THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA GIFT OF Mary Randall THE 8 I 8 T E E 8: A MEMOIR OP ELIZABETH H., ABBIE A., AND SARAH P. DICKERMAN. BY REV. ISRAEL P. WARREN. AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY, B S T ON. Entered according to Act of Cpngress, in the year 1859, by THE AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massa- chusetts. GIFT Geo. C. Hand & Avery, Printers, 3 Cornhili, Boston. PREFACE. MA]S~T persons, especially among the young, who desire to be useful in the service of Christ, fancy themselves debarred the privilege by want of oppor- tunity. Had they been called to be ministers or missionaries, could they dispense thousands in char- ity, or had they the advantages of high social position, they would, as they flatter themselves, accomplish much for the cause of their Redeemer. In the absence of these opportunities, they feel unable to do any thing, and their endeavors are few and worthless. The example of the young persons whose brief lives are sketched in this memoir is deemed instruc- tive, as showing the error of this prevalent impres- sion. They were of the ordinary walks of life ; yet they had learned the secret of doing good. Emi- nent in their personal piety, they strove both by example and direct effort to effect the salvation of others. If opportunities of usefulness were not pre- IV PREFACE. sented, they made them ; and they found as others will, who do the same thing Providence cooperat- ing with them, and rewarding their humblest under- takings with his blessing. The author has felt embarrassed in the selections from their journals and letters by the frequent allu- sions they contain to himself and his family. To insert these seemed, possibly, indelicate ; to omit them, unjust to those who penned them amid the most sacred records of their spiritual history. He trusts that the few allusions of this kind which he has admitted will be pardoned, when it is remem- bered how intimate are the relations between a pastor and the youth of his flock, an intimacy which, in the case of these sisters, was one of pecu- liar interest and tenderness. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Residence Birth Childhood, 9 CHAPTER, H. Early religious impressions Conversion Admission to the Church, 12 CHAPTER HI. Attendance at school -Thirst for knowledge Abbie's Journal- Letters Solicitude for the conversion of her schoolmates, 19 CHAPTER IV. Teaching Commencement of school in Mt. Carmel Labors for the conversion of pupils School exhibition " The flower fadeth, ' ' Missionary aspirations, 45 CHAPTER V. Sickness Thirst for knowledge Darkness Parting from friends Spiritual comfort Resignation, ^67 VI CONTENTS. CHAPTEK VI. Elizabeth's journal of the last hours The dying scene The funeral, 103 CHAPTER VII. Influence of Abbie's character and death Elizabeth's resolutions Visit to Plymouth Re-opening of school Prayers and labors for her pupils Music lessons Death of her grandmother, 128 CHAPTER Organization of the Hart Female Seminary Elizabeth as Prin- cipal Discouragements Brightening prospects Household cares Labors for souls Revival, 153 CHAPTER IX. Fannie Her early character Conversion Diary Efforts of usefulness, 179 CHAPTER X. Fannie Sickness and death, , 199 CHAPTER XI. Improvement of affliction Elizabeth's return to her school Re- newed efforts of usefulness Perplexity as to duty Determines to relinquish her charge Close of term, 212 CONTENTS. Vll CHAPTER XH. At home Relaxation from labor Domestic duties Visiting Correspondence, 236 CHAPTER XHI. End of the diary Visiting Beginning of sickness Invitation to Harrisburgh Severe suffering Medical attendance Cheer- fulnessSubmissionSolicitude for her mother Unclouded hope Farewells Death Letters of friends, 261 THE SISTERS. CHAPTER I. Residence Birth Childhood. THE beautiful plain upon which New Haven is built extends northward from Long Island Sound, between the mountain ranges of the East and West Rocks, across the whole breadth of Connecticut. At about eight miles from the city, it is interrupted by the high and rugged cliff of Mount Carmel, projecting like a spur from the western range, from which it is sepa- rated by a deep notch. The view from the sum- mit of this mountain, a place of frequent resort to the lovers of pleasant scenery, is strikingly beautiful. Northward, the broad valley stretches away in the distance in a variegated landscape of hill and dale, of venerable orchards and green meadows, with here and there a winding brook gleaming through the verdure like a silver thread 10 THE SISTERS. woven in some flower-wrought carpet. In the south, the blue waters of the Sound bound the horizon, embosoming in their crescent the city, partly hid by East Rock, and the prairie-like " salt meadows " which surround the head of the bay ; while, at your feet, is the little white church of the parish, and a long street of pleasant resi- dences, with here and there the tall chimney of a manufactory, and ever and anon a railway train gliding in graceful curves along the valley; the whole constituting a picture of quiet beauty rarely surpassed in all the diversified scenery of New England. At a little distance from the foot of this moun- tain, and near the church of the parish, named from this conspicuous feature of it, " Mount Carmel," was the home of the subjects of this memoir. They were children of Deacon EZRA, and SARAH J. DICKERMAN, both descended from ancient Puritan families in New Haven; the mother tracing her ancestry to the Rev. Nicho- las Street, the successor of Davenport as pastor of the first church in that city. The births of the three were as follows: ELIZABETH HALL, born May 21, 1829. ABBIE ANN, born July 22, 1831. SARAH PRANCES, born April 18, 1838. CHILDHOOD. 