PL 1185 J71s ilifornia ional lity ^^%:^ e surnames of rhe Chinese in America SPELLED ACCORDING TO THE id Jones System of Spelling Chinese By DAVID D. JONES >/f'ICIAL CHINCSC INTCRPRKTCn FOR THE UNITED STATES COURTS AT SAN rRANCISCO # ± # II i^ pg A Dc Mm A a Jfr M J avoid confusion, we recommend that attorneys write all Chinese names g to the Dayid Jones system of spelling Chinese names. Marsha Ll< B. Woodworth, United States Attorney. F. D. MonrcKTON, Clerk U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Southard HoFKMArr, Clerk U. S. Circuit Court. Geo. E. Morse, Clerk U. S. District Court. THE PRINCIPAL REGULATIONS QOVERNINQ THE immlgranoR and Exclusion of Chinese INTO AND FROM THE UNITED STATES PUBLISHCD by: THE CHINESE NAME SPELLING COMPANY Elmer a. joncs, MANAacp) Box 2636 . - - SAN FRANCISCO Price: Paper, Fifty Cents TION Copyright, ie04, by Davio O. Joncs rra Wattsr a. Wolf H. i««nbruclc Standard ^ Typewriter t^ Exchi 209 Sansome St., 5an Prancisco T«iepho«e Main 5967 D«alarB in STANDAED TYPEWRITERS and TYPEWRITING S Competent Stenographers furnished at short notice- Sole Agents PILOT NON-SMUT CARBON PA J Samples free on application Machines Rented, Repaired and Inspected — That's our s General Agents Deusmore Typewriter ASK FOR CATALOGUE mm An mm^^T^mn'^\^ n ffi + is la ng ±it m * i[ w« )N£ tt A ft ri # EXPEF?! WORK DDNL IN OPENING »~° REPAIRING SAFES -^"o L0Cf\5 ad\'I":rtisI':.mi-:\ts. TELEPhONE MAIN 1946 SPECIAL STYLES OF SAFES. BOXES, ETC BUILT TO ORDER AND SAFES FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF .SAFES WAiiim TIME LOCKS BANK&SAFE DEPOSIT WORK, ETC. ^^[/^ San fPANCtsco, Cal , U.S. A . Pr ESENTED BY ft) ^^^^?tt^ l^ New York Dental Parlor Dr. Thomas Y. Kimlau (DR. LAU MING DOC) SURGEON DEINTIST 760 Clay Street S.\N FR.\NCISCO CALIFORNIA Office Hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. M. 1 M ft 1 ffi viit + ^ S-t lit P'lffi^^ i$Jc iU # 11 ll« ADVERTISEMEXTS. \ \ CHINESE AND ENGLISH FIRST READER. By Rev. I. M. Condit. 144 Pages. Illustrated. Bound in Cloth. Price, 75 cents. This is a very suitable book for Chinese, beginning English. CHINESE AND ENGLISH DICTIONARY. By Rev. I. M. Condit. 134 Pages. Bound in Cloth. Price, 75 cents. This Dictionarj' contains 6,ooo of the most common words, and 1,500 simple sentences illustrating their use. Just the Dictionary for beginnej-s. ^ "M^ '^s* rth -g^^i^t^ATft^ '}ti&'-^M ^3L^^^'€m^ ^ ^ ^ ^ nmn^'\'^M Mmu^n^w^xm CHINESE AND ENGLISH READER & DICTIONARY COMBINED. 278 Pages. In Cloth. Price, $1.25. This is the two above combined in one. CHINESE AND ENGLISH SECOND READER. By Rev. I. M. Condit. 188 Pages. Illustrated. Bound in Cloth. Price, $1.00. This contains many useful lessons in Geography and Science, with other valuable information. Suitable for one a little more advanced in English. CHINESE AND ENGLISH LESSONS. By Rev. A. W. Loomis. 188 Pages. Illustrated. Bound in Cloth. Price, 75 cents. CHINESE AND ENCiLISH POCKET DICTIONARY. 30,000 Words. Bound in Cloth, $1.00. :9^ -^ 5?- H^mM-7t SENT, POSTPAID, UPON RECEIPT OF PRICE, BY AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY 150 NASSAU ST., NEW YORK 54 BROMFIELD ST., BOSTON, MASS. 131 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. 23 GRANT AVE., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. The surnames or ihe Chinese in America SPELLED ACCORDING TO THE David Jones System of Spelling Chinese ^ames WITH N0TE5 ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS OF INTEREST TO THE CHINESE AND THOSE WHO DO BUSINESS WITH THEM "sp By DAVID D. JONES OFFICIAL CHINESE INTERPRETER FOR THE UNITED STATES COURTS AT SAN FRANCISCO PUBLISHED BY = THE CHINESE NAME SPELLING COMPANY ELMER A. JONES, MANAGER Box 2568 - - - SAN FRANCISCO Price : Clotli, 75 Cents ; Paper, 25 Cents FIRST EDITION 5000 GUARANTEED Copyright, i 904, by David D. Jones ADX'ERTISEMEXTS. WIMG SING LMMi 615-617 DUPONT ST. San Francisco, Cal. j AVING SING LOONG & CO. ^ t CHINA IBAZJ^AH JAPAN f a^^n>^^^^ I L^ 7 / INTRODL'CTIOX. Lack of unifonuity in ihv I-jij^HsIt spellino- of the names of Chinese ])ersi)ns has been a proHtic source of confusion to immit^Tation ot'ticers and Federal Court officials, and of injury to the Chinese ]^ersons themselves whose rights ha\-e been jeo])ardized in man\- instances because the