WILLIAM CALLOW IN THE SAME SERIES EACH 2OS. NET BIRKET FOSTER Bv H. M. CUNDALL, I.S.O., F.S.A. Containing 150 Reproductions of the Artist's Work, 73 of which are Full-Page and in Colour. KATE GREENAWAY BV M. H. SPIELMANN AND G. S. LAYARD Containing 80 Full -Page Reproductions of the Artist's Work, 53 of which are in Colour. Also numerous Smaller Sketches in the Text. GEORGE MORLAND BY SIR WALTER GILBEY, BART. AND E. D. CUMING Containing 50 Full-Page Reproductions in Colour of the Artist's Work. JOHN PETT1E BY MARTIN HARDIE Containing 50 Full-Page Reproductions in Colour of the Artist's Work. AGENTS AMERICA . . . THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 64 & 66 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK AUSTRALASIA . THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, MELBOURNE CANADA . . . THE MACMILLAN COMPANY OF CANADA, LTD. 27 RICHMOND STREET WEST, TORONTO INDIA . . . MACMILLAN & COMPANY, LTD. MACMILLAN BUILDING, BOMBAY 309 Bow BAZAAR STREET. CALCUTTA Wm. Colet, Watford. WILLIAM CALLOW, B.W.S., F.B.G.S. AT THK AGE OF EIGHTY-SIX. WILLIAM CALLOW R.W.S., F.R.G.S. AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY EDITED BY H. M. CUNDALL, I.S.O., F.S.A. LONDON ADAM AND CHARLES BLACK 1908 ( DEDICATED TO MY DEAR WIFE LOUIE IN RECOGNITION OF HER DEVOTION AND LOVING CARE OF ME DURING OUR TWENTY-FOUR YEARS OF HAPPY MARRIED LIFE -. - . -:> PREFACE IT was originally intended that I should assist Mr. William Callow in writing his autobiography, but it was decreed otherwise. Fortunately for the purpose of this book Mr. Callow wrote minute diaries whilst on his early walking tours to the Pyrenees, in Switzerland, and in Italy, and for a long period he kept notes of the principal events of his life. These notes, on account of his failing sight, Mrs. Callow read out to him during the long winter's evenings, and owing to his wonderful memory he was enabled to recall the various episodes in his career, which Mrs. Callow carefully wrote down as he recounted Vll VI 11 them. She had barely completed her task before Mr. Callow passed away in the early part of the present year. All that I have done has been to put the events of the long and eventful life of this noted water-colour painter into a chronological and readable form, and without the very cordial assistance given to me by his widow my portion of the work would have been in vain. Hearty thanks are due to the various owners of his paintings, who have been so good as to allow them to be reproduced for the purpose of illustrat- ing this book. The water-colour painting of the Interior of St. Mary's Church, Richmond, York- shire, was kindly lent by Miss E. Ponsonby M'Ghee for reproduction. This lady has since presented it to the Royal Society of Painters in Water-Colours, in order that it may be added to their collection of works of deceased members of the Society, as a mark of her great appreciation of the genius of William Callow. The small illustrations inserted in the text have all been selected from the large number of pencil drawings and sketch-books which were in the artist's possession at the time of his death. H. M. CUNDALL. October 1908. .. - MONT ST. MICHEL. CONTENTS PREFACE LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS IN MEMORIAM ....... CHAPTER I BOYHOOD ..... CHAPTER II PARIS ........ CHAPTER m WALKING TOUR THROUGH THE SOUTH OF FRANCE CHAPTER IV LIFE IN PARIS (continued) .... IN LONDON CHAPTER V IX PAGE vii xi XV 9 31 61 85 b x WILLIAM CALLOW ( CHAPTER VI PAGE AT GREAT MISSENDEN . . . . . . .111 LIST OF WATER-COLOUR PAINTINGS EXHIBITED AT THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF PAINTERS IN WATER-COLOURS . 149 OIL PAINTINGS EXHIBITED AT THE ROYAL ACADEMY . 171 OIL PAINTINGS EXHIBITED AT THE BRITISH INSTITUTION . 173 INDEX . .175 I T '1.3 . . i M , ' ST. VALERY EN CAUX. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS IN COLOUR OWNER OK ORIGINAL FACING PACK 1. St. Mary's Church, Rich- mond, Yorkshire before Restoration . . . Royal Society of Painters in Water-Colours . 108 2. Hastings, Fishing-Boats Early Morning (1889) . H. F. Pooley, Esq. 3. Entrance to the Harbour, Dover (1886) . . Roger Gaskell, Esq. 4. Notre Dame, Paris (1835) . Mrs. Callow . 5. Rue de la Grosse Horloge, Rouen (1895) . . E. Lazenby Liberty, Esq. xi 22 10 16 26 Xll WILLIAM CALLOW 6. In the High Street, South- ampton (1888) 7. Wimbledon 8. Fishing Boats off the coast of France 9- The Market- Place, Malines (1884) 10. Riva del Schiavoni, Venice (1894) .... 11. London from Holly Lodge, Highgate (1841) . 12. Entrance to the Port of Havre (1898) 13. The Grand Place, Bruges, Market Day (1891) 14. The Cathedral, Antwerp (1895) .... 15. Old Bridge, Nuremberg 16. Innsbruck. From an oil painting 17. The Belfry at Bruges (1882) 18. Tours .... 19. Sketch in Potsdam Palace with figure added by the Empress Frederick of Germany (1863) 20. A Street in Innsbriick 21. Potsdam (1874) 22. Dunster Castle (1847) OWNER OF ORIGINAL FACING PAGE James Solomon, Esq. . 30 Mrs. Callow. . . 62 Miss Hankey . . 64 Sir Thomas Barlow, Bart. 70 A. C. Allan, Esq. . . 80 Mrs. Callow ... 86 . . 88 Victoria and Albert Museum ... 90 Miss McGhee . . 94 E. Guy Datvber, Esq. . 96 Mrs. Callow . Miss Talbol . Mrs. Calloiv . Miss McGhee Mrs. Callow . Mrs. Nelson . 102 106 114 128 134 138 144 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Xlll IN BLACK AND WHITE OWNZR OF ORIGINAL FACING PAGE 1. William Callow, R.W.S., F.R.G.S., at the age of Eighty-Six. From a Photograph by Mr. William Coles' 2. Chateau d'Amboise (1836) 3. Tours (1836) 4. Piazza delle Erbe, Verona (1840) 5. Riva dei Schiavoni, Venice (1840) . 6. The Firs, Great Missenden. From a Photograph by Mr. William Coles 7. Facsimiles of the names of places near Rosenau written by Queen Victoria as being suitable for sketching ..... 8. Congratulatory Address from the Royal Society of Painters in Water- Colours on his attaining his Ninetieth Birthday 9- Medals awarded at Exhibitions in France ..... 10. Twenty -two smaller Illustrations, mostly reproduced from Pencil Drawings in William Callow's Sketch-books, throughout the Text . Frontispiece Mrs. Callow . 34 . 36 ,, - 76 t> 78 120 Mrs. Callow 122,123 Mrs. Mrs. Calloiv . 146 Callow . 148 Mrs. Callow. < 18 inches.) COURTRAI. CHAPTER III A WALKING TOUR THROUGH THE SOUTH OF FRANCE IN the year 1836, after sending to an Exhibition at Cambrai a water-colour painting for which I was awarded a silver medal, I determined to make a walking tour through the south of France, leaving Jack Edge and my brother to carry on the work in my atelier. The following account of this tour is extracted from a diary which I kept at the time : June 6. We, i.e. myself, a German friend 31 32 WILLIAM CALLOW named Soherr, and his dog, left Paris by diligence at eight o'clock in the evening for Chartres, and the weather being fine, we had a pleasant journey. June 7. A fine view of the town with the cathedral on a hill as we approached Chartres at six o'clock in the morning. A man on the diligence recommended us to some lodgings, which turned out to be a shoemaker's. We could not see the interior of the cathedral as the roof had un- fortunately been burnt three days previously, so visited the churches of St. Pierre and St. Andre*, where we found a great many curious monuments. June 8. At eleven o'clock we started off with our knapsacks and walked to Bonneval, a distance of seven leagues, 1 arriving there in the evening, very tired and weary, as we were not accustomed to long walks. After dinner we visited the fourteenth- century church ; we were obliged to go there in our slippers as we were so footsore. June 9. After breakfast I made some sketches whilst Soherr, who was an architect, took some measurements of the church. We then started for Chdteaudun, reaching that place at five o'clock. We visited the old chateau, sur- mounted by a fine tower of the sixteenth century. 1 1 league = 2 miles, 743 yards. A WALKING TOUR 33 In the evening we started off again, and slept in an auberge on the roadside. June 10. After starting at half-past seven in the morning we reached a village, where we had breakfast, and, as the weather was so warm, we rested here till the evening, when we continued our walk to Orleans, where we arrived in the dark. We tried to put up at the Hotel de la Boule d'Or, but because we were wearing blouses, on account of the dust, they refused to admit us, so we went to the Hotel de France, where we fortunately ran across an English friend, named Talbot, who had previously arranged to meet us at Orleans and accompany us on the tour. June 11. Visited the cathedral, built by Henri IV., and made sketches of the river Loire, which, with its fine bridge and boats with large white sails, was very picturesque. June 12. Quitted Orleans at 7.30 A.M. and walked beside the Loire to the village of Meung, where we breakfasted ; afterwards Talbot and I smoked and rested outside the auberge, whilst Soherr made some measurements of the church. I had placed a wine-glass on the ground, and an old woman accidentally broke it. The daughter of the house thereupon roundly abused her and made 34 WILLIAM CALLOW her cry, all because of a trifling damage of two sous, which I paid. Afterwards we visited the church, and found it to be nothing remarkable ; but this was the way with Soherr all the time we were together ; he made drawings of the worst and left the best. In the afternoon we continued beside the Loire to Beaugency. Passing through a village we saw a procession carrying the Host, it being a fete day ; the villagers had hung up sheets against the walls for the want of tapestry. I did not expect to see so much religious devotion so near Paris. The pretty town of Beaugency was also en fete ; we arrived too late to see the procession, but the sides of the houses were still covered with toile and the streets strewn with flowers. In the evening we went on the fine old bridge, with twenty-five arches over the river, and saw a beautiful sunset effect, but it was too dark to sketch it. June 13. Arose at 6 A.M. to make a sketch from the river ; afterwards set off along a road beside the Loire, which is here very beautiful, to St. Laurent, where we breakfasted, and then we went on to the Chateau de Chambord, belonging to the Due de Bordeaux. June 14. Got up early and visited the chateau, A WALKING TOUR 35 examining every part of it, even going on the roof for the sake of the view ; the house contains a very curious double spiral staircase. After early break- fast we walked to Blois (four leagues), where we arrived about mid-day, and put up at the Hotel de la Tete Noire. Visited the curious old chateau, which is now the barracks, also the churches of St. Nicholas and St. Louis, and afterwards made two sketches of the picturesque town from the river. On returning to our hotel we were accosted by a gendarme, who demanded our passports in a very insolent manner. I informed him that if he would come to the hotel we would produce them. He then became very abusive, and said that foreigners ought to have their passports always with them. Eventually he followed us to the hotel, where we met the maitre on the doorstep, who had a lively discussion with the gendarme for about half an hour. Eventually he was sent about his business, and we all went to the head office to lodge a complaint. In the evening we had two bottles of wine, and invited the maitre (f hotel to join us, as he had so kindly taken our part. June 15. Sorry to have to leave at 7 A.M., as we were much pleased with Blois. Passed through Chailles, Monthou, and Sambin, breakfasting at the 36 WILLIAM CALLOW last-named village, the country now becoming more fertile and rich, and arrived, by a beautiful road, at Montrichard, on the river Cher. A steep ascent leads up to the village, with houses built on rocks on either side of the road, and the ruins of a fine old castle at the summit. We spent a quiet evening on the banks of the river, a lovely spot. June 16. I was up at 5 A.M., and made four sketches before breakfast. Afterwards we walked to Clwnonceaux, where, leaving our knapsacks at an auberge, we went to see the chateau, which still contains the fine old furniture of Francois I. and Henri II, who lived here, including the beds of Diane de Poitiers and of Catherine de Medici s. We then set off to Amboise, arriving there in time for dinner. In the evening we visited the chateau, belonging to Louis Philippe ; the house, being late Gothic, is not remarkable for its architecture, but there is a very pretty garden. June 17. Arose again at 5 A.M., and made a few sketches, but was very disappointed with Amboise. We set off for Tours, and ten minutes after we had started it began to rain hard. As it seemed to be set in for a wet day, we plodded on through it for four leagues, and became soaked A WALKING TOUR 37 to the skin. Fortunately the sun came out and dried us by the time we reached Vouvray, where we stopped to have some refreshments. On reaching Tours we went to the Hotel de France. I was not impressed with the town, and the cathedral has nothing very remarkable, excepting some fine stained-glass windows. June 18. Did a little sketching, but could find nothing very interesting. We were detained at Tours for our washing till seven in the evening. Blew up the washerwoman and left for Luynes, where did not arrive until it was quite dark. June 19. Up at 5 A.M., and ready to start, but Soherr kept us waiting until eight o'clock whilst he was writing a letter. This was the first little rift in the lute, which ultimately caused our parting com- pany. We eventually set off for Langeais, and met a large number of country people going to market at Luynes ; the men all wore large black hats and many of the girls were very pretty. After passing Langeais on the way to Bourgueil, Soherr said he would take another road because we would not agree to go with him to Angers ; so we went to an auberge to settle the matter over a bottle of wine, and we persuaded him that it was just as near to go to Bourgueil and then to turn off to Angers. 38 WILLIAM CALLOW We were caught in several showers before reaching Bourgueil, where we stayed the night. June 20. Bid good-bye at 6 A.M. to Soherr, who turned off to go to Candes, whilst Talbot and I kept on the direct road to Saumur, where we arrived very hungry. There is nothing like a five leagues' walk to give one an appetite for break- fast. Went to the castle and had a fine view of the Loire and the country around ; later to the Druidical remains ; nothing remarkable except for the size of the stones. In the evening Soherr arrived at our hotel. June 21. On the previous evening we had half promised the maitre d 'hotel to go with him to Candes, and we were called at half-past three in the morning, but made various excuses and let him go alone. After again bidding good-bye to Soherr, who started off to Angers, Talbot and I set off along a pretty road to Candes, meeting our maitre on his way back. The church at Candes is very beautiful. We continued on our journey to Fontevrault, where there is a large prison capable of holding fifteen hundred prisoners and an old church of the 12th century. We obtained permis- sion to see the interior of the latter, in which are the tombs of Henry II. and Richard Creur-de-Lion A WALKING TOUR 39 of England, with recumbent figures in sandstone. After resting we proceeded to Loudun, a curious old town which had formerly been fortified ; a Roman tower, one of seven, still exists. The town stands on a height in the centre of a large plain with no village near it. It can be seen for a great distance, and when we were at Fontevrault, five leagues away, the town appeared to be quite close. June 22. Left next morning for Mirebeau, and on passing through a small village we heard several voices from an auberge calling upon us to stop. We discovered that these were three young con- scripts going to join their regiments at Poitiers and that they wished to accompany us on the road ; they were surrounded by about twenty of their friends, and there was a good deal of drinking going on. We were obliged to trinquer some very bad wine with them all, including a dragoon en conge, who said to the conscripts " souvenez-vous que vous etes toujours fran^ais." Eventually, after a great deal of leave-taking, the three conscripts set off with us. We walked two leagues, thinking all the way how we could get rid of our friends when we reached an auberge. Having treated them to some wine, we told them we were going to remain for some time, at which they seemed very 40 sorry and insisted on our having some petits verres with them ; they then left, but one, the best of the lot, stayed behind for a few seconds and asked per- mission to embrace us, il etait si triste ! so we could not refuse. Later two carters offered us a lift, which we gladly accepted, though the seats were not very soft, as the cart was laden with casks. We passed by Mirebeau, not entering into the town, which is surrounded with walls and towers, and went twol eagues farther to Etaples, where we put up at an inn. After having some dinner we took a walk in the neighbourhood, and, on returning to the inn, we were greatly surprised to find that our three conscripts had just arrived with numerous others, all very hot and tired out. They suggested that, as we were all going in the same direction the next morn- ing, we should start together for Poitiers. When we retired to rest we were greatly annoyed to find a room with five beds, four of which were filled with conscripts, the remaining one being left for us. As there was no help for it, we made ourselves as comfortable as we could. June 23. The next morning we were awakened by the conscripts dressing, but we lay quite quiet until they had all gone downstairs, deciding to remain in bed until they had started, and it was A WALKING TOUR 41 with great pleasure we heard them tramp off. Later we set out for Poitiers, and while passing through the village of Migne we saw women riding astride on horseback, cleverly tucking in their petticoats. After walking four and a half leagues we reached Poitiers, well known for its battlefield. It is an interesting town, containing many curio- sities, including the remains of a Roman amphi- theatre. Visited the very fine cathedral of St. Pierre and the church of St. Jean. As it was the veille of the latter saint, bonfires were lit by the priests in the town. Had a beautiful view from the height which is on one side of the town. June 24. Made some sketches in the morning, and left Poitiers in the afternoon, and, passing through the village of Crontille, with a very pretty country all the way, arrived at Vivonne at nine o'clock. June 25. Up at 6 A.M., a splendid morning, so set out from Vivonne at once. The weather became so very hot that we stayed at a village cafe until late in the afternoon, and then proceeded to Cliaunay, where we dined. It was such a lovely night that we decided not to go to bed, but to continue our walk throughout the night. At the village ofRiiff'ec we were asked by a gendarme for our passports. He 42 WILLIAM CALLOW was a veritable grogneur. Nevertheless we went to his cabin and had some wine with him. After bidding him adieu we continued on our road, get ting sleepy and very cold near sunrise ; about a hundred conscripts passed us. At last we reached Mansle at five o'clock in the morning, very tired indeed, having walked seven leagues during the day and ten at night. We went to a cafe to have some hot coffee and milk, and whilst it was being prepared we both fell asleep. June 26. Woke up after an hour and had our coffee, then set off for Angouleme, seven leagues farther. As we became very footsore, we stopped at a village from 9 A.M. till 3.30 P.M. Eventually, after mounting a steep hill, we arrived at Angouleme and put up at the Hotel Perigueux. After dinner we turned into bed. What enjoyment ! What happiness ! June 27. Got up for breakfast, but slept nearly the whole of the day. In the evening we went on the ramparts, which surround the town ; saw a lovely sunset and the full moon rise. In the interesting old town are some towers remaining of an old castle, and the ancient cathedral has some curious sculptures on the exterior. The country around is rich but flat, and the river Charente winds 43 prettily through the plain. Here we first saw oxen used in place of horses for drawing carts. June 28. The weather piping hot. A regiment arrived. I never saw soldiers so covered with dust. Made some sketches in the broiling sun. At lunch we met an old military officer who had been through the Russian campaign ; he tried to make us believe that he knew everything, and told us that in Holland cows were fastened up with silver chains. There was also a young man who talked very grandly about the number of crimes he would commit for the sake of his country. We had just heard of an attempt which had been made on the King's life. Took the coach to Barbezieux, passing on the way the ruin of an old abbey at the village of La Couronne, and at Roullet an old church of the same period as the cathedral at Angouleme. On arrival at Barbezieux we were followed by the Sous-Prdfet, who in- quired whether we were Poles, but on learning that we were English he became very polite and apologised for following us. At the inn the host's daughter, who was very beautiful, sang charmingly. We were much taken with her, and made two clerks very jealous because we got into conversa- tion with her. 44 WILLIAM CALLOW June 29. Up at 5.30 A.M. to catch the coach at six, and owing to the stupidity of the maid we had nothing to eat except a piece of bread until the coach stopped at Montlieu for dejeuner. There were ten passengers in the coach, and it being very hot weather, we were nearly stifled. After passing through a beautiful country we reached St. Andre. We walked forward to the banks of the Gironde and saw the ruins of a castle. The river here is very broad, and there being no bridge, we crossed by a ferry, the boat being drawn by a rope attached to a drum, like a mill, turned by horses. We were all packed in the boat, including the coach and horses, and arrived safely on the other side of the river, although there was some alarm amongst the lady passengers owing to the horses getting fidgety. We started on the coach again. Driving through the vine country for two hours, we came to the hills close to Bordeaux on which the best vines are cultivated, then crossed the bridge over the Garonne into Bordeaux, where Talbot and myself stayed at Hotel de Rouen. June 30. Spent an intensely hot day seeing the sights of the town, and attended the launch of a vessel at high tide. Could not sleep at night on account of the heat. A WALKING TOUR 45 July 1. Got up at 6 A.M. and made some sketches in the early morning ; as the weather was still extremely hot, could do very little during the day. July 2. Walked out to St. Andr and saw the church of St. Michel. On our return we met Soherr, who had just arrived, and we talked over our respective adventures. July 3. Visited the church of St. Severin. I determined to continue my tour in the night on account of the heat. Talbot tried to persuade me to wait another day for him, but as he would go only as far as Agen I adhered to my determination. At 11.30 P.M. Talbot and Soherr accompanied me to the gate of the town, and I started off alone for Langon. Being a lovely and warm night, I rested by the roadside. I never felt so lonely in my life ; thought of all those at home. Walked nine leagues and stopped at a village near Castres. July 4. Slept nearly all day, and set out for Langoit in the evening. Put up at an inn where every one spoke a patois which I could not under- stand. Went down to the river and saw steamers arrive from Bordeaux. July 5. Up at 4 A.M. and crossed the bridge just as the sun was rising, a charming effect with 46 WILLIAM CALLOW Langon on one side of the river and a ruin of an old castle on the other ; passed several villages in a very pretty country and reached La Reole, where I took the steamer to Marmande. July 6. Weather became less oppressive, and I determined to profit by it, making