11 They were the only daughters in a family of nine children, of whom one died in infancy; a family who were all trained with scrupulous care in the principles and duties of religion, and who share in large measure the blessing of God upon parental faithfulness. The childhood of these sisters was marked by little worthy of special notice. They were active and intelligent, fond of reading, and apt in the usual studies of their age. In disposition, Eliz- abeth was mild and gentle, inclined to cheerful- ness, and of a sunny temperament. Abbie, and to a less extent also, " Fannie/ 7 (as she was usu- ally called,) were more impatient, sometimes irritable, and the former suffered often from de- pression of spirits. Though remarkably decided and firm of purpose, yet there mingled with this a native modesty which shrunk from notice, and, in the two eldest, amounted almost to reserve. They were, in a word, amiable and interesting children, the pride of their family, * and giving promise of an early development of character in more than ordinary sweetness and purity. 12 THE SISTEES. CHAPTER II. Early religious impressions Conversion Admission to the Church. IT might be expected that persons educated as these young girls were, would have, even in childhood, seasons of marked religious impres- sions. Such was especially the case with Abbie. Her mother mentions an occasion of this kind in the spring of 1838, when she was scarcely seven years old. As the family were sitting by the fireside, Abbie began to weep. On being ques- tioned as to the cause, she did not incline to an- swer; but being pressed with the inquiry, at length said it was because she felt herself to be a sinner; and as Elizabeth made a similar avowal, while nothing unusual had occurred to awaken their emotion, their parents hoped it might be the work of the Holy Spirit in their hearts, and earnestly renewed their consecration of them to the favor of their covenant-keeping God. Nothing was said to them of entertaining a hope that they were Christians, but they were simply encour- EARLY IMPRESSIONS OF ABBIE. 13 aged to enter upon the performance of religious duty. Ever after this they manifested much de- light in spiritual things, and were very regular in their habits of devotion. In 1840, the church in Mount Carmel enjoyed a season of revival, in which they were greatly interested, attending the meetings, striving to secure the presence of their young companions, and frequently express- ing the most ardent desires for the conversion of souls, and for the progress and extension of the work. At one of the first of these meet- ings, when the minister then laboring there spoke to her in relation to her feelings, Abbie looked up to him with a timid smile, and said, U I do love my Saviour ! " nor did there seem to be any good reason to doubt the truth of her assertion. It was not, however, till 1845, that religion assumed a distinctly marked character in either. In the autumn of that year, Abbie came down from her chamber very early one Sabbath morn- ing, weeping; having; been awakened in a violent thunder storm, by an alarming dream which the storm had probably occasioned. She was very much distressed in view of her guilt and danger as a sinner, and begged her mother's advice and prayers. But though in a measure relieved by these, she did not immediately find peace. Her convictions were deep and overwhelming. In- 14 THE SISTERS. deed, it was a characteristic of her experience in all her subsequent course, to have at times, and often for weeks together, the most profound and distressing views of her sinfulness ; and it was only when, by repeated trials, she had cast herself wholly on Christ for pardon and deliver- ance, that she learned to throw off her burden, and take to herself the comfort of an abiding hope in him. It was on the succeeding Wednesday, after a season of very peculiar suffering, and while engaged in prayer with her mother, that she first felt the dawn of peace in her soul. It was, indeed, like the morning light after a night of storm. The transition from despair to hope filled her with joy. " Oh," she exclaimed, " how I want to have Edward and Elizabeth feel as I do ! " On that very day she wrote to the former, (her eldest brother,) then at school in a neigh- boring town, narrating what she had just expe- rienced, and tenderly entreating him to seek forthwith an interest in the Saviour. Nor did she write in vain. The blessing of the Holy Spirit seemed to accompany the letter, and her brother was so deeply affected by the intelligence, and the earnest appeals to his heart, that he was unable to rest till he, too, was rejoicing in the same new-born hopes. CONVERSION OF ABBIE AND HER BROTHER. 15 To her sister Elizabeth she was equally faith- ful, though not with the same immediate results. " E.," she wrote in a second letter to her brother, " spent the Sabbath at home ; and oh! how glad I was to see her and tell her what a precious Saviour I trust I have found." The latter was then engaged in teaching ; and having at the age of sixteen the sole care of a school of fifty pu- pils, it is not surprising that her mind was too much engrossed with her occupation to give to anything else a very particular attention. Still, the effect of Abbie's entreaties was not entirely lost. An impression was made which was never obliterated ; and often did she remark in later years, that both she and her brother had reason to regard their sister as having been in an emi- nent degree the instrument of their conversion. In the autumn of 1846, the writer of this me- moir, having recently been installed pastor of the church in Mount Carmel, called to converse with Abbie in respect to her uniting with the church. Elizabeth was then at home. During the con- versation, Mrs. D., who was present, made some remark expressive of her anxiety for the latter. The pastor immediately addressed an appeal to her, founded on the important step about to be taken by her sister. Elizabeth manifested an interest in the subject, but said little. On the 16 THE SISTEES. next Monday evening, a meeting was appointed at the house of the pastor for those who might desire religious conversation ; and at the sugges- tion of her mother, Elizabeth attended, in com- pany with herself and Abbie. The subject of her personal salvation was again pressed upon her attention, and she was urged to an immediate self-dedication to God. She appeared to be very serious; frankly acknowledging that she desired to be a Christian, and ought to be one without delay; and saying also that she had once enter- tained a hope of her piety, but had for some time past relinquished it. At length she pledged her word that she would that night give herself to Christ anew. On her return home she retired to her room, and, with characteristic promptness and decision, took her pen and wrote out her solemn purpose to be the Lord's. "Resolved, That from this time forth, with di- vine assistance, I will renounce the pleasures of the world, and seek to glorify God. Oct. 19, 1846. E. H. DICKERMAN." She knelt with this resolution before her, and there solemnly and deliberately adopted it as the one great purpose of her future life ; giving up herself to God, and beseeching pardon and ac- ceptance through the blood of the Redeemer. ELIZABETH'S RESOLVE. 17 When, after some time, she came from her room and entered the family circle, she wore a smile on her countenance, and a look of such calm, yet earnest purpose, as left no doubt in that happy group that the great decision had been made. The experience of the sisters in this important crisis of their lives was characteristically differ- ent. Elizabeth was not so long weighed down with the burden of conviction, as Abbie; indeed, it was the prompt, unquestioning response of her heart to the intellectual perception of duty, which distinguished her here, as ever after. Abbie dwelt more in her emotions, and was very much subject to their control; Elizabeth, though not destitute of deep and earnest feelings, was accustomed rather to hold them in check, and subordinate them, as well as everything else, to the guidance of her understanding. In the for- mer, the subjective life was the most prominent; in the latter, the objective. With Abbie it was a leading inquiry how she felt, with Elizabeth, what she was doing; yet the feeling of the one had its outgrowth in a very earnest self-denying life ; and the activity of the other, its reflection in a deep conscientiousness, and an ardent devo- tion to the cause of her Saviour. It may be thought that a formal act of dedica- tion to God in writing, like this of Elizabeth, 2 18 THE SISTERS. unpreceded by a period of pungent conviction, was premature, and tended to the creation of false hopes. In some cases, perhaps, it might be so. The precise -instructions that should be given to individuals in such circumstances ought, doubtless, to be varied according to the peculi- arities of each case. Yet we have known not a few instances in which resolutions so formed have been attended with the happiest results. The soul thus solemnly given to the Lord, enters the school of Christ ; where, under the teachings of his Spirit, it gains instruction both in respect to its own depravity, and the necessity and suf- ficiency of the atonement, which no amount of technical conviction could afford. If not itself properly conversion, it speedily eventuates in it ; as the fixed resolve of the prodigal was the first step in that return which brought him, at length, to the home and the embrace of his rejoicing father. Abbie was received to the church, by profes- sion, on the first Sabbath of November, 1846; and Elizabeth, in the January following. ATTENDANCE AT SCHOOL. 19 CHAPTER III. Attendance at school Thirst for knowledge Abbie's journal Letters Solicitude for the conversion of her schoolmates. A LEADING characteristic of these sisters was a thirst for knowledge. For the objects most usually attractive to girls of a similar age dress, company and amusements they had very little taste. Especially after their conversion, they sought with increased ardor the advantages of an education, as a qualification for usefulness. In the fall of 1847, Elizabeth entered as a pupil in the " Seward Institute," in Florida, Orange County, New York, w^here she graduated the ensuing year, receiving the first premium for scholarship in the senior department, from the Hon. William H. Seward, the President and pa- tron of the institution. After her graduation, Abbie entered the same school and remained through the ensuing winter. And though unable to return and complete the course, as she ardent- ly desired, she still prosecuted her studies at home, and while herself engaged in teaching, 20 THE SISTERS. with great assiduity, till her failing health com- pelled her to desist. Of Elizabeth's religious history during these two years of study , there is but slight record. . She was too intensely occupied to write very frequently to her friends, and her allusions to the subject in her correspondence were still less fre- quent. The acquisition of knowledge was then her all-engrossing pursuit ; and it is probable that the standard of her piety was less elevated than it subsequently became. Of Abbie, fortunately, we have more knowl- edge. Early in 1848, she commenced a private journal of her religious experience, which she continued with slight interruptions till a short time before her death. In this, and the letters written to her friends, we have ample materials for tracing her religious life, and observing how rapidly she was trained, under the teachings of the Divine Spirit, to that maturity of piety which made her early ripe for heaven. There is, in many minds, a strong prejudice against these, so called, private journals of re- ligious experience; a prejudice which is often, doubtless, well founded. The difficulty of keep- ing them true to fact, of making them an honest, unexaggerated transcript of the real life, is so great, under the natural tendencies to self-decep- ABBIE'S JOURNAL. 