UC-NRLF $C 15 SflT \. HARACTERS ^ POINTS "1 HISTORY LIBRARY OF THE University of California. OIFT OF .^cLuv-i^^A^cl . ,^ ..TCiArv'ur Class i^\ r Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/chartoffamouschaOOhewirich CHART OF FAMOUS CHARACTERS, AND Saliein^t Poijn^ts of History. 2000 B. C. - 1900 A. D. A USEFUL INDEX FOR REFERENCE, And a key TO HISTORY. BY EDWARD G. HEWITT. 3\\ ^'^ ^^j^ 1 COPYKIGHT, 1902 & 1904, BY Edward G. Hewitt. GREAT EVENTS COME THROUGH GREAT CHARACTERS WHO HAVE FAITH TO START GREAT MOVEMENTS WITH LIGHT AND INTENSITY TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS. 194680 c o isr T E isr T s . PACB 1 2-3 4-5 6-7 &-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16 18 20 22 24 26 28*30 32a34 17 19 21 23 25 27 29&31 33&35 36 37-52 Preface. Summary of General History, dominant governments, etc., with leading dates. Chronological Summary of the most flourishing and powerful countries, etc. Most noted Battles, Wars, etc., at one view. Most noted Structures, etc., at one view. Greatest Characters in History at one view. Chart of Famous Characters, u U u i( Notes of Important Events, etc. u tt u u It M It tl u U u (I 2000 B. C. 1500 B. C. 1000 B. C. 500 B. C. Christ 500 A. D. 1000 A. D. 1500 A. D. 2000 B. C. 1500 B. C. 1000 B. C. 500 B. C. Christ 500 A. D. 1000 A. D. 1500 A. D. - 1500 B. C. - 1000 B. C. - 500 B. C. - Christ - 500 A. D. - 1000 A. D. -- 1500 A. D. - 1900 A. D. - 1500 B. C. - 1000 B. C. - 500 B. C. - Christ - 500 A. D. - 1000 A. D. - 1500 A. D. - 1900 A. D. Famous Characters. Alphabetically arranged. RUtBD PAGES FOR CHARTING MORE NAMES, SPECIAI, CHARTS, NOTES, ETC. PREFACE. This work is planned to make history more easily comprehended and therefore more interesting. It will enable a person to readily ascertain when a famous character lived, when a noted battle was fought, or the date of some other important occurrence. Many events of secondary importance have been purposely omitted, thus leaving the main incidents of history free from what might confuse. The arrangement of the work is very simple and is designed to put one on the direct track to the information desired. Its value consists not only in showing at a glance the important events that occurred dxiring the careers of great characters, but also the predecessors, contemporaries and successors of those characters, with their correlations. The notes are brief and suggestive — they will tend to stimulate the reader to further research. The substance of history for the 3900 years is given on the first double page, and its chronological order on the second double page. A study of these will show in what part of the world activities flourished at any era, and also indicate the country or power that was uppermost in the history of each epoch. The tops of the letters (on the 8 charts) comprising the name of a character are, as a rule, placed on the year of birth. For example : Lincoln was bom in 1809, and met a violent death in 1865. The names without life lines on page 32 are placed when each character was about 30 years of age. The material has been gathered from various histories and books of reference. "The Historical Reference Book," by Louis Heilprin (one of the works consulted) will be a handy volume for finding additional data. I am further indebted to friends for aid and suggestions. Some will expect more names of statesmen, while others would prefer more names of philosophers, scientists, writers, educators, musicians, etc. Space is left for inserting a moderate number of such names — the relation which they have to the famous characters or leading events will then become obvious. E. G. H. Brooklyn, N. Y. February, 1902 Oo]>ri3Eis^SED Summary of History. PRIOR TO THE DARK AGES. EARLY BABYLONIAN OR CHALDEAN EMPIRE TO - GREATEST POWER AND SPLENDOR OF NEW EMPIRE IN EGYPT PERIOD OF EXPANSION IN INDIA .... ASSYRIAN EMPIRE. (Brilliant epoch after 900 and especially after 745) PHCENICIANS" GREATEST PROSPERITY - - - 1100-600 They were the greatest mtyuufacturers, merchants, navigators and colonizers of antiquity. LATER BABYLONIAN EMPIRE (Babylon, Media, Lydia, Egypt) MEDO-PERSIAN EMPIRE .... GREECE. MOST FLOURISHING PERIOD MACEDONIA OR GRECIAN EMPIRE ALEXANDER'S SUCCESSORS RULED TO ... ROME MAKES FOREIGN CONQUESTS ROME DOMINANT ...... THE RUGGED BARBARIANS POUR INTO THE ROMAN DOMAINS WESTERN EMPIRE FALLS. Eastern Empire continues to B. C. 1300 1600-1300 1400 -320 1100 - 607 _ 607 538 - 538 - 330 500- -338 - _ 330 - 301 168 - B, 255 — 133 168 .C- - 250 A. D. - 375 - 568 1453 -x SINCE THE FALL OF ROME. DARK AGES, SAY SARACEN OR ARABIC ASCENDENCY. First Caliph 632. Conquests to Later conquests to ..... Bagdad taken and devastated by the Mongols ... EMPIRE OF CHARLEMAGNE COVERED MOST OF WESTERN EUROPE MOORS IN SPAIN. Height of their civilization and power was in the 10th Century. HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE OF THE GERMAN NATION. OTHO EMPEROR Foremost power in Europe 11th Century. Power declined in 12th Century. End of the old German Empire . . . - FEUDALISM. Most rapid development of, was in 9th Century. Universal system of government in Europe 12th Century. Replaced by strong national Monarchies 15th Century. CRUSADES OF CHRISTIANS AGAINST THE MOHAMMEDANS ITALIAN REPUBLICS rise to great wealth and glory in 12th Century. MONGOL INVASIONS AND EMPIRE UNDER GENGHIS KHAN AND SUCCESSORS A. D. 500- 1100 732 ' 962 1258 800 962 1806 1096-1272 1206-1480 Condensed Summary of History. SINCE THE FALL OF ROME. -continued. A. D. FRANCE began to be a great nation about ..... 1250 France has become a great power in Europe - . . . 1483 France the greatest power in Europe .... 1649-1697 French Revolution ...... 1789-1794 Napoleonic Wars .--.-- 1796-1815 ENGLAND. Rise of English manufactures and commerce - - - 1331 Commerce, Colonies and Literature greatly flourish after - . - . 1588 HUNDRED YEARS' WAR BETWEEN ENGLAND AND FRANCE - - 1338-1453 BLACK DEATH THROUGHOUT EUROPE- MANY MILLIONS PERISH 1348-1351 HANSEATIC LEAGUE OF 90 GERMAN CITIES 1241. ZENITH - - 1382 MANY CONQUESTS TO TURKISH EMPIRE FOUNDED BY OTHMAN 1288. Zenith of Power ... Defeated PORTUGUESE MARITIME DISCOVERIES. Founded Colonies as far as India VENICE, at the height of its power in the 15th Century. Strong Monarchies founded in European countries in 15th Century. SPAIN. Conquest of Granada. Discovery of America by Columbus Greatest outward prosperity and foremost power ... Naval Power crushed by England .... RISE OF THE DUTCH REPUBLIC (The Dutch noted as bold navigators and akilUul manufaoturere.) Independence recognized bj' Spain .... Naval and commercial supremacy. Supplanted by England in Thirty Years' Devastating Religious War in Europe .... SWEDEN. Possessions in Germany - . . . Mistress of the Baltic Sea, close of the 17th Century. Campaigns of Charles XII. Height of Sweden's power, and its decline War of the Spanish Succession which resulted in England's advancement GREAT BRITAIN. Union of England and Scotland - - - * . Supremacy obtained in part of India Leads in commerce . - - . . 1453 1551 1571, 1664 and 1683 1410-1510 Declaration of Independence by the Colonies Phenomenal progress after UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. FIVE GREAT POWERS. Austria, France, Great Britain, Prussia and Russia Many Revolutions in Europe . - . . . PRUSSIA. Poland compelled to acknowledge independence of - Becomes one of the great powers - - Ascendency on the continent ... 1492 1512- 1588 1566-1581 1648 1782 1618-1648 1648 1700-1709 1701-1714 1707 1757 1800 1776 1885 1815- 1848-1849 1657 1 763-1786 1870 NEW GERMAN EMPIRE founded 1871 BT" 2000- OLD EMPIRE OF EGYPT VE RY PROSPEROUS BEFORE 2100 1900- 1800- B.C. E^YPT 1500- has: THEr rEADTTC 14-00- ^tAce AMONG 1300 NATIONS. B.C. EMPIRE OF DAVID AND OF SOLOMON. 1000 -" DAMASCUS THE -4.AR6£STCiTY OF SYRIA. 900- l/AMAbwU ^ Ai ITS HEIGHT. -Carthage Colonized by JbeJ^dana BRILLIANT 800- PERIOD GREAT PROS PER IT Y OF B.C. MEDO- 500 SPARTA THE LEADING POWER QF_ GfiE£C£. PERSIAN <;ARTHA6£ -THE ATHENS THE J,EAD/A/G „ POIVER OF GREECE^ STRONGEST +00- SPARTA ALL OF NAVAL POWERFUL IN GREECE. POWERS. TNEBES SUPREME £MPi RE . m GREECE., ^ MACEDONIAN OR GRECIAN EMPIRE. 300 SUCCESSORS OF pMmc/m (NewAss/risn Empire.) THE OF [ROME TRADE THE ALEXANDER 1700- 1200 MD 700- ASSYRIAN 200- MAK- ING VEDIC FOl/W (VEDAS) PERIOD MA/VY TNlneveR madeS -VttfiCapihalof Al^ RULED. PHCENI- — i- IN aOLOJ\//fS, EMPIREL. CIANS. INDIA EGYPT IN _$>_4I 1600- jrftot vr trtUHT. 1100 ISr-e aFe s f P r o s pe rTf y of Xb ri n fh. TROME 600- LATER 100- -GO^N- "QUESTS ERA_ OF GREAT -IHEBES-^ GROWIN 6 IN POWER, „. . BABYLON BA BYLON IAN ^theot MAGNIFICENCE +5- -AJiD EXTENT.- EMPIRE. BABYLON A CENTRE TYRE AT THE HEIGHT OF ITS^ POWER. WEALTH, POVERTY AND INTERNAL STRIFE IN OF INDUSTRY ROME. _SURREJ^£r: AND TRADE. •1500 JERi/SMEMT^E 500- ttd:^ 100 ROMAN POWER AND GLORY AT ITS GREATEST A.D. DARK AGES TO 1100 500 CLOVIS FOUNDS A CAPITAL IN GAUL FOR THEFMNKS. GOO LOMBARDS^ POUR A.D. Genoa becomes Powerful. 1000 POLAND CONSOLIDATED. CANUT£JiUl£D EMGIAJVD, £J-c. GERMAN EMPIRE IS THE FOREMOST POWER IN EUROPE. INTO 200 ROMAN power; " TS" " RAPIDLY DECLINING. 300- CONSTANTINOPLE THE SEAT OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE. BARBARIANS 400 POUR INTO THE ROMAN DOMAINS. 500- ITALY AND ISARACENS _4 I \ orKcAU ESTABLISH! their THE 700- [RELIGION I I BY THE KINGD0T1 rswoRD OF CALIPHS LgMBARDY.BASAD AND CORDOVA, 800 — EMPIRE OF- CHARLEMAGNE. EfifGLAW awTFD moE^i K/NG EGBERT. Confusion on the Continent. GROWTH 900 OF THE Feudalism Increasing. PAPAL POWER. ^OORSINSPA/N _ tt/GN/N - C/m/ZAT/ON. FRENCH MONARCHY BEGINS. _ Hungary Monarchyfounded 1000 =— ^ ■ Popery at height of its power. A/OPMM CO/^QUESrOF£^GLAm. POPES COMPEL THE EMPERORS TO YIELD 1100- THEM OBEDIENCE. -Ji ITALIAN REPUBLICS^ RISE TO CO GREAT WEALTH. —. H l^EUDAL/SM UN/]/ERSAl //V EUROPE. 1200- EUROPE COMPLETELY EMERGEDZ FROM THE DARK AG ES.^ TARmRS OR MONGOLS ARE FORM/DABIE GREAT m£fi/ftGNUM GENERAL EUROPE. INTELLECTUAL IMPROVEMENT. ESrABl/SNM£/^r 1300- o RUSSIA FREED FROM THE MONGOL YOKE. 1500 COLUMBUS DISCOVERS AMERICA SPAIN THE GREATEST POWER IN EUROPEt- i^FORWATiON — BEGINS. POLAND GREAT TURKISH rnptRE AT ITS ZENITH. STATE. Manufacture and Commer^ej 1?TSr^FTHE ' 1600- DUTCH REPU BLIC ANDTHEIR ^ ENGLAND SUBSEQUENT NAVAL FLOUR- JSHES. "SUPREMACY.- mAA/G£ m£- GR£AT£Sr POWER PRUSSIA /j^ GROWING EUROPE. 700 SWEDEN TttE FIRST POWER OF THE NORTH . IN POWER. HEIGHT OF SWEDEN'S POWER RfSEOFRti^SSfA. ENGLAND ADVANCES. AUSTRIA HAS INCREASED ITS TERRITORY. .