IC-NRLF o fc ra r CO W > | C" 3 t ->-- C * Ij -H 1 1 ^ i ^ C >v ~ ' c vC O (Q It r-* | Jc 4 C -p c H 1 % & : ^ FH \ J. w r\ 1 .H s a ^ V| ^ 1 > ^ ^ ^ rH r^ ' =j :^ w i >>^ K - r^ ijijj VJ j A^- ^ 1 i O 4^ : g . o> : t.~. CD - 'C ^ C fr, ci : tf > ^ 1 ^- IT: 4-- SPIRALS for Street Railway Curves and Easement Curves for treet Railway Branch-Off s OF THE UNIVERSITY Complete Formulas and Tables The Pennsylvania Steel Company a I . Steelton, Pa. FROG AND SWITCH DEPARTMENT Copyright 1906 by The Pennsylvania Steel Company, SteeUon, Pa. THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY LIST OF OFFICES 1 ne Pennsylvania kteel (Company GENERAL SALES OFFICE Philadelphia, Pa., Girard Trust Building Cable .A/Jress, Penns/ee/, Philadelphia. (l/se Lieber's Code.) BALTIMORE, MD. . . Continental Trust Building BOSTON, MASS. . . . . . . . 70 Kilby Street CHICAGO, ILL. . ' . . . Western Union Building LONDON, ENG ..... 110 Cannon Street, E. C. MEXICO, MEX. ... 76 Calle de Cinco de Mayo NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. ... . . 71 Broadway PHILADELPHIA, PA. . . . Girard Trust Building SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. . - ST. Louis, Mo. . Commonwealth Trust Building STEELTON, PA ........... Works THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY 5 JHE Spiral System presented in the following pages has been in use by The Penn- sylvania Steel Company for the last decade, and has given general satis- faction. It consists of a transition formed of arcs of diminishing radii, and is calculated upon the center line of track, since that is substantially the path followed by the center of gravity of the cars. The purpose of a spiral ending on a short radius street railway curve is not as in steam railroad prac- tice, to enable the super-elevation of the outer rail of curve to be gradually attained, but to reduce the shock due to the change in direction of the car. The switch easements are so designed that a plain curve can be converted 1 6 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY into a branch-off with the minimum disturbance of existing work while re- taining standard switches and mates, and some simplification of computation is also obtained. The solutions of the various problems given present suffi- cient information to enable any data required for the laying out or con- struction of track to be readily secured. THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY PROBLEM 1. To select a spiral. (a) The radius of the main curve must be less than the preceding branch of the spiral, must be more than the next branch would be were it pro- duced, and should nearly equal the latter. (b] The longer the spiral, the easier the entrance will be. But bear in mind that the main body of the curve should be circular, the spiral simply acting as an entrance to it. (c} A spiral of less than three branches should not be used. Problem PROBLEM 2. Given: A circular curve with sym- metrical spirals, to find the tangent and external distances. O G R+X versine S R; GS=Y sineSR; THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY Tangent distance O G tan y 2 A +G S ; External distance O G ex sec V 2 A +X- S R. PROBLEM 3. Given : The tangent distance V S, the intersection angle A, and the desired length of spiral, to find the radius of the curve. Approximate R=cotangent y z A(V S ^ length of spiral). Hav- ing selected a spiral by this radius, the exact radius may be found, if required, by the following formula : p _cos y 2 A (V S Y X tan y 2 A ) sine (y 2 A S) Caution If the result is enough different from the original radius to require a change in the spiral by Problem 1, a second trial must be made. PROBLEM 4. Given : The intersection angle A THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY and the external distance V H, to find the radius. Approximate to the radius by finding that for a simple curve passing through the point H, and select a spiral for a radius somewhat smaller. Then R= VHcosKA-X cos S cos y 2 A Caution If the result is enough different from the original radius to require a change in the spiral by Problem 1, a second trial must be made. Problems 5 and 6 PROBLEM 5. Given : The X and Y for any point on the spiral ; to find the deflection from the tangent at the point of spiral. Tangent deflection angle^^- PROBLEM 6. Given : The X and Y for any point on the spiral, to find the long chord. Y (a) Long chords : -j -. . cosine det angle or (b] Long chord ^^/xa-i-Y 2 . PROBLEM 7. Given : X and Y for a point on the spiral, -to find X' and Y' on a line parallel to the spiral, and offset the distance S S' inside the spiral. X'=X S S' versine S; Y'=Y SS'sineS . Note Problems 5 and 6 can then be applied to X' and Y' if it is desired to use deflection angles to lay out the curve. 