21 tion ; that little reliance, ordinarily, can be placed on them as exhibiting the actual character. Yet, notwithstanding all this, it can not be questioned that such a journal may be so conducted as em- inently to aid the work of self-cultivation. It very evidently was so in the present case. That Abbie had kept such a record of her spiritual life, was never suspected by her most intimate friends till a little before her death. It had been her purpose to destroy it ; but upon the earnest request of the family, and being assured it would be a great gratification to them after her depart- ure, she reluctantly consented to its preservation. None who intimately knew her will doubt that it is a simple, unvarnished record of her actual feelings and experience. The first entry made in it is marked by great simplicity, conscientiousness and solemnity. "HAMDEN, Sunday, March 14, 1848. I have felt that it may, perhaps, aid my ad- vancement in the spiritual course, to keep a journal, or diary. With this in view I now com- mence one, feeling as I do, that I ought not to neglect anything which may have a tendency to promote my growth in grace, and fit me for that eternal world to which I am rapidly hastening." 22 THE SISTERS. Other extracts will show her prevalent habit of thought and feeling at this time. Monday Evening, March 15. Last night I re- tired burdened on account of sin, especially my ingratitude and coldness in the service of my dear Redeemer. I passed a very restless night ; for my mind was constantly occupied with thoughts of my situation, and of those around me, and of how little I am doing in the service of Christ. This morning I had a season of sweet communion with God; but I have to lament that I have been very cold in religious duties during the day, and it has been with difficulty that I could devote my thoughts to heavenly things. This evening I have attended a female prayer- meeting, and felt that it was good to be there. I mourn over my coldness, and it grieves me that I can not love God more ; but this heart of mine is so sinful that it will love only as it is renewed by grace. 16th. This morning I had unusual enjoyment in my religious duties, and I thought I should go through the day trusting in God, and striving to glorify him ; but alas, I have not honored him, either by my w&lk or conversation, but when lit- tle things occurred I have been irritated and vexed. I felt that this was wrong, and it must DESIRE TO BE USEFUL. 23 be that I have not looked to God for assistance, for if I had, he would have provided for me a way of escape. This evening attended singing school, and while there, felt emotions of pride. Oh when shall I be meek and lowly in heart 1 Sunday evening, 21st. I have to-day attended church, and heard a sermon preached from Dan- iel xii. 3. " They that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness, as the stars for ever and ever." While hearing of the glory that awaits him who saves a soul from death, it seemed as if the Sun of righteousness shone in upon my heart, and I felt new aspirations after holiness. I re- solved to devote myself to the work of doing good, more than I have done. If it should be the will of God that I should leave my beloved parents, my brothers and sisters, and all that is dear to me in this world, and go to some foreign country that I might lead souls to Christ, I feel that I ought cheerfully to obey. Life is short, and what is done must be done quickly. If I know my own heart, I do want to labor in the vineyard of my Lord. I feel that it is folly to spend my time in pursuit of the honors, wealth, or pleasures of this world. There is no true happiness in them ; it is found only in Christ. How delightful the thought, that, if faithful in 24 THE SISTERS. duty, we may, with God's blessing, be instru- mental in adding some to that j innumerable com- pany who shall surround the throne of God and sing praises to him for ever. This is the first intimation left on record of what became a very strongly marked desire of Abbie, that she might ultimately be permitted to serve her Saviour as a missionary to the heathen. Frequent allusion is made to it in her journal, and in her letters to one or two of her most confidential friends. It was this which seemed chiefly to actuate her in her efforts at mental cultivation ; nor was the hope of attain- ing this privilege relinquished until almost the last moment of her life. March 28th. My health has been such, for a few days past, as to oblige me to remain below by the fire, in consequence of which I have been deprived of the opportunity of spending much time alone in my room. I now gladly hasten to have a little season of communion with God and my own heart. I have been thinking of the mil- lions who have never heard of a crucified Saviour, and feel that I ought to be willing to give up all to send them that which will make them wise unto salvation. 30th. I fear that I am growing cold, and RENEWED CONSECRATION. 25 going back from duty and from God ; for I do not have those earnest desires for the salvation of souls and the prosperity of Christ's kingdom which I had some time since ; neither do I feel so much of the love of Christ in my own soul as I have been wont to experience. I find myself inclined to give way to passion, and have sadly indulged in fretfulness towards F., also in trifling conversation. I know and feel that it is wrong to live so. Shall I ever have grace to overcome ? 