UC-NRLF be printed. , GIFT OF ^S /L, 1 . . . . -,! 9'' 63D CONGEESS ) 2d Session j SENATE j DOCUMENT | No. 582 RIVER AND HARBOR BILL COMPARATIVE PRINT SHOWING SECTION OF H. R. 13811 AN ACT MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, REPAIR, AND PRESERVATION OF CERTAIN PUBLIC WORKS ON RIVERS AND HARBORS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES AS PASSED BY THE HOUSE, AS REPORTED TO THE SENATE AND THE SUBSTITUTE SUBMITTED BY MR. BURTON SEPTEMBER 18 (CALENDAR DAT, SEPTEMBER 19), 1914. Ordered to be printed. WASHINGTON 1914 RIVER AND HARBOR BILL. H. R. 13811, AN ACT MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, REPAIR, AND PRES- ERVATION OF CERTAIN PUBLIC WORKS ON RIVERS AND HARBORS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. HOUSE BILL. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, .That the following sums of money be, and are hereby, appro- priated, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise ap- propriated, to be immediately avail- able, and to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War and the supervision of the Chief of Engineers, for the cons;ruction, completion, repair, and preservation of the public works hereinafter named : Improving Tenants Harbor, Maine : Completing improvement in accordance with the report submit- ted in Rivers and Harbors Commit- tee Document Numbered Twelve, Sixty-second Congress, third ses- sion, $12,500. Improving harbor at Portland, Maine: Continuing improvement, $105,000. Improving Wills Strait, Casco Bay, Maine: Completing improve- ment in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Fourteen hundred and sixteen, Sixty-second Congress, third session, $16,500. Improving Saint Croix River, Maine: Completing improvement, $84,000. Improving harbor at Burlington, Vermont: For maintenance and repair of breakwater, $2,000. Improving Narrows of Lake Champlain, New York and Ver- mont : For maintenance, $5,000. Improving harbor at Beverly, Massachusetts, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Two hundred and twenty, Sixty-third Congress, REPORTED SUBSTITUTE. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums of money be, and are hereby, appro- priated, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise ap- propriated, to be immediately avail- able, and to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War and the supervision of the Chief of Engineers, for the construction, completion, repair, and preservation of the public works hereinafter named: Improving Tenants Harbor, Maine : Completing improvement in accordance with the report submit- ted in Rivers and Harbors Commit- tee Document Numbered Twelve, Sixty-second Congress, third ses- sion, $12,500. Improving harbor at Portland, Maine : Continuing improvement, $105,000. Improving Wills Strait, Casco Bay, Maine: Completing improve- ment in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Fourteen hundred and sixteen, Sixty-second Congress, third session, $16,500. Improving Saint Croix River, Maine : Completing improvement, $8:, 000. Improving harbor at Burlington, Vermont: For maintenance and repair of breakwater, $2,000. Improving Narrows of Lake Champlain, New York and Ver- mont, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Num- bered Thirteen hundred and eighty- seven, Sixty-second Congress, third session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $200,000. Improving harbor at Beverly, Massachusetts, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Two hundred and twenty, Sixty-third Congress, BURTON SUBSTITUTE. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States oj America in Congress assembled, That the following sums of money be, and are hereby, appro- priated, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise ap- propriated, to be immediately avail- able, and to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War and the supervision of the Chief of Engineers, for the construction, completion, repair, and preservation of tlife public works hereinafter named: Improving harbor at Portland, Maine : Continuing improvement, $105,000. Improving Wills Strait, Casco Bay, Maine: Completing improve- ment in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Fourteen hundred and sixteen, Sixty-second Congress, third session, $16,500. Improving Saint Croix River, Maine : Completing improvement, $84,000. Improving harbor at Burlington, Vermont: For maintenance and repair of breakwater, $2,000. Improving Narrows of Lake Champlain, New York and Ver- mont, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Num- bered Thirteen hundred and eighty- seven, Sixty-second Congress, third session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $200,000. Improving" harbor at Beverly, Massachusetts, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Two hundred and twenty, Sixty-third Congress, 3 305724 BIVEB AND HABBOE BILL. HOUSE BILL. first session, and subject to the con- ditions set forth in said document, as modified in the report in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered Eight, Sixty-third Con- gress, second session, $123,000. Improving harbor at Salem, Mas- sachusetts: For maintenance, $7,500. Improving harbor at Boston, Massachusetts: For maintenance, $200,000. Improving Pollock Rip Channel, Massachusetts : Continuing improve- ment, $125,000. Improving harbor at New Bed- ford and Fairhaven, Massachusetts : Completing improvement and for maintenance, $67,000. The para- graph providing for the improve- ment of harbor at New Bedford and Fairhaven, Massachusetts, in the river and harbor Act approved July twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and twelve, is hereby amended in accordance with recommendation in the report in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered Thirteen, Sixty-third Congress, sec- ond session, to read as follows: "Improving harbor at New Bed- ford and Fairhaven, Massachusetts, in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Four hundred and forty-two, Sixty-second Congress, second ses- sion, $56,610: Provided, That no work shall be undertaken on the REPORTED SUBSTITUTE. first session, and subject to the con- ditions set forth in said document, as modified in the report in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered Eight, Sixty-third Con- gress, second session, $123,000. Improving harbor at Salem, Mas- sachusetts : For maintenance, $7,500. Improving harbor at Boston, Massachusetts: For maintenance, $200,000. Improving Maiden River, Massa- chusetts: The amount appropriated for this improvement by the river and harbor Act approved July twenty- fifth, nineteen hundred and twelve, is hereby made available for expenditure on the modified project recommended in the report submitted in House Document Numbered Eight hundred and seventy-eight, Sixty-third Con- gress, second session, subject to the conditions set forth in said document. Improving Weymouth Fore River, Massachusetts: Of the balance re- maining available from the appropria- tion made for this improvement by the river and harbor Act approved Febru- ary twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and eleven, so much as shall be neces- sary is hereby authorized to be ex- pended in increasing the width of the existing eighteenrfoot channel to approximately four hundred feet, as recommended in the report submitted in House Document Numbered Eight hundred and three, Sixty-third Con- gress, second session. Improving Pollock Rip Channel, Massachusetts: Continuing improve- ment, $125,000. Improving harbor at New Bed- ford and Fairhaven, Massachusetts: Completing improvement and for maintenance, $67,000. The para- graph providing for the improve- ment of harbor at New Bedford and Fairhaven, Massachusetts, in the river and harbor Act approved July twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and twelve, is hereby amended in accordance with recommendation in the report in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered Thirteen, Sixty-third Congress, sec- ond session, to read as follows: "Improving harbor at New Bed- ford and Fairhaven, Massachusetts, in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Four hundred and forty-two, Sixty-second Congress, second ses- sion. $56,610: Provided, That no wort shall be undertaken on the BURTON SUBSTITUTE. first session, andVubject to the con- ditions set forth in said document, as modified in the report in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered Eight, Sixty-third , Con- gress, second session, $123,000. Improving harbor at Salem, Mas- sachusetts : For maintenance, $7,500. ' Improving harbor at Boston, Massachusetts : For maintenance, $200,000. Improving Maiden River, Massa- chusetts: Ihe amount appropriated for this improvement by the river and harbor Act approved July twenty- fifth, nineteen hundred and twelve, is hereby made available for expenditure on the modified project recommended in the report submitted in House Document Numbered Eight hundred and seventy-eight, Sixty-third Con- gress, second session, subject to the conditions set forth in said document. Improving Weymouth Fore River, Massachusetts: Of the balance re- maining available from the appropria- tion made for this improvement by the river and harbor Act approved Febru- ary twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and eleven, so much as shall be neces- sary is hereby authorized to be ex- pended in increasing the width of the existing eighteen-foot channel to approximately four hundred feet, as recommended in the report submitted in House Document Numbered Eight hundred and three, Sixty-third Con- gress, second session. Improving Pollock Rip Channel, Massachusetts: Continuing improve- ment, $125,000. Improving harbor at New Bed- ford and Fairhaven, Massachusetts: Completing improvement and for maintenance, $67,000. The para- graph providing for the improve- ment of harbor at New Bedford and Fairhaven, Massachusetts, in the river and harbor Act approved July twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and twelve, is hereby amended in accordance with recommendation in the report in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered Thirteen, Sixty-third Congress, sec- ond session, to read as follows: "Improving harbor at New Bed- ford and Fairhaven, Massachusetts, in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Four Hundred and forty-two, Sixty-second Congress, second ses- sion, $56,610: Provided, That no work shall be undertaken on the RIVER AND HARBOR BILL. HOUSE BILL. project herein adopted until the local authorities shall provide a draw opening in the bridge at Cog- geshall Street affording at least eighty feet horizontal clearance and the city shall construct a substan- tial wharf upon its property at Belleville.; 1 Improving harbor at Fall River, Massachusetts: For maintenance, $12,000. Improving Providence River and Harbor, Rhode Island: That the second proviso in the paragraph of the river and harbor Act approved March fourth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, providing for the im- provement of Providence River and Harbor, Rhode Island, be mod- ified in accordance with recommen- dation in the report in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered Nine, Sixty-third Con- gress, second session, to read as follows: "Provided further, That no work in the harbor proper north of Fields Point shall be done until the Secretary of War is satisfied that the State and the city have com- pleted their proposed expenditures in the combined Providence and Pawtucket Harbors up to at least $2,000,000 for public terminals or other permanent harbor improve- ments, or shall have given to the Secretary of War assurance satis- factory to him that the expenditure of the" $2,000,000 aforesaid will be completed within a time satisfac- tory to him and not later than three years from the passage of this amendment." Improving harbor at Stonington, Connecticut: For maintenance, $6,000. Improving harbor at New Lon- don, Connecticut, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Six hundred and thirteen, Sixty-third Congress, second session, and subject to ihe conditions set forth in said docu- ment, $170,000. Improving harbor at New Haven, Connecticut: Continuing improve- ment and for maintenance, $70,000. Improving harbor at Milford, Connecticut: Completing improve- ment in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Num- bered Two hundred and thirty- two, Sixty-third Congress, first ses- sion, $6,700. REPORTED SUBSTITUTE. project herein adopted until the local authorities shall provide a draw opening in the bridge at Cog- geshall Street affording at least eighty feet horizontal clearance and the city shall construct a substan- tial wharf upon its property at Belleville.;' Improving harbor at Fall River, Massachusetts: For maintenance, $12,000. Improving Providence River and Harbor, Rhode Island: That the second proviso in the paragraph of the river and harbor Act approved March fourth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, providing for the im- provement of Providence River and Harbor, Rhode Island, be mod- ified in accordance with recommen- dation in the report in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered Nine, Sixty-third Con- gress, second session, to read as follows: "Provided further, That no work in the harbor proper north of Fields Point shall be done until the Secretary of War is satisfied that the State and the city have com- pleted their proposed expenditures in the combined Providence and Pawtucket Harbors up to at least $2,000,000 for public terminals or other permanent harbor improve- ments, or shall have given to the Secretary of War assurance satis- factory to him that the expenditure of the $2,000,000 aforesaid will be completed within a time satisfac- tory to him and not later than three years from the passage of this amendment." Improving harbor at Stonington, Connecticut : For maintenance, $6,000. Improving harbor at New Lon- don, Connecticut, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Six hundred and thirteen, Sixty-third Congress, second session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said docu- ment, $70,000. Improving harbor at New Haven, Connecticut: Continuing improve- ment and for maintenance, $30,000. Improving harbor at Milford, Connecticut : Completing improve- ment in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Num- bered Two hundred and thirty- two, Sixty-third Congress, first ses- sion, $6,700. BURTON SUBSTITUTE. project herein adopted until the local authorities shall provide a draw opening in the bridge at Cog- geshall Street affording at least eighty feet horizontal clearance and the city shall construct a substan- tial wharf upon its property at Belleville." Improving harbor at Fall River, Massachusetts: For maintenance, $12,000. Improving Providence River and Harbor, Rhode Island: That the second proviso in the paragraph of the river and harbor Act approved March fourth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, providing for the im- provement of Providence River and Harbor, Rhode Island, be mod- ified in accordance with recommen- dation in the report in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered Nine, Sixty-third Con- gress, second session, to read as follows: " Provided further, That no work in the harbor proper north of Fields Point shall be done until the Secretary of War is satisfied that the State and the city have com- pleted their proposed expenditures in the combined Providence and Pawtucket Harbors up to at least $2,000,000 for public terminals or other permanent harbor improve- ments, or shall have given to the Secretary of War assurance satis- factory to him that the expenditure of the $2,000,000 aforesaid will be completed within a time satisfac- tory to him and not later than three years from the passage of this amendment." Improving harbor at Stonington, Connecticut: For maintenance, $6,000. Improving harbor at New Lon- don, Connecticut, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Six Hundred and thirteen, Sixty-third Congress, second session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said docu- ment, $70,000. Improving harbor at New Haven, Connecticut: Continuing improve- ment and for maintenance, $30,000. Improving harbor at Milford, Connecticut: Completing improve- ment in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Two hundred and thirty- two, Sixty-third Congress, first ses- sion, $6,700. BIVEB AND HABBOB BILL. 6 HOUSE BILL. Improving harbor at Greenwich, Connecticut: Completing improve- ment in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Two hundred and eighty- nine, Sixty-third Congress, first session, $35,000. Improving Thames Kiver, Con- necticut: For maintenance, $10,000. Improving Connecticut River, Connecticut: For maintenance of improvement below Hartford, $15,000. Improving Connecticut River, Connecticut: Of the appropriation authorized in the river and harbor Act approved July twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and twelve, so much as may be necessary, may, in the discretion of the Chief of Engi- neers, be expended for maintenance dredging in said river above Hart- ford. Improving harbor at Port Ches- ter, New York: Continuing im- provement, $15,000. Improving Sterling Basin, Green- port Harbor, New York: Complet- ing improvement in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Eight hun- dred and seventy-four, Sixty-first Congress, second session, $22,500. Improving harbor at Mattituck, New York: Continuing improve- ment and for maintenance, $10,000. Improving harbor at Huntington, New York: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving Hempstead Harbor, New York: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving harbor at Saugerties, New York: Coiilinuing improve- ment and for maintenance, $2,500. Improving harbor at Rondout, New York: For maintenance, $5,000. S. Doc. 582, 63-2 2* BEPOBTED SUBSTITUTE. Improving harbor at Greenwich, Connecticut: Completing improve- ment in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Two hundred and eighty- nine, Sixty- third Congress,' first session, $35,000. Improving Thames River, Con- necticut: For maintenance, $10,000. Improving Connecticut River, Connecticut: For maintenance of improvement below Hartford, $15,000. BUBTON SUBSTITUTE. Improving harbor at Greenwich, Connecticut: Completing improve- ment in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Two hundred and eighty- nine, Sixty-third Congress, first session, $35,000. Improving Thames River, Con- necticut: For maintenance, $10,000. Improving Connecticut River, Connecticut: For maintenance of improvement below Hartford, $15,000. Improving harbor at Bridgeport, Connecticut: Completing improve- ment in accordance with the report submitted^ in House Document Num- bered Eight hundred and ninety- eight, Sixty-third Congress, second session, $50,000. The unexpended balance of appropriations heretofore made for improvement of the harbor at Bridgeport, Connecticut, is hereby made available for continuing im- provement of said harbor in accord- ance with the report submitted in said House Document Numbered Eight hundred and ninety-eight, Sixty-third Congress, second session. Improving harbor at Bridgeport, Connecticut: > Completing improve- ment in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Num- bered Eight hundred and ninety- eight, Sixty-third Congress, second session, $50,000. The unexpended balance of appropriations heretofore made for improvement of the harbor at Bridgeport, Connecticut, is hereby made available for continuing im- provement of said harbor in accord- ance with the report submitted in said House Document Numbered Eight hundred and ninety-eight, Sixty-third Congress, second session. Improving harbor at Port Ches- Improving harbor at Port Ches- ter, New York: Continuing im- ter, New York: Continuing im- provement, $15,000. provement, $15,000. Improving harbor at Mattituck, New York: Continuing improve- ment and for maintenance, $10,000. Improving harbor at Huntington, New York: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving Hempstead Harbor, New York: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving harbor at Saugerties, New York: Continuing improve- ment and for maintenance, $2,500. Improving harbor at Rondout, New York: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving harbor at Mattituck, New York: COMPLETING improve- ment and for maintenance, $14,350. Improving harbor at Huntington, New York: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving Hempstead Harbor, New York: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving harbor at Saugerties, New York: Continuing improve- ment and for maintenance, $2,500. Improving harbor at Rondout, New York: For maintenance, $5,000. BIVEB AND HAKBOB BILL. HOUSE BILL. Improving harbor -at Tarrytown, New York: Completing improve ment and for maintenance, $8,000. Improving Sheepshead Bay, New York: For maintenance, S3, 000. Improving New York Harbor, New York: Improving channel in upper bay in accordance with the report submitted in House Docu- ment Numbered Five hundred and eighteen, Sixty-third Congress, sec- ond session, $250,000. Improving channel in Gowanus Bay, New York: Continuing im- provement of Bay Ridge and Red Hook Channels, $300,000. Improving Hudson River Chan- nel of New York Harbor, New York : Continuing improvement, $125,000. Improving harbor at Buffalo, New York: Completing improve- ment, $167,375. Improving Black Rock Harbor, New. York: The unexpended bal- ances of appropriations heretofore made and authorized for the im- provement of Black Rock Harbor and Channel, New York, and Tpna- wanda Harbor and Niagara River, New York, are hereby consolidated and made available for completing improvement of Black Rock Harbor and Channel and Tonawanda Har- bor in accordance with the report submitted in House "Document Numbered Six hundred and fifty- eight, Sixty- third Congress, second session, and subject to the con- ditions set forth in said document. Improving harbor at Charlotte, New York: For maintenance, $24,000. Improving harbor at Oswego, New York: Continuing improve- ment in accordance with plan A and for maintenance, $100,000. Improving harbor at Plattsburg, New York : For maintenance, $2,000. Improving Bronx River, New York: Continuing improvement, $100,000. REPORTED SUBSTITUTE. Improving harbor at Tarrytown, New York: Completing improve- ment and for maintenance, $8,000. Improving Sheepshead Bay, New York: For maintenance, $3,000. Improving New York Harbor, New York: Improving channel in upper bay in accordance with the report submitted in House Docu- ment Numbered Five hundred and eighteen, Sixty-third Congress, sec- ond session, $150,000. Improving channel in Gowanus Bay, New York: Continuing im- 6x>vement of Bay Ridge and Red ook Channels, $200,000. Improving Hudson River Chan- nel of New York Harbor, New York : Continuing improvement, $125,000 : Provided, That of the amount heretofore appropriated or authorized the unused balance of the estimate for removing the shoal off Hamburg Avenue, Hobolcen, to a depth of forty feet may be applied to such further dredging to that depth as may be required for the safe maneuv- ering of the deep-draft vessels using that part of the harbor. Improving harbor at Buffalo, New York: Completing improve- ment, $167,375. Improving Black Rock Harbor, New York: The unexpended bal- ances of appropriations heretofore made and authorized for the im- provement of Black Rock Harbor and Channel, New York, and Tona- wanda Harbor and Niagara River, New York, are hereby consolidated and made available for completing improvement of Black Rock Harbor and Channel and Tonawanda Har- bor in accordance with the report submitted in House Docuri ent Numbered Six hundred and fifty- eight, Sixty-third Congress, second session, and subject to the con- ditions set forth in said document. Improving harbor at ( harlotte, New York: For maintenance, $24,000. Improving harbor at 1 Oswogo, New York: Continuing improve- ment in accordance with plan A and for maintenance, $100,000. Improving harbor at Plattsburg, New York: For maintenance, $2,000. Improving Bronx River, New York : Continuing improvement, $100,000. BURTON SUBSTITUTE. Improving harbor at Tarrytown, New York: Completing improve- ment and for maintenance, $8,000. Improving Sheepshead Bay, New York: For maintenance, $3,000. Improving New York Harbor, New York: Improving channel in upper bay in accordance with the report submitted in House Docu- ment Numbered Five hundred and eighteen, Sixty-third Congress, sec- ond session, $150,000. Improving channel in Gowanus Bay, New York: Continuing im- provement of Bay Ridge and Red Hook Channels, $200,000. Improving Hudson River Chan- nel of New York Harbor, New York: Continuing improvement, $125,000 Improving harbor at Buffalo, New York: Completing improve- ment, $167,375. Improving Black Rock Harbor, New York: The unexpended bal ances of appropriations heretofore made and authorized for the im- provement of Black Rock Harbor and Channel, New York, and Tona- wanda Harbor and Niagara River, New York, are hereby consolidated and made available for completing improvement of Black Rock Harbor and Channel and Tonawanda Har- bor in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Six hundred and fifty- eight, Sixty-third Congress, second session, and subject to the con- ditions set forth in said document. Improving harbor at Charlotte, New York: For maintenance, $24,000. Improving harbor at Oswego, New York: Continuing improve- ment in accordance with plan A and for maintenance, $100,000. Improving harbor at Plattsburg, New York: COMPLETING IMPROVE- MENT AND for maintenance, $2,868. Improving Bronx River, New York : Continuing improvement, $100,000. BIVER AND HAEBOB BILL. 8 HOUSE BILL. Improving East Chester Creek, New York: Continuing improve- ment, $20,000. Improving Westchester Creek, New York: Completing improve- ment, $36,500. Improving East River and Hell Gate, New York, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered One hundred and eighty-eight, Sixty- third Con- gress, first session, $500,000: Pro- vided, That so much as may be necessary of this and any other appropriations made for specific portions 'of New York Harbor and its immediate tributaries may be allotted by the Secretary of War for the maintenance of these water- ways by the collection and removal of drift. Improving Harlem River, New York: Continuing improvement, $100,000; and