\AUSTR/A AND PRUSS/AatWAR ' I FOR SUPREMACY. PRUSSIA BECOMES ONE OF UN/VERS/T/ES. -^ OTTOMAN EMPIRE FOUNDED 1299. m CO BLACK DEATH. | I COMMERCE AND WEALTH! JJICREASE IN ENGLANUl ITALIAN 1400- HANSEAnC LEAGUE. RENAISSANCE PORTUGUESE, MARITIME IN LETTERS. -f- DISCOVERIES. \ii/imi/(WoFm7mcR£Ar£D\ SCIENCE. VENICE HAS GROWN { TO BE A POWER, i FRANCE A STRONG POiVER MS, STRONG NATIONAL MONARCHIES I IN EUROPE. I 1500 L. ETC. 1800- OF THE GREAT POWERS . FRENCH REVOLUT/ON \ GREAT BRITAIN LEADS IN COMMERCE. ^reat" changes in European Id^eas arid Inst! tutiorisr REVOLUTIONARY EPOCH., NEW GERMAN £/^P/RE. UNtTEd STATES PROSPERWS. I900' 2000- 6 8 B.C. 2000- 1900- B.C. 1500- 1+00- B.C. 1000- 900- MARATHON. B.C. 500 WARS BETWEEN PERSIA _____^ GREEKS. NAVAL ACTIVITY OF ATHENS. PELOPONNESIAN WARS. SYRACUSE. -CUNAXA. 400 CARTHAGE A NAVAL POWER ARBELA. 1800- 1300- 800- 300- SARGONTOOK KARKAMIS DEATH ^ STRUGGLE BETWEEN ^ ROME AND CARTHAGE. 1700- 1200- TOG- ZOO- ~ - TROY TAKEN AND DESTROYED BYTHE GREEKS, METAURUS. — ZAMA.- PYDNA. SPARTA eONQ^Uf RED -^HE MESSENIANS. CARTHAGE DESTROYED. 1600- 1100- 600- NTN EVE H TAKEN AND DESTROYED. 100- JERUSALEM TAKEN AND DESTROYED ETi' NEBUCHADNEZZAR CIVIL WAR. MARIUSa-^SULLA JERUSALEM TAKEN BY DAVID^ CrRUSSUBDUES TffFMFDES. - - BABYLON TAKEN 6 Y CYRiiS^ 6all/c wars. philippe, actilim: 1500- 1000- 500- A.D. TEUTOBURG. ROME CONQUERS BRITAIN JERUSALEM, -dreadful DESTRUCTION BY TITUSi 100 200- ROMAN EMPIRE ATTACKED ON ALL SIDES. 300- CONSTANTINE CONQUERS ITALY. THE HARDY BARBARIANS RUSH INTO THE 400 ^RUMBLING^ ROMAN EMP1RE_ ^HAiONSr I NVASION OFGAULBYCLOVIS. 500 A.D. 500- VANt>At^OWER tN AFRICA ESTABLISHED. 600' MOHAMMED -SUBDUES ARABIAr^ HIS 700 XEREZ. RELIGION SPREAD BY THE -SWORD - - OVER — ^ ASIA __ AND TDI I Pt; NORTH AFRICA. xfMOORS TCROSSED INTO SPAIN 80 o: charlemagne!s conquests make him emperor of the west NORTHMEN [or VIKINGS) _^MAKE _VAR 10 US- INVASIONS MAGYARS /NVADE HUNGARY. 900 AND SETTLEMENTS. 1 1000- AD. 1000- HASTINGS. TURKS CROSSED INTO EUROPE 1100- ^ENICE MAKES WARS. 4f- -^HIVALRY BECOHESf A GREAT _ INSTITUTION. 1200- MONGOL n KTAyf^ONVAS IONS ^ AT WAR UNDER Wtm QEN6HIS — _ GENOA. KHAN, 1300- SW4SS WAR OF INDEPENDENCE BEGUN. U R_ ENGLAND! CRECY. AND TTDNGOL INVASION UNDER TAMERLANE. FRANCE! 1400 V S_ H C N 5_ AT agincourt ORLEANS. POLAND WARS AGA/NSrTHE U E. S T WAR. J TEUTONIC KNIGHTS, g "CONSTANTINOPLE TAKEN BY THE TURKST ALHAMA. 1500- AD. 1500 ■ WAR IN THE NETHERLANDS. LEPANTO. SIEGE OFLEYDEN. CIVILWARS IN FRANCE. ARMADA DEFEATEUr 1600 iUTZEN. THIRTY ~" YEARS' -REltGIOUS- WAR NAVAL BATTLES BETWEEN ENG.& HOL 1700 BLENHEIM. PULTOWA. GREAT ItORTHERN mSL TORGAU SARATOGA. VALMY. 7 YEARS WAR, 1800- TRAFALGAR. WATERLOO^ 5EBAST0P0L. GETTYSBURG. SEDAN. PLEVNA. 1900- izooo- 10 GREATEST STRUCTURES. ETC. B.C. TEMPLE OF THE SUN AND OTHER ■AiNIFICENT STRUCTURES AT BAALBEC, SYRIA. PALACE AND OTHER STRUCTURES AT NIPPUR, BABYLONIA. SPHINX AT GIZEH. PYRAMIDS AT 6IZEH. LABYRINTH. OBELISK AT HELIOPOLIS. 2000 TEMPLES OF KARNAK AND OF LUXOR, (THEBES) EGYPT. COLOSSI AT THEBES. CLEOPATRA'S NEEDLES. TOMB OF SETI I. CANAL IN EGYPT. TEMPLE OF APOLLO AT DELPHI. 1000- B.C. SOLOMON'S TEMPLE. 1000- 900 NORTH-WEST PALACE AT NIMRUD IN ASSYRIA. 800 700 600 PALACES AT NINEVEH. TEMPLE OF PALLAS AT CORINTH BEGUN. CLOACA MAXIMA AT ROME. WALLS, HANGING GARDENS, AND PALACES OF BABYLON. TEMPLE OF DIANA AT EPHESUS BEGUN. TEMPLE OF NEPTUNE AT PyESTUM. TEMPLE OF 7 AT /EGINA. B.C. soo HALL OF XERXES, PALACES, ETC. AT PERSEPOLIS IN PERSIA. TEMPLE OF JUPITER AT OLYMPIA COMPLETED. TEMPLE OF THESEUS AT ATHENS. PARTHENON AND SCULPTURES AT ATHENS. STATUE OF OLYMPIAN JOVE BY PHIDIAS. TEMPLE OF ERECHTHEUS AT ATHENS. 400 TEMPLE OF JUPITER OLYMPIUS AT ATHENS, 6th TO 2nd CENT. B.C. MAUSOLEUM AT HALICARNASSUS. MONUMENT OF LYSICRATES AT ATHENS. 300 200 PHAROS AT ALEXANDRIA. COLOSSUS OF RHODES. ALEXANDRIAN LIBRARY. TEMPLE OF EDFU, EGYPT. GREAT WALL OF CHINA COMPLETED. ROMAN ROADS, AQUEDUOXa, B R I DO ES, BAT H 8 AND OATAOOMB8 BEQUN 312 B.O. 100 500 ROCK-HEWN TEMPLE IN INDIA. TEMPLE AT DENDERAH, EGYPT, BEGUN. REBUILDING OF TEMPLE AT JERUSALEM. PANTHEON AT ROME. GREATEST STRUCTURES, ETC. 11 A.D. PALACE OF THE C/ESARS AT ROME. ROMAN AQUEDUCTS. LAOCOON (SCULPTURE.) COLISEUM ROME. AT 100 BRIDGE AT ALCANTARA. TRAJAN'S BRIDGE OVER THE DANUBE. TRAJAN'S COLUMN AT ROME. HADRIAN'S WALL IN BRITAIN. TEMPLE OE THE SUN AT BAALBEK REBUILT. 200 — — — — BATHS OF CARACALLA AT ROME. 300 ^— ^— BATHSofDIOGLETIAN. ARCHofCONSTANTINE. CHURCH OF ST.JOHNLATERAN. BASILICA AT ROME. 400 RUINS OF STONEHENGE, ENGLAND. 500 A.D. 500 SANTA SOPHIA AT CONSTANTINOPLE. BASILICA AT RAVENNA. 600 EDINBURGH CASTLE. MOSQUE OF OMAR AT JERUSALEM. 700 MOSQUE AT CORDOVA. 800 IMPERIAL CANAL OF CHINA BEING BUILT. 900 FEUDAL CASTLES AND MONASTERIES ON THE CONTINENT. THEIR BUILDING CONTINUED FOR SOME CENTURIES. 1000 A.D. ROCK-CUT TEMPLES IN INDIA. 1000- ST. MARK'S CHURCH AT VENICE, 'l^^ BASILICA OF SAN MINIATO, FLORENCE. CATHEDRAL OF STRASBURG BEGUN. NAVE FINISHED 127S. TOWER FINISHED 1439. CATHEDRAL OF SPIRES. WESTMINSTER PALACE. (LONDON.) IMPROVED IN 13th CENTURY. TOWER OF LONDON COMMENCED. DURHAM CATHEDRAL BEGUN. 1100' MANY C A8TL-£S B u I i_-r I N E N Q l_ A N D. YORK MINSTER BEING REBUILT. LEANING TOWER OF PISA. CATHEDRAL OF NOTRE DAME, PARIS. GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE IN FRANCE. CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL REBUILT. MOSQUE AT OLD DELHI BEGUN. I200- LOUVRE, (PARIS) BEGUN. OLD LONDON BRIDGE COMPLETED. SALISBURY CATHEDRAL BEGUN. RHEIMS CATHEDRAL 1212-1430. AMIENS CATHEDRAL BEGUN 1220. LINCOLN CATHEDRAL REBUILT. COLOGNE CATHEDRAL 1248-1880. WESTMINSTER ABBEY REBUILT. ALHAMBRA (GRANADA, SPAIN) 1248-1314. HEIDELBERG CASTLE BEGUN. TEMPLE OF THE SUN AT CUZCO, PERU.? 1300 SANTA MARIA AT FLORENCE BEING BUILT. DOME COMPLETED 1446. GREAT BUDDHA TEMPLE IN JAVA.' NEW WINDSOR CASTLE. BRIDGE AT PRAGUE. DOGE'S PALACE (VENICE) BEGUN. WARWICK CASTLE. BASTILLE AT PARIS. BRIDGE OVER THE ADDA, ITALY. CATHEDRAL AT MILAN BEGUN. TEMPLE OF TANJORE, INDIA. 1400 WESTMINSTER HALL MUCH IMPROVED. PORCELAIN TOWER OF NANKIN. REBUILDING OF VATICAN BEGUN. PITTI PALACE (FLORENCE) BEING BUILT. GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE COMES TO AN [END. 1500- EXCELLENT ROADS FOUND IN PERU. A.D. 1500- ST. PETER'S AT ROME BEGUN. CATHEDRAL AT SEVILLE, SPAIN. CLASSIC REVIVAL OF ARCHITECTURE. CATHEDRAL OF ST. BASIL, MOSCOW. ESCURIAL PALACE NEAR MADRID. TUILERIES, (PARIS) BEING BUILT. RIALTO— MARBLE BRIDGE AT VENICE 1600- CATHEDRAL OF MEXICO BEING BUILT. TAJ MAHAL-MAUSOLEUM IN INDIA. PALACE AT DELHI, INDIA. VERSAILLES PALACE, NEAR PARIS. MONUMENT OF LONDON. ST. PAUL'S AT LONDON BEGUN. 1700- BLENHEIM PALACE, ENGLAND. THIRD EDDYSTONE LIGHTHOUSE. OLD WESTMINSTER BRIDGE. PANTHEON AT PARIS. STONE BRIDGE OVER THE SEINE. DIKES IN HOLLAND GREATLY IMPROVED. CAPITOL AT WASHINGTON BEGUN. I800- LONDON DOCKS. 1806 SIMPLON ROAD. 1825 MENAI SUSPENSION BRIDGE. 1831 NEW LONDON BRIDQE. *1840 HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT. 1842 CROTON AQUEDUCT. N. Y. 1850 BRITANNIA BRIDGE, MENAI ST. 1851 CRYSTAL PALACE, ENGLAND. 1852 HAARLEM MERE DRAINED. 1859 CABIN JOHN CREEK BRIDGE, U.S. 1860 VICTORIA BRIDGE AT MONTREAL. 1869 SUEZ CANAL. 1871 MOUNT CENIS TUNNEL. 1873 HOOSAC TUNNEL, MASS. 1874 OPERA HOUSE, PARIS. 1 879 ST. PATRICK'S CATHEDRAL, N. Y. 1880 ST. GOTTHARD TUNNEL, vou^f 1883 BROOKLYN SUSPENSION BRIDGE. 1884 WASHINGTON MONUMENT. 1886 STATUE OF LIBERTY, NEW YORK. 1889 EIFFEL TOWER, PARIS. 1889 FORTH BRIDGE, SCOTLAND. *1893 SIMPLON TUNNEL. «1899 ASSUAN DAM IN EGYPT. Datet othar than C'l indicate comnlatlon nr niMnlnn 12 13 14 B.C. B.C. B.C. B.C. o rt 1 A Mn Ki 2000- bULOMUN. MO<^E<=i XERXES. QnPPATFC- A n B A LI AM oUL»rfAI to. ADrTAnAn. n 1 1 Au rsoo- lAf\n „,,^,, „,,, C. LI JAn. PAM F 1 M V 1 UO .1 Iaugustus/ lAKyUln. rONFUCIUS 1500 1000 500 15 A.D. A.D. A.D. A.D. ri ..I. "inn 1 1500— MICHAEL ANGELO.- 1 1 IT u rr D r* U D 1 CT LMKIo 1 . LU 1 ncK. ruADi r*^ \/ UnAKLCO V. ST. PAUL. NERO. WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR. ELIZABETH -LUl rVPJ3DAKin r-Bsi"nBv w+f- WILLIAM THE SILENT. Tn L UtT3 KM n U . G RE G OR Y Vtr. ,„ trajan: GREGOEY. rnn . .. D AmM lino '600— SHAKESPEARE.- MnH A M MF n rl U n M rl 1"! t U. GALILEO. r>i PLi m 1 CM KluncLitU. PDrtMVA/trl 1 UKUnWtLL. PDCTVPdrlf IVADBABA^e^JI - M.AURELIUS. rTn:T7tTA/frA. 800 TIGLATH- PILESER ISAIAH ^AReON^ 700 SENNA- _CHEfilB_ JIQSEA- MANASSEH APALUS CTAXARES TTTALES 600 -SQVOll _DRACQ- NEBUCHAO- NEZZAR NECHO JEREMIAH PTTHAGORAS CYRUS 500 DANIEL BUDDHX CONFUCIUS DARIUS HYSTASPIS TARQUIN THE PROUD -CAMBYSES- BRUTUS CLIS T HE N E S 21 1000 - 600 B. C. 976 Division of Solomon's Empire into the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah. 898 King of Syria makes war on the Jews. 850 (about) Foundation of the colony of Carthage. 776 Beginning of the Olympiads. 767 General plague. 763 Rome founded. 745 New Assyrian Empire founded. ( Sparta conquered the Messenians. 645-628 i ^ 734 Corinth founds Syracuse. 721 Final captivity of the Ten Tribes of Israel by Sargon. 717 Sargon took Karkamis, the key of the trade of Western Asia. 695 Babylon destroyed by Sennacherib. 657 Byzantium founded. 650 All Egypt united under Fsammetichus. The Assyrian Empire reached the limits of its supremacy under Sardanapalus. 640 Revolt of the Medes from the government of Assyria. 632 Great irruption of the Scythians into Media, Assyria, and Syria 607 (625) Nineveh taken and destroyed by the Medes and Babylonians. The Imperial and all powerful Assyrian nation now utterly destroyed. 605 Victory of Nebuchadnezzar over Necho. Egyptians compelled to retire from Asia. 586 Nebuchadnezzar captured and destroyed Jerusalem. Jews led away to Babylon into captivity. Babylon, the magnificent city, now at its height of glory. 560 Lydia attains the height of her power under King Crcesus. 558 C3rms subdued the Medes and founds the Persian Empire. 652 Temple of Diana at Ephesus. 538 Babylon taken by Cyrus, amid revelries. 536 Part of the Jews returned from captivity to Jerusalem. More Jews return under Ezra (478). 525 Cambyses conquered Egypt. Egypt a Persian province. 513 Disastrous expedition of Darius with 700,000 men against the Scythians. 22 B.C 500 ARISTIDES. . JlHEJllSTQCtES XERXES J>ERICIES SOCRATES^ HIPPOCRATES PHIDIAS SOPHOCLES HERO0OTUS PLATO 400 DEMOSTHENES THE GENERAL XENOPHON T^^^ PHILIP OF MACEDON Di348 ALEXANDER D EMOS TTHEWES THE ORATOR ARISTOTLE -K«0- SELEUCUS PTOLEMY SOTER 300 ONIA& ^PJGURUS- PYRRHUS I EUCLID vwv SIMON ARCHIMEDES MANETHO TSm DYNASTTT HERO HANNIBAL 200 SCI PIG CATO ANTIOCMUS THE GREAT" APRICANUS NERO THE GENERAL HAN DYNASTY M N6 GRACCHI BROTHERS MACCABEES MARIUS uvuwn t FIR MITHRIDATES T H « aWCA T — SULLA POMPEY 100 CICERO C/CSAR LUCRETIUS AWTOWY OCTAVIUS HEROD » ? vH'V "vAUV CLEOPATRA^ "s^s^v vnIa/ VtRGIL HORACE 23 500-0 B.C. Temple of Jnpiter in course of construction. 500-449 Persian Wars with the Greeks. 490 Marathon. Athenians repulsed the invasion of the Persians. 480 Thhrmopyl.*. Defense by Leonidas. 