Paris 1869. [Jones, Owen.] L745J72 i«668 Examples of Chinese ornament [selected from objects in the South Kensington Museum and other collections]. 60 pi. F. [London 1867.] Plate 20 mutilated. Burty, Philippe. L740 8 7 Chefs-d'oeuvre des arts industriels. Ceramiquc — verrerie et vitraux — emaux — metaux — orfevreric et bijouterie — tapisserie. [6]. 598, [2] p. il. 53 pi. paged in, 2 por. paged in. O. Paris: P. Ducrocq, prcf. 1866. Bound with this: Burty, P. La photographic au Palais des beaux-arts. 1859. 25346 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 89 74O.9 HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. Triggs, Oscar Lovell, 1865- 740.9 T73 37664 Q ia pters in the history of the arts and crafts movement. By Os- car Lovell Triggs, PH.D. Chicago, The Bohemia Guild of the Industrial Art League, 1902. [6], 198, [2] p. 3 port. incl. front. 25 x i6£ cm . Contents. — I. Carlyle's relationship to the new industrialism. — 2. Ruskin's contri- bution to the doctrine of work. — 3. Morris and his plea for an industrial commonwealth. Statement of principles of the Hammersmith socialist society. — 4. Ashbee and the re- constructed workshop. — 5. Rookwood: an ideal workshop. — 6. The development of industrial consciousness. — Appendix 1. A proposal for a guild and school of handicraft. — Appendix II. The industrial art league. Glazier, Richard. 740-9 G 4^ 30165 ^ manua i f historic ornament. Treating upon the evolution, tradition and development of architecture and other applied arts. Prepared for the use of students and craftsmen. With . . . illus- trations by the author. [6],i36,iii p. il. I pi. paged in, I facsim. O. London: B. T. Batsford, 1899. "Works of reference," p. 134-136. Seymour, William Wood. L246.5 P700 22687 -p^g cross j n tradition, history, and art. xxx,[2],489 p. il. I pi. O. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1898. "Bibliography," p. xxi-xxx. Ward, James. 740-9 W21 i253s Historic ornament. Treatise on decorative art and architectural ornament 2 vol. O. London: Chapman & Hall, 1897. Borrmann, Richard. L720.2 H19 v.i pt.4 35938 j3j e Keramik in der Baukunst. vi,i52 p. 85 il. (/// Handbuch der Architektur. Erster Theil, vol. 4.) Stuttgart 1897. "Literatur," p. 151-152. Charvet, Leon. L709 C38 18943 Enseignement de l'art decoratif. Comprenant son histoire gene- rale, l'etude des caracteristiques des epoques, ses procedes indus- triels et la theorie de la composition decorative. [2],47i,[i] p. 1228 il. sq. F. Paris: Librairie des imprimeries reunies, [1888]. QO THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Didron, Edouard. 070.08074 D56 183,0 Exposition universale Internationale de 1878 a Paris. Groupes I, II. Ill, IV, et V. Rapport d'ensemble sur les arts decoratifs. [2], 23 5, [2] p. O. (France. Ministere de l'agriculture ET DU COMMERCE.) Paris 1882. [Maskell, William.] 740-9 M37 23,75 The industrial arts. Historical sketches. Published for the Com- mittee of Council on Education. xiv,2/6 p. il. 2 pi. D. [SOUTH Kensington MUSEUM. Art handbooks.] London: Chapman & Hall, pref. 1876. Preface signed W. M. Ornementation usuelle. L740.54 1 80914 Ornementation usuelle de toutes les epoques dans les arts indus- triels et en architecture. [Vol. 1-2. July, 1 866-1 868.] il. pi. sq. F\ Paris 1 866-1 86S. Edited by Rodolphe Pfnor. No more published. Rigollot, Marcel Jerome, 1786-1859- 709^44 ,7708 Histoire des arts du dessin depuis l'epoque romaine jusqu'a la fin du XVl e siecle par M. Rigollot .... Accompagnee d'un atlas compose de 58 planches ... . Paris, Dumoulin ; V e J. Renouard, 1 863-1 864. 2 v. 22 cm . and atlas of 58 pi. 27 cm . Atlas has shelf number L709 R44 Haddon, Alfred Cort. 571.7 P500 1306U j7 vo ] u t; on j n ar j- • as illustrated by the life-histories of designs. xviii,[2] ,364 p. il. D. [Contemporary science series, vol. 30.] London: W. Scott, 1895. Contents: Introduction. The decorative art of British New Guinea: as an example of the method of study. The material of which patterns are made. The reasons for which objects are decorated. The scientific method of studying decorative art. Balfour, Henry. 740.91 B19 0363 jj lc evo ] u tj on f decorative art. An essay upon its origin and development as illustrated by the art of modern races of mankind, xv, 13 1 p. 47 il. D. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1893. "List of works bearing upon the growth of decorative art," p. 120-1 ji. Bayard, Emile. L740.92 B34 """ L'illustration et les illustrateurs. Avec une preface de M. Henrj Havard. xi,[2],384 p. il. 35 pi. paged in, 29 por. paged in. Q. 'Paris: C. Delagrave, 1898. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 91 Portalis, Roger. 740.92 P83 18549 Les dessinateurs d'illustrations au dix-huitieme siecle. 2 vol. paged continuously, vol. 1: [4] ,xxxii, 1-386 p.; vol. 2: [2], 387-788 p. 1 pi. O. Paris: D. Morgand & C. Fatout, 1877. Biographies of illustrators and engravers, with bibliographies of their works. Barre, Albert. L740.92 B27 26544 Q raveurs generaux et particuliers des monnaies de France. Con- troleurs generaux des effigies. Noms de quelques graveurs en medailles de la renaissance frangaise 35 p. 1 por. sq.Q. Paris 1867. Reprinted from the Annuaire de la Societe francahe de numismatique et d 'arckeo- logie, 1 866- 1 86 7. Ducat, Alfred. 739 D85 25859 L'aiguiere d'argent du ciseleur Francois Briot de Montbeliard. 16 p. 1 pi. O. Besancon 1881. Cellini, Benvenuto. 740.9215 C331 30949 Yj ta d} Benvenuto Cellini. Testo critico con introduzione e note storiche per cura di Orazio Bacci. xci,45i,[2] p. 1 pi. 1 por. I facsim. O. [Biblioteca di opere inedite o rare di ogni secolo della letteratura italiana.] Firenze : G. C. Sansoni, 1901. Plon, Eugene. L740.9215 P72 18374 Benvenuto Cellini, orfevre, medailleur, sculpteur. Recherches sur sa vie, sur son ceuvre et sur les pieces qui lui sont attributes. Eaux-fortes de Paul Le Rat. [6] ,414 p. il. 78 pi. 3 por. 1 facsim. sq. F 4 . Paris: E. Plon & c ie , 1883. Lamartine, Alphonse de. 740.9215 L16 19914 Benvenuto Cellini. [2], 239 p. D. Paris : M. Levy freres, 1866. Cellini, Benvenuto. 740.9215 1 19481 CEuvres completes de Benvenuto Cellini, orfevre et sculpteur florentin, traduites par Leopold Leclanche. Deuxieme edition. .... 2 vol. D. Paris: Paulin, 1847. Contents: Vol. I. Memoires. Vol. 2. Suites des memoires. Traites de l'orfevrerie et de la sculpture. Discours sur le dessin et 1'architecture. Cellini, Benvenuto. 740.9215 C33 19917 Vita di Benvenuto Cellini scritta da lui medesimo. Tratta dall' autografo per cura di Giuseppe Molini con brevi annotazioni. viii,562 p. nar. S. Firenze 1830. 92 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Saunier, Charles. L740.9224 S257 19973 Augustin Dupre : orfevre, medailleur et graveur general des mon- naies. Preface de M. O. Roty. xiv,i20 p. il. 10 pi. 5 paged in, 1 por. Q. Paris: Societe de propagation des livres d'art, 1894. With author's autograph. Babeau, Albert. 740.9235 Bn Linard Gontier et ses fils, peintres verriers. 55 p. 1 pi. O. Troyes : Dufour-Bouquot, 1888. Palissy, Bernard. 504 P17 18160 Les ceuvres de Maistre Bernard Palissy. Nouvelle edition revue sur les textes originaux par B. Fillon, avec une notice historique, bibliographique et iconologique par Louis Audiat. 2 vol. il. O. Niort: L. Clouzot, 1888. Contents: Vol. I. Palissy, sa vie, ses oeuvres. Bibliographie raisonne des ceuvres de Bernard Palissy. Iconographie de Palissy. Devis d'une grotte pour la Royne Mere. Recepte veritable par laquelle tous les hommes de la France pourront apprendre a mul- tiplier et augmenter leurs thresors. Vol. 2. Discours admirables de la nature des eaux et fontaines tant naturelles qu'artificielles, des metaux, des sels et salines, des pierres, de- terres, du feu et des emaux. Tainturier, A. 73 8 - 6 5 Tl 3 18976 Les terres emaillees de Bernard Palissy, inventeur des rustiques figulines. Etude sur les travaux du maitre et de ses continua- teurs, suivie du catalogue de leur ceuvre. 136, [2] p. 3 pi. 1 por. O. Paris: V. Didron, 1863. "Index bibliographique," p. 6-8. Morley, Henry. 738-65 M82 3132 Palissy the potter. The life of Bernard Palissy, of Saintes, his labors and discoveries in art and science, with an outline of his philosophical doctrines, and a translation of illustrative selections from his works. 2 vol. D. Boston: Ticknor, Reed, & Fields, 1853. * Palissy, Bernard. L504 P171 CEuvres de Bernard Palissy, revues sur les exemplaires de la Bibliotheque du roi, avec des notes par MM. Faujas de Saint Fond, et Gobet. lxxvi',734 p. sq.Q. Paris: Ruault, 1777. "Extraits des principaux auteurs qui ont parte de Palissy," p. wxi-lxvi. This copy belonged to Nicolas Gobet, one of the editors, who 1ms made in it numer- ous ms. notes, corrections and additions for a new edition. 87037 [Malacarne, Vincenzo.] 740.9277 M29 Notizia degli artefici e dcllc operc del discgno del secolo XVI. trattc da' Ricordi di Sabba da Castiglione, .... 44 p. F). [Padua [813.] Reprinted 1 1 the Giornale delfitaliana tetUratura, vol. 5, July -Aug. 1813 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 93 Tijou, Jean. A739 T44 :9S64 j^ new boQ^g f drawings invented & desined by John Tijou. Containing severall sortes of iron worke as gates, frontispeices, balconies, staircases, pannells, etc., of which the most part hath been wrought at the royall building of Hampton Court, and to severall persons of qualityes houses of this kingdome Sold by the author in London, 1693. Reproduced with the addition of a brief account of the author and his works, and descriptions of the plates. By J. Starkie Gardner. 8 p. 20 pi. sq.F 5 . London: B. T. Batsford, 1896. Headlam, Cecil, 1872- 740.9294 H34 37652 p eter Vischer; by Cecil Headlam, B. A. ... London, G. Bell and Sons, 1901. xi, [1], 143, [1] p. front, (port.) illus. ioJ cm . {Half-title: Handbooks of the great craftsmen) "Bibliography," p. xi. "Catalogue of the chief works by or attributed to Hermann Vischer, his son Peter Vischer and Peter Vischer's sons, Hermann, Peter, and Johann known as Hans der Giesser, ,: p. 133-139. Meteyard, Eliza. 738.96 M562 20,20 A group of Englishmen, (1795 to 181 5). Being records of the younger Wedgwoods and their friends, embracing the history of the discovery of photography and a facsimile of the first photo- graph. xxii,4i6 p. 2 pi. O. London : Longmans, Green, & Co., 1871. Meteyard, Eliza. 738.96 M561 1586 -p^g ijf e f jQgjah Wedgwood from his private correspondence and family papers .... With an introductory sketch of the art of pot- tery in England. 2 vol. il. pi. por. O. London: Hurst & Black- ett, 1 865-1 866. Wallis, Henry. L738 W15 29446 Egyptian ceramic art. Typical examples of the art of the Egyp- tian potter portrayed in colour plates with text illustrations drawn and described by Henry Wallis. xix,37 p. il. 12 pi. sq.Q. [Lon- don] 1900. Only 200 copies printed. Petrie, William Matthew Flinders. 740.932 P44 16553 Egyptian decorative art. A course of lectures delivered at the Royal Institution. viii,i28 p. 220 il. D. London: Methuen & Co., 1895. 94 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Watt, James Cromar. A729 W34 19936 Examples of Greek and Pompeian decorative work. [10] p. 60 pi. F\ London: B. T. Batsford, 1897. Fillon, Benjamin. 740.937 F48 86123 Me: mo j re sur une decouverte de monnaies, de bijoux et d'ustensiles des II C et IIl e siecles faite en Vendee. 68 p. il. 1 pi. O. Napoleon- Vendee : J. Sory, 1857. Only 60 copies printed. Bound with : Fillon, B. Rapport presente a la Societe archeologique de Nantes. 1856. Fillon, Benjamin. 740.937 F48 26122 Rapport presente a la Societe archeologique de Nantes sur une decouverte de monnaies, ustensiles & bijoux de l'epoque gallo- romaine, faite pres du Veillon, Canton de Talmond (Vendee). 16 p. 1 il. O. Nantes: A. Gueraud & c ie , 1856. Bound with this: Fillon, B. Memoire sur une decouverte de monnaies, de bijoux et d'ustensiles des lie et Hie siecles. 1857. Also: Bulletin bibliographique. 65-74 p. 1857. Huddilston, John Homer. 73 8 -93 H86 37623 Lessons from Greek pottery, to which is added a bibliography of Greek ceramics, by John Homer Huddilston ... PH.D. ... New York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1902. xiv, [2], 144 p. front., 17 pi. (partly fold.) 20 cm . "Bibliography," p. 103-140. Dumont, Albert, & Chaplain, Jules. L738 D89 257 Les ceramiques de la Grece propre [Publiees par Edmond Pottier.] 2 vol. sq. F\ Paris : F. Didot & c ie , 1 888-1 889. Vol. 2 incomplete. Forrer, Robert. L666.7 Q101 37627 Geschichte der europaischen Fliesen-Keramik vom Mittelalter bis zum Jahre 1900, von Dr. R. Forrer. Mit 107 Tafeln (700 Ab- bildungen) in Licht- und Farbendruck, nebst 200 Abbildungen im Text. Strassburg i. Kls., Schlesier und Schweikhardt, 1901. 93, [1] p. illus., cvii pi. (partly col.) 32^"'. "Bibliographic der europaischen Fliesenkeramik," p. [85 [—87. Bruun, Johan Adolf. L096 P701 20040 j^ n en q U j r y j n to the art of the illuminated manuscripts of the Middle Ages Part 1-. pi. sq.F. Stockholm 1897-. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 95 Labarte , Jules . L740 . 94 L 1 1 ■ Hose j-jjgtoire des arts industriels au moyen age et a l'epoque de la renaissance. Deuxieme edition. 3 vol. il. pi. sq. F. Paris : V c A. Morell & C ie , 1872-1875. Contents: Vol. I. Sculpture. Serrurerie. Orfevrerie. Vol. 2. Orfevrerie. Pein- ture. Ornemerjtation des manuscrits. Peinture sur verre. MosaVques. Peinture en matieres textiles. Vol. 3. Emaillerie. Damasquinerie. Art ceramique. Verrerie. Art de l'armurier. Horlogerie. Mobilier civil et religieux. Small, John William. A749 S635 22138 Scottish woodwork of the sixteenth & seventeenth centuries. Measured and drawn for the stone by John William Small. [Second edition.] [2],2,[2] p. 67 pi. sq. F 5 . Stirling: E. Mackay, pref. 1878. Barber, Edwin Atlee. 738 B232 37681 Anglo-American pottery ; old English china with American views ; a manual for collectors, by Edwin AtLee Barber . . . PH.D. . . . Second edition, revised and enlarged. With 135 illustrations. Philadelphia, press of Patterson & White Co., 1901. 220 p. front., illus., I pi. 2l cm . "Directory of collectors," p. [i88]-20i. English household furniture. L749 E58 24707 English household furniture. Mainly designed by Chippendale, Sheraton, Adam, and others of the Georgian Period. [10] p. 100 pi. F 4 . Boston: Bates & Guild Co., 1900. British Museum. Department of Coins and Medals. 737 B77 307«9 Handbook of the coins of Great Britain and Ireland in the British Museum. By Herbert A. Grueber. lxiii,272 p. 64 pi. O. Lon- don 1899. Bemrose, William, editor. L738 B42 Bow, Chelsea, and Derby porcelain. Being further information relating to these factories, obtained from original documents, not hitherto published XVJ74 p. il. 18 pi. 2 por. 8 facsim. paged in. Q. London: Bemrose & Sons, 1898. Du Maurier, George. 74I D 8 9 Social pictorial satire. Reminiscences and appreciations of English illustrators of the past generation. iv,[2] ,99, [ 1 ] p. 2 1 pi. 3 por. D. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1898. 19775 26913 96 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Clouston, K Warren. L749 C62 37639 -phe Chippendale period in English furniture, by K. Warren Clous- ton, with illustrations by the author. London, Debenham & Freebody [etc.] New York, E. Arnold, 1897. xvi, 224 p. incl. front., illus., 14 pi. 22£x29 cm . Turner, William. L738 T85 20297 yj ie ceram i cs of Swansea and Nantgarw : a history of the factories. With biographical notices of the artists and others, notes on the merits of the porcelains, the marks thereon, etc. Also an ap- pendix on the Mannerisms of the artists. By Robert Drane. 9 il. 34 pi. sq.Q. London: Bemrose & Sons, 1897. "Bibliography," p. 333-340. Conway, Moncure Daniel. L072.83 1 11699 T rave i s j n South Kensington. With notes on Decorative art and architecture in England. 234 p. il. 1 pi. Q. London: Trlibner & Co., 1882. Stephani, Karl Gustav, 1862- 720.943 S827 34227 Der alteste deutsche Wohnbau und seine Einrichtung. Bau- geschichtliche Studien auf Grund der Erdfunde, Artefakte, Bau- reste, Miinzbilder, Miniaturen und Schriftquellen von Dr. phil. K. G. Stephani. In zwei Banden .... Leipzig, Baumgartner, 1902-1903. 2 v. 23 cm . Contents. — i . Bd. Von der Urzeit bis zum Ende der Merovingerherrschaft. Mit 209 Text-Abbildungen. xii, 448 p. 209 illus. 1902. — 2. Bd. Von Karl dem Grossen bis zum Ende des XI. Jahrhunderts. Mit 454 Text-Abbildungen. x, [2], 705 p. 454 illus. 1903. Kutschmann, Theodor. L655.53 p 9 01 33660 Geschichte der deutschen Illustration vom ersten Auftreten des Formschnittes bis auf die Gegenwart. 2 vol. paged continuously; vol. 1 : 1-200 p.; vol. 2: 201-417 p. il. pi. colored pi. por. fac- sim. F. Goslar: F. Jagcr, pref. 1899. Berling, Karl. L738.24B45 33264 j} as meissner Porzellan und seine Geschichte. xvii,2i 1 p. 219 il. 31 pi. 15 colored, sq. F 4 . Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1900. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 97 Hirth, Georg. L740.943 H61 assse j~) as d eu t sc he Zimmer vom Mittelalter bis zum Gegenwart. Vierte unter Mitwirkung von Karl Rosner bis zur Gegenwart erweiterte Auflage. 2 vol. in 1. sq. F. Munchen : G. Hirth, [1899]. Contents: Vol. I. Das deutsche Zimmer der Gothik und Renaissance, des Barock-, Rococo- und Zopfstils. xii,[2],448 p. 370 il. 8 pi. Vol. 2. Das deutsche Zimmer im neunzehnten Jahrhundert .... Von Karl Rosner. Mit einem Nachwort von Georg Hirth. [8], 259 p. 168 il. 12 pi. Robert, [P.] Charles, 18 12-1887. L737 R545 Recherches sur les monnaies et les jetons des maitres-echevins et description de jetons divers. Par Ch. Robert. 88 p. 6 pi. sq. F. Metz 1853. 36604 37626 Dilke, [Emilia Frances (Strong)] Lady, L740.944 D57 formerly Mrs. Mark Pattison, 1840- French furniture and decoration in the XVlllth century, by Lady Dilke ... London, G. Bell and Sons, 1901. xix, 260 p. front., 68 pi. 2Q cm . Appendix: List of artists and workmen leaving Paris for St. Petersburg in 1716. — Spaendonck, G. van. Salons. — Oudry, J. B. Salons. — List of officials at the Gobelins. — Caffieri, J. Chronological list of his work for the crown. — Oeben and Riesener. De- tailed agreement for the Bureau du roi. — Gouthiere. Entries in the sale catalogue of the duke d'Aumont. — Duplessis. Entries in the livre-journal of Lazare Duvaux. — List of French cabinet-makers. 34660 Meusnier, Georges. L739 M57 La joaillerie frangaise en 1900. Recueil de 168 pieces xii p. 32 pi. F 4 . (Bibliotheque des peintres et des decorateurs.) Paris: H. Laurens, 1901. "Tirage a 500 exemplaires numerates. Exemplaire no. 474." 32694 Migeon, Gaston. A740.7465 M58 L'Exposition retrospective de l'art decoratif frangais (1900). Avec une introduction par M. Emile Molinier. [8],v,40,4 p. il. 100 pi. 20 colored. F 5 . Paris: Goupil & c ie , [1900]. "II a ete tire de cet ouvrage . . . deux cents exemplaires numerates. Exemplaire no. 078." Bound in 2 vol. 17557 Rowe, Eleanor. A736 R792 .... French wood carvings from the national museums. Print- ed in collotype from photographs specially taken from the carvings direct. (With the sanction of the Science and Art Department of the Committee of Council on Education.) .... 3 parts in 1 vol. 54 pi. F\ London: B. T. Batsford, 1 896-1 897. g8 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Vachon, Marius. L740-944 V13 22039 Les industries d'art. Les ecoles et les musees d'art industricl en France, (departements). [43,450 p. sq. F. Nancy : Berger- Levrault & c k \ 1897. Lasteyrie [du Saillant], Robert [Charles] L739 L332 3751s comtc de, 1S49- Notice sur un plat de bronze grave decouvert a Rome .... Rome, imprimerie de la paix, P. Cuggiani, 1891. 17 p. I pi. 25.i cm . It head of title: R. de Lasteyrie. "Extrait des Melanges d'archeologie et d'histoire, publies par l'Ecole francaise de Rome, t. xi." Arts et metiers. L740.944 A792 32462 Les arts et metiers aii moyen age. Etude illustree d'apres les ouvrages de M. Paul Lacroix sur le moyen age et la renaissance. [2], 301, [2] p. 181 il. 1 colored pi. Q. (L'ancienne France.) Paris: Firmin-Didot & c ie , 1889. Babeau, Albert. 740.9235 Bn •25660 Li nar cl Gontier et ses fils, peintres verriers. 55 p. 1 pi. O. Troyes : Dufour-Bouquot, 1888. Magne, Lucien. L748 M27 25530 L es vitraux de Montmorency et d'Ecouen. Conference faite a Montmorency. [2], 69, [4] p. 14 il. 7 pi. 3 por. Q. Paris: F. Didot& c ie , 1888. Giraud, Jean Baptiste. A739 G44 88426 Les arts du metal. Recueil descriptif et raisonne des principaux objets ayant figure a l'exposition de 1880 de l'Union centrale des beaux-arts. [2], 59, [4] p. 39 il. 50 pi. F 5 . Paris: A. Ouantin, 1881. Guiffrey, Jules Joseph, editor. L739 G94 Les orfevres de Paris en 1 700. Proces verbaux de visites et declarations faitcs en execution de I'edit du mois de mars 1700. 30 p. Q. Paris: Dctaillc, 1879. Reprinted from the Bulletin " papiei Whatman." BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 99 Chassaing, Augustin. 739 C38 26590 N otes sur l'orfevrerie du Puy au moyen-age et a la renaissance et prix-fait passe, en 1458, entre Jean de Bourbon, eve"que du Puy, et deux orfevres du Puy, pour la fagon d'une statue de Saint Pierre, en argent dore. 20 p. O. Le Puy 1874. Reprinted from the Annates de la Societe academique du Ptiy, vol. 31. Lafaye, [Prosper]. L748L13 25522 Me'moire au sujet des vitraux anciens. Etat ou ils se trouvent apres le siege dans les eglises de Paris, adresse a Monsieur le Prefet de la Seine. [2], 100 p. Q. Paris 1871. Delaborde, Henri, Comte. 75°-944 D37 20283 Etudes sur les beaux-arts en France et en Italic 2 vol. O. Paris: V e J. Renouard, 1864. Fillon, Benjamin. 740-937 F 4 8 86123 M! mo } re sur une decouverte de monnaies, de bijoux et d'ustensiles des ll e et lll e siecles faite en Vendee. 68 p. il. 1 pi. O. Napoleon- Vendee : J. Sory, 1857. Only 60 copies printed. Bound with : Fillon, B. Rapport presente a la Societe archeologique de Nantes. 1856. Fillon, Benjamin. 740-937 F48 26122 Rapport presente a. la Societe archeologique de Nantes sur une decouverte de monnaies, ustensiles & bijoux de l'epoque gallo- romaine, faite pres du Veillon, Canton de Talmond (Vendee). 16 p. 1 il. O. Nantes: A. Gueraud & c ie , 1856. Bound with this: Fillon, B. Memoire sur une decouverte de monnaies, de bijoux et d'ustensiles des lie e t me siecles. 1857. Also: Bulletin bibliographique. 65-74 p. 1857- Viollet-le-Duc, [Eugene Emmanuel] . L390.3 L400 22044 DJctionnaire raisonne du mobilier frangais de l'epoque carlovin- gienne a. la Renaissance 6 vol. il. pi. Q. Paris : V ve A. Morel & c ie , 1874-1875. Vol. I is in second edition. Chevreul, [Michel Eugene] . 745 C42 25559 Rapport sur \ es tapisseHes et les tapis des manufactures nationales, fait a la Commission frangaise du Jury international de l'Exposi- tion universelle de Londres. [2], 100 p. O. Paris: Imprimerie imperiale, 1854. t 100 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Wallis, Henry, 1830- 738-54 W15 37660 jj ie art o{ t j ie precursors ; a study in the history of early Italian maiolica, with illustrations by Henry Wallis. London, B. Qua- ritch, 1901. x, [2], [xi]-xxii, 99 p. inch, 75 p. of col. illus. (94 fig.) I7x22^ cm . "Edition of two hundred and twenty-five copies, printed on O. W. paper by Taylor and Francis." No. 46. Wallis, Henry. 73 8 W151 The oriental influence on the ceramic art of the Italian Renaissance. xxx, [2], 50 p. il. sq.O. London: B. Quaritch, 1900. "Edition of two hundred ?nd twenty-five copies. No. 130." Conti, Cosimo. 745 C76 26231 Ri cerc i ie storiche sull'arte degli arazzi in Firenze. xvi,i20 p. il. D. Firenze: G. C. Sansoni, 1875. Davillier, [Jean] Charles, Baron. 1*739 D28 186I8 R ecnerC ries sur l'orfevrerie en Espagne au moyen age et a la renaissance. Documents inedits tires des archives espagnoles. [2],vi,286 p. 34 il. 19 pi. F. Paris: A. Ouantin, 1879. Davillier, Jean Charles Baron. 738.28 D28 B54 Histoire des faiences hispano-moresques a reflets metalliques. [2], 52 p. O. Paris: V. Didron, 1861. Hildebrand, Hans [Olof Hildebrand] . 571.0948 P200 21757 y^g i nc j us trial arts of Scandinavia in the pagan time. New edi- tion, viii.i 50 p. 129 il. D. [South Kensington Museum. Art handbooks.] London: Chapman & Hall, 1892. Vachon, Marius. L740.948 V13 35666 Rapport a m j e ministre de l'instruction publique et des beaux- arts sur les musees et les ecoles d'art industriel et sur la situation des industries artistiques en Danemark, Suede et Norvege par M. Marius Vachon. Mission de juin-juillet 1888 . . . Paris, Maison Quantin, 1889. 86 p. 31 x 24 cm . ( On cover: Ministere de l'instruction publique et des beaux-arts) "Ce volume fait suite aux trois volumes de rapports, publies en 1885, 1SS6 et iSSS, par le Ministere, sur les missions de M. Marius Vachon en Allemagne, Autriche-IIon- grie, Italic, Kussie, Suisse, Belgique et llollande." Boutell, Charles. L709.489 B66 The arts and the artistic manufactures of Denmark. xv,i56p. 80 il. 6 pi. sq.O. London: J. Mitchell, 1874. ■i.i'H I UN BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 10 1 Wijngaerden, Cornells Johan de Lange van, Vrijheer. 748 W64 37491 De Goudsche glazen, of Geschilderde kerk-glazen per groote of Sint-Jans-kerk van der Goude ; alsmede de Goudsche schilders en glas-schilderkunst, tot een vervolg der geschiedenis en besch- rijving der stad, door C. J. de Lange van Wijngaerden, van der Goude, vrijheer van Wijngaerden en Ruigbroek ... 's Graven- hage, ter Nederlandsche drukkerij, 18 19. viii, 127, [1] p. 2i£ cm . Bode, Wilhelm. L745 B63 32713 Vorderasiatische Kniipfteppiche aus alterer Zeit. (2.-3. Tau- send.) [23,136 p. il. 14 pi. 1 colored, 13 paged in. Q. [Mono- graphien des Kunstgewerbes]. Leipzig: H. Seemann, [1901]. Martin, Fredrik Robert. L746 M36 23630 Stickereien aus dem Orient. Tafeln mit Text. 12 p. 18 pi. sq.F 4 . (Sammlung F. R. Martin.) Stockholm: G. Chelius, 1899. Goncourt, [Edmond Louis Antoine], & Goncourt, L708.435 1 33574 [Jules Alfred] . Objets d'art japonais et chinois, peintures, estampes composant la collection des Goncourt, dont la vente aura lieu Hotel Drouot ... 1897 ••• • [6],v,[i],3S6 p. 1 por. Q. [Collection des Goncourt. Arts de l'extr^me-Orient.] [Paris] 1897. Martin, Fredrik Robert. L745 M36 23629 Morgenlandische Stoffe. Tafeln nebst Text. [Aus dem Schwe- dischen iibersetzt von C. O. Nordgren.] 12 p. 15 pi. sq.F 4 . (Sammlung F. R. Martin.) Stockholm: G. Chelius, 1897. Vienna. K. k. osterreichisches Handels-Museum. A739 V67 28219 Sammlung von Abbildungen tiirkischer, arabischer, persischer, centralasiatischer und indischer Metallobjecte. Mit einleitenden Bemerkungen herausgegeben vom K. k. osterreichischen Handels- Museum. [2], 5, [3] p. 50 pi. F 5 . Wien 1895. Madras, Presidency. Art Committee. A740.95 M26 36537 p ermanen t photographs of Madras and Burmese art-ware. [12] p. 50 pi. ob.Q. London: Autotype Co., 1886. J. B. Newman, photographer. 102 • THE JOHN CREKAK LIBRARY. Monkhouse, [William] Cosmo, 1840-1901. L666.5 Q101 376J4 A history and description of Chinese porcelain, by Cosmo Monk- house ; with notes by S. W. Bushell, C.M.G., containing twenty- four plates in colours and numerous illustrations. London [etc.] New York & Melbourne, Cassell and Co., ltd., 1901. xii, 176 p. facsim., xxiv col. pi. (incl. front.) 54 fig. on 48 pi. 25" : . "This edition is limited to 1,000 copies, of which this is no. 725." The col. pi. are accompanied by descriptive letter press on separate leaves "Glossary," p. 159-161. "Bibliography," p. 161-163. [Jones , Owen . ] L745 J7 2 1*668 Examples of Chinese ornament [selected from objects in the South Kensington Museum and other collections]. 60 pi. F. [London 1867.] Plate 20 mutilated. Hara, Shinkichi. L739 H21 Die Meister der japanischen Schwertzierathen. Ueberblick ihrer Geschichte, Verzeichniss der Meister mit Daten ueber ihr Leben und mit ihren Namen in der Urschrift, von Shinkichi Hara. Ein- geleitet von Justus Brinckmann. Beiheft zum Jahrbuch der ham- burgischen wissenschaftlichen Anstalten XX. Hamburg, Reichs- druckerei zu Berlin, 1902. xliii, [1], 232, [2] p. illus. 27 cm . Otto, Alexander Francis, 1873- L299.5 Q200 37679 Mythological Japan ; or, The symbolisms of mythology in rela- tion to Japanese art, with illustrations, drawn in Japan, by native artists, by Alexander F. Otto and Theodore S. Holbrook. Phila- delphia, D. Biddlc, [ c i902] 63 1. col. front., illus. (partly col.) 4 pi. 21 x26£ cm . Text and blank pages alternating in pairs. "This edition ... is limited to 950 copies . . . This copy is 262." Boston. Museum of Fine Arts. L738 B65 Catalogue of the Morse collection of Japanese pottery. By Edward S. Morse, Keeper of the Japanese pottery. xiii,384 p. il. 69 pi. sq. F. Cambridge 1901. Japan. Commission imperial c a /' Ex position A740.952 J27 universelle de Paris, rpoo. Histoire de 1'art du Japon. Ouvrage puttie" par la Commission imperiale du Japon a I'Exposition universelle de Paris, 1000. xv - 2 77-[3] p. 99 il. 73 pi. 5 colored. V. Paris: M. de Brunoff, pref. 1900. Firsl planned by KakouzdOkakoura; lib equentl) modified and completed by Mataitci Foukoutci and Voshio Ki: translated by Emmanuel Tronqu 8673S BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 103 Shotei Watanabe. L741 S559 20497 ^pictures of birds and flowers.] 3 vol. in portfolio. il. Q. [Okura, 1891]. In Japanese. Rein, Johann Justus. L609.52 O900 27432 T j ie industries of Japan. Together with an account of its agri- culture, forestry, arts, and commerce. From travels and re- searches undertaken at the cost of the Prussian government. xii,570 p. 20 il. 24 pi. 1 1 colored, 3 maps. Q. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1889. Audsley, George Ashdown. A709.52 A915 7121 The ornamental arts of Japan. [American edition.] 2 vol. pi. F\ New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1 883-1 884. Contents: Vol. I: Section I. Drawing, painting, engraving, and printing. 16 pi. Section 2. Embroidery. 9 pi. Section 3. Textile fabrics. 13 pi. Section 4. Lacquer. 13 pi. Vol. 2; Section 5. Incrusted work. 9 pi. Section 6. Metal-work. 17 pi. Sec- tion 7. Cloisonne enamel. 13 pi. Section 8. Modelling and carving. 8 pi. Section 9. Heraldry. 2 pi. Cutler, Thomas William. L740.952 C97 19536 j± g rammar f Japanese ornament and design. With introductory, descriptive, and analytical text. xi,3i p. il. 65 pi. F 4 . London: B. T. Batsford, 1880. Bourgoin, Jules. L745 B66 88372 Les elements de Tart arabe. Le trait des entrelacs. 47 p. 200 pi. 10 colored. F. Paris: Firmin-Didot & c ie , 1879. Griinwedel, Albert. L7<>9-54 G92 37642 Buddhist art in India. Translated from the 'Handbuch' of Prof. Albert Griinwedel, by Agnes C. Gibson. Revised and enlarged by Jas. Burgess ... F.R.S.E. ... with 154 illustrations. Lon- don, B. Quaritch, 1901. vii, [1], 228, [2] p. illus. 26£ cm . "Bibliography," p. [2i5]-2i8. Birdwood, Sir George Christopher Molesworth. 740.954 B53 19278 Y\ie industrial arts of India. New edition. xvi,344 p. il. 92 pi. 1 map. O. London: Chapman & Hall, pref. 1880. "The Hindoo pantheon," p. 1-130. Martin, Fredrik Robert. L745 M362 Die persischen Prachtstoffe im Schlosse Rosenborg in Kopenhagen. [4], 14 p. 10 il. 9 pi. sq.F 4 . Stockholm: G. Chelius, 1901. 33400 104 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Martin, Fredrik Robert. L?45 M361 23631 pig Ura j e persische Stoffe aus dem Zeitraum 1550-1650. 23 p. il. 18 pi. sq. F 4 . Stockholm: G. Chelius 1899. Barber, Edwin Atlee. 738 B231 37611 The pottery and porcelain of the United States; an historical review of American ceramic art from the earliest times to the present day, by Edwin Atlee Barber ... PH.D. ... Second edition, revised and enlarged. With 277 illustrations. New York, London, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1901. xxi, 539 p. front., illus. 23i cm . Lockwood, Luke Vincent. L 749 L81 37615 Colonial furniture in America, by Luke Vincent Lockwood. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1901. xix, 352 p. front., illus., 40 pi. 29"". Barber, Edwin Atlee. L738 B23 4334 The pottery and porcelain of the United States : an historical re- view of American ceramic art from the earliest times to the present day. xvii,446 p. 222 il. I pi. Q. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1893. 741 FREEHAND DRAWING AND SKETCHING. Caricatures. Hatton, Richard G. 74* H28 37608 pjg ure drawing and composition. Being a number of hints for the student and designer upon the treatment of the human figure. By Richard G. Hatton. . . . Fifth thousand. London, Chapman and Hall, 1902. xiv » 313, [l] P- 184 illus. 22 cm . Blackburn, Henry. L655.53 Q101 The art of illustration. [Third edition] revised to date, together with a chapter on coloured illustration by J. S. Eland. xx,2 5 1 p. il. 17 pi. paged in, 1 colored. O. Edinburgh: J. Grant, 1901. :9 37114:1 Grautoff, Otto. L655.53 Qioo Die Entwicklung der modcrnen Buchkunst in Dcutschland ; von Otto Grautoff. Zweitcs Tausend. Leipzig, II. Seemann Nach- folgcr [1901] [8], 219 p. incl. illus., 3 pi. 11 col. pi. 27 cm . "Litteraturverzeichniss," p. [2Z3]-2i6. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 105 Holme, Charles, editor. L 74 x H 73 29959 Modern pen drawings : European and American. 2 16 p. il. J 7 pi. 3 paged in. F. London: Offices of 'The Studio', 1901. Special winter number of the Studio, 1 900-01. Rogers, W. S. L659 Q104 35861 j^ b 00 k f tne poster. Illustrated with examples of the work of the principal poster artists of the world. x,[2],i46 p. 57 pi. 13 colored, 1 por. O. London: Greening & Co., 1901. Hays, Frank Allison, editor. A741 H33 22256 Architectural rendering in pen and ink. [Arranged for use in the School of Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania.] 13 leaves, il. 32 pi. sq.F 6 . [Philadelphia 1899.] Only 180 copies printed. No title-page. Title taken from cover. Kutschmann, Theodor. L655.53 P901 33660 Geschichte der deutschen Illustration vom ersten Auftreten des Formschnittes bis auf die Gegenwart. 2 vol. paged continuously ; vol. 1 : 1-200 p.; vol. 2 : 201-417 p. il. pi. colored pi. por. fac- sim. F. Goslar: F. Jager, pref. 1899. Maginnis, Charles Donagh. 741 M271 37713 p en drawing, an illustrated treatise by Charles D. Maginnis .... [Fourth edition.] Boston, Bates & Guild Company, 1903, [ c i899]- x, [2], 121 p. 72 illus. I9 cm . Maginnis, Charles Donagh. 741 M27 2i6i9 p en d rawm g. An illustrated treatise. [Second edition.] x,[2], 121 p. 72 il. D. Boston: Bates & Guild Co., 1900. American economist. A330.51 5 14657 Supplement to American economist. Devoted to the protection of American labor and industries. Vol. 21, no. 12. March 25, 1898. 40 p. il. ob.F. New York [1898]. Has also title: Protection pictorially presented. Du Maurier, George. y 4I D89 Social pictorial satire. Reminiscences and appreciations of English illustrators of the past generation. iv,[2],99,[i] p. 21 pi. 3 por. D. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1898. 26913 106 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Sparkes, W. E. L741 S736 21,75 Blackboard drawing. Some hints on sketching natural forms, xv, [105] p. il. sq.O. London: Cassell & Co., 1898. Intended for school teachers who have "two special professional ends in view — one, to learn how to train children to look carefully, to see intelligently, and to sketch boldly; the other, to learn how to make rapid and striking illustrations for lessons in general sub- jects, such as geography, history, and natural science." Preface. Bauwens, Maurice, & others. L659 P701 12182 Les affiches etrangeres illustrees. Par MM. M. Bauwens, T. Hayashi, La Forgue, Meier-Graefe, J. Pcnnell. [2],iii,2o6,[2] p. il. 68 pi. F. Paris: G. Boudet, 1897. Cross, Anson Kent. 741 C88 7622 Light and shade. With chapters on charcoal, pencil, and brush drawing. A manual for teachers and students. v,[2],i83 p. il. O. (National drawing books.) Boston: Ginn & Co., 1897. Sponsel, Jean Louis. L659 P702 18861 Das moderne Plakat. vii,3 16 p. 266 il. 53 pi. F. Dresden: G. Kiihtmann, 1897. Maindron, Ernest. ^659 P603 12183 Les affiches illustrees (1886-1895). [4] ,ii,25 I , [2] p. il. 64 pi. F. Paris: G. Boud-et, 1896. "L'oeuvre murale de Jules Cheret", p. 187-242. Rhead, Louis J. L659 P602 10662 j^ co n ec tion of seventeen photographs of posters designed by Louis J. Rhead. With a portrait of the artist. [Compiled by Andrew B. Bogart.] [2] p. 17 pi. 1 por. sq. F. New York : A. B. Bogart, 1896. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Pollard, Percival, editor. 659 P601 9399 Posters in miniature. With an introduction by Edward Penfield. [6] p. 124 pi. O. New York: R. II. Russell, 1897. Swannell, M. L372.5 P600 7798 Black-board drawing. vii,[i],25,[i] p. 27 pi. sq. F. London: Macmillan & Co., 1896. Pennell, Joseph. 655.53 P500 255 Modern illustration. xxv,i34 p. il. 95 pi. D. [Ex-libris se- ries.] London: G. Bell & Sons, 1895. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 107 Alexandre, Arsene, & others. 659 P501 5556 The modern poster. By Arsene Alexandre, M. H. Spielmann, H. C. Bunner and August Jaccaci. xiv,n7 p. il. 2 pi. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1895. Hiatt, Charles. 659 P500 5223 Picture posters : a short history of the illustrated placard, with many reproductions of the most artistic examples in all countries. xvi,367 p. il. 1 pi. O. London: G. Bell & Sons, pref. 1895. Laurie, Arthur Pillans. 751 L37 27374 facts about processes, pigments and vehicles. A manual for art students. x,i3i p. il. 1 pi. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1895. Chapter 15, Drawing for process, contains an account of some of the photographic reproductive processes. Vine, Charles J. 74* V75 19600 n{ n t s on drawing for process reproduction. 28 p. il. 15 pi. D. London: Lechertier, Barbe, & Co., 1895. White, Gleeson. L741 W58 24716 Christmas cards and their chief designers. [2], 56 p. il. 1 pi. Q. London: Offices of The Studio, 1895. Published as supplement to The Studio. Blackburn, Henry. L655.53 P400 171s6 The art of illustration. Second edition. xvi,240 p. il. 13 pi. paged in, 1 pi. 2 por. paged in. Q. London: W. H. Allen & Co., 1896. Hinton, A. Horsley. 655.53 P401 i7so3 ^ handbook of illustration. 120 p. il. 1 pi. O. London: Daw- barn & Ward, pref., 1894. Pennell, Joseph. L741 P38 Pen drawing and pen draughtsmen, their work and their methods. A study of the art to-day with technical suggestions. [Second edition.] xxxvi,46i p. il. 1 pi. 3 pi. paged in. sq.Q. London: Macmillan & Co., 1894. 16606 36170 Barhydt, J. A. 778.225 B23 Crayon portraiture. Complete instructions for making crayon portraits on crayon paper and on platinum, silver and bromide enlargements. Also directions for the use of transparent liquid water colors and for making French crystals. Revised and en- larged edition. 133 p. il. 2 pi. D. New York: Baker & Taylor Co., c. 1892. 108 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Examples. L097 P200 24016 .. . Examples of armorial book plates. From various collections. (Second [British] series.) [6] p. 147 pi. sq.Q. London: W. Griggs & Sons, 1892 Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. 741 H18 20091 T3 raw i n g & engraving. A brief exposition of technical principles & practice. xxii,i72 p. il. 22 pi. 1 por. O. London: A. & C. Black, 1892. Reprinted, with additions, from the Encyclopadia Britannica, ninth edition. Shotei Watanabe. L741 S559 S0497 [pj c t ur es of birds and flowers.] 3 vol. in portfolio. il. Q. [Okura, 1891]. In Japanese. [Long, E.] 778-225 L85 37514 -p ne ar j. f making portraits in crayon on solar enlargements. Third edition. Rewritten, enlarged and illustrated . . . Quincy, 111., published by E. Long, 1890. 44 p. illus., front, (port.) 22£ cm . Author's name appears on cover; preface to third edition is signed E. M. E. Schenk, L. Vh., publisher. . L659 Pooi 16337 Modern decorative art. A collection of original industrial art drawings [and posters] , for designers and artists. [Part 1 .] 2S pi. sq.F 4 . New York 1890. Blackall, Clarence Howard, &■ Mead, S. W. A729 B56 7239 Envois of the Rotch travelling scholarship. A selection of Euro- pean notes and sketches taken from the work of the first and second holders of the Rotch travelling scholarships, Boston, Mas- sachusetts, vi p. 60 pi. sq.F 3 . New York: S. M. O'Neill, [1889?]. Burnet, John. L750.4 B93 Practical essays on art. 1. Composition. 2. Light and shade. 3. The education of the eye Arranged ami edited by Ed- ward L. Wilson. [4], 22,45, 73 P- il. 24 pi. sq.Q. New York: E. L.Wilson, 1888. Photolithographic reproduction of the following essays : Practical hints on composi- tion in painting. 1S22. Practical hints on light and shade in painting. [826. An essay on the education of the eye, with reference to painting. 1837. 15002 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. IO9 Schweinfurth, Julius Adolph. A729 S413 7238 Sketches abroad, made during a nine months tour through a part of Spain, Italy, France, and the So. Kensington Museum. A. D. mdccclxxxvi. Portfolio of 30 pi. F 6 . Boston: Ticknor & Co., 1888. Grego, Joseph. 