ORNiA WiJTY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF Mr. Norton Simon ot Distorg Joseph Bonaparte BY JOHN S. C. ABBOTT WITH ENGRAVINGS NEW YORK AND LONDON HARPER & BROTHERS PUBLISHERS 1902 Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1869, by HABPEB & BROTHERS, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. Copyright, 1897, by SUSAN ABBOTT MKAD. PREFACE. THE writer trusts that he may be pardoned for relating the following characteristic anec- dote of President Lincoln, as it so fully illus- trates the object in view in writing these his- tories. In a conversation which the writer had with the President just before his death, Mr. Lincoln said: "I want to thank you and your brother for Abbotts' series of Histories. I have not edu- cation enough to appreciate the profound works of voluminous historians, and if I had, I have no time to read them. But your series of His- tories gives me, in brief compass, just that knowledge of past men and events which I need. I have read them with the greatest in- terest. To them I am indebted for about all the historical knowledge I have." It is for just this purpose that these Histo- ries are written. Busy men, in this busy life, have now no time to wade through ponderous folios. And yet every one wishes to know the -VI PREFACE. general character and achievements of the il- lustrious personages of past ages. A few years ago there was published in Paris a life of King Joseph, in ten royal oc- tavo volumes of nearly five hundred pages each. It was entitled " Memoires et Correspond' ance, Politique et Militaire, du Roi Joseph, Publies, Annotes el Mis en Ordre par A. du Gasse, Aide" de-camp de A. I. Le Prince Jerome Napok- on." These volumes contained nearly all the correspondence which passed between Joseph and his brother Napoleon from their childhood until after the battle of Waterloo. Every his- torical statement is substantiated by unequivo- cal documentary evidence. From this voluminous work, aided by other historical accounts of particular events, the au- thor of this sketch has gathered all that would be of particular interest to the general reader .at the present time. As all the facts contained in this narrative are substantiated by ample -documentary proof, the writer can not doubt that this volume presents an accurate account of the momentous scenes which it describes, and that it gives the reader a correct idea of the social and political relations existing be- tween those extraordinary men, Joseph and -Napoleon Bonaparte. It is not necessary that PREFACE. Vll the historian should pronounce judgment upon every transaction. But he is bound to state every event exactly as it occurred. No one can read this account of the strug- gle in Europe in favor of popular rights against the old dynasties of feudal oppression, without more highly appreciating the admirable insti- tutions of our own glorious Republic. Neither can any intelligent and candid man carefully peruse this narrative, and not admit that Jo- seph Bonaparte was earnestly seeking the wel- fare of the people that, surrounded by dynas- ties strong in standing armies, in pride of nobil- ity, and which were venerable through a life of centuries, he was endeavoring to promote, un- der monarchical forms, which the posture of af- fairs seemed to render necessary, the abolition of aristocratic usurpation, and the establishment of equal rights for all men. Believing this, the writer sympathizes with him in all his strug- gles, and reveres his memory. The universal brotherhood of man, the fundamental principles of Christianity, should also be the fundamental principles in the State. Having spared no pains to be accurate, the writer will be grateful to any critic who will point out any incorrectness of statement or false coloring of facts, that he may make the correction in subsequent editions. Viil PREFACE. This volume will soon be followed by an- other, " The History of Queen Hortense," the daughter of Josephine, the wife of King Louis, the mother of Napoleon III. JOHN S. C. ABBOTT. FAIR HAVEN, CONN., May, 1869. CONTENTS Chapter Pagi i SCENES IN EARLY LIFE 13 n. DIPLOMATIC LABORS 06 HI. JOSEPH THE PEACE-MAKER 67 IV. JOSEPH KING OF NAPLES 93 V. THE CROWN A BURDEN 135 VI. THE SPANISH PRINCES 166 VH. JOSEPH KING OF SPAIN 199 VIH. THE SPANISH CAMPAIGN OF NAPOLEON 229 IX. THE WAR IN SPAIN CONTINUED 264 X. THE EXPULSION FROM SPAIN 291 XI. LIFE IN EXILE 319 XIL LAST BAYS AND DEATH 865 EJSGRAV1NGS, Pmge fOSEPH AND NAPOLEON TOUR IN COKSICA 28 JOSEPH GIVING HIS CLOAK TO HIS BROTHER LOUIS 41 CORNWALLIS AND JOSEPH. 88 JOSEPH AT MALMAISON 98 JOSEPH ON HIS NEAPOLITAN TOUR... 155 <4UEEN JULIE LEAVING NAPLES......... 187 JOSEPH RECEIVING THE ADDRESSES OF THE SPAN- ISH SENATE 198 JOSEPH ENTERING MALAGA..................... 261 BACK OF CIUDAD RODRIGO. .................... 286 ANGUISH OF MARIA LOUISA 314 DEATH OF THE DUKE OF HEICHSTADT 363 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. CHAPTER I. SCENES IN EARLY LIFE. Corsica. Parent agei THE island of Corsica, in the Mediterranean Sea, sixty miles from the coast of Tuscany, is about half as large as the State of Massachu- setts. In the year 1767 this island was one of the provinces of Italy. There was then resid- ing, in the small town of Corte, in Corsica, a young lawyer nineteen years of age. He was the descendant of an illustrious race, which could be traced back, through a succession of distin- guished men, far into the dark ages. Charles Bonaparte, the young man of whom we speak, was tall, handsome, and possessed strong native powers of mind, which he had highly cultivated. In the same place there was a young lady, Le- titia Raniolini, remarkable for her beauty and her accomplishments. She also was of an an- cient family. When but sixteen years of age 14: JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1768. Birth of Joseph Bonaparte Journey to Franca Letitia was married to Charles Bonaparte, then but nineteen years old. About a year after their marriage, on the 7th of January, 1768, they welcomed their first-born child, Joseph Napoleon Bonaparte. In nine- teen months after the birth of Joseph, his world- renowned brother Napoleon was born. But in the mean time the island had been transferred to France. Thus while Joseph was by birth an Italian, his brother Napoleon was a French- man. Charles Bonaparte occupied high positions- of trust and honor in the government of Corsica, and his family took rank with the most distin- guished families in Italy and in France. Joseph passed the first twelve years of his life upon his native island. He was ever a boy of studious habits, and of singular amiability of character. When he was twelve years of age his father took him, with Napoleon and their elder sister Eliza, to France for their education. Leopold, the grand duke of Tuscany, gave Charles Bona- parte letters of introduction to Maria Antoi- nette, his sister, who was. then the beautiful and admired Queen of France. Leaving Joseph at the college of Antun, in Burgundy, the father continued his journey to 1780.] SCENES IN EARLY LIFE. 15 Fraternal Attachment. Character of Joseph. Paris, with Napoleon and Eliza. Eliza was placed in the celebrated boarding-school of St. Cyr, in the metropolis, and Napoleon was taken to the military school at Brienne, a few miles out from the city. The father was received as a guest in the gorgeous palace of Versailles. Joseph and Napoleon were very strongly at- tached to each other, and this attachment con- tinued unabated through life. When the two lads parted at Autun both were much affected. Joseph, subsequently speaking of it, says: " I shall never forget the moment of our sep- aration. My eyes were flooded with tears. Na- poleon shed but one tear, which he in vain en- deavored to conceal. The abbe* Simon, who witnessed our adieus, said to me, after Napo- leon's departure, ' He shed only one tear ; but that one testified to as deep grief in parting from you as all of yours.' " The two brothers kept tip a very constant correspondence, informing each other minutely of their studies, and of the books in which they were interested. Joseph became one of the most distinguished scholars in the college of Autun, excelling in all the branches of polite literature. He was a very handsome young man, of polished manners, and of unblemished 16 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1782. Prince of Cond6. Anecdote. purity of life. His natural kindness of heart, combined with these attractions, rendered him a universal favorite. Autun was in the province of Burgundy, of which the Prince of Cond^, grandfather of the celebrated Duke d'Enghien, was governor. The prince attended an exhibition at the college, to assist in the distribution of the prizes. Joseph acquitted himself with so much honor as to at- tract the attention of the prince, and he inquired of him what profession he intended to pursue. Joseph, in the following words, describes this eventful incident: " The solemn day arrived. I performed my part to admiration, and when we afterward went to receive the crown, which the prince himself placed on our heads, I was the one whom he seemed most to have noticed. The Bishop of Antun's friendship for our family, and no doubt also the curiosity which a little barbarian, re- cently introduced into the centre of civilization inspired, contributed to attract the prince's at- tention. He caressed me, complimented me on my progress, and made particular inquiries as to the intentions of my family with respect to me. The Bishop of Autun said that I was destined for the Church, and that he had a liv 1782.] SCENES IN EABLY LIFE. 17 Anecdote. Letter to Napoleon. ing in reserve, which he would bestow upon me as soon as the time came. " * And you, my lad,' said the prince, ' have you your own projects, and have you made up your mind as to what you wish ?' " ' I wish,' said I, ' to serve the king.' Then seeing him disposed to listen favorably to me, I took courage to tell him that it was not at all mv wish, though it was that of my family, that I should enter the Church, but that my dearest wish was to enter the army. " The Bishop of Autun would have objected to my project, but the prince, who was colonel- general of the French infantry, saw with pleas- ure these warlike dispositions on my part, and encouraged me to ask for what I wanted. I then declared my desire to enter the artillery, and it was determined that I should. Imagine my joy. I was proud of the prince's caresses, and rejoiced more in his encouragement than I have since in the two crowns which I have worn. " I immediately wrote a long letter to my brother Napoleon, imparting my happiness to him, and relating in detail all that had passed; concluding by begging him, out of friendship for me, to give up the navy and devote himself 62 18 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1784. Return to Corsica. Death of big Father to the artillery, that we might be in the same regiment, and pursue our career side by side. Napoleon immediately acceded to my propo- sal, abandoned from that moment all his naval projects, and replied that his mind was made up to dedicate himself, with me, to the artillery with what success the world has since learned. Thus it was to this visit of the Prince of Cond6 that Napoleon owed his resolution of entering on a career which paved the way to all his honors." In 1784, Joseph, then sixteen years of age, returned to Corsica. During his absence he had entirely forgotten the Italian, his native language, and could neither speak it nor under- stand it. After a few months at home, during which time he very diligently prosecuted his studies, his father, whose health was declining, found it necessary to visit Paris to seek medi- cal advice. He took his son Joseph with him. Arriving at Montpellier, after a tempestuous voyage, he became so ill as to be unable to pro- ceed any farther. After a painful sickness of three months, he died of a cancer in the stom- ach, on the 24th of February, 1785. The dying father, who had perceived indications of the ex alted powers and the lofty character of his son 1785.] SCENES IN EARLY LIFE, 19 Her Character. Napoleon, in the delirium of his last hours re- peatedly cried out, "Napoleon! Napoleon! come and rescue me from this dragon of death by whom I am devoured." Upon his dying bed the father felt great so- licitude for his wife, who was to be left, at the early age of thirty-five, a widow with eight children, six of whom were under thirteen years of age. Joseph willingly yielded to his father's earnest entreaties to relinquish the profession of arms and return to Corsica, that he might solace his bereaved mother and aid her in her arduous cares. Napoleon says of this noble mother . "She had the head of a man on the shoul- ders of a woman. Left without a guide or pro- tector, she was obliged to assume the manage- ment of affairs, but the burden did not over- come her. She administered every thing with a degree of sagacity not to be expected from her age or sex. Her tenderness was joined with severity. She punished, rewarded all alike. The good, the bad, nothing escaped her. Ah, what a woman ! where shall we look for her equal ? She watched over us with a solicitude unexampled. Every low sentiment, every un 20 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1785. Madame Pennon. Lucien. generous affection was discouraged and dis- carded. She suffered nothing but that which was grand and elevated to take root in our youthful understandings. She abhorred false- hood, and would not tolerate the slightest act of disobedience. None of our faults were over- looked. Losses, privations, fatigue had no ef- fect upon her. She endured all, braved all. She had the energy of a man combined with the gentleness and delicacy of a woman." Madame Permon, mother of the Duchess of Abrantes, a Corsican lady ol fortune who re- sided at Montpellier, immediately after the death of Charles Bonaparte, took Joseph, the orphan boy, into her house. Madame Permon and Letitia Eaniolini had been companions and intimate friends in their youthful days. " She was to me," says Joseph, " an angel of consolation ; and she lavished upon me all the attentions I could have received from the most tender and affectionate of mothers." Joseph soon returned to Corsica, Napoleon had just before been promoted to the military school in Paris, in which city Eliza still con- tinued at school. Lucien, the next younger brother, had also now been taken to the Con- tinent, where he was pursuing his educa* 1786. j SCENES IN EARLY LIFE, 21 Habits of Napoleon. Studies of the Brothers. tion. The four remaining children were very young. " My mother," says Joseph, "moderated the expression of her grief that she might not ex- cite mine. Heroic and admirable woman ! the model of mothers; how much thy children are indebted to thee for the example which thou hast given them I" Joseph remained at home about a year, de- voting himself to the care of the family, when Napoleon obtained leave of absence, and, to the great joy of his mother, returned to Corsica. He brought with him two trunks, a small one containing his clothing, and a large one filled with his books. Seven years had now passed since the two affectionate brothers had met. Napoleon had entirely forgotten the Italian language ; but, much chagrined by the loss, he immediately devoted himself with great energy to its recovery. "His habits," says Joseph, " were those of a young man retiring and stu- dious." For nearly a year the two brothers prosecuted their studies vigorously together, while consoling, with their filial love, their re- vered mother. After some months Napoleon left home again, to rejoin his regiment at Va- lence. During this brief residence on his n** 22 JOSEPH BONAPABTE. [1787. Mirabeau. Joseph studies Law. tive island, with his accustomed habits of in- dustry, he employed the hours of vacation in writing a history of the revolutions in Corsica. At Marseilles he showed the manuscript to the abbe Eaynal. The abbe* was so much pleased with it that he sent it to Mirabeau. This dis- tinguished man remarked that the essay indi- cated a genius of the first order. Joseph decided, being the eldest brother, to remain at home with his mother, to study law, and commence its practice in Ajaccio, where his mother then resided. He accordingly went to Pisa to attend lectures in the law school connected with the celebrated university in that place. His rank and character secured for him a distinguished reception, and he was presented by the French minister to the grand duke. Here Joseph became deeply interested in the lectures of Lampredi, who boldly advoca- ted the doctrine, then rarely heard in Europe, of the sovereignty of the people. There were many illustrious patriots at Pisa, and many ardent young men, whose minds were imbued with new ideas of political liberty. Freely and earnestly they discussed the themes of aristo- cratic usurpation, and of the equal rights of all men. Joseph, with enthusiasm, embraced the 1788.] SCENES IN EARLY LIFE. 23 Commence* Practice. Treatise of Napoleoa. cause of popular freedom, and became the un- relenting foe of that feudal despotism which then domineered over all Europe. His asso- ciates were the most illustrious and cultivated men of the liberal party. At that early period Joseph published a pamphlet advocating the rights of the people. Having finished his studies and taken his degree, Joseph returned to Corsica. He was admitted to the bar in 1788, being then twenty years of age, and commenced the practice of law in Ajaccio. Upon this his return to Cor- sica he met his brother Napoleon again, who, a few days before, had landed upon the island. Napoleon was then intensely occupied in writ- ing a treatise upon the question, " What are the opinions and the feelings with which it is necessary to inspire men for the promotion of their happiness ?" " This was the subject of our conversations," says Joseph, "in our daily walks, which were prolonged upon the banks of the sea ; in saun- tering along the shores of a gulf which was as beautiful as that of Naples, in a country fra- grant with the exhalations of myrtles and or- anges. We sometimes did not return home until night had closed over us. There will be 24 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1788, Testimony of Joseph. Ambition of Napoleon. found, in what remains of this essay, the opin- ions and the characteristic traits of Napoleon, who united in his character qualities which seemed to be contradictory the calm of rea- son, illumined with the flashes of an Oriental imagination ; kindliness of soul, exquisite sensi- bility ; precious qualities which he subsequent- ly deemed it his duty to conceal, under an ar- tificial character which he studied to assume when he attained power, saying that men must be governed by one who is fair and just as law, and not by a prince whose amiability might be regarded as weakness, when that amiabili- ty is not controlled by the most inflexible jus- tica "He had continually in view," continues Joseph, "the judgment of posterity. His heart throbbed at the idea of a grand and noble ac- tion which posterity could appreciate. "'I would wish to be myself my posterity,' he said to me one day, l that I may myself enjoy the sentiments which a great poet, like Corneille, would represent me as feeling and uttering. The sentiment of duty, the esteem of a small number of friends, who know us as we know ourselves, are not sufficient to in- spire noble and conscientious actions. With 1789.] SCENES IN EARLY LIFE. 25 Foresight of Napoleon. Constituent Assembly such motives one can make sages, but not he* roes. If the movement now commenced con- tinue in France, she will draw upon herself the entire of Europe. She can only be de- fended by men passionate for glory, who will be willing to die to-day, that they may live eternally. It is for an end remote, indetermi- nate, of which no definite account is taken, that the inspired minority triumphs over the inert masses. Those are the motives which have guided the legislators, who have influenced the destinies of the world.' " It is remarkable that at so early a period Napoleon so clearly foresaw that the opinions of political equality, then struggling for exist- ence in Paris, and of which he subsequently became so illustrious an advocate, would, if successful, combine all the despots of Europe in a warfare against regenerated France. Jo- seph and Napoleon both warmly espoused the cause of popular liberty, which was even then upheaving the throne of the Bourbons. At this time, June, 1789, the Constituent Assembly commenced its world-renowned ses- sion in Paris. As soon as the liberal constitu- tion, which it adopted, was issued, Joseph, who "was then president of the district in Ajaccio, 26 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1789. Gratitude of Napoleon. Anecdote. published an elementary treatise upon the con- stitution both in French and Italian, for the benefit of the inhabitants of his native island. This work conferred upon him much honor, and greatly increased his influence. The mayor of the city, Jean Jerome Levie, was a very noble man, and a particular friend of the Bonapartes. Very liberally he contrib- uted of his large fortune to aid the poor. " Na- poleon," says Joseph, " honored him at Saint Helena in his last hour, and left him a hundred thousand francs. This proves the truth of what I have often said of the kindness and tenderness of Napoleon's heart. It was this which led him in his last moments to remem- ber the abbe* Recco, Professor of the Royal Col- lege of Ajaccio, who in our early childhood, before our departure for the Continent, kindly admitted us to his class, and devoted to us his attention. I recall the incident when the pupils were arranged facing each other upon the op- posite sides of the hall under an immense ban- ner, one portion of which represented the flag of Rome, and the other that of Carthage. As the elder of the two children, the professor placed me by his side under the Roman flag. " Napoleon, annoyed at finding himself be- JOSEPH AND NAPOLEON TOUB IN CORSICA. 1790.] SCENES IN EARLY LIFE. 29 Tour in Corsica. Characteristics. neath the flag of Carthage, which was not the conquering banner, could have no rest until he obtained a change of place with me, which I readily granted, and for which he was very grateful. And still, in his triumph, he was disquieted with the idea of having been unjust to his brother, and it required all the authority of our mother to tranquilize him. This abbe Recco was also remembered in his will." On one occasion Napoleon accompanied Jo- seph on horseback to a remote part of the isl- and, to attend a Convention, where Joseph was to address the assembly. " Napoleon was continually occupied," says Joseph, " in collecting heroic incidents of the ancient warriors of the country. I read to him my speech, to which he added several names of the ancient patriots. During the journey, which we made quite slowly, without a change of horses, his mind was incessantly employed in studying the positions which the troops of different nations had occupied, during the many years in which they had combatted against the inhabitants of the island. My thoughts ran in another direction. The singular beauty of the scenery interested me much more." Louis Napoleon, in an article which he wrote 30 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1791, Testimony of Louis Napoleon. Death of Mirabeau. while a prisoner at Harn, upon bis uncle, King Joseph, just after his death, says : " Joseph was born to embellish the arts of peace, while the spirit of his brother found it- self at ease only amid events which war intro- duces. From their earliest years this difference of capacity and of inclination was clearly mani- fested. Associated in the college at Autun with his brother, Joseph aided Napoleon in his Latin and Greek compositions, while Napole- on aided Joseph in all the problems of physics and mathematics. The one made verses, while the other studied Alexander and Caesar." 1 During the meeting of the Convention at Bastia, above alluded to, the tidings came of the death of Mirabeau. By the request of the President, Joseph Bonaparte announced the event to the Convention in an appropriate eu- logy. The two brothers had but just returned to Ajaccio when the grand-uncle of the Bona- parte children died. He had been a firm friend of the family, and was greatly revered by them all A few moments before his death he as- sembled them around his dying bed, and took an affectionate leave of each one. Joseph was 1 Quelques Mot sur Joseph Napoleon Bonaparte ; Oeuvrai de Napoleon III., tome ii. p. 452. 1792.] SCENES IN EARLY LIFE. 31 French Revolution. Anecdote. now a member of the Directory of the depart- ment. We have the testimony of Joseph that the dying uncle said to his sobbing niece, " Letitia, do not weep. I arn willing to die since I see you surrounded by your children. My life is no longer necessary to protect the family of Charles. Joseph is at the head of the administration of the country ; he can therefore take care of the interests of the fam- ily. You, Napoleon, you will be a great man." The French Revolution was now in full ca- reer. Napoleon returned to Paris, and witness- ed the awful scenes of the 10th of August, 1792, when the palace of the Tuileries was stormed, the royal family outraged, and the guard massacred. He wrote to Joseph, " If the king had shown himself on horse back at the head of his troops, he would have gained the victory ; at least so it appeared to me, from the spirit which that morning seemed to animate the groups of the people. " After the victory of the Marseillaise, I saw one of them upon the point of killing one of the body-guard ; ' Man of the South,' said I, * let us save the poor fellow.' ' Are you from the South ?' said he. < Yes,' I replied. * Very well, 1 he rejoined, ' let him be saved then.' w 32 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1792. The Emigrants. The Republicans. The French monarchy was destroyed. France, delivered from the despotism of kings, was surrendered to the still greater despotism of irreligion and ignorance. Faction succeeded faction in ephemeral governments, and anar- chy and terror rioted throughout the kingdom. Thousands of the nobles fled from France and joined the armies of the surrounding monar- chies, which were on the march to replace the Bourbons on the throne. The true patriots of the nation, anxious for the overthrow of the in- tolerable despotism under which France had so long groaned, were struggling against the coa- lition of despots from abroad, while at the same time they were perilling their lives in the endeavor to resist the blind madness of the mob at home. With these two foes, equally formi- dable, pressing them from opposite quarters, they were making gigantic endeavors to estab- lish republican institutions upon the basis of those then in successful operation in the Unit- ed States. Joseph and his brother Napoleon with all zeal joined the Republican party. They were irreconcilably hostile to despotism on the one hand, and to Jacobinical anarchy upon the other. In devotion to the principles of repub- lican liberty, they sacrificed their fortunes, and 1793.] SCENES IN EARLY LIFE. 33 Paoli. HU Appreciation of Napoleon. placed their lives in imminent jeopardy. Anx- ious as they both were to see the bulwarks of the old feudal aristocracy battered down, they were still more hostile to the domination of the mob. " 1 frankly declare," said Napoleon, " that if I were compelled to choose between the old monarchy and Jacobin misrule, I should infi- nitely prefer the former." General Paoli had been appoined by Louis XVI. lieutenant-general of Corsica. This il- lustrious man, disgusted with the lawless vio- olence which was now dominant in Paris, and despairing of any salutary reform from the revolutionary influences which were running riot, through an error in judgment, which he afterward bitterly deplored, joined the coalition of foreign powers who, with fleets and armies, were approaching France to replace, by the bayonet, the rejected Bourbons upon the throne. Both Joseph and Napoleon were exceedingly attached to General Paoli. He was a family friend, and his lofty character had won their rev- erence. Paoli discerned the dawning greatness of Napoleon even in these early years, and on one occasion said to him, "0 Napo'eonI you do not at all resemble 34 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1793. Corskan Peasantry. Flight of the Bonapartea. the moderns. You belong only to the heroes of Plutarch." Paoli made every effort to induce the young Bonapartes to join his standard ; but they, be- lieving that popular rights would yet come out triumphant, resolutely refused. The peasantry of Corsica, unenlightened, and confiding in Gen- eral Paoli, to whom they were enthusiastically attached, eagerly rallied around his banner. England was the soul of the coalition now form- ed against popular rights in France. Paoli, in loyalty to the Bourbons, and in treason to the French people, surrendered the island of Cor- sica to the British fleet. The Bonaparte family, in wealth, rank, and influence, was one of the most prominent upon the island. An exasperated mob surrounded their dwelling, and the family narrowly escaped with their lives. The house and furniture were almost entirely destroyed. At midnight Ma- dame Bonaparte, with Joseph, Napoleon, and all the other children who were then upon the isl- and, secretly entered a boat in a retired cove, and were rowed out to a small vessel which was anchored at a short distance from the shore. The sails were spread, and the exiled family, in friendlessness, poverty, and dejection, were 1793.] SCENES IN EARLY LIFE. 86 Their Arrival in France. landed upon the shores of France. Little did they then dream that their renown was soon to fill the world ; and that each one of those chil- dren was to rise to grandeur, and experience re- verses which will never cease to excite the sym pathies of mankind. 36 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1793, The Allies. The National Assembly. CHAPTER II. DIPLOMATIC LABORS. IT was the year 1793. On the 21st of Janu- ary the unfortunate and guilty Louis XVI. had been led to the guillotine. The Royalists had surrendered Toulon to the British fleet. A Republican army was sent to regain the impor- tant port. Joseph Bonaparte was commissioned on the staff of the major-general in command, and was slightly wounded in the attack upon Cape Brun. All France was in a state of terri- ble excitement. Allied Europe was on the march to crush the revolution. The armies of Austria, gathered in Italy, were threatening to cross the Alps. The nobles in France, and all who were in favor of aristocratic domination, were watching for an opportunity to join the Allies, overwhelm the revolutionists, and re- place the Bourbon family on the throne. The National Assembly, which had assumed the supreme command upon the dethronement of the king, was now giving place to another assembly gathered in Paris, called the NationaJ 1794.] DIPLOMATIC LABORS. 37 Commission of Napoleon. Marriage of Joseph. Convention. Napoleon was commissioned to Dbtain artillery and supplies for the troops com- posing the Army of Italy, who, few in numbers, quite undisciplined and feeble in the materials of war, were guarding the defiles of the Alps, to protect France from the threatened Austrian invasion in that quarter. He was soon after named general of brigade in the artillery, and was sent to aid the besieging army at Toulon. Madame Bonaparte and the younger children were at Marseilles, where Joseph and Napoleon, the natural guardians of the family, could more frequently visit them. On the last day of No- vember of this year the British fleet was driven from the harbor of Toulon, and the city recap- tured, as was universally admitted, by the gen- ius of Napoleon. In the year 1794 Joseph married Julie Cla- ry, daughter of one of the wealthiest capitalists of Marseilles. Her sister Eugenie, to whom Na- poleon was at that time much attached, after- ward married Bernadotte, subsequently King of Sweden. Of Julie Clary the Duchess of Abrantes says: " Madame Joseph Bonaparte is an angel of goodness. Prononnce her name, and all the in* digent, all the unfortunate in Paris, Naples, and 38 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1795. Madame Bonaparte. Letter from Napoleon. Madrid, will repeat it with blessings. Never did she hesitate a moment to set about what she conceived to be her duty. Accordingly she is adored by all about her, and especially by her own household. Her unalterable kind- ness, her active charity, gain her the love of every body." The brothers kept up a very constant cor- respondence. These letters have been pub- lished unaltered. They attest the exalted and affectionate character of both the young men. Napoleon writes to Joseph on the 25th of June, 1795: "In whatever circumstances fortune may place you, you w.ell know, my dear friend, that you can never have a better friend, one to whom you will be more dear, and who desires more sincerely your happiness. Life is but a transient dream, which is soon dissipated. If you go away, to be absent any length of time, send me your portrait. We have lived so much together, so closely united, that our hearts are blended. I feel, in tracing these lines, emotions which I have seldom experi enced ; I feel that it will be a long time before we shall meet again, and I can not continue ny letter." 1795.] DIPLOMATIC LABORS. 39 Letter from Napoleon. Louis Bonaparte. Again Napoleon writes on the 12th of Au- gust : " As for me, but little attached to life, I contemplate it without much anxiety, finding myself constantly in the mood of mind in which one finds himself on the eve of battle, convinced that when death comes in the mids^ to termi- nate all things, it is folly to indulge in solici- tude." In these letters we see gradually developed the supremacy of the mind of Napoleon, and that soon, almost instinctively, he is recognized as the head of the family. On the 6th of Sep- tember he writes from Paris : "I am very well pleased with Louis. 1 He responds to my hopes, and to the expectations which I had formed for him. He is a fine fel- low; ardor, vivacity, health, talent, exactness in business, kindness, he unites every thing. You know, my friend, that I live for the bene- fits which I can confer upon my family. If my hopes are favored by that good-fortune which has never abandoned my enterprises, I shall be able to render you happy, and to ful- fill your desires. I feel keenly the absence of Louis. He was of great service to me. Nev- er was a man more active, more skillful, more * Napoleon's younger brother, father of Napoleon III. 40 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1795. Louis Napoleon. Anecdote, winning. He could do at Paris whatever he wished." None of the members of the Bonaparte family were ever ashamed to remind them- selves of the days of their comparative pover- ty and obscurity. "One day," writes Louis Napoleon, now Napoleon III., "Joseph related that his brother Louis, for whom he had felt, from his infancy, all the cares and tenderness of a father, was about to leave Marseilles to go to school in Paris. Joseph accompanied him to the diligence. Just before the diligence started he perceived that it was quite cold, and that Louis had no overcoat. Not having then the means to purchase him one, and not wish- ing to expose his brother to the severity of the weather, he took off his own cloak and wrapped it around Louis. This action, which they mu- tually recalled when they were kings, had al- ways remained engraved in the hearts of them both, as a tender souvenir of their constant in- timacy." 1 On the 6th of March, 1796, Napoleon was married to Josephine Beauharnais. "Thus van- ished," writes Joseph Bonaparte, " the hope which my wife and I had cherished, for sev 1 Oeuvres de Napoleon III., tome detixifeme, p. 4fil. 1796.] DIPLOMATIC LABORS. 43 Marriage of Napoleon. CarnoU eral years, of seeing her younger sister Eugenie united in marriage with my brother Napoleon. Time and separation disposed of the event oth- erwise." A few days after Napoleon's marriage he took command of the Army of Italy, and has- tened across the Alps to the scene of conflict. After the victory of Mondovi, Napoleon, cher- ishing the hope of detaching the Italians from the Austrians, sent Joseph to Paris to urge upon the Directory the importance of making peace with the Court of Turin. General Junot accompanied Joseph, to present to the Directo- ry the flags captured from the enemy. The as- tonishing victories which Napoleon had gained excited boundless enthusiasm in Paris. Car- not, one of the Directors, gave a brilliant en- tertainment in honor of the two ambassadors, Joseph and Junot. During the dinner he opened his waistcoat and showed the portrait of Napoleon, which was suspended near his heart. Turning to Joseph, he said, " Say to your brother that I wear his minia ture there, because I foresee that he will be the saviour of France. To accomplish this, it is necessary that he should know that there is no one in the Directory who is not his admirer and his friend." 4A JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1796. Joseph an Ambassador. Reconquest of Corsica. The measures which Napoleon had suggest- ed were most cordially approved by all the members of the Government One of the most important members of the Cabinet proposed that Joseph Bonaparte should immediately, upon the ratification of peace, be appointed ambassador of the French Kepublic to the Court of Turin. Joseph, with characteristic modesty, replied, that though he was desirous of entering upon a diplomatic career, he did not feel qualified to assume at once so important a post. He was however prevailed upon to enter upon the office. From this mission, so successfully accom- plished, Joseph returned to his brother, and joined him at his head - quarters in Milan. Napoleon pressed forward in his triumphant career, drove the Austrians out of Italy, and soon effected peace with Naples and with Rome. Having accomplished these results, Napole- on immediately fitted out an expedition for the reconquest of Corsica, his native island, which the British fleet still held. The expedition was placed under the command of Genera/ Gentili. The troops sailed from Leghorn, and disembarked at Bastia. Joseph accompanied 1796.] DIPLOMATIC LABORS. 45 Reception In Corsica, Return to the Continent. them. Immediately upon landing, the Corsi- cans generally rose and joined their deliverers, and the English retired in haste from the isl- and. Joseph gives the following account of his return to his parental home : " I was received by the great majority of the population at the distance of a league from Ajaccio. I took up my residence in the man- sion of Ornano, where I resided for several weeks, until our parental homestead, which had been devastated, was sufficiently repaired to be occupied. I could not detect the slight- est trace of any unfriendly feelings toward our family. All the inhabitants, without any ex- ception, hastened to greet me. In my turn, I reorganized the government without consult- ing any other voice than the public good. A commissioner from the Directory soon arrived, and he sanctioned, without any exception, all the measures which I had adopted. "Having thus fulfilled, according to my best judgment, the mission which fraternal kindness had intrusted to me, and leaving our native island tranquil and happy in finding it- self again restored to the laws of France, I pre- pared to return to the Continent, having made a sojourn in Corsica of three months." 46 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1797. Joseph at Parma. The Duke and Duchess On the 27th of March, 1797, Joseph was appointed ambassador to the Court of Parma. He presented to the duke credentials from the Directory of the French Republic, containing the following sentiments : "The desire which we have to maintain and to cherish the friendship and the kind re- lations happily established between the French Republic and the Duchy of Parma, has induced us to appoint Citizen Bonaparte to reside at the Court of your Royal Highness in quality of ambassador. The knowledge which we have of his principles and his sentiments is to us a sure guarantee that the choice which we have made of his person to fulfill that honorable mission will be agreeable to you, and we are well persuaded that he will do every thing in his power to justify the confidence we have placed in him. It is in that persuasion that we pray your Royal Highness to repose entire faith in every thing which he may say in our behalf, and particularly whenever he may re new the assurance of the friendship with which re cherish your Royal Highness." The Duke of Parma had married an Aus- trian duchess, sister of Maria Antoinette. She was an energetic woman, and in conjunction 1797.] DIPLOMATIC LABORS. 47 Anecdote. Eliza Bonaparte. with the ecclesiastics, who crowded the palace, had great control over her husband. But the spirit of the French Revolution already per- vaded man}' minds in Parma. Not a few were restive under the ojd feudal domination of the duke and the arrogance of the Church. One day Joseph was walking through the gardens of the ducal palace with several of the digni- taries of the Court. He spoke with admiration of the architectural grandeur and symmetry of the regal mansion. "That is true," one replied, "but turn your eyes to the neighboring convent ; how far does it surpass in magnificence the palace of the sovereign! Unhappy is that country where things are so." After the peace of Leoben Napoleon return- ed to Milan and established himself, for several months, at the chateau of Montebello. Joseph soon joined his brother there. In the mean time their eldest sister, Eliza, had been mar- ried to M. Bacciochi, a young officer of great distinction. He was afterward created a prince by Napoleon. He was a man of elegant man- ners, and had attained no little distinction in literary and artistic accomplishments. 44 We have often been amused," say the ao 4:8 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1797. " Napoleon Dynasty." Pauline Bonaparte. thors of the " Napoleon Dynasty," " to see Brit- ish writers, some of whom doubtless never passed beyond the Channel, speak deprecia- tingly of the manners and refinement of these new-made princes and nobles of Napoleon's Empire. Those who are familiar with the ele- gant manners of the refined Italians read such slurs with a smile. Whatever may be the crimes of the Italians, they have never been accused, by those who know them, of coarse- ness of manner, or lack of refinement of mind and taste. Eliza is said to have possessed more of her brother's genius than any other one of the sisters. Chateaubriand, La Harpe, Fontanes, and many other of the most illustri- ous men of France sought her society, and have expressed their admiration of her talents." At Montebello the second sister, Pauline, was married to General Leclerc. Pauline was pronounced by Canova to be the most peerless model of grace and beauty in all Europe. The same envenomed pen of slander which has dared to calumniate even the immaculate Jo* sephine has also been busy in traducing the character of Pauline. We here again quote from the " Napoleon Dynasty," by the Berke- ley men : 1797.] DIPLOMATIC LABORS. 