UC-NRLF *b 503 am Wife Stuornts' Srrtrs of Hattn Classics THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS WITH NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS BY HARRIET WATERS PRESTON AND LOUISE DODGE OF TEE "niversit: leach, shewell. & sanborn BOSTON NEW YORK CHICAGO Q Copyright, 1893, By LEACH, SHEWELL, & SANBORN. 73V z f Nortooot) ^rrass : J, S. Cushing &. Co. — Berwick & Smith. Boston, Mass., U.S.A. TABLE OF CONTENTS. -*o*- A- PAGE t m The Family .1 II. . The House and Every-day Life 28 III. • Children, Slaves, GVests, Clients, Freedmen .... 57 IV. % Food and Clothing 77 V. Agriculture 105 VI. Travel, Transportation, • Amusements 135 Tables of Weights, Measures, etc * 159 Index 105 m 73t£9 INTRODUCTORY. The following brief account of the private manners and customs of the ancient Romans, their families and homes, their meat, drink, and clothing, their means of culture, amusement, etc., has been compiled, for the most part, from the latest German authorities on this interesting subject. It is especially based on the encyclopedic work of Marquardt and Mommsen, Handbuch der Romischen A Iterthumer : Siebenter Band, Priuadeben der Romer, von Joachim Marquardt. 2 te Auflage. Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 1886. For illustrations of the imperial period, constant reference has also been made to the more discursive but always striking and suggestive work of Prof. Ludwig Friedl'ander, Darstellung aus der Sittengeschichte Roms, in der Zeit von August bis ziwi Ausgang der Antonine. Fiinfte neu bearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage. Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 1881. The Gallus of Prof. W. A. Becker remains, as it has always been since its first appearance in 1838, an indispensable aid to one who would form a reasonably complete mental picture of the domestic life of classical antiquity. Great condensation of material has, of course, been necessary ; the endeavor of the compilers has been to seize the salient points, and to furnish, within the prescribed limit of the volumes constituting this series, at least a fairly complete out- line of a well-nigh inexhaustible subject. To facilitate the student's pronunciation of the many un- familiar Latin names of objects which have necessarily been v Vi INTRODUCTORY. inserted in the text, the quantity of all the long vowels has been so marked. The illustrations have been taken chiefly from Rich's Dic- tionary of classical antiquities: a few from Baumeister, Seyff'ert- Nettleship, Becker, and other authors; but the source of each will generally be found indicated under the illustration itself. An appendix has also been added containing tables of Latin weights and measures, and a Roman calendar ; with approxi- mate reductions to American measures and values, and to the modern method of computing time. Wherever Latin authors have been directly cited by our German authorities, the references have been carefullv verified. In some few cases other quotations, which appeared to ourselves peculiarly obvious and interesting, have been added; but our aim has been to insert in the present little volume just so many references to original texts as might serve to stimulate the literary curiosity of a youthful reader, yet not enough to be- wilder and overpower him. The chapter on agriculture alone has been compiled almost entirely from original sources, — Cato, Columella, Varro, and Virgil, — aided by a considerable familiarity with the rural life of modern Italy, and those farming processes of to-day, many of which differ so very little in essentials from those of Roman times. H. W. P. L. P. D. London, November, 189,".. X ALIFOR THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. CHAPTER I. THE FAMILY. The first step toward making real to ourselves the life of the great Roman people must be to get a clear idea of the constitution of the family, and the relation and obligations of its members to one another. The family bond, in the eyes of a Roman of the best period, was a peculiarly strong and sacred one, and the worship of the lares, or guardian spirits of the home — often con- ceived as the souls of departed kindred — and of the penates, or great gods, in their relation to private and family affairs, was the most vital and heartfelt part of his religion. The family was regarded as both the germ and image of the state. To furnish the state with citizens was a man's first duty. To be the last of one's line was a calamity and a curse. Family life, more espe- cially rural family life, in the early days of the Roman commonwealth was plain and stern and pure, offering singular resemblances, in its spirit and some of its aspects, to the life upon their lonely farms of the first Puritan settlers of Xew England. 2 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. The father of the family was its sovereign in his own right (sul iuris). Wife, children, and slaves were his subjects. The legal power of the husband over the wife was expressed by the term manus. The bride of those primitive times was merely transferred from her father's rule to that of her husband : she ranked thenceforth as a daughter of her husband's house ; she came in manum suam, — "into his hand." 1 Her property became his. He might not sell, and, so long as she remained faithful, he might not slay her, but these were the only limits to his power. The patria 2yotestds, or authority of the father over his children, was even more absolute, for it included far down into historic times the legal right to sell, to repudiate, or, in the case of deformed infants and superfluous daugh- ters, to destroy his offspring at birth. When the father lifted the new-born infant in his arms (tollere), it was a sign that he acknowledged and would rear and provide for it. /The power of the father over his sons and their children ceased only when he himself died or lost his rights of Roman citizenship, — a forfeiture which the Italians still express by the stern phrase morte civile, or civil death. The father's power over his daughters ended when they married or took vestal vows. The son also might be emancipated by becoming a flcimen, or priest, and in certain cases with tedious and complicated cere- monies, by mutual agreement between parent and child. 1 The word manus was at first applied exclusively to the power of the paterfamilias over the females of his own family. After- wards it came to be used more loosely, and was often confounded with potestus, his power over children and slaves ; as we see from the words emancipatio and manumissio. THE FAMILY. 3 Livy, 1 gives an instance in the year 358 b.c. J during the consulate of C. Marcius and Cn. Manlius, of a crushing fine imposed upon a father who had endeavored to evade the law forbidding a citizen to hold more than five hun- dred iugera 2 of land, by emancipating his son and then sharing with him a thousand iugexa. The authority of the master over his slaves, or dominica potestas, was also absolute ; but it included, in theory at least, his full recognition of these as members of the family, and of his duties to them as such. Every member of a Roman household, male or female, bond or free, appears to have had, even in the earliest times, the right to at least two names, his or her own individual appellation, and the genitive of the name of the sovereign father, husband, or master, as Marcus McircJ, Marcus son of Marcus, Lima August!, Livia daughter of Augustus, Marcipor, i.e. Morel puer, Marcus's boy, precisely in the sense in which the owner of negro slaves but lately used the same term. / Later, but still early in republican times, we find the free-born Roman male possessed of three names : his own individual first name, or pmenomen, the name of the gens, or great clan, to which he belonged, the nomen proprium, or nbmen gentilieium. and a cognomen, or surname, which more narrowly defined his family, that is to say, the particu- lar branch or division of the tribe from which he sprung; for instance, Marcus Tullius Cicero, that is Marcus of the Tullian clan, and the family of the Cicerones — -originally chick-pea or vetch-growers. A boy-infant received his praenomen on the ninth day after birth (a girl on the eighth) ; the child was at the 1 Liv. vii. 16. 2 gee table. 4 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. same time purified by lustration, which included sprink- ling with water by means of a branch of laurel or olive, the burning of incense, and the offering of sacrifice, a ceremony plainly pointing to the rite of baptism. But the name thus given was not legally bestowed, nor pub- licly recorded in the archives, until the boy received the toga virllis at the age of sixteen or seventeen, and was publicly proclaimed a citizen of the commonwealth. The fact that the iiomen gentilicium, or name of the great patrician clan, belonged equally to the women, freedmen, and clients of a house, led to a great restric- tion in the first names bestowed at lustration upon its freeborn sons." At no period were there more than thirty in use; these, in the time of Sulla, had dwindled to eighteen, and even these were distributed by fixed cus- tom among the different clans. Thus Cseso belonged exclusively to the Fabii and Qumctilii, Appius, and Deci- nius to the Claudii, Mamercus to the iEmilii, and so on. After plebeians were made eligible to the consulate in 367 b.c, and subsequently to all the curule magistracies, the descendants of plebeians, who had held any curule office formed a class called udbiles or "known men" (like the Scottish kent folk). They were thus distinguished from the igndbiles , those whose ancestors had never held office, while yet they did not quite attain to the considr eration of the patricians, or men of high descent. They acquired the right, however, on which if possible they laid more stress than the patricians themselves, of set- ting up in their dwellings the images of their ancestors, beginning with the first great office-holder, 1 and, in natural emulation of the patricians, they became quite 1 This man was neither nobilis nor Ignobilis, but novus homo. THE FAMILY. 5 as strenuous as they in limiting the number of first names which they bestowed upon their sons in infancy. Thus the Domitii were always G-naeus or Lucius; the Bibuli, G-aius, Lucius, or Marcus; and so on. The cognomen, or surname, usually in the first instance a kind of nickname bestowed on account of some personal peculiarity, like Xaso, the long-nosed man, Torquatus, the man with a torque or necklace, came to be specially jed by the patricians as indicating in most cases an earlierNjriffin than that of the official nobility. On the other hand, the custom came in of taking new surnames to commemorate some special warlike achievement, like Africanus or Macedonicus, — this was called cognomen ex virtute, — or else upon adoption, when to. the three names of the adoptive father was added the gentile name of the child adopted, with the suffix anus. Thus Publius Cornelius Scipio, iEmilianus was the son of Lucius iEmilius Publius, adopted by Publius Cornelius Scipio. A daughter's name in early Roman, as in modern times, consisted of her father's gentile name (nomen gentllicium), that is to say, of the feminine form of it, preceded by a first name of her own, — like Paula Cornelia, Paula of the Cornelian gens; and so long as the old-fashioned marriage rites remained in force, by virtue of which the wife became the adopted child of her husband's house, she assumed at marriage his gentile name, as women still do in Christian countries. But this did not always, or even often, imply a change, because the ancient marriages were usually made between members of the same gens; and in later times, when matrimony had become rather a civil contract than a religious rite, the wife cer- tainly did not take her husband's name. She was known 6 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. by that of her father's gens, as Calpurnia, the wife of Caesar, who was daughter of L. Calpurnius Piso Caeso- ninus (a member of the Caesonia gens, adopted by L. Cal- purnius Piso) ; or as Terentia, wife of Cicero. Even her own individual first name was little used, until a fashion came up, in the time of the empire, of appending it like a cognomen to her own gentile name, as Vespasia Polla, Vitellia liufilla. Sometimes, too, as a matter of family pride, a woman used both the nomen and cognomen of her father, like Caecilia Metella; or one name derived from the father and one from the mother, like Annia Faustina. Only in late imperial times, did women of high distinction aspire to the use of three names, as Furia Sabina Tranquillina. A slave, as lias been said, was originally known only as his master's " boy, " — Marcipor, Olipor. The elder Pliny l supposes this custom to date from the time when men as a rule had only one slave. It lasted, however, down to the last days of the republic, and the freedman who took his master's first and gentile name must needs append to it the name of his own servitude, as Aulus Caecilius Oliper; that is, Aulus, formerly the boy of Aulus Caecilius. When, however, the number of slaves had multiplied enormously, by conquest as well as by natural increase, it became necessary to give individual names to slaves, and these were often royal or mythological names, as Pharnaces, Mithridates, bestowed half. in derision, like the "Caesar" and "Pompey" of the plantation hand; or they indicated the place from which the slave had come, like Ephesius. Now, too, the legal term servus replaced the homely and friendly puer, and Pharnaces, the slave of 1 Hist. Nat. xxxiii. 26. THE FAMILY. i Publius Egnatius, was written Phcmiaces Egnatii Publii Servus. When a slave passed by sale or inheritance to a new owner, he or she added to the name of the latter the cognomen of the former owner with the suffix anus or ana. Thus Anna Livise Msecenatiana was Anna, the slave of Livia, formerly owned by Maecenas. It then became customary for the freedman to take upon his emancipation both the nomen and praenomen of his former master, or occasionally, in the case of a highly prized slave, the latter paid his former servant the compliment of naming him after some friend of his own. Thus Cicero when he emancipated Dionysius, the tutor of his son, called him not Marcus Tullius Dionysius, but Mar- cus Pomponius Dionysius, after his dearly beloved Pom- ponius Atticus, who was also very fond of the accomplished slave. The freedmen of a woman usually took the two names of their mistress's father, as Marcus Livius Augustse Libertus Isniarus. All these rules, however, remained strictly in force only so long as the family bond continued to be virtually indis- soluble, and the paterfamilias was the undisputed master of his household. In the last days of the republic, with the almost unbounded facilities for divorce, the great increase in the number of freedmen, and the extension of the rights of Roman citizenship to various classes of foreigners, great irregularities in the matter of names came in, affecting alike their inheritance, their adoption, and their arrangement. The cognomina of distinguished men were used as praenomlna, like Africanus Fabius Maximus, Consul in 10 b.c. ; or the several sons of one father would all receive the same praenomen, but would be distinguished by different cognomina, in which case 8 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. the eldest son usually bore his father's cognomen un- changed, while the second son took his mother's gentile name with the suffix anus. Thus Flavius Sabinus had two sons by his wife Vespasia Folia. The elder was called Sabinus after his father, the younger Vespasianus after his mother. Further confusion ensued from the increasing frequency of adoption for political and othei purposes, and from the very natural desire of the descend- ants of a freedman to get rid of the name which was the badge of ancestral servitude. Novl homines, too, liked to assume names with historic associations, as the parvenu of to-day orders a coat-of-arms ; or to make up in the num- ber of their appellations what these lacked in dignity, in so much that we find persons in imperial times who claimed as many as thirty names, one of which would have to be selected for daily use. Finally, the intro- duction of Christianity brought in names of the order of Fraise-Gocl-Barebones, Deogratias, Quidvultcleus, which were declined like regular Latin proper names of the same terminations. A iustum matrimonium, or true marriage, could only be made between Roman citizens (for the woman alsc reckoned as a clvis liomana) of the legal age, not too nearly related, and with the full approbation of the fathers who might hold patria potestds over the bridal pair. The marriageable age was fixed by law at fourteen for the husband and twelve for the wife, but practically it was later, for the boy was never married before he had re- ceived the gown of manhood, and the girl but seldom before fifteen or sixteen. The prohibited degrees of relationship originally included all within the sixth; that is to say, all for which the Latin language had names, and THE FAMILY. all which had the ius oscull, or within which it was allowable for men and women to kiss. Such rigid restrictions were especially needful in those early times, when it was so unusual for a man not to marry in his gens, or clan, that he who failed to do so was said to enubere, — to marry out, as a Quaker may marry out of meeting. As time went on, the rules relating to the marriage of kindred were much relaxed, and we gather from Livy 1 that after the time of the Second Punic war, relatives of the fourth degree, that is to say consobrini, or cousins german, might marry. When in the year 49 a.d. the Senate sanctioned the union of the Emperor Claudius with Agrippina, the daughter of his brother G-ermanicus, marriages in the third degree became lawful ; but with these restrictions, that a woman might marry her paternal uncle (patruus), but not her maternal (avunculus), while a man might never marry his aunt, whether on the father's side (amita), or on the mother's (matertera). The marriage contracted under these conditions was of two kinds : the bride either came into her husband's manus, or she did not. In the first instance she passed com- pletely out of her father's family and rule into that of her husband; she surrendered her patrimony and became one of her husband's legal heirs. In the second, she remained under the rule (in potestate) of her father, and retained her own property and her right of inher- itance in his estate. In the former case, according to Cicero, 2 she became a materfamilias, in the latter she was simply an uxor. Marriage with manus was itself of three kinds. The 1 Liv. xlii. 34. 