an early start, and at 10 A.M. reached Tonneins, famous for manu- facturing tobacco. Was told that on a clear day the Pyrenees could be seen from here. Pressed on, passed the town of Aiguillon, and arrived at Port St. Marie, where I stayed the night at an inn in a room overlooking the river, which is broad and fine. July 7. Started at 4.30 A.M. along a pretty road, with tobacco plantations and a quantity of corn, which was being reaped, on either side ; the hills were now becoming more lofty. Overtook a regiment on the way to Toulouse ; the officers were walking with the men, and all were covered with dust. Passed St. Hilaire and arrived at A gen at 8 P.M., putting up at the Hotel de France. Made some sketches, but nearly the whole of the town is hidden by large trees along a fine promenade beside the river. I had followed the Garonne nearly all the way from Bordeaux. July 8. Up late. Visited the very old church A WALKING TOUR 47 of St. Caprais and the picturesque Hotel de Ville, which dates from 1665. In the evening took a walk by the river, and saw hundreds of women bathing quite a usual custom. July 9. Took the coach to Auch, and as the road is very hilly and the weather still hot, I am glad of the ride. Had dejeuner at Lectoure, a town which has been the birthplace of many generals of the French Army, including Montebello, a marechal under Napoleon. Auch is prettily situated on a hill, and the cathedral, being built in a prominent position, is seen from a great distance. Went to see the famous stained -glass windows which it contains. As a coach for Tarbes arrived from Toulouse, I decided to continue my journey by it. July 10. Arrived at Tarbes at 7 A.M. I had slept on the coach as far as Rabastens. Soon after leaving this place I first saw the Pyrenees, which I had long wished to do ; the view made a lasting impression on my mind. A long line of mountains rose from an expansive plain and extended as far as the eye could reach. Above a delicate distant blue, partly hid by mist, could be seen small quantities of snow. The mountains had a grand appearance, and I longed to be amongst them. On reaching the Hotel du Grand Soleil at Tarbes 48 WILLIAM CALLOW I immediately set off to get a nearer view of the mountains. On my return to the town I once more put my knapsack on my back and left with a light heart for Lourdes. How I enjoyed myself with the beautiful view in front of me ! What a splendid sight ! What a variety of colours and forms ! I wished for some one to be with me to partake of my pleasure. I made some sketches, but the scene changed every instant. How happy I felt at seeing mountains for the first time ! They were so beautiful. I never felt so happy. I sang for joy. On entering a pass I came to a village, which on inquiry I understood to be Lourdes. Being Sunday, all the inhabitants were strolling about the street. I asked for the hotel, but as they only spoke a patois, they did not under- stand me, but pointed to a place which I discovered to be a low, dirty inn with a lot of men drinking. I was shown by a woman into a room with two beds, and when I expostulated she tried to console me by saying it was only the servant's bed. I ordered some supper, and whilst waiting outside the door of the inn for it to be prepared, all the men who had been drinking jumped out of a window and stood talking and eyeing me in a peculiar manner. Later two drunken men entered ; A WALKING TOUR 49 they were going to Lourdes, which I now found out to be a league farther ; they were very curious to know all about me, and obliged me to drink with them. When they discovered that I was also on the way to Lourdes, they wanted me to accompany them. On my refusing, they whispered to me on the sly that the place was not to be trusted, and told me about a murder and the body being thrown in a pit. I began to be really frightened, and when supper was at last served it was so bad that I could not touch it. Fortunately a cart was driven up to the door of the inn, and the carter invited me to ride with him to Lourdes, which I instantly decided to do. The woman of the house looked very black when she saw that I was determined to leave, and I put my large knife up my sleeve as a precaution, but the carter soon dissolved my fears. He turned out to be a good fellow, and we had a long talk over his campaign in Spain. We reached Lourdes all safely at ten o'clock at night ; the carter directed me to a decent hotel, and after bidding him adieu I entered and ordered a good supper. July 11. Up and off by 6 A.M. Am now in the interior of the Pyrenees, surrounded on all sides by beautiful mountains in the greatest variety, 50 WILLIAM CALLOW with a torrent, the Gave, rushing through the valley of Argeles, in the middle of which are the ruins of several castles. Arrived at Argeles, where I breakfasted, then walked two more leagues to Pierrefitte. After having rested there during the heat of the day, I climbed a very steep road by the side of a mountain, with an impetuous torrent on the other side, leaping from rock to rock and falling in deep cascades ; the valley was nearly closed in with mountains, so grand and sublime. It was one of the finest walks 1 ever had in my life to Cauterets, where I took up my quarters. July 12. Started off on an expedition to Lac de Gaube without my knapsack. Met several invalids being carried from the Baths higher up the mountains, and continued to ascend a good road, passing a very pretty cascade, to Pont (CEspagne, which I crossed, and entered into the valley beyond, the wildest I had yet seen ; of quite a different character of scenery with huge masses of rocks partly covered with pines. Afterwards I climbed up a path to the lake, beautifully situated, being entirely surrounded by mountains of great height, towering above it. Here I met three Englishmen, with whom I returned to Cauterets. A WALKING TOUR 51 On the way we met some Spanish smugglers queer-looking fellows. July 13. Left Cauterets with great regret at six o'clock in the morning and retraced my steps to Pierrefitte, intending to go to Bareges ; but I changed my mind and continued back through Argeles to Lourdes, where I turned off to the right to Bagneres-de-Bigorre. I arrived in the evening, having walked fourteen leagues, but I was not much tired, as so many beautiful views did not give me time to think of fatigue. July 14. Remained at Bagneres-de-Bigorre all day, but was disappointed with the place. July 15. Up at 5 A.M., and started for St. Gaudens along a charming road; passed through Escaliadieu and Lannemeza?i, having breakfast at the latter village. Arrived at St. Gaudens very tired, having walked all day. Took my departure at ten o'clock the same night in a coach for Toulouse* where I arrived at eight o'clock the next morning, having slept during nearly the whole of the journey. July 16. Remained all day at Toulouse and visited the quays and bridges ; tried to make some sketches, but a storm forced me to seek shelter. July 17. After walking on the promenade of 52 WILLIAM CALLOW Lafayette, etc., and seeing the churches of St. Etienne and St. Sernin, I made various sketches. I took the coach to Narbonne in the evening. July 18. Travelled all night and the greater part of the next day on the coach. There was little to see on the road excepting the picturesque town of Carcassonne, with its old tower situated on a hill and surrounded by walls. As usual, I was more fatigued by riding than walking, besides being almost stifled by heat and dust. Arrived at Narbonne at last. The town is famous for honey. It is situated on a plain, and has an antiquated appearance. A branch of the Canal du Midi passes through the town, but I was unable to make a sketch of it, as it is so closed in by walls. July 19. Up at 5.30 A.M. and set off to Beziers, and soon caught a distant view of the Mediter- ranean. Stopped at Beziers to lunch and rested during the heat of the day ; continued my walk to P^zenas ; began to feel very tired, as one of my feet was very painful. Fortunately a man riding a donkey overtook me, and put my knapsack in his basket, which was a great relief. We chatted all the way to Pezenas. I went to Hotel des Trois Pigeons, and soon to bed, as I was never before so tired. A WALKING TOUR -53 July 20. Woke at 5 A.M., and started along a pretty road bordered with lime, almond, and olive trees ; stopped at a spring and rested my foot, which still troubled me, and reached Meze in time for breakfast, a pretty place on the Etang du Thau. The boats with lateen sails give it quite an Italian appearance. I decided to rest here for a day. July 21. Took the coach to MontpelUer, arriving at 2 P.M. Visited the cathedral and the promenade, where there was an exceedingly fine view, the mountains on one side and the sea on the other. Met a Monsieur Fils at the hotel, and we arranged to go together to Toulon. July 22. Up at 5.30 A.M. and made some sketches with Monsieur Fils, who left by coach for Nimes, where I joined him later. July 23. Arrived at Nimes at 4 A.M., having travelled by coach all night. Visited the Amphi- theatre and the Maison Carree ; afterwards went to the Gardens to see the Temple of Diana and the Bath of Augustus. Took the coach with Monsieur Fils to Beaucaire, with its old castle, prettily situated on the Rhone, with Tarascon on the other side of the river. Had arranged to take the boat in the evening to Aries, but it never 54 WILLIAM CALLOW arrived, and as the town was so full on account of a fair being held, we were compelled to find some lodgings a little way out of it ; even then we could only get a mattress on a floor. July 24. We were so disturbed by flies that we were glad to get out of our lodgings at four o'clock in the morning, when we met a man, whose acquaintance we had made on the road to Beaucaire, wandering about in search of his lodgings ; on his arrival he had taken some rooms, where he left his luggage and put the key in his pocket, but he forgot to note the name of the street or the number of the house. After helping him for some time without success we left him to his fate. Took the steamer, which had arrived in the early morning, to Aries, where we transferred into another steamer for Marseilles. I was delighted with the change from dusty roads. I climbed the foremast and sat on the yard-arm till the steamer reached the mouth of the river. At last I was on the blue Mediterranean. The steamer took a turn out to sea, and in a few hours we arrived at Marseilles, which looks very fine on approaching it from the bay, with the mountains behind it. July 25. Strolled about the town and visited the harbour and fortifications. In the evening A WALKING TOUR 55 took the coach for Toulon, along a road which passes through a very mountainous country. July 26. Arrived at Toulon at 4 A.M. and put up at the Hotel de France. Fils having obtained a pass, we visited the Arsenal ; the sight of so many criminals was revolting. I never saw such a set of wretches with every crime written on their faces ; they were all dressed in red jackets and numbered, and nearly every one had chains on his legs. I was glad to get away. July 27. Up early and sketched all day. Saw a man-of-war come into the port, and climbed on the heights to obtain a view of the lies d'Hyeres. Returned in a coach to Marseilles. During the night, whilst walking up one of the hills, I saw the full moon through the mountains shining on the Mediterranean a glorious sight. July 28. My twenty-fourth birthday. On arrival at Marseilles went to bed till 8 A.M. Visited the quays and made a number of sketches of merchantmen coming into harbour. July 29. Fils woke me at 2 A.M. to say good-bye, as he was starting for Sisteron. I was to leave by coach at six for Aix, but fell asleep again, and did not wake until a few minutes before that hour. Hurried into my clothes, but found the coach had 56 WILLIAM CALLOW already started, so got a man to carry my knapsack and ran after it, catching it up about a mile out of the town as it was ascending a hill ; arrived at Aiac at 9 A.M. Intended to make some sketches, but unable on account of the heat. I had decided to take the coach to Avignon, but it was so full that I went by another one to Orgon. July 30. Arrived at Orgon at 3 A.M. Was told the coach for Avignon would pass through at 6 A.M., but they could not ensure my obtaining a seat, so I decided to walk. Had not proceeded far when the coach overtook me, and I was tempted by an offer to take me to Avignon for thirty sous. The picturesque town is entirely surrounded by walls, and has a pretty promenade with lime-trees on the banks of the Rhone, which is very broad here, and over it is a wooden bridge, and there are also remains of one built in the 12th century. Saw the Palace of the Popes, which has more the appear- ance of a prison with its severe towers ; also visited the cathedral, containing some fine monuments. July 31. Tried to sketch, but the wind blew so hard that it was impossible to do anything. Took the coach in the evening to Orange. Having the box seat and no overcoat, I was nearly frozen by the cold wind. Put up at a miserable inn. There A WALKING TOUR 57 was no bolt to my bedroom door, so I placed a chair against it and my money under my pillow. I was just dropping off to sleep when I heard a noise. I jumped out of bed and saw a man with a lantern. He made an excuse of wanting to fetch something, but I am not sure that he had not some other intention. August 1. Roamed about the town, and saw a very beautiful Roman triumphal arch. Determined if possible to continue my walk by side of the river my original intention. I started across the country by a cross-road, but after some time I found myself on the main road only about three miles off' Orange. I continued to Manias, where I made a sketch of the picturesque castle of Montdragon, situated on a perpendicular rock above the village ; then proceeded to La Palude, where I stopped the night at the Hotel des Postes. August 2. Had experienced so much heat on the previous day that I got up early and was on the road again by 4 A.M. ; rested at Donzere. After leaving this village I was overtaken by a patache, the worst description of coach ever invented, and I was, to my sorrow, tempted by an offer to take me to Montclimar for ten sous. I was almost suffocated by heat, and every bone in my body was 58 WILLIAM CALLOW nearly dislocated by the jolting. Arrived at the Hotel des Princes at 10 A.M. ; took a stroll by the side of the little river which flows into the Rhone, with a charming view of the Dauphin^ mountains in the distance. August 3. Up again at 4 A.M. and started for Valence, resting at Loriol on the road, which is very beautiful as it approaches the Rhone. My foot began to trouble me again, so I took a seat on a coach, and arrived at Valence in the afternoon. August 4. Decided to rest here all day and made some sketches by the river. August 5. Started at 4 A.M. for Tain. Just before reaching it the road passes close to the river, and there is a beautiful view with Tain on one side and Tournon, with the ruins of an old castle, on the other. On account of the beauty of the place I had intended to remain at Tain, but I got into such bad quarters that I was quite disgusted. Determined to walk on to St. Vallier. The weather now seemed inclined to change, and some heavy black clouds came up and produced some beauti- ful effects over the hills, but there was no rain. How I longed for a shower ! It was now about two months since I had felt a drop of rain, and had A WALKING TOUR 59 hardly seen a cloud ; nothing but continuous blue sky and burning heat. Arrived at St. Vallier, and put up at a hotel which was worse than the one I had left, and as there was no other, I was compelled to stay. Rain came during the night, and everybody, including myself, was delighted. Everything was parched up, the grapes were very small, and there were neither vegetables nor grain. August 6. Took a seat in a small coach to L>e Peage, and from there I walked six leagues to Vienne, along a very interesting road close to the river, with a view of the hills opposite and the Dauphine' mountains in the distance. Visited the fine Gothic cathedral. Was much annoyed by being woke up in the middle of the night to admit a traveller to sleep in a spare bed which was in the room. August 7. Passed the day making sketches beside the river of the picturesque town. August 8. The last day of my tramp. Started at 4 A.M. as usual and walked to Lyons. Here I remained for some days waiting for remittances, which arrived on the 13th. I at once booked a seat in the banquette of the diligence for Paris, and started at ten o'clock the same evening. When we had passed Macon and Chalons we 60 WILLIAM CALLOW experienced a tremendous thunderstorm, the light- ning being exceptionally vivid, which frightened the horses so much that the conductor had to get down and lead them. After having spent three days and nights on the road, passing through Auxerre and Sens, I arrived safely in Paris on Tuesday, the 16th August. During the nearly two months and a half which I had been absent, I had traversed 681 leagues, or about 1700 miles, and the entire cost of the journey was only twenty pounds. i >4 TRENT. CHAPTER IV LIFE IN PARIS (continued) ON the return from my tour I at once com- menced hard work again with my pupils, and by putting effects into numerous drawings on wood by other artists, for Giradon and other publishers. It was from Giradon that I obtained a copy of Turner's " Southern Coast," and of " England and Wales," the possession of which has always been a great pleasure to me. I was always studying them in those days, and I am sure they were a great help to me in every way. 61 62 WILLIAM CALLOW In the autumn of 1836 my old friend, Charles Bentley, came over to Paris on a visit. I was delighted to see him, and this was the first time Bentley, Edge, and myself had met together since we were pupils under Fielding. In October, Bentley, Outhwaite (an engraver) and myself took a trip to Rouen and Havre, making sketches by the way. Outhwaite and I, after seeing Bentley off by steamer back to England, returned to Paris. In the next year, 1837, I was fully engaged in making drawings for the work on North America, also in retouching the set of wood engravings for the G-allery at Versailles. Giradon introduced me to Charles Heath, the London publisher, who commissioned me to make a series of original drawings for a work to be entitled, Les Fastes de Versailles. Editions were subsequently published in Paris in French, and in London in English. For this purpose I obtained permission to visit the private gardens and the Trianon at Versailles. About this time the Comte de Noe called upon me to obtain some drawings for the Societd des Amis des Arts, of which he was President. I supplied him with two paintings, one of which, " The Port of Marseilles," was won by King Louis WIMBLEDON (Size 10J x 7J inches.) LIFE IN PARIS 63 Philippe in a lottery. I continued my acquaint- ance with the Count, and from time to time sold other drawings to him for lotteries. I was very busy with my pupils, and received commissions for water-colour paintings from picture -dealers both in Paris and London, so that I was enabled to add to my small savings which I had started at the Bank in 1834. Being sadly in need of a rest, I, accompanied by my brother John, paid a visit to England, first to London, and afterwards to Great Yarmouth, where I sketched boats and shipping scenes. Later I went with Bentley for a trip round the Isle of Wight, travelling to Portsmouth by coach. We both made numerous studies of marine subjects. On returning to Paris in November, I and my brother went by boat from London to Boulogne. On account of the tide the steamer was compelled to anchor off Dover all night, and crossed the Channel the next morning. I sent a water-colour drawing to a local Ex- hibition at Boulogne -sur-Mer, for which I was awarded a silver medal. I was principally painting sea-pieces at the time ; they were quite a novelty in Paris, and I received many orders for them from Durand-lluel. In the following year, 1838, the Princess 64 WILLIAM CALLOW Clementine requested to see the sketches which I had made in the South of France, and gave me a commission to make paintings from two of them. I was one day surprised, at my atelier, by a visit from Alexandre Dumas, the famous novelist, uho came to invite me to join him in a trip to the South of France ; he was going to write his Impressions de Voyage, and he wished me to supply the illustrations, but owing to my numerous pupils and many engagements I was compelled to decline his request. Acting upon the advice of John Lewis and my friend Bentley, I sent three drawings to the Old Water-Colour Society in support of my candida- ture for election, and on the 15th February I received the gratifying intelligence that I had been unanimously elected an Associate. For some time previously it had been my ambition to become associated with this grand Society, yet when the news of my election reached me I could scarcely believe it to be true, not having sufficient con- fidence in my own powers to think that I should ever succeed. A new incentive for work in the future ! The following notice appeared in the Spectator : The Water-Colour Society last week filled one of two vacancies by electing a Mr. William Callow, landscape and FISHING BOATS OFF THE COAST OF FRANCE (Size 10f x 7J inctits.) LIFE IN PARIS 65 marine painter, not known in this country, but who has studied in the French School, we have heard, and is of the dashing style of execution. There were several candidates, most of whom possessed as much merit as many of the present members, but the Society has wisely raised the standard of qualification, so that the future aspirants will be required to exhibit matured excellence to render them eligible. I learnt later that Cattermole had strongly supported my candidature, and Copley Fielding, who had known me since I was quite a small boy, had spoken of me in the highest terms of praise. It was a rule of the Society not to elect, as an associate or member, an artist residing out of England, but an exception was made in my case, and being unable to leave Paris on account of my work, I sent my contributions to the first two Exhibitions from there. I became acquainted with the Comte Stackelberg, a Russian noble, and members of his family, also Baronne Mayendorff, and the family of Cherniticheflf, Viceroy of Poland, many of whom became my pupils. John Lewis again stayed in Paris during this summer, and we frequently met at Sch welter's studio. I returned to England to witness the Corona- tion of Queen Victoria, which I did both at West- minster and in the Park in company with Bentley. Whilst in London I called on Charles Heath, the 66 WILLIAM CALLOW publisher, who gave me an introduction to J. M. W. Turner. On presenting myself at his residence in Queen Anne Street, the door was opened by his old housekeeper, who requested me to wait in the hall whilst she delivered the letter to Mr. Turner. To my surprise, Turner himself came out to me, and upon my asking permission to see his gallery, he abruptly though kindly said, "Go up." So upstairs I went, delighted not only at getting an opportunity of seeing his wonderful paintings, but at meeting the painter himself. It was a painful surprise, however, to find Turner's gallery in a most dilapidated condition. Many of the pictures, some on the ground and others leaning against the wall, were cracked and damaged ; the walls were in a de- plorable state of damp, with the paper hanging down in strips. I remained a long time admiring his beautiful painting, and on going downstairs no one appeared, so I had quietly to let myself out at the front door without having an opportunity of thanking Turner for his kindness. My recollection of Turner is that of a short, dark man, inclined to stoutness, with a merry twinkle in his eye. The next time I met Turner was at Venice, at the Hotel Europa, where we sat opposite at meals and entered into conversation. One evening whilst I LIFE IN PARIS 67 was