wwm^'M^ I UC-NRLF » HH B 3 tas MAS |: Friends' Mfc'RICAN B?KAr;E Conference ^^m / S>HILAPELPHIA, 1901 - ■jiMMMHB^, LIBRARY OF THI". University of California. OIKX OK Accession | ''0.083 Cl(us THE AMERICAN FRIENDS' Peace Conference HELD AT PHILADELPHIA Twelfth Month 12th, 13th and 14th 1901 Pf)ilatjelpf)ta : PUBLISHED BY THE CONFERENCE 1902 If 01 Copies of this Report may be secured at the office of either the Friends' Intelligence?- or the American Friend, Philadelphia. Press of Ferns Jk Leach, 29-31 Xorth Seventh Street, Philadelphia. ■-o-- 1lntro^uction. ORIGIN AND ORGANIZATION OF THE CONFERENCE. The first step toward the organization of the Peace Conference, the proceedings of which are given in this Report, was t;iken at the time of the Seventh Annnal Conference on International Arbitra- tion, held by Albert K. Smiley at Lake Mohonk, N. Y., on the last three days of Fifth month, 1901. At this Conference a meeting of Friends present was called to discuss the question of holding a peace conference in which members of all the religious bodies in America calling themselves Friends should be invited to partici- pate. The following were present at this meeting: Alexander C. Wood and wife, Camden, N. J.; Arthur Perry and wife, Brookline. Mass.; Hannah J. Bailey, Winthrop Centre/ Maine; D. Wheeler Swift and wife, Worcester, Mass.; Benjamin F. True- blood, Boston, Mass.; John B. Garrett, Rosemont, Pa.; Frances B. G. Branson, Rosemont, Pa.; Philip C. Garrett, Philadelphia; Wm. P. Bancroft and wife, Wilmington, Del.; Clement M. Biddle and wife, Lansdowne, Pa.; Charles Richardson and wife, Philadel- phia; Howard M. Jenkins and wife, Gwynedd, Pa.; Margaretta F. Atkinson, Philadelphia; President William AV. Birdsall and wife, Swarthmore, Pa.; Rufus M. Jones, Haverford, Pa.; Joshua L. Baily, Philadelphia: Alfred H. Smiley, Minnewaska, N. Y.; Sarah Collins, Purchase, N. Y. Benjamin F. Trueblood wa's appointed chairman and Howard M. Jenkins secretary. After a free interchange of views, a com- mittee consisting of Benjamin F. Trueblood (chairman), Arthur Perry, Howard M. Jenkins, Philip C. Garrett, Hannah J. Bailey, William W. Birdsall and Rufus M. Jones was appointed to take into further consideration '* the holding of a conference of Friends of all bodies in America on the subject of peace and arbitration, with authority to add to their number, and also with authority to make arrangements for such conference, if in the judgment of the com- mittee it should seem proper to hold one." This committee, in order to obtain the opinions of l-'riends throughout the United States and Canada, published the following circular in the Friends' papers in Seventh month. 1 00083 PROPOSED FRIENDS' NATIONAL PEACE CONFERENCE. To Friends in America: It has been felt by a number of Friends that the opening year of the Twentieth Century ought not to be allowed to pass without some general public manifestation, on the part of all in America who call themselves and are known as Friends, of their peace principles and faith. The hour is a most important and even critical one in the history of Christian civilization, and demands the active and speedy movement of all the forces of righteousness, love and peace. Throughout their history Friends have stood for goodwill and fellow- ship among the nations as well as between individuals, and for the set- tlement of international disputes by the friendly, rational method of arbitration. In addition to their direct peace work as a religious body, they have furnished a number of the leaders and organizers of the general peace movement, and their large and constant influence in opposition to war as radically inconsistent with both Christianity and humanity has been widely recognized and felt. The body of Fi'lends in America is in a position to-day to speak with greater intelligence and wisdom, and therefore with greater power, than ever before in its history. It has spread across and over the continent, grown in numbers, and in recent years developed much in its intellectual resources. Its history and the history of the world during its existence have been full of instructive lessons as to the power of peace principles and the evils of Avar, the force of which ought to stimulate to new and better service. Do we not owe it to ourselves, to our history, to our profession before the church and the world, to the American public and to mankind everywhere, to declare ourselves anew to-day — and in a united way, as we have never done before — on 'che gi-eat and pressing question of the peace of the world, of the rescue of mankind from the awful in- iquities and crushing burdens of modern militarism? So far all to whom the idea of such a conference as that proposed has been suggested, have expressed the heartiest approval of it, and also their readiness to co-operate as far as possible in promoting it. At the time of the recent Arbitration Conference held at Lake Mohonk, N. Y., some thirty Friends, of different bodies, wlio were present, met, and, after earnest consideration of the subject, came to the unanimous conclusion that it was not only very desirable, but a clear and positive duty, that such a national conference be held, provided Fi-iends throughout the country in sufficient numbers approve of the project, and are ready to co-operate in it as they may be able. The persons named below were appointed to constitute the nucleus of a national committee, with power to add to their number, to lay the subject before Friends in general, and if, after the consultation, it should be deemed wise to go forAvard, to have charge of the arrangements for the conference; the committee to be enlarged into a representative national one. It is proposed to hold the conference in Philadelphia, the city of Wil- liam Penn, some time near the end of this year, for about three days. The plan is to make it a mass conference, that all interested Friends may attend as members, without the necessity of any official appointment. The progi-am, it is thought best, should consist of carefully-prepared papers, by the ablest and most experienced thinkers and workers in the peace cause to be found among Friends (to be selected by the National Committee), upon various phases of the peace question, — religious, his- torical, sociological, educational, political, etc.; a limited amount of time to be given to general discussion; the proceedings to be afterwards pub- lished for distribution. If the conference is held, it will be necessary to have a local commit- tee of Friends in and about Philadelphia, to provide a suitable hall, make nnanpoments for the cntortainniont of visitors, etc.; and also a finance comniittoe to secure throiijfli voluntary contributions funds for defraying the expenses of the mcetiufj- — rent of hall, advertising, printing of proceed- ings, bringing speakers from a distance, etc. The Provisional Coinniittee, whose names are given below, desire to hear at once, in response ti> this circular, from Fiiends in all parts of the country, and invite the freest expression of opinion, in brief form, as to the proposed conference. Address all communications to IJenjamin F. Trueblood, Chairman, 3 Somerset Street, Boston, Mass. Hannah J. Bailey, Winthrop Centre, Me. Wii.i.iAM W. BiRDSAi.L, Swarthmore, Pa. PiULiP C. Garrett, Philadelphia. Howard M. Jenkins, Philadelphia. Ri'Fi s M. Jones, Haverford, Pa. Arthur Perry, Brookline, Mass. Benjamin F. Trueblood, Boston. The responses to this circular were so numerous and cordial that the committee felt the duty to be clear to proceed with the arrangements for the Conference. A second circular, stating that it had been decided to hold the Conference, was published in The American Friend and The Friends' Intelligencer at the end of Eighth month. The provisional committee then enlarged its num- ber and constituted the following General Committee, which pro- ceeded to prepare the program and make other necessary arrange- ments for holding the Conference: Eliza C. Aemstrong, Centre Valley, Ind. Haatnah J. Bailey, Winthrop Center, Me. President W. W. Birdsall, Swarthmore, Pa. Haxnah W. Blackburn, Zanesfield, Ohio. William G. Browx, Toronto, Canada. Emilie U. Burgess, Highland, JST. Y. Clarksox Butterworth, Waynesville, Ohio. Eliza H, Carey, Wichita, Kan. William R. Clark, Emerson, Ohio. Elizabeth H. Coale, Holder, 111. J. Elwood Cox, High Point, N. C. Sarah Ann Dale, Pickering, Ont., Can. L. Maria Deane, Pleasant Plain, Iowa. Jane Edgerton, St. Clairsville, 0. Prof. A. M. Elliott, Baltimore, Md. Allen J. Flitcraft, Oak Park, 111. Philip C. Garrett, Logan (Philadelphia), Pa. Job S. Gidley, North Dartmouth, Mass. Abigail J. Hadley, Clarksville, 0. Margaret W. Haines, Cheltenham, Pa. Joseph Hill, Emerson, 0. Prof. C. W. Hodgin, Pichmond, Ind. 6 William M. Jackson, New York, X. Y. Dr. 0. E. Jaxxet, Baltimore, Md. Susan W. Janney, Philadelphia, Pa. Allen Jay, Eichmond, Ind. Howard M. Jenkins, Philadelphia, Pa. EuFUS M. Jones, Haverford, Pa. Harriet Cox McDowell, New York, N. Y. President Edwin McGrew, ISTewberg, Ore. Elizabeth B. Miles, Newberg, Ore. Dr. William L. Pearson, Oskaloosa, Iowa. Arthur Perry, Brookline, Mass. Esther Pugh, Selma, 0. Peter W. Raidabaugh, Plainfield, Ind. Eleanora H. Eobinson, Eichmond, Ind. Elias H. Eogers, Toronto, Can. Daniel Smiley, Lake Mohonk, N. Y. President Edmund Stanley, Wichita. Kan. President Charles E. Tebbetts, Whittier, Cal. EiCHARD H. Thomas, Baltimore, Md. Benjamin F. Trueblood, Boston, Mass. President J. B. Unthank, Wilming-ton, 0. Ella C. Veeder, Whittier, Cal. Elisha H. Walker, Baltimore, Md. Jane White, Baltimore, Md. James Wood, Mount Kisco, N. Y. Mary C. Woody, Wlnston-Salem, N". C. Samuel P. Zavitz, Coldstream, Ont., Can. A Finance Committee, consisting of Alexander C. Wood, chair- man, Camden, N. J.; Eobert M. Janney, treasurer, Philadelphia; Joshua L. Baily, Philadelphia; William P. Bancroft, Wilmington, Del.; Isaac H. Clothier, Pliiladelphia, and Asa S. Wing, Philadel- phia, was appointed, and through their solicitation ample funds were secured to meet all the expenses of the Conference. The Local Committee of Arrangements chosen, to whose earnest, self-sacrificing and wisely-directed efforts in arranging for the meetings and providing for the entertainment of members from a distance the success of the Conference was so largely due, con- sisted of the following persons: John B. Garrett, chairman; Samuel S. Ash, Mordecai T. Bar- tram, Clement M. Biddle, Benjamin Cadbury, Hannah W. Cad- bury, Arabella Carter, Isabel Chambers, Julia Cope Collins, W. W. Comfort, Howard M. Cooper, Joseph Elkinton, Sarah W. Elkinton, Sarah B. Flitcraft, Joseph E. Haines, Edward H. Magill. John B. Ehoads, J. Henry Scattergood, Isaac Sharpless, Walter P. Stokes. Agnes L. Tierney, Mary Travilla, William S. Yaux. Jr.. Emma Wain, Joseph S. Walton, Emma S. Webster, Mary E. G. Williams, John C. Winston, Stanley R. Yarnall and William Y. Warner. With this committee the local members of the General Committee, William W. Birdsall, Philip C. Garrett, Susan W. Janney, Howard M. Jenkins and Rufus M. Jones, regularly met. The program as finally revised and completed when the Con- ference opened was as follows: WITHERSPOON HALL, PHILADELPHIA, Twelfth month 12th,, 13th, 14th, 1901. IproQiam. FIFTH-DAY MORNING. JoHX B. Garrett (Philadelphia), Presiding. 10.00. Devotion. 10.10. Address by the Chairman. Announcements. 10.30. " The New Testament Grounds of Peace." Professor Elbert Rtissei.i., recentlj' of Earlham College. 10.55. " Elements of Peace Doctrine in the Old Testament." Dr. George A. Barton, Bryn Mawr College. 11.15. " The Failure of the Christian Church in Regard to Peace Principles." Mary Chavner Woody, Winston-Salem, N. C. 11.35. Discussion of Papers. 12.30. Adjournment. FIFTH-DAY AFTERNOON. Howard M. Jenkins (Editor of " Friends' Intelligencer "), Presiding. 3.30. Remarks by the Chairman. 3.45. " The Early Friends' Conception of War and Peace." William G. Hubbard, Lansing, Mich. 8 4.05. " The Growing Iniquity of War." President A. Rosenberger, Penn Collegej Iowa. 4.25. " The Inherent Immorality of "War." Mariana W. Chapman, Brooklyn, N. Y. <.45. Discussion of Papers. r.20. Adjournment. FIFTH-DAY EVENING. President James B. Unthank (Wilmington College, Ohio), Presiding. 8.00. Remarks by the Chairman. 8.15. "Early Christianity and War." James Wood, Mount Kisco, N. Y. 8.40. " Attitude of Christians as to War and Peace." Dr. Jesse H. Holmes, Swarthmore College. 9.05. " The Christian Idea of Force." Dr. Richard H. Thomas, Baltimore, Md. 9.30. Discussion of Papers. 10.00. Adjournment. SIXTH-DAY MORNING. President M. Carey Thomas (Bryn Mawr College), Presiding. 10.00. Devotion. 10.10. Remarks by the Chairman. 10.25. " Importance of teaching Peace Principles in Bible Schools." Peter W. Raidabaugh, Plainfield, Ind. 10.45. " The Principal Influences Making for Peace, and How They May be Strengthened." President Edmund Stanley, Friends' University, Wichita, Kan. 11.10. " Woman's Responsibility and Opportunities for Promoting Peace Principles." Mary Jane Weaver, Batavia, N. Y. 11.30. Discussion of Papers. 12.30. Adjournment. 9 SIXTH-DAY AFTERNOON. President William W. Birdsall (Swarthmorc College), Presiding. 3.30. Eemarks by the Chairman. 3.45. " Present Encouragements for the Friends of Peace." Prof. Et.len C. Wright, Wilmington College, O. 4.10. " Internationalism." Hannah J. Bailey, Winthrop Center, Maine. 4.30. " Peace Principles in Political Life and Institutions." Augustine Jones, LL.B., Principal Friends School, Providence, R. I. 4.60. Discussion of Papers. 5.20. Adjournment. SIXTH-DAY EVENING. Joshua L. Baily (Philadelphia), Presiding. 8.00. Eemarks by the Chairman. 8.15. " To What Extent are Peace Principles Practicable? " President Isaac Sharpless, Haverford College. 8 40. " William Penn's Peace Work." Philip C. Garrett, Philadelphia, Pa. 9.05. " The Present Position of the International Peace Movement." Dr. Benjamin F. Trueblood, Boston, Mass. 9.30. Discussion of Papers. 10.00. Adjournment. SEVENTH-DAY MORNING. Aethue Peeet (Boston, Mass.), Presiding. [Meetings on Seventh-day in Twelfth Street Meeting House.] 10.00. Devotion. 10.10. Remarks by the Chairman. 10.20. " The Duty of the Christian Church at the Pres- ent Time in the Movement to Abolish War." Henry W. Wilbur, New York City. 10 10.40. " Mistakes and Failures of Friends in Their Peace Work.'' President James B. Unthaxk, Wilmington College, O. 11.00. " The Makers of Peace." Dean Elizabeth Powell Bond, Swarthmore College. 11.20. " The True Spirit of Peace." Dr. William L. Pearson, Penn College, Iowa. 11.45. Discussion of Papers. 12.30. Adjournment. SEVENTH-DAY AFTEENOON. SuSAX W. Janney (Philadelphia), Presiding. 3.30. Eemarks by the Chairman. 3.45. '• The Eelation of Quaker Women to Peace." Kmilie U. Burgess, Highland, N. Y. 4.10. " AYar Inconsistent with the Genius of Quakerism." President Charles E. Tebbetts, Whittier College, Cal. 4.20. '' Constancy in our Peace Sentiment and Effort." President Edwin McGrew, Pacific College, Oregon. 4.30. Discussion of Papers. 5.00. Miscellaneous Business. 5.20. Adjournment. SEVENTH-DAY EVENING. President Isaac Sharpless (Haverford College, Pa.). Presiding. 8.00. " Eemedies for the Prevailing Militarism." Josiah W. Leeds, West Chester, Pa. 8.20. ''■ The Influence of Quaker Peace Ideals in Our National Life." Dr. 0. Edward Janney, Baltimore, Md. 8.40. " Peace as Involved in the Christian Method." Dk. Rxtfls M. Jones, Haverford College, Editor of " The American Friend." 9.00. Discussion of Papers. 9.30. Closing Eemarks by the Chairman. THE AMERICAN FRIENDS' PEACE CONFERENCE. JFiret Session, The American Friends' Peace Conference, the calling of which is explained in the Introdnction to this Keport, met for its first session in "Witherspoon Hall, Philadelphia, Twelfth month 12th, 1901, at 10.00 a.m. John B. Garrett, of Philadelphia, presided. In opening the Conference the Chairman said: We all recognize that the only proper beginning for such a Con- ference as this npon which we are entering is the seeking of the favor of Almighty God; and as true spiritual worship is a matter between the individual soul and the Creator, I suggest that a few moments be first given to silent communion with Him. While we are so engaged, should there be a feeling on the mind of any of the duty of vocal prayer, we shall all appreciate its appropriateness and endeavor to be baptized into the spirit of it. During the period of devotion prayer was offered by Rufus M. Jones and James Wood. Stephen E. Smith, of Pleasantville, N. Y., in a few brief sentences said that it was fitting that they should all come with feelings of self-abnegation and of true humility of soul before Him w^ho had called them to serve Him; that they should seek the outpouring of His infinite life and love and power in their midst, that they might be able to enunciate the doctrines of the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man in such a way as to make some impression not only in the United States, but also in other parts of the world; that the day might be hastened when " the kinu'doms of this world should become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ." The Chairman: The Local Committee of Arrangements has designated, as Secretaries for the Conference, Elizabeth Lloyd and Elizabeth B. Cadbury. Their duties, they may feel assured, are not likely to be onerous, seeing that the papers which have been pre- pared have been handed in, in manuscript or typewriting; and be- cause we have also a stenographer to take reports of extemporane- ous remarks. Most of us are aware that under divine l)lessing the origin of this Conference is due to one who has spent many years in study- ing the great problems of internationalism, war and peace, histori- cally and otherwise. He is now the General Secretary of the Amer- ican Peace Society. I am sure it is due to you, as also to him, that 12 yoi. should hear from his own lips the account of the beginnings of this movement. I will therefore call upon Dr. Benjamin F. True- blood, of Boston, to speak to us before we undertake other business. Benjamin F. Trueblood: I cannot tell you, dear friends, how great pleasure it gives me this morning to meet so many of you here, from so many different parts of the country. To see you here is sufficient compensation for anything that I may have been per- mitted to do in the origination of the Conference. Only a few words are needed as to the origin of the Conference. For some months of last year I felt that the time had come when the various religious bodies in this country calling themselves Friends should unite, both for the sake of their own membership and that of the public at large, in a fresh declaration of their views on the subject of peace. The Society in its different branches has spread, as you know, over almost the entire continent. No attempt, so far as I know, had ever been made to get members of all the branches together and have them speak in a united voice on the great subject of peace. I had felt for many months that the time had come for something of the kind to be done. I approached a few Friends of the different bodies, and found them all in sympa- thy with the idea. At the time of the Lake Mohonk Arbitration Conference, held by our friend Albert I\. Smiley, at the last of May this year, I ven- tured to call together the Friends who were there, representing the three principal bodies of Friends. I found them, without excep- tion, in sympathy with the thought as it had formulated itself in my mind. It was decided by those present to appoint a Provisional Committee, with power to add to its number, and to issue an ad- dress to the Fiiends of the continent, in order to learn whether they felt as we did about it. The address was duly issued, and published in the Friends' papers. The result was that from East and West, North and South, there came such a voice of approval that the Pro- visional Committee felt that it was right to go forward with the subject. A second circular was issued, saying that it had been defi- nitely decided to hold the Conference, and the Provisional Com- mittee proceeded to constitute a Ceneral Committee on Organiza- tion (see Introduction), a Local Committee of Arrangements, a Fi- nance Committee, and to make preparations for the Conference. The Committee, in making arrangements, preparing the pro- gram, etc., have endeavored to have not only the Friends of all bodies, but, as far as possible, the Friends of all sections of the country, represented. Of course we could not use all the Friends of the country either upon the committees, or upon the program, but we have tried to get representative men and women from the dif- ferent bodies, and from different sections of the continent. This has been a somewhat difficult and delicate task, as you will all rec- ognize. 13 We have found it to be necessary, in making up our program, in order to get as wide a representation and as great a variety of thought as possible, to limit the papers to twenty minutes in length. As we gather together this morning, I feel sure that it is in the divine ordering. God has led us in the organization of the Con- ference, and I believe He will lead us in the accomplishment of the work for which we have met, and that He will enable us to do something that shall be of influence in the spread of His kingdom of righteousness, love and peace. I hope that throughout the en- tire Conference we shall all abide under a sense of His presence, His power and His guidance. I want to say one word more: We wish you all to feel that this is your Conference. If at any time during the discussions which will follow the papers you feel that you have something to say, we want you to feel perfect freedom to speak. We do not wish you to throw the responsibility of the meetings too much on those of us who have organized the Conference. Xow that the Conference has met, it is yours as well as ours; it belongs to all of us; and let us all put an amount of devotion, thought and prayerful interest into it which shall make it a very great success under the blessing of God. I want to thank you all this morning for your presence here, and as Chairman of the Committee on Organization to give you a most hearty welcome. TnE Chairman: There are several announcements that ought to be made at this time, and in view of the fact that it is now within three minutes of the time designated on the program for the read- ing of the first paper, I will ask you to excuse me from making any remarks at this time, as the opening has been so well done by our friend Dr. Trueblood. I will watch my opportunity to say any- thing that is on my mind as the discussions of the papers go on. In the first place, I want to ask that those coming from a dis- tance will make themselves known to the Entertainment Commit- tee, of which our friend William Y. Warner, sitting at my left, is Chairman. If they have not homes already they will be provided for. Let me remind all that punctuality is one of the graces in which we Friends are supposed to have been educated. As the doors will be closed during the period of devotional exercises each morning, it is desired that all in attendance shall have entered the room and taken their seats before the designated hour of 10 o'clock. It is the wish of those w^ho have organized the Conference that the name and address of every one in attendance shall be left here. If you will kindly write your names and addresses distinctly on the cards which have been, or will be, handed to you, and give them to one of the secretaries or ushers, we shall feel grateful. When we enter upon the consideration of the papers, some one who has been designated to open the discussion will occupy not to 14 exceed ten minutes, after which the subject will be open to the whole house. If we are to get through in three days the large amount of work before us it will be necessary to limit the speeches during the discussions to five minutes. Those who rise to speak, unless known to the Chairman, are kindly requested to give their names and addresses, as this will make you known to the audience, and thus greatly add to the interest of the occasion. One of the first matters of business is that of the appointment of a Committee on Credentials. Isaac Wilson: I ofiier the following: '' Resolved, that a Com- mittee on Credentials, consisting of five meml^ers, be appointed by the Chair, to which credentials of delegates are hereby referred for examination, with instruction to present to a future session a list of all duly-appointed delegates, their post-office addresses and the communities which they respectively represent." The Chairman: You hear the resolution which has been of- fered by Isaac Wilson, of Canada. Benjamin F. Trueblood: I second the resolution, and desire to say that I hope it will give rise to no misunderstanding. While there are certain meetings and groups of persons which, in order to be represented, have joined in sending delegates, it is, I hope, un- derstood that this is a mass Conference and open to all Friends. Any member of any branch of the Society who is present is just as much a member of the Conference as anybody appointed by a quarterly, yearly or monthly meeting, or by any group of Friends. The resolution offered by Isaac Wilson was adopted. The Chairman: I ought to add that we are not exclusive by any means. The Conference has been widely advertised in and about Philadelphia, and not a little at a distance. We hope that our Christian brothers and sisters who are about us will come in with the utmost freedom and share with us the benefits of this oc- casion. Our purposes are largely educational, and they are to be realized in a great degree by the attendance of those who are about us. The Chairman then named the following as the Committee on Credentials: Isaac Wilson, Chairman; Timothy B. Hussey, Emma Wain, Joseph Potts and Hannah Collins. Benjamin F. Trueblood: I offer the following: "Resolved, that a Business Committee, consisting of not less than seven mem- bers, be appointed by the Chair, to which shall be referred without discussion all resolutions offered in the Conference. Said Commit- 15 tee shall prepare a Declaration, to be submitted to the Conference towards its close for its consideration and possible adoption, and the Coniniittee shall have power to add to its number." The resolution was adopted, and the Chairman named, as the Business Committee, Dr. Benjamin F. Trueblood, Chairman; Presi- dent William W. Birdsall, Howard M. Jenkins, Susan W. Janney, Philip C. Garrett, Dr. Rufus M. Jones, Dr. 0. Edward Janney and Professor Ellen C. Wright. The Committee was afterwards en- larged by the addition of President Edmund Stanley, Esther Pugh, Peter W. Eaida1)augh and Robert E. Pretlow. Howard M. Jenkins: I have received, in my capacity as Sec- retary of the General and also the Local Committee, a number of communications. Some of them are resolutions, or minutes, ex- pressing sympathy with the object of the meeting, and others are names of delegates. I take this opportunity of handing these to the Chairman, to give to the two committees that have ju?;t been ap- pointed. The Chateman: One more matter of business. The Local Committee of Arrangements have asked me to say that it is their judgment that the proceedings of this Conference will have such permanent value that they should be published. It is suggested that the Business Committee take the subject under consideration, both as to style of publication, if it shall seem expedient to pub- lish the proceedings, and the size of the edition. Those questions can be best answered after the Committee have had communicat'on with those in attendance and have learned what the desires of indi- viduals or of peace associations may be. The question is largely one of means. Funds have already been provided, through the generous contributions of Friends, for paying all the other expenses of the Conference, but the question of publication was not taken into con- sideration. It will be left, therefore, with the Business Committee. Benjamin F. Trueblood: If any who are present would like to subscribe for a number of copies of the Report for their own per- sonal use, and will communicate with us, the Business Committee will know much better how to proceed in the matter. The Chairman: The time has come for the reading of the papers prepared for this session. The first on the program is on " The New Testament Grounds of Peace," by Professor Elbert Rus- sell. Owing to ill health Elbert Russell has found himself unable to be present. He has entrusted his paper to his personal friend, Robert E. Pretlow, of Wilmington, Ohio, who will read it to us. THE NEW TESTAMENT GROUNDS OF PEACE. BY PROFESSOR ELBERT RUSSELL, CHICAGO. The grounds of peace in the New Testament are found in the teaching of Jesus as it is exemplified in his life and interpreted by the apostles. We must take Jesus's example as the standard by which to interpret his teaching. Otherwise it is possible to deduce from isolated sayings of the Master the most divergent and contra- dictory ideas of right and wrong. From the Gospels we learn that Jesus explicitly refused the sword or any other violent means to propagate his doctrines or to found his kingdom, relying only on the power of truth, love and self-sacrifice to overthrow evil and secure the triumph of righteous- ness. From his character and plans the military virtues and ideals were conspicuously absent. The pacific virtues of the prophet and sage characterized his life and determined his career. At the time of his great temptation, he was compelled to decide by what means he would seek to make the kingdoms of the world his own. Jewish expectancy said the Messiah would secure his dominion by military power. Universal experience said there was no way to world dominion except by the sword. On the mount of temptation Satan offered Jesus the sovereignty of the world on the same evil terms on which others had before held it — by military force. But Jesus refused to be a military king. Again, in Gethsemane, Peter offered Jesus the service of his sword, but Jesus declined both Peter^s sword and that of the angelic legions that were at his call. Standing before Pilate Jesus acknowledged himself a king — a king whose power rested on truth, not on might. Such was Jesus in a world organized politically, socially and re- ligiously on a basis of military force; in which military prowess and conquest were regarded as the sign of greatness for the individual and the nation. In that world the disappointing, incomprehensi- ble, maddening thing about him was his pretence to kingship without an army to back him — his claim to a kingdom which was not of that world. To the Jews who were expecting a military Mes- siah he was a stumbling-block. To the Eomans, who knew no power but law enforced by the sword, he was an enigma. To the Greeks whose wisdom did not transcend a military society he was a fool. The world of that day could have understood the Christ with a sword, but the cross of Christ was an offence. If there is in the life of Jesus a real incarnation of God (and there is), his whole life is an example for us to follow, and in this example is found the surest ground of peace in the New Testament, for the ways he trod are paths of peace. The grounds of peace in the teachings of Jesus and His apos- tles are threefold: (1) Jesus removed the distinction between fel- low-countryman and foreigner, so far as men's moral obligations to each are concerned, thus removing any pretext for international 17 war which would not also furnish a justification for intestine war. (2) Jesus forbade the use of violence to promote righteousness or root out evil. (3) Jesus instructs his disciples to follow his ex- ample in seeking to extend his kingdom by relying exclusively on spiritual 'lathor than physical force, the forces of peace and not those of war. Let us consider briefly each of these points. I. The Jewish people had been trained to feel their peculiarity among the nations, and had been encouraged to keep aloof from them during their formative period, lest they should become pol- luted morally and religiously by intercourse with their heathen neighbors. This attitude, which had become very pronounced in Christ's time, was expressed in the saying: " Thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate thine enemy; " in which expression " neigh- bor " means " fellow-countryman " and " enemy " means '' for- eigner." But this spirit of clannishness and of hatred to foreigners could not be part of the world religion which Christ came to es- tablish. Christ extended to all men the privileges and obligations of fellow-countrymen. " But I say unto you, love your enemies (foreigners with whom you have dealings) and pray for them that persecute you (the Eomans) that ye may be sons of your Father who is in Heaven; for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sendeth rain on the just and the unjust. For if ye love them that love you (your compatriots) what reward have ye? Do not even the publicans (Roman tax-collectors) the same? And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? Do not even the Gentiles the same? Ye therefore shall be perfect (in im- partial love) even as your heavenly Father is perfect." This is likewise the lesson of the parable of the Good Samaritan. The young man would accept Christ's summary of the law, " Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." and yet justify his Jewish ex- clusiveness by the word " neighbor." Jesus tells him how one of the most hated of foreigners, the Samaritan, proved neighbor to a Jew whom his selfish fellow-countrymen had neglected. The love due a neighbor knows no national bounds. How is war between dif- ferent countries possible, even for so-called patriotic reasons, if one is to treat the foreigner as though he were a compatriot? II. In the parable of the Tares, Jesus teaches that no violence is to be used to remove evil men from the world and to promote the cause of righteousness. Jesus's first parable, on that day of parables by the sea — the parable of the Sower — had dispelled whatever hopes the disciples may have had of the easy and immediate tri- umph of the kingdom of God. It showed them that the preached word was not always to be fruitful. We know something of the character and thought of these men. James and John afterward wished to call down fire Tipon a hostile Samaritan village. Peter was quick with his sword when his Master was arrested in Geth- semane. Simon belonged to the '' zealot " party, which had in- spired some of the bloodiest insurrections against the Roman rule. 18 All the disciples shared the current Jewish notion that the Messiah would crush the Eoman power, conquer the nations, restore the kingdom of David, and make it universal by military force. On hearing that Jesus's kingdom was not to triumph at once, and by the mere preaching of the word, the question would naturally arise in their hearts, " What are we to do to destroy the evil that opposes and secure the triumph of the kingdom after the word shall have been tried and found inadequate? Shall we take the sword to de- stroy the sinners and hostile Gentiles?" This natural question Jesus anticipated and answered in the parable of the tares of the field. The kingdom of God is not to triumph through military force nor is violence to be used to keep the world good. Christ's servants are to carry on the contest with evil by the means and methods which he himself used. Beyond that the removal of evil from the world must be left to the Son of man to whom the work of judgment has been committed by the Father. Paul and Peter were only making an application of this teach- ing of Jesus when they charged the early Christians not to attempt physical resistance but to be in subjection to existing governments. III. Jesus trained a body of disciples and sent them to carry on a contest against the devil and his works. He gave them full in- structions for the work, but said nothing of military power. They were to preach the gospel, heal the sick, to bear witness of him, and suffer for their testimony, and to do these things with impar- tial love for all men. In the beatitudes given at the time he chose the twelve apostles, he promised them that the meek, the peace- makers, and those who bore persecution unresistingly, should in- herit the earth, be known as God's sons, and possess the kingdom of heaven. The military virtues had no beatitude from Jesus. His disciples, as he described, commissioned and blessed them, are men of peace. These, in brief, are the grounds of peace in the New Testa- ment. They are fundamental in it. Christian peace is not a pre- carious inference from isolated texts in the New Testament, nor an appendix to Christian ethics, but it inheres in the very nature of the kingdom of God which Christ came to establish on earth. The Chairman: I will now call upon Dr. George A. Barton, of Bryn Mawr College, who will read a paper upon the " Elements of Peace Doctrine in the Old Testament." 19 ELEMENTS OF PEACK DOCTRINE IN THE OLD TESTAMENT. BY GKORGE A. BARTON, PH.D.. BRYN MAWR COLLEGE. With reference to the relation whicli the Old Testament bears to the doctrine of international peace there are four possible atti- tudes of mind: 1. We may take the ground that the Old Testament is a record of a divine revelation, that it exhibits war as a part of the divine plan, and that, therefore, it justifies warfare among Christians. This attitude has been generally taken by Christians in many dif- ferent centuries. It has its advocates yet. It has served to flood the Christian world with wave upon wave of barbarism. Although it is still advocated by some Christian teachers, it is too supei-fi- cial to merit refutation in a company like this. 2. The second possible position is in part identical with the preceding and in part the antithesis of it. It holds that the Old Testament reeks with un-Christian barbarism, that it is a millstone about the neck of the Church, and that no advance can be made in the realization of the Christian ideal of peace until this unwieldy impediment is cast aside. This attitude of mind is as superficial as the preceding. It is produced naturally by reaction from the ex- travagant claims of those who advocate the first position. 