324.42 O600 291 A history of parliamentary elections and electioneering in the old days, showing the state of political parties and party warfare at the hustings and in the House of Commons from the Stuarts to Queen Victoria. Illustrated from the original political squibs, lampoons, pictorial satires, and popular caricatures of the time. xxvii,403 p. 46 il. 46 pi. O. London: Chatto & Windus, 1886. Maindron, Ernest. L659 O600 14666 Les affiches illustrees. Ouvrage orne ... par Jules Cheret. [1], x,[2],i6o p. il. 33 pi. F. [Paris:] H. Launette & C ie , 1886. Haiti, George Charles. A741 H13 4147 . . . Plant studies for artists, designers, and art students. [Part 1.] [8], 7 1 p. il. 50 pi. F 6 . London: B. Quaritch, 1886. Shaw, Henry, F.S.A. L096 M600 1738-1 j^ i ianc Jbook of the art of illumination as practised during the Middle Ages. With a description of the metals, pigments, and processes employed by the artists at different periods, viii, 66 p. il. 15 facsim. F 4 . London: Bell & Daldy, 1866. Kennion, Edward. L741 K39 An essay on trees in landscape ; or, An attempt to shew the propriety and importance of characteristic expression in this branch of art, and the means of producing it. [2],x,48 p. 62 pi. sq. F 4 . London: C.J. Kennion, 1815. Over the original imprint is pasted a slip, bearing the following inscription : This copy has beside the usual number of fifty plates, four large unpublished landscapes by Kennion, and six picturesque studies of trees, beautifully etched by PI. W. Williams. In all sixty plates. Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden. 1S44. "Preface by the editor, including a memoir of the author's life," p. i-x. 15962 110 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 741.9 ALPHABETS. LETTERING. Art of engraving. 762 A784 37«89 -p^g ar j. Q f engraving; a practical treatise on the engraver's art, with special reference to letter and monogram engraving; special- ly compiled as a text-book for students and reference book and guide for engravers ; over two hundred original illustrations. Philadelphia, The Keystone, 1903. 199 p. illus. 22i cm . Brown, Frank Chouteau. 74* -9 B81 37682 Letters and lettering; a treatise with 200 examples. Frank Chouteau Brown. Boston, Bates & Guild Company, 1902. xviii, [2], 214 p. illus. 22 cm . Hagen, Robert. 698 Qioo 85207 Praktische Anleitung zur Schriftmalerei mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Construction und Berechnung von Schriften fur bestimmte Flachen sowie der Herstellung von Glas-Glanzver- goldung und Versilberung fur Glas-Firmentafeln etc. Zweite ganzlich umgearbeitete, vermehrte Auflage. vii,i20 p. 29 il. D. [Chemisch-technische Bibliothek, vol. 1 26.] Wien : A. Hartleben, 1 901. Neuer Schriften- Atlas. L741.9N39 34731 N euer Schriftcn-Atlas. Eine Sammlung der gangbarsten und beliebtesten Schriften nach bestcn Ouellen bearbeitet. 20 col- ored pi. sq.Q. Berlin: W. Schultz-Engelhard, [1901]. Callingham, James. 659 Qooi 27551 Sign writing and glass embossing; a complete practical illustrated manual of the art. By James Callingham. A new edition. To which is added The art of letter painting made easy. By Jamcs Grcig Badenoch. [4], 258 p. il. 28 pi. 13 paged in. D. Philadelphia: II. C. Baird & Co., 1900. Device for spacing, by J. D. Fyott, p. 253-255. Moderne Schriften. L741.9 M72 Modcrne Schriften und Alphabcte. Entworfen und ausgefvihrt [in der K. Kunstgcwerbeschule zu Leipzig] untcr Lcitung von Prof. Paul Naumann, Prof. M. Honcgger. u. A. 15 pi. 14 col- ored. F\ Berlin: M. Spielmeyer, [1897-1900]. No title-page. Title taken from cover. 36251 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. Ill Butterworth, Charles F. 659 P900 30472 Sig n & s how card writing. A series of lessons prepared by Chas. F. Butterworth for the "Chicago Dry Goods Reporter." 64 p. il. O. Chicago: Dry Goods Reporter Co., 1899. Day, Lewis Foreman. 741.9 D33 17176 Alphabets old & new. Containing over one hundred and fifty complete alphabets, thirty series of numerals, . . . , for the use of craftsmen, with an introductory essay on "Art in the alphabet." xxii, 39 p. 27 il. 159 p. of pi. D. (Text books of ornamental design.) London: B. T. Batsford, 1898. Willson, Frederick Newton. ^741-9 W68 27430 ]\j te-taking, dimensioning and lettering. A text-book for stu- dents in engineering or architecture and for professional draughts- men. 1-10,88-96, [14] p. sq.F. [Willson, F. N. Descriptive geometry and mechanical drawing series, no. 1.] New York: Macmillan Co., 1898. Reprinted from Theoretical and practical graphics by the same author. Parsons text book. 741-9 P25 i2i32 p arsons text book for letters. Embracing all the principal letters in use at the present time. Graver, pen or brush. 4 leaves, 27 pi. ob. S. Peoria, Illinois, [1897?]. Reinhardt, Charles William. 741.9R27 6018 Lettering for draftsmen, engineers and students. A practical sys- tem of freehand lettering for working drawings [4] ,23 p. 44 il. 9 pi. ob.O. New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1896. Strange, Edward F. 741.9 S897 1267 Alphabets. A handbook of lettering, with historical, critical & practical descriptions. xix,294p. 194 il. 3 facsim. D. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1895. Cromwell, John Howard. 741-9 C88 19192 A system of easy lettering. Fourth thousand. 26 pi. ob. T. New York: Spoil & Chamberlain, 1897, c - 1887. Croly, Mrs. Jane Cunningham. 646 O600 Letters and monograms for marking on silk, linen, and other fabrics, for individual and household use. Edited by Mrs. Croly (Jennie June). 118 p. il. O. New York: A. L. Burt, 1886. 25628 15963 112 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Esser, Hermann. 741.9 E78 23613 Draughtsman's alphabets. A series of plain and ornamental alphabets, designed especially for engineers, architects, draughts- men, engravers, painters, etc. Third edition. 31 pi. ob.S. New York: Keuffel & Esser Co., c. 1877. Shaw, Henry, F.S.A. L741.9S534 383 The hand book of mediaeval alphabets and devices. [10] p. 37 pi. Q. London: B. Quaritch, 1853. Piquet, [Pierre]. L741.9P66 Le tresor calligraphique ; ou, Recueil d'exemples et d'alphabets varies, des differens caracteres d'ecriture, d'impression et de fan- taisie, francais et etrangers, grave d'apres les plus grands maitres par Picquet. [4] p. 38 pi. F 4 . Paris: L. Hachette, 1845. 742 PERSPECTIVE. Fuchs, Otto. L515.6 Q200 37668 Handbook on linear perspective, shadows and reflections, by Otto Fuchs . . . Boston and London, Ginn & Co., 1902. x, 34 p. xiii pi. in pocket. 21 x26i cm . Mann, William. 742 M31 37246 y n e art Q f s } lac ]i n g; a complete and graduated guide to the prin- ciples and practice of drawing in light and shade, for the use of art and technical classes, manufacturers' draughtsmen and self-taught students, by William Mann ... London, Chapman, and Hall, ltd., 1902. [8], 78, [2] P . 4 oillus. 24c .cm Longfellow, William Pitt Preble. L742 L86 32057 Applied perspective for architects and painters, viii. [4] ,96 p. il. 33 pi. sq.Q. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1901. « Pratt, Robert. L515.6Q100 7 Perspective, including the projection of shadows and reflections specially prepared for art students by Robert Pratt . . . London, New York and Bombay, Longmans, Green, and Co., 1901. viii, 74, [2] p. diagr. 34x21^'". 3764 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. I 1 3 Wilson, Victor Tyson. 5 J 5-6 Q002 29126 p ree -hand perspective. For use in manual-training schools and colleges. First edition xii,257 p. 139 il. I pi. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1900. Willson, Frederick Newton. L515.64 Pooo 28414 '-pj le p erS p ec tive of reflections. For architects, engineering draughtsmen, artists, etc. 14, [2] p. il. sq. F. New York: Macmillan Co., 1900. "Prepared primarily as a supplement to . . . Shadows and perspective." [Pre/ace.] Spanton, J. Humphrey. 5 I 5- 6 p8o ° ,su54 Complete perspective course. Comprising the elementary and advanced stages of perspective, the projection of shadows and reflections, with exercises in theory and practice, also the practi- cal application of perspective. Designed to meet ... : the ex- aminations of the Science and Art Department, South Kensing- ton, and of the College of Preceptors ; the Oxford and Cambridge local examinations .... xvii,282 p. 191 il. O. ["Britannia" science series.] London: Macmillan & Co., 1898. Binder's title : Science and art drawing. Frangenheim, J. M., & Posern, [Fj. 620.2 O700 19148 Anleitung zur Perspektive. Resultate der reinen Mathematik. [/;/ Handbuch der Baukunde. Abtheilung 1 : Hiilfswissenschaften, vol. 1, [4] ,375-486 p. 182 il.] Berlin 1887. "Litteratur," scattered through. Miller, Leslie William. 742 M61 86014 The essentials of perspective. With illustrations drawn by the author. vi,[2],i07 p. 137 il. ob.D. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1887. Wright, Frank Ayres. L742 W93 34269 Architectural perspective for beginners. Containing . . . plates of practical examples, considered with reference to a student in an architect's office. Fourth edition. 11 pi. sq. F. New York: W. T. Comstock, 1896, c. 1885. Heyn, Rudolph. L515.6 O400 Hauptsatze der Perspective, Spiegelung und perspectivischen Schattenconstruction, mit tlbungsbeispielen. Herausgegeben durch den Architekten-Verein am Konigl. Polytechnikum zu Dresden. [4], 15 p. 17 pi. F 4 . Leipzig: A. Felix, 1885. 213S1 114 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Keller, M. J. 515.6 N700 21116 Elementary perspective explained and applied to familiar objects. For the use of schools and beginners in the art of drawing. Fourth edition — revised. 47 p. 1 7 pi. O. Cincinnati : R. Clarke & Co., 1891, c. 1877. La Gournerie, Jules de. L515.61 L900 2i9->2 Traite de perspective lineaire, contcnant les traces pour les bas- reliefs et les decorations theatrales, avec une theorie des effets de perspective. Troisieme edition. xxvi,iQS,[2] p. sq.Q. Atlas of 40 pi. F 5 . Paris: Gauthier-Villars & fils, 1898. Atlas has shelf number A5 15.61 L900 Jopling, Joseph. 5I5 .6 j goo The practice of isometrical perspective. Second edition. 96 p. 173 il. 3 pi. O. London: M. Taylor, 1839. Niceron, [Jean Frangois]. L515.6 Ei 33010 La perspective curieuse du Reverend P. Niceron Minime avec l'optique et la catoptrique du R. P. Mersenne du mesme ordre, mise en lumiere apres la mort de l'autheur [2 vol.] in I. pi. por. F 4 . Paris: J. Du Puis, 1663. 743 ART ANATOMY. Hatton, Richard G. 741 H28 Figure drawing and composition. Being a number of hints for the student and designer upon the treatment of the human figure. By Richard G. Hatton. . . . Fifth thousand. London, Chapman and Hall, 1902. xiv, 313, [1] p. 184 illus. 22 cm . 376U8 Stratz, Carl Heinrich. L743 S9111 Die Rassenschonheit des Weibes. Zweitc Auflage. xvi.358 p. 233 il. 1 map. Q. Stuttgart: F. Enke, 1902. Stratz, Carl Heinrich. 743 S911 Die Schonheit des weiblichen Korpers. Flfte Auflage. xv,[i], 322 p. 180 il. 6 pi. 1 colored. O. Stuttgart: F. Enke, 1902. Dunlop, James M. L743 D92 8 Anatomical diagrams for the use of art students. Arranged with analytical notes and drawn out by James i\l. Dunlop. With in- troductory preface by John Cleland. [10], 72 p. il. Q. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1899. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. I I 5 Thompson, Ernest Evan [Seton] . L743 T37 19770 Studies in the art anatomy of animals. Being a brief analysis of the visible forms of the more familiar mammals and birds. De- signed for the use of sculptors, painters, illustrators, naturalists, and taxidermists. xii,Q6 p. 47 pi. F\ London: Macmillan & Co., 1896. "A list of the principal works consulted," p. 86-87. Uhlenhuth, Eduard. 731 U31 20135 -Qj e Technik der Bildhauerei ; oder, Theoretisch-praktische An- leitung zur Hervorbringung plastischer Kunstwerke vii, 152 p. il. D. [Chemisch-technische Bibliothek, vol. 202.] Wien: A. Hartleben, 1893. Muybridge, Eadweard. A591.17O700 losoa Animal locomotion. An electro-photographic investigation of consecutive phases of animal movements. Commenced 1872 — completed 1885. Published under the auspices of the University of Pennsylvania 11 vol. pi. sq. F 6 . Philadelphia 1887. Contents: Vol. i. Men (nude). 65 pi. Vol. 2. Males (nude). 68 pi. Vol. 3. Fe- males (nude). 89 pi. Vol. 4. Females (nude). 89 pi. Vol. 5. Males (pelvis cloth). 72 pi. Vol. 6. Females (semi-nude and transparent drapery) and children. 79 pi. Vol. 7. Males and females (draped) and miscellaneous subjects. 71 pi. Vol. 8. Abnor- mal movements. Males and females (nude and semi-nude). 29 pi. Vol. 9. Horses. 95 pi. Vol. 10. Domestic animals. 40 pi. Vol. 11. Wild animals and birds. 84 pi. Duval, Mathias. 743 D95 Precis d'anatomie a l'usage des artistes. 336 p. JJ il. O. (Bib- liotheque de l'enseignement des beaux-arts.) Paris: A. Quantin, [1881]. Bell, Sir Charles. L138 G600 1759 The anatomy and philosophy of expression as connected with the fine arts. Fifth edition. viii,275 p. il. 4 pi. O. London: H. G. Bohn, 1865. Leonardo da Vinci. L611.73 Di 20104 I manoscritti di Leonardo da Vinci della Reale biblioteca di Windsor. Fogli A. Pubblicati da Teodoro Sabachnikoff. Trans- critti e annotati da Giovanni Piumati, con traduzione in lingua francese, preceduti da uno studio di Mathias-Duval. 202 p. 34 pi. F 4 . Parigi: E. Rouveyre, 1898. Il6 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 744 MECHANICAL DRAWING. Carroll, John. 744 C23 37678 p a ttern drawing and design; the application of geometrical draw- ing to the construction of ornament and the planning of patterns, by John Carroll . . . London, Burns & Oates, ltd., 1902. 112 p. illus. l8i cm . "Intended to be both an introduction and a companion to the author's work on 'Practical plane and solid geometry." — Pref. Hawkins, Nehemiah. 744 H31 37657 ... Self-help mechanical drawing; an educational treatise, by N. Hawkins, M.E. . .. New York, T. Audel & Co., 1902. [10], 13-299 p. illus. inch diagrs. 18x27°™. Ross, Bernhard. 1^744 ^73 34271 Einfiihrung in das technische Zeichnen fur Architekten, Bau- Ingenieure, und Bautechniker. Entwickelung der wichtigsten Methoden zeichnerischer Darstellung angewandt auf technische Gegenstiinde nebst Erorterungen iiber die hierbei zur Verwen- dung kommenden Materialien. vi,[2],68 p. 20 pi. 9 colored. F. Wiesbaden: C. W. Kreidel, 1902. Tuthill, William B. 692 Q200 37650 p rac ti C al lessons in architectural drawing; or, How to make the working drawings and write specifications for buildings. Eleventh edition (revised and rewritten) Illustrated by 33 full-page plates (one in colors) and t,^ woodcuts ... by William B. Tuthill, A.M. New York, W. T. Comstock, 1902. 61 p. diagrs. xxxiii pi. (plans, diagrs. partly col.) I9.ix29i cm . Bartlett, Frank W. 744 B282 Mechanical drawing. Written for the use of the naval cadets at the United States Naval Academy. First edition. viii,[2],i88 p. il. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1901. Chamberlain, Paul Mellen. 744 C35 37612 Notes on mechanical drawing introductory to machine design, ar- ranged for students in the Lewis Institute by P. M. Chamberlain. Chicago, 111., 1901 . 24 p. illus. 23 cm . Advertising matter: p. 21-24. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. I 1 7 Hasluck, Paul Nooncree, editor. 744 H27 30317 p rac tical draughtsmen's work. 160 p. 226 il. D. London: Cassell & Co., 1901. "The contents of this book consist substantially of several series of illustrated articles by Prof. Henry Adams, originally contributed to Work and Building World." Preface. Kraus, Herman Theodore Cornelius. A515.61 Qioo 30258 -pj ie principles and practice of linear perspective developed along original lines, being a practical handbook for architects, civil and mechanical engineers, art designers, engravers, and for draughts- men engaged in all the industrial arts. 53 p. il. 8 pi. paged in. ob.Q. New York. N. W. Henley & Co., 1901. Reid, John Simpson, & Reid, David. 621.004 Q003 26481 A text-book of mechanical drawing and elementary machine design. First edition viii,[2] ,389 p. 301 il. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1900. Keuffel & Esser Co., New York. 620.85 Q002 32903 Catalogue and price-list of Keuffel & Esser Co., manufacturers and importers of drawing materials and surveying instruments. 30th edition. X4S2 p. il. O. New York 1901. Reinhardt, Charles William. 744 R27 23501 -pj ie t e chnic of mechanical drafting. A practical guide to neat, correct and legible drawing. First edition. 36 p. il. 10 pi. 1 pi. of maps. ob.O. New York: Engineering News Publishing Co., 1900. Edminster, Clothier Franklin. 744 E24 221,1 Architectural drawing. 210 p. il. 1 pi. ob.D. [Brooklyn]: published by the author, c. 1899. Kirsch, Bruno, & Kracht, H. 515 P901 29343 VorschulefiirdasMaschinenzeichen. Schiiler-Ausgabe. Vol. 1-. il. pi. colored pi. O. Dortmund: Ruhfussche Kunst- und Buch- handlung, 1899-. \5977 Reid, John Simpson. 515 P800 A course in mechanical drawing. First edition [2],iii, 128 p. 168 il. O. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1898. Butterfill, Henry Holt-. 515 P700 First principles of mechanical and engineering drawing. A course of study adapted to the self-instruction of students and apprentices to mechanical engineering in all its branches .... xii,2ii p. 203 il. O. London: Chapman & Hall, 1897. 8513 I 1 8 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Hodgson, Frederick Thomas, 1836-- , comp. L694 P701 20983 jj lc universal carpenter and joiner and wood-worker's assistant, containing instructions in the arts of carpentry, joinery, fitting, and wood-furnishings for wood, brick, stone, concrete and adobe buildings ... To which is added a number of . . . other matters suited to the every-day wants of the practical wood-worker. Upwards of 1 ,000 illustrations. Complete in five parts. Com- piled and edited byTred. T. Hodgson ... [Pt. 1] New York, Industrial Publication Co., 1898 [ c i897] x, [n]-lo8p. 244 illus. incl. diagrs. 26 cm . No more published. Marshall. William Crosby. 744 M35 6394 Course in elementary machine design. ob. S. New Haven, Conn., 1897. Barter, S. 744 B28 9347 Manual instruction. Drawing. [4] ,48 p. 16 pi. sq.O. Lon- don: Whittaker & Co., 1896. Engineer. 620.04 P600 26289 Engineer draughtsmen's work. Hints for beginners, by a practi- cal draughtsman. Second edition. 96, [2] p. 80 il. D. [Whit- taker's library of arts, sciences & industries.] London : Whittaker & Co., 1898. Ford, T. A. V. 744 F75 6552 A systematic course of geometrical drawing. xxiv,208 p. il. D. London: G. Philip & Son, 1896. Hill, John Edward. 515.6 P600 Bo12 A text-book on shades and shadows, and perspective. Prepared for the use of students in technical schools. Second edition, revised and enlarged v,ioi p. il. 12 pi. O. New York : J. Wiley & Sons, 1896. Jackson, Charles F. 515 P600 6304 Mechanical drawing. [2], 63 p. 20 pi. ob. S. Philadelphia:]. B. Lippincott Co. 1896. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 744 M38 Notes on mechanical engineering drawing ami the blue process, December, 1896. 24 p. 25 il. O. Boston, U. S. A., 1896. Hi -I. 1 .. > BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. I 19 Willson, Frederick Newton. L515 P601 18720 Theoretical and practical graphics. An educational course on the theory and practical applications of descriptive geometry and mechanical drawing. Prepared for students in general science, engineering or architecture. vii,[i],264,[3o] p. il. 1 pi. 1 table. sq.F. New York: Macmillan Co., 1898. Willson, Frederick Newton. L515 P603 27174 Practical engineering drawing and third angle projection. For students in scientific, technical, and manual training schools and for engineering and architectural draughtsmen, sheet metal work- ers, etc. 1-103,131-180, 241-250, [28] 1 pi. sq.F. [Will- son, F. N. Descriptive geometry and mechanical drawing series, no. 4.] New York: Macmillan Co., 1898. Reprinted from Theoretical and practical graphics by the same author. MacCord, Charles William. L744 M13 3106 Practical hints for draughtsmen. Third edition [6], 100 p. 68 il. sq.F. New York: J. W. Wiley & Sons, 1895. Bound with: MacCord, C. \V. Mechanical drawing. 1892. Anthony, Gardner Chace. 515 P400 8822 Elements of mechanical drawing. Use of instruments, geometri- cal problems, and projection. 98 p. il. 32 pi. ob. T. (Technical drawing series.) Boston, U. S. A.: D. C. Heath & Co., 1894. MacCord, Charles William. L744M13 Mechanical drawing. Progressive exercises and practical hints. For the use of all who wish to acquire the art, with or without the aid of an instructor. [6], 148 p. 164 il. sq.F. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1892. Bound with this: MacCord, C. W. Practical hints for draughtsmen. 1895. Elbow chart. L671 P203 14330 ei dow chart for tin and sheet iron workers. Giving the rise of the mitre line for elbows of any number of pieces, and diameter, at any angle. 27.5x36 cm. Q. Lockport, N. Y., c. 1892. Becourt, L. 5I5 p IO i Le dessin technique. Cours professionel de dessin geometrique (theorie et applications) . Publie par L. Becourt sous la direction de J. Pillet Series A- il. ob. S. Paris: Hachette & c ie , 1891-. Series A, no. 1-2; series F, no. 1, are in third edition; series A, no. 3; series B, no. 1; series C, no. 2; series F, no. 2-4, 6, are in second edition. Series A, no. 1, published in 1895. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. 29871 120 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Appletons' cyclopaedia of technical drawing. L744 A649 1709 Appletons' cyclopedia of technical drawing. Embracing the prin- ciples of construction as applied to practical design Edit- ed by W. E. Worthen. vii,[2], 745,38 p. il. 15 pi. 5 maps. O. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1887. Kittredge, A. 0. L671 O101 10799 Y\) e metal worker pattern book. A practical treatise on the art and science of pattern-cutting as applied to sheet metal work. Sixth edition. [4] ,242 p. 520 il. sq.F. New York: D. Williams, 1888, c. 1881. Tuthill, William Burnett. 692 Oioo 9996 Practical lessons in architectural drawing, or how to make the working drawings and write the specifications for buildings Tenth edition. 44 p. 33 il. 33 pi. ob.D. New York: W. T. Comstock, 1897, c - 1 88 1. Warren, Samuel Edward. 744 W25 15443 Ei emcn tary projection drawing. Theory and practice Tenth edition, revised, and with a new division on the elements of machines. xiii,i62 p. il. 24 pi. O. (Industrial science draw- ing.) New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1887, c. 1880. Kempe, Alfred Bray. 5i5-n N700 14283 jj ow to draw a straight line; a lecture on linkages. [6], 51 p. 34 il. D. (Nature series.) London: Macmillan & Co., 1877. Binns, William [S.] 621.004 M900 20164 j ne S e Con d course of orthographic projection; being a continu- ation of the new method of teaching the science of mechanical and engineering drawing; with some practical remarks on the teeth of wheels, the projection of shadows, principles of shading, and drawing from machinery Fourth edition. xii,i8o p. 67 il. 23 pi. O. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1886. Binns, William [S.] 621.004 L700 An elementary treatise on orthographic projection ; being a new method of teaching the science of mechanical and engineering drawing, intended for the instruction of engineers, architects, builders, ... , and for the use of schools. Thirteenth edition. [6],xiv,i38 p. 60 il. 23 pi. O. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1S99. 21181 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 121 745 ORNAMENTAL DESIGN. Fabrics. Wall Paper. [Briggs Brothers] Plymouth, Mass. L686 Q201 37674 Twentieth century cover designs, arranged, compiled, printed and published by Victor H. and Ernest L. Briggs. Plymouth, Mass., V. H. and E. L. Briggs, 1902. [22], 59, [52] p. incl. illus., port., facsim. 37 col. pi. (1 embossed) 31^™. Contents. —Sheldon, F. M. The use of colors on covers. — Helmer, F. F. The cover in advertising. — Bowdoin,W. G. Book covers and cover designing. — Pfister, F. J. Pyrography as a fine art. — Helmer, H. Concerning cover papers. —Ralph, E. S. The cover-page. — Hodge, J. S. Book-lovers' bindings. — French, G. The art of cover designing. — Adams, R. R. Viennese inlaying. East, Hallton. 740-8 8 v.43 37670 Leather work, by Hallton East. Giving simple instructions for blind and color tooling; gold blocking; leather mosaic, applique, and patchwork; pressed, modelled, and moulded leather ; leather- covered relief . . . With methods of coloring, staining, sizing, and varnishing; many diagrams of tools, etc., and eight full pages of designs . . . London, Dawbarn and Ward, ltd., [1902] cover-title, 24 p. front., illus., 5 pi. i8£xi7 cm . (Useful-arts and handicrafts series, no. 43) Jennings, Arthur Seymour. L698.6 Q200 36831 Wallpapers and wall coverings. A practical handbook for deco- rators, paperhangers, architects, builders and houseowners, with many half-tone and other illustrations showing the latest designs. 161 p. il. 3 colored pi. 3 pi. of samples. nar.Q. New York: W. T. Comstock, 1903. Pushman, Garabed T. 677.76 Q200 36664 ^ rt p ane i s f rom the hand looms of the far Orient as seen by a native rug weaver. Third edition. 79 P- il. O. Chicago: R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co., 1902. Todd, Mattie Phipps. 372.2 Q201 Hand-loom weaving; a manual for school and home, by Mattie Phipps Todd . . . with an introduction by Alice W. Cooley . . . with fifty-seven illustrations. Chicago, London [etc.] Rand, McNally & Co. [1902] [2], 5-160 p. front., illus. i8£ cm . "A list of helpful books and magazine articles," p. 153-158. 37677 122 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Upholstery. L045 Q200 37651 -j-j ie U pholstery and drapery guide; a treatise on interior furnish- ing and decorating . . . New York, Review Publishing Co., 1902. 218, [2] p. illus. 33.\26 em . "The reading matter and illustrations comprised in this volume have been taken from various issues of the Upholstery trade review." — Pref. Bode, Wilhelm. L745 B63 32713 Vorderasiatische Kniipfteppiche aus alterer Zeit. (2.-3. Tau- send.) [2], 136 p. il. 14 pi. 1 colored, 13 paged in. Q. [Mono- graphien des Kunstgewerbes]. Leipzig: H. Seemann, [1901]. Germanisches Nationalmuseum. L073.63 1 33403 Catalog der Gewebesammlung des Germanischen Nationalmu- seums 2 vol. in 1. il. pi. Q. Nurnberg 1896-1901. Contents: Vol. i. Gewebe und Wirkereien, Zeugdrucke. Verfasst von Dr. Theodor Hampe. 182 p. 52 il. 15 pi. 1896. Vol. 2. Stickereien, Spitzen und Posamentierar- beiten. Verfasst von Hans Stegmann. [4], 80 p. 3 il. 14 pi. 1901. Holt, Rosa Belle. L745 H74 37607 R U g S) oriental and occidental, antique and modern. A hand- book for ready reference, by Rosa Belle Holt. Chicago, A. C. McClurg & Co., 1901. [10], 167 p. front., xxxi pi. (partly col., incl. I map) 28£ cm . "Bibliography," p. 147-151., Margarethe. L677 Q101 338I8 xjber Brettchenweberei. vii,[i],54,[2] p. 82 il. F. Berlin: D. Reimer, 1901. Martin, Fredrik Robert. L745 M362 33400 Y)[ e persischen Prachtstoffe im Schlosse Rosenborg in Kopenhagen. [4], 14 p. 10 il. 9 pi. sq.F 4 . Stockholm: G. Chelius, 1901. Blanchon, H. L. Alphonse. 745 B59 22813 L'jnclustrie des fleurs artificielles et des fleurs conservees 2 99 P- 1 34 il. D. [Bibliotheque des connaissances utiles.] Paris: J.-B. Bailliere & fils, 1900. Jesup North Pacific Expedition. L570.7103 3 v.2 29742 Publications of the Jesup North Pacific Expedition Vol. I-. il. pi. {In American Museum of Natural History. Memoirs, vol. 2.) New York 1900-. Mumford, John Kimberly. 1^745 M915 Oriental rugs. xv,[i],278 p. il. 32 pi. 2 maps, _' tables. O. New York: C. Scribncr's Sons, 1900. Contents: i. Introduction. 2. History. 3. The rug-weaving peoples. 4. Mate- rials. 5. Dyers and dyes. 6. Design. 7. Weaving. 8. Classification. 9. Caucasian. 10. Turkish. 11. Persian, 12. Turkoman. 13. Khilims. 14. Indian, 1!(J9;!9 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 1 23 Behrens, C. A745 B39 84118 Blattformen. Abdrucke nach der Natur. Eine Sammlung von mehr als fiinfhundert Blattern einheimischer wie auslandischer Pflanzen in natiirlicher Grosse aufgenommen. [14] P- 80 pi. F 3 . Berlin: B. Hessling, pref. 1899. Gross, Heinrich. L729.41 G91 23287 Botanischer Formenschatz. Eine Sammlung von Naturstudien, zur Belebung des Ornaments in Schule und Werkstatt. [8] p. 72 pi. F*. Stuttgart: J. Hoffmann, pref. 1899. Martin, Fredrik Robert. L745 M361 23631 Fig Ura i e persische Stoffe aus dem Zeitraum 1550-1650. 23 p. il. 18 pi. sq. F 4 . Stockholm: G. Chelius 1899. Morris, William, 1 834-1 896. 745 M831 37311 Some hints on pattern-designing. By William Morris. [London, printed at the Chiswick Press with the golden type designed by William Morris for the Kelmscott Press, published by Longmans & Co,, 1899] [2], 45 p. 2\h. cm - Miller, Fred. 704 M61 11413 The training of a craftsman. Illustrated by many workers in the art crafts. x,249 p. 161 il. O. New York: Truslove & Comba, 1898. Contents: i. The craftsman and nature. 2. Design and craftsmanship. 3. Metal work. Repousse and fine metal-work. Wrought iron. 4. Jewellery. 5. Enamelling on metal. 6. Potters and painters. 7. Glass painters. 8. Wood carvers. 9. Book- binders. 10. Women workers in the art crafts. 11. Surface decoration. 12. Decora- tion in relief. 13. Wall-papers and textiles. 14. The craftsman up-to-date and his outlook. Friling, H. L745 F91 20658 Moderne Flachornamente, entwickelt aus dem Pflanzen- und Thierreich. Ideen fur Textiles, Musterzeichnen und decorative Malereien aller Art, in Sonderheit Ornamente fiir Gewebe, Druck- stoffe, Stickereien, Tapeten, Decken- und Wandmalereien, Glas- malereien und fiir alle Zweige des Kunstgewerbes, die sich der Flachenverzierung bedienen. Zweite Auflage. Part 1-. pi. F 4 . Berlin: B. Hessling, [1897-]. Martin, Fredrik Robert. L745 M36 Morgenlandische Stoffe. Tafeln nebst Text. [Aus dem Schwe- dischen iibersetzt von C. O. Nordgren.] 12 p. 15 pi. sq. F 4 . (Sammlung F. R. Martin.) Stockholm: G. Chelius, 1897. 23629 124 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Posselt, Emanuel Anthony. L677 P700 6691 ]\ T ew am i revised edition of Technology of textile design. A practical treatise on the construction and application of weaves for all textile fabrics and the analysis of cloth. Containing also an appendix describing all the latest methods and improvements in designing and manufacturing 324 p. 1508 il. O. Phil- adelphia: E. A. Posselt, [1897]. Stephenson, Charles, & Suddards, F. 745 S836 ios64 j^ text book dealing with ornamental design for woolen fabrics. xii,273 p. il. O. London: Methuen & Co., 1897. Meurer, M. L745 M57 19541 pfl anzcnD ilder. Ornamental verwerthbare Naturstudien fur Archi- tekten, Kunsthandwerker, Musterzeichner, pp. Studies of plants for the use of architects, designers, decorators, etc. Etudes vege- tales applicables a l'ornementation a l'usage des architectes, decorateurs, dessinateurs, etc. Vol. 1-. pi. F 4 . Dresden: G. Kiihtmann, [1896-]. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Holmes, James. 677.19 P600 14153 Cotton cloth designing. [6],iv,9~78 p. 41 pi. 1 por. O. Burn- ley: Lupton Bros., pref. 1896. Muller, Richard. L745 M91 11315 Motiven-Schatz fiir Schaftweberei. Eine Sammlung von Mustern und Motiven fiir die verschiedenstcn Branchen der Weberei. Zum Gebrauche fiir Webereien, Dessinatcure und Webeschulen. vii p. 25 pi. sq.F'. Weimar: B. F. Voigt, 1896. Hofmann, Richard. A745 H67 '-'" Muster fiir Textil-Industrie, (auch als Vorbilder verwendbar fiir andere Zweige cles Kunstgewcrbes), entworfen in der Koniglichen Industrieschule zu Plauen i. V. Mit Genehmigung des Konig- lichen Ministeriums des Innern herausgegeben. 4 vol. in 1. pi. F 8 . Plauen i. V.: C. Stoll, [1894-1896]. Wornum, Ralph Nicholson. 729 W89 18750 Analysis of ornament. Characteristics of styles. An introduction to the study of the history of ornamental art. Tenth edition. vii,2 1 5 p. il. 27 pi. 26 paged in. O. London: Chapman & Hall, 1896. "Illustrated literature", at the beginning of chapters 0-8, 10-13, '5- BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 1 25 Gayet, Albert. 745 G25 37603 . . . L'art arabe par Al. Gayet. Paris, Librairies-imprimeries reunies [1893] 316 p. 165 illus. 2i£ cm . (Bibliotheque de l'enseignement des beaux-arts) Engr. t.-p. added. Robinson, Vincent J. A745 R56 4143 Eastern carpets. (Second series.) Twelve early examples with descriptive notices by Vincent J. Robinson and a preface by Sir George Birdwood. Printed in colours . . . , after water-colour drawings by E. Julia Robinson. Unpaged, 1 1 pi. F 6 . London : B. Quaritch, 1893. Audsley, George Ashdown, & A729 A915 19036 Audsley, Maurice Ashdown. La decoration pratique. Modeles usuels pour les peintres decora- teurs, dessinateurs, ceramistes, etc. 100 pi. F 5 . Paris: Firmin- Didot& c ie , 1892. Beaumont, Roberts. 677P004 15129 Colour in woven design. xxiv,440 p. 181 il. 32 pi. D. [Special- ists' series.] London: Whittaker & Co., 1890. Heald, F. B. A745H34 941 A selection of suggestive designs. (First series.) 72 pi. sq. F 5 . Nottingham: C. Wheatley, [1890]. Griggs, William. L745 G87 3778 p or tfolio of Italian & Sicilian art. Executed in photo-chromo-lith- ography from examples, chiefly in the collections of the South Kensington Museum. [4] p. 56 pi. F 4 . London 1 885-1 890. Kuenemann, Harry. A582 P003 Decorative American wild flowers 20 pi. F 6 . N. Y. : Albertype Co., c. 1890. Holmes, William Henry. L572.051 1 10483 j^ s t U( jy of the textile art in its relation to the development of form and ornament. \_I11 Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American Ethnology. Annual report, no. 6. p. 189-252, il. Washington 1888.] Rome. Museo artistico-industriale. 677 O701 Esposizione retrospettive e contemporanee di industrie artistiche. Esposizione del 1887. Tessuti e merletti. Catalogo delle opere esposte, con brevi cenni sull'arte tessile in Italia, di R. Erculei. 226,[2] p. O. Roma: G. Civelli, 1887. 6187 126 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Morris, William, 1 834-1 896. 745 M83 37309 Textile fabrics. A lecture delivered in the lecture room of the Exhibition, July 11th, 1S84. By William Morris. London, printed and published for the Executive Council of the Inter- national Health Exhibition, and for the Council of the Society of Arts, by William Clowes and Sons, ltd., 1884. 29 p. 2i£ cm . (International Health Exhibition. London, 1884) Ashenhurst, Thomas R. 745 A824 8998 Design in textile fabrics. viii,248 p. 104 il. 10 pi. S. [Manuals of technology.] London: Cassell & Co., 1883. Audsley, William [James], & Audsley, G. A729.4 A916 11609 Polychromatic decoration as applied to buildings in the mediaeval styles vi,[2],32 p. 36 pi. F 5 . London: H. Sotheran & Co., 1882. Hildebrand, Hans [Olof Hildebrand]. 745 H54 11788 Hvad ar fornnordisk stil? p. 60-87. il. O. 188-. Extracted from Meddelanden fran Svenska Sldjdfdreiiingen. No title-page. Cook, Clarence [Chatham], 1828-1900. 645 Oooi 37706 «vyhat shall we do with our walls?" Clarence Cook. [Second edition.] New York, Warren, Fuller & Co., 1SS1, [ c i88o]. [2], ii, 35 p. col. front., 4 col. pi. 24 cm . Fischbach, Friedrich. A745 F52 9779 Ornamente der Gcwebe. Gezeichnet und herausgegeben von Friedrich Fischbach. [2],x p. 161 pi. sq.F 5 . Hanau : G. M. Alberti, [1 874-1 880]. Bourgoin, Jules. 1^745 B66 88378 Les elements de l'art arabe. Le trait des cntrelacs. 47 p. 200 pi. 10 colored. F. Paris: Firmin-Didot & c ie , 1879. Lessing, Julius. A745 L56 28128 Ancient oriental carpet patterns after pictures and originals of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries; with descriptive text. 25 p. 30 colored pi. F 8 . London: H. Sotheran & Co., 1879. Dupont-Auberville, . A745 D92 7843 Art industriel. L'orncmcnt des tissus. Rccueil historique et pratique, avec des notes explicatives et tine introduction generale. Ouvrage edite sous la direction de M. Bachelin-Deflorenne. [2], 37, [21 I ] p. il. 100 pi. F 5 . Paris: Librairie generate de l'aichi- tecture et des travaux publics, 1877. Bound in 2 vol. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 12 J Racinet, Auguste. A745R11 8182 Polychromatic ornament, . . . , comprising upwards of two thou- sand specimens of the various styles of ancient, oriental, and me- diaeval art, . . . including the Renaissance and the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries With explanatory text, and a general introduction, translated from the original French. [ 100 pi. F 5 . London: H. Sotheran & Co., 1877. Blanc, Charles. 39 1 N6o ° 2297s ^ rt j n ornamen t and dress. Translated from the French, ix, 274 p. il. O. London: Chapman & Hall, 1877. Jacquemart, Albert. L749 J16 18.-35 Hi s toire du mobilier. Recherches et notes sur les objets d'art qui peuvent composer l'ameublement et les collections de l'homme du monde et du curieux. Avec une notice sur l'auteur par M. H. Barbet de Jouy. [2],iv,66s,[2] p. il. 88 pi. paged in. Q. Paris: Hachette& C ie , 1876. Rock, Daniel. 677N600 103 Textile fabrics. [8],i 16 p. 16 il. O. [SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. Art handbooks.] London: Chapman & Hall, 1876. Conti, Cosimo. 745 C76 26231 Ri C erche storiche sull'arte degli arazzi in Firenze. xvi,i20 p. il. D. Firenze: G. C. Sansoni, 1875. Franke, William B. A718 2 23131 Designs for monuments. [4 p.] 39 pi. F 5 . New York: W. B. Franke, 1875. Houdoy, Jules. L745 H81 25527 T a pj sse jies representant la conqueste du royaulme de Tliunes par l'Empereur Charles-Quint. Histoire et documents inedits. [2], 30, [4] p. Q. Lille 1873. Only 210 copies printed. Racinet, Auguste. A740.8 2 L'ornement polychrome. Contenant environ 2,000 motifs de tous les styles. Art ancien et asiatique, moyen age, renaissance, X\Ti e et XVHI e siecle. Recueil historique et pratique. Avec des notices explicatives et une introduction generale. [2],iv,6o,[4] p. il. 100 pi. F 5 . Paris: Firmin Didot Freres, [1873]. 9955 128 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Waring, John Burley, editor. ^^11 Ni 7021 Examples of weaving and embroidery. Selected from the Royal and other collections. Chromo-lithographed by F. Bedford. Drawings by R. C. Dudley. With essays by Owen Jones and M. Digby Wyatt. [6],49-8o,[2] p. 16 pi. F\ London: Day & Son, [187-?]. [Jones, Owen.] 1*745 J72 11,668 Examples of Chinese ornament [selected from objects in the South Kensington Museum and other collections]. 60 pi. F. [London 1867.] Plate 20 mutilated. Shaw, Henry, F. S. A. L096 M600 17324 j^ handbook; of the art of illumination as practised during the Middle Ages. With a description of the metals, pigments, and processes employed by the artists at different periods. viii,66 p. il. 15 facsim. F 4 . London: Bell & Daldy, 1866. Bradley, J. W., & Goodwin, T. G. 655.53 Mioo 7874 A manual of illumination on paper and vellum. Eighteenth edi- tion. Carefully revised and much enlarged, with practical notes and entirely new illustrations on wood. By J. J. Laing. [2],iv 100 p. il. 1 pi. D. London: Winsor & Newton, [1870]. Chevreul, [Michel Eugene] . 745 C42 ,o9 Rapport sur les tapisseries et les tapis des manufactures nationalcs, fait a la Commission francaise du Jury international de l'Exposi- tion universelle de Londres. [2], 100 p. O. Paris: Imprimerie imperiale, 1854. Krauss, Johann Ulrich. L745 K86 Tapisseries du roy, ou sont rcprcsentez les quatre elemens et les quatre saisons. Avec les devises qui les accompagnent et leur explication. Konigliche franzosische Tapezereyen, oder uberaus schone Sinn-Bildcr, in welchcn die vier Element, samt den vier Jahr-Zeitcn, neben den Dcnckspriichen und Ihren Ausslegungen, vorgestellt werden. Aus den Original-Kupffern nachgezeichnet, ... . [8], 129 p. 43 pi. F. Augstburg 1687. Painters magazine. L698.051 2 The Painters magazine and Wall paper trade journal, including Painting and decorating. Continued from vol. 26. 1899. il. pi. por. Q. [New York 1899-.] No title-page nor index. Title taken from inside rover. Slb7 21315 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 1 29 Painting and decorating. L698.051 1 10349 p a j n ting and decorating. A journal treating of house, sign, fres- co, car and carriage painting and of wall paper and decoration. Vol. 12-14, no - 3- Oct. 1 896- Dec. 1898. il. pi. sq.Q. New York 1 897-1 898. In Dec. 1898 this was united with the Painters' magazine under the title: The Painters' magazine, wall paper trade journal, including Painting and decorating. Archiv. L686.053 1 33315 ^rchiv ftj r Buchbinderei und verwandte Geschaftszweige. Zeit- schrift fur kunstgewerbliche und handwerksmassige Buchbinderei, Cartonnage-, Lederwaren- und Geschaftsbucher-Fabrikation, Papierausstattung .... Continued from vol. I. [April, 1901]. il. Q. Halle a. S., 1901-. Edited by Paul Adam. 746 ART NEEDLEWORK. FANCY WORK. Baillaud, Marie. 74& B15 36906 I4 o modeles de tricot et de crochet. Deuxieme edition. [2], iii,74,[2] p. 134 il. O. Paris: Hachette & c ie , [1902]. Hrdlicka, Joseph. A746 H85 37240 Entwiirfe fiir moderne Spitzen von Professor J. Hrdlicka . . . Stuttgart, J. Hoffman, [190 2 ] 30 pi. 50x35.^. Butterick Publishing Co. L646 Q102 37629 Modern lace-making: advanced studies ... London and New York, The Butterick Pub. Co., ltd., 1901. 118 p. illus. 28 cm . Celnart, Mme. . 746 C33 34828 .... Nouveau manuel complet du fleuriste artificiel et du feuilla- giste ; ou, l'Art d'imiter d'apres nature toute espece de fleurs, .. . et contenant tout ce qui est relatif au commerce des fleurs. Nouvelle edition revue et augmentee. viii,344 p. 50 il. S. (En- cyclopedie-Roret.) Paris: L. Mulo, 1901. Dillmont, Therese de. 746 D581 Encyclopedic des ouvrages de dames. [6], 742 p. il. 17 colored pi. O. (Bibliotheque D. M. C.) Dornach, (Alsace) : T. de Dill- mont, [1901]. 32783 130 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Germanisches Nationalmuseum. L073.63 1 33403 K a t a i g der Gewebesammlung dcs Germanischen Nationalmu- seums 2 vol. in 1. il. pi. 0. Nurnberg 1896-1901. Contents: Vol. I. Gewebe unci Wirktrcien, Zeugdrucke. Verfasst von Dr. Theodor Hampe. 