enjoying a cigar in a gondola I saw Turner in another one sketching San Giorgio, brilliantly lit up by the setting sun. I felt quite ashamed of myself idling away my time whilst he was hard at work so late. In the autumn of 1838 I made my first tour in Switzerland. I took the dilgence to Dijon, on which I made the acquaintance of a Mr. Forman, and we agreed to travel together. From Dijon we crossed the plains of Burgundy to Besancon and Pontarlier. From the latter place we took the Swiss post over the Jura mountains to Lausanne. Here, shoulder- ing our knapsacks we started off and walked to Vevey, where, after making some sketches, we con- tinued to Villeneuve, on the borders of the Lake of Geneva, and took the steamer to Geneva. We left the next day at 3 A.M., and walked along a beautiful road to Bonneville. Arrived very tired and knocked up by the heat. On the following day, after resting during the heat at Cluses, we reached St. Martin late in the evening. We then proceeded through the valley of Servoz and a beautiful gorge to the valley of Chamouny, surrounded by Mont Blanc and other mountains. We made an excursion to the Mer de Glace, taking a mule, which we rode in turns up to Montanvert, then across the ice up 68 WILLIAM CALLOW to Le Couvercle, and arrived at the Jardin, where we rested and returned to Chamouny. The next day we went with guides up Mont Blanc. We after- wards proceeded to Nantborrant ; from there we went down to Les Chapieux, and ascended Col de la Seigne, where I made some sketches of the beauti- ful view, the Aiguilles and Mont Blanc above us, and Lake Combal and the Alice Blanche below. We then proceeded to Aosta. Next day we left with a party of eight and two guides for St. Remy, the Hospital of St. Bernard, where we saw the monks, the famous dogs, and the chapel. I thought of Rogers' lines " promising bread to the hungry, and to the weary rest." From St. Remy we descended to Liddes in a thunderstorm, and reached Martigny the same evening. On the following day I and Forman had to part company. I set out to Sion, and then proceeded up to Loueche, where I went with a guide up the rocks. Afterwards I walked to Thun, and took the steamer to Unterseen, beauti- fully situated on the lake, and proceeded to Inter- laken. On the following day I hired a guide and went through the valley of Lauterbrunnen, visited the Staubbach, where the Jungfrau, covered with snow, could be seen, and climbed up the Wengern Alp, arriving at the chalet, where I was the only LIFE IN PARIS 69 traveller. The next morning I was called by the innkeeper to see an avalanche. Afterwards I left for the valley of Grindelwald, crossing the Scheidegg at the foot of the Wetterhorn, and stopped at Rosenlaui, a very pretty spot. Saw during the descent the cascade of Reichenbach. Then pro- ceeded to Meiringen, where I hired another guide and started for the Grimsel, turning on one side to see the beautiful waterfall of Handegg, and pass- ing over immense blocks of granite to Grimsel. I next walked alongside the Glacier du Rhone to Andermatt ; passed at the foot of St. Gotthard and visited the Devil's Bridge. On the following day I started through the valley of the Reuss, passing through Amstag and Altdorf, where William Tell was born, to Fliielen, close to the lake of the Quatre Cantons. Visited Tell's Chapel and Brunnen and back to Fliielen, where I took the steamboat to Lucerne and went to see the Lion of Thorwaldsen. The next day by coach to Zurich, where I made some sketches, and afterwards took a steamer to Rappenschwyl; thence by coach to Wesen on Lake of Wallenstadt. Proceeded to Ragatz and made an excursion to the Bains de Pfeffers. Next posted to Rorschack on Lake Constance, and down the lake by steamer to Constance. On the 70 WILLIAM CALLOW following day posted to Schaffhausen and saw the Falls of the Rhine. Then quitted with great regret the mountain scenery of Switzerland and posted to Freiburg, where I took the coach to Strasbourg, reaching there at half-past eleven at night, and being kept for half an hour at the gates of the town by the custom-house officers. Then proceeded by coach to Baden-Baden, Carlsruhe, and Heidelberg. The last-named town proved so interesting that I remained there for five days making sketches. Proceeded by coach to Frankfort and Mayence. I now commenced walking again with my knapsack on my back, and reached Kudesheim, where I saw the beauties of the Rhine for the first time, and crossed the river to Bingen. Next proceeded on foot to Bacharach and Pfalz, passing many old castles romantically situated on the tops of hills overlooking the river, and reached Oberwesel, with its fine castle of Schonburg. At the hotel I tried to speak German, and on asking for some wine they brought me cold meat. Con- tinued my walk to St. Goar, and crossed the river to see the castle of Katz. Proceeded along a path beside the river to Boppart and Coblenz, where I crossed the bridge of boats to visit Ehrenbreitstein. Next continued to Andernach, THE MARKET-PLACE, MALIXES (1884) , (Size 30 X 20J inches.) LIFE IN PARIS 71 and then to Remagen, and finished my walking tour at Bonn, where I took the steamer to Cologne and posted on from there to Aix-la-Chapelle and then to Liege, where I took the train the railway had not long been opened to Brussels, and thence by diligence v id Valenciennes and Noyons to Paris, reaching it after an absence of ten weeks. Travelling in those days was not at all like what it is at the present time. English was not under- stood, and having no knowledge of the German language, I was compelled to make signs for nearly everything I required during the three weeks I was in Germany, especially in the Moselle district. On my return to Paris I found that the Princess Clementine was staying at Neuilly, so I had to walk there each morning to give her a drawing lesson at eight o'clock in the morning. In order to be there in time I was obliged to get up at six, my brother making me a cup of tea before I started, and I had my breakfast on my return. This I continued to do even through the winter months. In 1839 I received a second silver medal at the Exhibition of Cambrai for water-colour drawings which I sent there. I also obtained a bronze medal at the Rouen Exhibition. In this year 72 WILLIAM CALLOW J. Mackenzie, the Treasurer of the Old Water- Colour Society, came to Paris to make some drawings for the work on Versailles, on which I was already engaged. He was commissioned to execute a few architectural subjects, chiefly interiors of the grand galleries of the Palace, whilst I drew the gardens, fountains, Trianon, and the Or anger ie. About this time emeutes were a frequent occurrence in Paris, and my brother and I had one or two narrow escapes as we used to run out at the sound of the rappel on the drums to see what would happen. It was also in this year, the tenth of my residence in Paris, that I had the honour of being introduced to the Due d'Aumale whilst giving a lesson to the Princess at St. Cloud. In the autumn my brother and I paid a visit to England, travelling by a new route. We took the diligence to St. Valery, and thence went by a steamer, the Castor, direct to London. The navigation of the Somme was very difficult, owing to the river being almost choked with sand ; consequently the boats only ran for one season. On my return to Paris I received an invitation from the Comte de Noe to dinner, at which I met his son, the noted caricaturist, well known as "Cham," whose LIFE IN PARIS 73 drawings were reproduced in Le Charivari and other publications. I also received commissions from the Princess Clementine and from the Due de Nemours for drawings to present to their friends. In this year Messrs. Moon, Boys and Graves, the publishers, had brought out a lithographic work on Old Paris executed by Thomas Shotter Boys, cousin to the member of the firm, and I was asked by them to present a copy to King Louis Philippe, which I did through the Princess. It was graciously accepted, and shortly afterwards a diamond ring was sent by the King to the publishers. My friend, T. S. Boys, was terribly disappointed, as he was the person who should have received the present ; the mistake occurred through the publishers, and not the artist, sending the book. In 1840 I attended a grand representation of Racine's play Andromaque at the Theatre Francais, in which Mdlle. Rachel took part. It was followed by a comedy, in which Mdlle. Mars, though seventy years of age, played the character of a young girl ; she had long retired from the stage, and reappeared only for this special occasion. It was a memorable performance, as Mdlle. Mars was the oldest actress, and Mdlle. Rachel the 10 74 WILLIAM CALLOW youngest in Paris at that time. The Royal Family were all present, and the Princess presented me with a ticket of admission, particularly requesting that I should make use of it myself, as they wished to be surrounded by those who were loyal to them. In this year I was awarded a silver medal for my drawings exhibited at the Rouen Exhibition, the second I had received from that town. I was also successful in obtaining a gold medal at the Paris Salon. I was to have received it from the hands of the King, but owing to a disturbance, the official presentation of prizes was abandoned. I was also fortunate enough to win a picture in a Fine Art Lottery at Lyons. I sold it for five hundred francs without even seeing it. I paid a short visit to London to judge the effect of my own drawings on the walls of the Old Water-Colour Society's gallery at the annual Exhibition, and returned to Paris accompanied by my friend Bentley. I may mention here that on each anniversary of the Revolution King Louis Philippe caused it to be commemorated by three days' fetes. Every kind of amusement which could be devised was provided for the people ; theatres and cafes were open free, prizes were awarded for climb- ing greasy poles and other sports, including aquatic LIFE IN PARIS 75 ones on the river, and finally a grand display of fireworks in the Place de la Concorde wound up the fetes. All this was done by the King in order to try and please the people, in spite of which constant attempts were being made on his life. 1 remember on one occasion after a review, as the King, accompanied by some officers, was passing along the Boulevards, a shot was fired from a window ; it fortunately missed him, but wounded several of the officers. In the autumn of this year I made my first visit to Italy. I was accompanied for some part of the time by Forman, who had been with me two years previously on the tour through Switzerland. We left Paris by diligence for Dijon, and then crossed the Jura mountains to Geneva, where we stopped and sketched. We next passed on the left side of the lake through Lausanne and Vevey to St. Maurice, where we changed diligences and arrived at Brieg. The next day we crossed the Simplon Pass and reached Domo d'Ossola at 11 P.M. After sleeping for a few hours on a sofa we took the malic poste in the early morning to Arona on Lago Mag- giore. Here we stayed and sketched. Afterwards crossed the lake to Angera to see the picturesque castle, and made a trip up the lake by steamer to 76 WILLIAM CALLOW enjoy the scenery. On the same evening we took a carriage to Bellinzona, and made some sketches in the very picturesque town with its old walls and towers before breakfast the next morning. Later we proceeded to Lugano, passing over Mont Cannero, and witnessing some splendid views on the road. The next day we left by coach for Como, crossed the lake in a boat, and arrived there in the evening. On the following day we took a steamer up the lake, which is smaller but prettier than Maggiore, and went ashore at Bellaggio. Here, although there was no hotel, we obtained some very comfortable quarters and stayed the night. We took a delightful sail up the lake, but, owing to a contrary wind, could only reach Gravedona, where it was impossible to stay, as every cottage was so dirty ; consequently we returned as far as Domaso. Next day, after sailing for seven hours, we managed to reach Cadenabbia, opposite to Bellaggio, then took the steamer back to Como, being very much pleased with the trip. Sketched all the next day at Como and left in the evening for Milan in a velociferi, a long vehicle holding about twenty people, and after four hours' jolting arrived at the capital of Lombardy, where we inspected the cathedral, the Scala, and other fine buildings. Left Milan - * t j . , _ ' LIFE IN PARIS 77 at midnight, passing through a splendidly rich country, and, skirting Lake Garda for some distance, arrived at Verona in the evening, after having been almost stifled by dust and heat. We were much interested in this town, with whole streets of fine palaces, intermingled with Roman and other antiquities, the tombs of the Scaligeri, the old bridge, and amphitheatre. Next we proceeded to Padua, with its arcaded streets and two remarkable churches, in one of which we saw a beautiful paint- ing by Paul Veronese. Being anxious to arrive at Venice, we took the matte poste to Mestre, where we embarked in a gondola, traversing for several miles over the lagoons, and arrived in the evening at the steps of Hotel Europa, delighted with our first view of the Queen of the Adriatic. We stayed for ten days, seeing all the wonderful sights and making many sketches. We left Venice with great regret and returned to Padua, whence we posted to Ferrara, and then on to Bologna. Here we saw the castle of the Dukes of Ferrara, a fine fortress, the cathedral, and the leaning tower, all of which I sketched. The next day we started in a vettura in company with two others for Florence, having to be drawn by oxen at a snail's pace across the Apennines. We slept at a solitary habitation, 78 WILLIAM CALLOW Albergo del Nolta, in sight of Monte di Fo, and after two days' travelling arrived at Florence. Here we remained for four days sketching all the wonderful buildings. Forman being obliged to return to Paris, I proceeded by myself in a vettura to Rome. The journey took six days. Stopped the first night at Arezzo, the birthplace of Petrarch, then quitted the Tuscan States and entered those of the Pope. From the Custom-house there is a beautiful view over Lake Trasimeno, near to which Hannibal obtained a famous victory over the Romans. Arrived at Perugia on the third day and visited the cathedral ; afterwards took a carriage to Assisi and saw the famous convent of St. Francis, remarkable for the three churches built one above the other. We then proceeded to Foligno, and then on to Spoleto, where I made a sketch of the town and gateway where Hannibal's progress received a check from the inhabitants. Next reached Terni, where I saw the cascade and the villa where Queen Caroline resided. Continued the journey, passing Narni, with the Roman bridge built by Augustus Caesar, and along a splendid road across the mountains and arrived at Nepi. On the last day we crossed the Campagna, beautiful in its barrenness no trees, no water, nor cultivation ferf ifvsa LIFE IN PARIS 79 of any kind, and not even a house, but how many reflections it causes in one's mind and arrived at last at Rome, entering it by the Porta del Popolo. Here 1 remained for ten days enjoy- ing all the wonderful sights of that marvellous city. Afterwards I left for Naples, stopping a night at Terracina by the way, and reached Naples on the following day, visiting Herculaneum and Vesuvius. Next I took the railway to Castellamare and walked to Torre del Greco, where I hired a donkey and went to Castel Lettere and Gragnano ; afterwards to Pompeii, in which place I was greatly interested. From there I proceeded to Torre del Greco, and then back by rail to Naples. On the next day I took the steamer Francisco Primo for Marseilles. It came on to blow so hard during the middle of the first night that the steamer was nearly swamped by the heavy seas, which stove in two deck cabins, carried away some of the boats, and filled the main cabin half full with water. We stopped at Leghorn and Genoa, and, after a boisterous voyage, finally reached Marseilles. Here I remained for two days, revisiting with pleasure many spots which I had seen during my previous stay. I then took the diligence for Lyons, passing along the road by Avignon and 80 WILLIAM CALLOW Orange which I tramped on foot in 1836. I was obliged to stop at Lyons for two days, being unable to secure a seat on a diligence. I eventually obtained one, and after the diligence had pro- ceeded some way on the road we were detained for six hours at one place owing to an inundation. Finally we reached Paris without any further mishap. Travelling from one place to another in those days was no easy matter, especially in Italy. The vetturino generally started at a very early hour in the morning, stopped during the intense heat of the day for the passengers to rest, and proceeded on its journey in the evening. All the way from Rome to Naples the matte poste was accompanied by a mounted guard for protection against the banditti. Soon after my return from Italy I was commanded to take my sketches to the Tuileries, and was commissioned to make three drawings from them, one for Queen Marie Amelie, one for the Due de Nemours, and one for Princess Clementine ; the last named shortly afterwards requested me to make two more drawings, and I was continually receiving proofs of the Princess's kindness. At the end of this year the remains of Napoleon RIVA DEI SCHIAVONI, VENICE (1894) (Size 22J x 15| inches.) LIFE IN PARIS 81 were brought to France in the Belle Poule, a frigate commanded by Prince de Joinville, from St. Helena. They reached Paris on 14th December. It was a glorious day, but very cold. I witnessed the arrival from the garden of the Chamber of Deputies, opposite to the Pont de la Concorde, for which I had been presented with a ticket of admission by the Princess. There was an immense number of troops. The magnificent car was covered with purple crepe dotted all over with golden bees, and the horses, also draped with crepe reaching to the ground, were led by Mar- shals of the Army, whilst others walked beside the car holding the pall. As the procession crossed the bridge on the way to the Invalides the sun shone out, and it was a most brilliant spectacle. In 1841 1 made two large water-colour drawings from my Italian sketches for the Old Water- Colour Society's Exhibition, one of Venice, and the other of Naples from the Sea. Many inquiries were now being made for me in London, and I was strongly advised to quit Paris and to take up my residence permanently in England. My drawings at the Old Society's Exhibition were much appreciated, and Thackeray 11 82 WILLIAM CALLOW had written two years previously in Frasers Magazine : " A new painter, somewhat in the style of Harding, is Mr. Callow ; and better, I think, than his master or original, whose colours are too gaudy, to my taste, and effects too glaringly theatrical " ; success seemed, therefore, assured. I accordingly commenced preparations for leaving Paris by selling many of my possessions, which I had accumulated during my residence in that city for nearly twelve years. Although I had never entertained the idea of settling there for life, still when the time came I left with much regret, for the period had been passed most happily. I had here begun my career as a lad unaided, but by continued exertions and hard work had been most successful. From the small sum of twenty-five francs, which I had first deposited in the Savings Bank at the instigation of Himley, I had now fourteen thousand francs invested in the Funds. I had also made so many kind friends, and had become so well known professionally, that I was truly grieved to leave Paris, and my great grief was in severing my connection with the Royal Family, particularly the Princess Clementine, to whom I had given drawing lessons twice a week for nearly seven years, always punctually at eight LIFE IN PARIS 83 o'clock in the morning, whether at Paris, St. Cloud, or Neuilly ; also Prince de Joinville, to whom I had given occasional lessons on his return from Mexico. My principal furniture, books, and prints were purchased by Baron Schweiter and other friends ; the remainder I left with my brother John to furnish his apartments, as he remained in Paris working on his own account. I finally quitted Paris on 28th March 1841, and settled in London, rather nervous as to the result, for having given up my Royal pupil as well as a good connection as a drawing-master amongst many of the old French aristocracy, I had to start afresh and practically unknown in London. j. . ; -- /\* B. . , -- '-- ' ' -.:. CHAPTER V IN LONDON DURING the first year of my residence in London I had only one pupil, Lady Beaujolois Bury, a daughter of the Earl of Charleville, but I was successful in selling a number of drawings. I resumed my acquaintance with Mr. Kalergi, who was living in the same street as myself. He was a rich Russian, having inherited about half a million of money from his father ; I first met him in Paris. We frequently passed many pleasant days together. 85 86 WILLIAM CALLOW Sometimes he drove me down to Richmond, where his mother was staying, and I made numerous sketches there. In fact he was most kind to me, and frequently invited me to dinner at his house. Sometimes after dinner he would send his valet to secure a box at the Opera. Arriving there, Kalergi would be amused for a time, but would often soon tire of it and we would return before the finish to his house, when he would play all the airs to which he had just listened. He was a clever pianist, and I remember on one occasion after having heard the ' Stabat Mater ' for the first time he played it all from memory. During the year many of my old friends from Paris, including Comte de Noe, Comte Stackleberg, Baron Schweitzer, and others, called to see me at my studio. In the autumn I made a sketching tour in Normandy, accompanied by Bentley. We visited St. Malo and Avranches. From the latter place we went in a country cart to St. Malo. On our complaining of the roughness of the road and the jolting of the cart the driver gravely informed us that it was the same road the great Napoleon had traversed, which, however, did not console us for the bumping we received during the drive. We next proceeded to Caen, where we took the LONDON FROM HOLLY LODGE, HIGHGATE (1841) (Size 12| x 1SJ inches.) IN LONDON 87 steamer to Havre, and afterwards walked along the coast to Dieppe, thence through Abbeville to Paris, and returned from there direct to London. About this time Adelaide Kemble made her first appearance on the stage of Co vent Garden Theatre in Nonna. I went to hear the Opera, and was agreeably surprised to find an accomplished ' DARTMOUTH. artiste instead of the nervous young singer whom I had heard some years previously in her own home at Paris. She was perfect in her character and sang divinely. She afterwards became Mrs. Sartoris, and relinquished the stage. During the next year, 1842, my pupils increased in number. Amongst others were Lady Stratford de Redcliffe and her family, who came to receive lessons before departing for Constantinople to join 88 WILLIAM CALLOW his lordship, who was British Ambassador there. Miss Crewe, a sister of Lord Crewe, was also a pupil, and I went to give her some lessons at Madeley Manor, in Staffordshire, the seat of Mrs. Cunliffe Offley, the aunt of Miss Crewe, with whom she was staying. I unfortunately caught a severe cold on the last day of my visit through sitting on the damp grass, so I decided to go to the South Coast to recuperate. It entailed a tedious journey by coach, passing through Bristol and Exeter to Plymouth, whence I made a short sketching tour to Dartmouth, Torquay, Teign- mouth, Lyme Regis, and Corfe Castle. I had now accumulated sufficient money to purchase the lease of my house, 20 Charlotte Street, Portland Place, where I resided for some years, Bentley sharing part of it until my marriage. My pupils became still more numerous. Amongst them was Lord Dufferin, who, however, was more interested in chemistry than drawing, so much so that his mother, one of the beautiful Sheridan sisters, told me that she was in constant fear lest he should blow up their house. I lost sight of my pupil for many years, but followed his brilliant career with great interest, especially during the time he was Viceroy of India. Shortly before his ENTRANCE TO THE PORT OF HAVRE (1898) (Size 20J X 14 inches.) IN LONDON 89 death I wrote to condole with him on the loss of his eldest son, who was killed during the Boer War. He sent a charming letter to me in reply, saying he often noticed my name in newspapers, and in addition was pleasantly reminded of me by a lovely work of mine hanging on the wall in his drawing- room. In 1843 I exhibited a painting of the " Port of Havre " at the Old Society. It was purchased by Mr. W. Prinsep as a gift for a distinguished Indian, Dwarkanath Tagore, as it represented the place from which he embarked for England. Mr. Prinsep also gave me a commission to paint a view of Dover, being the spot at which this Indian had first set foot in England. These drawings were subse- quently sent to him in India. 