49 Undeserved Reproach. Tha Slandered defended. " No satisfactory evidence has ever been adduced, in any quarter, that Pauline was not a virtuous woman. Those who were mainly instrumental in originating and circulating these slanders at the time about her, were the very persons who had endeavored to load the name of Josephine with obloquy. Those who saw her could not withhold their admiration. But the blood of Madame Mere was in her veins, and the Bonapartes, especially the wom- en of the family, have always been too proud and haughty to degrade themselves. Even had they lacked what is technically called moral character, their virtue has been intrench- ed behind their ancestry, and the achievements of their own family; nor was there at any time an instant when any one of the Bonapartes could have overstepped, by a hair's breadth, the bounds of decency without being exposed. None of them pursued the noiseless tenor of their way along the vale of obscurity. They were walking in the clear sunshine, on the topmost summits of the earth, and millions of enemies were watching every step they took. " The highest genius of historians, the bitter- est satire of dramatists, the meanest and most malignant pens of the journalists have assailed 64 50 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1797 Joseph at Rome. The Allies. them for more than half a century. We have written these words because a Eepublican is the only one likely to speak well even of the good things of the Bonaparte family. It was, and is, and will be, the dynasty of the people standing there from 1804 a fearful antagonism against the feudal age, and its souvenirs of oppression and crime." On the 7th of May, 1797, Joseph was pro- moted to the post of minister from the French Kepublic to the Court at Rome. He received instructions from his Government to make every effort to maintain friendly relations with that spiritual power, which exerted so vast an influence over the masses of Europe. Pope Pius VI. gave him a very cordial reception, and seemed well disposed to employ all his means of persuasion and authority to induce the Vendeans in France to accept the French Republic. The Vendeans, enthusiastic Cath- olics, and devoted to the Bourbons, were still, with amazing energy, perpetuating civil war in France. The Allies, ready to make use of any instrumentality whatever to crush repub- licanism, were doing every thing in their pow- er to encourage the Vendeans in their rebellion, The Austrian ambassador at the Papal Court 1797.] DIPLOMATIC LABORS. 51 The Pope. General Provera. was unwearied in his endeavors to circumvent the peaceful mission of Joseph. Though the Pope himself and his Secretary of State were inclined to amicable relations with the French Government, his Cabinet, the Sacred College, composed exclusively of eccle- siastics, was intent upon the restoration of the Bourbons, by which restoration alone the Cath- olic religion could be reinstated with exclusive power in France. By the intrigues of Austria, General Pro- vera, an Austrian officer, was placed in com- mand of all the Papal forces. Joseph imme- diately communicated this fact to the Directo- ry in Paris, and also to his brother. This Aus- trian officer had been fighting against the French in Italy, and had three times been tak- en prisoner by the French troops. Napoleon, who had lost all confidence in the French Directory, and who, by virtue of his victories, had assumed the control of Italian diplomacy, immediately wrote as follows to Jo- seph : "Milan, Dec. 14,1797. " I shared your indignation, citizen ambas- sador, when you informed me of the arrival of General Provera. You may declare positively 52 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1797. Letter from Napoleon. Republicans in Rom* to the Court of Rome that if it receive into its service any officer known to have been in the service of the Emperor of Austria, all good understanding between France and Rome will cease from that hour, and war will be already declared. " You will let it be known, by a special note to the Pope, which you will address to him in person, that although peace may be made with his majesty the Emperor, the French Republic will not consent that the Pope should accept among his troops any officer or agent belong- ing to the Emperor of any denomination, ex- cept the usual diplomatic agents. You will re- quire the departure of M. Provera from the Roman territory within twenty-four hours, in default whereof you will declare that you quit Rome." The spirit of the French Revolution at this time pervaded to a greater or less degree all the kingdoms of Europe. In Rome there was a very active party of Republicans anxious for a change of government. Napoleon did not wish to encourage this party in an insurrection. By so doing, he would exasperate still more the monarchs of Europe, who were already 1797.] DIPLOMATIC LABORS. 53 Policy of Joseph. Intrigues of the Allies. combined in deadly hostility against republic- an France ; neither did he think the Repub lican party in Rome sufficiently strong to main- tain their cause, or the people sufficiently en- lightened for self-government. Thus he was not at all disposed to favor any insurrectionary movements in Rome ; neither was he disposed to render any aid whatever to the Papal Gov- ernment in opposing those who were struggling for greater political liberty. He only demand- ed that France should be left by the other gov- ernments in Europe in entire liberty to choose her own institutions. And he did not wish that France should interfere, in any way what- ever, with the internal affairs of other nations. While Joseph was officiating as ambassador at Rome, endeavoring to promote friendly re- lations between the Papal See and the new French Republic, he was much embarrassed by the operations of two opposite and hostile par- ties of intriguants at that court. The Aus- trians, and all the other European cabinets, were endeavoring to influence the Pope to give his powerful moral support against the French Revolution. On the other hand there was a party of active revolutionists, both native and foreign, in Rome, struggling to rouse the popu- 54 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1797. The revolutionary Spirit. Anecdote. lace to an insurrection against the Government, to overthrow the Papal power entirely, as France had overthrown the Bourbon power, and to establish a republic. These men hoped for the countenance and support of France. But Joseph Bonaparte could lend them no countenance. He was received as a friendly ambassador at that court, and could not with- out ignominy take part with conspirators to overthrow the Government. He was also bound to watch with the utmost care, and thwart, if possible, the efforts of the Austrians, and other advocates of the old rdgime. On the 27th of December three members of the revolutionary party called upon Joseph and informed him that during the night a rev- olution was to break out, and they wished to communicate the fact to him, that he might not be taken by surprise. Joseph reproved them, stating that he did not think it right for him, an ambassador at the Court of Eome, to listen to such a communication ; and moreover h& assured them that the movement was ill-tinned, and that it could not prove successful. They replied that they came to him for ad- vice, for they hoped that republican France would protect them in their revolution as soon 1797.] DIPLOMATIC LABORS. 55 Joseph in Rome. The Revolutionist*. as it was accomplished. Joseph informed them that, as an impartial spectator, he should give an account to his Government of whatever scenes might occur, but that he could give them no encouragement whatever ; that France was anxious to promote a general peace on the Con- tinent, and would look with regret upon anjr occurrences which might retard that peace. He also repeated his assurance that the revo- lutionary party in Home had by no means suf- ficient strength to attain their end, and he en- treated them to desist from their purpose. The committee were evidently impressed by his representations. They departed declaring that every thing should remain quiet for the present, and the night passed away in tranquil- lity. On the evening of the next day one of the Government party called, and confidential- ly informed Joseph that the blunderheads were ridiculously contemplating a movement which would only involve them in ruin. The Papal Government, by means of spies, was not only informed of all the movements contemplated, but through these spies, as pretended revolu- tionists, the Government was actually aiding in getting up the insurrection, which it would promptly crush with a bloody hand. 56 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1797. Conflict with the dragoons. Prudence of Joseph. At 4 o'clock the next morning Joseph was aroused from sleep by a messenger who in- formed him that about a hundred of the rev- olutionists had assembled at the villa Medici, where they were surrounded by the troops of the Pope. Joseph, who had given the revolu- tionists good advice in vain, turned upon his pillow and fell asleep again. In the morning he learned that there had been a slight con- flict, that two of the Pope's dragoons had been killed, and that the insurgents had been put to flight; several of them having been arrested. These insurgents had assumed the French na- tional cockade, implying that they were acting, in some degree of co-operation, with revolu- tionary Franca Joseph immediately called upon the Secreta- ry of State, and informed him that far from * complaining of the arrest of persons who had assumed the French cockade, he came to make the definite request that he would arrest all such persons who were not in the service of the French legation. He also informed the secretary that six individuals had taken refuge within his jurisdiction. At Home the residen- ces of the foreign ambassadors enjoyed the privilege of sanctuary in common with most 1797.] DIPLOMATIC LABORS. 57 Duphot's contemplated Marriage. of the churches. Joseph informed the secreta- ry, that if those who had taken refuge in his palace were of the insurgents, they should be given up. As he returned to his residence he found General Duphot, a very distinguished French officer, who the next day was to be married to Joseph's wife's sister, and several other French gentlemen, eagerly conversing upon the folly of the past night. Just as they were sitting down to dinner, the porter inform- ed him that some twenty persons were endeav- oring to enter the palace, and that they were distributing French cockades to the passers-by, and were shouting " Live the Republic." One of these revolutionists, a French artist, burst like a maniac into the presence of the ambas- sador, exclaiming " We are free, and have come to demand the support of France." Joseph sternly reproved him for his sense- less conduct, and ordered him to retire imme- diately from the protection of the Embassy, and to take his comrades with him, or severe meas- ures would be resorted to. One of the officers said to the artist scornfully, " Where would your pretended liberty be, should the governor of the city open fire upon you ?" The artist retired in confusion. But the tu- 58 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1797. Invasion of the Palace. mult around the palace increased. Joseph's friends saw, in the midst of the mob, well-known spies of the Government urging them on, shout- ing Vive la Republique, and scattering money with a liberal hand. The insurgents were availing themselves of the palace of the French ambas- sador as theirplace of rendezvous, and where, if need be, they hoped to find a sanctuary. Joseph took the insignia of his office, and calling upon the officers of his household to follow him, de- scended into the court, intending to address the mob, as he spoke their language. In leaving the cabinet, they heard a prolonged discharge of fire-arms. It was from the troops of the Gov- ernment ; a picket of cavalry, in violation of the established usages of national courtesy, had in- vaded the j urisdiction of the French ambassador, which, protected by his flag, was regarded as the soil of France, and, without consulting the am- bassador, were discharging volleys of musket- ry through the three vast arches of the palace. Many dropped dead ; others fell wounded and bleeding. The terrified crowd precipitated it- self into the courts and on the stairs, pursued by the avenging bullets of the Government. Joseph and his friends, as they boldly forced their way through the flying multitude, en 1797.] DIPLOMATIC LABORS. 59 Account of the Insurrection. countered the dying and the dead, and not a few Government spies, who they knew were paid to excite the insurrection and then to de- nounce the movement to the authorities. Just as they were stepping out of the vesti bule they met a company of fusileers who had followed the cavalry. At the sight of the French ambassador they stopped. Joseph de- manded the commander. He, conscious of the lawlessness of his proceedings, had concealed himself in the ranks, and could not be distin- guished. He then demanded of the troops by whose order they entered upon the jurisdiction of France, and commanded them to retire. A scene of confusion ensued, some advancing, oth- ers retiring. Joseph then facing them, said, in a very decisive tone, " that the first one who should attempt to pass the middle of the court would encounter trouble." He drew his sword, and Generals Duphot and Sherlock and two other officers of his escort, armed with swords or pistols and poniards, ranged themselves at his side to resist their ad- vance. The musketeers retired just beyond pistol-shot, and then deliberately fired a general discharge in the direction of Joseph and his friends. None of the party immediately sur- 60 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1797, Death of Duphot rounding the ambassador were struck, but sev- eral were killed in their rear. Joseph, with General Duphot, boldly ad- vanced as the soldiers were reloading their muskets, and ordered them to retire from the jurisdiction of France, saying that the ambas- sador would charge himself with the punish- ment of the insurgents, and that he would im- mediately Bend one of his own officers to the Vatican or to the Governor of Rome, and that the affair would thus be settled. The soldiers seemed to pay no regard to this, and continued loading their muskets. General Duphot, one of the most brave and impetuous of men, leaped forward into the midst of the bayonets of the soldiers, prevented one from loading and struck up the gun of another, who was just upon the point of firing. Joseph and General Sherlock, as by instinct, followed him. Some of the soldiers seized General Duphot, dragged him rudely beyond the sacred pre- cincts of the ambassador's palace and the flag of France, and then a soldier discharged a musket into his bosom. The heroic general fell, and immediately painfully rose, leaning upon his sabre. Joseph, who witnessed it all, in the midst of this scene of indescribable confusion 1797.J DIPLOMATIC LABORS. 61 Peril of Joseph. called out to his friend, who the next day was to be his brother-in-law, to return. General Duphot attempted it, when a second shot pros trated him upon the pavement. More than fifty shots were then discharged into his lifeless body. The soldiers now directed their fire upon Joseph and General Sherlock. Fortunately there was a door through which they escaped into the garden of the palace, where they were for a moment sheltered from the bullets of the assassins. Another company of Government troops had now arrived, and was firing from the other side of the street. Two French offi- cers, from whom Joseph had been separated, now joined him and General Sherlock in the garden. There was nothing to prevent the sol- diers from entering the palace, where Joseph's wife and her sister, who the next day was to have become the wife of General Duphot, were trembling in terror. Joseph and his friends re- gained the palace by the side of the garden. The court was now filled with the soldiers, and with the insurgents who had so foolishly and ignominiously caused this horrible scene. Twenty of the insurgents lay dead upon the pavement. 62 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1797. Note to Talleyrand. "I entered the palace," Joseph writes in his dispatch to Talleyrand ; " the walks were covered with blood, with the dying, dragging themselves along, and with the wounded, loudly groaning. We closed the three gates fronting upon the street. The lamentations of the be- trothed of Duphot, that young hero who, con- stantly in the advance-guard of the armies of the Pyrenees and of Italy, had always been vic- torious, butchered by cowardly brigands ; the absence of her mother and of her brother, whom curiosity had drawn from the palace to see the monuments of Rome ; the fusillade which continued in the streets, and against the gates of the palace ; the outer apartments of the vast palace of Corsini, which I inhabited, thronged with people of whose intentions we were igno- rant: these circumstances and many others ren- dered the scene inconceivably cruel." Joseph immediately summoned the servants of the household around him. Three had been wounded. The French officers, impelled by an instinct of national pride, heroically emerged from the palace, with the aid of these domestics, to rescue the body of their unfortunate general Taking a circuitous route, notwithstanding the fusillade which was still continued, they sue- 1797.] DIPLOMATIC LABORS. 63 Imbecility of the Papal Government. ceeded in reaching the spot of his cowardly as- sassination. There they found the remains of this truly noble young man, despoiled, pierced with bullets, clotted with blood, and covered with stones which had been thrown upon him. It was six o'clock in the evening. Two hours had elapsed since the assassination of Duphot ; and yet not a member of the .Eoman Grovernment had appeared at the palace to bring protection or to restore order. Joseph was, properly, very indignant, and resolved at once to call for his passports and leave the city. He wrote a brief note to the Secretary of State, and sent it by a faithful domestic, who succeed- ed in the darkness in passing through the crowd of soldiers. As the firing was still continued, Joseph and his friends anxiously watched the messenger from the attic windows of the palace till he was lost from sight. An hour passed, and some one was heard knocking at the gate with repeated blows. They supposed that it was certainly the gov- ernor or some Roman officer of commanding authority. It proved to be Chevalier Angio- lini, minister from Tuscany, the envoy of a prince who was in friendly alliance with the French Republic. As he passed through the 64 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1797. The Ministers of Tuscany and Spain. soldiery they stopped his carriage, and sarcas- tically asked him " if he were in search of dangers and bullet-wounds." He courageous- ly and reproachfully replied, " There can be no such dangers in Rome within the jurisdic- tion of the ambassador of France." This was a severe reproach against the officers of a na- tion who were indebted to the moderation of the French Republic for their continued polit- ical existence. The minister of Spain soon also presented himself, braving all the dangers of the street, which were truly very great. They were both astonished that no public officer had arrived, and expressed much indignation in view of the violation of the rights of the Embassy. Ten o'clock arrived, and still no public offi- cer had made his appearance. Joseph wrote a second letter to the cardinal. An answer now came, which was soon followed by an offi- cer and about forty men, who said that they had been sent to protect the ambassador's com- munications with the Secretary of State. But they had no authority or power to rescue the palace from the insurgents, who were crowd- ed into one part of it, and from the Govern- ment troops, who occupied another part. No 1797.] DIPLOMATIC LABORS. 65 Joseph leaves Rome. attention had been paid to Joseph's reitera- ted demands for the liberation of the palace from the dominion of the insurgents and the troops. Joseph then wrote to the secretary, demand Ing immediately his passport. It was sent to him two hours after midnight At six o'clock in the morning, fourteen hours after the assas- sination of General Duphot, the investment of the palace by the troops and the massacre of the people who had crowded into it, not a sin- gle Eoman officer had made his appearance charged by the Government to investigate the state of affairs. Joseph, after having secured the safety of the few French remaining at Rome, left for Tuscany, and in a dispatch to the French Gov- ernment minutely detailed the events which had occurred. In the conclusion of his dis- patch he wrote: " This Government is not inconsistent with itself. Crafty and rash in perpetrating crime, cowardly and fawning when it has been com- mitted, it is to-day upon its knees before the minister Azara, that he may go to Florence and induce me to return to Rome. So writes to me that generous friend of France, worthy 65 66 JOSEPH BONAPAKTE. [1797. Letter of Talleyrand. of dwelling in a land where his virtues and his noble loyalty may be better appreciated." In reply to this dispatch the French minis- ter, Talleyrand, wrote to Joseph, "I have re- ceived, citizen, the heart-rending letter which you have written me upon the frightful events which transpired at Rome on the 28th of De- cember. Notwithstanding the care which you have taken to conceal every thing personal to yourself during that horrible day, you have not been able to conceal from me that you have manifested, in the highest degree, courage, coolness, and that intelligence which nothing can escape ; and that you have sustained with magnanimity the honor of the French name. The Directory charges me to express to you, in the strongest and most impressive terms, its extreme satisfaction with your whole conduct. You will readily believe, I trust, that I am hap- py to be the organ of these sentiments." 1798.] JOSEPH THE PEACE-MAKER. 67 Elected to the Council of Five Hundred J CHAPTER III. JOSEPH THE PEACE-MAKER OSEPH, after a short tarry at Florence, re- turned to Paris, where he again met his brother. Napoleon was much disappointed with the result of the embassy to Eome, for he had ardently hoped to cultivate the most friendly relations with that power. Joseph was favored with a long interview with the Directory, by whom he was received with great cordiality. In testimony of their satis- faction, they offered him the embassy to Ber- lin. He, however, declined the appointment, as he preferred to enter the Council of Five Hundred, to which office he had been nomina- ted by the Electoral College of one of the de- partments. The Government of France then consisted of an Executive of five Directors, a Senate, called the Council of Ancients, and a House of Representatives, called the Council of Five Hundred. Preparations were now making for the ex- , 68 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1798, Remarks of Napoleon. pedition to Egypt. The command was offered to Napoleon. For some time he hesitated be- fore accepting it One day he said to his brother Joseph, "The Directory see me here with uneasi- ness, notwithstanding all my efforts to throw myself into the shade. Neither the Directory nor I can do any thing to oppose that tenden- cy to a more centralized government, which is so manifestly inevitable. Our dreams of a re- public were the illusions of youth. Since the ninth Thermidor, 1 the Eepublican instinct has grown weaker every day. The efforts of the Bourbons, of foreigners, sustained by the re- membrance of the year 1793, had reunited against the Republican system an imposing majority. But for the thirteenth Vendemiaire* and the eighteenth Fructidor,* this majority 1 9th Thermidor, 28th of July, 1794. This was the date of the overthrow of Robespierre, and of the termination of the Reign of Terror. The enormous atrocities perpetrated under the name of the Republic had excited general distrust of republican institutions. 4 13th Vendemiaire, 5th of October, 1795, when Napoleon quelled the insurgent sections. 3 18th Fructidor, 4th of September, 1 797. On this day th majority of the French Directory overthrew the minority, who were in favor of monarchical institutions. Sixty-thre* Deputies were bnnished for conspiring to introduce monarchy. Both councils renewed their oath of hatred against royalty. 1798.] JOSEPH THE PEACE-MAKER. 69 Remarks of Napoleon. would have triumphed a long time ago. The feebleness, the dissensions of the Directory, have done the rest. It is upon me that all eyes are fixed to-day. To-morrow they will be fixed upon some one else. While waiting for that other one to appear, if he is to appear, my interest tells me that no violence should be done to fortune. We must leave to fortune an open field. " Many persons hope still in the Republic Perhaps they have reason. I leave for the East, with all means for success. If my coun- try has need of me if the number of those who think with Talleyrand, Sieyes, and Roe- derer should increase, should war be resumed, and prove unfriendly to the arms of France, I shall return more sure of the opinion of the nation. If, on the contrary, the war should be favorable to the Republic, if a military states- man like myself should rise and gather around him the wishes of the people, very well, I shall render, perhaps, still greater services to the world in the East than he can do. I shall probably overthrow English domination, and shall arrive more surely at a maritime peace, than by the demonstrations which the Direc- tory makes upon the shores of the Channel. 70 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1798. Napoleon's Patriotism. " The system of France must become that of Europe in order to be durable. We see thus very evidently what is required. I wish what the nation wishes. Truly I do not know what it wishes to-day, but we shall know bet- ter hereafter. Till then let us study its wishes and its necessities. I do not wish to usurp any thing. I shall, at all events, find renown in the East; and if that renown can be made servicea- able to my country, I will return with it. I will then endeavor to secure the stability of the hap- piness of France in securing, if it is possible, the prosperity of Europe, and extending our free principles into neighboring states, who may be made friends if they can profit from our mis- fortunes." " Such," says Joseph, " were the habitual thoughts of General Bonaparte. His happi- ness was not to depend merely upon the pos- session of power. He wished to merit the gratitude of his country and of posterity by his deeds, and to conform his life to duty, sure that it was by such renown alone that his name could pass down to future ages." Joseph was now a member of the Council of Five Hundred. His brother Lucien, though he was still very young, had also been elected 1799.] JOSEPH THE PEACE-MAKER. 71 The Directory. State of Franc*. a member of the same body. The brilliant achievements of the young conqueror in the East roused the enthusiasm of France. The conquest of Malta, the landing at Alexandria, the battle of the Pyramids, and the entrance into Cairo, had been reported through France, rous- ing in every hill and valley shouts of exulta- tion. Napoleon was rapidly gaining that re- nown which would enable him to control and to guide his countrymen. The Directory still nominally governed France, though the affairs of the nation, under their inefficiency and misrule, were passing rap- idly to ruin. The Directors contemplated with alarm the rising celebrity which Napoleon was acquiring in the East. They made a formida- ble attack upon him, through a committee, in the Council of Five Hundred. Joseph defend- ed his absent brother with so much eloquence and power, as to confound his accusers, and he obtained a unanimous verdict in his favor. The state of things in France was now very deplorable. The Allies with vigor had renewed the war. The Austrian armies had again overrun Italy, and were threatening to scale the Alps, and to rush down upon the plains of France. The British fleet, the most 72 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1799. Anarchy. Joseph sends to Napoleon. powerful military arm the world has ever known, had swept the commerce of France from all seas, had captured many of her colo- nies, and was bombarding, with shot and shell, every city of the Kepublic within reach of its broadsides. The five Directors were quarrel- ling among themselves, some favoring monar- chy, others republicanism. The two councils, that of the Ancients and that of the Five Hun- dred, were at antagonism. Many formidable conspiracies were formed, some for the support of the Allies and the restoration of the Bour- bons, others for the re-introduction of the Jac- obinical Keign of Terror. France was in a state of general anarchy. There was no man of sufficient celebrity to gain the confidence of the people, so that he could assume the office of leader, and bring order out of chaos. The once mighty monarchy of France was in the condition of a mob, without a head, careering this way and that way, in tumultuous and inextricable confusion. Joseph sent a spe- cial messenger, a Greek by the name of Bour- baki, to Jean d'Acre, to communicate to Na- poleon the state of affairs. Informed of these facts, at this momentous crisis Napoleon, having attained renown which 1799.] JOSEPH THE PEACE-MAKER. 73 Return of Napoleon. Remarks of Moreau. caused every eye in France to be fixed upon him, landed at Frejus, and was borne along, with the acclamations of the multitude, to Paris. Immediately upon the young general's arrival, General Moreau hastened to his humble resi- dence in the Rue de la Victoire, and earnestly said to him, " Disgusted with the government of the law- yers, who have ruined the Republic, I come to offer you my aid to save the country." A number of the most distinguished men of France crowded the small parlors of Gener- al Bonaparte. As he was speaking, with that genius which ever commanded attention and assent, of the political condition and wants of France, Moreau interrupted him, saying, " I only desire to unite my efforts with yours to save France. I am convinced that you only have the power. The generals and the officers who have served under me are now in Paris, and are ready to co-operate with you." The little saloon was crowded. General Mac- donald was present Generals Jourdan and Augereau had conversed with Salcetti, and re ported that Bernadotte and a majority of the Council of Five Hundred were in favor of the movement. 74 JOSEPH BONAPABTE. [1799. 18th Brumaire. Joseph co-operated diligently with Napole- on in the measures now set on foot to rescue France from destruction. Joseph dined with Sie'yes. At the table Sie'yes said to his guests, " I wish to unite with General Bonaparte, for of all the military men he is the most of a statesman." On the 18th Brumaire 1 the Directory was overthrown, and, without one drop of blood being shed, a new government was organized, and Napoleon was made consul. The world is divided, and perhaps may forever remain di- vided, in its judgment of this event. Some call Napoleon a usurper. France then called him, and still calls him, the saviour of his country. In the midst of these tumultuary scenes, when it was uncertain whether Napoleon would gain his ends or fall upon the scaffold, General Augereau came, in great alarm, to St. Cloud, and informed Napoleon that his ene- mies in the two councils were proposing to vote him an outlaw. " Very well," said Napoleon calmly, " you and I, General Augereau, have long been ac- quainted with each other. Say to your friends 18tk Brvmaire, Nov. 9th, 1799. 1799.] JOSEPH THE PEACE-MAKER. 75 Character of Joseph. the cork is drawn, we must now drink the wine." Joseph Bonaparte, who a little before these events had withdrawn from the Council of Five Hundred, was with his brother constant- ly through these momentous scenes. Imme- diately after the establishment of the new gov- ernment he was appointed a member of the legislative body, and soon after of the Council of State. Joseph had become a very wealthy man, having acquired a large fortune by his marriage. He owned a very beautiful estate at Mortfontaine, but a few leagues from Paris. Both Joseph and his wife were extremely fond of the quiet, domestic pleasures of rural life. Neither of them had any taste for the excite- ment and the splendors of state. But France, in her condition of peril, assailed by the al- lied despotism of Europe without, and agita- ted by conspiracies within, demanded the ener- gies of every patriotic arm. Joseph was thus constrained to sacrifice his inclinations to his sense of duty. He rendered his brother in- valuable assistance by the energy and the con- ciliatory manners with which he endeavored to carry out the plans of the First Consul. Lucien Bonaparte, eight years younger than 76 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1799. Plans and Measures of Napoleon. Joseph, accepted the post of Minister of the Interior. Before the overthrow of the Directory mob Jaw had reigned triumphant in Paris. Napo- leon, as first consul, immediately took up his residence in the palace of the Tuileries. It was proposed to him that he should close the gates of the garden of the Tuileries, that it might no longer be a place of public resort. Joseph strenuously opposed the measure, and it was renounced. The great object Napoleon aimed at was to ascertain the wishes of the people, that he might be the executor of their will. His only power consisted in having cordially with him the masses of the population. He was untiring in his endeavors to ascertain pub- lic sentiment, and endeavored to adopt those measures which should, from their manifest wisdom and justice, secure public approbation. In this service Joseph was invaluable to his brother. He gave brilliant entertainments at his chateau at Mortfontaine ; and being a man of remarkably amiable spirit and polished man- ners, he secured the confidence of all parties, and exerted a very powerful influence in heal- ing the wounds of past strife. At these enter- tainments Joseph made it his constant object 1799.] JOSEPH THE PEACE-MAKES. 77 Joseph an Ambassador. to study the wishes and the opinions of the different classes of society. The Directory had involved the public in serious difficulties with the United States. Na- poleon immediately appointed Joseph, with two associates, to adjust all the differences between the two countries. As both parties were dis- posed to friendly relations, all difficulties were speedily terminated, and a treaty was signed on the 30th of September, 1800, at Joseph's mansion at Mortfontaine. England and Austria, with great vigor, still pressed the war upon France, notwithstanding the earnest appeals of Napoleon to the King of England and the Emperor of Austria in behalf of peace. This refusal to sheathe the sword rendered the campaign of Marengo a necessi- ty. Napoleon crossed the Alps, and upon the plains of Marengo almost demolished the ar- mies of Austria. The haughty Emperor was compelled to sue for that peace which he had so scornfully rejected. The commissioners of the two powers met at Luneville. Napoleon, highly gratified at the skill which Joseph had displayed in adjusting the difficulties in the United States, appointed him as the ambassa- dor from France to secure a treaty with Aus- 78 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1799. Peace of Lunerille. Hostility of England. tria. The two brothers were in daily, and sometimes in hourly conference in reference to the questions of vast national importance which this treaty involved. But Joseph was again entirely successful. On the 9th of February, 1801, the peace of Luneville was concluded, to the great satisfaction of the Emperor, and to the great gratification of France. Napoleon says, in the conclusion of a letter which he / * wrote to Joseph upon this subject, "The na- tion is satisfied with the treaty, and I am ex- ceedingly pleased with it." France was now at peace with all the Con- tinent. England alone implacably continued the war. But England was inaccessible to any blows which France could strike without mak- ing efforts more gigantic than nation ever at- tempted before. Napoleon resolved to make these efforts to attain peace. He prepared al- most to bridge the Channel with his fleet and gun-boats, that he might pour an army of in- vasion upon the shores of the belligerent isle, and thus compel the British to sheathe the sword. While these immense preparations were going on, the First Consul devoted his energies to the reconstruction of society in France. 1799.] JOSEPH THE PEACE-MAKER. 79 Religious Reaction. Revolutionary fury had swept all the institu- tions of the past into chaotic ruin. The good and the bad had been alike demolished. Chris- tianity had been entirely overthrown, her churches destroyed, and her priesthood either slaughtered upon the guillotine, or driven from the realm. France presented the revolting as- pect of a mighty nation without morality, with- out religion, and without a God. The masses of the people, particularly in the rural districts of France, had become disgusted with the reign of vice and misery. They longed to enjoy again the quietude of the Sabbath morning, the tones of the Sabbath bell, the gathering of the congregations in the churches, and all those ministrations of religion which cheer the joy- ous hours of the bridal, and which convey solace to the chamber of death. The over- whelming majority of the people of France were Roman Catholics. Among the millions who peopled the extensive realm there were but a few thousands who were Protestants. Napoleon had not the power, even had he wished it, of establishing Protestantism as the national religion. He therefore, in accordance with his policy of adopting those measures which were in ac- 80 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1799. The Concordat. cordance with the wishes of the people, resolved to recognize the Catholic religion as the relig- ion of France, while at the same time he en- forced perfect liberty of conscience for all other religious sects. He also determined that all the high dignitaries of the Church should be appointed by the French Government, and not by the Pope. He deemed it not befitting the dignity of France, or in accordance with her interests, that a foreign potentate, by having the appointment of all the places of ecclesiasti- cal power, should wield so immense an influ- ence over the French people. But to re-establish the Catholic religion, and to invest it with the supremacy which it had gained over the imaginations of men, it was necessary to bring the system under the pater- nal jurisdiction of the Pope, who throughout all Europe was the recognized father and head of the Church. But the Pope was jealous of his power. He would be slow to consent that any officers of the Church should be appointed by any voice which did not emanate from the Vatican. It was also an established decree of the Church that heresy was a crime, meriting the severest punishment, both civil and ecclesiastical. The 1799.] JOSEPH THE PEACE-MAKER. 81 The Concordat. Pope, therefore, could not consent that any- where within his spiritual domain freedom of conscience should be tolerated. Under these circumstances, nothing could be more difficult than the accomplishment of the plan which. Napoleon had proposed for the promotion oi the peace and prosperity of France. The eyes of the First Consul were imme- diately turned to his brother Joseph, as the most fitting man in France to conduct negotiations of so much delicacy and importance. He con- sequently was appointed, in conjunction with M. Crete t, Minister of the Interior, and the abbe' Bernier, subsequently Bishop of Orleans as commissioner on the part of France to a conference with the Holy See. The Pope sent, as his representatives, the cardinals Consalvi and Spina, and the father Caselli. Here again Joseph was entirely successful, and accomplish- ed his mission by securing all those results which theFirst Consul so earnestly had de- sired. The celebrated Concordat 1 was signed July 1 "I hold it for certain that in 1802 the Concordat was, on the part of Napoleon, an act of superior intelligence, much more than of a despotic spirit, and for the Christian religion in France an event as salutary as it was necessary. After the anarchy and the revolutionary orgies, the solemn recog- 66 82 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1801 The Re-ertablishment of Christianity. 15th, 1801, at the residence of Joseph in Far- is, in the Rue Faubourg St. Honord It was two o'clock in the morning when the signa- tures of the several commissioners were affixed to this important document " At the same hour," writes Joseph, " I be- came the father of a third infant, whose birtb was saluted by the congratulations of the plen- ipotentiaries of the two great powers, and whose prosperity was augured by the envoys of the vicar of Christ Their prayers have not been granted. A widow at thirty years of age, separated from her father, proscribed, as has been all the rest of her family, there only remains to her the consolation of reflecting that she has not merited her misfortunes." 1 Thus did Napoleon re-establish the Chris- tian religion throughout the whole territory of France. In this measure he was strenuously opposed by many of his leading officers, and by nition of Christianity by the State could alone give satisfac- tion to public sentiment, and assure to the Christian influ- ence the dignity and the stability which it was needful that it should recover." Meditations sur I'e'tat Actuel de la Re- ligion Chretienne, par M. Guizot, p. 5. 1 This daughter subsequently married her cousin, the brother of the Emperor Napoleon III., the second son of Louis Bonaparte. He died at an early age, in a campaign for the liberation of Italy. 1801.] JOSEPH THE PEACE-MAKER. 