10 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY it. Problem 7 As these curves will almost invariably be laid out on an offset varying with the gage of the road, the deflections are not figured in the table. Problem 8 PROBLEMS. Given: A circular curve with spi- rals to find the distance V V, in order to lay out a THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY 11 tangent to the circular curve, from which the latter may be laid out in the usual manner. V H = see Problem 2; V H=R ex secant (^ A S) ; V V'=VH V H. -Jt-L ------s-- PROBLEM 9. General solution for unsymmetrical curves. O G=R+X R versine S ; -G S=Y R sine S; O G' R+X' R versine S' ; GS'=Y RsineS '; V S=tan y 2 AO G+G S G '~ V S'=tan y z AO G+G' S' sine A Q G' O G tan A 12 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY Note in above; + if A is more than 90, and if A is less than 90. A'= A (S+S 0/ ); V Lor V L'=tan #A' R; V B=X+V LsineS ; VB=VS (Y+V L VLversine S); VV' = VB if C =45 -; cosine C VV'=-X^if C=45+. sine C PROBLEM 10. Given : The middle ordinate for a chord of length a b for R and R', to find the middle ordinate at the P C C. From the figure it is evident that d' c' bisects c d. .-. ef= cf+df 2 Therefore, the middle ordinate at any P C C in the spiral equals one-half the sum of the middle* ordi- nates for the radii on each side for the same chord. THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY 13 D' v. A F B Problem 11 PROBLEM 11. Given: That portion of a spiral with equal chords L, L' and L" and angles a b, a, and a+b, to find the middle ordinate at the center of the chord L in the length D' C'. CF=C' AandDF=D'B. From the figure it is evident that D' C' bisects C D. CF+DF .-. E F=- 2 Then C' A=% L tan tfa+L' sine (% a D' B y 2 L tan X+ L " sine (K a and since the sines of small angles are proportional to the angles, C F+D F =E F=X L tan % a+L, sine a. But this last equation equals the middle ordinate in the length A B for the radius of the central arc ; and since the increment to the angle b would be equal if L' and L" were equal, the middle ordinate at the center of any arc of the spiral, for any length of chord, is equal to the middle ordinate of the radius of that arc in the same length. THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY 15 Standard Spirals. The Pennsylvania Steel Co Center Line Data. 16 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY SPIRAL No. 2 Rad. Angle X Y O Versine Sine 300 150 100 75 60 50 42^ 37^ 0-30' 1-00' 1-30' 2-00' 2-30' 3-00' 3-30' 4-00' 0.011 0.057 0.160 0.342 0.627 1.036 1.587 2.309 2.618 5.235 7.851 10.463 13.065 15.651 18.187 20.703 0-30' 1-30' 3-00' 5-00' 7-30' 10-30' 14-00' 18-00' .00004 .00034 .00137 .00381 .00856 .01675 .02970 .04894 .00873 .02618 05234 .08716 . 13053 .18224 .24192 .30902 SWITCH EASEMENT S 2-75 Rad. Angle X Y s This Ease- ment gives an O G equal to and a G S 3. 346 less than vSpiral No. 2. 75 45K 42^ 37^ 7-50' 2-40' 3-30' 4-00' 0.700 1.036 1.587 2.309 10.222 12.305 14.841 17.357 7-50' 10-30' 14-00' 18-00' SPIRAL No. 2^ Rad. Angle x Y s Versine Sine 444 222 148 111 89 74 63^ 55^ 49 44X 40^ 0-20' 0-40' 1-00' 1-20' 1-40' 2-00' 2-20' 2-40' 3-00' 3-20' 3-40' 0.007 0.038 0.105 0.226 0.414 0.684 1.051 1.529 2.128 2.870 3.763 2.583 5.166 7.748 10.328 12.910 15.478 18.038 20.576 23.070 25.550 27.983 0-20' 1-00' 2-00' 3-20' 5-00' 7-00' 9-20' 12-00' 15-00' 18-20' 22-00' .00002 00015 .00061 .00169 00381 .00745 .01324 .02185 .03407 .05076 .07282 .00582 .01745 .03490 .05814 .08716, .12187 .16218 .20791 .25882 .31454 .37461 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY 17 SWITCH EASEMENT S 2^-100 Rad. Angle X Y o This Ease- ment gives an 102^ 6-30' 0.658 11.584 6-30' O G equal to 56X 5-30' 1.529 16.936 12-00' and a G S 49 44^ 40^ 3-00' 3-20' 3-40' 2.128 2.870 3.763 19.430 21.910 24.343 15-00' 18-20' 22-00' 3. 640 less than Spiral No. 2|-. SWITCH EASEMENT S 2^-200 Rad. Angle X Y s Tvjiic 200 4-00' 0.487 13.951 4-00' ment gives an 129 1-00' 0.664 16.196 5-00' O G 0.250 74 63^ 55^ 49 2-00' 2-20' 2-40' 3-00' 0.934 1.301 1.779 2.378 18.764 21.324 23.862 26.356 7-00' 9-20' 12-00' 15-00' greater G S greater and a 3.286 than 44^ 3-20' 3.120 28.836 18-20' Spiral No. 2. 40^ 3-40' 4.013 31.269 22-00' SPIRAL No. 3 Rad. Angle X Y s Versine Sine 300 1-00' 0.046 5.236 1-00' .00015 .01745 150 2-00' 0.229 10.468 3-00' .00137 .05234 100 3-00' 0.639 15.688 6-00' .00548 .10453 75 4-00' 1.368 20.871 10-00' .01519 .17365 60 5-00' 2.501 25.982 15-00' .03407 .25882 50 6-00' 4.118 30.959 21-00' .06642 .35837 40 7-00' 6.143 35.403 28-00' .11705 .46947 18 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY SWITCH EASEMENT S 3-100 Rad. Angle X Y S This Ease- ment gives an O G equal to and a G S 4. 