31st. I have attended a conference of the churches held here this afternoon, and feel that it has been a blessed season to my soul. There were present brethren from the neighboring churches, and their hearts appeared to be full of the love of Christ. When I understood their feelings in behalf of sinners, and heard what God is doing in other places, and what efforts his children are making to promote his glory, it seemed as if I had done nothing but to injure his cause. I resolved, when at church, to con- secrate myself to him anew. And I do now, on my knees, before God and angels, give myself wholly to him ; and am resolved, by the assistance of my heavenly Father, to labor and pray more earnestly for the salvation of souls than I have ever yet done. April 1. This morning I felt that God was 26 THE SISTERS. with me. I have not spoken to any impenitent person to-day, but I am determined to have a talk with before he leaves home. I have been putting it off because it seemed that I could not do it, but I feel that it is my duty, and so am resolved to improve the earliest opportunity I have. Evening. When came up to his room, I went in, and found him reading his Testament. I told him for what purpose I had come, and asked him to state his feelings to me, that I might know how to pray for him. He replied that he was indulging a hope, but did not seem inclined to say more. I said a few words and left him, for I felt that I could do no more. Per- haps I did wrong. I can only pray. 13th. I have heard to-day of the death of the young lady who roomed with me in Meriden. She was on Friday, to all appearance, as well as any one, and on Sunday she was laid in the cold and silent grave. While I was with her I wanted to speak to her of the concerns of her soul ; but I shrunk from the duty, and if she has gone into eternity unprepared I fear her blood will rest upon me. I hope I shall be admon- ished by this, to live every day as if it were my last, and neglect no opportunity to speak to my LETTER TO AN IMPENITENT FEIEND. 27 fellow travelers upon that subject which con- cerns us all. 14th. Nothing but the grace of God can be sufficient for me, and without this I am lost for ever. Oh, what a thought, lost forever ! 16th. Sabbath. Since the services of the day I have given myself to retirement, reading and prayer, and I find that such are refreshing seasons to my soul. It is my prayer that I may so love the cause of Christ and the salvation of souls as to be willing to forsake all for him, and be as faithful in his service as it is possible for me to be. 17th. To-day I have been very busily engaged in my worldly duties, so that I have had but lit- tle time for retirement and meditation. I have however succeeded in finishing the letter which I commenced last evening, addressed to one of my impenitent friends. I feel very anxious for her spiritual welfare, and have long been think- ing of writing to her. The following are extracts from this letter: MY DEAR FRIEND: It has often been in my heart to write to you, and as often been delayed, but I am resolved to neglect my pen no longer. In no way can I spend the evening of this day more pleasantly than in conversing with one with 28 THE SISTERS. whom I have passed so many hours hours now gone forever. Allow me to express to you the deep interest I feel in your spiritual and eternal welfare. How has my heart reproved me for neglecting to speak to you of the love of the Saviour when we were together. I have had bitter reflections that so much of my time was spent in trifling conversation, when I knew not but our next meeting would be before the bar of God. I hope I have sought the forgiveness of God, and will not you forgive me? I take it for granted that at some future time you intend to prepare for death. But it is presumption to delay, for the present is the only time that we can call our own. " Now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation." Oh that I could find words to express my earnest desire that you should now, in youth, be brought into the fold of our blessed Saviour! My dear friend, I ask you to give this subject your calm and faithful consideration. Allow yourself no rest until you have made your peace with God. If you feel any desires for holiness, any conviction of sin, you may be sure that it is the Holy Spirit striving with you; and I beg of you not to grieve him away, for he may never be sent again. Satan will, doubtless, suggest many things to hinder you from attending to this all- LETTER TO AN IMPENITENT FRIEND. 29 important subject at once, but do not listen to him, though he may point to the scenes of gaiety and mirth, for there is none of that true enjoy- ment in these which is to be found in the service of God. Perhaps you think religion would make you gloomy, but I assure you from my own ex- perience, (if that is worth anything,) of the con- trary. Nothing is so well able to make us happy as the religion of Christ. This alone can support us in life and in death. If I could say anything to induce you to become a Christian, I would gladly say it. Do write very soon, and tell me what are your feelings; write freely, for you know I am your friend. Most sincerely and affectionately yours, ABBIE. 30th. This morning I awoke with my mind taken up with worldly things, and I felt a deep sense of gratitude to him who made and pre- serves us, and who cares for all our wants. We lay down and slept in peace, we awoke this morning refreshed, to praise God. We have been permitted to attend upon the preached word. May it make a salutary impression on my heart, and may I from this time strive to live nearer to God. I have, to-night, commenced 30 THE SISTERS. reading the Bible by course, attended with med- itation ; and with God's help I design to read and study a portion daily, upon which my thoughts may rest during the day. May 15. I was very impatient this morning; the cause, I suspect, was the numerous cares which pressed upon me ; but I know I ought not to indulge myself in such feelings. My dear sister has again left us, (to return to school,) and I have to mourn that, while I have conversed with her on almost every other subject, I have neglected to speak of the love of the Saviour, and the state of my own heart. I know not how much good it might have done us to communi- cate our feelings, our joys and sorrows. How could I neglect it, when of all subjects this is the most important? The allusion to her "worldly cares" is very frequent in Abbie's journal during the summer,* and they were uncommonly numerous and press- ing. It had been intended that she should ac- company Elizabeth, this spring, on her return to school, at Florida; but the condition of the fam- ily at home made it necessary to retain there one of the two. In April, her mother had been at- tacked with inflammatory rheumatism, and was for many months wholly laid aside from her ordi- HOUSEHOLD CARES. 