83 The Re-establishment of Christianity. the corrupt revolutionary circles of France, yet throughout all the rural districts the restora- tion of religion was received with boundless enthusiasm. " The sound of the village bells," writes Alison, " again calling the faithful to the house of God, was hailed by millions as the dove with the olive-branch, which first pronounced peace to the green, undeluged earth. The thought- ful and religious everywhere justly considered the voluntary return of a great nation to the creed of its fathers, from the experienced im- possibility of living without its precepts, as the most signal triumph which has occurred since it ascended the imperial throne under the ban- ners of Constantine." Nearly all the powers upon the Continent of Europe were now at peace with France. England alone still refused to sheathe the sword. But the people of England began to remonstrate so determinedly against this end- less war, which was openly waged to force upon France a detested dynasty, that the Eng- lish Government was compelled, though with much reluctance, to listen to proposals for peace. The latter part of the year 1801, the pleni- 84 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1801. Peace of Amiens. potentiaries of France and England met at Amiens, an intermediate point between Lon don and Paris. England appointed, as her am bassador, Lord Cornwallis, a nobleman of ex- alted character, and whose lofty spirit of honor was superior to every temptation. " The First Consul," writes Thiers, " on this occasion made choice of his brother Joseph, for whom he had a very particular affection, and who, by the amenity of his manners, and mildness of his character, was singularly well adapted for a peace-maker, an office which had been con stantly reserved for him." Napoleon, who had nothing to gain by war, was exceedingly anxious for peace with all the world, that he might reconstruct French soci- ety from the chaos into which revolutionar}' anarchy had plunged it, and that he might develop the boundless resources of France. Lord Cornwallis was received in Paris, with the utmost cordiality by Napoleon. Joseph Bonaparte gave, in his honor, a magnificent entertainment, to which all the distinguished Englishmen in France were invited, and also such Frenchmen of note as he supposed Lonf Cornwallis would be glad to meet. La Fayette was not invited. Cornwallis had 1801.J JOSEPH THE PEACE-MAKER. 85 Anecdote of Lord Cornwallig, commanded an army in America, where he had met La layette on fields of blood, and where he subsequently, with his whole army, had been token prisoner. Joseph thought that painful as- sociations might be excited in the bosom of his English guest by meeting his successful antag- onist. He therefore, from a sense of delicacy, avoided bringing them together. But Corn- wallis was a man of generous nature. As he looked around upon the numerous guests as- sembled at the table, he said to Joseph, " I know that the Marquis de la Fayette is one of your friends. It would have given me much pleasure to have met him here. I do not, however, complain of your diplomatic cau- tion. I suppose that you did not wish to in- troduce to me at your table the general of Georgetown. I thank you for your kind in- tention, which I fully appreciate. But I hope that when we know each other better, we shall banish all reserve, and not act as diplomatists, but as men who sincerely desire to fulfill the wishes of their governments, nnd to arrive promptly at a solid peace. Moreover, the Marquis de la Fayette is one of those men whom we can not help loving. During his captivity I presented myself before the Em- 8$ JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1802. Anecdote. peror (of Germany) to implore his liberation, which I did not have the happiness of obtain- ing." Cornwallis left Paris for Amiens. Joseph immediately after proceeded to the same place. As he alighted from his carriage in the court- yard of the hotel which had been prepared for him, one of the first persons whom he met was Lord Cornwallis. The English lord, disregard- ing the formalities of etiquette, advanced, and presenting his hand to Joseph, said, "I hope that it is thus that you will deal with me, and that all our etiquette will not re- tard for a single hour the conclusion of peace. Such forms are not necessary where frankness and honest intentions rule. My Government would not have chosen me as an ambassador, if it had not been intended to restore peace to the world. The First Consul, in choosing his brother, has also proved his good intentions. The rest remains for us." Louis Napoleon gives the following rather amusing account of this incident. "When Joseph, plenipotentiary of the French Kepub- lic, journeyed with his colleagues toward Ami- ens, to conclude peace with England, in 1802, they were much occupied, he said, during the CORNWALLIS AND JOSEPH. 1802.] JOSEPH THE PEACE-MAKER 89 Hostility of the English Government. route, as to the ceremonial which should be observed with the English diplomatists. In the interests of their mission they desired not to fail in any proprieties. Still, being repre- sentatives of a republican state, they did not wish to show too much attention, prevenance, to the grand English lords with whom they were to treat. "The French ambassadors were therefore much embarrassed in deciding to whom it be- longed to make the first visit. Quite inexpe- rienced, they were not aware that foreign diplo- matists always conceal the inflexibility of their policy under the suppleness of forms. Thus they were promptly extricated from their em- barrassment ; for, to their great astonishment, they found, upon their arrival at Amiens, Lord Cornwallis waiting for them at the door of his hotel, and who, without any ceremony, him- self opened for them the door of their carriage, giving them a cordial grasp of the hand." 1 Lord Cornwallis, however, found himself in- cessantly embarrassed by instructions he was receiving from the ministry at London. They were very reluctantly consenting to peace, be- ing forced to it by the pressure of public opin- 1 GEuvres de Napoleon III. tome ii. p. 456. 90 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1802. . Treaty of Amiens Concluded. ion. They were, therefore, hoping that obsta- cles would arise which would enable them, with some plausibility, to renew the war. Na- poleon continually wrote to his brother urging him to do every thing in his power to secure the signing of the treaty. In a letter on the 10th of March, he writes, "The differences at Amiens are not worth making such a noise about. A letter from Amiens caused the alarm in London by assert- ing that I did not wish for peace. Under these circumstances delay will do real mischief, and may be of great consequence to our squad- rons and our expeditions. Have the kindness, therefore, to send special couriers to inform me of what you are doing, and of what you hear; for it is clear to me that, if the terms of peace are not already signed, there is a change of plans in London." The treaty was signed on the 25th of March, 1802. Joseph immediately prepared to return to Paris. Lord Cornwallis, in taking leave of Joseph, said, " I must go as soon as possible to London, in order to allay the storm which will there be gathering against me." "When I arrived in Paris," writes Joseph, 1802.] JOSEPH THE PEACE-MAKER. 91 Bernardin de St. Pierre. "the First Consul was at the opera; he caused me to enter into his box, and presented me to the public in announcing the conclusion of the peace. One can easily imagine the emo- tions which agitated me, and also him, for he was as tender a friend, and as kind a brother, as he was prodigious as a man and great as a sovereign." Bernardin de St. Pierre, in his preface to " Paul and Virginia," renders the following homage to the character of Joseph at this time: " About a year and a half ago I was invi- ted by one of the subscribers to the fine edi- tion of Paul and Virginia to come and see him at his country-house. He was a young father of a family, wh/>se physiognomy announced the qualities of his mind. He united in him- self every thing which distinguishes as a son, a brother, a husband, a father, and a friend to humanity. He took me in private, and said, 4 My fortune, which I owe to the nation, af- fords me the means of being useful. Add to my happiness by giving me an opportunity of contributing to your own.' This philosopher, so worthy of a throne, if any throne were worthy of him, was Prince Joseph Napoleon Bonaparte." 92 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1802. Talleyrand. Madame de Stael. While the treaty of Amiens was under dis- cussion, Talleyrand wrote to Joseph : " Your lot will indeed be a happy one if you are able to secure for your brother that peace which alone his enemies fear. I embrace you, and I love you. I think that this affair will kill me un- less it is closed as we desire." At the conclusion of the treaty, Talleyrand again wrote: "Mr DEAR JOSEPH, Citizen Dupuis has just arrived. He has been re- ceived by the First Consul as the bearer of such good, grand, glorious news as you have just sent by him should be received. Your brother is perfectly satisfied (parfaitement con- tent"}. Madame de Stael wrote to Joseph : " Peace with England is the joy of the world. It adds to my joy that it is you who have promoted it. and that every year you have some new occa- sion to make the whole nation love and ap- plaud you. You have terminated the most important negotiation in the history of Franco. That glory will be without any alloy." 1803.] JOSEPH KING OF NAPLES. 93 Rupture of the Peace of Amiens. CHAPTER IV. JOSEPH KING OF NAPLES. THE peace of Amiens was of short duration. In May, 1803 but fourteen months after the signing of the treaty England again re- newed hostilities without even a declaration of war. This was the signal for new scenes of blood and woe. Napoleon now resolved to as- sail his implacable foe by carrying his armies into the heart ot England. Enormous prep- arations were made upon the French coast to transport a resistless force across the Channel. Joseph Bonaparte was placed in command of a regiment of the line, which had recently re- turned, with great renown, from the fields of Italy. In the midst of these preparations, which excited fearful apprehensions in England, the British Government succeeded in organizing another coalition with Austria and Russia, to fall upon France in the rear. The armies of 94 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1803. Rupture of the Peace of Amiens. these gigantic Northern powers commenced their march toward the Rhine. Napoleon broke up the camp of Boulogne and advanced to meet them. The immortal campaigns of Ulm and Austerlitz were the result. Incredi- ble as it may seem, England represented this as an unprovoked invasion of Germany by Napoleon. This incessant assault of the Al- lies upon France was a great grief to the Em- peror. In the midst of all the distractions which preceded this triumphant march, he wrote to his Minister of Finance : "I am distressed beyond measure at the ne- cessities of my situation, which, by compelling me to live in camps, and engage in distant ex- peditions, withdraw my attention from what would otherwise be the chief object of my anxiety, and the first wish of my heart a good and solid organization of all which con- cerns the interests of banks, manufactures, and commerce." While Napoleon was absent upon this cam- paign, Joseph was left in Paris, to attend to the administration of home affairs. This he did, much to the satisfaction of Napoleon, and with great honor to himself. Napoleon was now 1803.J JOSEPH KING OF NAPLES. 95 Conspiracy to assassinate Napoleon. Emperor of France, and the Senate and the people had declared Joseph and his children heirs of the throne, on failure of Napoleon's issue. A gigantic conspiracy was formed in Eng- land by Count d'Artois, subsequently Charles X., and other French emigrants, for the assas- sination of Napoleon. The plan was for a hun- dred resolute men, led by the desperate George Cadoudal, to waylay Napoleon when passing, as was his wont, with merely a small guard of ten outriders, from the Tuileries to Malmaison. The conspirators flattered themselves that this would be considered war, not assassination. The Bourbons were then to raise their banner in France, and the emigrants, lingering upon the frontiers, were to rush into the empire with the Allied armies, and re-establish the throne of the old re'gime. The Princes of Conde grandfather, son, and grandson, were then in the service and pay of Great Britain, fighting against their native land, and, by the laws of France traitors, exposed to the penalty of death. The grandson, the Duke d'Enghien, was on the French frontier, in the duchy of Baden, waiting for the signal to enter France arms in hand. 96 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1802. Arrest of the Duke d'Enghien. It was supposed that he was actively en- gaged in the conspiracy for the assassination, as he was known frequently to enter France by night and in disguise. But it afterward ap- peared that these journeys were to visit a young lady to whom the duke was much at- tached. Napoleon, supposing that the duke was in- volved in the conspiracy, and indignant in view of these repeated plots, in which the Bourbons seemed to regard him but as a wild beast whom they could shoot down at their pleasure, resolved to teach them that he was not thus to be assailed with impunity. A de tachment of soldiers was sent across the border, who arrested the duke in his bed, brought him to Vincennes, where he was tried by court- martial, condemned as a traitor waging war against his native country, and, by a series of accidents, was shot before Napoleon had time to extend that pardon which he intended to grant. The friends of Napoleon do not se- verely censure him for this deed. His enemies call it wanton murder. Joseph thus speaks of this event : " The catastrophe of the Duke d'Enghien requires of me some details too honorable to 1803.] JOSEPH KING OF NAPLES. 99 Joseph's Interview with Napoleon. the memory of Napoleon for me to pass them by in silence. Upon the arrival of the duke at Vincennes, I was in my home at Mortfontaine. } was sent for to Malmaison. Scarcely had I ar/ived at the gate when Josephine came to *meet me, very much agitated, to announce the event of the day. Napoleon had consulted Cambaceres and Berthier, who were in favor of the prisoner; but she greatly feared the influence of Talleyrand, who had already made the tour of the park with Napoleon " ; Your brother,' said she, ' has called for you several times. Hasten to interrupt this long interview ; that lame man makes me tremble.' " When I arrived at the door of the saloon, the First Consul took leave of M. de Talley- rand, and called me. He expressed his astonish- ment at the great diversity of opinion of the two last persons whom he had consulted, and de- manded mine. I recalled to him his political principles, which were to govern all the fac- tions by taking part with none. I recalled to him the circumstance of his entry into the artil- lery in consequence of the encouragement which the Prince of Conde" had given me to commence a military career. I still remembered the qua- 100 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1803. Conflicting Views. Madame de rttaaL train of the verses composed by the abbd Si- mon: " ' Conde ! quel nom, 1'univers le ve"nere j A ce pays- il est cher a jamais ; Mars 1'honore pendant la guerre, Et Minerve pendant la paix.' 1 "Little did we then think that we should ever be deliberating upon the fate of his grand- son. Tears moistened the eyes of Napoleon. With a nervous gesture, which always with him accompanied a generous thought, he said, ' His pardon is in my heart, since it is in my power to pardon him. But that is not enough for me. I wish that the grandson of Conde should serve in our armies. I feel myself suf- ficiently strong for that.' " With these impressions I returned to Mort- fontaine. The family were at the dinner-table. I took a seat by the side of Madame de Stae'l, who had at her left M. Mathieu de Montmo- rency. Madame de Stae'l, with the assurance which I gave her of the intention of the First Consul to pardon a descendant of the great Conde', exclaimed in characteristic language, 1 "Conde ! what a name ! the universe reveres it; To this country it is ever daar ; Mars honors it during war, And Minerva daring peace. '' 1803.] JOSEPH KING OF NAPLES. 101 Execution of the Duke d'F.nghien. " ' Ah ! that is right ; if it were not so, we should not see here M. Mathieu de Montmo- rency.' " But another nobleman present, who had not emigrated, said to me, on the contrary: 'Will it then be permitted to the Bourbons to conspire with impunity ? The First Consul is deceived if he think that the nobles who have not emi- grated, and particularly the historic nobility, take any deep interest in the Bourbons.' Sev- eral others present expressed the same views. " The next day, upon my return to Malmai- son, I found Napoleon very indignant against Count Real ; whose motives he accused, re- proaching him with having employed in his government certain men too much compromised in the great excesses of the Revolution. The Duke tfEnghien had been condemned and execu- ted even before the announcement of his trial had been communicated to Napoleon. " Subsequently he was convinced of the in- nocence of Real, and of the strange fatality which had caused him for a moment to appear culpable in his eyes. In the mean time, re- suming self-control, he said to me, ' Another opportunity has been lost It would have been admirable to have had^ as aid-de-camp, 102 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1803. Statement of Joseph Bonaparte'. the grandson of the great Conde". But of that there can be no more question. The blow ia irremediable. Yes ; I was sufficiently strong to allow a descendant of the great Conde to serve in our armies. But we must seek conso- lation. Undoubtedly, if I had been assassina- ted by the agents of the family, he would have been the first to have shown himself in France, arms in his hands. I must take the responsi- bility of the deed. To cast it upon others, even with truth, would have too much the appear- ance of cowardice, for me to be willing to do it.' "Napoleon," continues Joseph, "has never appeared with greater eclat than under these sad and calamitous circumstances. I only learned, several years afterward, in the United States, from Count Heal himself, the details of that which passed at the time of the death of the Duke d'Enghien. It was at New York, in the year 1825, at Washington Hall, where we met, by an arrangement with M. Le Ray de Chaumont, the proprietor of some lands, a por- tion of which he had sold to me and to M. Real, that he informed me how a simple emo- tion of impatience on his part had very invol- untarily the effect of preventing the kindly 1803.] JOSEPH KING OF NAPLES. 103 Statement of Count ReaL feeling which the First Consul cherished in favor of the Duke d'Enghien. " M. Real, one of the four counsellors of state charged with the police of France, had charge of the arrondissement of Paris and of Vincennes. A dispatch was sent to him in the night, informing him of the condemnation of the prince. The police clerk, attending in the chamber which opened into his apartment, had already awoke him twice for reasons of but lit- tle importance, which had quite annoyed M. Real. The third dispatch was therefore placed upon his chimney, and did not meet his eye until a late hour in the morning. " Opening it, he hastened to Malmaison, where he was preceded by an officer of the gendarmerie, who brought information of the condemnation and execution of the prince. The commission had judged, from the silence of the Government, that he was not to be par- doned. I need not dwell upon the regret, the impatience, the indignation of Napoleon." The crown of Lombardy was, about this time, offered to Joseph, which he declined, as he did not wish to separate himself from France. The kingdom of Naples was now in- fluenced by England to make an attack upon 104 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1806. Expulsion of the Knglish. Napoleon. The King of Naples supposed that France could be easily vanquished, with En- gland, Russia, Austria, and Naples making a simultaneous attack upon her. But the great victory of Austerlitz, which compelled Austria and Russia to withdraw from the coalition, struck the perfidious King of Naples with dis- may. France had done him no wrong, and the only apology the Neapolitan Court had for commencing hostilities was, that if the French were permitted to dethrone the Bourbons and to choose their own rulers, the Neapolitan might claim the same privilege. A few days after the battle of Austerlitz Joseph received orders from his brother to hasten to the Italian Peninsula, and take com- mand of the Army of Italy, and march upon Naples. The King of Naples had, in addition to his own troops, fourteen thousand Russians and several thousand English auxiliaries. Jo- seph placed himself at the head of forty thou- sand French troops, and in February, 1806, entered the kingdom of Naples. The Nea- politans could make no effectual resistance. Joseph soon arrived before Capua, a fortified town about fifteen miles north of the metropo- lis of the kingdom. Eight thousand of the 1806.] JOSEPH KING OF NAPLES. 105 Conquest of Naples. Neapolitan troops took refuge in the citadel, and made some show of resistance. They soon, however, were compelled to surrender. The Neapolitan Court was in a state of consternation. The English precipitately em- barked in their ships and fled to Sicily. The Russians escaped to Corfu. The Court, hav- ing emptied the public coffers, and even the vaults of the bank, took refuge in Palermo, on the island of Sicily. The prince royal, with a few troops of the Neapolitan army, who ad- hered to the old monarchy, retreated two or three hundred miles south, to the mountains of Calabria. On the 15th of February, Joseph, at the head of his troops, marched triumphant- ly into Naples. He not only encountered no resistance, but the population, regarding him as a liberator, received him with acclamations f joy- On the 30th of March, 1806, Napoleon is- sued a decree, declaring Joseph king of Na- ples. The decret was as follows : " Napoleon, by the grace of God and the constitutions, Emperor of the French and King of Italy, to all those to whom these presents come, salutation. " The interests of our people, the honor of 106 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1806 Debasement of the Neapolitans under the Old Regime our crown, and the tranquillity of the Conti- tinent of Europe requiring that we should as- sure, in a stable and definite manner, the lot of the people of Naples and of Sicily, who have fallen into our power by the right of con- quest, and who constitute a part of the grand empire, we declare that we recognize, as King of Naples and of Sicily, our well -beloved brother, Joseph Napoleon, Grand Elector of France. This crown will be hereditary, by order of primogeniture, in his descendants masculine, legitimate, and natural," etc. The former Government of Naples was de- tested by the whole people. The warmest ad- vocates of the Allies have never yet ventured to utter a word in its defense. Even the grandees of the realm were heartily glad to be rid of their dissolute, contemptible, and tyran- nical queen, who regarded the inhabitants of the kingdom but as her slaves, and the wealth of the kingdom but as her personal dowry, to be squandered for the gratification of herself and her favorites. With great energy Joseph im- mediately commenced a reform in all the ad- ministrative departments. He carefully sought out Neapolitan citizens of integrity, intelli- gence, and influence, to occupy the important 1806.] JOSEPH KING OF NAPLES. 107 Debasement of Maple*. public stations. Accompanied by a guard of chosen men, he made a tour of the country; thus informing himself, by personal observa- tion, of the character of the inhabitants, and of the wants and capabilities of the kingdom. It was indeed a gloomy prospect of indolence and poverty which presented itself to his eye, though the climate was enchanting, with its genial temperature, its brilliant skies, and its fertile soil. The landscape combined all the elements of sublimity and of beauty, with tow- ering mountains and lovely meadows, streams and lakes watering the interior, and harbors inviting the commerce of the world. But the condition of the populace was wretched in the extreme. The Government, despotic and cor- rupt, seized all the earnings of the people, and consigned nearly the whole population to pen- ury and rags. King Ferdinand and his disso- lute queen, Louisa, made an effort to rouse the people to resist the French. Their efforts were, however, entirely in vain. Joseph is- sued the following proclamation to the Near poli tans, which they read with great satisfac- tion : " People of the kingdom of Naples ; the Emperor of the French, King of Italy, wishing 108 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [180d Administration of King Joseph. to save you from the calamities of war, had signed, with your Court, a treaty of neutrality. He believed that in that way he could secure your tranquillity, in the midst of the vast con- flagration with which the third coalition has menaced Europe. But the Court of Naples has zealously allied itself with our enemies, and has opened its states to the Russians and to the English. " The Emperor of the French, wh'ose justice equals his power, wishes to give a signal ex- ample, commanded by the honor of his crown, by the interests of his people, and by the ne- cessity of re-establishing in Europe the respect which is due to public faith. " The army which I command is on the march to punish this perfidy. But you, the people, have nothing to fear. It is not against you that our arms are directed. The altars, the ministers of your religion, your laws, your property, will be respected. The French sol- diers will be your brothers. If, contrary to the benevolent intentions of his majesty, the Court which excites you will sacrifice you, the French army is so powerful that all the forces promised to your princes, even if they were on your territory, could not defend it. Peo 1807.] JOSEPH KING OF NAPLES. 109 1 "mba rrassme n t . pie I have no solicitude. This war will be for you the epoch of a solid peace, and of durable prosperity." Ferdinand, upon retiring to the island of Sicily, had swept the continental coast of ev- ery vessel and even boat. Joseph thus found it quite impossible to transport his troops across the strait of Messina to pursue the fugi- tive king. He, however, made a very thor- ough survey of the continental kingdom, and having planned many measures of internal im- provement of vast magnitude, which were sub- sequently executed, he returned to Naples. He was here received with congratulations by all classes of his subjects. The clergy, led by Cardinal Buffo, and even the nobility, vied with each other in their ex- pressions of satisfaction in a change of dynas- ty. The great majority of the most intelli- gent people in the kingdom were weary of the corrupt Court which, swaying the sceptre of feudal despotism, had consigned Naples to in- dolence, dilapidation, and penury. Joseph im mediately selected the most distinguished Ne- apolitans as members of his council. He made every effort to introduce into his kingdom all the benefits which the French Revolution had 110 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1807. Philanthropic Labors. brought to France, while he carefully sought to avoid the evils which accompanied that great popular movement. Though Joseph soon found himself firmly seated on the throne, war still lingered along the coasts, and in the more remote parts of his kingdom. The fortress of Gaeta, almost im- pregnable, was still held by a garrison of Fer- dinand's troops. Marauding bands of Neapol- itans, lured by love of plunder, infested and pillaged the unprotected districts. The Eng- lish fleet was hovering along the coast, watch- ing for opportunities of assault. It landed an army at the Gulf of St. Euphemia, and dis- comfited a small division of Joseph's troops. Thus the kingdom was in a general state of disorder wherever the influence of Joseph was not sensibly felt. But the wise . and energetic measures he adopted removed one after another of these evils. He found but little difficulty in per- suading all those who co-operated with him in the government, both French and Neapolitans, that the interests of each individual class in the community were dependent upon the eleva- tion and improvement of the whole country; and it is a remarkable fact that the princiisJ 1807.] JOSEPH KING OF NAPLES. Ill Philanthropic Labors. noblemen in Naples were among the first to appreciate and adopt the great ideas of reform which Joseph introduced. Influenced by his arguments, they, of their own accord, relin- quished their feudal privileges, and adopted those principles of equal rights upon which the empire of Napoleon was founded, and which gave it its almost omnipotent hold upon popu- lar affections. Even the ecclesiastics, men of commanding character and intelligence, who had been introduced into the Council of State, voted for the suppression of monastic orders, and for the use of their funds to place the credit of the kingdom upon a solid basis. Eeform was thus extended, wisely and effi- ciently, through all the departments of Gov- ernment. And though the masses of the peo- ple, being illiterate peasants, incapable of any intelligent administration of public affairs, had but little voice in the Government, every thing was done for their welfare that enlightened patriotism could suggest. All writers, friends and foes, agree alike in their testimony to the wise measures adopted by Joseph. He found- ed colleges for the instruction of young men, and many other institutions of a high charac* ter for male and female education. Splendid 112 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1807 The Lazzaronu roads were constructed from one extremity of the kingdom to the other; manufactories of various kinds were established and encour- aged ; the arts were rewarded ; agriculture re- ceived a new impulse ; the army was efficient- ly organized and brought under salutary dis- cipline ; a topographical bureau was created, the whole kingdom carefully surveyed, and a fine map constructed. The mouldering ram- parts of the city were rebuilt, and new fort- resses reared. Naples had for ages been filled with a mis- erable idle population, called lazzaroni. They infested the streets and the squares, and were devoured by vermin, and half-covered with rags. With no incitement to industry, indeed with hardly the possibility of obtaining any work, they had fallen into the most abject state of vice and despair. These men, in large num- bers, were collected, comfortably clothed, well fed, well paid, and were employed in construct- ing a new and splendid avenue to the metropo- lis. Made happy by industry, and inspired by its sure reward, they became contented and use- ful subjects. The Ministry of the Interior was confided to Count Miot. It was his duty to devote all 1806.] JOSEPH KING OF NAPLES. 113 Vigorous Measures. his energies to promote the interests of agri- culture, commerce, manufactures, the arts, the sciences, public instruction, and all liberal in- stitutions. The country had been filled with brigands, rioting in violence, robbery, and mur- der. To repress their excesses, Joseph estab- lished a military commission with each army corps, whose duty it was to judge and execute, without appeal, the brigands taken with arms in their hands. The English fleet commanded the Mediter- ranean. The Neapolitan troops, under the command of Ferdinand, had fled to Calabria, and, under the protection of the English fleet had crossed the straits of Messina to the island of Sicily. The British squadron then swept the coasts of Calabria, applying the torch to all the public property which could not be car- ried away. While these scenes were transpir- ing, Napoleon wrote to Joseph almost daily, giving him very minute directions. He wrote to him on the 12th of January, 1806 : " Speak seriously to M and to L , and say that you will have no robberies. M robbed much in the Venetian country. I have re- called S to Paris for that reason. He is a bad man. Maintain severe discipline." 68 114 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1806. Letters from Napoleon and others. Again he wrote on the 19th : " It is my in- tention that the Bourbons should cease to reign at Naples. I wish to place upon that throne a prince of my family ; you first, if that is agree- able to you ; another, if that is not agreeable to you. The country ought to furnish food, clothing, horses, and every thing that is neces- sary for your army ; so that it shall cost me nothing." Again, on the 27th, Napoleon wrote from Paris : " I have only to congratulate myself with alJ that you did while you remained in Paris. Receive my thanks, and, as a testimony of my satisfaction, my portrait upon a snuff- box, which I will forward by the first officer I send to you. Tolerate no robbers. I have just received a letter from the Queen of Naples. I shall not reply. After the violation of the treaty, I can no longer trust her promises." Again, on the 3d of February, 1806, he writes : " Believe in my friendship. Do not listen to those who wish to keep you out of fire, loin du feu. It is necessary that you should establish your reputation, if there should be opportunity. Place yourself conspicuously As to real danger, it is everywhere in war." The Prince-royal of Naples wrote a letter to 1806.] JOSEPH KING OF NAPLES. 115 The British Fleet. Joseph, with the hope of regaining his crown. He stated that the King and Queen had abdi- cated in favor of their son. Joseph replied that he could not listen to the appeal ; that he could only execute the orders which he received, and that the application was too late. The city of Gaeta was one of the strongest positions in Europe. The troops of Ferdinand maintained a siege there for many months. They were very efficiently aided by the British fleet, which brought them continual re-enforce- ments and supplies. Its capture was considered one of the most brilliant achievements in mod- ern warfare. There was now not a spot upon the Continent of Europe where a flag floated in avowed hostility to France. Ferdinand of Na- ples, with a small army, had fled to the island of Sicily, where, for a short time, he was pro- tected by the British fleet. In the mean time King Joseph was devoting himself untiringly and with great wisdom to the development of the new institutions of re- form, and of equal rights for all, which every- where accompanied the French banners. Mar- shal Massena was sent to the provinces of Gala* bria to put a stop to brigandage. The brigands were merciless. Severe reprisals became nee- 116 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1806. Brigandage. essary. The British fleet, under Sir Sidney Smith, hovered along the shores of the gulfs of Salerno and of Naples, striving to rouse and encourage resistance to the new Government. There was a renowned bandit, named Mi- chael Pozza, who, from his energy and atrocities, had acquired the sobriquet of Fra Diavolo, or brother of the devil. His bands, widely scat- tered, were at times concentrated, and waged fierce battle. Gradually French discipline gain- ed upon them. Large numbers of the Neapoli- tans, hating the old regime, and glad to be rid of it, enlisted in defense of the new institutions. The robbers were at length cut to pieces. Fra Diavolo escaped to the mountains, where he was taken and shot. In this warfare with the brigands, the Neapolitan troops, emboldened by the presence and protection of the French army, displayed very commendable courage. While engaged in these warlike operations, through his able generals, Joseph was much occupied with the employment, more congenial to him, of conducting the interior administra- tion. It was his first endeavor to eradicate every vestige of the old despotism of feudalism a system perhaps necessary in its day, but which time had outgrown. The whole pohti- 1806.] JOSEPH KING OF NAPLES. 117 Success of the new Measures. cal edifice was laid upon the foundation of the absolute equality of rights of all the citizens a principle until then unknown in Naples. There- had been no gradations in society. There were a few families of extreme opulence, enjoying: rank and exclusive privileges, and then came the almost beggared masses, with no incentives to exertion. The enervating climate induced indolence. Life could be maintained with but little clothing, and but little food. The cities and villages swarmed with half-clad multitudes, vegetating in a joyless existence. Joseph gave his earnest attention to rousing the multitude from this apathy. He thought that one of the most important means to awaken a love of industry was to make these poor peo- ple, as far as possible, landed proprietors. The man who owns land, though the portion may be small, is almost resistlessly impelled to cul- tivate it. His ambition being thus roused, his intellectual and social condition becomes amel- iorated, and he is prepared to take part, as a citizen, in the administration of affairs. A new division of territory was created into provinces and districts, in which the prominent men, who were imbued with the spirit of reform, were appointed to the administration of local inter 118 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1806. Ancient Corruptions. ests. Still many of the old nobility struggled hard to maintain their feudal power. But res- olutely Joseph proceeded in laying the foun* dations of a national representation, derived from popular election, which should be the or- gan of the whole nation, to make known to the King the wishes and necessities of the people. This was an immense stride in the direction of a popular government It endangered the feudal privilege, which upheld the throne and the castle, in other lands. Hence it was that the throne and the castle combined to over- throw institutions so republican in their ten- dencies. The whole system of administration had been awfully corrupt Justice was almost un- known. All the tribunals were concentrated in the city of Naples. There were tens of thousands of prisoners, very many for political offenses, awaiting trial. In the provinces of Calabria Joseph appointed judicial commissions to attend to these cases. In three months about five thousand prisoners had a hearing. Many of them had been detained over twenty years. Not a few were incarcerated through malicious accusations. Those guilty of some slight of- fense were imprisoned with assassins, all alike 1806.] JOSEPH KING OF NAPLES. 119 Prisou Reform. Financial Reform. exposed to the damp of dungeons and infected air. A system of very effective prison reform was immediately established by Joseph. The prisoners were placed in apartments large and well-ventilated. They were separated in ac- cordance with the nature of the offenses of which they were accused. Distinct prisons were appropriated to females. Hospitals were established for the sick of both sexes, with every necessary arrangement for the restoration of health. A thorough reform was introduced into the finances. Under the old regime, all had been confusion and oppression. The only object of the Government seemed to be to get all it could. In the country the people often were compel- led to pay their lords not only money, but also very onerous personal services. This was all remedied by the adoption of an impartial sys- tem of taxation. And it was found that the new imposts, honestly collected, were far less oppressive to the people, and more in amount. The overthrow of the feudal system placed at the disposal of the State a vast amount of land which had been uncultivated. This was divided among a large number of people, who 120 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1806. Encouragement to Education. paid for it an annual sum into the treasury. Thus the welfare of these individuals was great- ly promoted, and the resources of the State in creased. And now Joseph turned his attention to public instruction. The last Government had been opposed to education. It had entered into open warfare against the sciences, prohibiting the introduction of the most important foreign publications. Joseph immediately established schools for primary instruction all over the realm. Normal schools were organized for the education of teachers. In the smallest hamlets teachers were provided to instruct the children in the elements of the Christian religion, and school -mistresses, who. in addition to the same lessons, were to teach the young girls the duties proper to their sex. This impulse to education spread rapidly through all the provinces. The free school* established in Naples were soon so crowded that it became necessary to add to their num. ber. The university at Naples, frowned upon by the former Government, had fallen into deep decline. Nineteen chairs of professors were vacant. Others were occupied, but their duties quite neglected. The university vras 1806.] JOSEPH KING OF NAPLES. 121 Opposition to Reform. reorganized in accordance with the enlighten- ment of modern times. New professorships were endowed in the place of those which had become useless. Especial efforts were made to secure learned men for those chairs from the kingdom of Naples. But education was at so low an ebb that it was necessary to ob- tain several professors from abroad. Every- where a thirst for knowledge seemed to mani- fest itself. These reforms were exceedingly popular with the great majority of the Neapolitans, But there were not wanting those who opposed them. There were those of the privileged class who had been enriched by the ignorance and debasement of the people. These men began gradually to develop their opposition. Joseph had endeavored to employ Neapolitans as much as possible in the Government. He employed Frenchmen in the military and civil service only where he could find no Neapoli- tans equal to the post. Some of the Neapoli- tans, jealous of French influence, while also secretly clinging to ancient abuses, began cau- tiously the attempt to retard these reforms. Joseph listened patiently to their objections in cabinet council, and then said* 122 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1806. The Fine Arts. " I have carefully followed a discussion which relates so intimately to the public wel- fare. I had hoped to hear reasons. I have heard only passions. I look in vain for any indications of love of country in the objections to the proposed laws. I must say that I see only the spirit of party." He then examined, one by one, the objec- tions which had been brought forward, and added, " Do you think, gentlemen, that I arn willing to sustain these exclusive privileges? We have not destroyed these Gothic institu- tions, the remnants of barbarism, in order to reconstruct them under other forms. And can any of you cherish the thought that this resistance, which ought to surprise me, can in- duce me to retrograde toward institutions con- demned by the spirit of the age ? No ; too long have the people groaned under the weight of intolerable abuses. They shall be delivered from them. If obstacles arise, be assured that I shall know how to remove them." The fine arts were also languishing, with every thing else, under the execrable regime of the Bourbons of Naples. But the taste for the fine arts survived their decay. The new Government instituted schools of art under 1806.] JOSEPH KING OF NAPLES. 