480 Salamis. Greek naval victory over Xerxes. 479 PLAT^eA AND MYCAI3. Greeks defeat Persians. Golden Age of Greek Art commences. 457 Athens shows great naval activity. 438 Parthenon at Athens. 431-404 Pkloponnbsian Wars. Sparta gains supremacy over Athens. 430 Pestilence at Athens. 413 Syracusb. Athenian fleet defeated. 409-275 Repeated wars between the Carthaginians and Greeks in Sicily. 400 Retreat of the 10,000 Greeks after battle of Cunaxa. 390 Ai.ua. Utter defeat and rout of the Romans by the Gauls under Brennus. 367 Rome. Liciniao Laws. 362 Mantinba. Spartans and allies defeated. 360 Carthaginian settlements in Spain. Carthage. The strongest of naval powers. 338 Ch^ronea. Victory of Philip of Macedon over the Thebans and Athenians. 334 Granicus. Alexander the Great defeated the Persians. 333 Issus. Alexander gained a brilliant victory over the Persians. 332 Egypt conquered by the Greeks. Alexandria founded. 331 Arb^la. Alexander crushed the Persian army, and became supreme. 326 Battle of Hydaspes. Alexander defeated Porus. 301 Ipsus. Overthrow of Antigouus. Empire divided. 280 Colossus of Rhodes completed. 280-276 Roman Wars with Pyrrhus. 266 Rome mistress of all Italy. 264-146 Punic Wars. First, Second, and Third. 216 CANNi^. Hannibal crushes the Roman legions. 215-146 Wars between Rome and Macedonia. 214 Great Wall of China completed. 212 Syracuse taken by the Romans. 207 Mbtaoros Romans shattered Hannibal's allies. 207 Scipio Africanus expeis the Carthagenians from Spain. 202 Zama. Decisive Roman victory over Hannibal, by (Africanus Major) Scipio. 197 Cynoscephai.£. Romans destroy Macedonia's army and power. 190 Magnesia. Romans destroy the army of Antiochus, the Great King of Syria. 168 Pydna. Roman Legions give the death blow to Macedonia. > Captured and destroyed by the Romans. 149-140 Roman War with the Lusitanians. 146 CarThagk 146 Corinth 143-133 Numantine War. 133-27 Period of Roman internal strife. Great V/balth, Money Aristocracy, Morai, Decay. Poor classes increasing and too dependent. 113-101 War with the Cimbri and Teutones. 111-105 War against Jugurtha. 88-82 First and Second Mithridatic War. 74^65 Third Mithridatic War. 58-51 Csesar's Gallic Wars. 48 Pharsalia. Victory of Csesar ovei- Pompey. 48 Library (half million volumes) at Alexandria burned. 42 Philippi. Cassius and Brutus overwhelmed by Antony and Octavius. 31 Acticm. Octavius defeated fleets of Antony and Cleopatra. Rome has become a splendid city. A.D. 24 -CHRIST- TIBERIUS B.4£ B.C. NERO SAUL SENECA ST.'AUL PUNY TRAJAN 100 TACITUS HADRIAN ANTONINUS-PIUS JUSTIN MARTYR PTOLEMY MARCUS AURELIUS SALEN CLEMENT SEVERUS ALEXANDRIA 200 ORIGEN AURELIAN SAINT CVPRIAN DIOCLETIAN PROBUS 300 CONSTANTINE .hp SAINT ANTHONY ARI US >Alr^ ATHANASIUS THEODOSIUS CHRYSOSTOM SAINT THE GREAT 400 ALARIC *f» GENSERIC » ? LEO -BTZ- ZENO THEODORIC CLOVIS 500 ODOACER — T ATTILA 25 0-600 A. D. 9 Tbutoburg. Roman legions annihilated by Arminius (Prince of a German Tribe). 16 Germanicus trivucphs over Arminius in Germany. 42 Awful famine in Egypt. 43-85 Roman conquest of Britain. 64 First persecution of the Christians. 64 Rome burned by Nero. 70 Jerusalem captured and Temple destroyed by Titus. 79 Eruption of Vesuvius. Herculaneum and Pompeii buried. 80 167 169 I 189 [ Great Plagues in Roman World. 250-265 \ 100 Greatest extension of the Roman Empire. 138-160 Golden Age of the Roman Empire. 200 Roman Empire threatened by the German tribes. 250 General persecution of the Christians. 250-260 General attacks on the Roman domains. 272-273 Zenobia, Queen of Palmyra, vanquished. 303 General persecution of the Christians. 312 Constantine conquers Italy. 323 Constantine master of the Roman World. 325 First council, of the Christian Church at Nicaea. A creed adopted. 330 Constantinople (Byzantium) made the capital of the Roman Empire by Constantine. 364 Roman Empire partitioned into East and West. 374 The Huns pass the Volga and are conquerors. 375-568 Migrations of the Ruthless Huns, Goths, etc., on a large scale, into the Roman Empire. 378 AdrianoplB. Great victory of the Goths over the Romans. 381 Second general council of the Christian Church at Constan- tinople. 395 Final division into the Eastern or Byzantine Empire and the Western Empire. THE ROMAN EDIPIBB, the Ruler of the World in the time of Aogustiis, has ceased to be the great power. The Fall of the Western Empire Is usually given as 47ft A. D. Eastern or Byzantian Empire continued to 1453. 406 Vandals, etc., invade Gaul. 410 Rome taken and sacked by the Visigoths under Alaric. 411 Rome forced to recall her legions from Britain. 415 Founding of the Visigothic Kingdom in Spain. 429-534 Kingdom of the Vandals in Africa. 449-607 English conquest of Britain. 450 Famine in Italy. 451 Chai/jns. Romans defeated Attila in a terrible battle, and one of the most important in history. 452 Foundation of Venice. 455 Rome sacked by the Vandals under Genseric. 476 Odoacer supplants the Caesars at Rome. 486 SoissoNS. Franks under Clovis vanquish the Romans in Gaul. 490-493 Theodoric invades Italy and overthrows Odoacer. 26 AD. 500 SAfNT THEODORIC BENEDICT MARSgS JUSTINIAN tnn fsi. GREGORY BELISARIUS MAHOMET OR HDHAmWEXr 600 -5FC« Hg mcuus "OTHWAfT RODERIC 5AIHT BONIFACE fWRTEC 700 PEPI W — IT" CHARLEMA6NE HAROUN -Ak-RASWB- EGBERT 800 .LOTHAIRE. I NICHOLAS THE GREAT ftLF^eO — THE GREAT RURIK ROLLO 900 HENRY OTHO ZIMISCES VLADIMIR 1000 HUGH "CWET- » t 27 500-1000 A. D. 450-700 Angles and Saxons settling in Britain. 507 Clovis founds a capital in Gaul for the Franks. 533 Belisarius destroys the Vandal power in Africa. 54^ Earthquake felt by nearly the whole world. 555 Narses destroys the kingdom of the Ostro-Goths, in Italy. 557 Earthquake. Constantinople. Thousands perish. 558 Dreadful plague begins in Europe. 568-774 Kingdom of the Lombards in Italy. 622 Mohammed. Flight from Mecca to Medina. 629 Mecca submits to Mohammed. 635 Cadksia. Saracens vanquish the Persians. 640 Saracens invade Egypt. 641 BaTXi,b op Nehavbns. Decisive victory for the Saracens over the Persians. 661-750 Rule of Ommiad Caliphs. Capital, Damascus. They made attacks on Europe. 709 Subjugation of Northern Africa, by the Saracens, completed. 711 Battle of XerEz-de-la-Frontera. Kingdom of Visigoths destroyed by the Saracens or Moors. 711-1492 Saracens and Moors in Spain. A high civilization. Height of their power was in 10th Century. 732 TotTRS OR Poitiers. Saracens defeated by the Franks under Martel. 739 Famine in England, Wales, and Scotland. 742 Awful Earthquake in Syria, Palestine, and Asia. Immense loss of life. 750-1258 Rule of the Abbasside Caliphate. Bagdad founded and made the Capital about 765. 751 Pepin, King of Franks, founds the Carlovingian dynasty, 772 Charlemagne begins his wars and conquests. 800 Charlemagne, Emperor of the West. 827 England united under Egbert. 843 Treaty of Verdun. France, Germany, and Italy become sep- arate and independent States. This is a period of great confusion and many changes. 871 Alfred the Great, founder of modem England. Papal power has become well established, 894 Magyars or Hungarians, descend into Hungary, and establish themselves. 911 Northmen gained a permanent foothold in Normandy. 954-957 Famine in England, Wales, and Scotland. 933 MBHSKBURG. Henry, the Fowler, defeats the Hungarians. 955 I>ECH. Otho vanquishes the Hungarians. 962 Foundation of the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation. 988 Conversion and unification of Russia. 1000 Rise of Poland. 1000 Genoa becomes rich and powerful. 28 A.D 1000 SANCHO THE GREAT CANUTE EDWARD THt CONFESSOR _ MLLttM THE CONQUEROR FERDINAND X HILDEBRAND CID PETER THE -HERMIT OMAR KHAYYAM GODFREY HFMRV I 1100 " ABCCARO ^ ST. BERNARD 6R TBt FREDERICK BARBAROSSA A'BECKET . HENRY n: SALADIN RICHARD CCEURDELION 1200 PHI LIP AUGUSTUS INNOCENT SI FREDERICK ir 6ENGH1S iCMAtL_ SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI LOUIS EDWARD I SAINT BACON RUDOLPH Bi2ia I -AQtJIMAS- ■ PHI L I P OTHMAN OR OSMAN DANTE 1300 OTTO MAM BRUCE EDWARD WYCLIFFE TAMERLANE BAJA7.ET CHAUCER MARGARET "DENMARK" H E N RY MOO JAMES STUART B 1328 ? --SietSMUND WARWICK HENRY I50O MARGARET" OF >^AN/ ANJOU CHARLES LOUIS RICHARD mew. Coligni and thou- sands of Huguenots slain. 1673-1574 Siege OF Lbyden. Dikes cut and Spaniards drowned. 1579 The Union of Utrecht. Foundation of the Dutch Republic. 1588 Defeat of the Spanish Armada by the English fleet. 1590 IVRV. Henry IV. of France defeats Catholic Leaguers. 1598 Edict of Nantes granting toleration to the Huguenots. 1618-1648 Thirty years' religious war in Central Europe. 1 1631 LEiPSic. Adolphus victorious. I- 1632 LuTZEN. Death of Adolphus. Germany's population decreased more than half. 1627-1628 Siege and capture of La Rochelle from the Huguenots by Richelieu. 1644 Manchu Tartars seize the sovereign power in China. 1644 Marston Moor. Royalists defeated. 1648 Peace of Westphalia. Equal rights to the Protestants and Catholics, etc. 1652-3 1664 1683 1685 1688 1689-1697 1690 1692 1700 1700-1721 1701-1714 1702-1713 1704 1709 1713 1740-1748 1745 England and Holland contend in naval battles. St. Gotthard. Turks routed by the Christians. Second siege of Vienna by the Turks. Sobieski brought relief and gamed a victory. Revocation of the Edict of Nantes. Migration of the Huguenots from France. The EngUsh Revolution. Parliament in control. William and Mary. War of the "Grand Mhsmce" against France. BoYNE. William III. defeated James II. La Hogub. French fleet destroyed by the English and Dutch. Narva. Sweden destroys the Russian Army. Great Northern War in Europe. Alliance against Sweden. War of the Spanish Succession. Queen Anne's war against the French. Blenheim. French army almost destroyed by Marl- borough. PULTOWA. Decisive triumph of Russia over Sweden. Peace of Utrecht \ England gained Gibraltar, etc. I Austria gamed possessions m Italy, etc. War of the Austrian Succession. Prussia, France, etc., against Maria Theresa, etc. FONXBNOY. French defeated the allies. 1756-1763 1757-1784 1759 1760 Seven Years' War. Against Frederick the Great, of Prussia, by allies. War of the English in India. Great success of Lord Clive. Prance lost her American Colonies. Quebec. TORGAU. the 1763 Complete rout of the Austrians by Prussians under Frederick the Great. Peace of Paris. Prussia gained a place among the great powers, 1772, '92, '95 Partition of Poland, by Russia, Prussia and Austria. 1775-1783 War of Independence. 1777 Saratoga. 1781 yorktown. 1782 Naval victories finally establish the maritime supremacy of England. 1789-1792 1792 1796-1815 1796-1800 1798 1800 1803 1803 1805 1805 1806 1806 1808-1814 1809 1810-1825 1812 1812 1813 1813 1814-16 1815 1815 1821-1829 1827 1830-1831 1848-1849 1854r-1856 1859 1861 1866 1870 1870 1877-8 1878 1894 1898 1898 1899 French Revolution. 