391 less than Spiral No. 3. 102X 81 60 50 40 6-30' 3-30' 5-00' 6-00' 7-00' 0.658 1.368 2.501 4.118 6.143 11.584 16.480 21.591 26.568 31.012 6-30 10-00' 15-00' 21-00' 28-00' SWITCH EASEMENT S 3-200 Rad. Angle X Y S This Ease- ment gives an O G 0.250 greater and a G S 2.853 greater than Spiral No. 3. 200 132 75 60 50 40 4-00' 2-00' 4-00' 5-00' 6-00' 7-00' 0.487 0.889 1.618 2.751 4.368 6.393 13.951 18.541 23.724 28.835 33.812 38.256 4-00' 6-00' 10-00' 15-00' 21-00' 28-00' SPIRAL No. 4 Rad. Angle X Y Co Versine Sine 420 210 140 105 84 70 60 0-42' l-24' 2-06' 2-48' 3-30' 4-12' 4-54' 0.031 0.157 0.439 0.939 1.720 2.839 4.352 5.131 10.261 15.384 20.490 25.561 30.567 35.469 0-42' 2-06' 4-12' 7-00' 10-30' 14-42' 19-36' .00007 .00067 .00269 .00745 .01675 .03273 .05794 .01222 .03664 .07324 .12187 . 18224 .25376 .33545 SWITCH EASEMENT S 4-200 Rad. Angle X Y s This Ease- ment gives an O G 0.178 greater and a G S equal to Spiral No. 4. 200 125^ 84 70 60 4-00' 3-00' 3-30' 4-12' 4-54' 0.487 1.117 1.898 3.017 4.530 13.951 20.490 25.561 30.567 35.469 4-00' 7-00' 10-30' 14-42' 19-36' THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY 19 SPIRAL No. 5 Rad. Angle X Y S Versine Sine 600 300 200 150 120 100 85 0-30' 1-00' 1-30' 2-00' 2-30' 3-00' 3-30' 0.023 0.114 0.320 0.685 1.255 2.073 3.175 5.236 10.471 15.703 20.926 26.130 31.302 36.374 0-30' 1-30' 3-00' 5-00' 7-30' 10-30' 14-00' .00004 .00034 .00137 .00381 .00856 .01675 .02970 .00873 .02618 .05234 .08716 .13053 .18224 .24192 SWITCH EASEMENT S 5-200 Rad. Angle X Y S This Ease- ment gives an O G equal to and a G S 4. 468 less than Spiral No. 5. 200 144 120 100 85 4-00' 1-00' 2-30' 3-00' 3-30' 0.487 0.685 1.255 2.073 3.175 13.951 16.458 21.662 26.834 31.906 4-00' 5-00' 7-30' 10-30' 14-00' SPIRAL No. 6 Rad. Angle X Y S Versine Sine 900 450 300 225 180 150 128 0-20' 0-40' 1-00' 1-20' l-4Q' 2-00' 2-20' 0.015 0.076 0.213 0.457 0.837 1.385 2.125 5.236 10.472 15.706 20.936 26.158 31.365 36.524 0-20' 1-00' 2-00' 3-20' 5-00' 7-00' 9-20' .00002 .00015 .00061 .00169 .00381 .00745 .01324 .00582 .01745 .03490 .05814 .08716 .12187 .16218 SWITCH EASEMENT S 6-200 Rad. Angle X Y S This Ease- ment gives an O G equal to and a G S 7. 770 less than Spiral No. 6. 200 255 150 128 4-00' 1-00' 2-00' 2-20' 0.487 0.837 1.385 2.125 13.951 18.388 23.595 28.754 4-00' 5-00' 7-00' 9-20' 20 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY SPIRAL No. 7 Rad. Angle X Y S Versine Sine 1260 0-15' 0.012 5.498 0-15' .00001 .00436 630 0-30' 0.060 10.995 0-45' .00009 .01309 420 0-45' 0.168 16.492 1-30' .00034 .02618 315 1-00' 0.360 21.987 2-30' .00095 .04362 252 1-15' 0.660 27.475 3-45' .00214 .06540 210 1-30' 1.091 32.957 5-15' .00420 .09150 180 l-45' 1.678 38.424 7-00' .00745 .12187 157 SPIRAL No. 8 Rad. Angle X Y S Versine Sine 1890 0-10' 0.008 5.498 0-10' .00000 .00291 945 0-20' 0.040 10.996 0-30' .00004 .00873 630 0-30' 0.112 16.493 1-00' .00015 .01745 472^ 0^0' 0.241 21.990 1-40' .00042 .02908 378 0-50' 0.441 27.483 2-30' .00095 .04362 315 1-00' 0.729 32.973 3-30' .00187 .06105 270 1-10' 1.120 38.457 4-40 .00332 .08136 236 SPIRAL No. 9 Rad. Angle X Y S Versine Sine 2730 0- 7' 0.006 5.559 o- r .00000 .00204 1365 0-14' 0.028 11.118 0-21' .00002 .00611 910 0-21' 0.079 16.677 0-42' .00007 .01222 682^ 0-28' 0.170 22.234 1-10 .00021 .02036 546 0-35' 0.311 27.791 l-45' .00047 .03054 455 0-42' 0.515 33.346 2-27' .00091 .04275 390 0-49' 0.792 38.899 3-16' .00162 .05698 341 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY 21 SPIRAL No. 10 Rad. Angle X Y S Versine Sine 3780 0-05' 0.004 5.498 0-05' .00000 .00145 1890 0-10' 0.020 10.996 0-15' .00001 .00436 1260 0-15' 0.056 16.493 0-30' .00004 .00873 945 0-20' 0.120 21.991 0-50' .00011 .01454 756 0-25' 0.220 27.488 1-15' .00024 .02181 630 0-30' 0.364 32.983 l-45' .00047 .03054 540 0-35' 0.560 38.478 2-20' .00083 .04071 472 SPIRAL No. 11 Rad. Angle X Y o Versine Sine 5250 0-04' .0035 6.109 0-04' .00000 .00116 2625 0-08' .0178 12.217 0-12' .00001 .00349 1750 0-12' .0498 18.326 0-24' .00002 .00698 1312^ 0-16' .1066 24.434 0-40' .00007 .01164 1050 0-20' .1955 30.542 1-00' .00015 .01745 875 0-24' .3234 36.649 l-24' .00030 .02443 750 0-28' .4975 42.756 l-52' .00053 .03257 656 SPIRAL No. 12 Rad. Angle X Y s Versine Sine 7140 0-03' .0027 6.231 0-03' .00000 .00087 3570 0-06' .0136 12.462 0-09' .00000 .00262 2380 0-09' .0381 18.692 0-18' .00001 .00524 1785 0-12' .0816 24.923 0-30' .00004 .00873 1428 0-15' .1495 31.153 0-45' .00009 .01309 1190 0-18' .2474 37.384 1-03' .00017 .01832 1020 0-21' .3806 43.613 l-24' .00030 .02443 892 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY 28 Tables giving elements of SPIRALS for \ Inner Gage Line Lengths of Rails and Tie Rod Spacing for Various Gages. 