ramm ^ ^O<>O<) -^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES A TREATISE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS, APPLICATIONS TO GEODETIC WORK AND OTHER MEASURES OF PRECISION. T. W. WRIGHT, B.A., Civil Engineer, LATE ASSISTANT ENGINEER UNITED STATES LAKE SURVEY. O Messkunst Zaum der Phantasie, Wtr dir will folgeit irrct nie. HALI.ER. NEW YORK : D. VAN NOSTRAND, 23 MURRAY STREET AND 27 WARREN STREET. 1884. Copyright, 1884. T. W. WRIGHT. PRINTED BY H. J. HEWITT, 27 ROSE STREET, NEW YORK. Q. PREFACE. IN the following treatise I have endeavored to give a systematic account of the method of adjusting observations founded on the principle of the mean. The more important applications, especially with reference to geodetic and astronomical work, are fully discussed. It has been my aim throughout to be practical. The book originated and grew amid actual work, and hence subjects that are interesting mainly because they are curious, and methods of reduction that have become antiquated, are not noticed. Several of the views enunciated are not in the usual strain, but they are, however, such as I think all experienced observers, though perhaps not all mathematicians, will at once assent to. As regards notation I have been conservative, usually following Encke's system as given by Chauvenet. Some minor changes have been introduced which it is thought will tend to greater clearness and uniformity of expression. The examples and illustrations have been drawn chiefly from American sources, for the reason that much valuable material of this kind is to be had, and that thus far it has not been used for this purpose. They have been taken from records of work actually done, and principally irom work with which I have been connected. 2 331 211005 4 PREFACE. In the applications to practical work 1 have aimed at giving only so much of methods of observing as would serve to make the methods of adjustment intelligible. It has been difficult to do this succinctly and at the same time satisfactorily, and accordingly references are given to books where descriptions of instruments and modes of using them can be found. Special attention has been given to the explanation of checks of computation, of approximate methods of adjust- ment, and of approximate methods of finding the precision of the adjusted values. But in order to see how far it is allowable to use these short cuts the rigid methods must first be derived. It is for this reason principally that the subject of triangulation has been dwelt on at such length. In general it is unnecessary to spend a great amount of time in finding the probable error, when, after it has been found, it in many cases tells so little. I have been careful to give references to original author- ities as far as I could ascertain them, and also to give lists of memoirs on special subjects which will be of use to any one desiring to follow those subjects farther. Of recent writers I am indebted chiefly to Helmert and Zacharise. I desire also to acknowledge my obligations to my old Lake Survey friends, Messrs. C. C. Brown, J. H. Darling, E. S. Wheeler, R. S. Woodward, and A. Ziwet, who have read the manuscript in part and given me the benefit, of their advice. Mr. Brown deserves special mention for assistance rendered while the book was passing through the press. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Introduction. General remarks on observing: The instrument, .......... External conditions, ......... The observer, . . . Synopsis of mathematical principles employed : Theory of probability, ......... 18 Definite integrals. .......... 19 Taylor's theorem Examples 21 Interpolation, ........... 25 Periodic series, .......... 27 Notation, ............ 28 CHAPTER II. T^i? Law of Error. The arithmetic mean : Quantity measured the quantity to be found, .... 29 The arithmetic mean the most plausible value. ... 31 When the arithmetic mean gives the true va'ue, ... 32 Inferences from the arithmetic mean, ..... 33 Quantity measured a function of the quantities to be found, . 34 The most plausible values of the unknowns, .... 37 Law of error of a single observed quantity, ..... 38 The principle of least squares, ....... 42 Reduction of observations to a common basis, .... 44 Combination of heterogeneous measures, ..... 44 Law of error of a linear function of independently observed quantities, 44 6 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. PAGE Comparison of the accuracy of different series of observations: The mean-square error, ........ 46 The probable error, .......... 47 The average error, ......... 48 The probability curve, .......... 54 The law of erior applied to an actual series of observations: Effect of extending the limiis of error to OD , .... 57 Various laws of error, ......... 59 Experimental proof of the exponential law, .... 65 General conclusions, ......... 66 Classification of observations, ........ 67 CHAPTER III. Adjtistinent of Direct Observations of One Unknown. Observed values of equal quality : The most probable value The arithmetic mean, .... 69 Control of the arithmetic mean, ...... 71 Precision of the arithmetic mean : Bessel's formula, ........ 73 Peters' formula, ........ 76 Approximate formulas, ....... 79 The law of error tested by experience, ..... 82 Caution as to the tests of precision, ...... 85 Constant error, .......... 89 Necessary closeness of computation, ...... gi Observed values of different quality : The most probable value The weighted mean, 9 2 Combining weights, ........ 94 Reduction of observations to a common standard, . . 95 Computation of weights, ......... 96 Control of the weighted mean, ...... 96 Precision of the weighted mean Control of [/z^'J, . . 99 Observed values multiples of the unknown : The most probnble value, ........ 102 Precision of a linear function of independently observed values, .' 105 Miscellaneous examples, ......... no NOTE I. On the weighting of observations, ..... 118 An approximate method, ........ 120 Weighting when constant error is present, 121 Assignment of weight arbitrarily, ...... 126 Combination of good and inferior work, ..... 127 The weight a function of our knowledge, ..... 128 General remarks, .......... 130 NOTE II. On the rejection of observations, ..... 131 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 7 CHAPTER IV. Adjustment of Indirect Oi>ser;>atioiis. PAGE Determination of the most probable values, ...... 139 Formation of the normal equations, ...... 145 Control of the formation, ........ 150 Forms of computing the normal equations: With multiplication tables or a machine, . . . 151 With a table of logarithms, 152 With a table of squares, ...... 154 Solution of the normal equations: The method of subsiitution, ....... 156 Controls of the solution, 158 Forms of solution : Solution without logarithms, ..... 160 Solution with logarithms, ..... 163 The method of indirect elimination, ..... 165 Combination of the direct and indirect methods, . . 167 Time required to solve a ?et of equations, .... 172 Precision of the most probable (adjusted) values, .... 174 First method of finding the weights, ...... 177 Special case of 2 and 3 unknowns, ..... 178 Modifications of the general method, ..... 180 Second method of finding the weights, ..... 184 To find the m. s. e. of a single observation, ..... 186 Methods of computing [?'?']> ...... 187 Precision of any function of the adjusted values (three methods), . 193 Average value of the ratio of the weight of an observed value to its adjusted value, .......... 198 Examples and artifices of elimination, ...... 201 CHAPTER V. Adjustment of Condition Observations. General statement, .......... 213 Direct solution Method of independent unknowns, . . . 214 Indirect solution Method of correlates, ...... 217 Precision of the adjusted values or of any function of them, . 224 Mean-square error of an observation of weight unity, . . 224 Weight of the function, ....... 227 Solution in two groups, ......... 238 Programme of solution, ........ 242 Precision of the adjusted values or of any function of them, . 243 Solution by successive approximaiion, ...... 247 8 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. CHAPTER VI. Application to the Adjustment of a Triangulation. PAGE General statement, . 250 The method of independent angles, ....... 252 The local adjustment, ......... 255 Number of local equations, . . . . . 258 The general adjustment, ........ 259 The angle equations, . . . . . . . . 259 Number of angle equations, ...... 261 The side equation's, ........ 263 Reduction to the linear form, ...... 266 Check computation, ....... 268 Position of pole, ........ 271 Number of side equations, ...... 272 Check of the total number of conditions, .... 273 Manner of selecting the angle and side equations, . . 273 Adjustment of a quadrilateral : Solution by independent- unknowns, . . . . . 280 Precision of the adjusted values, ..... 282 Solution by correlates, ........ 284 Precision of the adjusted values, ..... 286 Solution in two groups, ........ 288 Precision of the adjusted values, ..... 293 Solution by successive approximation, ..... 298 Adjustment of a triangulation net, ...... 300 Artifices of solution, ........ 302 The local adjustment, ....... 302 The general adjustment, ....... 303 Approximate method of finding the precision, .... 3*3 The method of directions, ......... 315 The local adjustment, . . . . . . . . 316 Checks of the normal equations, 3 2 Precision of the adjusted values, ...... 3 22 The general adjustment, ........ 3 2 3 Approximate method of reduction, ...... 3 2 ^ Modified rigorous solution : General statement, .......... 33 r Local adjustment, . . . 333.336 General adjustment, 33 6 > 339 On breaking a net into sections, ....... 34 1 Adjustment for closure of circuit, . . . . . 34 2 Discrepancy in azimuth, . 343 Disci epancy in bases, 347 Discrepancy in latitude and longitude, ..... 347 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 9 CHAPTER VII. Application to Base-Line Measurements. PAGE General statement 349 Precision of a base-line measurement, ...... 350 The Bonn Base, 353 The Chicago Base, 356 Length and number of bases necessary in a triangulation, . . . . 356 Conneciion of a base with the main trinngulation, .... 360 Adjustment of a triangulation when more than one base is considered, 362 Rigorous solution, .......... 363 Approximate solutions : When the angles alone are changed, ..... 365 When the bases alone are changed, ..... 368 CHAPTER VIII. Appliiation to Levelling. Spirit levelling, ........... 371 Precision of a line of levels, ........ 374 Adjustment of a net of levels, ....... 377 Approximate methods of adjustment, ..... 378 Trigonometrical levelling, ........ 382 To find the refraction factors, ....... 384 To find the mean coefficient of refraction, ..... 386 To find the differences of height 386 Precision of the differences of height, .... 388 Adjustment of a net of trigonometrical levels, .... 388 Approximate methods of adjustment, ..... 392 CHAPTER IX. Application to Errors of Graduation of Line Measures and to Calibration of Thermometers. Line measures, ........... 395 Calibration of thermometers, ........ 401 CHAPTER X. Application to Empirical Formulas and Interpolation. General statement, . . . . . . . . . . 408 Applications, .......... 413 Periodic phenomena, .......... 417 Applications, 421 APPENDIX I. Historical note, .... 427 APPENDIX II. The law of error, .... 429 TABLES, 435 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS, CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. THE factors that enter into the measurement of a quan- tity are, the observer, the instrument employed, and the con- ditions under which the measurement is made. i. The Instrument. If the measure of a quantity is determined by untrained estimation only, the result is of little value. The many external influences at work hinder the judgment from deciding correctly. For example, if we compare the descriptions of the path of a meteor as given by a number of people who saw the meteor and who try to tell what they saw, it would be found impossible to locate the path satisfactorily. The work of the earlier astrono- mers was of this vague kind. There was no way of testing assertions, and theories were consequently plentiful. The first great advance in the science of observation was in the introduction of instruments to aid the senses. The instrument confined the attention of the observer to the point at issue and helped the judgment in arriving at con- clusions. As with a rude instrument different observers would get the same result, it is not to be wondered at that for a long time a single instrumental determination was considered sufficient to give the value of the quantity measured. The next advance was in the questioning of the instru- ment and in showing that a result better on the whole than a single direct measurement could be found. This opened 3 12 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. the way for better instruments and better methods of ob- servation. For example, Gascoigne's introduction of cross- hairs into the focus of the telescope led to better graduated circles and to better methods of reading them, resulting finally in the reading microscopes now almost universally used. The culminating point was reached by Bessel, who, by his systematic and thorough investigation of instrument- al corrections and methods of observation, may be said to have almost exhausted the subject. He confined himself, it is true, to astronomical and geodetic instruments, but his methods are of universal application. The questioning of an instrument naturally arises from noticing that there are discrepancies in repeated measure- ments of a magnitude with the same instrument or in meas- ures made with different instruments. Thus, if a distance was measured with an ordinary chain, and then measured with a standard whose length had been very carefully de- termined, and the two measurements differed widely, we should suspect the chain to be in error and proceed to ex- amine it before further measuring. So discrepancies found in measurements made with the same measure at different temperatures have shown the necessity of finding the length of the measure at some fixed temperature, and then apply- ing a correction for the length at the temperature at which the measurement is made. Corrections to directly measured values are thus seen to be necessary, and to be due to both internal and external causes. The internal causes arising from the construction of the instrument are seen to be in great measure capable of elimination. From geometrical considerations the ob- server can tell the arrangement of parts demanded by a perfect instrument. He can compute the errors that would be introduced by certain supposed irregularities in form and changes of condition. The instrument-maker cannot, it is true, fulfil the conditions necessary for a perfect instru- ment, but he has been gradually approaching them more and more closely. It is to be remembered that, even if an INTRODUCTION. 13 instrument could be made perfect at any instant, it would not remain so for any great length of time. It hence followed as the next great advance that the instrument was made adjustable in most of its parts, so that the relative positions of the parts are under the control of the observer. This is getting to be more and more the case with the better class of instruments. Not only is error diminished by the improved construc- tion of the instrument, but also by more refined methods of handling it. It may be, indeed, that some contrivances beyond those required to make necessary readings for the measure of the quantity in question may be needed. Thus, with a graduated circle regular or periodic errors of gradu- ation may be expected. If the angle between two signals were read with a theodolite, the reading on each signal, and consequent value of the angle, would be influenced by the periodic errors of the circle of the instrument. Though a single vernier or microscope would suffice to read the cir- cle when the telescope is directed to the signals, yet, as the circle is incapable of adjustment, we can only get rid of the influence of the periodicity by employing a number of ver- niers or microscopes placed at equal intervals around the circle. It happens that this same addition of microscopes' eliminates eccentricity of the graduated circle as well. This same principle of making the method of observation eliminate the instrumental errors is carried through even after the nicest adjustments have been made. Thus, in or- dinary levelling, if the backsights and foresights are taken exactly equal the instrumental adjustment may be poor and still good work may be done. But good work is more likely if the adjustments have been carefully made, as if for unequal sights, and still the sights are taken equal. Simplicity of construction in an instrument is also to be aimed at. An instrument that theoretically ouglit to work perfectly is often a great disappointment in practice. Two striking examples are the compensating base-apparatus and the repeating theodolite, both of which have been aban- 14 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. doned on all the leading surveys. In both cases the me- chanical difficulties in the way have proved insurmount- able, and the instruments have been replaced by others of simpler construction, to whose readings corrections can either be computed and applied or the errors of the read- ings can be eliminated by the me'thod of observation. In this way no hopes of an accuracy which cannot be realized are held out. Such is the perfection now attained in the construction of mathematical instruments, and the skill with which they can be .manipulated, that comparatively little trouble in making observations arises from the instrument itself. 2. External Conditions. The great obstacles to accu- rate work arise from the influence of external conditions conditions wholly beyond the observer's or instrument- maker's control, and whose effect can, in general, neither be satisfactorily computed nor certainly eliminated by the method of observation. We have no means of finding the complex laws of their action. Many of them can be avoided by not observing while they operate in any marked degree. Thus, if while an observer was reading horizontal angles on a lofty station a strong wind should spring up, it would be useless for him to continue the work. If the air com- menced to "boil" he should stop. If the sun shone on one side of his instrument its adjustments would be so disturbed that good work could not be expected. So in comparisons of standards. Comparisons made in a room subject to the temperature variations of the outside air would be of little value. The standards should not only not be exposed to sudden temperature changes during comparisons, but at no other time ; for it has been shown by recent experiments that the same standard may have different lengths at the same temperature after exposure to wide ranges of tem- perature.* The effects of external disturbances may sometimes be eliminated, in part at least, by the method of observation. * American Journal of Science, July, 1881. INTRODUCTION. 15 In the measurement of horizontal angles where the instru- ment is placed on a lofty station, the influence of the sun causes the centre post or tripod of the station to twist in one direction during the day. When this influence is re- moved at night the twist is in the opposite direction. As- suming the twist to act uniformly, its effect on the results is eliminated by taking the mean of the readings on the signals observed in order of azimuth and then immediately in the reverse order. Atmospheric refraction is another case in point. In ob- serving for time with an astronomical transit the effect of refraction on the mean of the recorded readings is elimi- nated by taking the star on the same number of threads on each side of the middle thread. On the other hand, in the measurement of horizontal angles, if long lines are sighted over, or lines passing from land over large bodies of water or over a country much broken, the effects of refraction are apt to be very marked. As we have no means of eliminat- ing the discordances arising in this way by the method of observation, all we can do is, while planning a triangulation, to avoid as far as possible the introduction of such lines. It may happen that the effect of the external disturbances on the observations can be computed approximately from theoretical considerations assuming a certain law of opera- tion. If the correction itself is small this is allowable. As an example take the zenith telescope, with which the method of observing for latitude is such that the correction for re- fraction is so small that the error of the computed value is not likely to exceed other errors which enter into the work. 3. The Observer. Lastly we come to the observer him- self as the third element in making an observation. Like the external conditions, he is a variable factor ; all new observers certainly are. The observer, having put his instrument in adjustment and satisfied himself that the external conditions are favor- able, should not begin work unless he considers that he him- self is in his normal condition. If he is not in that condition 16 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. he introduces an unknown disturbing element unnecessa- rily. He is also more liable to make mistakes in his read- ings and in his record. For the same reason he should not continue a series of observations too long at one time, as from fatigue the latter part of his work will not compare favorably with the first. In time-determinations, for in- stance, nothing is gained by observing from dark until daylight. The observer is supposed to have no bias. A good ob- server, having taken all possible precautions with the ad- justments of his instrument and knowing no reason for not doing good work, will feel a certain amount of indifference towards the results obtained. The man with a theory to substantiate is rarely a good observer, unless, indeed, he regards his theory as an enemy and not as a thing to be fondled and petted. The greater an observer's experience the more do his habits of observation become fixed, and the more mechanic- al does he become in certain parts of his work. But his judgment may be constantly at fault. Thus with the as- tronomical transit he may estimate the time of a star cross- ing a wire in the focus of the telescope invariably too soon or invariably too late, according to the nature of his tem- perament. If he is doing comparison work involving mi- crometer bisections, he may consider the graduation mark sighted at to be exactly between the centre wires of the microscope when it is constantly on the same side of the centre. This fixed peculiarity, which none but experienced observers have, is known as their personal error. In combining one observer's results with those of another observer we must either find by special experiment the dif- ference of their personal errors and apply it as a correction to the final result, or else eliminate it by the method of ob- servation. Thus in longitude work the present practice is to eliminate the effect of personal error from the final result by having the observers change places at the middle of the work. INTRODUCTION. I/ It is always safer to eliminate the correction by the method of observing rather than by computing for it. For though it may happen that so long as instruments and conditions are the same the relative personal error of two observers may be constant, yet some apparently trifling change of conditions, such, for example, as illuminating the wires of the instrument differently, may cause it to be altogether changed in character. On account of personal error, if for no other reason, it is evident that no number of sets of measures obtained in the same way by a single observer ought to be taken as furnishing a final determination of the value of a quantity. We must either vary the form of making the observations or else increase the number of observers, in the hope that personal error will eliminate itself in the final combination of the measures. 4. When all known corrections for instrument, for exter- nal conditions, and for peculiarities of the observer have been applied to a direct measure, have we obtained a cor- rect value of the quantity measured? That we cannot say. If the observation is repeated a number of times with equal care different results will in general be obtained. The reason why the different measures may be expected to disagree with one another has been indicated in the pre- ceding pages. There may have been no change in the con- ditions of sufficient importance to have attracted the ob- server's attention when making the observations, but he may have handled his instrument differently, turned certain screws with a more or less delicate touch, and the exter- nal conditions may have been different. What the real dis- turbing causes were he has no means of knowing fully. If he had he could correct for them, and so bring the meas- ures into accordance. Infinite knowledge alone could do this. With our limited powers we must expect a residuum of error in our best executed measures, and, instead of cer- tainty in our results, look only for probability. The discrepancies from the true value due to these un- 1 8 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. explained disturbing causes we call errors. These errors are accidental, being wholly beyond all our efforts to con- trol. As soon as they are known to be constant, or we learn the law of their operation, they cease to be classed as errors. A very troublesome source of discrepancies in measured values arises from mistakes made by the observer in reading his instrument or in recording his readings. Mistakes from imperfect hearing, from transposition of figures and from writing one figure when another is intended, from mistak- ing one figure on a graduated scale for another, as 7 for 9, 3 for 8, etc., are not uncommon. These also must be classed as accidental errors, theoretically at least. Having, therefore, taken all possible precautions in mak- ing the observations and applied all known corrections to the observed values, the resulting values, which we shall in future refer to as the observed values, may be assumed to contain only accidental errors. We are, then, brought face to face with the question, How shall the value of the quan- tity sought be found from these different observed values? Synopsis of Mathematical Principles Employed. For convenience, and in order to avoid multiplicity of references, the leading principles of pure mathematics made use of in the further development of our subject are here placed together. 5. Probability. (i) The probability of the occurrence of an event is represented by the fraction whose denominator is tJie number of possible occurrences, all of which are supposed to be independent of one another and equally likely to happen, and whose numerator is the number of these occurrences favorable to the event in question. Thus if an event may happen in a ways and fail in b ways, all equally likely to occur, the probability of its happening is - -r,, and of its failing . , , certainty tt L j U dr *"j U being represented by unity. INTRODUCTION. 19 (2) If there are n events independent of each other, and the probability of the first happening is if,\, of the second ip t , and so on, the probability that all will happen is Thus if an urn contains two white and seven black balls the probability of drawing- white at each of the first two trials, the ball not being replaced before the second trial, is 2 I _ I 9 X 8-^6 6. Definite Integrals. (a) To find the value of Let / =: A'-sr / then regarding x as a constant in integrat- ing, we have ~f*dt = r~f**xdz \J Multiply each member by / e~*dx, which is equal to J o /e^dt, since the limits of integration are the same ; then I y^.* \ 1 f**> /-. / g+dt\ - I ds I -aW\ r* tr a W aff*dt = (-*!-} +/ L _ d(af) \ 2a /- ^ J - 2 a* ^ ' - 20* Also, similarly, (c) To find the value of The value of this integral cannot be expressed exactly in a finite form, but may be found approximately as fol- lows : Expanding e'* in a series and integrating each term separately, we have / dt a 3 . l a* = a --- ---- 3 1.2 5 This series is convergent for all values of a; but the con- vergence is only rapid enough for small values of a. For large values of a it is better to proceed as follows: Integrating by parts, fe-*dt= f-^-de^ J J 2t i _ <2 i /V ,. = -- a * -- / T dt 2t 2.J? Hence J a ^ ~~ = INTRODUCTION. 21 But /a S** f^* e-*dt -- I e~*dt I e^dt J o *J a VTT r" '~~J * dt . . finally, J e " dt = ~? ' ^T I l ~~ i + ^y ~ Sf + | It is easily shown that, by stopping the summation at any term, the result will differ from the true value by less than the term stopped at. /(L e'^dt may be computed from the above formulas for any numerical value of a. 7. Taylor's Theorem. (a) If / (x) is any function of x,a.ndf(x-{-/i) is to be developed in ascending powers of//, then (O A more rapid approximation is obtained by putting the development in the following form : By subtraction and transposition, /( + A) = / W + /< 22 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. (b) Let F denote a function of a series of quantities X, F, . . . expressed by the relation F=f(X, F, . . . ) and let X', Y', . . . denote approximate values of X, Y, . . . and x, y, . . . the corrections to these approximate values, so that XX'+x Y=Y'+y then 6'F ,, d'F , d'F , ' ' where . . . are the values found by diflferenti- 6X' 6 Y' ating f (X, Y, ...),... with respect to X, F, . . . and then substituting X', Y', . . . for X, F. . . . If the corrections x, y, . . . are so small that their squares and higher powers may be neglected and they are written dX 1 , dY' t . . . and F f (X', Y', . . .) is written dF, then which is exactly the result found by differentiating F, which is a function of X, Y, . . . with respect to these quanti- ties. We shall use one form or the other as may be most con- venient. Ex. i. If -v is a very small correction to the number N, required to express log (N+v) in the linear form. INTRODUCTION. 23 We have \og(W+v) =log^+ ^ dN where mod. is the modulus of the common system of logarithms. With a seven-place table we may use the formula log (N+ v) = log N + 5 N v where <5 N is the tabular difference corresponding to one unit for the number. For small numbers, however, it is better to take <5 N from the table for the form Thus from the table log (6543.2 + ^) = 3.8157902 + 0.0000664 v log (654.32 + v) 2.8157902 + 0.0006637 v log (65.432 + ^) = 1.8157902 + 0.0066378 v Ex, 2. In a ten-place log. table where angles are given at regular intervals, required to find log sin (A+a) when A is given in the table and a is a num- ber of seconds less than the tabular interval. We have log sin (A +a)=\og sin A +-T-J 1 log sin (A + - ) [ a =log sin A + mod. sin i" a cot (A H ] Now, log mod. =: 9.6377843 10 log sin i" = 4.6855749 10 log io 7 = 7. 1.3233592 which expresses log (mod. sin i") in terms of the seventh place of decimals as the unit. Hence log sin (A + a) = log sin ,4+log-' j i.3233592 + logrt+ (log cot A + - X diff. for i"j j- With Vega's Thesaurus,* which gives the log. functions to single seconds to ttie end of the first degree and afterwards for every io", log sin (A +a) can be found from the above expression for values of A > 3, and also when// lies between 20' and 2 to within less than unity in the tenth decimal place. Be- tween 2 and 3 the difference may be as large as 3 units in the tenth phice from the value found by carrying out the formula more exactly. But in the * Thesaurus Logaritkmorum Contpletus. Lipsiae, 1794. 24 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Thesaurus, in the trigonometrical part, " the uncertainty of the last figure amounts to 4 units/'* Hence the above process is in general sufficient when this table is used. With a seven-place table of log. sines it would be, in general, sufficient to take the tabular difference <5 A for i" for the angle A as the value of TT 1 10 dA. ( so that log sin (A +a)=log sin A + 6 A a. Ex. 3. If A is the approximate value of an angle, and v a correction to it so small that its square and higher powers may be neglected, required to ex- press log sin (A + v) in the linear form, using a ten-place table. Let AI be the angle nearest to A in the table, and set then log sin (A +v) =log sin (A i + a + v) ( a \ =log sin AI + mod. sin i" a cot ( AI + - \ + mod. sin i" cot (A\ + a) v log sin AI + log" 1 1 1.3233592 + log a + (log cot AI +- X diff. for i") + log- 1 1 1.3233592 + (log cot A i + a X diff. for i")| v Expand log sin (68 16' 3: 1.3233592 log COt A! 9.6003780 A! 68 16' 30" a = 2". 076 0.9237372 Xdiff. i" 127 0.9237245 8,3893 -?Xdiff. i" +64 2 0.9237309 logtf 0.3172273 1.2409582 I7,4l6 log sin 68 16' 30" 9.9680022,271 Hence log sin (68 16' 32" .076 + v)= 9.9680039,687 + 8,3893 v when the difference is expressed in terms of the seventh decimal place as the unit. * Bremiker's edition of Vega, translated by Fischer. Preface, p. 10. INTRODUCTION. 2' With a seven-place table, except for small angles or angles near 180 it will be sufficient to take log sin (A i =^o sn when 6\ is the tabular difference corresponding to i" for the angle A\. It can be taken by inspection from the table. Thus, log sin (68 16' 32" + v)=(). 9680039 + 8,4 v 8. Interpolation. So far as interpolation is concerned, we have mainly to deal with the logarithms of trigonometric functions. The differences between the successive values given in a table are first differences, and the differences be- tween the successive first differences are second differences. Beyond second differences we do not need to go. This may be expressed in tabular form : Function. First diff. Second diff. f(A) f(A+a) 4 f(A+2a) Hence f(A+a) := Generally f(A + na) =f(A) which is Newton's formula. Ex. In a ten-place table of log. sines in which values arc 26 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. given to every 10 seconds, required log sin A when A is any angle. Let A l = the part of the given angled to the nearest 10 seconds that occurs in the table. =ithe units of seconds and parts of seconds in the given angle. d^ d^=i the first and second tabular differences. then log sin A = log sin f^,-j --- . ioj = logsin AA-a + tfaho a)-*-. (i) 10 100 Writing this in the form, log sin ,4 = log sin ,4 ,+ j A -f (5 -^\ A i ( 2 ) we have the convenient rule : Assume the second difference constant throughout the interval a. Then from the first and second differences find by simple interpolation the value of the difference at the middle of the interval. This difference multiplied by the interval gives the correction to the tabular log. sine. To find log sin 68 16' 32".O76 : From the table, log sin 68 i6'3o"= 9.9680022,271 di= 83,889 for 10" in units of the seventh decimal place d%= 0,012 Hence, from equation (i), Corr. to tab. value =2.076X8, 3889 + ^^ (10 2.076) 2 100 17,416 .'. log sin 68 16' 32". 076 = 9.9680039,687 INTRODUCTION. 2J The difference at 35"= 8,3889. We want it at 31". 038, the middle of the interval. Now, change of first difference = 0,00012 for i". Hence corr. to first difference = (35 31.038) X 0,00012 = 0.0005 First diff. = 8,3889 Diff. required = 8,3894 And 2.076 X 8,3894 17,416 as before. 9. Periodic Series. To sum the series Cos o -\- cos 8 -\- cos 2 -f- . . . -f- cos (;/ \)0 Sin (?-(-sin #-|-sin 20-\- . . . -|-sin (;/ 1)6 where 8=~ , n being an integer, we may proceed as fol- lows : If 6 is the angle which a line B 'OB makes with OA then the projection of OB on OA is OB cos 0, and the projec- tion of OB' is OB cos 6 if OB'= OB. The projections on a line at right angles to OA are OB sin and OB sin 6 respectively. If we divide the circumference of a circle into n equal parts at the points A, B, . . . then each angle at the centre ^60 O is ^ , or 6, and by projecting the lines OA, OB, ... on n the diameter through A we find the sum of the first series to be zero, and by projecting the same lines on the diameter perpendicular to OA we find the sum of the second series to be also zero. These results may be written : - cos ;// = o - sn m = where m assumes all values from o to n I. Hence it follows that - sin in0 cos wti= l/ 2 - sin in 2^ v n i , ' v u n _ cos i0 h/2- cos ;// 20 = ~> 2 - sin 3 m0 - l /2- cos /// 20 - 28 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. 10. Notation. The following convenient notation, intro- duced by Gauss, is now very generally used in the method of least squares. If a, 2 , . . . are quantities of the same kind, their alge- braic sum is denoted by [a], and the sum of their squares by [aa\ or [V], so that [aa\ or [a*] = a? + a* + ... + a\ Also, ab~ = ab--a-- . , . a n b n j_ _i_ ** i i n L c J c, c^ c n We shall use the symbol [a to denote the sum of a series of quantities a all taken with the same sign. CHAPTER II. THE LAW OF ERROR. The Arithmetic Mean. ii. (a) When the quantity measured, is the quan- tity to be found. If M lt M t . . . M n are n direct and in- dependent measures of a quantity, T, we may write T-M=A where J,, A v . . . A n indicate the differences between T and the observed values, and are therefore the errors of obser- vation. We have here n equations and n -f- I unknowns. What principle shall we call to our aid to solve these equations and so find T, A^ A^ . . . J B ? In answering this question I shall follow the order of natural development of the sub. ject, which, in the main, is also the order of its historical development. The value sought must be some function of the ob- served values and fall between the largest and smallest of them. If the observed values are arranged according to their magnitudes the}' will be found to cluster around a central value. On first thoughts the value that would be chosen as the value of T would be the central value in this arrangement if the number of observations were odd, and either of the two central values if the number were even. In other words, a plausible value of the unknown would be that observed value which had as many observed values greater than it as it had less than it. Now, since a small change in any of the observed values, other than the central 3O THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. value, would in general produce no change in the result, the number of observations remaining the same, this method of proceeding might be regarded as giving a plausible re- sult, more especially if the observed values were widely discrepant. On the other hand, the taking of the central value is ob- jectionable, because it gives the preference to a single one of the observed values, while if these values are supposed to be equally worth)' of confidence, as it is reasonable to take them in the absence of all knowledge to the contrary, each ought to exert an equal influence on the result. We may, therefore, with more reason assume the value of T to be a symmetrical function of the observed values.* Also, since a change in the number of observations should pro- duce no change in the form of this function, it follows that the function must be of such a form as to satisfy the condi- tion that when the observed values are all equal to one another it will reduce to this common value ; that is, if T=f(M 1 M, . . . M n ], and M,= M a = . . . M n = M, then f(M,M, . . . M) = M. For if we had a single observa- tion, then necessarily f(M) = M. Let, then, V be a symmetrical function of M l M^ . . . M n> and put Expanding by Taylor's theorem : = f(V,V,. . .)-\v\ where //, K, . . . . are terms involving the second, third, . . . powers of the small quantities, v lt v, . . . v n * See Reuschle, Crelle Jour. Math., vol. xxvi. ; Schiaparelli, Rendiconti del R. Insti- tute Lombards, 1868; Astron. Nachr., 2068,2097; Stone, Month. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., vol. xxxiii. ; Astron. Nachr., 2092; Ferrero, Expos, del Met. dei Min. Quacfr., Florence, 1876. Also Fechner, Ueber den Ausgangswerth der kl. Abweichungssumme, Leipzig, 1874. THE LAW Of ERROR. 31 The simplest symmetrical function of the observed val- ues that can be chosen as the form for Fis their arithmetic mean that is, '- ^. If we take V equal to this value, then n from equation (i) by addition [?>\o, and, neglecting powers of v higher than the first, equation (3) is satisfied identically. Thus far, therefore, it would appear that the arithmetic mean may be taken as one solution. It may happen that the values M 1} M v . . , J/ M are of such a nature that some other symmetrical function than the arithmetic mean will satisfy (2) better than will the arithmetic mean. That the arith- metic mean is on the whole the best form for the function f(M lt M v . . . M n ], when M lt M v . . . M n are direct meas- ures of some phenomenon in the sciences of observation, which sciences only we intend to consider, may be confirm- ed by a comparison of results flowing from this hypothesis with the records of experience. This we shall do later (see Art. 24, 37, 51). The older mathematicians, as Cotes and Simpson, laid the foundations of our subject by announcing the principle of the arithmetic mean. Gauss, to whom we owe the first complete exposition, assumed the arithmetic mean as a plausible hypothesis;* and Hansen, who made the next great advances, started from it as an axiom. The princi- ple itself may be stated as follows : If we have n observed values of an unknown, all equally good so far as we know, the most plausible value of the unknown (best value on the whole) is the arithmetic mean of the observed values. 12. By adding equations (i), Art. n,and taking the mean, we have V .. * \^ ' n The last term of this equation will become very small if, * Gauss' words are, " Axiomatis loco haberi solet hypothesis." (Theoria Motus, lib. z, sec. 3.) 32 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. n being very large, the sum [J] of the errors remains small. Now, if, after making one observation and before making another, we readjust our instrument, determine anew its corrections, choose the most favorable conditions for observing, and vary the form of procedure as much as possible, it is reasonable to suppose that the disturbing in- fluences will balance one another in the result, following from the proper combination of the observed values. It may take an infinite number of trials to bring this about. In the absence of all knowledge we cannot say that it will take less. And, reckoning mistakes in reading the instru- ment or in recording the readings as accidental errors, an infinity of a higher order than the first may be required to eliminate them. In other words, there being no reason to suppose that an error in excess (or positive error) is more likely to occur on the whole than an error in defect (or negative error), we may, when n is a very large number, consider LJ to be an n infinitesimal with respect to T. We may, therefore, in this case put V= T that is, when the number of observed values is very great the arithmetic mean is the true value. 13. From the principle of the arithmetic mean two im- portant inferences may be derived. For, taking the arith- metic mean, V, of n observed values of an unknown as the most plausible value of that unknown, we may write our observation-equations in the form, V-M n =v n where v^ t/ a , . . . v n are called the residual errors of observa- tion, or simply the residuals. THE LAW OF ERROR. 33 (a) By addition nV -[M~\ = [v] and . . [>]=0. (2) that is, the sum of the residuals is zero ; in other words, the sum of the positive residuals is equal to the sum of the negative residuals. There is a very marked correspondence between the series in which n is infinitely great and T is the true value, and a series in which n is finite and the arithmetic mean V is taken as the best value attainable. For in the first case the sum of the errors, J, divided by ;/, is zero, and in the sec- ond the sum of the residuals, v, is zero. (b) Let V be any assumed value of the unknown other than the arithmetic mean, and put V' M T'' (3) From equations (i) and (3), by squaring and adding, [vv] = nVV-2V [M] + [MM] [v'v f ] = n V V- 2 V [M] + [MM] Hence by a simple reduction, [t^=[ W ] + *(r' ") Now, |F' -t J J , being a complete square, is always positive. .'. [W]> [>'?'] that is, the sum of the squares of tlie residuals v, found by taking the arithmetic mean, is a minimum. Hence the name Method of Least Squares, which was first given by Legendre. Let us recapitulate the three forms of solution proposed 34 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. for finding the most plausible value Fof the unknown from the n equations : (1) Find all possible values of Fand take the mean. The values of Fare M^ M v . . . M n , since for each observation considered singly the best value must be the directly ob- served one, and the mean of these values is != J n (2) Solve simultaneously, making [v~\ O. This gives or n the arithmetic mean. (3) Solve simultaneously, making [w] = a minimum. This gives (V-M$+(V-M$+ . . . (V- M n )* = a min. Differentiating with respect to F, or n the arithmetic mean. 14. When the quantity measured is a function of the quantities to be found. We pass now to the more general but equally common case in which the ob- servations, instead of being made directly on the quantity to be determined, are made indirectly that is, made on a quantity which is a function of the quantities whose values are to be found. THE LAW OF ERROR. 35 Thus, let the function connecting the observed quantity Tand the unknowns X, Y, . . . be T=f(X, F, . . . ) (i) in which the constants involved are given by theory for each observation. If M lt M t , . . . are the observed values of 7 1 , the equa- tions for finding the unknowns, when reduced to the linear form, may be written (2) in which a lt & lt ... Z,, . . . are known constants, and v lt v v . . . are the residual errors of observation. Now, if the number of equations, , is equal to the num- ber of unknowns, ,-, the values of X, F, . . . may be found by the ordinary algebraic methods, and if substituted in the equations will satisfy them exactly. But if the number of equations exceeds the number of unknowns, the values found from a sufficient number of the equations will not in general satisfy the remaining equations exactly. Many such sets of values may be found, which are therefore all possible solutions. But of all these possible sets some one will satisfy the equations better than any of the others. We have so far no means of knowing when we have found this most plausible (best on the whole) set of values. With a single unknown the arithmetic mean gives the most plausi- ble result. Let us see if a method of finding means corre- sponding to those of Art. 13 will apply to these equations. For simplicity in writing take the three equations: where a lt b^ . . . are known, and X, Fare to be found. 6 36 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. (i) Find all possible values of X and Y, and combine them. To do this we form all possible sets of two equations and solve each set. Thus, whence at once (a A - a A} X= b, M, - b,M, (afa ,,) Y 0,M a a,M, (a,d 3 a 3 d^ X= b t M^ b^M 3 (ajb t a&) Y= a,M 3 a 3 M, (aj), a,b,) X= b 3 M, b,M, (a& a&) Y a,M 3 a 3 M t . In combining these values of Jf and of Y we are met by a difficulty. It would not do to take the arithmetic means as the most plausible values, for X and Fmay be better de- termined from one set of equations than from another, and the arithmetic mean gives the most plausible value only on the assumption that all of the values combined in it are of equal quality. It is necessary, therefore, to have a method of combining observations of different quality before we can find X and Fin this way. (2) The simultaneous solution of the equations by mak- ing the sum of the residuals equal to zero. Hence X, Y should be found from which is impossible, as this equation may be satisfied by an infinite number of values of X and Y. The principle is, therefore, insufficient. (3) The simultaneous solution by making the sum of the squares of the residuals a minimum. We have (a,X '-\-b.Y- My + ... + ... a rain. THE LAW OF ERROR. 37 Differentiating with respect to X, Y as independent vari- ables, we find \_aa\X-\-\ab\ Y=[aM~\ [ad] X+ [bb\ Y= [bM] where [aa\ = a, a, -f- aji, -f a 3 a 3 [ab] = ajbi -j- a& + aj, This method gives as many equations as unknowns, and so but one set of values of X and Fcan be found. We cannot, however, say that we have found the most plausible values of X and Y. All we can say is that the last method employed reduces the number of equations to the number of unknowns and gives us one set of values of X and Y, and that the same principle applied to the special case of one unknown gives the most plausible value of that unknown, in that it gives the arithmetic mean. Analogy, however, would lead us to suspect that we have found the most plausible values of X and Y, With one unknown, if the separate observed values, represented by lines of the proper length, are plotted along a straight line from a cer- tain assumed origin, and equal weights are placed at the end points, the position of the centre of gravity of the weights will coincide with the end of the line representing the arithmetic mean of the distances, and the sum of the squares of the distances of the weights from the centre of gravity is a minimum. Again, the centre of gravity of n equally well-observed positions of a point in space would be the most plausible mean position to take for the point. But it is a well-known principle that, if equal weights be placed at points in space, the centre of gravity of these weights is at a point such that the sum of the squares of its distances from the weights is a minimum.* On this principle Legendre found- ed the rule of minimum squares, and he employed the rule * See, for example, Todhunter's Statics^ Art. 138. 21101)5 38 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. as giving a convenient method of solution in the class of prob- lems under consideration. The Law of Error of a Single Observed Quantity. 15. With a single unknown we have seen that the most plausible value is the arithmetic mean of the independently observed values, and that it can be found by making the sum of the squares of the residuals a minimum. The methods are equivalent. With more than one unknown we have failed to find this correspondence of methods. The reasoning from analogy in the preceding article is well enough as far as it goes, but it is not conclusive. The difficulty lies in combining values not equally good. We must, therefore, devise some method of combining such values before a rule for finding means can be applied to several unknowns. Now, when several independent measures of the same quantity, all equally good, have been made, it must be grant- ed that errors in excess and errors in defect are equally likely to occur to the same amount that is, are equally probable. Experience shows that in any well-made series of observations small errors are likely to occur more fre- quently than large ones, and that there is a limit to the magnitude of the error to be expected. If, therefore, a de- notes this limit or maximum error, we must consider all the errors of the series to be ranged between -\-a and a, but to be most numerous in the neighborhood of zero. Hence the probability of the occurrence of an error may be as- sumed to be a certain function of the error. If, then, the probability that an error does not exceed A be denoted by ?(J), the probability of an error between J and A-\-dA is tp(A)dd suppose. (i) The function (4) dJv 9>(4i) ^4i> denote the prob- abilities of the occurrence of errors in n observations be- tween J, and Jj-j-^/Jj, 4, and A^-\-dA v . . . respectively, the probability of the simultaneous occurrence of this sys- tem of errors is proportional to the product (see Art. 5). $0(4) ^(4,) . . . 9 r (4) Denote this expression by a 40 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. maximum, we should find the most probable value of the unknown. But we have seen that the most plausible value of the unknown is the arithmetic mean of the observed val- ues, and that when the number of observations is very large the arithmetic mean is the true value T. Calling, then, the most plausible value the most probable value, we have, when n is large, the true value by making a maximum. The forfh of the function