1793-4 Reign of Terror. Guillotine active. Valmy. Prussians and Austrians defeated by the French. Napoleonic Wars. Napoleon's brilliant campaigns. Battle of the Nile. French army cut off from France. Marengo. Victory of Napoleon over the Austrians. British authority supreme throughout India. Renewed War between England and France. Trafalgar. Great Naval victory of Nelson over the French and Spanish. AusTERLiTZ. Napoleon defeats the Austrians and Russians. Battle of Jena. Victory of Napoleon over the Prussians. End of the German or Holy Roman Empire. War between Napoleon and Great Britain in Spain and Portugal. Wagram. Decisive victory of Napoleon over the Austrians, Spanish colonies in Mexico and South America won their Independence. Borodino. Napoleon defeats the Russians. Burning of Moscow. Retreat of Napoleon with great loss. LUTZEN. Napoleon defeats the Russians and Prussians. Leipsic. Napoleon's army overwhelmed by allied forces of Russia, Germany, and Austria. Congress of Vienna by the five great powers. Waterloo. Napoleon crushed by Wellington. The Holy Alliance between Russia, Austria, and Prussia. Greek Revolution. Resulted in Independence. Navarino. Destruction of the Turkish Egyptian fleet. Revolutions in France, Belgium, etc. Many Revolutions in Europe. Crimean War. Siege of Sebastopol by the English, French, etc. SoLFERiNO. French and Sardinians defeat Austrians. Bull Run. 1863 Gettysburg. 1865 Richmond surrendered. Sadowa, Defeat of the Austrians by the Prussians. Sedan. Germans defeat the French. Italy has achieved its freedom and unity. Turco-Russian War. Russians capture Plevna. Congress of Berlin. War between China and Japan. Czar of Russia proposes disarmament and a peace conference. War between the United States and Spain. Outbreak of War between England and the Boers. AD 1500 84 !600 1700 1800 1900 35 1500 - 1900 A. D. 1006-1626 1508 1510 1513 1513 1519-22 1534 1534 1551 1565 1587 1600 1603 1607 1608 1610 1614 1619 1620 1627-58 1638 1640-53 1642^5 1649-60 1675-1710 1694 1707 1711-20 1717-20 1721 1754-63 1759 1769 1774^85 1788 1793 1799 1801 1810 1819 1825 1829 1830 18S5 1838 1844 1846 1848 1851 1857-8 1857-70 1859-69 1866 1870 1871 1871 1877 Building of St. Peter's Cathedral. League of Cambray against Venice. Albuquerque. Portuguese Viceroy of the Indies. Ponce de Leon discovers Florida. Balboa discovers the Pacific. Magellan's voyage around the globe. England separates from the Church of Rome. Order of Jesuits founded by Loyola. Turkish Empire at the zenith of its power. Spaniards settle St. Augustine, Fla. Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, executed. English-East India Company chartered. The Stuarts in England till 1688. Jamestown, Va., settled by the English. Quebec. Settled by the French. Moors expelled from Spain. Great Decay of Spain during this century. First Dutch settlements in (now) New York. Discovery of the circulation of the blood by Harvey. Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers at Plymouth, Mass. Taj Mahal. The most ornate Mausoleum in the world. Harvard (Mass.) College founded. Long Parliament in England. Civil War. Between Parliament and Charles I. Commonwealth and Protectorate under Cromwell. Building of St. Paul's Cathedral. Bank of England established. Union of England and Scotland as Great Britain. South Sea Bubble in England. Law's Bubble. Vast financial schemes. Modem Cabinet system in England under Walpole. French and Indian war. Connected with the seven years' war in Europe Quebec. Taken by the English. The French lose their American colonies. Invention of the steam engine by Watt. Warren Hastings. Governor General of India. Coal and coke used in smelting iron. Whitney invents the cotton-gin. Rosetta Stone discovered in Egypt. Legislative union of Great Britain and Ireland. Napoleon at the height of his power. Germany humil- The steamer Savannah crosses the Atlantic. ^^ Erie Canal opened in New York State. fenson "Rocket." First practical locomotive built by Steph- Belgium revolts from Holland and becomes a monarchy. Rise of American Literature. Steamship Great Western crosses the Atlantic. First telegraph line opened in the U. S. Ether introduced into surgical practice. Discovery of gold in California. Coup d'etat of Louis Napoleon who was made Emperor Sepoy Mutiny in India. ^^^ ^^^^■ Mont Cenis tunnel. Eight miles long. Construction of the Suez Canal. The Great Eastern lays the Atlantic cable. Fall of the French Empire. France again a Republic. Re-estabUshment of the German Empire. Treaty of Washington for arbitration. Production of Bessemer rails in the U. S. is greater than that of iron rails. The following partial list of disasters serves as a reminder that man (even with the greatest wealth) cannot withstand the elements or the laws of God. 1530 General inundation in Holland. 400,000 drowned. 1531 Earthquake at Lisbon. 30,000 perish. 1565 Famine throughout British Isles. 1626 Earthquake at Naples. 70,000 perish. 1656 Plague in Naples. 400,000 deaths. rt)eriahed. 1665 Great plague in London. One-fifth of the population 1666 Great fire in London. A blessing ; purifying the city. 1667 Earthquake at Schamaki. Lasted 3 months. 80,000 1693 Awful famine in France. Lpensh- 1693 Earthquake in Sicily. 100,000 perish. 1703 Earthquake at Jeddo, Japan. 200,000 perish. 1703 Great storm in England. 80,000 drowned. 1746 Earthquake. Lima and Callao demolished. 1748 General famine in Britain. 1755 Great earthquake and immense sea waves at Lisbon. 60,000 perish. This awful earthquake destroyed other cities and was felt for 5,000 miles. 1771 Famine devastates Bengal. 1771 Ripon Flood in Yorkshire. 1783 Violent earthquake in Calabria. 40,000 perish. 1787 Torrents from the mountains in Navarre. 1789 Grevious famine in Prance — hastened the French 1792 Plague in Egypt. 800,000 perish. [Revolution. 1797 Earthquake in Central America. 40,000 perish. 1801 Famine throughout Britain. 1822 Coast of Chili permanently raised by an earthquake. 1835 Great fire in New York City. 1837-1838 Famine in North-west India. 800,000 perish. 1838 Great fire in Charleston, S. C. 1840 & 6 Awful inundations in France. 1845 Two great fires in New York City. 1846 Great famine in Ireland caused by failure of potato crop. 1851 Two great fires in San Francisco, Cal. 1865-1866 Famine in North-east India. 1,000,000 perish. 1867-1868 Noted series of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and great sea wave oscillations, culminating on the west coast of South America. Great losses. 1868-1869 Famine in North-west India. 1,500,000 perish. 1871. 1872 Great Fires. Chicago. Boston. 1877 Famine on west coast of India. 500,000 perish. 1877 Earthquake and tidal wave on west coast of South America near Callao. 1877-1878 Famine in North China. 9,500,000 said to have perished. 1881 Typhoon in China. 300,000 perish. 1883 Java desolated by many volcanic eruptions and a tidal wave. Disturbances for thousands of miles. 1883 Great floods in Europe. 1 884 Destructive series of tornadoes in Southern States, U.S.A. 1886 Earthquake at Charleston, S. C. Shocks were felt over an area of 900,000 square miles. 1887 Overflow of Yellow River. Millions said to have perished. 1888 March. Blizzard on eastern coast of United States. 1889 Disastrous flood at Johnstown, Penna. 1889 & 90 Several tornadoes and destructive floods in U. S. A. 1891 Great blizzard and disastrous floods in Europe. 1893 Destructive tornadoes in Southern States, U. S. A. 1900 Galveston, Texas, devastated by a storm. 1902 Volcanic eruptions in the West Indies. St. Pierre and people destroyed. Ocean bed sunk to a great depth. 36 37 FAMOUS CHARACTERS ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED The following list contains not only all the names on the preceding charts, but also the names of many other history makers of the world. This is far from being a complete list of noted persons, (there are ten times as many names in Chamber's Biographical Dictionary) but there will be found here the characters most frequently sought for. These can be more readily found in this selected list than in a cyclopedia where there are many similar names. As a general rule: a date, dash, and another date, follow the name. The date before the " - " is the date of birth, and the date after the " - " is the date of death. All dates are A. D. unless stated as B. C. The uncertainty of some dates is indicated by " about " or " ? ". The reader should not infer from this that he can implicitly rely on the accuracy of all the other dates. But little dependence can be placed on dates prior to about 700 b. c, and still less on those before about 1300 b. c. As an example of the confusion existing in recorded dates : Solomon is given iu this list as 1033-975 b. c. King 1015. Modem works give his reign as 993-953 B. c , a discrepancy of 22 years. Though the latter dates may be more reliable, the former are used so as to have more relative correctness with the other characters of the same period. Some of the discrepancies that may appear between the charts and the printed dates are due to the data being taken from different sources. 38 FAMOUS CHABACTEKS IN HISTORY AARON A. BECKET, Thomas ABELARD. Plarra ABERNETHY, John ABRAHAM ABSALOM ADAMS. John ADDISON, Joseph iESCHYLUS iESOP AGASSIZ, Louis AGRICOU, C. Julius AHAB AURIC ALBUQUERQUE ALCIBIADES ALEXANDER THE GREAT ALEXANDER VI. ALEXANDER I. ALEXANDER II. ALEXANDER III. ALEXIS ALFONSO X. (the Wise) ALFRED THE GREAT ALI ALISON, Archibald ALVA, Duke of AMBROSE, Saint ANAXAGORAS ANGELICO, Fra ANGELO ANNE ANNE BOLEYN ANSELM, Saint ANTHONY, Saint ANTIGONUS ANTIOCHUS THE GREAT ATONINUS PIUS ANTONY, Mark APELLES 1574-1451 B.C. High priest of the Jews See Becket 1079-1142 French theologian 1764-1831 English surgeon 1996-1822 B.C. Father of the Hebrews 11th cent. B.C. Son of David 1735-1826 Piesidentofthe United States, 1797 1672-1719 English author 52&-456B.C. Greek tragic writer 620-564B.C. Greek fabulist 1807-1873 Swiss- American. Naturalist 37-93 Soman general in Britain King of Israel, about 875 B.C. -410 King of the Visigoths 1453-1515 Portugal. Viceroy of the Indies 450-404 B.C. Athenian general 356-323 B.C. Macedonian conqueror, 336 B.C. 1431-1503 Pope, 1492 1777-1825 Czar of Russia, 1801 1818-1881 Czar of Russia, 1855 1845-1894 Czar of Russia, 1881 1629-1676 Czar of Russia, 1645 1221-1284 King of CastUe and Leon, 1252 849-901 King of England, 871 -661 Arabian. Caliph, 656 1757-1839 Scotch. Historian 1508-1583 Spanish. Governor of the Nether- [lands, 1567 340-397 Bishop of Milan 500^28 B.C. Ionic philosopher 1387-1455 Tuscan. Friar painter See Michael Angelo 1664^1714 Queen of England, 1702 See Boleyn 1033-1109 Archbishop of Canterbury 251-356 Egyptian. Father of Monachlsm 382-301 B.C. King in Asia 242-187 B.C. King of Syria, 223 B.C. 86-161 Roman emperor, 138 83-30 B.C. Roman triumvir [B.C. Ephesus. Celebrated painter, 325 AQUINAS. St. Thomas ARAGO, D. Francois ARCHIMEDES ARIOSTO. Ludovico 1225-1274 1786-1853 287-212 B.C. 1474-1533 ARISTARCHUS OF SAMOS ARISTIOES THE JUST -468B.C. ARISTOTLE 384-322 B.C. ARIUS 260-336 ARKWRIGHT. Sir Richard 1732-1792 ARMINIUS-HERMANN 16b.c.