the Secretary of War is authorized and directed to cede to the State of New York all the lands heretofore acquired by the United States in the bed of that part of the Harlem River lying out- side of the channel lines proposed for the Harlem River improvement in project numbered three, printed in House Document Numbered Five hundred and fifty-sevtn, Sixty- second Congress, second session, to a new bulkhead line to be estab- lished by the Secretary of War along the lines of said channel according to the project: Provided, That the cession hereby authorized and made shall take effect only upon the cession to the United States by the State of New York of the land and land under water with any improve- ments thereon lying between the channel lines proposed in said proj- ect : Provided further, That posses- sion of the land hereby authorized to be ceded by the United States to the State of New York shall not be surrendered to said State until and only when the Chief of Engineers of the United States Army shall have certified that the new channel is open for navigation and that the land ceded is no longer necessary for the right of way of the Harlem River Ship Canal. Improving Newtown Creek, New York: For maintenance, $30,000. Improving Hudson River, New York: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $750,000. REPORTED SUBSTITUTE. Improving East Chester Creek, New York: Continuing improve- ment, $20,000. Improving Westchester Creek, New York: Completing improve- ment, $36,500. Improving East River and Hell Gate, New York, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered One hundred and eighty-eight, Sixty-third Con- gress, first session, $400,000: Pro- vided, That so much as may be necessary of this and any other appropriations made for specific portions of New York Harbor and its immediate tributaries may be allotted by the Secretary of War for the maintenance of these water- ways by the collection and removal of drift. Improving Harlem River, New York: Continuing improvement, $100,000; and the Secretary of War is authorized and directed 4o cede to the State of New York all the lands heretofore acquired by the United States in the bed of that part of the Harlem River lying out- side of the channel lines proposed for the Harlem River improvement in project numbered three, printed in House Document Numbered Five hundred and fifty-seven, Sixty- second Congress, second session, to a new bxilkhcad line to bo estab- lished by the Secretary of War along the lines of said channel according to the project: Provided, That the cession hereby authorized and made shall take effect only upon the cession to the United States by the State of Now York of the land and land under water with any improve- ments thereon lying between the channel lines proposed in said proj- ect : Provided further, That posses- sion of the. land hereby authorized to bo cedod by the United States to the State of New York shall not be surrendered to said State until and only when the Chief of Engineers of the United States Army shall have certified that the new channel is open for navigation and that the land ceded is no longer necessary for the right of way of the Harlem River Ship Canal. Improving Newtown Creek, New York: For maintenance, $30,000. Improving Hudson River, New York : Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $750,000. BURTON SUBSTITUTE. Improving East Chester Creek, New York: Continuing improve- ment, $20,000. Improving Westchester Creek, Now York: Completing improve- ment, $36,500. Improving East River and Hell Gate, New York, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered One hundred and eighty-eight, Sixty-third Con- gress, first session, $400,000: Pro- vided, That so much as may be necessary of this and any other appropriations made for specific portions of New York Harbor and its immediate tributaries may be allotted by the Secretary of War for the maintenance of those water- ways by the collection and removal of drift. Improving Harlem River, New York: Continuing improvement, $100,000; and the Secretary of War is authorized and directed to cede to the State of New York all the lands heretofore acquired by the United States in the bed of that part of the Harlem River lying out- side of the channel lines proposed for the Harlem River improvement in project numbered three, printed in House Document Numbered Five hundred and fifty-seven, Sixty- second Congress, second session, to a new bulkhead line to be estab- lished by the Secretary of War along the lines of said channel according to the project: Provided, That the cession hereby authorized and made shall take effect only upon the cession to the United States by the State of New York of the land and land under water with any improve ments thereon lying between the channel lines proposed in said proj- ect: Provided further, That posses- sion of the land hereby authorized to be ceded by. the United States to the State of New York shall not be surrendered to said State until and only when the Chief of Engineers of the United States Army shall have certified that the new channel is open for navigation and that the land ceded is no longer necessary for the right of way of the Harlem River Ship Canal. Improving Newtown Creek, New York: For maintenance, $30,000. Improving Hudson River, New York: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $750,000. BIVEB AND HABBOB BILL. 9 HOUSE BILL. Improving Hudson River at Os- sining, New York, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Three hun- dred and fifty, Sixty-third Congress, second session, $35,000. Improving Staten Island Sound, New York and New Jersey: Con- tinuing improvement, $500,000. Improving Raritan Bay, New Jersey: For maintenance, $20,000. Improving Newark Bay and Pas- saic River, New Jersey: Continuing improvement, $150,000. Improving Woodbridge Creek, New Jersey: For maintenance, $6,000. Improving Keyport Harbor, Mat- awan Creek, Raritan, South, and Elizabeth Rivers, Shoal Harbor and Compton Creek, and Cheesequake Creek, New Jersey: For mainte- nance, $8,000. Improving Matawan Creek, New Jersey: Completing improvement in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Forty-three, Sixty-third Con- gress, first session, $72,000. Improving Raritan River, New Jersey, in accordance with the re- port submitted in House Document Numbered Thirteen hundred and forty-one, Sixty-second Congress, third session, $250,000. Improving Shoal Harbor and Compton Creek, New Jersey: Com- pleting improvement in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Forty, Sixty- third Congress, first session, $56,800. Improving Shrewsbury River, New Jersey: For maintenance, $10,000; for improvement in ac- cordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Twelve hundred and ninety-six, Sixty-second Congress, third ses- sion, $100,000; in all, $110,000. Improving Cooper River, New Jersey: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving Raccoon Creek, New Jersey: For maintenance, $8,000. Improving Salem River, New Jersey:- For maintenance, $10,000. Improving Alloway Creek, New Jersey: For maintenance, $3,000. Improving Maurice Rivor, New Jersey: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $30,000. Improving Toms River, New Jersey: For maintenance, $1,000. BEPOBTED SUBSTITUTE. Improving Hudson River at Os- sining, New York, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Three hun- dred and fifty, Sixty-third Congress, second session, $35,000. Improving Staten Island Sound, New York and New Jersey: Con- tinuing improvement, $400,000. Improving Raritan Bay, New Jersey: For maintenance, $20,000. Improving Newark Bay and Pas- saic River, New Jersey: Continuing improvement, $150,000. Improving Woodbridge Creek, Now Jersey: For maintenance, $6,000. Improving Keyport Harbor, Mat- awan Creek, Raritan, South, and Elizabeth Rivers, Shoal Harbor and Compton Creek, and Cheesequake Creek, New Jersey: For mainte- nance, $8,000. BUBTON SUBSTITUTE. Improving Raritan River, New Jersey, in accordance with the re- port submitted in House Document Numbered Thirteen hundred and forty-one, Sixty-second Congress, third session, $150,000. Improving Shoal Harbor and Compton Creek, New Jersey: Com- pleting improvement in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Forty, Sixty- third Congress, first session, $56,800. Improving Shrewsbury River, New Jersev: For maintenance, $10,000. Improving Cooper River, New Jersey: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving Raccoon Creek, New Jersey: For maintenance, $8,000. Improving Salem River, New Jersey: For maintenance, $10,000. Improving Alloway Creek, New Jersey: For maintenance, $3,000. Improving Maurice River, New Jersey: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $30,000. Improving Toms River, New Jersey: For maintenance, $1,000. Improving Staten Island Sound, New York and New Jersey: Con- tinuing improvement, $400,000. Improving Raritan Bay, New Jersey: For maintenance, $20,000. Improving Newark Bay and Pas- saic River, New Jersey: Continuing improvement, $150,000. Improving Woodbridge Creek, New Jersey: For maintenance, $6,000. Improving Keyport Harbor, Mat- awan Creek, Raritan, South, and Elizabeth Rivers, Shoal Harbor and Compton Creek, and Cheesequake Creek, New Jersey: For mainte- nance, $8,000. Improving Shoal Harbor and Compton Creek, New Jersey: Com- pleting improvement in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Forty, Sixty- third Congress, first session, $56,800. Improving Shrewsbury River, New Jersey: For maintenance, $10,000. Improving Cooper River, New Jersey: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving Raccoon Creek, New Jersey: For maintenance, $8,000. Improving Salem River, New Jersey: For maintenance, $10,0(10. Improving Alloway Creek, New Jersey: For maintenance, $3,000. Improving Maurice River, New Jersey: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $30,000. Improving Toms River, New Jersey: For maintenance, $1,000. BIVEB AND HAEBOB BILL. 10 HOUSE BILL. Improving harbor at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving Monongahela River, Pennsylvania, by the reconstruc- tion of Lock and Dam Numbered Six: Completing improvement, $178,200. Improving Chester River, Penn- sylvania: Completing improvement in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Six hundred and seventy- seven, Sixty-second Congress, sec- ond session, $3,600. Improving Delaware River, Penn- sylvania, New Jersey, and Dela- ware: Continuing improvement and for maintenance from Allegheny Avenue, Philadelphia, to the sea, $1,000,000: Provided, That the Sec- retary of War may. enter into a contract or contracts for such ma- terials and work as may be neces- sary to prosecute the said project, to be paid for as appropriations may frc m time to time oe made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate $1,000,000, exclusive of the amounts herein and heretofore appropriated. Improving harbor at Wilming- ton, Delaware: For maintenance, $40,000. Improving Appoquinimink, Mur- derldll, and Mispfllion River*, Dela- ware : Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $22,000. Improving Appoquinimink River, Delaware : Completing improve- ment in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered One hundred and forty- nine, Sixty-third Congress, first ses- sion, $11,000. REPORTED SUBSTITUTE. Improving Absecon Inlet, New Jersey: The appropriation condi- tionally made by the river and harbor Act of March fourth, nineteen hun- dred and thirteen, for the purpose of dredging to Tceep an open channel until the completion of the dredge previously authorized is hereby made available or the maintenance and operation off said dredge after completion. Improving harbor at Pittsburgh -, Pennsylvania : For maintenance, $5,000. Improving Monongahela River, Pennsylvania, by the reconstruc- tion of Lock and Dam Numbered Six : Completing . improvement, $178,200. Improving Chester River, Penn- sylvania: Completing improvement in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Six hundred and seventy- seven, Sixty-second Congress, sec- ond session, $3,600. Improving Delaware River, Penn- sylvania, New Jersey, and Dela- ware : Continuing improvement and for maintenance from Allegheny Avenue, Philadelphia, to the sea, $1,000,000. BURTON SUBSTITUTE. Improving harbor at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving Monongahela River, Pennsylvania, by the reconstruc- tion of Lock and Dam Numbered Six : Completing improvement, $178,200. Improving Chester River, Penn- sylvania: Completing improvement in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Six hundred and seventy- seven, Sixty second Congress, sec- ond session, $3,600. Improving Delaware River, Penn- sylvania, New Jersey, and Dela- ware : Continuing improvement and for maintenance from Allegheny Avenue, Philadelphia, to the sea, $1,000,000. Improving harbor at Wilming- Improving harbor at Wilming- ton, Delaware: For maintenance, ton, Delaware: For maintenance, $40,000. $40,000. of which amount $5,000, or so much thereof as shall be necessary, may be expended in the completion of the dredging plant and appurtenances heretofore authorized. Improving Appoquinimink, Mur- derkill, and Mispillion Rivers, Dela- ware : Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $22,000. Improving Appoquinimink River, Delaware: Completing improve- ment in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered One hundred and forty- nine, Sixty-third Congress, first ses- sion, $11,000. of which amount $5,000, or so much thereof as shall be necessary, may be expended in the completion of the dredging plant and appurtenances heretofore authorized. Improving Appoquinimink, Mur- derkill, and Mispillion Rivers, Dela- ware : Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $22,000. Improving Appoquinimink River, Delaware : Completing improve- ment in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered One hundred and forty- nine, Sixty-third Congress, first ses- sion, $11,000. S. Doc. 582, 63-2 3* KIVER AND HAHBOE BILL. 11 HOUSE BILL. Improving Murderkill River, Del- aware, in accordance with the report submitted in ITou-^e Document Numbered Ten hundred and fifty- eight, Sixty-second Congress, third session, $12,000: Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States for acquiring any lands required for the purpose of this improvement. Improving Mispillion River, Dela- ware, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Six hundred and seventy- eight, Sixty-second Congress, second session, $35,200 : Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States for acquiring any lands required for the purpose of this improvement. Improving Little River, Dela- ware: For maintenance, $1,000. Improving Leipsic River, Dela- ware: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving inland waterway be- tween Rehoboth Bay and Delaware Bay, Delaware: Continuing im- provement, $60,000 : Provided, That the Secretary of War is hereby au- thorized to condemn a right of way through the tracks of the Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia Railway Company where the line of said wa- terway intersects said railroad tracks, the basis of condemnation to be the building, maintenance, and operation of a proper drawbridge by the United States, or the payment by the United States to the railroad company of such sum of money as may be awarded in the condemna- BEPOBTED SUBSTITUTE. Improving Murderkill River, Del- aware, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Ten hundred and fifty- eight, Sixty-second Congress, third session, $12,000: Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States for acquiring any lands required for the purpose of this improvement. Improving Mispillion River, Dela- ware, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Six hundred and seventy- eight, Sixty-second Congress, second session, $35,200: Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States for acquiring any lands required for the purpose of this improvement. Improving Saint Jones River, Del- aware: TTie provisos attached to the items making appropriation for the improvement of Saint Jones River, Delaware, in the river and harbor Acts of June twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and ten, and February twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and eleven, are hereby modified to read as follows: Provided, That no part of said amount shall be expended for the excavation of any cut-off until a satis- factory title to the land required for that cut-off shall have been trans- ferred to the United States, free of cost, and the United States shall have been released from all claims for damages arising from the proposed diversion of the stream. Improving Little River, Dela- ware: For maintenance, $1,000. Improving Leipsic River, Dela- ware: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving inland waterway be- tween Rehoboth Bay and Delaware Bay, Delaware: Continuing im- provement, $109,000: ' Provided, That the Secretary of War is hereby au- thorized to condemn a right of way through the tracks of The Delaware. Maryland, and Virginia Railroad Company where the line of said wa- terway intersects said railroad tracks, the basis of condemnation to be the building, maintenance, and operation of a proper drawbridge by the United States, or the payment by the United States to the railroad company of such sum of money as may be awarded in the condemna- BUBTON SUBSTITUTE. Improving Murderkill River, Del- aware, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Ten hundred and fifty- eight, Sixty-second Congress, third session, $12,000: Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States for acquiring any lands required for the purpose of this improvement. Improving Mispillion River, Dela- ware, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Six hundred and seventy-eight, Sixty-second Con- gress, second session, $35,200: Pro- vided, That no expense shall be in- curred by the United States for acquiring any lands required for the purpose of this improvement. Improving Saint Jones River, Del- aware: The provisos attached to the items making appropriation for the improvement of Saint Jones River, Delaware, in the river and harbor Acts* of June twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and ten, and February twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and eleven, are hereby modified to read as follows: Provided, That no part of said amount shall be expended for the excavation of any cut-off until a satis- factory title to the land required for that cut-off shall have been trans- ferred to the United States, free of cost, and the United States shall have been released from all claims for damages arising from the proposed diversion of the stream. Improving Little River, Dela- ware: For maintenance, $1,000. Improving Leipsic River, Dela- ware: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving inland waterway be- tween Rehoboth Bay and Delaware Bay, Delaware: Continuing im- provement, $109,000: Provided, That the Secretary of War is hereby au- thorized to condemn a right of way through the tracks of The Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia Railroad Company where the line of said wa- terway intersects said railroad tracks, the basis of condemnation to be the building, maintenance, and operation of a proper drawbridge by the United States, or the payment by the United States to the railroad company of such sum of money as may be awarded in the condemna- EIVEB AND HARBOR BILL. 12 HOUSE BILL. tion proceedings, as full compensa- tion for such right of way, including actual cost of constructing such bridge and the capitalized cost of its maintenance and operation, which- ever method may, in the judg- ment of the Secretary of War, be deemed most advantageous and economical to the United States; and any funds appropriated for im- proving said waterway are hereby made available for paying the award that may be made in said proceedings : Provided further, That of the appropriation herein made the sum of $12,300, or so much thereof as shall be necessary, may be applied to the restoration of the channel be- tween Assawaman Bay and Indian River Bay, and for the repair and alteration of existing bridges built by the United States across said channel. Improving inland waterway from Delaware River to Chesapeake Bay, Delaware and Maryland, by the pur- chase of the existing Chesapeake and Delaware Canal and appurtenant property, in accordance with the project recommended by the Chief of Engineers in paragraph three of his report dated August ninth, nine- teen hundred and thirteen, as pub- lished in House Document N um- bered One hundred and ninety-six, Sixty-third Congress, first session, $1,300,000. And the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to pur- REPORTED SUBSTITUTE. tion proceedings, as full compensa- tion for such right of way, including actual cost of constructing such bridge and the capitalized cost of its maintenance and operation, which- ever method may, in the judg- ment of the Secretary of War, be deemed most advantageous and economical to the United Sta'-es; and any funds appropriated for im- proving said waterway are hereby made available for paying the award that may be made in said proceedings: Provided further, Thai of the appropriation herein made the sum of $12,300, or so much thereof as shall be necessary, may be applied to the restoration of the channel be- tween Assawaman Bay and Indian River Bay, and for the repair and alteration of existing bridges built by the United States across said channel. Improving inland waterway from Delaware River to Chesapeake Bay, Delaware and Maryland, in accordance with the project recommended by the Chief of Engineers in paragraph three of his report dated August ninth, nine- teen hundred and thirteen, as pub- lished in House Document Num- bered One hundred and ninety-six, Sixty-third Congress, first session: The Secretary of War is hereby authorized to enter into negotiations chase said canal and appurtenant for the purchase of the existing Chesa- property at a cost not to exceed the vea k e and Delaware Canal, and aU .erein appropriated for the property, rights of property, fran- such purpose. chises, and appurtenances used or acquired for use in connection there- with or appertaining thereto, and he is further authorized, if in his judg- ment the price is reasonable and sat- isfactory, to make, a contract for the purchase of the same subject to future ratification and appropriation by the Congress. In the event of the inability of the Secretary of War to make a satis- factory contract for the voluntary pur- chase of said canal and its appurte- nances, he is hereby authorized and directed through the Attorney General to institute and carry to completion proceedings for the condemnation of said canal and its appurtenances, the acceptance of the award in said pro- ceedings to be subject to the future ratification and appropriation by Congress. Such condemnation pro- ceedings shall be instituted and con- ducted in, and jurisdiction of said BURTON SUBSTITUTE. tion proceedings, as full compensa- tion for such right of way, including actual cost of constructing sucn bridge and the capitalized cost of its maintenance and operation, which- ever method may, in the judg- ment of the Secretary of War, be deemed most advantageous and economical to the United States; and any funds appropriated for im- proving said waterway are hereby made available for paying the award that may be made in said proceedings: Provided further, That of the appropriation herein made the sum of $12,300, or so much thereof as shall be necessary, may be applied to the restoration of the channel be- tween Assawaman Bay and Indian River Bay, and for the repair and alteration of existing bridges built by the United States across said channel. BIVEB AND HARBOR BILL. 18 HOUSE BILL. REPORTED SUBSTITUTE. proceedings is hereby given'to, the District Court of the ' United States for the District of Delaware substan- tially as provided in "An Act to au- thorize condemnation of land for sites for public buildings and for other purposes," approved August first, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, and the sum of $5,000 is hereby ap- propriated to pay the necessary costs thereof and expenses in connection therewith. Improving Curtis Bay Channel, Improving Curtis Bay Channel, Baltimore Harbor, Maryland, Baltimore Harbor, Maryland, BURTON SUBSTITUTE. in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Seven, Sixty-third Congress, first session, $61,850. Improving Herring Bay and Rock- hole Creek, Fairhaven, Maryland: Completing improvement in accord- ance with the reports submitted in House Document Numbered One hundred and sixty-one, Sixty-third Congress, first session, as modified in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered Eleven, Sixty- third Congress, second session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said committee document, $11,800. Improving harbors at Rockhall, Queenstown, Claiborne, and Cam- bridge, and Chester, Choptank, War- wick, Wicomico, Pocomoke, La Trappe, and Manokin Rivers, and Tyaskin Creek, Maryland: For maintenance, $30,500. Improving Breton Bay, Mary- land: Completing improvement in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered One hundred and twenty- seven, Sixty-third Congress, first session, and subject to the condi- tions set forth m said document, $3,000 Imp roving Elk and Little Elk Rivers, Maiyland: For mainte- nance, $2,500. Improving Corsica River, Mary- land : Completing improvement, $4,800. Improving Tuckahoe River, Mary- and: For maintenance, $1,500. in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Seven, Sixty-third Congress, first session, $123,700. Improving harbors at Rockhall, Queenstown, Claiborne, and Cam- bridge, and Chester, Choptank, War- wick, Wicomico, Pocomoke, La Trappe, and Manokin Rivers, and Tyaskin Creek, Maryland: For maintenance, $30,500. Improving Breton Bay, Mary- land: Completing improvement in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered One hundred and twenty- seven, Sixty-third Congress, first session, and subject to the condi- tions set forth in said document, $3,000. Improving Elk and Little Elk Rivers, Maryland: For mainte- nance, $2,500. Improving Corsica River, Mary- land : Completing improvement, $4,800. Improving Tuckahoe River, Mary- land: For maintenance, $1,500. Improving^ Chester River, Mary- land: Completing * improvement in accordance with