182 p. 52 il. 15 pi. 1896. Vol. 2. Stickereien, Spitzen und Posamentierar- beiten. Verfasst von Hans Stegmann. [4], 80 p. 3 il. 14 pi. 1901. Hall, Maud R. L746 H14 37658 English church needlework ; a handbook for workers and design- ers, by Maud R. Hall ... London, G. Richards; New York, E. P. Dutton & Co., 1 901. 139 p. incl. illus., 12 pi. front. 25-i cm . Manchester, Flora E. 372.2 Qioo Paper flower making. A kindergarten occupation for girls and infants. 74 p. il. 4 colored pi. D. London: Sir I. Pitman & Sons, [1901]. Palliser, [Fanny (Marryat)] L677.47 Qioo 37654 "Mrs. Bury Palliser,' ' 1 805-1 878. History of lace, by Mrs. Bury Palliser ; entirely revised, re-written, and enlarged under the editorship of M. Jourdain and Alice Dryden. Fourth edition. With 266 illustrations. New York, C. Scribncr's Sons, 1902. xvi, 536 p. incl. front., illus. xciii (*. e. 133) pi. on 107 1. incl. port. 26°'". Brainerd & Armstrong Co., New London. 746 B73 28231 Embroidery lessons with colored studies. 1901. Latest and most complete book on the subject of silk embroidery and popular fancy work. Edited by a corps of expert embroiderers under the direction and supervision of the Brainerd & Armstrong Com- pany. 135 p. il. 16 colored pi. O. New London, Conn., 1900. Brown, Nellie Clark. L 74 6 gsi How to make Battenberg and point lace. [2], 43 p. il. Q. Bos- ton, Mass.: Priscilla Publishing Co., c. 1900. Channer, C C. ■ 677.47 Qooi 7613 Lace-making in the Midlands, past and present, by C. C. Chan- ner and M. E. Roberts. London, Methuen & Co., 1900. [2], 80 p. front., 16 fig. on 15 pi. 19''"'. Day, Lewis Foreman, & Buckle, Mary. 74 6 D33 Art in needlework. A book about embroidery. xxi,262 p. 94 il. D. (Text-books of ornamental design.) London: B. T. Hats- ford, 1900. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 13 T Dillmont, Therese de. 74^ D582 33,28 Vorlagen fur Stickereien. [8 p.] 48 pi. ob.T. (Bibliothek D. M. C.) Dornach (Elsass) : T. de Dillmont, [1900]. Huish, Marcus Bourne. L 746 H87 27437 Samplers and tapestry embroideries. By Marcus B. Huish. Also the stitchery of the same. By Mrs. Head. [10], 143, [14] p. 45 il. 56 pi. 28 colored. sq.Q. London: Fine Art Society, 1900. Lengman, [H., born Evans]. Foreign samplers, p. 78-85. Jackson, Mrs. [Emily]. ^74^ J13 28270 A history of hand-made lace. Dealing with the origin of lace, the growth of the great lace centres, the mode of manufacture, the method of distinguishing and the care of various kinds of lace. By Mrs. F. Nevill Jackson. With supplementary informa- tion by Ernesto Jesurum. x,[2],24S p. il. 12 pi. 7 por. Q. London: L. U. Gill, 1900. "The literature of lace," p. 94-105- Koch, Alexander. L746 K81 33672 M d eme Stickereien. Eine Auswahlmoderner Stickerei-Arbeiten in jeder Technik, sowie neuzeitlicher Entwiirfe hervorragender Kiinstler und Kiinstlerinnen. Im Anschluss an die Ausstellung moderner Kunst-Stickcreien in der grossherzoglichen Central- Stelle fur die Gewerbe zu Darmstadt, Juli 1900, herausgegeben .... [4], 58 p. il. 6 colored pi. Q. Darmstadt : A. Koch, 1900. Davenport, Cyril. 686P900 22646 English embroidered bookbindings. xxxi,H3 p. 13 il. 52 pi. sq.O. (English bookman's library, vol. 1.) London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co., 1899. Contents: General introduction, by A. W. Pollard. I. Introductory. 2. Books bound in canvas. 3. Books bound in velvet. 4. Books bound in satin. Martin, Fredrik Robert. L746 M36 23630 Stickereien aus dem Orient. Tafeln mit Text. 12 p. 18 pi. sq. F 4 . (Sammlung F. R. Martin.) Stockholm: G. Chelius, 1899. Sharp, A. Mary. 746 S531 Point and pillow lace. A short account of venous kinds, ancient and modern, and how to recognize them. By A. M. S. xv, 202 p. il. 42 pi. 1 por. O. London: J. Murray, 1899. I3 2 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Townsend, W. G. Paulson. 746 T66 27382 Embroidery; or, The craft of the needle. By W. G. Paulson Townsend, assisted by Louisa F. Pesel and others. With preface by Walter Crane. xv,ii5 p. 68 pi. D. London: Truslove, Hanson & Comba, 1899. Fowke, Frank Rede. 746 F82 The Bayeux tapestry. A history and description. ix,l39 P- 79 pi. sq.D. [Ex-libris series.] London: G. Bell & Sons, 1898. "Confined to a history of the tapestry, and to an explanation of the incidents which it depicts." Preface. Baumgarten, William. 746 B32 36646 j^ i ec t ure on the history of tapestry given before the Society of Antiquarians, at the Chicago Art Institute, March 25, 1897. 31 p. sq.D. Chicago: M. Field & Co., 1897. Fraipont, Gustave. L746 F84 14393 L' art ^^ ns j es travaux a l'aiguille. [2], 74 p. 39 il. 32 pi. sq.Q. Paris: H. Laurens, [1897]. Moderne Compositionen. A746 M72 Moderne Compositionen fur Spitzcn. 24 pi. F 3 . Plauen i. V. : C. Stall, [1897]. Villanova, L. de. 746 V71 1071 La papyrographie. Art de reproduire et de creer des dessins par transparence a. l'aide de papiers de diverses epaisseurs. 70, [2] p. il. 4 pi. O. Paris: C. Mendel, 1897. Verboom, Agnes. 746 V58 9593 Manuel pratique du crochet. Troisieme edition, augmentee de plusieurs points nouveaux. [2],205,[i] p. il. O. Bruxelles: E. Bruylant, [1896]. Walker, Louisa. 372.2 P604 ,87JJ Varied occupations in string work [for children], comprising knotting, netting, looping, plaiting, and macrame. xiv,254 p. 160 il. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1896. Farcy, Louis de. A746 F22 La broderie du XI e siecle jusqu'a nos jours d'apres des specimens authentiques et les anciens inventaires. iv, 144, 139-146, [2] p. 215 pi. F 8 . Angers: Belhomme, 1890. 30749 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 133 Mantel, H. L746 M31 12996 Stickereien. Broderies mecanique. 20 pi. F 4 . Plauen i. V., Sachsen: C. Stoll, [189-]. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Cole, Alan S. 74& C67 14718 a renascence of the Irish art of lace-making. Introductory notes and descriptions by A. S. C. 40 p. 12 pi. O. London: Chap- man & Hall, 1888. Lefebure, Ernest. 74 6 L 5 2 5408 Embroidery and lace: their manufacture and history from the remotest antiquity to the present day Translated and enlarged, with notes, by Alan S. Cole. x,326 p. 154 il. O. London: H. Grevel & Co., 1888. Caulfeild, Sophia F. A. & Saward, Blanche C. L746 C31 »9285 ^ e dictionary of needlework, an encyclopaedia of artistic, plain, and fancy needlework, dealing fully with the details of all the stitches employed, the method of working, the materials used, the meaning of technical terms, .... Second edition. [6], 535, vii p. il. 200 pi. sq.Q. London: L. U. Gill, [1887?]. Miintz, Eugene. 746 M92 254 A short history of tapestry. From the earliest times to the end of the 1 8th century. Translated by Miss Louisa J. Davis, xvi, 399 P- 94 il- D - [Fine-art library.] London: Cassell & Co., 1885. Quentel, Peter. 746 Q3 3203 Musterbuch fiir Ornamenteund Stickmuster. (1 527-1 529.) Vor- lagen fLir Kunsthandwerker und weibliche Handarbeiten, heraus- gegeben vom Leipziger Kunstgewerbe-Museum. [4] p. 79 pi. 3 facsim. sq.O. Leipzig: K. W. Hiersemann, [1882]. Guichard, Edouard. A746 G94 7242 Les tapisseries decoratives du garde-meuble (mobilier national). Choix des plus beaux motifs. Par Ed. Guichard. Texte par Alfred Darcel. [2], 16, [200] p. 100 pi. sq.F 5 . Paris: J. Bau- dry, [1881]. Arts du tissu. L746 A792 19785 Les arts du tissu . Etoffes — tapisseries — broderies — dentelles — reliures. Notice par M. A. de Champeaux. 144 p. 150 il. Q. (Dessins et modeles, 1st series, no. 4.) Paris: J. Rouam & c ie , [188-]. 134 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Fischbach, Friedrich. L746 F521 R7fl:> Lace album: a scries of designs for lace. [2] p. 26 pi. sq. F. Privately printed for the author, 1878. Fischbach, Friedrich. A746 F52 7271 Ornamente der Hausindustrie Ungarn's. Text von Dr. Carl v. Pulszky. 8, [72] p. 40 pi. F 4 . Budapest 1878. In portfolio. Hawkins, Daisy Waterhouse. 746 H31 i456o qjj p j nt j ace anc j j low to CO py an( j imitate it. 21 p. 5 il. 17 pi. D. London: Chatto & Windus, 1878. Lockwood, M. Smith, & Glaister, E. L746 L78 30210 y^ rt em b ro idery. A treatise on the revived practice of decorative needlework. .. . Designs by Thomas Crane. 83 p. il. 19 colored pi. sq.F. London: M. Ward & Co., 1878. Contents: i. Introductory. 2. On design. 3. On colour. 4. On materials and stitches. 5. On methods and uses. 6. On church embroidery. 7. On some kinds of lace. 8. On the study of old needlework. Running title reads: Art needlework. Manufacture nationale des tapisseries des 746 M315 37518 Gobelins et tapis de la Savonnerie. . .. Catalogue des tapisseries exposees dans les galeries le 15 juin 1878 . .. Paris, 1878. 30 p. ioixi5i cm . At head of title: Manufacture nationale des Gobelins. Castel, Albert. 746 C27 25667 Les tapisseries. [2],3i6 p. il. 16 pi. 15 paged in, 1 por. paged in. D. (Bibliotheque des merveilles.) Paris: Hachette & c u ', 1876. Stasov, Vladmir. L740.947 S796 Russkil narodnuil ornament. Vuipusk pervuii. Shit'e tkanl, kruzheva. Izdanie obshchestva pooshchrcniya khudozhnikov. S ob'yasnitel'nuim tekstom. V. Stasova. L'ornement national russe. Premiere livraison. Broderies, tissus, dentelles. Edition de la Socicte d'cncouragcment des artistes. Avec textc cxpli- catif de VV. Stassoff. S.-Peterburgh, Tipografiya tovaiishchestva obshchestvcnnaya polza, 1S72. xx, 25, [1] p. 75 (i. e. S2) ml. pi. (partly fold.) 39 cm . Text in both Russian and French. 37767 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 135 Lambert, Miss [F.] 746 L17 21262 yj 1c hand-book of needlework, decorative and ornamental, includ- ing crochet, knitting, and netting. Fifth edition. Revised, and considerably enlarged. xv,494 p. il. D. London : J. Murray, 1846. Preface is signed F. S. ; S. stands for the author's married name. Dillmont, Therese de. • 746 D58 88,4 Encyclopedia of needlework. English edition [4], 5 78 p. 890 il. O. [18 — ]. 747 INTERIOR DECORATION. Wheeler, Mrs, Candace [(Thurber)] 645 Q300 Principles of home decoration, with practical examples, by Can- dace Wheeler. New York, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1903. [8], 227 p. front., 14 pi. 22^ cm . 37697 Hurrell, John Weymouth. L749 H94 37683 Measured drawings of old oak English furniture, also of some remains of architectural woodwork, plasterwork, metalwork, glaz- ing, etc., by John Weymouth Hurrell. London, B. T. Batsford, 1902. [8] p. no pi. 38x28£ cm . Douglas, Howard Grey. 022 D74 37614 -p^ e Lib rar y f Congress, Washington, D. C, its principal archi- tectural and decorative features in the colors of the originals. Published and copyrighted by Howard Grey Douglas. Wash- ington, D. C. [ c i90i] 23 col. pi. incl. cover. 23^ x 28 cm . Title and "Contents" (list of pi.) 1 leaflet (6 p.) i8 cm ., prefixed. An earlier issue appeared the same year, with plates uncolored. Leinhaas, G. A. L645 Q101 36652 Wohnraeume des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts. Nach gleichzeitigen Darstellungen auf Gemaelden etc. Mit einem Vorwort von Julius Lessing. [8] p. 20 colored pi. sq. F. Berlin: E. Was- muth, 1 90 1. I36 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Crouch, Joseph, & Butler, Edmund. 645 Qooi 29444 j^g a p ar t mcn t s of the house, their arrangement, furnishing and decoration. xii, I97,[s] p. il. 43 pi. 26 paged in. sq.O. Lon- don: Sign of the Unicorn, 1900. Miller, Fred. 704 M61 The training of a craftsman. Illustrated by many workers in the art crafts. x,249 p. 161 il. O. New York: Truslove & Comba, 1898. Contents: I. The craftsman and nature. 2. Design and craftsmanship. 3. Metal work. Repousse and fine metal-work. Wrought iron. 4. Jewellery. 5. Enamelling on metal. 6. Potters and painters. 7. Glass painters. 8. Wood carvers. 9. Book- binders. 10. Women workers in the art crafts. II. Surface decoration. 12. Decora- tion in relief. 13. Wall-papers and textiles. 14. The craftsman up-to-date and his outlook. Audsley, George Ashdown, & A729 A915 19036 Audsley, Maurice Ashdown. La decoration pratique. Modeles usuels pour les peintres decora- teurs, dessinateurs, ceramistes, etc. 100 pi. F 5 . Paris: Firmin- Didot & c ie , 1892. Audsley, William [James], & Audsley, G. A729.4 A916 11609 Polychromatic decoration as applied to buildings in the mediaeval styles vi,[2],32 p. 36 pi. F 5 . London: H. Sotheran & Co., 1882. Edis, Robert William. 747 E23 1270 Decoration & furniture of town houses. A series of Cantor lec- tures delivered before the Society of Arts, 1880, amplified and enlarged. xvi,292 p. il. 29 pi. O. New York : Scribner & Wel- ford, 1 88 1. Hulme, Frederic Edward. L736 H87 16070 Examples for fret-cutting and wood-carving. [2], 31 p. 24 pi. F 4 . London: M. Ward & Co., 1877. Daubourg, E. A721 D26 3771,6 .... L'architecture interieure ... . Ensembles et details en plans, coupes, elevations ct profils ... . Interior architecture .... Plans, sections, elevations and profils of ensembles and de- tails .... Paris, New York [etc.] J. Baudry, 1876. 8 p. 40 pi. 5i cm . At head of title: E. Daubourg, architecte. Text in both French and English. Dresser, Christopher. A747 D81 Studies in design. [4] ,40 p. 60 pi. F*. London: Cassell, Tet- ter & Galpin, [1876]. i,..m:j 18128 24474 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 137 Parker, John Henry, 1 806-1 884. 747 p 22 37766 Mosaic pictures in Rome and Ravenna, briefly described by John Henry Parker, F.S.A Oxford and London, J. Parker and Co., 1866. [4], 50 p. col. front., 6 pi. (partly col.) 2o£ cm . Waring, John Burley. A729 W231 The arts connected with architecture illustrated by examples in central Italy from the 13th to the 15th century. (Examples of stained glass, fresco ornament, marble and enamel inlay, and wood inlay Drawn on stone and printed in colours by Vincent Brooks.) [4],iv,29 p. 41 pi. F 7 . London: V. Brooks, 1858. Pugin, Augustus Welby Northmore. L729.41 P96 Floriated ornament: a series of . . . designs. [8] p. 31 pi. sq. F. London: H. G. Bohn, 1849. 748 STAINED AND IRIDESCENT GLASS. Suffling, Ernest Richard. 748 S946 37653 j^ treatise on the art of glass painting, prefaced with a review of ancient glass, by Ernest R. Suffling . . . with two coloured plates and thirty-six illustrations. London, Scott, Greenwood and Co., 1902. [8], 144 p. col. front., illus., i pi. 22^ cm . Pazaurek, Gustav E. L748 P29 327,9 Moderne Glaser. vi,[2],l33,[l] p. il. 10 pi. 3 colored, 6 paged in. Q. [Monographien des Kunstgewerbes.] Leipzig: H. See- mann, [1901]. Barber, Edwin Atlee. 666.1 Q002 27471 American glassware, old and new. A sketch of the glass industry in the United States and manual for collectors of historical bottles. 112 p. il. 7 pi. D. Philadelphia, Pa., 1900. Hartshorne, Albert. L748 H25 Old English glasses. An account of glass drinking vessels in England, from early times to the end of the eighteenth century. With introductory notices, original documents, etc. xxiii,490 p. 366 il. 66 pi. 1 por. F 4 . London: E. Arnold, 1897. 144U1 I38 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 11413 Miller, Fred. 704 M61 The training of a craftsman. Illustrated by many workers in the art crafts. x,249 p. 161 il. O. New York : Truslove & Comba, 1898. Contents: i. The craftsman and nature. 2. Design and craftsmanship. 3. Metal work. Repousse and fine metal-work. Wrought iron. 4. Jewellery. 5. Enamelling on metal. 6. Potters and painters. 7. Class painters. 8. Wood carvers. 9. Book- binders. 10. Women workers in the art crafts. 11. Surface decoration. 12. Decora- tion in relief. 13. Wall-papers and textiles. 14. The craftsman up-to-date and his outlook. Day, Lewis Foreman. 748 D33 loess Windows. A book about stained & painted glass. x,4i5 p. il. O. London: B. T. Batsford, 1897. Holiday, Henry. L748 H71 6915 Stained glass as an art xx,i73 p. il. 21 pi. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1896. Jessel, Louis. L748 J49 37843 Glasmalerei und Kunst-Verglasung von Louis Jessel unter Mit- wirkung von Bedeutenden Malern und Architekten. 60 Tafeln. Zweite Auflage. Berlin, New York, B. Hessling, 1896. [10] p. 54 pi. (partly fold.) 37™. Lavergne, Noel. 748 L38 37483 L'art des vitraux par Noel Lavergne . . . Paris, D. Dumoulin et c ie , 1 89 1. 42, [4] p. 2o4 cm . "Index Libliographique," p. 41-42. Babeau, Albert. 740.9235 Bn Linard Gontier et ses fils, peintres verricrs. 55 p. 1 pi. O. Troyes : Dufour-Bouquot, 1888. Magne, Lucien. L748 M27 530 Les vitraux de Montmorency et d'Ecouen. Conference faite a Montmorency. [2], 69, [4] p. 14 il. 7 pi. 3 por. Q. Paris: F. Didot & c ie , 1888. Des Meloizes, Albert. L748 D46 20310 Les vitraux dc la cathedrale de Bourges posterieurs an XIII 8 sieclc. Communication faite a l.t reunion des societes savantes a la Sorb nnc in 1SS7. 9 p il. 1 pi. (J. Paris: E. Leroux, 1887. No litli ; Title taken from inside cover. 15S4 18903 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 139 Maxe-Werly, Leon. 74 8 M45 37529 Les vitraux de Saint-Nicaise de Reims, par M. L. Maxe-Werly [Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1884] 8 p. 1 fold. pi. 25"". Caption title. "Extrait du Bulletin du Comite des travaux historiques. Archeologie, no. 2 de 1884.' Dunlop, Madeline Anne Wallace-. 748 D92 21227 Glass in the old world. v'\,[_2~],2J2 p. 6 pi. O. London: Field & Tuer, [1882]. Lafaye, [Prosper]. L748 L13 25522 jyr£ mo j re au su j e t des vitraux anciens. Etat ou ils se trouvent apres le siege dans les eglises de Paris, adresse a Monsieur le Prefet de la Seine. [2], 100 p. Q. Paris 1871. Sauzay, Alexandre. 748 S262 7 Marvels of glass-making in all ages, xx-,272 p. 67 il. 8 pi. O. London: Sampson Low, Son, & Marston, 1870. Sauzay, Alexandre. 74 8 S2621 La verrerie depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a nos jours. Deuxieme edition, revue et augmentee. [2],iv,323 p. il. 17 pi. paged in. D. (Bibliotheque des merveilles.) Paris : L. Hachette & c ie , 1869. Musee du Louvre. Departement des objets d'art 748 M97 37709 du moyen age, de la renaissance et des temps modernes. .... Notice de la verrerie et des vitraux par A. Sauzay, conserva- teur-adjoint du Musee des souverains et des objets d'art du moyen age et de la renaissance. Paris, C. de Mourgues freres, 1867. 148 p. 2i£ cm . (Musee de la renaissance. Serie F.) Half-title: Maison de l'empereur. Musee imperial du Louvre. Winston, Charles. 748 W73 Memoirs illustrative of the art of glass-painting. xiv,[2],362 p. il. 14 pi. 1 por. O. London: J. Murray, 1865. Didron & Thibaud, Paris. L748 D56 Manufacture de vitraux de MM. Didron et Thibaud. 8 p. il. 1 pi. sq.Q. Paris [i8G-?J. Ame, Emile. L748 A498 Monogramme d'un peintre-verrier du xv e siecle, et description du vitrail de la Sainte Vierge de l'eglise de Cravan (Yonne). 6 p. 1 pi. sq.Q. Paris: V. Didron, 1854. No title-page. Title taken from cover. 2845 25523 25533 37491 140 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Wijngaerden, Cornells Johan de Lange van, Vrijheer. 748 W64 Ue Goudsche glazcn, of Geschilderde kcrk-glazen per groote of Sint-Jans-kerk van der Goude ; alsmedc dc Goudsche schilders en glas-schildcrkunst, tot een vervolg der geschiedenis en besch- rijving der stad, door C. J. de Lange van Wijngaerden, van der Goude, vrijheer van Wijngaerden en Ruigbroek ... 's Graven- hage, ter Nederlandsche drukkerij, 18 19. viii, 127, [1] p. 2i£ c l cm 749 ARTISTIC FURNITURE. Fireplaces. Hurrell, John Weymouth. L749 H94 37683 Measured drawings of old oak English furniture, also of some remains of architectural woodwork, plasterwork, metalwork, glaz- ing, etc., by John Weymouth Hurrell. London, B. T. Batsford, 1902. [8] p. no pi. 38x28^™. Meyer, Alfred Gotthold, 1 864- 749 M57 37705 .... Tafeln zur Geschichte der Mobelformen ... . Leipzig, K. W. Hiersemann, [1902-]. Pt. 1-. illus. 2i cm . and atlas pt. I-. plates. 48i cm . At head of title: Prof. Dr. Alfred Gotthold Meyer. Atlas has shelf number A749 M57 Morse, Frances Clary. 749 M83 37676 p urn it ure of the olden time, by Frances Clary Morse . . . New- York, London, The Macmillan Company, 1902. xvii, 371 p. inch illus., 32 pi. front. 2l cm . Upholstery. L645 Q20C The upholstery and drapery guide; a treatise on interior furnish- ing and decorating . . . New York, Review Publishing Co., 1902. 218, [2] p. illus. 33x26°"'. "The reading matter and illustrations comprised in this volume have been taken from various issues of the Upholstery trade review." — l'ref. 37651 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 141 Dilke, [Emilia Frances (Strong)] Lady, L740.944 D57 37626 formerly Mrs. Mark Pattison, 1 840- French furniture and decoration in the XVinth century, by Lady Dilke ... London, G. Bell and Sons, 1901. xix, 260 p. front., 68 pi. 29 cm . Appendix: List of artists and workmen leaving Paris for St. Petersburg in 1716. — Spaendonck, G. van. Salons. — Oudry, J. B. Salons. — List of officials at the Gobelins. — Caffieri, J. Chronological list of his work for the crown. — Oeben and Riesener. De- tailed agreement for the Bureau du roi. — Gouthiere. Entries in the sale catalogue of the duke d'Aumont. — Duplessis. Entries in the livre-journal of Lazare Duvaux. — List of French cabinet-makers. Lockwood, Luke Vincent. L 749 L8i 37615 Colonial furniture in America, by Luke Vincent Lockwood. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1901. xix, 352 p. front., illus., 40 pi. 29°™. Singleton, Esther. L749 S617 27961 The furniture of our forefathers. With critical descriptions of plates by Russell Sturgis. 8 vol. in I, paged continuously; vol. 1: xi,[i],i-75 p.; vol. 2: x,[2],77-i52 p.; vol. 3: xi,[i], 1 53-232 p.; vol. 4: xi,[i],233-3i2p. ; vol.5 : xv,[i],3i3-4oop. ; vol. 6: xiv, [2], 401-484 p.; vol. 7: xiii,[ 1 ] ,485-568 p.; vol. 8: xiii,[i], 569-663, [1] p. il. pi. Q. New York: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1 900-1 90 1. Vienna. Club der Industriellen fiir A749 V67 34661 Wohnungs-Einrichtung. Jubilaums-Ausstellung des Club der Industriellen fiir Wohnungs- Einrichtung in Wien 1901. 46 pi. sq. F\ Wien : A. Schroll & Co., [1901]. Crouch, Joseph, & Butler, Edmund. 645 Qooi The apartments of the house, their arrangement, furnishing and decoration. xii,i97,[5] P- il. 43 pi. 26 paged in. sq.O. Lon- don: Sign of the Unicorn, 1900. English household furniture. L749 E58 English household furniture. Mainly designed by Chippendale, Sheraton, Adam, and others of the Georgian Period. [10] p. 100 pi. F 4 . Boston: Bates & Guild Co., 1900. Nye, Alvan Crocker. L6 8 4 Q002 furniture designing and draughting; notes on the elementary forms, methods of construction and dimensions of common arti- cles of furniture, by Alvan Crocker Nye, PH.B. . . . New York, W. T. Comstock, 1900. 100 p. front., illus., xxi pi. (18 incl. in paging) 26£ cm . 37600 1 42 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Hirth, Georg. L740.943 H61 sssse j} as Deutsche Zimmcr vom Mittelalter bis zum Gegenwart. Vierte untcr Mitwirkung von Karl Rosner bis zur Gegenwart erweiterte Auflage. 2 vol. in 1. il. pi. sq. F. Munchen: G. Hirth, [1899]. Contents: Vol. i. Das deutsche Zimmer der Gothik und Renaissance, des Barock-, Rococo- und Zopfstils. xii,[2],448 p. 370 il. 8 pi. Vol. 2. Das deutsche Zimmer im neunzehnten Jahrhundert .... Von Karl Rosner. Mit einem Nachwort von Georg Hirth. [8], 259 p. 168 il. 12 pi. Turck, Eliza. 749 T84 23320 j^ p rac tical handbook to marqueterie wood-staining and kindred arts. 80 p. 47 il. D. London: L. U. Gill, 1899. Chancellor, Alfred Ernest. L749 C36 19283 Examples of old furniture, English and foreign. 28 p. 40 pi. F\ London: B. T. Batsford, 1898. Coleman, Oliver. 645 P801 22854 Successful houses. vii,i65 p. il. sq.O. Chicago: H.S.Stone & Co., 1899. Contents: I. The hall. 2. The drawing room. 3. The dining room. 4. The library. 5. The den or smoking room. 6. Bedrooms. 7. Walls and ceilings. 8. Floors. Q.Win- dows and doors. 10. Portieres, their use and misuse, by D. Warren. 11. On the use of soft woods, by A. H. Granger. 12. Small ornaments. 13. Artificial lighting, by D. Warren. 14. Walls and hedges. Clouston, K Warren. 1^749 C62 37639 f^g Chippendale period in English furniture, by K. Warren Clous- ton, with illustrations by the author. London, Debenham & Freebody [etc.] New York, E. Arnold, 1897. xvi, 224 p. inch front., illus., 14 pi. 22 I sx29 cm . Roeper, Adalbert. A749 R62 11976 Bilder- und Spiegel-Rahmen, vorzugsweisc in Schnitzarbeit, von Albrecht Dlircr bis zum Rococo. Ausgewahlt und herausgegeben von Adalbert Rocpcr unter Mitwirkung und mit einem Vorwort von Hans Bosch. [4] p. 30 pi. F\ Munchen: J. Albert, pref. 1897. Rowe, Eleanor. A736 R792 .... French wood carvings from the national museums. Print- ed in collotype from photographs specially taken from the carvings direct. (With the sanction of the Science and Art Department of the Committee of Council on Education.) .... 3 parts in 1 vol. 54 pi. F\ London: B. T. Batsford, [896-1897. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 143 Watson, Rosamund Marriott. 645 P700 6106 The art of the house. xii,i85 p. il. 7 pi. O. [Connoisseur series.] London: G. Bell & Sons, 1897. Wharton, Edith, & Codman, Ogden. 645 P701 18805 -p^ decoration of houses. xxii,204 p. 56 pi. O. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1897. Huber, Anton. L749 H86 6777 Moderne englische Moebel. Entwuerfe von Salonmoebeln, Speise- und Schlafzimmer-Einrichtungen, sowie fuer kleine Fantasie- und Luxusmoebel im englischen Geschmacke der Neuzeit. [Portfolio of 30 pi.] F. Berlin: B. Hessling, [1896]. Huber, Anton. A749 H86 15265 -Q er neue praktische Mobeltischler. Entwiirfe und Zeichnungen zu einfachen Mobeln jeder Art in alien zur Zeit herrschenden Stilgattungen mit Detailzeichnungen in natiirlicher Grosse und Angabe der ungefahren Herstellungskosten. Erste Serie. 70 pi. sq.F 5 . Stuttgart: K. Wittwer, [1895-1896]. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Sheraton, Thomas. L749S551 3862 The cabinet-maker and upholsterer's drawing-book. Complete with "Appendix" and "Accompaniment". Revised ... by J. Munro Bell. [2], 440 p. 122 pi. sq.Q. London: Gibbings & Co., 1895. Graef , August, & Graef , Max. 1*749 G75 86463 Der Mobeltischler fur das biirgerliche Wohnhaus in alien seinen Raumen Fiinfte verbesserte Auflage. 16 p. 40 pi. sq.Q. Weimar: B. F. Voigt, 1894. Feldegg, Ferdinand von. A686 O901 13621 \Yj ener Kunst-Buchbinder- und Lederarbeiten. [16] p. 36 pi. F 5 . Wien: A. Schroll & Co., 1894. Interieurs. A749 161 Interieurs. Ausstattungen von Salons, Boudoirs, Speisezimmer, Schlafzimmer etc. in den verschiedensten Stylarten. Ausgestellt von den hervorragendsten wiener Mobelfabrikanten auf die Jubilaums-Gewerbe-Ausstellung in Wien. [4] p. 60 pi. F 5 . Ber- lin: C. Claesen & c ie , [1891?]. Schirek, Carl. L681 P002 Die Uhr in kulturgeschichtlicher und kunstgewerblicher Bezie- hung. xxxvii p. 50 il. F. (Mahrisches Gewerbe-Museum in Briinn.) Briinn 1890. 16279 144 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Arts du bois. L749 A792 19784 Les arts du bois. (Sculpture sur bois — mcubles.) Notice par M. Alfred de Lostalot. Troisieme edition. 144 p. 175 il. Q. (Dessins et modeles, 1st series, no. 1.) Paris: J. Rouam & c ie , [189-?] Havard, Henry. L749 H29 s '" 4 Dictionnaire de 1'ameublemcnt et de la decoration depuis le Xlll e siecle jusqu'a nos jours 4 vol. il. pi. F. Paris : Ancienne Maison Quantin, [1887-189-]. Vol. 4 is in new edition, considerably enlarged. Krause, G. C. L749 K86 8191 Moderne Sitzmoebel und kleine Salonmoebel. Stiihle, Sessel, Fauteuils, Sophas und Banke mit und ohne Liberpolsterte Sitze im Geschmacke der Neuzeit fur . . . alle . . . Raume des Hauses. [2] p. 48 pi. F. Berlin: B. Hessling, [189-]. Kent, William Winthrop. L749 K41 i2io2 Architectural wrought-iron ancient and modern. A compilation of examples from various sources, of German, Swiss, Italian, French, English and American ironwork from mediaeval times down to the present day. 34 p. il. 36 pi. sq. F. New York: W. T. Comstock, 1888. Marshall, Arthur. A749 M35 37785 Specimens of antique carved furniture and woodwork measured and drawn by Arthur Marshall, a.r.i.b.a London, W. H. Allen & Co., 1888. [6], 7, [4] p. illus., 50 (/. e. 49) pi. incl. front, (partly fold.) 43ix34 cm . Smith, John Moyr. L729 S652 15275 Ornamental interiors ancient & modern. xvi,236 p. il. 33 pi. Q. London: C. Lockwood & Co., 1887. Champeaux, Alfred de. 749 C35 20,65 Le meuble (Nouvelle edition.) 2 vol. il. O. (Biblio- theque de l'cnseignement des beaux-arts.) Paris: A. Quantin, 1885. Havard, Henry. L749 H29 L'art dans la maison (grammairc de l'amcublcment) Quatrieme edition .... vi,vi,4ii p. 269 il. 50 pi. F. Paris: Librairie illustree, pref. 1883. 204HO 23195 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 1 45 Schwenke, Friedrich. A749 S414 Designs for decorative furniture and modern chamber-arrange- ment: including a practical guide to upholstery, illustrated by . . . elaborate engravings, exhibiting the latest improvements in this branch of industrial art; accompanied by minute working plans. The subjects carefully selected from the best existing models. 72 pi. F 5 . London: H. Sotheran & Co., 1882. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Putnam, John Pickering. 697.1 Oooi The open fireplace in all ages. New edition, revised and en- larged. xiv,204 p. 238 il. 56 pi. O. Boston: J. R. Osgood & Co., 1882. Edis, Robert William. 747 E23 Decoration & furniture of town houses. A series of Cantor lec- tures delivered before the Society of Arts, 1880, amplified and enlarged. xvi,2Q2 p. il. 29 pi. O. New York : Scribner & Wel- ford, 1 88 1. Menard, Rene\ A739M52 2164 Histoire artistique du metal [2], 204 p. 224 il. 13 pi. sq.F 4 . Paris: J. Rouam, 1881. Cook, Clarence [Chatham], 1828-1900. 645 Oooi 37706 «what shall we do with our walls?" Clarence Cook. [Second edition.] New York, Warren, Fuller & Co., 1881, [ c i88o]. [2], ii, 35 p. col. front., 4 col. pi. 24°™. Prignot, [Eugene] ,& others. A749P93 18218 L'arneubiement moderne. Par Prignot, Lienard, Coignet et plu- sieurs autres artistes speciaux. 2 vol. pi. F 5 . Paris : C. Clae- sen, [1880]. Title-page of vol. 2 reads: L'arneubiement moderne par MM. E. Prignot, . . . , plus une suite de meubles empruntes a 1'Exposition de 1878. Small, John William. A749 S635 22138 Scottish woodwork of the sixteenth & seventeenth centuries. Measured and drawn for the stone by John William Small. [Second edition.] [2], 2, [2] p. 67 pi. sq.F 5 . Stirling: E. Mackay, pref. 1878. Spofford, Harriet [Elizabeth, born\ Prescott. 749 S762 U713 Art decoration applied to furniture. 237 p. il. 1 pi. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1878. I46 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Watt, William. 749 W34 26329 y^ rt f urn jt ure , from designs by E. W. Godwin, and others, with hints and suggestions on domestic furniture and decoration. Second edition, viii p. 20 pi. ob.O. London: B. T. Batsford, 1878. Cook, Clarence [Chatham] . 645 N700 U962 Thc h ouse beautiful. Essays on beds and tables, stools and can- dlesticks. 336 p. 99 il. O. [New York] : C. Scribner's Sons, 1895, c. 1877. Garrett, Rhoda, & Garrett, Agnes. 749 G19 13920 Suggestions for house decoration in painting, woodwork, and furniture. viii,90 p. 1 il. 7 pi. D. Philadelphia: Porter & Coates, [1877]- Frontispiece missing. Jacquemart, Albert. L749 J16 18235 Hj s t j re du mobilier. Recherches et notes sur lcs objets d'art qui peuvent composer l'ameublement et les collections de l'homme du monde et du curicux. Avec une notice sur l'auteur par M. H. Barbet de Jouy. [2],iv,66s,[2] p. il. 88 pi. paged in. O. Paris: Hachette& C ie , 1876. Bemrose, William. L736 B421 7583 F r ct-cutting and perforated carving, with practical instructions. 14th edition. 12, [6] p. 16 pi. sq.Q. London : Bemrose & Sons, [1875]. Pollen, John Hungerford, M.A. 1820-. 749 P76 100 Ancient and modern furniture and woodwork. vii,i43 p. 62 il. O. [South Kensington Museum. Art handbooks.] London: Chapman & Hall, pref. 1875. Eastlake, Charles Lock, Architect. 749 E13 Hints on household taste in furniture, upholstery and other de- tails. Third edition (revised). xviii,306 p. il. 32 pi. O. Lon- don: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1872. Bemrose, William. L736B42 Manual of wood carving. With practical instructions for learners of the art, and original and selected designs. With an introduc- tion by Llewellynn Jewitt. Twentieth edition. J2 p. il. 1 pi. sq.O. London: Bemrose & Sons, [1862]. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 147 Viollet-le-Duc, [Eugene Emmanuel] . L390.3L400 22044 Djctjonnaire raisonne du mobilier francais de l'epoque carlovin- gienne a la Renaissance 6 vol. il. pi. Q. Paris : V ve A. Morel & c ie , 1 874-1 875. Vol. 1 is in second edition. 750 PAINTING. Rundell, Forrest P. 575 Pl01 8913 The evolution of painting. [In Brooklyn Ethical Associa- tion. Evolution in science, philosophy, and art, p. 361-380. New York 1891.] Burnet, John. L750.4 B93 Practical essays on art. 1. Composition. 2. Light and shade. 3. The education of the eye Arranged and edited by Ed- ward L. Wilson. [4], 22,45, 73 P- il- 24 pl. sq.Q. New York: E. L.Wilson, 1888. Photolithographic reproduction of the following essays: Practical hints on composi- tion in painting. 1822. Practical hints on light and shade in painting. 1826. An essay on the education of the eye, with reference to painting. 1837. 15902 Guizot, [Francris Pierre Guillaume] . 704 G94 The fine arts. Their nature and relations. Translated with the assistance of the author by George Grove. With illustrations . . . by George Scharf, Jun. xiii,2l5,[l] p. il. 14 pl. O. London: T. Bosworth, 1853. 751 MATERIAL, APPARATUS, ETC. Parry, Ernest John, & Coste, John H. 667,6 Q200 33430 -jho. chemistry of pigments. viii,28o p. 5 il. O. London: Scott, Greenwood & Co., 1902. Church, Arthur Herbert. 667.6 Q102 The chemistry of paints and painting. Third edition, revised and enlarged. xx,355 p. O. London: Seeley & Co., 1901. "Bibliographical notes", p. xv-xvii. 33100 I48 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Schultze-Naumburg, Paul. 751 S387 32872 Technik der Malerci. Ein Handbuch fur Klinstlcr und Dilct- tanten [2], 173 p. il. O. Leipzig: E. Haberland, [1901]. Lapparent, Paul de. 751 L31 36482 £t- uc i e sur i es alterations des couleurs dans la peinture artistique. 35, [1] p. 1 colored pi. 2 tables. O. Paris: H.Laurens, [1900]. Monachesi, Mrs. Nicola di Rienzi. 738 M74 0207 A manual for china painters : being a practical and comprehen- sive treatise on the art of painting china and glass with mineral colors. xii,286 p. il. 5 pi. of samples. U. Boston: Lee & Shep- ard, 1897. Laurie, Arthur Pillans. 751 L37 27374 Facts about processes, pigments and vehicles. A manual for art students. XJ31 p. il. 1 pi. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1895. Chapter 15, Drawing for process, contains an account of some of the photographic reproductive processes. Vibert, J. G. 75I V65 The science of painting. A translation from the eighth edition, revised by the author. 196 p. D. London: P.Young, 1892. Taylor, John Scott. 751 T21 Modes of painting described and classified. A concise exposi- tion of the methods, histories, and capabilities of the ... modes of practice ... by J. Scott Taylor. B.A. ... With a concluding essay on the causes of decay of modern oil paintings in compari- son with those of the ancient masters. London, Winsor & New- ton, ltd., 1890. 41 p. front, (col. chart.) 23 ' 1 '. "About one-third of the present brief description of modes of painting was originally published as an appendix to a catalogue of artists' materials." — Pref. 37C2S :•! is.' Ris-Paquot, [Oscar Edmond]. L738 R40 Le peintrc ceramiste amateur; 011, L'art d'imitcr les faiences ancienncsdc Rouen, Sinccny, Nevers, Moustiers, Marseille, Delft, l'ltalie, l'Espagne, etc., etc. a I'usage des gens du monde [2],xii,i 9 5 P- 34 il- 36 pi. Q. Abbeville: chez I'auteur, 1SS3. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 1 49 752 COLOR. International Correspondence Schools, Scranton, Pa. 371 Q102 346,4 A textbook on school subjects, drawing and pedagogics. Inter- national Correspondence Schools Various paging, il. 8 pi. O. Atlas of 16 pi. 2 colored. ob.Q. Scranton: International Textbook Co., c. 1902. Contents: Geometrical drawing. Freehand drawing. Historic ornament. Elements of perspective. Perspective drawing. Color harmony. Atlas has shelf number A371 Q102 Neville, J. W. 771.67 N41 9901 The photographic colourist: a manual for the use of amateurs. 48, [2] p. T. [Nutshell series.] London: Iliffe & Son, pref. 1895. Chevreul, [Michel] Eugene. L535.6M400 32705 £j es cou l eurs e t de leurs applications aux arts industriels a l'aide des cercles chromatiques. Avec . . . planches . . . par Rene Digeon. Deuxieme tirage. 26, [2] p. 27 colored pi. F 4 . Paris: J.-B. Bailliere & fils, 1888. Chevreul, Michel Eugene. 535-6 J800 32529 -Q e i a i Q j ^ u con t ras te simultane des couleurs, et de l'assortiment des objets colores, considere d'apres cette loi dans ses rapports avec la peinture, les tapisseries des Gobelins, les tapisseries de Beauvais pour meubles, les tapis, la mosa'fque, les vitraux colores, l'impression des etoffes, Timprimerie, l'enluminure, la decoration des edifices, l'habillement et l'horticulture. xv,735,[2] p. 2 ta- bles. O. Atlas of [2], 2 p. 9 f. 21 pi. 16 colored. sq.Q. Paris: Pitois-Levrault & c ie , 1839. Atlas has shelf number L535.6 J800 Chevreul, Michel Eugene. 535-6 J5 00 The principles of harmony and contrast of colours, and their applications to the arts : . . . . Translated from the French by- Charles Martel. Third edition. With an additional introduction by the translator, and a general index, xlvi',465 p. il. 19 pi. 1 table. D. [Bonn's scientific library.] London: H. G. Bohn, i860. 8240 150 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 760 ENGRAVING. Singer, Hans Wolfgang, & Strang, William. 760.2 S617 25223 Etching, engraving, and the other methods of printing pictures. With . . . original plates by, and . . . illustrations after, William Strang. xiv,[2],228 p. 14 pi. sq.O. London: Kcgan Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co., 1897. "Bibliography," p. 188-219. Pennell, Joseph. 655.53 P501 4184 The illustration of books. A manual for the use of students, notes for a course of lectures at the Slade School, University College. xii,i68 p. D. New York: Century Co., pref. 1895. Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. 741 H18 20091 T) raw i n g & engraving. A brief exposition of technical principles & practice. xxii,i72 p. il. 22 pi. 1 por. O. London: A. & C. Black, 1892. Reprinted, with additions, from the Encyclopedia Britannica, ninth edition. Pettit, James Sumner. 655.53 O400 8972 Modern reproductive graphic processes. 127 p. T. [Van Nos- trand's science series, no. j6.~\ New York : D. Van Nostrand, 1884. Hodson, James Shirley. 760.2 H66 1011 An historical and practical guide to art illustration, in connection with books, periodicals, and general decoration [8], 224 p. il. 18 pi. 3 por. 1 pi. of por. 1 map, 1 table. O. London: Sampson Low, ... , & Rivington, 1884. Blanc, Charles. 750.2 B59 23942 -phe grammar of painting and engraving. Translated from the French of Blanc's Grammairc des arts du dessin by Kate Newell Doggctt. With the original illustrations. xx,330 p. il. 15 pi. paged in. 1 pi. O. New York : Hurd & Houghton, 1874. British Museum. Department of Printed Books. 072.126 10 A guide to the drawings and prints exhibited to the public in the King's Library. 31 p. D. [London] 1865. Bound wiili: British Museum. Departments Printed Books. A. guide to the printed books exhibited to the public. 1865. .11 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 1 5 1 Vinycomb, John. 097P400 6233 Q n foe processes for the production of ex libris (book-plates). .... xii,96 p. il. 22 pi. D. London: A. & C. Black, 1894. Reprinted from the Journal of the Ex Libris Society with additional illustrations. Ruskin, John. 760.4 R89 6758 Ariadne Florentina. Six lectures on wood and metal engraving, with appendix, given before the University of Oxford ... , 1872- With an introduction by Charles Eliot Norton. Brantwood edi- tion, xviii, 298 p. 16 pi. 1 table. D. New York : C. E.Merrill & Co., 1892. Baer, Leo. L096 Q300 37591 Die illustrierten Historieribucher des 15. Jahrhunderts. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Formschnittes von Leo Baer Dr. phil. Strassburg im Elsass, J. H. E. Heitz, 1903. 216, xcvi p. illus. 3oi cm . "Verzeichnis der benutzten Litteratur und der zu ihrer Anfiihrung gebrauchten Ab- kiirzungen," p. 13-17; "Beschreibung der wichtigsten Formstocke, die zur Historien- illustration verwendet wurden," p. iv-lxxviii. Chapin, Willis 0. L760.9 C36 6604 The masters and masterpieces of engraving. xiv,266 p. il. 28 pi. Q. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1894. Bouchot, Henri. L655.09O600 The printed book, its history, illustration, and adornment, from the days of Gutenberg to the present time. Translated and en- larged by Edward C. Bigmore. viii,3i2 p. 118 il. Q. London: H. Grevel & Co., 1887. Duplessis, Georges. 760.9 D92 19715 Les merveilles de la gravures [4],4i8,[2] p. il. 22 pi. paged in, 3 por. paged in. D. (Bibliotheque des merveilles.) Paris: L. Hachette & c ie , 1869. Jansen, [Henri]. 760.9 J26 Essai sur l'origine de la gravure en bois et en taille-douce, et sur la connoissance des estampes des XV e . et XVl e . siecles ; ou il est parle aussi de l'origine des cartes a jouer et des cartes geograph- iques ; suivi de recherches sur l'origine du papier de coton et de lin ; sur la calligraphic, depuis les plus anciens temps jusqu'a nos jours ; sur les miniatures des anciens manuscrits ; sur les filigranes des papiers des Xiv e ., XV e . et XVl e . siecles; ainsi que sur l'origine et le premier usage des signatures et des chiffres dans l'art de la typographic 2 vol. pi. O. Paris: F. Schoell, 1808. 