34 THE PENNSYLVANIA STtfEL COMPANY 00 W en CO- i QO co oo O O i I T i ooococo OM P. S E ROD DISTANCES 1 IO O CO O3 OO "* 1C IO CO CO 00 OS O 3 3 1O O <* OO 03 1O O T}< CO CO <1> to co }> oo os S3 1 S3 CttCOCO < t-i i TH 05 CO'* 10 s 1 t- T}< O IO O * J^ i^* CO CO TH 03 CO^H R . 1 000 CO CO OS O TH TH TH TH COt- 00 OS O TH I O5 O t- -^ TH OS OS GO 00 00 0> a 10 co r> oo os a 1 TH GQ CO ^ CO 00000 TH Q to *S) * c3 ^ ' . Z f 1 ii : 1 S O c3 CO C/2 00 1 -i_ i (M CO C5 00 H !i? O O O ' ^ i! i 1 1 1 w Bfl O^ TH "^ CO TH TH TH O O | S CO 10 10 OO 1O t- lO CO O C5 10 OO TH TH TH TH 5 M f f > O -* 00 en H Z a ^ St J> CO 00 05 CD OS TH ^ CO w K 1-H TH TH w s a 00 * "^ t-- Ci TH O5 en X CO O 1O TH TH 00 OS O (D-'Tl id eo i> od os* ^r-l 8SSSS T-( oi CO* TJ* 1C |l S3 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY 27 00 w O O 8 en w I tc u CO a BJjj o TH oi oi eo 00 fe W O T en w w en w K u H cn j, 2 55 w --* ._ *cS 'Sb be oo CO Le In ^ Gt 8 CO t- QO Oi O -rn 28 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY g X 00 fc ^J- W ! co 1 1 1 Correc- tion for TRail swiii )D DISTANCES FROM P. S. S S8SSS2 SilSSgfe I! 8,3 siiiiii ^slisiii H 2SSfe SS?g?SS b 0).*^ g fesgggs gft&tsis Is ^o Z> 1Q ^ 1O CO Oi CO &i8!3 ^SSSSSgfc Jl ^sss^g aoiaisisa i a ^H (D^H P ^^J^S 398984 V ij ' c 0) > m ^ op os r- n co t- oc5 3 >* 9 o >o >o o t> b a a - x 188881 * w H ^r-l P t-QOOO?Tt 00 Oi T-H O C i- C SO W5 H SSS88gS o r> oc os o T-I "So a 8 s J2 > o oJ CQ H I J * o3 J ^ g p- C5 ^ S ^ N* e 1 olll ^ 1 o &0 >! 00 00 fe H '| ^^ CO "^ CO "^f T-4 r-< **H IS 07 H 6-B^ r, (ft CO t- CO CO ^* ^ O CO O CD 1C iO pr'J e? (H CO TH TH t-H t~ td c ^ - CO CO rj< ^ O 3 * TH CO T-H CO O o ja CO OO CO OO CO OO TH TH C3 (M CO CO o 5 h CO OO OS CQ CO o ^^ (M TH TH 1C ^ TH bo -u OO OS "^ OO ^> &JS TH 00 CO o>/5 ^1 OO ~^ OS >O O t-3 TH TH (75 W CO , hH 1 TH TH CQ O5 CO "^ ^^ . f^ T-H JL c y ) coo ooo 3 00000 en CO O O TH 00 en ^ co o 10 T-H oo TH TH (ft C? U OOrHCQ^t- H OO OS TH C? CO 1Q ' !7 i _ ^ CO ^5 cs r^ os *s r-H JX s o3 TH CO O 1C OS w OS CO OO CO OO C5 -Z> W | CO CQ TH t- w o TH CO <7? TH (M b- en IH Xj COCO^* OS 00 en M X OO I> GO t- TH TH TJH 00 1C CO C* TH <<* OT-H CH ^ Tf C3 T}< 1O CO J> c en s I O 00 CO 1O T*H 1 I en 03 atf O C5 O O O O OCOt-COiO^ CQ TH G I ^ Tt JO O t> > *&* 30 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY g ^ 00 fe ^t W ^ d Z S en S<2-S Jl* o||g|| TIE ROD DISTANCES FROM P. S. L 5 S3 P SJg2& BKXX8 u 0>.T! C c3 sg S^Jo^S 8SM1 * b ^ g^s^^cS^; T-( TH C-l C^ Ol T-( TH ^sss^ss ft ^^s^sss iSMfl8 Length Outer USsllg W SS53 U i * O 00 - J> h 0)."^ a es Gf^ QD CO CO GO I*- t OC! CO *' to o rt 2 5 *rV ^^ j. rr* ^-< ,3 B S) p 1 I ! XN S O U) O 02 00 1 t^^H ^ O '2 TH CO CO -i-H 1 fe jjp T-t T-l CO CO O is S 00 5 |2 JO ^ o co -i-i co T-I (M O ^* O5 en H Z> CO t- i> (M TH CS CO -. s CO O 1O O ^ TH C? CQ Ci CO ^* a) M 1 fgj en - 1 X CO 1 TH TH C? rj< MM i 000^^ ae bo a ^ T f t *? u 4J ^ CO CO rj< ^H en u O io rj< O O O CQ 00 t- CO CQ TH .So ^ o co c* 32 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY Correc- tion for TRail g||gsg3 |1 oot-ocoo S8SSSS 11 ssss^u Is || 8c3??SS "2SS88S TIE ROD DISTANCES FROM P. S. ^ Pi S^feSSS 00 fe w O d i s Cfl ^ CD^ 0jgCOg 1 CO 1111 ^--- ss S Versine a'oj ill! & o 1-1 co o t- o T)< S'l SSS2SS co TJJ n o ^ oo | ^ WgOjHMCOO 13 nOOOt-^^ O3 Oi 00 OO 00 OO ""SSSSSS c* co-* in cot- e a co co t-?om^in P SS88SS t-OOCiOrlC* r-l(MCO 0) a IIKK! a '3 SSSS5S8 O 1> OO OS O i-i t) 8BBi88 !i 8SS888 ri ci co' * 10 as ftl TH IM co T* n o c- II gggggg; n 11 CO * Xi THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY 83 $ S 5 * 16 iS | 1 <5 | o z 00 to So m d ^ ,_, O ^ c/2 isl 0) C9 fe ^t go* 0000 1 OS TH ^ C- IO O5 ?> ^^ i-H >O i> "^ 1O 1O s w CO O TH SO TH TH TH O5 CO O CO -* T-H 84 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY 00 w u :3 od ll 2 ^ i _ ( 88388 fc-OOOOjHOJ Crt gfefe888 Ot-QOOiOTH ft 8SSSS8 i-i oi eo rp in cd (H (D.'S oggggg ap^ TI T-I eo * m THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY 35 ^ a c/2 d P3 o "Si ^5 *- c> en 'So Ijjf rt J 5 IS *-" o ^ g fl O trj .ti ^ g _ d ^ CH S O oj J> C/3 00 &&a OO TH 1C 8** 3 C^ TH TH ' fc c^ o o o ^S g GO TH OS ^ fo ^ ^ co ^ w 1 CO* 00 CO 00 TH TH ^ p ^ k> oo gg ^ os en O O TH ' W 0) 0000 -E I ? ? ? ? P ^ TH TH 00 OS T-l 1-1 1-1 1-1 Ol Is 0*' 10 I> N Jft t^ '3 M i a S3?8 II >O t> O CO 5O 00 TH 'S M u ^) o S8SS53 i GO Illlili r-H O^ ^O Oi CO T-I O ^ C* Oi O^ CO tr* O5 T-H T^ CO II 1O GO 1O CO t en ^ O ^H 00 1 1 TH -i-H 1 " O TH -^ CO 1 1 T 1 TH I X J> ^ CO J> t- O5 TH 00 CO O5 IO TH " 0) p M ^ f ^ > O7 CO M< 11 t^ T^ *r^ CO So z* CO t- 00 