1 paid a second visit to Madeley Manor, and whilst there saw Crewe Hall, the country seat of Lord Crewe, a lovely place full of fine pictures and antiquities. It was shortly afterwards burnt down, and the picture gallery was seriously damaged by fire. From Madeley I proceeded to Liverpool, and took the steamer for Glasgow, calling at Douglas, in the Isle of Man. It was a lovely trip up the river Clyde, and I was fortunate in seeing the charming scenery in fine weather. 12 90 WILLIAM CALLOW From Glasgow I took the train to Edinburgh, a city glorious in position and effect. The mists were rather against sketching, for I had to go to the hills three times to obtain a general view of the city before I was successful. After spending some days sketching I went by coach to Melrose, Jed- burgh, Berwick, Bamborough Castle, Alnwick, and CHATSWOHTH. Durham ; then by an omnibus from Catterick Bridge to Richmond, and back to London. Travel- ling by coach in these days was a great pleasure. Stopping at the principal towns, one was welcomed at the inns by the landlords, and was served as travellers never are and never will be again. During this little tour I made many sketches, from which I executed later finished water-colour paintings. In the month of December I received a com- LA GRANDE PLACE, BRUGES- MARKET DAY (1891) (Size 12J x ISf inches.) IN LONDON 91 mission from the Duke of Devonshire to make two drawings of Chatsworth for Queen Victoria's album, one of the house from the garden, and the other a view from the conservatory two points of interest which Her Majesty had greatly admired during her visit to Chatsworth with Prince Consort. The Duke gave instructions to his head gardener, Mr. Joseph Paxton, afterwards knighted for his services in connection with the great Exhibition of 1851, to look after me, and having to work in the open air during bitterly cold weather, a furnace was placed near me, so that I could warm myself, and a manservant was deputed to wait on me. When the drawings were finished the Duke came to see them at my studio, and he was so pleased with them that he increased the price originally stipulated. In August 1844, after an exceptionally busy time in London, I was tempted to revisit the Rhine and the Moselle, so I crossed to Calais, and went by diligence to Dunkirk, from there through Bruges and Malines, making a number of sketches at both places, to Cologne, and then up the Rhine by steamer to Coblenz. After staying there for a few days I started in a very small steamer up the Moselle, and landed at Garden on a lovely evening. The next morning I proceeded 92 WILLIAM CALLOW by boat to Cochem, where I remained for several days sketching. The proprietor of the hotel spoke French, and very obligingly walked out with me to point out the principal objects of interest, 1 1 &*- EISENACH. including Schloss Elz. I next went to Trarbach, a secluded spot with no travellers, and with few means of communication with other places. I made a number of sketches in this charmingly picturesque old town, and on revisiting Trarbach, seventeen years afterwards, I learnt that about IN LONDON 93 the year 1860 the principal street, with its quaint buildings, which I had sketched, had been burnt down. From Trarbach I visited the pretty village of Alf, where the river runs round a promontory, on the top of which is the ruined castle of Marienburg ; then proceeded by Berncastel to Treves. The three weeks which I spent alone beside the banks of the Moselle were most enjoyable, the only drawback being my utter ignorance of the German language. Whilst on my way to Treves I saw an immense number of pilgrims, headed by priests and banners, both going to and returning from that city, where the Holy Coat, without seam, which had been lost for upwards of fifty years, had just been found, built up, I was informed, in a wall of the cathedral. It was on view to the faithful, and thousands of pilgrims were flocking day and night from Bavaria, Saxony, and other countries in order to behold it. I was told that I had arrived too late to see it, but a small tip was sufficient to open sesame. The coat was displayed in a glass case, which I was not allowed to approach nearer than one hundred yards. The niece of the Archbishop of Treves was the only one allowed to kiss the hem of the garment ; she had been lame for many years, so report ran, and on kissing it she was immediately cured, 94 WILLIAM CALLOW throwing away her crutches and dancing for joy- In spite of the rapidity of the Upper Moselle, a boat started for Thionville, in which I took a place ; but the current being unusually swift, it was unable to reach that place, so I landed and took the coach to Paris, where I stayed for a week with my brother John, and then returned to London. In these years a great difficulty was experienced in leaving France. It was absolutely necessary to have a passport, and one had to attend the Bureau de Passeport, where full particulars of one's height, colour of the eyes, length of nose, etc,, were care- fully noted. The passport had afterwards to be presented at the British Embassy to be viseed by the Ambassador, which took three days, and for which a charge of five francs was made. It had also to be countersigned and registered at the port on quitting France. One of the earliest which 1 possess is quite a curiosity. The year 1845 was one of considerable moment to me, for I became engaged to one of my pupils, Miss Harriet Anne Smart, a niece of Sir George Smart, the Queen's organist, and sister to Henry Smart, the organist and composer. She was also a clever musician, being an excellent pianist and THE CATHEDRAL, ANTWERP (1895) (Size 26 x 19 incfcw.) **" ji^HS^BI IN LONDON 95 vocalist, and was besides a good linguist. At the wish of her relations we waited a year before being married. During the summer I made a sketching tour in Holland. I went by steamer to Rotterdam, and SCHEVENINGKN. then to The Hague, where I made the acquaintance of a gentleman, who obtained for me an invitation to an evening party at the house of a Dutch family. It was rather a formal but interesting affair, with music and conversation, the latter being in French. From The Hague I visited Scheveningen, where I obtained some good sketches of Dutch fishing- 96 WILLIAM CALLOW boats, and then proceeded by diligence to Delft, Ley den, and Haarlem. These places were exceed- ingly dull, there being very few people to be seen in the streets, and at the last-named town I was the only traveller at the hotel, where I dined alone in a room capable of holding five hundred persons. I next took up my quarters at Amsterdam, which was more lively, as it was fair time and there were plenty of amusements, besides, I had an opportunity of seeing Rembrandt's glorious paintings. I afterwards had a most interesting trip by steamer through the canals to Antwerp, and from there I returned to England. I had in my younger days been a great smoker, but when I commenced to receive lady pupils I could only indulge in a pipe during the evenings, and now on the approach of my marriage I decided to give up the habit entirely. I practically ceased smoking from this date, and have never resumed it. In the spring of the following year, 1846, I was busily superintending alterations and the decoration of my house in Charlotte Street previous to my marriage with Miss Smart, which ceremony took place at St. Margaret's Church, Westminster, in the presence of a large number of relations and friends. We started on our honeymoon to Ramsgate, and OLD BRIDGE, NUREMBERG (Size 14| x 10| inches.) IN LONDON 97 on the next day crossed to Ostend. Another pupil of mine happened to be married on the same day as ourselves, and we, curiously, met on board the steamer. I had to look after both the brides during the crossing, as the other husband disappeared shortly after the steamer started. Our honeymoon lasted ten weeks, during which time we went up the Rhine and across Switzerland to Venice. At Cologne we saw the cathedral before its comple- tion. The crane at the top of the unfinished tower had been removed from that position, and immediately afterwards, so it was said, a terrific storm did an immense amount of damage, and the priests, looking upon it as a judgment, caused the crane to be replaced on the tower, where it remained till the Emperor William I. of Germany had the cathedral completed. I was at first dis- appointed with Nuremberg, but on looking round I found many capital subjects. The picturesque buildings were, however, very difficult to sketch, owing to the amount of detail ; in fact I experienced the same difficulty in all the old German towns. At Munich we saw an interesting fair, with Tyrolean peasants in their national costumes. I made many sketches of them. We passed lovely scenery on our way to Innsbruck, and on arriving at the 13 98 WILLIAM CALLOW Austrian frontier all our luggage was examined in the open air. The scenery of the Alps from Innsbruck is charming, and we especially enjoyed the view looking down the winding river from the bridge by moonlight. The old city of Trent is also beautifully situated, and I found many subjects there for my pencil. We next proceeded to the beautiful city of Verona, with its picturesque old buildings and its wonderful market-place. To my mind it ranks next to Venice in point of interest. The market-place was a great source of interest to us ; Italian ladies with black veils wandering about and making purchases at the stalls covered with huge white umbrellas made an animated scene. From Verona we went to Vicenza, where we took the train to Venice, and rowed up the Grand Canal to Hotel Europa late in the evening. The calm and quietude were heavenly after several weeks' of travelling by diligence and rail. The city at this period belonged to Austria, and Austrian soldiers were to be seen everywhere. The Austrians and Venetians kept quite apart ; each had their separate cafes on either side of the Piazza. Still it was Venice, the same as of old. On our return journey we arrived at Fluelen in torrents of rain ; found the church surrounded by IN LONDON 99 water, and were obliged to enter our hotel by means of planks. Lucerne was also flooded on our arrival, and we were unable to go to the Schwan Hotel, where I stayed on my previous visit, on account of the lower part of the house being under water. We arrived home on the 12th September after an enjoyable trip, which was, however, to some extent marred by my wife's delicate health. I now settled down to serious work both in teaching and making drawings for the Old Society's Exhibitions, and owing to my wife's ill-health our gaieties were few. Amongst my pupils were Mr. Owen Stanley and his sister ; their father was the Bishop of Norwich, and President of the Linnean Society. I often attended meetings and soire'es at his house in connection with the Society, which were deeply interesting to me. In 1847 I paid a visit to Mr. Geoffrey AVindus at Tottenham to see his remarkable collection of Turner drawings, in addition to other beautiful paintings which adorned the walls of his rooms. I was so much impressed with the loveliness of Turner's work that I can even now recall them to my memory. The sales at the Old Society's Exhibition, for the first time since my election in 1838, were very bad, which caused me much dis- 100 WILLIAM CALLOW appointment, but fortunately I was most success- ful with my teaching, having almost more pupils than I was able to properly superintend. I also painted a few small pictures in oils, which I sent to the British Institution in the following year, and continued to do so annually until the Exhibitions were discontinued. In 1848 I was again disap- pointed in the sales at the Old Society, but this was fully compensated for by the good news which Bentley brought to me one evening, announcing that I had been elected a full member of the Society of Painters in Water Colours. The great ambition of my life was now attained. How proud was I to think that for the future I was to be in- cluded in a body of celebrated men to whom as a boy I had looked up with an admiration approaching to awe, and to belong to the Society and home of water-colour paintings. I wonder how many of the younger generation have appreciated the honour of membership of this famous Society to the same degree as I have done, and still continue to do. In the autumn of this year my wife and I made a tour to Tewkesbury, Worcester, and Hereford, at which places I found plenty of subjects to sketch. A small painting of a view in the first- named town was purchased at the Old Society's IN LONDON 101 Exhibition by Charles Dickens for eight guineas, and at the sale of his effects after his death this drawing fetched fifty-four guineas. We continued our journey by coach to Ross and Monmouth, visiting all the beautiful places along the river Wye, including Goodrich Court, belonging to Colonel Meyrick, with its famous collection of armour. Whilst we were at Abergavenny there was a Cymrygyddion fete, at which there was a harpist competition. "Poor Marianne" was the piece selected to be played, and one of the com- petitors insisted on playing it with sixteen varia- tions. On being told by the judges that six would be sufficient, he said that unless he was allowed to play it all through as he had learnt it, he would fail entirely, so he was allowed to have his way, and bored the audience excessively. On our return to London I accompanied Bentley to a meeting of the members of the Old Society. It was my first attendance, and I was introduced by him to those present. The number of members at that time was four and twenty. At a subse- quent meeting during the presidency of Copley Fielding, at which I was present, Evans, " of Eton," put forward a motion limiting the number of works to be sent by each member for Exhibi- 102 WILLIAM CALLOW tion. Copley Fielding, \vho always contributed many drawings, felt that the proposal was levelled at him, and was much pained by it. He appealed to William Hunt, the fruit and flower painter, for his opinion. The latter, who was of small stature and slightly deformed, and who had a very gentle manner, said that he should be sorry not to be able to send any number of drawings he might be able to paint, without limit. Whereupon Evans withdrew his motion, and added that he had no intention of hurting the feelings of the President or of any of the members. I rarely saw David Cox, except on " touching-up " days, as he was then living in Birmingham. He was a very jovial fellow. In the Gallery Cox once remarked that he had never received a hundred guineas for any one drawing. He was overheard by a stranger, who, addressing Cox, said, "You shall not state that again, for I will give you that amount for the picture hanging on the wall." It was the well-known "Welsh Funeral at Bettws-y-Coed." At one of the Exhibitions a bright drawing of mine, full of Italian sunshine, was placed on the line next to another by Peter De Wint, which, although very powerful in colour, was dark in tone. He considered that mine placed his at a INNSBRUCK From an Oil Painting. (Size 22 x 29 inches.) IN LONDON 103 disadvantage, and suggested to me that I should subdue my drawing by placing a warm tint all over it. Needless to say my brother artists advised me to take no notice of the suggestion, which, if it had been carried out, would have ruined my work. It was about this period that a gentleman called upon me one day, and inquired if I could make a drawing of a bird's-eye view of Dover. As I knew the town well, I replied in the affirmative. He then desired to know if I could also do another of the Pyramids. At first I expressed a doubt, but when he offered to supply me with a map of the Nile I consented to do my best, and he gave me a commission for the two drawings. When they were ready the gentleman called again and took them away. The matter passed out of my mind until some weeks afterwards, on looking at a copy of the Illustrated London News, I saw a print of a flying machine passing over my view of Dover, and a second print of the machine arriving at the Pyramids. In 1849 I made a sketching tour in the west of Scotland, arriving at Glasgow whilst the Queen and Prince Albert were there, and afterwards visiting the Kyles of Bute and Inveraray, where 104 WILLIAM CALLOW my wife and I stayed for a month in most primitive but comfortable quarters, being waited upon by a maid without shoes or stockings. During the next year I was much occupied in oil painting, sending " A View of Bologna " and " The Trongate, Glasgow," to the British Institution, and " Nuremberg " and " Fe'camp" (a water-colour) to the Royal Academy. I also contributed twenty drawings to the Old Society, and was fortunate in selling all of them. It was a rule of the Society at this time that the price of the drawings should not include frames, which were much more expen- sive than they are now, and purchasers had the option of buying the drawings framed or unframed. In the earlier days, prior to my election, the Society, in order to induce members to make large and important drawings, provided frames and plate glass complete in which members might place their works. This system did not answer for long, and soon after I became an Associate it was given up. A lottery was held for the remaining frames, and I was successful in gaining one of them. The Society held a very high position in those days. The Exhibitions were well attended, and on private view days the gallery was crowded, visitors even waiting outside before the doors were opened in IN LONDON 105 order to obtain an early admission. The Society was also in such a prosperous state that members received fees for attending meetings and for hanging the drawings for the Exhibitions. The meetings were consequently well attended, and a very pleasant time was frequently spent discussing art with my fellow-members. My brother John, who had joined the New Society in 1845, left it three years later and became an Associate of the Old Society in this year, 1849. He continued his connection with it until his death in 1878. During the summer we went to a centenary commemoration of the death of the great musical composer Bach, at which my brother-in-law, Henry Smart, conducted. Afterwards we made a very interesting excur- sion through Belgium for the purpose of sketching. We visited Lille, Courtrai, Tournai, Bruges, Ghent, and Antwerp. At all these towns I had little time for seeing the sights, as I found so many archi- tectural subjects admirably suited for my pencil. During the year of the great Exhibition our travels were confined to Lincolnshire and Norfolk, and we went, amongst other interesting places, to Sudbrook Hall, in order to see the celebrated 14 106 WILLIAM CALLOW Ellison Collection of Water-Colour Drawings, now in the Victoria and Albert Museum. I was present at the Gallery, in 1852, when Queen Victoria, Prince Albert, and their two eldest children, accompanied by the Duchess of *h~ZS*uaf* .^Lss^O-^^^ ANTWERP. Cambridge, visited it. Each member had the honour of being separately presented to the Royal Family. The Queen, after looking round the gallery, graciously came up to me and said, " You are, I think, Mr. Callow. I have heard of you from the Princess Clementine, and of your teaching THE BELFRY AT BRUGES (1882) (Size 25 x 181- inches.) IN LONDON 107 drawing to the members of King Louis Philippe's family in Paris." Her Majesty also inquired if I was settled in England, and asked me many questions relative to my painting. Prince Albert also had a long conversation with me respecting art, and wanted to know whether the drawings would not be improved by white mounts, when I explained that the drawings were framed close up, in accordance with the rules of the Society, to prove that they could stand the gilt as well as oil paintings. Both the Queen and the Prince purchased one of my drawings, and out of the twenty which I contributed to this Exhibition I was fortunate in selling nineteen. In August we made a tour in Germany, starting from Cologne to Diisseldorf, where an Exhibition was being held ; to Hanover, where I made sketches of the Rathhaus ; to Brunswick, seeing the tombs of the reigning family, where an atten- dant placed in my hands the dried heart of the Duke who lost his life in trying to rescue some lions during an inundation ; and then to Leipsic, where we saw Bach's monument, and to Dresden with its numerous museums. We travelled home by Cassel and Frankfort. After the Revolution of 1848 King Louis 108 WILLIAM CALLOW Philippe and his family were obliged to flee from France. They took up their residence in exile at Claremont, near Esher, which Queen Victoria had placed at their disposal. In the beginning of the year 1853 I was summoned to Claremont to renew the drawing lessons to the Prince de Joinville and the Princess Clementine. On arriving there the Queen, Marie Amelie, seized both my hands and began speaking to me in broken English, but she was reminded by her son that I spoke French fluently, when she exclaimed, " II me fait un plaisir de vous voir. Ah ! ca me rappelle le bon vieux temps." Both my pupils had married since I last saw them in Paris. The Princess had become the Duchess of Saxe-Coburg, and the Prince de Joinville with pride showed me his children, mounting them on chairs to do so. The drawing lessons continued until the spring, when the Princess returned to Germany. In the early autumn I visited Richmond in Yorkshire, and made numerous excursions for the purpose of sketching, and afterwards went to Manchester to see the Art Treasures Exhibition, and then to Chester, a delightfully interesting city, with endless new objects for my pencil. In the next year, 1854, I made a tour in Normandy, ST. MARY'S CHURCH, RICHMOND, YORKSHIRE BEFORE RESTORATION (Size 20A x 18i inches.) IN LONDON 109 accompanied as usual by my wife ; we went via Dieppe, taking the diligence to Lisieux, Caen, and Havre, and then by steamer up the Seine to Rouen. On return to England I was shocked to hear of the death of my old friend and fellow - pupil Charles Bentley, from cholera, after only a few hours' illness. It was a great grief to me, as he had been a true DIEPPE. companion from the earliest period of our acquaint- ance when we worked together under the Fieldings. During these years I was still very successful in selling my drawings at the Society's Exhibitions, besides receiving numerous commissions. I was also enabled to raise my prices, and I received one hundred and twenty guineas for a drawing of Venice at the Liverpool Exhibition. - DURHAM. CHAPTER VI AT GREAT MISSENDEN LONDON did not suit my wife's health, and for some years we had been in the habit of taking apartments from time to time at Reigate and other places, I travelling up to town two or three times a week to give my lessons. We, however, con- sidered that it would be much more satisfactory to have a cottage of our own in the country, so on one dark November morning my brother John and I started to look at