name of the same persons hap]:)ened to be spelled in Kn^iish in different ways on the official recc:)rds. To remed\- this evil by introducino- a uniform system of Eng'lish spelling of such names, a system which will be ado])ted 1)\' the Unitd States Government has been the aim of the author of the present work. on The plan of the David Jones System is to follow as >r closely as possible the natural Eng"]ish method, dis])ensing cc o£ wdth diacritical marks which have been used heretofore to indicate the sounds of the vowels and dij^thonq's. In ^ this work will be found nearlv all the clan names repre- ss i sented by the Chinese ]ioj)ulation in the United States, and they are spelled according' to a uniform method. The bulk of the Chinamen in the United States and Canada are from a farming" section of the Ivwangtung' Province, about sixt\- to one htmdred miles southwest of Canton. They speak what is called the Sz Yi]) dialect. Most of the women and some of the merchants are from the city of Canton and immediate neig;hborhood. They speak what is called the Saani ^'u]) dialect. The names, s])elled according to both dialects, are g'iven in this work. 293028 INTRODUCTION. The earlier missionaries in Canton devised a Roman- ized system of writing Chinese, based on the alphabet of Continental Europe. Many of the vowel sounds differed materially from the sounds conveyed by the same vowels in the English language, and as each of these vowels had to represent more than one sound, diacritical marks were used to distinguish them. This system is the one used in dictionaries, and is sometimes employed by interpreters who have acquired the Chinese language by their use. When names Avritten in this system are transcribed intO' court records and other official documents, however, the diacritical marks are often omitted, and the non-use of such distinguishing signs brings about a change of pro- mmciation. When reading a Chinese name in an English record, the reader naturally gives the same phonetic value to the vowels in the Chinese name as he does to the vowels in the English. Another cause of confusion is the fact that attorneys and others who have occasion to write Chinese names give widely different forms in English to the same Chi- nese sound, according to the way they themselves pro- nounce the language. The Chinese generally give only their given names, preceded by the word "Ah," omitting the surname. The surname always comes first in Chinese, as for instance, "Chin Sin." Chin is the surname and Sin the given name. W'hen asked his name, the Chinaman would prol)a1)ly say "Ah Sin." 'idie full name should appear in all documents. The im])ortance of a miiform svstem of spelling is INTRODUCTION. readily seen in many cases. If a Chinaman should have had a certificate of residence issued to him in the name Tsam Gow, and should api)ly for a duplicate in the name Jaam Gow, which has nearl}- the same sound in English, the chances are that, hecause of the variance in spelling, his certificate would be overlooked in the Department, and a duplicate refused. Again, many Chinese mer- chants have their names misspelled in the partnership lists, and have considerable difficulty in returning to this country as merchants when the names given on their steamer tickets differ from the ones appearing on the partnership lists. In the probate of estates of Chinese, also, it is important that the name of the Chinese should appear in connection with all of his property, and in all contracts and leases spelled in only one way. In the preparation of this system the author here acknowledges the valuable assistance of Professor John E. Gardner and Mr. Carlton Rickards of the Chinese Bureau at vSan Francisco (who are experts on the Saam Yup dia- lect of Cantonese) ; also of Professor Marshall B. Wood- worth of Hastings College of the Law, United States Attorney ; also of Mr. Charles Mehan, Inspector-in-Chief of the Chinese Bureau, and of several other Federal officers. The author lived five years in the Sz Yip districts of China, as missionary, was interpreter for the Registra- tion Bureau of the Internal Revenue Department at San h^"ancisco during the Chinese registration period, and for the past eight }ears has l)een and is now official Chinese Interpreter of the United