123 Monasteries. the direction of the most skillful masters. Painting, drawing, sculpture, engraving, all re- ceived a new impulse. There were difficulties to be encountered in this attempt to regenerate an utterly depraved state more than can now be easily imagined. He who should attempt to erect a modern man- sion upon the ruins of the Castle of Heidelberg would find more difficulty in removing the old foundations than in rearing the new structure. Thus Joseph found ancient abuses, hallowed by time, and oppressive institutions interwoven with the very life of the people, which it was necessary utterly to abolish or greatly to modi- fy. The monastic institution was one of these. The land was filled with gloomy monasteries, crowded with idle, useless, and often dissolute monks. There had been in past ages seasons of persecution, in which the refuge of these sanctuaries was needed, but the spirit of the age no longer required them. They had ren- dered signal service in times of barbarism, but it was no longer needful for religion to hide in the obscurity of the cloister. "Altars," said Joseph, "are now erected in the interior of families. The regular clergy respond to the wants of the people. The love 124 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1806. Debate in the Council. of the arts and of the sciences, widely dif- fused, and the colonial, 'commercial, and mili- tary spirit constrain all the Governments of Europe to direct to important objects the gen- ius, activity, and pecuniary resources of their nations. The support of considerable land and sea forces involves the necessity of great reforms in other departments of the general economy of the State. The first duty of peo- ples and princes is to place themselves in a condition of defense against the aggressions of their enemies. Still we do not forget that we ought to reconcile these principles with the respect with which we should cherish those celebrated places which, in barbaric ages, pre- served the sacred fire of reason, and which be- came the de*pot of human knowledge." The debates upon this subject in the Coun- cil of State were long and animated. The peasantry, ignorant and superstitious, clung to their old prejudices, and could not easily throw aside the shackles of ages. Many of these re- ligious communities were wealthy, the recipi- ents of immense sums bequeathed to them by the dying. There was no legal right, no right but that of revolution and the absolute neces- sities of the State, for wresting this property 1806.] JOSEPH KING OF NAPLES. 125 Reform of Monastic Institutions. from them. But it was manifest to every in- telligent mind that the Neapolitan kingdom could never emerge from the stagnation of semi-barbarism without the entire overthrow of many, and the radical reform of the remain- der of these institutions. At length a law, very carefully matured, was enacted, suppressing a large number of these religious orders, and introducing essen- tial changes into those which were permitted to survive. The possessions of those which were abolished, generally consisting of large tracts of land, reverted to the State, and were sold at auction in small farms. The money thus raised helped replenish the bankrupt treasury. The poor monks, expelled from their cells, with no habits of industry, and no means of obtaining a support, received a life pension, amounting to a little more than one hundred dollars a year. The three abbeys of Mount Cassin, Cava, and Monte Verging contained very consider- able libraries, and were the depots of impor- tant records and manuscripts. These were in- trusted to the keeping of a select number of the most intelligent monks. It was their duty to arrange and catalogue the books and manu 126 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1806. Ecclesiastical Reforms. scripts, and to search out those works which could throw light upon the sciences, the arts, and the past history of the realm. They re- tained the buildings, the necessary furniture, and received a small additional stipend. There were some passes through the mount- ains which were perilous in the winter season. Upon these bleak eminences houses of refuge were erected, to shelter travellers and to help them on their way. In each of these twenty- five monks were placed. Their labors were arduous, as often all the necessaries of life had to be brought upon their backs from the plains below. They received a frugal but comfort- able support. The salaries of the hard-working clergy were increased. The vases and ornaments from the suppressed convents were distributed among those poorer parishes which were in a state of destitution. The furniture of the con- vents was transferred to the civil and military hospitals. The pictures, bas-reliefs, statuary, and other objects of art were collected for the national museum which the King wished to establish. The mendicant friars, who had suf- ficient education, were intrusted with the in* atruction of the children. 1806.] JOSEPH KING OF NAPLES. 127 New Public Works. The number of priests under the old r6- gime had increased to a degree entirely dis- proportioned to the wants of the community. They were consequently wretchedly poor. A fixed salary was assigned to the rectors, that they might live respectably, and the ordina- tions in each diocese were so regulated that there should be but one priest for about one thousand souls. It is not to be supposed that such changes could be effected without much friction. Not only bigotry opposed them, but there was a deep-seated, though unintelligent religious sen- timent, which remonstrated against them. The advocates of the old regime availed themselves, in every possible way, of this sentiment, while the British fleet, continually hovering around the coasts, and occasionally landing men at unguarded points, contributed much toward keeping the spirit of insurrection alive, and preventing the tranquillity of the country. New public works were commenced in the capital, to employ the idle and starving multi- tudes there. The country roads, so long in- fested with robbers, were in a wretched condi- tion. The entire stagnation of all internal com- merce had left them unused and almost im- 128 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1806. New Public Works. passable. The old roads were repaired, and new ones vigorously opened. The inhabitants of the provinces, and even the soldiers who could be conveniently spared, were employed in these enterprises. The soldiers, receiving slight additional pay, cheerfully contributed their labors. French officers of engineers, of established ability, superintended these nation- al works. King Joseph was but the agent of his bi oth- er Napoleon. Though himself a man of supe- rior ability, and imbued with an ardent spirit of humanity, in these great enterprises he was carrying out the designs with which the im- perial mind of his brother was inspired. Thus the kingdom of Naples, in a few months, under the reign of Joseph, made more progress than had been accomplished in scores of years un- der the dominion of the Neapolitan Bourbons. On the 8th of May, 1806, Joseph wrote to Napoleon : " My previous letters have an- nounced to your Majesty that perfect order is restored in the Calabrias. I am not less pleased with the inhabitants of Apulia. They are more enlightened, less passionate, but equally zealous with the Calabrians to withdraw their country from the debasement into which it is 1806.] JOSEPH KING OF NAPLES. 129 Report of Joseph to the Emperor. plunged. I am particularly satisfied with the priests, the nobles, and the landed proprietors. "I now fully recognize the justice of the principles which I have so often heard from the lips of your Majesty. And I confess that experience has proved to me how true it is that it is necessary to see to every thing one's self; that not a moment of time must ever be lost ; that we can not rely upon the activity of any person, and that every thing is possible, with a determined will on the part of the chief. I say to myself, ten times a day, the Emperor was right " I have established in each province a president, or prefect, who is entirely independ- ent of the military commandant. I have de- creed the formation in each province of a legion whose organization I will soon send to your Majesty. It is not paid. It is command- ed by those men who are the most opulent, the most respectable, and the most attached to the present order of things. In each province I form a company of gendarmerie, composed of Frenchmen and Neapolitans. It is with some pride that I see that all the measures which your Majesty has prescribed to me I have adopted in advance. 69 130 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1806. Letter from Napoleon. " Whatever I may say, your Majesty can form no conception of the state of oppression, barbarism, and debasement which existed in this realm. And I can assure your Majesty that the Neapolitan officers returning to their homes become well pleased in witnessing the spirit which animates their fellow-citizens. I derive much advantage from the knowledge I have of the language, the manners, and cus- toms of the country. The inhabitants of the mountains and of the villages resemble closely those of Corsica. And I do not think that I can be mistaken when I assure your Majesty that the people regard themselves as happy in being governed by a man who is so nearly re- lated to your Majesty, and who bears a name which your Majesty rendered illustrious before he became an emperor, and which has for them the advantage of being Italian." On the 22d of June, 1806, Napoleon wrote to Joseph, " My BROTHER the Court of Eome is entirely surrendered to folly. It refuses to recognize you, and I know not what sort of a treaty it wishes to make with me* It thinks that I can not unite profound respect for the spiritual authority of the Pope, and at the same time repel his temporal pretensions. It forgets 1806.J JOSEPH KING OF NAPLES. 131 Letter from Meneval. that Saint Louis, whose piety is well known, was almost always at war with the Pope, and that Charles V., who was a very Christian prince, held Home besieged for a long time, and seized it, with every Roman state." On the 28th of February, 1806, M. de Me- neval, the Emperor's secretary, had written to Joseph, "The Emperor works prodigiously. He holds three or four councils every day, from eight o'clock in the morning, when he rises, until two or three o'clock in the morning, when he goes to bed." Napoleon well knew the fickle, unreliable, Jebased character of the Italian populace. He was sure that Joseph, in the kindness of his heart, was too confiding and unsuspicious. He wrote reiteratedly upon this subject : " Put it in your calculations," said he, " that sooner or later you will have an insurrection. It is an event which always happens in a conquered country. You can never sustain yourself by opinion in such a city as Naples, Be sure that you will have a riot or an insurrection. I earnestly desire to aid you by my experience in such matters. Shoot pitilessly the lazzaroni who plunge the dagger. I am greatly sur- prised that you do not shoot the spies of the 132 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1806. Letter from Napoleon. King of Naples. Your administration is too feeble. I can not conceive why you do not execute the laws. Every spy should be shot. Every lazzaroni who plies the dagger should be shot. You attach too much importance to a populace whom two or three battalions and a few pieces of artillery will bring to reason. They will never be submissive until they rise in insurrection, and you make a severe exam- ple. The villages which revolt should be sur- rendered to pillage. It is not only the right of war, but policy requires it. Your govern- ment, my brother, is not sufficiently vigorous. You fear too much to indispose people. You are too amiable, and have too much confidence in the Neapolitans. This system of mildness will not avail you. Be sure of that. I truly desire that the mob of Naples should revolt. Until you make an example, you will not be master. With every conquered people a re- volt is a necessity. I should regard a revolt in Naples as the father of a family regards the small-pox for his children. Provided it does not weaken the invalid too much, it is a salu- tary crisis." Such were the precautions which Napoleon was continually sending to Joseph. His amia- 1806.] JOSEPH KING OF NAPLES Letter from Joseph to his Wife. ble brother did not sufficiently heed them. He fancied that the most ignorant, fanatical, and debased of men could be held in control by kind words and kind deeds alone. But he awoke fearfully to the delusion when a savage insurrection broke out among the peasants and the brigands of the Calabrias, and swept the provinces with flarne and blood Then scenes of woe ensued which can never be described. It became necessary to resort to the severest acts of punishment Much, if not all of this, might have been saved had the firm govern- ment which Napoleon recommended been es- tablished at the beginning. It is cruelty, not kindness, to leave the mob to feel that they can inaugurate their reign of terror with im- punity. The following extracts from a letter which Joseph wrote his wife, dated Naples, March 22d, 1806, throw interesting light upon the characters of both the King and the Emperor. "I repeat it, the Emperor ought not to re- main alone in Paris. Providence has made me expressly to serve as his safeguard. Lov- ing repose, and yet able to support activity; despising grandeurs, and yet able to bear their burden with success, whatever may have been 1S4 JOSEPH BONAPAKTE. [1806. Letter from Joseph to his Wife. the slight differences between him and me, I can truly say that he is the man of all the world whom I love the best. I do not know if a climate and shores very much resembling those which I inhabited with him, have given back to me all my first love for the friend of my childhood ; but I can truly say that I often find myself weeping over the affections of twenty years' standing as over those of but a few months. "If you can not come to me immediately, send Ze'naide. 1 I would give all the empires of the world for one caress of my tall Ze'naide, or for one kiss of my little Lolotte. As for you, you know very well that I love you as their mother, and as I love my wife. If I can unite a dispersed family and live in the bosom of my own, I shall be content ; and I will sur- render myself to fulfill all the missions which the Emperor may assign to me, provided they can be temporary, and that I may cherish the hope of dying in a country in which I have al- ways wished to live." ' Zenaide and Lolotte (Charlotte), the two daughters of Joseph. 1806.] THE CROWN A BURDEN 135 Jena and Auerstadt, Death at Fax. CHAPTER V. THE CROWN A BURDEN. THE close of the year 1806 was rendered memorable by the victories of Jena and Auerstadt, and the occupation of Prussia by the armies of Napoleon. The war was wan- tonly provoked by Prussia. Napoleon wrote to Joseph from St. Cloud, on the 13th of Sep- tember : " Prussia makes me a thousand protestations. That does not prevent me from taking my pre- cautions. In a few days she will disarm, or she will be crushed. Austria protests her wish to remain neutral. Russia knows not what she wishes. Her remote position renders her pow- erless. Thus, in a few words, you have the present aspect of affairs." A few days after he wrote again to Joseph from St. Cloud: "My BROTHER, I have just received the tidings that Mr. Fox is dead. Un- der present circumstances, ne is a man who dies regretted by two nations. The horizon is some- 136 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1806. England's New Alliance. what clouded in Europe. It is possible that I may soon come to blows with the King of Prussia. If matters are not soon arranged, the Prussians will be so beaten in the first encoun- ters, that every thing will be finished in a few days." Napoleon cautioned his brother against making the contents of his letters known to others, saying, " I repeat to you, that if this let- ter is read by others than yourself, you injure your own affairs. I am accustomed to think three or four months in advance of what I do, and I make arrangements for the worst." England, Russia, and Prussia entered into a new alliance to crush the Empire in France. The armies of Prussia, two hundred thousand strong, commenced their march by entering Saxony, one of the allies of Napoleon. Alex- ander of Russia was hastening to join Prus- sia, with two hundred thousand men' in his train. England was giving the most energetic co-operation with her invincible fleet and her almost inexhaustible gold. Upon the eve of this terrible conflict, Napoleon, in the follow- ing terms, addressed Europe, to which address no reply was returned but that of shot and shell. 1806.] THE CROWN A BURDEN. 137 Napoleon's Address to Europe. "Why should hostilities arise between France and Russia? Perfectly independent of each other, they are impotent to inflict evil, but all-powerful to communicate benefits. If the Emperor of France exercises a great influ- ence in Italy, the Czar exerts a still greater in- fluence over Turkey and Persia. If the Cabi- net of Russia pretends to have a right to affix limits to the power of France, without doubt it is equally disposed to allow the Emperor of the French to prescribe the bounds beyond which Russia is not to pass. " Russia has partitioned Poland. Can she then complain that France possesses Belgium and the left banks of the Rhine ? Russia has seized upon the Crimea, the Caucasus, and the northern provinces of Persia. Can she deny that the right of self-preservation gives France a title to demand an equivalent in Europe. Let every power begin by restoring the con- quests which it has made during the last fifty years. Let them re-establish Poland, restore Venice to its Senate, Trinidad to Spain, Ceylon to Holland, the Crimea to the Porte, the Cau- casus and Georgia to Persia, the kingdom of Mysore to the sons of Tippoo Saib, and the Mahratta States to their lawful owners, and 138 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1806. Views of the Emperor. Message to the Senate. then the other powers may have some title to insist that France shall retire within her an- cient limits." It was important to prevent the union of these mighty hosts, now combined to overthrow the new system in France. As Napoleon left Paris, to strike the Prussian army before it could be strengthened by the arrival of the Russians, he wrote to Joseph : " Give yourself no uneasiness. The present struggle will be speedily terminated. Prussia and her allies, be they who they may, will be crushed. And this time I will settle finally with Europe. I will put it out of the power of my enemies to stir for ten years." In his parting message to the Senate, he said, "In so just a war, which we have not provoked by any act, by any pretense, the true cause of which it would be impossible to as- sign, and where we only take arms to defend ourselves, we depend entirely upon the support of the laws, and upon that of the people, whom circumstances call upon to give fresh proof of their devotion and courage." The Prussian army was overwhelmed at Jena and Auerstadt, and then Napoleon, press- ing on to the north, met the Russians at Fried- 1806.] THE CROWN A BURDEN. 139 Fearful Outrages in Calabria. Advice of Napoleon. land, and annihilated their forces also. The atrocities perpetrated by the Italian bandits were so terrible, that the exasperated soldiers often retaliated with fearful severity. Joseph, by nature a very humane man, endeavored in every way in his powerto mitigate this ferocity. The revolt in Calabria was attended with almost every conceivable act of perfidy and cruelty. The wounded French were butchered in the hos- pitals; the dwellings of Neapolitans friendly to the new government were burnt, and their families outraged ; treachery of the vilest kind was perpetrated by those acting under the mask of friendship. The crisis, which Napoleon had been continually anticipating and warning his brother against, had come. The case demanded rigorous measures. It was necessary to the very existence of the Government that it should prove, by avenging crime, that it was deter- mined to protect the innocent. Still the amiable Joseph was disposed to leniency. Napoleon wrote him: " The fate of your reign depends upon your conduct when you return to Calabria. There must be no forgiveness. Shoot at least six hundred rebels. They have murdered more soldiers than that Burn the houses of thirty 140 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1806. Adrice of Napoleon. The English Fleet of the principal persons in the villages, and distribute their property among the soldiers. Take away all arms from the inhabitants, and give up to pillage five or six of the large vil- lages. When Placenza rebelled, I ordered Ju not to burn two villages and shoot the chiefs, among whom were six priests. It will be some time before they rebel again." Where there is this energy to punish crime, the good repose in safety. This apparent in- humanity may be, with a ruler who has mil- lions to protect, the highest degree of humani- ty. When a lawless mob is rioting through the streets of a city, robbing, burning, murder- ing, it is not well for the Government affection- ately to address them with soothing words. It is far more humane to mow down the insur- gents with grape and canister. The English fleet still menaced and assailed the kingdom of Naples at every available point. It held possession of the island of Ca- pin, near the mouth of the gulf of Naples. There was a Neapolitan, by the name of Vec- chioni, who had professed the warmest attach- ment to the new government, and whom Jo- seph had appointed as one of his counsellors of state. This man entered intc a conspiracv 1806,] THE CROWN A BURDEN. 141 Testimony of Napoleon At Saint Helens. with the English, to betray to them the King to whom he had perfidiously sworn allegiance. His treason was clearly proved. But he was an old man. His life had hitherto been pure. The tender heart of Joseph could not bear to inflict upon him merited punishment. He said compassionately, " The poor old man has suf- fered enough already. Let him go." To gov- ern an ignorant, fanatical, and turbulent nation swarming with brigands, requires a character of stern mould. But for the energies commu- nicated to Joseph by Napoleon, Joseph could not long have retained his throne. The Em- peror at Saint Helena, speaking of his brother, said . "Joseph rendered me no assistance, but he is a very good man. His wife, Queen Julia, is the most amiable creature that ever existed Joseph and I were always attached to each other, and kept on good terms. He loves me sincerely, and I doubt not that he would do every thing in the world to serve me; but his qualities are only suited to private life. He is of a gentle and kind disposition, possesses tal- ent and information, and is altogether a most amiable man. In the discharge of the high duties which I confided to him, he did the best 142 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1806. The Napoleon Brothers and Sisters. he could. His intentions were good, and there- fore the principal fault rested riot so much with him as with me, who raised him above his proper sphere. When placed in important circumstances, he found himself unequal to the task imposed upon him." On another occasion, the Emperor at Saint Helena, speaking of the different members of his family, said, " In their mistaken notions of independence, the members of my family sometimes seemed to consider their power as detached, forgetting that they were merely parts of a great whole, whose views and inter- ests they should have aided, instead of oppo- sing. But, after all, they were very young and inexperienced, and were surrounded by snares, flatterers, and intriguers with secret and evil designa "And yet, if we judge from analogy, what family, in similar circumstances, would have acted better? Every one is not qualified to be a statesman. That requires a combination of powers that does not often fall to the lot of one. In this respect, all my brothers are sin- gularly situated. They possessed at once too much and too little talent- They felt them- selves too strong to resign themselves blindly 1806.] THE CROWN A BURDEN. 143 The Napoleon Brothers and Sinters. to a guiding counsellor, and yet too weak to be left entirely to themselves. But, take them all in all, I have certainly good reason to be proud of ray family. "Joseph would have been an ornament to society in any country ; and Lucien would have been an honor to any political assembly. Jerome, as he advanced in life, would have de- veloped every qualification requisite in a sove- reign. Louis would have been distinguished in every rank and condition in life. My sister Eliza was endowed with masculine powers of mind ; she must have proved herself a philoso- pher in her adverse fortune. Caroline possess- ed great talents and capacity. Pauline, per- Haps the most beautiful woman of her age, has been, and will continue to be to the end of her life, the most amiable creature in the world. As to my mother, she deserves all kind of veneration. " How seldom is so numerous a family en- titled to so much praise? Add to this that, setting aside the jarring of political opinions, we sincerely loved each other. For my part, I never ceased to cherish fraternal affection for them ail ; and I am convinced that, in their hearts, they felt the same sentiments toward 144: JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1806. The Royal Academy of History and Antiquities. me, and that, in case of need, they would have given me proof of it" The soil of Italy presented widely, upon its 'surface, impressive monuments of the past. The grand memories inspired by these crea- tions of olden time tended to arouse the slug- gish spirit of the degenerate moderns. To pro- mote these ennobling studies, and to increase the taste for the fine arts, Joseph established "The Royal Academy of History and Antiq- uities," The number of members was fixed at forty. The King appointed the first twenty members, and they nominated, for his appoint- ment, the rest. A museum was formed for the collection of antique works of art found in the excavations. An annual fund, of about ten thousand dollars, was appropriated to the expenses of the institution. Two grand ses- sions were to be held each year, at which time prizes were awarded by the Academy to the amount of about two thousand dollars for the most important literary works which had been produced. The first sessions were held in the hall of the palace. The King wished thus to manifest his interest in the objects of the Academy, to co-operate in their labors, and to avail himself of the advantages of their re 1807.] THE CROWN A BURDEN. 146 Relations between Napoleon and Joseph. searches. The clergy, and the medical and legal professions, were alike represented in this learned body. It is an interesting fact, illustrative of the state of learning at the time, that of the twen- ty academicians first appointed by the King, eleven were ecclesiastics. Two only were no- bles. This class, rioting in sensual indulgence, disdained any intellectual labor. Notwith- standing all these expenses, such system and economy were introduced into the finances, that they were rapidly becoming extricated from the chaos in which they had long been plunged. In the midst of these incessant and diversi- fied labors, letters were almost daily passing between Joseph and his brother the Emperor. On the first day of the year 1807, Napoleon was, with his heroic and indomitable army, far away amidst the frozen wilds of Poland. Jo- seph sent a special deputation to his brother, with earnest wishes for "a happy new year." Napoleon thus replied, under the date of War- saw, January 28, 1807 : " MY BROTHER, I have not received the letter of your Majesty and his wishes for my happiness without lively emotion. Your de- 610 146 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1807. Relations between Napoleon and Joseph. tinies and my successes have placed a vast country between us. You touch, on the south, the Mediterranean. I touch the Baltic. But, by the harmony of our measures, we are seek- ing the same object. Watch over your coasts ; shut out the English and their commerce. Their exclusion will secure tranquillity in your states. Your realm is rich and populous. By the aid of God it may become powerful and happy. Receive my most sincere wishes for the prosperity of your reign, and rely at all times upon my fraternal affection. The depu- tation which your Majesty has sent to me has honorably fulfilled its mission. I have re- quested it to bear to your Majesty the assur- ance of my sincere attachment. Whereupon, my brother, I pray that God may ever have you in his holy and worthy keeping." Some reference was made in one of Joseph's letters to the sufferings which the army in Na- ples endured. Napoleon replied, "The mem- bers of my staff, colonels, officers, have not undressed for two months, and some for four. (I myself have been fifteen days without tak- ing off my boots), in the midst of snow and mud, without bread, without wine, without brandy, eating potatoes and meat; making 1807.] THE CROWN A BURDEN. 147 Relations between Napoleon and Joseph. long marches and counter-marches, without any kind of rest; fighting with the bayonet, and very often under grapeshot : the wounded being borne on sledges in the open air one hundred and fifty miles. " It is then ill-timed pleasantry to compare us with the Army of Naples, which is making war in the beautiful country of Naples, where they have bread, oil, cloth, bedclothes, society, and even that of the ladies. After having de- stroyed the Prussian monarchy, we are now contending against the rest of the Prussians, against the Eussians, the Cossacks, the Cal- mucks, and against those tribes of the north, which formerly overwhelmed the Koman em- pire. In the midst of these great fatigues, every body has been more or less sick. As for me, I was never better, and am gaining flesh. " The Army of Naples has no occasion to complain. Let them inquire of General Ber- thier. He will tell them that their Emperor has for fifteen days eaten nothing but pota- toes and meat, whilst bivouacking in the midst of the snows of Poland. Judge from that what must be the condition of the officers They have nothing but meat." 148 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1807. Letter from Joseph. On the 26th of March, 1807, Joseph wrote, in a letter to his brother Napoleon, urging the promotion of Colonel Destrees, who, by his probity, had won the affections of the people. "Here, sire, an honest man is worth more to me than a man of ability. When I find both qualities united in the same person, I es- teem him of more value than a regiment. It is for this reason that I value so highly Rey- nier, Partouneaux, Donzelot, Lamarque, Jour- dan, Saligny, and Mathieu ; it is this which leads me to prize so highly Roederer and Du- mas." Again he wrote to his brother on the 29th of March : " Sire, as I see more of men and become better acquainted with them, I recog- nize more and more the truth of what I have heard from your Majesty during the whole of my life. The experience of government has confirmed the truth of that which your Majesty has so often said to me. I hope your Majesty will not regard this as flattery. But it is true ; and I never cease to repeat, and particularly to myself, that you have been born with a su- periority of reason truly astonishing, and now I recognize fully that men are what you have always told me that they were. How many 1807.] THE CROWN A BURDEN. 149 Frank Admissions and Advice of Joeeph. abuses, which I confess still astonish me, have I encountered, in the journey which I have just made. A prince confiding and amiable is a great scourge from heaven. I am in- structed, sire, and I hope ere long to be a bet- ter ruler by not giving the majority of men the credit for that spirit of justice and human- ity which I hope your Majesty recognizes in me. I have assembled the notables of this province. How docile these people are! but they are very badly governed. I have dis- missed the prefect, the sub-prefect, the general, the commandant, a set of rascals who were here the instruments and the agents of an hon- est prince. This province, the most tranquil in the realm, had become, in the opinion of notables, the most disaffected and the most ready to desire the arrival of the enemy. I journeyed from village to village, and speedily repaired the evil. These people have so much vivacity of spirit and ardor of soul, that both good and evil operate easily upon them. Their inconstancy is not so much the result of their character as of their topographical and milita- ry position. " I am aware, sire, that I have not, as your Majesty has, the art of employing all kinds of 150 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1807. Frank Admissions and Advice of Joseph. men. I need honest men, in whom I can re- pose some confidence. Sire, I am in that mood of mind, which your Majesty recognizes in me, in which I love to say whatever I think right. Your Majesty ought to make peace at whatever price. Your Majesty is victorious, triumphant everywhere. You ought to recoil before the blood of your people. It is for the prince to hold back the hero. No extent of country, be it more or less, should restrain you. All the concessions you may make will be glorious, because they will be useful to your peoples, whose purest blood now flows ; and victorious and invincible as you are, by the ad- mission of all, no condition can be supposed to be prescribed to you by an enemy whom you have vanquished. " Sire, it is the love which I bear for a brother who has become a father to me, and the love which I owe to France and to the people whom you have given me, which dic- tates these words of truth. As for me, sire, I shall be happy to do whatever may be in my power to secure that end." This strain of remark must have been not a little annoying to the Emperor. While Jo- seph did not deny that the Emperor was wa- 1807.] THE CROWN A BURDEN. 151 Tacit Reproaches and Response. ging war solely in self-defense, he assumed that he was now so powerful that he could make peace at any time upon his own terms. But dynastic Europe was allying itself, coalition after coalition, in an interminable series, with the avowed object of driving Napoleon from the throne, reinstating the Bourbons, re-estab- lishing the old feudal despotisms, and of then overthrowing the regenerated kingdoms of Italy and of Naples, and all the other popular governments established under the protection of Napoleon. Against these foes the Emperor was contending, not for France alone, but for the rights of humanity throughout Europe and the world. As Napoleon left Paris for the campaigns of Jena and Auerstadt, he said to the Senate, " In so just a war, which we have not pro- voked by any act, by any pretense, the true cause to which it would be impossible to as- sign, and where we only take up arms to de- fend ourselves, we depend entirely upon the support of the laws and of the people." No man could deny the truth of this state- ment. Napoleon was driven to all the rigors of a winter's campaign in the wilds of Poland. To have received, by the side of his bleak bi- 152 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1807 Tacit Reproaches and Response. vouac, whilst thus struggling to defend the rights of humanity throughout Europe, a let- ter from his amiable brother, written in such a strain of implied reproach, must have been ex- tremely annoying. One would look for an out- burst of indignation in response. We turn to the Emperor's reply. It was as follows . " MY BROTHER, I have received your letter of the 29th of March, and I thank you for all that you have said. Peace is a marriage which depends upon a union of wills. If it be neces- sary still to wage war, I am in a condition to do so. You will see, by my message to the Senate, that I am about to raise additional troops." Joseph had expressed the opinion that the Neapolitans truly loved him. Napoleon, in his reply, said, " I am not of the opinion that the Neapoli- tans love you. It is all resolved to this. If there were not a French soldier in Naples, could you raise there thirty thousand men to defend you against the English and the par- tisans of the Queen ? As the contrary is evi- dent to me, I can not think as you do. Your people will love you undoubtedly, but it will be after eight or ten years, when they will tru- 1807.] THE CROWN A BURDEN. 153 Animadversions of the Emperor. ly know you, and you will know them. To love, with the people, means to esteem ; and they esteem their prince when he is feared by the bad, and when the good have such confi- dence in him that he can, under all circum- stances, rely upon their fidelity and their aid." In a letter to Joseph, written a few days be- fore this, the Emperor made the following striking remarks : " Since you wish me to speak freely of what is done at Naples, I will say to you that I was not just pleased with the preamble to the supression of the convents. In referring to religion, the language should be in the spirit of religion, and not in that of philosophy. Why do you speak of the serv- ices rendered to the arts and the sciences by the religious orders ? It is not that whi^h has rendered them commendable ; it is the admin- istration of the consolations of religion. The preamble is entirely philosophical, and I think that it should not be so. It ought to have been said that the great number of the monka rendered their support difficult ; that the dig- nity of the State required that they should be maintained in a condition of respectability : hence the necessity for reform, that a portion of the clergy must be retained for the admin* 154 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1807. Domestic Affections of Joseph. istration of the sacraments, that others must be dismissed. I give this as a general prin- ciple." Joseph was well aware how difficult it is for truth to reach the steps of the throne. In his tour through the provinces, he often, on foot, penetrated the crowd which surrounded him, and conversed with any one whose intel- ligence attracted his attention. He listened to every well-founded complaint, and avowed himself deeply moved in view of the oppres- sion which the people had suffered even from his own agents. But for this personal observa- tion, he would have remained in ignorance of these wrongs which he promptly and vigor- ously repressed. Joseph was a man of the purest morals, and, as a husband and father, was a model of excellence. While engaged in these labors at Naples, his wife, Julie, who was in delicate health, remained in Paris, occupy- ing the palace of the Luxembourg. They ex- changed daily letters. The following extract from one of Joseph's letters, written on the 26th of April, 1807, will give the reader some insight to the nature of this correspondence, and to the heart of Joseph. " MY DEAR JULIE, I have received no let- 1807.] THE CROWN A BURDEN. 157 Letter to Julie. ter from you to-day. I pray you not to fail to write to me. I can not but feel anxious when I receive no letter, since your correspondence is otherwise regular. I wrote you yesterday of the rumors which malevolence had set in circulation, but that facts will gradually de- stroy them. I can give you the positive assur- ance that you need have no solicitude upon that point. " I have come to pass Sunday here. It is somewhat remarkable that fete days are the seasons which I choose for a little recreation. This shows with what constancy I am em- ployed on other days in the labors of the Cab- inet. Moreover, the response to every accu- sation is the result which has "already been at- tained here. Notes upon the Bank of Naples, which were twenty-five per cent, below par when I came here, are now at par. I have, with my own resources, conducted the war.and the siege of Gaeta, which has cost six millions of francs ($1,200,000) ; I have found the means to support and pay ninety thousand men, for I have, besides sixty thousand land soldiers, thir- ty thousand men as marines, invalids, pension- ers of the ancient army, coast guards, shore gunners ; and I have fifteen hundred leagues 158 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1807. Letter to Julie. of coast, all beset, blockaded, ancl often attack- ed by the enemy. j " With all this, I have novso much increased the taxes as to excite the discontent of the landed proprietors and the people. There is so little dissatisfaction that I can travel almost anywhere alone without imprudence; that Na- ples is as tranquil as Paris ; that I can borrow here whatever one has to lend ; that I have not a single class of society discontented ; and it is generally admitted that if I do not do better it is not my fault ; that I set the example of mod- eration, of economy ; that I indulge in no lux- uries; that I make no expenses for myself; that I have neither mistresses, minions, nor fa- vorites ; that no person leads me, and, indeed, that every thing is so well ordered here that the officers and other Frenchmen whom I am compelled to send away complain, when they are absent, that they can not remain in Naples. " Read this, my good Julie, to mamma and to Caroline, since they are anxious, and say to them that if they knew me better, they would feel less solicitude. Say to them that one does not change at my age ; remind mamma that at every period of my life, an obscure citizen, cul- tivator, magistrate, I have always sacrificed 1807.] THE CROWN A BURDEN. 159 Letter to Julie. with pleasure my time to my duties. It sure- ly is not I, who jtrize grandeurs so little, who can fall asleep in their bosom. I see in them only duties, never privileges. " I work for the kingdom of Naples with the same good faith and the same self-renunciation with which, at the death of my father, I labored for his young family, whom I never ceased to bear in my heart, and all sacrifices were for me enjoyments. I say this with pride, because it is the truth. I live only to be just ; and justice requires that I should render this people as happy as the scourge of war will render possi- ble. I venture to say, notwithstanding their situation, that the people of Naples are perhaps more happy than any other people. " Be tranquil, then, my love, and be assured that these sentiments are as unchanging in my soul as the immortal attachment which I bear for you and for my children ; if there be any sacrifice which they cost me, it is being separa- ted from you. Ambition certainly would not have led me away two steps if I could have re- mained tranquil. But honor and the senti- ment, of my duty induce me, three times a year, to make the tour of my realm to solace the un- happy. 