12407 I52 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Curtis, Atherton. L703 C94 •'"' Some masters of lithography. xvi,i87 p. 22 pi. F. New York: D. Applcton & Co., 1897. "Bibliography", p. 179-180. Fincham, Henry Walter. L097 P700 05,5 Artists and engravers of British and American book plates. A book of reference for book plate and print collectors. x\i,l 35 p. il. 22 pi. sq.O. London: Kegan Paul, ... & Co., 1897. Slater, John Herbert. 760.92 S631 17484 Enjjravinjrs ant i their value: a guide for the print collector. Second edition. Revised and enlarged. [6], 572, [4] p. D. London: L. U. Gill, 1897. "A dictionary of engravers and their works. Being an alphabetical list of the prin- cipal engravers, with the prices realised at auction lor a selection of their works,*' p. 95-572. Bryan, Michael. L750.92 B84 Dictionary of painters and engravers, biographical and critical. New edition, revised and enlarged, edited by Robert Edmund Graves. 2 vol. Q. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1 886-1 895. Vol. 2 edited by Robert Edmund Graves and Walter Armstrong. Didot, Ambroise Firmin. 761 D56 19106 Essai typographique et bibliographique sur l'histoire de la gravure sur bois. Faisant suite aux Costumes anciens et modcrnes de Cesar Vecellio. xiv,3i6col. [7,158 p.] O. Paris 1863. Bewick, Thomas. L590.4 B46 816 A memoir of Thomas Bewick, written by himself. Embellished by .. . engravings, designed by the ;iuthor for a work on British fishes. A new edition, prefaced and annotated by Austin Dob- son. xxxiii,[2],393 p. il. Q. [Bewick, T. Works. Memorial edition, vol. 5.] London: B. Ouaritch, 1887. Selby, Prideaux John. 590.8 1 710!! Ornithology. Parrots. 30 pi. 1 por. D. (Jardine, Sir W., alitor. Naturalist's library, vol. 18.) Edinburgh: W. H. Lizars, 1843. Contains a memoir of Thomas Bewick. Bouchot, Henri. 763 B66 18891 La lithographic. O. (Bibliotheque de l'enseignement des beaux-arts.) Paris: Librairies-imprimcries retimes, 1S95. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 1 53 76l WOOD. Reicke, Emil. L370.943 Qooi 37630 . . . Lehrer und Unterrichtswesen in der deutschen Vergangen- heit. Mit 130 Abbildungen und Beilagen nach Originalen aus dem fiinfzehnten bis achtzehnten Jahrhundert. Leipzig, E. Diederichs, 1901. J 35> t 1 ] P- il'us., 6 pi. on 4 1., 2 fold, facsim. 28 1 > cm . (Monographien zur deutschen Kulturgeschichte, Bd. 9) Kristeller, Paul. L096 P700 8978 Early Florentine woodcuts. With an annotated list of Florentine illustrated books. xlv, [2] ,184,123 p. 193 il. Q. London: Kegan Paul, ... , & Co., 1897. Kautzsch, Rudolf. L096 P600 36748 Y)[ e Holzschnitte der Kolner Bibel von 1479. xv,8o p. 2 pi. Q. (Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte, no. 7.) Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1896. Weisbach, Werner. L761 W43 55878 £)j e b as d er Buchillustration des XV. Jahrhunderts. [4] ,76 p. 14 pi. O. (Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte, vol. 8.) Strassburg: J. H. E. Heitz, 1896. Morris, William, 18J4-1896. 096 P500 32456 Some notes on early woodcut books, with a chapter on illumi- nated manuscripts. Various paging, il. 1 pi. O. New Rochelle, New York : C. Conwell, 1902. "Of this book there have been printed one hundred and twenty copies." Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. 761 H 17 349 The art of the American wood-engraver. Forty India proofs . . . [with] text. F. Text: 128 p. S. New York : C. Scribner's Sons, 1894. The atlas has shelf-number A761 H17. Lainer, Alexander. 770.8 3 1,013 Anleitung zur Ausiibung der Photoxylographie. [2],iv,5 i,[i] p. 12 il. [In Encyklopadie der Photographie, no. 4.] Halle a. S. 1894. Pollard, Alfred William. L096 P400 Italian book illustrations, chiefly of the fifteenth century. 80 p. il. 9 pi. Q. London: Seeley & Co., 1894. 154 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Hochegger, Rudolf. 020.53 2 5360 Ucbcr die Entstehung und Bcdcutung dcr Blockbiichcr, mit be- sondcrcr Riicksicht auf den Liber Regum seu Historia Davidis. Eine bibliographisch-kunstgeschichtliche Studie. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Geschichtc des Unterrichtswesens. viii,67,[i] p. 3 facsim. (In Centralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen, Bciheftc, vol. 2. Leipzig 1889-91.) Bewick, Thomas. L590.4 B46 812 Works. Memorial edition. 5 vol. il. Q. London : B. Quaritch, 1885-1887. Conway, Sir William Martin. 761 C76 37624 j ne woo d cu tters of the Netherlands in the fifteenth century. In three parts: I. History of the woodcutters. II. Catalogue of the woodcuts. III. List of the books containing woodcuts. By Wil- liam Martin Conway. Cambridge, University Press, 1884. xvii, [2], 359 p. 23™. Contents. — pts. I— II. I. Wood cuts from the block-books. 2. Louvain, Utrecht, and Bruges (1475-1484) 3. Leeu's early workmen at Gouda and Antwerp (14S0-1491) 4. The Haarlem woodcutter and his school (1483-1500) 5. Foreign woodcuts used by Leeu and others (1485, 1491) 6. Zwolle (1484-1500) 7. Delft (1477-1498) 8. Brussels and Louvain (1484-1496) 9. Gouda, Deventer, Leyden, and Schoonhoven (1486-1500) 10. Late Antwerp woodcuts (1487-1500) — pt. III. List of the books containing woodcuts: Block-books. Presses. — Appendix: Audenarde and Ghent (14S0- 1490) Muther, Richard. L096 O400 :!04 Die deutsche Biicherillustration der Gothik und Friihrenaissance (1460-1530). 2 vol. in 1. il. F\ Munchen: G. Hirth, 1884. Linton, William James. L761 L65 The history of wood-engraving in America. viii,[2],7i p. il. 17 pi. 3 por. F. Boston: Estes & Lauriat, 1882. Weigel, Theodor Oswald, 1812-1881. A092 M500 38197 Die Anfiingc dcr Druckerkunst in Bild und Schrift. An deren friihesten Erzeugnisscn in dcr Wcigel'schen Sammlung erliiutert von T. O. Weigel und Dr. Ad. Zcstcrmann. Mit 145 Facsimiles und vielen in den Text gedrucktcn Holzschnittcn. Erster- [zweitcr] Band. Leipzig, 1866. 2 vol. illus. front, (port.), 145 facsim on 103 plates, (partly col. partly fold.) 4i cm . Didot, Ambroise Firmin. 761 D56 m " 8 Essai typographique et bibliographique sur l'histoirc dc la gravure stir bois. Faisant suite anx Costumes anciens et moderncs de Cesar Vecellio. xiv, 316 col. [7,158 p.] O. Paris 1863. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 155 Sotheby, Samuel Leigh, 1 805-1 861 . L092 L700 38,96 Principia typographica. The block-books, or xylographic delin- eations of scripture history, issued in Holland, Flanders and Ger- many, during the fifteenth century, exemplified and considered in connexion with the origin of printing. To which is added an attempt to elucidate the character of the paper-marks of the period. A work contemplated by the late Samuel Sotheby, and carried out by his son, Samuel Leigh Sotheby. Volume i-[lll]. London, printed for the author by W. McDowall, 1858. 3 vol. illus., 125 facsim. (partly col.) 37 cm - Ottley, William Young. L655.11 J400 18234 ^ n i n q UU y concerning the invention of printing: in which the systems of Meerman, Heinecken, Santander, and Koning are re- viewed ; including also notices of the early use of wood-ingraving in Europe, the block books, etc. With an introduction by J. Ph. Berjeau. xlii,377 p. il. 34 pi. 4 facsim. sq.Q. London: J. Lilly 1863. The frontispiece is an extra illustration. [Varlot, Louis.] L761 V42 Xylographie de l'imprimerie troyenne pendant le XV e , le XVl e , le XVII e et le XVlll e siecle, precedee d'une lettre du bibliophile Jacob, sur l'histoire de la gravure en bois. Publico par Varusoltis, de Troyes. 8 p. 72 pi. sq. F. Troyes : Varlot Pere, 1859. Varusoltis is pseudonym of Louis Varlot. 762 COPPER AND STEEL. Art of engraving. 762 A784 37689 'pkg ar {. Q f engraving; a practical treatise on the engraver's art, with special reference to letter and monogram engraving; special- ly compiled as a text-book for students and reference book and guide for engravers; over two hundred original illustrations. Philadelphia, The Keystone, 1903. 'l99 p. illllS. 22^ cm . Weilandt, Carl. 762 W42 Der Aluminiumdruck. (Algraphie.) Seine Einrichtung und Ausiibung in der lithographischen Praxis. vii,59 p. 12 il. D. [Chemisch-technische Bibliothek, vol. 258.] Wien : A. Hartle- ben, [1902]. 16686 36413 I56 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Hasluck, Paul Nooncree, editor. 762 H27 33150 Engraving metals. 160 p. 117 il. nar. D. [Work handbooks.] London: Cassell & Co., pref. 1901. Banner, G. A. 762 B22 Practical engraving on metal, including hints on saw-piercing, carving, and inlaying. 90, [6] p. 68 il. 7 pi. S. London : Hamp- ton & Co., 1899. Parsons text book. 74 I -9 P25 18132 p arsons t ex t book for letters. Embracing all the principal letters in use at the present time. Graver, pen or brush. 4 leaves, 27 pi. ob. S. Peoria, Illinois, [1897?]. Whelpley, George Frederick. 762 W57 12040 General letter engraving for watchmakers, jewelers and kindred trades. A complete exposition of the art of engraving on metals. in p. 35 il. O. Chicago: G. K. Hazlitt & Co., 1892. Langalerie, Ch. de. 762 L25 25642 Notice sur l'art de nieller et sur la decouverte de quelques em- preintes de nielles du XIV e siecle. 11 p. O. Orleans 1858. Reprinted from the Memoires de la Societe archeologique de P Orleanais, vol. 4. 763 LITHOGRAPHY. Albert, August. 774 A333 36223 Verschiedene Reproductions-Verfahren mittels lithographischen und typographischen Druckes unter besonderer Berucksichtigung dcr photomechanischen Prozesse. *viii,i82 p. 22 il. 15 pi. O Halle a. S. : W. Knapp, 1900. Pennell, Joseph, & Pennell, Elizabeth Robins. L763 P38 Lithography & lithographers. Some chapters in the history of the art, with technical remarks and suggestions, xiii, 2 79 p. il. 3 pi- 1 paged in, 6 por. sq. F\ London : T. Fisher Unuin, 1898. 19537 Curtis, Atherton. L7O3 C94 Some masters of lithography. xvi,i87 p. 22 pi. F. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1897. "Bibliograph) ". p. 179— iJ Bouchot, Henri. 763 B66 18891 La lithographic. (). (Bibliotheque de l'enseignement des beaux-arts.) Paris: Librairies-imprimeries rlunies, 1S95. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 157 Richmond, W. D. 7 6 3 R 4* 18009 The grammar of lithography. A practical guide for the artist and printer in commercial and artistic lithography, and chromo- lithography, zincography, photo-lithography, and lithographic machine printing. Tenth edition. xiii,254 p. il. D. [Wyman's technical series.] London: E. Menken, [189-]. "The bibliography of lithography," p. 243-246. Hedou, Jules. 763 H36 20126 La lithographie a Rouen. [4] ,82 p. 1 por. O. Rouen: Auge\ 1877. Only 120 copies printed. Every man his own printer. L763 E93 25343 £ ver y man his own printer; or, Lithography made easy: being an essay upon lithography in all its branches, showing more par- ticularly the advantages of the "Patent autographic press." [4], 50 p. 9 pi. 1 por. Q. London: Waterlow & Sons, 1854. Three pages of manuscript notes tipped in at the end. Hansard, Thomas Carson. 655.02 K100 1H Treatises on printing and type-founding. From the seventh edi- tion of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. vii,23 5 p. 3 pi. D. Ed- inburgh: A. & C. Black, 1 841. Contains a chapter: Echography, by William Nichol. Printing times. L655.052 4 28769 j he p r j nt i n g times and lithographer. An illustrated monthly technical and fine-art journal of lithography, typography, engrav- ing, paper-making and the auxiliary trades. New series, vol. 3-5, 8, 10. [1877-1879, 1882, 1884.] il. pi. sq.Q. London 1877- 1884. Contains a serial bibliography of printing which in the volumes in this library runs (with some breaks) from Dietzelius to Waton. Also called Old series, vol. 8-10, 13 and 15. National Lithographers' Association. 763.06161 1 27077 . . . Annual report, ... ; together with proceedings of the . . . convention, ... . No. 2. [i889]~90. D. Buffalo, N. Y., 1890. Proceedings of the . . . convention, no. 3, 1890. Hesse, Friedrich. L764 H461 12346 La chromolithographie et la photochromolithographie. Par Frederic Hesse. Edition francaise. Revue et augmentee par Albert Mouillot, Georges Lequatre. viii,262 p. 87 il. 3 pi. Q. Paris: A. Muller, [1897]. I58 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Hesse, Friedrich. 7 6 4 H46 7537 Die Chromolithographie, mit bcsondcrcr Bcriicksichtigung der modernen auf photograph ischer Grundlagc basirenden Verfahrcn. xvi,3i7 p. 82 il. 15 pi. O. Halle a. S. : W. Knapp, 1896. Richmond, W. D. 764 R41 isoio c i our anc j colour printing as applied to lithography, containing an introduction to the study of colour, an account of the general and special qualities of pigments employed, their manufacture into printing inks, and the principles involved in their application. Third edition. x,l69p. D. [Wyman's technical series.] Lon- don: E. Menken, [189-]. 767 ETCHING. DRY POINT. Holme, Charles, 1848-, editor. ^1^1 H73 36584 Modern etching and engraving [European and American]. Va- rious paging. 144 p. of pi. 20 pi. 6 colored. O. London: Offices of 'The Studio,' 1902. Special summer number of The Studio, 1902. Bock, Josef. 7 6 7 B63 Zincography. A practical guide to the art as practised in con- nexion with letterpress printing. Revised and enlarged edition. Translated by E. Menken. Fifth edition. 55 p. 15 il. D. [Wy- man's technical series.] London: E. Menken, [1896]. Toifel, Wilhelm F. 655.53 p6gi Handbuch der Chemigraphic. Hochatzung in Zink, Kupfer, und andercn Mctallcn fiir Buchdruck, mittelst Umdruck von Auto- graphien und Photogrammcn, directer Copirung oder Radirung auf die Platte .... Zvveite, glinzlich umgearbeitete und sehr ver- mchrte Auflagc. xiii,[2] ,240 p. 14 il. 1). [Chemisch-technische Bibliothek, vol. 100.] Wien: A. Hartleben, 1896. Hitchcock, James Ripley Wellman. 767 H63 Etching in America. With lists of American etchers and notable collections of prints. x,95,[i] p. 1). New York : White, Stokes, & Allen, 1886. Chattock, Richard S. 767 C39 """ Practical notes on etching. [6],74p. 8 il. 8 pi. O. New York: Scribner & Welford, [883. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 159 Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. 767 H17 2995 The etcher's handbook. Giving an account of the old processes, and of processes recently discovered. Illustrated by the author. Third edition, revised and augmented, x'1,97 p. il. 6 pi. D. Lon- don : C. Roberson & Co., 1881. Lalanne, Maxime. L767 L15 16636 ^ treatise on etching. Authorized American edition, translated from the second French edition by S. R. Koehler. With an in- troductory chapter and notes by the translator. xxx,79 p. I il. 13 pi. Q. Boston: Estes & Lauriat, 1880. "List of works on the practice and history of etching," p. 75-79. Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. L767 H171 3623 Etching & etchers. xxvi,[2],354 p. il. 35 pi. O. London: Mac- millan & Co., 1868. 768 BANK NOTE AND MACHINE. GEOMETRIC TURNING. Russia. Imperial State Paper Manufactory. 676 P300 H4us yj ie R uss j an l m p er f a l State Paper Manufactory. 36 p. O. [St.- Petersburg 1893.] Holtzapffel, Charles. 684.1 K600 16575 T/ urri ing and mechanical manipulation. Intended as a work of general reference and practical instruction on the lathe, and the various mechanical pursuits followed by amateurs. Vol. 1—5. il. pi. O. London: published for the author, 1850-1884. Vol. 4-5 are by John Jacob Holtzapffel. Vol. 1, published in 1852, is in second edition. Savory, Henry Stiles. ( 768 S268 4236 Geometric turning: comprising a description of the new geometric chuck constructed by Mr. Plant, of Birmingham; with directions for its use, and a series of patterns cut by it, with explanations of the mode of producing them, and an account of a new process of deep cutting and of graving on copper. [4] ,78 p. il. ill pi. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1873. Elphinstone, Howard Warburton. 768 E48 Patterns for turning: comprising elliptical and other figures cut on the lathe without the use of any ornamental chuck. xii,2i6 p. 70 pi. 9 tables in pocket. sq.O. London: J. Murray, 1872. 160 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Northcott, W. Henry. 621.94 M800 6I8S A treatise on lathes and turning, simple, mechanical, and orna- mental. xiv,298 p. il. 11 pi. O. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1868. 769 COLLECTIONS OF ENGRAVINGS. Putnam, Frank Pierce, 1849- 7 6 9 p 9 8 37255 Tlie j Q j in Davis collection of prints [at the Lowell, Mass., City Library] and a word concerning the every-day value of art by Frank P. Putnam. [Lowell, Mass., 1903?] 14 p. 24 C1 ". Modern book-plates. L097 P900 24767 Modern book-plates and their designers, being the [special] win- ter number of The Studio. 1898-9. 78 f. il. 8 pi. 5 paged in. F. London [1899]. Printed and numbered on only one side of the leaves. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Brown, William Garrott, 1868- L010.51 4 v. 53 37665 ... A list of portraits in the various buildings of Harvard Univer- sity ; prepared under the direction of the late Justin YVinsor, li- brarian, by William Garrott Brown . . . Cambridge, Library of Harvard University, 1898. cover-title, 52 p. 26 cm . (/« Library of Harvard University. Bibliographical con- tributions, no. 53) Record of art. L769 R24 24771 A record of art in 1898. 136,66 p. il. pi. Q. London [1898]. Published as supplement to The Studio. Warnecke, Friedrich, editor. L929.8 W24 Hcraldische Kunstblatter nach im Kunstdruck u. s. w. ausgefiihrten Entwiirfen von Martin Schongaucr, Israel van Meckcn, Albrccht Durer, Virgil Solis, Jost Amman und anderen dcutschcn und aus- landischen hcrvorragendcn Mcistcrn herausgcgcbcn. 4 parts in 2 vol. pi. sq. F\ Part 1-3, Gdrlitz : C. A. Starke ; part 4, Berlin : J. A. Stargardt, 1 877-1 898. I 'art 4 completed by Emil Doepler. Part 1, published in 1S91, is in second edition. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. l6l Art of 1897. L769 A784 24770 The art of 1897. Royal Academy. New Gallery. New Eng- lish Art Club. Salon des Champs Elysees. Salon du Champ de Mars. Various paging, il. Q. [London 1897.] Published as supplement to The Studio. Demeure de Beaumont, Alexandre. L659 P604 18794 L'affiche illustree Essai critique, biographie des artistes. Vol. i—. il. pi. Q. Toulouse: chez l'auteur, 1897-. Oriental and occidental. A070. 16057 O69 M660 Oriental and occidental, northern and southern portrait types of the Midway Plaisance. A collection of photographs of individual types of various nations from all parts of the world who represent- ed, in the Department of Ethnology, the manners, customs, dress, religions, music and other distinctive traits and peculiarities of their race With an introduction by Prof. F. W. Putnam. [4] p. 80 por. sq. F 5 . St. Louis: N. D. Thompson Publishing Co., 1894. Examples. L097 P200 24016 . . . Examples of armorial book plates. From various collections. (Second [British] series.) [6] p. 147 pi. sq.Q. London: W. Griggs & Sons, '1892 Allen, Fred Hovey. A708.111 1 24198 y^g Bowdoin collection. Text by Rev. Fred H. Allen. 4 p. 15 pi. 5 por. F 5 . Brunswick: Bowdoin College Library, 1886. Bibliotheque royale. Brussels. A096 N700 fS6S4 D ocum ents iconographiques et typographiques de la Bibliotheque royale de Belgique. Fac-simile photo-lithographiques avec texte historique & explicatif par MM. les conservateurs & employes de la Bibliotheque royale publie sous la direction etavec le concours de M. le Conservateur en chef. Avec autorisation de M. le Mi- nistre de l'interieur. [i re serie : Les bois.] [6], 73, 16 p. il. 14 pi. of facsim. 26 facsim. I colored. F 6 . Bruxelles : C. Muquardt, 1877. Contents: I. Alvin, L. Spirituale Pomerium. 2. Hymans, H. Gravures criblees. 3. Ruelens, C. La vierge de 1418. 4. Petit, J. Vue de Louvain. 5. Fetis, E. Lesneuf preux. 6. Ruelens, C. La legende de Saint Servais. No more published. [Varlot, Louis.] L761 V42 16666 Xylographie de l'imprimerie troyenne pendant le xv e , le xvi e , le xvn e et le xvm e siecle, precedee d'une lettre du bibliophile Jacob, sur l'histoire de la gravure en bois. Publiee par Varusoltis, de Troyes. 8 p. 72 pi. sq.F. Troyes : Varlot Pere, 1859. Varusoltis is pseudonym of Louis Varlot. 1 62 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 770 PHOTOGRAPHY. Institut international de bibliographic 025.4 ^59 27965 ]\f anue i pour l'usage du repertoire bibliographique de la pho- tographic etabli d'apres la classification decimale [de Melvil Dewey] [025.4:77]. Regies pour la redaction des notices bibliographiques. Regies pour la publication des recueils bibli- ographiques et la preparation des repertoires sur fiches. Tables de classification bibliographique. Edition francaise publiee avec le concours du Bureau bibliographique de Paris et de la Societe francaise de photographic 68, [84] p. O. (Publication no. 45.) Bruxelles 1900. Eder, Josef Maria. 77<>- 2 E221 32504 Ausfiihrliches Handbuch der Photographic Fiinfte ganzlich umgearbeitete und vermehrte Auflagc Vol. 3, part I-. O. Halle a. S. : W. Knapp, 1902-. . Prospekt mit Inhaltsangabe der einzelnen Bande und Hefte. 30 p. il. D. Halle a. S. : W. Knapp, 1901. Englisch, Eugen. 770.2 E581 33588 photographisches Compendium Anleitung zur Liebhaberpho- tographie unter Beriicksichtigung der Anvvendung in derWissen- schaft. viii,288 p. 75 il. 1 table. O. Stuttgart: F. Enke, 1902. Fabre, Charles. L770.2 Fn 12003 Traite cncyclopedique de 4 photographic 4 vol. Q. Paris: Gauthier-Villars & fils, 1 889-1 890. . Supplement. No. 1-3. il. Q. Paris 1892- 1902. Miethe, Adolf. 77 o. 2 M58 Lchrbuch der praktischen Photographic — II. verbesserte Auf- lagc viii,445 p. 180 il. O. Halle a. S. : W. Knapp, 1902. Sollet, Ch. 770.2 S688 Traite pratique des tirages photographiques. Preface de C. Puyo. vii,239p. D. (Bibliothequephotographiquc) Paris : Gauthier- Villars, 1902. 33158 3640.' 33697 32474 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 1 63 Abney, Sir William de Wiveleslie, 1844- 770.2 A1532 37648 j^ treatise on photography, by Sir William de Wiveleslie Abney, ... F.R.S. Tenth edition, thoroughly revised, with 134 illustra- tions. London, New York [etc.] Longmans, Green, and Co., 1901. xvii, 425 p. illus. incl. diagrs. i8 cm . ( On cover : Text-books of science) Anschiitz, Ottomar. 770.2 A617 36050 j~)j e photographie im Hause. Lehrbuch fur Amateure, von Otto- mar Anschiitz Berlin, O. Anschiitz, 1901-. V. 1-. fronts., illus., plates, ports. 22 cm . Carteron, Jules. 77°«2 C24 Le manuel de photographie moderne : theorie — pratique — art. Ouvrage substantiel, documente precis, d'une lecture facile et agreable, absolument a jour sur les derniers procedes photogra- phiques. 212 p. 83 il. O. [Bibliotheque d'ombres et lumiere.] Paris: E. Mazo, [1901]. Engler, Max. 770.2 E58 Die Photographie als Liebhaberkunst. Genaue Anleitung zur praktischen Ausiibung der gebrauchlichsten photographischen Verfahren. Dritte, wesentlich vermehrte und verbesserte Auf- lage. viii,302 p. 72 il. S. Halle a. S. : H. Peter, 1901. Ferrars, Max. 7?0>2 p 4I Handcamera und Momentphotographie. Eine Beschreibung der wichtigsten Verfahren. xvi,265,[i] p. il. 42 p. of pi. 6 pi. O. Dtisseldorf: E. Liesegang, 1901. Parzer, Alfred. 770>2 p 25 Der moderne Amateur-Photograph. Anleitung zur Erlangung geschmackvoller Photos mit dem modernsten Hilfsmitteln. Von Alfred Parzer-Mtihlbacher. vii,io6 p. 48 il. 8 pi. D. Wien: A. Hartleben, pref. 1901. Pizzighelli, Giuseppe. 77o 2 p68 Anleitung zur Photographie. Elfte vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage. viii,3 9 6 p. 205 il. 24 p. of pi. 3 pi. O. Halle a. S. : W. Knapp, 1 901. Dillaye, Frederic. 770<2 Dt -g 2 Lart en photographie. Avec le procede au gelatino-bromure d'argent. 399 p. 31 pi. 30 paged in. O. (La theorie, la pra- tique et 'art en photographic) Paris: Librairie illustree, [1900?]. 33240 34867 33465 33623 164 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Dillaye, Frederic. 770-2 D581 33628 La pratique en photographic Avec le procede au gelatino- bromure d'argent 400 p. il. 18 pi. 17 paged in. O. (La theorie, la pratique et l'art en photographic) Paris: Librairie illustree, [1900?]. Paar, Jean. 770-2 Pn 30651 j-)j e gebrauchlichsten [photographischen] Vergrdsserungs- und Contactverfahren mit Entwicklung. [6] ,204, [4] p. il. O. Diissel- dorf: E. Liesegang, 1900. Paltridge, George Henry. 77°- 2 Pl 8 23418 photographic instruction text. A systematic course and work- ing guide in all the processes which ordinarily take up the atten- tion of camera workers. 237 p. il. D. Chicago: The Photo- Text Press, 1900. Vogel, Hermann Wilhelm. 770.2 v86 3 25171 H. W. Vogel's Photographic Ein kurzes Lehrbuch flir Fach- manner und Liebhaber. Bearbeitete von Dr. E. Vogel. ix,2ii, [1] p. 66 il. D. Braunschweig: F. Vieweg & Sohn, 1900. Abbott, Henry George, pseud. 770.2 A131 so88« M oc j ern photography in theory and practice. A hand book for the amateur. [2], 250 p. 56 il. 19 pi. O. Chicago: G. K. Haz- litt & Co., c. 1899. Abbott, Henry George, pseud. 770.2 A1311 21784 Progressive lessons in photography. Part 1 4 pi. 3 paged in. sq. S. Chicago: G. K. Hazlitt & Co., c. 1899. No more published. Adams, Washington Irving Lincoln. 770.2 A2191 87211 Amateur photography. A practical guide for the beginner. Fifth edition, revised and enlarged. 135 p. il. 18 pi. 12 paged in. O. New York: Baker and Taylor Co., 1899. Eder, Josef Maria. 770.2 E22 11142 Ausfiihrliches Handbuch der Photographic Zweite Auflage. 4 vol. and sup. to vol. 1. por. O. Halle a. S. : W. Knapp, 1 890- 1 899. Vol. 1 published in 1892. Seyewetz, [Alphonse]. L770.2 S519 Resume du cours libre de photographic appliquec, professc I la Faculte des sciences de Lyon. 20 legons. [2], 320, [4] p. il. Q. Lyon: A. Storck & c le , 1899. Lithographed. IS4I8 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 1 65 Stolze, Franz, editor. ll^-i S876 19694 Handwerksbuch fur Photographen. 2 vol. il. O. Halle a. S. : W. Knapp, 1 898-1 899. Contents: Vol. I. Die Werkstatt und das Handwerkszeug des Photographen. Vol. 2. Die Arbeiten in der Werkstatt des Photographen. Todd, Frederick Dundas. 770-2 T562 19807 j^ re f erence book of practical photography. [Fifth thousand. Part 1-.] il. 1 pi. S. Chicago: Photo-Beacon Co., 1899-. Todd, Frederick Dundas. 770.2 T56 19056 pj rst ste p j n photography. A book for beginners in the art. [Thirtieth thousand.] 52 p. il. 1 pi. S. Chicago: Photo-Beacon Co., 1899. V Todd, Frederick Dundas. 770.2 T561 19057 Second step in photography : an advanced handbook, being sequel to First step in photography. [Ninth thousand.] 98 p. il. 1 pi. S. Chicago: Photo-Beacon Co., 1899. Townsend, Charles F. 77* -i T66 18011 Chemistry for photographers. Second edition, revised. 158 p. 6 il. D. London: Dawbarn & Ward, 1899. Vogel, Ernst. 770.2 V861 80140 Taschenbuch der praktischen Photographic Ein Leitfaden ftir Anfanger und Fortgeschrittene von Dr. E. Vogel. Sechste ver- mehrte und verbesserte Auflage mit vielen Abbildungen und 6 Tafeln. Berlin, G. Schmidt, 1899. viii, 308 p. 62 illus. 6 pi. i6£ cm . Austin, Arthur Converse. 770.2 A935 17659 p rac tical half-tone and tri-color engraving. 158 p. il. 16 pi. 1 por. 1 pi. of por. 2 tables, 2 tables in pocket. O. Buffalo, N. Y. : Professional Photographer Publishing Co., 1898. Hawkes, Henry Philip. 770.2 H31 Photography in a nutshell. By "The kernel." (Lieut-General H. P. Hawkes.) Also a chapter on the Rontgen rays by Dr. Hall-Edwards. Twenty-fifth thousand. 160 p. il. 2 pi. D. London: Iliffe, Sons & Sturmey, 1898. Holland, Clive, 1866- 770.2 H71 The use of the hand camera, with remarks upon larger apparatus by Clive Holland . . . With an introduction by A. Horsley Hin- ton . . . Illustrated from photos taken chiefly by the author. Westminster, A. Constable & Co., 1898. xx, 198 p. incl. 22 pi. front. I9 cm . 18938 37202 1 66 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Kaiserling, Carl. 770.2 K12 15335 p ra ktik um tier wissenschaftlichen Photographic xii,404p. 193 il. 4 pi. O. Berlin: G. Schmidt, 1898. Leaper, Clement J. 770.2 L47 3757 * Experimental photography. By C. J. Leaper, F.c.s Third edition. London, Hazell, Watson, & Vincy, ltd., 1898. [2], 102 p. diagrs. i8 cm . (Amateur photographer's library, no. 3.) Marion & Co., London. 770.2 M33 17681 Practical guide to photography. Sixth edition . . . revised and enlarged. viii,288 p. 50 il. D. London 1898. Wall, E. J. 770.2 W154 Everyone's guide to photography. Containing instructions for making your own appliances and simple practical directions for every branch of photographic work. Second edition. 246 p. 28 il. sq.T. New York: Spon & Chamberlain, 1898. Abney, William de Wiveleslie. 770.2 A153 12962 j^ treatise on photography. Ninth edition. xvi,374 p. 116 il. D. [Text-books of science.] London : Longmans, Green, & Co., 1897. Black, Alexander. 770.2 B56 9058 photography indoors and out. A book for amateurs. [Fifth edition.] x,240 p. 20 il. 10 pi. S. [Riverside library for young people, no. 12.] Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1897. Cormier, Alexandre. 770.2 C81 96i9 Traite theorique et pratique de photographic [2], 308 p. il. D. Paris: Gamier freres, 1897. Everybody's guide. 770.2 E93 16534 E ver ybody's guide to photography. A practical handbook, con- taining full instructions for amateur photographers, simply written, easily understood. By "Operator." 159. [3] p. 32 il. sq.T. London: Saxon & Co., [1897]. Miron, Francois. 770.2 M67 8634 Photographic. viii,437 p. ! 54^- D. (Bibliothcque du conduc- teur de travaux publics.) Paris: P. Vicq-Dunod & C ic , 1897. Niewenglowski, G. H. 770.2 N55 La photographic ct la photochimie. [2], 284 p. 120 il. 1 pi. O. [Bibliothcque scientifiquc internationale, vol. 18.] Paris: F. Alcan, 1897. Replaces in the scries the- old vol. [8: Vogel, II. La photographie el la chimiede la lumiere, which is out of print. 9430 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 1 67 Wallace, Ellerslie. 770-2 W15 16796 Yhe amateur photographer. A manual of photographic manipu- lation intended especially for beginners and amateurs. With suggestions as to the choice of apparatus and of processes. Fifth edition, revised and re-written. 215 p. 34 il. I pi. D. Philadelphia: H. T. Coates & Co., 1897. Wilkinson, W. T. 770-2 W651 i83oi photo-mechanical processes. A practical guide to photo-zincog- raphy, photo-lithography, and collotype. Second edition, iv, [2], 174 p. il. 4 pi. D. London: Hampton & Co., 1897. Anderson, Macfarlane. 770.2 A548 17462 Anderson's photo-mechanical processes and guide to color work. 182 p. 41 il. 8 pi. 1 table. D. New York: E. & H. T. Anthony & Co., 1896. Baker, Harold. 770.2 B17 17680 j^ g U [($Q to modern photography. 100, [4] p. il. S. London: Iliffe & Son, [1896]. Gale, J. R. Courtenay, & Cadett, James. 770.2 G13 H488 Fi rs t ^d m photography. The beginners' book. 57 p. il. 1 pi. paged in. D. ["Cadett" photographic handbooks.] Ashtead, Surrey: Cadett & Neall, 1896. Henry, W. Ethelbert. 770.2 H39 18983 j? ar ]y WO rk in photography : a text-book for beginners. With a chapter on lenses by H. Snowden Ward. 102, [1] p. il. 1 sample of paper. D. London: Dawbarn & Ward, 1896. Londe, Albert. 770.2 L84 33689 L a p no tographie moderne. Traite pratique de la photographie et de ses applications a. l'industrie et a la science. Deuxieme edition completement refondue et considerablement augmentee. xii,79i p. 346 il. 5 pi. O. Paris: G. Masson, 1896. Reber, Samuel. 770.2 R24 Manual of photography. Prepared under the supervision of Brig- adier General A. W. Greely, Chief Signal Officer, for the use of the U. S. Army. 112 p. 26 il. 2 pi. D. [U. S. A. War De- partment. Document, no. 5.] Washington 1896. 1 68 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Stiefel, Henry C. 770.2 S855 14717 pj ates anc ] papers. How made and how used. Giving instruc- tions how to make albumen, gelatine, collodion, platinum, carbon and other papers, and how to print, tone, develop and fix the pictures upon them. Based upon practical experience .... 196 p. il. D. [Lund library of photography.] London : P. Lund & Co., 1896. Vogel, Ernst. 770.2 V86 18968 p rac tical pocket-book of photography. A short guide to the practice of all the usual photographic processes for profes- sionals and amateurs by Dr. E. Vogel .. . Translated by E. C. Conrad F.C.S., from the second German edition ... Second edition. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., ltd., 1896. x, 202 p. 64 illus. i6£ cm . Johnson, Robert, cV Chatwood, Arthur Brunei. 770-2 J63 U629 photography, artistic and scientific. viii,257 p. il. 28 pi. O. London: Downey & Co., 1895. Jones, Chapman. 770.2 J71 18779 ^ n introduction to the science & practice of photography. Third edition. Revised and enlarged. 320, [6] p. 51 il. D. London: IHffe & Son, 1895. Burton, William Kinninmond. 770.2 B951 18012 Baton's modern photography. Comprising practical instructions in working gelatine dry plates, printing, etc. Formerly published as the "ABC of modern photography." Eleventh edition, revised and enlarged, D. London: Carter & Co., 1894. Husnik, J. 770.2 H96 7753 Das Gesammtgebiet des Lichtdrucks. Die Emailphotographie und andcrweitige Vorschriften zur Umkchrung der negativen und positiven Glasbilder. Vierte, vcrmehrte Auflage. xvi,2 56 p. il. 8 pi. D. [Chemisch-technische Bibliothek, vol. 22.] Wien : A. Hartlcbcn, 1894. Abney, William de Wiveleslie. 770. 2 A1531 18776 instruction in photography. Ninth edition, vi.ccclxxxviii p. il. D. [Photographic handy-books, no. 1.] London: Piper & Car- ter, 1892. Brothers, Alfred. 770.2 B79 Photography: its history, processes, apparatus, and materials. Comprising working details of all the more important methods. xiii,364 p. 122 il. 24 pi. O. London: C. Griffin & Co., 1892. 19620 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 1 69 Dillaye, Frederic. L770.2 D58 11,88 Latheorie, la pratique et l'art en photographic Avec le procede au gelatino-bromure d'argent. [4] , viii, 5 76 p. il. 1 pi. Q. Paris: Librairie Illustree, [1892]. Fearn, J. Eaton. 77°- 2 F3 1 15823 Modern photography for amateurs. Third edition. [4], 124 p. D. London: L. U. Gill, [1890?]. Vogel, Hermann Wilhelm. 770.2 V862 21952 Handbuch der Photographic Enthaltend die photographische Chemie, Optik, Praxis und Aesthetik Vierte, ganzlich umgearbeitete, verbesserte und vermehrte Auflagc Vol. 1-. il. pi. tables. O. Berlin: vol. 1-2, R. Oppenheim ; vol. 3-, G. Schmidt, 1890-. [Wood, F. Freeman.] 770.2 W85 1174 Modern methods of illustrating books. Third edition. vii,[i], 247 p, D. [Book-lover's library.] London: E. Stock, 1890. Welford, Walter D. 770-2 W45 i95i9 j ne hand camera an d how to use it. [4th edition, revised.] H9,[i] p. 16 pi. D. ["Photography" bookshelf, no. 3.] Lon- don: Iliffe, Sons & £turmey, [189-]. Burton, William Kinninmond, cV Pringle, Andrew. 770.2 B95 1589 The processes of pure photography. 200, ix p. 27 il. O. New York: Scovill & Adams Co., 1889. Pabst, [A.] 540.34 43 10405 Applications [de chimie inorganique]. La photographic [2], 460 p. 155 il. (/« Fremy, ~E.,ed. Encyclopedic chimique, tome 5.) Paris 1889. Adams, Washington Irving Lincoln. 770.2 A219 19337 The photographic instructor, for the professional and amateur. With an Appendix on the nature and use of the various chemicals and substances employed in photographic practice, by Charles Ehrmann. Sixth edition 215 p. il. O. [Scovill photo- graphic series.] New York: Scovill & Adams Co., 1897, c. 1888. Davanne, Alphonse. L770.2 D27 La photographic Traite theorique et pratique. .... 2 vol. il. pi. Q. Paris: vol. 1, Gauthier-Villars ; vol. 2, Gauthier-Villars & Fils, 1886-1888. 18028 I70 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Wilkinson, W. T. 770.2 W65 17006 photo-engraving, photo-etching, and photo-lithography in line and half-tone ; also, collotype and heliotype. Revised and en- larged by Edward L. Wilson. American (sixth) edition, xvi, 9-188 p. 23 il. 2 pi. 1 por. O. New York: E. L. Wilson, 1895, c. 1888. Wilson, Edward Livingstone. 770-2 W69 14582 Wilson's quarter century in photography. A collection of hints on practical photography which form a complete text-book of the art. 528 p. 386 il. 1 pi. O. New York: E. L. Wilson, 1887. Li6bert, Alphonse. 770.2 L62 18077 La photographie en Amerique. Traite complet de photographie pratique contenant les decouvertes les plus recentes. Quatrieme edition, augmentee d'un appendice sur le gelatino-bromure. x, 679,vi,24 p. 78 il. 8 pi. 1 por. O. Paris: B. Tignol, 1884. Pettit, James Sumner. 655.53 O400 Modern reproductive graphic processes. 127 p. T. [Van Nos- trand's science series, no. 76.] New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1884. Tissandier, Gaston. 770.2 T52 n87o ^ history and handbook of photography. Translated from the French .... Edited by J. Thomson, xvi, 326 p. il. 16 pi. D. London: Sampson Low, . .. , & Searle, 1876. Anderson, Elbert. 770-2 A546 11810 y ne s kyhght an d the dark-room : a complete text-book on por- trait photography. Containing the outlines of hydrostatics, pneu- matics, acoustics, heat, optics, chemistry, and a full and compre- hensive system of the art photographic. 220 p. 177 il. 5 pi. O. Philadelphia: Benerman & Wilson, 1872. Waldack, Charles. 770.2 W14 1 7993 r pi 1 * * * ■ ine card photograph, an appendix to the third edition of A treatise on photography. 32 p sq. D. Cincinnati, O., 1862. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. I7 1 [Chroucher, John H.] 770-2 C88 26388 p| ain directions for obtaining photographic pictures by the calo- type and energiatype, .... Including a practical treatise on photography, with a supplement, containing the heliochrome process. Also, Practical hints on the daguerreotype; ... ; with a description of the apparatus. [4], 1 5-224 p. il. D. Philadel- phia: A. Hart, 1853. Le Gray, G. Plain directions for obtaining photographic pictures upon albumenized paper and glass, by collodion and albumen, etc., etc., including a practical treatise on photography, p. 83-155. Hasluck, Paul Nooncree, editor. L603 Q002 27901 Cassell's cyclopaedia of mechanics. Containing receipts, processes and memoranda for workshop use based on personal experience and expert knowledge. First series. 384 p. 1 200 il. Q. Lon- don : Cassell & Co., 1900. Index. L770.3 138 21954 ^ n j nc jex of photographic trade names. Compiled by the editors and staff of The Photogram, the Process photogram, & the Ameri- can photogram. 24 p. il. Q. [London 1899.] Published as supplement to The Photogram, June, 1899. No title-page. Wall, E. J. 770-3 W15 9198 The dictionary of photography for the amateur and professional photographer. Revised and brought up to date by Thos. Bolas. Seventh edition, enlarged. iv,632 p. 122 il. D. London: Hazell, Watson, & Viney, 1897. Wilson, Edward Livingstone. 770-3 w6 9 6251 Wilson's cyclopaedic photography. A complete hand-book of the terms, processes, formulae and appliances available in photogra- phy, arranged in cyclopaedic form for ready reference. 453 p. 247 il. sq.O. London: Dawbarn & Ward, c. 1894. Heighway, William. 770.3 H36 18808 Hand-book of photographic terms. An alphabetical arrange- ment of the processes, formulae, applications, etc., of photography for ready reference. (Second edition, revised.) [2], 226 p. D. London: Piper & Carter, 1891. Sutton, Thomas. 77°-3 s 9 6 7 A dictionary of photography. By Thomas Sutton. The chemi- cal articles of A, B, C, by John Worden. vii,423 p. il. D. Lon- don: Sampson Low, Son, & Co., 1858. 11819 172 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Fourtier, [H.], Bourgeois, — , & Bucquet, — . 9034 Bibliotheque photographique. Le formulaire classeur du Pho- to-club de Paris. Formules, notes, renseignements pratiques recueillis et annotes. Continued from no. 1. 1892. Paris: Gau- thier-Villars & fils, 1892-. Card-index; filed in Reading Room. Great Britain. Patent office. Library. 027.042 G79 v. 2 37619 ... Subject list of works on photography and the allied arts and sciences in the library of the Patent Office. London, H. M. Sta- tionery Office, 1900. 62 p. i6 cm . (Patent Office library series, no. 2. Bibliographical series, no. 1) Woodbury, Walter E. 770.4 W85 25361 phonographic amusements. Including a description of a number of novel effects obtainable with the camera. Third edition. 1 14 p. 104 il. O. New York: Scovill & Adams Co., 1898. Surface, Matthew. 770-4 S961 8346 Photography as a hobby. 61 p. il. I pi. nar. D. (Popular pho- tographic series, no. 12.) London: P. Lund, Humphries & Co., 1897. Miiller, Hugo. 770.8 3 Die Misserfolge in der Photographie und die Mittel zu ihrer Be- seitigung. Ein Hilfsbuch fiir Liebhabcr der Lichtbildkunst 2 parts, il. [In Encyklopadie der Photographie, no. 7, 9.] Halle a. S. 1894. Contents: Part 1. Negativ-Verfahren. Part 2. Positiv-Verfahren. Thanet, Octave, pseud, i. c. Alice French, 1850- 770.4 T32 37344 j^ n adventure j n photography by Octave Thanet. Illustrated from photographs by the adventurers. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1893. xi, 179 p. front., illus., 31 pi. I9 cm . Werge, John. 770.9 W49 17687 ^ ne evolution of photography. With a chronological record of discoveries, inventions, etc., contributions to photographic litera- ture, and personal reminiscences extending over forty years. viii,3 1 2 p. 4 pi. of por. D. London: Piper & Carter, 1890 Hepworth, T. C. 77 8. 3 H41 Evening work for amateur photographers. i\', 1 96 p. 67 il. 1 pi, D. London: Hazell, Watson, & Viney, 1890. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 173 Draper, John William. 530.4 D79 8923 Scientific memoirs. Being experimental contributions to a knowledge of radiant energy. 473 p. 100 il. 1 por. O. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1878. American amateur photographer. 77° -5 1 8 13467 The American amateur photographer. Continued from vol. 3. 1891. il. pi. O. New York 1891-. Vol. 13- edited by John Nicol and Frederick C. Beach. Vol. 3, no. 11; 4, no. 1-3, 5, 7-12; 5, no. 1, 3-1 1 ; 6, no. 12; 7-8, missing. American annual. 770'S 1 1 M96 The American annual of photography and Photographic times almanac. Continued from [vol. 1]. 1887. il. pi. O. New York c. 1 886-. Vol. 1-5 edited by C. W. Canfield; vol. 7-8, by W. I. Lincoln Adams; vol. 10-, by Walter E. Woodbury. Vol. 1 is in second edition. American journal of photography. L770.51 9 13471 ^^g American journal of photography. Vol. 11-20. 1890 — Sept. 1900. il. pi. Q. Philadelphia [1890-1900]. No more published. , Publication suspended during 1898; in Dec. 1 900 united with The Photo era. Vol. 11-17 edited by Julius F. Sachse; vol. 18, by J. F. Sachse and John Bartlett; vol. 19-20, by J. Bartlett. No title-page nor index. Vol. 12, no. 137-138; 14, no. 167, and 16, no. 190, missing. Anthony's photographic bulletin. 770.51 10 13485 Anthony's photographic bulletin. Vol. 2-4, 6-8, 28-33, no. 4. Feb. 1871 -Oct. 1873, 1875-1877, 1897-April, 1902. por. O. New York [1871-1902]. In May 1902 united with The Photographic times under the title: The Photographic times-bulletin. Vol. 28-33 edited by Chas. F. Chandler and W. I. Scandlin. Vol. 2, no. 1-2; vol. 3, no. 44~45; vo1 - 4. no. 17-18; vol. 6, no. 3, 5, 9; vol. 7, no. 8, missing. Blue book. 770.51 11 uses '-pke Blue book for amateur photographers. American edition. .... A universal hand-book and directory for all interested in photography. [No. 1-2.] 1 894-1 895. pi. S. Beach Bluff, Massachusetts, U. S. A., c. 1894-1895. Edited by Walter Sprange. The volume for 1894 has subtitle: (Sprange's annual.) .... Being a directory of the various amateur photographic societies in the United States of America, .... 174 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Camera notes. L770.51 7 12139 Camera notes and Proceedings of the Camera Club of New York. An illustrated photographic quarterly Continued from vol. 1. [July], 1897. tl- Pi- Q- New York [1898-]. Vol. 5-6, no. 1, edited by Alfred Stieglitz; vol. 6, no. 2-, by Juan C. Abel. Vol. 1-4 published under the title: Camera notes. Official organ of the Camera Club of New York. Daguerreian journal. 770.51 2 9248 The Daguerreian journal : devoted to the Daguerreian and pho- togenic arts. Also, embracing the sciences, arts, and literature. Vol. 1-2. [November, 1850,-185 1.] il. por. O. New- York 1851. Edited by S. D. Humphrey. Vol. 2 has no title-page. International annual. 770.51 3 11376 'j-j ie international annual of Anthony's photographic bulletin and American process year-book. Continued from vol. 4. 189 1, il. pi. O. New York c. 1891-. Vol. 4-5 edited by W. Jerome Harrison and A. H. Elliott; vol. 6, by A. H. Elliott and F. P. Smith; vol. 7-8 by Frederick J. Harrison; vol. 10-, by W. I. Scandlin. Vol. 4-8 published under the title: The International annual of Anthony's photo- graphic bulletin. Vol. 4-5 are in D. Vol. 9 missing. Photo- American. 770 .51 6 19343 Yhe Photo-American. An illustrated . . . magazine, devoted to photography and its allied arts Continued from vol. 3. Nov. 1 89 1. il. pi. por. Q. New York [1892-]. Vol. 5-7 edited byW. F. Hapgood; vol. 8-, by Edward W. Newcomb. Vol. 1 1 has no subtitle. Vol. 8-10 also called New series. Vol. 3-8 are in O. Vol. io-ii have no titfe-page. Photo-beacon. L770.51 15 30866 Tnc photo-beacon. A journal devoted to photography in all its phases. Continued from vol. 13. 1901. Q. Chicago, 111., U. S. A., [1901-]. Edited by F. Dundas Todd. Photo era. L770.51 13 888M »p ne p noto cra T| 1C American journal of photography. A monthly magazine devoted to artistic photography. Continued from vol. I. May, 1898. il. pi. Q. Boston, Mass., [1899-]. In Dec. 1000 The American journal of photography was united with this. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 175 Photo-miniature. 770.51 14 28096 -phe Photo-miniature : a monthly magazine of photographic infor- mation. Continued from vol. 1. April 1899. nar.O. New York 1900. Edited by John A. Tennant. Photographic mosaics. 770.51 4 ii968 photographic mosaics. An annual record of photographic prog- ress Vol. 26-37. [1890-1901]. il. pi. por. D. New York 1 890-1901. No more published. Edited by Edward L. Wilson. Vol. 29 missing. Photographic times-bulletin. L770.51 12 15273 Y^g photographic times-bulletin. An illustrated monthly maga- zine devoted to the interests of artistic and scientific photography. .... Continued from vol. 29. 1897. Q. New York 1 897-. In May, 1902, Anthony's photographic bulletin was united with The Photographic times under the above title. Vol. 29-34 edited by Walter E. Woodbury; vol. 34-, by Charles F. Chandler. Vol. 29-34, no. 4, published under the title: The Photographic times. Vol. 29-32 are in F. » Wilson's photographic magazine. L770.51 5 12000 Wilson's photographic magazine Continued from vol. 34. [1897]. il. pi. Q. New York 1897-. Edited by Edward L. Wilson. Amateur photographer. L770.52 12 18359 -phe Amateur photographer. The popular illustrated journal for all photographers. Devoted to the interests of photography and kindred arts and sciences. Volume I- [Oct. 1 884-] ... Lon- don, 1885- Continued from v. 1 . illus., plates. 28x22 cm . Subtitle varies slightly. Blue Book. 770*52 8 24145 Blue book of amateur photographers. British edition. A uni- versal handbook and directory 1894. pi. D. London [1894]- Edited by Walter Sprange. I76 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. British journal of photography. L770.52 5 12348 'pj ie British journal of photography, published weekly. With supplements. Continued from vol. I. 1854. il. F. London [1854-]. Vol. 6-10 edited by George Shadbolt. Vol. 1-3 published under the title: The Liverpool photographic journal; [vol. 4-5] : The Liverpool and Manchester photographic journal: New series; vol. 6: The Photo- graphic journal. Vol. 1-5 have binder's title: Photographic journal, and are in O; vol. 6-43: Journal of photography and are in sq.Q. Vol. 1-10 published at Liverpool. British journal. 770.52 11 18055 -phe British journal photographic almanac and photographer's daily companion ... . 1 889-1 890. [2 vol.] D. London pref. 1888-1889. Edited by J. Traill Taylor. Lantern record. L770.52 5 v. 44-48 The Lantern record. Monthly supplement to The British journal of photography. 1897-1901. [5 vol.] il. [/// The British journal of photography, vol. 44-48. London 1 897-1901.] No more published. No title-page. Photogram. L770.52 4 10897 -p^g photogram With supplements. Continued from vol. 1. [1894]. il. pi. por. Q. London [1894-]. Vol. 2-7 edited by H. Snowden Ward and Catherine Weed Ward; vol. 8- by H. S. Ward, C. W. Ward and George E. Brown. Title varies between "The Photogram" and "The Process photogram", which latter from vol. 7 is the title of the supplement. Photographic news. L770.52 6 The Photographic news. The journal for amateur photographers. A weekly record of the progress of photography. With supple- ments. Continued from vol. 1. [Sept. 1858.] il. pi. sq.Q. London: 1859-. Vol. 1-3 edited by William Crookes; vol. 5-23, by G. Wharton Simpson; vol. 35- 39, by T. C. Ilepworth. Vol. 1-39 subtitle reads: A weekly record of the progress of photography. Vol. 1-39 are in Q. Vol. 17, p. 19-23, mutilated; vol. 38, p. 435-436, 445-446, replaced by type-written copy. Vol. 37, 39, have neither title-page nor index. 12830 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 177 Photographic review. L770.52 1 The Photographic review. An illustrated monthly for all photog- raphers, and synopsis of the photographic literature of the world. Vol. i-[6], no. 1. il. pi. Q. London: Iliffe & Son, 1892-1897. No more published. Edited by Walter D. Welford. Vol. 1-4 published under the title: The Photographic review of reviews. Vol. 5-6 have no title-pages nor contents. Vol. 5-6 also called New series vol. 1-2. Photography. L770.52 7 15595 photography, the journal of the amateur, the profession, and the trade. With supplements. Continued from vol. I. November, 1888. Q. London [1889-]. Photography annual. 770.52 3 10098 photography annual : a compendium of photographic information, with a record of progress in photography for the past year. Con- tinued from 1897. il- pl- O. London 1897-. Edited by Henry Sturmey. Practical and junior photographer. L770.52 13 !9653 -phe p rac t;i ca i a nd Junior photographer. Continued from New series, vol. 1. [Aug. 1900.] il. pi. Q. London 1901-. In August 1900, the Practical photographer and the Junior photographer united under the above title. Edited by Percy Lund. Practical photographer. L770.52 ic 17994 The p r actical photographer Vol. 9-1 1. [1898 -July, 1900.] il. pi. Q. Bradford [1898-1900]. In Aug. 1900 united with the Junior photographer and continued under the title: The Practical and Junior photographer. Edited by Percy Lund. Process year book. L770.52 9 17887 T*1 t» Ihe Process year book. [Penrose's pictorial annual. An illus- trated review of the graphic arts.] .... Continued from vol. 3. 1897. il- pi. colored pi. por. O. London [1898-]. Edited by William Gamble. Vol. 3 subtitle reads: An illustrated review of all photo-mechanical processes; other slight variations. Vol. 3-4 are in Q. Yearbook. 770.52 2 The Yearbook of photography and amateur's guide [Vol. 30.] 1889. Continued from [vol. 38]. 1897. il. pi- D. London [1888-]. 1889 edited by Thomas Bolas; 1897-, by E. J. Wall. 1889 published under the title: The Yearbook of photography and photographic news almanac. 5530 I78 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Atelier des Photographen. L770.53 2 m " Das Atelier des Photographen. Zeitschrift fur Photographie und Reproduktionstechnik With supplements. Continued from vol. 7. 1900. il. pi. Q. Halle a. S., 1900-. Edited by A. Miethe. Deutscher Photographen-Kalender 77°-53 4 " 6ii Deutscher Photographen-Kalender. Taschenbuch und Alma- nach .... Vol. 21. 1902. pi. S. Weimar 1901. Edited by K. Schwier. Jahrbuch. 770-53 1 ,: "" 9 Jahrbuch fur Photographie und Reproductionstechnik ... . Continued from vol. 1. 1887. il. pi. O. Halle a. S. 1887-. Edited by Josef Maria Eder. Photographische Chronik. L770.53 3 38708 photographische Chronik. Beiblatt zum Atelier des Photo- graphen Continued from vol. 7. Dec. 1899. Q- Halle a. S. 1900-. Edited by A. Miethe. Photographische Correspondenz. 770-53 13 0712 Photographische Correspondenz. Organ der Photographischen Gesellschaft in Wien, des Vereines zur Pflege der Photographie und verwandter Kiinste in Frankfurt a/M., des Schweizerischen Photographen-Vereines und des Photo-Club in Wien. Zeitschrift fur Photographie und photomechanische Verfahren Con- tinued from vol. 36. [1899.] il. pi. O. Wien 1899-. Edited by Ludwig Schrank. Agenda. 770-54 2 26615 Agenda de l'Amateur photographe. 1893. pi. T. Paris [1893]. Annie photographique. 770.54 3 38i7o L'Annee photographique. 1900. il. pi. O. Paris [1901]. By Albert Reyner. Annuaire. 770.54 1 13483 Annuaire general ct international de la photographie Con- tinued from vol. 1. 1892. il. pi. O. Paris [1892-]. Edited by Marc Le Roux. Vol. I and 2 published under the title: Annuaire general de la photographie; vol. 2, with subtitle: Publid sous les auspices de 1' Union [nternational de Photographie et de ri'iinin National des Societes Photographiques de France ... . Vol. 3 missing. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 179 Societa fotografica italiana. 77° -55 1 36696 BuUettino della Societa fotografica italiana. Continued from vol. 14. 1902. il. pi. O. Firenze 1902-. Photographic journal. 770.6268 1 15816 yj ie photographic journal, including the Transactions of the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain Vol. 1-8. [1853- January, 1864.] Continued from New series, vol. 22, no. 5. [1898.] il. pi. O. London 1854-. Vol. 1-2 edited by Arthur Henfrey; vol. 3, by J. R. Major; vol. 4, by William Crookes; vol. 5-8, by Hugh W. Diamond; New series, vol. 22-, by W. de W. Abney. Vol. 1-8 published under the title: The Journal of the Photographic Society of Lon- don. Containing the Transactions of the Society and a general record of photographic art and science. Davanne, Alphonse. L770.6465 1 25666 Rapport sur la Xl e exposition de la Societe francaise de photo- graphic (annee 1876). [2], 38 p. O. Paris : Gauthier-Villars, 1876. Reprinted from the Bulletin de la Sociele francaise de photographic', 1876. Congresso fotografico italiano. 770.6519 1 36034 ^ tt j ^gj _ _ _ Congresso fotografico italiano .... Continued from no. 1. 1898. pi. O. Torino 1899-. No. 1 called Congresso fotografico nazionale. Congres international de photographie. L770.6 5 326ii p r oces-verbaux, rapports, notes et documents divers 3. Paris 1900. il. O. Paris 1901. Defforges, G. L070.160 F842 v.35 Rapports de MM. le Commandant G. Defforges et Antoine Lu- miere, Commissaires rapporteurs. 38, [2] p. 1 il. [In FRANCE. Commissariat general a l'Exposition Internationale de CHICAGO. Rapports. Comite 35. Paris 1894.] Contents : Defforges, G. Instruments de precision. Lumiere, A. Photographie et appareils photographiques. Eastman Photographic Materials Co., London. 779 E13 Kodak portfolio souvenir of the Eastman photographic exhibition 1897, a collection of kodak film pictures by eminent photogra- phers. [8] p. 14 pi. O. London [1897]. BUrty ' Phili PP e ' L740.8 7 La photographie au Palais des beaux-arts. 15 p. Q. Paris: J. Claye, 1859. Reprinted from La Gazette des beaux-arts, May 15, 1S59. Bound with: Burty, P. Chefs-d'oeuvre des arts industriels. pref. 1866. 26440 163x3 25347 l80 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Encyklopadie. 770.8 8 37858 Encyklopadie der Photographic Zweite, umgearbeitete Auflage. Halle a'. S. cover-title, illus., plates (partly col.) 22£ cm . Consists of occasional numbers only. Hubl, Arthur Freiherr von, 1853- 770.8 8 v. 26 37859 j}j e D re jf ar benphotographie mit besondercr Beriicksichtigung des Dreifarbendruckes und der photographischen Pigmentbilder in natiirlichen Farben. Von Arthur Frciherrn von Hiibl .... Zweite umgearbeitete Auflage. Mit 33 in den Text gedruckten Abbildungen und 4 Tafeln. Halle a. S., W. Knapp, 1902. viii, 195 p. 33 illus., iv diagr. (partly col. partly fold.) 22j cm . (Encyklopadie der Photographic Heft 26.) Photography for the press. L770.8 6 31649 Photography for the press. By the editors of "The Photogram" [4] ,48 p. il. O. (Photography for profit, vol. 1.) London: Dawbarn & Ward, 1901. Eder, Josef Maria. 770.8 7 37171 Rccepte und Tabellen fur Photographic und Reproductionstech- nik, welche an der K. k. graphischen Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt in Wien angewendet werden. Herausgegeben von Dr. Josef Maria Eder ... Fiinfte Auflage. Halle a. S., W. Knapp, 1900. xiv, 159 p. 1 fold. tab. I9i cm . Barnet book of photography. 770.8 5 21399 '-pj ie garnet book of photography. A collection of practical arti- cles Third edition. 287 p. il. 12 pi. O. Barnet, Herts: Elliott & Son, 1898. Contents: Abney, W. de W. Alpine photography. Bothamley, C. H. Negative mak- ing. Jones, C. Lenses. Baker, II . Portraiture. Hint on, A. H. Pictorial photography. Avery, J. II. Architectural photography. Thomas, \Y. The hand camera and its use. Pringle, A. Lantern slides. Hodges, J. A. How to make enlargements. Lambert, F. C. P.O. P. Hinton, A. II. Platinotype printing. Henry, W. E. Contact printing on bro- mide paper. Packham, J. The gum-bichromate process. An introduction to carbon printing for beginners. Skelton, T. S. The carbon process. Lambert, F. C. 770-8 2 * ba4 The photographer's note-book and constant companion. Con- taining 250 practical hints, formulae, expedients, etc., etc [2], 94 p. il. D. (Amateur photographer's library, no. 12.) London: Hazell, Watson, & Viney, 1897. "Compiled, rearranged, and collated from recent pages oi the Amateur photographer •." BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. l8l Affiliation of Photographic Societies. 773. 1 A256 a6251 Six lectures on "Photography with the bichromate salts." .... 28 p. O. London: Dawbarn & Ward, 1896. Contents: I. Abney, W. de W. Scientific and historical preliminary. 2. Sinclair, J. A* Carbon printing. 3. Debenham, W. E. Collotype. 4. Geddes, J. D. Woodbury print- ing. 5. Wilkinson, W. T. Photo-lithography and photo-zincography. 6. — Processap- plications of the bichromate salts. Brunei, Georges. 770.8 1 7875 Formulaire des nouveautes photographiques 343 p. 145 il. 1 pi. D. [Bibliotheque des connaissances utiles.] Paris: J. B. Bailliere & Fils, 1896. Watts, W. A. 770.8 4 iso76 -j-^g photographic reference book. Hints, information, and methods concerning all kinds of photographic work and recreation. Compiled by W. A. Watts, under the direction of Henry Sturmey. 300 p. il. O. London: Iliffe & Son, [1896]. Encyklopadie der Photographic 770.8 3 11039 E nC yki padie der Photographic No. 1-. il. pi. por. maps, tables. O. Halle a. S. : W. Knapp, 1893-. lies, George. 609 P900 22833 pi ame> electricity and the camera. Man's progress from the first kindling of fire to the wireless telegraph and the photography of color. xv, 398 p. il. 17 pi. 7 por. 2 tables. O. New York: Doubleday & McClure Co., 1900. Story, Alfred Thomas. 770.9 S887 17728 -phe story of photography. 181 p. 38 il. S. [Library of useful stories.] London: G. Newnes, 1898. Niewenglowski, G. H. 770-9 N55 506 Histoire et applications de la photographic Lecon d'ouverture du cours de photographie professe au Polytechnicum 24 p. il. D. (SOCIETE DESTRUCTION POPULAIRE SUPERIEURE.) Paris: H. Desforges, [1896]. Reprinted from Science franca ise. Meldola, Raphael. 770.9 M48 3215 The photographic image [ 2 ]»377 - 387 p. O. Washing- ton: Government Printing Office, 1891. Reprinted from the Animal report of the Board of Regents of ilie Smithsonian Insti- tution for iSgo. 11870 20120 1 82 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Werge, John. 770-9 w 49 17637 The evolution of photography. With a chronological record of discoveries, inventions, etc., contributions to photographic litera- ture, and personal reminiscences extending over forty years. viii,3i2 p. 4 pi. of por. D. London: Piper & Carter, 1890 Harrison, William Jerome. 770-9 H24 ,71s4 A history of photography written as a practical guide and an introduction to its latest developments. With a biographical sketch of the author [by W. I. Lincoln Adams] , and an appendix by Dr. Maddox on the discovery of the gelatino-bromide process. 136 p. 1 por. O. [Scovill's photographic series.] New York : Scovill Manufacturing Co., 1887. Tissandier, Gaston. 770.2 T5 2 A history and handbook of photography. Translated from the French .... Edited by J. Thomson. xvi,326 p. il. 16 pi. D. London: Sampson Low, . .. , & Searle, 1876. Meteyard, Eliza. 738.96 M562 A group of Englishmen, (1795 to 181 5). Being records of the younger Wedgwoods and their friends, embracing the history of the discovery of photography and a facsimile of the first photo- graph. xxii,4i6 p. 2 pi. O. London : Longmans, Green, & Co., 1871. 771 MATERIAL, APPARATUS, ETC. Reiss, R. A. 770.8 3 v. 39 32393 -rjj e Entwicklung dcr photographischen Bromsilbcrtrockenplatte und die Entwickler. [6],i5 5 p. 4 il. S pi. \_fn Encyklopadie der Photographic, no. 39.] Halle a. S., 1902. Paar, Jean. 770.2 Pn Die gebrauchlichsten [photographischen] Vcrgrosserungs- und Contactverfahren mit Entwicklung. [6], 204, [4] p. il. O. Diissel- dorf : E. Liescgang, 1900. Schnauss, Hermann. 778.3 S357 Diapositive. Anleitung zur Anfertigung von Projections- und Stereoscop ( rlasbildem von Fensterbildern sowie von 1 >iapositiven zum Zwecke des Vergrosserns und der Reproduction. Zweite, vermehrte Auflage. [4], 102, [2] p. 26 il. 1). Dresden: Verlag des "Apollo", [897. 13553 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 1 83 Trutat, Eugene. 77 1 T 77 7050 Les epreuves positives sur papiers emulsionnes. .... viii,88 p. D. (Bibliotheque photographique.) Paris: Gauthier-Villars & Fils, 1896. Ives, Frederic E. 771 195 3214 Photography in the colors of nature [2], 1 51-162 p. O. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1894. Reprinted from the Annua/ report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institu- tion for i8gj. Competitive papers. 77 1 c 73 179J9 Competitive papers on photography. Contributed by F. T. Ben- nett, L. A. Burrow, W. V. Corbet, VV. P. H. Foster, W. Groves, J. H. Hargrave, Louis Meldon, H. E. Murchison, Rev. T. Per- kins, John Powell, J. A. Randall, J. H. Taylor, W. A. Watts. Second edition. Vol. 1. [6], 118 p. il. D. (Amateur photo- graphers' library, no. 2.) London: Hazell, Watson, & Viney, 1893. Binder's title: Cameras, lenses, shutters, etc. Fourtier, H. L771 F82 11410 Dictionnaire pratique de chimie photographique. Contenant une etude methodique des divers corps usites en photographie, precede de notions usuelles de chimie et suivi d'une description detaillee des manipulations photographiques. [4] ,348 p. 34 il. 1 pi. Q. Paris: Gauthier-Villars & Fils, 1892. Vogel, Hermann [Wilhelm]. 771 V86 1 The chemistry of light and photography, in their application to art, science, and industry. New and thoroughly revised edition. viii,282 p. 100 il. 5 pi. 1 map. D. (International scientific series, vol. 14.) New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1887. 77". OPTICS AND CHEMISTRY. Namias, Rodolphe. 771.1 N15 33768 (Chimie photographique. Manuel theorique et pratique. Traduit sur la seconde edition italienne par Ernest Jacquez. vii,496 p. nar.O. [Bibliotheque technologique.] Paris: C. Naud, 1902. Clerc, L. P. 77i-i C59 34174 La chimie du photographe Deuxieme edition. Vol. I— . D. [Annales photographiques.] Paris: H. Desforges, 1901-. 369 I84 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Zucker, Alfred. 771. 1 Z8 36822 Repetitorium der Photochemie zum Gcbrauche fiir Studirende, Fachphotographen und Amateure. Mit Berlicksichtigung dcr Rontgenphotographie fiir Aerztc, Apotheker und Drogisten. 89 p. O. Wien: A. Hartlebcn, [1901]. Lummer, Otto. 77 1 - 1 L97 28674 Contributions to photographic optics. Translated and augmented by Silvanus P. Thompson. xi,i35 p. il. 2 pi. O. London : Mac- millan & Co., 1900. Cole, Reginald Sorre. 77i-i C67 37i9s ^ treatise on photographic optics by R. S. Cole, M.A New York, D. Van Nostrand Company, 1899. [8], 330 p. front, (fold, diagr.) illus. diagrs. 19° -vCm Liesegang, Raphael Eduard. 77 1 - 1 L ^2 34228 photographische Physik, (mit Ausnahme der Optik). 84 p. O. Diisseldorf: E. Liesegang, 1899. Luther, Robert. 770.8 3 v.36 : ""~ 97 Die chemischen Vorgange in der Photographic Sechs Vortrage von Dr. R. Luther, .... Halle a. S., W. Knapp, 1899. vi, [2], 96 p. 4 diagr. 22 cm . {In Encyklopadie der Photographic Heft 36.) Townsend, Charles F. 771. i T66 lso " Chemistry for photographers. Second edition, revised. 158 p. 6 il. D. London: Dawbarn & Ward, 1899. Valenta, Eduard. 77i-i V23 6 ' iet Photographische Chemie und Chemikalienkunde mit Beriick- sichtigungder Bediirfnisse der graphischen Druckgcwcrbe. 2 vol. in 1. paged continuously; vol. 1 : xviii,xiii,i-2 1 1 p.; vol. 2: xi, 215-468 p. il. O. Halle a. S. : W. Knapp, 1899. Abney, William de Wiveleslie. 77* -i A153 19598 E vcn j n g talks at the Camera Club on the action of light in pho- tography. [2],ii,ii,20i,iii p. 70 il. D. [Handbooks for pho- tographers.] London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co., [897. Harrison, William Jerome, 1845- 771. 1 H24 37140 The chemistry of photography, by W. Jerome Harrison, F.G.S. . . . New York, The Scovill & Ad. mis Company, [892. vii, 426 p. illus., diagrs. 23d"". (On cover: Scovill's photographic series, no. 41 ) "Senile important papers on the nature of the latent image," p. 202 203; "Literature of platinum printing processes," p. 280-281; "Bibliographj ol reduction," p. 302- ^04; "The literature of toning with gold in photography," | 374; "Literatun oi fixing processes, et< .," p. 410 4 is. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 1 85 Leaper, Clement J. 77* -i I<47 17799 yj ie ^ rst p r i nc iplcs of photography: an elementary treatise on the scientific principles upon which practical photography de- pends. [4] ,269 p. 75 il. 1 table. D. London: Iliffe & Son, 1892. Meldoia, Raphael. 771.1 M48 14392 y ne c h em i s t r y of photography. xiv,[2],382 p. 14 il. D. (Na- ture series.) London: Macmillan & Co., 1 891 . Burton, William Kinninmond. 77* -i B95 19599 Optics for photographers viii.cliii p. 77 il. D. [Photo- graphic handy-books, no. 10.] London: Piper & Carter, 1891. Reprinted, with alterations and additions, from the Photographic news. Tuckerman, Alfred. 016.541 T79 82589 Bibliography of the chemical influence of light. [4] ,22 p. O. Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian miscellaneous collec- tions, vol. 34.) Washington City 1891. Another copy in Smithsonian miscellaneous collections has shelf number 061.32 2 v.34 Hardwich, Thomas Frederick. 77* -i H22 17665 j^ manual of photographic chemistry, theoretical and practical. Ninth edition, edited by J. Traill Taylor. viii,464 p. 57 il. S. London: J. & A. Churchill, 1883. Bunsen, Robert, & Roscoe, Sir H. E. 541.15 L900 H ^° Photochemische Untersuchungen. (185 5-1 859.) ... . Heraus- gegeben von W. Ostwald. 2 vol. il. D. [Ostwald's Klassiker der exakten Wissenschaften, no. 34, 38.] Leipzig: W. Engel- mann, 1892. 771. II ENLARGEMENT AND REDUCTION. Mills, Frederick William, eV Ponton, Archibald C. 771." M62 17938 Stenopaic or pin-hole photography. 1 pi. O. London: Dawbarn & Ward, 1895. 1 86 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY 771.12 LENSES AND OBJECTIVES. Dallmeyer, Thomas R. . L778. 7 Dio «i825 Telephotography. An elementary treatise on the construction and application of the telephotographic lens. xv,I47,[i] p. 66 il. 26 pi. sq.Q. New York : Longmans, Green, & Co., 1899. "Bibliography," p.]. Rohr, Moritz von. L771.12 R63 22564 Theorie unt ] Geschichte des photographischen Objectivs. xx, 435'C 1 ] P- l 4% il- 4 pl« Q- Berlin: J. Springer, 1899. "Litteraturveichniss," p. 399-435. Liesegang, Franz Paul. 77 1 - 12 L62 Die richtige Ausnutzung des Objectives. Wie erreicht man in jedem Falle bei scharfer Tiefenzeichnung die grosstmoglichste Lichtstarke? 44 p. I il. 1 table. O. DLisseldorf: E. Liesegang, 1896. Gotz, J. R. 771.12 G71 Tables of conjugate foci, and explanatory remarks for their appli- cation, for the users of photographic lenses, with appendix. Second edition. [2], 16 p. O. London: Dawbarn & Ward. 1895. l:*ls 26680 Taylor, J. Traill. 771.12 T21 The optics of photography and photographic lenses. viii,244 p. 68 il. D. [Whittaker's library of arts, sciences & industries.] London: Whittaker & Co., 1892. Schroeder, Hugo. 771.12 S381 Die Elemente der photographischen Optik. Enthaltend eine gemeinverstandlicheDarstellungderEinrichtungphotographischer Linsensysteme, sowie Angabe iiber Priifung derselben Zugleich als Erganzungsband zu Vogel's Handbuch der Photo- graphic x, [2], 220 p. 85 il. O. Berlin: R. Oppenheim, 1891. "Litcraturvcrzeichniss", p. 7-32. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 1 87 77I-I4 RE-ACTIONS. RONTGEN RAYS. ACTINOMETRY. Archives. L616.052 2 19774 Archives of the Roentgen ray, (formerly Archives of skiagraphy). The only journal in which the transactions of the Roentgen Society of London are officially reported With supplements. Continued from vol. 1. [1896-97.] sq.F. London 1 898-. Vol. 1 edited by Sydney Rowland; vol. 2, by W. S. Hedley and S. Rowland; vol. 3-, by Thomas Moore and Ernest Payne. Vol. 1 published under the title : Archives of skiagraphy. Liesegang, Raphael Eduard. 771.14 L621 22941 Elektrolyse von Gallerten und ahnliche Untersuchungen. 29 p. O. Dusseldorf: E. Liesegang, 1899. Bottone, Selimo Romeo. 537-54 P802 17996 Radiography and the 'X' rays in practice and theory. With con- structional and manipulatory details. x,i/6 p. il. 8 pi. D. [Whittaker's library of arts, sciences & industries.] London: Whittaker & Co., 1S98. Kolle, Frederick Strange. 537-54 P800 14134 The X rays. Their production and application. 191 p. il. 11 pi. D. New York: J. S. Ogilvie Publishing Co., c. 1898. Liesegang, Raphael Eduard. 771.14 L62 Chemische Reactionen in Gallerten. 65 p. il. sq.D. Diissel- dorf: E. Liesegang, 1898. Duclaux, Emile. L541.15P400 Atmospheric actinometry and the actinic constitution of the at- mosphere. (Hodgkins Fund.) [4] ,48 p. sq.F. (SMITHSONIAN Institution. Smithsonian contributions to knowledge, vol. 29.) City of Washington 1896. Another copy in Smithsonian contributions to knowledge has shelf number L061.82 3 v.29 Liesegang, Raphael Eduard. 778.7 L62 Beitrage zum Problem des electrischen Fernsehens. x,[4], 130 p. 14 il. O. (Probleme der Gegenwart, vol. 1.) Diissel- dorf : E. Liesegang, 1 891 . No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. 1 88 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Taylor, Charles Maus, 1849- 771.17 T21 Why my photographs arc bad; by Charles M. Taylor, Jr. ... illustrated from photographs by the author. Philadelphia, G. W. Jacobs & Co., 1902. 173, [24] p. diagrs., 32 pi. 2i c 37656 rem 771.2 PHOTOGRAPH MATERIALS. Valenta, Eduard. 77i-i V23 26264 Photographische Chemie und Chemikalienkunde mit Beriick- sichtigungder Bediirfuisse der graphischen Druckgewerbe. 2 vol. in 1. paged continuously; vol. 1 : xviii,xiii,i-2 1 1 p.; vol. 2: xi, 215-468 p. il. O. Halle a. S. : W. Knapp, 1899. Leaper, Clement J. 771-2 L47 17934 ]y[ a teria photographica : a treatise on the manufacture, properties, and uses of substances employed in photography. [6] ,252,1 3 p. il. D. London: Iliffe & Son, 1891. Stiefel, Henry C. 771-23 S855 37770 Sensitized papers, how made and used. Giving instructions how- to make albumen, gelatine, collodion, platinum, carbon and other papers, and how to print, tone, develop, and fix the pictures upon them, by Henry C. Stiefel, PH.D. Based upon practical experi- ence in the factory and gallery. New York, The Adams Press, 1894. viii, 129 p. illus. 23-i cm . 771.24 RE-AGENTS IN DEVELOPING. Clark, Lyonel. 771.63 C54 Development: including instructions for the use of eikonogen as a developer for instantaneous work, and a comparison of develop- ers. Fourth edition. [2],46p. 1 tabic. D. (Amateur photog- rapher's library, no. 5.) London : Hazcll, Watson, & Viney, 1 896. Penlake, Richard. 771.63 P37 Developers. Their use and abuse. (Second edition.) 64 p. J il. nar. D. (Popular photographic scries, no. 4.) Bradford: P. Lund & Co., 1896. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 1 89 Ardron, E. 771.63 A677 19111 Modern developers and how to use them. 56 p. sq. D. London: Iliffe & Son, pref. 1894. 771.26 ACCESSORY MATERIALS. Valenta, Eduard. 770-8 3 11028 Die Behandlung der fiir den Auscopir-Process bestimmten Emul- sionspapiere (Chlorsilbergelatine- und Celloidinpapiere). viii, 187 p. 21 il. [In Encyklopadie der Photographic no. 20.] Halle a. S. 1896. 771.3 APPARATUS. Brown, George E., editor. 771-3 B81 Photographic apparatus, making and adapting. Reprinted with numerous additions, from articles in "The Photogram" by Fred. W. Cooper, D. W. Gawn and others. 128 p. 180 il. O. Lon- don: Dawbarn & Ward, 1902. 77I-324 HAND CAMERAS. Ferrars, Max. 770 . 2 p 4I Handcamera und Momentphotographie. Eine Beschreibung der wichtigsten Verfahren. xvi,265,[i] p. il. 42 p. of pi. 6 pi. O. Diisseldorf: E. Liesegang, 1901. Holland, Clive, 1866- 770.2 H71 The use of the hand camera, with remarks upon larger apparatus by Clive Holland . . . With an introduction by A. Horsley Hin- ton . . . Illustrated from photos taken chiefly by the author. Westminster, A. Constable & Co., 1898. xx, 198 p. incl. 22 pi. front. I9 cm . Welford, Walter D. 77 o. 2 W45 19519 The hand camera and j low to use it r- 4th ec jition, revised.] ii9,[i] p. 16 pi. D. ["Photography" bookshelf, no. 3,] Lon- don: Iliffe, Sons & Sturmey, [189-]. I9O THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 77I-327 STEREOSCOPIC CAMERAS. Stolze, Franz. 770.8 3 10,8 Die Stcrcoskopie und das Stereoskop in Thcoric und Praxis, v, '35 P- 35 il- U n Encyklopadie dcr Photographic, no. 10.] Halle a. S. 1894. 771.328 APPARATUS FOR ENLARGEMENT, PROJECTION. Lantern record. L770.52 5 v. 44-48 The Lantern record. Monthly supplement to The British journal of photography. 1 897-1901. [5 vol.] il. [/// The British journal of photography, vol. 44-48. London 1 897-1 901.] No more published. No title-page. Norton, C. Goodwin. 771.328 N82 767 The lantern and how to use it. ix,i52 p. il. D. (The Amateur photographer's library, no. IO.) London: Hazell, Watson, & Viney, 1 90 1. Schmidt, Hans. 771.328 S351 34965 Anleitung zur Projektion photographischer Aufnamen und lebcn- der Bilder (Kinematographie). viii,i2i p. 56 il. O. [Photo- graphische Bibliothek, no. 13.] Berlin: G. Schmidt, 1901. Bayley, R. Child. 535-8i Q003 36667 M oc ]ern magic lanterns. A guide to the management of the op- tical lantern, for the use of entertainers, lecturers, photographers, teachers, and others. Second edition revised throughout. [6], no p. 73 if. O. London: L. U. Gill, [1900]. Pringle, Andrew. 535-8i P900 The optical lantern for instruction and amusement. Third edi- tion, revised and considerably enlarged. 149 p. 72 il. O. Lon- don: Hampton & Co., 1899. Wheeler, George. 778.32 W56 19067 photographic enlargements: how to make them. Sixth edition. 128, [2] p. 16 il. D. Manchester: G. Wheeler & Co., 1898. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. IQI Hepworth, T. C. 535- 81 O900 19066 yj le ^qq^ f ^he lantern. Being a practical guide to the working of the optical (or magic) lantern. With full and precise direc- tions for making and coloring lantern pictures. First American from the second English edition. x,278 p. 75 il. 1 pi. D. New York: E. L. Wilson, 1889. 77L33 OPTICAL PARTS. Hodges, John A. 771-33 H66 Photographic lenses : how to choose, and how to use. An elementary and practical guide to the selection and use of photo- graphic objectives. 142 p. 36 il. D. [Lund library of photog- raphy.] Bradford: P. Lund & Co., 1895. 9241 1800 3 Orford, Henry. Lens-work for amateurs, taker & Co., pref. 1894. xv, 231 p. 231 il. D. 681 P403 London : Whit- OBJECTIVES. 77I-33I MOUNTINGS. Liesegang, Franz Paul. Die Fernphotographie. E. Liesegang, 1897. 14071 DIAPHRAGMS. 134 p. il. 3 pi. O. 771.331 L62 Diisseldorf : 771.4 STUDIOS. Bolas, Thomas. 771.4 B63 The photographic studio. A guide to its construction, design, and the selection of a locality. viii,94 p. 28 il. D. London.: Marion & Co., 1895. Raymer, Felix. 771-42 R21 37673 pi loto lighting, by Prof. Felix Raymer ... A treatise on light and its effect under the skylight, including chapters on skylight and skylight construction, window lighting and dark room work ... St. Louis, Mo., H. A. Hyatt, 1902. [4]» [9]-90 p. illus., 27 pi. on 18 1., i port. 2^h cm - I92 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 771-43 DARK LABORATORIES. Duchochois, P C. 778.225 D85 1BU07 -pj le lighting in photographic studios. Third edition. Revised and enlarged by VV. Ethelbert Henry. 72 p. il. D. London: Hampton & Co., 1898. Henry, \V. E. I. Formula for lighting. II. Home portraiture for amateurs. III. Home portraiture at night, p. 59-72. Mercator, G. 770.8 3 Moss j-)j e Verwendung kiinstlicher Lichtquellen zu Portraitaufnahmcn und Kopirzwecken. viii,ii2 p. 29 il. [/// Encyklopiidie der Photographie, no. 30.] Halle a. S. 1898. Fourtier, H. L771.43F82 H633 Les lumieres artificielles en photographie. Etude methodique et pratique des differentes sources artificielles de lumierc, siiivie de recherches inedites sur la puissance des photopoudres et des lampes au magnesium. vi,i58,[2] p. 19 il. 8 pi. Q. (Biblio- theque photographique.) Paris: Gauthier-Villars & Fils, 1895. Kennedy, Rankin. 771.43 K38 14505 Photographic and optical electric lamps 59 P- 59 H- O. London: H. Alabaster, Gatehouse & Co. 1895. 37169 Duchochois, Pierre C. 778.122 D85 Photography at night. (Illustrated.) By P. C. Duchochois . .. New York, published by the author, 1893. vi, [7]-io8p. 13 illus. io£ cm . 77i-5 PHOTOGRAPHIC TRADE AND INDUSTRY. Kremer, Franz, Grunewald, E., 77I c K88 & Schnauss, Hermann, editors. Handbuch der photograph. Geschaftspraxis Vol. 1-. O. Dresden-A.: Verlag des "Apollo," 1898-. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 193 Schrank, Ludwig. 770.8 3 11010 Der Schutz des Urheberrechtes an Photographien. Ein Beitrag zur Herstellung jener Gesetze und internationalen Rechte, welche der Photographie als Kunst und Kunstgewerbe, zum Schutze des realen und geistigen Eigenthums unentbehrlich sind. viii,5 7 p. [/// Encyklopadie der Photographie, no. 1.] Halle a. S. 1893. Robinson, Harry Perry. 771-5 R56 is2o7 photography as a business 86 p. 2 il. 1 pi. D. ["Prac- tical photographer" series, no. 3.] Bradford: P. Lund & Co., 1890. Reprinted from The Practical photographer. 771.6 NEGATIVE-MAKING. Niewenglowski, G. H. 771.6 N55 22270 Chimie des manipulations photographiques [2 vol.] nar.O. (Encyclopedic scientifique des aide-memoire.) Paris: Gauthier- Villars, [1899]. Contents: [Vol. I.] Phototype negatif. 199, [1] p. [Vol. 2.] Photocopies positives. l66,[2] p. "Bibliographie," [vol. 2], p. 165-166. Robinson, Harry Perry. 778.225 R56 The photographic studio and what to do in it. Fourteenth thousand. vii,i50 p. il. D. London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1898. Abney, William de Wiveleslie. 771.6 A153 Negative making. Being a treatise on the practical production of negatives on gelatine plates. Second edition, revised, viii, cvii p. 33 il. D. (Photographic primers, no. 1.) London: Piper & Carter, 1893. Duchochois, P. C. 771-6 D85 The photographic image. A theoretical and practical treatise of the development in the gelatine, collodion, ferrotype and silver bromide paper processes. [4],xii,2i3 p. D. New York : W. R Jenkins, 1891. 36433 194 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Inglis, James. 778.225 I52 16863 Artistic lighting. By James Inglis. To which is added "At home" portraiture with daylight and flashlight by F. Dundas Todd. 48 p. il. 7 pi. 1 por. D. Chicago: Photo-Beacon Co., 1897. Brunei, Georges. 771.62 B83 16223 Variations et determination des temps de pose en photographic Manuel elementaire de posochronographie. [2], 96 p. 10 il. O. Paris: C. Mendel, 1897. Eichmann, Paul. 771.62 E34 10334 photographische Belichtungs-Tabellen zur genauen Ermittelung der fiir photographische Aufnahmen unter alien Beleuchtungs- Verhaltnissen, zu jeder Tages- und Jahreszeit, bei Verwendung der verschiedensten Objective, Blenden und Platten erforder- lichen Expositionszeit. [4],iv,67 p. S. Diisseldorf: Schmitz & Olbertz, 1896. Clark, Lyonel. 771.63 C54 19107 Development: including instructions for the use of eikonogen as a developer for instantaneous work, and a comparison of develop- ers. Fourth edition. [2], 46 p. 1 table. D. (Amateur photog- rapher's library, no. 5.) London : Hazell, Watson, & Viney, 1896. Penlake, Richard. 771.63 P37 1910B D eve i p ers _ Their use and abuse. (Second edition.) 64 p. 1 il. nar. D. (Popular photographic series, no. 4.) Bradford: P. Lund & Co., 1896. Ardron, E. 771.63 A677 19111 Modern developers and how to use them. 56 p. sq. D. London: Iliffe & Son, pref. 1894. Piquepe, P. 771.653 P66 171,99 Practical treatise on enamelling and retouching in photography. j6 p. U. ' London: Piper & Carter, 1890. Acme Water Color Co., Chicago. 771-67 A184 Photographic coloring; the Acme guide to coloring photographs of all kinds with transparent water colors, including instructions for enameling photographs, convex glass work, tapestry and fab- ric painting, etc. Chicago, Acme Water Color Co., 1902. cover-title, [2], 46 p. i9J om . BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 195 [Baker, Alice] 771.67 B17 37175 How to paint photographs in oils and water-colours. Leeds, Chorley and Pickersgill, 1902. 25 p. i9 cm . Author's name on inside cover. Clark, Frank B. 771-67 C54 37640 Simplified instructions in retouching negatives, spotting prints, and seven methods of photo-reproduction in colors, including lantern slides and transparencies, by Frank B. Clark . . . [Wash- ington, D. C.?, 1902] [2], 46 p. illus. i6£ cm . Johnson, Robert. 77i«^7 J63 37522 A complete treatise on the art of retouching photographic nega- tives and clear directions how to finish and colour photographs, by Robert Johnson. Fifth edition. London, Marion and Co., ltd., 1901. [6], 151 p. 11 pi. 23k™. P. 103-15 1 advertisements. Ourdan, J. P. 771.67 O93 17148 The art of retouching. By Burrows & Colton. Fourth American edition, revised by the author, J. P. Ourdan. 108 p. il. 5 pi. D. (Anthony's photo series, no. 6.) New York: E. & H. T. An- thony & Co., 1898. Klary, C. 771.67 K661 L'art de retoucher en noir les epreuves positives sur papier. Nou- veau tirage. viii,32 p. sq. D. (Bibliotheque photographique.) Paris: Gauthier-Villars & Fils, 1898. Klary, C. 771.67 K66 L'art de retoucher les negatifs photographiques. Ouatrieme tirage. xvi,86 p. 4 il. D. (Bibliotheque photographique.) Paris: Gauthier-Villars & Fils, 1897. Hubert, J. 771.67 H86 The art of retouching: with chapters on portraiture and flash- light photography. Eighth edition. 84 p. 10 il. 1 pi. D. (Am- ateur photographer's library, no. 6.) London: Hazell, Watson, & Viney, 1897. 