2. 2 cic. Top. iii. 14. 10 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. most solemn and stately, and by far the most aristocratic, was the marriage by confarreatio, which may be compared for pomp of ceremonial to a Catholic wedding with pon- tifical high mass in a cathedral or collegiate church. Beside the private offerings and taking of auspices, which were seldom omitted in any sort of legal marriage, this included a public ceremony conducted by the Pontifex Maximus and the Flamen Dialis in the presence of at least ten witnesses, and it took its name from the farreum Ubum, or cake of spelt-flour, which was carried before the newly married pair on their return from the wedding ceremony and subsequently broken and eaten between them. There remained marriage by usus, in virtue of which the wife came into her husband's mai ms by the mutual consent of both parties, after they had lived together for a year without interruption of more than three sunaes- sive days; and the marriage by coemptio, which, though usually accompanied by domestic religious rites, as p modern wedding may be solemnized by a clergyman in a private house, must still be looked upon in the light of a civil contract. In this case, the father went through a form of emancipating his daughter, in favor of her futi :.■•<■• husband, after which the girl made declaration that sbe entered into the union of her own free will. Confarreatio was the oldest as well as the most dignified and imposing of the Roman marriage rites. It was long the exclusive privilege of the patricians, and none but the children of such a marriage could ever become flamines muidres, that is, priests of Jove, Mars, or Quirinus, or vestal virgins. Naturally, thdvfore, marriage by con- farreatio would be the favorite form in the highest sociil f THE FAMILY. 11 circles. Marriage by usus, as the simplest and least costly, would prevail, roughly speaking, among the ple- beians, while the civil marriage by co'emptio was the one commonly practised by the intermediate classes. But it is plain, that with the loosening of the- marriage tie, and the progress of what would now be called "advanced ideas," the solemn and ceremonious marriage by confar- reatio went more and more out of fashion; so that Tacitus says 1 that in the time of Tiberius (a.d. 14-37) it had become a matter of some difficulty to find men qualified by their birth to fill the vacancies in the great priestly offices. Marriage was regularly preceded by betrothal rites (sponsalia), and children might be betrothed by their parents long before they were of marriageable age. The engagement might be broken by either party or by the guardians of either, without involving any legal penalty, but while it lasted it imposed certain restrictions. Betrothed people might not testify against one another in the courts, and a son might not marry his father's betrothed bride. The ceremony of betrothal was at first very simple. The amount of the girl's dowry having been agreed upon, the boy bridegroom gave his bride a piece of money or a ring, which she wore upon her third finger. It was only in the later imperial times that written marriage contracts were customary, and the cere- mony took place in the presence of invited guests and was followed by a banquet. There were very strong restrictions touching the days of the year when weddings might take place. ,- The whole month of 3Iay was forbid- den ard the firs, half of June, on account of the great 1 Tac. Ann. iv. 16. THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. number of religious festivals occurring in the early sum- mer and requiring the constant attendance of the priests. Nor could marriages be made on the dies parentales, from the thirteenth to the twenty-first of February, when there were memorial services for deceased kindred, and offer- ings to their manes, nor on the three days of the year when the underworld was supposed to stand open, — namely August 24, October 5, and November 8, nor on the Kalends, Nones, or Ides of any month. Religious holidays in general were considered inappropriate for the marriage of young girls, though widows often chose them. » On the night before her bridal, the maiden laid aside her toga praetexta, a simple tunic, edged with purple if she were of patrician rank, an^L made utp apparently width-wise of the cloth ; her mother dressed her for the first ti*. ^ names The earliest privatT W If- ad ° Pted fl '° M 6r eece. ^mingly intended as mtt Z T^ and ^ not ^ all as luxurious e 57 "T ° f b °° kS ' ^ ^creation. The walls we^e k f -1^ w life rary («*) or cases of o, n sh ' T^ W CU P boa '* Papyrus r oll S; and some L ^ IW^ reception of ^ptacles occupied the e „ r of r h '* "* ° f S " eb before Giro's time did ** r °° m - N «t much Mother , t]le elegance of taf;" t<5 ™ " ith one and to adorn the room with n eh V a PP oi *tments, The substance „„ which ^7! "^ Statues ' ^written was almost invar ablv,,f S ° f ^ time we « Egyptian p apyni8 , JZ^tt ^ ^ ^ of *»» r^en together basket-wise 'Jh" 8 fibres we re first flat surface and pressed i'„to h " Spread u P«n some Tbe sheet thus obtained was °,i Pr ° Per con ^tcncy. : a«d cut into strips (p^) ^ ™ the SU "> "toothed, j one side only, gluedfogeX ! It if ^ Witten U P™ i rolled over a hollow reed T h /"^ Mul ^ varzed from six to thirte , inch' W f h ° f the st ^ page were required it " J' 7 *? * yet broad er ' gether lengthwise, after Xv t * gMn8 these to- *as thus presented in LS T WritteD - The *«t parallel columns which were usu- ei 1-- < w W: n>, r. < \ I THE HOUSE. 3' ally divided by scarlet lines. Through the hollow of the reed ran a rod (iimbilicus), which furnished the axis on which the book turned in rolling or unrolling. The pro- jecting ends of this rod were called the cornaa, and they were often painted or gilded, or furnished with metal or ivory nuts. The ends of the papyrus roll itself were carefully evened and dyed black; and the outer covering was of parchment, which was colored in some brilliant hue, usually purple or yellow, while the title of the book was written in scarlet ink upon a small separate slip of parchment and attached to one of the cornua. We hear of instances in which an entire work, like the Iliad or the History of Thucydides, was copied upon a single roll, that of the historian being more than eighty- eight yards long. But such a book would, of course, be too unwieldy for ordinary use, and the common way was to divide the works of a prolific writer into several rolls, or volumina, which were all kept for convenience in one light cylindrical wooden box, a capsa or scrinhim, somewhat resembling a modern band-box. The ink (atramentum librarium) was rather thick, and made, like the ink of the Chinese, of lamp-black or sepia ; the pens were slender reeds, or calami, cut and pointed like a goose-quill. After parchment came into general use, the custom of rolling was for the most part abandoned, and the pdginae were simply fastened together at the back like a modern book. Such an arrangement was and is called a codex. Writing Materials. 38 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. The domestic slaves were lodged in tiny cells around the posterior peristyle, rather than on the upper floor, where the regular sleeping-rooms of the family seem usually to have been. There would be extensive and beautiful grounds at the rear of such a mansion, laid out in the perpetual Italian taste, embellished with trellises, fountains, and statues, and often overshadowed by mag- nificent trees, like the six ancient and enormous lotus trees in the town-gardens of the orator Crassus upon the Palatine, which were valued at three million sesterces, or about $ 20,000 apiece, and which lived and flourished until they were consumed by Nero's fire in 64 a.d. In Rome and the larger towns, however, as in modern cities, especially those of the continent of Europe, the detached dwellings came to be far outnumbered by the Insulae, or apartment-houses, which were often several stories high, with shops upon the street level, and lodg- ings of various grades behind and above. The crowded tenements of the very poor were to be found in the meaner of these insulae, while there were others in the more expensive wards (regiones) where young men of fashion, like Cicero's friend Cselius, had commodious apartments, which probably corresponded very fairly with the bachelor quarters occupied by men of the same class to-day. In trying to represent to ourselves more exactly the interior aspect of a completely appointed Roman house, we have first to remember the rich effect of its marble- , wainscoted and frescoed walls ; the broad panels of pure deep color, usually yellow or red, with graceful central figures, and surrounded by brilliant and delicate ara- besques, which Ave find almost universal in Pompeii THE HOUSE. 39 even in houses of modest pretensions. There was color also and grace of design in the various kinds of mosaic floors, of which so many specimens are still to be seen, and though the furnishing of the rooms may seem simple and even scanty to our jumbled modern ideas, the sepa- , £^ate pieces were for the most part so excellent in design and so beautiful in workmanship that they well deserved to be set wide apart and relieved, each one, against an artistic background. The articles of furniture in common use may be com- prised under a very few heads : lectl, beds and couches ; sedllia, or seats ; ynensae, tables ; arcae and armaril, chests ** and cabinets ; lucernae, lamps, whether standing or de- pending. Couches included the lectl triclinia/res, or low dining- couches covered with tapestry and heaped with cushions, on which both men and women reclined at formal meals ; the lectl cubiculares, true beds of rest, for slumber at night or siesta by day; and the lectull or lectl lucubratoril, which had commonly two arms and no back, and were used chiefly for reading or writing at night, when the student reclined his back against one of the arms and supported his tablet or manuscript upon one uplifted knee. And since it was thus that inveterate letter- writers like Cicero and the younger Pliny carried on most of their correspondence, this may be as good a place as any other in which to describe the form of the Roman letter. The tablets in question were light, rectangular boards with slightly elevated frames, like a modern slate, and they were spread with a thin coating of wax, on which written characters were traced with a stilus, or pointed 40 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. stick of wood or ivory. One such tablet would serve for the jotting down of hurried notes, or for a schoolboy's exercise. A lengthy letter was composed of several, united at the back, like the leaves of a codex or a modern book, by means of straps or strings passed through holes in the frame. The inner tablets might be waxed and written upon both sides ; the outer, upon the inside only. They were bound together by a strong cord, which for greater security was passed through one or more holes bored in the tablet itself ; the ends of the cord were fas- tened down with wax, which was imprinted with the writer's seal, and the message was conveyed to its desti- nation by a tabellarius, or letter-carrier. In later times these rather unwieldy tablets were superseded by sheets of papyrus. The frames of the various kinds of couches were regularly made of wood, often carved or inlaid with ivory or brass, and supported sometimes upon ivory feet. The frames were strung with girths or bands (fas- ciae, lor a), on which were laid a mattress (torus) and a bolster (cervical) smdvestes Lectus orbicularis. stragulae, or coverings, of more or less magnificence. Beds for slumber, though tolerably broad, were open for the most part upon one side only, being provided with a tall back and arms, like an old-fashioned sofa ; J and they stood higher upon their carved or elaborately turned legs than even the four-posters of our own an- cestors, insomuch that they could only be scaled by THE HOUSE. 41 help of a footstool, or even a step-ladder. Bedsteads of bronze and even of the precious metals were used in later times ; and seats and chairs were made of all these different materials and often decorated with great luxury, while in form they ranged from the simple sub- sellium, or four-legged stool, to the cathedra, or deep, commodious chair, like that in which the elder Agrip- pina may be seen sitting with so much grace and dignity in the museum of the Capitol at Rome, or Livia, the exquisitely beautiful, in the seclusion of the Torlonia gallery. Under the general head of tables were included the abacus, or side-board, in shape somewhat like a pier or console table, the mensa delphica, or three-legged table, and tiie monojiodium, supported on a single standard in the centre. Tables of the latter shape were often small, extremely precious in material, and elegant in design ; and one such formed part of the furniture of every decent bedroom, and supported, from the time when candles of tallow or wax went somewhat out of fashion, one of the boat-shaped oil lamps of pottery or bronze, with gracefully turned handle (ansa)' at one end, and at the other an opening (rostrum, ndsus) for the wick (ellychnium) , which abound in Pompeii and in existing tombs. A candelabrum was a tall slender stand of wood or metal, usually provided with three claw feet which rested on the floor. In shape and size it corresponded with the standard of a piano-lamp of the present day. which, indeed, is often exactly copied from it. The candelabrum carried atop either a small tray for sup- porting such a lamp as has been already described, or a spike for a large wax candle, like an altar candlestick. 42 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. A shorter kind of candelabrum, often very elaborately- wrought, stood upon a chest or sideboard, and had two or more branches from which small hanging lamps were suspended. Bronze Lamp. The chest and the cabinet offered, as they have always done, a favorable field for the most elaborate and costly decoration; and these massive articles doubtless pos- sessed in a handsome Roman house exactly the impor- tance which they still retain in grand Italian interiors. The table-ware of the affluent had become, in the last days of the republic, extraordinarily luxurious. Some- thing more will be said upon this head in the chapter on food. Here it may suffice to remark that, to judge by the revelations of Pompeii, almost every household implement in daily use at the time of the catastrophe had an artistic significance due to the beauty of its design, over and above its practical value. But the fashion of these articles was to some extent exotic. Their shapes were borrowed from the booty taken in foreign conquest, or else they were the handiwork of DAILY LIFE. 43 Greek captives, or of artisans who had learned their methods from them. In primitive Roman times the day was divided in the simplest manner, so as to meet the needs and facili- tate the labors of the tiller of the soil. The husband- man rose at sunrise, worked a certain number of hours / before his morning meal, returned to the field after this, and worked until noontide, when he ate again and slept awhile, arising refreshed for another period of labor in the cool of the afternoon, which lasted until sunset and supper-time. Relief to the monotony of this daily round came in the shape of numerous holidays, both public and private. To the former class belonged the general celebrations, bearing more or less of a religious character, like the Compitalia in January, the Matro- nalia in March, the Vinalia Rustica in August, and the Saturnalia in December; to the latter, all the birthday, betrothal, wedding, house-warming, and iSTew Year's gath- erings, with their appropriate suppers and sacrifices, and exchange of gifts and congratulations, as well as the reception given when a youth assumed the garb of man- hood, and the banquets already noted in commemoration of the dead. But with the rise of great towns, the growth of com- merce and manufactures, the introduction of new indus- tries, and of new diversions also, and the ever-increasing complexity and expense of existence, the old bucolic arrangement of the day passed wholly out of date, espe- cially among the so-called privileged classes, insomuch that in the time of Nero we find a would-be philosopher like Seneca complaining 1 that, whereas human occupa- 1 Sen. Ep. cxxii. 