one, of which we had heard, in 112 WILLIAM CALLOW in Great Missenden parish. We left Euston Station at six o'clock, travelling third class in a truck without seats or covering of any description, and after a tedious journey, the train being shunted into sidings several times to allow fast ones to pass, we reached Berkhampstead ; from there we walked ten miles through Chesham to Great Missenden. We found the cottage on the top of the Chiltern Hills, one mile and a half from the village. It was a most rural spot, far away from civilisation, and there was a good orchard and three fields, with some beautiful old trees, attached to the cottage. The place with its surroundings appealed to me so greatly that I at once entered into preliminary arrangements with the owner for the purchase of it. After having some tea at a small inn close by, my brother and I walked back to Berkhampstead and took a slow train back to London, arriving home very tired after a long day. Early in the following spring, 1855, I completed the purchase of the property, and we went down to take possession of it, arriving in deep snow. We were greatly surprised to hear the church bells ringing, which we soon learnt was done to welcome us to the neighbourhood. Of course this meant a silver key to the ringers. AT GREAT MISSENDEN 113 We were enchanted with our new home and the neighbourhood. At that time the commons were unenclosed and covered with gorse, which when in flower was most picturesque. There were lovely drives in all directions, and Hampden House, the seat of the Earl of Buckinghamshire, famed for its woods of beech trees, Chequers Court, the property of the descendants of Oliver Cromwell, and other historical houses were within easy reach. Soon after our arrival at Great Missenden 1 was grieved by the death of Copley Fielding at Worthing. It was said that he never recovered from a shock caused by the death of his favourite daughter. He was a gentle, kind, and amiable man, and most courteous in his manner ; he was very industrious both in teaching and painting, and for* twenty-five years was a most excellent President of the Old Society, at whose exhibitions his drawings were always a great attraction. I remember his saying that he had never received a hundred guineas for any drawing which he had made, yet in 1872 I saw one of his drawings realise seven hundred guineas at the famous Gillett sale at Christie's sale-rooms. It was during the year 1855 1 learnt that the 15 114 WILLIAM CALLOW Professorship of drawing at the Military Academy at Addiscombe had become vacant, but being too much occupied to undertake the duties myself, I advised my brother John to apply for the post. He was successful in obtaining it, and continued to hold it until the Academy was removed to Woolwich, when he retired and accepted a commutation. A few years later he was given a similar position at Woolwich, and after a time a military professor was appointed in his place and he received a further commutation. In the next year, 1856, we made a charming trip, accompanied by friends, to Tours and Nantes, and thence down beside the river Loire to Blois. In the following year we went to Scotland, visiting Edinburgh, Stirling, and Aberdeen, where 1 sketched the Brig of Balgownie. In the autumn a dinner took place in commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the foundation of the Old Water- Colour Society, but owing to a dense fog I was unable to attend it. In February 1858 I went up to town to attend a meeting of the Old Society, at which John Lewis, who had succeeded Copley Fielding in the office of President, resigned all connection with the Society. He was anxious to become associated with the Royal TOURS (Size 10J x 19J, section taken 10 x 17i inches.) AT GREAT MISSENDEN 115 Academy, and in accordance with its rules at that time no candidate belonging to any other Society of painters was eligible for election. Lewis was elected an Associate of the Royal Academy twelve months later. In the summer we went to Leeds to be present at the inauguration of the great organ in the Town Hall ; it had been designed by my brother-in-law, Henry Smart, and he gave a magnificent performance upon it Afterwards we paid a visit to friends in Lincolnshire, and later proceeded to Richmond in Yorkshire, where we greatly enjoyed some exquisite drives in the neighbourhood. Lady Zetland, on learning that I was staying near by, invited me to Aske Hall, and I received a commission from her for several drawings. On our return to town I found it necessary to consult Mr. Caesar Hawkins, the celebrated surgeon, about a small wen on my cheek, and he advised an operation, which took place under chloroform a few days later. As the wound healed but slowly I was obliged to wear a bandage over it, and was ordered to Folkestone for a change of air. Whilst there I received a letter from Lady Anthony de Rothschild requesting me to give some lessons in drawing to her and her youngest daughter at 116 WILLIAM CALLOW Aston Clinton. I accordingly returned home and presented myself for the first lesson, when Lady Rothschild informed me that I should be taken for a Crimean hero on account of the bandage over my cheek. Shortly afterwards I was asked to visit Mentmore to give lessons to the Baroness Meyer de Rothschild, which I did for some time. In the spring of the next year, 1859, my wife and I, accompanied by two nieces, daughters of Henry Smart, went to a ball at Mentmore, where I met my old pupil, the Princess Clementine. It was a most gorgeous affair, everything being carried out in royal style, and our party did not arrive home until 4.30 A.M., to the accompaniment of the singing of birds. Having now passed five years at the cottage, we had become greatly attached to the place ; besides, my wife's health had considerably improved in the bracing atmosphere. She was greatly interested in the welfare of the cottagers, who were sadly ignorant, being unable either to read or write. All the women, girls, and boys were occupied in straw plaiting, and the only school was kept by a dame, who taught nothing but plaiting, so my wife started a small school for the benefit of the women and girls, she herself at first teaching them reading AT GREAT MISSENDEN 117 and writing ; but afterwards we engaged a mistress for the purpose and converted a cottage, which I had bought, into a school-house. As our own cottage needed much repair, we found that it would be better to pull it down entirely and erect a new house in its place. This we decided to do, and rented another cottage with stables and an excellent orchard for sixteen pounds a year, in which to store our furniture and to use on flying visits to see the progress made in the building of the house. In these days the usual mode of getting to London was by a coach which started from Wendover and passed Great Missenden at 7.30 A.M., reaching the Old Bell Inn, Holborn, shortly after midday. It left on the return journey at 3 P.M., arriving at Great Missenden about eight o'clock in the evening. This coach ride through Chalfont St. Giles and Uxbridge was very enjoyable in the summer-time, the scenery being pretty most of the way. I, however, in order to give my lessons used to ride my grey mare to Berkhampstead, and then to take the train to town, returning in the evening by the same route. This I did three times a week, occasionally varying it by driving to Berkhampstead, during the London season for many years. Although we lived the greater part of the year at Great 118 WILLIAM CALLOW Missenden I still kept on the house in Charlotte Street, where I gave my lessons until 1860, when we changed into another residence in Osnaburgh Terrace, near Regent's Park. At the Old Society's Exhibition in this year The Times specially praised my drawings, stating, " It is long since we have seen any work of William Callow as impressive and finely conceived as his * Castle of the Wartburg' (159), as picturesque as his * Old Houses at Brunswick ' (72), or as placid and serene as his * Summer Evening on the Avon at Evesham' (257)." The Queen and Prince Consort, accompanied by the Princess Alice, visited the Exhibition, and I was specially sought out for notice. Holman Hunt's painting of " Finding the Saviour in the Temple" was exhibited in Bond Street at this time, and caused considerable sen- sation. The model for the figure of our Saviour was young Mr. Cyril Flower, who afterwards married Sir Anthony de Rothschild's eldest daughter, and became Lord Battersea. My wife's mother, Mrs. Smart, whose health had been failing for some time, died at Watford, where she was staying, on the 9th of July, and, in accordance with a wish which she had expressed, Henry Smart and I made arrangements for her AT GREAT MISSENDEN 119 burial at Great Missenden. At the funeral an unfortunate accident occurred ; the hill down to the churchyard being very steep, and there being but little space for carriages to turn, the first mourning coach, in which Henry Smart and myself were seated, upset at the church door. We were, however, hauled out through the window, shaken, but unhurt. In the autumn we took a trip from Coblenz up the Moselle, going over nearly the same route as I did alone in 1844, and I was horrified to find that Trarbach was an entirely new place with bright green doors and brass knockers. Old Trarbach, with its picturesque streets, old houses, and the beautiful old tower, had disappeared, being destroyed by fire shortly after my visit. The sketches which I then made consequently became very valuable to me. In June 1861 we took up our residence in our new house, which we named " The Firs," on account of the number of fir trees surrounding it. It is situated midway between the villages of Great Missenden and Lee, so we attended the churches of both parishes for worship. At this time the church at the former place had pews in the galleries very like boxes in a theatre, and the service was 120 WILLIAM CALLOW most primitive. There was no choir, and the music consisted of a clarionet and a violin. The tuning up of the latter was a most wonderful performance. One hymn was a particular favourite, " Travelling through the wilderness." This line was repeated so frequently that we often wondered if the wilder- ness would ever be got through. A few years later matters improved, and an organ was acquired. The church, however, was in a very dilapidated state, and there being no vestry, the clergyman was obliged to put on his gown at the reading-desk before ascending the pulpit to preach. Later my wife made an appeal for money, and got up a bazaar in order to supply funds for erecting a new building. Plans were designed by our friend, Mr. Augustus Frere, who had built our house, but the Bishop of Oxford (Wilberforce) disapproved of them, and wanted the matter to be placed in the hands of the diocesan architect. To this we objected, and for a time the project hung fire, but eventually the Bishop, finding that we were obdurate, gave his consent to Mr. Frere's plans. Some years afterwards I met Bishop Wilberforce at a dejeuner. He was extremely civil and full of good stories. I well remember in the year 1862 going to hear g ,3 fc ^ O St AT GREAT MISSENDEN 121 Charles Dickens give a reading of his Christmas Carol. It was most impressive. Suddenly covering his face with his hands at a most affecting part, he reduced all his audience to tears. I was never so touched by any reading as that of Dickens, which was distinguished by a great simplicity of manner. In the following year I attended a grand reception given in honour of Grant and Speke for their discoverv of the source of the Nile, at the r rooms of the Royal Geographical Society, of which I was a fellow. The rooms were crowded, and the enthusiasm of those outside the building was so great that a number of windows were broken in the endeavour to hear Speke's lecture. He spoke until past midnight, his audience being spell-bound. I enjoyed it immensely. Ever since my boyhood, when I had read Denham and Clapperton's Travels to Timbuctoo, I had been always greatly interested with everything connected with the dark continent of Africa. After the death of the Prince Consort, which had recently occurred, I thought that some drawings of Coburg, Rheinhardtsbrunn, and other royal palaces with which he had been connected would be of interest to the public, so I wrote to the Duchess 16 WILLIAM CALLOW Augustus of Saxe-Coburg, formerly my pupil, Princess Clementine, asking her to obtain per- FACSIMILE OP NOTES MADE BY Ql'EEN VICTORIA. mission for me to sketch at these places, which she readily obtained. In August 1863 we arrived at Coburg and put up at the Gruner Baum Hotel AT GREAT MISSENDEN 123 in the market-place, opposite to a fountain in which fish were kept. The peasants fetching water FACSIMILE OF NOTES MADE BY QUEEN VICTORIA. and pigeons flying about made it an animated scene from our windows. On learning that the Royal Family had arrived at Coburg, I at once 124 WILLIAM CALLOW left my card at the Palace, and on the same even- ing I received a command to go there the next morning. I was welcomed by the Duke and Duchess and their daughters, to whom I showed my sketches. The Duchess requested me to leave them with her, as she was going to Rosenau to see Queen Victoria, who had arrived there, and on the next day I was commanded by the Queen to present myself at the Chateau at eleven o'clock on the following morning. I accordingly went, and found the Queen under a tent in the garden. I was duly presented, but Her Majesty graciously said, " I remember Mr. Callow perfectly." After looking through my sketches, and expressing her admira- tion for them, the Queen told me of a number of places of interest which I ought to visit and sketch. I ventured to tell Her Majesty that I did not speak German, and I was afraid that I should not remember the names which she had mentioned, whereupon she graciously offered to make a note of them for me, and taking two half- sheets of deep mourn ing-paper, wrote down the names. These two pieces of notepaper I have always cherished in recollection of this very pleas- ing interview which I had with the Queen. Shortly afterwards the Crown Prince and AT GREAT MISSENDEN 125 Princess of Prussia arrived at Coburg on a visit to the Duke and Duchess, and I received another command to take my sketches to the Palace for inspection. The Prince and Princess received me most kindly, and after admiring my sketches RHEIN'HARDTSBRUNN*. and talking on various subjects, the Princess gave me an invitation to Potsdam, which was warmly supported by the Prince, who said, " Do come, Mr. Callow, and the Princess will show you all there is to be seen." I accepted the invitation, and was informed that quarters would be reserved for me at the Einsiedler Hotel. 126 WILLIAM CALLOW On leaving Coburg we visited Rheinhardtsbrunn and Gotha, making numerous sketches at both places. From the latter town we took the railway to Potsdam, and went to the hotel, as previously arranged. I at once informed the Princess of my arrival at Potsdam, and received a command to be at the Palace at 8 A.M. on the following morning. This necessitated an early rising, as the Palace was half an hour's drive from the hotel. On my reaching the Palace I was told by a footman that I was one minute late, and on being conducted into the presence of the Princess I found her waiting for me, and I apologised for the delay. We then proceeded to look for a subject to sketch, and found a suitable one just outside the grounds. We had not been working long before a lady-in- waiting came and informed the Princess that breakfast was ready. They left me busy sketching and returned to the Palace. Presently a man- servant brought me my breakfast, consisting of cutlets, claret, coffee, etc., on a tray, and at the same time stated that Her Royal Highness desired me to dine with her at three o'clock. He told me that it was necessary to put on evening dress, but on my explaining that my clothes were at the hotel and that there would be no time to go AT GREAT MISSENDEN 127 and fetch them, he said under these circumstances that the Princess would excuse morning dress. After breakfast was over the Princess, accompanied by two of her ladies-in-waiting, Countess Bruhl and the Countess Hohenloe, returned, and as soon as I had finished my sketch, carriages were ordered to take us to Sans Souci, the Princess driving, accompanied by one lady, in a carriage with four horses, whilst I followed with the other lady in a carriage and pair. On reaching Sans Souci we alighted to sketch, and before returning to Potsdam we mounted to the top of the Belvidere to see the view of the surrounding country. On arriving back at the Palace a man-servant showed me into a room upstairs, and told me that I had three minutes to get ready for dinner. I rapidly washed my hands, and on descending found the Princess and her ladies already dressed and on the Terrace waiting for dinner to be announced. We were a party of six. I sat opposite to the Princess, who had a gentleman on each side of her, and the two ladies- in-waiting sat on either side of me. After dinner, during which the Princess chatted pleasantly with every one, we drove to the lie des Faisans, which was in a narrow river, and had to be reached by a punt. After the ladies had got into the punt, I 128 WILLIAM CALLOW followed, laden with sketch-books, etc., and one of the ladies punted to the island. On reaching it they landed, and the last one hastily pushed the punt back into the river, and they all walked away laughing merrily, leaving me standing up in the punt with my arms full of impedimenta. There was nothing for it but to put down my burden and to punt to the bank. Eventually I landed and caught up the Princess and her ladies. In the evening I was driven back to the hotel, accompanied by the Countess Bruhl, who bore a gift of some flowers from the Princess to my wife, also an invitation for her to go to the Palace on the next day. Being a wet morning we drove in a closed carriage to the Palace, and were received by the Princess in the Marble Hall. Her three children were brought, in charge of an English nurse, for us to see. The present Emperor of Germany was then only a boy of four years of age. As the weather was so inclement the Princess suggested that we should make some sketches in the interior of the Palace. I made a small coloured drawing of a view looking through a long suite of reception rooms, and the Princess completed it by adding a figure. For this purpose one of her ladies-in-waiting posed as a model, wearing a similar style of dress to that SKETCH IN POTSDAM PALACE WITH FIGURE ADDED BY THE EMPRESS FREDERICK OF GERMANY (1863) (Size 10J x "i inches.) AT GREAT MISSENDEN 129 the Princess herself had worn on the occasion of a ball given in commemoration of the centenary of the building of the Palace. This drawing I have carefully preserved (see Illustration). Whilst we were at the Palace the King arrived there in great state for dinner at 3 P.M., the ladies being all in full evening dress. We had an excellent view of the whole ceremony. During these visits the Crown Prince was most genial and friendly. He showed me his private rooms, which were furnished with the greatest simplicity. Beside the writing-table in his study was a seat in the form of a saddle, so that he sat to write as if he were on horseback. There was a large number of photographs of the Princess in his rooms, and the Prince pointed out to me the one which he considered to be the most pleasing. We left Potsdam on the day after our last visit to the Palace, and went on to Berlin, as the Princess had requested me to attend at her palace there on the following morning. On my arrival I learnt that there had been a review of the troops by the King, at which the Princess had been present, and had become wet to the skin owing to a heavy rain. On this occasion Her Royal Highness presented me with a breakfast service of 17 130 WILLIAM CALLOW Royal Berlin porcelain in blue and gold, decorated with views of the various royal palaces. The Princess also informed me that if I went to the Royal Palace I should obtain an audience with the King. I explained that owing to my want of knowledge of the German language I was afraid I should experience a difficulty in obtaining admit- tance, whereupon she instructed one of her servants who understood English to accompany me. On reaching the Palace I found the place in a state of commotion. I was shown into an ante-room, where Count Hohenloe came to see me. I informed him that I had been sent by the Princess to have an audience with the King, when the Count explained that it was impossible for this to take place then, as the King was receiving all the officers who had taken part in the Review, and the Count promised that a message should be sent to me at my hotel later stating when the King would receive me. I learnt that it was the custom after a review for all the colours to be deposited in the Palace. In the evening an official called to announce that the King had gone to Babelsberg, some little distance out of Berlin, but His Majesty would ueturn in the morning, and that a telegram would be sent announcing the time fixed for the AT GREAT MISSENDEN 131 audience. The next morning the telegram duly arrived commanding my presence at 3.20 P.M., and requesting me to take my sketches with me. I arrived punctually, and was shown into Count Hohenloe's room. He took my drawings to the King, and shortly returned to conduct me into His Majesty's presence, and I found him looking at the sketches. The King received me very kindly, chatting affably in French, and finally gave me a commission to paint two large drawings from my sketches of Babelsberg and Potsdam palaces. An old friend, named Blackwell, who was British Consul at Stettin on the Baltic, learning that we were in Berlin, sent us a pressing invitation to pay him a visit before returning to England. We accordingly went and stayed a few days with him. On our way home we stopped again for a short time at Berlin, where, after a great amount of trouble, we succeeded in finding Mendelssohn's grave in the Dreifaltigen Kirchhof. We placed a wreath on it, and brought away a sprig from the ivy which was growing there. This sprig we brought home with us and planted in front of our house, where it grew rapidly. Hundreds of slips from it have at various times been given to friends and admirers of the 132 WILLIAM CALLOW great musician, including Mendelssohn's own daughter. Soon after our return I sent, for the acceptance of the Crown Princess, who was staying at Sandringham, a drawing made from a sketch of Lancaster, which she had seen and admired when in Germany. It was graciously accepted. Later I was summoned to Windsor to submit the sketches, made whilst I was in Germany, to the Queen, and Her Majesty was so pleased with them that she gave me a commission for drawings from several of them. About this time, 1864, I succeeded in purchas- ing various cottages close to " The Firs." These I had enlarged and improved in various ways, in order to encourage morality and cleanli- ness amongst the labourers and to brighten up their homes. We also commenced holding small flower and vegetable shows in our grounds, to induce the cottagers to take interest in their gardens. These shows increased in size and importance each year, until the occasion became quite a gala day. All our neighbours attended, and a distribution of prizes terminated the proceedings. A bazaar was held in Paris in this year for AT GREAT MISSENDEN 133 the benefit of French charities, and at the request of the Duchesse d'Aumale I contributed several drawings, which, I trust, helped to increase the funds. As we now spent most of our time at Great Missenden, and I only went up to London to teach during the season, we gave up our house in Osnaburgh Terrace, and decided for the future only to take furnished apartments as we required them. The first were at Cambridge Terrace in the following year, 1865. Afterwards we took rooms for several years in Norfolk Square. In June George Fripp resigned the post of