31 nary duties. It was, therefore, at Abbie's earnest request, that she was permitted to remain, both to attend upon her mother, and have the super- intendence of the household. It needs only to be remembered that there were then five children, besides herself, at home, the youngest son but two years old; and that the ordinary work of such a family, beside the management of a dairy and the duties of nurse in her mother's sick room, all devolved upon her, assisted only by one servant, to appreciate the amount of her cares, or cease to wonder that she felt them an incum- brance to her religious course. Yet these duties were most cheerfully and faithfully done ; and it is the testimony of all the family, that for its or- der, thoroughness, and success, the business of the household never went on better than during the administration of this slender girl of seventeen. At the same time, her journal shows that she maintained unbroken her habits of private devo- tion, the daily hour of retirement, of reading and prayer; evincing that, though so young, she had learned that rare lesson of subordinating the most pressing worldly care to the cultivation of her heart, and an intimate walk with God. The remembrance of these circumstances will im- part additional interest to the extracts from her journal at this period. 32 THE SISTERS. May 25th. I am getting into the habit of rising later than usual, and I find that it makes every- thing go wrong through the day. First, I can not have that time for communing with God which I need, in order to grow in grace; and then it makes everything press upon me through the day, so that it keeps me in a continual hurry. But I intend this shall be so no longer. I have read some, and thought much, of a missionary life to-day, and if it is the will of God I hope to spend and be spent in his service; and it is my earnest desire that in my efforts to do good I may be actuated only by pure and holy motives, to glorify my Redeemer in all that I do. Aug. 20. Arose this morning before any other members of the family, and had a good season for meditation and prayer. I endeavored to cast all my burdens upon the Lord, and to begin the day with him. I was troubled with worldly thoughts, but hope it was not in vain that I enjoyed the privilege of meeting with the people of God. I trust that some of the truths that were spoken have sunk deep into my heart, to be pondered the coming week. To-night have had a good season of meditation. Sept. 1. Attended this afternoon the lecture preparatory to the Lord's Supper. The text was Isaiah xi. 11. "He shall feed his flock like a SPIRITUAL JOY. 33 shepherd, he shall gather the lambs in his arms and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young." I found it I trust a very profitable season to me. I needed to consider Christ more as a shepherd, who is ever watching over his sheep with the greatest tenderness. Since I came home, I have had a very precious season. I sat down, and for more than an hour, I tried to apply my mind to the study of the Scriptures, and found the exercise very profitable. Have had unusual delight in prayer, for Christ seemed near to me, and I hope I have given myself anew to him. Sept. 16. To ELIZABETH: Sabbath evening, dear sister, finds me again seated to write you. I hardly know what to say, for my heart is full. I hope this Sabbath is one in which you have been led " in green pastures and beside still waters." How sweet the thought that we have the same throne of grace to which we may go and make known all our wants ; that we have the same Father in Heaven, and, as we hope, are treading the same path to that world where we shall part no more. Oh, my dearest sister, if we are so happy as to reach the New Jerusalem, shall we not feel that we are a hun- dred times repaid for all the exertions we have 34 THE SISTERS. here made in the service of Christ ! Then let us be diligent, ever striving to do the will of our Father. I hope I can go to Florida, this fall ; but as I have been disappointed once, I do not feel sure of it. I am, as ever, your affectionate ABBIE. 24th. I commenced this day in a cold and lifeless frame. Attended church and heard a sermon from these words, " Enter ye in at the strait gate," &c. Came home fearing that I had no part nor lot with the children of God ; and on examining my heart, I find there nothing but sin. Yet I do hope that I have had, at least, some feeble desires awakened for a revival in my own heart, and in the whole community. May it be my constant inquiry : " Lord, what wilt thou have me to do ? " I have resolved to make C , S , and J , objects of special prayer. I hope I can say, from the depths of my soul, Jesus, I give my all to thee. Sabbath, Oct. 1. I trust that I have found this a good season to my soul. I feel that Christ has been near to me. If I know my own heart, I do desire to have more enlarged views of him and of heaven ; to drink more freely of the wells RESOLUTIONS. 35 of salvation, and to take up my cross daily and follow Christ. I think it might be beneficial for me to adopt some plan, or resolutions which shall be borne in mind, to incite me to greater diligence in the service of God. I feel that this is a solemn act, and that there may be much depending upon it. I do not desire to advance one step without the guidance of my Father in Heaven. I do, then, humbly ask for the guidance and direction of his Spirit at this time, and may he guide me in all that I now write. Resolved, 1. In all that I do, to seek God's glory. 2. To devote myself with renewed diligence to his service, and to allow no opportunity of doing good to pass unimproved. 