3. A third attitude is sometimes taken. It is said that the vic- tories gained by Israel, which were of real advantage to the nation, were not the result of war, but of divine interposition, and that large military establishments were not only contrary to the com- mands of God, but disastrous to the political prosperity of the na- tion. This position would be comforting, if true, but unfortunately it rests upon a method of Old Testament study, which can no longer be regarded as thorough. Our Old Testament historical books were compiled and edited by men who lived just at the period when the Hebrews were passing from a nation to a church. These narra- tives were collected, not so much for the sake of history, as for the religious lesson which they might be made to enforce. Without doubt, too, the nation had suffered from the military ambitions of its greatest leaders. Equally undoubted is the fact that there was a large Providential element in the military victories won by their ancestors; but in retelling the stories of these to enforce a religious point of view the Providential element was heightened, the war- like element, which in the early time was very real, fell into the background, and the whole perspective was innocently and uncon- sciously changed. Let me give an illustration. In the sixth chapter of Joshua two different accounts of the taking of Jericho are woven together. In the older of these we are told how the Hebrews captured the city by a ruse. They quietly marched about the city for seven 20 days, in such a manner as to appear unable to attack it, thus throw- ing the inhabitants off their guard, and when the garrison least ex- pected it raised a great shout, and, rushing upon it, captured the city. The deed was really a military stratagem, but the victory was, like all victories, ascribed to Jehovah, the God of battles. The vic- tory was won so easily, however, that it was ascribed in an especial manner to the interposition of God, and it was only natural that in later times it should give rise to traditions in which the Providen- tial element overshadowed the other entirely. Indeed it is not im- possible for such a point of view to be taken in modern times about modern events. I have heard of a Friend, who regards the signal victories of the American fleets over the Spaniards, in the war of 1898, accomplished as they were with almost no loss of life, as evi- dence that America was as much the chosen instrument for the overthrow of Spanish despotism as Israel was for the extermination of the Ganaanites, and that God fought for the American fleets as he did for Israel of old. If this were not an age of books and of critical historical study, there might easily grow up in America a very unreal tradition about that war — a tradition in which the ac- tual military element, which we so much regretted, would sink out of sight altogether, and an impression prevail that it was deter- mined wholly by Providential interpositions. Obviously, then, if we would find in Israel's history valid principles which may be ap- plied to real international life in this world, we must adopt a less superficial method of study. 4. A fourth attitude is possible. We may recognize that the religion of Israel was the Providential preparation for Christianity, that in the beginning the Hebrews differed little from their neigh- bors and kinsmen either in religion or in the arts of life, but that as time advanced they saw more clearly the nature of God and their proper relation to their neighbors. If we proceed thus we shall ex- pect their religion and morals to be crude in the early period, but we shall expect, as we approach the time of the coming of the Prince of Peace, to discover a clearer apprehension of those great principles which should make war forever impossible. This last is the point of view which this essay is an endeavor to set forth, though obviously in the time at my disposal the proper treatment of the subject can only be hinted at. In the animal world warfare and struggle seem to be perfectly natural. Biologists teach us that it is by means of these that ani- mal life has been pushed for^vard to its present degree of perfec- tion. Man is from one standpoint a member of the animal king- dom. In the earlier stages of his development he has necessarily been pushed forward by the same processes which have moulded all animal life. He cannot be led forward by the lofty ideals which inspire by their brightness and purity until he can appreciate some- thing of their beauty and sulilimity. Until then, lik<3 his fellows in the animal realm, he must be pushed forward by the blind forces 21 of stnifTiTle and survival. To discover the elements of a peace doc- trine in the Old Testament, we must discover the power to appre- ciate the great religious trnths on which it rests. Those truths are the Fatherhood of God, and the brotherhood of man. Until men have clearly understood that God is the God of all men, and that it is as wrong to injure a stranger as a brother, because both are the children of the same Father, no peace doctrine is ])Ossible to them. Xow, in the early days of Israel's national life the necessary re- ligious foundation for this truth had not been laid. Each tribe, or, at the most, each nation, had its god. Each nation thought it must worship its own god, but it in no wise denied the reality of the gods of other nations. These gods were conceived as larger men, ready to fight with one another, or to over-reach one another in all the ways which men would do. This applies to the early his- tory of Israel as truly as to that of other ancient peoples. When David was temporarily driven from his native land, and had to take refuge in Moab, we hear him complaining: " They have driven me out this day that I should not cleave unto the inheritance of Jehovah, saying. Go serve other gods" (1 Samuel 2G: 19). Jeho- vah's power was, he seemed to think, limited to Palestine, and, when on foreign soil, David naturally supposed he must worship a foreign god. This accounts for the fact that David practiced such barbarities upon conquered enemies (2 Samuel 13: 31). From his religious point of view these enemies had no rights. Obviously in such an age the peace doctrine could find no root. In Amos, the first of the literary prophets, we find a broader outlook, both as regards the extent of God's rule over the nations, and as regards the barbarities of war. He perceived that Jehovah controlled all nations; Jehovah brought the Philistines from Caph- tor and the Aramaeans from Kir, as well as Israel from Egypt (Amos 9: 7). It was Amos, too, the possessor of this breadth of re- ligious vision, who condemned that violation of treaties, that bar- barity to women, and that disregard of the sacredness of death, which are so characteristic of war (see Amos 1: 9; 1: 13; 2: 1). It takes, in any age, a long time for a higher ideal to win its way, and that was true of Israel as well as of others. Isaiah sang of the birth of the " Prince of peace," in language which is much obscured in our common versions of the Bible, but which is so en- shrined in the affections of the Christian world that one hesitates to disturb it, even in the interest of truth. "When Isaiah's lan- guage is really understood, however, it differs but little from the hard standards of the age of war. That Prince, as Isaiah conceived him, was to be a " wonderful plotter, a very god of a warrior, and a father of booty " before he was " Prince of peace." In other words Isaiah's conception is still the conception of a conqueror; the peace which this passage pictures was such as Kitchener is mak- ins in South Africa. 2^ Many years later Isaiah had a more attractive vision. In the eleventh chapter of his prophecy, when describing the Messianic kingdom, he sang of a time when — " The wolf will lodge with the lamb, The leopard lie down with the kid, The calf and the young lion will graze together, And a little child will lead them." This language is no donbt fignrative. The prophet pictured under these animal forms the way in which human passion was to become harmelss. It is not clear, however, whether his thought em- braced the world in this Utopia of peace, or whether he confined it to the kingdom of Israel. The words which immediately follow favor the latter view. Such religious conceptions as those of Amos were, neverthe- less, bound to l^ear fruit. Under the influence of the prophets the old laws were recast and king Josiah instituted a reform on their basis. We now possess this work in our book of Deuteronomy. It is characterized by a large humanitarian element. It sought to soften the rugged features of the hard life of ancient times. It instituted laws in behalf of the poor, in behalf of slaves, who were usually the captives taken in war, and even in behalf of animals.* In its treatment of war itself there is a milder, more human and reasonable note than one is accustomed to find in antiquity (see Deuteronomy 20, and cf. Goldwin Smith in Independent of Au- gust 22d, 1901, p. 1959 ff.). Of the Levitical code which came into its present form even later, though many of its laws are old, the same may also be said.f If that code seems to limit the sympa- thies of Israel at times hj enforcing kindness towards members of that race particularly, it also commanded the Hebrew to love the resident alien as himself (Leviticus 19: 17, 18). When we remem- ber that the resident alien was usually a captive of war, we can see how beneficently the teaching of prophets like Amos was taking ef- fect. The idea that there was but one God and He the God of all men, was producing a new conception of humanity fatal to the spirit of war. In no book of the Old Testament does this leavening doctrine, that God cares for all men, and its corollary, that mercy is due to all, shine out more clearly than in the book of Jonah, but we have been so occupied in quarreling about Jonah's whale that the sig- nificance of the message of the book has escaped us. The book was written to enforce the great truths that God's care extends to all men, that he chose Israel not for her own sake merely. Init to bear his message of warning, of righteousness, and of mercy to all men. *See Kent's "Humanitarian Element in the Old Testament Legisla- tion," Biblical World, October, 1901. t See Kent, in Biblical World for NOvomher. 1!)01. 23 and that even the worst of Israel's enemies may find mercy with God and become his people. The book of Jonah is a missionary tract. The kindhness of God extends to all nations; the spirit of helpful sympathy should prevail toward them in the hearts of his worshipers — this is the message of this unique book, and it is a message calculated to extirpate the spirit of selfishness and nar- rowness from which all war springs. The climax of Old Testament thought in this respect is reached in that little prophecy, found both in the second chapter of Isaiah and in the fourth chapter of Micah, the origin of which is a puz- zle. Was it composed by Isaiah, by Micah, or by some unknown prophet? Perhaps the latter is the correct view. From this un- known seer it may have been introduced by editors into the posi- tions in the books of Isaiah and Micah, where it now stands. Be that as it may, in its inspired utterance we have for the first time an adequate expression of what a real monotheism means for the world. " The mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountain and exalted above the hills. Many nations shall give him their allegiance; his word shall rule them; he shall judge between many peoples and decide concerning strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more." One God for all nations, hence one brotherhood among men, and a universal peace on earth. This is the only logical view for a monotheist, and is the inevitable result of a belief in one God. Such is the strength of old custom, especially of custom consecrated by religious sanction and rooted in human passion, that this prophetic vision did not make a deep impression on the prophets' contemporaries; but nev- ertheless the beautiful picture of international amity, clearly drawn against the dark background of a savage antiquity, anticipated by two millenniums the vision of our Whittier, who sang: " Ea'II shall cease and Violence pass away, And the tired world breathe free through a long Sabbath day." Viewed in the manner here indicated, the Old Testament neither sanctions war nor is a millstone about the neck of Chris- tianity, nor is it the record of a people who lived in a world so un- real that it can teach us no practical lesson. It affords a basis for the peace doctrine, both because it exhibits the fact that war springs from the animal side of human nature, and is fostered only by a conception of God so limited as to be but little removed from heathenism; and also because it reveals the fact that the doctrine of monotheism cannot be really held without creating in men's minds an abhorrence of the barbarities of war, and without inspiring visions of a universal peace. The former element, though pain- fully apparent, is a waning or diminishing element; the latter, as revelation in its progress nears the Central Figure in human his- tory, clearly appears as the increasing and triumphant element. 24 The Chairman: The next paper, entitled "The Failure of the Christian Church in Eegard to Peace Principles," is by Mary Chawner Woody, of Winston-Salem, N. C, who will now read it. THE FAIIiURE OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN THE PAST IN REGARD TO PEACE PRINCIPLES. BY MART CHAWJfER WOODT, WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. It needs no argument or incident to show the great blessing which the church has been to the world — even in time of war; but the signal failure of the church to fill its mission of peace is har- rowing in the extreme. The Prince of Peace came in an era of peace to establish a king- dom of peace under the reign of love. There had been in the Ro- man Empire alone 644 years of constant war — from Tullius Hos- tilius to Augustus Caesar — with only six years of peace. But now the temple of Janus was closed, and at the advent of Jesus the shep- herds heard the anthem of the angels, " On earth peace, goodwill to men." The blessed Saviour taught his philosophy of love to his chosen followers, established his kingdom in the midst of the na- tions, and plainly stated the practical application of his principles. His disciples were slow to comprehend the force of love, and on slight provocation desired to call down fire from heaven on their enemies. Even at the last of the three years of constant teaching they misunderstood the figurative language and thought to rule by physical force. Then Jesus gave to the leader the plain words, " Put up thy sword, for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword"; and then an example of tenderness before the eyes of the little church should have taught his followers for all time that the human body was not to be mutilated and mangled with implements of war. As the soldiers were binding him, at his words, " Suffer ye thus far," the restoring band was loosed a mo- ment until it could reach the wounded ear of Malchus and touch it back to health. Previously that evening, as Jesus closed his in- struction to his followers on close fellowship with himself, he left the legacy of peace — forgotten in his very presence. This peace is first in the child of God. " It is a triple peace ''— peace with God, peace with our neighbor, peace with ourselves. " It has a wider scope than the individual." It is the effect of right- eousness that shall be peace. Cardinal Gibbons very truly inter- prets the gospel when he says: " God is the God of peace to the individual, the Father of peace to the family, and the Prince of Peace to society." The very force of the law of love will lead into the kingdom of peace. The coals of fire will melt the stony heart. Love is the most potent killing agency ever applied — cold steel and " reeking tube " are not to be compared with it. 25 If the Church was not to affect society why did Jesiis say to that little company, " Ye are the light of the world " ? Why did lie use that closer metaphor, " Yc are the salt of the earth " ? This was a prophecy that his chosen followers were to modify the whole world, that the principles enunciated by him would af- fect every institution they reached. It has been wonderfully fulfilled. Though under the light of the gospel there are many thousands who have not accepted iti truth, yet their whole character is modified by it. There can be lit- tle comparison between the unbeliever who has been brought up among Christian people and the heathen who has never come in touch with the salt of the earth. But it is to be shown here where- in the salt in this kingdom of peace has failed and so been trodden under foot of men. The principles of the Prince and the anthem of the angels and the legacy left have not been utilized in the church, and so it has lost its pacific element. It has yielded to a lower law, and thus broken a higher and more effectual. If an ear of the enemy could not be cut off in defence of the Son of God, where is a sufficient cause for Christians ever to as- sume the defensive? But the Christian Church has brought over from the old dispensation an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, and has attempted to engraft into the broad spreading tree of the gospel the seclusive, exclusive exotic of the Jewish religion. This has wrought untold mischief. The Church seems never ready, when a crisis comes, to meet it, because it has failed previously in not teaching the precepts of the gospel, " line upon line." '' In time of peace prepare for war " has been faithfully observed, and so a Christian nation, filled w^ith Christian churches, rushes into war on the slightest pretext, and the dove of peace cannot then be heard above the roaring artillery. If the salt of the earth would keep its savor, every Christian nation would be so saved by it that the folly of war would be impossible. It is the business of the Church to make people kind and just and wise, so that " kings would not play at the game of war." Dr. Chalmers says it is only by the extension of Christian prin- ciples among the people of the earth that the atrocities of war will at length be swept away. If this is true the failure is apparent; the Bible has not been sufficiently taught, the Sermon on the Mount has been hid as out of date. The gospel of love has been pushed aside as impracticable. A leaflet issued by the Howard Association says: "The regi- cides perpetrated by Italian and other anarchists, the assassinations and conspiracies of nihilists, the vendettas of Southern Europe, and the gross municipal disorders and corruptions of some of our American cities have all been especially characteristic of sections of people who, even if in some cases making a profession of religion, have really never been habituated or inclined to an acquaintance 26 with the supreme truths of God and eternity as revealed in the Holy Scriptures." Professor Huxley is quoted as saying: " By the study of what other book could children be so humanized? . . . No- where else is the fundamental truth as strongly laid down that the welfare of the state depends upon the righteousness of the citizen." " The Bible is the most democratic book in the world." That many grow up in our Christian country utterly ignorant of the Bible lies at the door of the Church. All quarters where there are disturbing elements, or likely to be, the Bible should be applied by all pos- sible means more bountifully than would the health officer throw salt into a cesspool that breeds diphtheria. Take the late assassin, for instance. The Christian Church is responsible for such a char- acter being developed in our midst. The assassin had strong con- victions and a courage equal to his convictions. But that his con- victions were wrong is a stigma on our instruction. If the pene- trating gospel of love had been as faithfully applied to his mind as were anarchistic views it is altogether probable that right principles would have been maintained with even greater tenacity. But be- hold the attitude of the church; it is vividly given in a cartoon of a minister and an anarchist side by side, the same spirit in both. The anarchist exclaims, " Kill all rulers " ; the minister exclaims, " Lynch all anarchists." When will these bewildered people be- lieve the gospel of love? A modified form of Christianity has been taught and not the gospel pure and simple. The Church has so often given man's idea of Christianity and not God's thought. The fundamental doctrine of love to God and faith in man has not its full application. From the beginning the Church has con- tinued daily to say " Our Father," but has not yet learned that if we say " Our Father " we must say also " My brother." For " He hath made of one blood all the nations of men to dwell upon the face of the earth." Until the Church teaches the brotherhood of man there can never be the federation of the world. The beloved disciple gives the gauge by which every Christian is to be measured. " If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar; for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? " How can he say, " Our Father " if he does not say " My brother " ? But the writer continues: " This commandment have we from him, that he that loveth God love his brother also." This means the Filipinos, the Boers, the ne- groes, the Indians and the Chinese. The Church was to be a light to the world, but it has wasted much of its force in controversy. " Ye are the light of the world." But how could the Church throw light upon the world when quar- reling about the light itself? How could the Church win the dark- minded when it did not recognize him as a brother? When the Dutch made their settlement in South Africa it is said that over their church door was this mongrel legend: '' Dogs 27 and Hottentots keep out." In these diminutive people they could see no trace of kinship. But under the brotherly care of the Mora- vian missionaries these same Hottentots received the gospel, and two years ago, at the Moravian Synod in Ilerrn Ilutt, this same Hottentot mission was transferred to the list of self-supporting churches. We admire the piety and persistence of the Boers, but lament their forgetting that the grace of God which bringeth sal- vation to all men hath appeared. How could the Church invite the world to a peace meeting when at strife within itself over possible renderings and interpretations and modifieations? Filled with this enmity the Church is shorn of its strength. H the prayer of .Jesus " that they may be one " were fulfilled, what power the united Church would now have in averting any storm cloud that might be gathering in all Christendom. She might also be an arbiter for heathen countries. Instead, the re- sponsibility of many wars lies at the door of the Church. For in- stance, our own Civil War came only after the Church had carried the strife so far as to split in two itself; then it was easy for the state to follow. The Church had failed to maintain the conditions of peace. Though the Catholic Church has as one of its principles, " The church shuns the shedding of blood," yet the jSTew York Joxirnal is authority for these words from the Pope to the Queen of Spain during the conflict in Cuba: " We repeat with all our heart, it is our wish that God may give victory to the Spanish arms in favor of your throne and the Catholic nation." The proper whole-hearted wish for the highest dignitary in the Church should have been for the success of God and humanity. Wlien matters came to a crisis the salutation from the Prot- estant Church in America was in the same spirit as that of the Pope; so war with Spain was inevitable. If vessels laden with sup- plies to relieve suffering from the hand of Christian people of the United States had waited in Cuban waters instead of a man-of- war, it would not have been a menace to Spain. By inflammatory sermons and bloodthirsty journalism both church and state were carried off their base, though Fitzhugh Lee, our consul, sent a cablegram that it would not do to send a man- of-war to the scene of conflict; but the Maine went and slipped into Havana harbor, and what has followed? And who can see the end of mangled forms and garments rolled in blood? The gospel of love is shut out by stronger walls than heathen superstitions from the drink-maddened Filipino. What is a little shout of glory for some name and the ques- tionable honor of a rear-admiral? The mother of Worth Bagley gave the true sentiment when the news of the slaughter of the young ensign reached her Kaleigh home, and she exclaimed, '' Tell them to stop fighting! I want no Spanish mother's heart to bleed as mine does to-day." At the close of the eighteenth ceLtury, under the leadership 28 of the head of the Greek Church, Eussia. Catholic Austria and Protestant Prussia partitioned out Poland. The freedom-loving Polanders, with no country to defend, have come to look upon all rulers as tyrants. The failure of the Church at the close of the eighteenth century has borne its legitimate fruit at the close of the nineteenth. What a century plant, with its deadly bloom in every civilized country on the globe! Because the Church has blessed and shouted over the armies, God's law. " he appointed to the nations their bounds," has been broken, and a people with- out a country have lost their confidence in the Church and have become a deadly foe to every ruler. In the American Revolution Kosciuszko drew his sword for the freedom of America. In 1901 a Polander takes the life of its President. The Christian Church quotes with joy the prophecies of Isaiah, but thinks them only ideal and impracticable. The great failure of the Church in the past has been that it has not recognized that under the leadership of the Head of the Church men are to work out the fulfillment of prophecy. The mere existence of these prophecies upon the inspired page is a condemnation of war and a command to the Christian Church to work for their fulfilhnent. A recent example of the success of the gospel plan has been given us from the far-away New Hebrides, whose four thousand men were only lately turned from cannibalism. The converted chief went with Frank Paton, the son of the veteran missionary, to establish a mission in one of the villages. He was met with loaded rifles, and was shot in protecting Mr. Paton. In his beau- tiful Christian death the chief insisted that no revenge should be taken for his mortal wound. What was the result? The evan- gelist says that this kind of a revenge opened the way for a band of the followers of their martyred chief to go two days of each week to preach Christ in the villages. What a contrast to the bands sent by Christian America to Christianize the Filipinos! Cardinal Gibbons, in a sermon at the beginning of the century, said, " The teachings of the gospel form the only basis of peace for the rulers of the earth. All the arts and resources of diplomacy will be in vain; all the courts of arbitration and peace conferences that ever shall assemble will avail but little . . . unless their decis- ions are guided and framed under the invocation of the Lord of Peace, who sits enthroned on the cross." " God grant that the new century may inaugurate a new era of people fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah." In a recent sermon, Pastor Sailliens, of Paris, said: "To bring back the church at once to apostolic simplicity, humility and spirituality seems an im- possible task. ... As long as the churches adorn the arms of war- riors with consecrated laurels and sing Te Deums in honor of their victories, war will continue and men will kill each other in good conscience, thinking they have the approbation of heaven." 29 The Chairh[ax: We have tliree-qiiarters of an hour now in which to discuss the three most interesting and valuable papers you have heard. I shall first introduce Dr. Rufus M. Jones, of Haver- ford College, who will open the discussion. Rufus ;M. Jones: I suppose most of us are too old to remem- ber how it feels to grow up, and how hard and slow it is to get over certain things that are in the grain to start with. We don't remem- ber, perhaps, how easy it is for the child to have the spirit of fight spring up, and how slow the process is of getting rid of it entii'ely. Well, now, being from observation familiar with the growth of life from childhood to maturity, and the changes which it brings, we ought to expect that some such thing would appear in the progress of the race from childhood to maturity, and that is what we find. There is, perhaps, no sadder note coming from the early period in the history of the race tlian that almost earliest note in the Old Testament. You remember a man named Lamech, who invented a weapon. He is the first man, or among the first, who used his head to invent something. The inventive power of man is one of the greatest which God placed in the world. Well, this man Lamech, as soon as he invents his weapon, as soon as he gets an in- strument through the exercise of this inventive power, begins to glory in it. He does not glory because he can thereby advance the world's interests and make it better. Here is what he says to his two wives, in the little poem — one of the earliest notes of song — im- bedded there in the early part of the Book of Genesis: Adafi and Zillali, liear my voice; Ye vives of Lamecli, hearken unto my speecfi: For 1 have slain a man for wounding me, And a young man for bruising me; If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, Truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold. That is the sort of man you have to start with. There are a good many pages in the Book we read and love, through which we have come to the great truths of God and of human life, and you have this seventy-times-seven repeated later in another strain. "How many times shall I forgive the man who hurts me?" a disciple asked. "" Seven times? That is what we have been told." " I say unto you, not seven times, but seventy times seven," was the answer. There jou have the forgiving spirit lifted to an indefinite height, because the words are indefinite words. Thus you pass along from the spirit of revenge, the spirit that breathes through the man who in- vents his first weapon, along to the spirit of that Personality who came to show us what life really means and what spirit should pre- vail in a human being. When two of his pupils came to the Mas- ter and called His attention to the fact that when Elijah had diffi- culties with some people, he called down fire from heaven and got rid of them, and said: " Is not this a similar case? Shall we not 30 ! call down fire?" he replied: "You know not what spirit you have. We are not living under the spirit of Elijah; we have passed away from that. You do not seem to know what time you are liv- ing in; you do not seem to realize at all the new idea of life." We have learned in our every-day life and in what we read, and this last paper this morning has recalled it to us, how continuously the spirit of the old time, the spirit of Lamech and of Elijah, keeps its hold on men, and goes on, in spite of the fact that the warmer waters of the Gulf Stream are slowly flooding the world. Two great figures of the seventeenth century, Oliver Cromwell and George Eox, were diametrically opposite characters. You see one of them going into great battles. Shouting the Psalms, he and his men called on God to destroy enemies. You find the other go- ing up and down among men taking the buffets, the scorn and the abuse of men and saying, " I am living in the virtue of that life and power which does away with the occasion for all war." That is the other spirit. That very idea, however, is most beautifully brought out in those very Psalms that Cromwell used to shout as he went to battle. This old poet, when he was lifting up the type of life that ought to prevail, said about it: " Eighteousness and peace have kissed each other." There never will be any permanent peace in the world until just that dream of the old Hebrew poet is real- ized; just as fast as righteousness prevails peace prevails; they are linked together; they are bound forever in one whole. We must learn that we have to treat men as brothers; that every man is to be treated as though he were our other self. We must lift every man up to our own plane, and whenever we come to the point where that sort of righteousness permeates society peace will come with it. Righteousness and peace always will kiss each other. They belong together. The Chairman: The subject is now open for general discus- sion by the Conference. Davis Furnas: I have been interested in the papers that have been read, and have enjoyed them. I fear, however, that you will set me down as one of the ignorant old fogies. I was educated to believe that Friends had no place in military organizations, nor among military men. Now, I have been discouraged sometimes when I have heard of ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, min- isters in the Society of Friends, making war speeches on Decora- tion Day. We may make all the profession we please; it is not the profession that brings about an object, biit it is the doing of the thing that we profess. When we profess to be members of Christ's kingdom of peace and go around making war speeches for popular- ity's sake, we shall not accomplish much in the promotion of peace. Our ministers ought to stand forth in the love of Christ and pro- claim nothing but peace on earth and goodwill to men. 31 William G. Hubbard: If the Chair please, I wish just to set my testimony to the hist paper that we listened to. While the others were good, it seems to me that probably that is one of the most important that we shall have. I have had a good deal of contact with the ministers of different denominations, and with churches, and I feel very keenly the force of the charges of inconsistency brought against ministers of the Gospel of Christ. When I was a student in college I listened to a man that I had learned to love for his devoutness. On one occasion, when he was making a public address, I was thoroughly shocked to hear him say: "■ A rebel has no right except the right to six feet of earth with a bullet in his heart." We know how many editorials have been written in some of the leading papers, and often in re- ligious papers, speaking in the most approving terms of war. Now it seems to me — and I have felt this a great many times in my work — that we have not done our full duty as believers in the doctrine of peace, not to have brought this doctrine more to tlie attention of the various denominations throughout the country. When I ad- dressed at one time a great educational institution in one of the Western States, the president of the institution and the president of the board of directors both came on to the platform, at the close of the meeting, and said: " That is the first address on peace I have ever heard." I have heard that remark made by educators in Western institutions probably a score of times. The pastor of one of the large churches in Cleveland said to his congregation, at the close of one of my addresses, " I think you must have been deeply interested in this presentation. It is the first time I have ever heard a sermon on peace." The man had been preaching the Gospel of the Prince of Peace for thirty years and yet had never heard a dis- course on that subject before! I presume there are a thousand schools of higher grade in the United States where no address has ever been given along this line. I simply want to raise this ques- tion, not to discuss it: Are we doing our duty? A hundred thou- sand Friends, probably, are represented here. Ought it to be pos- sible that a man of general intelligence and reading should be able to say, " I have never heard an address on peace? " Will this Con- ference plan to disseminate more generally these arguments that are being produced here, and bring the matter more strikingly and more thoroughly to the attention of the Christian people of the United States? Allen Flitcraft: I have been interested in each of the pa- pers, and also in the discussion. With the first paper we all agree. All true, vital Christians, it seems to me, must endorse what is in it. In reference to the second, I know that those who are not really in the spirit of the Gospel, and are disposed to encourage war, will try to support their views by the use of the Old Testament; but as I read the Old Testament, and get into the spirit of the inspired 32 writers who produced it, I find that it is in favor of peace. I have risen merely to say this: Jesus Clirist had not anything directly to do with philosophy, science or government; neither, I believe, had His apostles. Their mission was of a spiritual character. If the professing Christians of to-day were living in the spirit and advo- cating the kingdom of Christ more than the kingdoms of this world, as did the early Christians, our governments would be far in advance of what they are. While we are reflecting upon the church and the ministers of other denominations — and perhaps we can truthfully do it — how are we living ourselves? The principles of Christ will keep others as well as ministers in the spirit of the Gos- pel. While we look to ministers and expect their light to shine more brightly if possible than that of others, who of us are entirely clear? Are we doing our duty as individual members of the So- ciety of Friends? Again, a word in reference to our government. Our govern- ment is, unfortunately, not founded upon the principles of peace, upon the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In the present condition of peo- ple, it would probably not succeed, if it were so founded. It is not our business to endeavor to tie the hands of those that may be in authority at the head of the nation, but to do our part in having the condition of our hearts right. Then we shall be instrumental in leading others to Christ, and in hastening the day when the knowl- edge of the glory of the Lord shall fill the earth as the waters cov- er the sea. Then it will not be necessary to have governments founded upon force. Anna Beaithwaite Thomas: Why is it that the church has failed to grasp these principles of peace? WTiy is it that good men to-day support war? I do not think it is from bad principles. The ministers who have preached and written in favor of war in South Africa and in the Philippine Islands have not done so, I think, from a desire of glory, or for punishing enemies, or for aggrandize- ment. They have done it because they thought that the cause of righteousness and truth would through these wars be advanced in the world; that the victory of England in South Africa and the vic- tory of America in the Pliilippine Islands would be for the ad- vancement of the Gospel of Christ. One reason why the}^ have believed thus is, I think, because we have not done our part in the propagation of the Gospel message of peace. We peace people have been, at least we have been looked upon as, negative. We have not had an aggressive spirit. If we want to overcome these erroneous beliefs, if we want to carry others with us, we must show that evil can be overcome with good. We must actually overcome evil. We must carry out in pacific ways what they think is to be done by the sword. We must let them see that we are actually getting things done in Christ's way. 33 Another thing: I think we ought to enlist the sympathies of the young people. The peace movement has a hold on the older men and women. l)ut it fails to attract the young people. Why is it? Just the want of this aggressive spirit. The young generation's hearts are enlisted in the cause of Christ and of His kingdom, l)ut they do not comprehend the slow way of non-resistance. The peace- at-any-price policy, as it is called, does not enlist their sympathies. We must go forward aggressively in the name of the Lord, and show them that we are overcoming evil with good, and that Christ means to conquer the world. Christ was a young man (I say it reverently); He understood the feelings, the emotions and the ambi- tions of youth; He spoke to the young people; He still has a word for them, and I believe that we ought to enlist them in this war- fare. The church has failed; T have seen so many proofs of it. I have almost wept to see the representatives of the peace societies of the continent of Europe stand up one after another, as they did a short time ago at the Peace Congress in Glasgow, and say, " I am an un- believer; I