, we must have log a maxi- mum, and therefore by differentiation _b log y(4) v/J. b log dT <>4 " dT ' K " dT ~ or 6 log y>(4 i ffrL _ ^ IU ^ n^; , j j lu s w . , /g\ / i *y^ ^i .^ A /f I 3 A f\ A since from equation (i), Art. 11, ^4 ^/4 ^4 dT~dT ~dT But, from the principle of the arithmetic mean, when the number of observations is very great, 4 + 4+. . . +4-0. (7) Also, since equations (6) and (7) must be simultaneously satisfied by the same value of the unknown, being the most probable value in either case, and since the errors 4> 4 4 are connected only by the relation [J] = o, we necessari- ly have, when n > 2* 6 log p(4) _ 6 log 4 d4 4 d J t Clearing of fractions and integrating, . . . k suppose. * When = 2 it reduces to an identity. THE LAW OF ERROR. 4! where e is the base of the Napierian system of logarithms and c is a constant. 72 i Now, since is to be a maximum, ^ must be negative. But when

is positive, k must be negative, and, putting it equal to - , we have _ A y( J) = ce ^ the law of error sought. 16. In this expression there are two symbols undeter- mined, c and IJL. To find c. Since it is certain that all of the errors lie between the maximum errors -{-a and a, we have /+ a dA = But as the values of a are different for different kinds of observations, and as we cannot in general assign these val- ues definitely, we must take -f- an d =o as the extreme limits of error, so that c is found from /+ c I J -00 and hence (see Art. 6) H V2K and the law of error may be written i ft \2 or by putting //" * 42 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. When this latter form is used it is only for greater conveni- ence in writing, and h is to be looked on as a mere sym- bol standing for W A" As regards //", it is evident that for e~ 2 ^ to be a possible J" quantity must be an abstract number. Hence a is a I? quantity expressed in the same unit of measure as A. Also, from the form of the function (^}, it is evident that the probability of an error J will be the larger the larger JJL is, and vice versa. Hence // is a test of the quality of observations of different series, the unit being the same. Again, the total number of errors in a series being n, the number between J and A-\-dA will, from the definition of probability, be n tp(d) dA. Hence the sum of the squares of the errors A in the same interval will be equal to nJ 1 y(A) dd, and the sum of the squares of the errors between the limits of error -j- a and a will be Extending the limits of error a to o t this expression becomes, after substituting for - + =o v^ _'tA J e --*w+w a s* I i A ./ - which is of the form h That is, the law of error of the function F is the same as that of the independently measured quantities J/,, J/ 2 . The m. s. e. of the function /MS found from that is, from Tliis theorem is one of the most important in the method of least squares, and will be often referred to. 46 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Ex. To find the m. s. e. of the arithmetic mean of n equally well observed values of a quantity : We have . . . +Af n ) Let // = m. s. e. of the arithmetic mean >u =: m. s. e. of each observed value Then r /* 2 = -5 (ju- + /< 5 + ... to n terms) That is, the m. s. e. of the arithmetic mean of n observations is = part of that Vn of a single observation. On the Comparison of the Accuracy of Different Series of Observations. 20. The Mean-Square Error. We have seen in Art. 1 6 that the m. s. e. // affords a test of the relative accuracy of different series of observations. This test was suggested by the fundamental formula of the law of error, and is naturally the first that would be taken for that purpose. The value of// is the mean of the sum of the squares of the errors in a series between the extreme limits of error, and since the probability of an error is the number of cases favorable to its occurrence divided by the total number of cases, // is given by the expression where -f- <* and a are the limits of error. Hence if the number of errors n is a very large number a close approximation to the value of // will be given by A " A z A a ,t* _L_ _L 2 _|_ -I- 7 - n n n The difference in precision of these two values of // will be pointed out later. (See Art. 23.) THE LAW OF ERROR. 47 21. The Probable Error. A second method of deter- mining the relative precision of different series of observa- tions is by comparing errors which occupy the same rela- tive position in the different series when the errors are arranged in order of magnitude. The errors which occupy the middle places in each series are, for greater conveni- ence, the ones chosen. Let the errors in a series, arranged in order of magni- tude, be 2a, . . . r, . . . o t each error being written as many times as it occurs ; then we give to that error r which occupies the middle place, and which has as many errors numerically greater than it as it has errors less than it, the name of probable error. If, therefore, n is the total number of errors, the number lying n between -\- r and r is , and the number outside these limits is also -. In other words, the probability that the Z error of a single observation in any system will fall between the limits -\-r and r is -, and the probability that it will fall outside these limits is also . We have, therefore, V7r*S -r from which to find r. If we put // J = /, and the value t = p corresponds to J = r, then 2 1 - Expanding the integral in a series as in (c) Art. 6, we shall find that approximately the resulting equation is satisfied by p = 0.47694 48 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Now, since hr = p = 0.47694 and /ifj. \/ 2 z it follows that r = 0.67457* = - n roughly. Hence to find the probable error we compute first the mean-square error and multiply it by 0.6745. As a check, the error which occupies the middle place in the series of errors arranged in order of magnitude may be found. It will be nearly equal to the computed value, if the series is of moderate length. It is to be clearly understood that the term probable error does not mean that that error is more probable than any other, but only that in a future observation the probability of committing an error greater than the probable error is equal to the probability of committing an error less than the probable error. Indeed, of any single error the most probable is zero. Thus the probability of the error zero is to that of the probable error r as g~ l Vx Vn or T ,,-( '47694) 2 i . e or i : 0.8 The idea of probable error is due to Bessel (Berlin. Astron. Jahrb., 1818). The name is not a good one, on account of the word probable being used in a sense altogether different from its ordinary signification. It would be better to use the term critical error, for example, as suggested by De Morgan, or median error, as proposed by Cournot. 22. The Average Error. It naturally occurs, as a third test of the accuracy of different series of observations, to take the mean of all the positive errors and .the mean of all the negative errors, and then, since in a large number of THE LAW OF ERROR. 49 observations there will be nearly the same number of each kind, to take the mean of the two results without regard to sign. This gives what may be termed the average error, It is usually denoted by the Greek letter r t . Reasoning as in Art. 20, we have approximately \A y = n where [J is the arithmetic sum of the errors. An expression for ^ in terms of the mean-square error // may be found as follows. The number of errors between J and J -f- dJ is and the sum of the positive errors in the series is n C A J 3 . . . according to the formula i -. Squaring, we have n Now, letting the errors J assume all possible values, the average value of the fourth powers is (see Art. 6) The number of the products 4*4*1 4*4' being the number of combinations of n things, two at a time, is -' and the average of the values is n(n-i) \ 2h 2 that is (Art. 20), "' P j 21 r \ Vx J o - The average value of ft LI is //*. Hence finally n n* 2 52 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. and or *=*(' = /jLii ) when n is very large. V V2H' (b) In the second place, for the average error 37 we pro- ceed in precisely the same way. We have Let Then = /. 4. ^^ - '" n ' w a 2 TT which gives the error in 37. Also, since the error in // is a /7T . / 2 iU , . .A 2 ~= A/ - \f l -I that is, // A/ I/TJJ ^ 2 K 7T f 2 Hence by this method of computing JJL the value of // is contained between the mean limits THE LAW OF ERROR. 53 No\v, since r 2 > i, the limits in the latter case are the larger, and we therefore conclude that the former method of computing /* is the better of the two. 24. From the equation we may derive a test of the validity of the law of error, and a rather curious one. For /* and y may be determined from measurements, and if the experimental values found satisfy the equation -* r/ 2 we must conclude that the theory is correct. This may be classed as an additional a posteriori proof to that given in Art. 51. 25. Whether we should use the m. s. e. or the p. e. in stating the precision is largely a matter of taste. Gauss says : " The so-called probable error, since it depends on hypothesis, I, for my part, would like to see altogether banished ; it may, however, be computed from the mean by multiplying by 0.6744897." On the other hand, the Inter- national Committee of Weights and Measures decided in favor of the probable error: " It has been thought best in this work that the measure of precision of the values ob- tained should always be referred to the probable error com- puted from Gauss' formula, and not to the mean error." (Proch Verbaux, 1879, P- 77-) In the United States, in the Naval Observatory, the Coast Survey, the Engineer Corps, and the principal ob- servatories, the p. e. is used altogether. So, too, in Great Britain, in the Greenwich Observatory, the Ordnance Sur- vey, etc. In the G. T. Survey of India the m. s. e. is used, for the reason given by Gauss above. Among German geodelicians and astronomers the m. s. e. is very generally employed. In this book the m. s. e. will be used in the text, and the m. s. e. and p. e. in the examples indifferently. 54 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. The Probability Curve. 26. The principles laid down in the preceding articles may be illustrated geometrically as follows: We have seen that in a series of observations the proba- bility that an error will lie between the values x and x-\-dx is given by the expression h dx Fig.l Now, if O is the origin of co-ordinates, and a series of errors, x, are represented by the distances from O along the axis of abscissas OX, positive errors being taken to the right of O and negative errors to the left, then the probability, in a future observation, of an error falling between x and x -f- dx will be represented by the rectangle whose height is ^ e~ h \ c= - -.(1+ =. I e - A ** 3 tU I approximately. \ - \ \ - J a I and taking a = $r, we have, from Table I., // , c "~^ ( 2 --9993) h = 1.001 - T 7T Hence the difference being less than ~T : of the quantity I OOO sought, the approximate value of c found by extending the limits a to oo may be considered satisfactory. 31. Various Laws of Error. We have taken the arithmetic mean of a series of observed values of a quantity made under like conditions as the most plausible value of the quantity. The supposition of each observed quantity being subject to the same law of error leads to the mean as the most probable value. " The method of least squares is, in fact, a method of means, but with some peculiar char- acters. The method proceeds upon this supposition, that all errors are not equally probable, but that small errors are more probable than large ones." * Now, in an ordinary series we assume a good deal when we take each observation of the series as subject to the same * Whewell, History v/the Induclirc Sciences, vol. ii. 60 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. special law of error the exponential law. We can certainly conceive of laws different from this one. It is more probable that each set of observations has its own law depending on instrument, observer, and conditions. If we could go back to the sources of error we could find this law in each case. Let us follow out this idea in a few simple cases and see to what it leads : 32. First take the case where all errors are equally prob- able that is, where J can with the same probability as- sume all values between -f- a and #, the extreme limits of error. Since a is the maximum error, s* + a (p(A) I dd=i, f ~ + J J o 4 2 ' J _ 2a 4 For the p. e., f r 2 / / o s*o 2a -\- A / -~ / - r 4 Geometrically, the equations J 2d! X y = 2a -f- x Fig.4 represent two straight lines which cut the axes of x and y at an angle of 45, and there- fore the curve of probability is as in the figure. If in the figure OA 2a, then OP rep- resents the p. e. 34. From the preceding we may derive an important practical point. In an ordinary seven-place log. table the seventh place is never in error by more than o 5. Hence, P THE LAW OF ERROR. 63 this being the maximum error, the p. e. of a log. as given in the tables is 0.25 in the seventh place. The interpolated value at the greatest distance from a tabular value is the mean between two tabular values. Its p. e., from Art. 33, is (2 1/2) X 0.25 =0.15 Hence the p. e. of the log. of a number may be taken 0.2 in the seventh decimal place. The p. e. of the number corre- sponding to this log. is (Ex. i, Art. 7) = approx. io 8 X mod. 22 X 10 Suppose now that we are computing a chain of triangles starting from a measured base. The p. e. of the base may be taken as of its length. Hence the error arising 1,000,000 from this source is 22 times that to be expected from the log. tables. Again, the triangulation will be most exact, and therefore the test most severe, when the angles of each tri- angle are equal to 60. Now, the change in log sin 60 corresponding to a change of i /r is 12.2 in units of the seventh decimal place. And in a primary triangulation an angle may, with the instruments now in use, be measured with a p. e. of o".25- Hence p. e. of log sin 60= 12.2 X 0.25 = 3.0 in units of the seventh decimal place, which p. e. is 15 times greater than that, arising from the log. tables. For the solution of triangles, therefore, we conclude that, with our present means of measurement, seven-place tables are sufficient. The common practice is to carry out to eight places to give greater accuracv in the seventh place, and then drop the eighth place in stating the final result. (See Struve, Arc du Mcridicn, vol. i. p. 94.) 35. If an error J arises from three independent sources of the same kind, each of which can with the same proba- bility assume all values between + a and -- a, then, the 64 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. maximum error being 3*?, we have, from similar reasoning to that employed in Art. 33, * The curve of probability consists of three parts, as in the figure : OA = OB 30 OC=ODa There are common tangents to the two branches at E and F, and the curve touches the axis of X , at A and B. The p. e. is repre- PC \ A sented by OP. 36. A consideration of the results obtained in Arts. 31-35 will show that the more numerous the sources of error as- sumed the nearer we approach the results obtained from the Gaussian law of error. Thus for r T one source 1= 0.87 - = i.oo y T two sources - = 0.72 - = 0.88 T y three sources - = 0.71 = 0.87 Gaussian law = 0.67 =10.85 THE LAW OF ERROR. The forms of the curves of probability show the same approach to coincidence. Starting with a straight line as the curve for a single source of error, we approach quite closely to the Gaussian probability curve, even with so small a number of sources of error as three. Hence we should expect that, starting from the postulate of an error being derived from the combined influence of a very large number of independent sources of error, we should arrive at the Gaussian law of error. A complete demonstration of this by Bessel, to whom the idea itself is due, will be found in Astron. Nachr., Nos. 358, 359. The elementary proof given in Art. 33 for the simple case of two sources of error is due to Zachariae. 37. Experimental Proof of the Law of Error. The same point was brought out experimentally in a series of researches by Prof. C. S. Peirce, of the U. S. Coast Sur- vey.* He employed a young man, who had had no previous experience whatever in observing, to answer a signal consist- ing of a sharp sound like a rap, the answer being made upon a telegraph operator's key nicely adjusted. Five hundred observations were made on each of twenty-four days. The results for the first and last days are plotted below. In the Fig.6 0?35 0?10 0*30 Fig.7 0?20 0?25 0*30 * Coast Surrey Report, 1870, appendix 21. 66 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. figures the abscissas represent the interval of time between the signal and the answer, the ordinates the number of ob- servations. The curve is a mean curve for every day, drawn by eye so as to eliminate irregularities entirely. After the first two or three days the curve differed very little from that derived from the theory of least squares. On the first day, when the observer was entirely inexperienced, the ob- servations scattered to such an extent that the curve had to be drawn on a different scale from that of the other days. 38. General Conclusions. On the whole, though we cannot say that the formula -= e~^^ will truly represent V 7T the law of error in any given series of observations, we can say that it is a close approximation. When in a series of observations we have exhausted all of our resources in finding |;he corrections, and have applied them to the measured values, the residuum of error may fairly be supposed to have arisen from many sources ; and we conclude from the foregoing investigations that, of any one single law, the best to which we can consider the residual errors subject, and the best to be applied to a set of observations not yet made, is the exponential law of error. The general theorem of Art. 17 may therefore be applied to a limited series and be written : If the observed values of a quantity are of different quality, the most probable value is found by dividing each residual error by the m. s. e. and making the sum of the squares of the quotients a minimum ; if of the same quality, the most probable value is the arithmetic mean of the observed values. If a set of observations shows a marked divergence from this law a rigid examination will reveal the necessity, in general, of applying some hitherto unknown correction. Thus in the earlier differential comparisons of the compen- sating base-apparatus of the United States Lake Survey with the standard bar packed in ice, the observed differences did not follow the law of error, as it was fair to suppose that they should, the bars being compensating. There was in- THE LAW OF ERROR. 67 stead a regular daily cycle : some one source of error so far exceeded the others that it overshadowed them. A study of the results was made, and the law of daily change dis- covered, which gave a means of applying a further correc- tion. The work done later, after taking account of this new correction, showed nothing unusual. Classification of Observations. 39. For purposes of reduction observations may be di- vided into two classes those which are independent, being subject to no conditions except those fixed by the observa- tions themselves, and those which are subject to certain conditions outside of the observations, as well as to the con- ditions fixed by the observations. In the former class, be- fore the observations are made, any one assumed set of values is as likely as any other; in the latter no set of values can be assumed to satisfy approximately the observation equations which does not exactly satisfy the a priori condi- tions. For example, suppose that at a station O the angles A OB, AOC are measured. If the measures of each angle are independent of those of the other, the angles are found directly. The angle BOC could be determined from the relation AOC=AO + BOC The unknown in this case may be said to be observed in- directly, and therefore independent observations may be classed as direct and indirect. The former class is a special class of the latter. But if the angle BOC is observed directly as well as A OB, A OC, then these angles are no longer independent, but are subject to the condition that when adjusted AOC= AOB + BOC andno set of values can be assumed as possible which does not exactly satisfy this condition. 10 68 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. The observations in this case are said to be conditioned. Though we have, therefore, strictly speaking, only two classes of observations, we shall, for simplicity, divide the first into two and consider in order the adjustment of (1) Direct observations of one unknown. (2) Indirect observations of several independent un- knowns. (3) Condition observations. CHAPTER III. ON THE ADJUSTMENT OF DIRECT OBSERVATIONS OF ONE UNKNOWN QUANTITY. IN the application of the ideal formulas of Chapter II. to an actual series of observations we shall begin with a single quantity which has been directly observed. We shall con- sider two cases first, when all of the observed values are of equal quality, and, next, when they are not all of equal quality. A. Observed Values of Equal Quality. 40. The Most Probable Value ; the Arithmetic Mean. We have seen that in a series of directly observed values M lt M^ . . . M n of equal quality the most probable value Fof the observed quantity is found by taking the arithmetic mean of these values; that is, It has also been shown that the same result will follow by making the sum of the squares of the residual errors a minimum. Thus the observations give the equations, (2) and V is to be found from ,' + .+ . . . + *>'=: a min. (3) that is, from . . . +(F-J/ M )' = amin. (4) 70 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. By differentiation of (4) o (5) and V (6) n In practice it would evidently be simpler to find the value of the unknown by taking the arithmetic mean of the observed values directly rather than to form the obser- vation equations and find it by making the sum of the squares of the residuals a minimum. It is useful to notice, for purposes of checking, that Eq. (5) may be written M=o (7) 41. As the observed values M are often numerically large and not widely different, the arithmetical work of finding the mean may be shortened as follows: A cursory examination of the observations will show about what the mean value V must be. Let X' denote this approximate value of F, which may conveniently be taken some round number. Subtract X' from each of the ob- served values J/j, M t , . . . M n in succession, and call the differences / t , /,... / respectively. Then M l X t =l 1 M,-X' = l s (i) jf.--r=4 By addition, n X'-{-.v' suppose. (2) Hence all that we have to do is to take the mean x' of the small quantities / / 2 , . . . /, and add the assumed value X' to the result. DIRECT OBSERVATIONS. 71 Ex. The measured values of an angle are 177" 21' 5". 80 177 21' 7".35 177 2l' 4". 28 find the mean. It is sufficient to find the mean of the seconds and carry in the degrees and minutes unchanged. 42. Control of the Arithmetic Mean. In least squares, as in all computations, it is important to have a check or control of the numerical work. This is specially desirable when a computation takes several weeks, or it may be months, to complete it. In long computations it is better for two computers to work together, using different methods whenever possible, and to compare results at in- tervals. But even this is not an absolute safeguard against mistakes, as it sometimes happens that both make the same slip, as, for example, writing -f- for , or vice versa. Hence, even if the computation is made in duplicate, it is advisable to carry through an independent check which may be re- ferred to -occasionally. In computations not duplicated a control is essential. A control of the accuracy of the arithmetic mean of a set of observed values of the same quantity is afforded by the relation M=o that is, that the sum of the positive residuals should be equal to the sum of the negative residuals. If, however, in finding the arithmetic mean, the sum [J/] of the observed quantities was not exactly divisible by their number n, the sums of the positive and negative residuals would not be equal, but the amount of the discrepancy could easily be estimated and allowed for. For if the value of the mean taken were too large by a certain amount, the positive residuals would each be too large, and the negative residuals also too large, by that amount. Hence the dis- crepancy to be expected would be n times the amount that the approximate quotient taken as the mean differed from the exact quotient. 72 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Ex. In the telegraphic determination of the difference of longitude between St. Paul and Duluth, Minn., June 15, 1871, the following were the corrections found for chronometer Bond No. 176 at ish. 5im. sidereal time from the observations of 21 time stars. (Report Chief of Engineers U. S. A.^ 1871.) M V vv s. s. 8.78 + 0.04 0.0016 .76 , + .02 4 .85 + .11 121 .78 + .04 s. 16 51 O.23 529 .64 .IO IOO .68 .06 36 .63 - .11 121 58 - .16 256 .80 + .06 36 75 + .01 I .78 + .04 16 .96 + .22 484 .64 - .IO IOO 65 - .09 81 83 + .09 81 .70 - -04 16 .64 O. IO IOO 79 + .05 25 .90 + .16 256 -8.93 + 0.19 0.0361 Mean 8.74 + 1.03 0.99 [z/z/] 0.2756 \y = 2.02 Taking the observations as of equal precision, we find the arithmetic mean to be 8.74. This is the most probable value of the correction. The residuals v are found by subtracting each observed value from the most probable value according to the relation V-M-v They are written in two columns for convenience in applying the check The exact mean being 8.74/ T> the quantity 2 4 T X 21 = 4 should be, as it is, the numerical difference between the + and residuals. Hence we may con- sider the mean to be correctly found. DIRECT OBSERVATIONS. 73 Precision of the Arithmetic Mean. The degree of confidence to be placed in the most probable value of the unknown is shown by its mean- square or probable error. 43. (a) BesseTs Formula. If we knew the true value T of the unknown, and conse- quently the true errors 44 we should have, as in Art. 20, for the m. s. e. of an observation, n But we have only the most probable value V and the residual errors i\, ?' . . . v n instead of the true values T, 4, 4 . . . 4,. Now, y-v 1 =M 1 = r- 4 V-v t = M^= 7-- 4 (i) By addition, remembering that [?']=: o, nV=nT-[J] (2) Substitute for Fin equations (i) and nv l = (n i)4 4 WT'.,=: -4 -)-(_ 1)4- . . . Squaring, w X'=(-i)'4' + 4' + - .-2(-i)44-. - - v,- = 4' + ( - 0*4' + - - 2( - 04 J a - By addition, assuming that the double products destroy each other, positive and negative errors being equally probable, = (- = : _t^ w which gives the m. s. e. of an observation. and //' = : _^ (3) w i 74 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Now, from Art. 19, /' = which gives the m. s. e. of the arithmetic mean of n observa- tions of equal precision. The result, // -^ - , might have been inferred a priori, n i For the series of residuals i\,v^ . . . found from the arith- metic mean Fof the observed values approximates closely to the true series of errors J from which the law of error was derived. Hence we conclude that the formula // = M (4) would be a close approximation to the m. s. e. of an observa- tion. It is, however, not satisfactory, from the fact that it ought to become indeterminate when n = i, which it does not. For when = i, z> o, and unless the denominator of (4) is equal to o, // would be equal to o; that is, the first observation would give the true value of the unknown, which is absurd. Hence we should expect the formula to be of the form ,,_. 1 n-l which becomes of the indeterminate form -g- when n= i. 44. As in Art. 23, we may show from the expansion of //) that the square of the m. s. e. ofu 9 = - is n i ' / n i equal to // 4/^_ We have, therefore, r n i DIRECT OBSERVATIONS. 75 and when n is very large / [w] / I \ '-V^'V z: -fi&=$ that is, the mean uncertainty of /* is \'2(n T) 45. From the constant relation existing between the m. s. e. and p. e. given in Art. 22 we have for the p. e. of an observation and of the arithmetic mean of n observations respectively, r p 4/2 n where /> 1/2 = 0.6745 nearly. 46. If we consider the m. s. e. Q A f 1 r = 0.6745 y ! u _ l} r " =a84 53,, v;/ _ L To save labor in the numerical work I have computed tables containing the values of the coefficients of V[^'] and [v in these equations for values of n from 2 to 100. (See Appendix, Tables II., III.) If Bessel's formula is used compute first [vv~], then V[^ ; ] can be taken from a table of squares closely enough. This square-root number multiplied by the number in Table II.. corresponding to the given value of n gives the p. e. sought. If Peters' formula is used multiply the sum of the residuals, without regard to sign, by the numbers in Table III. cor- responding to the argument n. DIRECT OBSERVATIONS. 79 49. Control of [?'?'] A control is afforded by the derivation of [i'?>\ from the observed values and the arith- metic mean directly. We have v n = V-M H Square and add, [w] = n F 2 - 2 F[J/ ] + [>/'] = [j/']_[j/]r. (i) since nV=Jf The values of J/ 2 may be found from a table of squares or from Crelle's tables, or, if the numbers M are large, an arithmometer, or machine for multiplying- and dividing, may be employed with advantage. The computation may often be much abbreviated by the artifice of Art. 41. Substituting the values of J/ p M^ . . . M n from that article in (i), we find, after a simple reduction, = [//]-[/>' 50. Approximate Method of Finding the Pre- cision. A connection between the p. e. of a single observa- tion and the greatest error committed in the series may be established approximately by the aid of the principle proved in Art. 30. There we saw that in a large series the actual errors may be expected to range between zero and 4 or 5 times the p. e. of an observation. If, then, we find from the observations a p. e. of an amount, say, r, we may assert that the greatest actual error is not likely to be more than 5r. The probability of its being as large as this is only about T oVo. The same principle will enable us to estimate roughly the p. e. in a series of observations. A glance at the 80 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. measured results will show the largest and smallest, and their difference may be taken as the range in the results, and half the difference as the maximum error. Hence, since in an ordinary series of from 25 to 100 observations the maximum error may be expected to be from 3 to 4 times the p. e., we may take the p. e. to be from \ to \ of the range of the errors of observation. This result may be confirmed as follows : Expanding the exponential function - 3 2 Substituting for P and Q their values, and solving for r, we find a , r - nearly 3 that is, the p. e. is approximately \ of the maximum error, or of the range of the errors of observation. DIRECT OBSERVATIONS. 8 1 A closer approximation would be found by taking three terms of the series for ^(J). We should then find r = - nearly. 4 See note by Capt. Basevi, R.E., in G. T. Survey of India, vol. iv. ; also Helmert in Zeitschr.fiir Verviess., vol. vi. Ex, We shall now apply the preceding formulas to the example in Art. 42 to find the m. s. e. and p. e. of the arithmetic mean and of a single observation. (i) The m. s. e. and p. e, of the arithmetic mean. These we may find in two ways : (a) From the sum of the squares of the residuals (Art. 43) : ft = |/_If^L ' n(n i) 21 X 2O = 0.026 r a = 0.6745 X O.O26 = 0.017 or from Table II. at once : ;- =0.525 X 0.033 = 0.017 (b) From the sum \v of the residuals (Art. 47): The multiplier in Table III. corresponding to the number 21 is 0.009. . . r a = 2.02 X 0.009 = o.oiS (2) The p. e. of a single observation. From Tables II. and III. directly: r = o. 525 X 0.151= 0.079 r=2.O2 X 0.041 =0.082 Check (). Let the residuals be arranged in order of magnitude. They are: 0.23 0.22 0.19 0.16 0.16 o.n o.n o.io o.io o.io 0.09 0.09 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.02 o.oi The residual 0.09 occupies the middle place, and is therefore the p. e. r of a single result (Art. 21). The computation above gives 0.08. Check (ft). See Art. 50. Range = 0.22 + 0.23 = 0.45 .-.r = -i- 5 =o.oS. 6 The values found by the different methods agree reasonably well. 82 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. 51. The Law of Error Tested by Experience. We shall now test our example and see how closely it conforms to the law of error, and hence be in a better position to judge of how far the law of error itself is applicable in practice. This is the h. posteriori proof intimated in Art. 11 as necessary for the demonstration of the law. (1) The number of -(- residuals is 12, and the number of - residuals is 9. (2) The sum of the -f- residuals is 1.03, and the sum of the - residuals is 0.99. (3) The sum of the squares of the -f- residuals is 1417, and of the residuals is 1339. (4) The p. e. of a single observation is 0.08. To find the number of observations we should expect whose residual errors are not greater than o. 10, we enter Table I. with the argument ' 1.25 and find 0.60. This multiplied by 21 0.08 gives 13 as the number of errors to be expected not greater than o. 10. By actual count we find the number observed to be 14. To find the number to be expected between o. 10 and 0.20 2O we enter the table with the argument -- 2. 50 and find 0.91. .08 From this deduct 0.60 and multiply the remainder by 21. This gives 6. The number observed is 5. The number to be expected over 0.20 is, by theory, 2. The number observed is 2. The preceding results are collected in the following table : Limits of Error. Number of Errors. Theory. Observation. s. s. o.oo to o. 10 13 14 0.10 tO 0.20 6 5 over o. 20 2 2 DIRECT OBSERVATIONS. Table I., it will be remembered, is founded on the sup- position that the number of observations in a given set is very large. In our example the number is only 21. Per- fect accordance between the number of errors given by theory and the number given by observation is, therefore, not to be expected. For longer examples of this kind see Chauvenet's Least Squares, p. 489 ; Airy's Theory of Errors of Observations, third ed., appendix. Comparisons between the number of errors within given limits that actually occur in a series of observations and the number to be expected from theory in the same series show the degree of confidence we may place in the law of error. It is the final criterion, and forms the second part of the proof of the law as stated in Art. 11. The law of error has been so thoroughly tested in this way, so far as the sciences of observation (for which, in- deed, it was framed) are concerned, that if in a series of observations we find that the errors do not conform to it we may suspect the presence of other than accidental sources of error. For example, Bessel * found, from his re- duction of a series of 300 observations made by Bradley on the declinations of a Tauri, etc., that the numbers ot errors that actually occurred and the numbers given by theory within specified limits were as follows: Limits. Number of Errors. Experience. Theory. o".o to o" 4 66 65 o".4 to o" S 5 S to O\8 [0 l" 2 55 53 I .2 tO l" 6 28 41 i".6 to 2" o 27 30 2 .0 to 2 4 23 21 2". 4 to 2" S 10 13 2".S to 3" 2 15 S 3". 2 to 3' 6 5 3"-6 to 4" o 4 2 over 4 6 - * f'urti/antentii As(r<>n<>>Nitr, pp. 19, 20. 84 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. The agreement, especially for the larger errors, is not very close. Prof. Safford, to whom I referred this ex- ample, states that in a new reduction of Bradley's observa- tions made by Auwers a much better agreement between experience and theory is found. Three sources of sys- tematic error enter into the observations which were not taken into account in Bessel's reduction : (a) Personal equation. Bradley was not the only ob- server, Mason and Green being the others. (b) Local deviation of the plumb-line. (c) The assumption that the collimation of Bradley's Quadrant did not vary irregularly. Auwers has in a great degree overcome these difficulties in his reduction. He finds, for example, the number of errors over 4" to be 2 instead of 6, thus agreeing with the theoretical number. For another illustration see Helmert's discussion of the errors in Koppe's triangulation for determining the axis of the St. Gothard Tunnel. (ZeitscJir. fur Vermess,, vol. v. pp. 146 seq.) 52. As the Gaussian law of error is found to apply reasonably well to other phenomena, such, for example, as statistical questions, guesses, etc., it has been often rashly assumed to be of universal application ; and when prediction and experience are found not to agree, the validity of the law in any case has been as rashly impugned. In the fundamental investigation in Art. 15 the hypoth- eses there made are satisfied by other functions of the measured values besides the arithmetic mean. Thus, tor example, taking the geometric mean g, the resulting law of error would be of the form where c and h are constants. This form appears to apply to many statistical questions better than the Gaussian law. That it does so is, how * Gallon, Proc. Roy, Sac. Land., 1879, pp. 365 seq. DIRECT OBSERVATIONS. 85 ever, no argument against the Gaussian law in its own territory. A curious illustration of the preceding remarks, in the misapplication of the Gaussian law of error to a case where it would appear at first sight that it ought to apply directly, is to be found in the essay on " Target-Shoot- ing " in Sir J. F. \V. Herschel's Familiar Lectures on Scientific Subjects. 53. Caution as to the Application of the Tests of Precision. In the preceding article we have given several cautions with regard to the strict application of the law of error in practice. We shall now perform a similar service for the tests of precision the m. s. e. and the p. e. The m.s. e. and p. e. of series of observations have been defined as measures of their relative accuracy. With ideal series that is, series which do not contain systematic errors, and in which the accidental errors are continuous in magnitude between the extreme limits of error this is true ; and in actual series, in good work, it is on the whole true. But in any actual series selected at random we must apply these tests with caution. It is a common mistake to over- look the distinction between observations which conform to the law of error and those which only apparently do so, and hence to condemn the m. s. e. and p. e. as not only worth- less but misleading. For example, in levelling, if the same line is run over in duplicate in the same direction, a good agreement may be expected at the several bench-marks where comparisons are made. The m. s. e. of observation will consequently be small. If the line is levelled in opposite directions experi- ence shows that the agreement would not be so good. The m. s. e. would be larger than before. We might, therefore, hastily conclude that the first work would give the better result. But when we reflect that the main differences arise from such causes as the refraction of light, the personal bias of the observer, etc., which causes are less likely to be mutually destructive and more likely to be cumulative if 86 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. the lines are run in the same direction, it is to be expected that the final result obtained from measurements in opposite directions will be nearer the truth. The conclusion arrived at by trusting to the m. s. e. alone would be illusory. Again, in measuring a horizontal angle, if the same part of the limb of the instrument is used in making the readings the results may be very accordant and the m. s. e. conse- quently small, but the angle itself may not be anywhere near the truth. This would be shown, for example, by the large discrepancies in the sums of angles of triangles measured in this way from the theoretical sums. For a long time this contradiction was a source of much per- plexity, and many good instruments were most unjustly condemned.* At last the discovery was made that it was mainly owing to periodic errors of graduation of the limb which, when corrected for, made the remaining errors fairly subject to the law of error. This most important discovery may be said to have revolutionized the art of measuring horizontal angles. The difficulty may be explained in this way. In the derivation of the m. s. e. from a series of n observed quanti- ties M lf M^ . . . we had the observation equations \vv\ Also // = n i Now, if we suppose each of the observed quantities to be changed by the same amount c, which may be of the nature of a constant error or correction, so that they become M^-{-c t M^-\-c, . . . the most probable value, instead of being V, will be 'V-\-c. Also since = V-M the residual errors will be the same as before. * See, for example, G. T. Survey of India^ vol. ii. pp. 51, 96. DIRECT OBSERVATIONS. 87 Hence if is unchanged, and we see, therefore, that the m. s. e. makes no allowance for constant errors or correc- tions to the observed quantity. These are supposed to be eliminated or corrected for before the most probable value and its precision are sought. Another common misapprehension is the following: From Arts. 19 or 46 the relation between the m. s. e. ol a single observation n and the m. s. e. of the mean of n obser- vations is This formula shows that by repeating the measurement a sufficient number of times we can make the m. s. e. of the final result as small as we please. Nothing would, there- fore, seem to be in the way of our getting an exact result, and that we could do as good work with a rude or imper- fect instrument as with a good one by sufficiently increasing the number of observations. Experience, however, shows that in a long series of measurements we are never certain that our result is nearer the truth than the smallest quantity the instrument will measure. If an instrument measures seconds we cannot be sure that by repeating the observations we can get the nearest hundredth or tenth. In a word, we cannot measure what we cannot see. Take an example: With the meridian circle Prof. Rogers found the p. e. of a single complete observation in declina- tion to be o".36, and the p. e. of a single complete observa- tion in right ascension for an equatorial star to be + o s .O26. He says: " If, therefore, the p. e. can be taken as a measure of the accuracy of the observations, there ought to be no difficulty in obtaining from a moderate number of observa- tions the right ascension within o s .O2 and the declination within o".2. Yet it is doubtful, after continuous observations in all parts of the world for more than a century, if there is a single star in the heavens whose absolute co-ordinates are 88 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. known within these limits." The explanation is, as inti- mated, that constant errors are not eliminated by increasing the number of observations. Accidental errors are elimi- nated by so doing ; and if a number of observations ex- pressed by an infinity of a sufficiently high order could be taken, so that the constant errors entering in the different series could be classed as accidental, these errors would mutually balance in the reduction and we should arrive at the true result. Closely allied to the preceding is the common idea that if we have a poor set of observations good results can be derived from them by adjusting them according to the method of least squares, or that if work has been coarsely done such an adjustment will bring out results of a higher grade. A seeming accuracy is obtained in this way, but it is a very misleading one. The method of least squares is no philosopher's stone: it has no power to evolve reliable results from inferior work. A third source of uncertainty from the same cause may be mentioned. It may happen that the value obtained of the p. e. is numerically greater than that of the observed quantity itself. It is then a question whether in subsequent investigations we should use the value of the observed quantity as found or neglect it. This depends on circum- stances. It is ever a principle in least squares to make use of all the knowledge on hand of the point at issue. If we have strong a priori reasons for expecting the value zero it would be better to take this value. Thus if we ran a line of levels between two points on the surface of a lake we should expect the difference of height to be zero. If the p. e. of the result found were greater than the result itself it would be allowable in this case to reject the determina- tion. On the other hand, when we have no a priori know- ledge, as in determinations of stellar parallax, for example, if the p. e. of the value found were in excess of the value itself, as is sometimes the case,f we could do nothing but * Proc. Amcr. Acad, Sci., 1878, p. 174. tSee, for example, Newcomb, Astronomy, app. vii. DIRECT OBSERVATIONS. 