3. To keep the great end of life ever in view, and to be daily preparing for my great and last change. 4. To put self entirely down, and to exalt God alone upon the throne of my heart. 5. To strive to recommend religion to others by my meek and quiet deportment ; ever mani- festing to them that, above all things else, I desire their spiritual welfare. 6. Whenever about to pursue any doubtful course of action to inquire whether it is the 36 THE SISTERS. will of God. If so, I must go straight on in the performance of it ; if not, I must calmly and decidedly refuse. 7. I must make God's word my daily study and rule of life. 8. Always to give one-tenth part of all I have for the cause of missions. Oct. 4. This morning I said some things which were very improper for one who professes to serve Christ ; but I hope I have found forgive- ness with God. I have been down to Mr. W.'s, and how I did long to converse with dear Mrs. W. upon religious themes ; but we had no oppor- tunity. Always when I talk with her on this subject, I feel new life, as it were, and new encouragement to go on my way. 15th. I trust it has not been in vain that I have spent this Sabbath upon earth. This morning, had much enjoyment in the house of God. Christians were invited to come with con- fidence, and embrace God as a father, to look up to him in filial love, calling him " Abba, Father." I have not looked upon God as my Father, though I have known that he is the father of all true Christians. I have a hope indeed, but it has not been that hope which sheds constant peace in the soul ; for I am con- tinually fearful lest I shall be deceived. It is PREPARATION FOR SCHOOL. 37 my earnest prayer that I may be delivered from these gloomy doubts and harassing fears. I have to-day had many sweets thoughts of God and heaven ; and, on the whole, I do believe that my views of Christ are becoming more enlarged, and that I see more of the beauty of the way of salvation by him. Though her intention to go to Florida with Elizabeth had been deferred, at her own request, that she might assist the family at home during her mother's illness, yet the sacrifice was a great disappointment, and cost her a severe effort. Her desires, however, were now about to be gratified. Her sister came home in Octo- ber, and it was decided that Abbie should imme- diately return in her place. We find her in her closet on the evening preceding her departure, thoughtfully anticipating the trials which might await her, and, by prayer and earnest resolve, gathering strength to meet them. Nov. 5. If nothing occurs to prevent, I expect to leave home to-morrow, to attend school. I shall probably be surrounded by those who cast off fear and restrain prayer, and it will be my duty to take a decided stand, and go straight forward in my course. By God's grace, and with divine assistance, I am resolved to do 38 THE SISTERS. A good; and I hope that I shall be enabled to improve every opportunity of usefulness which may present itself. The person here referred to is the young lady to whom Abbie wrote so tenderly, under date of April 17, who now accompanied her to the same school, and was her room-mate there. How well this resolution " to do her good " was carried out, will presently appear. To MRS. W. : I want to tell you what a delightful time we had going up the Hudson. Perhaps you remem- ber what a lovely morning it was. It was rather cold, but, notwithstanding this, I went upon deck, and gazed upon the beautiful scenery through which we were passing. What do you imagine were my thoughts as I sat looking over the boat into the water? I thought how glad I should be, if only prepared for it, if I were on board some ship which should bear me to a heathen land, where I might point dying souls to the Lamb of God. I don't know but I do wrong in speaking of such things, but I always say to you just as I feel. I find it no easier to be a Christian here than at home. I have no closet to which I can go at stated times, but am always liable to be inter- EFFORTS FOR SCHOOL-MATES. 39 rupted. I feel that I lose much on this account, for, though prayer is simply the desire of the heart, and will be acceptable if only breathed in thought, yet I find it extremely difficult to main- tain thus that frame of mind which I desire. My room-mate has had many serious impres- sions since she came here. She sometimes thinks she will yield her heart to God, but still clings to the world. Will you not pray for her ; also for me, that I may discharge my duty to her faithfully? Your sincere friend, ABBIE. Sunday, Dec. 3. My first thoughts this morn- ing were about Christ and heaven. I lay in bed for some time, watching the clear sky, and thinking of holy things. In the morning, at- tended bible class, and then church. To-night Mr. M. has urged sinners, with great earnest- ness, to come to Jesus. Since we came home, H. has been up to my room, and asked me to talk with her about good things, and to pray with her. I have endeavored to point her to the Lamb of God. Have also being trying to urge A to give her heart to the Saviour to-night. Oh ! it seems strange to me how she can longer wait. My heart yearns towards her, 40 THE SISTERS. and I hope, in Christ's strength, to be faithful to her. To S. B., (a former pupil.) . . . . But, before I close, I must say one word more. Let me ask you to give your heart to the Saviour, and love him, that you may be for ever happy. He delights to have little chil- dren come to him; will you not give him all your affection ? I have no time to write more, so good-bye. Your sincere friend, ABBIE. Dec. 31. I have been taking a review of my life the past year, and, alas ! I can not think of one soul whom I have been instrumental in bringing to Christ. I feel that I have made lit- tle progress in holiness myself, yet I do believe that I have some new views of God and Christ ; and that it is my purpose to serve him more faithfully in the future. Christ strengthening me, I am resolved to labor more for souls who are without an interest in him. I hope that I shall be enabled not to let one day pass without putting forth some effort to do good. I am con- scious that such a resolution will be attended with much self-denial, but I ought to take up CONVERSION OF A . 