am a freethinker; I have no use for the Gospel of Christ." Evidently the church has failed. We have failed to make our principles a power. But we must do it. We must give energy and time to presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Gospel of peace. We must make people understand that Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace. If we can do that we shall be able to take away one of the greatest obstacles in the world to the progress of the Gospel. Many people are being kept away from Jesus Christ by this one stumbling block: that the church endorses war. It is our business to change that and to let people understand that the Gos- pel is a Gospel of peace. JoHX Chawxer: There are two thoughts that I want to ex- press in connection with two different sides of the subject that has been presented this morning. With regard to the teaching of the Old Testament history, we know there are some points in it that are seemingly not consistent with Christian principles. I am glad that the address we have had to-day has dwelt on the points that are consistent, and has pointed out the Christian principle, the real Christ thread in the Old Testament, leading up to Christianity as presented in the life of Christ. In regard to the failure of Christians, I remember what I once saw in a railroad train in Indiana. I took from the rack a Bible that had been placed there by some Bible Association, and on the fly-leaf some one had written, " Christianity has produced more wars than all other causes." The answer that occurred to me was the remark of the Apostle: "Whence come wars and fightings?'" etc., and I wrote the reference to James beside the statement on the fl}-leaf. We know, as we look back over the history of the Chris- tian Church, that there is truth in the statement that it has been 34 the cause of much war — has undertaken at times to disseminate the principles of peace by war. We must do what we can to have it different in the future. HowAED M. Jenkins: I only want to take one moment to say that I enjoyed very much all the papers of this morning, but par- ticularly the presentation by Professor Eussell, and by our friend, Dr. Barton. They appear to me in both cases to have gone to the marrow of the subject, and to have presented it to us very admir- ably. William W. Birdsall: I have profited this morning particu- larly by the presentation of the " Elements of Peace Doctrine in the Old Testament." I have long found in the Old Testament the finest expression of aspiration after peace. I believe we ought to come more and more to see in it what Dr. Barton has pointed out to us, namely, the developing expression of the mind of God through the errors of men, rising more and more nearly to perfection as time went on and men grew more and more able to see and realize the light. James B. Unthank: I have enjoyed very much all that has been said. It has been very instructive and edifying. I wish to make a suggestion: I hope that nothing which seems to reflect upon our fellow Christians of other denominations will go out as the voice of this Convention that is not thoroughly authorized in fact. We ought not to make statements that may be offensive to other Christian people, if they are not strictly true. The Chairman: It will certainly be imderstood by all that the contents of these papers are the expressions of individual opinion. We have already entrusted to a Business Committee the duty of gathering up the threads of discussion and of determining the proper form which the Declaration of the Conference shall take. This suggestion they will of course take into account. After making announcement of meetings of the Business Com- mittee, the Committee on Credentials, and the readiness of the En- tertainment Committee to provide all visiting members of the Con- ference with homes, the Chairman continued: I wanted to say before leaving this place that I personally have been more than gratified, and that my heart is profoundly thank- ful for the response which Friends have given to the invitation to meet in Conference on this subject. We have in this room at this time representatives of those who claim, and rightly claim, the name of Friends, from Maine to California, and from Carolina to Oregon; at least one Friend has crossed the continent from the borders of the Pacific to this City of Brotherly Love on the Dela- are, for the single purpose of being with us here and sharing the 35 benefit of a Conference like this. Surely we who dwell near by ought to appreciate such a sacrifice on the part of even a single in- dividual; and we ought to draw inspiration from it for the work that we have in hand. I ])ersonally have felt that inspiration as I have looked over this audience to-day; and I could only wish that every one of you could, in turn, take a seat upon this platforui and look into the face of such an audience. It is a rare company of rare men and rare women. It is a gifted company, able to respond to the invitation to discuss the most important and profound topics that are to come before us from hour to hour. I shall vacate this chair on declaring the meeting adjourned; and when we come to- gether at half-past three o'clock this afternoon the place will be taken by my friend, Howard M. Jenkins, of Philadelphia. The meeting now is adjourned until that hour. Second Session, Fifth-day Afternoon, Twelfth Month 12th. The Conference reassembled in Witherspoon Hall at 3.30 p.m., with Howard M. Jenkins, editor of the Friends' Intelligencer, pre- siding. A few moments were given to silent devotion before en- tering upon the exercises of the session. The Chairman: We have had sent us several communications expressing sympathy with the objects of the Conference. Some of these, or at least their substance, will be presented at this time by the Chairman of the Business Committee. Benjamin F. Trueblood: The W. C. T. U., of Hoopeston, 111., sends the following message: " ' The Lord will give strength unto His people; the Lord will bless His people with peace.' We most earnestly pray that this meeting may be productive of much good, believing that it will mould public sentiment in the right di- rection, and that you, with us, may hasten the advance of Chris- tian love, and henceforth every effort may be made to settle all dif- ficulties by means of that love which the Christ principle sets forth. Mary G. Smith, President; Etta K. Smith, Secretary." Similar communications, conveying sympathy and desiring the success of the Conference, have been received (one or two of these came at a later session) from " Trenton Friends' Association," Trenton, X. J., signed by Louisa H. Dunn, Secretary; from the '' Association for the Promotion of First-Day Schools within the Limits of Phila- delphia Yearly Meeting of Friends," signed by John L. Carver and Mary H. F. Merillat, Clerks; from Burlingion Quarterly Meeting of Friends, Trenton, N". J., signed by Franklin S. Zelley, Clerk; from Lobo Monthly Meeting, Coldstream, Canada, signed by Samuel P. Zavitz and others; from the " General Conference of Friends' Asso- ciations," held at Moorestown, N. J., signed by William C. Coles, Chairman; from White Water Quarterly Meeting, held at Fall Creek, near Pendleton, Indiana, signed by T. Morris Hardy, Clerk. Ja:mes Wood: If the Chair please, I have a proposition that I wish to present, and I ask for its reference to the Business Commit- tee without reading it. The Chairman: James Wood submits a proposition which he asks to have referred to the Business Committee. That course will be taken. 37 The Chairman then spoke as follows on the subject, " The American Ideal " : THE AMERICAN IDEAL. BY HOWARD M. JENKINS. In conversation, a good many years ago. with the late Jamos H. Campbell, of Pennsylvania, sometime representative in Congress, and later, by appointment of President Lincoln, minister to Swe- den, he described, not without emotion, an incident which had oc- curred to him while in the service abroad. He was making an ex- cursion far up the coast of Norway, when in one of the deep and grand bays there — the fiords — he met a plain peasant of the coun- iry. It was near the close of our Civil War — perhaps after tliat event — and the Noinvegian, finding that the visitor was an Ameri- can, questioned him with pathetic eagerness. " Tell me, sir," he said, **' tell me, does that great republic yet live? " Shall we, to-day, ask that question? Does the great republic yet live? It was, prior to the year 1898, perhaps we may say prior to the year 1899, the name of the United States of America which, amongst all nations, most and best moved the hearts of men. It stood to them as the symbol of hope. Whether it was a plain peas- ant of Scandinavia, far up toward the Arctic snows, or whether it was a brown islander of the far Pacific, under tropic heats, their admiration went out to the nation which seemed to stand, and in large measure did stand, for the elevation of mankind. Doubt- less, across the seas' breadth the scars and seams upon our national edifice were hardly seen; it was the broad features, the lofty and striking outline, which compelled respect. Our more sordid, our less generous, qualities were obscured by the great principles which we declared — those of human rights and of humane endeavor. Let us reflect that our republic, in the year 1898, was almost a century and a quarter old. Never in all that time, but once — when Mexico was attacked in the interest of slavery, and by its order — had we waged an aggressive war upon another nation. On the contrary, those peoples who had struggled for better conditions, the world over, looked always to us. It was the United States who promptly recognized the republics of South America when they rose against Spain; who gave moral support to Greece when she defied the Turk; who did not conceal her sympathy for the Hun- garians when they were in revolt against Austria; who gave the or- der which freed Mexico finally of European control. Not, the world over, did any people, anywhere, contending for the common, the inherent, the natural rights of men, fail to look to the United States for at least a sympathetic and encouraging word. There was every reason for this. The United States was 38 founded upon principles which aroused the world's hope. In its declaration of the reasons for claiming an independent life, it ap- pealed not to any narrow and technical reasoning, not to selfish and mean motives, not to considerations of mere statecraft, not to mili- tary ardor or personal ambition, but first and above all to doctrines of civil liberty which applied to every nation and people, and which roused them all to look for a better day. Justice, then, freedom, goodwill, the humane and generous conservation of life, the elevation of the individual man, was the charter principle of the United States, and signified its Ideal. It was an inspired choice. No power in human government can be so great. No influence can be so enduring. It is this ideal which the world needs. It is this that the world longs for. We do not doubt, surely, as we survey the wide field of human experiences, that all too much there is injustice, and oppression, and hardship, that men sink, and women faint, and children die, because of their burdens. Whether it is in the Old World or the New, whether the system of government is ancient and decayed, or modern and corrupted, whether the sun shines hot there or the winds blow cold, whether the mountains rise high or the plains are wide, in many lands peo- ple long for emancipation, and have — or did have — to incite and support their hopes the example of this great republic. What is it, let us ask more particularly, that gives vitality to this Ideal? What is its animating principle? Not the methods of Force. They have been exploited, amid blood and tears, for ages. It is not the " prestige " of armies or navies. Caesar and Napoleon, all the generals and the admirals, greater and less, have drained dry that turbid stream. It is not the tinsel of " glory," the glit- ter of rank, the pride and luxury of privileged classes. None of these. The Old World, which has looked so longingly to the New, groans under them all. To support armies, to build navies, to carry on " campaigns," to work destruction, to maintain luxury and pride, it has taxes that exhaust the strength of labor, and exactions that grind poverty into degradation. Lands like Germany, in which we are told free institutions had their birth, suffer as well as Spain and Italy; Teuton as well as Latin is in bondage; Russia, Tur- key, India, are all staggering to-day under systems which the Amer- ican Ideal rejects. Our system was the opposite of theirs. It was the antithesis of Force, of Oppression, of Inequality, of Caste. And it was still more. It had the note of generosity, of kindliness, of comradeship. This made our ideal distinctive, and awakened the world's response. It was because we declared Goodwill that goodwill returned to us. That was the sign and the secret of our power. No guns we ever made, no armor we ever forged, no apparatus of destruction we ever contrived, brought us nearer to the heart of other nations. But every sign we made of regard for their rights, every help we gave them to continue their struggle upward and forward, made them 39 our friend?, firnilv and faithfully — tied them to us with better than " liooks of steel." Such was and is the tme American Ideal. N"ot one great name in Ainerican liistory ij^ associated with anytliing that contravenes it. Whether we go back to the first president of the republic, or farther, to tliose who planted the colonies, we shall find the one im- pulse of tliose who enjoy a righteous fame in our annals was to raise men, not to depress them; to help them on, not to grind them down; to enlighten their minds and elevate their characters, not to treat them as '* dumb, driven cattle." The spirit of the land, the great intent of its peo})le. that out of which hopes sprang and fresh efforts rose, that which faced hardships, which bore trials, which contended with difficulties, was a generoi;s, a hopeful, amagnani- mous one. It is not new to say this. 0, no! The true grandeur of nations was long since nobly defined and splendidly proclaimed. But old truth must be ever freshly learned and continually repeated. We mu5t drink again at the pure fountains of our national life. Our duty — '' plain duty," indeed — is to preserve to ourselves and to the nations the Ideal which is so honorable, and has been so honored. We must keep our beacon burning. Its rays of hope are needed. We must keep our true place in the world. Our work is not to threaten, not to oppress, not to plunder, not to slay; it is to do in the community of nations such work as a good and upright man does in the community about him. This will make us truly a " world power." Then we shall be able to answer joyfully to any challenge, in the remotest corner of the world, " Yes, brother, the great republic still lives ! " The Chairman: The first paper this afternoon will be rv ad l)y our friend, William (t. Hubbard, of Lansing, Michigan. EARLY FRIENDS' VIEW OF PEACE SUSTAINED BY SCRIPTURE, BY REASON AND BY HIGHER CIVILIZATION. BY WILLIAM G. HUBBARD, LANSING, MICH. When George Fox was offered the captaincy of a military com- pany he said, " I have come into that experience which destroys the root and cause of war." This expression, which has become classic among Friends, con- tains the very substance of their views on the peace question. More fully stated it is this: The Christian experience is one wherein the " love of God is shed abroad in the heart by the Holy Ghost which is given us." The heart and life become controlled by the love which Christ manifested. Love takes out all malice, covet ousness and revenge; hence destroys the very " root of war." If the Apos- 40 tie James was right in concluding that " wars and fightings come from the lusts that war in your members," then if you introduce that which destroys those lusts you destroy " the root and cause of war." This is a simple proposition, but it contains the most irre- sistible logic. Man with sin in him is a warring creature. He is ferocious, unkind, unjust, inhuman, cruel. Jacob Riis takes the ground that every child born since the fall of man is by nature a savage, and needs to be civilized by some refining process. Whether Jacob Riis is right or not, we all know there is much of savagery in man's unregenerate nature. But the reconstruction that he gets in his inner nature when he is regenerated by Christ takes out or supplants that savage nature. When Oliver Cromwell asked George Fox, the founder of Friends' Society, if he would " promise not to take up a carnal sword or weapon against him or the government as it then was,'' George Fox replied: "I deny the wearing or drawing of a carnal sword or any other outward weapon against him or any man. And that I was sent of God to stand a witness against all violence and against the works of darkness; and to turn people from darkness to the light and to bring them from the occasion of war and fight- ing to the peaceful gospel, and from being evil-doers, which the magistrates' sword should be a terror to." This was written by George Fox to Cromwell in 1649, and for more than 250 years every true follower of George Fox has be- lieved and taught that no Christian could take up the sword " against the King or any man." '' Or any man," with George Fox, covered the whole human race, in all nations, heathen or civilized. All to him were children of our Heavenly Father. Hence, all must be loved and cared for. The " experience " into which George Fox had come '' de- stroyed " not merely " the root and cause " of some wars, but of " war," of all carnal war. Early Friends believed and practiced this doctrine. They would not go to war against the government or for the government. They took this position, not from what George Fox had said or done, but from what Christ had taught on the subject, and from what he had wrought in them. in the year 1675 Robert Barclay in his "Apology " (page 514) declares " revenge and war an evil as opposite and contrary to the Spirit and doctrine of Christ as light to darkness." He thinks all tlie evils of war come from opposition to Christ. He says: " Through contempt of Christ's law the whole world is filled with violence, oppression, murders, ravishing of women and virgins, spoilings, depredations, burnings, devastations, and all manner of lascivious cruelty. So that it is strange that men, made after the image of God, should have so much degenerated that they rather bear the image and nature of roaring lions, tearing tigers, devour- 41 ing wolves, and raging boars than of rational creatures endued with reason."' This is a graphic picture of what war produces in men when they reject the " law of Christ." William Penu's treaty and dealings with the Indians on the Christian principles of brotherhood, justice and love constitute one of the brightest pages in tlie history of America. In that treaty William Penn asked that Christians and Indians sliould be bound with '' a firm chain of friendship made between them, and that this chain of friendship should always be made stronger and stronger, and be kept bright and clean, without rust or spot, between our children and children's children while the creeks and rivers run, and the sun, moon and stars endure." Is there anything more beautiful and Christlike in man's relationship with man than that? Is it not astonishing that statesmen and rulers have not long since seen the wisdom of Penn's policy, and formed treaties of good fel- low'ship and love and arbitration all over the world? AVill it not be well for this Conference to appoint a delegation to wait on the President of the United States and ask him to take the initiative in forming treaties with all nations to bind them to " good fellow- ship " and arbitration? SUSTAINED BY SCRIPTURE, The attitude taken by George Fox and the early Friends is in beautiful harmony with the teaching of Christ. The great Galilean laid down general principles. He did not give specific laws. He legislated to control conditions of life rather than the acts of men. Men try to control the stream of life, but Jesus struck at the foun- tain. Men make laws to control men's conduct; Jesus sought to control their purposes. Men decide a certain action to be wrong, then make a law forbidding it. And men of evil purpose find new ways of doing WTong; hence there is no end of legislation. But Jesus legislated for the unborn thought. The law-books of men are too multitudinous to be counted: they would fill many large buildings. The laws of Jesus Christ are few and can be read in an hour. In what is generally called the Sermon on the Mount Jesus announces his platform of principles. The great central thought is the law of love. The most striking expression of this law is found in the last ten verses of the 5th chapter of Matthew. Here he declares what Erasmus called the new philosophy. This "new philosophy," this " diviner law." is tha+ hve should govern the lives of men. The old regime of revenge, of " an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth," was ended. His followers were to " resist not evil," they were to " love their enemies," to pray for them, show kindness to them, clothe them, feed them, bind up their wounds, suffer wrong at their hands rather tlian do them harm. " Love your enemies," said the great Galilean. Why should we do this? He explains in his next utterance. " That ye may be 42 the children of your father in heaven." Ah, indeed! must one love his enemies in order to be a child of God? That is the teach- ing of the Son of God. He emphasizes it. " If ye love them which love you, what reward have you ? " " If ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive you your trespasses." Nothing could be more definite. It leaves us without choice; it is this or nothing. The standard is high, but Christ himself makes ability to " love your enemies " the very basis of Sonship. Do this " that ye may be children of your father in heaven." But cannot a man love his enemies and kill them with Mauser rifles and Krupp guns sometimes? If you think you can govern your neighbor's household better than he is governing it, is it not your duty to institute your superior rule of family government over his household at whatever cost? The father of the neighboring household will no doubt object to your interference. He may re- sist you with force. He will doubtless call to his aid his hired hands and older sons. And you may have to kill him and some other members of his family. But would you not better kill off half his tribe than not to have his children brought up under your superior gospel rule? A military general said to a conference of preachers in California: "We will make way for the Gospel in the Philippines if we have to kill half of the inhabitants to do it." The papers said many of the preachers cheered the expression. N"ow if that is consistent with loving your enemies, then heaven is in harmony with hell, murder is a virtue, hatred is love, darkness is light. But we insist that love is beneficence, it is kindness, it is help- fulness. We insist that Paul was right when he said, " Love work- eth no ill to one's neighbor." We insist that you Englishmen can- not love your neighbors, the Boers, and go on slaughtering them about the kind of government they should have in their household, the Transvaal. They ofliered to arl)itrate, and after that, it seems to the writer, every man killed was a man murdered. " Love worketh no ill," and it is not love that says, " We will conquer the Boers if we have to kill all the population to do it." We make the above remark, not through desire to oppose the British, but to give concreteness to our argument. The law of love is in opposition to all war. It was not love that drove the Indians from their lands and slaughtered them to get possession. Love said, " Nay; but we will buy their lands of them "; we will treat them as friends, as brethren; we will deal justly with them. The King said, " But you have already bought their lands of me. Friend William." But love insisted that usurpation of ownership gave no right to their lands. Which was the Christian way? Let the peace propaganda keep that question before all men: " ^Vllich is the Christian way ? " If the Englishman cannot love the Boer by killing hiiu, neither 43 can the American love the Filipino by chasing him through swamps and burning his vilhiges and destroying life till whole district's are depopulated. The Filipino made a constitution and planneil his own government. But King Greed said: '' We bought of Spain the right to rule the Filipinos." But Spain, the usurper, had no more right to transfer rule to America than King George bad a lii^ht to transfer tiie land of the Indians. We should have treated the Filipinos as we did Cuba, and assisted them in forming a govern- ment and invited them to become a part of our government, if they wished. But war tramples down rights, and constitutions, and sets at naught all commandments of God. AVAR IS IBRATIONAL. There is no sense of right iti men's fists. If two men dispute, and each contends he is right, how are they to prove which is right? Certainly not by pounding each other's faces. No matter which comes off best in such a conflict, it does not prove that he is right. If two men cannot prove which is right by a physical contest, two^ thousand cannot do so nor two millions. There is no sense of right in muscle, nor in powder and lead, nor in cannon, nor in ships of war. But the human mind can weigh problems of equity, and reason alone can find the right. Hence Dr. Franklin was correct when he said: "' War is the maddest human folly." No acts of men so completely override reason as war. War is insanity. HIGHER IDEAS OF CIYTLIZATIOX. I-]verything that civilizes man refines his nature, makes him more sensitive and kind in his feelings, more considerate towards his fellow-l)eings, more careful not to hurt or oppress or to wrong them? The more highly one is civilized the more he revolts at cruelty, oppression, wrong and bloodshed. Hence as civilization advances by a thousand processes of culture, education, refinement, the opposition to war grows stronger, and the greater is the demand that nations shall settle their disputes by arbitration. The greatest teacher the world has yet received set up a stand- ard of life, which, when followed, will lift men above all war, blood- shed, cruelty and oppression. That standard is in the words, " Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." Love means beneficence, kindness. When you love you want to help, to happify, to show goodwill. Love him as yourself, and you will no more think of taking his life than of taking your own life. Thy neighbor may be African living in heathen cruelties. Love him into a better life. Show him a better way. Don't shoot him about boundary lines, nor to get his lands, nor his diamond mines, nor for an}- other purpose. Treat him justly, educate him, civilize him, not with New England rum nor Milwaukee beer, nor with 44 Mauser bullets, nor with Krupp guns; but civilize him with Bibles, missionaries, school teachers, printing presses. Teach him to '' do Justly and love mercy/' not by robbery and murder, but by doing justly before him. Teach him righteousness by being righteous, not by despoiling him of his land and murdering him. In other words, don't try to teach him the ways of peace with implements of war. It may be true, and doubtless is, that some are growing worse in spite of good opportunities and good environments, but much more is it true that the church, the school house, the printing press, the court of justice, the reign of law, are lifting the race up into a refinement where it revolts at the idea of slaughtering men by ma- chinery and blowing them to pieces with giant powder. War is concentrated cruelty. Look at those two vessels yonder at sea. They have begun a tremendous cannonading of each other. The roar of the cannon, the screeching of the shells and the deafen- ing explosions of bombs make one feel as though all the magazines of pandemonium were going off. A gunner gives the range to his gun and his own head is taken off by a cannon ball, but his aim sends a shell crashing into the machinery of the other vessel. It explodes and sets the great battleship on fire; but men fight and fight until the deck is strewn with mangled bodies, and the flame has heated the iron deck so hot that it is roasting the flesh of the wounded. Some are jumping into the sea to drown rather than be roasted to death. Look! Yonder a great cannon ball goes plow- ing its way through the bodies along that deck and scatters the flesh and bones of soldiers into the air and into the sea! The great vessel that cost millions is sunk by an enemy in an hour; and hun- dreds of men, with dear ones at home, are dying in the flames or drowning in the sea. What does it all mean? Had the men on the victorious vessel been injured by the men on the other vessel? Not the least. The victors and vanquished had never looked into each other's faces. They did not even speak the same language. Why, then, this aw- ful slaughter of strangers? It is war. And war sets at naught all laws of humanity and all requirements of mercy. In the language of Sherman, " War is crueltv and you cannot refine it. War is hell." Now there is but one conclusion possible from the above con- siderations. The position of the early Friends in rejecting war is abundantly sustained by the New Testament Scriptures. These Scriptures being given forth by divine wisdom, it follows that what- ever position is consistent with them must comport with highest reason and wisdom. Any other attitude would make the author of them an unwise and irrational being. It follows that as these divine teachings are better understood in the light of higher civilization, it will be seen that they can be applied to the affairs of nations. The fact that the United States, 45- the nation most nearly np to the Gospel plane, has had 53 disagree- ments with other nations, sneh as usually lead to war, and has set- tled 48 of them hy arhitration, shows that George Fox, Robert Barclay and William Penn took a position 250 years ago that is just now dawning upon the most advanced thinkers as true — true to God, true to statesmanship, and true to higher civilization. The Chairman: We will next have a paper by Mariana W. Chapman, of Brooklyn, New York, on "• The Inherent Immorality of War." THE INHERENT IMMORALITY OF WAR. BY MARIANA W. CHAPMAN, BROOKLYN. Immorality is a mild term when one can hardly think of a com- mand in the decalogne that is not violated in war. Crime changes its aspect when it is held up in the dazzling light of that kind of conflict. Our moral sense is instantly destroyed; manslaughter be- comes virtue, and yet makes, none the less, fatherless children, widows, and parents with broken hearts. The cruelty that runs a man through with the point of a bayonet becomes honor and bravery and courage, but the man bleeds and suffers and dies. We have the charge of the six hundred, and it is so much greater and finer and more thrilling because they do not arrive — the six hun- dred. What is the glamor that is cast over our eyes that so perverts their vision? It is the lurid light of war, the perversion of moral- ity. Think how nations look at their great Gatling guns, and con- sider them valuable in the ratio of the number of men they will sweep off of the face of the earth, the same men whom, in the per- spective of peace, they would consider it incumbent to treat with all respect and consideration. And then revenge! It cannot be more strikingly set forth in character than in Rudyard Kipling's ghastly poem of " The Grave of the Hundred Head." It was after — "... the men of tlie First Shikaris Picked up their Subaltern dead With a big blue mark in his forehead And the back blown out of his head." And in their vengeance upon the enemy '■ Five score heads were taken. Five score heads and twain. And the drip, drip, drip from the baskets Reddened the grass by the way." All of these heads were piled up on the grave of their young lieu- tenant, and he concludes: " Thus was the lesson plain Of the wTath of the First Shikaris, The price of a white man slain." He was slain by a treacherous foe; but even treachery has its advo- cates when it is practiced upon the enemy. It is the attribute of a skillful general to surprise the opposing army. We chronicle with exultation the simulation and cunning that leads the enemy astray and makes him an easier victim. It be- longs to this perverted standard. And then, the impoverishment of the nation to compass this killing of men! All these great armies must be maintained by the labor behind them, labor that could be turned to so much better purpose. And what the army does not get for its necessities lawfully, it must take unlawfully as it goes through the country — which puts robbery at a premium. Let us give everything its plain name! Horses, cattle, hogs, chick- ens, corn, supplies of all kinds, carefully garnered by hard-working farmers, the fruits and harvests of the year, are seized by ordinarily honest men. All these things go on from camps, and there is no sense of moral obliquity; and gambling — shall we speak of the in- creased temptation to squander the little that belongs to the sol- dier's life? and drunkenness — a temptation so prominent that reams of paper have been covered with arguments for the greatest safeguard against its peril! All tend to poverty, then and there- after — the poverty that is the handmaiden of woe to the third and fourth generation — individual poverty and the poverty of the nation. Some years ago the Chancellor of the Exchequer in London an- nounced that 40,000,000 pounds sterling must be raised for war expenses, and that was before the war in South Africa. That money must come out of the people at home. There is another immorality, one of the gravest of evils, that goes with camp life. Wherever there are camps come fallen women, and the sequence is fallen men. Xot long ago a letter was pub- lished from an army officer in India, asking for a fresh importation of young girls for these dens of infamy. Where were they to come from? Out of the homes of the poor! Add to this wickedness, then, the sacrifice of young girls. And these men in high office have called it a necessary evil. It is nothing of the kind, because there is no such thing. The words do not belong together. There is an immorality in forcing men into abnormal, unsani- tary conditions, conditions that fill the hospitals with disease and pestilence and mow down more men than powder and shot. Mili- tary necessity, so called, not only imposes these conditions, but has with it a red tape that often prevents an alleviation of much suf- fering that otherwise could be accomplished. We are too familiar 47 with recent details of hospital service during the Spanish war not to understand this feature. War is a violation of the entire code of morals as it lias stood for the last two thousand y^'ars. It is the crime aijainst civiliza- tion, afxainst all that makes life worth living-, that sei)arates hus- bands and wives, mothers and sons, sisters and brothers. All who are dearest the soldier leaves behind him for what is called the na- tional honor; another perversion of mind, the same perversion that existed in the past about personal honor when Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton. Hundreds of others had done the like ])e- fore; but it needed that illustration to kill dueling in this country. Now, as we look back upon our civil and fratricidal war, is not the perspective bloody enough at this distance to make us know that it was the grossest of immoralities, and that the North should have been willing to allow, and the South to accept, indemnity for every slave within its borders? It would have cost less in money if they had been paid for twice over. How much less in agony and suiTering and ])rivation can never be estimated. If we have an individual morality about homicide, why can we not have a collective morality about collective homicide, a collec- tive conscience? It is because the ascent of man in ideals is not complete. Large bodies move slowly, but the powers of light are always struggling with the powers of darkness, and each time we come out on a higher plane. Virtually, all nations agree that war is the worst manner of settling disputes, and that really only shows which nation is the strongest, not in the least which is right. That kind of settlement is an immorality in itself. The world is surely reaching this point of intelligence, and will soon be able to see the greater morality in an international court of arbitration. That is the acme of present ideals; but when it is accomplished we shall not, as some may fancy, have arrived at the millennium, but we shall have a basis of greater justice and morality in the settlement of national difficulties. We have, then, inherent in war, injustice, manslaughter, cruelty, revenge, cunning, deceit, treachery, robbery, gambling, intemper- ance, oppressive taxation, poverty, impurity of life, a transgression of sanitary laws more fatal than battles, and the terrible sorrow that comes to the hearts of the people. One can easily say these sins are not confined to war. The world is full of them outside. Yes, but none of them are required in the line of duty. They bring no honor to the man who pro- motes them. He is society's outcast, and all the forces of law are against him. Public opinion does not laud one man for out- generaling another. He may grow rich on the proceeds, but his cunning is at a discount. He cannot rob, he cannot gamble, and he cannot drink with the same impunity. Society, at least, looks askance at his career. While it is hard for the average man to touch pitch without 48 / defilement, we must acknowledge that many do come out of war unscathed, and lead upright and honorable lives; but such acknowl- edge freely the evil that is inherent. The Grand Army of the Ee- public said of General Grant: " He was profoundly convinced that war as an arbiter of national differences was a terrible crime against humanity, civilization, and the age. It supplants statesmanship, law and principle, and enthrones passion, brute force and disorder, to determine right and justice." Shall we not go one step higher in our consideration, the step that lies next to morality, where the power of the Divine touches the human soul? Is it so long ago that it has lost its force that the Master said: "All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them " ? That is, at least, one with some of the last words of our lamented President: "' Let us remember that our interest is in concord, not conflict, and that our real emi- nence rests in the victories of peace, not those of war," So let him pass into history. The Chaieman: We have passed over in the program the title of the paper of President Rosenberger, of Penn College, be- cause it seems that he is not here. It was not known to those in charge of the program until we began the session this afternoon that he was not here; but we have a letter from him, which Dr. Trueblood will read. The letter from President Rosenberger was read, in which he expressed his deep regret at not being able to be present, his great interest in the Conference, and explained that his absence and in- ability to