the" report submitted in House Document Numbered Seven hundred 'and ninety-seven, Sixty-third Congress, second session, and subject to the conditions setforth t in said doc- ument, $12,000" Improving Curtis Bay Channel, Baltimore Harbor, Maryland, COMPLETING IMPROVEMENT in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Seven, Sixty-third Congress, first session, $128,700. Improving harbors at Rockhall, Queenstown, Claiborne, and Cam- bridge, and Chester, Choptank, War- wick, Wicomico, Pocomoke, La Trappe, and Manokin Rivers, and Tyaskin Creek, Maryland: For maintenance, $30,500. Improving Breton Bay, Mary- land: Completing improvement in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered One hundred and twenty- seven, Sixty-third Congress, first session, and subject to the condi- tions set forth in said document, $3,000. Improving Elk and Little Elk Rivers, Maryland: For mainte- nance, $2,500. Improving Corsica River, Mary- land : Completing improvement, $4,800. Improving Tuckahoe River, Mary- land: For maintenance, $1,500. Improving Chester River, Mary- land: Completing improvement in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Seven hundred and ninety-seven, Sixty-third Congress, second session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said doc- ument, $12,000. EIVER AND HABBOR BILL. 14 HOUSE BILL. Improving Tred Avon River, Maryland: Completing improve- ment of the North Fork of Tred Avon River in accordance with the report submitted in House Docu- ment Numbered Twenty-seven, Six- ty-third Congress, first session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $19,600. Improving Potomac River: For maintenance of improvement at Washington, District of Columbia, $20,000. Improving Anacostia River, Dis- trict of Columbia: Continuing im- provement, $75,000. Improving harbor at Norfolk, Virginia, and vicinity, in accord- ance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Six hundred and five, Sixty-third Con- gress, second session, $270,000. The unexpended balance of appro- priations Heretofore made for im- provement of channel to Norfolk, Virginia, is hereby made available for continuing improvement of said channel in accordance with the re- port submitted in said House Docu- ment Numbered Six hundred and five. Sixty-third Congress, second session. Improving Mattaponi and Pa- munkey Rivers, Virginia : For main- tenance, $7,000. Improving Rappahannock River, Virginia: For maintenance, $10,000. Improving Nansemond River, Virginia: For maintenance, $3,000; completing improvement in accord- ance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Twelve hundred and forty-six, Sixty-second Congress, third session, $4,500; in all, $7,500. Improving James River, Vir- ginia : Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $200,000. Improving Appomattox River, Virginia: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving Blackwater River, Virginia: For maintenance, $2,000. Improving waterway on the coast of Virginia: For maintenance, $1,000. Improving Hampton Creek, Virginia: Completing improvement in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Twenty-nine, Sixty-third Con- gress, first session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $27,000. S. Doc. 582, 63-2 4* REPORTED SUBSTITUTE. Improving Tred Avon Rive r Maryland: Completing improve- ment of the North Fork of Tred Avon River in accordance with the report submitted in House Docu- ment Numbered Twenty-seven, Six- ty-third Congress, first session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $19,600. Improving Potomac River: For maintenance of improvement at Washington, District of Columbia. $20,000. Improving Anacostia River, Dis- trict of Columbia: Continuing im- provement, $75,000. Improving harbor at Norfolk, Virginia, and vicinity, in accord- ance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Six hundred and five, Sixty-third Con- gress, second session, $170,000. The unexpended balance of appro- priations heretofore made for im- provement of channel to Norfolk, Virginia, is hereby made available for continuing improvement of said channel in accordance with the re- port submitted in said House Docu- ment Numbered Six hundred and five, Sixty-third Congress, second session. Improving Mattaponi and Pa- munkey -Rivers, Virginia: For main- tenance, $7,000. Improving Rappahannock River, Virginia: For maintenance, $10,000. Improving Nansemond River, Virginia: For maintenance, $3,000; completing improvement in accord- ance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Twelve hundred and forty-six, Sixty-second Congress, third session, $4,500; in all, $7,500. Improving James River, Vir- ginia: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $100,000. Improving Appomattox River, Virginia: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving Blackwater River, Virginia: For maintenance, $2,000. Improving waterway on the coast of Virginia: For maintenance, $1,000. Improving Hampton Creek, Vir- ginia: Completing improvement in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Twenty-nine, Sixty-third Con- gress, first session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $27,000. BURTON SUBSTITUTE. Improving Tred Avon River, Maryland : Completing improve- ment of the North Fork of Tred Avon River in accordance with the report submitted in House Docu- ment Numbered Twenty-seven, Six- ty-third Congress, first session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $19,600. Improving Potomac River: For maintenance of improvement at Washington, District of Columbia, $20,000. Improving Anacostia River, Dis- trict of Columbia: Continuing im- provement, $75,000. Improving harbor at Norfolk, Virginia, and vicinity, in accord- ance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Six hundred and five, Sixty-third Con- gress, second session, $170,000. The unexpended balance of appro- priations heretofore made for im- provement of channel to Norfolk, Virginia, is hereby made available for continuing improvement of said channel in accordance with the re- port submitted in said House Docu- ment Numbered Six hundred and five, Sixty-third Congress, second session. Improving Mattaponi and Pa- munkey Rivers, Virginia : For main- tenance, $7,000. Improving Rappahannock River, Virginia: For maintenance, $10,000. Improving Nansemond River, Virginia: For maintenance, $3,000; completing improvement in accord- ance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Twelve hundred and forty-six, Sixty-second Congress, third session, $4,500; in all, $7,500. Improving James River, Vir- ginia: Continuing improvement and for maintenanQe, $100,000. Improving Appomattox River, Virginia: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving Blackwater River, Virginia: For maintenance, $2,000. Improving waterway on the coast of Virginia: For maintenance, $1,000. Improving Hampton Creek, Vir- ginia: Completing improvement in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Twenty-nine, Sixty-third Con- gress, first session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $27,000. RIVER AND HARBOR BILL. 15 HOUSE BILL. Improving Tangier Channel, Virginia: Completing improvement in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered One hundred and seven, Sixty-third Congress, first session, $16,434. Improving Oyster Channel, Vir- REPORTED SUBSTITUTE. BURTON SUBSTITUTE. Improving Oyster Channel, Vir- ginia: Completing improvement ginia: Completing improvement in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Two hundred and nine, Sixty- third Congress, first session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $11,250. Improving Locklies Creek, Vir- ginia: Completing improvement in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Six hundred and twelve, Sixty-third Congress, second ses- sion, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $4,100. Improving . Occoquan Creek, Virginia, in accordance with the report submitted in House Docu- ment Numbered Six hundred and sixty-one, Sixty-third Congress, sec- ond session, $21,500. Improving inland waterway from Norfolk, Virginia, to Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina: Continuing improvement, $800,000. Improving waterway from Nor- folk, Virginia, to sounds of North Carolina: For maintenance, $3,000. Improving harbor of refuge at Cape Lookout, North Carolina: Continuing improvement, $300,000. Improving harbor at Beaufort, North Carolina: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina: For maintenance, $10,000. Improving harbor at Morehead City, North Carolina: For mainte- nance, $2,000. fifty feet wide and Jive feet deep in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Two hundred and nine, Sixty- third Congress, first session, $11,500. Improving Locklies Creek, Vir- ginia: Completing improvement in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Six hundred and twelve, Sixty-third Congress, second ses- sion, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $4,100. Improving Occoquan Creek, Virginia, completing improvement in accordance with the report submitted in House Docu- ment Numbered Six hundred and sixty-one, Sixty-third Congress, sec- ond session, $43,000. Improving inland waterway from Norfolk, Virginia, to Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina: Continuing improvement, $500,000. Improving waterway from Nor- folk, Virginia, to sounds of North Carolina: For maintenance, $3.000, Improving harbor of refuge at Cape Lookout, North Carolina: Continuing improvement, $300,000 : Provided, That the Secretary of War may enter into a contract or contracts for such materials and work as may be necessary to prosecute the said project, to be paid for as appropria- tions may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate $700,000, exclusive of the amounts herein and heretofore appropriated or authorized. Improving harbor at Beaufort, North Carolina: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina: For maintenance, $10,000. Improving harbor at Morehead City, North Carolina: For mainte- nance, $2,000. Improving Locklies Creek, Vir- ginia: Completing improvement in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Six hundred and twelve, Sixty-third Congress, second ses- sion,, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $4,100. Improving Occoquan Creek, Virginia, completing improvement in accordance with the report submitted in House Docu- ment Numbered Six hundred and sixty-one, Sixty-third Congress, sec- ond session, $43,000. Improving waterway from Nor- folk, Virginia, to sounds of North Carolina: For maintenance, $3,000. Improving harbor of refuge at Cape Lookout, North Carolina: Continuing improvement, $300,000. : Provided, That the Secretary of War may enter into a contract or contracts for such materials and work as may be necessary to prosecute the saw project, to be paid for as appropria- tions may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate $700,000, exclusive of the amounts herein and heretofore appropriated or authorized. harbor at Beaufort, North* Carolina : For maintenance, $5,000. Improving Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina: For maintenance, $10,000. Improving harbor at Morehead City, North Carolina: For mainte- nance, $2,000." EIVEK AND HAEBOB BILL. 16 HOUSE BILL. Improving Meherrin River, North Carolina: For maintenance, $1,000. Improving Roanoke River, North Carolina: For maintenance, $2,000. Improving Scuppernong River, North Carolina: For maintenance, $2,000; completing improvement in accordance with the report submit- ted in House Document Numbered Eleven hundred and ninety-six, Sixty-second Congress, third session, $31,800; in all, $33,800. Improving Fishing Creek, North Carolina: For maintenance, $1,000. Improving Pamlico and Tar Riv- ers, North Carolina: Completing im- provement up to Greenville and for maintenance of improvement above Greenville, $18,500. Improving Bay River, North Car- olina: For maintenance, $1,000. Improving Contentnia Creek, North Carolina: For maintenance, $2,000. Improving Smiths Creek, North Carolina: For maintenance, $2,000. Improving Neuse and Trent Riv- ers, North Carolina : Continuing im- provement and for maintenance, $37,000. Improving Swift Creek, North Carolina: For maintenance, $500. Improving waterway from Pam- lico Sound to Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina: For maintenance, $4,000. Improving New River and water- ways to Beaufort, North Carolina: Continuing improvement and for maintenance of New River and of inland waterways between Beaufort Harbor and New River and between New River and Swansboro, $28,500. Improving Northeast, Black, and Cape Fear Rivers, North Carolina: For maintenance of improvement of Northeast and Black Rivers and of Cape Fear River above Wilmington, North Carolina, $13,000; completing improvement of Northeast River, in accordance with the report submit- ted in House Document Numbered Thirteen hundred and fifty-six, Sixty-second Congress, third ses- sion, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $25,375; in all, $38,375. Improving Cape Fear River above Wilmington, North Carolina: Con- tinuing improvement, with a view REPORTED SUBSTITUTE. Improving Meherrin River. North Carolina: For maintenance, $1,000. Improving Roanoke River, North Carolina: For maintenance, $2,000. Improving Pembroke Creek, North Carolina: Completing improvement in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Six hundred and thirty, Sixty-third Con- gress, -second session, $10,000. Improving Scuppernong River, Nortn Carolina: For maintenance, $2,000 ; completing improvement in accordance with the report submit- ted in House Document Numbered Eleven hundred and ninety-six, Sixty-second Congress, third session, $31,800; in all, $33,800. Improving Fishing Creek, North Carolina: For maintenance, $1,000. Improving Pamlico and Tar Riv- ers, North Carolina : Completing im- provement up to Greenville and for maintenance of improvement above Greenville, $18,500. Improving Bay River, North Car- olina: For maintenance, $1,000. Improving Contentnia Creek, North Carolina: For maintenance, $2,000. Improving Smiths Creek, North Carolina: For maintenance, $2,000. Improving Neuse and Trent Riv- ers, North Carolina: Continuing im- provement and for maintenance, $37,000. Improving Swift Creek, North Carolina: For maintenance, $500. Improving waterway from Pam- lico Sound to Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina: For maintenance, $4,000. Improving New River and water- ways to Beaufort, North Carolina: Continuing improvement and for maintenance ot New River and of inland waterways between Beaufort Harbor and New River and between New River and Swansboro, $28,500. Improving Northeast, Black, and Cape Fear Rivers, North Carolina: For maintenance of improvement of Northeast and Black Rivers and of Cape Fear River above Wilmington, North Carolina, $13,000 ; completing improvement of Northeast River, in accordance with the report submit- ted in House Document Numbered Thirteen hundred and fifty-six, Sixty-second Congress, third ses- sion, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $25,375; in all, $38,375. Improving Cape Fear River above Wilmington, North Carolina: Con- tinuing improvement, with a view BURTON SUBSTITUTE. Improving Meherrin River, North Carolina: For maintenance, $1,000. Improving Roanoke River, North Carolina: For maintenance, $2,000. improving Pembroke Creek, North Carolina: Completing improvement in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Six hundred and thirty, Sixty-third Con- gress, second session, $10,000. Improving Scuppernong River, North Carolina: For maintenance, $2,000; completing improvement in accordance with the report submit- ted in House Document Numbered Eleven hundred and ninety-six, Sixty-second Congress, third session, $31,800; in all, $33,800. Improving Fishing Creek, North Carolina: For maintenance, $1,000. Improving Pamlico and Tar Riv- ers, North Carolina : Completing im- provement up to Greenville and for maintenance of improvement above Greenville, $18,500. Improving Bay River, North Car- olina: For maintenance, $1,000. Improving Contentnia Creek, North Carolina: For maintenance, $2,000. Improving Smiths Creek, North Carolina: For maintenance, $2,000. Improving Neuse and Trent Riv- ers, North Carolina: COMPLETING improvement and for maintenance, $64,500. Improving Swift Creek, North Carolina: For maintenance, $500. Improving waterway from Pam- lico Sound to Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina: For maintenance, $4,000. Improving New River and water- ways to Beaufort, North Carolina: Continuing improvement and for maintenance of New River and of inland waterways between Beaufort Harbor and New River and between New River and Swansboro, $28,500. Improving Northeast, Black, and Cape Fear Rhers, North Carolina: For maintenance of improvement of Northeast and Black Rivers and of Cape Fear River above Wilmington, North Carolina, $13,000; completing improvement of Northeast River, in accordance with the report submit- ted in House Document Numbered Thirteen hundred and fifty-six, Sixty-second Congress, third ses- sion, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $25,375; in all, $38,375. Improving Cape Fear River abo^ e Wilmington, North Carolina: Con- tinuing improvement, with a view HIVEK AND HAKBOB BILL. 17 HOUSE BILL. to securing a navigable depth of eight feet up to Fay ettcville, $9 1,000. Improving Cape Fear River at and below "\ <, ilmington, North Caro- lina: Completing improvement and for maintenance, $115,000. Improving Shallotte River, North Carolina: tor maintenance, $1,000. Improving Bennett River, North Carolina: Completing improvement in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Thirteen hundred and sixty- two, Sixty-second Congress, third session, $6,000: Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States for acquiring any lands required for the purpose of this improvement. Improving Deep Creek, North Carolina: Completing improvement in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Thirteen hundred and eighty- three, Sixty-second Congress, third session, and subject to the condi- tions set forth in said document, $5,400. Improving Newbegun Creek, North Carolina: Completing im- provement in accordance with the report submitted in House Docu- ment Numbered Twenty-four, Sixty third Congress, first session, $5,000. Improving harbor at Charleston, South Carolina: For maintenance of Ashley River channel, $15,000. Improving waterway between Charleston and Winyah Bay, South Carolina: Completing improvement of Jeremy Creek, South Carolina, in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Six hundred and sixty, Sixty- third Congress, second session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $5,000. The un- expended balance of appropriations heretofore made for improvement REPORTED SUBSTITUTE. to securing a navigable depth of eight feet up toFayetteville, $91,000. Improving Cape Fear River at and below Wilmington, North Caro- lina: Completing improvement and for maintenance, $115,000 .- Pro- vided, That not exceeding $5,000 thereof may be used for clearing to a depth of ten feet and a width of one hundred and fifty feet the channel or cut between the main channel of the river and the Carolina Beach Pier, Improving Shallotte River, North Carolina: For maintenance, $1,000. Improving Bennett River, North Carolina: Completing improvement in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Thirteen hundred and sixty- two, Sixty-second Congress, third session, $6,000: Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States for acquiring any lands required for the purpose of this improvement. Improving Newbegun Creek, North Carolina: Completing im- provement in accordance with the report submitted in House Docu- ment Numbered Twenty-four, Sixty- third Congress, first session, $5,000. Improving harbor at Charleston, South Carolina: For maintenance of Ashley River channel, $15,000 ; com- pleting improvement of the Cooper River Channel in accordance with the report submitted in Rivers and Har- bors Committee Document Numbered Nineteen, Sixty-third Congress, sec- ond session, $14,000; in all, $29,000. Improving waterway between Charleston and Winyah Bay, South Carolina: Completing improvement of Jeremy Creels, South Carolina, in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Six hundred and sixty, Sixty- third Congress, secoad session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $5,000. The un- expended balance of appropriations heretofore made for improvement BURTON SUBSTITUTE. to securing a navigable depth of eight feet up Fayetteville, $91,000. Improving Cape Fear River at and below Wilmington, North Caro- lina: Completing improvement and for maintenance, $115,000 : Pro- vided, That not exceeding $5,000 thereof may be used for clearing to a depth of ten feet and a width of one hundred and fifty feet the channel or cut between the main channel of the river and the Carolina Beach Pier. Improving Shallotte River, North Carolina: For maintenance, $1,000. Improving Bennett River, North Carolina: Completing improvement in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Thirteen hundred and sixty- two. Sixty-second Congress, third session, $6,000: Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States for acquiring any lands* required for the purpose of this improvement. Improving harbor at Charleston, South Carolina: For maintenance of Ashley River channel, $15,000. Improving waterway between Charleston and Winyah Bay, South Carolina: Completing improvement of Jeremy Creek, South Carolina, in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Six hundred and sixty, Sixty- third Congress, second session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $5,000. The un- expended balance of appropriations heretofore made for improvement EIVEB AND HAEBOE BILL. 18 HOUSE BILL. of waterway between Charleston Harbor and McClellanville, South Carolina, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby made avail- able for completing improvement of waterway between McClellan- ville and Winyah Bay, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered One hundred and seventy-eight, Sixty-third Con- gress, first session. Improving Little Peedce and Lumber Rivers, South Carolina: Completing improvement of Lum- ber River in accordance with the report submitted in House Docu- ment Numbered One hundred and thirty-eight; Sixty-third Congress, first session, $2,000. Improving Great Peedee River, South Carolina: For maintenance, $10,000. Improving Santce, Wateree, and Congaree Rivers, South Carolina: For maintenance of improvement of Wateree and Congareo Rivers, $30,000; completing improvement of Santee River in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Six hundred and three, Sixty-third Congress, second session, $10,000; in all, $40,000. Improving waterway from Orangeburg to Charleston, South Carolina: Completing improvement in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Six hundred and six, Sixty- third Congress, second session, $35,000. Improving waterway from Charleston, South Carolina, to Savannah, Georgia, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Six hundred and twenty-seven, Sixty-third Congress, second session, $50,000: Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States for acquiring any lands required for the purpose of this improvement. Improving Savannah Harbor, Georgia: For maintenance, $250,- 000; completing improvement in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Two hundred and ninety, Sixty-third Congress, first session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $154,000; in aU, $404,000. Improving harbor at Bruns- wick, Georgia: For maintenance. $33,250. Improving Savannah River, Georgia: For maintenance below Augusta, $25,000. S. Doc. 682, 63-2 6 REPORTED SUBSTITUTE. of waterway between Charleston Harbor and McClellanville, South Carolina, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby made avail- able for completing improvement of waterway between McClellan- ville and Winyah Bay, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered One hundred and seventy-eight, Sixty-third Con- gress, first session. Improving Great Peedee River, South Carolina: For maintenance, $10,000. Improving Santee, Wateree, and Congaree Rivers, South Carolina: For maintenance of improvement of Wateree and Congaree Rivers, $30,000; completing improvement of Santee River in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Six hundred and three, Sixty-third Congress, second session, $10,000; in all, $40,000. Improving waterway from Charleston, South Carolina, to Savannah, Georgia, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Six hundred and twenty-seven, Sixty-third Congress, second session, $50,000: Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States for acquiring any lands required for the purpose of this improvement. Improving Savannah Harbor, Georgia: For maintenance, $250,- 000; completing improvement in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Two hundred and ninety, Sixty-third Congress, first session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $154,000; in all, $404,000. Improving harbor at Bruns- wick, Georgia: For maintenance, $33,250. Improving Savannah River, Georgia: For maintenance below Augusta, $25,000. BURTON" SUBSTITUTE. of waterway between Charleston Harbor and McClollanville, South Carolina, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby made avail- able for completing improvement of waterway between McClellan- ville and Winyah Bay, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered One hundred and seventy-eight, Sixty-third Con- gress, first session. Improving Great Peedee River, South Carolina: For maintenance, $10,000. Improving Santee, Wateree, and Congaree Rivers, South Carolina: For maintenance of improvement of Wateree and Congaree Rivers, $30,000; completing improvement of Saiftee River in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Six hundred and three, Sixty-third Congress, second session, $10,000; in all, $40,000. Improving waterway from Charleston, South Carolina, to Savannah, Georgia, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Six hundred and twenty-seven, Sixty-third Congress, second session, $50,000: Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States for acquiring any lands required for the purpose of this improvement. Improving Savannah Harbor, Georgia: for maintenance, $250,- 000; completing