States Courts at San Francisco. ADVERTISEMENTS. Henry C. Dibble & Dibble ATTORNEYS and . . . COINSELLORS-AT-LAW Rooms 22=23 MILLS BlILDING, 5th Flonr SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. C. A. Maydwell G. R. Hansbrow Phone Main 5286 Western Card & Paper Co. CARDS CARD STOCK WRITING AND WRAPPING PAPERS 519 MISSION STREET SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA ^bc Hmerican ©rtcntal Edited by MRS. .TENNIE CAMPBELL Published by GEORGE W. CAMPBELL, Chinese Mission, Waverly Place, San Francisco, Cal. The American Oriental will not be the organ of any denomi- nation. It will, from month to month, lay before the christian public such facts as will show what is being done and ought to be done for the evangelization of Chinese, Japanese and Koreans in America. It will keep its readers informed as to the progress of the Gospel in China, Japan, and Korea, especially in those sections from which our emigrants come. Subscription, 50 Cents a Year. SURNAMES, ETC. 1 AH — ^^ ^ ii^ Mark. ES E ^ SzYip AH BAH FAH DKAH Saam Yup ...Ah Bah Fah Dseh SzYip GAH HAH MAH SHEAH Saam Yup ...Gah Hah Mah Sheh 2 AK — as in Back. I AAK — ^^ ^^^ Hark. 5^ }';>;. BAAK MAK MAK CHAAK Saam Yup ...Baak Muk Muk Chaak 3 AM — ^^ i^i Am. IT. -H^ ^ o o .S^rz^ GAM SHAM Sam Yup ...Gom Shum 4 A AM — ^^ -A"^ ^^^ Harm. pL| ^ M fi O SzYip HAAM HAAM JAAM Saam Yup ...Taam Taam Dsaam 5 AAN — as An in Barn. 3l SzYip GAAN GWAAN MAAN NGAAN Saa7n Yup ...Gaan Gwaan Maan Ngaan AD\'ERTISEAIEXTS. L OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER WE ARE THE BEST CHINESE BUREAU . . . PHONE . . . BABY PHOTOGRAPHERS DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE BLACK 5110 ON THE COAST AND /^ U. S. MARSHALL'S OFFICE WILLIAM SHEWS PHotograpH Gallery 520 KE.AR.NY STREET San Francisco, Cal. PIN AND BUTTON WE GUARANTEE PHOTOS ALL STYLES ALL OUR WORK AND SIZES FOR DURABILITY xm n ^ X !rj> A- ± m "s ^ ± ^ m SHORTHAND BOOKKEEPING TYPING, ETC. GALLAGHER-MARSH BUSINESS COLLEGE 1382 Market Street RECOMMENDED BY ALL EXPERT COURT REPORTERS SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND READ WHAT THEY SAY COMPLETE COURSE, $50.00 1 SURNAMES, ETC. 11 6 AANG. :^^ ^ ^ m o S^ Yip ANG MAANG PAANG Saayn F/// ...Dang Maang Paang 7 AOW — ^s Ow in Now. -b X E DC ^ SzYip AOW AOW AOW BAOW Saam Yup Aow Aow Daow Baow SzYip BAOW AOWYUENG MAOW Saam Yup Baow Aow Yueng Maow B AAT — as At in Chart. A ^ o o o SzYip CHAAT Saam Yup Chaat 9 Y — as Yin By. X ^ ^ rffg ^ yK W m Im Sz Yip CHV GY LY LY Saam Yup.r.-.Chy . Hy Ly Ly m u o o Sz Yip LY NGY ■ . Saavi Yup Ly Ngy - — — ADVERTISE.MKXTS. ^ PHONE MAIN TECHNICAL AND ^| 5* 1379 SCIENTIFIC BOOKS '<| •<( Successors to OSBORN & ALEXANDER ^' •St THE ALEXANDER-YOST CO. 6 Tools, Hardware, Machin ery & Machine Shop Supplies i i ^ i I 401 MARKET STREET I i Corner Fremont SAN FRANCISCO iA |g # H ^ ilj s m « * ^ p^ :>] ai IP ia a? t$ oj - \ S # ff ;*: =f- M — ^ 1^ a H H iJJ il ft ± & ^ X ^ PI a * -b ^ « fij » ^ ■£: + m ^ ^ m m n X m z m "s ^ m m m m ^ m ^ fo 'RF ^a ^ ~~' ^ \ SURNAMES, ETC. 10 EANG asKh-aiig. + ~tJ^ ^?^ riF^ ~^V* M 3< M ^ S2 Yip DEANG GEANG JEANG JEANG Saam Yup Dseung Oeiing Jeung Jeiing IIJ ^ ¥ ^ Sz Yip JEANG LEANG YEANG YKANG Saam Yiip Jeng Leung Yeung Yeung W E£ — as in Bee. -^\ Sz Yip JEE LEE LEE SHEE Saam Yjit Jue Ley Ley Shea ^ ^ l» o Sz Yip YEE YEE YEE ■ Saam Yup Yue Yue Yue 12 EK — asiuDeck. 11 + ^|\/| — as iu Them. ^A H # o Sz Yip EIC EK LEM Saam Yup Dik Jaak Lum 13 EN — '^S i^^ K^"- ^~1^ il ffl o o Sz Yip TEN HEN Saam Ytip Tsin Tin 13 ADVERTISEMENTS. P Kox: Brands H Biirning Brands |( . . Cattle Brands i ...BRASS STENCILS... ?« Din I STENCIL PASTE and STENCIL BRUSHES | ^^^PAUL P.BERNHARD fiCO. ^ _ -SEALS AND -^ JPnOl CHECKS CTCM^ ii)^51Z MontgomenjS^-WRfflcisco. P Numbering Nlachines M i and Steel Stamps . . . % i ^ ffi se S8 i I RUBBER STAMP INK | I ... and INDELIBLE INK ... | I THAT IS GUARANTEED | en 1^ PI :^i|Bl 155 ^ DObEDTS- COAPANY DE51GNER5and/\AKERS or GAS ""^ CLKTDIC riXTVULS 64J- 643/ni33IC>N-JTRELT- •5ANFKANCI5CO- AUTI5AN3 IN ALLAETALS m ^ m ^ n "s -Y m m ± m f H il ^ E II? H - A f llJ P| «] r^ ^i!f "^ %l m -^r m "^ ^ X Wt ± 3E « # H ^ H P^ t$ 4 S W SURNAMES, ETC. 15 ■' !>-;. 