89 take the value resulting from the observations, unless, in- deed, it came out with a negative sign, and then its unre- liable character would be evident. 54. Constant Error. The remarks on constant error in the preceding articles lead us to notice an example or two of the detection and treatment of this great bugbear of observation. We suspect the presence of constant errors in a series of observations from the large range in the results a range greater than would naturally be expected after all known corrections have been applied. Great caution is necessary in dealing with such cases, and one should be in no hurry to jump at conclusions. Sometimes the sources of error are detected without much trouble. Thus in measuring an angle with a theod- olite, if the instrument is placed on a stone pillar firmly embedded in the ground, the range in results, if targets are the signals pointed at, would not usually be over 10" in primary work ; and on reading to a number of signals in order round the horizon the final reading on closing the horizon would be nearly the same as the initial reading on the same signal. If next the instrument were placed on a wooden post or tripod, and readings made to signals in order round the horizon in the same way as before, the final reading might differ from the initial by a large amount. The observations might also show that the longer the time taken in going around the greater the resulting discrepancy. The natural interence would be that in some way the wooden post had to do with the discrepancy in the results. In an actual case* of this kind examination showed the change to be most uniform on a clav when the sun shone t> brightlv. Measurements were then made at night, using * At U. S. Lake Survey station Emle 1 , Lake Superior, many observations were taken during both day and night in July, 1871, to determine the rate of twi-t of centre-post on which the theod- olite used in measuring angles was placed. The conclusion arrived at was that " during a day of uniform sunshine and clear atmosphere this twist seemed to be quite regular, and at the rate of about ant second of arc per minute of tite, reaching a maximum about 7 P.M. and a minimum about 7 A.M., during the month of July. On partially cloudy days there was no regularity in the twist, being sometimes in one direction and again in the opposite.'' 9O THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. lamps as signals on the distant stations, and the same change was observed, only it was in the opposite direction. The effect on the value of an 'angle of this twist of sta- tion, assuming it to act uniformly in the same direction during the time of observation, can be eliminated by the method of observation : first reading to the signals in one direction and then immediately in the opposite direction, and calling the mean of the difference of the two sets of readings a single value of the angle. 'So also in azimuth work the mean of the difference of the readings, star to mark, and mark to star, gives a single value free from station-twist. This mode of procedure is in accordance with the general principle to eliminate a correction, when possible, by the method of observation, rather than to compute and apply it. See Art. 2. The effort to avoid systematic error causes in general a considerable increase of labor, and sometimes this is very marked. For example, in the micrometric comparison ol two line measures belonging to the U. S. Engineers the results found by different observers showed large dis- crepancies. The micrometer microscopes used were of low power, with a range of about one mm. between the upper and lower limits of distinct vision. Examination showed that the discrepancies arose mainly from focusing, each ob- server's results being tolerably constant for his own focus. As the value of a revolution of the micrometer screw entered into the reduction of the comparison work, and as this value was obtained from readings on a space of known value, error of focusing entered from this source. Hence a value of the screw had to be determined from a special set of readings taken at each adjustment, and this value used in reducing the regular observations made with the same focus. Had the microscopes been of high power it would have been sufficient to have determined the value of the screw once for all, since the error arising from change of focus could have been classed as accidental. DIRECT OBSERVATIONS. 9 1 In trying to avoid systematic error the observer will, as he gains in experience, take precautions which would at first seem to be almost childish. Good work can only be had at the cost of eternal vigilance. 55. Necessary Closeness of Computation. The number of observations necessary to the proper determina- tion of a quantity may be approximated to by referring to the m. s. e. of these observations. If, after planning the method of observing with the view of eliminating "con- stant error," we find that increasing the number of obser- vations beyond a certain limit does not sensibly affect the m.s. e. , we ma}' conclude that we have a sufficient number. It is evident that increasing or decreasing this number will affect the result more or less. But we cannot say that we are nearer the truth in either case. Hence the folly of a too rigorous computation. An approximate value being the best that we can have at any rate, no weight is added to it by carrying out that value to a great many decimal places. Thus if the most probable value of a quantity computed in an approximate way is V, whereas the value found from the same observations by a rigorous computation is V-\-c, we may estimate the allow- able value of c as follows. Let J p J 3 , . . . J n be the errors of F, then J l -\- c, J^-\-c, . . . J n -\-c are the errors of V-\-c. Hence and /V+c=#p|i-| --| approxi match'. V 2 /v/ Now, we may safely allow the difference between // r . , and 13 92 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Hv to be --^. Hence there will be no appreciable error in- troduced by computing in such a way that -- < 2 fiy " 100 that is, when the error c committed is, roughly, ^ of the m. s. e. B. Observed Values of Different Quality. 56. The Most Probable Value: the Weighted Mean. It has been shown in Art. 17 that if the directly observed values M^ M v . . . M n of a quantity are of dif- ferent quality, the most probable value is found by multiply- ing each residual error of observation by the reciprocal of its m. s. e., and making the sum of the squares of the pro- ducts a minimum ; that is, with the usual notation, * + .. !+ - +^i = amin. (i) /V /V !*n or =a min - By differentiation and reduction, (3) We have, therefore, the equivalent rule: If the observed values of a quantity are of different quality, the mast probable value is found by multiplying each observed value by the reciprocal of the square of its m. s. e. , and dividing the sum of the products by the sum of the reciprocals. The form of the expression for V suggests another stand-point from which to consider it. Let p^p . . . / DIRECT OBSERVATIONS. 93 be the numerical parts of- , such that each is /v /v /v of the type (unit of measure) 2 P I? then equation (3) may be written Also, since , , . . . - - are similarly involved in the f*i t** P* numerator and denominator of the value of V, this value will remain the same if/,,/.,, . . . / are taken any num- bers whatever in the same proportion to , , . . . /V /V f'-n that is, if/>,'A Pn satisfy the relations (5) where // is an arbitrary constant. 57. Let us look at this question from another point of view. It is in accordance with our fundamental assump- tions that observations of a quantity made under the same conditions, so that there is no a priori reason for choosing one before another, are of the same quality. They require the same expenditure of time, labor, money, etc. If, there- fore, we represent the quality of a single observation of a certain series by unity, the quality of the arithmetic mean of/ such observations, as it would require / times the ex- penditure to attain it, would be represented by />. Let. us suppose, then, that the arithmetic mean of /, observed values of a certain quality is J/, ; of /., other observed values of the same quality it is J/,, and so on. The total number of observed values is [/]. All of the observed values being of the same quality, the most probable value 94 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Fof the unknown is given by the arithmetic mean; that is, by y _ sum of the values of all the sets ~sum of number of obs. in each set A+A+ +A which is of the same form as Eq. 4, above. The numbers A A ..... p n are called the weights, or, better, the combining weights, of the observed values, and the mean value Fis called the weighted mean. In view of this definition, the general principle stated in Art. 56 may be replaced by the following necessarily equiva- lent one : If the 'observed values of a quantity are of different weights, the most probable value is found by multiplying the square of each residual error of observation by its weight, and making the sum of the products a minimum. Thus the most probable value V is found from \_pvv\ = a min. that is, from By differentiation, p l (V whence This form of the value of V leads to the rule : If the observed values of a quantity are of different weights, the most probable value is found by multiplying each observed value by its weight, and dividing the sum of the products by the sum of the weights. DIRECT OBSERVATIONS. 95 As in the case of the arithmetic mean (Art. 40), it is evi- dently simpler in practice to find the weighted mean directly by this rule rather than from the minimum equation. If the observed values J/are numerically large we may lighten the arithmetical work by finding V by the method of Art. 41. Proceeding as there indicated, we have = X' -\- x" suppose 58. Reduction of Observed Values to a Common Standard. The principle of the weighted mean is evi- dently an extension of that of the arithmetic mean, as was pointed out long ago by Cotes, Simpson, and others. It merely amounts to finding a mean of several series of means, the unit of measure being the same in each. As soon, therefore, as results of different weights are changed into others having a common standard of weight, the rules for combining and finding the precision of observed quantities of the same weight can be applied to weighted quantities. This change we are enabled to make by means of the relation (5), Art. 56, which may be written VA A/A VA Now, since /Jt t , /* . . . tt n are the m. s. e. of M lt M v . . . M n , the m. s. e. of M^p^M^/p^ . . . J/ w V/ would each be the same quantity n. Hence if a serits of observed values M t , M^ . . . M n have tJie weights A A> A> they are reduced to the same standard by multiplying by A/A, A/A> VA respectively. For example, given the observation equations, V J/, =v t weight A V-M, = i>, " A V-M n =v n " A to find the most probable value of V. g6 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Reducing to the same standard of weight, we have the equations A/A v- VAM, = A/A^ Vp n v A/A, ^4= and the most probable value of Fis found by making (A/A <0* + (A/A fO* + - + ( VA *)' = a rain. that is, by making V- A/A ^) Reducing this equation, \ve find, as before, 59. Computation of the Weights. If A> A A represent a series of weights corresponding to the m. s. e. /^j, // 2 , . . . /i n , then we have the relations where the value of // is entirely arbitrary. The combining weights are, therefore, known when the m.s.e. f^,/^,/^, .../* are known. These relations suggest that it would be convenient to define // as the m. s. e. of a single observation assumed to be of the weight unity. We shall define 11 in this way, so that in future it is understood that the standard to which observations of dif- ferent weights are reduced for comparison and combination is the fictitious observation whose weight is unity and whose m. s. e. is /x 60. Control of the Weighted Mean. Eq. 2, Art. 57, may be written [pv] = o DIRECT OBSERVATIONS. 97 Hence if the weighted mean V has been computed correctly, the sum of the products of each residual error by its weight is equal to zero. Usually, however, Fis not an exact quotient that is, [/J/] is not exactly divisible by [/>] and then the dis- crepancy of [/7'J from zero is evidently equal to the prod- uct of the sum of the weights and the difference between the exact value of Fand the approximate value used. See Art. 42. Ex. i. Deduce the relation [/^] o from the observation equations directly. [Multiply each observation equation by its weight, and add the products.] Ex. 2. Find the most probable value of the velocity of light from the following determinations by Fizeau and others: 298000 kil. 1000 kil. 298500 " looo " 299990 " 200 " 300100 " 1000 " 299930 " 100 " {Amer. Jour. Sci., vol. xix.) The weights, being inversely as the squares of the probable errors, are as the numbers i, i, 25, i, 100. (Art. 59.) (a) Direct solution. , M p pM 298000 i 298000 298500 i 298500 299990 25 7499750 300100 i 300100 299930 IOO 29993000 128 38389350 V = -j. :- = 299917 kil. approx.. the exact value being 2999 16|| kil. THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS, (b) Solution according to Art. 57. Assume X' = 298000 / / pi o I o 500 I 500 1990' 25 49750 2IOO I 2100 1930 IOO I93OOO 128 245350 and V = 298000 + 1916^ = 299916!^, as before. Control. Take V= 299917, and proceed to find [/']. (See Art. 60.) V P pv 1917 i 1917 1417 i 1417 - 73 25 1825 -183 i - 183 - 13 IOO 1300 26 The discrepancy should be 128 (299917 299916^) = 26 which it is. DIRECT OBSERVATIONS. 99 61. The Precision of the Weighted Mean. Since the weighted mean Fis the arithmetic mean of [/>] observa- tions of the unit of weight, its weight is [/]. Hence the m. s. e. Y of Fis found from where n is the m. s. e. of an observation of the unit of weight (standard observation). According to Art. 58, the value of }t may be found by writing \X/>, 7-,, VA ?' 2 > . . . for v lt i\, ... in the formulas derived for observations of the same weight. Hence, sub- stituting in Bessel's and in Peters' formulas Arts. 43, 47, we have := 1.2533 n i \/n(n i) and therefore ..3533- These expressions reduce to those for the arithmetic mean where the observed values are of the same weight by putting [/] = up. 62. Control of \pi'v\. A control of the accuracy of [/>?'?'] is afforded by the derivation of this quantity from the observed values directly. The observation equations are Vl VM, weight/, v t =V-M t " A Hence 100 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. By addition, \_pirj] = [>] V* - since In using this formula the troublesome term is \_pMM\ With large values of M it is better to deduce it from the column pM) already computed in finding the weighted mean. This is specially advisable if one has a machine for perform- ing multiplications. With small values of M a table of squares is best. With large values of M we may perhaps proceed still more conveniently by the method explained in Arts. 41, 57. With the same notation and reasoning as there employed it is found that where the quantities /are numerically small. Ex. The linear values found for the space o".oo to O*.O5 of inch \ab\ on the standard steel foot I F. of the G. T. Survey ol India were as follows: o". 050027, o.O4997i, o'. 050019, o'. 050079, o 1 '". 050021, o. 050011. The num- bers of measures in these determinations were 6, 6, 15, 15, 8, 8 respec- tively. Taking the numbers of measures as the weights of the respective determi- nation-, required the most probable value of the space and its p. e. The direct solution presents no difficulty. The value of F may be found as in Ex. Art. 60, and thence the residuals v. The m. s. e. or p. e. follows from the formulas of Art. 61. We shall give the solution according to the methods of Arts. 57 and 62, which are advantageous in this case on account of the large numbers that enter. DIRECT OBSERVATIONS. Assume X' = 0.049971 101 / P // /// 56 6 336 18816 o 6 o o 48 15 720 34560 108 15 1620 1 74960 50 8 400 2OOOO 40 8 320 I2SOO 58 3396 26II36 = [///] 198842 = [//].r" 62294 = [pvv] = 0.6745 A/ 622 94 r 58(6-1) V 0.049971 + 0.000059 = 0.050030 V = O"*. = o.ooooio o".c>oooio By choosing the approximate value X' equal to the smallest of the measures or equal to the greatest of them, all of the remainders / have the same sign, which is a great convenience in computation. In this example an important practical point occurs, and one often overlooked. The p. e. is not computed from the original observations, but from these observations grouped in six sets of means. These means we have treated as if original observations of certain weights. Had the original observations been accessible we should have used them, and would most probably have found a different value of the p. e. from that which we have obtained. This arises from the small number of observations in the several sets. In good \vork the difference to be expected between the value of the p. e. found from the means and that found from the original observations would be small. Still, when- ever there is a choice, the p. e. should always be deduced 102 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. from the original observations rather than from any com- binations of them. The weighted mean value V would evidently be the same whether computed from the partial means or from the original observations. Observed Values Multiples of the Unknown. 63. Let the observed values M lt M^ . . . M K be multi- ples of the same unknown X ' ; that is, be of the form a t X, a^X, . . . a H X, where a^ a v . . . a n are constants given by theory for each observation. The values \ ?, . . . ? , #* a n of X may be regarded as directly observed values of unequal weight. If fi. is the m. s. e. of an observation, that is, of MM V . . ., then, since the m. s. e. of _' is ^,of ? a l a 1 a^ is^, . . . the weights of these assumed observations are a, proportional to a*, a*, . . . Hence taking the weighted mean Also, since [V] is the weight of X, *_ P* = ['J Cotes,* in solving this problem, reasons that, since for the same error of M the greater a is, the less is the error of X, we may take the coefficients a to express the relative weights of the values of X. Now, placing the coefficients a t , a^ . . . as weights along a straight line at distances _', ^?, . . . from one end of the line, the most probable a, a, * Harmonia Mensurarum. Cambridge, 1722. (Quoted by Hultman, Minsta Qvadr. Stockholm, 1860.) DIRECT OBSERVATION'S. 103 value will be the distance X of the centre of gravity of these weights from the end point, and will be found by taking moments about this point ; that is, and therefore Ex. To test the power of the telescope of the great theodolite (3 ft.) of the English Ordnance Survey, and find the p. e. of an observation, a wooden framework was set up 12,462 ft. distant from the theodolite when at station Ben More, Scotland. It was so arranged that when projected against the sky a fine vertical line of light, the breadth of which was regulated by the sliding of a board, was shown to the observer. The breadth of this opening was varied by half-inches from i^ in. to 6 in. during the observations; which were as follows : * No. of obs. Width. Side of opening. Mean of micr. readings. I 6.0 ( left. < right. ( 28.00 1 37oO 2 5-5 11: (28.50 1 37-t*. 3 5.0 11: ( 29.16 ( 37-16 4 4-5 U: j 30.16 f 36.66 5 4.0 11: j 30.50 < 37-16 6 3-5 f i. }r. j 31.16 1 37-00 7 3-o 11: ( 32.66 I 36.83 8 2-5 il: < 33-50 < 36.83 9 2.0 jl: \ 33-83 / 37-00 ( l. < 35-50 10 i-5 < r. 1 37-16 * Account of the Principal Triangulation, pp. 54, 55. 104 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Let X = the most probable value of the angle subtending an opening of i inch. Then we have the observation equations 6 X 9.50 = vi 3.5^5.84 = 2/8 5.5^8.50 = 2/3 3 A" 4.17 = 2/7 5 X 8.00 = 2/3 2.5 X 3.33 = z/8 4.5 Af 6.50 = 2/4 2. X 3.17 = 2/8 4 X ' 6.66 = 2/6 1.5 X 1.66 = z/ 10 From the preceding we have for the individual values of A' and their weights X = 1.58 weight 6 2 JT= 1.55 weight 5-5 2 1.58X6' + 1-55 X5-5 2 + .'. weighted mean = - - - - = 1-55 or making the sum of the squares of the residuals v a minimum, that is, (6A- - 9.50)* + (5. 5 A" - 8. so) 2 + . . . = a min. we find by differentiation that AT=i.55 as before. The practical rule following from either method is the same, and may be stated thus : Multiply each observation equation by the coefficient of A" in that equation, and add the products. The resulting equation gives the value of X. We again see that the principle of minimum squares is more general than that of the arithmetic mean, and why it was that we failed in solving the equa- tions of Art. 14. In other words, we cannot write in the preceding example X= 1.58 and take the mean of these values as the value of x, because these equations should be written strictly where the errors are not lessened in the same proportion throughout the equations. DIRECT OBSERVATIONS. IO5 Precision of a Linear Function of Independently Observed Quantities. 64. Suppose that there are n independently observed quantities J/,, J/ a , . . . whose m. s. e. are //,, /^, ... re- spectively, to find the m. s. e. /j. of F where F=a l M l + a t M t + . . . +a n Af n (i) # a v . . . a n being constants. This has been already solved in Art. 19, where it was shown that 2 r 2 an H = [a [t. ] On account of the great importance of this result we add another method of deriving it. If J,, J a , . . . denote the errors of M lt M^ . . . we shall have the true value T of F by writing ^/, + -/,, J/.,-)- J 2 , . . . for J/,, M 9 , ... in the above expression for F ; that is, , + 4)+- . . +.(-*/. +40 Call J the error of F; then, since T= F-\- J, we have J = ^ 1 J 1 + ^. 2 J 2 +. . . +a n J H and .*. ff = aW + af4+. . .+2^,44+- Let the number of sets of M lt M^, . . . required to find T be n, and suppose J" summed for all the sets ol values of J,, 4,, . . . and the mean taken, then attending to Art. 20, In forming all possible values of J,-/,, J 2 J S , . . ., the number of values being very large, there will probably be as many -j- as products of each form, and we therefore assume [J 1 J S ] = [J 1 J I ]=. . . =o Hence ^=[>y] (3) Io6 THE ADJUSTMENT OP OBSERVATIONS. Ex. i. The Kevveenaw Base was measured with two measuring tubes placed end to end in succession. Tube i was placed in position 967 times, and tube 2 966 times. Given the p. e. of the length of tube i = o*.ooo34, and of tube 2 = o'".ooo37, find the p. e. in the length of the line arising from the uncertainties in the length of the tubes. [ p. e. from tube i = 967 X 0.00034 = o*.329 p. e. from tube 2 = 966 X 0.00037 = o"*.357 .'. p. e. of line = Vo.^2(f + 0.3572 Ex, 2. In the Keweenaw Base the p. e. of one measurement of 94 tubes, deduced from the discrepancies of six measurements of these 94 tubes, was found to be o'.o3 . Show that the p. e. in the length of the line of 1933 tubes arising from the same causes ma}' be estimated at o*".i36. [ p. e. of i measurement of i tube = '-^ 1/94 0.03 p. e. of base of 1933 tubes = - = 0.136 J Attention is called to these two problems, from the im- portance of the principles illustrated. In Ex. i the p. e. of a tube was multiplied by the whole number of tubes to find the p. e. of the base from that cause, for the reason that with whatever error the tube is affected it is cumulative throughout the measurement. In Ex. 2 the p. e. of one tube is multiplied by the square root of the number of tubes, because each measurement is independent of every other, and the errors are as likely to be in excess as in defect, and, therefore, may be expected to destroy one another in the final result. Ex. 3. The m. s. e. of aM\, /< being the m. s. e. of M\ and a a constant, is equal to aju, but the m. s. e. of the sum of the a independently observed quantities Mi, Mi . . . M a ; that is, of Mi + M* + . . . + M a , the m.s. e. of each being ju, is Vaju. Explain. 65. If the function F whose m. s. e. is required is not in the linear form, we first reduce it to that form, as in Art. 7, and apply Eq. 3, Art. 64. Thus, if DIRECT OBSERVATIONS. the true value T of F will result if we write M^-^-dM^, . . . for J/ p J/,, . . . the differentials representing the errors of these quantities. Then Expanding by Taylor's theorem and retaining only the first powers of the small quantities ^/J/,, dM.^ . . . we have T = f + or Error of F where This expression is of the same form as (i), Art. 64. Hence HP = a?ti? -f tf,V/,* + . . . -f a^i'-n fay ] The still more general case of the m. s. e. of a function of quantities which are themselves functions of the same ob- served quantities may be readily reduced to the form of Eq. i. The whole point is to express the error of F as a linear function of the errors of the independently ob- served quantities J/,, J/, . . . J\I n . It is useful to note that Eq. i results from differ- entiating the function equation directly, as has been al- ready pointed out in Art. /. Ex. i. If /i,, it., are the m. s. e. of the measured side? AB, BC of a rect- angle ABCD, find the m. s. e. of the area of the rectangle. [Here F-A^M-, .'. by differentiation ,/F=Jlf l - sin I dA + a cot B sin i dC sin B sin* B and therefore sin 2 A !> sin 2 (C s) sin 2 i" "a" = -^"T-f>t"> + ~ -T^- - I- 1 * + a cot B sm : /'C 2 sin^ B sin 4 B Ex. 4. Given the base b and the angles A,B of a triangle with m. s. e. Mb, HA, MB respectively, to find the m. s. e. f.i a of the side a. We have , sin A a = b - (i) sin B This might be expanded as in the preceding example, but more conveniently as follows : Take logarithms of both members. Then log a = log b + log sin A log sin B (2) DIRECT OBSERVATIONS. 109 (a) By differentiation. da = - db + a cot A sin I "dA u cot B sin I "dB b Hence a 1 Ha" 2 Hb* + o' 2 cof 2 ,-/ sin^i"//,! 7 + s 2 (3) 0" If, as is usually assumed in practice, MA = MB = H, and /m, = o then f.t a = a sin i" f.i V'cot'M + cotfB (4) (b) Using log differences as explained in Chapter I., we have by differen- tiating (2) S a da = db db + f) A dA - t) B dB (5) where ft a , di> are the differences corresponding to one unit for the numbers a and b in a table of logarithms, and dA, SB are the differences for i" for the angles A and B in a table of log sines. Hence ' The two equations (3) and (6) may be used to check one another. Ex. 5. The following example is given for the sake of showing the form of solution by the method of logarithmic differences. In the triangulation of Lake Superior there were measured in the triangle Middle, Crebassa, Traverse Id. (ABC) Z A = 57 04' 51". 4 HA = o".30 Z B 67 15' 39". 2 /IB o".29 The side Middle-Traverse Id. as computed from the Keweenaw Base is 16894.9 yards. Taking fti, = 0.05 yd., find //< and //c We have , sin A a = b sin B . . log (a + da) = log (b + dt>) + log sin (A + dA) log sin (B + dB) Then (see Ex. i, Art. 7), the differences being expressed in units of the seventh decimal place, log (b + db) = 4.2277556 + 257 db log sin (A + dA) = 9.9239892 + 14 dA colog sin (B + dB) . 0.0351398 9 dB . . log a + $ a da = 4. 1868846 + 257 db + 14 dA 9 dB and 283 da 257 db + 14 dA ^dB. Since log a = 4.1868846, and 283 is the difference S a as given in the table. IIO THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Hence ,. , = 0.0024 and Ha = 0.05 Also = (?g)' (.05)' + (--)' (.30) = V'(o.29) 2 + (0.30)- = o".42 Miscellaneous Examples. Y >" 66. Examples of Mean-Square and Probable Error. .>. i. If in a theodolite read by 2 verniers the p. e. of a reading (mean of vernier readings) is 2", show that if it is read by 3 verniers the p. e. of a reading will be a little over i".5, and if read by 4 verniers a little less than i".5. Ex. 2. The p. e. of an angle of a triangle is r ; show that the p. e. of the triangle-error is ;- \ 3, all of the angles being equally well measured. [Error = 180 - (A + B + Q.] Ex. 3. The expansion of a bar for i C. is ga 9/7 show that for i Fahr. it is $a $r. Ex. 4. The length of a measuring bar at the beginning of a measurement was a >'i. After x measures had been made it was b ;- 2 . Show that the length of the th measure, the length being supposed to change uniformly witli the distance measured, is .~^-^ a+ 6- [For if da is the error of a, and db of />, then the error of a -\ (b a) is (i -- ]da + - db. and the above p. e. follows. x) x It is a common mistake to write the error in the form da + - (db da), / ,'^ and hence to infer that the p. e. is {/ r^ -\ -(r^ + r 2 ' 2 ). ] Ex. 5. Prove that the p. e. of the mean of two observations whose dif- ference is d is 0.337 d, and the p. e. of each observation is 0.477 d. DIRECT OBSERVATIONS. Ill Ex. (i. The line Monadnock-Gunstock (94469 m.) was computed from the Massachusetts Base (17326 w.) through the intervening triangulation. The p. e. of the line arising from the triangulation is o m .3i7, and the p. e. of the base is 0^.0358 ; find the total p. e. of the line. [p.e. = f/(^ X 0.0358)* +(0.317)- = o.372] Ex. 7. The Minnesota Point Base reduced to sea-level is 1325 X 15 ft. bar at 32 4- n".3i4 o'.42i and 15 ft. bar at 32 = 179'". 95438 o'.oooi2 show that the p. e. of the base is o.45o. [p. e. =: 1(1325 X 0.00012)- + (0.421)- = o'.45o. We multiply o'. 00012 by 1325 : uncertain which sign it is ; but whichever it is, it is constant all the way through.] E.\\ S. If the zenith distance of a star is observed ;/i times at upper culmination, and trfe zenith distance T of the same star is observed 2 times at lower culmination, show that the m. s. e. of the latitude of the place of observation is V-+- 2 ' HI n-z H being the m. s. e. of a single observation. [Latitude = 90 f (? + ?')! Ex. 9. Given the telegraphic longitude results, h. m. s. s. Cambridge west of Greenwich = 4 44 30.99 0.23 Omaha west of Cambridge = i 39 15.04 0.06 Springfield east of Omaha 25 08.69 o. n show that Springfield west of Greenwich = 5 58 37.34 0.26 [p. e. =: t .23- + .06- + .11- = 0.26] E.\. 10. Given mass of earth + mass of moon = 305879 2271 and mass of moon = mass of earth prove mass of earth 309635 2299 [For (305879 22-1) X ^ - = 309635 2299] c i . 44 112 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Ex. ii. In measuring an angle suppose r^ = p. e. of a pointing at a signal, r-i = p. e. of a reading of the limb of the instrument, e =. error of graduation of the arc read on, then, assuming that these result from the only sources of error not eliminated, show if the limb has been changed m times and n readings taken in each position, that p. e. of angle = [For one position of the limb /2(?V + rj) -- + c 2 as the error of graduation remains constant throughout each set of // readings]. Ex. 12. The distance o i mm on a graduated line-measure is read with a micrometer; show that the p. e. of the mean of two results is equal to the p. e. of a single reading. [For distance o i mm , = ^ | (first + second rdg.) at o (first + second rdg.) at i mm \ ..(p.e.) s =i{4(p.e.) s ofardg.}] Ex. 13. In the comparison of a mm. space on two standards placed side by side and read with a micrometer, the p. e. of a single micrometer read- ing being a, show that the p. e. of the difference of the results of M combined /2 measurements (each being the mean of two measurements) is 4/ -a. [For p. e. of a reading = a p. e. of a combined measurement = a and p. e. of mean of n combined measurements = , etc.] Vn Ex. 14. A theodolite is furnished with n reading microscopes, all of the same precision. A graduation-mark on the limb is read on m times with a single microscope, giving the p. e. of a single reading to be r. The telescope is then pointed at an object m times, and the p. e. of the mean of the micro- scope readings is found to be r 2 . Show that the p. e. of a pointing is [p. e. of reading (mean of verniers) with n microscopes = Vn Total error = error of reading + error of pointing .'. rj = + (p. e. of ptg.) 5 , etc.] n DIRECT OBSERVATIONS. 113 Ex, 15. If //ii, n-ibi are the m. s. e. of the base measurements, and fi t \ the m. s. e. of the ratio A, given by the triangulation, of a base b- t to a base b\, show that the m. s. e. of the discrepancy between the computed and measured values of b* is b t V[> s ]. [Discrepancy = 2 />]A = / suppose db*-l> l d\Xdl> l =dl and fist** + /'i s (;< 3 A) 4 + A-(/<,*,) 2 = n", or /'./W+/<3 2 + ,,-) = /<-] Ex. 16. At the time t\ the correction to a chronometer was af rj, and at the time / 2 it was a-f r a y show that the p. e. of the rate of the chronometer is - and find the p. e. of the correction to the chronometer at an /a /i interpolated time /'. I",-. a i a > , Correction = a -\ (/ A) at time / , L I* ^i .*. p. e. = Ex. 17. Given x cos a = A n x sin a = / 2 r a find p. e. of .v and of or. , .//I'-vr- + / 2 ->./- .'. p.e. of JT I/ -- r^ . Similarly p. e. of n: = M" + l-i~ "JT. iS. Given on a line measure the p. e. of a distance OA measured from to be r\, and of OB, also measured from O, to be r t ; find the p.e. of OD when D is the middle point of AB. + OB) .-. r = i i TV' + TV If /-, = r 2 = i**, for example, then r o*.S, when // = one micron. It may at first sight appear paradoxical that the p. e. of the computed quantity may be smaller than the p. e. of the measured. It is evident, how- ever, that the error of OD is one-half the sum of the errors of OA and OB. If the signs of the errors are alike the error of OD is never greater than the larger of the errors ; if the signs are different it is always less.J 114 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Ex. 19. Given the p. e. of .r to be r; find the p. e. of log x. r j i mod. , a log x = _ dx L ' x mod. ~l . . p. e. log x = r a- J Ex. 20. 'In the measurement of the Massachusetts base line, consisting of 2165 boxes, the p. e. of a box, as derived from comparisons with the standard meter, was o'.ooooo55, the p. e. from instability of microscopes in meas- uring a box was o m .oooi27, and the p. e. of the base from temperature cor- rections was o"*.o332. Show that the p. e. of the base arising from these independent causes combined is o'*.o358. [p. e. y (2165 x o^.oooooss) 9 -\- (o".oooi27 V 2165)" -\-(o m . 0332)- = o>.035S] Ex. 21. Given the length of the Massachusetts base to be 17326. 3763 o m .O3$&; show that the corresponding value of the p. e. of its logarithm is 8.973 in units of the seventh place of decimals. [ log (b 0.0358) = log b ~ (0.0358) See Art. 7. log mod. 9.6377843 log 0.0358 8.5538830 8.1916673 log b 4.2387077 0.0000008973 3.9529596 ] Ex. 22. The m. s. e. of the log. of a number A^ in units of the seventh decimal place is 10.6 ; find the ratio of the m. s. e. to the number. [ log (N + v) = log N + ~ rr 1 v /mod.Y . ) /'-log (N + )= I mod. . . TV- /' = 10.6 -5- io 7 // T n and N 4iooooJ 67. Examplc of Weighting. Ex. i. The weights of the independently measured angles BAC, CAD, DAE are 3, 3, i respectively ; find weight of the sum-angle BAE. ti ill - =-+- + -, .'. wt. -0.6 wt. 3 3 i -J DIRECT OBSERVATIONS. 115 Ex. 2. If X = a t xi + f/- .J!' V * ' -"-. 3. Prof. Hall found, from observations of the satellites of Mars, that from Deimos, Mass of Mars = , and from Phobos, Mass of 3095313 3435 Mars = the mass being expressed in the common unit. 3078456 10104 Show that, taking the weighted mean, we have approximately Mass of Mars = 3093500 3295 Ex. 4. On a graduated bar the space o i m -is measured anci found to be im. with a weight i, and the space o 2 m is measured and found to be -2m. with a weight 2; required the value of the space i m 2 m and its weight P. [Space i m 2 m = im. It makes no difference what the weights are so far as the value of the space is concerned. To find P. (i m 2'" ) = (o 2"' ) (o i'" ) 1113 - = - + - = - and P= P i 2 2 2 -i = 3 J E.\. 5. Given the weight of .\ ~ = f, show that weight of log * = y Ex. 6. If .v = and the weight of v is/, then weight of .V = c- p Ex. 7. Given the results for difference of longitude, Washington and Key West, m. s. s. 1873, Dec. 24, 19 01.42 0.044 Dec. 26, 1.37 .037 Dec. 30, 1.38 .036 Dec. 31, 1.45 .036 1874, Jan. 9, i. 60 .046 Jan. 10, 1.55 .045 Jan. ii, 19 01.57 0.047 show that m. s. t. weighted mean = 19 01.460 0.016 weighted mean of first four nights =n 19 01.404 0.019 weighted mean of last three nights = 19 01.573 0.027 and from the last two results check the first. 10 Il6 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Ex. 8. In the trianguiation connecting the Kent Id. Base, Md., and the Craney Id. Base, Va., the length of the line of junction computed from w. m. / Kent Id. Base = 26758.432 0.38 ^ Craney Id. Base = 26758.176 0.43 Show that m. m. .V A, (1) Discrepancy of computed values = 0.256 0.57 ' (2) Most prob. length of junction line = 26758.32 0.028 Ex. g. In latitude work with the zenith telescope, if n north stars are combined with s south stars, giving ns pairs, to find the weight of the combina- tion, that of an ordinary pair, one north and one south, being unity. [Let // = the m. s. e. of an observation of one north star or of one south star. Then, as though combining the mean of n north stars with the mean of s south stars, the wt./ of the combination is 2ns ~[ .'. i> f n + s . "The combination of more than two stars gave some trouble. In one case there were 3 north and 4 south, which would give 12 pairs, but with a 3X4 weight of 27- only. In this and al! similar cases I treated the whole com- 3~r4 bination as one pair ; that is, I inserted in the blank provided the half-sum of the mean of the declinations of north stars ;md of the mean of the declinations of south stars, and gave the result a higher weight. This is the only logical method." (Safford, Report, Chief of Engineers U. S. A., 1879, p. 1987.) For a series of examples by Airy on the weights to be given to the separate results for terrestrial longitude determined by the observations of transits of the rnoon and fixed stars, see Atem. Roy. Astron. Soc., vol. xix. Ex. 10. If a close zenith star is observed with a zenith telescope first as a north star, and immediately after as a south star, show that the weight of the resulting latitude is less than that found from observing an ordinary pair. Ex. ii. In the trianguiation of Lake Ontario the angle Walworth-Palmyra- Sodus was measured as follows : In 1875, with theodolite P. and M. No. i, 74 25' 05". 429 o".2g, mean of 16 results ; In 1877, with theodolite T. and S. No. 3, 74 25' O4".6ii o".22, mean of 24 results ; required the most probable value of the angle and its probable error. DIRECT OBSERVATIONS. 117 [With first theodolite p. e. of a single obs. = o".2() I 16 = i".i6 Wiih second theodolite p. e. of a single obs. = o".22 ^'24 = i".oS Let a single result with the first theodolite be taken as unit of weight, then mean of 16 results has weight 16. Let a single result with the second theodolite have a weight/, re f erred to the same unit as the first, then mean of 24 results has weight 24 p. The value of/ is found from the relation i Vi.oS/ Also r".429 X 16 4- o".6n X most prob. value of angle = 74' 25' 04" + 16 + 24/ and weight of this value = 16 + 24 / ] Note. If, instead of being two measurements of the same angle, the above were the measurements of two angles side by side, then total angle = 148 50' io".O4o because, no matier how much better one is measured than the other, we can do nothing but take the sum of the two values. The weight P of the result would be found from .v. 12. An angle is measured n times with a repeating theodolite, and also n times with a non-repeating theodolite, the precision of a single reading and of a single pointing being the same in both cases; compare the weights of the results. [ //i, /'a the m. s. e. of a single pointing and of a single reading. With a non-repeating theodolite each measurement of the angle contains (pointing + reading) (pointing 4- reading) .'. (m. s. e.)- of one measurement = 2//, 5 + 2// 2 - and (m. s. e.)- of mean of ;; measurements = (2//r + 2// 2 2 ). With a repeating theodolite the successive measurements of the angle are (pointing + reading) pointing pointing pointing pointing (pointing 4- reading) .'. (m. s. e.)- of times the angle = 2/<, 2 + 2fti- and (m. s. e.)- of the angle = (aw//, 1 4- 2// 7 ! ) Il8 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. If, then, p\,pi denote the weights of an angle resulting from n reiterations or from n repetitions, ^ ,. ., . and hence it would seem that the method of repetition is to be preferred to the method of reiteration. This advantage is so much less, the smaller -^ is ; that is, the more the precision of the circle reading increases in proportion to the precision of the pointing. This result is contradicted by experience so much so that in all of the leading surveys repeating theodolites are no longer used in primary work. Where, then, is the fault? Is the theory of least squares false? By no means. We have only another example of a point which occurs over and over again, and which is so apt to be overlooked. (See Arts. 53, 54.) The result obtained is true on the hypothesis that only accidental errors enter. We have assumed a perfect instrument . But the instrument-maker cannot give what the geometer demands. From various mechanical reasons the systematic error in a repeating theodolite increases with the number of observations, whereas in the reiterating theodolite it disappears. This sys- tematic error, in whatever way it arises, causes the trouble. It is useless to discuss accidental errors until it is out of the way; and as no means have yet been devised of getting rid of it, the instrument itself has been abandoned. Cf. Struve, Arc dtt Meridien, vol. i. ; Louis Cruls, Discussion stir les Me'thodes de repetition et reiteration, Gand, 1875 ; Herschel, Outlines of A str. n- omy, Art. 188 ; Coast Survey Report, 1876, App. 20.] Ex. 13. An angle is measured with two repeating theodolites. With the first are made n, repetitions, //i, / mean of 30 readings. To find the weighted mean of these two sets of measure- ments we may proceed in two ways. The number' of re- sults in the first measurement is 20, and the number in the second is 30. Hence, taking the weights proportional to the number of results, the mean . l = IOQ0.220 20 + 30 Again, since the p. e. of the measurements are 0.40 and 0.33, their weights are as to , that is, as 1080 to 1600. and 40' 33' the resulting weighted mean is 1000.219, agreeing, within the limits of the p. e., with the other value. In this example the two methods agree as nearly as could be expected from the small number of observations. But it is not always so. Some " run of luck," or balancing of error, or constant conditions might have made the ob- servations of one set fall very closely together, in which case the weight as found from the p. e. would have been very large, while varying conditions might have caused wide ranges, giving a small weight. A great deal, there- fore, depends on the judgment of the computer in deciding what weight is to be given, it being constantly kept in mind that the strict formulas which are correct in an ideal case must not be pressed too far in practice. Thus in the second set of observations above the first three results were 999.8, 120 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. 999.8, 999.8. The p. e. computed from these would be zero, and the consequent weight infinite. But no one will doubt but that the mean of the 30 results is more reliable than the mean of these three results. 69. An Approximate Method of Weighting. A long-continued series of observations will show the kind of work an instrument is capable of doing under favorable con- ditions ; and if work is done only when the conditions are favorable, the p. e. derived from a certain number of results will generally fall within limits that can be assigned d priori. For example, with the Lake Survey primary theodolites, which read to single seconds, the tenths being estimated, the work of several seasons showed that the p. e. of the mean of from 16 to 20 results of the value of a horizontal angle, each result being the mean of a reading with telescope direct and of a reading witJi telescope reverse, need not be expected to be greater than d '.3. If, therefore, after having measured a series of angles in a triangulation net with these instruments, the p. e. all fell within o".3, it was considered sufficiently accurate to assign to each angle the same weight. The objection to this is that "an instrument which has a large periodic error may, if properly used, give as good results as 1 if it had none ; but the discrepancies between its combined results for an angle and their mean may be large, thus giving an apparently large probable error to the mean. Moreover, a given number of results over short lines, or lines over which the distant signals are habitually steady when seen in the telescope, will give a resulting value for the angle of much greater weight than the same number of combined results between two stations which are habitually unsteady." * The same method of weighting was employed by the Northern Boundary Commission in their latitude work. " The standard number of observations [for a latitude de- termination] was finally fixed at about 60, it being found * Professional Papers of the Corps of Engineers U. S. A., No. 24, p. 354. WEIGHTING OF OBSERVATIONS. 121 that with the 32-in. instrument 60 observations would give a mean result of which the p. e. would be about 4 feet." 70. Weighting when Constant Error is Present. The preceding leads us to the case where the error of ob- servation can be separated into two parts, one of which is due to accidental causes and the other to causes which are constant throughout the observations. The total error e would, therefore, be of the form This case has been discussed already in general terms in Art. 53 in explaining the well-known fact that an increase in the number of observations with a given instrument does not lead to a corresponding increase of accuracy in the result obtained. Let //, = the m. s. e. of the observation arising from the accidental causes, ^ = the error peculiar to the observation arising from the constant causes. Then /./,, ^, being independent, the total m. s. e. [j. of obser- vation may be assumed !' = /V + /V If // observations have been made we shall have for the m. s. e. fjL g of their mean, since //,, is constant, It is evident that when ;/ is large ./ becomes the important term, and that in any case the value of // and consequent weight can be but little improved by increasing the num- ber of observations. For the purpose of finding the value of the m. s. e. arising from the constant sources of error a special series of observations is in general necessary. After this series has * Kffort, Su >";) <>/ ///< y,-//i,-rn l^uihiary, p. 86. 122 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. been made the value of ^ found from it can be applied in the determination of the value of /^ in any other series made under like conditions. For illustration let us consider a latitude determination with the zenith telescope. It is well known that with this instrument a latitude result found from two observations of a single star either north or south of the zenith is inferior to one found from a combination of a north and a south star. This arises, not from any difference in the mode of observa- tion, but from the errors in declination as given in the star catalogue being cumulative in the one case and balancing in the long run in the other. The zenith-distance, , of each star being observed, the half-difference of zenith-distances for each pair may be com- puted, and each of these computed values may be con- sidered an observed value. The values of the declinations 3 are taken from a catalogue of stars. The errors of 3 are, therefore, independent of those of , and are constant for the same pair of stars. The latitude

Results. 1 . . . I f,' v, 7 f.' './ . . . 2 n z , i " ?; ,. /' 3 f'" ..