improvement in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Two hundred and ninety, Sixty-third Congress, first session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $154,000; in all, $404,000. Improving harbor at Bruns- wick, Georgia: For maintenance, $33,250. Improving Savannah River, Georgia: For maintenance below Augusta, $25,000. RIVER AND HARBOR BILL. 19 HOUSE BILL. Improving Altamaha, Oconee, and Ocmulgee Rivers, Georgia: Continuing improvement, $75,000. Improving Generals Cut, Georgia : Completing improvement in accord- ance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Five hundred and eighty-one, Sixty- third Congress, second session, $1,000. Improving Back River, Georgia: Completing improvement in accord ance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Thir- teen hundred and ninety-one, Sixty- second Congress, third session, $5,000. REPORTED SUBSTITUTE. BURTON SUBSTITUTE. Improving Altamaha, Oco Improving Altamaha, Oconee, and Ocmulgee Rivers, Georgia: and Ocmulgee Rivers, Georgia: Continuing improvement, $4 0. Continuing improvement, $40,000. Improving Flint River, Georgia: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $25,000. Improving Chattahoochee River, Georgia and Alabama: Continuing improvement below Columbus,Geor- gia, and for maintenance, $120,000. Improving Coosa River, Georgia and Alabama: Continuing im- provement and for maintenance be- tween Rome, Georgia, and Dam Numbered Four, Alabama, $65,000. Improving harbor at Fernandina, Florida: For maintenance, includ- ing the entrance channel through Cumberland Sound, Georgia and Florida, $25,000. Improving Tampa Bay, Florida: For maintenance, $6,000. Improving harbor at Saint Pe- tersburg, Florida: For maintenance, $1,500. Improving Apalachicola Bay, Florida: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, including Link Channel and West Pass, $25,000. Improving Saint Andrews Bay, Florida: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $60,000. Improving the Narrows in Santa Rosa Sound, Florida: For mainte- nance, $5,000. Improving waterway between Sa- vannah, Georgia, and Fernandina, Florida: Completing improvement oj Generals Cut, Georgia, in accordance with, the report submitted in House Document Numbered Five Tmndred and eighty-one, Sixty-third Congress, second session, $1,000; completing improvement of Back River, Georgia, in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Numbered Thirteen hundred and ninety-one, Sixty-second Congress, third session, $5,000; in all, $6,000. Improving Flint River, Georgia: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $25,000. Improving Chattahoochee River, Georgia and Alabama: Continuing improvement below Columbus,Gcor- gia, and for maintenance, $90,000. Improving Coosa Rivor, Georgia and Alabama: Continuing im- provement and for maintenance be- tween Rome, Georgia, and Dam Numbered Four, Alabama, $30,000. Improving harbor at Fernandina, Florida: For maintenance, includ- ing the entrance channel through Cumberland Sound, Georgia and Florida, $25,000. Improving Tampa Bay, Florida: For maintenance, $6,000. Improving harbor at Saint Pe- tersburg, Florida: For maintenance, $1,500. Improving Apalachicola Bay, Florida: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, including Link Channel and West Pass, $25,000. Improving Saint Andrews Bay, Fiorina: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $60,000. Improving the Narrows in Santa Rosa Sound, Florida: For mainte- nance, $5,000. Improving waterway between Sa- vannah, Georgia, and Fernandina, Florida: Completing improvement of Generals Cut, Georgia, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Five hundred and eighty-one, Sixty-third Congress, second session, $1,000; completing improvement of Back River, Georgia, in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Numbered Thirteen hundred and ninety-one, Sixty-second Congress, third session, $5,000; in all, $6,000. Improving Flint River, Georgia: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $25,000. Improving Chattahoochee River, Georgia and Alabama: Continuing improvement below Columbus,Geor- gia, and for maintenance, $90,000. Improving Coosa River, Georgia and Alabama: Continuing im- provement and for maintenance be- tween Rome, Georgia, and Dam Numbered Four, Alabama, $30,000. Improving harbor at Fernandina, Florida: For maintenance, includ- ing the entrance channel through Cumberland Sound, Georgia and Florida, $25,000. Improving Tampa Bay, Florida: For maintenance, $6,000. Improving harbor at Saint Pe- tersburg, Florida: For maintenance, $1,500. Improving Apalachicola Bay, Florida: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, including Link Channel and West Pass, $25,000. Improving Saint Andrews Bay, Florida : Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $60,000. Improving the Narrows in Santa Rosa Sound, Florida: For mainte- nance, $5,000. BIVEB ASTD HABBOB BILL. 20 HOUSE BILL. Improving Saint Johns River, Florida: Continuing improvement from Jacksonville to the ocean, $300,000. Improving Lake Crescent and Dunns Creek, Florida: For main- tenance, $1,000. Improving Deep Creek, Florida, in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Six hundred and ninety-nine, Sixty-third Congress, second ses- sion, $9,000: Provided, That no ex- pense shall be incurred by the United States for acquiring any lands required for the purpose of this improvement. Improving Oklawaha River, Florida, in accordance with the re- port submitted in House Document Numbered Five hundred and four- teen, Sixty-third Congress, second session, and subject to the condi- tions set forth in said document, $175,000. Improving Kissimmee River, Florida, in accordance with the re- port submitted in House Document Numbered One hundred and thirty- seven, Sixty-third Congress, first session, $47,000. Improving Caloosahatchee River, Florida: For maintenance, $2,000; completing improvement in accord- ance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered One hundred and thirty-seven, Sixty- third Congress, first session, $25,000 : Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States for acquiring any lands required for the purpose of this improvement; in all, $27,000. Improving Crystal River, Flor- ida, in accordance with the report submitted in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered Four, Sixty-third Congress, first session, and subject to the condi- tions set forth in said document, $10,000. Improving Anclote River, Flor- ida, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Eighteen, Sixty-third Congress, first session, $22,000. Improving Withlacoochee River, Florida: For maintenance, $1 ,000. Improving Apalachicola River, Florida: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, including the cut-off, Lee Slough, lower Chipola River, and upper Chipola River from Marianna to its mouth, $15,000. B.EPOBTED SUBSTITUTE. BURTON SUBSTITUTE. Improving Saint Johns River, Improving Saint Johns River, Florida: Continuing improvement Florida: Continuing improvement from Jacksonville to the ocean, from Jacksonville to the ocean, $175,000. $175,000. Impi-oving Lake Crescent and Dunns Creek, Florida: For main- tenance, $1,000. Improving Deep Creek, Florida, in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Six hundred and ninety-nine, Sixty-third Congress, second ses- sion, $9,000: Provided, That no ex- pense shall be incurred by the United States for acquiring any lands required for the purpose of this improvement. Improving Oklawaha River, Florida, in accordance with the re- port submitted in House Document Numbered Five hundred and four- teen, Sixty-third Congress, second session, and subject to the condi- tions set forth in said document, $100,000. Improving Kissimmee River, Florida, in accordance with the re- port submitted in House Document Numbered One hundred and thirty- seven, Sixty-third Congress, first session, $47,000. Improving Caloosahatchee River, Florida: For maintenance, $2,000; completing improvement in accord- ance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered One hundred and thirty-seven, Sixty- third Congress, first session. $25,000: Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States for acquiring any lands required for the purpose of this improvement; in all, $27,000. Improving Crystal River, Flor- ida, in accordance with the report submitted in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered Four, Sixty-third Congress, first session, and subject to the condi- tions set forth in said document, $10,000. Improving Anclote River, Flor- ida, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Eighteen, Sixty-third Congress, first session, $22,000. Improving Withlacoochee River, Florida: For maintenance, $1,000. Improving Apalachicola River, Florida: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, including the cut-off, Lee Slough, lower Chipola River, and upper Chipola River from Marianna to its mouth, $15,000. Improving Lake Crescent and Dunns Creek, Florida: For main- tenance, $1,000. Improving Deep Creek, Florida, in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Six hundred and ninety-nine, Sixty-third Congress, second ses- sion, $9,000: Provided, That no ex- pense shall be incurred by the United States for acquiring any lands required for the purpose of this improvement. Improving Caloosahatchee River, Florida: For maintenance, $2,000. Improving Anclote River, Flor- ida, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Eighteen, Sixty-third Congress, first session, $22,000. Improving Withlacoochee River, Florida: For maintenance, $1,000. Improving Apalachicola River, Florida: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, including the cut-off, Lee Slough, lower Chipola River, and upper Chipola River from Marianna to its mouth, $15,000. BIVEB AND HABBOE BILL. 21 HOUSE BILL. Improving Holmes River, Flor- ida: For maintenance of improve- ment from Vernon to the mouth, $3,000. Improving Blackwater River, Florida: For maintenance, 85,000. Improving channel from Clear- water Harbor through Boca Ceiga Bay to Tampa Bay, Florida: For maintenance, $3,000; channel from Tampa Bay to Boca Ceiga Bay, in accordance with .the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered One hundred and thirty-five, Sixty-third Congress, first session, $10,700; in all, $13,700. Improving channel from Apa- lachicola River to Saint Andrews Bay, Florida: Completing im- provement, $65,000; and the Secre- tary of War is hereby authorized to pay to the treasurer of Calhoun County, Florida, out of any funds heretofore appropriated for im- proving channel from Apalachicola River to Saint Andrews Bay, the sum of $400 as full compensation for damage done public highways of said county at points where the adopted line of said channel inter- sects said highways. REPORTED SUBSTITUTE. Improving Holmes River, Flor- ida: For maintenance of improve- ment from Vernon to the mouth, $3,000. Improving Blackwater River, Florida: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving channel from Clear- water Harbor through Boca Ceiga Bay to Tampa Bay, Florida: Completing improvement and for maintenance, $12,000; channel from Tampa Bay to Boca Ceiga Bay, in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered One hundred and thirty-five, Sixty-third Congress, first session, $10,700; in all, $22,700. Improving channel from Apa- lachicola River to Saint Andrews Bay, Florida: Completing im- provement, $65,000; and the Secre- tary of War is hereby authorized to pay to the treasurer of Calhoun County, Florida, out of any funds heretofore appropriated for im- proving channel from Apalachicola River to Saint Andrews Bay, the sum of $400 as full compensation for damage done public highways of said county at points where the adopted line of said channel inter- sects said highways. The Secretary of War is authorized to appoint a board of three officers of the Engineer Corps of the United States Army, to examine and appraise the value of the work and franchises of the East Coast Canal, from the Saint Johns River to Key West, Florida, with reference to the desirability of purchasing said canal by the United States and the construction over the route of the said canal of a free and open waterway, having a depth and capacity sufficient for inland naviga- tion. Said board, to the extent that the same can be done from surveys heretofore made under the direction of the War Department and within the limits of the appropriation herein made, shall also examine and investi- gate the feasibility, for the purpose of such a waterway, of any parallel route between said points. The said board shall make a report of its work, together with its conclusions upon the probable cost and commercial advant- ages and military and naval uses of said route or routes, to the Secretary BURTON SUBSTITUTE. Improving Holmes River, Flor- ida: For maintenance of improve- ment from Vernon to the mouth, $3,000. Improving Blackwater River, Florida: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving channel from Clear- water Harbor through Boca Ceiga Bay to Tampa Bay, Florida: Completing improvement and for maintenance, $12,000; channel from Tampa Bay to Boca Ceiga Bay, in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered One hundred and thirty-five, Sixty-third Congress, first session, $10,700; in all, $22,700. The Secretary of War is authorized to appoint a board of three offi&rs of the Engineer Corps of the United States Army, to examine and appraise the value of the work and franchises of the East Coast Canal, from the Saint Johns River to Key West, Florida, with reference to the desirability of purchasing said canal by the United States and the construction over the route of the said canal of a free and open waterway, having a depth and capacity sufficient for inland naviga- tion. Said board, to the extent that the same can be done from surveys heretofore made under the direction of the War Department and within the limits of the appropriation herein made, shall also examine and investi- gate the feasibility, for the purpose of such a waterway, of any parallel route between saw, points. The said board shall make a report of its work, together with its conclusions upon the probable cost and commercial advan- tages and military and naval uses of said route or routes, to the Secretary RIVER AND HAEBOR BILL. 22 HOUSE BILL. Improving Choctawhatchee River, Florida and Alabama: For maintenance of improvement, in- cluding Cypress Top outlet, $25,000. Improving Escambia and Cone- cuh Rivers, Florida and Alabama: For maintenance, $15,000. Removing the water hyacinth, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas: For the re- moval of the water hyacinth from the navigable waters in the States of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas, so far as it is or may become an obstruction to navigation, $25,000. Improving harbor at Mobile, A 1 a D a m a : For maintenance, $125,000, of which amount $5,000 may be used in the removal of sunken logs, deadheads, and other obstructions. Improving Mobile Bar, Alabama: For maintenance, $20,000. Improving Alabama River, Ala- bama: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, including the Alabama and Coosa Rivers between Montgomery and Wetumpka, $100,000. Improving Black Warrior, War- rior, and Tombigbee Rivers, Ala- bama: Completing improvement from Mobile to Sanders Shoals on the Mulberry Fork and to Nichol Shoals on the Locust Fork of Black 8. Doc. 582, 63-2 6* REPORTED SUBSTITUTE. of War, who shall transmit the same to Congress as soon as practicable. The sum of $10,000, or so much thereof as may lie necessary, is hereby appropriated to pay the expenses of said board, including such clerical and other assistance as may be deemed necessary by said board. Improving Choctawhatchee River, Florida and Alabama: Con- tinuing improvement and for main- tenance, in- cluding Cypress Top outlet, $25,000. Improving channel from Pensacola Bay, Florida, to Mobile Bay, Ala- bama, in accordance with the report of the special Board of Engineers, as recommended on pages twenty-six and twenty-seven of said report submitted in House Document Numbered Six hundred and ten, Sixty-third Con- gress, second session, to the extent of providing a channel seven feet deep and seventy-five feet vnde on bottom, $25,000: Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States for acquiring any lands required for 'the purpose of this improvement. Improving Escambia and Cone- cuh Rivers, Florida and Alabama: For maintenance, $15,000. Removing the water hyacinth, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas: For the re- moval of the water hyacinth from the navigable waters in the States of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas, so far as it is or n;ay become an obstruction to navigation, $25,000. Improving harbor at Mobile, A 1 a b a m a : For maintenance, $125,000, of which amount $5,000 may be used in the removal of sunken logs, deadheads, and other obstructions. Improving Mobile Bar, Alabama: For maintenance, $20,000. Improving Alabama River, Ala- bama: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, including the Alabama and Coosa Rivers between Montgon ery and Wetumpka, $75,000. Improving Black Warrior, War- rior, and Tombigbeo Rivers, Ala- bama: Completing improvement from Mobile to Sanders Shoals on the Mulberry Fork and to Nichol Shoals on the Locust Fork of Black BURTON SUBSTITUTE. of War, who shall transmit the same to Congress as soon as practicable. The sum of $10,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby apf-ropriated to pay the expenses of said board, including such clerical and other assistance as may be deemed necessary by said board. Improving Choctawhatchee River, Florida and Arabama: Con- tinuing improvement and for main- tena.nce, in- cluding Cypress Top outlet, $25,000. Improving Escambia and Cone- cuh Rivers, Florida and Alabama: For maintenance, $15,000. Removing the water hyacinth, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas: For the re- moval of the water hyacinth from the navigable waters in the States of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas, so far as it is or may become an obstruction to navigation, $25,000. Improving harbor at Mobile, Alabama : For maintenance, $125,000, of which amount $5,000 may be used in the removal of sunken logs, deadheads, and other obstructions. Improving Mobile Bar, Alabama: For maintenance, $20,000. Improving Alabama River, Ala- bama: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, including the Alabama and Coosa Rivers between Montgomery and Wetumpka, $75,000. Improving Black Warrior, War- rior, and Tombigbee Rivers, Ala- bama : Completing improvement from Mobile to Sanders Shoals on the Mulberry Fork and to Nichol Shoals on the Locust Fork of Black RIVER AND HAEBOR BILL. 23 HOUSE BILL. Warrior River by the construction of locks and dams, including the sixty-three-foot dam at Lock Num- bered Seventeen, authorized by Act of Congress approved August twenty-second, nineteen hundred and eleven, $500,000. Improving Tombigbee River, Ala- bama and Mississippi: For main- tenance of improvement from the mouth to Demopolis, Alabama, $12,500, and from Demopolis, Ala- bama, to Walkers Bridge, Missis- sippi, $18,000; in all, $30,500. Improving channel connecting Mobile Bay and Mississippi Sound: For maintenance, $10,000. Improving inland waterway from Mobile Bay, Alabama, to Missis- sippi River in accordance with the recommendation of the Chief of Engineers made in the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Six hundred and ten, Sixty- third Congress, second session, $100,000: Provided, That no ex- pense shall be incurred by the United States for acquiring any lands required for the purpose of this improvement. Improving harbor at Pascagoula, Mississippi: The paragraph in the river and harbor Act, approved March fourth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, providing for the improvement of harbor at Pasca- goula, Mississippi, is hereby amend- ed to read as follows: "Improving harbor at Pascagoula, Mississippi: For maintenance of improvement of channel at the mouths of Pasca- goula and Dog Rivers, and impiov- ing channel through Horn Island Pass, Mississippi Sound, Pascagoula River, and Dog River, in accord- ance with the recommendation of the Chief of Engineers and the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors in report dated February tenth, nineteen hundred and four- teen, and printed in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered Twelve, Sixty-third Congress, second session, $110,000: Provided, That local interests shall furnish space for public wharves, both at Moss Point and at Pasca- goula, eight hundred feet in length and of such width as may be satis- factory to the Secretary of War." REPORTED SUBSTITUTE. Warrior River by the construction of locks and dams, including the sixty-three-foot dam at Lock Num- bered Seventeen, authorized by Act of Congress approved August twenty second, nineteen hundred and eleven, $750,000. Improving Tombigbee River, Ala- bama and Mississippi: For main- tenance of improvement from the mouth to Domopolis, Alabama, $12,500, and from Demopolis, Ala- bama, to Walkers Bridge, Missis- sippi, $18,000; in all, $30,500. Improving channel connecting Mobile Bay and Mississippi Sound: For maintenance, $10,000. Improving inland waterway from Mobile Bay, Alabama, to Missis- sippi River , with a view to securing a channel seven feet deep and seventy five feet wide on the bottom, in cordance with the report submitted in House Docij- ment Numbered Six hundred and ten, Sixty-third Congress, second session, $25,000: Provided, That the Secretary of War shall submit a further report as to the most desir- able route, all things considered, for the said seven-foot channel from Mo- bile Bay to the Mississippi River with an estimate of cost of the same. Improving harbor at Pascagoula, Mississippi: The paragraph in the river and harbor act, approved March fourth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, providing for the improvement of harbor at Pasca- goula, Mississippi, is hereby amend- ed to read as follows: "Improving harbor at Pascagoula, Mississippi: For maintenance of improvement of channel at the mouths of Pasca- goula and Dog Rivers, and improve- ing channel through Horn Island Pass, Mississippi Sound, Pascagoula River, and Dog River, in accord- ance with the recommendation of the Chief of Engineers and the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors in report dated February tenth, nineteen hundred and fo\ir- te.en, and printed in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered Twelve, Sixty-third Congress, second session, $110,000: Provided, That local interests shall furnish space for public wharves, both at Moss Point and at Pasca- goula, eight hundred foot in length and of such width as may be satis- factory to the Secretary of War." BURTON" SUBSTITUTE. Warrior River by the construction of locks and dams, including the sixty-three-foot dam at Lock Num- bered Seventeen, authorized by Act of Congress approved August twenty-second, nineteen hundred and eleven, $750,000. Improving Tombigbee River, Ala- bama and Mississippi: For main- tenance of improvement from the mouth to Demopolis, Alabama, $12,500, and from Demopolis, Ala- bama, to Walkers Bridge, Missis- sippi, $18,000; in all, $30,500. Improving channel connecting Mobile Bay and Mississippi Sound: For maintenance, $10,000. Improving harbor at Pascagoula, Mississippi: The paragraph in the river and harbor act, approved March fourth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, providing for the improvement 01 harbor at Pasca- goula, Mississippi, is hereby amend- ed to read as follows: "Improving harbor at Pascagoula, Mississippi: For maintenance of improvement of channel at the mouths of Pasca- goula and Dog Rivers, and improve- mg channel through Horn Island Pass, Mississippi Sour.d, Pascagoula River, and Dog River, in accord- ance with the recommendation of the Chief of Lngineers and the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors hi report dated February tenth, nineteen hundred and four- teen, and printed in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered Twelve, Sixty-third Congress, second session, $110,000: Provided, That local interests shall furnish space for public wharves, both at Moss Point and at Pasca- goula, eight hundred feet in length* and of such width as may be satis- factory to the Secretary of Var." BTVEB AND HABBOE BILL. 24 HOUSE BILL. Improving harbor at Gulfport, Mississippi : Continuing improve- ment and for maintenance of anchorage basin at Gulfport and channel therefrom to the anchorage or roadstead at Ship Island, and for the improvement and maintenance of channel at Ship Island Pass, $85,000. Improving Pascagoula and Leaf Rivers, Mississippi: For mainte- nance, $14,000. Improving Pearl River, Missis- sippi: Continuing improvement and for maintenance below Rockport, $16,000. Improving Yazoo River, Missis- sippi: For maintenance of improve- ment of mouth of Yazoo River, $10,000. The sums herein and here- after appropriated for such main- tenance, together with any unex- pended balance of appropriations heretofore made, shall be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War. Improving harbor at Vicksburg, Mississippi, in accordance with the report submitted in House Docu- ment Numbered Six hundred and sixty-seven, Sixty-third Congress, second session, and subject to the conditions therein stated, $125,000. Improving Yazoo River end trib- utaries, Mississippi: For mainte- nance of improvement, including Yazoo, Tallahatchie, Big Sunflower, and Coldwater Rivers, Tallahatchie River above the mouth of Cold- water River, Tchula Lake, Steele and Washington Bayous, Lake Washington, and Bear Creek, $40,000. Improving Big Sunflower River, Mississippi: Continuing improve- ment, $90,000. Iniproving Southwest Pass, Mis- sissippi River: Continuing improve- ment and for maintenance, $400,000. Improving Bayou Teche, Loui- siana: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $30,000; for im- provement in accordance with the report submitted in House Docu- ment Numbered Thirteen hundred and twenty-nine, Sixty-second Con- gress, third session, $100,000: Pro- vided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States for acquiring any lands required for the purpose of this improvement; in all, $130,000. REPORTED SUBSTITUTE. Improving harbor at Gulfport, Mississippi : Continuing