Secretary to the " Old Society." Several members approached me with a view to inducing me to accept the office, which, after much persuasion, I agreed to do, and at the next general meeting of the Society 1 was unanimously elected. I held the Secretaryship until December 1870, when I resigned the post on the same evening as Frederick Taylor gave up the Presidentship. In the autumn of 1865 we paid another visit to Venice, accompanied by Sidney Percy. He, with his wife and children, had come to reside near to us at Great Missenden. He was a clever landscape painter in oils, of a gentle disposition and of a 134 WILLIAM CALLOW retiring nature. We found them very pleasant neighbours, and a friendship sprang up between the two families which continued until the death of both himself and his wife. As cholera was raging in Italy in this year, we had to undergo two fumigations before arriving at Verona, and had to submit to it on two more occasions before reaching Venice, where I occupied most of my time in making sketches from a gondola. I found my old gondolier, Jacomo, still alive, and delighted to see me. I had employed him on each occasion since my first visit to Venice, twenty-five years previously. We returned home through Switzerland, and stayed a few days in Paris to show Percy the sights, as it was his first visit to the Continent. Owing to the war between Prussia and Austria, in the following year we then confined our travels to the north of England, and visited friends in the district. My duties as Secretary of the Old Water-Colour Society now necessitated my paying frequent visits to town. The Queen of Denmark, accompanied by the Prince of Wales, Princess Louise, and the Grand Duchess of Mecklenberg-Strelitz, paid a visit to the Exhibition in 1868. I showed Her Majesty round the gallery, but owing to her A STREET IN INNSBRUCK (Size 18 X 13J inches.) AT GREAT MISSENDEN 135 deafness, experienced much difficulty in explaining the various subjects of interest to her. In the following year, 1868, Sir Anthony and Lady de Rothschild held an exhibition, in the grounds of their house at Halton, of the several industries carried on in the county of Bucks ; it comprised lace, straw- plaiting, and various other work. Mr. Disraeli opened the Exhibition, and gave an address to about three thousand people, who had assembled. They arrived in carriages, carts, and even in canal boats. Many well-known people were present, including the Bishop of Oxford and Miss Burdett Coutts. The exhibition remained open for several days, and it was a great success. For some years I had been very busy with my work, receiving a very large number of commissions. On one day an unknown gentleman arrived unexpectedly at " The Firs." He informed me that he was a great admirer of my drawings and asked to see some of them. He selected one of the value of sixty pounds, giving me a cheque for the amount on the spot, and took the drawing away with him after he had had luncheon with us. In 1869 we were invited by the sister of the Marquis of Salisbury, Lady Mildred Beresford Hope, to whose daughter I had given drawing 136 WILLIAM CALLOW lessons, to pay a visit at her country seat, Bedgebury, We arrived by the same train as Professor Owen, another guest, and had a splendid drive through the park to the house, where a party of about twenty was assembled, including Dr. Phelps, the Master of Sydney Sussex College, and brother of the famous actor. We were driven by Lady Mildred to Bayham Abbey, where I renewed the acquaintance of the handsome Marquis of Camden, whose sudden death occurred shortly after the birth of his heir. On another day most of the party were driven in several carriages to Scotney Castle, Mr. E. Hussey's home, where the weights of all the guests were taken and registered in a book, kept for the purpose as a record of their visit. During one evening Professor Owen entertained the company by reading from Tennyson and William Morris, which he did splendidly. As the Sunday was wet, in the morning we all attended service in the private chapel, where Mr. A. J. Beresford Hope, M.P., himself officiated as clergyman, and in the afternoon we visited the stables. L,ady Mildred generally rode in a carriage drawn by four white horses with postilions and an outrider, both in the country and in town. From about this period our tours abroad became AT GREAT MISSENDEN 137 more frequent, and, owing to my love for sketching the picturesque buildings to be found in the quaint old towns, hardly a year passed without my wife and myself paying a visit to some part of the Continent. In 1871 we made a short trip to Germany, visiting Bonn in order to attend the Beethoven Festival, and afterwards stayed at Ems. PASSAU. From here we made numerous excursions to Limburg, Runkel, Weilburg, Giessen, Marburg, and other towns in the valley of the River Lahn for the purpose of making sketches. Three years afterwards we made a more extended tour through Germany. Starting from Cologne, we went to Heidelberg, where I made a sketch of a wonderful sunset from the castle terrace. Next 18 138 WILLIAM CALLOW we proceeded to Wiirzburg, and then to Ratisbon, where we visited the Walhalla, built by Emperor William I. for the statues of German generals. Our next stopping-place was Passau. The town was decorated with flags and garlands in com- memoration of the victory of Sedan, and alive with bands, guns, and fireworks. Here we took the steamer down the Danube to Linz, the river wind- ing in a most picturesque manner. After stopping the night at Linz we went to Salzburg, arriving on " Maria fest " day. Every one, in gala costume, was exchanging greetings, and only the peasants in their prettily quaint costumes appeared to be devout. We then turned northward and stayed at Prague and Dresden en route for Berlin. At the first-named city we witnessed the funeral of a general of the army, and were profoundly impressed by the perform- ance of the Dead March in Saul by combined bands with muffled drums. Nothing could have been more solemn or grand. On arrival at our hotel in Berlin I received a telegram from the Crown Princess of Germany requesting me to call at the Palace the next afternoon. I had previously communicated to Her Royal Highness, in accordance with her request, my intention of visiting Berlin. I was most kindly received by both the Prince and POTSDAM (1874) (Size 10 X 6 inches.) ill- AT GREAT MISSENDEN 139 Princess, who invited me to visit them at the Neues Palais at Potsdam on the following morning. I arrived at 11 A.M., and drove out with the Prince and Princess, accompanied by Count Seckendorf, on a sketching expedition, and afterwards returned to the Palace, where I had the honour of dining with them. The Princess showed me some of her paintings and sketches in oil, which were excellent On the next morning, in accordance with their desire, I called to make my adieus. They both shook me cordially by the hand, and I must confess I felt proud of having grasped the hand of a man who had wielded the sword at Sedan. Afterwards my wife and I proceeded on our return journey to England, stopping at Magdeburg and Halberstadt, at the suggestion of the Crown Princess, to make some more sketches in these quaint old towns. At Christmas in the next year, 1875, the Crown Princess sent me the first part of a chromolitho- graphic work on Potsdam, with views of the Neues Palais and the Sans Souci, good but rather strong in colour, and I much appreciated Her Royal Highness's kind remembrance of me. Later I received from the Princess the completion of the publication. 140 WILLIAM CALLOW It was in this year that we were invited to stay a few days at Hampden House, the seat of the Duke of Buckinghamshire, which had been rented by the Grant Duffs. We occupied Queen Elizabeth's bedroom, which has a charming view from the windows, looking down a wide glade towards Missenden. I sketched the lovely old cedars, as well as the picturesque staircase in this historic mansion. The views from it over the surrounding country are magnificent. Our host and hostess entertained us delightfully with AT GREAT MISSENDEN 141 experiences of their lives in India. I again met Count Seckendorf, who was also staying in the house. He had come to gain information in view of his approaching visit, with the Prince of Wales, to India. In the spring of 1876 we made another visit to Italy, travelling to Rome by way of Turin, Genoa, and Pisa, stopping at each of these interesting towns whilst I made numerous sketches. At Rome we met Penry Williams and Arthur Glennie, both painters, who had settled in that city. Williams had long been a resident in Rome, as he had been there since 1827. He painted in both oil and water colours, and was for a short time an Associate of the Old Water- Colour Society. Glennie, who was a Member of the Old Society, and contributed regularly to its Exhibitions, had been in Rome for about twenty years. He lived on the sixth story of a house in Piazza Margana, and had a small garden on the roof. After staying for some time in Rome we afterwards visited Naples and Pompeii. Our tour in the following year, 1877, was once more to lovely Venice, where I never grew tired of sketching its glorious buildings, and where we were welcomed by our old gondolier, Jacomo. 142 WILLIAM CALLOW He did not recognise us at first, but suddenly exclaimed to my wife, " Ah, you are the lady who gave me this," pointing at the same time to a bright scarf which he was wearing. It had been a parting gift to him on our last visit in 1865. He was a most devoted servant, and used to attend to my wife with the greatest care during my absence whilst sketching. At Jacomo's earnest request we paid a visit to his cottage, where we found his handsome wife and her sister engaged in bead work. In the autumn of this year we made a short trip along the southern coast of Devonshire, stopping at Dartmouth, Salcombe, and Kingsbridge, where I made numerous sketches as usual. During the years 1879 and 1880 we again visited Italy, going in the former year to Rome, and in the latter to Venice, where we were once more warmly welcomed by our old gondolier. It was during this visit I first saw steamboats plying on the Grand Canal, much to the disgust of the gondoliers, who refused to take their gondolas out of the way of them, and ran a great risk of being run down. After having given instruction in drawing for more than fifty years, I abandoned all teaching in the year 1882, much to my regret, for it had been AT GREAT MISSENDEN 143 the means of my making lasting friendship with very many interesting families. In this year Cleopatra's Needle was brought up the Thames, and as I had sketched the Luxor on its arrival in the Seine, I made two small drawings of the former. I pre- sented them to Sir Erasmus Wilson as a memento of the interest which I felt in his great undertaking. He sent me a warm letter of thanks, and begged me to accept a copy of his book, The Egypt of the Past, in return. In May 1883, whilst we were staying in town, my wife, whose health had been failing for some time, com- plained of feeling unwell whilst lunching with some VENICE. friends in Grosvenor Square, and on reaching our apartments she went to bed, from which she never rose again. She was attended by Sir William Jenner and our own doctor without avail, for after lingering for a month she quietly passed away. 144 WILLIAM CALLOW In the following year, feeling my loneliness insupportable, I married again, and took my new wife to Paris to show her all the old haunts of my early days. Afterwards we went to Switzerland, where we spent a most enjoyable time amongst the exquisite scenery of the beautiful lakes. Our return journey was made down the Rhine to Cologne, and then on to Brussels, arriving there in the midst of the municipal elections. The citizens were so excited that at midnight the soldiers had to be called out to disperse the mob. In succeeding years I confined my annual tours to England, and visited in succession Devon and Cornwall, the Lake district, Yorkshire, and the eastern counties. In the year 1892, however, having now reached eighty years of age, I had a strong desire to once more visit Italy, feeling that if I were to put it off any longer I might never see that wonderful country again. So early in April I started off with my wife on my last foreign tour to bid farewell to the many picturesque old towns which had raised so much enthusiasm within me more than half a century ago. We crossed from Dover to Calais, and travelled all night direct to Basle. On the next day I went to the market- place and made some sketches of the picturesque DUNSTER CASTLE (1847) (Size 10J x 14 inches.) AT GREAT MISSENDEN 145 fruit and flower stalls with umbrellas over them. From Basle we proceeded to Lucerne, Milan, and Verona, stopping at each place to make sketches. Finally we arrived at Venice and put up at our old quarters, Hotel Europa, facing the Grand Canal, where I had first stayed in 1840 and on each subsequent visit. On the evening of our arrival the hotel was serenaded by a party of singers in a gondola lit up by Chinese lanterns. Their singing was charming, and as they rowed away, followed by hundreds of other gondolas, the music became fainter and fainter until lost in the distance a fairy scene only to be witnessed in Venice. After a fortnight of perfect enjoy- ment, intermingled with the pleasures of sketching, spending our days chiefly in a gondola, and visit- ing the Lido and the glorious shores of the Adriatic, we reluctantly left Venice, for myself at least for the last time, and proceeded to Bologna. Whilst here we witnessed a May Day meeting of Socialists. There was much disorder, and the soldiers had to be called out to suppress the mob. Fortunately a heavy storm of rain came on, which scattered the Socialists more effectually than the soldiers could have done. We next pro- ceeded to Naples, stopping at Ancona on the way. 19 146 WILLIAM CALLOW It is a city beautifully situated on the Adriatic, but its inhabitants are none too cleanly or honest. At Naples we stayed at an hotel delightfully situated opposite the public gardens and facing the Bay. At night the scene, with Vesuvius on one side and Posillipo on the other, and the Bay flooded with moonlight, was indescribably lovely. After a stay of a fortnight, visiting Pompeii and the Isle of Capri, and enjoying lovely drives in the neighbour- hood, we left for Rome, where we revisited all the grand sights, and attended a battle of flowers in the Borghese Gardens, at which Queen Marghuerita was present. Our next halting - place was Florence, where we were present at the great festival of Corpus Christi at the Duomo. We next proceeded to Genoa, where we witnessed more cruelty to horses than in any other town in Italy, and our appeals on behalf of the dumb animals were in vain. From here we went, via Domo d' Ossola and the Simplon Pass, to Paris, stopping at Lausanne on the way. The weather in Paris was intensely hot, so that we stayed there only long enough to visit an unattractive Exhibition at the Salon, and returned home to find it so cold that we were glad of a fire. Later years have passed uneventfully, broken I ROTALSOCIETToFRUNTERS m -WATER- COLOU R S * 28 TH -OFJULT-I9O2-TO WILLIAM- CALLOW- E R-W-S F-RC S -Vthe freshen! S^C-ouncil of tke I\oyal6ociety of Painters inWaterColours,wtfh The unanimous approbafioo. crf*all lhfc T^etubcrs tcn.bcr _you our raojf sinoerf con^aTulations on tke. occasion oTjyour tortfafcoy. ^h ^^ ^^ -J^ VvE wish to mark this evcnmj] occasion by express! to^ou our cordial fij ^afe/uj appreciafion o?]your loyalty to th.e SocieTy, frorw The ^ear 1838. wh.cn. _you were " 1 elected an Xssociatt , ^OWTI To the preseraJ' time Tear after^year. at both the Summer Winter Eyhibifio/36. your^ work vas to be relief upon To ^race our watts we. (eel Deeply that our appre.ianon oTsuck constancy joineo to suet merif can never be sufficient ccrcss^) in A CONGRATULATORY ADDRESS FROM THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF PAINTERS IN WATER COLOURS ON ATTAINING HIS NINETIETH BIRTHDAY. AT GREAT MISSENDEN 147 only by the presentation of a congratulatory address to me by the President and Council of the Royal Water Colour Society on the occasion of my nine- tieth birthday, and frequent visits of the President and many of my fellow-members on my subsequent DIETZ. birthdays and New Year's Days. In 1907 I was persuaded to have a " One Man's Show " at the Leicester Galleries. It was most successful, and resulted in my receiving many hundreds of letters of congratulation from all parts of England. I 148 WILLIAM CALLOW visited the Exhibition myself on the 26th October. It was a lovely bright morning when we left home, but after being delayed for some time by an accident on the railway, we arrived in London to find it enveloped in fog. % HKRKFOlin. LIST OF PAINTINGS EXHIBITED AT THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF PAINTERS IN WATER-COLOURS 1838 Entrance to the Port of Marseilles. Castle and Village of Montrejeau,near Bag- neres de Bigorre, Pyrenees. The Town of Vienne, on the Rhone. The Town of Avignon, on the Rhone. Montpellier from the Aqueduct, South of France. Fort St. Jean and Part of the Bay, Mar- seilles. The Old Bridge at Avig- non, on the Rhone. View of the Vignemale from Lac du Gaube, Upper Pyrenees. 1839 The Town of Schaff- hausen, Switzerland. Distant View of Heidel- berg, with Rhine River. Mayence on the Rhine. The Town of Lucerne, on the Lake of the Quatre Cantons. Lake of Geneva from the Church of St. Martin, Vevey. Ehrenbreitstein and Cob- 149 lentz from the heights of Pfaffendorf. On the Rhine at Rhense Castle of Marks- burg in the Dis- tance. Rheinfels and St. Goar from Castle Katz, on the Rhine. 1840 Interior of the Port of Havre. View of Lyons from near the Junction of the Rhone and Soane. LowestoftFishing- Boats. Tain and Tournon, on the Rhone. 150 WILLIAM CALLOW Castle and Town of Heidelberg from the Terrace. Rheinfels and St. Goar from St. Goarhausen, Rhine. The Alice Blanche from Col de la Seigne, Savoy. Lowest oft Fishing- Boats preparing to launch. 1841 Oberwesel, on the Rhine. Pizzo Falcone from the Villa Reale, Naples. Naples from Porta del Carmine. Gravedoua, on the Lake Como. The Rialto, Venice. Mecrenas' Villa and Cas- catella of Tivoli. Neapolitan Fishing-Boat Sunrise. Venice from the Riva degli Schiavoni. 1842 View of Como. Naples from the Sea Sunrise. View from the Church- yard at Thun, Switzer- land. On the Grand Canal, Venice. Chateau of Dieppe, Coast of Normandy. In the Bay of Naples. Granville, Coast of Nor- mandy. Lake of Wallenstatt, from Weser, Switzer- land. 1843 Fishing-Boat off Dieppe. Citadel at Plymouth- Mount Batten and Cat water in the Dis- tance. Verona from the Old Bridge. Hospital of the Grimsel and Lake of Klensee, Switzerland. Distant View of Exeter. Street in Bologna, look- ing towards the Piazza. Torquay, looking over Torbay. On the Grand Canal, Venice, from the Dogana. 1844 Durham. Santa Salute and Dog- ana, Venice. Jed burgh Abbey, Scot- land. Entrance to the Port of Treport, Coast of Normandy. Wetterhorn and Upper Glacier, Grindelwald, Switzerland. Street in Bologna. Ehrenbreitstein, on the Rhine. Edinburgh from Salis- bury Crags. 1845 Cochem, on the Moselle. Lake of Geneva from Vevey Morning. Old Houses at Trarbach, on the Moselle. Houses of the Francs Bateliers and Church of St. Nicholas on the Canal of Ghent. Vico Bay of Naples. Street in Calais. The Piazza Falcone, etc., from the Quai St. Lucia at Naples. Entrance to the Port of Havre. 1846 Street in Rotterdam, with the Church of St. Lawrence. Castle and Town of Trar- bach, on the Moselle. Dutch Fishing -Boat at Dort. Nieder Heimbach, on the Rhine Bach- arach in the Distance. Cathedral of Antwerp from Rue du Port. Rotterdam. The Rialto, Venice. Old Bridge at Avignon, on the Rhone. 1847 Amsterdam Dutch Boats running in Stiff Breeze. Piazzadel Duomo,Trent, in the Tyrol. Casa Grimani, on the Grand Canal, Venice. Bridge of Sighs, Venice, looking towards the Grand Canal. Richmond Castle, York- shire. Melrose Abbey from the Banks of the Tweed. Scarborough Sunrise. LIST OF PAINTINGS 151 The Pfalz with C'aub and the Castle of Guten- fels, on the Rhine. 1848 Ilfracombe, from Cap- stone Hill, looking towards Hillsborough. Distant View of Cologne, on the Rhine. Water Mill on the West Lynn, Lynmouth, North Devon. The Neu-Miinster, etc., Wiirzburg, Bavaria (during the Fair). Lynmouth from the Sea, North Devon. The Rath-Haus, on the Platz at Lucerne. Cochem, on the Moselle. Glacier du Rhone and the Garlingstock, Pass of Furca, Switzerland. 1849 Distant View of Mon- mouth. Distant View of Melrose Abbey. The Gronsel Merkt, Ghent. View of Ross from the Wye. Llanthony Abbey, Mon- mouthshire. An Old Street in Frank- fort. Goodrich Court Dis- tant View of the Castle. Lugano, on the Lake of Lugano. Abergavenny from the Monmouth Road. Paris View of the Tuileries, Pout Royale, etc. Old House, High Street, Tewkesbury. Maison des Francs Bateliers at Ghent. The Neustadt, Inns- bruck. Part of the Ruins of Raglan Castle. West Entrance to Tintern Abbey. Village of Cauterets, Hautes Pyrenees. Riva dei Schiavoni, Venice. 1850 Inveraray Castle, the Seat of his Grace the Duke of Argyll. Lucerne, Lake of the Quatre Cantons. Bay of Arran from Larn lush Road looking towards Brodick and Goatfell. Venice on the Grand Canal Palazzo Con- tarini, delle Belle Arti, etc. The Tolbooth, Glasgow, from the Saltmarket. The Trongate, Glasgow, the Tron Church, etc. On the Chiaja, Naples. Trent, Valley of the Adige. The Piazzetta, Venice. Old House in the Neustadt, Innsbruck. Weymouth, Dorsetshire Bill of Portland in the Distance. Tours, on the Loire. View of Inveraray, oil Loch Fyne. Street in Calais, looking towards the Grande Place. Old Gateway, Great Malvern, Worcester- shire. The Butter Cross, Winchester. Interior of the Bishop's Court, Liege. Dutch Fishing-Boats, Amsterdam. Water Mill at Lee, North Devon. 1851 Winchester Cathedral from the Quay. The Town and Fortress of Bellinzona, on the Ticino. Tower on the Vrijdags Markt, Ghent. Cauterets, Pyrenees. Durham Cathedral from the River. Castle and Village of Angera from Arona, Lake Maggiore. On the Rokin Canal, Amsterdam. The Weighing House at Amsterdam. Rue St. Honore, Paris, looking towards the Palais Royal. Distant View of Lan- caster from the Meadows. The Rialto, Venice, from the Fish Market. The Piazzetta, Venice, looking towards San Giorgio. The Market House, Ross, on the Wye. 152 WILLIAM CALLOW Remains of St. Mary's Priory, Monmouth. The Blackfriars, Here- ford. The Trongate, Glasgow, from the Corner of the High Street. II Ponte della Paglia Riva dei Schiavoni, Venice. The Pantiles, Tunbridge Wells Morning. Blois, on the Loire Evening. Old House at Berncastel, on the Moselle. 1852 Palazzo Barbarigo (the Residence of Titian), Venice. Looking into the Grand Place at Lille from the Place du Theatre. Distant View of Ross, on the Wye. Grand Entrance to Hurstmonceaux Castle, Sussex. Abergavenny, Mon- mouthshire The Holy Mountain in the Distance. Distant View of Naples Early Morning. Chateau d'Amboise, on the Loire. The Belfry at Ghent, from the Marche' au Grain. The Stone Bow, High Street, Lincoln. Part of the Cathedral, Abbeville. Castle and Village of Mont Richard, on the Cher, Department Loire-et-Cher. Les Halles, Grande Place, Bruges. Place d'Armes, Calais. Riva dei Schiavoni, Venice. Church of the Santa Salute, Venice, from the Belle Arti. Maison des Francs Bateliers, Ghent. Remains of Nether Hall, Essex. Interior of the Port of Havre. The Guildhall, High Street, Exeter. Water Mill at Lee, near llfracombe. Chapel of St. Jean at Orleans. Chapel of the Holy Blood, Bruges. 1853 The Burg Strasse, Han- over. The Rialto, Venice. Church of San Giovanni and San Paolo with the Monument of Colleone. Cathedral of Abbeville from the Grand Place. Mount Blanc from Chamouny. The Niewe Kerk on the Dam, Amsterdam. The High Street, Lincoln. Interior of the Court of the Wartburg, the Place of Luther's Con- finement in 1521. The Market-Place, Eisenach. The Hotel de Ville, Bruges. At Malines, near the Fish Market. The Market-Place, Padua. Entrance to the Court of the Ducal Palace, Venice. The Pantiles, Tunbridge Wells. The Hotel de Ville, Ghent Interior of the Port of Marseilles. St. Mary's Hall, Coventry. Castle of Hammerstein, from Andernach. Frankfort-on-the-Maine. Riva dei Schiavoni, Venice. On the Grand Canal, Venice. 