160 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1807. Reforms. " Under these circumstances, I thank Heaven for having given me health and ability to bear the burden of affairs, and moderation which does not permit me to be dazzled by grandeur, and energy which does not allow me to slum- ber at my post; and a good conscience and a good wife to pronounce judgment upon what I ought to do. I embrace you all tenderly." It was clear that the statesmanship of Na- poleon was the controlling influence in Jo- seph's administration, for in reading the details of his interior policy, we find that the institu- tions of regenerated France were taken as the models. To invest with honor the profession of a soldier, no one who had been condemned for crime was permitted to enter the army. Degrading punishments were abolished; dis- tinctions and rewards were accorded to eminent merit Promotion depended no longer upon the accident of birth, but upon services ren- dered, so that every office of honor or emolu- ment was alike within the reach of all. Jo- seph, in his tour through the provinces, re- ceived very touching proofs of the affections of the people. It was indeed manifest to all that a new era of prosperit} 7 had dawned upon Naples. Still no devotion to the interests of 1807.] THE CROWN A BURDEN. 161 Tour through the Provinces. the people can save a ruler from enemies. Two assassins attempted the life of the King. They were arrested, tried, condemned, and execu- ted. 1 On the 14th of May, 1807, Joseph set out on a tour through the provinces of the Abruz- zes, a mountainous region traversed by the Apennines. He found the government admi- rably administered under the authority of the French General, Guvion Saint Cyr. The peo- ple were everywhere prosperous and happy. The region, abounding in precipitous crags and gloomy defiles, with communications often ren- dered impracticable by the rains and the melt- ing snows cutting gullies through the soil of sand and clay, had become quite isolated. The inhabitants spontaneously arose to cel- ebrate the arrival of the King by constructing durable roads. Joseph promptly lent the en- 1 ' ' The entrance of Joseph to Cosenza, the capital of hither Calabria, on the 1 tth of April, was as a national fete. Guards of honor, chosen from among the most distinguished families, all the clergy, all the population were at the gates to receive him. He was accompanied into the city with shouts of joy, the streets being ornamented with triumphal arches. One would have thought that he was a sovereign returning after a long absence to the midst of a people by whom he was idol- ized." Menioires et Correspondence Politique et Militaire, dv Roi Joseph, p. 1 27. 611 162 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1807. Daily Correspondence with Napoleon. terprise his royal support. He appointed a committee of able men, selected from each of the capitals of the three provinces, with three road engineers, to secure the judicious expen- diture of the money and the labor ; and offered rewards to those communes which should push the improvements with the greatest vigor. A system of irrigation and drainage was also adopted which contributed immensely to the prosperity of the region, checking emigration by opening wide fields to agricultural industry. During all this time Joseph kept up almost a daily correspondence with his brother. The letters of Napoleon were written hurriedly, in the midst of overwhelming cares, intended to be entirely private, with no idea that their un- studied expressions, in which each varying emotion of his soul, of hope, of disappoint- ment, of irritation, found utterance, would be exposed to the malignant comments of his foes. The friends of Napoleon appeal triumphantly to this -unmutilated correspondence, running through the period of many long and eventful years, to prove that Napoleon was animated by a high ambition to promote the interests of humanity; that he was one of the most philan- thropic as well as one of the greatest of men. 1807.] THE CROWN A BURDEN. 163 Testimony of Joseph to the Character of Napoleon. Joseph himself, whose upright character no in- telligent man has yet questioned, says, in bis autobiography, written at Point Breeze, New Jersey, when sixty-two years of age : "Having attained a somewhat advanced age, and enjoying good health, disabused of many of the illusions which enable me to bear the storms of life, and replacing those il- lusions by that tranquillity of soul which re- sults from a good conscience, and from the se- curity which is afforded by a country admi- rably constituted, I regard myself as having reached the port. Before disembarking upon the shores of eternity, I wish to render an ac- count to myself of the long voyage, and to search out the causes which have borne so high, in the ranks of society, my family, and which have terminated in depriving us of that which appertains to the humblest individual a country which was dear to us, and which we have served with good faith and devotion. "It is neither an apology nor a satire which I write. I render an account to myself of events, and I wish to place upon paper the rec- ollections which they have left behind. There are some transactions which I now condemn, after having formerly approved of them ; there 164 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1807. Testimony of Joseph to the Character of Napoleon. are others of which I to-day approve, after having formerly condemned them. Such is the feebleness of our nature, dependent always upon the circumstances which surround us, and which frequently govern us a thought which ought to lead every true and reflective man to charity. " I venture to affirm that it is the love of truth which leads me to undertake this writing. It is a sentiment of justice which I owe to the man who was my friend, and whom human feebleness has disfigured in a manner so unworthy. Napo- leon was, above all, a friend of the people, and he was a just and good man, even more than he was a great warrior and administrator. It is 'my duty, as his elder brother, and one who has not al- ways shared in his political opinions, to speak of that which I know, and to express convictions which I profoundly cherish. I am now in a bet- ter situation to appreciate what were the causes foreign to his nature, which forced him to as- sume a factitious character a character which made him feared by the instruments which he had to employ, in order to sustain against Eu- rope the war which the oligarchy had declared against the principles of the revolution, and which the British Cabinet waged against that 1807.] THE CROWN A BURDEN. 166 Testimony of Joseph to the Character of Napoleon. France whose supremacy it could prevent only by exciting against her Continental wars and civil dissensions, and those despotic principles of government which no longer belonged to the nation or the age in which we lived." J.66 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1807. Letter to Julie. CHAPTER VL THE SPANISH PRINCES. TOWARD the close of the year 1807 brig- andage was entirely suppressed, all traces of insurrection had disappeared, and tranquilli- ty and prosperity reigned throughout the king- dom of Naples. In July Joseph wrote from Capo di Monte to Queen Julie, who was then at Mortfontaine, as follows : "My DEAR .JULIE, I have received your letter of the 15th from Mortfontaine. The sentiment which you have experienced in re- turning to that beautiful place, where we have been so happy for so long a time, and at so lit- tle expense, needs not the explanation of any supernatural causes. You perceive that there you have been happier than you are now, than you will be for a long time. The happiness which you have there enjoyed is sure as the past ; that which is destined for you here is as uncertain as the future. Life at Mortfontaine is that of innocence and peace; it is that of the 1807.] THE SPANISH PRINCES. 167 Letter to Julie. patriarchs. The life at Naples is that of kings. It is a voyage over a sea, often calm ? but some- times stormy. The life at Mortfontaine was a promenade as placid as its waters. It flowed noiselessly like the light skiff which a slight effort of the oars of Zenaide 1 sufficed to push forward around the isle of Molton.* " But after all these regrets of a good heart, gentle and reasonable, there come the results of the reflections of a strong mind and an ele- vated soul which owes itself entirely to the will of Providence, manifested by the spontane- ous coming, and not desired by us, of grand- eurs which point us to other duties. I con- sole myself, in this new career, by seeing it traversed by my wife and my children. The most unpleasant part of the voyage is over, that which I have taken without them. Now peace will reunite us. And if you do not find here your own country, our reunion will give us the illusion of it As we shall be the same to each other, I believe that, come what may, you will find Mortfontaine, where you see me hap- py in the love of my family, and in the happi- ness which I shall be able to confer, and in that ' Daughter of the king. * An island in the lake of Mortfontaine. 168 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1807. Victories of the Emperor. Joseph and Napoleon meet at Venice. still greater happiness of which I shall dream. Adieu, my dear Julie. I embrace you tenderly." The victories of the Emperor, the peace of Tilsit, the Russian alliance, had greatly dimin- ished the influence of the British Cabinet upon the Continent, and, in the same proportion, had increased that of France. Still the Cabinet of St. James was unrelenting in opposition to Na- poleon. The British cruisers ran along the coast of Italy, landing here and there Sicilian or Calabrian brigands, who were under the pay of Ferdinand and Caroline. It was also proved that assassins were in the employ of Ferdinand and his queen. Toward the end of November Napoleon vis- ited Venice, and, by appointment, met his broth- er Joseph there. It has generally been affirm- ed that there was a secret article in the treaty of Tilsit authorizing Napoleon to dethrone the Bourbons of Spain, who had treacherously en- deavored to strike him in the back when, in the campaigns of Jena, Auerstadt, and Auster- litz, he was contending against England, France, and Russia. But that secret article, if there were such, has been kept so secret, that no sufficient evidence has yet been adduced that 1807.] THE SPANISH PRINCES. 169 Joseph returns to Naples. it existed. Joseph, however, wrote, when an exile in America: "At the time of my interview with the Emperor at Venice, he spoke to me of troubles in the royal family of Spain as probably lead- ing to events which he dreaded, 'I have enough work marked out,' he said. "The troubles in Spain will only aid the English to impair the resources, which I find in this alli- ance, to continue the war against them.' " On the 16th of December Joseph returned to Naples, and the next day presided at the council of ministers. He did not make any communication of importance. "It is only known," writes the Count of Melito, " that he sent one of his aides on a mission to the Em- peror Alexander. It was hence concluded that arrangements of some nature had been entered into at Venice in harmony with the views of the Emperor of Russia." Joseph, however, writes, in reference to this mission, " General Marie took letters to Russia and congratula- tions, and brought me back letters, affectionate even, from the Emperor Alexander, and his compliments ; that was all." Lucien Bonaparte, a very independent and impulsive young man, was not disposed to sub- 170 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1807. Lucien Bonaparte. Letter from Eliza Bonaparte. mit to the dictation of his elder brother Napo- leon. He had entered into a second marriage, which displeased Napoleon, as it very seriously interfered with his plans of forming a dynasty. Joseph was sent to meet the refractory brother at Modena, and to endeavor to promote recon- ciliation. The following letter from Eliza, writ- ten to her brother Lucien upon this subject will be read with interest It was dated Mar- lia, June 20th, 1807 : " MY DEAR LUCIEN, I have received your letter. Permit, to my friendship, a few reflec- tions upon the present state of things. I hope that you will not be annoyed by my observa- tions. " Propositions were made to you, a year ago, which you should have found seasonable, and which you should immediately have ac- cepted, for the happiness of your family and of your wife. You now refuse them. Do you not see, my dear friend, that the only means of placing obstacles in the way of adoption is, that his Majesty should have a family of which he can dispose? In remaining near Napoleon, or in receiving from him a throne, you will be useful to him. He will marry your daughters ; 1807.] THE SPANISH PRINCES. 171 Letter from Eliza Bonaparte. and so long as lie can find, in the members of his family, the instruments for executing his projects and his policy, he will not choose stran- gers. We must not treat with the master of the world as with an equal. Nature made us the children of the same father, and his prodigies have rendered us his subjects. Although sove- reigns, we hold every thing from him. It is a noble pride to acknowledge this ; and it seems to me that our only glory should be to prove by our manner of governing that we are worthy of him and of our family. "Keflect then anew upon the propositions which are made to you. Mamma and we all should be so happy to be reunited, and to make only one political family. Dear Lucien, do that for us, who love you, for the people whom my brother has given for you to govern, and to whom you will bring happiness. " Adieu. I embrace you. Do not feel un- kindly to me for this ; and believe that my tenderness will always be the same for you. Embrace your wife and your amiable family. Chevalier Angelino, who has come to see me, has often spoken to me of you and of your wife. My little one is charming. I have weaned her. 172 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1807. Letter from Joseph to Napoleon. I shall be very happy if she is soon able to play with all the family. Adieu. " Your sister and friend, ELIZA." The letters of the Emperor were sometimes severe in reproof of the policy of his brother. It is evident that Joseph was, at times, quite wounded by these reproaches. At the conclu- sion of a long letter, written on the 19th of Oc- tober, 1807, Joseph says : "I am far from complaining of any one. The people and the enemy are what they must be. But it would be pleasant to me, could your Majesty truly know my position, and ren- der some justice to the efforts and to the priva- tions of every kind which I impose upon my- self to do the best I can. Although the pres- ent state of affairs may not be good, still I hope for better times. No person desires it moro than I do. When I have a thousand ducats I give them ; and I can assure your Majesty that I have never in my life, which has been com- posed of so many different shades, found less opportunity to gratify my private inclinations. I have no expenses but for the public wants. I occupy myself day and night in the adminis- tration. I think the administration as good as 1806.] THE SPANISH PRINCES. 173 Interchange of Letters. possible; but it has no more the power than have I to correct the times, and to create that which does not exist and can not exist, except where there is interior tranquillity and external peace." On the 13th of August, 1806, Joseph wrote to his brother, " I remain here till your Maj- esty's birthday, on which I wish you joy. I hope that you may receive with some little pleasure this expression of my affection. The glorious Emperor will never replace to me the Napoleon whom I so much loved, and whom I hope to find again, as I knew him twen- ty years ago, if we are to meet in the Elysian Fields." Napoleon replied from Eambouillet, on the 23d of August, "MY*BROTHER, I have received your letter of the 13th of August. I am sorry that you think that you will find your brother again only in the Elysian Fields. It is natural that at forty he should not feel toward you as he did at twelve. But his feelings toward you are more true and strong. His friendship has the features of his mind." In December Napoleon had a personal in- terview with Lucien, and he gives the follow- 174 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1807. Interchange of Letters. ing account of it, in a letter to Joseph, dated Mantua, 17th December, 1807: "My BROTHER, I have seen Lucien at Man- tua. I talked with him several hours. He undoubtedly will inform you of the disposition in which he left. His thoughts and his lan- guage are so different from mine that I found it difficult to get an idea of what he wished. I think that he told me that he wished to send his eldest daughter to Paris, to be near her grandmother. If he continue in that disposi- tion, I desire to be immediately informed of it. And it is necessary that that young person should be in Paris in the course of January, either accompanied by Lucien, or intrusted by him to the charge of a governess, who will con- vey her to Madame. 1 Lucien seems to be agi- tated by contrary sentiments, and not; to have sufficient strength to come to a decision. "I have exhausted all the means in my power to recall Lucien, who is still in his early youth, to the employment of his talents for me and for the country. If he wish to send his daughter, she should leave without delay, and he should send a declaration by which he places her entirely at my disposal, for there ii 1 Madame Letitia, Napoleon's mother. 1808.] THE SPANISH PRINCES. 175 Interchange of Lettn. not a moment to be lost; events hurry onward, and I must accomplish my destiny. If he has changed his opinion, let me immediately be in- formed of it, for then I must make other ar- rangements. " Say to Lucien that his grief and the part- ing sentiments which he manifested moved me ; that I regret the more that he will not be reasonable, and contribute to his own repose and to mine. I await with impatience a reply clear and decisive, particularly in that which relates to Charlotte." On the 31st of January, 1808, a fiend-like attempt was made to blow up the palace of Salicetti, Joseph's minister of police. About one o'clock in the morning, just as the minister was entering his chamber, there was a terrific explosion. An infernal machine had been placed in the cellar. The whole palace was shattered and rent, while large portions were thrown into utter ruin. Salicetti, severely wounded, heard the shrieks of his daughter, the Duchess of Lavello, and rushed to her aid. He found her buried five or six feet deep in the debris which had been thrown upon her. It was more than a quarter of an hour before her agonized father, aided by the domestics. 176 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1808, Attempt to assassinate Salicetti. could succeed in extricating her. Though alive, she was sadly maimed. Two of the in- mates of the palace were killed, and others were severely injured. Napoleon, when informed of the event, wrote to Joseph, under date of February llth, 1808: "The terrible misfortune which has happened to Salicetti seems to me to have been the result of over-indulgence. When were traitors ever before allowed to live free in a capital wretches who had plotted against the State ? Their lives ought not to be spared ; but if that is done, at least you ought to send them sixty leagues from the capital or shut them up in a fortress. Any other conduct is madness." Napoleon, having gained a glorious peace upon the plains of Poland, which disarmed the nations of the north, now turned his special attention to the south to Portugal, Spain, It- aly, Rome, and Naples. The possession of the kingdom of Naples, instead of being a source of profit to the Emperor, occasioned him con- tinued and heavy expense. Joseph was ever calling for money to meet the innumerable de- mands involved in carrying on war with the English, and in urging forward those reforma 18W.] THE SPANISH PRINCES. 177 Napoleon complains of Roederer. which were essential to the regeneration of a realm which former misgovernment had plunged to a very low abyss of poverty and ruin. The Emperor, bearing the burden of the exhaustive wars ever waged against him, while continually aiding Joseph, still often and severely reproached him with the manner in which his finances were conducted. On the llth of February, 1808, he wrote : " MY BROTHER, The administration of the realm of Naples is very bad. Roederer makes brilliant projects, ruins the country, and pays no money into your treasury. This is the opinion of all the French who come from Na- ples. Roederer is upright, and has good in- tentions, but he has no experience." Again, on the 26th of February, he wrote : *' Roederer is of the race of men who always ruin those to whom they are attached. Is it want of tact, is it misfortune? No matter which ; there is not one of your friends who does not detest Roederer. He is at Naples as at Paris, without credit with any party ; a man of no sagacity, of no tact, whom, however, I es- teem for many good qualities, but whom, as a statesman, I can make nothing of." Joseph, however, earnestly defended his 612 178 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1808. Queen Julie and her Children repair to Naples. financial agent as an able and an honest man, who made enemies only of those who wish- ed to plunder the treasury. This led Joseph, whose constant effort it was to promote the happiness of his people, to whose interests he was entirely devoted, to order a minute state- ment to be drawn up of the condition of the realm in all respects. This remarkable docu- ment was written by Count Melito, the Minister of the Interior. It gave an accurate narrative of all the ameliorations which had been intro- duced by Joseph, and will ever remain a mon- ument of his goodness and tireless energies as a sovereign. As none of the statements could be doubted, the document at the time pro- duced a profound impression throughout Eu- rope. Queen Julie now came to NapJes with her children to join her husband. She was re ceived with great enthusiasm. There has sel- dom been found, in the history of the world, a worse woman than Caroline, the wife of Fer- dinand, the former King of Naples. And his- tory records the name perhaps of no better woman than Julie, the wife of Joseph. The King met the Queen on the 4th of April at Saint Lucie, and conducted her, greeted by the 1808.] THE SPANISH PRINCES. 179 Treachery of Spaia. acclamations of their rejoicing subjects, into their beautiful capital. The treachery of the Court of Spain, which, like an assassin, endeavored to strike the Em- pire of France stealthily, with a poisoned dag- ger, in the back, was known throughout Eu- rope. These proud dynasties regarded Napo- leon, because he was an elected, not a legitimate sovereign, as an outlaw, with whom no treaties were binding, and whom they could betray, entrap, and shoot at pleasure. When Napoleon was far away, in his win- ter campaign, bivouacking upon the cold sum- mit of the Landgrafenberg, the evening before the battle of Jena he received information that the Bourbons of Spain, then professing friendship, and bound to him by a treaty of al- liance, were secretly entering into a contract with England to assail him in the rear. Na- poleon had neither done nor meditated aught to injure Spain. His crime was that he had accepted the crown from the people, and was ruling in behalf of their interests, and not in the interests of the nobles alone. " A convention," says Alison, " was secret- ly concluded at Madrid between the Spanish Government and the Russian ambassador, to 180 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1808. Plan of Napoleon. which the Court of Lisbon was also a party, by which it was agreed that, as soon as the favorable opportunity was arrived, by the French armies being far advanced on their road to Berlin, the Spanish Government should commence hostilities in the Pyrenees, and in- vite the English to co-operate." Napoleon, by his camp-fire, upon the eve of a terrible battle, read the account of this per- fidy. As he folded the dispatches, he said calmly, but firmly, " The Bourbons of Spain shall be replaced by princes of my own fami- ly." " The Spanish Bourbons," says Napier, " could never have been sincere friends to France while Bonaparte held the sceptre ; and the moment that the fear of his power ceased to operate, it was quite certain that their ap- parent friendship would change to active hos- tility." " When I made peace on the Niemen," said Napoleon, " I stipulated that if England did not accept the mediation of Alexander, Russia should unite her arms with ours, and compel that power to peace. I should be indeed weak if, having obtained that single advantage from those whom I have vanquished, I should per- 1808.] THE SPANISH PRINCES. 181 Plan of Napoleon. Testimony tn Favor of Joseph. mil the Spaniards to embroil me afresh on my weak side. Should I permit Spain to form an alliance with England, it would give that hos- tile power greater advantages than it has lost by the rupture with Russia. I wish, above all things, to avoid war with Spain. Such a contest would be a species of sacrilege. If I can not arrange with either the father or the son, I will make a clean sweep of them both." Bum or was busy throughout Europe in dis- cussing the plans of Napoleon. The report soon became general that the crown of Spain was to be offered to Joseph. His kindness of heart, his nobleness of character, and the im- mense benefits which he had conferred upon the Neapolitan realm, had secured for him al- most universal respect and affection. The Nea* politans were greatly alarmed from fears that he would be transferred to Spain. " The King," writes his very able biogra- pher, A. du Casse, " was universally beloved, because he began to be appreciated at his true value. His good qualities, the love with which he cherished his subjects, had won all hearts. His departure was dreaded. Joseph, however, did not slacken the reins of government. The Councils of State and the ministers, presided 182 JOSEPH BONAPAKTE. [1808. Joseph's Journey to Bayonne. over by him, continued their labors to amelio- rate the administration of the realm, to embel- lish Naples, to encourage discoveries, to unite the learned in a literary corps. The King wished that, even after his departure, the im- pulse which he had given should continue un- interrupted." It was at Naples, under the encouragement of Joseph, that the art of lithography was dis- covered. On the 23d of May, 1808, the King, by the request of Napoleon, left Naples for France. He left his family behind him, and hastened through Turin and Lyons to meet his brother at Bayonne. His departure caused great anxiety and sadness throughout the king- dom of Naples. Who would wear the crown about to be vacated ? Would the Two Sicilies be annexed to the kingdom of Italy under Eu- gene ? Would Louis, Lucien, or one of Napo- leon's marshals succeed Joseph ? On the journey Joseph met the Bishop of Grenoble, formerly the abbe Simon, his ancient professor of mathematics and philosophy in the College of Autun. Joseph had ever cher- ished the memory of his teacher with great affection, and, upon meeting, threw his arms around him in a tender embrace. As the 1808.] THE SPANISH PRINCES. 183 Forebodings of Joseph. bishop complimented him upon his high des- tiny, and congratulated him upon the proba- bility of his immediate elevation to the throne of Spain, Joseph replied sadly, 1 " May your felicitations, Monsieur the Bish- op, prove of happy augury to your former pu- pil. May your prayers avert the calamities which I foresee. As for me, ambition does not blind me. The joys of the crown of Spain do not dazzle my eyes. I leave a country in which I think that I have done some good, where I flatter myself to have been beloved, and that I leave behind me some regrets. Will it be the same in the new realm which awaits me ? " The Neapolitans have, so to speak, never known nationality. By turns conquered by the Normans, the Spaniards, the French, it was little matter to them who their masters were, provided that these masters left them their blue skies, their azur,e sea, their spot in the sunshine, and a few pence for their macaroni. "Arriving among them, I found every thing to do. I stimulated their natural apa- thy, gave nerve to the administration, intro- 1 We are indebted, for the report of this conversation, to M. Simon, of Nantes, a nephew of the bishop. 184 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1808. Forebodings of Joseph. duced some order everywhere. They were pleased with my good intentions, with my ef- forts. They loved me with the same fervor with which they hated the King of Sicily and his odious ministers. In Spain, on the con- trary, I shall labor in vain ; I can not so com- pletely lay aside my title of a foreigner that I can escape the hatred of a people proud and sensitive upon the point of honor ; of a people who have known no other wars but wars of independence, and who abhor, above all things, the French name. "The Peninsula contains at this moment, under arms, nearly one hundred thousand na- tional soldiers, who will excite, at the same time, against my government, the monks, the clergy, the friends (and they are still numerous) of legitimacy, the ancient and faithful servants of old Charles .IV., the gold and the intrigues of England. Every thing will prove an ob- stacle to my plans of amelioration. They will be misrepresented, calumniated, disowned. " In view of the insurrection of which the Prince of Asturias has recently given an ex* ample against his own father, in the midst of license and anarchy, the natural consequence of long demoralization and the disorders of a 1808.] THE SPANISH PRINCES. 185 Forebodings of Joseph. The Brigands. dissolute court, of a dynasty used up, will not all wise and well-moderated liberty be regard- ed as the equal of tyranny? Monsieur the Bishop, I see a horizon charged with very black clouds. They contain in their bosom a future which terrifies me. The star of my brother, will it always shine luminous and bril- liant in the skies? I do not know ; but sad presentiments oppress me in spite of myself. They besiege me ; they govern me. I greatly fear that, in giving me a crown more illustri- ous than that which I lay aside, the Emperor will place upon my brow a burden heavier than it can bear. Pity me, then, my dear teacher, pity me ; do not felicitate me." The brigands in the kingdom of Naples, and the eternal and natural enemies of repose which are to be found in all countries, avail- ing themselves of the absence of King Joseph, and encouraged by the presence of the British fleet and the gold of the British Cabinet, re- doubled their efforts in local insurrections, and committed cowardly assassinations. The ban- dits would land here and there, and perpetrate the most atrocious crimes, burning, plundering, murdering. Joseph was anxious, before leaving Naples, 186 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1808. Queen Julie leaving Naples. to establish institutions of liberty which might be permanent. On the 21st of July, the Coun- cil of State received from the King a constitu- tion, which he had drawn up with the aid of his ministers. It contained the clear announce- ment of the principles which had animated him during his reign, and was founded upon the constitutions in France and in the king- dom of Italy. Though the constitution was not perfect for the world is ever making prog- ress it was greatly in advance of any thing which had been known in the kingdom of Sicily before, and conferred immense advanta- ges upon the realm. There was but one legisla- tive body. It consisted of five sections, equal in number: the clergy, the nobility, the land- ed proprietors, the philosophers, and the mer- chants. The Council of State chose five of the most distinguished persons, of the various classes, to convey to Joseph their thanks for the constitution he had conferred upon the realm. On the 6th of July, Queen Julie, with her children, left Naples to join her husband in Spain. A numerous cortege escorted her from the city with every testimonial of regret. On the 8th Joseph abdicated the crown, which 1808.] THE SPANISH PRINCES. 189 Summary of Joseph's Benefactions to Naples. was subsequently transferred to the brow of Napoleon's cavalry leader, Murat, who had married Caroline Bonaparte. " Here terminates," writes M. Casse, " our task relative to the short reign of Joseph in Naples. That prince had rendered to that beautiful country services which, long after his departure, conferred blessings upon the realm, which had been surrendered until then to the sad regime of a feudalism crushing to the people. His successor found the ground clear, war extinct almost everywhere, the con- quest assured, tranquillity established, abuses reformed, civil administration organized, the monks suppressed, the finances restored, credit consolidated, public instruction and legislation founded upon liberal bases, and wisely adapted to the manners of the inhabitants. " The army was formed under the shade of the flag of France ; the marine commenced to be regenerated. The sciences and the arts, encouraged, were beginning to diffuse them- selves ; brigandage was breathing its last sigh. There remained for Murat only to reap the fruits of the wise and paternal conduct of the older brother of the Emperor. He inherited a country of rich and fertile soil, with a delight- 190 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1808. Hoetflity of the British Government. fill climate, inhabited by a population blessing the guardian hand which had delivered them from the ignorance into which the ancient Gov- ernment seemed to have plunged them by de- sign. The task of the new sovereign seemed to be only to complete the work of the phil- osophic King." It was the implacable hostility of the Brit- ish Government, ever ready to avail itself of the treachery of Spain, which in the view of Napoleon rendered it necessary for him, as an act of self-preservation, to place the govern- ment of the Spanish Peninsula in friendly hands. On the 18th of April, 1808, Napoleon had written to Joseph, " England begins to suffer. Peace with that power alone will enable me to sheathe the sword and restore tranquillity to Europe." Before we accompany Joseph to Spain, let us briefly review the condition of Europe at this time. By the peace of Tilsit, the Emper- or Alexander had recognized all the changes which the sword of Napoleon had effected upoa the Continent of Europe. The Czar was on terms of personal friendship with Napoleon, and it was understood that he had given his consent to Napoleon's design to dethrone the Bonr- 1808.] THE SPANISH PRINCES. 191 Condition of Europe. bons of Spain. The infamous British expedi- tion to Copenhagen, with the bombardment of the city and the destruction of the Danish fleet, had created general indignation throughout the European world. England had but one single ally left, the half-mad King of Sweden. The ships of England, excluded from every port upon the Continent, wandered idly over the seas. Austria, humiliated by the treaty of Pres- burg, was sullen and silent, watching for an opportunity to regain its former ascendency and military prestige. In Prussia the House of Brandenburg had been terribly punished. Though it still reigned, it was with diminished territory, with its military strength nearly de- stroyed, and with all its strong places held by French troops. The Cabinet at Berlin could not venture in any way to oppose the will of Napoleon. All the kings and princes of the Confederation of the Ehine were united to France by the closest alliance. Jerome, Napoleon's youngest brother, was king of Westphalia. Louis reigned in Holland. French influence was supreme in Switzerland. The Emperor Napoleon was king of Italy, and Joseph, reigning at Naples, was about to be 192 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1808. Measures of the Bourbons of Spain. transferred to Spain. Turkey was allied with France, seeking from the Emperor protection from the encroachments of Eussia. Conse- quently England was at war with the Porte. Spain occupied a peculiar position. The King, Charles IV., a near relative of Louis XVL, had united with allied Europe in the war against the French Republic. Terribly punished by the French armies, Spain had made peace at the treaty of Basle in July, 1795. Soon after, the two powers entered into an alliance, offensive and defensive, en- gaging to assist each other with both land and sea forces. This brought down upon Spain the ven- geance of the British Government, which, with its invincible fleet, swept all seas. Spanish commerce at once became the prey of Eng- lish privateers. Cadiz was bombarded, and the Spanish naval fleet encountered very severe loss. The peace of Amiens, to which the Brit- ish Government had been very reluctantly compelled to assent by the pressure of English public opinion, gave peace to Spain. But when the Court of Saint James, by the rupture of the peace of Amiens, renewed its assault upon France, the Spanish Court, anxious to 1808.] THE SPANISH PRINCES. 193 Measure* of the Bourbons of Spain. avoid a war with England, proposed to Napo- leon that, instead of aiding him directly by fleet and army, according to the terms of the alliance, Spain should pay France an annual subsidy of six million francs. The proposition was accepted. The English minister, ascertaining this, with- out any declaration of war, seized every thing belonging to Spain which could be found afloat. As Spain, supposing that her assumed neutrality would be respected, had her fleet and merchandise everywhere exposed, her loss was very severe. When the Bourbons of Spain saw that the British Government had succeeded in forming a new alliance against Napoleon, which would compel the French Emperor to take his armies hundreds of leagues north to struggle against the united armies of Prussia and Kussia, it was thought that Napoleon must inevitably fall. Spain decided again to make common cause with the Allies, as we have before mentioned. A vehement proclamation was issued, calling the Spaniards to arms. The utter crushing of Prussia on the fields of Jena and Auerstadt literally frightened Spain out of her wits. She sent an ambassador extraordinary to congratu- 613 194 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1807, Character of the Royal Family of Spain. late Napoleon upon his victory, and to assure him of the continued friendship of the Spanish Govern- ment. Napoleon concealed his just resentment The time to rectify the wrong had not yet come. Queen Caroline, the wife of Charles IV. of Spain, was one of the most infamous of women ; still she could not be worse than her husband. There was a very handsome young fellow in the body-guard, named Godoy. Caroline fell in love with him, made him her intimate friend, lavished upon him titles and wealth and posts of responsibility. He was called the Prince of Peace, in consequence of the agency he had in effecting the treaty of Basle. He was in all respects a very weak and worthless creature; but he had become in reality the sovereign of Spain, governing with unlimited power. This man, in his anxiety to disarm the anger of Na- poleon, sent an ambassador to the Emperor to renew his pledges of friendship, and to give as- surance of his entire submission in all things to Napoleon's will. A secret treaty was ac- cordingly made on the 27th of October, 1807, which enabled Napoleon, among other conces- sions, to station large bodies of French troops within the Spanish territory. 1807.] THE SPANISH PRINCES 195 The Spanish Princes. The King's eldest son, Ferdinand, the heir to the throne, was then twenty-five years of age, and bore the title of the Prince of Asturias. His mother had truly characterized him as having "a mule's head and a tiger's heart." He hated Godoy, and was accused of attempt- ing to poison his father and mother, that he might get the crown. His arrest and threaten- ed execution by his father roused the masses of Madrid to a fury of insurrection. Much as they detested Ferdinand, they hated still more implacably the King and Queen, and the Queen's infamous paramour, Godoy. A raging insurrection swept the streets of Madrid. The King was terror-stricken, and implored help from Napoleon. He wrote : "SiRE, MY BROTHER, I have discovered with horror that my eldest son, the heir pre- sumptive to the throne, has not only formed the design to dethrone me, but even to attempt the life of myself and his mother. Such an atrocious attempt merits the most exemplary punishment. I pray your Majesty to aid me by your light and council." Ferdinand also appealed to the Emperor. He wrote, "The world more and more daily admires the greatness and goodness of Napo- 196 JOSEPH BONAPAUTE. [1807. The Spanish Princes. leon. Rest assured that the Emperor shall ever find in Ferdinand the most faithful and devoted son. Ferdinand implores, therefore, his powerful protection, and prays that he will grant him the honor of an alliance with some august princess of his family." Thus Napoleon suddenly and unexpectedly found the King of Spain, Godoy, and the Fer- dinands, all kneeling at his feet. Speaking upon this subject at Saint Helena, he said : " The fact is, that had it not been for their broils and quarrels among themselves, I should never have thought of dispossessing them. When I saw those imbeciles quarrelling and trying to dethrone each other, I thought I might as well take advantage of it, and dispos- sess an inimical family. Had I known at first that the transaction would have given me so much trouble, or that even it would have cost the lives of two hundred men, I would never have attempted it. But being once embarked, it was necessary to go forward." 1808.] JOSEPH KING OF SPAIN. 