improve- ment and for maintenance of anchorage basin at Gulfport and channel therefrom to the anchorage or roadstead at Ship Island, and for the improvement and maintenance of channel at Ship Island Pass, $50,000. Improving Pascagoula and Leaf Rivers, Mississippi: For mainte- nance, $14,000. Improving Pearl River, Missis- sippi : Continuing improvement and for maintenance below Rockport, $16,000. Improving Yazoo River, Missis- sippi: For maintenance of improve- ment of mouth of Yazoo River, $10,000. The sums herein and here- after appropriated for such main- tenance, together with any unex- pended balance of appropriations heretofore made, shall be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War. Improving harbor at Vicksburg, Mississippi, in accordance with the report submitted in House Docu- ment Numbered Six hundred and sixty-seven, Sixty-third Congress, second session, and subject to the conditions therein stated, $125,000. Improving Yazoo River and trib- utaries, Mississippi: For mainte- nance of improvement, including Yazoo, Tallahatchie, Big Sunflower, and Coldwater Rivers, Tallahatchie River above the mouth of Cold- water River, Tchula Lake, Steele and Washington Bayous, Lake Washington, and Bear Creek, $40,000. Improving Big Sunflower River, Mississippi : Continuing improve- ment, $90,000. Improving Southwest Pass, Mis- sissippi River: Continuing improve- ment and for maintenance, $800,000. Improving Bayou Teche, Loui- siana: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $30,000; for im- provement in accordance with the report submitted in House Docu- ment Numbered Thirteen hundred and twenty-nine, Sixty-second Con- gress, third session, $50,000: Pro- vided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States for acquiring any lands required for the purpose of this improvement; in all, $80,000. BURTON SUBSTITUTE. Improving harbor at Gulfport, Mississippi : Continuing improve- ment and for maintenance of anchorage basin at Gulfport and channel therefrom to the anchorage or roadstead at Ship Island, and for the improvement and maintenance of channel at Ship Island Pass, $50,000. Improving Pascagoula and Leaf Rivers, Mississippi: For mainte- nance, $14,000. Improving Pearl River, Missis- sippi : Continuing improvement and for maintenance below Rockport, $16,000. Improving Yazoo River, Missis- sippi: For maintenance of improve- ment of mouth of Yazoo River, $1 0,000. The sums herein and here- after appropriated for such main- tenance, together with any unex- pended balance of appropriations heretofore made, shall be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War. Improving Yazoo River and trib- utaries, Mississippi: For mainte- nance of improvenu nt, including Yazoo, Tallahatchi >, Big Sunflower, and Coldwater Rivers, Tallahatchie River above the mouth of Cold- water River, Tchula Lake, Steel? and Washington Bayous, Lake Washington, and Bear Creek, $40,000. Improving Big Sunflower River, Mississippi: Continuing improve- ment, $90,000. Improving Southwest Pass, Mis- sissippi River: Continuing improve- ment and for maintenance, $300,000. _ Improving Bayou Teche, Loui- siana: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $30,000; for im- provement in accordance with the report submitted in House Docu- ment Numbered Thirteen hundred and twenty-nine, Sixty-second Con- gress, third session, $50,000: Pro- vided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States for acquiring any lands required for the purpose of this improvement; in all, $80,000. RIVER AND HARBOR BILL. 25 HOUSE BILL. Improving Bayou Vermilion and Mermen tau Kiver, Louisiana: For maintenance of improvement of channel, bay, and passes of Bayou Vermilion and Mermen tau River and tributaries, and continuing im- provement and maintenance of Bayou Plaquemme Brule, $12,000. Improving Vermilion Kiver, Loui- siana, and channel to connect Ver- milion River with the inland water- way at Schooner Bayou, in accord- ance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Thir- teen hundred and thirty-six, Sixty- second Congress, third session, $37,500: Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States for acquiring any lands re- quired for the purpose of this im- provement. Improving Bayou Terrebonne, Louisiana: Completing improve- ment, $25,000. Improving Atchafalaya River, Louisiana: For maintenance, $10,000. Improving Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana: Completing improve- ment in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered One hundred and seventy-six, Sixty-third Congress, first session, $32,000. REPORTED SUBSTITUTE. Improving waterway from Missis- sippi River to Bayou Teche, Louisi- ana, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Num- bered Six hundred and ten, Sixty- third Congress, second session, $50,000, and in constructing said waterway the Secretary of War may use such portion or portions of any private canals as may be suitable for the purpose and can be acquired upon satisfactory terms. Improving waterway from Bayou Teche to Mermentau River, Louisi- ana: The unexpended balance of amounts heretofore appropriated for the waterway from Franklin to Mer- mentau, Louisiana, is hereby made available for expenditure in accord- ance with the plan for improving the waterway from Bayou Teche to Mer- mentau River submitted in House Document Numbered Six hundred and ten, sixty-third Congress, second session, which plan of improvement is hereby adopted: Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States for acquiring any lands required for the purpose of this im- provement. Improving Bayou Vermilion and Mermentau River, Louisiana: For maintenance of improvement of channel, bay, and passes of Bayou Vermilion and Mermentau River and tributaries, and continuing im- provement and maintenance of Bayou Plaquemine Brule, $12,000. Improving Vermilion River, Loui- siana, and channel to connect Ver- milion River with the inland water- way at Schooler Bayou, in accord- ance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Thir- teen hundred and thirty-six, Sixty- second Congress, third session, $37,500: Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States for acquiring any lands re- quired for the purpose of this im- provement. Improving Bayou Terrebonne, Louisiana : Completing improve- ment, $25,000. Improving Atchafalaya River, Louisiana: For maintenance, $10,000. Improving Lake Ponchartrain, Louisiana: Completing improve- ment in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered One hundred and seventy-six, Sixty-third Congress, first session, $32,000. BURTON SUBSTITUTE. Improving waterway from Bayou Teche to Mermentau River, Louisir- ana: The unexpended balance of amounts heretofore appropriated for the watenvay from Franklin to Mer- mentau, Louisiana, is hereby made available for expenditure in accord- ance with the plan for improving the waterway from Bayou Teche to Mer- mentau River submitted in House Document Numbered Six hundred and ten, ^ixty-third Congress, second session, which plan of improvement is hereby adopted: Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States for acquiring any lands required for the purpose of this im- provement. Improving Bayou Vermilion and Mermentau River, Louisiana: For maintenance of improvement of channel, bay, and passes of Bayou Vermilion and Mermentau River and tributaries, and continuing im- provement and maintenance of Bayou Plaqueirine Brule, $12,000. Improving Vermilion River, Loui- siana, and channel to connect Ver- milion River with the inland water- way at Schooner Bayou, in accord- ance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Thir- teen hundred and thirty-six, Sixty- second Congress, third session, $37,500: Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States for acquiring any lands re- quired for the purpose of this im- provement. Improving Bayou Terrebonne, Louisiana: Completing improve- ment, $25,000. Improving Atchafalaya River, Louisiana: For maintenance, $10,000. Improving Lake Ponchartrain, Louisiana : Completing improve- ment in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered One hundred and seventy-six, Sixty-third Congress, first session, $32,000. BIVEB AND HABBOB BILL. 26 HOUSE BILL. Improving Bayou Grossetete, Louisiana : Completing improve- ment and for maintenance, $9,000. Improving Johnsons Bayou, Louisiana : For maintenance, $5,000. Improving Bayous Bartholo- mew, Macon, D'Arbomie, and Cor- ney, and Boeuf and Tensas Kivers, Louisiana : For maintenance, $16,000. Improving Galveston Channel, Texas : Continuing improvement by construction of sea wall extension in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Thirteen hundred and ninety, Sixty-second Congress, third ses- sion, $1,185,000: Provided, That no part of the amount herein appro- priated shall be expended, and no contract shall be entered into under this appropriation until the county or city of Galveston and other local interests shall have do- nated the necessary lands to the United States, and shall have quieted all claims to the present San Jacinto Reservation, nor until the said county or city of Galveston shah 1 have obtained a right of way and made provision in a manner satisfactory to the Secretary of War for paying the cost of constructing at least three thousand three hun- dred feet of sea Avail extension in addition to that herein appropriated for: Provided further, That the en- tire work of construction shall be done under the direction of the Sec- retary of War, and the funds appro- priated by Congress and those fur- nished by the county or city of Gal- veston shall be expended by him: REPORTED SUBSTITUTE. Improving Bayou Grossetete, Louisiana : Completing improve- ment and for maintenance, $9,000. Improving Johnsons Bayou, Louisiana: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving Bayous Bartholo- mew, Macon, D'Arbonne, and Cor- ney, and Boeuf and Tensas Rivers, Louisiana: For maintenance, $16,000. Improving Galveston Channel, Texas : Continuing improvement by construction of sea wall extension in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Thirteen hundred and ninety, Sixty-second Congress, third ses- sion, which is hereby adopted under the conditions therein named $100,000: Provided, That no part of the amount herein appro- priated shall be expended, except for surveys and other preliminary work, and no contract shall be entered into under this appropriation until the county or city of Galveston and other local interests shall have do- nated the necessary lands to the United States, and shall have quieted all claims to the present San Jacinto Reservation, nor until the said county or city of Galveston shah" have obtained a right of way and made provision in a manner satisfactory to the Secretary of War for paying the cost of constructing at least three thousand three hun- dred feet of sea wall extension in addition to that herein appropriated for: Provided further, That the en- tire work of construction shall be done under the direction of the Sec- retary of War, and the funds appro- priated by Congress and those fur- nished by the county or city of Gal- veston shall be expended by him: BURTON SUBSTITUTE. Improving Bayou Grossetete, Louisiana : Completing improve- ment and for maintenance, $9,000. Iirprjving Johnsons Bayou, Louisiana: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving Bayous Bartholo- mew, Macon, D'Arbonne, and Cor- ney, and Boeuf and Tensas Rivers, Louisiana: For maintenance, $16,000. Improving Galveston Channel, Texas : Continuing improvement by construction of sea wall extension in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Thirteen hundred and ninety, Sixty-second Congress, third ses- sion, which is hereby adopted under the conditions therein named $100,000: Provided, That no part of the amount herein appro- priated shall be expended, except for surveys and other preliminary work, and no contract shall be entered into under this appropriation until the county or city of Galveston and other local interests shall have do- nated the necessary lands to the United States, and shall have quieted all claims to the present San Jacinto Reservation, nor until the said county or city of Galveston shall have obtained a right of way and made provision in a manner satisfactory to the Secretary of War for paying the cost of constructing at loast three thousand three hun- dred feet of sea wall extension in addition to that herein appropriated for: Provided further, That the en- tire work of construction shall be done under the direction of the Sec- retary of War, and the funds appro- priated by Congress and those fur- nished by the county or city of Gal- veston shall be expended by him: And provided also, That the structure shall in all respects conform to that heretofore constructed by the county of Gal- veston. Improving Galveston Channel, Texas : Continuing improvement and for maintenance under the ex- isting project, which contemplates 8. Doc. 582. 63-2 ? And provided also, That the pave- And provided also, That the pave- ment of the roadway and sidewalk ment of the roadway and sidewalk the new sea wall shatt conorm along the new sea wall shall conform in width jr the new sea wall shatt conform in width to that heretofore to that heretofore constructed by the county of Gal- constructed by the county of Gal- veston. veston. Improving Galveston Channel, Improving Galveston Channel, Texas: Continuing improvement Texas: Continuing improvement and for maintenance under the ex- and for maintenance under the ex- isting project, which contemplates isting project, which contemplates BIVEB AND HABBOB BILL. 27 HOUSE BILL. the excavation of a channel thirty feet deep and one thousand two hundred feet wide from the inner bar to Fifty-first Street and seven hundred feet wide from Fifty-first to Fifty-sixth Streets, $100,000: Provided, That at such time as in the discretion of the Secretary of War the same may be required in the interests of navigation and commerce the western terminus of said channel may be extended to Fifty-seventh Street with a width of one thousand feet between Fifty- first and Fifty-seventh Streets, as recommended in the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Three hundred and twenty- eight, Sixty-first Congress, second session. Improving channel to Port Bol- ivar, Texas: For maintenance, $25,000. Improving Port Aransas, Texas: Continuing improvement, $800,000. Improving Sabine Pass, Texas: Continuing improvement and for maintenance of Sabine Pass and Port Arthur Canal, $550,000. Improving the Sabine-Neches Ca- nal, Texas, from the Port Arthur Ship Canal to the mouth of Sabine River, the Neches River up to the town of Beaumont, and the Sabiue River up to the town of Orange, as provided for in the river and harbor Act of February twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and eleven: That the channels which the Beaumont Navigation District, or other local interests, and the Orange Navigation District, or other local interests, are required, by the afore- said Act to maintain for a term of three years, free of cost to the United States, are hereby defined as, respectively, the channel from the mouth of the Neches River up to Beaumont, Texas, and the channel from the mouth of the Neches River up to Orange, Texas. Improving Houston Ship Chan- nel, Texas: For maintenance, $200,000. Improving Anahuac Channel, Trinity River, Oyster Creek, and Cedar, Chocolate, Turtle, Bastrop, REPORTED SUBSTITUTE. the excavation of a channel thirty feet deep and one thousand two hundred feet wide from the inner bar to Fifty-first Street and seven hundred feet wide from Fifty-first to Fifty-sixth Streets, $100,000: Provided, That at such time as in the discretion of the Secretary of War the same may be required in the interests of navigation and commerce the western terminus of said channel may be extended to j'ifty-sevonth Street with a width of one thousand feet between Fifty- first and Fifty-seventh Streets, as recommended in the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Three hundred and twenty- eight, Sixty-first Congress, second session. Improving channel to Port Bol- ivar, Texas: For maintenance, $25,000. Improving Port Aransas, Texas: Continuing improvement, $800,000. Improving Sabine Pass, Texas: Continuing improvement and for maintenance or Sabine Pass and Port Arthur Canal, $550,000. Improving the Sabine-Neches Ca- nal, Texas, from the Port Arthur Ship Canal to the mouth of Sabine River, the Neches River up to the town of Beaumont, and the Sabine River up to the town of Orange, as provided for in the river and harbor Act of February twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and eleven: That the channels which the Beaumont Navigation District, or other local interests, and the Orange Navigation District, or other local interests', are required, by the afore- said Act to maintain for a term of three years, free of cost to the United States, are hereby defined as, respectively, the channel from the mouth of the Neches River up to Beaumont, Texas, and the channel from the mouth of the Neches River up to Orange, Texas : Provided, That nothing herein shall be construed as ' relieving said Beaumont Navigation District of its obligation to provide for the operation and maintenance of the guard lock witho^it cost to the United States as required by said river and JiarborAct of February twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and eleven. Improving Houston Ship Chan- nel, Texas: For maintenance, $200,000. Improving Anahuac Channel, Trinity River, Oyster Creek, and Cedar, Chocolate, Turtle, Bastrop, BURTON SUBSTITUTE. the excavation of a channel thirty feet deep and one thousand two hundred feet wide from the inner bar to Fifty-first Street and seven hundred feet wide from Fifty-first to Fifty-sixth Streets, $100,000: Provided, That at such time as in the discretion of the Secretary of War the same may be required in the interests of navigation and commerce the western terminus of said channel may be extended to Fifty-seventh Street with a width of one thousand feet between Fifty- first and Fifty-seventh Streets, as recommended in the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Throe hundred and twenty- eight, Sixty-first Congress, second session. Improving channel to Port Bol- ivar, Texas: For maintenance, $25,000. Improving Port Aransas, Texas: Continuing improvement, $800,000. Improving babine Pass, Texas: Continuing improvement and for maintenance of Sabine Pass and Port Arthur Canal, $550,000. Improving the Sabine-Neches Ca- nal, Texas, from the Port Arthur Ship Canal to the mouth of Sabine River, the Neches River up to the town of Beaumont, and the Sabine River up to the town of Orange, as provided for in the river and harbor Act of February twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and eleven: That the channels which the Beaumont Navigation District, or other local interests, and the Orange Navigation District, or other local interests, are required, by the afore- said Act to maintain for a term of three years, free of cost to the United States, are hereby defined as, respectively, the channel from the mouth of the Neches River up to Beaumont, Texas, and the channel from the mouth of the Neches River up to Orange, Texas : Provided, That nothing herein shall be construed as relieving said Beaumont Navigation District of its obligation to provide for the operation and maintenance o/ the flunrd lock without cost to the United States as required by said river and harbor Act of February twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and eleven. Improving Houston Ship Chan- nel, Texas: For maintenance, $200,000. Improving Anahuac Channel, Trinity River, Oyster Creek, and Cedar, Chocolate, Turtle, Bastrop, RIVER AND HARBOR BILL. 28 HOUSE BILL. Dickinson, Double, and East Bay Bayous: For maintenance, $25,000. Improving inland waterway on coast of Texas: For maintenance of that section of the waterway be- tween West Galveston Bay and Brazos River Canal, $15,000; for maintenance of channel between Brazos River and Matagorda Bay, $25,000; for maintenance of chan- nel from Aransas Pass to Pass Cavallo, $30,000; for completing improvement and for maintenance of Guadalupe River up to Victoria, $15.000; for improvement of that section between Galveston and the Sabine River in accordance with the report printed in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered Seven, Sixty-third Con- gress, first session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $150,000; for improve- ment of that section between Corpus Christ) Bay and Baffins Bay in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Six hundred and ten, Sixty- third Congress, second session, $80,- 000; in all, $315,000: Provided, That 110 expense shall be incurred by the United States for acquiring any lands required for the purpose of this improvement. Improving mouth of Brazos River, Texas: For maintenance, $25,000. Improving Brazos River, Texas: Continuing improvement from Old Washington to Waco by the con- struction of locks and dams here- tofore authorized, $200,000; con- tinuing improvement and for main- tenance by open-channel work from Velasco to Old Washington, $25,000; in all, $225,000. Improving channel from Pass Cavallo to Port Lavaca, Texas: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving channel from Aransas Pass to Corpus Christi, Texas: For maintenance, $15,000. Improving Trinity River, Texas: Continuing improvement with a view to obtaining a depth of six REPORTED SUBSTITUTE. Dickinson, Double, and East Bay Bavous: For maintenance, $25,000. Improving inland waterway on coast of Texas: For maintenance of the West Galveston Bay-Brazos River section, $15,000; for mainte- nance of the Brazos niver- Mata- gorda Bay section, $25,000; for maintenance of the Aransas Pass- Pass Cavallo section, $80,000; for completing improvement and for maintenance of Guadalupe River up to Victoria, $15,000; for im- provement of the Galveston-Sabine River section hi accordance with the report jmnted in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered Seven, Sixty-third Con- gress, first session, and subject to the conditions set forth jn said document, $85,000: Provided, That the Secretary of War may, on the recommendation of the Chief of Engineers, make such changes in the location of said channel as may be considered desirable, and can be made without increased cost; for improvement of that section be- tween Aransas Pass and Brazos Santi- ago in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Six hundred and ten, Sixty- third Congress, second session, $80,- 000: Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States for acquiring any lands re- quired for the purpose of this im- provement; in all $190,000. Improving mouth of Brazos River, Texas: For maintenance, $25,000. Improving Brazos River, Texas: Continuing improvement from Old Washington to Waco by the con- struction of locks and dams here- tofore authorized, $200,000; con- tinuing improvement and for main- tenance by open-channel work from Velasco to Old Washington, $25,000; in all, $225,000. Improving channel from Pass Cavallo to Port Lavaca, Texas: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving channel from Aransas Pass to Corpus Christi, Texas: For maintenance, $15,000. Improving Trinity River, Texas: Continuing improvement with a view to obtaining a depth of six BURTON SUBSTITUTE. Dickinson, Double, and East Bay Bayous: For maintenance, $25,000. Improving inland waterway on coast of Texas: For maintenance of the West Galveston Bay-Brazos River section, $15,000; for mainte- nance of the Brazos River- Mata- gorda Bay section, $25,000; for maintenance of the Aransas Pass- Pass Cavallo section, $30,000; for completing improvement and for maintenance of Guadalupe River up to Victoria, $15,000; in all, $85,000. Improving mouth of Brazos River, Texas: For maintenance, $25,000. Improving Brazos River, Texas: Continuing improvement from Old Washington to Waco by the con- struction of locks and dams here- tofore authorized, $200,000; con- tinuing improvement and for main- tenance by open-channel work from Velasco to Old Washington, $25,000; in all, $225,000. Improving channel from Pass Cavallo to Port Lavaca, Texas: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving channel from Aransas Pass to Corpus Christi, Texas: For maintenance, $15,000. Improving Trinity River, Texas: Continuing improvement with a view to obtaining a depth of six BTVEB AND HABBOB BILL. 29 HOUSE BILL. feet between the mouth and Dallas by the construction of locks and dams heretofore authorized, $140,000; for the construction of locks and dams Numbered Three and Five, $50,000; for maintenance of improvement by open-channel work, $15,000; in all, $205,000. Improving Cypress Bayou, Texas and Louisiana: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving Red River, Arkansas, Texas, and Oklahoma: Continuing improvement and for maintenance between Fulton, Arkansas, and the mouth of the Washita River, $25,000. Improving Colorado River, Texas: Completing improvement in ac- cordance with the report submitted in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered Three, Sixty- third Congress, first session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $25,000. Improving Ouachita River, Ar- kansas and Louisiana: Continuing improvement by the construction of Locks and Dams Numbered Two, Four, Six, and Eight, $194,000; for maintenance of improvement by open-channel work up to Camden, $25,000, and from Camden to Arka- delphia, $2,500; hi all, $221,500. Improving Saline River, Arkan- sas: For maintenance, $3,000. Improving Arkansas River, Ar- kansas and Oklahoma: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, including works at Pine Bluff and the completion and operation of dredging plant, $164,700. Improving White River, Arkan- sas: For maintenance, $31,800. Improving Cache River, Arkan- sas: i< or maintenance, $3,000. Improving Black and Current Rivers, Arkansas and Missouri: For maintenance, $33,150. REPORTED SUBSTITUTE. feet between the mouth and Dallas by the construction of locks and dams heretofore authorized $140,000; for the construction of locks and dams Numbered Three and Five, $50,000; for maintenance of improvement by open-channel work, $15,000; in all, $205,000. Improving Cypress Bayou, Texas and Louisiana: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving Red River, Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, and Oklahoma: Continuing improvement and for