prepare the paper were due to sickness in the College Faculty. The Chairman: We will take up at once the discussion of the two papers that we have had; and to open the discussion we will call upon our friend. President Sharpless, of Haverford Col- lege. Isaac Sharpless: It seems to me that the ground of objec- tion to war on the part of the early Friends was something a little deeper than the immorality of the custom. George Fox said, in a quotation which has been made here, that he was led into that spirit which took away the occasion of war. It seems to me that one might argue in a fervid way that wars were immoral and yet be in a spirit which would permit him to go into war if any little turn of the argimient should suggest to him that this particular war was moral. That, I believe, is what is happening all the time in the case of a great number of Christian people. Abstractly they admit the immorality of war; but when the particular war arises they al- ways find some reason to consider that it is an exception to all the 49 wjirs that have piecedi'd it, and that in this particular case, war — this war — is moral. I suppose that if a man could be possessed of the spirit which (Jeorge Fox said he had, and could go into battle and stab his ene- mies with bayonets and shoot them down with bullets, and could undertake all the concentrated wickedness and agony which accom- pany war from beginning to end, and still maintain the spirit which he had when he went into a solid, religious meeting, he would think, and perhaps we would think, war was right. If he held the inner consciousness of rectitude when he was going through these operations, then I believe that he would not object to war unless argument could be framed which proved war to lie inconsistent with the teachings of the New Testament. So I should like to suggest that we must go a little deeper than sinij)le moral argument in order to justify the position of Friends with regard to war. We must bring people into the experience in wjiich war to them becomes impossible because it is so foreign to their deep personal, spiritual conviction. That state of mind is not usually reached, perhaps, yet a very little distance into the real ex- perience of Christianity will make a man feel more and more that the occasions of war become impossible to him. As to the moral side of the question, I perfectly agree with the writer of the last paper that the moral considerations utterly con- demn war; that its inherent immorality is so manifest that a per- son cannot engage in it if he is conscious of the fact of its immor- ality and also is obedient to the precepts of the New Testament. But I would suggest that there is a kind of inherent morality in tJie human race, which is, in a certain way, distinct from the moral- ity of the New Testament. I do not mean that it is contradictory to it. I mean it would have arisen if the New Testament had never been written. Things are not right, or wrong, simply because they are enjoined or forbidden by the Bible. The injunctions of the Ser- mon on the Mount and the prohiljitions of the Decalogue would have existed in a measure in human society, constituted as it is, if there had never been any Old or New Testament. It is impossi- ble for society to arise and grow up without certain fundamental laws lying at the basis of it which must evolve and develop in the course of the process; and these laws are just as immutable and cer- tain, though they are perhaps a little more difficult to find out, as the physical laws governing the universe. When, therefore, we argue against war, from the moral point of view, we simply say that war does violence to human nature or to human society. It is im- possible for the highest ideal of civilization to exist and at the same time for war to exist. War is prohibited in the Bible. As to the New Testament there does not seem to be any doubt about it. Indeed, most Christian writers will say so to a greater or less extent. A writer in this after- noon's Bulletin, who has a very interesting article upon this present 50 Conference, practically says as much. Almost any one in the po- sition of this writer, who has looked into the subject carefully, will admit that with the growing sense of morality of the human race there will come a gradual abolition of warfare. I do not think that the early Friends had worked out the moral and economic arguments and thus reached their opposition to war. That has been a work of the time since theirs. War can, from these points of view, be pronounced inexpedient and wrong; but these Friends were not profound philosophers, and they had not at that time all the moral and economic arguments at their command. The early Quakers were idealists. It did not make any particular difference to them Avhat were going to be the results of their theo- ries. This is something in which we make so great a mistake. Peo- ple nowadays say wars have produced beneficent results. They say this particular war looks as though it were going to produce benefi- cent results, and therefore that it is right. But that was not at all the way the early Friends proceeded. I think that is really the dif- ference between the way in which Friends have approached this subject and that of some other Christian people. The early Friends were not utilitarian. They did not feel that any amount of good re- sults would prove the rightfulness of war. We hear that argument again and again: "Did not the Revo- lutionary War produce independence? Did not the Civil War de- stroy slavery? Have not good things come from all war? Did not our late war free Cuba?" We shall have to give an affirmative answer to these inquiries. But that is not the question. We must go to the root of the matter. We as Friends will have to abandon such arguments as our main stock in trade. We shall have to go back to the position of George Fox, that war is of a spirit which is not in acordance with the best, most sanctified, human spirits — hu- man spirits illuminated and transformed by the Spirit of God; that there is deep down in the human heart a spirit of eternal justice and right which renders war unhallowed, whatever its causes and occasions. From this point of view war is seen to be wrong, not because it produces bad results, not because in certain cases it produces suf- fering, but because it is in violation of the eternal principles of right, because the spirit of God says to the spirit of man that the spirit of war is entirely incongruous with it. When George Fox said that he had come into the spirit which took away the occasion of war. he gave us the root principle on which we must build our funrlamental argument against war. Let us buttress it around a« much as wo can with all these economic considerations, these arguments about the immorality of war as contrasted with the New Testament standards; but let us hold fast to this central principle of Quakerism with regard to war, a principle which is goin? to out- live all these other arguments and which is going to carry the So- ciety of Friends on to victory, on this subject, at lea.st. 51 TiiK Ciiaikman: Our friend James Wood lias witli liim a copy of tlie address which the Friends presented to President Washing- ton at the opening of his administration. It is an extremely good statement of the Friends' ground upon the subject of war, and it seems altogether ap])ropriate to read it now. James Wood: This address was presented on the 10th day of Third month, 1789, to the President of the United States: ADDRESS OF TUK FRIENDS TO PRESIDENT WASHINGTON IN 1789. To the President of the United States: The address of the religions Society eaUed Quakers, from their Yearly Meeting for Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and the western parts of Maryland and Virginia : Heing met in, this our annual Assembly, for the well ordering of the afTairs of our Religious Society, and the promotion of universal righteous- ness, our minds have been drawn to consider t'lat the Almighty, who ruleth in Heaven, and in the kingdoms of men, having permitted a great revolution to take place in the government of this country, we are fer- vently concerned that the rulers of the people may be favored witli the counsel of (Jod, the only sure means of enabling them to fulfill the im- jiortant trust committed to their charge, and in an especial manner, that divine wisdom and grace, vouched from above, may qualify thee to fill all the duties of the exalted station to which thou art appointed. We are sensible thou hast attained great place in the esteem and affec- tions of people of all denominations over whom thou presidest, and many eminent talents being committed to thy trust, we much desire they may be fully devoted to the Lord's honor and service, that thus thou mayest be a happy instrument in His hand, for the suppression of vice, infidelity and irreligion, and every species of oppression on the persons or consciences of men, so that righteousness and peace, which truly ex- alt a nation, may ])revail throughout the land, as the only solid foundation of this or any country. The free toleration which the citizens of these States enjoy in the pub- lic worship of the Almighty, agreeable to the dictates of their consciences, we esteem among the choicest of blessings, and, as we desire to be filled v.ith fervent charity for those who difTer from us in matters of faith and practice, believing that the general assembly of saints is composed of the sincere and upright hearted of all nations, kingdoms and people, so, we trust, we may justly claim it from others, and in a full persuasion that the divine principle we profess leads unto harmony and concord, we can take no jiart in carrying on wai', on any occasion, or mider any power, but are bound in conscience to live quiet and peaceable lives, in godliness and honesty, amongst men, contributing freely our portion to the indi- gencies of the poor, and the necessary support of civil government, ac- knowledging those that rule well to be worthy of double honor ; and if any professing with us are or have been of a contrary disposition and conduct, we own them not therein, liaving never been chargeable from our first establishment as a Religious Society, with fomenting or coun- tenancing tumults, or conspiracies, or disrespect to those who are placed in authority over us. We wish not improperly to intrude on thy time or patience, nor is it our practice to offer adulation to any, but, as we are a people whose prin- ciples and conduct have been misrepresented and traduced, we take the liberty to assure thee that we feel our hearts affectionately drawn toward thee and those in authority over us, with prayers that thy presidency maj', 52 under the blessing of Heaven, be happy to thyself, and to the people, Ihat through the increase of morality and true religion, divine providence may condescend to look down upon our land with a propitious eye, and blesa the inhabitants with the continuance of peace, the dew of heaven, and the fatness of the earth, and enable us gratefully to acknowledge his manifold mercies, and it is our earnest concern that he may be pleased to grant thee every necessary qualification to fill thy weighty and important station to his glory, and that finally, when all terrestrial honors shall fail and pass away, thou and thy respectable consort may be found worthy to re- ceive a crown of unfading righteousness in the mansions of peace and joy forever. Signed in and on behalf of the said Meeting, held in Philadelphia by adjournments from the 28th of the Ninth month to the 3d day of the Tenth month, inclusive, 17S0. Nicholas Waln, Clerk. You will bear in mind that this was immediately after the Eev- ohitionary War, when Friends had the most trying experience; and this was the first official statement of the position of the Friends that had been made. It is certainly an admirable document, and contains as complete a statement of the conception of the early Friends in regard to war, which we are discussing this afternoon, as I have seen. Perhaps it may not be amiss td read George Washington's reply. The answer of the President of the United States, to the address of the Religious Society called Quakers, from their Yearly Meeting for Pennsyl- vania, New .Jersey, Delaware and the western parts of Maryland and Virginia. Gentlemen: I receive with pleasure your affectionate address, and thank you for the friendly sentiments and good wishes which you express for the success of niy administration and for my personal happiness. We have reason to rejoice in the prospect that the national government, which, by the favor of divine providence, was formed by the common councils and peaceably established with the common consent of the people, will prove a blessing tc every denomination of them; to render it such my best endeavors shall not be wanting. Government being, among other purposes, instituted to protect the persons and consciences of men from oppression, it certainly is the duty of rulers not only to abstain from it themselves, but according to their station to prevent it in others. The liberty enjoyed by the people of these States of worshipping Al- mighty God agreeably to their consciences is not only among the choicest of their blessings, but also of their rights, while men performing social duties faithfully do all that society or the Stats can with propriety expect or demand, and remain responsible only to their Maker for the religion or mode of faith which they may prefer or profess. Your prin- ciples and conduct are well known to me, and it is doing the people called (Quakers no more than justice to say that (except their declining to share with others the burden of the common defence) there is no denomination among us who are more exemplary and useful citizens. I assure you very explicitly that in my opinion the conscientious scruples of all men should be treated with gieat delicacy and tenderness, and it is my wish and de- sire that the laws may always be as extensively accommodated to them as a due regard to the protection and essential interests of the nation may justify and permit. [Signed] George Washington. 53 I will state that the manuscript of this address, with the reply, was found among old papers at the Twentieth Street Friends' Meeting House, New York, on First-day of this week, by David S. Tabor. The reply of George Washington purports to have the genuine signature of our first President. Thk Chaikmax: We will take up now the discussion of the papers that have been read. Our friend, ex-President Magill, of Swarthmore, will occupy the time for a few minutes. Edward H. Magill: Among the many excellent things which we have heard this afternoon, nothing impresses me more deeply than the remark of our friend Mrs. Chapman, when she said, in re- gard to the common saying, " War is a necessary evil ": " There are no necessary evils. Evils are not necessary."' War is neces- sarily an evil; that is the way it should read. I was reminded of an address that I listened to with great satisfaction in this city, a few years ago, on " Evolution versus Eevolution," in which the speaker took the ground that our two wars — our W^ar of the Ee- bellion and our Eevolutionary War — were both of them avoidable. The speaker was Andrew D. White. He said in regard to those two cases something like this: "" The Eebellion — the War of the Eebellion — was a political blunder. It had been proposed to bu} the slaves, but the objection was made that it would cost many millions to buy them. Yet the war cost far more, besides the enor- mous loss of life. " It could," he said, '' all have been avoided by taking the advice of those moderate men in that early day." Then the case of the Eevolution, which I, in common with all the rest of you, have always been taught, Friends as we are, in our schools, in our histories — everywhere — to consider a necessary war. Dr. White argued that it was not so. He said that Washington and his associates w^ere men raised up, no doubt, for the special pur- pose, and who accomplished that purpose as no other body of men, perhaps, could have accomplished it so well. But they had to begin at the end of the Eevolutionary War and labor for years to get the thirteen States to unite. If that labor — that labor of diplomacy — had been begun in 1T?5, instead of 1783, it might have secured the separation of this country from England in peace. They would have accomplished it.qnite as easily as they brought the thirteen States together after the war was over. Wars never settle any- thing; they only put the coutestants in a state of mind so that they will be willing to try to settle their controversies. If they had only been willing beforehand, in the beginning, it could have been set- tled without war. The Chairman: The subject now is open for general discus- sion. 54 Anthony M. Kimbek: Many men preach the thirteenth chap- ter of 1 Corinthians; but may we comprehend this wonderful chap- ter, the wonderful saying in it: " Charity suffereth long, and is kind." May the Lord help us to be faithful in this ministry of suf- fering. Eespecting the second essay, I remember that General Armstrong, a Christian soldier, many years ago was lecturing to his class about the same subject, and one of the colored men asked him how it could be reconciled with the customs and rules of war, and General Armstrong frankly admitted that in time of war all the moral law had to be suspended. Joseph Powell: I want to say to members of the Society of P'riends, in particular, that I do not feel so proud as some appear to be of the stand we have taken in this cause. When I heard what was said a little while ago about buying the slaves instead of fight- ing a war, I remembered that it was not a Friend, but Elihu Burritt who advocated that. A view which I have was expressed by Presi- dent Sharpless so clearly and so exactly that I want us to remem- ber what he said and take it to heart. I know Friends who say, " I am a member, and I am considered as good a member as any ^we have, probably." They think so, I know. But they say, " Prepare for war." although they profess to be opposed to it. They cannot "mderstand, seemingly, the condition of spirit and mind that Presi- dent Sharpless has spoken of. But this is the only thing that will do. We may say what we please in the way of opposition to war, but it amounts to little unless we are willing to bear all the suf- fering and all that is unpleasant that may come upon us if we are loyal to that profession. Samuel S. Ash: I have just a word in harmony with the ex- ercises of the afternoon. We do not get all of our peace doctrine from the ministers of the Gospel; we get some of it from soldiers and military men. I recall an incident which took place in my boy- hood, when I was making a visit with my father, who was a physi- cian of the court. We visited and dined with a captain, and at the dimmer table my father remarked that the only excuse he could make for the captain's occupation was that sometimes, perhaps, war was a necessary evil. The captain was not a moment in respond- ing: " Why," he said, " Doctor, I am a better Quaker than you are. War is always evil, and never necessary." Davis Fuknas: I was very much interested in the address by President Sharpless, in his statement that there is in every soul something that teaches him what is right about war as about other things. I believe this is the foundation principle of Quakerism. I l)elieve that the Almighty Creator so ordered that every man sliould have that which, if he would follow it. would teach him the right. I once had an interview with a Hindoo, and found that he had — 55 contrary to the views 1 had hold about the Hindoos — just as clear views about many things that are wrong — al)()ut drunkenness and other sins — as those who have been educated in Christian communi- ties. There was a spark of divinity in him. There is in every man that which is sutficient to guide him — about war as about other evils — if he is only obedient to it. Kicif ARD 11. Thomas: 1 have been very much interested in what 1 have heard this afternoon, and especially agree with what Isaac Sharpless has said about the secondary character of the suf- fering and the expense of war. The fact of sutt'ering is no good argument at all. It is a very noble thing to suffer for a righteous cause. If all that war implied was suffering and exi)ense on the part of those who sutl'ered willingly, there would be a great deal to be said in favor of it. Of course, the fact that there is suffering would make it a very serious matter and a thing not to be entered upon without thought; but the mere fact of suffering may be an argument in favor of a thing, rather than against it. If a cause is worthy, every one of us ought to be willing to suffer for it. If I thought that the peace principle meant that I was to hesitate to suffer, if suffering was called for, I should despise myself and cease to be a peace man. Peace principles ought to be based not on ob- jection to suffering, but on objection to sin. When it comes to the question of the inherent immorality of war, it does seem to me that it is not a secondary matter. What do we know of war? War is not a mere name. What does it con- sist of? If there is immorality in connection with it, that does not necessarily make it evil. There is, possibly, immorality connected with every business. There is a possibility of disobeying the laws of God in every possible line of activity that we may follow, and yet we have no objection to these lines of activity. But wdien anything that people do is inherently immoral, then the immor- ality becomes an essential feature in it. Why was it that George Fox had this experience which took away from him the occasion of all wars? It was because something had happened to him; be- cause he had yielded himself up to the power of God, to let that power into his heart which had made him able to be strong against all that was contrary to the will of God. Why is war contrary to the will of God if it be not inherently immoral? If it were in- herently moral it would be in accordance with the law of God. It seems to me that if we can once show to Christian people that it is inherently immoral, as the paper pointed out so clearly, we have made a very great step forward. This is not a side consideration; it is an essential element in the question. It is because war arouses the passions that make earth hell; it is because it is contrary to the law of God. — which is the highest immorality, — that we are op- posed to it. It seems to me, therefore, that it is a matter of very great importance that we should see the clear-cut lines of argument, 56 and that one of the important and necessary ones is that war is inherently immoral. The Chairman: We have now very fairly discussed these im- portant questions, and the Chair, therefore, proposes to bring this session to a close in a very few minutes. The Committee on Entertainment will be glad to see any who are not yet provided with homes. The Business Committee, which has been increased by the addition of President Edmund Stanley, of Kansas; Esther Pugh, of Indiana; Robert E. Pretlow, of Ohio, and P. W. Eaidabaugh, of Indiana, will hold a meeting immedi- ately at the close of the session. This evening the meeting will convene in this hall at 8 o'clock promptly. President Unthank, of Wilmington College, Ohio, will preside, and the program as pub- lished will be carried out. One of the newspapers of the city has asked the privilege of taking a photograph of the Conference, and, as there seems to be no objection, it is hoped that you will all be willing to assist the newspaper people to get a satisfactory picture. Benjamin F. Trueblood: While the photographer is getting his machine ready I should like to call the attention of the Con- ference to what seems to me one of the most hopeful things con- nected with the peace cause — the first announcement of the Nobel peace prize. Alfred Nobel, of Norway, was the inventor of dynamite. He did not invent dynamite for war purposes, and he was very much troubled that it had been turned so exclusively to war ends. He was a strong peace man; in his will he left millions of money, the income of which he provided should be annually distributed in five prizes. One of these prizes was to be given each year to the individual, or society, who had during the year done the most for the promotion of international arbitration and peace. A commit- tee of the Norwegian Parliament was organized, which has charge of the distribution of the prizes. The first prizes were announced day before yesterday. They amount to something over $40,000 each. The peace prize this year was given to two men, instead of one. One of these men, Henri Dunant, was the founder of the Red Cross work. He spent his whole fortune in the organization and development of this work. He is now a very old man, liv- ing in a private hospital near Geneva, Switzerland. The Nor- wegian Committee, in consideration of his eminent services to the cause of humanity and peace, voted that he should have half of the first peace price, something over $20,000. The other half was awarded to the veteran of the peace movement in France, our friend, Frederic Passy, who has spent more than thirty years in developing the peace propaganda in his country. He well deserves this recognition of his eminent and long-continued services to the cansc. The awarding at this time of this vahialile prize is cer- tainly a most encouraging proof of the progress which the peace movement has made, and of the public confidence which it has won and now holds. The meeting then adjourned. ^bir^ Seesion. Fifth-day Evening, Twelfth Month 12th. The Conference reassembled at 8 p.m. with James B. Unthank, president of Wilmington College, Ohio, in the Chair. o> The Chaieman: I shall not, on taking the chair this evening make any extended remarks. I wish only to call attention to one matter. I have been very much surprised in the last few weeks to learn something about the Friends that I never knew before; and that is, that they are in a certain sense Anarchists. I do not know whether you knew that or not; but it was a piece of information to me. It comes, also, from very high authority that we Quakers are Anarchists. I thought we had always been, for the whole period of our existence, a law-abiding people; that we had been credited with even too much loyalty to government. We have been criti- cized because we do not object to things in a forcible way; but we have never before, to my knowledge, been charged with disbelieving in government, ^ow comes a great metropolitan weekly and says that Friends are to a certain extent Anarchists; and, upon having the matter called in question and denied, it reiterates the assertion, and says that we are Anarchists because we do not believe in parti- cipating in war when the government is in a struggle. I do not give the name of this religious paper, because it would be invidious; but this paper believes in war, and I do not know what war does but suspend all the functions of peaceable government and intro- duce a state of anarchy. I cannot understand how it is that Friends are Anarchists and the believers in war are so thoroughly loyal to government and so much opposed to anarchy, when war itself introduces into the country and into the community a state of anarchy. The objection, at least, is not very consistent. I recom- mend this matter to the Business Committee, that they may con- sider whether it will not be wise for us, in our resolutions, to de- clare, for the information of those who know nothing of our his- tory, that we believe in human government. We will now proceed with the program of the evening. The first exercise is a paper upon '' Early Christianity and War," by James Wood, of Mount Kisco, N. Y. 59 EARLY CHRISTIANITY AND WAR. BY JAMES WOOD, MT. KISCO, N. Y. The battle of Actiuni, followed l)y the death of Antoiiius. 31 B. C, closed the long series of conflicts in the Roman empire l)y which Cains Jnlius Caesar Octavianus gained his supreme position, and led to his receiving the name of Augustus, never before ])ome bv any one. From that date the empire continued to enjoy pro- found internal traiu]uillity until Augustus died in the seventy-fifth year of his age and the fourteenth of the Christian era. Thus the Prince of Peace entered upon his mission when the temple of Janus was closed, as it had been since 29 B. C, when Augustus performed the ceremony of closing it for the third time in all Roman history. " Xo war, or battle's sound Was heard the world around; The idle spear and shield were high up hung; The hooked chariot stood Unstam'd with hostile blood; The trumpet spake not to the armSd throng; And kings sat still with awful eye, As if they surely knew their sov'reign Lord was by." For a century and a half the policy inaugurated by Augustus secured the peace and prosperity of the empire. Even the follies and excesses of Gains, Claudius, and Nero did little harm ])eyond Italy itself, while the rule of Vespasian repaired the damages in- flicted by the wars of the rival emperors after Nero's death, and the abilities of Trajan, Hadrian and Antoninus secured tranquillity and good government, and spread the beneficent influences of Ro- man law and civilization. Thus Christianity was established under remarkably favorable conditions of peace and prosperity, and its early adherents were spared the fiery trials that an earlier century would inevitably have placed before them. Parthians and Medes, and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, and in Judea and Cappadocia, in Pontus, and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, in Egypt and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene, and strangers of Rome, Jews and proselytes, Cretes and Arabians returned from Jerusalem to their various homes after the day of Pentecost in peace and safety, with the glad tidings of what they had seen and heard. Subsequently apostles and teachers went whither they would in unaccustomed security. While garrisons were main- tained throughout the empire the people were not subjected to that stress of pressure for military service that was always inseparal)U; from a time of war, and the doctrine of peace and goodwill could be promulgated with a freedom and earnestness that the ordinary conditions of the empire would not have permitted. It was doubt- less owing to this that in the earliest period of Christianity we learn of its followers' position in regard to war only in the statement of principles. 60 Marcus Aurelius died in 180, and his death was followed by a century of war and disorder. Thronghont the third century the Eoman world witnessed a series of desperate conflicts between rival claimants for the imperial purple, so that, between the death of Servius in 211 and the accession of Diocletian in 284, twenty-three emperors sat in the seat of Augustus, and all of these but one died violent deaths in battle or at the hands of the mutinous soldiery, and this one died of pestilence. Beside all this, the vigor of the north had begun its assaults upon the decaying strength of Rome. The favorable conditions for the establishment and growth of the early church during the Augustan age, and the period that imme- diately followed it, were succeedediby new conditions which se- verely tried the patience and the faith of the followers of Christ, and called upon them to stand firm in their devotion to the princi- ples of the cause they had espoused. Like other periods of sore trial the weak were sifted out from the strong, and left the body steadfast in the heroic courage of a transforming faith. It is of interest to note that the early Christians' opposition to war was based primarily upon the teachings of the gospel, and after that upon the fact that the military oath was distinctly pagan and many military practices were mixed with idolatrous rites. Justin Martyr, who suffered martyrdom at Rome under Marcus Aurelius about the year 165, says in his Dialogue with Trypho: " We, who were once full of war and mutual slaughter, have every one through the whole earth changed our swords into ploughshares, and our spears into implements of tillage, and now cultivate piety, righteousness, charity, faith and hope, which we have from the Father Himself through Him who was crucified." It is quite probable that Justin's words — " every one through the whole earth " — must not be taken too literally, but should be understood to mean that every one who has truly learned the gospel knows that these things should be. The same early Father in the Church in his first Apology, chapter 39, after quoting the prophecy of Isaiah respecting the going forth of the word of God from Jeru- salem, and the consequent prevalence of a state of peace, says: " That these things have come to pass you may be readily con- vinced; for twelve men, destitute both of instruction and of elo- quence, went forth from Jerusalem into the world, and by the power of God gave evidence to every description of persons that they were sent by Christ to teach all men the divine word; and we, who were once slayers of one another, do not fight against our enemies." Irenaeus, the disciple of Polycarp, also one of the earliest Fathers, discusses the same prophecy, and proves its relation to our Saviour by the fact that the followers of Jesus had abandoned the weapons of war and no longer knew how to fight. The early Church soon found that schools or sects were formed among its members. The Gnostics were the earliest of these, of 61 \\ hoiii Gibbon says: "' They were the most polite, the most learned and tlie most wealthy of the Christian name." Very different from this was the body of Montanists. They have too frequently been judged by the testimony of their opponents who disliked the sound and simple views which the Montanists held of tlie priestly dignity of all Christians, and that the gifts of the Spirit arc not confined to one order in the Church, or even to one sex, and tliat the true successors of the apostles are those who receive the spirit of prophecy from the Holy Ghost himself. The teachings of the Montanists had a marked influence upon the great Tertullian, who himself so shaped the form and policy of the Western Church. In his earlier writings he seems to have thought that military service might be recognized, since in his ''Apology," a pre-Montanist work, he says, in Chapter XXX.: "We pray for protection to the im- perial house for brave armies." Sul)sequently Tertullian was very clear and explicit. In the " Soldiers' Chaplet " he says: " We must first inquire whether warfare is proper for Christians. Shall it be held lawful to make an occupation of the sword, when the Lord ])roclaims that he who uses the sword shall perish by the sword? Shall the son of peace take part in the battle, when it does not be- come liim even to sue at law? " Again, when writing " On Idolatry," he says: " You inquire whether a believer may enter the military service, and whether soldiers are to be admitted into the faith. How will a Christian man war without a sword which the Lord has taken away? In disarming Peter he unbelted every soldier." We have evidence of the position of the early Christians con- cerning war by the writings of their opponents and persecutors. Prominent among these was Celsus, an Epicurean, who wrote his '■ Word of Truth " about 160 during the reign of Marcus Anrelius. He objects that the state received no help from the Christians either in civil government or war, and that if all men were to fol- low their example, the sovereign would be deserted, and the world would fall into the hands of barbarians. We know of the writings of Celsus only through those of Origen, who, nearly a century later, wrote a refutation of the former's criticisms. Origen replied: ••' The question is what would happen if the Romans should be per- suaded to adopt the principles of the Christians, to renounce the service now rendered the gods and magistrates, and to worship the Most High. This is my answer. We say that if two of us shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of the Father of the just, who is in heaven. What, then, are we to expect, if not only a very few should agree, as at present, but the whole empire of Rome? They would pray to the Word, who of old said to the Hebrews, when pursued by the Egyptians. ' The Lord shall fight for you and ye shall hold your peace,' and if all should unite in prayer with one accord, they would put to flight enemies far more numerous than were discomfited by the prayer of Moses and of those who prayed with him. If all the 62 Romans should embrace the Christian faith they would overcome their enemies by prayer; or, rather, they would not go to war at all, being guarded by that divine power which promised to save five whole cities for the sake of fifty Just persons." Surely the doctrine of peace is here placed upon lofty ground. In this work against Celsus, Origen says of himself and his ])retli- ren: " We no longer take up the sword against any nation, nor do we learn any more to make war. We have become, for the sake of Jesus, the children of peace." Again, alluding to the efficacy of prayer, he says: " By such means we fight for our King abundantly, but we take no part in his wars, even though he urge us." This general position continued to be maintained a century later. During the reign of Diocletian, at the beginning of the fourth century, Lactantius insisted upon the absolute inviolability of human life and the unlawfulness of war. He adds: " To engage in war cannot be lawful for the righteous man, whose warfare is that of righteousness itself." The edition of the " Canons of Alex- andria " used by the Ethiopian Christians stated: "It is not meet for Christians to bear arms." Many citations might be made from Eusebius, the father of ecclesiastical history, to further prove the position of the early Christians concerning war, but the chain we have given from Justin Martyr to the fourth century is sufficient. It is a matter of great interest that in the time of Constantine, while the church, recog- nizing that its practice had violated its old-time doctrines and many professed Christians served in the army, there yet was an expecta- tion that it would return to the true ground. The twelfth canon of the Council of Nice over which Constantine himself pre- sided, provided a long period of excommunication for those who in the ardor of their early faith renounced the military calling, but afterward were bribed to return to it. Alas, during that reign of Constantine, Christian virtue so weakened that it surrendered to the world, and the many evils entered the church which have so long undermined its power. Among numerous instances where individual Christians re- fused to engage in military service because of the teachings of Christ, one will suffice. The account is given in Ruinart's "Acta Sincera," and has good historic proof. In A. D. 295, at Teveste, an episcopal city in jSTumidia, the recruiting sergeant brought be- fore Dion, the Proconsul, a young man of twenty-two years, one Maximilian, as fit for military duty. As he was about to be meas- ured, he said: " I cannot engage in military service; I am a Chris- tian." He repeated: " I cannot fight; I am a Christian." Again he said: " I will not serve. You may cut off my head if you will. I cannot engage in earthly warfare; I am God's soldier." Every argument was used to persuade him to yield, but without avail, and every threat was made, and he triumphantly gave up his life for the testimony of him whom he loved. (j;5 Eusebius gives a number of instances wbere Christians refused to serve in the army because of pagan and idolatrous requirements. One of these was a centurion named Marcellus. The legion to which he belonged was holding a sacrificial feast in honor of one of the Caesars. Marcellus rose from the mess-table, and, unclasp- ing his military belt, threw it down, exclaiming: *' From this mo- ment I cease to serve your empire as a soldier. I am resolved to obey none but Jesus Christ, the eternal King. I despise the wor- ship of your gods. Since the ser^'ice involves the obligations of sacrificing to the gods and emperors, I renounce the standards, and am a soldier no longer." He was condemned to death and be- headed. Another instance was that of Marinus, a Christian soldier of Csesarea, who was about to receive promotion to centurion rank, but would not sacrifice to the emperor. There is a legend familiar to readers of church history that pur- ports to show the determination of Christian soldiers not to violate their consciences, nor to aid in the persecution of their brethren. The story of the Theban Legion, consisting of 6,600 men, all Chris- tians, has often been told, but its authenticity is very questionable. It is said they were summoned from the East for the service of Maximian in Gaul. When in the valley of the upper Rhone they found they were to be used in the persecution of the Christians, and they refused to obey the emperor's commands. Their commander, Mauricius, and all the legion were put to death. The story is re- ferred to A. D. 286. At that time Maximian was associated with Diocletian, and there was then no persecution nor was there any in Gaul during his reign. The documentary evidence in favor of the legend is very weak. There was no recorded mention of it until two hundred and fifty years afterward. The story is similar. to one in Syria, where a Greek martyr of the same name suffered the same fate. Again, it is alleged that the Theban Legion suffered in that year at the spot where is now the City of Cologne on the Rhine, and where the Church of St. Gereon, named for the commander, commemorates their martyrdom. It may be that the Theban Legion, and their suffering on the Rhine and on the Rhone, belong to the same historic classification with St. Ursula and her ten thousand virgins, whose bones we see in another church in Cologne. But we must not suppose that there was equal faithfulness on the part of all who made profession of Christianity. Passages in Tertullian show there were professing Christians in the army in the second century, and P^usebius shows there were others at a later period, but there seems to be no reliable evidence that these were in any considerable numbers at any time. The story of the Thun- dering Legion has often been used as furnishing conclusive evi- dence that the Christians of the second centur\^ united with their fellow subjects in serving the emperor in the field. We are told that during the war with the Germans and Sarmatians in the year 64 174, Marcus Aurelius and his army were in a situation of great peril. The soldiers were without water and were tortured with in- tolerable thirst, and at the same time were threatened by an attack from the enemy. In this extremity the Twelfth Legion, composed entirely of Christians, fell upon their knees, and their prayer was followed by a shower of rain which allayed the thirst of the Roman soldiers, while the thunder terrified the barbarians so that a com- plete victory was gained over them. The emperor, to commemorate the event, gave the name of " Thundering " to the legion. But the narrative will not bear critical examination. The legion had been called " Thundering " from the time of Augustus. It was claimed that the emperor, in gratitude for the signal deliverance, ordered the persecution of the Christians to cease. That there was a re- markable deliverance of the Roman army is a historic fact, but the persecutions alleged did not begin until three years after the vic- tory. Pagan writers attributed the deliverance to Jupiter, to whom the emperor and the whole pagan army prayed, and also to the in- cantations of an Egyptian magician. It is probable that some un- scrupulous person started a similar claim for the ef&cacy of Chris- tian prayer. This brief examination into the subject of early Christianity and war shows that in the first two centuries of the Christian era the followers of Christ very generally practiced the spirit of His teachings, and were obedient to His commands concerning war, and that this continued with a modified completeness during the third century. If the examination was continued further we would find that the occupation of the throne of the Roman empire by a pro- fessing Christian in the person of Constantine so united the Church with the world, that the rank and pomp and wealth and fashion of the latter demoralized the Church so that its sacred principles were violated, its testimonies were neglected or trampled under foot, pagan rites and usages were introduced into its worship, and an era of decadence was inaugurated, which heroic efforts in various periods have in some measure stayed, but which still continue to mar the Church's efforts and to hinder her sure conquest of the world. The Chairmax: We will next have an address on the " Atti- tude of Christians as to War and Peace." by Dr. Jesse H. Holmes, of Swarthmore College. 