14 ENG. T ^ 1^ S2 Yip ENG CHENG LENG Saam Ytip Ding Cbing Ling 15 N G — '^s in So-ng. S2 Yip NG NG Saavi Yup Ng Ng 16 I M — as in Him. Sz Yip GIM JIM NGIM Saam Yup Gum Jum Yim IT IN — as in In. m m. m Sz Yip CHIN JIN JIN Saam Yxip Chun Jun Jun 18 IP. IT. Sz Yip YIP NIP SIT Saam Yup Yip Neep Seet 19 I W — as Ew in Yew. ^ ^ ill SzYip JI\V JIW LIW Saam. Yup Jaow Jiw Eaow m -^ "% Sz Yip LIW MIW SHIW Saam Yup....'!L,// ± fi IP - ft g « T Hi ^ W .^ nn nn m. m. % « IS SI] m ens <§■ m m. m A le & m m. m mm * ^. « ?§■ pB9 f@ « ip m M fsi ra gc «*: fla g A iP M ^ I » H a «t it m m m w mmm. Bl Jf ss ill A i^ ^ Ih ^ eni 3| m « A M * ih « ^ A A IB m *& ft P Hi ;© * ^. if ^ ft at n n ft « Jll A S £ « nf W m ^ m SURNAMES, ETC. 19 23 OOK — asinBook. z^'W^ m o o o Sz Yip LOOK Saant Yup lyOok 24 OON — as in Moon. 01^^ ^ ^ 1o ^> Sz Yip MOON NGOON SOON SOON Saam Yup Mun Yuen Sun Suen ^ ^ 'ffl o 5^ Yip TOON WOON WOON Saam Yup Tsoon Wun Wun 25 OONG- i* M >p| 11 tg ^ *5^ ^E J?^ SzYip FOONCx FOONG GOONG HOONG Saam Yup Foong Foong Goong Hoong m ?L r ^' m Sz Yip HOONG KOONG JOONG LOONG Saam Yup Hoong Hoong Joong Loong *^S 30 ONG. +^ Sz Yip FONG FONG Saam Yup Fong Kwong m Sz Yip HONG HONG Saam Yup Tong Tong ^ 3E f£ O Sz Yip WONG WONG Saam Yup Wong Wong 3 1 OY — as in Toy. — "Ht GONG HONG Gong Hong KONG PONG Kong Pong WONG Wong Sz Yip MOY TOY Saam Yup Mooy Tsoy o o CHINESE NA^IE SPELLING COMPANY. The Chinese Name Spelhng Company, under the man- agement of Ehner A. Jones, makes a special business of spelling Chinese names' in Enghsh correctly, for con- tracts, leases, wills, deeds, afifedavils, store names, and for all kinds of legal documents in use in Courts, United States Customs, Internal Revenue, and Commerce and Labor Departments of the LTnited States, Bureau of Im- migration and Chinese — such as writs of habeas corpus, bonds of appearance and appeal, certificates and affidavits on appeal,, applications for duplicate certificate of resi- dence, partnership lists, statements, etc., etc. Send the surname and given name, and the sex written plainly in Chinese characters, to the manager, Elmer A. Jones, with a fee of $i.oo. whereupon a certificate like that on the opposite page will be promptly returned. Special reduced rates for i)artnership lists. Address the manager, ^Ir. Elmer A. Jones, Box 2568, San Francisco, California. ADVERTISEMENTS. O- p. STIDGER, Sr. JAS. A. STIDGER STIDGER & STIDGER Attorneys- At-Law 628 MONTGOMERY STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ROOMS 23-30-31-32 TELEPHONE BUSH 110 M ^. - -K ^ , lit 3; ?^ m u * m m n # -^ m. n Hr + & J* E e m aS m -^ — — ± gl Z r 4 ie:< ft A ft H SI + w - W S :ft « i # l.i s ^ A ^ + a IS ^ 4 i ?« m m « ^ s A lU W. ± — J$ + ife 25 I N D EX TO THE PRECEDING LIST OF CHINESE NAMES MS E. ^ U- ^ O O :£ 3 n*K iJ^»i V m 4 ™ ii 5 H^ :S ^ O A 6 ^ b 7 a la ^ O O O ^A. 8 A 9 i5E OO 15 1^^ ^O o it ® # fiJ^ O -ft-. ^ + 10 o M -+ 11 o O -+ 12 O H+ 13 O rat 14 O i-h 15 tfc At 16 O -bi- 17 O A+ 18 ADVERTISEMENTS. Fernand de Journel T. C. West wesi & de Journel ATTORNEYS-AT- LAW 54-55-50 CrocKer Building SsiTX Francisco ft jH: ft- Ha A ft ft J^ J^ J^ A if n # A PI + + H ;^: Ul + ± 27 f '1 M 3 f/L i^ oo o '& o 1^ oo INDEX. ;l+ 19';^ -JL M il Jiti^as 1^ ^ o o +11 20 "H^ ^^ pT S ^^ 26 -*21^ ii ^ ^^ |I$S .1^^ ^^i^27 r-H- 22 il ^ M M Aii- 28 ^^00 ^ O O O All- 29 ? 23 ;^ in it ^ +i^ 30 la-H- 24 .'/H "rir r^i _s. »K i^ O S-ti- 25 tl^ ^ O O -1I1-31 ^ it k ^ H S m IE K ft m m I ^ ^ tt. R tft S it ^ ^ ^ * ji I i - ff H IS ^ T s i>i @ y^; A li S ^ ^. H iS ^ ir ,® A m m. * — Eg ^ g lit i: ^ * it zm ± m m K n mm k xmm IS .2. ♦ \m tt /E « ffi it t la If. m B — HI) ^ H S 11 HI) R ,^ ey /^ * 1*1 -^ ^ m m mm m n ^ m ZZ ft n rm 1 T 6« M ft ® fl6 A T. ft ^ A * A mm Alt 'C- BEJ 11 -^ u m w m A tf] A A «B ft S^ z OCULISTS' PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY FILLED SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN METHODS OF EYE -TESTING P. P. WAHLSTAD OPTICIAN IREGISTERED OPTOMETRIST) 1251 BROADWAY EXAMINATIONS MADE BY APPOINTMENT DAY OR EVENING OAKLAND 1038 59th street OAKLAND, CAL. A ^ # A ^ + M! i% =p ^ « if w It « # 5. PI m ft « ± 29 r,i<:\i-:i>:Ai. regulatioxs gox'erxixg the EXCLUSIOX OF CHIXESE. The authority, ])o\ver, and jurisdiction in relation to the exclusion of Chinese persons and ])ersons of C'liinese descent, heretofore vested hy law and treaty in Collectors of Customs, have heen conferred ujjon