1} y v and then move this figure over the map on which the points 1\, P, P a are plotted until the directions PP lt PP V PP 3 lie over the points P n P v P 3 respectively. The position of P is then pricked through. So far as the plotting of soundings is concerned, the above is in general sufficient; but in the location of important secondary points with reference to known primary points greater precision is necessary. The position of P may be computed trigonometrically as follows: Since the positions of the points F lt P v P 3 are known, the lengths of the lines 1\P P^P^ PJ\ ^re known, and, therefore, the angle P^P* can be found. Call its value ft. Denote the angles PP^P V PP S P~ 2 by j, 2 respectively. The sum of the angles of each of the triangles PP t P 3 , bein 180, we have and, therefore, , + .< = 3 6o - ?, - f - /? a known quantity. Again, PP, />./, PP n _ P^_ sin j sin ^, sin ., sin ^ sin 2 _ P^ sin ^ 2 . sin a .., ,, ' " . - - tan y suppose, PJ sin > 3 INDIRECT OBSERVATIONS. 209 and sin a 1 -\- sin a _ I -f- tan y sin a, sin ,^ i tan y or cot I (a, - ,) = tan (y + 45) cot I (a, -f 2 ) and, therefore, , , is known. Combining- with the value of , -(- . 2 , we find , and .,. Mence the position of Pis completely determined. It often happens, as in the determination of the position of a light-house, for example, that more than three points are sighted at from the point occupied, and that there are more observations than are necessary to locate the point. Its most probable position can consequently be found. We proceed to show the method of finding it. Let P lt P. 2 , . . . be the known points in order of azi- muth, as seen from the unknown point P. X^ Y l : X^ Y. 2 ; . . . the co-ordinates of/ 3 ,, /*... referred to some known sys- tem of rectangular axes, preferably the parallel and meridian at the point chosen as origin of co-ordinates. 0,, 0,, . . . the angles which the most probable positions of/ 3 /",, PP. 2 , , . . make with the axis of x. $,', #/, . . . approximate values of these angles as computed from the co-ordinates, and # #,, . . . corrections to these approximate values, so that y,, ( . . . the angles observed at P between the directions /Y', PP., . . . and the initial direction PI\. X, Y, . . . the co-ordinates of P referred to the same axes as A' lt Y l : A\, Y.,; . . . Suppose X', Y' to be close approximations to the values of X, F, found graphically, and ,r, y corrections to these values, so that X=zX' + x t Y= Y'+y, Now, Y - - F, tan = 2IO THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. or V Y A- v tan(0/ + *0 = *d A - A! -\- * Take logs, of both members and expand, then log tan 0/ + dfr = log ( F ' - F,) + o j, - log (A- - A',) - o where o,, o 2 , o 3 are tabular differences, as explained in Art. 7. But F' F tan #/ -T77 ^r 1 , and is, therefore, known. A A, Hence j suppose, or Similarly 0= *' Now, comparing computed and observed values of the angle P,P1\, Calling the quantity - ft - (^/ - 0/) = A the observation equation may be written (a, - a^x + (l\ - b^y = /, An observation equation for each of the other angles y v 3 , . . . observed at P may be formed in the same way. In the expansions above we have used log. differences as being most convenient and as leading to results close enough in problems of this kind. Five-place tables are sufficient; indeed, in most cases four-place are ample. INDIRECT OBSERVATIONS. 211 On this problem consult Bessel, Zach's Monatliche Cor- respondent, vol. xxvii. p. 222; Gerling, Pothenotsche Aufgabe, Marburg, 1840 ; Gauss, Astron. Nachr., vol. i. No. 6 ; Schott, C. S. Report, 1864, App. 13; Petzold, Zeitschr. fiir Vermess., vol. xii. p. 227. Ex. Given the rectangular co-ordinates of six known points, and the angles observed at the point P whose position is to be determined, as follows (C. S. Report, 1864, App. 13): X, = 1845.0 F, = 5534.0 cp t = 61 12' 10" X-, 1485.0 F, = 2486.7 cp., = 97 48' 27' X 3 = o.o F 3 = o.o / = 117' 23' 19" and 5, = 31 for i' Hence 2 = 178 38' 14" + 2.5_r + 103. Gy W 3 = 215 17' 07" 28.0* 4- 39. 6j t) 4 = 313 28' 28' IO3. 2.V 97-8^ 6 5 = 323" 03' 45" 35.6.V- 47. 3j ^f. = 333" 22' 37" - 35.6.V 71.0;' Subtracting <->i from each of the values W 2 , (-) 3 , ... in succession, and com- paring with the measured values ", .../...; L' , L ', . . . are known constants. If v^ v v . . . v n denote the most probable corrections to the observed values, so that V^-M^v, V, - M, = v, .... (2) 214 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. we have the reduced condition equations a'v^ -f- a"v^ -f- . . . /' =: o b'v, -f 'V 2 + . . . - I" = o or [av\ I' = o L J V.J/ where I' = L' - \_aM~\, I" = L" - \bM\ . . ., and are, there- fore, known quantities. The most probable system of corrections is that which makes \_pvv~\ = a minimum, GO suppose. The problem is to solve this minimum function when the corrections v are subject to the above n c conditions. Direct Solution Method of Independent Unknowns. 109. It is plain that n c of the corrections can, by means of the condition equations, be expressed in terms of the remaining n n c corrections, and that by substituting these n c values in the minimum function we should have a reduced minimum function containing n n c independent unknowns. This function can be found in the usual way by equating to zero its differential coefficients with respect to each unknown in succession. The n n c resulting equa- tions, taken in connection with the n c condition equations, determine the n corrections i\, i\, . . . v n . Thence \_pvv~] is found. The solution of the n n c equations can be carried through by any of the methods of Chapter IV. The pre- cision of the adjusted values, or of any function of them, can also be found as in Chapter IV. CONDITION OBSERVATIONS. 21 5 Ex. i. Take that already solved in Ex. 4, Art. 83. Let Vi, vi, v 3 , v^, z> be the most probable corrections to the measured angles, then the conditions to be satisfied are PSB + z/ 4 = FSB + v* FSP vi OSB 4- z>5 = FSB + v 3 FSO vi Substituting for PSB, FSB, etc., their measured values, the condition equa- tions may be written v\ v 3 + vt = 0.76 Vi v 3 + z/ s = 1.66 wiih $v i~ + 7V* 1 + 4^3 2 + 7Vt- + 4rv = a min. Substitute for z/ 4 , ?' B in the minimum equation, and SVi a - + 7~v + 4^a 2 + 7(z'i Va + 0.76) 2 + 4(1/2 v 3 + i.66) s = a min. Hence, differentiating with respect to TI, r% v 3 as independent variables, we have the normal equations I2-c', - 7<' 3 = 5.32 iir-a 47' 3 = - 6.64 7^1 4c/ 2 + 157-3 = 11.96 whence and from the condition equations T' 4 = 0".03 I/ 8 = 0".62 These results are the same as those already found on p. 149. Ex. 2. The angles A, J5, C of a spherical triangle are equally well measured ; required the adjusted values and their weights. The condition equation to be satisfied is A +B + C- 180 + e (i) where e is the spherical excess of the triangle. Putting yl/, + :,, J/ 3 + -', M 3 + 7- 3 for A, B, C, the condition equation becomes ''i + ''i + r- 3 = 1 80 + [,V] = / suppose (2) Also "V + 7' 2 ! + TV = a min. Substitute for 7' 3 from (2) in the minimum function, and 7V + 7' 3 S + (?, + 7', /) 3 = a min. 2l6 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Differentiating with respect to the independent variables vi, z> a , and V\ + 2V* = l (3) which give Also from Eq. 2, Hence the correction to each angle is one-third of the difference of the theoretical and measured sums of the three angles. To find the weight of the adjusted value of an angle, as A. The function is dF ' = v\ Hence, following the method of Art. 101 (b), where G\ = i, and Qi, @ 2 are found from 2(?i + (? 2 = I @i + 2<2-, = o that is, weight of A = f if weight of measured value is unity. Check. Weight of direct measure of A = i Wt. of indirect meas. (=180+ B C) of A = % Weight of mean = i as already found. Ex. 3. To find the weight of a side, a, in a triangle all of whose angles have been equally well measured, the base, b, being free from error. sin A Here F-=a = br- sin B .'. dF a sin i" (cot A v cot r-j) The weight is found from u f = a sin i" cot A Qi a sin i" cot B Q 2 where Qi, Qi satisfy the equations (Art. 101) 2 Qi + (?a a s ' n T cot -^ Qi + "2.Q.I. = a sin i" cot B Hence Up ^a'' sin 2 i" (cot 2 A + cot 2 B + cot A cot B) CONDITION OBSERVATIONS. Ex. 4. The measured values of the angles of a triangle have the same weight. Show that if the corrections to the angles are expressed in terms of the corrections to the log. sines of the angles, and the corrections to these log. sines found by treating them as observed quantities, the same results will be obtained as in Ex. 2. For example take 50, 60, 70" oo' 30". Indirect Solution MctJiod of Correlates. 1 10. If the unknowns in the condition equations are much entangled the direct solution would be very laborious. It is in general, therefore, advisable, instead of eliminating the n c unknowns directly, to do so indirectly by means of unde- termined multipliers, or correlates, as they are called. If we multiply the condition equations 3, Art. 108, in order by the correlates k' , k", . . ., we may write GO = k' (|>;] - /') -f- "(O] - O + + O'"] = a min. (i) and determine k', k" , . . . accordingly. By differentiation, d<*> = (a'k 1 + b'k" -f . . . -f 2p,v l )dv l + (a"k' + b"k" + . . . + 2A^Kz' 2 + ... (2) If we place equal to zero the coefficients of n c of the dif- ferentials dv^ dv v . . . we shall have n c equations from which to find k', k", . . . Substitute these n c values in the ex- pression lor , . . ., and thence the function [/t/t/]. 218 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. In carrying this out the form of the differential equation 2 shows that it would be advantageous to multiply the minimum equation by |, and so write (i) in the form >] = a min. (3) Differentiating, we have the n correlate equations a"k'+b"k"+ . . . =/X (4) Substituting for z/,, ZA,, . . . in the condition equations their values derived from these equations, and the normal equa- tions result. Thev are (5) . . from (4), Solving, we obtain k ', k" , . . ., and thence z\, ' v . and F,, F a , . . . from (2), Art. 108. The normal equations may be written \uaa\k' -f \uab~\k" + . . . = I' where ?/ z^ 2 , . . . denote the reciprocals of the weights / / 2 , ... The form of these equations shows that the coefficients \_uaai], \_uab~], . . . may be computed as in Art. 85, the corresponding scheme being k' CONDITION OBSERVATIONS. 2 19 If the elimination of the normal equations is performed by the method of substitution (Art 86), we have, by col- lecting the first equations of the successive groups, \tiaa\k' -f \iiab~\k" -f- \iiac\k'" -{-...=/' + \iibb.\\k + \iibc.i\k'" + . . . r.\ + \ucc.2\k'" -f . . . =/'".2 (7) where /', /".i, I'". 2, . . . correspond to [#/], [bl.i], \cl.2\ . . . respectively. These equations being precisely similar in form to Eq. 8, Art. 86, the elimination gives (see Art. 96) I' - l I l '' 1 R> I l '"' 2 R" I ~ \uaaY \ubb.i\ \_ucc. 2\ ' , Z^e , (8) ] r \_ucc. 2] where ._ ] (9) /". I = I'R + /" i" f .2 = i'R" +rs n + /'" (10) 29 22O THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Ex. i. Take that solved in Ex. i, Art. 109. The condition equations are Vi vs + v\ = o. 76 v-t v 3 + 7' 5 = 1.66 (i) The correlate equations consequently are k' = 5^1 k" = iv* k' k" = 47/3 (2) k' = 7^4 k" = 4v 6 To form the normal equations we may substitute for v\, Va, . . , from (2) in (i), or proceed by means of the tabular form on p. 218. We find 0.5929^' + o.25/" =0.76 o. 25/6' + 0.6429^" = 1.66 The solution of these equations gives &' = 0.230 k" = 2.492 whence, from the correlate equations, vi = o".os, v-i = o".36, v a = + o".6S, z/ 4 = o".O3, V& = o".62 Check. The results satisfy the condition equations. Ex. 2. The angles, A, B, C, of a spherical triangle are measured with their weights, /i, /a,/a ; required their adjusted values. The condition equation may be written (see Ex. 2, Art. 109) " sin3 2 )'_> = a 2 w and the errors in departure to sin3, xi + , cos3i n = j r , ~ w [a sin 3] stn3 2 jr 2 + , n is the number of observation equations, and tif the number of independent unknowns. Hence in a system of condition equations, n being the number of observed quantities and n c the number of con- ditions, the number of independent unknowns is n ;/,., and n(rin c ) /\pvv\ Y (i) Liiroth's formula (Art. 99) may be used as a check on the value of//. Checks of \_pvv\. When the number of residuals is large, in order to guard against mistakes \_pvv\ should be com- puted in at least two different ways. The following check methods will be found useful: CONDITION OBSERVATIONS. 225 () The correlate equations 4, Art. no, may be written I X A 7-, =: l/^ a' k' + i/w, V k" + . . . l 7 / a 7' 2 =: Vu, a"k' -f Vn. 2 b"k" + . . . Square and add, and [/>7'7'] = \_uaa~\k' V -\- 2\uab\k k" -f 2\uac\k'k'" -f- . . . + \ubb~\k" k" -f 2J>&r]"/r' + . . . + \iicc]k'"k'" + ... (2) + . . . = [/'/] from (6), Art. 1 10. - /'y&' -f /"yfe" R 1 \ubb.i\ I 1 f , /, /, T H 1 r , , n~\ I ' ' _(/7_ (/".I)' (/-.2)' ^ [ttbb.l'] \_UCC.2] by addition attending to Eq. 10, Art. no. This expression is very readily computed from the solu- tion of the correlate normal equations, as shown in Ex. 2 following. Compare the computation of [77'] from the scheme in Art. 100. The sum [/TT] can in general be computed more rapidly by these methods than by the direct process of summing the weighted squares of the residuals. Ex. i. The three angles of a triangle are measured with the weights /i, /a, /a / required the mean-square error of a single observation. Using the values of r^, ?, 7-3 found in Ex. 2, Art. no, we have r. ...... _"' /2 , "* r ' . " /a - M * + [] + M . -11 "M 226 Hence THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. / // = since n c = i Check (i). [pvv\ = [/t/] as before. , ~M Check (2). \_pvv\ = pr-y directly from Eq. 3, since [uaa] i. [u] Ex. 2. To find the m. s. e. of a single observation in Ex. i, Art. no. The first step is to find the value of \_pvv\. Three methods are given p 1! pvv 5 0.05 .0125 7 0.36 .9072 4 + 0.68 1.8496 7 0.03 .0063 4 0.62 1.5376 4.3132 = [/ZT>] (2) k < / O.23O - 2.493 0.76 - 1.66 0.1748 4-1384 4.3132 = [/?'-'] (3) From the solution of the correlate normal equations: -6' k" + 0.5929 + 0.2500 + 0.2500 + 0.6429 0.76 - 1.66 = r } r + i. + 0.4217 - 1.2818 = J [u.aai + 0.5375 + i. - 1-3395 = /".i 1 [ul>/>.i\ CONDITION OBSERVATIONS. ' [/"''''] =o.j() X 1.2819 + 1.3395 X 2.492 = 4.3136 Hence, the number of conditions being two, (b) To find ii F . Let the function whose weight is to be found be F=f(V lt F 2 , . . . r) (4) and let it be conditioned by the n c equations /,(r,, r ft . . . r u )= Expressing F m terms of the observed values, M^M. r . . . J\f, n which are independent of one another, and reducing to the linear form, we have f)F f)F ' +v * + - Hence as in Art. 101, where ?/,, ?/.,, . . . are the reciprocals of the weights of the observed values. As it usually requires a long elimination to express F in terms of J/,, M, . . . M M direct!} 7 , it is better to compute :, . . . trom the torms 6M HL *_ F i^_. ()F : )F ' i o J/, ~" o I \ oM, "" o F 2 r) J/, ~" rtF oF f) F 228 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Ex. 3. To find the m. s. e. of a side, a, in a triangle wliose angles have been measured with the weights />,, f^, f> 3 , the base, />, being free from error. The function equation is sin A F=a = b - sin B and the condition equation A + B + C= 180 + Hence from Ex. 2, Art. no, expressing A, B in terms of the observed values, B = M, + j-? j 180 + - (Aft + M, + M,) Now, = a sin i" / < ( i r n ) cot A + ~. cot B\-v\ \\\ []/ [] i I 1 / S\ ) I #1 W-j + ^ - j^j COt ^ - ( I - - } COt B -7' 2 + -] - f COt /i +j : I M V M/ i < M L] Therefore / \ / i \ I ~ II F = a' J sin- i I - I i p 1 cot A + j -= cot j9 v ?/, = rt 2 sin- i" -, ( , "-: | cot' 2 ^ + ( a r^r ) ( V L] / \ H / 2 cot ^ cot and jiif = jii \'up where // is the m. s. e. of a single observation. If the weights/i, p*, /> 3 are each equal to unit\ r , this reduces to tip' 1 = | a" sin 2 1" /< 2 (cot 2 ^ + cot 2 .5 + cot A cot B) and if the triangle is equilateral, [i'\ = a minimum. Referring to the principle of Art. 1 10, we see that by using correlates /', k" , . . ., and determining them properly, we can express the function in terms of the quantities ?',, i>. 2 , . . . v n as it independent; that is, dF= (/' - a'k' - b'k" - . . .) r, + (/" -a'k'-b'k*- . . >,+ . . . (II) and, therefore, HF= (f a'k' b'k" -- . . .)'"'//, + (/" -a!'k'-b"k" - . . .)X+- (12) It remains to determine k' ', k' ', . . . Now, when the most probable values of the corrections z/,, v^ . . . i' n are sub- stituted in the value of the function dF, this function must have its most probable value, and, therefore, its maximum weight. We may, therefore, determine the correlates k from the condition that the weight of dF is a maximum ; that is, that U F is a minimum. Differentiate, then, U F with respect to k' , k", ... as independent variables, and we have the equations \uaa\k' -f- \iiab\k" -f- . . . = \naf~\ [uaW+[uMW+ =\&rt (13) from which k ', k" , . . . are found. 230 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. These equations being precisely of the form of ordinary normal equations, it follows, as in (c) and (d), Art. 100, that F = Wf\-\.f\k' - \ubf\k" - (14) or it r H ff~\ ( T c* \ tip **JJ \ - -p -, . 7 -. ... v ! b / [uaa] \ubb. i J The form of the last expression for u p shows that it ma)' be found by means of the following scheme, in which [#/], \_ubf~], . . . are added as an extra column in the solution of the correlate normal equations (13), in the man- ner shown in Art. 100. For three correlates the scheme would be V k" k'"- \}iad\ ' \jiaU\ \jiac\ \_naf\ \iibU\ \_ubc] w\ [we] \_rnf -\ \ubb,\\ \ubc.i] \_ucc.i] \UCf.l\ < [HCC.2] w^ = Up CONDITION OBSERVATIONS. 231 Ex. 4. To find the weight of the angle PSB in Ex. i, Art. 109. Here dF = vi + 7' 3 .-./,= -!, f-2 =o, / 3 - + i From the condition equations a = + i a"'' = i a"" = + I b" = + i //" = - i //"" = + i .-. [uaf] = J X - i + i X [*/]=-* [?/l + 0.2500 = [itl>f~\ -0.7590 c.o6o2 [ul>/.i] + 0.4500 = [//] + 0.3416 + 0.1084 =[//!] + I 2.492 0. 1 1 2O 4- 0.0067 + O.IOI7 =[tlff.2\ Also as before. = 1.47 \ 0.1017 from Ex. = o".47 Ex. 5. To find the %veight and m. s. e. of the adjusted value of an angle of a triangle when all three angles are measured, their weights being/,, / 2 ,/ 3 respectively. The function is dF = r, and the condition equation 232 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Hence from (15) M Also /<-= /' Vu / / I \ ~~^\V r -\uT < SeeEx - 1 - The weight of an angle before adjustment is to the weight after adjustment, as 1. M Ml ' #l(2 + U 3 ) If^i, =/ =/> 3 = i, the weights are as 2 : 3. This result is independent of the magnitude of the angle. It therefore applies to any problem in which the condition to be satisfied is that the sum of two quantities shall be equal to a third, or in which the sum of all three is equal to a constant. For other solutions see Ex. 2, Art. 109. Ex. 6. If n angles measured at a station close the horizon, find the weight of the adjusted value of any one of them. [The solution is exactly as in the preceding example. The weight of V lt for instance, is found from 1 1 the weights /i, / a> . . . are all equal to one another, the weight of an angle after adjustment is to its weight before adjustment as n : n i ] Ex. j. Show that the weight of the sum of the adjusted angles of a triangle is infinite. [Sum = 180 + e , a fixed quantity, . ". m. s. e. =o, and weight = co or otherwise CONDITION OBSERVATIONS. 233 Ex. 8. In the "longitude triangle" Brest, Greenwich, Paris, as de- termined by the U. S. Coast Survey in 1872, the observed values were m. s. Brest-Greenwich, 17 57.154 weight 10 Greenwich-Paris, 9 21.120 " 7 Brest-Paris, 27 18.190 " 9 Show that the most probable values are m. s. T 7 S7- 1 3 weight 14 9 21.086 " 12 27 18.216 " 13 Ex. 9. To find the weight of a side in a chain of triangles, all of the angles of each triangle having been equally well measured and the base being free from error. Let A be the measured value of the base, and let - j- ^ Hi, a-i, . . . , the angles A,, A- 2 , . . . being opposite to the sides of continuation, then Hi _ sin A i a-i _ sin AI a n _ sin A n /> sin Bi c/i sin B? ' ' n n - \ sin fi n Hence by multiplying these expressions together, _ sin Ai sin Ai sin A n sin Bi sin - 2 sin B n (r) We may now proceed in two ways. (a) Differentiating directly, da* a n sin i" [cot A (A) cot B (B)] where (A), (/?), . . . denote the corrections to A, B, . . . [In a chain of triangles it is convenient to use the notation (A), (B) . . . for T'i, v-i the parentheses indicating corrections.] The condition equations, from the closure of the triangles, are / f \ i / /? A i / /"* \ ' ' v' i / T 1-^-2 i ) ~r \L* i ) i Substituting in Eq, 15, tia n = I i = * n/>- sin- i" (4) 234 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Hence in a chain of equilateral triangles the weights of the sides decrease as we proceed from the base, />, through the successive triangles, inversely as the number of triangles passed over ; that is, are as the fractions 1, i, i i, (b) Taking logs, of both members of Eq. I and differentiating, /log a n -^ log sin Ai (Ai) - log sin J5 t (B t ) + . . . a A i (Mi i = [8A(A)-8 B (B)\ (5) or expanding the first member, da n da H =\8A(A)-8 B (B)~\ (6) where S a is the tabular difference for one unit for the number a n , and 8 A, SB are the logarithmic differences corresponding to i" for the angles A, B in a table of log. sines. (See Art. 7.) Hence attending to the condition equations 2, we have from (15) for Eq. 5, U loga n = It^V + S A $B + S *~] and for Eq. 6, /r + 8 A SB + SB"] as giving the weight of the logarithm of the side and the weight of the side respectively. Of the two forms (a) and (b), the logarithmic is in general the most con- venient in practice. Ex. 10. From a baseAB(=/>) proceeds a chain of equilateral triangles, B all of the angles being equally ~7\t^< BA / well measured, and the sides BC, > / \ / \ / \ / C^' being in the same straight VA B A/ V line. Find the in. s. e. of the line BN, which is n times the base. Take first the simple case of n = 2. sin C\ sin Ai sin A? sin C* F = BN =b h l> sin Bi sin Bi sin -B-i sin B 3 cot 3(83) + cot C 3 (C 3 )\ 6 sin i" Also, we have the condition equations CONDITION OBSERVATIONS. 235 Hence 1',) 4- cot C s (C 3 ) + .......... and If the cliain proceeds in the opposite direction until At\"=BA', then since n . (iV J =// A , V '-', and ^V.\ T ' = 2/> approximately, we have / A sn i4 If NN' is times the base | putting ;/ = - j ,. /2/r yt jUtfX> =n AN sin i 4/ - + io iSw Hence it follows th.it in a chain of ccjuilateral triangles whete one base only is measured, it is better to place the base at the centre of the chain rather than at either end. .r. ii. If a chain of equilateral triangles proceeds from the base AB, as the chain in Ex. io, but in the opposite direction, show that the m. s. e. of BN' , which is ;/ times the base, is and if the chain proceeds also in the opposite direction until AX-BX, then if XX' be taken ;; times the base, // VA ., = // AW sin i"4 /2// '' 31 236 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Ex. 12. If a chain of equilateral triangles proceeds from the base AB, which is in the same straight line as r A B N the derived side BN, show that the in. s. e. of AN, which is (n + i) times the base b, is V V Fig.14 sin i " V4 :i + gn- + 5 tsin^] sin Ai sin C 3 sinAi sinA? sin^4 3 sinA* sin C 5 "1 F = b + b h b - + sini sin/y 2 sinB 3 sin BI s\nB- 2 sin B 3 sin/? 4 sinj9 5 J If also a chain of equilateral triangles proceeds from AB in the opposite direction to JV', then if NN' is times the base, show that the m. s. e. of NN' is f.i NN ' sin I"A/[ n 1 + 3 4 gn Hence show that in computing a line NN' , equal to n times the base AB, through a chain of equilateral triangles, the least loss of precision is with the form of Fig. 12. Ex. 13. To find the m. s. e. of the altitude of a triangle, the base, l>, being supposed free from error, and the reciprocal weights of the angles being 7/1, 7/2, u a respectively. The function is , sin^4 sinC F=b - : sin j? .'. dF=Fs\n i"|cot^ (A) co\.B (B) + colC(C)\ Also the condition (A) + (B) + (C) = I Substituting in (15) U F = F^ \ ?/i cot 5 A + 7/2 cot' 2 B + 7/ s cot 2 C __ (T/I cot A 7/2 cot B + 7/3 cot C) 2 If Z A = Z C, and u^ = 7/2 = 7/3=- / then 2 F- HF-- sin- i cosec 2 ./? and Hb sin i" B /IF- ., - cosec 2 - where// is the m. s. e. of the angle corresponding to the unit of weight. CONDITION OBSERVATIONS. 237 E.\. 14. If two similar isosceles triangles on opposite sides of the base ACarc measured independently, thus forming a rhombus (vertices B,B'), then, taking the weight of each angle unity, f.tb sin i" B /<= f^ ~ cosec- r> and if KB' is n times the base /', then, since cot = n, 2 _ sin i 2 V3 Caution. If we solved for the rhombus directly it would not do to take D BB' = b cot - 2 and then form HBB>. The result would be V 2 times too great. For as the triangles are measured independently, each half of BB' must be considered separately, so that we must use the form BB' = - ( cot + cot ) 2 \ 2 2 / with the condition equations (A) + (B) + (C) = /, (A 1 ) + (B') + (C) = /, corresponding to the angles of the two triangles. Ex. 15. If on a b.ise, b, as diagonal two similar isosceles triangles are described, forming a rhombus, and on the other diagonal of this rhombus two triangles similar to the former are described, forming a second rhombus, and so on / times, required th'j m. s. e. of the last diagonal, all of the angles being equally well measured. For the i tk diagonal '..., . order. Now, as the triangles are all similar, /,', = />., =r />':, . . . = A'.j,,, = B suppose. Hence b B Ji . , f =. f =...= - cot" 1 " 1 cosec- sin i 422 238 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. and ( {/>" /> tid = 2m-\ I cot 2 '"- 2 j Vi6 2 inb~- />' . II . ., -- cot 2 '"" 2 cosec sin- i But db cot'" If d is times the base, For further development ol this subject consult Helmert, Stiuiicn fiber rationelle Vennessnngtn. Leipzig, 1868. Solution in Two Groups. 112. In geodetic work it often happens that the observed quantities are subject to a simple set of conditions which may be readily solved as observation equations by the method of independent unknowns, and are also subject to other conditions which are best solved by the method of correlates. The equations are thus divided into two groups for solution, and the complete solution, therefore, consists of two parts. The observation equations forming the first group are solved by themselves and give approximations to the final values of the unknowns. The corrections to these approximate values due to the second group are next found by solving this second group by the method of correlates.* The merit of the method consists in utilizing the work expended in the solution of the first group in determining the additional corrections due to the second group. The * The first exposition of this method was given by ]>esscl in the Gradmcssiingin Ostfrcusscn. The method of finding the precision of the adjusted values is due to Andrae, Den Danskc Graii- Htaaling, vol. i. Very complete statements will lie found in the introduction to Die frcussischf T.andestriangiiliitiitii) vol. i., I!erlin, 1874; Ferrero, Exposizionedcl metoda dci minimi quaii- rati, Florence, 1876; Jordan, Hamibuch der I'crmcssungskundc, Stuttgart, 1878. CONDITION OBSERVATIONS. 239 solution is rigorous, and, being broken into two purls, is more eusily managed than if all of" the equations had been solved simultaneously. Let the first group of equations be ihe observation equa- tions, u in number and containing ;/ unknowns (;/ > //), ",-i' + b,y -f . . . - /, = c\ weight /, /+. -l* v, " p., ID and the second group the condition equations, n c in number, involving the same unknowns (u c < //), a x -j- a"y -]-... /' = o b'x-{-b"y-\- . . . I" - o (3) The most probable values of the unknowns .r, j', . . . are those which are given by the relation [/TV] = a minimum. (^3) It is required to find them. The value of an unknown is found in two parts, the first, (.r), (j'), . . ., arising from the observation equations, and the second, (i), (2), . . ., arising from the condition equa- tions, thus : Now, overlooking for the present the condition equations and taking the observation equations only, (.r), (j-i, . . would be found by solving these equations in the usual wav. \Ve have, therefore, reducing all to weight unitv for convenience in writing, the normal equations l> |C.r) -f [bb ](;')+ --l/'/i (5) 240 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. The solution of these equations gives (see Art. 97) Hence (x), (j'), . . . are known. To find the condition corrections (i), (2), . . . , eliminate T'J, 7'.,, . . . i' n by substituting" in the minimum equation, which then becomes \ad\xx-\-2\ab~\xy-\- . . . 2\_al~\x + Ww+. - - -2[/> (7) + [//] = a rain. This equation is conditioned by equations 2. Thus the solution is reduced to that already carried out in Art. no. Calling /, //,... the correlates of equations 2, we have the correlate equations | \ni\x -f- \aU\ y + . . . [al~\ = a'I+ ]x + \bb\y +. . . -[l>r\ = a"I+ These equations, taken with (4) and (5), give the relations aa suppose 2 i (8) which being of the same form as (5), their solution gives or substituting for | i |, \2\, . . . their values from (8), (i) A'/+B'//-|-C'/// + . . . CV//+ ... (10) CONDITION OBSERVATIONS. 241 where A' = \aa~\a' -\- \a,i\a" -)- . . . 15 ' = \tuL\b' -f [>V |//' + . . (\ i ) and arc known quantities. We have, therefore, expressed the corrections (i), (2), . . . in terms of the unknown correlates /, //,... It remains now to find these correlates. Substituting for x, y, . . . their values from (4) in the condition equations, and '(!)+" (2)+. . .=/.' //(!) + " (2)+. . . =// (12) where and are, therefore, known quantities, since (x], (j')> are known. Substitute the values of (i), (2), . . ., from (10) in (12), and we have the correlate normal equations [rtA] I -\-\_a~\i\ //+... =/.' ^T//4-. ~- where [rt A] = etc. = etc. (15) The solution of these equations gives the correlates /, //, . . . Hence the corrections (i), (2), . . . are known. Also, since (V), (j), . . . have been found from (6), the total corrections ,r, j, . . . are known. 242 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. 113. In carrying the preceding solution into practice the following order of procedure will be found convenient: (a) The formation and solution of the observation equa- tions (i). The partially adjusted resulting values (V), (y\ . . . are now to be used. (b) The formation of the condition equations (12). *''(!) + ' (2)+. . . =/' //(!) + // (2) + . . .=/: (c) The formation of the weight equations (9). They are at once written down irom the general solution of the observation equations in (a), and are (d) The formation of the correlate equations (8). |Tj = *'/+'//+ . . . IT a"I+b" 11+ . . . (e) The expression of the corrections in terms of the correlates by substituting from (d) in (c). (2) = AV+B*//+. . . (f ) The formation of the normal equations by substitut- ing from (e) in (b). They are, (g) The determination of the corrections by substituting the values of the correlates in (e). CONDITION OBSERVATIONS. 243 1 14. To Find the Precision of the Adjusted Values or of any Function of them. (a) First find //, the m. s. e. of an observation of weight unity. We have (Art. m) number ot conditions since ;/ ;/ is the number of conditions in the observation equations, and //,. the number in the condition equations. To find [vv~\. From the first observation equation Similarl where that is, T',", z' 2 , . . . are the residuals arising from taking the observation equations only. Attending to Eq. 5, p. 239, it follows evidently that [*7'] = O [^'] = O, . . . Square the residuals 7',, TV,, . . . and add, then = [''"''"] + [wzt'J suppose. The total sum [7-7-] may therefore be found in two parts, one from squaring the residuals of the observation equations, and the other from the corrections (i), (2), . . . 244 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. We proceed to put \ww\ in a more convenient shape for computation. from Eq. 8, p. 240. Substitute for (i), | 1 1 , (2), . . . their values from equa- tions S and 10, and expand ; then which may be transformed, by means of Eq. 14, into the form [aw] = /'/+/."//+. . . or, as in Art. m, into the form (/')* (//.I)' (^.2)' [aw] = p^ + ==, + r -- 4 + These forms may be readily computed as in Art. 100. (b) Next find the weight of the given function of the adjusted values. Let the function, reduced to the linear form, be dF=gs+g^+. . . (16) where ,,, . . . are known quantities. Put for x, }>, . . . their values (V)-|-(i), (j') + ( 2 ) and Put for (i), (2), . . . their values from (10), and ... (17) CONDITION OBSERVATIONS. 245 where /, //,... are found from the equations Using the multipliers j, 4, ... in order to eliminate /, //, . . ., we have, as in Art. in, . . . +/'*, + O&.+ . . . (18) We may determine ,, 2 , ... so as to cause the co- efficients of/, //,... to vanish ; that is, so as to satisfy the equations [diX]^ -f DzB^yf . . . = [A] and then we shall have JF =&(*)+&( Substitute for /', / u ", . . . from (13), and G&) + ^(7) + (20) where G l =g l a'k l b'k^ . . . G ^g^-a"k,-b"k,-. . . (21) We have thus expressed the function in terms of (-r), (f), . . . and known quantities. Now, since (,r), (y), . . . are not independent, but are connected by the equations the problem is reduced to that i^ready solved in Art. 101. 246 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. If, therefore, n F is the reciprocal of the required weight, *= [GQ] (22) where Q l =[aa-]G l + [ap]G t +. . . . - . (23) the quantities [], [/3], being as in the weight equa- tions 9. Putting for G lt G 9 , . . . their values from (21) in these equations, and attending to (11), we find Si^i-A'^-B'/fc,- . . . 0, = ft -A^ 1 -B^;-. . . (24) where ?i = [Ui + []&,+ (25) Substituting in (22) for C,, G" 9 , . . . <2n (2 a their values from (21) and (24), But from (11) and (25) Hence, attending to (19), the above expression reduces to \GG\ or to \cc.2\ CONDITION OBSERVATIONS. 247 To compute [^7]. Multiply each of equations 25, in order, by g g v and add, and where [], [/5J, . . . may be taken from the weight equa- tions. The remaining terms of the second form of \GQ\ may be found from the solution of the normal equations, as shown in Art. in. Solution by Successive Approximation. 115. This method of solution (due to Gauss) is of the greatest importance in adjustments involving many con- ditions. It may be stated as follows : The condition equations may be divided into groups, and the groups solved in any order we please. Each suc- cessive group will give corrections to the values furnished by the preceding groups, and the corrected values will be closer and closer approximations to the most probable values which would be found from the simultaneous solu- tion of all the groups. For suppose we have the condition equations a'v. + d'v^ . . . = 4 y Vl +y v , + . . .=i b h'v,+h"v t +. . .=/ k'v, + k"v, + . . . 4 with v* =a min. 248 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Let z//, v,', ... be the values of v lt v,, . . . obtained from solving the first group alone ; that is, from = a mn. If now (?>/), (z//), . . . are the corrections to these values resulting from the remaining equations, then since the condition equations are reduced to with and the values of (z/) found from the simultaneous solution of these equations, added to the values of z/ found from the solution of the first set, would be equal to the value of v found directly. Similarly if v" , v" , ... be the values of (v'} obtained by solving the second set alone, and (v"), (?'/) be the cor- rections to these values resulting from the remaining equa- tions, then since O 2 ] = O' 2 ] + O-] + [X*") 1 ] the condition equations are reduced to ') + CONDITION OBSERVATIONS. 249 with [/(>")'] = a min. The quantities [/>"], \_pv nv \, being positive, the mini- mum equation is reduced with the solution of each set, and thus we gradually approach the most probable set of values. Beginning with the first set a second time, and solving through again, we should reduce the minimum equation still farther, and by continuing the process we shall finally reach the same result as that obtained from the rigorous solution. In practice the first approximation is in general close enough. It is plain that the most probable values can be found after any approximation by solving simultaneously the whole of the groups, using the values already found as approximations to these most probable values. Examples will be found in the next chapter. CHAPTER VI. APPLICATION TO THE ADJUSTMENT OF A TRIANGULATION. 116. The adjustment of the measured angles of a tri- angulation net is a special case of the problem discussed in the preceding chapters. We assume the reader to be acquainted with the construction and method of handling of instruments used in measuring horizontal angles, and shall confine ourselves to the methods of adjusting the measured values of the angles. 117. For clearness we will explain in some detail the preliminary work necessary for the formation of the con- dition equations. In a triangulation there must be one measured base at least, as AB. Starting from this base and measuring the angles CAB, ABC, we may compute the sides AC, BCbj the ordinary rules of trigonometry. In plotting the figure the point C can be located in but one way, as only the measurements neces- F ' 9 ' 17 sary for this purpose have been made. Similarly, by measuring the angles CBD, DCB we may plot the position of the point D, and this can.be done in but one way. If, however, the observer, while at A, had also read the angle DAB, then the point D could have been plotted in two ways, and we should find in almost all cases that the lines AD, BD, CD would not intersect in the same point. In other words, in computing the length of a side from the base we should find different values, according to the triangles through which we passed. Thus the value of CD computed from AB would not, in general, be the same if found from the triangles ABC, BCD, and from ABC, CAD. APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATION. 