10. 44 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. tions used to be regulated by natural laws, now the ob- ject appeared to be to make one's habits as artificial as possible. Daybreak, he says, is bedtime. As evening approaches we begin to show signs of activity. Toward morning we dine. " Nor oportet id facere quod populus" " Come what may, we mustn't do as the common people do." Up to the time when the first sun-dial appeared in Rome, 263 B.C., there was no division of the day into hours; and even after this the Romans continued to make a distinction between the natural and the civil day. The former was reckoned from midnight to mid- night — twenty-four hours ; the latter from sunrise to sunset — twelve hours. Practically, the period of daylight still fell into the four natural divisions established by the necessities of rural life, of morning, forenoon, after- noon, and evening; while the four military watches (vigiliae) measured the night. But in the course of the ensuing century, sun-dials (solaria) and hour-glasses (clepsydrae), whether for sand or water, came into gen- eral use ; and some sort of time-keeper, or horologium — a name which comprised both dials and hour-glasses — was to be found, not merely upon all public squares and build- ings, but in every private house. There was this great difference, however, between the Roman measurement of time and our own — an hour was not a fixed period of un- varying length. It was always considered as the twelfth part of the time from sunrise to sunset, and again of that from,sunset to sunrise. The hours of a winter day were therefore actually short, while those of a summer day l. were long; the converse, of course, being true of the nights. At the equinoxes, when the days and nights DAILY LIFE. 45 were of the same length, a Roman hour contained sixty of our minutes. At the summer solstice the hours of the day contained seventy-five and a half, and at the winter solstice forty-four and a half minutes. In the former case day began at 4.27 a.m., according to our reckoning, and ended at 7.33 p.m. ; in the latter it began at 7.33 and ended at 4.27. This peculiarity must always be borne in mind, when one would fix in the memory the hour at which a given event occurred. Seneca's lament to the contrary notwithstanding, the t Romans were for the most part early risers. Only the idle and the very luxurious, or those who had to sleep off the debauch of the previous night, were wont to lie in bed even until broad daylight. Artisans and shop-keepers went to their work by candle-light. Men of letters, like Cicero, Horace, the elder Pliny, the Emperor Marcus Aurelius, preferred to all others the hours before sun- rise for reading and writing. The schools began at a very early hour, 1 so did theatrical representations (prima luce), and all the family festivals already noted; and in Christian times the daily morning service in the churches. The courts of justice sat from the third to the tenth hour; that is, roughly, from seven to five in summer and nine to four in winter. On the days of general election, the comitia began, or, as we should say, the polls opened at sunrise, and did not close till dusk. The sessions of the Senate also began early and continued till sunset. In primitive times the master of the house expected to receive good-morrow from his children and servants \i 1 " Up," says Martial, in the last epigram of his fourteenth book ; " for the baker is selling the schoolboys their breakfast, and chan- ticleer proclaims the dawn." 46 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. at daybreak, after which he offered the morning sacrifice, and then assigned to his various people their duties for the day. A reminiscence of this custom appears always to have survived in certain of the old families, and it was adopted in the strictly ordered households of the Antonine Caesars. Out of it grew the ceremonious salutatio of late republican and early imperial times, the self-interested compliments of the morning offered to an influential cit- izen by the clients and other lesser folk, who thronged his hall and competed for his favor; and the earlier the salutatio could be made, the better. We read therefore of the Roman streets being alive before light in winter with the hurrying figures of carefully attired clients, who elbowed one another in the stately vestibule of their patron, until the doors were flung open into the atrium, where he stood to receive them. They then defiled be- fore him, each making his bow and uttering his ave, domine, to which the magnate responded by a hand-shake and a word of courtesy — sometimes by a kiss. He made a point of addressing each man by name, and if he hesitated for one instant, he was prompted by the nomenclator at his ear, a slave whose business it was to know the proper appellation of every person present. Before going through with this wearisome performance the patron had probably taken his ientaculum, or first* breakfast, in the privacy of his own chamber. The client would have to snatch his where he could in pass- ing from one house to another, — for many paid their daily court to more than one great man, — often doubt- less in the bakeries or cake-shops patronized by the schoolboys. This first meal of the day was invariably, -tas it still is in Latin countries, a very simple one. It DAILY LI IK. 47 consisted of bread with salt, or dipped in wine, olives or dates, possibly honey, and a bit of cheese. Hearty food, such as warm and cold meats, fish, vegetables, fresh fruit, and wine, was rarely taken much before mid-day. In early times, and always among the farming population, this mid-day meal constituted the cena, the dinner, or principal meal of the day. while a supper, or vesperna, was served in the evening after work was done. The exigencies of city life caused the noon cena to be replaced by the prandium, lunch or second breakfast, consisting indeed of much the same sort of viands, while the dinner, or cena proper, became vastly more elaborate, and was deferred until toward evening. Three meals a day were perhaps the rule among the well-to-do. yet physicians often counselled only two, ex- cept for the old and weak, and many city-folk — even the comparatively affluent — confined themselves to a pran- dium, taken about eleven o'clock, and a late cena. The natural Roman appears to have been, like the average Italian of to-day. an abstemious creature. Only the wan- ton and extravagant gourmands of the decadence dreamed of adding to the interminable courses and fantastic lux- ury of their cena a late supper, or comfesatid, served often in the " wee sma' hours ayant the twal'." After the prandium, the world retired for its meridi- atio, or mid-day slumber. This custom was well-nigh a universal one. It belonged both to city and to country life, and dated from the earliest historic period. 'Only the Senate and the courts took no recess at noon, and even there we may believe that, save in times of high excitement, business went on but drowsily. It was dur- ing this hour of gene'ral repose, which, by the way. was 48 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. deemed only less favorable than midnight for the see- ing of spectres, that Alaric surprised Rome in the year 410 A.D. Refreshed by his merldidtid, the Roman of highly civ- ilized times rose and proceeded directly to that capital | event of the day, his bath. The ringing of a bell an- / nonnced the opening of the great public baths, bahieae or thermae, but it does not come within the scope of this work to describe minutely these characteristic institu- tions of ancient Rome. They were vast in extent, intri- cate in structure, and enormously costly, and they tended, as time went on, to become always more and more artistic and luxurious in their arrangements. Yet the price of admission, even to the most splendid of these establish- ments, was so trifling that they were virtually open to all, — a qaadrans, or quarter- as (that is to say less than one cent) for a man, and two for a woman, while children as a rule were admitted free. There were usually separate departments for men and women, but there were porticos and gardens adjoining all the great bahieae, where bathers of both sexes might meet and gossip after the bath was over^-as in the casino of a modern watering-place ; and to the thermae, at least, were often attached libraries and fine art galleries, palaestrae for gymnastic exercise, and sphaeristeria, or courts for playing ball. The plain, private dwelling of an earlier period had possessed merely a common lavatrma, or wash-room, situated near the kitchen for convenience of introducing both hot and cold water, and where the different mem- bers of the family took turns in performing their simple ablutions. But subsequently, after the bath had come to DAILY LIFE. 49 be regarded as the greatest of luxuries, it was customary to have a balnearium, or miniature bathing establishment, somewhat on the plan of the great balneae, attached to every private house, and especially to every country house having any pretensions to splendor. Traces of such are to be found all over Europe, wherever the Roman rule extended, for Roman governors and other high officials made a point of carrying with them into their provincial exile the personal habits of the capital. A private bath of this kind, small but remarkably well Roman Bath, from Ancient Painting. preserved, dating from the time of Constantine the Great, was discovered in 1855, at Caerwent, in Wales, and may be taken as a type of them all. It was very nearly square in shape, and its entire dimensions were only thirty-one Roman feet by thirty-four. The included space was, however, divided into the usual rooms, or cellae, — viz. an apodyterium for undressing, a tepidarium provided with seats for the hot air or vapor bath, a caldarium with a large tub for the hot-water bath, and a frlgidarium for the cold-water bath. A bather was twice rubbed down by attendant slaves, 1NTIVERSITY 50 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. once after the vapor or sweating bath, and again after the cold bath, and after the latter he was also anointed. In more elaborate establishments there were separate rooms for these processes, the destrictarium and unctorium. The private bath in question was heated on the same principle as the great thermae, that is to say, by means of a furnace (hypocaustum, fomax) provided with pipes, through which heated air was conducted underneath the floors and between the walls of the different rooms. The floors were double, the upper one being supported on pillars of clay piping about two feet high. The interven- ing space was made intensely hot, and the whole ingen- ious arrangement was termed a suspensura, and is claimed by Cicero as the invention of one of his own early friends, Gaius Sergius Orata. The heat was graduated for the different cellae by their relative distance from the central furnace, and the varying thickness of their upper floors. The caldarium was situated nearest the fire, the apody- terium farthest from it of the heated rooms, and the suc- cession of hot-air, hot-water, and cold-water baths was the order regularly observed in bathing establishments of every grade. -V About an hour after the bath came the cena, or princi- pal meal of the day. Once it had been served in the atrium and had consisted, save upon state occasions, chiefly of bread or porridge, and vegetables. The father and mother and other adult members of the family sat • at table, while children and servants occupied stools or benches at their feet or behind them. Long before the close of the republican period, however, the cena, or dinner, had developed into as dainty a meal as the means of the householder would permit; separate din- DAILY LIFE. 51 ing-rooms were found indispensable in a life of the slightest elegance, and the custom of reclining at table had become universal among the well-to-do. Columella lays it down as a rule that a farm-bailiff should recline at his meals upon high holidays only, and Plutarch, in his life of the younger Cato, tells us that the latter — always a bit of a fanatic — insisted, by way of self- mortification, on sitting at table throughout the period of mourning which followed the battle of Pharsalia. The ordinary dining-table was square, surrounded on three sides by the same number of one-armed couches, while the fourth side remained open for convenience of j^ serving. Each of these three couches accommodated three - persons, who reclined upon the left arm, supported, the one by the arm of the couch, the other two by heaps of cushions, and al- ways with the feet turned outward. In the assignment of places a strict eti- quette prevailed. The couches, or lecti, all more or less handsomely draped, were distinguished as meclius, or the one which stood opposite the open side of the table; summits, the couch adjoining the head of the meclius; and imus, that upon the other side. The meclius and the summus were assigned to guests ; the imus accommodated the master of the house, his wife, and one of the elder children or a favorite freedman. med ius ieciu s A A A A Y y a CO 6 mensa Co CO Co From Kiessling's edition of Horace. 52 THE PRIVATE LIEE OF THE ROMANS. The medius was the couch of honor, and the highest place upon it, as also upon the other couches, was the one nearest the arm. The third place, or that at the foot of the lectus medius, was, however, called the locus consularis, and was usually assigned to the most impor- tant public officer present, both for convenience in the matter of receiving and sending messages and despatches, and because it brought him next the host, who leaned upon the arm of the imus, or lowest couch. Nine was the full number that could be properly served at such a table ; a place might be vacant, but to crowd a couch with more than three people was considered the height of vulgarity. Large parties of guests were entertained in spacious dining-halls, or sometimes in summer in the pleasant solaria, or open loggie, on the roofs of the houses, at separate small tables, each accommodating the ortho- dox number. *• Round tables with couches fitted so as to form a semi- circle came into fashion in Cicero's time — extravagant objects, for which men paid an insane price. They were made of rare imported woods, preferably from a slab or section of the massive trunk of the so-called citron-tree, a species of African cypress, very beautifully mottled, and the most admired were supported on a single pedestal of solid ivory. Cicero himself had one such for which he paid 500,000 HS. The philosVpher Seneca is said to have possessed five hundred. The couches of this luxurious period had often silver feet, and were inlaid wjth the same precious metal or with ivory and tortoise-shell. The custom had likewise been introduced from the East of hanging the walls of the dining-room with richly embroidered stuffs, and the DAILY LIFE. 53 most sumptuous of all had a very peculiar arrangement of the coffered ceiling. It had long been the fashion to construct this of cross-beams, the square, sunken spaces, or lacunaria, between which were carved, gilded, or otherwise ornamented. These lacunaria were now made in the form of sliding panels, which could be withdrawn for the purpose of scattering flowers, or trifling keep- sakes for the guests, upon the table. ~f- Mantelia, or table-cloths, came into use much later than napkins (mappae), which last the fashion of eating ren- dered rather a necessity than a luxury, and they were either brought by the guest or his personal attendant, or offered him by the servants of his host. . The tricliniarii, or dining-room servants, were under the supervision of a tricliniarch.es, or butler, and the 'finer the establishment, the more numerous they were. It was their business to arrange the room for the feast, to set forth upon the abaci, or sideboards, the imposing array of silver, gold, glass, and jewelled vessels, for both eating and drinking, which would be required in the course of the meal, and accurately to place in the centre of the table its principal ornament, the massive sail n urn, ^ or salt-cellar. This article, which even the compara- tively poor contrived to have made of silver, possessed a certain sacred significance ; inasmuch as every table was consecrated to the gods, and the sail nxm contained not merely salt for seasoning the viands, but a tray (patella) for the molae salsae, or sacrificial cakes, which were offered to the Lares, and then probably broken and distributed, as a kind of grace, after meat. Silver vessels for vinegar- and oil also formed a part of the permanent furniture of every handsome board. The carving and cut- 54 PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. che meats was done at side-tables ; the meal was ed in courses (fercula), which were brought in by .lie servants on trays (rejjositdria) , which had sometimes two or three shelves or stories, and were presented to the guests from behind. The wine-cups were replenished in like manner, "over the shoulder," and these admitted some variety in form, but were usually shallow, with two handles, and often very beautiful