and vested in the Department of Commerce and Labor. Letters of incpiiry relating' to Chinese matters should be addressed to the Secretary of Commerce and Labor or to the Comnns- sioner-General of Immigration, Washington, D. C. The authority, power, and jurisdiction in relation to the registration of Chinese, heretofore vested in Collec- tors of Liternal Revenue, are conferred upon H. L. Pittenger, Chinese Inspector, Bureau of Immigration, Washington, D. C. All the books relating to the registration, heretofore ni possession of Collectors of Internal Revenue in the differ- ent Internal Revenue Districts throughout the United States, have been removed to Washington. D. C. Chinese students, travelers, merchants, school teachers, and all others than natives resident in the rhilii)]Mne Islands, Hawaiian Islands, Porto Rico, .'ind all other insular possessions, desirous of entering the United States, must secure from the officer of the port, discharging ihe duties of the enforcement of the Chinese Exclrsion Act, a certificate under Section Six of the Act of 1884. Registered Chinese laborers, officials of the Chinese Government, teachers, students, travelers for curiosity or pleasure, natives, merchants and their lawful wives and S ulj ^ f« A A ^ ik ^ - m s IE m m A Z m « ;g A ;> A #: ^ 4 W ii ^ - ft - tl mm m m ^ m A A ^ m k m m m k I m. In) ^ S M SU Sfc ?I ^^ 4 « St S a K IB A ^ ^ * 'v.^ -^-* A S /L # '^iJ # A ill * IS T. m \U r/. W i® Oj iS m ffl A - m m m BE3 l"T P Ji illl fl" if ^. m m M « *^ iffi 4; i* ^^ » ?* m -i ^ * ^ tl ± ^ a *]3 1 «^ m m ± 4' T ^ * s gM_ € z uj A A * « gun Kam Wal? & (?o/' f COMMISSION; ^ MEHEHBNTS: : IMI'OKTF.RS OF AND DEALERS IN Q)\\)ese a^d Japanese pai7(;y Qoods Curiosities, ivory Toys, Lacquered Ware, Fine Crockery, Canton Crepe, Silk Handkerchiefs, Embroidered Screens, and all Kinds of Silk Dress Patterns. Fireworks, Teas, Etc. 716 DUl^ONT ST., Cor. Commercial p. O. Box 1994. SAN FRANCISCO. INVOICE RECEIVED BY EVERY STEAMER RULES AND REGULATIONS. 31 children, laborers seeking' in good faith to ])ass through the country to foreign territorx', Chinamen under l)ond, and persons whose ])hysical con(Htion demands immediate hospital treatment, shall he permitted to lancl in the LTnited States, subject to rules governing such case. The landing of Chinese persons, other than Consular or diplomatic officers and their attendants, is permitted only at the Ports of San Francisco, Cal. ; Portland, Ore Boston, Mass, ; New York, N. Y. ; New Orleans, La Port Townsend, Wash. ; Richford, Vt. ; Malone, N. Y Portal, N. Dak. ; Sumas, Wash. ; Honolulu, H. L ; San Juan and Ponce, P. R. ; San Diego, Cal., and Tampa, Fla. Permission is refused to Chinese persons to communi- cate with friends, relatives, or attorneys, pending de- cision upon their application to land, except on special authority. The examinations of applicants and their witnesses are conducted in the presence of Government officials only, from which the public is excluded. If application to land is refused by the Commissioner of Immigration, the applicant may appeal to the Depart- ment at Washington, D. C. His attorneys must give written notice of intention to appeal within two days after such refusal. Three days afterwards the records in the case are forwarded to Washington, D. C. ; additional evi- dence may be submitted and heard, and will be for- Avarded. Complete records much be kept of the de- 4" M ^ jtt m ^ Si m ^ m m m p 7^ nve* K m. ± * e ^ 5: m 7K ■ ■ E Z ■4lTP A A ;i Ba w ii! S lel IBI m: * ^ to' m m ft A ,i ^ te m z m m # .'1 X m BlicKensderfer Typewriters ftCO. C. BORNEMANN & CO.. Pacific Coast General Agents l-'Cl.L KV.\ HOARD WITH K] LETTERS AND CHARACTERS rincipal Office, 117 SUTTER ST., Lick House Block Telephone James hi Nos. 5 and 7, Price $40 and $50. Weight 6 lbs. SEND FOR C A T A L ( ) G r E S partiirc and arrival of all Chinese at the port of departure. The burden of proof rests with the api)licant elainiing- the rit^ht to enter or reside in the United States. 33 Curios, Stamps, Coins We are in the market to buy Chinese and Jap- anese curios. Save all the postage stamps you receive on yoitr mail from foreign cottn tries. We buy them. We also buy foreign coins of all kinds. GREENBERG & SMITH 429 Montgomery St., San Francisco m, s D. V. MAMOINEV JlitoriKV •)) Caw 83-85 New nontgomery St. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Room 5U6, 5th Floor. Crossley BIdg. s" /\ ^ .a n=ij m + 3f. m [a ^ m m m ^ il il -t jnL *7XS 55 M m PI » X m m m A- « A ;ffi ^- m ± ^ - Uj JAMES M. ELLIS flotary publiG l9Sura9G<^ ^. 323 MONTGOMERY STREET SAN FRANCISCO i AS ± 1^ ft 55 « -A f 1] t » m ft 15 ¥ la i! H ft ^ ?|i A IK & ^ # ?^ A I& - IJJ * ip S m -t- ic flfi /v. ^ » H i|. « ^> S \ M S t iH f* la] 1^ ^ ^ # Pt ® ^ -S g ft « ti ft M -?: ^ w s m s ?« f J 4 ^ H if If A li ^ Ji? ^ E — Uj m W ;^ « E i| ^ + ± S m - /v. T *» /-T UJ w m m tft '1-1 iS .2: ft ?S m fft- * B - • ft * ^ # HEW) SPERRY FLOUR COMPANY 133 Spear St., San Francisco Largest Flour Manufacturers on the Pacific Coast — 8,000 bar- rels daily. Office at Hong Kong under the management of W. S. Allen. ADVERTISEMENTS. OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER TO THE CHINESE BUREAU . . . DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AND U. S. MARSHALL'S OFFICE PHONE . . . BLACK 5110 WILLIAM SHEWS Photograph Gallery 520 KEARNY STREET San Francisco, Cal. Kim Ngui Yee & Co. Kim Wah Lung & Co. General Merchandise 804 Dupont Street, I San Francisco, California wmw^ Pi» # H ii r ♦ J: 36 \ # Ji 3l r € » «fi ik. m m m m ^ m m &iik m^m m lu wt ^ ^ :!P a '■ \ D^ ji ,i T^ » fe m m * f- M- ti P - Uj - ^' ii /]- ft Ol ^ :^ ^■i §5 -a fni /H Si it lb I ^1 H :\fERCHAXTS' SONS. Males uikKt the as;c of twenty-one years and females \mder eighteen years are minors, and entitled to land if tliey are children of domiciled merchant. The father must he activelx' engaged in a mercantile husiness. He must own an interest in the husiness. He must prove by at least two reputable witnesses, other than Chinese, that he has been engaged in such business as a merchant for one year prior to the application to land the minor children. The application of any minor child must l)e properly prepared, and all names should be spelled correctly and according to the David Jones System. The application should give the father's family and given name; his business and its location; his interest and employment in said business ; the name and photograph of the minor child. It should be signed and sworn to by the father. Another person acquainted with the minor and his parent, and the circumstances of the case, should make affidavit of the facts within his knowledge. The photograph and name of the father should be identified under oath by at least two reputable witnesses, other than Chinese, who are acquainted with his mer- cantile standing. If the application to land of a merchant's son is denied by the Commissioner of Immigration at the port of arrival, he may appeal from this decision to the Depart- ment at Washington, D. C. If the adverse decision is sustained and the appeal dismissed he has no other resource but must return to China. m ^ ^1] m m ^, m m u Hi m W SI! m m w. s iS - K z ^ z % m ^ m m ^ A « a m h. '£^ K ^ i^ « « fL ^ m m ^ m z ^ n @ m ^ X 41 m ft m «a Tf ^ z m m m K t^ z m ^ .a -r ? ia ii g ± - /ny /I "I Z^ y^ . "Sir ^ m -k ^ >l * -T m m m m -\- -k ^ A z -k m n z m z % =^ % * ^ ^ 4 v. m -k M ^ ^ z s. * « tt IS oT S ^ * a a * ^ ft m w f n K m % ^ ^i IE m Jtt ^ ffi '^ m m z If ffi ti PI m ^ n ^ ffl * s ft s ;^ ft § A S ^ H i^ ? ffl k m m. * s ^ n m ^ jM ii ts z m ~ M S « )i fl3 IE M ft K ^ ^^ « f« It 3(1 e ^^^m^'ii ^ ^fiir M^P;! 0i mwfmmfmm LAr.ORl<:RS. It is necessary tliat every Chinese laborer rcsidint;- with- in the United States shall have a ])roper certificate of residence. Any registered Chinese laborer who has a lawful wife, child, or parent in the United States, or projierty therein of the value of $[,ooo, or debts of like amount due him and pending settlement, may (le])art from the United States and return on complying with the following con- ditions : .V Chinese registered laborer, claiming the right to l)e permitted to leave the United States and re- turn thereto, shall apply in person to the offi- cer of the Chinese Bureau in charge of the Dis- trict in which he resides at least one month prior to his departure. He shall deposit wnth this officer his Certifi- cate of Registration, and shall make on oath to the officer in charge, in writing, a full statement descriptive of his family, or property, or debts. He