16675 13941 17619 I9 6 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Mercator, G. 770.8 3 1,029 Die Photographische Retouche, mit besonderer Reriicksichtigung dcr modernen chemischen, mechanischcn und optischen Hilfsmit- tel. Nebst einer Anleitung zum Koloriren von Photographien. vi,[2],79,[i] p. 5 il. \Jn Encyklopadie der Photographic, no. 21.] Halle a. S. 1896. Neville, J. W. - 771.67 N41 9901 The photographic colourist: a manual for the use of amateurs. 48, [2] p. T. [Nutshell series.] London: Iliffc & Son, pref. 1895. Barhydt, J. A. 778.225 B23 36170 Crayon portraiture. Complete instructions for making crayon portraits on crayon paper and on platinum, silver and bromide enlargements. Also directions for the use of transparent liquid water colors and for making French crystals. Revised and en- larged edition. 133 p. il. 2 pi. D. New York: Baker & Taylor Co., c. 1892. [Long, E.] 778-225 L85 37514 The art of making portraits in crayon on solar enlargements. Third edition. Rewritten, enlarged and illustrated . . . Quincy, 111., published by E. Long, 1890. 44 p. illus., front, (port.) 22 1 > cm . Author's name appears on cover; preface to third edition is signed E. M. E. Rosenlecher, R. 770.8 3 v. 35 2,074 Sammeln und Verwerten edelmetallhaltiger, photographischer Abfitlle zwecks Verminderung der Kosten dcr photographischen Bilderzeugung. [6],39,[i] p. \_In Encyklopadie der Photo- graphic, no. 35.] Halle a. S., 1899. Lainer, Alexander. 770.8 3 11023 Anleitung zur Verarbcitung photographischer Ruckstands sowie zur Erzeugung und Prufung photographischer Gold-, Silber- und Platinsalze. vii,90 p. 13 il. [/// Encyklopiidic dcr Photographie, no. 15.] Halle a. S. 1895. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 197 772 PHOTOGRAPHY WITH SALTS OF SILVER, IRON, ETC. Abney, William de Wiveleslie. 772 A153 24472 Photography with emulsions. A treatise on the theory and prac- tical working of the collodion and gelatine emulsion processes. Third edition. viii.ccxcii p. il. D. London : Piper & Carter, 1885. Gamble, Charles W. 772.22 G14 17948 ^ n introduction to the practice of wet collodion photography. [4],ioi p. 20 il. D. (Amateur photographer's library, no. 9.) London: Hazell, Watson, & Viney, 1895. Hiibl, Arthur Freiherr von. 770.8 3 v.3 110,2 Die Collodium-Emulsion und ihre Anwendung fiir die photogra- phische Aufnahme von Oelgemalden, Aquarellen, photogra- phischen Copien und Halbton-Originalen jeder Art. viii,i04 p. 3 il. 3 tables. \_I11 Encyklopadie der Photographie, no. 3.] Halle a. S. 1894. Ferrotyper's guide. 77 2 -3 F 4 I 367oo j ne f err otyper's guide: a complete manual of instruction in the art of ferrotyping. Written by an active ferrotyper. 53 p. il. S. New York: Scovill & Adams Co., 1896. Reiss, R. A. 770.8 3 v. 39 32393 Die Entwicklung der photographischen Bromsilbertrockenplatte und die Entwickler. [6],i5 5 p. 4 il. 8 pi. [In Encyklopadie der Photographie, no. 39.] Halle a. S., 1902. Englisch, W. Eugen. L772.4 E58 37431 Das Schwarzungsgesetz fiir Bromsilbergelatine. Eine Mono- graphic von Dr. W. Eugen Englisch . . . Halle a. S., W. Knapp, 1 90 1. 45 p. 10 diagr. 29 cm . Hiibl, Arthur Freiherr von. 770.8 3 v. 31 21070 Die Entwicklung der photographischen Bromsilber-Gelatineplatte bei zweifelhaft richtiger Exposition. [6] ,61 p. \_In Encyklo- padie der Photographie, no. 31.] Halle a. S., 1898. Colson, R. 772.4 C71 La plaque photographique. Proprietes — Le visible — L'invisible. [2],iv,i65 p. 5 il. 1 pi. O. Paris: G. Carre & C. Naud, 1897. 938 ig8 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Sollet, Ch. 770.2 S688 36495 Traite pratique des tirages photographiqucs. Preface de C. Puyo. vii,239 p. D. (Bibliotheque photographique.) Paris : Gauthier- Villars, 1902. Mercator, G. 770.8 3 v. 34 21073 Anleitung zur Herstellung von negativen und positiven Licht- pausen auf Papier, Leinen, Seide u. s. w., nach alteren, neueren und neuesten Verfahren, mit Beriicksichtigung der Bediirfnisse des praktischen Photographen. vi,[2],io8 p. 7 il. [/// Ency- klopadie der Photographie, no. 34.] Halle a. S., 1899. Albert, August. 770.8 3 v. 32 - 1071 Der Lichtdruck an der Hand- und Schnellpresse sammt alien Nebenarbeiten. vii,[ 1 ] ,192 p. 65 il. 9 pi. [/;/ Encyklopadie der Photographie, no. 32.] Halle a. S., 1898. Maclean, Hector. 772-5 M22 15529 p p U i ar photographic printing processes. A practical guide to printing with gelatino-chloride, artigue, platinotype, carbon, bro- mide, collodio-chloride, bichromated gum, and other sensitised papers. [4], 167 p. 32 il. 3 pi. D. London: L. U. Gill, 1898. Burbank, W. H. 772.5 B89 19886 photographic printing methods : practical guide to the professional and amateur worker. Fourth edition. 225 p. il. O. [Scovill photographic series.] New York: Scovill & Adams Co., 1896. Heighway, William. 772.5 H36 18980 photographic printers' assistant. Fifth edition, viii.lxxxvi p. D. London: Piper & Carter, 1892. Hubl, Arthur Freiherr von. 770.8 3 v. 18 iio26 j3 er Silberdruck auf Salzpapier. viii,88 p. [/;/ Encyklopadie der Photographie, no. 18.] Halle a. S. 1896. Just, E. A. 772.6 J98 Bromide paper. Instructions for contact printing and enlarging. Fourth edition. 144 p. 32 il. 1 pi. O. Bradford: P. Lund, Humphries & Co., 1896. Woodbury, Walter E. 772.6 W85 The gelatino-chloride of silver printing-out process, including directions for the production of the sensitive paper, viii.ui p. D. London: Hazell, Watson, & Viney, 1891. 18073 179:ifl BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 1 99 t Abney, [William de Wiveleslie], & Robinson, H. P. 772.6 A153 issse -pk e a rtand practice of silver printing, viii, 1 36 p. 34 il. 1 pi. D. [Photographic handy-books, no. 4.] London : Piper & Carter, 1888. Duchochois, P. C. 772-7 D85 18012 phonographic reproduction processes : a practical treatise of the photo-impressions without silver salts. Edited, with additional matter, by E. J. Wall. vii,i22 p. 1 il. D. London: Hampton, judd & Co., 1892. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 744 M38 16455 Notes on mechanical engineering drawing and the blue process, December, 1896. 24 p. 25 il. O. Boston, U. S. A., 1896. Clark, Lyonel. 772.8 C54 17606 platinum toning: including directions for the production of the sensitive paper. Fourth edition. 96 p. 2, il. D. (Amateur photographer's library, no. 1.) London: Hazell, Watson, & Viney, 1895. Hinton, A. Horsley. 772.82 H591 19190 Platinotype printing. A simple book on the process. (Second edition.) [2], 92 p. il. 1 pi. D. (Amateur photographer's library, no. 11.) London: Hazell, Watson, & Viney, 1899. Hinton, A. Horsley. 772.82 H59 9242 Platinotype printing. A simple book on the process 90 p. il. 2 pi. D. (Amateur photographer's library, no. 11.) Lon- don: Hazell, Watson & Viney, 1897. Abney, William de Wiveleslie, & Clark, Lyonel. 772.82 A 153 Platinotype: its preparation and manipulation. [4], 174 p. 7 il. D. [Handbooks for photographers.] London : Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1895. Hiibl, Arthur Freiherr von. 770.8 3 v.13 Der Platindruck. vi,i40 p. 7 il. [In Encyklopadie der Photo- graphic, no. 13.] Halle a. S. 1895. 19921 11031 200 THE JOHX CREKAR LIBRARY. \ 773 PHOTOGRAPHY WITH POWDERED COLORS. Liesegang, Paul E. 773 .1 L62 37877 Der Kohle-Druck. Von Dr. Paul E. Liesegang. (Mit Ergan- zungen von Raph. Ed. Liesegang.) Zwolfte Auflage. Mit 24 Holzschnitten. Leipzig, E. Liesegang, 1902. iv, 161 p. 24 illus. 2l£ cm . Colson, R. L773. 1 C71 10743 Les papiers photographiques au charbon. (Enseignement supe- rieur de la photographic Cours professe a la Societe Francaise de Photographic.) [4] ,82 p. Q. Paris : Gauthier-Villars & Fils, 1898. Sawyer, J. R. 773. 1 S271 lsuoa Yhe ««A. B. C." guide to the making of autotype prints in perma- nent pigments. Fourth edition. xii,i04 p. 2 pi. sq. D. Lon- don: Autotype Co., 1898. Bolte, Max. 773. 1 B63 Carbon printing, containing explicit instructions for professional and amateur photographers. [4] ,32 p. 8 il. O. (Anthony's photo scries, no. 33.) New York: E. & H. T. Anthony & Co., 1897. Mercator, G. 770.8 3 1103 '-' Leitfaden fur die Auslibung der gebrauchlichcn Kohledruckver- fahrcn nach alteren und neueren Mcthoden. viii.ioo p. [/// Encyklopadie der Photographie, no. 24.] Halle a. S. 1897. Wall, E. J. 773>I Wl5 Carbon printing. Third edition, revised and enlarged. 89 p. il. 1 pi. D. (Amateur photographer's library, no. 8.) London: Hazcll, Watson, & Viney, 1897. Affiliation of Photographic Societies. 773.1 A256 Six lectures on "Photography with the bichromate salts." 28 p. O. London: Dawbarn & Ward, 1896. Contents: i. Abney, \Y. de \V. Scientific and historical preliminary. 2. Sinclair, J. A- Carbon printing. 3. Debenham, W. E. Collotype. 4. Geddes, J. D. Woodbury print- ing- 5- Wilkinson, W.T. Photo-lithography and photo-zincography. 6. — Process ap- plications of the bichromate salts. 9^IU ■-'O'.'ul BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 201 Duchochois, P. C. 772.7 D85 18012 photographic reproduction processes: a practical treatise, of the photo-impressions without silver salts. Edited, with additional matter, by E. J. Wall. vii,i22 p. 1 il. D. London: Hampton, judd & Co., 1892. Manly, Thomas. 773. 11 M31 27318 Ozotype, the new carbon printing process without transfer, acti- nometer or safe edge. JJ p. D. (Amateur photographer libra- ry, no. 20.) London: Hazell, Watson, & Viney, 1900. Warren, W. J. 773. 11 W25 18006 ^ handbook to the gum bichromate process for obtaining a per- manent print in pigment by photographic means without transfer. 75 p. il. 4 pi. D. ["Photography" bookshelf, no. 2.] London: Iliffe & Son, [1898]. Montagna, A. 773-21 M76 27878 L a fotosmaltografia applicata alia decorazione industriale delle ceramiche e dei vetri. viii,i99 p. il. 2 pi. S. (Manuali Hoepli.) Milano: U. Hoepli, 1900. PiquepS, P. 771.653 P66 17999 p rac tical treatise on enamelling and retouching in photography. j6 p. D. London: Piper & Carter, 1890. 774 PHOTO-PRINTING. PH0T0MECHANIC IMPRESSIONS. Tranchant, L. 774 T68 37837 ... La photocollographie (phototypie) simplifiee. Procede permettant d'obtenir rapidement sans materiel, et a un prix de revient insignifiant, des epreuves inalterables aux encres grasses. Avec figures dans le texte. 2 me edition, augmentee d'une methode nouvelle pour l'obtention des contretypes .... Paris, H. Des- forges, 1 90 1. 29, [1] p. 9 illus. I9^xi5i cm . (Annales photographiques.) At head of title: L. Tranchant. 202 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Abbott, Henry George, pseud. 774 A131 23148 Modern printing processes. Gum bichromate and platinotype papers. The preparation, printing and developing of gum bichro- mate papers. The manipulation of platinotype papers by the aid of glycerine and bichloride of mercury, etc. 66 p. il. 6 pi. sq. S. Chicago: G. K. Hazlitt & Co., c. 1900. Albert, August. 774 A333 36223 Verschiedene Reproductions- Verfahren mittels lithographischen und typographischen Druckes unter besonderer Bcriicksichtigung der photomechanischen Prozesse. viii,i82 p. 22 il. 1 5 pi. O Halle a. S. : W. Knapp, 1900. Albert, August. 77018 3 v. 38 32392 7)j e V erschiedenen Methoden des Lichtdruckes. Gcschichtlich geschildert. [4], 5 8 p. 15 il. \_Iu Encyklopadie der Photo- graphic, no. 38.] Halle a. S., 1900. Laynaud, L. 774 L45 La phototypie pour tous et ses applications directes aux tirages lithographiques et typographiques. Traite pratique et vulgarisa- tion a l'usage des imprimeurs, des photographies et des amateurs, contenant les tours de main pour toutes les operations, ainsi que les indications pour construire soi-meme a peu de frais les ap- pareils necessaires. [2],ioi p. 11 il. D. (Bibliotheque photo- graphique.) Paris: Gauthiers-Villars, 1900. Austin, Arthur Converse. 770.2 A935 17609 Practical half-tone and tri-color engraving. 158 p. il. 16 pi. 1 por. 1 pi. of por. 2 tables, 2 tables in pocket. O. Buffalo, N. Y. : Professional Photographer Publishing Co., 1898. [Wood, H. Freeman.] 774 W85 Modern methods of illustrating books. Fourth edition. vii,[i], 247 p. D. [Book-lover's library.] London : E. Stock, 1898. Published anonymously. Singer, Hans Wolfgang, & Strang, William. 760.2 S617 Etching, engraving, and the other methods of printing pictures. With . . . original plates by, and . . . illustrations after, William Strang. xiv,[2],228 p. 14 pi. sq.O. London: Kegan Paul. Trench, Triibner & Co., 1897. "Bibliography," p. 188-219. 29038 25223 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 203 Wilkinson, W. T. 770.2 W651 i83oi photo-mechanical processes. A practical guide to photo-zincog- raphy, photo-lithography, arid collotype. Second edition, iv, [2], 1 74 p. il. 4 pi. D. London: Hampton & Co., 1897. Anderson, Macfarlane. 770-2 A548 17462 Anderson's photo-mechanical processes and guide to color work. 182 p. 41 il. 8 pi. 1 table. D. New York: E. & H. T. Anthony & Co., 1896. Laurie, Arthur Pillans. 751 L37 27374 F ac t s about processes, pigments and vehicles. A manual for art students. x,i3i p. il. 1 pi. D. London: Macmillan & Co., 1895. Chapter 15, Drawing for process, contains an account of some of the photographic reproductive processes. Vine, Charles J. 741 V75 19600 Hj n t s on drawing for process reproduction. 28 p. il. 15 pi. D. London: Lechertier, Barbe, & Co., 1895. Hinton, A. Horsley. 655.53 P401 17803 ^ handbook of illustration. 120 p. il. 1 pi. O. London: Daw- barn & Ward, pref., 1894. Wilkinson, W. T. 770.2 W65 17006 photo-engraving, photo-etching, and photo-lithography in line and half-tone ; also, collotype and heliotype. Revised and en- larged by Edward L. Wilson. American (sixth) edition, xvi, 9-188 p. 23 il. 2 pi. 1 por. O. New York: E. L. Wilson, 1895, c. 1888. Verfasser, Julius. 770.8 3 11031 Der Halbtonprozess. Ein praktisches Handbuch fiir Halbton- hochatzungauf Kupfer und Zink. Autorisierte Uebersetzung aus dem Englischen von Dr. G. Aarland. viii,[2],i I4,[2] p. 77 il. 5 pi. [In Encyklopadie der Photographie, no. 23.] Halle a. S. 1896. Volkmer, Ottomar. 770.8 3 Die Photo-Graviire zur Herstellung von Tiefdruckplatten in Kupfer, Zink und Stein, mit den dazu gehorigen Vor- und Nebenarbeiten nebst einem Anhang iiber Kupferdruck-Maschi- nen. xi,i43 P- 36 il- 3 pi. 1 por. [In Encyklopadie der Photo- graphie, no. 16.] Halle a. S. 1895. 11024 204 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Volkmer, Ottomar. 770.8 3 11010 Die Photo-Galvanographie zur Herstellung von Kupferdruck- und Buchdruckplatten nebst den dazu nothigen Vor- und Nebenar- bciten. viii ,94 p. 16 il. 6 pi. 1 por. 1 map. \_I11 Encyklopadie der Photographic, no. 6.] Halle a. S. 1894. Maskell, Alfred, & Demachy, Robert. 774-2 M37 92S5 photo-aquatint; or, The gum-bichromate process. A practical treatise on a new process of printing in pigment especially suitable for pictorial workers. 55 p. il. D. (Amateur photographer's library, no. 13.) London: Hazell, Watson, & Viney, 1897. 775 PHOTOLITHOGRAPHY. Hesse, Friedrich. L7 6 4 H461 La chromolithographie et la photochromolithographie. Par Frederic Hesse. Edition francaise. Revue et augmentee pat- Albert Mouillot, Georges Lequatre. viii,262 p. 87 il. 3 pi. O. Paris: A. Muller, [1897]. Hesse, Friedrich. 764 H46 1537 Die Chromolithographie, mit besonderer Beriicksichtieune der modernen auf photographischer Grundlage basirenden Verfahren. xvi,3i7 p. 82 il. 15 pi. O. Halle a. S. : W. Knapp, 1896. Fntz, Georg. • m Fgj Photo-lithography. Translated by E. J. Wall. [2], 89, [2] p. 8 il. 6 pi. O. London: Dawbarn & Ward, 1895. Fritz, Georg. 7?0 8 3 Die Photolithographic. vi,i 53 ,[i] p. 8 il. 7 pi. 1 map, 1 p. of samples. [In Encyklopadie der Photographic, no. 11.] Halle a. S. 1894. Richmond, W. D. 6 R 18009 Tl, r 1- t » W T* Ihe grammar of lithography. A practical guide for the artist and printer in commercial and artistic lithography, and chromo- lithography, zincography, photo-lithography, and lithographic machine printing. Tenth edition. xiii,254 p. il. D. [Wyman's technical series.] London: E. Menken, [1S9-]. "The bibliography ot lithography," p. 243-246. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 20 5 Schnauss, Julius. 775 s 357 17933 Collotype and photo-lithography practically elaborated. Trans- lated, with the author's sanction and assistance by Edwin C.Mid- dleton. Together with an appendix on steam presses, by the translator. 170 p. 9 il. I pi. O. London: Iliffe & Son, [1889]. 777 PHOTO-ENGRAVING. Jenkins, Harry, 1868- 777 J41 37675 ^ manual of photoengraving, containing practical instructions for producing photoengraved plates in relief-line and half-tone. By H. Jenkins. With supplementary chapters on the theory and practice of half-tone color work, by Frederic E. Ives and Stephen H. Horgan. Second edition. Chicago, The Inland Printer Com- pany, 1902. 169 p. 5 col. front., diagrs., 39 pi., 1 port. 20 cm . Vidal, Leon. 777 V66 23946 T ra ij-£ pratique de photogravure en relief et en creux. xvii,445 p. il. 5 pi. 1 por. D. (Bibliotheque photographique.) Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1900. Lainer, Alexander. 770.8 3 Anleitung zur Ausiibung der Photoxylographie. [2],iv,5 i,[i] p. 12 il. [/;/ Encyklopadie der Photographie, no. 4.] Halle a. S. 1894. 11013 11033 17932 Vidal, Leon. 770.8 3 Die Photoglyptie oder der Woodbury-Druck. Nach dem Fran- zosischen ubersetzt. viii,i74 p. 24 il. [In Encyklopadie der Pho- tographie, no. 25.] Halle a. S. 1897. Denison, Herbert. 777.1 D41 A treatise on photogravure in intaglio by the Talbot-Klic pro- cess. 140 p. 8 il. 2 pi. O. London: Iliffe & Son, [1895]. Huson, Thomas. 777>II Hg6 Huson on photo-aquatint & photogravure. A practical treatise. To which is appended a treatise on Machine printed photogravure ... by A. Villain and J. William Smith. 116 p. 14 il. 2 pi. D. London: Dawbarn & Ward, pref. 1897. 14117 206 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Cronenberg, Wilhelm. 777-22 C881 La pratique de la phototypogravure americaine. Traduit et aug- mented d'un appendice par C. Fery. xi,i56 p. 66 il. 12 p. of pi. 2 pi. D. (Bibliotheque photographique.) Paris: Gauthier- Villars & fils, 1898. Cronenberg, Wilhelm. 777-22 C88 17937 Half-tone on the American basis. From the personal experience of Wilhelm Cronenberg. Translated by William Gamble. 164 p. 56 il. 13 p. of pi. D. [Lund library of photography.] Brad- ford: P. Lund & Co., 1896. 778 SPECIAL APPLICATIONS. lies, George. 609 P900 22833 Flame, electricity and the camera. Man's progress from the first kindling of fire to the wireless telegraph and the photography of color. xv, 398 p. il. 17 pi. 7 por. 2 tables. O. New York: Doubleday & McClure Co., 1900. Morton, William James, & Hammer, Edwin W. 537.54 P602 5711 The X ray: or, Photography of the invisible and its value in sur- gery. 196 p. 57 il. 33 pi. D. New York: American Technical Book Co., 1896. Volkmer, Ottomar. 770.8 3 11020 j}j e photographische Aufnahme von Unsichtbarem. vi,[2],56 p. 29 il. [/// Encyklopadie der Photographic, no. 12.] Halle a. S. 1894. Schnauss, Hermann. 778 S357 18837 photographic pastimes : a series of interesting experiments for amateurs for obtaining novel and curious effects with the aid of the camera. Translated from the second German edition. 204, [3] p. il. D. London: Iliffc & Son, 1892. "References," p. [1-3]. Tissandier, Gaston. 770.2 T52 11870 j^ history ant | handbook of photography. Translated from the French .... Edited by J. Thomson. xvi,326 p. il. 16 pi. D. London: Sampson Low, . .. , & Searle, 1876. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 207 778.1 EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR PHOTOGRAPHY. Donnadieu, A. L. L778.1 D71 La photographie des objets immerges. 228 p. il. 19 il. 11 paged in. Q. Paris: C. Mendel, [1901]. 35578 Inglis, James. 778.225 I52 16863 Artistic lighting. By James Inglis. To which is added "At home" portraiture with daylight and flashlight by F. Dundas Todd. 48 p. il. 7 pi. 1 por. D. Chicago: Photo-Beacon Co., 1897. Mills, Frederick William. 778.11 M62 17804 Exterior and interior photography. 68 p. 3 il. 4 pi. O. Lon- don : Dawbarn & Ward, pref., 1895. Anschiitz, Ottomar. 770.2 A617 36050 -pj e photographie im Hause. Lehrbuch fur Amateure, von Otto- mar Anschiitz Berlin, O. Anschiitz, 1901-. V. 1-. fronts., illus., plates, ports. 22 cm . Duchochois, P C. 778.225 D85 The lighting in photographic studios. Third edition. Revised and enlarged by W. Ethelbert Henry. 72 p. il. D. London: Hampton & Co., 1898. Henry, W. E. I. Formulae for lighting, n. Home portraiture for amateurs, in. Home portraiture at night, p. 59-72. Guerin, Fitz-William. 778.122 G93 17842 j> or traits in photography by the aid of flash light. 57 p. il. D. [St. Louis] c. 1898. Mercator, G. 77 - 8 3 11038 -Qj e Verwendung kiinstlicher Lichtquellen zu Portraitaumahmen und Kopirzwecken. viii,H2 p. 29 il. [In Encyklopiidie der Photographie, no. 30.] Halle a. S. 1898. Duchochois, Pierre C. 778.122 D85 37169 photography at night. (Illustrated.) By P. C. Duchochois . .. New York, published by the author, 1893. vi, [7]-io8p. 13 illus. I9i cm . 208 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Archives. L6 16.05 2 2 19774 Archives f the Roentgen ray, (formerly Archives of skiagraph)). The only journal in which the transactions of the Roentgen Society of London are officially reported With supplements. Continued from vol. 1. [1896-97.] sq.F. London 1 898-. Vol. 1 edited by Sydney Rowland; vol. 2, by \V. S. Iledley and S. Rowland; vol. 3-, by Thomas Moore and Ernest Payne. Vol. I published under the title : Archives of skiagraphy. Fortschritte. L616.053 1 15725 p or tschritte auf dem Gebiete der Rontgenstrahlcn .... With supplements. Continued from vol. 1. [1897-98]. il. pi. F. Hamburg 1897-. Vol. 1-3 edited by [G.] Deycke and [IL] Albers-Schdnberg; vol. 4-, by [IL] Albers-Schonberg. Fortschritte. . L616.053 2 2590 Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Rontgenstrahlen Ergan- zungsheft. Archiv ui? i Atlas der normalen und pathologischen Anatomic in typischen Rontgenbildern Continued from vol. 1. il. pi. O. Hamburg 1900-. . Vol. 1-5 edited by [G.] Deycke and [H.] Albers-Schonberg; vol. 6-, by [IL] Al- bers-Schonberg. Vol. 1-4 subtitle reads: Atlas der normalen und pathologischen Anatomie in ty- pischen Rontgenbildern. Bottone, Selimo Romeo. 537-54 P802 17996 Radiography and the 'X' rays in practice and theory. With con- structional and manipulatory details. x,i76 p. il. 8 pi. D. [Whittaker's library of arts, sciences & industries.] London: Whittaker & Co., 1898. Isenthal, A. W., & Ward, H. Snowden. 537-54 P801 Practical radiography. A handbook of the applications of the X-rays. The second edition. Entirely re-written and up-to-date. I57,[i] p. 51 il. 15 pi. paged in. O. London: Uawbarn & Ward, 1898. Kolle, Frederick Strange. 537-54 P800 The X rays. Their production and application. 191 p. il. 1 1 pi. D. New York : J. S. Ogilvic Publishing Co., c. 1898. Niewenglowski, G. H. 537-54 P803 Technique et applications des rayons X. Traite pratique de radioscopie ct de radiographic. [2], 161, [3] p. 78 il. 8 pi. O. Paris: Societc d'editions scicntifiques, 1898. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 20Q Phillips, Charles E. S. 016.537 P54 16602 Bibliography of X-ray literature and research. (1 896-1 897.) Being a ready reference index to the literature on the subject of Rontgen or X-rays. Edited by Charles E. S. Phillips, with an historical retrospect and a chapter, "Practical hints," by the editor. xxxvii,68 p. il. I pi. of por. O. ["The Electrician" series.] London: "The Electrician" Printing and Publishing Co., [1898?] Buttner, Oskar, cV Muller, Kurt. 770.8 3 nose Technik und Verwerthung der Rdntgen'schen Strahlen im Dienste der arztlichen Praxis und Wissenschaft. iv,[2],i46 p. 30 il. 5 pi. [In Encyklopadie der Photographie, no. 28.] Halle a. S. 1897. "Literatur," p. 138-144. Hebert, Alexandre. 537-54 P702 10345 L a technique des rayons X. Manuel operatoire de la radiographic et de la fluoroscopic a l'usage des medecins, chirurgiens et ama- teurs de photographie. [2], iv, 136, [2] p. 25 il. 10 pi. nar.O. [Bibliotheque de la Revue generale des sciences.] Paris : G. Carre & C. Naud, 1897. Van Heurck, Henri. L537.54 P703 13162 La technique et les applications diverses des ravons X. Guide pratique du radiographe, par le Dr. Henri van Heurck . . . Avec 10 planches et nombreuses figures dans le texte. Anvers, edite aux frais de l'auteur, 1897. [6], 88 p. illus.,9pl. 25i cm . Ward, H. Snowden. 537-54 P607 9654 Practical radiography: a hand-book of the applications of the X rays. With chapters by E. A. Robins and A. E. Livermore. 80 p. il. 1 pi. D. London: Dawbarn & Ward, 1896. Ferrars, Max. 770.2 F41 Handcamera und Momentphotographie. Eine Beschreibung der wichtigsten Verfahren. xvi,265,[i] p. il. 42 p. of pi. 6 pi. O. Dlisseldorf: E. Liesegang, 1901. David, Ludwig. 770.8 3 11037 -Qj e Moment-Photographie. viii,24i p. il. [/// Encyklopadie der Photographie, no. 29.] Halle a. S. 1897. Londe, Albert. 778.13 L84 La photographie instantanee, theorie et pratique. Troisieme edi- tion, entierement refondue. xii,2i2 p. 65 il. D. (Bibliotheque photographique.) Paris: Gauthier-Villars & Fils, 1897. 12482 2 10 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Pilditch, Fred W. 778.13 P64 19,09 Drop-shutter photography. 64 p. il. nar.D. (Popular photo- graphic scries, no. 1.) Bradford: P. Lund & Co., 1896. Abney, [William de Wiveleslie]. 778.13 A153 18996 Instantaneous photography. [4]>95>[3] P- 3° il- D - [Photo- graphic primers, no. 2.] London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1895. Slingsby, Robert. L778.142S633 18635 j^ t rea ti se on magnesium flash-light photography for various sub- jects. With methods for its application practically considered. [2], Hi, 20, [2] p. 4 pi. sq.Q. London: Marion & Co., 1890. 778.2 APPLICATIONS ACCORDING TO SUBJECT. Courreges, A. 778.21 C83 22283 Reproduction des gravures, dessins, plans, manuscrits. 105 p. O. (Bibliotheque photographique.) Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1900. Trutat, Eugene. 778.21 T77 19895 L a photographic appliquee a l'archeologie. Reproduction des monuments, — ceuvres d'art, — mobilier, — inscriptions, — manu- scrits. [2] ,135 p. 5 il. 5 pi. D. (Actualites scientifiques.) Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1879. Cosgrave, Ephraim Macdowel. 778.211 C82 19191 Photography and architecture. How each lends interest to the other. 52 p. 43 il. nar.D. (Popular photographic series, no. 7.) Bradford: P. Lund & Co., 1896. Harris, G. T. 778.212 H24 37266 p rac tical landscape photography. By G. T. Harris, F.R.P.S. With illustrations in line and half-tone bv the author . . . London, Iliffe & Sons ltd., 1902. 124 p. incl. front., illus., xxiv pi. l8 cm . 14071 Liesegang, Franz Paul. 771.331 L62 Die Fcrnphotographie 134 p. il. 3 pi. O. Diisseldorf: E. Liesegang, 1897. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 2 1 I [Bailey, Liberty Hyde] 1858- A591.5 Q205 37649 Mature portraits ; studies with pen and camera of our wild birds, animals, fish and insects; text by the editor of "Country life in America," with fifteen large plates and many illustrations by the best nature photographers. New York, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1902. viii, 40 p. illus., 15 pi. (partly col.) 40^x3oi cm . Guerin, Fitz- William. 778.122 G93 17842 Portraits in photography by the aid of flash light. 57 p. il. D. [St. Louis] c. 1898. Bertillon, Aiphonse. 770.8 3 11022 -Qj e gerichtliche Photographic Mit einem Anhange iiber die anthropometrische Classification und Identificirung. (Autorisirte, vom Verfasser neu bearbeitete und vermehrte, deutsche Ausgabe.) vi,i 1 1 p. 15 il. 9 pi. \_I11 Encyklopadie der Photographie, no. 14.] Halle a. S. 1895. Anderson, Elbert. 770.2 A546 The skylight and the dark-room : a complete text-book on por- trait photography. Containing the outlines of hydrostatics, pneu- matics, acoustics, heat, optics, chemistry, and a full and compre- hensive system of the art photographic. 220 p. 177 il. 5 pi. O. Philadelphia: Benerman & Wilson, 1872. 778.22 ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHY. Photo era. L770.51 13 28814 r V\ "D1 Ine Photo era. The American journal of photography. A monthly magazine devoted to artistic photography. Continued from vol. 1. May, 1898. il. pi. Q. Boston, Mass., [1899-]. In Dec. 1000 The American journal of photography was united with this. Hinton, A. Horsley. 77 8 >22 Hs9 Practical pictorial photography. Illustrated ... By A. Horsley Hinton ... London, Hazel!, Watson & Viney, ltd., 1900-1902. 2 v. illus. iS<= ra . {On cover: "The amateur photographer' library no. 17-18) V. 1 published in 1902. 11810 212 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Adams, Washington Irving Lincoln. L57C-4 A219 37609 Woodland and meadow; out of door papers written on a New- Hampshire farm, by W. I. Lincoln Adams ... Illustrated with photographs from nature by the author aud others. New York, The Baker and Taylor Company, 1901. 122, [2] p. incl. front., illus. 26 cm . Caffin, Charles Henry. L778.22 Cn 376.6 photography as a fine art; the achievements and possibilities of photographic art in America, by Charles H. Caffin ... New- York, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1901. xv, 191 p. incl. front., illus., 7 pi- 2 ° cm - Dillaye, Frederic. 770-2 D582 33623 L ' art en photographic Avec le procede au gelatino-bromure d'argent. 399 p. 31 pi- 30 paged in. O. (La theorie, la pra- tique et''art en photographic) Paris: Librairie illustree, [1900?! Klary, C. L070. 20077 K66 28367 L a photographie d'art a l'Exposition universelle de 1900. Par C. Klary, avec la collaboration d'ecrivains frangais et etrangers. 87 p. il. 1 pi. Q. Paris: Gauthicr-Villars, pref. 1900. Emerson, P. H. 778.22 E53 337:9 Naturalistic photography for students of the art. Third edition, revised, enlarged and rewritten in parts. 3 parts in 1 vol. il. O. London: Dawbarn & Ward, 1899. Robinson, Harry Perry. 778.22 R562 17998 ^ rt photography in short chapters. Third edition. iv,6o p. il. 2 pi. paged in, 2 pi. D. ["Amateur photographer" library, no. 4.] London: Hazell, Watson, & Viney, 1899. Adams, Washington Irving Lincoln. L778.22 A219 16932 In Nature's image. Chapters on pictorial photograph}-. Second edition. 1 io,[4] p. il. O. New- York: Baker & Taylor Co., 1898. Adams, Washington Irving Lincoln, editor. L778.22 A219 20527 Sunlight and shadow. A book for photographers, amateur ami professional [Second edition.] 141 p. il. 2 pi. paged in. Q. New York: Baker & Taylor Co., c. 1897. Robinson, Harry Perry. 778.22 R561 Picture-making by photograph}-. Fifth edition. \ij34 p. il. 1 pi. D. London: Hazell, Watson, & Viney, 1S07. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 2 1 3 Maclean, Hector. 778.22 M22 i7sno photography for artists. Brief and useful information respecting the many uses of photography in various walks of the pictorial and allied arts. 152 p. il. 14 p. of pi. D. [Lund library of pho- tography.) Bradford: P. Lund & Co., 1896. Robinson, Harry Perry. 778.22 R563 18074 The elements of a pictorial photograph. 167 p. il. 1 pi. O. Bradford: P. Lund & Co., 1896. Robinson, Harry Perry. 778.22 R56 l7 ' !ul Pictorial effect in photography. Being hints on composition and chiaroscuro for photographers. Fourth edition. [8], 193 p. il. 1 pi. D. London: Piper & Carter, 1893. Thanet, Octave, pseud, i. e. Alice French, 1850- 77°-4 T 3 2 37344 An adventure in photography by Octave Thanet. Illustrated from photographs by the adventurers. New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1893. xi, 179 p. front., illus., 31 pi. I9 cm . Andrews, John. 778.22 A567 17608 studies in photography. xiii,202 p. il. 6 pi. D. London: Ha- zell, Watson, & Viney, pref., 1892. Hodges, John A. 77 8 -3 2 H6 ° U609 p rac tical enlarging. Third edition. Greatly enlarged and revised. 134 p. 6 pi. D. London: Iliffe & Son, [1892]. Middleton, George Alexander Thomas. 778.221 M58 15707 Architectural photography. Practical lessons and suggestions for amateurs. 79 p. il. D. (Amateur photographer's library, no. 15.) London: Hazell, Watson, & Viney, 1898. Loescher, Fritz. 778.222 L82 33699 Ldtf a d en der Landschafts-Photographie. v,[4],i62 p. il. 3 p. of pi. 24 pi. O. Berlin: G. Schmidt, 1901. Dillaye, Frederic. 778.222 D58 Le paysage artistique en photographie, avec le procede au gelatino- bromure d'argent. [2],ii,36o p. il. 59 pi. 58 paged in. O. (La theorie, la pratique et l'art en photographie.) Paris : Montgredien & c ie , [1900]. Stolze, Franz, L778.222 S876 Die Stellung und Beleuchtung in der Landschafts-Photographie. xi,i76 p. 130 il. O. Halle a. S. : W. Knapp, 1900. 33677 24448 214 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Robinson, Harry Perry. 778.222 R56 15-520 Letters on landscape photography. [6] ,66 p. il. D. [Photo- graphic handy-books, no. 9.] London: Piper & Carter, 1888. Lothrop, Bertha M. 778.224 L91 19 "° Indoor photography and flash-light studies of child subjects. 40 p. 23 il. nar. D. (Popular photographic series, no. 8.) Bradford: P. Lund & Co., 1896. Duchochois, P C. 778.225 D85 The lighting in photographic studios. Third edition. Revised and enlarged by W. Ethelbert Henry. 72 p. il. I). London: Hampton & Co., 1898. Henry, W. E. I. Formulae for lighting, n. Home portraiture for amateurs, in. Home portraiture at night, p. 59-72. Robinson, Harry Perry. 778.225 R56 18072 yj ie photographic studio and what to do in it. Fourteenth thousand. vii,i50 p. il. D. London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1898. Inglis, James. 778.225 I52 16863 Artistic lighting. By James Inglis. To which is added "At home" portraiture with daylight and flashlight by F. Dundas Todd. 48 p. il. 7 pi. I por. D. Chicago: Photo-Beacon Co., 1897- Barhydt, J. A. 778.225 B23 Crayon portraiture. Complete instructions for making crayon portraits on crayon paper and on platinum, silver and bromide enlargements. Also directions for the use of transparent liquid water colors and for making French crystals. Revised and en- larged edition. 133 p. il. 2 pi. D. New York: Baker & Taylor Co., c. 1892. [Long, E.] 778.225 L85 The art of making portraits in crayon on solar enlargements. Third edition. Rewritten, enlarged and illustrated . . . Ouincy, 111., published by E. Long, 1890. 44 p. illus., front, (port.) 22A 01 ". Author's name appears on cover; preface to third edition is signed 1'. M. E. 37514 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 21 5 778.23-.29 PHOTOGRAPHY OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS. Riesling, — , Premier-Lieutenant a. D. 770.8 3 11027 -Qj e Anwendung der Photographie zu militarischen Zwecken. vi, [2], 100 p. 21 il. 1 pi. \_I11 Encyklopadie der Photographie, no. 19.] Halle a. S. 1896. Wheeler, Owen E. 778-2355 W56 25671 Military photography. 43 p. D. London: Iliffe & Son, 1891. Kostersitz , Karl . 5 2 2 . 63 Qoo 1 29454 Die Photographie im Dienste der Himmelskunde und die Auf- gaben der Bergobservatorien. Mit zwdlf Gutachten von Fach- gelehrten Oesterreichs, Deutschlands und Amerikas liber das Project der Errichtung einer Sternwarte auf dem Schneeberg. [2],53,[i] p. 23 il. 2 pi. O. Wien : C. Gerold's Sohn, 1900. Scheiner, Julius. 522.63 P600 13I9S Die Photographie der Gestirne. iv,[2],382 p. 52 il. 1 pi. O. Atlas of 11 pi. sq.Q. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1897. "Litteraturverzeichniss," p. 339-375. Atlas has shelf number L522.63 P600. Rosenmund, M. 526.91 P600 13552 Untersuchungen iiber die Anwendung des photogrammetrischen Verfahrens fiir topographische Aufnahmen. Bericht an das eidgenossische topographische Bureau. 42 p. 11 il. 2 pi. 1 table. O. Bern 1896. Laussedat, Aime. 526.91 P900 La metrophotographie. 52 p. 17 il. 2 pi. O. (Societe FRAN- CHISE DE PHOTOGRAPHIE. Enseignement superieur de la photo- graphie.) Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1899. 22387 11030 Dolezal, Eduard. 770.8 3 Die Anwendung der Photographie in der praktischen Messkunst. vii,[2],ii4,[2] p. 32 il. 3 pi. [In Encyklopadie der Photogra- phie, no. 22.] Halle a. S. 1896. "Literatur," p. 107-114. 2l6 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY, Deville, Edouard. 526.91 P50C 81030 Photographic surveying, including the elements of descriptive geometry and perspective. [New edition.] xvi,232 p. il. 10 pi. I map. O. Ottawa: Government Printing Bureau, 1895. The first edition was "prepared solely for the use of the surveyors employed by the Department of the Interior on photographic surveys." List of the most important publications on photographic sun-eying," p. xi-xii. Conservatoire des arts et metiers, Paris. 526.91 P300 14348 Exposition universelle de Chicago en 1893. Section francaise. Instruments et apparcils iconometriques et metrophotographiques des collections du Conservatoire national dcs arts et metiers, par le Colonel Laussedat, Directeur de cetetablissement, accompagnes de specimens des resultats topographiques et astronomiques ob- tenus de 1850 a 1871. [2], 32 p. 10 il. O. Paris 1893. Koppe, Carl. 551.57 P601 10585 photogrammetrie und internationale Wolkenmessung. viii,[2], 108 p. il. 7 pi. O. Braunschweig: F. Vieweg & Sohn, 1896. Neuhauss, Richard. 770.8 3 11014 Die Photographie auf Forschungsreisen und die Wolkenphotogra- phie. [2], 32 p. [/;/ Encyklopiidie der Photographic, no. 5.] Halle a. S. 1894. Boyer, Jacques. 551.57 P800 33609 L a photographie et l'etude des nuages. 8o,[i] p. 17 pi. paged in, 1 por. paged in. D. Paris: C. Mendel, 1898. Crookes, William. L524.42 U58 14191 Description of the wax-paper process employed for the photo- meteorographic registrations at the Radcliffe Observatory, xxiii p. \_In UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD. R.ADCLIFFE OBSERVA- TORY. Results of astronomical and meteorological observations, vol. 15. Oxford 1856.] Jennings, I. H. 778.257 J44 17383 j-j ow t photograph microscopic objects. A manual for the prac- tical microscopist. [2], 32, [2] p. il. O. (Anthony's photo series, no. 18.) New York : E. & H. T. Anthony & Co., c. [886. Walmsley, William Henry, 1S30- 778.2578 W16 376Hi ^hc A B C of photo-micrography; a practical handbook for be- ginners, by W. II. Walmsley, f.r.m.s. ... New York, Tennant and Ward, 1902. viii, 155 )>. front., illus., 2.X Hi;, mi I ? pi. iS. 1 .'"'. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 21 7 Clement, A. L. 778.2578 C59 16066 La photomicrographie. [] p. 95 il. O. Paris: C. Mendel, 1897. Mell, Patrick Hues. 578.8 P500 15911 Laboratory guide to histological work in phaenogamic botany. Vol. 1-. il. pi. D. Auburn, Alabama, 1895-. Interleaved. Neuhauss, Richard. 770.8 3 11017 Die Mikrophotographie und die Projection. [4], 5 8 p. 5 il. [/;/ Encyklopadie der Photographic no. 8.] Halle a. S. 1894. Van Heurck, Henri. L778.2578 V31 13945 photo-micrography by Dr. Henri Van Heurck . . . English edition. Re-edited and augmented by the author from the fourth French edition, and translated by Wynne E. Baxter, F.R.M.S., F.G.S. . . . London, C. Lockwood & Son, 1894. [4], 41 p. 18 illus., 1 pi. 25i cm . Extracted from "The microscope: its construction and management", by the same author. Van Heurck, Henri. L578.02 P300 11393 i^g m icroscope : its construction and management. Including technique, photo-micrography, and the past and future of the microscope. By Dr. Henri van Heurck . . . Hon. F.R.M.S. and New York M.S. English edition. Re-edited and augmented by the author from the fourth French edition, and translated by Wynne E. Baxter, F.R.M.S., F.G.S. With three plates and up- wards of 250 illustrations. London, C. Lockwood and Son; New York, D. Van Nostrand Company, 1893. xv, 382 p. front, (port.) 229 illus., 1 pi. 2a^ cm . "The microscopist's library," p. 331-333- Bousfield, Edward C. 778.2578 B66 16774 Guide to the science of photo-micrography. Second edition entirely rewritten, and much enlarged. xiv,i74p. 34 il. 1 pi. O. London: J. & A. Churchill, 1892. Pringle, Andrew. 778.2578 P93 15095 Practical photo-micrography: by the latest methods. i83,ix p. 42 il. 7 pi. O. [Scovill's photographic series.] New York : Scovill & Adams Co., 1890. Sternberg, George Miller. 778.2578 S839 17785 photo-micrographs and how to make them. 204 p. 20 pi. O. Boston: J. R. Osgood & Co., 1883. 2l8 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. [Bailey, Liberty Hyde] 1858- A591.5 Q205 37649 Nature portraits ; studies with pen and camera of our wild birds, animals, fish and insects; text by the editor of "Country life in America," with fifteen large plates and many illustrations by the best nature photographers. New York, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1902. viii, 40 p. illus., 15 pi. (partly col.) 4o£x3o£ cm . Dugmore, Arthur Radclyffe, 1870- 77 8 - 2 59 D $7 37680 ]^ a ture and the camera; how to photograph live birds and their nests : animals, wild and tame ; reptiles ; insects ; fish and other aquatic forms; flowers, trees, and fungi, by A. Radclyffe Dug- more . . . illustrated from photographs by the author. New York, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1902. [1], xiii, 126 p. front., illus., 39 pi. 2i£ cm . Donnadieu, A. L. L778.1 D71 35578 La photographie des objets immerges. 228 p. il. 19 il. 11 paged in. O. Paris: C. Mendel, [1901]. English, Douglas. 778.259 E58 37690 photography for naturalists. By Douglas English. Illustrated by the author's photographs from the living objects. London, Iliffe & Sons, ltd., 1901. 1 3 1 y C 1 ! P- mc '- front., illus. 24i cm . Wallihan, Allen Grant. L799.2 W15 37617 Camera shots at big game, by A. G. Wallihan ; with an introduc- tion by Theodore Roosevelt. New York, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1901. 