in workmanship. The implements actually used in eating were few and simple, only the right hand of the guest being free to wield them. They con- sisted chiefly of two kinds of spoons, the Ugula and the cochlear. The former was shaped very much like our own table-spoon, the latter had a much smaller bowl, circular in shape, and flat or only slightly hol- lowed, and the handle was pointed for convenience in detaching the meat of shell- fish, or picking up particles of food. Knives and forks were certainly not employed in Rome as table implements before the second century of our era. A handsome dinner was served in three principal divis- ions, each of which might consist of several fercula, or courses. The introductory part was called the gustus, or gustatio, and its object was merely to whet the appetites of the diners for the richer food to follow. It consisted Spoon? DAILY LIFE. 55 mainly of eggs, pickled vegetables, salads in great variety, oysters, raw or cooked, salted fish, mushrooms, artichokes, asparagus, or melons, eaten with salt and pepper. A beverage, midsum, compounded of honey and must, was often served with the gustatio. The main part of the meal which followed fell also into three divisions, — the prima, altera, and tertia cena. It consisted of fish, meats, and game, both native and foreign, cooked with endless varieties of seasoning, — salt, pepper, ginger, cinnamon, sweet herbs, and wine. The fish was usually served with a costly imported sauce (garum), prepared with salt water, of which the flavor was highly prized. Some of the viands were eaten steaming hot ; others had to be cooled with ice or snow before they were deemed truly palatable. There was a pause after this portion of the meal was concluded, during which the mqla^scUsa^ already men- tioned, was offered to the Lares, after which the secuncla mensa, or dessert, was brought in. It consisted of pastry, confectionery, and fruit, both home grown and imported, and concluded the banquet proper — whence the expres- sion, " ab ovo ad mala," from the egg to the apples, became proverbial for the whole of anything, from the beginning to the end. Wine was taken in moderation with all the courses, rarely clear, sometimes iced, but oftener mixed with warm water. The business of regular drinking began only after the dessert had been removed. Those who affected Greek fashions were now perfumed and crowned with garlands. The wine was no longer mixed to taste, in the separate pocula of the guests, but in a huge vase, or crater, whence it was ladled out by the servants in 56 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. cyathi, one-handled cnps or ladles. The cyathus was the unit of measure for a systematic drinker, who, though he often used a goblet of the capacity of several cyathi, always reckoned his feats by the number of the latter which he consumed. The comissatio, or late supper of high-livers, which has been already mentioned, was little more than a drinking-bout. It was enlivened, as was also the cena, by the performance of hired musicians, mimes, and dancers ; but conversation, though it found a place, at least in the earlier meal, was never in Rome the fine art and the main entertainment that we find it among the Greeks. CHILDREN. TY CHAPTER III. CHILDREN, SLAVES, GUESTS, CLIENTS, FREEDMEN. The lustratio, or naming with religious rites, of a boy infant whom his father had formally acknowledged, occurred on the ninth day after his birth, a girl's upon the eighth. A sacrifice was offered for the child upon the family altar, or it was presented in one or more of the temples of the gods and recommended to their especial protection. As a defence against the evil eye and such mysterious ills, there was also hung round the baby's neck by a ribbon or chain, a small locket, usually heart-shaped or circular, sometimes crescent or cru- ciform, made of gold if the parents were wealthy, otherwise of some inferior material, and containing an amulet'. This was the bulla, of which so many specimens are to be seen in various museums, and which never fails in the picture of a well-born lad. The custom was prob- ably of Etruscan origin, and applied originally to the children of patricians only ; but it was subsequently extended to those of knights and of the official nobility generally. A boy wore his bulla constantly until he received the gown of manhood; a girl hers until her marriage. But the ornament was always carefully cher- ished and occasionally resumed, and it is a curious fact 58 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. that a triumphdtor invariably put on his bulla upon the great day of his public glorification, as a protection against the envy of his fellow-citizens. There was no such thing as a pub- lic registry of births, for civic purposes, be- fore the time of Mar- cus Aurelius ; but a private record of the lustratio appears, in most cases, to have been kept, and was sometimes appealed to for purposes of identification. The child received its first instruction at home. Either the mother was the teacher, or, in cases where several mar- ried sons lived on under the paternal roof, some f reed- woman or female relative of the family acted as nursery governess to all the little ones. In this manner they were taught reading, writing, the elements of arithmetic and of the laws. "When we were boys," says Cicero, 1 " we had to learn the Twelve Tables by heart like a species of hymn. Nobody does it now." ^But far more important than even his modicum of book-learning, was held, at least in all the olden time, that practical education which the child received by i Cic. De Lee-, ii. 23. M Bulla. UWVERSJTY ! OF CHILDREN. 50. association with his elders, and admission, as he grew older, to their activities. Thus the girl learned at her mother's side to spin, to weave, and to sew ; the boy, of his father or elder brothers, the mysteries of planting and harvesting, swimming, riding, boxing, and the use of weapons. If the father were a flamen, or priest, the son was early trained to assist at sacrifices as his cam ill us, or bearer of the sacred vessels. If the mother offered a sacrifice, her daughter acted as Camilla. Were the father of a station to receive clients in his atrium, his boys stood beside him during the ceremony, and so learned to know the names and faces of his political and social following. On days of family triumph or mourning, when the shrines were opened, and the images of the ancestors displayed, the children were always present. They took part in the family meals, when these were simple and there were no guests, and sometimes they helped serve at table. Very early also in the history of Borne we find men- tion of both boys' and girls' schools. Plutarch seems to imply that even Romulus and Remus went to school at Gabii, and the unhappy Virginia was on her ? /ay to school when her precocious beauty attracted the fatal notice of Appius Claudius. Virginia was, however, of plebeian rank, and her mother was dead. The primary teacher (Utterutor) was usually a slave or freedman, who acted as private tutor, or instructed a small class in the pergula, or veranda attached to a house or shop. Schooling of this kind was paid for by the month, occasionally by the year, and very poorly paid; insomuch that the Iftterdtor h§c) often to eke out 60 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. his income by some other employment, such as the writing of wills. Under Diocletian the monthly fees of a pupil were limited to fifty denarii. 1 The school year consisted of eight months, with a long vacation comprising July, August, September, and Octo- ber. There were also special holidays, such as the feast of Minerva, and the Saturnalia, NeAv Year's Day, and the twenty-second of February, the great day of com- memoration of the dead. The substance of what was taught in these primary schools was the same as that which an old-fashioned or more carefully secluded child acquired at home, — read- ing, writing, and the elements of arithmetic, while the laws of the Twelve Tables, as we have already seen, were long committed to memory like a sort of catechism. The Roman system of numerals, in which values are expressed by the collocation of different letters of the alphabet, appears, beside the simplicity of the Arabic, a very clumsy one ; and the regular- employment of duo- decimal fractions, or division of the unit into twelfths, increased yet more the difficulties of reckoning. We are not surprised therefore to learn that even grown men often had recourse to a teacher of arithmetic, or calcula- tor, who was much better paid than the common school- master, nor that the boy at his desk was allowed to assist his ciphering by using the fingers of both hands, as well as by the abacus, or counting-machine. Reckoning with the fingers, not yet wholly disused in the East, proceeded upon the basis of expressing by 1 It is not exactly known what a denarius was worth under Diocletian. Mommsen computes it at nine German pfennige, which would make this maximum monthly price about one dollar. CHILDREN. 61 Abacus. eighteen different motions of the left hand, nine units and nine tens, and, by similar movements of the right hand, nine hun- dreds and nine thousands. The term abacus, which we have already seen ap- plied to the side- table of a dining- room, was also used both for a board strewnwith sand, on which geometrical figures were drawn with a pointed stick, or stilus, and for one on which balls representing figures were moved about in grooves representing denominations of figures. This kind of abacus had also a contrivance for reckoning fractions. The Roman monetary system had practically two units of value, the sestertius and its quadruple, the denarius. Large sums were commonly computed in the former and reckoned by a decimal system. Small sums were ex- pressed in the latter and its duodecimal fractions. The difficulty which must have arisen from the simultaneous use of the decimal and duodecimal systems was dimin- ished by rules and tables for reducing the one kind of fraction to the other, and these rules and tables appar- ently found a place in the curriculum of the elementary schools. The simple instruction, purely practical in its aim, of these primitive establishments was deemed all-sufficient 62 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. for the youth, of Rome clown to the time of the second Punic war. But after that period there grew up an ever- increasing demand for the services of Greek gramma- rians, who not only taught their own language, but intro- duced a more scientific method of studying the Latin itself ; and who succeeded, after a time, in imbuing the Roman mind with something resembling the broad ideal of Greek culture, — that is to say, of the harmonious and equal development of all a man's faculties, both physical and mental. The principal text-book of the Greek grammaticus was Homer. The master read aloud, with proper accent and inflection, a passage from the poet. This the pupil had first to commit to memory, and afterward to stand a cer- tain examination, not merely upon its grammar and prosody, but on all the various questions in geography, astronomy, history, and mythology which it might sug- gest. Written exercises had also to be prepared, trans- lations from poetry into prose, and original themes. The criticism of these last must have involved some elementary teaching in rhetoric, but a further pursuit of the various branches of learning comprehended under this head was reserved for the higher schools of the rhetoricians. The grammatical course was deemed equally appro- priate for boys and girls, and a good number of the latter attended the grammar schools ; although there was plainly always a prejudice in favor of home education for them. To get the full benefit even of this amount of instruc- tion it was needful that the pupil should both understand and speak Greek, and this the children of the wealthy CHILDREN. 63 learned to do in infancy from domestic slaves of that nation, as those of the Russian nobility learn French and English from their nursery governesses to-day. As soon as a boy was old enough to begin his public education, he was placed under the special charge of a servant, called paedagogus, whose business it was to help him prepare his lessons, and go with him to school, and who continued to be his personal attendant until he received the toga virilis. Long after this period a young man might, and often did, frequent the schools of rhetoric, which, like the grammar schools, were an importation from Greece, and conducted mainly upon the Greek method, and where music and the higher mathematics were taught, as well as the arts of composition and oratory. Yet it is evident that a dull but deep-seated objection to all this outlandish culture lingered throughout the whole republican period, not merely among the masses, but in the minds of enthusiasts for the old Roman spirit and traditions, like the elder Cato ; and when Atticus, the friend of Cicero, published a collection of Greek anecdotes, Ave find Lucullus congratulating him upon the barbarism of some of his expressions, on the ground that it did not become a good Roman to know Greek too well. After the Romans came to have a literature of their own, there grew up a class of grammatici Latini, who made a business of teaching Terence, Horace, and Virgil, and who were much frequented. The corresponding class of Latin rhetores had never found favor, either with in- dividuals or with the state. Their teaching was of a very inferior order, and their influence upon manners THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. was considered so bad that as early as the year 92 b.c. all such Latin schools of rhetoric were closed by order of the Censors, Domitius and Cassius. Every well-bred Koman boy learned to ride, to run, to leap, to box, and to swim, as a necessary preparation for his military service, and the Campus Martius was assigned for the practice of these and all other athletic exercises. Under ordinary circumstances a lad was supposed to have finished his regular schooling by the end of his -f seventeenth year, at which time also he ceased to be puer and became invents, and liable for military duty. Already, in the vast majority of cases, he had laid aside the toga praetexta, or simple woollen tunic with a broad purple stripe (clavus latus) down the front, worn by both boys and girls of rank, and had been ceremoniously invested by his father or guardian with the toga virllis, or toga pura, the plain white garment of manhood. No precise age was fixed for this solemnity, and the time of the year was also optional, although the religious feast of the Liberdlia — March 17th — was undoubtedly a favorite season. The bulla was first removed from the boy's neck and consecrated to the Lares, and an offering was then made for him in the family chapel, after which, accompanied by a train of relatives and friends, he was led into the Forum and formerly presented to the public. His full name was afterwards inscribed in the list of citizens kept in the Tabularium upon the Capitol, or among the archives of his province ; a sacrifice was offered for him at some public altar, and a banquet followed, accompanied, in the case of imperial and other very distinguished youth, by CHILDREN. 65 a largess to the people. The maiden of quality continued to wear her tunica praetextq until marriage. For the young man there usually remained, after the ceremonial introduction to public life described above, a finishing year, the tirocinium, of special preparation for the calling which he had elected to pursue. If he were to be a lawyer, or aspired to public life, as almost all the law students did, he attached himself to the train of some eminent statesman, as did Cicero to that of the great Augur, L. Mucius Scaevola, and Cselius afterward to Cicero's, and learned by observation his manners and methods. If he had chosen the military career, he obtained a place, in some respects resembling a staff- position, in the cohort of some famous general, and, without being subjected to all the drudgery of a common soldier, he learned the regime of camps and the duties of an army officer. The former kind of apprenticeship was called tirocinium fori, the latter tirocinium 7nilitiae. Boys of the middle and lower classes went directly, as they do now, from school to the business of life. Some uncertainty exists as to the time at which a free-born youth obtained the ius suffrdgii, or became qualified to vote in the general elections. He was legally free to marry, to contract debts, to receive a legacy, or make a will, from his fourteenth birthday, — a girl from her twelfth, — but so long as he was praetex- tdtus he certainly did not vote. It is altogether likely that his introduction to the Forum constituted his politi- cal majority, but it must be remembered that the suffrage lost its significance after the state was no longer free, that is to say, in those imperial times about which we know so much more than of any other ; and this is prob- of ypv CTKIVERSIT 66 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. ably why under the empire the investiture with the toga virilis became more and more a matter of parental caprice ; so that it was sometimes bestowed, as in Caracalla's case, as early as twelve, or, again, as in Caligula's, withheld until nineteen. The subject of slavery among the Romans is too large a one to be treated otherwise than very cursorily in so small a manual as this. Slaves there always were in the Roman commonwealth from the earliest historic period ; and the master had legal power of life and death over his human chattels. But the servitude of the olden time, when even a patrician tilled his own fields with the help of his own sons, was practically a light enough order of bondage. The vast majority of masters held only one, or, at most, two or three slaves, who were treated in some sort as members of the family, sleeping under the same roof, and taking their meals in the same room, if never at the same table. Similar social condi- tions are wont to mark the modest beginnings of any state, but in the nature of things they cannot endure. A servile population always increases faster than a free one. Great towns grow up and become centres of civic and commercial activity, and the landed proprietor finds it convenient to pass a part or the whole of his year in them, leaving the main business of agriculture to his rustic dependents. Small freeholds are gradually absorbed by extensive estates, which are worked by great gangs of laborers under the supervision of men who have risen from their own ranks. Habits of luxury and ostentation among the privileged class grow fast with the increase of wealth, calling for armies of servants with highly specialized functions. All these changes SLAVES. 