65 THE ATTITT^DK 01' CIIRrSTlANS AS TO PEACE AND WAK. BY JESSK 11. IIOI.MI'.S. IMI.l)., SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. riivisliatiity iiu't with a ixrcat disaster early in its career — a dis- aster lariicly made possible by its rapid spread — in that it came to be oliieially recognized as a state religion. In its inception Christianity was particularly marked ])y its strong appeal to the in- dividual. We cannot in our day fully grasp the originality dis- played by its founders in turning their backs upon gods who dealt with mankind by the wholesale, as races or nations, and turning to God who speaks to the individual soul, and for whom not the na- tion, but the man, is the unit. Such conception is not. of course, a new one as presented by Jesus and his followers; it was present in the minds of many of the prophets, and was not unknown among ancient i)hilosophies. But such idea of God was fundamental in Christianity. It was not to Jews, not to Gentiles, not to rich or poor, not to great or small, but to individual men that was preached the gospel of the kingdom within us. For three centuries it made its way amid l)ersecution and against opposition, passing on from soul to soul, uplifting the slave and humbling the master, illuminating the wrecks of old philosophies, and bringing back to life a zest and interest which it had in large measure lost. In those three centuries it had honeycombed the Empire. Slave had whis- pered the gospel to his fellow-slave, or perhaps timidly to a kindly master. It circulated in the arteries of trade, it was talked in the streets, it grew even when hunted into the catacombs. In all this it was taught only as man to man. It was backed by no great offi- cial power, but represented in all that it accomplished its own na- tive force and energy. Where it won its way it was by mastering the consciences of men. It had no prizes to offer by which to tempt the time-server. Only a fervent conviction of truth, only a deadly (or, rather, a truly living) earnestness could induce men to ally themselves with a proscribed sect. We may hardly doubt that the Christian Church of this time was made up of real Christians; they had stood the test of fire, and with only a natural human alloy of baser metal, they had been proved sterling. It was under such circumstances that disaster fell upon it in the form of an unhoped-for and dazzling success — the Empire be- came officially Christian. The old and well-worn temptation re- jected by Jesus himself was now offered to his Church, and it fell. "xVll the kingdoms of the earth will I give thee " might have been the language of Constantine when he made the Eoman empire Christian in name. And what great things might not the Church of the Christ do Avith all the kingdoms of the earth? The vision of a new heaven and a new earth so dazzled the bishops of the fourth century that they forgot to notice the small and apparently 66 insignificant condition annexed, " If thou wilt bow down and wor- ship me." Not for the first time was a distinctive price unnoticed in the glory of immediate possession. Christianity received the kingdoms of the earth, and bowed down before Satan. Thence- forth there were princes in the household of him who was "meek and lowly; " thenceforth Christianity went forth, sword in hand, to conquer heathendom, not for the Christ-spirit, but for a nominal Christianity. The Church turned from men to man. It baptized nations, indeed, after it had conquered them — baptizing with water — and, indeed, with fire also — but neglecting the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Only incidentally, and in small measure, did it spread abroad the spirit of the Master. Those methods which had made Christianity so great a power that the Empire was forced to adopt its name were neglected for those which had produced the yery weakness under which the Empire suffered. The Church chose the way of the devil to reach the ends of God, taking no warning, as it might for the very ease of the journey, that it had left the straight and narrow for the broad and easy way. Christianity broke up into warring sects. It dealt with princi- palities and powers; its eye became keen for estates, and it dealt in souls mainly by wholesale. Almost every generation, indeed, has seen small groups of individuals breaking away from the evil of oflB.cial religion, and striving for a return to the spirit of Christianity — to a direct walk with God, a direct communing with his self- revealings. But, seeing the supreme success of the Masters fail- ure, the crown of martyrdom is no longer offered beyond a certain point. So soon as Christianity becomes strong enough to be dan- gerous the kingdoms of the earth are offered again, and still this bait is taken. Protestantism. Calvinism, Puritanism, have in turn denied God in spirit while defining and explaining Him in words. I would not be understood as indicating that Christianity has been altogether lost, altogether a failure — so far from it that it has always been and is to-day the leaven of human life. Its repre- sentatives have been, and are, few and weak, in worldly power, but they have been, and are, the hope of the world. And the long look over the centuries since Christianity was Eomanized by a pre- tense of Christianizing Rome does not tend to discouragement. More and more, century by century, men have caught at God's per- sonal fatherhood and man's brotherhood as the great facts of the divine message — at love, as the fulfilling of the law. " Not by might or by power, but by my Spirit " is now more than ever a tri- umphant note. I wish to use this opportunity to make a distinct plea for the individual — the separate person — as the indivisible and indestruc- tible unit in all matters of righteousness: that we shall undo the wrong of centuries and stand responsible to God alone. Christian churches and Christian nations are made of Christian men — are nothing apart from them or in addition to them. The whole is 67 not greater than the sum of its parts. Nothing is right for us as Friends, as Christians, as citizens, which is wrong for us as indi- viduals. There is no mysterious entity to be called a nation or a church which may cancel our duties as sons of God, and substitute another standard of right and wrong. If individuals making up a church represent a spirit of force, of violence, the church cannot represent a spirit of peace and goodwill. If missionaries are backed by gunboats, if they collect indemnities under threat of tiie bay- onet, they are missionaries of that power which promised the king- doms of earth in order secretly to destroy the kingdom of heaven. If citizens go forth to slay and destroy they may carry the name of civilization on their lips, but they are simply homicides and bar- barians. Men salve their consciences, yea, even benumb their consciences, by shifting the responsibilities of their deeds to a mj^thical some- thing called a government, a ciiurch; but no power can release a man from the burden of his deeds. Not that all homicide and de- struction is alike evil, not that men may not deceive themselves so that the worse appears the better. But this is only possible by avoiding the Christian attitude and shirking the Christian responsi- bility. I do not even say that all homicide and destruction are necessarily culpable; but only that what is wrong for each of us as a man cannot be right for each as a citizen, as a Christian. The righteous laws of nations are superadded to the moral law, not sub- stituted for it. All our duties as members of churches, as citizens of nations, are based upon our duties as members of the human family, and stand for those higher duties consequent upon closer relations. They can never release us from the fundamental duty of a sense of universal brotherhood. We can no more, without violation of Christian principle, build our gain, our greatness, our exaltation, u])on the loss of the Hindoo or the Hottentot, the Spaniard or the Filipino, than upon that of our fellow-Quaker, or our fellow-Ameri- can. And it i? a neglect of this principle fundamentalin Chris- tianity: it is this placing metes and bounds upon our Christian charity, that marks the ])arbarizing of Christianity during sixteen centuries. Some phases of this essential falsehood are these: 1. That Christianity is for peace, indeed: but that because of human weakness Christians must excuse war; 2. That peace tends to make cowards of us, and that we must have war in order to support the virility of the race; 3. That while violence for selfish ends is wrong, it is lawful to do evil that good may come; 4. That experience shows that many evils could not have been overcome without war. 68 (1) Christianity is for peace among men, Init must defer to the weakness of humanity. Christianity must indeed stoop to the weakness of humanity, not to excuse that weakness, but to cure it. We must pardon the sinner — must we also accept the sin? Jesus, indeed, refused to punish the sinner; did he at the same time make light of the sin? Shall Christianity trail its white robe in the mire of sin to show its fellowship with sinners? Shall it do evil that it may draw near to evil-doers? Not so do I understand the teach- ing of the Master or the teaching of the Spirit. The Christian is not called upon to be stupid, selfish, and sinful in order to reach those who are immersed in stupidity, selfishness and sin. Such doc- trine could never have obtained except for the pagan idea that we are fractional parts of a nation or of a church, and must therefore assimilate ourselves to its average quality. But the Christian atti- tude is that of an independent unit, a partner with God in the work of subduing his earth. His duty to God transcends all tem- porary human relations. And, indeed, the conclusion at its best is a reversal of common sense. Because men are weak, let us be strong; because they are ignorant and violent, let us be wise and gentle. If they exalt force, let us show them how much more powerful is love. Of course, if our plea is that we are too weak to stand against the crowd, or that avc believe the voice of the mob is the voice of God and to be obeyed — that is frankly an avowal of disbelief in Christianity, and should serve as an appeal to those who are Christians to convert us. (2) Does peace make cowards of us? If it does, then Christian teaching is falsehood, and we should turn to a new and true gos- pel. It is the worst of hypocrisy to proclaim a gospel of peace as a theory and a gospel of war as a practice. And this is largely the attitude of a nominal Christianity to-day. Numerous pseudo- Christian ministers have exalted the value of war as necessary to make men brave and self-sacrificing. In other words, they do not believe that the gospel they preach ex-officio tends to produce brave, true men. Occasional wars are necessary to serve as an anti- dote to the effects of periods in which Christian practices prevail. If for years we have been at peace — the condition longed for by prophet and Messiah — therefore, lest our manhood decline, let us burn cities: let us starve women and children, and kill men by thousands to avert the degeneration due to peace and the preaching of peace. Either Christianity is a mistake and a failure, and should be given up wholly or in part, or it is triu^ and right, and should be applied in times of difficulty and danger as well as in times of ease and comfort. Indeed, unless it is a total failure, Christianity is needed especially at times when men differ and when passion tends to take the place of reason. But, does peace make cowards of us? Let us turn first to war itself for answer. Peace made the men called heroes by the news- papers, who made up our armies in the Spanish war. Practically, all ut' them wi-rt' horn, educated and nialured in a period of pro- fonnd peace. Hut the courage of a t;oldier is not a very high type of courage. lie is drilled heforehand, so that his own will shall have the smallest jiossihle activity in the time of crisis. He risks being killed, indeed; hut when did taking risks come to be a high type of courage? If it is so, truly, then, the gambler is somewhat of a hero too. I am not arguing against the courage of the Ameri- can. I fully believe in his courage; but the taking of risks, even lieavy risks, is not the best evidence of it. It is the motive, not the danger, that shows a hero. We have vastly better evidence in the heroes of peace, wlio never fail to appear in accidents, in wrecks at sea, in fires on land. These are they who take risks, often far greater than those of the soldier, to save life, not to destroy it. We have greater heroes than those of war, again, in those who face un- flinchingly long years of monotonous labor, giving their strength ungrudgingly to win comfort and happiness for their families. We have heroes in our physicians, who so devote themselves to healing the sick and alleviating suffering that they deny themselves even the vacations whicli are their due. We have heroes in the pioneers who conquer the wilderness, in the explorers who expand the do- main of human knowledge, in all those whose lives are self-dedi- cated to the good of others. We mistake deeply, we do injustice to our race, to our religion and to our civilization, when we grant our chief applause to the showy, organized national destroyers rather than to the unnoticed, miscellaneous saviours, who do their work, demanding no meed of praise, who never claim to be heroes, but who support upon their bent shoulders the hope of the world. Glory to the builder, not to the destroyer. (3) But shall we not do evil that good may come? If good come on the whole, then what we do is not evil. It is in the con- sequences of an act that exists its quality, whether good or evil. If an act has no consequences it has no moral element. But the flaw in the ]}roposition that we may make war for a good ])urpose lies in its short view. The experience of the race and the teaching of our highest instincts unite in making clear that the total result of war is evil, and only evil continually. It is cheap and common to assert that war freed our nation from English domination, and that it struck the shackles from four millions of slaves. We leave ont of account the heritage of bitterness and hatred not yet out- lived that followed after the Revolution, to say nothing of the thousands of lives thrown away or made miserable. We skillfully avoid the question, which is a vital one, whether greater self-control, greater patience might not have accomplished more with less of evil. And we leave out of account the evident fact that the slavery question is not settled — that, indeed, it is perhaps le.'^s soluble as a race question embittered by the brutal years of violence and by sec- tional discord, than it was as a slavery question. Again, we fail to consider what self-restraint and patience might have done. And 70 our fourth difficulty is involved in our third. War is sometimes necessary for the sake of others. The strong must be violent to help the weak — or, as before, the end justifies the means. Even so, friends, if what we look upon were the end — but there is no end. In a wave of nation-wide enthusiasm we went to war with Spain where men were governed badly and against their will, and where starvation and torture were used to enforce submission. After a harvest of suffering, disease, and crime had been reaped, we now look to a Cuba free from Spain, and we find ourselves immeshed in a war with a people whom we govern badly and against their will, and where starvation and torture are used to enforce submis- sion. Good may, indeed, come in spite of evil, for of unmixed evil there are few examples in the affairs of men, but good does not come because of it. If so much good has come in spite of all the evil, what would not the world be if it could be brought to Chris- tianity? There is no more fundamental atheism than is involved in a proclamation that God is too weak to win His way without calling in the devil to His help. There is no deeper infidelity than that which so distrusts the strength of righteousness that it must lean upon the arm of unrighteousness. It is from this attitude of apology that I would earnestly call Christians to-day. " Let us have faith that right makes might," and in that faith let us fare forward courageously in the path we are in. Let us no more evade and pretend. Are we ashamed of the Christ and his message? If not, let us speak it, and live it in spirit and in truth. May we not have in clear unmistakable tones the outspoken, uncompromising demand for righteousness on the part of each individual before God; the selfless plea for self -conquest; for the ruling of our own spirits? May we not have a definite rejection of compromise with evil, of deals with iniquity, a courageous and confident stand upon the power of the spirit of love to solve the hard problems of the world? The Chairman: — The next paper is on " The Christian Idea of Force," by Dr. Eichard H. Thomas, of Baltimore, president of the Peace Association of Friends in America. THE CHRISTIAN IDEA OF FORCE. BY DR. RICHARD HENRY THOMAS, BALTIMORE, MB. For our present purpose force may be briefly defined as power made effective for use. Thus we speak of spiritual, mental and physical force, and of the various forces of nature. Without force no results are accomplished. Therefore, when a man of peace says, " I do not believe in using force," however praiseworthy his mean- ing may be, his words are incorrect, and he lays himself open to the charge of being a mere visionary. VVlien he explains: " I be- 71 lieve not in the upc of physical, but of spiritual and moral force," his opponent answers: "Your cliilfl is about to cut himself with a sharp knife; will you not snatch it from him?" "Certainly." " lie is running toward a precipice. You shout to him to stop. Either he does not hear, or will not obey. Will you not run and catch him, and save him ? " " Would yon never, for any reason, punish your child in other ways than by word or look? If so, you do believe, under certain circumstances, in the use of physical force." But you reply, " That is different. It is right to do these things." Yes, it is right, but you cannot do them without physical force. Your real contention, then, is not against physical force, as such, but against the wrong use of it. We cannot even say that under all circumstances the use of brute force is wrong. A Samson might hold a lunatic or a crim- inal, to restrain him from violence, in his strong embrace, not bru- tally, but by brute force, and receive from the most ardent peace advocate nothing but praise. Then even brute force is not always wrong, so it be not brutally used. Further, if physical force may sometimes be well used, spiritual and moral force may be wrongly used. The assassin of our late President, for instance, claimed his deed to be morally right, and if, as the Bible says, there be such a thing as spiritual wickedness, there must also be a wrong use of spiritual power. From the simple human standpoint, which is, after all, hardly removed from the divine, wc may therefore conclude that of all the great divisions of force, spiritual and moral, physical and me- chanical, none are in themselves either right or wrong, but that the moral element lies in the manner in which they are used and the object to be gained. What, then, is the teaching of the New Testament on the sub- ject? First, I find no distinction made between physical and spir- itual force in the sense that one is set off as being necessarily right and the other as always wrong. Paul on one occasion missed a splendid opportunity for making such a distinction. The only ex- planation I can think of why he did not make it is that he did not believe it existed. He says, indeed, " The weapons of our war- fare are not carnal." How many of us would say, and have said, " But spiritual." But Paul misses his opportunity and says, " Not carnal, but mighty." The position is stronger. He discards car- nal weapons for something better. To-day, many assume that weapons not carnal are necessarily weak. Paul thought otherwise. Writing to Eome, the very center and symbol of power in the civil- ized world, he says that he is not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth. To the 2nen of force he brings something more forceful. This is no jelly-fish sentimentalism, but the utterance of a man glorying in the Source of his strength. The Christian ideal of life is a man- ly ideal, and includes struggle and conquest, not with carnal weap- ons — for carnal means human nature, rising up against the rule of God — not, I say, with carnal weapons, that is with force acting under the direction of the lower impulses of our nature, but with weapons fashioned and used in accordance with the mightiest force in the universe. That the idea of force is very prominent in the minds of the New Testament writers is clear even to a superficial reader. Their belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ supplied them with their unit of available power. This was the standard by which they estimated the possibilities of their life and work. Paul prays that the Ephesians may know that this is indeed the measure of the power of God in them. This estimate gave them manifest advan- tages. It rendered it impossible for them to be discouraged at any rebuff or defeat. Why? Christ had, humanly-speaking, suffered the most humiliating of defeats, and yet through that very defeat he had conquered. They knew that he had sounded depths of sor- row and darkness they could never know, and that every difficulty they could meet would always lie well within this unit of force, which became practically available for everyone as the result of the power of God working within him, as he lived in conscious sub- mission to it. This did not make them unnatural men and women. They did not count upon God as savages do upon a fetich. They saw that his power works through means, and they never hesitated to u.se means properly adapted for their purpose. Paul, when his health broke down on his first missionary journey, did not say, " The power of God is sufficient," and so disregarded the danger. He changed his course, and went to the mountains of northern Galatia to recruit, and so came to preach the Gospel there. When he knew that there was a plot against his life, he took pains to have the governor who was responsible for his safety informed, so that he might not be needlessly exposed to an attack by his enemies. He repeatedly claimed his civil privileges as a Koman citizen. But he refused to respond to the pointed intimations of Felix that he should offer him a bribe, although he knew that the power of money would secure his liberty. He promised his comrades in danger dur- ing the terrible storm that, although the ship would be lost, all lives should be saved, yet he also said that unless the sailors were prevented from leaving the ship in the boats the others could not be rescued. The faith of the first Church was that God had power to deliver them from all danger, and therefore when they were living in the will of God, and death or suffering came upon them, they realized fully that this also was the will of God. The death of Stephen did not dim their faith, nor did the^ exile that most of them had to suffer aftenvards. The death of James did not dis- courage them from praying for Peter. Why should not they be put to death as their Lord had been? 73 The whole atmosphere tliat tliey breathed was dilferent fioin what they had known before, and from what those about them knew. It was their mission to bring others into this same rela- tion to God. They proclaimed neither a well-worked out system of morality nor of doctrine. Both these were to a certain degree in a state of fluidity. What was prominent in their ex})erience and in their message was that through Jesus Christ they had come to know their true relation to God and how to attain it, and live in it with the power of the risen Saviour. They did not themselves fully grasp all that this implies. Paul, for instance, seems to have failed to understand that God has much concern for the lower ani- mals, and asks, " Does God care for oxen ? " He does not seem to have seen that Christian love bars out slavery. Cornelius is al- lowed, so far as we know, to remain a Roman soldier centurion, although there must have been duties that he had to perform in heathen practices essentially connected with the army, that to our minds, apart from the necessity of fighting, would be wholly out of harmony wdth Christianity. His example can as well be cited to support the theory that idolatry is consistent with Christ as that war is. But all these things did not affect the everlasting principle un- der which the first Christians lived. It was not for them to see to the end of that which shall forever be opening out fresh glories and fresh avenues for love and service. The seed of Christian thought and experience that they planted is still growing and de- veloping. But it was theirs to learn the secret of true power, and how it is known as we live in harmon}^ with the source of it, that is with the spirit of the life and teaching of Jesus Christ and in confi- dence in him. What, then, is the spirit of his life and teaching? First, let us recognize that he used all the great divisions of force that I have mentioned, and set us the example that we should use them also. That he made use of what is known as spiritual and moral power is too clear to need exposition. In his words, " Be ye wise as serpents, and harmless as doves," w-e have his en- dorsement of intellectual activity as applied to practical matters. In his scourge of small cords w^e have his endorsement of physical force. Why should we try to deny it? With Christ, what he did and what he taught are not in contrast. They mutually complete each other, and this act is not out of harmony wuth his teaching. True, small cords do small injury. But, explain it as you will, whether he used the scourge on men or not, the act was an exer- cise of physical force, used to protest against an abuse, and we lose much and gain nothing by trying to explain it away. But let those who gloat over this fact, and who think that it endorses the war method, remember how weak small cords are, and not attempt to support by them the wars of Christendom, with their thousands slain, and whole districts devastated. Such a burden is too great for small cords to sustain, and, after all, it is a poor argument that 74 urges that because a certain degree of physical force is justifiable, therefore every degree of physical force is justifiable. To protest against an abuse, not even sufiiciently to do away with it, but only enough to make the protest understood, is one thing, and is wholly unlike doing men to death either individually or on the battle- field. I think these small cords would never have been used to sup- port war had not war advocates been so hard put to it to find New Testament arguments for their contention, and had not peace ad- vocates weakened their cause by attempting to maintain that all physical force is in itself condemned by Christ. Before leaving this incident let us remember that what Christ was doing was sim- ply as a protest and not as a punishment, and that his choice of small cords shows his care to injure no one. As to his overturn- ing the tables of the money changers and driving out the animals, this only gave their owners the trouble of collecting them again, as it was all within the Temple inclosure, and there was no danger of theft or loss. Physical force, therefore, if it be used in a Christlike spirit, is supported by Christ's example. Apart from this spirit no force of any kind can be justified on the Christian idea. It is the same, therefore, with Christ's teaching as we found in respect to the sim- ple human point of view, that the true distinction is not between spiritual and physical force, but between the use of any force for worthy ends in the Christian spirit, and force not so used. To discover the Christian idea of force we must understand the purpose and method of Jesus Christ. Does any one doubt that the purpose is truly expressed in the words, " The Son of Man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them"? There is also a general agreement that in his method he trusted to the sweet rea- sonableness of his teaching and to the divine power within him, shown through his life and sufferings, to reach and convince men. Some, however, claim that what he says about not bringing peace but a sword, and his direction to the twelve to sell their garments and buy swords, show that he had other methods also in his mind. But the context in neither case bears this out. The sword he says he was come to send refers simply to the family strife certain to be engendered when the anger of those who do not accept his mes- sage is aroused against those who do. He explains that he is speak- ing of the mother and father being arrayed against the son and daughter. Therefore, unless we are prepared to maintain that Christ approves of family quarrels, we must understand he is not expressing approval of strife, but pictorially referring to feuds that must arise in the nature of the case. That his command to buy swords is purely figurative is shown by his reply, when the dis- ciples said, " Here are two swords." " It is enough," as though two could be enough for twelve men. Later on, when Peter used one of these very swords, Christ rebuked him, and soon afterwards ex- 76 plained that the reason his servants did not fight was that his kingdom is not of tliis world. We are justified, therefore, in maintaining that Christ's method is wholly in accord with truth and justice, and that he consistently employed force on this principle, and that sooner than depart from it he allowed the worst evils to come upon him. But some say that Christ was carrying out the design of God in our salvation, and that therefore he suffered, hut that we, who are not the saviours of men, are on a totally different plane. Much in this assertion seems to add to the glory of Christ, but, certainly, so far as it teaches that we are to live on a different plane from Christ, it lacks any supjiort from the words of Christ, or of any New Tes- tament writer. In his prayer he says: '^ As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I sent them into the world." Again, " As I am, so are ye in the world." " The servant is not above his Mas- ter .. . It is enough for the servant to be as his Master." Paul even speaks of filling up that which is lacking in the sufferings of Christ. In the minds of our Lord and of His immediate followers, the adoption of the method and spirit of Christ were essential con- ditions of discipleship. Christ is more than an example. He dem- onstrated and made available for all men, as it had never been done before, the greatest force in the universe. Through it he won his great world-victory, and upon it his followers are to rely. It is the power that comes with such a surrender to God as enables us to love him and those about us with a love that will not fail under any provocation, a love that will cast out self-seeking and selfishness, and strengthen us for any sacrifice that is needed to obey God and to help our fellow men according to His will. Tliis is so contrary to the world's idea of force that it requires us to drink deep of the spirit of Jesus Christ to recognize and ac- cept it. But it is only in doing so that we can have fhe faith that overcomes the world. This is very different from a mere passive acceptance of ills and evil. Christ's force was not negative, but positive. Paul was any- thing but a negative character. Neither of them sat down before diflBculties, waiting for all things to come right. They used this force to most effective purpose, and did not neglect the use of force in ordinary channels, so far as was consistent with the supremacy of this all-controlling force. We also, as they, have the same strength available for us, and through everything that may happen we are to be more than conquerors through him who loved us. But we hear it objected: " Is peace safe? " Does any one ask: "Is war safe?" Are good causes never crushed in war? Do people whose defence is in firearms never have their houses broken into, and never kill their wives or children, as well as the intruder, or instead of him? From the point of view of safety of life and limb there is, humanly speaking, no absolute safety for any one. The Czar of Russia is probably in greater danger with all his guards 76 than any one private citizen of his Empire. It is not a question of mere physical safety, bnt of what is the most effective method for the establishment of righteousness and the protection of the indi- vidual, and I maintain that the strongest method is Christ's method, and also that there has now been 'sufficient experience to make this assertion more than a mere matter of simple faith. The experience of the early colonists of Pennsylvania, as compared with other colonists, and of Pennsylvania itself when unpeaceful coun- sels prevailed, is a strong instance in point. The overcoming of the wild mountaineers of the Caucasus by the Doukhobors through persistent kindness is another example, and individual instances innumerable lead to the same conclusion. And yet, since our Mas- ter was ill treated and put to death, why should we complain that his followers may be called upon at times to serve the truth in simi- lar ways? On general principles, therefore, the Christian idea is that we trust this divine force and employ other forces only as they ring true to the method and purpose of our Lord's life upon earth. On this basis everything that contemplates success or victory through force brutally used, or through maiming and killing human beings, can never be justified according to Christ's idea of force. But this limitation, so far from lessening, strengthens us in