must fully describe himself — giving his family and given names, age, height, local residence, occupation, color of eyes, complexion, and distinguishing marks, if any, and the port in the United States from which he expects to depart. Such written description shall be filed in duplicate, and a photograph of applicant shall be permanently attached thereto. Photographs of applicant should be furnished, giving full front and profile views. Such registered laborer must also furnish such proofs sustaining this application, either in the form of oral or written testimony, which shall satisfy the officer in charsfe. lei fit I m m 6 - A m =f- m ii 7C Jl ^ yk m ^ m X ^ s- « n z m m ^ m. PI ®( ffi :^ m -^ - S f^i n - m ill 5 m. B 7L — a m m m m Ji n ^ m. I Si tt m m. m ^ m m ^ ^ z m i^« ^ it A X M. ft X M ^ % 'A S m IE s m ± p in m A i m ntG.> z m ^ A - m ^ a m z ft ^ M m ^ s ii m m m z ft >L « 1- m. m m a -k m m m ^ z =f- X m ^ m X 11 u m ^ ^ m n n % ^ 36 ft « (Oriental Steamship Company) Imperial Japanese and United States Mail Line Operating the New, Fast, Palatial Twin-Screw 6,000-Ton Steamships i i Nippon Maru" "America Maru" "Hong Kong Maru" Built specially for this service, fitted with all modern conveniences, cuisine unexcelled, beautifid staterooms and trained servants, the steamers of this line will prove the most attractive in which to make the voyage across the broad Pacific. From San Francisco, via Honolulu, to Yokohama, Kobe, Nagasaki, via Inland Sea of Japan, Shanghai and Hong Kong and Hanila Connecting at Honk Kong with steamers for the Philippine Islands, Siani, Burniah, Java, Ceylon and all other India ports, etc., and at Kobe, Nagasaki, Japan, for Chemulpo and other Corean ports, and Vladivostock. For freight and passage apply to any of the princi- ])al railroad or excursion agents in the United States, or to Company's Office, 421 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. WILLMM H. c^VEI^Y, General cAgent 45 The right to return to the United States shall be ex- ercised within one year from the date of departure ; but such right to return may be extended for an additional period, not to exceed one year, in cases where, by reason of sickness or other cases of disability beyond his control, he has been unable sooner to return. These facts shall be fully reported to the Chinese Consul-General at the port of departure, and by him certified, to the satisfaction of the Connnissioner of Immigration of the port at which such laborer shall land, accompanied by a certificate and report from the United States Consular officer at the foreign jjort at which said laborer embarked for the United States. This certificate and report must state that the Consular officer has investigated the statements of said laborer, and believes that he was unavoidably de- tained for the reason stated, and must precede the certifi- cate and report of the Chinese Consul General. $i,ooo on -term deposit in a bank; $i,ooo worth of real or personal property ; debts due to the amount of $i,ooo and unsettled, and not promissory notes or other similar acknowledgment of ascertained liability, are just claims for a return certificate. Ordinary ascertained bank accounts are debts due and owing. Open and running book accounts are now con- sidered "pending settlement" and are held to be unascer- tained and unsettled, and both arc just claims for a return certificate. Chinese registered as merchants, and subsequently be- coming laborers, cannot secure a return certificate as a laborer. Chinese laborers who are visiting China may, not to exceed loo days prior to their return, file a request with the Commissioner of Immigration at the port of their departure from the United States, that his status be in- quired into. An investigation will be made, and if the status of his application remains the same as at the time of departure from the United States they will be notified and will be permitted to land immediately upon their return to the United States. 2. 1 III <^ * A *n El /L Kf A ^. ft B IP $ 85 ^ H ^ ^ ^ — a ? Hi ft X @ ©J ^ * ib a P ^ ^M 0f il M ^ ft ft lE fl9 ;t fS a ^ « (91] - ilft t« « AZ g ^ A I + jfe + "ST i: |2l H^p: ¥ II ffi la Bi /L is^ft^i^ ISiHtfbW It Z * ^ 11 Slft^m # Rft'g'ft r ^ 1^ *D ^ - # K iflP lei ft 0J Pfi T^ il ^ e - tg ftWS^ffi S S- S I /i^sfiW Pawning of registration certificates is an improper use "JH of them, for a ])urpose for which they w'ere not issued. iS Such certificates, when found in the possession of persons l^ other than those to whom issued, will be taken \\\) by the :?