1854 Gateway of Battle Abbey, Sussex. Basle, Switzerland, from the Bridge. On the Grand Canal, Venice, looking to- wards the Foscari Palace. Eastgate Street, Chester Autumnal Evening. Oberwesel, on the Rhine, with the Castle of Schomberg. Venice. La Place d'Armes, Lille. Dresden from the Gar- dens of the Japanese Palace. The Rath-Haus, on the Market Place, Leipzig. LIST OF PAINTINGS 153 Orleans. The Ca' d' Oro de Veaise from the Foot of the Rialto. The Castle of Katz from St Goar,on the Rhine. Heidelberg 1 from above the Bridge. Old Houses in North- gate Street, Chester Tain and Tournou, on the Rhone. From the Ponte della Pieta, Venice. Church of San Pietro, Como. The Breiteweg at Mag- deburg. From theFoscari Palace, Venice. Neapolitan Fishing- Boats. The Fish Market, Ghent. The Dom Platz, Frank- fort. 1855 On the Grand Canal, from the Leone Bianco, Venice. Church of St. Pierre, Caen. Mayence, on the Rhine. The Dom - Kirche at Wiirzburg from the Bridge, during the Fair. The Old Feudal Town of Oberwesel, on the Rhine. Castelnuovo from the Molo, Venice. Lutheran Church at Bacharach, on the Rhine. On the Place du Theatre, Lille. San Giorgio, Venice. Castle of St. Angelo, Rome. Canal at Ghent, with the Church of St. Nicholas. Crossing the Rialto, Venice. Pallazzo Foscari from the Belle Arti, Venice. The Piazza at Padua. A Street in Verona. The Belfry at Evreux. Corso Francese, Milan, Evening at Sutton Valence. Doune Castle. Eton College Sunset. Old House at Ghent The Market Cross at Salisbury. Distant View at Tewkes- bury. Tell's Chapel, Lake of the Four Cantons. Foregate Street, outside the Walls, Chester. 1856 Huy, on the Meuse. The Santa Salute, Venice. Old Houses on the Rhone at Geneva. The Hotel de Ville, Brussels. Close Gate and Widows' College, Salisbury. Werner's Chapel from the Inn Yard, Bachar- ach. The Bear and Billet Inn, Bridge Street, Chester. The Rialto, Venice. Winchester. The Markt Strasse and Rath-Haus, Hanover. Rue St. Pierre, Caen. Trent from the Bank of the Adige. Bellaggio, Lago di Como. The Trongate, Glasgow. Ancien Port de la Ville, Bruges. Goodrich Court, on the Wye. Arundel Castle, Sussex. Durham. The Contariui Palace, Venice. Canal Scene, Lucerne. Ancient Manor- House near the Abbey Gate, Malvern, now re- moved. Portlade, near Brighton. The Ca' d' Oro, Venice. 1857 Double Butcher Row, Shrewsbury. A Buckinghamshire Lane Sunset. On the Grand Canal, Venice. St. Sauveur, Caen. Venice. Schloss Elz. Hotel de Ville, Lille. The Castle at Rhein- fels. Rue de la Grosse Hor- loge, Rouen Morn- ing. Exeter from the Meadows. II Ponte Rotto, Rome. Naples. San Giorgio, Venice. Lyumouth, Devon. Quai de Rosaire, Bruges. 20 154 WILLIAM CALLOW On the Bridge at Basle. On the Rhineat Cologne. Piazza dei Signori, Verona. Venice from the Dogaua. Ehrenbreitstein. Conisboro' Castle, Yorkshire. On the Lago Maggiore. 1858 The Piazzetta, Venice. Antwerp St. Paul's. Stirling Castle from the Meadows. Old House on the Quay at Malines. San Giorgio, Venice. Thun Early Morning. On the Old Walls of Bacharach. The Leaning Towers of Bologna. The Water Gate, Hon- fleur. St. Margaret's Church, Gotha. Venice. The Kauf-Haus, Cob- lentz. Rouen, from the Banks of the Seine. The Cathedral, Chartres Sunrise. Verona The Piazza delle Erbe. Geneva. The Keep, Castle Rising, Norfolk. On the Adige, Verona. The Rialto, Venice. Brighton Beach. Above Schaffhausen. Castle and Town of Beaucaire, on the Rhone. 1859 Saumur, on the Loire. Piazza Grande, Bologna. Bolton Abbey Sunset. Pass of St. Gothard. Castle and Town of Richmond, Yorkshire. Ducal Palace, Venice Early Morning. Hotel de Ville, Antwerp. Old Bridge at Nurem- berg. Place au Change, Nantes. Ruins of St. Benet's Abbey, near Norwich. Rue de la Grosse Horloge, Rouen. On the Adige, Verona. Temple of Vesta, Tivoli. Stolzenfels, on the Rhine. Grand Canal, Venice. Fraukfort-on-the-Maine. I860 Ehrenbreitstein . Brunswick. Place St. Pharailde, Ghent. Market Day at Rich- mond, Yorkshire. Venice from the Rialto Morning. Monmouth Castle. Tivoli with Villa d' Este and the Cascatelle. The Wartburg The Scene of Luther's Im- prisonment. Autumn Afternoon (from Nature). II Poute Rotto, on the Tiber, Rome. Venice from the Dogana. Hotel de Ville, Calais. Goodrich Court and Castle, on the Wye. A Summer's Evening on the Avon, at Evesham. The Dogana, Venice. 1861 Mont St. Michel, Nor- mandy. Dom Gasse, Wiirzburg Fair Time. Robin Hood's Bay, York- shire Coast. I looked down on boats and barks ; on masts, sails, flags ; on groups of busy sailors working at the car- goes of the vessels ; on wide quays strewn with bales, casks, merchandize of many kinds; on great ships, lying near at hand in stately indolence ; on islands crowned with gorgeous domes and turrets, and where golden crosses glittered in the light, a-top of wondrous churches springing from the sea, going down upon the margin of the green sea, rolling on before the door and filling all the streets I came upon a place of such surpassing beauty and such grandeur that all the rest was poor and faded in com- parison with its absorbing loveliness. It was a great Piazza, as I thought, anchored like the rest in the deep ocean. An Italian Dream, by Charles Dickens. The Rhine at St. Goar. The Moselle at Coblenz. Cochem, on the Moselle. Riva dei Schiavoni, Venice. Street in Innsbruck. Gravedonua Lake Como. Martigny. The Church of St. Michael, Ghent. Distant View of Lincoln. On the Inn, Innsbruck. LIST OF PAINTINGS 155 On the Terrace at Heidelberg. Basle. Looking towards the Rialto, Venice. 1862 Summer On the Tiber, Rome. Water Mill at Lee, North Devon. Hastings. The Culag Burn, Loch Inver. Castle of Katz, on the Rhine. Venice. Beaugency, on the Loire. Mill near Antwerp. On the Old Walls at Bacharach. Castel Grandolfo. San Giorgio, Venice. A Street in Evreux, Normandy. Place St. Pierre, Caen. Hotel de Ville, Courtrai. Rheinfels and Village of St. Goar. Highland Bothies Entrance of Glen- finlas. Santa Maria della Salute. Winter Fall of East Lynn, Lynmouth. The Grey Friars, Coventry. Campsie Glen. Place a Tours. Malvern Wells. Port of Whitby. Sidmouth. On the Shore, Lyn- mouth. Near Loch Inver, Sutherlandshire. From Lam lash Road, Arran. Maison des Nantais, Nantes. Wimbledon Common. Holy Loch, Argyllshire. Cottage at Malvern. The Torrs, Ilfracombe. From Sandsend, Whitby. Fall of Kirkaig, Suther- landshire. Glen Rosa, Arran. The Castle Rock, Liuton. The Torrs, Ilfracombe. Glydock, South Wales. 1863 Summer Midday at Haddon. Cologne from the River. Place St. Pharailde, Ghent Sunset at Gotha. The Ca' d' Oro, Venice. The Campagna, with Porta San Giovanni, Rome. Falls of the Rhine, Schaffhausen. From theChiaja, Naples. Market - Place, Frank- fort. Rheinstein and Ass- mannshausen. At Antwerp. Heidelberg. Remains of the Palace of the Dukes of Bur- gundy, Malines. Arona, Lake Maggiore. Canal Reale. Vico, Bay of Naples. Riva dei Schiavoni. Winter. St. Nicolas's Priory, Great Yarmouth. Canal Scene, Rotterdam. Salmon Trap on the East Lynn,Lynmouth. A Study near M issenden. Venice. Sidmouth, South Devon. Lynmouth Bridge,North Devon. Rue St. Honore, Paris. Bridge of Sighs, Venice. Uncle Tom's Cabin, Folkestone Beach. 1864 Summer Lago Morning on Maggiore. Market-Place at Frank- fort. The Moselle Bridge at Coblentz. Beilstein, on the Moselle. Leaning Towers at Bologna. Grand Canal, Venice. Water Gate, Norwich. Old Houses on Pride Hill, Shrewsbury. Distant View of Namur. Stolzenfels and Lahu- stein, on the Rhine. The Alien Priory, near Eastbourne. Palazzo Barbarigo, Venice. Cologne. At Unterseen, Switzer- land. Old Gate at Rotterdam. The Rialto, Venice. 156 WILLIAM CALLOW Market Morning at Coburg. Winter Three Sketches, Abroad. Old Priory at Great Yarmouth. Interior of Richmond Church, Yorkshire, before its Restoration. Two Studies. Two Sketches in the Botanic Gardens, Regent's Park. Three Sketches. Neue Minister, Wiirz- burg. Four Scraps. Three Scotch Views. Souvenirs of Rosenau, Birthplace of H.R.H. the late Prince Con- sort. 1865 Summer Beilstein,on the Moselle. Chateau de Montele- mart, Rhone. On the Grand Canal, Venice. Fishing-Boats at Naples Early Morning. The Citadel, Wiirzburg, Bavaria. Castle and Village of Lahneck. Inveraray with the Hill of Duniquoich. Bacharach,onthe Rhine. Garden Scene at Ver- sailles. Looking towards Sutton Valence. The Judengasse, Frank- fort. Water Mill at Lee, near Jlfracombe. Lochgoilhead, Argyll- shire. Old House at Tewkes- bury. Pride Hill, Shrewsbury. Winter Two Sketches of Venice. Isola Bella from Stresa. Three Marine Studies. A Mill and other Objects. Two Views on the Rhine. Bolton Abbey and Cot- tage Scene. Three Scotch Studies. Three Sketches on Lago Maggiore. Four Studies. 1866 Summer Entrance to the Gorge of Gondo, Simplon. Lyme Regis, Dorset. Berncastel, on the Moselle Evening. Venice, looking up the Grand Canal. Lago di Como. Bellagio, Lago di Como. Boppart, on the Rhine. Richmond Hill from Twickenham Sun- rise. Arona, on the Lago Maggiore. i Canale della Posta, Venice. On the Piazza delle Erbe, Verona. ' On the Market-Place, Hanover. Entrance to Sutton Pool, Plymouth. Fishing-Boat off Lowes- toft. Maison des Francs Bat- eliers, Ghent. Winter 1, Plymouth; 2, Amster- dam Head of Loch Fyne. Study at Glydock, South Wales. 1, Brighton ; 2, Study of Rocks ; 3, Dover. 1, A River Scene ; 2, Mont Dragon, on the Rhone. 1, A Water Mill ; 2, Rocky Landscape. St. Winifred's Well, Holywell, Flintshire. Three Sketches. 1, Dieppe ; 2, Sea Piece ; 3, A Mill. Four Studies. 1867 Summer Bridge Street, Chester Morning. Werner's Chapel, Bach- arach. Menaggio, Lago di Como. TheCourtyard at Heidel- berg. Castle and Town of Beau- caire, on the Rhone. Bringing in Fish, Hon- fleur. By the Venetian Column, Piazza, delle Erbe, Verona. The Boompjes, Rotter- dam. LIST OF PAINTINGS 157 Street in Rouen. Lac du Petit Trianon, Versailles. Namur Junction of the Sombre and Meuse. A Water Mill. On the Quay, Frank- fort. Entering Port. A Storm at the Mumbles. Winter Recollections of the Rhine Mount Edgcumbe and Sandgate. Two Views of the Isle of Wight. Three Marine Studies. Three Sketches of Rhine Scenery. Landscape Study. Four Sketches. Mountain Scenery. Water Mill and Sea Piece. Old Bridge Morning Effect. Two Landscape Studies. Stormy Weather. 1868 Summer at Market - Place Coburg. The Piazza delle Erbe, Verona. On the Riva dei Schia- voni, Venice. Town and Fortifications of Luxembourg. St. Pierre, Caen. Rheinfels and St. Goar Summer Rain. Bacharach. Mont Richard, on the Cher. Tintern from the Village. Canale della Posta, Venice. Dutch Boat entering Port. Granville, Coast of Nor- mandy Waiting for the Tide. Old Mill in Surrey. Orca, Lago Lugano. Grand Canal, Venice. Stormy Weather off Lowestoft. Winter. St. Cloud, from Sevres. Saltwood and Goodrich Castles. Remembrances of the Rhine. Glen Rosa, Isle of Arran. Three Studies, Various. Mountain Scenery. Study at Haddon. Mill Scene and View of Swanage. Four Marine Studies. Coast of Devonshire. Lake Scene Sunset. The Cliffs, Freshwater. 1869 Summer Coast Scene. Flint Castle Sunrise. Isola Bella, Lago Mag- giore. Church of St. James, Antwerp. Richmond, Yorkshire. Piazza Corpus Domini, Turin. Street in Frankfort. Entrance to the Villa Carlotta, Cadenabbia. The Rialto. Namur, on the Sombre. Greenwich. Beilstein,onthe Moselle. Sunrise near Rome. Night wanes ; the vapours round the mountain curl'd Melt into morn, and light awakes the world. Temple of Venus and Rome. Santa Salute, Venice. Port of Fecamp, Nor- mandy. Winter Study of Trees. Reigate. Two Studies. Twickenham and Eton. Three Studies of Rhine Scenery. Two Sea Pieces. Three Coast Studies. Sunset at Sea. Fishing-Boat returning at Sunrise. Sketches of Chester. 1870 Summer Street in Old Trarbach Dinant, on the Meuse. Canale della Posta, Venice. Fishing-Boats at Anchor in the Harbour of Granville. Susa, North Italy. Lausanne, Lake of Geneva. Place de Calende, Rouen. 158 WILLIAM CALLOW The Market-Place, Coburg. The Rialto, Venice Early Morning. Place du Marche, Tours. Venice. The Chiaja, Naples. The Piazzetta, Venice. Cologne. Boats running into Dieppe. Marksburg, from Rhense,on the Rhine. Winter Landscape with Mill. Raglan Castle. Old Manor-House. I, Torquay ; 2, Lake of Como. Bacharach am Rhein. Storm and Calm. Study of Sea. I, Peterborough ; 2, On the Tamar ; 3, South- ampton. 1, A Coast Scene ; 2, Granville ; 3, Calais. I, Usk ; 2, Crickhowell. 1871 Summer La Dogana, Venice. St. Michel, Foot of Mont Ceuis. French Fishing-Boats leaving St. Valery. Canal Scene, Rotterdam. Rue Flamande, Bruges. Above the Falls at Schaffhausen. Hastings Early Morn- ing. The Old Town of Trar- bach, on the Moselle. Naples from Castella- mare. King Edward Tavern, Chester. The Vrijdags Markt, Ghent. Posta della Lettere, Venice. The Marche au Lion, Lisieux, Normandy. Mont Richard, on the Cher Summer After- noon. Cochem, on the Moselle. Winter Rain and Sunshine. Frankfort. Trarbach, on the Moselle. Water Mill at Lee, North Devon. Tinteru Abbey. The Thames near Graves- end. Bolton Abbey. Bodiham Castle, Kent. Bacharach am Rhein. 1872 Summer Street in Limburg, on the Lahn. On the Rokin, Amster- dam Fair Time on the Grande Place, Bruges. At Quillebo3uf, on the Seine Sunrise. The Four Towers, etc., Ems. Tete de Flaudres, op- posite Antwerp. Canale del Fonteco, Venice. Scarborough from the Sands Misty Morn- ing. Cathedral, etc. , Lim- burg, on the Lahn Summer Afternoon. Old Buildings at Bop- part, on the Rhine. Looking into the Market-Place at Coburg. On the Kool Quai, Antwerp. The Judengasse, Frank- fort. Winter A Windmill. Sunrise and Beach Scene. Torquay. Rouen and Caen. Relics at Brighton. A Water Mill Landing Fish on Yar- mouth Beach. Landscape Studies. Cromer and Dunstan- borough. Going to Market. Sunrise and Sunset. Caistor Castle, near Yarmouth. 1873 Summer The Ponte Rotto and Temple of Vesta, Rome. Old Harbour at Folke- stone. A Street in Limburg, on the Lahn. Shoreham, Sussex. Botzen, in the Tyrol. LIST OF PAINTINGS 159 The Tour de 1'Horloge, Evreux. Old Gateway at Rotter- dam. Lugaiio from the Port. Bacharach am Rhein. The Old Telegraph and Tower, etc., Calais. Conisborough Castle, near Doncaster. The Ca' d' Oro, on the Grand Canal, Venice. Castel d' Ovo, Naples. Winter Fisherman's Hut Early Morning. Gypsy Tents. Sunset on the Moun- tains. Near Sorrento, Naples. A Roadside Inn and Water Mill. Two Studies of Sea. On the Lago Maggiore. Yarmouth Jetty and New Brighton. A Cottage near Malvern. Gathering Rushes. Two Woodland Studies. On the Moselle. 1874 Summer Monmouth Castle. Fishing Boats leaving Honfleur Early Morning. Riva dei Schiavoni, Venice. Landing Fish at East- bourne. Old HousesatBerncastel, on the Moselle. Abbeville Cathedral from the Market-Place. Berwick -on -the -Tweed from the Castle. Bellagio, Lago di Como. Ehrenbreitstein from the Moselle Bridge. Lisieux looking towards the Transept of St. Pierre. Verona with the Maffei Tower. The "Golden Hirsch " Apotheke, Giessen. Winter On the East Lynn, Devonshire. Coast Scene. Barnard Castle, York- shire. The Lac de Gaube, Pyrenees. A Water Mill Early Morning. Cave near Genoa. Bothy, Loch Goyle. Mill "on the Scheldt- Moonlight. Lauterbrunnen and Staubbach. Sunset A Composition. 1875 Summer Rotterdam. Cologne Autumn Evening. The Grand Canal Venice. Le Chevet de St. Pierre, Caen. The Castle and Town of Salzburg. Summer Evening on the Wye at Goodrich Castle. Tivoli with the Cascade and Temple of the Sybil. The Holz-Markt, Halberstadt. Albert Diirer's House at Nuremberg. Isola Bella from Stresa, Lago Maggiore. Rheinsteiu. Waiting for Fish at St. Valery-en-Caux Sun- rise. Coarse Weather at Gorleston Harbour. Winter On the Rhine. A Water Mill. The Source of the Thames. Clearing the Wreck Sunset. At Bingen, on the Rhine. Sheep in a Lane. Sunset after a Storm. Wind and Rain. French Fishing-Boats. A Waterfall. Dover and Brighton in Former Days. At Killarney The Weir Bridge and the Castle Crag. Raglan Castle. Study of Sea. A Cottage. 1876 Summer Unter Taschenmacher and Rath - Haus, Cologne. Entrance to Calais Harbour Rough Weather. 160 WILLIAM CALLOW Canale della Posta, Venice. On the Pier at Treport, Normandy Early Morning-. The Last Glow from the Terrace, Heidelberg. An August Morning at Ems. Weilburg, on the Lahn. The Stadthaus and Markt Plate, Hanover. Nuremberg from a Bridge near theTrodel Markt. Fountain at Marburg, Hesse-Cassel. Grand Canal, Venice, looking towards the Lido Early Morning. A Rotterdam Canal Scene. Luxembourg Sunset. Winter Shanklin Chine, Isle of Wight. Near Pierrefitte (Pyr- enees), Cascade of Nantborrant, Switzer- land. Cottage near Sidmouth. Beilstein,on the Moselle. Old Houses at Treves. Two Views in South Devon. Landscape A Composi- tion. The Coastnear Sidmouth. Study of Coast Scenery. Cochem, on the Moselle. An Irish Cabin. Dunkeld. Botzen, in the Tyrol. A Street in Bruges Morning. A Venetian Canal. 1877 Summer Marburg, Hesse-Cassel. Fishing - Boats waiting for the Tide, Port of Havre Sunrise. Entrance to the Old Part of Arona, Lago Maggiore. The Peschiera, Genoa. Castle and Town of Runkel, on the Lahn. A Venetian Canal. Loading Oranges and Lemons at Sorrento, from the Marina. The Mercato Ruava, Florence. Chancel of St. Sauveur, Caen. Gateway of St. Martin's Abbey, Tours. On the Dom-Platz at Ratisbon. Houfleur Calm, Early Morning. The Ponte Vecchio, Florence. Winter Rheinfels and Wolfs- berg, on the Moselle. II Diavoletto and L' Ab- boudanza, Florence. A Swiss Valley. Mountain Gorge near Pierrefitte. Two Studies of Sea. Ulleswater and Sea Coast. Riva dei Schiavoni. A Stormy Day in Scot- land. Matlock. Mentone. The Wye and Wharf. A Country Lane. A Calm Evening. Fishing-Boats in a Squall, A Street Scene. 1878 Summer Ruined Mill near Dolce Acqua, Italy. Fishing-Boats at Fe- camp, Normandy - Early Morning. II Mercato Vecchio, Florence. Casa Cavallino, Grand Canal, Venice. The Old Bridge and Tower at Nuremberg. Sunrise on the Seine at Rouen. Ponte del Canonico, Venice. Entrance to the Old Convent of Sau Gregorio, Venice. Castle of Stolzenfels, on the Rhine. Teatro Marcello, Rome. Dieppe. Market-Place at Botzen, in the Tyrol. Canale di Barrettaria, Venice. Place St. Phara'ilde, Ghent. In the Judengasse, Frankfort. Winter On the Moselle. Winchester from the Meadows. Riva dei Schiavoni, Venice. Autumn on the Trent. LIST OF PAINTINGS 161 Mussel Gathering at Lee, North Devon. Bellagio, on Lake Como, and I sola Bella. East Cowes ; and Dunoon, on the Clyde. Souvenirs of Loch Etive. In the Gloaming. A Devonshire Cottage. A Street in Treves. Old Gateway on the Rhine. River and Coast. 1879 Summer Oil the Road to Rocca Bruna Monaco in the Distance. Canale della Posta, Venice. Palazzo Cicogna, Venice. Fishing-Boats off Tre- port. Town Hall and Market- place, Padua Early Morning. At the Foot of the Lean- ing Towers, Bologna. Santa Lucia, Naples. Tour de 1'Horloge, Rouen. Port of Granville, Nor- mandy. On the Rhine. Castellamare, on the Quay. San Pietro di Banchi, Genoa. 1879-80 Winter Sunrise and Sunset Guisachan. Dover ; and Sandgate. A Street in Rouen. Scarborough from Filey Brigg. Venice at Sunset. On the Moselle. Night coming on A Study. A Trout Stream. A Belgian Market-Place. Old Inn at Laugen- schwalbach. Distant View of Sher- borne, Dorset. Reigate from the Com- mon. 1880 Summer The Old Port of Dart- mouth. The Market-Place, Giessen, on the Lalin. Fishing-Boats in the Port of Granville. S. Barnabas, Venice. Bologna, near the Piazza S. Petronia. Lake of Como looking towards Menaggio. A Bit of Antiquity at Blois. On the Ponte Vecchio, Florence. The Mists of Early Morning at Quille- boeuf, on the Seine. No. 2. No. 6. No. 3. Winter Stolzenfels. Carisbrooke Castle. Distant View of the Alps above Geneva. On the Tiber, Rome. The Grande Rue, Dun- kirk. Garden, on the Moselle. The Last Gleam of Day. Kirkstall Abbey, York- shire Sunset. Old Roman Houses. II Ponte Rotto, Rome, in 1841. The Coast ofConnemara, Ireland. The Post Office, Venice. Mount's Bay, Cornwall. - 1881 Summer An Oriel in Haddon Hall, Derbyshire. Piazza dei Signori, Verona. Town and Castle of Dolce Acqua near Bordighera. A Canal through the Island of Murano. Behind the Church of the Frari, Venice. The Tour de Charle- magne, Rue de 1'Echelle, Tours. On the Canal dell' Olio, Venice. In the Merceria, Venice. St. Heliers, Jersey, from Elizabeth Castle. The Great Church of St. Lawrence. The Dom Strasse, Wurz- burg, Bavaria. A Country Lane. Roman Column in the Main Street of Siena. Dinant, on the Meuse. Winter Study of Coast Scenery. Grasmere, Cumberland. Rue Flamande, Bruges. 21 162 WILLIAM CALLOW A Garden Study. Mill at St. Ouen, on the Seine. Scarborough from the Sands. Windsor from the Meadows. Old Houses in Bridge Street, Chester. On the Rocks in the Greta at Rokeby. Town and Castle of Blois, on the Loire. The Town of Garden, on the Moselle. Shanklin Chine. 1882 Summer A Spring Day at Florence from San Miniato. Fossgate Street, York. Landing Fish at St. Valery-en-Caux, Nor- mandy. Tour de Mauconseil, Vienne (on the Rhone). Ponte S. Mose, Venice. The Belfry at Bruges. The Weighing House, Amsterdam. La Porta Romana, Siena. Near the Rialto, looking towards the Palazzo Foscari, Venice. Piazza del Sopra Muro, Perugia. French Steamer enter- ing Folkestone Har- bour in November. The Palazzo Moro, Venice. Winter Easby Abbey, Rich- mond, Yorkshire. Declining Day. The clouds that wrapt the setting sun When Autumn's softest gleams are ending, Where all bright hues to- gether run In sweet confusion blending. The Fish Market, Folke- stone. Albert Diirer's House at Nuremberg. Waiting for the Boat. Giessen, on the Lahn. A Water Mill Early Morning. Two Sea Studies. Distant View of Lyme Regis, Dorset. Caesar's Tower, War- wick. Dunkeld. Old House at Frank- fort. 1883 Summer Casa Cavallo, Venice. Castelnuovo from the Old Port, Naples. Canale della Posta, Venice. Carnarvon Castle Early Morning. Fishing Boats off Dieppe. Castle and Town ol Heidelberg from the Banks of the Neckar. Porta St. Andrea, Genoa. A Street in Bologna. Canale Barrattaria, Venice. Greenwich Hospital. A Street in Rouen. The Market - Place, Abbeville. Winter Two Sea Views. Off the Yorkshire Coast near Whitby. St. Giorgio, Venice. Windmill on the Trent. Study of Sea. Street in Treves. Boppart, on the Rhine. Bellagio, on the Lake of Como. Village of Rhense, on the Rhine. Bolton Abbey ; Eggle- ston Abbey, York- shire. Water Mill. 1884 Summer St. Peter's Mancroft and Fish Market, Norwich. The Piazza delle Erbe at Verona. Entrance to the Port of Marseilles. From the Bridge of St. Angelo, Venice. Near the Mumbles after a Storm. Roman Columns at San Lorenzo, Milan. On the Market-Place at Malines. II Paradiso, Venice. Folkestone Pier Fish- ing-Boats going out. Church of St. Sauveur, Caen, Normandy. St. Peter's Street, York. LIST OF PAINTINGS 163 Winter Old Bridge at Caesar's Tower, Warwick Castle. The Castle of Rheinfels from the North. Waterfall Glen Etive. Palazzo Barberigo, Grand Canal, Venice. Hastings Boat coming Ashore in Rough Weather. The Devonshire Coast Jlfracombe. Filey Brigg Yorkshire Coast. Market-Place, Courtrai. French Fishing-Boats in Harbour Sunrise. Old Houses at Berne. Schooner making for Port. 1885 Summer Canal Barataria, Venice, near the Post Office. Hastings Boats off to the Fishing Grounds. The Drachenfels from Rolandseck, on the Rhine. Looking up the Lake of Geneva from Vevey. Fortress of Passau, on the Danube. On the Quay near the Fish Market, Folke- stone Harbour. Fondamento Barbarigo, Venice. The Rialto, Venice. A Relic of Venetian Architecture in Padua. Distant View of Kirk- stall Abbey, York- shire. A Corner in Trarbach, on the Moselle. House of the Francs Bateliers, Ghent. Winter After the Storm. Before the Storm. The Harbour, Torquay Early Morning. The San Salute Grand Hotel, Venice. On the Market-Place at Malines. A Sunny Spot in a Garden. Campsie Glen, Scotland. Dover Entrance to the Harbour . Westminster Abbey looking into Henry VII. Chapel. London from Holly Lodge, Highgate. Warwick from the Meadows. Ilfracombe from the Beach near Lantern Hill. Hotel of the Golden Chain, Langen- schwalbach. 