88 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY W 91 O Z en Correc- tion for TRail ^ Is p si o b b b o b b b b b b i- ' b o o o TH -r-i oi 00* OJ 'p Q r-igeo Tt< 0^ THNCCThW 1-1 gggfeg art rH^WMTf | UNIVERSITY 1 V OF L Z X^4LTopviJX THE PENNSYLVANIA 'STEEL COMPANY 89 fe u 8 cn H H E g cn This Easement gives an O G equal to and a G S 3.640 less than Spiral No. 2j. W O O cn H w cn w K cn 3 Oj B H S 1 1 O ^ o bOd c S> ll* mil Correc- tion for TRail iisssSii fl 3SSB Si fl ^r Tp r C5 C JO QO CO I siniigg 2SSSSSSS i !??!? |'> SS||| dS52S5 'S M EllSllil 2S28883S8 4) O d^dll 1 " hH b^ d d d r-I TH o? QO 1 iol SS5HS to 1 M ilillll b t- Oi i-l 00 O: r-j (1 sgg***" |1 Sg38 TH (N SC T}< ITS So ~*4-o^ c'3 ' i-I (N CO ^' ft THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY 41 S (72 a jj a O aj CO f3 en ^ "*" Jj co c/5 03 1C . 1O rt (-^ cS en C5 y oo ^ W g ^ ,0 > o ^ oi ^ .* &0 of c3 ^ ,__, .22 SD^ fe o3 T-H "S O rr-i OS ^ S ^ si ^ si ^ 8 ^ CO n. S S ^ SO bi)O b/5 CC H HH fe! > *H~ , ^^ a;<2c3 o o-^ co-* O<2'c4 O -H^ CO TJH \n fc C \o E0M oooo W 6-^^ n ' O O It 1C TH OS CO'* C^ CQ CO rH O5 o 33 o S3 OO OO O 00 O? CO OO O t~ OO O "* t* CO CO CO CO OS TH OTH OO TH TH C-7 C3 CO CO OO CO 00 CO t- TH TH C3 C^t CO CO d CO CO b- 1C 00 - 00 8 || 1 II CO CO ^* OS OS 00 TH 00 (M O TH CO "rH OO "* OS 1C O TH O CO TH TH (M CO to O ^^ 'O ( O ^^ cooooo to ooooog H SSw H "* OlC THOO TH TH (?? (75 M TH O -* Cl 00 O -* "* t~ CO CO O O5 O OO W elilsS W oS TH O O 1C OS W ff coodcooqdt^ TH TH C3 (?Q CO CO CO CO 0) 0) W S -* CO TH 1C 1C W d a TH 1C O O C5 O -* OO 1C O O5 TH OTH C5CO 1C O O TH S ^ -* O 10^ TH |o * 1C O J> .26 2* CO * 1C C i> 42 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY w O ! O en tion for TRail il TH (M CC * D I- CO I en w u p s W P fe* ggggogg 0* 53???SS U I _ I 111 Jl lill II a>:3 g^gggg Z* ^8^883 &1 MJ^^Og,^ & asss^a Is ctf ' oo* r)5 c co i> Sg gsss^s 0* l> 00 050^0* ft SS8SS88 l> 00 OS r^ h SS ggg S (D^ i-< 00 <* D c'S ggggfeg O TH 0* CO rjt O THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY 43 Cj W TH Cu __, ^H 8 g f ^ .5 o g 03 fcjO 1O CO GO C O Jl -rH O3 CO "*"* fli CO CO Z> 1O 1O CO O t- GO O CO CO t- TH TH OS CD CO* O 10 OS* TH TH (M 50 O3 TH .9 6 "^ 10 co t- i 44 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY fe w o o 6 S en Sililll TIE ROD DISTANCES FROM P. S. P c'ca B fi H B 9E 1Q CO CO CO CO CO CO fife sfegglgg "SSSJSSg t-i^ SS! till Jo i i" gggsss d 35 I'l 38S38S Versine 385883 jl t, 8858 P OrH^.ot- co^^d^oo' 1 " ii ogoogggg dCOM' T5Ot- 1 , gssiiii SSSSfeS t^ 00 OS O i-I C050^ 11 888SIS" P 8SS888 r-! l! 8S.SS.Sfe THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY 45 ^ s o co a j . pq a> ^ O "* : o .9 W $* * j| ' P 1 <** 1 SO T* C/3 , ^^ fl3 ^ "n* CO 00 CQ SO CQ w O O O OO lO OO O5 C^l i ^d a g I- C3 CO Tjl O O CO CD TH O TH TH TH 07 C3 CO ^ 1 fl"S -0 CO O5 CO O O TH CD O M< t- ^' CO W b- C5 tH TH C^t C5 CO en O O CO CO O H ^l 1O t O "^ TH iH Q t- O ?O GO TH l> TH CO i> O t- (M CO CO CO w CO CO TH O TH TH TH C^ GQ CO en w H a a X! TH 1C ^ TH TH xH CO (73 O TH K O TH CO O CO ooooo H^ TH CQ CO CO en 11 o ^ o o c C3 TH TH TH |d T^ 1O CO t>* 46 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY fe w o o d i s CO Correc- tion for TRail iiiss TIE ROD DISTANCES FROM P. S. ft - 5388SJ88 j! O GO O -* SO i-H J> CO O to CO 5 || iliiisi sssass fea 11S1 Jo issllgl "ssassss 11 1111 | 1111 tj'd (M c<3 1O CO t- OJ Versine T-I oj S d IN o* ''r-H go t- o 3; og IM OQ GO GOOD QOQO U Ji SfeSSSS S23 -3 ^ a THCOO5THOOO5 flp^ ^S^'iSSS' *S?2S^53OT I H d d d d d rn o ft SS88 J> CO OS TH f siasa w *"*" n iiiiinl ft ssssss i-M SO * O SO n r-( d 03 rj< IO CO I- i'i S22232 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY 47 SWITCH EASEMENT S 6-200. GAGE, 5 FT. ^ a c/3 o 1 i i ! 6 1-1 ^j* W ^ CQ bO (3) C3 O t M 1 1 1 S,^ K TT O aj t- C/3 II 00 TH 1O O II TH ll T^ TH i gj S^ TH % g i ? f ? f TjH iO t- C5 I " i> OS t- t> OS TJ< > TH O? CO CO 00* CO 00 TH TH o co to GO TH 10 CD t- GO OS .3 (H 1 jgggg^. a> n 1111 rHNCCTjtIO Versine i goo s g O TH 030QTH OQ pi!!!!! "S 81-H^OO-rH i-l i-i -i-l (M <' l> GO O5 O S ^ 1 8 a id so z> 06 os X 5 ^ OOOOOOi-iC* 1 Hi!!!!! '3 tf 1 O TH 8 oi -rf id II WnKf '3 m G a ' T-,' 04 05 * .So *<- THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY 49 i a _o co a l f J a co to 00 o ^ ^ ,_ 2 H 1 ' f i- 1 1 i S O rt co CO O^ W 00 : - w O li Is a g 05 i-H ^' O 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 rH CO ?0 i-l T*H O5 O5 00 *0 CO O 01* 1C 00 1 1 1 1 T 1 T 1 o iO CO O 1 "O 1 1 1 1 cn l 1 1-H i 1 CO CO i I 1C 00 00 CQ 10 cn R u cn i 05 ^H ^ CD T 1 il 1-H I CO CQ O 00 O5 O Q) *Zj PI e s" s ^' ss s I| -H 03 ^' 10 CD r^] -TH' C 03' Tji 1-1 o^ 50 Z> 00 OS p ^^ >0 CD ^ CO OS S SSS8S N sss&s rt T-lCSlOT TJ< CO i' fe PH cn W u I HH TIE ROD THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY 51 w en H | w K u * be o> c/2 CO Length Inner -0 11 OP3 3 5 w O O CO w en w K u H ^ SO 5 *- as .So .