77 p. front., 60 pi. 28i cm . By Allen Grant Wallihan and Mary Augusta (Iliggins) Wallihan. Kearton, Richard. 778.259 K21 25040 Wild life at home. How to study and photograph it. xv,[i], 188 p. il. 1 pi. D. London: Cassell & Co., 1899. Kearton, Richard. 598.2 P713 86824 With nature and a camera. Being the adventures and observa- tions of a field naturalist and an animal photographer. Illustra- ted by ... pictures from photographs by Cherry Kearton. Fifth thousand. xvi,368 p. il. 1 pi. O. London: Cassell & Co., 1899. Contents: I. St. Kilda and its people. 2-3. The Mrds and fowlers of Si. Kilda. 4. Gamekeepers: their friends and foes. 5. Nests, eggs, and young. 6. Where birds sleep. 7. Sea-birds and their haunts. 8. How cage birds air caught : a day on Brighton Downs. 9. The art of duck-deeoying. 10. People we have met. 1 1. Our methods of photography. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 2ig Job, Herbert K. 598.4 Q200 37655 Among the water-fowl; observation, adventure, photography. A popular narrative account of the water-fowl as found in the northern and middle states and lower Canada, east of the Rocky mountains, by Herbert K. Job, profusely illustrated by photo- graphs from nature, mostly by the author. New York, Double- day, Page & Co., 1902. xxi, 224 p. front., illus. 22 cm . Herrick, Francis Hobart. L598.2 Q105 30213 'p^g home lif e f vvild birds. A new method of the study and photography of birds. With . . . illustrations from nature by the author. xix,i48 p. 11 pi. 10 paged in. sq.Q. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1901. Chapman, Frank Michler. 598.2 Qooi 83412 Bird studies with a camera. With introductory chapters on the outfit and methods of the bird photographer. xiv,2i8 p. no il. 1 pi. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1900. Kearton, Richard. 598.2 P509 29935 B r i t i s h birds' nests. How, where, and when to find and identify them. Introduction by R. Bowdler Sharpe. Illustrated from photographs by C. Kearton of nests, eggs, young, etc. in their natural situations and surroundings. xx,368 p. il. 1 pi. O. Lon- don : Cassel & Co., 1901. Archives. L616.052 2 19774 ^chives of the Roentgen ray, (formerly Archives of skiagraphy). The only journal in which the transactions of the Roentgen Society of London are officially reported With supplements. Continued from vol. 1. [1896-97.] sq. F. London 1 898-. Vol. 1 edited by Sydney Rowland; vol. 2, by W. S. Hedley and S. Rowland; vol. 3-, by Thomas Moore and Ernest Payne. Vol. I published under the title: Archives of skiagraphy, Fortschritte. L6 16.053 1 15725 Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Rontgenstrahlen .... With supplements. Continued from vol. i„ [1897-98]. il. pi. F. Hamburg 1897-. Vol. 1-3 edited by [G.] Deycke and [H.] Albers-Schonberg; vol. 4-, by [H.] Albers-Schonberg. 2 20 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Fortschritte. L616.053 2 52590 Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Rontgenstrahlen Erglin- zungsheft. Archiv und Atlas der normalen und pathologischen Anatomie in typischen Rontgenbildern Continued from vol. I. Q. Hamburg 1 900-. Vol. 1-5 edited by [G.] Deycke and [H.] Albers-Schonberg; vol. 6-, by [H.] Al- bers-Schonberg. Vol. 1-4 subtitle reads: Atlas der normalen und pathologischen Anatomie in ty- pischen Rontgenbildern. Bottone, Selimo Romeo. 537-54 P802 17996 Radiography and the 'X' rays in practice and theory. With con- structional and manipulatory details. XJ76 p. il. 8 pi. D. [Whittaker's library of arts, sciences & industries.] London : Whittaker & Co., 1898. Kolle, Frederick Strange. 537-54 P800 14134 The X rays. Their production and application. 191 p. il. 11 pi. D. New York: J. S. Ogilvie Publishing Co., c. 1898. Isenthal, A. W., c> Ward, H. Snowden. 537.54 P801 17947 p rac ti ca l radiography. A handbook of the applications of the X-rays. The second edition. Entirely re-written and up-to-date. I 57'[ I ] P- 5 1 il- 1 S pi- paged in. O. London: Dawbarn & Ward, 1898. Van Heurck, Henri. L537.54 P703 13,62 La technique et les applications diverses des ravons X. Guide pratique du radiographe, par le Dr. Henri van Heurck . . . Avec 10 planches et nombreuses figures dans le texte. Anvers edite aux frais de l'auteur, 1897. [6], 88 p. illus., 9 pi. 25i cm . Cranz, Carl. L623.5 Q101 34206 Anwendung der elektrischen Momentphotographie auf die Unter- suchung von Schusswaffen. 26 p. 7 il. 24 p. of pi. Q. Halle a. S. : W. Knapp, 1901. Kissling, J. 73 8 K64 Das Gesammtgebiet der Photokeramik, oder sammtliche photo- graphische Verfahren zur praktischcn Darstcllung keramischer Decorationen auf Porzellan, Faycncc, Steingut und Glas. viii, SS p. 12 il. I). [Chemisch-technische Bibliothek, vol. 203.] Wien: A. Hartlcbcn, 1893. 9275 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 221 Cosgrave, Ephraim Macdowel. 778.211 C82 )9i9i photography and architecture. How each lends interest to the other. 52 p. 43 il. nar. D. (Popular photographic series, no. 7.) Bradford: P. Lund & Co., 1896. Henry, W. Ethelbert, & Ward, H. Snowden. 778.273 H39 19352 photo-ceramics. Photography applied to the decoration of plaques, pottery, and other ceramic and metallic surfaces. [4], 86 p. 21 il. D. London: Dawbarn & Ward, [1895]. Schwier, K. 778.2738 S415 36801 Die Emailphotographie. Eine Anleitung zur Herstellung von eingebrannten Photogrammen auf Email, Glas oder Porzellan. Vierte verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage. viii,76 p. 7 il. O. Leipzig: B. F. Voigt, 1902. Duchochois, P. C. 778.2738 D85 36698 i nc j us trial photography being a description of the various pro- cesses of producing indestructible photographic images on glass, porcelain, metal and many other substances. 87 p. il. O. New York: Scovill & Adams Co., 1901. Heliecourt, Rene d\ 778.2738 H36 36202 L a photographie vitrifiee mise a. la portee des amateurs. Pro- cedes complets pour l'execution, la mise en couleur et la cuisson des emaux photographiques, miniatures, ceramiques, vitraux. 188 p. 38 il. D. Paris: C. Mendel, [1901]. Mercator, G. 770.8 3 v.37 38238 -Qj e photokeramik und ihre Imitationen. Anleitung zur Herstel- lung von eingebrannten Bildern auf Email, Porzellan u. s. w. in einfarbiger und vielfarbiger Ausfuhrung (Dreifarbendruck-kera- mik) sowie Methoden zur Erzielung von Imitationen derselben auf kaltem Wege, und der photographischen Dekorierung von Glas und Silberspiegeln nach alten und neuen Verfahren, von G. Mercator. Mit 4 in den Text gedruckten Abbildungen. Halle a. S., W. Knapp, 1900. [4]»99P- 4 illus. 22 cm . (/« Encyklopadie der Photographie, Heft 37.) 222 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 778.3 ENLARGEMENT, REDUCTION, AND PROJECTION. Courreges, A., 1841- 77 8 -3 C83 37,72 ... Les agrandissements photographiqucs par A. Courreges ... Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1901. 143 p. 12 illus. I9 cm . (Bibliotheque photographique) Lantern record. L770.52 5 v. 44-48 isles '-Qjg L an t ern record. Monthly supplement to The British journal of photography. 1 897-1 901. [5 vol.] il. \In The British journal of photography, vol. 44-48. London 1897-1901.] No more published. No title-page. Schmidt, Hans. 77I-3 28 S35 1 34960 Anleitung zur Projektion photographischer Aufnamen und leben- der Bilder (Kinematographie). viii,i2i p. 56 il. O. [Photo- graphische Bibliothek, no. 13.] Berlin: G. Schmidt, 1901. Bayley, R. Child. 535 .81 Q003 36667 Modern magic lanterns. A guide to the management of the op- tical lantern, for the use of entertainers, lecturers, photographers, teachers, and others. Second edition revised throughout. [6], no p. 73 il'. O. London: L. U. Gill, [1900]. Courreges, A. 778.21 C83 22283 Reproduction des gravures, dessins, plans, manuscrits. 105 p. O. (Bibliotheque photographique.) Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1900. Paar, Jean. 770.2 Pn 30651 L)ic gebriiuchlichsten [photographischen] Vergrosserungs- und Contactverfahren mit Entvvicklung. [6], 204, [4] p. il. O. Diissel- dorf: E. Liesegang, 1900. Choquet, J. L778.3 C45 10765 La photomicrographie, histologiquc ct bacteriologique. \ii. 1 49, [2] p. 72 il. 7 pi. Q. Paris: C. Mendel, 1897. Schnauss, Hermann. 778-3 s 357 13553 Djapositive. Anleitung zur Anfertigung von Projections- und Stercoscop-Glasbildcrn von Fensterbildern sowie von Diapositiven zum Zwecke des Vergrosserns mid der Reproduction. Zweite, vermchrtc Auflage. [4],I02,[2J p. 26 il. D. Dresden: Verlag des "Apollo", [897. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 223 Burbank, W. H. 772-5 B89 19886 photographic printing methods : practical guide to the professional and amateur worker. Fourth edition. 225 p. il. O. [Scovill photographic series.] New York: Scovill & Adams Co., 1896. Stolze, Franz. 770-8 3 11025 p3j e Kunst des Vergrdsserns auf Papieren und Platten. viii, i8o,[i],xi p. 77 il. 1 pi. \_In Encyklopadie der Photographie, no. 17.] Halle a. S. 1895. Hepworth, T. C. 778.3 H41 17995 j? ven j n g work for amateur photographers. iv,i96 p. 67 il. 1 pi. D. London: Hazell, Watson, & Viney, 1890. Trutat, Eugene. 778.32 T77 81017 Traite pratique des agrandissements photographiques, a l'usage des amateurs Deuxieme edition, entierement refondue. 2 vol. in 1. il. D. (Bibliotheque photographique.) Paris: vol. 1, Gauthier-Villars ; vol. 2, Gauthier-Villars & fils, 1 897-1900. Vol. 1 published in 1900. Wheeler, George. 778.32 W56 19067 photographic enlargements : how to make them. Sixth edition. 128, [2] p. 16 il. D. Manchester: G. Wheeler & Co., 1898. Pike, J. 778.32 P63 13596 B rom jcl e enlargements and how to make them. 64 p. 11 il. nar. D. (Popular photographic series, no. 13.) London: P. Lund, Humphries & Co., 1897. Yellott, Osborne I. L778.35 Y3 32814 Lantern slides and slide-making. 48 p. il. Q. New York: Photo-American Publishing Co., 1901. Elmendorf , Dwight Lathrop. 778-35 E48 9239 Lantern slides: how to make and color them. 69 p. il. 5 pi. D. New York: E. & H. T. Anthony & Co., 1897. Mercator, G. 770.8 3 Die Diapositivverfahren. Praktische Anleitung zur Herstellung von Fenster-, Stereoscop- und Projektionsbildern mittels alterer, neuerer und neuesten Druckverfahren. [4] ,93 p. \_In Ency- klopadie der Photographie, no. 27.] Halle a. S. 1897. Pringle, Andrew. 778-35 P93 18412 Lantern-slides by photographic methods. 71, [4] p. 3 il. O. [Scovill's photographic series.] New York: Scovill & Adams Co., 1897. 224 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Dresser, A. R. 778.35 D81 «6026 Lantern slides. How to make them. Third edition. Revised and written up to date by S. Herbert Fry. Twenty-third thou- sand. 84 p. il. sq.D. (Fry's photographic manuals, no. 1.) London: J. Fallowfield, pref. 1895. Hodges, John A. 778.35 H66 37170 -p^g l an tern-slide manual. By John A. Hodges . . . London, Hazell, Watson and Viney, ltd., 1892. vi, 142 p. 23 illus. I9^ cm . Hepworth, T. C. 535-8i O900 19066 -phe book of the lantern. Being a practical guide to the working of the optical (or magic) lantern. With full and precise direc- tions for making and coloring lantern pictures. First American from the second English edition. x,278 p. 75 il. 1 pi. D. New York: E. L. Wilson, 1889. 778.4 STERE0SC0PY. Rothwell, Charles Frederick Seymour. 778.4 R74 18937 The elements of stereoscopic photography. 56 p. 12 il. nar D. (Popular photographic series, no. 9.) Bradford : P. Lund & Co., 1896. Drouin, F. 778.4 D83 net! ^g stereoscope and stereoscopic photography. From the French. Translated by Matthew Surface. [2], 179 p. 104 il. 1 pi. D. [Lund library of photography.] Bradford : P. Lund & Co., [1894]. Stolze, Franz. 770.8 3 1,018 Die Stereoskopie und das Stereoskop in Theoric und Praxis, v, T 35 P- 35 il- U H Encyklopiidie der Photographic no. 10.] Halle a. S. 1894. Chadwick, W. I. 778.4 C34 i76io f^g stereoscopic manual. Second edition. 50 p. il. 1). Man- chester : J. Heywood, [189-]. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 22 5 778.5 PHOTOGRAPHY OF MOTION. Ferrars, Max. 770.2 F41 3240 Handcamera und Momentphotographie. Eine Beschreibung der wichtigsten Verfahren. xvi,265,[i] p. il. 42 p. of pi. 6 pi. O. Diisseldorf: E. Liesegang, 1901. Hopwood, Henry V. 778.5 H77 37437 Living pictures : their history, photo-production and practical working. With a digest of British patents and annotated bibliog- raphy. By Henry V. Hopwood . . . London, The Optician & photographic trades review, 1899. xii, 275, [1] p. 242 illus. 2i£ cm . "Annotated bibliography," p. 254-265. Trutat, Eugene. L778.5 T77 La photographie animee. Avec une preface de J. Marey. xii, 185 p. 146 il. 1 pi. Q. (Bibliotheque photographique.) Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1899. Brunei, Georges. 778.5 B 83 16096 L a photographie et la projection du mouvement. Historique — dispositifs — appareils cinematographiques. [2], 113, [2] p. 45 il. D. Paris: C. Mendel, 1897. David, Ludwig. 770.8 3 11037 -Qj e Moment-Photographie. viii,24i p. il. [/// Encyklopadie der Photographie, no. 29.] Halle a. S. 1897. Donnadieu, A. L. 778.5 D71 16939 La photographie animee. Ses origines — son exploitation — ses dangers. 39 p. sq.D. Paris: C. Mendel, 1897. Vitoux, Georges. 778.5 V83 99,9 La photographie du movement. Chronophotographie. — Kine- toscope. — Cinematographe 31 p. 30 il. O. Paris: Cha- muel, 1896. Cranz, Carl. L623.5 Q101 34206 Anwendung der elektrischen Momentphotographie auf die Unter- suchung von Schusswaffen. 26 p. 7 il. 24 p. of pi. Q. Halle a. S. : W. Knapp, 1901. 226 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Jenkins, Charles Francis. 778-5 1 J4* 30640 ,\ n j ma t ec i pictures. An exposition of the historical development of chronophotography, its present scientific applications and future possibilities, and of the methods and apparatus employed in the entertainment of large audiences by means of projecting lanterns to give the appearance of objects in motion. xv,ii8 p. il. 10 p. of pi. 3 pi. 1 por. O. Washington, D. C. : C. F. Jenkins, 1898. Boys, Charles Vernon. 778.51 B71 Electric-spark photographs of flying bullets [2], 165-182 p. 11 pi. O. Washington 1894. Reprinted from the Annua/ report of the Boa rd of Regents of the Smithsonian Insti- tution for 1S93. Gastine, Louis. 778-52 G21 11848 La chronophotographie sur plaque fixe et sur pellicule mobile. 172 p. 72 il. D. (Encyclopedic scientifique des aide-memoire.) Paris: Gauthier-Villars .& Fils, [1897]. Schmidt, Hans. 771.328 S351 34965 Anleitung zur Projektion photographischer Aufnamen und leben- der Bilder (Kinematographie). viii,i2i p. 56 il. O. [Photo- graphische Bibliothek, no. 13.] Berlin: G. Schmidt, 1901. Hepworth, Cecil M. 778.54 H41 Animated photography. The A B C of the cinematograph. A simple and thorough guide to the projection of living photographs, with notes on the production of cinematograph negatives, iv, 108 p. 23 il. D. (Amateur photographer's library, no. 14.) London: Hazell, Watson, & Viney, 1897. 778.6 PHOTOGRAPHY IN COLORS. [Baker, Alice] 771.67 B17 How to paint photographs in oils and water-colours. Leeds, Chorley and Pickcrsgill, 1902. 25 p. 19c". Author's name on inside cover. 18008 37175 95292 Baytey, R- Child. 77 8.6 B34 Photography in colours. 74 p. il. I). [Photography bookshelf, no. 5.] London: Iliffe, Sons & Sturmey, 10,00. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 227 Handbook. 778-6 H19 28084 j^ handbook of photography in colours. Section I. By Thomas Bolas. Historical development of heliochromy. General survey of processes. Direct heliochromes on silver chloride. Section II. By Alexander A. K. Tallent. Tri-colour photography. Sec- tion III. By Edgar Senior. Lippmann's process of interference heliochromy. [4],viii,343 p. il. 3 colored pi. D. London: Marion & Co., 1900. "Works on colour, colour photography, and light," p. 103-104. Zenker, Wilhelm. 778.6 Z4 23856 L e hrbuch der Photochromie. (Photographie der natiirlichen Farben.) Neu herausgegeben von B. Schwalbe. xiii,[]2] ,157 p. 1 por. O. Braunschweig: F. Vieweg & Sohn, 1900. Contents : Vorwort von B. Schwalbe. I . Lebenslauf und Verzeichniss der wissenschaft- lichen Arbeiten Zenker's. Von G. Krech. 2. Lehrbuch der Photochromie. Von W. Zenker. 3. Weiterentwickelung der Photochromie auf Grundlage der Zenker'schen Theorie. Von E. Tonn. Austin, Arthur Converse. 770.2 A935 17659 p rac tical half-tone and tri-color engraving. 158 p. il. 16 pi. 1 por. 1 pi. of por. 2 tables, 2 tables in pocket. O. Buffalo, N. Y. : Professional Photographer Publishing Co., 1898. Bonacini, Carlo. 778.6 B64 9227 La fotografia dei colori. Trattato teorico-pratico. xxxii,422,[2] p. 58 il. 12 pi. O. Milano: U. Hoepli, 1897. Anderson, Macfarlane. 770.2 A548 17462 Anderson's photo-mechanical processes and guide to color work. 182 p. 41 il. 8 pi. 1 table. D. New York: E. & H. T. Anthony & Co., 1896. Dumoulin, Eugene. 778.6 D89 11426 Les couleurs reproduces en photographie. Procedes Becquerel, Ducos du Hauron, Lippmann, etc. Historique, theorie et pra- tique. Deuxieme edition, entierement refondue. vi,58 p. D. (Bibliotheque photographique.) Paris: Gauthier-Villars & Fils, 1894. Berget, Alphonse. 778.62 B45 34928 La photographie des couleurs par la methode interferentielle de M. Lippmann. Deuxieme edition, entierement refondue. viii, 74 p. 22 il. D. (Bibliotheque photographique.) Paris: Gau- thier-Villars, 1 90 1. 228 TiiE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Neuhauss, Richard. 770.8 3 v.33 "°" Die Farbenphotographie nach Lippmann's Vcrfahren. Neue Un- tersuchungen und Ergebnisse. [6], 72 p. 3 il. 1 pi. [/// Ency- klopadie der Photographic, no. 33.] Halle a. S., 1898. Valenta, Eduard. 770- 8 3 1,011 Die Photographic in natiirlichen Farben. Mit besonderer Be- rlicksichtigung des Lippmann'schen Verfahrens. vi,82 p. 20 il. \In Encyklopadie der Photographic no. 2.] Halle a. S. 1894. Hiibl, Arthur Freiherr von, 1853- 77 - 8 8 v - 20 i,s59 Die Dreifarbenphotographie mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Dreifarbendruckes und der photographischen Pigmentbilder in natiirlichen Farben. Von Arthur Freiherrn von Hiibl .... Zweite umgearbeitete Auflage. Mit 33 in den Text gedruckten Abbildungen und 4 Tafeln. Halle a. S., W. Knapp, 1902. viii, 195 p. 33 illus., iv diagr. (partly col. partly fold.) 22^ cm . (Encyklopadie der Photographic Heft 26.) Ducos du Hauron, Louis [Arthur]. 778.63 D852 32327 La photographie indirecte des couleurs. Nouveaux procedes operatoires a la portee de tous, suivis des plus recentes definitions theoriques et vulgarisatrices du systeme. Illustration en couleurs de MM. Prieur et Dubois. 62 p. 1 colored pi. 1 por. D. Paris: C. Mendel, [1900]. Edited by Gaston Ducos du Hauron. Ducos du Hauron, Alcide. 778-63 D85 9353 La triplice photographique des couleurs et rimprimerie, systeme de photochromographie Louis Ducos du Hauron. Nouvelles descriptions . . . mises en rapport avec les progres generaux de la photographic, de l'optique etdes diverses sortes de phototirages .... vi,488 p. 2 il. D. (Bibliotheque photographique.) Paris: Gauthier-Villars & fils, 1897. Hiibl, Arthur Freiherr von. 770.8 3 v. 26 1,034 Die Dreifarbenphotographie, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Dreifarbendruckes und der photographischen Pigmentbilder in natiirlichen Farben. viii, 159 p. 30 il. 4 tables. [/// Encyklo- padie der Photographie, no. 26.] Halle a. S. 1897. Ives, Frederic E. 778-63 I95 Hand-book to the photochromoscopc by its inventor. With chapters on the nature of light, and theory of color by some of the first authorities. [3], 50, [3] p. 2 pi. S. London: Simpkin, ... & Co., 1 894. 14030 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 22g Ducos du Hauron, Alcide, & Ducos du Hauron, Louis. 778.63 D851 19644 Traite pratique de photographie des couleurs — systeme d'helio- chromie Louis Ducos du Hauron. Description detaillee des moyens perfectionnes d'execution recemment decouverts. viii, 108 p. O. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1878. Bonacini, Carlo. 778.69 B64 9897 La fotografia ortocromatica. Riproduzione dei colori in esatto chiaroscuro. xvi,277 p. 33 il. 5 pi. S. (Manuali Hoepli.) Milano: U. Hoepli, 1896. Hiibl, Arthur Freiherr von. 770.8 3 V.3 11012 Die Collodium-Emulsion und ihre Anwendung fiir die photogra- phische Aufnahme von Oelgemalden, Aquarellen, photogra- phischen Copien und Halbton-Originalen jeder Art. viii, 104 p. 3 il. 3 tables. [/// Encyklopiidie der Photographie, no. 3.] Halle a. S. 1894. 778.7 TELEPHOTOGRAPHY. Beck, R., & Beck, J., London. 778.7 B38 Practical notes on telephotography. (Beck-Steinheil telephoto lens.) [4th edition.] [2],48,[2] p. il. 2 pi. nar. S. London [1902]. Saint-Clair, J. P. 77 g #7 Sis6 Elementary telephotography. A practical treatise for amateur photographers. By J. P. Saint-Clair . . . New York, The Cam- era & Dark Room Co. [ c i902] [2], 32 p. illus. \z¥ m . (No. 2 of the Photographic handbook) Dallmeyer, Thomas R. L778. 7 D16 Telephotography. An elementary treatise on the construction and application of the telephotographic lens, xv, 1 47, [ 1 ] p. 66 il. 26 pi. sq.Q. New York: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1899. "Bibliography," p. I47,[i]. Liesegang, Raphael Eduard. 77 8. 7 L62 20 1 2S T% • •• www .Beitrage zum Problem des electrischen Fernsehens. x,[4], 130 p. 14 il. O. (Probleme der Gegenwart, vol. 1.) Dussel- dorf: E. Liesegang, 1891. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. 23O THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. 779 COLLECTIONS OF PHOTOGRAPHS. John Crerar Library. A027.0773 J613 [Photographs of the John Crerar Library.] 9 pi. in portfolio, sq. F 5 . [Chicago 1900.] 20697 Eastman Photographic Materials Co., Loudon. 779 E13 16383 K oc [ak portfolio souvenir of the Eastman photographic exhibition 1897, a collection of kodak film pictures by eminent photogra- phers. [8] p. 14 pi. O. London [1897]. U. S. A. War Department. Library. 017-73 W1933 10187 List of the photographs and photographic negatives relating to the war for the Union, now in the War Department Library 219 p. O. (Subject catalogue no. 5.) Washington 1897. Rhead, Louis J. L659 P602 A collection of seventeen photographs of posters designed by Louis J. Rhead. With a portrait of the artist. [Compiled by Andrew B. Bogart.] [2] p. 17 pi. 1 por. sq. F. New York : A. B. Bogart, 1896. No title-page. Title taken from inside cover. Bbrner, Heinrich. L622.33 P400 34092 Q er Kohlenbergmann in seinem Berufe. Dreissig Bilder aus Kohlenbergwerken mit Magnesiumlicht aufgenommen von Hein- rich Borner. Mit erlauterndem Text von M. Georgi. [64] p. 30 pi. sq. F. Freiberg in Sachsen : Craz & Gerlach, [1894]. Camera mosaics. A779 C14 11988 Camera mosaics. A portfolio of national photography. Being a collection of many hundred pictures made by leading members of American photographic societies ... in all parts of the world, . . . , the introduction written by Murat Halstead, under the art direction of Harry C. Jones, ... ; text accompanies each sub- ject, .... 168 p. il. ob.Q. New York: II. C. Jones. 1894. Dream City. A070.160 D81 ,IMa The Dream City. A portfolio of photographic views of the World's Columbian Exposition. With an introduction by Prof. Halsey C. Ives Unpaged, il. ob. F. St. Louis, Mo.: N. 1). Thompson Publishing Co., c. [893. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 23 1 Photographic views. A070.160 P56 [Photographic views of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. 3 vol. pi. ob.F 6 .] No title-page. [Western Electric Co.] A070.160 W52 51,0 [Photographs of the exhibit of the Western Electric Company at the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. 50 pi. ob.F 4 .] No title-page. California. University of California. Library. 017.794 C1223 18089 photographs of sculpture presented by John S. Hittel. 22 p. O. (Bulletin no. 6.) Berkeley 1885. Published as Supplement to the Report of the Secretary of the Board of Regents. Smithsonian Institution. 061.822 2432 Photographic portraits of North American Indians in the gallery of the Smithsonian Institution. 42 p. 1867. (In SMITHSONIAN Institution. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, vol. 14. Washington 1878.) Jackson, William H. 557-3 7 v. 9 22844 D escr iptive catalogue of photographs of North American Indians. vi,124 p. (In U. S. A. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. GEO- LOGICAL and Geographical Survey of the Territories. Miscellaneous publications, no. 9.) Washington 1877. Jackson, William H. 557-3 7 v. 5 22841 Descriptive catalogue of the photographs of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories, for the years 1869 to 1875, inclusive. W H. Jackson, photographer. (Second edition.) 81 p. 14 pi. (In U. S. A. Department of the Interior. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. Miscellaneous publications, no. 5.) Washington 1875. Taylor, Meadows. L572.954 M800 The people of India. A series of photographic illustrations, with descriptive letterpress, of the races and tribes of Hindustan, origi- nally prepared under the authority of the Government of India, ... . Edited by J. Forbes Watson, and John William Kaye. 8 vol. pi. F. (India Museum.) London: W. H. Allen & Co., 1868-1875. 15581 INDEX. Aarland, G., 203. Abbeville. Bibliotheque communale, 16. Abbott, H. G., pseud., 164 (2), 202. Abel, J. C, 174. Abney, Sir W. de W., 163, 166, 168, 179, 180, 181, 184, 193, 197, 199 (2), 200, 210. Academy architecture and architectural review, 34. Acme Water Color Co., Chicago, 194. Actinometry, 187. Actualites scientifiques, 210. Adam, P., 13, 16, 21, 129. Adams, R. R. , 11, 121. Adams, W. I. L., 164, 169, 173, 182, 212 (3). Adeline, J., 18. Affiliation of Photographic Societies, 181, 200. Agenda de l'amateur photographe, 178. Aitchison, G., 77. Albers-Schonberg, H., 208 (2), 219, 220. Albert, A., 156, 198, 202 (2). Albert-Dujardin, P., 18. Alexandre, A., 107. Allemagne, H. R. d', 70. Allen, F. H., 161. Alphabets, 110-112. Aluminum prints, 155. Alvin, L., 161. Amateur photographer, 175. Amateur photographer library, 166, 180, 183, 18S, 190, 194, '195, 197, 199 (3), 200. 201, 204, 211, 212, 213, 226. Ame, E., 139. American amateur photographer, 173. American annual of photography, 173. American bookbinder, 20. American ceramics, 51, 55. American economist, 105. American glassware, 137. American journal of photography, 173, 211. American Library Association. Publish- ing Section, 7. American Manual Training Association, 7- American Museum of Natural History, 122. American photogram, 171. American printer, 21. American process year-book, 174. Amman, J., 160. Anatomy for artists, 114-115. Anatomy of pattern ,81. Ancient art, 29-30, 33. Ancient coins and medals, 47-50. Ancient sculpture, 36. Ancora, G. d', 79. Anderson, E., 170, 211. Anderson, M., 167, 203, 227. Andresen, H. F., 64. Andrews, J., 213. Andrews, W. L., 14. Anfange der Druckerkunst, 154. Animal forms, 115, 123. Animal locomotion, 115, 225, 226. Animal photography, 218-219. Animated photography, 226. Annales photographiques, 183, 201. Annee photographique, 178. Annuaire general de la photographie, 178. Annuaire general et international de la photographie, 178. Anschutz, 0., 163, 207. Anstruther, G. E., 21. Anthony, G. C, 119. Anthony's photographic bulletin, 173, 174. Appletons' cyclopaedia of technical drawing, 120. Applications of photography, 206-231. Arabian decoration, 103. Architectural ceramics, 53. Architectural drawing, 105, 116, 117, 120. Architectural iron-work, 75. Architectural metal-work, 68. Architectural photography, 210, 213, 221. Archiv fur Buchbinderei und verwandte Geschaftszweige, 21, 129. Archives of skiagraphy, 187, 208, 219. Archives of the Roentgen ray, 187, 208, 219. Ardron, E., 189, 194. Argnani, F., 56. Ariadne Florentina, 151. Arkitektur och dekorativ konst, 84. Armand-Calliat , 7 1 - Armstrong, W., 29, 30, 152. Arnett, J. A., pseud., 15, 20. Art amateur, 82. Art anatomy, 114, 115. Art and decoration, 25. Art and industry, 11. Art and life, 22, 25. Art dans la vie con'emporaine, 25, 83. Art education, 25. Art interchange, 82. Art journal, 83. Art loan monographs, 14. Art of 1897, 161. Art of engraving, no, 155. Art of making portraits, 108, 196, 214. Art study, 25. Art year book, 82. J 33 234 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Arte italiana, 84. Artificial flowers, 122, 129, 130. Artificial light (Photography), 192, 207. Artistic crafts series of technical hand books, 12, 66. Artistic lighting (Photography) ,207,214. Artistic photography, 21 [-214. Arts and crafts essays. 88. Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society, Lon- don, 22, 25, 88. Arts and crafts movement, 22-25, 76- 89. Arts du bois, 40, 144. Arts du feu, 55. Arts du metal, 70. Arts du tissu, 133. Arts et metiers au moyen age, 98. Ashbee, C. R., 9, 25, 84, 89. Ashby, G. J. M., 58. Ashenhurst, T. R. , 126. Assyrian art, 29. Assyrian ceramics, 58. Astronomical photography, 215. At home portraiture, 194, 207, 214. Atelier des Photographen , 178. Atkins, J., 44. Audiat, L., 62, 92. Audsley, G. A., 32, 103, 125. 126. 136 (2). Audsley, M. A., 125, 136. Audsley, W. J., 126, 136. Austin, A. C, 165, 202, 227. Austria, K. k., Handels-Museum, 68, 101. Autotypes, 200. Avebury, J. Lubbock, 1st baron, 43, 44. Avery, J. H., 180. Avery Architectural Library, 8. Babeau, A., 92, 98, 138. Bachelin, A., called Bachelin-Deflo- renne, 126. Badenoch, J. G., no. Baer, L., 151. Baessler, A., ^^. Bailey, L. H., 211, 218. Baillaud, M., 129. Baker, A., 195, 226. Baker, H., 167, 180. Balfour, H., 90. Ball, P.H., 87. Banduri, A., 49. Banes, C. H., 10. Banknote engraving, 159. Banner, G. A., 156. Bapst, G., 71, 86, 87 (2). Barber, E. A., 51 (2), 55, 95, 104 (2), I 37- Barbet de Jouy, II., 146. Barhydt, J. A., 107, 196, 214. Barkhausen, G., 10. Barnet book of photography, 180. Barre, A., 46, 91. Barter, S., 118. F.arll. II . F. \\\, 1 Mi. Bartlett, J., 173. Bali' hIm 1 - lac< , 1 30. Bauer IF, 17. Bauer, M., Baumgarten , W., 1 12 Bauwens, M., 106. Bauzonnet, 19. -, 19- 43- 5 2 . 95. 33- 146 (2). (»). 55- 26 (2). Baxter, W. E., 217. Bayard, E., 90. Bayeux tapestry, 132. Bayley, R. C, 190, 222, 226. Beach, F. C, 173. Beard, A. B., 79. Beard, L., 79. Beardsley, R. F., 9. Beaufoy, H. B. H., 47. Beaumont, R., 125. Beck, R., & Beck, J., London, 229. Beckwith, A., 61. Becourt, L., 119. Becquerel process, 227. Bedford, F., 128. Behrcns, C, 123. Bell, Sir C, 115. Bell, F. B., 40. Bell, J. M., 143. Bellori, G. P., 24. Belz-Niedree, Bemrose, W., 41, Benedite, L., 80. Benjamin, S. G. W. Bennett, C. A., 9. Bennett, F. T., 183. Benson, W. A. S., 10. Berget, A., 227. Berlin. Konigliche Museen, 26 Berlin . Kunstgewer 1 >e- Museum , Berlin. K. Museum fur Volkerkunde, Berling, K., 59, 96. Berthelet, T., 12. Bertillon, A., 211. Bertran, H., 53. Bettoni, N., 75. Bewick, T., 152, 154. Bible, 153. Bibliography, 7-8. Bibliotheque artistique, 72. Bibliotheque d'ombres et lumiere, 163. Bibliotheque de l'enseignement des beaux-arts, 29, 45, 55, 60, 125, 144, 152, 156. Bibliotheque des connaissanccs utiles, 122. Bibliotheque desnierveilles, 41 , 134, 13c), Bibliotheque des peintres et des decora- teurs, 67, 97. Bibliotheque Internationale de l'art, 55. 63, 7 1 - Bibliotheque nalionale, Paris. 56. Bibliotheque photnijTaphique. S, 1 172, 183, 192, 195 (2). idS, 205, 206, 2 0(), 2IO, 2 22 (2), 223, 2 2^, .''" 2 28. Bibliotheque royale, Brussels, 161. Bichromate salts (Photography), 200. I 'i". low, J.. 22. Bigelow Wire Works, Cheney, Spring- fi( Id, Ma ;s., 69. Bigmore, E, C. , 17, 151, Bing, \F, So. Binns, C, F., 5a, <><>. Finns., R W . 66, Finns, W. M., 53, BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 235 Binns, W. S., 120 (2). Birch, S., 58. Bird, K. PL, 53. Bird studies (Photography), 218-21Q. Birdwood, Sir G. C. M., 103. Bischoff, E., 70. Black, A., 166. Blackall, G. H., 108. Blackboard drawing, 106. Blackburn, H., 104, 107. Blades, W., 45. Blanc, C, 78, 127, 150. Blanchet, A., 50. Blanchon, H. L. A., 122. Blcs, D., 26. Block books, 154-155, 161. Blomfield, R., 22, 25. Blue book for amateur photographers, American edition, 173. Blue book of amateur photographers, British edition, 175. Blue prints, 199. Bock, J., 158. Bode, W., 101 ,122. Bodleian Library, Oxford, 16. Bogart, A. B., 106, 230. Bogus, P., 67, 68. Boito, C, 84. Bolas, T., 87, 171, 177, 191, 227. Bolte, M., 200. Bonacini, C, 227, 229. Bonomi, J., 29. Bookbinding, 1 1 — 2 1 . Book cover designs, 11. Book illustration, 81, 96, 104-107, 150- 154, 202-203. Book-lover's library, 169, 202. Book-plates, 108, 151-152, 160, 161. Books about books, 14. Borner, H., 230. Borrmann, R. , 50, 53, 89. Bosquet, E., 14. Boston. Museum of Fine Arts, 26, 51, 55. 102. Boston. Public Library, 8. Botanical forms (Decoration) , 123-125. Bothamley, C. H., 180. Bottone, S. R., 187, 208, 220. Bouchot, H., 17, 56, 151, 156. Bouilhet, A., 69. Bourgeois, , 8, 172. Bourges. Cathedral, 138. Bourgoin, J., 103, 126. Bousfield, E.G., 217. Boutell, C, 31, 100. Bow porcelain, 52. Bowdoin, W. G. , 11, 121. Bowdoin College. Library, 161. Bowes, J. L., 57. Boyer, J., 216. Bovne, W., 47. Boys, C. V., 226. Brade, L., 18. Bradley, J. W., 128. Brainerd & Armstrong Co. , New London , 130. Brandt, H. F., 34, 43. Brass, 70, 74. Brassington, W. S., 15, 16. Braumullcr, Mrs. O. L., 59. Bric-a-brac, 66-75. Briggs, E. L., 11, 121. Briggs, V. H., 11, 121. Brinckmann, J., 66, 102. Brinkley, F., 31. Briot, F., 71, 91. British journal of photography, 176 (2), 1 no. 222. British journal photographic almanac, 176. British Museum, 14, 16. British Museum. Department of Coins and Medals, 43, 95. British Museum. Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities, 65. British Museum. Department of Printed Books, 79, 150. Bromide enlargements, 223. Bromide paper (Photography), 197-198. Brongniart, A., 58, 64. Bronzes, 66-75. Brooklyn Ethical Association, ^^. Brooks, V., 30. Brosamer, H., 67. Brothers, A., 168. Brown, F. C, 1 10. Brown, G. E., 176, 189. Brown, L. F., 42. Brown, N. C, 130. Brown, W. G.. 160. Brown, W. N., 59. Brulliot, F., 29. Brunei, G., 181, 194, Brunet, G., 16, 19. Bri'mn. Mahrisches 143- Brussels. Bruun, J. Bryan, M., Buck, J. H. Buckle, M. Bucquet, - Buddhist art, Bude, G. , 49. Bunner, H. C, 107. Bunsen, R., 185. Burbank, W. H., 198, 223. Bureau bibliographique de Paris, 162. Burg, A. R. van der, 80. Burg, P. van der, 80. Burgess, J., 32, 103. Burn, J. H., 47. Burnet, J., 108, 147. Burrow, L. A., 183. Burrows & Colton, photographers, 195. Burton, W. K., 168, 169/185. Burty, P., 88, 179. Bushell, S. W., 63, 102. Butler, E., 136, 141. Butterfill, H. Holt-, 117. Butteriek Publishing Co., Butterworth, C. F., 111. Buttner, O., 209. C, A. S., 133. Cabinets d'amateurs, 73. Cadett, J., 167. 225. ( k'werbe-Museum , Bibliotheque royale, 161. A., 94. 152. , 40. 130. 3 2 - 172. 103. 129. 236 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Caffin, C. H., 212. California. University. Library, 34, 231 . Callingham, J., no. Cameos, 37. Camera Club of New York, 174. Camera mosaics, 230. Camera notes, 174. Camera shots at big game, 218. Cameras, 189-190. ('ampin. I".. 71. 73. Catnpori, G., 62. ■' ifield, C. W., 173. < 'autor lectures, 1 36. Carbon processes (Photography), 200- 201. Carlyle, T., 89. Carpets, 125-126. Carroll, J., 116. Carter, 0., 54, 78. Carteron, J., 163. Carving, 36-43. Cassell's cyclopaedia of mechanics, 171. Castel, A., 134. Castellane, Comte de, 50. Castellani, A., 41, 74. Cattelle, W. R., 36. Caulfeild, S. F. A., 133. Caxton Club, Chicago, 12, 13. Cellini, B., 34, 91 (5). Celnart, Mme. - — , 129. Central Art Association, 25. Ceramic monthly, 58. Ceramic photography, 220-221. Ceramics, 50-66. Ch. . . ., R. comte de, 88. Chabouillet, A., 73. Chadwick, W. I., 224. Chaffers, W., 52, 53. Chalchihuitls, 42. Chaldean art, 29. Chamberlain, A. H., 7, 79. Chamberlain, P. M., 116. Champeaux, A. de, 86, 133, 144. Champier, V., 25, 83, 86. Champlin, V., 78. Chancellor, A. E., 142. Chandler, C. F., 173, 175. Channer, C. C, 130. Chapin, W. O., 151. Chaplain, J., 56, 94. Chapman, F. M., 219. Charvct, L., 27, 89. Chassaing, A., 73, 99. Chattock, R. S., 158. Chatwood, A. B., 168. 1 'helsea porcelain, 52. Chemistry of photography, 183-188. Chemistry of pigmi nts, 1 47. Cheney Bigelow Wire Works, Spring- field, Mass., 69. < Jheret, J., 106. Chevreul, M. K.. 99, [28, 149 (3). Chicago. World's Columbian Exposi- tion, 1893, 216, 230, 231(2). Chicago. World's Columbian Exposi- tion, 1893, Departmenl of Ethnol ogy, 161. Chicago public schools, 9. China decorator, 59. China painting, 54, 56, 148. Chinese art. 101 . Chinese ceramics, 58, 63. Chinese ornament, 128. Chini 1 vases, 58. Chipiez. ('.. 29 (4), 30 (3). Choquet, J., 222. Chromolithograph}-, 157-158. Chromophotography, 183, 226-229. Chnmophotography, 225, 226. Chroucher, J. H., 171. Church, A. H., 14, 23, 30, 39, 40, 54, 00. 147. Church needlework, 130. Cinematograph, 225, 226. Claims of decorative art, 23. Clark, F. B., 195. Clark, J. S., 85. Clark, L., 188, 194, 199 (2). Clarke, I . E., n. Clarke, J. T., 27. Clarkson, D. A., 74. Clement, A. L., 217. Clement, F., 27. Clerc, L. P., 183. Clocks, 74, 143. Clouston, K. W., 96, 142. Club der Industriellen fur Wohnums Eir.richtung, Vienna, 1901, 141. Cockered, D., 12. Codman, O., 77, 143. Coffignal, L., 51. Coins, 43-50. Cole, Alan S., 133 (2). Cole, R. S., 184. Coleman, 0., 142. Collamore & Co., Gilman, New York. 53. Colli gn on, M.. 29. Collodion process (Photograph}') , 197. Collotype, 201-203, 205. Colonial furniture, 140, 141. Color, 149. Color photographv, 183, 226-229. Color printing, 157-158. Coloring photographs, 194-196, 226. Colson, R., 197. 200. Columbia University. Library. 8. Connnnnante des relieurs et doreurs de livres de la ville de Paris, 15. Competitive papers on photography, C83. i \ nigres des arts decora 1 its. 84. Congres international de numismatique, Congres international de photographie, 1 79. Congresso Eotografico italiano, 179. I '1 ' Mm tisseur series. t43- Conrad, E, C, t6S Conservatoire des arts e1 metiers, Paris, a 16. Conti, C, 1 00, 1 .■ 7 Conway, M . I >., 96, Ci mwaj . Sir W M . ,'S, 1 54. Cook, C. c. , 2 8, 1 -•''. 145, 1 i'm Cooley, A. W . 1 a 1 Cooper, F \V . 189, BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 237 Copperplate engraving, 155-156. Copyright (Photography), 193. Corbet, W. V., 183. Cormier, A., 166. Cornices, 68. Cosgrave, E. M., 210, 221. Coste, J. H., 147. Cotton fabrics, 124. Council of Supervisors of Manual Arts, 10, 84. Courreges, A., 210, 222 (2). Craftsman, 82. Craig, J. T. G., 17. Crallan, F. A., 38. Crane, T., 134. Crane W., 22, 23, 25, 77, 81, 132. Crane, W. J. E., 11, 18. Cranz, C, 220, 225. Crayon portraits, 107-108. Cripps, W. J., 37. Crocheting, 129, 132. Crockery and glass journal, 59. Croly, Mrs. J. C, in. Cromwell, J. H., in. Cronenberg, W., 206 (2). Crookes, W., 176, 179, 216. Cross, A. K., 106. Crouch, J., 136, 141. Crowther, G. F., 44. Cundall, J., 19, 20. Cunynghame, H. H., 59 (2). Curtis, A., 152, 156. Cust, A. M., 42. Cutler, T. W., 103. Daguerreian journal, 174. Dallmeyer, T. R., 186, 229. Daniels, F. H., 85. Danish art, 31. Darcel, A., 27, 60, 71, 86, 133. Daubourg, E., 136. Daujat, , 10. Davanne, A., 169, 179. Davenport, C. J. H., 12 (2), 13, 37, 131. David, L., 209, 225. Davidson, T., t,^. Davillier, J. C. baron, 58, 61 , 63, 72, 100. Davis, J., 160. Davis, L. J., 133. Day, L. F., 23, 76, 77, 78 (2), 81, in, 13°. I 3&- Debenham, W. E., 181, 200. Deck, T., 60. Decorative heraldry, 81. Defforges, G., 179. De Forest, L., 40. Dekorative Vorbilder, 83. Delaborde, H. comte, 99. Delange, H., 62. Delisle, L., 61. Demachy, R., 204. Demay, G., 40. Demeure de Beaumont, A., 161. Denison, H., 205. Derby porcelain, 52. Des Meloizes, A., 138. Design, 116, 121, 129. Dessins et modeles, 70, 133, 144. Deutsche Kunst, 83. Deutsche Topfer- und Ziegler-Zeitung, 59- Deutscher Photographen-Kalender, 173. Development (Photogi'aphy) , 182, icS.S 189, 194. Deville, E., 216. Dewey, G., 36. Dewey, M., 162. Dewey arch, 36. Deycke, G., 208 (2), 219, 220. Diamond, H. W., 179. Diamonds, 41 Dictionary of needlework, 133. Dictionary of painters and engravers, Dictionary of photography, 171 (2). Dictionnaire de l'ameublement, 144. Dictionnaire pratique de chimie photo- graphique, 183. Didot, A., F., 152, 154. Didron, E., 90. Didron & Thibaud, Paris, 139. Dieck, H., 15. Dieulafait, L. , 41. Digeon, R., 149. Dilke, E. F. (Strong) Dilke, Lady, 35, 97, 141. Dillaye, F., 163, 164, 169, 212, 213. Dillmont, T. de, 129, 131, 135. Dobson, A., 152. Doepler, E., 160. Doggett, K. N., 150. Dognee, E. M. O., 24, 82. Dolezal, E., 215. Donnadieu, A. L., 207, 218, 225. Douglas, H. G., 135. Drane, R., 54, 96. Draper, J. W., 173. Drapery, 122, 140. Drawing, 104-120. Dream City, 230. Dreger, M., 80. Dresden. Bibliothek, 17. Dresden. K. Grimes Gewolbe, 86. Dresden. K. Kunstgewerbe-Schule, 7, 86. Dresden. K. Offentliche Bibliothek, 17. Dresden. K. Polytechnikum. Architek- ten-Verein, 113. Dresden. K. Zoologisches und anthro- pologisch-ethnographisches Museum . 37- 39- Dresden porcelain, 59. Dresser, A. R., 224. Dresser, C, 32, 136. Drouin, F., 224. Dryden, A., 1 30. Du Bois, H. P., 18. Dubois, P., 74. Ducat, A., 71, 91. Du Chatellier, P., 63. Duchochois, P. C, 192 (2), 193, 199, 201 , 207 (2), 214, 221 . Duclaux, E., 187. Ducos du Hauron, A., 228, 229. Ducos du Hauron, G., 228. Ducos du Hauron, L., 228 (2), 229. Ducos du Hauron process, 22S-229. 2 3 8 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Dudley, R. C, 12. Duff, E. G., 15. Dugmore, A. R., 218. Du Maurier, G., 95, 105. Dumont, A., 56, 94. Dumont, G., 10. Dumoulin, E., 227. Dunlop, J. M., 11 4. Dunlop, M. A. Wallace' . 