67 were either accomplished, or in rapid process of accom- plishment, in the Roman state, by the year of the city 550 ; that is to say, two centuries before the Christian era. The dominant passion of the race for foreign con- quest had also its influence in developing the institution of slavery. On the one hand a slave could not be drafted into the army, wherefore his services were all the more indispensable in any and every department of home industry. On the other, among the countless prisoners taken in foreign war, and thereby reduced to slavery, there were many from highly civilized Greece, and the farther Orient, who were capable of instructing their comparatively rude conquerors, not merely in the finer arts and crafts, but in every department of human knowledge. Whence it came to pass that a large major- ity, not merely of the skilled workmen of Rome, but of the teachers, readers, and amanuenses, employed by the V wealthy who aspired to culture, were slaves of foreign extraction. The first step in the social revolution thus achieved was the division of a man's slaves into the fa mil i a urbana and the familia rustica, a classification corresponding roughly with that of the negro slaves into domestic ser- vants and field hands ; while the same degradation was implied in the transference of a member of the former class to the latter. The whole body of "rustic" slaves, often extremely numerous, was under the general supervision of a villicus, who also in most instances kept the farm accounts, and rendered them either directly to the master or to a pro- curator, or steward. Each gang of slaves which was told off to any department of farm-labor had its own overseer 68 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. (magister operae or operdrum). Slave labor on the farm, as in the house, was specialized just as far as the extent of the estate and the wealth of the proprietor would permit. In ideal conditions we not only find each kind of animal under the care of a separate servant or staff of servants (bubulci for the oxen, asindrii for the donkeys, subulct for the pigs, etc.), but each variety of feathered creature — hen, pigeon, pheasant, as the case might be — had its own special attendant, gallindrius, columbdrius, or phdsidndrius. There would be piscatores to look after the fish-ponds, a topidrius to lay out gardens, a hortuld- nus to cultivate them, an apidrius to manage the bees, and an aqudrius to keep the water-works in order, and many others, of whom and of their duties we shall have more to say in another place. With regard to the great staff of slaves who raised the crops, there seems some reason to suppose that the vine- yards were occasionally cared for by men who did no other work ; but usually the agricultural laborer passed on, as the season changed, from one kind of work to another, as he does to-day, and the use of such terms as fossor (trencher), messor (reaper), putdtor (grafter), etc., is to specify not a different individual, but the use of a different tool. The rural slaves worked under overseers who were almost of necessity hard and cruel, and they were often little better lodged than the beasts for which they cared. Now and then there would be a fanciful and kind-hearted master, like the younger Pliny, who piqued himself on having made the slave-quarters in his Laurentian villa " nice enough for guests " ; l but it may be taken for > Plin. Ep. II. 17. 9. SLAVES. 60 granted that such philanthropists were not exceptionally numerous in ancient Rome. The modest corps of house servants maintained by a distinguished Roman in the earlier time was headed by an atnensis, or steward, who also kept the house-accounts. Later, as the style of living grew more elaborate, these duties had to be divided, and the atriensis became a mere major-domo, who had enough to do in exercising a gen- eral supervision over the arrangements of the dwelling itself. The ever-increasing crowd of menials under him fell into different classes, each with an overseer of its own. The cubicularil performed the duties of housemaids, the triclinarii waited at table, the supellectdril kept the furniture and table-ware in order, the cullnarii were kitchen drudges, while the bahiearii, or those who served the baths, formed another distinct class. The functions of valet and ladies' maid were distributed amongst ornd- tores and orndtrices, tonsores, or barbers, and cinifldnes, or hair-crimpers, and calceatores who took care of the feet. There were clelicdtl, or pages, more or less pampered, to run on errands, an invitator to summon guests, a servus ab hospitiis to look after their lodgement, a porter (iditi- tor or ostiarius) who was sometimes chained in the vesti- bule like a dog. Were the master of an artistic or literary turn, he had people whose special duty it was to look after his pictures and statues, — servants a pinacptheca and a statu! s, — tabellaril to convey his letters to their destination, lectores to read aloud to him at meals, in the bath, or in bed. The number of slaves who should accompany a great man or a great lady when he or she went abroad, was matter of lively emulation. Those who walked had ante- 70 THE PRIVATE LIFE OP THE ROMANS. ambulatoreSj and pedisequi or pedisequae to go before and behind them. If they took the air in litters, they were borne by lectarii, the most fashionable being Syrians or Cappadocians of unusual stature, who, like the pages, wore a brilliant livery. The boy, as we have seen, had his paedagogus to attend him to school, the daughter of well-to-do parents had her Greek maid, who performed the same office. There was often a capsarius besides to carry the books and tablets. All these functionaries were slaves, a limited number being of the comparatively privileged servile class called vernae; that is to say, slaves born in the house and usu- ally trained for the personal service of its children, many of whose educational and other privileges they shared. The freedman who had been verna, always held himself superior to other manumitted slaves. A highly prized slave was occasionally set free, by ^)ure grace, or in gratitude for some signal service, either during the lifetime of his master, or in his will. The right of the slave to his own small savings (pecu- lium) was also practically recognized and these might be applied to the purchase of his freedom ; but their accumulation, very slow at best, was yet farther hin- dered by the master's claim upon the little horde, for making good certain pecuniary injuries which he might sustain through the slave. After the number of bondmen had increased enormously, so that one man sometimes owned many thousand souls, it became advantageous for the master to educate them wholesale in trades and crafts for which they might show some aptitude, and then let them out to master-mechanics, bankers, seamen, theat- rical managers, or masters of the amphitheatre, as the case might be. THE VERSn SLAVES. ?1 X Sometimes, too, the master directly advanced the capital for setting his slave up in business, allowing the latter a share of the profits, out of which he might hope some day to buy his freedom. The common punishment of a refractory slave was beat- ing. If a runaway were caught, as he could hardly fail to be, since there were extremely heavy penalties for harboring and assisting him, he was either branded or had an iron collar like a dog's welded round his neck, or his legs were fettered, or in exaggerated or repeated cases of offence he was at once turned into the arena or other- wise put to death. If he attempted to take personal vengeance upon his master for any wrong whatsoever, his whole family shared his fate, and the regular form of capital punishment for a slave was crucifixion under the most ignominious and agonizing circumstances. The institution of slavery reached its greatest devel- opment in Rome in the last century of the republic, when slave-traders and slave-markets nourished both in the capital itself, and in all the great ports visited by Roman ships. Already, however, in the early days of the empire, the spread of philosojDhic and humanitarian ideas had softened the theory of human servitude, and modified the slave's position. Marriage was made legal for him ; he was empowered to testify in certain courts, and to lodge complaint, if treated with outrageous cruelty. Kind masters, like Pliny, respected the provisions of his testament ; under Claudius, if his master abandoned him when he was old or ill. he was thereby set free; under Hadrian, the wanton slaughter of a slave by his master was forbidden; under Constantino, this prime was made 72 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. one of homicide ; and so finally, with the formal conver- sion of the empire to Christianity, the long-declining slave-system of Kome received its death-blow. We have considered briefly the position and mutual relations of the ordinary members of a Roman household, or of what may be called the inner family circle ; but there was a sense in which the Roman family might be said to embrace an indefinitely larger number of persons connected with it by ties more or less remote. To this outer circle, or secondary order of members, belonged the authorized guests of a house, its clients, and its freedmen. The term hospitium embraced not merely the sponta- neous welcome to bed and board of a man's near kindred and personal friends, but a contract for mutual hospi- tality, written or otherwise attested, which might be made either between two communities, or between two individuals, on behalf of themselves and their depend- ents, or between an individual and a community. The practice was one of extreme antiquity in Italy, older ertainly than the rise of the Roman people. The con- tract was drawn up and presented by accredited messen- gers, attested by a hand-shake or by a formula of words called the sponsio, and accurately recorded, and it remained binding upon the posterity of the contracting parties until formally and publicly annulled. Hospitium between two communities, that is, between the inhabitants of certain towns or districts, was called hospitium publicum. It was recorded by engraving on copper or bronze tablets, 1 of which duplicate copies were 1 It seems altogether probable that a part at least of the famous Eugubean tables — the bronze tablets exquisitely engraved in ar- GUESTS. 73 preserved in some temple, or other sacred place, in either town. In Rome the depository of such tablets was the Aedes fidei popull Romani. They entitled the stranger to free board and lodging for a certain period, to a physician's attendance in ill- ness, to decent burial if he died. Such contracts were in force between Roman and Greek communities as well, and they involved no light charge upon the latter in the days when foreign travel had become a fashion among the Roman magnates. But some — like Cicero when he went as proconsul to Cilicia — preferred to remain independent, and would not avail themselves of the privileges of a public guest. Haspitia privata, or contracts for hospitality between individuals, were also sometimes engraved and either inserted in the wall of the atrium or suspended on it. Usually, however, a simpler device was employed by private persons. The guest presented a small" engraved ticket {tessera), of which the host had a duplicate, and was at once made welcome to the privileges of the house. He was given a bath and a meal ; an offering was made for him at the family altar ; he was assigned a bed, and became thenceforth, for an indefinite period, a member of the family. So far from fretting under this as an imposition, the great Roman statesman was ambitious of harboring as many such guests as possible, and it was a matter of policy with him to look well after their com- fort and interests on the ground that they increased his own influence in the provinces and abroad. chaic and hitherto only partially deciphered characters — discov- ered under the ruins of an ante-Roman theatre, and now preserved in the palazzo pubblico of Gubbio in the Marches, were records of hospitia jonblica. dating from Etruscan or even Pelasgic times. 74 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. Originally, and so long as the state remained free, the relation of client and patron was also a sufficiently hon- orable one, resting like that of guest and host, on pledges of mutual service. There was this difference, however, between the position of a client and that of a legal guest, that the latter was a free citizen in his own commu- nity, while the former had usually no civic rights what- ever. Either he was in banishment from his native place, or he belonged to a tribe or city which had been vanquished in war, and so disfranchised ; or he was a freedman (llbertus) whose manumission gave him no political status. In either case he needed the protection of some powerful personage, and was only too glad, in return for the same, to take the name of his patron, engaging to fight his battles both at home and abroad, and to assist him out of his own private means — if he had such — when extraordinary payments, as of ransom or dowry, were to be made, or the patron was in any way pressed for money. Clients and patrons might neither accuse nor testify against one another in the courts, and the laws of the Twelve Tables made it a capital offence for a patron to betray his client's interests. It was no uncommon thing for the entire population of conquered cities and states voluntarily to seek such a relation with the general who had subdued them, and with his de- scendants. Thus the Marcelli became the hereditary patrons of the Skilian towns, the Fabii of the Allobro- gian, Cato Uticensis of the island of Cyprus, and so on. The freedman either continued to reside in his patron's house and perform his old functions, or he was endowed by the latter with a capital for starting in business, or with some small frct-holr] property. In case of subse- CLIENTS. 75 qlient impoverishment, they were still bound to assist one another. The patron always paid for the funeral of his' freedinan. was his legal heir if he died childless, and the ex officio guardian of his children if he left any under age. The relations of patron and libertus remained virtually the same throughout the imperial period ; those of patron and client, on the other hand, altered materially, and, from a moral point of view, very much for the worse. When the number and strength of a patron's following had ceased to have any political significance, and do longer increased his importance in the state, it became largely a matter of senseless ostentation on the one side, and of self-interested sycophancy on the other. The hangers-on of a great man received their maintenance, and this, in most instances, was all they wanted. They were of every rank and condition, men of letters from whom a certain tribute was expected in the way of flattery, soldiers of fortune, and professional legacy-hunters, scions of the great families, who had early run through their patrimony, the idle of every grade, with a tatterdemalion fringe of the congenitally and hopelessly poor. A few favored individuals out of this motley regiment might be invited to the patron's own table, but all claimed as their right, and regularly received, either one substantial meal in a day, or its equivalent in money. Occasionally the mass of the clients was regaled at a public feast (epidum publicum), where the viands were supplied by a contractor (man- ceps) at so much a head. This was called a cena recta, and was, originally, at least an exceptional arrangement - , for days of public celebration ; as when Julius Caesar, 76 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. on the occasion of his triumph, in 56 B.C., entertained the entire male population of Rome at 22,000 triclinia. A more common custom was to appoint a place where a species of dole was distributed to all the clientele. This practice was called epulum dtvidere, and the dole itself sportula from the basket in which the food was taken away ; the same name being applied in imperial times to the small money-payment, which had now uni- versally replaced the alms in kind. The average amount of this daily allowance, under the earlier emperors, was twenty-live asses, or about thirty-three cents of our money. On special occasions, like the patron's birth- day, a larger sum was given. Martial 1 mentions one such where it was trebled, but adds contemptuously that it was doubtful whether the man had a right to any birthday at all. On the other hand if the great man were ill and could not receive his clients, there appears to have been no distribution; but even so, a client who managed to make a number of successive salutations, and to keep well with several patrons, as many did, might secure, without further exertion, a modest main- tenance for a rising family. 