> 88 2 it bo oS be CO SSSSSfcSS o o o 1-1 1-1 ob D l> GO OS 1-1 52 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY W < 1 en Length Inner O O O TH O O3 bbobobo TIE ROD DISTANCES FROM P. S $3 8SS^ p 53IS^S^ SSS38SS S5353i?S II PI '3 SIS !H 0} r^ N ssss^^ I* SSSS^gi t-i^ sassss 53 P4 eo rf m o t- oo li lS5l22 11 |q gg^o3 S 0^ l>Q0050rHW ft D J> 00 OS TH S-1 gggggg 0^ Ti IN eo -* o o a'S 88S&83 aoi r^NW^W THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY 58 , gsu}g , gg . S . M $ 13 O "^ ^ > 3 en O Q* yj H^- gSlIi 5 ^ z HH *S *-> u _i *c3 g 2 ^O S c^ 5 ^ PH fi ^ O ft 3 S TH ^ ^ .fa " w o> elilll |3 ^s^ii o 1 SSSS3IS 1 -^ C^ IO CO OS OTH t- 0000 o is 1O CO TH TJH C^ 00 'HH -HH ^O C^i CO CO TH 00 O5 t- GQ ^ g TH t- THTH(N CQ CQ TH oo o w H ^^i^^ w 5 CO OO CO OO O3 J> TH TH (M (M CO CO S Jg E 1 fl TH 00^10 00 D CO ^ OS 00 w <^ a a TH 1O 00 O CO OS OO ^00 JOCOrHO O TH C5 CO 1O OO-rH -^ CO w FT"! (C 1 o o o o o COCO 00 K M a ffffff ^ ?DCO 10 !Ofr- y ^ ^ i 11 isooS ) * g 11 en TH C/1 II ^0<^ .So CC T^ O O i> 54 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY 0* W u 11 ^ 8SS8SS 5^ t-OOOSOi-iO5 H CO t-' 00 OS* TH is SS888S T-J os nl us' co' s d T-< % f H 4J fh -- C3 ; fl v - / ro c/3 *- ( t- 1 4 CO J> OO O OS Z> TH O OS 1O B 5 3 gg C^ | TH 00 TH OS fl en X ^. . R ^ w . O TH TH S TIE ROD DISTANCES FROM II Ei S S 2f iQ fi 00 CO CO CO CO CO la ill SH 0)^ ..^gg^,; & ^S5Sg fa OS CO <* TH O5 CO COCO CO CO tO 1C * SS38&8S ft illl fl'S Stf JH^ THOlt-lO 00 -H THTHOiSfMIM OTH CO-* CO 00 "^P? OS rf CO !>' 00 s-i O O5 t CO "^ O5 Oioooooooiao C*' SO *' US CO !>' 1-1 o& J>* 00 05 TH JH^^ TH TH TH oi oi -^ to co In TH TH IN OS Tj< U5 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY 57 A fd o c/J fl J3 10 y *C3 O Q .^ S< to ^ M b/3 oj oJ -* . oo ^ P 8 -g 1 1 a o g ^ ^ \N fe 18 1 1 1 1 1 TH Oi TH TH ^ ^ 1 00 ^ l> Z> O t- (N TH TH (M CO 8 goooo 2 c/i * 10 i> o xt< TH 1 1 C/l OS TH GQ O CO H ^ "* d CO CO d H^T '3 CO CO TH CO TH pq M TH TH (M O1 CO 2 :3 eo * o t- oo o P s^'sisssE Sa &S8^S 3<* - ss -^- || CO *' J> 00 ggo^gog Pi 00' 0> K ui i> o jn t> d 1 1 S88S8S82 a) o'do'dcJo'rHO? o "So d o ?H H ci eo ec TP '3 1 SSSSS i-l TH CO "^ OO * ^5 CO 00 OO CO t- WITCH EASEMENT S 2-75. GAGE, jf. O5 TH Tf CO ii hH TH t- C- CQ C5 1O TH c^ CO 00 CO ^ O s s ^ $ a ^ ^ s t^* C^ CO *^ ^ * X X en J> ^ -* CO 11 O C- 00 62 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY W o 06 OS 3 i-i ci ec * o Si NOSCOCOOS OOI^ t- t-O O i-I CC? <3 M* M - OQOOOlin OOi-i 1-1 r-i 0* <0-0000 |i S838^ 50 t-* 00 05 la SSS825 I-H' OJ CO TjJ |I * r-I oi so *' THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY 63 w o o en I s en OT P, bC <1> C/2 CO O Oi TjtOCO l-i-l SsSswasas w O O en w w en w K S en Length Inner isl o d o TH i-4 oi ci co 10 t- 00 OS O ^H OF THE I IM \\tCDCf\-r\f 64 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY W S co en Is c fl ,2 eo os eo Tf i-i to mt-apos t o? w ooo-^-iseow T-C O CO Tf S D DISTANCES FROM w |sg SSSS85S p SSSSSSfe fe* a vi 1111 S? jgggg ss 8Si?igS Jl P IS! s^s^^s SSSSSS (-, eo TjJ 10 o i-' 06 h c'S gg^SSS iS -3 SSSSSS 8$ t-QOOSO THd ^^ 3 t-' 00 OS j4 IH SS8SS8 0^ T-< 01 eo TJ< o o S3r^ gfeS8S cp^ ^co^o THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY 65 SWITCH EASEMENT S 3-100. GAGE, 5 FT. 4^ IN. il^sl SWITCH EASEMENT S 3-200. GAGE, 5 FT. 4% IN. ^ fl O oj CO rt SO bo O bo c/3 |g2 eim JL2 iiiii 1 IS 1-3 ^ oo os ** cs O 00 OO ^l O CO O O O CO Length Inner 10 OS t> 00 CO W i^" oo co co os to i> C^ CO CO C3 00 1-H CO -H CO O TH TH C3 'S M CO O t~ OS OS -TJH CO CO lO CO ^ OS t- 05 THOOOS TH CO O IO OS CO OO CO OO CQ CO TH TH O5 C? CO CO 1 M o' TH -r^ C5 -HH 10 CO t~ II TH O O O coco io-* !i G>5 TH * *** |o co^ocot- 66 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY g w O d a s en aj'S^ g* o o o TH T i c5 co TIE ROD DISTANCES FROM P. S. P IIS la 8SSSS CO CO CO CO CO !! isggiii -s^s^ss ft ^sssss II SlsSSIl SSS8SS t-, t _ l c'3 111K 0) a i ft I1SS Versine li ^goggg SSSS^5 5s 18J8J |a 10 l> OS i-H M< 50 TH TH T-l O IN 55 eo *' to o t^ co 1 li 10 so i-i as o TF QO 00 00 t> I> t- c eo ^ 10* o i> Q 5 x llll! fH^ gggo^co ^""^S^^ 00 05 rH 11 P SS3 TH (M CO Tf 10 |d TH N CO * 10 40 t- c'cS ss$&&$ T-I 05 CO - *& o 5 O t" 1 0) a o "S % bC O t& 11 i -l-H TH s i 1 fU g i s g TH T 1 i CO "^ 1 1 TH t- OO O 00 CD o3 CO rH i 10 OS 8 Id V* T^ 10 > 68 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY W o OTj< 05 osoooooooooo oi eo <* iri so i> II z> 06 o o TH ffi Jl 3=3 SSSSS8 T-( 0? CO TJ< 10 50 l SSSSSfe