maintenance below Fulton, Arkan- sas, $50,000; continuing improvement and for maintenance between Fulton, Arkansas, and the mouth of the Washita River, $25,000; in all, $75,000. Improving Colorado River, Texas: Completing improvement in ac- cordance with the report submitted in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered Three* Sixty- third Congress, first session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $5,000. Improving Ouachita River, Ar- kansas and Louisiana: Continuing improvement by the construction of Locks and Dams Numbered Two, TJtree, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, and Nine $300,000; for maintenance of improvement by open-channel work up to Camden, $25,000, and from Camden to Arka- delphia, $2,500; in all, $827,500. Improving Saline River, Arkan- sas : For maintenance, $3,000. Improving Arkansas River, Ar- kansas and Oklahoma: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, including works at Pine Bluff and the completion and operation of dredging plant, $110,000. Improving White River, Arkan- sas: For maintenance, $31,800. Improving White River at Du Vails Bluff, Arkansas: Completing improvement in accordance -unth the report submitted in House Document Numbered Twelve hundred and fifty- nine, Sixty-second Congress, third session, $14,000. Improving Cache River, Arkan- sas: For maintenance, $3,000. Improving Black and Current Rivers, Arkansas and Missouri: For maintenance, $33,150. BURTON SUBSTITUTE. feet between the mouth and Dallas by the construction of locks and dams heretofore authorized $140,000; for maintenance of improvement by open-channel work, $15,000; in all, $155,000. Improving Cypress Bayou, Texas and Louisiana: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving Colorado River, Texas Completing improvement in ac- cordance with the report submitted in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered Three, Sixty- third Congress, first session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $5,000. Improving Saline River, Arkan- sas: For maintenance, $3,000. Improving Arkansas River, Ar- kansas and Oklahoma: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, including works at Pine Bluff and the completion and operation of dredging plant, $64,700. Improving White River, Arkan- sas: For maintenance, $31,800. Improving Cache River, Arkan- sas: For maintenance, $3,000. Improving Black and Current Rivers, Arkansas and Missouri: For maintenance, $33,150. EIVEE AND HARBOR BILL. 30 HOUSE BILL. Improving Saint Francis River, Arkansas: For maintenance of im- provement of Saint Francis and L'Anguille Rivers and Blackfish Bayou, $6,000. Improving French Broad River, Tennessee: Completing improve- ment and for maintenance of 1- rench Broad and Little Pigeon Rivers, $23,515. Improving Tennessee River, Ten- nessee, Alabama, and Kentucky: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, as follows: Above Chattanooga, Tennessee, $150,000; between Chattanooga, Tennessee,' and Browns Island, Alabama, $150,000; between Florence and Riverton, Alabama, $130,000; be- low Riverton, Alabama, $120,000; in all, $550,000. Improving Cumberland River be- low Nashville, Tennessee: Continu- ing improvement by the construc- tion of Locks and Dams B, C, and D, $250,000. Improving Cumberland River above Nashville, Tennessee) in ac- cordance with the recommenda- tion of the Chief of Engineers and the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors, printed in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered Ten, Sixty-third Con- gress, second session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $340,000. Improving Big Sandy River, West Virginia and Kentucky: For com- pleting guide wall below Lock Numbered One, $25,000. Improving harbor at Toledo, Ohio : Completing improvement and for maintenance, $135,000. S. Doc. 582, 63-2 8 REPORTED SUBSTITUTE. Improving Saint Francis River, Arkansas: For maintenance of im- provement of Saint Francis and L'Aiiguille Rivers and Blackfish Bayou, $6,000. Improving French Broad River, Tennessee : Completing improve- ment and for maintenance of French Broad and Little Pigeon Rivers, $23,515. Improving Tennessee River, Ten- nessee, Alabama, and Kentucky: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, as follows: Above Chattanooga, Tennessee, $150,000; between Chattanooga, Tennessee, and Browns Island, Alabama, $150,000; between Florence and Riverton, Alabama, $130,000; be- low Riverton, Alabama, $120,000; in all, $550,000. Improving Tennessee River be- tween Browns Island and the rail- road bridge below the city of Florence, Alabama: For the completion of the detailed surveys, foundation borings, and preparation of plans for the im- provement of this section of the river for the purposes of navigation, com- bined with the development of water power by the United States alone, or m cooperation with private interests, $150,000: Provided, That the work hereby authorized is understood to be of a preliminary nature only and in extension of investigations heretofore authorized, and that the United States is in no wise committed to the execu- tion of any plan of improvement which may be contemplated or pro- posed without the further and express action of Congress. Improving Cumberland River be- low ^Nashville, Tennessee: Continu- ing 'improvement by the construc- tion of Locks and Dams B, C, and D, $250,000. Improving Cumberland River above Nashville, Tennessee, in ac- cordance with the recommenda- tion of the Chief of Engineers and the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors, printed in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered Ten, Sixty-third Con- gress, second session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $340,000. Improving Big Sandy River, West Virginia and Kentucky: For com- pleting guide wall below Lock Numbered One, $25,000. Improving harbor at Toledo, Ohio : Completing improvement and for maintenance, $135,000. BURTON SUBSTITUTE. Improving Saint Francis River, Arkansas: For maintenance of im- provement of Saint Francis and L'Anguille Rivers and Blackfish Bayou, $6,000. Improving French Broad River, Tennessee : Completing improve- ment and for maintenance of French Broad and Little Pigeon Rivers, $23,515. Improving Tennessee River, Ten- nessee, Alabama, and Kentucky: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, as follows: Be- low Riverton, Alabama, $120,000. PROVIDED, THAT NQ FUR- THER AMOUNT SHALL BE EXPENDED ON LOCKS OR DAMS IN THIS RIVER UNTIL FURTHER AND EXPRESS AC- TION OF CONGRESS. Improving Cumberland River be- low Nashville, Tennessee: Continu- ing improvement by the construc- tion of Locks and Dams B, C, and D, $250,000. Improving Big Sandy River, West Virginia and Kentucky: For com- pleting guide wall below Lock Numbered One, $25,000. Improving harbor at Toledo, Ohio: Completing improvement and for maintenance, $135,000. RIVEK AND HARBOR BILL. 31 HOUSE BILL. Improving harbor at Port Clinton, Ohio: For maintenance, $500. Improving harbor at Huron, Ohio: For maintenance, $2,500; completing improvement in accord- ance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Five, Sixty-third Congress, first session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $34,500: Provided, That no expense shall be incurred Ly the United States for acquiring any lands required for the purpose of this improvement; in all, $37,000. Improving harbor at Vermilion, Ohio: For maintenance, $7,000. Improving harbor at Cleveland, Ohio: For maintenance by dredging and repair of breakwaters, $200,000. Cuyahoga River, Ohio: The sum of $5,000 is hereby appropriated to enable the Secretary of \V ar to pre- pare, in cooperation with local inter- ests, a complete and definite plan of improvement, as recommended in House Document Numbered Seven hundred and seven, Sixty-third Congress, second session: Provided, That the Government shall not be deemed to have entered upon such project until funds for the com- mencement of work under the plan to be submitted to Congress in ac- cordance with this authority shall have been actually appropriated by law. Improving harbor at Fairport, Ohio, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Two hundred and six, Sixty-third Congress, first session, $158,000. Improving harbor at Conneaut, Ohio : Continuing improvement, $243,530. Improving Ohio River: Continu- ing improvement and for mainte- nance by open-channel work, $350,900. Improving Ohio RiA'cr: Continu- ing improvement by the construc- tion of locks and dams with a view to securing a navigable depth of nine feet, $2,000,000: Provided, That the Secretary of War may enter into a contract or contracts for such materials and work as may be necessary to prosecute the said project, to be paid for as appropria- tions may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate $3,000,000, exclusive of the amounts herein and heretofore appropriated. BEPORTED SUBSTITUTE. Improving harbor at Port Clinton, Ohio: For maintenance, $500. Improving harbor at Huron, Ohio: For maintenance, $2,500; completing improvement in accord- ance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Five, Sixty-third Congress, first session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $34,500: Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States for acquiring any lands required for the purpose of this improvement; in all, $37,000. Improving harbor at Vermilion, Ohio: For maintenance, $7,000. Improving harbor at Cleveland, Ohio : For maintenance by dredging and repair of breakwaters, $200,000. Cuyahoga River, Ohio: The sum of $5,000 is hereby appropriated to enable the Secretary of War to pre- pare, in cooperation with local inter- ests, a complete and definite plan of improvement, as recommended in House Document Numbered Seven hundred and seven, "Sixty-third Congress, second session: Provided, That the Government shall not be deemed to have entered upon such project until funds for the com- mencement of work under the plan to be submitted to Congress in ac- cordance with this authority shall have been actually appropriated by law. Improving harbor at Fairport, Ohio, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Two hundred and six, Sixty-third Congress, first session, $158,000. _ Improving harbor at Conneaut, Ohio: Continuing improvement, $243,530. Improving Ohio River: Continu- ing improvement and for mainte- nance by open-channel work, $350,900. Improving Ohio River: Continu- ing improvement by the construc- tion of locks and dams with a view to securing a navigable depth of nine feet, $2,000,000. BURTON SUBSTITUTE. Improving harbor at Port Clinton, Ohio: For maintenance, $500. Improving harbor at Huron, Ohio: For maintenance, $2,500; completing improvement in accord- ance with the report submittid in House Document Numbered Five, Sixty-third Congress, first session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $34,500: Provided, That no expense shall be incurr d by the United States for acquiring any lands required for the purpose of this improvement; in all, $37,000. Improving harbor at Vermilion, Ohio: For maintenance, $7,000. Improving harbor at Cleveland, Ohio: For maint: nance by dredging and r, pair of breakwaters, $150,000. Cuyahoga River, Ohio: The sum of $5,000 is her* by appropriated to enable the S cretary of War to pre- pare, in cooperation with local inter- ests, a complete and definite plan of improvement, as recommended in House Document Numbered Seven hundred and seven, Sixty-third Congress, second session: Provided, That the Government shall not be deemed to have entered upon such project until funds for the com- mencement of work under the plan to be submitted to Congress -in ac- cordance with this authority shall have been actually appropriated by law. Improving harbor at Fairport, Ohio, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Two hundreel and six, Sixty-third Congress, first session, $158,000. Improving harbor at Conneaut, Ohio: Continuing improvement, $243,530. Improving Ohio River: Continu- ing improvement and for mainte- nance by open-channel work, $350,900. Improving Ohio River: Continu- ing improvement by the construc- tion of locks and dams with a view to securing a navigable depth of nine feet, $2,000,000. RIVER AND HARBOR BILL. 32 HOUSE BILL. Improving harbor at Ontonagon, Michigan: For maintenance, $10,000. Improving harbor at Marquette, Michigan: For maintenance, $2,000. Improving Menominee Harbor and River, Michigan and Wisconsin: For maintenance, $7,500; complet- ing improvement in accordance with the report submitted in House Doc- ument Numbered Two hundred and twenty-eight, Sixty-third Congress, first session, $3,400; in all, $10,900. Improving harbor at South Haven, Michigan : For maintenance, $17,000. Improving harbor at Muskegon, Michigan: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving harbor at Ludington, Michigan : For maintenance, $21,000. Improving harbor at Frankfort, Michigan: For maintenance, $3,000. Improving harbor at Charlevoix and entrance to Pine Lake, Michi- gan: For maintenance, $4.000. Improving harbor at Alpena. Michigan: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving harbor of refuge ;:t Harbor Beach, Michigan: For re- pairs to piers and maintenance of improvement, $362,380. Waterway across Keweenaw Point, Michigan: Continuing im- provement by the construction of harbor of refuge at the eastern en- trance, $75,000. Improving Saint Marys River at the falls, Michigan: Continuing im- provement by the construction of a fourth lock, $250,000. REPORTED SUBSTITUTE. Improving harbor at Ontonagon, Michigan: For maintenance, $10,000. Improving harbor at Marquette, Michigan: For maintenance, $2,000. Improving Menominee Harbor and River, Michigan and Wisconsin : For maintenance, $7,500; complet- ing improvement in accordance with the report submitted in House Doc- ument Numbered Two hundred and twenty-eight, Sixty-third Congress, first session, $3,400; in ah 1 , $10,900. Improving harbor at South Haven, Michigan : For maintenance, $17,000. Improving harbor at Muskegon, Michigan: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving harbor at Ludington, Michigan : For maintenance, $2 1 ,000. Improving harbor at Frankfort, Michigan: For maintenance, $3,000. Improving harbor at Charlevoix and entrance to Pine Lake, Michi- gan: For maintenance, $4,000. Improving harbor at Alpena, Michigan: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving harbor of refuge at Harbor Beach, Michigan: For re- pairs to piers and maintenance of improvement, $362,380. Waterway across Keweeiiaw Point, Michigan: Continuing im- provement by the construction of harbor of refuge at the eastern en- trance, $75,000. ;for making a cut-off across Princess Point in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Eight hundred and thirty-five, Sixty-third Congress, second session, $138,000; in all, $213,000. Improving harbor at Arcadia, Michigan: Completing repairs to the north and south piers from the shore line of Lake Michigan to the shore line of the inner harbor, $25,000. Improving Saint Marys River at the falls, Michigan: Continuing im- provement by the construction of a fourth lock, $250,000 : Provided, That so much as may be necessary of the unexpended balance of appropria- tions heretofore made for the construc- tion of the new third lock may, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, be applied to the deepening and enlarge- ment of the tailrace of the United States power plant, in order to in- crease me capacity of said plant. BURTON SUBSTITUTE. In i proving harbor at Ontonagon, Michigan: For maintenance, $10, 000. Improving harbor at Marquette, Michigan: tor maintenance, $2,000. Improving Menominee Harbor and River, Michigan and Wisconsin: For maintenance, $7,500: complet- ing improvement in accordance with the report submitted in House Doc- ument Numbered Two hundred" and twenty-eight, Sixty-third Congress, first session, $3,400; in all, $10,900'. Improving harbor at South Haven, Michigan : For maintenance, $17,000. Improving harbor at Muskegon, Michigan: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving harbor at Ludington, Michigan: For maintenance,$21,000. Improving harbor at Frankfort, Michigan: For maintenance, $3,000. Improving harbor at Charleyoix and entrance to Pine Lake, Michi- gan: For maintenance, $4,000. Improving harbor at Alpena, Michigan: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving harbor of refuge at Harbor Beach, Michigan: For re- pairs to piers and maintenance of improvement, $362,380. Waterway across Keweenaw Point, Michigan: Continuing im- provement by the construction of harbor of refuge at the eastern en- trance, $75,000. Improving harbor at Arcadia, Michigan: Completing repairs to the north and south piers from the shore line of Lake Michigan to the shore line of the inner harbor, $25,000. Improving Saint Marys River at the falls, Michigan: Continuing im- provement by the construction of a fourth lock, I $250,000 : Provided, That so much as may be necessary of the unexpended balance of appropria- tions heretofore made for the construc- tion of the new third lock may, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, be applied to the deepening arid enlarge- ment of the tailrace of the United States power plant, in order to in- crease the capacity of said plant. BIVEB AND HAEBOB BILL. 33 HOUSE BILL. Improving Black River at Port Huron, Michigan: Continuing im- provement and for maintenance, $30,000. Improving Clinton River, Michi- gan: For maintenance, $2,000. Improving harbor at Ashland, Wisconsin : Continuing improve- ment and for maintenance, $10,000. Improving Sturgeon Bay and Lake Michigan Ship Canal, Wiscon- sin: Completing improvement in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Thirteen hundred and eighty- two, ' Sixty-second Congress, third session, $33,000. Improving harbor at Two Rivers, Wisconsin : For maintenance, $25,000. Improving harbor at Port Wash- ington, Wisconsin: For mainte- nance, $2,500. Improving harbor at Racine, Wis- consin: For maintenance and con- tinuing improvement in accordance with the reports submitted in House Document Numbered Sixty-two, Fifty-ninth Congress, first session, and in the Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers, United States Army, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, $182,400. Improving harbor at Kenosha, Wisconsin : For maintenance, $7,500. Improving Fox River, Wisconsin : Continuing improvement from De- pcre up to Portage, including main- tenance of improvement of Wolf River and of the harbors heretofore improved on Lake Winnebago, $25,000. And the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to convey, by quit-claim deed, to the State of Wisconsin, or to the city of Portage, free of cost, all the right, title, and interest of the United States in and to the "Portage Levee," including the right of way on which it is built, whenever the proper authorities of said State, or of said city, shall satisfy the Secretary of War that they are empowered by law to accept the same. Improving Warroad Harbor, Min- nesota: For maintenance, $2,000. Improving Zippel Bay, Lake of the Woods, Minnesota: For main- tenance, $1,000. Improving harbor at Agate Bay, Minnesota : For maintenance, $5,000. Improving Baudette Harbor and River, Minnesota: Completing im- REPOKTED SUBSTITUTE. Improving Black River at Port Huron, Michigan: Continuing im- provement and for maintenance, $30,000. Improving Clinton River, Michi- gan: For maintenance, $2,000. Improving harbor at Ashland, Wisconsin : Continuing improve- ment and for maintenance, $10,000. Improving Sturgeon Bay and Lake Michigan Ship Canal, Wiscon- sin: Completing improvement in accordance with the report sub- mitted in ITou=e Document Num- bered Thirteen hundred and eighty- two. Sixty-second Congre-s, third session, $33,000. Improving harbor at Two Rivers, Wisconsin: For maintenance, $25,000. Improving harbor at Port Wash- ington, Wisconsin: For mainte- nance, $2,500. Improving harbor at Racine, Wis- consin: For maintenance and con- tinuing improvement in accordance with the reports submitted in House Document Numbered Sixty-two, Fifty-ninth Congress, first session, and" in the Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers, United States Army, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, $182,400. Improving harbor at Kenosha, Wisconsin: For maintenance, $7,500. Improving Fox River, Wisconsin : Continuing improvement from De- pere up to Portage, including main- tenance of improvement of Wolf River and of the harbors heretofore improved on Lake Winnebago, $25,000. And the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to convey, by quit-claim deed, to the State of Wisconsin, or to the city of Portage, free of cost, all the right, title, and interest of the United States in and to the "Portage Levee," including the right of way on which it is built, whenever the proper authorities of said State, or of said city, shall satisfy the Secretary of War that they are empowered by law to accept the same. Improving Warroad Harbor, Min- nesota: For maintenance, $2,000. Improving Zippel Bay, Lake of the Woods, Minnesota: For main- tenance, $1,000. Improving harbor at Agate Bay, Minnesota: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving Baudette Harbor and River, Minnesota: Completing im- BURTON SUBSTITUTE. Improving Black River at Port Huron, Michigan: Continuing im- provement and for maintenance, $30,000. Improving Clinton River, Michi- gan: For maintenance, $2,000. Improving 'harbor at Ashland, Wisconsin: Continuing improve- ment and for maintenance, $10,000. Improving Sturgeon Bay and Lake Michigan Ship Canal, Wiscon- sin: Completing improvement in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Thirteen hundred and eighty- two, Sixty-second Congress, third session, $33,000. Improving harbor at Two Rivers, Wisconsin: For maintenance, $25,000. Improving harbor at Port Wash- ington, Wisconsin: For mainte- nance, $2,500. Improving harbor at Racine, Wis- consin: For maintenance and con- tinuing improvement in accordance with the reports submitted in House Document Numbered Sixty-two, Fifty-ninth Congress, first session, and in the Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers, United States Army, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, $182,400. Improving harbor at Kenosha, Wisconsin: For maintenance, $7,500. Improving Fox River, Wisconsin : Continuing improvement from De- pere up to Portage, including main- tenance of improvement of Wolf River and of the harbors heretofore improved on Lake Winnebago, $25,000. And the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to convey, by quit-claim deed, to the State of Wisconsin, or to the city of Portage, free of cost, all the right, title, and interest of the United States in and to the "Portage Levee," including the right of way on which it is built, whenever the proper authorities of said State, or of said city, shall satisfy the Secretary of War that they are empowered by law to accept the same. Improving Warroad Harbor, Min- nesota: For maintenance, $2,000. Improving Zippel Bay, Lake of the Woods, Minnesota: For main- tenance, $1,000. Improving harbor at Agate Bay, Minnesota: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving Baudette Harbor and River, Minnesota: Completing im- EIVEB AND HARBOR BILL. 34 HOUSE BILL. provernent in accordance with the report submitted in House Docu- ment Numbered One hundred and nine, Sixty-third Congress, first session, $2,750. Improving Indiana Harbor, In- diana: For maintenance, $25,000. Inproving harbor at Michigan Ciuy, Indiana: Completing improve- ment and for maintenance in ac- cordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Six hundred and fifty-nine, Sixty-third Congress, second session, $48,600. REPOBTED SUBSTITUTE. provement in accordance with the report submitted in House Docu- ment Numbered One hundred and nine, Sixty-third Congress, first session, $2,750. Improving Red River of the North, Minnesota and North Dakota: Con- tinuing improvement and for mainte- nance, $7,500. Improving Indiana Harbor, In- diana: For maintenance, $25,000. Improving harbor at Michigan City, Indiana: Co mpleting improve- ment and for maintenance in ac- cordance with th? report submitted in House Document Numbered Six hundred and fifty-nine, Sixty-third Congress, second session, $48,600. Grand Calumet River, Indiana: That a change in the location of the channel of the Grand Calumet River through the lands of the Gary Land Company and the Indiana Steel Company, corporations organized under the laws of -the State of In- diana, in sections tKirty-four, thirty- five, and thirty-six, township thirty- seven north, range eight west, and %n sections two and three, township thirty-six north, range eight west, Lake County, Indiana, from the orig- inal location of such channel to a new location within the strip of land hereinafter described and the con- struction of a new channel within said strip of land, as the same has been done by said companies, is hereby authorized and approved: Pro- vided, That the said Gary Land Com- pany and the said Indiana Steel Com- pany shall convey to the United States, free of cost, the right and easement to use said new channel and said strip of land as and for a free public water- way of the United States, and upon the acceptance of such conveyance by the Secretary of War the old channel of the river through the said lands shall be abandoned as a navigable waterway, and in its stead the afore- said new channel,_ and any enlarge- ment thereof which Congress may hereafter authorize, shall become and forever remain a free public water- way of the United States and shall be subject to the laws heretofore and here- after enacted by Congress for the im- provement, preservation, and 'protec- tion of navigable waters: Provided further, That the said companies or corporations sJiatt have the right to occupy and use so much of the said strip of land as lies outside the high- BUBTON SUBSTITUTE. provement in accordance with the report submitted in House Docu- ment Numbered One hundred and nine, Sixty- third Congress, first session, $2,750. Improving Red River of the North, Minnesota and North Dakota: Con- tinuing improvement and for mainte- nance, $7,500. Improving Indiana Harbor, In- diana: For maintenance, $25,000. Improving harbor at Michigan City, Indiana: Completing improve- ment and for maintenance in ac- cordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Six hundred and fifty-nine, Sixty-third Congress, second