139, Duplessis, G. , 86, 151 Dupont-Auberville, . 126. Dupre, A., 44, 69, 92. Durer, A., 160. I >ussieux, L. E., 60. Duval, M., 115 (2). E., E. M., 108, 196, 214. Eagle's nest, 23. East, H., 42, 121. Eastern Manual Training Association, 7. Eastlake, C. L., 146. Eastman Photographic Materials Co., London, 179, 230. Ebbetts, E. J., 72. Eder, J. M., 162, 104. 1 78, 180. Edis, R. W., 136, 145. Edminster, C. F., 117. Education, 9-1 1, 25-26, 85-S6. Edwards, J. Hall-. 165 Egyptian art, 29, 93. Egyptian ceramics, 52, 58, 93. Egyptian court, 29. Egyptian decoration, 93. utian scarabs, 42. Ehlerding, W., 66. Eichhorn, C, 19. Eichmann, P., 194. Eland. J. S., 104. Elbow chart for tin and sheet iron work- ers, 119. Elliott, A. H., 174. Elmendorf, D. L., 223. Elphinstonc, H. W., 159. Embroidered bookbinding, 12. Embroidery, 129-135. Emerson, P. H., 212. Emulsion processes (Photography), 107. Enamelling on metal, 59. Enamels, 51, 54, 55/59. °°. 62. see also Photographic enamels. Encyclopaedia of ornament, 88 Em yclopedia of needh wi »rk, 1 35. Encyclopedic des on wages de dames, 129. Encyclop6die indusl rielle, 5 1 . Encyclopedic scientifique des aide-me- moire, 193, 226. Encykli ipadi< der Phi iti •graphie, 1 53, 172, /8o (2), 181 , [82, i.S.|, i,S.), K)o, i<)2, [93, [96 (3), [97 (3), 1<)S (3), !<)(), 200, 202, 203 (2), 204 (2), 205 (2), 2o6, 207, 20I) (2), II 215 (2), 2j6, 217, 221, 223 (2), 224, 225, 2 28 (4), 229 Engim er draughl smen's work. 1 1 8 Bngler, M., [63. Englisch, \V E., c6a, 1 07 English, I).. 218. English bookbinding, 12, 13, 1 1 English bookman's library. 131. English ceramics, 54, 56, 60, 64. 65. English enamels, 60. English furniture, 140-142. English glassware, 137. English household furniture, 95, 141. English plate, 37. Engraving, 150-161. Engravings (Collections), 160-16 1. Enlargements, 190, 222, 223. Erbstein, J., 26, 37, 67, 86. Erculei, R., 125. Esser, II., 112. Essex House, 84. Etching, 158-159. Etruscan ceramics, 58. Etruscan vases, 55. Eve, C, 19. Eve, G. W., 81. Eve, N., 19. Everybody's guide to photography, 166. Every man his own printer. 157 Everyone's guide to photography, 166. Evolution of painting, 147. Evolution of sculpture, ^^. Examples of armorial book plates, 10S, 161. Examples of Chinese ornament. 88, ioj, 128. Exhibitions, 26-27, 85-87. Ex-libris series, 81 (2), 106, 132. Exposition retrospective de l'art deco- ratif francais, (1900), 86, 97. Exposure (Photography), 194. Exterior photography, 207. Fabre, C, 162. Fabrics, 121-129. Faience, 51, 55-57, 60-61. Failures (Photography), 188. Falize, L., 70. Falke, O. von, 80. Fancy-work, 129-135. Fans, 66. Farcy, L. de, 132. Faujas de Saint Fond, B.. 63, 92. Fearn, J. E.. 1 69. Feldegg, F. von, 16, 143. Idler, I., 67, 68. Fellows, Sir C, 36. Ferrars, M., 163, 189, 200, 225. Ferrol yper's guide, [97. Ferrotypes, 197 Fery, C, 206. Fetherston, F. C, 80. Fetis, E.. 161. F( n< lit wanger, I. , .\ 1 . I i ■■ 1 re drawing, 104, 1 1 \ Filli "i , B , 62, 73, i) j. i). 1 (2) 99 (2) Fincham, II \V , 15a. Fine-art Library, 1 33. Fiorino d'oro an1 Leo, 10 . Fire places, [45. 1 1 si lil iach, 1"., 1 .'<>, 1 3.1 (a). Flash lighl ( 1 'h< itography), 207 ■II. 'i 1 Fletcher, \V Y. . 13. 1 1 (3), Floral art , So. Florence. Battistero, 75. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 239 Floriated ornament, 137. Flowers, Artificial, 122, 129, 130. Flowers (Design), 125. Flowers, Paper, 130. Ford, T. A. V., 118. Foresi, A., 64. Forrer, R., 65, 94. Forster, T., 50. Fortnum, C. D. E., 62, 72. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Arehi- tektur, 10, 81. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Ront- genstrahlen, 208 (2), 219, 220. Foster, W. P. H., 183. Foukoutci,,M., 32, 102. Fournier, £., 19. Fourtier, H., 8, 172, 183, 192. Fowke, F. R. , 132. Fowler, G. J., 87. Foy, W., 37. Frackelton, Mrs. S. S. (Goodrich), 54. Fraipont, G., 18, 132. France. Commissariat general a 1 'Ex- position internationalc de Chicago, 69 (2), 85, 179. France. Commission francaise dn Jury international de l'Exposition uni- verselle de Londres, 99. France. Ministere de l'instruetion pub- lique et des beaux-arts, 100. Frangenheim, J. M., 113. Franke, W. B., 36, 127. Frankfort-on-the-Main. Verein zur Pflege der Photographic mid ver- wandter Kunste, 178. Fratti, L., 62. Frederick, F. F., 35. Freehand drawing, 104-109. Freeman, W., 80. French, A., 172, 213. French, G., 11, 121. French art, 30, 97-99. French bookbindings, 13, 14, 15. 18, 19. French furniture, 141, 147. French jewelry, 67. French sculpture, 35. French woodwork, 38. Fret-cutting, 41 . Friedel, H., 17. Frilling, H., 123. Fritz, G., 204 (2). Frothingham, A. L., t,^. Fry, S. H., 224. Fuchs, O., 112. Furniture, 140-147. Furtwangler, A., 37. Gale, J. R. C, 167. Galland, G., 35. Gamble, C. W., 197. Gamble. W., 177, 206. Gandy, W., 63. Gardner,J,. S., 23, 30, 60, 75, 93. Gamier, E., 55, 64 (2). Garrett, A., 146. Garrett, R., 146. Gasnault, P., 86. Gastine L., 226. Gawn, D. W., 189 Gayet, A., 125. Geddes, J. D., 181, 200. Gelatin processes (Photography). 197- 198. Gems, 36-41. Gentsch, W., 9. Geometric turning, 159-160. Georgi, M., 230. Germain, A. C., 41. Germain, F. T., 56. Germain T., 56. German art, 83. German bookbinding, 11, 17. German book-illustration, 96, 104, 105, „ 153- 154- German decoration, 97. German furniture, 142. German metal- work, 68. Germanisches Nationalmuseum, 26, 122, 130. Ghiberti, L., 75. Gibson, A. C, 32, 103. Giraldon, A., 18. Giraud, J. B., 72, 98. Glaister, E., 134. Glass, 137-140. Glass embossing, no. Glass-painting, 137-140. Glazier, R., 89. Gobet, N., 63, 92. Godwin, E. W., 146. Goldsmithing, 67, 72. Goncourt, E. L. A., 31, 101. Goncourt, J. A., 31, 101. Gonse, L., 32. Gontier, L., 92, g8, 138. Goodwin, T. G., 128. Gori, A. F., 48. Gothic woodwork, 38. Gotz, J. R., 186. Gouda. Sint-Jans-kerk, 140. Goudard, A. C., 45. Graef, A., 143. Graef, M., 143. Grasse, J. G. T., 51. Graul, R., 80. Grautoff, O., 104. Graves, R. E., 152. Great Britain. Patent Office. Library . 8, 172. Greek art, 29, 30. Greek ceramics, 56, 58, 65. Greek decoration, 94. Greek vases, 55. Grego, J., 109. Griffith, F. L., 42. Griggs, W., 14. 3 2 . 6 °. 75- I2 5- Grolier, J., 19 (2). Grolier Club, New York, 14. Gross, H., 123. Grosse, E., 28 (2). Grothe, H., 10. Group of Englishmen, 65, 93, 182. Grove, G., 147. Groves, W., 183. Growoll, A., 15. Grueber, H. A., 43 (2). 95. Gruel, L., 16, 17. 240 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Griines Gewolbe, Dresden, 26, 37, 67, 86. Grunewald, E., 192. Griinwcdel, A., 32, 103. Guasti, C, 24. Guerin, F-W., 207, 211. Gn i chard, E., 133. Guiffrey, J. J., 72, 98. Guild and School of Handicraft, 9, 84. Guild of Women-Binders, London, 21. Guizot, F. P. G., 147. Gum-bichromate process, 201, 202, 204, 205. Habert-Dys, , 81. Kaddon, A. C., 28, ^^, 90. Hagen, R., 1 10. Haillet de Couronnc, J. B. G., 61. Haite, G. C. 78, 109. Halfer, [., 15. Hall, M. R., 130. Hallowell, E. M., 77. Halstead, M., 230. Ham, C. H., 10. Hamerton, P. G., 78, 108, 150, 153, i59 ( 2 )- Hammer, E. W., 206. Hamot, G., 85. Hampe, T., 26, 122, 130. Hampstead Bindery, 21. Handbook of photography in colours, 227. Handbooks for photographers, 184, 199. Handbooks of the great craftsmen, 42, 66, 93. Handbuch der Architektur, 53, 89. Handbuch dcr Baukunde, 113. Handbuch der photographischen Ge- schaftspraxis, 192. Handbuch der Photographic, 169. Hand cameras, 189. Hannett, J., 15, 20. Hansard, T. C, 157. Hapgood, W. F., 174. Hara, S., 66, 102. Harbutt, W., 35. Hardwich, T. F., 185. I [argrave, J. H., 183. Harmony of colors, 149. Harms, B., 11. Harris, G. T., 2 10. Harrison, F. J ., 174. Harrison, W. J ., 174, 182,184. Hartshorne, A., 23, 30, 39, 137. Harvard University. Library, 160. Hasluck, P. N., 12, 117, 156, 171. I [atton, K. G., 104, 114. I lavard, H., 144 (2). I [avercamp, S., 48, 1.9, Ilawkcs, H. P., 165. 1 lawkins, D. W., 1 34. I lawkins, E., 44. I lawkins, N., 1 1 0. 1 [ayashi, T., 1 00. Hays, P. A., 105. Ila/.lill, W. C, 43. Head, Mrs ,13] Headlam, C, <'<>. 93. Heaton, A. G. , 4 1 Hubert, A.. 209, Hedley, W. S., 187, 208, 219. II i'd' iu, J., 157. Heighway, W., 171, 198. Helenc, Maxime, pseud., 70. Heliecourt, R. d', 51, 221. Helmer, P. F., 11. 121. Helmer, H., 11, 121. Hendley, T. H., 60. Henfrey, A., 179. Henfrey, H. W., 44. Henry, t, 45- Henry, W. E., 54, 167, 180. 207, 214, 221. Hepworth, T. C, 172. 176, 191, 223, 224, 226. Herrick, F. H., 219. Hessr. F., 157, 158, 204 (2). Heurck, H. van., 209, 217 (2), 220. Heyn, R., 113. Hiatt, C, 107. Hildebrand, H. 0. H., 34, 40, roo, 126. Hill, J. E., 118. Hinton, A. H., 107, 165, 180, 189, 199 (2), 203, 211. Hirth, G., 97, 142. History of art, 27-33, 89-104. Hitchcock, J. R. W., 158. Hittel, J. S., 34, 231. Hochegger, R., 154. Hodge, J. S., 11, 121. Hodges, J. A., 1S0, 191, 213, 224. Hodgkin, E., 64. Hodgkin, J. E., 64. Hodgson, F. T., 118. Hodson, J. S., 1 50. Hoffacker, K., 83. Hofmann, R., 124. Hofmann, W. N., 68 . Holbrook, T. S., 102. Holiday, H., 138. Holland, C, 165, 189. Holme, C, 42, 66, 87, 105, 158. Holmes, J., 124. Holmes, W. H., 56, 12^. Holt, R. B., 122. Holizapffel, C, 159. Holtzapffel, J. J., 1 59. Home decoration, [35-136, 142-146. Honegger, M., 1 10. I I( ipwi iod, II. \' , 225 Horgan, S. H., 205. Horn & Patzell , Gera, 1 7. Home, II. P., 1 , Hort, W*. P., 48. I [oudoy, J ., 127. House beautiful, 82. Iliiw td paint photographs, 105. 226 I I rdlicka, J ., 1 21). 1 Euber, A , 143 (2). Huberl , J ., 1 95. Ilul'l. A. Preiherrvon, [80, [97 (2), i<"> I |8 ( .' ) . 2 2 1). 1 [uddilston, I . II.. 65, >> i Huish, M B., t3i 1 Inline. P. Iv. 4 1 . 1 36. I [umphrey, S. I ) . 171 I tumphreys, II X . [6, 47. 1 turrell, J \V . [35, 1 40 BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 24I Husnik, J., 168. Huson, T., 205. Hymans, H., 161 . Iconographie encyclopedia, 33. lies, G., 7, 181 , 206. Illumination of mss. and books, 94, .109, 128. Illustration of books, 81, 96, 104-107, 150-154, 202-203. Image, S., 54- 7 8 - Imitation of marbles, 80. Imitation of woods, 80. Immersion photography, 218. In Nature's image, 212. Index of photographic trade names, 171. India Museum, 231. Indian art, 32, 103. Indirect photography of colors, 228- 229. Indo-European porcelain, 64. Indonesian art, 33. Indoor photography, 207, 214. Industrial Art League, 89. Industrial arts, 90. Industrial science drawing, 120. Inglis, J., 192, 207, 214. Instantaneous photography, 209-210. Institut international de bibliographic 162. Interference heliochromy, 227, 228. Interieurs, 143. Interior decoration, 135-137. Interior photography, 207. International annual of Anthony's pho- tographic bulletin , 174. International Correspondence Schools, Scranton, Pa., 76, 149. International Health Exhibition, Lon- don, 1884, 126. Iridescent glass, 137-140. Irish lace, 133. Ironwork, 66-75, : 44- lsenthal, A. W., 208, 220. Italian art, 84, 99, 100. Italian ceramics, 52, 56, 61, 62, 63. Ives, F. E., 183, 205, 228. Ives, H. C, 230. Ivories, 41, 57. Ivory workers, 42. Jaccaci, A., 107. Jackson, C. F., 118 Jackson, Mrs. E., 131. Jackson, Mrs. F. N., 131. Jackson, W. H., 231 (2). Jacob, P. L., bibliophile, 19, 155, 161. Jacob, S. S., 60. Jacquemart, A., 73 (2), 127 146. Jacquemart, J., 20, 46. Jacquez, E., 183. Jaenicke, F., 51. Jahrbuch der hamburgischen wissen- schaftlichen Anstalten, 66. Jahrbuch fur Photographic, 178. Jansen, H., 151. Japan. Commission imperiale a 1' Ex- position universelle de Paris, 1900, 32, 102. Japanese art, 31-32, 101-103. Japanese pottery, 51, 57, 102. Japanese seals, 57. Japanese sword guards, 66. Japanese wood-carving, 42. Jenkins, C. F., 226. Jenkins, H., 205. Jennings, A. S., 121. Jennings, I. H., 216. Jervis, W. P., 50, 54. Jessel, L., 138. Jesup North Pacific Expedition, 122. Jesurum, E., 131. Jewelry, 36-43, 66-74. Jewish coins, 46. Jewitt, L., 56, 146. Jeypore enamels, 60. Job, H. K., 219. John Crerar Library, 230. Johnson, R., 168, 195. Jones, C, 168, 180. Jones, H. C, 230. Jones, O., 29, 88, 102, 128 (2). Jones, W., 39. Jopling, J., 114. Jourdain, M., 130. Journal of Indian art, 32. Jousse, M., 75. Joy forever, 24. Jubilaums-Gewerbe-A usstellung in Wicn, 143. Julianus, F. C, Emperor of Rome, 50. June, Jennie, pseud., in. Junior photographer, 177. Just, E. A., 198. Kaiserling, C, 166. Kautzch, R., 80, 153. Kaye, J. W., 231. Keane, A. H., 33. Kearton , C. , 218, 219. Kearton, R., 218 (2), 21c). Keary, C. F., 44. Keller, H., 75. Keller, M. J., 114. Kellerhoven, F., 28. Kelmscott Press, 123. Kempe, A. B., 120. Kennedy, R., 192. Kennion, E., 109. Kent, W. W., 144. Kenyon, R. L., 44, 45. Keramische Monatshefte 59. Keuffel & Esser Co., New York, 117. Ki, Y., 32, 102. Kiesling, , 215. King, C. W., 40. Kingsley, R- G., 30. Kirsch, B., 117. Kissling, J., 55, 220. Kittredge, A. O., 120. Klary, C., 195 (2), 212. Klier, H., 51. Koch, A., 83, 131. Koch, A., architect, 34. Koehler, S. R., 159. Kolle, F. S., 187, 208, 220. Koppe, C, 216. Koppel, B., 32. 242 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Kostersitz, K.. 215. Kracht H., 117 Kraus, H. T. C, 1 17 Krausc. G. C, 1 44. Krauss, J. U.. 1 28 Kn eh, G., 227. Krehbiel, H. E., 7. Kremer, F., 192. Kristeller, P., 1 s v Krohn, P., 80. Kronthal, P., 79. Kucnemann, H., 125. Kunstgewerbeblatt, 83. Kunstgewerbe-Museum. Berlin, 55. Kunz, G. F., 39. Kurz welly, A., 80. Kutschmann, T., 96, 105. Labarte, J., 951. Lace, 129-135. Lacroix, P., 19, 28, 98, 155. Lafaye, P., 99, 139. La Forgue, J., 106. La Gournerie, J. de, 114. Lainer, A., 153, 196, 205. Lalanne, M., 159. Lambert, F., 135. Lambert, F. C, 87, 180 (2). Landscape drawing, 109. Landscape photography, 210, 212-214. Langalerie, C. de, 156. Langman, Mrs. H. E. 131. Lantern record, 176, 190, 222. Lantern slides, 222-224. Lanterns (Photography), 190-191, 222- 224. Lapparent, P. de, 148. Larsson, G., 39. Lasteyrie du Saillant, R. C. comte de, 70, 74, 98. Launay, N. de, 56. Laurent-Daragon, C, 72. Laurie, A.. P., 107, 148, 203. Laussedat, A., 215, 216. Lauter, W. H., 10. Lavergne, N., 138. Laynaud, L., 202. Lead work, 69. Leaper, C. J., 166, [85, r88. Leather work, 42, 121. Leaves (Decoration), 123. Le Breton, G., 27, 45, 86. Leclanche, L., 34, 91. Lecocq, G., 50, 57, 98. Lecocq, J., 50, 57 (2), 98. Lectures on art, 24, 28, 82. Ledieu, A., 1 6, Lefebure, E., 1 33. U Eevre, L., 53 (2). Le Gascon, , 19. Li grand, V., 85. Le Gray, G., 171. Li lini.-iini Pilhes, M., 122. Lehrn 1 1 , G., 63. Lehnert, II., 34. .43- L< inhaas, G. A., 135. L< ip ic. Kunstgew< rbi Museum, 1 33 Leisching, E., 34. Leland, C. G., 68, 87. ! irmant, F.. 45. Lenses (Photography). 186, 191. L 1 mardo da Vinci. 115. Li quatre, G.. 157, 204. Le Ra . P.. 91. Le Roux de Lincy, A. J V., in L sing, J.. 126, 135. Lethaby, W. R., 22. 25, 69. Lettering, 1 10-1 12. Library of Congress, 135. Liebert, A., 170. Liesegang, F. P.. 186. [91, 210. Liesegang, P. E., 200. Liesegang, R. E., 184, 187 (3). 200, 229. Light (Photographic chemistry), 183- 185, 187. Light arid shade. 106, 108, 112. Lighting (Photography), 191, 192, 194. Linas, C. de, 73. Lindsay, J .. 48. Linear perspective, 1 12-1 14 Linton, W. J., 154. Lippmann process, 227, 228. Litchfield, F., 52 (2), 53. Lithography, 156-158. •Livermore, A. E., 209. Liverpool. Public Libraries, Museums. and Art Gallery, 7,22. Liverpool and Manchester photographic journal, 176. Liverpool photographic journal, 176. Living pictures, 225. Lockwood, L. V., 104, 141. Lockwood, M. S.. 134. Loescher, F., 213. Londe, A., 167, 209. Long. A. H., 59. Long, E., 108, 1 ()(), 214 Longfellow, W. P. I'.. 112. Lostalot, A. de, 40, 144. Lothrop, B. M., 214. Loubat, J. F. due de, 46. Louchet-Bernaud, G., 85. Louvre, Musee du, 27 (2), 60, 71, 1 so- Low, J. G. & J. F., Chelsea. Mass.. 65, Lowell, Mass. City Library, if>o. Lubbock, J., 1st baron Aveburv. 43, 44. Lubke, W., 28. Lumiere, A., 179. Lummer, <)., 184. Lund, P., 177 (2). Luther, R., [84. Lydon, P, P., 9. I.\ rich, A., 18. \L. \\'., 90. MacCord, C W., 1 19(2) Mackail, [. W., 39, Macklin, 11. \V., 55, 70. McLaughlin, M. L.. 57. Maclean, 1 1 ., to8, 2 1 j. M.-Na.nee, |. 11. 11.. 1 \. Madden, P. \\\. 46. Maddox, R. L 182. Madras, Presidencj Am Committee, 101. Magic lanterns 190-191, 222-334. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 243 Maginnis, C. D., 105 (2). Magne, L., 98, 138. Magnier, D., 53. Mahrisches Gewerbe-Museum in Brurm, 143- Maindron, E., 106, 109. Maison, R., 33. Majolica, 56, 61, 62. Malacarne, V., 92. Malagola, C, 62. Manchester, F. E., 130. Manesse, L., 18. Manly, T., 201 . Mann, W., 112. Mantel, H., 133. Manual training, 9-1 1. Manual training magazine, 9. Manufacture nationale des tapisseries des Gobelins et tapis de la Savon- nerie, 134. Maratta, C, 24. Marble imitation, 80. Marbling (Bookbinding), 15, 18. Marfels'sche Uhren-Sammlung, 71. Marion & Co., London, 166. Marius Michel, H., 18. Marius Michel, J., 18. Marks, M., 77, 82. Marquand, A., 33. Marquetry, 142. Marshall, A., 42, 144. Marshall, W. C, 118. Martel, C, 149. Martin, F. R., 31, 35, 53, 101 (2), 103, 104, 122, 123 (2), 131. Maskell, A., 31, 204. Maskell, W., 41, 90. Masner, K., 80. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 118, 199. Materiaux et documents d 'architecture, 34- Matthews, J. B., 14. Matthews, W,. 14. Maude, Mrs. M. (Emery), 80. Maul, J., 17. Maumene, A., 80. Maxe-Werly, L., 139. Mayeux, H., 78. Mazza, D., 62. Mead, S. W., 108. Mechanical drawing, 1 16-120. Mecken, I. van, 160. Medals, 44-50. Medicean porcelain, 64. Medieval alphabets, 112. Medieval art, 30, 95. Meier-Graefe, J., 106. Meldola, R., 181, 185. Meldon, L., 183. Mell, P. H., 217. Menard, R., 72, 145. Mennil, H. 19. Mercator, G., 192, 196, 198, 200, 207, 221 , 223. Metal engraving, 155-156. Metal roofing, 68. Metal- work, 66-75. Meteyard, E., 64, 65 (3), 93(2), 182. Metz, R., 18. Metzger, M., 68. Meurer, M., 124. Meusnier, G., 67, 97. Meye, H., 35. Meyer, A., 60. Meyer, A. B., 39. Meyer, A. G., 140. Meyer, F. S. 69, 76, 77. Micklethwaite, J. T., 24, 28, 82. Microphotography, 216-217. Middleton, G. A. T., 213. Miethe, A., 162, 178 (2). Migeon, G., 86, 97. Military photography, 215. Millar. A., 78. Millar, W., 35. Miller, F., 12, 13, 23, 38, 60, 67, 77, 81, 123, 136, 138. Miller, L, W., 113. Miller, M. T., Philadelphia, 48. Millin, A. L., 75. Mills, F. W., 185, 207. Minkus, F., 80. Miron, F., 166. Modeling, 35. Modern book-bindings, 12. Modern book-plates, 160. Modern methods of illustrating books, 169, 202. Moderne Composition en fur Spitzen, 132. Moderne Schriften und Alphabete, no. Molini, G.,, 91. Molinier, E., 70, 71 (2), 86. Monachesi, Mrs. N. di R., 54, 148. Moneys, 43-50. Monkhouse, W. C, 63, 102. Monograms (Ceramics), 52, 53. Monograms (Drawing) , 1 1 o- 1 1 1 . Monographien des Kunstgewerbes, 50, 101, 122, 137. Monographien zur deutschen Kultur- geschichte, 153. Montagna, A., 201. Montagu, H., 45. Montanari, G. I., 62. Montesquiou, R. comte de, 67. Montpellier. Musee archeologique, 41. Monumental brasses, 70. Monuments, 36. Moore, A. O., 77. Moore, T., 187, 208, 219. Morell, A., 48, 49. Morley, H., 63, 92. Morris, W., 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 76, Si 82, 84,88, 89, 123, 126, 153. Morse, E. S., 51, 102. Morse, F. C, 140. Morse collection of Japanese pottery, 51. Morton, W. J., 206. Mosaics, 137. Motion (Photography), 225-226. Mouillot, A., 157, 204. Muller, H., 172. Muller, K., 209. Muller, R., 124. 244 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Mullins, W. H., Salem, O.. 68. Municipal art, 22. Muntz. E., 133. Murchison, H. E., 183. Musee areheologique de Montpellier, 41 . Musee "Baron van den Bogaerde," 27. Musee ceramique, Sevres, 64 Musee de Rouen, 45. Musee du Louvre, 27 (2), 60, 71, 86. Musee du Louvre. Departement des objets d'art du moyen age, de la renaissance et des temps modernes, 139- Museum fiir Volkerkimde. Berlin, 26 (2). Museums, 26-27, 85-87. Muther, R., 154. Muthesius, H., 80. Muybridge, E., 115. Namias, R., 183. Nantgarw ceramics, 54. National Art Library, South Kensing- ton, 15, 54. National drawing books. 106. National Lithographers' Association, 157- Natural education series. 85. Natural science and art, 23. Nature in ornament, 78. Nature portraits, 211. 218. Nature series, 120, 185. Naumann, P.. 1 10. Needlework, 129-135. Negative processes (Photography), 193- 201. Nelson, C. A., 8. Neuer Schauplatz der Kiinste und Handwerke, 39. Neuer Schriften-Atlas, no. Neuhauss, R., 216, 217, 228. Neville, J. W., 149, 196. New England Institute, 82. New York State Library, 47. Newcomb, E. W., 174. Newton, C. T., 65. Niceron, J. F., 114. Nichol, W., 157. Nichols, G. W., 26, 64. Nicholson, J. B., 20. Nicol, J., 173. Niewenglowski, G. H., t66, [81, [93, 208. Nordgren, C. 0., 123. Northcott, W. H., 160. Norton, C. E., 23, 24 (2), 76, 78, 151. Norton, C. G., 190. Notizie storiche e poesie sui cavalli di Vene/.ia, 75. Numismatics, 43-50. Numismatology, 50. Nye, A. C., 141. ( )bjectives (Photography) . 1 86. Obshchestva pooshchreniya khudozh nikov, 1 1 1 1 >kakoura, K., ^2, 102. Old, W W . 64 < »|it ics ( I 'h >\< igraphy) . 1 84 1 86. Orf< in I, II , 1 9 1 . Oriental and occidental, . . portrait types, 161. I I utal art, 31, 101 . Oriental lace, 131 . Oriental metal-work, 68. 1 > L< utal rugs, 121-123, 125, 126. Ornamental design. 1 21-129. Ornementation usuelle, 84, 90. Orrinsmith, H., 15, 78. n ini, F., 49. Ostcrrcichisches Handels-Museum, k. k., 68, 1 01. Ottley, W. Y., 155. Otto, A. F., 102. Ourdan, J. P., 195. Oxford. University. Radcliffe Obser- vatory, 216. Ozotype process, 201. Paar, J., 164, 182, 222. Pabst, A., 169. Packham, J., 180. Painted vases, 65. Painters magazine, 128, 129. Painting, 147-149. Painting and decorating, 128, 129. Palissy, B.-, 62 (2), 63 (2), 92 (4). Palliser, Mrs. B., 130. Palliser, Mrs. F. M., 130. Paltridgc, G. H., 164. Paper flowers, 130. Paris. Exposition Internationale de, 1900, 9, 32. Paris. Exposition universelle de 1855, 85- Paris. Exposition universelle de 1867, 19. Parker, J. H.. [37 Parkinson, R., 39. Parry, E. J., 147. Parsons text book. 11 1, 156. Parzer-Muhlbacher, A., 163. Passed, G. B., 62. Putin, C, 49, 50. Pattern book for jewellers, gold- and silversmiths, 72. Pattern coins, 44, 45. Patterns (Jewelry), 72. Pattison, Mrs. Mark, 35, 97, 141. Payne, E., 187, 208, 219. Pazaurek, (■. E., 1 57. Pedrick, G., 36. Pen drawings, 105, 107. Penfield, E., 106. Penlake, R., 188, 194. I\ nnell, Mrs. E. R., 156. Pennell, J., 106 (2), 107, 150, 156. Pennsylvania. University. Schoolof Ar chitecture, 105. P( nrose's pictorial annual, 177. Perforated carving, 41 . Perfume holders, 07. I Vi kins, T., 1 S3. Perrot, G., 39 (\|). 3°(3>- Pi 1 ;ian art , 29, 103, 104. ! ' .1,111 ceramics, <> 1 . 1 ' 1 iau rugs, 1 ; Perspective, ua-114. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 245 Peruvian art, 33. Peruvian pottery, 55. Pesaro majolica, 62. Pesel, L. F., 132. Petit, J., 161. Petrie, W. M. F., 93. Pettit, J. S., 150, 170. Pfister, F. J., 11, 121. Pfnor, R., 84. Philadelphia. International Exhibi- tion, 1876, 34. Phillips, C. E. S., 209. Phillips, J., 38. Phoenician art, 30. Photo era, 174, 211. Photo- American, 174. Photo-aquatint, 204, 205. Photo-beacon, 174. Photo-ceramics, 50, 51, 54, 55, 201, 220, 221. Photochemistry, 184-185. Photo-Club in Wien, 178. Photo-electrotyping, 204. Photo-engraving, 202-203, 205-206. Photogram, 171, 176, 189. Photographic almanac, 176. Photographic apparatus, 182-192. Photographic chemistry, 183-188. Photographic enamels, 50, 51, 54, 55, 201 , 220, 221 . Photographic handbook, 229. Photographic handy-books, 168, 185, 199, 214. Photographic journal, 176, 179. Photographic materials, 182-196. Photographic mosaics, 175. Photographic news, 176. Photographic primers, 193, 210. Photographic review, 177. Photographic Society of Great Britain, Royal , 179. Photographic Society of London, 1 79. Photographic surveying, 215-216. Photographic times almanac, 173. Photographic times-bulletin, 175. Photographic trade and industry, 192- 193- . , Photographische Bibliothek, 190, 222, 226. Photographische Chronik, 178. Photographische Correspondenz, 178. Photographs, Collections of, 230-231. Photographs of animals, 218-219. Photographs of birds, 218-219. Photographs of sculpture, 34. Photography, 162-231. Photography annual. 177. Photography as a business, 193. Photography bookshelf, 169, 189, 201, 226. Photography for profit, 1S0. Photography for the press, 180 Photography, the journal of the ama- teur, the profession, and the trade, 177. Photogravure, 205-206. Photolithography, 204-205. Photo-mechanical impressions, 201-204. Photomicrography, 216-217. Photo-miniature, 175. Photo-printing, 201-204. Phototypes, 201-203. Photoxylography, .205. Piccolpassi, C, 58. Pictorial satire, 105, 109. Pictures of birds and flowers, 103. 10S. Pike, J., 223. Pilditch, F. W., 210. Pinhole photography, 185. Pinkerton, J., 48. Piqucpe, P., 194, 201. Piquet, P., 112. Piumati, G., 115. Pizzighelli, G., 163. Plain directions for obtaining photo- graphic pictures, 171. Plant forms (design), 109, 123, 124. Plant studies, 109. Plaster casts, 35. Plate, 37, 40. Pleyte C. M., 3^. Plon, E., 91. Plowden, E. R., 38. Point lace, 130-131, 134. Poker work, 80. Pollard, A. W., 12, 131, 153. Pollard, P., 106. Pollen. J. H., 72, 146. Polychromatic decoration, 126-127, x 3 h - Pompeian decoration, 94. Ponton, A. C, 185. Poole, R. S., 24, 28, 82. Popelin, C, 58, 60 (2). Popular photographic series, 172, 188, IQ4, 2IO (2), 214. 221. 223, 224- Porcelain, 50-66. Portalis, R., 91 . Portfolio, 14, 25, 37. Portraits, 107, 108, 160, 214. Posern, F., 113. Posselt, E. A., 124. Posters, 105-109. Pottery, 50-66. Pottery gazette, 59. Pottier, E., 56, 94. Pourtales, Galerie, 73. Pouy, F., 73. Powdered colors (Photography), 200- 201. Powell, J., 183. Poynter, E. J., 24, 28, 82. Practical and Jui ior photographer 177. Practical photographer. 177 (2) Practical photographer series. 193. Pratt, R., 112. Precious stones, 36-41. Prescott, H. B., 8. Prideaux, S. T., 15. Prignot, E., 145. Prime, W. C. 46. 64. Primitive art, 28 Principia typographica , 155. Pringle, A., 169, 180, 190. 217. 223. Printing times and lithographer, 157. Process photogram, 17T. Process yearbook, 177. 246 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Projection (Photography), 190- 191, 222-224. Prost, B.. 70. Protection pictorially presented, 105. Providence Art Club. 26, 85. Pugin, A. W. N., 74, 137. Pulszky. C. von. 134. Pungileoni, L., 62. Pushtnan, G. T.. 121. Putnam, F. P.. 160. Putnam. F. W., 161. Putnam, J. P.. 145. Pyrography, So, 87. Quaritch. 6.. London, 13, 17. Quentel, P.. 133. Quignon, G., 85. Racinet, A., 88, 127 (2). Radeliffe Observatory, 216. Radiography (Photography), 187, 206. 208, 209. Raguenet, A., 34. Ralph, E. S., 11, 121 . Rambert, C, 82. Ram Bux, son of Esur, 60. Randall, J. H., 183. Ranghiasci Brancalconi, F., marchese, 62. Rathbone, R. L. B., 69, 78. Raymer, F., 191. Read, C. H., 23, 30, 39, Reber, F. von, 27. Reber, S., 167. Record of art in 1898, 160. Redford, G.. 36. Redgrave, G. R., 79. Redgrave, R., 79. Regamey, F., 31 . Reicke. E., 1 53. Reid, I).. 117. Reid, J. S., 117 (2). Rein. J. J., 103. Reinhardt, C. W.. in, 117. Reiset, F., 27, 86. Reiss, R. A., 182, 197. Reiss, W., 32. Renaissance art, 30, 35, 71. Repousse work, 67. K< touching (Photography), 194-196. Rcyner, A., 178. Reynolds, Sir J., 34. Rhead, L. J., to6, 230. Rheims". Cathedral, 139. Riano, J. F., 30. Ricardo, II., 22, 25. Rich, Sir C. H., 74. Richmond, W. B . 24, 28, 82 Richmond, W. D., 157, 158, 204. Riddell, J. L., 48. Rigollot, M. J., 28, 90. Rings, 39. Riocreux, D., 64. kioux de Maillou, P., 86, Ris-Paquot, 0. E. 41, 56, 57, 6i (2), 148. Rix, W. P., 54, 78. Robert, P. C, 47, 97. Roberts, M. E., 130. Robertson, 1. D., 46. Robins, E. A., 209. Robinson, C. M., 22. Robinson. E., 26, 55. Robinson. E. J.. 125. Rol G. T., 35. Robinson, H. P., 193 (2), 199, 212 213 (2). 214 (2). Ri 'hinson, V. J., 125. Rock, D., 127. Roentgen Society of London, 187, 208, 2 19. Roeper, A., 68, 142. Roettiers, J. J., 56. Rogers, W. S., 105. Rohr, M. von, 186. Roman art, 70, 94. Roman ceramics, 58. Roman coins. 48-50. Roman vases, 55. Rome. Museo artistico-industriale, 125. Ron tgen rays (Photography), 1S7-206. 208, 209. Rooke, N. 12. Rookwood pot f ery, 89. Roosevelt, T., 218. Roscoe, Sir H. E.. 185. Rosenlecher. R., 196. Rosenmund, M., 215. Rosner, K., 97; 142. Ross, B., 116. Rothwell, C. F. S., 224. Rouaix, P., 79. Rouen faience, 61. Rovien. Musee. 27. 45. Rowe, E., 38 (2). 39, 97, 142. Rowland, S., 187, 208, 219. Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain 179. Ruelens C, 161. Rugs, 121-123, 12^, 126. Rundell, F. P., .47. Ruskin, J., 23, 24 (2), 76, 78, 84. 89, 151 . Russia. Imperial Slate Paper Manu- factory, 1 59. Russian art, 31 . S., A. M, 131. Sal achnikov, T., 115. Sahba da Castiglione, 92. Sachse, J. F., 173. Sacred beetle, 42. Saint -Clair. J. P., 229. Si Mark's, Venice. 75, S ilvetat, A., 58. Sanderson, T. J. Cobden-, 22, 25. Sardi, A., 49. Sardinian art . 20. Saunier, ('.. .).}. 69, 92. Sauzay, A , 139(3). Savage, A. D., 55 Savi 'iv. U.S. [59 Saward, B. C, 1 $3 Sawyer, ] . R., 200. Scandinavian art . 100. Scandlin, \V 1 . , 173. 174. Scarabs, \2 Seliarf, G., jr., 1 | 7. Scheiner, | , 215. S< llellk. (' , 36. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 247 Schenk, L. C, pub., 108. Schirek, C, 143. Schlegel, A. W. von, 74. Schlegel, C, 48. Schmidt, H., 190, 222, 226. Schmidt, J., 35. Schnauss, H., 182, 192, 206, 222. Schnauss, J., 205. Schongauer, M., 160. Schrank, L., 178, 193. Schroeder, H., 186. Schubert, A., 56. Schubert von Soldern, Z. Ritter, 81. Schultze-Naumburg, P., 148. Schumacher, F., 80. Schwalbe, B., 227. Schwedeler-Meyer, E., 80. Schweinfurth, J. A., 109. Schweizerischer Photographen-Verein, 178, Schwenke, F., 145. Schwier, K., 50, 178, 221. Scottish furniture, 145. Scottish woodwork, 40. Sculpture, 33-36. Seals (Carving), 36, 40, 47. (Numismatics), 47. Seitz, J., 75. Selby, P. J., 152. Selden, J., 49. Sensitized papers (Photography), 188, 198. Sevres. Manufacture nationale de por- celaine, 64. Sevres porcelain, 58, 64. Senior, E., 227. Seyewetz, A., 164. Seymour, W. W., 89. Shadbolt, G., 176. Shadows (Drawing), 11 2-1 13. Sharp, A. M., 131. Sharpe, R. B., 219. Sharpe, S., 29. Shaw, H., 30, 88, 109, 112, 128. Sheldon, E. L., 31 . Sheldon, F. M., 11, 121. Sheldon, M. French-, 31. Sheraton, T., 143. Shotei Watanabe, 103, 108. Sicilian ceramics, 61. Sickingen, F. de, 73. Siddon, G. A., 39. Sign writing, 110-112. Silver, A., 78. Silver salts (Photography), 197-199. Silversmithing, 66, 72. Simpson, G. W., 176. Sinclair, J. A., 181, 200. Singer, H. W., 150, 202. Singleton, E., 141. Skelton, T. S., 180. Sketching, 104-109. Slater, J. H., 152. Slingsby, R., 210. Small, J. W., 40, 95, 145. Smith, Adele M., 12. Smith, Alfred M., 44. Smith, F. P., 174. Smith, J. M., 144. Smith, J. W., 205. Smith, Sir R. M., 29. Smith, W., 26, 34, 82. Smithsonian Institution , 231. Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American Ethnology, 56, 125. Snowdcn, J. R., 47(2). Social pictorial satire, 105. Societa fotografica italiana, 17c). Societe archeologiquc de Nantes, nn Societe d 'encouragement des artiste ?34- Societe d'instruction populaire supe- rieure, 181. Societe francaise de photographic, 162, 179, 200, 215. Society of Antiquarians, 132. Society of Arts, 136. Society of Decorative Art, Chicago. 88. Solis, V., 160. Sollet, C. 162, 198. Solon, L. M.. 63. Soltykoff, P., prince, 74. Sommerville, M., 37. Sotheby, S., 155. Sotheby. S. L., 155. Soule Art Company, Boston, 7. South American art (Prehistoric), 32. South Kensington Museum, 29, 30, 31, 40, 41, 62, 72 (2), 79, 88, 90, 100, 127, 146. South Kensington Museum. National Art Library, 8 (2), 15, 54. Spanheim, E., 50. Spanish art, 30, 100. Spanish ceramics, 61. Spanish jewelry, 72, 100. Spanton, J. H., 113. Sparkes, J. C. L., 63. Sparkes, W. E., 106. Spielmann, M. H., 107. Spofford, Mrs. H. E. (Prescott), 145. Sponsel, J. L., 106. Sprange, W., 173, 175. Squier, E. G., 42. Stackel, R., 71. Stained glass, 137-140. Stasov, V., 134. Stassoff, W., 134. Steel engraving, 155-156. Stegmann, H., 26, 122, 130. Steigerwalt, C, 45. Stenopaic photography, 185. Stephani, K. G., 96. Stephenson, C, 124. Stereopticon , 190-191 222-224. Stereoscopic cameras, 190. Stereoscopy, 224. Sternberg, G. M., 217. Stiefel, H. C, 168. 188. Stieglitz, A., 174. Stockbauer, J., 18. Stockholm. Allmanna konst- och in- dustri-utstallningen ,31. Stolze, F., 165, 190, 213, 223. Story, A. T., 181. Strang, W., 150, 202. 248 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. Strange. E. F.. i i i . Stratz. C. H.. 114 (2). Streeter, E. W., 38. Stubel, A.. 32. Studien zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte, 1 53 (2). 158, I O: 10- Studio, 12, 66. 83 (2), 87 160 (2), 161. Studios (Photography), 191-192. Sturgis, R., 7. j 41 . Sturmey, H.. 177. t8i. Suddards, F., 124. Suffling, E. R. 1 37. Sunlight and shadow, 212. Surface, M., 172, 224. Surveying (Photography), 215-216. Susse, A., 69. Sutton, T., 171 . Swannell, M., 106. Swansea ceramics, 54. Swedish bookbinding, 19. Sword guards, 66. Syrian art, 29. Tadd, J. L., 85. Tainturier, A., 62, 92. Talbert, B. ]., 73, 88. Tallent, A. A. K., 227. Tapestry, 127, 128, 131-134. Taylor, C. M., 188. Taylor, J. H., 183. Tajdor, J. S., 148. Taylor, J. T., 176. 185, c86. Taylor, M., 231. Techener, J. J., 20. Technical drawing series, 119. Technical education, 9-1 1. Teknisk tidskrift, 84. Telephotography, 186, 191. 229. Tennant, J. A., 175. Texier, abbe , 79. Text books of ornamental design, 77, 78 (2), 81, in , 130. Textile fabrics, 121-129. Thanet, Octave, pseud., 172, 213. Thoinan, E., 15. Thomas, W., 180. Thompson, E. E. S., 115. Thompson, S. P., 184. Thompson, W. D., 80. Thorns, P. P., 58. Thomson, J., 170, 182, 206. Thorburn, W. S., 43, 45. Three color photography, 227-228. Tijou, J., 75, 93. Tiles, 65. Tintypes [97, Tissandier, G., 170, 182, 206. Todd, F. I)., 87, 165 (3). 174. 194. 207, 214. Todd. M. P., 121. Toifel, W. P., 158. Tokens, 44, 47. Tonn, E., 227. Townsend, C. P., 165, 184. Townsend, W. G. P., 132. Trade schools, 9- 1 1 . Training of a craftsman, 13, 23, 38, 60, 67, 81, 123, 136, 138. Tranchant. L.. 201 . Triggs, O. L., 89. Tronquois, E., 32. 102. Trutat, E., 183, 210. 223, 225. Tuckerman, A., 185. Turck, E., 142. Turner, W., 54, 96. Turning, Geometric. 159-160. Tuthill, W. B., 116, 120. Two paths, 24. 76. Uhle, M., 32. Uhlenhuth, E., 36, 115. Union centrale des arts decoratifs, 2^, 83, 84, 86. Union centrale des beaux-arts, 71, 72. 85, 87, 98. Union internationale de photographn . 178. Union nationaledes societ6s photogra- phiques de France, 178. U. S. A. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Education, 11. U. S. A. Department of the Interior. Geological and Geographical Sur- vey of the Territories, 231 (2). U. S. A. Library of Congress, 135. U. S. A. War Department. Library, 230. Upholstery, 140. Upholstery and drapery guide, 1 22. 140 Ursinus, F., 49. Useful arts and handicrafts, 11, 42. 87, 1 21. Uzanne, 0., 13. 18. Vachon, M., 86, 87, 98, 100. Vaillant, J. Fov-, 49 (2). Valenta, E., 1X4. [88, [89, 228. Van Heurck. H., 209, 217 (2). 220. Varlot, L., 155. 161. Varusoltis pseud.. 155, 161. Vases, 55, 58, 65. Vecellio, ('., 152, 1 54. Venice. San Marco, 75. Verboom, A., 132. Verein zur Beforderung des Ge"werb- flcisses, 10. Verein zur Prlege der Photographic' trad verwandter Kunste, Frankfort-on- the-Main, 1 78. Verfasser, J., 203. Vettori, F., 49. Vever, H., 69. Vibert, J. G., 148. Vidal, L., 205 (2). Vienna. Club der Industnellen fur Wohnungs-Einrichtung, 86, 141 Vienna. Jubilaums - Gewerbe - Ausstel - lung, 143- ,. , Vienna. K. k. Osterreicmscbes llan- dels-Museum, 6S, 101 . Vienna Photo club, 1 78 Vienna. Photographische Gesellschaft, 178. Vienna. Universitat. Philosophische Gesellschafl , 34. Villain, A . 205. Villanova, I-. de, 1 3a Vine, C. J., 107, jo 3. BOOKS ON INDUSTRIAL ARTS. 249 Vinycomb, J., 151. Viol'let-le-Duc, E. E., 31, 78, 99, 147 Vischer, H., 66, 93. Vischer, P., 66, 93. Vitoux, G., 225. Vogel, E., 165, 168. Vogel, H. W., 164, 169, 183, t86. Vogt, G., 55. Volkmer, O., 203, 204, 206. Vuillaume, M. de, 70. Waldack, C, 1 70. Walker, L., 132. Wall, E. J., 166, 171, 177. 200, 201. 204. Wall-paper, 126, 128-129. Wall paper trade journal, 128. Wallace, E., 167. Wallihan, A. G., 218. Wallihan, Mrs. M. A. (Higgins), 21 8. Wallis, H., 30, 52 (2), 61, 93, 100 (2). Walmsley, W. H., 216. Ward, C. E., 176. Ward, H. S-, 54, 87, 167, 176, 20S, 209, 220, 221 . Ward, James, 27, 77, 89. Ward, John, 42. Waring, J. B., 30, 57, 128, 137. Warnecke, F., 160. Warren, S. E., 120. Warren. W. J., 201. Washington medals, 47. Watches, 71, 74, 143. Watson, J. F., 231. Watson, R. M., 143. Watt, J. C, 94. Watt, W., 146. Watts, W. A., 181, 183. Wedgwood. J., 64, 65 (2), 93. Wedgwood, T., 65, 93, 182. Wedgwood ware, 65. Weigel. T. O., 154. Weilandt, C 155. Weisbach, W., 153. Welford, W. D., 169. 177, 189. Werge, J., 172, 182. Wesseling, P., 48. Western Electric Co., 231. Westropp, H. M., 41, 65. Wharton, E., 77, 143. Wheatley, H. B., 16. Wheeler, Mrs. C. T., 135. Wheeler, G., 190, 223. Wheeler, O. E., 215. Whelpley, G. F., 156. White, G., 15, 54, 69, 78, 107. Whole art of bookbinding, 20. Why my photographs are bad, 188. Wignier, C., 61. Wijngaerden, C. J. de L. van, vrijheer, 10 r , 140. Wilkinson, W. T., 167, 170, 181, 200, 203 (2). Williams, H. W., 109. Williamson Free School of Mechanical Trades, 10. Willson, F. N., in, 113, 119 (2). Wilson, E. L., 108, 147, 170 (2), 171, 175 (2), 203. Wilson, H., 66. Wilson, T. M., 10. Wilson, V. T., 113. Wilson's photographic magazine, 775 Winston, C, 139. With nature and a camera, 218. Wood, H. F., 169, 202. Wood-carving, 38-43. Wood-engraving, 153-155. Wood imitation, 80. Wood staining, 142. Woodbury, W. E., 172, 173, 175, 198. Woodland and meadow, 212. Woolen fabrics, 124. Woolnough, C. W., 18. Worcester china, 66. Worden, J., 171. Wornum, R. N., 124. Worthen, W. E., 120. Woven fabrics, 121-122, 124, 128. Wright, F. A., 113. Wyatt, M. D., 128. Wyzewa, T. de, 55. X rays (Photography), T87, 206, 208. 209. Xanthian marbles, 36. Xylographie de rimprimerie troyenne. i55, 161. Xylography, 153-155. Yearbook of photographv. 177. Yellott, O. L., 223. Young, J. J., 57. Zaehnsdorf, J. W., 16. Zaehnsdorf, London, 16 (2). Zeitsehrift fur bildende Kunst. 83. Zenker, W., 227. Zestermann, A., 154. Zimmermann, K., 17. Zincography, 158. Zucker, A., 184 REGULATIONS The library is open to the public every day, excepting Sundays, from 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. Books shelved in the Reading Room may be consulted without formality, but after use are to be left on the tables, instead of being replaced on the shelves. Current periodicals may be consulted within the periodical alcove; and may be obtained for use at the tables in the Reading Room by presenting to the Periodical Clerk a serial call-slip properly filled out. Books not shelved in the Reading Room may be obtained by pre- senting to the Delivery Clerk a book call-slip properly filled out. These books are to be returned to the delivery desk. Persons engaged in special research, if satisfactorily vouched for, may be admitted to the Stack Room. All books used under this provision are to left on the tables in the Stack Room. Books of great value and rarity may be consulted only in the presence of an attendant. Writing or marking in books belonging to the library, or their mutilation in any manner, is forbidden. The tracing of plans will be permitted if done over a celluloid cover, but not otherwise. These covers will be furnished upon application at the delivery desk. A printed card catalogue has been prepared for the use of the public. It is in three sections, alphabetical author, alphabetical sub- ject, and classed subject. The Reference Librarian, in charge of the Reading Room, will give assistance in the use of the catalogue and the selection of books. PUBLICATIONS Annual reports. First to ninth for the years 1 895-1903. Chicago 1 8 97- t 904. Sent gratis on request. The First report contains Record of Organization; the Second, Memorial of Edson Keith; the Fourth, the By-laws of the Corporation; the Fifth, Memorial and portrait of Norman Williams; the Sixth, Memorial and portrait of Huntington W.Jackson; the Seventh, the Act and the Ordinance authorizing the Library to erect and maintain a free public library on the Lake Front Park; the Ninth, the Act concerning free public libraries in public parks. Printed . catalogue cards for the titles of all books in the Library. Price $3.00 a thousand for one copy of every title from the beginning or from any later date; one cent each for titles ordered by serial number or for all titles on a given subject; two cents each for a selection. A list of books in the Reading Room, January, 1900. Chicago 1900. 251 p. Price 20 cents; by mail 30 cents. The edition is nearly exhausted; the remaining copies are held for ex- change and for public libraries. A list of current periodicals in the Reading Room, June, 1902. Chicago 1902. 97 p. Price 10 cents; by mail 13 cents. A list of bibliographies of special subjects, July, 1902. Chicago 1 902. 504 p. Price 23 cents; by mail 30 cents. Supplement to the List of serials in public libraries of Chicago and Kvanston. Corrected to April, 1903. Chicago 1903. ix, 101 p. Price 13 cents; by mail 20 cents. A list of books on industrial arts, October, 1903. Chicago 1904. 249 p. Price 20 cents; by mail 30 cents. .-j- -r>' IT"-'" FOURTEEN DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. - LI) 21-100m-2,'55 (B189b22)476 General Library University of California Berkeley / YD 15731 // !