1 Mar. Epig. x. 27. FOOD AND CLOTHING. 77 CHAPTER IV. FOOD AND CLOTHING. Bread, wine, and oil, — on these three abundant and beautiful products of the Italian peninsula the mass of its inhabitants lived and throve in ancient times as they do to-day. Wheat was the grain most grown by the Romans, and wheaten porridge or bread their staple food. In very ancient times the grain of wheat was not even ground, but merely pounded in a mortar, mixed with water, and cooked to the consistency of a thick pulp, called puis. The slaves who pounded the grain were pistoreSj or pinsitores. Even after the superiority of baked bread had been discovered, the baking continued for a long time to be done at home, and was regarded as the special business of the house-mother, or of the chief cook, according to the rank and means of the family. The first public bakery of Rome was established in 171 B.c, after which time home-made bread went gradu- ally out of use in cities, though it had still to be pre- pared 011 rural estates by slaves appointed for the purpose. Later it became one of the recognized func- tions of the general government (it had long been held such in times of scarcity) to regulate, year by year, the food supply of the nation; and to see that the mass of the people was provided with cheap and wholesome 78 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. bread. The bread-makers of Kome were now organized into a college or guild, under the presidency of the Praefectus Annonae, and vast establishments, comprising both mills and bakeries, were built and let out to them by the State. The members of this guild enjoyed special privileges and immunities, which were extended, after the general decline of agriculture, when grain had to be imported in vast quantities, to the ship-owner and seamen (naviaddrii and caudicarii) , on whose enterprise the supply of bread- stuffs largely depended. Trajan, we are told, 1 gave the ius suffragii to every man who had worked for three years a pistrinum (grain-mill) in which at least one hundred moclii of corn had been ground daily. But it must always be remembered that even under that excel- lent emperor the suffrage did not mean what it had done when the state was free. As early as the times of the Gracchi (130 b.c.) there had been a monthly distribution of grain among the people. Four hundred years later, under the Emperor Aurelian, there had come to be a daily distribution of baked bread, either gratuitous or at a nominal price, with which, and the perpetual exhibition of games in the Circus ("pti7ie7)i et Circenses"), the Roman burgher of those degenerate days found his absolute needs both of body and mind satisfied without further exertion upon his own part. Different qualities of bread were provided even at the great public bakeries. The best was the panis siUgineus, made from siligo, or wheat flour of the very first quality ; the simila or similago was also a fine white flour, only a i Gaii. Inst. 1. 34. FOOD. 79 little inferior to the first. Coarser varieties of bread, — the panis cibarius, plebeius, rusticus, as also the panis ca- strensis, or bread of the common soldier, — were made by mixing flour of the second quality with bran, or wholly of bran, or sometimes of inferior grains like millet. Besides the great public magazines of bread, there were many small cake-shops, where cakes, pastry, and confectionery, and, in general, all the dainties which are summed up by the modern Italian under the comprehen- sive term dolci (sweets) were made and sold. But these establishments were conducted by private enterprise, and their keepers were clulciarii placentdrii, libarii, crustidarii, as the case might be. 'These were the shops which we have already seen besieged by the school-boys in the early morning hours ; but the choice of the young stu- dents was probably limited, and they had to content themselves for the most part, no doubt, with the harmless quadra panis, a plain, round cake quar- tered off by two lines like a hot-cross bun, of which D . , B . . . Panis (Rich). plenty of illustrations exist, and of which specimens were found at Pompeii. The grain-mills of the ancients were of three kinds, the molae manudriae, or hand-mills, the molae asindriae, turned hj asses or mules, and the molae aquariae, or water-mills. The first two were identical in principle, and differed only in size. They consisted of two parts, the meta, or nether, and the catillus, or upper mill-stone ; but their construction was very unlike that of the mills of modern times. The meta was a solid cone of stone 80 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. Moia(Rich). resting upon a firm base with an iron rod projecting a little way from its apex. The catillus consisted of two hollow stones, united in the form of an hour-glass. The lower half fitted over the cone of the meta like an inverted cup. It had a socket at the narrowest part, which received the rod aforesaid, and was made to revolve upon it by means of a projecting handle or lever. The grain was poured into the upper cup, and falling be- tween the lower and the solid cone through holes bored for the purpose, it was ground by the revolution of the catillus. If the mill were large and worked by horse-power, there was only one lever, to which the animal, whose eyes had first been bandaged to prevent its becoming dizzy, was harnessed. The smaller hand-mills had a lever project- ing on either side, and were worked by two slaves. Water-mills did not come into general use in Rome before the fourth century of our era, when there was a group of such at the foot of the Janiculan hill. The actual machinery for grinding was still substantially the same as that already described, but the power was now supplied by streams of water falling from an artificial reservoir at the top of the hill upon a large water-wheel (rota aquaria) with float-boards, and having attached to its axis a pair of cog-wheels {tympana dentata) whose motion turned the catillus. It was that able and resource- ful general, Belisarius, who, during the siege of Rome by FOOD. 81 the Goths in 536, devised a system of floating corn-mills, whose wheels were turned by the current of the Tiber somewhat like those which may be seen in such num- bers upon the Danube to-day between Vienna and Buda- Pesth. Bacon and the sweet, nutty oil of the country were used to impart a relish to porridge and coarse bread, and the ordinary drink of the peasant was milk or must, the unfermented juice of the grape. Moreover, even the comparatively poor man had access to an almost infinite variety of vegetables, — beans, peas, lentils, cabbages, beets, turnips, radishes, carrots, asparagus, artichokes, chiccory, onions, leeks, garlic and parsley, melons and cucumbers. Lettuce, mallow, cress, and many other plants were largely cultivated for salads ; and for sea- soning, mustard, anise, fennel, .mint, and so on. Beans and onions were the vegetables most extensively raised in ancient times, the name of the Fabian gens and the cognomen Csepio being derived from these crops. Beans, however, — forbidden altogether by Pythagoras to his disciples, — were considered too heavy food for any but smiths, gladiators, and farm hands ; and though Varro maintains that the men of old were at their raciest when their talk smelt of onions and garlic, the taste for these fierce condiments declined fast with the progress of refinement ; insomuch that Horace devotes an entire epode (the third) to his execration of the latter, and iSTsevius reproaches the gods for not having confounded the gardener who first grew an onion. The finest of all vegetables' to the elder Cato was cabbage, which seems quite consistent with what we know of his character. The natural fruits of Italy, apples, pears, plums. 82 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. quinces, olives, and grapes, were carefully cultivated from very early times, and Lucretius, Varro, and Virgil agree in describing the land as literally covered with vineyards and orchards: "tota pomarium" says Varro. These common fruits were cheap enough in their due sea- son, and found a place upon almost every table ; but as luxury increased, there came to be great emulation on the part of the horticulturists in the forcing of early fruit, in the production of new varieties, which were often, then as now, called after distinguished men, as the Ma- tian apple for Gaius Matius, and the Appian from an Appius Claudius; and lastly in the introduction and naturalization of foreign fruits, as the pomegranate (gra- natum) from Carthage, the fig and almond (ficus, amyg- dala) from Greece, the peach (malum Persicum) from Persia, the apricot (malum Armeniacum) from Armenia, the pistaccio nut (pistachium) , unknown before the time of Tiberius, and many others. Dried figs, dates, and damson-plums were largely im- ported, and both the native and the naturalized fruits of Italy were introduced by Roman colonists into far dis- tant provinces, as the cherry (cerasum) into Britain and the pistachio (pistachium) into Spain. The diet of the early Roman, though never exclusively vegetarian, appears to have been about as largely so as that of the Italian peasant of to-day. The slaughter of neat cattle for food was long regarded as a crime ; mutton, pork, and goat's flesh were the meats most in use. As time went on and taste became more sophisticated, the craving for animal food increased, and accomplished cooks like him in the Pseudolus of Plautus came to regard vegetables as merely accessories to it, and fitter upon the whole for the nourishment of animals than men. FOOD. 83 The taste for game also developed rapidly, until the sportsman's hag no longer sufficed for its gratification, but all great country-seats in the last years of the repub- lic had their vivaria, or preserves. The kinds of wild flesh most esteemed were hare (lejrus), wild-goat {caper), though this was condemned by Galen as unwholesome, the wild boar {a per), which was roasted whole and so served at sumptuous tables, and even the wild ass (ona- ger), and a certain species of dormouse (glis). Over and above the ordinary kinds of domestic fowl, feathered game was also in great request, such as the lagopus or white grouse, the scoldpax or snipe, the attagen Ionicas or woodcock, which was considered a marvellous delicacy, besides thrushes (turdi), partridges (jierdlces), ortolans (miliarias), pheasants (phasianl), cranes (grues), and pavdnes, or peacocks. These last indeed seem to have been regarded in the year 46 b.c. as the ne plus ultra of table luxury in this line, for it was then that Cicero wrote to his old friend Papirius Psetus, concerning the banquets to which he was perpetually bidden by certain young men of fashion, "whom he taught to declaim, while they taught him to dine," 1 that he had " eaten more peacocks " 2 that winter than Paetus had " ever eaten pigeons." And a little later he tells how he en- deavored to pay off his obligations by a handsome dinner to the same set of youths. " However," he adds, " I did not attempt to have peacock." 3 For fish there seems to have been no demand whatever in early Roman times, although the taste for it subsequently grew, as artificial tastes are wont to do, into a passion ; 1 Cic. Ad Fain. ix. 16. 2 cic. Ad Fam. ix. 18. 3 Cic. Ad Fam. ix. 20. 84 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. so that the word obsonium, originally applied to any kind of cooked food except bread, came to signify fish exclusively. Already, in the elder Cato's time, fish was dearer than beef ; unheard-of sums were paid to import alive the fish of other countries, and fish-tanks and fish- ponds (piscinae) for the cultivation of choice varieties became one of the favorite extravagancies of the wealthy. Among the most prized of the native species were the acipenser, a kind of sturgeon; the asp/Jus, which seems to have resembled our cod ; lupus, a species of pike, so named from its voracity, but of which those only were approved by epicures which were taken in the Tiber, — inter duos pontes — that is, in the neighborhood of the island; the mull us, or mullet, especially the bearded mullet, which, though seldom weighing more than two Roman pounds, often fetched an enormous price ; the rhombus, a kind of turbot; and later, the river-fish of North Italy, of the Danube, the Rhine, and the Moselle. There was, moreover, a vast importation of different kinds of salted and pickled fish from various Mediter- ranean ports, those which came from Spain, Sardinia, and Pontus being most esteemed. The common name for all these preparations was tarichos, a word borrowed from the Greek, and under this head were comprised many different sorts and grades. There was tarichos made from fat fishes and tarichos made from lean ; there was a delicate variety made entirely from the young fry taken in the spring, and a coarser but still highly appe- tizing kind made from the large slices (Meldndrya) cut from the back of the thunnus, or tunny-fish; first salted and dried in the sun, then cooked in sea-water or oil, and eaten with vinegar and mustard, by way of gustatdriiun. at the beginning of a meal. FOOD. 85 Salted fish was of course a cheaper food than fresh. and there was a certain savory dish, the tyrotarichus, made of some kind of tarichos, eggs and cheese, or spices, which was the subject of endless jests between Cicero and his friends, as a kind of symbol of resolute frugality. Oysters (ostreae) were considered as great a delicacy in Roman times as now. Imported in the first instance from the East, and especially from Abydos, they came to be extensively cultivated in the neighborhood of Naples, especially in the Avernine and Lucrine lakes, and subsequently in the remotest parts of the western provinces. In the time of Ausonius, the oysters of Bur- digala (Bordeaux) in Gaul were particularly relished. An important industry also grew up out of the manufact- ure, in seaport towns, of three kinds of fish-sauce, garum, muria, and allex, which greatly tickled the sophisticated Roman palate. Garum was made chiefly from sturgeon or mackerel; muria from tunny. Their preparation is not perfectly understood, but in both cases the fish appears to have been slightly cooked in sea-water, and allowed to ferment for several months. The resultant mixture was then strained, and the clear liquor, which was very costly, constituted garum or muria, the resid- uum allex. The word muria was also used for any brine, and there was a cheap sort of allex, home-made from ordinary fish, which was given to slaves as a relish with their porridge. Sugar and butter were unknown among the Romans, their place being supplied by honey and oil. A few words only need be given in this place to the comprehensive subjects of oil and wine ; since the mode of manufacturing, from the olive and the grape, these 86 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. important articles, or at least accessories of a Roman diet, will be fully described in the chapter on Agriculture. The cultivation of the olive for .oil was as old in Italy as the time of the Tarquins. It spread thence to Gaul and to Spain ; but the Italian oils were always considered the best in the world, and they were profitably exported in ancient times, as they are to-day. The vine was native all over the peninsula, and always esteemed a pecul- iarly sacred product of the soil. It was under the direct patronage of Jove, in whose honor were celebrated, on the twenty-third of April and the twentieth of August, the feasts of the Vindlia Urbana and the Vinalia Rustica ; and the vintage was opened by the Jldmen didlis with a religious ceremony. These pious, old-fashioned customs, however, had reference merely to the production of the ordinary sour wines of the country, like Horace's vile Sabinum, or that acrid wine of the Alban Mount, which excited the merriment of Cineas, the ambassador of Pyr- rhus. 1 The careful and expensive culture of the vine for the production of choice local varieties did not begin in Italy until after that of cereals had notably declined. The elder Pliny tells us in his Natural History, 2 that at the time of his writing, which was probably about 50 a.d., there were some eighty varieties of good wine in the Roman market, of which number nearly two-thirds were grown in Italy. Excellent kinds were raised, on all the southern slopes of the Alban hills, at Velitrse, at Prseneste, and notably at Pormiae upon the coast. Among the Sabine wines, the once renowned Caecuban, which Augustus considered the noblest wine on earth, and which chiefly came from the neighborhood of Terra- 1 Plin. Nat. Hist, xiv. 8. 