T-I T-I oi eo' TJ< 10* THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY 69 H PH w O O w $ w w g u en bo a) ci oo i o c3 6 II * CO -* CO CJ O O TH ^ o co i> 70 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY HH \N w S en 1 88ggSS 0* , JS8S , 55??SS c'3 ma Length Inner en eu ft If 30 SI! B 0> a |*8SSS5S gsllisl TIE ROD DISTANCES FRO! u CO^^t-OiO Versine SS^5S ft OO 00 QO QO GO GO i Kill! ft fe ggo s eo -* >n o t- oo 'S M tH ^_, 0>-T3 SSS88 (NWTfino t- 4) x llalil t-i ggssss t-' oo" o> o -H ci OOOOOrld a !!!Kt! jl t-^ 00 OS T-H fl ft TH' OJ CO * 10 |o I-H OJ CC TJHC D t- *~* f 1 S'S TH' TH OJ 03 ^ 10* THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY 71 i o co a 1 u -3 o | ^ 2 hH M *5b j ^ ^ | | ^ g .g i O CO TH 1O O TH TH o o o li t^ TH CO ^ w U H H en w ffi S 3 CO OO CO OO TH TH C* 05 5 h Tt< 00 CO O5 TH TH CQ OS 1 So 1O CD TH - TH C THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY 78 Middle Ordinates for 10-Foot Chords 74 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY MIDDLE ORDINATES, 10 FT. CHORDS M. O. Radius M. 0. Radius M. O. Radius " infinity 1" 150- Q l / 2 " 2" 75'- 1" *x 4807'- 8" 1 i " 145'- 6" gi" 73' HT?T" 2399'- 3" W 141'- 2H" ^yV" 72'- 9X" A* 1600'- 6" 1A" 137'- 2/8" 2 3 ^" 71'- 8X" H" 1200'- 9" W 133'- 4X" 2>|" 70'- 8y 8 " A; 960'- 1" 1A" 129'- 9 T y 2A" 69'- 7^" 800'- 3 T y 1A 126'- 4^" 2 T y 68'- 7f|" f" 682- 3 T y IFF 123'- 2^" 37." 67'- 8y&" 600'- 0^" IX" 120'- 0^" sx;; 66'- 9>|" a 9 / 533'- 4^" 1A" 117'- IX" 65-10^" " 480'- T y 1A" 114'- 4^" 2 T B / 64'-ll T y " 436'- 4 T y lii" in'- 8 T y 2**[ 64- i T y " 400'- T y 1H" 109'- IX" 63'- 8A" H; 369'- 3" HI;; 106'- 8|*" s^r 62'- 5#" 342'-10 T y 104- 4H" 61'- 7H" ; 320'- OX" 300'- OX" i>l" 102'- 2X" 100'- OX" *f" 2 ^f" 60'- IX" if 282'- 4 T y HI" 98- OX" 59'- 4^" : 266'- 8 T y 253'- Oif" iA' HI" 96'- OX" 94'- 2 T 3 ff " S : 58'- 7X" 57-11X" #" 240'- OA" W 92'- 4^" 2^" 57'- 3" 21" 228'- 7 T y if*' 90'- 7 T y 2|i" 56'- 7" 11" 218'- 1H" iff' 88-11 X" 2ii" 55-11 H" ft* 209'- l^f" jB: 87'- 4>6" 2ft" 55'- 3 T y 'X* 200'- 2 T y 85'- 9 T y 2X" 54'- 7||" ir 192'- 0^" it!" Q/l ' Q 7 " 84- d T % 2ff" 54'- T y it: 184'- 7X" 177- 9ii" ifi; 82-10" 81'- 5X" 8t : 53'- 5 T y 52-10^" |I" 171'- 5/ 2 " 80'- OH" 2^1 " 52'- 3^" 29" 165'- 6^" ill" 78'- 9X" 2f-|" 51'- 8{f * 15" 160'- OX" i**" 77'- 6" 2|f" 51'- 2X" ' if*" 76'- 3X" 3fi" 50'- 71f THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY 75 MIDDLE ORDINATES, 10 FT. CHORDS M. O. Radius M. O. Radius M. 0. Radius 3" 3ff 50'- !#' 49'- 7 T y 49'- IX" 48'- 7^" 48'- 1 T V 47'- 7^" 47'- 2 T y 46- 8}f 46'- 3^" 45'-10 T y 45'- 5 T V' 45'- 0" 44'- 7" 44'- 2y 8 " 43'- 9^i" 43'- 4ft' 43'- T y 42'- iy 2 n 42'- 3 T y 41'- 6; 41'- ft< 40-10" 40'- 5j 40- 1; 39'- 6 r y 39- 2A" 38'- 3}f 37-11^' 4" 4/8 37'- 8" 37'- 4; 37'- Ij 36'- 9; 36'- 6, 35'- 35- 5ft" OK' O9" OO ^y% 84'-llA' Jt": 34'- 2ft' 33'-!!^" 33'- 6X' QO' O T/ ' OO ^5/2 33'- Olf ' 32-10^' 32- iy 2 ' 32'- 4^' 32'- 2^' 31'- 31'- 31'- 31'- 30'-11 30'- 9 30'- 7 30'- 4 30'- 2}4' 30'- OX" 29'-10 T V" 29- 5lf" 29'- 3H" 29'- 1 T V" 28'- 9>^" 28'- lyz" 28- 5>^" 28'- %y 2 " 28'- 1 T 9 ^' 27'-!!^" 27- 9X" 27'- 7^" 27'- 6" 27^- 4^ 27'- T 9 ^" 26'-101f" 26'- 9 T y 26'- 7 T 5 ff " 26'- 5^" 26'- 31f" 26'- 2X" 26^- 0^ 25;- 7ft; 25'- 4A' 76 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY \Vneel Contours GREAT variety of wheel con- tours are used on street rail- ways, and often the extremes are used on the same track sys- tem to the great detriment of both special work and wheels. Since there are now no standard wheel contours except the M. C. B. (steam rail- road), it seems proper to offer some de- signs which will meet most of the difficul- ties found in our practice. The contour of wheel fixes the charac- ter of the special work as to whether the frog work is to be " flange bearing." This term means that at the ''waist of frog," i. e., just in advance of the point of frog, the floor of the throat is raised to carry the wheel through the waist and past the point upon its flange. The latter cannot be of a shape or character of metal well adapted to this service, and more or less chipped flanges are thereby caused. It is, however, inevitable that this support be provided, THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY 77 unless the tread is wide enough to carry the wheel past this critical point. Contour "A" is the M. C. B. standard wheel, and is adapted to open track and streets where rails with deep and wide flangeways are provided, and the paving is such that the tread will not be seriously chipped by contact with the same. Contour "B" is a compromise wheel, for use where a portion of the track system is used by wheels having Contour "A" and