session, $48,600. Grand Calumet River, Indiana: That a change in the location of the channel of the Grand Calumet River through the lands of the Gary Land Company and the, Indiana Steel Company, corporations organized under the laws of the State of In- diana,, in sections thirty-four, thirty- five, and thirty-six, township thirty- seven north, range eight west, and in sections two and three, township thirty-six north, range eight west, Lake County, Indiana, from the orig- inal location of such channel to a new location within the strip of land hereinafter described and the con- struction of a new channel within said strip of land, as the same has been done by said companies, is hereby authorized and approved: Pro- vided, That the said Gary Land Com- pany and the said Indiana Steel Com- pany shall convey to the United States, free of cost, the right and easement to use said new channel and said strip of land as and for a free public water- way of the United States, and upon the acceptance of such conveyance by the Secretary of War the old channel of the river through the said lands shall be abandoned as a navigable waterway, and in its stead, the afore- said new channel^ and any enlarge- ment thereof which Congress may hereafter authorize, shall become and forever remain a free public water- way of the United States and shall be subject to the laws heretofore and here- after enacted by Congress for the im- provement, preservation, and protec- tion of navigable waters: Provided further, Thai the said companies or corporations shall have the right to occupy and use so much of the said strip of land as lies outside the high- S. Doc. 582, 63-2 8* RIVER AND HARBOR BILL. 35 HOUSE BILL. REPORTED SUBSTITUTE. water limits of the said new channel until such time as Congress shall authorize and make provision for the enlargement, widening, or other im- provement of said channel, it being understood that such occupation and use shall be for temporary purposes only and that the said companies or corporations shall place no structures or works of any Kind on said strip or do anything that will tend to ob- struct said channel or interfere with its free navigation by the public: Ana provided further, That nothing herein contained shall be construed as conferring any right, power, or privilege in conflict with any law or statute of the State of Indiana, in which said river is located. The said strip of land above re- ferred to is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the west line of section three, township thirty-six north, range eight west, Lake County, Indiana, which is three hundred and twenty-three and, three-tenths feet south of the northwesfcorner of said section; thence running easterly three thousand four hundred and thirty feet, more or less, along a straight line which, if continued, would, intersect the east line of said section three at a point which is three hundred and nineteen and six-tenths feet south of the northeast corner of said section three; thence along a curve convex to the south one thousand and seventeen and forty-five one-hundredths feet, said curve having a radius of five thousand eight hundred and twenty- nine and six-tenths feet; thence north- easterly one thousand five hundred and eighty feet, more or less, along a straight line, said straight line mak- ing an angle of ten degrees with the first-described straight line; thence along a curve convex to the north nine hundred feet, more or less, said curve having a radius of five thousand six hundred and twenty-nine and six- tenths feet, to a point which is one hundred feet, more or less, north of the south line of section thirty-five and also one thousand one hundred and seventy feet, more or less, west of the middle line of said section thirty- jive; thence along a curve convex to the north one thousand one hundred and seventy-one and five-tenths feet, more or less, said curve having a radius of eleven thousand five hun- dred and sixty-three and two-tenths feet, to a point on the middle line of section thirty-five which is one hun- dred and fifty-four feet north of the south line of said section thirty-five; BURTON SUBSTITUTE. imfi > I'/mitx of tin Niiid in ir //niiiiitl until such time as Conf/n-xx shall authorize and make provision for the enlargement, widening, or other im- provement of said channel, it being understood that such occupation find use shall be for temporary purposes only and that the said companies or corporations shall place no structures or works of any kind on said strip or do anything that will tend to ob- struct said channel or interfere with its free navigation by the public: And provided further, That nothing herein contained shall be construed as conferring any right, power, or privilege in conflict with any law or statute of the State of Indiana, in which said river is located. The said strip of land above re- ferred to is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the west line of section three, township thirty-six north, range eight west, Lake County, Indiana, which is three hundred and twenty-three and three-tenths feet south of the northwest corner of said section; thence running easterly three thousand four hundred and thirty feet, more or less, along a straight line which, if continued, would intersect the east line of said section three at a point which is three hundred and nineteen and six-tenths feet south of the northeast corner of said section three; thence along a curve convex to the south one thousand and seventeen and forty-five one-hundredths feet, said curve having a radius of five thousand eight hundred and twenty- nine and six-tenths feet; thence north- easterly one thousand five hundred and eighty feet, more or less, along a straight line, said straight line mak- ing an angle of ten degrees with the -first-described straight line; thence along a curve convex to the north nine hundred feet, more or less, said curve having a radius of flve thousand six hundred and twenty-nine and six tenths feet, to a point which is one hundred feet, more or less, north of the south line of section thirty-five and also one thousand one hundred and seventy feet, more or less, west of the middle line of said section thirty- five: thence along a curve convex to the north one thousand one hundred and seventy-one and five-tenths feet, more or less, said curve having a radius of eleven thousand flve hun- dred and sixty-three and two-tenths feet, to a point on the middle line of section thirty-flve which is one hun- dred and fifty-four feet north of the south line of said section thirty-flve; RIVEK AND HARBOK BILL. 36 HOUSE BILL. REPORTED SUBSTITUTE. thence easterly one thousand six hun- dred and twelve and Jive-tenths feet, more or less, along a straight line which, if continued, would intersect tlie east line of said section thirty-five at a point which is one hundred and seventy-six feet north of the south- east corner of said section thirty-five; thence along a curve convex to the southeast four hundred and thirteen and six one-hundredths feet, said curve having a radius of six hundred and twenty-three and seven-tenths feet; thence northeasterly along a straight line one thousand one hun- dred and fifty feet, more or less, to the south shore of the old river bed of the Grand Calumet River, said straight line making an angle of thirty-eight degrees with the last- described straight line,; thence west- erly four hundred and fifty feet, more or less, along the south shore of the said old river bed of the Grand Calu- met River; tlience southwesterly seven hundred feet, more or less, along a straight line which is ^parallel to the aforementioned one thousand one hundred and fifty foot line and one hundred and fifty feet distant from same (measured at right angles); thence along a curve convex to the southeast three hundred and thirteen and eighty-eight one-hundredths feet, said curve having a radius of four hundred and seventy-three and seven- tenths feet and being parallel to the aforementioned four hundred and thirteen and six one-hundredths foot curve and one hundred and fifty feet distant from same (measured at right angles'); thence westerly two thousand seven hundred feet, more or less, along a straight line which is parallel to the aforementioned one thousand six hun- dred and twelve and five-tenths foot line and one hundred and fifty feet distant from same (measured at right angles); thence along a curve convex to the north one thousand and seven- teen and forty-five one-hundredths feet, said curve having a radius of five thousand eight hundred and twenty^nine and six-tenths feet and being parallel to the aforementioned nine hundred foot curve and two hun- dred feet distant from same (meas- ured at right angles); thence south- westerly along a straight line one thousand five hundred and eighty feet, more or less, said line being parallel to the aforementioned one thousand five hundred and eighty foot line and two hundred feet distant from same (measured at right angles); thence along a curve convex to the south nine BURTON SUBSTITUTE. thence easterly one thousand six hun- dred and twelve and five-tenths feet, more or less, along a straight line which, if continued, would intersect the east line of said section thirty-five at a point which is one hundred and seventy-six feet north of the south- east corner of said section thirty-five; thence along a curve convex to the southeast four hundred and thirteen and six one-hundredths feet, said curve having a radius of six hundred and twenty-three and seven-tenths feet; thence northeasterly along a straight line one thousand one hun- dred and fifty feet, more or less, to the south shore of the old river bed of the Grand Calumet River, said straight line making an angle of thirty-eight degrees with the last- described straight line; thence west- erly four hundred and fifty feet, more or less, along the south shore of the said old river bed of the Grand Calu- met River; thence southwesterly seven hundred feet, more or less, along a straight line which is parallel to the aforementioned one thousand one hundred and fifty foot line and one hundred and fifty feet distant from same (measured at right angles): thence along a curve convex to the southeast three hundred and thirteen and eighty-eight one-hundredths feet, said curve having a radius of four hundred and seventy-three and seven- tenths feet and being parallel to the aforementioned four hundred and thirteen and six one-hundredths foot curve and one hundred and fifty feet distant from same (measured at right angles); thence westerly two thousand seven hundred feet, more or less, along a straight line which is parallel to the aforementioned one thousand six hun- dred and twelve and jive-tenths foot line and one hundred and fifty feet distant from same (measured at right angles); thence along a curve convex to the north one thousand and seven- teen and forty-five one-hundredths feet, said curve having a radius of five thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine and six-tenths feet and being parallel to the aforementioned nine hundred foot curve and two hun- dred feet distant from same (meas- ured at right angles); thence south- westerly along a straight line one thousand five hundred and eighty feet, more or less, said line being parallel to the aforementioned one thousand five hundred and eighty foot line and two hundred feet distant from same (measured at right angles); thence along a curve convex to the south nine EIVEK AND HARBOR BILL. 37 HOUSE BILL. Improving harbor at Waukegan, Illinois: For maintenance, $10,000. Improving harbor at Calumet, Illinois : Completing improvement in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Two hundred and thirty- seven, Sixty-third Congress, first session, $38,170. Improving Chicago River, Illi- nois: For maintenance, $10,000. Improving Calumet River, Illi- nois and Indiana: For maintenance, $10,000. Improving Mississippi River from Head of Passes to the mouth of the Ohio River, including salaries, cler- ical, office, traveling, and miscel- laneous expenses of the Mississippi River Commission: Continuing im- provement with a view to securing a permanent channel depth of nine feet, $7,000,000, which sum shall be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War in accordance with the plans, specifications, and recommendations of the Mississippi River Commission, as approved by the Chief of Engineers, for the gen- eral improvement of the river, for the building of levees, and which may be done, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, by hired labor, or otherwise, between Head of Passes and Cape Girardeau, Mis- souri, and for surveys, including the survey from Head of Passes to the headwaters of the river, in such manner as in their opinion shall best improve navigation and pro- mote the interests of commerce at all BEPOBTED SUBSTITUTE. hundred and eighty-two and fifty-four one-hundredths feet, said curve hav- ing a radius of five thousand six hun- dred and twenty-nine and six-tenths feet and being parallel to the afore- mentioned one thousand and seven- teen and forty-five one-hundredths foot curve and two hundred feet dis- tant from same (measured at right ingles); thence westerly three thou- sand four hundred and thirty feet, more or less, along a straight line which is parallel to the aforemen- tioned three thousand four hundred and thirty foot line and two hundred -feet distant from same (measured at right angles) to a point on the west line of section three; thence southerly along said line of said section three two hundred feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, containing approx- imately forty-six and two hundred and nine one-thousandths acres. Improving harbor at Waukegan, Illinois: For maintenance, $10,000. Improving harbor at Calumet, Illinois : Completing improvement in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Two hundred and thirty- seven, Sixty-third Congress, first session, $38,170. Improving Chicago River, Illi- nois: For maintenance, $10,000. Improving Calumet River, Illi- nois and Indiana: For maintenance, $10,000. Improving Mississippi River from Head of Passes to the mouth of the Ohio River, including salaries, cler- ical, office, traveling, and miscel- laneous expenses of the Mississippi River Commission: Continuing im- provement with a view to securing a permanent channel depth of nine feet, $6,000,000, which sum shall be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War in accordance with the plans, specifications, and recommendations of the Mississippi River Commission, as approved by the Chief of Engineers, for the gen- eral improvement of the river, for the building of levees, and which may be done, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, by hired labor, or otherwise, between Head of Passes and Cape Girardeau, Mis- souri, and for surveys, including the survey from Head of Passes to the headwaters of the river, in such manner as in their opinion shall best improve navigation and pro- mote the interests of commerce at all BURTON SUBSTITUTE. hundred and eighty-two and fifty-four one-hundredths feet, said curve hav- ing a radius of five thousand six hun- dred and twenty-nine and six-tenths feet and being parallel to the afore- mentioned one thousand and seven- teen and forty-five one-hundredths foot curve and two hundred feet dis- tant from same (measured at right angles); thence westerly three thou- sand four hundred and thirty feet, more or less, along a straight line which is parallel to the aforemen- tioned three thousand four hundred and thirty foot line and two hundred feet distant from same (measured at right angles) to a point on the west line of section three; thence southerly along said line of said section three two hundred feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, containing approx- imately forty-six and two hundred and nine one-thousandths acres. Improving harbor at Waukegan, Illinois: For maintenance, $10,000. Improving harbor at Calumet, Illinois : Completing improvement in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Two hundred and thirty- seven, Sixty-third Congress, first session, $38,170. Improving Chicago River, Illi- nois: For maintenance, $10,000. Improving Calumet River, Illi- nois and Indiana: For maintenance $10,000. Improving Mississippi River from Head of Passes to the mouth of the Ohio River, including salaries, cler- ical, office, traveling, and miscel- laneous expenses of the Mississippi River Commission: Continuing im- provement with a view to securing a permanent channel depth of nine feet, $6,000,000, which sum shall be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War in accordance with the plans, specifications, and recommendations of the Mississippi River Commission, as approved by the Chief of Engineers, for the gen- eral improvement of the river, for the building of levees, and which may be done, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, by hired labor, or otherwise, between Head of Passes and Cape Girardeau, Mis- souri, and for surveys, including the survey from Head of Passes to the headwaters of the river, in such manner as in their opinion shall best improve navigation and pro- mote the interests of commerce at all RIVER AND HARBOR BILL. 38 HOUSE BILL. stages of the river: Provided, That of the money hereby appropriated so much as may be necessary shall be expended in the construction of suitable and necessary dredge boats and other devices and appliances and in the maintenance and opera- tion of the same: Provided further, That the watercourses connected with said river and the harbors upon it, now under the control of the Mississippi lliver Commission and under improvement may, in the discretion of said commission, upon approval by the Chief of Engineers, receive allotments for improvements now under way or hereafter to be undertaken, to be paid for from the amount herein appropriated. Any funds which are herein, or may hereafter be, appropriated by Congress for improving the Missis- sippi Kiver between Head of Passes and the mouth of the Ohio River, and which may be allotted to levees, may be expended, tinder the direc- tion of the Secretary of War, in accordance with the plans, specifi- cations, and recommendations of the Mississippi River Commission, as approved by the Chief of Engi- neers, for levees upon any part of said river between Head of Passes and Rock Island, Illinois, in such man- ner as, in their opinion, shall best improve navigation and promote the interest of commerce at all stages of the river. Improving Mississippi River from the mouth of the Ohio River to and inchiding the mouth of the Missouri River: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $1,000,000. Improving Mississippi River from the mouth of the Missouri River to Minneapolis, Minnesota: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $1,500,000. S. Doc. 582, 63-2 10* REPORTED SUBSTITUTE. stages of the river: Provided, That of the money hereby appropriated so much as may be necessary shall be expended in the construction of suitable and necessary dredge boats and other devices and appliances and in the maintenance and opera- tion of the same: Provided further, That the watercourses connected with said river and the harbors upon it, now under the control of the Mississippi River Commission and under improvement may, in the discretion of said commission, upon approval by the Chief of Engineers, receive allotments for improvements now under way or hereafter to be undertaken, to be paid for from the amount herein appropriated : Pro- vided further, That a survey with report shall be made by the Missis- sippi River Commission of the Atcha- falaya River in accordance with the general plan of said commission for the improvement of the Mississippi River, and in making such survey and report, if in their opinion the improvement of the Atchafalaya is desirable, consideration shall be given and recommendation made as to any plans for cooperation on the part of local interests: Provided further, That the salary of the civilian members of the Mississippi River Commission shall hereafter be $5,000 per annum. Any funds which are herein, or may hereafter be, appropriated by Congress for improving the Missis- sippi River between Head of Passes and the mouth of the Ohio River, and which may be allotted to levoos, may be expended, under the direc- tion of the Secretary of War, in accordance with the plans, specifi- cations, and recommendations of the Mississippi River Commission, as approved by the Chief of Engi- neers, for levees upon any part of said river between Head of Passes and Rock Island, Illinois, in such man- ner as, in their opinion, shall best improve navigation and promote the interest of commerce at all stages of the river. Improving Mississippi River from the mouth of the Ohio River to and including the mouth of the Missouri River : Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $300,000. Improving Mississippi River from the mouth of the Missouri River to Minneapolis, Minnesota : Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $750,000. BURTON SUBSTITUTE. stages of the river: Provided, That of the money hereby appropriated so much as may be necessary shall be expended in the construction of suitable and necessary dredge boats . and other devices and appliances and in the maintenance and opera- tion of the same: Provided further, That the watercourses connected with said river and the harbors upon it, now under the control of the Mississippi River Commission and under improvement may, in the discretion of said commission, upon approval by the Chief of Engineers, receive allotments for improvements now under way or hereafter to be undertaken, to be paid for from the amount herein appropriated : Pro- vided further, That a survey with report shall be made by the Missis- sippi River Commission of the Atcha- falaya River in accordance with the general plan of said commission for the improvement of the Mississippi River, and in making such survey and report, if in their opinion the improvement of the Atchafalaya is desirable, consideration shall be given and recommendation made as to any plans for cooperation on the part of local interests: Provided further, That the salary of the civilian members of the Mississippi River Commission shall hereafter be $5,000 per annum. Any funds which are herein, or may hereafter be, appropriated by Congress for improving the Missis- sippi River between Head of Passes and the mouth of the Ohio River, and which may be allotted to levees, may be expended, under the direc- tion of the Secretary of War, in accordance with the plans, specifi- cations, and recommendations of the Mississippi River Commission, as approved t>y the Chief of Engi- neers, for levees upon any part of said river between Head of Passes and Rock Island, Illinois, in such man- ner as, in their opinion, shall best improve navigation and promote the interest of commerce at all stages of the river. Improving Mississippi River from the mouth of the Ohio River to and including the mouth of the Missouri River: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $250,000. Improving Mississippi River from the mouth of the Missouri River to Minneapolis, Minnesota : Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $800,000. BIVER AND HARBOR BILL. 39 HOUSE BILL. Improving Mississippi River from Saint Paul fro Minneapolis, Minne- sota: Continuing improvement, $170,000. Improving Mississippi River in Minnesota, oetween Brainerd and Grand Rapids: Continuing improve- ment, $8,000. Improving the Mississippi Rivor between Winnibigoshish and Poke- gama Reservoirs, and the Leech River liom its mouth to Leech Lake Dam, Minnesota: Continuing im- provement, $30,000. Improving Osage River, Missouri : Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $15,000. Improving Gasconade River, Mis- souri : Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $15,000; complet- ing improvement in accordance with the report submitted in House Doc- ument Numbered One hundred and ninety, Sixty-third Congress, first session, $6,500; in all, $21,500. Improving Kansas River, Kansas : In accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Five hundred and eighty-four, Sixty-third Congress, second session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $6,000; and the sum of $4,000, appropriated by the river and harbor Act approved REPORTED SUBSTITUTE. June twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and twelve, for improvement of Kansas River, Kansas, up to Ar- gentine, in accordance with the re- port submitted in House Document Numbered Ninety-four, Sixty-sec- ond Congress, first session, is hereby made available for completing the project herein adopted. Improving Missouri River: Con- tinuing improvement and for main- tenance, with a view to securing a permanent six-foot channel between Kansas City and the mouth of the river, $2,000,000. Improving Missouri River: For improvement and maintenance from Kansas City to Sioux City, $150,000, Improving Mississippi River from Saint Paul to Minneapolis, Minne- sota: Continuing improvement, $70,000. Improving Mississippi River in Minnesota, between Brainerd and Grand Rapids: Continuing improve- ment, $8,000. Improving the Mississippi River between Winnibigoshish and Poke- gama Reservoirs, and the Leech River from its mouth to Leech Lake Dam, Minnesota: Continuing im- provement, $30,000. Improving Osage River, Missouri : Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $15,000. Improving Gasconade River, Mis- souri : Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $15,000; complet- ing improvement in accordance with the report submitted in House Doc- ument Numbered One hundred and ninety, Sixty-third Congress, first session, $6,500; in all, $21,500. Improving Kansas River, Kansas : In accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Five hundred and eighty-four, Sixty-third Congress, second session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $6,000; and the sum of $4,000 appropriated by the river and harbor Act approved July twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and twelve, for improvement of Kansas River, Kansas, up to Ar- gentine, in accordance witn the re- port submitted in House Document Numbered Ninety-four, Sixty-sec- ond Congress, first session, is hereby made available for completing the project herein adopted. Improving Missouri River, Con- tinuing improvement and for main- tenance, with a view to securing a permanent six-foot channel between Kansas City and the