41 my cross, and bear it patiently, for the sake of him who has endured so much for me. Directly after dinner, on Sabbath afternoon, I design to pray for my impenitent friends at home. It is my earnest desire to live nearer to God than I have ever done. I know I shall fail without his assistance, but he has promised to give the Holy Spirit to all who ask him, so that there is nothing but my own sinful heart to separate between me and my God. To MRS. W. : Feb. 10, 1849. I must tell you one piece of good news. A , my room-mate, thinks that she has given her heart to God, and is now happy in his love. I hope that my feeble prayers have been answered in her behalf, and would give God all the praise. I trust it will be an encour- agement to me to continue to pray for others of my friends, who are still out of the ark of safety. We have no church here Sabbath afternoon. I have, therefore, chosen this time to remember, before God, my friends at home, especially my impenitent associates. I sometimes feel almost discouraged, but when I think of the promises of God, I feel that in him is my strength. Still, I suffer from that same depression which, you 42 THE SISTERS. know, I have always had more or less of. My greatest trouble is wandering thoughts. I never had so much annoyance from this source as since I left home ; and it causes me no little anxiety ; for it appears to me that, if my treasures were in heaven, my thoughts would be there also. However, I feel that my views of Christ are clearer, and I hope I find him more precious than I used to. Do write to me soon, for it is almost the greatest luxury I have to get a letter from a dear friend. Yours, affectionately, ABBIE. The pleasing intelligence above mentioned proved to be not only " good news," but true. The following letter from the person referred to, written after Abbie's death, not only con- firms this particular statement, but gives ample testimony to the zeal and fidelity with which this young disciple of Christ performed whatso- ever her hand found to do. Letter from A to Mrs. Dickerman : April 1st, 1857. DEAR MRS. D. : Your letter was received LETTER FROM A . 43 last evening. With much pleasure I answer, . giving such information as I can of her who was one of my dearest friends. I have often thought of the hours we passed together, especially the winter when we were at Florida. Abbie was truly a devoted Christian, ever trying to do good. I remember one circumstance particu- larly. There was quite an interest felt on the subject of religion among some of the members of the Bible class. One of the younger girls, who was deeply concerned for her spiritual wel- fare, came to our room, and Abbie besought her to forsake her sins, and flee to Christ. She talked with her long and earnestly, and several times engaged in prayer with her, but it was hard for her to renounce her sins. Often did we converse together on the sub- ject of religion, and many times did she pray with me. I think that not a day passed but morning and evening found her by herself, in some quiet corner, reading her Bible, and hold- ing sweet communion with God. It was while with her that I resolved to be a Christian. I had been deeply interested in the subject for a year or two, and she was aware of it, and wrote me a letter, but I could not, and did not, at that time, come out decided, though I felt differently ever after. 44 THE SISTERS. Often did she express her determination to become a missionary, should her life be spared. I would say, "Abbie, why do you study so hard, when I know you are not able ? " Her reply was ever the same : " To acquire knowledge suf- ficient to teach the heathen." This seemed to be all her aim. Could I see you, I could tell you many things which would be interesting, respecting that winter, which I have no time to write. I hope you will go on with your design. It would be a precious memorial to me. Affectionately, your friend, A. G. H . TEACHING. 4j CHAPTER IV. Teaching Commencement of school in Mt. Carmel Labors for the conversion of pupils School exhibition " The flower fadeth " Missionary aspirations. IN the spring of 1849 the two sisters engaged in teaching. Elizabeth, at the request of several families in Mt. Carmel, opened a small select school for girls, in a private house near her father's residence. So great was the interest awakened in this school during the summer, and such the talent for instruction developed by her, that it was resolved by her patrons to erect for her a suitable edifice, and establish a school of a superior grade for the education of their chil- dren. The enterprise was undertaken in the fall, and the building so far completed as to be occupied late in the winter. Abbie, having returned from Florida in April, was employed to take charge of one of the com- mon schools in N. B . The position was a difficult one, the pupils having been under little previous restraint, and herself with but a 46 THE SISTERS. very limited experience in duties of this sort. An amusing letter to her mother will show some of the trials she encountered here ; and disclose, also, certain features of her own character, which, from her ordinary gentleness and re- serve, might be little suspected by persons not intimately acquainted with her. July 31, 1849. . . . . I have had difficulty in the school but once since I returned. Would you like to know what it was ? Three of the boys ran away from school one morning, and staid all the forenoon. I had told them that if they did I should punish them ; so, in the afternoon, I was obliged to fulfill my promise. One of them said he would hollo to some large boys that were near the school house if I did, and would call his father,