+c •officers of the Covcrnment and canceled. _oi If your certificate is lost, make application for a ^^ duplicate at once, as you are liable to deportation. ^ Because of the various spellings given on certifi- -^ cates, it is often difficult to locate the names on the ^ register in Washington, causing much delay and ftB. sometimes failure to issue a duplicate. It is advis- J^ able, therefore, that the certificate on page 22 of this book, giving various spellings of same name, A should accompany each application. '^ JAPAN, CHINA, PHILIPPINES, Via HONOLULU INDIA and AUSTRALIA ^ ^js By the Steamers of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company AND THE Occidental and Oriental Steamship Company S. S. KOREA S. S. SIBERIA S. S. DORIC S. S. MONGOLIA S. S. COPTIC S. S. MANCHURIA S. S. GAELIC S. S. CHINA Leave San Francisco alternately, about every ten days, for Honolulu, Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling at Kobe, Nagasaki, and Shanghai, and connecting v?ith steamers for Siberia, Korea ; also, for the northern ports o China, the Philippine Islands, Straits Settlements, India and. Australia. Direct steamer to Manila every three weeks. AKOUND-TIIE-WOllLI) TOURS AT REDUCED RATES Each Ship carries an experienced Surgeon and St(>wardesses, and particular attention is given to the cuisine, which is of the highest order. Full information will be furnished by any of the principal railroad offices and tourist agencies in the United States, and prompt attention vi'ill be paid to written or telegraphic requests for reservations, information, etc. GENERAL OFFICE, 421 MARKET ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. L. H. NUTTING, (Jeneral Eastern Passenger Agent, 349 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. ' W. G. NEIMYER, General Western Agent, l'.)3 CLARK ST., CHICAGO, ILL. cox ri':\ rs. [iitroducliDii •") Surnames Spelled !t Certificate of Si)ellinij; 'i'i Name Spelling Co '!* Merchant's Sons 11 Laborers l^! Duplicate Certificates of Residence. . . .47 IMap About the Wall I'hart «6 N fi^^nmf^in M US: m-^ ff #: -s i^i a m r. r m iSi '^- a £1 ffi m I'll H H '■ z t t 1 + ' -i 1 t r. - iL Fi '1 ff .5^ ^#^ This System is recommended as a standard by Judges, Clerks and Attorneys of the United States Courts. To avoid confusion, we recommend that attorneys write all Chinese names cording to the David Jones system of spelling Chinese names. Marshali. B. WoodworTh, United States Attorney. F. D. MONCKTON, Clerk U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Southard Hoffman, Clerk U. S. Circuit Court. Gbo. E. Morse, Clerk U. S. District Court. vSan Francisco, August 24th, 1904. * Judges of the United States Court having recommended the " David Jones System of Spelling Chinese " as standard in the United States, the Agents of the Pa- cific Mail Steamship Company and the Occidental and Oriental vSteamship Company will be supplied with copies of the book for their guidance in writing Chinese names on manifests. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY, B. P. SCHWEKIN, Vice Pres. and Gen. Mgr. OCCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP COMPANY, B. P. SciiwERiN, President. # rs ^ Ik r. ^ z m jH: m 1% p] # m m m ^ a « >h m m m rj ^ ^1; M. m n PI ^ m ^ VALL CHART, ^"""tad on CMh OF ■i David Jones System of Spelling Chinese Names — AND The Surnames of the Chinese in America," led, making a complete and handy guide to the phonetic spelling of ALL Chinese proper names By IDAVID t). JOlSlHS OflSciai Chinese Interpret*! for the United State* Courts at San Francisco W This System is rscommeuded as a standard by Judges, Clerks and Attorneys of ted States Courts. Price of Chart, in mailing tube, $2.50, postpaid ! : The Chinese Name Spelling Company, Box 2568, San Francisco. S. Hall & Co., 533 Twelfth St., near Clay 5t. STOVES and all kinds of PANS, TINWARE, and every- hing for the Kitchen. We want the Chinese cooks of Oakland to know that they will be always treated politely and honestly in tliis store. i^ar)¥M£)(f)i£)