preventing and reforming evil. I admit that it often works more slowly than our patience is quite ready for, but it is far more certain than other means. The real difficulty lies in this: first, that we hold the truth too much in theory, and have made it too little an essential part of our life; and, second, that we belong to a community only partially Christian, if indeed we may be sure that we are wholly Christian ourselves. A broad difference between the first century and the nineteenth is that in the former the nation was nominally idolatrous, and the Christians in it, although without political influence, were a grow- ing force leavening the whole, while we now, possessed of political influence, live in a nation nominally Christian, but largely pagan. The difference is apparently and really great, but among many ad- vantages we have this difficulty, that there is a tendency to confu- sion of ideas, because methods and policies, from being called Christian, come to be regarded as such. In this way we have the con- sent of many professing Christians to things intrinsically heathen both in principle and application. Prominent among these is the war system. It cannot ring true to any just conception of the teaching of Jesus Christ. The weapons of its warfare are essen- tially carnal, the passions it arouses are the reverse of Christian, and the results of its work, after allowing for all the benefits that can honestly be claimed for it, are the reverse of what is character- istic of the work of Christ. What then is the duty of one who believes that he has seen the true Christian idea of force? Certainly he is not to withdraw from 77 those about hiiiK as tliough ho were holi(>r than thoy. Moreovc>r we have what the early Christians had not — political inlluence. This is something that no one, either man or woman, has a right to neglect. We cannot do so without being false to duty. Indilference means that we are exercising the wrong influence. Wo need not be always condemning those who do not see as we do, nor should we forget that so long as the majority of our countrymen believe that their great protection is in the force of arms, it is impossible to do more than limit the building of warships and appropriations for military purposes. We are to labor to render these things use- less and out of date. Democracy means or at least should mean, the predominating influence of men out of olUce, and the fact that we may not consistently hold offices where in the judgment of those who would have elected us, it might become our official duty to call out the military, need not discourage us. There was practically no office whatever open to the first Christians, and we know what great influence they exerted. Our position is not negative, but positive. We have, and we are to use, the mighty weapons of our warfare to the pulling down of strongholds, and the casting down of everything that exalts it- self against the obedience of Christ. The Peace message is more than a theory or than a mere moral sentiment. It is not a weak as- sertion that we disbelieve in war and oppression, and believe in peace at any price. It is, to begin with, an experience — an experience of imion with the God of love and truth, such a union that we are taken posses- sion of and held by that love. This will enable us to live in such a spirit as George Fox was in when, after he had been seriously in- jured, he looked at the disabled arm, not in anger or regret, but in the love of God. It is only in such an experience that we can truly test whether a given proceeding is right or wrong. The love of God in our hearts will then be the true decider. It is only by being in an experience that does away with wars and fightings and the causes of them in our own hearts, that we are able to know what it is to have the mighty weapons of God, and to be able truly to influence men. But if we are practically taking the same attitude that others are taking upon national and international questions, and simply drawing the line when it comes to actual fighting, we have given up our principle, and are holding a tra- dition. Starting with the experience of union with Christ, we are where we can take a correct general view oi things. Wc cannot expect men who have not recognized our principle to act in accordance with it. But when they do not do so, we shall not co-operate with them. We should be ready, how^ever, as their brothers, in the providence of God, to suffer patiently with them in every w^ay not inconsistent with our position. We can do what lies within us to bring them to see what is so true to us, and we can encourage everything that 78 tends to promote justice and peace, everything that will help to bring in an era of true and permanent good feeling at home or abroad. We can endeavor to help those in official position to find ways of settling disputes peacefully, and we can show appreciation of their efforts in these directions. We can in times of excitement exert ourselves to allay it, and we can make the most of such move- ments as the Hague Convention, the Pan-American Congress, Boards of Arbitration, etc., between Labor and Capital. We can arouse the consciences of our fellow Christians, and, above all, con- tinually live in the power of the peaceful conquering Saviour. The Chairman: — Before opening the general discussion, I will make the announcement that to-morrow the meeting will be opened at ten o'clock, and the doors will be closed during the de- votional period with which the exercises begin. President M. Carey Thomas, of Bryn Mawr College, will preside at the session to-morrow forenoon, and the program, as you have it printed, will be carried out. There will be some time now for a general discussion of the papers to which we have just listened, and this discussion will be opened by President Birdsall, of Swarthmore College. William W. Birdsall: I was particularly impressed this morning by that paragraph of Dr. Barton's paper in which he out- lined the progress of the Hebrew idea of God and the effect of that idea upon their relations with each other. When their God was a God of the family, then each family considered itself to be under the protection and guidance of its own God; this belief permitted war with every family round about. It was a step of progress when the family God became a tribal God, and family war lost itself in the larger, still barbarous, idea of tribal war. So, when the idea came that Jehovah was a national God, it set free the tribe from war against tribe, but it set nation at war against nation. What an elevation of human life it was when they came at last to see that the God of their fathers was the God of men of every country and every clime, that all men were of one blood, and therefore brethren. It seemed to me that Dr. Barton had put his finger upon the vital point in this discussion, at least so far as the bearing of religion upon peace is concerned, when he said that the promulgation of the idea of the fatherhood of God made necessarily unlawful every act of war. But, as the idea of God became successively tribal, na- tional, universal, was it not natural that in some degree at least the sense of individual responsibility should be lost, and was not the coming of a Messiah needed to call men back to their indi- vidual relation with the Most High, and to teach them to cease to think of Him as the God of nations or the God of battles, but to think of Him as the Father of the individual? The method of Jesus was the individual method; He appealed 79 to multitudes, but always to multitudes as composed of individuals. If you wish to get typical instances of His method, where do you go? Not to His discourses to great concourses of people, l)ut to His quiet talk with the woman at the well, or with one or two dis- ciples, here and there. It was through His touch upon the indi- vidual heart that He gained His hold upon the mind and heart of His multitude of followers. How natural it was in the early stages of the Christian Church for it to gain its hold upon men's minds through the whispering of slave to slave, or slave to master, or friend to friend, through the i)rouehing of evangelists and dis- ciples; but it was no less natural, as numbers gathered, that the appeal should be to numbers and that it should be forgotten that it was the individual that was responsible, that it was through the individual that the church was to extend. How natural it was to reach out for numbers, for organization, for authority; and to yield to the temptation, as the Church did, to barter its birthright for the kingdoms of the world! Dr. Holmes pointed out to us that something like this has hap- pened in the history of every great religious movement. He omitted our own. but he need not have omitted it. Was not the appeal of George Fox to the individual? When he came into a neighborhood, did he not inquire what people there were tender? Did he not seek them out and minister to them as one mind and one heart to another mind and heart? All through his ministry was it not the individual to whom he preached; and did not those who followed him and who spread the Quaker faith through England and over the continent and into America pursue his method? When they grew in numbers and in power and in respectability, did not they, too, appeal to power — not indeed to the power of the State, but to the power of their own organization; and did not they, too, fail when they bartered their birthright of a living, in- dividual religion for a religion hemmed in and bound by a narrow, a destructive, a disowning discipline? Like early Christianity, the Quaker faith was propagated by mastering the consciences of individual men. That, it seems to me, the history of every great spiritual movement declares to be the true method. Organization is good; it brings together forces already in existence, arranges for their best applications, and pro- vides for their greatest usefulness. So long as those forces live in the unities of which the organization is composed, so long is the organization vital, helpful, a force in the community. Just so soon as the unities of which the organization is composed lose their hold upon the vital force which first called it into being, just so soon is the organization a dead shell, hindering life, ready to be sloughed off and discarded. If we will truly seize this idea of the individual responsibility, of the individual relation to the Source of light and truth, then, indeed, shall we be enabled to apply the Christian idea of force. 80 This will enable us to live in the world; to work with our fellows, though they see not with us; to do the work that is laid upon us without hindering the good work that is laid upon our brethren. It is right for us to come together in organization for definite work: it is right for us to protest as societies for every worthy cause and against every evil movement. But there is a deeper foundation for the culture and promotion of righteousness in the world. It is the appeal, which has never failed when made, to the individual mind, and its duties to the Father of Light. We do right to join our- selves together in every good work; but we do the essential thing when we turn to the voice of God in the soul, as George Fox called upon the great Protector to do. Much talk, he says, he had with Cromwell — much discourse about religion and about other things; and they came upon this subject of war. The Quaker apostle con- demned him not, but called him to turn to the voice of God in his own heart, which he told him if he would hear would call him away from the occasions of wars and fightings and lead him into the peaceable spirit of Jesus. Joseph Elkixton: I think our friend Dr. Holmes has done us a great service in sounding the keynote of all true civilization, of all religion worthy the name of Christianity. It has been a ques- tion with me how we may approach those who do not hold the views that we do; and it has seemed to me he has given us a clue to the possibility of making men think it possible for them to be separated from perverted popular opinion, and, if need be, from their religious instructors, to have their views created by a higher Power than either of these. I wish, also, to refer to Dr. Thomas's instance of the Doukho- bors, who have given us perhaps the most striking illustration in recent times of what peace principles will do in practice. They were sent at one time into the heart of a country infested by the wildest-hearted men. sent there purposely to be annihilated by them. But they maintained their peace principles even to throw- ing away their arms, and they came out of that situation with very few deaths from the use of arms against them. It seems to me to be a most striking lesson. So does their recent deliverance from Russia. There arc many other sects in that country pleading for freedom of thought, but the Doukhobors alone seem to have won. They have come to America by virtue, no doubt, of the sympathy and help of Friends in England and here, but also, there is not the least doubt, because they maintained their peace principles inviolate under circumstances the most trying in modern civiliza- tion. The Chairman: As no one else seems to wish to speak, the Conference is now adjourned till ten o'clock to-morrow morning. Jfourtb Sceeion. FiFTII-UAY JMORXIXG, TWELFTII MONTII 13X11. The Conference rc-assenil)led in Witherspoon Hall Fifth-day morning at 10 o'clock. M. Carey Thomas, president of Bryn Mawr College, occupied the Cliair. A few minutes at the opening of the session were given to devo- tion, during which prayer was offered hy Mary Jane Weaver and Allen Flitcraft. SI. CAKiiY Thomas: In the hrief remarks I shall make from the chair, before calling on the speakers who have prepared formal papers, I thought it might he of interest to call your attention to the forces outside of the churches that are making for peace. It is easy for us to let the warlike emotions of the past three years, which have swept over the United States in connection with our own war with Spain and England's war with the Boers, cause us to underestimate the force of the public sentiment in favor of peace and arbitration that has grown up during the preceding thirty years of almost unbroken European peace. In looking back over the Nineteenth Century and reflecting on the great revolutions of thought and social feeling that will reach their culmination only in the Twentieth Century, we can discern, I think, two great movements making strongly for peace— the higher education of women, the immensity of whose results we can- not as yet fully foresee, and the socialistic organization of working- men. The Nineteenth Century has witnessed the abolishment of slav- ery in civilized Europe and lier colonies, the reform of prisons and treatment of criminals, the humane care of the insane, the founding of reformatories of all kinds, and hospitals, systematic and wisely directed work among the poor in slums and tenements, the regula- tion of the employer in the interests of the employed, the vast spread of international commerce, with its trade unions. These mighty social and humanitarian movements, taking place simul- taneously in all civilized countries, have created a consciousness of the human kinship which unites all the inhabitants of these dif- ferent countries. The International Peace Conference at The Hague, in 1899, is one proof of this consciousness. The Pan- American Congress now meeting in Mexico has set before itself as its chief object the adoption by the South American delegates of the principle of arbitration. Yet a little more than two hundred years ago, in 1693, when William Penn drew up his scheme for a 83 European Council of Arbitration, it was regarded as a Quaker dream. The general progress of popular sentiment will be greatly assisted and hastened, however, by two distinct and specific move- ments. The emergence of women as a sex into the life of affairs in the Twentieth Century, and the swiftly approaching political pre- ponderance through universal suffrage and organization of the working man, and ultimately of the working woman, will be most important factors in bringing about peace in the Twentieth Cen- tury. No one who has known women that lived through the trag- edies and agonies of our Civil War, or indeed of any war, can doubt that the suffering of war falls more heavily on women than on men, and that in consequence their influence as a sex will be ex- erted for peace, just as no one who follows the discussions of the workingmen's parties and the influence already exerted by social- ists can fail to see that the time is approaching when the men who work with their hands in one country will refuse to fight the men who work with their hands in another country for any of the trivial causes for which nations have often declared war in the past. Of all the great moral and religious principles and doctrines ad- vocated by the Quaker Church, peace seems to be the only one that has not yet found universal acceptance. The other spiritual truths taught by George Fox and his followers, in 1650, are now accepted by all Christian Churches with more or less fulness. The spiritual interpretation of the Bible instead of the literal, the use of the Sab- bath for man and not man for the Sabbath, the subordination of the symbol to the spiritual belief symbolized, the comparative unim- portance of creeds and dogmas, the abhorrence of slavery, con- viction of temperance, recognition of women's responsibility and share in the work of the church, are now taught by all Christians. This is not, however, equivalent to saying that these changes in the thought and practices of the Christian Church have come about in consequence of Quaker teaching. Quakers in the past have separated themselves too much from other Christians by useless pe- culiarities of dress and language which ceased to have any real sig- nificance over one hundred and fifty years ago; and these superficial and unnecessary differences have made them a peculiar people and isolated them from other Christians. But whatever mistakes may have been made in the past, the Quaker Church is now ready to stand shoulder to shoulder with the other churches in the support and dissemination of peace. It is al- most impossible for any Friend of the older generation to believe in war; his ancestors have suffered too much for their peace prin- ciples in the past. But this is not true of the younger generation of Friends; they, and indeed all of the young people of to-day, seem to me warlike in spirit. For the past three years they have listened to and read in the papers stirring military speeches delivered in praise of war by our leading public men. We have a gallant warrior 83 President in the White House, and we must renieml)er that our late Spanish War lias heen the first great patriotic emotion of their youth. I am usually able to carry the students of Bryn Mawr Col- lege with me when I speak to them on public questions, but I am not able to command their sympathy when I speak in favor of peace. Those of us who believe in peace and arbitration must re- member that it is necessary for us to supply the antidote of an un- compromising and insistent expression of contrary opinion, unless we wish the younger generation to grow up far more warlike in spirit than our own. Peace and temperance are, I believe, the next great moral vic- tories to be won, and they will surely be won in the present cen- tury; but it is not enough to recognize this intellectually. The out- come of this Conference should be an aggressive peace propaganda, not carried on separately by the Quaker Church, but in concerted effort with all believers in peace and arbitration. Friends, with their profound belief in peace, bred in their inmost fiber, as it were, by their continuous and consistent church inheritance, stretching back for over two hundred and fifty years, should become the back- bone of such a propaganda. Bacon says somewhere that " men must not turn bees and leave their lives in the wound," and I am confident that the time is close at hand when it will be generally recognized that the nation that goes to war except in the last extremity, and perhaps even then, like a colony of bees, loses in the war, whether it be victorious or not, many things which constitute the true life of its people, and among them sympathy, justice, tenderness for others and righteousness. The Chairman: I will now call on the first speaker on the morning's program, Peter \V. Eaidabaugh, of Plainfield, Indiana. THE IMPOETANCE OF TEACHING PEACE PRINCIPLES IN THE BIBLE SCHOOLS. BY P. TV. RAIDABAUGH, PLAINFIELD, INDIANA. The Bible School could have no more dangerous enemy than one who would separate it from the established work of the Church — the organized body. The Bible School is considered and spoken of as belonging to some particular branch of the Church, just as a boy or girl is thought of as having a father and mother and belonging to some particular family. The Bible School is a child of the Church, and should be considered as the Church assembled for Bible study; its highest usefulness is reached when the youth are taught the principles of the Gospel of Christ in such a way as to lead them to accept Christ as a personal Saviour and to dedicate their lives to his service. The majority of those enrolled in our Bible Schools have not reached maturity and need the help of mature minds in their study 84 of the Scriptures. They are largely passive beings, mere receivers of influence, and are in the period of preparation for the active re- sponsibilities of life. They are like buds that must be unfolded be- fore the beauty of the flower can be seen, or like gems hidden in a casket which must be uncovered before they can reflect the rays of light. Their pupilage will soon end, and they will enter upon the activities of lifC;, and give to the next generation the influence the Bible School has thrown around them in this period of develop- ment. During this time the child must be assisted by wise and pious leadership that a correct foundation for the future building be laid. As you teach a child so you impress him. His mind is a rich garden spot, ready to receive and respond to the seed sown. The whole creed of a child may be summed up in a single sen- tence, " I believe in (lod, my parents and my teacher." He cannot get beyond this and untangle the theories of learned theologians; but he does believe what is taught him by parent or teacher, because he believes in them. The truths taught in the Bible School class are to him the whole of the Gospel. The whole compass of truth is in what his teacher says. A Jesuit priest said, " Grive me a child iintil he is eight years of age, and you may have him after that." By this he meant to say that during the first eight years of the child's life he would so impress upon his mind the tenets of the Eoman Catholic Church that he would forever remain true to the teachings of that church. It is a well-known fact that a child sel- dom wanders from the path in which he starts — in childhood he starts for a goal and usually reaches it. One who would use an intricate machine needs to understand what it is designed for and how to use it. The mind of the child is such a machine. It cannot be expected to work accurately except for the purpose and in the manner its Maker has designed. T!\e work of the Bible School teacher has so much to do with the child's mind that it is necessary that he should have some understanding of its nature and its modes of operation. He must not only study the Scriptures so as to teach them correctly, but he must study the child so as to impress the truth taught. He should know that the action of all the faculties, except the will, is mechanical and acts on the suggestions of another, and that there can be no choice or free- dom only as it exists in the will. The order in which the child- mind operates is, first, to perceive — grasp the truth; second, to judge; third, to feel; and fourth, to choose. The faculties thus brought into exercise are Perception, Judgment, the Sensibilities and the Will. Success or failure in teaching and impressing truth so as to reach the will depends on whether we do or do not follow this or- der. All the ideas or truths which are presented to the child-mind are taken up and passed through the process of thinking, and from the thought, or truth, presented it turns out the actions of life, much like a machine taking in the raw material and turnino- out 8o the finished product. The inind grows only l)y receiving. Some minds receive slower than others; some think slower than others; some cannot be hurried beyond their own speed without great dan- ger; some minds demand greater care as to statement of truths than others; some demand greater care as to explanation and illus- tration than others; and some depend more on repetition than others, hut all reach the same end. Some one has said: *' Sow a thought and reap an act; sow an act and reap a habit; soav a habit and reap a character; sow charac- ter and reap destiny." The child begins the development of a good or bad character in thoughts, and these are followed by acts which develop into habits that become fixed and unchanging. Mo- hammed says a mountain may change its base, but not a man his disposition. No one can be better than his best thoughts. High ideals are incentives to high living. The most of us can think a great deal higher than we live. Hence the importance of correct teaching on all lines of Gospel truth in our Bible Schools. I have to do with but one truth in this paper — peace principles. False standards are raised; brute force is often held up as heroic. '" The man behind the gun " is lauded, and he who can practice the greatest deceit or slay the most is considered patriotic and worthy of homage from his fellows. The newspapers are full of commenda- tion for acts of heroism on the battlefield. The pulpit joins in tlie praise of war and calls for a manifestation of patriotism on fields of blood. The air is full of this thought. There is a glamour thrown around the soldier's life. The young man in uniform and brass buttons is the envy of other young men, and admired by the ladies. He walks the street with a sense of superiority. If he is killed in battle, no matter how sinful his life has been, he is looked upon as a crowned hero. This thought has descended to us from barbarous tribes whose greatest warriors gained the highest heaven. The trend of thought is along this false standard of heroism and patriotism. The literature for our children is filled W'ith it. Books in our Bible School libraries have for their heroes a blood-stained villain. The comments in lesson helps associate heroism and pa- triotism with deeds of warfare. Our children are taught, in the period of early and lasting impressions, that heroism and patriotism are only found in deeds of valor on battlefields, and that it is honor- able to slay an enemy of one's country. The remedy for this evil is to teach the child the true spirit of Christianity as seen in the teachings of Clirist and throughout the New Testament. We must teach that impurity of thought is back of impure language, that falsehood in the heart is back of the un- true word, that character is the hidden life known to our conscience and open before God; that reputation is not the real life of the man. that reputation is what men say we are, character what we are; that reputation is in the hands of our fellow men, character in our own hands. Teach the child that a true hero is one not ashamed of hon- 86 est toil; that labor, whether of hand or brain, is heaven's ordinance for human improvement; that the hand of the son of toil is made hard in a service a thousand times more honorable than war; that heroism is found bending in the fields under heavy burdens; sweat- ing in the workshops of the land; that heroines are found in the fac- tories, clothed in calico, blanching brow and cheek to preserve the whiteness of the soul; that a true heroic character is that which does right. There can be but one logical course for all writers for the young and all teachers in our Bible Schools to take, and that is to present the true spirit of the Gospel of Christ, and impress on the young mind the brotherhood of man, that right thinking may beget right acts and lead to right habits, working in them a pure character. Impress the sacredness of human life, that murder is murder, whether in times of peace or war. Teach the spirit of the Master in dealing with enemies; that love is to be the controlling spirit of the Christian's life; that the new birth means the implanting of a new force in the life, a power contrary to the flesh. Instead of pre- senting a picture of Napoleon or Wellington or Grant leading armies on to victory, make Florence Nightingale, Clara Barton, Grace Darling, John Howard or Livingstone the central thought for illustration, or give a picture of that great and godly man as he sailed up the Delaware Bay, and for the first time stepped on the American soil with his heart beating immortal with its pulsations of love for man and God. Tell how he planted the seed of a mighty nation on the shores of the Delaware, and never wronged the In- dian. So that to this day the story of William Penn is told in le- gend to the Indian children of the West, and all who belong to the " Broad Brims " are hailed as friends of the despised children of the plains. By so doing the army of bright boys and girls in our Bible Schools will have the advantage of a right start in life, and the principle of peace and good will toward men will be so impressed on the coming generation that there will be a great forward movement resulting in all differences between nations, between capital and labor, between man and man, being settled on the broad principle of human brotherhood. The Chairman: The next speaker on the program is Presi- dent Edmund Stanley, of Friends' University, Kansas, who will speak on "" The Principal Influences Making for Peace, and How They May be Strengthened." 87 PRINCIPAL INFLUENCES MAKING FOR PEACE AND HOW THEY MAY BE STRENGTHENED. BY PRESIDENT EDMUND STANLEY, WICHITA, KAN. To study the slow progress of great reforms as interested ob- servers, impressed with the need of radical changes in the affairs of men, conscious of the wrongs endured by society, and convinced that relief can be had simply by the accepting, calls for a degree of patience not easily exercised. Surprising beyond measure is it that nations and peoples con- tinue to refuse the greatest boon that in the providences of na- tional experience and human life is attainable. It took the devastation of all the nations of the earth who laid claim to any achievements in skill, learning and literature, to make an Alexander; the sacrifice of two million of the best of Europe's people to make a Caesar; an upheaval of governments that left all Europe a seething mass of political ruin to make a Napoleon. These wars made heroes, but evolved them through the sacrifice of nations and of national honor. Yet in the face of history, with all its lurid facts touching the horrors, waste and injustice of war, sane men, men of critical judg- ment. Christian men, persist in the advocacy of rapine and murder as the only feasible means of settling differences among nations. The trend of human events — socially, economically, morally, re- ligiously — is in the direction of a purer philosophy, of more intel- ligent and humane economic laws, of higher and better methods of preserving and cultivating moral precepts, of a Christian civiliza- tion world-wide in its scope, embracing all human interests, and imbued with the real, living spirit of the Master. Apparently the economic phase of this reformation is to-day giving to the world the most conspicuous evidences of real progress. We could not admit, however, that the results coming in this way are the greatest, important as they may seem, since much of the work being done along these lines is based upon an uncertain foun- dation and has nothing for defence save the advantages that come through business relations and commercial transactions. It is but an armistice for gain. As the wants of man increase — and they do with every upward step in civilization — a wider and continually growing field of pro- duction becomes a necessity. Once, in the home, in the family, nearly the entire supply of materials needful for the comforts of life was produced. A house could be builded with less than a half dozen tools, and little variety of materials. Intellectual growth and refined tastes demand a change in man- ner of living, and buildings, furniture, provisions, clothing, trans- portation — in fact, everything wdth which we have to do — must submit to transformation. Such have been the changes in the progress of civilization that 88 to-day the commonly accepted necessities of life can scarcely be supplied by a score of peoples under as many different climatic con- ditions. The production and exchange of that which our higher civilization terms necessities is cultivating and fostering a spirit of dependence, a common commercial interest, a friendly spirit. A touch of material interests as well as a touch of pathos may make the world kin, and unquestionably it is doing so to-day. The wants of man have been the cause of the development of great commercial interests; and the warp of these stupendous enter- prises is interwoven with the woof of the surplus of every people under the sun. To make the case stronger still in the interest of universal peace, the operation of this intricate machinery is dependent upon a uni- versal system of credit. A structure in which the wealth of na- tions is involved must be operated upon economic principles; and disturbances that hinder progress, that interfere ^vith exchange, that reverse fortunes, that threaten national existence itself, can- not hope for encouragement from this commercial scheme now be- ing unified and brought to system with astonishing rapidity. It needs no prophetic vision to reveal the fact that in the near future the financial and commercial interests of the world will be arrayed on the side of imiversal peace. No one questions the fact that the Turkish Empire has escaped the perils of more than one war because of the financial interests that would have been jeop- ardized by military conflict. Nations as well as men are debtors and creditors, and as such must operate upon business principles; and the uncertain turns of military campaigns can hardly recom- mend an appeal to arms as a businesslike method of dealing with controverted questions of national import. Again, the limitations to conquest now thrown about civilizsd warfare will tend to discourage war as a means for settlement of differences. In former times the additions of territory, the increase of revenue from subjugated peoples and the spoils of war, including not only stolen treasure and confiscated property, but the lives and services of the subdued people — these made war a profitable em- ployment, a means for the accumulation of wealth. But economic interests, humane principles, and the higher light that has touched the human conscience have placed a hedge about modern warfare, and the restrictive measures that have been and are being thrown about it have deprived nations of the opportuni- ties once enjoyed of making the vanquished people a prey to the greed of the conqueror. AVhile much financial gain may still come to a country through conquest, it is a fact that there is much uncertainty connected with an enterprise dependent wholly on military success, and the im- mediate support of the undertaking must come from the people, the business interests, the resources of the country that chooses to engage in war. 89 In the face of modern civilization a nation must have some powel-ful excuse for engaging in war, stronger at least than those which are given hy historians for many of the great struggles of the past centuries. True it is that excuses given to-day are of little real force: but, if compared with those of earlier periods, we must admit that there are evidences of real progress. A war in the interest of humanity is a step in advance. We would condemn it as wrong, unnecessary and unwise; and yet there is hack of it evidence of a development of principle that will assert itself against all wars that the masses would call unjust, and against many of the wrongs which accompany military operations. The world will demand justice and equity in the administration of warfare before it will accept the higher and broader truth, a peaceable adjustment of differences in accord with wisdom and equity. Nations may continue to wage war for just (?) causes; but more and more will they come to see the lack of wisdom in the choice of method for settlement of differences. In fact, I am con- strained to say that no nation to-day, that has a just claim against another nation, need hesitate a moment to refer that claim to the honored tribunal that the best governments of the world have pro- vided for the adjustment of international questions of dispute; and, further, that when a strong nation makes war on a weaker one, in the face of the opportunities now provided for relief, for ob- taining justice, it is an admission of an unjust demand on the part of the stronger. The weaker nations make war upon the stronger only when forced to do so. Our own nation could have obtained more than justice and equity would have given her in the trouble with Mexico, and she could have had it for the asking. War became necessary because we asked too largely. Our demands were exorbitant. Mexico would have given us more than was ours by right rather than risk her fortunes in war. If England's claim is just and the demands of the Boers unjust, could not England with safety entrust the case with the International Court? Our own sad experience in the Orient is but another example of a great power making demands of a weaker people and yet fail- ing to submit its policy to a court of arbitration to determine the justice of the demand. There was a question in the minds of the American people, and, no doubt, in the minds of the people of other nations, as to our real status in the matter of the Philippine Archipelago. Had we waited and inquired; had an international tribunal passed upon the question, it is probable that the native tribes would have accepted the consensus of opinion given by dis- interested nations, and there would have been little or no war necessary to establish the authority of our government over the islands, if the ruling of the court had been in our favor. We have a right to hope that there is a growth in national con- science; that our civilization is producing men who are honest not 90 only in individual affairs, but in national affairs as well. In every school, in every home, in every church, the great principles of jus- tice, honesty and truth should be inculcated, and the instruction should be broad enough and comprehensive enough to reach be- yond the limits of any country or any government. The development under such teaching (and we have much of it) is already a powerful barrier in the way of war policies. One will say, if we fight for a just cause, " God is on the side of right, and right will prevail." Right may prevail, but not because of the wrong-doer. Victory does not come as a special favor to those who make war to establish right. I am persuaded that the soldier on the battlefield is