199 Abdication of Charles IV. CHAPTER VII. JOSEPH KING OF SPAIN. A FTER a series of the wildest, most tumul- *** tuous, and frantic scenes of which even Spanish history gives any account, Charles IV. abdicated in favor of his son Ferdinand. On the 20th of March, 1808, the new King, Ferdi- nand VII., was saluted by the acclamations of the people and the soldiers, and received the homage of the Court. One of his first acts was to arrest the hated Manuel Godoy. Murat was then in command of the French troops in Spain, and was about entering Madrid. Junot, with a French army, had taken possession of Portugal. Spain was nominally in alliance with France. England was consequently waging war against Spain. The French troops were in Spain to protect the kingdom from the English. The young King Ferdinand immediately dispatched the Duke of Pargue to convey as- surances of friendship to Murat, and to sound hia intentions. At the same time he sent three 200 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1808. Ferdinand claims the Crown. of the grandees of Spain to announce his ac- cession to the throne to Napoleon, and to give him renewed pledges of his friendship and de- votion. On the 23d of April Murat took mil- itary possession of Madrid. The next day Ferdinand made his triumphal entrance into the metropolis. He was received with bound- less exultation, so greatly were the people re- joiced to be delivered from the detestable Go- doy. Thus far Napoleon did not recognize the accession of Ferdinand. He however sent the Duke of Rovigo to Madrid to ascertain the circumstances of the abdication. In the mean time the old King, who had retired with the Queen to Aranjuez, wrote a letter to the Em- peror, in which he said that he had been forced to abdicate in favor of his son by the clamors of the people and the insurrection of the sol- diers, threatening him with instant death if he refused. " I protest and declare," he said, " that my decree of the 19th of March, in which I abdi- cated the crown in favor of my son, is an act to which I have been forced to prevent the greatest misfortunes and the effusion of the blood of my well-beloved subjects. It ought consequently to be regarded as of no value." 1808.J JOSEPH KING OF SPAIN. 201 Measures of Hunt. The Queen also wrote to Murat, entreating him, in the most supplicating terms, to rescue her paramour Godoy from prison, and stating that they had abdicated only to save their lives. While Charles IV. and Caroline were making these secret protestations to Napoleon and Mu- rat, the abdicated King, to lull the suspicions of Ferdinand, was reiterating the public declara- tion that the abdication was free and uncon- strained, and that never in his life had he per- formed an act more agreeable to his inclina- tions. Murat took the old King and Queen under his protection, provided them with a suitable guard, and demanded the liberation of Godoy. Ferdinand, convinced that he could not main- tain the throne without the support of Napo- leon, sent his younger brother, Don Carlos, to intercede with the Emperor in his favor. While these scenes were transpiring, Savary, Duke of Rovigo, arrived at Madrid. He assured Ferdi- nand that it was the Emperor's desire to unite France and Spain in the closest alliance. He proposed that Ferdinand should visit Napoleon, that in a personal interview they might the bet- ter mutually understand each other. The coun- sellors of Ferdinand urged the adoption of thia 202 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1808. Ferdinand visits Bayonue. measure, as one which would secure the confi- dence of the Emperor, and which might induce him to give a princess of his family to Ferdi- nand. Such was the condition of affairs in April, 1808. The great object of Napoleon was to secure a government in Spain whose treach- ery he need not fear, and upon whose friendly co-operation he could rely. Charles IV., the weakest of weak men, enslaved by long habit, was the obsequious tool of his stronger-minded wife. The Queen, Caroline, sought, at whatev- er price, to save her lover Godoy. Ferdinand wished to crush Godoy, his implacable foe. Ferdinand decided to visit the Emperor, and on the 10th of April left Madrid for that pur- pose. When he reached his frontiers he wrote a very suppliant letter to Napoleon, entreating the recognition of his right to the throne, and pledging his friendship. Napoleon replied that he was ready to recognize the Prince of Asturi- as as King of Spain if it should appear that Charles IV. had not been compelled to abdicate through fear of his life. By this extraordinary concurrence of circumstances Napoleon became the judge between the father and the son, both of whom had appealed to his decision. Ferdinand, with his suite, crossing the fron- 1808.] JOSEPH KING OF SPAIN. 203 Tne Royal Family follow. tiers, hastened to Bayonne, and entered the city on the morning of the 20th of April. He was received by the Emperor with distinguished marks of attention and kindness, but not with regal honors. The Prince of Peace, whose liber- ation Murat had secured, came hurrying on to Bayonne, to plead his cause before the Emperor; and he was followed, in a few hours, by Charles IV. and the Queen. Thus the whole family was assembled at Bayonne. The result of several stormy interviews, in which the King, the Queen, and their son exhausted upon each other the language of vituperation, and in which the enraged old King was with difficulty restrained from a violent personal attack upon his son, the parties all agreed to cede to Napoleon the crown of Spain. Ferdinand first renounced his rights in favor of his father, and Charles IV. transferred the sceptre to Napoleon. The im- perial palace of Campiegne, its parks and for- ests, were placed at the disposition of Charles IV. for himself, his Queen, and Godoy, during his life, with an annual pension of thirty million reals. He was also given the proprietorship of the chateau of Chambord, with its parks, for- ests, and farms, to dispose of as he pleased. Upon the death of the King, the Queen was to 204 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1808. Remarks of Napoleon. receive a pension of two million reals. The two princes, Ferdinand and Don Carlos, were as- signed to the castle of Valen9ay, its park, for- ests, and farms, with an income amounting to about half a million dollars. It is said that Napoleon obtained at Bayonne such developments of the character of Ferdi- nand that he saw that it was utterly in vain to attempt to make a respectable king of him ; one upon whom he could repose the slightest reli- ance ; and he could no longer think of sacrifi- cing the daughter of Lucien to so worthless a creature. Speaking upon this subject at Saint Helena, Napoleon said to Las Casas : " Ferdinand offered, on his own account, to govern entirely at my devotion, as much so as the Prince of Peace had done in the name of Charles IY. And I must admit that if I had fallen into their views I should have acted much more prudently than I have actually done. When I had them all assembled at Bayonne, I found myself in command of much more than I could have ventured to hope for. The same occurred there, as in many other events of my life, which have been ascribed to my policy, but in fact were owing to my good-fortune. " Here I found the Gordian knot before me. 1808.] JOSEPH KING OF SPAIN. 205 Proclamation of Charles IV. I cut it. I proposed to Charles IV. and the Queen that they should cede to me their rights to the throne. They at once agreed to it, I had almost said voluntarily; so deeply were their hearts ulcerated toward their son, and so de- sirous had they and their favorite now become of security and repose. The Prince of Asturi- as did not make any extraordinary resistance. Neither violence nor menaces were employed against him. And if fear decided him, which I well believe was the case, it concerns him alone." On the 8th of May Charles IV. issued a proclamation to the Spanish nation, informing them that he had ceded the crown to Napoleon, and enjoining it upon them to transfer their homage to him. "We have," said he, "ceded all our rights over Spain to our ally and friend the Emperor of the French, by a treaty signed and ratified, stipulating the integrity and inde- pendence of Spain and the preservation of our holy religion, not only as dominant, but as alone tolerated in Spain." As the throne was thus transferred without any action of the people whatever, Napoleon felt the necessity of obtaining something like a national sanction of the deed, and an expres- 206 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1808. Joseph Proclaimed King of Spain. sion of the national will in respect to the sove- reign who should be placed over them. Mu- rat, at Madrid, announced to the council-gen- eral of Castile, to the junta or council of the Government, and to the municipality, that the Emperor desired to know their opinion in ref- erence to the choice of a sovereign from the princes of his own family. All these three bodies united in the expression of the wish that the choice should fall upon Prince Joseph, King of Naples. A deputation of distinguish- ed men was sent to convey this wish to the Emperor. Fortified by these documents, Na- poleon, on the 6th of June, proclaimed that the crown of Spain was transferred to his brother Joseph. Joseph was at that time on the road to Bay- onne, not yet knowing the decision of his broth- er, and in heart very reluctant to assume the crown of Spain. Napoleon rode out from Bayonne to meet Joseph, whom he sincerely loved, and who was so ready to sacrifice his in- clinations and his happiness to aid the Empe ror in his gigantic plans. The Emperor made the following statement to Joseph as they rode back together to Bayonne : " The passions of the princes of the House 1808.] JOSEPH KING OF SPAIN. 207 Remarks of Napoleon. of Spain have precipitated a crisis which has arrived too soon. They could no more agree together at Bayonne than they could in Spain. Charles IV. preferred to retire to France upon certain conditions, rather than go back to Spain without the Prince of Peace. The Queen also preferred to see a stranger ascend the throne rather than Ferdinand. Neither Ferdinand nor any other Spaniard wished for Charles IV. if the reign of Godoy were to be recom- menced ; they preferred a stranger to him. I am fully satisfied," said the Emperor, ." that it would require greater efforts to sustain Charles and the Prince of Peace than to change the dynasty. Ferdinand has shown himself so moderate in ability, and so unreliable in char- acter, that it would be inconsistent for me to commit myself for him in sustaining a son who has dethroned his father. This dynasty is no longer suitable for Spain. With it no regeneration is possible. The most prominent personages of the monarchy, in rank, in intel- ligence, and in character, assembled at Bay- onne in a national junta, are, in general, con- vinced of this truth. Since destiny has so or- dered it, and since it is in my power now to do that which I had no wish to undertake, I 208 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1808. Remarks of Napoleon. have designed to regenerate Spain by placing over it my brother, the King of Naples, who is agreeable to the junta, and who will be also so to the nation. Ferdinand has, for a long time, sought one of my nieces in marriage. But since the interview at Bayonne, knowing more intimately the character of the prince, I can not think it proper to accede to his de- mands. " The Spanish princes have already left for France. They have ceded their rights to the crown. I wish to transfer the crown to my brother, the King of Naples. It is important that he should not hesitate. The Spaniards, as also foreign sovereigns, will think that I wish to place that crown upon my head, as I have done with that of Lombardy when Jo- seph refused to accept it. The tranquillity of Spain, of Europe, the reconciliation of all the members of the family 1 depend upon the de- cision which Joseph now makes. I will not cherish the thought that the regret to leave a beautiful country, where there are no longer nny dangers to be encountered, can induce Joseph to refuse a throne, where there are Napoleon then contemplated making Lucien King of Naples. 1808,] JOSEPH KING OF SPAIN. 209 Opinions of the Junta. great obstacles to be overcome, and much good to be accomplished." When they reached Bayonne, Joseph found all the members of the Junta assembled in the chateau of Marrac. He responded vaguely to the address of congratulation the Junta made to him, wishing first to converse with each in- dividual member of that body. The Spanish princes left for Valengay, and Charles IV. had no partisans whatever. The Duke of Infanta- do and M. Cevallos had been considered the warmest advocates of Ferdinand. They both called upon Joseph, and held a long interview with him. The duke offered him his services, saying that he had possessions in the kingdom of Naples, and that his agents there had in- formed him of the wonders which Joseph had wrought. " If Joseph," said he, " can be in Spain what he has been in Naples, there is no doubt that the entire nation will rally around him." M. Cevallos expressed the same views. Joseph then saw every member of the Junta individually, nearly one hundred in number. They all, without exception, described the wretchedness into which Spain had fallen, and the apparent facility with which it could be regenerated. Upon one point they all agreed : 210 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. Motives of Joseph. that it would be impossible to live in peace under either the father or the son ; that Joseph alone, sacrificing the throne of Naples that he might ascend that of Spain, would meet the wishes of all parties, and bring back prosperity to the distracted realm. These assurances, which were given to Jo- seph by all the members of the Spanish Junta assembled at Bayonne, that his acceptance of the throne would calm all troubles, assure the independence of the monarchy, the integrity of its territory, its liberty, and its happiness, roused his generous enthusiasm. " He yield- ed," writes his biographer, "sacrificing his dearest interests to the hope of doing good to a greater number of people, and decided to ac- cept the crown which was offered him. He considered it his duty to occupy the most dan- gerous post. Virtue, not ambition, led Joseph to Spain." The Emperor wished to introduce into Spain the same advanced principles of popular liberty which Joseph, by the Constitution, had con- ferred upon Naples. With that object he con- voked at Bayonne, on the 15th of June, a Span- ish assembly, called the Constitutional Junta. This Congress was to consist of one hundred and 1808.] JOSEPH KING OF SPAIN. 211 Address of the Duke of InfanUdo. Addreesei from other Bodies. fifty persons of the most distinguished orders in the state, though but about one hundred were actually convened. A large number had already assembled when Joseph reached Bay- on ne. They hastened to welcome him. Many of them, however, afterward proved his most inveterate enemies. The Duke of Infantado, addressing him in the name of the grandees of Spain, said, "Sire, the Spaniards expect, from the reign of your Majesty, all their happiness. They ar- dently desire your presence in Spain to fix ideas, to conciliate all interests, and to establish that order so necessary for the regeneration of the country. Sire, the grandees of Spain hare always been distinguished by their fidelity to their sovereigns. Your Majesty will experi- ence this, as also our personal affection. Re- ceive, sire, these testimonies of our loyalty with that kindliness so well known by your people of Naples, the renown of which has reached even to us." The deputation of the Royal Council of Cas- tile said to the new King: "Sire, your Maj- esty is a branch of a family destined by Heaven to reign. May Heaven grant that our prayers may be heard, and that your Majesty 212 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1808. Letter from Ferdinand. may become the most happy King in the uni- verse, as we desire for him in the name of the supreme tribunal of which we are the deputies." Even the Inquisitor, Don Raymond Esten- hard, organ of the councils of the Inquisition, declared in their name " that they were full of fidelity and of affection ; that they offered their prayers for Joseph, who was charged to govern the country, that he might find happi- ness in his own heart by contributing to the happiness of his subjects, and that he might elevate them to that degree of prosperity which might be expected from him, particular- ly when aided by the genius and power of his august brother, Napoleon the Great." The Duke of Pargue, at the head of a depu- tation representing the army, gave the same assurances of homage and support Even Fer- dinand wrote Joseph a letter of congratulation, dated Valengay, June 22. It was as follows : "SlRE, Permit me,in the name of my broth- er and of my uncle, 1 as well as in my own, to tes- tify to your Majesty the part which we have taken in his induction to the throne of Spain. The object of all our desires having ever been the happiness of the generous nation which he 1 Don Carlos and Den Antonio. 1808.] JOSEPH KING OF SPAIN. 213 A Conitltution adopted. is called to govern, that happiness is now com- plete, in view of the accession to the throne of Spain of a prince whose virtues have rendered him so dear to the Neapolitans. We hope your Majesty will accept our prayers for his happiness, to which is united that of our coun- try, and that he will grant to us his friend- ship, to which we are entitled, for the friend- ship which we feel for your Majesty. I pray your Catholic Majesty to receive the oath which I owe him as King of Spain, and also the oath of the Spaniards who are now with me. From your Catholic Majesty's affection- ate brother." The Constitutional Junta of Spain com- menced its session at Bayonne on the 15th of June. Ninety-one members were present. A constitution was presented very much resem- bling that which had been conferred upon Na- ples. It was discussed and voted upon with perfect freedom. Finally, on the 7th of July, it was accepted as amended by the signature of all the members; "considering," as the act said, "that we are convinced that under the regime which the Constitution establishes, and under the government of a prince as just as the one whom we have the happiness to possess, 214 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [180& Joneph leaves Bayonua. Spain and all its possessions will be as happy as we can desire it to be." The Constitution being accepted, Joseph ap- pointed his ministry and constituted his court; placing all the important offices in the hands of distinguished Spaniards. On the 9th of July Joseph left Bayonne and entered Spain, accompanied by the members of the Junta, many grandees of Spain, his ministers, and the officers of his household. Many have reproached Joseph for having accepted the crown. But it should be remem- bered that when he arrived at Bayonne, the treaty of abdication by the Spanish princes had already been signed. An assemblage of Span- ish notables met him there, and entreated him to accept the crown, to rescue Spain from ruin. There seemed to be no dissent from the opinion that his presence would be the signal of peace and harmony, that it would calm agitation, and unite all parties. In a word, they declared that it was the only way to rescue the country from anarchy, and from those calamities which menaced its entire ruin. The intelligence of the nation exulted in the change, as promising a new era of equality and prosperity. On the 20th of July Joseph arrived in Ma 1808.J JOSEPH KING OF SPAIN. 215 Efforts of the Monks. drid. There were about eighty thousand French troops in Spain. Much to Joseph's surprise and disappointment, he found, all over the kingdom, in the provinces, insurrection rising against him. These scattered bands soon amounted, it was estimated, to one hundred and fifty thousand men. The fanatic monks, alarmed in view of the changes which had been effected in Naples, were very active in rousing the peasantry to resistance. The Brit- ish Government, which was then at war with Spain because it was the ally of Napoleon, in- stantly espoused the cause of the insurgents, and contributed all its energies of fleet and army and money to drive Joseph out of Spain. The new sovereign had entered Madrid without being greeted with any signal demon- strations of enthusiasm. In accordance with the established etiquette of the realm, he was received at the foot of the grand stairs of the palace by the nobility of the country, and was proclaimed king in the public squares and prin- cipal streets of Madrid with the accustomed ceremonies upon the advent of a new sovereign. Intensely occupied with the cares of his new government, Joseph did not, for some time, ful- ly comprehend the perils which menaced him. 216 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1808. Insurrections. Disappointment of Joseph. Step by step be was led on, as be quelled here and there a popular insurrection, until he found himself involved in a stern war with the great mass of the Spanish peasantry, with all the priesthood fanning the flames of opposition, and the British Government energetically co-opera- ting with purse and sword. It would require volumes to describe, with any degree of mi- nuteness, the tremendous struggle. Napier has performed that task in his immortal work upon the Peninsular War. Joseph soon awoke to a full realization of the peril of his position. On the 13th of July he wrote to the Emperor from Burgos at three o'clock in the morning, "It seems to me that no person has been willing to tell the exact truth to your Majesty. I ought not to con- ceal it. The task undertaken is very great. To accomplish it with honor will requrre im- mense resources. Fear does not make me see double. " In leaving Naples, I have indeed yielded my life to the most hazardous events. My life is of but little consequence. I surrender it to you. But in order not to live with the shame attached to failure, great resources are requi- site in men and money. I am not alarmed, in 1808.] JOSEPH KING OF SPAIN. 217 The Friends of Joseph overawed and silenced. view of my position. But it is unique in his- tory. I have not here a single partisan." Again, on the 19th, he wrote, "It is evi- dent that we have not the soil, since all the provinces are in insurrection or occupied by considerable armies of the enemy." On the 28th of July he wrote, "I have no need to inform your Majesty that one hundred thousand men are necessary to conquer Spain. I repeat it, that we have not a partisan, and the entire nation is exasperated, and decided to sustain with arms the part which it has em- braced." " All my Spanish officers except five or six have abandoned me. The disposition of the nation is unanimous against that which has been done at Bayonne." On the 6th of August he wrote, "Your Majesty recommends me to be happy. Never have I been so tranquil and so well, and so in- defatigable ; and if I have occasion to envy in your Majesty a superior genius which has al- ways enabled him to command victory, I have that in common with all the world. But I have no need to envy any person for composure and tranquillity of soul. And I must avow that I find that adversity enables me to ex- 218 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1808. Encouragement from the Emperor. perience a sentiment which is not without a certain charm ; it is to be above adversity." The Emperor endeavored to cheer his de- spondent brother with hopeful words. On the 19th of July he wrote him, "I see with pain that you are troubled. It is the only misfor- tune which I fear. You have a great many partisans in Spain, but they are intimidated. They are all the honest people. I do not the less admit that your task is great and glori- ous. You ought not to consider it extraordi- nary that you have to conquer your kingdom. Philip V. and Henry IV. were obliged to con- quer theirs. Be happy. Do not permit your- self to be easily affected, and do not doubt for an instant that every thing will end sooner and more happily than you think." Again, on the 1st of August, Napoleon wrote, "Whatever reverses fortune may have in store for you, do not be uneasy ; in a short time you will have more than one hundred thousand men. All is in motion, but it must have time. You will reign. You will have conquered your subjects, in order to become their father. The best of kings hare passed through this school. Above all, health to you and happi- ness, that is to say, strength of mind." 1808.] JOSEPH KING OF SPAIN. 219 Capitulation of Junot. On the 3d of August the Emperor again wrote, "You can not think, my friend, how much pain the idea gives me, that you are struggling with events as much above what you are accustomed to, as they are beneath your natural character. . . . Tell me that you are well, in good spirits, and are becoming ac- customed to the soldier's trade. You have a fine opportunity to study it." General Junot, with a small French force, at that time held possession of Portugal. The Cabinet of Saint James offered to the Spanish Junta at Seville to send an army of about thirty thousand men to co-operate with the Spaniards in their struggle against the French. For some unknown reason the offer was de- clined, and the troops were sent to Portugal. These British troops, acting in vigorous co-op- eration with the Portuguese, greatly outnum- bered the French, and, after a severe battle at Torres Yedras, Junot capitulated at the Con- vention of Cintra, and his army re-embarked, and was transported to France. This event added greatly to the embarrassment of Joseph. Junot had afforded him much moral and even material support. Now Junot was driven from the Peninsula, and a British army of over 220 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [ISOd Napoleon aromaed. thirty thousand men, under the ablest officers, and flushed with victory, was on the frontiers of Spain, ready in every way to co-operate with the Spaniards. This roused Napoleon. He was the last man to recoil before difficulties. He had the honor of his arms to avenge, and his policy to justify by success. Never before, in the histo- ry of the world, was there such a display of energy, sagacity, and power. He well knew that all dynastic Europe was hostile to those principles of popular liberty which were rep- resented by his name, and that, notwithstand- ing the obligations of treaties, they were ever ready to spring to arms against him whenever they should see an opportunity to strike him a fatal blow. Napoleon at once ordered eighty thousand veteran troops of the grand army from the north to assemble at Bayonne. He hastened to Er- furt to hold an interview with Alexander to strengthen their alliance, and to prevent, if possible, a new coalition from being formed against him while absent with his troops in Spain. The Spanish insurgents, as they were called for they had no established government were everywhere triumphant. The French 1808.] JOSEPH KING OF SPAIN. 221 Peril of Joseph's Government. array was driven out of Madrid, and, in a state of great destitution, was standing on the de- fensive. Joseph and all his generals were thoroughly disheartened, and were only anx- ious to devise some honorable way by which they could abandon the enterprise. The priests, with a crucifix in one hand and a dag- ger in the other, had traversed the realms of Spain and Portugal, rousing the religious fa- naticism of the unenlightened masses almost to frenzy. Charles IV., his Queen, and Ferdi- nand had all been intensely devoted to the in- terests of the Church. The French were rep- resented as infidels, and as the foes of the Church. The whole nation was roused against them. Even the women took an active part in the conflict, perilling their own lives upon the field, and inspiring the men with the cour- age of desperation. The English, victorious in Portugal, were now welcomed into Spain. They lavished their gold in paying the Spanish armies. Their fleet was busy in transporting suppliea To all Europe the position of Jo- seph seemed utterly hopeless. On the 25th of October, Napoleon, on the eve of leaving Paris for Spain, said, at the opening of the Legislative Corps : 222 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1808. Speech to the Legislative Corps. " A part of my troops are marching against the armies which England has formed or dis- embarked in Spain. It is an especial favor of Providence, which has constantly protected our arms, that passion has so blinded the counsels of the English, that they have renounced the protection of the seas, and at length present their armies on the Continent. " I leave in a few days, to place myself at the head of my army, and, with the aid of God, to crown in Madrid the King of Spain, and to plant my eagles upon the forts of Lisbon. " The Emperor of Eussia and I have met at Erfurt. Our first thought has been of peace. We have even resolved to make many sacrifices that, if possible, the hundred millions of men whom we represent may enjoy the ben- efits of maritime commerce. We are in per- fect harmony, and unchangeably united for peace as for war." In the mean time Joseph, struggling heroi- cally against adversity, and exceedingly em- barrassed by the false position in which he found himself placed, received many consoling messages of confidence and affection from prominent men in the Spanish nation. We present the following extract from a letter ad- 1808.] JOSEPH KING OF SPAIN. 223 The marvellous Energy of Napoleon. dressed to him on the 2d of September, 1808, by M. M. Azanza and Urquijo, as a specimen of many others which might be quoted : " We do not doubt that your Majesty con- templates, with deepest grief, the disasters with which Spain is menaced, by the obstinacy of those people who will not know the true inter- ests of the realm. But at least no one is ig- norant that your Majesty has done and is do- ing every thing which is humanly possible to avoid such calamities for his subjects. The day will come when they will recognize the benevolent intentions and paternal kindness of your Majesty ; and they will respond to it by testimonies of gratitude and of fidelity which will fill with contentment the noble heart of your Majesty." The almost supernatural power of the Em- peror was never more conspicuously displayed than in the brief, triumphant, overwhelming campaign which ensued. He wrote to Joseph from Erfurt, " I leave to-morrow for Paris, and within a month shall be at Bayonne. Send me the exact position of the army, that I may form a definite organization by making as lit- tle displacement as possible. In the present state of affairs, we may conclude that the pre- 224 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1808. Napoleon visits Spain. sumption of the enemy will lead him to re- main in the positions which he now occupies The nearer he remains to us the better it will be. The war can be terminated in a single blow by a skillfully-combined manoeuvre, and for that it is necessary that I should be there." The single blow Napoleon contemplated would unquestionably have annihilated his foes, but for an inopportune movement of Mar- shal Lefebre. As it was, it required three or four blows, which were delivered with stun- ning and bewildering power and rapidity. On the 29th of October Napoleon took his car- riage for Bayonne. Madrid was distant from Paris about seven hundred miles. The rains of approaching winter had deluged the roads. He soon abandoned his carriage, and mounted his horse. Apparently insensible to exposure or fatigue, he pressed forward by night and by day, until, at two o'clock in the morning of the 3d of November, he reached Bayonne. He found that his orders had not been obeyed, and that the troops, instead of being concentrated, had been dispersed. Instantly, at the very hour of his arrival, new life was infused into every thing. He seemed by instinct to corn, prehend the posture of affairs, and to know 1808.] JOSEPH KING OF SPAIN. 225 Spanish Boasting. just what was to be done. Orders were is- sued with amazing rapidity ; couriers flew in all directions. Barracks were erected \ the troops were reviewed; unexecuted contracts were thrown up; agents were sent in every direction to purchase all the cloths in the south of France; hundreds of hands were busy in cutting and making garments ; and at the close of a day of such work as few mortals have ever accomplished, Napoleon leaped into his saddle and galloped sixty miles over the mountains to Tolosa, on the Spanish side of the Pyrenees. Here he indulged in an hour or two of rest, and then galloped on thirty miles farther to Vittoria. He encamped with the Imperial Guard outside of the city. The Spaniards have always been accused of a tendency to vainglorious boasting. The trivial successes which they had attained, in alliance with the English, quite intoxicated them. " We have conquered," they said, " the armies of the great Napoleon. We will soon trample all his hosts in the dust. With an army of five hundred thousand indignant Spaniards we will march upon Paris, and sack the city. The powers of Eussia, Austria, and Prussia have fallen before Napoleon; but 5 iu 226 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [180a The triumphant March of the Emperor. Spanish peasants, headed by the priests and the monks, will roll back the tide of victory." Such was the insane boasting. Napoleon was, at the same time, the boldest and the most cautious of generals. He ever made provision for every possible reverse. Stationing two strong forces to guard his flanks, he took fifty thousand of the elite of his army, and plunged upon the centre of the Spanish troops. Such an onset none but vet- erans could withstand. There was scarcely the semblance of a battle. The Spaniards fled, throwing down their arms, and leaping like goats amidst the crags of the mountains. Pressing resistlessly forward, Napoleon reach- ed Burgos on the night of the llth. Here the Spaniards attempted another stand upon some strongly intrenched heights. A brief conflict scattered them in the wildest confusion, defeat- ed, disbanded, leaving cannon, muskets, flags, and munitions of war. Onward he swept, without a check, without delay, crushing, overwhelming, scattering his foes, over the intrenched heights of Espinosa, through the smouldering streets of the town, across the bridge of Trueba, choked with terri- fied fugitives, through the pass of Somosierra, 1808.J JOSEPH KING OF SPAIN. 227 Napoleon enters Madrid. in one of the most astounding achievements which war has ever witnessed, till he led his victorious troops, with no foe within his reach, into the streets of Madrid. He commenced the campaign at Vittoria on the 9th of No- vember, and on the 4th of December his army was encamped in the squares of the Spanish metropolis. Europe gazed upon this meteoric phenomenon with astonishment and alarm. The Spanish populace had been roused mainly by the priests. In their frenzy, burn- ing and assassinating, they overawed all who were in favor of regenerating Spain by a change of dynasty. It is the undisputed testimony that the proprietors, the merchants, the inhab- itants generally who were rich, or in easy cir- cumstances, and even the magistrates and mili- tary chiefs, were quite disposed to listen to the propositions of the Emperor. But overawed by the populace, who threatened to carry things to the last extremity, they dared not manifest their sentiments. As the French army took possession of the city, order was immediately restored. The the- atres were re-opened, the shops displayed their wares, the tides of business and pleasure flowed unobstructed along the streets. Numerous dep- 228 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1808. Proclamation of Napoleon. utations, embracing the most wealthy and re- spectable inhabitants of Madrid, waited upon the Emperor with their congratulations, and re- newed their protestations of fidelity to Joseph. The Emperor then issued a proclamation to the Spanish nation, in which he said, " I have declared, in a proclamation of the 2d of June, that I wished to be the regenerator of Spain. To the rights which the princes of the ancient dynasties have ceded to me, you have wished that I should add the rights of conquest. That, however, shall not change my inclination to serve you. I wish to encourage every thing that is noble in your exertions. All that is opposed to your prosperity and your grandeur I wish to destroy. The shack- Jes which have enslaved the people . I have broken. I have given you a liberal constitu- tion, and, in the place of an absolute monarchy, a monarchy mild and limited. It depends upon yourselves whether that constitution shall still be your law." 1808.] THE SPANISH CAMPAIGN. 229 Retreat of Sir John Moore and Sir David Bxird. CHAPTER VIII. THE SPANISH CAMPAIGN OF NAPOLEON. IN less than five weeks from the time when Napoleon first placed his foot upon the soil of Spain he was master of more than half the kingdom. Sir John Moore, with an army of about 30,000 Englishmen, was marching rapid- ly from Portugal, to form a junction with an- other English army of about 10,000 men un- der Sir David Baird, who were advancing from Corunna. It was supposed in England that the co-operation of these highly-disciplined troops with the masses of the Spaniards who had already fought so valiantly, would speedily secure the overthrow of the French. But when Sir John Moore and Sir David Baird learned that Napoleon himself was in Spain, that he had scattered the Spanish armies before him as the tornado drives the withered leaves of the forest, that he was already in possession of Madrid, and would soon be ready to direct all his energies against them, they were both greatly alarmed, and, turning about, fled precipitately back to their ships. A depu 230 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1808. The Spanish Deputation. tation of about twelve hundred of the notables of Spain called upon Napoleon, to confer with him respecting the affairs of the kingdom. He informed them very fully of the benefits he wished to confer upon Spain by rescuing the people from the dominion of the old feudal lords, and bringing them into harmony with the more enlightened views of modern times. He closed his remarks to them by saying, "The present generation will differ in opinion respecting me. Too many passions have been called into exercise. But your posterity will be grateful to me as their regenerator. They will place in the number of memorable days those in which I have appeared among you. From those days will be dated the prosperity of Spain. These are my sentiments. Go con- sult your fellow-citizens. Choose your part, but do it frankly, and exhibit only true colors." General Moore was retreating toward Corun- na. An English fleet had repaired to that port to receive the troops on board. On the 22d of December Napoleon left Madrid, with 40,000 men, to pursue the flying foe. The Spaniards, instead of rallying to the support of the Eng- lish, whom they never loved, dispersed in all directions, leaving them to their fate. " The 1808.] THE SPANISH CAMPAIGN. 231 Anecdote of Napoleon. Spanish insurgents," says Napier," were con- scious that they were fighting the battles of England. To restore Spain to Ferdinand, Eng- land expended one hundred millions sterling ($500,000,000) on her own operations. She subsidized Spain and Portugal besides, and with her supply of clothing, arms, and ammuni- tion, maintained the armies of both, even to the guerrillas." 1 By forced marches the Imperial troops rush- ed along, threading the defiles of the mount- ains of (raudarrama in mid-winter, through drifts and storms of snow. Napoleon climbed the mountains on foot, sharing all the toil and peril of his troops. Such a leader any army would follow with enthusiasm. In one of the wildest passes of the mountains he passed a night in a miserable hut. Savary, who was with him, writes : "The single mule which carried his bag- gage was brought to this wretched house. He was provided with a good fire, a tolerable sup- per, and a bed. On those occasions the Em- peror was not selfish. He was quite unmind- ful of the next day's wants when he alone was concerned. He shared his supper and his fire 1 Napier, vol. iii. p. 78, voL iv. p. 438. 232 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [180& Atrocities of the English. with all who had been able to keep up with him, and even compelled those to eat whose Teserve kept them back." General Moore was straining every nerve to escape. The weather was frightful, and the miry roads almost impassable. The advance- guard of Napoleon was soon within a day's march of the foe. General Moore, as he fiVl, blew up the bridges behind him, and reckless- ly plundered the wretched inhabitants. His troops became exceedingly exasperated against the Spaniards for their cowardly desertion, and reproached them with ingratitude. " We ungrateful !" the Spaniards replied ; "you came here to serve your own interests, and now you are running away without de- fending us." So bitter was the hostility which thus arose between the English and the Spaniards, and the brutality of the drunken English soldiers was so insupportable, that the Spaniards often welcomed the French troops, who were under far better discipline, as their deliverers. Sir Archibald Alison, in his account of these scenes, says : " The native and uneradicable vice of north- ern climates, drunkenness, here appeared in 1809.] THE SPANISH CAMPAIGN. 233 Testimony of Alison. Napoleon at Afttorga. frightful colors. The great wine-vaults of Bembibre proved more fatal than the sword of the enemy. And when the gallant rear-guard, which preserved its ranks unbroken, closed up the array, they had to force their way through a motley crowd of English and Spanish sol- diers, stragglers and marauders, who reeled out of the houses in disgusting crowds, or lay stretched upon the roadside, an easy prey to the enemy's cavalry, which thundered in close pursuit. " The condition of the army became daily more deplorable ; the frost had been succeeded by the thaw ; rain and sleet fell in torrents ; the roads were almost broken up ; the horses foun- dered at every step; the few artillery- wagons which had kept up fell, one by one, to the fear; and being immediately blown up to pre- vent their falling into the hands of the enemy, gave melancholy tokens, by the sound of their explosions, of the work of destruction which was going on." On the 2d of January Napoleon's advance- guard had reached Astorga. Notwithstanding the condition of the roads, and all the efforts of the retreating foe, an army of forty thousand men had marched two hundred miles in ten 234 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. {1809, A new Coalition. days. It was a cold and stormy winter morn- ing when Napoleon left Astorga, in continu- ance of the pursuit. He had proceeded but a few miles on horseback, when he was overta- ken by a courier from France, bearing impor- tant dispatches. The Emperor alighted by the roadside, and, standing by a fire which his at- tendants kindled, read the documents. His of- ficers gathered anxiously around him, watching the expression of his countenance as he read. The dispatches informed Napoleon that Austria had entered into a new alliance with England to attack him on the north, and that the probability was, that Turkey, exasperated by Napoleon's alliance with Kussia, would also be drawn into the coalition. It was also stated that, though Alexander personally was strong in his friendship for Napoleon, the Rus- sian nobles, hostile to the principle of equal rights, inscribed upon the French banners, were raising an opposition of such daily increasing strength, that it was feared the Czar also might be compelled to join in the new crusade against France. To conduct the war in Spain, Napoleon had withdrawn one hundred thousand of his best troops from the Khine. * His frontiers were 1809.] THE SPANISH CAMPAIGN. 