-19a.d. ARMOUR. Philip D. 1832-1901 ARNOLD. Thomas 1795-1842 ARNOLD OF WINKELRIED -1386 ARTAXERXES I. ARTHUR, "King" -520 ASPASIA About 400 B.C. ASTOR. John Jacob 176^1848 ATHANASIUS 300-373 _^ATTILA 406-453 AUDUBON. John James 1780-1851 AUGUSTINE, Saint 354-430 AUGUSTUS (OCTAVIUS) 63b.c.-14a.d. AURELIAN 212-275 AURELIUS, Marcus 121-180 Italian theologian French physicist Syracusan mathematician Italian poet Alexandrian astronomer. 280 B.C. Athenian statesman Greek philosopher Egyptian. Founder of Ariauism English. Inventor [9a.d. German, Vanquished the Romans, American. Meat packing industry English. Head Master of Rugby Swiss patriot King of Persia, 465-425 B.C. British chieftain Greek. Renowned for her talents German-American. Merchant Patriarch of Alexandria King of the Huns American naturalist Latin father of the Church Master of the Roman world, 31 B.C. Roman emperor, 270 Roman emperor, 161 39 BABBAGE, Charles 1792-1871 BACH, J. Sebastian 1685-1750 BACON, Sir Francis 1561-1626 BACON, Roger 12U-1294 BAJAZET I. 1347-1403 BALBOA 1475-1517 BALIOL, Edward -1363 BANCROFT, George 1800-1891 BARNUM, P. T. 1810-1891 BASIL ^the Great) 329-379 BAYARD, Chevalier de 1475-1524 BEACONSFIELD, Eari of 1804-1881 BECKET, Thomas 1117-1170 BEDE, The Venerable 672-735 BEECHER, Henry Ward 1813-1887 BEETHOVEN, Uldwig van 1770-1827 BELISARIUS 505-565 BELL, A. G. 1847- BELLINI, VInctnzo 1802-1835 BELSHAZZAR -538 b.c. BENEDICT, Saint 480-543 BENNETT, Jas. G. 1795-1872 BENTHAM, Jeremy 1748-1832 BENTON, Ttiomas H. 1782-1858 BERANG ER, Pierre J. di 1780-1857 BERKELEY, George 1684-1753 BERNARD, Saint 1091-1153 BESSEMER, Sir Henry 1813-1898 81 DOLE, Nicholas 1786-1844 BISMARCK, Prince von 1815-1898 BLACKSTONE, Sir William 1723-1780 BLAINE, James G. 1830-1893 BLUCHER, Von 1742-1819 BOCCACCIO, Giovanni 1313-1375 BOLEYN, Anne 1507-1536 BOLINGBROKE, H. SL John 1678-1751 BOLIVAR, Simon 1783-1830 BONAPARTE, Louis Napoleon 1808-1873 BONAPARTE, Napoleon 1768-1821 BONHEUR, Rosa 182^1899 FAMOUS CHAKACTEES IN HISTOKY Englisti mathematician and inventor German musician Englisti philosopher, etc. English monii and philosopher Turkish sultan, 1389 Spanish adventurer King of Scotland, 1332 American historian American showman Greek father of the Church French soldier English. Statesman and novelist English. Archbishop of Canter- Lb ury Saxon historian American clergyman German composer Byzafltine general Scotch. Telephone in U. S. Italian composer Last king of Babylonia [achlsm Italian. Founder of Western Mon- Scotch. Founder of N. T. Herald English jurist American statesman French song writer Irish philosopher French ecclesiastic English inventor American financier Prussian statesman English jurist American statesman Prussian general Italian author Second wife of Henry VIIL English statesman Liberator of South America Emperor of the French, 1852 French. General. Emperor, 1804 French. Animal paint«r BONIFACE VIII. -1303 BONIFACE, Saint 680-755 BOONE, Daniel 1735-1820 BOSSUET, Jacques & 1627-1704 BOZZARIS, Marcos 1790-1823 BRAHE, Tycho 1546-1601 BRENNUS BRIGHT, John 1811-1889 BRONTE, Charlotte 1816-1855 BROUGHAM, Lord 1778-1868 BROWN, John 1800-1859 BROWNING, Elizabeth B. 1806-1861 BROWNING, Robert 1812-1889 BRUCE, Robert 1274-1329 BRUNEL, Sir Marc 1769-1849 BRUTUS, Lucius J. BRUTUS, Marcus J. 85-42 B.C. BRYANT, William C. 1794-1878 BUCKINGHAM, Dul(e of 1592-1628 BUDDHA 6th cent, s.c BUFFON, Comte de 1707-1788 BUNYAN, John 1628-1688 BURKE, Edmund 1729-1797 BURLEIGH, LonI 1520-1598 BURNS, Robert 1759-1796 BURRITT, Elihu 1811-1879 BURTON, Sir Richard F. 1821-1890 BYRON, George 6. 1788-1824 Pope, 1294 "Apostle of Germany" American pioneer in Kentucky French prelate Greek revolutionary leader Swede. Astronomer Leader of the Gauls against Borne [about 383 B.a. English statesman English novelist Scotch. Law reformer, etc. American abolitionist and leader English poetess English poet King of Scotland, 1306 French. English engineer Reputed leader of the Bomans against Tarquin about 515 b.c. Eoman. One of Ceesar's assassins American. Poet and journalist English. Virtual ruler India. Founder of Buddhism French naturalist English author Irish. English statesman English statesman Scottish poet American. Learned blacksmith English. Explorer and wriiur English poet 40 FAMOUS CHARACTERS IN HISTORY CABOT, John CABOT, Sebastian CADE, Jack CiESAR, Julius CALHOUN, John C. CALIGUU CALVIN, John CAMBYSES CAMILLUS, M. F. CANNING. George CANOVA, Antonio CANUTE CARLYLE, Thot. CARNEGIE. Andrew CARNOT, N. M. CARSON, -Kit" CARTWRIGHT, Edmuml CASSIUS, Calus CATHARINE II. CATHARINE OE* MEDICI CATHARINE OF ARAGON CATILINE CATO, (.the elder) CATO, (the younger) CAVENDISH. Henry CAVOUR, Count CAXTON, William CECIL, William CERVANTES CHANNING, Wm. E. CHARLEMAGNE CHARLES I. CHARLES II. CHARLES THE BALD CHARLES VII. CHARLES V. CHARLES XII. CHARLES THE BOLD CHARLES MARTEL CHASE, Salmon P. CHATHAM, Eari oi ) Discovered tiie main- f Venetians, land of America for tlie 1476-1557 3 Englisii, 1497 -1460 Irish. Englisii insurgent 100-44 B.C. Roman conqueror, historian, etc. 1782-1850 American statesman 12-41 Roman emperor, 37 1509-1564 French. Protestant reformer -522b. c. Kingof Medesand Persians, 529b.c. 446-365 B.C. Roman. Hero 1770-1827 English statesman 1757-1822 Italian sculptor 994-1035 King of Denmark, Norway, and [England, 1016 1795-1881 Scotch. Author 1835- Scotch. Am. steel manufacturer 1753-1823 French strategist and revolutionist 1809-1868 American guide [loom. 1743-1823 English. Inventor of the power -42 B.C. Roman. Conspirator against Ceesar 172&-1796 Empress of Russia, 1762 1519-1589 Queen of France, 1532 1485-1536 First wife of Henry VIH. 108-62 B.C. Roman conspirator 234-149 B.C. Roman statesman 95-46 B.C. Roman statesman 1731-1810 English. Natural philosopher 1810-1861 Restorer of Italian nationality 1422-1491 First English printer English. See Lord Burleigh 1547-1616 Spanish author [ism. 1780-1842 American Clergyman. Abolition- 742-814 King of the Franks, 768. Emperor [800 1600-1649 King of England and Scotland, 1625 1630-1685 King of England and Scotland, 1660 823-877 King of the western Franks, 840 1403-1461 King of France, 1422 1500-1558 Emperor of Germany, 1520 1682-1718 King of Sweden, 1697 1433-1477 Duke of Burgundy 690-741 Ruler of the Franks 1806-1873 American. Statesman, etc. See WUliam Pitt CHAUCER, Geoffrey 1340-1400 CHESTERFIELD. Earl of 1694-1773 CHEVALIER, Michel 1806-1879 CHOPIN, Frederic 1809-1849 CHING WANG CHRIST CHOW DYNASTY CHRYSOSTOM, Saint CICERO, Marcus T. CID, The CINCINNATUS CUY, Henry CLEISTHENES CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA 4B.C.-29A.D. 1123 B.C. 347-407 106-43 B.C. 1040-1099 5th cent. B.C. 1777-1852 -215 CLEOPATRA 69-30 B.C. CLEVELAND, Grover 1837- CLINTON, Oe Witt 1769-1828 CLINTON, George 1739-1812 CLIVE, Lord 1725-1774 CLOVIS -511 COBDEN, Richard 1804-1865 COKE, Sir EdwartI 1552-1633 COLBERT 1619-1683 COLBURN, Zerah 1804-1840 COLERIDGE, Samuel T. 1772-1834 COLIGNI 1517-1572 COLUMBUS, Christopher 1447-1506 COMTE, Auguste 1798-1857 COND^ 1621-1686 CONFUCIUS ; A.bout500B.c. CONRAD I. -918 CONSTANTINE THE GREAT 274^37 COOK, James COOPER, James F. COOPER, Peter COPERNICUS CORDAY, Charlotte CORIOLANUS CORNELIA CORREGGIO 1728-1779 1789-1851 1791-1883 1473-1543 1768-1793 About 200B.O. 1494-1534 English poet English statesman, etc. French economist Polish. Composer Emperor, 246 B.C. He expelled the [Mongols, etc. Patriarch of Constantinople. Roman orator Spanish liero Roman dictator American statesman Athenian statesman, about 510 b. p. Greek father of the Church Queen of Egypt American. President of U. S., 1885 Governor of New York American. Statesman English general in India King of the Franks, 481 English statesman. Free trade English jurist French. Minister of Louis XIV. American arithmetical prodigy English poet French Admiral. Huguenot leader Italian. Discoverer of America for [Spain French philosopher French general Chinese philosopher King of Germany, 911 Roman emperor, 323 English navigator American novelist American philanthropist Pole. Astronomer French. Assassin of Marat Hero of Roman legend, 500 B.C. Roman matron Italian painter 41 CORTES, Hernando CRABBE. George CRANMER. Thomas CRASSUS. Marcus L. CRICHTON, James CRISPIN. Saint C»(£SUS CROMWELL. Oliver CUVIER CYAXARES CYPRIAN, Saint CYRUS THE GREAT CYRUS FAMOUS CHARACTERS IN HISTORY 465 B.C.- DAGUERRE, Louis J. M. DALTON. John DANIEL DANTE DARIUS I. (Hystasplt) DARWIN, Charles R. DAVID DAVIS, Jefferson DAVY, Sir Humphrey DEFOE, Daniel DE LESSEPS 1485-1547 Spanish. Conqueror of Mexico 1754-1832 English poet 1489-1556 English reformer 114-53 B.C. Roman triumvir 15G0-1586 Scotch genius. " The admirable -287 Roman. Shoemalier King of Lydia, 560 bo. 1599-1658 English. Puritan. Protector 1769-1832 French naturalist -584 B.C. King of Media 200-258 Bishop of Carthage -529 B.C. King of Persia, 550 B.C. 424-401 B.C. Persian general DEMOCRITUS DEMOSTHENES DEMOSTHENES DE QUINCEY, Thos. DERBY, Earl of DE RUYTER DESCARTES, Htni DE SOTO, Hernando DE STAEL DICKENS, Charles DIOCLETIAN DIODORUS SICULUS DIOGENES DIONYSIUS, (the Elder) -413B.O. 384-322 B.C. 1785-1859 1799-1869 1596-1650 1496-1542 1812-1870 245-313 Ist cent. B.C. 412-323 B.C. 431-367 B.C. End of DIONYSIUS of Hallcarnassus 1st cent. b.c. DISRAELI, Benjamin DOMITIAN DORE, Gustavo DOUGLAS, Sir James DOUGLAS, Stephen A. DOUGLASS, Fred DRACO DRAKE, Sir Francis DREW, Daniel DRUSUS, Nero Claudius DRYDEN, John DUNSTAN, Saint DURER, Albrecht, 51-96 1833-1883 1286-1331 1813-1861 1817-1895 1540-1595 1788-1879 39-9 B.C. 1631-1700 925-988 1471-1528 Oreek. Philosopher Athenian general Athenian orator English. Writer English. Premier, 1852 See Ruyter French. Modern philosophy Spanish. Discoverer of the Mis- [sissippi See Stael, Mme. De English novelist Roman emperor, 284 Greek historian Greek philosopher Tyrant of Syracuse, 405 b.o. Greek historian See Beacon afield Roman emperor, 81 French artist Scotch. Great captain of Bruce American politician Slave. American orator Athenian legislator, 624 b.c. English naval commander American. Capitalist Roman general English poet English. Archbishop of Canterbury German engraver, etc. 1789-1851 French. Inventor of photography 1766-1844 English chemist Hebrew. Prophecies 603-536 B.C. 1265-1321 .Florentine poet -486 B.c, King of Persia, 521 B.C. 1809-1882 English naturalist -1015B.C. King of Israel, 1055 b.c. 1808-1889 American. President of the Confed- [erate States 1778-1829 English chemist 1660-1731 English author See Lesseps 42 FAMOUS CHABACTEBS IN HISTORY EDISON. Thomas Alva EDMUND II. EDWARD, (the Elder) 1847- 989-1016 870-925 EDWARD THE CONFESSOR 1004-1066 EDWARD I. 1239-1307 EDWARD II. 1284-1327 EDWARD III. 1312-1377 EDWARD IV. 1441-1483 EDWARD, the Black Prince 1330-1376 EDWARDS. Jonathan 1703-1758 EGBERT -837 ELI -1116 B.C. ELIJAH ELISHA -838 B.C. ELIZABETH 1533-1603 EMANUEL 1469-1521 EMERSON. Ralph Waldo 1803-1882 EMMET. Robert 1780-1803 EPAMINONDAS 418-362 B.C. EPICTETUS Ist cent. EPICURUS 342-270 B.C. ERASMUS. Deslderius 1467-1536 ERICSSON. John 1803-1889 ERIGENA. John Scotus 9th cent. ERSKINE. Thos. (Lord) 1750-1823 ESSEX. Eari of 1567-1601 ETH ELBERT -616 EUCLID EURIPIDES 480-406 B.C. EVANS. Marian "George Eliot' EVERETT, Edward 1820-1880 1794-1865 EZEKIEL 600b.c.