1886 Summer Looking into the Place des Victoires, Paris. The Old Jetty, Great Yarmouth. Street in Verona, near the Palazza delle Erbe. Honfleur Fishing- Boats entering the Harbour. Oberlahnstein, on the Rhine, Stolzenfels in the Distance. Palazzo Molino, Canale de la Posta, Venice. Naples from theChiaja Early Morning. Palaces on the Grand Canal near the Rialto, Venice. Schloss Elz, near the Moselle. Gate-House, Rotterdam. On the Quay at Castella- mare. From the Cathedral Porch, Trent, in the Tyrol. Winter Fondaco de Turchi, Venice. Canale de la Posta, Venice. Old Houses near the Port, Dartmouth. Castle and Town of Angera from Arona, Lago Maggiore. Stonegate, York. Hastings Fishing-Boat. Entrance to the Harbour, Dover. Water Mill on the East Lyn, Lynmouth. Heidelberg from the Terrace Sunset. Mentone from the Public Garden. On the Market-Place, Prague. 1887 Summer The Rialto, Venice. The Leaning Towers of Bologna. 164 WILLIAM CALLOW Canal at Ghent. Castle and Town of Cochem, on the Moselle Autumn Afternoon. Castle and Town of Lourdes in the Pyr- enees. Church of St. Pietro di Banchi, Genoa. Venice Canal. Amain from the Shore A Summer's Morning 1 . On the Riva dei Schia- voni, Venice. Dolce Acqua, near Bordighera. Schmeider Gasse, Hanover. Canale dell' Olio, Venice. Winter Street in Bologna. Market-Place, Ratisbon. On the Lago Maggiore. Ischl, Saxon Switzer- land. Marburg, Cassel. From near the Cathedral, Stonegate, York. Lake of Geneva from St. Martin. Reinhardsbrunn (the Seat of H.R.H. the late Prince Consort). Corfu from One Gun Road. Cauldron Snout, York- shire, where four Counties meet. Venice. St. Pierre, Caen, Nor- mandy. Folkestone. From the East Cliff- Sunset. 1888 Summer The Riva dei Schiavoni, Venice. A Summer Evening, Sidmouth, Devonshire. In the High Street, Southampton. The Market House, Marburg, Hesse- Cassel. Palace of Donna Anna, Naples Evening. The Banks of the Rhine, Bacharach. The Main Street, Inns- bruck, Tyrol. On the Barattina Canal, Venice. Amsterdam. The Market-Place, Nuremberg. Gateway at Evesham. Winter Venice Canal. Dieppe from the Sea. Falls of the Liffey. Bar Gate, Southampton. Torquay Early Morn- ing, looking across the Bay. On the Great Square, Coburg Market Day. Isola Bella, Lago Maggiore. Fishing-Boats on the Sands, Scheviningen. Walhalla, on th e Danube. Broad stairs Breezy Day. Late Evening Murano. Granville, Normandy. 1889 Summer Toll's Chapel, on the Lake of Lucerne Sunrise. On the Grand Place, Bologna. From the Grindecca, Venice. Place de 1'Herberie, Macon. Fishing-Boats awaiting the Tide, Honfleur. Rouen A Street near the River. Near the Campanile, Venice. Treport from the Shore, Normandy. Entrance to the Grand Canal, Venice. Near the Market, Ferrara. Winter Entrance to Glenfin- las. Boppart, on the Rhine. Canal in Venice. Old Bridge at Nurem- berg. Hastings Fishing-Boats Early Morning. Entrance Gate, Hurst- monceaux. Fishing - Boats in a Storm. Under the Cliffs, Sid- mouth, Devon. Beilstein,on the Moselle. Old Houses at Frank- fort, near the Cathe- dral. LIST OF PAINTINGS 165 1890 Summer On the Rokin Canal, Amsterdam. Ehrenbreitstein and Coblentz Sunrise. On the Grand Canal, Venice, near the Balbi Palace. " There is a glorious city in the sea. " Rogers' s Italy. Fortress and Town of Huy, on the Meuse Early Morning. Grand Uue,Sizieux, Nor- mandy, with Church of St. Pierre. Jugen Strasse, Frank- fort. Venice Sunset. In the Old Market, Florence. Tre'port,Normandy,from the Pier, Chateau d'Eu in the Distance. Maryleport Street, Bristol St. Peter's Church. Winter Farmyard, Staffordshire. On the River, near Graveseud. View of Schaffhausen. St. Heliers, Jersey Early Morning. Distant View of Naples. A Bit of Wimbledon. Caistor Castle, Norfolk. A Summer Afternoon, near Lord Somers's Park, Reigate. Midnight Sun, North Cape (from a Sketch by the late Robert Elweys, Esq.) Dartmouth Castle. Inner Courtyard, Weil- burg-on-Lahn. 1891 Summer Dieppe from the Sands. Ancient Bridges of Rome from the Ponte Rotto. On the Riva dei Schia- voni, Venice. Tower of St. Rumbold, Malines, from the Market-Place. Kool Kaei, Antwerp. Distant View of Rouen Early Morning. On the Quai at Frank- fort. The Rhine at Cologne. But thou exulting and abounding River Making their waves a blessing as they flow. Childe Harold. Citadel and Town of Namur, on the Meuse Sunset. Fishing-Boats in Rams- gate Harbour. Winter Stolzenfels from the Lahn. Distant View of Wor- cester. Caesar's Tower, Warwick Castle. On the Inn, Passau. The Grand Place, Bruges Market Day. Gorleston Pier, Norfolk. Distant View of Tor- quay. Arona, on the Lago Maggiore. Two Sketches. (1) St Michael's Mount, Cornwall. (2) St. Michael's Mount, Normandy. Bolton Abbey, York- shire Evening. 1892 Summer Part of Lucerne from the Lake. Belfry, etc., at Bruges. Tower at Rudesheim, on the Rhine. On the Meuse, Dinant Fair Time. Fishing-Boats in Rams- gate Harbour Sun- set. Venice from St. Giorgio. Underneath day's azure eyes Ocean's nursling Venice lies. Bellagio, on Lake of Como Morning. Entrance to the Port, Fecamp, Normandy. Church of St. Lawrence and Town Hall, Rot- terdam. Canal in Ghent, with the House of the Francs Bateliers. Entrance to the Grand Canal, Venice Early Morning. Winter Distant View of Nor- wich. On the Seine at Quille- boeuf Early Morning. Vevey, on the Lake of Geneva. 166 WILLIAM CALLOW Barnard Castle. Audernach, on the Rhine. Sea Piece. On the Lake of Como. The Castle, Lausanne. Dutch Boats on the Scheldt at Antwerp. 1893 Summer Blois, on the Loire A Summer Evening. Canal at Malines. Ancona from the Mole. Naples from the Strada di Posilipo. The Harbour, Genoa. Venice, on the Kiva dei Schiavoni. On the Adige, Verona. Venice from Belli Arti. A fairy City of the Heart Rising like water columns from the sea, Of joy the sojourn, and of wealth the mart. Childe Harold. Cochem, on the Moselle. 'Die Cathedral at Abbe- ville. The Old Bridge at Avignon. Winter The Lake, Guisachan, N.B. Ruins of the Teatro Marcellus, Rome. Woodland Scenery. Dolbadarn Castle, Llan- beris. Stormy Weather. French Fishing - Boats, Granville Harbour. Home from the Fishing. Beauchamp Chapel, Warwick. The Grand Canal, Venice Early Morn- ing. 1894 Summer Chateau d'Amboise, on the Loire, llheinfels and St. Goar, on the Rhine. Fortress and Town of Namur at the Junc- tion of the Sambre and Meuse. Castle of Schonburg, on the Rhine, from Ober- wesel. View in Rotterdam, and Church of St. Lawrence. Isola Peschiera from Baveno. Riva dei Schiavoni from the Piazzetta, Venice. Eh renbreitstein. Cross on the Fisch- markt, Lucerne. The Inner Harbour, Ramsgate Early Morning. OutheOld Market-Place Domo d' Ossola. Winter Palazzo Molino, Venice. Ullswater. Water Mill on the Seine. Venice from the St. Giorgio. Glen Etive. Canal in Ghent. Coast near Jlfracombe. A Fresh Breeze. Near the Village of Halton, Bucks. 1895 Summer From the Foscari Palace, Grand Canal, Venice Sunset. On the Beach at Hastings Sunset. Cathedral at Antwerp. The Grand Bateliers, Ghent Dutch Boats clearing out with the Tide. Old Houses at Trarbach, on the Moselle, since destroyed by Fire. Gravedonna, Head of Lake Como. Castle of Marksburg, on the Rhine. The Grand Canal, Venice, from the Rialto. Mayence, on the Rhine. Berncastel, on the Moselle. Winter Weston Mill, near Leamington. Coast at Sidmouth, Devon. Bolt Head, looking towards Salcombe. Gateway, Battle Abbey. Canal near the Frari, Venice. Naples Early Morn- ing. Vietri and Salerno from the Amalfi Road. 1896 Summer Eh renbreitstein, Distant View of. The Rialto, Venice. LIST OF PAINTINGS 167 Saumur, on the Loire. Lyons from the Junction of the Saone and Rhone. View of Dieppe from the Sea. The Pfalz with Caub and Gutenfels, on the Rhine. Tour de 1'Horloge, Rouen. The Old Weighing House, Amsterdam. Entrance to the Grand Canal, Venice Sun- set. Winter At Ilfracombe, North Devon. Castle and Town of Mont Richard, on the Cher. Sidmouth, South Devon. The Serpentine, Hyde Park. On the Grand Canal, Venice. Robin Hood's Bay, Yorkshire. 1897 Summer Casa d" Oro, near the Rialto, Venice. The Moselle Quai, Coblentz, with Ehreu- hreitstein. Cathedral of Beauvais, from the Market- place. Entrance to the Grand Canal, Venice. White swan of cities, slum- bering in thy nest, So wonderfully built among the reeds Of the lagoon, that fences thee and feeds, White water-lily cradled and caressed By ocean's streams, and from the silt and weeds Lifting thy golden filaments and seeds Thy sun-illumined spires, thy crown and crest ! LONGFELLOW. Rouen Early Morning. Fishing - Boats off St. Valery-en-Caux. Entrance to the Harbour, Weymouth. Old Houses at Cochem, on the Moselle. Amongst the Rocks at Marazion, Cornwall. Winter On the Galway Coast, Ireland. Fishing - Boats off the Heve Lights. Coast of Cornwall. Torquay, looking across the Bay. The Abbey Gate, Great Malvern. Street in Rouen. 1898 Summer Fortress and Town of Dinant, on the Meuse. A Summer Day on the Riva dei Schiavoni, Venice. Palaces near the En- trance of the Grand Canal, Venice. Entrance to the Port of Havre. Old Houses by the River at Maliues. Old Tower on the Quai, Frankfort. French Fishing-Boats off Dieppe. The Old Walls and Towers, Oberwesel, Rhine Market Day. Portsmouth from the Sea. Summer Evening Beil- stein. on the Moselle. Winter On the Tiber, near Ponte Rotto, Rome. Campo St. Augelo, Venice. Distant View o.f Men- tone. Fishing-Boats entering Dieppe Harbour. Schneider Gasse, Hanover. Chapelle St. Jean, Orleans. On the Lago Maggiore. 1899 Summer View of the Town and Lake of Lugano. Fishing-Boats in a Calm at the Mouth of the Seine. Distant View of Namur, on the Meuse. Ehrenbreitstein from the Moselle Bridge. Old Houses, Bacharach, on the Rhine. Staeu Street, Bruges. Notre Dame de Paris, from Bercy. Fishing - Boats off St. Valery-en-Caux. Vico, Bay of Naples. Tragetto St. Gregorio, Venice. 168 WILLIAM CALLOW Winter Street in Abbeville. Place in Ferrara. Porta San Andrea, Genoa. In a Reigate Lane. View from Tete Noir, Switzerland. Fishing - Boats at the Mouth of the Seine. 1900 Summer The Harbour, Bellagio, looking up Lake Como. Durham Cathedral, from the opposite Bank of the Wear. Dutch Boats running into Osteud Stormy Weather. Anderuach, on the Rhine Early Morning. Corner of Bacharach, near the Walls, on the Rhine. Piazza de Frutti, Padua. Alice Blanche and Lake Combal, from Col de la Seigne,Switzerland. Rue de la Boucherie, Calais, with the Old Semaphore Tower. Fishing - Boats leaving Havre. Winter Rue de 1'Herberie, Macon. St. Goar, looking across to Goarhausen. Canale de la Posta, Venice. Trarbach,on the Moselle. Lucerne from the Lake. Cathedral, Courtrai, Belgium. Easby Abbey /Yorkshire. 1901 Summer Namur, on the Meuse. Mont Richard, on the Cher, Cher et Loir, France. Market-Place, Lille. Tintern Abbey (West Window). Stirling Castle. Fishing-Boats at Tre- port, Normandy. Wyn Haven, Rotter- dam. Venice from the Dogana. Dymchurch, near Hythe. Winter Entrance to Leicester Hospital, Warwick. Street in Trent near the Cathedral. A Quiet Pool, Offchurch. Dutch Boats Rough Water. Canale della Posta, Venice. On the Beach, Lowes- toft. 1902 Summer On the Market-Place, Leipsic. On the Canal della Posta, Venice. C'ochem, on the Moselle. On the Adige, Verona. The Rialto, Venice, from the North. Beaugency,on the Loire. Castel Lettere, near Castellamare. French Fishing-Boats off Fecamp, Normandy. Interior of the Port of Havre. Winter Church of St. Sauveur, Caen, Normandy. Hastings Fishing- Boats returning. Old Timber Houses, Lisieux, Normandy. At the Back of the Campanile, Venice. Northgate Street, a Bit of Old Chester. Distant View of Inver- aray Rainy Weather. Cottage near Malvern. 1903 Summer Old Houses, dated 1605 and 1617, at Traben, Moselle. Villa d' Este and Villa of Macona, Tivoli. The Castle of Heidel- berg from above the Bridge. Old Houses in Water- gate Street, Chester. Distant View of Good- rich Court and Castle, on the Wye. Lake of Como from Bel- lagio Sunrise. Fishing-Boats entering the Harbour, Fecamp. Rustic Bridge over the East Lyn. Ruins of Marienburg, with the Winding Moselle. LIST OF PAINTINGS 169 Winter Beauchamp Chapel, Warwick. Home from Fishing. The Avon, Salisbury. Ruins of the Teatro Marcellus, Rome. Woodland Scenery. Dolbadaru Castle, Llan- beris. Stormy Weather. French Fishing-Boats, Grauville Harbour. The Grand Canal, Venice Early Morn- ing. 1904 Summer Castle and Town of Richmond, Yorkshire, from Clink Bank. Interior of the Port, Marseilles. Mont Blanc, Dome du Goute from Cha- mouny. St Valery - en - Caux, Normandy Entrance to the Harbour. Piazza delle Erbe, Verona. Dutch Boats at the Quai, Antwerp. Campanile in the Campo St. Polo, Venice. The Rhine at Ehren- breitstein Early Morning. Landing Fish at Lowes- toft. Distant View of Dieppe from the Sea. Winter In the Gloaming. Melrose Abbey Sketched from Nature, 1843. Distant View of Bam- boro' Castle Sketched from Nature, 1843. A Storm on the York- shire Coast. Bridge of Sighs from the Cauale della Posta, Venice. Sunset after a Storm. Hastings Fishing-Boats. 1905 Summer Fishing-Boats off the Coast of Normandy, near Grauville. Bolton Abbey, York- shire. Hauling up a Fishing- Boat, Hastings. The Mersey from Birken- head Stormy Sun- set. Fishing Quarter, Old Hastings Sunrise. Ruins of Llauthony Abbey Stormy Weather. From a Sketch at Pere la Chase. Water Mill, Lee, near Ilfracombe. Mercato Vecchio, Florence (since de- molished). Bamboro' Castle, North- umberland. Maison des Francs Bateliers, Ghent. Winter Sunset Study. Landscape Study. Beech Avenue,Inveraray. Edinburgh from Salis- bury Crags Painted from Nature, 1843. Durham Painted from Nature, 1843. Trarbach from Trabeu, on the Moselle. Painted from Nature, 1844. Street in Innsbruck. 1906 Summer On the Beach, Lyn- mouth, N. Devon. Grey Friars Hospital, Coventry. On the Grand Canal, Venice. Bologna, at the Foot of the Leaning Towers. DistantVie w of I n veraray Castle. Distant View of Win- chester. French Fishing-Boats in Harbour Low Water. Glen Rosa, Isle of Arran. Winter Rialto Foscari Palace, Venice. Culag Burn, Lochinver. Street in Tours, Loire. In the Grounds of Madeley Manor, Staffordshire. Richmond, Yorkshire. Abbey Church, Great Malvern. View of Worcester from the River. The Coast, Ilfracombe. Canal, Rotterdam. 22 170 WILLIAM CALLOW 1907 Summer Via di Porta Borsari, Verona. San Salute, Venice. Street Corner in Trar- bach, 1844. Market-Place, Ratisbon, 1853. St. Mary's Church, Rich- mond, before its Restoration. Water Mill on the East Lyn from Below. Water Mill on the East Lyn from Above. Cathedral at Antwerp, 1844. Street inTrarbach, 1844. On the Grand Canal, Venice. Distant View of Aber- gavenny. Winter Contarini Palace, Grand Canal, Venice. Rialto, Venice. Dover White Cliffs of Old England, 1845. Richmond, Yorks. , from River Swale, 1843. Rome from the Palatine Hill, 1848. Old Houses at Chester, 1902. Tragetto, St. Gregorio, Venice, 1880. St. Sauveur, Caen, Nor- mandy, 1902. Distant View of Durham, 1843. Old Houses near Wor- cester, 1848. Hereford, 1848. Inveraray, Border of the Lake, 1849. Florence, from St. Miniato, 1877. 1908 Summer Scarborough, 1842. All Hallows, Worcester, 1848. Verona, 1880. Abbey Church, Great Malvern, 1848. Near Crickhowell, 1848. Cochem, on the Moselle, 1844. Malvern Wells, 1848. Richmond, 1853. Marburg Buildings dated 1683-1871. Scarborough, 1842. Cottage at Great Malvern, 1902. Old Hall, Gainsborough, 1853. Rotterdam, 1845. Llanthony Abbey, 1848. Palace Pruili, Venice, 1880. Little Malveru, 1848. San Salute, Venice, 1882. Richmond, Yorkshire, 1858. NearHuddersfield, 1862. Worcester, 1848. Winter Ben Garve, Loch Assyut, 1861. Scarborough, 1842. Bridge of Ross, 1848. St. Nicholas, Ghent, 1844. Whitby, Yorks., 1851. Venice, 1840. OIL PAINTINGS EXHIBITED AT THE ROYAL ACADEMY 1850 Old Bridge at Nurem- berg. Fecamp iu Normandy Fishing-Boats enter- ing the Harbour ( Water-Colour). 1851 Canal Scene at Ghent Church of St. Nicholas. Broelon Toren, on the Lys at Courtrai. 1852 Porte Guillaume, Chartres. Lucerne. 1853 Mont Richard, on the Cher, France. Part of the Old Walls at Bacharach, on the Rhine. 1854 The Wartburg, the Place of Luther's Cap- tivity in 1521. Riva dei Schiavoni, Venice (Water- Colour). Porta della Carta, Venice. 1855 Near the Cathedral, Frankfort. Bridge Street, Chester. 1856 Rotterdam. 1857 The Piazza at Padua (Water-Colour). I860 The Piazza at Padua. 1862 Place at Ghent, with the Birthplace of Charles V. 1864 Derby Hall, Chester. 1866 St. Mary's Priory, Mon- mouth. Lympue Castle, Kent. 171 1867 Ford's Hospital, Coventry. 1869 Near the Market House, Ross, Herefordshire. 1870 Market-Placeat Leipzig. 1872 A Bit of Antiquity, Chester. 1874 Street in Frankfort. The Close at Salisbury, while under Repair. 1875 Entrance to the Close at Evesham. A Street in Hanover. 1876 Market-Place at Frank- fort, looking towards the Cathedral. OIL PAINTINGS EXHIBITED AT THE BRITISH INSTITUTION 1848 Canal Scene at Ghent Church of St Nicholas. The Bridge of Sighs, Venice. A Street in Frankfort, on the Maine. Old Houses at Trarbach, on the Moselle. 1849 The Poute della Paglia, Venice. The Kool Kaie, Ant- werp. 1850 A Street in Bologna, looking towards the Grand Square. The Trongate, Glasgow. 1851 Piazza, delle Erbe, Verona. The Hotel de Sens, Paris. At Frankfort. 1852 Looking up the Street at Innsbruck from the Golden Roof. Old Houses in Coney Street, York. 1853 The Town Hall of Courtrai, Belgium. Mill at Antwerp. 1854 Venice. Venice. Bacharach, on the Rhine. 1855 The Kauf-Haus on the Mosel-Quay, Coblenz. Market Day at Rich- mond, Yorkshire. 1856 High Street, Tewkes- bury. The Butter Cross, Salis- bury. 1857 Tintern Abbey. Abbeville Cathedral. 1858 The Rialto, Venice. 173 1859 Dover Beach in Old Times. Interior of the Port of Havre. I860 Goethe's House, Dom Plate, Frankfort. 1861 Fish Market, Malines. Rouen Cathedral. 1862 Rheinfels and St. Goar. 1863 Derby Hall, a Relic of Old Chester. Hanover. 1864 1866 Tower at Andernach, on the Rhine. Street in Milan. 1867 Lympne Castle, Kent Havre Sunset. INDEX Aberdeen, 114 Abergavenny, 101 Agen, 46 Aiguillon, 46 Aix, 56 Aix-la-Chapelle, 71 Albert, Prince Consort, 91, 103, 106, 118, 121 Alf, 93 Allee Blanche, 68 Alnwick, 90 Altdorf, 69 Amboise, 36 Amelie, Queen of France, 26, 80, 108 Amstag, 69 Amsterdam, 96 Ancona, 145 Andermatt, 69 Andernach, 70 Angeley, Madame, 25 Angera, 75 Angouleme, 42 Antwerp, 96, 105 Aosta, 68 Arezzo, 78 Argeles, 50 Aries, 54 Arona, 75 AskeHall, 115 Assisi, 78 Aston Clinton, 116 Auch, 47 Aumale, Due d', 72 Aumale, Duchesse d', 133 Auxerre, 60 Avignon, 56, 79 Avranches, 86 Babelsberg, 130, 131 Bach centenary, 105 Bacharach, 70 Baden-Baden, 70 Bagneres-de-Bigorre, 51 Bamborough Castle, 90 Barbezieux, 43 Basle, 144 Bayham Abbey, 136 Beaucaire, 53 Beaugency, 34 Bedgebury, 136 Bellaggio, 76 Bellinzona, 76 Bellisin, Marquis de, 23 Bentley, Charles, 4, 5, 62, 63, -64, 74, 86, 100, 101, 109 Beresford-Hope, Lady Mildred, 135 Beresford-Hope, Mr. A. J., M.P., 136 Berkhampstead, 112, 117 Berlin, 129, 131, 138 Berncastel, 93 Berwick, 90 Besancon, 67 Beziers, 52 Bingen, 70 Blanc, Mont, 67, 68 175 176 WILLIAM CALLOW Blois, 35, 114 Bodmer, German artist, 24 Bologna, 145 Bouingtou, R. P., 18 Bonn, 71, 137 Bouneval, 32 Bonneville, 67 Boppart, 70 Bordeaux, 44 Boulogne-sur-Mer, 63 Bourgueil, 38 Boys, Thomas Shorter, 18, 21, 22, 23, 27, 73 Brieg, 75 Brighton, 16 Bristol, 88 British Institution, 100, 104 Bruges, 91, 105 Bruhl, Countess, 127 Brunnen, 69 Brunswick, 107 Brussels, 71, 144 Bury, Lady Beaujolois, 85 Bute, Kyles of, 103 Cadenabbia, 76 Caen, 86, 109 Calais, 10, 17, 91, 144 Callow, John, 2, 29, 31, 63, 82, 94, 105, 111, 114 Callow, Mrs., death of, 143 Callow, William, birth, 1 ; appren- ticed, 4 ; went to Paris, 9 ; Associate of " Old Society," 64 ; returned to London, 81 ; first marriage, 94; Member of "Old Society," 100 ; Secretary of Old Society, 133 ; abandoned teaching, 142 ; second marriage, 144 ; congratulatory address, 147 ; " One Man's Show," 147 Cambrai, 31, 71 Cambridge, Duchess of, 106 Camden, Marquis of, 136 Campagna, 78 Candes, 38 Cannero, Mont, 76 Capri, Isle of, 146 Carcassonne, 52 Garden, 91 Carlsruhe, 70 Caroline, Queen, 2, 78 Cassel, 107 Castellamare, 79 Castel Lettere, 79 Castres, 45 Cattermole, G., 65 Cauterets, 50 Chailles, 36 Chalou, 59 " Cham," 72 Chambord, Chateau de, 34 Chamouny, 67, 68 Charles X., 12, 14 Chartres, 32 Chateaudun, 32 Chatsworth, 91 Chaunay, 41 Chenonceaux, 36 Chequers Court, 113 Cherniticheff, Viceroy of Poland, 65 Chesham, 112 Chester, 108 Claremont, 108 Clementine, Princess, 25, 64, 71, 73, 80, 82, 106, 108, 116, 122 Cleopatra's Needle, 143 Cluses, 67 Clyde, River, 89 Cobleuz, 70, 91, 119 Coburg, 121 Cochem, 92 Col de la Seigne, 68 Cologne, 71, 91, 97, .107, 137, 144 Combal, Lake, 68 Como, 76 Constable, John, R.A., 22 Constance, 69 Cooke, E. W., R.A., 22 Cooke, George, 22 Corfe Castle, 88 Courtrai, 105 Coutts, Miss Burdett, 135 INDEX 177 Couvercle, 68 Cox, David, 4, 102 Crewe, Miss, 88 Crewe Hall, 89 Crontille, 41 Croydon, 6, 17 Dartmouth, 88, 142 Delft, 90 Denmark, Queen of, 134 Devonshire, Duke of, 91 De Wint, Peter, 4, 102 Dickens, Charles, 101, 121 Dieppe, 16, 87, 109 Dijon, 67, 75 Disraeli, Benjamin, 135 Domaso, 76 Domo d' Ossola, 75 Donzere, 57 Dover, 10, 17, 63, 103, 144 Dresden, 138 Duff, Sir Grant, 140 Dufferin, Lord, 88 Dumas, Alexandre, 64 Dunkirk, 91 Durand-lluel, publisher, 63 Durham, 90 Dtisseldorf, 107 Edge, John, 4, 5, 28, 31 Edinburgh, 90, 114 Ehrenbreitstein, 70 Ellison Collection, 106 Elz, Schloss, 92 Ems, 137 Escaliadieu, 51 Etaples, 40 Evans " of Eton," 101 Exeter, 88 Faucigny, Comte de, 24 Ferrara, 77 Fielding, Copley, 3, 4, 5, 65, 101, 113 Fielding, Newton, 11, 13, 17, 18, 20, 21 Fielding, Thales, 5, 7, 10 Fielding, Theodore, 3, 4, 5, 6, 17 Fils, Monsieur, 53 Florence, 78, 146 Flower, Cyril (Battersea, Lord), 118 Fliielen, 69, 98 Foligno, 78 Folkestone, 115 Foutevrault, 38 Forman, Mr., 67, 68, 75, 78 Foster, Mrs., 20 Frankfort, 70, 107 Freiburg, 70 Frere, Mr. A., 120 Fripp, George, 133 Geneva, 67, 75 Genoa, 79, 141, 146 Germany, Crown Prince of, see Prussia Germany, Crown Princess of, see Prussia Ghent, 105 Giesseu, 137 Giradon, M., publisher, 61, 62 Glacier du Rhone, 69 Glasgow, 89, 103 Glennie, Arthur, 141 Goodrich Court, 101 Gragnano, 79 Grant and Speke, 121 Gravedona, 76 Great Missenden, 112 Greenwich, 1, 2 Grimsel, 69 Grindelwald, 69 Haarlem, 96 Hague, The, 95 Halberstadt, 139 Halton, 135 Hampden House, 113, 140 Handegg Waterfall, 69 Hanover, 107 Havre, 28, 62, 87, 109 Hawkins, Ca>sar, 115 Heath, Charles, publisher, (52, 6(> 23 178 WILLIAM CALLOW Heidelberg, 70, 137 Herculaneum, 79 Hereford, 100 Himley, Mr., 21, 29, 82 Hohenloe, Count, 130 Hohenloe, Countess, 127 Honfleur, 28 Hunt, Holman, 118 Hunt, William, 102 Illustrated London News, 103 Innsbruck, 97, 98 Interlacken, 68 Inveraray, 103 Jedburgh, 90 Joinville, Prince de, 26, 81, 82, 108 Jumieges, 28 Jungfrau, 68 Kalergi, Mr., 85 Katz, castle of, 70 Kemble, Adelaide (Mrs. Sartoris), 87 Kingsbridge, 142 Lac de Gaube, 50 La Chapin, 68 La Couroiine, 43 Langeais, 37 Langon, 45 Laimemezan, 51 La Palude, 57 Larbarlestier, Mr., 28 La Re'ole, 46 Lausanne, 67, 75, 146 Lauterbrunnen, 68 Lectoure, 47 Lee, 119 Leeds, 115 Leghorn, 79 Leipsic, 107 Le Pe'age, 59 Lewis, John, R. A., 26, 64, 65, 114 I^eydeu, 90 Liege, 71 Liddes, (58 Lille, 105 Limburg, 137 Lin/., 138 Lisieux, 109 Liverpool, 89, 109 Loriol, 58 Loudun, 39 Loueche, 68 Louis Philippe, King, 15, 24, 27 62, 73, 74, 107, 108 Louise, Princess, 134 Lourdes, 48, 49 Lowestoft, 29 Lucerne, 69, 99, 145 Lugano, 76 Luxor, the, 23 Luynes, 37 Lyme Regis, 88 Lyons, 59, 74, 79, 80 Mackenzie, J., 72 Macon, 59 Madeley Manor, 88, 89 Magdeburg, 139 Malines, 91 Manchester, 108 Mansle, 42 Marburg, 137 Marienburg, 93 Marmande, 46 Mars, Mdlle., 73 Marseilles, 54, 55, 79 Martigny, 68 Mayence, 70 Mayendorff, Baronne, 65 Mecklenberg - Strelitz, Grand Duchess of, 134 Melrose, 90 Mendelssohn's grave, 131 Mentmore, 116 Mer de Glace, 67 Meung, 33 Meyringen, 69 Me/e, 53 Migne, 41 Milan, 76, 145 Mirebeau, 40 INDEX 179 Moumouth, 101 Montanvert,