236 Anxiety of the Emperor. thus greatly exposed. For a moment it was said that Napoleon was staggered by the blow. The vision of another European war, France struggling single-handed against all the com- bined powers of the Continent, appalled him. Slowly, sadly he rode back to Astorga, deeply pondering the awful question. There was clearly but one of two courses before him. He must either ignobly abandon the conflict in fa- vor of equality of rights, and allow the chains of the old feudal despotism to be again riveted upon France, and all the new governments in sympathy with France, or he must struggle manfully to the end. All around him were impressed with the utter absorption of his mind in these thoughts. As he rode back with his retinue, not a word was spoken. Na- poleon seldom asked advice. Soon his decision was formed, and all de- jection and hesitation disappeared. It was necessary for him immediately to direct all his energies toward the Ehine. He consequently relinquished the personal pursuit of the Eng- lish ; and commissioning Marshal Soult to press them with all vigor, he prepared to return to France. Rapidly retracing his steps to Val- ladolid, he spent five days in giving the most 236 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1809. New Year's WUhes. Napoleon's Response. minute directions for the movements of the army, and for the administration of affairs in Spain. In those few days he performed an amount of labor which seems incredible. He had armies in France, Spain, Italy, and Ger- many, and he guided all their movements, even to the minute details. On the first day of the year Joseph had written to Napoleon, and, in the expression of those kindly sympathies which the advent of a new year awakens, had said, " I pray your Maj- esty to accept my wishes that, in the course of this year, Europe, pacified by your efforts, may render justice to your intentions." Napoleon replied, " I thank you for what you say relative to the new year. I do not hope that Europe can this year be pacified. So little do I hope it, that I have just issued a decree for levying one hundred thousand men. The rancor of England, the events of Constan- tinople, every thing, in short, indicates that the hour of rest and quiet is not arrived." The Emperor, having finished his dispatch- es at Valladolid, mounted his horse, and set out for Paris. Mr. J. T. Headley thus describes this marvellous ride : " In the first five hours he rode the aston 1809.] THE SPANISH CAMPAIGN. 237 Magnanimity of Napoleon. ishing distance of eighty-five miles, or seven- teen miles the hour. This wild gallop was long remembered by the inhabitants of the towns tnrough which the smoking cavalcade of the Emperor passed. Belays of horses had been provided on the road ; and no sooner did he ar- rive at one post, than he flung himself on a fresh horse, and, sinking his spurs in his flanks, dash- ed away in headlong speed. Few who saw that short figure, surmounted with a plain cha- peau, sweep by on that day, ever forgot it. His pale face was calm as marble, but his lips were compressed, and his brow knit like iron ; while his flashing eye, as he leaned forward, still jerking impatiently at the bridle as if to accelerate his speed, seemed to devour the dis- tance. No one spoke, but the whole suite strained forward in the breathless race. The gallant chasseurs had never had so long and so wild a ride before." Napoleon had acted a very noble part toward his brother. The masses of the Span- ish people were very ignorant and fanatical. The priests, wielding over them supernatural terrors, controlled them at will. There were certain reforms which were essential to the re- generation of Spain. But these reforms would 238 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1809. Reforms introduced. exasperate the priests, and, through them, the people. Napoleon, anxious to save his brother from the odium of these necessary measures, took the responsibility of them upon himself. He issued a series of decrees when he entered Madrid as a conqueror, and by virtue of the acknowledged rights of conquest, in which, after proclaiming pardon for all political of- fenses, he introduced the following reforms. The execrable institution of the Inquisition was abolished. The number of convents, which had been thronged with indolent monks, was reduced one-half. One-half of the proper- ty of these abolished convents was appropri- ated to the payment of the salary of the labor- ing clergy. The other halt was set apart to the payment of the public debt. The custom- houses between the several provinces of the kingdom, which had been a great source of na- tional embarrassment, were removed, and im- posts were collected only on the frontiers. All feudal privileges were annulled. These measures, of course, exasperated the priests and the nobles. Unfortunately the peo- ple were too ignorant to appreciate their full value. As Joseph returned to Madrid, under the protection of the arms of his imperial 1809.] THE SPANISH CAMPAIGN. 239 Escape of Sir John Moore. brother, though the bells rang merrily, and pealing cannon uttered their voices of welcome, and though the most respectable portion of the middle class received him with satisfaction, there was no enthusiasm among the populace, and the clergy and the nobility received him with suspicion and dislike. The Emperor, upon his departure, had confided to Joseph the command of the army in Spain. But the great generals of Napoleon, ever ready to bow to the will of the Emperor, whose superiority they all recognized, yielded a reluctant obedience to Jo- seph, whom they did not consider their superi- or in the art of war. Sir John Moore continued his precipitate flight, vigorously pursued by Marshal Soult. " There was never," says Napier, " so complete an example of a disastrous retreat. Aban- doning their wagons, blowing up their ammu- nition, and strewing their path with the debris of an utterly routed army, they finally, with torn, bleeding, and greatly-diminished columns, escaped to their ships." The new coalition in Germany against Na- poleon rendering it necessary for him to with- draw a large part of his troops from Spain, greatly encouraged the foes of the new re*- 240 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1809. Efforts of the British Government gime. The British Government, animated by its success in inducing Austria again to co-ope- rate in an attack upon France, and sanguine in the hope of drawing Russia and Turkey into the coalition, which would surely bring the armies of Prussia into the same line of battle, redoubled its efforts in Spain and Portugal. Emissaries were sent everywhere to rouse the populace. Gold was lavished, and arms and ammunition were transmitted by the British fleet to impor- tant points. A central junta was assembled at Seville. It issued a proclamation, calling upon the peo- ple everywhere to rise in guerrilla bands. The whole male population was summoned to the field. Death was the penalty denounced upon all those who, by word or deed, favored the French. Twenty thousand troops in Portugal were taken under British pay, and placed un- der British officers, so that, while nominally it was a Portuguese army, it was in reality but a British force of mercenaries. Numerous trans- ports conveyed a large body of troops from Eng- land under Sir Arthur Wellesley, which was landed in Lisbon. Where the French army had control, there seemed to be a disposition, especially among 1809.] THE SPANISH CAMPAIGN. 241 Testimony of Alison. the most intelligent and opulent portion of the people, to accept the new regime of Joseph. The bitterest foe of Joseph will not deny that the reforms which he was endeavoring to in- troduce were admirable, and absolutely essen- tial to the regeneration of Spain. The British Government wished to restore the old regime under Ferdinand; for that Government was in sympathy with the British rule of aristocrat- ic privilege. The French Government wished to maintain the new rdgime under Joseph, be cause that Government would bring Spain into sympathy with France, in her defensive strug- gle against the combined despotisms of Europe. Popular opinion in Spain seemed now to be upon one side, and again upon the other, ac- cording to the presence of the different armies. " At Madrid," says Alison, " Joseph reign- ed with the apparent consent of the nation. Registers having been open for the inscription of those who were favorable to his govern- ment, no less than twenty -eight thousand heads of families in a few days enrolled themselves And deputations from the Municipal Council, the Council of the Indies, and all the incorpora- tions, waited upon him at Valladolid, to entreat that he would return to the capital and reas- 616 242 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1809. Fury of the Populace. sume the royal functions, to which he at length complied." At Saragossa, on the other hand, Joseph was opposed with persistence and bravery, which has rendered the siege of Saragossa one of the most memorable events in the annals of war. A very determined leader, Parafox, with about thirty thousand men, threw himself into that city. A proclamation was issued, declar- ing that no mercy would be shown to those who manifested any sympathy for the reign of Joseph. Suspicion was sufficient to doom one to mob violence and a cruel death. " Terror," says Alison, " was summoned to the aid of loyalty. And the fearful engines of popular power, the scaffold and the gallows, were erected on the public square, where some unhappy wretches, suspected of a leaning to the enemy, were indignantly executed. " The passions of the people were roused to the very highest pitch by the dread of treason, or any accommodation with the enemy. And popular vehemence, overwhelming all restraints of law or order, sacrificed almost every night persons to the blind suspicions of the multitude, who were found hanging in the morning on the gallows erected in the Corso and market-place." 1809.] THE SPANISH CAMPAIGN. 243 The Siege of Saragoeea. The priests summoned the peasants from all the region around, so that soon there were fifty thousand armed men within the walls, in- spired by as determined a spirit of resistance as ever possessed the human heart. The siege was commenced about the middle of December with thirty-five thousand men, according to the statement of Napier. It is generally under- stood in warfare that one man, acting upon the defensive within a fortress, is equal to at least five men making the assault from the outside. But in the memorable siege of Saragossa, the besieged had a third more men than the be- siegers. Alison thinks Napier incorrect, and makes the besieging force forty-three thousand. This gives the besieged a superiority of seven thousand men. It surely speaks volumes for the courage and skill of the French army, that under such circumstances the siege could have been conducted to a successful issue, especially when the determination and bravery of the people of Saragossa are represented as almost without a parallel. The scenes of woe which ensued within the walls of Saragossa no pen can describe, no im- agination can conceive. In addition to the garrison of fifty thousand men, the city was 244 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1809. Savagery of Armies. crowded with women and children, the aged and the infirm. For fifty days the storm of war raged, with scarcely a moment's intermis- sion. Thirty-three thousand cannon shots and sixteen thousand bombs were thrown into the thronged streets. Fifty-four thousand human beings perished in the city during these fifty days more than a thousand a day. Many perished of famine and of pestilence. When the French marched into the town, there were six thousand dead still unburied. There were sixteen thousand helplessly sick, and many of them dying. Only twelve thousand of the gar- rison remained, pale, emaciate, skeleton men, who, as captives of war, were conveyed to France. When we reflect that all this hero- ism and bravery were displayed, and all these unspeakable woes endured, to re-introduce the reign of as despicable a monarch as ever sat upon a throne, and to rivet the chains of des- potism upon an ignorant, debased, and enslaved people, one can not but mourn over the sad lot of humanity. The rank and file of armies is never com- posed of men of affectionate, humane, and an- gelic natures. It is the tiger in the man which makes the reckless soldier. Familiarity with 1809.] THE SPANISH CAMPAIGN. 245 Discouragement of the Spaniard*. crime, outrage, misery, renders the soul cal- lous. There is no rigor of army discipline which can prevent atrocities that should cause even fiends to blush. The story of the sweep of armies never can be truly told. As all the physical strength of the region for leagues around Saragossa had been gather- ed in that city, its fall secured the submission of the surrounding country. Lannes was call- ed to join the grand army in Germany. Junot, who was left in command of the troops at Sar- agossa, prepared for an expedition against Va- lencia. City after city passed, with scarcely any resistance, into the hands of the French. The campaign in Germany rendered it neces- sary for Napoleon to withdraw all his best troops, leaving Joseph to maintain his position in Spain, with a motley group of Italians, Swiss, and Germans, who were by no means inspired either with the political intelligence or the martial enthusiasm of the French. The Spanish peasants, depressed by failure, and inspired, not by intelligent conviction, but by momentary religious fanaticism, threw down their arms and returned to their homes. There was but little integrity or sense of honor to be found in Spain, long demoralized by a 246 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1809. Victory of General St. Cyr. wretched government ; and the immense sup- plies which England furnished were embez- zled or misapplied. The Spaniards are not cowards. The feeU* resistance thej often made proved that tney took but little interest in the issues of the war. Ferdinand had done nothing to win their regard. But he was a Spanish prince, in the regular line of descent from their ancient kings. Joseph Bonaparte was a stranger, a foreigner, about to be im- posed upon them by the aid of foreign arms. It was easy, under these circumstances, to rouse a transient impulse for Ferdinand, but not an abiding devotion. General Duhesme was in Barcelona with a few thousand troops, cut off from communica- tion with his friends by the English fleet, and a large army of Spanish peasants which was collected to secure his capture. General St. Cyr, with about sixteen thousand infantry and cavalry, marched to his relief. In a narrow defile, amidst rocks and forests, he encountered a Spanish force forty thousand strong, drawn up in a most favorable position to arrest his progress. St Cyr formed his troops in one solid mass, and charging headlong, without fir- Ing a shot, in half an hour dispersed the foe, 1809.] THE SPANISH CAMPAIGN. 247 French Victories. killing five hundred, wounding two thousand, and capturing all their artillery and ammuni- tion. The next day St. Cyr entered Barcelona. The Spaniards were so utterly dispersed that not ten thousand men could be re-assembled two days after the battle. But the English fleet was upon the coast, with encouragement and abundant supplies. After a little while, another Spanish army, twenty thousand strong, was rendezvoused at Molinas del Key. St. Cyr again fell upon these troops. They fled so precipitately that but few were hurt. Their supplies, which the British had furnished them, were left upon the field. St. Cyr gathered up fifty pieces of can- non, three million cartridges, sixty thousand pounds of powder, and a magazine containing thirty thousand stand of English arms. Lord Collingwood, who commanded the British fleet, declared that all the elements of resistance in the province were dissolved. These events took place just before the fall of Saragossa. In the middle of February of this year, 1809, St. Cj 7 r had twenty-three thousand men concentrated at Villa Franca. Forty thousand Spaniards were collected to attack him. Al- most contemptuously, he took eleven thousand 248 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1809. Desolations of War. of his troops, surprised the Spaniards, and scat- tered them in the wildest flight. He pursued the fugitives, and wherever they made a stand dispersed them with but little effort or loss upon his own side. There was no longer any regular resistance in Catalonia, though guer- rilla bands still prowled about the country. Thus the wretched, desolating warfare raged, month after month. Nothing of importance toward securing the abiding triumph of either party was gained. Whenever the French army withdrew from any section of country, British officers entered, to re-organize, with the aid of the Spanish priests, the peasants to renewed opposition, and British gold was lavished in paying the soldiers. Junot was taken sick, and Suchet, whom Napoleon characterized at Saint Helena as the first of his generals, was placed in command. "We have not space to describe the numerous battles which were fought, and the patience of our readers would be exhausted by the dreary narration. The siege of Gerona by St. Cyr occupied seven months. Joseph was still in Madrid. As we have said, the more intelligent and opulent classes rallied around him. Sir Archibald Alison, ever the advocate of aristocratic privilege, while 1809.] THE SPANISH CAMPAIGN. 249 Testimony of Alison. admitting the fact of Joseph's apparent popu- larity in Madrid, in the following strain of re- mark endeavors to explain that fact : "Addresses had been forwarded to Joseph Bonaparte at Yalladolid from all the incorpo- rations and influential bodies at Madrid, invit- ing him to return to the capital and resume the reins of government. Kegisters had been open- ed in different parts of the city for those citizens to inscribe their names who were favorable to his cause. In a few days thirty thousand sig- natures, chiefly of the more opulent classes, had been inscribed on the lists. In obedience to these flattering invitations, the intrusive King had entered the capital with great pomp, amidst the discharge of a hundred pieces of cannon, and numerous, if not heartfelt, demonstrations of public satisfaction; a memorable example of the effect of the acquisition of wealth, and the enjoyments of luxury, in enervating the minds of their possessors, and of the difference be- tween the patriotic energy of those classes who, having little to lose, yield to ardent sentiments without reflection, and those in whom the sug- gestions of interest and the habits of indulgence have stifled the generous emotions of nature." The great defect in Joseph's character as an 250 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1809. Joseph's mistaken Views. executive officer, under the circumstances in which he was placed, was his apparent inabili- ty fully to comprehend the grandeur of Napo- leon's conceptions. Instead of looking upon Spain as an essential part of the majestic whole, and which, by its money and its armies, must aid in sustaining the new principle of equal rights for all, he forgot the general cause, and sought only to promote the interests of his own king- dom. Napoleon, having secured the reign of the new regime of equality in France, in an- tagonism to the old regime of privilege, imme- diately found all Europe banded against him. France could not stand alone against such an- tagonism. Hence it became essential that alli- ances should be formed for mutual protection. The genius of Napoleon was of necessity the controlling element in these alliances. In that view, he had enlarged and strength- ened the boundaries of France. He had crea- ted the kingdoms of Italy and Naples. He had, impelled by the instinct of self-preservation, bought out the treacherous Bourbons of Spain, and was endeavoring to lift up the Spaniards from ages of depressing despotism, that Spain, under an enlightened ruler, rejoicing in the in- telligence and prosperity which existed under 1809.] THE SPANISH CAMPAIGN. 251 The Hostility of fte Allies to Napoleon personally. all the new governments, might contribute its support to the system of equal rights through- out Europe. England, Russia, Prussia, Austria, and the aristocratic party throughout all Europe, were in deadly hostility to the principle of abolish- ing privileged classes, and instituting equal rights for all. They were ever ready to squan- der blood and treasure, to violate treaties, to form open or secret coalitions, in resisting these new ideas. Regarding Napoleon as the great champion of popular rights, and conscious that there was no one of his marshals who, upon Napoleon's downfall, could take his place, all their energies were directed against him per- sonally. Thus we have the singular spectacle, never before witnessed in the history of the world, never again to be witnessed, of the combined monarchs of more than a hundred millions of men waging warfare against one single man. And therefore Napoleon called upon all the re- generated nations in sympathy with his views to rally around him. He regarded them as wings of the great army of which France was the centre. In combating the coalition, he was fighting battles for them all. They stood or 252 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1809. Joseph's Want of Appreciation. fell together. In the terrific struggle which deluged all Europe in blood, Napoleon was the commander-in-chief of the whole army of re- form. He was such by the power of circum- stances. He was such by innate ability. He was such by universal recognition. When therefore Napoleon regarded the sove- reigns appointed over the nations whom his genius had rescued from despotism but as the generals of his armies, who were to co-operate at his bidding in defense of the general system of dynastic oppression, it was not arrogance, it was wisdom and necessity that inspired his conduct. Louis in Holland, Jerome in West- phalia, Eugene in Italy, Murat in Naples, Jo- seph in Spain, all were bound, under the lead- ership of Napoleon, to contribute their portion to the general defense. Very strangely, Joseph seemed never to be able fully to comprehend this idea. He was a man of great intelligence, of high culture, and a more kindly, generous heart never throbbed in a human bosom; and yet, notwithstanding all Napoleon's arguments, it seemed impossible for him to comprehend why he should not be as independent as the King of Spain, as Napo- leon was in the sovereignty of France. Fully 1809.] THE SPANISH CAMPAIGN. 253 Character of Joseph. recognizing the immeasurable superiority of hig brother to any other man, and loving him with a devotion which has seldom if ever been ex- ceeded, he was still disposed to regard himself as placed in Spain only to promote the happi- ness of the Spanish people, without regard to the interests of the general cause. Instead of being ready to contribute of men and money from Spain to maintain the conflict against coalesced Europe, he was continually writing to his brother to send him money to carry on his own Government, and to excuse him from making any exactions from the people. He was exceedingly reluctant to deal with severity, or to quell the outrages of brigands with the necessary punishment. His letters to the Em- peror are often filled with complaints. He de- plores the sad destiny which has made him a king. He longs to return, with his wife and children, to the quiet retreat of Mortfontaine. Napoleon dealt tenderly with his brother. He fully understood his virtues ; he fully com- prehended his defects. Occasionally an ex* pression of impatience escaped his pen, though frequently he made no allusion, in his reply, to Joseph's repinings. The Duke of Wellington is reported to have 254 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1809. Remarks of the Duke of Wellington. said that "a man of refined Christian sensi- bilities has no right to enter into the profes- sion of a soldier." A successful warrior must often perform deeds at which humanity shud- ders. Joseph was, by the confession of all, one of the most calm and brave of men upon the field of battle. Still, he was too modest a man, and had too little confidence in himself to per- form those hazardous and heroic deeds of arms which war often requires. Napoleon, conscious that his brother was not by nature a warrior, and also wishing to save him from the unpopularity of military acts in crushing sedition, left him as much as possible to the administration of civil affairs in Madrid. His statesmanship and amiability of character could here have full scope. To his war-scarred veterans, Junot, Soult, Jourdan, Suchet, the Emperor mainly intrust- ed the military expeditions. Still, to save Jo- seph from a sense of humiliation, the Emperor acted as far as possible through his brother, in giving commands to the army. But the mar- shals, obedient as children to the commands of Napoleon, whose superior genius not one of them ever thought of calling in question, often manifested reluctance in executing operations 1809.] THE SPANISH CAMPAIGN. 255 Siege of Oporto. directed by Joseph. At times they could not conceal from him that they considered their knowledge of the art of war superior to his. Joseph was king of Spain, and was often humil- iated by the impression forced upon him that he was something like a tool in the hands of others. During the year 1809 Joseph remained most of the time in Madrid. There were in- numerable conflicts during the year, from pettj skirmishes to pretty severe battles, none of which are worthy of record in this brief sketch. The latter part of April the Duke of Wel- lington landed in Portugal, with English re-en- forcements of thirty thousand men. With these, aided by such forces as he could raise in Portugal and rally around him in Spain, he was to advance against the French. Napoleon had been compelled, to withdraw all of the Im- perial Guard, and all of his choicest troops, to meet the war on the plains of Germany. Mar- shal Soult was on the march for Oporto. With about twenty thousand troops he laid siege to the city. The feebleness of the de- fense of the Portuguese may be inferred from the fact that the city was protected by two hundred pieces of cannon, and by a force of 256 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1809, Awful Slaughter. regular troops and armed peasants amounting to about seventy thousand men. Boult, hav- ing made- all his preparations for the assault, and confident that the city could not resist his attack, wrote a very earnest letter to the magistrates, urging that by capitulation they should save the city from the horrors of being carried by storm. No reply was returned to the summons except a continued fire. The attack was made. The Portuguese peasants had tortured, mangled, killed all the French prisoners that had fallen into their hands. Both parties were in a state of ex- treme exasperation. The battle was short. When the French troops burst through the barriers, a general panic seized the Portuguese troops, and they rushed in wild confusion through the streets toward the Douro. The French cavalry pursued the terrified fugitives, and, with keen sabres, hewed them down till their arms were weary with the slaughter. A bridge crossed the river. Crowded with the frenzied multitude, it sank under their weight, and the stream was black with the bodies of drowning men. Those in the rear, by thousands, pressed those before them into the yawning gulf. Boats pushed out from the 1809.] THE SPANISH CAMPAIGN. 257 Oporto Taken by Storm. banks to rescue them, but the light artillery of the French was already upon the water's edge, discharging volleys of grape upon the helpless, compact mass. Before the city sur- rendered, four thousand of these unhappy vie- tims of war, torn with shot, and suffocated by the waves, were swept down the stream. Though the marshal exerted himself to the utmost to preserve discipline, no mortal man could restrain the passions of an army in such an hour. The wretched city experienced all the horrors of a to~wn taken by ,storm. The number of the slain, according to the report of Marshal Soult, was more than eighteen thou- s aid, not including those who were engulfed in the Douro. Multitudes of the wounded fled to the woods, where they perished miserably of exposure and starvation. But two hundred and fifty prisoners were taken. The French took two hundred thousand pounds of powder, a vast amount of stores, and tents for the ac- commodation of fifty thousand men. They captured also in the port thirty English vessels loaded with wine. The loss of the French in capturing Oporto, according to the report of the general-in-chief, was but eighty killed, and three hundred and fifty wounded. 617 258 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1809. Continued Scenes of Carnage. It is heart-sickening to proceed with the recital of these horrors. Similar scenes took place in Tarancon, where General Victor de- stroyed the remains of the regular Spanish army with terrible slaughter. A band of about twelve thousand men were cut to pieces by General Sebastiani. Again the Spaniards met with a fearful repulse upon the plains of Estremadura. The Spanish general, Cuesta, with twenty thousand infantry and four thou- sand horse, was attacked by General Victor with fifteen thousand foot and three thousand horse. As usual, the French cut to pieces their despised foes, capturing all their artillery, inflicting upon them a loss in killed, wounded, and prisoners, of ten thousand men, while the French lost but about one thousand. While these scenes were transpiring, Joseph, at Madrid, not only occupied himself with the general direction of the war, so far as the in- structions which he perpetually received from Paris enabled him to do, but labored incessant- ly, as he had done in Naples, in promoting all needful reforms, and in forming and executing plans for the happiness of his subjects.. He caused a constitution, which had been formed at Bayonne, to be published and widely circu- 1809.] THE SPANISH CAMPAIGN. 259 Napoleon's Remarks to O'Mear*. lated, that the Spaniards might be convinced that it was his desire to reign over them as a f ither rather than as a sovereign. Napoleon, speaking of his brother Joseph to Dr. O'Meara at Saint Helena, said: " Joseph is a very excellent man. His vir- tues and his talents are appropriate to private life. Nature destined him for that. He is too amiable to be a great man. He has no ambi- tion. He resembles me in person, but he i.> much better than I. He is extremely well educated." " I have always observed," O'Meara re- marks, "that he spoke of his brother Joseph with the most ardent affection." The fickleness of the multitude was very conspicuous during all these stormy scenes. Joseph made a short visit to the southern provinces. Everywhere he was received with the greatest enthusiasm, the people crowding around him, and greeting him with shouts of "Vive le Roi" Deputations from the cities and villages hastened to meet him with protes- tations of homage and fidelity. Joseph re- sponded, in those convincing accents which the honesty of his heart inspired, that he wished to forget all the past, to maintain the salutary 260 JO.SEPH BONAPARTE. [1809. Joseph at Malaga. institutions of religion, and to confer upon Spain that constitutional liberty which would secure its prosperity. Joseph and the friends who accompanied him were so much impress- ed with the apparent cordiality of their greet- ing that they were sanguine in the hope that the nation would rally around the new dynas- ty. On the 4th of March the King entered Malaga. The enthusiasm of his reception could scarcely have been exceeded. The streets through which he passed were strewn with flowers, and the windows filled with the smiling faces of ladies. He remained there for eight days, receiving every token of regard which affection and confidence could confer. But in other parts of the country where Jo- seph was not present it seemed as if the whole population, without a dissenting voice, was ris- ing against him. His embarrassments became extreme. He not only had no wish to impose himself upon a reluctant people, but no earth- ly consideration could induce him to do so. It was his sincere and earnest desire to lift up Spain from its degradation, and make it great and prosperous. The emissaries of Great Britain were everywhere busy recruiting the Spanish armies, lavishing gold in payment, tQ3EPH ENTERING MALAGA. 1809.] THE SPANISH CAMPAIGN. 263 Embarrassments of Joseph's Position. supplying the troops abundantly with clothing and all the munitions of war, and giving them English officers. Guerrilla bands were organ- ized, with the privilege of plundering and de- stroying all who were in favor of the new re- gime. The friends of the new regime dared not openly avow their attachment to the gov- ernment of Joseph, unless protected by French troops. It was thus extremely difficult to as- certain the real wishes of the nation. The Duke of Wellington was upon the fron- tiers, with an army of seventy thousand Eng- lish and Portuguese. If Joseph remained in Spain, it was clear that he had a long and bloody struggle before him. If he threw down the crown and abandoned the enterprise, Jt was surrendering Spain to England, to be forced inevitably into the coalition against France. Thus the existence of the new re- gime in France seemed to depend upon the result of the struggle in Spain. Joseph could not abandon the enterprise without being ap- parently false to his brother, to his own coun- try, and to the principle of equal rights for all throughout Europe. 264 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1809. Wellington in Spain. CHAPTER IX. THE WAR IN SPAIN CONTINUED. IN July of 1809 oseph was in Madrid, with an army of about forty thousand men. The rest of the French army was widely dis- persed. The Duke of Wellington thought this a favorable opportunity to make a rapid march and seize the Spanish capital. Collecting a force of eighty-five thousand troops, he pressed rapidly forward to Talavera, within two days' march of Madrid. Joseph, being informed of the approach of this formidable allied army, and that they were expecting still very con- siderable re-enforcements, resolved to advance and attack them before those new troops should arrive. By great exertions he collect- ed about forty-five thousand veterans, and on the 27th of July found himself facing his vast- ly-outnumbering foes, very formidably posted among the groves and hills of Talavera. For two days the battle raged. It was fearfully destructive. The allied army lost between six 1809.] THE WAR CONTINUED. 265 Buttle of Talavera. Retreat of Wellington. and seven thousand men. The French be- tween eight and nine thousand. The tall grass took fire, and, sweeping along like a prairie conflagration, fearfully burned many of the wounded. The Spaniards and Portuguese were easily dispersed. They seemed to care but little for the conflict, regarding themselves as the paid soldiers of England, fighting the bat- tles of England. But the British troops fought with the determination and bravery which has ever characterized the men of that race. At the close of the second day's fight the French troops drew off in good order, and en- camped about three miles in the rear. Though unable to disperse the army of Wellington, Joseph had accomplished his purpose in so crippling the enemy as to arrest his farther advance, and thus to save Madrid. Joseph waited in his encampment for the arrival of Soult, Ney, and Mortier, who were hastening to his aid. Wellington, finding that he could place but very little reliance upon his Portu- guese and Spanish allies, decided to retreat, abandoning his wounded to the protection of some Spanish troops whom he left as a rear- guard, who in turn abandoned the sufferers entirely and returned to Portugal. 266 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1809. Complaints of the English. The British complained bitterly of the luke- waramess and even treachery of their Spanish allies. Alison gives utterance to these com- plaints in saying: " From the moment the English troops en- tered Spain, they had experienced the wide difference between the promises and the per- formance of the Spanish authorities. We have the authority of Wellington for the assertion that if the Junta of Truxillo had kept their contract for furnishing two hundred and forty thousand rations, the Allies would, on the night of the 27th of July, have slept in Madrid. But for the month which followed the bat- lie of Talavera their distresses in this respect had indeed been excessive, and had reached a height which was altogether insupportable. Notwithstanding the most energetic remon- strances from Wellington, he had got hardly any supplies from the Spanish generals or au thorities from the time of his entering Spain. Cuesta had refused to lend him ninety mules to draw his artillery, though at the time he had several hundred in his army doing nothing. The troops of all arras were literally starving. During the month which followed the junction of the two armies, on the 22d of July, they 1809.] THE WAR CONTINUED. 267 Remarks of Alison. had not received ten days' bread. On many days they got only a little meat without salt, on others nothing at all. The cavalry and ar- tillery horses had not received, in the same time, three deliveries of forage, and in conse- quence a thousand had died, and seven hun- dred were on the sick list. "These privations were the more exasper- ating that, during the greater part of the time, the Spanish troops received their rations regu- larly, both for men and horsea The composi- tion of the Spanish troops, and their conduct at Talavera and upon other occasions, was not such as to inspire the least confidence in their capability of resisting the attack of the French armies. The men, badly disciplined and with- out uniform, dispersed the moment they expe- rienced any reverse, and permitted the whole weight of the contest to fall on the English soldiers, who had no similar means of escape. These causes had gradually produced an es- trangement, and at length a positive animosity between the privates and officers of the two ar- mies. An angry correspondence took place be- tween their respective generals, which widened the breach." A few skirmishes ensued between the con- 268 JOSEPH BONAPABTE. [1809. . Battle of the 3d of November. Triumph of Joseph. tending parties until the 3d of November, when Joseph, with thirty thousand men, encounter- ed fifty-five thousand Spaniards. The odds in favor of the Spaniards was so great that they rushed vigorously upon the French. A battle of four hours ensued. The Spanish army was broken to pieces, dispersed, trampled under foot. Twenty thousand prisoners, fifty-five pieces of cannon, and the whole ammunition of the army were captured by the French. " Wearied with collecting prisoners," says Alison, " the French at length merely took the arms from the fugitives, desiring them to go home, telling them that war was a trade which they were not fit for." From this conflict Joseph returned in tri- umph to his capital. It seemed for a time that no more resistance could be offered, and that his government was firmly established. Wel- lington was driven back into Portugal, and loudly proclaimed that he could place no reli- ance upon the promises or the arms of the Spaniards or the Portuguese. Napoleon had returned from the triumph- ant campaign of Wagram. Again he had shat- tered the coalition in the north, and was upon the pinnacle of his greatness. The total failure 1809.] THE WAR CONTINUED. 269 of Wellington's campaign had greatly disap- pointed the British people. The Common Council of London petitioned Parliament for an inquiry into the circumstances connected with this failure. " Admitting the valor of Lord Wellington," they said in their address, " the petitioners can see no reason why any recompense should be bestowed on him for his military conduct. After a useless display of British valor, and a frightful carnage, that army, like the preceding one, was compelled to seek safety in a precip- itous flight before an enemy who we were told had been conquered, abandoning many thou- sands of our wounded countrymen into the hands of the French. That calamity, like the others, has passed without any inquiry, and, as if their long-experienced impunity had put the servants of the Crown above the reach of jus- tice, ministers have actually gone the length of advising your majesty to confer honorable dis- tinctions on a general who has thus exhibited, with equal rashness and ostentation, nothing but a useless valor." Still, after an angry debate, in which there was very strong opposition presented against carrying on the war in Spain, it was finally 270 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1809. Penbtent Hostility of the British Government. decided to prosecute hostilities against Napole- on in the Peninsula with renewed vigor. The advocates of the measure urged that there was no other point in Europe where they could gain a foothold to attack Napoleon, and that by protracting the war there, and drawing down the French armies, they might afford an opportunity for the Northern powers again to rise in a coalition against the new regime. These views were very strenuously urged in the House of Lords by Lord Wellesley, Lord Cas- tlereagh, and Lord Liverpool. The vote stood sixty-five for the war, thirty-three against it. It was resolved to concentrate the whole force of England for a new campaign in the Penin- sula. One hundred millions of dollars were voted to the navy, one hundred and five mil- lions to the army, and twenty-five millions for the ordnance. The British navy engaged in the enterprise consisted of a thousand and nineteen vessels of war. In addition to these forces, the English were to raise all the troops they could from Spain and Portugal, offering them the most liberal pay, and encouraging them to all those acts of guerrilla warfare for which they were remarkably adapted, and which might prove most annoying to the French communications. 