~ EZRA 5th cent. B.C. American Inventor King of England, 1016 King of England, 901 King of England, 1042 King of England, 1272 King of England. 1307 King of England, 1327 King of England, 1461 English. Prince of Wales American theologian King of England, 829 Judge of Israel, 1157-1117 B.C. Hebrew prophet, 907 B.C. Hebrew prophet Queon of England, 1558 King of Portugal, 1495 American philosophical writer Irish revolutionist Thebau general Phrj-gia. Stoic philosopher Greek philosopher Dutch scholar Swedish-American. Engineer Irish. Philosopher Scotch. English advocate, etc. English general King of Kent, 565 Greek geometer, 300 B.C. Greek poet English noveliat American statesman and orator Hebrew prophet Hebrew priest, ruler, etc. FABIUS. Maximus V. FARADAY. Michael FARRAGUT, David G. FAWKES. Guy FERDINAND I. FER3INAND V. FERRY, Jules FIELD, Cyrus W. FIELD. David D. FIELD. Marshall FIELDING. Henry FOUCAULT. Leon FOURIER. Charies FOX. Charies James FOX. George FRANCIS I. FRANCIS JOSEPH FRANCIS OF ASSISI, (Saint) 1182-1226 FRANCIS XAVIER FRANKLIN. Benjamin 1706-1790 FRANKLIN, Sir John 1786-1847 FREDERICK l.-(Barbarossa) 1121-1190 FREDERICK II. 1194^1250 FREDERICK IV. or III. 1415-1493 FREDERICK THE GREAT 1712-1786 FREDERICK WILLIAM 1620-1688 FREDERICK WILLIAM I. FROBISHER, Sir Martin FROEBEL, Friedrich FROISSART. Jean FULTON, Robert -203 B.C. Roman general 1791-1867 English physicist American admiral English conspirator King of Castile, 1033, & Leon, 1037 King of Spain French statesman American. .Atlantic Ocean cable American. Jurist American. Merchant English novelist Frencli physicist French. Socialist English statesman 1801-1870 1570-1606 -1065 1452-1516 1832-1893 1819-1892 1805-1894 1835- 1707-1754 1819-1868 1772-1837 1749-1806 1624-1690 1494-1547 1830- 1688-1740 -1594 1782-1852 [Quakers" English. Founder of "Friends and King of France, 1515 Emperor of Austria, 1848 Founder of the order of Franciscans See Xavier American philosopher English Arctic explorer Emperor of Germany, 1152 Emperor of Germany, 1215 Emperor of Germany, 1440 King of Prussia, 1740 Elector of Brandenburg, 1640 King of Prussia, 1713 English navigator German. Originator of the Kinder- [garten 1337-1410(1419) French chronicler 1765-1815 American engineer 43 GALEN 130-200 Greek medical writer GALILEO 1564-1642 Italian astronomer [man GALLATIN, Albert 1761-1849 Swiss-Am. Financier and states- GAMA. Vasco da -1524 Portuguese navigator GARIBALDI. Giuseppe 1807-1882 Italian patriot GARRICK. David 1716-1779 English actor GARRISON, William Lloyd 1805-1879 American abolitionist GATES. John W. 1855- American. Speculator GENEVlkvE 422-512 Patron saint of Paris GENGHIS KHAN -1227 Mongol conqueror GENSERIC -477 King of Vandals GEORGE III. 1738-1820 King of England, 1760 GERMANICUS C>ESAR 15B.O.-19A.D. Roman general GIBBON, Edward 1737-1794 English historian GIDEON Judge in Israel, 1249-1209 B.C. GIOTTO 1276-1337 Florentine painter GIRARD. Stephen 1750-1831 French-American philanthropist GIRARDIN, EmIle de 1804-1881 Swiss-French journalist GLADSTONE, William E. 1809-1898 English statesman and orator GLUCK. C. W. 1714-1787 German composer GODFREY OF BOUILLON 1061-1100 [crusade Belgium. A leader in the first GODWIN, Mary W. 1759-1797 English. Women's Eights GOETHE 1749-1832 German poet GOLDSMITH, Oliver 1728-1774 Irish. Author GORDON, Chas. George 1833-1885 English. General and governor GORTSCHAKOFF. Alexander 1798-1883 Chancellor of the Russian Empire GOULD, Jay 1836-1892 American. Railroad manipulator GRACCHUS, Calus -121 B.C. Roman tribune GRACCHUS, Tiberius -133 B.C. Roman tribune GRANT, Ulysses S. 1822-1885 Pres't of the U. S., 1869 GRAY, Thomas 1716-1771 English poet GREELEY, Horace 1811-1872 American journalist GREGORY 1.— (The Great) -604 Pope, 590 GREGORY VII.-(Hlldebrand) -1085 Pope, 1073 GREY, Lady Jane 1537-1554 Proclaimed queen of England, 1553 GRIMM, Jacob 1785-1863 German. Philologist GROTE, George 1794-1871 English historian GROTIUS, Hugo 1583-1645 Dutch. Jurist, etc. GUIDO RENI 1575-1642 Italian painter GUISE, Charles de L. 1525-1574 French statesman FAMOUS CHARACTERS IN HISTORY GUISE, Claude de L., OuKe 1496-1550 GUIZOT GUSTAVUS VASA GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS GUTENBERG, Johann GUY FAWKES 1787-1874 1496-1560 1594-1632 1397-1468 French general French statesman and historian King of Sweden, 1523 King of Sweden, 1611 German. Reputed inventor of [printing See Fawkes HADRIAN HALE, Sir Matthew HAMILCAR BARCA HAMILTON, Alexander HAN DYNASTY HANCOCK, John HANDEL HANNA, Marcus A. HANNIBAL HANNO^the Great) HAROLD II. HAROUN AL-RASCHIO HARVEY, William HASDRUBAL HASTINGS, Warren HATASU HAWKINS, Sir John HAWTHORNE. Nathaniel HAYDN, Joseph HEGEL. G. W. F. HEINE, Helnrich HENRY I. HENRY II. HENRY IV. HENRY V. 76-138 1609-1676 -229 B.C. 1757-1804 206 B.c- 1737-1793 1685-1759 1837- 247-183 B.C. 3d cent. B.C. -1066 -809 1578-1657 -207 B.C. 1732-1818 17th cent. B.C. 1532-1595 1804-1864 1732-1809 1770-1831 1799-1856 1068-1135 1133-1189 1366-1413 1388-1422 Roman emperor, 117 English jurist Carthaginian general American statesman Brilliant period of Chinese history American statesman German composer American. Mining and politK's Carthaginian general Carthaginian general Last Anglo-Saxon king of England, fl066 Caliph of Bagdad, 786 English physiologist Carthaginian general Governor-general of India, 1774 Egyptian queen English naval commander American novelist Austrian composer German philosopher German. Poet and revolutionist King of England, 1100 King of England, 1164 King of England, 1399 King of England, 1413 44 FAMOUS CHARACTERS IN HISTORY HENRY VII. 1456-1509 HENRY VIII. 1491-1547 HENRY OF NAVARRE 1553-1610 HENRY 1. -936 HENRY IV. 1050-1106 HENRY THE NAVIGATOR 1394-1460 HENRY. Joseph 1797-1878 HENRY. Patrick 1736-1799 HERACLIUS -641 HERO 3d cent. B.O. HEROD THE GREAT -4 B.C. HEROD AGRIPPA 1. -44 HERODOTUS 484b.c.- HERSCHEL, Sir Wllllim 1738-1822 HILDEBRAND HILL, James J. 1838- HIPPARCHUS 2(1 cent. B.C. HIPPOCRATES 460-360 B.C. HIRAM HOBBES, Thos. 1588-1679 HOGARTH. William 1697-1764 HOLMES, Oliver Wendell 1809-1894 HOMER 9thorlOoent.B.c. HOOD, Thoma* 1798-1845 HOOK, T. E. 1788-1841 HOOKER, Richard 1553-1600 HORACE 65-8 B.C. HORTENSIUS, Quintus 114-50 B.C. HOSEA 8th cent. B.C. HOUDIN, Robert 1805-1871 HOUSTON, Sam 1793-1863 HOWARD, John 1726-1790 HUDSON, Henry -1611 HUGH CAPET —996 HUGHES, John 1797-1864 HUGO, Victor 1802-1885 HUMBOLDT 1769-1859 HUNTER, John 1728-1793 HUME, David 1711-1776 HUNTINGTON, Collis P. 1821-1900 King of England, 1485 King of England, 1509 King of France, 1589 King of Germany, 919 King of Germany, 1056 Son ol John I. of Portugal American physicist American. Patriot and orator Byzantine emperor, 6i0 Alexandria. Mathematician King of Judea, 40b.c. King of Judea, 37 Greeli historian English astronomer See Gregory VII. [and President Canadian-American. R. R. builder Bithynia. Greek astronomer Greek physician King of Tyre, about 1000 B.C. English philosopher English artist American humorous writer Greek poet English poet English author and wit English divine Latin poet Roman orator Hebrew prophet French c<»njurer American. Texan liberator English. Prison reformer English. Navigator King of France, 987 Irish. Archbishop of New York French poet and novelist German traveler and scientist Scotch. English surgeon Scottish philosopher [ipulator American. R. It. builder and man- , HUSS, John HUTCHINSON, BenJ. P. HUXLEY, Thos. H. HUYGENS, Christian HYPATIA INNOCENT I. INNOCENT III. INNOCENT XI. IRVING, Washington ISAAC ISABELLA ISAIAH IVAN THE GREAT IVAN THE TERRIBLE JACK CADE JACKSON, Andrew JACKSON, "Stonewall" JACOB JACQUARD, J. M. JAMES I.— (Stuart) JAMES IV. JAMES VI. and I. JAMES II. JEFFERSON, Thomas JEFFREYS, George 1369-1415 Bohemian religious refo:Tner 1829-1899 American. Grain speculator 1825-1895 English biologist 1629-1695 Dutch physicist -415 Alexandria. Learned teacher -417 -1216 1611-1689 1783-1859 1896-1715 B.C. 1451-1504 8th cent. b.c. -1505 1531-1584 Bishop of Rome, 402 Pope, 1198 Pope, 1676 American author Patriarch Queen of Spain, 1479 Hebrew prophet Ruler of Russia, 1462 Czar of Russia^ See Cado 1767-1845 Pres't of the U. S., 1829 1824 18G3 American. Confederate general 1837-1689 B.C. Patriarch 1752-1834 French. Loom 1394-1437 King of Scotland, 1406 1472-1513 King of Scotland, 1488 1566-1625 King of Scotland and England, 1603 1633-1701 King of England and Scotland, 1685 1743-1826 Pres't of the U. S., 1801 1648-1689 English judge 45 JENNER, Edward JEREMIAH JEROBOAM I. JEROME, Saint JOAN OF ARC ' JOHN THE BAPTIST JOHN (the Evangelist) JOHN JOHN THE GOOD JOHN I. JOHN OF GAUNT JOHN ZIMISCES JOHNSON, Dr. Samuel JONAH JONES, John Paul JONSON, Ben. JOSEPH JOSEPHUS, Flavius JOSHUA JUDAS MACCAB/EUS JUDSON, Adonlram JUGURTHA JULIAN JUSTIN I. JUSTIN MARTYR JUSTINIAN I. JUVENAL FAMOUS CHAKACTERS IN HISTORY 1749-1823 English. Originator of vaccination Hebrew prophet, 600b. <\ -953 B.C. Ist King of Israel, 975 B.C. 340-420 Latin father of the Church 1411-1431 French hei-olne B.c.-A.D. Preached about 26a.d. -100 Apostle 1166-1216 King of England, 1199 1319-1364 King of France, 1350 , 1357-1433 King of Portugal, 1385 1340-1399 English. Duke of Lancaster See Zlmisces 1709-1784 English author. Dictionary Hebrew prophet, 9th cent. B.C. 1747-1792 English. American naval ofilcer 1573-1637 English dramatist 1745-1635 B.C. Jewish patriarch 37-100 Jewish historian 1552-1442 B.C. Leader of Israelites See Maccabnus 1788-1850 American missionary -104 B.C. King of Kumldia 331-363 Roman emperor, 361 450-527 Byzantine emperor, 518 100-165 Samaria. Father of the Church -565 Byzantine emperor, 527 let cent. Roman tragic satirist KANT, Immanuel 1724^1804 KEAN, Edmund 1787-1833 KEENE, James R. 1838- KELVIN. Lord KEMBLE. Jolin Philip 1757-1823 KEMPIS, Thomas a' KENT, James 1763-1847 KEPLER. Johann 1571-1630 KIDD, William -1701 KNOX. John 1505-1572 KOCH, Robert 1843- KOSCIUSKO 1746-1817 KOSSUTH, Loult 1802-1894 KRiJGER 1825-1904 KRUPP, Alfred 1810-1887 LA FARGE. John UFAYETTE. Marquis de UMARTINE. Alphonse de LAMB, Charles LANDOR, Walter S. LANDSEER, Sir Edwin UO-TSZE UPLACE UTIMER, Hugh LAUD, William LAVOISIER LAW, John LEE, Robt. Edward LEIBNITZ, G. W. LEICESTER. Earl of LEONARDO DA VINCI LEO THE GREAT 1885- 1757-1834 1790-1869 1775-1834 1775-1864 1802-1873 600B.O. 1749-1827 1490-1555 1573-1645 1743-1794 1671-1729 1807-1870 1646-1716 -461 German philosopher English actor English-American. Speculatbr.etc. See Thomson ' English actor See Thomas a' K. American jurist German Astronomer Scotch. Pirate Scottish reformer German. Discoverer of bacilli Polish patriot and leader [tionist Hungarian statesman and revolu.