2 Plin. Nat. Hist. xiv. 11. FOOD. 87 oina, was no longer grown in Pliny's time, and its name had become a kind of general expression for any particu- larly excellent vintage. The yet more famous Falernian in all its varieties, brown and pale, sweet and dry, had also lost something of its prestige, owing to the fact that it was unscrupulously adulterated. But the prod- uct of the Mons Massicus, so often and melodiously praised both by Horace and Virgil, still held its pre- eminent place among the wines of the South, and fine varieties were grown upon Vesuvius, in all the environs of Naples and Pompeii, at Cumae, and at Sorrento. The wine of the latter place was much recommended by physi- cians, but it took twenty-five years to ripen, and Tiberius called it " a noble vinegar." There was a brisk demand for certain Sicilian wines, especially those of Messala, Taormina, and Syracuse, and also for those of Central and Eastern Italy, from the vineyards about Spoleto, Ancona, and Cesena, near Ravenna, where, indeed, wine was not merely more wholesome, but cheaper than water. From Aquileia in the North came the Vinum Puclnum, to the use of which Livia ascribed her eighty-two years of ex- ceptional health, and the excellent wine of Istria. The Tuscan wines, as a whole, were considered inferior ; the best was that which came from the higher levels of the Mediterranean coast, near the white marble city of Luna. The Rhsetic wine of Verona was particularly esteemed among those of Cisalpine Gaul. Wines of Spain, Provence, the Mediterranean islands, Greece, and Asia Minor 5 were always to be found in the Roman market, but those of the East were always pre- pared for transportation by a treatment with sea-water and resin. Wines which ripened slowly, as those of the 88 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. ' far South almost always do, were often taken when un fermented, and either cooked or exposed to the sun o the action of smoke ; and there were Gallic wines, which: like the Scotch whiskey of to-day, always retained a peculiar flavor due to the latter process. Among the cheaper fermented drinks relished by the Romans were cider, perry, date and mulberry wines. Mention has already been made of the beverage called mulsum. which was compounded principally of wine and honey, and sipped at the beginning of a meal ; but other condiments were added to this mixture in almost infinite variety ; a species of mulse flavored with pepper, and hence called pipperatum, was a special favorite, while more than fifty kinds of distilled liqueurs were manu- factured from the juices of different aromatic plants. The first thing to be noted about the dress of the Romans is that its prevalent material was always woollen. Sheep- raising for wool was practised among them on an ex- tensive scale, from the earliest historic times, and the choice breeds of that animal, originally imported fi "V Greece or Asia Minor, took so kindly to the soil ; climate of Italy that home-grown wool came even to preferred to the foreign for fineness and softness quality. Foreign wools were, however, always impoi more or less, partly because the supply of native wt seems never to have been quite sufficient, partly beca< the natural colors of wools from different parts vai so considerably as to render the art of the flyer to s< extent unnecessary. Thus, the wools of Canusium (C ossa) were brown or reddish, those of Pollentia CLOTHING. 89 ( Liguria were black, those from the Spanish Baetica, y which comprised Andalusia and a part of Granada, had either a golden-brown or a grayish hue ; the wools of Asia were almost all red ; and there was a Grecian fleece, called the crow-colored, of which the natural tint was a peculiarly deep and brilliant black. -£ Goats' wool was rarely used for articles of clothing. Peasants, and especially shepherds, wrapped themsel^s in goat-skins, as they still do ; but only the wool of the long-haired foreign varieties from Spain, Africa, and Asia Minor l was regularly woven into" rough and heavy cloths, which were used for tent-coverings, for bagging in cbmmorce, for blankets and warm oversjioes, and to protect the outer walls of houses in stormy weather against the wind and rain. Ropes and cables were also made of goats' hair. Linen cloth made from the fibre of flax was undoubt- edly an Egyptian invention ; but the cultivation of the > plant was ancient all over Italy, as well as the weaving of home-spun linen fabrics, for the undergarments both of men and women, and the belts and girdles of the lat- ter, for the bandages needed in medical practice, and the awnings- {vela) which were used as a protection from tlie sun. Linen threads were also made, and cords for hunting and fishing-nets. The finer grades of woven linen required in later and more luxurious times for handkerchiefs, table-cloths, napkins, and bedding, and, finally for entire suits of garments, were always manu- factured abroad, especially at Damascus, Laodicea, Tar- sus, and Alexandria ; and the later Emperors had private 1 Thr hair-shirt of later times, cil <%um, got its name from the Cilician goat. 90 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. linen factories both in the East and at Vienna (Vienne in France), where imperial slaves were kept at work to supply the requirements of the court. Cotton and cotton fabrics came always from the far East. Introduced into Greece by the returning soldiers of Alexander the Great, late in the fourth century B.C., they were certainly known in Rome not much more than a hundred years afterwards, for we find the word ccwbasina applied to a stuff by the comic poet Csecilius Statins in 191 b.c. ; now carbasus was the technical word for Indian muslin, and it is identical with the Sanscrit name (Jcarpdst) of the cotton-plant. The term was no doubt often loosely employed by Roman writers for linen as well as cotton fabrics ; but the latter had the great advantage for the ancients of receiving more read- ily the blue and purple dyes which they specially affected, and they came on this account to be even preferred by many for purposes of personal adornment. Silk (sericum), too, was an article of Eastern luxury, and hardly known in Rome before the end of the repub- lic. The Roman soldiers had indeed seen in 54 b.c. the fluttering of silken banners wrought with gold, and borne before the advancing Parthians ; but not until the time of Augustus do we find frequent mention of silken gar- ments, of which three varieties are distinguished, — the vestes Coae, the vestes bombycinae, and the vestes sericae. The Coan robes were extremely costly, transparently fine and thin in texture, purple in color, and usually em- broidered with gold. They came from the cocoon of the Chinese worm, and derived their name from, the JEgean island, where the silken yarn was spun, dyed, a. id woven. The vestes bombycinae came chiefly from ^«^ ; where CLOTHING. 91 the native silk was yellowish in color, not silvery white like the Chinese. Vestis serica was a more general term, referring doubtless to the Chinese product, 1 which, how- ever, was more often imported raw or in loose fabrics, which were subsequently unravelled and mixed with linen or wool, then rewoven into light and supple stuffs for the so-called vestes subsericae. By the fourth century of our era these mixed fabrics had come into rather general use ; but vestes holosericae, or garments of pure silk, were still regarded as a great extravagance, used only by very luxurious persons, on state occasions, or for sumptuous gifts. It was the Emperor Justinian who in - 552 imported the first silk-worms into Byzantium, whence their culture spread slowly into Western Europe, although only one out of the dozen or more varieties native in China and Japan, the bombyx mori, or mulberry silk- worm, ever became thoroughly naturalized and profitable there. The spinning and weaving of early times was, for the most part, done at home, and was the special business of the mistress of the house, and the maids whom she directed. The spinner held the distaff (coins), wrapped about with carded wool, in her left hand, under her left arm, or fastened in her waist-band, while with the right hand she drew out the fibres, fastened them to a hook at th'3 top of the spindle (fusus), and, twirling them slightly between the thumb and forefinger, imparted to lr The word Seres meant first silk-merchants, but came afterward to be applied to all Chinamen. So that when Virgil speaks (Georg. II. 121) of the Seres who gather off the trees the soft, fleecy threads which the native worms have left hanging there, he may have used either a commercial or a geographical expression. 92 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. V Colus (Rich). the hanging spindle a rotary motion, which continued of itself to twist the lengthening thread. As soon as the spindle touched the floor, it was lifted, the thread already spun was wound around it, and the process repeated. When the spindle was quite full, the thread was removed and laid in the calathus, or spinning-basket. The most primitive looms of all were vertical, and the weaver worked standing. They were very simple in construction, consisting of two parallel bars, to which the threads of the warp were attached, above and below, while the shuttle containing the thread of the woof was passed in and out between them, and back and forth. In such a loom the web might be woven either upwards or downwards. The term sursum versum, regularly applied to the tunicae rectae, which young people of both sexes assumed at maturity, is thought to indicate that they were woven from the bottom up. Later on, horizontal looms were introduced, at which the weaver sat. They were iden- tical in principle with the hand-looms of every age and country, and substantially the same in arrangement; and there is scarce a mountain village in Italy to-day where a contadina may not be seen tending a fac-simile of the old Roman machine. All woollen cloths, ant., most of all, the home-mr ""e fabrics of the early republican period, had to be finish. CLOTHING. 93 by the fuller (fullo) before they were fit for use. They were soaked in pits (lacunae) constructed for the pur- pose, treated with chalk and other alkalis, dried, washed, and dried again; beaten and carded until the separate threads were no longer visible ; finally, brushed, shorn, and pressed. s The fullers were early organized into a guild (colle- gium), with Minerva for their patroness, and an annual feast upon the fifteenth of March; and their art was applied not only to the preparation of new cloths, but to the cleansing and restoration of old garments. A toga mad3 of new cloth, with a full nap, was called a pexa vestis; after it had begun to be threadbare it was said to be tnta or dejloccata; when it had been whitened and restored by the fuller, it was a toga interpolata. Taie time soon came, of course, when homespun goods no longer sufficed for the clothing of Rome, and then large factories (officinae) had to be established for the weaving both of woollen and linen cloths. Meanwhile it is certain that, with one very important exception, the art of the tinctor, or dyer, was seldom employed upon the <>ld-fashioned home-made fabrics. The natural tints, already noted, of sundry foreign wools, furnished all the variety of color demanded by the taste of a primitive time, especially after it became customary to import colored flocks, which were kept strictly separate from the white home-breeds. Tb ; one exception refers, of course, to that historic pui>e, which was so highly prized as a mark of social and official rank; whose use at Rome the elder Pliny believes 1 to have been coeval with the city itself, and 1 °lin. Nat. Hist, ix. 39. 94 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. borrowed by her early kings from the conquered so ver- eigns of Etruria. This famous dye, in all its infinitely varying shades, was obtained from two kinds of shell- fish, common in almost every part of the Mediterranean Sea, — the trumpet shell (bucinum or murex) a~ /; ^^ true purple-shell 1 (purpura ok pelagic). The juice of the first was crimson, that of ulv eecoiiu nearly black. It was collected, mixed with salt, and heated in metal vessels by the introduction of warm vapor. The color of the bucihum was brilliant, but not lasting. By mixing with the darker purpura jt became fixed, and those violet or amethystine tints were produced which appear to have been preferred for the cldvus and the striped borders of white garments. The "true Tyrian purple, first introduced into Rome about the die of the last century B.C., was produced by a dq process of dyeing, first in half -boiled purpura, and then in bucinum. A fabric thus dyed appeared nearly 1 shadow, but the high, lights upon its folds were glowing red. A pound of amethyst or v. ; olet wool in Caesar's was worth about $20; a pound of real Tyrian, more I ten times as much. At a later period, the blatta^ ba ^e into use for both grades of purple, and paler shades ti. n those of the original dye, as. well as a whole ran?e 'f blues, were produced by mixr] vith different animal and vegetable substances. (J ear • scarlet was obt-vlu from the coccus llicis, a spec^ > cochineal, and from the red fucus, or rock-lichen. The triibea, or robe. worn by augurs, and on certain occasions by equites (knights,, 1 The latter is the buccinium lapUlis, the fprmer the mure: bran- daris of modern conchology. CLOTHING. 95 Paludamentum (Rich). was of striped scarlet and purple. The paludamentum, y. or short military cloak worn by a Roman general over his armor, was of a reddish purple, but robes made entirely of blatta, or fine pure purple, were considered strictly appropriate only ' / for triumphatores, who also had them richly ( embroidered, and later for imperial per- sonages. That their use was constantly affected by others is, however, evinced by the prohibitive decrees of different em- perors, as well as by a very curious pas- sage- in Ovid 1 in which he gives it as his opinion that costly robes of pure purple are unbecoming to a woman. He advises instead pale sky-blue or rose pink, a very faint amethyst, or sea-green. Otherwise the deep tint of the Paphian myrtle, the soft gray of a crane's plumage, the brown of acorns or of almond-shells. All this proves very good taste on the poet's part, and that the superi- ority in costume of half-tints over pure colors was already acknowledged by the truly aesthetic. We come now to the form of garments both masculine and feminine. From the earliest historic period the V Romans appear to have worn at least two articles of clothing, — a tunic and a toga. Some wore instead of the '■ '<■ m uuder-garment called the subUyuoilum. which tyas 1 M Ie< x m<)re than such a bandage as the gymnasts wore when exercising, and which was preferably, if not alwaj si made of linen. The tunic was necessary indoors, however, where it was considered bad .manners not to lay t] iside. The tunic v*as a species of woollen i (>v A-- Ajn iii. 109-188. 96 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. / shirt, made with front and back pieces, which were sewn together on the shoulders and under the arms. Either it had no sleeves, or the sleeves were short, not reaching below the elbow. Long-sleeved tunics (tunicae manicatae or manuledtae) were considered the height of effeminacy, and never came into general use before the third or fourth century of our era. The tunics of the common people were belted in above the hips, and did not hang below the knee. Those who were en- titled to the cldvus latus, or broad purple ^stripe down the front, which was always Tunica (Rich). so arranged as to hang outside the girdle, wore them somewhat longer; soldiers and travellers, even shorter. In the time of Plautus it had become customary to wear also an undershirt or tunic, called the tunica interior or subucula, which was also regularly made of wool, never of linen, until late im- perial times. We have already seen how the toga was first put on at the age of maturity, with public and impressive cere- monies. It remains to say a few words concerning the shape and arrangement of this celebrated garment. It ■•was of white woollen cloth, which in the case of carnle magistrates had narrow purple stripes inwoven tot border. It appears to have come from the loom '■■■ &i< 'oblong form, and afterwards to have been rounded corners into that of an ellipse. Its length must btf three times the wearer's height measured downwards frcm the shoulder. Its breadth varied greatly with time, ftishion, and the quality of the cloth. The toga of t -ie early CLOTHING. 97 period was comparatively narrow, and the rough, coarse fabric of which it was made permitted no artistic ar- rangement. In those days the toga was the garment of Avar as well as of peace, and when worn in the field it had no loosely hanging ends, but was bound tightly around the body in what was called the ductus Gabinus. Later, after the introduction of the s agum^ or short square military cloak, fastened upon the shoulder with a, fibula, or brooch, the toga became the distinctive garb of peace, and gave scope for enormous vanity, both in its texture and in the mode of wearing it. It was made of ever finer and finer cloth, the supple folds of which were assiduously studied and arranged. The broader the cloth, it was observed, the more graceful the effect which could be given these folds, hence the fashionable toga in- creased in width, until it became nearly circular, and Horace jeers 1 at the f reed- man who paraded the Sacred Way in a toga four yards (bis trium ulnarum) wide, to the scandal of the passers-by. «" This elliptical garment was first folded, not exactly on its longest axis, but so as to leave the edges a little way apart One end of the folded cloth was now flung over tlm h ft shoulder from behind so as to fall to the feet in front. The remaining two-thirds of its length were then brought around under the right arm, and the folded cloth so spread as to cover the right side from the armpit to the calf of the leg. It was then gathered and carried up 1 Hor. Epod. iv. 7, 8. Cinctus Gabinus (Rich). 