251 If the blunt angle ABD had also been measured we should have another contradiction, arising from the non- satisfaction of the relation DBC+ CBA + ABD = 360 And not these contradictions only. For \ve have considered so far that in a triangle only two of the angles are meas- ured. If in the first triangle, ABC, the third angle, BCA, were also measured, we know from spherical geometry that the three angles should satisfy the relation CA + ABC+BCA = i8o + sph. excess of triangle which the measured values will not do in general. A similar discrepancy may be expected in the other triangles. In a triangulation net, then, with a single measured base, in which the sides are to be computed from this base through the intervening triangles, we conclude that the contradictions among the measured angles may be removed and a consistent figure obtained if the angles are adjusted so as to satisfy the two classes of conditions: (1) Those arising at each station from the relations of the angles to one another at that station. These are known as local conditions. (2) Those arising from the geometrical relations neces- sary to form a closed figure. (a) That the sum of the angles of each triangle in the figure should be equal to 180 increased by the spherical excess of the triangle. (b) That the length of any side, as computed from the base, should be the same whatever route is chosen. These are known as general conditions. 118. The number of conditions to be satisfied will de- pend on the measurements made. Each condition can be stated in the form of an equation in which the most prob- able values of the measured quantities are the unknowns. The number of equations being less than the number of 33 252 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. unknowns, an infinite number of solutions is possible. The problem before us is to select the most probable values from this infinite number of possible values. The general statement of the method of solution is this: Adjust the angles so as to satisfy simultaneously the local and general conditions ; that is, of all possible systems of corrections to the observed quantities which satisfy these conditions, to find that system which makes the sum of the squares of the corrections a minimum. The form of the reduction depends on the methods em- ployed in making the observations. These methods, in general terms, are as follows: Let O in the figure be the station occupied, * and A, B, C signals sighted at. The angles AOB, BOC are required. By pointing at A and then at B we find the angle AOB. Point now at B and next at C, and we have the angle BOC. These two angles are independent of one another. If, however, we had pointed at A, B, Cm succession we should also have found the angles AOB, BOC, but they would not be independent of one another, as the reading to B enters into each. In the first method of measurement, which is known as the method of independent angles, either a repeating or a non-repeating theodolite may be used ; in the second, or method of directions, a non-repeating theodolite only. The Method of Independent Angles. 119. As the case of independent angles is the simplest to reduce, we shall begin with it. A distinction must be made between angles that are in- dependently observed and angles which are independent in the sense that no condition exists between them. Thus at the station O, above, the angles AOB, BOC, AOC might be APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATION. 253 observed independently of one another, but we should not call them independent angles, since the condition AOC=AOB -\-BOC must be satisfied between them. By independent angles, therefore, in the reduction, we mean those measured angles in terms of which all the measured angles can be expressed by means of the conditions connecting them. In the pre- sent case any two of the three angles AOB, BOC, AOC may be taken as independent, and the third angle would be dependent. Angles may be measured independently either with a repeating or with a non-repeating theodolite. In primary work a non-repeating theodolite in which the graduated limb is read by microscopes furnished with micrometers is to be preferred. The method of reading an angle is as fol- lows: The instrument, having been carefully adjusted, is directed to the left-hand signal and the micrometers read. It is then directed to the other signal and the micrometers again read. The difference between these readings is called a positive single result. The whole operation is repeated in reverse order; that is, beginning with the second signal and ending with the first, giving a negative single result. The mean of these two results is called a combined result, and is free from the error arising from uniform twisting: of cy o the post or tripod on which the instrument is placed, or from " twist of station," as it is called. The telescope is next turned 180 in azimuth and then 1 80 in altitude, leaving the same pivots in the same wyes, and another combined result obtained. The mean of the two combined results is free from errors of the instrument arising from imperfect adjustments for collimation, from in- equality in the heights of the wyes, and from inequality of the pivots. The distinction between these two combined results is noted in the record by " telescope direct " and " telescope reverse." 254 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Besides those mentioned there are two kinds of system- atic error in measuring angles that deserve special atten- tion. They are the errors arising from the regular or " periodic " errors of graduation of the horizontal limb of the instrument, and the error from the inclination of the limb itself to the horizon. The effects of the first may be got rid of by the method of observation, as follows : The reading of the limb on the first signal is changed (usually after each pair of combined results) by some aliquot part of the distance, or half-distance, between consecutive micro- scopes in case of two-microscope and three-microscope in- struments respectively. Thus if n is the number of pairs of combined results desired, the changes would be and - n n respectively with the instruments mentioned. The opera- tion of reversal in case of a three-micro- scope instrument causes each microscope to fall at the middle of the opposite 120 space, the limb remaining unchanged. Thus if the full lines in Fig. 18 represent the positions of the microscopes with tele- scope direct, the dotted lines show their positions with telescope reverse. In this lies the greatest advantage of three micro- scopes over two, since with the latter, in reversing, the microscopes simply change places with each other, without reading on new portions of the limb. The error arising from want of level of the horizontal limb cannot be eliminated by the method of observation, but with the levels which accompany a good instrument, and with ordinary care, it will usually be less than o".i. In case, however, of a signal having a high altitude above the hori- zon, the error from this source may be greater, and then special care should be taken in levelling. For an expres- sion for its influence in any case see Chauvenet's Astronomy, Vol. II. Art. 211. The observations should be made on at least two days APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATION. 255 when conditions are favorable. Results obtained at differ- ent hours of a day are of more value than the same number of results obtained on different days at the same hour of the day. This is on account of variation in external conditions (direction of light, phase, distinctness, refraction, etc.) 120. We shall for illustration take the following example, making use of such parts of it from time to time as may belong to the subject in hand, and finally, after explaining the method of forming the condition equations, solve it in full. In the triangulation of Lake Superior executed by the U. S. Engineers the following angles were measured in the quadrilateral N. Base, S. Base, Lester, Oneota. LNO = 124 09' 40". 69 wei: SNL = "3 39' 05". 07 ' ONS = 122 li' 15" .61 NSO = 23 08' 05", .26 LSN = 47 3l' 20". 4i LSO = 70 39' 24", ,60 ' SON = 34 40' 39" ,66 NOL - 43 46' 26" .40 OLS = 30 53' 30" ,81 These angles we shall denote by Mi, Fig.19 14 23 6 7 3i i 8 .. M respectively. The length of the line N. Base S. Base (Minnesota Point) is 6o56"'.6, and the latitudes of the four stations are approximately N. Base, 46 45' S. Base, 46 43' Lester, 46 52' Oneota, 46 45' 121. The Local Adjustment. When in a system of triangulation the horizontal angles read at a station are adjusted for all of the conditions existing among them, then these angles are said to be locally adjusted. From the considerations set forth in Art. 1 17 it is readily seen that at a station only two kinds of conditions are possible (a) that an angle can be formed from two or more others, and (b) that the sum of the angles round the horizon should be equal to 360. 256 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. The second of these is included in the first, and the method of adjustment may be stated in general terms as follows : An inspection of the figure representing the angles at the station will show how all of the measured angles can be expressed in terms of a certain number of them which are independent of one another. These relations will give rise to condition equations, or local equations, as they are called, which may be solved as in Chapters IV. or V. Thus, if M,, M v . . . M n denote the single measured angles, and ?',, v v . . . v n their most probable corrections, then if any of the angles M h , M k can be formed from others, we have, by equating the measured and computed values, the local condition equations, or <', + ?' + *'* = 4 suppose with ' = a minimum where A> A> A denote the weights of the angles. The solution ma) ? be in general best carried out by the method of correlates, as in Chap. V. The following special cases are of frequent occurrence : (i) At a station O the n i single angles AOB, BOC, . . . are measured, and also the sum angle AOL, to find the adjusted values of the separate angles, all of the measured values being of the same weight. APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATION. 257 The condition equation is or = / suppose, with [V*] = a minimum. The solution gives (Art. 109 or no) that is, the correction to each angle is - of the excess of the sum angle over the sum of the single angles, and the sign of the cor- rection to the sum angle is opposite to that of the single angles. (2) At a station O the n single angles AOB, BOC, . . . LOA are measured, thus closing the horizon, to find the adjusted values of the angles. The condition equation is = I suppose, with [/# a ] = a minimum. The solution gives where , = -,, = -,. . ., and [//] = I . A A L/J If the weights are equal, then l_ ^ v, . . . ?' - that is, the correction to each angle is - of the excess of 360 over the sum of the measured angles. 258 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Ex. i. The angles at station N. Base close the horizon ; required to adjust them. We have (Art. 120) M-i + ?'i = 124 09' 40". 69 + v-i weight 2 Mi + v t = 113 39' 05". 07 + v-t " 2 M 3 + z' 3 = i22 n' 15". 61 + z> 3 " 14 Sum = 360 oo' oi".37 + v\ + v? + v s Theoretical sum = 360 oo' oo".oo .'. Local equation is o = i".37 + v\ + v* + v a Hence (Ex. 2, Art. no) = o".64 z>z = o".64 Z'a = o".O9 and the adjusted angles are 124 09' 40". 05 113 39' 04". 43 122 II' 15". 52 Check-sum = 360 oo' oo".oo Ex. 2. Precisely as in the preceding we may deduce at station South Base the local equation o = i".o7 + v t + v 6 v 6 and the adjusted angles 23 08' 05". 13 47 31' 19". 91 70 39' 2 5 ".04 122. Number of Local Equations at a Station. If s sta- tions are sighted at from a station that is occupied, the number of angles necessary to be measured to determine all of the angles that can be formed at the station occupied is si. If, therefore, an additional angle were measured, its value could be determined in two ways : from the direct measurement and from the s i measures. The contradic- tion in these two values would give rise to a local (condition) equation. If, therefore, n is the total number of angles measured at a station, the number of local equations, as indicated by the number of superfluous angles, is n s-\- I. APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATION. 259 123. The General Adjustment. With a single measured base the number of conditions arising from the geometrical relations existing among the different parts of a triangulation net can be readily estimated. For if the net contains s stations, two are known, being the end points of the base, and s 2 are to be found. Now, two angles observed at the end points of the base will determine a third point ; two more observed at the end points of a line joining any two of these points will de- termine a fourth point, and. so on. Hence to determine the s 2 points, 2 (s 2) angles are necessary. If, there- fore, ;/ is the total number of angles measured, the number of superfluous angles, that is, the number of conditions to be satisfied, is n 2(s 2) Ex. In a chain of triangles, if s is the number of stations, show that the number of conditions to be satisfied is s 2 ; and in a chain of quadrilaterals, with both diagonals drawn, the number of conditions is 2s 4. The equations arising from these conditions are divided into two classes, angle equations and side equations. 124. The Angle Equations. -The sum of the angles of a triangle drawn on a plane surface is equal to 180. The sum of the angles of a spherical triangle exceeds 180 by the spherical excess (e) of the triangle, which latter is found from the relation _area of triangle R sin \" R being the radius of the sphere. From surveys carried on during the past two centuries the earth has been found to be spheroidal in form, and its dimensions have been determined within small limits. Now, a spheroidal triangle of moderate size may be computed as a spherical triangle on a tangent sphere whose radius is Vp l ft t , where /> p y are the radii of curvature of the meridian and of the normal section to the meridian respectively at 34 260 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. the point corresponding- to the mean of the latitudes tp of the triangle vertices. Hence we may wrap our triangulation on the spheroid in question by conforming it to the spherical excess com- puted from the formula rt^sin C (in seconds) = : 7 . 2,o 1 /> 2 sin i where a, b are two sides and C is the included angle of the triangle. For convenience of computation we may write = A ab sin C when log A may be tabulated for the argument 3 NSO= 23 08' 05". 26 + z> 4 SON = 34 40' 39". 66 + z>7 Sum = 180 oo' oo".53 + z 3 + z' 4 + z- 7 Theoretical sum = 180 oo' oo".o5 = 180+ s and the angle equation is formed by equating these sums. The result is <^3 + v\ + vi + o".4S = o Similarly from the triangle Lester, S. Base, Oneota, the angle equation is Ve + Z'7 + V 6 + "'a + I*. 10 = 125. Number of Angle Equations in a Net. It is to be expected that in a triangulation net some of the lines will be sighted over in both directions, and some in only one direction. If these latter lines are omitted the number of angle equations will remain unaltered. Thus in our Lake Superior quadrilateral (Fig. 19) the line NL has been * We confine ourselves throughout to triangles to which Legendre's theorem is applicable. For very large triangles other formulas for spherical excess must be used. See, for example, Helmert, Theorieen d. lioheren Gcoddsie, vol. i. p. 362. 262 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. sighted over from N, but not from L, so that we have only two angle equations: namely, those resulting from the triangles ONS, OLS, just as if the figure had been O f the form of Fig. 21, in which the line NL is omitted. Generally, if s is the number of stations occupied, the polygon form- ing the outline of the net will give rise to one angle equation. Each diagonal that is drawn will form a figure, giving rise to an additional angle equation. Hence if in the net there are / t lines sighted over in both directions, the number of diagonals will be /, s, and the number of angle equations Z-t+l If / 2 of the lines are sighted over in one direction only, and / is the total number of lines in the figure, then since /,=/ / 2 , the number of angle equations would be ex- pressed by l-l-s+i Thus in the figure the polygon LONS gives an angle equation, and the line OS gives rise to a second angle equa- tion from either the triangle ONS or OLS. We might, therefore, form the equations from either of the three sets of figures, LONS LONS ONS ONS OLS OLS and should have respectively ! + '. + '. + ' + + 3-06=0 ^3 + ^ + ^+0.48 = ^ + v* + ^ + v s + v t + 3.06 = o V K + V 7 -\-V s + V,+ 1-10=0 ^3 + v< + v, + 0.48 = o W * *0 = O APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATIOX. 263 which pairs of equations, by means of the relations already found (pp. 258, 261), *'! + *' + *'+ 1-37 = W4 + V. V.+ 1.07=0 reduce to the same two equations for each set of polygons. Ex. In the quadrilateral ABCD, in which all of the 8 angles are measured, show that there are three independent angle equations, and that these equations may be found from the follow- A ing 8 sets of figures : ABD, ABC, A CD; ABD, ABC, ABCD; ABD, A CD, ABCD; BDA, BCD, BCA ; BCA, BCD, BCD A ; CDB, CAB, CD A ; CDB, CD A, CDBA; DAB, DBC, DAC. Fig. 22 Fig.23 126. The Side Equations. In a single triangle, or in a simple chain of triangles, the length of any assigned side can be computed from a given side in but one way. When the triangles are interlaced this is not the case. Thus in Fig. 21 any side can be computed from A T S in but one way. The only condition equations apart from the , Li local equations would be the two angle equations. But in Fig. 19, in which the line NL is sighted over from N, we have the further condition that the lines OL, NL, SL intersect in the same point, L. The figure plotted from the meas- ured values would be of the form of Fig. 23. To express in the form of an equation the condition that the three points L,, L.,, 7, 3 must coincide, we proceed as follows: Starting from the base A T S, we may compute SL, directly 264 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. from the triangle SNL l and SL S from the triangles SON, SOL y This gives sin SN _ sin SL,N sin SL 1 sin sin SN _ sin SON sin SL 3 O sin SL 3 ~~ sin SNO sin SOL 3 But SL, must be equal to S 3 Hence the condition equation is sin SLN sin SNO sin 5(97. sTn~52VX sin SON sin which is called a .rzV& equation or 5//^ equation. Ex. In the figure ABCD 3 Di A , the three angle equations, BD^A = 180 3 " "^ + -ffC/4 + CAB = 180 + Fi 9- 24 .#CZ> 3 + CZ> 3J 5 + DzBC = 1 80 + 3 D, given by the triangles D^AB, ABC, BCD*, may be satis- fied and yet the figure not be a perfect quadrilateral. Show by equating the values of BDi and BD$ that the further condition necessary is sin DAB sin BCA sin CDB _ sin BDA sin CAB sin BCD The side equation sin SLN sin SOL sin .S7V0 _ sin SNL sin SZ<9 sin S6W gives the identical relation sin SN sin SL sin 50 sin >SX sin SO sin .S/V _ Hence in forming a side equation we may proceed mechani- cally in this way. Write down the scheme SN SL 50_ SL SO SN~ l APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATION. 265 the numerator and denominator each. being formed by the lines radiating from the point S in order of azimuth, and the first denominator being the second numerator. The side equation results from replacing the sides by the sines of the angles opposite to them. The point 5 is called the/. This new line CD gives an additional side equation. We take the two pentagons ABCED, DEGFC. From the first pentagon, ABCED, CE CD CA CB__ ~CD CA CB CE~ or sin (EDG -f- -*") sin CAD sin CBA sin CEB _ sin CED sin (ADG -\- x) sm CAB sin CBE = and from the second pentagon, DEGFC, pole at E, EG EF EC ^ EG EF EC ED or sin EGD sin EFG sin ECF sin (EDG-\-x] _ sin EDG sin EGF sin EFC sin,)' Now,j can be expressed in terms of x from the triangle CDE; thus (3) where f is the spherical excess of the triangle CDE. * Report of Chief of Engineers, 1872. 280 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Eliminating x from equations i, 2, 3, and the required side equation results. To find it write (i) in the form cot (EDO -f x) i sin CAD sin ABC sin EEC T-, cot ADE sin ADE sin CED sin BAC sin from which the value of x follows at once. Hence since y is known from (3), all the angles in (2) are known, and the solution is finished in the usual way. If chains of triangles intersect so as to form a closed polygon, this method may be employed in simple cases. Such forms are, however, in general better treated by other methods, which will be found in works on the higher geodesy. 140. Ex. Adjustment of the Quadrilateral WSOLi (Fig. 19). The method of forming the condition equations having now been ex- plained, we are ready to adjust the quadrilateral NSOL, as promised in Art. 120. The condition equations have all been formed in the preceding sections. Collecting them, we have : Local equations (Ex. i, 2, Art. 121) v\ + v?. + z> 3 = 1-37 w 4 4- v*, v 6 = 1.07 Angle equations (Ex. Art. 124) Vs + V4 + V^ 0.48 V 6 + VT + V S + Vu = 1. 10 Side equation, the unit being the sixth place of decimals (Ex. Art. 130), 1.43^1 0.92^2 i. 93^6 + 0.747/0 0.43^7 + i.>7z/ 8 = 2.00 The methods of solution have been explained in Chap. V., and we shall pro- ceed in the order there given for the four forms. APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATION. 281 FIRST SOLUTION METHOD OF INDEPENDENT UNKNOWNS. There being 9 unknowns and 5 condition equations connecting them, there must be 4 independent unknowns. We shall choose v t , 7^, v t , 7/0. Expressing all of the unknowns in terms of these four, we write the equations in the form of observation equations, as follows (see Art. 109): 7'3= + Va = - Vi 7'4 7-B = 0.5657', + 7-3 = 0.435T-1 -i-37 i- 7/4 weight 2 " 2 " 14 " 23 6 + 7-4 + 7-o + 1.07 7-2 7' 4 + 0.89 37' 2 0.6617-4 + 0.672775 I.36l 37/2 + O.66l7' 4 r.6727'5 1.699 Hence the normal equations 7-1 4 V& Const. + 48.83 + 50.70 - 3 2 -93 + 5-44 - 53-45 + 72.45 - 40.33 + 24.09 - 69.70 + 64.93 - 2.29 + 28.18 + 35-82 29.30 + 83.79 = w Solving these equations (page 284), we have the values of the cor- rections Vi = O".S2 7/4= O".22 v-i = o".36 5-0= o"_47 and thence from the condition equations 7^3= o".ig Z' K i".33 z/o = +0^.38 v.j= o".oS z/7 = o".o7 These corrections applied to the measured values of the angles give the most probable values as follows : M l - 124 09' 39". 87 ^/ 2 = ii3 39' 04". 71 -d/3 = i22 n' 15". 42 Jlf t = 23 08' 05 ".04 M,, 47 31' 19". 94 M a = 70 39' 24". 98 -rt/7=34 40' 39"- 59 ^/e = 43 46' 25". 07 M v ^o 53' 30". 73 282 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. The Precision of the Adjusted Values. (a) To find the m. s. e. of an obser- vation of the unit of weight (Arts. 99, 101). From the above values of the residuals v [pw] = 7- 53 Check of [/TO]. Carrying through the solution of the normal equations the extra column required by the sum [///], we find (page 284) Hence 9-4 = i".23 (b) To find the weight and m. s. e. of the adjusted value of an angle. Take the angle NLS. Proceeding as in Art. 101, we have F=NLS = 180 + (M-i + v* + Mt, + v 6 ) .'. C/f= 772 7^6 Hence from the extra column, the sixth, carried through the solution of the normal equations (page 284), U F = 0.053 and therefore Up- 1.23 1/0.053 (c) To find the weight and m. s. e. of the adjusted value of a side, the base, NS, being supposed to be free from error. Let us take the side OL. We have F= OL _ S'JL^^ sin Lso ~ sin OLS sin {Mi + VT) sin (M + v) For check we shall proceed in two ways. APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATION. 283 (i) Expand /'directly; then / 6F 6F 6F 6F \ dF= ( TTT *' + nrr v + TUT ''> + ^nrr T ' ) sin l \dMs dM* ^M^ dM a ) 0.05057/3 + 0.02827'e O.Il607-7 0.13427-9 = 0.0077/1 +0.1717-2 + 0.0567/4 +0.2537/5 by substituting for 7-3, v a , ?'-, ''a their values from equations i. Carry through the solution of the normal equations the extra column re- quired by these coefficients, and (see page 284) U F = 0.0019 Hence I.I F =1.23 V 0.0019 = o'".o5 (2) Take logs, of both members of the equation ; then log /'log NS + log sin (M 3 + v 3 ) + log sin (M + z> 6 ) log sin (A/, + v-,) log sin (M* + v But since JVS is constant, we have, in units of the sixth place of decimals, f/log F= 1.337-3 + 0.747-8 3-04^7 3-527'a = 0.187-1 + 4.5O7' 2 + 1.457/4 4- 6.637-5 from equations r. Hence from the last column addejd to the solution of the normal equations, u , o F = 1.50 in units of the sixth place of decimals. Also, ^togF =I - 2 3 V ^ = 1.5 in units of the sixth place of decimals. Now, since (p. 23) dF (/log F= mod t 1 and (p. 255) F= 16556^, .-. f.i p o m .o6. 37 284 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. The solution of the normal equations, with the extra columns required by the weight determinations, is as follows : -k V, *4 * I /(angle). /(side). /(side). + 48.83 + 50.70 + 72.45 - 32.Q3 - 40.83 + 04.93 + 5-44 + 24.09 - 2.29 + 35.82 [///] = - 53-45 - 69.70 + 28.18 - 29.30 + 83.79 - i. - 0.007 + 0.171 + 0.056 + 0.253 - 0.18 + 4-50 + 1-45 + 6.03 + I. + 1.0383 - 0.6743 + 0.1114 - 1.0946 - O.OOOI - 0.0037 + 19.8082 - 6.6430 + 42.7253 + 18.4420 + 1-3784 + 35.2140 + 14.2038 + 7.8652 + 23.3454 + 25.2836 - i. o. + 0.1761 + 0.0527 + 0.2535 0. + 4.6871 + 1.3285 + 6.6501 + 0.0007 + I. - 0.3354 + 0.9310 + 0.7176 + 0.0505 + 0.0089 + 0.2366 + 40.4972 + 7.5630 + 18.0445 + 12.6322 + 10.1114 + 15.0910 + 0.0505 + o.uiS + 0.0894 + O.OOIO + 2.9002 + 2.2867 + 1.1089 + I. + 0.1868 + 0.3119 - 0.0083 + 0.0027 + 0.0716 + 16.6317 + 11.1516 - 0.0057 + 0.0028 + 0.0690 + 0.0003 + 1.7452 + 0.2076 + i. + 0.4661 - 0.0004 + 0.0003 + 0.1049 [pvv\ = + 7-5376 o. o.oooo 0.0505 0.0028 o.oooo o. o.oooo 0.0016 0.0003 o.oooo + 0.1832 0.0007 1.1089 0.2076 0.1832 0.0533 J f 1.5004 The solution has been carried through to four places of decimals, on account of loss of accuracy arising from dropping figures in multiplications. The re- sulting values of the corrections have been cut down to two places of deci- mals. The work was done with a machine, as explained on p. 161, the recip- rocals of the diagonal terms being used so as to avoid divisions. Thus the first reciprocal is 0.02048. SECOND SOLUTION METHOD OF CORRELATES. Arranging the condition equations in tabular form, we have weights 2 2 J4 23 6 7 31 I 8 i 1-43 - 0.92 - i-93 + 0.74 - 0.43 + 1.77 - 2.00 (- i. + I. + I. - 1.37 + I. + I. + I. - 0.48 + I. + i. - i. - 1.07 + i. + I. + I. + i. - 1. 10 APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATION. The Correlate Equations. 232/4 = I. II. III. IV. V. + 1-43 + i. -0.92 + i. + i. + i. + i. + I. -i-93 + I. + 0.74 I. + I. -0.43 4- i. + I. + 1-77 + I. + I. The Normal Equations. I. II. III. - IV. V. / + 5.284 + 0.255 0.014 -0.427 + 1.862 2.OO + 1.071 + 0.071 -1-37 + 0.147 + 0.043 + 0.032 0.48 + 0.353 -0.143 -1.07 + 1.300 I.IO The solution of these equations gives (see page 287) I. = 0.3973 II. = - 1.0749 III. = - i. 6006 IV. = -3.5/21 V. = 0.6301 Substituting these values in the correlate equations, the same values of the corrections result as before. Also, = 7- 53 286 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. The Precision. (a) To find the m. s. e. /< of an observation of weight unity. From the values of v we find directly [pvv] = 7-53 Checks of [pf'v~\. These are worked out in the sol ution of the normal equa- tions on page 287, according to the formulas of Art. in, and give 7.54 and 7.55 respectively. Hence taking the mean, [/w] = 7-54, and the number of conditions being 5, = i ".23 as before. Compare Ex. 2, Art. in. (b) To find the weight and m. s. e. of the adjusted value of an angie. Take the angle NLS. From the values of u, a, !>,... in the condition equations in connection with the values of f given by this function, we have [naf] = + 0.782 [<(/"] = 0.167 \ubf~\ 0.500 [ U /] = o. [ucf] = o. [uff] = +0.667 Hence from the seventh column in the solution of the normal equations (page 287), u F = 0.053 and fi p = 1.23 o.o53 = 0".2S Compare Ex. 4, Art. in. (c) To find the weight and mean-square error of the adjusted value of a side, the base being free from error. Take the side Oneota-Lester. As in (c), page 282, we have dF~= 0.05057/3 + 0.02822/6 0.1160277 0.13422/9 Also from the condition equations [uaf] = + 0.0046 ["/] = 0.0040 [/] = 0.0036 [*/] = 0.0165 [ucf] = 0.0073 [//] = + 0.0030 APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATION. 287 Hence from the eighth column in the solution of the normal equations, UP 0.0023 and finally, HP 1.23 V.OO23 = o".o6 Solution of the Normal Equations. I. ii. III. IV. V. I /(angle). /(side). 4 5-284 + 1.071 4 O.C7I + 0.147 + 0.043 + 0.353 4 O.O32 - 0.143 4- I.30O - 1-37 - 0.48 - 1.07 - I. 10 - 0.500 - 0.167 4 0.667 - 0.0036 - 0.0073 - 0.0040 - 0.0165 4 0.0030 + I. 4 0.0483 4 1.0587 - O.OO26 4 0.0717 4 0.1470 - 0.0808 4 O.O2O6 4 0.0419 4 0.3185 4- 0.3524 - O.OQ02 4 0.0369 4 0.0075 4- 0.6438 - 0.3785 - 0.4853 - 1.2316 - 0.3952 + 0.7570 4 0.1480 - 0.5377 4 O.002I - 0.1035 - 0.2756 4 O.55IO + O.OOO9 - 0.0038 - 0.0073 - 0.0036 - 0.0182 4 I. 4 0.0677 4 O.I42I 4 0.0204 4 0.0404 4 0.3l8t - 0.0851 4 0.0434 4 O.O093 + 0.6361 - 1.2025 - 0.3991 - 1.2068 - 0.5037 4 I . 5309 - o 5078 4 0.0385 - 0.0930 - 0.3214 4 0.2780 - o 0036 - O.OO/O - 0.0035 - 0.0185 4 O.O030 Values of the Unknowns I. = - 0.39 II. = - 1.07 m.= - 1.60. l l~ = ~ 3 'E \ . = - 0.631 4 1. 4 0.2843 4 0.3066 + 0.3054 - 0.0030 + 0.6228 - 2.8o86 - 1.0933 - o 3818 4 I.I209 4- 0.2709 - 0.1039 - 0.3332 4 0.2676 - 0.0493 - O.OOI5 - 0.0164 + o 0027 73 % il 31 4 I. - 0.0098 4 0.6228 - 3.5659 - 0.^924 4 3.8986 - 0.3389 - 0.3342 + 0.2324 - O.0049 - 0.0164 4 0.0027 4 I. - o 6301 + 0.2472 - 0.5366 4 0.0531 - 0.0264 4- 0.0023 I. 1' = - o 3973 x - 2.00 = 0.79 II. /" - 1.0749 x - 1.37= 1.47 III. 1'" = - 1.6006 x -0.48 = 0.77 IV. /"" - 3.^721 x _ 1.07 = 3.82 V. /"'"=- 0.6301 x - 1.10 = 0.69 0.7^70 1.5309 1 .12Oq 3.8986 0.2472 7-54 7.5546 The values of [/>fz p ] are found from equations 2, 3, Art. in. 288 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. THIRD SOLUTION SOLUTION IN Two GROUPS. The form given in Art. 113 is followed. The Local Adjustment. (a) At North Base. The Observation Equations. p c*o (* a ) / 2 + I O. 2 + I 0. 14 I I -1-37 The Normal Equations. (*i) (**) 16 + 14 19.18 = [pal] suppose 14 + 16 19.18 = Solving in general terms. ( Xl ) = + 0.267 [pal] 0.233 Hence (jr 2 ) = - 0.233 [pal] + 0.267 [pbl] (x t ) = o".64 (jT 2 ) = o".64 (x 3 ) = + o".64 + 0^.64 i".37 = o".og and Local Angles. 124 09' 40". 05 113 39' 04". 43 122 II' 15". 52 To find the m. s. e. of a single observation. The value of [pvv] = [pxx] = 1.75. Hence for this station, the number of conditions being 32, =1 /I r o = i -3 APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATION. (b) At South Base. The Observation Equations. / (*0 (*) / 23 + I o. 6 +.1 o. 7 + I + I -1.07 The Normal Equations. 289 Hence Also, 30 + 7 = - 7.49 7 + 13 = -7-49 (jr 6 ) = o".so (.*) = o".i3 o".5O + i ".07 = + o"-44 Local Angles. 23 08' 05". 13 47 3i' IQ"^ 1 70 39' 25". 04 = 3.24 The General Adjustment. Most Probable Angles. At N. Base, 124" 09' 40". 05 + (i) 113 39' 04". 43 + (2) 122 n' 15". 52 (i) (2) At S. Base, 23 08' 05". 13 + (4) 47 3i' i9"-<)i + (5) 70 39' 25".04 + (4) + (5) At Oneota, 34 40' 39". 66 + (7) 43 46' 26".40 + (8) At Lester, 30 53' 30". Si + (9) 290 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. The Angle and Side Equations. t (a) Triangle, N. Base, S. Base, Oneota. Angle SNO 122 n' 15". 52 (i) (2) " NSO 23 08' 05". 13 + (4) " NOS 34 40' 39". 66 + (7) Sum = 180 oo' oo".3i 180 + 180 oo' oo'.os o=o".26-(i)-( 2 ) + ( 4 ) + (7) (b) Triangle Lester, Oneota, S. Base. Angle NSO 70 39' 25". 04 + (4) + (5) SOL 78 27' 06". 06 + (7) + (8) OLS 30 53' 30". 81 + (9) 180 oo' oi".9i 180 oo' oo".37 0=1 ".54 + (4) + (5) + (7) + (8) + (9) (c) Quadrilateral N. Base, S. Base, Oneota, Lester. sin LNS sinLSO sin LOW _ sin LNO sin NSL sin LOS ~ LNS = 113 39' 04". 43 + (2) LNO 124 09' 40". 05 + (i) LSO 70 39' 25". 04 + (4) + (5) NSL = 47 31' 19". 91 + (5) LON= 43 46' 26". 40 + (8) LOS = 78 27' 06". 06 + (7) + (8) 9.9618975,6 9,22 (2) 9.9177479,3 14,29(1) 9.9747660,1+ 7,391(4) + (S)} 9.8677849,8 + 19,28(5) 9.8399903,4 + 21,98(8) 9.9911180,3+ 4,3o|(7) + (8)[ 539.1 509.4 509,4 29,7 APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATION. 29! Check by deducting J- of the spherical excesses of the triangles from the angles. 113 39' 04". 36 124 09' 40". 01 70 39' 24". 92 47 31' 19". 84 43 46' 26". 36 78 27' 05". 93 9.9618976,2 9.9177479,9 9-9747659.3 9.8677848,6 9.8399902,5 9.9911179,8 38,0 8,3 8,3 29,7 The two methods agree well. A glance at the log. differences for i" shows that by expressing them in units of the sixth place of decimals their average value is unity nearly. We have, then, for the side equation, i. 43(1) -0.92(2) + 0.74(4)- 1. 19(5) -o.43(7) + 1-77(8) + 2.97 = The Weight Equations. (0 = 0.233 |jj +0.267 |~2~| (2) = +0.267 I i | 0.233 I 2 | (4) = +0.038 | 4 | 0.021 | j>J (5)= 0.021 j~4~j +0.088 |~5~j (7)= +0.032 |~7~| (8)= +i.ooo|T] (9)= +0.125 | 9 | The Correlate Equations. I. ii. in. Check. Qj= -' + 1.43 - 0-43 |_2J = - I 0.92 + 1.92 |Tj= +i +- 1 + 0.74 - 2.74 ULJ = + 1 - 1.19 + 0.19 IT) = + i + 1 0.43 1-57 |_8J = + 1 + 1.77 - 2.77 nn = + 1 1. 00 The check is formed by adding each horizontal row (Art. 84). 38 292 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Expression of the Corrections in Terms of the Correlates. I. + 0.233 0.267 II. III. ~ 0.333 0.246 Check. 4- O. IOO + 0.513 - 0.034 - 0.579 + 0.613 (2) = 0.267 + 0.233 + 0.382 + 0.214 O.II5 - 0.447 - 0.034 + 0.596 0.562 (4) = + 0.038 + 0.038 O.02I + 0.028 + O.O24 O.IO4 0.004 + 0.038 + 0.017 + 0.052 O.IO8 (5) = O.O2I O.02I + 0.088 0.016 0.105 + 0.058 + 0.017 + 0.067 O.I2I + 0.075 (7) = + 0.032 + O.O32 0.014 0.050 (8) = + I. + 1.770 - 2.770 (9) = + 0.125 O.I25 The Corrections in Terms of the Correlates (collected}. (2) = (4) = (5) = (7) = (8) = (9) = I. - 0.034 - 0.034 + 0.038 O.O2I + 0.032 II. + 0.017 + 0.067 + 0.032 + I.OOO + 0.125 III. - 0.579 + 0.596 + 0.052 0. 121 O.OI4 + 1.770 Formation of the Normal Equations. -(2) + (4) + (7) I. + 0.034 + 0.034 + 0.038 + 0.032 [+ 0.138 + 0.017 + 0.032 + 0.049 III. + 0.579 0.596 4- 0.052 0.014 O.O2I Check. O.6I3 + 0.562 o. 108 0.050 + o. 209 1(4) (5) i<7) (8) (9) + 0.017 + 0.067 + 0.032 + I. + 0.125 + O.O52 0. 121 0.014 + 1.770 0.108 + 0.075 0.050 - 2.770 0.125 + 0.049 + 1.241 1.687 - 2.978 APPLICATION TO TKIANGULATION. 293 II. - 0.92(2) + 0.74(4) - i.i'X5) - 0.43(7) + 1-77(8) 1.687 III. + 0.852 + 0.533 -f- 0.038 + 0.144 + 0.006 + 3-133 + 4.706 Check. 0.804 - 0.564 o.oSo 0.089 + O.O22 - 4-93 - 6.418 The Normal Equations (collected}. I. II. III. + 0.138 + 0.049 + 0.021 = 0.260 + 1.241 + 1.687 = 1.540 + 4.706= 2.970 The solution of these equations gives (page 295) I. = - 1.597 II. = -0.642 III. = 0.394 Substitute for I., II., III. their values in (4), and we have the general cor- rections. Adding the local corrections and general corrections together, the total corrections to the measured angles result and are as follows : Local. General. Total. p pvv Final Angles. -fi = o" 64 o" 18 = o" 82 2 i-34 124 09' 39". 7 -'2 = o" 64 + o" 28 = o" 36 2 .26 H3 39' 4"-7i JCa = o" 09 o" 10 = o" 19 14 50 122 II i5"-42 -T4 = o" 13 o" 09 = o" 22 23 I.IO 23 08' 5"- 04 -V 5 = o" 50 + o" 04 = o" 4 6 6 1.27 47 3i' !9"-95 X* = + o" 44 o" 05 = + o" 39 7 i. 06 70 39' 24 ".99 X 7 = o" 07 = o" o? 3i 15 34 J 40' 39"- 59 X f = l" 33 I " 33 i i-77 43" 46' 25"-07 -r a = o" 08 = o" 08 8 05 3 ' 53' 30"- 73 [/H = 7-50 Number of local conditions = 2 Number of general conditions = 3 Total = 5 The method of solution just given is substantially the same as that em- ployed on the survey of the Great Lakes between Canada and the United States by the U. S. Engineers. 294 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. The Precision of the Adjusted Values. (a) To find the m. s. e. of an observation of weight unity. Computation of [/r^]. (r) From the preceding table [/w] has been found directly ; thus [>] = 7. 50 (2) Check (Art. 114). From the station adjustments find [vv] N. Base gives (p. 288) 1.75 S. Base gives (p. 289) 3.24 4.99 = [z/V]. From the general adjustment find [ww]. (] =4.99+ 2.58 = 7-57 Hence taking the mean of the values of \_pvv\, there being 2 local conditions and 3 net conditions. (b) To find the m. s. e. of an angle in the adjusted figure. Angle = NLS ... ^=_( 2 )_( 5 ) = + O.O55 I- 0.067 II- + O.7OO III. from the weight equations. From equations 25, Art. 114, APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATION. 295 The values of [anr], [a/if] . . . are given in the weight equations. Hence q\ =+0.267 X 0.233 X i =+0.233 q-i = o. 233 X o + o. 267 X I = o. 267 q 3 = +0.038 X o 0.021 X I = +0.021 q^ = 0.021 X + 0.088 X I = 0.088 g 1 gq o + 0.233 o. I 0.267 0.267 o + O.O2I o. I 0.088 0.088 l> = O.O22. (See the solution of the normal equations.) [VC.2] = 0.006 = 0.274 0.302 = -355 0.302 u F = + 0.053 .'. /v = i".23 Vo.053 = 0".28 (c) To find the m. s. e. of a side in the adjusted figure. Side = Oneota-Lesier. i " OSL --- sin SON sin OLS Therefore dF = 1.33(1) + L33(2) + 0.74(4) + o.74(5) - 3-04(7) - 3-52(9) in units of the sixth place of decimals, 0.174 I - 0.475 II- + - OI 5 HI- from the weight equations. The solution is carried through exactly as in the preceding case. We find [gq~\ 2.01 r and U F 1.49 Hence H VU F = 1.23 V 1.49 = 1.5 in units of the sixth place of decimals. Now log 0Z = 4.2189699 OL- 16556"* 16556 . '. m. s. e. of side = - X 0.0000015 o.434 = o w .o6 296 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Solution of the Normal Equations. I. II. III. / /(angle) + 0.138 + 0.049 + 1.241 + O.O2I + 1.687 + 4- 706 0.260 - 1-540 - 2.970 + 0.055 0.067 + 0.700 + 1. + 0.355 + 0.152 - 1.885 + 0.399 + 1.224 + I. 680 + 4.703 - 1.448 2.930 0.087 + 0.692 + O.O22 + I. + 1-373 -1.183 O.O7I + 2.396 - 0.945 + 0.8II + O.OO6 + I. -0.394 + 0.338 + 0.274 Ex. i. Adjust the observed differences of longitude* given in the follow- ing table : FOILHOMMERUM CONTENT Fig.36 Dates. 1851 h. Cambridge-Bangor, o Observed Differences. . s. . 