mouth of the river, $1,000,000. Improving Missouri River: For improvement and maintenance from Kansas City to Sioux City, $50,000, of which amount at least $75,000 of which amount at least $25,000 may be expended for such bank re- vetment as, in the judgment of the Chief of Engineers, may be hi the interests of navigation; continuing improvement and for maintenance from Sioux City to Fort Benton, $150,000; may be expended for such bank re- vetment as, in the judgment of the Chief of Engineers, may be in the interests of navigation; continuing improvement and for maintenance from Sioux City to Fort Benton, $50,000, of which, amount at least $25,000 may be expended for such lank revetment as in the judgment of the BURTON SUBSTITUTE. Improving Mississippi River from Saint Paul to Minneapolis, Minne- sota : Continuing improvement, $70,000. Improving Mississippi River in Minnesota, between Brainerd and Grand Rapids: Continuing improve- ment, $8,000. Improving the Mississippi River between Winnibigoshish and Poke- gama Reservoirs, and the Leech River from its mouth to Leech Lake Dam, Minnesota: Continuing im- provement, $30,000. Improving Osage River, Missouri : Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $15,000. Improving Gasconade River, Mis- souri : Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $15,000; complet- ing improvement in accordance with the report submitted in House Doc- ument Numbered One hundred and ninety, Sixty-third Congress, first session, $6,500; in all, $21,500. Improving Kansas River, Kansas : In accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Num- bered Five hundred and eighty-four, Sixty-third Congress, second session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $6,000; and the sum of $4,000 appropriated by the river and harbor Act approved' July twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and twelve, for improvement of Kansas River, Kansas, up to Ar- gentine, in accordance with the re- port submitted in House Document Numbered Ninety-four, Sixty-sec- ond Congress, first session, is hereby made available for completing the project herein adopted. Improving Missouri River: For improvement and maintenance from Kansas City to Sioux City, $50,000 ; continuing improvement and for maintenance from Sioux City to Fort Benton, $50,000, RIVER AND HARBOR BILL. 40 HOUSE BILL. in all, $300,000. Improving Los Angeles Harbor, California: For maintenance of im- provement by dredging in the inner harbor, East and West Basins, and entrance channel, $25,000. Improving harbor at San Fran- cisco, California: For maintenance, 9,000. Improving harbor at Oakland, California: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $98,000 : Pro- vided, That if in the judgment of the Secretary of War the prices received in response to advertisement for bids for dredging are not reasonable, so much of the amount herein appro- priated as shall be necessary may be expended for the purchase or con- struction of a suitable dredging plant. Improving harbor at Richmond, California, in accordance with the report submitted in House Docu- ment Numbered Five hundred and fifteen, Sixty-third Congress, second session, and subject to the condi- tions set forth in said document, $100,000. Improving San Pablo Bay, Cali- fornia: For maintenance of channel through Pinole Shoal, $40,000. Improving Humboldt Harbor and Bay, California : For completion and repair of the jetties at the entrance, $525,000. EEPOETED SUBSTITUTE. Chief of Engineers may be in (lie in- terest of navigation; in all, $100,000. Improving Los Angeles Harbor, California: For maintenance of im- provemont by dredging in the inner harbor, East and West Basins, and entrance channel, $75,000. Improving Los Angeles Harbor, California, in accordance with the re- port submitted in House Document Numbered Eight hundred and nine- ty-six, Sixty-third Congress, second session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $ WO, 000. Improving harbor at San Fran- cisco, California: For maintenance, $9,000. Improving harbor at Oakland, California : Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $98,000: Pro- vided, That if in the judgment of the Secretary of War the prices received in response to advertisement for bids for dredging are not Reasonable, so much of the amount herein appro- priated as shall bo necessary may be expended for the purchase or con- struction of a suitable dredging plant. Improving harbor at Richmond, California, in accordance with the report submitted in House Docu- ment Numbered Five hundred and fifteen, Sixty-third Congress, second session, and subject to the condi- tions set forth in said document, $50,000. Improving San Pablo Bay, Cali- fornia: For maintenance of channel through Pinole Shoal, $40,000. Improving Humboldt Harbor and Bay, California: For completion and repair of the jetties at the entrance, $525,000. Improving San Rafael Creek, Cali- fornia: Completing improvement^ in accordance with, the report submitted in House Document Numbered Eight hundred and one, Sixty-third Con- gress, second session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said docu- ment, $27,300. Improving Napa River, California, in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Numbered Seven liundred and ninety-five, Sixty- third Congress, second session, $20,000: Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States for acquiring any land required for the purpose of this improvement. BURTON SUBSTITUTE. in all, $100,000. Improving Los Angeles Harbor, California: For maintenance of im- provement by dredging in the inner harbor, East and West Basins, and entrance channel, $75,000. Improving Los Angeles Harbor, California, in accordance with the re- port submitted in House Document Numbered Eight hundred and nine- ty-six, Sixty-third Congress, second session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $200,000. Improving harbor at San Fran- cisco, California: For maintenance, $9,000. Improving harbor at Oakland, California : Continuing improve- ment and for maintenance, $98,000: Provided, That if in the judgment of the Secretary of War the prices ro- ' ceived in response to advertisement for bids for dredging are not reason- able, so much of the amount herein appropriated as shall be necessary may be expended for the purchase or construction of a suitable dredg- ing plant. Improving harbor at Richmond, California, in accordance with the report submitted in House Docu- ment Numbered Five hundred and fifteen, Sixty-third Congress, second session, and subject to the condi- tions set forth in said document, $50,000. Improving San Pablo Bay, Cali- fornia : For maintenance of channel through Pinole Shoal, $40,000. Improving Humboldt Harbor and Bay, California: For completion and repair of the jetties at the entrance, $525,000. Improving San Rafael Creek, Cali- fornia: Completing improvement in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Eiglit hundred and one, Sixty-third Con- gress, second session, and subject to the conditions setjbrth in said docu- ment, $27,300. 'improving Napa River, California, in accordance with the report sub- mitted in House Document Numbered Seven liundred and ninety-five, Sixty- third Congress, second session, $20,000: Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States for acquiring any land required for the purpose of this improvement. RIVER AND HARBOR BILL. 41 HOUSE BILL. Improving Petaluma Creek, Cali- fornia, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered One hundred and eight- een, Sixty-third Congress, first ses- sion, $7,500. Improving Sacramento and Feather Rivers, Calif ornia : Continu- ing improvement and for mainte- nance, $25,000. Improving Sacramento and Feather Rivers, California, in ac- cordance with the report submitted in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered Five, Sixty- third Congress, first session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $200,000. Improving harbor at Coos Bay, Oregon: For maintenance of the completed channels in Coos Bay and operating the bar dredge, $50,000. Improving Nehalem Bay, Oregon: Completing improvement, $116,175. Improving Coquille River, Ore- gon: Continuing improvement and for maintenance and connecting north jetty with the shore, $90,000. Improving Coos River, Oregon: For maintenance, $3,000. Improving Siuslaw River, Oregon : For maintenance, $5,000. Improving Snake River, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho: Continu- ing improvement and for mainte- nance up to Pittsburg Landing, Oregon, $10,000. Improving Columbia River and tributaries above Celilo Falls to the mouth of Snake River, Oregon and Washington: Continuing improve- ment, $20,000. BEPOETED SUBSTITUTE. Improving Petaluma Creek, Cali- fornia, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered One hundred and eight- een, Sixty-third Congress, first ses- sion, $7,500. Improving Sacramento and Feather Rivers, California : Continu- ing improvement and for mainte- nance, including improvement above Sacramento to Red Bluff, in accord- ance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Seventy- jsix, Sixty-second Congress, first ses- 'sion, $25,000. Improving Sacramento and Feather Rivers, California, in ac- cordance with the report submitted in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered Five, Sixty- third Congress, first session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $200,000. Improving harbor, at Coos Bay, Oregon: For maintenance of the completed channels in Coos Bay and operating the bar dredge, $50,000. Improving Nehalem Bay, Oregon : Completing improvement, $116,175. Improving Coquille River, Ore- gon: Continuing improvement and for maintenance and connecting north jetty with the shore, $90,000. Improving Coos River, Oregon: For maintenance, $3,000. Improving Siuslaw River, Oregon : For maintenance, $5,000. Improving Siuslaw River, Oregon: Continuing improvement, $112,500: Provided, That an equal amount be provided for the purpose by the port of Siuslaw or other agency, to be ex- pended by the Secretary of War upon the same terms and conditions as those prescribed in connection with the work authorized by the river and harbor Act approved February twen- ty-seventh, nineteen hundred and eleven. Improving Snake River, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho: Continu- ing improvement and for mainte- nance up to Pittsburg Landing, Oregon, $10,000. Improving Columbia River and tributaries above Celilo Falls to the mouth of Snake River, Oregon and Washington: Continuing improvc- ment4$20,000. BUETON SUBSTITUTE. Improving Petaluma Creek, Cali- fornia, iu accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered One hundred and eight- een, Sixty-third Congress, first ses- sion, $7,500. Improving Sacramento and Feather Rivers, California: Continu- ing improvement and for mainte- nance, $25,000. Improving harbor at Coos Bay, Oregon: For maintenance of the completed channels in Coos Bay and operating the bar dredge, $50,000. Improving Nehalem Bay, Oregon: Completing improvement, $116,175. Improving Coquille River, Ore- gon: Continuing improvement and for maintenance and connecting north jetty with the shore, $90,000. Improving Coos River, Oregon; For maintenance, $3,000. Improving Siuslaw River, Ore- gon: For maintenance, $5,000. Improving Siuslaw River, Oregon: Continuing improvement, $112,500: Provided, Ihat an equal amount be provided for the purpose by the port of Siuslaw or other agency, to be ex- pended by the Secretary of War upon the same terms and conditions as those prescribed in connection with the work authorized by the river and harbor Act approved February twen- ty-seventh, nineteen hundred and eleven. Improving Snake River, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho: Continu- ing improvement and for mainte- nance up to Pittsburg Landing, Oregon, $10,000. Improving Columbia River and tributaties above Celilo Falls to the mouth of Snake River, Oregon and Washington : Continuing improve- ment, $20,000. BTVEB AND HAEBOR BILL. 42 HOUSE BILL. Improving Columbia River be- tween the foot of The Dalles Rapids and the head of C'elilo Falls, Oregon and Washington: Completing im- provement, $525,000. Improving Columbia River at Cascades, Oregon: Continuing im- provement, $10,000. Improving Willamette and Yam- hill Rivers, Oregon: Continuing im- provement and for maintenance of Willamette River above Portland and of Yamhill River, $30,000. Improving Willamette River, Oregon: For the purchase of the ex- isting canal and locks around the Willamette Falls at Oregon City, Oregon, and completing improve- ment in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Num- bered Ten hundred and sixty, Sixty- second Congress, third session, $80,000. Improving Columbia and Lower Willamette Rivers below Portland, Oregon: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $300,000: Provided, That of the funds herein appropriated $6,000, or so much thereof as 7nay be necessary, may be expended in completing im- provement at Cathlamet, Washing- ton, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Num- bered One hundred and twenty, Sixty-third Congress, first session. Improving mouth of Columbia River, Oregon and Washington: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, including repairs and operation of dredge, $1,000,000. Improving Clatskanie River, Ore- gon: For maintenance, $1,000. Improving Grays Harbor and Chehalis River, Washington: For maintenance of improvement of inner portion of Grays Harbor and of Chehalis River up to Montesano, $30,000. S. Doc. 582, 63-2 11 REPORTED SUBSTITUTE. Improving Columbia River be- two >n the foot of The Dalbs Rapids and the h; ad of Cclilo Falls, Oregon and Washington: Completing im- provement, $525,000. Improving Columbia River at Cascades, Orrgon: Continuing im- provement, $10,000. Improving Willamette and Yam- hill Rivers, Oregon, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Thirteen, Sixty- second Congress, first session, $40,000. Improving Willamette River, Oregon: For ths purchase of the ex- isting canal and locks around the Willamette Falls at Oregon City, Oregon, and completing improve- ment in accordance with th ' r. port submitted in House Document Num- bered Ten hundred and sixty, Sixty- s?cond Congress, third session, $80,000. Improving Columbia and Lower Willamette Rivers below Portland, Oregon : Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $300,000: Provided, That of the funds herein appropriated $6,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, may be expended in completing im- provement at Cathlamet, Washing- ton, in accordance 1 with the report submitted in House Document Num- bered One hundr-'d and twenty, Sixty-third Congress, first session. Improving mouth of Columbia River, Oregon and Washington: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, including repairs and operation of dredge, $1,000,000 : Provided, That the Secretary of War may enter into a contract or contracts for such materials and work as may be necessary to prosecute said project, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by Iffw, not to exceed in the aggregate $1,500,000, exclusive of the amount herein and heretofore appropriated. Improving Clatskanie River, Ore- gon: For maintenance, $1,000. Improving Grays Harbor and Chehalis River, Washington: For maintenance of improvement of inner portion of Grays Harbor and of Chehalis River up to Montesano, $30,000. BURTON SUBSTITUTE. Improving Columbia River be- tween the foot of The Dalles Rapids and the head of Celilo Falls, Oregon and Washington: Completing im- provement, $525,000. Improving Columbia River at Cascades, Oregon: Continuing im- provement, $10,000. Improving Willamette and Yam- hill Rivers, Oregon, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Thirteen, Sixty second Congress, first session, $40,000. Improving Willamette River, Oregon : For the purchase of the ex- isting canal and locks around the Willamette Falls at Oregon City, Oregon, and completing improve- ment, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document N um- bered Ten hundred and sixty, Sixty- second Congress, third session, $80,000. Improving Columbia and Lower Willamette Rivers below Portland, Oregon: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $300,000: Provided, That of the funds herein appropriated $6,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, may be expended in completing im- provement at Cathlamet, Washing- ton, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document N um- bered One hundred and twenty, Sixty-third Congress, first session. Improving mouth of Columbia River, Oregon and Washington: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, including repairs and operation of dredge, $1,000,000 : Provided, That the Secretary of War may enter into a contract or contracts . for such materials and work as may be necessary to prosecute said project, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate $1,500,000, exclusive of the amount herein and heretofore appropriated. Improving Clatskanie River, Ore- gon: For maintenance, $1,000. Improving Grays Harbor and Chehalis River, Washington: For maintenance of improvement of inner portion of Grays Harbor and of Chehalis River up to Montesano, $30,000. EIVEE AND HABBOB BILL. 43 HOUSE BILL. Improving Cowlitz and Lewis Rivers, Washington : Continuing improvement and for maintenance, including North and East Forks of Lewis River, $16,000. Improving Grays River, Wash- ington: For maintenance, S500. Improving Willapa Harbor and River, Washington, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Seven hun- dred and six, Sixty-third Congress, second session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said docu- ment, $100,000. Improving Skamokawa Creek, Washington: Completing improve- ment in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Num- bered One hundred and eleven, Sixty- third Congress, first session, $1,800. Improving Puget Sound, Wash- ington: For maintenance of im- provement of Puget Sound and its tributary waters, $25,000. Improving Swinomish Slough, Washington: That for the purpose of aiding in the improvement and maintenance of the channel across Padilla Bay, and securing the co- operation of local interests therein, the Secretary of War may author- ize said local interests to construct a system of dikes and dredge along the said channel, and in connection therewith to close the adjacent streams known as Indian Slough and Telegraph Slough, all in accord- ance with such plans as may be approved by him on the recom- mendation of the Chief of Engi- neers. Improving Skagit River, Wash- ington: For maintenance, $10,000. REPORTED SUBSTITUTE. BURTON SUBSTITUTE. Improving Grays Harbor and bar Improving Grays Harbor and bar entrance, Washington: For mainte- entrance, Washington: For mainte- nance, $110,000. nance, $110,000. Improving Cowlitz and Lewis Rivers, Washington: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, including North and East Forks of Lewis River, $16,000. Improving Grays River, Wash- ington: For maintenance, $500. Improving Cowlitz and Lewis Rivers, Washington : Continuing improvement and for maintenance, including North and East Forks of Lewis River, $16,000. Improving Grays River, Wash- ington: For maintenance, $500. Improving Columbia River be- tween Bridgeport and Kettle Falls, Washington: Completing improve- ment, $25,000. Improving Skamokawa Creek, Washington: Completing improve- ment in accordance with the report submit ted in House. Document Num- bered One hundred and eleven, Sixty third Congress, first session, $1,800. Improving Puget Sound, Wash- ington: For maintenance of im- provement of Puget Sound and its tributary waters, $25,000. Improving Swinomish Slough, Washington: That for the purpose of aiding in the improvement and maintenance of the channel across Padilla Bay, and securing the co- operation of local interests therein, the Secretary of War may author- ize said local interests to construct a system of dikes and dredge along the said channel, and in connection therewith to close the adjacent streams known as Indian Slough and Telegraph Slough, all in accord- ance with such plans as may be approved by him on tho recom- mendation of the Chief of Engi- neers : Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States on account of said improvement. Improving Skagit River, Wash- ngton: For maintenance, $10,000. Improving STcagit River, Washing- ton: Completing improvement at SJcagit City bar, in accordance with the recommendation of the Chief of Engi- neers, contained %n House Document Numbered Nine hundred and thirty- five, Sixty-third Congress, second ses- sion, $80,000. Improving Columbia River be- tween Bridgeport and Kettle Falls, Washington: Completing improve- ment, $25,000. Improving Skamokawa Creek, Washington: Completing improve- ment in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Num- bered One hundred and eleven, Sixty- third Congress, first session, $1,800. Improving Puget Sound, Wash- ington: For maintenance of im- provement of Puget Sound and its tributary waters, $25,000. Improving Swinomish Slough, Washington: That for the purpose of aiding in the improvement and maintenance of the channel across Padilla Bay, and securing the co- operation of local interests therein, the Secretary of War may author- ize said local interests to construct a syste n of dikes and dredge along ' the said channel, and in connection theiewith to close the adjacent stiea'i s known as Indian Slough and Telegraph Slough, all in accord- ance' with such plans as n ay be uppioved by him on the recu:i.- n endation of the Chief of Engi- neers : Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States on account of said improvement. Improving Skagit River, Wash- ington: For maintenance, $10,000. Improving SJcagit River, Washing- ton: Completing improvement at Skagit City bar, in accordance with the recommendation of the Chief of Engi- neers, contained in House Document Numbered Nine hundred and thirty- five, Sixty-third Congress, second ses- sion, $30,000. Improving Columbia luver be- tween Bridgeport and Kettle Falls, Washington: Completing improve- ment, $25,000. BTVEB AND HAEBOB BILL. HOUSE BILL. Improving harbor at Honolulu, Hawaii : Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $125,000: Provided, That if in the judgment of the Secretary of War the prices received in response to advertise- ment for bids for dredging are not reasonable, so much of the amounts herein and heretofore appropriated as shall be necessary may be ex- pended for the purchase or con- struction of a suitable dredging plant. Improving harbor at Hilo, Hawaii: Continuing improvement, $100,000. Appropriations made for the re- spective works herein named, or so much thereof as shall be necessary, may, in the discretion of the Secre- tary of War, be used for mainte- nance and for the repair and restora- tion of said works whenever from any cause they have become se- riously impaired, as well as for the further improvement of said works. Surveys and examinations pro- vided for in this section shall, un- less otherwise expressed, be paid for from the appropriations made for the respective improvements or projects to which they pertain or in connection with which they are mentioned. REPORTED SUBSTITUTE. Improving Apoon mouth of Yu- kon River, Alaska: Completing im- provement in accordance with the re- port submitted in House Document Numbered Nine hundred and ninety- one, Sixty-third Congress, second ses- sion, $45,000. Improving harbor at Honolulu, Hawaii: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $125,000: Provided, That if in the judgment of the Secretary of War the, prices received in response to advertise- ment for bids for dredging are not reasonable, so much of the amounts herein and heretofore appropriated as shall be necessary may be ex- pended for the purchase or con- struction of a suitable dredging plant. Improving harbor at Hilo, Hawaii: Continuing improvement, $100,000. Improving harbor at San Juan, Porto Rico, in cooperation with the local government, in accordance with the report submitted in House Doc- ument Numbered Eight hundred and sixty -five, Sixty-third Congress, second session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $200,000. Appropriations made for the re- spective works herein named, or so much thereof as shall be necessary, may, in the discretion of the Secre- tary of War, be used for mainte- nance and for the repair and restora- tion of said works whenever from any cause they have become se- riously impaired, as well as for the further improvement of said works. Surveys and examinations pro- vided for in this section shall, un- less otherwise expressed, be paid for from the appropriations mad? for the respective improvements or projects to which* they pertain or in connection with which they are mentioned. BURTON SUBSTITUTE. Improving Apoon mouth of Yu- kon River, Alaska: Completing im- provement in accordance with the re- port submitted in House Document Numbered Nine hundred and ninety- one, Sixty-third Congress, second ses- sion, $45,000. Improving Harbor at Honolulu, Hawaii : Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $125,000: Provided, That if in the judgment of the Secretary of War the prices received in response to advertise- ment for bids for dredging are not reasonable, so much of the amounts herein and heretofore appropriated as shall be necessary may be ex- pended for the purchase or con- struction of a suitable dredging plant. Improving harbor at Hilo, Hawaii : Continuing improvement, $100,000. Improving harbor at San Juan, Porto Rico, in cooperation with the local government, in accordance with the report submitted in House Docu- ment Numbered Eight hundred and sixty-jive. Sixty-third Congress, sec- ond session, and subject to the condi- tions set forth in said document, $200,000. Appropriations made for the re- spective works herein named, or so much thereof as shall be necessary, may, in the discretion of the Secre- tary of War, be used for mainte- nance and for the repair and restora- tion of said works whenever from any cause they have become se- riously impaired, as well as for the further improvement of said works. Surveys and examinations pro- vided for in this section shall, un- less otherwise expressed, be paid for from the appropriations made for the respective improvements or projects to which they pertain or in connection with which they are mentioned. 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