the remainder has not the deep flangeway, but the width of flangeway is provided. If the paving conditions of this .portion are such that the width of tread must be re- duced from that shown, all frog work on the entire portion of system used by Con- tour "B " must be made "flange bearing." Contour "C" is adapted to track sys- tems where wide and deep flangeways can- not be provided but the paving conditions are such that the width of the tread shown can be used. Contour "D" is adapted to track sys- tems where a narrower tread is required by 78 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY the paving conditions, the shape and size of flange being the same as " C." As wide a tread as possible should be used, as the life of special work will thereby be mate- rially prolonged besides increasing the fac- tor of safety on any open track in the system. " Flange-bearing " frogs will be required for this contour. Contours "A" and "C" will give the best results where conditions permit their use and do not require "flange-bearing" frogs. Contour "B" will not give entire sat- isfaction, since the flange is not of the best shape, and should only be used when com- pelled by the conditions stated. Contours "C" and " D " can be used on the same track system if "flange-bear- ing " frogs are provided for that portion on which Contour "D" is used. Contours "C" and "D" cannot be satisfactorily used on track systems de- signed for Contours "A" or "B," or vice versa. THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY 79 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY 81 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY Angles Bulb Reinforcing Switch Equal Legs Unequal Legs Braces Acme Switch Guard Interlocking Tie Plate Bridges Buildings Chairs Rail chairs for steam railroads in paved streets Channels Circles Turntables Coal storage tracks Clamps Guard rail Crossings Bolted Bolted Plate Keyed " Manard" Steel Movable Point Riveted Street Railway "Manard" Renewable Centre Double Slip Single Slip Three Rail THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY DROP FORGED SOCKET ACME BRACE 84 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY MANARD ANVIL FACE FROG, DESIGN 153 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY 85 MANARD ANVIL FACE SPRING RAIL FROG THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY Crossovers Single Crossovers Double Crossovers Portable Crossovers Forgings Frogs, Rigid Bolted Bolted Plate Keyed "Manard" Steel "Manard" Renewable Centre Riveted Frogs, Spring Bolted Bolted Plate Double Hinged Keyed "Manard" Steel Riveted Plate Twin Vaughan Hinged Vaughan Sliding Joints Angle Channel Compromise Deep Girder Rail Plain Knees Mates ' Built "Manard" Bolted "Manard" Key Fast Plates . Frog Slide Switch Tie Rails, Guard THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY MANARD GROOVED TONGUE SWITCH FOR STEAM RAILROADS IN PAVED STREETS 88 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY 89 RAPID RENEWABLE MANARD CENTRE FROG 90 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY Rails A. S. C. E. Sections Cast Weld Compromise Check Flat Girder Girder Guard Slot Rails and Conductor Bars Tee High Tee Tram Rails, Renewable Guard Rods, Switch Connecting Splice Bars Spikes Spiral Curves Steam Railroad Track Equipment Street Railway Special Work Street Railway Track Fastenings Steel Bessemer Billets Blooms Castings Forgings Flats Basic Open Hearth Acid Open Hearth " Manard " Merchant Round Shapes Slabs Special Square Tool Structural Steel THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY 91 92 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY GROUND LEVER, MODEL 16 Low NEW CENTURY ADJUSTABLE SWITCH STAND MODEL 51 A THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY INTERMEDIATE MAIN LINE SWITCH STAND MODEL 47 B 94 THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY Switches Adjustable Angle Challenge Lorenz " Manard " Big Pin Grooved Tongue " Manard " Big Pin Tongue "Manard" Steel Plain Reinforced Socket Stub Three Way Switch Stands Automatic Banner Steelton Detective Ground Levers Upright Levers Long Safety Main Line Adjustable Positive Automatic Mine Mine Kickover New Century New Century Adjustable New Era Pet Semaphore with disappearing blade Spring Ground Throw Tie Plates Yard Stands Tie Rods Track Bolts Track Fastenings Track Girders Track Material of All Kinds Trough Floors Trough Sections Viaducts "Z" Bars THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY 95 INTERMEDIATE SEMAPHORE SWITCH STAND, MODEL 50 E THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF Chasmar-Winchell Press New York and Pittsburgh i t p w 023 \ m o YA 0688 I frvhivjl'