98 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. across the breast, to be thrown backward over the left shoulder. The diagonal breast-folds constituted the sinus, which often served the purposes of a pocket. The portion of the toga first thrown over* the left shoulder, and lying beneath the sinus, was in later times pulled up so as to hang a little way over it in what was called the nodus, or umbo. This precaution was supposed to give firmness to the whole arrangement ; but the toga must always, one would think, have been fastened to the tunic, at least upon the shoulder, else it is impossible to conceive how the wearer could have had any freedom either of locomotion or gesticulation. There seems some reason to believe that the toga of imperial times was cut out in the form of a semi-ellipse, and partially fitted to the person, while a portion was pressed into fine folds by the fuller before wearing. At the opening of the temple of Janus at the Ambarvalia, or ceremony of blessing the fields for a good harvest (which was ob- served on May 27th, and is still observed in most Latin countries), and upon certain other solemn public occa- sions, the Gabinian or girded toga was regularly worn. Candidates for office derived their name from the cus- tom which required them to appear in a toga Candida, or pure white toga, either quite new or freshly treat a ith chalk. The mourning toga was originally black later "" the darkest blue was also worn. The working-classes used, for defence again; t the * weather, an outer cloak called paenula, made of thick, • hairy, dark-colored frieze, or even oTle.VJier. It had no sleeves, but was usually provided with a hood (cucuUks), and hooked or buttoned clos ,ly all- down the front. The obvious ponvpnipnpp ami snij ^ OQe of this garment caused CLOTHING. 99 it eventually to be adopted as a travelling wrap by men, and even women, of all ranks, and the host's first duty to a guest was to unfasten his paenula. 1 The birrus or burrus was another outside garment of similar cut, made usually of rough, red cloth. The lacerna was of lighter and more elegant material, and worn outside the toga, less for use than for show. Even- ing-dress, as we understand it, was represented by the vestis cenatoria, which appears to have been an exceed- ingly light and airy mantle, presumably of rich material, and almost always gaily colored, — green, blue, crimson, and variegated. It was easily thrown on and off and sometimes changed several times in the course of one ceremonious dinner. The primitive Roman, like the barbarian everywhere, was long-haired and long-bearded. The razor and the shears — novacula and forfex — are indeed mentioned early, the former in the reign of Tarquinius Priscus ; but Ave are expressly told by the elder Pliny, 2 that Scipio -ciiritianus was the first Roman who ever shaved daily, rvnile the beard of Augustus was always cut. The first hair cut from the head of a child, and a""youth's first Vaiti, were consecrated to the gods; but the coins of th late republican period show plainly that young men usr ■• r ly wore a beard, though carefully trimmed and dre ed, and were seldom clean-shaven before forty. To 1 Hence, too, scindere paniulam (to rend the cloak) became pro- vt >-Ma\ for giving a visitor a pressing invitation to remain ; and we ' ,.l Cicero saying to Atticus (Ep. xiii. 33) of an unwelcome guest, Heel ita feci, ut non scinderem paenulam" meaning that he sent^ Vim lit his business without delay. 2 . Nat. Hist. vii. 59. 100 THE PKIVATE LIFE OF THE ROiviaj>». let the beard grow long was a sign of mourning, whether for private loss or public calamity, and continued to be so regarded until the Emperor Hadrian re-introduced the fashion of the full beard even for middle-aged and elderly men. There were frequent changes, also, in the mode of masculine hair-dressing. In Cicero's time it was elabo- rate, and depilatories and hair-tongs (psUothra and cala- mistri) were among the barber's regular weapons, whether the latter were a house-slave, or the keeper of a tonstrina, or barber's shop. In the time of Marcus Aurelius the artificially curled and perfumed head was no longer considered in good taste. Later, it became fashionable for even imperial personages to wear the hair close- clipped, like athletes and the Stoics. For head-gear the Romans had the plleus and the petasus. The former was a close-fitting felt cap, worn bv sailors and artisans, Jw a freedman as the sign of ti emancipation, and b} whole population 1 D .. , D . . , Saturnalia, but othe.vif Pileus (Rich). used by the upper cl only when journeying. The petasus was a felt hat a round brim, worn principally by comic actors, and by the £. spectators in a theatre, as a pro- tection against the light from above. A well-born Roman of the best period, however,— p< whether man or woman, — usually disdained any species of hat 01 abroad uncovered. CLOTHING. 101 For the clothing of their feet, the Bomans made use both of shoes (calcei) and sandals (sandalid). Every Roman order and every great tribe or gens had a distinctive kind of shoe. The ordinary calceus patricius, or patrician shoe, also called mulleus, was made of red leather, with a high heel, and straps to fasten it about the ankle. It had also a crescent- shaped ornament up- on the front, called the lunula, which was of very ancient origin, and seems, like the bulla, to have had the force of a charm. The second grade of shoe, only a little less dignified than the mulleus, was the calceus senator ius, which was of black leather, with aps and no lunula. Another kind of shoe, called and rather resembling a boot, worn in Avet or "- y weather, and always by the equites, was also black, by a simple tie. The' ladies of the higher out of doors, calcei, made of a fine leather lied alula, and richly embroidered in silk and gold. At home, both men and women preferred to wear sandals, ( l- simple soles, bound to the foot with straps or ribbons, but it was long "regarded as a great breach of etiquette wear sandals abroad. The craft of the sator, or shoe- as Strays a particularly respectable one, and Shoes and sandals (Becker's Gallus). 102 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. theirs was one of the original colleges founded b; Numa. The civilized Roman lady, like her lord of the same period, wore three garments, — a tunica intima, a stola, and a palla. The woollen undergarment' was virtually the same for both sexes. The stola was much longer than the masculine tunic, slit open at the top on either side for the passage of the arms, fastened again upon the shoulders with clasps or brooches (fibulae), which were often articles of great value. It was usually fin- ished at the bottom by a ruf- fled border or flounce called the instita, which admitted of embroidery or other decora- tion. Sometimes it had tight sleeves reaching to the elbow and fastened together on the back of the arm with gold or jewelled buttons, a charming mode, represented upon many existing statues. The stola was confined at the waist bjr a girdle, but pulled up so as to conceal the latter by its falling folds (rugae). This beautiful garment was the matron's robe of ho™ r only married women of unblemished reput allowed to wear it. Euterpe with stola and palla (Baumeister). The palla wal ^Kt ^ U(f of the toga, and wa* ^ ^ teo 9 square or oblong piece of &. *^ left shoulder and falling to the i^ *0f the back, either above or below the rig,, thrown backward over the left arm or shou. the toga, it could, if necessary, be drawn up o\\.. head. Women of the lower orders, or those not privileged to wear the stola wore, directly over the under-tunic, a palla made of woollen cloth, turned over at the top and folded round the body under the arms, then drawn up and fastened upon either shoulder with clasps or simple buckles. It thus lay double over the breast and back, but fell in a single thickness to the feet. To judge by the management of the folds in existing illustrations, the stuffs most affected for their outer garments by Eoman women who aspired to elegance, were always fine and thin. The mixed fabrics already described, of silk and wool or silk and linen, were probably most employed, pure silk being always an article of great luxury, while the very fine linen and cotton stuffs to which the word byssus was indifferently applied, were a late fashion and fit only for summer garments. We have already learned from Ovid how wide was the lange of colors from which a Roman belle could choose. She enjoyed hardly less latitude in her hair-dressing, the styles of which were infinite. The graceful antique fashion had beeivto gather the hair altogether in a knot at the back of the head, sometimes low in the neck, but oftener lifted high upon the crown, and we find the early fathers of the Christian Church, — Jerome, Tertullian, Prudentius, — pleading earnestly for a return to this 102 THE PRIVATE LIFE ots THE ROMANS. theirs warn simple mode, and sternly denouncing the ugly and costly artificial structure of cushions, braids, and curls then greatly in vogue. Entire wigs (capilla- menta) were much worn in the first century, and those made of blonde hair brought very high prices. Gold and jewelled ornaments, ^anfiuli (rings), monllia (necklaces), armillae (bracelets), worn either at the wrist or above the elbow, with a sleeveless tunic, were affected both by men and women of fashion, and were often of exquisite workmanship. All the principal precious stones, diamonds, rubies, emeralds, opals, were known to the Romans, but the gem which they prized above all others was the pearl ; and unheard-of prices were paid for large ! single specimens, to be worn as ear-drops or upon the brow. Julius Caesar is said to have given to Servilia, the mother of Marcus Brutus, 1 a solitaire pearl for which he paid six million sesterces ($262,500), while Caligula received with his wife Lollia Paulina a complete parure of pearls and emeralds, which was an heirloom in her , family ; a part of the spoil taken in Eastern war by her grandfather, Marcus Lollius, in the year 2 B.C., and val- ued at forty million sesterces 2 ($2,180,000). Slippers embroidered with seed pearls were common among the rich, and sometimes affected, as the elder Pliny complains, even by the comparatively poor. 1 Suet. Caes. 50. 2 Plin. Nat. Hist. ix. 35. C-l - 3 x -Jl V \B>. ARy OF THE UNIVERSITY AGRICULTURE. 105 CHAPTER V. AGRICULTURE. Small holdings were certainly the rule among the early Romans. Tradition even averred that Romulus had al- lotted to each of his followers but two iugera l of land. After the expulsion of the kings, the tribune Licinius was said to have decreed an allowance per capita of seven iugera. This did not apparently prevent a proprietor from increasing his possessions if he saw fit, but laws more decidedly restrictive had soon to be passed. Five hundred iugera was fixed as the maximum holding, and one of the reforms which the Gracchi favored was a fur- ther reduction to two hundred. The former number remained the nominal maximum down to historic times, and even after the restrictive law had become a dead letter, there was a sentiment in favor of small holdings. " Praise large farms, but till a small one," is the witty precept of Virgil. 2 Naturally, as the farm increased in extent, the mode of working it became more complex. Two iugera the owner could manage without assistance ; when his pos- sessions increased to seven, he may have had a slave or two to aid him, and perhaps an ass ; but seven iugera would certainly not support a pair of oxen, and indeed 1 About 1] acres : see table. - Geor. ii. 412-18, 106 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. the spade always held its own against the plough in Roman agriculture. In the management of large holdings three methods appear to have been practised. A farm might be let for a fixed money rent, or let on shares with the rent paid in kind, or the owner might choose to be his own farmer, making use of either slave labor or free, or what was perhaps most common of all, having a permanent staff of slaves, and supplementing these with hired hands at the seasons when work pressed, as- at the vintage. In choosing a farmstead, the chief thing to be avoided was an unhealthy district. A marshy soil was always to be shunned, and so was a river-bank, though an ample water-supply was indispensable. The ideal situation was a hillside gently sloping to the east. Here the master's residence could be adapted to receive the sun in winter and the breeze in summer, drainage was easily managed, and the very best soil for vineyards and olive-orchards secured. Facility of transportation for the farm-produce was a great desideratum, yet Columella 1 advises against a situation immediately on a high-road, both on account of the depredations of the casual passer-by, and because of the perpetual calls on the owner's hospitality. The estate purchased, the proprietor's first care was to have its boundaries clearly established. There was a pleasant fashion of following its outer line with a close- ■set row of trees all of one kind, as elm, ash, or cypress ; or it might be enclosed with hedge or fence, or by a ditch and earthen bank. Otherwise its limits were indicated merely by boundary stakes. The next point to be considered was the choice of a i Col. De Re Rus. i. 5. AGRICULTURE. 107 crop adapted to the soil, and we find great difference of opinion among the writers on agriculture as to those which promised the best return. All agree, however, in lamenting that so many estates were given over to the grazing of cattle and sheep, to the detriment of agri- culture proper. The majority follow Cato in giving their first preference to a choice vineyard, though the vine required more labor than any other crop. To one hundred iugera of vineyard Cato allows ten laborers, one ox-herd, and one yoke of oxen, one ass-driver with three asses (two for the carts and one for the mill), a swine- herd, and a man to look after the willow plantations, from which came the withies for binding the vine, while all the osier baskets required in stripping the vines, gathering the grapes, etc., were woven on the premises. Two hundred and forty iugera of olive-orchards were stated by the same authority to require five laborers, three ox-herds for as many yoke of oxen, a pig-tender, an ass-driver with four asses, and a shepherd with a hun- dred sheep. The farm-hands, whether many or few, were always under the supervision of a vilicus and vilica, an over- seer and a housekeeper, as we might say. 1 This pair was often, though not invariably, husband and wife. The overseer had to keep a sharp lookout over the slaves by night and day, provide their food and clothing, see that the farm-tools were in good condition, and in general that everything might be ready for the master's inspec- tion at any moment. The sphere of the mlica was within doors, except for the care of the gallinarium, 1 These offices are perpetuated on the Italian villa farm, where a fattore and fattoressa are always to be found. 108 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS. or poultry-yard, where, if there were ever a dearth of fowls or eggs, she was the person held responsible. She saw to the cooking and sweeping, the pickling and preserving. She was also warned to be no gad- about, and not to presume to offer any sacrifices ; for the master of the house undertook the religious respon- sibilities of the whole faynilia. Yet on feast-days, and on the Calends, Nones, and Ides of each month, she was to adorn her hearth with a wreath of flowers, and offer to the Lares her prayers for plenty. The food of the familia rustica consisted of a liberal daily allowance of bread, wine, oil, salt, and some sort of relish, such as pickled olives or fish. Every two years the hands received a pair of wooden shoes, and on alter- nate years a tunic and a hooded cloak of shaggy cloth (sagatus cucullus). They were also supplied with patch- work coverings called centones, made up by the female slaves from the sound bits of all sorts of cast-off gar- ments, which might be used either as bedding, or by way of protection from the rain. Special favors in the matter of diet and clothing were often shown to highly deserving slaves; but the punishment, even of trifling offences, was frequently barbarous. The slaves were divided into those who worked in fetters (comjiediti, alligati), and those who were allowed liberty of motion ; and a great distinction was made in their housing ; for while the latter had a large common room where they might meet in the evening and on rainy days, and separate cells to sleep in, airy, above ground, and with a southern aspect, the former were lodged in basements lighted only by narrow windows too high to be reached by the hand, and in these underground y y, ) y ^m ii mnnw i m ' »^.>w