the least to be censured for the wrongs of human warfare. It is his " but to do and die "; but the greater wrong lies with those responsible for his deeds, his suffering, his death. He obeys the mandates of government, the law under which he lives, and fills as best he knows, possibly, the place to which his environ- ments have assigned him. Not so with the teacher, the clergyman, the politician, the legislator, the author in the public press. These are moulders of public conscience that is given expression in law and put into action by the representatives of government. To make these factors in government right in heart, in life, in service, is reaching the root of the evil. If it is true that " The headship of the English-speaking people passed with the opening of the Twentieth Century from England to America," then it be- hooves us to assume the new responsibility not only with the dig- nity that becomes a great nation, but thoughtfully and prayerfully; for there comes a charge to our hands that demands considera- tion and bears large responsibility. The English-speaking people must have a part in the progress of the new century. The ques- tions that are interesting this convention are facing the world, and their solution will determine in a large measure the growth and character of human society. If Epicurean philosophy could work moral ruin in Greek and Roman society, what may we expect from equipage and conflict of arms with the intelligence and inventive genius of this portentous era! May we not reasonably anticipate all the moral degradation of the past with multiplied exhibitions of destruction, devastation and death that follow in the wake of the military campaign? We are led to believe that the outlook is more hopeful. The signs of the times certainly indicate an awakening of the public conscience, a growth in sentiment against war as a factor in hu- man government. Again, immediate contact with the realities of military life takes from it many of its attractions and much of its glory. The sol- diers of the civil war'^were not the most active in advising the nation to enter into a military contest with Spain when our diplo- matic relations became strained. They had seen and experienced the realities of war. There are multitudes of people Avho would 91 cease to advocate an appeal to arms if they could but witness the horrors of the battlefield for a day, could understand the depths of its moral degradation. The illustrated story of the battle, the telegraphic report, the daily and almost hourly paper that tells of the sutl'ering, not of the past, but of to-day — these things are bringing the realities of war in touch with the daily life of those at home, in business circles, in legislative halls, and a whole people can feel the real burden as though a part of the actors in the conflict. Society will not long endure this suffering, this sadness; and men's consciences will cry out against the wholesale slaughter of noble men, and demand that more humane methods be devised for determining and settling national disputes. Much as we may desire it, we can no longer keep away from the sad view of carnage. Our ears can no longer be closed to the cry of distress, the w-ail of sorrow. It is at your door and mine. We read to-day the story of suffering in South Africa, and know it is a living picture, the incident of the hour. We are not listen- ing to recitals of incidents and experiences of last w^eek or of last year; but the story, the picture, is a thing of the present. A people intelligent, cultured, educated. God-fearing, cannot and will not remain long under such pressure and in living touch with such scenes of distress and suffering, such evidence of moral corruption, and not cry out for relief from this universal curse. The Christian head may, it is possible, accept a belief that war is a necessity among nations, and therefore must be defended; but the Christian heart, with its love, its sympathy, its compassion, its self-sacrifice and devotion, cannot long stand and face the fortunes of war without experiencing a conviction that it is wholly wrong and its very existence inexcusable. Modern inventions are l)ringing us face to face with what has hitherto been the far-off side of human warfare. Heretofore we have seen the pageantry of mili- tary parade, and thought to applaud. The curtain has lifted, and with the echo of the applause comes the sad sigh of distress, the moan of anguish and of death; and we instinctively shrink from the pageantry so grand, for we know it is but a covering to hide a monster of hideous mien. These ideas, by some, may be called unpatriotic. Rather, inter- national arbitration, universal peace, the abandonment of war as a policy in government, are in the interest of a higher patriotism. Love of country implies love of its people, its institutions, its laws. It is this love for humanity that prompts the advocacy of meas- ures that promote the general good, that relieve society of its griev- ous burdens, that lessen suffering and sorrow, that ennoble char- acter. A government has nothing to fear from a citizenship that would refer all questions of dispute to a court of justice and equity, and that abides by decisions of arbitrators in personal or national ques- tions of controversy. But what of the Church? Where has she been, and what her position in the great struggle for relief from this greatest curse to mankind through all the records of history? The pulpit has re- sounded with the eloquence of learned and renowned teachers in spiritual things, who have tried to justify and sanctify human wax- fare. They have called the thing righteous, when they must know that it has been the means of destroying the fruits of years of mis- sionary labor. It has blocked the way to missionary success, and has caused the uprisings and revolts which have resulted in the massacre of multitudes of faithful missionaries and untold thou- sands of the people that have accepted the gospel through their teaching and labors. One could scarcely believe the story of the Church. The pic- ture is too dark to dwell upon, and we stand mute and condemned. There is no excuse to offer. May we not hope that those who pro- fess the name of Christ are learning more and more of the real spirit of the Master, and that the professing Christian world is com- ing into a better understanding of his precepts and his life. I am constrained to believe that there is a verj' marked growth of sentiment in the churches; that the followers of the Christ are learning this lesson as never before; and that we may confidently ex- pect a much more general acceptance of this great gospel precept, as found in the Golden Rule, than has been known in the ages past. ( )n this, as well as on every other great social and moral ques- tion, there must be a side consistent with the Christian profes- sion. Trickery and intrigue, deception and falsehood, secret con- niving and open dishonesty, inhimian cruelty and wholesale slaugh- ter — these are acknowledged requisites for successful campaigning. Christ condemns them all; and in place of these he establishes for his followers the precepts embodied in the Golden Rule. The world accepts the one side and conforms to its teachings. There is no ])lace for the Church unless it be on the other side. The Christian is not different from the world so long as he follows in the footsteps of the world; and the kingdom of our Christ can never grow strong by and through the services of men who profess loyalty to him, but in life continue to conform to the precepts of the world. From every pulpit should this truth be declared, for truth it is: " There can be no war among the Christian nations of the world to-day if the Church as a imited force will stand opposed to it." Many of the wars of history could have been averted if the Church had fully comprehended the teaching of the Master on this important question; and at no time has the Church been more pow- erful than it is to-day in shaping the course of government and in r.oulding public opinion. After all, the Church is, must be, the most effective force in 5)o this i-eformation. And on every hand we see evidences of a change of sentiment, a giowtli of opinion in favor of humane and reason- able methods of dealing with questions herotofovo submitted to the arbitrament of war. The work of various Christian organizations of modern times has tended to unify the Church, and with this uni- fication of interest comes the conviction that only through a deeper spirituality can we hope to enjoy the full benefit of the real power of the Church, as a united body working for the establishment of the kingdom of Christ. It is the spirit of the Christ that the Church must understand, must teach, must exemplify in human life, that her benign influences may be felt, her better precepts under- stood, and her laws recognized and embodied in the governments devised and operated for the welfare and happiness of humanity. I am constrained to believe that the advocates of peace are becoming more practical in their views and in their teaching. It is not ours merely to stand steadfast for a principle and to suffer for a testimony. It is ours to meet the great and perplexing ques- tions of government and help to solve them. Convince the na- tions of the world that there is a more Just and more economic way of settling questions of dispute, a way more in harmony with the age. more helpful to society, more humane, more reasonable, and right will prevail, war will be relegated to the past; justice will rule in the affairs of nations, and the social, financial, moral and spir- itual progress of mankind that will follow will be without parallel in the history of the world. The Chairman: The last formal paper of this morning will be on " Woman's Kesponsibility and Opportunities for Promoting Peace Principles," by Mary Jane Weaver, of BataAda. New^ York. WOMAN'S RESPONSIBILITY AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR PROMOTING PEACE PRINCIPLES. BY MAEY JANE WEAVEE, BATAVIA, N. Y. In a few days we shall have come up to tlie first Christmas of this new century, to the day set apart to commemorate the birth of him whose advent was heralded by a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying, " Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men." On that day a multitude of the earthly host of his professed followers will take up this same an- them, proclaiming it far and wide. If only a deeper comprehen- sion of this wonderful proclamation and the responsibility resting upon us for its fulfillment could come to all God's children this Christmastide than they have ever known before, this gospel of peace would have a voice every day in the year, and would soon be published everywhere in all its fulness and blessedness. Certainly the time has come when there should be concerted, persistent effort on the part of peace-loving Christians to get the 94 ear and reach the heart, particularly of the Church at large. Min- isters of the gospel of the Prince of Peace are in the main silent on this subject. With them an arrest of thought on this line is absolutely necessary, and I hope that some means may be devised at this Conference, having this end in view. Somehow this leaven should be worked into the masses also. Friends from the first have believed that war is entirely con- trary to the teachings of Christ and the spirit of the gospel; hence the promulgation of the principles of peace in an earnest, forceful way is entirely consistent with our attitude. This is a message God would have us bear to the world. How can we be true to Him, or consistent with our profession except we are doing all we can to bring this great truth to bear on the minds and consciences of all we can reach? Being right ourselves is not sufficient. AYe must agitate and educate. While I rejoice in all peace societies the world over, I believe the Eeligious Society of Friends ought to be the strongest, the most pronounced and the most aggressive of them all. Our responsi- bilities are measured by our opportunities, and in our Society women have large opportunities and privileges, such as are not ac- corded in any other branch of the Church. Within our wide field of service the way is open for them as for men. Some one has said: " When Christian womanhood is aroused she will make war upon war with weapons that are mighty, for the great forge in which her weapons will be cast is the forge of God Almighty him- self." It would seem that women who pay the first cost of human life, who go down into the jaws of death to become the mothers of men, would naturally protest against the destruction, in the awful carn- age of war, of a treasure so precious; that mother-love would rebel against a system which takes from her the son in whom she has invested so much from infancy to manhood, and, if occasion re- quires, places him where he must do his best to destroy the life of others, or give up his own life in the attempt, and this in the face of God's command, " Thou shalt not kill." Those of us whose eyes are open to the great crime and wrong of war must not fail in our duty to arouse Christian women, par- ticularly, to a consciousness of this, or we shall be answerable for the consequences of our neglect; we shall be brought into account for sins of omission as well as sins of commission. Woman can and consequently ought to engage in this work. In behalf of her own sex she should do this. The degradation and utter ruin of women in connection with army life is appalling, and certainly is a motive sufficient to lead women who love home and purity, and who regard the sanctity of the marriage relation, to a vigorous and persistent protest against the system which makes such crime and shame a possible thing among civilized people. A recent incident is a case in point. It is related by Corporal 95 Diffenderfer, of West Chester, l*a., who has recently returned with a company of soldiers from the Philippines. He said: " There was a somewhat remarkable scene when we left for home, on account of the wives which many of the soldiers had taken to themselves while on the island. The women over there are purchased for from five dollars each upward, and nearly every soldier has one. When we came away, of course it was impossi&le for the men to bring them along. But when we arrived at the port from which we sailed it was found that one of the governors of a province had sent about one hundred of the wives to the port, and every one of them wanted to come with us. There was no end of trouble, until the matter was adjusted by the officers, who persuaded the women to remain at home." What a spectacle! What a reproach to a Christian nation which has been praying God to bless it in its effort to subjugate the poor, ignorant Filipinos by force of arms, that it might civilize and Christianize them! And then the ruinous effect of such deeds upon the soldiers themselves, and through them upon others, when they come back to their loved ones so demoralized! This ought to stir every woman to valiant deeds in opposition to war. May the Lord waken us up to our responsibility! Women's opportunities for work along this line are so many and so varied that it would be hard to enumerate them all, but I will mention some that impress me as very important. First, the mother's duty in regard to teaching her children in moral and spiritual things. Dr. Vincent says: " Home teaching is above every other, and should have first place. It has the first op- portunity with the child. Its priority gives it superiority. It has the firm confidence of the child. It has the fervent love of the child. It has unchallenged authority. It has unconscious in- fluence. It has the opportunity to illustrate. It has the oppor- tunity to reiterate." Xo danger of beginning too early. This should be in the truest sense an infant school. And while we try to bring the great truths of religion within the comprehension of the children, we should also give them reasons why we believe cer- tain things to be right or wrong, which others about us do not see as we do. Particularly in these days of militarism, when the pomp and circumstance of war seem to have such place with the people, should we endeavor to impress the children with the teachings of our Saviour in regard to peace. This is a very important thing, that they may be fortified and prepared to meet the temptations that will beset them as they enter school life, and come in touch with influences outside the home. If children could be taught to settle their difficulties by arbitration, they would be learning a very important lesson, and one that would be a blessing to them all their lives. The large majority of Bible and secular school teachers are women, and they have much to do with moulding character. If 96 they were only advocates of peace, what an influence for good they would exert in turning the current of the child's thought into the right channel. If our children are to remain in fellowship with us, and be loyal and faithful Friends, and be trvie to our principles and testimonies, they must have clear, intelligent views of the truth, and be able to give to the world a reason for the faith that is in them. The hope of the future is in the children of to-day. If mothers and teachers were conscious of their blessed opportunities and great responsibilities, and were doing their best to train up the children in the way they should go, what mighty influence for good would be set in motion through the men and women of the next generation. Our children should be familiar with all that has been and is being done for international arbitration. They should be impressed with a loftier, nobler idea of heroism than war at its very best has ever been able to inspire. They should be taught concerning the cost of war, the awful destruction of human life, — a thing which God alone can give and which he alone has the right to take, — and how enormously prolific it is of vice and crime, cruelty, drunken- ness and licentiousness. Military drill in schools, many of our chil- dren's toys and story-books, and pictures in our homes and on the walls of our schoolhouses, engender and foster a military spirit. Physical culture is important. The body should be trained as well as the intellect. Our children must have playthings and books suited to their capacity. All this could be provided for without objectionable features, if mothers and teacliers would bring their influence to bear towards eliminating that which is harmful, and putting into its place that which is harmless and which would tend to educate along right lines. "What a power for good or evil the mother holds within her grasp! " I saw the Holy Spirit shining in my mother's face," said a college professor, " and her piety and faithfulness drew us, a large family, saie into the service of the Master, though our father was not a Christian until we were all grown up." Love is the highest and most potent of human qualities, and the mother has this mighty agent at her service. A habit of referring everything to the arbitration of our Heavenly Father is the very best form of gov- ernment in a home; and in this way peacemakers are trained. The mother should claim the same right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for her son that is accorded her daughter. This cannot be while war exists. The peace-loving mother should go with her children into their school life. Our text-books on his- tory, the most of them, glorify war, teaching that in the strength and efficiency of the army and navy of the nations in large measure rest their glory and power. Men of war are set before them as he- roes. Until these books can be changed — a thing concerning which something has been already done — this teaching must be counter- acted by that of the home. There the mother has her chance. 97 If women who are teachers would use their influence to secure the writing of ess-e not in this day, this very year, witness the fulfillment of what Paul testified in his epistle to the Eomans, that " the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you, as it is written '" ? For thus it had been written by Israel's seer, in telling how those who made claim to be " the people of God, and are gone forth out of his land," that his holy name '"was profaned among the heathen, whither they went." Oh, what a change is wrought with the power, " the power of God unto salvation," which brings only blessing and not blasphemy! This effectual remedy, as said before, must run through the life — whether it be of the individual or the nation. The w^ord which came to Jeremiah when judgment upon the favored nation hung in the balance, was " Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Is- rael, Amend your ways and your doings, and I will cause you to dwell in this place," repeating to them the promise that this should be so: " If ye thoroughly amend your ways and your doings, if ye thoroughly execute judgment between a man and his neighbor "; saying further they must cease from oppression and come away from idolatry, — in other words, out of the lust of those forbidden things which are the roots of war. Now, this necessary amendment in order for the remedy, — must it not begin with the child? With the twig that will bend? In large showcases in the basement of a great department store in this city may be seen military playthings for the juveniles, some of them elegant and costly, representing platoons of mimic soldiers of the infantry, and gaily-caparisoned cavalry, lumbering artillery, brist- ling ramparts, and all the scenic make-up of actual warfare. We shall not be likely to see these things in the playrooms of the chil- dren of Friends, yet they are common in the commi lity, and as educators their influence must be pronomiced. It is an easy step from playing soldier in the nv ry to march- 216 ing 171 irigade along the streets^ with real undersized guns, and fife and drum, and the contented thought that if we may do this as pupils in the Sabbath School to the chant of " Onward, Christian Soldiers ! " we are in the right road to the overturning of the bul- warks of Satan. The remedy applicable here is a closer teaching of the truth that the Christian warfare is not carnal, but spiritual, to the overturning of the strongholds of evil; so, if the active brigade be wanted for the boys, let it be with other implements, as for the saving of life — a substitute which has been adopted in various di- rections. The amended drill may also properly be with the Indian clubs, affording excellent exercise, whether for boys or for girls, in the line of calisthenics. In field athletics, the intense rivalry, tending to many serious abuses, as jealousies, recriminations, love of publicity, stimulation of the betting habit, and fierce contests marked by maimings, and, at times, loss of life, betoken the cultivation of a lust for acquisi- tions which are not happily educational. A remedy here, recom- mended, but far too infrequently put in practice, is the discontinu- ance of the publicly -lier aided match games of the colleges and other scholastic institutions. This would easily deduct a tenth horn, the reading matter of the daily papers, but it would be a needed step backward in the direction of peace. In the schools, lust of fame, glory, empire, and the uplifting of a patriotism wrenched out of place, is very much fostered through the teaching of war in the text-books of history. Not so much in the salient facts concerning any particular war, especially its causes and effects, but through the manner in which the mere fighting details are exaggerated, so that the battle-loss of our so-called enemies be- comes a thing to exult over. I know this well from my youthful experience. As to the battle pictures, while the frightfully realistic canvas of a Verestschagin may partly lift the illusion of glory by a glance at the hideousness of the field of carnage, the popular class-book of history sufficiently drapes the repulsive part, and the young mind is left to its visions of the special prowess, triumph and renown of the heroes of battle. However, I believe there has been an amending in this particular. The Sumner bequest to Har- vard, creating a prize for approved theses on the settlement of dis- putes without resort to war, was a valuable educational precedent. Similarly commendable was the effort of Lafayette College, some years ago, to substitute for one of the courses in pagan classics, with its pro-war and often immoral ideals, one in which the classical exponents came closer to the Christian standard. (A failure of the specially-contributed fund, I believe, was the cause of the dropping of this rarely-tried course.) As our student reaches manhood, and embarks, mayhap, in commerce or manufactures, and perchance finds his country en- gaged in war I here may open a choice of courses in which he will need to reckc closely with his conscience. If he has rightly ap- 217 propriated the lessons or influences conducive to peace which have heretofore been laid in his way, he will not make gain through furnishing goods or material to be used in carrying on war. To instance but a few: The Rotch family, of Nantucket, with their neutral shipping and whale oil commerce during the Revolutionary and later wars; an Allen, of England, who, as manufacturer of chemical products, declined a very lucrative contract for certain goods to be used in the war in which his country was engaged; a Cadbury, who, a little while ago, though willing to supply, at cost, the Queen's special gift of chocolate for her soldiers in South Africa, refused thereafter to furnish supplies upon regular con- tracts of profit; the Hustons, iron manufacturers, who could not be persuaded to furnish armor-plate to the government during the Civil War, even though such action may have been looked upon as unpatriotic, as well as unnecessarily self-denying. Further, our fair-minded citizen who would wish practically to apply the Scripture obligation to love our neighbor as ourselves, would welcome such harmonious commercial relatio7is with other na- tions as would be of reciprocal benefit, and not be heavily weighted with the selfish maxim of take all and give nothing. Of such wisely- adjusted international traffic, which must prove a great conservator of peace, it was happily remarked by Elihu Burritt: " Commerce has no coimtry but the world, no patriotism but an earnest interest in the well-being of all the nations. Its genius in this respect runs parallel with the genius of Christianity, though in a lower course — just as subterranean rivers run parallel with those that show their silver currents to the sun. Commerce repudiates tvar as an outrage ^upon its domain. It will not obey the laws of war, nor recognize any nation as an enemy with which it has or may have intercourse." The benevolent thought of Burritt in this direction is suggestively indicated by the caption of some of his cogent essays, as that on " The Waste of War and the Winnings of Industry "; another, on " Cotton, Commerce and Civilization "; a third, " Wardrobe, Webs and Table-Ties of Brotherhood." "V\1iat a bulwark, what a remedy ^ould be found here, could we apply the touchstone of Christ's commandment to this which is destined to be an uppermost topic of general discussion, and most urgent subject for diplomacy and leg- islation! And so likewise in the matter of oppressive trade com- binations, the fertile source of endless angry contentions. In conscientiously manifesting his Christian citizenship, the cit- izen and voter will thereby directly provide, and speedily so, a fore- most remedy against the outburst of war. The rule of political action recommended may be concisely expressed by that vigorous Anglo-Saxon word, straightforwardness; for, as Secretary of State Hay tersely stated it the other day, in speaking of the better di- plomacy, " There is nothing like straightforwardness to beget its like." " We believe," was the conviction hereupon adopted by the National Woman's Christian Temperance Union last month, at Fort 218 Worth, " ^ye believe that in a right apprehension of the ideals and demands of Christian citizenship lies the hope of the nation; that no citizenship is worthy the name of Christ which is not founded upon divine ideals of righteousness." Thus, I conclude, applied Christianity is the only assured rem- edy for war, because it alone has its foundation on the immovable Eock. There have been formed for the arrest of war — beneficially operative after their measure — arbitral councils, and treaties, and truces in the old time, in the middle ages, in our own day especially — even up to the hopeful Pacific Tribunal at The Hague. But there have never been, as there are now, and as many observers are remarking, such legions of men in camps or in reserve in readiness for the fray, or such vast treasure applied on account of wars pres- ent or that threaten to come, or as interest and pensions due to those that are past. Nevertheless, solemn pacts will be made to be broken or evaded, while men remain largely unsubjected to the limitations of the cross. John, the disciple, was still unescaped from the law, when he plead that the Lord Jesus should smite with his wonderful power the offending village of a people who had no dealings with the Jews. In the same mood was Peter, when, with his sword, he cut off the ear of the servant of the high priest. Later along in life, better instructed of the Spirit, we behold John breath- ing only love, and the naturally-impetuous Peter discoursing how to " be pitiful, be courteous." Ezra, the scribe, and his company, in carrying unguarded over the desert the temple treasures, and Penn and his people in founding a State without one weapon of defence while surrounded by those accounted as hostiles, found equally the remedy against fighting to be in him of whom it was declared, " The government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." While faithfully laying hold of every proper aid, let us especially exalt the effective, divine- ly-appointed remedy, " The Gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation." The Chaiem^x: "The Influence of Quaker Peace Ideals in Our National Life," is the title of the next paper, by Dr. 0. IMward Janney, Baltimore, Md. THE INFLUENCE OF QUAKER PEACE IDEALS ON OUR NATIONAL LIFE. BY 0. EDWAED JANNEY, M.D., BALTIMOEE, MD. The Quaker ideal of peace is well expressed iu the prophetic words, " They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more." '" They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea." 219 Acknowledging, with other men, the necessity for government in order that there may he an enjoyment of life, liberty and the pur- suit of happiness, and acknowledging further that orderly govern- ment requires an organized civil force to control the unruly, Friends have always maintained a consistent opposition to warfare and warlike preparations. To what extent has this ideal of peace influenced our national life and affected our every-day affairs? MII.it A RY SEEVICE. The Friends who founded Pennsylvania and those who con- trolled its affairs for seventy-four years bore a strong testimony against conscription and the organization of a militia, although fre- quently urged thereto by the English government, by their succes- sive governors and by the clamor of the militant majority of their own community. Although wars raged about them and invasions threatened, and although the colonies to the north and to the south suffered from the horrors of warfare, Pennsylvania refused to authorize move- ments of aggression and found little necessity for measures of de- fence. At last, w^hen unjust encroachments on the rights and prop- erty of the Indians had roused them to reluctant revenge, and popular clamor among the colonists demanded war. Friends volun- tarily relinquished the government to their opponents rather than prove false to their peace principles. " When the crucial nature of the question became clear, and either place or principle had to be sacrificed, their decision was in favor of the sanctity of principle. . . . The Yearly Meeting never gave any uncertain sound." (Sharpless.) Thenceforward, although Friends did not take part in the ad- ministration of the Colonial or State government, yet the principles in which they trusted continued in force to a considerable extent, and do so yet. This influence is shown to be greater when it is made clear that the Frame of Government wrought out by William Penn and his counsellors, " though changed in form many times, shaped all future constitutions of Pennsylvania, of other States, and of the Federal Union." (Sharpless.) To the Friends of Penn's colony, therefore, the people of the United States are indebted, in great degree, for their present form of government, and some of the principles which underlie good government. It would not seem to be taking too much for granted, therefore, to ascribe to this Friendly element, thus introduced, some of the beneficent traits of the American people. Among these are oppo- sition to a large standing army, to compulsory military service in time of peace, and exemption from such service in time of war. To this influence, also, may perhaps be traced in part the generally peaceable character of the American people, who liave never entered into war except when reluctantly forced into it by the pressure of 220 circumstances, and then always in opposition to a strenuous protest from a large number of our citizens. The attitude of our nation towards others, with rare exceptions, has been one of peace, jus- tice and good feeling. When we compare the happy condition of our citizens, as to compulsory military service, with those of France and Germany, where the military spirit is rife, it must be admitted that an in- fluence has been at work among us that has not been felt on the continent, and some of this has been exerted by Friends. THE INDIANS. The just and peaceable relations with the Indians established by the Quaker colonists produced and ensured harmony so long at it was continued, and trouble with the red man arose only when unjust and warlike encroachments were permitted. Although an unrighteous Indian policy has been continued for 150 years, with its inevitable evil consequences, yet the Quaker ideal has been kept ever before the American people, and slowly, slowly our government has advanced toward it, until in President Grant and some of our recent administrators the friendly method of deal- ing with the Indians has been approached, with much success and with great hope for the future. COUETS OF AEBITRATION. For the prevention of disputes and as a substitute for armed conflicts Friends have offered arbitration between individuals and between nations as the ideal as well as practical Christian method. Here again mankind is slowly emerging from darkness into light, leaving behind the trial by duel and, we believe, the trial by warfare, and advancing towards the frame of mind that is will- ing to accept arbitration as a just and proper method of deciding contests. In the history of our nation many international disagreements have been st) decided, some of them involving millions of money and preceded by heated arguments and antagonistic opinions that would ordinarily have led to bloodshed. Numberless disputes between individuals are now settled by arbitration and lawsuits are thus often avoided. The court of ar- bitration is gaining popularity, and, being of equal standing with the law courts, is being appealed to more and more. In Baltimore, for instance, the Board of Trade, proceeding under an act of Legis- lature, has established such a court, whose decisions are as binding as though made by the courts of law. Indeed, it is not unusual for disputants to agree to abide by the legal opinion of a judge or em- inent counsel, thus adopting the principle of arbitration. There is also constant demand for the settlement of all disagreements be- tween employers and their employees by this method, of the appli- cation of which there have been some recent instances. 