9 23.080 0.043 1857 Bangor-Calais, 6 00.316 0.015 1866 Calais-Heart's Content, 55 37-973 0.066 1866 Heart's Content-Foilhommerum, 2 5i 56.356 0.029 1866 Foilhommerum-Greenwich, 4i 33.336 0.049 1872 Brest Greenwich, 17 57.598 O.O22 1872 Brest-Paris, 27 18.512 0.027 1872 Greenwich-Paris, 9 2I.OOO 0.038 1872 St. Pierre-Brest, 3 26 44.810 0.027 1872 Cambridge-St. Pierre, 59 48.608 O.O2I 1869-1870 Cambridge-Duxbury, i 5O.I9I O.O22 1870 Duxbury-Brest, 4 2 4 43.276 0.047 (1867 3 V 4 Z>5 + Vt + Vg + Vio = + 0.045 Vg V\n + V\\ + Vu 0.049 + Vio + 7'13 Vn = 0.096 The weights are taken inversely as the squares of the p. e. Solution by method of correlates, as in Art. no.] Ex. z. The system of triangulaiion shown in the figure was executed by Koppe in the deter- mination of the axis (Airolo - Goschenen) of the St. Gothard tunnel.* In the fol- lowing table the ad- justed values are giv- en side by side with the measured values. It is proposed as a QOSCH problem of adjust- lent. At Goschenen. Measured. VII VI Adjusted. At IV. Measured. Adjusted. II. oo' oo". OO oo". oo V. O oo' oo".oo oo".oo III. 44 33' 10". 88 10". 03 VI. 15 41' 3"-57 6". 29 IV. 69 30' 12" 5i n". 62 VII. 74 1 2 20". 55 19". 86 V. 124" 58' 4" 23 5". 13 Goschenen 80 32' 48". 99 SO". 12 II. 135 44' 49"-77 50". 91 At II. III. 199 24' ii".56 io".73 III. o" oo' oo". oo oo". 00 A * 17 At V. IV. 37 53' 54" 33 52". 97 IV. o oo' oo".oo oo'.oo V. 60 29' 33" 13 33" .82 VIII. 78 40' s'-g 1 6". 72 VI. Goschenen 77" 93 4' n' 5" 4i" .67 .69 8". 17 40". 5 7 IX. VI. 140 215 44' 32' 43"-5i 45"- 4i 44"-45 43"- 45 VII. 124" 16' 33" .98 33". 27 VII. 286 19' 25". 30 27". 21 At III. Goschenen 316 oo' 44". 92 43"- 61 VIII. o oo' oo" .00 oo".oo II. 338 20' 33"-53 3i"-74 IX. 53 58' 14" .48 15" 49 At VII VI. 99 47' 5o" .21 50" .86 II. o" oo' oo".oo oo'.oo IV. 102" 32' 5i" 36 51" .90 III. T 9 n' 58". 44 59"-3 Goschenen 138 44' 28" .Si 29" .70 IV. 32 4' 49". 32 4S".6S VII. I44~ 28' 12" 47 Jl" .40 V. 64 n' 54"-oS 56". 05 II. i So 59' 38" 94 39" .n VI. 90 05' 39"-47 37". oo * Zcitst.hr. fur I 'eriess.< vol. iv. 298 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. At VIII. At XI. XI. o oo' oo" .00 oo" ,00 XII. o oo' oo".oo oo".oo XII. 18 56' 17" 43 17" 54 Airolo 16 55' 55".o6 54"-38 X. 43 50' 24" 03 24", 70 IX. 37 13' 59"- 79 58".43 IX. 50 18' 22" 52 20", 27 VIII. 152 26' 30". 24 30". 44 VI. 106 3o' 15" .04 15" 37 V. 112 28" .72 29", 24 III. 130 n' 30" .81 4i". 54 At XII At IX. IX. o oo' oo".oo oo".oo VI. o oo' oo" .00 oo", ,00 Airolo 30 31' 2". 30 3"- 39 V. 8 28' 17" 13 15". ,06 X. 42 13' 20". 53 2i"-33 III. 18 33' 3" 27 5" .00 VIII. 90 3' 2". 22 i ".74 VIII. 63 4i' 28" .63 28". 55 XI. 98 40' i4"-95 13". 72 X. 76 59' 5o" .89 5i. 48 XL 79 10' 36" 33 36". 34 At Airolo. Airolo 109 45' 39" 23 39"' 33 XII. 123 16' 23" .76 24". 23 XI. o oo' oo".oo oo".oo XII. 94 54' 56". 06 55". 26 At X. IX. 230 53' 7". 5i 6". 98 XII. o oo' oo" .00 oo". oo X. 296 26' 49"-43 51". n Airolo 9 49' 30" .02 37". 92 IX. 9i 30' 5" .16 5" .96 VIII. 252 43' 46" -75 47" 49 XI. 275 12' 8" 44 9" 74 The distance X-XII. is 44i6.8. There are 19 angle equations and 15 side equations in the adjustment. SOLUTION BY SUCCESSIVE APPROXIMATION. 141. The rigorous forms of solution which have been given are suitable for a primary triangulation where the greatest precision is required. In secondary or tertiary work it would not be advisable to spend so much labor in the reduction, since the systematic errors remaining would probably largely outweigh the accidental errors eliminated. For work of this kind the method of solution by successive approximation is to be preferred. The principle underlying the process of solution is that explained in Art. 115. Each condition or set of conditions APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATION. 299 is adjusted for independently in succession, the values of the corrections found at each adjustment being closer and closer approximations to the final values. Should the values found after going through all of the conditions not satisfy the first, second, . . . groups of condition equations closely enough, the process must be repeated till the re- quired accuracy is attained. To make the operation as simple as possible let us take but a single condition at a time. (i) Local equation at N. Base, The solution is given in Ex. i, Art. 121, "i\ = o".64, ?', = - o".64, 7' 3 = o".O9 (2) Local equation at S. Base, ''4 + ?'.- 7', + 1.07=0 The solution is given in Ex. 2, Art. 121, v 4 = - o".i3, v, = - o".so, TV, = : + o"-44 (3) Angle equation, ?' 3 + ?'4 + *', + 0.48 = Using the values of v 3 , v 4 already found as first approxi- mations, the equation reduces to < ; 3 + *'< + ?' T + 0.26 = The method of solution is given in Ex. 2, Art. no, *', = o".i3, 7' 4 = - o".o8, r. = - o".os 39 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. The successive approximations found so far, when added, give v,= -o".6 4 v 6 = -C/.55 V 3 = O".22 V 7 = C/.05 V t =-O ff .2I Proceed similarly with the remaining two condition equa- tions. The resulting values will agree closely with the rigorous values already found. 142. In order to bring out still more clearly the advan- tages of solving in this way, let us take a more extended example. A good one is furnished by the triangulation (1874-1878) of the east end of Lake Ontario, omitting the system around the Sandy Creek base. .38 The measured values of the angles are given in the following table. Each angle is taken to be of the same weight. In the last column are given the locally corrected angles found by the rigorous methods of solution. APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATION. 301 Station occupied. Angle as measured between Locally corr. angles. Sir John, Carlton and Kingston, Wolfe and Kingston, 90 17' 44". 91 56" 24' 09". 77 Carlton, Wolfe and Sir John, Kingston and Sir John, 120 48' 06". 54 62 03' 27". 56 Kingston, Sir John and Wolfe, Carlton and Wolfe, Wolfe and Amherst, 64 40' 50". 9 1 37 02' 04". 43 88 19' 14". 70 Wolfe, Duck and Carlton, Amherst and Carlton, Kingston and Carlton, Sir John and Carlton, 188 07' iH".54 140 12' 34". 44 84 13' 14". 34 25 18' i6".So Amherst, Kingston and Wolfe, Kingston and Duck, Wolfe and Duck, Grenadier and Duck, Duck and Vanderlip, Vanderlip and Kingston, 35 41' 23". 02 in 45' 28". 46 76 04' 06". 32 54 38' oo".34 71 15' 25".43 176 59' 06". 1 1 22". 69 28 ".68 05 "-99 25\32 06". oo Duck, Oswego and Vanderlip, Vanderlip and Amherst, Amherst and Wolfe, Wolfe and Grenadier, Grenadier and Stony Pt., Stony Pt. and Oswego, 104 08' 58". 93 70 26' 3 1 ".99 56 01' 12". 47 18 45' 43"-36 49 53' 12". 77 60 44' 19". 46 59". 10 32". 16 12". 64 43". 53 12". 94 19". 63 Grenadier, Stony Pt. and Duck, Duck and Amherst, Duck and Stony Pt., Amherst and Stony Pt., 78 13' 33". 64 50 35' 04". 28 2SI 3 46' 25". 89 231" n' 22". 04 33".8 4 04". 19 26". 16 21". 97 Stony Pt., Oswego and Duck, Duck and Grenadier, Grenadier and Duck, 88 22' oo".S6 51 53' 12". 60 308' 06' 47 ".2 1 12". 70 47"-30 Oswego, Sodus and Vanderlip, Sodus and Duck, Sodus and Stony Pt., Vanderlip and Duck, Vanderlip and Stony Pt., Duck and Stony Pt., 80 29' 46".io 107" 19' 03". 28 138' 12' 49"-44 26 49' i6".6i 57 43' oi ".96 30 53' 42".SS 46"- 59 03". 96 48'. 28 17". 37 oi ".69 44" -32 Vamlerlip, Amherst and Duck, Amherst and Oswego, Duck and Oswego, Duck and Sodus, Oswego and Sod us. Sodus and Amherst, 38 18' 07. 12 87" 19' 53"-47 49 oi ' 45 ".54 87 59' i2\55 38" 57' 26". 55 233' 42' 40". 41 07 "-30 53". 16 45"- 86 12". 42 26". 56 40". 28 Sod us, Vanderlip and Oswego, 60 32' 57". 55 3O2 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. The local and general equations are formed as usual (see Arts. 117-140). The general rule in the solution is to adjust for one condition at a time. Instead, however, of following out this rule strictly, it is often better to adjust for a group of conditions simultaneously. Often a group is almost as easily managed as a single condition. No rule can be given to cover all cases, and much must be left to the judgment and ingenuity of the computer. 143. The Local Adjustment tit Each Station. (a) Adjust for each sum angle separately. Rule and example in Art. 121. (b) Adjust for closure of the horizon. Rule and example in Art. 121. At stations Sir John, Carlton, Kingston, Wolfe there are no local conditions, and at each of the stations Amherst, Stony Point, Sodus there is one angle independent of the others, and therefore not locally adjusted. The angles at station Amherst may be rigorously ad- justed, as in Art. 121. The resulting values are given in the table. If we break the adjustment into two parts, as in (a) and (b), we have : (a) Sum Angle. Adjusted. 22". 73 06 ".03 28". 76 28". 75 check. 22 ".65 05 ".96 25"- 35 06". 04 Mea sured values. Kingston-Wolfe, 35 41' 23". 02 o" .29 Wolfe-Duck, 76 04' 06", 32- o' .29 iu 45' 29". 34 Kingston-Duck, 111 45' 28". 46 + o" .29 3)o" .88 o" .29 (b) Closure of Horizon. Kingston- Wolfe, 35 4i' 22". 73- o" .08 Wolfe-Duck, 76 04' 06". 03- o" .07 Duck-Vanderlip, 7i 15' 25"- 43- o" .0& Vanderlip-K ings ton, 176 59' 06", ii o" .07 4)00" 30 oo" 075 oo".oo check. The adjusted values agree closely with those from the simultaneous solution, as given in the table. APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATION. 303 At station Duck the angles close the horizon. Hence the correction to each angle is one-sixth of the difference of their sum from 360. (See Art. 121.) 144. The General Adjustment. The local adjust- ment being finished, we shall consider the adjusted angles to be independent of one another and to be of the same weight. We are therefore at liberty to break up the net into its simplest parts. We have in our figure, first a quadrilateral SCWK, next two single triangles KWA, AWD, next a central polygon DAGSOV, and, lastly, a single triangle VOS. These three figures include most cases that arise in any triangulation net. (a i) Adjustment of a Quadrilateral. In the quadrilateral SCKW all of the eight angles i, 2, ... 8 are supposed to be equally well measured. (i) The Angle Equations. The angle equations from the triangles SCIV, CWK, WKS may be written in general terms ^ + V, + ^3 + V* = A ^3 + ^4 + ^ + *'* = 4 v* + *' + * ; 7 + v* = l* As these equations are entangled, if we adjusted for each in succession a g-eat many repetitions of the adjustment would be necessary to obtain values that would satisfy the equations simultaneously. It is, therefore, better to adjust simultaneously, and it happens that a very simple rule for doing this can be found. Call /(',, &,, &,, /' 4 the correlates of the equations in order; then the^ correlate equations are k, = v, 6, + 3 = v, k l = v, , -f- /-, = v t 304 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. and the normal equations 4*. + 2*. =4 2k, -f 4 a + 2, = 4 2/C- 2 + 4^ 3 = / 3 Solving these equations, there result Substitute these values in the correlate equations, and , = . = *(+ 34 -*4 + . = '4 = i(+ 4 + 2/,- /,) . = . = *(- 4 + 2/ a + /,) , = . = *(+ A-2/ a -f- 3 /,) which ma be written whence follows at once the convenient rule for adjusting the quadrilateral, so far as the angle equations are con- cerned : () Write the measured angles in order of azimuth in two sets of four each, the first set being the angles of SCW, and the second those of WKS. (,9) Adjust the angles of each set by one- fourth of the dif- ference of this sum from 180 -f- excess of triangle, arranging the adjusted angles in two columns, so that the first column ivill show the angles of SCK, and the second those of CWK. (y) Adjust the first column by one-fourth of the difference of its sum from 1 80 -f- excess of triangle, and apply the same cor- rection, with the sign changed, to the second column. APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATION. 305 The spherical excesses of the triangles SCW, CWK, WKS being o"i6, o".35, and o"47 respectively, the adjustment of (he quadrilateral may be ar- ranged as follows : Measured angles. Adjusted angles. 33 53' 35"-i4 62 03' 27". 56 58 44' 38". 98 25 18' i6".8o 35". 56 27"- 98 39 "-40 17". 22 35"- 4 27". 82 39"- 56 I?"- 38 179 59' 58".4S 180 + F. = 180 oo' oo".r6 oo".i6 check 4)1". 68 58 54' 57"-54 37 02' 04".43 27 38' 46". 48 56 24' 9". 77 58". 1 1 04". 99 47". 04 io".33 58". 27 05 "-1 5 46". 88 179 59' 58". 22 180 + = 180 oo' oo".47 oo".gi oo".2S oo".47 check 4)2". 25 4)0". 63 o". 5 6 o".i6 (2) The Side Equation. Using the values of the angles just found, we next form the side equation with pole at O. It is sin OSC sin OCW sin OWK sin OKS sin CWO sin WKO s'mKSO = i or writing it in general terms when reduced to the linear form (see Art. 129) art + a.pj + art + art + art + art + art + art = /< where ?>/, ?'/, . . . are the corrections resulting from the side equation. Solving as in Ex. 2, Art. no, we have the corrections - ^'., \ad\ p ^' t i [aa] 306 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. These corrections may be found still more rapidly as follows : Since the side equation may be so transformed that the coefficients a iy a. 2 , . . . are approximately equal to unity numerically (see Art. 131), we may take each of them to be unity, and then that is, the corrections to the angles are numerically equal, but are alternately -f- and . This plan has the additional advantage of not disturbing the angle equations. Returning to our numerical example, we first reduce the side equation to the linear form. OSC = 33 53' 35"-40 + 7/1 SCO = 62 03' 27". 82 + v, OCW = 58 44' 39". 56 + 7/3 CWO = 25 18' 17". 38 + 7/4 OWK=*$ 54' 58". 27 + 7/5 WKO ^ 02' O5".i5 + z/g OA'S =27 38' 46". 88 + 2' 7 A'SO = 56 24' io".i7 + 7/ 8 9.7463587 + 3I-3 i 9.9318952 + 12.87/3 9.9326832 + 12.72/5 9.6665301 + 40.27/7 72 70 9.9461673 + 1 1. 2 7/ a 9.630869! + 44.52/4 9.7797125 + 27.97' e 9.92O6l8l + I4.O7/e 70 2 Dividing by 20, which will reduce the coefficients to unity approximately, and 1.567/1' 0.567/2' + 0.647/3' 2.222/4' + 0.642/5' 1.407/d' + 2.OI7/7' O.7O.7/ e ' + O.IO O Hence [aa] = 15 and zV = p".oi, W = o".oo, 7/3' = o".oo, z/ 4 ' = + o".oi, etc. By the second rule the corrections would be T ~, that is, To".oi alternately, 8 which values differ but little from the preceding. The total corrections to the angles are the sums of the two sets of cor- rections from the angle and side equations. APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATION. 307 (a 2) Adjustment of a Quadrilateral. By the following artifice the quadrilateral may be rigorously adjusted for the side equation without disturbing the angle equation adjust- ment, which amounts to the same thing as the simultaneous adjustment of the angle and side equations. Suppose that the angle equations have been adjusted as already explained in (a i). If v/, z'/, . . . ?'/ denote the corrections arising from the side equation, the condition equations may be written ",*',' + <'" + (^5 B )f'"' + (", ^)''"" = /,' with (T' + T'7+(z'-70 2 +(-7- + 7'"/ + (-7'-7'"r+. . . = a mill. The correlate equations are 40 308 THK ADJUSTMKNT OF OBSERVATIONS. Substitute in the condition equation, and k\\(a, -f a., -f a :> -f a, a y a, rf. a^ + (>, from which / can be found. Hence the corrections are known. The complete adjustment of our quadrilateral is contained in the follow- ing table : Meas. Angles. Local Angles. l."R. Sines. LOR. Diff. 1 o* 33 53' 35"-M 3 ? ",6 ^s"-4 9-74^3587 + 31-3 t>2 03' 27". 56 2 7 ".u8 9.9461673. -f- I 1. 2 42-5 1806 58 44' 38" 98 39'-4 39". 56 ; 9.9318952 + 12.8 25 18' i6".8o 17". zz i7"-33 9.6308691 + 44-5 57-3 3283 58". 48 oo".i6 i".68 58 54' 57"-54 58". II 58"-2 7 9.9326832 + '2.7 37 02' 04". 43 04 ".99 05"-'S 9.7798125 + 27-9 40.6 1648 27 38' 4 0". 48 47' -4 46". 88 9.6665301 + 40.2 56 24' 09". 77 i"-33 io".i7 9.9206181 + M-o 54-2 2938 58". 22 ','' 9 o oo '.47 oo .28 ^2 7 o I,!2 5 92.1 2". 25 o".63 2 4)10.4 2.6 5-2 27 9702 4 2 -5 57-3 2 9702 Hence the corrections are kno-.vn. These corrections, applied to the local angles, give the final angles required. (b) Adjustment of a Single Triangle. Rule and example in Kx. 2, Art. 109, and Ex. 2, Art. 1 10. The single triangles in our figure are Kingston, Wolfe, Amlierst; Wolfe, Duck, Amherst ; Vanderlip, Oswego, Sodtis. APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATION. 309 For example, take the first (.' = n".~2) Measured. Adjusted. Kingston, 88 19' 14". 70 15". 78 Wolfe, 55 5 * =/ 1 1:1 "l ' 11 "l ' )r> ' 6 Side equation (jole at Duck), We may adjust tor these equations in order, Hist the hori- zon equation, then the angle equations separately, as they are not entangled, and next the sii.le equation. A rigorous adjustment may, however, be carried out at once with very little additional labor. Adjust first each angle equation by itself, and let (:,}, I; 1 ..), ... be the values that result. Let (l), (2), . . . denote the farther correc- tions to the measured angles in order arising from the local and side equations, so that 310 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. If we substitute these values in the above equations we have the new condition equations (i) + (2)4- ( 3 )=o (4) + (5)+ (6)=o (13) + (14) -|- (i 5) = o from which to find (i), (2), (3), . . . (15). Calling k lt ,, /, //, . . . the correlates of the condition equations in order, we have the correlate equations (1) = ,*, + 7 ( 4 ) (2) = ,*> + 7 (5) (3)= * + 7 (6)= , + 77 Eliminate now the angle equation correlates. By addition (, + ",X'i + 37 Hence (2)= -Htf.-w.)^.-i (3) =-!(,+ ,)*, + I Substitute these values of (i), (2), ... in the condition equations, and we have the normal equations 2 1 [aa] a,a t a) l + *, +3/7 =o Substitute for /, //,... their values from the third, fourth, . . . equations in the first two, and we find the two normal equations as before. The introduction of the method of eliminating the corre- lates arising from one set of condition equations before forming the normal equations is due to Schleiermacher, of the Hessian survey. For a fuller account of it see Fischer's Geodiisie, part iii. p. 93 ; Huge I in General Bt'richt der euro- pa isc hen Gradinessung, 1867, pp. 106 seq. ; Nell in ZcitscJir. fiir Venncss., vol. x. pp. I seq. ; vol. xii. pp. 313 seq. The process is not of any special advantage except in such problems as that under discussion, and then if. is better to use the final formula for the normal equations directly. We shall now proceed with our numerical example. At station Duck the measured values of the angles o are taken, at the other stations the locally adjusted angles. 312 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Given Angles. l,og. Sines. Did. i". Squares. Products. Sums. 54 38' oo".34 oo".62 9.911 4060 4- 14-9 222. 257-8 - 2.4 50 35' 04". 19 04". 47 9 8879338 + '7-3 299 . 3 74 46' 55"-83 56". 12 180 oo' oo"-36 180 oo' oi".zi =i8o-(- e 3)"-8 5 0".28 78 13' 33". 84 34". 49 9:9907654 + 4.4 19.4 72.6 12. 1 51 53' 12". 70 13". 35 9.8958618 + 16.5 272.2 49 53' 12". 77 13" 42 i"-95 o .65 88 22' oo".86 oo". 4 7 9.9998235 + 0.6 4 21 . I -34-6 3" 53' 44"-32 43"-93 9.7105188 + 35-2 1239.0 60 44 it)". 46 iy".o7 o 4 ".64 3 '-47 "-39 26 49' 17" 37 i8".is 9.6543842 + 41.6 1730.6 761.3 + 23.3 49 01 ' 45". 86 46". 64 9.8779750 + '8.3 334-9 104 08' 58". 93 59"-7 2".l6 4". 49 a"-33 o". 7 8 38 18' 07". 30 06". 33 9.7922537 + 26.7 712.9 189.6 + 19.6 71 15' 25' .32 24". 36 9 .976^353 + 7-i 50-4 70 26' 31". 99 3i".o2 04". 61 6328 6247 4881.1 1302.4 - 6.2 i .71 6247 1303.4 2". 90 81 6183.5 ""97 3 2 243 . 12367.0 The Noimal Equations. 12367^, + 6.2/t, = 243 6.2^i + I0^a = 2. 01 . '. /'i = O.O20 k* + 0.213 Local Equation at Station Duck. 74 ' 4' 5^". 12 49 53' 13"- 42 60 44' 19". 07 104" 08' 59". 70 70 26' 3 1 ".02 359" 59' 59"-33 360' oo' oo".oo oo".f>7 3 APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATION. 313 Corrections. Adjusted Angles. (!) = -o .39 54 3 s oo .23 (2) = + o".2(> 5" 35' 04"- 73 (3) = + o".i3 74 " 46' 5 f >"-25 (4) = -o".24 7 s " 13' 34". 25 (5) = + o'.iS 51 53' 13". 53 (6) = + o".o6 49 53' I3'48 (7) = o".3i 88 22' (IT)", if) (8) = -)- o".4O 30 53' 44"-33 (9) = o".O9 60 44' iS".(>S (10) = -o".;5 26 49' 17". 40 (") = + o".45 49" 01' 47"- 09 (12) = 4- o".3O 104 08' 60". oo (13) = - o".47 38 C 1 8' 05 ".86 (M) = + O".20 71 15' 24". 56 (5) = 4- 0".27 70 26' 31 ".29 APPROXIMATE METHOD OF FINDING THE PRECISION. 145. An adjustment may be carried out rigorously so far as finding the values of the unknowns is concerned, but only an approximate value of the rn. s. e. of the angles or sides may be thought necessary. In good work the following method will give results nearly the same as those found by the rigorous process. The average value // of the m. s. e. of an angle in a triangulation net after adjustment is easily seen from Art. 102 to be n where ;/ m number of angles observed. n c = number of local and general conditions. ft m. s. e. of a measured angle of weight unity. The value of// is, by the usual formula, THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. To find the m. s. e. of a side of a triangle a single chain of the best-shaped triangles between the base rind the side is selected, all tie lines being rejected. Then, assuming the base to be exact and the m. s. e. of eacli adjusted angle to be //, we have from Ex. 9, p. 234, where O A , O B are the log. differences corresponding to i" for the angles A, B in a table of log. sines. A form still more approximate was used on the U. S. Lake Survey in the determination of the precision of a side of the primary triangulation. The angles ot each triangle were taken to be independent of one another. In this case evidently (Ex. 5, p. 109) The earlier work of the Coast Survey was computed from this same formula. Ex. To find the m. s. e. of the side OL as derived from the base NS in the figure ONSL (Fig. 19). Number of angles measured = 9. Number of conditions, local and general, = 5. From the adjustment (Art. 140) [/?>?'] =r 7.54. 5 APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATION. The chain of triangles is OA r S, OLS. 315 Station. Angles. 5 Sqs. Prods. N. Base, 122 II' 15" - 13-2 174.2 S. Base, 23^ oS' 05" - 401.3 Oneota, 34 40' 40" + 30-4 924-2 S. Base, 70 39' 25" + 7-4 54- Oneota, 78" 27' 05" 260. 5 Lester, 30 53' 30" -+- 35.2 1239.0 2251.4 = 31.6 in units of the seventli decimal place. Also OL 16556 metres. Hence /i nr is known. The RIctJiod of Directions. 146. This method is clue to Bessel. Various modifica- tions of Bessel's plan of making the observations are used on different surveys. The following is that used on the U. S. Coast Survey. . " In any set, after the objects have been observed in the order of graduation they are re-observed with instrument reversed in the opposite order: the mean of the two obser- vations upon each object is then taken. The number of such sets and the number of positions made depends on the accuracy required and upon the perfection of the instru- ment." A single series of means is called an "arc." "The direction instrument requires that it should be turned on its stand or changed in position, in order that the direction of any one line, and consequently of all, should fall upon different parts of the circle as the only security against errors of graduation. The number of positions 41 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. varies from five to twenty-one of nearly equal arcs; and in each position the circuit of the horizon is made, giving the direction of each line by two observations, one in the direct and the other in the reversed position of the telescope. These circuits or series are repeated in each position until two to five values of each direction are obtained. Each angle is therefore determined by from 35 to 63 measure- ments in the direct and a like number in the reversed posi- tion of the telescope." 147. The Local Adjustment. Let O be the station occupied, and i, 2, 3, . . . the stations sighted at in order of azimuth. Let some one direction, as Oi, be selected as the zero direc- tion, and let A, B, . . . denote the most probable values of the angles which the directions of the different signals make with this direction. In the first arc let X l denote the most probable value of the angle be- tween the zero of the limb of the instrument and the direction of the signal taken as the zero direction ; then if J//, J//', . . . denote the readings of the limb for the different signals, and z//, v" , . . . the most probable corrections to these readings, we have the observation equations Fig.4l The zero of the limb being changed in the next arc, we have in like manner X - M = v' and so on for the remaining arcs. APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATION. 317 If now />,', /,", . . . ; //, /,", .../... denote the weights of the measured directions of the several series of arcs, the normal equations follow at once. They are [>,] x, +P: A +pi n B+ . . . = [/vi/j p from which the unknowns may be found. In order to shorten the numerical work a course similar to that of Art. 41 may be followed. Let where J//, Ml, . . . A', B ', . . . are approximate values of X lt X, ... A, ,..., and .f,, x v . . . (A), (B), . . . denote their most probable corrections. Also, for convenience in writing, put ml' = Ml' - Ml - A' ml' = J/ a " - Ml - A' ml" = Ml" - Ml - B' ml" = Ml" - Ml - B' The normal equations now become -h 3l8 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. The quantities ,f lf x. t , . . . being merely auxiliary quanti- ties, we eliminate them by substituting their values as found from the first group of normal equations in the second group. We have then which may be solved as usual. These equations may be written where [], [ rf ^]> are to be looked on as mere symbols. In the cases that occur in ordinary work the computa- tion may be still farther shortened. If we arrange the observations in groups containing readings on the same series of signals, then, these readings being of equal value, we have for the first group A / =A // = ./ suppose A'=A" =,/ " . and therefore ;// being the number of signals sighted at in this group. Similarly for the other groups. APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATION. 319 Hence if ///, // rt ", . . . denote the number of arcs in the several groups, the coefficients of the normal equations become // ' /' '/ [ / -*T,*P >'s s where ,/>', ,/>" . . . denote any of the equal weights in the several columns of the first group, and />', 2 />", . / 3 p', 3 p", .../.. . denote corresponding quantities in the second, third, . . . groups. These weights for the signals sighted at may be taken to be each equal to unity, and, for the signals not sighted at, zero. After having found the quantities ///, w", ... by taking the differences between the approximate values of the angles and the several measured values, it is convenient to arrange the formation of the normal equations according to the following scheme: No. of Group. /"'" [P\ [/'"'"I The coefficients of the normal equations may now be written down at sight. 320 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Special Case. If every arc is full, and every direction is equally well measured in every arc, then and the normal equations become By addition, the number of arcs being // s i, w )==? Hence () = [;'"] as is evident a priori. 148. Checks of the Normal Equations. i. The sum [ cc _] + . . . is equal to half the number of observations, less half the number of arcs. APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATION. 321 For substituting for [# i"/i"' 4- . . . 2 [/i] pi" -$- pi" -t- ft" + . . . /'-' 2 4 A'" ! 4 />2 'A'" 4 ... [/] 4- - ... = 1 1 [/] + [/"] + [/"] + - I ~ ^Jjj - ^| - Now,// // == . . . = i, and therefore [/'] -f- [/>"] -j- \ p'"] -}-... = the number of observations r/, 2 ] r/, 2 ] ry, a i -^ -f . . . = the number of arcs. [AJ [A] [A] 2. The sum [f/] + [*/] + L^] + - -[ where ['/] is formed in the same way as [^ For since [/"w/"J + [/'"''"] + - [A'.l - [A W J -...== [ ^= o which proves the proposition. 322 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. 149. The Precision of the Adjusted Va/ucs. The first step is to find //, the m. s. e. of a single direction. We have generally . No. ol obs. quan. No. of indep. unknowns. Now, from the observation equations, Art. 147, it is evident that the number of independent unknowns is equal to the number of arcs //, together with the number of signals ;/, sighted at, less one. Hence \j>w\ ft - : - L/ n (tr a -\-u s I ) n being the number of directions. To compute the value of | pvi<\. Eliminate .r n x^, . . . from the normal equations, Art, 147, and we have the re- duced normal equations + A V) +//"(#) + =[A< Hence, as in Art. 100, A AJ = [p,nm\ - Iil-I The quantity \pnnn\ should always, if possible, be found from the original observations. It will in general be quite different if found from the means forming the different groups of arcs taken as single observations. (See Ex., Art. 62.) APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATION. 323 Takinof the weight of each observed direction to be o o o the same value unity, the expressions for[z/z'] may be written \vv] = \jnni\ [',]' 1^1 -[aa\ 150. The General Adjustment. The general ad- justment is carried out as in the case of independent angles. The angle and side equations are formed as in Arts. 1 17-139, and the solution effected according to the programme of Art. 113. 151. Ex. At station Clark Mt., in the triangulation of the Blue Ridge, Va,, readings were made with a non-repeating theodolite in the method of arcs. The following, taken from these readings, will be sufficient to illustrate the method of reduction. The original observations are arranged in sets containing readings on the same groups of signals, and the quantities given in the table beiow are the remainders found by subtracting the reading of the first direction in earh series from the readings of the other directions; that is, MI" Mi, Mi" -Mi, . . . Ai Claik Mt. Spear. Humpback Fork. oo" oo' 00". oo .OO .CO .OO 24 09' 35^-70 33"-55 78' 26' oS".55 09 ".60 09". 33 io".45 oo' oo' 00". oo .OO 78"' 26' IO".20 1 1 ".03 oo oo' oo'.oo .OO .OO .OO .00 24 og' 36". 10 37"-4Q 3S".I5 39".oo oo oo' oo'.oo .00 .00 .00 54 1 6' 31". 85 3i" 94 36'iig 42 324 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. The Local Adjustment. Assume the most probable values of the angles Spear, 00 oo' oo".oo Humpback, 24 09' 36". 90 + (A) Fork, 78 26' 9". 90 + () Take the differences between the approximate values of the angles and the several measured values. We then have /';' p"m" p'" m'" Sums. o.oo n a ' = 4 .00 .00 / = 3 .00 o.oo 1. 2O i/' = 1 + 2.50 0.67 - 3-35 - 1-35 i/"r=I 0.30 -0.57 + 0.55 -4-39 2.72 -1.6 7 1l a "=2 O.OO n s "2 .00 if' 1 - + 0.30 tp'" = I + I.I3 + 1-43 o.oo + i-43 o.oo 0.80 .00 .00 .00 .00 o.oo + 0.50 0.37 + 1.25 + 2.IO + 2.68 + 2.68 o.oo .00 - 1.15 i. 06 .00 .00 -0.97 + 3-13 0.05 0.00 0.05 [/'/'] = o.oo \_p"m"] = - 0.04 [/'"w'"]=: 0.29 [//] = -0.33 [/] = II [/'] = J 3 [/"] = 10 APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATION. Next form the table 325 No. of group. "a "s "a p' in' /";" /'";'" Sum. Sum n s I 1 4 2.72 -1.6 7 ~4-39 ~ I-463 2 a 2 o + 1-43 + 1.43 + 0.715 3 f 5 + 2.68 + 2.68 + 1-340 4 ^ 4 o .00 0.05 0.05 0.025 Sums, 15 0.04 0.29 - 0.33 Check The coefficients of the normal equations [jzfl ] = 13 -!-f-! = + 7i [_**_] = - I - 1 = - 34 [_W_] = IO -f-f-f= + 5f r ,r/ ] = 0.04 + 1.463 1.34 + 0.025 = +0.108 r bl i = 0.29 + 1.463 0.715 +0.025 = + 0.483 [^/] =-1.463 + 0.715 + 1-34 =+0.592 Check (i) [art] + [jitfj + [_WJ = gj = i(34-i5) as it should. (2) [ as it should. The normal equations are = 0.5QI = [,/] =+ 0.483 = The general solution of these equations gives C<4) = + 0.1921 [a/] + o. (B)= + O.I 1 30 [a/] +o.242g[W] Substituting for [/], [^/] their values, there result (A) + o".075 (B)= + o".i30 326 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. and hence the local directions Spear o oo' oo".ooo Humpback, 24 09' 36". 975 Fork, 78 26' io".O3O To find the m. s. e. of a single observation. The value of [?'?'], computed according to Art. 150, is found to be 25.7. Therefore the divisor in this case being 15. This completes the local adjustment at this station. Proceed similarly at the remaining three stations. The General Adjustment. At Clark. Most probable directions. Spear, o oo' oo".ooo Humpback, 24 09' 36".975+(i) Fork, 78 26' io".o3o 4- (2) Weight Equations. (l)= + O.I92I | I | + O.II30 | 2 | (2)= +O.II30 | 1 | + 0.2429 | 2 | [w]=25.7 Divisor, 17 At Spear. Humpback, o" oo' oo".ooo Fork, 32" 08' n".793+(3) Clark, 54 06' 29". 197 + (4) Weight Equations. (3)= + 0.2061 jjj +0.0485 fjj (4)= + 0.0485 |Tj +0.1879 IT? \vv\ = 58.7 Divisor, 17 APPLICATION TO* TRIANGULATION. 327 At Humpback. Clark, o" oo' oo".ooo Spear, 101 44' 3". 123 + (5) Fork, 332 58' n".i57+(&) Weight Equations. (5)= +0.1333 I 5 I +0.0667 I f > I (6)= +0.0667 | 5 | +0.1833 | 6 | [rT'] 106.0 Divisor, 23 At Fork. Clark, o oo' oo".ooo Spear, 79 35' 42". 479 + (7) Humpback, 98 41' 43". 926 + (8) Weight Equations. (7)= +0.2970 | 7 I +- o.i 394 I' 8 | (8)= +0.1394 Qj +0.1879 |JJ [', ... of A, />, . . . substituted in the first group of normal equations, give as approximate values 'Of _ [A] which values substituted in the second group give as second approximations to the values of A, B, . . . A _ A'W: - M: - /) +P:(M:- - M: - Q + . . . T7T W'-M';- Q + . . . and so on. APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATION. 329 This approximate form of reduction was used on the Ordnance Trigonometrical Survey of Great Britain in the reduction of the principal triangulation. The approxima- tions were carried out only as far as A", B\ . . . This is in general sufficient in good work. Instead of finding A', Z>', . . . as above, it is often more convenient to follow the Ordnance Survey plan, and, in- stead of deducting J//, AJ t ", . . . from the readings of the signals in the different arcs in order, to add to the readings of the signals in the different arcs quantities which will make the column M' constant throughout. We should then have The corrections x and the other approximations are made as before. Should the observation of the zero direction be want- ing in any arc as, say, the third the quantity to be added to each reading in this arc is given approximately by the value of X 3 in the first set of normal equations. Thus, given the readings prepared as explained above, M', MS', M,'" M', M^', M t f " o, M,'" - M," to find M: - M 3 f . If A', B' have been found from the first two arcs, then from the normal equations and M " - M '- = A r approx. 330 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Hence the complete form would be M', M,", M,'" M', M:, M,'" A' + M', M,'" - M 3 "+A f + M' or Ex. o.MS- M f , M/" - M' o, M," -M', M n '" -M' A', M,'" -M t "-\-A' At Clark Mt. p M" - M' M'" - M' 4 2 00 oo' oo".oo .00 24 09' 36". 22 78 26' 09". 48 io".62 5 4 .00 37"-44 00 oo' oo" 54 1 6' 32. "99 A' = 24 09' 36". 90 4 2 00 oo' oo".oo .00 24 Og' 36". 22 78 26' 09". 48 !0".62 5 4 .00 37"- 44 36". 90 9". 89 Means 36 ".90 9". 88 Corrections to the arcs: M" - M 1 A' M'" M' B' X o".oo -o".6S o".4O o".36 .00 + o".74 + o".37 .00 + o".54 + 0".27 o".oo + o".oi + o".oo M'M'x M'" M' x 4 2 o"-36 59"- 6 3 24" 09' 36". 58 78 26' 09". 84 I0".25 5 4 59". 73 37"- 17 36". 90 9". 89 Means, 59"-94 Final values, oo".oo 3f>" -90 36". 96 9"-94 9". 98 APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATION. 331 Modified Rigorous Solution. 153. The forms that have been given in the preceding articles for the rigorous adjustment of a triangulation, though analytically very elegant, are somewhat compli- cated. A method which shall give a marked diminution of work in the reduction without increasing the field work materially is a desideratum. In the reduction of a long net of triangulation we have seen that labor is saved by breaking the work into two parts, first adjusting at each of the stations for the local conditions, and then using this work in the further adjust- ment arising from the angle and side equations. Now, if the measurements were made on a uniform plan the local adjustment would be simplified, as we should have a similar problem to solve at each station. This would lead to a great saving of labor, since, if the measurements are made at hap-hazard, the local adjustment may be quite compli- cated. If we decide, then, that the observer must work in ac- cordance with some regular form, our next inquiry is, What shall that form be ? First, shall the angles be measured in- dependently or in arcs ? The point to be aimed at in this as in all work of precision is to get rid of systematic error. The accidental errors are trifling in comparison. When we consider twist of triangulation station from the action of the sun's rays; the influence on distinctness of vision for the same focus for different lengths of lines sighted over; the interruptions that may occur in the course of reading a long arc; the more uniform light that may always be had when the number of signals in use at one time is small, etc., we cannot but conclude that greater precision is to be attained by measuring the angles independently. The errors are more likely to mutually balance. Even Andras, the author of the most important contributions to the method of directions since Bessel, and who used this method in the triangulation of Denmark, acknowledges 43 332 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. that " in place of observations of directions in arcs it is pre- ferable to return to the old method of Gauss in measuring angles." * As regards the cost, it must be acknowledged that for an equal number of results, leaving quality out of account, the method of arcs has the advantage. Nowadays, how- ever, when facilities exist for measuring angles by night as well as by day, there is less delay in waiting for suitable conditions than when day work alone had to be depended on.f Taking this into account, the difference in cost would not be great in any case, more especially as a triangulation party is never a very large one. Having decided that angles should be measured inde- pendently, it is in accordance with general experience that instead of spending all of the time of observation in meas- uring the single angles themselves better results would be obtained by spending part of it in measuring combinations of the angles. A simple form that at once suggests itself would be to close the horizon at each station ; that is, to measure all of the angles AOB, BOC, . . . LOA in order round the horizon (see Fig. 20). The local corrections would each be - of the discrepancy of the sum of the angles from 360 (Art. 121), and the reduction is thus simple and uniform. However, as measuring the closing angle LOA is the same as measuring the sum angle AOL, it would seem that if we measure one sum angle we ought to measure all possible sum angles.:}: Though the form of adjustment for this combination of measures is a special case of that already given, I shall, at the risk of a little repetition, sketch it in full. * VerhaniUungen der europtiischen Gradmcssung, 1878, p. 47. t Sec C. S. Report 1880, App. No. 8. Experiments made at Sugar Loaf Mountain, Georgia, have shown that an apparatus cheap and easily operated can be used ; that night observations are a little more accurate than those by day, and renss!schc Landestriangulation. Berlin, 1874, scq. APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATION. 