1811.] THE WAR CONTINUED. 271 The Conflict renewed. Causes of the Strife. Napoleon, to meet the emergency, had in the Peninsula an armj of two hundred and eighty thousand men ready for service. Slow- ly the months of the year 1810 rolled away over that wretched land. There were battles on the plains and among the hills, sieges, bom- bardments, conflicts hand to hand in the blood- stained streets, outrages innumerable, pesti- lence, famine, conflagration, misery, death. The causes of the conflict were clearly defined and distinctly understood by the leading men on each side. Never was there a more moment- ous question to be decided by the fate of ar- mies. England was fighting to perpetuate in England and on the Continent the old regime of aristocratic privilege. France was fighting to defend and maintain in France and among the other regenerated nations of Europe, the new regime of equal rights for all men. The intelli- gent community everywhere distinctly compre- hended the nature of the conflict, and chose their sides. The unintelligent masses, often blinded by ignorance, deluded by fanaticism, or controlled by power, were bewildered, and swayed to and fro, as controlled by circum- stances. The year 1811 opened sadly upon this war- 272 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1811 Conscientiousness of the Antagonists. deluged land. It would only lacerate the heart of the reader to give an honest recital of the miseries which were endured. No one can read with pleasure the account of these scenes of blood, misery, and death. Equal bravery and equal determination were displayed by the French and by the English, and, alas for man, there was probably much conscientiousness on both sides. There were religious men in each army, men who went from their knees in prayer into the battle. There were men who honestly believed that the interests of humani- ty required that the government of the nations should be in the hands of the rich and the no- ble. There were others who as truly believed that the old feudal system was a curse to the nations, and that a new era of reform was de- manded, at whatever expense of treasure and blood. And thus these children of a common father, during the twelve long months of anoth- er year, contended with each other in the death- struggle upon more battle-fields than history can record. Joseph, in view of this slaughter and this misery, was at times extremely wretched. He knew not what to do. Nothing can exceed the sadness of some of his letters to his brother. 1811.] THE WAR CONTINUED. 273 Painful Position of Joseph. To abandon the conflict seemed like cowardice, and might prove the destruction of the popu- lar cause all over Europe. To persevere was to perpetuate blood and misery. Seldom has any man been placed in a position of greater difficulty, but the integrity, the conscientious- ness, and the humanity of the man were mani- fest in every word he uttered, in every deed he performed. "My first duties," said Joseph, "are for Spain. I love France as my family, Spain as my religion. I am attached to the one by the affections of my heart, and to the other by my conscience." Napoleon, wearied with these incessant wars, which were draining the treasure and the blood of France, thought that if he could con- nect himself by marriage with one of the an- cient dynasties, he could thus bring himself into the acknowledged family of kings, and se- cure such an alliance as would prevent these incessant coalitions of all dynastic Europe against France. In March, 1810, the Emperor, having committed the greatest mistake of his life in the divorce of Josephine a sin against God's law, though with him, at the time, a sin of ignorance and of good intentions a mistake 618 274 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1811. Birth of tha King of Koine. which he afterward bitterly deplored as the ul- timate cause of his ruin married Maria Louisa, the daughter of the Emperor of Austria. This union seemed to unite Austria with France in a permanent alliance, and for a time gave promise of securing the great blessing which Napoleon hoped to attain by it. On the 20th of March, 1811, Napoleon wrote to Joseph: " MONSIEUR MON FRERE, I hasten to an- nounce to your Majesty that the Empress, my dear wife, has just been safely delivered of a prince, who at his birth received the title of the King of Rome. Your Majesty's constant affection towards me convinces me that you will share in the satisfaction which I feel at an event of such importance to my family and to the welfare of my subjects. " This conviction is very agreeable to me. Your Majesty is aware of my attachment, and can not doubt the pleasure with which I seize this opportunity of repeating the assurance of the sincere esteem and tender friendship with which I am," etc. On the same day, a few hours later, he wrote again to his brother giving a minute ac- count of the accouchement, which was very severe. He closed this letter by saying: 1811.] THE WAR CONTINUED. 275 Despatch from Napoleon. " The babe is perfectly well. The Empress is as comfortable as could be expected. This evening, at eight o'clock, the infant will be privately baptized. As I do not intend the public christening to take place for the next six weeks, I shall intrust General Defrance, my equerry, who will be the bearer of this letter, with, another in which I shall ask you to stand godfather to your nephew." In May, Joseph, accompanied by a small retinue, visited Paris, to have a personal confer- ence with his brother upon the affairs of Spain. He was much dissatisfied that the French mar- shals there were so independent of him in the conduct of their military operations. The re- sult of the conversations which he held with his brother was, that he returned to Spain ap- parently satisfied. He entered Madrid on the 15th of July, in the midst of an immense con- course of people. The principal inhabitants of the city, in a long train of carriages, came out to meet him, a triumphal arch was con- structed across the road, and joy seemed to beam from every countenance. He immedi- ately consecrated himself with new ardor to the administration of the internal affairs of his realm. 276 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [181L The Emperor's Address. There was very strong opposition manifested by the people of England against the Spanish war. There were many indications that the British Government might be forced, by the voice of the people, to relinquish the conflict. Animated by these hopes, Joseph announced his intention of calling a Spanish congress, in which the people should be fully represented, to confer upon the national interests. Wel- lington was thoroughly disheartened. His dis- patches were full of bitter complaints against the incapacity of the British Government. Na- poleon, in his address to the legislative body on the 18th of June, 1811, in the following terms alluded to the war in Spain : "Since 1809 the greater part of the strong places in Spain have been taken, after memo- rable sieges, and the insurgents have been beat- en in a great number of pitched battles. Eng- land has felt that the war is approaching a termination, and that intrigues and gold are no longer sufficient to nourish it. She has found herself, therefore, obliged to alter the nature of her assistance, and from an auxiliary she has become a principal. All her troops of the line have been sent to the Peninsula. "English blood has, at length, flowed in 1811.] THE WAR CONTINUED. 277 Grandeur of Napoleon. torrents in several actions glorious to the French arms. This conflict with Carthage, which seemed as if it would be decided on fields of battle on the ocean or beyond the seas, will henceforth be decided on the plains of Spain. When England shall be exhausted, when she shall at last have felt the evils which for twenty years she has with so much cruelty poured upon the Continent, when half her families shall be in mourning, then shall a peal of thunder put an end to the affairs of the Peninsula, the destinies of her armies, and avenge Europe and Asia by finishing this sec- ond Punic War." 1 At the close of the year 1811 Napoleon stood upon the highest pinnacle of his power. Coalition after coalition had been shattered by his armies, and now he had not an avowed foe upon the Continent. The Emperor of Russia was allied to him by the ties of friendship ; the Emperor of Austria by the ties of relationship. Other hostile nations had been too thoroughly vanquished to attempt to arise against him, or, by political regeneration, had been brought into sympathy with the new regime in France. The English, aided by their resistless fleet, 1 Moniteur, Jan. 11, 1811. 278 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [181L The Constitution of 1812. still held important positions in Portugal. They however had no foothold in Spain ex- cepting at Cadiz, situated upon the island of Leon, upon the extreme southern point of the Peninsula. The usual population of the city of Cadiz was one hundred and fifty thousand. But this number had been increased by a hundred thousand strangers, who had thrown themselves into the place. About fifty thou- sand troops under Marmont were besieging the city. The garrison defending Cadiz consisted of about twenty thousand men, five thousand of whom were English soldiers. The British fleet was also in its harbor, with encouragement and supplies. Here and there predatory bands occasionally appeared, but this was nearly all the serious'opposition which was then present- ed to the reign of Joseph. The French lines encompassing the city were thirty miles in length, extending from sea to sea. To the great chagrin of England, the Span- ish leaders in Cadiz convened a Congress, which formed a constitution, called the Constitution of 1812, far more radically democratic than even Napoleon could advocate for Spain. Wellington was exceedingly vexed, and com- plained bitterly of this conduct on the part of 1812.] THE WAR CONTINUED. 279 Letter from Joseph to Napoleon. the men whose battle he assumed to be fight- ing. "The British Government were well aware," says Alison, " while democratic frenzy was thus reigning triumphant at Cadiz, from the dispatches of their ambassador there, the Honorable H. Wellesley, as well as from Wel- lington's information of the dangerous nature of the spirit which had been thus evolved, that they had a task of no ordinary difficulty to encounter in any attempt to moderate its transports." 1 Joseph grew more and more disheartened. All his plans for the pacification of the country .were baffled. On the 23d of March, 1812, he wrote to bis brother from Madrid as follows: " SIRE, When a year ago I sought the ad- vice of your Majesty before coming back to Spain, you urged me to return. It is there- fore that I am here. You had the kindness to say to me that I should always have the privi- lege of leaving the country if the hopes we had conceived should not be realized. In that case your Majesty assured me of an asylum in the south of the Empire, between which and Mortfontaine I could divide my residence. "Events have disappointed my hopes. I 1 Alison, vol. iii. p. 407. 280 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1812. Spanish Antipathy to the Duke of Wellington. have done no good, and I have no longer any hopes of doing any. I entreat, then, your Majesty to permit me to resign to his hands the crown of Spain, which he condescended to transmit to me four years ago. In accepting the crown of this country, I never had any other object in view than the happiness of this vast monarchy. It has not been in my power to accomplish it. I pray your Majesty to re- ceive me as one of his subjects, and to be- lieve that he will never have a more faithful servant than the friend whom nature has given him." The resignation was not then accepted, and circumstances soon became such that Joseph felt that he could not with honor withdraw from the post he occupied. The Spaniards looked with great distrust upon the Duke of Wellington, who was the em bodiment of the principles of aristocracy, the more to be feared in consequence of his inflexi- ble will. The English deemed the re-enthrone- ment of Ferdinand VII. and his despotic sway essential to the success of their cause. The uncrowned King and his brother Don Carlos were living very sumptuously and contentedly, chasing foxes and hares at Valengay, and cut* 1812.] THE WAR CONTINUED. 281 Embarrassments of the British Government ting down the park to build bonfires in cele- bration of Napoleon's victories. The British Government, alarmed in view of the democratic spirit unexpectedly developed by a portion of the Spanish allies, sent a secret agent, Baron Rolli, a man of great sagacity, address, and intrepidity, to persuade Ferdinand to violate his pledge of honor, to escape from Valen as it shall be clearly understood that all ought to devote themselves to the happiness of all, the most difficult thing will be accomplished. May we live long enough to witness that, and may I have the happiness of renewing my long friendship in our common country, in- sometimes speaking to you of the admiration and gratitude with which you are regarded in the New World." The following letter from Victor Hugo re- flects such light upon the reputation of Joseph Bonaparte, as to merit insertion here. It was dated Paris, Feb. 27, 1833 : "SlRE, I avail myself of the first opportu- nity to reply to you. Monsieur Presle, who- leaves for London, kindly offers to place this letter in the hands of your Majesty. Permit roe, sire, to treat you ever royally, vous traiter 368 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1833. Letter from Victor Hugo. toujours royalement The kings whom Napole- on made, in my opinion nothing can unmake. There is no human power which can efface the august sign which that grand man has placed upon your brow. I have been profoundly moved by the sympathy which your Majesty has testified for me upon the occasion of my prosecution for ' Le Eoi S" 1 amuse? You love liberty, sire. Liberty also loves you. Permit me to send you, with this letter, a copy of the discourse which I pronounced before the Tribu- nal of Commerce. I am very desirous that you should see it in a form different from the reports in the journals, which are always in- exact. " I should be very happy, sire, to go to London to clasp that royal hand which has so often clasped the hand of my father. M.Presle will inform your Majesty of the obstacles which at the present moment prevent me from real- izing a wish so dear. I have very many things to say to you. It is impossible that the future should be wanting to your family, great as has been the loss of the past year. You bear the grandest of historic names. In truth, we are moving rather toward a republic than toward a monarchy. But, to a sage like you, the ex- 1833.] LAST DAYS AND DEATH. 369 Letter from the Duchess of Abrantea. terior form of government is of but little im- portance. You have proved, sire, that you know how to be worthily the citizen of a re- public. Adieu, sire ; the day in which I shall be permitted to press your hand in mine will be one of the most glorious of my life. While waiting for this your letters render me proud and happy." The celebrated Duchess of Abrantes, wife of Marshal Junot, sent her Memoirs to King Joseph by the hands of M. Presle. The fol- lowing extracts from the letter of the duchess to M. Presle shows the enthusiastic attachment which Joseph won from his friends. The let- ter is dated Paris, 1833 . " Will you be so good, sir, as to have the kindness to take charge of the book which I send with this, and also of the letter. which I address to his Majesty, King Joseph? I. ear- nestly desire that both should be transmitted to him as promptly as possible. I very much wish, sir, I could have the pleasure of seeing you. My attachment for King Joseph is so profound and so true, of such long-standing, so established upon bases which can never crum- ble, that I would give days of my life to talk a moment with persons loving him as I do, and 624 370 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [183& Letter from the Duchess of Abrantes. speaking to me as I speak of him and think of him. As for me, to see him for one moment would be now the fulfillment of the most ar- dent of my wishes. " With these feelings, you will perceive, sir, how happy I shall be to have him soon re- ceive this letter, which I entrust to you. It contains my wishes for the new year. And I can truly say that there is not another heart in France more sincerely devoted to his happi- ness his true happiness and his glory. Ah I sir, I assure him that in France there is one being who is warmly attached, sincerely de- voted to him, as are all hers. My children have been cradled in the name of Napoleon, and that without concealment. The misfor- tune of their father has been an additional tie to attach them to the memory of the Emperor^ and to all those who bear his revered name. The bust of the Emperor is in my alcove, by the side of the font in which I place my lus- tral water. There I every morning and even- ing repeat my prayers. Why should I not say this? I do it because rny love for my country constrains me to fall upon my knees before that name which constituted its glory and its happiness for fifteen years." 1833.] LAST DAYS AND DEATH. 371 Restoration of Napoleon's Statue to the Column of Austerlitz. On the 28th of July, 1833, the Louis Phi- lippe Government, in reluctant concession to the almost universal voice of the French people,, restored the statue of Napoleon to the Column of Austerlitz, in the Place Vendome. It i& scarcely too much to say that as that statue rose to its proud eminence, the whole French nation raised a shout of joy. A Parisian jour- nal, The Tribune, intending perhaps to reflect upon the Government, expressed surprise in not seeing a single member of the Bonaparte family shaking the dust of exile from his feet, and coming, in the broad light of July, claiming a "just reparation." Joseph wrote to the editor from London a letter containing the following sentiments : " I have read in your journal of July 29th the article in which you give an account of the solemnity which took place on the 28th at the foot of the Column of Austerlitz, upon the in- auguration of the statue of the Emperor Na- poleon. You attribute the absence of his broth- ers to very strange sentiments. Are you ig- norant, then, that an iniquitous law, dictated by the enemies of France to the elder branch of the Bourbons, excluded these brothers, out of hatred to the name of Napoleon ? Would 372 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1833. Restoration of Napoleon's Statue to the Column of Austerlitz. you wish that, in defiance of a law which the National Majesty has not yet repealed, we should bear the brands of discord into our country at the moment when it re-erects the statue of our brother ? Every thing far the na- tion, was the motto of our brother. It shall be ours also. " Instead of speaking, as a hostile journal would have done, in casting the blame upon patriots proscribed, who wander over the world the victims of the enemies of their country, would it not have exhibited more of courage and of justice on your part, sir, to recall to the electors of France that Napoleon has a mother who languishes upon a foreign soil, without it being possible for her children to speak to her a last adieu ? She shares with three genera- tions of her kindred, including sixty French, the rigors of an exile of twenty years. They are guilty of no other crime than that of being the relatives of a man whose statue is re-erect- ed by national decree. " The name of Napoleon will never be the banner of civil discord. Twice he withdrew from France, that he might not be the pretext for the infliction of calamities upon his coun- try. Such are the doctrines which Napoleon 1834.] LAST DAYS AND DEATH. 373 The Law of Proscription. has bequeathed to his family. It is because the French people know well that his pretend- ed despotism was but a dictatorship, rendered necessary by the wars which his enemies waged against him, that his memory remains popular Is it just, is it honorable that his family should still be condemned to endure the anguish of exile, and to hear even his ancient enemies re- proach the French with the injustice of their proscription ?" This law of proscription, dictated by the Allies on the 12th of January, 1816, and re-af- firmed by the Government of Louis Philippe, was as follows : " The ascendants and descendants of Napo- leon Bonaparte, his uncles and his aunts, his nephews and his nieces, his brothers, their wives and theirdescendants, his sisters and their husbands, are excluded from the realm forever." The penalty for violating this decree of ban- ishment was death. Madame Letitia had been informed in Rome that the Louis Philippe Government contemplated abolishing the de- cree of exile, so far as she alone was concerned. In response she wrote, April, 1834, to a distin- guished gentleman in Paris, M. Sapey, as fol lows: 374 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1834. Letter from Madame Letitia. "MONSIEUR, Those who recognize the ab- surdity of maintaining the law of exile against my family, and who wish nevertheless to pro- pose an exception, do not know either my principles or my character. I was left a widow at thirty-three years of age, and my eight chil- dren were my only consolation. Corsica was menaced with separation from France. The loss of my property and the abandonment of my fireside did not terrify me. I followed my children to the Continent. In 1814 I followed Napoleon to the island of Elba. In 1816, notwithstanding my age, I should have follow- ed him to Saint Helena had it not been pro- hibited. I resigned myself to live a prisoner of state at Rome ; yes, a prisoner of state. I know not whether that was through an ampli- fication of the law which exiled me with my family from France, or by a protocol of the allied powers. " I then saw persecution reach such a pitch as to compel the members of my family, who had devoted themselves to live with me at Rome, to abandon the city. I then decided to withdraw from the world, and to seek no other happiness than that of the future life ; since I saw myself separated from those for whom I 1835.] LAST DAYS AND DEATH. 375 Letter from Joseph to Louis. clung to life, and in whom reposed all ray souvenirs and all my happiness, if there were any more happiness remaining for me in this world. How could I hope to find any equiva- lent in France, which was not already poison- ed by the injustice of men in power who could not pardon my family the glory which it has acquired ? "Leave me, then, in my honorable suffer- ings, that I may bear to the tomb the integrity of my character. I will never separate my lot from that of my children. It is the only con- solation which remains to me. Eeceive, never- theless, monsieur, my thanks for the kind in- terest which you have taken in my affairs." On the 15th of January, 1835, Joseph wrote to his brother Louis, the father of Napoleon III., as follows : " MY DEAR BROTHER, I have received your letter of the 27th of December. I am afflicted by the depression of spirits in which it was written. It is true that for many years fortune has been constantly severe with us. But it is something to be able to say to one's self that fortune is blind. And an irreproach- able conscience and a good heart offer many consolations. They accompany us wherever 376 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1835. Letter from Joseph to Ixmie. we go, and prevent us from being too severe in our turn against fortune and her favorites of the day. " It is indeed true that there are but few gleams of happiness to be met in this life. The least unfortunate have still their storms. There are but few privileged men. How many there are whom we must admit to be more un- happy than we are. And we do not sufficient* ly take into account the sufferings of dishonor- ed men, whose conscience will at times awake and react upon those who have done it vio- lence. Those whc have borne arms against their country, against their benefactor, who have sold their services to foreigners, think you they can be happy ? The consciousness of not having merited the abandonment of which you speak, is not that a happy senti- ment ? It is necessary then for us to perceive what we are in this life, and not what we could wish to be. Being men, we are destined to live, that is to say, to suffer. But we can pre- serve our own self-respect, and the esteem of the friends who appreciate us. So long as that continues, one is not absolutely unhappy. In that point of view, no person ought to be more satisfied than yourself, my dear Louis. All 1335.] LAST DAYS AND DEATH. 377 Meeting of the Brothers in London. other evils over which we have no control are hard to endure, undoubtedly. But their neces- sity, in spite of ourselves, should lead us to bear them. We ought to submit to that which we can not prevent. " Still, I can say nothing upon this subject which you do not know as well as I do. But I am not writing a dissertation. I recount my sensations and my sentiments as they flow from my pen. The consciousness of not meriting the evil which one suffers greatly mitigates that evil. Adieu, my dear Louis. I love you as ever. We have not known any revolutions in our affections." Soon after Joseph had established himself in London, he called his brothers Lucien and Jerome, and his nephew, Prince Louis Napole- on, to join him there. The acts of the Govern- ment of Louis Philippe and the intense opposi- tion they encountered engrossed his meditations. Fully satisfied that the Government could not maintain itself in the course it was pursuing, Joseph deemed it important for the triumph of what he called the popular cause, to effect a cordial union between the Republican and Im- perial parties. The Government thwarted this union by sending spies into the clubs, who, 378 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1836. Testimony of Loui* Napoleon. joining those associations, assumed to be earn- est democrats, and strove in every way to pro- mote discord, while they extolled in most ex- travagant terms the brutal deeds of Marat, St. Just, and Robespierre. Joseph could not act in harmony with such men, and the projected alliance was abandoned. 1 In a brief sketch which Louis Napoleon, while a prisoner at Harn, wrote of his uncle Joseph just after his death, he says: "In gen- eral, Prince Louis Napoleon was in accord with his uncle upon all fundamental questions; but he differed from him upon one essential point, which offered a very strange contrast. The old man, whose days were nearly finished, did not wish to precipitate any thing. He was resigned to await the developments of time. But the young man, impatient, wished to act, and to precipitate events. "The insurrection at Strasbourg, in the month of October, 1836, thus took place with- out the authorization and without the participa- tion of Joseph. He was also much displeased with it, since the journals deceived him respect- ing the aim and intentions of his nephew. la 1837 Joseph revisited America. Upon his re- ' CEuvres de Napoleon III., tome deuxieme, p. 449. 1837.] LAST DAYS AND DEATH, 379 The Attempt at Strasbourg. turn to Europe in 1839 he found his nephew in England. Then, enlightened respecting the object, the means, and the plans of Prince Lou- is Napoleon, he restored to him all his tender- ness. The publication of Les Idees Napoleo- niennes merited his entire approbation. And upon that occasion he declared openly that, in his quality of friend and depositary of the most intimate thoughts of the Emperor, he could say positively that that book contained the exact and faithful record of the political intentions of his brother." It will be remembered that Louis Napoleon, after the attempt at Strasbourg, was sent in a French frigate to Brazil, and thence to New York, where he remained but a few weeks, when he returned to Europe to his dying moth- er. At New York, under date of April 22, 1837, he wrote the following letter to his uncle Joseph at London. The letter very clearly re- veals the relation then existing between tbem. " MY DEAR UNCLE, Upon my arrival in the United States, I hoped to have found a letter from you. I confess to you that I have been deeply pained to learn that you were displeased with me. I have even been astonished by it, knowing your judgment and your heart. Yes, 880 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1837. Letter from Louis Napoleon to bis Uncle Joseph. my uncle, you must have been strangely led into error in respect to me, to repel as enemies men who have devoted themselves to the cause of the Empire. " If, successful at Strasbourg, and it was very near a success, I had marched upon Paris, draw- ing after me the populations fascinated by the souvenirs of the Empire, and, arriving in the capital a pretender, I had seized upon the legal power, then indeed there would have been nobleness and grandeur of soul in disavowing my conduct, and in breaking with me. " But how is it ? I attempt one of those bold enterprises which could alone re-establish that which twenty years of peace have caused to be forgotten. I throw myself into the at- tempt, ready to sacrifice my life, persuaded that my death even would be useful to our cause. I escape, against my wishes, the bayonets and the scaffold; and, having escaped, I find on the part of my family only contumely and dis- dain. " If the sentiments of respect and esteem with which I regard you were not so sincere, I should not so deeply feel your conduct in re- spect to me ; for I venture to say that public opinion can never admit that there is any alien- 1837.] LAST DAYS AND DEATH. 381 Letter from Louis Napoleon to his Uncle Joseph. ation between us. No person can comprehend that you disavow your nephew because he has exposed himself in your cause. No one can comprehend that men who have perilled their lives and their fortune to replace the eagle upon our banners can be regarded by you as enemies, any more than they could comprehend that Louis XVIII. would repel the Prince of Conde or the Due d'Enghien because they had been unfortunate in their enterprises. " I know you too well, my dear uncle, to doubt the goodness of your heart, and not to hope that you will return to sentiments more just in respect to me, and in respect to those who have compromised themselves for your cause. As for myself, whatever may be your procedure in reference to me, my line of con- duct will be ever the same. The sympathy of which so many persons have given me proofs; my conscience, which does in nothing reproach me ; in fine, the conviction that if the Emperor beholds me from his elevation in the skies, he would approve my conduct, are so many com- pensations for all the mortifications and injus- tice which I have experienced. My enterprise bas failed ; that is true. But it has announced to France that the family of the Emperor is not 382 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1840. Letter from Louis Napoleon to his Uncle Joseph. yet dead ; that it still numbers many devoted friends ; in fine, that their pretensions are not limited to the demand of a few pence from the Government, but to the re-establishment, in favor of the people, of those rights of which foreigners and the Bourbons have deprived them. This is what I have done. Is it for you to condemn me? "I send you with this a recital of my re- movement from the prison of Strasbourg, that you may be fully informed of all my proceed- ings, and that you may know that I have done nothing unworthy of the name which I bear. I beg you to present my respects to my uncle Lucien. I rely upon his judgment and affec- tion to be my advocate with you. I entreat you, my dear uncle, not to be displeased with the laconic manner in which I represent these facts, such as they are. Never doubt my un- alterable attachment to you. "Your tender and respectful nephew, " NAPOLEON Louis.'" In 1840 the health of Joseph began to be 1 For a short time after the death of his elder hrothflr, Louis Napoleon, in accordance with the understood wish of the Emperor, adopted the signature of Napoleon Louis. Soon, however, he again resumed his original name. 1843.] LAST DAYS AND DEATH. 383 Failing Health of Joseph. seriously impaired. In London he had an at- tack of paralysis, which induced him to go to the warm baths of Wildbad, in Wurtemberg. He was somewhat benefited by the waters, and cherished the hope that he might join members of his family in Italy. But the Continental sovereigns so feared the potency of the name of Bonaparte upon the masses of the people that his request was peremptorily refused. Thus repulsed, he returned to the cold climate of England. In 1841, the King of Sardinia, who was strongly leaning toward popular principles, allowed Joseph to take up his residence in Genoa. He was conveyed to that city in an English ship. He had been there but a few weeks, when the Duke of Tuscany, commiser- ating his dying condition, kindly consented that he should join his wife, his children, and his brothers in Florence. In 1842 Joseph bequeathed to the principal cities of Corsica several hundred valuable paintings, which he had received as a legacy from his uncle, Cardinal Fesch. In 1843, the Government of Louis Philippe, with marvellous inconsistency, voted to demand the remains of the Emperor Napoleon from 384 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1843, The Remains of the Kmperor brought back to France. the British Government, and to rear to his honor, beneath the dome of the Invalides. the monument of a nation's gratitude, while at the same time that Government persisted in banishing from France all the members of the Napoleon family. A very earnest petition was sent at this time to the Government, numerously signed by Frenchmen, praying that the decree of banishment against the Bonaparte family might be annulled. But the Louis Philippe Government declared in council that the reso- lution of the Government to prolong the exile of the family of Napoleon was positive and unchanging. Joseph wrote a letter of thanks in behalf of the Bonaparte family to the sign- ers of the petition, in which he said : " The elder branch of the Bourbons, brought back to France by foreign bayonets, we have ever frankly treated as enemies. They did not conceive the hope of degrading us in our own eyes. It has been reserved for the younger branch to call artifice to its aid to glorify the dead Napoleon, and to traduce, to proscribe his mother, his sisters, his nephews, fifty or sixty French people, charged with the crime of bear- ing his name. 1843.] LAST DAYS AND DEATH. 385 Letter of Thanks from Joseph. " Were Napoleon living to-day, he would think as we do. He would recognize in France no other sovereign than the French people, who alone have the right to establish such a form of Government as to them may seem best for their interests. The too long dictatorship of Napoleon was prolonged by the persistence of the enemies of the Revolution, who endeav- ored to destroy in him the principle of nation- al sovereignty from which he emanated. " At a general peace, universal suffrage, lib- erty of the press, and all the guaranties for the perpetual prosperity of a great nation, which were in the plans of Napcieon, would have been unveiled before entire France, and would have made him the greatest man in his- tory. His whole thoughts were made known to me. It is my duty loudly to proclaim them. He sacrificed himself twice, that he might save France from civil war. The heirs of his name would renounce forever the happiness of breath- ing the air of their native country, did they think that their presence would inflict upon it the least injury. Such are the principles, the opinions, the sentiments of all the members of the family of Napoleon, of which I am here the interpreter. Every thing for and by the people. 11 ft 25 386 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1844 Sickness and Death. In the few remaining years of his life, nursed by the tender care of his wife Julie, who was to him an angel of consolation, Jo- seph remained in Florence, his mind entirely engrossed with the misfortunes of his family. He had become fully reconciled to his nephew, and keenly sympathized with him in his cap- tivity at Ham. The glaring inconsistency of the Government of Louis Philippe in persisting to banish from France the relatives of a man whom all France almost adored, simply because they were that great man's relatives, often roused bis indignation. T.he thought that he was an exile from his native land from France, which he .had served so faithfully, and loved so well embit- tered his last hours. Supported by the devo- tion of Julie, and by the presence of his broth- ers, Louis and Jerome, to both of whom he was tenderly attached, he awaited without re- gret the approach of death. On the 23d of July, 1844, Joseph breathed his last at Florence, at the age of sixty-six years. He left his fortune, which was not very large, to his eight grandchildren. He also re- quested that his remains should be deposited in Florence until the hour should come when 1844.] LAST DAYS AND DEATH. 387 Character of Joseph. they could be removed to the soil of his beloved France. Queen Julie survived him but a few- months. Her remains were deposited by the side of those of her husband, and of her second daughter, the Princess Charlotte, who died in 1839. Joseph was eminently calculated to embel- lish society and to adorn the arts of peace. His literary attainments were very extensive, and in the Tribune he was eminent, both as an orator and a ready debater. Familiar with all the choicest passages of the classic writers of France and Italy, and thoroughly read in all the branches of political economy, with great affability of manners and spotless purity of character, he would have been a man of dis- tinction in any country and in any age. To say that he was not equal to his brother Napo- leon is no reproach, for Napoleon has never probably, in all respects, had his equal. But Joseph filled with distinguished honor all the varied positions of his eventful life. As a leg islator, an ambassador, a general, a monarch, and a private citizen, he was alike eminent. From the commencement of his career until his last breath, he was devoted to those princi- ples of popular rights to which the French 388 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1844. Character of Joseph. Revolution gave birth, and which his more il- lustrious brother so long and so gloriously up- held against the combined dynasties of Europe. This sublime struggle of the people throughout Europe, under the banners of Napoleon, against the old regime of aristocratic oppression, pro- foundly moved the soul of Joseph. The hon- ors he received, the flattery at times lavished upon him, did not corrupt his heart. " Under the purple," says Napoleon III., " as under the cloak of exile, Joseph ever remained the same; the determined opponent of all oppression, of all privilege, of every abuse, and the earnest advocate of equal rights and of popular lib- erty." In his last days, Joseph, whose conversa- tional powers were remarkable, loved to recall the scenes of his memorable career. With the most touching simplicity, and with a charm of quiet eloquence which moved all hearts, he held in breathless interest those who were grouped around him. With pleasure he al- luded to the comparatively humble origin of his family, which had counted among the mem- bers so many kings. He was fond of relating anecdotes of the brother of whom he was so proud, and whom he so tenderly loved. One 1844.] LAST DAYS AND DEATH. 389 Character of Joseph. of these characteristic anecdotes was as fol- lows: "Joseph," said the Emperor to me one day, "T ' has infinite ability, has he not? Well, do you know why he has never accom- plished any thing great ? It is because grand thoughts come only from the heart, and T has no heart" Though Joseph was a man of extraordinary gentleness of character and sweetness of dispo- sition, the cruel treatment of his brother at Saint Helena he could never allude to without intense emotion. In speaking of the destitu- tion of the Emperor in the hovel on that dis- tant rock, his eyes would fill with tears, and his voice would tremble under the vehemence of his feelings. The course pursued by the Government of Louis Philippe, the whole internal and exter- nal policy of that unhappy monarch, arresting the progress of popular rights at home and de- grading France abroad, and especially its gross inconsistency in lavishing honors upon the memory of Napoleon, and yet persisting in ban- ishing his descendants, roused his indignation. We can not conclude this brief sketch more 1 Talleyrand. 390 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. [1844. Character of J oaeph. appropriately than in the words of Louis Na- poleon, written when he was a captive at Ham, and when his uncle Joseph had just died in ex- ile at Florence. "If there existed to-day among us a man who, as a deputy, a diplomatist, a king, a citizen, or a soldier, was invariably distinguished for his patriotism and his brilliant qualities ; if that man had rendered himself illustrious by his oratorical triumphs, and by the advantageous treaties he had concluded for the interests of France; if that man had refused a crown be- cause the conditions which it imposed upon him wounded his conscience ; if that man had conquered a realm, gained battles, and had ex- hibited upon two thrones the light of French ideas ; if, in fine, in good as in bad fortune, he had always remained faithful to his oaths, to his country, to his friends ; that man, we may say, would occupy the highest position in pub- lic esteem, statues would be raised to him, and civic crowns would adorn his whitened locks. " Well ! this man lately existed, with all these glories, with all these honorable antece- dents. Nevertheless upon his brow we see only the imprint of misfortune. His country has requited his noble services by an exile of 1844.] LAST DAYS AND DEATH. 391 Character of Joseph. twenty-nine years. "We deplore this, without being astonished at it There are but two par- ties in France; the vanquished and the van- quishers at Waterloo. The vanquishers are in power, and all that is national is crushed beneath the weight of defeat." These words were written in the year 1844. The Empire is now restored. The decree of exile against the Bonaparte family is annulled. The heir of the Emperor sits upon the throne, recognized by all the nations in the Old World and the New. The time has come when the character of Joseph Bonaparte can be, and will be justly appreciated. THE END. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. A 000056515 o