> Pres't of South African Republic ■ German manufacturer American. Painter, etc. French. Aided the Americana French statesman, etc. English author English author English animal painter Chinese philosopher, Taoism French astronomer English reformer English. Archbishop of Canterbury French. Modem chemistry Scottish financier; , American. Confederate general German philosopher See Montfort See Yinci Bishop of Rome, 440 46 FAMOUS CHARACTERS IN HISTORY LEO X. 1475-1521 LEO XIII. 1810- LEONIDAS -480 B.c LEPIDUS -13 B.C. LESSEPS, Ferd. de 1805-1894 LICINIUS LIEBIG 1803-1873 U HUNG CHANG 1821-1901 UNCOLN, Abraham 1809-1865 UNO, Jenny 1821-1887 LINNAEUS 1707-1778 LISTER, Sir Joseph 1827- LISZT, Franz 1811-1886 LIVINGSTONE, David 1813-1873 LIVY 59B.C.-17A.D LOCKE, John 1632-1704 LONGFELLOW 1807-1882 LONGINUS 213-273 LORENZO LOTH AIRE 1. 796-855 LOUIS 1. 778-840 LOUIS THE GERMAN 804-876 LOUIS VI. 1078-1137 LOUIS IX., 'Saint" 1215-1270 LOUIS XI. 1423-1483 LOUIS XIV. 1638-1715 LOUIS XVL 1754-1793 LOUIS PHILIPPE 1773-1850 LOYOU, Ignatius de 1491-1556 LUCRETIUS -52 B.C. LUTHER, Martin 1483-1546 LYCURGUS 9th cent. B.C. LYSANDER -395 B.C. LYSIPPUS LYHON, E. Bulwer 1803-1873 Pope, 1513 Pope, 1878 King of Sparta, 491 B.C. Roman Triumvir 43-37 B.C. [canal French. Constructor of the Suez Roman tribune of the people,376B. c. German chemist Chinese statesman Pres't of the U. S., 1861 Swedish singer Swedish naturalist Enplish Surgeon. Antiseptic sys- |tem Hungarian pianist . Scoich. African explorer Roman historian English philosopher American poet Greek philosopher See Medici Emperor of the Romans, 840 King of the Franks King of Germany, 843 King of Fi-ance, 1108 King of France, 1226 King of France, 1461 King of France, 1643 King of France, 1774 King of France, 1830 Spanish. Founder of the ' 'Jesuits" I.atin didactic poet German reformt r Spartan legislator Spartan commander Greek sculptor, 350 b.c. English. Novelist, politician, etc. MACAUUY, Thos. B. 1800-1859 MACBETH -1057 MACCABEES MACCAB>EUS, Judas -160 b.c. MACDONALO, Sir John A. 1815-1891 MACHIAVELLI, NIccolo 1469-1527 MACKAY, John W. 1831 1902 McKINLEY, William 1843-1901 MACKINTOSH, Sir James 1765-1832 MACMAHON 1808-1893 MAECENAS, C. C. 70-8 b.c. MAGELLAN 1470-1521 MAHOMET MAINTENON, Madame de 1635-1719 MALTHUS, Thos. Robt. 17G6-1834 MANASSEH -C42b.c. MANCHU DYNASTY o< Tsing 1644- MANES 3d cent. MANETHO 3d cent. B.c MANN, Horace 1796-1859 MARCUS AURELIUS MARGARET 1353-1412 MARGARET OF ANJOU 1429-1482 MARIA THERESA 1717-1780 MARIE ANTOINETTE 1755-1793 MARIOTTE, Edme' -1684 MARIUS, Calus 157-86 b.c MARK ANTONY MARLBOROUGH, Dulte of 1650-1722 MARSHALL, John 1755-1835 MARTEL, Charles MARX, Karl 1818-1883 MARY I. 1516-1558 MARY II. (Wm. & Mary) 1662-1694 MARY STUART MATHER, Cotton MAXIMILIAN I. MAX-MULLER, F. MAXWELL, J. Clerk- MAZARIN, Jules 1542-1587 1663-1728 1459-1519 1823-1900 1831-1879 1602-1661 English historian King of Scotland, 1040 Judah, 175-164 B.C. Leader of the Jews Scotch. Canadian statesman Florentine statesman Irish-American. Mining, etc., etc. American. Pres't of U. S., 1897 Scotch. Lecturer, etc. General. Pres't of France, 1873 Roman. Patron of literature Portuguese navigator for Spain See Mohammed Second wife of Louis XIV English. Social economist King of Judah, 697 B.c. [Manicheans Persian. Founder of the sect of Egyptian historian American educator See Aurelius [Sweden, 1388 Queen of Denmark, Norway and Queen of England, 1445 [1740 Sovereign of the Austrian dominions Daughter of Maria Theresa,. Queen [of France, 1774 French physicist Roman general See Antony English general Chief Justice of the V. S., 1801-35 See Charles Martel German. Socialist Queen of England, 1553 Queen of England, 1689 Queen of Scots American theologian Emperor of Germany, 1493 I German-English. Philologist Scotch. Electrical theories [XIV. France. Prime minister of Louis 47 FAMOUS CHARAOTEBS IN HISTOEY MAZZINI, Glustppe 1808-1872 Italian Patriot MEOrCI, Cosmo 1389-1463 Florentine statesman MEDICI, Lorenzo de' , 1449-1492 Head of the Florentine state, 1469 MEISSONIER 1815-1891 French painter MELANCHTHON, Phllipp 1497-1560 German reformer MENCIUS 4th cent. B.c . Chinese philosopher mendelssohn-Bartholdy 1809-1847 German composer METTERNICH 1773-1859 Austrian statesman MEYERBEER 1791-1864 German composer MICHAEL ANGELO 1475-1564 Italian painter MILL, John Stuart 1806-1873 English. Philosophical writings MILTIADES -489 B.C. Athenian general NAPIER, John 1550-1617 MILTON, John 1608-1674 English poet NAPOLEON MING DYNASTY 1368- NARSES -668 MIRABEAU 1749-1791 French statesman and revolutionist NEBUCHADNEZZAR -561 B.o MITHRIDATES, (th« Great) 132-63 B.C. King of Pontus, 120b. o. NECHO -595 B.c MOHAMMED 570-632 Arabian. Founder of Islam NECKER, Jacques 1732-1804 MOHAMMED II. 1430-1481 Turkish sultan, 1451 NELSON, Horatio 1758-1805 MOLIERE 1622-1673 French writer of comedy NERO, (the General) MOLTKE, Count Von 1800-1891 German strategist NERO 37-68 MOMMSEN, Theodor 1817- German. Historian of Rome NERVA 32-98 MONG or MONGOL DYNASTY Established 1280 NEWMAN, John Henry 1801-1890 MONK. George 1608-1670 English. Armyand navy commander NEWTON, Sir Isaac 164^-1727 MONTAGU, Lady M. W. 1690-1762 English authoress, etc. NEY, "Marshal" 1769-1815 MONTAIGNE 1533-1592 French essayist NICHOLAS 1., (the Great) -«67 MONTESQUIEU 1689-1755 French author NICHOLAS 1. 1796-1855 MONTEZUMA II. Emperor of Mexico, 1502 NICHOLAS, Saint 900 MONTFORT, Simon de -1218 French commander In crusade NIEBUHR, B. G. 1776-1831 MONTFORT, Simon de MOORE, Thomas -1265 1779-1852 [against the Albigenes Leader of the English barons against [Henry III. Irish. Poet NIGHTINGALE. Florence NORTH. Frederick 1820- 1733-1792 MORE. Sir Thomas 1480-1535 English statesman MORGAN, J. P. 1837-1'? 12 American. Financial organizer MORSE, S. F. B. 1791-1872 American. Inventor of the electric [telegraph MORTIMER. Roger -1330 English. Favorite of Isabella MOSES 1571-1451 B.C. Lawgiver of the Jews O'CONNELL, Daniel 1775-1847 MOZART, Wolfgang 1756-1791 German composer O'CONOR, Charles 1804-1884 MUNGO PARK See Park OCTAVIUS MURAT, Joachim 1771-1815 French. King of Naples, 1808 ODOACER -493 MURILLO 1618-1682 Spanish painter OMAR 1. 681-644 Scotch. Mathematician See Bonaparte Byzantine general King of Babylonia, 605 B.o. King of Egypt, 610 B.C. French minister of finance under [Louis XVL English admiral Boman consul, 207 B.C. Boman emperor, 54 Boman emperor, 96 [dinal English clergyman and Boman car- English natural philosopher French. General Pope, 858 Czar of Bussla, 1825 Asia Minor. Patron of Bussla Denmark. Historian English philanthropist and nurse English. Premier, 1770 Irish political agitator American lawyer See Augustus King of Italy, 476 Arabian. Caliph, 634 48 OMAR KHAYYAM ONUS I. ORIGEN OSMAN OTHMAN OTHMAN (Osman) OTHO I. OTTOCAR II. OVIO -1124 185-254 -656 1259-1326 912-973 -1278 43B.C-18A.D. FAMOUS CHARACTERS IN HISTORY Persian poet, etc. High priest of the Jews, 320b. c. Greek father of the Church See Othman Arabian. Caliph, 644 [1299 Founder of the Ottoman Empire, King of Germany, 936. Emperor, [962 King of Bohemia, 1253 Latin poet PAGANINI. Niccolo 1784-1840 Italian violinist PAINE. Thomas 1737-1809 English-American radical writer PALEY. William 1743-1805 English. Natural theology PALISSY. Bernard 1510-1589 French potter PALMERSTON, Viscount 1784-1865 English statesman PAPINIAN 140-212 Roman jurist PARK. Mungo 1771-1806 Scotch. African explorer PARRHASIUS 4th cent. B.C. Greek painter PASCAL, Blaise 1623-1662 French author and mathematician PASTEUR. Louis 1822-1895 French. Discoveries concerning PATRICK, Saint 5th cent. [bacteria "Apostle of Ireland" PAUL, Saint See Saul of Tarsus PAUL 1754-1801 Czar of Russia, 1796 PEABODY, George 1795-1869 American. Philanthropist PEDRO II. 1825-1891 Emperor of Brazil, 1831 PEEL. Sir RobL PELAGIUS 1788-1850 -430? English statesman [heresy British. Founder of the Pelagian PENN, William 1644-1718 English. Founder of Pennsylvania PEPIN THE SHORT -768 First king of the Franks, 751 PERICLES 495-429 B.C. Athenian statesman PERRY, Oliver H. 1785-1819 American naval officer PETER THE GREAT 1672-1725 Czar of Russia, 1682 PETER THE HERMIT -1115 French. Crusader PETER, Saint See Simon PETRARCH 1304-1374 Italian writer of sonnets PHIDIAS 490-432 B.C. Athenian. Famous statues PHILIP II. 382-336 B.C. PHILIP II. 1165 1223 PHILIP IV. 1268-1314 PHILIP II. 1527-1598 PHILIPPE, Louis PHILLIPS, Wendell 1811-1884 PHILO, Judaeus 1st cent. PINDAR 520- 440 B.C. PISISTRATUS -527 PITT. William 1708-1778 PIUS IX. 1792-1878 PIZARRO, Francisco 1471-1541 PLATO 429-348 B.o. PLINY, the Elder 23-79 PLINY, the Younger 01-113 PLUTARCH 46-120 POE, Edgar Allan 1809-1849 POLO, Marco 12.54-1324 POLYGNOTUS 5th cent. B.C. POMPADOUR, Marquise de 1721 17G4 POMPEY, Cnelus 100-48 B.C. PONCE DE LEON 1460^1521 PONTIUS PILATE -38 POPE, Alexander 1688-1744 PORUS -317 B.C. POTIPHAR PR4XITELES 4th cent. B.C. PRESCOTT, Wm. H. 1796-1859 PROBUS -282 PSAMMETICHUS I. PTOLEMY SOTER -283 B.C. PTOLEMY PHILADELPHUS -247b. o. PTOLEMY, Claudius 2nd cent. PYRRHUS -272 B.C. PYTHAGORAS 580-497 B.C. King of Macedon, 359 B.o. King of France, 1180 King of France, 1285 King of Spain, 1555 See Louis Philippe American orator and abolitionist Alexandrian. .Jewish religious phi- [losopher Tlieban lyric poet Tyrant of Athens English statesman Pope, 1846 Spaniani. Conqueror of Peru Greek philosopher Roman naturalist Roman writer Greek biographer American author Venetian traveler Greek painter French, .\mbitiou8 Court lady Ro;nan general [1512 Spaniai-d. Discoverer of Florida, Roman governor of Judea English poet King in India Egypt. 1728 B.C. Greek sculptor American liistorian Roman emperor, 276 Egypt. King, 666-610 B.C. Founder of tlie Greek dynasty in [Egypt King of Egypt, 285 B.C. Graeeo-Egyptian astronomer King of Epirus Greek philosopher QUINTILLIAN, M. Fablus 35-100 Spanish. Roman rhetorician 49 FAMOUS CHARACTERS IN HISTORY RABELAIS. Francois 1483-1553 RACHEL 1821-1858 RACINE, Jean 1639-1699 RALEIGH. Sir Walter 1552-1618 RAMESES THE GREAT 14th cent. B.c RAMESES III. RAPHAEL 1483-1520 REGULUS 3tl cent. B.C. REMBRANDT, Paul 1607-1669 RENAN 1823-1892 REN^ THE GOOD 1409-1480 REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua 1723-1792 RHODES, Cecil 1853-1902 RICARDO. David 1772-1823 RICHARD 1. 