337 A, B, C in the angle adjustment, the observation equations may be written -X+A -/ = *,. -X + B -/,. = -JT + c-4 = * I4 -.* + /? -/ = *' (0 -A + C-/, t = ^ t -JB + C-l. t = v, t and the normal equations 3 x- A- B- <:=-/-/-/ -,r^- 5- c= /-/-/ 2 Adding these equations, there results = and therefore the unknowns cannot be found without some further relation connecting them. The reason of the inde- terminate form is that directions are nothing but the angles which the rays Oi, O2, . . . make with some common zero ray whose position is not fixed, and which may therefore be taken arbitrarily. To carry out the solution it will be most convenient to fix the zero ray by making the arbitrary assumption X+A+B+C=o (3) By adding this to each of the normal equations they re- duce to 4'Y" A 1 /I 3 ~ A 4 *A-- /_/-/ 48= /,, + /,,-/,, (4) 4C /,4 + /,4 + '., which give the values of X, A, B, C directly. 338 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. The computation may be rendered quite mechanical by arranging in tabular form : I 2 3 4 Sums. 4, 4s 4, Sum, 4s 4, Sum 2 4 4 Sum 3 - Sum, - Sum, - Sum 3 4X 4 A AB 4C X A B C Check The transformation of the normal equations (2) into (4) by means of the arbitrary relation (3) is allowable. For since the sum of the coefficients of the unknowns in each of equations 2 is zero, whatever values of X, A, B, C satisfy those equations X-\-a, A -\-a, B-\-a, C -\- a, where a is any constant, will also satisfy them. Hence whatever set of values is taken to satisfy the equations, the differences A X, B X, CX will be the same in value. There- fore by arbitrarily fixing the zero direction we find deter- minate values for the corrections to the other directions. Ex. Take that of Ex. i, Art. 154. seconds only, is The tabular scheme, writing down the 46". i o 63". 28 109". 44 218". 82 i6".6i 6i".g6 78"-57 42 ".88 42". 88 218". 82 - 78". 57 42". 88 218". 82 - 32". 47 37". 01 214". 28 - 54" -70 8". 12 9". 25 53"- 57 X A B C and A X, B X, CX give the same values of the angles as found before. Hence, whether we find the local corrections to the angles or to the directions APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATION. 339 of the arms of the angles, the result is the same. One method or the other may, therefore, be used, as is most convenient. To avoid the use of large numbers certain approximate values may be assumed for the directions, and the corrections to these approximate values found. (Compare Art. Si.) Thus if (X), (A), (B), (C) denote the corrections to assumed values of X, A, B, C, we may proceed as follows : Assumed approximate angles Sodus, o oo' oo* + (A') Vanderlip, 80 29' 46" + (A) Duck, 107 19' 03" + (B) Stony Pt., 138 12' 4 Tabular Form. I 2 3 4 Sums. + o".io + 0".2S + o'.44 + 0".S2 - o"-39 - i ".04 - i -43 3". 12 3'. 12 0".S2 + i"-43 + 3"- 12 0".S2 + i "-53 + 3". oi 3"-?6 o" . 20 + o".38 + "-75 o".g4 (X) (A) (S) (0 and the adjusted angles are as before. 157. The General Adjustment (Directions). The form of the normal equations 4, Art. 156, shows that at each station the quantities X, A, . . . are determined inde- pendently of one another. The weight of each direction at a station, as shown by the weight equations, is repre- sented by the number of stations sighted at. If, therefore, (i), (2), . . . denote the corrections to the values A', A, . . . locally adjusted, which arise from the angle and side equa- tions, we may consider X, A, ... as independent quanti- ties, all of equal weight and subject to certain rigorous con- ditions, and proceed to carry out the solution according to the simple form of Art. no. Hence, as the solution breaks into two simple problems of adjusting quantities as if inde- pendently observed, we see the advantage of adjusting the directions instead of the angles. 44 340 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. ' Ex. The quadrilateral Buchanan, Brule, Aminicon, Lester, in the tri- angulation of Lake Superior. Direction. At Buchanan, 2-1 At Brule, 3-2 At Aminicon, 8-7 At Lester, Measured Angle. Local Adj . Angle. 47 57' 36". 25 36". 21 97 26' 41". 29 4i"-32 49 29' 05". 15 5". 1 1 5-4 40 25' 47"-49 47"-36 6-4 71 58' 27". 31 27". 45 6-5 31 32' 40". 22 40". 09 8-7 37 47' 05". 51 5"- 1? 9-7 97 51' 03". 1 1 3"-45 9-8 60 03' 58". 62 58". 28 II-IO 5i oo' 39"- 77 40". oo 12-10 92 43' 49". 42 49". 20 1 2-1 1 41 43' o8". 9 7 9". 2O The local adjustment is carried through as in Art. 154, it being more con- venient to adjust the angles directly father than the directions. Taking the locally adjusted angles as independent, we next find the cor- rections to the directions arising from the angle and side equations. The angle equations, formed in the usual way from the triangles Buchanan, Brule, Aminicon (e = i"-37) ; Brule, Aminicon, Lester (e = i".i9); Lester, Buchanan, Brule (s = i". 19) ; and the side equation, from the quadrilateral itself (pole at Lester), are -(i) + (2) -(4) + (6)- (8)+ ( 9 )=-o'. 5 7 - (i) + (3) - (5) + (6) - (10) + (ii) = - o".22 -(4) + (5) -(7) + (9) -() + (") = + i".i8 -O.I4(l) -0.90(2)+ 1.04(3) + I- 24 (4) -2. 95(5) + i . 72(6) + i . 50(7) - i . 36(8) - o. 14(9) = - o" . 80 The number of stations pointed at from' each station occupied being 3, the weight of each locally adjusted angle is the same throughout the net. Hence we have the correlate normal equations I. II. III. IV. + 6.0 +2.0 +2.0 + 0.94 =0.57 + 2.O + 6.O 2.O + 5.84 = O.22 + 2.0 2.0 +6.0 - 5.84 = + 1.18 + 0.94 +5.84 5.84 +19.22 = 0.80 I. = 0.273 II. = +0.136 III. = +0.377 IV. = + 0.045 APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATION. 341 and the corrections C 1 ) +o". 13 (7) = o".3i (2)= 0".3I (8)=r+o".2I (3)=s+o".i8 (9)=+o".io (4) = o'.os (10) = o".i4 (5)=+o'.n (ii) = o".24 (6)= o".o6 (i2)=: + o".3S On the Breaking of a Net of Triangulation into Sections for Convenience of Solution. 158. In a long chain of triangulation or in a complicated net the simultaneous solution of the condition equations would be very troublesome, not from any principle in- volved, but from its very umvieldiness. Accordingly it is necessary to break the work into sections and solve each section by itself. As this breaking into sections causes more or less disturbance of the local conditions at the lines of breaking off, each section should be as large as can be conveniently managed, and the lines of breaking off should be so chosen as to disturb as few conditions as possible. By the method of adjustment explained in Arts. 153-157 much larger sections can be taken than by any other. This is a strong argument in favor of its use. The contradictions that occur at the lines of breaking off of the several sections are most conveniently bridged over by means of the principle of Art. 115. As an example we may cite the reduction of the principal triangulation of the British Ordnance Survey. There were 920 condition equa- tions to be satisfied in the net. The following was the method of solution employed:* " The triangulation was divided into a number of parts or figures, each affording a not unmanageable number of equations of condition. One of these being corrected or computed independently of all the rest, the corrections so obtained were substituted (so far as the} 7 entered) in the * Account of the Principal Triangulation, p. 272. 342 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. equations of condition of the next figure, and the sum of the squares of the remaining corrections in that figure made a minimum. The corrections thus obtained for the second figure were substituted in the third, and so on." In the triangulation of Mecklenburg* this method was carried out even more systematically. The adjustment was divided into five groups of 22, 22, 22, 21, 22 condition equations respectively. The corrections resulting from the solution of group 1. were carried, so far as they entered, into group II., and this group solved, and so on through groups III., IV., V. The whole operation was repealed four times, and the small contradictions still remaining were distributed empirically. For an interesting conference on the whole question see Comptes Rendus de r Association Gcode'sique Internationale, 1877. Adjustment of a Triangulation for Closure of Circuit. 159. In the adjustment of a triangulation we have so far considered it only with reference to a single measured base. We have seen how at each station the discrepancy arising from sum angles and from closure of the horizon can be got rid of, and also how in a net joining several stations the conditions arising from closure of triangles and from equality of lengths of sides computed by different routes can be satisfied. There remains the question as to the mode of procedure when several bases enter whose lengths are known and whose positions have been fixed astronomi- cally. Special cases would be where a circuit of triangula- tion closed on the initial line, and where a secondary system is to be made to conform to two lines in a primary system, the primary lines being assumed to be known in length and position. The conditions to be satisfied in the adjustment are four in number- that the value of a base computed from another * Grosshcrzoglich mecklcnburgi&che Landesi'i:ri>iessung. Schwerin, 1882. APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATION. 343 should agree with the measured value in azimuth, in length, and in latitude and longitude of one of the end points. The measured angles of the triangles connecting the bases having been already adjusted with reference to one base for the local and general conditions, the additional cor- rections necessary to satisfy the closure of the circuit will be small. But little difference in the results will therefore be found by making a simultaneous solution of all of the condition equations of closure and a solution by successive approximation according to the method of Art. 115. We shall consider only a single chain of triangles, all tie lines of the system being rejected. This on account of sim- plicity, and also for the reason stated above, that, in good work the corrections being small, it gives results practically close enough nearly the same, in fact, as a rigorous solu- tion. If thought necessary in any special case a rigorous solution of the condition equations can be carried out by the method of correlates. 1 60. Adjustment for Discrepancy in Azimuth. Let 1-2 and 5-6 be two bases connected through inter- mediate stations 3, 4 by a single chain of the best-shaped triangles that can be selected from the net. In computing the base 5-6 from 1-2 the sides 1-4, 3-4, 3-6 are at once sides of continuation and bases, according to the triangles considered. For example, in the triangle i 2 4 the side 1-4 is a side of continuation from the base 1-2, but in 134 the side 1-4 is a base with reference to 3-4 as a side of continuation. In the chain of triangles let A lt A^ ... be the angles opposite to the sides of con- tinuation. /?,, B^, . . . the angles opposite to the bases in order of computation. C }} *,... the angles opposite to the flank sides. 344 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Let z, z l denote the values of the measured azimuth of the bas.es 1-2, 5-6 respectively. These values are assumed to be correct, and receive no change in the adjustment. A geodetic computation* of the azimuth of the base 5-6 from the base 1-2 is now made, using the values of the angles of the intervening triangles resulting from the adjust- ment for local and general conditions. Call the value of the azimuth of 5-6 computed in this way z' . Now, reckoning azimuth in the usual way from the south as origin, and the direction of increase from south to west, it is easily seen, by passing from 1-2 along the sides 1-4, 4-3, 3-6, that the excess 4 of the observed value z l over the computed value z' of 5-6 is given by -(Q + (Q-(Q + (Q = 4 (i) where (7,), (C y ), . . . denote the corrections to the angles * ,,... This is the azimuth condition equation. In order that the correction arising from the azimuth equation may not disturb the conditions of closure existing among the angles of the triangles, it is necessary that the corrections to the angles should satisfy the conditions The unknowns in equations I, 2 are subject to the re- lation ' - . . = a rain. Call ,, k^ k^ / 4 the correlates of equations (2), and k the cor relate of equation (i), and we have the correlate equations *. = \ k (Q k, + k = (Q k. - k = (Q 4 + ^ = (Q * For methods of doing this see Lee's Tables and Formulas, Washington, 1873 ; Coast Sur- vey Report, 1875. APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATION. 345 whence the normal equations 3^ k = o 3^ 3 -f k = o If we had ;/ triangles instead of four, the normal equations would be of similar form, and, solving, we should find *= 2n and therefore the corrections ~ Hence the rule : Divide the excess of the observed over the computed azimuth by the number of triangles, and apply one-half of this quantity to each of the angles adjacent to the flank sides on one side of the chain, and the total quantity, with the sign changed, to the third angle. The signs are reversed for the angles on the other flank. If the azimuth mark is not on a triangulation side the line of azimuth may be swung on to such a side by adding the angle between the mark and the side. 34^ THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Ex. The sketch represents the secondary triangulation of Long Island Sound. The sides 1-2, 14-15 are the lines of junction with the primary sys- tem. These lines are assumed to remain unchanged in azimuth in the adjust- ment, and the secondary system is to be made to conform to them. The main chain of triangles joining the two primary lines is indicated in the figure by heavy lines. The number of these triangles is n. The system has been adjusted for local and geometrical conditions, and the resulting angles of these triangles are as follows : Angle. log sin diff. i" Sph. excess. Angle. log sin diff. i" Sph. excess. A, 82 49' 19". 25 0.27 A, 58 25' 08". 08 1.29 B, 64 55' 40". 32 0.99 3"-66 B-, 82 16' i6".i6 0.29 3"-63 c, 32 15' 04". 09 C-, 39 18' 39"-39 A* 52 37' 47"-9 8 1.61 A & 69 12' 06". 02 0.80 B* 74 10' 50". 56 0.60 4". 96 * 71 58' 54"-i8 0.68 3"-3 c, 53 n' 26". 42 c s 38 49' 02".83 A 3 69 20' 1 6". 03 0.79 A, 59 18' 26". 33 1.25 B* 67 43' 43"- 33 0.86 3". 53 B 102 08' 26". 94 -0.45 i "-33 C 3 42 56' 04". 16 c a 18 33' 08". 05 A, 39 31' 29". 66 2-55 A^ 67 38' 52". 77 0.87 B, 120 36' 36". 1 1 -1-25 i"-3i Bio 70 26' 23". 26 0.75 2". 41 c< 19 5i' 55"-54 Go 41 54' 46". 38 A, 83 19' 3i"-o8 0.25 An 29 43' 55"- 99 3.69 B & 68 57' 47"- 75 o.Si i ".42 n 55 23' 09". 36 1-45 2". 1 3 c, 27 42' 42". 58 CM 94 52' 56". 78 A t 87' 25' 26". 66 0.09 B, 44 10' 45". 25 2.17 3". 47 Ct 48 23' 5 1 ".56 APPLICATION TO TRIANGULATION. 347 A geodetic computation for latitude, longitude, and azimuth was carried through from the line 1-2 to 14-15, using the above angles. It was found that approximately observed az. of 14-15 computed az. of do. = 2". 93 Hence the corrections to the angles of the triangles for this discrepancy in azimuth are for the first triangle (/!,) o". 13 second triangle (A^) = -\-o". 13 (/>',) =-o". 1 3 W = + o*.is (Q = -f ".26 (Q = - o".26 and so on. 161. Adjustment for Discrepancy in Bases. This is fully explained in Arts. 168-170. Using the last form given in Art. 170, we may write the base-line equation \d A (A)-d B (B)-\ = l from which, using the values of A^ />,, . . . found in the azimuth adjustment as first approximations, further correc- tions to the angles are found, as in equations 5, Art. 170. Since the angles C do not enter into this adjustment, the corrections resulting will not disturb the adjustment for azimuth already made. The advantage of this method of proceeding is that the subsequent work does not disturb any adjustment already made and thus render it necessary to make a new approxi- mation. The labor is reduced to a minimum, and the re- sults obtained are practically close enough. For an example see Ex. i, Art. 170. 162. Adjustment for Discrepancy in Latitude and Longitude. The corrections to the angles arising from discrepancy in azimuth and in bases having been ap- plied, the value of one base computed from another will a<;ree with the measured value in direction and length. o * 45 348 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. The discrepancy in position, as shown by the differences be- tween observed and computed latitudes and longitudes, alone remains. This discrepancy, being small, may be eliminated closely enough by distributing it proportionally from one end of the chain of triangles to the other, accord- ing to Bowditch's rule as given in Ex. 5, Art. no that is, the error in latitude in proportion to the longitudes, and the error in longitude in proportion to the latitudes of the several stations. Each station, being thus made slightly eccentric, is next reduced to centre, when the whole net will be consistent. CHAPTER VII. APPLICATION TO BASE-LINE MEASUREMENTS. 163. During the present century two forms of apparatus have been used in the measurement of primary bases, the compensation bars and the metallic-thermometer appa- ratus. On the English Ordnance Survey the two principal lines, the Lough Foyle and Salisbury Plain bases, were measured with the Colby compensation bars. Most of the bases of the U. S. Coast Survey and five of the eight bases of the U. S. Lake Survey were measured with the Bache- Wiirdemann compensation apparatus. On the Continent of Europe the Bessel metallic-thermometer apparatus is very generally used. Indications are not wanting that both forms will be sup- planted before long by an apparatus consisting of simply a single metallic bar.* The essential part of any form of base apparatus consists of one or two bars of metal, usually from 4 to 6 metres in length and of about 40 X 15 mm. cross-section. If the ex- treme points of a bar are the limits of measure, so that a measurement is made by contact [end-measures], two bars are necessary. If, however, the length of a bar is con- sidered to lie between two marks made on it [line-meas- ures], so that in a measurement the transition from one bar to the next depends, not on the stability of the bar, but on some outside appliance, only one bar is necessary. Descriptions of the various forms of apparatus used on different surveys will be found in reports of those surveys. * See Ibanez, Zfitschr. fiir Instrumentenkiinrif, 1881. Also Art. 166. 350 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. 164. Precision of a Base-Line Measurement. For clearness it will be necessary to outline the principles on which the measurement is made. First, we must find the length of the measuring bar in terms of some standard of length ; and as the measurements of the line itself are made at various temperatures, the co- efficients of expansion of the metals in the measuring appa- ratus must also be known. Comparisons must, therefore, be made with the standard during wide ranges of tempera- ture ; and as these comparisons are fallible, the results found for length and expansion will be more or less er- roneous. The principle involved in the measurement is exactly the same as in common chaining with chain and pins. There are, indeed, various contrivances for getting a pre- cision not looked for in chaining, such as for aligning the measuring bar, for finding the inclination of each position of the bar, and for establishing fixed points for stopping at and starting from in measurement. But these make no change in the essential principle. The errors in the value of a base line may, therefore, be considered to arise from two principal sources, comparisons and measurement. Experience has shown that the main error arises from the comparisons, and that, even it our modes of measuring the base line itself were perfect, the precision of the final value would be but little increased so long as the methods of comparison are in their present state. Thus in the Lake Survey primary bases, if the field work had been without error, the total p. e. of the bases would have been diminished only about ^ part. These errors differ essentially in character. An error arising from the comparisons, being the same for each bar measurement, is cumulative for the whole base, while errors arising in the measurement of the base itself, were the measurements repeated often enough and the conditions sufficiently varied, would tend to mutually balance, and could, therefore, be treated by the strict principles of least APPLICATION TO BASE-LINE MEASUREMENTS. 351 squares. But as the number of measurements is not often more than 2 or 3, and as these are made usually at about the same season of the year, only a comparatively rough estimate of the precision is to be looked for. As a check on the field work a base is usually divided into sections by setting stones firmly in the ground at approximately equal intervals along the line, so that in- stead of being able to compare results at the end points only, \ve may compare results just as well at 6 or 8 points. In this way a better idea of the precision of the work is obtained, as we have 6 or 8 short bases to deal with instead of a single long one. We proceed now with the problem of determining the precision of measurement. Ft may be stated as follows: A base is measured in sections with a bar of a certain length, each section being measured ;/, times. By the first measurement the first section contains J// bars, the second M" bars, . . . ; by the second measurement the first sec- tion contains MJ bars, the second Mf bars, . . . ; and so on. The weights of the measurements in order being A' A' / P" > A"> / respectively, required the m. s. e. of the most probable value of the base. Let F, most prob. value of first section F a = most prob. value of second section then we have the observation equations First section, V, M{ = ?>/ wt. />,' V,-M{'=,v;' wt. A" Second section, F, J// : = r>/ wt. // V, - M," = v," wt. A" and so on. Now, either of two assumptions may be made. 352 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. (a) In the first place, that the precision of the measure- ment of each bar is the same throughout the different sections. We have, then, nn l equations containing n unknowns, and the normal equations are whence F,, F 2 , . . . are known, and therefore the whole line V= V, -f F a + . . . -f V n is known. The mean-square error /j. of an observation of weight unity that is, of a single measurement of a bar is given by (see Art. 99) [fivv] No. of obs. No. of indep. unknowns. Now, the length of the measuring bar being taken as the unit of measurement, the weight of a section, as depending on the measurement, may be expressed in terms of the number of bars measured. For since ft is the m. s. e. of a measurement of a single bar, the 'm. s. e. of the measurement "of a length of M bars is n VM. Hence =^ is the weight of a measurement of length M when the weight of a measurement of the unit of length is unity. Writing, therefore, for the weights / their values in terms of M, / I Vvi y (,- i)\Jf vv~\ M\ In the case usually occurring in practice, where the line is measured twice, we may put this formula in a form more APPLICATION TO BASE-LINE MEASUREMENTS. 353 convenient for computation. For if the first measurement of the w, sections gave lengths M lt M t , . . ., and the second measurements gave lengths J/,-)-^, M^-\-d v . . . for the same sections in order, then, since we have for the m. s. e. of one measurement of a bar and for the mean of two measurements respectively Hence the m. s. e. of a single measurement and of the mean of the two values of the whole base are the number of bars in the line being [M]. Ex. The Bonn Base, measured in 1847, near Bonn, Germany, with the original Bessel metallic-thermometer apparatus. The base was a broken one, the two parts making an angle of 179 23'. Each part was measured twice, as follows:* Differences. No. of bars. Northern Part, Sec. i L 0.183 116 Sec. 2 + o.cn)4 87 Sec. 3 0.013 6 1 - 264 Southern Part, Sec. i 0.007 92 Sec. 2 + o.(xj5 60 Sec. 3 + 0.757 131 283 * Das rhcinischf Drciecksnct:. Berlin, 1876. 354 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Hence the m. s. e. of the northern part, arising from errors of measurement only, is y_ .094' 6 "" 87 and the m. s. e. of the southern part is L -- = 0.093 283/.007 2 .cos' 2 -757' 2 -+- - + - L 92 60 131 \ L = - / The other two main sources of error are : 1. Error in comparison of the measuring bars with one another. 2. Error in the determination of their length. The m. s. e. arising from these sources are respectively L L 0.386, 0.313 for the northern part 0.391, 0.335 f r the southern part Remembering that these latter errors are systematic, we have, finally, m. s. e. of base = Kogs^ .327'^+ (.386 + .391)'- + (.313 + .335)- L = 1.07 (b) In the second place, if we assume that the law of precision of the measurements of the different sections is unknown, and that these sections are independent, we have for the mean of the values of the several sections and their m. s. e. v _ J&wL since p , ,,= m . i v _ n 2 - a a . , . / K r . -,/ v - r Since A =ff=. . . = [AJ), (A), (B), (C) arc the corrections to the above quantities in order, the condition equations are (A) + (B) + (C) = o 6742.420 + (a) _ sin \ i 07' 51". 35 + (A)\ 6602.386 + (/>) ~ sin | r 06' 26". 74 4- (B)\ or, reducing the latter to the linear form, o.644() = 0.00003 (^) = + o".O2 (C) = o".oo This example is noteworthy as showing the combination of heterogeneous measures in the same minimum equation. (2) Approximate Solutions The two of most importance are (a) when the angles alone are changed, (b) when the bases alone are changed. Either of these is practically more important than the rigid solution, as a base line in good work receives a very small correction from the ad- justment. (a) When the angles alone are changed. The formulas to be used in this case follow from those of the rigorous method just given by putting the base corrections equal to zero. Thus, if all of the adjusted angles are of the same weight, then, since (a] = o, (//) o, the baseline equation becomes with The angle equations are as before. 366 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Hence if k is the correlate of the base-line equation, we have, by eliminating the angle equation correlates, (Q=- (V- d B '}k (2) (A,}= (20Y + d B "}k = - OY- V)* . . . whence, by substituting in the base-line equation, Hence the corrections to the angles are known. A still further approximation may be made. It is evident that the corrections to the angles C are small compared with those to A and B, and that they vanish when A=B. Hence, as we have assumed the triangles to be well shaped, we may take = (Q=. . . =o (3) The angle equations then become whence .^_ '^B_ k . (5) 2 where APPLICATION TO BASE-LINE MEASUREMENTS. 367 Ex. i. To find the changes in the angles resulting from the equation connecting the lengths of the lines 1-2 and 14-15 in the triangulation of Long Island Sound (Fig. 46). The excess of the log. of the observed v.ilue of 14-15 over the value- computed from 1-2 through the triangulation is 4.00 in units of the sixth decimal place. If the lines themselves receive no correction the condition equation, expressed in the linear form, is (see table, p. 346) 0.27(^1) o.99(j9i) + i.6i(/l a ) o.6o(B-i) + . . . 4.00 Now, [(8 A + s B y>] = 51.48 and therefore 0.27 + o.qq (A l ) = -(B l ) = ^X 4-00=0". 10 the corrections required. Ex. 2. To find the precision of a side in a chain of triangles joining two bases. Having found the adjusted angle?, we may find the weight of the log. of any side of continuation as the m th in a chain of triangles joining two bases, all of the angles being of the same weight. For simplicity in writing take in =2, n 3. The condition equations are 3 ) - 8 B "(B,) + 8 A '"(A 3 ) - 8 B "\B,) and the function /', whose weight is to be found, F=8 A '(Ai) - 8 B '(B^ + 8 A "(A 9 ) - 8 B "(B*) The solution follows at once from Eq. 15, Art. in. The result is a 8 A '"* + 8 A " SB" + 8 B "'- UF = f [8 A > + 8 A d B + 8 B *] ~ , [<>A* + t>A 8 B + 6 B -] t the summation of the 8's extending between the limits indicated. 368 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. As an example of a different method of treating this special case (a), the Coast Survey connection of three primary bases, the Fire Island, Massachusetts, and Epping, may be cited.* The triangulation net connecting the bases is conceived to consist of three branches, one for each base and pro- ceeding therefrom to a line in common. Adjusting each branch, three independent values of the length and p. e. of the line of junction are obtained. The weighted mean of these values is taken to be the most probable value of the line of junction. This value, as well as the length of each base, is considered to be exact. The adjustment of each branch of the triangulation is then repeated with an addi- tional equation fixing the ratio of the length of the base to the line of junction. In making this adjustment the form of solution given in Art. 90 will be found very convenient in handling the extra equation. In the final computation of the lengths of the triangle sides "from any one of the measured base lines, we shall, as we recede from it, obtain a proportional amount of the influence of the measure of the other two lines as we ap- proach them, and finally, reaching one or the other, the effect of that base from which we set out is lost. Each distance will have assigned to it its most probable value ; we shall have no discrepancy whatever in the geometrical figure of the triangulation, and the resulting sides and angles will have nearly the same probability as those derived from a theoretically perfect solution." (b) By changing the bases alone. The argument for changing the bases only is that as the computed discrep- ancy is always small, and as the triangulation has been already adjusted, it is a great saving of labor to change all the triangles proportionally, and thus get a consistent result by a method which, if not rigorous, is good enough. This is the more evident if we consider with what accuracy geodetic work can now be done. * Report, 1865, app. No. 21. APPLICATION TO BASE-LINE MEASUREMENTS. 369 Let ,, b. ... be the measured lengths of the bases, and /,, Pv . . . their weights. If s is the most probable length of a common side com- puted from the bases, and /,, / 2 , . . . are the ratios of the lengths of the bases to this side, then s = y weight p}>?, and weight, of log y 1 is pjb* / , X , * = r M' log is /.A* ' v ,, Z> 2 , . . . D n kilometres apart give discrepancies of d lt d^ . . . d n respectively, then the above formulas reduce to and The m. s. e. of a single levelling of the whole line would be respectively and and for the m. s. e. of the mean of the two measurements these values would each be divided by V2. APPLICATION TO LEVELLING. 377 Ex. i. In the precise Levelling (1880) of the U. S. Coast Survey on the Mississippi River two lines were run simultaneously between eveiy two bench marks. The following are the results from B.M. LIV. to B.M. LV. B.M. Distance. Rod A. Rodfl. Difference. kil. 3-447 m. O.S7O2 >. .- 0.8713 mm. I.I 3.806 + 0.5805 + 0.573S 6.7 1.204 -0.2154 0.2204 5-0 3.038 + 0.2667 + 0.2664 0.6 It will be found that // = 2 mm nearly. Ex. 2. The distance AB has been levelled n different limes. Calling di the difference between the first and second measurements, il 3 the difference between the first and third, and so on, show that the m. s. e. of an observation of weight unity is n(n i) Ex. 3. The difference of level of two points, A and B, is found by two routes whose lengths are D t , D- 2 kil. respectively. If the discrepancy in the results is d, the m. s. e. of one kilometre is - , 173. Adjustment of a Net of Levels. If a line of levels is to be run between two points a sufficient check ot the accuracy of the work will in general be afforded by running the line over at least twice. Comparisons may be made at intermediate points not too far apart, and if the discrepancies found are within the limits already mentioned the mean of the results may be taken as giving the eleva- tions sought. This method was used by the U. S. Engi- neers in determining the heights of the great lakes between Canada and the United States above mean tide. But when a complete topographical survey of a country is made, and a network of levels is necessary, an additional control of the accuracy of the work is afforded by the polyg- onal closing of the level lines forming the net; that is, from the condition that on passing round the polygon and 378 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. arriving at the starting-point we should have the same height as at first. This assumes that the points of the net are in the same level surface and that error of closure de- pends upon errors of observation only. In the usual case, where the net is small and the country comparatively level, such an assumption is quite allowable. On the other hand, if the net is very large or the country mountainous, system- atic sources of error, arising principally from the spheroidal form of the earth and the deviation of the plumb-line, would be introduced. The corrections resulting from these causes would have to be computed and applied. A full investiga- tion of this point will be found \v\Astron. Nachr., Vols. 80-84. The adjustment of a net of levels may be carried out in a similar way to the adjustment of a triangulation. Thus suppose that the lines of levels form a closed figure. The conditions to be satisfied among the observed differences of height may be divided into two classes: (a) Those arising from non-agreement of repeated meas- urements of differences of height between successive bench marks. The equations expressing these conditions corre- spond to the local equations in a triangulation. (b) Those arising from the consideration that on starting from any bench mark and returning to it through a series of bench marks, thus forming a closed figure, we should find the original height. The resulting equations corre- spond to the angle and side equations in a triangulation. If the circuit, instead of being a simple one, has tie lines, the number of closure conditions is easily estimated. For if s be the number of bench marks, and / the number of lines levelled over, the number of lines necessary to fix the bench marks is s i, and therefore the number of super- fluous lines that is, the number of closure conditions to be satisfied among the differences of height is / j-f i. 1 74. Approximate Methods of Adjustment. The differences of height between successive bench marks may be found APPLICATION TO LEVELLING. 379 by taking the means of the observed values, as explained in Art. 172. Taking these means as independently observed quantities, they may be adjusted for non-satisfaction of closure conditions in various ways : (a) The differences of level between the successive bench marks will give rise to / observation equations. Taking the starting point as origin, .$ i differences are required to fix the s stations. If these s i differences are con- sidered independent unknowns the remaining / s-{- i un- knowns may be expressed in terms of them, and the solution completed by the method of Art. 109. (b) Since each independent polygon in the net contains one superfluous measurement, it gives a condition equa- tion. With s stations connected by / lines there must be / s-\- i condition equations, as the number of superfluous measurements is / s -\- i. The solution may be completed by the method of correlates, Art. no. As to the relative advantages of the two forms of solu- tion, if the adjusted values only are to be found, without their weights, the test will be furnished by the number of normal equations in each case, as the principal part of the labor consists in solving the normal equations. The num- ber by the first form is s i, and by the second / s -\- i ; and therefore, in an extensive net with few tie lines, the method of condition equations is to be preferred, and vice versa. (c) Adjust each simple circuit in order by the principle of Art. 115, and repeat the process until the required accu- racy is reached. (d) The method employed on the British Ordnance Sur- vey in reducing the principal triangulation. (See Art. 152.) This method is easily applied and gives results practically close enough with the first approximation. It deserves to be employed much more than it is in work of this kind. The Ordnance Survey levels, however, were not reduced by this method. " The discrepancies in the levelling along the different lines or routes brought out in closing on 49 380 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. common points have been treated for England and Wales as a whole and rigorously worked out by the method of least squares, involving ultimately the solution of a system of equations with 91 unknown quantities."* Ex. In the figure A WMG, A is the initial point, height zero, and the measured heights and distances are as follows : A W m A 1^=42.65101 Z>i =37.8 kil. AM = 54. 74663 Z> 2 = 35.8 " AG =58.56223 Z> 3 = 22.6 " Fig. 51 WM = 12. 10530 Z> 4 =44.2 ' MG = 3.79892 Z> 5 = 27.9 " required the adjusted values oi the heights. First Solution. Let the most probable corrections to the five measured differences of height in order be v\, z/ 2 , z>a, z> 4 , 7' 5 . The points IV, M, G are completely determined by A W, AM, AG. We may, therefore, take v\, z>i, v 3 as independent unknowns. The observation equations are v\ -=v\ weight 26.5 Vy = v<2 " 27.9 z/ 3 = z/ 3 44-2 z> 4 = vi + vi 0.00968 " 22.6 z5 = Vi + z>s + 0.01668 " 35.8 1000 the weights being computed from - . The solution is finished as in first solution, Art. 140. Second Solution. From the closed circuits A JVM, AMG we have the condition equations v\ V1-\-V^=. 