221 In all of this advance towards the peaceful settlement of disputes Friends can certainly claim that their unswerving testimony in favor of arbitration has had influence. THE CHURCH. It has often been asserted that the principles and testimonies of the Society of Friends have been so generally adopted by relig- ious people everywhere that the need of our continued independent existence has vanished. An answer to this may be found in the atti- tude of the religious world toward war. The ideal of peaceable- ness expressed by the Master in the Sermon on the Mount, and made their own by the Society of Friends, is realized but inade- quately by most Christian denominations, whose leaders are apt to weaken in the face of a strong popular demand for war, and too often give their support to measures of conquest or bloody retalia- tion. Very few churches would discipline a member for engaging in military service; the thought of doing so would hardly occur to them. Strange as it may seem, in the Church, the representative of the Prince of Peace, his message of non-resistance finds but tardy acceptance. EDUCATION. The well-known testimony of Friends in favor of the guarded education of the young was as far removed as possible from mili- tary training in schools, and in this a consistent course has always been followed. It is not claiming too much to say that their ideas have influenced those who have had charge of- education in this country, especially as there have always been Friends who, as teach- ers and superintendents of instruction, have extended our Friendly thought. However this may be, it is evident that the advisability or ne- cessity of military education has never taken hold of the American people. The army has its "West Point, to be sure, and the navy its Annapolis, and so it must be as long as the people allow an army or a navy to exist; but aside from these, it is only here and there, especially in reform schools, that military discipline is enforced, and in these it is the habits of attention, order and obedience and physical development that are sought, rather than the inculcation of a warlike spirit. Owing to the accession of military feeling caused by the late war with Spain, a number of attempts have been made recently to in- troduce military training into the public schools; but the senti- ment, as well as the judgment, of the people is opposed to this en- deavor, which is doomed to failure. CURRENT LITERATURE. It is much to be regretted that the war spirit is so prominent in weekly and monthly journals. Most of this is to be accounted for by our experience of the past four years, as before that period there 222 was little of it. Especially unfortunate is it that the Juvenile press is so full of war stories and the glorification of warlike deeds. In fact;, the most popular monthly of this class is one of the greatest sinners in this respect. When the present attack of temporary insanity has passed and reason has once more regained its throne, our ideal of peace will seem all the more beautiful, and the young will be taught that the victories of civil life often far eclipse those of war, and do not leave behind remorse, nor the scars of conflict, nor the moan of the widow and orphan. On the whole, it may be concluded that the Quaker ideal of peace has spread among the American people and deeply influenced our national life. May this high ideal continue to be held aloft until all people shall come within its ennobling influence, and the spirit of peace shall hover over the nations with healing on his wings! The Chairman: "Peace as Involved in the Christian Method," by Eufus M. Jones, of Haverford College, is the last paper on the program of the evening and of the Conference. PEACE AS INTVOLVED IN THE CHEISTIAN METHOD. BY DE. RUFUS M. JOXES, HAVERFORD, PA. The scientists of the century have been forcing us to realize that Nature's method is ruthless competition. She gives success to the strong and extermination to the weak. Her realm is an end- less battlefield — a fierce struggle for existence where the weak fat- ten the strong, and the unfit are mercilessly sacrificed to the fit. livery step of the slow advance from the lower forms of life has been marked by the weeding out of the helpless and the survival of the strong and physically fit. " Eed in tooth and claw," Nature proclaims that strength, power, force, might, fitness to survive, are the only qualities for which she cares. Few have any conception of the awful slaughter which goes on day by day beneath the peace- ful waters of the sea. Here everything lives on something else, and in the act of seizing its prey it is dodging its own foe. There is no corner of the ocean which is not a veritable Indian jungle where each lives on the life of another. This law of the jungle, this merciless method of nature, everywhere marks primitive man. An- thropology, archeology, ancient history, all tell the same tale — everywhere tribe at war with tribe, man arming himself against his enemy. The very divisions of the earth among the peoples of it have been made with an eye to protection and defense. But the little new-born child comes with an even surer record of this age-long warfare than any which the monuments of Assyria or the ruins of Karnak p-ive us. His hereditary instincts are the deepest 223 scars of these centuries of strife and survival of the strong. The primitive instincts are fear and anger; followed by the hardly less primitive instinct — love of power. They are egoistic, self-preserva- tive instincts. They are in the very structure of the race, and they have their roots deep in an immemorial past, when human life meant struggle for existence and survival by the law of might. Na- ture's whole concern has been to produce a physical being with a fitness to survive in a competitive struggle for existence. ^ow Christianity reverses this whole ideaj Christ introduces a type of life which advances on precisely the opposite principle. He declares that in the kingdom where he rules a selfish struggle for existence carries with it extinction — ^' He that seeks to save his life shall lose it," — and its very method of advance is by the prop- agation of love which forgets self in the effort to bless others. The true way to study the peace idea at the heart of Chris- tianity is not to make a collection of peace-texts, but to develop the Christian view of man and society and to see whether any place is left here for war and strife. Our question therefore must be, What does Christ's conception of man and society involve? What lies prophetic in his revelation of man? Xothing is surer than that he thinks of man — any man — as a potential son of God. He puts man on a new level. He sets forth his new conception and calls men to it, in order, he says, " that ye may be the children of your Father in Heaven." His new commandment is, " that you love even as I have loved." His " follow me " is no mere call to walk over the same Syrian roads behind Him, but a call to the same attitude of life and an invita- tion into a brotherhood which has its origin in a Divine Father- hood. The characteristic feature of the Son of Man is his de- votion to the business of saving and perfecting others — his struggle for the life of others. To give, to share, and to transmit what he has received is his unfailing purpose. To win by defeating others is as inconceivable a course for him as it would be for the tiger to win his prey by methods of persuasion. He reverses the whole process of advance. Victories are to be won by the inherent power of light and truth and love, and if they cannot be won that way, then'they are not to be won at all. Men are to be drawn to God on the simple ground alone that He loves them : and then, in their ef- forts to overcome a world organized on the principle of the power of the strongest, they are to make their appeal to the silent but invincible power of love and truth. There can be no mistaking the fact that this was his method. There can be as little doubt that he bequeathed this method to his followers. I shall not now ask whether such a method is practica- ble in a world like ours or not, though one can say that so far it has had no adequate trial, and we must expect such transforma- tions to be slow. But I shall consider the question, which is of some interest, namely. Why is the law of competition reversed by 224 Christianity? Why do we here go over from the law of struggle for existence to the method of love and sacrifice for others? The first reason is that humanity found a new goal in Christ M'hich could be attained only by some new method. So long as the goal is the attainment of material goods there must be a sharp competition and an occasion for warfare. The supply of good things is limited, and whatever one gets diminishes what the rest can have. The demand for such things exceeds the supply. The struggle, from the nature of the case, becomes a keen one. The M'hole breed of selfish passions are pushed to the front. It is for the vital interests of the stronger to put down the weak, and, by a certain natural selection, those who can fight best survive and pro- duce a race like themselves. But the moment the goal becomes the attainment of some spiritual possession, the supply of it exceeds the demand! The more of it one gets, the more of it there is for oth- ers. It increases in proportion as it is possessed. Whien one man rises to the height of a new idea, the whole world is richer for it forever, and all souls feel the power of it. When one soul sees some new beauty and learns how to share it, he has made it at once the common possession of the race. Wlien one individual by stricter obedience has caught a new truth and voiced it, all men everywhere feed upon it and add cubits to their stature. When some one person puts his life into an heroic deed, that becomes a universal legacy. If it can be revealed that God is love and that men can partake of his nature, then no amount of sharing can ever exhaust such a possession, and there will be no competitive struggle to win one's own share. But the truth is deeper than this and involves more than we have yet touched. For as soon as the human goal is shown to be the possession of a spiritual attainment, it becomes clear that this can be attained only through the method of sharing. The surest way to shrivel and dry up is to live for self-perfection alone. In the spiritual life it is an eternal fact that no high quality can be won if it is directly sought for self. If it is impossible to catch a spin- ning top to see what the motion is like; if it is impossible to turn on the light to see what the darkness is like, it is equally impossible to produce the saintly spirit alon^ any line of self-interest. To gain any pleasure from any action one must forget all thought of pleas- ure and become absorbed in the act. To become spiritual one must throw his life into the work of helping others win their vic- tories, and lo! he finds that nothing he gives is ever given away. By losing his life in the glowing purpose to help men come to the possession of their true selves, he finds his own life enriching and deepening, and he enters upon an ever-heightening life. The loss is gain, the giving makes rich, the sharing increases the possession. This principle lies at the very heart of the Christian religion, and, because it is true, no one who fully enters upon the higher levels 225 of Christian experience can consent to live by the law of might which breeds war and sets men everywhere against each other. The struggle now will be not to see how much one can get, but rather how much one can give, not to see how many men's share one can seize and appropriate, but rather to see how many one can help to enter and sliare the common blessings of the Father's gift. But there is still another reason why Christianity supplants war with a method of peace and love. Christ introduces the organic idea of society. We pass at once and forever from the individual as an atom to the individual as a member of the whole. There can be no isolated personal perfection, for our lives are so tightly linked that when one member suffers all suffer, and when one rises all rise. Human destiny is a social affair and no man can live unto himself or die unto himself. There is a gravitation finer and sub- tler than that which holds the worlds in a universe, and this binds the lives of human beings into a society in which each must share the rise and fall of all the members. It is, then, our end not to realize some little goal of personal attainment for which we live, but to raise, be it ever so little, the whole level of human life and to bring into actual existence a kingdom of God — a society of brothers by the divine right of sonship to God. The sublimest outlook of Christianity is its prophecy of a society founded in brotherhood, and deeper still, in the universal Fatherhood of God, and its most sacred message to man is the call, " by the mercies of God," to join in the work of making that prophecy come true. Now the only way such an ideal can be wrought out, the only way such a new Jerusalem can be brought down from God to become a fact before our eyes, is for a man in this present world to go to living as a son of God and treating all other men as possible sons. This is precise- ly Christ's method. The strong are to bear the infirmities of the weak, those who have received are to give, those who have seen are to help others see, and those who have found are to become the seekers after others. That such an idea involves peace and makes war impossible is as plain as the sun at high noon, and this is incon- testably the Christian position. But some one says, " This is a remote ideal which will be all right when the heavenly conditions arrive for realizing it, but now we are in a world where men have selfish passions, where the law of competition rules, and where one gets only what he struggles and fights for. No such millennium is in sight. Must we not adjust to the conditions of this present world?" The answer is simple. There never will be any heavenly conditions, there never will be an actual state of brotherhood and love unless those who see the sig- nificance of the new method go to living by it at whatever hazard and cost, and so make this ideal less remote, and bring the millen- nium a jot nearer. The single question to ask is. Which is the true way of life, the law of the jungle, somewhat modified and re- fined perhaps, or the law of love and brotherhood, the organic so- 226 ciety where each lives for all? If man hecomes himself and shows his real nature only when he makes his life contribute to the whole total of life and happiness, then there can be no question which course a man should take nor which course is the heroic one, for that course is most heroic which makes a man most a man. Too long we have allowed the world to think of us merely as non-combatants, as sponsor to the idea of non-resistance, and we have been looked on with pity as a weak and passive folk. This ( 'hristian method here outlined is no more passive than is that of the most strenuous fighter on the world's bead-roll. On the con- trary, it is gloriously positive. It is no withdrawal from danger or suffering, but rather it involves a genuine sharing of the world's burdens and struggles in a patient labor to make righteousness and peace the very conditions of human life. " Put on the whole armor," says the great advocate of the Christian method, writing from Caesar's prison. " I have fought the good fight," is his fare- v,-ell word to his young disciple. " Quit you like men " is his call to those who must take up the banner he is laying down. It is a noble word, but its full power comes out only wlien we see what it means to be a man. " Quit you like men; be strong." These words must be seen in the light of the new revelation of what it means to be a man — a being who realizes his place in the uni- verse of spirit and who sees that he has a contribution to make to this growing kingdom of God. As fast as such men come the possi- bility of war diminishes; as man on the new level enters, man on the old level goes out. " I told them," says Fox, when they were trying to enlist him in the army of the Commonwealth, " that I lived in virtue of that life and power which does away with the occasion for all war." The man who says that has discovered the fundamental idea of manhood. As fast as society becomes composed of such men war vanishes by as certain a law as that which has locked up the ptero- dactyl and megatherium in the iron hills, and swept the earth of the dodo. It was on just this sense of the worth of man that our poet Whittier based his opposition to war and his mesage of peace: " Give human nature reverence for the sake Of one who bore it ; making it divine With the ineffable tenderness of God. Let common need, the brotherhood of prayer, The heirship of an unknown destiny, The unsolved mystery round about ns, make A man more precious than the gold of Ophir. Sacred, inviolate, unto whom all things Should minister, as outward types and signs Of the eternal beauty which fulfills The one great purpose of creation. Love, The sole necessity of earth and heaven." 227 The Chairman: The discussion of the papers will be opened l)y Jolm Iv Garrett. John B. Gaebett: It seems to nic that discussion implies that there are some tlioiights which are to l)e corrected, or some argu- ments that are faulty, or some opinions expressed with which one must take issue. Xo one of these conditions exists to-night; and I feel, for one, that the time for discussion has passed. You will not be surprised if I say that, holding the position I have in ref- erence to this Conference, I have felt a burden resting upon me throughout the past three days. I will not admit that I have had anxiety, for I think that I have had a faith that has enabled me to live above that condition ; but 1 have had a profound and prayer- ful desire that the best spirit which has pervaded the Conference at any time might live with us to its close. I have certainly de- sired that this Conference might close with a spirit of peace in the heart God-given, and that we might find rest in one another's com- pany, and that the spirit of devotion might hover about us. I therefore feel that it would be a mistake if 1 or any other were at this stage of our proceedings to begin to discuss principles or conclusions, or do aught by utterance that would mar the " weight," as we Friends call it, with which we approach the conclusion of our meeting. So, dismissing from my own mind not a few thoughts that I have felt merit some expression, and w-hich I would have been will- ing to utter, were the time opportune, I want to say only this. From the fact that we have been together during these three days and have feasted from a richly-laden table, which, by the provi- dence of God, has been spread before us, we have, every one of us, a new responsibility laid upon us, and new privileges likewise given us. We represent many communities, scattered over this continent far and wide. There are within the hearing of my voice many gifted men and women who are accustomed to being the mouthpieces in those communities, and whose influence is potential over the life of communities, the life of States, the life of churches. My appeal to you, dear friends, to-night is that you carry home with you to your several places of abode and of service all that it is possible for your minds and hearts to carry; and that, when you return to your work, you remember the responsibility which arises from the oppor- tunities which are presented to you. Do not go back to your work in the spirit in which you left it when you came here, but go with the sense of responsibility to share in the richest way possible with those among whom you dwell the spirit of that to which we have been listening. I have already accepted an invitation from one community of Friends not far away to speak to them with regard to this Peace Conference. I hope that similar invitations will come to scores of you. Does anyone doul)t that the opportunity which we have en- 228 joyed was not of man's creating? I do not. I believe that it was in the providence of God that we were called together, and I be- lieve that He who brought us together has condescended to our weakness and to our need, and has manifested himself as a very present God and Saviour in our midst, from hour to hour, and from day to day; and that when we come to part He will dismiss us with His blessing. Nearly three-quarters of a century have passed since divisions began in the Society of Friends, attended in the second quarter of the nineteenth century with many an animosity and many a heart- burning. Friends of every connection to whom I speak: I rejoice with thanksgiving that we are not living to-day in that period. I rejoice that out of this Conference shall come blessings that shall tend to peace among ourselves. God has had His holy purposes in bringing us here. If our hearts are open hearts He has begun to f ilfil those purposes. As we live in the spirit of self-sacrifice, of devotion, of love one to another that has been so beautifully portrayed to us to-night as the spirit of the everlasting Gospel of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, that work shall go on to perfec- tion, and this occasion, little though it may have seemed to us as we gathered on the morning of day before yesterday, shall bear its rich fruitage in the progress of civilization, and the winning of the world to the kingdom of the Prince of Peace. God grant it: and may everyone of us who is here to-night be the rich and abundant sharer in the blessing which is already dropping from His hand. Anna Beatthwaite Thomas: There is one thing that has pressed upon my heart all day, and I want to speak of it; I mean the loud call that, in the providence of God, comes to this country. I do not think that we have a clear idea of what America was — the ideal of America — to the peoples of the world. It has already been brought before us in the words of that Norwegian who said, " Does that great republic still live ? " That ideal has lived in the hearts of the peoples of the world, especially of those under less favorable conditions. It is the ideal of love and of home, of right and of liberty, of refuge for the oppressed and for the downtrodden. That ideal has been rudely broken to a great extent by recent events. I have been confronted with the thought recently that the So- ciety of Friends has no special call just now to work for peace. We have not heard that in this Conference; but I know it is the thought of some Friends. But this idea is all wrong. We have a great work before us, and I want to call upon all those who have been members of this Conference to go home and take hold anew of this work. It will require tremendous effort to bring back this country to where it was before it — I was going to say, before it fell — but before the events of the last few years. If we can bring it back it will be a noble work, to say nothing of what we ought to be doing along all the general lines of peace work. 229 Alfred H. Love: I feel that I must express at the close of this most remarkable Conference my gratitude to the Creator for the privilege of living at a time when there are so many fervent souls dedicated to peace as I have found in these three days. Every word that has been uttered has my commendation. It has been made clear in the Conference that peace is a result, the outcome and recompense of righteousness and well-doing. In order to have peace we must have peace conditions. If we have to-day all the peace that we deserve, let us deserve more by being more fer- vent, more devoted to the principles of the Master, and in that way we shall realize, perhaps, as I feel that I have realized in meas- ure on this occasion, the hope of the twentieth century. It is possi- ble, dear friends, for us to achieve our conceptions and our ideals. Our Heavenly Father would never have given us the conception of a higher and better condition than that which we see about us, and yet have left us without the means of attaining it. " If the people will to have it so, who shall tell the end thereof ? " Feankli:n' S. Blair: I have been a silent actor through all these nine sessions. The prayer of my heart has been that every member of this Conference might have his life hid with Christ in God. The last paper brought that beautifully and wonderfully to our minds. I endorse every word which John B. Garrett has said to us with reference to the whole work of these three days. There has been a wonderful providence of God in the conception and carrying out of the Conference. Like the reader of one of the papers, I go to begin anew, with more earnestness, this life hid with Christ in God, and I ask the prayers of this Conference for us in the Southland, where you know we have had more opposition in many ways than almost any other part of our country, those of us, especially, who began our lives before the war and passed through the great struggle a generation ago. It is our wish to co- operate with you in every way possible in the further extension of the work of peace. Clement M. Biddle: It is not the custom of the Society of Friends to pass resolutions of thanks, or to be as expressive, prob- abh', as we should be to those who work for us. It was my pleas- ure to be one of the original twenty-six who met at Lake Mohonk, when Benjamin F. Trueblood presented to us the idea of this Con- ference. We were divided — one earnest, faithful man, and twenty- five in doubt — as to whether it was possible to do what has been done. I wish to say that Dr. Trueblood was the originator of it. He has carried the burden of the work; and with no disrespect to those who have nobly assisted him in making it a success, to him belongs the credit of the plan and of inducing the rest of us to carry it to the successful termination. I desire to give him my personal thanks; and I know I speak for all those assembled. 230 The Chairman: Dr. Tmeblood, say something! Benjamin F. Teueblood: This Conference is one of the best examples I have seen of the good resnlts that come from the prac- tical application of the principle of Divine guidance, one of the fundamental principles of our Quakerism. The Conference grew out of the simple performance of a very simple duty, that of sug- gesting the idea of the holding of such a meeting. So strongly had the thought impressed itself upon me for some months, that when I went to Mohonk last spring I could no longer refrain from " opening " the subject to others. There were, of course, doubts about the matter in the minds of some at the beginning, and have been since; but I wish to say that the clearness of the duty of pro- posing the Conference was m^ade much clearer by the fact that it was approved at once by twenty-five other people Avho entered into it just as if the call had come to them. Clement M. Biddle, in his appreciation of the little service which I have rendered, has been kind enough to magnify, greatly I think, the doubt and hesitancy of others, including himself. I have no more credit in the matter than the other twenty-five have; for they at once entered into the concern, and everyone of them has stood by it with absolute and unwavering faithfulness to the end. The outcome so far has been remarkable, and the full outcome is not yet seen. We have had a most interesting and inspiring Conference. A spirit of unity and co-operation has been with us from the first moment to this last. This spirit of unity is one of the growing characteristics of our time; it is spreading everywhere among people who call themselves Christian, and even among others. The era of strife and dogmatic quarreling and division in the Christian church has about gone by. Wliat may come of this Conference other than the moral and spiritual fruit of it, we must leave to the future. I deeply appreciate what has been said by my friend, John B. Garrett, who has, with the hearty and intelligent co-operation of many others, taken cheerfully so much of the burden of the pre- paration of the Conference upon himself. What he has said just now is the thing which Ave need most to remember. This is a great and solemn work in which we are engaged. My friends, we have in the task which is before us in this new century — the task of re- deeming the world from hate and war and establishing it per- manently in the ways of love and peace — the most glorious calling that one can possibly conceive. The cause of peace has gained much in the past; the principles for which we have stood have already permeated society more deeply than many suppose. That ought to encourage us to throw ourselves with a supreme devotion into the task that is before us. The work of redeeming the world from strife and bloodshed, from the waste of its intellectual and physical powers in the ways of ruin and destruction, and of turning 231 all these energies of thought and feeling and material force to con- structive and beneficent ends, is enough^, it seems to me, to inspire any soul with devotion and effort of the highest order. There are great destinies before us. This world is not always to be " red in tooth and claw " ; the time is approaching more rap- idly than many suppose when the man shall supplant the brute. Great movements advance slowly, so it is said. But every great movement, as it progresses, accumulates power, until, at the last, according to the divine method, it reaches its end as in the twink- ling of an eye. The times are moving rapidly, and I want us to move with them. The cause which has brought us together is very near the heart of our JEaster. It is His purpose that it shall tri- umph, not in this land only, but in all lands; that America may be saved, and England, and Germany, and Russia, and China, and South Africa, and all the ends of the earth, from the desolations of hate and war, and that the whole world may be brought into har- mony and co-operation. What share shall we have in this great ac- complishment? Isaac Sharpless: I think that any one who has attended the meetings of this Conference will come to the conclusion that the Society of Friends of the present day has no disposition to repudi- ate the doctrines of their first predecessors on the subject of peace. The statements unanimously adopted this afternoon are a strong endorsement of the positions taken by George Fox. We are not sorry we have received these doctrines as a heritage from the past. We have no disposition to apologize for them, nor are we at all ashamed to avow that we are peace men. We are thankful, on the contrary, that this precious legacy has come down to us, and that we are able to meet together here, and in such unity continue to bear up the blessed cause. We propose to continue to hold up the same standard and pass it on endorsed and strengthened. We regret that we appear to be so nearly alone among Christian professors. So clear does the position seem to us that we are at a loss to perceive how other earnest, honest Christians can differ. We are encouraged when we read the abstract eulogiums on peace; but when war issues come we are surprised and disappointed at the apparent change of ground. We want to keep ourselves open to conviction, and we acknowledge that our lonely position puts upon us a great burden of proof. Can it be that the small minority is right? We have this week asked ourselves this question, and for ourselves we have again soberly answered it in the affirmative, and so we shall continue to answer it always in theory, and in practice just as long as God shall give us strength to be faithful to what we know to be right. Another feature which must have been noticed during the meet- ings has been a prevailing optimism, — not a blind optimism which has faith just because we know the strength of our cause, but an op- 232 timism based on a knowledge of the advances actually made. The paper of Dr. Trueblood, written on the strength of abundant knowl- edge, shows conclusively the rapid advance — an advance which prepares the way for a still more rapid advance soon to come. Our optimism is based, too, on a knowledge of the number of forces working for us — the growing acquaintance of one nation with an- other, the development of world-wide sympathies, the spirit of com- merce and industr}^, the spread of Christianity, the education of the masses, and the development of private morals. Yes, Friends, we are associated with a winning cause, and we know it, and we have the enthusiasm which comes from knowledge. A few more cam- paigns, a few more martyrs, perhaps, a gi'eat deal more energy and wise enterprise, and the cause is won, and other Christian bodies will come crowding each other to fall into the ranks of the peace men. Friends have not been very active propagandists. The very feeling of their own complete Tightness has made many of them slow to take the stump and proclaim the arguments for the good cause. But this is changing. I have been interested in the proposition that a lot of us should go to Congress; that we should get together and say to each other, " Go to, let us enter the Senate." The plan is, unfortunately, not likely to be successful, but I am inclined to believe that for our present purposes it is right in theory, and the way to bring it about is to begin with the humbler politics of the coi;ntry, the lowly but useful offices and the primary meetings of the political parties. But in this greater activity to which we are called, I should be sorry to lose the typical Friend of the past, the man of tender conscience and guarded life, of simple tastes and quiet manners, absolutely truthful and cautious and faithful and sweet in his life, " Who reverenced his king as if it were his con- science, and his conscience as his king " — the man and woman we have all known and loved. Shall we lose this historic character as we part with the aloofness from the world which perhaps produced it, " if he rides abroad redressing human wrong " ? Not so, I think, if he comes under the spirit of George Fox; if he is a peace man not because he believes war to be wasteful, and productive of suffering, or contrary to some pet theory of morals, but because down in his heart he feels the warm spirit of divine love and power that takes away the occasion and the desire and the pos- sibility of war and revenge and hatred. Pile up your other argu- ments as you will, such a man can go out doing a strong, active man's full duty to the cause, and not lose one iota of the sweetness and light of our revered Friends of the past. He will be efficient and practical, and at the same time graceful and moderate, generous in his sympathies, and kindly in his criticisms, — an undaimted ad- vocate, a charitable opponent. 233 The Chairman: I think we shall leave this room to-night pro- foundly thankful, all of us, that we have been here; and with a prayer in our hearts for the blessing of Him without whose help we shall have labored in vain, we will conclude the Conference. After a time of waiting before the Lord, during which thanks- giving and prayer were voiced by Joseph Elkinton, Jr., and Benja- min F. Trueblood, the Chairman declared the Conference ad- journed without day. Immediately upon the close of the Conference the committee appointed for that purpose (with the exception of President M. Carey Thomas, who found it impossible to serve) prepared and for- warded to the President of the United States the following letter: LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. To Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States : Honored and Respected Friend: The Friends' Peace Conference, in session at Philadelphia on the 12th, 13th, 14th of the present month, composed of members of the several bodies of Friends in America, directed that an address on its behalf be sent to thee, and appointed the undersigned a committee to prepare and forward it. The desire of the Conference was, that there should be expressed its deep sympathy with thee in the arduous duties and gi-eat responsibilities which, in so extraordinary a manner, and by so lamentable an event, have devolved upon thee, and its earnest hope that these may be so met and performed as to promote not only the internal concord of the people of this nation, but also good will and consequent peace throughout the world. We have observed with encouragement and satisfaction, the passage in thy message to Congress in which the declarations are made that " the true end of every great and free people should be self-respecting peace," that " this nation most earnestly desires sincere and cordial friendship with all others," and that " more and more the civilized peoples are realiz- ing the wicked folly of war, and are attaining that condition of just and intelligent regard for the rights of others which will in the end make world-wide peace possible." We earnestly desire that these sentiments, so true and timely, may grow and prevail, and that during thy administra- tion the public opinion in behalf of rational methods for settling inter- national differences may be fostered, and all possible steps be taken to make such methods practical and effective. We are convinced that the stability and true grandeur of the nation can be promoted only by those means and methods which are inherently right, and are in accord with the teachings of Jesus Christ; in this conviction, we would earnestly en- courage thee in all thy purposes and undertakings which will make for higher ideals of citizenship and will increase the moral power of the re- public. As it has been the mission of the nation, during its first century, to ex- hibit and illustrate to the world the principles of true democracy and in- dividual liberty, so may its next contribution to civilization be a demon- stration of the fact that there are tried and approved methods of securing justice which makes war unnecessary and that righteousness of intercourse 334 between nations, as between men, will always command peace. May it bethy honorable distinction in coming time, to have helped to build these principles securely in the foundation of our national structure. Commending thee to the care and guidance of Almighty God, as the source of unfailing Wisdom and Light, we subscribe ourselves, with re- spect, thy friends. Signed, Isaac Shabplkss, William W. Birdsall, Philip C. Garrett. Howard M. Jenkins, RtJFUs M. Jones, Susan W. Janney. ^ OF THE UNIVERSITY OF F INDEX. Address of Friends to Washington in 17^9.51- American Ideal, The, 37,228. Arbitration, 45, 155, 158, 160, 208, 220. Ash, Samuel S., 54. Altitude of Christians toward Peace and War, 65. Baily, Hannah J., 119. Haily, Joshua L., 136, 141., 206. Barton, George A., 19, 209. Rcuhani, Ida Whipple, 112. Bible Schools, Importance of Teach- ing Peace Principles in, S3. Biddle, Clement M., 229. Birdsall, William W., 34, 78, no, 132. Blair, Franklin S., 229. Bond, Elizabeth Powell, 180. Borton, Joel, 162. Bright, John, 126, 127, 1S9. Burgess, Emilie U., 194. Chapman, Mariana W., 45, loi. Chawner, John, 33, 106. Christian Idea of Force, 70, 105. Christianity and Peace, 16, 24,29, 31, 32, 33, 41, 49. 54. 55. 59. 65. 67, 80, 83. 92, loi, 103, i6j, 172, 183, 190, 192, 201, 210, 215, 218, 223. Constancy in Peace Effort, 201. Cruelty of War, 44, 47, 114, 203. Declaration of the Conference, 208. Dennis, William C, 159. Dillingham, John H., 210. Disarmament, 145. Doukhobors, 76, 80. Early Christianity and War, 59. Early Friends and Peace, 39. Elkinton. Joseph, 80, 106, 191. Encouragements for Peace, 56, 81, 87, no, n3, 162, 193. Failure of the Church to Promote Peace, 24, 31, 32, 66, 102. Ferris, David, 133. Flitcraft, Allen, 31. Force, Moral, 71, 81, 105. Fox, George, 30, 39, 40, 50, 147. Friend? and Peace, 30, 39, 4S, 54, 58, 82, 98, 104, 106, 107, 108, 132, 133, 146, 163, 164, 166, 188, 191, 198, 202, 218, 228, 231. Friends in Political Life, 32, 104, 108, 189. Friends not Anarchists, 58. Garrett, John B., n, 13,34, 107,227. Garrett, Philip C. , 146, 207, 209. Hague Court, 118, 121, 125, 156, 162, 196, 208. Hatred of Foreigners, 17, 21, 27. Holmes, Jesse H., 65. Hotchkiss, Willis R., 210. Howard Association, 25. Hubbard, William G., 31, 39. Individual Responsibility, 66, 78, 172. Inflnences for Peace, 81, 87, no, n3, 193, 218. Inherent Immorality of War, 45, 49, 53. 55- Internationalism, 17, 23, no, 117, n9, 124, 131, 134, 152, 160, 193. Janney, O. Edward, 218. Janney, Susan W., 193. Jenkins, Howard M., 34, 37, 56, 162, 206. Jewish Ideas of Peace, 17, 20. Jones, Augustine, 124. Jones, Rufus M., 29, 104, 222. Kimber, Anthony M., 54. Leeds, Josiah W., 213. Letter to President Roosevelt, 206, 233. Lloyd, Elizabeth, 105. Looting, 177. Love, Alfred H., 229. Magill, Edward H., 53, 130. Makers of Peace, The, 180. McGrew, Edwin, 106, 201. Militarism, Remedies for, 213. Morrow, Dr. James, 103. Neutrality on the Great Lakes, 145. Newport, David, loi. New Testament Grounds of Peace, 16, 41, 71. 235 236 Nicholson, S. Edgar, 98. Nobel Peace Prizes, 56. Old Testament and Peace, 19, 29, 31, 32, 33. 78. Origiu and Organization of the Con- ference, 3, 12, 229, 230. Patriotism, False, 85, 176. Peace and Heroism, 68, 175, 211. Peace as Involved in the Christian Method, 222. Peace in the New Testament, 16, 41, 71- Peace in the Old Testament, 19, 29, 31. 32, 33. 78. Peace Principles in Political L,ife and Institutions, 124. Peace, True Spirit of, 183. Pearson, William L,., 102, 183. Penn's Work for Peace, 132, 146, 161, 162, 219. Pennypacker, Charles H., 209. Perry, Arthur, 164. Philippine War, 43, 89, 95, 99, 19S, 203. Poem " Gentle and Mighty," 112. Powell, Joseph, 54. Pretlow, Robert E., 189. Practicability of Peace, 28, 93, 102, 104, 106, 107, 108, 137, 140, 144, 158, 164, 167, 213, 219, 232. Price, William L,., 163. Private and Pnblic War, 159. Program of the Conference, 7. Progress of Peace, 56, 87, no, 113, 119, 136, 152, 159, 162, 193. Raidabaugh, P. W., 83. Remedies for Militarism, 213. Reply of W^ashington to Friends' Address, 52. Russell, Elbert, 16. Sanders, Amos, 188. Sharpless, Isaac, 48, 137, 231. Shipley, Catharine M., 106. Smith, Stephen R., 11, 132. Soldier, A, on War, 54. South African War, 42, 89, 107. Spanish War, 27, 37, 47, 50, 83, 99, 107, 203. Stanley, Edmund, 87. Tebbetts, Charles E., 198. Thomiis, Anna Braithwaite, 32, 134, 228. Thomas, M. Carey, 81, 109. Thomas, Richard H., 55, 70. Trueblood, Bsnjamin F., 12, 36, 56, 152, 198, 206, 207, 230. Unthank, James B., 34, 58, 166. War Always Evil, 53, 54. War Inconsistent with the Genius of Quakerism, 198. Washington, Address of Friends to, 51 ; Reply of, 52. Wilbur, Henry W., 172, 210. Women and Peace, 82, 93, loi, 102, 116, 194. Wood, James, 59. Wood, John B., 192. Woodv, Mary Chawner, 24, 102. Wright, Ellen C, 113. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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