1157-1109 RICHARD III. 1452-1485 RICHELIEU 1585-1642 RIDLEY, NIcliolas -1555 RIENZI. Cola dl 1312-1354 RISTORI. Adelaide 1821- ROBESPIERRE 1758-1794 ROCKEFELLER. John D. 1839- RODERIC -711 ROEBLING. John A. 1806-1869 ROLLO -931 ROMILLY, Sir Samuel 1757-1818 ROSS, Sir John 1777-1856 ROSSINI 1792-1868 ROTHSCHILD, Meyer A. 1743-1812 ROUSSEAU, Jean J. 1712-1778 ROWLAND, Henry A. 1848-1901 RUBENS, Peter Paul 1577-1640 RUBENSTEIN. Anton 1830-1894 RUDOLPH OF HAPSBURG 1218-1291 RURIK -879 RUTH At Bethlehem, 1312 B.C. RUYTER, M. A. de 1607-1676 French author French actress French tragic poet English courtier King of Egypt, 1300 B.C. King of Egypt, 1200 B.C. Italian painter Eoman general Dutch painter French author "King of Naples," 1435 English painter English. So. African statesman, etc. English political economist King of England, 1189 King of England, 1483 [XIII. Fr3nch. Prime mini-ster of Louis Bishop of London Eoman popular leader Italian actress French revolutionist American. Oil Last Visigothic king of Spain Prussian. American engineer Norwegian viking English. Lawyer and philanthropist British arctic explorer Italian composer German-Jewish banker French author American physicist Flemish painter Russian pianist and composer Emperor of Germany, 1273 Founded the first Russian Empire An ancestor of David Dutch admiral SACHS, Hans 1494-1576 SAGE, Russell 1816- SAINT-GAUDENS, Augustus 1848- SAINT-SIMON 1760-1825 SALADIN 1137-1193 SALISBURY, Marquis o( 1830- [tor German poet American. Financier and specula- Irish. American sculptor French socialist Turk. Sultan of Egypt, 1171 English statesman SALLUST 86-34 B.C. Roman historian SALVINI 1830- Italian. Actor SAMSON -1116B.C Judge of Israel, 1137-1117 B.C. SAMUEL -1058 B.c Judge of Israel, 1117-1095 B.C. SANCHO THE GREAT -1035 King of Navarre and Castile SANTA ANNA 1797 1876 Pres't and dictator of Mexico, 1833 SAPOR 1. -271 King of Persia, 242 SAPPHO 600 B.C. Greek poetess SARDANAPALUS -626B.C. King of Assyria, 668 B.C. SARGON -705 B.C. Ring of Assyria, 722 B.C. SAUL -1055 B.C. First king of Israel, 1095 B.C. SAUL OF TARSUS -64 ? Apostle of the Gentiles SAVONAROLA 1452-1498 Italian monk [torian SCHILLER 1759-1805 German poet, dramatist and his- SCHLEGEL, F. von 1772-1829 German. Literature SCHOPENHAUER, Arthur 1788-1860 SCHUMANN, Robert 1810-1856 SCHWAB, Charles M. 1862- SCIPIO AFRICANUS 234-183 B.C. SCOTT, Sir Walter 1771-1832 SCOTT, WInfield 1786-1866 SELEUCUS, Nlcator 358-280B.C. SELKIRK, Alexander 1676-1721 SEMMES, Raphael 1809-1877 SENECA, Lucius A. -65 SENNACHERIB -681 B.C. SEVERUS, Seplimlus -211 SEWARD, Wm. Henry 1801-1872 SHAKESPEARE, William 1564-1616 SHALMANESER i. 14tli cent. B.C. SHALMANESER II. SHELLEY, Percy B. 1792-1822 SHERIDAN, Philip H. 1831-1888 SHERIDAN, Richard 8. 1751-1816 German. Pessimist philosopher German composer American. Pres't of U. S. Steel Co. Roman general Scottish poet and novelist American general Macedonian general Scottish sailor. "Robinson Crusoe" American. Confederate naval com- [mander Roman philosopher King of Assyria, 705 B.O. Roman emperor, 193 American statesman English dramatist Assyrian king Assyrian king, 860 b.o. English poet American general Irish. Statesman and dramatist 50 FAMOUS CHARACTEItS IN HI8T0 11Y SHERMAN. Wm. T. SHESHONK ^Shlshak) SIDDONS. Sirah SIDNEY. Sir Philip SIGISMUND SIGISMUND I. SILLIMAN, Benj. SIMON, (St.) PETER SMITH. Adam SMITH. Joseph SMITH. Sidney SOBIESKI. John SOCRATES SOLOMON SOLON SOLYMAN I. or II. SOMERVILLE, Mary SOPHOCLES SPARTACUS SPENCER. Herbert SPENSER. Edmund SPINOLA SPINOZA. Banich SPURGEON. Charles H. STAEL, De, Mme. STANLEY, Htnry M. STEIN STEPHEN I. STEPHENSON, George STEPHENSON, Robert 1820-1891 10th cent. B.C. 1755-1831 1554-1586 1368-1437 -1548 1779-1864 -65 1723-1790 1805-1844 1771-1845 -1696 470-399 B.C. 1033-975 B.C. 638-559 B.G. 1495-1566 1780-1872 495-406 B.C. -71 B.C. 1820- 1553-1599 1569-1630 1632-1677 1834-1892 1766-1817 1841- 1757-1831 .rl038 1781-1848 1803-1859 STEVENSON, Robert Loiilt 1850-1894 STEWART, A. T. 1803-1876 STORY, Joseph 1779-1845 STRABO 64B.C.-24A.D. STRADIVARI, Antonio 1649-1737 SULLA, Lucius C. 138-78 b.c. SULLY 1560-1641 SUMNER, Charies 1811-1874 SWEDENB0R6, Emanuel 1688-1772 SWEYN -1014 American general King of Egypt Englisti actress English author and soldier Emperor of Germany, 1411 King of Poland, 1506 American physicist One of the twelve apostles Scottish political economist imerican. Founder of the Mor- [mons English clergyman, wit, etc. King of Poland, 1674 Athenian philosopher King of Israel, 1015 B.C. Athenian lawgiver Turkish sulUn, 1520 Scotch. Mathematician and scientist Greek tragic poet Leader of Boman slaves, 73 b.c. English philosopher English poet Italian-Spanish general Dutch.Jewish philosopher English preacher French authoress Wales. African explorer Prussian statesman King of Hungary, 997 Itive English. Perfector of the locomo- Engllsh engineer Scotch. Author Irish-American. Merchant American jurist Greek geographer Italian rlolin maker Boman general and dictator French. Minister of Henry IV. American statesman and abolition- List Swedish philosopher and theoso- [phist King of Denmark, 985-of Eng. 1013 SWIFT, Jonathan SYLVESTER II. 1667-1745 Irish. Political writer and satlriat,- 940-1003 Pope, 999 TACITUS. Caius C. TALLEYRAND. Chas. M. TAMERLANE TANG DYNASTY TARQUIN THE PROUD TASSO, Torquato TENNYSON. Alfred TERTULLIAN THACKERAY. Wm. M. THALES THEMISTOCLES THEODERIC THE GREAT -117 1754-1838 1336-1405 618- Boman historian French diplomatist Mongol conqueror ( Chinese empire again consolidated j Golden age of Chinese literature Last Itlng of Kome, about 530 B.a 1544-1595 Italian poet 1809-1892 English poet 2d cent. Latin father of the Church 1811-1863 Engli-sh novelist 640-546 B.C. Greek philosopher -460 B.C. Athenian statesman and commander -526 THEODOSIUS THE GREAT 346-395 THIERS, L. A. THOMAS A' KEMPIS THOMAS AQUINAS, Saint THOMAS BECKET THOMSON, Sir William THOREAU. Henry D. THORWALSOEN, Bertei THOTHMES III. THUCYDIDES TIBERIUS TIGUTH-PILESER II. TILLY. Johann T. TITIAN TITUS TOLSTOI, Leo TRAJAN TSIN DYNASTY TURENNE TURCOT, Robt. J. King of Ostrogoths, 475 Borjan emperor of the East, 379 French statesman and historian German. Writer and monk See Aquinas See Becket Irish. Physicist American author and naturalist Danish sculptor 16th cent. B.C. King of Egypt 471-400 B.C. Athenian historian 42 B.C.-37 A.D. Boman emperor, 14 a.d. -727 B.C. King of Assyria, 745 B.C. 1559-1632 1797-1877 1380-1471 1824- 1817-1862 1770-1844 1477-1576 40-81 1828- 62-117 255 B.C. 1611-1675 1727-1781 TURNER. Joseph M. W. 1775-1851 TYNDALE, Wm. 1484-1536 French. General in the Thirty [Years' War. Italian painter Boman emperor, 79 Bussian novelist, reformer, etc. Boman emperor, 98 French. Marshal fomist French controller-general and econ- English painter \ [lator English reformer and biblical trans- 51 FAMOUS CHABACTEES IN HISTORY ULFILAS 311-381 Gothic biblical translator URBAN II. -1099 Pope, 1088 USHER, James 1580-1656 Irish. Biblical chronologlst VALENS -378 VALENTINIAN 1. 321-375 VANDERBILT, Cornelius 1794-1877 VANDYKE, Sir Anthony 1599-1641 VARRO, Marcus T. 116-28 B.C. VARUS, Publius Q. -9 VELASQUES 1599-1660 VASA VERDI, Giuseppe 1814-1901 VERNE, Jules 182&- VESPASIAN 9-79 VESPUCCI, Amerigo 1451-1512 VICO, Giovanni B. 1668-1744 VICTOR EMANUEL 1820-1878 VICTORIA 1819-1901 VINCI, Leonardo da 1452-1519 VIRCHOW, Rudolt 1821-1902 VIRGIL 70-19 B.c VLADIMIR THE GREAT -1015 VOLTAIRE 1694-1778 Emperor of the East, 364 Emperor of the West, 364 American. Pioneer of R. E. con- [soUdation Flemish painter Eoman scholar and author Eoman general and consul Spanish painter (See Gustavus Vasa) Italian composer French author Boman emperor, 69 Italian navigator Italian. Founder of the philosophy [of histoiy King of Italy, 1861 Queen of Great Britain, 1837 Italian painter and sculptor German physiologist, etc. Latin poet BuBsia. Great Duke, 980 French poet and philosopher WAGNER. Richard 1813-1883 WALLACE, Sir William 1274-1305 WALLENSTEIN 1583-1634 WALPOLE, Sir Robert 1676-1745 WANAMAKER, John 1837- WARWICK, Earl of -1471 WASHINGTON, George 1732-1799 WATT, James 1736-1819 WAITS, Isaac , 1674- 1748 WAT TYLER -1381 WEBER, Karl M. von 178G-1826 WEBER, Wilhelm 1804-1801 WEBSTER, Daniel 1782-1852 WEBSTER, Noah 1758-1843 WEDGWOOD, Joslah 1730-1793 WELLINGTON, Duke of 1769-1852 WESLEY, John 1703-1791 WHEATSTONE, Sir Chas. 1802-1875 WHEWELL, William 1794-1866 WHITEFIELO, George 1714-1770 WHITNEY, Eli 1765-1825 WHITTIER. John G. 1807-1892 WILBERFORCE, William 1759-1833 WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR 1027-1037 WILLIAM III. (Prince of Orange)1650-1702 WILLIAM 1797-1888 WILLIAM THE SILENT 1533-1584 WILLIAMS, Roger 1599-1683 WINIFRED WOLSEY, Thos. 1471-1530 WORCESTER, Edward S. 1601-1667 W0R3SW0RTH, William 1770-1850 WREN, Sir Christopher 1632-1723 WYCLIFFE, John 1324-1384 German composer Scottish patriot [Years' War Austrian general in the Thirty Prime minister of Great Britain, [1715 American merchant English. The " king-malier " Pres't of the U. S., 1789 Scotch. Porfeetor of the steam [engine English sacred poet English rebel Austrian composer German physicist American statesman and orator American lexicographer English potter Irish. British general English. Founder of Methodism English physicist English philosopher and scientist English. Founder of Calvinistic [Methodism American. Inventor of the cotton [gin American poet English. Abolition of slave trade King of England, 1066 King of Great Britain, 1689 King of Prussia, 1861. Emperor [of Germany, 1871 Founder of the Dutch Republic Wales. Founder of the colony of [Rhode Island See Boniface [VIII. English Cardinal, Minister of Henry Inventor of a steam [engine English English poet English architect English religious reformer 5^ FAMOUS CHARACTERS IN HISTORY XAVIER, Francis— (8aln») 1506-1552 Spanish. Jesuit missionary XENOPHON -350 B.C. Athenian writer XERXES -465 B.C. King of Persia, 486 b.O. XIMENES, Francisco 1437-1517 Spanish prelate and statesman YANG-KIAN He united the Chinese Empire, 590 YAOU Time of Abraham. ? Charlemagne of the East ZEND 500 B.O. Greek philosopher ZENO 342-270 b.o. Founder of the Stole philosophy ZENO -491 Roman emperor of the East, 474 ZENOBIA Queen of Palmyra, 266 ZEUXIS 400B.O. Greek painter ZIMISCES, John -976 Byzantine emperor, 969 ZOROASTER 10th cent. B.C.? Founder of the Persian religion ZWINGLI, Utrtc 1484^1531 Swiss reformer i UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 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