0.00968 Vi v a + Vi, = + O.OI668 with J>\ = The solution is finished as in second solution, Art. 140. * Abstract of Levelling in England and Wales, Introduction, p. vi. APPLICATION TO LEVELLING. 381 ThirJ Solution. Adjust each simple closed circuit in the figure in order. Since in the circuit AMG the algebraic sum of the three differences of height should be zero, we may apply the principles of Arts, no, in. We have AM= 54-74663 D* = 35-3 .'./., = 27.9 MG = 3-79892 > 5 = 27.9 p b = 35.8 AC = 58.56223 D 3 22.6 / 3 = 44.2 0.01668 86.3 Correction to AM =. ~ X 0.01668 = -{-0.00692 06.3 T Weight of adjusted AM = 27.9 -f- 35.8 = 47-7 Hence for the circuit AMW ^^=42.65101 = I2.I053O 44.2 * =47-7 ! =26.5 ^ =22.6 which may be adjusted as above. The circuit AMG may be again adjusted, and so on. Fourth Solution. I. Weight. A [K M G Means. 26.5 27-9 44.2 22.6 358 o. 0. o. 42.65101 o. =4.74663 12.10530 =;8. 56223 3.79892 II. o. 0. 0. 42.65101 42.65101 M-7-4663 54-75631 54.75096 58. 56223 <&M9&8 Means o. 42.65101 54-75096 58.55670 III. 0. o o. 0. 0. + 0.00433 - o oo=;35 o. - o.oo;!;3 + 0.00682 0. 0.00216 - 0.00276 - 0.00268 + 0.00341 IV. o. f o 00216 - 0.00276 42.65101 42.64833 54 74879 M.75363 54-75437 58-55947 58.55329 Means Final values - o 00063 o. 42.64978 42.65041 54-75237 54.75300 <^. 55670 S8-M733 382 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Trigonometrical Levelling. 175. In extensive surveys in which a primary triangula- tion is carried on, the heights of the stations occupied may be conveniently found by trigonometrical levelling. The extra labor required to measure the necessary vertical angles while the horizontal angles are being read at the several stations is but slight. When a country is hilly, heights can be perhaps as closely determined by trigonometrical levelling as by spirit levelling ; but if the country is flat and the triangulation stations low, experience has shown that much more de- pendence is to be placed on the latter method. See, for comparisons of the relative accuracy of the two methods, Report of U. S. Coast Snrvty, 1876, App. i6and 17 ; Report of G. T. Survey of India, vol. ii. ; Report of New York State Survey, 1882. Sometimes, indeed, the agreement is so close that it must be regarded as accidental. Thus in the de- termination of the axis of the St. Gothard Tunnel Engineer Koppe found the difference of height of the two ends by trigonometrical levelling to be 39"*. 13. The spirit levelling of precision executed by Hirsch and Plantamour gave it 39". 05. The great cause of inaccurate work in trigonometrical levelling is atmospheric refraction. This is one of those disturbing causes which is so erratic in its character that no method has yet been devised for determining it that is very satisfactory. Hence the plan adopted in trigono- metrical levelling is to observe only at or near the time of minimum refraction. Without this precaution very dis- crepant results may be looked for. For example, in India, where in certain districts the triangulation has been carried for hundreds of miles over a level country with stations 10 or 12 miles apart and from 18 to 24 feet high just high enough to be mutually visible at the time of minimum re- fraction " numerous instances are recorded of the vertical angles varying through a range of 6 to 9 minutes, corre- APPLICATION TO LEVELLING. 383 spending to an apparent change in altitude of 100 to 150 feet in the course of 24 hours." 176. To Find the Zenith Distance of a Signal Point the telescope at a mark on the signal and bisect it with t he- horizontal thread. Then turn the telescope 180 on its axis, transit it, and bisect the mark again. At both bisec- tions read the vertical circle and the level parallel to the vernier arm. One-half of the difference of the circle read- ings corrected for level will give a single determination of the value of the zenith angle sought. The result is free from index error of the circle. Errors of graduation with good instruments are so small in comparison with the uncertainties arising from refrac- tion that it is unnecessary to eliminate them in the measure of vertical angles. 177. Let us consider the general case in which the zenith angles measured at two stations whose difference of height is required are not read simul- taneously. In the figure, if A^ A y denote the positions of the instruments employed on two lofty stations, the angles that the observer has attempt- ed to measure are Z^A V A^ and Z^A^A^. But on account of the refractive power of the atmos- phere the path of a ray of light from A t to A,, will not be a straight line but a curve more or less irregular, and the direc- tion in which A^ is seen from A, will be that of the tangent A^T to this curve at A,. The line of sight from A. 2 (oA t will not necessarilv be over the same curve. The angles between the apparent directions of the rays of light at A^A^ and the real directions are called refraction angles. Thus TA t A, is the refraction angle at A,. Mem. Roy. Astron. Sac., vol. xxxiii. p. 104. 384 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Let s,, denote the measured zenith angles reduced to the heights of the instruments at A lt A v D=the distance between the instruments. C ' = the angle at the earth's centre subtended by D. ,,,,= the refraction angles at A : , A y . Now, assuming the paths of the rays of light from one sta- tion to the other to be arcs of circles, which is approximately the case when the lines are of moderate length, we have _ t path of ray C ^~ 7> : R c where R c is the radius of the refraction curve. But approximately r _ path of ray ~~R~~ where R is the mean radius of the earth. Hence we may put C. = iV C, = i*,C (0 where k^ k^ are constants and may be called refraction factors. Observations are frequently made so as to be simul- taneous at A t , A^ and the line of sight may then be as- sumed to be the same arc of a circle for both directions. In this case if we put r .\-r IC (si TSa K ^ k is called the coefficient of refraction. 178. To Find the Refraction Factors. The triangle CA,A^ gives the relation But, with sufficient accuracy, C= : Tl , where R is the R sin i radius of curvature of the line in question. APPLICATION TO LEVELLING. 385 Hence, attending to equations I, Art. 177, we may write the above relation in the form * 1 + ^ = 2|r- -^-(^+ ~ 2 - 1 80) | (2) This equation shows that a single line will not give the refraction factors, and we must, therefore, have a net of lines with the zenith angles read at the ends of each line. If, for simplicity, we consider a quadrilateral ABCD we shall have six equations of the form (2). As Fi g .53 these equations contain twelve unknowns we may, in order to reduce this num- ber, assume, if the observations at sta- tion A over the lines AB, AC, AD are nearly simultaneous, that the k for each of these lines that is, the k for station A is the same. Similarly at stations B, C, D, so that in the most favorable case we shall have 4 unknowns and 6 equa- tions. It may not always be possible to get one k for each sta- tion, but in a net, if all of the lines have been sighted over, a sufficient excess in number of equations over unknowns will in general be found to admit of solution by the method of least squares. As regards the weights to be assigned to these equations, we may proceed in the ordinary way. If ,7, were observed ;/ t times, and z n were observed w 2 times, the weights of .cr, and 2 2 may be taken to be w, and 2 re- spectively, and the first equation would have a weight P given by that is, its weight would be proportional to ", + , 386 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. 179. To Find the Mean Coefficient of Refraction. When the zenith distances are simultaneous, k l = , = k suppose and the refraction coefficient at the moment of observation is for both stations, ,. A value of k can thus be found for each line sighted over from both ends simultaneously. To get an average value of k for the whole system the weighted mean of these separate values must be taken. The same method of assigning weights may be used as in the preceding. Bessel argues that errors arising from irregularities in k are of much more importance than the errors in the zenith angles, and proposes the empirical formula* for assigning relative weights. In this he is followed by the Coast Survey in their determination of the coefficient of refraction from observations made in Northern Georgia near Atlanta base. The mean values of k found by the Coast Survey in N. Georgia (1873) and by the New York State Survey (1882) were 0.143 and 0.146 respectively. 1 80. To Find the Differences of Height. There are three cases to be considered: (i) When the zenith angles at both ends of each line are used. (a) When the zenith angles are not simultaneous. Let //, known height of first station // = height of next station * Gradinessung in Ostfreusscn, p. ig6. APPLICATION TO LEVELLING. 387 Krom the triangle CA,A t (Fig. 52) H.-ffi CA. - CA, tanKAt-AJ (} Substituting for A t , A y their values in terms of z v k v and reducing, (b) When the zenith angles are simultaneous k^-=k v and which is the form used on the Coast Survey. (2) When the angles observed at each end of a line are used separately. In the common case of a line sighted over from one end only, we have, since by substituting these values in (i) and reducing, = Z? cot ^ + Z) 2 + -=& cof ^ (4) which is equivalent to the Coast Survey form. When the line is sighted over from both ends we have two values of the difference of height, whose weighted mean gives the required result. 50 388 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. 181. Precision of the Formulas for Differenced of Height. It // // 2 , // 3 denote the differences of height be- tween two stations found from non-simultaneous readings of angles at the stations, from simultaneous readings, and from angles read at one of the stations only, respectively, then, with sufficient accuracy, 7z 2 = /Man i<> 2 - O (i) , = Z? cot #, + (i -,)! Let the m. s. e. of an observed zenith angle be /jt g . De- note by ///&,, /^ 2 , /// /3 the m. s. e. of the differences of height found, and by fi k the m. s. e. of a refraction factor k. Then by differentiation, taking D, r,, 5 2 , k^ / 2 as independent variables, and remembering that z z^ are each equal to 90 nearly, and that we may put dD = o, since the distances are well known in comparison with the heights, we shall have (Art. 65) (2) These results show that differences of height are found with the greatest precision from simultaneous observations. 182. Adjustment of a Net of Trigonometric Levels. It will be sufficient to consider a simple closed figure, as a net of levels can be broken up into a number of closed figures, generally triangles. For simplicity take a triangle. APPLICATION TO LEVELLING. 389 The same value of k is assumed for all of the lines radiating' from a station. Denote the values of k at the three stations by i\, k v k t respectively. Then we have the observation equations ( R sin i" , } ^=2 I i - y: (* + #, 180 ) |- = /,, a known quan. The condition to be satisfied amon^ the differences of o height at the vertices of the triangle is that, on starting from any station and returning 1 to it through the other two stations, we should find the original height. Thus proceed- ing round the triangle in order of azimuth, if//,, // 2 , // 3 de- note the differences of height of the stations, and (//,), (// 2 ), (// 3 ) the most probable corrections to these values, we must have that is, we must have a condition equation of the form ak^ -j- bk^ -j- ck^ / 4 where a, b, c, / 4 are constants. The four equations may be solved by the method of cor- relates, and the differences of height may next be computed from equations i, Art. 181, and will be found consistent. If the circuit, instead of being a simple one, has diago- nals, then, as in Art. 173, if / is the number of lines read over, and ^ the number of stations in the circuit, the num- ber of conditions to be satisfied among the differences of height is l-s+i 390 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Ex. In the triangulation of Georgia, near Atlanta Base, there were measured zenith angles as follows :* Stations occupied. Station read to. Zenith Angle. Time. S. W. Base, ( Sweat Mt. ( Stone Mt. 89 37' 53"-7 89 26' 2i".6 2 days. N. E. Base, ( Sweat Mt. ( Stone Mt. 89 39' 5 1 "-7 89 24' 04". o I " Stone Mt., fN. E. Base. { S. W. Base. 90 43' 20". 8 90 41' 56". 8 2 " [Sweat Mt. 90 08' 58". 9 Sweat Mt., (S. W. Base. I N. E. Base. I 9 33' 37"-2 9 3i' 43"-4 I " [Stone Mt. 90 09' 37". o The mean latitude is 34 N. approx. Fig.54 N.E.B. Call ki, respectively. S.W.B: Distances. S. W. Base-Sweat Mt., N. E. Base-Sweat Mt., N. E. Base-Stone Mt., 16321 Stone Mt.-S. W. Base, 17761 Sweat Mt. -Stone Mt., 40726 , k* the refraction factors for all lines at the stations i, 2, 3, 4 * The measures are taken from C. S. Report, 1876. APPLICATION TO LEVELLING. 391 We must form two classes of equations: (i) Observation equations. These are computed from the form ' = 2Ji --~ BD where B = : - J? sm i The weights are computed according to the formula - V D (Art. 179). Ij will be close enough to take i, 3 as the number of days of observation. That is the best we can do with our data. We have then the observation equations 1 + 3 =0.249 weight 1.04 1 + 4 = 0.267 " 1.33 3 + 4 = 0.308 " 1.35 a + 3 = 0.297 " 0.80 2 + 4 =0.317 " 0.85 (2) Condition equations. The number of lines = 5 The number of stations = 4 .-. The number of condition equations = 5 4 + 1 2 These two condition equations arise from the sums of two sets of three equa- tions, each of the form H- H' = Z>tan \(z-z') + ^ (-') They are, for the triangles 134, 234, o = 1.52 10.92 ki 4 1.79 3 + 52.71 4 o= + 1.84 + 14. 47 2 +40.17 3 54.64/^4 The solution of these equations, subject to the relation [] = a minimum, gives 1=0. 1 18 3 = 0.149 4 = 0.107 4 = 0.171 whence the adjusted differences of height follow at once : m 1 to 3 + 198.24 3 to 4 2.30 }- check sum o.oo 4 to i 195.94 3 to 2 191.17 2 to 4 + 188.88 } check sum + o.oi 4 to 3 + 2.30 The precision of the adjusted values, or of any function of them, may be found exactly as in Art. 114. 392 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. 183. Approximate Method of Adjusting a Net. On account of the many uncertainties attendant on finding the refraction factors, it is not often that so elaborate a method of adjusting the heights as the preceding is fol- lowed. In the ordinary method of observation, where the ob- served zenith angles are simultaneous at every two stations, // = H, H l = D tan | (z, - z,} and the differences of height may be computed at once with- out any reference to the coefficient of refraction. These differences of height, considered as observed quantities, may be adjusted for conditions of closure in the net, as in spirit levelling, Art. 174. The weights P to be assigned to the differences of height in the solution will be found from and therefore the weights are inversely proportional to the squares of the distances between the stations. When the zenith angles are not simultaneous, after find- ing the refraction factors, as in Art. 182, and computing the differences of height, we should find the weights of these differences of height from It would seem safe to assume p z = 2", p. k = 0.02. Now, Z> 2 sin 2 1"/** < | ~R* P* as D > 4 miles. Hence for distances between the stations up to 4 miles the first term is the important one, and for greater distances APPLICATION TO LEVELLING. 393 the second term. We should, therefore, for distances be- tween stations not greater than 4 miles, weight inversely as the square of the distance, and for distances over that amount inversely as the fourth powers of the distances. Ex. i. In the determination of the axis of the St. Gothard Tunnel (Fig. 37) the heights of the trigonometrical stations were determined by trigono- metrical levelling. The following were the results unadjusted with their weights. Required the values adjusted for closure of circuits. DifT. of height. Wt. Diff. of height, , Wt. m Airolo- XII. 914.96 23 Airolo- X. 1287.75 17 Airolo- XL 1299.27 2 Airolo- IX. 1553.09 5 XII.- X. 372.73 5 XII.- XI. 384.41 2 XII.- IX. 638.30 3 XII.- VIII. 814.35 i X.- XI. II. 60 3 X.- IX. 265.48 6 X.-VIII. 441.10 2 XL- IX. 253.87 I XI.- VIII. 429.55 10 IX.-VIII. 175-37 I III.- IX. 216.46 i V.- IX. 899.87 i V.-VIII. 1075-77 i III.-VIII. 391.74 i VII.-VIIL 901.78 i V.- VII. 174-45 7 IV.- III. 296.69 60 VII.- III. 509.49 4 GOschenen- III. 1376.19 14 V.- IV. 387-24 20 VII.- IV. 212.75 7 Goschenen- IV. 1079.50 30 Goschenen- V. 692.35 15 The heights of Airolo and Goschenen are 1147.12 and 1108.07 respec- tively, as found by spirit levelling, and are unaltered in the adjustment. The adjusted heights of the stations will be found to be III. IV. V. VII. VIII. 2484.26 2187.57 1800.36 1974.78 2876.07 IX. 2700.35 X. 2434.87 XL 2446.49 XII. 2062.08 Ex. 2. From //a H\ =. D tan \(zi z\] deduce //, -H^D tan \(^ - =,) + **' ' 394 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Ex. 3. If a series of points connected by observed zenith angles begin and end with points whose heights are known, then the number of conditions to be satisfied among the differences of height is / S + 2 where / is the number of lines read over and s the number of points in the net. Ex. 4. If zenith angles are read to two stations from a station between, show that the difference of height; //, of the two stations will be found from 2 h = Di cot 22 D\ cot z\ "2.R where D\, Z> 2 are the distances from the station occupied. Also show that when D\ Z> 2 the precision of the height h is the same as if the observations had been made simultaneously at the two extreme stations themselves. CHAPTER IX. APPLICATION TO ERRORS OF GRADUATION OF LINE MEAS- URES AND TO CALIBRATION OF THERMOMETERS. Observations for the determination of errors of gradua- tion of line measures, and observations for the calibration of thermometers, may be discussed together, as there is no essential difference in the method of reducing them. 184. Line Measures. Let AB be a line measure divided into n equal parts as nearly as may be at the points 1,2,. . .111, and let o and n be the initial and terminal marks. Comparisons are sup- Fi 55 posed to have been made be- * 1 I j ( tween AB and a standard of * n length, so that the distance between o and n is known. The problem proposed is to rind the corrections to the intermediate graduation marks that is, the amounts by which the positions of the marks should be changed to be in their true relative positions. When the corrections have been applied to the distances 01, i 2, . . . these distances should be all the same proportional part of the entire dis- tance AB. In making the necessary observations two methods are in common use. (a) Two microscopes furnished with micrometers are firmly mounted on a frame separate from the support on which the graduated line measure rests. The zeros of the micrometers are placed at a distance apart as nearly as possible equal to the distances to be read. The marks o, I ; 1,2; . . . are in succession brought under the micro- scopes and the micrometers read in each position. Each distance is thus compared with the constant distance be- 51 396 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. tween the micrometer zeros, which differs from the dis- tance of the true positions of the marks by a fixed but un- known amount. Let .*, x^ . . . x n denote the corrections to the gradua- tion marks at o, i, . . . . Then for the first interval o I, if M , M l be the readings at o, I and c be the unknown con- stant distance between the micrometer zeros, and d the dis- tance between the corrected positions of the graduation marks, we should have This may be written #o *i J = 4, (0 where f ol = M,- M a , and y = c-d Hence, taking four spaces only, x <> x \ y = ' \ (2) But as the distance between the initial and terminal points is known, the corrections x and x 4 may each be taken equal to zero. Also, since the equations contain four unknowns and are themselves only four in number, we must either reduce the number of unknowns arbitrarily or make addi- tional observations involving other combinations of the- unknowns, in order to apply the method of least squares. It is usually more convenient to solve these equations by computing the corrections to the intervals 01,02,. . . first of all, and then the corrections to the positions of the marks. Writing z t for x^ x a , ,? for ,r 2 x 1} . . ., and eliminating^, APPLICATION TO ERRORS OF LINE MEASURES. 397 we have from the above equations, supposing the first space compared with all of the others, (3) ' ^l Z i = t* 4 4 1 But = (4) Hence V 3 I 4 4 3^0 l) (5) Also -r, = ^,, .*., = .7, -|- -> , and are therefore known. Ex, In order to find the corrections to the double decimetre graduation marks needed to change the nominal into exact values in terms of the interval oi' on a Repsold steel metre comparisons were made as follows: Two microscopes were mounted at a distance of o m .2 approx. from each other, and readings made by pointing at the successive double decimetre marks, the microscopes remaining stationary while the metre was run under them. The order of reading was o m .o and o m .2 ; 0^.2 and o".4; . . . o m .S and i m .o ; o.o and o'".2, the interval o".o and o m .2 being read on at the beginning and end of each set of comparisons. Twenty-four sets were made and the following results obtained.* m in tit m n in Interval, 0.2 to 0.4 = o.o to 0.2 + 2.1 o.i 0.4 to 0.6 o.o to 0.2 + 2.6 o.i 0.6 to o.S = o.o to 0.2 + 0.7 o. i 0.8 tO I.O = 0.0 tO 0.2 4- 2.2 0.1 With the above notation l S a 2.6 zi 34=0.7 = + 1.5, and xi = 1.5 = O.6 JT 2 r=O. * The value of the interval o i>* was found, by comparing with the German standard, to be -f- JO* 1 . 65 t, where / is the temperature in degrees centigrade. 398 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS, or in tabular form, Graduation o m .o O.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 I'".O Correction OM.O -1.5 -0.9 + 0.1 -0.7 OM.O The Precision. Each of the intervals is entangled with the interval o.o and 0.2, and, therefore, the p. e. given are not independent. From the mode of measurement it is evident that the (p. e.) 2 of o.o to 0.2 is half that of the (p. e.) 2 of each of the other intervals. Hence it n is the p. e. of the first in- terval, and r the p. e. of each of the others, r, 2 = 2r 2 Hence and .-. r 2 = 0.007 ^i 2 0.003 r *S = ^5 (4 X 0.007 + 16 X 0.003) r x i = oc*.o6 Similarly for the other marks. From equations 2 definite values of the corrections may be found if x v and x^ are supposed known. There is, how- ever, a greater probability of eliminating systematic error if, instead of spending all the time of observation in the direct comparison of the single intervals, we spend part of it in comparing combinations of those intervals. Let, then, as the best arrangement (see Art. 153), the single intervals o i, i 2,23, 34, and all possible combinations of intervals, as o 2, i 3, 2 4 ; o 3, i 4, be equally well compared. The micro- scope intervals would, of course, be different in each set of comparisons, being approximately 01, 02, 03. The ob- servation equations for this arrangement are y\ x\ y\ = / 3 (6) x^ X^ / 14 / 4 APPLICATION TO ERRORS OF LINE MEASURES. 399 But x and ;r 4 are known. Hence the normal equations + 4*1 JT3 *3 + yi + }'3 = la 1 + /I 2 + A 3 + /l 4 - Xi + 4X3 ^3 = /OS A S + /S + /8 4 - Xi Xl + 4X3 - I'* }'3 = /() 3 A 3 /2 3 + /3 I + 4,1'l A. 1 A 3 /2 3 /3 4 (?) + JTl - JT3 + 3^3 = A) 2 A 3 /3 I + JTl - JT 3 + 2J 3 = /u 3 A 4 from which equations the most probable values of the cor- rections may be found. The Precision of the Corrections x x v x y The m. s. e. of an observation of the unit of weight is found from the usual formula. We have 9 -6 the number of observations being 9, and of independent unknowns 6. The weights of x^ x v x^ may be found by the methods of Chapter IV. The weight of x^ and of x 3 is V, ar| d the weight of x ti is \-. Hence the m. s. e. of x : , x^ x^ are known. Ex. Solve by this method the example in Art. 187. (b) The work of reduction is much facilitated by em- ploying an auxiliary scale, CD, divided into spaces approxi- mately equal to those of AB, and whose values have already been found by comparison with some standard. If, as befjpre, we suppose the single spaces compared, and also all possible combinations of spaces, the observation equa- tions would be the same as equations 6. The second scale, however, enables us to find each microscope interval em- ployed. Hence y^ y^ . . . are known, and may, therefore, be transposed in these equations and added to the terms / 01 , / 12 , . . . The observation equations thus involve only 400 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. .f u , . . . ;t- 4 as unknowns. Taking- ^ = o, ,r 4 = o, the normal equations are X? Xa = /o l + A 2 + A 3 + A 4 - JTl + 4^2 *3 = /O 2 /I 2 + /2 3 + /a 4 (8) -l"l #2 + 4-* 3 = /OS As <'a 3 + /3 4 from which ;r,, ;tr 2 , ;tr 3 may be found. The reduction may, however, be made more easily by the application of the artifice employed in Art. 156. If we consider x and ;r 4 as yet unknown, the normal equations may be written 4-*o Xi Xi Xa X\ "= /o i + /o 2 + /o 3 + A> 4 X + 4x1 x, c constants to be determined from the observations. 414 THE ADJUSTMENT OF OBSERVATIONS. Hence the observation equations 3.1950 = - 3.2299 = a + o.ib + o.oic 3.2532 = + .26+ .04 o. i25c + 0.0520 = + o.os/; O.O35C + 0.0045 = + o. 15^ + 0.075C 0.0496 = +O.25/; + 0.205^ 0.1168 = + 0.35^4- 0.355^: 0.2003 = + 0.45^ + 0.5251: Hence the normal equations 0.2031 = 0.8250^ +-0.74251: 0.2232 =o.7425/> + o. and ^ = 0.4424 c= 0.7652 = 3. 1952 .'. V 3.1952 + 0.4424!) o. The residuals r/are found by substituting for a, l>, c in the observation equa- tions, and give APPLICATION TO EMPIRICAL FORMULAS, ETC. 415 If we take four terms of the expansion, so that V = a + bD + cD n - + < and proceed similarly, we shall find a = 3-1935, ^= + 0-4735 c- 0.8563, is given by [H =0.45 The sum of the squares of the residual errors being less than in the former case, we conclude that the observations are better represented by the formula last obtained. It is to be borne in mind that in the application of the method of least squares only one set of measured quantities, if more than one occur in the problem, can be considered variable. The error is thrown into this set. Thus in the problem just solved the depths are supposed to be correctly measured and the error alone to occur in the measured velocities. So in finding the expansion of a body it is usual to consider all of the error as occurring in the observed lengths, and to take the thermometer readings to be correct. The justice of these assumptions may, however, very fairly be questioned. A discussion of the general problem covering such cases will be found in Art. 106. Ex. 2. The tension, H, of saturated stearn at temperature f C. is found from the formula* where a = 0.0036678, and a, b, c, . . . are constants, >/ + i in number, to be determined from observed values of / and H. We have also given that when t = ioo c C., H = 760 "" * Travaujc ft Mtmoircs , c, . . . we proceed as follows: Substituting the values of I and H in equation i, and eliminating a, we have = 7OO IO \i + looo i -(- at) \i+iooo i -j- -t) = 760 10 "" ^' + c ^2 + ) suppose. log 760 log // = bpi + fpv + . . . (2) Next compute approximate values of /', t, ... by selecting of the observa- tions and substituting the observed values of t and H in Eq. 2. Let b' , c', . . . denote the values found from the solution of the resulting equations, and let //' denote the corresponding value of//, so that If ' = 760 io~^>'+ c >*+- ' > (3) Also, let x, y, . . . denote the corrections to be added to the approximate values b' , c , . . . to find the most probable values, so that then, from (2), log 760 log \ff' + (^ ff')\ = (b' + r )/i + ' or expanding by Taylor's theorem and remembering that, from (3), log 760 log //' = b'p l + c'p-i + . . . we have the linear form required. The solution may be finished in the usual way, as given in Chapter IV. 193. The preceding examples show that as soon as it has been decided what formula will apply to a special set ot observations the main difficulty is in reducing this formula to the linear form. When this has been done so that the formula is in the form of an ordinary observation equation, the reduction by the method of least squares is straight- forward. APPLICATION TO EMPIRICAL FORMULAS, ETC. 417 In cases where the data are insufficient or contradictory it is useless to waste time on long computations, as the graphical plot will show at a glance all that the observations can show.' With cross-section paper plots can be made rapidly, and by transferring to tracing linen one plot can be placed over another, so that comparisons can be readily effected and a mean value struck. In the problem of the law of velocities in rivers, alter having decided from the various plots that the curve of velocities is approximately parabolic in form, it is better to employ the method of least squares to determine the con- stants of the curve rather than to trust to the graphical method throughout, but only for the reason that the data available are very complete. 194. Periodic Plienoinena. A large class of physical phe- nomena is more or less periodic in character. The daily temperature throughout the year at a given place, the er- ror of graduation of the limb of a theodolite, the magnetic declination with reference to the time, etc., are examples. The phenomenon may not be strictly periodic in that like periods succeed each other in their proper order, or that even any one period is perfect throughout. If a plot of the observed values of the function corresponding to certain values of the variable involved be made, and it indicates the periodic character of the function, we may assume as the form of the function a number of terms of the series fur- nished by Fourier's theorem. Each observation will give an observation equation, and from the observation equations the values of the constants in the formula will be deter- mined. As in the cases already discussed, the final formula is to be looked on as holding only within the limits of the observations, serving as a guide for the future study of the phenomenon in question, and only to be used with great caution outside the limits of the observed values. Suppose, then, that n observations give the values yl/,, J/ a , . . . M n corresponding to the values ) corresponding to assigned values of the variable , in the above equation, and we shall have n equations from which to determine a number of constants not exceed- ing n i. To lighten the numerical work let us assume the arith- metic mean of the observed values as an approximate value of X, and let x denote the correction to this value, so that Then if, as usual, is placed the n observation equations may be expressed by the general formula x -4- /i, sin (,-(- + in &) -f- // sin (a, + 2), give the function required. If the initial value of f () X-\-y, cos

- = 3 6 The normal equations may be written 5;-, = /,_/, + !(/,_ / 7 ) - (A. _/,)} cos 36 + | (/, - /) - (A - /.) } cos 72 5 *, = \ (A - /,) + (/. - Ao) I sin 36 + {(/- /) + (A - /.) | sin 72 5 )< 2 = A + / 6 + j (A + A) + (4 + Ao) | cos 72 | (/s + A.) + (A + A) \ cos 36 5 s 2 = |(/ a + A)-(A. + /,u)}sin 72 + {(/ + A)-(A + /.)}sin 36 It will be noticed that the difference of the subscripts of the /'s in each parenthesis is always five, the same as the coefficient of the unknown. (b) n=i2, 6=30 The normal equations 6j/, = (A - A) + 1 (/a - /.) - (/. - A i) } sin 30 + {(/,- / 8 ) - (/. - As) } cos 30 62,= (/ 4 /,)+ | (/s / 9 ) + (/ 6 A i) ( cos 30 + | (/., 4) + (/ A 2 ) } sin 30 6>< 2 = (A + A) - (/ 4 + /,) + { (/ + /) + (/ + /,,) - (/s + /.)-(^+/ii)| sin 30 6s 2 = | (A + /) - (/. + /) + (/ 3 + /.)-(/6+/u) }cos 30 The difference of the subscripts of the / 's in each parenthesis is six in this case. 196. The Precision. The m. s. e. of the unit of weight is found from the usual formula where n t is the number of constants determined. APPLICATION TO EMPIRICAL FORMULAS, ETC. Check of [w]. Generally (Art. 100) r/r/i" \hi i~i l r/-/ 1~\* M = [//]- 421 M [<:<:.2] Now substitute for [#/], [/.i], [V/.2], . . . their values from the normal equations above, and remembering that these equations contain only one unknown each, -jr. i. The mean monthly heights of the water in Lake Michigan at Chi- cago below the mean level of the lake from iS6o to 1875, for the 12 months of the year 1868, were as in column M of the following table: M / i M / Jan. ft. I.I7 /'. 4- 0.45 July. ft. O. II ft. 0.61 Feb. 1-25 + 0.53 Aug. 0-43 0.29 March. 0-59 0.13 Sept. 0.68 0.04 April. o.6S 0.04 Oct. 0.94 + 0.22 May. 0.29 - 0.43 Nov. 1.05 + o-33 June. 0.17 - 0.55 Dec. Mean, 1-32 + 0.60 0.72 Required a formula from which the mean daily height may be found. The period is one ye.tr, and if we assume that its 12 months correspond to 360 and that the months are of equal length, each interval f~) would be 30. The values of the coefficients y lt z t , . . . can be at on 7e written down from (b). They are j, = + 0.517 y-i = o.oio zi = 0.194 z a = + 0.017 and therefore a, = 110 34' Ai = + 0.552 nr a = I t 49 32' h?= 0.020 1 = 0.72 + 0.552 sin (110 34' + (p) + 0.020 sin (149 32' + 2) sin h 2^ 2 cos (a 2 + A + zcp)sinA + . . . Suppose now that the scale has been read on by tt different parts of the screw, so that to the observed values M\, Mi, . . . M n of the graduated dis- tance correspond the values of q>, q>, tp + &, . . . q> + (n i)Q the amount by which the screw is shifted ea''h time being & = - . a We should then have equations of the form A A A = M + 2/ii cos (cti -\ --- h q> + ;)sin 2 2 + 2^2 cos (nr a + A + 2cp + 2mf-)) sin A + . . . where m assumes all values from o to n i. If we take as an approximate value of A, and put the n observations may be expressed by tlie general formula A . A x + 2/1, cos (IT, 4 --- h

) + o".ooo2 sin

) + h-i sin (a, + 2 for ) ... The correction to the mean reading on the first signal is, therefore, h?. sin (a'i = 4-22 3Z = 11.44 3^4 = - 1-04 3^4 = 0.55 Hence the correction for periodic error of any angle A measured with this instrument is given by 4".io cos (11 + A 4 2 of the simultaneous occurrence of all of these errors, which are independent of each other, is given by (Art. 5) But as only the observed values M^M V . . . are known, the true values of T, X, Y, . . . , J,, 4,, . . ., and therefore of , are unknown. If now arbitrary values of X, Y. . . . are assumed, T, 4> J,, . . . will receive values, and therefore a value of will be determined. Other assumed values of X, V, . . . will give other values of , which is therefore a function of X, Y, . . . Of all possible values which are given to X, F, . . . there must be some one set of values which is to be chosen in preference to any others. The most prob- able set is naturally the one that would be chosen. Let, then, X t , F,, . . . denote the most probable values of X, Y, . . . Substitute them in the function and let 434 APPENDIX. V F s , . . . denote the resulting values of T t , T y , . . . Then we have no longer the true errors 7^ M iy T^ M^ . . ., but the errors F, M v F 2 M . . ., which may be called residual errors of observation, being the difference between the most probable and the observed values. They are denoted by the symbols v } , v v . . . Now, assuming that c e~ /lV denotes the probability of a residual between v and v-\-dv, the expression for

2,5 0,908 1 j 5,o 0,999 1 APPENDIX. TABLE II. Factors for Bessel's Probable-Error Formulas, w .6745 6745 n 6745 6745 V,-I *X-,) VH-I Vn(n - i) 40 0.1080 0.0171 41 .1066 .0167 2 0.6745 0.4769 42 1053 .0163 3 .4769 2754 43 .1041 .0159 4 .3894 .1947 44 . 1029 0155 5 0.3372 o . i 508 45 o. 1017 0.0152 6 .3016 .1231 46 .1005 .0148 7 2754 .1041 47 .0994 .0145 8 -2549 .0901 48 .0984 .0142 9 .2385 0795 49 .0974 .0139 10 0.2248 0.0711 50 o . 0964 0.0136 ii 2133 .0643 51 0954 .0134 12 .2029 .0587 52 .0944 .0131 13 .1947 0540] 53 0935 .0128 14 .1871 .0500 54 .0926 .0126 15 o. 1803 0.0465 55 0.0918 0.0124 16 .1742 0435 56 .0909 .0122 17 .1686 .0409 57 .0901 .Ollg 18 .1636 .0386 58 .0893 .OII7 19 .1590 0365 59 .0886 .OII5 20 0.1547 o . 0346 60 0.0878 O.OII3 21 .1508 .0329 61 .0871 .OIII 22 .1472 .0314 62 .0864 .OIIO 23 .1438 .0300 63 .0857 .OIOS 24 .1406 .0287 64 .0850 .OIO6 25 0.1377 0.0275 65 0.0843 O.OIO5 26 1349 .0265 66 .0837 .OIO3 27 1323 0255 67 .0830 .OIOI 28 .1298 .0245 68 .0824 .0100 29 -1275 .0237 69 .0818 .0098 30 0.1252 0.0229 70 O.OSI2 0.0097 31 .1231 .0221 71 .0806 .0096 32 .1211 .0214 7 2 .0800 .0094 33 .1192 .O2O8 73 0795 .0093 34 "74 .O2OI 74 .0789 .0092 35 0.1157 0.0196 75 0.0784 0.0091 36 . 1140 .OlgO 80 .0759 .0085 37 .1124 .0185 85 .0736 .0080 38 .1109 .Ol8o 90 .0713 .0075 39 .1094 0175 TOO .0678 .0068 APPENDIX. TABLE III. Factors for Peters Probable-Error Formulas. 437 n .8453 Vn(n I) .8453 n .8453 .8453 nV7^-~i n ^n I *'( - i) 40 0.0214 0.0034 4i .0209 .0033 2 0.5978 0.4227 42 .0204 .0031 3 3451 .1993 43 .0199 .0030 4 .2440 .1220 44 .0194 .0029 5 0.1890 0.0845 45 0.0190 0.0028 6 1543 .0630 46 .0186 .0027 7 .1304 0493 47 .0182 .0027 8 1130 0399 48 .0178 .0026 9 .0996 .0332 49 .0174 .0025 10 0.0891 0.0282 50 0.0171 0.0024 ii .0806 .0243 5i .0167 .0023 12 .0736 .O2I2 52 .0164 .0023 13 .0677 .0188 53 .0161 .0022 14 .0627 .0167 54 .0158 .O022 15 0.0583 O.OI5I 55 0.0155 O.OO2I 16 .0546 .0136 56 .0152 .OO2O 17 0513 .0124 57 .0150 .OO2O IS .0483 .OII4 58 .0147 .0019 19 0457 .OIO5 59 .0145 .0019 20 0.0434 0.0097 60 0.0142 0.0018 21 .0412 .0090 61 .0140 .0018 22 0393 .0084 62 .0137 .OOI7 23 .0376 .0078 63 0135 .OO17 24 .0360 .0073 64 .0133 .OOI7 25 0.0345 0.0069 65 0.0131 O.OOI6 26 .0332 .0065 66 .0129 .OOl6 27 .0319 .006l 67 .0127 .O0l6 28 .0307 .0058 68 .0125 .OOI5 29 .0297 0055 69 .0123 .OOI5 30 0.0287 O.OO52 70 O.OI22 O.OOI5 31 .0277 .0050 7i .0120 .OOI4 32 .0268 .0047 72 .0118 .0014 33 .0260 .0045 73 .0117 .0014 34 .0252 .0043 74 .0115 .0013 35 0.0245 0.0041 75 O.OII3 0.0013 36 .0238 .0040 80 .OIOO .0012 37 .0232 .0038 85 .OIOO .0011 38 .0225 .0037 9 0095 .OOIO 39 .0220 .0035 IOO .0085 .oooS UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY DC 9 ^J.6C * TMPSook i Los Angeles k is DUE on the last date stamped below. IBJECT TO FINE IF M EDUCATION RECEIVED SEP 2 2 1970 SP 291972 Form L9-116i-8,'62(D1237s8)444 EDUCATION LIBRARY QA 275 W93t UCU-ED/PSYCH Library QA 275 W93t L 005 647 1 72 5 A 001 086 189